B e oL SR R Agaets RN PaaEaat 2R o D e e e S I TN e LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN £912.77359 w/\\, a ODPE £ S — o SRl { | | | | | ((/‘ TO Mncn 1 SR N <<< &r MM >>)’ | !’ A RN A /7!\ o 1/,)1/(/,1/9'1/{ 9. \g P‘ BL]S"L“S £ / ( < “Lale sI(/( /)1///(//// 19 (or: 0/ (r /fl//r & 1(/{///1;‘ f’/ £.)) > ) @ S prodge. S e \\\ V A // (] / ’//J 2 \ Fntered wccording to det of Congress in the year 1872 by Warner & Beers in the Office of'the Librarian o' (ongress at Washington D.C. . ABLE OF CONTENTS. e ———r o MCLEAN COUNTY INDEX. PAGE. Table of Contents, PAGE. BEEL a1 Connty Court FLOuSe -0 r o fos & o el tery S5 U SHRECO S GE S Iy McLean County References, Statistics, etc v Views for David Stephenson and William Paul._._ .. __ ... ... ._. ST VI Map. of Danvers Township and Danvers References ----—- ... ... ....__._. VII RS EllItal Shetthes. oo i T Ma st i o S N e C A VIII Views for R. A. Warlow, Alfred B. Bozarth, and Milton Bozarth. .. 1X Patrons’ Directory for Bloomington Township .__..._. X Patrons’ Directory for Bloomington Township (conclud ed), "Lnd Vornml 10\ nshlp XI Witews for .C. P. Nafziger and John F. Kaufiman: st ite e ooecobe it XII Maps of Allin Township and Stanford Village, with Referen ShpEote a0 XIII Patrons’ Directory for Normal (concluded), Lexington, Cropsey, and Downs Townships . __ L Do Y A N el N e L RS S X1V Patrons’ Directory for ( heney’s (nou, Bell-Flower, Dale, and Mount Hope EEOWRERIDS < - -« o oo o st rn ot F e e i MU 2 SO Nl XV Views for John P. Fry, John Armstrong, Dr. H. Parkhurst, and Geo. W. Funk XVI NVapestgriJacob Funk and 'LaBayette i Fupk S et 0 o b e o o XVII Patrons’ Directory for Randolph, West, Hudson and Lhcnox lo\\nshlps ...... XVIII Patrons’ Directory for Lawndale, White Oak, Padua, Money Creek, and Blue Agund Townshipsiclsul. val inv R b et e, f gl Dl mog ot XIX Wiews: for' E. T. Kenyon :and ‘Dennis &enyonidn oo 531 D- 000 U e XX Map of Mount Hope Township XXI Patrons’ Directory for Martin, Old Town, Arrowsmith, Empire, Funk’s Grove, and Yates. Townships: .3z i00- 0 St el s M DS e e e Dy T XXII Patrons’ Directory for Gridley, Dry Grove, Allin, Danvers, and Towanda Town- BHEDE .. 5 | 5 2508 e o S R Rt S s e e e A e ST XXIII SRawiforoTsaac- Fupk' . Mol Dooaties THuele. T8 o a0 SR Nt R XXIV Views for John McConnell, Peter Wintz, and F. M. Funk.._._._.____.._ __._._. XXVI eyl Funk's Grove Township il Sttt o oo c i st vannh e nslem s XXVII Views for John Perry and Caleb Freeman.... XXX Maps of Dale Township, and Covell and Shirley Villages, with References.... XXXI Views for Eli Hamilton, H. L. Phillips, Abraham Harrison and Son, and James W. Campbell XXXIV Maps of Dry Grove Township and Danvers Village XXXV Maps of White Oak Township and Villages of Hudson and Pleasant Hill, A R e e T e e s e s XXXVII Nogewsifor Lewis'Bohrertand ALKAftler o _ . ool o B o TOR S i e SR XL May af Hudson TORRSHID <« - 2ol ooz aaenbe vl s s nan aues uus ot SESE S, XLT Wiews for |John Gregolyr . s ol L L - S S S U B A P s oL S XL1I Map of - Normal Townshipiadat cle Joosaris sonidc e on cbladuis atme it mata alnid XLIII Views of Bloomington Gas Works and Residence of Chas. E. Fell..__._.__. XLVI Map .of Bloomington. Township . - oo oo oot foicooiitiiaoiiaaanes XLVII View of Illinois Wesleyan University . AN i R e e XLIX Map of the North Part of Normal, \\lth Norm"Ll IUSH’)LSS l\eferem‘es _______ 1yl Bloomington Business References ... .. . oL ... LIII ‘ INDEX Post Om(,e J)uector) (11[)111[)&“&111)’ areanged) e N E RN o e Statistics and Plan of Land Descriptions. .. Blunk for Transfers of Real Estate_ ... Political, Geological and Climate Maps Official Railway Map of Illinois Map of the City of ChIiCago - oo om o COUNTIES. Illinois General Reference, and Map of Lake and McHenry Counties -..._............ 15 Map of Cook, Will, Du Page, Kendall and Kane COll}ltles' @ Map of Winnebago, Boone, Qgle, Lee and De Kalb Counties cemmeen oo 19 Map of Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Carroll and'Rock Taland Y oupties it o T e 21 Map of Whiteside, Henry and Bureau Cotlfltlcs ,,,,,, s 23 Map of Mercer, Henderson, Warren and Knox COUntlES'.‘ ________ Seeesomsneciooaees 25 Map of Putnam, Stark, Marshall, Peoria, \\’oodfqrd and Tazewell Counties Seameeees 27 Map of La Salle, Grundy and Livingston Co'untms _________________________________ 29 Map of Kankakee, Iroquois and Fordl Counties - - oo 31 Map of Piatt, Champ: pign ‘and Veermilions €ounties atiol. oo - SEC S RERE L e 33 Map of McLean, DeWitt. and Logan ‘Colnties i o - - i e e e e 21 Map of Fulton, McDonough, Schuyler, Mason, Cass md Mcmrd e O 37 Map of Hancock, Adams and Brown Counties ... e 40 Map of Pike, Scott, Morgan, Greene, Jersey and Calh_oun GORNties e = Mo e 41 Map of Sangamon, Macoupin and MonthlHC{y Comm‘es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43 Map of Christian, Macon, Shelby and Moultrie Counties e 45 Map of l)ouglas, Coles, Edgar, Cumberland and Clark Counties e 47 Map of Jasper, Crawford, Richland, Lawrence, Edwards and Wabash Counties ..._.__. 49 PAGE. Map of the South Part of Normal and the Fifth and Sixth Wards of Blooming- ton, and Bloomington Business References, (continued) ... ..._..__.. == LIV N Bloomington Business References (concluded)-asmaccmmaan _ciioiooociosioaonn LVI Map of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Wards of Bloomington..__.. ._._LVIII, LIX Views for I. Vanordstrand and James Bishop - ... .. ocoooaoooo.ioolo.... LXII Maprof i RandolphrTomnships =i ca v =T ik e S e e e o e S e S oo e LXIII Views for Sylvester Peasley and Wi "W. Peasley:- . c-oo. _cioeloc otot oot LXVI Map offDowns Bownship. - am i -t s e R e L et LXVII Views for Jas. H. Ballard, E. D. Benjamin, B. F. Ballard, S. W. Sutherland, and James Rayburn, e e e L L e LXX Maps of Old Town Township, and Holder Village, with References. . LXXI Map.of Towanda. Township .- -_ooc T80 Sl il 7 ¢ o el el S LXXIII Views for A. Stansbury, T. D. Hartson, Hudson Burr R. Reniff, Dashiell & Blood and Mxs. S W OBl & e o e e LXXVI Map.of Money.Creek Townshipe col Li. - o K 8BRS T oo L e LXXVII Maps of Gridley Township and Villages of Towanda, Gridley, Belle-Flower and Downs, Withy REfeYeNces: - . o 2t s < u o riar R R - SRS LXXX, LXXXI Map of the City of Chenoa and Business Directory.-«-- ..o docooo.. LXXXIV Map: of Chenoa ToWHBBID « 1o oo iioc s soni s it e WP o o B L8 LXXXV Maps of the Villages of Lexington, McLean and Heyworth, with References.. LXXXVII Views Tor Jesse TrmBer . ic ot . R e o e A e xC Map of Lexington Township, and- References for Lexington Vlllage (concluded) XCI Map of:Blue Mound ‘Township ehoataseesting 5427 Aoniah 5 ey doe T XCIII Views for-Asher ‘Merwin, H. Ball and Levi Dillon -Z.- ... ... .coe_o__..L XCVI Maps of Padua Township, and Ellsworth and Padua Villages, with References XCVII Maps of Le Roy and Lytleville Villages, with References. .. 5 C Map:of Empire Fownship o =uc . Sho JSe T gt o L =z T TO GENERAL ATLAS. Views for John Weedman and Talmage Ross . . CII Map of "West Township, s S nrae o 8. & R RN e e X CIII Maps of Arrowsmith Township and Village, with Directory ... ._. Ccv Views for William Peabody, James White, C. W. Springer and W. A. Latham, CVIII Map of -Martin JRownship: .o =<8 s 2 e e s e S U R CIX Views for Robert Higgins, P. Fawcett, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Harley, and Edward Stubblefield - i i L i R e ok e L B g CX Map of Lawndale Township -._. ... ______._. Bl St L SR e S e A CXI Views for G. A. Ross, John W. Funk and Henry Bedell.._._____.__.___.____ CXII Map .of Yates: Townshifi. e TRyt a0ttt 8 s Jers (o b e h)) SO CXIII Maps of Cropsey Township and Villages of Saybrook and Weston, with Refer- BT G L e o o o = e Y L e RO S o S CXVI, CXVII Views for Samuel Sniff, John Cusey and A. C. Funk . ___.__ . ..o o._._. CXX Map. of. Chengy's Grove "Eownshipas ssmeso s o - TI00 0 o 0 i m ot i CXXI Map-of ' BeWl-Flower Pownshiphse Zat so S e - to ol e e e CXXIIT Bahdly Record . o). oo St il s . o e S b s S CXXV - PAGE Map of Effingham, Clay, Fayette and Marion Counties ... ... ccooooo coooeouo ... 51 Map of Madison, Bond and Clinton Counties Map of St Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Perry and Washington Counties ..........._.._.. 55 Map of Wayne, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton and White Counties Map of Saline, Gallatin, Hardin, Pope and Massac Counties ..____._.._ .__.__ Map of Jackson, Union, Williamson, Johnson, Alexander and Pulaski Counties STATES AND TERRITORIES. Rallroad Map of the United"Statef - . . ... .2 cciainn il oo tie chie s oate SRR b 64, 65 Map of New England, and the Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince - Faward's: dslandzt o omovaate ML IRE D 0 ook SUE Sy R 67 Map of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West- Virginia, and, Province oflMIntarion: - -« c. 6. s Soe e te o s i o 69 Map of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida..._.._.___ . _______.___.. 73 Map of Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana_.___.__._._ 73 Map of Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Towa and Missouri. ... __.__.____.__. 75 Map of Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota and Minnesota......__.__________..______ i 77 Map ‘of 'Cexasiand Indian THermeonr « L e e e e PR o e 79 Map of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona Map of California and Nevada Map of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Map of Oregon and the Territories of Wnshmgton and Alaska Mipiof therWest olngdies: .o oo -socs oo le s 1o S e s = Iy N 89 Map offthe: Western Hlemisphere .. «.caoanrc - DEBGLC T S le o e = K iy oy 92 Map of ‘the:Fastern, Hemisphere oo T S0 ITa T2 ThE . M i e Sy 93 ———— = 5 Q@’_l@\ P. Tql 00 NV McLEAN COUNTY. Eadm BEOURRH .-, casanannawnsiauseadsnmas i T enmnd School Houses .. Map XReferences. = Farm Lines.. ........................... & Private: BRRAS - . .do. . iicvamaisnisuasns CRUrehoes . - - i oo Public Boads-.-...ccccconemsuamiaanian — R I O o e i 05 n o f wredi ity S = Railroads, Projected... Brick and Lime Kilns -« oecucnat ccocnsmsana- +* Railroads, Completed . ............... - » i otari @ Springs and Creeks - ................- Z::)‘—\-——» & POPULATION IN 1S70. Townships, Cities and Towns. Total Population | Townships. ! Cities and Towns. Total Population. | Foreign Born. e i 3 LSO frtepsis UG a0 | = | i g | | | | A s s il | 1,224 i o Lo | 818 i s i 8z | ol o hral] 274 | o6 25 || | npegt - e BBGOE" - D Arrowsmith 927 | | 57 . “ N30EE il 205 G o g Bell-Flower | 659 | ! 75 i ‘1 Lawndale . ..... 835 } sl 49 | s Bloomington -| 16,419 | A [ 4,333 s EXIRERON Legls o L T 2,404 | Sontanl 200 | Ll T TS o0ntatss ool 3,898 “ BRI et | BB | 30 | Blae Mound . . 5. s, SSRGS L DR Ll Jikeiz axgati ) LAY 137 s wess i Motey Créakis o o i anamne RS ot + N A | 099 . e i 39 i Cheney's Grove. .. S Eeot | |88 . JREe. | . L | 1,164 ! oSl 34 -.-. || Mount HOP ks o o TG ‘ .......... R SRRy s i TR l‘ e BEEL e | | | 14 || b MeTeaiioo b oile Lt A s GOl A 53 1 I’ oo i Normal ... 0oy $156 | s AT AL i | ¢ “ el e e Eo'] 88 | - || Old Town.... rgogl i td - [ EhS { 8 Padua Tl scliit s yBAQ k- ik f G 1O Some Dauvers ... voea. o5 SRS Randolph .......... TOEB I ai iy 108 1 ~wiils : | 44 caasnle 3000 s cat 6 Dihwasiglls wicalB. o 0| | v, HUTowanga- o o St a9s syagel i o] 3. H PR By IOV o0 L sl : S e West alass L0 20 4T e i | R S BRADITC . S poaR o T TR el White Oak - 532 e BRI s ’ | B0 Naress ~Ue i i hl 1,048 R 170 | | | 1 | [ | leme IR R s ol e e o LGP < I | el R L s 53.988: i ; 7,962 | it CELILANEOUS NOTES. | ent companies, center in the city. These are, the Chicago & Alton, | brown mold, except in the timber and along some of the principal McLEAN COUNTY is situated a little to the northeast of the m(wmphl(‘.\lLcnter of Illinois,and in extent of territory is the largest county in the State. Its area is 1,154 square miles, or 21/ more than are contained in LaSalle county. It was organized in 1830,and contained at that time about 1,200 inhabitants. In 184c the popula- tion had increased to 6,565 ; in 1850, to 10,163 ; in 1860, to 28,772; in 1870, to 53,988, and it now contains not less than 60,000 inhabit- ants. It is settled largely by Ohioans, the native Americans from other States being about evenly divided between New York, Pennsyl- vania, Indiana and Kentu 3,000 emigrated from Germany, 3,000 from Ireland, 1,0co from Eng- and and a few hundred each from Scotland and France. The county contains a soil of unsurpassed fertility, it being located in the finest portion of the best agricultural State in the Union. The value of its live stock exceeds tlmt of any county in the United States west of the Alleghanies. In 1870 it amounted to $4,129,814. The county produced, the same ,756 bushels of wheat, 911,127 bushels of oats, 3,728,379 s of corn, 219,558 bushels of potatoes, and 74,841 tons of hay. \\ hilst agriculture forms the leading pursuit of the people, the manufacturing interests are exten- sive and varied. The number of establishments of all kinds in 1870 was 179; the number of hands employed, 1,510; the amount of c11m.11 invested, $2,305,050; and the \a]uc of manufactured products for that year, $3,367,647. ’I hough, comparatively, a new county, the improvements are good, and there are many handsome public and pnvatu buildings. Some idea can be formed of the character of the farm buildings by reference to the view lithographs contained in this velume. lhc number of mlles of railroad already completed in the county is 185. PRINCIPAL BLOOMINGTON, the county-seat and largest town, contains about 20,000 inhabitants, and is growing rapidly. It was laid out in 1831 by James Allin. The first steam mill was erected in 1835, and the first brick building in 1830. City organization was effected in 1850., The city is situated on high, rolling ground ; is regularly 1z out, with pleasantly shaded streets, and (ontfln\mrm) elegant private rcalduues Of the public buildings, the. Court-house, “which erected in 1870, at a cost of about $400,000, is one of the finest in the country. The style of its architecture is mixed, the Grecian ]\rtdomnnnm, The Wesleyan University, one of tlu oldest and best institutions of learning in the West, was located here in 1849. The University building is a fine structure, erected at a cost of $200,000. Direc tly opposite is a park, in the center of which stands a. beautiful monument, erected in memory of the McLean county soldiers who fell in the late war. The city contains four good school edifices, erected at an expense of $30,000 each. There are also two female seminaries in l‘h)nminw{on, and the “Sisters of St. Joseph” have a large Catholic school in connection with their convent. There are eighteen churches, viz. — four Methodists, three Baptists, two Catholics, two Presbyterians, one Cumberland. Presbyterian, one Old School Presbyterian, one Ll\nrol al, one Free Congregational, one Christian, and one Lutheran. There are two large public halls — Durley Hall aad Schroeder’s Opera House. Two daily and six weekly papers are published. P weeklies are German. Eight railroad lines, belonging to four differ- TOWINS. Of the foreign-born population about” Two of the - the Illinois Central, the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western, and the LaFayette, Bloomington & Mississippi railroads. the Chicago & Alton railroad are located here, and employ about seven hundred men. A horse railway, two miles in length, Nmnerrx Bloomington and Normal. NORMAL is a town of about 2,500 inhabitants, and, like Bloom- streets, ington, has finely shaded dences. Itiscelebrated s and many handsome private resi- tion of the State Normal University, which contains about ed students. The Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home is situated in the northeastern part of the town, and provides for about three hundred children. The churches are the Methodist, Baptist and Congregational, No sdloons are allowed, and the stand- ard of morality is high. The nursery busin is 'Lpmmmem interest, there being several extensive ones in the immediate vicinity. One kept by Mr. F. K. Pheenix covers over five hundred acres. LEXINGTON. — This town is located on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, in the midst of h farming district. It is a handsomely built place, and contains severa] large dry goods stores, two banks two flouring mills, a broom factory, a ¢ uluu'ox fac tory, a brick-yard, and a nurse The citizens are largely interested in stock raising and shipp There are church organizations, viz., the Presby- terian, Episcopal, Methodist, Christian, Catholic, and Bflptist. The town was laid out in 1835, and now contains about 2,500 inhabitants. CHENOA, situated at the crossing of the f‘himgo & Alton and the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw railways, was laid out by M. F. Scott, in 1852. The word “Chenoa” is an Indian name, and signifying “the dark and bloody ground.” The place is quite a market for grain, and contains an extensive plow and wagon factory. The church organizations are the Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Catho- lic, United Presbyterian, Episcopal, Congregational, and Christian. A fine school edifice has been built at a cost of about §22,000. The population is nearly 3,000, and rapidly increasing. LEROY is on the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western railroad, in the midst of a rich agricultural district. An east and west rail- road is projected to cross at this point. The town, which was laid out in 1835, is one of the oldest in the county, and contains a popu- lation of about 1,500. t has a considerable drv goods trade, and does a large business in grain. OK, in the eastern part of the county, on the LaFayette, Bloomington & Mississippi railroad, contains several substantial business blocks, and is a place of considerable trade. The Decatur & State Line railroad is projected, to run through this place. Tt was laid out in 1856, and contains a population of “about 1 ,000. Its competitor is Gibson, McLEAN is situated on the Chicaco & Alton railroad, and was laid out in 1856. The country around McLean was settled in 1836 by a colony from Massachusetts and Rhode Island. A large amount of grain is shipped from this point. The church organizations are the Baptist, Methodist, Congregational, and Universalist. Popula- tion, 1,000. HEYWORTH, GRIDLEY are each. GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES. Condensed from the Report of Prof. A. H, Worthen, State Geologist. The surface of the county is a high undulating prairie, with here and there groves and belts of timber. The soil is generally of a rich STANFORD, DANVERS, HUDSON, and thriving towns, and contain about soo inhabitants The shops of streams, where the lighter colored subsoil appears at or near the sur- face. There are no large streams of water in the county, the princi- pal ones being the headwaters of the Mackinaw River, and the Kickapoo and Sugar Creeks. The principal kinds of timber are oak, hickory, black walnut, butternut, maple, basswood, red bud, sassafras, sycamore, buckeye, black ash, and elm. The geological formations which appear at the surface consist almost entirely of the drift and later formations. T'he wnderlying rock-is ¢ omposed of the different beds of the coal measure series. The drift formation is composed of beds of blue and brown clay, sand and gravel, and is of varying thickness, being 250 feet in the Bloomington shafts. The sand and gravel beds form but a small portion of the total thickness. In sinking shafts a bed of black earth or vegetable mold is also occasionally met with, containing pieces of wood, trunks of trees, leaves, etc., only ])"n'- tially decayed, and a bed of quicksand, containing fossil land or fresh water shells of existing species. CoaL.— The actual surface exposures of the coal formations are confined to a thickness of sixty or eighty feet of the middle portion of the formation. The 101]0\\111" table is made up from measure- ments in the two Bloomington shafts: Feer. Ix, Feer. In, 1. Clay Shale, - - 16 9. Fire Clay, - - 15 2. Sand Stone, - 32 10. Shale, - - SUEG 3. Clay Shale, - i 8o 11. Soft Blue Slate, S ey 4. Coal, No. 6, - 4 12. Black Slate, - 5 5. Fire Clay, - - 13 13. Coal No. 4, - Sl 86 6. Limestone, = 2 7+ 14. Fire Clay, - - 16 9 7. Fire Clay, - - 10 15. Slate, - - e 8. Clay Shale, - 8 No. 2 of this section is a light-colored, laminated sandstone containing a few remains of fossil plants. The lower coal No. 4 is the seam principally mined. It is a harder and better heat- ing material than that in the upper bed, besides being more reliable in its thickness. It, however, contains in some parts its share of impurities, but often so dlsposvd in the vein as to be more easily separable. In the northern and eastern portions of the county we have only the records of several borings, which afford but few par- ticulars as to the character of the undul\mb beds. Just over the county line, in Livingston county, about two miles from Chenoa, in a northeast direction, a ledge of bluish-gray, irregularly bedded lime- stone, out-crops in the side of a ravine. BUILDING MATERIAL.— The county is but scantily supplied with building stone, the surface showing no exposures whatever of the older rocks. The limestone beds which occur in the coal measure strata, thoubh generally of inconsiderable thickness, may furnish a limited supply 01' stone suitable for foundations, cellar walls, etc. also for the manufacture of lime. Clay and loam suitable for manu- facturing a fair quality of red brick are found in various parts of the county. Sand for building purposes is sufficiently abundant. It is perhnp< superfluous to add anything in regard to the agricul- tural capabilities of McLean county, the rich character of its soil bc:m;J so well known already. T here is but very little of what can be called poor land %m its limits. There are indeed a few tracts of comparatively low bottoms and marshy land, but.they are of Jim- ited extent, and are rapidly dnmm:hmg‘undu an improved system of drainage, which is placing it at once among the most valuable in the county. - e A i ST R VI aim.,;gu : I PAUL, Danvers Te, Mf Lean Co., lLLiNOIS. HENSON 440 634 b 4 LS fl,iy“‘ihgi;* g L T.25:N.R. EW: SR NN e iheiin s L R R BR 5 Db o oo FOTe Scale 2 [nches tothellile leweerer \ o c'e 40 | 20 3 5 REI N | "~ - » 96.40 \ L. Deloreer S 1 72 Simmorns WS of : . i | o Vil lcecrryy . { 2. ‘ Moo 720 1Sy . o /o ,T | w.Srhor v8.96. Harbargh 2. il s SR i ! : y J. P . Fry ASimmonl o & Hreapple < ¢ 7 T O ‘ 120 +0 | 20 { | Steee bleacr 7 2 W Short > & e i ° | % : b 220 220 |\ T A Ewine | i 77, R . Delarth ‘ M. F7 20 || 20 e - T?‘Tv o 70 ViGatlin | | 2y J. Hacdman w. Short 220 Bl 70 | g0 C ')){/ 7. Howell 720 - JI Foder 1otz i i e -8 re S St rubhar l ittert ; . st 2 IO | I Stahly | #& . Vatrzeger | J Howell l' £ h 767.56 ’ -z S Stucker 7.4 0 V. g0 oA 77 //)f/// ar | 760 760 . "% ; 5 T = Osborn /"” - {Pppts 3 | Pl . o [t Hiew s /’I///n///s e o === M. .Garber &0 A | . } /W(//({/(‘ G. Steplerns &0 g0 &0 J.Strgper £ &0 e o 4 ) ! G 5 il 2, //(/}/;}/(I &0 e L Ddanes N 760 7.5 W intire 20 zdones 50 S Gamble = oo \ S rlll//l ( | / Rendell 20 ,/,// IS5 Wilson 80 | o B M o7t 50T R.Panley 760 ’f | 7 (6’// 80 W Lear Co. &0 o & S Detman 7! Danly Glood e rwoigh TN Wil sor "Fes. T Jos. Wil son 320 2 4D S e 79.68 Z. Locher betweern Zaxewell (o & Prirrerpal Mopidrarn +0 80 80 T Matthews| QI 20 A Varnce 7 2277 Lorrme -7 F.G.Matt hews \ 7w G2t an Cowrnty 2- 470 ST 7€ U Becon | I\t chell burg G L My (§)0 80 50 7. A lienneds o 5 & O Major . Breries = A | Shorthose : & I N = W H Steele } i b A et s Jor o | A i XY M 1Ly lor F20 A 2. | 'C ‘ i s 760 : \l,,/:/f//"d////u/mu// | L0 /'/’”/ | : | & G 20 20 i ‘ ] v Sloan | 50 Il s i s\ Shorthose | X H0—— Pdolnson,||Schocrbeck WY Steele 3 S TS R 730 caaze 2 g LA NS feaggs // I Peal 760 .JV/(//"/////.;‘( 760 ;. NN g ® & S Perrat \ . I, B // (/ 7 | Cdotnson | SiJoknson| ¥ J.4bbott . 760 160 760 Sl b &0 7045 wW. Parel 200 < cRed - ‘* SR, 3 ¥ el | d.Chase W r/u/” > 7203 el \ 7. 2. S harthose KO0 | Hareser Bst 80 | 720 " Lwunlap LS George /. /)('/'/"/'1/,‘/// / /////s/un R —p 4 250 ‘ 760 250 " 720 lo /i 11 son e slen JOHN F HEREOM, Merc h SAMUEL PERRY, Dealer in Thorough—bred H. PARKHURST, Physician and Surgeon; also, and Fine Stock. Owner of the celebrated Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Trotting Stallion, “ Shakespeare, Jr.” Sec. 25 Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pure Wines Danvers Township, McLean Co., IIL - and Liquors, for medical gurposes. Physmlan 8. o 1 U. S. HODGE, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, - Prescriptions carefully prepared. A y Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Gents’ Fur- e DAVID RING, Saddler and Harness Maker. __ - nishing Goods. A JOHN THODE, Grain Dealer. HENRY KAUFMANN, Proprietor “ Danvers JOHN PARK, Dentist, Hotel” - Biog HON. ISAAC FUNK. The subject of this sketch was prob- | the trip, camping out and herding the'stock every night. On their a parad To these, the neatness and thrift apparent over Allf ably one of the most remarkable men known to the history of Illinois, | return trip they would bring household supplies, salt, lumber, or any | the lowing herds and marks of taste, and substantial buildings, make and one of whom the people of McLean county ought to be, and are, | other needed things for themselves or neighbors. This co-partner- | Funk’s Grove an object of rare interest. justly proud. The circumstances of his birth, while supported by |ship was dissolved by mutual consent, Isaac buying out his brother’s every feature of honor, and that native nobility which is the pride of | interest in the land and other property. Absalom went to Chicago, every American, were not such as to give rise to unusual ovation on its |and was actively engaged in business until 1852, when he died. | occurrence. His parents were poor, and the only legacy in their | Isaac and Casandra Funk had born to them ten children, which we | power to confer was a strong, healthful body, a clear, practical head, | here enumerate in the order of their ages : George W., Adam, Jacob, and sterling energy. On this foundation, like all self-made men, he | Duncan McArthur, LaFayette, Francis M., Benj. F., Absalom, Isaac| RICHARD EDWARDS, LL.D., President of the State erected that superstructure of manhood which has made him noted | and Sarah — nine boys and one girl. The daughter is married to L. | Normal University, at Normal, near Bloomington, deservedly stands among his kind; while the determined and unswerving manner in | H. Kerrick, of Bloomington, a member of the law firm of McNulta, | at the head of the educational department of Illinois, and ranks which he followed out a plan once formed, brought to him his tens | Aldrich & Kerrick. All the sons but one (Adam) are now living. among the first educators of the country. of thousands of acres, and increased his herds tens of thousands | Four of these live in Bloomington, but still pursue the profession of| He was born near Aberystwith, in Cardiganshire, South Wales, more. farming and stock raising, while one of the four, Jenjamin F., is| December 23, 1822. His father was a brick and stone-mason 1})’ Isaac Funk was born in Clark county, Kentucky, on the r7th day | Mayor of the city, and now serving the second term in that office. | trade — an honest, hard-working man ; and, by the practice of rigid of November, 1797, and left the scene of his birth at the early age | The other four still live at the Grove, and are esteemed to follow the | economy, maintained a degree of respectability unusual among the of g years to accompany his parents to their new home in Fayette | calling to which they were bred as successfully as their father did | artisans of his country. county, Ohio. He remained with his parents throughout his boy- | before them. Mr. Edwards’ early home was amid the wild scenery of the most hood, availing himself, during the interim of necessary labor, of Isaac Funk was possessed of 27,000 acres of land in McLean | romantic country in the world. Near by was a stream called in the such slender opportunities for mental culture as the times and local- | county, 20,000 of which lay adjoining his old home at the Grove, and ‘ olden time “ Blessed Creek,” because it flowed by a monastery up ity could furnish — these being restricted, of course, by an urgent ; in one body, and during his active lifetime devoted nearly the whole among the mountains. Here and there were dells and gorges five desire to “do for himself.” By the time he was 26 years of age he had | of it to his specialty of stock raising. At his death he left no will, | or six hundred feet deep; and across this stream, near one of them, become possessed of agood team of horses and wagon, and had laid by | and the children were so well agreed as to the proportion each was|was the Pont Ryd Fendigaid, or “ Devil’s Bridge ” —an artificia from his labors a small sum of money. With this, his worldly all, | entitled to, that they divided the 20,000 acres into nine parts, each | structure over which he strayed in childhood’s rambles, gazing upon he started, in the fall of 1823, to seek his fortune in the then aimost | taking his or her portion, the only attendant cost being the making | the dashing waters, the ing mist, and the wild scenery that sur- untrodden west. He was accompanied by his elder brother, Absa- | of quit-claim deeds to each other, and the necessary revenue stamps | rounded him. lom, and as they were both unmarried and had between them a few 1 for thesame. The 7,000 acres outside the home estate was sold,and | His educational advantages were limited to the instruction he re- hundred dollars, their prospecting was unrestrained. Their first | the proceeds divided in the same equitable manner.. There was also | ceived in the Sabbath School in the Welsh language, and to that stopping place of importance was on the east bank of the Wabash, | a considerable amount of stock and other personal property left, which | received in an imperfectly conducted day school in the English lan- near where the present city of Terre Haute, Indiana. stands. Here | was divided to the satisfaction of all concerned: and the Funk farm, | guage, not a word of which was understood. It consisted in mem- they remained until the spring of 1824, when they moved westward |although now controlled by nine owners, runs on in the same even orizing the liturgy of the Church of England, and repeating it in a to what is now Sangamon county, in this State. Here they fell in | course of prosperity and systematic thrift as during the lifetime of | sort of rhythmic chant. with one William Brock, who had been farther north in the Illinois | the original proprietor. The only request Isaac Funk had time to In April, 1833, his father emigrated to America, and settled in country, and who painted to the eager imagination of the Funks the |leave was, that his children should carefully save what he had so | Ohio, on the *“ Western Reserve.”. After defraying the expenses of beauties of what is now known as Old Town Timber. These des-|successfully accumulated; and it is a noteworthy fact, not often met | the journey he had but one hundred dollars left, with which he criptions finally prevailed to induce them to go there, and packing|with among so numerous a family, that no one of them inclines to be bought fifty acres of timber-land, containing a small clearing with a their camp equipage they started northward with the intention of|a spendthrift — all pursue the same system of foresight and economy | partially dilapidated log cabin upon it. locating a home in the neighborhood of the beautiful timber lands | which characterized their father. Until he was sixteen years of age, the subject of this sketch aided described by Brock, and by whom they were piloted over the waving| During his eventful life, Isaac Funk was twice called to sit in the | his father on the farm, and then went to learn the trade of a house- sea of grasses and flowers toward their destination. At the close ofi councils of State. In 1840 he and Gen. Gridley were returned to carpenter. the second or third day out from_the Sangamon country, they en-| the lower house on the Whig ticket. In 1861 he was elected to fill| But his mind was not satisfied. A longing for knowledge — an camped in a beautiful clump of timber, watered by one of the|the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Richard Oglesby, and | insatiable desire for culture caused him to seize every opportunity for loveliest streams it had thus far been their lot to look upon; while | was re-elected in 1863, filling both terms to the entire satisfaction of improvement. Schools were in a poor condition and offered but stretching far out from this shady retreat lay an expanse of rose- | his party and the people. It was during this term that he made |little aid. All the culture he obtained was from reading — and the studded, undulating prairie, forming a background of almost infinite | himself a very enviable record by his practical hard sense, liberality | books that he could secure were limited in number and indifferent in distance, as it was reflected to the delighted gaze of the pioneers in|and devotion to country. A measure was pending in the house to quality. His reading was done almost entirely in the evening, by the lingering sunset. Isaac Funk was enchanted with the view ; for | furnish supplies for Illinois troops, which the general government | the light of a hickory-bark fire, Iying on the floor with his book ele- although the whole history of the man savors of the practical, the | was not able to forward at the time. Objections were raised as to the | vated above him. stern and the strong, his nature was not wholly devoid of poetry, and | obligation of the State, and a hot debate ensued. Mr. Funk, in a| In 1843, notwithstanding his limited qualifications, he commenced God’s symmetry of form and harmony of color was as beautiful in his | most remarkable speech, settled the question. He stated that he teaching school for $r1.00 per month, and “board round.” The eyes as though he were the veriest dreamer. Next morning, while | would sacrifice his entire property in aid of the measure, and then | accommodations were primitive. At one place the family lived in a Mrs. Brock was preparing breakfast, Isaac and Absalom enjoyed | meet the men (its opponents) singly or collectively, as he said, “from | log hut, with an immense fire-place across one end, and a rickety anew the scene, and spent an hour in more fully prospecting the | the point of a pin to the mouth of a cannon.” The fact of his being, | ladder leading to the loft above, where he was to lodge. The boards neighborhood ; and when they came to partake of the frugal repast, |so to speak, a practical working man, uneducated — boasting of | were laid over the logs that formed the joists, with cracks two inches they debated with Brock the propriety of going further. They neither refinement nor oratorical ability, his considerable wealth, the | wide, and through which the light from the fire below afforded the thought it a matter of doubt whether they would find a more eligi- | earnestness of his manner, and his known will and ability to put his | only illumination his apartment could boast. Under this hospit- ble location. Here were the best combinations of nature from which | declaration into practical effect, rendered his words electrical. The | able roof ™" stood his bed with a coverlet of snow two or three inches to make a farm and a home. “For my part,” said Isaac, who seemed | house arose in the wildest confusion, everywhere presenting signs of | thick, and under which he slept with unbroken slumber. to crowd his opinions upon the others, “I shall go no farther; this |approval, while the galleries quivered under the pressure of excite-| In 1844, he went to Massachusetts, being assured that the staple is good enough for me, and if Mr. Brock knows of any better loca- | ment aroused there. It is needless to repeat that the measure was| of that State was culture, and engaged in teaching in the town of tion, or one with more perfect surroundings, he is welcome to go and | carried, and that the popularity of one of the wealthiest farmers and | Hingham. The following year he entered the State Normal School enjoy it.” But Brock made an appeal to Isaac’s warm and impul- | stock raisers of the State became world wide. From every part of | at Bridgewater, under the Principalship of Nicholas Tillinghast, a sive nature. He reminded him that so far he had been the guide | the country letters of congratulation and approval flooded upon him. | most thorough and faithful teacher — remained one year, and taught and friend of the boys, and he thought they ought to go to the place | From the east and the far west, from the north, and from every Illi- | a school in Waltham, Mass. he had described, and if they were not satisfied with it, they nois regiment in the south; while England and some of the Ger- Afterwards he spent some time in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, might return. It was so agreed, and they continued the trip to Old | man states added to the list their meed of congratulation at Troy, N. Y., as a Repeater, or assistant teacher, and was subse- Town Timber. But all agreed that it did not fill their expectations, Isaac Funk was a man of rare combinations for success in life. Of | quently employed as an engineer on the Cochituate Waterwork. and was nothing to compare with the surroundings of their late an energetic and industrious n’iisposilign, he was nec rily passion- In 1848, he was engaged for five years as assistant teacher to Mr. camp. Accordingly the party returned, each staking out a claim on | ate, but he had a heart throbbing in his bosom which kindly kept in | Tillinghast in the Bridgewater Normal School. His salary for the the spot now almost world-famous as Funk’s Grove. As these men check this human weakness. Of a combative temparament, he year was $300. He remembers this as the most profitable year of had come west to carve out a home for themselves and to leave an would often find himself the aggressor upon his friends; but he no | his life. His earnestness, zeal, and faithfulness, secured an increase inheritance to posterity, no idle words were wasted in preliminaries. | sooner discovered his fault than he hastened to make amends. With | of salary — first to §400, and then to $700 per annum. [t was at once arranged that a log house should be built on Isaac’s this virtue he added forgiveness, and never was known to nurse a In 1853, he went to Salem, having been elected Principal of the claim, and in short order this was done, and the effects of the party hatred when forgiveness was sought or merited. He was peculiarly English High School, and was subsequently employed as Agent for were moved in. Next came shelter for the animals, and this need prompt and reliable in his money relations with men — fair dealing | the Massachusetts Board of Education. was at once supplied. It is astonishing to reflect with what hopeful and prompt compliance with any agreement were his characteristics. _In 1854, he was appointed Principal of the New State Normal relish such men plant in the trackless wilderness their primitive | He was often called upon by strangers, who A]md y been ' School at Salem, and served three years. homes, and how fearlessly and jealously they guard them. As reached Dby his fame as a large and success farmer | In October, 1857, in obedience to a repeated call from St. Louis, pioneers, Isaac Funk and his associates were possessed of the true and stock raiser, or through his prominence _in the Leg-|and upon the recommendation of the Hon. Horace Mann, he en- metal, and America can boast of no better men than her leaders islature of 1863. Quite ely such an one might find him‘| gaged as Principal of the Normal School in that city, where he in the vanguard of western development and civilization. Isaac|cleaning out the stable or piggery, and would quite as likely be | remained over four years. During the latter part of his stay he was | and Absalom boarded with the Brocks until the next summer, when disappointed at the plainness, and sometimes meager proportions and Principal of the St. Louis High School. X Robert Stubblefield, a brother-in-law of the Funks, came out, and | detail of his dress. There was no a ssumption of \\'unl!h in Isaac March, 1862, he was called by the State Board of Education of then they went to board in his family. Here Isaac remained until | Funk. His was the wealth of head, heart, qnd certainty — that Illinois as Professor of Mathematics in the State Normal University the fall of 1826, when he brought home a wife and took possession of | which men of his rare character always acquire, and which never | at Normal, and the following June he was installed as President of his own house; and in that first log cabin one of the most noted | breeds in them either pride or arrogance — unless it be that pride | that institution, which position he has held ever since: men of his calling in the country started his career of fame, and 'which he possessed, which was to surpass all in thrift, system, and The University has steadily increased in numbers and influence the raising of a family of children, who live to-day to bless his | industry, and be able to point to the results in herds and acres. under his administration, and ranks among the first in the country. memory. Isaac Funk died in the city of Bloomington, on the zgth day of | The Catalogue for 1861=2 contains the names of but 153 students in Isaac was married in Peoria (then Fort Clark) to Casandra Sharp, ; January, 1865, of Erysipelas of the head, at the age of 67 yea the entire instit}ltion—that of 1872-3 contains 730: 3 by old Squire Dixon, the same who afterwards laid out the town of | His wife followed him in three hours. She had become much weak- The fall term has jiist opened with largely increased facilities, and Dixon, in this State, and who still resides there. About this same ! ened and reduced in the previous few months, and it is supposed | never more profnising prospects than “at present. Dr. Edwards time he and his brother Absalom formed a co-partnership for the | that her weak condition, and the shock of her husband’s death hast- received the honorary title A.M. from Harvard University, Mass., and extension of their landed estate, and the pursuit of farming and ened her’s. Her age was 64 years. Both were members of the | LL.D. from Shurtleff College, in this State. His labors in the edu- stock raising. Under this agreement, and by the terms of this | Methodist Episcopal Church, while several of the children incline | cational field have not been confined to the University, but he is co-partnership, which was merely verbal, the brothers did business | to the same belief. As there are several views of the Grove in this repeatedly called to lecture at institutes and educational gatherings for seventeen years, handling thousands of head of stock, and more | work, it may be proper to state that it is generally conceded that there throughout this and other States of the Union. No man is llstcmg’d money than probably any two men in the State. They drove the | is not as pretty natural scenery in the State — the division of timber, | to with greater pleasure and profit, and no man is more deserving of cattle overland to Chicago or Galena, taking with them supplies for | stream, and prairie being so combined as to produce little less than | the public patronage > RESIDENCE OF R.A.WARLOW, SEC.12 ALLINTP. MC.LEAN CO. ILL. LAV BLOOMINGTON TOWNSHIP. % ’ BLOOMINGTON TOWNSHIP—Continued. i 1 Barnard, O. .. {OHie% . 5. 6/Farmer and Stock Raiser . 1840l Goffy A Joo = o- -|Normal ... | |Publisher and Printe _— e — — —_ —————— —_——— T vz - > = - - whe" NAME. POST OFFICE. ‘é‘ BUSINESS. NATIVITY. NAME 1(}3” BUSINESS. | NATHVITY. fl.ame | ST ST~ ) ot > /\ldnch D Ploammgton“ [Attorney at Laws cheee-oowzua|New YVork ..o = i coasl ,339 E dwards, E. ]ustl(c of the Peace Anderson, T.4H. R Ve o e e N Y R0 s . - oo et o ‘lsgo“} liel, Simon ... ..... Wholesale Tobacco - r ! Allen, Robert......_. | ¢ o hert e = e T s A a baia 2 e s o s S 1846||Eastman, TR e | |Bootmaker --. --|New Hampshire.._..._. [1864 e B e s Rt i | |Physician and @mgeon -11869||Ellsworth, John .. i r”I"Hl‘lner and Stock R‘user ----- Connecticut . -...... "‘"-i1838 Atherton, O. G. 3 5 [ Drupat iRty T i --[1865||Ellsworth, Charles....| “ |r1|[Farmer and Stock Raiser Connecticut - -{1836 Abbott, B. R..._. . & I B AR s o e s e 11851 ||Eng gelken, Peter X s | (;rO( B s a i o win e s e & mmisine Germany ... |1852 Bunn, Thomas J. - RealiREE e ot Lt el 1833 “MT A S A i ¢ | |President Empire Works. ... Massachusetts - . -11836 Burr,- .o Attorney at L 1854 Fulton, Marshall .. ot (R T Yoy i cen B -|Ohio _._..... 1856 Bty st > 5 Attorney at Lav 1856|(Faloon, M ! e | | Physician and Surgeon. . - . [Pennsylvania 1859 Bloomfield, Ira J. ._.. % Btarer At AW i o A ORI G o o ircls 1839 Funk, B. & | |Stock Dealer. SHEHDIs oo g 1839 Benjamin, R. M. _____ [ % Attorney at Law._ 1856|| lene s ¢ | |Carriage Make . |Massachusetts - .. _._..... ‘1840 Brown, R. E. ... .. > Hardware 0 55; Freese, G : | |Harness Maker. . -|Germany . . -11853 Bell, C, . L. 3 |Vineyard -|Pennsylvania .....__._. {185 5| Fisher, RO I e - e Do e = <=2 [RODY depts, LoW._ .. 2ot y ProcksPealerate = ws e ‘M'u'\l"md ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :844 |Flinspach, Louis - ... .| B Carriage Manufacturer _...--- Sevmany. SR e 11854 Bradner, George . .._. <« Clothier -:.. s ags _|New York. . .|1853||Fowle, John D. - |Insurance and Loan Agent ... Massachusetts _ -|1864 Batchelder, G. W._ % | |Books and Stationery - . -|Vermont . ‘1856 }‘O\\]L, Wl FX. = oa Insurance and Loan Agent . _|Massachusetts _ -|1864 Bryant, fo e ot * | [Contractor and Builder....._.. Massachusetts - .. 659 Fleishman, Aug. .. ... o |Butcher |Germany . 1859 Bacon, Joseph .. o Rigaine N e s {Indiana. .. .. {1849||Funk, D. M.____ { 5 Farmer and Stock Raiser_..__. Illinois - . 1832 Bushnell, A. L. _. z 5 | |Furniture Dealer. __ iz =|New York - g 1557‘ Frey, L oms > o (,ig"trs and Tobacco---. ......|Germany. 1859 Bibel, Louis - -2 ¢ * | |Boots and Shoes.. .. ..._. ‘Pol and'. oo 1845||Gridley, A..----- i | |President McLean Co. Bank.._{New York_.__.._._.__. 1831 Bea, E. F. ... ---~-~= # | |Livery Stable. -|New Y RS o Tl 1865/ Gay lord Samuel T “ | {School Teacher. ... . Conneficut L2t oo 1872 Ble iR | ¢ Barber __ . --|1851||Guthrie, Adam.___ ... J Assessor -1 Brownell, William .. __| ¢ Hotel — *“ As -|1860||Green, R. S.. S i A IR e~ sk s bt o Bateman, H. M.__.___ | " | |Restaurant g - 1864/ Goss, James LT & Contractor and Builder....... Connecticut Buttolph, Bissell. . % CarBuilderivs e oot o 5t {Vermont .. ... - 11865/ Greenlee, R. « Contractor and Builder. . _...|Pennsylvania ... Buttolph, Wm. W.____| it | |Foreman Car Shop --|Vermont . ------|1861||Gray, Benj.. I & Photoprapher- sz e sl . ... Ohi Baker, Elizabeth ... _. & | 2/Farmin HRRET me cn As {1860|(Givans, J. C. F....... | & Contractor and Builder. Benjamin, W, H...__. | v r/Farmer and Stock Raiser... . _|New York. ... _._..__._ 1856||Graves, Linas. ~ Secretary of Cemetery Byrne, Timothy.._... e | [Car Builder....... |Ireland _.._ --|1850|(Gardner, J. Tk o5 o Broom Factory . 4 Buchanan Archibald - & | |Foreman C. & St.L. Lumber Y'd|Scotland - ---|1857|/Grindrod, Edw ard . it 5 | |Foreman of Ioundn Beam, J. C..... ... .. b | |Machinist C. A. & St. L. R’y . |Marshall, Mich ._._... -(1863||Gerbing, G. .._...... | ¢ BALCHEL s s o |G BOWC“, A M. ¢ | | Farmer and Stock Raiser -. .. iPLnns)l\ D e e S b64 Gmehlin, C. H. _____ I “ oSt S petalh > “« i Baller, Francis A. ... _| 5 |Florist and Nursery.... .. -|England . |185 6 Goetz, Alvin Bloomington| |Blacksmith ___.._._..________ Buttows Eocs i 2ozl | & i [N SErY oo onnaaa |New York Gregory, George -.... | R ‘ Plow Manufacturer .. . Brewster, John M..__.| i zw‘F(lrmer L B b A N S b Kentucky sillespie, A. J.. ! 5 CO”CLtOl Barnard, Walter S w13‘Farmm and Stock Raiser..... Illinois G MJ Gillespie, Wm. e Brechbeller, J...... € S ST i o S YL S MRy e e 1544‘ Harris; O B T o 0e e Blood, Caleb- - S o s ! |Wholesale Millinery.._....._. Boston, Mass __ ... ... ‘ddeman M. A. e I lopnetor Marble Works. | g | Physician and Surgeon. “()l < A‘lésGD Hughes, \V R i > ‘L'v\yLr ................... 5 ’ lh)Slcmn and Surgcon § ROy T S R e ‘333 Hamilton, E. M. _._.. | < | |Attorneyablaw - o --c- -2 4 | ‘Physu ian and Surgeon.._.. i [z 1853 Honscl!udt Henry .. > | |County Sherifs siges. .- . 5 " | D17 7 LA S S i S {T8EeH BTN, oo, - - =.- | £ Supermtendent of Schocls - ___ |Tllinois - - 5 4 | |Boots and Shoes = -|1870||Holder, C. W { £ IEardiarelee ot s ioils o o ISRV EIC S e {1853 S {5 Blacksmiblyad. Formss cois s “|x86i{Holder, €. W, 2oco.c| E |Banker . ... ---{Massachusetts .._.._.... 11837 gt R R P e o e S ma e IOMIO . s o S S e ‘xS,o Homuth Henry M. .. A Saloon ........ «{PrUSsia ... - o 1857 5 Stair Builder - a --|1868||Hayes, J. W. ........ - Lumber Dealer. . --|New Jersey # Blacksmith . s --|1865 Hexlbxun Meyeri-iooe “ Bl e L e |Germany __ x NI @Ryt e i Pennsylvanias oSt | 1869|| Holcomb Tl et & {Deputy Sheriff. . . ... .2 [New York. Courtright, K. _ & MR ehp S T { ‘Hog William . . % |Wholesale Notions - Coultas, Thomas. g Contractor and Builder ---|Ohio Ibbs‘d*loffnnn Jolm H. % | ‘(,Lunage Maker. Cheney, J A IStock DEaler . 1k sl s r833\ Haggard, J. S £ INIEREryR:. s ans Crawford, Wm. SE T | |Grocery 1852||Hartley, W xllnm : £ Police Magistrate Crawford, Henry S.... g Grocery - -|1852||Hatch, Walter M. % | |Attorney at Law. z 1857 Congleton, ToRezisie e City Police. .. ‘153(; Humphre\s John o J |Wholesale Grocer......._.... Kentucky ... -.|1849 Coole F.:C, ..o s 4 Photographer = 1870/ Horr, E. - g Ic Farming and Stock Raising...|New York. 1837 RINE, 0.0 o g | |Broom Factory ....... ._.._.. Pennsylvania ....._.__. |1855||Houtz, ]acob £ T)rv gy baga i o | Pennsylvania . 1873 Clark, James - > o b e e Eonnechitito: Sars Dose, 1843(|Hayes, S. ... .. $ | Ltrrnge Maker. -|Connecticut . s ;;845 Gahew T W rsoio ot 2 | |Cashier Pheenix S Ioa.n Hayes, George..,. el ¥ |Carriage Maker --|Connecticut . . .___.__. 1840 and Trust Co.... AN N OPR R o o LR et 1857|| Homuth, F. L g | ‘Meat Market . . E€apen, Henry - .2:... | " Assistant Cashier Pheenix Sav- Hohm:mn (, S o & ‘ |Barber { ings, Loan and Trust Co....{New York...._........ W T o o 5 |Barber Clancy, Edward. ... .. o Iron \[oulder _______________ Erelapdl oo og oo can gl 530\ Ihmmerslmmh Sam’l. | % [Wholesale Ioba(co Carmichael, D. C. ... % Rar Buildert. .. 1 _ o iis i, News¥ork e o2 008 o |1864||Hughes, Ioseph ______ # | {Foreman C., A. & St. Lox, Dand._........C £ 23|Farming and Stock Raising... Ohio ...__. -11826| {4 BlaLLsmxn Shop Lalnpbell kg el 9 29 Farming and Stock Raising. .. Kentucky - -|1850||Hartley, Albert .. %_ __| . [EronMoulder- . . _-. . ... Cox, William M...... g 35/Farming and Stock Raising.._|Illinois ___. -11836(|Hunter, Mathew _.__. ¥ Restaurant Crego, Joseph e 5/Farming and Prop. Sand Bank New York -........ . 1836 Haker, Louis ... e | [Saloon .. Dashiell, V. W. ‘ 8 w holesale Malinetylaoes i e Dearborn County, Ind...|1873] |Haker, F i Saloon . ... Dolloff, S F. 5 GlensCitenit Cowt s ol o st Canada T s 1856/|Hemenov er, A R S |12/ Farmer and Stod\ I{usgr Davis, Wm O 5 BRI e e o o o Chcster CoPenpa .2 1858 Hessel, Jacob-n-aaa_2f £ | |Farmer and Gardner...._. DeMotle, HoC. & Ilags e Rrof, NEath. . -5 <. cnisanoontas? FRINOIS: 2o s -|1859| Hinsl mw George S | 8/Farmer and Stock Dealer . Davis, David ... 2 Ass't Judge U Supreme Court/Maryland . -11836||Ives, ; & | [McLean County Mills ....___. ‘\e\\ York Davis, George P, » PN . . e e it s Hnois =2 .. 64“ Izatt, ] St e | 5 ENCaniBlden: LSS [Scotland - - Dimmett, Wm. 5 Real Estate Dealer Maryland 1825 Johnson, Clark. e ‘ 6/Farmer and Stock Rai <35 eyWiestiVi 1rg1ma, i Davis, Benj.. % |Carriage Manufacture e = - =< - ki 857||Johnson, B. M. % 7|Farmer and Stock Raiser.._..|Tennessee. . Dodson, Wm K o Wholesale Liquors - -{Maryland ..... o 66“ |Krum, EoiR E o Lumber Dealer SN T New York. _. Dalton; C. B s one s % Notions. .-.2 . os --|New Hamshire.._._.__. 65() ........ | B |Publisher . ._ ... --|Germany.. .. Diedri(‘h IR S L 5 Foundry . -|Germany * Stair Builder ,.“l’ennsyl;'ania Denmmg Joseph 4 City Police. - - T a RO o : 2 = i Plow Makers s frvmme .~ b s Watyland Yo s e Dickenson, C. R. . Pk Attorney at Tawas. o . o5-= x| TIBOisEe - - < o e (TR0l [\adglhn Otto ....... B TR T e o g N Germany. .. . Dewenter, H. C. . £ R S e T T |Indiana 1870||Kreitzer, W. H..__... £ | IHatter .__. __|{Pennsylvania Dills, ]acob o i Butcher . 'l&entuck 8 1869 Kittle; A, .. Silios b | |For.Car Dep’ .R.R.|London, Eng Dumire, Wm. J. s £ Fruit Rais kS \\ est \'i ginia. 11863 wI.m"hlm, R. G ....... 5 | Physician. .| Pennsylvania I)amaske, .S = |Farmer |1855||Lawrence, Wm. B.._.. ‘ { |City Clerk .. ... -|New Jer Deems, Geo. I) & 23| Farmer and Stock Raiser..... S 1671 Lambert! R, ‘G- .. ox., ¥ | |Insurance Agent A Dowthett, Robert_.___ A 17 Fancy Stock Dealer o Pcnns_\l\ ania . 2 (Soo ‘] soeirs Chas Bl 3 |Assistant County Treasurer. .. |Pennsylvania Davis, Reuben L. . ... ® (,ount\ Cletkee e i e s HNEN: Jevsew Zosse LT Loudon, Robert.__.__ = Prop r Eagle Machine Shops. . e Ewing, James S. __._. A £ \ttorn(:} at Law_ [McLean County, Ill. 8\,5 Lander /W &= | e [ 1L DI P SR~ 2 R entuicky . o L\\mg B At o it | |Attorney at Law |McLean (,oum\ ---|1841||Lange, Gustav. 5 | |Ex-Sheriff __... Elder, W. A. . 5 |Physician and Surgeon . _ 1851/ Larison, Lee. .. % ‘ |Insurance Agent. Evans, J. W RBET - B ol e T ‘Penm)]\ anif: Csios -'1855'/Long, J. M. 4 Grocer PATRONS DIRECTORY FOR McLEAN COUNTY --- CoNTINUED. i BLOOMINGTON TOWNSHIP — Continued. ‘ BLOOMINGTON TOWNSHIP — Concluded. ] T AR s ot £ R T 5 When, s PR, " (When NAME. 1PQST OFFICE BUSINESS. | NATIVITY. Came| NAME. | BUSINESS. NATIVITY. Came 205 | Ito Co. | \ o R i 4 EXe S T [to Co. e B]Uommgton] i'% air Builder . . o NEW JOEECY ot =t ol wo i 1863 ‘Snm \\ e ‘I loomm ,ton| Dr) GoOtE Feoe Sl S0 1 LT, Livingston, S 4 £ (EAClothingp s et d e ey Germany 1\31 [Stevenson, W. W. ____|{ i Wughman McLean Co. Coal Co. ‘I\cntucl\y Little, T.-H.. =l £ |Car Bmldcr _________________ Meshont S ont s | 1872|(Scibird, J. H.._...._. & | bunng Machines, ioveponss ndiana. sz Ak = | 1860 Lenze, Emil . {Tinsmith -_...co: Switzerland - -----|1852(|3 % - Physician and Surgeon. IcLean County, Il [1832 Lander, Samuel.._._.._| $ | I‘qrmer and Stock Raiser. R entickye "5 Ut ‘183 ||Smish, J. P. S {Boots and ‘Shoesynsiatca tas: Kentucky sassd. g:vin | Larrimore, John N.._._ 2 |Conveyancer ... . .......... Maryland S JTeasy Stansbury, A bt 2 |Farmer and Stock Dealer . _..|Tennessee......_..._.. Lowentrout, F. W. ___| s ‘Stloon also Ag’t for Peru Beer. |Germany. _ . 1549 Stone ]ohn R. 2% : [Book Eeepert: S 48 1 oaBEts [Tllinoi Monroe, G. W -|Hudson . ___| Rml stiter. | \Broku ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, New York..... Moore, M. i | | |Saddles and HJrnLSs o 1831\ llllols()n E.W. S | |Law Agent L -INew York_.__._. Moore, A. H. .__. =1 5 | |Proprietor Horse Railroad - s -|1854|| Tenney, A. P, i " I hyStCtan e s s s |New Hampshire Melcher, Newton 5 | ‘Stair Bitjldercmes 2l idhss s Maln 1856/ Tavenner, John ______ & fLivery. -t sttt PR |Virginia Melcher,‘Henty . 2855 | £ ‘bmn Buildcroainio e -|St. Louis, Mo. . .. | 1856/| Tucker, John e o i g O S (. B Moulton, A. .. 3 & |Foundry ... ... .~ .|Massachusetts . . 864 Tucker, Ellen_._. 5 ¥ /i g McKisson, C. P. . % | ‘Propnemr Omnibus Line - - |Illinois ... ! &37‘ Thomas, Lewis B 3 InSurance G, s L McCoslin, W illiam - .. b i 1Baxber _______________ - |Illinois - ,;1850” Trenton, J. R. |Contractor and Builder. . - ... Munson, L. E.. .. __ g | |Foreman Planing Shop .- : ‘(‘Olmu tcut .. .........|31857||Tipton, Thos. : {Cirenit Judgs #ELE. " ¥ Munson, Theo. A._._. £ C.,, A. & St. L. Planing S mp --|Connecticut . S lb(n)‘ Thiell, W. H. & = |Stoves and Tinware.. .. Martin, George --.... = | \l’attern Mkr. C,A. & St.L. R. R.|Pennsylvania...___._._._| [86j Tenwick, Richard . | i ‘Pholo&,mphcr 5L Mann, David ... ___. 3 [ |C,A.&St.L. Supt. Pump Busin’s|Engl anidia e S o b |1867|| Trow, William | i ‘(_,OOI)U’ Shop. Meyer, Martin ___..__| 3 b i Butcher Lo e e ‘S\vitzcrland et ‘1857\ Tay, Geo. A. .. | y: Trunk Maker. McCabelsi]:- woniss b | |Foreman Locomotive PaintShop|Ireland . _._.. <1853 Traver, |C. HiTapeh s | 5 Machinigh Sl cbeloe.. . S Miller, George ....... ! 5 | Isaloon .. Tl GEEmanyty oo |1854|/Tookey, John........ ‘ 1y Billiardet- e et o e, Canada . _ Mueller, Adam.__..._. 5 Grocely comroreis % e Sl Germany . \1% 1| Ihomp:on Geo. W. 4 16|Farmer, and Real Estate ... __|Kentucky . Merz, John._.._. ¥ G rgcennt . _|Germany [1852{|Voak, J. = & Physician and Surgeon _. ... __|New York._..._.___. Moore, J. 1’_, Fot T b ‘ IRsUtanees ot e |Ohio .. |1858||Van Sc h(m k; Wimsaet | 5 BrickaMaker g toy@ ol sEe o New Jersey -....... \Illlel BB, St 5 e EnSHIHNCeR . T |Michigan 11873 \ olz, Biredastes e i Stoves and Tinware. -|Germany . _ ccolls, ]ohn I 5 H\ul hsnte -|Pennsyl . JISSI Jasey, Richard - 2 o | d‘trmer and Stock Rnsel N iccolls, John .. $ | |Real Esta .. |Pennsylvania . -|1851(|W ilson; H: Clessdis 4 ‘ b [ Bt g S S Niccolls R, o —csas % | - |Physician and Surgeon _...._. |Pennsylvania . _11834‘ Wad dlg DL s = ‘ 4 { el Groder Lo v, g S v Nelson, Alex......._. | = |Wagon and Carriage Maker...|New York ... w[845‘ Wilson, S. C | % Bentistop s ety L --INew York. Neuerburg, Henry b OO STl Ak 5 e ey so v e |Germany._ . ... -|1854||Weyand, W 35 tusticeof thePeace.. ... ‘Pennsslmnn . Noble, Mrs. Amanda M. £ | QRG] 1829||Weldon, Lawrence ... 8 | ’»\ttornes atTaw et o ‘()1 ,,,,,,,,,,, Ollis, John. o2l L% e, £ | ‘Mmhmu SHOPEL S e e e (Bagland 2. . o0 o ‘1831, |Winter, John F. e (i Ohlo 28 ! Ollis, J- W25 | % [{Machine Shop-z-- .- .. ... |Pennsylvania 1&55 (W orn]l 2 A | & [ ysic --|North Carolina .._..___ |1850 Oswald, Dan. J... | 5 |- {Baiber.. .. .3 ------.|Germany. -11865{White, J. biteosaraas 5 | [Physician and Surgeon . --|Massachusetts .. _.._._. ‘15 1 Osborn, Richard J. A ’ Law Student [Hlinois . ‘x843 Woehiner, F.c.- ¥ | |Brewer < |Germanys- - \n\ 41 ()mndm(r F-L. F 25/Farmer and Stock Raiser - Ilinois - ,_‘1823 |Whip, John W 5 A Bamker Lo sl --|England . 2 (1862 Orendorff, O. H. P s ‘27 |Farmer and Stock Dealer . Illinois T T82s W 1]%()1\ Geo. W, _ ,_,_} & |Brick Manufacturer l’enns\]\anm £ .‘ 856 ()I)erkoutu F, & {~ |Wholesale:Groger-... ... <. |Germany 1850;|Wilson, S. W, e 2 | |Brick Manufacturer._ ... ----|Pennsylvania ___ {1856 Park, G. < | |President People’s Bank .. .___|Pennsylvania . _________ 11‘%30 Wills, | ames M.. " 5 | [Nursery and Poultry 2 ‘Indnna ________ 5 Perry, W 1]]1 £ eI MerChants 2t g Uas New York. ... - -|1858]| [Walker, T. M. s < [ |Real Estate...... ---2|New Jersey - spmeius, o> | Phoenix, F. K s Nursery New ¥ork . coiatzorey 1854||W mtmtr, BRE chiclo 1 = LT DT e s e S A Pennsylvania ...._._... | Phillips, T. P. 2 | |Insurance Agent. . Sl [Ohio .. 1869 [Watkins, W.Coomeo. s [ anmbenaEa SR S, --|Kentucky ... Parke, Chas. 1\, % | |Surgeon. o o_ool Pennsylvania ... ___. 1853 |Wessels, Thor S5 8 | |Carriage Manufacturer ... _._ -|Canada ... Packard, F. R - | |Insurance Agent.. NAAR. St o b 155() Wilmeth, I W o ) 3 | i()hlo __________ Prince. T/m \[ ot £ RN i e e R INain e S B T IR 1857(|Whitson, J. F | & | |Contractor and Builder_.._.__|Ohio .. ]’:mcake, ]_ ey 4 | Iustice of the Peace._.... e |LNAOTS To . Sat b e 1841 |Wolkau, F._._. g | |Contractor and Builder. __|Germany. Packard, r | 3 | |Farmerand Stock Rais ‘\Iass achu 1849/|Whitehead, A. 5 1 G Toter S el ke s o B g I e o S 2 Paist, \\'illiam__,_ ) & | ‘I)lugmat 44444444444444444444 |Pennsylva w m G & IEERTO T Gt A5 SR | Pértigo; CoBizcs. o # I)m;jght Jork &g [Proprietor Ashley House.-____|Pennsylvania . o Price, G. W.. | & 15 5/Farmer and Stock Raiser soiKentucky . tuiz / St A 3 Pres. Phoenix Sav. L. & T [New York. ... ........ Price, C. A.. ¢ i I WeodiNrper SO Xt et Ay [Prussig st i = = 83: Wit dl)urwr lolm Gy £ = iSaloonsscials et . _.|Switzerland Packard, W. S 4 [ GiPainter e R R S (PG ana d et =t 11865 [w alker, G. S | £ |26 Farmer and Stock Raiser ... Maryland .. Payne, Leroy ... ! $ o4 Penm\l\anm - - ---|1870||White, D. L. | % 21| Farmer and DIr.Blooded Horses/Ohio - ... ... .__...| Pierson, H. J. .. & 1|/Farmer and Stock Raiser . .___ 1857||Welch, Jeremiah . .... | 5 .27|Farmer, Stock Raiser, & Owner | Pierson, John J { i | riParmerz iyt M i o) o S r1837 [ of ¢ lam p I lg,hter B 1 (11T B e A Sl 11835 Prersan, CrHlsoitav et ¢ EE JDEY 51 [ TN T e SR De\\ M L LGS [1857| Waters, Orin_......_. | £ Man"mer g Lmder 0 Philipp, Frank. ¢ ¥ [ Bakerst ie 06 ST s s CHETTORIY 2 ot s SRS Brali=— Brice; J.uBre SN « ‘15!17armer and Stock Raiser {North Carolina ._._..... |1829 NORMAL TOWNSHIP. Popple, Samuel < }34;Farmsr ....... Englndyrsiesesi s in49H i Pillsbury, W. L.. & [~ |Insurance, etc. -|New Hampshire ... __ & 156; Brownbach, Joseph...|Normal .__. Verchantied o .0 00 SUE IR . e RS Reeves, M. G. . 5 |Attorney at Lav : [Pennsflmnn S SD«\ |Brownbach, W. H...__|Tower Hill. Bierchant %ol Tocoais s e dOhio -2 Reeves, Owen T...__. ¢ [y e r = T e e e ORig o oot aaee --|1854/|Bohrer, Louis. -|Bloomington| o|Farmer......_..__._........ RO S50 5 Rowells T, @ - 2 & AWy e o e e T ‘\e\\ Ihmpshlre ‘1849‘ Bobxer, F=C,eiias Bloommgton 18/ Farmer and Stock Raiser. -|Germany._ Rict mrdxon ]osmh A ‘Carriage Manufacturer __..__ New York __hégl bcduwnr, W. H ey Normql e °6 Farmer and Grain Dealer...__ Kentucky Robinson, S ey “ INewsYorks S soeseou oty 1849/|Buchanan, Robert . |(Died March 1r1,1872.)....._. | Read, BcnjA B anoas 5 | lismbmor of sPapers . - ... <7 Pennsylvania ._........ 636 bm]nnan7 Mrs. E. J.. ‘Bloommgton 16 Farmer and Smck Raiser. o Phi]adc]phia, Pa: e | 1862 Realr e o s “ Washing Machines.... . {Pennsylvania . E 1856/ [Buchanan, Wm. Penn. . Ploomm"ton‘,fi Farmer and Stock Raiser..____|Philadelphia, Pa..._.___|1862 Richardson, Wm. F.__ 48 I [Grdcer o ie s THineise: = o et «846 Buchanan, Mary Ellen Bloommgton};c Farmer and Stock Raiser. --|Philadhlphia, Pa.._.____ Richardson, Geo. H. .. [Clerkime o) At e ‘Illmoxs g SRR el 1848‘ Bittner, \Il\ Cathrine. ‘\ormal e | 3 Farmer and Stock Raiser. 3 Ross, Chris. M, .. __... g Pqmy GoodS 5 . Tk - = Pennmlvann B -|1867] T’xttner, (,onmd ,,,,,, (Died July 10, 1866.).. .. Reniff, R. £ . |Supt. Car Department. _|Massachusetts _ .- ....|1861||Bushnell G W £ wBIoommqton 31 Farmer and Nurseryman______ New York Robson, Robt(Go = & [ ‘( arBulldenas o Slaaaat s, L8 |England. - S0 5 ---|1851 | Bosw 01th Wm. L.___| Bloomuwton |34 Pres’t Agricultural Society.. . _. New York._ ]\hodeg7 RS o 4 15/ Farmer and Stock Dealer .....}Mwxldfld |1823||Bryan, John .. ._..\Fo“anda S Farmer.._.. ST e S E o Revis, W. | Rl 5 Pastor St Mary's W - ... _|Germany z 1865 Bryvan, Tom .. <. ..|Towanda.. y{Farmer. .. . / FI]{Y and . . ‘1855 Rhodes, A. P. ._..._. < |24|Farmer and Stock Dealer . _. .. Itlmula ............... (1833 (olman 0. M Normal ... DNursery, oo £ o et e T ‘Nc\v York, --|1855 SWaRN M- o i e aas a8 Real Estate Era - ( Normal ....| |Teacher --|New York. --[1851 Stevenson, A. E.. “ | [|Attorney at Law. - |Christian Count |1852||Coolidge, W. Bloommgton so\Farmer and Stock Dealer. ... __ ‘\Iassachmetts _________ }1855 Schroeder, Dr. H “ [Nursery and Vineyard. .|Germany 1185! Cook, H. D. ----|Normal ....|" |Cenductor ...... — s se s NEW Vork : Shannon, S. P. oo -... “ iReal Estate . _ = -{Pennsylvania - . 1 1829/ |Dickinson, AT e Normal . . _‘ \‘Attorney R T New York Stoutz, Jacob ........ 48 IStosk DEReR St S s mors s e 5o b 2 et el 1852 'Dillon, Levi ... . ... _INormal ..__l22 Importer of Norman Stock. ... ‘IH[]]OIS B X1i Wi it UL ok RES: ;0F €.: R NAFZIGER, ALLINCSERS - MS ’ e T g =T e e i S LEAN G0, TLES W Semeprs J. Perry 72/ % X“l g 202% Z - ] . Jareps JSolerrst 760 3. 40 G Conrad LG43 7. WEReynalds 767 75. g0 4036 _ G340 " e CofFfrar 708. CJohnson DD .4 C.Jolhnso wilson T Hinsten L Hinslev A e I S C.W. FVaffziger ;O G Strraps s o lists 720 G. S hutt G (- ‘N . Perra I 5857 € S/ o N 278 14 709 40 S .George . Estl J Otto g0 ST 5 2 s\ . Bender Sprin ger . [ oA P scnerte |BIGET 78 -~ Y I A. J. Warlow Springer 200 g7 p| #O — 3 Springer 3 CGingleri “+0 s v Fathanidf Perri- | & D 760 20 Springer 7890 Les .y S0 74" I . . N Werlow 5. . Springer ///{:/-;.;'// na 20 Warlaw Zst 450 o X B 160 760 fi . LA 72 s < . l //r‘n/l "‘ S/"""/” 7 Lullinger 760 A.Vanc 760 I ;e eyrold s b o o 7.5 Garris )’(l,« i | CoLEa 760 &0 J O Valfziger 76'0 {://fl/'/l/;'/" S0 &0 g0 Jas Garris o W !"MGarris Ii | I [ Fst of S Cerrett /60 \ 3 > R.A Warlow N Fes g 4. Ritehie R40Q C.Va /,: /'17(1 i | Jos A e L Marerer f ¥ 160 T, ‘ i ST S L S Swinehar! | 3 Swinelart — gty 1 ‘ 80 | 2 o 40 S Derviclson -0 RHaiptes 20 i I | | [ 1 o e ewarfi 31 || s { S I % "(5:.0// ) N ‘I/I e //n 7 r//l NA cweer Froverrr =N : Sl L.S Hichks 156.335. \ZZ e N S 60 S i| 7. 5. /7///;0// o 1 CGHICACO &é) Lozar f/z 760 ' 1 P Ul | I T O L | = M i flll? Pozarth 4.5 M Boxath : I W. 7. Barcla 70777 7/ S Stirnemean | 77 arth 64 73.70. 2. Boktari/h % \'."“?' J Reinyrng ® g o Fitzpatrid 760 Fst of awFnian | B. Gardrner 157. 87 157.87. b ! | % | 78. mean |N Jolern 7 | Bos ,v,';, /e 8¢ Glrctrr oy rarth st - S0 ’ N Armstr um/ b 75577 [;(IN /::’/; e » % 775 e ‘ i PR GO st i S Swire hert ol | /l”'l'v;"’l(l7l ' o5t e e ly/lll/l'(//l." f . oS = /0’0 760 'l e | 20 ; 20 i oy e e riar PSharntz Josiat drter &0 | A 8 "res Georgp Boxarth Sl NL K atefriean | A Barbee 760 “Res Z: 6 e Lrooks 760 Llrennernian 200 ¢ 720 A rmst7 b Boxarth N ] - 70 (S'(} Amos A5 James = ’ | e ? W ; % = G.5. 3 srle bl Y s Buney | LSwreners risont” o 20 9 Gt 53, i Srg . Stakley FRO &0 N N R 3 ~ | ] g \ y ‘ ]1.5%7,; w1 Ywrptey > ) N |rr Hgavin| 907 e, ‘ \ I l &0 V. X Stemme rs J Halare oy Lobert d‘/‘[fi WS, . 3 Res 760 ;L'L "\ 3’(5’0 I 4 | 7. 4. oy T 4 3 et ff'fn/;//;/;}/lp/!/ Stu /;é//';' field Strtttetield /,""”’]/”"/1 S Baker A i » = YR . L N [ EECastle || | i\ 160 (6‘/ - A % J | Sranblih Rl N B STANFORD Seale [Inch to 500 feet., PRESLEY T. BROOKS, Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Coal, Salt, Cement, Plastering Hair, etc. 7|6|slalal2|s] Jelzlele|els]z2]: DR. JULIUS LEHMANN, Druggist and b Tty 3 A R en et Physml e = s E _‘f J.dr n.vnt trong VALENTINE NAFZIGER, Groceries, Hard- 5 i R O € K B 2 L % I P ware, and Queensware, etc. JOHN ROCKHOLD, Dealer in Groceries, Pro- visions, Nails, Fresh Fish, Eeef, and Ice. Cor- ner Avenue and Center Streets RUSMISELL & JOHNSTON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Hardware, Qucensware, Hats and Caps, and Boots and Shoes. [ %0 PETER SPRINGER, Grain and Stock Dealer. 3 SR T A. SUMMERS, Physician and Surgeon. s TAYLOR&WRIGHT Blacksmiths and Wagon - B - — e Bhakats. Fet el 2 2z 0 Grownds C. H. WICK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Har- neses, Saddlcs, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Robes, Blankets, etc, Rcpamng donc promptly. A TD ruly V- | B¥ore = T - fiTE b CRAN ATl AVENUE __ (hristian(h W WSchool WM F.C 3 i : ¥ ’ -~ -~ T ~ S | 14 PATRONS' DIRECTORY FOR McLEAN COUNTY --- CONTINUED. E ‘ NORMAL TOWNSHIP —Concluded. CROPSEY TOWNSHIP. | .= B — | [ o [ 3 B 7 W e el = D) IR ¥ j TR VITY. L ! NAME. POST OFFICE. § BUSINESS. NATIVITY. Fa(r:ne‘ NAME. | POST OFFICE. % BUSINESS. NATI fi]ag:]e | | o Co.| o e e e - il el i | I)u\\lin'r TaH s 2 I’loommgtorp [Gen. Supt, .S; 5. Uhign: - . .28 11871‘ A\ndcrson l‘ \[ ....... I Lxmgton _.| 6|Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... Indlana""” -wen-n--- 1855 ¢ i Ellis, J. C. _{Normal ___.| |Farmer and Stock Raiser. _|18¢ 57| Anderson, W. H.. Le‘(nwton __| 6|Dealer in Blooded Stock. ... -- ‘Indlana ; § || d\\ U‘ds, Richard. . .| Normal .___} TREAthor. T - v ot i ,w;gfiz“ Arnold, James C.. | 34/Farmer and Stock Raiser. .- Ohio _-.---.-ooea-oa- [ [ Fell, Jesse W iNotihal ... | |Real Estate ........ .... - --|Pennsylvania _. ---|1832||Butler, Qrson; Dracioc | si-.....| 3/Farmer..... R ey --|Vermont || Fell, Chas. l< {Normal ... Nurseryman. -..--..... _|Pennsylvania - 1837/ Bielfeldt, Bradion s S 1o Farmer and Blacksmith.- -|Germany L l‘mm"m A. ‘,ENUrmnl {22/ Nurseryman and Farmer. .../} Vew York... _‘1558 Crofinger, Aol . 32|Farmer. .. .- -o-----o---- ‘QhEU £Es | | Fields, Jr., \\ m. Normal . ‘17 SR r o o S & CRentucky.. - S TS 1836 Claypool, Alfred . .... _|24 Farmer and Stock Raiser ‘()h}o i |1 Fields, Mu’mh, o= Normal 1, Kentucky ........ ----|1856| Claypool, Austin S._ _|Saybrook . . .|24/Farmer and Stock Raiser. - ()]“.O | Fields, William - ! (Died December 6, 1872.) SPVRECIHIAR - o ~imtia s o S n -|1856||Clay pool I()]m )2 Saybrook - - - |24 Farmer and Stock Raiser- .. .. ()‘h]o i Glissman, Frederick .| (Died August 7, 1873.)- - - ---- (xerman) - ----|1849||Dart, 3 Sa)bmok zo/Farmer. ... s §C.‘V York. < } Glissman, Fred. W.__. ]’loomingtonqx Farmer and Stock Raiser....._(New York_._._.__..__.. 1554‘ I)eclwr I’ 1. P e IPntoss e ;o Farmer and Stock R"usu 5 I)hllzld%']phlg, Penn._....}1863 | Gifford, Willard . .__ _ ‘_\'omnl 2% = 1864||Espy, John A. - .-|Potosi_ 6|Farmer- S sl - I'ennsylvama S 3 | Gregory, John __.__.. :\Iormml e X R e L o ‘1844 Elliott, Samud ,,,,,,,, |Gibson Llt). rz‘f’urmcr ------- - (,;111'3(1;1 ------------ | I o Hovey, L. A. ... .__.|Normal . it Real Estate and P. M.._.__... VErMONE T I ES T EETe RS ‘18()4‘ Gwin, James T..._2__[Potosi.==--- |8 }im‘mel‘ -|Indiana . ------ .- ) il Huling, N. H. ___. =T oquda ,qz Farmer and Stock Raiser..._..|Virginia ........_.... ‘1854 |Gschwind, ( hrlsmphu Fairbury ...|24{Farmer. - oen-----|Germany......... i | | Holmes, G. C. ... Ploomuwmn‘ tg|Physician and Surgeon .: -|Virginia 4 -- (1845 Hoselton, W. H.. S 1)1)1001\ 32({Farmer- e S ] -|Ohio --- { ( Hoselton, John ___. .. |Hudson . | 8 Farmer and Stock Raiser. .. .. \[ar\hnd o s . e 7 Hoselton, ] (B -~ w%l)l)look -|32|Farmer_ .- .......--- Seem e ORIoEE e o | | ‘ Hoselton, J. H...._._|Hudson.-...| 8 Farmer and Stock Raiser- A (DI e SIS Yo : (S Hargitt, Thomas.____|Saybrook . ..|33 Farmer and Stock Raiser England - Gt - Hoselton, J. E. _____.|Hudson .. ..| 8/Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... _. CHHIOTC Ree - e e SS" H‘ll*'lll G ¥ --.-|Saybrook . ..|33/Farmer. ... ....-.---.--- ‘I::ngland ----------- y | i es s D s Normal - - .. |22|Farmer . |Virginia -- --|1851||Hargitt, L. -|Saybrook - - -|33 Farmer- i]_':ngland .............. | ! Lowrey, Mrs. Joseph. . Bloomington|3o Farmin -.--|Maryland 1865 || Hargitt, .|Saybrook ... |33 Farmer.._. - Lanadyx ————————— Loehr, Wm. M. _._.__|Normal ._A.} Farmer and Stock Raiser__ . Pennsylvania ... ... -|1845 Ha\x 5 _iPotosi_ 21|Farmer and Stock Raiser.....|New York....... L ‘ McCormick, Henr Normal s ileacher. - e e lire o - |1853||Haller, (.tou_t, ______ |Potosi 28|Farmer and Stock Raiser- ... E}Cl‘mfl“}'-“ --- | | Miller, lo&q)h sar-sooiNormal .. T} piFarmes gh ot ~SlGOTIRARYE. .« o - 2w - [833 Ingram, John,. ----|Saybrook 29|Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... {Scotland -~ .. ... --- { McDorm: Gt Jobn. - 5. Hudson - -..| 2 Farmer and Stock Raiser......|Ohio .. oy DS S |1870 Kingston, Milton ....|S 'l\muk ---| 9 Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... |Illinois. ... i { \ Nihill, Timothy ..|Normal .. _| r|Farmer and Township Assessor/Ireland ._..___..._._._|1850/|King, John N. Saybrook . ..|22|Farmer and Stock Raiser -|Ohio ... ! || Northrup, A. R.._....|Normal \ 16/ Farmer and Stock Raiser.._. .. NewsVerk:. 2. .22 .. |1854/|Kingston, C. W.._. S ,.1) brook ...| g|Farmer. ... .occcceue.--. Illinois - -- L | Ohr, Virginia C. ..... [Normal _...| (Supt. IIl. Soldiers’ ()xphan:l {Kirhy, John M- ... -.|Potosi=. .5 2|F Penm)l\ ania .- { | Home - <~2. % -z des ol e e || Milter, C ERE airbury . 1 Farmer Germany . . { | Pisell, Thomas ----|Normal .. 3 Farmer --|Pennsylvania _. |Mann, J. I‘ e ‘Pm(m 4|/ Farmer and Nurseryman. . - |Kentuc 1\) ‘. i Pisell, E. M._........|Normal ....| 3|Farmer. SRR RET s 5 o o i 183; Moats, lhllmdu 2 _|33 Farmer and Stock Raiser--.-- 8]y R L ‘ Partridge, Wm. _._.__|[Normal . Farmer : Vermont . __ . TR LT Outlm R o 15 F IROEND. oy e i Philbrook, I. ... ....|Normal 3 By @80l - ool mpenan o IRt s |Pearcy, James H. . 11 Farmer Indiana . ‘ Pennell, William A..._|Normal . _.| |Pres.Ruttan Heat’g& Vent’g Co./Vermont ... ... _____. . 156;‘ Parr, ]xmes ,,,,,, d _|35/Farmer and Stock Raiser -~ |Illinois . - Reaugh, G. W._. Normal ... \2r|Farmer and Fruit Grower ... Kentucky -...--. B |1869|| Pierce,ifaB. - -5 28 Farmer._ B i Virginia_ - . Ralston, Wm. H. . . ._|Normal - -. Physician and Surgeon .......|Ohio g -|1871||Pierce, Wm. B. S RITHTIICT - - ol e B o ot sa = Virginia. - o | Smead, Is e -|Normal .._. [Sec. Ruttan Heat'g & Vent'g Co./Massac husetts 125671 Spencer, D. B._ -|29/Farmer. = L S IR s i & Sweene Senis AHINOLEI. , ~ Physician and Surgeon.. .. ... New York --.|1865||Sharples, John 2o -|29|Farmer. : BTy S England ... ... § | Schertz, loxeph - - --{Hudson_ &' _{ 4lFarmer.and Stoek‘Raiser......|[France. _._........... 1853||Sabin, Daniel. et _|18|Physician and \ur‘ T S 1851 f [ ‘ Shurtliff, S. M. .......|Normal ___. Grain Dealer. . .,,,,.._,,...iCanada s e oS 2R isabmn, AT att .o 18|Merchant. ... ....... s _|McLean Co., Illinois. .. {1852 ! [ Shurtliff, Thomas INormal ....| |Grain Dealer. arganadat . .. PRk 1867/|/Sabin, R. W. | 20/Stock Dealer - - s Ohio . . ! i } Thompson, W. G. ____|Bloomington 34 Farmer..... . Repcky . te .. 833“51\01&\ E- WL - |26/ Farmer and Stock Raiser- .. |Indiana . _ ‘ | Thompson, Geo. Wm._ Bloomington|34 Farmer LTV S {1851|[Stewart, D. B. 5 Farmer and Stock Dealer New Yor | | ‘ Taylos, A, C. <~~~ -|Normal .. .. Boots and Shoes . ... . A4 0 .- --.-|1861||Swatsley, John C. .|xx|Farmer. ... O -|Virginia_ ... P e By i1 ) t | ld)lor KL P, o - - pNGTRYVAY. . = Bublsher= s 5. - o --|Kentucky - . ... .... 5 traisser, John_ y auilianmor e x e PUU\\\ INanidi. 2ot = S2|2867 || | ‘ | VanDoren, H. W. .___ | Normal .__.| | Flour and Feed Store. ... Ne\\ York. .. Stral“ht Mahala M. [‘utox\ .--.|23|Farmer. = New Bk o o2 C-- 1858 U | ; Nactor, Wm. H.. .- Hudson.... 3 Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... I\entud\s SRS e - OB brook . - 19 Farmer and \tucl\ Raiser. ... ATRIss s e 238 | ! [ | Nictor, A, D: 28 Socc SiBudson-2c 3 Farmer and Stock Raiser- - - - .| Kentucky - s T mku Wm. F...____|Saybrook ...|19 Farmer and Stock Raiser. .. ..|Kentucky . | \ Walker, J. S. ...._...Normal __._|22|Farmer and Fruit Grower M- s e el 636 | Troyer, Jacob. ... . B e 6l Rarer. - . S ..|Ohio | } 5 Ziegler, Jacob _.__._. Bloomington 18/ Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... .. vl . T T {1852/ Troyer, Hiram.....__ Gibson . .... |26/ Farmer and Stock Raiser_ ____|Ohio _ | | Ziegler B ot |Bloomington'r8/Farmer and Stock Raiser......'Ohio . ._._.._.._._..... 1858 | |Tanner, John T. ...__|Potosi.... 8 Farmer and Justice of the Peace|Illinois. ... ... ..._.___|1837 | | 5 & hh S e P B I Iupemnw H. L......|Potosi. . ....|24/Farmer and Supervisor. -|New \ork SRS, 1864 fittomas, FE A" o1 wl’oloni ,,,,,, |21|Farmer and Stock Raiser. LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP. Thomas, BRIk 2r|Farmer and Stock Raiser-.... | ]Urbdn, I My -|26|Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... Rennsylvanier - -2 __- 1866 S TG P » o padot \ ‘\\ orley, E. H u;l‘ armer and Constable. ... ____ Pennsylvania .._.._._..[1867 s Beem, R. B _..|Lexington .| |Merchant and Postmaster -...|McLean Co., Illinois. . .. 832 ‘:2 orley, I/) (B ; ={ %:'1“““' A Stk R >3 Pen“‘)l‘““” - ----|1869 | Biddle, Noble_ ... __.. Lexington .| |Meat Market................|Greene Co., Ohio....... 11850 lw m]l“)’ g A 1 ¥ armer and Stock Raiser. .- DRI~ A= s 1867 i BolEeoRl o 5 Laxingéon - .| | JEER coldaann: T iiotgan |McLean Co., Illinois- - --|1857]| oricy, ]olm P. =iz ~Jay ’_r,')o BT AEEARIREE oS e oo re = n o o n o vania . .--. ... 1869 | | Bradford, Geo. ~lSehnaeas. ot Merchant /0. Limss oot vanes |Cumberland Co., Mo.. .. |1854 (Ward, E. H.......... Potosi . ... 26 Farmer anc -'New % OBl e ) 1858 | Baglegs (- - .. -.|Lexington . .|33|Farmer_.__......... Adams Co., Ohio. ....-. /1856 || Brown, J. - ----|Lexington ..|31|Farmer and Stock Raiser... .. Macoupin Co., Illinois .. 1866 DOWNS TOWNSHIP. [ Bechtel, J()lm _-.|Eesington sCiaeiRasmer 5. focl. ot o Pickaway Co., Ohio .._..|1852 | r i Bertels, John . --|Lexington ..| 7(Farmer....... -|Muenster, Prussia .. ....[{1857||——— — — - — e 1 2 3ull, Milton Selma g« - - . zS\Tarmer and Stock Raiser. ..|Owen Co., Indiana.. ... . 1844 Bellville, C. D.----.-. Pt s ‘\lu‘ch"mt ------------------- |Belmont Co., Ohio._..._|1867 || Campbell, John A..___|Lexington .., |Merchant and Farmer.....__. Clark Co., Kentucky_ . __|1849| Barclay, C. E. ... ._.. Delta 19 Farmer and St : Mason Co., Kentucky- .. 1853 [ | Carson, J. B.........|Lexington ._|16|Dealer in Graded Stock . ....|Ross Co., Ohio ........ 1865/ | Bozarth, John Tac=w kel of el 8| Farmer Madison Co., Ohio - .... 1849 al Conktbl N, .- _--. Selma. _ . ... |35/ Farmer and Stock Dealer.. ... Knox Co., Ohio.. .|1&64/||Bishop, H. C...__..___ Delta ... ...} 5/ Farmer.. Clark Co., Ohio.....___{1833 ‘ ‘ Creery, Jonathan _.__|Selma....._|25/Farmerand Stock Dealer. . ... Wayne Co., Ohio. -11867|Bradley, G. W.. --|Le Roy -| 3|Farmer. _. - {Madison Co., Ohio._._._11848 | Davidson, Alfred B...|Lexington ..| |Justice of the Peace - -. Ross Co., Ohio . 1836 |Collins, Robert . _|Le Roy - 25/ Farmer Hamilton Co., Ohio. ... 1855 i Davis, Hiram F.._.... Lexington .| |Carriage Maker-. . - Chester Co., Penn Covey, Cornelius - ... Le Roy .... 25 Farmer - Cayuga Co., New York..[1835 | Dawson, C..... . _|Lexington . .| 8/Farmer and Stock Rais Madison Co., Ohio . 32|/Covey, Byron........|Le Roy ... 36/ Farmer and Teacher_........ De Witt Co., Tllinois. ... 1845 [ Dawson, Albert .. Lexington ..| |FarmerandCattle Des 1]er ,,,,,, Madison Co., Ohio . _ ... 1832/ Cusey, John . - Heyw orth SREBNmEr. Sosi o oo Richland Co., Ohio-..__|1836 I Fulwiler, John _._._.|Lexington..| |Merchant - ...|Cumberland Co., Penn...|1853| Downs, Geo. W. Delta . 7| Farmer <> McLean Co., Illinois. . __|1839 [ Flesher, L. G._ ... -..|Lexington ..| |Merchant. v --._|McLean Co., Illinois. . . .| 1849||Downs, John D....___ Delta .. 7| Farmer. ... ...... - ---- McLean Co., Illinois._._|1846 [ Hopkins, R. M....... Lexington ..|32|Farmer and Sxorl\ Raiser. _ Owen Co., Indiana. . 11830/ y M..|Le Roy ..-.|36 l“urmcr, e et ----+---|McLean Co., Illinois..._|1834 [ | Hiomen B - - s Lexington ..|2g9/Farmer... ....-... Fayette Co., Ohio - ... .. 1853/ € - 'Heyworth .. 31| Farmer - Hamilton C 0 Ohio _.._|1859 [ Kennedy, Wm. 3 Lgxmg,lon Bank Cashier. ... _./Brown Co.,Ohio__._..__{1856|/Eskew, P. C.......... Le Roy .... 25 Farmer............. - |Patrick Co., Virginia.... 1834 Tl Luccock, Thos. VB E\lngton oo Merchant . o oo oo-- _|Summit Co., Ohio ... .. 1857|/Hornor, Eber.___.. i Deléa, otk .~ &= ‘ Riniker, William - _. __|Lexington .. Mevohhmt & ot __._|Grand Duchy of Nassau 1852 Mc Comb, A. J........ Heyworth 6| Farmer and ]m\mhl];( lerk. . _ Indiana Co., Penn. ____. 1866 | Rowe, Theo. E AT e inpton, . | AMBHEY. oo e oo - Dipaa Crlain L e - v 1865//McConnell, John_.... Le Roy -... 35/ Farmerand ln~nuof1u Peace Hamilton Co., Ohio. .___|1855 Stiller, Charles ... __|Lexington ..| |Merchant ... . ... oo ...|Prussia .._._...........|1862||Null, Thomas B......|Le Roy .... 14|Farmer....... ------- Brooke Co, W. Virginia_ 1858 ! Stall, G. C. --|Lexington .| - (Merchant. ... ..._..... - __|Wurtemburg ___.____..|1863| Peasley, Sylvester ... Delta ... 20| Farmer and \u]xm\ isor ... .... |Grayson Co., Virginia 13” Ey | Schliephake, H. C.. .. .7 Lexington I R T T e e Prussia .. .. _.|1857/ Peasley, Wm. W ilburn. [Delta . .. ... |29|Farmer. . ... ... Rt She i (na\ on Co., \‘ir(_:iniu_ o 18%4 [ Spawn, John ._...... Bexington - (251 Fasmer- « .« -« ...ax-aes .. Pickaway Co., Ohio .{z827||Price;: P. B.- o a G Merchant. i arren Co., Kentuc ky .. 13‘31 | Vandevender, George. Lexington _ Livetys sivs o .. |Fayette Co., Ohio .. ... 1842/ Phillips, D. F.. - Le Roy 2y Bazmer. ... - -.|McLean Co., Illinois. . . . 184 | Vandevender, John A.|Lexington Farmer and Stock Raiser - Fayette Co., Ohio - ....|1842| Rutledge, C. H._.. Le Roy ... 23 Farmer._. - -------. Montgomery Co., Illinois 1848 | VanDalah, D. H. .__.|Lexington .. Banker and Stock Dealer_. ... |McLean Co., Illinois_. .. [1841| Rutledge, o Heyworth _. 38 Farmer -e----..|McLean Co,, Illinois. . . 1850 H ‘ Vandolah, G.W._. 8/Farmerand Stock Dealer .. __. Fayette Co., Ohio .. 1835/|Sniff, Samuel ... ... Heyworth .. 33 Farmer. - -~ ... Muskingum Co., Ohio. ._|1868 ! | Williams, R. B. R AT L Ak sk $853] Wapnpi, Henry .. .. .. [Delmatie da ) EaEmes. .ostzon - < 5nmasaemcns Centre Co., Penn.._ . 1854 | Woodard, James. _|27|Farmer and Stock Raiser. . . . ..|Morgan Co., Indiana 1860| Waybright, Adam ._._ Delta ._.___| 4 Farmer and Stock I)mlu - -.-- Highland Co., Virginia. . 183 ‘ | Wilson, N.N. ......../Selma.. 122l Farmer and Stock Dealer-. . . .. Franklin Co., Indiana. .. '1864"Welch, Henry.... ... |Delta _..._.| 8 Farmer_ . "_.__.__ . _...._.. - |Northampton Co., Penn._|1 g:‘: | ) e e e ——— S e — S e ’ PATRONS DIRECTORY FOR CHENEY'S GROVE TOWNSHIP. NAME. POST OFFICE.| BUSINESS. | ¥ U R e A Atkinson, C. W. -|Saybrook |[Farming and Stock R ];uln, W, Jz - |Saybrook . . Merchant . . 3allard, llmex -|Saybrook...| |Physician. Bailey, James W.. -[Saybrook. . . Merchant . Ball, H. . -Saybrook- . . |2y Farmer and Stock Byers; . oot o is 00 S -|21|Farmer and Stock Raiser Barton, G. W. ... Blanchard, Wm. ] Bowen, W. H. Bowen, P. C Cheney, O. J. -- Chaplin, J. 1 |Physician and Surgeon - . 6| Farmer. e 6 |Farmer . _ [Groceries | |Boots and Shoes. . 5 ;6 Farmer. Evans, W illiam Freeman, John Gallagher, Samuel Gr on, Joshua Hartsock, L. J. . Hudson, G. W. Harrison, D. ... . 2 Howell, Charles.__ Jennings, John Lumber Dealer.._. . ... IORRpEIst- . 1 s LR Carpenter |Merchant . Hotel - ... |Merchant and Farme armer armer and Stock Rnset _|Saybrook. -|Saybrook. .. ]’h)sl( AT A R S Grain Dealet, o2 5 tlo il {Merchant. .. _. e e |Merchant . A2 Mec hlnw I“I'udcrick s Mc ])mml ML ML = Overholt, C S Overholt, O:. ..z, .z Palmer, R. Pitts, John .. Perry, J. W. Peabody, Wil Prothero, Benj. armer and \upu\ isor armer and Stock Raiser Dealer in Grain - |Dealer in Grain Livery and Sale Stable -... Deputy Sheriff ........ Farmer Mill Proprietor -|34/Farmer and Stock Raiser . Prothero, John sa|- CfZen Tl o e R Perin, Orrin - __ |r1|Farmer md Stock Raiser ]\lgi_’\, 5 I e ey s [Bapker. -l o sa s s gtns Rhea, T. H. . 5 ‘I\[erchanr s Rhea, lums DX Catpenter: = ik o e SEvtol Riggs, William H. w]nnku 2% o i S Riggs, HEWE. Sage Rankin, M, B._._.. Rowe, O. M. Rowe, Willis. Rayburn, H. R.___. Rankin, J. D.._. Razor, George Sun\l)urx W. K Sabin, O. ‘ Stansbury. > = wnmwstud By vy Spurck, George .. [Stock bhlpper Stock Dealer. .. ... ---|29 Farmer and Stock Ra . -|2g9|Farmer and Stock Raiser | {Farmer_: ... L |11|Farmer and Stock Ralser | 5/Farmer and Stock Raiser BOSIIaSter oo it s bawyer-wt i, . oo [Merchant .. . Stewart, W. ;\., ok yrook. . - |12|Farmer and Stock Raiser Tatbet, B S. ‘\I( Lean ... 17 Farming and Stock Raising. . BristaliCo: R I o e = 1853 Young, John W. Atlanta 20/ Farming and Stock Raising. ... Logan Co., Kentucky. ._\1857 TG PRPIIGE S =S S . S NATIVITY. Came Bl g [to Co. .|Bedford Co., Penn..__.. 1848 -|Clermont Co., Ohio ....|1869 -{Bloomington |rofFarmer- S e 58 e L0 8 Hampshire Co., Mass. .. 1846 -|Clark Co., Ohio -- 3 -|Clark Co., _|West Virginia._.. 1856 -|Clark Co., Ohio ... --|1867 -|McLean Co., Illinois._._ 1843 -Madison Co., Kentucky. 1864 ./McLean Co., MOUNT HOPE TOWNSHIP. Windsor (‘o.. Vermont. . |1849 -|Franklin Co., Ohio.... . 1864 | --.|Lancaster Co., Penn...._. 1849 -.|Madison Co., New York. 1842 --.|Madison,Co., New York.|1858 -/Madison Co., New York. 1844 __|New H 1l]l])\hlr{. ,,,,,, .- 1860 .. Switzerland Co., g and Stock Rthz e 17 Farming and Stock Raising. .. y----|{Knox Co., Ohio A s " When 11866 Clark Co., Ohio Ohio | Jcssamme Co., New York| 1849 | East Tehnessee - - o smne 11854 | -|Windsor, Vermont. _.___ 1849 -|Scotland . z 8 [ West Vnglm McLean Co., Illinois. . . .|1854 Pexr) Co., -+ Penn, Tlinois -/McLean Co., Ilinois. . - ZIOBg R e ee s -- 1856 Madison Co., Ohio. ... _. 1857 .| Tazewell Co., Illinois. .. 1837 indess - |Massachusetts ._....... 1857 ORI Sbrn s as o= - 11856 ‘ McLean Co., Illinoi 1842 | - Logan Co., Kentuc ky. .. 1865 | -\Worcester Co., Mass. _,Aub;g ‘ s [T eB Co, Ml - 11842 ‘ Gloi i e 1821 | -|Massachusetts - ... . 1862 | IS o e i - McLean Co., Illinoi s [ - Pazewell Co., Illinois. .. 1832 i 4 -|Butler Co., Kentucky._. 1853 | ‘ _/McLean Co., Illinois. ... 1828 ‘ - {Ilinois St. Charles Co., Missouri KApx Gk, Ohio. . <53 = {DRUGS & M i Z JOHN ARMSTRONG ALLIN TP, M¢ LEAN CO ILLS DR. PARKHURS T'S DRUG STORE, DANVERS,MCSLEAN CO. ILLS e ; RESIDENCE OF HON. GEO.W. FUNK SEC. 26, MOUNT HOPE TP, M¢ LEAN CO. {LLS LooKing FROM THE WEST. SEC. 2. Funk’s GROVE TP, M®LEAN CO. lLLINOIS. Res o LAFAYETTE FUNK, ; }Ill; A V% b7 SEC. 24 MOUNT HoPE TP ., M*LEAN CO., [LLINOIS. Z B AR LI — > e 7 = JACOB FUNK, RESIDENGE OF Locking From Twe N.W. LA FAYETTE FUNKS Barn & Out BUILDINGS. T R A \ A\ 1pureglg |[*7 " vouwdyp| - oo sowe[ ‘ysiepy [o€gr) S JuURYOIdN| [T L()lflll”)t‘ o uyof ‘m‘uuqnl M| (88T [ 0D Xassg| """ " juady sunydey Sumag| (- eowdYDl-"tctt vy 29y \\ TN SO0 SURIO S s et o it e Ioueglor|~ - muaq;)“ T wmluu ‘0 Oj rURIqUIN[O))| - )SIUTT\ UBLINIAQSaI ] = =- eouaYy)) [ N o) UOPI"‘lUHH s - JUBYOIdJN PUE IdwIE CamrouI T R : 1 BOUIYD)|~ "~ SB[OYI1 BOUAY)) eouay)! - mmq') """"" IHICI RN T udz \\) pfllu’\ | \ R e e N el JUBYDIT | ; *00) RO (S5 7o ” 1a1njoejnueyy 28erire)) “““““ (U J pue Iaunre; - T JUBUDIDN Quheg||zs ‘oouag||gegri -~~~ stoul[ ‘Qudeg | A RO O e S5k S f 1e] 02|~ - uoydurxa| """ q [ossny ‘ueyely||zLlgr ' ' o & < JUBYDID R \[ ‘0D A([pq """"""""""" JUBYOIDN AN 0) ABBIOI = - e S JUBYDIAIN T “0) BlI09 g T I Ve """" @ O") uosguuH Jua8y aurydey Suimag """""""""" uew£I28In N -==- BOURYD|TT T WEIIM ‘[PMXEN ““““““““ JUBYDIDN |9 |*~ SMOPEIN I9[ed(] 00)S pue rdwie|6z(--uojdurxoy| -t yooug ‘dwasy 6¥g1 ---SMOP®RIN| """ " [Prue(y ‘1o [ | - gouay)|~ "~ -dunuajep ‘19810[||65g1 """ ) 009s0y] ‘uepIof|9Sg1 S M ‘unIegy | 9SgT ——————— A "D 9I00]N | |198T 2T L()([’)l[ )\ """"" ‘@ [ ‘e1001y||5Sg1 - gousyD |~ ===---uyo[ ‘MoIIe| 9981 0 o;) uosunH 2LQI| =" """ - 90uRL] ‘QUIBIIO |~~~ - " -13sIeY YO0)S PUE IdWIE] 9 -90uBI ‘UIBLIOT|" JueyRILy | """""" AN ‘pIOJXQ)| - JURYDI elueAfAsuudg|-=--=-- Juady suryoey Suimag =0 "03 SSOY |~~~ "~ 19SIEY Y00)S PUL IdUWLIE,|9T =10 “0D) sSOY| " "~ 19s1EY Y001§ pue Iauue] 6 """""" ed “0)) sl | s o e e S T S T G - 'eA “0D axysdwey JUBYDIDTN - gouay)) X129, ‘[[o¥SIH ||etgT -20es[y ‘Sinoqserss - - owue] |SE| - -~ wouayy|~ - 0 Audy ‘avwiIol] (6281 117" Epeue) 389 \\ JUBYDIDIN === Yousysy| St i 559 uosuupmH $Sg1 [0 RSN [= = =2 -~ seRessieer JUBYDIDTN ‘ed “0D) 931394%,|" "~ -93eISH (I PUE doUBINSUT - e 0D piojpag |- - 10s1a19dng pue rowre;g e - SRR Oy [OTION o o g e e JUBYOID TN | Sggl """ Fu#405) 193RI M= ==~ ===~ 2onsn[ pue 1dwire; Sz BOUAYD) \ YEQI| === ---[II “0D UBIOIN| " """ 19SIEY 001§ PuUB IdwLIe] 0Z| - uojFuIxa| { 9S8T |~ SA[BAL" N ‘DIIYSYIDUOLDN [~ === === "===--=7-==-=- Ioawre,] 9‘2 === goudy) ( QU= =i ol T 1 014 € (1 It S uaziy) PaIRY | Q08| == ~2 HUE[1008 #0g) ARIION | & =2 Ern s~ =Sl i YIS YOr[g 9981/°=~ *~ "k ‘N “oryauoatn)|~==x = 19)SBWISOJ DU JUBYDIDT\ 9981|'A°N 0D 089510‘QU,qIaYyG| ~~ =" "T"T oo JURYDIIIN LG L] = u([ ‘“£uno) urpyueL| - rowreg ¥ 19QT |~ ~pue[ai] * \mno) unqn|~"T"T 7" “Y003§ duly Ul 3[BT €981/~~~ 'uvArRg ‘Areydurayy T IURYRIdNY t9g1|=-= *[[ ‘A3uno)) [[omazeJ,|" - uersAyg ‘M ‘Baueg L9g1 == T SAIUN0D [PMSZRT | ~s=r= 30— ~tage st Ss JUBYIIDIN e Pmmq MRS [ vA\‘\’wnoj uvfi;ol\' TTTT Iosiey 003§ pu dowe €€ - - uojBurxa| " g MAqOY wnqm\ ~ T JUBYIIDN TTTT BOwdY)|” '1 u()([q\ Cé‘IE PR S s T R s S bl e R S T JUBYDIIN = i 900D TS ROy Flhaatrt e ROtON DS S SR 5T SR SYOTH (ug1 “T-SMOPEBI]N |~ ---prwnq ‘Aeyy|| Stgr 5 1’ouvq') """ q (m}uu\ 1@\3}[ - gouay) ‘[ uwensuyd ‘QI(I\S[[I") leor o ualIep) ‘SOl "ES - ydasof ‘sueAq “-uo0j3urysep ‘uosme(] S.\I \‘[3”1“9\1 - -oQ o rouryy ¢ “Tolyo .tmr) ‘\w[uo()) yoIny)|| o R -ydasof ‘reag Srgr uusg S D 2|2 PR ]lllrl[.‘).l";!\\‘ """" I9[B3(] YO0)S PUE 19WIT,] “““ I9[BJ(] 001§ PUB I2WIR] 1z €e “““““““““““ Iowae,] 9 3 q/61 ST T YI9[) UMOJ, PuB I3y €1 I 001§ PUB I |4 “““““““““““ uew 1981 N """"""""""""" ouuae|l H sowre[ ‘YoM == quIoMASE | T H uyof ‘o[ == YJoMAdH |- ‘I, sowe[ ‘UOIBA\ - ypromAay |~~~ ~uosiaps [ ‘Asrsmrepy == oM \QH\“[pqdun") PIRYaYEA 3 1[110\\ O] = Koy ‘Asreaue uojSurwoo[q "N JIe[) ‘I100AIPUTA == uomAoy |- 1 W }100AI2PUE A = quo\\(aH - OBES] ‘pUBIISPIOUB A == ml[()puc\y 22 == T uoxdmoru uoy3urmoo[g |~~~ W 'V ‘preySuing 3% r'nox\m“ -----~uyo[ ‘a[epyo031§ = qUOMAEJ |~~~ =72* D uyo[ “10yg uojSurwoog| -~ """ "0V ‘MeMelg UO]UUHUOOI(I \) M 11{‘\\7]5 == quomAdH qooe[ ‘(o8e[s -~ ydopuey|----="""9 ‘q ‘umq\}[ R EROVVIC) S pIrEADH uwq\\[ YoM ] |77 "7 T ) eBpapny - yaomAoyy |- M T099) sy - yuomAsy |ttt [ Axxeyy “smyq *- qEOMASRT(T Tt o 3 T [11()\\\3]—1 Y Ul\\ UH’.‘\I e [lI()\\\’)]{ BE =t MIMNE), ')np') my “* yuromAoy T D) ‘s1ajemsseq 3 qno\\\fi“ = plLl[’)}{ s == oML R ERCYIVIE) S ’[ ‘91 qox [ H 190N D welA 9[q0 N PIAE(] ‘PURLIES nuvf LR H ‘W ‘PRI -- ydjopuey|- ydiopuey -- omAdH Suowyy == qloMfep|rata o uwo[' == IoMA9 Y : Ae I\ - yomkay \11"17 N ‘mog uojurwoog | ~T 77T welIp e e o P LY VE < f ket q 1 ‘1“\\“1 ‘MOLIOIN ‘fouooy """ Kopyg| =~~~ -0 ], ‘Uosyel] == yuoMAdgg |- ¥ " ‘uoiSunia g -- ydiopuey | "=~ - ueyieuo[ “Iasnopy == -gdjopuey|==z ==° 2 ( = li(I[UPUU}l P AT == qyomAoyy |-t M uojgurwoorg | “ " - - - aoMAdfy |-t \\ [ “qung -- QUOMARH |77 T WeRI[IA “YIIoMS[[H == yMOoMASH """ T UM UM “TOPIF Y3OMAIFY |~ [ ‘puerio(g == YUOMASE """ Tom TN D “redexg -- ydopuey|--"""" uosLIef ¢ uoy3urwoo[q| - ©" UI0MADF] |~ T Tuos1dpa [ ue LL[\HU) == yyoMKap |- ‘A ‘uewsuyD) P LM[upm‘N =5 mml‘( ‘doysig == IoMARTl nass Tt A D) ‘umorg == yiomdoyg “yooig == yuaomkay |- WAL [esparg == oMk gy |-~ 281000 dmxw[ “““ DY qung 30I;H0 1s0d ‘'dIHSNMOL HATOAONVH XIX | ,‘“ PADUA TOWNSHIP. | e i I When|| g Sl ! T NAME BUSINESS. | NATIVITY. Came | NAME. POST OFFICE.| 0| BUSINESS. | NATIVITY. Came | Mt T l |@| Y o Co. Ackers, Sarah H. .___|Fairbury . .. IRatimes and . Stock RIS b s s O & oc Lo sl ‘1854 | Beaver, Samuel P. <= Ealder . . [iop{Eamael == Sofaa o, et ol [Chester Co., Penn ... .. 1854 Abbott, John W. _____ |Lexington .| 5/Farmer and Stock Raiser ._..|Virginia .. ,,w1852; Bedell, Henfy ... [Holder __ 6\F;1rmtr and Stock Raiser ... ._/Greene Co., N. Y. -{1861 Burdett, Johw....2x:2 i i g “armer and Township Assessor|Kentucky 2 21 - 7] | Farmer and Stock Raiser .. ’(,olumbu (,o 1854 Bénson; J. M. .. .5 ; 30‘1 armer and Stock Raiser. ... |McLean Lounty Rl =00 1839\ Bingham, (, W ool |Holder ....| s|Farmer and Stock Raiser .....|New York....... Bourquin, Peter L. |Fairbury . ..|23|Farmer and Township Clerk..|Ohio - ... ._.......... 1866|(Bingham, G. J........ |Holder ....| s|Farmer and Stock Raiser _.... Bourquin, Charles. ___‘l"mhul) ---|23|Farmer and Stock Raiser. .. McLean Loum), Il ....|1842| Bingham, j‘ s |Holder -| s|Farmer and Stock Raiser. Bourquin, Henry L. ..|Fairbury . .. 23‘I 2 2 - 720 ~ ; B Jesse v S = ©ro.. 5 A e ] Jacod Fynk < —% s fo il - e S e - a - N A - et & p - ) & @ Vit l: A /v,.r/,_fiif\ 1 R " , /') 14 73 N b ' Lod Adtleins e L t i. o R Stubbletield. o N = { 20 sr . S ipe v [ 5 S X 64:0 6410 & g N o | S ¥, Fwing S0 W e L A ~ 6410 N RS e . S NS 3 - i DO . SR | §S ——« S RO RUainline “e Now Q & N if':;// [/1” E Q Vg 5 ~ i& ? N ) 0 - Lo ¥ st b & - o | a5 8 f ¥ pe ) .3 | - & R J.H. - £oR - PRl Jom . L & % et w.w R / School 8 o - ‘,.""’ i ,',"' Q § O.Caton ¥°i1 _@- S & 2 ! Ewing S & N LM Stroud S 0 i ™ 0 SO = B e . Lo v e g R omer=t] %9 | 4 vk, W Henyon - N BT s samn W Tyson < v SIRCIEEN E 24 ; ’ N Sehool | W E Wright | A.0.C rain s Lt on 160 760 Jacob RS Britr & s 0 80 8 0 - SEECGra, s 73 ) s 27 |} R s - 3 4 S N o B-dones ITe = A 60 "':_;]‘ ar i S N v g , = £ - > § | 00 L LN SE Batngillidid Ditlon L 6 A il e e 58 S St £ L ; ) 239 4 R, bhe s . 1. 76 a0 7 N~ Y S ;".)'T"'/” s S Hite icock Stroua ¥ 4 60 t < S0 l 80 40 | w0 3 & S - Resa = . T S ilhi ShaB - T = s e i o L.Caton X ‘ 0.C. o es g 56 2 R ; ko | 6.8 Marshall . ad RIS s | X feakle = ‘ e 780 R A Coatan Nuo B 2 0 t Ro | FHDoane 2 G4 RS oy v X & X% s N P - A B 5 S 760 s : J. Caton \t Q = ,“:Z[‘ s 3 & e . S 3 # L 3 ot o~ 20—y : 3 & — 25 3 a X g Jod A, V) . 2. < e || Jas Johnsow |50 4. J. Werriam N - ¢ 7/‘ff‘ll,| a7 RS 3 o) £ Brock 4 3 A4 23ttt s N & S ¢ 44 - 2187 F——- s S o ey % P. Fawpett L160 20 & S 720 G.W. Frunk : ; : &0 | ] ] ] 7 T i 7E e ' \ wrsy 7. 1 J 440 = Brigg s Horehead d 3 Higer 0 5 ; o {3 v S J. Longworth Nf]” £ J 4. Pitt s R fiing X i . . < :\ iam 760 5 R h‘,~£,',, ) &0 60 160 \; ~ 994 N :| 3 '9 20 | RBes ) S5Q = 5 s ! ‘z)‘" = A Cem g™ 58 5| 3 NS g <‘ BU.Tcal | 40 o | % R S TR e 5.1 b | 2 S RS § I 2 58 Shla g O I b D Menyorn | Farnswort D S =l K 3 K5NQ S RIS 2 ] 3 = 23 N = S § 8% s, |E Y E Pumverty o0 0 ¢ J “ o < L= R . P.B | ¢ ¥ : LH.Di o N 3 aY SLy aw | T & 80 e pition =3 - , | i E s a, |- }‘ i 1 -l ..‘ - - - @ " ~ . o \ X 3 el § k I 3 % - . N .\(Q}\)( SE. g N k¥ 8 ) B Strond Nan Ry < li i o ., % L I R . s = 165-4/0 [T R R g e L] “Nwer prmicie ~ s = < G5 § 3 o © Ir o (/(Z(l;lll/t J. M afe we L1 K 2 X 3 g { g 3 2 <[ = X 1 3 373.4/6. G | 2 3 8 y B S e i) 2 NN “s| % kS E N Sy 24 - < P ] (S e X S qR P 2 5 ,,;,?_,‘ e o / ; | & e Y S -4 < ' 2 e N G Browns ] - S 8 . 6 | S e S . Hrs. P ™ r s 4 10 Y W, H e . 2 . P ) BE 3 £ ~ R vl | ) g bRt BN enyon < Pumpelly |EWHovblit B Po | S|SB Hinsey & %’ s LA Beverty: ‘ 200 o 160 760 St ¥ e SR 160 < ‘ 4 ( S 200 | 2. N~ < s § G oo ( 80 k . s £ S s & | ) b - . S . 3 ¢ 2. o » - s —~ P, et B wrFollin s "Randolvh S 4 S Stroud s < B g P & KR 730.7 2 @ J.I. Peace E.H.Rood ’,h S Roack 80 = g %, h : v ¥ e 60 S 5 160 - S X g 58 L. Hinsey |G H Tuttle R:P. Do —] £y : % 2 b et ry { ¥ _\! L & e J.A.Stephen 8| A ,‘)’(i 80 50 4 fi’ q N o/ " . 159 B y o e e5w = S 0 A > Beverl y e IR0 - < 3 X S. Bevans v < S Y % " g 100 S s /’("(;’ e : A RV Roach |G HTuttle |0 B Hinsey [T 90 76 z ] 3 s i6 G 160 ] : /:'rrmnu'l'.\‘ -/: ,‘s {‘/’/” 7 s" 260 60 L. -5'717'7;/(::," ? S B e e s 2LN.R.1L.W County line 3 - Llizabeth Hartley 720 MARTIN TOWNSHIP. NAME. POST OFFICE. 8 BUSINESS. wm | Anderson, W. G. . ..._|Lexington . -] 3 Minister - - 2500 BEGW I AL - o< i - ..|Bloomington| |Washing Machines . Bunn ISae =t ) Ellsworth _ 120 Farmer and Stock Raiser__ ... A(“L}, e s Bloomingtoni Dealer in Pumps.------..-- Bcllu&, Williatin' o= .2 Arrowsmith_{16|Farmer and Stock Raiser. Freeman, A. T...... Greenman, Mary E Greenman, W. W. _ Hurt, William.. . Ellsworth __ Ellsworth __| -|Arrowsmith . Burt, Foshve. o0 =00 Arrowsmith. Hammond, R.J. i Hawk, N. ___. -~ |Arrowsmith_ Hanna, W' illiam .../ Arrowsmith. | Hanna, J. M. ___. _|Arrowsmith_ |t Jacobs, Samuel __.___ |Arrowsmith_ [ Keeney, James W. Arrowsmith. ‘ Kennedy, James .. - |4 Arrowsmith. | Keller, George. |Arrowsmith_| Loafman, R. w\no\\ smith. | Lake, David. . _ .. :A[ron smith_| Lyons, John U |Lexington . Barphys, Tz . - |Say l)1ook.._" \{urph) 8.C.coun ——aeiSaybrook . . .| Nye, Joseph- <= 5=-52 —\rro\xsmuh | N Fahiy 5ot t L |Arrowsmith . ] l\ul\elson John. |Arrowsmith . | Pollock, \\ 11111111 |Arrow: :mnh,[ Puett, George N._.... |Lexington . 2 Patton, WoR S -0 ‘Leunqmn " Ritchie, J. H..... ____|Arrowsmith. | Springer, C. W. _ |Arrowsmith_| Wright, E. B.. e 1 Arrowsmith - ‘ Waldon, J. E. - ‘Plls“o rth .| Wheeler, Isaac W Arrowsmith_ 1 Walthoite, I 4. .- .- |Arrowsmith_|2 -|Arrowsmith. |35|Farmer and Stock Raiser. . |32/ Farmer and Stock Raiser.. |35/Farmer and Stock Rai 32/ Farmer and Stock Raiser 28|Farmer and Stock Rai IG Farmer and Stock Raise 5 |Farmer and Stock Raise 14| Farmer and Stock Raiser 14|Farmer and Stock Raiser_____ 28| Farmer and Stock Raiser.___. |32|Farmer and Stock Rai |21 Farmer and Stock R |15|Farmer and Stock Raise 33|Farmer and Stock Raiser. . 36 Farmer and Stock Raiser.. | s|Farmer and Stock Raiser. ... 36|Farmer and Stock R 36|Farmer and Stock Rai |33/ Farmer and Stock Raise 33/ Farmer and Stock Rai 28 Farmer and Stock Raiser. (34| |Farmer and Stock Raiser 2|Minister .. ... 6/ Farmer and Stock Raiser |35/ Farmer and Stock Rai 36/ Farmer and Stock Raiser. . . 36/ Farmer and Stock Raiser. . 29/ Farmer and Stock Raiser 22| Farmer and Stock Raiser. NATIVITY. -|Pennsylvania.___ . Pennsy lvania. . l’ennsxl\ ania - |Virginia . Kentuck -|Kentuck (/Lm ada. |Kentucky ntucky. 5 S IOINTG . e 2o Lo Y- ) i T e When gah;:‘ NAME. POST OFFICE. | 8 BUSINESS. NATIVITY. Came |to Co. |® S : =E to Co. 18z5 || Birney, Oliver __ —_|Le Roy. 3,6 Rl e e o B Harrison Co.,, Q. 2yl S RSO : ISE;; B"une{t Tfes --|Le Roi’, Merchant - .- 2 2 Ha_rrlson (30.,'1\}' ,,,,,,, 1831 1839||Buck, Ihomq% I ,,,,,, Le Roy....| 6{Farmer.... o b\vltzerlzl‘nd (Y,o.,'Ind. ---|1833 1851||Buck, Hiram 2|LesRpy.---| 6/Farmer---- .- _. - {Seneca Co:, NUiY: -2 25isénn [ GlagkCos; Vias, =5 5 2003 1837 _|Pennsylvania. _ _ IR B N e S o 'K OLD TOWN TOWNSHIP. |Pennsylvania__ . __ ‘Iu\m)l\"lm Bk [840}‘1311”, Robert._ . _ Burke, S. W...____.__|Bloomington.| Benjamin, B ... - ott Benjaminville | Bedell ¥ Benjton i e cosNalder. Tl Bishop, Luther. .. .. __|Bloomington_ Bishop, Harvey _..... Bloommgmn, Breakey, James elRa sk Brodrick, John.._ ... Bloomington . | Catron, A. S. .__. ....|Bloomington. Coale, L..... ....._._|Benjaminville B, ~joektaw.. . .~ Case, Lewis _ .. --|Holder . Campbell, M. A. __.._|Holder Campbell T Az -2 iHolder .. 5 Doner, J. W. Bloomington . DR oo oo s Holder - --_< Denning, Thos. F.___. Bloomington Friuk, c J.---- .. ....|Bloomington . Friuk, W. C.. --|Bloomington. Friuk, John B.c.- 15 Bloomington. Hall, C. S. el o . Howes, Thos. |Delta - Hames Leander . .... | Holder G52 S o ae ‘,Dclta ....... L oomls, E. - Bloomington.. Noggle, C. C ./ Bloomington _ Penn, -|Bloomington.. Ravbum Jr James - .|Bloomington. Sharp, ‘I'heodore . . _ .. Savidge, J. N. - Seagle, D. D. .. Southerland, S. W. Shields, William ... . . Bloomington. Pwining, (€. H. iose 2 el Ze< ‘Heter, Ty - - o -[Delta . Willmerling, N | 6|Farmer, Stock Raiser & Dealer |11|Farmer and Stock Dealer ... 1|Farmer and Stock Dealer . . 30/Farmer, Stock Dealer and Su- POTRRBOIR e ¥ Rl s 30/Farmer and Stock Dealer - IzS Farmer and Stock Raiser ... Farmer and Stock Raiser ... | SParmer_...,_ ; i 1| Farmer and Stml\ Dealel 3 |31{Farmer and Stock Dealer ... Farmer and Stock Dealer . .. 24|Grain Dealer and Farmer. ... {z5|Farmer and Stock Dealer . .. 5/Farmer and Stock Raiser .. .. 12 Farmer and Stock Raiser ... 430 Farmer and Stock Raiser ... | 3|Farmer and Stock Raiser - ... | 3{Farmer and Stock Raiser .._. | 3{Farmer and Stock Raiser ... Farmer and Stock Raiser Farmer and Stock Raiser - ... Farmer and Stock Raiser . Farmer and Stock Raiser . 5|Farmer and Stock Raiser . |14|Farmer and Stock Raiser ... |26/ Farmer and Stock Dealer ... 30|Farmer; Stock Dealer and Su- | PeRVISOr) -~ 22 ot i s Lo Madison Co., Ohio Farmer and Stock Raiser . Farmer and Mechanic ... ... Farmer and Stock Raiser .. Farmer and Grain Dealer . 32|Farmer and Stock Raiser . -|33|Farmer and Stock Raiser .. New York. Jefferson Co., New York|1865 Columbia Co., New York|1855]| Greene Co., McLean Co., Illinois. - ... ilb46‘ -|Clark Co., Olno 118 \Ionoghan Co., Ireland .. Limerick, Ireland - _|Fulton Co., Illinois . . . -.|Morgan Co., Indiana . _ Allen Co., I\entucl\) 6l atmers.-< .. ,;(873 |Bishop, John A.. --| 9/Farmer._. _|McLean Co., Ill’ AAAAAAA j1840 .|1850|/Bishop, James ...... -|10{Farmer. - . - |Fauquier Co., Vz -|1835 1853||Bishop, Sen., M. 15/ Farmer. . Clark Co., Ohio .- 1834 -|1855||Bishop, Jun., M. StrsEaRnYer: sl s 1 an (0 T 11849 |1865 BLxck\Vort]x \\ 1111am s _| |Merchant._.. . l\u\L Coi; Del. . 1871 BonICOR R o s s 1A BRI = At 2o Do e s s = o am |Lancaster Co., Pa (1845 ‘[86" onawa 1), William P.._{Le Roy....|15 NP O F e oo 5 I\.I(:T,cfln_ Co.,‘ Ill 11838 |18 3“(,4)[011 CoH s (Pl Barmeroc 22w oo < (,,h:mmmgu} Coiy O 222211807 S ‘18 73| Crumbaugh, Frank M.. Le Roy. 4|Farmer.__ B S S ...|McLean Co., IlL 1837 ,,,,,,,,,, 1864 Crumbdugh J H.L...|Le Roy [l Barineys . oo = .,_._._“.__..iHfindursOn Co., ]\\ ----{1830 £ !1863 Crumbaugh, D. F..___|Le Roy..._|r3|Farmer. ... .. ... ......o--| |McLean Co., s 1832 -|1852 ‘Lrumbdugh GSt e Ser Merchant and P. M. ‘]‘lcdulrl\ GoMd; 22 855 ,_‘lb,o |Crumbaugh, G. DY e |Le Roy,,,, w Y 1868|| I)lckuson 1\ B Le Roy. ‘Hmnlton €., HR=LC _1163 _w1867;11)|(7kcr50n, H. Cs {Hamilton Co., Ill. .. ... ,‘1830 ‘1860‘ Dickerson, Caleb P \I( Lean Co., IIl 1855‘ Fisher, T. D | Phys J|W estmoreland Pa, _|1869||Fry, John _ IS S50 Pl clGreeneCo, O oo re izl _‘1855 Greenman, ERbe o S R L U e e B | Washington Co., O. . --|1858||Gilmore, Ephmlm oo EeRoyai s isgfParmer. . < Jo - ._‘Huxl_son o, f) _|1839{|Gilmore, Daniel .. ... FeiRpye--jZyjRasmer_- - 22 - .| Rockingham (JoA . {1866 (mgus, W.. W. Agent I, 'B. & W. R. R, -|Hampden Co., Mass. ... i[fiyo = 851\‘ Harding, Isaac M. \[uchant ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. |Hancock, Me & 3 SSNHo“ard Dan. O. e z;J armer and Supervisor . .- ... {Monroe Co., N. V.___... |1856 1855/ ‘Inglc Charles M. =210} U 2 s ; :\\'abhmgmn Co., Tenn... (1837 \1855‘Hohmtone Geo. E. S ivety < ) ‘I665‘ Johason; ABIkasl . Lc Roy....| ‘P\Opx of “E mpuc House” ,\H&lllh(}fl Co, O. ... _.|1855 11839(/ Keenan, J. e |Le Roy. |[Merchant. .- ¥ESN E Llmton (() ‘ISQSMI\IIHL, John a2 -.|Le Roy....|16] [Farmer . E a S |7 B 0 LT \Ph)slCldl\ w ashington Co., Ind. “xsh, John T/ o Roy....| 7|Farmer...__. ‘I’ul\ County, D s | |Pfitzenmeyer, W illiam_ | Le Roy.... ob‘Br)cl\ Maker ... [Wurtemburg, Germany. _|{1855 [Pence, George . ‘Le Roy....| |Twp. Assessor and (,rm;mhle _wI ICRINZ Co O T oS =l 1854 ‘Rutled«e, hmes _____ Le Rby-- - 34‘1‘ Fiiets) Sbor S S RN S ‘}\ ntu(l\y ....... 1829 Rors, Talmage:- - <=0} Le RO) .| 8/Farmer |Pickaway Co., O.. .. 1855 “86)‘; Shinkle, William C....|Le Roy. | g9|Farmer -{Brown Co., () y (| (Silvy, R. H. . ....._..|Le Roy....| |Attorney at Law. _|Lewis Co., I\\ Smith, A. F. ... Le Rpy#aels Merchant . ... .= .ol .- _|Vermilion Co., i ISmlth, HED TciRDYMSNEE (Merchant -t O Ito - ol o2t Monroe Co., Ind.. ‘Igég;lTllOmaS, A'J.c -1Le Roy 4 [711’1‘&15116:1', Miller and Farmer . .|Logan Co., l\\ R ‘1827‘i oung, J. S Le Roy. (i erehan st et !Hmuson CoOt L 2o T 1870 York, ]ames MC s Le Ro) ’ _“‘ ApEaEm et e R |Knox Co., Tenn. . __ ;g;; \ FUNK'S GROVE TOWNSHIP. Ontario (0 New ‘7"“‘-"‘833“131'1 gs, Lev McLean 30 Farming and Londonderr). Ireland. 1‘838 Beagr%l \\llll'un YAl McLean .. 31 l’arming and 0ndon(}1err;, _Ireland --|1838 ‘Buck S e McLean ...| 8 Farming and Butler Co., Ohio . ------ 1868, ‘T‘unk [‘ M. - |Shirley it F‘lrminlT and Pennsylvania .. ... g [855;‘ Supervisor \Ior"an Co., Ohio .. oes 1859 ||Funk, Isaac ... --|McLean ... 16/ Farming and Wyoming Co. » New V orl\l1868 Funk, LaFayette .. ... Shirley 2 Fm‘ming and ‘\\)ommg Co. 2 New York| ‘8 9||Hougham, Lamon . _ . Shirley _ 6 Farming and Luzerne Co., Pa. .. _. 9||Hougham, \Vestlev _..|Shirley __..| 5/Farming and _|Medina Co., Ohio - |Darke Co., ()hlo 2 \'orthumberland Engl'd. 1851‘ Rambo, A ‘.__wFa\etteCo P 2 |Norfolk, Fngland.. measter CopPa Warren Co., L\C\\ Jersey- {Warren Co., Kentucky - .|Greene Co., New York. _.|Columbia Lo New York 185 6\‘\ anordstrand, John _ 24/ Farmer and Stock Raiser .___|Londonderry, Ireland. .. 1849 Welch, W 1llmm .[McLean Co., Illinois 2 _|Pendleton Co., Virginia £ \Bloommrrton \ z|Farmer and Stock Raiser ... Pxoxmu Hmox er, Prus’a) 1837“ ARROWSMITH TOWNSHIP. Axbogastil i, oo 2= ‘SJ)brool\ S Roum A NS s aybrook BhLlnham, _I. = ‘A\rx(msmlth [ Dumars, George W.... |Arrowsmith_ Goddard, Joseph.. ‘ Arrowsmith. Hileman, Peter_. |Arrowsmith. | Hileman, l’hilip“,, __L\no“smlth H'tssu\pfl\m L. _|Arrowsmith._ Jones, W. . Arrowsmith. Jones, T e Arrowsmith. Larimer, J. R.. {Arrowsmith_ Larimer, J. A \A\rro“ smith. | Larison, G. W. 1_\{]0\\>Ifllth Maurice, T. N |Arrowsmith \ Nevans, Geo. M.._ - _|Arrowsmith_ Iemburton M.. Arrow! alnlth. Spangler, Daniel _____ Arrowsmith Slengloff, John.___. - Arrowsmith _ Star 15])\1r) H: \[ -/ Arrowsmith _ Stansbury, Is Arrowsmith . Ulmar, Mz Arrowsmith. Watts, Thomas.... ... Arrowsmith. YOI Rk L o iee Arrowsmith. _|12!Farmer. -|33/Farmer . -|24 'Farmer and Stoc Rlacksmibly' .- - te sl : g Farmer and Stock Dealer ... 2/Farmer and Stock Raiser ... 17/Farmer and Stock Dealer . 20 Farmer-and Stock Dealer _ . 30/Farmer ... 5 r/Farmer and Stock Dealer - 1 Farmer and Stock Dealer __ Merchant Merchant and Postmaster - ... |32 Farmer --. 2|Farmer and Supervisor |Boot and Shoe Maker. . 28| Farmer ... 34 Farmer and Stock Ra 36 Farmer and Stock Ra ,() Farmer and Stock Ra 16 Farmer 13 Farmer : Y| Farmer and Stock Dealer ... _McLean Co., III.. E Massachusetts - .- .| Virginia Canada __... Kentucky ... ORIt . SO0 - s _/Union Co., _|Preble Co., Ohio... .|Preble Co., -IRoss Co., Ohio. .. Ross Co., -|McLean Co., -/Cumberland Co., New York. Ohio. Penn. . Ohor. <. 0. B0 et e R Lebanon Co., Penn. . Hessen, Germany -i{Germany....-- _|Baltimore, Md.. Ohio Pepn.- . 1862 |Longworth, A. McLean .. .|31 Farming and -|1857(|McCarty, C. T. ....../McLean ___| 6 Farming and -|1872| |McCarty, William _ McLean 6 Farming and 1856/ McIlvain, R. A. -\ Shirley ....|24 Farming and ‘1863;1Ross, W. H. H.. _|McLean 6/Stock Dealer.. Aot IRoes; G e e |Heyworth _ .| 2|Farming and Ifred. -|Shirley ... 26/Farming and [|Ridgway, Thomas S... {McLean .../ 5/Farming and 11851|/Stubblefield, John. ... Shirley -...| 5/Farming and Stock Raising. .. Faycila O s o 1829 Stock Dealing. . .|Perry Co., O. -_._ 1857 Stock Raising. .. Switzerland Co., Ind --.-|1850 Stock ]\msmrr, & 2 sutMelean Co., "B, o- 5 -{McLean Co,, Ill. . Stock Raising. ../ McLean Co., Il Stock Raising. ..|Highland Co., O..... Steck Raising.._|Highland Co., O.. Stock Raising. .. McLean Co., Ill. _.... Stock Raising. .. /Morgan Co., O. .....___ Stock Raising...|Morgan Co., O. .__.__.._._ Stock Raising. .. Westmoreland C 5 2k o IiMaliean iCoy Tl = . 2k £ -2 Stock I\"Lhln” ra C 4 Stock }\11\11]“ Stoek Rai Stock Raising. Stock S|W Lstnmrcrlllknd ('o.: -|/Venango Co., Pa. --|Fayette Co., O 11858/ ISoaith, Weal: 5o 2 oo McLean ... 31 I"umer & Justice of the Pearc,u\[ormn CO5E): 5 1836“ Tavenner, I ---|McLean ...| 6 Farming and Stock Raising._ . ,‘L()mrl‘un Coi, ' Va, -\ 1864 11866 Taflinger, Wm. H.___. McLean - 9 I‘mmmgr and Stock Raisinr;*_ g Rockinghau; €6, Va0 1853 -|Heyworth __| 1/Farming and Stock Raising...|Washington Co., Pa..__. 1849 William .__... McLe’m ---130 ]"armmg and Stock Raising. .. |Worcester Co., England._|1857 3|1~ Il YATES ’I‘OWNSHIP. —\lhson (: [ ,,,,,,,, \\ eston .‘._3 \\ %on md ( arriage M: 11‘&1,, |Clark Co., Illinois ... ... 1869 Adam, Anton.. -|Weston ..__| 2/Farmer and Stock Raiser. Javaria, (n TRADY & 1865 ok ,,,_,fi‘Borger, Joseph._.r_:. Fairbury . ..|24|Farmer and Stock Raiser. Franklin Co., Ohio .. 18'3 ’18441 Brown, Chester {Chenoa . ...|{1g9/Farming ...... NVl e 1880 Banta, John D. .. ‘\\'cst(m R BB e s e o lolmxon o Ind..,.;. 1860 1870“Brad\, John ----| 7|Farming Cavan Co., Ireland . ... _|1864 1663“Br1nnm Lums H.._.|W mton -l armi Clermont ( 0., Ohio 1865 1869||Claudon, C & wChenoq E g Inc ’t,‘«.>47 5 !86L 1858/ (Castle, Justu |Weston . 34/ Farming and Stock Raising . _ \:-lmonrl” séjq 11858||Enslow, - - |Weston - Merchant . . .. ogan Co., Hhmm % _|1866 -|1864||Flanagan, ) --|Chenoa ....|16|Farmer and Stoc k Raiser IRoscommon Co., [m]an(} 1860 1869| }Io\\md . W. ..|Weston Grain Dealer. ... . m \[mr'm Co., Illinois 1866 1869||Hancock, (, M Pyt }\\ eston Blacksmith 2 Uhio P 1868 r‘a\;lMLcder‘\ flod H. -.|Weston Express Agent .. . 0., Indiana 1867 1831/||Leighton, John C.,,, _|Weston . {Blacksmith ..__.._._.....___|Hamilton Co., Ohio ,A 186& (\43 Miller, G. W -|Chenoa 5/Farmer and Stock r Fairfield Co., Ohio 1867 1872\ Page, '\I B -|Weston ..__|26/Farmer and Stock Gilmanton, N. H., _ 186:, 1854 |Porter, V. H -|Weston ..._|35/Farmer and Stock - |Bureau Co., Illinois v 1866 1851|| l’hllhps 0. -|Weston i = 1872|(S I‘anhm\ |12|Farmer and Stock Cheshire Co., New York. 1866 1850|| Thompson, A. | g/Farmer and Stock -[Mercer Co., Pa. .. ; 1867 ||Vance, Ih\'ld ‘‘‘‘‘ .|15/Farmer and Stock Adams Co., ()]1i<; ; 18 ; Wikoff, T. E. ... 7. mer and Stock Adams Co., (')hi(»r 75 H§~ --11858||Wright, C.C. ... 8{Farmer and S 3rown Co., (min-“ b7 1;8: --. 1866||Weller, Robert H 2|Farmer and " . Syracuse, New \;)1}; 73 ;é L 1850 Ziller;-C.. .= . IWeston r1/Farmer and ¢ Ph]l}((\l yhia, Pa. ,x?f‘ GRIDLEY TOWNSHIP. ‘ A ; ‘ |When [ NAME. POST OFFICE. é } BUSINESS. ‘ NATIVITY. }Ca(r:ne NAME. ‘POST OFFICE. 15 i BUSINESS. NATIVITY. to Co. | | B Gridley et in Grain and Stock ... Livingston Co., N. Y.___[1861]||Lariscn, Sr., G. B. _._|Stanford - ._|31)Farming and S -|Morgan Co., , Ohio = Gridley s ov. Dealer in Grain Jlld Stock .___|C unlnulfms hire, Eng..._[1869||L L\\h, Robert .. - ._|Stanford - .. 34 Farming and \IusLmyum (q., Ohio. .. 1862 Brow n, Geo. ----|Lexington __|26 Farmer and Sto -|Franklin Co., Ky. - __ mold, J. P. .___|Stanford -..| 4/Farming and Stock ]\Jl\lng --|Posey Co., Indiana ... 1350 | Coomes, Upton ___._. .nd.u Hotel Keeper 22T ki e oy O e er, Valentine. .. |Stanford __. MetBRANE. . e s o A Lorraine, France [ | Gatlsen B D U k028 (m(llu e Dealer in Grain and Stock - .. Uolstun (-unmn\ ,,,,, 186; Nafziger, C. P.. - |Stanford 18/ Farming and S 5 nq,,,‘\\'mlunhm(r (}unmny., 1847 | Chance, James-- - .--.|Lexington ._|35/ Farmer and Stock Raiser - ____| Clay Gon Jal - oovians R _|Stanford . ..|20|Farming and Stock ing. ..'Rockingham C 0., Babb G0 X e Lexington . |32 Farmer and Stock Raiser - ___.|Madison Co. Y e Pt , Nathaniel Stanford ...| 8/Farming and S i kssamnu C | Engle, C. o et (mdlg} = [ Rusmisell, Wm. C _|Stanford -__| |Merchse -|Augusta Co., V lrgini‘l_.. 1849 ‘ Ewing, P lnhp ----|Gridley ..._|13|Farmer and Stock Raiser .__. . BEranklin/Gor Oz #5022 1867|/Rockhold, Jno. -|Stanford -..| |Merchant._.__.. = --|McLean Co., Illinois . _|1832 | T“lc\’hu, eter. ----|Lexington __|34 i Ritchie, Addison.____ Stanford ..-.|14|Farming and S i -|Rockingham Co., Va...._[1857 ‘ Freed \H IR 250 2 ) Gridley ._.._|16|Farmer and Stock Raiser . ....|Fayette Co., Pa...._.".__. 1856/||Springer, Peter - ...|Stanford .. Grain nnd Stock I)L’llu ______ Butler Co., Ohio ... Gilmore, Jasper-..... Lexington . .|34|Farmer and Stock Raiser _.__. McLean, oyl 2 an s 28 183b Summers, Dr. Stanford .__| |Physician and Surgeon.......|Monroe Co., Virgin ; | Grove, Abraham _____ El l’aw,\\”d-‘ | | | b[mnqu, Al Stanford -_.|r1|Farming and Stock R -|Butler Co., Ohio .. fmd (‘().,, 15/ Farmer and Stock Raiser .. ___ Harrison Co, Ind. ______{1871|/Springer, P. D..___ ... Stanford . ._| 9/Farming and Stock Rai -|Lorraine, France. ‘ ‘ Hadley, Henry . 9/Farmer and Stock Raiser - Kaox Co., Q% 52 W lor, J. T ----|Stanford _ .. Bl.ld\smnh and Wagon Maker. | \ndu':on Coi, Tenn, 2z o= 1865 Hoobler, Ja uul) o Y ----| 3|Farmer and Stock Raiser _.._. [(Harrison CoyOfc -~ ght,S. H. ___..__.|Stanford .| [Wagon Maker and Blacksmith e 11869 ”U\]\Ifl\ His SN (,ml]u o Merchant _ ... . ----.-|Crawfordsville, Ind. ... _ 1856||Wick, C. H. ._._.._..|Stanford ... }I.nnus» MaKer e oS0 " . SRR e e 1860 | Howsman, ]mq)l] ---|Lexington . _|33|Farmer and Stock Dealer |[Madison Co. 545‘;\\ arlow, R. A. Stanford ...Ir2 Farming and Stock Rai ”g—~ Oneida Co., New York.. /1834 i {\LHI\ (.\L\o H’c W il (111\11(_\ y r Boston, Mass 1854|| Ev E et ittler, William _.. Hardy Co., Va. ... 1861| [ 1 Lock, llmmas Wk ieg il\ Farmer and Supervisor . Anderson ( O Kl < {1852 } DANVERS TOWNSHIP. Mack, W. foo-afl - (Mprchant.. g SN - --|St. Lawrence Co., N. Y._|1869 ‘] . | D —122TF, RS AR o Moberly, I mi Gridley ....|r1|Farmer and Stock Raiser - .... Madison Co., l\L.fllU(,L\' 1852 auchman, Johnice .- I)Jn\us A r‘“mu m‘lm‘m\ Co. 7171 """ | McNaught, Geo. W.__. Lexington __|36|Farmer and Stock Dealer....._[McLean Co., Ill. ..__.___|1850 Bess, . ) gehal )an\gr 18| Farmer g g M T ):m C o mols | Moon, lllll\s - - .- |Lexington - _|32|Farmer and Stock Dealer. ... Fayette oD 1866||Bess, M. Bl |Danvers..__. [x8|Farmer. .. J.__..--...._-_. Foat U | \Oltl. Tames H. __|El Paso,W'd- | ||Brainard, John. .. ‘lhmers,,__ 36{Farmer..—_-.-"_. R 8 ‘ ford Co...|15|Farmer and Stock Raiser--___. i] incolnshire, Eng. _._._[{1858 Chase, J. A. - AT l)t”m\'ers,_,_ 33‘1 armer and \llmstu """"" i:g‘ntud\?' """"""""" 1864 | Rich, Jacob. . ... . ... Gridley . Charles, Clufstine ----|Danvers.__.|32| F;Lrmcr.,.,,: ............. rermany. . i e [ Sieberns, Henry E..._|Gridley _... Dealer in Grain and Stock .. \()l(hnsl)lufl Germany. .. 864 Dz mlu, H'_ """"" I):l.n\?rs_. SSHES larmu and Stock va{u -|McLean L,O" Igmr} 5 4 1‘3,43 Stoufer, William ... Gridley ....| 2|Farming and Stock Raising - ..|Columbia Co., Pa... ... {1861 DeglHienmis o o= l)an\:g- 2120| 1‘.11’111?1’ and;Stoc e 3 \ugust‘l‘( 0, Varginiastl. [1849 Il Shortwell, D. W. _____|Meadows . .. 13 Farming and Stock I\Alsm«r,,,, Somterset, N« suiee s o2 1867|[Ewins, J.A.... 7= ’?l,hmvm g 25%[1““ R 2 L)Jlun, D = H - g 1%36 | Simpson, J. B. ..____.|Gridley . 3o|Farmer and Stock Dealer . .. Muskmflum €05 @ BELE Y 1853 Sl it oo l)amvu SR L R R A SHILY YR e Eald | Scheer, Phillip - - - Gridley i I Lthllfllfl ]ohn ,,,,,, Danvers. ... Merchanto i SaNCE eite ot (;unmn\ ______________ xh}fl) | Tarman, James A..__. Gridley ..__ rg/Farmer and Stock Raiser - .___| [Rappahannock Co., Va..|r852 ‘D”““C‘_””” 5 }?m““ """"""""""" 8{“0 """""""""" :';(’Z 3 Van Buren, Peter. .- ._|Meadows ... 1/Farmer and Stock Raiser - ... _ ()tsc'w) Co., N. Wiz 22 hi8ne J > -|Danvers.___. 4(’ \"Ll’m]u‘ e e K ':10 2 ’k """""""" IS5 Wald, David. ... ----|Gridley -._.|ro|Farmer and Stock Raiser . ... ‘l’um&)lmnm RS Y, ) § . ”Od“ L S, ‘I)Amer 7 fereuant-c > i ftl\lllgk}’ & L W Ll\l, J ----|Gridley ..._|14|/Farmer Lllld%t()(',k Raiser . .o (Bedford:-Co, Pa ...... 1848 J:mu, i ‘I)‘““” gl I‘smnu; i --=--------|Kentuc s 15,3/ Williamson, P. M. .. . |El Paso,W'd- lymfinan, Henry . ,‘l)an\ ers \Hotel Impnutor ,,,,,,,,,,,, |Baden, Germany 1854 ford Co. .. 2!Farmer and Stock Raiser - .___ iBatlenCo, s 2o252 sl S 1864 Kennedy, H. M. -|Danvers GO\P o -~ =ehman o el S ennsylvania ... 1870 e = = — - = || Kruser, Frederick .. |Danvers. - ot FaBmers . St s thatae rerIan Y. - oo s8I P 1861 | | DRY GROVE TOWNSHIP. Nafzigerpll-ve .t Danvers....|22 %"armer am% E*odl: };m}ar -|Germany | l’dl]\er B M Lt y ---[t8|Farmer and Stoc ealer 3 | Bramwell, Ezra F.____ Bloomington 14 Farmer. ... lennmrrs Eias Indiana - _ 536 l”l\h“r‘t H - --- S | Brewn, S: H. -_- ‘I}lommnyton 14|Farming and SmL]\ Raising. ... Windsor ()o., Vermont._{1836 Park, John ___. - 7—1 : Ss SpEaird. - sem e wue aa o NITON SRS < Baird, Wm. -|Bloomington |12 Farmer “and Masoh .. ... ¥ 205 rSGo |Paul, William -|Danvers....|33 Farmer and Stock Raiser .. Campbell, Jas. W. - |Bloomington | 2|} i ing._..|Adams Co., Ohio - 1852/ I’C{T)"v Samuel £ oo Dan\'er:. ---125 |Dealer in Fine Stock....._._. [ Campbell, John - -|Bloomington |1 ] nd Steck Dealer. . - Westmoreland Co., Penn.|[1859' P]}llllpS, H: e Lo siBanvers. St GalFarm e ae N L e ety 4 Dakst,; Fsaac 2= .. _ ‘li oomington |35 a Miami Cos, Ohstrwe L8~ | Ring, David. . - - Harness Maker -|Cincinnati, Ohio Deal, Smmd C. I‘,loomnwton 33 ] mmnmmd Stock I\‘usm",_,_ Augusta C 0 Virginia_ . _|1 848 Rowell, Ira. . 736 ;“mc‘ - New I,I ““‘1‘5]”“— | PegledfiB W . e I’loummyton 27/Farming and Stock Ixamnvr \H”ll\tl Co., Virginia. {1848 Sc ]“““ I’Cttr [ ---| 3|Farmer - I’:avflrm, Germany . Deal, S. \ ----:-._..|Danvers. ... |30(Farming v.md Stock J\Au\m(r = A4l \u«rmm Co., Virginia_ 1848 Sh011110%-‘ Tl oL eDanvers. oo 21 Farmer . 252 iEapland SeUE SRelie o - Ellsworth,G. M -|Danvers.._.| 6/Farmingand Stock l\dl\ll]t_[,,,, St. Clair C Oy Illmms ~|1850 Sle]fl\LT‘lSOD David._._| DJII\U’JN.» 28 Farmer J“d *lULl\ Dealer .. ()hlO 7777777777777 _|{Harrison Co., Ohio . 3 Forbes, A\wdru ------|Bloomington |15|Farmer 18z 2|/ Strubhar, Christian. .. |Danvers..__| 3|Farmer. { [ | GraipDedler ezt a2rz e o faermany, 20s e ‘ | Gerber, P. -|Oak Grove 3|Farmin ‘\\’oodflnd Co., Illinois . _|1868|/Strubhar, Valentine- - .| Danvers._.. |34 Farmer__ | Gerbrick, I).l\ 1(1 ,,,,,, Bloomington jair | Farmersins: sit e it oNs Lebanon Co., l enn. __..(1851 SLulzmzm, Sol. - . -{Danve 34|Dealer in Thoroughbred Stock ]’um&)]\ ania P Gerbrick, \[ ,,,,,, --|Bloomington |21|Teacher .- ._._______ - - ---.|Lebanon Co., Penn. __._ aylor, M. L. -{Danve 25|Farmer and Stod\ Dealer ..__|McLean Co., Illinois | Hinshaw, . [Bloomington | |McLean Co., Illinois. . _.|1853 Thode, John_. -|Danvers. ‘ | H sOH, B WVt Bloomington |22|Farming and Stock Raising- - - \nd W Co \Ii\wuri_ _,‘ 1851||Warlow, J. B...._____|Danvers....|36 Importer of REDCIT: 2= S oy Massachusetts ... _._|1834 { H son, Abraham. __|Bloomington |22|F 1rmmg‘md Stock R -|1851 w 1190“ Thomas.__... D"LH\U”S-___ '12 Farmel,_: ---------------- lenncssue__,4_,,__:;_,w1831 Hastings, J. J=_-_...|B ]uomm“mn 12| Farmer and Mechan ) _‘1859‘ Hamilton, Eli_... ..__|{Oak (,1"0\‘,_, 2 Farmer and Stock Raising arris >0 Ohio sz =2 18721 TOWANDA TOWNSHIP. | | JamesongT. M.~ - Bloomington |29 Farmer and Justice of the Peace|Jefferson ( 0., Indiana __ 1864 [ | | Jader Tddog:"r i, . o ]}‘uumm«rmn r1|Farming and Stock I\mslng____ Juniata Penn ,,,,,,, ‘1 862 — — - - { | Kent, Daniel D....__.|B luomvng'tun 34|Farmer “and Supervisor- 3rown Co 0 (,)hm ........ [1848 Arnold, G. e 'Bloomington (21 |Farmer . = -|Germany { i }\nw | Bloomington |28 Miller, Twin Grove Mills -|Wayne (f(x7 Indiana _. ,,‘1559“%?(1‘“"51 Joseph P. . Bloomnwton 18|Farmer- ... . i ~‘1\\Iem”<'k‘ | [ 1 ]\autnmn, Martin _...|Danvers.... |17|Farmer and Stock Raiser. . _|Bade , Germany - 2 1854H[”ddl‘37 ])‘ Bapis |Tow n“d"‘”' 1|Farmer and Stock Raiser.. .. cl ““111\ Co. | Lowe, Samdel.= .. 2. Bloomington |29|Pastor .__. .. -..|Decatur Co., Indmna b2 1871‘ Ballard, B S Bloommgton 133 lt.xrmpr ------------- R l}cmu(: ')i ------------- \lunsd Llu/u -|B luummuton 34|Farming and Stock Ra aising.. .. [Seneca Co., O e SJ7‘ Ballard, Jr., J. E 34| Farmer ---|Kentucky ... |- \hmse]l ,,,,,,,,,, ‘I loomnwlon 34|F armer and Stock Dealer - - -+« ‘OIJH“‘L G o Vermont._ . ‘nb 8| Chorn, Josiah- ... 10\\ anda. __ |18 Farmer and Dealer in Thorough | Munsell, (, ----..-.._|Bloomington |35|Farmerand Stock ])uILr __|Orange Co., \Lrm(mt_,,‘lss o BredStock....... ......../Kentucky.............11864 | ‘ l\[umdl, I h _|Bloomington | 10| Farming and Stock ~|McLean Co. , Llinois 8zo| Corwin, Jfl.m(’s E E vlvownnda__. 6| Farmer_ ... ... Ohio __. | 1 Martin, Mrs. N. ] 2B Irmmmywn 28| Farming and Stock ]\a ing....|Overton Co., Tenn. Ford, J T 5 ,I‘owanda = 14\?‘”‘"” """" ‘]%()Sm"’ y | | ] .|Bloomington |16|Farming and Stock Raising. - - |Bedford Co., Penn.. Falk, John ... | lowanda. . |17|Farmer............. ,,,,,.,,}(:crm‘any [ Sill, W. H. _ Bloomington |16|Farming and Stock Raising-_ .. |Bedford Co., Penn 5 Frehauf, H. ..o .0 Towanda. - |24(Farmer. ... .. oo - ---fBrussia. S0 Uioiios otl ( 1 ¥4 Shorthose, Herbert . __|Danvers. ... | 8 Farmingand Stock Staffordshire, England -.|1849 Geiger, J. H. ... I,O“‘rmd“" - | 3|Farmer and Stock Raiser- };Lrmam 53 A ‘ Shorthose, J. L.._-__- Danvers. ... 29| ]‘.nmmn and Stock Raising. - . - |Staff ()rdsllllc, Lnwl«md A,‘ISSI Huld«,rs?n B ’l‘owanda_ --| |Farmer and Stock Shipper. ... Srrsens Co., Illinois .. 1857 Thornbury, T. M.____ B l()omm“lon 25| Farmer 1nd \tod\ I)L 1lu ,,,,,, |Chester Co., Penn....... 1861 || Heller, C. ‘\I; g owanda... | o|Farmer and Stock Dealer. g | Yoder, E. B loumnwmm 8|Farmil _.IMifflin Co., "Penn, 11848| Hewitt, O. G. cas Blounurwton 35/ Farmer | e = ==t = Halterman, William ..|Tow :mda = GTAn; DAl e e s ey 1 ALLIN TOWNSHIP' Kinman, D.Si........ ‘ Towanda. siFarmers oo Sos Serten - St - G [ e S 5 _||Kraft, F r"mL ,,,,,, [TF OWan@as - i rAEeTn . - s s e . | 1 ‘ . Armstrong, John.____. 21|Farming and Stock Raising. ,‘}l osey Co., Indiana . .__. ‘ &53 I\no“lgs i A [Tow. anda.. > 12‘1 armer and Stock Raiser_ [ ] Artery Josiah, - .. .2 SlPaTmer: 32 - Prussia . ‘ - |24/Farming and Stock Raising-._|C rawford (,o Ohia: “== 857/ Krause, l\"u'l ,,,,,,,, ‘TO\\and‘l.., ‘H art Co., I\Llltll(]\\ : 1530‘ Kraft, I imothy - |Towanda 3& ‘(,cmmnv ‘ Farmer and Sto Lumber Dealer [ Towanda. . _ | 3 luumu and Stock l\‘usu ,,,,,, '\ r 3rooks, Presley T.. . \hmfmd | Barclam e AR s T [igvellic L F 24|/Farming and Stock g -./Madison (,() 5 I\U\tmLy 1865| Iormm ey [ | Bozarth, Milton stanford - .. |26/ Farming and Stock Raising. .. Christian Co., Kentucky. |1839||Lord, Samuel. Towanda. .. | GrijnDefler “Torale * 207 ST \u\ VoL e TE Lo e | = Bozarth, George - .. . |Stanford . ..|26/Farming and Stock Raising-__|Christian Co., Kentucky.| I«S"g‘ Bord, 1. oodn s % Towanda. .. {Retired .o o0 ah e oo o ‘\u\ Nork - 2si=tar s 1858 ‘ [ Bozarth, Alfred ... .. anford _..[26/(Dec msul) 1549 |Bloomington ‘“b [ | Baldwin, Wm. Stanford - ..|33/Farming and Stock Raising-..|Boone Co. I\Lntnd\_ .- 11840 \uho]s Charles M. lommda._. | 2|F -|Shelby C [ Castle, A. F, - |34/Farming and Stock Raising_..|Licking Ul S hie ey 156* l\ebcnsdoxff (garl. 2o Il(mmm('ton 26 F DEOSERRNG .Y - T - o [ | Slastiep sica ol T S I { 34|Farming and Stock 1\‘11~m~ __|Courtland Co., New York 1863‘ Riddle, Al S0t Towanda. . 7\Farmer flud Dealer in Thorough ‘ bt Godfrey, ] 16|Farming and Stock Raising. ..[Lincoln Co., Ohip s 185 | \ BrediStack - - oo 2yt L |Hamilton Co., Ohio --..|1857 [ Gingrich, Christian._ \Lmfmd _| 9|Farming and Stock -|Germany . p: Tora’ 634 Sitttets JohhT 2oetT s - |Towanda. . _ |1g|Farmer. .. \I aden, (xLrm"u]y _______ 1848 | James, anford _._|30| l.umm“ and Stock \g,., Cumberland Co 0., " Penn. . |1867/|Sc llosser George ... /Holder. ... ZalParmerSs, B RN V._.w(rk,llflfln\, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1864 | [ James, T -|Stanford - . "v‘l arming and Stock Raising.._|Cumberland Co., Penn._ 16()3 sutter, Ighatz_ -2 <. . Bloomington 36 HREners o .. |Baden, Germany ._. ... 1855 I | Johnston, ]u].n Stanford - - Merehants - m0 s e S e Clermont Co., ()hio ..... ‘lbl I '\unduland AL & Tow Jnda_ .| 9'Farmer and Stoc |Ohio .. Johnston, James. ... _.|Danvers ...| 3 Farming and Stoc k ing=2lGreent:Co,; Oho.= = L. 1858/ Thomas, Rev. C Towanda__. | \Ill1l~t(_l Russell I\Ll]lud\y -|1870 ‘ " I Kauffman, John F. ___|Stanford . ..|20|Farming and Stock Raising...|Lancaster Co., Penn. . ._|1854|/White, H. W owanda. ._ | 1o|Farmer and Stock Rfllsu _ Tndl.um g ¢ | Kaufman, John L..___ ford - |20 Lmmn«' and Stock Raising.._|York Co., Penn... ____._|1854||Wentz,I. S 18|Farmer vania . .|1865 | [ Kauffman, Geo. W. - __|Stanford ___ |20/ Farming and Stoc k I\alsmg_,, York Co:rPentr; o . s 1844||Wilson, William . -|Towanda. .. 1{Farmer and Brick Layer.__.._. I‘aFa)‘utc Co., Penn. .. 185;) Lehmann, Dr. Julius. - 'Stanford - Druggist and Physician_____ .. ISaxony, Germany. . .__.1854//Wolf, Ao T |Bloomington e e s s i S erniany.. .. - DLfea L 1866 $281°88 UNN4 JVVS| A8 d3A0HJIWI OGNV a311i3s STT[ 09 NV3IT N d] 3IA0HD SUNNJ UL MNNA OV VY SI 40 30NIdisIy dAviILsINOH 410 RESIDENCE OF PETER WINTZ, WHITE OAK TP, M¢ LEAN CO. ILLINOIS RESIDENCE OF JOHN M¢ CONNELL, DOWN'S TP, M¢ LEAN CO., ILLINOIS. . SRS SRS U S A -LL e TR PUSRRSSE SRR SIrocK Fl'ARM OF F. M. FUNK, SUPERVISOR , FUNK'S GROVE TP, M¢ LEAN CO, ILLS -AGE 3 YEARS PART OF A DROVE OF 60 HEAD AVERAGE WEIGHT 1976 LBS 768 + Funth O 20 TH J Houwgham I saac 1 ks & S 8 % 8 S T § s PP 8 iR e ~ : ] Ex v, R. ’EQ Dairgys §‘< 40 — s0 Mo el 4 Fitzpaterick - J U vain &0 0 Q Q 0 Q Q Q Q ¢0 NG ‘Y Lol Herrick A Freeman . Funle X LAlunson 80 N F70 270 4. Furz /saac | wn vonte R A IO IO II OIS ¢ ALt rich G415 S H Voble e S R.Stillmar A = \Longworth S0 Jones S >, = R | e {r""l 1 J. Vanordstrand: Batleer Jones 4 05, 200 . . 126 w0 S . e Kty Mason g0 CSpring Hes 1 S0 16 g SH.Baker . b . By B | { P i _w_”;fi:fiWE 50 50 7 i~ v~ = Z —~ % A o A 25 .7 == ST 2 X O - fimf% = 3 z == A N Ny 7 - % N Z = — gy~ - = Ny o o ARCR OO s o o A > ApTS = o2k P~ s o0 X A 2 =% X5 - Farm Resioence oF JOHN PERRY, Danvers TP, MC Lean CounTy, lee$. A I SEHHHHHHT I I RESIDENCE ot CALEB FREEMAN, DaLe Tp, K°Lean County 1108 T 23 NGRS Svale 2lnchesto the Mile v se Stobkdoln.sons ell| 7ist 60 Rowell I o 146 ' . R Ko e L 40 S B Llinlow g % | et Eonafond il A Mory & N Ok ‘ W, Res Jinson }'(bm,,,(-m s J. Wodler 2. 73 s | 40 | 2o 3 % Stocl g I - well 58 - 760 ( Bowerr | | G0 i Hete e //J 72.5072) ‘ . { -~ :/()// 725072 WTEW Ward 80 % 730 g0 i s S B Smith v B Srerd ant &5 Leeller i " ® v g . Allison® | §olen Ml e e Jolin Fnglish ' 7 | i 230 1 ies . Josttea Sells o A 3 —7 ings r”[ zateell CFees O Hrs ' Grove :f: e ar | 760, o ) Loreman 55" e ellowl” 775 AT Welson 80 WL Slest . Res s l " Res [Zies Goodtellow 60 A o ik Toseph Hing A ent |\ B Hent .J/()(IW _[ ': % f - ¢ B ""?{/ ‘ 760 270 1‘ ? 2 T Frntow |FHEALLlerw | w0 G 5 | | | \ | A . Johnstone \ T Mitchell 2767% “Res ST &AL Hetelhell 14 &0 “HRC ‘ampbell o CoVELL J. HZlLs 775.20 X< sl LA L N oA i p Henry Lash ) | SR Ie W Rogers 7| A i 19465\ 4 Brokaw % We Y L) treqg | 4 : Wit tlpron (<“ 7 i e F'reed 50| el 780 AQCurcly| //{i S vy ) S 3 N N 8 Porec Stock wetl © 72 - S| Baird 560 80 ;. ‘ ) Stusttefre 1) Stupbleficld 714 Rogers Covenbetl 50 N 9 S B Allispon : gL SETC Stutblefyld ‘}.fi/u/'/l/l ficld | Sholty 76) /60 | 720 5 W N/ Oweirina .S holtp i 7 . : B Harr &l . zoo 2 ; A . 760 © M Clefand : 7| ss62 744572, J\Weallace Res ® o e IR Carnpb ol 1 Stusiicriota S0 - X i i & @ W Res I s Res = AW Quinn 46 | a7 B.M i re 729 ) W Foster | SY__ A HEA0 W. 5 Aat = g0 EY | T Weerpoteg . Shho t 4 | &0 ) 2. /[(lll.’]fi'{l"IL 5 A . Stuobleficld ot . : i 780.23. e 5 v es /—:r:* 1.6 La 1'/’/(‘6 F80.25. | 5 ; i 3 2 o IR NS A H oeser 7.2 Boutware | ¥ ///' '—(}:Ig;,;” S ’/rm:'fwm 7l Ve ¢ 200 'O t 760 i 0 DO. 04, £ e oster A /6 i O | 760 ‘ . / 2807, s | % 7 \|(Zoreghant SHIRLEY Sy COVELL H W Quinn Srale 32 Rodstothe Inch Sealesoort to i Inch SHIRLEY DIRECTORY. WILLIAM B N, Dealer in Dry Goods,, 3 p ' 1 Shoes, Hats an Caps, and ( e L. M, £‘2H K‘V[\)KL; Phys and Surgeon. o/ Fosler ReEs.oF EL)! HAMILTON ,DRY GROVE TP MC.LEAN CO, ILL. > RES.OF JAMES W.CAMPBELL DRY GROVE TP.Mc. LEAN CoO. RES.OF H.L.PHILLIPS,DANVERS TP,MC.LEAN CO, ILL ILL. A BT T | /.7 Ettswortn 20 worth LE. Scale ] Inches to the Mile., wmrHart | 165. 84 en 8R40 . " 9239 i}t’r’x ‘ | \ |Gargleman \ P Hing 60 K Hautman « C-Engel S0 D .0Otto 163 F Fagenburg D . Hing 80 aAL 82.39. - 5N | 2 V.Gwinn >R §0 7 *Fes E.Hamilton 760 chool it J Ropp /60 Zils 90 | o K Lendleffon 200 Va /'/'a‘.i,[/(’ 7 g 160 4. Yoder 7440 M. Miller 700 ® o 4-Zook 2. A. Gerbrich g0 D.Gerbrich g0 X, « Shorthose s0 J. B Harncock Hrs A.d J. K. oder Shirk 30 50 f 780 | o L ot 8 W T Baged I H ook g0 L. K. Hunsell b 28 z] el u "les P Ropp /160 C.A.Price 80 J I Hasting wjies | o Hall 027 DOtLo i I s e | o i " Schocnbeck | 80 | | € FPunnars Swallow ook . Funk e 4.0 &0 T 40 " Hunsell | S Webh K. SWebb &0 o 80 - 1 &0 wlies o J Donner Hauwtlman M. H artfrman g0 A4 Forbes B.Webbh 760 77 o AW 40 - 39 School N°g ] Griffith 720 Davidson . R40 Donrer |2. Gerbrick B.J. Forbes . X0 B. Forbes 80 M Hiller J. Lant g0 LB Sl h - o Gikae 50, ich 80 ‘antxs Urs. 4 ;},;,«. “ P. X Cullough | s & 5, 2 ¥l V‘”'I ough Hrs. 040 715 | P f 5 42 o O.S Harshner 38 A Ha rri 78 Sord|uktes | . o Strimp e 60 M. Tdnbling 4 Dicken i 7‘ { FROVE N S webb 176 0 Munsell A. Haryl & Slo \ " R.Coulton ? 7. . S \Thorntury 160 pp 3 Joe. Hiller &0 Hunsell 280 ; 7 N 3 y £ W Coolidge 240 ! A | LdzCutilougn znr EPc " 7y . 63.67. s 3% v 40 (774 i 3 wW. Short | Ainshan N Muns s0 C. | | o, l SaSchaol ey %% S0 -\\\'\ 3 Strimple 240 Miller pres K ent g0 Thomas \ 90 R.F . Al towtemyer IO o A e A N — o 2 - icherin camiat 1 ) S ( '//(lv‘yi | | (/1[///( \e = : "BROADWAY A. . Combs Sty a. 40, . 70.a. BOREL e o g o _ PLEASANT HILI &8 (SEI“\L:&.P.(). ) J. Enogh BN are| DNTHaS 2.0 IV qdi M BROADWAY 2 =, e L WASHINCTON 5 Meridian Prijwcipal Zrd on (s ge ./ 7 &0 | XS Ben o7 ens S0 ST Snet HUDSON REFERENCES. HAZELWINKLE & CO., Proprietors “ Hudson Mills ” and Dealers in Grain. All orders for Flour and Feed promptly attended to. tor, &c. COL. W. H. SCROGG! ry “ Farmer’s Club. JOHN A. MILLER, Carpenter, Joiner, Contrac- 8, Corresponding Secreta- FREDERICK KUNSE, Gardener. WILLIAM HURSEY, Manufacturer of Wagons, Buggies. Sleighs, &c. Horse-shoeing and all custom work promptly and neatly done. T. D. LYON, Blacksmith and Wagon Maker; Wagons and Buggies made to order. Horse- shoeing neatly done; custom work made a specialty. ALLEN HUGHES, Carpenter, Blacksmith, &c. JACOB REINHARD, Artesian Wells bored ; orders promptly attended to. Section 31, Pal- estine Twp., Woodford Co., Ills. PLEASANT HILL REFERENCES. ‘WM. McCRACKEN, Dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Tinware, Queens- ware, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps. GEO. BRADFORD, Dealerin Drugs, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Glassware, Notions, Paints, Oils, Putty, Window Glass, Varnishes, Per- fumery, Toilet Goods, etc, fully prepared at all hours, day and night. Secale 2 Inches tothe Mile . /| R ~and W E Lean (ounty e 1 Y i ‘ ol Rl James SHoknston | P Steph s e w i X ~N “ b 34 |2 ¥ Benson 2 ~ B 7 = $:8 L ym /\'&,.J .« 760 8 T S D. |Butaridy QS » : 2 L a & 37 e D ¢ Q 3 20 '\Z Iz A3 ' s ¢ 2, Los ! L . wf [ < < | ’ J | < Bk N | N R R S Braown N fidols D& \\\\ S Denman 2 A & S0 Ee o NS b e S - Spelltinan| oo —— 2 NN N | RO¢ < N Q 80 | 5% |‘ = = = e St N 8 &f s 3 |wrea N Ny Y z Nl . )l B S . 5 7% 7 B S e i f,f,{f)f”’ b sl - StockWeFP—""] = o |«5/:a.r | ~ | 2 s B ) 4 O i | Ba n. d. : D.CMETeil e ilis | > 63 LBaldridge 3 160 > 2 s & 8 ; - | ST i 160 ® e = / 3 2 N Z / . &l o 4 3 ; ks J I\ R iley ™~ 1 & i ~ A || 72 S o N 33 E ° % W TN oS i ;: Benson N S hism e 20 & ;Q R0 &S0 e & L = - & 3 A Se : i = =N RS Q L S i < X . 0N RS X L i = = y o it S8 N RR ¥ 3 Rl SRR : ¢ 5 o 3 29 W = W v S 5 > * iy S| &) B oo § [ &S | T E E e [8F] 3 80 Skl 1 : & ~ N 8 2 . 107 & | > o . 7 T " 7 . R f ! Ko o [,. s ¢ & i J/'/l’/;"l; Brfow 3 3 . - R Upezs ¥ L] & je. KE £ = 5 J L~ SR i 2 8 |(Jonas Troyer - NS ratricklgy 3 3 i ing ey 3 N 760 TR Ne™ o R I60 ; : ; S 80 NE i C. WhodesJ” Q >~ R, K5 5 | a7 ~_<| it : 30 & [osotunil] .. | ) 8 it ' e 4“0 i G40 D S T tlleam.s | < S S fi'f;i;:” Denman 40 \Camppbell SStock Sl .SsF S8 60 ; 760 ] NRTR% | < J M Tpler O K & = VR 4 AR i N0 2 RN —~ 5O Prescriptions care- N I~ % Z oDy 7 Py o Y it | Sk B S OF LEWIS BOHRER, NORMAL TP, M¢ LEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. BLUCHER : LOUIS PHILLIPI, PROPERTY OF LEWIS BOHRER. Lo osNGR2 ek, Scale ,'.'///('/l('.?‘ tothe Hile Noodtord County ’ L b > Pildersiocve o N S Sager v icson Pavidson ot/ \Gitcdersteere 3 .77 . & g 7070 3805, | 985 3 1// ‘ [ T'/'.' @8, [ at 168, X ot Rl | - Aol X 155 : ;"" AT s il o1y itte Y478 e 3 \orme /8 < & | Adam s Lros. e [ aze 6’0 | / 3+ T psced 55 SHinthorn 92 = Siring ‘gg | S L7 est 40 W Phil¥ips g Isaae 1 50 J D). e 7///',7 90 GFildervstecve ) A izo . AT TLaul7el ( 7 . (#.T Loy gy J Hinshaw 2 B e v e | | S0 o 60 TR amsey : ‘ P R 30 8827 Coun 1 C. Pricss | 2 oy s/ 1 K0 . ) Srarvoly | . 3 {50 A Srith E.Stotler | 7, 'Sl”f’"." 160 i5878. C. Woodford o Pallrrear 710.65 (?// sl %0 e Vet hman | 20 (Pasture) Maple ¢ 40 - Sl Snarvel [ | | } [ | L Ed. | @ Y g 2340 \Sthool, I Gus e 3955~ , S ot R i e ‘ L% LG rier Ql/u/;/u'u// e e | 2 2 { 15t man - 3 /60 Lo o v | 0 AR - PBurtisd” &0 & B | navely S Sl ‘ 7M. Snavely: = Res MEELheney: e 5 (9() ) Sttt h 7/ C 60 7. 6. D itaple [ Hin /‘//A(//'N J.Gricr M S X | zzareCten &0 50 80 7! Humphres - &0 &0 W Bloia ikl 2 JForn 3% i InSail or Y. Bilbrey: 1 | | =4 | b 7. Burtis .M Brown T Monroe 760 &0 90.88. es rirenee 20 |\ Jdmibroce JAMiller 2 2 S w. H. crog, y Sying 744 F100 . Joln A Bump /:';.r 00 ° o L rim e 1 Liawrence 60 & &0 oI 0 em Havens | v ™Y Trimmier: Les N\ FTalnsan Res DG onder | B W heele | ra3% ' SN Ch M iller 15778 \ S N Gildersleeve &0 95 60 1" Laeppton &0 A | | ;‘ .I I} Gild orsteo | 4. Blowgh DOVeal 21 4 i e Sl Aol e NG I e 760 ° 1. Clarncy- z ] 72146 N 5 : LBaldridge & y M J Magowun 790 55 ; ‘ 2 : - | 220 A || S Zerr SSH Liewis ST et 760 7407 &0 J.Cralan g Tihtll g CRoppS” ; WM. F Denman 60 o o N 3 =5 26 854 St CRopp X7 /)’!'1(/'1)7'}/’11 i’[ N dgoun M7 Wheeler | |Jemes Letrg b . e 4k, <5 160 i 2 700 fetler | 220 B , = | | Latrick Raw s 760 g bisn s ' : » 40 Z B SUBURBAN RES. OF JOHN GREGORY, NORMAL, M¢ LEAN CO, ILLS STOCK FARM & RES. - W N W~ T 30 s r’;’(i.-: Betzwr Soy 47.88. Moker £ Gliss L Jioving 85, anneqgarn D.0.Crist 33 W Fields W Eginton 83 7 665, David D 248 88. David Davis 7165.95 RobtBuch w W Clark 706.86. 7. Reeves 772 708.85. Z 3, 75 ‘*'fg - % WM Loekr 74:9.04, A HFell . C.R. Hrs. «l07.80. C.D.Jdames Res 0 S0 S 9 ~ N S o J. BE.MEClun “ 2567 AP 0. 1 + | 26‘78 . 748 A. Furman B aq; ®Bes Vauwghan - roenitT 7 DA Drye W Bright 827 3 S X Sy N F H Phoenix 31.35 S M. S hurt Walt. W Rogers David Davis 407.69. Ben Thomas <\P ’ B82.70. G WM Lean b 87 4.5 0 . Day: Davis SLa0. Lyman Betts Friend Sam. Wilson | D.X. Burt C Driskill | Geo. Wils Lmer (Collin Hrs. 300.03. e E vt B D Oramel Rrgg . Bl 345.77. IS 42, Schoal Ty L.Crist 332.86. Stale 7 Inchesto the Wile Clitton Eh 07 Dan. Hawfma L. Bohrer 93.90. Ben Bates 70 mpes s ( Bittner | S8 Colvin J. MELean 703 S S Porter 29.40 oG Fisher i Fleming g4 S L Gifford 027% ilian ilian 8. J Davis 72.81. W Condon 82.34. O D S BB ESos A o - N A LTS~ PR AT~ S o P AT 7 ART v - 2267 = oo S /?fi/’.‘?‘% S WW%\‘%’}Q&? ! /;%,}»«,,;-/7 R T e e e e e e e e e e < OOST0s DT D 2> AN -‘::f"f-:.':‘-’--:':---?‘.-------”-‘--"--t;fig'j--------f‘:--- Sort = Ao = = i agfiflfl@fl : BWACCA L, ¥ALIAAANY 8 8 ® LR BamAn [TE BLOOMINGTON GAS WORKS, M¢ LEAN CO PROPRIETOR. ’ ILLINOIS, GEN.A. GRIDLEY DWAY BETWEEN NORMAL & BLOOMINGTON ILLINOIS. . NURSERY M| BETWEEN I.C.R.R. & B.& N. STREET RAILWAY. PROPRIETOR OF NORMAL NURSERY, BLOOMINGTON, RESIDENCE OF CHAS .E. FELL, ot CIolinson B.Palmner ROUNDS N »_Hangare _R_waiftl Fuzs . Scogins 136 80. 7 Hare - 9.60. Hings Hefi ko 95 / [ Hewre 30.0 ing Anna NS Sweeney &0 D.Simmons & \Lindtey] 5 Pond ® V0.5 G T hompson Houghton e &0 .. Brown Dance’ 130 " J. Lawler r | . ‘l H.Campbell | | 720 20 110N S Stmmon s 00 hett 7 1. Harne T 23 NaRa2 3k . ; ‘ | 5.5y oo’ P |\Dayvirs | I S0 | | | . {1 R 285.90. > ! ! ¥Ts s My /65 v L Flllsworth . }‘k’yt%w rd 700 J&XC Honr Wal ke 80 A.d. Howecas i <€) f s Warbord 0 hord] S Rhodes 700 B L sam | Srewste Tdmies | F: M. Wlliams g 1819, e — w 95 \wrmcox m cow | I S. M. b R. Dow Jolinsonlrs. 100 ie 70, 57 \ o fensonllrs I findl - R. \Dowt hett | | oo SEE O] Pt e \wmay yirter S Liirvingston nr s e/ . 40 Connty - Bewamin || Poor Farm 80 HHarbard 30 - S Jane Conn | . - }4“! b WoF &J B Pierge n0eg Beriy Hollis 05 J Haoehn e J.C Ha J Weleh Adrmstraong w.J. Rhocles ) ren diort | ST Geo Wilson eles Hrs. 16425, | R n, St S . Haker 165 Lewis Formo? 320 — 4 .R. Hemenover Fligah v 8 of FHhode | S B M EClien sy ol : h'fi()llrN 200 \‘N\ | | 3 o ONOSE " B.R. Price 160 lies, . \J. R aybur | /GO opple | 60 | /..v_ s lanora i .\’l‘ru/b( B ‘7/ on e Eltza || Hoysradt e < j | | R g = S . [LLINOIS WESLETAN UNIVERSITY, BLOOWINGTON, b FACULTY. REV. SAMUEL FALLOWS, D. D., President. H. C. DeMOTTE A. M., Vice-President and Professor of Mathematics. REV, ¥. R. YAQUES, A. M., Professor of Greek. B. 5. POTTER, A. M., Professor of Natural Science. GEO. R. CROW, A. M., Professor of Latin Language. YENNIE F. WILLING, A. M. Professor of English Language. F. O. WILSON, Instructor in Elocution, HON. R. E. WILLIAMS, Prof. of Law. %. L. WHITE, M. D., Prof.of Anatomy, Physiology and Fygiene. C. P. MERRIMAN, Instructor in French, Spanish and Italian. F. A. PARRER, Prof. of Vocal and Instrumental Music. G.a. - . - _— | 4%sq. [ 772 | 8 | 7 ; 5 D.Davis > £ 00 3 80 g8 00 00 Digre | 700 { wo.d o eors 7 246 r. Tipton : 3 a., 40.a Sttrte—at— 5 /6 UMMIT B | 4 ins ‘fi"* - aa | 1% | #%00.a David Davis NORMAL REFEHENCES David Darvis . | ; | 3 : bl o | - WILLIAM A. PENNELL, Ruttan Heat-| J. W. COOK, Professor, State Normal University. | [ i | ADCook ) o0vy i | | J.R. Gaston | OCLESBY Levi Dillon ing and Ventilating Company, successors to! & . W%n. A. Pennell & %o., opro};maI. Proprie- | JESSE W. FELL, Real YEstate Dealer. 3 AED, | Phoeniax 0. a. w. L Bosworth 10.a. 70.a. W. L. Bosworth 6 L. Boswort h' Joseph dinger 813 a O.B.Donnelly 6 ALNU David Davis =7 ] o ‘41,1)1).31 = gt [aflfo 2l [s]s +1s]2] (]| |zamkp| | ‘L.g,‘,,..LJ___L‘ [1] N Geo P. Davis e T ——— (L LVI PILLSBURY, MOORE & CO., Loan axp Insurance AGENTs. AG North British, or Mercantile, of London; Company of North America, of phia ; Manhattan, of New York; Repub- lic (Life), of Chicago; Hamburg, of Hamburg; National, of Hartford ; Hartford, of Hartford. PEOPLES’ BANK BUILDING. ENTS FOR Insurance Philadel- Insurance Companies. LIFE ASS()(JIATI()N OF AMERICA. Branch office. T. P. Phillips, Secretary ; also, Agent E mpn’c Iransportation Company, and (xuuml Fire Insurance Agent. Office in Davis Block. Justices of the Peace. W. WEYAND, Justice of the 114 West Washington street; West Front street. J. F. PANCAKE, Justice of the Peace. E. F. the Peace). Officer 510 Peace. Residence, Corner of Jefferson and Main streets. Livery, Boarding and Sale Stables. J. W. FISHER, Livery, Sale and Feed Stables. 406 North East street. JOHN TAVENNER. All calls promptly attended to. Hack on the street at all hours. l iv LI‘V, Feed and Sale Stable. C. ‘\ LAVI)L]\, Livery, ble. North street, between Center and Madi- | son. E. F. BEAL, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ; also Hacks on the street at all times. Calls promptly attended to. 208 East Front street Loan Agents. WILSON & TOMS, Loan Brokers and Finan- cial Agents. School Bonds, and ten per cent. Real Estate Loans a specialty. BAIRD & TUTTLE, Lumber Dealers. I{RU'\'I & ROBINSON, Dealers in all kinds of | ;umber. W ]{]TWIER & MITCHELL (P. Whitmer, Residence 924 West Front street, and Thomas . Mitchell, Residence 605 North Center street), I uml»er l)g xlgr\ Office and yard 1oo1 West Brokers and Loan Agents. H. \ ‘[('( [‘]{])\, of Harwood & McC urd), Lumber Dealers. Residence 711 North Evans street. W. C. WATKINS, of Watkins & Willson, Lum- ber Dealers. Office and yard 701 West Mar- ket street; Machine Shops and Foundries. EAGLE MACHINE SHOPS. Steam En- gines, Boilers, Iron Doors and Shutters, / ings, Bridge Bolts, Brass C full line of Brass Goods al Fitting and Engine Work a specialty, Repair- ing promptly e. Robert Loudon, Proprietor. JOHN OLLIS, Machine Shops and Foundry. Steam Engines and Boilers, Force and Lifting Pumps, Iron and Brass Cz stings, and all kinds of Sheet Iron Works. Northwest corner of Allen street. P. O. Drawer No. 47. N l"()l'\' DRY , Diedrich & Co. Residence 715 West Market street. , Proprietors. ufutuun of all kinds of House, Bridge and | Fence Castings, and Machinery of every | description. South Center street. | A. MAULTON, Foundry. Marble Works. HALDEMAN MARBLE WORKS. Estab- lished 1851. Builds and furnishes all kinds of Marble and Granite Monuments. Orders exe- cuted promptly. Corner Main and Olive. J. K. MOORE & CO., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Scotch Granite Monuments, Grave- stones, Marble and Slate Mantles, Parlor Grates, - ., and Limestone Works. 31t W le \\ ashing mn street. Meat Markets. JACOB STOUTZ, Mecat Market. ket and Lee streets. AUG. FLEISCHMAN, Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats md Sausage. Front street. F. A. HOMUTH, Dealer in all kinds Fresh and Salt Meats. 214 Front street and 111 South Main street. MEYER & DILLS, Corner Mar- all kinds of Butcher Shop. Western Market. go8 West Chestnut street. G. GERBING, Meat Market, 803 Catherine street. Millers. McLEAN COUNTY MILLS, A. B. Ives, Pro- prietor. BLOO\I INGT ON Millinery and Straw Goods. COURTRIGHT & CRAWFORD, Whole- sale and Retail Dealers in Millinery and Fancy Goods. DASHIELL & BLOOD, The new firm of Wholesale Milliners, are men of experience and energ They settled in Bloomington in the fall of 73, with a view of ullh]ls]nng> a whole- sale trade, expecting that the city of Blooming- ton would in some future day open a wide market for business. They are already ship- BUSINhbS 307 North Main street, Davis Block. | . pmq goods to Towa, Indiana, Minnesota, Mis- | souri, Kansas, Dakota Territory, and in this State. Newspapers and Publications. REAL ESTATE JOURNAL, O. B. Harris, Publisher and Proprietor. 304 North Main street. BLOOMINGTON ANZEIGER, Dr. E. H. Makk, Proprietor. | PANTAGRAPH, W. O. Davis, Proprietor. | McCLEAN COUNTY DEUTSCH PRESSE, EDWARDS, Friedensrichter (Justice of | 407 West Front | ! | JAMES M. WILLS, Nursery and Poultry Bus- Feed and Sale Sta- ; P ings to order A | on hand. Steam | AND MACHINE | Man- | 210 West | John Koester, Proprietor. LEADER, Orin Waters, Center street. A. J.GOFF, Manager, 210 North Printer. Nurseries. BLOOMINGTON NURSERY & GAR- DEN, Containing 6oo acres, in its twenty- sec (md year; tlmtu,n Greenhouses. F. K. Pheenix, Proprietor. DR. HERMAN SCHRODER, Nursery. iness. JOHN W. HAGGARD, Nursery. E. BURROWS, Nurseryman. Notions, etc. WILLIAM HOGG, Wholesale Notions and White Goods, and Druggists’ Sundries. 327 Broadway, New York. Branch, 114 South Main street, Bloomington. 0il Manufacturers. S. W. WADDLE, Linseed Oil Manufacturer. E. J. MOORE, Proprietor Oil Mill. | H. P. SEIBEL, Oil Manufacturer. west of Fair Grounds. Omnibus Line. McKISSON & PAYNE, Omnibus and Car- riage Line. Office in Ashley House Entrance. Leave orders for Omnibuses, Ca arriages or Bag- gage Wagons at their office, and thc\ will be | |uomptl\ attended to, day or night. Carriages for Pleasure Riding, Funerals, etc. i Opera House. Peoria road, | GEORGE W. THOMPSON, | T. J. BUNN, Central Illinois Loan Agent. SCHRODER’S OPERA HOUSE, Dr. Her- man Schroder, Proprietor. | Painter. W. S. PACKARD, House and Sign Painter. Residence, 823 West Washington street. Pastors. Pastor Church JAMES J. McGOVERN, Immaculate Conception. | W. J. REVIS, Pastor of St. ‘ Catholic Church. Photograph Galleries. Mary’s German BENJAMIN GRAY, Gems, Porcelain Pictures, Pictures in Ink, Oil m Water. Copying a spec- ialty. COOK & FENWICK, Photographers. Gems, Porcelain Water. Pictures, Pictures nk, Oil or Fine assortment of Frames. Copying a S])C(']Illl.\'. SU\I[I]\\'L‘S‘ corner (){ S(lll[lrl.fl M. SWICK, Fine Art Gallery and Photographs. Enlarged Photographs, and any other class of Pictures and Portraits artistically executed. 106 West Washington, south of Court House. Physicians and Surgeons. CHAS. R. PARKE, M.D., Surgeon. block south of Ashley House, up stairs. LAUGHLIN & TENNEY, Physiciansand Sur- geons. Corner Grove and \[lm streets. N. B. COLE, M.D., Physician | Office, 402 North Main street; North Main. | JOHN E. VOAK, | Office, 204 North Center street ; West Mill street. L. & H. C. CRIST, M.D. Office and Resi- dence, corner Washington and Prairie streets. WORRELL & WHITE, Physicians and Sur- geons. Office in Roger’s Block. \l FALOON, lh\slum and Surgeon. A. ELDER, n and Surgeon. Office and I\(\]LlLl](L southeast corner Prairie and Jefferson streets. R. NICCOLLS, M.D. L. SMITH, Physician and Surgeon. L. ASIRE, M.D. West Locust street. and Surgeon. Residence, 1105 Homeopathic Physician. Residence, 608 >hysic Office and Residence, 712 | J. BRECHBELLER, First | | C. H. GMEHLIN, RFFERENCI 5= Pianos and Organs. | G. W. STROPE, Pianos and Organs. 303 North Main street, new Davis Block. Hallet, Davis & Co.’s Piano’s and Smith's American Organs. Plow Manufacturers. H.T. KELLEY, Pl ox\nnLLr GEORGE GREGORY, Plow Manufacturer. Real Estate. Real Estate Broker. Agent for Over Four Million of Acres M. SWANN, Western Lands. for sale. R. S. MCINTYRE & CO., Brokers and Real Estate Agents. Office under National Bank. Real Estate And School Bonds bought and sold. 115 North Center street. 0. B. HARRIS, Real Estate. JOHN T. NICCOLLS, Real Est ent. Office over Melluish’s Jewelry east of Court House. JOHN NICCOLLS, Real Estate Dealer. S. P. SHANNON, Real Estate. Office, corner Main and Jefferson streets. WILLIAM DIMMETT, Real Estate Dealer. T. M. WALKER, General Real Estate Dealer. I make the Exchanging of Illinois Property for Western Lands lSI)t‘Cll][) A. STANSBURY, Dealer in Real Estate. ate and loan Store, Dealer in Real Estate and Farmer. Restaurants. OTTO KADGIHN, Restaurant. Warm Meals at All Hours. A good assortment of choice Wines and Liquors, Cincinnati Beer. No. 110 Center street. H. M. BATEMAN, Saloon. Dealer in Restaurant and Ice Cream Confectionery and Fine Cakes, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Fresh Oysters and Game. 111 Jefferson street. MATTHEW HUNTER, Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon. Dealer in Confectionery and Fine Cakes, Fruits, Nuts and Cigars. 206 North Center street Saloons. OPERA HOUSE SALOON, Henry M. Homuth, Proprietor. { HENRY NEUERBURG, Saloon. 210 West Front street. LOUIS HAKER, Saloon. GEO. MILLER, Saloon. F. HAKER, Saloon. South Main street. JACOB SCHINDLER, Saloon. and Front streets. JOHN WILDBERGER, Saloon. Main street. Center street. 409 North' Main street. Corner Main 521 North Saloon and Alley. Choice Wines and Liquors. Front street. F. LOWENTROUT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Peru Lager Imu Foreign and Domes- tic Wines and ln]unu Corner Market and Oak streets. Sash, Doors and Blinds. HAYES & EVANS, Builders, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. lIdnlnv \Tllchnw Sawing and Turning. Doors, \mh Blinds, St wh[ and Circular .\luulding\', ct(t. ()ffiuu. Mill and Yard, 511 North Center street. JOSEPH BACON, Planing Mill. Sewing Machines. HOWE MANUFACTURING CO., Per J. H. Scibird. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of supplies, such as Oils, Needles, Bolts, and attachments of all kinds of Machines Repaired and taken in part pay for new ones. 209 West Jefferson street (Ashley House). Bowling 108 West Soap and Candles. H. P. SIEBEL, Smpx Candles and Oil. road, west of Fair Grounds. Stencil Cutters. Stencil Cutting. Plates, for marking linen; Loc ksnmhmw and Baggage Checks made to order. Paste and Brushes always on hand. ington street. 3 Stock Dealers. B. F. FUNK, Stock Dealer. Peoria Name Keys \ltm’il 309 Wash- | JACOB STOUTZ, Stock Dealer. | L. W. BETTS, Stock Dealer. A. STANSBURY, Stock Dealer and Farmer. J. H. CHENEY, Stock Dealer. D. M. FUNK, Stock Dealer. Stoves and Tinware. HOLDER, MILNER & CO., Wholesale and Retail II ardware, Stoves and Farm M achinery, Field and Garden Seeds. 108 West W ashing- ton street. 2 Q)\'CI UDED. | 'W. H.-THIELL, Stoves and Tinware. FRED. VOLZ, Dealer in Stoves and Cooking Utensils, and Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Southwest corner Center and Grove streets. 2 Tinsmith. EMIL LENZE, Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Roofing, Spouting and Job- bing. 914 West Market street. . Toilet Goods, etc. PERRIGO & COBLENTZ, Dealers in Iadies’ Toilet Goods, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, etc. 109 Jefferson street. Toys, Wallpaper, etc. ROSS & (0., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign m \ / / e 2 | - = T T TS > - P T L RT3 T T - - X - . = T T T T . & fld] (dsleelebbl] | 20714 Bl = | oo lilnte 1 7 iz 72| R 59)6sle7] | i 7 | & ol A= { y | s 14 7| |5i#|2|a]7 |71 - 17 116 {15 |14 |13 |12 |1 |rolo |& 51s |a ]z s - | i | €. W ’ | L | L = % o & 6 7 =1 [ | % - /i e | 2f | 2 cyl % 1 ‘ b 2 6 [ C. s.ll( ;(/r l ///:/ 775 e : S 1 i f T y [ I a6 la | ‘ | |2 P === Felalalal | E [ 7| 56] 59 ! | \/Ifl/:l( » | 3 & S | .38 a. . <226 [7 i}/ LoE s JO S el 2 e | ¥ s frofr |y 1 £ L : | L —], z | b | Sy Opt /to/.s CHICAGO g l-fl,!l_i—n el ! & : A - \ [ = —atiie | | | - x L ; ! { 3 [Z17]" N\ 1 5 > 5 P % 7 PR I P P P f ek ) i R— S R p— T ] ! T 90 89 | 85 84 73l A 1M 5§ g 2|71 | é X 9 |4 s 7 i 1. W, Wyl ol / ! { | . | 3 : 2 1] 5 3el2 7 A dad | 1 4 Z e =t > 5 D, 1 y | % Yy N vholt ¥ Aiact| N N DE —— sl watton P Woulton 8 J.C.Calhoun “wowlrue rr CHINSHAWS Nspsa. ir P.Whitmer i.23. a J Magoun \ Jchaa & o § § g e w0l J.C.Calhoun | | i 1 SOUTH ” - o [os | R oo [on [ o [*] < B erd PETTRICERTRTS e i8.94.a. = ‘ 2 [| \ Gt ey L W.Holder s I/’f terman | SUB. | Yiccolls V Sunderland 2% N w‘ | 6 | 2 O | G g ane ‘ 6 S Waddle ‘*"’" i \W.H. Holmes 1 | Dav. Mann | e ROBINSON G x| == | | | | E A FEllison CLAY ST ~2 7 [ 37 8.8 o 2z B Lzl 7| o | =t : = 2 | | | || 8. Z Hudsons > 1 | ~ 3 4 2 - > - J e g ! ) { TS | ‘ 3 5 L 2 | i = 1 ol - [ | | : | Tiis = 1 3 2 1 ! N | | J.E. WY Clun | | ‘ | ME.C. S p3p SpB. 2 2 = J Hessel J.C.Calhoun o T 2 HT¥A.B. . Loehr W. Kaoch |4.Stansbury | GA6. : - 16 | | =y 1| R [ ; fe : Rlol | ! I ,mm [ 4 }h)’Tfi.r 70 Is| Pancalke o Julia B. Miller e = T 151 [4lelD e 3 T 7 27 21 . | 2 NN\ 1 | ' | [ | ; 3 [ : 3 z s §a ; 1 | | | { | | 4 4 2 Yoble & Davis e T 75 a. i6. 26.a. 23.03. a. A z Iulrlur i Corporation P he B wWOOD I 5 141179b.; | o a AL T 5.66 Fr | MILLE | | 7.96.a: \ i IVIS10] P 7 T H.Croaxton Kst. /‘f'/' MILLE s oo s | W: nq‘l_,iog'r | | T | s S: . {I(JIIII/_I/ | | & ‘ \ Mil S 19.4.4.a. { | Staqutz ‘{ SNJAerer | T i ‘ Q i1 | \ | { [ | | | | 5 M, Johnson B A4 D 7120, Julia B.Miller 7 10.03. @, DrwWoH. \l( nnett . J. L.Green J. S 2 : [ f S8z L7 z A 7 o] | 20 — G > i N 4 % £ / 46 ¥ s 1 Y ; ‘ | Tom e {8 : 5 - Nl = | B d J‘( T e o #1Bdpy S SIS a il /AT, T : 3E GROU DS E , : s 1 5718 a | | d43.a4 ‘ . /(,JL | | | J, Ilrmu — —o—— N] Brick | M .y o . Satch | “Yard 2i8a. | (172a. | . Stout 1402, 9 J.4.a, | | T 1 feane & () (L, 3 | e | e LY = <=4 5i0.a.| z18.0- | sra. || . ‘ 5 M.Salch E pESh 15 /0. a e $e 4 26 & 2= L. Ferre | | | | o i e S.baat. 5 | § ; " C.Meiep \Q//\/// | ‘ ; | o . . % s -+ i ‘ SR : i . ‘ : v ' : } DIrW. H.5t ("/I nett - ~"3.a. V(ulahl( If " Van Schoveh -9 { ‘ 25 | 2 7 | 3 PR ..LL_7 3 5T S ' gl .3 i Z_ = o Al (N \ i I | | e SI()HI* 6.80.a. R Do I/{ l IA \Ll.uumwa z /1/() h Horr 9.a. LiE | = Vitaiels T 9 Foo WV L [Ls0wengut 6 ! dnat 1 {) IHITHEClun | \ | | 9 A | 7Y Grafiam | r i Chs eJ. | 1 Stanefirth r - =1 1 ' ! 5 } s SR | 7 | - A : \ 111:5//101(!. ‘ 1 | / ® T : : 0 = 5 a8 G R 0 S et 3 ‘ o A . . ” - | I N / g 8 1 Ay e | | { 1 - 1 | { wm ‘ P 3. K [,”,'” e 3 = 5 e ‘ ‘ "” I i - . | | sa. sa. v s S Dav. Davis f 2 | A 3 g a. Bartl s | : = | Ensinger ) S Lo e D XS e ‘JNN .fl(/m,rl. e e N s | Haddoc 3 0. Hinshan 3 Erey. | 3869 SIGaened .II’("I"”:" " & ”'ur(' hner i N 5 | A ¢ 16 h56.4) clal | —— L. Corwine, Del. RESIDENCE OF OF .. VANDRDSTRAND, LEAN CO. ILLS {8 o !] T 7l AR o 2y A ".‘_’ZZ.N.R.‘.!. g WR ey a7 ¥ bnr::,w, :[/.//m-';; 1/, Cook e s FYE7T. 45 S, Al Dwwinn 16876 7. Reest 709.58. w vl or !t B EE 42, " 481 Berganiin RA‘H)()] SR 257 ¢ A\Tm\' 592 7597, ‘///v'/ Z.Cook R Stewart TS \) o s TS s i m gitler 228. S tewart 5 b Clark 772 w /7:‘(/ 77 W Howge s 4 290 Srecham Fory | AN Winstow Z.Clark w.C W E Lyarmes S0 - [ ST Uit Afell 7 Lfams X R Dow &0 | \ 7D Hartson | - | ;s w R Tliarr W7 H et ‘ | < e g A /'/" /j/;/y';.\ 160 : ? c | 160 160 | 40" ‘ A Weleh M 1. Down 80 "j 2.0 w50 %! S D Do son 1 R / V.30 o8 D 5 Stewart © |4 : RR'SY|, I Hoore | Los Myers e _ \Crookshank ]“\,(" 160 e 3 W Harer s C. D Searmes Ivl‘/ G0 LS e as 1 1 | | | o L 50 60 A. G. B |s eo7o QA /// Myers Grover & s1on 120 A M. S triwatield 178 | e st 50 | LT Frest LMW RKest | I ® | | | — 5 S Howser JF Rust %20 & PR - w o\l bert s Bst &0 50 772 E R ‘ H 1. Howser 3 L Rus Res- e JFR 80 ; e G Rustd mAes \D S’ Z Bichardsor /. Murso H.C.Voble 760 720 2557 [ | { e/terson Chrisman| s 1 G Frst g0 | 7 dfrenson ///'u/u'p (7 724 Fr s [t %0 B ‘/,”/1 ‘/u b 7 ; . ‘} W Eitckell | ,,//,,L s { 60 g0 Ryvbarn 0 754 7. 2t s{brn £ _Ceom s z. j ‘ | i Sowa oo ‘ | . . . /' 2 rishdy | W J. Blsthop | C. 4 Bishon — N 05 Zee] o u,v,s‘uf 760 e . > — Hw . 1 o 760 ) A g 67 | s ol | WK 0 75 t 7o Koble's Wickow + 0 S Jearalam 50 “freld 7 20 u._/cll:'/ - « Horyan & ) /(/ 17107 ¢ e & I s 4 oy Lavid Dean 20 10772 ‘ - X JY I Iy g0 | o/ /'/Irl lton g0 TSI T Draper S0 | A Draper (S izt inglime s 7 \Larnde Isaac Varnordsitrarn 700 | 7 dhetr ‘ “+0 {Bush 20 | Janordst rand J4T A, 70 0. Lulle 1/4/(' T i ¢ &0 S Funfe 260 LD raperlisl s % 5 ~ . Dishor Campbell | \ - Ha i;F/;f ld | 430\, » | #/'./,(/ leen ! Wetlee 7705 Lrown .60. J.F. runk 200 D 4. 20 N LW G reter 72 v N | Clri s arn 700 \ W Oyl il SN Frunk 160 | uards : 8 ' l | \ . /l'/,,~,-i:/;,;-/‘ ,//(} 1 | 3 // /7 s AL :/ S hort | . rarnder 4 Gossard R Py /¥ \ R Rolison 20 D R " S0 e (A ; ; 5 LA ,,\Sj\« £ W 3 HEDGE LAWN sTock Farm anp Resioence e HON. SYLVESTER PEASLEY, Downs Te,M¢ Lean Co. ILLS # Stock Farm aND Resipence oF W.W.PEASLEY, Downs Te. M€ Lean CounTy leus Ty Pivining ((owiler= 7 @m\}’m( % 4175 % - C L6 , . e = - | DOWNS STAs| A.7.Craig 5 762.30 &7 Garr wneolau , FRLAG. &0 W lola Hargaret shop O.L.Statto 60 E.T. Brown 720 278%, o Squire Jones & C ‘}l\ li./f,’.r/m,, N 78 __Alpme T W Savidge [ piie WColaw 28 Eet 40 (N N w. .l yams 80 road & wrtolaw O Halder JLBorarth O Bishop 20 " |* Cowden - > 80 > > s R, 80 A Wagner| J £ G 4 Downs Wt firon | R0 720 2 Down s 3 o L 1. Dow'res 38 | &0 Rfpodes s : Ros ohn Boxarth | 760 &0 / 40 Squire Jones i rs A Welc T‘ L7Teter \L.C.Teter T chael- N 2 ~ o o5 . GarelnerSimp ki 40 : WIS ] Lo elch 8 S A Histhop | 40 N 2 “__.;‘ 0. FVowung o Iwill N 9 WD Hason o5 75 ¥ o X: Mary 4. g0 &0 Chillips| #.J. Hillion Clark A=) L3 1237, 8 [ v H &0 g B vil or - X A \Armstrong 50 A.Saridge &0 . Dunlap > B J. B Hidllion 22222248 60 e 7 B.Teter . ¥ B g 5 ! H Welch | — 76'0 i J.S. Young ¢hout 240 280 e 7 7/ : 0 [ 75 | 4 Res%s=—~ ,\/;\//07(/(';' i A 72 - 7o o . A Jolnson 7 /"("l'”” Wickinger Z.BG e 760 760 60 ks /:”figumun ' [ | \ — 730 Buckels &0 7! Buckels &0, 4% F 7 S Pagetr 7274 W Hason G9 damns 720 WJlos i 4 % . 7. Starnspry ~ ~N - BT Oiver 20 M C. Jphnsorn % ) b burn 70 e 7. ¥.Cook : 720 I Arnold 760 200 &0 f—— ;{: '”" ¢ 872 50 30 20 : } es ) ‘ s Q2 7 School an | - 20 23 i Gac O W Flftedge 12 rth k. 40 40 > 5:/ //./ - Tulledge w i ) Heith |Helth 760 20 w0 School Y0\ Com BB At o Thompsaon g0 Hormnor \#itler C . Halbert! = 277, g0 drslans 60 F0 Lareler 58y S Leasley A 760 A.PZott S R Jolkns S Uiller Hershan W AOliver 7 Voilirt s : ';ng).r | es W Res f—— X /975, | Pogue ; W eith A 3 | /v ’. ar " Razor M A 60 . Leynolds 95 re I Q 17 85. . Geo. J. W Hershaw Waddington 220 76 Bl JHolforty ‘ &0 | W Peasley ! 275 ¢ W il sworth R0 bury ¢ Cesu P 4. % DI Plallips & (rosby e 40 | s27] ’ 7 v ,‘l ) e N A W Hinsey | , o n T py s e g VT Lot 720 eIl 26l : 270 60 ) oA & A7 - " 3 - 2 o Raddift . (rose Bishop 40 &0 40 P C Eskew 760 o NEUsworth e l 700 . Simpleins &0 g0 7Py w/. Hinsey N School . Miller . i 1443 Schoo 7 5 . Fes® Ves W8S Hawkins JHolforty &0 S. Bechtell J. 1. ) S Y EConnell | 1" Hinsep: 760 60 760 70 5 liccns &0 J. Doyle . 29 Samne. Snil¥ CLBytledge DA - - 240 80 20 . Bakey ’ organ 60 ; | | oLift l__}/m e Rl sworth &0 N . M H A iller ) 7 e 77 J.M Downing 88 . Jaokn Cresey Ny - L& e/, ici’érwan. 20 D W. M, Diclerson 74:0 a2es . “Johnson B.Simoson o go 3 . H. A Harr 2. Simls 8. D Baker 760 760 w0 Wise — NRE¥CConnell I35 Wissd 720 00 &0 - J3’3 5378 G .Jones 80 /fl/["{l]l ennett MEConnell J Fulton &0 gl C.dllen /00 7’7 . Cuses CCSmith J. Shater .80 > - - - [« g 8 % - L. F Fdwards 766.85. A Buckles |7, A{ Harr 760.75, 767.22. J. M EC\onnell J.Campbell 760 John Cusey 168.88. WA Crooleshank 92 G W Bradley 206.54 it S 8S5 &7 85 E4.75 S Harr S0 FB Rutledgea|[ g0 g0 J Dice M. Tolbert C. Bishop 79% AT HComb Brother D.S. Sutton & Res ./:/Yfl:_q/' man € W7 Winehell L J. L.Goche Hiram Buruck 0 q 760 760 6. HEComb 80 MR 760 R Galusha go V. Liinton 720 1% W L wrner w100, J Bishop . &0 Patterson H.Gualusha / Hiram ||Buwck £ 00 Sehaol i : W ez T VA L Geo M. Wilson A /f]’fi“'/’”” Hancock P 70 : T Helley s20 e SHL K reembach 24 5 ‘ N Y ' 7 il 7 640 J. Walden THI o~ ST /. Dawson 760 1" ¥ Groaty 80 L4 . + e > 720 S 2t c'hhol " . Hrumbach 60 s 700 80 Herncock Absolom Furnlk '[,'fiz,'t:i 255446 Litchhorn A S0 T.2L.N.R.3.E. ey~ el (| | 1 i STOCK FARM & RESIDENCE OF JAMES RAYBURN, JR.OLD TOWN TR, M LEAN GOUNTY, ILLINOIS. R ESIDENCE OF JAS RESIDENCE OF B H B . BALLARD, BALLARD, SETTLED BY W.L BALLARD, 1856 TOWANDA TP, TOWANDA . TP Mée M¢ LEAN CO LEAN CO.ILL ¢ ' ILLS R RESIDENCE OF § w ESIDENCE OF E.D . BENJAMIN SUTHERLAND, OLD TOWN TP OLD TOWN TP M ) LEAN CO i Me LEAN CO, ILL & ILLe S o % . 2 e = TN Te23 NR. 3K Scale 2 Inches to the Mile. Vicecolls 797 l 776 = S W Burke 200 wSes Ab. Broka / 779.24, JMorgan 720 Z. J'(){/(fl(’ 58.02. m N mit 0 40 H.SRhodes 159 | Loberts 2 A Shilton /73 Lioomis 60 School T8 oS Murphy S0 es I i, Elliott 760 D Otis 7y Fauller 4 J. W Doner 60 A8 Catron 760 J. Youngs E'st. /-’l,//a olvin 760 t L i X ( Foggle &0 Fleming A Fleming &0 S Mickel 794 s Ray-bre w. 50 760 270 7.Coleman A Bishop W Mickels &0 & o L vshop 60 op S o shop %, 55 WHDE. 30 i 1. Cowelen 294+ MR owdlen er J. Po '/ l) g0 yC. C. vggle 40 Hiram C. Fuller .. FR0 Res orter J & C. Ellsworth J. K. Bengantin 240 / s School s J. Porter D. HEBarnes 80 648 80 Workman W . /Jua/l"r W.H . Dooley 707 %% LTeter s Res 49 %.0 30 7. T IHHOLDER 221 Bradley i47.a. M7 Ball 20.a ., | Wallmerting Frink 60 - o 871.04-. G Resw B. Frink S57.05 . ‘\. Kes 5@ S W. Sutherland wnd. Corson 760 FRR.TS. "Res . D. Bengamin F20 . F20 D. FBirkey 60 JXIT Moore 760 es J Brodrick 760 S0 &0 . G.Boston g H. KHermp 80 J. Barker . Bl Clement . Dickernson « J. De SR, 40 M. Divine W Barker S0 50 T 40" . Pomphins. ; 8§0 ‘Reeves 00 '?U - F Hendrya 40 J.J. Penn 57 Wt Reeves 720 wWWelch 20 3 raig;! | & 1 3 - 1. P Bedell || Percy ST J. Percy'JT 807 ¥ 0. Lacock 160.50. 80% Coale 40 Sharp 73 80 7:C. i 40 7 S S.Coale Res HHorine 760 W Duffy Ees 80 R.Moore 760 . . “Res J Fleming 50 L. Haines B 7 (}‘0 7 Fleming 70 R. Shie 40 LDE J.Wirt 750 o 40 . X J. Shields 760 elds g J. 4. Campbell 760 Lewis Case 29 280 afles Sguire Jones 40 W Colaw HOLDER REFERENCE. S. W. SUTHERLAND, Dealer in Grain S B e s P Baylor | * 20 IV Biddle 2607, &9% o C i < : J G Geiger e/hg,v IR 'g,” Bes I Vichols #0 i 66 ) C oy "Res Narncy 2 I - Fond Vichols {3 tddle v ’ e E . . S-S0 2 . /7. ' ? I White @ o Anderson N - —_— 760 o g R i |\ W Henlin 204%5 Carp Al S MW elhan o 5 760.88. 40 L sO | | 40 v &0 e G | rAi e W Wilson G W Vewtd Q. TiNgeery, 7627 | 60%,, (5‘0 A e an 953, " Jdones 40 e L.Strovd WD Hilts . > FRes : | “C U Hetler A4 Riddle | "D Hiles 4. 7 50 s L. 7. . Haok 320 Sunderland 5 < G 60 fes 162.4:8. \c' . 7 1. P Hinnan" ¥, L se 4 =<1 ; | l’z[’;-/fg’”/ TR Diwenecan g0 2 Z FI5.50. , St i ——— . LM Iones | ldJones A tra ”k.”"'//”"‘!/ 2 » g e 7 7L ) 7 Lovell s e ne : 720 760 520 A SSpring Z } u 7 : .Clarh: Loverr i Wrigng ™k L0 || 0 | # (/.', W Bain . 60 L. Forman Vclen N > g . g - " , Frank Hraft || 22 | £4U e Rl 50 : 15 2 . DD . Swett 20 3 Lrord | 700 40 — g | Joltn Falk 0 7S GO G ? N J . Palton - ~ Joseph Ledinger Jostiah Chorn 2 W AN R.Jones g0 L &#d. 2 M Donald 247%; “dmey 760 H. Reeves - M ‘ & S Ceve g0 . S 0.7 Reeves 4 Timerman 220 760 W P Merna L. Jones s s - s 2% - Tl o gy I vy X : S60 D.PWillard S 760 &S| | | | | ‘/"”""/"””,l/ ; F. Jones yeipe A . Buush 760 - B0 W.Schneder JHickey SE. Ha rg wis +0 17974 7! Jonnson J B Frans ol ehm DH Cowan S Sawrer 2042 60 &0 g0 J S Cowman 60 S0 & . eeves 760 7. Griffin Jacob W b Schlosser Res | G. Arnold ves s 2 Py . “Res W. Vichols L Crane! 2 4/((1"( ; Schwaeryle Calvin Barnes 60 29 G40 Fes g0 &0 &0 W.Condon C Hrauvuse 700 700 — gl Zes o Adrnold 6. | S Sehwartz ] J Moore 3 I8 | | Nl ST Viccols"® » ; - Viccols C.Owinn D.Gould * 820 760 760 g0 P Hensley | G Parkee 60 160 - Fes J . Rogers sa W EHoore v?& Sehool V25, ( Kebensdarft B il LR e, C& Rrcker . /’;”} (IIII”I/I![/I(L”I fl_(;:/{!:v" tlit St vl S 3 290 oo ; 6 '/7, 5 /6 & — Ao — & | | Zes | . Les Garnes e I Harwood |R. M. Skilton | 60 s0° ter les O Sabin S50 71%" Ly 1. Suf |‘ HECarthy J. Sloan L Ballard | Lh. Rvan | | | W #. \ 7 Cingartner 60 - Viccolls |- ]/ 20 LB .Saams 5307 o 60 60 . - "W i Augustus - &0 7" X, Donahuwe 240 50 F Mecherle 160 . 7 Ryan 7' Wood F0 Y Fuller 60 ENCE OF T. D. HARTSON, RANDOLPH TR, M¢ LEAN CO. PRAIRIE DUKE AGE 17 MOS. RESID 0 o z = - z o - o z = o o = @ » = o - =5 = o = o o = © o Q o > RESIDENGE OF A.STANSBUR RESIDENCE OF R. RENIFF, NORT MAIN ST, BLOOMINGTON ,ILL® RESIDENCE OF HUDSON BURR, COR.PRAIRIE & CHESTNUT STS.BLOOMINGTON, ILLS INTERIOR VIEW OF DASHIELL & BLOOD'S, WHOLESALE & RETAIL MILLIN.ERY STORE, 307 N.MAIN ST, BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. RESIDENCE OF MRS.S.W. NOBLE, BLOOMINGTON, {LLS FOR SALE 25 ING RGBS Wetson| 2 B.Beary | 80 » ! " "'” : An‘;{ £ — B = : i 3 I Nausaran B’ 3 e, PiBigger| T =, : b \ E. Pirv ‘ NV.FME & - : AL J 3 | { bivger (™ p Hx o >3 | -1 \ 3 r. 1 f | 5 e Nawght | 420, /"Zf;;' " Youwngs |- | 3 | . s : X s > | wws g S NS | ! N a2 | 1 Y | 235 G. W, “4 gy e LB B | 3 | 15 | x| 1 o A ' Hones \ 2t lior 20 SCo 40 - | b J o | > |/ Streten v v n | W ".{(’." 80 ot P llogden S [ M40 . —\Datorth 5 Franklin L& Farmer 20 A. Philips b [Ztrrn 177 ‘ sSedd 40 e | 2 .4 0l Iilloby- /,"/,,-'(‘”'”S V10 ! 60 g, Fander 15 % | Jne Go.fo. | geids ‘ | s > Belly ' o Frankilin {iimmer AR5 g C S Trimmeer T 7 " g - g— 20 w. 4 il oby | 0 1 ] t March i'/h‘mmm : 5t 20| 20 e i e LB o e . | S O0gcddn % r g < es 77 L W Fdoe - | 3 I//:',/)"” s 70 ; *WEF Johnson | | A | 8 : 240 | {;*{ : | J1o | TJ—\'\ 1 | 955, junn g | Gy v . You ng - s P 1 90 | A.Oxrnahan || g ros | i %% . s bW Vandivender }l/, Young : R E 175 | et ISR oy < Hendine G ~"0 s P Haniy Myt i s i | ’ “1_! T'rimmer D.n. lan Dolah / ) Jesse \U'rinemer S0P 43, A Tan Polah i 1 1/ Biggs T \ , = ! | /0 er Trinm | = . mea ¢y 3 W riditmer | it WD Stewart 4 S Nt //'.'f'/,l:’:u'mu':lj I ST ot ] | g6 P T | i | { | i s 220 1A, Hilt/'l/.v | Stiretch Trimunier 7 0 ‘ L ager S : =1 g0 | /. Liggs el % 5 2 1 ‘ bushkirk 2, 3 R55.03. " 31775, an i . e . 15 F Barnard i Jesse i ,' Yiggs G e G iln;nrq 40 al s F. M. Moars | 7025 = CoMNo o G.MHelner -+ IR0 2 Jac Moaty 30 00 = __ A%l oy (SNS- ol 2w g 1 ; i 26~ o /:mfifi‘ 5 7 RSV addlEtward , 2@ | ] 4 o ’ Helner 3 LM Moat s 40.50. 50 ey Re. John Hoats e D.C. Rayburn /20 J20 *—(—*;\,_\ ] . gden Morris Moore ! | | ! | i ] ponakue| 2.C.R. J.0q . | 7/:‘ . IS T G2ty £y PR T 1 ¢ o = - Dish 1522 i b doats | Hoats !‘7/,,,,/‘, I P Bishop rshop i i ‘ | i 40 | 4.0 \EWren ) ROe ‘ i A 1 S o s - A e 5 i e o 40 | Lo M s T | S ’: #0 A Busi, L 4o | e i & s J. Larlkin \WVewton \—- - | . Fosd 2 | 0 20 } 4] i ; ’ 7 Dm;r;)/uml I Harness | /7. Moore | w0 (7] ~ 3 P rneliaon | . Sl sl T 7 = e BOT - g N s e 7 e A I ! t y 3 & o % G0 White v Wwom 8 / WS tove a |\ Dovgaious e Sl S 30 T g | H.Jenkins N | E i g 1 1 B R ) P S o esss s Lo O L il T Hateh z20 e ¢ £ daricin "o . F. shpp 7} .‘ 7 Ll eham . @0 { B 2i9t3 L. J.Geiger 1 . TOWANDA REFERENCES. WILLIAM HALTERMAN, Proprietor of Hal- e Highest market price paid for Grain, Seeds, etc. F. HENDERSON, Stock Shipper. SAMUEL LORD, Dealer in Grain. Woodtord BELLE FLOWER REFERENCES. M. M. McFARLIN, Dealer in Grain. T. B. GROVES, Dealer in Hardware. J. W. EYESTONE, Grocery. E. L. RUSH, Druggist. .26.N.R.3.E. County A. H. MARQUIS, Station Agent and dealer in E. H. FULLER, Manufacturer and dealer in M 7z ] ONROE i 3; ieifl’ W B; ADAMS S [7 1z W. T. WARD, Carpenter. DOWNS REFERENCES. P. B. PRICE, Dealer in Grain and Stock. C. D. BELLVILLE, Dealer in Dry Goods, Gro- ceries, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Yankee JOHN H. ROBERTSON, Blacksmithing and Repairing of all kinds done at short notice. GRIDLEY REFERENCES. BOIES & BREESE, Dealers in Live Stock, W. C. MACK & CO., Dealers in General Mer- GEO. W. KENT, Dealer in Notions, Fruit, Con- fectionery, Books, Stationery, and Newspapers. UPTON COOMES, Proprietor “Gridley House.” HENRY E. SIEBERNS & 'CALLSEN, Deal- ers in General Merchandise and Grain. AUG. STRATHMAN, East side railroad. Whole- sale and retail dealer in Furniture, Mattresses, County Undertaking in all its branches. solicited and promptly filled. Hearse if desired. Woodford 'LLE FLOWER el L 2103, rug Store ot oL ED_Shor ‘H:l)h'r Square al ‘?mllrpof/ O,Ta.nkj & PR h’l;-{i:lzgf' r\gl’. ev; Depol = — %:;ls_ 70 ) = \2 &N s IN N 7 ML 2 < M < o’u-u' s |2 2= P RBIrice PRICEVILLE (DELTAP.0) Downs. StA. Seale 32 Rods to the Inch L R.Cowden Hson [.Coon 1 | = == e & g . Hevman | G.Zehr 2 g | | LSehier N -t [ < S : - 7.62. 80 wll el o g S S| M. Scheer = 4 1 } hyoe ol T B SiebprpB Wi Stourer || F1.63. \ oSt 1 wgsburger | S KA .I ke =3 160 ) = AR J ™S < o - b | 2o 160.64. 760.04, | : o iR 2 & 6 \ | [ % =P A ! IR S | = | wd N & ‘ 3 '"””.:,’.IS,H,” | ; f i 2 . J. Kauflrman i 7, 4% Swale % 3 ~ 8.85. S o ) - Y T S —aim = y L = akags 5 25| s g ,(lr oberts T ;‘ = wom 6 B ‘ 8 g B R 0 [ 60 | ; 2 ® ladswor | St R % | 1 i e | 3 S . ‘7"" e ar-;.{),. - . ot s B Sk R k‘RI] d.Sillimean | 80 l‘lun Buren ‘,I', Wern &% e to\l R Ffff =% N |ZonB DCook| - M 105 | 720 % | 728 &% i & & e %R -~ > | A | * 1 & 5 ‘G | T s AT | = - N \ - - {60 Pro8 &, n2f C.6.Hoobler / un]fi'nfl B. A/ll-abznj :F //~'-°‘ Res 1 . > S"- ™ 3 | 55 20 | &0 . | =3 - o - { [ = T . | L] | | w . School ] " = s 1 v . I { . 3 ! 5 |Swee St Riddier 7 o 3 Hon.D.Cook 2 o * [ ";;}/ i Toqgn > ’ o ~N 2 . > o | . g0 > N 50 . 5 L % ‘ = 2 &y . g CE | | i s ; = o [S_” E\Q e B | G.W Boies |s w.H.Boics $r i .T: || W Stouter R Ramid ol ;, 2 74~—1‘ > E ¢ 8% | SRS . [83® X : | arrsq.c) S u % WA | R Wald < s 760 rntx oL il Snycter |® S M g g0 ‘ S 4 = 2 oy &0 e & N 2 | = < S A 4.;’, T /() g 7 I =% o b /ln o= T0. S8 30 NS Y 715 | s » [ o . \/‘\_A S & .1 . | » o - | | . = ~ & - 2 5 B w.Littler ~ | O t Bnpsord| 3 eSS B ove SPTase 80 3 | b h = ; E a0 xN b = S | N e e e I F.D.Callsen 1/"./'0 elan O N % | :S: B ; & D & Q‘ s =) ¥ > f | 60 ‘ 160 s e § RO ST Xt shaw 240 J. Riley Est.|J. Wald ‘ | N (fnyder)| S| R S o L llea ) | | 5 ~_|l= w0 S s S N _‘ 0 0 | v fet 2 | . . + < : : . Res T o = T g = s » . ~ | Res ; Bes ) it worth | mess B . s rher 1P 2 1 & Q i) P. Ewing I KD | s IS 1Y e . | = ) < g & | . o . r R e By 3 &4 - = Nkl 7 g0 D | 4.Grove |35 .:‘ X RSl okt 4 i s e D.SToan 59 = IRl T £ | 720 U | 38 S8 =% S8 F MRSl LS e RN i N 160 E Ai,’ Sh r/ we | v e 3% & # " P ) ST S g /60 J s | Hunting e R < o < eEes o 3 RS 3 kel N N 5 > | R | < - | Q 2 NS e Bridge 1 il _— (82 ER s B f 5 7 £ A I < ¢ 7 #3 | - i - i | 1 Sa | L | = < s bk | £ = | i% S - Dav Darvis R Adams | J A Hem ST o slfo B | B ol S by =4 LTt fos o 4 = Davis av: - S B SRRl s : Bk o b 220 160 6o 160 B! kD 8 Vs 160 white | O ¥ 32 " = l Q ¥ man. | 3 R ; S ol D . N < ] ¢ " | = | - . | . % T T 'Y“I.’j".’/fl G H : X gy | s N F 4 7. 7. MEN, Moore S & 3 £ o el S 3 Bree e S 3 R & = & ewe > Breese Bt LS Lo SNTRE S0 S S oS \_.‘»Q| 2| 1. Bakewell y : S EE =R s EoS SRRty | N 160 | | (e mp 2 : . \: 1‘ : ' & (0. Farmer ;J,'r";flyfl/’l % Davi Darvis I o Q R = ~ - 2 4 ~ / dgger v L poted beaatwst & DR L o8 a9 A s . L 45 1 fi 244 A ! 7 o > R (o 64 a 4 7l foadl i 7. o 4 ¢ ' Méfi " i o U Taught N 640 640 C.Shater S R Hanson | . | 40 e 120 G ekt || 100 . ; o 3wy | 2 e Ja sty B E Sy, LY IR S = 60 © x S > I3 ) | < 3 AT A M Naught C. M. Kater |Fuhrman : 1 | 8 g ; ; Vin ’l;;(()l rd | N 1 - 1 | \ < | N S = | | ~ = f <1 o | TR VR - (e 4 | 101 S s o. | Ellen Work Cis Y P hite | 3 g g . L. Fordyce \: 5 ~ Lo, W hite n:uu | D s i RO = 5] B e 2 % S ¥ . X = So | 70— RS R 160 &0 e s S ] 320 S % Rl 2 5 Spring SO S | Merritt| .3 = P I e 2.0k S g7 S s S % = (A T 77 = ol | N = R 5 A€ i TR [ ¢ k A § S R 1 L b i 1 oy i i , - Sl ol T 8y : SR e S i e BeE S Ny 80 | 5= L S ] Q . L . E & = R = Moore s A [ & | - g 3 °® N g z 60 s G.P.Brown | kX [drmsirong 3 % ,: 2 S s 5 o . S | zzes Zal e | 160 P © Dl Ferty J > | ‘ 3 80 I~ ‘} 3 S } - | o) s : ‘ = A 3 % i I ; I : | S [ RN | S i | 8 X | = ~ o = : = T I 7 e S I * i s L~ | w S N®| xq 2 | N~ | = i | g S Hibbs | % | 2 . 10 s 20| 8 X { | A8 .?sfl; - ‘ g | 4 2 ol S R e R e % i, 2 = g 2% 1B =il 2| A | & RN fll‘Q /‘f\-’ . \SQ Byl ow T ® 0 o R ¥ B | § Farreir| N | S~ 5 PR 3 R|oR S 0~ | 7 | = T L 2O _— ——— ~ v | v " ,,,,,, 3 Tor - _ ok N gl - B O 5 ¢ =% A _ F e S /52 > = 2"‘ = % &= ~ 7O 2 7= o 75 e % 7 s il 7. White 0. 72.07. a. < CITY OF CIHI: Scale 500 11 to one Inch. 2 9 6.58.a. | 6Gita J. Peters M. T Scott et al (Undivided Fst.) 8.97 a. e % s | 7 ‘ 2.06.a. | | | bl B A A | . | % Graham Chenoa | Vursery'm 2 | [ 987 a. } | AR T LINGOLN \/, / ‘ { LiNGC e VI s e A - ——————— " CHENOA REFERENCES. | ™.7° Scott 3 7/ E o >l ; S =5 JEWELL & SILLIMAN, Manufacturers of Car- ¢ ’ o riages, Buggies, Phatons and Wagons. | WILLIAM B. HEWITT, Insurance Agent. Q¢ CHURCHILL & ABBOTT, Dealersin Lumber § ) and Grain, at crossing of C. & St. L. and T. P.; o & W. Railways. Orders for Grain promptly :‘N filled. (83 WARREN M. FALES, Dealer in Staple and|}) 5 Fancy Dry Goods, Notions and Groceries. | Orders for Country Produce promptly filled. LLARLLD M,’\,’fl HAYNES, JORDAN & CO., Dealers in Grain|¢¢t | @ 1.32 fiL Al and Coal, at Chenoa, Meadows, and Weston.} TTT] [ ‘i% T. J. BANTA & CO., Dealers in Drugs, Medi-|0§§¢' Lol A & ST. I W. M. Hamilton 9 1] A / g cines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Perfumery and Toxleti Articles. (B8 S AR AN A — “R. C. SALL, Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots|§ ' y and Shoes, Clothing, and Hats and Caps. e | J. D. PAYNE, Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals,} &jf [ i = TS | Paints, Oils, Perfumery. General stock always|0¢8 | I ] 3 ¢ ap s 2| on hand. ! i F —# e T el | THOMAS SANDHAM, Township Collector. ‘ 1 4 H}!AIIJVJ LroN’s | ¢ || J. PENCE & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers ] @ bl —_— in all kinds of Furniture, Coffins, Metallic| ST, X N ISSET 4 Cases, etc. Hearse furnished on request. i 2 e i | | SCOTT 8. MAXWELL, Proprietors | { sl 4 | ! Nursery.” Fruit Trees, Grape Vines an [ i Shrubbery. | ROSCOE G. JORDAN, Merchant. 186 GEO. T. COONLEY, Dealer in Books, Station-(§ {J ery, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys| and Notions. Also News Dealers. C. C. HUTCHINSON, Dealer in Hardware, | | Stoves, Tinware, and Agricultural Implements. § —I__MOORE, JOHN & WHEELER, General Ag'ts . for the Lyons Sewing Machine Company. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. J. & 0. SWEET, Dealers in Meats, Hides, Tal-§ low, and Furs. Green street and North Com-({ mercial avenue. J. D. MOORE, Manufacturer of Harness, Sad- dles. Full stock always on hand. M. M. TRAVIS, Presbyterian Minister. HENRY CRABB, Alderman. All kinds of Black- smithing done at short notice. H. N. CROSBY, Retired Citizen. o ] / L T s sy g \ a s JACOB BALBACH, Dealer in all kinds of Gro- / = E L | t [ ceries and Provisions. Cash paid for Produce| g LA il et or taken in exchange for Goods. Also a No. 1| Gli.a. w3 . ] g Saloon attached to store. : G. W. MOORE, Dealer in all kinds of Liquors, and proprietor of Billiard Hall at Chenoa and| and Dwight. | F. N. MERTIN, Dealer in choice Family Gro-|8 ceries, Provisions, Crockery, .Wooden-ware, (i Green and Dried Fruits, &c. { BESLEY & WIGHTMAN, 8 ware, and all kinds of Farm Machinery, such} o . SIS as.Plows, Harrows, Rakes, Threshers, and eve-| -2 i ‘ | e [ :‘ 7 — _thmg pertaining to the farm, and usually kept| { E. Pearce ; A DR = s ¢ in a first-class Hardware Store. 18 ¥ VALEN_TINE JOI‘;RGER, Dealer in all kinds| 5 (‘)_{ Il,llquors and Cigars, and proprietor of Billiard; all. HEISKELL & OKESON, Dealers in Dry Goods,| Notions, Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco,| Glassware and Queensware. | JAMES_WA-LSH, Dealer in Ho ali kinds of Stock. 8. M. PAYNE, Physician. CHAS. KLEIN, Dealer in Grain __Groceries, and Postmaster. _ v Lean county, Il ¢4 - oN . b DIVISION ¢fi< % RN == Y= = > xS H. W. Bullock T26.N-R 4K Seale 2 Inches to the Mile . V.1 B. 8 N Chaiber: a0 \ | | ‘ M TS Scoby et al (v, divided Fst P Barrett M. 7. Sco et al (wrntlivided Fst) 3 G40 760 7 60 " H. Powers J. Fals G272 ~ ) e !'/;lll;- M i D Hay .’“’“'"',"i d. Wooden | alshl . s - / H £ &, ” | | [ 7 i : IADO TR 50« ! o 7 / i S e — LD — P EORLA 80 N 3 fm - r - - 7 Coatm A 7 | Hamitton | » - ¢ ? == 1 Ad.Vorris [ R.J.dordan & J Hicks 5 g aeed y T:J 205 (el | 174 gy Schoot e , AVl / 2o A v X < [ T e e AT & S Appleby X " M. g Fry.—= £0 mfi;:/')“w ; LW Bulloc S T ~Z 778 g1 s 50 RWatt e 5 .7 Scott & /0 64:0 A. V. NVevin : 80 ) Stride oy~ N, % £2 o Y. Guliclh . S M Mweller 0 — : 60 757 %50 | iy i, &0 % [ —————p s 5 Curfs 60\ \Hdetherington | 50 | | B Res [ v | | P~ wdl. Heint + W Awvstin . T Res Res R.J. J.dones Jones | S0 5 x | s0 I ————— 2 ] € 3 | t Gralam A Eegls——t== 760 ; s 3220 . | . d.Tacksorn y | . Hes . | ) / f'/ '”')//' 2 % X y ' e | {.Jacksor 705.77. 760 J. Brady | R.Stewa r &0 | &0 270 | G0 g | = s ,,.V*,,f:,,,, et i I | J. S tewar 0. | 50 |\ Hargadine | . . | . {marecar . L. Q./, B ‘ T hompsan Shwr & Tompkins S S Galbraith F20 JAd. . Johnso 80 A.Taylor 2 OMECarty wd. . Wilson Aarecratvert s osres| J W MHoore g §0 e marwell - 2 SR T e e J. . Schell 320 {|\ AL Sooed / N Teweots g0 =4 382/ / | 80 | . | . e = S | i A F. Pick 760 | o Marirow \RElliott 760 700 60 \ R.BMakan ‘ S M Colm Hemp 50 H.Caldwell 7, A LHCCrery | g TN B Fwmpien ||s 0{/’ ery V! Barnicl S £ David Davis | H 320 M. Dehn N7 . Scott | /'.l‘/a’ll tes vl g g0 / / | | | | | — { 00— 2 M 1 1 | 1 | i 60 Dawson =Res - J H4Colm 7 = 1 i J. Maly | 40 Wash! (- rocn $ Brown | '\" WFarr | . Baldridge | ' 760 ) 770 / vy [ Res 160 | F. M Carty Scott C(Q‘ ) e |\ Birlinmeyer AR E e N e ,,,,::)9'_,, ! L T . b D wren | N | v, T X Tt 27 [| - & 5 5 rimnier Pretfinger Hvans FoS et 8 =G0 | S W Myers ‘ 160 |Fesa ,\;, e heoign J Hetner | | 8 =res &0 '3 | C 2 Gitlespie J B Polland - er . TScott | 2 KT remamer 160 V. Davis 160 Jas. L Imbrose S0 DS M. Payne 299 238% &0 e Hot senpill | 4 C Shaclter 5 B.. Res . Vewglian . | | Tod | D. M. Bach mun}v . ReT s - > %D ‘5 < " T Hnipple . Conder | M.Dawson,|| Campbell el ¢ Clawson 400 % : ; /60 769% | 60 Hes 160 | vo 760 2 160 S0 J Bat rum g (4 LEXINGTON REFERENCES. | ISAAC S. MAHAN, Attorney at Law and Justice of the Peace. | ALFRED B. DAVIDSON, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. | WILLIAM H. KENNEDY, Cashier, Bank of* Lexington. | N. F. McNAUGHT, Dealer in Stock. 1 JOHN FULWILER, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and 0 Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions and Trimmings. 0 R. R. BEEM, “News Depot,” dealer in School 8 Books and Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco. | CHARLES STILLER, Dealer in Candies, Toys, | and everything usually kept in a Restaurant. | JACOB C. MAHAN & CO., General Bankers and dealers in Government Securities. Interest < S Z GEO. VANDEVENDER, Proprietor Livery Sta-J= ble. Horses and Carriages furnished as good as can be found at first-class stables. THEO. E. ROWE, Dealer in Flour, Meal, Shorts and Bran. Also proprietor of Saw Mill, and dealer in Hard Wood and Lumber. WILLIAM VALENTINE, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Wood and Me- tallic Coffins. “Buy where you can buy the best for the least money.” CAMPBELL, HEFNER & CO., Dealers in Grain. NOBLE BIDDLE, Dealer in all kinds of Meats, S Hides, Tallow, etc. FLESHER & LONG, Dealers in Drugs, Medi- // cines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Brushes, Fine b4 Soaps, Sponges, etc., Books, Stationery, and| / Prescriptions carefully com- ¥, ; Wall Paper. pounded. Scale 500 ft.to the Inch. A .M E Mullen % GRE = John \‘ paid on time deposits. | | | T — ~ iophiked, 0 ekl /. Harness e, ///"u twiler Iy Meary O WHahan {Henneds G0 | w. " I MSLEAN Stale 32 Rodsto the Inch S.8.8. Spink 24.50. L Pl LT 1] L \ C.C.Aldrich 7 j W0 | Lot.3. Z L S_lm CARLISLE \,fi.uq A. Kelly Ann E. asewater v - | O\ 77 B Wamsly — ——-Seetion---— - - —Etrmwe- — ~ — Ly = McLEAN REFERENCES. C. C. ALDRICH, Dealer in Grain and Lumber. G. CLARK, General Agent. " M. G. HAUGHEY, Dealer in Grain and Stock. A. H. DILLON, Dealer in Lands and Blooded Stock. GEO. CHURCH, Justice of the Peace and Insur- ance Agent. JOHN KELLOGG, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. NEWTON LONGWORTH, Dealer in Drugs and Medicines. | E. BONIFIELD, Butcher and Shipper. | A. V. FAWCETT, Agent C. & A. R. R,, and { dealer in-Farm Machinery. | HOWARD LEMENT, Dry Goods, Notions, etc. 2 G. FOREMAN, Blacksmith, and Blooded Stock. ‘IEQBERT M. BUCK, Dealer in Grain Ca e HEYWORTH REFERENCES. JAMES McFARLAND, Drugs and Chemicals always in stock. Also Paints, Oils, Putty, Win- dow Glass, Varnish, Perfumery, Toilet Goods. etc. D. H. MeFARLAND, Physigian and Surgeon.~ + WILLIAM L. POLLOCK, Physician and Sur- geon. VANORDSTRAND & CO., Dealers in Grain, Lumber, etc. W. W. ELDER & CO., Dealers in Staple and | Fancy Groceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Sta- 68— —---~-—--BUCHANAN & 3 5 + W. Karr = 5 HxYWORTIH Sevale 500 1t toonelnch > | i | S BN | }\ Ry ! 18 &) SRR 189 L33 QS S8 e X F | | ¥y ]S8 ) S$8 s S8 |0 458 SE R 168 SR " 1QeAS 0 f 9 W F % Fe WdK C. Waketield On- o tionery, Notions, etc. Main st., west of R. R. g py, CHRISMAN, Teacher & Township Clerk. WM. ELLSWORTH & MAYERS, Dealers in wyy g, BIRDSELL, Dealer in all kinds Nur- Flour and Grain of all kinds. ways on hand. Cash paid for Grain. OWEN C. RUTLEDGE, Miller. Ship Stuffs al- sery Stock. WISE & CO., Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Queens and Glass- NATHAN LOW, Manufacturer and Dealer in ware. All kinds of Country Produce taken in & Boots and Shoes. ILEY VANVALEY, Dealer in Fruits, Candies and Confectioneries, of all Soda Water, Lemonade, Ice Cream, etc. exchange for goods. kinds, BT, - JEWETT, Principal of Grammar School JACOB STAGEL, Manufacturer of Wagons and JEFFERSON WAMSLEY, Dealer in D Carriages. Machine Repairing and Black- smithing of all kinds done at short notice. - Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, al:g all goods usually kept in a first-class store. & On Section 5, Randolph township, McLean .2 & County, Illinois. 5 2 SRS TN . . y e o W : | - - . | | , A A TOWN RES. OF STOCK FARM & RES. 0OF JESSE TRIMMER, .JESSE TRIMMER, LEXINGTON, M¢ MONEY CREEK LEAN CO,, TR, Mm¢e ks LEAN CO% 635.63. || ] A Campbell Tl | o asy S M. Wyers 220 - | - L :\./‘I'//I{l‘ SAGodard | 754 G6 320 | ‘ M4 6 0d ard | N Va prSson 360 S\ F. Strayer 20 Dalah 160 ”n L "M a LH arnes: 58" 76 WU Hennec 140 P Seroggiyn ".’(J V. Biddle 7.5 i 700 |GBOKesOn | 60 s Schoot B o5 . 7. Cahagan D. Small ey 60 | 4. 760 W.DJoknson D. Parkhill \ g2 Raney 2. Snavely P.Berryman J M Hugh 160 HECullowgh | DU Hugh | 80 ! F st R0 | 80 760 \ Z.Creery | 80 || W, & Rucker i J. Do wglass S0 | | J L Hiser | &0 S B Smrz 760 M. Smith ‘ 760 | |\ . Swanston ’ RoME Huune 16719 H.Jobnso 60 | Aant ) 100 80 a. J. Lindse Zimerman - || Z. Jinkins 0&dJ, N Cullough S0 il 1 = /'h 0 2 g A th Lawyrenc HTEC A lsaac Harness 7 3637, < [EFE aws g - 1041 30 +04.62. CHE /"zi../) e “lesher J.B.Carson 252 S. Paul 677 e o, g0 | . Brown Milton E.Swanston 7. Brown | 40 W. 4.0 90 D.we( Smith 7 20 Hahan 200 rumbaker 2 7o racken J.O0qgden Jolnsta 40 z, 0. b awson (e o i d! | rr //l[l’!ll'.s’.?. = 7!) 170 J. /’()/1(',/(1.1 ” K. Woo rz W4T e Y ez, s o o (W Probst Hrsllurypin | s in 9 W w0 G Kutt | l/ g 7 o Sn | &, W, & S \Patton % 380 20 I'J Bishop -; J. Patton o Lams ters \JdHMenline 760 WU TSR Smith 60 laggett 79 I Narness Fldr fes 2 Horney = 240 LU . Smith — 20 =5 s W Bull | ' 49 oz | Windle 20 Wil 2925, - | \ L. Gri | 0 - Wilson 7o T ,‘-)().( Bailey 40 S S pawn 95 1o d Bt Sl g 60 | 4. B Down ey | 20 I2 WM Hophins /.M. Brown || 60 Res .« 320 ~ LEXINGTON REFERENCES. - (coNcLUDED.) HIRAM F. DAVIS, Manufacturer of Wagons and Carriages. General Job Work promptly done at short notice. G. C. STALL, Dealer in Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Flour, Salt, Notions, Soaps, and a general Provision Store. THOS. E. LUCCOCK, Dealer in Clocks, Watch- es, Jewelry, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Stationery, Musical Instruments and Books, Yankee No- e J.Haner - s | Adams, 40 Il M. Bull 160 | R.B. Willia 200 440 . L. Bds sl . Res o - DD 1.Y.Cook | i\ Kes * o0 pbell J. Bee g0 80 80 W. J. BOLLER, Clerk. & C. R. PREBLE, Dealer in all kinds of Stock. C. H. PREBLE, Dealer in General Merchandise. Also in all kinds of Stock. H. C. SCHLIEPHAKE, Dealer in Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionery ; manufacturer of Brooms; also proprietor of Barber Shop. D. H. VAN DALAH, Banker and Stock Dealer. ALBERT DAWSON, Dealer in Cattle, WILLIAM RINIKER, Dealer in Groceries, Glassware, Queensware, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. tions, Toys, Cutl ;"z%\' = SOOSSSoC 2 = O 257 ~ =7 i { { | | | | | i 110 | . [IV}./I.\'//"D' 160 CH Mays Faps 1G4 . | Sibley 1 T 1 Bliss 120 ° EHXellar &0 7 Y H. Green 504 13275 Sdrnaold K wm Schneider &0 H.P.Thoypson ;“: B | WS A | 115 ) 40 "W Bowers 1593 H.Horney RWilliams \ 80 20 "DHelner /A WS Haner 50 2 Srving 4 S JHinton T Rlockile 1.C.Darvis o A, arnger _ld'g , i hionse 4 g Free Will S Druley: 210 . Karber 30 E.0. Rowley: 40 S Vineent 40 1 ‘, JHButler | /60 Resg '//flzl/' 7. A.C. Sabin HOR > f 80 5.C0ale BLUE MOUND | Sy, £ 1 Ward [} | 60 —t W W.Sowcrrds | 5 &0 i | Ad.5. | Broom liead ["Fes h Foan :i(//,) V. Swann M. Dow ey . o0 Dowiey Neinzxig 50 rher 1 i A.Weber i/f( . Fasley IR0 2P CE N ranse Coone | |40 | Sd.Stoops I Yicholson| | | I | LM Hugh Prickeringd? 1 110 %3 | 0 o O H.CHays -sonage I e Mahan &0 J Bary i wm oy Russell | | . i |4 kel JIe A ;/y'u/l(ul‘ 40 | p———r-y>1— LW M ADowell. T:24.N.R . 7 . &0 JB.Williams LR e 160 J. L. Pickeringd J Hutehison Ad.J. Moor | r.r Linthicum | 1 50 C.Wells mr Cope NI Smith 160 S Fitzgerald | #astings W A.Golden 160 A Hutson 100 fi‘ | I H B Downey | LEst. JSpawn Z.B. ZoTl\ | & 4 R an Smail 5 1 40 : e [ > 2 7. G.S /,,.1“ er Cooney R0 40 o Broome | e A Lupton . . Liinder (?() f B Jolnson > P 80 . G )l Edwards / 480 Howeli 80 CHall i -')6), j A Hartwig | 20 ek U, { ’ ROO F.Ganoe I:’:;'.,:/»' H.G. Reeves | . [ W hatland | 760 | 60 b : 3.?’ (1Cormnell el ] 30 | 4SS tTpp 50 7T 50 &0 J. Wissmiller (m CHopp - | Wi Yewton a0 J Pougherty 50 T'H.Gist 720 F. e kows ky MToS, 1‘ '} M S0 Ftnire S0 WG Etnire 20 J R ;,-a.«".'u,1‘/,v,m/,/ | 60 | T drfnotd J. .S Stagner | | { J 1 Rhodovy \d. Freit adq / 4 C J. GCanoe 50 (= F.Za /11'/4\fl; B 50 ! e 7 Sapp 50 |m 2T D L A.Stagyer 160 | S FGolden 20 J.M.Sta nger e &}/mfiiufh {rey [ ¥ Parr | | 100 Geo Waters 160 W E Power v 160 J. Power 160 school ¥oG LMTE M Speers 60 rdng prsiey 1 Il IS helyman lisid 40 CMunsell | M. Blair e & | e . J. Domrar 160 | ! JMW. Lew:s 1 o 120 . Paxton ———— Z.Advrnold 160 Rilee || a0 | "0 | | ol SD. Minge 728° J. Bunn’s Fst. 760 80 G Stagner | MY (Cook 7 L. Blake R0 | S : (S habrick §0 | d= C &P Vajor l; 3 ry 30 — 808 e ERWIN & 0 L _PLACGE S, FAIR_TOWN DI XS 4 LLON, NO RMAL N e "M® LEAN COUNT Y, ILLINOIS . X CV1 .23 .N.R 4.E. Seale 2lnches tothe Mile. “oale . 77 7. 0.5tory” 50 e 4,5 79.59 79.84 I A, (2 Dwerenireg = . T Sl o TA7. . Ham ;. y pOFE l LW s 2 ok, ver Y wWam " R Arnold ) : . & 7 760 b4 75, 2 N Geo . Linglham S Shotwell 70 & ‘/'l J R owland 7. Storey e S0 » &0 o. A & 5 - . A. M erwin \ 4. Jennings 760 2 s . L. Brans 760 760 g 2 s 720 & 762.74. H Bedell J Welch 790 790 &0 I Terni BHoore &0 ¥ Coale School . v . 4. Fnglish Z. J S TR LT 5 i .b'flllf’///;;f‘ 5 (,5 ./01;1 B V. Hinne Est /),U”'”-,,',, W Reynolds S 60 760 760 760 760 i J. 1. Bewyamin 225,16 t G0 Ba 760 J. Reid 760 K. Bryant 50 Y. Hinne S Stanger . Fst o D.0.Stout ) S 760 50 S0 vans . G. Doenitx 700 78 R.Shockey 80 E.D. Benjamin 700 700 7. Herwin - o . Grow Y phy 700 w 40 ® S Mrem Sacket |KVineing P &0 60 60 & Tre. A 7. Mitchell 2 g A K o J M Cheney 60 77 ” = Webber 760 C.R.Coe : Tom s B H A 60 X SN 8- g 67 4. = J.Spencer &0 W Crai C Vandorvort L H endrya 4’/-}[} Ellsworth T I |Cheney 0 & Ives - - 29 760 S Stanger - G. i S ' 750 F20 80 3 7 o 720 I Walton 700 &0 Cline C. Ball 20 d Hendrick. &0 X rmpler 7 |8 A Shields - =0 2 : W Fllendryva Wy g 9 5 760 . 0 eney” 760 W Farrison 770 A Dunlap &S0 w.mwh x - , 5 W, Newmarn 5. C Holdren L (;,Z ey Fetherof?, zo0 . 77 ) 7. Q ™ o b J. Spencer 240 R 8 < < o X 3 & R D. J. 14 Fainter G. W Ztem |4 Gpin : T . W 6:;1{4;1; A B w0 | Y h J_ T, Brown v wm Van Gundy 727 Campbell &0 40 & W, Jackman 760 700 8. Creel p 4 726 JHCreel I . BJdackson &0 66 \ 7. oa R s JH orr G Arrowsmith 58 Liinton S ndman V. Weidner 760 =20 A4 F 74:0 - W Evans 720 TR, Ireland T " . 3 & nge 40 55 S #. Barns 29 /}rrrjun;iu bergen 27 35 A H W Jas. Bt 60 LLSWORTH Seale 32 Rods to 1 Inch ELLSWORTH REFERENCES. HEZEKIAH T. EDWARDS, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. A. J. WAMPLER, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Notions, etc. YOUNG & WHITE, Dealers in Hardware. JOHN CAMPBELL, Dry Goods, Groceries, and Notions. AUGUST FLINT, Blacksmithing of all kinds. SELLMAN & CO., Carriage and Wagon Manu- facturers, and ‘General Wood Workmen. L. H, SKAGGS, Physician and Surgeon. G. W. TAYLOR, Horseshoeing and Blacksmith- ing. Jobbing of all kinds. = — e - = — 3 e e s = —— — e e —— — ————— == e = = = | mae e e —————————————— | M__ I s o D A m A o P, Ao AP IO 2 e - 7.6 g | . i 3 1,””/(:'-‘. Qimesicrive % Jas. Jas \” R. i Je 4 a7 | T 1ines el 34 Fy a Fulton |Bishop | ')7[', - | Sa. | Ja. !‘ # . m H. F Lincoln 7. P Tipton 29.a. ‘ = —— o= | - Q | Z. HParks |q | o ‘ Y LE ROY A5 I\ = Scale 5004 tol Inch ‘ 7D Fisher 0. a. o J.V.Smit h 70. a. & L Day 0. a; 7.0 Humplrey 20w, | D. L. Horehouse { = -ftes. 777 CHESTNUT STATE et o B \Saw- 2 & S MR Sy R.F Dickerson D.Gilmore - 105 - 36. a Sa. | o 0. . i LE ROY REFERENCES. T. D. FISHER, Physician. JEHU LITTLE, Physician. E. E. GREENMAN, Retired citizen. J. KEENAN, Banker, and dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. J. N. HARDING, Dealer in Lumber. J. S. YOUNG & CO., Dealers in Grain, Seeds, and Baled Hay. Also proprietors of the “ Red Elevator.” R. F. DICKERSON, Raised a Farmer, now At- torney at Law. GEO. E. JOHNSTON, Proprietor Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable. Rigs to any part of the coun- try with or without drivers. A. J. THOMAS, Manufacturer and dealer in Hard and Soft Lumber. R. H. SILVY, Attorney at Law. A. B. JOHNSON, Contractor and Builder, and proprietor of *“ Empire House.” Good Sample Room, and first-class Hotel in every respect. T. J. BARNETT, Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. : GEO. PENCE, Township Assessor. A. F. SMITH & BROS., Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware, and Farm Im- plements. S. D. CRUMBAUGH & SON, Dealer in Boo_ks, Stationery, Wall Paper of all kinds, Groceries, Tobaccos, etc. W. W. GRIGGS, Railroad and Express Agent, I,B. & W.R.R. WILLIAM BUCKWORTH, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Alcohols, Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purposes, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. I YTLEVILLE Scale 32 Rods to the Inch LYTTLEVILLE REFERENBES. JOHN H. WILLHOITE, Dealer in Gro- ceries of all kinds, Notions, etc. G. E. MARKER, Manufacturer of Lumber. Milling done. = — 0 32 | \‘ 10 Q &8 19 [O¢ES | 8¢ |Q G O q | 8¢ Qe Q Q h(§ Q g |3 %3 } 9 19 Q8 Q 0 3¢ \ 0} 0§ 12 101 A S Dooley 40 eolls v 5 6o \EF Wals 7 LA fpiciric \mest ) 40 2 artirn Arro 7% GO M artin 80 o s I8 | 4. Jaclkson T Ren 7 J.W. 4. [ D7, L w 96 ‘L;‘ P 7 /'1j 4} i G, Hary Horr L B MM artin v 20 FHmicrs .| Penigorton O | v ' 1 | M \Crumbavgh e et Jall .,-5. J & 7| Duint a0 700 F st I}f. 7, G.DJan B.H.Davis 703. 80 Q) . | s T T ~ | S | N s | K Q | RO i % | S S Viecolls J20 w.P. (ornaway 75 240 R.F Dickeson ol | l TS DB WTI Failey WS S0 4 13 37.28 T Est. John Fry 170.67. A 760 Gilmore 60 E Wall J.Oliver 240 \Crumbawgh 80 . Cope 2490 Thitaker 40 wles MO Howard ”o | . Oliver | NE Thompson £ nron &0 50 ney g0 40 % III”V' E il Res 3! 8 '\‘ e i S0 H. Buck 227 80 Saad LHcFling D (S howch g0 //,/JI cHinney” B Lash | a5 | B licnson, i | 40 JH. L. S| Crumbaugh /40 &0 Sterling C. } . F Sageser oA 8§0 langdon P 00 W Vance 1 : . N % S Dunlap L e e 720 720 W.J Rt /l'r’(//' F walbt 90 Brittin § T.21LN.R. 4. K. I 760 2 o < B, a8 | o . B Armstrong || & i o aas 50 A 5y Hildre > 70 10 crt on e e N NS DT Crumbovyh L. d. Crumbaugh S MWWl ianrs izo F5. 65 . Rlike F6.25 50 J. Heenarn | A. [ M EHTnmm ey 4. WERTnmey \ & 160 dr. b T R r'u;./%/ /. 0 2 ’ S Burnetl RESIDENCE OF JOHN WEEDMAN, WEST TR, M¢ LEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. . I I Wil ‘R ¥, 80 J 0liver “/l.f/.(//l‘l’{'l' rams s 167 .5}"/514(’1_1 80 JOliver M. H. Cawby A 20| 3200 S H West 320 { | Larnetl 60 eer-phey” William.s 240 v 24:0 baugh M.H.Ca why* 160 ’ | H.Williawms 240 ~ ® I BT 480 rocrm b h R ls V. e A Crumbauwgh 15 A K (g,ii, : vy iAa S N 3 || Rutledge Q e o N LG ilmore 9 76.82 . : Albert | Whitaker | 1 JF Jas. Hamand e 73 7g o N 8 | . /{'7//}///11,/11 d Saunders ' | S0 S S NS ' | Hanmeand | B Bamand | 80 | 7 Farret | 80 J. Heenan G506 . 3 V'fi'l‘-‘;i A S lewis l 772040 | ] Y Hinney g0 JHamilton 6 320 | Croskey ‘ 15757 ( ”'{ll"lll.!'[l"l # =i - F.Slingloft | | 30 | M. M. Craig ‘ a o (f[}, ,,,1fl/" - J.G. Moore 320 il 77 | | Gitaersteeve| J.G. Moore | 760 160 } It | | | Il q | H.West /60 J.G. Moore | #. Maloney W. Horris 160 M. Bishop [l & 80 ;hifl.l;!('h IR a0 [ | eyt I wr b0 = { ¥ Fossermai { » T | PGahagan g0 1 . i . I ] || Hammond | ‘ o lat. | 6 Gahagan| g 7 230 | » r K. Hibby~ 50 Res: o i g9 ;‘ Horris & Howavd | | &0 B s Vorrisd Howard 50 Clearwater 40 ‘1 | 2 " B. Lewis || L4.Saxton 160 I 160 W Rutan 5o School | fee "oy S| | e ‘ S Healea 160 Baker 50 [ Underson | J. D Bealy | Robinson 740 Delaplain 65 g0 D Hnight S H. West 160 (} - < Jas. Bishop 480 School Section D v ). Bavn hart 160, R.lLacock IS’(} J. Moon 320 40 80 30 e Sy T Fes G. W. Grave D. H art Geo Hill &0 ~ School @ ¥4, Jas. Bishop o 20 T = S 7., | 2 20 | 60 M. Crumbangh 60 JSavdge J, W Hamand wmScott 80 “Sehool | W TR 4. Grizzell Ri0 J Warton 6o g0 S Downing J. Losencrans || 1.J.Clutt er = i w60 |[Zes 760 ‘ Est.of | I M wining 160 D rybread g0 1. Dod son W MEGee 80 I.B. Fridley =L J.Cooper (f)’() | J.Stines 50 | Jas Liove | | JCLark 120 | 5. Dick || Geo.Clark 80 H.Sniith M. Dickinson 200 | ‘L L LS. Clark G J. Dodson | &0 Fe1TSon CnAdov 80 T J. ! | ot Thrasher | |4 £ Lican] ‘ | o [ H0 B = ® /‘(mlr'l‘\' JBrittin 4i. 4 - |Brintey; ) 1 40 | { 7. West 200 G.W. %.Ynnn/w’ 32O | 8| D. [;";'('rl n &0 . Z | s Beckelhymen | 160 Lean (T() Vad *Zoby | . Res DHEBarnes &0 o | W.Clark F.G6. Moore . gt i e | 3 3 { il 200 e 160 20 iggs &80 80 2. J. Campbell 4.5 Res (S Calvert | | e} | Jas. Williams | Fst.of’ Sampson ct 320 | ke o o G HMEColliste 160 o 0 Resy | J ; MeColliste | 133% { Res LG W Snook | 760 J. Totten /'/'(7'*',’, M. Sy pult | I Powell | 160 wW.Youle - 160 J.MCollister 160 | J. Pruitt 160 2 | | | JEridley g0 L Boicouwrt 80 Samauel | 1 e J.W. 7440 S Briley | Briviteerhof¥| » " J Steele 160 rendorft g0 RE0 | Zirkte ] B . e (L1l « ,l Kuwmler 411 nd | H. . Mort e % endoph ~ g0 et e e '7:_ — L,,;:‘[ = rendort! } 60 | g0 | i ! JA Humler J.C Burford T A 3 4% 24:0 M Farland 10 480 ‘; | . | . Mehary Burford| P 160 ‘.[“/. Kumler |~ s leed man I : 1 | I TR I 2400 Hess S W Siveyle .23 NGB 5 Scale 2 Inches to the Mile . H Huhluss 108 20. | \ ‘ ‘ 2ot J.Coddard & H.R.Rayburn 00 | : b S . N »S8'pring ! | b 8 159.60 < 760 % S Dy \D.Godd ard | . D Liancder|, iG7 b | SeZLirar 0 2, ¥ / | g | J.Reid | | 3 . 60 F. Liniman ;'”"" Fridasy * 220 R 0820 R.Brinkoty |20 ey & | Cornell ‘ 105.60. V. dones J. S fagg | SR Ldrimer | & Pocilmidir 159.60. i/.d.Stoat s 720 | | wnnorgan 50 Sehool 80 ¥yey i LY 8o . Hurphy s0 60 { i 76 Js &0 Bossingham F Friday ® 708.20. F0 §0 CFroelich Robinson A Harsh - " ON\Bossingham J|G rimes o Sthool \,,‘ 2 = = JLirove RO C. Davi 220 s . J M E Dowell Plenechpachh /‘/ , 137 Lr # | | N | &. Stipp 5 KW A.|| Brokaw 198 8 720 J.C. Bane g0 JC. Bane & Br &0 \4. T Daniels | 7" Clarey g0 NBane 7. Eilsom : | —t— g0 | B.wirt | 200 J Marsh e “ 720 | 200 ( JGrigy S0 Vanscyoc Vanscyoc el . ; 2 : sl - | (/8 % 2 CHE o7 & . S Smith Sackett 40 GLH oover J.Crossen 80 FJ Bowurn G. W, Dumars 20 Henderson I | | ; & & G | . NVewcom JVewcom Bourn | 240 6o 4 40 | . . | | Cooper Watts * | £7 Bane S S Suckett 40 | o #iner /60 3 160 . | 60 //!‘/(‘nl(lrl‘l ) 20 LAFAY | (/7 BLOOMINCTON |ls & MI|SSISSIPPy /o v , T Ad.Foung |J. MHaurice D.W. Stanger 760 'SMITH ‘,/.«l KA. Grove 60 ! 'O 4 G 160 /60 g0 todgers . B ii, Jlrossen Ulmar ‘ S B Hudson { 760 - Fry 749 a 7 Ldrnes w. . Cundiff| o |__ Hiteran £ i School 720 fosal & 30 s UnitBr: e C. A YVouna JW 7' 0'Bafien Ethog Arbogast 160 % X EBuilta I W Mawrice = Fesy 760 760 j/E'lms Arbogast ? St D9 el ‘ | | NBetser Hrs 720 * Tor D iz I'"Banks 29 e G- ] Cunning ha | 40 w _|n N ™~ | 3 5 XK 3 - EHM(Tun i0 - . . Philip “Hileman - 75 P Ball'sEst i | | | | | P Wampler [ R | #ileman 72 ks 3 Y g0 q0 Arbogast o5 it ripp 40 ¢ 85. 2 5 J W » . Hilema drrowsmith 700 60 JLobauwgh R.ILPorter Gem B . u i - : Res ’ V. ¥ewecom | | m. R S 1 | : p 5 b e Hovugham ' Keetfover J. B. Moore AP Vgnscyoc . #°Clun L s Pemberton 60 160 480 -7?&' y 7 B.Ad.Dewtsch “// » S G LA < " oughfam o Sl mith | C. Hitdreth . C Hildrelh | . 5 ~ o & ”’l{l oa & 744e9 | 767 60 5" ; 4.0 |® 6o Fenstermaker S g am Hiois 2 S Schoot $ S, lhooly Stkgat © \ ; :rl_,,;/. S0 YL X Hossenpllwg S0 J Heprer S0 i, | b s 513 CHilldret cmberton | D. Spangler d.CHazxle S0 Veals A B Winsor = 2 \ 240 ; X Est. /60 80 160 { | o go 1 % 760 Chrigen | 28 Ch i e ey n JA ~{-) L.Snmoot wRes [ V-4 w7 s x: | Stanshury K" Spencer A Winsard” 60 ‘ 760 fiimdtler 20 P Ve ning | 40 James Por 60 berton 40 or Zemberton 50 g . I 1. /. JRes | Williams 3 0 ( emberto D.Collins A4.C. Haxle | 5 = A S ARROWSMITH REFERENCES. J. R. LARIMER, Dealer in Grain, Lumber, Salt, etc. Highest cash prices paid for Stock. LARIMER & JONES, Dealers in Dry Goods and Groceries, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Notions. J. BLAKINHAM, Blacksmith and Wagon Maker GEO. M. NEVANS, Shoemaker. e < I KAGM & ROST 2 el NS s o % ARROWSMITH Scale 500110 7 Inch. W J. Crossen 70.a | Cvill Resipence oF C.W.SPRINGER MarTinTe. M¢ Lean Co. ILL. M¢ Lean Co.lu, WM PEABODY Prop. pere: A SAYBROOK STAR MILLS, Savsrook, SSam REsIDENCE OF WILLIAM A.LATHAM BeLL FLowerTr MS Lean Co.lLL. ResipeENceE of JAMES WHITE PapuaTr. M¢ LEaN Co.lLL . ORCHARD WEST,AND BARN BUILDINGS EAST OFHOUSE. oo OO ECOCOCBOOSS T 1A Gibson Loster | 118.61. John 5 2ot LB & /? Henline | | { | i u 7 / 4 » 0 N I} 703.20. J.Blinn 1685, \Bienn - Q O " . 7'»»11!//10(/ ————ld.Cranford S &0 - S X i 1 i = 50 lsapc i [ | i i { { JFE Waldon Stcale ! - F60 Bunn 7 JMHeagler 200 Spring o T | | | /08 /7 G40 7 . " 2 JD heeney |w & 40 W hisiman Vandervort S Spring H. B 120 | Jas Y‘i”’(l(/l/l‘il,l[/l)/l n B ‘ 160 " | 160 7 U Lawy e L M Bedwell S Bierbower | 2 . 3 { | | 1018 50 : 80 s, &0 &Yool Edsatean I j FLleaxar Harlin | | | | Inches to the Mile. W/II:':/ r’u /h‘/h/u' SO B Sammon S0 — W Pow A. BsWicketsor B 0. Turnipseed . SR T e 80 : o Mt ey, i o H - Dalton . 160 L. Willhoit 0| i | - [ Y oz /'f/'t'r'lruln | Joln Firk J A e nne 160 | F T | W.LS D Henline wrjfenline - 160 80 dy S. Buxick ¥ ST R, 40 H. Loalman | Joseph Tye \Geo W Smith /‘/.\'[i F0 50, i &0 aff | S.7" Ridgle, | | i1® &0 { D Henline / M Williams S0 M. hagg XY Keller | w00 0 160 .S . Dean a0 5 . Pol. ,.;}fl, i k A/l ‘]77 e | JHaynes g0 Geo. Pegr & S Hinton S0 Lock |y D.Bierbower O.se am J. Baker ('/rr'i.v,/'lnié‘ | hool, | %, ,,m(_{'",l g Jas. Gillar D) |\ L. M EWhorter, i» NS Morris | A Heller | 850 ‘)i———f—r——'#f — r P ~ tllan ) 4.N.R.5. S B Williams Peter Harpole 0.5.8 160 B Johnson | ar | | (H.Ritchie K s criven Geo 0 J. Johnsorn [ NDameron |, /i 20 Thompson W G0 : 820 i J. 2. \Ir.G dnderson 60 VC.W.Spri naer 160 160 e agram Smiith | - VS Hawt horne LConklin a0 8 Chris Ch.% M. Hnight * M. Anderso ‘ 160 williame Harpole 72 e G40 LS cars 240" . il D . lLake /160 48 00 Mre r/) l » | 30 e ResiDENGE oF ROBERT HIGGINS, MT.HoPETR M€ Lean Co.lLL. M¢ LEaN CO. ILL. RESIDENCE OF MRs. ELIZABETH J.HARLEY Locean Co.lLL. ¥ Farm Resipence of EDWARD STUBBLEFIELD MT. HorPE TP M€ LEAN Co.lce. » | ). dones I 33 s BSmath: | 7574 i T | | SAd Vance ‘ " Corkhill 107 I e N S\ Hamilton 2 3 : 1695 A S| : 372, | 160 &5, 180 i1l S ) e sfes & dathen y S 5 " = 3 | 2 > { . 7 AR = WM Vanee Hoea = /6 i = | ; 5 > e ~ 160 . e N r(/:(/u(/ » g e Fairtield | Smith ¥ S " 00 I e e 1 3 3 8wk ’ 1 S| 5 S Tt s | ]l . Prdpp | N £ES| 3 | A1 en - | s s = . 80 X B e 760 = o 2 N | Ao 48 £ | [ EARE e Y 3 | 1 | ‘ assedy [T t ,‘ W.5. ”","3’{ I,” e S Wilecow I\ z.ar Iite : 196 3 ; /60 : s0 | e 760 | et ‘ . Sharples ‘ g U\ wra 4 é 240 g d . Res (D 77 E | S WA Mycrs L. Bl iams 160 320 JHicke r 760 4. Sells 760 M ah fan :i | Warner | W Hellmphill 1B Willia 80 B 4 WESDHenline /3 ‘ 17 . S JHe\nline IR0 o o Geo. 80 M. Hen l e 280 Il Lawrence) 0 Swhool 7o, J. Cussedy D0 S Lawrence e A | w1 T b s ‘1 : | y ‘ W48 ’/,-,_”II right 1 JHa n‘// lton ‘ CH, /7’/"// son | I Bourguin || 2 I : 1 | i :‘ 80 ..l 80 I, 720 | DlHenline "i60 > t | 1 IJO.\' Mererer | | | [ fes | ol JEN 1 ] i 7 ‘ | WS L.l Brown, “ '/",-”//‘ WE&DH. - {l £ ‘5'/”,./”",- j o I <4 | a0 o o 50 =% > > | O Barmward 160 i 160 hal A Bourguin ‘ M Meeker ‘ 760 {40 | 80 > | i 3l ol = == - . X e e Sy . Gy T . t Vx> ] | : L S milh | Hentibie | | » T ot 370 ; | M. Bec dHenline g L Johnson i { 80 55 % o | NS L Welceh S Blalton 160 80 i e B& DA, 40 e .0 lij/': e | J. Benson | 160 | L tawthorn | 160 l 160 ‘ ) > - -] | | sl M Hughes r s Flelany igfi 80 I Daniel o ~ e S 80 S A il)(fl/'tf \I'B Hilgore || d.-Decker s a 160 rnline 320 2 Bros . | 760 ‘ 160 160 v 3 | S'Jdohnson % = gy seulfy e oy SHREE! 20 2/ [ M. B Smi | W. 1S mith Ismilh 20 V40 | < S Sl ‘ TS, . L. Smilfis Wrs. | | - 3 gl 00 ! ://,-f,ll,mvj 160 "W Nsrigy | M Barterton ) /20 | bar b ) | 20 il Henry il { b r | | { , Henline Jasper Henline 80 G W Arnold e 2 Nenlined? | 23 b { | T - 1440 e Py =% L.RWile) 3 s | Latlerlon ¥ ; | 5 60 | Ayneman | [“/’/”""l' | M Benson ; < [ | 160 160 7es 2 M. .w, Jas. Fenson | 2| H LR Wiley Henlinellenline . 2 gk 29 i W.Witey 240 gmwell radtord tin ) 160 | ‘\/:',I//'r)n!/f'l' Y L cnor m | | m Y L e A ol A A - 2 S e Ko & AR S SESIDENCE OF JOHN W. FUNK, RANDOLPH TP, M¢ LEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FORMER RESIDENCE OF JESSE FUNK, SETTLED BY HIM < I3 o ol . = e AN A TR Y AR TR » ;{\ o P ‘ = wfi“\ T e R FARM RESIDENCE OF HENRY BEDELL, PADUA TP, M¢ LEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 2 — CXIII8 .)/',',’ Inches to the Mile p W. 5. 1 V. i e - p . > ’ P - A - Hewitl sz S L. Payne ! : : . " ‘ ' | e @ way,, | d. 4 Rt 3 | 2 - 3 s b H NV Wheeler |Stephens y J. Helsoe j 1. Manley- R 1 6. Green 163% 160 ] ,/{1(/ N : ‘ 3 . BB Grady | 3 o5’ WESTONE < "0 | : 2| - | o 7 D] / 3 -~ 3 Sl e § 213 i | 1 TOLEDO Weartin 0 o o ; 2 Ld.Jolhygson | G H Halea DRIA & G0R. R, N Lol v Jdrike G.Brown o m | i | Lt WSt T P W o e L e %Q Hesters | 1. Parsons //”rll’l/‘.\'t" Phittips S Pl . Briggs & - s el 2 |7 Kingston G | B Worer | TTIROY | g5 Conurroe { FH 80 -S':'hluu/ 5 . 80 fmses o, . -III'-V 1 ” g i | . R T DAr Ditlon ' : Tl Py C.CE&W.C, 2 S0 lamilton by Wright J Tweed |- S Ll PC Buntiny nW.Green 160 /. Parsons 60 . { 160 | R 60 | 4. H, J p | T'hompson - e | x s ok, X - e S == = e ea o o M e s / Winan . Crawflord | | 40 s I rady \gd. Hlaus 3 1 = = Il:ll‘: it 60 ¥.x I¥Wheeler (o S0 f e 29 lLonsber 1&'/12:!/ ? 8% e 59 O - 00 ol = - " | see Etiét:lr'//w' L Hale & v! Hes 160 160 . Rockhold &0 R37 \B.M Watts | {6) 7 LS he J-Pool | g pauce | 80 160~ E \,\_7/ 60 : H.Stephs &0 . . +S. Baechler |8 NS S Henman 190 3 st - 2 = J. . Dowen Gi'q 50 &0 wntinfy S0 Yoagle ; J. D Bishop J . G | - J B 0/ | ¢ s aj0 * i ax3 J.( ¢ . el &rs 2B 5e 0.8 M Intire 160 it ttorrin| Y S Saechlers | 4. PodJ1 160 : Habecler i o & g 100 60 RMER ay 0 l'll(/ - J.Colvin i 4 160 | Sk 77',7,, - C L hrhardt | “w.rw.wnite M Hanes ¥ Groon | Erae ol | ST Gibson Siheaiana R 0 | 160 v School V°5 'I-' Ferris ‘I.‘uj;//w 1M ey ST 0 7.7 Smith T. Hayslip | David lanc I g Westervell 250 f n J.FHare G0 0 J. T Vance 0 G A | W hiting o lal /:'u,/l"/ { S0 50 . { g0 @0 » ‘ | School 1 ; T2, 3 LGarber i 7 ? w90 Y 29 PP Bede Vo lhiting [Chris. Walls DS Mears W.B.Hewill J. Rupp e ' 7! Chapman B /'u :/;I 1065, | 160 160 a 160 " 60 160 % | . | > 5 ; " 3 | ko 4 les Clirovwn L llayslip | W Wiles | Rdlthouse » H. Raedle 120, Sullon e K. Thayer &0 i i20 - = . _"”(L,,, J. Nagel H Henni ny . ®o- | J. Davis J. /;’n,~!,p,v s 850 <8 ; | . [z are (64 - F. B Powell 160 | 160 \Broom J A Collinghai 9 - ey | o0 BRes licsmsit | g0 afes 80 ‘ " g i k. : J : o T M. Vewton | 160 M. L. Hayslip 1/'[’,’,,,,}.—' / T - M Jacobs | C M Wilson Wi 1.0 11035 | g Spomitsn 50 80 » /sl o ——— : - pizin, o (. Jacobs | LW son, &0 anla | D Ande (. Jadobs S Cone '} 700 &0 . 160 {Harrington Millinagton T-DE FH Ol | NI 41 o A0 - p A Summons A. | 0.0 Burnett . P Fage 160 - | S S Meacde el Carmichael 165 e School ¥ i/ . ‘ Strosmider [FOSGW Cox . g0 i /. F. Hoisingto 90 Fldohnson T Harvison . { .’. Harvison 5 4 | kool gl T wtist res $558 | S M Purdeem 30 JScantan o ddts L Sayre > F8 | Hopkins 80 (% 0 50 Wise 850 M5 K'. S D Vail W B Wikoll’ Fdacobs ani G | SO Vail 5 WM Hanles . { VS H Dranen ”I;: I// ; 80 M CColm| % a0 | w2 Taylar: 20 G wolle G0y JCastle 160 . 8P 7 < ‘ S Donahae 20 Vil 70 | | | | | | | L FTbach | B 1} i60~_J_@ | jSeJohnson | /@/zuu_{/.vlul'f‘ ST Wilson $2225 T i & /.‘u//z{:/ 3 I Co AL man v 3 Scale 2 Inches. o the Tngslon @rsoncg e ‘\/m'(' "'f.,;‘ WA A Kulen S I S0 e ///ln/(/)' & ¢ 2 PAPO T T \Jae Miller = { . Stetten 200 G. I Fresheor ¢S Cook 08 appOMYyIng w 08 s 160 Carpenter 733 JUIH A 90! Coaangy ), 0 175 09 / Pr— *Res TS i - Y F Gschwind Straight WS FEikler | Terpening 120 R s . . 72 105 160 | 20 CO.Hayes 80 Re MHeeker 320 1oy o0 L8 | JSaathott 760 . Walton wipseny 40 08 SSOY DD AD Y)Y IS | "Res 40 H. L &9 o8 | OY P14 M S ADDJULD ] S buru oy Aoney | '/"4','/”'111'”‘1/ b A | 70 W, Heekor g 1 EHEWard | Groveror T 760 | Mecutiough oy w W.HAdams 160 B.(astle S | eae S8 = Z 66%; PRI Decker | Tenti 08 SADPI)) 480 Merrill | 80 s . TR e i S.Coolk 60 0. M. Hatch 160 AV L2 jllm')‘ Gale TG Martha (A rolicl Fagleston 120 e Campbell | o yos L llenshaw H.Brown i 7 | 720 M5 Hinsbaugh s o8 wsry ) D.Zowvcher 180 "t Moraan o8 su It 0 pPOUYIS [ Se 320 | 4.7 Davgherty: N &0 LN » P e &) i JHawter 160 08 S Hason | . B.Stewart 200 | 320 | 5 1 QUYISAL ) - | Fes | \ i | sudrueng ) || s 5 Res School, Ver B.CSummers | J M. Kirby | (. Miller M. Belsey | 160 554 15940 ot M ‘.)/ puDpaD K 1AM 7 1y by iy | o S ‘C w. H. O.D.Butler W Pearcy | it i Anderson |sRes 1607 | 3 | | 168", 50 e School i / @ 769 % 7' |\ M Anderson | 08 i I J I 240 ynoy ) G.N. Melarrvy W90 /'f : o ; . Flizabeth Sharbine R A’ | God Worley # Dietrich 09 SAYBROOK REFERENCES. S. R. RIGGS, Banker. RHEA & MEANS, Dealers in Hardware, Queens- ware, Agricultural Implements and Grain. > : ; S JAMES H. RHEA, Carpenter. L . s 60 orley s | WoTLevy WILJ IAM H. RIGGS, Banker and Farmer. ? o. /"'-”":"' i ¥ Ledantol s | 8o : G. W. HUDSON, Proprietor “Sherman House." 760 ‘ | Ao il J. L. Worley 'W. J. BEEBE, Dealer in Farm Machinery, Seed R.Owtllaw 80 and Grain, Coal and Salt. Office and Ware- 40 Res 1’/1 house, corner L. B. (\;"M. R.R. and Main Street. « 7.0 Worley W. K. STANSBERRY, Postmaster. S ./U/:},v ey J. WHEELER, Carpenter. g s 200 A R.Jones i JOSHUA GRAYSON, Carpenter. 74 « 760 | ¢ D&YW Henline SAM. GALLAGHER, Druggist, and dealer in 4 | | eld Murphy- ¢ 20 Cigars, Tobaccos and Toilet Articles. | ; ’ / | P 0. J. CHENEY, Dealer in Groceries and -Pro- = === e visions. H. M. RIGGS, Stock Shipper. ™. B. RANKIN, Stock Dealer. I. J. HARTSOCK, Merchant. J. W. LOWRY, Merchant, 0. C. SABIN, Lawyer. R. PALMER, Livery and Sale Stable, T. A. STANSBURY, Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing. CHAS. W. KNAPP, Police Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, Real Estate, Insurance, Loan and Collecting Agent. WILLIAM VAN VORIS, Attorney at Law, H. DAHL, Boot and Shoe Store. A. McKENZIE, Proprietor “ Mandell House.” R. VANOSDELL, Miller. J Robert Sherwood sowuop oy | 08¢ wuM IO (] 0858 wosad 1) ‘,, 7/ J. Hackuey | 7. iickey S0 ey o B/ 440 Geo. W. Wood Hoberl Sherwoodd " 480 ' B. | | . 6 | %7 22 2ede a0 Claypool | J N Hing v | 760 A . RB.Jones : o wen.L by G AU IWells g0 o 0o *° 140, 09 9y $710221 4 | B —— ‘ Res e | 8 Oopg e | SRes | 1 - . Il | J. M Bailey T,.}f'|.,,,. [ | 30 40 . SsaY X | | . ; 200 yrrs gl Procitt A.R.Jones X Avchdeacon Est. 320 08 7 220 2 | le ‘ Ungram| | L. W.Sholtey F. R. KEEFER, Physician and Surgeon. ,){) Pt (ol Ao L A A LK e R 25 C. A. OVERHOLT, Dealer in Flour and Grain. 3 [ &5 | P | S o R. A. TARBET, Engineer. 666.517, | | | utlaw || 8 Reaugh pes | i JAS. L. BALLARD, Physician and Medical ‘ | 2. B.Spencer | J.B.Pierce L | J-U. Urban Practitioner. ; 5 i L ‘ JAS. W. BAILEY, Merchant. WM. PEABODY, Mill Proprietor. D. HARRISON, Merchant. G. W. BARTON, Physician and Surgeon. THOS. KENDALL, Grain Merchant. a0l 5‘.//1/,//)1/‘9/»‘. | | | 09/ 60 | 160 | 6. m0wttaw b g | ; 2 /8. LS A.R.Jones | sRes || sRes 80 i s Fesn € | 3 Res, ||“Fes A.Crotinger 80 q WL Dunbauld T Hargitt Hass | 160 160 \JCHoselton Yo ‘ol 08 v | | | | —~ | « Robert Sherwood 7 100495 /.':’.s' St {). Richey p P | ) X 5 R | . DL 37 | el e 37)47) e e - : | . . _,’() 400 { nn l'// 670.53. P. Moot s 24.0 160 pes Il 4. o8 oD SV - e WESTON REFERENCES. e B [ | | | {81 HOWARD & CO., Grain Dealers; also dealers i : Batiard | | : : . L g2 ; ; | ¢ | | in General Merchandise. f ! C. C. ENSLOW, Merchant. ‘ ' H. D. LEDGERWOOD, Railroad and Express R A e — ] | R | | ; | Agent. ‘\‘wa;‘; N7 2 7T T | ; | ] I e 51 Dt 5o G. M. ALLISON, Wagon and Carriage Maker. ! X S| N 7 [ | { e G. M. HANCOCK, Blacksmith. 3‘/.-,»,,,11;, s , 5|5 SR s T B : Db e JOHN C. LEIGHTON, Blacksmith. 6.58 . \ PEABOD. O.a . % Freight S "WESTON Seale 5001t to the Inch WH Biggs & Bro. | W.PeNgbody W g0 |56 | — 3% a. Comy |7 O WN 5 ©® o« el T e} T X AV 22 |2 e LI 2 Jol 2 _Jis D. K arrisam 3% a ; x I {1 > ¥ & | - Tv‘ . . ‘T:_"‘_;‘T:“":.*T-“A'*“'A J. W Lonry i R Iy eulp 73 | 2 dores i g"_r\.mlj_.!m//ma ] .A‘,y.r//u// " L‘;}}L Ljfi | e . : o el 0ls el ‘ lshd i Lo s | | Geo. Cheneys Est. i B Public /G5 Square . Wartford ‘ 26, 4. (L. e R e ‘*l Follick | J.B&RE. Feckwith sal | | . UEL SNI FOR SALE. RESIDENCE OF HON 5 . JOHN CUSEY DOWNS TP. M¢ LEan Co.lLL. Royal Prince of Fairview 12861. Got by Royal Oakland, - - - go34 Dam Louan 3gth, by Duke of Airdri Louan 1oth, by Imported Duke of Airdrie (12730) Louan 2d, by Gold Dust, - - - 534 Louan, by Imported Otley, - (4623) etc. CROVE’ STOCK FARM AND RESIDENCE OF OLGA III. Got by Muscovite, - - - 8677 st Dam Olga, by Benton, - 7577 Miss Maynard, by Imported York- shire Maynard, - 2401 GREENWOOD LOUAN XII. Got by Clifton Duke 2d, - 5451 Dam Louan 4th, by Robert Alex- ander, - = - - 3440 EMMA DAWN. Got by Red Duke, - - - 7167 Dam Mary George, by Warren, - 7365 JULIA DAVIS. Got by Laudable, Dam Alice, by Lord Lennoxr, - 5870 5895 e SO e > T.23N.R.6E. 34 P. M. Seate 0/ 2 . to 1Mile i . ! i | cw e J Heleinn 1 & | 4 A( R Niforls | ‘ 42,75 ! ' |W.7 . B Clrcayeli e ! : ‘ /\ 2sr | eattes o) S Updylke JA Jones | ! | S Ioifiee | L. Phill s I\ o2 | | | | | | 1695, > |78 Criglter 90 16290 T Zeer 2275 LDeisinger 200 P T Sryder |DJ Marshall | M. Beriley 7 Heota £ Nane . | | . 2 o 9 | iciggbem 20 | | \ w0 | i | ; s 2 = < S e e = = e DD. Mears g | 24 | i 20 | 1 \Literernbunrger | W& Landers | S M > L 3 9 “ 80 | a0 L Wirniesct,, rg W. Meels “ - 3 16755 ‘: T Sodddetls B - /6755 - ’ Beaver J D Rankisn | Selool] Il @0 1 /20 / 200 T S st I]J*f | 1 1 | = oo , = - == % \\Hart | o | .’ 160" 7 Riouyliregs 20 S D Lews 220 60 \B. Preeman OO ‘ | | 217 Pyl ::Ilfil Sterwert | \ | 1 | ' s 1 WAL rat? 0. Perin | N Stire : | w60 [|= /20 | 120 || 720 ’ {1 ‘.n»/,,,(i/f.& i LB Hendersorn eAet 12 5 O A NA Yo 520 &0 A M &0 100 A Cowles _ o Sy reh 2 ) 06 J. Prothero Newe o 7, Ve rose cyac 2 2 Reynalds, W Cocte S Morgan g to | 7res e 80 &0 B4 e —————ADevore | N 80 { 20 |2 Cattagresr |® S It G 3 a0 [ T | i < |\ Z L P (carews Lot H. O ¢ dd Follick DNeseweander el | | | | /| 5 ‘ " HRat? e i NN g Prim m | arae = 2 | L. Ellswortl 1 240 Il 50 s0 | e ] | 7 curinengl | | 20 206 0 = st Q9 —1 L gl ..l | ad WA. L o D. Harrisor (Cuninghan B Thonpisorn Bri oy d LW By | Bst 720 ) 200 = Nonl O =0 a0 E. Byers &0 E - WA W. L \Crunriingham s | - 1 3 & Skedmore ‘ 4o 4 70 [/. N Rowlordy a0 . | | tire w. V| Atkinson | 8 | (7.0 Ma 40 5 B.Tharntyisorn Larmnsery / | Vo B Mecern s | 149 N = CwW: Atkinson 30 R W llla/r"umru | 70 fo s .M | Rearrz | ax | Lotz Riggs & \Vewitand 140 | 4 Horsrrear ~ 7 Prothere 3 258 | | 3 poae D Harpster 7 P Meelli 2 ez 74, 80 eclerith Meaekisn ‘7 Lz att 120 f'/fl Lowe DN\ He ryrster 2 ] W H Clheriey ¢ o H. Chereey s AL F20 S MW Stwrishiry w.R*? Geo. A ///r('/(y.l" W. 704 sley o0 ‘arcy lienito J. Brittir | | Ceo Feasterbrook 0. . Davison | | 120 | Ceo. A. | Davisorn LN Brittin " asterbrook 80 E Y N - S 3 a X N S 3 X A N L B e alby) o s | = w3 S Q ~ S \ S & » < 2 7 SIS 74, 46 A Cridiey a0 AT.22N.R.6.E.34 PM. G Moore (V. Cliree j‘y/mn/fl"’l( | S B Meveeh: 20 | M Lceradeine D Hearyisler S Weeterrreeerz, /160 80 80 e D Abel TW Creer 40 \ 8% wZ.7 Cetsserclyy 30 Ceo. Yowle * 220 P Brows |P Bigles 160 " 60 == 5 e 9 5 Ao~ S~ N A O = e Py = o ), AP M & H P, tgfivatrt 3 . C. Tacoby | 120,46 1.L.0 lever | . H Marsh 160 [ - W' L Kinnear County A . L.O2iver ‘}/r 666 W. A. Lathare & Milleqr 2 Q - LY ol e mls SN Reng e il ———16- e Ry s w || dry 0 \1 ) \5\ » J. Me Nwlla LE Funk |TWWarren N | < 160 6 S s @ RE Moreland 720 rod LI _ R - 50 Richif =z T E‘ : I il B ® ) m.wmm’.oa - K. P ’ oo ‘N X S . g e ‘ : s § \5 ¥ L. ./Z‘;res " Gt hrie —| S ?: P ss | ¥ i e ) J Me Nulta —— M2 J. Flell G L Rereddolyel "Il N = & DR :Nm .mfv v " z20 £00 S 3 2 s > gy ¢ ©77? > 60 160 2 LEofs W Brack . " NN AO _ 1‘ X 4 ~ ) i A L/ 2 = s A v~ 6 = 7 / el 7 A : : Fg e N 2 A Lateer o R LT 1 Waoll Keys 1 3 3 : 20 | X : 8 =y Dariet SN O RN N : Y3833 | BHaniey v P 4 400 L ~ @ 5 /60 | ¥-CLateer | p Ritchie | 4 | E S8 /8& oW 2 ' 80 50 Bl e “ School Nos B = | 5 | | g \‘ = S - = | 2, SRS | Wsmeet o A { . y 100 DfLoveless = X | 0. M Heateh . W MWeeeler . W Cox 220 3 £ e ‘ A Pyt 30 20 o !/ll 7t s 60 / /9 - .o g e T BRTER —ap 1 —ap . €. M e - ) % i 0 o 7e ‘S : 400 = \ S ; - 195,90 ,-/ Besi e 3 s Qs J. Olark C. .Wh%teler 0. MHartch | J.F Waller R L 160 ’ = t - 160 160 i = < N | _BiSchoot¥er | B = = | . — ¥ s | J Starik Geo.H. Moore | W, H. Powell Win Patterson || A.B.Browr | GeolLogarn o0 e — e . : v e J. ('fl/‘/y/r,’ 4 60 . 2 | 5 5 i 60 760 | ¢ Helerre 220 a0 | . , . o5 e N £ () e ?7 o 20 4 = ¢ S ‘ 3 3 5 NP S ¥ 7 e R o g ® Jas Ritelie B2 B ielin ® L H Pawlin HDBwttons é = : s -O.8yer Uft/&lmz(l ; % § P S o s Ritels | RO S 160 X N 2a A 5 | N 3 > . S0 162,50 Kirre 60 l 160 ; { : S g 440 3 #0 | 5 l $ s X N —r _",:77—-7 — :‘*\ ‘ - - o x| (= ey & Hehary | il g\ . 7 R Sneith & N | e Richardsor NV Scott 20 9 | el T AR e o 0| | S 5l oa se & | 1 ~ H.Clreriey v | S ees 7 160 ¥ £ N L S, ‘ E Thos Melicarry 160 NN 3 g 2 bt e Dy et el SR = 240 39 | 37 | ‘ 610 & | & 640 \ 3 SO E . S P e 1./,/4'(/1'///1('1' a8 | :% ”‘ SR | & N B.Newine 160 X N 320 " R N et 5 = = - Y:‘ P HR Porter | R Porder 172 9466 .2IN.R.6.E.3¢P. = .i :v,f/' 8 N S 0 < i Z A S L S =250 = = o 7 % > - X o N SA Sy oA P 2”%—& o /'/unnpa:ign ounly of v C O 7 2 v~ o ART X =S > = =55 S0 O | TR e T o | e Uy ) 2 666 | 666 I8 3 & 3 \ S & S R Sladl B | S8 ; J ) Josmay S s - - . = | Bscr00l VoG i [ . . < S | D 8 A Lathrare 'EQ' < S B = X% NS N ¥ g 20 = S5 ¥ o 3 Y eiatts 320 R ok i < é FS Lindsey : v 2 ¥ s < ; N N AL O 8 J 160 /// i ¢ = 9 “ 670 R 4 Do § WA Lathar / el X § = X 290 ; ol R ¢ o &) s | AR / H{\ —][(11 ~e-pud / , L .74 AN ILLINOIS. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION.—Illinois is bounded on the north hy Wisconsin, on the east by Lake Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky, on the south by Kentucky and Mi om'i; and on the west by Missouri and Iowa. It is separated from Kentucky by the Ollio River, and from Missouri and Iowa by the Mississippi. It lies between 37° 8 and 42° 30 north latitude, and between 10° 30" and 14° 25’ longitude west from Washington. The greatest breadth of the State from east to west is 210 miles, and its extreme length from north to south 378 miles. The general form of the State is that of an ellipsoid, truncated at its northern extremity. The superficial area is about 55,531 square miles, or 35,539,840 acres. g FACE OF THE COUNTRY.—Thesurface of the country is generally level or gently rolling, although in the southern part near the large rivers it is’ quite broken and hilly. Illinois is properly termed The Prairie State; for, in no other part of the country are thelie to be found such vast expanses of level prairie as here. To the eye of the ohsor\'(\‘r they mark the plane of the horizon in every direction, and seem limitless as i)m ocean. r As a general rule they occupy the higher grounds. The timber is principally confined to the lower lands, along the breaks and valleys of the streams. The highest lands in the State, are in the extreme northwestern part, and are known as The Mounds, which are about 1100 feet above the level of the sca. From Freeport southward there is a gradual descent through the entire length of the State, except where it is broken by a ridge crossing from east to west through Union, Johnson and Pope counties. This ridge attains an elevation of about 900 feet ahove the sea. while the elevation at Cairo is but 350 fect. RIVERS.—The general slope of the water-shed is to the southwest, and nearly all the principal streams, after a general course in that direction, flow into the Mississippi. A few in the southeast portion of the State empty into the Wabash, while some small ones in the extreme south find their outlet in Ohio. The largest river flowing ¢hrough the State is the Illinois, which is formed by the junction of the Des Planes and Kankakee, the former rising in \\'isr(m-r sin and the latter in Indiana. The Rock and Kaskaskia Rivers are streams of considerable im- portance—the first running through the northern and the latter through the southern portion of the State. More than three-fourths of the circumference of the State is bounded by navigable rivers the Wabash on the east, the Ohio on the south, and the Mississippi on the west. The two last-named are among the largest in the world, and afford transportation for all classes of steamers. The Mississippi, the great « Father of Waters,” extends along the western boun- dary a distance of over 500 miles. LAKES.—A remarkable feature of Illinois is the almost entire absence of natural lakes or ponds. A few small ones only are found in the northeastern and southwestern parts of the State. There is, however, a coast line of about 60 miles, extending along Lake Michigan, one of the largest of the five great North American lakes. SOIL AND CLIMATE.—As an agricultural State, Tllinois stands without an equal. Possessing a soil of unsurpassed fertility, and a climatic range of five and a-half degrees of lati- tude, it yields a greater amount and variety of hotanical production than any other State in the Union. No large tracts of worthless lands, such as characterize the topography of all the other States, are to be found here, but the farmer in all portions of the commonwealth obtains a rich reward for his labor. In the northern and central portions are raised in abundance nearly all those plants which are common to the North Temperate Zone, while in the vicinity of Cairo, both the animal and vegetable productions partake of a semi-tropical character. The amount of rain which falls each year is fully one-half greater at the southern extremity of the State than at the northern, and the average difference in temperature is about 10° Fahrenheit. MINERALS.—No natural deposits of gold or silver are known to exist; yet the mineral productions of the State are not unimportant. Fire-clay, potter’s clay, and valuable quarries of building-stone are found in various localities. Rich mines of lead exist in the vicinity of Galena, and iron ore in considexable quantities is obtained in the southeastern part of the State. Coal is the most valuable mineral in Illinois. The coal fields are destined to grow more and more important, as their resources are developed, and their value can hardly be overestimated. The coal-bearing strata covers more than two-thirds of the entire surface of the State, and the mines are believed to be inexhaustible. HISTORY. [linois was originally a part of Florida. In 1543 it became a Spanish colony. Northern Tllinois was included in the territory granted in 1620 to the Plymouth Company by King James, and was therefore claimed by Great Britain. In 1673 the Mississippi River was dis- covered by Marquette and Joliet. In the same year they ascended the Illinois River; and in 1679 Robert Cavalier De La Salle made further discoveries, descending the Kankakee to its mouth. Kaskaskia and Cahokia, the oldest towns on the Mississippi River, were settled by the French in 1682. Illinois at this time contained but few white inhabitants. In 1699 it became a part of Louisiana, and so remained until 1763, when it was ceded to England. The white popula- tion now numbered about 3000, mostly French, the principal settlements being at Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Peoria, Prairie-Du-Rocher, Prairie-Du-Pont and Fort Charters, In 1778 Kaskaskia, Cahokia and other settlements were captured by four companies of Virginians, under Colonel Clarke, and in October of the same year'an Act was passed by the Virginia Legislature, estab- lishing the « County of Illinois,” which embraced all of Virginia-northwest of the Ohio. In 1784 it was ceded by Virginia to the United States, and in 1787 Congress passed an Ordinance for the government of all territory morthwest of the Ohio River, Arthur St. Clair being appointed the first governor. In 1803 Indiana, including Illinois and Wisconsin, was crected into a separate territory, and six years later, the present State of Illinois became a territory by itself. In 1812 it:passed from the first to the second grade of territorial government, and sent a delegate to Congress. The right of suffrage was at this time extended to the people, without regard to property qualifications. On the 3d of December, 1818, Illinois was admitted into the Union as a sovereign and independent State. One section of land in each township was at once donated for school use, and two townships in the State for the use of a seminary. Since that time, the growth of Illnois has been astonishingly rapid, and it now ranks the fourth State in the Union in wealth, population and importance. The number of its white inhabitants in 1800 was only about 3000. In 1810 the number had increased to 12,282 ; in 1820 to 57,000 2,141,510 ; and in 1870 to 2,529,410. Chicago, its largest city, contains a population of 300,000, That portion recently destroyed by fire, is being rapidly rebuilt, and New Cuicaco bids fair to eclipse in splendor any other modern city. The foreign population of Illinois is mostly comprised of Germans, Irish, French and Portuguese. Of the American-born the north part of the State is settled principally from New York and New England, the central from Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and the southern from Kentucky, Tennessee and the Carolinas. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS.—The works of art, though yet in their infancy, compare favorably with those of the older States. It is but fifty years since Illinois was ad- mitted into the Union, yet the number and value of her internal improvements already completed are immense. Over 5000 miles of railroad lines are in successful operation, and some 2000 miles more are in process of construction. The number and character of the splen- did edifices which have been erected for court-houses, humane institutions, seminaries of learning and churches, and the other public works which adorn the State, bespeak at once the enterprise, intelligence and moral worth of the people. No doubt the next fifty years will witness even greater improvements than have taken place in the fifty that are pnsti ) POLITICS.—Illinois is at present a Republican State. The northern part is almost exclusively controlled by the dominant party, while the central is generally Democratic, and the extreme southern—familiarly known as Egypt—is about equally divided between the two parties. DISTINGUISHED MEN.—Consonant with the size of its rivers, the breadth of its prairies, the vastness of its resources, and the wonderful rapidity of its growth is the caliber of its public men. No State in the Union can boast of having furnished two more celebrated statesman than were Doueras and LiNcoLy, and no other State sways so great an influence over the destinies of the Republic at the present time, as does Illinois through her many hon- | in 1830 to 157,000; in 1840 to 476,000; in 1850 to 851,470; in 1860 to 1,711,951 ; in 1865 to \ ored sons. EXPLANATION OF GOVERNMENT SURVEYS. Third and Fourth Principal Meridians. The Second Principal Meridian runs due north from Ranges East of ‘the 3d Principal Meridian and North of a line passing through the centre of Kankakee County, number from said Meridian East to the State Line. All the surveys in Illinois are made from three established lines, known as the Second, ‘ The other Ranges the mouth of the Little Blue River in Indiana. The Third Principal Meridian, due north | from the mouth of the Ohio River. The Fourth Principal Meridian starts at the mouth of the Tllinois River, followsup thestream toapointopy Josite Beardstown,and runs from thence due north. number from the 3d Principal Meridian, Bast to the Eastern line of Range Eleven, and West from the 2d Principal Meridian to the same line. iy 50 i ENEE T 5 : . Each Towrship is 6 miles square, and is divided into Sections, which number from 1 to Townships lying West of the 3d Principal Meridian and the Illinois River, number North 36—number 1 being in the Northeast corner of the Township. Each regular section contains All the other Townships and South from a Base Line which runs due West from Beardstown. ‘ 640 acres. Fractional Townships are occasioned by inaccurate surveys. Fractional Sections number North and South from a Base Line which runs through the centre of St. Clair County. are due to the same cause, and are usually found on the North and West side of each Town- Ranges number from the 4th Principal Meridian, West to the Mississippi River and East ship. Correction Lines, running East and West, are established at distances of about 30 miles to the 3d 'Principal Meridian and the Illinois River, and from the 3d Principal Meridian West apart, fm‘, the purpose of preventing such errors as would naturally be occasioned by the cur- to the 1llinois and Mississippi Rivers. vature of the earth. oS -~-OFFICES XXIW XL IIAX N O XSS. COUNTY SEATS ARE PRINTED IN CAPITALS. LS OX Adam “Washington .Du Pl\ Han Fran} lin Allendal Allen’s Springs. Al Alpha Alt Anudalusia. And =55 3 ~.§ .. Williamson Barrington Stati TOW.corne art’s St Ma, vl nunmm\cmy cnv Hancock | (‘luy s Ad Sangamon Cledr Crcek Landing.... Alaxnnder Mas on 9 3 BEARDSTOWN. Beaucoup... ‘Washington Bond oewIroquois Shelby | G Bedford Beeche o Creek Vermilion Pike Benningto Bontley.. BENTON. Berdan. Blairsvill Williamson livens’ Mills. McHenry field urbon. ourbonnais Grove. lesvill Lnwrence Dm\n's Cnrners BER 58 22 angan o uffalo Prairie. Rock Island | De aford Ma i Buncombe. Bunker Hill Bureau Junction Burksville....... ~ ‘ STATIS : DL LNLNLAD PRESENT STATE GOVERNMENTS. AREA.| POPULATION. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, ETC. STATES 3 “APITALS. A e e i3] e L " BUSHELS TONS YOUNG e ACRES OF S CAPITALS. ‘ o LEGISLATURE MEETS, s [POP- 1N 1S/r>,lmn. N 1860. oF CORY. OF HAY. CATTLE. l HORSES. ‘ SWINE. IMP. LAND. ! Jtl;l‘mn?n, M_omgmncr' Thues. aft. 1 Mon. Nov.| 3 Mon. in Nov. 50,722 996,992 964,205 930,000 30,200,000‘ 567,000! 68,000 600,347 1()5.()63‘ 2,500,000 6,385,724 Arkansas Ifmlu Rock 1 Mon. in Nov.o_..__ 1 Mon. in Jan 52,198 484,471 435,450 1,170,000 25,750,000| 500,000 10,000 450,005 199,600, 1,500,630 1,083,313 California -| Sacramento_____ 1 Wed. in Sept.. -| T Mon. in Dec. 188,981 560,247 379,994 21,500,000 1,305,000| 2,000,000 470,000 1,500,630 300,611| 2,350,110| 2,468,034 Connecuaut,.,, Ilut(oul & N. H x Mon. in April_ 1 Wed. in May. 4,751‘ 537,454 460,147 75,000 1,950,000, 2,100,000 750,000 112,680 40,151 90,450| 1,830,807 2! Tues. in Aug.. 1 Tues. m]an_. 2,120 112,216 830,000 3,200,000 1,723,000 30,000 35,340 23,160 51,360| 637,065 ues. aft. 1 Mon, Nov.| Tues. aft. 1 Mon. Jan| 59248 140,424 1,300 3,100,000/ 23,000 13,000 2<)7.f>Sn 18,470 299,750 654,213 H aft. 1 Mon. Nov.| 2 Wed. in Jan__ 58,000| 1,057,286 2,170,000 27,500,000 1,200,000 48,000 198,300| 2,150,300 8,062,7§S Thues. aft. 1 Mon. Nov. 31 1,711,051 2‘),’00,()00 121,500,000, 35,726,000 ‘2,300,000 ..4,3"0,000 1,340,320/ 3,502,820| 13,096,374 2 Tues. in Oct. 809 20,600,000 73,000,000‘ 12,413,000 200, noo‘ 744,850 890,340| 3,58¢,120 8,242,183 Tues. in Oct. 55,045| 674, <)x3 25,000,000 78,500,00«)‘ 19,000,000| I, 6:0 000| 301,&;00 199,580| 1,001,120, 3,792,792 J ues. aft. T Mon. Nov. s.inJa 81,318 107,200 2,800,000 24,500,000 1,500,000 50,000 161,310 405,408 | 1 Mon. in Aug ()801 T3 [3-,,6%4 5,500,000 51.500,000‘ 5,800,000 1:,5 000! 2,690,870 7,644,208 1 Mon. in Nov 41,346| 708,002 50,000| 16,850,000| 87,000 37,000 940,110| 2,707,105 - 2 Mon, in Sept___.___ 1 Wed, in Jan__ 35,000 79 248,000 1,450,000| 3,200,000| 1,050,000 65,340 2,704,133 Annapolis - Tues. aft. 1 Mon. Nov.| T Wed. in Jan 11,124 657 049 7,733,000 12,300,006 7,100,000 191,000 398,120 3,002,267 Boston__ .. Tues. aft. 1 Mon. I\m 1 Wed.in Jan__ 7,800 1,231,066 167,000 1,050,000 1,525,000 850,000( 98,540, 2,155,512 Lansing . Tues. aft. T Mon. Nov.| T Wed. in Jan....____ 56,451 749,113 16,800,000 14,100,000\ 8,700,000| 1,550,000, ().w 960| 3,476,296 St. Paul. Tues. aft. 1 Mon. D Tues. aft. T Mon. Jan.| 83,531 172,023 19,000,000, 5,750,000 12,500,000 523,000 150,880 555,250 Jackson . Tues. aft. TMon. Nov.| Tues. aft. 1 Mon. Jan.| 47,156 791,305 267,000 30,000,000 200,000 40,000 1,750,101 5,005,755 Jefferson City_ [uo fl‘t I 7\[nn Nov. L’\\t Mon. i 65 | 1,182,012 7,500,000 80,500,000 6,500,000 750,000 2,790,860 6 246,a71 1 Eincolns -t e [ues. in Ocf 28,841 1,000,000 6,750,000 1,250,000 110,000|_ Moo 2 0y Tues afi X Mon. Nov| 1 6,857 2,500,000 2,000,000 1800000 LE st s e B R X New Ihmp»lurL 2 Tues. in March___ I 326,073 291,000 1,400,000 15%663,000| 700, 000| 79,680 2,367,034 New TCY\C)E”. Tues. aft. T Mon. Nov.| 2 : 672,035 1,646,000 ,200,000 6,440,000 525,000 300,540 1,944,441 Tues. aft. T Mon, Nov.| T Tues. in Jan__ 47,000 4,382,759 3,880,735 9,750,000 19,100,000, 31,250,000| 4,600,000 4,960,300 14,355,403 | T Thurs. in Aug I i 50,704 1,071,361 992,662 3,870,000 17.400,005 3,500,000 160,000 501,160 3| 1,898,900 6,517,284 2 Tues. in Oct -| * Mon. in Jan__. 30,964 2,665,260 2,339,511 20,400,000 68,250,000 27,000,000| 2,000,000 1,000,360 1,200,000 3,880,300 12,625,394 1 Mon. i | T Mon. in Sept.._..._| 95,274 90,923 52,465 1,750,000 500,000 75,000 140,500 49,800 112,700 896,414 I’Lnn\)l\an a.__| Harrisburgh. 2 Tues. i _| 1 Tues.in Jan 3,521,791 2,906,215 16,500,000 48,000,000 2,570,000 890,460 902,300 1,748,340 10,463,296 Rhode Island..| Prov. & N’ pon_, 1 Wed. i _| May and Jan. 217,353 174,620 8,600 250,000 71,000 21,420] 9,120 21,960 335,128 South Carolina.| Columbia - 4 Mon. in Nov. 3 Wed. in Oct. 705,600 703,708 920,000 850,000 58,000 349,890 98,125 1,000,720 4,572,060 Nashville. 1 Mon. in Aug o 1,258,520 Xy I()(),SOI 6,750,000 3,500,000 158,000 709,360 300,975 2,800,312 6,795,337 Austin ... 1 Mon. in Aug. Jixen ,250,000) 1,250,000 28,000 2,540,300 600,250 j‘io 600 2,650,781 | Montpelier. 1 Tues. in Sep ‘ 2 766, 5,050,000 1,100,000 230,300 71,840 81,450 2,823,157 Richmond. .. Tues. aft. T Mon. Nov.| 1 Q 8,642,000 9,017,000 220,000} | 1 inia._| Charleston. __ 4 Thurs, in Oct... 2 Tues. in Jan. 3,000, 8|1 2,562,000 z,wo,uoo 150,000 9'7'250‘| 430,960 § 1:990,300| ¢ 11,437,821 ...... | Madison. ___ Tues. aft. 1 Mon. Nov.| 1 Wed. in Jan... 924 _24,000,000| ¢ 2,500,000| 1,460, (xx)‘ 430,319‘ 149,989 865,g<)8 = 264,146,900| 874,120,005| S 284,000 j() 420,000 21,314,098] 10,081, 0"() 4(1 943 «)31\ | et s = e — [ 0 T { TERRITORIES. CAPITALS. SQ. MILES. [POP. IN 18"0 TERRITORIES. CAPITALS. SQ. MILES. [POP. IN 1870.‘ TERRITORIES. CAPITALS. i SQ. MILES. [POP. IN 1870. TOTAL STATISTICS OF | ‘ | UNITED STATES. | I I | Sitk 394,000 7,000 !Idflm_. Boise 91,000 i 14,999 + || Uta ’Salt Lake City. 88,000 86,780 Ariz P 114,000 9,658 Indian_ 69,000 57,312 ‘“"\shmgton Olympia - 70,000 23,955 Sq. miles..... 3,400,000 105,000 30,864 ||Montana 144,000 | 20,595 Wyoming ... Cheyenne .| 102y ooo 9,118 | Pop. in 1870. 38,680,295 143,000 14,181 New 122,000 91,874 IDist. of Columbia__|Washington ___.___ 131,700 w‘Pop, in 1860, 31,443.321 Plan, Representing Cities in the United States contain- Pract 1cal DCSCI‘IptlOD ()f SCCtlOD&l Land_ Cities and Towns in Illinois contain ing over 20,000 inhabitants. . ing over 2,000 inhabitants. Population Population Population Population in 1870 in 1860. in 187 in 1860. New Vork. 042293 805,651 Chicago - 112,172 % Soidor Npt NEZ of NE ¥ Quincy i 7377 A rar Springfield 91320 112,172 g Bloomington . 71075 212,418 SP 6,011 202,077 6,979 '%‘Z“ 75.674. 4,053 75 3 *so82 idpt NE# of NE% gt ‘ ] Creck i ' 75,041 5,376 [ 68,03 43,417 Spt. N E#of ' NE.& 7,102 l 1217 . > o Northwest quarter of Section 70 70.65A4 i 26 . . 2 221232 2 Township 18 Northsof Range Cent pt.of Wtof NE% e 1367 ; s .7 sg,sos Fast of the Third Principal Meridian. 535 A 2,797 i 48,204 4,016 28,702 46 | 37,907 7604. e 39,267 1,727 10,467 % 3:433 18,611 S EF of NE% L 39,232 2.218 28,119 2,428 24,960 F04. 1,609 36,827 3,132 a1 . 704 2896 2, 193 +71966 L VIS WA Sk SWENE % el 9,223 5 2,473 23,162 NFW SIS N s EtNWASEE 2,440 19,586 2% A4 A % N "% 418 v ; v s BUWENWILE 54, |NANENES SEF M 29,258 é 4. 5A. 704 1930 13, 17 ot < 70A4. 7% 18.55§ ; 1,615 21,25 1076 Dayton. .. 20,081 Q ; = NE% of SW4% NELSEESENE P NESE%S S Lmueme, 3 17,639 ; x i e ¢ 2563 8 SR i HOAL. 404 it 22,202 S 1,008 19,083 146,016 5: (B2 SHWESE&SBSEol S& oF Nk 0oF SE% 1,370 16,1 : I5008 NWFoF SW% 471 22,252 13,718 1,005 20,107 1,681 13,405 17,228 A 1,330 1045 % . ot SHE PSR WP SES ot SHE [0 VB4 SWE s0.4 ki SR SEF 1567 17dos 04 204. 1358 it : 10,400 * Population of the towsnhip included. e e TS Transfers of Real Estate. No. of No. of No. of No. of 1 SUBDIV. Sec. Tship. Range. Acres. DATE OF SALE. PRICE PER ACRE. REMARKS. 1 JJO DAVIESS STEPH i ._._.-.-47_..1.-‘-_.:_”.4..' POLITICAL s MAP OF MAP OF ILLINOIS ) "ol (ol [LLINOUS - frEa bk WARNER & BEERS 7653 — Bt fadi X 08 1{1 ;xln Y ! HJT*&( | o.c. A RUNDY! \— !..«.‘._/.‘.._ ..... 1 { ol | o 2. 1597 | ] o #l ! . lov 14 : ‘ \‘ MER CHR[u | | WiLL --‘-‘—i| ] - | i v w._._r_L.u__.w.k 1 it = Ty TM!&\\ lrLl. 1 0 Vas L@L \./ 'e C JJ \ M n\x.c«x‘f LS | BROW. gt XH-C RGAN{SAsNsGAc? e T L i ’l_M,O : L oc. 23 el \ [ n.ersg Opringfield\ i - RO ] JM(J,;HL,.\;\ T b & Gt Rt T 3 Pl L ] ,SCOTTL‘ LS ? 4149 g M“MMOQL./[/BLE £ _',: ) , . Tfiif;» ~F *“\r J?Lt\? Sl | b h‘r)‘(“:\ RT].\\'PFALL‘ Z. mul,@( JEFFERSON! : . e . ' £ S . EXPLANATION [ TON fpwiR soN 2L s Calcilerows ==y e L P Ml N . el 3 | { R LMJ};S W HI /'//r/m//il‘/»rmur/,mmm R 3 ek ; P 5| HA}IIL’J Corl Measres k. < % LT Cincinnati Group | kel { — ~ > ¥ Suf T ® 1 . Y y G | EXPLANATION ‘ Deroniarn Series The Figures on the l//// shon-the r///////// lote 3 K 4 . = of cach Cournlys (or s : - 4 { Silirricn (1 pper) L2 stands for feep ///u v /’//oé(' vote for Pr rw/z/r it 8 ',’ S 3 ' Tertiary S Greanl, receiver ¥ . £ . ///II(I/I! 7 UN|0N E‘}QHNSON P,?,?&,HE # 77 _— CO'Conor 30¢ \bfi‘;‘f; %303 00 4 renton Litnestone [ J 1 53z i 7 G 4 ajority for (/////l/ overall 53 lo.c. ] (Y] The depth of raire fall ire ditferent portions ol the State is givern in inches The Congressional Districts are shown by Colors { ’ : GG I TaaerE S LR i y Yeoc oo % ) X The arerage Temperature is indicated _//” ;/’/’l’/{’/:,’//’;f (/}(’/‘"”/’/’N/l"'{""; shown by Shaded lines === \ e (e degrees al the ends of the Lsothermeal ] o The Senalorcal Distriels 113 bounded by dotled 160§ - S 3 lines,onthe right of the Ueap. AVH“'L(’ (’N ane i bered this |3 . A N 57° 4%"!{( | 1 | | | s 5 >voc_>(>(>20( < fxx\ lence BUCH! = -1 Indepe Dul)nulm- e Faripy NANU \Lfl\(mfil(*]‘ \\, 1 ‘; HA.\\\\\mu Bvll(-\ ue (@ vé 3 I e Tl.l D N-E LI\\ ‘ Vintonyg (BENT PAnamosa SeCodar l(dp;d_s Stk 4% Lo e Ko Qlate = m"c‘n‘\'v({ N~ ; AR { I.”” 5 | PTipton A JC S ON Towa CitySayg T1OowW 17l on l)'l\'l‘[ N C TN ‘:‘1 0] L1051 ‘ ~ \ oc® 7 Oriage x \l‘ edoria h x \lh I en \\flppolk e - ". xm T % & 4oser,, v,'/l,?,”” S ON]| i —N— . l'('l;//l.)‘/)llll[ 2 NENRY| o . Ty EFF l" —3 TR gufield % 0 J..‘“‘ kn ‘o iga " MOINj: § $. [ i N — Ji 5 v VAN N REN| tmgta ¥ s X::,c oW \ R ) (lll'ryf(n o o \‘ 1 Nj e N ‘I\rosaquz\"?m 3 e s NEesw nr > __Z Q u,. 3 favoo 3 V\“s“ | (e tinger: G d \‘\“‘& .alrpsse ¥ P | Hr 2 e, | C 2 \\\Ellorlno ® S Lry, \l‘ o & . Raseville o/ 2| Y Avon , Laldgre ,ni‘f,alaw, Beshnel mw 1olph, ) 7 -3 5 [‘flmgc i‘mw.fl',(;‘-;”""zll' warel Pondicy | A S ey, Tircs o Hexandria Hest Poi vt d% Den pt'r 17 vell AT, L4 hinMlul \ S Hawen\? s loacvitle .—r/wfiun ic ('l o % l'u,?n\:h = ,n/;nmu ’/"‘W""" l(" /,,.L hnn : Apitorson hlal rwade N 7 unm 3 = - ‘Ilmmlr , en don g o Nl \ c: /’.,"'// u"‘( n/" ZABT . ,(’4.! peren (’{(., "tv- = \ 9 \‘u‘.\ MARIC \ N - Palinyra \ § \ é e e\t S % c Qx\ A»;NVH‘DB. "Am[ ' g i i st (A8 ‘ T Edina ® A0 ST —— < S E \win \knulh Teld ¥ A s 4 2 b i l|4.|m|© LLS New " /.m/.,m. ot | Louistara ollta erdun 1§, s O | Mexic e JERS onterey i S | .' | CAL L AW, | Fulton Li 3 Trarkliz A @linn LN l’n“" At S A QG | ) .R.R- S | | « HEFFERSON OFTICIAL RAIL u-a«mn MAP A, S F tu'mm‘,l( m ® Iron Mondai é)ll ”(l; Knob ronton Pul)ll Warner & Beers, Latkesicde Buttding Con:of Clar e . Jlaries SUs. CHICAGO. lu-d h\' Scale 24 mites $ £ \G AN G ¥ chuy, A«ix 4\ \ 0 D. C LiINTON 1 (/w/w Yk | . / 5, o Lt MEPL 'lh'?\n Yy D EIS & -!b‘ — (uluda Ilu rgilor S Lewis /7 2\ este 7 '"'" ’m"*" Scottsvitle Fuenet (o Ir In ll'/m Il ool & n 3 Groftorn. f ¥ o to I inch Vi INI.('U! '.,,u KELTHS. Jscrola AN s Eve, . S w.r/ mn/"f,,, 4”7 e ¥ P EN ()\' 1K S S 7””,/ o Freepor €. O “n | storence g aileyville Biry :/uu i rerom M M Carr nll 5 Loroston (uwnnu N 5 \\\‘ 7 lfhm C \mim L Q‘_‘\ 3 Thom Polo” SASECa G | fnosund) (hana ‘ ‘ :r Dol o : 1\“\\4 "14_,0’{ B & \« ol 2 &) 4 oy rdon atls yons(®) Vel sgn X1 1,<¢ v (r "n Im werville ”’ m/“, 2 %ulufl T yoore, & o' N \ * CogtTiac et Osco Grtria g Aadove® ambridgd frah\ewanee & deppmset k "il/md on K 7 ki v - . s . ok O &, |Bctnarm mmu | THNA % //mflumn”""”’ | Spartand Hrmmwr/ Ateond' ) < 37 Oneida b Tirrma & n;.].,,,u\_m@ i P X \crelnoxvile B Flonre &, l;,»l'.-m!rl; I S D \\)‘ SO MBrimdictd. - 4 ¥ é““) SAN R { cnacl elter 1 [wadyPegra ) | Fence hallic L e Dunlaap) ovcenovioll ST VO¢gDF Stftifger J@Met frrwo0dd IdwardST Hick: < SHgtts % :1"}\.“, M T \ " /L [ X Finigh (m L it u’,'rm». (T 1p3 5 o remont - Petgvana "\fi','.'.' e 1""’:"" & O N - ‘\\ a Y a I4um P s, Pratrona Kilhourn? ATeg iAdor X Geklopit s revn A LD oftthhart o “d“ m\r"‘ P \smf;iwf Aoy o ler Bl Mown o i1t Footls ”mt L h , tliners Vormpisorn u.-um-/m,-,, N el & |u‘ani“\‘ () “ ”"!}“, liring | AC b b N .u',f:l,.,-ni ? /'mm, » Y | SNtk Lekter B n//mm Peartkery 1t flainton. St bblefiiel ¥ - = (N T o n/mljnv \. 0, \| " 7 NP ON% e S 54-"" T /w 2 R0 et 73 %K op Zemento o L /u/u/n;iu 1ON E oMaysvi B ST NKE \'IF\']' Jre rlr?u/\ {own | CcAPE (.m.\nm 3 ¥ /)/un-'il/,‘ "’w Qm« KATL n 1o ®llennepin /f/,,n..d i ’//, wlfvcemt 7 ru‘,.vs .-x‘\ A e AN Owailfoao o ooy "‘,ulr ,“g“ | i’ rviregtor /llrln iow Ih Cy10p%. JRE I“]‘ RSON M{r Pt le, 7‘“"”1 oy iasCol s Pt e} (hemk, o Tedoni "\l‘ } \oo _ Jii ullll’lll'7( Sycan ore | ® " i»"“ 4} %, Womitgoneers Oeweor Honner T & Derey A ‘(m awple, s 7 (rm/ul Hic lrr ! at?” Y ”, e, N o car LostaT ("r' ”u.u( o N urll g ’ J’r'n(’ln‘"i b (}r'n_ua\ o o Ry i f eston @ Tenoa T It tiappat ¢ floctsort | = | Lexington s uu-uvul §ALC ) )ru/n/ f Hormud, ¥ toomin on y i o o, L "‘e,"’r/ 2 r"T)L ;\\ l e Lutlyurniti il rgl | A fns U “J % | & , Ll LARR ——_— o S L rks‘cwd.% oTr Bt (yBl NDY o, {m/wm | T ll.u 4% Rk e N N e IN ;) UIntioch o pirgpwood 3 JI"!!WI‘ 3 o R W1 rnu.nu sta o dine et Lo i .ulkvgm\ 6‘1:',':;‘, st ! it u/l»luu L vk LAlK ./4 nrm‘ wetht MIeHIGcAy qrlk h anston I& \‘\’ L CHICACO Wricgeport Fongleaooel Ay, 4;1.L 2AG 1«» 6 Mchigarn ol City «“\n‘u‘ f‘ HRses south Chicage . MICH = - er/ P ORTEL, alpa v fort -SL"IIM,I”: et ordy rrsing fi O faso oy~ S L‘m\nl’mni &7 700w ig g Orchard. Grove, s Morri { & (o "’ / \ [ iomen Flartner ] erunily € frankd k¢ MIdaryvitld) JASPER | NEWTON veght icramento ‘& Ling Dttt o~ ON | \\V l“‘ Y1l oda il 901G e 1 e < Zg},/um . . ()?N' oy OxfoNd / s OATD 1‘; Toda 2 N Laliayet WAL mvv ot of Loo §as Em"(k\‘:fim L ! [hamspart, haflhml ‘\\v‘ ,[ g \'bjj&ln, /,,, Titical e odl A L e $ 3 /Iu o ovfidtons, o, e Pl 4 > ATBN T~ | MON\T ,flhfl“— '"“‘y w 1 o J R ge™ |~ 2, “e, ul[wl ]) )1 a/am.'v;;, ) s | L fesotuny | 1[ aw! Inmlb\ l“‘,() } I 2y GecEigetol /M,v ATIER Lo Im o v ".m\ 3 > I;hmm(E b 6 N Hedmon 57 ,f""' (lm Iuil s \;‘ 5 = X 1la\ )y (0 L pUT AM/S (-l- en (astleg) G TA q dr-cole 7"“7“ n \u»f LE 9 B Z — Trre L’“"ilc s |Westticia i /) 1G o €A e O fuuirny 4O R s T “n&fi‘l\g Ayeog 3 5 1 JCURNING < i AND Mo tinsvill < Prarie ¢ L . LRI lasey B n,w,..,,, et v ////nl(/ml( AN E Robmson @ ! @ Ploomtiela { | | CRAWFORTIY = ot s L ouisville | | 'RICI JA\ND % \‘\R INC pel Wheatlan DAVIESS e\'nshinglun ilendage, TN iTe’® Petersburg RIVEs PR | e > bt @Princeton | f(',l'n S 0O N| N~ 4 cenne,; \ ¢ \‘ o \\\\\ o \;5 55 ‘\\\ B¢ |/nu e /,/m R LIN | 72ector Vi, & “ine ¢y, mv‘mn lumoA\ - }Lu'ris\a\ g VoY Ch, G anda ™ ,".,,,’«s tornsicle oRevnoldsturg d 4 NiporE, iy P ({qh‘(mdu Z fboremen JTT Shoa Crommitd e . SYacigncrtop Jarmi inticly 7 e o VANDENW [BURG Y pgthenay, 0L A\R R1C K/ oonesille ivansville SEENCE . P‘ . /{0( lq{ml =1 ).u,v\ Tiboury Xm ontaur ‘“ \i)]4 RSON \Owensborog [ (3 o il “Bowles e t !‘u-l D13 bclhl o ° T \mm = Mari mn sreemville Wovtey &incher Lith Phila. S »—'\‘. e = SO L ol SOCTK, 3, SOOI >SS SO O HAIA I IR SOOI 20T AL % AL = 5 AL O A A A AR A A A A A N I R R A A A A N R R A AN A A I N I R AR R ARSI ASN I AH SIS SO ~C COOOOPOIIDOTA ! | | { R& BEERS “ WARNE Publishers 8 N X g 4 S R 3 $ 3 = “ X ~ s 3 Grounds Brighton | | [ | o 3OO0 CEO0 GENERAL REFERENCE. COUNTIES. Date of Area in Population Population County Seats. Orgauization, Sq. Miles. 5 i Page. in 1870, Index. ---..Mt, Sterling. ---Princeton. Hamiiton . . X . IcLeansboro. . Hancock 3 506 _Carthage Hardin - ... Elizabethtown ... 59 Henderson. . : -.Geneva .........a7 Kankakee City ...31 Yorkville .. Knoxville veseeeo12533:enee *Majority Point P. 0. TILAS o¥ ILI COUNTIES OF WARNER & BEER Publishers. OIS R.6E. GENERAL REFERENCE. COUNTIES, Date of Area in Population Population Organization. 8q. Miles. in 1863, n 1870, Lee 1839 Livingston.. 31,471 County Seats. 97,171.... -... Dixon Freeport Pekin Whi ite . Whiteside Wi 55,531 2,143,514 2,539,891 Public Roads ... REFERENCES. A CORAL WAUKEGAN Towns ] Chemung Post Offices e : Otsed Greeles ... . W—\M\, Railroads finished Lh S5 & * Railroads /n'(y'eded s e S Townships County Seats E. Metamora .. N XX — i <3 7 7 % O £ A Z W R.GE —N Em\l:f U '1 WL A \ 42N h;\.)dllisll:l.lll:)r T g whm o110 S Ll ‘.‘.Nm‘lingfi. on NI ™ CRLIKGTON | s o ()7/;1fls’l"'fll!‘hn(flfi’l\..\\ et ¢ m\plnu ‘»v.\;v GrayAVillow “\\w*ma\ P P ) CAGO o -y - RIE R 8.F. ATLAS orF ILLIN NOIS COUNTIES OF s CO0K, DU PAGE,KANL KENBALLZWILL, WARNER & BEERS Publishers. REFERENCES B HOMER | County-Seats CENEVA Torns Crete st Olfices - Braidwood | Greelis | Rail roads finished |+ Raitroads projected ——2-Fmm="== Public Rocds . w ; 5 o : 3 v of 2 o | o ( Scale « of an Inch to a Mile Beloit ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF A w WINNEBAGO, |7 0HAND i 4 i BOONE, OGLE, | s 1 o LEERDE KALB. |~ SR WARNER & BEERS Publishers. < 1 . . Scale # of an Inch to a Mile REFERENCES. Towwnships ALTO County Seats DIXON Towns 8 Adehne Post Offices .- =t LA Creeles I s JAGO |- Railroads finished Bk ; I L1 L * Railroads prejected { I Public Koads Ha ‘, g e “ 7 'E\‘ 3 ‘ Il | —2 T & r%*[(‘f“:";;?f‘ )\'?llng[l =3 v wonise, | ‘ ‘{LT’"E‘,_ e “("I"Ibl_h‘l?' et TOENTER e HAMILT O] o | a0 |2 |2t |2 + ATLLAS orF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF JO DAVIESS, STEPHENSON, CARROLLAx» ROCK ISLAND. r i " g Princel WARNER & BEERS Publishers. Scale ¢ of an Inch to a Mile R3E REFERENCES. Buf'fal RUSH uf'falo ) GALENA | < ’ Ao s Nora Muscatine LA7N, Post Offices . Kent (reeles 3 Radd roads finuished | ¢ Railr | Public Rocds T.22N. . ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF WARNER & BEERS Publishers. RIEFERENCES. GOLD MORRISON| * Railroads projected e o WL e e Public Foads . ’ el gl i TION- a 3 ‘ Scale ¢ of an Inch to a Mile. RIE. RI0OE. f ] 4 i i ) ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF Port Louisa WARNER & BEERS Publishers. Galva T N PLL Scale : of an Inch o a Mile ST i v S ~ = REFERENCES. | Townships ; Prex KELLY | County Seats IR i ALEDO. | Tomne et R ) Swmiat | Poat: Ofzes....... Moo Ontario. | Creeles ... ... cr =l Railroads finished | H.6.W. 5 F * Railroads prrg;‘rclrd . 2 Prubltic Kouds ... OO TNy S : x > 200222 T > : 5 - S50 < N \~ R.7. W. B.6.W. REFERENCES. LINN Townehips E JINT County Seats PEKIN Towns ] Modena Post Offices . L.un.'(lun (reeks — loClsyt {r e o Rail roads finished W D * Railroads projecled ——=—=—=—=== Public Koads s R.IW. ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF .24.N. PUTNAM, STARK, PEORIA, WOODFORD-T WARNER & BEERS Publishers. 5 1 3 % Scale 4 of an Inch to a Mile ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF LASALLE, GRUNDY ‘& LIVINGSTON WARNER & BEERS Publishers. 1 . . Scale # of an Inch to a Mile filford f s RIEFIERIENCES. Townatiips EARL Gt ey MORRIS | Town = Cornville | st Offices - Arrow | (reeles S —Loctket Cr Ratil roads fingshed. b i Eosesssssos | * Railroads projected —-2-2 £ R | Public Koads T.33N. T.26.N. iAok, ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF UOIS S FORD. WARNER & BEERS Publishers. RIEFERENCES. Townshipss OoOTTO Counly Seats PAXTON Towns & Plato st Offices " - Deselm Creeles oS et Rail roads finished i £ M rmreanns Biel * Railrouds projected ~-2-L% _ % _E__ T " Public Roads S ' y Scale ¢ of an Inch to a Mile R.O.KE. R.10.E. . R.1W. R.13.W. R.12W, W, MO v > 0} oujp ue jo ¥ aens My I Lo Y S o ysIan g SUMMN Y ¥ HUNAVAL ‘N'9UL N'6T'L S W, | /\NW 1o / (IA\(,,’,()?):[()HT) IT11ANVQa O'ITHdA JOITTIRYIA 2 NIIYIRYHD ‘LLVId 40 S3I/LNNOI SIONI'TII 40 SV'LLY SpPOY oy papaload sppoavy, PYSTULY SPDOL YT SH291) . PIO I B susra, $ypog Ajuna) stlyyoriny S TN 0 0 | i | Chenon "Weston e ATLAS orF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF | DEWITT YLOGAN WARNER & BEERS Publishers. REFERKENCES. Townships . 4 MARTIN | I County Seats CLINTON| ; sliar s/t sl I . g ; ; - Tonns & 7 Marion | 1 . 0 # e |f2 2 3 el ’ ; st Offices 5 Funks Grove)| y o e 2 3 ’ | ‘ . =l - { ~ Locust Cr ! [ | | (reeles i O R U S Retil rocds finished st ettt 5 L I z 1 e s =0 . = P R._R * Railroads projected Public Roads . ; é PR e . T8N, : Scale 4 of an Inch to a Mile ] | w | w " | Burnsville' ANDINBIL G Lt R PAe s, [ SLaAQ e oo | e - 1 > 3 REFERENCIES. CASS MACOMB Doddsville Sun_lmum — Locusy (r R T Rl roads finished “Railroads projected ~_2_ Y8 _ & P _R. % ______ Public Toads S€OTLAND 0] *nphp\{Aj RLE. AL You N 3 o ( R8w ATIAS or TILLINOIS COUNTIES OF : Q ) FULTON M°DONOUGH, O] ] SCHUYLER, MASON €ASS MENARD. WARNER & BEERS Publisher o 1 . Scale ¥ of an Inch to a DuckTsland 1TW. _Mani AN LT nuon Forest City R 2 ASON"CIT ALT OR ‘ CREWK| T.20N. { 1R 13.W. R.12.%W R.I1L.W. FtMadi ~N Z R.6.W. Hannibal Louisiana Publishers. 1 . Scale 4 ol an Inch to a Mile ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF T PIHE,SCOTT, M ORGAN,GREENE, S JE YSEYRCALHOUN * 2% West 5 7hs S WARNER & BEERS 2.8. ] Publishers. 4.W. R.3.W. R.2.W. R.I.W. R g T.1 REFERENCES. c | T.3.5. Townaleips HILI| ‘ s County Seats QUINCY | REFERENCES. 3 Count, : y S Tors s Woodville | Tonnships I KANE st Offices - Buckhorn | {”""’." Seats : 2 HA B DIN P “Locitsy Cr: ‘ Towns - VERE Gilead M < 1 . y ope o Railroads finished yolks R el | I dcale & of an Inch to a Mile ;«-sl Offices . e Ahme s Ferry “Badtroafeprojecledi. 0018 _ &R _ 0 & - ____| [;"""1’"" s W’\’\' y 2 2 W . R.6.W. R W > aid roads finishec L L s . R.9.W. R.8.W. W 16 > Public Roads . “Railroads projected ~-L. 4.8 _& _r__ R m______ Public Koads .. ... ant Plams _| I |~ Richid TWRIGHT /| B 1,911/’%::' -~ el ! - l‘l‘);u_nig ) =T A 3 ya ~ WE!.(‘)A‘\H[ -~ T i T 1IN. (PO M By X e Pk KT ¥ 3 i | fLL S REF | % : b L 3 RES VO KA £ I N L' Yy b § Wt , MEOLY el o DORC AU el | S LAW ton ‘L‘), re 'I‘(_)fi' L | | Socooco RO W, Sp CHANICSHURG = Y Be* 9 T 14.N. ATILAS or ILLINOIS Publishers. -« 1 . . Scale ¥ of an Inch to a Mile.- | County Seats I Bt Officer. . REFERENCES. BALL CARLYLE | Highland Herndon G = E Townastips Towns Creetes Railroads finished amlts CE M tailrouds projected —-2_L.E Publie Roads e Reoew ATLAS or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF WARNER & BEERS Publishers. N 1 . Scale « of an Inch to a Mile. TIBN TI10.N. REFERENCIKS. PENN DECATUR Towns Nelson Post Offices . M Zl'un (reelrs " /‘”“"“"/*\_(/\/\/\,» | 1LL Townships County Seats Rail roads finished * Railroads projected —-2-% R2E Publie Kouds REFERENCES. Townships ROSS | County Seats TUSCOLA E Bourbon Curtisville —~ Locust il sl Torns Post Offices . | Creehs | Recitroads finished bbbt lomis | * Railroads projected by % R S [ Public Koads = 1 . . Scale + ol an Inch to a Mile RI14W. RI13.W. ATLAS orF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF DOUGCLAS , COLES, CUMBERLAND CLARK & EDCAR. WARNER & BEERS Publishers. RIW. ATLAS oF IL COUNTIES OF WARNER & BEERS Publishers. s Scale & of an Inch to a Mile R10E. R14W. H.13.W. R.12.W. RITW. R.10.W 'l . REFERENCES. Townshipys BOND County Seats ALBION Torwns Hebron Post Offices . —~LocCust Creelrs A L~ Railroads finished JLL CEN R lailroads projected -2 - Public Road.s . ATLAS or ILLINOIS FAYETTE,EFFINGHAM CLAYZMARION REFERENCES ' WARNER & BEERS 5 LLOUDON RNER & BEERS SALEMT | Publishers. Kimmundy ‘)I!I(' G Tiviishina ('/:.fl://{|'-$}'(//.\' Tomne st Offices s Crechs e Y ‘ | Ruilroads fiished sttt 1 Scale % of an Inch to a Mile - Ruilroads projected ——%-22 ] Public Roads N MNEH ATt P P o PP g P TP 8 OO OOISOCTOOOTEOOOOTOOOOIOO P Z) | wopuioy | premSy 13TAIYYD * S DD NS T DN B 0] U ue Jo Fajesy “saaysI QN J SUMMY ¥ HNINIVAR 40 SFILNNOD SIONI'TII 40 SV'LLV ANOLE MNOH ) \ AOrY" SUMME ¥ YHNIVAL 2 Aduad DANY Y mzmow VIO NO.LE)NI SYym S DL NI IR SIONXI'TII 940 SV ‘um\ A LSO e f — 1 iS i CK- [“11(l;“ o A RL 1 H i i ATLAS oF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF WAYNE, JEFFERSON, FRANKLIN, HAMILTONWHIT WARNER & BEERS ‘ Publishers. ’ k- ; : ; ' REFERENCES. Scale @ of an Inch to } g g 8 |l b 28 | 27 25| : ) Townstins JACKSO? ° 5 5 S A Seccls BENTON % 3 5 3 37 25 | : Towns 25 Belle Prairie Ty Pl ; ! 7 Post Offices a 7af* Crecls s mm\'c:’\/\/‘ Railroads frridhed amtEsmmmmililimmmmssBrslomssmsssiss * Railroads projected ~ z = Public Roads LS TN AT T o 3\ e 4 5 (‘uluu‘;lti;\/ - A4 );(BG,]‘ S, GRIGL = NewHs (-H2A ’\ T VAN § OC YTTA G geRs | - X osHAW? //’ UNION 344 | 5 | A GRANDA PIER' | e 3 i’{li(m H%H_/; | (i]‘mnl;lh";: ‘:*(Kj 3 BXANDER *EINVILLE, dddsville i Vr,f.‘ m\'\;fi)fi PO, 2 (‘i!(flguflms_‘, S 12 | SN A 9 5 N PN AP A . 1 . Scale « of an Inch 0 o] NS By B =i i " GOLCONDA S RE o a |7 “’\f\/\\}\‘é S ey A { i Mile / N % W ITAEKSON N | ,f/ «( Opklyie mm,;{m ) '\}",‘i“;m\""{;i" ead Bills A L2 L [GAVE IX RO (o 1L % | 7¢ ATLAS orF ILLINOI COUNTIES OF GALL, WARNER & BEERS Publishers. | Townships County Seats Torwns Post Offices . Creeles Railroads finished * Railroads projected -2 Y. Public Road.s — REFERENCES. 1 GOLCONDA Saline City Roclk ol Lt CEN R_F bt e . P SKNTON R. R RHW R4wW R3.W. T9S T.10.8. Devil's Devil's srand Tower T.12.8. Green's Cape S or ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF R G s {1 ACKSON WILLIAMSON, N el N for JOHNSON UNION. \LEXANDER & PULASKI. T.16.8 REFERENCES. rwmwi v | = | : 1 £ NN ol ' WARNER & BEERS Townahips ‘ County Seats : . V)l E NN A | iy \ / Publishers. Torns . @ ik Post Offices - 5 . Unity Creeles o W 7 Reaalroads finished 4 i * Railroads projected —-= s ( S 1 . Public Roads ) D \ R Scale 4 ol an Inch to a Mile. & ers, [ P8 Spn o { = Ve, /% 62.“1 b3 A\ Fon \ TR ep % . \/,N// 8 o , 10, Y Loy Eme 1) 5 Ve > ez e L Lot ACre Bt s Pony Uy un iz it s oo, & 4 A LG i SN\ b ) Y 2y F5r 75 & ""“' 'y 1| i \l, (g LR 7;\1: ) 7 < al Je, 3 2o AN G v/ oy “/w 7 b\‘ 3’#";’? o 1 WAt AN G Ceptio, > Ny, 4 -~ RreoRal %% Peguosng o S \ N Taninpilo L F*Okiny, 2 L1 D2, W B Praeyyy, ot o, 43 “r, 20,4 oy \ T Dipke L0 ma '/,3\_fi / RN ac e " Bl T Toroog 1 Fusy (l:;\ Davghf ) IA\él q\:(% : Mfi[!/ q AL Manitobg Ho o\, Crear 12,77, et s, 3 (o Deep Ylosi - W e 3 ot LR, Sringy A s iy [ 5 “NMalpy o L0y o “daar 134, (R e oy g e Santouis i Valley K‘\( S@n Do %4 oSonard 2 ( (3 7tos ; Carfia,y J o] " R 4 “C Hioles J CHIHEAR A { iz Slering, | Ui 5 Yoo oS Baitoni Cerro Gordo 7 Pinn Topill %0 4 T . v Mfl N @ { TS G ? ¢ prwillic!”) Dakotas F L il ey, whtte T Wellerme, Ay ; tandial ea g, o 27, el SNl Featricdy Lawnde Lites Yred 2 erit VoA Viid I/t Shawrieflon il ehiminan Wizyhides e Steerrinan, — . Bophat W Ky AUSTIN ¢ San Haregs e La Batia 4 { Corpus Christi pAadore D, Made B dlamo ( g o o Greemt R S E w‘,_r_'.;;;g{”-,,xy . ‘N o ~ fofl Hole /" ) ot ier B v EJ\ s higon /‘ e / Hru {xgepion B Naepitro” A o F pifo) iy rost Z o 77,,,,,‘%::) £ GEe wittiami; e A C A5 A g i Ly Oreeolel o freng vt s & / yseerape | &S - yirer § A < A o B Vo rhp: & cippewa Fal l}um,.\, 1t e & Rhawanov ot ‘u/l“(:['lll»‘}’ e ke s hige R sl Mot beo § Cootag™, Jtlle Osciae 7 T ORI Ly oy syl “oa, Biiilo o Aouston © g % Gred sz Burgt dlton g2 S et £Plains st o ora frus Wi /Qwfif- & Deniphar ot L \ g 1 oo btin s a { | ¢ Yol St gl Lebarfon - { etrictetyhial . Lo Bl £ Arteiqrsas Pos ad aeliriin % 3 ~““1”f,/m rcticat B M Loy ey ie € o laietre Lnitlgton it rolltols, o \4.\“.\.‘;{,\. o deniVarren oo ¢ G Gie rtisy virsy et o112 it % Bttt TR Y Aé/\ z p) 3 Vg v £ SN o % L sl alfh 7 &M Yo J . g ¢ - | o } opelonSas iy l‘vllll/’( o .""i R o e X oot B s % a Ryl Z ) . S tinn® /’“ 3 ot t o Decatrs® §ath Z ; 4 . I o SOOI i swicke H erick rosgeik 2wy s antai 0 ol v N ; lfi\Q r PYERN, i o D .5 . % v Ao} /,“..;u-;:’im‘ o | o sy, ST g W?’ T\ y Tawase i ) R J‘w G gl na Bt Y r gl aafivermen L onddgt Safanch SPUG ,7'1;‘, ear ille Sz, . Sl Gaipesh e it hore % Nontggmery 8 Do 2 . n—r};« i¢ e <50 " i 14 d Nad R ahsw X R reuds “l’l’.'fijm:, it Newton iy iaenie R~ e B S canpwerat i el AN e e R L',”"‘;'fl?‘"' ) v 2 "ot P4 / WARNER & BEERS, Publishers, FROM H. H. LLOYD & C0.’8 ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 Scale 7.500 000 AR 10Long, E_from Washington 12 _ A ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. COUNTY M ¥ ARt —— T ¥ ENGKAS \ K ( - B e s E fl\lfx\.‘l{ I) W XS And the Provinces of QUEBEC, NEW BRUNSWICK, AND n__.w: LEv O, ;N& NOVA SCOTIA PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. e Publishers, Pty WARNER & BEERS,. = o 4 S% . SCALE OF MiLES FROM H. H. LLOYD & €08 ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. DAL Oy e BRSNS~ N, = = w20 SCALE OF MiLes LonEEg = 60, luuu Wv*\L 0 L.{st Irom \V.whm(’!lon et A ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. —— 414){ \"i' Y H \15 ‘/ FROM H. H. LLOYD & C0.S /lggj.‘/u»m aung | ATLAS OF THE 1 NITED STATES rrepch, L. e Fea | . (R0 7100 ! R ' ‘IIeemmm,»/./, « W% Fo ord} % « %\*i‘“r isle \n o QAT 1 o L‘fi P}L u/\llp/. s MOREN LnCY ¥y suclt - e bi) |‘/7/«/7// 70N | Uro : ¢ i ?tfqt/{;’”‘/)f’g’g\ 7 \ vy g Southiamptos mw"‘ Y LS ¢ E ot S nidFatnong,0 M MON y &g > 3 Dowgtds pe S P o { P Kmcardine V9 “ 3 Clark . B\R u cl { S Dund I[Mml./“”” ton.. Fort I S /lw A i) o 183 SABE r‘u : e nrtmf,mL 9 a i A “Hien - 1 ‘_‘rrt,wu < 25 e ; SO Sumita X0t i W \/f.szfirssfi A CYor) Sunitac | g > 0 am % May Marte 2y Ml Im.,u.u Y F; "exingign KT = 2] ,a:jg : : T - "M«M ¥ 3 o SGITIA L L7 g ,,.filr‘un 2 i i e tu T i \|'.'.f-’.‘u 72 ) ,.})E,‘og fl,m. e g IGHLAN D'”m,’, e i 25! o n\\l..’..‘, RN C & Z /.m,m, fey LEWis pt o0, \.-n o = M. on "'""2 4.,0‘,\,\\\ oy Bar e / g o " < ( a ¢ oy rwfor % nn w,.,,, gl Lawn o5t = :rE,N,CIE 2 [ BEL L VWl 'ficul\ 7 ‘( X . S \'\ N e. DS - RERRY s oot \l mE‘h"'ifi'l'm ”*"J”“""” LT men OY e, \Whi -:rmw I\ Ot o ‘;’wm 1 l’lu,,s = sville 7 n whiyrsviile 4 "“/ '} Sl < e 4 Tt mmm, g S fl‘LIhL AT Yttt (‘mm aife Asft e Y rm,//wI} ’,"mm-\hydla- ‘ s RSy , 5 7oL A'BQP/ HANwcfi"’" 8 RN N\ ot 7 | DT Y ll\\‘ufii'{.lc‘c’"';r l‘nwnl’l m\‘;/[ R‘{a S 51—&“;;{\,"1“43,] i ‘) L, e Y N A1 CrartsplRy 9 A N DR ,n/m 25, e My S e hu.u.-.wulro %,”, y,of;w s A,“L,‘ NG Mor ,XP 3 p\mflo 3 1 ; sl ~+"\—\k“/g(fl o é”;&"% Siagh) w»z'l%{l K Y:}‘/ s (e g T . itemd G2 Hallstogh Y 6,9 wf; ?"( D, ”ll .,..~ o Kok Haven Ratthirys e A [’((my fra 7- = ‘ FUp- = S g ;»,-," "‘,.‘.’wn né Xty Wount] s, »!“\(Lr,,\‘ Aun ‘fw;,“w e ,, = Jeru —,.,"r, st n..\\qu:)j 4 CH /00 S N ¥ R S x |(.|: & g {‘\-“f‘%&() A\L\\ tin wor ‘"”‘é/w/n . Wy‘o J .J.Hno 7,,/ F St GALEN: ,’ I T g \ i ; BN (A ”,.‘fn A R L, ,.r% < T Stk ”’”z 7 P tin hi, = f“ 5 }(‘01. ey ’”v», noRs Ading 7/ f i Lk .qm\\u\ o Dreakieater ACape Henlopen nl "4‘[0\\'!\ Unely ot KB PR B D Siprisetat ) OAKAALTY e §<}a\,m’\~ ol VALY ‘\<.,.,,(.z l Rk - '5;—1 (15;:1‘ ’}:91‘1;‘¢ - arBranchy N\Whelthrk ‘1 Daerdierd Iwlet )(fiunnl bt ”m“"/, ]Iw apiarhs e Bt T N 4 wa G OO Long. W. froin ¢ Washingdlon TGN s R SR e T2 = ,\:3-‘ Burkioll i) v Mongicelll L3 Wi i S TN AR Trion $ A0 ‘ o g,a‘\/!:. fan s oy AEN BT “‘?,'-‘3‘1“'(‘,‘ | theksfords MARANS Dart e Jrotitin 7' EARROLL Sillurs Wi Tomapkions V; Nimon ters 2, U E \ ] o s g preson : Bostor'o oG UA LB Oy B AN COCK 3 o esiieion St ; Rt Tagewelle & S Rogeiax Horilgf el D o $ N, Bodes 20 Sl ELLS Sne e Lentb ooy < ’ Dt PTG i SRUN 5 s L % Wilkes Aeshop g ; ¥ B 1 Dhoro- 2N\ © A M Moligamory ANI oL R'l l:;nh-d.\ .6 0y 7 x o 9 ” { Noodborern ronn O ionpon { G e PSS S WO N « L2 DA s BN i S - I,YF‘“ oS L Kore 25 Mavs S, 1 i N ¢ NI g WS cHCt od % o Yer 710 220 willp 1, ¢ Mgl L Lo o o LS /A N gl il S S i L B : Aaugillo s b/ wiong o ety £ 80 | oo ok e ‘ o P [ ey Nt it e , it 2 il e/ tond el i O % i l e ot~ a2 Caldodorig, R Phigiigg: oWt oy S ; S Ay =) OE7Z TR N3 cord . o o e R 3 R, < 7 Z Z 2D s drth) L = gire Y o . 2] ey e s A g <7 X% v 9 t WL Vi ONROEZ o v Sl SN bV e By AN Tl 4 e 3 HE 1 ::»4.,_,’,7%, 5 ViV Zrnon 1 7 0T Acqunga = Chrells Ointip S Vorhuy o P& ATrachCig g, A Lelticoldlers” il R 5 a2 2N e RQHKE Edyrecrie® Ry, | Y Lirigs ok 2k it “ \“ i gl £ it e il fi1ghil s th oA & 7 SN ..... 0 Gyt N 777 DA ; i - : 7 £ s g'.;eé“' Si3ro S vl om0\ ey Pt oy Y nSagng ¢ n S <1 : T R eIy : AN o ~ 4 lo ) ; S\ i 4 . HE S EE 04 3 AL et o ¢ P g SNy g ol N E R VE oy & 1y éh\,u/' " N 7 Jasper L Jusy S ot % ONfhnso 75 o s LG |-ro\\‘°‘,\,ji“‘~‘¢, & o S »’V‘“ iy TS pe. A £y SR < %, “Hequic fahaires ol o1 LIAMS fdefield 1.4} ‘EJ‘\\" A A, 3 VL, il C g G, A 7 RAT;, 7, Vitistn O k. Yy At Ao Blapky ne if R i 4 : gt SafG Rey s * A3 4 Jlar, 5 Tt 2 Wil ha ¥ ® ; PSS kN Al " %, < i PO 0 \ : o . $ Q@ IR Mo, y =1 S 3 0 O . T RANE (1 i ' Sp e M- (e STON Jnl 2 ik, ; i &, ) " ) A R{L Do . otV o (e o BV S P A L&’)fi o a RN\W E i - E20e s ALy 4 R Lousiit e Ay S a5 tiridge, = ; . A % e wille | "%L,Z',:“ //M ) € R SV P 2 ) B 3 p E . f 7 o /f',/ O s S o s 0 irrp i O i = 5 gt ; ,,SK); L S N ek g shchod 7 2 o\ A TPl 2 5 = < P % ¥ Crav="% ord®, 7 LA go,Nl.»u,,,‘,a/eQ € 3 . 2 2 Cheqirecriiigic e i i 3 x N 3 e % 9 R i e 3 > feafas 7 g S NAWBPR 7 = o s , , o At 0 D3 AR M, 5 VillelE G N, pe 2 L : 7 ‘t'u b DRy e PR A YT / ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. ‘T:\(‘kém o o X = e A e ativel = < o ] o Ly s _ Trwinville. B o X s / - —~3 e w1 { v B % i &3 4o w Ld o E” Slas 1 s Wagprin e e 3 o 21 i ton Dy 2 L \ “; i ' BEE i e : g Ry A - vy ey Sd:) | ' A4y s Fetart . ‘ohrre; & Moulurie Uy, €0 LQU 1 T T Blla - Fass). S A 1, e geded Alrmzrantgle o T e Heltw o5 : ¥ ' z ,‘6‘ y = L Tt ; Lol T = i s JRA) o L MIE sf Marvialina o ¢ 1 e o e T4 ) A ; M S R ST, ] e R SR LLS "‘;I»p,.xm arys I R0 3 /' Wineliaky 3 ‘JZ) \’l)l&' - AND (, ‘7/ — ~ \ R LORIBA 2 r,-a*‘p—m\‘ . g A BAY W 7 R ¥ i Publishers, z f o N 2 SN & st s, e ATH Cape St Rl 1\ \ \\ | Al @ Geory \ | FROM H. H. LLOYD & C0.’S ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. SCALE OF MILES 4o 60 a0 = e "Malabar Tl W\ Sareb o £ 1 3 i \ \\ \ Nl 2 3 { Nl X\ ) ! \ : B\ A o River ket uteliison T R ghaisen’ A A\ J 7 N‘;\\\.Vrfl\'(‘«m?,““, l"‘""?‘f\“fi‘,“[ Sy E | B Z SWPenk —— SN Mool (I ithireid oy er { & |\ Moose %}»- PROVI 50— Santbiel BN B, { YDy el 1 1 ¢ G Qysteriy b“ Rl =S ar bl e MR fiflx‘l\ Hole € W Nov i WSEX & 2 ) o ;-7,’, ls\:uuiji.« 9 Murquo;j‘\:‘s?‘ S ’i’{‘fl?“ TNNO=R=L D 7 . - g : s La o1z i St it -\M Jom ‘CF(;\W. /.,‘/W it 1, FO‘R W =",‘ ”u,,.«% coaey !,,' L fRy \, Mfomlisgsontt Fong 5 Ky « 72 ,m,?‘“‘ ;/1‘)\«01»])';4\ . Hon St N = VECKY, AT L ISSIPRL, ARKANSAS, P AND X OUAS A ~— WARNER & BEERS. E U.bllbll(}l'b, Livai® Crisdle AMDp £ okiorrbra iWAS 1is Drighton! Wiellared, . % /‘,4/,/,.,,,/'"' Springfj XA S Linotand, iSoH AL, ndtan Ji FultonVat. i Vs e astlanmp & #ORE fips N te: u«.J Gat Gl il —— L Lfi/ Ty L0 . - il o F > R v R /2ot P 2 L bt WTON IV////: 7 -0 i L fmm M. l41r// tesille | ¥4 ’Nugphrn?(' J, $5Y Viay Bl* wéfnllw iUV. ( ://x barec o SHSE o vy 'mfi ortor’ # /mw/‘/,,, Yous UI1 y mw“ 9 m,(.. ay '.fl 2t I/y r" num.u N0 Fdna A SRR, e tine of TS = Vewishiller T3 brcdigae(fran FRYETTE <(‘OL‘“(S '/ ; A lid ) v,mm/. % 7 il Y N £/ G, ol e (/uu»/ =0 ( Sl ///// sty 7 T o v - Ttor %77 WA & i erion ° ,A e t{uuuu O - | 1irk MAD1S O \{. ww/luu TENS St hm\pl- %& S A /~ 5.0, s Ertdtill r s »w,,, //,,,,,, s Birvelois A n o " 1omvill. . 5r asiou CH, ) TR X Ryspive '/¢ Tunnél, 0 E ¥ uhum Q “Clfrenddon u.”}fl e scate oF mes. FROM H. H. LLOYD & €08 ATLAS OF THE TINITED STATES alé I\/rm; nf, 3 AN K. 2 G«,,//, “ ZZyalen) 2 ) BPleniratian o Yernon 45 BF S SR o ol Db A nr-nw...l/ gt G o i HI NG 4 hm.o.pn th m]mn;»fv' o Q‘ o e precpcl & \l'n'iunl <1 S F A oW " —-J‘A ’lu«w' \\'\‘ w 7 2 E crint ,1.1m A Al wlem P i lr‘/r,‘”«/h Homo. K i’ e m,/y } | N .‘,l (Jrirricd®le //rr/l:/, l/‘m 2ingo Fapa 1 /mn//»// PAMITA n?)’m// Iv7\}n[ 2] stands / Nt Wt Pas A w»fl//’u\ LUVER SubLLT $Sul "”"\GHLAND ‘ 3 Rijeton® g F'f b arlisley, an Siog etieldiy. AN oAt e N jl. s :4 n ,//,,"A'FRANKLIN % 1! e L % e \lmfityu" Séme “\L-fim o~ a7 ] R ”/Jf;;fl/A ™t o kst fi¥~\m ¢ Loyns REN CEXi4 W8 (redict oAk p\\xwmf' °//u/w //L‘I/n AAER A\ £ OFL FL [ F o % . /,,m;, ’ 1/ 4 = ety 1 ..‘{mu. Bou'R E ,,,,/Im / 8 ICAS Ay \ MK;.WM / , M ,(fff/k '« I.( 01, 2 Wew /.'m/.,;\ i /,,m,mm \.m /, M A"C Bloou Liosier B Ring \( G r»‘r,,”[“ 5 oL P Meeredd vll Byl R | W/» uchlen tirsobo f i Warroas Al 5 ”W /”5;“5 SoniP Paol 3 Y % R B ”T& P oo U L u [ J’unm e Blo i e m....aquwl.l fl},»,:),,,,. T odivctdion hmergls Tiswin N £ T S b7 AR -wo nGY ,grrm“‘ ?E, alles Bt o e eicy %Mm ? s i 59§ qf,',’,,’,‘, & Loy .,,,é,; ‘_\mu‘ T8 T iwh 7 i roe s otosIS %N s 0 ® ity d' ) +, lw...\‘m\. B E) #.m.,o et lm 24V Oy ‘“E‘\mm \DGE, ? Sty Doty 5 Gmcln ‘sréé, % s yrily < b A \-‘ CRITTEN: Swiione he: DEN. & - L Gord, J’G 17| artrdl? SH ALY |?m4 ':\;.!W I brelian 1il. h vfif‘t O : i lp-fle WY, Pkt B S Ol -)‘uum,}N Yo }»Inn T ¥ 3 @ / o i I % "fl? Myl Reanleehan iy Wumm l‘.. Lhndo s "” l‘“'l e v\\\\o‘/’”,',,,’ Fuultom Vrl. Iv'm],u«yu x i Zostlamgl O R E /) c N Tieiiipge. e DONA ¢ EnLoT 47 D »,\ [\"Iil’\ AL i parom )| cw 3 ‘,mu it G o ;/,\,,, 5 ,.,?,/. 151 K@ L ERT- i RS \p\uMwh e \) O ‘}5«, \fi..\\\ ])) LCR] /,u./ e'u st H o Faiminto W SCALE OF MILES A\ S FROM H. H. LLOYD & C0.8 LAS OF 1 ape Gargantid I'HE UNITED STATES. arrbonitd o Mo Lo Tequs e n St ’}"'/'lxr"‘v (omae L7 S op) ,.nu(;vm = 207, 1\ 1 A 4,,‘\u ot ooy, N 5 ’ j‘ffi?--uf%i‘ \{ T//mjhuk\ D a o £ BT plea D o fates e ) %r-f:“\"c"@z 329 ghfin\\mpx. - IN/\ 1 ‘vf" toniv/ ““‘. Bsle S 0t w/{ti W TRA m/‘..w d?'[""’m.d B Labd RO E i lmf*"' \mu e o’ tPage e ,xv. ;i qvuf,b[ A ey ol Zrchmond\pe el mers e | lamgs)NlLm « e c{mTON e T Wi ~m ‘k oo 2 S OO < burg o o\\.m\m:!-\u\n \'. Sirplions Ve Nl 0, " 0% > = % %~ % ‘} I" & ;‘\‘u‘m i Ol e ¥ 5 i o "] $1dori W SO N m fioa 267 N ,.m” ol ‘,, HeDBY! \1 c nmu.\uu i e F\ OMERY, KE v,"‘f(-\\‘ 1ib \ s IM//. w.vuw n-\(, 7 c et NG \\‘ 1\.. X cnsbn . <~ [ Ior ‘R oonev; \I‘NA\«I ‘<'sL 1806 n-uv\ A i u\mun\\\h' 28 \ ‘)14 %+ i S} Zia Uu,m, 15k "”'é‘ Ly % \x\m‘.«\\ J\O\ ) o o ey ”c\ TALE 5% £ 4 \nvsltml gl \.‘f\mm \‘41«- wel W KCON uumm\\.» iSne ones pu-( Syt o .,,,‘"?‘"*" # TON n..,/m.f\;wm e SN onls” sl Lhhir NDE R \(m\ dge”, B " \!'u“'l“ ey, EY 5 CAvVILEER! PEMBINA IS e ose Loin (8 GRAND® 3 Grevid Torks 08 R KS S Frog Point § GIN6GRASEFOSTER ; pose BT N b iKIDDER BURBANK! Tiysit e W’”“”“w l'"\\'m.(-m |,‘ (i W .,w1nza L ASS Smeestokn !;,-,i‘//,l’[/f NP e . waL fg i WORTH, EDMUNDS o e { ~\Horet s \ { ‘,,‘4 Vitderg, e @l Medary] ' NER h‘nmhmry M ERCERFRESH WETMORE kA KE G o by L0 clewey L %:inw/;m B i L Z i ;vf\} errim (s L\ W Wiiite Y Britons e . Jun Lty Latleld . /, ol St nh.u‘ i 2 \ y SomanCHEBARBOYR WA Rip £ RSN g 3 Gt i Gt R LY reree B NP yu}l'geFrlY’H Yo 1/ . c KeR d \,,-1/4;5;{,,,‘ e / |.{“ X O Qe -GN Redwood g w, /,m)»q_ P i O e S LaPas /«w:///// L CHI PPKWA » Y 1S I*r ll;)/l\//l. e fi} o L S} ey A I gua p 231 Hldl"!h G g, 5’2”"?“ ity ,4’ hm 27t .m-.h.;é lrflho v:i’"fl“‘“?“’ /.,,,/p f. e 32 70010 om m-\ - iCOTTO onwittty 5 |Hact Kimeo v A R, =, SHClov o) Ctbzer - i 0‘;” (2 W"‘J’k\. Y sprncnit f Burtiy on ety ; iy & r - ~3 - ouGLAS 11347, o5 W egon ll or RI By \|||-\\|4l Zal % g (lam {?/ ot < p"»"'/, AW b 2 ““-“u, ; 2 S :\1 abridge, A2 N ;41‘1775‘ ELBU Richrpnd N Wi a (1 f’{,,-},,;. Caledonis adl @ w: TY‘LLMQ ,./«/I\'O Pubhshers, SCALE OF MILES FROM H. H. LLOYD & C0.’S 4 Q;mm/fr/, A . g e e Blackl | : H % < ¥ ’35”7”-”,»(, o j N7y ol o i T NE",/,”H el “,Hu e g Spott. Y v { L 7 KIN M"W N”m R resnns. FALE | o/ o Spottect i < 2K Dic A este | | ! \\‘,“ s eg Tait ( MR YOR R SETEEE oLlatte. L SCEOLA! ggoN e BAGQ, i |48 ‘4.’:‘[ g 1 g Whetstone gy iton PO M 04 | ? o . * S 1% [ | S (GREGORY icte Swarl 5o fincony copieni c L AV nE AL oSG Y e [ = = k FortRanttall: {.,gkorybfim & Spéncer; { { N P 3 LHOMME S o . ) | Ry e P 0 ‘iu AT L% i 9 e 5 A SAA T . \,/,;/,'7‘.’:;! el 3 .4 o i fous( 7.5, 104 A RO it /Wull "”’{‘mnm H A VS 5 l%-lw Tk 0ODBURY: | fid el e o, iy ) N # A ( N % : “" ]‘) é&: ulk”’” Q;éi”" ‘; ) 4 ) / & ok GREE Wi un ’b 2 c , NTO"‘ %’i’b m 5 Sk Wests iy B er's m,ufi / Y RS e i oo & of' s, .. .y(ew"*“fl‘(r “* o Mo "’"s'ihNG o SIS e ( o4 Lreustys sty 1§ G Q ly, ~ 2o e hict e eC ? S Q S Lz, e % it AWATTAY By o BEF A Qm\hmu \.N g\L Mol QG | EON N E ¥y ¢ N a0 ”c‘m,. .\mullnmlf H) exw ‘}“,” i S STt 75 | A G Ly 501&- = \(b:'llll‘l v Y »\',,, I ERéAUN [ 'M s ! /:"'— e T R e Dhirshtm ‘".,,,A# \,,w,t,?" 2 N RE RSNt . - e “River i x> i T v, o) g il = g lcerie: Ly wi..-x udlext = W Afton % N Py ) B 3 5 J2opby fite H u—ldq b “,\,.,( A WALRVD £ 2 e @ Air (@ 5 e o 7 ,\%.\11 Air & 2y “ mn-(l-r‘ H AR"'”"i\ XN i f ’-l-‘;;)& 5 e Prirfee! e r,,/yv ¢ = 0 S Blue, S - T 3 Culburloie. i ,«3’:“7:,*,7,; o o4 ; ‘;'f',f, 'h‘;Eixiufl ) & . s r | o “ i N A (& Fock: ¢, ® ANFR::K“%";” 5§ . o w" GAMEIEE { it e st Sp \ SR - : it Ve’ Bk Fleton JEFERRSON, 5 et Al e o : 5 K, U 5 ; 2 50 '.\,ym T - Nt s i, ; s “\L\ ] N/u/lyulrlrk - > R A ubens 5 Worrild K e b 4 X 1 5 %% iy ’”:fk, S lod . e \¢<‘“ Bttt s waLe] 24 4 e it ” 3 o 0k Bisnop %Y g""A R . rastorn 4 | 2y Bplicses For ¥ »/«gmw et EH‘B,,',‘ s R ALL‘:’;’{“ 4 A!Bm," e | § % A Iifl:u‘vflo- et e i o kmk‘f"fli'u.’.o | Feiirn o Wgistcl { 720070704 & | (b I»/)’l/ ¥ l””:v"é:lA R.POL | “aAn T TAWKETA Carrg : | osaoRNE'f'mLm\ it | e “'ACKSOW » 123 :l,., W Laraddde TreeWal | SHownd Sp g B A < ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. b = = = retnt gl (7T b, r,.A,m/,/ M f | ecirop 10 Pher Walbees 6 ”‘Dm ) e 30| v Zai! »TL,aii,,\h,,,q 'v"h;.,,d., e R PR C0U NTY MAgp 3 W A L A E SELL Centro Z .zfl'f'm.,,, o TP, }“ . ; | Vlrece, bilene 7 ikl | \ ~ o Fr Wiklewe %/ DICKIN, - y D ous RO % et Sk “SON iy fllié., Curbagetnle. &5 E \ | > i fano - : R R et e | - e T NEBIRASKA : - e : ¢ Y s va /,7;,,,,,,,%:"1 e Hucj.”. A 4 ] AN 2 o ) | | ¥ G el "’e.‘;’;.’gfi gao i il ? L ; ‘ g o e - B \K() 'l‘ - {ricecrss, P MRRelS \Fg iy rw,,, . Y 4 v | ey T i & g ar‘nq ST A Pl 2 WEs: At N v AN A0 o 2 | s - clidnsg - - o e & s Syracus. & 3 tir ORD ¥ Jusolly S, o g {{ufw A\\ H) P \ v A R ECR EYS rove ot 1 iy ‘ -z B (o L LENGEURE L 189 o 2 = 1e 07 D e RN NG o sinore NEn 5‘ ] e 5 dastt /5",__ \ atley (5 Y ”m,fi,‘,};,,” | \V ‘ =t - e ghr Eldofhds W | b Frapamnia 1o o g ‘ el wo B K Dot tichitay o v Eath s rteie » . PRATT] { e etes ‘ \ Kiowa lxl NGMA N o : p,:,/,,,/.,\,,mw L i ;V AP\ ]LR (\; bEEf\:S )) (4 i \ b . ' s et ¥ i % | - T ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. z | i i R TS e U’”l Iul/rflnn i \\lm!u-l 5 //n N > g«..:r =Fn M D ot QOMANpHEBARBO\JR HARF-ER,,W”L NERA Qx P D" Pa Lanve nl/tlm oHessr i i \ B it ” ™ {sEne! 0 5 GO L ity A mp“(u\.u. 0cat? s Wi i 3 1,?"‘ Whit ' E X & Water M u( ulom\'\‘lt " Tt { s - X % = SO 1 'X’fl).n y N(\,,,,,"M Y % /{, ons X R Lom« e - Taceloly ¢ S S o : £y S RiER ]\ ; an Migua) v ) 1 R / SN 3 Mus, | c?\\l iU, e e g : ; : E‘Nfl:\o U\s, BY : ) ) Muskoge Antongy \ 4“/—%/‘“ e g : { Dewrlingto * 0 VWNT R YF#/ g A I . f€HocTA WS}N\%CKASAWS genriedgency) { C 0N FAAT ‘1"{;'11/7”4( I ; { 5 ~ . 1 e : i A o r 5 1 e 3 Souetty (i, Agency ! i S U | Conenetl Hons oor otoy \ Bighest 5~ Mo < g A P Moty e COMANCHE o, [ Cinatia, % ACHE I e Vorusill?, e BAER A s AW “EFtArbuekle Xt 3 = AT OMWS: tTolwson. o o b P Vine Blupk » 7 Rl » T Rolanc ? ,\Inn(?.u;u i ANy Paris / o A L Lonita OR 1 > i RED, § B MONTAGUE ] : Berl b Linés p, mml., t 4 muu' § % Lied Ocdss ; _mM, WP op Lig | s S M lH i hreddr . 4 'el & »Wn,x:v\nlfl\u-h S B At ens T g/,m?sm‘»‘ H/E NDERSO Y l":m (,wl«l FRE \urllr o ',,.,,fi‘\, X omangr i “11,.,,..»,' N e}y A flrocks . ma / e L ./,‘,‘ ! Al S et D =~ 2rnp 1 = X< B o amilion ; e ; i L 2, e X RNET ET . Ll d\roghazk | o [[mmn/ \/,.,,,,4/ e Afi T ;4‘* d S\ hd e Torrits oo e [LESONY 4 o 4 iangto? SR ;n.\ld‘l(l ol iaion JCR ANG! e LOCR A T % Pre ~u\ d'l\m\‘ + il San Carios Laguna de S Viar A P e ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. cov NTY M, \,, Lac de los ) //e/~r»m7,- s / e Leones 7 Neartitlas | « | | | | //‘ulnfl/mu o WARNER & BEERS, . 7% [ P 5 / | ¥ % Mriex 5 lllul » Publishers, % s, W Pantragudo™ j’érufnwn % 2 S A 2 ~. / K“‘,x g SCALE OF MILES. o 1 a0 6o « E ing 3 w)V"l \1‘ \\ " o ek ama*® zoynosa Mamuligre “ra)” S G /i’}m‘“ i 5 Aye /I r/[ FROM H. H. LLOYD & C0.’S a7 : ,/,,,,/, /2 il ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. | 7 7] rfi:;,4/,,,,,fi : / aditria Zorre 'l//.l\ lxom (n eenwiclh. ) ’37/,, v 1 BlewekB Pilot Ko W Wirrer CFz. ]w/l/u IIUII ' o jl:”/:“ = 20eps gy, “7"'“(// Veetter e 'ni«miA l"illnmlg- Desere ¢ ity g Uearr, \;; Letriae, 27 “ 2 o A ,,,\‘1;*‘“/ Clover Vo 8 i Y 7 — Gree O e i It w /\\S:u tnw‘.LTLOJM S et rey s gt f Travir 7 J 8 1/,,,,/, 7 /l ! Crzetg, (104 o, Pueblo of Oraibe Moquis higgesa (.”SA\'L\»“‘. o 2 En s ;rr Carp Reve - & 3 L_, 3 e l‘o,énl‘now( 3 7:’ ’f«" . Ganpligys G Y. z 2 U\ Pinal Mt e s, 1y, 15K lanon Wige Wive i PBii” E 0 N y lene reat cie "~ ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. (:1) 1'?\' 1 ¥ ¢ ()l&)li \l)() UHSARTE, NEW MEXICO, oek (7 ¢ 2 te /lr,,,” “ren ,.4 i Y DEIRMESS 1, 1re AT \,,,,,,,\/ KRHIU ?%m%, St :\l.’\ l: AND 75 Il)’uh:u/ r 5/ 11, v(‘qv RIO Vllission Cearry, ol% o8 % . Mewricops Wellgy, Ancient ¢ Castle Raél;!g < e /,,/,,/ Zrtires; ot B / Sereirz Q.. ¢ /4/, y G1LAA I///um {o. . wperMiies Lo e las Meresus Neweeito © o Oetitoree MtGraha A P OSeesten Rosa Ceebes 2 57 :;u»m,-,/r//:?,fi( El Puerto e el Dado Sehirecerith g 7 /zmvmmm ,m Ih S‘u/m/-/ \(enoa - Hoiexe M,{rmu//m/c s1I l M) uy/w-v N tabesus 6 gt ; Agqueer Crlienze 4 Caarcernbuig Aaborguersaso oltlusled < i ~~ o & s por Salntayiaflor R del \III II \‘\{\/ Gz 1rrcen S/ stee Wewrsen Gus VMiguel & ?\v; & W =S Ft Xrnun 1t More ofacealote A UK Venetddo Spr ."'4«3‘/'(',,,,_. Bl oAzl :u;"?"flifil"w" ’ R 'WARNER & 'BEERS, Publishers, SCALE OF MILES ‘o 5 FROM H. H. LLOYD & C0.S A'lL&S OF THE UNITED STATES. Yo IMU0oIE) U0T) M SUOT 131 == | ‘SELVIS ALINA THL 40 SVILV §/00 # GX0T1T 'H 'H W0¥X D, 249 9 uoprg Grypuvy suapb Qe S Y, US| < ,—;- ] Sy O o\m.vp\(\ '"“5?.{ e %3/ (/L AN PPISIRALY - P iiio)y » / 0°/ N 0 wo O‘{@A /s Ao 1= o 74 ( s it I a8 Yorn,, 50 By > 7 |5 Guvagpe - ““‘;",;{N‘A ’ s 1or09) ol e o ssug A, dgud Koo 02 ey ¥ udp amydpng > 7 S 4 cradg sy A sy, ssey dew el yed wny L ) \\ \ ? | qoupI0p K\ g uorsouy u ; oA opuont ey — H'A?W!‘J"’N e ° b o) gogr® e el 1 £ ) darry wngo . ' F wds 7197 Zh «I?’rr,pmg 7 i) Aouspadro tronqugey® % 4 xf»,#.fll-wl'fm 1 myaany ypangaaq o ads: umoprULIY N € & v W I2n &7 3 Ogal) 2 e OO iy U ds] e ¥ STy et o 117 0 70 N e gsey sFun 7104)1/ma‘4]’1t | P 20 R foras e, =~ x o THOwRG i 8 bk wwdgaromn| Q L; &r z‘f]n}Ttjm)]J Cudyumeroney A% PN LAGPUNT X P vy wtdy goprontonygolPd ouohg roSmy AL (1| g W,,ffi@\ e 2 1 Aoy apmn ! LUV sy @\ Z2207 NSV A o | . g o TANLLSI e ear 2 £ 4y O N T g i At T30 G, i & SUOA, & ook , suaschuoy 7\ " woofe Tepogmoss on o e soormanT ‘SUAHET ¥ ANYIVM YINSHOALIYS) dg e ey IV AL NOD ‘SHLVIS dILINA IHL 40 SYVILV s 1143;/4/r%w ) 18 e 0, - oy eody oy o\ o2nL) gt ot :;""%i;‘(’:;gh h o Ko b Krrrvon X b fiflfl""% . ot N g iyl snrg 2 =9 o . Udopr.g. g S OL& “onDO A A T ”’b?“‘l‘éff%t % [ oo E 0 s By s lu'z»"d/,-_Q N / /’;':UfL s ofl,L Ll =/ rigze = nflrfl, @ 54,,, b T A 50 "%L“'\')d i durrr) Nl eterany QR o L) 019 on g O YRS ) dhuryy _Ilu‘,,:(>\"f:’lul/;"}\(\;t’ fa 34 - o PLogpdun;, | Sl o, , i TR : i st | i s i stvprow™ > o7 Trveding? (ot T ‘ Wipuessed Stell L. Great Falls b ~ SePompeys 0 Seormet ssou e Mi el S AL A o T thyan Kard Lembotdy oA . gz, Rawhjde Peak N A : se@fig?ks . ATLAg OF THE UNI’I‘Ell STATES. el S i / TOUNTY yain | Sl dkends il A IDANO MONTANA. | 4_";\\ AND — = : ey YN v ; Wrompne | ey il A e T TR SO 8 S NI ¢ Dol N “‘ 4 et/ et WARNER & BEERS, 'j : b Q| E b B Publishers, : i : - : 544? ranite Mt Surnpsons Sprt ScaLE OF M s FROM H. H. LIOYD & C0.S : e BobT e o e %@f*‘? - NI N A S ~ 'SELVIS QELINO THL 40 SVILY E > E I S /00 ® QXOTI 'H 'H WOEL : e g e e -. NS YA NOIPAIAD SISO T e ) //; HITT » YANIVM . $5 IVEC AN OV ,.fl" seuty ojqeng { K . 7~ Fe 4§‘ L,\ )r ¥ - UoeLap N L) o1qem, | - = inLsia ) | oi,,,}j”‘imm ‘ 7 eengy T SeTmsTIg) © Qoum, O it Buontur; | | 4 =y ppirdgeryty ‘ ey £ syriaor ¥ i e Demarkation Pt SRRITORY Scale of Statute Miles Shiningr hiningraa T RI AL ASKA. et 4 ‘17(‘.‘1‘ i e o AT K i kamal, llag e i rom Washingtlon, Long W D SV 83 Sy ongg ¥ X vario /. e FTax p@vks; : v UN N < 300 ) Ymmgw"m!( y X 3 QMM A N tssscosocsocccoacsoaoo505 = ] S A . N GO = . S N R LG : OGS 2R o0 S 5 couy WARNER & BEERS Publishebe ) dororCatl st iR Ot wth 1492 A R\ D et < % 2 s e % e AN &\_‘ L ‘07 =2 Gy ! x 3‘ ‘,Bg,‘,xk S i 41, et ANDE: 3 duan AN o, v Mzf '\élhgl‘.un b, 07: 5 T Athior Wisterioyadiark Bark Sl GoiSweare S a A1 Soder 1, or Portland Rock &5 rectro Cavs Lhunders {3 Froll: g Jurm}w&" ‘\ L l. Ly MATAGALP A MATAGALPA { / L / : C (nd[lli(“’& FORTUGY ,,m,...fk SANTA MART) 1,.s'au¢‘z,,,i : - Veratere oo b o RAB()BO - 4 Viotoria > Svona, g Arcigrect _'{'(lu//(n < f BY 5 s £ 2 /,,,,f,zy,,g - %’@;} 4, %cosTu Yoront oR > Upata \rv oF BOLYVAR e CARON \'m,i} BAT VERAG UAS J“’afl" L feterg, : u.lmgu‘ 3 25 3 26T O “V‘I"vv\%&\; X = i R = NORTH POLE s“ o~ S ‘\,n“,,\t S S Lo porask® \J{g?\\"\&\d e\ E - n\i @\'”t'\-\;u ‘y‘ T o L Lol b o 05 9""\“ o Y l’,«.—t"‘r"“fif \EP/%‘ \‘“" { 2 i’ ) M S t‘¢" $ R \t\a % e Y & A2 SVictori g zfi:;'@”“ e 5 s ? § EbdeE e L K ST EN & /5 o PR EE B/8 ¥ PR AL 5/ % =&t 7 2 ¢ i o G000 / g ¥ s / E’ e ~ % » %, // Oy e 2, I/fl() / Sactamento 1) g 3 ‘ au - i J / San/Frapes : ; ; é.‘.n-m o 18 2 X oy, e | J Hdokitisg . | Marysf | P> 4 [ Filgyral® i : | > Uslan | '” - Madisan 1 i | & v r-'., 8 . 5 | [ . . Duncan I Cdcost® Bueneventura [ ! AmericaGr. |~ | { ¥ b e MplkersIs o : | Barbacoassd ki e ls. i { | | | Gallegol | Wenmanl | g prancisco 3888 ol (.u.nrlrrv Christmas1 | *da i Coo g / 7 180 o 17 "7160 150 120 :Quuonup . ARcES,; K'mnuiu“('r Simpsonis I P : | yord .S'Imnksl tcaul | ~ O.‘;'Ulrnlsl ]‘ i a ,d,,,,\ | E S I A Nameless] ¢ * g | | Fas ? AptinarsI® ,m,,,,,, 7 . mnmlen-l 7 wellslo, s DelPeyster oxape on Ponrk 2 V 2 flmm e, | ‘ : pest : h L tmerv = B e e FristsT o l)uvupam | 5 ";-‘:fl’l,,dw:"‘"“'" > I;n"j\“ ,,.,..rv\p,,..u Kmé(boflz' 4. Hondenl | . NAV ,‘{l \ 5o snah s st e \ | Rotur i ol she - e \ e ‘l(ln mopt] | ‘ socm itsupday | ST [ vy \ 1’,,11:.01-;1«" i e . An,JOlE . mbier ROPIC e R FEBIE ] O a1 ,‘v'”v"n”j de Z u qe ‘r’b xS AR clcburn] r'v"’ i i unmr mn\ o LB g ah,nrou A s ], gmoarna rnal | : : ‘ : e Copig o ‘ | . (L»J .Auu : Sh i | = | “Coquinityg | .m...v-n.....lo. Ii hlmmm s Solatie,, 4 r . s, Ila./,,, ,.,, o o 12 ,l.u' e | ¥ "\\s o < A N | € Comori cuYnOw & e ‘.\n“ ,\‘“ -o £ ( Im(",”'/"? | ~——Gonddkdre | Mnl‘u “ Colombdp* ¥andy* i CJ 5 g Low'ls o p"lhmnl' 7 o ;. dchoer| : pabuan, U o 5 pEY Zitgutn ! Ialdnda* ““Md” o a,-,&m:,_m y r‘lurn)m Qs JStndrews T AL Atutdopsha | ftol | i | A l : fi + i | ',_. | AH"A, & “g‘"’” YT . Monte. 1,,ua Is 7 JVictoria Nyansd ? 0couaToR 7o : o : S . 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