ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 1 10 VICT. CAP. XXII.—Passed 27th April, 1847. An Act to amend, and continue until the First Day of November One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, an Act for making Provision for the Treatment of poor Poisons afflicted with Fever in Ireland. Whereas an Act was passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled An Act to make Provision until the First Day of Sep- 9 Viet. c. «. tember, One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven for theTreat-ment of poor Persons afflicted with Fever m Ireland, and it is ex-Adienifo amend and continue the said Act for a further penod: And whereas an Act was passed in the present Session ot 1 arlia-ment intituled An Act for the temporary Relief of destitute Persons 10 Viet. o. 7. in Ireland; and certain persons therein mentioned, and therein called Relief Commissioners, are thereby constituted Commissioners for the execution of the said last-mentioned Act; and it is thereby enacted that it shall be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to give orders for the constitution of a Relief Committee in any one or more electoral divisions of a union formed for the relief of the destitute poor in Ireland in which it shall appear to him that the said last-mentioned Act should be put in force : And whereas the provisions of the said recited Act passed in the last Session ot Parliament can be more effectually carried out by Relief Committees appointed under the said recited Act passed m this Session ot Parliament in those districts in which such Relief Committees shall have been appointed than by the Board of Guardians of any union for the relief of the destitute poor : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent ot the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present I arlia-ment assembled, and by the authority of the same, ia ie Viet. c. 6, conti-recited Act o£ the last Session S“.. hereinafter contained, be continued until the first day > to end of next One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and from thence until Session. the end of the then next Session of Parliament. II. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Comm.s B~a.rH«t.h sioners of Health in Ireland appointed or to be appointed under t e Relief Commis-sLid recited Act passed in the* last Session, from time to time, as ^snnd.m thev shall think fit, to transmit a Certificate in writing, under the tificateofthene-hands of any two oi more of them, to the said Relief Commissioners, —**«*12 relief in certain districts. Belief Commissioners may direct Relief committees to provide fever hospitals, together with medicines, and all other necessaries for the care and treatment of persons therein: and also dispensaries and medi-oines, and nutriment if necessary, for out patients. Three members of a Relief Committee competent to aot. Hospitals and dispensaries to be managed byRelief Committees. 9 Viet. o. 6. Lord Lieutenant may assign particular districts to medical officers. certifying the necessity of Medical Relief being afforded to the destitute poor affected with fever or other epidemic disease in any electoral division or district for which a Relief Committee shall have been constituted under the provisions of the said recited Act passed in this Session of Parliament. HI. And be it enacted, That the said Relief Commissioners shall from time to time, upon receipt of any such certificate, issue their order in writing to the Relief Committee of any electoral division or district, requiring such Relief Committee to rent, hire, or procure a fitting house, building, or rooms, other than the workhouse of such union, to be used as a Hospital for the purpose of receiving so many poor persons affected with fever or any other epidemic disease as the said Commissioners of Health may from time to time think necessary; and to provide such nourishment, bedding, clothing, medicines, and medical appliances and other necessaries as may be requisite for the due care and treatment of the poor persons admitted into every such hospital, and also such a number of competent nurses and attendants as the said Commissioners of Health may think necessary for each such hospital; and also to rent, hire, or procure a house, building, or room, to be used as a dispensary or office for the medical officer or officers of such union appointed under the said first-recited Act or under this Act, and to provide such other medicines and medical appliances, including nutriment if necessary for their cure in cases where the poor persons diseased are destitute, as such medical officer or officers may require to be supplied to poor persons affected as aforesaid who may not be received in any such house, building, or room; and generally to do or cause to be done all such acts, matters, and things as shall from time to time be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the said first-recited Act in that behalf; and upon receipt of any such order, such Relief Committee shall proceed to carry such order into full effect. IV* And be it enacted, lhat all and every the powers and authorities vested in any Relief Committee under this Act may be executed by any three or more members of such Relief Committee. V. And be it enacted, fihat, subject to the superintendence of the said Commissioners of Health, any hospital or dispensary procured as aforesaid by the Relief Committee of any such electoral division or district, or by any Board of Guardians under the said first-recited Act, shall be managed by such Relief Committee; and poor persons affected with fever or other epidemic disease shall be admitted into such hospital under the authority of such Committee, or by their omceis duly authorized, and not otherwise ; and the medical officer or officers appointed under the provisions of the said recited Act of T>Sr ^e^Sl0n’ .or under this Act, shall be the medical officer of the Relief Committee for the purposes of the said Act and this Act. i pi } r°yideTd idso’ au<^ be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant, if he shall so think fit, to assign to any medical officer or officers, who shall have been or who may hereafter be appointed under the first hereinbefore recited Act or this Act, a special or particular district within which the duties of the said medical officers shall be discharged.3 VII. And be it enacted, That on application made on behalf of Patients may be any person affected with fever or other epidemic disease, an order ToTpUd, Ind'° shall be given by such Relief Committee, or by their officer duly medical attend-authorized, for the immediate admission of such person into such gWen^theirown hospital; and no medical attendance, medical appliances, or nutri- ll0uses: ment shall, save as hereinafter mentioned, be given under this Act to such person at his or her own bouse or residence. VIII. And whereas it may in some cases be inexpedient or dan- But on medical gerous to remove such person so affected with fever or other thfirremovai* epidemic disease from his or her own house or residence to such "ou*d ^ed“eg£-hospital; be it enacted, That upon production of a certificate of cal relief to be 1 any medical practitioner that the removal of such person to any ^vuesnesattheirown such hospital would endanger his or her life, it shall be lawful for such Relief Committee, and they are hereby required, to order medical attendance and appliances and nutriment (when necessary) to be afforded to such person at his or her own house or residence so long as the same shall be necessary; and such order, and the cause of giving the same, shall be put in writing and signed by the chairman for the time being of such Relief Committee, and shall be entered as a special case on the books or proceedings of the Relief Committee. IX. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for such Relief ^^?tt0efeRehef Committee to give all such directions as shall seem to them necessary and expedient for performing all things necessary for preventing the communicating of fever or other epidemic disease within their respective electoral divisions or districts; and for that purpose to direct that all streets, lanes, and courts, and all houses and all rooms therein, and all yards, gardens, or places belonging to such houses, shall be cleansed and purified, and that all nuisances prejudicial to health shall be removed therefrom, and that all houses in which any sick person shall be or shall have been shall be ventilated, fumigated, and whitewashed, the windows and doors thereof opened, and all beds, bedsteads, bedding, and furniture therein be exposed to the air, and be washed and cleansed, and if absolutely necessary be burned or destroyed, and all other measures which to such Relief Committee shall seem requisite for the purposes aforesaid. X. And he it enacted, That in all cases in which hospitals or ^"edVerTon? other places for the reception of poor persons affected wTith fever or to hospitals, other infectious or epidemic diseases shall have been or may hereafter be established under this or the said hereinbefore first recited Act in any electoral division or district, it shall and may be lawful 9 Viet. c. e. for the Relief Committee, upon the certificate of the medical officer so appointed under the said recited Act of the last Session that any person is inefcted with such fever or other infectious or epidemic disease, and that such person so infected is not under proper medical care, and is not placed in such circumstances and under such precautions as may most probably tend to prevent the communication of disease, to direct, by warrant under their hands and seals, after due inquiry into the circumstances of the case, that such person shall be forthwith removed into such hospital, or such other place as shall have been established for the reception of suchPenalty on persons resisting the execution of this Act. General issue may he pleaded, and costs awarded to the defendant. Expenses under the Act to be paid out of the funds in the handsof the Relief Commissioners under 10 Viet. c. 7. 9 Viet. c. 6. 10 Viet. c. 7. After the expiration of 10 Viet. o. 7, Relief Committees continued patients, and such infected person shall be removed thereto accordingly ; Provided always, that the said Relief Committee shall in all cases of such compulsory removal of any person into such fever hospital, make a special report thereof to the said Relief Commissioners within two days after such removal shall take place. XI. And be it enacted, That if any person shall resist or oppose any person employed by or under the orders of the said Relief Committee in the execution of the powers of the said Relief Committee under this act, every such person, on being duly convicted thereof before any two magistrates within their jurisdiction, shall incur such penalty, not exceeding five pounds, as such magistrates shall in their discretion think proper; and in default of payment such offender may be committed to the common gaol or house of correction for any time not exceeding one calendar month; and no such conviction shall be quashed for informality, nor shall be removed or removable by certiorari or otherwise, nor be subject to any appeal whatever. XII. And be it enacted, That if any action shall be brought against any such Relief Committee, or any Member of the same, or any person employed by such Relief Committee, in execution of this Act, for any thing done in the execution of any of the powers or duties by this Act given or required, the defendant may in every such suit plead the general issue, and give this Act and the special matter in evidence, any thing in any former Act to the contrary notwithstanding; and in every case where the plaintiff" in such suit shall fail, the court in which such suit shall be carried on shall award costs to the defendant. XIII. And be it enacted, that the necessary expenses incurred by any Relief Committee in carrying any order of the said Relief Commissioners into effect, and in the execution of the other purposes of this Act, and also in payment of the salaries of the medical officers appointed or to be appointed by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, under the provisions of the said first-recited Act of the last Session of Parliament, shall be defrayed, in such manner as the Commissioners of the Treasury may direct, out of the funds which shall from time to time be placed at the disposal of the said Relief Commissioners, under the provisions of the said recited Act passed in this Session of Parliament; provided such expenses and salaries shall be in conformity with any regulations which may from time to time be issued by the said Commissioners of the Treasury with respect to the rent or other expenditure to be allowed for procuring or fitting houses or buildings, other than the workhouses of unions to be used as hospitals, as may be required by the Commissioners of Health, or with regard to the amount of the salaries of medical officers who may have been appointed by the Lord Lieutenant, and of the salaries of the nurses and attendants required by the Commissioners of Health, and the quantities and prices to be allowed for nourishment, bedding’, medicines, medical appliances, and other necessaries considered requisite for the due care and treatment of the sick. XIV. And whereas, by the said recited Act, passed in this Session of Parliament, it is enacted, that no Relief Committee constituted under the said Act shall be continued after the 1st day ofNovember in this year, unless for the purpose of settling or closing ZThe prills their accounts: and whereas it may be expedient, notwithstanding of this Act. the said provision, to continue such Relief Committees solely for the purposes of the said recited Act of the last Session and of this 9 Viet. c. g. Act for a further period; be it therefore enacted, that in any case in which, previously to the 1st day of November in this year, any Relief Committee as aforesaid shall have received any order of the said Relief Commissioners for executing the provisions of the said recited Act of last Session in any electoral division or district, such Relief Committee, and also the Finance Committee for the union, shall continue for the purposes of the said recited Act of last Session and of this Act, during the continuance of this Act, or until the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland shall, by any order to be published in the “ Dublin Gazette,” dissolve such Relief Committee or Finance Committee. XV. And be it enacted, That in any case in which any certificate as hereinbefore mentioned shall, after the first day of November in by the Board of this year, be signed and transmitted by the said Commissioners of Health to the said Relief Commissioners, if any Relief Committee this year, theretofore constituted for any electoral division or district mentioned in such certificate shall have expired or been discontinued, it shall be lawful for the said Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors, for the said last-mentioned purposes only, to revive such Relief Committee and also the Finance Committee for the union, or to constitute a new Relief Committee for such electoral division or district, or a part thereof, and a new Finance Committee for the union in manner in the said recited Act of this Session directed, or in case there shall not have been any such Relief Committee theretofore constituted for such electoral division or district, or no such Finance Committee, then a Relief Committee shall and may in like manner be constituted for such electoral division or district, and a Finance Committee for the union, for such purposes only as last aforesaid, and the Relief Commissioners shall issue such order to the Relief Committee as hereinbefore provided; and m any of such cases in this or the immediately preceding clause mentioned, every such Relief Committee shall make estimates of the several matters needed for the purposes of the said recited Act of last session and of this Act, and of the expenses of the same, which estimates shall be examined, revised, and amended by the finance Committee, and shall be substituted in lieu of the lists and estimates in the said recited Act of this Session directed ; and such Relief Committee shall carry into effect the purposes of the said recited Act of the last session and of this Act as hereinbefore mentioned; and the costs and expenses of carrying the same into execution, after the disbursement of the funds in the hands o t le unance Committee and Relief Committee on the first day of October in this year, shall be paid and provided by the Board of Guardians of the union in like manner as in the said recited Act o as e ict. e. provided for the expenses incurred for the purposes o t e sai • XVI. And whereas it is expedient to provide for the F^pe tees may proyido decent interment of the deceased destitute persons who shall die ot for the bunai ofdestitute persons dying of fever, &c. Act to be in force until 1st November, 1847, and to end of next Session. Act may be amended, &o, fever or other epidemic disease in ally electoral division or district for which any Relief Committee shall have been constituted as aforesaid; be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Relief Committee to provide for the proper and decent interment of such destitute persons as may die in such electoral division or district as aforesaid of fever or other epidemic disease, or while receiving-relief, and to defray the charge of the same out of the funds which may be at the disposal of such Relief Committee for the purposes and under the provisions of the said recited Act of this Session or of this Act. XVII. And be it enacted, That this Act shall be in force until the first day of November, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and from thence until the end of the then next Session of Parliament. XXTII* And be it enacted, that this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this Session of Parliament. Printed by Alexander Thom, 87, Abbey-street, Dublin, For Her Majesty s Stationery Office.