ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2013.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2013ûOfficers of the Grand Lodge of Queensland. Grand Master: J. J. LAPSLEY, Racecourse Road, Charters Towers. Deputy Grand Master: Geo. Aiken, Bundaberg. Grand Warden: H. C. Duus, East Street, extended, Mt. Morgan. Grand Secretary: E. A. Gregory, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. Grand Treasurer: W. O’Neill, Police Station, Bulimba, Brisbane, Junior Past Grand Master: Thos. W. Robinson, Box 154 G.P.O. Brisbane. Grand Lodge Trustees: J. W. Walker, Size Walker & Co., Warner Street, Valley, Brisbane. W. Matthews, Mornington Street, Red Hill, Brisbane, E. De Voss, Alice Street, Rosalie, Brisbane. Appointed Officers. Grand Chaplain : F. H. Pegg, Castlereigh Street, Bundaberg. Grand Marshal : H. M. Crow, Bundaberg. Grand Conductor : W. H. B. Hamilton, 127 George Street, Rockhampton. Grand Guardian : A. J. Francis, Townsville. Grand Herald : J. Nolan, Baree, via Mt. Morgan. Finance Committee : H. Williams. J. M. Gill. A. Sheridan.Secretaries are requested to hand this book without delay to the representatives to the Grand Lodge. €i)t Ittkjmttat (Shte of (©òòMoius. “FRIENDSHIP, LOVE, AND TRUTH.” THE FOURTH SESSION OF THE $itm\ Todje 0-| TO BE HELD AT BUNDABERG. COMMENCING ON EASTER SATURDAY, 26th MARCH, 1910, AT 10 A.M. Imsbaue : WATSON, FERGUSON & CO. LTD., PRINTERS. 1910.3 ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Opening of Grand Lodge. 2. Report of Committee on Credentials. 3. Roll Call and fixing hours of Session. 4. Appointments to Vacancies on Committees. 5. Motion for considering all Printed Reports as read. 6. Granting Charters to New Lodges. 7. Reading Correspondence. 8. Consideration of Reports of Grand Masters. 9. Consideration of Report of Grand Secretary. 10. Consideration of Report of Finance Committee. 11. Nomination of Officers. 12. Appeals and Questions. 13. Consideration of Resolutions of which notice was given last Annual Communication. 14. Election of Officers. 15. Report of Grand Lodge Committee. 16. General Business. 17. Reception of Notices of Alterations in Constitutional Laws 18. Appointing next Place of Meeting. 19. Installation of Officers. 20. Appointment of Officers. 21. Closing the Grand Lodge.(Ovfccv erf ¿1 elttmuv. FOURTH SESSION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND. EASTER SATURDAY, 26th MARCH, 1910. AT 10 A.M. Grand Master’s Report. To the Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge of Queensland. Representatives and Brethren,— 1 In accordance with the usages oi our Order, I have the pleasure to submit my report for the last three years during which time I have held the honourable position of Grand Master. I extend a hearty welcome to you at this our Fourth -General Session, and trust that the result of our deliberations will be conducive to the best interests of our beloved Order and that the proceedings of the Grand Lodge will be harmonious. There are quite a number of important matters which will demand your most earnest consideration. 2 The progress of our Order since its inception has been phenomenal. It started under great difficulties in 1819 with Five members, in 1871, the year I joined, it numbered about 500,000, in 1895 it had increased to <396,398, and on December 31st, 1908, the membership was 1,888,3766 The following are the statistics of the Order throughout the World, from 1830 to 1907, a period of 77 years. Initiation in Subordinate Lodge ... 3,339,646 • 3,409,324 295,920 . - 336,918 • £ 25,046,690 • ¿*46,731,303 The Report of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the meeting held in September last gives the following:— Sovereign Grand Lodge r Quasi-Independent Grand Lodge of Australasia, Denmark, Germany, Members relieved Widowed families relieved Members deceased Total relief ... Total Revenue Netherlands, Sweden, & Switzerland 6 Grand Lodges ... 68 Grand Encampments ... 56 Subordinate Lodges... ... 15,687 Subordinate Encampments... ... 3,375 Rebekah Lodges ... 7,77o Lodge Members ... 1,492,478 Encampment Members ... 2l6,225 Rebekah Members, Brothers ... 208,033 Rebekah Members, Sisters ... Total number of persons belonging 395.898 to the Order ... 1,888,376 :ate of the Order in Australasia, December 31st, 1 Grand Lodges ... 7 Subordinate Lodges... ... 393 Rebekah Lodges ... 88 Lodge Membership ... ... 37,35i Rebekah Membership ... 4,8864 Progress of the Order in Queensland since formation of the Grand Lodge in 1902. 1903 1904 1905 1906 I9°7 ^ 1908 1909 No. of Sub. Lodges ... ... ... ii 12 12 12 12 13 22 No. of Rebekah Lodges... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Total Lodges ... 15 16 16 16 16 17 26 No. of Sub. Lodge Members 1078 1110 1234 1174 1198 1258 1817* No. of Rebekah Lodge Members 114 156 186 222 212 218 216 Total Membership 1192 1266 1420 1396 1410 1476 2033 / s. . d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s* d. £ s- d. £ s. d. Amount of Grand Lodge Funds 2.243 12 5 2.559 3 10 3,025 6 10 3,426 4 7 3,789 2 4 4,220 16 4 4,531 14 7 Amount of Sub. Lodge Funds ... 5,848 14 4 6,325 19 9 6,910 18 3 7,678 13 11 8,478 iS ii 9,348 10 9 10366 8 9 Amount of Rebekah Lodge Funds 56 4 2 62 11 0 !53 18 5 191 3 7 212 8 4 263 4 2 255 13 9 Total Funds 8,148 10 11 8,947 14 7 10090 3 6 11 296 2 1 12 480 9 7 13832 11 3 15 J53 17 1 Amount of Sick Pay Sub. Lodges 688 11 8 822 16 1 822 12 7 876 14 2 811 12 5 808 14 0 895 0 3 Amount of Sick Pay Rebekah Lodges ... 7 18 4 17 3 4 24 5 4 18 11 8 17 10 0 14 11 8 25 8 4 Total.Benefits ... 696 10 0 839 19 5 846 17 11 895 S 10 829 2 5 823 5 8 920 8 7 Funeral Benefits Paid 80 0 0 180 0 0 70 0 0 *k'l O O O 210 0 0 . 190 0 0 200 0 0 * This does not contain members (at least iooj at Mt. Chalmers, Many Peaks, and Mungana Lodges. Returns not to hand.8 STANDING COMMITTEE. 5 The meetings of the Standing Committee have been harmonious and I desire to thank my colleagues for the loyal support they have given me during my term of office. D.D.G MASTERS. 6 I desire to thank those brothers and sisters who have held the position for the very able manner in which they have represented me in the various districts, especially Bro. J. W. Walker, who for some months has been D.D.G M for the whole of the Brisbane Lodges, six in number ; also Bro H. C. Duus, D.D.G.M , an enthusiastic Oddfellow who spares neither time nor expense in furthering the interests of the Order, and it is to his exertions we are greatly indebted for the opening of Port Alma, Baree and Many Peaks Lodges. The office of a D.D.G. Master is a very responsible one and at times, not altogether a pleasant one. Lodges should remember that a D.D.G. Master when visiting officially, is there as the representative of the Grand Master and must have the same courtesies extended to him as would have been accorded to the Grand Master himself. The neglect of this occasioned unpleasantness in one of the Lodges, but I am pleased to say that the matter was amicably settled. ORGANIZER. 7 Many of you are aware that I was initiated into the I.O.OF. during my sojourn in the United States of America nearly 40 years ago. Since I have been connected with the Order in Queensland it has been a source of regret that the same fraternal spirit that permeated the Order in America was lacking in this State, and I think I may be permitted to go further and say in Australasia. This state of affairs annoyed me and I saw no way out of the difficulty until I heard of the good work being done by Bro. Ledford in New Zealand. I watched his career there, and also in New South Wales, which was eminently successful, at the same time I regretted I could see no way of securing his services for Queensland. Circumstances arose that enabled me to lay before the Standing Committee a plan whereby it was possible for Bro. Ledford to visit Queensland, this plan was approved of and I engaged him from May 1st last to October 31. Six months is too short a period to work so large a territory as Queensland and the Standing Committee deemed it advisable to allow him to continue the work until the end of last year.9 Bro. Ledford has done excellent work in Queensland and lie will not soon be forgotten by the members in this jurisdiction He has without doubt raised the character of the Order in every place he has visited, and his exemplification of our ritualistic and floor work has aroused the members to the possibilities of our glorious ritual for attracting new members and inducing members to take a more alive part in Lodge work. When it was stated that Bro. Ledford was coming a few (very few) pessimists and croakers predicted failure and I am pleased to say they proved to be false prophets Personally he opened six Lodges, viz., Mt. Chalmers No. 28, Bushley No. .29, Maryborough No. 31, Clayfield No. 32, West End No. 33, Mungana No. 34. In addition to these ‘I attribute the opening of the following Lodges to him by reason of the enthusiasm he infused into the members who were directly responsible for their institution, viz., Baree No. 25, Western Suburbs No. 26. Since his departure a Lodge at Chillagoe has been opened The increase in membership during his mission has been very satisfactory as will be seen by reference to the Grand Secretary’s tabulated returns. The great results of Bro. Ledford’s efforts are to be seen more particularly in parts away from the Metropolis. Unfortunately in Brisbane owing to adverse circumstances and in one other locality his success has not been as great as could be desired but I feel assured that even in these places the great majority of the members have been influenced and benefitted by his visit. My relations with Bro Ledford have been most amicable, he is embued with the true principles of Oddfellowship. I was with him in the Central and Northern districts and was able to observe the spirit he had aroused in the members. Personally I am under a debt of gratitude to him for so ably assisting in advancing the Order in this State and I sincerely trust that the work in Victoria may be crowned with success. FLOOR WORK. 8 Until the advent of Bro. Ledford the Initiatory degree was worked (although in a very inferior manner), similar to that in vogue at the time of my initiation. Bro. Ledford’s exposition of the floor work was a revelation even to me. I had no idea how solemn and impressive our beautiful ritual was capable of being made if properly carried out. I trust the representatives will on their return point out to their Lodges the necessity that in order to indelibly impress the teachings of our Order upon candidates, their officers10 should commit their respective charges to memory, and not read them, also that music, instrumental and vocal, will greatly add to «the solemnity and impressiveness of our ceremonial work. DEGREES. 9 Our degree work according to the Ritual now in use in Australasia has little or any effect on the members, they usually take the degrees to qualify themselves to occupy certain offices in the Lodge. I regret that we do not confer the degrees as is done in the home of Oddfellowship, I feel certain that if we did so the tone of our Society in Australia would be enhanced. Our members have no idea of the beauties and lessons of the degrees which can only be exemplified when given with proper dramatic effect. VISITATION, to During my term of office I have paid two visits to the Central district and one to Townsville, Charters Towers and Cairns. I much regret that owing to the coal stiike I had to cancel my visit to Ravenswood. I was much impressed at the very fraternal way in which I was received by the brethren,, no effort on their part was spared to make my visits pleasant, I desire to thank them one and all for the many kindnesses and hospitalities extended to me. DISTRICTS. ii There are very many places where there should be Lodges of our Order. I have long been of opinion that the formation of new Lodges could be more economically done by some local body. I had the idea of District Lodges and although my experience in other organizations is that such bodies are not an unmixed blessing, still I thought something might be evolved which would prove satisfactory, I find, however, that the Constitution of the Sovereign Grand Lodge does not provide for the formation of District Lodges. I am of opinion that the object in view can be attained if the various District Grand Committees would take the matter of opening Lodges into consideration, and I would suggest that Grand Lodge decide what amount per capita it considers, adequate for the opening of new Lodges.11 GRAND SECRETARY. 12 The work of the Grand Secretary during the past year has been very great owing to the increase of Lodges and membership and I think the Grand Lodge should in some way recognise the extra labour, that has fallen on him. In connection with this office there is a matter which will need your consideration in the near future. There is little doubt but that our Order will continue to advance and it will be necessary to have a Grand Secretary who can devote the whole of his time to the Order, and although I do not consider the present an opportune time to make such a new departure, still it is well to broach the subject so that it may be seriously thought about during the recess. OBITUARY. 13 The most prominent figure in Oddfellowship that has joined the great majority during the term is Bro. John L. Nolen, Grand Sire of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, who passed away on Dec 14, 1908. In Queensland the Great Reaper has gathered in a large, I may say an abnormal number of our brothers and brothers’ wives as will be seen from the following list : Pioneer Lodge, No 1.—Bros. H. Jeffs, W. S. Eddy, J. Hewett, H. Bale, J. Evert, J. Gardner, J. Tripling, G. C. F. Meyers, W. Craine, R. Gardner, W. Wybird, J. W. C. Campbell, Mrs. Pilkinson, Mrs.. Evans, Mrs. Fryer, Mrs. Daddow. Excelsior Lodge, No. 4.—E. J. B. Wareham. Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6.—Bro J. Folks, M*rs„ McMillan. Livingstone 'Lodge, No. 9,—Mrs. Strachan. Mulgrave L6dge, No. 10.—Bros. D. A. Hitchen, A.C.. Beckman, J. Eagleson, J. W. Leach, G. W. Croucher. Brunswick Lodge, No. 11.—Bros. S R. Sherwin, W. Matthews, F. E. Davies, Mrs. McLeod. Park Lodge, No. 15.—Bros. T. Ingram, W. Balaam, J.. Shaw. Oakey Lodge, No. 16.—Bro. W. Forbes. North Ipswich Lodge, No. 21.—Mrs. Bowler.12 IN CONCLUSION. 14 With much pleasure I would here record my sincere thanks to the members (too numerous to name individually), who have so ably assisted me in my endeavour to advance our beloved Order in Queensland and I feel confident that in the future their enthusiasm will not be relaxed and that year by year the Order in Queensland will increase in membership and hold the position in the community that it is justly entitled to. I have to the best of my ability and judgment tried to carry out the duties of my office faithfully and impartially, whether I have succeeded or not remains for you to decide. I am, Yours faithfully and fraternally, THOS. W. ROBINSON, Grand Master.13 RULINGS GIVEN. No. i Question.—Is the R.S. to V.G. qualified to be nominated for the office of N.G. ? Answer.—No, unless he is a P.G., or Past Vice Grand. No. 2 Question.—If the R.S. to V.G., sits in the V. G.’s chair (in the absence of that officer) for the last three nights of the term, does he fill a vacancy as V.G., and qualify himself for nomination as N.G. ? Answer.—No. To fill a vacancy as contemplated by Sec. 92 of the Constitution, the office of V.G. must have been in one form “declared” vacant by reason of death, resignation, or for some other good and sufficient cause, and his successor must have been regularly nominated, elected,. and installed, into the chair, and sat therein for not less than two lodge nights at the end of the term. No. 3 Question.—Can the lodge pass at an ordinary meeting the sum of £3 for the purpose of presenting a Brother with a present ? Answer.—No, unless at a summoned meeting, and the amount proposed to be voted shall have been specified upon the summons. Question.—Is the widow and family of an honorary member, who was on the medical lists of the lodge, eligible to continue the same by payment of the necessary fees ? Answer.—Yes Question.—Can an ex-P.G., who ceases membership by arrears, rejoin-and be put into the same position that he held when ceasing membership,, as a P.G. ? Answer.—No. A P.G. who ceases membership by arrears, and rejoins the Order, forfeits all honours previously held. Questions.—1st. Can a widow, whose late husband was not an Oddfellow, become a benefit member ? 2nd. If not, can she join as an honorary member ? 3rd. Can the wives of members join as benefit members ? Answers.—To 1st and 2nd, Yes. To 3rd, No. From Bro. D. C. Forrest, D.D.G.S., for Queensland enclosing a letter from Petrie Terrace Lodge, asking him to explain his reason for not entering the lodge after presenting his dispensation. The facts of the case being, that in presenting the dispensation, the lodge discussed at length the question as to whether Bro. Forrest was entitled to be received with the honors of the Order, and what jurisdiction he had over lodges in Queensland. In the meantime Bro. Forrest asked for his dispensation to be passed out to him and on receipt thereof he retired. Also from the E.D.G.M., Brisbane District, upon the same matter, to-the effect that he had received a letter from the Petrie Terrace Lodge, asking for his ruling on the matter. And that he had given the following ruling :— “Although the District Deputy Grand Sire has no jurisdiction over Subordinate Lodges in Queensland, it would be right to accord the honours of the Order to him as the Representative of the Grand Sire. Resolved that the letters be received, and the ruling given agreed to, and also that Bro. Forrest’s request to inform the lodge that all communication addressed to him should come through this office be complied with.14 Report of the Representatives to the Grand Lodge of Australasia. To the Members of the Grand Lodge of Queensland. Brethren,— The ioth Triennial Session of the Grand Lodge of Australasia was held in the I.O.O.F. Temple, Sydney, on 19th, 20th and 21st May, 1908, and we, as your representatives, attended the same. There were present: Grand Sire, G. T. Clarke ; Deputy Grand Sire, William Reid ; Grand Secretary, J C. Smith ; Grand Treasurer, S. E. B. Gilder ; also 33 representatives from the various States, viz.:—N. S. Wales, 6 ; Victoria, 6 ; South Australia, 6 ; Western Australia, 6 ; New Zealand, 2 ; Tasmania, 4 ; Queensland, 2 ; Grand Encampment (N S.W.) Bro. J. Davidson, P.G.M., Victoria, was appointed Assistant Secretary and Press Correspondent. The officers* reports and tabulated statements were taken as read. The Grand Sire asked the pleasure of the Grand Lodge regarding a letter he had received from Bro. E. H. Heslehurst, of the Loyal Brunswick Lodge No. 11 Queensland (which letter was not properly before the Grand Lodge) relating to a fine imposed upon him by the N.G. of his lodge. It was moved and seconded, that as the letter had not come through the proper channel, it be not received. Representative Forrest moved as an amendment, that the letter be received and referred to the Committee on Appeals. After some discussion as to the legality of that course, at the request of Representative Bro Forrest, the motion was withdrawn and the amendment was carried. During the Triennial period the I.O.O.F. in Australasia has made very considerable progress, and the position to-day is one that members of the Order may justly be proud of. The following statistics will be of interest:— In the Subordinate Lodges there has been an increase of 61 lodges and 7,268 members. In Rebekah Lodges, an incr^gse of 10 lodges and 1,508 members. In Juvenile Lodges, the increase has been 1 lodge, and a decrease of 70 members. The total membership on 31st December, 1907, was 40,452, and the number of lodges, 503. There has also been an increase of 4 Encampments and iA 2 members.15 The aggregate funds of the various jurisdictions have increased by £68,719 16s. 5d., and the total now stands at i'4°5,8i9, iSs- 9d- During the period under review, £78,313 19s. id. has been paid for Sick Benefits; .¿T 5,512 os. 7d. for Funeral Benefits ; £3,221 16s. 7d., for special relief ; making a total •of £99,047 16s' 3d- To this should be added the amounts expended (estimated by Grand Secretary J. C. Smith at £ 102,000) for medical benefits for members, their wives and children, making a grand total of ^201,047 16s. 3d. The decision of the Grand Sire as to “ What term of office constitutes a Past Grand?” and “ Would Rebekah Representative at Sub-Grand Lodge Sessions be constitutional ?.” were confirmed. The decision of the Grand Sire re the validity of the Warrant granted by the Grand Lodge of Queensland to Star of Peace (Rebekah) Lodge No. 3, was confirmed. The decision of the Grand Lodge in the Appeal case, Loyal Petrie Terrace Lodge No. 6, versus the Grand Lodge cf ■Queensland, was sustained. The Committee appointed to consider the letter of Bro. Heslehurst made the following recommendation:—“ That at the meeting of the Loyal Brunswick Lodge held on the 1st May, ’o6, the N.G. of the lodge was quite justified in fining Bro. Heslehurst under sec. 144, page 36, of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, but as the minutes of the said meeting appear to convey the fact that Bro. Heslehurst was prevented by the N.G. from appealing to the V.G. there and then, the Committee are of opinion that the question should be referred back to the Loyal Brunswick Lodge No. 11, so that steps may be taken to have the matter dealt with under the laws of this jurisdiction.” The decision of the Grand Lodge re Appeal from Boulder City and Kalgoorlie Lodges versus Grand Lodge of Western Australia, “ That no brother could sign away any of ?his rights as a. member of the Order,” was confirmed.16 It was reported that all the jurisdictions, with the exception of Tasmania and Queensland, have decided on the Consolidation of the Sick Funds, and that steps were being taken in those two States to bring the matter before their respective Grand Lodges. The question of “ Homes of the Order ” gave rise to a very lengthy and interesting discussion. Bro. Ledford, of California, gave a description of several Homes in the United States of America, and although some of the representatives did not favour the idea, the majority of the speakers were of the opinion that the establishing of such Institutions were in keeping with the highest ideals of Oddfellowship, and would be of great advantage to the Order. A motion to impose an extra twp pence per capita, to raise funds for the purpose of employing an organiser to assist the weaker jurisdictions, was lost. Queensland was instanced as needing the assistance of air organiser. Your representatives expressed the hope that at the next Session of the Grand Lodge of Australasia the Order in this State would be in a flourishing condition. The following notices of motion to alter the Constitution, were dealt with. Article XVII, Section 2. To substitute the word Certificate ” in lieu of the words “ Clearance ” and “ Card.” Carried. Article IX, Section 3. To reduce the maximum number of representatives from each State from “six” to “ three.” An amendment was offered to alter the basis of representation from 500 to 1,000. Both the motion and amendment were lost. Article II, Section 1. To make the Junior Past Grand Sire a member of the Grand Lodge. Carried. Article IX, Section 4. To make Past Grand Masters eligible for election as Representatives to the Grand Lodge of Australasia. Carried. Article IX, Section 5. To alter qualification for election as Representative to read “ That he must be a member in good standing in an Encampment, and also in a Rebekah Lodge. The voting was 20 for, 16 against. There not being the necessary two-thirds majority,, the motion was lost. Article III, Section 1. That no Jurisdiction (excepting where the Grand Secretary resides), shall have more than one seat on the Executive. Lost.17 The following officers were elected, viz :—Grand Sire, Wm, Reid. New Zealand ; Deputy Grand Sire, S. E. B. Gilder, New South Wales ; Grand Secretary, J. C. Smith, Victoria ; Grand Treasurer, B B. Hoddinott, Western Australia. The Grand Sire appoin.ted the following officers i—Grand Chaplain, Rev. R. R. Fleming, Western Australia ; Grand Marshal, W. Selwood, Victoria ; Grand Guardian, J. Webb, New South Wales ; Grand Messenger, H. Cleveland, Tasmania. The officers were installed by Past Grand Sire Clarke, assisted by Past Grand Sires McKee and Munday. For the next place of Meeting Melbourne was chosen. The assessment was fixed at i^d. per member per annum. On motion, Past Grand Sire G. T. Clarke was elected to represent the Grand Lodge of Australasia in 1908 at the Sovereign Grand Lodge, Grand Sire W. Reid in 1909, and Grand Secretary J. C. Smith in 1910 It being clearly understood that the Grand Lodge of Australasia would not be put to any expense. The Diemage Committe presented the following report:— Grand Sire ... » • • • • a £ s. 3 0 d. O Deputy Grand Sire « « « • • • 29 5 0 Grand Secretary ... ... ... 9 10 O Grand Treasurer ... ..:. 3 0 O Victoria (6 Representatives) • • • • » . 55 18 IO New South Wales — 6 Representatives l8 O O South Australia — 6 n 74 2 8 New Zealand — 2 v 51 10 0 Tasmania — 4 v 69 l6 0 Western Australia — 6 » 182 3 10 Queensland — 2 3) 24 O 0 Grand Encampment — 1 3 0 0 Assistant Grand Secretary ... 9 0 0 /532 6 4 Votes of thanks to Past Grand Sires Fulton and Clarke and the Grand Lodge of New South Wales. The thanxs of this Grand Lodge are due to the Grand Executive, Grand Encampment, and the members generally of New South Wales, for the uniform kindness and hospitality extended to the representatives at the recent Session, thereby rendering their sojourn in Sydney very pleasant and enjoyable. Yours fraternally, THOS. W. ROBINSON, Grand Master. D. C. FORREST, P.G.18 Report of the Grand Secretary. To the Grand Lodge of Queensland, I. O.O. T\, in Session Assembled. 1. Officers and Representatives—Three years have passed away since you assembled in session at Charters Towers, and the near approach of the session at Bundaberg makes it necessary for me to again present my Report to you upon the working of the Order during that period. 2. As on former occasions the tabulated mailers have been carefully prepared from the returns furnished by. Subordinate Lodges, and will furnish you with a good knowledge of the progress made during the three years of recess. 3. A careful perusal of the tables-will show the splendid progress made, both numerically, financially, and by the institution of new Lodges The membership has increased 643 for Subordinate Lodges, while Rekebah Lodges has decreased by six. Subordinate Lodge Funds has increased by £2687 T4S iod, Rebekah Lodge funds by £64 10s 2d, and the: Grand Lodge funds by £1426 8s Tod, making a total increase of £4178 13s iod for the period. While twelve new Lodges have been opened, which are more or less progressive. Another Lodge has been opened during the present year at Chillagoe, and negotiations are pending for the institution of others. 4. Sick pay has been pretty evenly distributed through the period, the amounts being £81 1 12s 5d for 1907, £808 14s for 1908, and £8q5 os 3d for 1909 for Subordinate Lodges, while Rebekah Lodges have expended during the same period £17 10s in 1907, £14 11s 8d in 1908, and £25 8s 4d in 1909. The average cost of Sick-pay paid during 1909 per financial benefit member being 12s 7|d which I consider favourable. 5. Funeral Benefits also have been evenly distributed through the period, showing clearly "that about the same number is annually called away to that bourne from whence no traveller returns. The amounts being £210, £190, and £200 for 1907-8-9 respectively. It is satisfactory to note that the interest earned during 1909, £199 6s 2d, came within a very few.shillings of meeting the whole of the claims during; the year. 6. The Valuation Report for the period 1902-6 has been received, and has been printed in the Statement for 1907 issuing from this office. - From this Report it will be seen that the Society has come out in a very creditable financial position. ' Mr. Rendle’s recommendations—which should receive attention from the Representatives at this Session— are therefore few. On the recommendation and with the19 consent of Mr. Rendle the sum of £400 has been transferred from the Funeral Fund to the Management Fund. 7. The progress made during 1909 has been remarkable all along the line, and far exceeds expectations. The Standing Committee has worked hard to secure the best results, and can congratulate themselves, the Order generally, and those officers and members who have so ably assisted in bringing about the splendid results which has crowned their efforts. 8. The noble and generous impulse, which denotes the true Oddfellow, that prompted the Grand Master in securing the services of Bro. B. F. Ledford, as organiser for six months at his own expense, is a bright example of the true fraternal relations which are the prevailing features of this great Order of ours. Without this generous assistance from the Grand Master the year 1909 would have been no different from its predecessors ; it is undoubtedly due to Bro Ledford that the splendid results have been achieved. The cost to the Grand Master has been considerable, the salary alone of Bro. Ledford being £3005 but if we take into consideration the sums spent directly and indirectly by him for the furthering of the cause the cost would stand nearer ^500 than ^300. All honour is due to the Grand Master, and the most pleasing feature about it is that his efforts have not been in vain. 9. In conclusion I would like to express my regret at any seemingly impromptitude on my part during the term, my excuse being that the work of this office has considerably increased and with the limited time at my disposal I have found it most difficult to keep pace with the demands requiring my attention. Thanking all officers and members for their kindness and courtesy to me, and wishing all a pleasant time at Bundaberg, and with best wishes for a prosperous and fruitful Session, I remain, Faithfully and Fraternally Yours, EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. Brisbane, 27th February, 19to.GRAND LODGE MANAGEMENT FUND. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FROM 1st JANUARY, TO 31st DECEMBER, 1909. Assessments from Lodges ........ Exchange Added .................. Sale of Goods ... Appeals from Petrie Terrace Lodge Donation Grand Master .......... Transferred from Funeral Fund ... ¿256 12 ó 10 6 32 il 8 200 39 4 il 400 o o ^289 14 8 ¿441 4 11 £730 19 7 Balance, 1st January, 1909 Salary, Grand Secretary 0 0 ■T 0 Salary, Grand Treasurer . • I I 0 Fees, Finance Committee 6 6 0 Postage . 12 2 2 Stationery, Telegrams, and Typewriting 14 7 Guarantee Bonds, Secretary and Treasurer 2 0 0 Insurance of Stock 9 0 Goods, Watson, Ferguson & Co. .. 31 8 8 Printing, Watson, Ferguson & Co. 21 2 9 Dues, Grand Lodge of Australasia 5 12 9 Goods, Grand Lodge of Australasia 5 i 8 Printing, J. Greenaway 8 6 Goods, J. Greenaway i 10 0 Fee, Special Audit, Mr. Forbes ... 5 5 0 Fee, Special Committee ... 3 16 5 Travelling Expenses and Diemage, Grand Warden ... 3 14 4 Rent, Temperance Hall ... ' 4 0 Regalia, Size Walker & Co. 17 5 O Goods, per D. C. Forrest ... 3 0 0 Goods, Grand Secretary ... ... ... 5 0 Expenses, opening New Lodges 29 5 8 Advertisement, Triple Links 3 0 0 Queensland Friendly Societies Association 2 0 0 Expenses, Grand Trustees ... i 12 6 Rent of Safe ... 10 6 Exchange .. ... 2 19 9 Bank Charge li 0 Organising Expenses, B. L. Ledford ... 62 9 8 Balance 31st December, 1209 £z59 1 i 47 7 o 12 16 9 290 52 li 5 10 14 5 i 18 6 to o 12 19 9 20 IO O 36 8 8 3 10 9 62 9 8 208 2 '7 730 19 7 EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Seeretary. H. G. BAMKIN, Grand Treasurer. Audited and found correct 30th January, 1910. A. SHERIDAN H. WILLIAMS Finance CommitteexGRAND LODGE FUNERAL FUND. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE PROM 1st JANUARY TO 31st DECEMBER, 1909. Balance, 1st January, 1909 ... £4,220 16 4 Claims Paid for Funeral Allowance ... ... £200 0 0 Assessment from Lodges ... £490 8 6 Transferred to Management Fund 400 0 0 Registration of Wives 15 11 0 Treasury Bills . ... 4 10 0 Widows’ Payments ... 2 0 C Balance, 31st December, 1909... ... 4,323 12 0 507 19 6 Interest... ... 199 6 2 £4,928 2 0 £4,928 2 0 Audited and found correct, 30th January, 1910. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. A.‘SHERIDAN 1 H. G. BAMKIN, Grand Treasurer. H. WILLIAMS•> Finance Committee. LIABILITIES AND ASSETS. Grand Lodge Funeral Fund Grand Lodge Management Fund Balance .. 4,323 12 0 208 2 7 162 6 1 Grand Lodge Trustees’ Investments ... Union Bank Current Account Balance Due, Victorian Goods Account Goods in Stock ... Due for Goods Sold £4,377 6 2 150 14 4 3 14 1 85 1 11 76 4 2 ¿4,693 0 8 £4,693 0 8 Audited and found correct, 30th January, 1910. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. A, SHERIDAN 1 H. G. BAMKIN, Grand Treasurer. H. WILLIAMS J Fmance Committee,ORGANISING FUND. Organising Fund (Loan) £100 0 0 Salary, Organiser, Bro. B. L. Ledford ^IOO O O ^100 0 0 ; ;£lOO O O EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. H. G. BAMKIN, Grand Treasurer. Audited and found correct, 30th Jannuary, 1910. A. SHERIDAN 1 II. WILLIAMS } Finance Com mittee. to to LOAN ACCOUNT. Loan from Thos. W. Robinson, Grand Master ... ^100 0 0 Balance ,£100 0 0 ^100 0 0 ^100 0 0 Audited and found correct 30th January, 1910. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand ..ecretary. A. SHERIDAN ( H. G. BAM KIN, Grand Treasurer. II. WILLIAMS i Finance Committee.23 GRAND TRUSTEES* BALANCE SHEET, 1909. RECEIPTS EXPENDITURE ¿ s. d. ¿ s. d. Grand Treasurer 332 19 6 Insurance . ... 2 9 0 No. 4 Mortgage, Interest 8 3 2 Rent of Safe . ... 0 10 6 » > ,, Principal 26 13 11 Interest, Townsville Lodge 25. 0 0 No. 5 ,, Interest 15 0 0 ,, Brunswick 5 5 i 10 0 „ 6 » 1 a 80 0 0 ,, Livingstone >» 5 0 0 „ 7 ,1 „ 6 0 0 ,, Park „ 3 0 0 „ 8 „ „ 27 10 0 Bank Charge ... 0 1 0 » 9 ,, » 55 0 0 Purchase Treasury Bills ... 304 10 0 „ 10 » >> 16 10 0 No. 12 Mortgage . ... 400 0 0 ,,• Principal 25 0 0 ,, H ,, Interest 8 14 6 ,, Principal 12 0 0 „ 1 ,, Interest 19 5 0 ,, Principal 400 0 0 Treasury Bills, Interest ... 48 0 0 Savings Bank, Int. to July 5 13 6 Balance, Jan. 1st, 1909 ... 51 7 6 Bank Balance ... 339 16 7 ¿1,087 17 1 ¿1,087 17 1 ASSETS LIABILITIES ¿ s. d. ¿ s. d. Treasury Bills 1,500 0 0 Excelsior Lodge ... 500 0 0 No. 4 Mortgage 124 9 7 Brunswick ,, ... 150 0 0 » 5 „ 200 0 0 Livingstone ,, ... 100 0 0 ,, 6 ,, 600 0 0 Park ,, ... 60 0 0 » 7 „ 100 0 0 ,, 8 ,, 500 0 0 ,, 9 ,, 1,000 0 0 „ 10 „ 275 0 0 „ 11 „ 148 0 0 » 12 „ 400 0 0 Balance, Savings’ Bank 339 16 7 Balance ... 4,377 6 2 ¿5,187 6 2 ¿5,187 6 2 Total Interest earned ... ¿239 16 2 = 4.60J % = on ¿5,187 6 2 Interest Paid to Lodges ... 40 10 0 ¿199 6 2 = 4-57 % = on ¿4,377 6 2 The average earnings on the whole of the funds in the Grand Trustees’ hands is over 4J per cent, and the interest paid to those lodges who have placed funds with the Grand Lodge Trustees has been 5 per cent. The amount of principal repaid is ¿469 3s. lid., and No. 1 Mortgage has been redeemed. All interest is paid up to date. We have much pleasure in submitting this Balance Sheet and Statement of the financial position of the Grand Trustees. And fraternally subscribe ourselves, J. W. WALKER, P.G. ERNEST DE VOSS W. MATTHEWS fan. 15th, 1910. A. SHERIDAN H. WILLIAMS ^Finance Commit tee. Grand Trustees 1.0.0. F. of Queensland. February 6th, 1910.Report of Finance Committee To the Grand Master and Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Queensland\ I.O.O.F. We have the honour to report having performed the duties delegated to us at the last Session of the Grand Lodge of inspecting the books, accounts, etc, of the Order for the year 1909, Our remarks of Quarterly and Half-Yearly returns of the Subordinate Lodges having been published from time to time it is needless here to go over the same ground. We have carefully inspected the books and accounts of the Grand Secretary, and of the Grand Treasurer, and also those of the Grand Trustees, together with all securities held by them on account of the funds of the Grand Lodge, and the statements submitted herewith, and bearing our signatures,, correctly disclose the transactions of the past year. At this stage we would recommend that the Senior Trustee receive some recompense for the time he devotes in attending to mortgages and investing the funds at the disposal of the Trustees as you will note the rate of interest earned by our Order exceeds any other Friendly Society. We would also recommend for your consideration the advisability of appointing the Grand Secretary to devote the whole of his time to his duties and the advancement of our Order. As you will note our Order has made great progress during the last half-year through the appointment of our Worthy Brother Ledford as organiser, this we consider could be maintained by the Grand Secretary following the example of Bro. Ledford We also compliment the Grand Secretary, Bro. E. A. Gregory, for the manner in which his books are kept and the assistance he has given us during our term of office.* As you will -note on the complaint of some Brothers the Registrar of Friendly Societies, Mr. Rendle, appointed a special auditor to examine the books, etc., at a cost of £5 5s. This auditor found everything in order as you will see by his report in the Quarterly Report. In conclusion we have pleasure in stating that during the course of our examinations every assistance was given us by the Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Trustees, they having supplied us with all information, in response to> our inquiries. A. SHERIDAN, H. WILLIAMS, Finance Committee. Brisbane, 6th February, 1910.25 NOTICE OF MOTION Tabled at last Session by Representative E. De Voss. “That this Grand Lodge take into consideration the advisability of forming a Mortality levy for the purpose of rising the funeral donation.” AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. By Standing Committee. Sec. 8, page 5.—After the word “date” in the 6th line, insert the words “and place of meeting.” Sec. 27, page 8.—Delete the words “of each Fund” cn the 5th line. Sec. 66, page 16.—Delete the words “of the said” in the 3rd line, anct insert the word “or.” Sec. 101, sub-sec. 4, page 26.—Alter the word “shall” to “may”. Sec. 105, sub-sec. 11.—Insert “one-fourth” in place of “one-third” 2nd line, and insert “Securities or Government Savings Bank” in 3rd line. Sec 26, page 8.—Delete the words “copy thereof” and substitute the-word “same” in 19th line NEW EULE, 55a, Page 14. WIDOW AND ORPHANS’ FUND. The Standing Committee is hereby empowered to withdraw the sum of ^l,ooo, or such other sum as may be agreed upon by the Grand Lodge in session assembled, from- the surplus amount to the credit of the General Funeral Fund, and for the purpose of forming a Widow and Orphans’ Fund. The fund shall be formed of an unlimited number of members, sub* scribing thereto, who must at the time of joining be financial benefit-members of some subordinate lodge in good standing. But no member shall be compelled to subscribe thereto or to continue to do so after having commenced so to subscribe. Any member unmarried, or whose wife may be above the age for registration for the ordinary funeral benefit, may contribute to the fund for the purpose of securing the benefit for his heirs, executors or nominees. The object of this fund shall be the raising of money by contributions,, interest, capital, donations and fees for the purpose of affording relief to widows and orphans of deceased members by granting such sums and in such manner as shall be hereinafter specified. The management of the fund to be undertaken by the Standing Committee. Any member of the Order may be admitted to the fund on the pro’ duction of a medical certificate of good health from the medical officer of the Lodge on payment of the following entrance fee, viz :— The registration fee shall be 2s. 6d. And for each child born in wedlock previous to the member joining the fund 6d, and for each child subsequently born 2s. 6d. The date of the birth of each member joining this fund, and of his wife and of each child, shall be-26 stated as correctly by the member as it is possible for him to do so. No claim in respect of any child born after the member joins this fund shall be recognised unless it is registered within three months after birth. And no •claim shall be entertained in respect of any illegitimate child. The continuous contributions to this fund shall be :— Under 25 years is. 4d. per quarter 25 30 IS. 6d. 30 35 2S. 35 and shall be payable 40 ... in advance. 2S. 6d. No benefits shall be paid to the widow or orphans unless the deceased brother shall have been a financial member for the six months immediately preceding his death. The amount of benefits shall be as follows : Fifteen pounds for the widow, arid three (3) pounds for each child under 14 years of age, and which shall have been duly registered. Should a member of this fund be a widower and leave children under 14 years of age, duly registered, the same benefits shall be allowed them as if he left a widow. Any member owing an amount exceeding one quarter’s contribution shall-be suspended from all benefits for a period of 14 weeks, and if owing a sum equal to one year’s contributions shall cease to belong to or have any claim on the fund. Any members owing more than six months’ contribution shall produce a medical certificate of good health, pay up all arrears, including all contributions to the date of such payment, before he shall be re-instated, and shall not be entitled to any benefits until the expiration of 14 weeks after such re-instatement. The widow7 and orphans of expelled or suspended members shall not have any claim on the fund When a member dies leaving a widow and orphans, the Standing Committee may pay the claims due to the wddow and orphans on receipt of a medical certificate of death, and a certificate from the secretary of his Lodge certifying that the deceased brother was in good standing at the time of his death. Mulgrave Lodge, No. 10. Page 15, Section 60.—At the end of the section, after the word “order,” add the following : “When D.D.G. Masters visit a subordinate Lodge for the purpose of installing the officers elect, presenting their commissions, or other official duty, and being announced as D.D.G. Masters-they, as the representative of the Grand Master, shall be accorded the same honors as are given to that officer.” NEW RULE 70a, Page 17. No Subordinate, or Grand Lodge, or Lodge of Rebekahs, and no member of any of the above organisations of any rank or station in the same, shall hold or make any arrangement for, or manage, or to any extent control any anniversary, excursion, pic-nic, ball, party, or entertainment of any kind where the regalia, emblems, or the name of the Order will be worn, assumed, or used, unless first obtaining the consent of the Grand Master or the Standing Committee. And such permission shall only be given upon the direct promise that no intoxicating liquor of any kind shall be given or offered to the members or guests present on this occasion.27 Page 26, Rule 105, Sub-section 5.—After the words “the Trustees” strike out the words “with the consent of the members of the Lodge present at a regular meeting and entitled to vote.” The Section will then read, “The Trustees may from time to time invest the Lodge funds,” etc. Loyal Brunswick Lodge, No. ii, I.O.O.F Proposed Amendments to the Constitution approved by the above Lodge. Section 3.—After the word “Lodge” on the first line, add “District Grand Lodges.” ‘Section 6.—Strike out the words “and against whom no charges of infringement of the Constitutional laws or by-laws of their Lodge . are pending.” Section, 15.—After the words “5. Grand Treasurer,” add “6. Grand Senior Trustee.” Section 23.—Omit the words from “He” on eleventh line, down to “District” on the thirteenth line. Omit the words “such District Deputy or” on the fourteenth line. After the word “present” on the twentieth line add “and shall have power to fine any member who disregards his authority at such meeting any sum not exceeding 5s for each offence, such fine to be paid to the Grand Lodge Management Fund, and to be a first charge on all monies paid to the Grand Lodge by or on behalf of the Lodge to which such member may belong.” Omit the words commencing on the twenty-first line “From decisions of District Deputy Grand Masters.” Add to the Section “In the absence of the Grand Master from a District he shall have power under the seal of the Grand Lodge to confer all his powers and authority on the Deputy Grand Master or on the District Deputy Grand Master of such District.“ Section 32.—Strike out the words from “Three” on the first line down to “Lodge” on the .second line, and substitute the words “Two representatives shall be elected by the members of the Grand Lodge to act with the Grand Senior Trustee.” Section 33 (Sub-Section 5).-—Substitute the words “one-fifth” for “one-third” on the first line; substitute the word “Securities” for “Inscribed Stock” on the second line. Section 39.—Substitute the word “six” for “five” on the second line. Section 48.—Strike out all the words commencing with “embodying” on the fourth line. Section 52.—Strike out all the words from “shall” on the fourth line down to “shillings” on the fifth line, and substitute the words “may by resolution of the Finance Committee be fined any sum not exceeding twenty-one shillings.” After “May” on the sixth line add “on the complaint of the Finance Committee.” Section 53.—Strike out the whole of the Section and substitute the following : “No Subordinate Lodge shall acquire any property in the Charter, Initiation or Degree Books, but the same shall remain the absolute property of the Grand Lodge, and on the resolution of the Grand Lodge or Standing Committee, a Subordinate Lodge shall immediately hand over to the Grand Master or District Deputy Grand Master its Charter, Initiation and Degree Books.” Section 61.—-“Districts shall consist of Lodges, or groups of Lodges, working together under the sanction of the Grand Lodge, and all Districts shall be subject to these rules, and shall conform to the laws and usages of the Order. Their object shall be the uniting together of the various Lodges28 in such District for the purpose of the local government of and the ad-vancement of the Order in each District, and tor the consolidation of the Sick Funds in each District, with a view to the better security of the members. They shall be governed by Officers called the District Deputy Grand Master and District Secretary, and a Committee of Management called the District Grand Committee, composed of Delegates from each Lodge.” Note.—Here should follow a set of rules for the government of Districts, the proportionate representation of the Lodges, and all matters for the proper working of the foregoing section. Section 62.—Strike out the words “Member of the Order” on the sixth line and add in the words “competent person.” Substitute “person” for “member” on the seventh line. After the words “Grand Master” on the eighth line add “or District Deputy Grand Master.” Strike out the words, “Provided solely that he shall formerly have been a Member of the Order.” Section 63A.—“Shall” on the second and fifth li«ie to be “may.” Alter the words after “Committee” on the second line to read “any sum not exceeding one guinea.” Section 65.—Strike out the whole Section and substitute the following : “Every dispute between Lodges shall be referred to the District Grand Committee of the District to which such Lodge belongs, and the District Grand Committee shall have full power to hear and determine such dispute, and make such award and inflict such penalty as they may deem just.” Section 66.—For “Standing Committee” on the fourth iine substitute “District Grand Committee.” Strike out the words “of the” on the third line and substitute “or.” Section 70.—After “Lodge on the seventh line, add “such certificate to contain particulars of weekly contributions, sick pay, and funeral donation.” After the word “shall” on the ninth line add “receive his contributions or.” Section 80.—Substitue “7” for “10” on the second line. Section 83.—Strike out the whole of the Section and substitute the following v-“Any Member who marries subsequent to his initiation, and desires to obtain the Funeral benefits payable on the death of a memher’s wife, shall sign a declaration to the effect that his wife is in a sound state of health, and her age, and shall, if required by the Lodge, produce his marriage certificate, or make an affidavit of his marriage before a Justice of the Peace.” Section 84.—Strike out the word “must” on the first line and add in the words “shall if the Lodge by resolution requires it.” Add to the Section “When circumstances demand that the Candidate shall be initiated forthwith, he must be vouched for hy two members of the Order then present (not being the proposer).” Section 132.—Strike out all the words from “first” on the eleventh line down to “Lodge” on the twelfth line and substitute the words “being ballotted for in open Lodge, paying all arrears due, and if the Lodge by resolution desires it, producing a medical certificate of sound health.” Section 144.—Strike out all the words from “if” on the tenth line down to “way” on the eleventh line. After the word “rule” on the twelfth line add “he may be dealt with as if he was a member of such Lodge, and any fine inflicted upon a visitor shall be a first charge on any monies payable to the District by the Lodge to which such member may belong.”29 Section 146.—For “Lodge” on the last line substitute “Arbitration Committee.” Section 141.—After “witnesses” on the twelfth line strike out all the words down to “117” on the twenty-second line and substitute the following : “They shall take full and accurate minutes of the proceedings and shall come to a finding, and in the case of disputes, make award between the parties both as to the matter of dispute and as to all costs, and in case of an offence, decide that the same is disproved or not proved or proved. They shall lay all such minutes, findings, and determinations before the Lodge at its next meeting after the finding of the Committee If the offence is proved, the Lodge shall inflict such penalty as may be deemed just, except as provided for in Section 117-” Page 48 —Order of Business.—Alter the Order of Business to read ; “19. Fixing the rate of diemage to be paid at next Grand Lodge Session.” Re-number the remaining heads. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Received too late to be printed in the November Report For the 1910 Easter Session to be held in Bundaberg. That Section 131 of the Constitution shall read fourteen weeks instead of 15/-and that Section 132, 15/- shall be altered to 14 weeks Contribution. That Section 93 read :—To qualify a member for any office of the Lodge he shall have attained the third degree of the Order, except during the ftrst term of a new Lodge. And that Section 94 be struck out altogether. Moved by Bro. Goddard seconded by Bro. H. Romberg that application be made to the Grand Lodge for the establishment of a District Grand Lodge in the North of Queensland. No. 1.—Page 20, Sec. 80, Sub-Section 3, to read :—Five financial members shall form a quorum. 'No. 2 —Page 34, Sec. 126, New Sub-Sec. 3.—New members may have medical benefit as arranged by the member and Secretary of the Lodge. No. 3.—Whenever the words “fifteen shillings” appear in the Constitution the same to be struck out and should read “thirteen weeks.” No. 4.—The words “thirteen weeks” shall mean “Contributions, Contingent Fund, Fines, Levies, Goods or otherwise.”30 List of Representatives No. Name of Lodge. Name of Representative. i Pioneer James Gist i Pioneer Edwin Bellgrove i Pioneer Sydney Wilmington 4 • I Excelsior James Craig (Charter) 6 Petrie Terrace 9 Livingstone W. N. B- Hamilton IO Mulgrave F. II. Pegg (Charter) IO Mulgrave Robert Stewart IO Mulgrave PL M. Crow il Brunswick D. C. Forrest (Charter) il Brunswick A. Sheridan 14 Mt. Morgan William J. Mann (Charter) 14 Mt. Morgan Hans Christian Dims 15 Park William O’Neill 16 Oakey Arthur J. Francis 21 North Ipswich John Monro Gill 22 Cawarral T, Garland 23 Barron John Burrows (Charter) 24 Port Alma 25 Baree John Nolan 26 Western Suburbs PI. Williams 27 Many Peaks 28 Mt. Chalmers 29 Bushley 31 Maryborough T. J. Chardon 32 Clayfield Joseph Walter Walker 33 West End W. R. PrattReceipts from Subordinate Lodges from ist January to 31st December, 1907. Name of Lodge No. Funeral I 'und Management Fund Goods Total Pioneer 1 £162 4 0 75 2 9 2 8 0 240 13 9 Perseverance . • • 2 7 6 0 3 3 0 10 9 0 Excelsior • • « • • ... 4 23 14 6 9 18 6 14 11 34 7 11 Petrie Terrace • • • • • • ... 6 29 5 6 13 1 6 f-T l 0 42 14 0 Livingstone « • • • « « « . . 9 27 16 6 12 2 3 1 10 7 41 9 4 Mul grave • • • • • ■ . • • 10 68 3 6 32 8 3 1 13 0 102 4 9 Brunswick 11 27 7 0 11 15 3 1 14 3 40 16 6 Mt. Morgan 14 26 0 0 11 10 0 1 3 3 38 13 3 Park ... 15 17 6 6 7 18 6 2 6 25 7 6 Oakey • • • • • 16 21 11 0 10 7 6 1 8 6 33 7 0 Indooroopilly ... ... 20 12 0 6 0 4 16 1 5 14 1 North Ipswich 21 4 19 6 2 17 9 1 2 0 8 19 3 Total ... 416 6 0 190 11 3 17 0 1 624 16 4 R.EBEKAH LODGES— Star of Burnett ... ... i 1 2 11 6 — .— 1 3 5 Evening Star ... ... , , , • • • 9 3 4 7 19 6 4 4 ! Star of Peace ... ... 3 2 0 8 — 6 0 2 6 8 Star of Promise ... ... ... 4 4 10 10 — — 4 10 10 Total... ... ... 10 19 0 6 1 5 6 12 5 0 Grand Total.« ... ... 427 5 0 190 11 9 18 5 7 637 1 4Receipts from Subordinate Lodges, from ist January to 31st December, 1908. Name of Lodge No. Funeral Fund Management Fund Goods Total Pioneer ... 1 £155 12 6 £81 17 0 £2 16 1 £240 5 7 Excelsior ... 4 25 5 6 12 10 0 0 13 11 38 9 5 Petrie Terrace ... 6 33 11 6 16 19 0 1 14 2 53 4 8 Livingstone 9 24 12 0 12 3 0 0 11 7 37 6 7 Mnlgrave... ... 10 70 17 6 38 15 0 1 9 10 111 2 4 Brunswick 11 29 6 0 14 6 0 0 10 0 44 2 0 Mount Morgan ... 14 31 19 6 16 5 0 2 10 10 50 15 4 Park 15 19 5 6 10 0 0 0 8 3 29 13 9 Oakey 16 16 1 0 8 14 9 — 24 15 9 North Ipswich ... 21 5 0 0 3 6 0 1 0 0 9 6 0 Cawarral ... 22 It 11 0 7 16 0 5 9 7 27 16 7 Total £426 2 0 £222 11 9 £17 4 3 £666 18 0 REBEKAH LODGES— Star of Burnett ... 1 1 4 6 _ 0 2 9 1 7 3 Evening Star ... • • . 2 3 6 5 0 0 6 0 10 3 3 17 2 Star of Peace 3 2 7 1 — 0 2 0 2 9 1 Star of Promise ... 4 4 9 5 — 0 4 0 4 13 5 Total ... 11 7 5 0 0 6 0 19 0 12 6 11 Grand Totals £437 9 5 £222 12 3 £18 3 3 £679 4 11Receipts from Subordinate Lodges, from ist January to 31st December, 1909. Name of Lodge No. Funeral Fund Management Fund Goods Total Pioneer 1 £151 11 6 £80 19 0' — £232 10 6 Excelsior..., ... 4 34 6 6 16 16 0 £5 14 5 56 16 11 Petrie Terrace 6 42 8 0 20 14 0 0 0 63 4 0 Livingstone 9 31 11 0 14 18 0 2 5 1 48 14 1 Mulgrave... 10 77 5 6 41 5 0 4 0 6 122 11 0 Brunswick 11 37 3 0 18 2 0 1 11 10 56 16 10 Mt. Morgan 14 42 0 0 21 13 0 3 15 4 67 8 4 Park 15 23 4 0 12 10 0 2 3 8 37 17 8 Oakey 16 12 17 6 6 12 0 17 6 20 7 0 North Ipswich ... 21 5 12 6 3 11- 0 1 0 0 10 3 6 Cawarral ... 22 15 5 0 8 4 0 23 9 0 Barron 23 11 15 0 6 4 6 2 7 11 20 7 5 Port Alma . . 24, 8 1 6 3 19 0 6 7 11 18 8 5 Baree ... .... 25 2 5 6 1 2 0 1 11 0 4 18, 6 Western Suburbs 26 1 8 0 13 0 2 1 0 Many Peaks 27 — Mt. Chalmers 28 - — Bushley ... 29 -- Maryborough 31 — — Clayfield ... 32 - — West End 33 - — Total 496 14 6 257 2 6 31 17 2 785 18 2 REBEKAR LODGES— Star of Burnett ... ... .. 1 1 18 4 — - 1 18 4 Evening Star ... ... ... ... 2 2 8 7 - 6 2 9 1 Star of Peace ... ... ... O O 2 12 8 2 12 8 Star of Promise ... ... 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 Total... 11 5 0 6 — 11 5 6 Grand Total... 507 19 6 257 3 0 31 17 2 797 O O 8Funeral Claims Paid from ist January to 31st December, 1907. Date ' Name of Deceased ' Name of Lodge No. Amount Age at Death Time in the Order £ s. d. yrs. mon. days January 22' David Arthur Hitchen Mulgrave ... 10 20 0 0 29 12 5 16 April 20 Aubrey Clarence Edward Beckman 5 5 10 20 0 0 19 — 8 27 5 5 20 Margaret Ann Flemming Pilkinston Pioneer 1 10 0 0 22 — . May il Emma Jane Evans 5 5 1 10 0 0 32 ——- ) ? 20 James Eagleson Mulgrave 10 20 0 0 54 10 10 19 5 5 20 Thomas Ingram Park 15 20 0 0 42 5 3 13 ? 5 28 Samuel Robert Sherwin Brunswick 11 20 0 0 36 14 9 8 August 20 Harry Jeffs Pioneer 1 20 0 0 41 19 9 26 October 1 William Stephen Eddy 5 5 » • 1 20 0 0 33 8 4 1 5 19 William Balaam Park 15 20 0 0 37 i 5 22 5 ; 19 John Hewitt Pioneer t 20 .0 0 66 28 __ — Novena. 18 Edith' Gilbert Fryer 5 5 .1 10 0 0 28 — £210 0 0 Funeral Claims Paid from 1st January to 31st December, 1908. March 3 William Forbes ... Oakey 16 20 0 0 39 1 7 i May 12 Alice McLeod Brunswick 11 10 0 0 41 June 27 Emily McMillan Petrie Terrace 6 10 0 0 25 — July 21 Herbert Bate Pioneer 1 20 0 0 34 5 4 10 August 10 William Matthews Brunswick 11 20 0 0 48 9 9 17Funeral Claims Paid from ¡st January to 31st December, 1908—Continued. August 17 Mary Ann Bowler ... ... North Ipswich .. 21 i £n ! 10 s 0 d. 0 40 October f-T James Gardner Pioneer 1 1 20 0 0 21 2 11 18 7 John William Leask Mu Igra ve 10 L 20 0 0 37 9 — 15 Novem. 5 John Folks Petrie Terrace 6 : 20 0 0 39 5 2 34 10 John Evert Pioneer 1 ! 20 0 0 70 — 5 5 30 Joseph Tripling ... 5 5 1 : 20 0 0 ' 72 i £190 0 0 Funeral Claims Paid from 1st January to 31st December, 1909. January 5 Miiinie Daddow Pioneer 1 10 0 0 36 February 22 Gustave Carl Frederick Meyers , , 1 20 0 0 44 20 9 . 5 22 ' George James Crouch er Mulgrave 10 20 0 0 42 19 3 4 April 13 William Craine Pioneer 1 20 0 0 72 30 July 19 Frank Evan Davies Brunswick 11 20 0 0 36 • 8 8 ; 17 19 Robert Gardner Pioneer 1 20 0 0 56 25 11 25 August 4 Catherine Ann Strachau Livingstone 9 10 ó 0 33 26 William Why bird Pioneer 1 20 0 0 33 10 6 15 26 Joseph William Campbell 5 5 1 20 0 0 38 6 8 15 Decern. 13 E. J. B. Wareliam Excelsior 4 20 0 0 74 5 5 21 James Shaw • • . 1 Park 15 20 0 0 39 12 — -— . ! £200 0 ;0 No. of Lodge Numerical Returns for the Year ending 3lst December, 1909- 4 6 9 io XI 14 15 r6 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31, 42 .a ^ Ja 00 Admitted During 1908 Ceased During A909. in O ^ Q\ m m Name of Lodge Total Memb< 31st Dec., 1 Initiated Clearance Widows Total C/5 U a H Pioneer ... 44 0 62 62 34 8 3 5 — 5° Excelsior... 71 96 5 — 101 5 2 — i — 8 Petrie Terrace ... 107 17 4 — 2 T 8 — — — — 8 Livingstone 65 39 — — 39 i 2 2 i — 6 Mulgrave... 204 70 — — 70 16 7 i i — 25 Brunswick 78 47 i — 48 4 4 — i 9 Mt.. Morgan T04 70 2 — 72 17 4 — — — 21 Park 54 37 i — 38 O O 3 . i i — ■ 8 Oakey 42 H O — 16 12 — 2 — — x4 North Ipswich ... 17 6 —. - 6 i — — i Cawarra'l .. 46 6 — — 6 8 — — — — 8 Barron 19 92 i — 93 5 — 2 — — 7 Port Alma 14 35 — — 35 18 2 — — — 20 j Baree 22 — — 22 — — — — — — Western Suburbs — 30 3 — 33 — — — — — — Many Peaks — — — — — — — — — — _ Mt. Chalmers ... — — — — — — — — * — — Bushiey ... — 16 — — 16 — — — — — — Maryborough — 3* — — 31 — — i — i Clayfield... — 24 I — 25 — — — — West End ¿.. . — 13 — 13 L — X i Total Sub. Lodges ... 1262 T'7 20 — 747 132 32 13 10 — 187 REBEKAH LODGES— — Star of Burnett (Sisters) 19 10 — — 10 6 — — — — 6 ,, • ,, Brothers 12 5 — — 5 i — — : — i Evening Star, Sisters.. 27 O .■> — — 3 5 •— 4 — — 9 ,, ,, Brothers 17 — — — — 6 — i — — 7 Star of Peace, Sisters .. 2 5 6 — — 6 i — 3 — — 4 ■ ,, ,, Brothers 0 — ■ — — — — ,— — —• — — Star of Promise. Sister- 147 13 — 13 12 — 3 — — i-5 ,, ,, ""Brothers 28 i — — i — ■—■ — — — Totals, Reb Lodges, Sisters 218 3 2 — — 32 24 — 10 — — 34 ,, ,, ,, Brothers 60 6 — — 6 7 — i — — 8 Grand Totals ... 1540 765 20 — 785 163 32 24. 10 — 229 Present Membership. Ch L 0 Ja w Contributing. Honorary. ¡n & O 12 £ 0 V in cJ CD 1-1 O 1 907 13 0 51 3 4 — 120 14 0 — 15 15 Park 54 84 55 16 12 1 416 17 11 17 0 5 15 3 2 449 1 6 IS 6 8 20 0 0 73 17 5 — 16 16 Oakey ..... 42 44 31 8 5 — 191 15 11 20 1 10 — 2 1 17 9 3 6 6 37 1 1 10 — 21 21 Nortn Ipswich 17 22 18 — 4 : 63 17 2 3 13 3 3 7 67 14 0 6 10 0 — 8 19 O O — 22 +22 Cawarral ..." 46 44 35 4 5 — 49 8 6 30 •3 4 — 79 1 1 10 21 1 11 — 4 17 6 — 23 23 Barron 19 105 63 27 19 5 42 5 4 4 18 31 — 47 4 3 2 0 0 — 35 12 1 — 24 24 Port Alma 14 29 15 6 6 2 18 14 0 6 0 1 — 24 14 1 — 14 5 . 2 — 25 25 Buree — 22 18 4 — 10 3 0 Ì 1. 19 9 — 22 0 9 — 22 2 9 — 26 26 Western Suburbs — 33 27 1 4 1 9 4 8 9 14 9 — IS 19 5 — 18 19 5 — 27 Many Peaks ... N 0 R etur ns — — — - - — — — 28 Me. Chalmers N 0 R etur ns. — — — — — — ; — 29 29 Bushley — 16 14 2 — 9 3 3 14 10 0 — 23 13 3 — — 23 13 •A •T 31 31 Maryborough 30 24 — 6 — 6 16 6 1 1 IS 9 — 18 15 5 — — 18 15 3 — 32 32 Cla y field — 25 13 O O 9 4 19 0 . 5 0 5 — 9 19 5 — > — 9 19 5 — 33 33 West End ... — 12 8 -• 4 — 1 15 10 18 8 — 2 14 6 — — 2 14 (1 — Total Sub Lodges 1257 1817 1414 *226 157 36 9763 11 11 556 13 4 74 15 / 10366 8 9 895 0 3 190 0 0 1017 18 0 — RE BEK AH (Sisters Only) *1 Star of Burnett 19 23 16 5 2 — 36 0 10 — — - 32 1 0 — — 5 19 C — 1 2 Evening Star 27 21 13 4 4 — 67 0 *> 0 15 5 3 — 82 5 6 5 5 0 — 9 0 10 — 2 3 Star of Peace 25 27 18 1 i 1 24 4 6 5 1 6 8 29 6 8 4 5 0 — 4 12 4 — 3 4 Star of Promise 147 145 28 8 103 6 70 16 5 41 4 2 — 112 0 r* t 15 IS 4 — 27 3 3 4 Total Rebekah Lodges . 218 216 75 18 116 7 198 2 0 61 10 11 8 255 13 9 25 8 4 — 19 12 2 27 3 3 Grand Total 1475 2033 1489 244 273 23 9961 13 11 618 4 3 74 16 3 10622 2 6 920 8 7 190 0 0 1037 10 2 27 3 3 î * Mulgrave, Overdrawn Management Fund, £28 I2s. id. * Star of Burnett, Overdrawn Management Fund, £3 193. lod. t Returns incomplete Financial Statement forò months only,SICK AND FUNERAL FUND. Receipts and Expenditure, Complied from the Returns furnished by Sub. Lodges, for the Year ending 31st December, 1909. RECEIPTS y NAME OF PODGE Contributem Funeral Donations Registration Fees Interest Other Receipts Total Receipts Sick Pay Funeral Donations Or Lodge and Dues Other Expenditure Total Expenditure £ s. d. £ S. d £ s. cl. £ s. d. £ *• d. £ s. d. ■ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ¿ s. d. £ s. d. I Pioneer .. 615 15 6 no O 0 0 13 6 98 9 4 — 824 18 A - 430 6 2 100 0 0 151 8 B 4 5 6 685 *9 8 4 Excelsior T45 TO 8 20 O 0 c 28 10 10 1 5 0 198 9 6 70 13 9 20 0 0 34 6 6 •— T 25 0 3 6 Petrie Terrace 172 IO q i 5 0 3T T5 0 5 0°. 210 10 3 63 13 4 42 8 0 5 0 0 III i 4 9 Livingstone 123 l6 0 TO O O i 9 0 39 8 6 — I74 13 6 71 0 8 10 0 O 31 ii 0 — 112 ii 8 10 Mu I grave 295 II 2 20 O 0 i 8 0 90 3 6 — 407 2 8 144 4 7 20 0 0 77 5 6 i 12 6 243 2 7 IT Brunswick 145 l6 5 20 O 0 i i 0 31 18 0 — 198 *5 5 12 13 4 20 0 0 37 3 0 -- 69 16 4 14 Mount Morgan 156 12 9 0 T9 0 41 2 0 — 198 13 9 51 3 4 42 2 0 0 i j 0 93 7 2 15 Park 82 I? 6 20 O O 0 17 0 16 9 7 — 120 4 i 18 6 8 20 0 0 0 0 4 0 — 61 10 8 16 Oakey ... 47 9 5 0 12 0 5 4 2 6 5 3 59 10 10 3 6 6 12 T-7 6 5 TO 0 21 J4 0. 21 North Ipswich 23 I 10 0 4 0 • 0 *9 9 — 24 5 7 6 10 0 5 12 6 0 3 0 12 5 6 22 Cawarral 3° 9 IT 0 2 6 — 30 12 5 21 i 11 7 7 0 — 28 0 11 24 Barron ... 53 0 II 0 9 0 — 53 9 ii 2 0 0 16 5 6 — 18 5 6 24 Port Alma 22 6 6 0 12 0 — 22 18 6 8 i 6 — 8 i 6 25 Barree ... ii 14 10 0 6 6 — 12 i 4 3 3 6 .— 3 3 ' 6 26 Western Suburbs 10 3 8 0 9 0 — 10 12 8 i 8 0 — i 8 0 27 Many Peaks No Returns 28 Mount Chalmers No Returns 29 Bushley... 9 2 0 - 0 i 0 — 9 3 3 — 41 Maty borough ... 6 6 6 0 10 0 — 6 16 6 - — « 32 Clayfiel'd 4 13 0 0 6 0 — 4 I9 0 — 33 West End ... ... ..; i 7 4 0 8 6 — i •U 10 — Total Sub. Lodges L958 6 5 200 O 0 14 16 0 384 0 8 12 TO 3 2,569 L3 4 895 0 5 190 0 0 494 0 Û 6 16 12 10 1,595 16 7 REBEKAH LODGES— i Star of Burnett 9 14 ii — 9 14 ii i 18 4 — i 18 4 2 Evening Star ... 12 *•> O 2 2 18 5 — 15 i 7 5 5 0 2 8 7 — 7 13 '7 3 Star of Peace TO 17 ii 0 9 ii ~ T I 7 10 4 5 0 2 12 8 — 6 17 8 4 Star of Promise 21 T S i 9 7 — 22 it 3 15 18 4 4 5 5 — 20 3 9 Total Rebekah Lodges ... 53 U 8 _ 4 17 ii — 58 15 7 25 8 4 ii 5 0 — 36 *3 4 GitAtirt Total ... 2,012 4 i 1^200 O 0 ¿14 16 0 ¿388 18 7 £12. 10 3 2,028 8 ii £920 8 9 £19° 0 0 ¿505 8 6 ;£l6 12 10 1,632 9 11 EXPENDITURE GOMANAGEMENT FUND. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE of the GRAND,. SUBORDINATE, and REBEKAH LODGES, foe the YEAR ENDING, 31ST DECEMBER, 1909. — — — 5 2 6 5 2 6 — 32 Clayfield 4 18 8 2 7 6 7 0 7 13 2 ■ 7 6 — 2 5 3 2 12 9 — 33 West End 18 8 i 0 0 2 6 2 i 2 — — — i 2 6 i 2 ó — Total Sub. Lodges 2238 4 9 176 X3 0 396 7 4 2811 5 i 1614 8 257 li i 286 0 8 638 9 4 2796 9 3 il 4ï REBEKAH LODGES - i Star of Burnett ... J9 8 i i 0 0 3 12 10 24 0 il x3 T5 0 1 5 0 — 10 18 6 25 18 6 7 4 2 Evening Star .. 25 9 10 5 0, 5 6 5 31 i 3 17 8 8 3 8 0 — 8 h 9 29 8 5 10 5 3 Star of Peace ... I4 18 2 10 0 9 i7 3 25 5 5 O 2 i 2 2 6 — 5 8 0 24 12 7 5 45' 4 Star of Promise 25 5 0 7 6 88 4 7 113 T-7 i no 8 4 23 0 0 — 9 19 6 I43 7 IO 4 15- Total Rebekah Lodges 85 i i 2 0 6 107 i i 194 4 8 158 G i 29 15 6 — 34 T7 9 223 7 4 6 9ï Grand Lodce — — 73° X9 7 73° x9 7 — 47 7 0 — 216 7 il 8, OO I G IT 2 i Grand Totals 2323 5 10 17815 6 1234 8 0 3736 9 4 I773 2 3 334 13 7 286 0 8 889 15 0 3283 il 6 z3 1 °4DISPOSAL OF FUNDS. Showing how the Funds of the Grand, Subordinate, and Rebekah Lodges are Invested. No. of Lodge NAME OF LODGE Mortgage Property Savings’ Bank ' Other Investments Not Bearing Interest Total - Interest Earned during 1909 Rate per Cent on Balance, 31st Dec. 1909 ¿ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ¿ s. d. ¿ s. d. ¿ s. d. i Pioneer 410 3 0 378 17 6 1 ; 945 6 I 165 0 0 384 3 7 3,283 IO 2 98 9 4 2^98 4 Excelsior 5H 3 i 164 12 9 20 0 0 54 16 4 753 12 2 28 10 10 3’7 8 6 Petrie Terrace 46 s 0 0 — 165 11 4 200 0 0 4 7 0 »34 18 4 31 15 0 3‘77 9 Livingstone . 442 5 9 — 297 13 i —- 78 18 5 818 17 n O 39 8 9 ; 4'8l IO Mulgrave 1,415 8 i — 291 6 11 — 211 11 0 1,918 6 0 90 3" 6 • 4*70 ii Brunswick .. 410 0 0 — 377 0 4 — 86 3 6 873 3 IO 31 18 0 3*i8 Mount Morgan 514 5 0 — 33* n 5 . 61 16 7 907 13 0 41 2 0 4’52 !5 Park 220 0 0 — 173 i 10 — 55 19 8 449 i 6 , 16 9 7 3‘7i i6 Oak.ey 50 0 0 52 5 6 — 109 12 3 211 17 9 5 4 2 2'45 21 North Ipswich ... — — - 51 19 0 15 15 0 67 14 0 0 19 9 i*45 22 Cawarral — — 50 0 0 — 29 11 IO 79 ii 10 23 ' Barron — — . ; — 47, 4 3 47 4 O — 24 Port Alma ... — — — 24 14 i 24 14 i — 25 Baree ... — — — — 22 2 9 22 2 9 — 26 Western Suburbs . . —— — 18 19 5 — — 18 19 5 — 27 Many Peaks No Returns 28 Mount Chalmers ... No Returns 29 Bushley . _• — 25 13 23 13 3 — Maryborough ... — — — 18 15 3 18 15 3 — 32 Clayfield ' —— 9 19 5 — — 9 19 5 — 33 West End ... — — — 2 14 6 2 14 6 — Total Sub-Lodges... 4,44:1 4 11 378 17 6 3,929 7 T 0 in 00 CO 0 1,231 19 *> 10,366 8 9 '*3" 00 CO 0 ii 3*7° REBEKAH LODGES— i Star of Burnett — — . — 32 i 0 32 i 0 — 2 Evening Star .. — ! 73 14 TO 8 10 8 82 5 6 3 3 10 3-82 0 Star of Peace — 27 19 3 i 7 5 29 6 8 0 9 i t i'69 4 Star of Promise — 52 ii i — 59 9 6 112 0 7 I 9 7 i ‘S2 Total Rebekah Lodges ... 154 5 2 101 8 7 255 13 9 5 3 4 2 "02 Grand Lodge 2,537 9 7 i 339 16 7 1,500 0 0 154 8 5 j 4,53i 14 7 199 6 2 4*39 Grand Total 1 ¿0-978 14 6 £378 17 6 ¿4,423 8 IO ¿1,885 0 0 ¿1,487 16 3 '¿15,153 ! 19 i 1 ¿588 10 5 00 00 c^The Independent Order of Odd Fellows FRIENDSHIP, DOVE, AND TRUTH. ** THE Fourth Regular and First Triennial Session OF THE 6rand Codflt of Queensland HELD IN THE Oddfellow’s Hall, Crofton Street, Bundaberg, On SATURDAY & MONDAY, 26th and 28th MARCH, 1910. FIRST DAY. SATURDAY, 26th MARCH, 1910. MORNING SITTING. Punctually at 10 a.m. the Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Queensland assembled at the Oddfellow’s Hall, Crofton Street, Bundaberg, the following officers being present:— Thos. W. Robinson - - Grand Master J. G. Donaghey - Junior Past Grand Master J. J. Lapsley Geo. Aiken -E. A. Gregory H. G. Bamkin E., De Voss -J. W. Walker R. O. N. Strathdee H. C. Duus - Deputy Grand Master - Grand Warden Grand Secretary Grand Treasurer - Grand Trustee - Grand Trustee - Grand Chaplain - Grand Marshal42 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE The Grand Master took the chair, and in the absence of the officers appointed the following members to the vacant offices:—Grand Conductor, J. M. Gill; Grand Guardian, J. W. Walker ; Grand Herald, A. J. Francis. The Grand Master having called the Grand Lodge to order, and ascertained that the necessary quorum of representatives were present, directed the Grand Chaplain to offer up the opening prayer, as follows :— Almighty and Eternal Father, our Creator, and Preserver, and Benefactor, we acknowledge Thee, Great Grand Master of the Universe. We come before Thee with gratitude for the many blessings received at Thy hands, and especially for Thy protecting care during our journey hither, and for the many mercies which Thou hast bestowed upon us since we were last assembled in Session. We thank Thee for the privilege once more granted to us of meeting together in the interests of our beloved Order. We humbly beseech Thy blessing upon the Officers and Members of this Grand Lodge; guide all our deliberations, so that the work accomplished during this Session may conduce to the welfare of this Order, and may our labours commend to Thy Fatherly care all who are in sickness or distress; remember the widows and orphans, help and support them in all adversities. Be Thou their shield and sustainer, bestowing upon them the fullness of Thy divine blessing. Aid our Order in all its works of benevolence and charity, crown with success the efforts of the officers in the aims for the benefit of mankind, and may our Order in many lands be blessed with Thy protecting care. Bless our Sovereign, King Edward, all governors, judges, and magistrates under him, and over us, that the peace and welfare of our country may be secured. And unto Thy holy name we ascribe all glory, dominion, and power forever- Amen. The Deputy Grand Master, by direction, then declared the Fourth Session of the Grand Lodge of Queensland duly opened for the transmission of business. CONFERRING THE GRAND LODGE DEGREE. The Grand Master requested the Grand Warden to confer the Grand Lodge Degree upon Representatives present, who had not previously received it, and asked the Grand Marshal to assist him.GRAND LODGE} OR QUEENSLAND. 43 The Grand Warden, G. Aiken, assisted by the Grand Marshal, H. C. Duus, then conferred the Degree upon the following Representatives :— Pioneer Lodge, No. 1 • * Excelsior Lodge, No. 4 Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6 Livingstone Lodge. No. 9 Mulgrave Lodge, No. 10 >j if ’ 55 . 55 55 Park Lodge, No. 15 Cawarral Lodge, No. 22 Barron Lodge, No. 23.. . Baree Lodge, No. 25 . . E. Bellgrove. F. F. Bahr. S. H. Reid. J. Craig. L. Tooth. W. N. B. Hamilton. F. H. Pegg. R. Stewart. H. M. Crow. W. O’Neill. T. Garland. T. Peat. J. Nolan. FILLING VACANCIES ON COMMITTEES. The Grand Master announced that he had appointed the following representatives to fill vacancies on Committees :— Appeals Committee, W. Pickering, No. 10, in pla.ce of J. Gist, No. 1 ; J. G. Donaghey, No. 9, in place of H. A. McDonald, No. 9 ; J. Craig, No. 4, in place of J. Jamieson, No. 4. CREDENTIALS. The Grand Secretary, on behalf of the Credentials Committee, presented the following Report:— To the Grand Master and Members of the Grand Lodge of Queensland:— We, the Committee on Credentials, have the honour to report that the Credentials of the various Representatives to the Grand Lodge of •Queensland, as furnished by the Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges, have received careful examination at our hands, and we beg to offer the following remarks thereon:— Pioneer Lodge No. i.—Two Financial Certificates presented for substitute Representatives. Petrie Terrace Lodge No. 6.—Certificates of O. Samuels and L. Tooth in order; we regret that same were not forwarded to the Grand Secretary in timfc for printing in the Agenda Paper. Lodges should be more particular in matters of this kind. Oakey Lodge No. Io.—Financial Certificate presented for substitute Representative.44 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THK No Certificates for Lodges Nos. 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, and 33. We note that the Certificates of Representation provide for the election of substitute representatives, our own constitution is, however, silent on the point, we would recommend that this Grand Lodge should give attention to this matter. GEO. AIKEN, R. O. STRATHDEE, D. C. FORREST, Credential Committee. J. M. Gill, No. 21, moved that the report be received. Grand Treasurer, H. G. Bamkin, seconded the motion, which was carried. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved that the Report be adopted. A. Sheridan, No. 11, seconded the motion. O. Samuels, No. 0, moved as an amendment that the clauses be taken seriatim, which lapsed for the want of a seconder. L. Tooth, No. 6, drew attention to Brunswick Lodge having two Representatives, whereas at the end of the year it had only 95 financial members, and quoted Section 6 of the Constitution, which provided for 100 financial members to entitle a Lodge of two representatives. The Grand Secretary explained that the lodge had a membership of 117 at the end of the year, and on the night of nomination of officers when the nomination of representatives was about to take place, the Secretary of the lodge was asked .if there were 100 financial members, and he replied there were, and the nomination of two representatives was proceeded with. O. Samuels, No. 6, referred to representation of new lodges not having a Charter, stated that Petrie Terrace Lodge had a formal objection against such representation, and read from Journal of Proceedings having reference to the opening of North Ipswich Lodge, and quoted Sections of the Constitution in support of the objection. He then moved that “ The Representatives of Lodges not in possession of a Charter be not allowed to sit.” L. Tooth, No. 6, seconded the motion. W. Pickering, P.G.M., asked if a further amendment would be in order, and stated that he thought the Standing Committee had power to grant Charters. Section 7 gave the Grand Lodge full power, and Section 41 gave the Standing Committee the same power when the Grand Lodge is not in session.45 Grand Lodge of Queensland. Grand Treasurer, H. G. Bamkin, said it would be an injustice not to allow the representatives of these lodges to sit. The’Grand Master then vacated the chair, and stated that he had always held the opinion that the Standing Committee had the right to grant Charters, and he looked upon the clause dealing with the granting of Charters in Section 7 as prohibiting other jurisdictions from working lodges in this state. W. Pickering, P.G.M., suggested that the action of the Standing Committee be endorsed. O. Samuels, No. 6, then withdrew his amendment. The Report was then adopted. O. Samuels, No. 6, gave formal notice of appeal against A. Sheridan, No. 11, sitting as a representative of the Brunswick Lodge. O. Samuels, No. 6, upon the suggestion of W. Pickering, P.G.M., moved that the action of the Standing Committee with regard to the representation of new lodges be endorsed. S. H. Reid, No. 1, seconded the motion, which was carried. PRESS REPORTER. The Grand Secretary stated that he and Bro. Pickering went around the newspaper offices last night and they had arranged with them that a member of the Grand Lodge should be appointed to supply them with a report of the meeting, and requested that such appointment be made. Bro. R. O. Strathdee was then duly appointed Press Reporter for the Session. HOURS OF SESSION. R. O. Strathdee, G. Mar, moved that the hours of Session be from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. H. C. Duus, No. 14, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. GRANTING CHARTERS TO NEW LODGES. The Grand Secretary stated the following Lodges were entitled to Charters:—Loyal Cawarral Lodge No. 22, Barron Lodge No. 23, Port Alma Lodge No. 24, Baree Lodge No. 25, Western Suburbs Lodge No. 26, Many Peaks Lodge46 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE No. 27, Mt. Chalmers Lodge No. 28, Bushley Lodge No. 29,. Maryborough Lodge No. 31, Clayfield Lodge No. 32, West End Lodge No. 33, Mungana Lodge No. 34, and Perseverance Lodge No. 35. H. C. Dims, No. 14, moved that Charters be granted accordingly. J. M. Gill, No. 21, seconded the motion, weich was carried. ROLL CALL. Lodge. No Representative SATURDAY Monday Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Pioneer I E. Belgrove P P P P D • * • • • • ft F. F. Bahr P P P P Excelsior tt S. H. Reid P P P P 4 J. Craig P P P P Petrie Terrace 6 O. Samuels P P P P ft tt L. Tooth P P P P Livingstone 9 W.N.B. Hamilton P P P P Mulgrave ... 10 F. H. Pegg P A P P 79 .. . ... 77 R. Stewart P P P P D • • • • • • tt H. M. Crow P P P P Brunswick ii D. C. Forrest P P P P Mt. Morgan 77 A. Sheridan P P P P H W. J. Mann P P P P 77 ... ... a H. C. Duus P P P P Park : H W. O’Neill P P P P Oakey 16 A. J. Francis P P P P N. Ipswich 21 J. M. Gill P P P P Cawarral 22 T. Garland P P A A Barron 23 T. Peat P P P P Port Alma... 24 — — — — — Baree 25 J. Nolan P P P P Western Suburbs 26 H. Wiliams A A A A Many Peaks 27 — — — — — Mt. Chalmers 28 — — — — — Bushley 29 —■ — — — — Maryborough 31 F. J. Chardon A A A A Clayfield 32 J. W. Walker P P P P West End 33 W. R. Pratt A A A A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE GRAND LODGE W. Pickering, P.G-M., stated that Bro. F. H. Pegg was arranging for the Grand Lodge to be photographed. Grand Treasurer, H. G. Bamkin, now asked permission to retire, which was granted.GRAND DODGE OE QUEENSLAND. 47 D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved that all Printed Reports be taken as read. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, seconded the motion, which was carried. CORRESPONDENCE. THE GRAND LODGE OF TASMANIA. Launceston, l8th March, 1910. Bro. E. A. Gregory, Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Queensland, Sneyd Street, Brisbane. Dear Sir and Brother,—Please convey fraternal greetings and hearty good wishes from the Grand Lodge of Tasmania to the Grand Master and Grand Lodge Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Queensland. We hope you will have a profitable Session and an exceedingly prosperous year. Our Grand Master, Bro. E. E. Gibbens, also sends special greetings to your Grand Master. I have the honour to remain, Dear Sir and Brother, Yours fraternally; P. COLQUHOUN, Grand Secretary. SUPREME KREMLIN IMPERIAL ORDER OF MUSCOVITES Denver, Colo., 21st June, 1910. Mr. E. A. Gregory, Grand Secretary I.O.O.F., Bowen Hills, Queensland. Dear Brother,—I am sending you, under separate cover, some phamphlets relating to the Imperial Order of Muscovites, and trust that I might hear from you with relation to the institution of a Kremlin of the Order in your City or State, and if you should be interested in the least, if you would kindly make that fact known, I should be very glad to send to you, for your consideration,, a copy of the constitution and by-laws of the order. Perhaps you will remember the concert, followed by a grand ball, held in two of our largest halls, during the last session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows in Denver, which concert and ball was. under the auspices of the local Kremlin of Muscovites. May I not hope for at least, the courtesy of a reply ? Fraternally yours, WM. A. BRYANS, Minister of Records. Stanwell. Grand Secretary Odd Fellows Conference. Fraternal greetings from Bushley. G. ROBERTSON.48 JOURNAL OR PROCEEDINGS OE THE Roma. Grand Master Independent Odd Fellows Conference. Accept best wishes for fruitful meeting from Officers and Deputies BIKKBECK. GREGORY I.O.O.F. Gympie, Fraternal greetings. Grand United Odd Fellows wish successful meeting. LEENARTAZ. Secretary Grand Lodge, care Pickering. Congratulations from Livingstone Lodge, prosperous Session. Rockhampton. Hope peaceful and LAMBERTON. Grand Lodge Session I.O.O.F. Loyal Brunswick Lodge send fraternal greetings. Brisbane. TINLEY. Ravenswood, 26th. Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Session. Fraternal greetings and prosperity to your Session. T. J. CLOSE, N.G. THE GRAND LODGE OF AUSTRALASIA, I.O.O.F. 27 Rattray Ssreet, Dunedin, New Zealand, 27th July, 1909. E. A. Gregory, Esq., Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of Queensland, Brisk*me. Dear Sir and Bro.,—One of my Lodges (Pioneer of Southland) has forwarded me the following resolution :— “That the Lodge considers it advisable that an Intercolonial system of surrender value be brought into operation, so that members going to other jurisdictions would be enabled to deposit their Clearance there without an increase in their weekly rate of contribution, believe-ing that this scheme is now feasible, seeing that Consolidation has been adopted by the majority of the Grand Lodges, and that the Secretary write the Grand Sire requesting him to give this matter his earnest consideration.” Of course the question cannot be dealt with until Session of Grand Lodge of Australasia; but, in the meantime, it might be discussed by the Grand Lodges of the various jurisdictions. I have not had time to fully consider the matter, but I do not think as between the jurisdictions that have consolidated their funds, there should be any great difficulty in the way. Meanwhile I send it on for consideration of your Grand body. I am, with kind regards, Yours fraternally, WM. REID,* Grand Sire.GRANP PODGE OF QUEENSLAND. 49 LOYaL EXCELSIOR LODGE, No. 4. Townsville, 29th November, 1909. The Chairman Grand Lodge Standing Committee I.O.O.F., Brisbane. I have the honour to inform you that at a Special Summons Meeting of the above Lodge, held 2lst October last, the following motion was carried unanimously :— “ That in the opinion of the members of this Lodge the time has arrived when it is desirable that a District Grand Lodge be established in North Queensland, and that this Lodge petition the Grand Lodge so that the matter may be placed on the Agenda at the coming Session.” We, the undersigned officers of Loyal Excelsior Lodge, No. 4, therefore request that you will be good enough to have this matter placed on the Agenda Paper for the forthcoming Session. We are, yours fraternally, J. CRAIG, Noble Grand. THOS. B. COYLE, Vice Grand. H. J. HATFELD, Secretary. J. PHILLIPS, Treasurer. LOYAL LIVINGSTONE LODGE, No. 9, I.O.O.F. Rockhampton, 1st October, 1909. E. A. Gregory, Grand Secretary I.O.O.F., Brisbane. Dear Sir and Bro.,—I enclose herewith copy of letter received from the Solicitors of the Executrix of the late Bro. J. J. White, which speaks for itsslf. The facts of the case are as follows:—When the Summons Notices were sent out for the June Quarterly Meeting I was laid up, and the Brother who sent them out made a mistake in Bro. White’s notice, showing him as owing £1 less than he did owe. Bro. White forwarded the amount shown on his summons, and shortly after died, being, of course, unfinancial. The Lodge decided that it could do nothing in the matter, but have referred the letter to the Grand Lodge for its opinion. Yours fraternally, H. F. LAMBERTON, Secretary. [COPY.l Rockhampton, 26th August, 1909 H. F. Lamberton, Esq,, Secretary Loyal Livingstone Lodge, Rockhampton. Re JOPIN JOSEPH WHITE, DECEASED. Sir,~~We are acting for Mrs. Leah Johnson in the above matter and have possession of deceased’s will, under which she has been appointed Executrix.50 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE We are informed that the deceased was “out of compliance” in your Lodge, of which he had been a member for a good number of years; thus the expense of his funeral will fall on Mrs. Johnson, although on his death-bed Mr. White assured her that the Lodge would bury him. This is decidedly rough on Mrs. Johnson, if she has to be at the expense of the funeral, and we are therefore writing to you to see whether your Lodge cannot do something to lighten the burden in some way. So far as we have been able to ascertain, deceased had no money whatever saved, and his whole estate appears to consist of wearing apparel, and some interest in the Monduran Coy., which was not fully paid up, a couple of rifles, a medicine chest, and a case of surgical instruments, the whole of which would not be worth more than £20 to £25, if so much. We think that for the reputation of Lodges in general, and to encourage others to join, it would act as an advertisement (it nothing higher) if something could be done. Awaiting your reply, which we trust will be favourable. Yours faithfully, Sgd. SWANWICK & KAVANAGH. LOYAL LIVINGSTONE LODGE, No. 9, I.O.O.F. Brae Street, Rockhampton, 3rd March, 1910. E. A. Gregory, Esq., Grand Secretary I.O.O.F., Brisbane. Dear Sir and Brother,—I enclose herewith copy of letter received from the Solicitor of the Exors. of the late Bro. White. The Standing Committee are already in full possession of the facts of this case. Yours fraternally, H. F. LAMBERTON, Secretary. [COPY.] Denham Street, Rockhampton, 10th February, 1910. The Secretary. Loyal Livingstone Lodge, No. 9, I.O.O.F., Rockhampton. Re J. j. WHITE, DECD. Dear Sir,—I am writing to remind you to bring this matter before the Grand Lodge meeting at Easter; from your letter to deceased of ioth July last (the day of his death, and which letter he never saw, as it arrived after he died), it appears that a mistake of £1 was made in sending out the notice of dues owing. Mr. White paid the sum asked, £2 3s. 4d., by cheque on 21st June last; as he was not aware of the mistake, I hope the Grand Lodge will see fit to pay the usual funeral allowance, or authorise your Lodge to pay it. If all the facts are brought before the meeting, I feel confident that a fair and just thing will be done, more especially seeing what the aims and intents of the Society are. I shall be glad to hear the result of the deliberations. Yours truly, Sgd. F. H. SWANWICK.GRAND DODGE OF QUEENSLAND. LOYAL PETRIE TERRACE LODGE, No. 6,1.O.O.F. 51 Martha Street, Paddington, 22nd March, 1910. Mr. E. A. Gregory, Grand Secretary I.O.O.F. Dear Sir and Bro,—I am directed by this Lodge to give notice that at the ensuing Session of the Grand Lodge, the following motion will be moved on behalf of this Lodge :—“ That the present Grand Lodge Trustees be removed from office.” With kind regards. 1 am, yours fraternally, O. SAMUELS, Secretary. GRAND LODGE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney, 2lst March, 1910. E. A. Gregory, Esq., Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of Queensland, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. Dear Sir and Bro,—I am in receipt of your Officers’ Report and Agenda Paper of the 4th Session of the Order in your jurisdiction. On behalf of the Standing Committee in this jurisdiction, I beg to tender congratulations upon the success achieved, especially in the increase of membership, the cause of which is largely due to the generosity of your esteemed Grand Master. We in the capital of the mother State sincerely hope the prosperity will long continue. During my two weeks tour in Northern Queensland, visiting Townsville, Mt. Morgan, Rockhampton, and Charters Towers, I was thoroughly convinced that there is a big field for the future of the I.O.O.F. in Queensland, especially the localities which I have mentioned. I must also congratulate the jurisdiction upon the increase in the funds, and trust the finances of our order in the northern jurisdiction will ever remain in a satisfactory condition. I am pleased to report in the mother State the nett numerical increase is about 1,500, unfortunately we met with a reverse the first time in twelve years, for the quarter ended December we anticipated a slump, but not so bad as it turned out. However, we are full of vitality in New South Wales, and hope to recover the lost ground of one quarter. Trusting your deliberations will be frought with wisdom and justice to all concerned, congratulating you and your colleagues personally, believe me with best wishes. Yours fraternally, GEO. T. CLARKE, Grand Secretary52 JOURNAL/ OF PROCFKDINGS OF THEC Melbourne, l6th January. Eugene Gregory, Queensland. Hearty good wishes for Odd Fellows’ Session. Let harmony be the password. LEDFORD. PROTESTANT ALLIANCE FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. School of Arts Chambers, Bundaberg, 23rd March, 1910. The Grand Secretary I.O.O.F. Dear Sir and Bro.,—I have much pleasure on behalf of the above named Society in extending to your Grand Lodge Officers and Representatives, a hearty welcome to Bundaberg, and in doing so venture to hope that the result of your meeting may be of lasting benefit to your Society. With heartiest good wishes and fraternal greeting. I am, yours fraternally, W. G. LEWIS, Grand Secretary. INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. Temperance Hall, Brisbane, 28th March, 1910. To the Grand Master, Officers and Members I.O.O.F., Bundaberg. Dear Sir and Brothers,—On behalf of the above Order in Grand Lodge Session, I have the honour to convey fraternal greetings to your Order in Grand Lodge assembled. We trust that you may have a very happy time, and in all your deliberations may the outcome be for the extension of your Order and the uplifting of humanity. We sincerely trust that the coming year upon which we are entering may be more successful than the past. With all best wishes. I am, Sir, Yours fraternally, E. KERR, Grand Secretary. H. 0. Duus, No. 14, moved that the correspondence be received. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was carried. W. Pickering, P.G.M., on behalf of the Musgrave Lodge, conveyed fraternal greetings, and welcomed the Representatives to Bundaberg.GRAND DODGE: OE QUEENSLAND. CLEARANCE VALUES. 53 O. Samuels, No. 6, moved that the Grand Master, J. G. Donaghey, J.P.G.M., and W. Pickering, P.G.M., constitute a committee to enquire into the matter and report thereon. F. F. Bahr, No. 1, seconded the motion, which was carried. FUNERAL CLAIM LATE BRO. J. J. WHITE. O. Samuels, No. 6, moved that the Grand Master, J. G. Donaghey, J.P.G.M., and W. Pickering, P.G.M., constitute a committee to consider the matter and report this afternoon. J. W. Walker, No. 32, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. GRAND MASTER’S REPORT. The Grand Master moved to adopt Clauses 1 to 8, which was agreed to Clause 9. The Grand Master moved to adopt. W. Pickering, P.G.M., said it should be an instruction to the Standing Committee to restore the old dramatic form of confering the Degrees, and the Grand Lodge of Australasia be approached on the matter. And he moved accordingly. Rep. F. F. Bahr seconded the motion, which was agreed to. The Clause was then adopted. Clause 10 was agreed to. Clause 11. Rep. O.-Samuels, No. 6, said that several of their members were in Warwick, and he thought a Lodge could be opened there. Grand Trustee, E. De Voss, said he was in Warwick about a month ago, and had he known he would have seen the members. He will be going again in about a month’s time. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, referred to the cost of opening new Lodges, and said the Grand Lodge should decide upon a sum per capita as expenses for opening new Lodges. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 1, spoke in favour of the establishment of Districts, and gave his reasons why he thought they should be established. Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, instanced the actions of the Grand Lodge of Victoria when it constituted Queensland into a District.54 JOURNAL OR PROCEEDINGS OF THE W. Pickering, P.G.M., said that Victoria was quite right in doing so under the circumstances. Rep. W. B. Hamilton, No. 9, said he did not favour Districts, and if established'the Grand Lodge would practically be dissolved. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved the adoption of Clause 11. Rep. T. Garland, No. 22, seconded the motion, which was carried. Clauses 12 to 14 were then adopted. Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, moved that the Grand Master’s Report be adopted as a whole. Deputy Grand Master J. J. Lapsley seconded the motion, which was agreed to. RULINGS GIVEN. Rulings 1 to 7. Grand Master moved to adopt, and after some discussion as to the standing of the District Deputy Grand Sire—they were adopted. The Grand Lodge then adjourned for lunch. - Saturday, 26th March, 1910. AFTERNOON SITTING. The Grand Lodge assembled at 2 p.m. After Roll Call Past Grand Master W. Pickering apologised for the absence of Rep. F. H. Pegg, No. 10, who had to return to work this afternoon. REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GRAND LODGE OF AUSTRALASIA. The Grand Master moved to adopt, which was agreed to without discussion. GRAND SECRETARY’S REPORT. Clauses 1 to 5, moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Clause 6. Bro. W. Pickering, P.G.M., asked what were the recommendations, and expressed a wish for the Report to be read.GRAND RODGK OF QUKENSFAND. 55 The Grand Secretary then, on a requisition so to do, read the Valuation Report for the Quinquenial Period, 1902-6. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 1, wished to know if the recommendation of one penny per week in the Pioneer Lodge was intended as an addition to the Sick Fund. The Grand Master informed him the recommendation meant Id. per member per Week additional to the members present rate of contributions, and was payable to the Sick Fund of the Lodge. Rep. H. C. Duus, No. 14, moved that the matter be left in the hands of the Pioneer Lodge to deal with. Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved that with regards to further recommendations, no action be taken. Rep. L. H. Tooth, No. 6, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Clause 7. Adopted. Clause 8. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that a record of the Grand Master’s action be placed on the Minutes of the Grand Lodge. W. Pickering, P.G.M., in seconding the motion, said thè generous action of the Grand Master would make it extremely difficult for future Grand Masters to follow him. G. Aiken, Grand Warden, supported the motion. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, on behalf of the Brunswick Lodge, thanked the Grand Master, and as Bro. Pickering had said, no Grand Master of any Order in Queensland has ever done anything like it before. Rep. H. C. Duus, No. 14, on behalf of Mt. Morgan Lodge, thanked the Grand Master for his generous action, and warmly supported the motion. Rep. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, on behalf of the Livingstone Lodge, thanked the Grand Master, and congratulated him upon the splendid success of his efforts for the good of the Order. Rep. T. Garland, No. 22, on behalf of Cawarral and Mt. Chalmers Lodges, also congratulated the Grand faster, and accorded the motion his hearty support. Rep. L. H. Tooth, No. 6, thanked the Grand Master on behalf of Petrie Terrace Lodge, and expressed his hearty support of the motion. Rep. J. Craig, No. 4, thanked the Grand Master on behalf of Excelsior Lodge, and instanced the wonderful amount of good which had resulted to his Lodge through the action.56 JOURNAL, OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE} Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, on behalf of North Ipswich Lodge, thanked the Grand Master and accorded his warm support to the motion. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 1, on behalf of Pioneer Lodge, thanked the Grand Master and accorded his hearty support to the motion. Rep. T. Peat, No. 23, on behalf of Barron Lodge, also thanked the Grand Master and accorded his hearty support to the motion. Rep. A. J. Francis, No. 16, on behalf of Oakey Lodge,, thanked the Grand Master and congratulated him on the success acheived. Rep. W. O’Neill, Vo. 15, on behalf of the Park Lodge, thanked the Grand Master and accorded his support to the motion, and also he knew of a lot more the Grand Master had done. He was a member of the Park Lodge, and the Lodge had benefited considerably by his membership. Rep. J. Nolan, No. 25, on behalf of Baree Lodge,, thanked the Grand Master and supported the motion. The motion was then carried. Rep. L. H. Tooth, No. 6, moved that the Grand Secretary’s Report be adopted as a whole. Rep. S. H. Reid, No. 1, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. FUNDS OF THE GRAND LODGE. Management Fund. Moved to adopt. Rep. L. H. Tooth, No. 6, wished to know if any provision were made to transfer the ¿"400 to the Funeral Fund.. The Grand Master informed him that no provision were made. The motion was then agreed to. Funeral Fund.—Moved to adopt. Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, said that some provision should be made to pay back the ¿"400. The motion was then agreed to. Organising Fund:—Moved to adopt and agreed to. GRAND TRUSTEE’S REPORT. Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, pointed out that the purchase of ¿"300 Treasury Bills had involved the Grand Lodge in a loss. The purchasing price being ¿"304 10s.; and ¿"800 worth was sold some time ago at a loss.GRAND DODGE OF QUEENSLAND 57 Grand Trustee J. W. Walker explained that ^"300 worth of the Bills were sold at ¿T304 10s., and a same quantity was bought at the same price, and, as a matter of fact, the Grand Lodge had not lost a penny over the matter. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, speaking in reference to some property at Sandgate over which the Grand Trustees held a mortgage for ^”1000, said that his Lodge had been to some considerable trouble and expense in enquiring into the matter. They had obtained a valuation of the property from a leading firm in Brisbane, and they had stated ^800 was sufficient to lend on the property. Also, they had interviewed the builder, who had informed them that he had built the houses on the property some 30 years ago, and they were now practically valueless. Also, the property has been mortgaged for the last seven years. They, therefore, were of the opinion that the property was not nearly of the value of the money lent on it. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker explained that the property consisted of five houses, covered by insurance to the extent of %T,300, the valuator had valued the ground alone at ^820, and then read a letter from the Town Clerk of Sandgate stating that the unimproved value of the property from the Municipal valuation was ^840, and that all rates were paid up to date. And further stated that the valuations of securities held by the Trustees was nearly 100% over investments. Grand Trustee E. De Voss said that the Trustees had at all times endeavoured to do their duty, and no business was done without their careful consideration. He was satisfied the securities held by the Grand Lodge was perfectly sound and reliable, he had had experience in mortgages previous to his being a Grand Trustee, and he was therefore confident he knew something about investments. The Report was then adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE’S REPORT. Clauses 1 to 3 was adopted. Clause 4. Rep. D. C. Forrest moved that the Senior Trustee be donated the sum of £S 5s. as a mark of appreciation of this Grand Lodge at the manner in which the business of the Trustees had been carried out. Bro. J. J. Lapsley, D.G.M., seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Bro. J. G. Donaghey, J.P.G.M., moved that the Report be adopted as a whole. Bro. R. O. N. Strathdee seconded the motion, which was carried,58 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THR NOMINATION OF OFFICERS. For Grand Master— W. Pickering, P.G.M., nominated Grand Master Thos. W. Robinson. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 1, nominated Deputy Grand Master J. J. Lapsley. For Deputy Grand Master— Rep. O: Samuels, No. 6, nominated Grand Warden G. Aiken. For Grand Warden— Rep. T. M. Gill, No. 21, nominated D.G. Master J. J. Lapsley. Grand Trustee E. De Voss nominated G. Warden G. Aiken. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. II, nominated Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. II. J.P.G. Master J. G. Donaghey nominated Rep. W. B. Hamilton, No. 9. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 1, nominated Rep. H. C. Duus, No. 14. Fixing Salaries of Officers. Rep. J. Craig, No. 4, moved that the salary of the Grand Secretary be £80 per annum. Grand Trustee E. De. Voss seconded the motion. Grand Trustee J . W. Walker moved as an amendment that the salary be ¿TOO per annum. Rep. T. Garland, No. 22, seconded the amendment. Rep. J. Craig then withdrew his motion, and the amendment then becoming the motion was carried. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. 11, moved that the salary of the Grand Treasurer be £l Is. per annum. J.P.G. Master J. G. Donaghey seconded the motion. Grand Treasurer H. G. Bamkin moved as an amendment that the salary be £2 2s. per annum. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, seconded the amendment. The amendment was then carried, and the salary fixed at £2 2s. per annum. For Grand Secretary— Grand Trustee E. De Voss nominated Grand Secretary E, A. Gregory. For Grand Treasurer— Rep. A. Sheridan, No. II, nominated Grand Treasurer H. G. Bamkin. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 1, nominated Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6. Grand Warden Gr Aiken nominated Rep. W. O’Neill, No, 15.ÖRAND LODGE OE QUEENSLAND 50 Representatives of Grand Lodges of Australasia. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, nominated J. J. Lapsley, D.G. Master, Grand Trustee J. W. Walker nominated Grand Master Thos. W. Robinson. Grand Trustee E. De Voss nominated Grand Secretary E. A. Gregory. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, nominated Rep. D. C. Forrest, No, 11. G. Aiken, Grand Warden, nominated W. Pickering, P.G. Master. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, nominated G. Aiken Grand Warden. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker nominated Rep. J. Craig, No. 4. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. II, nominated Rep. J. W. Walker, No.32. Nomination of Finance Committee. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, moved that the fees of the Finance Committee be £3 3s. each per annum. Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion, which was agreed to. For Finance Committee— Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, nominated Reps. A. Sheridan, No. II, H. Williams, No. 26, and J. M. Gill, No. 21. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, moved that in terms of the “ Friendly Societies Act,” the Standing Committee be empowered to appoint one auditor each year in place of the one retiring. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Appeal from Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6. An appeal from Petrie Terrace Lodge, No, 6, against the action of the Standing Committee having reference to the refusal of the Committee to admit two Representatives of the Lodge to its meeting in connection with Bro. O. Samuels’ case, was now read, and referred to the Committee on Appeals and Petitions. Notice of Motion. Grand Trustee E. De Voss moved, that in view of the proposed alterations to the Constitution in a similar manner, permission be now given to him to withdraw his Notice of Motion given at the last Session with regard to the establishment of a Mortality Fund. Bro. R. O. N. Strathdee seconded the motion, which was agreed to.60 JOURNAL OE PROCEEDINGS OP ME Consideration of Amendments to the Constitutional Laws. Section 8.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved: After the word Date,” on the 6th line, add “ and places of meeting, and minimum rate of diemage.” Rep. A. Sheridan, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was adopted. Sec. 27, page 8.—Delete the words, “ of each Fund,’’ on the 5th line. Grand Master moved to adopt, which was carried. Sec. 66, page 16.—Delete the words, “ of the said,” in the third line, and insert the word ‘ or.” The Grand Master moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Sec. 101, sub-sec. 4, page 26.—Rep. D. C. Forrest, Noll, moved that the words, “ may by resolution of the Lodge,’‘ be substituted for the word “shall.” J. J. Lapsley, D.G. Master, seconded the motion, which was adopted. Sec. 105, sub-sec. 11.—The Grand Secretary moved that the words, “one-fifth,” be substituted for the proposed alteration of “ one-fourth,” in the 2nd line, and the proposed amendment adopted with this alteration. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was adopted. Sec. 26, page 8.—Delete the words, “ copy thereof,” and substitute the words same,” in 19th line. Grand Master moved to adopt, which was agreed to. New rule, 55a, page 14. Widow and Orphans’ Fund. W. Pickering, P.G.M., moved to adopt. Rep. J. Nolan, No. 25, seconded the motion. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, said the measure had his sympathy, but he did not consider it was put in the proper place, provision should, in the first place, be made for it in Section 3, and then it should go on to Section 50. The Grand Master suggested it would be the better way to imbody the principles of the rule and leave the matter in the hands of a committee to bring forward at the next Seesion.61 Grand lodge oe Queensland W. Pickering, P.G. Master, said, that after consideration, he thought Bro. Forrest was right in regard to placing the rule. Rep. H. M. Crow, No. 10, moved that in the opinion of this Grand Lodge it was desirable to establish a Widow and Orphans Fund. Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion, which was carried. Rep. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, moved that further consideration of the matter be left over until Monday. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. OFFICIAL VISIT OF REBEKAHS. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, stated that the Star of Burnett Rebekah Lodge, No. 1, desired to visit officially on Monday the Grand Lodge in Session, and wished to know at what time the Grand Lodge would be prepared to receive them. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that the Rekebahs be received at 3 p.m. on Monday. Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion, which was agreed to. PHOTOGRAPH OF THE GRAND LODGE. Rep. S. H. Reid, No. 1, stated that arrangements had been made for the Members of the Grand Lodge to be photographed at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning. The Grand Lodge then adjourned until Monday morning. SECOND DAY. Monday, 28th March, 1910. MORNING SITTING. The Grand Lodge assembled at 9.30 a.m. The Grand Master took the chair, and the Grand Secretary reported a quorum present. The roll was called. Rep. W. N. B. Hamilton apologised for the absence of Rep. T. Garland, No. 22, who had been compelled to return, and asked that leave be granted him for the remainder of the Session. The apology was accepted, and the Grand Master granted the necessary leave.62 jOÜRÑAt ÓR PROCEEDINGS OR ¥hE DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND SIRE. The Dispensation of the District Deputy Grand Sire, Bro. D. C. Forrest, was now read. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, moved that it be received. Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Bro. D. C. Forrest, D.D.G. Sire, said that he wished to convey by direction the fraternal greeting of the Grand Sire to this Grand Lodge. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, moved that the Dispensation of the District Deputy Grand Sire be endorsed by the Grand Secretary. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, seconded the motion, which was carried. Rep. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, stated that as Bro. A. Sheridan, representative of the Brunswick Lodge, had not been legally elected, the Lodge having only 95 financial members at the time of his election, and that his retaining his seat would render all our acts void and illegal, he would move that Standing Orders be suspended to allow of the Committee on Credentials to reconsider their Report. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, seconded the motion. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, said the motion was not in order. Representatives had accepted the Report, an appeal had been made to the Grand Lodge of Australasia, and the matter was out of our hands, and that the remarks that Bro. Sheridan retaining his seat would annul all our acts was erroneous, and quoted Section 2699, from Busbee’s Digest, in support of his contention. . The Grand Master then ruled the motion out of order. CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSED ‘AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS. Widow and Orphans Fund. Rep. J. Craig, No. 4, moved that it be referred to the Standing Committee to draw up rules and submit the same to the various Lodges for their consideration. J. J. Lapsley, D.G. Master, seconded the motion. Rep. A. J. Francis, No. 16, said he thought a subcommittee should be appointed in the matter.GRAND DODGK OF QUEENSLAND. 63 Rep. H. C. Duus, No. 14, said he favoured the motion, and would like to see the Standing Committee take action in the matter^ Rep. F. H. Pegg, No. 10, said he was satisfied for the matter to be referred to the Standing Committee. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, said the fund could have a good start from the surplus of the Funeral Fund. The Grand Secretary pointed out that there was no surplus to the Funeral Fund, and quoted from the last Valuation Report to show that there was a deficit and not a surplus, and further stated that the fund, if established, would have to depend wholly on the contributions made payable to it. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, said that under those circumstances sufficient time must be given to allow the fund to accumulate. The motion was then adopted. Section 60, page 15.—Honors accorded to District Deputy Grand Masters. W. Pickering, P.G.M., moved to adopt. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. New Rule, 70a, page 17. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, moved to adopt. Considerable discussion took place on this matter, and after the last clause had been struck out on the motion of Rep. W. J. Mann, No. 14, the rule was rejected. Sec. 105, sub-sec. 5, page 26.—Rep. F. H. Pegg asked leave to withdraw. Rep, O. Samuels, No. 6, moved that leave be granted. Rep. J. W. Walker seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Sec. 3.—After the word “ Lodge/’ on the first line, add “ District Grand Lodges.” Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved to adopt. J. J. Lapsley, D.G. Master, seconded the motion. The Grand Master said he was inclined to favour the establishment of Districts, as he thought the advancement of the Order could be better attended to through them ; but he had found they were contrary to the Constitution of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. After discussion Bro, Forrest asked leave to withdraw.64 JOURNAL OR PROCEEDINGS OF THE} Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that leave be granted. Rep. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Sec. 6.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to ad3pt, and in doing so said that under the present rule it was possible for a member to bring a charge against another and debar him from representation. After several representatives had spoken in opposition to the motion it was rejected by 14 votes to 13. Sec. 15.—After the words “ 5 Grand Treasurer,” add “ 6 Grand Senior Trustee.” Rep! D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, and after discussion was lost by 13 votes to 11. Sec. 23.—The whole of the proposed alterations to this rule was withdrawn, with the exception of the clause giving the Grand Master power to fine any member who disregards his authority while in the chair, and was moved to adopt by Rep. D. C. Forrest, and carried by 15 votes to 7. Section 33 (sub-section 5).—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Section 48,—Withdrawn. Section 52.—Rep. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, moved that the amendment be adopted with the alteration of the word ** resolution ” to “ recommendation.” Rep. F. H. Pegg, No. 10, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. The Grand Master now declared a recess of 10 minutes. Section 53. —-Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Section 61.—Withdrawn. Section 62.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Section 63a.—1 Withdrawn. Section 65.—Withdrawn. Section 66.—Struck out. Section 70.—Rep. D. 0. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Section 80.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Section 83.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt which was agreed to. Section 84.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed -to. Section 132.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to.GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND 65 Section 144.—Rep. D. C. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to, with the substitution of the words “ Grand Lodge ” for the word “ District,” on the fifth line of the amendment. Section 146.—Struck out. Section 148.—Rep. D. G. Forrest moved to adopt, which was agreed to. Rep. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, moved that the Grand Lodge continue to sit until 12.45 p.m. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Proposed amendments received too late to be printed in the November report. The Grand Master explained that these were received too late to be printed in the November report, and had thereby not been before the representatives for a sufficient length of time to give them the opportunity of considering them, although they were received in the three months limit as provided by the Constitution. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, said that in forwarding these amendments they had been guided solely by the Constitution in the matter, according to which their amendments were in time. They knew nothing about these matters being printed in the report. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved that the amendments be considered by the Grand Lodge. Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Sec. 131.—Substitute “ 14 weeks*’ for “ 15/-.*’ Also, that Sec. 132 be altered likewise. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 1, moved to adopt, and in doing so said that the provisions in the Constitution for Members becoming unfinancial when they owed 15/- was not suitable to Charters Towers, the .contribution was much higher there than in the South of Queensland, and with the 15/- limit members became unfinancial long before the quarter terminated. The matter was thoroughly discussed by the representatives, most favouring a change, varying from 13 to 15 weeks. And after an amendment had been put and lost, giving power to the Standing Committee to increase or decrease the limit according to the requirements of the various Lodges.66 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF "THE Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, moved that the words “one quarter’s contributions” be substituted for the words “ 15/-.” Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion, which was adopted. The Grand Lodge then adjourned for lunch. SECOND DAY. Monday, 28th March, 1910. AFTERNOON SITTING. Thé Grand Lodge assembled at 2 p.m. The roll call showed every Representative to be present. EXEMPLIFICATION OF THE SECRET WORK. Bro. D. C. Forrest, District Deputy Grand Sire, gave an able exemplification of the Secret Work connected with the various degrees as authorised by the Sovereign Grand Lodge. The instruction was listened to with close attention by the representatives. Rep. H. C. Duus, No. 14, moved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to the District Deputy Grand Sire, Bro. Forrest, for the able and instructive manner in which he had given the work. Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion, which was carried. Bro. Forrest suitably acknowledged the compliment. OFFICIAL DEGREES. Bro. W. Pickering, Past Grand Master, gave an exemplification of the Official Degrees. At the close of which Rep. H. C. Duus. No. 14, moved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Bro. Pickering. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was carried. Bro. Pickering responded.GRAND DODGE OF QUEENSDAND. 67 Consideration of Amendments—continued. Sec. 93.—Alteration for qualification for office was rejected* Notice of'motion for the establishment of a District Grand Lodge in North Queensland was withdrawn. No. 1, Sec. 80, Sub-Sec. 3, page 20—to read :—Five financial members shall form a quorum. Moved to adopt which was carried. Nos. 2, 3, and 4.—Withdrawn. Tabulated Matter.—Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved to adopt. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was carried. FRATERNAL GREETINGS. A wire conveying the Fraternal Greeting of the M.U. in Session at Roma was read and received. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved that an immediate reply be sent. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, seconded the motion, which was carried. relief committees. Rep* L. Tooth, No. 6, said he thought the time had arrived for the establishment of Relief Committees on a similar basis to those in America, and he would like to see the matter referred to the Standing Committee to devise a scheme by which such Committee could be worked. The Grand Secretary said the establishment of such Committee upon a benevolent basis was a step in the right direction, and preferable to a Widow and Ophans Fund. With the Widow and Orphans Fund that was paid to them for which they had contributed, and, so far as the Society was concerned, they were done with; but with a benevolent fund those who needed' it could be assisted, not once, but as many times as required, and would therefore always be under the watchful care of the Society. Rep. E. Belgrove, No'. 1, explained the benevolent fund in his, the Pioneer Lodge, and instances the case ■ of a brother from America, who had come to the Towers, became ill, and eventually died, the Lodge had watched over him68 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE during his illness, and paid his sick pay, and buried him with the rites of the Order when he died. A large sum of money was spent on account of the brother which they hoped to get back from his Lodge, but still the thing was done. FRATERNAL GREETINGS. A wire conveying the Fraternal Greetings of the Grand United Oddfellows in Session at Gympie was now read. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved that an immediate reply be sent. Rep. L Tooth, No. 6, seconded the motion, which was carried. RECEPTION OF REKEBAHS. Past Grand Master, Bro. W. Pickering, now introduced the Officers and Members of the Star of Burnett Rebekah Lodge, No. 1, to the Grand Lodge. The Grand Master, on behalf of the Grand Lodge, extended a hearty welcome to the Sisters, and expressed his pleasure at seeing them. Sister W. G. Head, on behalf of the Rebekah Lodge, thanked the Grand Lodge for its warm reception of them, and welcomed the Officers and Representatives of the Grand Lodge to Bundaberg, and expressed the hope that they would have a good time there. The Rebekahs were then conducted to seats and remained to the close of the Session. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. For Grand Master—There being two Candidates for the office, a ballot was taken, which resulted in favour of Bro. J. J. Lapsley, D.G.M., and Bro. Lapsley was declared to be,, duly elected Grand Master for the incoming term. For Deputy Grand Master.—Grand Warden Bro. Aiken being the only nominee, he was declared to be duly elected. For Grand Warden.—There being five nominees, a ballot was taken, which resulted in favour of Bro. H. C. Duus, and Bro. H. C. Duus was declared to be duly elected. For Grand Secretary.—Grand Secretary E. A. Gregory being the only nominee, he was declared to be duly elected.GRAND DODGE OR QUEENSLAND 69 For Grand Treasurer.—There being three nominees, a ballot was taken, which resulted in favour of Bro. W. O’Neill, and Bro. W. O’Neill was declared to be duly elected. For Representatives to the Grand Lodge of Australia.— There being eight nominees, a ballot was taken, which resulted in favour of Bros. T. W. Robinson, E. A. Gregory, J. W. Walker, and G. Aiken, and they were declared to be duly elected. The others in rotation were Bro. D. C. Forrest, P.G.M. Pickering. Bros. J. Craig, and J. J. Lapsley. For Finance Committee—There being only three nominated, and only three required. Bros- A. Sheridan, H. Williams, and J. M. Gill were declared to be duly elected., APPEAL OF PETRIE TERRACE LODGE, No. 6. The Report of the Committee on Appeals and Petitions, on the Appeal of the Petrie Terrace No. 6, against the action of the Standing Committee was now read as follows: — I.O.O.F., GRAND LODGE Ob QUEENSLAND. Bundaberg, 28th March, 1910. Grand Master— Re APPEAL FROM PETRIE TERRACE LODGE, No. 6. 1. —We find that the Standing Committee were justified in refusing Noble Grand Bro. Wilson and Past Grand Bro. Tooth permission to attend the meeting of that body, as they were not members thereof. 2. —The notice of appeal, dated 13/2/09 from Petrie Terrace Lodge, is signed by O. Samuels as Secretary, and the sum of £l enclosed is a deposit from that Lodge. We can find no notice of appeal from Bro. Samuels as a member of the Order, or any notification of a deposit of £1 from him as required by the laws. We therefore have not considered that matter. Yours fraternally, W. PICKERING, P.G.M. JOSEPH G. DONAGHEY, J.P.G.M. W, O’NEILL, P.D.D.G.M. J. CRAIG, P.G. Committee on Appeals. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, moved that the Report be received. Deputy Grand Master, J. J. Lapsley, seconded the motion, which was carried. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, moved that the report be adopted, and the fee refunded to the Lodge.70 . JOURNAL OR PROCEEDINGS OF THE Rep. N. H. Pegg, No. 10, seconded the motion. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, said he was satisfied the Lodge had made a mistake. It had never intended to appeal against the Standing Committee for refusing the representatives of the Lodge to the Meeting. The Motion was then adopted. FUNERAL CLAIM LATE BRO. J. J. WHITE. The Report of the Committee appointed to consider the matter of the application for the Funeral allowance on account of the death of the late Bro. J. J. White was now read as follows :— GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND I.O-O.F. The Grand Master— Your Committee have considered the correspondence in the matter of Bro. White, and we find from it that the fault was not that Of Bro. White, as he paid the full amount on the summons and died before the error was discovered. We therefore recommend the Grand Lodge to pay the amount. Yours fraternally, THOS. W. ROBINSON, G.M. JOSEPH G. DONAGHEY, J.P.G.M. W. PICKERING, P.G.M. W. Pickering, P. G. M. moved that the Report be received and adopted. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that the recommendation be given effect to, and the amount paid out of the Management Fund of the Grand Lodge. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was carried. clearance values. The Report of the Committee to consider the letter from the Grand Sire of Australasia, relating to Clearance Values was now read as follows :— The Grand Lodge I.O.O.F.— Your Committee upon Appeals and Petitions report that they have considered the matter of Clearance Value, and are ofGRAND DODGE: OF QUEENSLAND. 71 opinion that our Laws on Clearances fully provide for any liability that may arise, and refer you to Sec. 135 and 137 (2) as amended. Yours fraternally, THOS. W. ROBINSON, G.M. JOSEPH G. DONAGHEY, J.P G.M. W. PICKERING, P.G.M. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that it be received. Deputy Grand Master J. J. Lapsley seconded the motion which was carried. W. Pickering, P.G.M. moved the adoption of the report. J. G. Donaghey, J.P.G.M., seconded the motion, which was carried. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that it be referred to the Standing Committee accordingly. Rep. L. Tooth seconded the motion, which was carried. REPORT OF SPECIAE COMMITTEE ON CONSOLIDATION OF SICK FUNDS. To the Grand Lodge Officers and Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, I.O.O.F., in Session, 1910. Brethren,—The Special Committee appointed to enquire into the matter of Consolidation of the Sick Funds of the Order, beg to report they have given the matter their fullest consideration. Your Committee are of the opinion that Consolidation of the Sick Funds would be to the advantage and betterment of the Order, insomuch that it would put all Lodges on an equal footing, and the best possible security would be offered to members, but while supporting the principles of Consolidation, your Committee deem that so radical a change in the Constitution of the Order should be approached with caution. Your Committee would therefore recommend that this Grand Lodge adopt the principles of Consolidation, and recognising there are a large number of members opposed to it, issue instructions for the matter to be placed before every member in printed form, setting forth its advantages, and disadvantages (if any), together with an invitation to express approval or disapproval on the matter, in the form of a Referendum. Fraternally submitted, T. W. ROBINSON, G.M. D. C. FORREST, P..G EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that it be referred to the Standing Committee accordingly. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, seconded the motion, which was carried.72 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VOTE OF THANKS. Rep. H. C. Duus, No. 14., said that he wished to have recorded on the Minutes of the Grand Lodge, the thanks and appreciation of the representatives for the manner in which they had been received and entertained by the Mulgrave Lodge, No. 10, and the Star of Burnett, No. 1, during their stay in Bundaberg. He had, therefore, much pleasure in moving a hearty vote of thanks to these two Lodges. Rep. J. W. Walker. No. 32, said he had much pleasure in seconding the motion, for he was sure every Representative appreciated in full the splendid reception they had received from the brothers of the Mulgrave Lodge, and Sisters of the Rebekah Lodge. Deputv Grand Master J. J. Lapsley said he had much pleasure in supporting the motion, and complimented Bro. Pegg on the complete arrangements for their reception. J. G. Donaghey, J.P.G.M., also supported the motion. Rep. D. C. Forrest, No. 11, also supported the motion, and complimented Bro- Pegg on his arrangements. Rep. W. B. Hamilton, No. 9, complimented Bro. Pegg and the Rebekahs on their complete arrangements, and urged the representatives when they returned to their homes to use their efforts to open Rebekah Lodges in their towns. The motion was then carried. Bro. Pegg acknowledged the vote of thanks, and said he was pleased to hear the Grand Lodge was satisfied with the arrangements which had been made for them. Sister Head also acknowledged the vote of thanks, and was glad to hear that they had had a good time in Bundaberg. Notice of Motion. Rep. E. Bellgrove,' No. 1, gave notice of motion that he would move at the next Session : “ That the time has arrived when a Grand Lodge should be established in the North of Queensland, North of Rockhampton.” Question. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, asked, “ Is it legal for a visiting Brother from another State to have the pass word of this State in his possession. ? ” Answer: No. Fixing time when new Lodges will be eligible for representation prior to being in possession of a Charter.GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND 73 Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, moved that all Lodges opened prior to the Easter immediately preceding the date of the next Session of the Grand Lodge shall be eligible for representation at that Session. W. Pickering, P.G.M., seconded the motion, which was adopted. Fixing Next Place of Meeting. Rep. J. W, Walker, No. 32, moved that the next place of meeting of the Grand Lodge shall be at Mt. Morgan. J. G. Donaghey, J.P.G.M., seconded the motion. Rep. D. 0. Forrest, No. 11, moved that it be held at Brisbane. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. II, seconded the motion. Upon a ballot being taken the voting favoured Mt. Morgan, and Mt. Morgan was declared to be the next place of meeting of the Grand Lodge. Vote of Thanks to Bro. B. F. Ledford. Rep. J. Craig, No. 4, moved that the best thanks and appreciations of this Grand Lodge be recorded on the Minutes, in recognition of the splendid work done by Bro. B. F. Ledford during the period of his services as organiser in this State. Rep. J. Nolan, No. 25, seconded the motion, which was carried. At this stage the Grand Secretary said he thought the Grand Lodge should recognise in a fitting manner the good work done by some 6f the Brothers in the past. Bro. H. C. Duus was responsible for the opening of four new Lodges in the Central District, and Bro. T. Peat for two in the North, and there were other Brothers also who had worked hard for the good of the Order, and he thought that some notice should be taken of it by the Grand Lodge. Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, moved that the best thanks and appreciation of the Grand Lodge be accorded to those Brothers. Rep. E. Bellgrove, No. 6, seconded the motion, which was carried. The Grand Master now declared a recess of 10 minutes, during which the Sisters of the Rebekah Lodge served tea and light refreshments around, which was very, acceptable, and the thoughtful kindness of the Sisters was much appreciated by the representatives.74 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE Fixing Date of Next Session. Bro. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that the next Session of the Grand Lodge be held at Easter, 1912. Grand Trustee E. De Voss seconded the motion. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, moved that it be three years hence. Bro. S. H. Reid, No. 1, seconded the motion. Upon a ballot being taken the voting decided in favour of two years, and the date of the next Session of the Grand Lodge was declared to be Easter, 1912. ----\ COMMITTEE ON TRAVELLING EXPENSES AND DIEMAGE. Committee on Travelling Expenses and Diemage to the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. The Committee on Travelling Expenses and Diemage beg to submit the following schedule for approval. ERNEST DE VOSS,! Committee on J. J. LAPSLEY, V Travelling Expenses 28th March, IQIO. A. SHERIDAN. ) and Diemage. Ò Name of Lodge. Steamer Fares. Railway . ? Fares. Days Travelling. Days Detention. Days in Session. Total Days. Rate. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 Pioneer - 5 3 0 2 4 0 3 3 2 8 10/- 11 7 0 4 Excelsior - - 7 8 6 0 17 9 2 6 2 10 ìì 13 6 3 6 Petrie Terrace - 1 13 3 2 1 2 5 n 4 3 3 9 Livingstone - 1 8 0 3 2 2 7 >} 4 18 0 10 Mulgrave - - 2 2 ìì 1 0 0 11 Brunswick - - 1 13 3 2 1 2 5 ìì 4 3 3 14 Mt. Morgan - 1 11 3 2 6 2 10 » 6 11 3 15 Park - - 1 13 3 2 1 2 5 }t 4 3 3 16 Oakey - 8 8 6 2 9 5 4 3 2 9 >> 15 7 11 21 North Ipswich - 1 16 9 3 1 2 6 j.t 4 16 9 22 Cawarrae - - 1 8 0 3 2 2 7 h 4 18 0 23 Barron - 8 0 0 1 7 1 2 8 2 12 a 15. 7 1 24 Port Alma - - 25 Baree - - 1 11 3 2 6 2 10 a 6 11 3 26 Western Suburbs 27 Many Peaks - 28 Mt. Chalmers - 29 Bushley - 31 Maryborongh - 32 Clayfield - 1 13 3 -■2 1 2 5 j) 4 3 3 33 West End^ - 1 £100 16GRAND DODGE) OF -QUEENSLAND.. .75 Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, moved that the R e p c 11 received. Bro. F. F. Bahr, No. 1, seconded the motion, which was carried. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that the Report be adopted. Rep. F. H. Pegg, No. 10, seconded the motion, which was carried. W. Pickering, P.G.M., moved that the sum of £\ Is. be voted to Bro. R. O. N. Strathdee for his services as Press reporter. A. Sheridan, No. 11, seconded the motion, which was carried. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, moved that the sum of £2 3s. be donated to the Hospital, and £2 2s. to the Ambulance Brigade. Rep. F. H. Pegg, No. 10, seconded the motion, which was carried. W. Pickering, P.G. Master, moved that the sum of £2 2s. be voted to the caretaker of the hall. Rep. H. M. Crow, No. 10, seconded the motion, which was carried. Notice of Motion from Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6, to remove the Grand Trustees from office. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, asked permission to withdraw the notice of motion. Rep. A. Sheridan, No. 11, moved that Bro. Tooth be allowed to withdraw the motion. Rep. J. Nolan, No. 25, seconded the motion, which was carried, and the notice was then duly withdrawn. FIXING ASSESSMENT TO THE MANAGEMENT FUND. Rep. J. W. Walker, No. 32, moved that the Assessment to the Management Fund of the Grand Lodge be 1/-(one shilling) per member per quarter. Rep. J. M. Gill, No. 21, seconded the motion. Rep. O. Samuels, No. 6, said the Aesessment was far too high. Rep. L. Tooth, No. 6, also spoke against the Assessment. W. Pickering, P.G.M., said the Assessment had always been to low. The motion was then carried.76 JOURNAL, OK PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. The Grand Master then requested Past Grand Master, Fro. W. Pickering, to take the chair, and instal the officers elect of the Grand Lodge into their respective chairs. Bro. W. Pickering, P.G.M., then took the Chair, and appointed Bro. J. G. Donaghey, J.P.G.M., Acting Grand Marshal, instructed that officer to bring forward the officers elect, and installed them into their respective chairs. THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED J. J. Lapsley, Grand Master; Geo. Aiken, Deputy Grand Master; H. C. Duus, Grand Warden; E. A. Gregory, Grand Secretary ; and W. O’Neill, Grand Treasurer. The newly installed Grand Master, Bro. J. J. Lapsley, then appointed the following officers :— Grand Chaplain Grand Marshal Grand Conductor Grand Guardian Grand Herald F. H. Pegg, No, 10 H. M. Crow, No. 10 W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9 A. J. Francis, No. 16 J. Nolan, No. 25 The Grand Master appointed the following Committees:— Committee on Credentiaks. W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, R. O. Strathdee, No. 10, D. C. Forrest, No. 11. Committee on Appeaes and Petitions. J. W. Mann, No. 14, J. M. Gill, No. 21, J. G. Donaghey, No. 9, H. C. Duus, No. 14, T. Garland, No. 22. Committee on Laws oe Subordinates. F. H. Pegg, No. 10, G. Aiken, No. 10, L. Tooth, No. 6, j. Craig, No. 4, O. Samuels, No. 6. Committee on Traveling Expenses and Diemage. E. De Voss, No. 6, W. N. B. Hamilton, No. 9, A. Sheridan, No. 11.GRAND LODGE OR QUEENSLAND. 77 The Officers Return Thanks. Each of the newly installed officers in a few appropriate words thanked the Grand Lodge for electing them to their respective chairs. CLOSING THE GRAND LODGE. The business having been concluded, the Grand Lodge* in conformity with custom, was called up, while the Grand Chaplain, by direction of the Grand Master, offered up the closing prayer :— “ Heavenly Father, vouchsafe Thy forgiveness of anything that Thy pure and holy eyes have seen amiss in us during the past two days, and send us away with Thy blessing. Aid us ever in all our endeavours for the good of our fellow men; do Thou, where man’s help fails, comfort and sustain the widow and fatherless, and grant that, prompted by Divine love, we may all find our way through the various paths of life to Thy Divine presence, filled by Thy grace to be with Thee for ever.—Amen. The Deputy Grand Master then, by direction of the Grand Master, declared the Fourth Regular and First Triennial Session of the Grand Lodge of Queensland duly closed, and the Grand Lodge was adjourned accordingly at 6.35 p.m. on Monday, 28th March, 1910. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.78 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE} ADDENDUM. On Good-Friday morning, the officers and representatives from the South entrained at the Central Railway Station, at Brisbane, being accompanied by Bro. J. Craig, Townsville, and A. J. Francis, Ravenswood. The party arrived at Bundaberg at 6.30 p.m., and were met on the platform bv Past Grand Master, Bro. Pickering and several members of the Mulgrave Lodge, and also by •some of the Northern members who had arrived previously. At half-past nine on Saturday morning, the officers and representatives of the Grand Lodge were formally welcomed by the Mayor at the Town Council Chambers. After several of the officers had thanked the Mayor for his kind welcome, the proceedings broke up with the singing of “ He’s a Jolly Good Fellow,” in honour of the Mayor. On Saturday night, the members of the Grand Lodge attended a Social tendered by the Star of Burnett Rebekah Lodge, in honour of the visitors. A very enjoyable time was spent up to near midnight, when the gathering broke up. On Sunday morning, the Grand Lodge officers and representatives were photographed, after which a number of them ascended the Post Office Tower, and obtained affine view of the Town and surrounding Districts from that lofty eminence. In the afternoon, the party were driven to the Sandhills on the Coast, stopping on the way at the Kenarbo Sugar Mill, and shown over the extensive works by the Manager. On Monday night, a very successful Smoke Concert, tendered the visitors by the Mulgrave Lodge, was largely attended. On Tuesday, a shift for home was made by some of the representatives, some remaining for the Meeting of the Mulgrave Lodge that night, and thus the Grand Lodge Session of 1910 was brought to a close.GRAND IyODGR OR QUKRNSRAND. 79 TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER AND KEY For the Use of Lodges and Encampments. House.—Is in our City holding a visiting Card from your Lodge and asking of us Financial Assistance. Funds.—Shall we aid him, and draw on you to the extent of............... Cash.;—Is in our City asking Financial Assistance, and claims Membership in your Lodge, in good standing. River.—Has your Lodge a Member in good standing by the name of .............. Boat.—He is an expelled Member, and has not been in good standing for............. White.—We don’t know any such party, and he does not belong to our Lodge. Grip.—Draw on us for the amount of expenses incurred. Caution.—Look out for a fraud named........ Secretary.—He has a fraudulent Card. Final.—A Member of your Lodge died here. Black.—He is a fraud, and if he has a Card or other papers from this Lodge they are forgeries. Red___Holding a Visiting Card from your Lodge and here. Green.—Wire instructions to us at once as to the disposition of his remains. Yellow—Is in our City and very sick. Claims Membership in your Lodge. Shall we give him Assistance on your account ? Purple—We think best to bury him there. Lodge.—Forward remains to this place by...... Regalia.—Assist him and we will honor the Draft to the extent of............. Help.—Will your Lodge pay Nurse Hire, and how much per day ? Benefit—What sick and Funeral Benefits do you pay? Widow Wife or Child of a Deceased Member of your Lodge is in our City asking Assistance. Shall we draw on you to the extent of...........80 JOURNAL OP PROCEEDINGS OP THK LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. Comprising Lodges Nos. Name and Address. I I JAMES OGILVIE, Charters Towers. 2 4 H. J. HATFIELD, Townsville. 3 6-II-I5-26-32-33 L. TOOTH, Paddington, Brisbane. 4 9 W. H. BREE, Rockhampton. 5 10 F. H. PEGG, Bundaberg. 6 14 — 7 16 WM. J. THORNE, Ravenswood. 8 21 T. J. BARKER, Ipswich. 9 22 T. GARLAND, Cawarral. 10 23 T. PEAT, Cairns. II-I2 24-25 J. NOLAN, Baree. 13 2 7 14 28 T. GARLAND, Cawarral. 15 29 WM. R. COOMBS, Bushby. i6 31 F. H. PEGG, Bundaberg. 17-18 34-35 T. PEAT, Cairns. REBEKAH DISTRICTS. 5 I MRS. E. EVEREST, Bundaberg. 4 2 Miss E. GRAHAM. 3 3 Miss F. MANN, Brisbane. i 4 Miss E. J. NAPIER, Charters Towers.GRAND DODGE OE QUEENSLAND. 81 List of Past Grands. Pioneer Lodge No. I R. Brown, J. Stock, J. Boylind, J. Cullum, R. Dunstan, J. Gist, "S. Kydd,, G. R. Ward, J. C. Nicholsen, J. J. Lapsley, W. H. Romberg, F. F. W. Bahn, W. Smith, J, Wilton, A. C. Goddard, P. G. Donovan, R. Andrews, H. A. Power, W. H. Mathews, D. W. Telford, Jas. Ogilvie, N. Burrows, A. Turner, C. Lingren, j. Belroski, F. F. Gregory, S. Wilmington. Excelsior Lodge No. 4 C. Price, E. Boyle, P. Drewes, G. W. S. Conn, H. J. Hatfield, J. Litster, H. S. M. Coleman, J. Jamieson, F. Olsen, S. Morris, A. A. Anderson, W. Menkens, W. Jempsen, G. S. Edwards, J. Craig, G. White, W. G. Holmes, A. Hansen. Petrie Terrace Lodge No. 6 D. W. Bull, T. Bishop, B. F. Y. Curran, J. Dobbie, S. W. Doblyn, E. De Voss, M. Gerson, J, F. Herbert, A. Heslehurst, J. Isaacs. J. Mines, W. W. Mitford, W. Matthew, Guy Manwaring, J. Orr, J. Pratt, J. Pond, W. J. Robinson, W. Skinner, A. Sandford, O. Samuels, L. H. Tooth, R. Wilson. Livingstone Lodge No. 9 A. Harding, R. Hitchcock, W. B. Hamilton, A. Hampson, P. Donaghey, J. G. Donaghey, S. H. Christmas, F. Chardon, A. Macmillan, H A. McDonald, D. D. Dawson, F. Fraser, G. M. Robson, W. H. Bree, G. E. Thomas, A. E. Cowie. Mulgrave Lodge No. 10 G, Aiken, A. Arrowsmith, Gaven Black, J. Boden, A. Gante, J. S. Crow, H. M. Crow, J. Cunningham, J. R. Garland, W. Hort, J. Lester, A. A. McGill, A. Murchie, E. F. Mitchell, W. Pickering, F. H. Pegg, R. Stewart, J. A. Sinclair, R. O. N. Strathdee, G. Tomlinson, J. R. Wrench, E. Wilkinson. Brunswick Lodge No. To H. T. Berger, H. G. Bamkin, T. Burton, T. Barns, G. A. Fielding, D. C. Forrest, E. A. Gregory, E. H. Heslehurst, D. F. W. Holman, A. Marshall, A. E. A. Peell, A. Sheridan, J. Size, W. Tinley, J. W. Walker. J. E. Hall, F. W. White, O. J. Lansdown. Mt. Morgan Lodge No. 14 A. Goodall, W. Mann, J. T. Hall, C. A. Law, F. A. Coombs, L. H, Courtenay, T. W. McKelvie, L. Coates, W. J. Carter, H. C. Duus, J. Coates, D. L. Wallace, M. Enright, F. Nixon, J. L. McKelvie, J. J. Demsey, J. L. Nibling. Park Lodge No. 15 E. Barstow, W. Briggs, H. Mabbott, W. Mathews, W. O’Neill, W. R. Pratt, G. E. Robinson, T. W. Robinson, F. W. Ridley, R. W. Shute, A. Samuels, E. Samuels, R. Tubman, L. Marsh, W. B. Stanley, W. H. D. Sterling.82 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. Oakey Lodge No. 16 F. W. Davy, A. J. Francis, G. H. Peek, H. F. Robinson, W. R, Spurdle, T. W. Pogson. North Ipswich Lodge No. 21 J. M. GilJ, Seni*., G. Renton, V. R. Barker, F. J. Barker, H. Betts, F. G. Ross, H. J. Brion, J. M. Gill, Junr. Cawarral Lodge No. 22 G. W. McLean, T. Garland, W. B. M. Lawn. Barron Lodge No. 23 j. Burrows, R. Andrews, T. Peat. Port Alma Lodge No. 24 C. V. Rees, A W. Rabnott. Baree Lodge No. No. 25 J. Nolan. PAST NOBLE GRANDS—REBEKAH LODGES. Star of Burnett Lodge No. I Sisters—E. M. Black, A. C. Rickert, A. C. Bonding, Maynard, Scott, E. W. Everest, E. Cawte, L. Heape. Evening Star Lodge No. 2 Sisters—C. Fraser, A. Graham, A. P. Hamilton, M. McCallum, J. Hamilton, C. L. M. Davis. Star of Peace Lodge No. 3 Sisters—N. Cahill, M. Elder, V. Joteham, E. Doyle, M. Shead, F. Mann, Bro. O. Samuels. Star of Promise Lodge No. 4 Sisters—C. Martin, A. Hamilton, L. Littleford, S. Coffey, B. Mattock, E. J. Napier, L. Cofley.fnfofmttot (Shte of yHlofrts. “friendship, love, and truth.” QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE, SNEYD ST., BOWEN HILLS, BRISBANE, On SATURDAY, iith MAY, 1907. The following members of the Committee were present :— Grand Master, THOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Trustee, E. De VOSS. An apology was read from Grand Trustee, J. W. Walker. The Grand Master took the Chair at 7*3° p*ni. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting were read and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, thanking the Officers of this Grand Lodge for their warm reception of their Grand Master (Bro. Mildwater) and Grand Guardian (Bro. Lothian). Resolved that it be received. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge, stating that the members of the Indooroopilly Lodge had made application to be united with the Petrie Terrace Lodge—the application had been accepted, and they were now members of this Lodge—and asking for the consent of the Grand Lodge. From the Secretary of the Indooroopilly Lodge, calling attention to the fact that that Lodge had ceased to exist, being unable to subsist on the earnings of the present members, who have transferred to Petrie Terrace Lodge. From the Registrar of Friendly Societies, stating he was informed by the Secretary of the Petrie Terrace Lodge that the Indooroopilly branch members had been taken over by his branch ; and asking to be notified of closure on forms forwarded herewith, and instructing method in regard to procedure with reference to funds, &c. ' Resolved that the letters be received, and the matter be left in the hands of the Grand Secretary. From the Secretary of the Pioneer Lodge, being a reply to a letter from the Grand Secretary asking that clause 7 of the terms of agreement for taking over the Perseverance members be altered, giving details, and stating that the Lodge could not alter or comply with the suggestions. Also from the Grand Secretary, stating that the alteration was offered only as a suggestion from the Grand Lodge. Resolved that it be received. From Mr. T. S. Henzell, commission agent, stating that he would be pleased to value any security offered to this Society at a fee of £1 is. Resolved that the letter be received and referred to the Trustee. From Mr, Rendle, Registrar of Friendly Societies, stating that several branches had failed to furnish their returns for 1906, and asking that they be written to requesting immediate compliance with the requirements of the Act. The Grand Secretary stated that he had written to the branches named asking them to forward the returns at once. Resolved that the letter be received. From the Secretary of Park Lodge, asking for a suspension of the initiation fees for six months. Resolved that the letter be received and the request granted. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge, asking what the Grand Lodge was doing with reference to Indooroopilly Lodge. Also from the Grand Secretary, asking the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge to take the key of the box to lodge with him next meeting, as he wished to go through the property of Indooroopilly Lodge to see what could be taken off the account. Resolved that the letter be received, and the matter left in the hands of the Grand Secretary to deal with. From the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, stating that the suspension of Broken Hill Rebekah Lodge, No. 4, had been removed by resolution of the Grand Lodge, and that the members of this jurisdiction were now at liberty to exchange those fraternal courtesies that formerly existed. Resolved that the letter be received.From the Secretary of North Ipswich Lodge, No. 21, asking for a suspension of the initiation fees for a period of three months. Resolved that the letter be received and the request granted. From the Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of Australasia, and also from the Grand Secretary thereof, to the effect that the appeal from Petrie Terrace Lodge had been discussed, and that the official communication would come through in due course. Resolved that they be received. From the Secretary of the Star of Peace Rebekah Lodge, inviting the Officers of the Grand Lodge tc a social in the lodge room on the 28th instant. Resolved that the letter be received and the invitation accepted. From the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the German Empire, forwarding notice of change of address. Resolved that the letter be received. From Mrs. E. M. Folkes, wife of Bro. Folkes, of Petrie Terrace Lodge, stating that they had taken the Royal Hotel at Esk, and that the doctor there would not take her husband on his list, nor allow him to join the lodge there, and asking that a lodge be formed there as there was plenty of people to keep another doctor. Resolved that the letter be received and the matter enquired into. From Bro. H. C. Duus, D.D.G M., Mt. Morgan, thanking the Grand Master for his appointment, and stating that he would do all he could for the Order ; that he had written to a likely place to open a new lodge, but had received no answer yet, and asking for information in regard to fees, &c. Resolved that the letter be received and the information given hiin. From Bro. J. W. Walker, resigning his appointment as representative to the Queensland Friendly Societies’ Association. Resolved that the letter be received, and the resignation accepted with regret. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, /. 0.0. F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending March, 1907, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions :— To Credit Balance forward... ... ... ¿£23 9 6 ,, Receipts from all sources to 31st March ... 153 14 8 By Expenditure ... £148 0 9 ,, Funeral Claims 20 0 0 ,, Credit Balance forward 1 10 0 ,, Cash in hands of Grand Sec. 713 5 £177 4 2 168 0 9 9 3 5 £i77 4 2 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. i.—Bro. Cocking, three quarters unfinancial in September report, returned the same in December report. If correct, 2s. 9d. due.4 Bro. J. Fuller, two quarters unfinancial in September report, made good one quarter in December report, should be two ; 2s. 9d. due on his account. Bro. H. J. Hooper, one quarter unfinancial in September report, not mentioned in December report ; 2s. 9d. due. Bro. Teasdale, three quarters unfinancial in September report, made good two quarters in December report, should be three ; 2s. qd. due. December Report.—429 members at 9d. equals £16 is. qd. ; overpaid, 2s. Due on account of deaths, 5s. 6d.; short paid, 6d. March Report.—Bro. Cocking, three quarters unfinancial in December report, returned two quarters unfinancial in March report. Due on his account, 5s. 6d. Bro. J. Rodda, two quarters unfinancial in December report, made good one quarter in March report, should be two ; 2s. qd. due on his account. Bro. W. E. Way, one quarter unfinancial in December report, not mentioned in March report ; 2s. gd. due on his account. The following brothers returned two quarters unfinancial in December report, returned the same in March report, 2s. 9b. due in each case : R. T. Anderson, Bird, Brydon, Bovey, Briski, Christian, Carnes, Dawson, Denman, Grant, Hare, McKersie, Larsons, Prentice, Robins, R. Southward, Thomas, Tredrea, Volk, Wallis, Gillen, Jensen. The following brothers returned three quarters unfinancial in December report, returned two quarters unfinancial in this report, 5s. 6d. due in each case : Maidment, Reay, Stick. Deaths, clearances, and resignations should be paid for in the quarter they occur. Due on account of Bro. Wigley, 2s. 9d. Registration fees for wives (5s. 6d.) not paid. Total short paid: Funeral Fund, £3 19s. 6d. ; General Fund, £1 8s. 3d., less 2s. overpaid, ^1 6s. 3d. Perseverance, No. 2.—Deaths, clearances, and resignations should be paid for in the quarter they occur. Due on account of II. Roycroft, 2s. 9d. Excelsior, No. 4.—C. Olsen, one quarter unfinancial in December report, returned same in this ; 2s. 9d. due on his account. Mt. Morgan, No. 14.—C. Pearce, one quarter unfinancial in December report, returned same in this ; 2s. 9d. due cn his account. J. Tucker, sen., one quarter unfinancial in December report, not mentioned in this ; 2s. 9d. clue on his account. The 2s. 9d. due in last report for clearance, Bro. J. Patterson, not yet paid. Total now due, 8s. 3d. Park, No. 15.—W. J. Stanley, three quarters unfinancial in December report, made good one quarter in this, and shown as two quarters unfinancial ; 2s. 9d. due on his account. Bro. Sandilands, two quarters unfinancial in December report, made good one quarter in this report; 2s. 9c!. due on his account. Overpaid, 6d. on account of registration fee for Mrs. Lobwein. Oakey, No.^16.—Deaths, clearances, and resignations should be paid for in quarter they occur. Due on account of J. Behuke and A. Murphy, 5s. 6d. Analysis of members show 18 unfinancial, names only of 17 given. Star of Burnett, No. i.—No report or dues. Evening Star, No. 2.—rS. Davey made good one quarter ; 8d. due. Star of Promise, No. 4.—W. Jenkins, three quarters unfinancial in September report, two quarters (is. 8d.) due on her account in December report. N. J. Wellington, one quarter unfinancial in December report, returned the same in March report; one quarter (8d.) due on her account.5 The following is a summary of the numerical transactions for the quarter :— SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter Admitted by initiation this quarter 26 Admitted by clearance this quarter 9 1,166 35 From which deduct— Left by clearance 4 Left by death ... ... • : I Left by arrears 20 REBEKAIi LODGES. Full number last quarter Admitted by initiation this quarter 9 1,201 25 — 1,176 250 9 From which deduct— Left by clearance Left by resignation Left by arrears I 4 ii 259 16 — 243 i»4I9 A. SHERIDAN, ) O. SAMUELS, i- Finance Committee. II. WILLIAMS, J Brisbane, 2*jth Apri/, IQOJ. Resolved that it be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. GENERAL BUSINESS. It was agreed that Grand Master T. W. Robinson be appointed as representative to the Queensland Friendly Societies’ Association in place of Grand Trustee J. W. Walker (resigned). With regard to the letter from the Australian Alliance Assurance Company, referred to the Standing Committee to be dealt with by the Grand Lodge in session ; it was agreed that the fullest enquiry be made. With regard to the failure of the secretary of the Star of Burnett Rebekah Lodge to furnish returns and dues, it was agreed that the Grand Warden be written to asking him to take the matter in hand, and use whatever means he thought best to enforce compliance with the requirements of the Grand Lodge. AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES. The amendments as agreed to at the Grand Lodge session were read, and they were duly confirmed and ordered to be registered at the earliest possible date. Accounts amounting to the sum of ,¿40 12s. 4d. were passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at. 10 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary,6 LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Charters Towers. Perseverance 2 Millchester Millchester WM. CARTER, Millchester Road, Charters Towers. Excelsior ... 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall ... Townsville E. D. PEREN, c/o Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd. Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Hall, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Livingstone. 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... h. a. McDonald, Forres House, Alma Street, Rockhampton Mulgrave ... IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick ... il Free Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. W. WALKER, Tingal Hill, Wynn um. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount Morgan. Park 15 Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. Oakey i6 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood Indooroopilly 20 Indooroopilly Hall Indooroopilly ... W. J. ROBINSON, Beatrice St., Taringa. North Ipswich 21 English Church School-room REBE North Ipswich... KAH LODGES. G. F. BRION, c/oj. M. Gill, Brassill School North Ipswich. Star of the Burnett I Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg A. E. LOXTON, Hunter Street, South Bundaberg. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Miss J. JOHNSON, 128 Alma Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 3 M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.7 LIST OP DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. Comprising Lodges No. Name and Address. I 1-2 J. CULLUM, c/o J. SURGEON, Mosman Street, Charters Towers. 2 4 J. JAMISON, Stanley St., Townsville. 3 6-11-15-20 W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten St., Petrie Terrace. 4 9 P. DONAGHEY, Rockhampton. 5 10 F. B. PICKERING, Burnett St., Bundaberg. 6 ' H H. C. DUUS, Horse Creek, Mount Morgan. 7 16 G. II. PEEK, Ravens wood. 8 21 GEO. RENTON, Blackstone, near Ipswich. REBEKAH LODGES. 5 I Mrs. BLACK, Bundaberg. 4 2 Miss M. McCALLUM, Rockhampton. 3 3 Miss M. ELDER, Leichhardt St., Spring Hill, Brisbane. I 4 J. CULLUM, c/o J. Surgeon, Mosman St., Charters Towers,8 SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies’ Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scdle for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wiYes according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1 /- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth, and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. Watson, Ferguson, & Co., Printers, Brisbane.Infcpenòtttt (©ita üf (©Mr ÿillnius. FRIENDSHIP, LOVE, AND TRUTH. QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HEI.D AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE, SNEYD ST, BOWEN HILLS, BRISBANE, On SATURDAY, 3R» AUGUST, 1907. The following members of the Committee were present : — Grand Master, THOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. The Grand Master took the Chair at 7.30 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting were read and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From the Grand Master, stating that he had seen Mr. Rendle re the scale of contributions ; that he did not think the rates from 35 to 45 years, as passed by the Grand Lodge, were sufficient ; that he thought Mr. Rendle would accept an intermediate rate as from the scale first proposed. Resolved that the letter be received. From the Secretary of the Pioneer Lodge, asking if he had missed any correspondence relating to the amalgamation of the Perseverance Lodge with the Pioneer Lodge. Also, the reply of the Grand Secretary, stating that the matter now rested with the two Lodges, as the consent of the Grand Lodge had been obtained some time ago. From the Secretary of the Pioneer Lodge, stating that the amalgamation would be effected on the 1st July, and asking the Grand Lodge to appoint a receiver to effect the deliverance of the assets of the Perseverance Lodge to the Pioneer Lodge. Also from Bro. J. Cullum, D.D. G.M., asking the appointment of a receiver in the matter. Also from the Grand Secretary to the Secretary of Pioneer Lodge, stating that the Grand Lodge had appointed Bro. J. J. Lapsley, Deputy Grand Master, as receiver ; and to Bro. Lapsley, notifying him of the appointment, and conveying a few instructions thereon. Resolved that the letters be received and the action endorsed. From Bro. J. C Smith, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Australasia, stating that the Executive had dealt with the appeal of Petrie Terrace Lodge, and that it was dismissed. Resolved that the letter be received. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge, asking for a detailed account of the goods account of Indooroopilly Lodge covering the amount of £6 odd. From the Grand Secretary, forwarding the account asked for. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge, stating that the Lodge had decided to accept the conditions for taking over the Indooroopilly Lodge goods subject to an allowance of 10s. being given on the box and scene, as the brother who made them only charged 25s. for same. From the Grand Secretary, stating that the brother was paid 35s. for the making of same, under which conditions the rebate asked for could not be allowed. Resolved that the letters be received, and the action of the Grand Secretary endorsed. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, I.O.O.F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending June, 1907, and to certify to the correctness thereof.3 The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions :— To Credit Balance forward ,, Receipts from all sources to 30th June £916 4 147 7 6 ¿157 3 10 By Expenditure ,,. Funeral Claims ,, Credit Balance forward ,, Cash in hands of Grand Sec. ¿33 is 9 IIO o o 12 IO 9 17 4 143 15 9 13 8 1 ¿157 3 10 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. i.—Should pay 382 members to General Fund at is. each, equals £ig 2s.; short paid, £1 14s. 9d ; 5s. 6d. underpaid last report not yet paid. Excelsior, No. 4.—No report. Mulgrave, No. 10.—J. PI. Cathcart returned two quarters unfinancial in March report, made good one and returned one unfinancial in this ; 2s. 9d. due on his account. T. W. Rich, returned one quarter unfinancial in March report, not mentioned in this ; 2s. 9d. due on his account. Brunswick, No. ii.—Overpaid is. 3d. for back quarter. Mt. Morgan, No. 14.—Overpaid is. 9d. back quarter. Overpaid one member who joined on last night of quarter 2s. 9d. Deaths, clearances, and resignations should be paid,for in quarter they occur. Due on account of Edward Huth, 2s. 9d. Park, No. 15.—Short paid 40 members at 3d., equals 10s. Short paid registration fee on account of Mrs. Tubman, 3s. Remarks in connection with Bro. Sandilands in March report not attended to. Oakey, No. 16.—H. Plandley, ceased by resignation, should be paid for ; 2s. 9$. due on his account. Should have paid 52 members at is., equals £2 I2s., to General Fund. S. Hunt, ceased by clearance, should be paid for ; 2s. 9d. due on his account. Due on account of IT. Handley, 9d. (who was returned one quarter unfinancial in March report). Should pay for 48 members to Funeral Fund ; short paid, 2s. North Ipswich, No. 21.—Short paid, 18 members at 3d. each, equals 4s. 6d., to General Fund. Overpaid, 2s. 9d. on account of Bro. Dunlop. Evening Star, No. 2.—No report. Star of Promise, No. 4. — Due on account of Sisters Stamp, H. H. and M. Graves, 2s. 2d. BALANCE SHEETS. Pioneer, No. i.—Rates £3 16s., repairs £8 16s. 6d., in December balance sheet, should be charged to Management Fund. We note the same thing occurs in this June, 1907, balance sheet. Excelsior, No. 4.—No balance sheet. Evening Star, No. 2.—No balance sheet. Star of Promise, No. 4.—We notice that you have £gj 9s, 9d, at current account. We would recommend that ^50 of this be deposited in the Government Savings Bank to be interest earning.4 The following is a summary of the numerical transactions for the quarter :— SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter Admitted by initiations this quarter 32 Admitted by clearance this quarter 4 1,176 36 From which deduct— Left by clearance 9 Left by death 3 Left by arrears 5 2 Left by resignation ... 4 REBEKAH Full number last quarter Admitted by initiation this LODGES. quarter From which deduct— Left by clearance I Left by death • • • I Left by arrears • • • « 13 Left by resignation ... . 6 1,212 68 1,144 243 ii 254 21 - 233 b377 A. SHERIDAN, ) O. SAMUELS, > Finance Committee. H. WILLIAMS, ) Brisbane, 2jth July, /907. Resolved that it be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. GENERAL BUSINESS. The minutes of the Executive of the Grand Lodge of Australasia being read, it was agreed that they be printed with this report. Attention is drawn to an error in the Journal of Proceedings, wherein it is made to appear that the Scale of Contributions, as printed in the Business Sheet, was adopted by the Grand Lodge, whereas the scale as printed therein was amended, insomuch as the rate from ages of 35 to 40 years be iod. per week. Attention is also drawn to the fact that, as Mr. Rendle, the Registrar ot 'Friendly Societies, was of the opinion that these rates from 35 years up to 45 years were not sufficient, an intermediate rate between those as printed in the business sheet and those agreed to at the Session was agreed to, and registered for the higher ages—viz., 35 years and under 38 years, iod per week ; and thence id. additional for each year up to 45 years. In the event of lodges initiating members over the age of 40 years under the new scale of contributions, and such members wishing to register their wives, who are also over that age, permission to do so will be given on application to the Standing Committee, provided that the conditions as to sound health are fully complied with.5 DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Mt. Morgan, No. 14.—To take part in Technical College demonstration on 25th May, and wear regalia. Star of Peace, No. 3.—To hold a progressive euchre tournament on nth June. Mulgrave, No. 10.—To have a semi-public installation, and to hold a social on every second Tuesday in each month during the winter months. Petrie Terrace, No. 6.—To suspend the initiation fees as soon as the amendments are registered. United Brisbane Lodges.—To hold a joint social on 12th June. Oakey, No. 16.—To hold an annual social in July. Pioneer, No. i, and Star of Promise, No. 4.—To take part in the demonstration on the occasion of the Governor’s visit to Charters Towers. Brunswick, No. ii.—To suspend the initiation fees. Bro. H. A. McDonald, as agent of the Grand Lodge, to suspend the initiation fees on the institution of new lodges. Accounts amounting to the sum of ^38 17s. iod. were passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at 9 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.6 %l)t Granii Hoìige af Australasia, I.O.O.F. MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE MEETING HELD AT I.O.O.F. TEMPLE, SYDNEY, ON WEDNESDAY, 24TH APRIL, 1907. The following were present :— Grand Sire, GEORGE T. CLARKE. Grand Treasurer, S. A. E. B. GILDER. Grand Secretary, John C. SMITH. The Grand Sire took the chair at 3 p.m., and stated that, as the Grand Secretary was passing through Sydney on his return from an official visit to Queensland, the opportunity had been taken to hold a meeting of the Executive. The fact that the D.G. Sire resided in Dunedin, New Zealand, and the J.P.G. Sire in Colac, Victoria, precluded their attendance ; but the position would be fully explained to them and their consent obtained. CORRESPONDENCE. From the Grand Lodge of Western Australia, stating that certain commands of the Grand Sire had been received through Bro. W. D. Murray, D.D.G. Sire, and would be loyally obeyed, but it was requested that in future any communications for the Grand Lodge of Western Australia might be sent through the ordinary channel, the Grand Secretary. Resolved that the communication be received. APPEAL An appeal was lodged by Petrie Terrace Lodge, Queensland, against the action of the Grand Lodge of Queensland in allowing Bro. E. De Voss to take a seat in the Grand Lodge as a representative of Petrie Terrace Lodge. The statement of the case made by Petrie Terrace Lodge was to the following effect : On the proper night, Bro. De Voss was elected as the representative to the 1907 Session by a majority of one vote over Bro. Samuels, who was elected the substitute representative. At a subsequent meeting an allegation was made that canvassing for votes on behalf of Bro. De Voss had taken place, and the Lodge, after some enquiry, decided to cancel the certificate of representation made out in favour of Bro. De Voss, and to make Bro. Samuels the representative. The Grand Lodge was notified accordingly. At the Session, where both Bros. De Voss and Samuels were in attendance, the Committee of Credentials reported that Bro. De Voss had been duly elected and was entitled to the seat. The report was adopted by the Grand Lodge, and Bro. De Voss sat as the representative of Petrie Terrace Lodge, notwithstanding he did not produce a financial certificate, as required by the Constitution.7 The Executive went into the case very exhaustively, and came to the following decision :— (1) From the evidence before the Executive, the inference is that Bro. De Voss was a P.G. in good standing. (2) The evidence certainly proves that Bro De Voss was elected on the last night of the quarter ending December, 1906, which was the proper night of election. (3) There is no section of the Constitution providing for the election of a substitute representative. (4) There is no evidence to show that Bro. De Voss personally can- vassed for votes in term of section 145 of the Constitution of the G.L. of Queensland. (5) That Bro. De Voss having been declared duly elected as Grand Lodge representative, it was a question for the Grand Lodge of Queensland to decide whether he w7as legally elected or not on an appeal being made thereto. (6) Upon the above facts the Executive decides that the appeal be dismissed. GENERAL BUSINESS Past Grand’s Certificate and Third Degree Certificate—the designs for these were considered and adopted. The Grand Secretary was instructed, to obtain estimates of cost, and then to ascertain from the various Sub-grand Lodges the quantity required by each. An invitation from the Grand Master of the Grand .Lodge of New South Wales for the Executive and Bro. T. Casey (Grand Messenger) to dinner at Paris House was accepted. MINUTES. Resolved that a copy of the minutes of present meeting be sent to each Sub-grand Lodge in Australasia. Resolved that the minutes of the meeting be confirmed. The meeting closed at 6.30 p.m. J. C. SMITH, Grand Secretary.8 LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Charters Towers. Perseverance 2 Millchester Millchester WM. CARTER, Millchester Road, Charters Towers. Excelsior 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Hall, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Livingstone. 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. A. MCDONALD, Forres House, Alma Street, Rockhampton Mulgrave ... IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. .Brunswick ... il Free Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. W. WALKER, Tingal Hill, Wynnum. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount Morgan. Park i5 Victoria Place .... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. Oakey i6 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood Northlpswich 21 English Church School-room RE BE North Ipswich... KAH LODGES. G. F. BRION, c/oj. M. Gill, Brassill School North Ipswich. Star of the Burnett i Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J..CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., George Street, Bundaberg. Evening Star / 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Miss J. JOHNSON, 128 Alma Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 3 M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Char* is Towers.LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 5 4 3 I Comprising Lodges Name and Address. i-2 J. CULLUM, c/o J. Surgeon, Mosman Street, Charters Towers. 4 F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. 6-11-15 W. O’NEILL, 35 Tratten St., Petrie Terrace, Brisbane, 9 P. DONAGHEY, East Street, Rockhampton 10 F. B. PICKERING, Burnett St., Bundaberg. 14 H. C. DUUS, Horse Creek, Mount Morgan. 16 G. H. PEEK, Ravenswood. 21 GEO. RENTON, Blackstone, near Ipswich. REBEKAH LODGES. 1 Mrs. EVERET, Bundaberg. 2 Miss M. McCALLUM, 219 Denison Street, Rockhampton. 3 Miss M. ELDER, Leichhardt St., Spring Hill, Brisbane. 4 J. CULLUM, c/o J. Surgeon, Mosman. St., Charters Towers.SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies’ Act of 189$. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wiYes according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1/-per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth, and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. Watson, Ferguson, & Co., Printers, Brisbane,Iirîtepenfcut aï #Mr ÿellnfos. “friendship, love, and truth.” QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE, SNEYD ST., BOWEN HILLS, BRISBANE, On SATURDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER, 1907. The following members of the Committee were present : — Grand Master, THOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. The Grand Master took the Chair at 7-3° pun. and declared the meeting open for business. The.Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting were read and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From Bro. ji G. Donaghey,- J.P.G. M.,. stating that the Loyal Gawarral Lodge, No. 22, had been most successfully opened on the 21st .September ; 30 contributing and three honorary menïbèrs being put through. Eleven members of Livingstone Lodge and four members of Mount Morgan Lodge went down to Gawarral to institute the Lodge, and the work was very creditably performed. Resolved that the letter be received, and the best thanks and congratulations of the Standing Committee be accorded to Bro. Donaghey and all other brothers who so ably assisted at the institution. Also to N.G. Bro. McLean and V.G. Bro. Garland for their energy and enterprise in getting together so many candidates for the institution of the Lodge. From the Secretary, Pioneer Lodge, stating that a member had drawn his clearance in February last and gone to North America ; that he had since written, stating that a visiting card would be of more use to him, and asking for one to be sent. The matter was referred to the Lodge, which advised that he return his clearance card, when a visiting card would be sent to him. And further stating that his father has regularly kept his contributions paid up during the time he has been away, and asking what position would the Lodge be in in the event of death or sickness of the member. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary, stating that the visiting card could not be sent until the clearance card was returned, and the brother restored to membership ; that the Lodge, or Order, under the circumstances, was under no liability with regard to sick or fùneràl benefits ; that the Secretary should not accept the contributions unless the father clearly understood the position of affairs. Resolved that the letter be received, and the action of the Grand Secretary endorsed. From the Secretary, Oakey Lodge, asking if the Standing Committee would be agreeable to undertake the task of choosing a number of questions and answers—at least 12—for a competition for a copy of Ridgely’s History of Odd Fellowship, presented for the purpose of encouraging members of Oakey Lodge to gain a knowledge of the Constitution, appertaining to Subordinate Lodges. Resolved that the letter be received, and the matter of drawing up the questions and answers be left to the Grand Secretary. Resolved that all further correspondence be received. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, /. 0.0. F. It is otir pleasure to report that We have carefully examinedthe Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending September, 1907, and to certify to the correctness thereof.3 The following is a summary of ?the quarter’s .transactions To Credit Balance forward.. . ... ... . •• ¿13 8 1 ,, Receipts from all sources to 30th September . 162 6 11 ¿1/5 15 0 By Expenditure ¿37 5 IO ,, Funeral Claims 20 0 O ,, Grand Trustees ... 69 12 7 — 126 18 5 ,, Credit Balance forward . 4? 16 7 ¿175 15 0 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below, for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. i.—K. Honeycomb, two quarters unfinancial in June report, returned the same in this ; 3s. due on his account. J. Southward, three quarters unfinancial in June report; returned two in this; 6s. due-on his account. G. Volk, ¡three quarters unfinancial in June report, returned the same in this ; 3s. due on his account. Overpaid is. to Funeral Fund for deaths, and also two members, who joined on last night of quarter, 6s.; total, 7s. Total-shortpaid, 5s* Report not signed by N.G., nor seal impressed thereon. Excelsior, No. 4. ^-Dates of birth of all members joining by initiation, etc., ^required. John Warren, two quarters unfinancial in June report; returned as having ceased membership by clearance in this report; 6s. due on his account:. A. Weir, one quarter unfinancial in June report, returned the same in this; 3s. due on his account. Seal, not impressed on report. Mulgrave, No. 10.—A, Culy and S. Glass, one quarter unfinancial in June report, not mentioned in this:; 3s. due in each case. Overpaid 9s., for three members who joined on last night of quarter. Total overpaid, 3s. Livingstone, No. 9.—Overpaid 3s. for one member, who joined on last night of quarter. Mount Morgan, No. 14. —A. T. Playwood and J. A. C. Terris, one quarter unfinancial in .June report, not mentioned in this ; 3s. due in each case. Oakey, No. 16.—Shortpay 2s. to Funeral Fund in June report not paid ; also 9d. on account of Bro. Handley. Star of Promise, No. >4.--One member initiated on last night of quarter ; need not be paid for.4 The following is a summary of the numerical transactions for the quarter : — 1,144 38 1,182 29 1,153 270 16 '286 12 — 274 1,427 O. SAMUELS, ¡- Finance Committee. H. WILLIAMS, J Brisbane, 26th October, 1907. Resolved that it be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. GENERAL BUSINESS. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker reported that two new loans, of ^200 and ¿600, had been effected. It was agreed that a number of copies of the Telegraph Key be printed, and circulated amongst the lodges. It was also agreed that a number of copies of the amendments agreed to at the Session be printed, for inclusion in the Constitution. The Grand Secretary reported that the amalgamation of the Perse-verance Lodge with the Pioneer Lodge, and the Indooroopilly Lodge with the Petrie Terrace Lodge, had been effected, and that both had been officially closed. Also that the Loyal Cawarral Lodge, No.' 22, had been duly registered. SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter Admitted by initiation this quarter ... 34 Admitted by clearance this quarter ... 4 From which deduct— Left by clearance 6 Left by death ... 4 Left by arrears 18 Left by resignation i REBEKAH LODGES. Full number last quarter 233 Plus error 37 Admitted by initiation this quarter ... From which deduct— Left by arrears 10 Left by resignation ... 2 A. SHERIDAN,DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Livingstone, No. 9.—To suspend initiation fees. North Ipswich Lodge, No. 21.—To suspend initiation fees for six months. Evening Star Rebekah Lodge, No. 2.—To hold social on the 14th September. Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6.—To hold moonlight trip on 16th October. Oakey Lodge, No. 16.—To take part in a demonstration for Divine service. Mulgrave Lodge, No. 10.—To take part in a demonstration on 16th October and nth November, in aid of the local hospital. Star of Promise Rebekah Lodge, No. 4.—To admit as an hon. female member one who was slightly under 16 years of age. Also to hold social and dance on the 31st October. Mount Morgan Lodge, No. 14.- To hold social and dance, and wear regalia on the 19th October. Accounts amounting to the sum of ^16 13s. 5d. were passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at 9.30 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.6 LIST OP LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, ICngStreet Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Charters Towers. Excelsior ... 4 M e r c a n t i 1 ,e Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. PetrieTerrace 6 M. U. Flail,'Charlotte Street ... Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, C/o FI. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Livingstone. 9 ; Livings t o n e Fl ail, William Street Rockhampton ... H. A McHQNALD, Eorres House, Alma .Street, Rockhampton Mulgrave ... IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. BICKERING, Burnett Street, Brunswick ... II Free Reading Room, "Brunswick St,: Valley Brisbane Bundaberg. J. W. WALKER, Tingal plill, Wynnum. Mt. Morgan. 14 A.N.A. Hall ...: Mount Morgan JE>. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount Morgan. Park M Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. '©’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, PetrieTerrace, Brisbane. Oakey i6 Raven swood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood NorthJpswich 21 English Church School-room North Ipswich... J. M. GILL, Brassill School, North Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral RE BE Cawarral KAH LODGES. J. A. CAMM, Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Star oi the Burnett I Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., George Street, Bundaberg. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Miss J. JOHNSON, 128 Alma Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 3 M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane O. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.7 LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. Comprising Lodges No'; Name and Address. I 1-2 J. CULLUM, c/o J. Surgeon, Mosman Street, Charters Towers. 2 F F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops,- Townsville. 3 6-11-15 W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten St., Petrie Terrace Brisbane, 4 9 P. DON AG HEY, East Street, Rockhampton., 5 10 F. B. PICKERING, Burnett St., Bundaberg. 6 *4 H. C. DUUS, Hbrse Creek,. Mottnt. Morgan*. 7 16 G. H. PEEK, Ravenswood. 8 21 GEO. RENTON, Blackstone, near- Ipswich. REBEKAH LODGES. 5 i Mrs. EVERET, Bundaberg. 4 ±' Mrs. C. KAYANAGII, Rockhampton. 3 3 Miss M. ELDER, Leichhardt St., Spring, Hill, Brisbane. i 4 J. CULLUM, c/o j. Surgeon, Mosman St., Charters Towers.8 SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies’ Act of 189> £226 12 2 ¿25 4 8 70 o o 60 o o ---------- 155 4 8 71 7 6 .¿'226 12 2 Credit Balance forward3 . The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer No. i.—W. H. Andrews, W. H. J. Axford, and W. Gault, returned one quarter unfinancial in September report, not mentioned in this ; 3s. due in each case. J. H. Crow, T. Campbell, E. Hennman, T. B. Sharpley, and T. B. Stables, returned two quarters unfinancial in September report, not mentioned in this ; 6s. due in each case. The names and ages of Mrs. F. Miller, E. Roberts, and ages of Mrs. F. Parsons, P. Galloway, and W. J. Lewis, required. Also age and date of birth of Bros. F. Parsons and C. Weecki. Overpaid two members who joined on last night of quarter, 6s. Total due, £1 6s. Excelsior No. 4.—Shortpaid one hon. member to Management Fund, is. Overpaid one member to both funds, who joined on last night of quarter, 3s. Total overpaid 2s. Oakey Lodge, No. 16.—Shortpaid four members to Funeral Fund, 8s. Star of Burnett, No. i.—No report. Evening Star, No. 2. —No report. Star of Promise, No. 4.—Nora Day returned three quarters unfinancial in September report, returned the same in this ; one quarter due on her account. BALANCE SHEETS. Star of Burnett, No. i.—No balance sheet. Evening Star, No. 2.—No balance sheet. The following is a summary of the numerical transactions for the quarter :— SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter ........ 1,153 Admitted by initiation this quarter ... 77 Admitted by clearance this quarter ... 4 From which deduct— Left by clearance Left by arrears .. i >234 8 28 36 — 1,1984 REBEKAH LODGES. Full number last quarter ... ... 274 Admitted by initiation this quarter ... 16 Admitted by clearance this quarter ... 1 17 From which deduct— Left by resignation Left by arrears ... 291 17. — 20 271 A. SHERIDAN, O. SAMUELS, H. WILLIAMS, Brisbane, ist February, 1908. 1,469 Finance Committee. y Resolved that the report be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. RULINGS GIVEN. No. 1 Question.—Is the R.S. to V. G. qualified to be nominated for the office of N.G. ? Anszver.—No, unless he is a P.G., or Past Vice Grand. No. 2 Question.—If the R.S. to V.G. sits in the V.G.’s chair (in the absence of that officer) for the last three nights of the term, does he fill a vacancy as V.G., and qualify himself for nomination as N. G ? Answer.—No. To fill a vacancy as contemplated by Sec. 92 of the Constitution, the office of V.G, must have been in one form “declared” vacant by reason of death, resignation, or for some other good and sufficient cause, and his successor must have been regularly nominated, elected, and installed into the chair, and sat therein for not less than two lodge nights at the end of the term. No. 3 Question,—Can the lodge pass at an ordinary meeting the sum of ¿2) for the purpose of presenting a Brother with a present ? Answer.—No, unless at a summoned meeting, and the amount proposed to be voted shall have been specified upon the summons. VALUATION REPORT. The Valuation Report was received from Mr. Rendle, the Registrar of Friendly Societies, and its reading showed this society to be in a good financial position. Resolved that it be printed with the numerical and Financial Statements, and that the recommendations therein be brought under the notice of the lodges, and that the best thanks of the Standing Committee be accorded to Mr. Rendle for the full and complete report he has made.5 INVESTMENT OF FUNDS. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker reported that further loans to the extent of ^550 at 5^ per cent, were being arranged, and that the Trustees had not sufficient cash in hand for the purpose. The Grand Secretary stated that as the returns were all in he could supplement the amount in the hands of the Trustees by a further ^170, which would be more than sufficient for the purpose. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Loyal Mount Morgan Lodge, No.., 14. To reduce the initiation fees'in' part. ACCOUNTS. Accounts amounting to the sum of ^29 i8s. 9d. were passed for payment' The Committee then adjourned, at 9 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Charters Towers. Excelsior ... 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall ... Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Piali, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane O. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Livingstone 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. A. MCDONALD, Forres House, Alma Street, Rockhampton Mulgrave ... IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, , Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick ... II Free Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. W. WALKER, Tingai Hill, Wynnum. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D, L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount Morgan. Park 15 Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. Oakey i6 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood Nor thlps wich 21 English Church School-room North Ipswich... J. M. GILL, Brassill School, North Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral REBE Cawarral KAH LODGES. J. A. CAMM, Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Star of the Burnett I Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., George Street, Bundaberg. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Streét Rockhampton .. Miss J. JOHNSON, 128 Alma Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 3 M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane O. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.7 LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. I 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 5 4 3 i Comprising Lodges XT , A ,, ^ Name and Address. i-2 J. CULLUM, c/o J. Surgeon, Mosman Street, Charters Towers. 4 F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. 6-11-15 W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten St., Petrie Terrace Brisbane. 9 P. DONAGHEY, East Street, Rockhampton. 10 F; B. PICKERING, Burnett St.,-Bundaberg. 14 H. C. DU US, East St. Extended, Mount Morgan. 16 G. H. PEEK, Ravens wood. 21 GEO. RENTON, Blackstone, near Ipswich. 22 II. A. McDONALD, Forres House, Alma Street, Rockhampton. RE BEK AH LODGES. 1 Mrs. EVERET, Bundaberg. 2 Mrs. C. ÇAVANAGH, Rockhampton. 3 Miss M. ELDER, Leichhardt St., Spring Hill, Brisbane. 4 J. CULLUM, c/o J. Surgeon, Mosman St., Charters Towers,8 SPECIAL NOTICES. Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1/- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. Watson, Ferguson, & Co., Printers, Brisbane,liritepenftent (©ite of (Bbò Jfdlolus. “friendship, love, and truth.” QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OK THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE, SNEYD ST., BOWEN HILLS, BRISBANE, On SATURDAY, 2ND MAY, 1908. The following members of the Committee were present :— Grand Master, TITOS. W, ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E, A. GREGORY. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. Grand Trustee E. De VOSS, The Grand Master took the Chair at 7.35 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business, The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting were read and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From Mr. Rendle, Registrar of Friendly Societies, asking for two copies of annual printed Report containing Valuation Report, if printed. Also asking what action had been taken by the Executive to carry out the recommendations made in said Valuation Report. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary stating that two such copies would be forwarded when printed, and stating action taken in regard to recommendations. Resolved that the letter be received and the answer endorsed. From the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, notifying suspension, of Picton Lodge No. 68, and Imperial Lodge No, 70, and stating that during suspension all official intercourse with these Lodges must cease. Resolved that the letter be received. From Bro. Alex. McLean, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of N.S.W., being a reply to a letter from the Grand Secretary stating that he was informed that he, Bro. McLean, had settled in Queensland, and had stated his intention to endeavour to open a Lodge at Rosewood, thanking him for his interest in this Jurisdiction, and forwarding particulars to work upon, acknowledging receipt of particulars, and asking for further particulars with regard to Medical Fees, etc. Resolved that the letter be received and the action of the Grand; Secretary endorsed. From Bro. E. Bellgrove, Secretary Pioneer Lodge, Charters Towers— being a reply to a letter from the Grand Secretary asking what prospects there was for opening a lodge at Cairns, as he was informed a large number of members had gone in that direction, also towns west of Charters Towers— acknowledging receipt of letter and stating that at Cairns and* district there are many from this Lodge, and he is told, from Excelsior Lodge at Townsville that as many as lie can find out, he is writing to ask their assistance and requesting to know what possibilities there are of success. Resolved that the letter be received. From Bro. A. J. Francis, Secretary Oakey Lodge, Ravenswood, stating that he had received a letter from Bro. Bellgrove of Pioneer Lodge, asking him to furnish the Grand Secretary with a list of all their members who had left Ravenswood for further North, and submitting, the list. Resolved that the letter be received.'I J REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand .Lodge of Queensland, I.O.O.F. Prior to entering upon the ordinary business of the meeting, the Finance Committee requested the presence of Mrs. Gregory, and Bro. Sheridan on behalf of the Committee, in a few suitable words, presented her with a set of carvers as a token of their appreciation of her efforts to provide for their comfort during their many meetings. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending March, 1908, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions To Credit Balance forward ... .. ... £7* 7 6 ,, Receipts from all sources to 31s it March ... 168 H 7 ¿240 2 1 By Expenditure ... ,, Funeral Claims ¿28 20 16 0 9 0 ,, Grand Trustees 170 0 0 . ■ 215 16 ,, Credit Balance forward 20 i 1 8 9 ,, Cash in hand of Grand Sec. ... 1 « i ■ 8 21 5 4 ' ¿24° 2 1 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer No. i.—R. Bruce, P. O. Jones and C. E. Ryan, returned one quarter unfinancial in December Report not mentioned in this, 3/- due in each case. R. Elgin returned 3 quarters unfinancial in December Report, made good 2 quarters in this, 3/- due on his account. J, F. Sutherland 3 quarters unfinancial in December Report, returned the same in this, 3/- due on his account. Livingstone, No. 9.—No Report. Mulgrave, No. 10.—Shortpaid 2 members to Funeral Fund, 4/-. Brunswick, No. 11, -No Report. Mount Morgan, No,. 14— Overpaid one member, who. joined on last night of quarter, 3/-. Park, No. 15..—One Honorary member returned one quarter: unfinancial in December Report, not mentioned in this, 1/- due on his account, ,4 Overpaid if-, registration fees, balance due ni Cawarral, Mo. 22.—No Report. Evening Star, No. 2.—No Report. The following is a summary of the numerical transactions for the quarter:— SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter 1,198 Admitted by initiation this quarter 34 Admitted by clearance this quarter 4 38 1,236 rom which deduct— Left by clearance 4 Left by arrears ... ... 13 Left by death... 1 Left by resignation ... 4 22 1 REBEKAH LODGES. Full number last quarter 271 Admitted by initiation this quarter 9 Admitted by clearance this quarter 1 10 281 horn which deduct— Left by arrears 13 i3 1,482 A. SHERIDAN, ) O. SAMUELS, > Finance Committee. II. WILLIAMS, ) Brisbane, 26th April, igo8. Resolved that the Report of the Finance Committee be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. GENERAL BUSINESS. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker reported that a fresh loan of ^'500 had been effected at 5J%, and invited lodges to place some of their funds with the Grand Trustees on terms to be arranged, as he thought the money could be invested for them to advantage by the Grand Trustees. The Grand Secretary drew attention to the great work done by Bro. Ledford, P.G., Alta Lodge, San Francisco, in Dunedin, N.Z., arid also on the Northern Rivers of New South Wales, and stated that Bro. Ledford' ahd5 called on him and during the conversation had enlightened him considerably on the method of the working of the Order in America, and had thereby shown him that there were great possibilities in front of the Order in Australasia, He had spoken upon the matter at some length in the various lodges, and was pleased with the attention and promises of support he received from the members, and stated that he intended to have the District Grand Committee called together shortly to go thoroughly into the matter ; and as soon as he could get time to write fully on the matter and place it before the members of the Country Lodges. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Petrie Terrace Lodge to hold Social on 6th April. Star of Peace Lodge to hold Euchre Tournament on 31st March. ACCOUNTS. Accounts amounting to the sum of £22. 1 os. 3d. were passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at 8.35 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.b LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Pi.ace of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer ... I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Charters Towers. Excelsior 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall ... Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, r Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Hall, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane O. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane Livingstone 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. F. LAMBERTON, Upper Dawsons Road. Rockhampton Mulgrave ... IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick ... ii Pree Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane |. W. WALKER, Tingal Hill, Wynnum. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, ■ Mount Morgan Park 15 Victoria Place ... .South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane Oakey i6 Ravens wood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood Norths pswich 21 English Church School-room North Ipswich... J. M. GILL, Brassill School, North Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral REBE Cawarral KAH LODGES. J. A. CAMM, Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Star of the Burnett I Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jin., George Street, Bundaberg Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Miss J. JOHNSON, 128 Alma Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 0 M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, C/o II. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King .Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road. Charters Towers.LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District Comprising Lodges No. No. Name and Address. I 1-2 F. F. BAHR, Charters Towers. 2 4 F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. -■» Û 6-11-15 W. O’NEILL, 35 Fratten St., Petrie Terrace Brisbane. 4 9 P. DONAGHEY, East Street, Rockhampton. 5 10 F. B. PICKERING, Burnett St., Bundaberg. 6 14 II. C. DU US, East St. Extended, Mount Morgan. 7 16 G. H. PEEK, Ravens wood. 8 21 T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office, Ipswich. 9 22 II. A. MCDONALD, Forres blouse, Alma Street, Rockhampton. REBEKAH LODGES. 5 I Mrs. EVERET, Bundaberg. 4 2 Mrs. C. KAVANAGH, Rockhampton. <■» 0 J Mrs. E. DOYLE, Brisbane. I 4 F. F. BAHR, Charters Towers,8 SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1 ¡m per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. Watson, Ferguson, & Co., Printers, Brisbane.Infcpatòmt Carter of Jfrïlühis. “friendship, love, and truth.55 QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND .LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE, 8NEYD ST., BOWEN HILLS, BRISBANE, On SATURDAY, ist AUGUST, 1908. The-following members of the Committee were present: — Grand Master, THOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Treasurer, IT.1 G. BAMKIN. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. The Grand Master took the Chair at 7.30 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting, and a Special Meeting, were read and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From Bro. E. Bellgrove, secretary Pioneer Lodge, stating that he and Bro. Craig were leaving for Cairns on the 15th instant, with the object of endeavouring to open a Lodge there, and stating that the cost would be considerable ; and, depending upon the Grand Lodge for its subsidy, his Lodge had voted ^20 towards the cost, and to know if a similar grant would be made by the Grand ,Lodge. The reply of the Grand Secretary, expressing regret that more timely notice had not been given in connection with the matter, as there were certain matters to be dealt with in regard to the necessary authority, and enclosing petition form, and form of procedure for the institution of a lodge, and also forwarding two Rituals, and asking him to wire address at Cairns, so that the warrant could be sent to him there. Also from the same brother, acknowledging receipt of letter and Rituals, and stating they were leaving for Cairns on Wednesday.- Also wire from Cairns, stating they had opened campaign, and giving address.. Followed by letter, stating they were fairly successful. Also a further wire, asking if authority posted ; followed by urgent wire, stating that would open to-morrow if authority arrived in time. Also wire from Grand Secretary, instructing to open lodge if ready, and stating that warrant left here Tuesday’s mail. Resolved that they be received. From the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New7 South Wales, stating that the suspension against Picton Lodge No. 68, and Imperial Lodge No. 70, had been withdrawn. Resolved that it be received. From the .Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge, stating that they had initiated Mr. A. W. Bale, and asking that any legal work the Grand Lodge may have be put in his hands. Resolved that it be received. From the Editor of “Triple Links,” asking that the list of officers be corrected, and further stating that he w7as informed the advertisement had been withdrawn, and that he had no recollection of anything to that effect. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary, stating that the advertisement had been withdrawn some considerable time back, which v'as the reason he had not corrected the list printed. Also from the Editor of “ Triple Links,” stating that he had ascertained the advertisement had been withdrawn, expressing regret at the step taken, and giving reasons therefor. Resolved that they be received. From the Home Secretary’s Office, drawing attention to Section 14 (4) and Regulation 13 of “The Old-age Pensions Act of 1908,” and showing that officers of the Government Savings Bank, or of any company, building society, or friendly society, are required to give every assistance, on demand of any commissioner, of the Registrar, or officer or member of the police force, when investigating pension claims. From the Secretary of the Star of Burnett Lodge, asking if the wddowTed mother of a benefit member, upon whom she is dependent, is entitled to the medical benefits. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary, stating that she was not so unless the agreement with the lodge doctor stipulated such, and giving reasons why she was not so entitled. Resolved that the letter be received, and the reply endorsed. From the Secretary of the Star of Peace Lodge, stating that on and after Thursday, 23rd July, the Lodge would meet every alternate Thursday, instead of Tuesday, as formerly. Resolved that the letter be received, and the change noted. From Bro. H. Williams, Secretary Brisbane District Grand Committee, asking that the Standing Committee be called together as early as possible, to consider the advisability of the Grand Lodge of Queensland appealing to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, at their coming session, for assistance in organizing the Order in Queensland.Resolved that the letter be received, and'that the letter drafted out by the Grand Secretary for that purpose be handed to Bro. G. T. Clarke, the Grand Representative, on his way to attend that session. From the Grand Secretary of the P. A.F.S., asking for experience of mixed male and female lodges from a social and financial standpoint, as he understands we have such lodges. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary, to the effect that we have no mixed lodges of the nature stated. Resolved that the letter be received, and the reply endorsed. Resolved that all further correspondence be received. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of tin? Grand Lodge of Queensland, /. 0.0. F. It is’ our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending June, 1908, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the quarters transactions:— To Credit Balance forward .. • ... 1 • • ■ * . ¿21 s 4 ,, Receipts from all sources to 30th June ... 167 . 7 9 ¿188 13 1 By Expenditure ¿25 13 6. ,, Funeral Claims ... 20 0 0 ,, Grand Trustees ... 100 0 0 — H5 13 6 ,, Credit Balance forward. ... ... 42 19 7 ¿188 13 1 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below, for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. i.—S. J. Edwards, B. Milton, McCuffray, returned one quarter unfinancial in March report, not mentioned in this; 3s. due in each case. Pfuffen, returned two quarters unfinancial in March report, not mentioned in this ; 6s. due on his account. McLurga, returned one quarter unfinancial in March report, returned the samé in this; 3s. due on his account. Underpaid on account of deaths, clearances, and resignations : 2s. to Management Fund, and is. 6d. to Funeral Fund. Names and ages of wives of members married during the quarter required. Nine shillings underpaid in March report, not yet attended to. Livingstone Lodge, No. 9.—G. M. Robson, returned one quarter unfinancial in December report, not mentioned in March report; 3s. due on his account. Name and age of wife of member married through the quarter required. December report shows 70 members on roll at end of quarter. March report shows 69 at beginning ; should be 70. Mulgrave Lodge, No. 10.—J. H. Cathcart, returned two quarters unfinancial in March report, made good one, and still one in this ; 3s. due on his account. A. Kelly, returned one quarter unfinancial in March report, returned the same in this ; 3s. due on his account. . Overpaid, 3s. lion, members made financial during the quarter.4 Brunswick Lodge, No. ii.—W. Hudson, returned one quarter unfinancial in March report, returned the same in this ; 3s, due on his account. Cawarral Lodge, No. 22.—No report. Overpaid in March report, 3s. for member who joined by clearance ; and underpaid, is. to Funeral Fund for member who left by resignation. Total overpaid, 2s. Star of Promise Lodge, No. 4,—Analysis of members in March and June reports don’t agree. Benefit and honorary members seem mixed up. Star of Burnett Lodge, No. i.—No report. Evening Star Lodge, No. 3.—No report. BALANCE SHEETS. Cawarral Lodge, No. 22.—No balance sheet. Star of Burnett Lodge, No! i.—No balance sheet. Evening Star Lodge, No. 3.—No balance sheet. Sevefal Lodges have small items of expenditure to the Sick and Funeral Fund which is wrong, such as insurance, trustees’ expenses, duty stamps, bank charges, and funeral cards. These should be charged to the Management Fund only. The following is a summary of the numerical transactions for the quarter:... Full number last quarter ... ... 1,214 Admitted by initiation this quarter... 29 Admitted by clearance this quarter... 3 From which deduct — Left by clearance Left by arrears Left by death Left by resignation 2 18 i 4 REBEKAH LODGES. Full number last quarter ... Admitted by initiation this quarter 11 32 25 268 11 1,246 1,221 From which deduct— Left by arrears Left by resignation 2 79 M / I 8 ----- 271 Brisbane, 25th July, igo8. A. SHERIDAN, O. SAMUELS, 1,492 j- Finance Committee. RULINGS GIVEN. Question : Is the widow and family of an honorary member, who was on the medical lists of the lodge, eligible to continue the same by payment of the necessary fees ? Answer : Yes. Question: Can an ex-P.G., who ceases membership by arrears, rejoin and be put into the same position that he held when ceasing membership, as a P.G. ? Answer : No. A P.G. who ceases membership by arrears, and rejoins the Order, forfeits all honours previously held.5 Questions: 1st. Can a widow, whose late husband, was not an Oddfellow, become a benefit member ? 2nd. If not, can she join as an honorary member? ■ 3rd. Can the wives of members join as benefit members ? Answers : To 1st and 2nd, Yes. To 3rd, No. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6.—To suspend initiation fees for 12 months. Park Lodge, No. 15.—To suspend initiation fees for three months. Accounts amounting to the sum of ^26 2s. 9d. were passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at 9.30 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. Minutes of Special Meeting held at the Registered Office, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, on Saturday, 13th June, 1908. The Grand Master took the chair at 7.30 p.m., and declared the meeting open for business. The following members of the Committee were present: — Grand Master, Thos. W. Robinson. Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory. Grand Treasurer, H. G. Bamkin. Grand Trustee, W. Matthews. The Grand Master, in' explaining the reason for calling the meeting, stated that he wished the Committee to appoint Bro. Ledford, P.G., as organizer for three months, and that he would meet the cost, which would amount to ,£100, but would not be ready for another two months ; but there were some matters of detail to be gone into, such as the extra bonus of 5s. per member procured. Resolved that the offer of the Grand Master be accepted, with the best thanks of the Committee, and that Bro. Ledford be appointed organizer for the period of three months, at such time as it can be arranged for him to take up his duties. ‘A statement was read from the Star of Peace Lodge, with the request that action be taken by the Committee in the matter, to the effect that a sister deposited her clearance in the Lodge on the 12th December, 1907, the clearance being drawn from the Star of Promise Lodge in February of the same year, at which time the sister paid about 12 months’ contributions in advance. Application was made to the Star of Promise Lodge by the Star of Peace Lodge for the credit standing in the sister’s name. The application was refused, and the lodge referred to Section 15 of Rebekah Laws, and a statement made that the Lodge would pay over on a written application only from the sister. A second application was treated in a similar manner, the sister in the meantime having left, and her address not being known. Resolved that a statement of the case be forwarded to the Star of Promise Lodge, together with the finding of the Committee, as follows :— 1st. That the sister’s credit is rightly the property of the Star of Peace Lodge. 2nd. That Section 15 of the Rebekah Laws has no bearing on the case. 3rd. That the application under the seal of one lodge to another is deemed sufficient in all such cases, and the application of the sister was unnecessary. And further, that the refusal to act upon such application would tend to destroy the perfect confidence existing between lodges. The Grand Secretary read an address he had written to the members for the advancement of the Order. Resolved that a sufficient number of copies be printed.6 The Grand Master submitted a dispensation authorising him to open a Subordinate Encampment in Brisbane, together with the probable cost of regalia, &c. Resolved that a petition be handed round, and if successful, an Encampment be opened at the earliest possible date. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED, Excelsior Lodge, No. 4.—To suspend initiation fees irt part. The Committee then adjourned at 9.30 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. Comprising Lodges No. Name and Address. I 1-2 F. F. BAHR, Charters Towers. 2 4 F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. 3 6-11-15 W. O’NEILL, 35 Platten St., Petrie Terrace Brisbane. 4 9 P. DONAGHEY, East Street, Rockhampton. 5 10 F. B. PICKERING, Burnett St., Bundaberg. 6 14 IT. C. DU US, East St. Extended, Mount Morgan. 7 16 G. H. PEEK, Ravenswood, 8 21 T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office, Ipswich. 9 22 H. A. McDONALD, Forres blouse, Alma Street, Rockhampton. REBEKAH LODGES. 5 I Mrs. EVERET, Bundaberg. 4 2 Mrs. C. KAVANAGH, Rockhampton. a a Mrs. E. DOYLE, Brisbane. I 4 F. F. BAHR, Charters Towers,7 LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer i i ! i Pioneer Hall, King Street 1 Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Charters Towers. Excelsior i 4 ; ì Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville i J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Hall, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane .. ; ! O. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Livingstone 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. F. LAMBERTON, Upper Dawsons Road. Rockhampton. Mul grave ... IO Oddfellows’ Piali, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick ... 11 P ree Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. W. WALKER, Commercial Road, Valley, Brisbane. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D. L.. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount* Morgan. Park i5 Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. Qakey i6 Rave ns wood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood Nor tMps wich 21 English Chiirch School-room North Ipswich... J. M. GILL, Brassill School, North Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral r I [ REBE Cawarral KAH LODGES. J. A. CAMM, ! Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Star of the I Oddfellows’ Hall, Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., Burnett Crofton Street George Street, Bundaberg. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 3 M. U» Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, : C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.8 SPECIAL NOTICES. Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1/- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns fqr the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. Watson, Ferguson, & Co., Printers, Brisbane.Ittkjmtknt <®r&n* ai #Mi JMlohis. “friendship, love, and truth.” QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE, SNEYD ST., BOWEN HILLS, BRISBANE, On SATURDAY, 7th NOVEMBER, 1908. The following members of the Committee were present :— Grand Master, TIIOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Trustee, E. De Voss. The Grand Master took the Chair at 7.45 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting, and a Special Meeting, were read and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From Bro. II. C. Duus, D.D.G.M., Mt. Morgan, enclosing petition for a Degree Lodge at Mt. Morgan, and asking for‘instructions with regard to opening same. Resolved that the letter be received and the action taken in the matter endorsed. From Bro. Wm. Kloecker, Secretary, Hermann Lodge, No. 199, 646 S. J. Street, Richmond, Indiana, warning Lodges that Bro. J. M. Young, of that lodge, is applying to lodges at different points for loans and relief, and that Hermann Lodge will not be responsible for nor re-imburse for any amounts given to him. And stating that charges are now pending against him. Resolved that the letter be received. From the Registrar of Friendly Societies, stating that he is informed that contrary to rules of this Society a payment of a Funeral Donation on account of an unfinancial member (John Weston) is about to be made. That Sections 131 and 132 are clear on these matters, and the certificates, as required under Schedule VII., has not been signed by the lodge officers. That Societies under the Act have the right to make and amend their own rules, but any registered rule is binding on all officers and members until amended, and therefore must be obeyed. That under Section 16 (9) of the F. S. Act, a complaint, respecting any misapplication of the funds (which includes a payment contrary to rule), may result in a penalty of £20 against the officers in addition to a refund. That, if the case is, as he understands one of special hardship, nevertheless the rules must be enforced and the only way to meet it will be by voluntary subscription amongst the'members. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary acknowledging receipt of the letter, and stating that the members of the Standing Committee regretted the action he had taken in the matter without first having consulted them as to the facts of the case, insomuch as the statement that payment was about to be made on account of an unfinancial member has no foundation in fact, and stating the facts of the case. And further stating that the lodge being doubtful in the matter submitted the case to the Standing Committee for its opinion. That the Standing Committee, under the power given to it in Section 172 of our rules recommended that the claim be paid, an the grounds that Section 131 did not apply to the case. And that although the opening clause of Section 132 protects the Society from any wrongful application for sick pay by unfinancial members paying up their dues during sickness, still should such sickness terminate in death the society would be liable for the funeral allowance on account or such member. And also the following clause of the same section, viz. :—“ But shall not be entitled to sick and funeral benefits until four weeks after such payment,” is very open. It is clear from this that a living member would be entitled to all benefits after four weeks, without any restrictions whatever, and we see nothing in the clause to prevent application being made for the funeral allowance on account of a deceased member after the prohibitory period of four weeks has expired. That we thought if taken to a court of law the case would be decided against us,, and in any case we intended to get legal advice on the matter.3 Also the reply from the Registrar of Friendly Societies5' adhering to the terms of his previous letter. Also the legal advice of Messrs. Wilson and Hemming, solicitors, recommending that the claim be not paid. Resolved that the letters be received and the action taken endorsed. From Bro. H. C. Duus, D.D.G.M., Mt. Morgan, asking several questions as to working Degree Lodge, etc. Resolved that the letter be received and that the officers be asked to drafts out rules for the working of the lodge, and submit the same to the Standing Committee for confirmation. Resolved that all further correspondence be received and action endorsed. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. 7o the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Qtieensland, I.O.O.F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending September, 1908, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions:— To Credit Balance forward ... ... ... ... £42 19 7 ,, Receipts from all sources to 30th September ... 163 12 9 By Expenditure ... ,, Funeral Claims -,, Grand Trustees ,, Credit Balance forward £27 6 2 50 o o 60 o o 69 6 2 ¿206 12 4 137 6 2 69 6 2 ¿206 12 4 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below, for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. i.—Owen Jones, one quarter unfinancial in June Report, not mentioned in this, 3/- due on his account. Brunswick, No. ii.—W. F. Tealby, returned one quarter unfinancial in June Report, not mentioned in this, 3/- due on his account. Deaths, clearances, and resignations should be paid for in quarter they occur. Due on this account, 6/-.4 Oakey, No. i6.—R. Barry, one quarter unfinancial in June Report, not mentioned in this, 3/-, due on his account. The following is a summary of the numerical transactions for the quarter:— SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter ... 1,221 Admitted by initiation this quarter 46 Admitted by clearance this quarter 2 48 1,269 From which deduct— Left by clearance ... 3 Left by arrears 28 Left by death 4 Left by resignation .. 2 37 REBEKAIT LODGES. Full number last quarter... 271 Admitted by initiation this quarter 22 22 293 From which deduct— Left by arrears 3 Left by resignation 2 5 1,232 288 1,520 A. SHERIDAN, I O. SAMUELS, y Finance Committee. H. WILLIAMS, J Brisbane, 31st October, igo8. The Report of the Finance Committee was read, and was received and ordered to be printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. GENERAL BUSINESS. It was agreed that steps be taken to convene meetings of the Committees on Representation and Consolidation, appointed at the last session. GRAND MASTER’S REPORT. The Grand Master submitted his report upon his recent official visit to the Lodges in ihe Central District. He left Brisbane by the Northern Mail Train on Friday, 2nd October, and detrained at Marmor on the following day, being met by a number of brethren from the Livingstone, Mount Morgan, and Cawarral Lodges, who had assembled there by arrangement for the purpose of instituting a new Lodge of the Order there that night. In accordance with arrangement he instituted the “ Loyal Port Alma Lodge, No. 24”, at Marmor, being ably assisted by members of the three Lodges mentioned. The ceremonies of Institution, Initiation, and Installation, being carried out in a highly creditable manner. The G.M. gave an interesting address, and specially thanked Bro, H. C. Duus, D.D.G.M., of Mt. Morgan for his great enthusiasm and love for the Order, and for the good work he had accomplished in bringing into existence the Port Alma Lodge.5 In the course of his visit he attended meetings of the Livingstone Lodge, and Evening Star Rebekah Lodge, at Rockhampton, the Loyal Mt. Morgan Lodge, and Loyal Cawarral Lodge, and expressed himself as being highly pleased at the creditable manner in which the ceremonies were conducted and the work of the Order generally is carried out. He also attended during his visit several Social functions which were a pleasure to all who attended and a credit to the brothers intrusted with the work of getting them up. Accounts amounting to the sum of £24^ is. were passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at 9.15 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. SPECIAL MEETING. Minutes of Special Meeting of the Standing Committee held at the ■Registered Office, Sneyd St., Bowen Hills, Brisbane, on Friday evening the 18th September, 1908. The following Members of the Committee were present : Grand Master, Thos. W. Robinson. Grand Warden, Geo. Atkin. Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory. Grand Treasurer, H. G. Bamkin. Grand Trustee, J. W. Walker. The Grand Master took the chair at 8.30 p.m., and declared the meeting open for business. CORRESPONDENCE. From Bro. W. O’Neil, D.D.G.M., Brisbane District, to the effect that at the request of the Brunswick Lodge he placed the following before the Standing Committee :— The late Bro. John Weston, of the Brunswick Lodge, who was accidently killed on August 19th, 1908, was on August 4th indebted to his Lodge to the amount of 15/6. On August 14th he paid 14/-, which left a balance of 1/6, thereby leaving him financial on the Lodge books. Five days after he met his death. In reference to Sections 131 and 132 of the Constitution, the widow is actually not entitled to the funeral benefit, still I contend that Section 132 is a prevention against fraud, but as the late Bro. Weston had made himself financial prior to his ^untimely death, no fraud was intended. He, therefore, recommended that the claim be paid, and trusted that the Standing Committee would come to the same conclusion. After due consideration it was resolved that the Committee recommend that the claim be paid, on the following grounds : — That Section 132 is rightly interpreted as being a prevention against any wrongful or misuse of the funds as in the case of death following sickness.6 That Bro. Weston was in his usual state of health at the time he paid his dues and made himself financial. That the nature of Bro. Weston’s death removes any intent to obtain the funeral allowance wrongfully. That the fact of Bro. Weston being unfinancial on the 4th August would never have been reported to the Grand Lodge. That as the opening clause of Section 132 protects the Order only from any wrongful application for sick pay by unfinancial members paying up their dues during sickness, that should such sickness terminate in death, the Order would be liable for the funeral benefit. And as the clause “ shall not be entitled to sick and funeral benefits until four weeks after such payment ” appears to be very open, inasmuch as it may be interpreted to read that payment should be made after the prohibitory period of four weeks had expired ; it was considered both upon a just and fraternal basis, the claim should be paid. From Bro. D. C. Forrest, D.D.G.S., for Queensland, enclosing a letter from Petrie Terrace Lodge, asking him to explain his reason for not entering the lodge after presenting his dispensation. The facts of the case being, that in presenting the dispensation, the lodge discussed at length the question as to whether Bro. Forrest was entitled to be received with the honors of the Order, and what jurisdiction he had over lodges in Queensland. In the meantime Bro. Forrest asked for his dispensation to be passed out to him and on receipt thereof he retired. Also from the D.D.G.M., Brisbane District, upon the same matter, to the effect that he had received a letter from the Petrie Terrace Lodge, asking for his ruling on the matter. And that he had given the following ruling :— “ Although the District Deputy Grand Sire has no jurisdiction over Subordinate Lodges in Queensland, it would be right to accord the honours of the Order to him as the Representative of the Grand Sire. Resolved that the letters be received, and the ruling given agreed to, and also that Bro. Forrest’s request to inform the lodge that all communication addressed to him should come through this office be complied with. From the Registrar of Friendly Societies, drawing attention to the fact that the Management Fund overdraft had increased, and asking what steps had been taken to reduce it. And further stating that if application was made to transfer a sum from the funeral fund to pay off overdraft, and that levies were made sufficient in future, he would, in view of the position at last valuation be prepared to meet us. Resolved that the letter be received and Mr. Rendle informed that we are not prepared to adopt his suggestion at present ; but as we had every reason to believe that our position at the next valuation would be much improved, and by which time we anticipated the overdraft would have disappeared ; application would or may then be made for a sum to be devoted to extention purposes. From Bro. J. C. Smith, Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Victoria being a reply to a letter from the Grand Master conveying the fraternal greetings of this jurisdiction to our brethren of the American Fleet on the occasion of their visit to Melbourne, stating that the letter was read at a Social function tendered to them and received with three ringing cheers.7 From Bro. B. F. Ledford stating the terms on which he would be prepared to come to Queensland for three months at the beginning of the year provided the G. L. of N.S.W, would be willing to release him. Resolved that the letter be received and that a circular be sent to the Lodges asking if they would co-operate in the matter. Resolved that the Standing Committee officially visit the various Lodges in the Brisbane District, and also Ipswich. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6. To suspend initiation fees. Mt. Morgan Lodge, No. 14, To suspend initiation fees. Bro. H. C. Duus, D.D G.M., Mt. Morgan. To suspend initiation fees in connection with the opening of a new Lodge at Marmor. The Committee then adjourned at 10.30 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.8 LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. Comprising Lodges No. Name and Address. I 1-2 F. F. BAHR, Charters Towers. 2 4 F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. 3 6-II-15 W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten St., Petrie Terrace Brisbane. 4 9 P. DONAGHEY, East Street, Rockhampton. 5 10 F. B. PICKERING, Burnett St., Bundaberg. 6 14 H. C. DU US, East St. Extended, Mount Morgan. 7 16 G. H. PEEK, Ravenswood. 8 21 T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office, Ipswich. 9 22 II. A. McDONALD, Forres Plouse, Alma Street, Rockhampton. REBEKAH LODGES. 5 I Mrs. EVERET, Bundaberg. 4 2 Mrs. C. KAVANAGH, Rockhampton, n D 3 Mrs. E. DOYLE, Brisbane. I 4 F. F. BAHR, Charters Towers,9 LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Charters Towers. Excelsior ... 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Piali, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane O. SAMUELS, C/o PI. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Livingstone 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. F. LAMBERTON, Upper Dawsons Road. Rockhampton. Mulgrave ... IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick ... il Free Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. W. WALKER, Commercial Road, Valley, Brisbane. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount Morgan. Park 15 Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. Oakey 16 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood Northlpswich 21 Pinglish Church School-room North Ipswich... J. M. GILL, Brassill School, North Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral Cawarral P. INGLIS, Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Barron 23 Cairns Cairns W. J. CARTER, C/o. Mrs. Gladwell, Lake St., Cairns. Port Alma ... 24 Marmor REBE Marmor KAH LODGES. C. C. WARD, Marmor, N. C. Line. Star of the Burnett i Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., George Street, Bundaberg. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George Street, Rockhampton. Star Oi Peace 3 M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, C/o H. Toub, Queen St., Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.IO SPECIAL NOTICES. Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now he paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1 /- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested, to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. Watson, Ferguson, & Co., Printers, Brisbane.Ittfcpenbint (Writer d (®Mt Jfell thus. “ friendship, love, and truth.55 QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE RESIDENCE OF THE GRAND MASTER, MORNINGSIDE, On SATURDAY, 6th FEBRUARY, 1909. The following members of the Committee were present :— Grand Master, THOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Treasurer, H. G. BAMKIN. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. Grand Trustee, W. MATTHEWS. The Grand Master took the Chair at 3 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting, and a Special Meeting, were read and confirmed-2 CORRESPONDENCE. From Bro. E. Bellgrove, Secretary Pioneer Lodge, explaining costs of opening the Loyal Barron Lodge at Cairns. Also reply to same from the Grand Secretary. Resolved that it be received and reply endorsed. From the Grand Master, asking the Grand Secretary to call a Special Meeting of the Standing Committee for the 16th January, instant. Resolved that it be received. From the Secretary, Pioneer Lodge, stating that the Lodge declined to take any action or responsibility in the appointment of Bro. Ledford as organiser. Resolved that it be received. From the Secretary Petrie Terrace Lodge, asking the Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers to attend at the next meeting of the Lodge to install its officers. Also from the Grand Master, instructing the Grand Secretary in the matter, and the reply of the Grand Secretary to the Lodge, to the effect that the Grand Master could not attend on that date, and asking the Lodge to allow its officers to be installed in accordance with the rules. Resolved that the letters be received and the reply endorsed. From the Secretary Oakey Lodge, conveying resolution of the Lodge upholding the action of the Standing Committee and the Brunswick Lodge in connection with the funeral claim on account of the late Bro. J. Weston. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary, thanking the Lodge for its support, and stating that the claim had been fully met by’subscription. Resolved that it be received and the answer endorsed From Bro.'J. G. Anderson, notifying that he had been appointed Secretary of the Loyal Barron Lodge, and explaining a few matters in connection with the returns. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary. Resolved that the letter be received and the reply endorsed. From Bro. H. C. Duus, D.D. G.M., Port Alma Lodge, explaining reasons why returns were not forwarded. Resolved that the letter be received. From Bro. O. Samuels, member of Grand Lodge Finance Committee, stating that he had written for access to the securities, and would be out on the 5th instant to sign balance sheets. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary, stating that he saw no use of his signing the balance sheets now, as in view of his action at the meeting of the Finance Committee he would report the matter to the Standing Committee, and prefer1 a charge against him ; but if he, Bro. Samuels, would give him a written statement acknowledging the wrongfulness of his action, he would report only. Resolved that the letter be received. Resolved that all further correspondence be received, an.d the action taken endorsed.3 REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand ¿Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, /. O. O. F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending 31st December, 1908, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions :— To Credit Balance forward ... ... ... ^69 6 2 ,, Receipts from all sources to 31st December ... 179 9 10 ^248 16 o By Expenditure ,, Funeral Claims,... £43 5 10 IOO o o ,, Credit Balance in Bank ... 104 o 4 ',, Credit Balance in hands of G.S. I 9 10 143 5 10 105 10 2 ¿248 16 o The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of. Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. i.—W. H. Andrews returned one quarter unfinancial in September report, not mentioned in this ; 3s. due on his account. Name and age of Mrs. Wellington required. Three shillings underpaid in last report not yet paid. Petrie Terrace,. No. 6.—H. P'ordham returned one quarter unfinancial in September report, not mentioned in this ; 3s. due on his account. Livingstone Lodge, No. 9.—No report. Mulgrave Lodge, No. 10.—J. C. Drain and J. E. Forman returned one quarter unfinancial in September report, not mentioned in this ; 3s. due in each case. A. Copper returned two quarters unfinancial in September report, returned in this as made good one quarter and still one unfinancial ; 3s. due on his account. Mt. Morgan, No. 14.—Overpaid 10s. to Funeral Fund. Cawarral, No. 22.—No report. Evening .Star, No. 2.—No report. Star of Promise, No. 4.—C. Leone returned one quarter unfinancial in September report, not mentioned in this. II. Percy returned two quarters unfinancial in September report, returned still two quarters unfinancial in this. BALANCE SHEETS, Excelsior Lodge, No. 4.—Should have one-third of funds invested in Government securities. The sum of £1 5s. 6d. charged to Sick and Funeral Fund should be charged to Management Fund. Park Lodge, No. 15.—£26 less than one-third of funds in Goverment securities, as required by law. Cawarral, No. 22.—No balance sheet. Evening Star, No. 2.—No balance sheet. A. SHERIDAN, ) O. SAMUELS, \Finance Committee. H. WILLIAMS, J Brisbane, goth January, içoç.4 NUMERICAL. SUBORDINATE LODGES. Lull number last quarter Admitted by initiation this quarter ... 59 Admitted by clearance this quarter ... 3 1,232 62 From which deduct— Left by clearance Left by arrears... Left by death ... 5 *37 5 REBEKAH LODGES. Full number last quarter Admitted by initiation this quarter ... 12 From w?hich deduct— Left by arrears ... 12 Left by death ... 2 Left by resignation 3 1,294 47 — i,34i 288 12 300 17 — 283 15 53° Resolved that the Report be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. BALANCE SHEETS The Balance Sheets were now read, showing a good increase in funds, and were received and adopted. A statement was now read from Bro. 0. Samuels, a member of the Finance Committee, to the effect that he failed to find any authority for the whole of the investments of the Grand Trustees. That, at least in tw’o instances, the valuator is the agent of the owner. That it appears to him that something is radically wrrong with some of the mortgages, there being no endorsement on the back as to whether they have been drawn up by a responsible person. That ¿£300 of the Government Debentures have been disposed of without authority ; and that all the investments are contrary to law, there not being one-third of the Funeral Fund invested in Government stock or other Government securities. That the above are his main reasons for not signing the balance sheets, and is prepared to sign all subject to this report. And further recommending that a certificate be obtained from a respectable and qualified solicitor as to the correctness of all mortgages and other securities. And other matters, drawdng attention that claims are paid without reference to the .Standing Committee or Finance Committee, and referring to the books and papers of the Grand Treasurer. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker stated that in no single instance had the valuator acted as the agent of the owner, and pointed out that four different valuators had been employed in connection with the investments of the Grand Lodge ; and further stated that legal opinion had been obtained with regard to drawing up the mortgages, in so much as drawing them up in the own proper names of the Trustees or in the names of the Trustees of thes Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It being pointed out that the latter was the simplest form, as in the first instance in the event of the removal from office of a Trustee or Trustees it would cost something up to £2 in each investment for inserting new names therein. The Grand Secretary reported that the meeting of the Finance Committee had been convened in the usual way, the whole of the members attending. When the securities were being examined—some of which have been in existence almost as long as the Grand Lodge, and the whole repre senting a property value of something like ,£9,000—Bro. Samuels turned to the Grand Secretary and asked if there was any authority for the investments. He, the Grand Secretary, had replied that there appeared something in the minutes from time to time, and that the whole were with the consent of the Standing Committee, as the securities offered for inspection were a proof thereof. Bro. Samuels, not being satisfied with the answer, refused absolutely to go on with the examination of the securities, and the Grand Secretary informed him that if he did not intend to go on with the work of the Committee he had better leave the room. He did not do this, and the examination was continued by the other two members of the Committee. At the close of the audit he refused to sign the balance sheets when presented to him for that purpose, and passed them on to the other members of the Committee for signature, in no instance consulting them with regard to his action, and giving no reason further than the one of presumed authority for the investments. He, the Grand Secretary, considered that Bro. Samuels had failed in his duty to the Order in refusing to do the work for which the meeting was convened, and in view of the thoroughness of the audit, it was his duty to sign the balance sheets, and if he saw anything with regard to procedure which did not please him he could report to the Standing Committee either in conjunction with or separate from the Finance Committee. Bro. Samuels, since the audit, had written stating that he had written to Grand Trustee J. W. Walker, asking to be shown the securities to complete his examination of the same, and that he would tie out on Friday night to sign balance sheets and papers requiring his signature. The Grand Secretary had replied as in his letter read among the corresponpence. On attending the office on Friday he refused to make the statement, and said he was prepared to sign the balance sheets on certain conditions, which he did not name, and under the circumstances the Grand Secretary refused to let him sign. He, the Grand Secretary, considered it was a serious want of duty on the part of Bro. Samuels in refusing to do his work and signing the balance sheets, and had he have got one or the two other members of the Committee with him he would have stopped the machinery of the Grand Lodge solely upon a mere matter of procedure only. He therefore formally charged Bro. Samuels for neglecting to do his duty as a member of the Finance Committee. ■ After discussion it was resolved that Bro. Samuels be commanded to make the statement in terms of the Grand Secretary’s» letter to him, and to sign the balance sheets as correct, within seven clays of the date of such notice to him. Resolved that the advertisement in Triple Links be continued. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Barron Lodge, No. 24. To hold excursion on Mulgrave tramline on 13th December. Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6. To hold moonlight excursion on 6th March.6 Port Alma Lodge, No. 23. To hold social and wear regalia. Accounts amounting to the sum of ¿£49 ns. 8d. were passed for pay-men t. The Committee then adjourned at 7 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Held at the residence of the Grand Master, Morningsiae, 011 Saturday, 16th January, IQOQ. The following officers were present :— Grand Master, Thos. W. Robinson. Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory. Grand Treasurer, H. G. Bamkin. Grand Trustee, J. W. Walker. Grand Trustee, E. De Voss. The Grand Master took the chair at 3.30 p.m., and declared the meeting open for business. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker, referring to his recent visit to Sydney, stated that the Standing Committee of N.S.W. could not see their way to release Bro. Ledford from his engagement with that jurisdiction, as requested to do so by this Grand Lodge, for three months from 1st January in the present year, it being understood that Bro. Ledford was returning to America in May. And further stated that he had interviewed Bro. Ledford in reference to his engagement as organiser in this State. An agreement between the Grand Master and Bro. Ledford was read, to the effect that Bro. Ledford was engaged as organiser in this State for a period of six months from the 1st May next, at a salary of £$o per month and travelling expenses. The Grand Master providing the whole of the salary, amounting to ^300, for the period. Resolved that Bro. Ledford’s services be accepted, and the Grand Lodge guarantee the travelling expenses. Bro. Ledford’s movements while in Queensland was now considered, and it was agreed that four months of his time be devoted to country Lodges, and the remaining two months to Brisbane and Ipswich. It was agreed that 450 copies of the Australasian Triple, Links be purchased, and distributed by the editor among the various Lodges, such issue containing a report of Bro. Ledford’s work in Tamworth Lodge, N.S. W. It was agreed that 5s. be paid for the advertisement of the Grand Lodge in Triple Links for the month of January. It was agreed that the printing of all matter in connection with Bro. Ledford’s work be left in the hands of the Grand Master, and that all details be left in the hands of the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. It was agreed that the Grand Secretary draft out a circular letter to the Lodges re Bro. Ledford’s engagement, and send it to the Grand Master for sufficient copies to be struck off for that purpose.7 A draft of rules of the Wilday Degree Lodge, No. 3, was considered and confirmed, with the exception of Rule 6, which provided for the Ritual giving place to the Constitution in cases whére it appeared to clash with it, which was considered wrong by the Committee. The Committee then adjourned at 7-3° p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.8 LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 4 -■> ô i Comprising Lodges No.' Name and Address. 1-2 4 6-11-15 9 10 14 16 F. F. BAHR, Racecourse Rcl., Charters Towers F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten St., Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. P. DONAGHEY, East Street, Rockhampton. F. B. PICKERING, Burnett St., Bundaberg. H. C. DUUS, East St. Extended, Mount Morgan. G. H. PEEK, Ravens wood. 21 T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office, Ipswich. 22 II.; A. McDONALD, Forres Plouse, Alma Street, Rockhampton. REBEKAH LODGES. Mrs. EVERET, Water St., Bundaberg. Mrs. C. KAVANAGH, Quay St., Rockhampton. Mrs. E. DOYLE, Alexandra St., Paddington, Brisbane. F. F. BAHR, Charters Towers.9 LIST OP LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Water Board Office, 1 Charters Towers. Excelsior ... 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Pe uie Terrace 6 M.U. Piali, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane O. SAMUELS, Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. Livingstcne 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. F. LAMBERTON, Upper Dawsons Road. Rockhampton. Mulgrave ... IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton vStreet Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick ... il Free Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. H. TINLAY, Post Office, Breakfast Ck., Brisbane. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount Morgan, Park iS Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. Oakey i6 Ravens wood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood North Ipswich 21 English Church School-room North Ipswich... J. M. GILL, Brassill School, North Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral Cawarral P. INGLIS, Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Barron 23 Cairns Cairns J. G. ANDERSON, “ Trinity Times,” Cairns. Port Alma ... 24 Marmor REBE Marmor .. KAH LODGES. C. C. WARD, Marmor, N. C. Line. Star of the Burnett I Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., George Street, Bundaberg.- Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William §treet Rockhampton ... Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 3 M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane O. SAMUELS, Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is i/*- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the 1.0.0.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. WATSON, FERGUSON & CO.. LTD.iirìtépMtdittt (iröa1 ai ©irö Jfrlkrhia. “FRIENDSHIP, love, and truth/’ QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE RESIDENCE OF THE GRAND MASTER, MORNINGSIDE, On SATURDAY, 1ST MAY, 1909. The following members of the Committee were present : — Grand Master, THOS. W, ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Treasurer, IT. G. BAMKIN. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. Grand Trustee, W. MATTHEWS. The Grand Master took the Chair at 3 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting, and a Special Meeting were read and confirmed.CORRESPONDENCE. From Mr. Rendle, Registrar of Friendly Societies, stating that he was dissatisfied with the manner in which the audit had been made for the following reasons :— 1. The Auditors were not properly appointed, one being required to retire each year and three being required under our rules. 2. Only two auditors signed the returns instead of three. 3 Complaint has been made to me that the provisions of our rules, particularly with respect to investments, have not been complied with. And stating that he had appointed Mr. W. J. M. Forbes, A. F. I.A. and licensed auditor, to audit and examine the accounts, documents, and securities of the Grand Lodge. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker stated that Mr. Forbes had examined the securities and had expressed himself satisfied with everyone of them ; but had since expressed the wish to examine them again as he wanted to satisfy himself on one little point, and expressed the wish, if no objection would be offered, to bring an expert in the matter to examine them with him. And further stated that every facility would be given Mr. Forbes to examine the securities in conjunction with the expert, provided the secrecy of the gentleman could be depended on. The Grand Secretary stated that the audit was proceeding and that, so far, Mr Forbes was perfectly satisfied with the Grand Secretary’s books. Resolved, after discussion, that action be deferred until after the auditors’ report was received. From Mr. Rendle, Registrar of Friendly Societies, stating that by resolution of the Petrie Terrace Lodge, a complaint has been lodged with him that it is proposed to use a portion of the Funeral Fund of the Order to pay the travelling expenses of an organiser. And pointing out that any use of the funds of the Order for purposes other than those expressed by the rules will, on complaint of a branch, or member authorised by a branch, or the Trustees, Committee of Management, or of himself as Registrar, be subject to a penalty of £zo and costs, and may be ordered to repay such monies improperly applied. Resolved that the letter be received and acknowledged. From Petrie Terrace Lodge giving notice of appeal against the action of the Standing Committee at its meeting on the 3rd instant and enclosing £ 1 in support of such appeal. Also a statement contained in the same letter to the effect that Bro. O. Samuel himself gives notice of appeal. Resolved that the letter be received, and the Lodge be informed that four copies of the appeal clearly showing the nature of the appeal is required. And with regard to Bro. Samuels, as his notice is not separate from the Petrie Terrace Lodge notice, and the deposit of one pound is not forthcoming —his notice is not in order. From Petrie Terrace Lodge complaining that due notice was not given to the Lodge with regard to Brisbane Lodges arranging dates to receive Bro. Ledford. Resolved that the letter be received. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, /. 0.0.F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending 30th March, 1909, and to certify to the correctness thereof.H Ô The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions: — To Credit Balance forward ¿105 10 2 ,, Receipts from all sources to 30th March ... 169 5 4 ¿>74 i.5_ 6 By Expenditure ¿21 16 8 ,, Funeral Claims 50 0 0 ,, Grand Trustees 150 0 0 — — 221 l6 8 ,, Credit Balance in Bank 47 0 0 ,, ,, in Hand of G. Secretary 5 18 10 52 18 10 ¿274 15 6 The. Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer No. i.—No Report, Excelsior No, 4.—No Report. Livingstone NO; 9.—H. E. Miller returne'd one quarter unfinancial in December Report not mentioned in this, 3/- due on his account. Overpaid 4/- to funeral fund on account of two members joining on last night of quarter. Mulgrave No. 10.—One quarter still due on account of J. E. Foreman. Brunswick No. ii.—J. B. Atkinson and G. Clydesdale returned one quarter unfinancial in December Report, returned the same in this, 3/- due in each case. Park No. 15.—Hon. Member returned two quarters unfinancial ,in March Report, returned financial in December Report. If correct one shilling overpaid on his account. Three members who joined on last night of quarter overpaid 3/- to Management Fund. Names of 5 Contributing and one Hon unfinancial member given ; but analysis of members show 6 Contributing and one Hon. member unfinancial. Barron No. 23.—No. Report. Overpaid December Report 5/- on account of members joining by clearance. Lodge issuing clearance pay for members in quarter in which card is issued. Port Alma No. 24.—No Dues. Dues on December Report should be 19 members to General Fund, 19/-; 17 members to Funeral Fund, ^1/14/-. Total ¿2/13/-. March Report, should have paid 13 members to General Fund 13/-. Total, ^1/15/-. Amount of cheque should have been ^'4/8/-. Hon. members are paid for to General Fund. Star of Burnett No. i.— D. Powell returned one quarter unfinancial in December Report, not mentioned in this, one quarter due on her account. Evening Star No. 2.—No Report A. SHERIDAN, H. WILLIAMS, } Finance Committee. Brisbane, 26th Aprils 1909. Resolved that it be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee.4 NUMERICAL. SUBORDINATE LODGES. 1,247 77 1,324 26 --- 1,298 283 284 5 279 LS77 GENERAL BUSINESS. Bro. B. F. Ledford, who was present at the meeting, gave some interesting details as to his method of working while in Queensland, and stated that the increase at least during his term must be at the rate of 100 members a month, and an addition of 6 or 7 new Lodges, and pointed out from facts that Now Zealand was not only retaining the members introduced by him but was largely increasing them ; and strongly urged the Standing Committee to keep up the work after he was gone. Full number last quarter Admitted by initiation this quarter 75 Admitted by clearance this quarter 2 From which deduct — Left by clearance ... 7 Left by arrears 15 Left by death 3 Left by resignation ... 1 REBEICAH LODGES. Full number last quarter .. Admitted by initiation this quarter 1 From which deduct— Left by resignation 5 DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Park Lodge No. 15—To suspend Initiation Fees for a further period of 6 months. ACCOUNTS. Accounts amounting to the sum of ^24/-/7 were passed for payment. A further sum of ^5/5/- (Special Audit Fee), was ordered to be paid on completion of the audit. The Committee then adjourned at 8.20 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.5 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING. Held at the Registered Office, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, on the 3rd April, 1909. The following officers were present : — Grand Master, Thos. W. Robinson. Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory. Grand Treasurer, H. G. Bamkin. Grand Trustee, J. W. Walker. Grand Trustee, E. De Voss. The Grand Master took the chair at 7-3° p.Ri. and declared the meeting open for business. Owing to interruption from two members of the Petrie Terrace Lodge, who attended with Ero. S imuels, and claimed admittance on the authority of their Lodge, the business could not be proceeded with for some time. After they had been informed that they'could not be admitted to the meeting and had retired, the business was commenced. The first item for which the meeting was called being Bro. O. Samuel’s case, was now proceeded with. The Grand Secretary formally charged Bro. O. Samuels with refusing to do his duty at the meeting of the Finance Committee of the Grand Lodge, held on the 31st January, 1909, as a member of that Committee. And stated the case as reported at the Quarterly meeting of the Standing-Committee held on the 6th February, 1909, and recorded in the minutes thereof. The following correspondence was read in connection with the case : — From Bro. O. Samuels stating that he had written for access to the Securities to complete his examination of same, and that he would be out on Friday night to sign the balance sheets. From the Grand Secretary to Bro. Samuels stating that he saw no use of his signing the balance sheets now, as in view of his action at the meeting of the Finance Committee he would report the matter to the Standing Committee and prefer a charge against him, but if he, Bro. Samuels, would give him a written statement acknowledging the wrongfulness of his action he would report only. From the Grand Secretary in accordance with a resoluiion of the Standing Committee commanding Bro. Samuels to make such statement and sign the balance sheets as correct within seven days of date hereof. From Bro. Samuels acknowledging receipt of the letter. From the Grand Secretary requiring Bro. Samuels to be present at the meeting to show cause why, in view of his action at the Finance Committee meeting, and his subsequent action in not complying with the command of the Standing Committee, his seat should not be declared vacant. From Bro. O. Samuels acknowledging receipt and asking for details, and complaining that his report was not printed in full. From the Grand Secretary that the meeting had been adjourned until the. 3rd April. From the Grand Secretary informing Bro. Samuels that he had no further details to give him. Prom Bro. O. Samuels, Secretary Petrie Terrace Lodge, stating that his lodge had appointed the N.G. and a Trustee to attend the meeting of the Standing Committee with him.6 From the Grand Secretary to Bro. Samuels, Secretary Petrie Terrace Lodge, stating that he could not promise that the officers would be received at the meeting, as the Standing Committee could not recognise their right to be present in any official capacity. Bro. Samuels asked the Grand Secretary what was the charge, and under what section of the constitution was he charged. The Grand Secretary replied that he was charged with refusing to examine the Securities, and the charge was preferred under the Constitution. The Grand Secretary took objection to the number of questions Bro. Samuels was asking, and stated that he was asked here to show cause why his seat should not be declared vacant; if he was not prepared to do that,, he, the Grand Secretary was prepared to move a resolution. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker asked Bro. Samuels if he was prepared to make the statement and sign the balance sheets. Bro. Sailiuels said he was prepared to sign the balance sheets now, but would not make the statement. After some discussion the Grand Master asked Bro. Samuels to retire, and he would be informed by the Grand Secretary of the decision of the Standing Committee in the matter. It was then resolved that in view of the fact, that Bro. Samuels’ explanation not being considered satisfactory, and his refusal to comply with the command of the Standing Committee, his seat on the Finance Committee of the Grand Lodge be declared vacant. It was further resolved that P.G. Bro. J. Herbert, or failing him, Bro. R. Wilson, be appointed to the position on the Finance Committee rendered vacant by Bro. Samuels, subject of course to one or the other refusing the same. OTHER BUSINESS. A By-law from Pioneer Lodge to the affect that members joining be required to pay 6/- in addition to initiation fees, etc., such money not to be considered as contributions nor to be put to any fund, but to be held in trust, the object being to protect the Management P'und from any loss through, members leaving by arrears was now considered. After discussion it was resolved that as the by-law was contrary to the Constitution and the Friendly Societies Act, the Standing Committee could, not endorse it. The Committee then adjourned. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. MINUTES OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING held at the Registered Office, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, on Saturday evening, 29th May, 1909. The Grand Master took the c^air at 7-3° and declared the meeting open for business. The following officers were present: — Grand Master, Trios. W. Robinson. Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory. Grand Treasurer, Hi G. Bamkin. Grand Trustee, J. W. Walker. Grand Trustee, W. Matthews.7 A, letter.. from Mr. Rendle, Registrar of . Friendly. Societies , was read, stating that he had thie honour to forward therewith,a copy of a report made to him by Mr. Forbes, acting, as special auditor appointed by him. And stating that he would be obliged if we would inform .him if we desired to reply to the statements made therein. Alsp requesting to be informed as to whether the members of the Grand Lodge are prepared to forward to him a joint letter, undertaking that in future they will conform strictly to the provisions of the rules in all respects, and that the management overdraft will be reduced annually by at least ^50, and further'that no monies will be paid or invested contrary to the provisions of the rules or without the proper formalities specified in the rules being strictly observed, and also that they will endeavour to see that the branches of the Society do not commit breaches of the rules as registered. COPY OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL AUDITOR Sir, Bellevue Street, Milton, 12th May, 1909. I beg to report having carefully audited the Books and Accounts of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for the year 1908, and find that— 1. The books of the Grand Secretary and Trustees have been well kept,, and. are correct. 2. The Grand Treasurer’s Book has been fairly well kept, but has been partly written up by the Grand Secretary, but only shows the Bank account, and is therefore not in accordance with .Section 27. 3. In the Annual Return for 1908, there is a small clerical error of 6d. in detailed statement, being exchange omitted from Receipts,, but otherwise they are correct, but in my opinion do not go far enough in as much as they do not show the amounts received from Subordinate Lodges for investment. 4. There have been no Orders drawn by the Grand Master on the Treasurer, as required by Section 27, but all accounts have been passed lor payment by the Standing Committee. 5. The Securities are correct and the Mortgages perfectly clear and in order,'the valuations in each case being made by the Valuator appointed by the Grand Lodge. Seetion 33, Sub-section 5 (a) does not appear to have been complied with, as in only one case can I see that the Trustees have received the Valuation Fee from the Borrower. There is nothing in the Books and Papers examined by me, which would lead me to think that the Valuator was acting as agent for the borrower, as well as Valuator for the Society. 6. No copy of the Funeral claim has been made out by the Grand Secretary as required by Section 26, but the Treasurer has paid on the original claim being presented. 7. I can find no trace in the minutes of any authority being given the Trustees to invest in any of the Mortgages taken up during 1908, nor for the disposal of the £300 Government Debentures. 8. There is not a third of the Funeral Fund invested in Government Inscribed Stock as required by Section 33, sub-section 5. The Fund stands at £4,220 16s. 4d. and there is only ^1,200 in Government Bonds or £206 18s. qd. short.8 9. The money received from Subordinate Lodges for investment does riot appear to have been used for any particular Mortgage, the only amount that can be traced with any degree of certainty is ¿£500 from Royal Excelsior Lodge. The other amounts are as near as I can trace, invested as per attached list. Yours faithfully, (Signed) W. J. M. FORBES. To Robert Render, Esq., Registrar of Friendly Societies, Brisbane. After discussion it was resolved that the Grand Master and Grand Trustee J. W. Walker, wait on Mr. Rendle on the matter. An application from the borrower of No. 6 loan to defer payment of ¿£5° principal until next year was granted. An application for a loan of ^350 was received. Resolved that it be not entertained. It was agreed that Bro. T. Herbert be written to asking if he accepts the position as a member of the Finance Committee, if not Bro. Wilson be asked, and failing them Bro. T. Barker be appointed. The Committee then adjourned at 9 p.m. (Signed) E. A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.9 LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 4 Ù Comprising Lodges N and Address. N O. 1-2 D. W. TELFÖRD, Charters Towers 4 F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. 6-11-15 J. W. Walker, Commercial Road, Valley, Brisbane. 9 W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George Street, Rockhairipton. 10 F. H. PEGG, Woondooma Street, Bundaberg. 14 L. H. COURTNAY, Staunton St., Mount M organ. 16 G. IT. PEEK, Ravens wood1. 21 T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office; Ipswich. 22 T. GARLAND, State School, Cawarral. 23 R. ANDREWS, Cairns. 24 H. C. DU US, East Street Extended, Mount Morgan. REBEKAH LODGES. 1 Mrs. EVERET, Water St., Bundaberg. 2 Mrs. C. KAVANAGH, Quay St., Rock- hampton. 3 Mrs. E. DOYLE, Alexandra St., Paddington, Brisbane. I 4 Mrs. F. COFFEY, Browne .Street, Charters Towers.IO LIST OP LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of- Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Piali, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Water Board Office, Charters Towers. Excelsior 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Piali, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. Livingstone 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. F. LAMBERTON, Upper Dawsons Road. Rockhampton. Mul grave ... IO Oddfellows7 Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick ... U Free Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. H. TINLAY, Post Office, Breakfast Ck.,Brisbane. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Road, Mount Morgan, Park i5 Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane; Oakey i6 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood North Ipswich 21 English Church School-room North Ipswich... • J. M. GILL, BrassilP School, North Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral Cawarral R. E. SULLIVAN, Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Barron 23 Cairns Cairns J. G. ANDERSON, “ Trinity Times,” Cairns. Port Alma ... 24 Marmor ,. Marmor .. ,.. J. F. BULL, Marmor, N. C. Line. Baree 25 Baree REBE Baree KAH LODGES. W. PI. BUTCHER, Post Office, Baree. Star of the Burnett i Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., George Street, Bundaberg. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George Street, Rockhampton. Star of Peace 0 J M. IL Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane 0. SAMUELS, Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1/- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. WnTSQN, FERGUSON & CO.. LTD.“friendship, love, and .truth.” QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE RESIDENCE OF THE GRAND MASTER, MORNINGSIDE, On SATURDAY, 14TH AUGUST, 1909. The following members of the Committee were present:— Grand Master, THOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Treasurer, H. G. BAMKIN. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. The Grand Master took the Chair at 3 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting, and a .Special Meeting, were read; and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From Bro. W. Pickering, Secretary Mulgrave Lodge, asking for opinion of the Standing Committee as to payment of a sum of money out of the Management Fund of the Lodge, for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred by the visit of Bro. Ledford, Organiser and Inspector of work. Presumedly about ^io to be devoted to printing, postage, payment of a brother to attend on Bro. Ledford, and the engagement of a vehicle for the week. Resolved that the matter is an ordinary expenditure of the Management Fund, and can well be done, but at the same time the Standing Committee draws attention to the fact that there is a large overdraft in this fund, and would recommend that steps be taken to wipe it out. From Bro. H, C. Duus, a wire notifying successful opening of Baree Lodge. From Bro. J. Herbert, accepting appointment on Finance Committee. Resolved that the letter be received and consideration be deferred to general business. From Petrie Terrace Lodge, declining to make a formal appeal as requested. Resolved that the letter be received and the Lodge be requested to make a formal appeal, otherwise the matter, will have t© be dealt with at the Grand Lodge Session. From Bro. H. C. Duus, a wire notifying successful opening of Many Peaks Lodge. / From Mr. Rendle, Registrar of Friendly Societies, expressing his opinion as Official Valuer of Friendly Societies, that a transfer of £400 from Funeral Fund to Management Fund may be safely made, and it will therefore be lawful to make the transfer. Resolved that the letter be received, and the transfer of £400 be made. From Bro. B. F. Ledford, reporting good meetings in Central District, and forwarding letters received from Northern Lodge showing continued progress there. From Bro. W. Reid, Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of Australasia, having reference to uniform interstate clearances. Resolved that it be referred to the next Grand Lodge Session. From Bro. Wm. A. Bryans, Minister of Records of the Imperial Order of Moscovites, an offshoot of this Order in America, asking that a Kremlin be instituted in this State. Resolved that the letter be received. From Petrie Terrace Lodge, complaining of various matters. Resolved that the letter be received. THE GRAND LODGE OF AUSTRALASIA, I.O.O.F. Position of the Order at 31st December, 1908. Sub. Grand Lodges Sub. Lodges 7 393 Rebekah Lodges -Lodge Membership Rebekah ,, 883 Grand Encampments Sub. Encampments Encampment Membership Juvenile Lodges -Juvenile Membership Total Membership Australasia Total Funds ,, Total Relief for Year 19 687 31 1,208 43.445 ¿427.784 5s. 9d. ¿39.33° ns- 8d. 14/7/1909. J. C. SMITH, Gr. Sec. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, I.O.O.F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the'Grand Lodge for the quarter ending 30th June, 1909, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions :— To Credit Balance forward... ... ... ... ^52 18 10 ,, Receipts from all sources to 30th June ... 184 18 1 By Expenditure . Funeral Claims ,, Grand Trustees ¿341710 20 o o IOO o o ,, Credit Balance in Bank ,, ,, in hands of G. Sec. 82 3 s IS 8 £237 16 h 154 17 10 82 I9 I ¿237 l6 II The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. i.—No Report. T. Armstrong returned one. quarter unfinancial in December report, not mentioned in March report, 3/- due on his account. Members 4 quarters in arrears absolutely cease membership. Petrie Terrace, No. 6.—No dues. Mulgrave, No 10,—G. G. Gier returned 2 quarters unfinancial in March Report, not mentioned in this, 6/- due on his account. J. T. Merett returned 3 quarters unfinancial in June report, not mentioned in March report, overpaid 6/- on his account. Brunswick, No. ii.—Shortpaid 2 members on account of death and clearance 6/-, shortpaid one honorary member to General Fund 1/- Mt. Morgan, No. 14.—P. Coates returned 3 quarters unfinancial in March report, returned the same in this, 3/- due on his account. Park, No. 15.—Overpaid 4 members to General Fund 4/- Report not signed by any of the officers.4 Oakey, No. i6.—Overpaid 3 members to the both funds who joined on last night of quarter. Port Alma, No. 24.—A. L. Chalmers returned 1 quarter unfinancial in March report, returned the same in this, 3/- due on his account. C. C. Ward returned 2 quarters unfinancial in June report, not mentioned in March report, overpaid 1 quarter on his account. 8/- Registration Fees for wives not paid. 8 honorary members not paid for to General Fund, due on their account 8/- Baree, No. 25.—Lodges are not required to make a return or pay dues for the quarter in which the Lodge is instituted, deduct 13/- from General Fund, and 18/- from Funeral Fund next time. Star of Burnett, No. i.—E. M. Black returned 2 quarters unfinancial in March report, returned one in this; if correct, 2 quarters due on her account. F. E. Shield returned 1 quarter unfinancial in March report returned the same in this, if correct, 1 quarter due on her account. Evening Star, No. 2.—No Report. R. Egan returned 1 quarter unfinancial in December report, returned the same in March report, if correct, 1 quarter due on her account. Star of Peace—No dues. BALANCE SHEETS. Pioneer, No. 1.—No Balance Sheet. Mulgrave, No. 10.—No Balance Sheet. Brunswick, No. ii.—No Balance Sheet. Mt. Morgan, No. 14.—Trustees’expenses shown in Sick and Funeral Fund, should be charged to Management Fund. Port Alma, No. 24.—We,note that £1 is paid to D.D.G.M. in Balance Sheet, this should be charged to the Grand Lodge. Evening Star, No. 2.—No Balance Sheet. 5 NUMERICAL. SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter ... ... 1*298 Admitted by initiation this quarter 221 Admitted by clearance this quarter 2 --- ' 223 L521 From which deduct— Left by clearance 6 Left by arrears ••• 33 Left by deaths 2 Left by resignation ... 1 REBEKAH LODGES. M79 Full number last quarter ... ... 279 Admitted by initiation this quarter 10 — 10 From which deduct— Left by arrears Left by resignation Brisbane, 26th June, 1909. 289 9 1 10 279 A. SHERIDAN, \ J. HERBERT, / 1.758 Finance Committee. Resolved that the Report of the Finance Committee be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the Standing Committee. The Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, I.O.O.F. Brisbane, July nth, 1909. Brethren, In accordance with the wishes of the Standing Committee we inter* viewed the Registrar of Friendly Societies with regard todetters received from him, and the Special Auditor’s Report. During the conversation, which lasted over an hour, we thoroughly explained our position, and what were in our opinion the underlying reasons for his receiving the several complaints. With regard to letter from Petrie Terrace Lodge, No. 6, . that the Standing Committee intended to pay Bro. Ledford’s travelling expenses out of the Funeral Fund, we showed that over £200 per annum was received for management purposes, out of which current expenses were paid, and the balance used to reduce the overdraft, thus proving that the assertion of Petrie Terrace Lodge was, to use a mild expression, incorrect.Special Auditor’s Report. What complaints were-contained in the letters received by Mr. Rendle, and what he was told by those members who interviewed him, we know not. This we consider to be very unfair, as it places the Grand Lodge, the Standing Committee, and Lodges, at the mercy of any member who may have a grievance to ventilate, and we have no means of knowing, whether the true facts of the case are given. Mr Rendle expressed himself perfectly satisfied that there was no grounds for complaint on the serious points (Sec. I, 3 and especially 1st and 3rd paragraphs of Sec. 5 of Auditor’s Report) and that the books ‘of the Grand Secretary had been properly kept, also that the securities were in proper order. Secs. 2, 4, 5 (2nd par.) 6, we admitted were technical breaches of our laws, but we pointed out (not in justification of any alleged laxity on the part of the present Standing Committee) that it was very curious that no complaint had reached him until now, when the same order of things had existed since the foundatton of Grand Lodge, and also that they existed for one year or more whilst one of the present complainants was a member of the Standing Committee. We explained the circumstances of the other sections as follows :— Sec. 2.—That we consider the duplication of accounts was not necessary, and that at last G. L. Session, but for an oversight, the rule would probably have been amended. Sec. 4.—That the rule does not say that the- G. M. shall sign orders on the Treasurer, although such may be the intention. Sec. 5 (par 2.)—Re Valuation Fees.—In some cases the fees have been received and handed over to the Valuator, and therefore are not shown in the Grand Lodges’ Accounts, and in other cases the Valuator has received his fee direct from the borrower. The Registrar was quite satisfied with the explanation. Sec. 7.—That although no record appears on the Minute Book, the cons sent of the Standing Committee was obtained before any money wa-loaned. The matter of the £300 was also consented to at a Committee Meeting, and the money was required as related in following paragraph. Sec. 8.—Re Overdraft or Over Investment of Funds.—As most Lodges are aware, the Grand Trustees invited them to send any of their surplus funds for investment, the result being that four lodges sent £810, while another lodge, though- the Secretary, stated their intention of forwarding ¿£1,000, but at the special meeting called to pass the amount, it was decided not to send it. On receipt of the intimation that £i,obo would probably be sent on, the Grand Trustees invested in a Mortgage then offered. When, the £.1,000 was not forthcoming, it left the Grand Lodge funds over-invested at the end of December, 1908, in the amount of £206 18s. 9d., invested at 5^% instead of 4%. At the end of March, 1909, the amount invested in Government Securities was £"1,200 Inscribed Stock and £400 in Government Savings Bank. We also pointed out th.^t although the one-third had been exceeded, as the Auditor states, by the amount of £2o6 18s. 9d,, we had over, £51 in the Government Savings Bank, this however, could’not be counted in as it was not inscribed stock. We also staled that had the audit taken place a month later than it did, the full one-third 'would' have appeared , to the credit of Funeral Fund in the’ hands-of the Government,, although a portion would not be in the securities laid down in our laws,7 With regard to guaranteeing repayments of ^50 per annum, we thought this was unnecessary, as last year ^115 was repaid, and we expected to pay off a similar amount this year, but that there would be an increase in 1910 as the Grand Lodge meets in that year. Mr. Rendle said that he was satisfied with our efforts to pay off the overdraft, and would have allowed to continue as we were doing without interference had it not been for the complaints made to him. He thought it would have been better had we accepted his offer to transfer ^321 from the Funeral Fund to the Management Fund. He said our financial position was so satisfactory, and our valuation was so high, that he was willing, if the Standing Committee made an application to him to transfer the amount of his former offer, he would grant permission to do so. Also, in order to cover the expense of Grand Lodge Session, he was prepared to allow a further sum (not exceeding ^100) so that there should not be a deficiency in the Management Fund at the end of 1910. During our interview, Mr. Rendle seemed willing to assist us to the utmost of his power, and evidently saw the difficulties with which we have to contend. He said our laws were more stringent than those of any other Society, and suggested that we carefully peruse them, with the object of having some of them made more elastic at our next Grand Lodge Session. We would recommend that the Standing Committee make application to the Registrar of Friendly Societies for permission to transfer the sum of ^400, and as we anticipate a considerable increase in our membership it would be as well to say that we will endeavour to repay to the Funeral Fund the amount he allows us to transfer. Yours fraternally, THOS. W. ROBINSON, Grand Master. J. W. WALKER, Gra?td Trustee. GENERAL BUSINESS. it was resolved that Bros. A. Sheridan, II. Williams, and J. Herbert be appointed the Finance Committee for the current year, and Mr. Rendle be asked to confirm the appointment. It was resolved that Bro. B. F. Ledford be appointed by the Standing Committee as organiser to the end of the present year, on the same terms as exists on his present engagement, consideration of his movements being deferred until a later period. The Grand Secretary reported that it would be necessary to get a fresh supply of goods as some of the lines were completely exhausted. Resolved that the Grand Secretary obtain what goods are required. Power was given to the Grand Trustees to purchase Government Treasury Bills ^300, Government Inscribed Stock ^400.8 NEW LODGES OPENED. The following new lodges have been opened during the quarter :— Baree, No. 25 ; Western Suburbs, No. 26 ; Many Peaks, No. 27 ; Mt. Chalmers, No. 28 ; Bushley, No. 29 ; and Lake’s Creek, No. 30. Bro. H. C. Duus, D.D G.M. being responsible for Baree and Many Peaks, and- in conjunction with Bro. Courtenay, D.D.G.M. for Bushley Lodge, Bros. Williams -and Sullivan for Western Suburbs, and Bros. Hamilton, D.D.G. M., H. A. McDonald and H. C. Duus, in conjunction with Bro. Ledford, for Mt. Chalmers and Lake’s Creek. Resolved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to the above-named brothers for their able efforts for the extension of the Order. It was also resolved that the best thanks and congratulations of the Standing Committee be accorded to the Lodges visited by Bro. Ledford for their reception of him and the assistance given to him—the best results coming from Barron Lodge with 48 initiants for June quarter, Excelsior 28, Mt. Morgan 24* Port Alma 17. Accounts amounting to the sum of ¿51 5s. nd. were passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at 6 p.m. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Park Lodge to hold Social on the 12th August. Baree Lodge to work under reduced initiation fees. Oakey Lodge to change night of meeting. ACCOUNTS. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary.9 LIST District No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 5 4 3 1 DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. »prising Lodges No. Name and Address. T -2 D. W. TELFORD, Charters Towers 4 F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville, 6*ii-i5 J. W. Walker, Commercial Road, Valley, Brisbane. 9 W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George Street, Rockhampton. IO F. H. PEGG, Woondooma Street, Bundaberg. 14 L. H. COURTNAY, Staunton St., Mount Morgan. i6 G. H. PEEK, Ravenswood. 21 T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office, Ipswich. 22 T. GARLAND, State School, Cawarral. 23 R. ANDREWS, Cairns. 24 H. C. DU US, East Street Extended, Mount Morgan. 25 H. C. DU US, East Street Extended, Mount Morgan. 28 T. GARLAND, Cawarral. 29 L. H. COURTNAY, Staunton Street, Mount Morgan. REBEKAH LODGES. I Mrs. EVERET, Water St., Bundaberg. 2 Miss A. GRAHAM, Rockhampton. 3 Mrs. E. DOYLE, Alexandra St., Paddington, Brisbane. 4 Mrs. F COFFEY, Browne Street, Charters Towers.IO LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING, Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Excelsior ... 4 King Street M er canti le Townsville Water Board Office, Charters Towers. J. CRAIG, Petrie Terrace 6 Buildings, Old Town Hall ... M.U. Piali, Char- Brisbane Telegraph Office, Townsville. 0. SAMUELS, Livingstone 9 lotte Street ... Livingstone Hall, Rockhampton ... Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. H. F. LAMBERTON, Mul grave ... IO William Street Oddfellows’ Hall, Bundaberg Upper Dawsons Road, Rockhampton. W. PICKERING, Brunswick ... il Crouton .Street Free Reading Brisbane Burnett Street, Bundaberg. J. H. TINLAY, Mt. Morgan H Room, Brunswick St, Valley A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan Post Office, Breakfast Ck.,Brisbane. D. L. WALLACE, Park Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. Cemetery Rd., Mt Morgan, W. O’NEILL, Oakey 15 16 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. A. J. FRANCIS, North Ipswich 21 English Church North Ipswich... Ravenswood J. M. GILL, Cawarral 22 School-room Cawarral Cawarral Brassill School, Nth. Ipswich. R. E. SULLIVAN, Barron 23 Cairns ... ... Cairns ... Cawarral, via Rockhampton. J. G. ANDERSON, Port Alma ... 24 Marmor .. Marmor .. “ Trinity Times,5’ Cairns. J. F. BULL, Baree 25 Baree Baree Marmor, N. C. Line. W. H. BUTCHER, Western 2Ó Paddington, Brisbane Post Office, Baree. H. WILLIAMS. Suburbs Many Peaks, 27 Many Peaks ... Many Peaks ... John St., Paddington. JAS. McNAE, Many Peaks, Mt. Chalmers 28 Mt. Chalmers ... Mt. Chalmers ... via Miriam Vale. G. E. TANNER, Star ol the I REBE Oddfellows’ Hall, KAH LODGES. Bundaberg Mt. Chalmers. J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., Burnett Crofton Street George Street,-. Bundaberg. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, Rockhampton ... Mrs. W. B, HAMILTON, Star of Peace 3 William Street M. U. Hall, Brisbane 127 George Street, Rockhampton. O. SAMUELS, Charlotte Street Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. Star of Prom- 4 Pioneer Hall, Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, ise King Street. Old Townsville Road, Charters SPECIAL NOTICES. Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Con-stitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1/* per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to tiig Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained from the Grand Secretary on application. V.-ATSON, FERGUSON & CO.. lTD.Ittfcpittfrfnt (Writer af Jdlolns. * FRIENDSHIP, LOVE, AND TRUTH.” QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE S TA ND IN G COMMI TT EE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE RESIDENCE OF THE GRAND MASTER, MORNINGSIDE, On SATURDAY, 13TH NOVEMBER, 1909. The following- members of the Committee were present :— Grand Master, TITOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Treasurer, H. G. BAMKIN. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. Grand Trustee, W. MATTHEWS. The Grand Master took the Chair at 3 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting, and one Special Meeting, were read and confirmed.2 CORRESPONDENCE. From the Secretary, Livingstone Lodge, explaining the circumstances of the death of Bro. J. J. White, who was unfinancial at the time of death. The circumstances of the case being that the Secretary was ill at the time the Quarterly Notices were sent out, and the brother who acted on his behalf stated on Bro. White’s notice that he owed one pound less than his actual arrears, which amount was paid, and Bro. White shortly after died. Also inclosing a copy of a letter from the Solicitors of the Executrix, asking if something could not be done by the Lodge in the matter. Resolved that the letter be received, and the Secretary be written to asking for particulars as to when the money was paid, and the date of the brother’s death. From Bro. E. II. Heslehurst, complaining of the action of the Brunswick Lodge, in fining him on several occasions, and the Lodge refusing to allow the matters to go before the Arbitration Committee, and asking the Standing Committee to compel the Lodge to appoint a time and place for hearing the matter.. Also further asking the Grand Secretary to supply him with a copy of the Annual Balance Sheet. Resolved that the letter be received, and that the brother be informed that as the matters complained of were done in accordance with the laws of the Order, the Standing Committee could not interfere. Resolved that all further correspondence be received. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, I.O.O.F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending 30th September, 1909, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the Quarter’s transactions :— To Credit Balance forward ... • • « • . ¿82 19 1 ,, Receipts from all sources to 30th September... 192 14 4 ¿275 >3 5 By Expenditure • •• £59 5 8 ,, Funeral Claims 90 0 0 ,, Grand Trustees 80 0 0 __ 229 5 8 ,, Credit Balance forward ... 46 7 9 46 7 9 £27513 5 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer, No. 1.—Neil Jensen returned one quarter unfinancial in March Report not mentioned in June Report, and returned one quarter unfinancial in September Report; 3/- due on his account. J. Snell returned two quarters unfinancial in March Report not mentioned in June Report, and returned three quarters unfinancial in September Report; 3/- due on his account. Paid on account of deaths in June Report; 2/6 ¿9 General Fund* and 2/6 to Funeral Fund. Amounts should have been if- to General Fund, and 2/-to Funeral Fund ; 2/- overpaid.3 E. Halbert returned three quarters unfinancial in June Report not mentioned in September Report; three quarters, 9/- due on his account. Deaths, clearances, and resignations, overpaid 2/- to Funeral Fund in September report. Petrie Terrace, No. 6.—Two members joined by clearance not paid for ; 6/- due on their account. Livingstone, No. 9.—F. P. Veigh returned one quarter unfinancial in June Report, made good two quarters in September Report; overpaid 3/- on his account. Brunswick, No. ii.—Due on account of interstate clearance member two quarters, 6/-, and registration fee for wife. Oakey, No. 16.—List of unfinancial members show 7, analysis show -9 ; two names required. Port Alma, No. 24.—G. Urry returned two quarters unfinancial in September Report not mentioned in June Report ; overpaid 3/- on his account. Honorary members should be paid for to General Fund, due on this ^account, 4/- Members joining on last night of quarter should riot be paid for. Overpaid on this account, one member to General Fund; and two members to Funeral Fund. No dues to hand. Evening Star, No. 2—No report. NUMERICAL. SUBORDINATE LODGES. M 79 260 i,73 9 '— 1,682 279 15 294 9 28.5 — 1.967 H \^lLIAMS 1 Finance Committee. Brisbane, October, igog. Resolved that the Report be received and printed in the Quarterly ^Report of the Standing Committee. Full number last quarter ... Admitted by Initiation this quarter 248 Admitted by Clearance this quarter 12 From which deduct— Left by clearance ... 12 Left by arrears ... 38 Left by death 3 Left by resignation... 4 REBEKAH LODGES. Full number last quarter...... Admitted by initiation this quarter 15 From which deduct— Left by arrears4 GENERAL BUSINESS. An Appeal from the Petrie Terrace Lodge against the action of the Standing Committee at its meeting on 18th September was read. In view of the fact that the Standing Committee had convened a summoned Meeting of the Lodge, and the Grand Lodge Officers attended such Meeting, and the Grand Master took the chair thereat, and the Lodge had by a unanimous vote amicably settled the matter, it was resolved that the Lodge be asked if it intended to go on with the appeal in view of the final settlement of the matter. Resolved that 20 new Rituals be obtained from the Grand Lodge of Australasia. The Grand Master most generously offered a loan of ^100 to the Grand Lodge for the purpose of continuing the organising work of Bro. Ledford to-the end of the. year. - Resolved that the loan be accepted with the best thanks of the Standing; Committee. NEW LODGES OPENED. The following New Lodges have been opened during the quarter : — Maryborough, No. 31, Clayfield, No. 32, West End, No. 33. Bro. Ledford, assisted by several members from Bundaberg instituted the Maryborough Lodge; Bro. D. C. Forrest, D.D.G.S., assisted by Bro. Ledford and members of the Brunswick Lodge, Clayfield Lodge ; and Bro, Ledford, assisted by members of. the. Park Lodge, West End Lodge. The Grand Secretary stated as no returns are due yet from seven of the new Lodges, their membership is not included in the Numerical Statement, and from the progress some of them are making, it is safe to say that the actual increase in membership exceeded 300 for the quarter. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Livingstone Lodge, No. 9.—To hold Social on 7th October. Star of Promise Lodge, No. 4.—To hold Social on 28th October. Mt. ¡Morgan Lodge, No. 14.—To take part in “Friendly Society’s”' Procession, and wear Regalia on November 6th. AMMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. By Standing Committee, Sec. 8, page 5.—After the word “date” in the 6th line, insert the words-“ and place of meeting.” Sec. 27, page 8.—Delete the words “ of each Fund ” on the 5th line. Sec. 66, page 16.—Delete the words “of the said ” in the 3rd line, and insert the word “ or.” Sec. 101, sub-sec. 4, page 26.—Alter the word “shall” to “may.” Sec. 105, sub-sec. n.—Insert “ one-fourth ” in place of “ one-third ” in 2nd line, and insert “ Securities or Government Savings Bank” in 3rd line. Sec. 26, page 8.—Delete the words “copy thereof” and substitute the word “ same” in 19th line.5 NEW RULE 55a, Page 14. WIDOW AND ORPHANS5 FUND. The Standing Committee is hereby empowered to withdraw the sum o** i,ooo, or such other sum as may be agreed upon by the Grand Lodge in •session assembled, from the surplus amount to the credit of the General Funeral Fund, and for the purpose of forming a Widow and Orphans’ Fund. The fund shall be formed of an unlimited number of members, subscribing thereto, who must at the time of joining be financial benefit members of some subordinate lodge in good standing. But no member shall be compelled to subscribe thereto or to continue to do so after having commenced so to subscribe. Any member unmarried, or whose wife may be above the age for registration for the ordinary funeral benefit, may contribute to the fund for the purpose of securing the benefit for his heirs, executors, or nominees. The object of shall be the raising of money by contributions» interest, capital, donations and fees for the purpose of affording relief to widows and orphans of deceased members by granting such sums and in such manner as shall be hereinafter specified. The management of the fund to be undertaken by the Standing Committee. Any member of the Order may be admitted to the fund on the production of a medical certificate of good health from the medical officer of the Lodge on payment of the following entrance fee, viz :— The registration fee shall be 2s. 6d. And for each child born in wedloek previous to the member joining the fund 6d, and for each child subsequently born 2s. 6d. The date of the birth ■of each member joining this fund, and of his wife and of each child, shall be stated as correctly by the member as it is possible for him to do so. No claim in respect of any child born after the member joins this fund shall be recognised unless it be registered within three months after birth. And no •claim shall be entertained in respect of any illegitimate child. The continuous contributions to this fund shall be : — Under 25 years IS. 4d. per quarter 25 30 ... IS. 6d. 30 35 ••• 2S 6d. 35 40 ... 2S. and shall be payable in advance. No. benefits shall be paid to the widow or orphans unless the deceased brother shall have been a financial member for the six months immediately preceding his death. The amount of benefits shall be as follows : Fifteen pounds for the •widow, and three (3) pounds for each child under 14 years of age, and which shall have been duly registered. Should a member of this fund be a widower and leave children under 14 years of age, duly registered, the same benefits shall be allowed them as if he left a widow. Any member owing an amount exceeding one quarter’s contribution •shall be suspended from all benefits for a period of 14 weeks, and if owing a •sum equal to one year’s contributions shall cease to belong to or have any claim on the fund. Any members owing more than six months’ contribution shall produce a medical certificate of good health, pay up all arrears, including all contributions-to the date of such payment, before he shall be re-instated, and shall not be entitled to any benefits until the expiration of 14 weeks after such re-instatement.6 The widow arid orphans of expelled or suspended members shall not have any claim on the fund. When a member dies leaving a widow and orphans, the Standing Committee may pay the claims due to the widow and orphans on receipt of a medical certificate of death, and a certificate from the secretary of his Lodge certifying that the deceased brother was in good standing at the time of his death. Mulgrave Lodge No. io. Page 15, Section 60.—At the end of the section, after the word “ order,” add the following : “ When D.D.G. Masters visit a subordinate Lodge for the purpose of installing the officers elect, presenting their commissions, or other official duty, and being announced as D.D.G. Masters, they, as the representative of the Grand Master, shall be accorded the same honors as are given to that officer.” NEW RULE 70a, Page 17. No Subordinate, or Grand Lodge, or Lodge of Rebekahs, and no member of any of the above organisations of any rank or station in the same, shall hold or make any arrangement for, or manage, or to any extent control any anniversary, excursion, picnic, ball, party, or entertainment of any kind where the regalia, emblems, or the name of the Order will be worn, assumed, or used, unless first obtaining the consent of the Grand Master or the Standing Committee. And such permission shall only be given upon the direct promise that no intoxicating liquor of any kind shall be given or offered to the members or guests present on the occasion. Page 2 6, Rule 105, Sub-section 5.—After the words'“the Trustees” strike out the words “with the consent of the members of the Lodge present as a regulär meeting and entitled to vote.” The Section will then read* “ The Trustees may from time to time invest the Lodge funds,” &c. Loyal Brunswick Lodge, No. ii, I.O.O.F. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution approved by the above Lodge. Section 3.—After the word “Lodge” on the first line, add “District Grand Lodges. ” Section 6.—Strike out the words “ and against whom no charges of infringement of the Constitutional laws or by-laws of their Lodge are pending.” Section 15.—After the words “5. Grand Treasurer,” add “6. Grand Senior Trustee.” Section 23.—Omit the words from “ He ” on eleventh line, down to “ District ” on the thirteenth line. Omit the words “such District Deputy;or ” on the fourteenth line. After the word “ present” on the twentieth line add “ and shall have power to fine any member who disregards his authority at such meeting any sum not exceeding 5/- for each offence, such fine to be paid to the Grand Lodge Management Fund, and to be a first charge on all monies paid to the Grand Lodge by or on behalf of the Lodge to which such member may belong.” Omit the words commencing on the twenty-first line “From decisions of District Deputy Grand Masters.” Add to the Section “ In the absence of the Grand Master from a District he shall have power under the seal of the Grand Lodge to confer all his powers and authority on the Deputy Grand Master or on the District Deputy Grand Master of such District.”7 Section 32.—Strike out the words from “Three” on the first line down to “ Lodge” on the second line, and substitute the words “Two representatives shall be elected by the members of the Grand Lodge to act with the Grand Senior Trustee.” Section 33 (Sub-Section 5).—Substitute the words “ one-fifth ”for “one-third ” on the first line; substitute the word “Securities” for “Inscribed Stock ” on the second line. Section 39^—Substitute the word “ six ” for “ five ” on the second line. Section 48.—Strikeout all the words commencing with “embodying” on the fourth line. Section 52.—Strike out the words from “ shall” on the fourth line down to “shillings” on the fifth line, and substitute the words “may by resolution of the Finance Committee be fined any sum not exceeding twenty-one shillings.” After “ May ” on the sixth line add “ on the complaint of the Finance Committee.” Section 53.—Strike out the whole of the Section and substitute the following : “No Subordinate Lodge shall acquire any property in the Charter, Initiation or Degree Books, but the same shall remain the absolute property of the Grand Lodge, and on the resolution of the Grand Lodge or Standing Committee, a Subordinate Lodge shall immediately hand over to the Grand Master or District Deputy Grand Master its Charter, Initiation and Degree Books.” Section 61.—“ Districts shall consist of Lodges, or groups of Lodges, working together under the sanction of the Grand Lodge, and all Districts shall be subject to these rules, and shall conform to the laws and usages of the Order. Their object shall be the uniting together of the various Lodges in such District for the purpose of the local government of and the advancement of the Order in each District, and for the consolidation of the Sick Funds in each District, with a view to the better security of the members. They shall be governed by Officers .called the District Deputy Grand Master and District Secretary, and a Committee of Management called the District Grand Committee, composed of Delegates from each Lodge. ” Note.—Here should follow a set of rules for the government of Districts, the proportionate representation of the Lodges, and all matters for the proper working of the foregoing section. Section 62.—Strike out the words “Member of the Order ” on the sixth line and add in the words ,“ competent person.” Substitute “ person ” for “ member ” on the seventh line. After the words “ Grand Master ” on the eight line add “ or District Deputy Grand Master.” Strike out the words, ‘ ‘ Provided solely that he shall formerly have been a Member of the Order.” Section 63A.—“ Shall ” on the second and fifth line to be “ may.” Alter the words after “Committee” on the second line to read “any sum not exceeding one guinea. ” Section 65.—Strike out the whole Section and substitute the following : “ Every dispute between Lodges shall be referred to the District Grand Committee of the District to which such Lodge belongs, and the District Grand Committee shall have full power to hear and determine such dispute, and make such award and inflict such penalty as they may deem just.” Section 66.—For “Standing Committee” on the fourth line substitute “District Grand Committee.” Strike out the words “ of the ” on the third line and substitute “ or.”8 Section 70.—After “ Lodge ” on the seventh line, add “ such certificate to contain particulars of weekly contributions, sick pay, and funeral donation-.” After the word “shall” on the ninth line add “receive his contributions or.” Section 80 —Substitute “ 7 ” for “ 10 ” on the second line. Section 83—Strike out the whole of the Section and substitute the following : “ Any Member who marries subsequent to his initiation, and desires to obtain the Funeral benefits payable on the death of a member’s wife, shall sign a declaration to the effect that his wife is in a sound state of health, and her age, and shall, if required by the Lodge, produce his marriage certificate, or make an affidavit of his marriage before a Justice of the Peace. ” Section 84.—Strike out the word “must ” on the first line and add in the words “shall if the Lodge by resolution requires it.” Add to the Section “When circumstances demand that the Candidate shall be initiated forthwith, he must be vouched for by two members of the Order then present (not being the proposer).” Section 132.—Strike out all the words from “ first” on the eleventh line down to “ Lodge” on the twelfth line and substitute the words “being bal-lotted for in open Lodge, paying all arrears due, and if the Lodge by resolution desires it, producing a medical certificate of sound health.” Section 144.—Strike out all the words from “if” on the tenth line down to “ way ” on the eleventh line. After the word “rule” on the twelfth line add “he may be dealt with as if he was a member of such Lodge, and any fine inflicted upon a visitor shall be a first charge on any monies payable to the District by the Lodge to which such member may belong.” Section 146.--For “Lodge” on the last line substitute “Arbitration Committee.” Section 148.—After “ witnesses ” on the twelfth line strike out all the words down to “117” on the twenty-second line and substitute the following : “ They shall take full and accurate minutes of the proceedings and shall come to a finding, and in the case of disputes, make award between the parties both as to the matter of dispute and as to all costs, and in case of an offence, decide that the same is disproved or not proved or proved. They shall lay all such minutes, findings, and determinations before the Lodge at its next meeting after the finding of the Committee. If the offence is proved, the Lodge shall inflict such penalty as may be deemed just, except as provided for in Section 117.” Page 48.—Order of Business.—Alter the Order of Business to read :“ 19. Fixing the rate of diemage to be paid at next Grand Lodge Session.” Re-number the remaining heads. T. W. TINLEY, Secretary. ACCOUNTS. Accounts amounting to the sum of ¿£48 16s. 5d. were passed for payment. An account from Bro. Ledford for travelling expenses £23 is. 5d., printing and stationery £8 19s. 6d., postage and sundries £7 4s., total £39 4s. I id. was passed for payment. The Committee then adjourned at 9 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY. Grand Secretary.9 Minutes of Special: General Meeting of the Standing Committee, held at the Registered Office, Snyed Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, on Saturday, 18th September, 1909. The following Officers were present:— Grand Master : Thos. W. Robinson. Grand Warden : Geo. Aiken. Grand Secretary : E. A. Gregory. Grand Treasurer : H. G. Bamkin. Grand Trustee : J. W. Walker. Grand Trustee : W. Matthews. Grand Trustee : E. de Voss. Bro. B. F. Ledford, P.S., Organiser and Inspector of Works, was also present. The Grand Master took the chair at 3 p.m. and declared the meeting open for business. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker, presented an application for a loan of £375, and stated that there was sufficient funds available to take up the loan and leave more than one-third in Government securities. Resolved, on the motion of Grand Trustee J. W. Walker, and seconded by Grand Treasurer II. G. Bamkin, that the Trustees be empowered to effect the mortgage. Grand Trustee J. W. Walker stated that the Trustees had not taken up any Government Inscribed Stock as authorised to do at a previous meeting owing to the fact that the rate of interest was only 3^ per cent. CORRESPONDENCE. From the Public Actuary, South Australia, forwarding .copy of tabulated matters of Friendly Societies in that State in book form, and quoting prices at which various quantities could be obtained. Resolved that it be received and the Public Actuary be informed that this jurisdiction has no use for a further supply. From the secretary of Pioneer Lodge asking if the Grand Lodge will guarantee the expenses for opening a Lodge at Bowen similar to that at the ■opening of the Lodge at Cairns. Resolved that the matter be left in abeyance until Bro. Ledford investigates, on the motion of Grand Warden G. Aiken, seconded by the Grand Secretary. From Bro. J. C. Smith, Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of Australasia, stating that he could send only four Rituals and a short supply of other goods until he received a shipment from America, and expressing his delight at the Order doing so well here. Resolved that it be received. From Mr. R. Rendle, Registrar of Friendly Societies, confirming appointment of Finance Committee. From Petrie Terrace Lodge asking the Grand Secretary to cpmmunicate with the Grand Master or his Deputy to communicate the pass words to the Lodge to which it is entitled. Resolved that it be received.IO DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. Loyal Bushley Lodge, No. 29. To suspend initiation fees in part. North Ipswich Lodge, No. 21. To suspend initiation fees to end of year. Accounts amounting to the sum of £11 10s. qd. were passed for payment. PETRIE TERRACE LODGE CASE. The matter in connection with the charges preferred against the Lodge by the District Deputy Grand Master of No. 3 District was now dealt with. The Grand Master, and Grand Trustee J. W. Walker, being personally connected with the case, retired from the meeting, and Grand Warden Geo. Aiken took the chair, and there remained the Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Trustees W. Matthews and E. de Voss. A letter from the Grand Master was read, forwarding charges and appointing, the following committee to investigate the same:—Bros. W. Pickering, P.G.M., No. 10; II. C. Duus, P.G., No. 14; H. A. McDonald, P.G., No. 9 ; D. C. Forrest, P.G , No. 11 ; E. E. Samuels, P.G., No. 15, and J. M. Gill, P.G., No. 21 ; the appointment being in accordance with Section 65 of the Constitution. Also instructing the Grand Secretary to notify the Committee and elective officers of the Loyal Petrie Terrace Lodge, No 6, that the charges would be investigated on the 21st August, at 3 p.m., in the Temperance Hall, Edward Street. The charges preferred by the District Deputy Grand Master were also' read. The Minutes of the Special Commitee were now carefully read, and in conjunction therewith the whole of the correspondence bearing on the case. From the evidence taken the following is a statement of the case :— 1. That on June 9th the D. D.G.M. visited the Petrie Terrace Lodge and handed in his Commission as District Deputy Grand Master, which was read by the Secretary of the Lodge. He then entered the Lodge Room and saluted the proper Officers, but the honours of the Order were not given to him. 2. This was reported by the District Deputy Grand Master to the Grand Master, who, in a letter to the Lodge dated the 19th June, asked the Lodge to apologise for the discourtesy and to give an assurance that in future proper respect should be paid to the District Deputy Grand Master when visiting the Lodge officially. 3. That on the 28th June the Secretary of the Petrie Terrace Lodge wrote to the Grand Master saying that the Lodge would comply with the request on receipt of information as to where in the Ritual or Constitution authority was given to accord District Deputy Grand Masters the honours of the Order. 4. On July 3rd, the Grand Master wrote saying that it was a time honoured custom of the Order to accord the honours of the Order to District Deputy Grand Masters, and formed part of the unwritten work as laid down* in the Ritual, now in use in this jurisdiction. He also stated, that in the Ritual dated 1908, it appears in actual print that District Deputy Grand Masters are entitled to be received in the same manner as the Grand Master himself. 5* That the Grand Master received a reply to his letter dated the 7th July, stating that by resolution, the Lodge could not confer the honours of the Order on any District Deputy Grand Master until such time as it was in possession of the Ritual as stated by him. 6. That acting on instruction from the Grand Master, the District Deputy Grand Master again visited the Lodge officially on the 5th July, an(^ the Lodge refused to accord him the honours of the Order.FINDINGS. 1. That it is an established custom or usage of the Order to accord District Deputy Grand Masters the honours of the Order when visiting Lodges-officially. 2. That District Deputy Grand Masters when visiting Lodges officially are representatives of the Grand Master, and are entitled to be received in the same manner as that officer himself. 3. That it is expressly laid down in Busbee’s Digest, which is also in use in this jurisdiction, as follows :— Decision tfROM Busbee’s Digest, 1903, page 364. 1306. When entitled to honours. When District Deputy Grand Masters visit Subordinate Lodges for the purpose of installing the officers elect, or upon other official duty, they, as the representatives of the Grand Masters shall be accorded the same honors as are given to that officer. The same principle shall apply to the Patriarchal Branch of the Order. All provisions inconsistent with the foregoing are hereby repeated. 1870 Journal, 4883—4919. 4. That the three last lines of section 96, was sufficient for the guidance of the Noble Grand in the matter. 5. That the Lodge has no right to determine what are the laws, &c., of the Order, that power rests solely with the Grand Lodge. 6. That the Petrie Terrace Lodge committed a serious error of judgment in not according the honours of the Order to the D.D.G.M. on June 7th. 7. That the Petrie Terrace Lodge has been guilty of gross disrespect ta the Grand Master in not receiving his deputy in accordance with the usages of the Order. 8. That Petrie Terrace Lodge has been guilty of insubordination in not complying with the Grand Master’s commands as contained in his letter to the Lodge, dated 19th June. DECISION. 1. That the Standing Committee deeming the charges to be proved herewith require the Petrie Terrace Lodge to conform by resolution to the-requirements of the Order in terms of the Grand Master’s letter to the Lodge,, dated the 19th June. 2. Failing which, the Standing Committee will call or cause to be called a Special General Meeting of the Lodge, at which Meeting the Grand Lodge^ Officers will be present, and the Grand Master will preside thereat, and require such resolution to be carried. 3. Failing which, the Lodge wall be there and then suspended. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary,. 12 LIST OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District Comprising Lodges No.. No.' Name and Address. I 2 3 1-2 4 6-11-15-26- 32-33 S. WILMINGTON, Charters Towers F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. J. * W. Walker, Commercial Road, Valley, Brisbane. 4 9 5 IO'3I 6-15 14-29 7 16 8 21 9-14 22-28 io . 23 11-12 24-55 W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George Street, Rockhampton. F. H, PEGG, Castlereigh Street, Bundaberg. L. H. COURTNAY, Staunton St., Mount Morgan. G. II. PEEK, Ravenswood. T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office Ipswich. T. GARLAND, State School, Cawanal. R. ANDREWS* Cairn,. H. C. DUUS, East Street Extended, Moun Morgan. 5 4 3 I REBEKAH LODGES. 1 Mrs. EVERET, Water St., Bundaberg. 2 Miss A. GRAHAM, Rockhampton. 3 Mrs. E. DOYLE, Alexandra St., Paddington, Brisbane. 4 Mrs. F. COFFEY, Browne Street, Charters Towers,13 LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Place of Meeting. Locality Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Water Board Office, Charters Towers, Excelsior ... 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Petrie Ten aci 6 M.U. Hall, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane’ O. SAMUELS, Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane, Livingstone 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. F. LAMBERTON, Upper Dawsons Road. Rockhampton. Mulgrave .. . IO Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bundaberg. Brunswick .. ri Free Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. H. TINLEY, Post Office, Breakfast Ck., Brisbane. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Rd., Mt Morgan, W. O’NEILL, 35 Pratten Street, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane. Park i5 Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. Oakey i6 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... A. J. FRANCIS, Ravenswood North Ipswich 21 English Church School-room North Ipswich... J.-M. GILL, Brassill School, Nth. Ipswich. Cawarral 22 Cawarral Cawarral R. E. SULLIVAN, Cawarral, via Rockhampton. Barron 23 Cairns Cairns J. G. ANDERSON, “ Trinity Times,” Cairns. Port Alma .. 24 Mar mor M arm or .. W. J. O’BRIEN, . M armor, N. C. Line. Baree 25 Baree Baree W. H. BUTCHER, Rost Office, Baree. Western Suburb. 26 •Paddington, ... Brisbane H. WILLIAMS. 1 ohn St,, Paddington, Many Peaks. 27 Many Peaks Many Peaks JAS. McNAE,‘ Many Peaks, via Miriam Vale. Mt. Chalmers 28 Mt. Chalmers ... Mt. Chalmers ... L. McGOWAN, Mt. Chalmers. Bnshley 29 Bushley Bushley G. E. ROBERTSON, Stunwell, via Rockhampton. Maryborough SI Maryborough ... Maryborough ... D. WEIR, Loco. Dept. Maryborough Clayfield 32 Clayfield Clayfield J. W. WALKER-LIND'LEY, Commercial Rd. Valley B’bane West End .. 33 School of Arts... -RESE West End KAH LODGES. S. GAMGEE, Middle St., West End, Brisbane. Star of the i Oddfellows’ Hall, Bundaberg ... J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., Woongarra St., Bundaberg. Burnett Crofton Street Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George St. Rockhampton. Star of Peace 0 j M. U. Hall, - i Brisbane. O. S AM U ELS, Martha St.,. Charlotte Street Paddington, Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.14 SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for ail financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members marrying, must pay registration fees for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 4/- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund is 2/- per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be eent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the «Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to ¿he Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained £rom the Grand Secretary on application. .. !Utuu;o:i r-. C3.. . tz.itttojmtirnti (Bvòu of #itù JLlloitrs. ‘ FRIENDSHIP, LOVE, AND TRUTH.” QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND, HELD AT THE RESIDENCE OF THE GRAND MASTER, MORNINGSIDE, On SATURDAY, 5m FEBRUARY, 1910. The following members of the Committee were present : — Grand Master, THOS. W. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary, E. A. GREGORY. Grand Treasurer, H. G. BAMKIN. Grand Trustee, J. W. WALKER. Grand Trustee, E. DE VOSS. The Grand Master took the Chair at 3 p.m. and declared the meeting open for Business. The Minutes of the previous Quarterly Meeting, were read and confirmed.3 CORRESPONDENCE. From Mr. Rendle, Registrar of Friendly Societies, memorandum to 'Secretaries of Friendly Societies stating that after 31st December, 1909, no application for permission to conduct Art Union Drawings, Raffles, or Lotteries, will be sanctioned. From Bro. Geo. T. Clarke, Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of N. S.W., being a reply to a letter from the Grand Secretary enclosing £3 for advertisement in Triple Link for 1909, and stating that as the advertisement was withdrawn for 1908 the account was overcharged ; stating that he could not understand the remarks re account for the reason that for three years the account had been paid ; the account was a correct one, and he would thank the Grand Secretary to give the matter his attention. Resolved that the letter be received, and that as the account had been withdrawn Bro. Clark be informed accordingly. From the Secretary, Petrie Terrace Lodge, stating that in view of the settlement of the matter with regard to Official Visits of D.D.G.M.’s the Lodge withdrew its appeal. Resolved that the letter be received and the fee refunded to the Lodge. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge asking for some explanation from the Standing Committee as to an interview a member of the Committee had with a Firm of Solicitors with regard to leakage of Grand Lodge business from that office, attributing the interview as having ■ taken place with the object of injuring a member of the order employed there. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary stating that the Standing Committee had no explanation to make further than the matter was purely a business one. Resolved that the letter be received and the reply endorsed. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge stating that New Lodges -should not send a representative to the Session, and requesting the Standing Committee to reconsider its action asking new Lodges to elect a representative to attend the Session. Also the reply of the Grand Secretary to the effect that the Credential Forms were sent to all Lodges in the jurisdiction in the same manner as other matter issuing from this office, and under instructions from the Grand Master, and pointing out that these Lodges were working under the authority of the Grand Lodge, and under a Warrant bearing the Seal of the Grand Lodge, and signed by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. Resolved that the letter be received, and the reply of the Grand Secretary be endorsed. From the Secretary of Maryborough Lodge asking the Standing Committee to wave the dues for the quarter, and stating various reasons for asking the same.4 Resolved that the letter be received and the Lodge be informed that the Standing Committee had no power to wave the quarter’s dues, but time would be given the Lodge in which to pay the dues. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge drawing attention to th fact that the Lodge was again disfranchised on account of the officers not being installed, and thereby not being in possession of the proper means to visit other Lodges, and asking the Standing Committee to attend the next meeting and install the officers The Grand Secretary reported that he had attended the meeting and installed the officers. Resolved that the letter be received. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge asking for the decision of the Standing Committee as to whether new Lodges established since the last Session, and to which no Charter has been granted, are rightfully entitled to be represented, to vote, and be paid by the Grand Lodge at the forthcoming Session next Easter, and further stating that the Lodge had already lodged an objection to these representations. Resolved that the letter be received, and the Lodge referred to the reply of the Grand Secretary to a former letter on this matter. From the Secretary of Mount Mrogan Lodge asking for the ruling of the Standing Committee on the following matter : — Can the Lodge pay to their Trustees the sums of per half-year, from interest received on money lent out from the Lodge’s Sick Fund, such amount to be paid from interest only. During the past and at present the Trustees’ expenses, which amount to about that sum, being for duty stamps, expenses, incurred during the inspection of property on which a loan is to be issued, has been paid from the Management Fund which receives no benefit from same. Resolved that the Lodge be informed that such expenses should come •out of the Management Fund of the Lodge. From the Secretary of Petrie Terrace Lodge asking who is the D.D.G.M. ■over their Lodge ? and who is responsible for the Officers of the Lodge not being installed on the due date ? Resolved that the letter be received, and the Lodge informed that since Bro. J. W. Walker had returned his Commission as D.D.G.M., so far as Petrie Terrace Lodge was concerned the Grand Master had, owing to the nearness of the Session, not thought it necessary to make a fresh appointment, and with regard to the second question the Standing Committee consider that the Lodge itself is responsible for the delay in the installation of its officers.5 REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Grand Master and Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, I.O.O.F. It is our pleasure to report that we have carefully examined the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand Lodge for the quarter ending 31st December, 1909, and to certify to the correctness thereof. The following is a summary of the quarter’s transactions :— To Credit Balance forward .. . • ¿46 7 9 ,, Receipts from all sources to 31st December .. . 392 1 4 ¿438 9 1 By Expenditure ... ... ‘¿247 14 9 ,, Funeral Claims 40 0 0 CO W 14 9 ,, Credit Balance Forward . .. .. 150 14 4 ¿438 9 1 The Quarterly Reports of Subordinate Lodges have been examined by us, and the remarks we have found it necessary to make on several of them are mentioned below,for the information of Lodge Secretaries. Pioneer No. i.—11/- due in September Report not yet paid. Petrie Terrace No. 6.—6/- due from last Report not yet paid, less 2/- overpaid to Funeral Fund in this Report, balance due 4/-. Livingstone Lodge No. 9.—Clearances and Resignations should be paid for, due on this account one member to both funds, 3/- Brunswick Lodge No. ii.—Should pay for 95 members to General Fund, 6/- short paid. Should pay 92 members to Funeral Fund, short paid 6/-. One Clearance member to be paid for to both funds, 3/-. Total due 15/- Mount Morgan No. 14.—Total membership should be 155 not 156. Park Lodge No. 15.—Overpaid 4 members to General Fund 4/-, and one member to Funeral Fund 2/-, short paid one member by death 3/-, total overpaid 3/-. Cawarral Lodge No. 22.—No report. Barron Lodge No. 23.—One member left by resignation, should be paid for to both funds, 3/- due on his account. Port Alma No. 24.—Honorary members must be paid for to General Fund, due on this account, 4/- last quarter and 61- this quarter, total 10/- Many Peaks Lodge No. 27.—No Report. Mt. Chalmers Lodge No. 28.—No Report.6 BALANCE SHEETS. Cavvarrai. Lodge No. 22—No Balance Sheet. Many Peaks Lodge No. 27.—No Balance Sheet. Mount Chalmers No. 28.—No Balance Sheet. 30th January, igio. A. SHERIDAN, f H. WILLIAM^, \ Finance Committee: NUMERICAL. SUBORDINATE LODGES. Full number last quarter (corrected) Admitted by initiation this quarter... Admitted by clearance this quarter... 191 •-> 0 1,687 194 From which deduct— 1,881 Left by clearance Left by arrears Left by death... Left by resignation ... 8 47 'T Ô Ó 64 REBEKAII LODGES 1,817- Full number last quarter (corrected) Admitted by initiation ihis quarter... 9 273 9 From which deduct — 282 Left by arrears Left by resignation ... 4 4 8 274 2,091 Resolved that it be received and printed in the Quarterly Report of the-Standing Committee. GENERAL BUSINESS. Grand Trustee, J. W. Walker, read an application for a further loan. Resolved that the trustees be impoweredto take it up, subject to everything being in order.7 The matter of obtaining a supply of officers charges was now discussed* The Grand Master submitted a quotation for a number at 3s. Resolved that a supply be obtained. The Grand Secretary reported that Mungana Lodge had been opened late in December, and from last information the lodge was 39 strong. Proposed alterations to the rules from Pioneer Lodge and North Ipswich Lodge, received too late for printing in the November Report. Resolved that they be received and printed in the Agenda Paper. Star of Promise Lodge, No. 4. To have open installation of officers. Port Alma Lodge, No. 24. To hold Ball and wear Regalia on 24th November. Oakey Lodge, No. 16. To change night of Meetings from Saturday to Thursday night. . Petrie Terrace Lodge, 'No. 6. To hold Moonlight Trip on 22nd. February. Accounts amounting to the sum of ^241 is. 2d. were passed for payment. The committee then adjourned at 6 p.m. EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. DISPENSATIONS GRANTED. O.F, 8 LISI' OF DISTRICT ' DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District Comprising No. No. Lodges Name and Address. I 1-2 S. WILMINGTON, Chatters Towers 2 n J 4 4 6-i i- 32-33 9 15-26- F. OLSEN, Railway Workshops, Townsville. J. W. Walker, Commercial Road, Valley , Brisbane. W. B. HAMILTON, 12 7 George Street, Rockhampton. 5 10-31 F. H. PEGG, Castlereigh Street, Bundaberg. 6-15 J4-29 L. H. COURTNAY, Staunton St., Mount Morgan. 7 16 G. II. PEEK, Ravenswood. 8 21 T. J. BARKER, Queensland Times Office, Ipswich. 9-14 22-28 T. GARLAND, State School, Cawarral. JO 25 R. ANDREWS, Cairns. .1 I • 12 24-29 Ii. C. DUUS, East Street Extended, Mount Morgan. REBEKAH LODGES. 5 i Mrs. EVERET, Water St., Bundaberg. 4 2 Miss A. GRAHAM, Rockhampton. 3. Mrs. E. DOYLE, Alexandra St., Paddington, Brisbane. i 4 Mrs. F. COFFEY, Browne Street, Charters-Towers.9 LIST OF LODGES AND PLACE OF MEETING. Name. No. Pi.ace of Meeting. Localitv Name and Address of Secretary. Pioneer I Pioneer Hall, King Street Charters Towers E. BELLGROVE, Water Board Office, Charters Towers. Excelsior 4 Mercantile Buildings, Old Town Hall Townsville J. CRAIG, Telegraph Office, Townsville. Petrie Terrace 6 M.U. Hall, Charlotte Street ... Brisbane O. SAMUELS, Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. 'Livingstone 9 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton ... H. F. LAMBERTON, Upper Dawsons Road. Rockhampton. Mu! grave ro ■Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg W. PICKERING, Burnett Street, Bmidalierg. Brunswick ... 11 bree Reading Room, Brunswick St, Valley Brisbane J. IL TINLEY, Post Office, Breakfast Ck., Brisbane. Mt. Morgan H A.N.A. Hall ... . Mount Morgan D. L. WALLACE, Cemetery Rd., Mt Morgan. 'Park 15 Victoria Place ... South Brisbane.. W. O’NEILL, Police Station, Bulimba. Oakey 16 Ravenswood ... Ravenswood ... A. j. FRANCIS, Ravenswood Horth Ipswich • 21 English Church School-room North Ipswich... J. M. GILL, Brassill School, Nth. Ipswich. ’Cawarral 22 Cawarral Cawarral R. E. SULLIVAN, Cawarral, via. Rockhampton. Barron 23 Cairns Cairns J. G. ANDERSON, “ Trinity Times,” Cairns. IPort Alma ... 24 Marmor Marmor .. W. J. O’BRIEN, Marmor, N. C. Line. Baree 25 Baree Baree W. H. BUTCHER, Post Office, Baree. “Western Suburbs 26 Paddington, Brisbane H. WILLIAMS. lohn St., Paddington. Many Peaks, 27 Many Peaks Many Peaks JAS. McNAE, Many Peaks, . via Miriam Vale. Mt. Chalmers 28 Mt. Chalmers ... Mt. Chalmers ... L. McGOVVAN, Mt. Chalmers. Bushley 29 Bushley Bushley G. E. ROBERTSON, Stunwell, via Rockhampton Maryborough 31 Maryborough ... Maryborough ... D. WEIR, Loco. Dept. Maryborough ■Clay field 32 Clay field Clay field W. J. CORTIS, i Bismark St., Clayfield, B’bane West End ... 33 School of Arts ... 1 West End S. GAMGEE, Middle St., West End, Brisbane. Mungana ... 34 1 Mungana RE BE Mungana KAH LODGES. W. J. CARLISLE, Mungana, via Cairns. Star o( the Burnett i Oddfellows’ Hall, Crofton Street Bundaberg J. CUNNINGHAM, Jnr., Woongarra St., Bundaberg. Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON, 127 George St. Rockhampton. Evening Star 2 Livingstone Hall, William Street Rockhampton .. •Star of Peace J M. U. Hall, Charlotte Street Brisbane O. SAMUELS, Martha St., Paddington, Brisbane. Star of Promise 4 Pioneer Hall, King Street. Charters Towers Mrs. HAMILTON, Old Townsville Road, Charters Towers.II SPECIAL NOTICES, Lodges are hereby notified that the Amendments to the Constitution are now Registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1894. Secretaries of Rebekah Lodges are reminded that full Quarter’s dues must now be paid for all financial benefit members, according to the scale for age as amended. That married members joining by initiation, and single members, marrying, must pay registration fees^for their wives according to the new scale. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge Management Fund is 1/- per member per quarter. That the assessment to the Grand Lodge General Funeral Fund: is 2/-per member per quarter. Secretaries are requested to furnish all members visiting other towns where a lodge of the order exists with a letter of introduction to the Secretary thereof. All returns for the Grand Lodge, and cash due thereon, must be sent to the Grand Secretary within four days after the first regular meeting of the Lodge in the months of January, April, July, and October. All communications for the Grand Lodge may be sent to the Grand Secretary, E. A. Gregory, at his private address, Sneyd Street,, Bowen Hills, Brisbane. The full dates of birth and Christian names of members and wives, joining by initiation or clearance, must be stated in the Quarterly Returns. IMPORTANT. Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are requested to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of members on their Lodge Books,, with their addresses, who reside in towns where a Branch of the I.O.O.F. does not at present exist. Petition Forms for the opening of new Lodges may be obtained^ from the Grand Secretary on application. .... rsON, FERGUSON & CO.. . TC.Intejientat (Brim* iif (Bôît JWtaius. Annual Report OF THE Grand Lodge of Queensland Containing the Numerical and Financial Statements For the Year Ending 31st December, 1908. @As> Î .^vbbatte : Watson, Ferguson & Co., Ltd., Printers. 1909.GRAND LODGE FUNERAL FUND. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FROM 1st JANUARY TO 31st DECEMBER, 1908. Balance, 1st January, 1908 £3,789 2 4 Claims Paid for Funeral Allowance ... £190 0 0 Assessments from Lodges .. ... £429 15 11 Balance, 31st December, 1908 ... ... 4,220 16 4 Registration of Wives 6 11 6 Widows’ Payments 2 2 0 438 9 5 Interest ... 183 4 7 £4,410 16 4 £4,41 16 4 EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. H. G. BAMKIN, Grand Treasurer. Audited and found correct, 30th January, 1909. A. SHERIDAN H. WILLIAMS Finance Committee. LIABILITIES AND ASSETS. Grand Lodge Funeral Fund ... ... ... £4,220 16 4 £4,220 16 4 Grand Lodge Trustees Investments £3. ,852 11 0 Management Fund Debit ... 259 1 1 4,111 12 1 Union Bank Current Account 104 0 4 Cash in hand of Grand Secretary .. 1 9 10 105 10 2 Balance Due Victorian Goods Account 3 14 l £4,220 16 4 EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretary. H. G. BAMKIN, Grand Treasurer. Audited and found correct, 30th January, A. SHERIDAN, H. WILLIAMS, 1909. Finance Committee.GRAND LODGE MANAGEMENT FUND. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FROM 1st JANUARY TO 31st DECEMBER, 1908. Assessments from Lodges ... ... £222 .* 1 3 Balance, 1st January, 1908. £374 14 4 Exchange added ... ... ... { ) 0 Salaries— Sale of Goods ... ... ... ... 18 I; 1 3 Grand Secretary £40 0 0 —- £240 15 6 Grand Treasurer ... - 1 1 0 Balance, 31st December, 1908 ... 259 1 1 Audit Fees, Finance Committee ... 6 6 0 47 é 0 Postage 4 16 8 Stationery 5 1 Typewriting ... 5 0 Telegrams 2 4 5 9 1 Printing—Watson, Ferguson & Co. 20 12 6 Goods— ditto 8 19 2 29 11 8 Dues—Grand Lodge of Australasia 5 8 6 Expenses—Grand Trustees 2 13 0 Rent of Safe ... .. 10 6 Commission—A. S. Phillips 1 1 0 A A a Subscription—Friendly Societies’ Assn. 2 0 0 4: 0 Legal Advice ... 1 11 6 3 n 6 Guarantee Bonds 2 0 0 Insurance of Stock ... 9 0 2 9 0 Interest on M. F. overdraft 11 5 0 Expense of Opening Lodges 13 0 0. 24 5 0 Bank Charge 10 0 Exchange 2 6 0 — 2 16 0 £499 16, 7 £499 16 7 Audited and found correct, 30tli January, 1909— EUGENE A. GREGORY, Grand Secretarti. A. SHERIDAN, ) .. H. G. BAMKIN, Grand Treasurer. ' - H. WILLIAMS,- j Ftnanee OommUee.4 Balance Sheet. Income. £ s. d. Balance, 1908 ... 370 8 II Interest ... 183 4 7 Grand Treasurer • 332 19 6 Sale Treasury Bills ... 300 0 0 Principal ... 17 H 0 Excelsior Lodge ... 500 0 0 Brunswick ,, ... 150 0 0 Livingstone ,, 100 0 0 Park ,, 60 0 0 Exchange i 0 £2,014 8 0 Expenditure. Guarantee Bonds £ 2 s. 0 d. 0 Insurance 9 0 Rent Safe 10 6 Bank Charge i 0 Loan No 8 Mortgage.. • 500 0 0 ? ? >5 9 55 1,000 0 0 > J > 5 I© J ) 300 0 0 ) * 5 5 11 55 160 0 0 Bal. Gov. Savings Banl ‘ 51 7 6 £2,014 8 0 Interest:—Rate earned on Total Capital^ 4*45°/0 Yours faithfully and fraternally, J. W WALKER I W. MATTHEWS V Gra1ld Trustees-ERNEST DE VOSS ) Grand Trustees’ Balance Sheet and Report, For Year Ending December 31ST, 1908. ASSETS. INTEREST EARNED. Mortgages No. 2- — 400 0 0 22 0 0 3 3 No. 4- - 151 3 6 9 9 0 3 3 No. 5- — 200 0 0 9 0 0 3 3 No. 6- — 600 0 0 30 0 0 3 3 No. 7- -- 100 0 0 6 0 0 ) » No. 8- - 5°° 0 0 13 15 0 No. 9 —1000 0 0 3 3 No. 10 — 300 0 0 3 3 No. il — 160 0 0 Grand Lodge 259 i i 11 5 0 Treasury Bills 1200 0 0 67 10 0 Gov. Savings Bank 51 7 6 14 5 7 ¿4921 12 i ¿183 4 7 Of the above amount £810 is invested for Sub. Lodges as follows :— Townsville—Excelsior Lodge £500 o Rockhampton—Livingstone 100 o Brisbane—Brunswick ... 150 o ,, Park ... 60 o £810 o o5 The Grand Lodge Funds amount to the grand total of £4,hi 12s. id., the whole amount being invested and has returned this year £183 4s. 7d. in interest, which is an average of 4'45 % Funds are invested as follows :— £.510 8 7 at 3 °/o 1,200 0 0 at 4% 600 0 0 at 5 °/o 2,360 0 0 at Si °l0 . 451 3 6 at 6% £4,921 12 1 Average Rate of Interest, 4.96 % The Grand Trustees in furnishing this Report congratulate themselves on the very healthy state of the funds under their control, and are pleased that they have been able to assist some of the subordinate lodges to invest their surplus funds at a better rate of interest than they were earning. During the twelve months just ended the sum of £1,960 has been invested on Mortgage at 5^ and 6 per cent., subordinate lodges participating to the extent of £810 at 5 % It is also pleasing to note that the Debit Balance of the Grand Lodge Management Fund has been reduced by £115 13s. 3d For the information of Subordinate Lodge Trustees their attention is directed as follows :— The Grand Trustees will undertake to invest any surplus funds of Sub. Lodges, viz. :— Government Savings Bank Interest until money is invested to better advantage, then i per cent, interest is deducted and placed to Grand Lodge Management Fund for working expenses. Assuring the Brothers of our untiring efforts on their behalf, we herewith subscribe ourselves, Yours faithfully and fraternally, J. W. WALKER ) W. MATTHEWS > Grand Trustees. ERNEST DE VOSS JNumerical Returns for the Year ending 31st December, 1908. No. of Lodge. NAME OF LODGE. T0tal : Membershf 31st Dec., 1907. ADMITTED DURING 1908. CEASED DURING 1908. PRESENT MEMBERSHIP. Widows. sent Member-lip Dec. 31st, po8. 1 1 CD ’X. j 1 D i CA Initiated. Clearance. Widows. Total. • Arrears. With- drawals. 1 i Resigna- tions. v: rt a; G Widows. Total. Contributing. Honorary. Inoren 1 rt D i- O O Q F. u. F. u. « « 5 P4 I Pioneer 458 2 7 I 28 36 3 2 5 1 ! 46 351 57 25 7. — 440 — 18 4 Excelsior 69 11 — — 11 7 — 2 — — - 9 56 ii 2 — 2 71 2 ■— 6 Petrie Terrace .. 84 2 7 2 — 29 5 — — i : 6 98 5 2 i 1 107 23 — 9 Livingstone 72 3 I — 4 7 2 - - — ! 9 50 13 2 — 2 67 — - 5 IO Mulgrave 201 17 I — 18 12 i — 2 . 15 IÓ2 26 l6 — — 204 J — 11 Brunswick 71 12 I — 13 3 i — 2 : 6 70 8 — — — 78 '7 14 , Mt. Morgan ... 75 33 I — 34 2 _ — — 5 77 21 5 i — 104 29 15 Park ... 49 9 9 — 11 4 2 — — 6 47 4 3 — 54 5 — 16 Oakey 64 4 — 4 20 i 4 i — 26 2 7 12 2 i — 42 — 22 21 North Ipswich 18 3 — — 0 2 i i — — 4 13 — 4 — 17 — i 22 Cawarral 37 13 i — 14 2 — J — 5 38 5 j; — — 46 9 —- 23 Barron —- 17 2 — 19 —- — — — 16 3 — — 19 19 24 Port Alma — Í4 — — 14 — — — — ' — 1.4 — — — H 14 —- Totals Sul) Lodges. 1198 190 12 — 202 100. H 12 11 — 137 IOI9 162 63 H 5 1263 hi 1 46 Rebekah Lodges— i Star of Burnett’Sisters ... H 12 —- — 12 5 2 i — 8 13 4 ; — 2 — 19 5 — Brothers... 12 2 — — 2 2 — — — — 2 í 1 12 — — 12 — — 2 Evening Star, Sisters 27 5 — — 5 4 — I — — 5 17 8 ! i i — 27 — i — Brothers... 18 — — i — — — — i — — 1 17 — — 17 — i n J) Star of Peace, Sisters ... 26 6 -— — 6 6 — 1 — — 7 19 1 6 —. — 25 — i Brothers... 0 J — — — — — •— — — — ! 3 — — 0 0 ! — - 4 Star of Promise, Sisters... H5 24 — — 24 • 18 J i — 22 3° 5 ! 104 8 H7 2 ! — Brothers... 26 2 — — 2 — — — — — i 28 — — 28 2 ; —■ Totals LMali Lodges 212 47 — — 47 33 — 7 2 42 79 17 ! 111 ii — 218 ¡ 7 i i 59 4 — 4 o — — 1 — 3 — i 60 — — 60 2 ! i GRAND TOTALS 1410 237 12 — 249 133 1 14 ! 19 13 — 179 1092 179 174 25 5 1481 118 47Number of Members and State of Funds of Sub-Lodges, 31st December, 1908. Ño. j NAME OF LODGE NUMBER OF MEMBERS. STATE OF FUNDS. .. Sick Paÿ paid during 1908. Funeral Donations paid during 1908. Increase or Decrease of Lodge Funds. Dec. 1907. Dec. 1908. 1 Contributing. Honorary Sick and Funeral. Management. Other Funds. Total. Increase. Decrease. ; F U F U j £' s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. ’£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ás s. ;d. ¿ s. d. fi Pioneer ... 458 44O 351 57 25 7 2,869 12 7 297 14 ó 28 13 4 3,!96 0 5 44I 16 10 90 O 0 I7I 7 il — 4 Excelsior... 67 69 56 11 2 — 660 12 2 29 4 IO — 68 9 17 0 67 <2 0 — 3O 3 6 — • 6 Petrie Terrace ... 83 106 98 5 2 i 723 8 2 9 2 i 6 16 7 739 6 ib 47 10 0 30 O 0 95 15 Ô — 9 Livingstone 70 65 ; 50 !3 2 — 730 3 8 13 19 IO — 744 6 32 12 2 — 43 4 10 — *10 Mulgrave 20 Í 204 162 26 16 — 1,782 18 0 — 1,755 8 6 122 11 8 20 0 0 139 li n 0 — 11 Brunswick 71 78 70 8 — — 727 16 8 0 0 18 11 — 731 15 7 35 13 4 20 O 0 97 il J — 14 Mt. Morgan 75 I04 77 21 5 I 671 15 2 106 9 0 8 14 7 786 19 0 21 6 8 — 138 19 7 15 Paik 49 54 47 4 3 : 358 4 6 7 14 8 9 4 il 375 4 I 12 16 8 — 71 10 i — 16 Oakey 64 42 27 12 2 I 153 19 i 20 6 10 — 174 5 il II 16 8 20 O 0 H 3 il — 21 North Ipswich ... 18 17 13 — — 4 51 17 0 6 4 .2 J 7 58 14 9 3 0 0 10 0 0 12 9 5 — 22 Cawarral... 37 46 38 5 3 47 5 0 27 9 4 — 74 H 4 12 10 0 — 32 H 0 — 23 Barron. ... _ ... ■— 19 16 n J — 7 0 11 4 11 0 — il il 11 — 11 li il — Ï24 Port Alma — 14 — — — 17 0 6 li 11 — - IO 8 il — — 10 8 11 — Total S. Lodges 1,193 1,258 1,005 162 63 H 8,788 9 11 « r' ^ DJJ 7 4 53 *3 0 9.34« 10 9 808 14 0 I90 O 0 869 11 10 — REBIÎKAE (Sisters Only) • *1 Star of Burnett ... 14 19 13 4 — 2 28 4 3 — — 26 2 0 — — 8 6 0 ~ 2 Evening Star 27 27 17 8 i i 59 12 3 13 12 5 j : — 73 4 8 7 •-> 4 — 4 2 0 — 3 Star of Peace 26 25 19 — 6 — - 20 4 4 4 8 8 8 24 ï3 8 6 8 4 — 2 5 2 — 4' Star of Promise ... H5 147 30 5 104 8 68 8 11 70 H 11 — 139 0 J 10 i 0 0 — 36 17 5 — - JL vJ 1 AL* lxlLÌ3xi.ivArl "1 — Lodges 212 ¿18 79 17 hi 11 176 9 9 88 16 0 8 ! 1 1 i & 1 4 2 H il 8 — 51 10 7 — , Grand Total ... i 1,405 i,476 1,084 179 174 j 25 8,964 19 8 622 n J 4 53 13 8 9,611 14 il 823 5 8 190 0 0 921 2 5 — + Corrected, previously reported 463 X Analysis not known. * Overdrawn Management Fund, £27 9s. 6d. * ,, „ & 2s. 3d.SICK AND FUNERAL FUND. Receipts and Expenditure, compiled from the Returns furnished by Sub. Lodges for the year ending 3ist December, 1908 No. NAME OF LODGE RECEIPTS. Contributions. Funeral Donations. Registration Fees Interest. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I Pioneer 617 9 0 So 0 0 O 7 6 IO4 4 i 4 Excelsior ... 98 14 3 — O 6 6 l8 2 i 6 Petrie Terrace T4I 9 10 30 0 0 I 11 0 3° 10 10 9 Livingstone 96 4 8 — O 6 0 19 4 3 io Mulgrave ... 285 17 U 20 0 0 O H 0 70 3 4 il Brunswick ... I27 13 0 20 0 0 O 12 0 25 3 7 14 Mt. Morgan I32 5 2 — O 12 6 2 7 6 8 15 Park ... 86 4 i — 0 9 6 7 9 il 16 Oakey 57 10 11 20 0 0 O 2 6 3 3 9 21 North Ipswich 18 13 9 10 0 0 — 0 12 3 22 Cawarral ... 60 II 9 — O i 0 — 23 Barron 6 10 5 — O 10 6 — 24 Port Alma .. n Ö 7 6 — O 9 6 — Totals Sul). Lodges .... 1732 12 3 180 0 0 6 2 6 3°6 10 9 Rebekah Lodges— I Star of Burnett 5 13 0 — — 2 Evening Star 16 16 3 • — — — 3 Star of Peace 11 U 10 — — 0 9 2 4 Star of Promise .. 21 12 9 — — i i 6 Totals Rebekah Lodges 55 13 10 — — i 10 8 GRAND TOTALS ... 1788 6 i 180 0 0 6 2 6 00 i 0 1 ro i 5 EXPENDITURE. Other Total Funeral Grand Lodge Other Ex- Total Receipts. Receipts oIlK ray. - Donations. Dues. pendi ture. Expenditure. £ S. d. £ s. d. s. d, £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. O l6 8 802 17 0 441 16 10 90 O 0 155 6 6 2 i 6 689 4 IO — 117 2 10 67 0 0 — 25 5 ó I 5 0 93 10 6 — 203 11 8 47 10 0 SO O 0 34 il 6 — 112 I 6 — 116 4 il 32 12 2 — 24 il 0 — 57 n J 2 I O 0 377 15 3 122 11 8 20 O 0 70 17 6 I 12 6 215 i 8 O 6 8 173 15 3 35 13 4 20 O 0 29 7 0 -- 85 0 4 — 160 4 4 21 6 8 — 31 19 6 O 7 il 53 14 i — 94 0 0 6 12 16 8 — 19 5 6 — 32 2 2 — 80 17 2 li 16 8 20 O 0 16 i 0 0 2 0 47 19 8 — 29 6 0 3 0 0 IO O 0 5 0 0 — 18 0 0 — 60 12 9 12 10 0 — 14 11 0 — 27 i 0 — 7 0 II — — — — 0 0 17 0 — — — 2 3 4 2227 8 10 00 0 00 H 0 I90 O 0 426 16 0 5 8 IT 1430 18 il 5 13 0 i 4 6 i 4 6 — 16 16 0 0 7 0 4 — n 6 5 — 10 9 9 — 12 i 0 6 8 4 — 2 7 i — 8 15 5 — 22 14 3 i 0 0 — 4 9 5 — 5 9 5 — 57 4 6 H il 8 — il 7 i* — 25 19 i 2 n 4 2284 13 4 823 5 8 I90 O 0 438 0 J 5 5 8 II 1456 18 0MANAGEMENT FUND. Receipts and Expenditure of the Grand, Subordinate, and Rebekah Lodges for the Year ending 31st December, 1908. 0) bi O NAME OF LODGE o i £ I RECEIPTS. Contributions. Initiation Fees. Other Receipts. Total Receipts. 4 6 9 10 11 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 EXPENDITURE. Medical Fees. Salaries and Fees. Grand Lodge Dues. All Other Expenditure. Total Expenditure. Cost of Management per Member. Pioneer .. Excelsior... Petrie Terrace Livingstone Mulgrave Brunswick Mt. Morgan Park Oakey North Ipswich Cawarral... Barron ... Port Alma Total Sub-Lodges REBEKAH LODGES — Star of Burnett ... Evening Star Star of Peace Star of Promise ... Total Rebekah Lodges Grand Lodge ... Grand Total... £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. ¿ ' s. d. s. d. 77 0 9 5 7 0 6 88 14 6 866 4 5 487 7 6 102 8 3 84 19 i 127 12 3 802 7 i 0 12 2f 12© 13 9 2 5 0 IO IO 6 133 9 n 3 72 6 11 22 13 0 12 5 6 19 12 8 126 18 i 0 H 7 122 16 2 5 0 6 16 15 2 144 il IO 91 9 5 8 io 0 l6 19 0 24 13 9 141 12 2 0 6 / £ 119 11 2 0 9 6 26 6 6 146 7 2 102 9 0 14 IQ 0 12 4 0 32 12 i 162 4 i 0 18 3§ 254 18 8 5 2 0 63 12 0 323 12 8 254 0 5 31 O 3 0 38 11 0 23 0 7 34615 0 0 6 i 116 9 i i 13 6 19 4 6 137 7 i 80 8 9 9 0 0 H 5 0 24 16 0 128 9 9 0 9 71 166 8 8 15 6 6 il 12 8 193 7 IO 119 15 9 12 15 0 l6 5 0 12 2 4 160 18 1 0 6 of 74 0 7 i 9 6 24 H 7 100 4 8 71 i 3 4- 4 0 IO 8 n 3 9 9 3 95 2 9 0 5 5* 68 14 10 i 8 6 IO 18 9 81 2 i 62 8 6 IO 8 11 8 14 9 16 li 0 98 0 J 2 0 18 7è 19 3 I 0 6 0 7 16 il 27 6 0 H H 4 i 2 8 5 6 0 6 4 2 27 7 2 0 il 0 1 •> 72 3 3 7 17 6 0 12 9 80 J3 6 46 i 8 7 2 ó :> 7 16 0 20 li 4 81 11 3 0 13 6 7 9 4 5 12 6 7 18 6 21 0 4 8 5 0 0 io 0 2 16 0 4 18 4 16 9 4 0 5 4 0 5 6 8 0 0 11 6 IO 19 11 4 8 0 -- — — 4 8 0 1,916 18 5 59 19 6 OQ M 8 io 2,266 6 9 1,414 16 6 224 i6 i 230 9 7 322 9 2,192 5 li 0 IO 2^ il il i i 12 6 I I 11 5 24 15 0 9 11 1 5 0 . IO i 0 J> 20 17 6 0 9 o4 38 19 0 0 iS 0 O 7 6 40 1 6 27 2 6 4 11 3 — il 7 0 43 0 9 0 9 4Ì 17 2 5 0 10 0 8 17 6 26 9 11 G i IO 2 2 6 — 8 6 0 27 IO 4 0 7 5i 25 19 4 j 0 0 92 18 2 119 17 & 60 H 6 23 0 0 — 16 IO 5 100 4 11 0 4 IQi 93 11 10 3 17 6 “3 14 7 211 3 11 114 IO i 30 19 9 — 46 4 8 191 13 6 0 6 2 —1 — 240 15 6 240 15 6 — 47 7 0 — 77 15 3 125 2 3 0 2 4 2,OIO 10 O 3 63 17 0 643 18 il 2,718 6 2 1,529 6 7 303 , 2 IO 230 9 7 446 3 8 2,509 9 8 0 11 • 4iDISPOSAL OP FUNDS. Showing how the Funds of the Grand, Subordinate and Rebekah Lodges are Invested. No. of Lodge Name of Lodge. Mortgage. [ i i Propert}' Savings Bank. Other Investments. Not bearing Interest. Total. Interest earned during 1908. Rate per cent, on balance 3xst December 1908 £ s. d. £ s. d. JL s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. I Pioneer 367 0 0 ' 378 17 6 1888 5 3 165 O 0 396 17 8 3196 0 5 104 4 i 3-25 4 Excelsior 7 17 10 1 — 105 8 2 526 5 0 5° 6 0 689 17 0 18 2 i 2.61 6 Petrie Terrace 490 0 0 — 45 5 10 200 0 0 4 i 0 739 6 10 30 10 10 4.19 9 Livingstone 89 9 4 — 480 10 8 TOO 0 0 74 Ô 6 744 3 6 19 H 3 2.68 IO Mulgrave 1105 0 7 — 511 11 11 --- 138 16 0 175s 8 6 70 0 J 4 3-98 ii Brunswick 260 0 0 — 260 2 4 150 0 0 61 13 3 731 15 7 25 3 7 3-4i H Mt. Morgan ... 271 H 0 — 438 0 8 — 77 4 4 786 19 0 27 6 8 3-43 15 Park 220 0 0 — IO6 18 8 — 48 5 5 375 4 i 7 9 11 2.00 16 Oakey 50 0 0 — 53 3 9 71 2 2 174 5 11 3 3 9 1 72 21 North Ipswich — — 30 16 9 2 7 18 0 58 H 9 0 12 3 1 03 22 Cawarral — 50 0 0 24 H 4 74 H • 4 . —■ 23 Barron — — 11 11 11 11 11 11 — — 24 Port Alma — — 10 8 11 10 8 11 — -Total Sul). Lodges 2861 i 9 378 17 6 3920 4 0 1191 5 0 997 2 6 9348 10 9 306 10 9 3 29 Rebekah Lodges— i Star of Burnett — — 26 2 0 26 2 0 — 2 Evening Star ... — — 62 0 0 11 4 8 73 4 8 — 1.80 3 Star of Peace... — — 24 13 8 24 13 8 0 9 2 4 Star of Promise — — 51 i 6 88 2 4 139 0 0 10 i i 6 0 71 Total Rebekah Lodges ... — — 137 15 2 — 125 Q 0 263 4 2 i 10 8 0-57 Grand Lodge 2601 0 6 — 51 7 6 1459 i I 109 4 0 0 4220 16 4 iSj 4 7 4*33 GRAM) TOTAL 5462 5 ■> J -378 17 6 ! j 4109 6 8 2650 6 1 1231 15 9 ! 1 13832 11 0 J 491 6 0 3-54LIST OF LODGES, PLACE OF MEETING, NAME AND ADDRESS OF SECRETARY, NIGHTS OF MEETING, Name of IyODGE. Where Held: Secretary. Secretary’s Day of 1910. 19 1 1. 1912. 6 Address. Week. Feb. April July oct. 1 July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. May June Aug. Sept. J Nov, Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June 1 Pioneer Pioneer Hall, King Street, Charters E. Bellgrove B ->x 123 j 10 Mulgrave Towers Odd Fellows Hall, Crofton Street, W. Pickering B irnett Street [-Tuesday 5.19 2.16.30 13.27 11.25 8.22 6.20 3.17.31 14.28 14.28 11.25 9.23 6.20 4.18 1 15.29 12.26 10.24 7.21 5.19 2.16.30 13.27 12.26 9.23 7.21 4.18 Bundaberg )st Office, Breakfast 11 Brunswick Free Reading Room, Brunswick St., J. W. Tinley P ) Valley, Brisbane Creek 21 North Ipswich St. Thomas’ School Rooms, North J. M. Gill R ■assill School, North \ ^Tuesday 6.20 1.15.29 7.21 13.27 3.17.31 Ipswich Ipswich 12.26 9-23 4.18 13.27 10.24 7.21 4.18 2.16.30 11.25 8.22 5.19 14.28 12.26 9.23 6.20 5.19 2.16.30 14.28 11.25 25 Baree Baree W. H. Butcher Post Office, Baree 6 Petrie Terrace M.U. Hall, Charlotte St., Brisbane O. Samuels M artha St., Paddington, Brisbane Monday 4.18 1.15.29 12.26 10.24 7.21 5.19 2.15.30 13.27 13.27 10.24 8.22 5.19 3.17.31 14.28 11.25 9.23 6.20 4.18 1.15.29 12.26 11.25 8.22 6.20 3.17 33 West End School of Arts, West End, South S. Gamgee M iddle St., West End, l 34 Mungana Brisbane Mungana B. Cameron | South Brisbane Mjungana £ Monday 11.25 8.22 5.19 3.17.31 14.28 12.26 9.23 6.20 6.20 3-17 1.15.29 12.26 10.24 7.21 4.18 2.16.30 13.27 11.25 8.22 5.19 4.18 1.15.29 13-27 10.24 4 Excelsior Old Town Hall, Townsville J. Craig Telegraph Office, \ Townsville 9 Tivingstone Eivingstone Hall, William Street,- H. F. Eamberton Upper Dawson Road, Rockhampton Rockhampton 14 Mt. Morgan A.N.A. Hall, Mt. Morgan D. E. Wallace Cemetery- Road, Mt. ¡.Wednesday 3.17.31 12.26 1.15.29 5.19 11.25 Morgan 6.20 14.28 9.23 7.21 4.18 1.15 12.26 10.24 7.21 2.16.30 13,27 8.22 6.20 3.17.31 14.28 13.27 10.24 8.22 5.19 15 Park Merton Road, Wooloongabba, South W, O’Neill Police Station, Brisbane Bulimba 23 Barron Cairns J. G. Anderson capre T. Peat, Abbott Street, Cairns 4 Star of Promise Pioneer Hall, King Street, Charters Mrs. A. Hamilton Old Townsville Road, Wednesday 2 Evening Star Towers Eivingstone Hall, William Street, Mrs. W. B. Hamiltoii * Charters Towers 7 George St., Rock- 13.27 10.24 7.21 5.19 2.16.30 14.28 11.25 8.22 8.22 5.19 3.17.31 14.28 12.26 9.23 6.20 4.18 1.15.29 13.27 10.24 7.21 6.20 3.17 1.15,29 12.26 Rockhampton hampton 16 Oakey ! Ravenswood Thos. W. Pogson Ri ivenswood 1 28 32 Mt, Chalmers Clayfield Mt. Chalmers St. Colombs Hall, Clayfield E. McGowan W. H. Cortis M Bi t. Chalmers smark Street, Clayfield artha Street, Pad- (Thursday 7.21 4.18 1.15.29 13.27 10.24 8.22 5.19 2.16 2.16.30 13.27 11.25 8.22 6.20 3.17.31 14.28 12.26 9.23 7.21 4.18 1.15.29 14.28 11.25 9.23 6.20 3 Star of Peace M.U. Hall, Charlotte St., Brisbane O. Samuels M dington, Brisbane j , 26 Western Suburbs Foresters Hall, Paddington, Brisbane C. Hais 24|Skew Street, North J. Cunningham Quay, Brisbane ) 17 Star of Burnett Odd Fellows Hall, Crofton Street, Bundaberg Wjoongarra Street, j Bundaberg Garden Street, Marv- [Thursday 14.28 11.25 8.22 6.20 3-17 1.15.29 12.26 9.23 9.23 6.20 4.18 1.15.29 13.27 10.24 7.21 5.19 2.16.30 14.28 11.25 8.22 7.21 4.18 2.I6.3O 13.-27 31 Maryborough M.U. Hall, Adelaide Street, Mary- D. Weir Saturday 11.25 borough borough 2.16 30 13-27 10.24 8.22 .5.19 3.17.31 14.28 11.25 8.22 6.20 3-17 1.15.29 12.26 9.23 7.21 4.18 2.I6.3O 13.27 10.24 9.23 6.20 4.18 1,15.29 22 Cawarral Cawarral J. A. Camm Cawarral 24 29 Port Alma Bushley Marmor Bushley W. J. O’Brien G. E- Robertson Mjarmor, N.C. Dine Stan well, via Rock- > Saturday 9.23 6.20 3-17 1.15.29 12.26 10.24 7.21 4.18 4.18 1.15.29 13-27 10.24 8.22 5.19 2.I6.3O 14.28 11.25 9.23 6.20 3.17 2.I6.3O 13-27 11.25 8.22 hampton 27 Many Peaks Many Peaks Jas. McNae Many Peaks, via Mirliam Vale 35 Perseverance Chillagoe A. Daniels Shire Council Office, Chillagoe This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2013