T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2024 ©2E: P : UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FROM THE BEQUEST IN MEMORY OF CHARLES A.DENISON AND CHARLES N.DENISON eA C TN rr En : C TC IN eee T. o C : ſi C OEEEEEECITER n mm eT. S D I m r em m mm m m Dag mn l AT ee CENE = CSCRA Y l - P F A DOLOGIE OF INFANTSIN A . - SERMON: Proumg,by thereucaled wxii of God, - thar children preuented by death of theic Baptiſme,by Gods clcc-— fnon, may be ſaued.. Bj] W. H I*rmcher in zhc Tower of London, * Seenſſc' andallowed by A oritie, - xs LffimoN Wſiſſtmſied bythe Wido': 'c Orvin for > Z"Z*@WHMM. zggg ct(--ſiſſſictjþ E - f 2 m h: 1 TAR EII N A N N NN ffi \ſiſiſſ% Z-ſirfſi?*kſi*- JE 7 4 x'ſffl ſſ/ P ankg! Aſſzſſ,fl.* TO T L RIGHT HONORABLE LORD ROBERT DEFOROX, EARLE of Eſex,and one of her Maicſties mofi Homnorable prinic (ouncel:all gras ces fit for ſo worthie place and rruſtbe multzphed - A-2 vy HE grcat Meſsias, the ZA Lord Teſus (right Ho- AN norable ) being on the CR Crofle readie to dye, T2S caſt his eye afide, and ſawe his mother and the dxſcm!c Nan- ding by, whom hee loued, on whoſe. breaſt he leaned : and ſayd ro his mo-. ther, Woman behold thy ſonne : andto 1n 16, thediſciple, 3chold thy zother, This voycethen ſpake from thealtar ofthe __ crofſe&an carth « The ſame voyce ſee-; merh to ſpeake ſiill from the arch of. : hcaucn, the Church being graycnon, shc 26 C eC res ——— 5 - EEs —A Blay.49.16. Salath,4.26. The EpiStle the palme of his hands,and her walles- euerin hisfight on the one (1de,8& lee- ing the Noblcsof the world on the 0- therſide, eſpecially fiich Nobles who hee loueth , on' whoſe ſhonlders bis truth leaneth, in whoſe breaſt the love of thetracth dwelleth: He ſcemerth to fay tothe Church,astoa faint & weak worman of them: O woman behold, thy ſouncs the Nobles of the earth : Pſal.4.5-16. Thou ſhalt haue children che Potctates thorowthe whole carth. - Andtothem:O ye ſonnesofthe No- bles, bchold your mother alſo. This mother, thetrueChurch,maketh you the ſonnes of God, That voyce then wrought obedience: he to whom 1t was ſpoken,tooke itto heart,and took her home: So: ought the Pectes and States of the world, eſpecially whom Teſus hath loucd by cducation in the tructh,to take chis morher the church, her ſonnes and daughters, the tructh and her defence home to themT© ſur- : round it with theis power and coun- - tcnance, euenas in two circles Ifracl - C e” - R sſſ_; : . '*:2 D D - Deaicatorie, with all-their tribesand gonernours ' did hewmein the Tabernacle of God, Numb.2.38. Inthe inmoſt circle M o- fes and 42rop 0n the forefront of the - Tabernacle Eaſtward ſtood nextto it; _ver{ 24. On the other fide three fami- licsof Ze#/: The Gerſonites pitched therr: tents' behinde the Tabernacle Weltward: yerſ29.The Kohathites hadrtheir ſtanding on the South ſide : ver(.35. The Merarites on the North ſide. Theſe werethe inward liſts of it; _ Tathe outward wall of ir(ſo to ſpeak) Eaſtwatd did 74 claſpe itin, andhis allociates7//achirand Zabulon:Num. 2.5.Oathe South fide,verſ.io.Renber faltned his tandard with Gad and $;- meon: On the Weſt,ver.1$. ioyned Eptrain with HManaſſes and Benia- 27n: On the North,yer(.2 4Pasclofing vpall, came Dax with 4ſer and Nap- tali. So ſtrongly and politically was Gogs Tabernacle and Church then manmgſiiſi.d and conduged : in fo fight- ly manner did it'march on with this - alarme: Num.10.35. .4 riſe 0 Lera, . EE B ond. y - 29" " H KS. & d e——= 70n C oneee Gngoe N D PT IN D ————————————————— — — — __ _._. . The Epiftle and let thine enemies be ftatrered. Ta ſo puiſſant and ſtable manner did it rake yp his ſtanding with this ſolem- nitie: Retsrye O Lorae to the many thoufands of Tſracl. The Nobles who thus ſtand abour Gods Charch art this l time , and lend their ſhoulders for his - trueth to leanc ypon, have a greater | 2.King 513 place the Naamans: the Kingtoleane | on their hands : then 4t/as,thearchof heanen to reſt. ypon their ſhoulders: they haue the honour to be the noble diſciples whs Teſus loueth, on whoſe \ breaſts he leaneth, in whole hearts he dwelleth: ro whom he haning fayd, Bchold your mother,the Caurch, the trueth : they doe not onely take her home to themynder their roofe,dwel with ir,conerſe with it: but emter in- roaſtrict yow and ſolemne proteſta- - tion, (for this is the heroicall prote- - l ſtant) as Kuth the Moabitiſh did to N4om .-_zcoracemmg her cl;aſig_ſi;g to. - the tructh and Gods people, rhough diſcouraged by contrarie example of - oncetharlay in theſame wobe,though _ e- __ haboured .. D C ETNIN ON C SEtn e=aqn—rng em R N ENTI C SE— Dedicatorie. aboured with by the womb thatbare _ ' her :ſheſayd,7ntreate me not to leaue Ruzhſſx'.xs'.-ſiſi!z} | thee,nor to depart from thee : whither 1 thougoeſts7 will goe : where thou dwel- % leſt, 1 will dwell : thy people ſnall be my l people: thy God, my God: where thou l ayeft,7 will aye : and there will 1 be bu- ' ried. The Loxd doe fo vnto me,, and | mare alſo if ought but death part thee ; andme. Theobcdience tothis voyce of God,to takethe loue of the trueth home to you, ſecing it hath dweltin ! your familie and progenie long, and | now hereditarily reſtcth in your Ho- } nour:andthecxperience of your care, j! by whoſe meanes not onely the ſtan- dard of the preaching of the word is lifr vp in this place, (#anquam in arce | Mizerua Phidie) in the midſt of cap- | tiued enemies(which was not before) { but by whoſe fwwites of faith allo it is | Cheriſhed: emboldened me to preſent | this firſtling of mylabors in this kind, ; inthecauſe ofmany ſpeechles infants, | to your Honour: remembring what Salomons mother ſayd to kim : Cper emn em C ——— C OEnS ON T - - eON IN C LNN N Jere.22- Matth.18.10.. —_ IN _ C OANCENECEn The Epiftle | th)ſimoutb for the dumme 1n tbectcctmſſſe : ' of all the chilaren of deftructon: Open thy mouth,efc.T he argument,though diminutine and low, yet parents loue to heare of the ſtate of their childre in this life : much more of life to-come, | ſpecrally the godly.Even graue tarhers afterſcrious matters diſpatched , for+ bearc notto vſc modificatio of ſpeech, toliſpe with rhe litte ones : ſaying, Cheſjpus,not Chry/pus : as he in Tub- emn IEE C C E Rn lie« Contah ; not Teconiah: as inthe ſcripture. Burwhy do I ſecke further? Haye not heſe little ones the Dukes and Peeres of heauen for their Pa- trones ? Their Angels(ſayth Chriſt) alwaics behold the tace of Godthe fa- ther in heauen. And hethat fer a child in the midſt of his Apoſtles , ſiriuing for honour, with this charge : Verely, except ye be connetted and become as lictle children, ye ſhall nor enter inro the kingdome of heanen : am%z}thac humbleth himſclte as this ch1 kney that the caſe of little children, Asrhae - ercateſt in the kingdome of heauen: - . 1: £ N EEETOO (ct. - Dedicatori, *"Witheir harmleſnes,innocencie,mildnes, ſi"'ct'"g\e matters for all ſorts to meditare % ypon, to ſchoole them ro GOD. In P which argument Danid ſo proficed, l Pfalm.131.2. that he profeſſerh encn l*6; before the Lorde, that, he demeaned mati himfelt as a weancd, cuen as a weaned id! child, though the court and field had 0 been his nurſe. ButT may not exceede 81 the meaſure of a Pretace: The Lord lel_ripen the good worke he hath begun 4 -n your Honour,and increaſe ir cln. with the mightie iacrea- K25 fings of God. Iet &- _ | | 2 Towr Honers in the Lord - tobe commanaed: 0 ( _ br W. William Hubbocke, ſſ : . | — - P C C ESERons A eD ed RD / ” eC C INN R C EEnne = R UHT To the Reader. ! 2 $ the bleſſing of peace is great,Lach.8.8, ſtreets ol A {N ſo among them to come | P »1 ſodainely the ſtroke of £x04.12.29, - v \/ NISTAP God, as at midmſig/at m TY =< 2 eEgypt, in enery houſe Pſſſſgiſil?ſiz*:ſi 1 e@dead childe,to fall dead from a windawe 44 ggitij, paruulus © þ Eutichus,rs ſicher in the field,and die at home aula Luderet *þ preſently, as the woman of Sareptaes childe ; AEneas, efpecially if it enioy not the next morning fg::z 4 ſunne,as lonas ſhade, eSþecially if it dye as Iſiſiasſi;ct?' þ Dauids chila did before Cl'VCZlſiCiſibſi.*ſh t Eefizre 2. SAN 13«17, baptiſme:& the former ioy donbleth the grief, fillie leauened people lift vp their woice as Agardidfor hers, in a gentiles diſtru#l asa Gen.21.19, - people without hape , (as though their babe , The. 4.xz, were Iſmael & of eFgypt, & not of the Iſras ell of God : as though they were Agar of Sina engenaring vnto bondage,& not of Sion,bea- , ring chifare vnto God)moning there is nowa- - ter:they blame not theſelues that they keepnot | hoares Galath.4.25» | = .-..,,_.___....—-m-—-—..ct--ctſſ.ſi.-.ſſ.——._u o_—— C C EOOIIS N — To theReader. honres with God and his (harch, inregarde * of goſſips and outward complement, breaking out asthe Sareptane: O thou man- of God, what haue I to doe with thee ?- Forld to_ ' God they wornld thinke alſs with that goed 'ſſ% woman : God m my childe brings my ſinnes to * remembrance , that departure of children i might cauſe departare from iniquitie. For - many take on piteonſly with God and manif - their children miſſe. Baptiſme : but take no © care if they miſcarie their owne Buptijme, forgetting the fellowſhip of the bleſſed Trint= 7ie, intowhich they were baptized: ſothat the water of Baptiſme is not the ſmeet water. of " AR&$.23, - lifeonts life; but Marah, asin Simon Ma- gus: Agall of bitternes ſtill in him. Chriit 1.lohz.%. ſhonlddiſſolue the workes of the dinell, but a ! .._ bondofiniquitieinhim ſtill, Toſuchit ſhould : bee fearefull in their eares which is written; | Dentx.39. Thechildren whichyee ſayd ſhould beea - |. praye,and your ſonnes & daughters, which - | haveno knowledge between good and e- uill, theyſhall potſeſſe mine wheritance : but as for you, Numb.14.32. Tonr carkeiſes ſpallfall in thedeſart, Where is he that hath Dauids hart,a man after Gods owne hart ? he ' —_ moned for feare of death, but nenermoned to hane reſpite of life for cireamciſion, which Za | — doubt x-KZſſng,!ſi,v. 13, ._ Maſh.LS.IQ; l \____TotheReader. M donbt be wonldifit had beene ſo danugerous l to haxe dyed without it *.at leaft where 75 the l mouth of Tob* Bleſſed be the Lordthat gane wree children : blejſed bee the:Lord that tooks | away my children: bleſſed is he in gining,bleſ J” fed in taking away, and bleſſedin the manner 's rhoughſtrange:of himit t ſayd, Hee ſinned 11 eON j! nor with-his mouth, norcharged God foo® 1 liſhly. Bat thy child is thine Image, and thy l ſhadew: and behold asTonas ſhade,tt vaniſhs l ed from thee in a night , it vaniſneabefore l thouwellloohedſt wpon the face of it: er howe » k pitifull a thing? But the pitifull God telleth 1gpgy.r1h n hins and thee alſo: that hee pitieth little ones , _. l chat cannot diſcerne betweene right bande — | andleft, enen to the number'of ſrxſcore thour | fandinozecitie : and that in Aſbur,and Ni- h #ineh; andis his compaſſion ſhut vpfromthe n ſeede of Chriftians? Yea but if it had beene ; ſprinkled with water of Baptiſm, Tohn 5.7, | #hen' the bedridden manfor 33:yeares had | mone to-helpe him into the ſonereigne wa:- ; ter, Chrift healzdhim without water ſayiug, { verſ. 17. Though the Angell mone not al+ ; waies thewater,ver ſc4. but at times, yet ſaith * be, My Father ſtill workethand'[alſoworkz ſſ ed though theſpring of Baptiſme ſhould LS Jometimebe dammed wp : it followeth not ins h | D g fants — N = == == emn - — em emn ena EEED R R ETE eR WEN -n R dn —_—_— A R VA ON D w' rpenn ” w - D - P —A C IN Wf SHERTES 74 ſi Gen.21.19, AQ.29.4. C N | Exed.2.10. f D e07 LCT To theReader. ' fants to bee damned: for as (briſt ſaidto his Diſciptes,Joh.q.32. 1 haue meatethat you know notof : ſo the eAngell telleth Agar, and all mothers of water that ſhe ſeeth nat: anud Chriſt here telleth of ſaluation, which the Angelland thewater wrought not. Thoxs miſſeſt thy childrenin thine armes- behalde they are in the hand of God,they are pluckt fromthy breſts,but are in Abrahamsboſowe: not in thy cradlebelow, but in the throne of immortalitie aboue. How oft ts it ſeene amag _ men that friendes thke a babe from aweake mother,a daughter, a nurſe, and bring it vp o>r their. owne : as Pharaos dauphter did Moſes,ſo that the parents peraduentnre ne- ner ſee it; or not till long after. What elſe - doth God when he taketh the childe from the © worbe, or breaff,,to haue it nurſedin neauen leſt it hanld hane ill bringing vp here? A con- fubt with ſuch diſpoſitions vpon a like ſadaine accident, made mee gather againit the next Lords day, theſe remembrancestoaching this argument, which nowe 1 hane moreperfectly recognized. Then it bred ſuch alterationim their appreherſions aud epinios that heard it: that as once they who ſaydof Paul, beewas 4 » wnrderer,(as zf ome ſhould ſa ,infancicida,) when they ſawe the reuealedglorie of God: they ” ſithaſi'] chctnged their mindes. Theſe alſs are 4 boly ſeeae, Luk.x5.31. Thechilde that was dead tomee, #s aliue:he that was loſt is found: blaming themſelnesas Dauid, Plal. 73. 22. ſo fookſh were wee enen as beaſtes, vntill wee wet intothe ſattuary of Godwhere we under» | Foodthe end eut of theſe hittle ones.The Lord Math.g. of the harueſt gize bleſſing to this, according ro the riches of his glorious wiſedome , and reachws to abound not with captions hyow- leage, which 6] ſcanninges, dcſhanting:,ct comparings puſfeth vp, x. Cor.8.x. But to aboundewith lowe which buildeth vs wp to one heade ouer all, enen the Lord Teſins, towhom be aſ< eribed ſalnation for ener, =—_ m Pn e EoSEE R D TCTR R Bn 8 eO” —FLIS l A W 8: 'A SERMON PROOVING, - THAT THE VNBAPTIZED, PREVENTED BY DEATH, may be Godschildien: and by his cleftion may beſaued,) | 'Trz TexrT. | x.Pet. 3.21.. Tothis Arke of Noah,the fi- gure alſo:that now ſaneth vs, euen Baps tiſme agreeth uot the putting away of the filth of the fleſh, bat the queStioning of a Lood conſcience to God, by the reſurrefti- on of Ieſus (hrift, - 22. Who is at the right hand of God, gone mto Heanen, to whome the Angels and_ powers,and principalities are _fiabzſi'ect. D [EOET \ \\) \N dz 7 His Scriprure,astonching ctſſ"ſi ; My purpoſe atrhis time,o. 2 - : .S& peneth the meanes of our Actu.zſſ . : e-oct>X laluation , and that two » , Watcsouching GOD in _ Chriſt,8 couching vs. Touching god in Chriſt:who isthe cauſe of ir,the ſu- B preme _ CLR R Nn 2 7 Sermon touching — _ © preme and ſoueraigne cauſe of it, the cavſe of cauſes, cuen Chriſt thealone *cauſe of ourſaluation. The meanes of performing and purchaſing it, are ſet downe by foure aCtions: the firſt, his rifing from the dead : the ſecond , his ſitting at theright hand of God: third- Iy,his aſcending into heauen : fourth- ly, his ſabieQing of Angels ynto him. The conditis on our part is two-fold : outward,the element of water in Bap- tiſme: inwarde, the queſtioning of a* - good conſcience to God. Of the type Noabs Arke and the complement of it, inthe correſpondence of Baptiſme vnto it: cliewhere hath bcen at large handled. - | Now further , Tobſcrue affirma- tively, what {aucth : Namely, Chriſt apprehended by faith , from a good conſcience: as berng riſen, aſcended, ſitting ar Gods right hand, ſubduing Angelsandall for thy good. Secondly, T obſcrue negatiuely what ſavethnot: | namely, the outward waſhing of Bap- tiſme : water of it (elfe, being readier : {O... N — ——— - the fwzbctzptzzea' 3 to drowne, then to ſaue: ſeeing of old they baptized with cheir bodies vnder the water, 4d.8.39. Matth.3.16.and ' not ſprinkled alone,which yet wasins different, as appeareth _/ 2#.9.17.18. A&4.16.33.Cyp.tib.4.i/t.7. Thirds ly, that it is neceſſaric and fic to bee - Rad, itir may bee had afrer Chriſts'in- ftiturion. So thatthe Prince,Miniſter; or parent, or whoſoeuer he bee,fore offcndeth.,, by whoſe negligence, or meanes it isSomitted, or cannot be had. For the firſt, all ſcriprure aimerhonely atthispoynt,Teſustoberhe Chriſt:all the facrifices ot the old Teſtamenrdid foreſignific it : 70%z did poynt athim, T his lambe takes qway the finnes of the - worlde : GOD proc laimed it from heauen by an apparirion of a Douez with a celcſtiall oracle, when he was _ crowned with the holie Ghoſt : This 15 my welbeloued ſonne in whom | ant well pleaſed: thatis, T am not pleaſed Math-3.17, in the Prophets, in any holie men or women;not in thee,nor inthy people, D P OSIE 2 Rn =S B 3 S .ſſ_c GN3 D D rE E IPTTTE S e T— 9 \ gel,not holie man,or woman cuerdid. \ riſe forvs,or aſcededfor vs: Baptiſme | harhnofuchpowertoraiſe frodeath norhath it ſelfe: mounted ro h_eauen, | nothath any place at Gods right hand, nordothe Angels worſhip 1 ir.- There- | forenoſaluatid of neceſsirie depedeth \ | vypon'Baptiſme; chough ir ſhould bee moſt holilic miniſtred,- The: Popiſh Churcizhath twocrrors1n it: theone, conclTria, that ſacramentsby che work wrought Zſiim T bythe- receivingof chem, bring grace — On-11} 8 | tothereceiuer; voles/ ſome; enormous ; ftonebeypon him, which they tearme mortall; Anothier, that childrenin- | fants; mnoccnts,:f they dye vvuhout Bapuſme,they aredamned. __ »>Occruell fentence, and bloudie dc— - cree-The firſt is rcfuted by that wee haveifayd alreadie, that' in them that haue yeares,no grace:ccommeth by the facramenr; but a diſgrace rather,n0 good but emll if 'therebee notagood confcience rowardsGOD examuned, and'waſhed with the fruires of Chriſts dcat h and paſsxon For here areynder- oFyens ſtood d - — —— —— — — ——— G_s - D w_ _— *. R e" 77 P" PR - " 5 A — — — —ERY oh:; z 'verls 5. " A LLTIEIIEZ - R ON D Jo eASermontouchin ſtood the workes of [1is humiliation, as his incarnatio,dwelliog inthe ſhape of a ſeruant, his crucifying, and ſuch like ; though there are touched onely foure workes of his exaltation. And. our Apoſtle ſayth plainly, though 27o- abs Arke ſaued-, yer ſaying that-the waſhiog of the Acthſaucth not, he ſec= merh to ſay, oather not that outward \waſhmo ſauccb How thenſay ourad= _ ucrſanes,thar allare damned that haue not Baptiſme ? ordoe they ſayſo ?No notall;ſay they. VV.ho then ?andwho not?:All intants(-ſay they ) that dye _ without Baptiſme. O pitifull & cruell ſemence , whoſe-cares will not tingle arir? infants who:cannot ſpcak,ſithmk or doil}, thechild whoſe fleſtis ſcarce curded 1n the- wombe : whoſe banes are ſcarcegriſtled out of the wombe from the darknesof the-wombe paſſe _ to the vtter darkneſfle for ener::Thus fpeaketh tac-dragon all gorcd wuh bloud:-;-- - ' But doth the:lambe- of God ſay fo . alſo *-no doubt this lambes bloudex- _ : tendu:h . z*he ſſvnbaptzzea' 1 = tcndcſith it ſe}f.cuen to theſe little labes and {ucklings:Istherenopardonfrom \ this general:danatorie fentence & cru- ell definitine? are none excepred?Yes, God dath-accept theas baptized, who | atemartyred beforethey could be bap- ' rizedandtheythatdepartchislife with RhelinIob.s. | : " dcfire.and yow of Baptifme, -Onely '**** \ they?Yea onely they;'who: carneſtly ; intend; defire and' ſecke; for theſame; | tharisafewe very tewe. Othappie-8 -rare caſe, of them) aboye all orhersto be ſingled out ynto life, VWharis their proofethatthe vnbaptized muſt nceds be daned?.Zoh.3-# nles a manbeborne of water .and the boly Ghoſt ; This-is generall, cncn againſt all whoſocuet haue notourward water : andif genc- rall;why.not-to martyrsandthe other thatdye withdelire of- Baptiſme? But 1 they can make general whe they willz Pighias Hic- fjj | - and ſpeciall-when they; will: cucn as ® <<1-c4+) $ blaſphemoully they haue- ſayd of the - ' Word, ivis a:noſe-ofwaxe: ſo they rina.i mpfa: make' the ſacrament'a ſcale of waxe. Bux ſuppoſc aſiſi:*Marcyr, oraChriſtan conucxtcd N ES 12 eASermontouching tiencesfairh;zzeale, were fuddenly con- Eama Chriftian, and thereupon ſuffe- - redwiththern: how could they deſire keth all damned; who in their owne cucn as'earneſtly asthe proportion of thefpeech carriechitvagthe: mandeſt- ed to bee in the water, wheniir was troubled, and-had none to-helpe him. W har then became-of Tohn' Baptiſh, for who'baptized him 2 He'indeede ſayd roChriſt;7hane neede tobe bap: Hzer of thee,andcommeſt thon to me? " He-deſired it : but that is not enough} ſeeing hee lived in a'time when hee Tohn.3.22.& Mighe have had jr.: for ChriſtsDif- __ Cip]es ſ\hffl-fbz}ſpti*zed_-:ſſ e: v/ ln ſha " wee fay of the'Apoſtles, who'ſeeme (4f7:1:5.)to'be bOme?indeedCL'of the - —_— — N C Rn Rn : conuerted z not yet inſtraſtedin the doCtrine of Bapriſme, as they thatled - che Martyrs-to death, fecing their pa- verted,andcried out, Chri#ianus ſum, ” that; theyknowe not of ? were they damned?forthis Popiſhdivinitiema- perſons doe not-earneſtly-intend; de- fire, and ſceke'for Baptiſme of warter, j- "Whe rvnbaptz:{ed 1 3 { ſpirit,bur oor- of che ontward water, | except:Parl,or Andrewe,and! ſome Tohn 1.36,40. : tharwere / olins diſciples,to-haue been baprized withthe holic Gholt,burnor with water 2 What dare thcv ſay of | | thethecte, who was-rieunher Martyr, A93 | nor yer was' ſo farre inſtrafted: to de- | ſirebaptiſme of water, butby ſpeciall - inflaence of Gods ſudden touch of his heart,andlightening of his minde, de- Luk-23.42. {ired to bee with Chriſt-1n/his king-. - dome,andobrained thatprincely para-. diſe? Laſt of all, ſeeing themſelues c6- ,. _. feſſe thar the deſire of parents,or god- CR ent. fathers, as they rearme them, ſeructh forto procure grace to children bap- tized, who haue notthe witnor:grace yertoaske it: why ſhould not the-de- fire of parents,or friends,who hunger andthirlt forthe righteouſnesof God in Baptiſme , for the infants'to' bee - borne,oralreadieborne;and yer dying: without baptiſme,beacceptedinGods fieht? Themſelues, for the innocents, and Mariyrs whom #Herod tragicallic muxdercd inthe” maſſacrſſ of Bcchlch an Rn — D . D ————————_ PTn R IO u-.-.n.-.--.ct.ſi_...n.__.ct.____..._._.._.u.w 5 —— Rhe.Teſt. in | Math.2.16., N —_— ; Z-Sflm.lzzls. R ae —r—ES F 4. A Sermon tam/zmg and-yet they not baprized, nor bap- tiſme delired for them, leaſt of all this baptiſme of blood, which al lamented, al fathers and mothers cryed out ypon: themſelues I ſay-confeſſe theſe noton-. ly faned, but gloriouſly ſaued, to-bee Mart) rs, and ſolemnizetheir feaſt, Andthus the ground and founda- - tion is weake: their buildiogalſo vp- . . onit;paſicheth.Inthe primitivechurch ofthe world, nodoubt many children: - dyed betfore the eightday yocircumct-. {ed, as Dazias childe begottenin adul- terie, which- dycd cuen the ſeuenth day+the greater gricte, if it bee asthey would haue it invaptiſme,thatit came {o neere the iuſt time, and miſſed the feale of the couenant: as it were a man eſcaping all ſhipwracke to die in the port & hauen, Likewiſe the Iſraclites. remained yncircumciſed withour all defireto haue-it, counting itarebuke, | becauſe they learncd heatheniſhnes of Z&gypr,or kept themſclues yncircum: ciſed, as meaning to returne 1nto ZE-: gypc,N_uſſmſſ I4:44 Yerwho:dare be {o | peremp- -. i | l | K t rz ;(: | | ( y peremptorie, as to pronounce damna- Baptiſmethe - nbaptized, 15 » e tionypon them ? for looke howe bap- &2 Circum- : : : : cifion,fo called * tiſme anſwererh circumciſion, ſothe þ, gpiphanus | deccaling without baptiſme ſhould be by ſuite and proportion, no worſe thing then dying withont.circumciſi- on. Ynles a man wall fay, thatthe ſtate ofthe Goſpell hath l:fle mercy andpi- tlethenthe lawe, and that it wenthat- ' derwith infaots ynder Chriſt,then in- fants vnder ae-TR In C eIN IN — - Is qu7 IX., 2» eA Sermontouching cluldren.bapized,becauſetheyareho- " 14 ly, thoupb-onelyione parentſhould be- Wxfl: 3. dc apt.necet[, 3 FLOM, %-- Its leene:: howe, holv ? and who: holy? how holy,+ notas theTeſtirsimagine - holy, that:js: legitimate, no: baſtarde: bntholy, becauſe of rhegloriouspro: ' feſsion-of-Teſus Chrift, becauſeiotthe - coucnantoet grace': / willheithyG O D and the' God of thy ſeede, W. hoholy? - onlyithe baptizedichildrenof the'chris - ftians; no; 49 is generally andiwyniuers. - fflly;,ſayd your. childret:as likewiſe . ,. ...- of the whole Iewiſhrace itis ſpoken, Rom.11.i6, * the roote betng boly; ſo arethe bran= £hes; And-yy 15/ are the 'growen-and them of Riſcretion bapuz-ſidÞ is:itnot that weekee-ſomercaſon tofealewvnto themGods! mercie ?:for baptiſme/isa feale agwagcitcumciſion; /Now: as. a- ;rſiſſflonq meithe conditions,arcagreed pon, then the ſeale annexed::(oGod x&c ctinanh 4 19to coucnant, and then\ſca- terh::Meo-pollefſe-cheir canclandin* ſtſiumcmsz and then marke them: chcy chaſcandlevieſouldeers, &rhengiue _ b*ctm Prcſt moncy And yeras with _ ""thi ct*vnbctptzzed 23 agoodlandlord, the rightof my tene- -ment ceaſerth not, havingthe promiſe ofa faithfu!l.man, though the father ' ſhoulddie, w1tbout ſcaling vnto mee, ſeeing an honeſt ſonne commeth in place, whowill bea ſealevnto his fa- thers words::{o though GODthe fa- ther ſhould prevent ys of baptiſme,yet inthat he hath promiſed a-ſtate of life to me and mine 1n his ſonne hee.will _ fealeitto vs, for him hath the-father *ſealed: An honeſt foaldicr will-ven- * 103 $.27- ture his life inthe bartailes of.the lord; though hee had not his. pteft money: The clayme of the owner.is good, though no aCtuall marke-ſhouid bee vpon his good.: This is the; marke-of ' Gods chlldleu, T ſiſie Lerde kaoweth B-za. confeſ.c, who arehm, Cn de bſiptctſictctſſ Nowe- if children in the wombe infanr. Chy- * as Tobn Baptiſt;, or before- baptiſme, ( %;ſifſi"ſi"ffi and in: their-infancie haue faith; as Aul.i.de diuers think,or hane the ſpirztof God YBZCMIZY*{? as others j{ccing theyare partes ofthe com, ctſſz_c : Churchas wce all profefle, andmem- && 7.Zuing- bcrs ofthe. body of Chriſt, asweeall Þ** ;Zggſiſig% tic C4 {ay, tom.z. — CS 24 eA Sermontoucking. fay, howe can they periſh ? nonecan of aday olde, Tohn 10. 29. nay not-yer caned not brought into the world,out Apoc. 12:4-5. ſtande by rodeuoure it ypon'the verie veric ſonne of God, which was raken Gen,r 1z lieauenly Church? As there are budding, ſome bearing fruite : ſo-in the heaucnly paradiſe on earth, the wombe, ſome budding'out,ſome new ſting raint vypon them,ſhal not the bap- ti{me and death of the fecond .4 aam wipe it out? The intantcannor reaſon, afoule , thoughit know not ſo much not haue faich ſhed inthe heartof it? in take hisſhcepe, nay northeleaſt lambe _ of his hande, ihough- Sathan ſhould birth, as he d1d once, torthe child the yetit haththe ſeed of reaſon, asit hath of it ſelte. Thus ſome argue: May it . vp to: Gods throne. And why may.it not be,that as in carthly paradiſe,ſo in ſome trees and hearbes ſeedifig, fome- Church, ſome of Gods ſeraamsinthe - waſht, as it werefrom the pooles. Tt - . the firſt 14a could bring ancucrla- } l |þ K - . be fvnlzaptzzed 2 5 | - inthe hearr of the eleft ?Hethat hath Rom.s.g. _notthe ſpirit of God,isnone of his. Is nor this the glorious impreſsion and ſtampeof that heanenly ſeale,thar the child isaflumpted imo theaflociation and tellowſhip otthe bleſſed Trinine, Math.28.19, Þ into whoſename it is baptized? Chil- ' tolittle reaſon, but that they abuſe in _dremuſt cometo Chriſt. Whatchik yac co.rs, : - dren?*Lirtle ones : they thatare come nwia:or as Luk.18.15. | 78 Hpbpn, crifling, yccthcus is thekingdome of _ God.Ifrheirs berhe kmgdom of God, Ppurified alike by faith. The working _ of Gods ſpirite, 1s/ike the inſenfible } => _ 1rnomanknoweth how.And may it then are they cleane: forno vncleane 3P%27-27- thing maye come 1n his pure fight, Now what maketh cleane, but faith and Gods ſpirite ® their hcarrs being Kao. pearcing of the winde, whichgetteth loh.s.8, notget 1n 1nto the hearts of litcle chil- dren? tftheir children bee holic, who _canſ{anQifie thew, but the fanRiifier? ,,cor.s 11, h) may not Gods Tpſmc bis winde get into them? and itthey bee ſantti- -fied then notdamned. thrc:_ N C A IeT= ros ne emn 7 nonaat YR P ON P X ; - —_—_ AM—.E-Þ,LM"" C CSn rE ATW ERS - — - C Luk.6.37. Ephe.4.20, eA Sermon c - Wherefore theſe ſpeeches of the childe vabaptized:Tris an heathen,an iofidell,iris damned,T would not haue _ my child in thelikecaſe,for millions : - are ſpeechcs indeede heathenifſh}, full _ of infidelitie,of raſhindgement,& vn- chariablenes; not onely by damnato- rie ſpeeches againſt the dead : buta- oainſt the lining God, that hath taken themawayas he would. Doth not the ſpirivſpeakeberterthings? 1udge not, and thon ſpalt not beindged:condemne not,andthou ſhalt not be condemned : nay acquite,afſoyle;deliner, andthou _ ſhalt havea meaſureof ſuch mercifall conſtruftion meafured/ynto thee: not asthou vſeſt to doe,ſparingly,ſtreight by the brimmes/of the:meaſute-: but ' withamecaſure prefſed downe, ſhaken together, and running ouer, And:yer Proteſtants ſpeake fo. - So naturall-a thing is Poperie, ſo quickly doe wee drinke inerrox before wee bee taughr Haneweſolearned Chriftvare his lawes fo ful of ruefulne?Of Dyaco the Ery. 32 = 7: xaciie em — l e- - R SAR R - el c hrp EE EEEITS eTN ET - » therunbaptized,.. 27 Jawgiueritis written, thatal hislawes were:death : death: if chou doe rhis, death.if thou doe notthar, ſtill the fa. ' tallnoyſe of death ended the- lawe. Theretore.they note:the-pznto drop ' crnelcic,the inke and 'writing ro bee bloud; Bur Chriſtis no:Dxaco, a Dra- gon:Heisalambe thatrakes awaythe j,, , — ſinnes ofthe whole world, a world of fiones : much-morethislambe of God ' tohealetheſe Inttle labesof his-flocke. Hislawesare not lawes of Draco,they | ſpeakepeace : his bloud crieth better ygy,c4.2,, things:then the bloud-of ©4bel: for thatcricth -vengeance vpon Cayre his Gen.4.10, brother.ButChriſts bloud'crieth with aſtrong voyceas ofamightie Angel: my.bloud for all bloud :my bodic for rom.s.x0. allſtane,euco of mine enemics. This were'to-make Chriſtan erode-tor : : :: Herodeient our hismen-of watre to. fley.and murder moſt butcherly ,in- _ fantsfromitwoycarcsold downward, Matth.3.16, among.whom were fome vncircum- | ciſed;thenRachelin Ramalifrs vp bit- teryoyces of lamentation; no cofort; - they D D 2 R Ere mnnent OEONUENETTNNS - \ th — CS PRO D ETR C NNANINNANEINEN ln — — — ——— ——— —— — l _ 28 eASermontouching - they are not. Indeede 1f Chriſt were , __ nota Herauld of peace rather, thena _ | Herod, and thathee fentout his me(- - ſengers of warrezas death and'graueto deuoure, the diuell and hell-to damane the vobaptized : then indecde might Raciel lift vp her voyce, & put on her. mourning weede: then cuery mother and fathcr , fiſter and brother, might howleand weepe,and anſwere onean other with dolefull ecchoesandreme- diles complaints, no comfort, nocon- ; .;: folation, becauſe they are not: nay,be. cauſethey are,thatis,they are inendles - forowe: for berter it were :nottobee - | at all. Bar blefled bee God -who hath Gen.17.7, fſealeda better coucnant: Vith thee - -:...--: and thyſeede Þ make my.couenant: bleſſed bee God who hathcleared our 1.Cor,7.11-14 comfort:Youtr children are holy:Bleſ. £129.9.5. ſedbeGodthatconcerningthe childe borne in:&/a, hath caufed-heauenand '* carthto-heare.a better melodie from an armic of heauenly ſouldierg: Glorie - F0 Gad onhigh, peace onearth belowe, - good will towards men, DoeTſpeake Xouts - - - are not incorporated into the viſible zz. parzan.z;ſi* - miagthe Proteſtant Church of Frapce, are baptized, to belong to the people 1nthis Church, and plofeſſeth chat he In bisreplicin mlſhkech thc opinion of theſe, who O Jumepag.516 C OIEr- TITIreeo m y rommanage 77n fPIT PRn R H D -MA———-—__. TCN __——w M LEdREY CCCEIIEE l vnbaptzzſiea' 29 thisalone? doe not likewiſe the gene- rall yoyce and language of Canaan, Neve-13-24. 1 meanethe Iſrael of God, ſpeake fo ? N Doth our Church alonc thinke ſo? and doth not other Churches make vpthe harmonie? The Crecde of our Roſſm,mhſi. Church confefſeth rhis among the er- Eogliſh Creed ſ 3 K& rors of the Papiſts : that ſo many as tf:oc::z =} | Church,by the Sacraments,attheleaſt - of Baptiſme,ate aſfuredly damned: So doth two cofeſsions of Switzerland, the confeſsion of the Church of Zohe- ſo of Flanders,{o of _1uſpurge,foof Saxone,; and Sweneland, which may be ſeene moreat large inthebooke of the Harmonie of conteſsions. 4/anus Cope reckoneth this vp as one of our | errors in Ene/«nd:Infants betore they Dial 6.cap.s. of SOD. Andto this agreeth moſt ſoundly euen he which hath_now,by thediſpoſition of God, the chizf place te great vo- thinke_ — _ —_ 0 ASermontouching - thinke out of Toh.3. iofants to be.con- demned, being notbaptizedias much _hgs AS AN Itſhallbee ambitiontomuſter f}fcſſ'}ſſ?ct_fſ) - 4. the natnes of them who' have borne ufacr, thefſtandard intheir places, andare on Caluiniſit. gyr fide: fo doth* Aretize atBarnes, AC1 6lcc26. . — - * Contell c.4. *Ca1u7n and© Bezaat Geneuat certain- men : but.no,moxe : and theſgbe their proofes: As if oneſhould ſay,a corrupt ypſtart Tudge, his court, bench, and a packe of falſe Notaries: but none of ” A eC - them baving avy gray; baire of anti- - quitie. This admiration of the eftect - of Bapriſme, andrhus to be enamored ypon the element, made the heretikes Mariion and his, and tlȝe Catapbryn outior. ct}ſiſſſſ - etans and theirs, to baptize-cuen the 4.in Marcion. | - dead:enenasthe Papiſts baptize eucn Philaſtt, | bels, and that not by meane Miniſters, - burcuen by Biſhops.O fooliſh & mad - generation : But haue they noreaſon for it ? ” | Yes, they make a ſhewe of miracle, of Scripture, of Fathers. That they - mayſeeme to bee mad with rcaſon, - Scriptute, Fathers, miracles : Miracles - outof Exodius:Scriptures eſpecially 2: .. Tobn3.Mark.16.16, Fathersamong the ancicnt,[eſpecially .,4#51n. I my felfe haue in this argument alleadged Fathers,conrarie to my ordinary.vie, ſecing indeed Gods voyce aloneſhuld , e,,,o;;. bec heard. But to let you ſee the line of expoſition, thatrI goe notalone in a {ingutrtic, but haue the-caſent of the Paſtors of other ages and Churches. LAlanus Cope telleth a fabulous mi- -B D 4 racle - D P R Y emn" 7 7" 77 979" PR " P TN N H 8 f. A m ) 0 IN written b O” ICTN £ ed 4 eAStrmontouc cing racle to proouc it : A woman whoſc. fonne dycd” ynbaptized, brings him dead before the'niemorie of S. Steuen, moaning that ſhe had loſt her child 1n -- this ife and inthe lite ro come :: Sud- - dely life enters into him ; aPrieſt is - fent for, the childe was bapnzed and preſently dycd againe. O fpirire of _ witchery which maketh themro'truſt _ lying fables:forfirſt of al himſelfeler- :: teth fall ſomewhar thar ſtaineth his witnefſe : he faithin 4*/t75 ſermons oflate 1mprmted at Lon4a:netwo clau- ” fes ro too viiindifferent to condcmnc millions of iffants ©The mitacle a_ nus Copus Night witneſſe: the teſtimonie vpſtart. 1l3-cap.25. YY hy of late prihted ? VVhy at'Zo- #4rne ? Secondly, herein they bewray that the yoyce of God hath nothing a- - gainſt theſe babes : ſceing as Chriſt -layd to the wotman, whennonedurſt condemne her, /0hx 8. Neither doe 1 Condemmne t/m So when Chriſt con- dernes'thefnot,, that thcyſiſſffifiſt fer reſtimonics from'vyauts & ſepulchcxs, and from: the wlchered tones of-the eICT RE OY " Smoerunpaptized.. qk _| _ dead men. But yet theſelitle ones; ' theirbones are not bruſed: theirsalſo Maik,to.z4, ' isthekingdome of God; Forthirdly, * why:did not the mother catrie itto - " hisowne grane, and notto S. Stcnuens - tombefor'rather, why' did ſhe ar all bring adamned carkaſſe-within hal- lowedground, againſtcheircuſtome? - andgoodreaſon if for euer,itbe Gods - enemic,'« damned miſcreant, why - ſhonidit bavethe honour'of buriall? - Fourthly,if ic weredamned'before, & _ theloulegoneto hell:isthereredemp. _ flon fromhell, agaiaſt all crueth; and : cheir-ctownc'iudgcmcnr » Fifily, wby : prefently a Prieſt ſear-for ?might ſhe not thinke the ſame power that reſto- redlitero herchilde; ablero preſerue him in lite? or was not thelife quite goneatal, andthisdeuiſe taken vp by - Eopatt tonouriſh ſuperſtitious minds, . orifirmuſtncedes bee preſently baps tized, becauſerhischeir falſe Saint S:e- 7 gMfinchſiſ wcakſſE'ſſZ]cZdly life, that would nor hold out, why might not her felfe, or ſome woman prelent - UHT (for R R e i ..._W.___.ſſ-_ſi__-—._ſimſimſſ.wm—m—*_.jſſſi'—v'- R ——— ro.lib.3, ad-. erſ. hareſ. 42 eA Sermon touching (forit isnot improbable othersalſoto ' have gone with her in neighborhood or ſuperſtirion) according to their do- rine,bane baptizedit : burthey muſt tarie thetimenll a Prieſt come, who hold in their good dwinitite 1n ſucha caſe of neceſsitic, that even women' - maydoc it:-or laſtly, why did ſhe not goe to Saint Stener for alecond lite? \ - Bur, lyers and inventors haue no ab= folutegood memories: let vs cometo their ſcriptures;theyare two : the firſt, Toh.3:5:Except 4ma be borne of water & the ſpirithe cinnot ſee the kingdom af God. This' place neccflarily infer- rethſay they,theneceſsity of baptiſme, - W hy? the wordsare plaine; and yet if {o, itisasplainefor them that yſe a Alfonſ. aca- hot*Iron in Baptiſme,not to go from this matter, for example, becauſe it is fayd, Chrift ſpathbaptize with the holy Ghoſt & withfire: andnot to goe from this place, it-isas.plaine for an olde manto be botne agiine: foplaine that Nicozdemus once miſtook it, though a maſter in Iſracll. But to cometo the T * mcaning: — EROED *Thewnbaptized, 43 _ meaning: doth water fignific here of necels1it1c, the element of water-yſed in Baptiſme : howe knowethey that? for in the former chapter no occaſion «. isgiuen to ſpeake of Bapriſme, yor in the beginoing of this. And ſecondly, z Chrift'{ſcemerh rather:to tell whatis neceffary tor men in yeares, who can make .profeſsion as Nicodermns who _ diflembled;then for-iofants : neither 15 any mention made of Bapriſmeall the _ time of his abode in:Galile, wherehe - wasatthe marriage, or whulſt he was ** at Teruſalem , where this ſpeech- ſee- methto bee vatill hee came into Iury, vyerf.22, As though Chriſt ſayd:thou wouldeſt leatne the way to heauen, 8: thon knoweſt it inpartalreadie,that I am a-reacher comefrom God, ver(.1. And yet thou halteſt in the day be- tweene two, and goeſt vpright.in the nighr-onely : but] rell thee, I beinga true teacher tell thee that thou mult walkeasa eitToTthe day; thou muſt be borne againe;that is, bee renued in theſpicitof thyminde to bec of a?lo- YH1 ther —A 7 9 SC R ————_——_ a ornea—de oENIASROE - memreenrrne R _NRRER eRn 44 eASermon tauc}'zmg 0 ther jndgement, euen to protefle the nameof God opely, els thou canſt not ſee the kingdome of God: Vnlesthou 4 ſhewethy ſelfe to bein my kingdome of the Goſpell by open profcſsion on _* earth,thou canſtnot ſee my kingdome _ yeſi3, abone; Excepta man,thatis,ot ſucha_ - indgementasthoualreadiearr, and all altered inthe ſpmt they cannot ſcethe kingdomeot God. VV hen he matuci- ed what it was toi bee borne agamc, ;, Chriſt expoundcth itthus: 7 /ay,vnles "" krbed borne againe of water and the fpirit 2making itall onetobe borne a- gaincofthe ſpiritandofwaterandrthe ' ſpirir, making itall oneto be borne a- gaine of one of themand of rhe both : that which he had faydinone word, Except a manbe-horne of the ffizrzt,hcſſ | afterexpoundeth the manner how the ſpirit muſt work4as warer j waſhmg | vs;in ſan&1 iying vs,m renuipg vs.For he fayth, V nles'a than beborne of wa- ter' and the ſ irip: whichto' bee the | mcamng, rerſ.4, fharorall men be, be boroe againcand _ and which 1s the more excluſine 2 for N | the *Þnbapnzed 45 meaning,the tenourand paſlage of all the/ ſpccch bad with-2\zcodemus, ſhe- _ wethzas' ficſt the oppoſing of carthlic birch, and'*ſpiſicual,verſ 6.T hat wh:ch ;. s bornt of fleſn,ts flcſh: which ſentence proucth rather,that water ſaueth not: as though flcſhly, carthly , and carnall things can goe no further rhen fleſh, earth; nor haue no further cffeOs.A mans ſoule is a ſpirite: water an: ele- - .mentarie bodie : an catthly thing can _ notpurge a ſpirituall ſubſtance-:-no proportion berweene the agent Sc pa- _ tient;thedocrand (uifferer:: euen asof oldthe bloud of beafts could not rake away finnes, Z7eb.ſo notnow .the waſhing of water.can take away ſinhe; Secondly, the aſcribing of the - Meanes toGods free-will, yerſ{.8: and hisloue; verC.16- by the workeof4he 7. _ pirite;and incarnationof the ſonne, verk13.telling the hardnes ofit,vett.8. 'I1-12% whereas:Qurward waſhing1s : (caſic :fivaIF7rn that verſe 18. Chriſt - - *maketh fairhthe meanes: of ſaluation, ſiſſ.and nor faith damnation:.Z7e that be- treeneth — CEY _ -_ct_._——m. N A A e-n eD —A C A A A A CS CIISEIES CSNNN D — — 46 ASermion tombmg weth is ſaned : he that beleeneth not ts dainzed. So thatyiiles a man will ſay that infants have faith, this roucherh infants nothing at.all: :apd if they haue faith,then thoſe only faucd, who have This faith by the-gift'of God: ''So that - this general rule, £ xcept,proueth this: thatwithourconuerſion of heart,and renuing of the fpirivof our mndein- wardly,there isnofaluation:And that *by water is met Gods fpirit; the frutts, the'graces of/it,*many ſcriptureside- =n1.--'1'\1;cctMrd and ' fort; ende, andnecelsitic of Baptiſmer " - whichthough it be not abſolutely,& ſimply neceflarie , yer inhisdue place " andtime, if ir may bee had according - to Chriſts inſtiturion,cannot beenegs \ Ieted, withourgreat ſinne.'For herein - ofdiuers men'there are'diuers extre+ - mities* as of the molt of the Papiſts, - who make itabſolutely neceſlarte : lo * of the Manichees on the other fidez _ * whogenerally cut offal ſignes,becauſe 55 11';5 x - they making God notto berheauthor SST \ of theſe ſerfible and carthly rhings; - thereupon inferred , thacthe worthip by theſe earthly things conld notbee gratefull to him, So the'Carharilts, who becauſe GoTis a'ſpirit, and men muſt worſhip himin ſpiritgreieQedall HIEYL E - helpe CMB R =IoIg AT eT. REE rAW Pn B LLA R 2 - e1 B & A - - /7 C — — — —— — CS 40 eASermontouching ” helpe of cartbly meanes. And laſt of- Augher38. all, the Dclagians who becaule they exempt men from originall finne, doe thinke Bapriſme needles,to purgethat which is not: wherein-you way firſt ſee the notable, wiltull, and ſpltcfull ſſſimahcc of-the Rhemlſts, whoin /oha *355- ioyne the Caluiniſts and Pelagi- ana rogerher, as both promiſing altke life ctermll rochildren dying without Baptiſme: when as they difter as hell and beauen inthe cauſes of ſaluation. For: Caluin acknowledgeth children to bee ynder originall fin 110e: Pelagins _ did not : yet Cluin thinketh not the clet of God ro perith, if in ſome caſe - they bee- preuented of outward Bap« " tiſme. Laſtly of Anabaptiſts , who - would nothaue-infants baprized ,but _ themof yeares: againlt whom atthis time,beſidethatwhich is ſayd aboue, this may be ſafficient: that ſeeing chil- * dre haueſin, they oughtto be waſhed : * | and ſecing they. beloas vynro GOD, ctthcy ought to bee ſealed.: As. for ”—_ Manichces, the ronbaptized. 5 Manichees,ſecing wee acknowledge the ſame Lotrd Creator of heauen and earth,, ove God maker of both, thie {amealmightic and moſt holie ſpirite to haue made thegreateſt Angell and moſt defpiſed worme : and: that hee - madealthings good,and toamoſt ex- _ cellentend&harthercfore bothagainſt them and che Cathariſts, though itbe _ true that bodily excrciſe profiteth lir- *T2-4- tle; as waſhing by water, taking of | bread and wine, much reading, much _ repeating of prayer, much hearingand ſuting by irro heare, much preaching alſo, ynlcs the ſpirit alſo concurreand _ ourinwarde defire: yet as God made \ * 'bodtcand ſpirit,and therefore muſtbe _.. . - | - glorified in both: ſo ſeeing be made - [| bothvilible and inuiſible things, both - ſpirituall and corporall-chings, both - feruetorhisplorie,both'are helpers of - ourfaith;'if ixſt wee remember, thar Wevſiethem,when wee haue the cx- prefſe ward of God for them. As be- 8 cauſe the Lorde-biddeth ys. baptize - 7 N N R ON N C C O E E) ee eeD EEION N J Eſay.7.13s - ed em 52 cASermontouching | with water: thereforc in doing ſowe build ypon the rocke+and we thinke wee ſhonld tempt GOD., if when he - ſhould:-rteach vsthe waſhing away of ' our {innes in Chriſt, by the powring onof water, wee ſhouldretuſe ſucha comfortable and ltuely repreſentation, anddeſerue to heare the check that K. Achaz;had, E/ai.7.11. I2. who being \ in weakneſle of faith when Teruſalem _ wasbelicged, would not aske a figne, when the offer was made in Chriſt, but was reproued as one not that de- ſpiſed the miniſter and bringer of rhe figne; bur had grieued the Godof the- _ muniſter,and author of that ſigne.7s it - 4 ſmall. thing to griene men, but you muſt alſs eriene my God? layth E/ay. - Thedeteatiog of Baptiſme ſcemeth - to-come three waies : one by open. - conterpt and deſpifing of: Gods wif- - dome in it-: Hearheniſhand prophane men-cannot tell- whar-romake ofthe ſprinkling of water, nor of the bleſ+ - fing of itinthename of the blefied rri- : - nitic, * R: FIoea " nitte, as the Infidels, and Atheiſts, and Paynimsdoevnto this day, being ig- norant that Chriſt ca7a7th.28.when " heordained Baptiſme,ſayd: Alpower in heauen and earth 15 g1uenvAtome, ” gocand baptize, I am with you for e- ucr: Sothar. here-is not naked water, | arthe'bare elemer, or a few-words.re- | Þeated:: but hereis the powerot God z with it, his wiſedome to:cſtabliſh 1t, his conſtancie to auowe.it;hisholines roſanftifie it;hismercietw bleſſe it: ſo that as an odde-thing, or:-new- thing they which deſpiſc it, deſpiſe not mas aduiſe,but Gods coun(cl againſtthem _ felues, Lyk.5,30. as did the Phariſies. And hee that will not followe:Gods counſcll, how:ſhall he thriue, rbough _ allche heads inthe-world thould/de- — wuiſefor him? Another diſappoyntmer || - of Baptiſme-commeth by negligence, as in' thepeople of Iſrael intermitting '8 Eircurncifion-for q0.yearcs,as 18 H 0- Exode4a24s fes.,*Who:ino' doubt acknowledged - Godsordinancefor circumcaſion,and f{ 1 E3. - y& —_— R NN A Sermon tonenm Hn NCINACCONNINA 0 Nn KRZhNe 54 | ' yetcither having learned AEgyptian or Midianitiſh manners, or to pleaſe his wife;deferred ro do it, fo that God - hadliketo deſtroyed him ia the Inne forit. W hich I would have parents confider, thar defer rheir- childrens baptiſme-from Lords-day - ro Lords day,and from onetime ofafſemblie to another,forno end butro get ſuch and ſuch witneſles,ſuch and fuch furniture_ of their houſes, and ſfuch.other conm-.. * plement,and outward circumſtances, till death ſtriketheir children: which ſinnetbough the Lord may remitthe, yetcheir comfort cannot be ſo great,as if they hadtaken the-due' time which the Lord offered them: ſecing by their meancs it commeth to pafſe, whe Mi. niſter and place and time and all did concurre,they only were wanting, by the ſinne of omiſsion: which' thing gouernours Ecclefiaſhcalareto looke vnto, leſtthatif euery manby this ex- ample ſhould defer it death ſhou{diin- ccrcept, Anabapriſtrie might creepe in " and A "'the mnbf prized, - $ - and ſcarſeany child be baptized, The Primitive Church ſuffered them to want an honourable buriall, who'de- ferred their baptiſme. Of the third de- featement of Baptiſme', by vnauoy- dable heceſsitie,, wee have ſpokenat large;when cicher the child iSpreuen- ted by death inthe wombe;or our'of the wombe: cither by-negligence of - _contermprin'parentsand ſricyds, as in - theſerwo'laſt caſes tor when parents and/tniniſter, and allare w:llu*ig,dcath \Cr'ff:'cpetbſſ inaad preventethboth.” 7 Such occurrents may beematter of meditation'to *parents, and Miniſters, and the whole people,of the ſudden- nes of death;of the vncertaine ioyand ſtay of poſteritie, that he ſuffereth'vs - toibeger, but not ro-poſſeſſe; to hauea fightofour babes, and then ſuddenly ſimkcch thcm to hzmſclfe, of Gods al- ,,,,,,, snd thac ſomcumcs hec ſaueth thl*r meines; ſometirmes without meanes, | ſſaz ſomcclmes damneth with' meanes; 459 E 4 ſomc- N e O SS Asoyle and water, by Ha- ——— E d eA Sermon toucrmg orpetimes withour meanes : but et _ Bot-othat any of theſe accidents - ....; neithrowtheeletionof God, VV hat then eſtabliſherh the ſubſtanceof Bap. . tiſme? what ogerthroweth. it 2 Here wee muſt_conſider the. mnſtitution; Matth.28,Goe: VW.ho? The Mini- ſter: Do-what? $4ptize,that is,powre 9n the- watcr.,.or dippe it.in, water-; bels.&c.How? notinthenameofthe water, or. power of it,or. any, other name 12 heauen or carth.:. butof the bleſſed Trinitie..Sothata Midwife to baptize, or a-prinate man,to. whomit was neuct-ſayd, Gee,and baptivelike- wiſe to vic-ſande, as fometime: hath, bun,or ſome otherlicour:*alfoto ap= plie-itto bels,8&then forſooth Biſhops, alone muſidg it,asthe Papiſts yiſc:and laſtly-not to doe-it-inthe name & po- werand yertueotithe Trinitie, Itake itto-bee therviolatingofthe Lords in- ſtitution :in which kinds-wee-duphr. torefuſe 16;But it other'circumitances Beeed 5 onely " F W;]ſi ,ſifþc_anncxcd or not accompamc - it,asit maybetruly ſayd of this ſacra- Ecde.7.31. - ment> (God made it fimpleand righ- | © tequs, and. yncompounde, but man . || - founde out -many inuentions) theſe - thipgs may' a little exerciſe our:zcale and faith, and patience-: but they can- notabridgethecounſel of Godin thee _ andthine:and therefore ifthou.maiſt Mn - haue.jr. without the, additamentes of i| men, the-better- it:is-2:if-pot,: yer the . N ſealeof God remaineth ſure, they.ſhall -: beare; their ioiquitie,of:;ſtubble,, fo © ! meane amatter.builr; ypon ſo, gooda : foundation that-bave brought it. vp, ormaintaine it;vntil God purge them byhxſi triall of fire,as;in the-worde, fo 'I __ ivthe lacrament, when as.theſtubble *:.Cor.3.15. | | ſhall.yaniſh, burt-rhe good foundation | ſhall ſaug ihem Doethonasmuchas _ thouicapſt communicatewith Godin bis5oſtitntion 3forias.weareto defire notonely themilke of the worde, but theFyhcere milke ofir;ſo imthe Lords ſe#lcſſct, West nght rather to rake his cn- %{ ' graumg P AN N 6 wes el rtendony condcdad t.Peter 2.2. | N R ? OREE T IN m e» ſſ 5 PR —— CR N N EECRCCC CRn "" C N » .4 - grauingalone then any charafters of man. not onely haue men peremptorie for which is the life of the Sacrament : the'contempt of the Sacrament bee a finnezis not the deſpiſing of theword, l and regleCtof 'ita (inne alſo? becauſe The neceffitic qyany are wonderfull paſsionate , if LY. - — oftheword to as of Baptiſme butthemſclues forthemſelues ando- thers,are nothing'compaſsionate: tma- king no care nor conſcience of 'their _ aſsjduitie and diligence to heare the ' word. Surely the worde hath' ſaued withour Baptiſme,burbaptiſme withs outthewofdeneucr: Toh. r5.5. Tow you may knowe'the words'defpiſing - .-q : hath power*to damne alfo, conſider wharthe ſcriptureſaith, TohxY3248/ The word ſvall iadge you ; and againe, A Sermon touching |behoughros, God himſelfe*preuent of Baptiſme; Andtodrawetoan ende; T woul,c'j_iſſſi -3 theSacrament, butfor che word alſo, _ what is water without the worde; bur water? therefore if the'negle@or —— — arecleane becauſeof the word; andithar - — — WI God. N - - ' \ &3 W. = : : - 4 —V Uhyp 0n £ - YN - = 3 £ : % =— : K: B > Hn S> _ H bESNSs : D: % s f » % > EOE s 4 : _ . » S. 7 J- 5 \ *{ " $0 m CS j - RE » - 7 P LWE i «- PL” S 4 l CS IN 2 D SS— - : ſi m mn E IOOINg R OOITY ESSE i Y P Rn ” W } w 4 : } — ———— ON A <