ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ; \ k li ii i THE k 01, it, JI ì Statefman Broker : f 7 TALE. \Statefman and Broker ; ONE Morning lately G--------n came To P-----M sftately Palace And thus accofls that Man of Fame: i come not for a Place, Or dirty Penfion, or a Bribe, So often promis'd here; No! in Behalf of my whole Tribe I now, great Sir, appear, v You know full well that many a Jobs For you Eve undertaken; As well as for your late Friend B 0 And always flood unihaken. A 2 He wHow many Millions has been paid By this poor b-gg—d Nation ? How many heavy Taxes laid, To keep you in your Station ? I, and my Brethren, your good Friends, Have been your great Support, Then let us now.obtain our Ends B Influence of the C—t, Whate’er you fay or do’s a Law A Within St. St----ns Walls, You keep the flavifh Wretch in Awe, . For L,ihe?"ty who calls. Then let us Jews, Dear Sir, be free Si By Naturalization, And let a wandering People be 11 United in this Nation. The Broker ceas’d : The Statefman fpoke 1q In Language well exprefs’d, In Earned: half, and half in joke, \\ His Chap he thus addrefs’d : | You know that fuch a Bill, Sir, is ^ Hardly to be cram’d down, Should we attempt a Thing like this, ■ ’Twou’d frighten all the Town ; ----d would rage, the City rave, Petitions far-and near W Quid( 5 ) Would pray a finking Land to fave, And fure Dedrudtion fear. Betides, how can you think twould pafs Safe through the Houfe of P—s, Each Bifhop there muft be an Afs Not to exprefs his Fears. My B. other too will ne’er come in To paffing fuch a Bill, And without his Confent you win, No other L—d’s you will. For my Part I would any Thing Do for your Service pad, But this would leave fo fharp a Sting ’Twou’d ruin us at lad. Then iighing, paus’d, and day d a whiL When t’other Silence broke, And try'd all Arts fit to beguile His Fears, and thus He fpoke: The Difficulties which you dart Good Sir, are ibon remov’d, And it is not beyond your Art To have the Bill approv’d. In the fird Place to cram it down Is no fuch mighty Talk, Such Things you twenty Times have doi Do but your Confcience aik,( 6 ) As to the Clamour it would make With B------d and the City, Of inch poor Souls no Notice take, They are below your Pity. A Hundred Thoufand Pounds at leaf! Are ready to be paid ; For fuch a Sum finalfs the Requeft, It only wants your Aid. A fwcet’ning Clauie you may put in To make the B-----ps eafy, They foon will v—e through thick and thin, I’ll warrant you they’ll pleafe ye. Let them prefent to each Living Upon our new Eilates, Then on this ufeful Bill’s palling They’ll not hold long Debates. Your Brother, he muft have a Sum To fatisiy Demands, No lefs I mean than Half a Plum To put into Ills Hands. This will prevent the furious Rage Of Creditors uncivil, No more they 11 feize his Equipage And with him play the Devil, if any others want a Fee, In tills we’ll fpare no Coif, ¡1 B: y< In; jlc ;li n K 0 F, 'jfc .0 \( 7 ) We’ll buy the Ch----r’s Decree, Rather than have it loft. The Jew here ftopp’d, and bowing low, Waitr for a kind Reply; The Statesman wants no more to know, His Suit not to deny. And thus he anfwer’d: I muft own \ oil promiie very fair, All in my Power ihall be done To do t no Pains I’ll fpare. I’ve heard in good King William’s Reign Three Hundred Thoufand Pound Was offer d their Confent to gain, To bring this Matter round. Blit Patriot Notions in thofe Days Were damnably in Faihion, Their ftuhborn Virtue knew no Ways 1 o facrifice the Nation. We’ve no iuch Men to deal withal. No Opposition bafe; With us our Men will ftand and fall And thus then Fortunes raife. Therefore, my Friend, Depend upon’t This Matter fhali iucceed, Each ]ew may now with Safety vaunt, To pufs it is decreed. The( 8 ) The Bargain ftruck, they both withdrew Each to his Occupation; , G----n the City to undo, And P-----m the whole Nation. pi n 1