OPPORTUNITIES FOR GRADUATE STUDY OFFERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY BROWN UNIVERSITY Providence, R. I. Remington Printing Co., 63 Washington StreetOFFICERS Hermon Carey Bumpus, Ph. D., Professor of Comparative Anatomy. Albert Davis Mead, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Embryology and Neurology. Frederick Poole Gorham, A. M., Instructor in Biology. Ralph Winfred Tower, A. M., Instructor in Chemical Physiology. Ada Geneva Wing, A. M., Instructor in Physiology in the Women’s College. Jay Perkins, M. I)., Demonstrator in Anatomy. George Milton Gray, Assistant in the Anatomical Laboratory.The Department of Comparative Anatomy OFFERS THE FOLLOWING GRADUATE COURSES to Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts. Biological Theories and Biological Problems Bi-weekly seminar................. Professor H. C. Bumpus. A general account of the history of biology; a discussion of past and present biological theories ; an examination of certain biological problems, and the suggestion of possible methods for their solution. Methods of Cy to logical Research Laboratory work and bi-weekly seminar.. Professor A. I). Mead. The morphology and physiology of the cell. Students may elect the original investigation of some cytological problem under the immediate direction of the instructor. Bacteriological Research Laboratory work and bi-weekly seminar. Instructor F. P. Gorham. Though the undergraduate course in Bacteriology may be profitably pursued by graduate students, the instructor will direct more advanced lines of study and research. Physiology Laboratory work.................. Instructor R. W. Tower. A thorough course of undergraduate instruction in Physiology covers the study of the nervous, contractile and connective tissues, the processes of salivary, gastric and pancreatic di- gestion, the chemistry of- the blood, bile, certain secretions and excretions.4 Physiology and Hygiene Seminar............................. Instructor Ada G. Wing. All courses in the Department, whether undergraduate or graduate, are open to graduate women, and, in addition, there are certain courses exclusively for women. Practical instruc- tion is given by Miss Wing in anatomy and physiology, hospitals are visited, trained nurses give informal talks, and physicians lecture upon special topics. Human Anatomy Laboratory Instruction........ Demonstrator Dr. jay Perkins. In addition to the course in practical dissection, graduate students will be given an opportunity to attend certain opera- tions at the hospital and to be present at autopsies. Scientific German Weekly seminar...................... Instructor R. W. Tower. Mr. Tower will meet such graduate students as may desire further instruction in the reading of scientific German. Neumeister’s Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie will be studied, the work being supplementary to the regular course in physiology. In addition to the above courses, which are open exclusively to graduate students, there are several undergraduate courses which are appropriate to graduate work, such as the courses in Physiology, Embryology, Histology, Anatomy, Neurology, Bacteriology, Sani- tary Science and Hygiene. General Lectures The following lectures were delivered to students in the Depart- ment of Comparative Anatomy during the year 1897-1898, and a similar course is being arranged forthe coming year: Gardiner T. Swarts, M. I)., Secretary State Board of Health, “ Diseases of the Skin.”5 Charles V. Chapin, M. D., Superintendent City Board of Health, “The Nature of Infectious Diseases.” Jay Perkins, M. D., Medical Examiner, Providence, “ Processes of Repair in the Human Body.” Adolf Meyer, M. I)., Neurologist Worcester Lunatic Hospital, “The Modern Interpretation of the Nervous System.” John W. Keefe, M. D., Visiting Surgeon, R. I. Hospital. Charles Sedgwick Minot, M. D., “Morphology of the Kidney.” George F. Keene, M. D., Superintendent State Asylum for Insane, “Forms of Mental Enfeeblement.” George L. Collins, M. D., Visiting Surgeon of R. I. Hospital. “ Surgical Technique, with Special Reference to Cancer of the Breast.” John C. Pegram, Jr., M. I)., Assistant Orthopaedic Surgeon, R. I. Hospital. “Diseases of the Spine and New Methods of Treatment.” Wm. A. Gorton, M. D., Superintendent Butler Asylum, . “Various Forms of Insanity.” Kamakichi Kishinouye, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan, “Certain Sexual Characters of the Carididae.” The Equipment of the Department The laboratories are amply equipped with microscopes, microtomes, incubators and the more special pieces of apparatus for physiological and bacteriological work. Material for embryo- logical, zoological and anatomical investigation is furnished6 in abundance. The collector for the Marine Biological Lab- oratory, Mr. George M. Gray, is one of the officers of the department, and frequent collecting excursions are made to various localities in Narragansett Bay. A small animal house, furnished with cages, aquaria, etc., provides shelter for such animals as may be kept near the Laboratory, and a houseboat, equipped with “cars” and all necessary pieces of apparatus for collecting and keeping marine animals, is at the disposal of those whose work may necessitate their remaining near the shore. The Department is a subscriber to both the “ University Table” and the “Woman’s Table” of the Zoological Station at Naples, and to three tables at the Marine Biological Labor- atory at Woods Hol$, it also enjoys, with other institutions, . . . / certain privileges at the laboratory of the United States Fish Commission. The department library contains all the more important text-books on the subjects treated in the department, and is kept up to date through generous appropriations. The fol- lowing scientific journals are regularly received : American journal of Physiology. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologisch-Zootomischen Institut. Archiv fiir Mikroscopische Anatomie. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Archiv fiir Entwickelungs-mechanik.y Archiv fiir Physiologie. Anatomischer Anzeiger. American Naturalist. Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, etc. Annotationes Zoologies Japonensis. Brain. Biologisches Centralblatt. Centralblatt fiir Bacteriologie. Concilium Bibliographicum. Fauna und Flore des Golfes von NeapeL7 Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physiologic. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Journal of Applied Microscopy. Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Journal of Comparative Neurology. Journal of Morphology. The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Medical Record. Merkel und Bonnet’s “ Ergebnisse.” Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Natural Science. Science Progress. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten. Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir wissenshaftliche Zoologie. Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Zoologischer Jahresbericht. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Zoological Bulletin. It has been the policy of the Laboratory to provide everything necessary for scientific work, such as microscopes, glassware, reagents, drawing material, etc. There will be no laboratory fees for graduate students. Please address all communications concerning tuition, &c., to Dr, H. C. Bumpus, Anatomical Laboratory, Brown University, Providence, R. I.30112 05610221