ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015'X PROVISIONS FOR THE TREATMENT OF POOR PERSONS AFFLICTED WITH FEVER IN IRELAND. 9 VIC., CAP. VI.—24th March, 1846. An Act to make Provision, until the First Day of September One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, for the Treatment of poor Persons afflicted with Fever in Ireland, ‘Whereas it is expedient to make more effectual Provision for ‘ the Treatment of poor persons afflicted with Fever and other ‘ epidemic Diseases in Ireland Be it enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That it a central Board shall be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, by his warrant, appointed*by *the to appoint so many persons as he may think fit, not being more in Lord Lieutenant, number than five, as Commissioners of Health in Ireland ; and such Commissioners shall serve without any salary, fee, or reward, and the said Lord Lieutenant may from time to time, as he may see fit, remove any such Commissioner, and may in the stead of any Commissioner so removed, or who may refuse or decline to act, or become incapable of acting, appoint such other person as the said Lord Lieutenant may think proper; and the Commissioners so appointed shall act as a Board of Health for carrying into execution the provisions and purposes of this Act, in such manner and under such regulations as the Lord Lieutenant or his Chief or Under Secretary may from time to time appoint. II. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Lord j'hl‘ L.ord Liou‘ Lieutenant from time to time, as he may see fit, to appoint, during appoint medical the pleasure of the said Lord Lieutenant, for each and every union wuiTsaiaries.10118’ for the relief of the destitute poor, a medical officer or medical officers, at such salary as he may direct. III. And be it enacted, That the expenses incident to the per- Ariostob” paid formance of the duties of such Board of Health, and the salary of by the com-every medical officer appointed as aforesaid by the Lord Lieutenant, ot the shall be paid by the Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, out of any funds which may be voted for that purpose, upon application to them by the said Lord Lieutenant in that behalf. IV. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Board Board of Health of Health, by writing under the hands of any two or more of them, Guardians of annions to provide from time to time to require the Board of Guardians of any I. nion iTdUpSes, for the relief of the destitute poor to rent, hire, or procure a fitting with medicines ^ouse building, or rooms, other than the workhouse of such union, necessaries for the to be’used as a hospital for the purpose of receiving and accomo-caro and treaty bating So many poor persons affected with fever or any other epi-therein ;perS°nS demic disease as the said Board of Health may from time to time think necessary, and to provide such nourishment, bedding, clothing, medicines, and medical appliances, and other necessaries, as may be requisite for the due care and treatment of every poor person so affected as aforesaid in every such hospital, and also such a number of competent nurses and attendants as the said Board of Health may think necessary for each such hospital, and also to rent, hire, or procure a house, building, or room, to be used as a dispensary or office for the said medical officer of such union, and to provide such and also medi- other medicines and medical appliances, including nutriment, if ment ^fnecessarv necessary for their cure, in cases where the poor persons diseased are for out-patients.' ’ destitute, as such medical officer may require to be supplied to poor persons affected as aforesaid who may not be received in any such house, building, or room, and generally to do or cause to be done all such acts, matters, and things as shall from time to time be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. The fever hospi- V. And be it enacted, That, subject to the superintendence of the Mriet to blunder said Board of Health, every hospital and dispensary procured as the control of the aforesaid by the Guardians of any union shall be managed by such poor! ians° * Board of Guardians, and that poor persons affected with fever or other epidemic disease may be admitted into such hospital under the authority of such Board of Guardians, or other officers duly authorized by them, and not otherwise, and that the medical officer appointed as aforesaid shall be the medical officer of such Guardians for the purposes of this Act. Expenses in- VI. And be it enacted, That the Poor Law Guardians of any Ac^exocpt the'1' 1111'on for which a medical officer may have been appointed under salary of medical the provisions of this Act shall pay, out of the rates raised or to be outofthe poor's*1 raised oil“ such union generally under the authority of an Act passed raU- in the second year of the reign of Her present Majesty intituled An Act for the more effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland, or of any Act or Acts to amend the same, the cost of all medicine, nourishment, clothes, bedding, and other necessaries, and the rent of any hospital respectively provided as aforesaid, as well as the expense incurred in conveying any poor person from his or her dwelling, or from elsewhere within such union, to any such hospital, and in the maintenance of any such poor person in such hospital, and all other expenses of whatsoever kind (the salary of the medical officer or officers excepted) necessarily incurred in or incidental to the carrying out of the provisions of this Act within such union. Board of Health to VII. And be it enacted, That the said Board of Health shall, as Lord Lieu tenant; an