T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* pm—_—_—__ C el K %y - 7 part) eloms, the Gran « mercif " £4and, We A Be uſtth 51 all ſublunary 4ffairs fit means, and proper Inftru< » prents to perfariIvbat be mntends. What Horrid Plots have " long ffnce been 1ajd and contrived againſt ow Englith Natzon 5n general, and the Government theveof ! and how miraculoufly : it pleaſed the Almighty it ſhould be diſrovered and break oit, ® hich ought never to by forgotten by the true and honefi-beart« F = ed Proteſtants of England - ſi ; g1 - Now we ſay, 1f our writings be but ſeriouſly peruſed, (e(pr> '| « tbally thoſe of Late years) and read without prepudice, the #ns partial Reader may fond notable Bnts , and very fignificav ) Predilions pointing out-the ſame— which we here antimate - ithout the leaft Boaſting or Oftentation—=_ And as t0 Eu- * rope. in general, we may ſay 3n the words of Pontanus, Mag- =4ih Opus, & jam Signa Dei fulgetita terrent, Oee\ God js now doing a grear Work, ftis gliſtering Signs a A 2 m mn nnnrFT D IR TCRA D D SC SEE TAT F Z " N - To theRradek. T was always our Tudgment that there are no notable Traff- aftious, ebther good or bad; of publick Concernment in the Io'ld, which havenot ſome manijeſtation thereof from the confe- ſſqj =p1r4tions of the heavenly Bodzes 3 and it ts alſo our opsnions That if we would be diligent and (edulons Inveſtigarors 7n the a Y focret Ceeleſtial Cabinet 'vf Nature, 3nvolved and abſtonded e Y 71 the ſeveral Configurarions of the Planets, Prodigies, Con- ' 7 jun&ions, Eclipſes, Comets, and ether natural and ſuperna- 1 ® tural Avparitions, we might thereby be able to diſtoven ( at leaſt } though not poſetively, the ſeveral Mutations of King- 3 | ]ſſl ay truly | d Revolutions of Empires and Dominions 3 al- P the moft remarbable,, ſublunary, and_ general Arcidents of this World , let them be of what nature or kind ſozver 4 But the very confideration of theſe two laſt Tears Overtures is 3 ſofficient to amaxe any vattonal man FP7t ow Times ! Thz Great God of Heaven has been exceeding nto 115, in deliuering our Nation from total rune 5 What Age 64n paral= fay, Si Deiis nobiſcum, quis contra nos? ' | f!i_ghzſi-ſiſſ # ” —A To the Reader. fright us3 we hear the noiſe of Weapons and th+ ſound of Trumpets, God himſelf inclines to puniſh us with a ſharp Bridle, God fhakes Darts over us, and thanders with his angry voice, pale fear andtrembling drive away men equal- ly yoaked inthe ſame condition of miſery ; hard. hearted, threatning,ſanguinedread gives warning before the laſh.Now #n regard there is an eminent Conjunftion approaching ofthe twa Superzomrs in Leo, therefore in this Years Anglicus we have firſt gzven an Account of the ſeveral Conjunftions and Oppoſitions of Saturn and Jupiter {nce the Birth of Chrift - with ſome ſhort Diſcourſe pertinent thereunto 3 aſter which we have, according 7o our acouStomed Method, preſented our Aſtrological Predi- Eons toncerning the Affairs and Tranſaftions of the Tear, (2whzch doubtleſi-are like to be wery conſiderable) wherein We have uſed great Moderation, and deduced our Zudgments from the, Poſitions of the Suns Ingreſs into the four Cardinal Points'; we have alſo confedered the Eclipſes, the late Comet, and di- vers other Configurations of the Planets 3n our Judgments and Obſervations, -being the Baſis of our work 5 and from thence have endeavoured to give the World ſatisfaftion (at leaſt in part) what may'be contingent amongſt us—— Much more might bave been delivered, but we deſire now inour Old-Age to go to Our Grave 3n Peace z but as yet ( notwithftanding many believe the contrary) Þo long as it pleaſes God we continue in the Land of the Living, (as the Incredulous may ſatisfie themſelves #f they pleaſe) we [dos reſolve to the end of our days to be ſer- veceable to-our Country— But we muſt owne the afſiſtance of 0ur Friend Mr. Henry Coley herein ; of him we have had ex- perzence for ſeveral Years paſt, and to hin, ſhall communicate many Sectets n Art , not known to the Vulgar Aſtrologer ; and take care that the Nation be not abuſed with any ſpurious PrediCtions #n our Nawme in forys of ax Almanack, whilſt we are Walton Pariſh in S#'rey, Septembey 25 1679, Wilkam Lilly, Aſtrological eAſtrological Fudgements And Obſervations for the Year 1680. By Willian Lilly Student in Aſtrology. Aſtrologia altiſſima Scientiarum eft, tum quia de Celeftibus, zum quia de Futuris, quorum Scientia 10n ſolum divina eft, ſed etiam utiliſima. Seg. 1. Aphs .20» (4 e) Aſtrology 15 the moſt tranſcendent of all Sciences, both becauſe ir treat- eth of things Celeſtial, and alſo of Future, the knowledge whereof is nor only Divine, but moſt profitable and uletul, faith Cardatts w E are now come(by Gods affiſtance) to confider in a natural way(and from the courſe of Secon- dary Cauſes) what, may probably be tranſacted upon the Stage of the World (eſpecially the European part thereof) this preſent Year 1680. Fores the two laſt years have been attended with very remarkable Oyertures, e- ven in our own Nation, as well as ſome other Countries not far remote from England, fo we may juſtly fear and expe as wonderful (and probably more tranſcendent) Ca- taſtrophe's for ſome years approaching Deus avertat Fudicium !_Simagpe fint cauſe, etiam ab hius anter homunes magns tffectus provenient, &C. faith the famous Cardan. 2 te If there happen great caules,great effes ſhall befal menpro- ceeding.from ſuch Cauſes ; and if thoſe Cauſes continue long and alfo be fierce and terrible, ſo ſhall the Effedts be. And 5: harh been'often obſerved by the curious InſpeRors inte Nature; That great or formidable Cauſes of Signs were C- A vet Aſtrological Fudoments, ver accompanied with ſuitable and proportionable Event s 0 ſucceed them ———— N We ſhall nor be poſitive or abſolute in our PrediQtions concerning future Accidents , for the hidden Secrets of God are impenetrable , and not. to be ſearched into by any mortal man. But (with Philoſophers and Aftrologers) It 1s lawful and requifite that we make our ConjeQure of the Effe&s of the Stars and Signs thar appear in the Hea- vens, what cheir portents may be, and by long obſerya- tion and experience we may come very near the mark, chough we do not pretend to Infalibillity—— — 2 te, e S:zentia, &c. faith Ptolomy. * From thy Self and Scjence (or * Learning) for it cannot be that he who is $kilful ſhould * pronounce the particular forms of things, nor can the fan- * cy undertake a particular, but general norion of the ſenſi- $ ble matter, in ſach rhings we muſt uſe conjeRure. None but thoſe who are indued with Divine Infpiration predi& particulars. The late Tranfit of Satyrn through Gem7z;, the Aſcendant of London, wefind by experictice hath left fome confiderable Imprefſſion of his EffeQts, as by a ſudden and ſtrange abatementor decay of Trade in general, but chicf- Iy by unhappy Plots, De/jens, and Conflernations, too fre- quently foinented, which puts the induſtrious and worthy Citizens continually upon their Guard, to their great trou- ble and charges———— We are yet labouring ander the 'EffeRs of the laſt Con- junction of Saturs and Zupiter in the Fiery Trigon in Sagitta- ry Odtgber 1663, together wjth many concomirant Planetary Confegurations, Eclipſes, Comets,and other Coeleſtial Phenoms- %2, which if they may not properly be' called Cauſes of forure Events, we may doubtleſs look upon them as SIGNS ſent from the ſapreme Cauſe to forewarn the World of their {ins and abominations. Tr is recorded of Charles the Great, that (beholding and dreading the New Starwhich prefaged and preceded his death) he was very inguiſitive to know what 1ts portents might be ; and he was * anſivered in:the Fords of the Prophet eremy, (chap. 10. y.. 2:) Frar not k ; : HFE e- w—,ſſ __ m Aſtrolagical Fudements. the Signs of Heaven, though the Heathen be afraid of ſuch The prudent Emperour replies, He did nor fear any Sjgns of rhat nature, bur the Maker or Cauſe of fuch Sjgns.. A Saying which deſerves to be regiſtred in Letters of Gold. Nor ſhould we flight or contemn ſach Warnings, for they are never ſent in vain. Sometimes the very Elements them- ſelves are diſpoſed into ſeyeral Tmages and Shapes, rhereby roaffrighten and terrifie the Inhabitants of the Earth, that they mighr be reclaimed from fin, and amend thejr lives; and ſuch were the fiery Spears ſeen in the Air before the Sabians invaded the Romans. Such were the Images and Signs of armed Men in the Airat the Confli& of the Greeks with the Perſans. Such was the Fight of the Ravens in the Air before Alexander the Great his paffing from Medzz to Babylon. Such were the Prodigies precurring and concur- ring. the death of Ceſz7, Many more Examples might be produced ; as the renting and removing of Mountains ; The Inundation or overflowing and eruption of Rivers, and the Sea-Banks; The Claſhings and ſtrange Apparitions inthe Heavens; and gaping of the Clouds, with Parel#z or Mock- Suns 3 The raining of Bloud 3 Dreadfal Claps of Winter Thunder and Lightning, cxm multis alizs, All which we have ſeen and heard of m our Ape, and in ſome meaſire have been ſenfible of their Effetts, of. which they were. and ever will be prodigious Signs to the Worlds end. In the Year 1682 there happens another Conjun&jon of Satury and 7upiter, Offober the 20th in 20 Degrees of the Kingly Sign Lzo, accarding to 4rgo! 3 but according to. 4- flronomia Britannica, and the Caroline Tables, the 234or 24th of the ſame Month ; and in the preceding Month of Seþter- ber 1682 there happens A Conjunttzon of 7upiter and Marg, and of $aturn and Mars, in the ſame Regal Sign, which is remarkable—— But that which is more admirable js, theſe two Superior Planets meet twice again In Conjundion 1n the fame $jen, the one on the 2oth of 7anury following, Iin a- bour 18 Degrees of L203 the other the 16th of May 1683 inabout 16 Degrees of the Sign Leo aforefaid, as appears by A4 tne Aftrological Fudgments. the Ephemerides of Andrew Argol-— This Triple Conjutt- Hon of the Superiors in the ſame Sign, and in the Fiery , Triplicity, muſt certainly haye very.notable Events Qurcunque vilt. ; Let him that is able, and may: be encou- raged, write of the EffeRs of this famous Conjun&ion, : it - Points at no. mean perſons, but many great. Potentates of Erope, and portends moſt wonderful things, which thoſe that live one twenty years longer will ſufficiently experi- ence. Many Wiſe Men hayve judged 'great and famous Changes and Revolutions to happen near theſe Times, . or within few Years, and we are induced rationally to conje- Qure, no leſs. - But of this Cangreſwe forbear (as yer). to write any thing, hoping ſome ingenijous Man of Art will ſhortly undertake the_Task, and communicare his Labours therein to the 'World, for - the general ſatisfa&tion of all perſons ſi Some ſhort obſcrvations concerning the Conjunfons of the Planits, according to Cardan, ſhall be here inſerted (before we proceed to our Judgments on the Year 3) as alſo a Ta- ble of the Conjuni#ions and Oppoſtzons of - Saturn and Fupiter fnce the Birth of Chriſt, .which may be of good ule to the induſtrions Student, that will take' the pains to examine Chronology or Hiſtory, and thereby obſerye what Events * atd ſucceed. 7. It 15 concluded that the moſt powerful and durable Conjn@on 15 that of the head of Aries of the Eight Sphere with the head of Aries in the Ninth Sphere, becauſe it is but once in 35000 Years. 2. The Second.1s.the Conjunton of Siturn and Tupater mthe Sign of A4rzes, that is the Circuit from Aries to Aries, which happens but oncein 795 years, regard being had to the Change of the T1iplicity or Trigon. 3.' The Change of the ConjunRion of Saturn and Zupte tzr from one Trigon into another,, which happens in 199 Years, and proceeds according to, the ſucceſſion] of the Sipns, (viz,) from'the firſt Tr;gon of Aries into the iecond Trigon of Takris z thence into the Trigon of Ge- Mins, Aſtrological Judgments, 7nZ, and then into the Trigon of- Cancer, and ſo proceeds to the firſt Trigon of 4ries againſucceſſively, as may be ſeen by the following Table or Caralogue of Conjundtions and Oppoſitions ſince the Birth of our Sayiour. 4- The return of Satzrn to the beginning of Arizs 1n the ſpace of 3o years. s. The Conjun&ion of Saturs and Zupzter once 1n every 20 Y ears. 6.. The return of 7upiter to the beginning of 47225 per= {e&ed at the end of 12 Years. | 7. The Conjun&ion of Mars and Zupzter 1n 27 Months. 8. TheConjun&ion of the Sun and Mars in 26 Months. 9. _The Conjun&ion of Mars and Saturn 1n 25 Months. 10. The Circuit of Mars in 23 Months. L1-The Conjunttion of the $un and Zupter every 14 months, 12.The Conjun&ion'of the $4n & Saturn every 13 months. 13 The Circuit of the Sun in 12 Months.,, And what 15 faid of the $Syn as to his own Circuit, and his Conjunttzon with the Superior Planets, the ſame muſt be underſtood alis of Yenus and Merciry. ſi In like manner what ſhall be ſaid concerning the Conjun- Rion of the Moor with the Sun, muſt be underſtood allo of 'the Conjundion of the Moon with errzs Or Mercury. 14. The Conjun&ion of YVenus with the $u7 18 10 months or 292 days. ' 'I8. The ConjunRion of Mercwy with the $47 in 2 months or 38 days. ſſ 16. The Conjun&ion of. the Moon with 'the Sun in 29 days,” 10 hours, or a Lunar Month. 17. The Revyolution of the Moon m 29 days, 8 hours, from Weſt to Eaſt; according to her own natural Courle. ' 18. Thereturn of any Planzet or Fixed-Stay, or Place of Conjunttion, to the 4ſcendant or Circle of the Mid-heaven, which hath as muchforce as the Ingreſs of the ſame Star into the firſt point of .Aries. For *tis as rare ro have a Star 1n the Degree- of the Aſcendant (which happens every day) 45 that the ſame Star ſhould enter the firſt potnt of Ar2es. A Table or Catalogue of the Conjunttjons and Oppoſetions of th two Superzor Planets h and Y as they bappened in the ſour Tripltcaties ſince the Birth of Chrift (and ſix years bejore) ta the next ConjuxitTion in $, 1682 and 168 3 SSSMETLS: R R OOR An. Chr.\ 4n. Cbr.| An. Cbr.| An. Chr. | 4n Chri. | An. Chri, h Y jV#18 31 XT 649 279 9g65| TL2 1295] »10 160 V-r 26 |5M 32-.\.!?58 650'5)53 978 |:2216 x305 Xnp -6133 183 P. 5*70_32— 332|131, 75 660/\&:9 988 B9 I315 | $)6 1623 As 14;1/315 3421'1 679 g97| 09 1325| 7T 1633 Va2 24[G24 25SVY 689" 059 2Y* 1335 | e6 1643 $U7_ 34T3,X 262/N.c4 692hp3z 101; V224 1345| N9 .1653 ©I 44/Vp27 ZZPZXM 790'55 1027| " 1355| 14 1663 54/OM_232\D17 74191]RY 1037 |£825 1365 | 1 167z 193 64333 5 719|vp3 1047 | 29S), 1375 | &,. 5 1682 £13 74|8Q, 407/2029 729N 1057 | 1.26 1385 | 20 R 1685; = 84;]13 41: SVp 739\Rto I067 YR 1295 And thu £16 g4lizy 42: 5 749VyS 1077|XI 1405| in anatu- ,Z*I(_[ 104|/296 431 Xm 7593 1087 | &Wp 1414j ral Order Y*18 T14[TT 4421228 7693 1037 [Ns 1424) the Con- 12 249 451/ 779]VP16 r107 | KN 1434 | junQtion 3(1_: 13.-,:@5[- 46:|2829 789| 51 1117| 7 1444| of theſe - 14& Tli2 471]$L 799hIkrg 1127 M 1454| ſuperior $24 153 5Y” 4381172 8og|VP9 1136 K10 1464 | Planets YPIE193:2215 491V 32 819]0e2 1146 |Evp I474 | will be 73 E0 50110)7_ 829]fy 4 1156[Mrx 1484 4 continued JSI99 153 413 l alT 835]VP '5 1766 |INP. x494 | out of $} Pn +93,299) 5211/V's 849]51M, 1176| &:9 1504| into Y 3N 2033[[21 $31 81 B5villÞ2s 2186]TIL5 1514 ourt of Y* JIke 213/S8Y* 541] 11 $65]VPS 1196] K18 1524] into x?, YS 227,98'4 55 VS 878|fr T:06 | bVp I5g4| thence jn- &7 233 11 561/9414 885/fy 1216 M 1544] to. &) a- 3"1'}(: 243/527 S70|[x7IÞ 898)204 1226 | P 1553| gain (2s IWp9. 253/%9, 580[Y"17 gok II@ 1436|D24 r563| May be FSIl 26311110 529 919: 12,6/ M 1593 feen by Npi2 27415 600/222 929h20), 1256 | 3627 £583 | thisrable) WS 283 6ro 2{2 938[T[16 1266| VP 2593 ;g:ſſctizo $35/ 2921SYP 620j9423 945|EY* 7295 N D X zoz}m:ſſ? 630/4"1 958};*:;3 1285 S. L89Eh6: 2 formed their period in the Fiery Tripon 3 In which time ,:ſſh:reeſſ::irllbc wonderfuj Changes inall parts of the World, e4 This! - eN - ——— — — eR e rrITRe y 7 Aſtrological Fudgments. This Table is ſomewhat different from that we publiſh- edinour Anglicys for the Year 1677 as to the form; for therein we inſerted a Catalogue of all the Conjun&ions of the two {uperiors, Saturn and Zupiter, through the four 7r7- plicities from the Creation z but here you have an Account of all their Conjun&ions and Oppoſitions fince the Birth of Chriſt, (and fix yearsbefore,) beginning at 4r325, and ending in Lzo 1682 and 1683, aiſo the Degree the ' Conjundtion fell in through the ſeveral Signs, the Qppoſitions are known by rwo oppoſete $z2ns ſtandingagainſt the ſeveralyears of our Lerd ; as for .example, againft 1534 I find &5 and W, which intimates, Saturn wasin Cancer, and 7upiter in Capri- corn, and that Year came to an Oppoſpte 4ſpect. 0 againſt the Year 1613 you have P/ces and Virgo (though in order it ſhould have been Arjes and Libra) but that Year Saturn and Zupitzr did come to an Oppo/ition in 29 Degrees of Piſ- ces and Yirgobefore they could reach into Arzes and Libra, (viz,) Saturn in 29 Degrees of Piſces, and Jupzter M 29 of Virgo, underſtand the ſame 1n the reſt, Now for the Conjunfions, they are moſt eafily underſtood z as againtt 1623T find Lzo fix Degrees; which inrimates thar Satwry and 7upiter merin Conjun#tion infix Degrees of Leo, attd a- gainſt 1643 (or rather 1643 ) 1 find | Pzſces 26 Degrees; which ſhews Satun and 7upiter were then 1n ConjunF:on (whereas in order it ſhould have been in Arzes.) Such a Catalogue as this we find to the Year 1593, lately printed 1n four broad Sheets, 1n form of a large Map, at Bafl m Swizzerland, with brief Chronological Notes of diyers Oc- eurrences both of Chutch and Stare in ſeyeral parts of the World; and publiſhed by one Peter Megerlin, Profeilout of the Mathemaricks, and dedicated to rhe Magiftrates of thar Canton, 4679, He begins at the beginning of the World (the time whereof is uncertain) and ends as aforcfaid. *Tis here continued to the next Conjun&tion in Leo, and may be of good uſe to the Students in Aſirology, for whoſe ſakes only *ris here publiſhed— For the Conj1n@7ons ofthe Sapertors are faid to be one Cauſe For Sign at leaſt) of the Murations, -Inclinations, and Everfions of Empires, King- ' dom Aſtrological Fudoments. doms, and Commonwealths. The Conjun&ion of the two Superzor Planets, Saturn and 7upiter, Cardan tells us is three- fold, Great, Mean, and Leſſer. The Leſſer are thoſe which fall irt Signs of the ſame Nature or Triplicity with others pre- ceding them, and ſo cannot occafion or foreſhew any great- Change-yer paſs not over without remarkable Effecs, as you may read in 6ardan Seg. g. 4ph. 48. Of theſe therebe - tenijn number, which in order ſucceed one another in two hundred Years. The M2azare thoſe which fall in Signs of 4 different 7Tr;20, yet not in ſuch as are alrogether con- rrary in Qualities; that is , when the Conjun&ions paſs from a Fzeyy intoan Earthy Sign, or out of an Earthy intoan A7ry, or froman Airyinto a watry Sign, as may be ſeen at large by the Table z as from Arzes into Capricorn, out of Capricorn into Libra, and out of Libra into Cancer. Now 15 very certain thoſe Conjunions produce divers opera- tions, for immediately follows an alteration in one reſpe& or other, 1n the Eſtates of Empires, Kingdoms, Common- wealths and Countries, and frequently cauſing ſome new Empires and Kingdoms to follow z as for example, that of Alezanger the Great inan Airy, the Perſiar in an Earthy, and that of Mahomzt 1n a Watry Sign , as may be read in Carazn, Seg. 1. Aphor. 733 and of theſe Conjun&ions (if you compute from the Change of the Fiery Trigon into the Earthy). there falls out always three in the ſpace of $96 - Yeats. The Firſt in the Earthy, the Second in the 4zry, and the Third in the Watry Trigon. Naw they are called Great Conjunitions which begin in the Fzery Trigon, and chictly in the Sign A4ries 3 for when there ſhall be a Tranfit made from a Watry into a Fiery Sign, (which are yery contrary in Qualitics) then alſo do great Mutations enfue in many parts of the World, as 1s evident r0all perſons:thar are but moderately converſant in Hiſtory. Inthe Year of Chriſt 809 there happened a great Conjun- Cion of the,Superiors in Sagittary, in which-the Roman Em- pire (being deſtroyed by continual War) is reformed and =agmenred under Charles the Great, this 809® year of Chraſt, was y Aſtrological Fudgments. was 704 Years before the Great Conjun&1on which fell jt1 Sagittary 1603, 1n which very Year *ris recorded, there were three Popes in fix Weeks. In 160s, the Gunpowder- Treaſon, and juſt upon this Conjun&ion Queen E!;zabeth dyed, and King Zames began his Reign 3 at which time there happened a great Plague in Zondon, whereof died in one Year 30578 people. In 1607 the Bible was begunto be new tranſlated, and fimſhed in the Year 1611. In 1612 the Prince Palatine of the Rhine arrived m England, and Prince Henry died. In 1614 the King of Denmark came into Erngland, In 1618 a preat Blaz#ng-ſiar was ſeen in September, very terrible to behold. In 1619 Queen Anne dyed, and the year before Sir walter Raleigh was beheaded, with' divers other things worthy obſervation, as may be read at large in Hiſtory and Chronology, here being no room to enumerate Examples at large— Nor do only the Great, Mean, and Leſſer Conjunftions of the two Syperzors, but alſo their . Oppoſite and Ruartzle Configurations defign great Mutations in the World,as 1satteſted by Cardan, Sege$e Aph. 49. and Seg. 7. Aph. 6. But thoſe which defire to read more atlarge of this Sub- je& of Conjunitions of the Superior Planets,” Saturn and 7u- piter, werefer them to the peruſal of our Prophetzcal Merline printed 1644, vpon the Conjuntion of Saturn and Fapzter Feb. 16. 1643 In 26 Degrees of Piſces; or to Richard Fd lins Prenuncays Syderens, upon the Conjundion of thoſe Planets, Offober the 10® 1663, wherein they may read at large the Fate of Eyrope for almoſt forry Years paſt, Aſtro- logically predited many years before. Having premiſed this (brief but) neceſſary Diſcourſe of Conjunfions, we ſhall now proceed to the Confideration of the Winter-Quarter, from the Scheme of the Syns entrance into Capricorn, and other concurrent Configurations of the Planets, from the 1 1th of December 1679, 3*18 P. 2 to the ioth of March 1680. In the Scheme the Angles are fixed, and partly Bicorpo- real or double-bodied Common Signs, Saturn and Mercury rule Aſtrological Fudome;:ts. rule the Mid-heaven and Aſcendant. The Luminarics and Fupiter govern the Oppoſite Angles— In the Full Moort preventzonal Figue, the Angles are partly Fixed, and parts Iy Moveable; Mars in his Exaltation in the Aſcen_dant; Saturn and. Mercury in Oppoſition, and the Oppoſition of the Luminaries in 26 Degrecs of Geminz and Sagittary, fall from the Sixth and Twelfth Houſes of the Scherne ; Bur the moſt remarkable Pofition in the Tropical Figure is, the Op- poſition of the Sun and Saturn, and the Conjunttion of Mars and Mercury From theſe Poficions in general very marerial Judgments or Predifjons may be rationally de- duced, and in particular, from the Pofition of Satury in Cancer in the Aſtendant Retrograde, and Fupiters being Sta- tionary to DirefHion, with other Circumſtances very confi- derable, which we ſhall here paſs by for breviry ſake, but mention as occafion ſerves Now the Poſtion of Hea- ven ar the Syns Ingrels into Capricern, we muſt needs ac- knowledge to be no way favoiirable or promifing z *ris in- . deed a very (id face of Heaven, and preſages nothing but miſery and fad calamitiesto befall the generality of mankind In ſeveral parts of Europe, which we delight nor to aggra- vate, nor would webe a Meſſenger of diſcouragetnetit, but defre to give timely warving to the World of what we diC- coyer from Natural Cauſes may be impending—= People We now generally poſſeſſed (and not alittle affiicted) with fears and jealoufies of farther Plots and Deſigns, which may be ſecretly hatched and carried on to their great derrt- Ment or total ruine, (eſpeciallythoſe of our Nation ;3)Agene- ral Repining and Complaint for want of Trade ; Many trea- cherous Conſultations, Breach of Leagues and Friendſhip, Wranglings, unneceſfary Quarrels, and unhappy Controver- fes daily break forth Much Robbery on the ' Land, with Piracy and Shipwrack at Sea, attended with ſlavghter and bloodſhed— Mars is but lately ſeparated from a Parti/e ©/voſiton of Saturn, and the $un is applying to the ſame Alpect from Angirs and Cardinal Signs, which naturally portena no leſs 3 allo differences ariſe amongſt Great Per- ſons, M ed edn C : - Aſtrelogical Fudgments, fons; 48 well as the vulgar Man; yet we hope for tranquil- liry in general, notwithſtanding all grumbling, ar leaſt a happy concordancy and agreement 1n the Conſulrations of many great and weighty Afffeairs now in agitation, or for the moſt part during this Winter Quarter—— We fay we may hope well, thongh the Heavens rather ſhew Jittle unity, anda vain fear poſſefling the ſpitits of moſt Men of ſome im- pending Ruptuz2, Calamiry or Diſturbance to break forth, bur not raſhly or ſuddenly Amongſt many unſettled judgments, expe& ſecret Combinations and cloſe Confede- racies, but the Agents thereof are ſufficiently fearful of a Diſcovery, and not without cauſe, fince ſome of their own Fraternity may be (o ſtrangely wrought upon with guilt, and a kind of Panick fear, that they will nor reſt till they have eafed themſclves of the burthen of Conſcience they are daily terrified withal. ' Mercury and the 2409n are Signt- ficators of the Common People, and Mercury is much affit- &d by the preſence of 'Mars in Capricorn, as if they feared ſome future diſturbance or dangerous Plot or Defigns con- triving againſt them by male-contented perſons, yet the Seaſon of the Year permits no military Attion , *rwill ra- ther be ſpent in brisk Diſputes and Conſultations with muct3 averſene(s of ſpirit in ſome adtve perſons ; alfo abundance of flying reports and rumours, with many Libels, Pamphs lets, and ſcurrilous Inveives diſpers'd abroad , wherein the Actions and Perſons of ſome Grandees of this Nation are moſt ſhamefully refle&Ked upon and abuſed by the enyi- ous Authours thereof: ; The Conſultations of theſe Times are carried on gene- rally with much difficulty and trouble; high Animoſities and deadly Feuds arife, eſpecially Eaft or North-Eaſt fromi London 5 and were it not for the benevolent Trine of the Sun and 7upiter, we might juſtly fear ouch miſchief mighr follow thereupon ; butwe hope the wiſdom of ſome grave Perſons in Council will very much qualifie the unruly and diſtempered paſfions of the moſt violenc and raging Spirits, and by degrees compoſe Matters in Debare , and reduce 62tT again to good Order— The Aſtrological Fudgnients, /The «Pofitioh-of»Satirndin theeAiſcendant iniCarcerin Oppo/itzonrgortheSings mayſproduceſome vexation:to-our Nattotis -Hes:thegeneral-Significatoriof-Labour,-Diſtur- bafice,bMelancholy,-Envy,nPoyerty4Treachery,”.Malice, Diſgracey Ingratitade, Breach ofLeagues, Self-ends , -Co« vetouſneſs,-&:c. Aridnow-beingpolited: in-Cancer,-menaces Seotland ,, Hollant'j Ztalandgrandimpſtiofithele-Countrics knownby:themame-of! Unitetl Provinces-3 -He dignifies— Belta,>multamMortem yo mult : Mala) Submerfourm quoruns dam;&e;\+ Thoſe:Comnteesmay-ſhortly/expe&either.War, or-much Mortality;-grear-Muſelief,in® one kind.,or -other, aud many-of-the-Natwes:drowned;., or-calually. periſh, op- on:theWater—==== For confirmation: of.chis; Judgment, kebanyjudicions-Qbſeeverlook;back-vpon.the. Revolutions and»Events-of:fotne-precedent; Y.cars,, and; An,/particulars theſe verylaſt-fruoYearsthat Satwntranfired.theSign Ge- minizrhe undoubted; Aſcendant of .»Londan, what aſtrange decay-:of Tradeand-Gommece-did ;the Inhabitants ſuffer ) with-many ocher Difafters;/Confſternations, Fears,. and, Jea- lauites,and-almoſtcontitualyexationspto their-great,trouble and chargeswhichas-yet they.are notwholly freed fromyand: may; /t1s:20-be-teared;/-be.too-long continued:;, for,now Satnrs 151n-Canry; whichſignifies the-Riches of that famous Ciry Befides, 1n the TropicahSeheme Gemins alcends, and” Mercury,v the-Rulergthereof, 457extremely. affliciedby the-prefence-of: Marsinearche-Guſp.of- rhe,Eighth Houſe, which doth notonlythreaten-damage.ro.the Merchants, and lofs-ro-fome-of - the-principal-Gitzens-.Amn their. Adventures touSea, butmuch;charge npon/the Martial. Acconnt-arhorte, arleaſtfor chis Winter-Quarter—— Italſo;prelages-Diſcord :their'Councils,-or ſome Diſturbance.therein.ariſing from the*Cholerick-humouss0f-Men-of, Martal: and, Fiery Spi- mg==="LetalAccomptants; Receiyers,/Trealurers, Glarks; e&>5aito-look rocir, andiexped robe.called-to-an-.Agcount for chetr.Steward{hipg=—= : We narevery-teniible that-great.are,che-expedations,of meftMen; wharwtlbe-rrankGed ,amongſt usthis.Year: : Erzland: eAſtrological Fndoments. England has many Enemies, , who'defire and wait for an op- portunity to a& miſchief againſt us, and to plunge ouy Na- tron into a Labyrinth of trouble 3 but we fay, ler all ſuch beware that the Malice, War and Bloodſhed intended by thoſe ill Agents againſt us, be not in the end, ina dou- ble meaſure poured upon their own heads But to conclude the Judgment of this Quarter , we ſhall deduce a more particular (thovgh brief) Judgment from cach month thereof. Having taket a view of the ſeverat Configurations of the Planets in each-Month of this Quer- ter, we find that in Zanzary no confiderable thing 15 likely to break out amongſt us, but we may expe& to hear of no- table Conſulrations,:and many ſtrong Debates bandied from one to another, eſpecially amongſt our Superiouts, orthoſe that fit ar the Stern ; alſo many abufive Pamphlers emitred tnto the World bur the moſt prudenr ſort almoſt 1n 4 maze, or at a ſtand, fearing approaching troubles both ar home and abroad. In February there appears a ſeeming harmony amongſt the Celeſtial - Wanderers, and we hope the like 1n general Afffairs, ar leaſt for a time, but we juſt- Iy fear a ſudden alteration follows, notwirhſtanding the en- deavours of great and ſober publick ſpired perſons, who ſpend much time to regulate Diſorders, and to bring Diffe- rences to a hopeful period. : In March we may afſuredly expe& very various Over- tures in Mundane Affairs ; new proje&s are now fomenred, and the people ftrangely perplexed wich new fears, what may be the ifſue of many ſecret Whiſperings and Conſults, and jufſt cauſe rhey have to ſuſpe& jugling amongft many rmale-comented Agents— Thus much in brief'z See more in the Obſervarions of each Month, jn whichrhings ſhall be more copiouſly hinted ar, and wehope to good purpoſe-— The Piſeaſes of this Quarter ſtiould be many, bur befides thofe which uſually artend chis Seaſon of the Year, as Ca- tarrhs, Diſtillarions, Tumours , Rheums, &#c. Saturn M Cancer threatens Quartan Agues, proceeding from Cold, alſo dry and melancholy Diſtempets, Leprofies, Gonſump- rions, Black Jaundies, Palſics, Dropfies, Apoplexies, weak ! B Digeſiion Fol 4 c e Aſtrological Tudrments. Digeſtion, Cold Stomach, Phrhiſick, Salt Phlegm, rotten Coughs, Impoſthumations, in- the Stomach, Cancers in the Brealt, And Yenus 18 Scorpzo in the Sixth Houſe in Qua- drat Aſvect to.the Moon,' fignifies. Grayel and Stone inthe Bladder, Ruptures, Filtulacs, Piles in 4no,. Gonorrhaea, Priapiſmes, Defe&s in, the *Matrix,, and all ſuch Diſeaſes winenaffiict che privy parts.in both Sexes. As to the Inclj- nation of the Air, the Winter ſhould be moderare hard and ſharp, with much Snow and drizling Rain at the begin- ning and midſt thereof, but the end will be more rempe=, rate, niyeſs now and then ſome few ſudden Frofts or Show- ers retard the Country-mans Seed-time. © And thus we pro- cecd to the confideration of what may probably occur in Mundane Afairs this Spring Quarter. We do. verily believe this will be a Year of Admiration'; In this following Yerzal Figufe the Angles are all Fixed, the 20z weak 1n Scorp70, ſeparating from an Oppoſition of Zupeter from Angles in Square to Venus, and applying to the Tr/2e of Mercury and Mays, who are conjoined in the Etghtch Houſe, the S3r is in $quare to Saturn from Cardina Stgns, and Mars is hafting to the ſame Alpet——— as way be ſecn by the Figure— Many ſecret Conſultations ha- ving, as it were, laindormant ſome Months, do now begin to be promoted, or pur in agitation, and. there is near dif. covery fome farther Defign or Plot againſt our preſent Go- vernment,.which will prove very prejudicial to the Contri- vers, and all ſuch Perſons thatare any way concerned there- in Some are now 1n great danper of falling under_the ſeverity. of the Law, and perhaps end their Days by Dg- collation. If the aforcſaid Arguments be but well conſide- red, together with the Poſition of Heayen at the preven- tzonal Full-Moon, and that of the Poſt-ventional New-Moon, (which proves to be an Eclipſe of the-Sun in almoſt the Degree of his Exaltation, which we ſhall alſo confider, as eng ſomewhat rare) we fay many pertinent Judgments may be deduced, and. we. do judge that the Influence of theſe Configurations 15 appointed by Diyine Providence to maniſett their male Effects in the Houſes, Courts, Relations and ' ſpersd andily abroad, and'the Common people full of fears Aſtrological Fndgments, Figura Cel ad eFEquinotium vernum, ſeu In- greſſum © 1n , 1680. & h 24 DHA. M: lpoft Merid. ' 923 4. in 029 \ A A Y ©+ : \ m— CT R &. \ Lo An —eren_ - A CLR——— 3\\ \ D) n*-ſſ/ſſ\ \6 \ P Q%vſict O — ()ſi _'?7, - 0 : Q - e” % L af - and Families'of fome of the moſt eminent Grandees of F4- r0be, ſadden and unſetled Difſolutions, one Councit oppo- {ing or contradi&ing another, little or no harmony, and lefs unityamongſt our Supertours, or the peoples Repreſen= tatives, malicious Informations of one perfon apainft ano- ther, Scandalous Lihels, Debayched Paimphlers daily di- and much diſcontented, with ſtrong Muttering and Com- plainr roo frequently againft their Superiours, both publick- Iy and in private,- and chisnot only amongſt ourſelves, bur 2 1fT " Hftrolopicn Fudrments. 'n other Countries remote from! EnglbHPTITEOmay farrher he iobſerved;''The"$41 haty"the Dignityof Exaſtatioh H rhe mmhHouſe,y and haftens to the Quitdrarare'of "difaffe- ced: Sat4rninzthe eteventhHoule 3 The ninth Honſe Tigs nifiesReligion,”and"all Afairsappertatving to:the Thirolh'4 whencexe'tmay ragondyeconchide;. this'is the Anrecedent or-Forerunner of 'many DivHons,” high Contenrions,maven Diſcord”;"ſharp Diſputes, arid*probably" ſorne” Paper:Coti- thtts 1 Divine watters)' maniged'by Aifferent "Judgthents or'Opimons; bur-Wwhethertheſe Conroverfies*tray arife from £þ#/copaty ''6r Prefibyttry &r neither; we ſhall Jeave!'to timetodereriaine Repetiftlonheremcannot be'ayoid- ed:''Mar5-1s 4 Conunttion with Mirtihy, 'and applics the/Quadrat of Sifhrn 3 Marsmitywellfignfieche male-cofis” temed Sonldier;/ and'$2trn thetmchaticholy Couhrery-rmiati's and/1n many Countries' (notwirhftanding there be no/great Attionabroad )'there will be'tniich Heart-burnitig'/berween the Martaliſt-and' che” Plain'Country*maty;” much” fratd; lying,"deceirand jugling/ Many'Tirpriſonments; or' per- fons-affli&ted rhereby ſfrahge'Robbing; both of |Hoh- ſes and on'the Hiph-way; arid forme perſons'committed np- an'{i{picton,*or'in'hope they may Uttcover what'theyknow of Plots or Treaſons'z-amd Others; this"'Spring' Quarter; ofter themſelvesvoluticarily *T1s/alſo'to be' Fear- edo(rhe'$17 being Lord'of -the Twelfth; itr $432/4Tro$5- tarn)thar ſome ſtrange'or unnaturaF Difeaſe'may breik 'Gur amongſt-Catte!z'as" Horſes, 'Oxen, Cows. to'the prejudice of:the honeſt Farmer; 'of 'whichTetthoſe that are concert- ed:bewarez/and'endeavour toprevent—< The fathe Peſri- olieerms tointimate;AullenEnemy(and/no'mean'perſon w'the World) will endeavour 'to pick/a” Quarrel, ania 16 provoke' the”Engliſh Nation"to anget; and alfo put ther- ſclves'1m apoſture defenſive;Moreover, Sati#n in detiirett i-the'rr,dorh''oftentitnes deftroy Leagues andFricnd[hip berween Kingdotiiand Kingdom 3 atid *tis'too mucht6'be fcared-there wilknot waiit ftranpe and ſtrong endeavoursts ſer usat odds'with'fotie other Nati6n, -or they Withus-2< But the Heaversſhew'onlyurural Indinations, norpolitive ActiOns —— | Saturn Aſtralovical\Fudewents. $ak4rnis anfortunate,.. but welk poſited inthe Eleventh in the Figure.of the,World 3,and-HalylaysFol.ig694)81d »f fubriti malefcus &: infortunatus indito. logo Gfubleviatio fis P mneralies szzctas, þ gnzficat, quad Jrigiditas'& infors £U83 1 9 MAT BLUS 1 fUPENDANIER gfremlzrer perotot amTins KA C func REx - mutabitur em DNomo:in aliams/3facet maltum Maliy &: nultas|Collectasi fo Tribura 7mponets poputns eN facitt 86 quad;iniquute (546) 1 Saturs be:unforunace and; 3 dignified,bur well. poſited in-che.Scheme;!andetes vated aboveall-the-reft of,the,Planets, the Ggnifies; that Cold,,and his evil influence will ſpread4t {elf generally over . the whole Kingdom,.,and; that-therRing or:Ghief-Rulerrrof that-Kingdom.or People;ſhould remove highabiration from one-Houle to-another;;do-ditle, good;; and yerawill:lay>dr impoſe.heavy, Taxes.or;Impoſirions on;the people,-andthall noz-perform what 25; guſt;1n;themeſteema;;Burthele Jutlgs ments.-ought,not to..be applied! rathly,;or-at randomeziHut with.great,,xeaſon;and ]udgmem——-—- \This.Poſition:of Sas 118'%; 19-Cancer relates,more particularly, $© $cetlnnd; Hſictz!ana, Zealand, and; the;unired Provinces, the-Notth, andiNorth+ cajt part of-;Scotiand 15 hereby threaned|aith-ſome kindof P al, Mortality amongſt their, greater-Catrel Mergury, an;the.; Eighth, . and..there-4n (ctomuflction with Mars,.portends many;Law+Suits, andthaſe.of veryhigh:con= cemments Bopatus foler 84 WrKES; Mirounews fuenth im:OFave; figmfcſizt Cantentiones que cadant inter homnts:16auſacremum: 14 pmtmtaſſum que renovabuntur enter allos: (z. 8) Merutp 1n-cheEighth,,os the,Precurſor of many, Law+ fulrsand-/Gohs troverſics.amongſt-Men,.;for-mattersorthingsalready paſt and now Mercurlo placed4n the, 82 with Mars;aggrayaresthe Judgment, and incites,the minds of men!40.contentiondy; their.male-jnfluence ;, former Quarrels willnowagaimbe-rts vyed. or- rencwed,. and-canſequently;.many;Lawuimsrfo mented-and ſhrred UPe - Marcuny, ale: gf:nſirallv tigtb/igs Yoouth,or-perſons of tender;years, and being ſo.unfottfuates] ly placed .in hisFall, and,afliged by Mers.40the Houle of! Dmth m the Figure; of;the, World;,lmporty theideatitof ; 3 manry Aſtrological Fudgments, many young perſons and Children this Spring-Quarter, for Mercurins fuerit in Oftavo, multum morientur puers, Haly fol. 373- *Tis an Argument alſo, that many perſons will ſuffer loſs in their Wrirings, or for want of Evidences unhappily loſt or caſually deſtroyed by Fire or ſome defe& therein— Bur fince from the Figure of the Suns Ingreſs into any of the Cardinal Points, nothing ſo fignificant a Judgment can he deduced of the general Contingences of mankind,as way be madefrom the Schemeofan Eclipſe of the Sun or Moon, or the Conjunttion of the ſuperior Planers,or the appearance of aComer, &c. we ſhall therefore forbear all farther ſcry- tiny into this Figure of the World, and confult the Poſition ot the Ecliple of the Sun (though not much of ir viſible to us) 1n regard it-falls in A4ri, and is much like the Scheme of the great Eclipſe in 1652, which fell in the vc- ry Degree of the Sans Exaltation, and had ſtrange effets; but in 166r the Sun was eclipſed upon the very ſame Day of the Month, and near the ſame houryin the ſame Degree of the Ecliptick, as here in this. The Figure for the mid- dle time of the Eclipſe follows in the next page. Although to us this may nor appear any confiderable E- clipſe, yet ſince it falls in A4rzes, the great Dignities of the Sun, and the Afcendant of Englana, (it being the nexr Poſtventional Lunation after the Suns Ingreſs into 4ries ;) ts Effefts therefore may be the more worthy of our obſer- vation Eſcuidus teils us that an Eclipſe in Aries or Li- bra; In Sandtuariis, & in ſacris Religionibus, & Oratoriis, & Officzis Des ſreut in Legibus divinis. So that in thoſe Parts beyond the Sea, where Popery is maintained, many Diſputations will arife 1n their SanQtuaries and Religious Houſes 3 alſo among the ſeveral Orders of Religious Men, in their Oratories, or lefſer Honſes of Devotion , and in ſuch Divine Worſhips uſed in the Service of God Signa Fignra Ec[zþffls Solaris | © A.ſf. I680. AMer'?ſie Atarty / 6_9 D . .%I ” ÞA. ( \ \ Zl;O. ” 44 31 ZARE, >Nd© X ad vac. curſ, ToY LAL. J1, 2: E 91 32/ | . C E regnern— a- ..ſi,.-,—.ct.-—--—-——-—-.-—-_.ſi-—_,_ : N ' . C | E \;? - -?"'-ſſct B 94 Y \&o 5: R R9 - B 4 S % JYi ;: \ :\ 1 quiries, alſo the Rites and Ceremonics of the Church, He- refies, Prieſthoods, Biſhops, Canons, Prebends, alſo Pon- tifical Affairs— The Sun is ar no rime in vain eclipſed,or hid from onr fight by interpoſition of the Body of the Moon, without ſome evil or prejudice approaching z nor is there any neceſſiry we ſhould have recourſe to the Writings of the Ancients.in this matter, we have examples ſufhciene 3n our own Age, and freſhinour memory, to convince any perſon thereof— 2 Conjunftio Luminarium in Aricte facit Alterationes & Mortes, fays Cardan, Seg. 4+ Aph. 89. the ConjunRion of the two Luminaries in 4ries, occaſions ſtrange Altenarions of, Friendſhip and Dearh, (viz.) Breach of Leagues, A- " wiries and Friendſhips; from chence War follows, and | B 4 many = ——= > HAjtrological Fndgtneiite. many-Comroverſies and:Quarrels>z-Eafily Death-and De» ſirn&wn;cand mariytimesFamine/and>fcatciryrofoProyift- on: 7This \Echpſe:fals-1n-the!Mid:hedven, 'o=principal Angle of theScheme, and thereforexoEffetsmiybeirhe more-remarkabl&—=0v 55 ed 85 JdqA mibodte d Maximus vigaritnl ifcs Enlipſtbys que. contingent\its Cots Cordecy Seg? 7 Aphoys:n: Thoſt-Edipſes:docmoſt terribly manifeſt" their-Efetts, or-operatec/the moſt >vigorouſly, whieh! fall im- the) hedrc:of Heavern: n:Proclus eonfirmsithis Judgenr / where-he:Tays, Yrbementiores Efficius fimt 6n Jublemi &+ medio Ciflir5 magnam-Sphar#" paitem otorifantes. The Effe&s of Eclipſes fallinigom\the! Midheaven/are:mote vehement,' as-occupying a,grear part-of irhe Sphere..1-The Middle-of this-Eclipſer fallsin the-:Mid-heaven,”of Tenth Houfe, and aſcends towards theMeridian; /Now:according ro 15 Magnitidez"ahd the/Qualiry-of -its Effedts, -we! ſay they will' be:yery/great and famous; and perkaps/violent, falling as ſudden asonexpefted=== Tr ſhould-have notable Operation3"and more eſpecilly-jnthe/Courts of Princes, &c.n theiriFamilies;:Leagues,' Treaties| Gonfederacies mtheir Nobles'; Tnay, the:Nobiliry and-Gentry ate:herein concerned5alſo'the)Superior-Officers in--every\Country, whether"Servants>to'Kinps or otherwiſe !employed 5 mong:fuch'Perſons there' fhonldobermiuch perverſencſs/6f Sprrit,” Envy,>Revengeytedious) Law:Snits,with wnany-0- aher-enormities ; forcheEclipſe falls ina\ ficrywiolentSiph, Amongtt themidale/forr of people)orthoſeof aninterior rankor-degyeey 'thisEclipſeportendsimuch fraudanddon- ble dealing/#h Bargains andiprivate-ConraRts:—:Aloimany Freaſurers/'oriReceivergof publick Money;imow moſtjuſf- tyqueſtioned;/ andueatled 1o\\an'Acconnt;tol their #prear troubleandvexariowy andithat whichagpravatescitsEffctts 5 thiy,\2ar6i8Raler or Dilpoſer:of tthe'Edlipſe itſeloand m the'Scheme'isin Sqwmre>ro\ Sathracco The\Engliſh:Nation 'have/the'Stgn L4r#ds{for rheir-Aſcendanty4and therefore ler us obſefve; That as/oftenasidny norable/Eclipſelhappens;m thatSign,n0rcahy/(eminett Conjubion of theſaperior-Þla- Mergtheren; we'llltfind cauſe to admire the widdome ſi!flf the -A}'Z\:'ctoſilo meaAl \ '%ſi"udcvmſieſſ%t! 9 Almighty} whoicceby forevarns us}) andlers.05 know what'Heiintends nearthoſe:Timesiciher: forroungobd tir 'thecomrary,.iandrhis ftbbeen expcrlenccd b} dwcrs pf-:_- cedetir(Generatioti=—o+}512c Daſi podas Aph. 58. hath theſe words, £x\Er!r ſi/;ſ, 45 Mag» 06 Effetus: prowen zunt. » Brom thes Influegce of» Eclipſes, greararndwonderfe}|Effe&s.do woreeds /and thoſe perſons whoomay expett totbeſenſiblerof dieviniiuence of rhis:E- therefore:confider we.:ate now1nder\the Dominion:of the;Fiery;Trigon, whictidid commetice11603z! andHywe ſhalcontinue-above;almm- dred years;/and rherefore 't1s nowonder:rohear of-great Alterations 1n:the Kmgdons attti-Cammonwealrhs/of Earope, certainly we-may/expett ſuch! ſudden Ghanpes/imthelt1 qur Times:asformeriAges can ſearce! paraliel ; Many: ſharp:arid bitter-Contenrions: ariſc oxiginally +from!'rehgious pretences op bteach:.of | Cuſtoms;:-Selkcnds,-nexrito-che Decrees; @f Providence, being'theon!ly- cauſe:gnnevery? Maratione—old- -Theſe-rhingsand-tuch! Attions are:xeally» of:che naturevf theFiery Tripliciryoo Conins Golhmahwrites thisotherd- of, Predomininm:Blements igneiad Reges Civitdtamqhtipro- fe[Zos g Irer a0; duouelipidhlic dn maximbs motns mſſſgfzmzv prefu6\\uero ]M'ltumſſs poiales Quandgquam &- matiiiones bt- gimimxgnt txis paite bfab/erantdr. : Ehe Predominionadf te'biery! Llſimcn* having influencedvermen; dothyatſign Atcidentsitb en(acſi lmrP h.z;_ſſ' Rulers -of , Gommonwealrhs andir Glijes $olEfouoiek oolarins bnibatihiin uct-ſimfſiſtzmz rlſiae ſſ' u\' Aſtrological Fudoments: Seditions or Uproars of people, 'and ever 1s accompanied with Change of Cuſtoms, Laws and Ceremonies in Religi- on, with Schifms and Herefies, &: But to return to our preſent Subje& of the Eclipſe of* the Sun.* If we'do bur look back to former years we may difcover what thoſe Mu- tations and. Caraſtrophe's were, in ſeveral parts of the Wor!ld, which followed 1mmediately upon the Eclipſes of the Sun and Moon in A4ri2s. In the Year'1419; March 26 (as Lovitins writes) there was a very horrible great one 3 after which, Tumults ariſe in Boheinza, and many o- ther frange Accidents, as you may read ar large in 1ſacþ- fons Chronology. In the Year 1485 an Eclipſe of the Sun fell 1n 5 Degrees of A4ries, Oue multa cumulavit mala, which fir'd up by-1ts ſharp influence muchwickedneſs, and yery {trange Overtures until 1530, and then upon the 29th of March, 1n 19 Degrees of Arzzs happened a very great Eclipſe 3 the Governour of that Eclipſe was Mars, and he jn Geminz, near the Bulls eye,” a violent fiery fixed Star of evil Influence, Then did the famous City of . Florence learn ſubjedtion, and the Clergy of England run themſelves into a premunire, and many other things very confiderable hap- pened about that time, as Hiſtory at large relates. Bur to coine. nearer to our Times. 'In the Year 1533 there was upon the 8th day of 4pril a petty Eclipſe of the Sun, and only five Digits eclipſed, 3 yer being in Arzes, the effecs thereof (rogether with the concurrence of other material .Configurations of the Planets, as Oypoſitions, Nuadratures, Revolutions, Tranſits, &c.) were very memorable both in Englani and Germany, for about that time there was great Calamiries 1n that "Country; and 1n Erg/aud the people were fſirangely diſatisfied at the Afftions and Counſels of their Superiors. But in Xarch 1652-there was an Eclipſe of rhe Sun in A4rzes, the grearcſt this Age has beheld, which produced ſtrange Effetts in England, as are yet freſh 1n our memories. In the year 1632 there happened a bloo- dy Sca-Fight berween the Englifh and the Dutch, near the Ifle of Wight and Portland, another Fight the fame year j3n.the Levant Seas. April the 1oth 1653, the Long Pars lament Aſtrological Fudements. ſiament was dilfolved by the Army 3 1n Zune fallowing there was another terrible Sea-Fight berween the Engliiſh and the Dutch, and in' Zuly the ſame year they engaged again, and. the Diſpute was very deſperate,/an Trump was then ilain, and the Dutch Fleet worſted ; about thirty Men of War ſunk and fired, and a thouſand Prifoners taken, with many 0- ther Accidents of Remark in this Nation, too large to be e- numerated in this place. Laſtly, as to the Diſeales porren- ded from this Eclipſe ; In regard this Eclipſe doth appear in Aries, which ſignifies the Head 3 therefore ſuch Diſeales of the Head, as Frenzies, Lethargies, Apoplexies, Mad- neſs, e&c. may be greatly feared. Cornelizs Gemma relates, upon a great Eclipſe 1n Aries, Nunquam tot ſubito morbis Comitialibus, | ApopleFFicis ſunt extini, &c. Never were fo many meno fuddenly deſtroyed by the Falling Evil and A- poplectical Diſeaſes ; as 1n that year there happened a great Eclipſe in 4rizs, Fluxes of Rheum diftilled or fell romthe head; as if they had been dropt from thence with Sponges, ſuffocating the affiified Patient very ſuddenly, the vehe- mency of the Evil was encreafed by the filent or mute ſpi- rit of fear in the Sick, without any torment , the Blood al- ſo in the Veſlels, with the ſenſe of things preſent and me- mory of things paſt and to come, ſeemed\frozen and con- gealed, than-which there 1snothing more efficactous and ef+ fequal to occafion rottenneſs and obſtruction, and ſo conſe- quently Peftilenrial Feavers and Inflammatjons, and. ſuch Diſeaſes we have juſt cauſe to fear. But Saturn, Lord of the 6th, in the Figure of the Suns Ingreſs into Aries, being in Cancer, and 1n Square to the Sun , portends Phrhiſicks, Ukceration of the Lungs, Coughs, PutrefaGion, and Ob- {ſtructions 1n the Breaſt and Stomach, pains in the Back, A- gues, Scurvies, Cancers, and ſuch like Diſcaſes. We may expca very various Weather during this Quarter, and *1s to. be feared we may nor be bleſied with a kind and ſeaſonable Spring, nor hopeful Surmmer, nec principium ant finis Annz Iandabitur , nemher the Heginning nor end of the Year will greatly pleaſe the people 1n general, for in hominum genere labores multos, Mankind {uffers generaily 1n wany Countries, ' In Aſtrol avical Zudements, In the Month of 4p1z7, thoughthe Confjgurations.of the Mitiersare 'tot any, yer it wril cereibly, proye u Fongh of' great-Confiltifonand Attion,” notable Tntetfigerice then arfives from Foreipn Varts, and the people 1h general'mo- derately' pſeaſed'(arleaſt for atime? they are in hopes of bettcer " Trading'and'of aripht inderftanding berween,, and correſpondency with; exch other, but *d1s to be feared rheic Sit-ſhite hopes' may troo Thddenly be' algnded a2ain, by iOme ubhappy {Actident;” and'thereby fraftare, thair EXPe- eHanons. Myyand"Zine prodiice many Conjunions of the Planets,” and®confequently arvers notable” Occurrenecs. in molt parts 6 05 amongtt' the Grahdees. of teverat KinSdoms ahd Commonivealths therein, great Affſemblies, or Conventions of: peneral Councils, theſe Months do, att rhem parts vigoroutly it Marters, of 'preat Importance,, a- mongltwhich eln and $0Ha) d arcnor meanly concern- &d; and3F6Gn747 be heAſcendant of Lipdon (as we have nocauleto doubt) then tlioſe' many Conjun&ions of the Platets 1h'that Sigh "n the "Month' of [71n7 may produceas fimous Effets, :biit'of what kind/time witl manifeſt.-< God dirett the*endedvours'of 'onr Siperiouts, and*thoſe. NobleHeroes, thatTibour'to'fettte'and confirm the great Affaits"of 'this Kitnpdoth now depending And. thus we proceed to'the Confiderarion of the' Summer Quarter.. Of the mngrtſs of* the Sun 3Rto Cancer; Tune 10th, 1680, &* 45" folt Meriditm, Tthis Solftirial Figute we find”a double Conjinfion of te Planers 1'the Twins, in'the Welt;Angle, (viz.) of Fuptter and Mars, allo'of, Vinus and *Mercury— Hence we Jmdpe, ThatthifOuarter will'he ſpent.in fharp, Debates ayd, obtable' Confultrions2= We tiope the Gown-men, how- ever diſtinputhed7cirficr Divine of Laiwyer, willnot mter- meddle'with fich” Mitters,* which” concern thein notz -let chembe cautions how they move out of theirown Sphere— &ndwe allo conjectre, Thirthis'Poftion of the Heavers portenids no'prejndice in any Kindto'rhe fimous Ciry 'of: Zonton, northe worthy Cinzens thereof ; for the beneyo- lent Intluence of 7upzter correts (or ar leaft mitigates)* rhe” : ed bEagha ' Male ; X Aj! fzſi*ctfqgſſicctzl j[zſſ{gmzſikſtſſſiſiſſi _ Nale,Efea of Mars 1 Gemnz————, and, Mircarybeing! eſſentially dignified,and anoular, ,afliſted by.the, preſence of: Penus, doth not a little abate. rhe, Evil;; Nowuhſtanding, . we_cannot promſe any thing. to-the.contrany,, but neap this time there_will be many fubtle and_deceirful. Afftions,-allo clandeſtine-or occult.Couniels. on;foor, cof, i, conſeqaence: ro.the.people,1n_general were they, put 1n execntion;;n For the Moon is under the Earth,.1n. OuadrateAſpe& ro, Saturn. m.the Ejohth Houſe from Cardinal. Szgns 5.burder ſuch;bus fie Agents look to;tt,. ſor undoubtedly their -hopes and; ex« peRations will be. fruſtrate,, .and. thoſe..promoters .of miſ- chicf, happily taken, in their, own ſnare z, fromche conſide+ ration,whereof,, we' have hopes-we ſhall yet.contmue.mode- rately quict among(t our ſclves,, norwithſtanding vain fears, atid* daily rumours fpread abroad amongſt. the-people,..to their great difcouragement throughour: the,, Nation>- yet the Affairsin the Macrozoſmare not carried on withthiredle- rity and volenceas formerly,, or of late,years, Weimay there+ fore only feem confidenr of our own Nation, and-1ts;welfaze rhis Quarter,, and_its freedom. from..;lnternal War, &rs for it 15 the quierude_or difturbance. thereof whichwe are: moltconcerned for—, We {till lahour ander the Effectsjof the late Comer 1n Tawys,, which was:firit ſeen,and obſeryed. with ys'on Sunday 4h121 . the. 22,,,1677 3, though 1ts. Par- rents will be matiifeſted more liberally m divers other parts of Europe, (viz.), Folaniay Swedland, taly, Franct,/ Bono- na, Norway, Algitr, Tartary,. Bayariar, and .divers..other: places'on.the North, fide, the #quaror *Tas:faid..a Co- met 1n Tawus , zn: ficat. malium: #fſe. hominums \8:0.TIt Tights: fies much evil may, befal Mankind, alfo animpoveriiangor, leſfening of. their Eftates,. men fhall . prejudice,z;)Imure,. or rebel one againft_the other,, in, thale;Coyntries,,on:Pla- ces ſubject, to the Sign,, . Moreoyer., 1r hath been obſepved,.. that when a Comer appears, near;-the, Sun..(25, tins .d1dJ..1t. gives warning of the death_of ſome. vyery. great perionn—7 Alfo Mortality amongſt the preater forr,of Caitel, .as. Horles, Oxen, ,Cows, -4*c. : corn HT Some notable Alcerations of the Air may be expected this - - — Aſtrolozical Fudoments. this Summer Quarter, which we' fear may obſtru& the ho- neſt Country-man in his Harveſt— and if fo, we-muſt al- fo expett moſt fort of Grainto be dear, or bear a Very con- f1derable price ia E1g/an4. Bur whether we enoy plenry of the Fruics of the Earth, or ſcarcity thereof, ler us labour tobe content, and return God thapks for the mereies we EnNjOY — , As to the Diſeaſes of this Quarter, the Small Pox will be very frequent, alſo many putrid Feavers, (if nor peſtilenti- al) Impoſthumes, Surfeits, Conſumptions, the Kings Evil, Rupcures, Gonorrhoea's, with many others not eafily cu- red 3 from/all which let us pray, Libera nos Domine.— Lafily, we come te_the conſideration of the Poſition of the FPavens at the Sims Ingreſs into the eEquinodtial Sign Libra, SEPt.-1-2, 9 29" mane ,. For the Autumnal Quarter-+680, In the Scheme the Angles are all FixedSigns, and no Blaner Angular ;' the Moon is in Conjun&tion with Mercury, aud haſtens ro. the Body of the Sun, Zupiter is very deje&- edly poitted 1n It in the 8:h Houſe,and both the Infortunes, S477 and Mars inthe Ninth, (as thoſe that'pleaſe toſer the Figure may ſee z) But that which is moſt remarkable is, &rthe New Moon Poſtventional (which falls the very ſame Evening) the Sun is again eclipſed about 8'at night; juſt ar tus-Entrance into the Fquinotial Sign 7ibra, but inviſible 1-our Hemiſphere, becauſe ar thar time both the Lumina- - TIeS AFE Subterrangous.——— We have.good hopesthat our Englih Affairs now depending are drawing near ſome hap- py concluſion or determination, art leaft for the preſent, or tame limired time: Orthatnow very eminent Conſultations - and Diſpres are almoſt broughr to a period «, Yet finding Merciny in Yirgo, in Conjundtion with the Moon , expe&t therefore many paper Confli&s , or Pleading of Priviled- ges— Notable Strugling, Politick Plotring, and Cunning Diſſembling amongtt ſome Inferior Perſons, perhaps em- ployed for that purpoſe— Mercurius de ſe impetuoſiſſimus 07007m,Mercury 1 the moſt imperuousand moſt ſudden (in his motton and influence) of all the Planers— and hence we conceiye.there may be may be many Petitions and fad Complaints Aftrological Fudgments. Complaints from, Perſons in' great trouble of Spirit, and much_impoveriſhed,, alſo many difficult Conſultattons may ariſe thereupon — Bur in the end we have good hopes of aright underſtanding berween the people 1n g?r*crai and cheir Rulers and Zup{ſſrior —— 4 The Eclipſe.of the Swn, though inviſible to vs, Yer in a rime of troubſet may have a ſecret Operarion in gmer—aſil Afffyirs, in regardit falls in an Aguinachal Sign— This 1s?m\w ierein may; be exped- ed moreof Counct] thauActxon—-— Menſi minds are 2s varion 5, as. the Seaſon uncertaifh—yer all theiy Eonfulcations and Mectings rend to quictnefs and ſertlemgnt 1m-moſt parts of Ejropt, and yetthere 1s a probabilicy-of breaking out\vio- Ientlv whenMeaſt expeted— Heavens blets our Fn;-,uſh Nation, and proz®&our Merchants Ships 1 what partof the World foever they iFf*, whether optward or homeward bound ;. Saturn and Mars Portend much danger, or ſome unhappy Accident may beta] fome of them this Quarterg, OCC ſizwn 'd by violent Storms and "Ie:rpcfl ,and otherwiſe (viz.) Shipwrack and Piracy, unle Divine-Providewge do' fayour the Endeavours of thoſe Perſons concerned theremſſ Andlaftly,, we have grout nds. to conjeaure, Our Govcmor% in ſome Countries of this Nation may juſtly fear ſomemu- tinous Infurredtions amvneſt a Rural Extravagant «ſort{of” Perſons, who may be employed, fet on, or made uſc of, As Inſtrumentsto put forward the dangerons Work deti Zned byY a ſubtle. forr of Male-contented Agents-——- which we hope ] the prudcnr Magittrates of every-County will by tjewr care/ 4 eatily diſcover and.ſuppreſs, leſt their difturbarce- prov*ct an Invitation and Encouragement ro Foreigners to atremps \J an Invaſion, which though chey wil ſſcts,uzccl\ct fail of their defires,: yet we-ought to. be wary, and endeavour to pre= vent.———— Much more wight be- ſaid, bur werefer the inquifitive Rcadfl ro the ſerious perutal of thoſe Aftrolo- : gical PrediQions 1. our Anglzcus for 1579, And'thus we conclude our Judgments.upon this Quarter, and the whole Ycar—— All things haye a time to be born, to encreale, to dyey and to be exting! zz aed. | jvat Rex Magne Britannie. A CT C / WMMW_W {A Table of the Latitude of the Planets, Satarn, Fupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, for every ten days 1n each | Month. 1620, - Momns U. hSou. | Sonli » ſi_—ct———l_xſiſiſio 471 4'I January < 20j9. ' 46/I 2/1 Zofo 4419 $9/1 Io 42/0 56|t February {2@10 40E0 $4'r 2910 399 SȜ?O Icjo Z'/'O 5] © March {200 359 499 zZolo 340 48 © 1cjO 320 470 April. {20 O© 310 465 30 3g00 459 D OAw - W 4 A 9 O - D D-W. Ww - » OQ - m wy ws (), I | | ! | | - ! ioſ3 299 44o0 May 20]Þ0 270 4330 i 30 260 43,0 l | | 4 - \ D.\S.Q% _— Ic} 250 420 June 20PÞ 240 * 429 N 5(:\) 230 42:0 oſÞÞ 239 42 July _{200 220 42 zZoſÞ o21lo y42y loſÞÞ 200 4g25 Aupguſt &4 2cjſ5 209 425 I90 430 180 'x Scptember - 180 w zg'o 43!\ : r0.0 43j1 Ottober & 20 160 43 15, 45/T : 140 42'2 iNovembers 20 13?0 4152 12/0 39{2 11{o 3712 053 3'5?2 e errne e4 nrenrr eeeraen. , ATfiflgjgfctfflfloonsLmmde every ocher, day.at. Noon,..or-the yEar-1680.——— 4 *1 ffanuryſictF'ebnſſſſ'fiMarcbſiſiſi\ Apri \ _May | ffune \ ffzz[y* \ Hazuft Szptemb.YOFober Noy_e_r_n \'Decan. | g —MPmD MD MP MD MD PMD MD MD”CMDTEMD,; M N d CL emn \1\3.,.5-115 -$-56j4.'S 37]18 2071 N314N334N53Þ2N192 $ 164844{43 281 34 ” go14 ” 233 ON49Ȝ ” 2715 ” 23 9605 54 - 785 © 13f2 |5g Nls 55 of2. Aa8{ 1 gſſ 5-0*\4 4214 30.2 - 32 164 291]0 [aBi2n ”n 3 41 N-714"-23152-1512.7 ©4,07 514*4 -3 4 £5562- 97 N-ap [3/ 54 {0 92 7 a5ht N 22135 = 65 » 9 - 34]0 © $52 g* 103 ® 359 ,3 33 14: 49. ' }-Jlſio 343 15}4 .34|5S 113 sj1 $ 29' 4 \4- 45 1 31'1 NȜl ST 143 11311 N-290q -« 137þ5- 143 © $310 » 50j3 ,7 g i60 N 453 . Lo 24ſſſſ_ b &13 - 88 14 51 C 47 1 S 42/4 - 50 A 301 YZ 93 5 5% 3 ” | 40[2-= 29 ir74 3614 41/3 350 $ 523 524 48'2 $5$6EN. 64 24 Il'g 261[0 S 21 }19*15 2/3 ,. 71 .153. ,2114. ,. 5913-, 36,0. 493- , 55 124 _44.1, |#9þ[13 "5 121/4 - 2510"S 34 2914) > 53/4 » 4:6þI - 42 1-N:20|4. -: 32 5 2 *—--24-0-5 52 3% 5 LȜP 42ft 5913 $0ls 713. 309 N2t's "9 ” 57 0 04 S6P Y4,ct. 32 1250 S171}4 27f2ſſ tols* 294 ” "ofs 31's " 5 sl4- 15j1 37 234 334.. 42 7 S-134 \2LM4s 62 329 N-813-—$5197 219 44 5 8-253-2-33/4-1 553 14 ” go'N 2812 ” 2714 ” 53/4” "44F © 35.3 © 4 - $573” | 56 5 s; 2-"2:230.Y " Oray.. - 119" o\g 20|T; S 13 599 57oſi ©[k N14 mQxffiO Note that this premermareduced ro the Meridianof London from Hecket's prmmdes, and to render itthe} more :compleat, and uſeful, the Larfmdes of the Plantts (as often as they could be1 in each Month) are here inſerced.”” The letter N, fignifies North, and S, South. Pn ſi'"*wmw R - : x., 'ſſ'*'*——*—ul—ſſ_,_ſſ' _\ January hath xxx1 daysſi.ſi — The daily Motion of the Planets and Ne R eAn nIOYrareg—ercnens t ®,lo ®m *mlp *mib? mibalb "ulp "m r |Þi5 5?'48; Tgſi * "[£/6 20 zct-'ct?zos 53]25 2545 3ol28 gajr5 goſp 5 ) .* Z ſi 535 27 23 42 26 2325 42 28 rx1128 2 ; ;Z' B R alr 27 l 55/7 a7[oVye | Li | a 33]24 43j7 27127 7 55127 37|toVpar MN | 3 bE5 4c[24 37 5 13|25 18'29 o 27__21z2 52; Z} —[Fi6 47[24 <118 55 'o t5rg]26 29 anagls R | 9 [/2 47124 51 29 16 9 715. 36 C L; DjS__54125 519 __39 0__1115 31125 54 LFZ_I_I'G sctziſi A ſi: - —;7'"'"' c|25 19 0 23]ſr xo0/'2 43/25 22fr }{466 5—6 vA ſiþ 725—_33 ir 7[> 75*_25 24 $2{[r5 - 2116 55 is] 0/7 T4fſ2s 4393 5Sufg ['$ 8124 25[29 176 .)S,ſſ 14| a/7__21 26 22 35]4 3 6 20 23 __ 59h! 3}"3516 45 if ralbl7 86 763 i[g 07 92123 48þ28 2046 43 = l 16/C/7__35]:6 _ze['4 15 58/5__44/23_21[3Furſs 46 wry. | — _ — R mm — * b | ro|D{7 42[26 44qjt4 46{6 55.9 56/23 - &[28 "30ls 37 MY 8]-8 72 $9126_58[65_297, 52 _9122 $61131396 34 ; , wl £17 5S7]27 12]'6 13]8 © $0[12, 2122 50 l23 355 5 ab 1 zo] 0/S_4j27 2&16 569 47-'3__8ſi3l" 49]'3S 76 28| M » [arfn's 2027 3gſt7 4e[ro 44fte 4622\):4 27 176 24 ff 22}' b;? IS 27 53 3 23 it 41 rg 58 23 + 3 _-oſ\z: 6 21] 231&,3 26128 7 i9 7[12 $9/"'7 T0/23 16|g4 26 8 {i Þ\ 24' d3 223 23 21 9 4; '3 ._-6 13 *3*23 " $7j6 FWM'S - (1 ſſſſ.ct;{*e"?S' ac[23 35120 Ja[i4 33/29 35123 52jrg 4/6 12 l [26/f,8 46/*8_49ſ2r r7Þ1s_36/22 4824 18/r 2 86 8 1 !z:-jſi?fise 55]'9 22z of16 28/22 oſ24 483 fs - l j2B/aſg 3129 Ifjz2 43 7 R IDSS "o'M soct z| b tzſiſi hg Toj2g 403 -6, 22/24 25/25 1 flbo ) Lb 139 C9 133};9 44]24 T9125 38!26 4(\ 56; a 0 ga.ſiY- D9 25-29__5_7_5_:{.52 Zo Io 6 $0'27 9(**3 ,2'\ ols . 53! . 7 S WALC.) May. 1 6 ; 8o. The Lunar AffpeRts. 1 h l l The Planets | P iMutual A- | : 'ſpects. I Apopzon. 16| Þ Peri Perlgzon, or |þ [neareſt to the Cen- tre of the Earth the oppoſite point| T{|to Apogeon. : QctſitctzcttſictaſſdſſDlre& ; May hath xxx1 days. | > May-day, or Philip and Facob, Sun riſes 17 min. paſt 4, ſers 43 min. after 7 Full Moon 45 min, afier 3 afternoon. \ vojac| 1 B -ts T Z. 3 4 \Uffi\ſiſi" Bn |Days lengrhened 8 hours, 9 |C|Carntate. 19, Þ |Laſt Quarter 54 min. paſt 10 in the Morning. IIL ? Sun riſes 4 min. after 4, ſers 56 min, paſt 7. | | | | 5 12.f 13'g 14 Is b 16 C |Rogation-Sunday, 17|D : : | 18|£|New Moon 59 min. paſt 2 in the Morning, 19]f ſi : $|Zoly Thurſday, 21 F,Sun riſes 52 min. paſt 3, ſets 8 min. paſt 8. - 122] b{Days lengthened 9 hour;. i 23 @| - xauds., 24/d Term ends. {2 Z "e |Firſt Quarter 5 min. paſt 2 in the Morning. 26 f n : 27%? 28—: a 29 b{Carolus T. Birth and Re auration. - !_Zſi? gW/aZfſhmdcty, or Pentecoft. ' 20 h— - MAYS Olſſzſi]ſiervatiſiom. 16 80: Faturo torquemur & preterito. | HE Heavens promile or foreſhew, That in many parts of Ezrope, as England, Fraxce, Germany , Poland, ſſSwe'deland, Ireland, Scotland, and (everal other Kingdoms and Countries there=. in, we may expe& divers Meetings, Treaties, or Convenitions of very great Perſons this Month, or: near untothis very time, whoſe Dcbates and Con- ſultations ſhonld be of high Matters, tending to thecompoſure of thoſe miſerable Differences (*tis to be feared) may be too vilible at'this prefent jun- @ture of time——— And after a ferious Expe- &ation of ſome more than ordinary matter, toge- ther with many ſharp Dcbates, and different Con- rroverſies in the moſt fignificant and grand Con=- ſultationsz we ſeem bleſled with comfortable hopes of a better underſtanding— God dire& the Afffairs of Eng- land, Scotland , and TIreland in particular ———— - Very vncertain Reports and doubtful News arrive from moſt parts of Europe. Many Libels and malicious Inve&ives diſpers'd againft our Supream Authority, to ecreare Diviſion amongſt 6s 3 for now the late Solar Eclipſe begins to operate ; falſe Suggeſtions afli& many well-meaning perſons. Much action, abroad, or at leaſt ſtrong preparation thereunto—— Great Complaint of the Merchant from Loſles at Sea by Pirats, and the Graver or Wiſer Sort of Men' begin to fear ſome ſudden Invaſion, or an unhappy Storm or Caraſtrophie dtawing nigh, bur we hope wichour any juſt cauſe, fifce we cannot difcover. from Natural Caufes any ſuch approaching danger — Durable Honour conferr'd upon ſome very worthy deferving Ferſon or Perſons, and probably a very fignal and eminenc. Marriage near conclufiori. Ler us hope well, and love one, another, and conteftin and flight che malice of our greateft Enemies, and unanimouſly endeavour w fupport and contls. nue the Grandeur of our Engliſh Nation, 1K ” N I D IEEBGEEIR D ITHARFEAL AR EILEESEIe I ALIEIS ETuESIS ]une hath xxx days. Aancormncr A IEIIET EH Lrer, The daily motion of the Planets and Q. [ l >[vſeſoleſs[2[8] P _——ſf—n——_——_f_—_—_——_{_[—-}—_ S | L]-S-|-E | 87] 6:|@ |= f {D MPp MÞD M|D D MjPp MD MAD Nſi r *e_ſi'9 33/2 25 34 2 1328 3/28 28 1${12 }3' 49E 2 \fg 409 2426 26 17J22 Iiſzg 5 29 I2124 4715__ 4,6' 3 199 489 38j27 o|23 8Þoi[a8þo IN gj7Wng5 43 3_'1;9 56/©__51\27 42124 51r x 4ijt 1ojlg 50 4__95' $iHTo 31 518 25125 2(z 532 152._.,3[5 37| 6 \@jx0. 21 i8/2g 7[25 59ſg 613 2g[15 _zo[5__34/ 7 |Þ/1o 191 32/29 50j26 567 19]14 3528 375 goſſ Z_ e70 26-1 459 H;z 27 _53/6 3015 52[}}_}5_5_7 9 | fjio 34T 58: 15 28 50 5o'y 4z/7 1325 3ols 24- 10] ffto 422, I3r 57]29 47ſ3 57 L359 V 1615__ 21] xx| a|10 49]"2 25'2 390 _044210 10n n{23 2115 38 22\Hjzo $7/2 353 21jr_4tjr 221lt_ 29 57_3;2_48 24 'I%T ir 52 -S114 4ſſ2 38/12 35113 26/5 _ 14;_2 It 12/$ 4/4 '3 36 13 381{14 38ſi7 I[r4'i__gſi} 15 efer 203 175 33/15 2x/16 37/22 | 45 5 26| Fj1T_ 2 283 3o{6 IO 5 3016 14/17 595 6 S$505 _ _3{5 17% W[1T 36 3 42£6 SR 6 27 17 26 Ig 44 21 1914 H_Zjan -Þct-}") 5617 _33_7 2418 39/2T 33[3_0L23/4 _ lQſſE'l\ 5?4 948 I)ig 2T| {I9 52/23 24 12 34. _*_E%j(_Yct"ſſ- $9f+ 21(8 57 g zSlzz gſſz_j 18g 2 fMr 4 _ 21|D 12 74 349 38 10 15/22 18/27 16|14" 57]4 þ82| £j12) 15/4 _ 46jro_20|1r 72/23 31/29 16127 19/4 4: izzſ F.r2 23/4 59tr 2jr2 ghg 44 _919 9 t225\4 ff: LRE fuii HT 43113 6115 5613__20[27 18\4 #5| jx2 391S 24]12 24/14 327 10'5 3m 7 !CZ'J 'T2 Aſiſſii z ig 6j15 09j28. 28 24/7 31 lj ___7!4 zz;@iſim 54] 49]'3 46115 579 379 39/2* 4%4 27 ZZE{ 52_;6__ct 4_28/16 540S goſtr_4818 X"49/4 24 291 113 xo0l6 13 is 917 5,{"""3 12 5$j21 T\4 20 50; F ug :8:6 _:) 5 5' 18 _4913 1516 83 W *9'4 | j m"wſi;ſi,ſſ__ww - edn remeryayerymaoecone em ” # RA tnirb el R R FPRIGD 2ojk 8) 40 2 | 22 A 155 x; :3/I 6 'A M LElazt :5 20 ) Apogzoo or ;I Bo*—-ſſ firtkeſt diftant | \iffl 4 ( 10 , from \he Centrc off Zſiſifi ] the carth. ; Jane 1 6 8 mm _ The Lunar Aſpects. \ "" The Planets 9 Mutual A- - « : | © 0 } { - D TCn — ſpeds. iOccid ©O rient|Or;ent Orient Oncnti -*__—____ ——— ——— — c—_ 7 18 © Elong.max, 3 @ 2 ! (P r_d Q O D Q__\ſid)____ A !I*A 16 s — —ne_ nen— 7 A 20|[] 6[:] 8 D - \* 12 rlſJ_3 1___}__._ {. 8 l | 121% 6 lct $ ,__--- z9! | © d b g thb cSth iſſ 5 [(aay M June hath xxx days. Sun riſes 42 min. paſt 3, ſets 18 min. paſt 8. " Ember Wetk, Full Moon 28 min. yaſt 6 ir the morn. B=] ſ' rmzty Sþmday - t. Barnabas. Longeſt Day 16" 36" (after 8. 12/ D|Term begins, QU H::- :þtfln*'*:@\ \Sſi:l An dſſw 1_63' f New Moon 36 min. paſt.9 in the Morning. 19 b Days begin to ſhorten, 20. ETSun riſes 42 min. paſt 3, ſets 18 min, pait 8, 21 d 22 23 f Firſt Quarter 6 min, paſt 6afternoon. 24|8 SL, Fohn detzſt 25!/ 25|b; 3 ?' : 128 d e 2c| g |t. Peter and Paul. zc}f Term entds, fi JUNES Obſervations. 1 68 09: Latet eAnguis mn Herba. Hoever doth but ſeriouſly conſider the Affions of this and the' ſucceeding Months, (here being now ſo many ſignal Meetings of the Planets) ſhall find much of Counſel therein, and probably as much of A&ion follows in one kind or orher— - We may expe& the diſcovery of very great Treacheries, Diſfimulation, and Villany in ſome Great Perſons We hope Lucifer 1s not let looſe for- ſome ſmall time to raiſe tumultuous Inſurretions amongſt difaffe&ed. fa&ious Spirits Some of the Grandees of this World make their Exzt out of the World by a natural Death, others by Judicarure, or the Sentence of Juſtice— Wo unto thoſe Perſons that endeavour to diſturb our quier! Some fooliſhly loſe rheir Places, or are turned out of Office for their knaviſh aRions—— Honeſty is the beſt Policy— and Caſualties, Reproaches, with Poverty and Afferonts, cm multis aliis, artend very many perſons, to their great ſor- row — An Ambaſſadour or Miflive arrives about this rime, to agitate Matrers of great Conſequence now depend- ing, and to promote ſomething material, which perhaps was ſcarce thought of before We fear alſo ſome ma- lignant Diſtemper, or unwholſome Conragion of the Air, which may have too much Influence or Operation upon the Temperament or Conſtirutions of humane Bodies, begetring violent Buyning Feavers, Small Pox, frequent Surfeits, Con- ſumptions, Dropſies, Apopleries, Madneſs, the Plagne, and 0-. ther dangerous Diſcaſes arifing from the Blond corrupted God preſerve our Metropolts-City from all ſuch. Diſeaſes, Tumults , Plots, Fires, and all other Caſualyes whatſoe- VEre July N enaeooee oareaney——ooomermmnanmnmnmnn F mn emn mn emn: July hath 06x days. IN eR IN Hn eICT R EE ICTn The daily Motion of the Planets and (}. A einnmannsnommmmncke z ed ogmns TC rrErnr m ———— dn ee eR O —— - } ilb\v ct'@ſiſſ?*?')a& F } R : -ſil [S|[umH]mH]|S|S|[S& i | 1" #[2/-26D D a9D. _.MP MID D Mi 00m ATR DIWIRDEDEDENE Rn D inAt _—— —— - T_fi is 25j0 37 16 3z 19 4t 4 21 29118 18 16 4 4 14 f_ a|r3 37 5 49'!7 13\20 4315 _-43]29 :7 28 37 4. II 13 Vjrz 4!7 117 $4/21 406 56 22 35""\" 3]4 0 +_ C|13 | 49 7 __I918 _$4/22 373 9124 _44]*5 _ I914 5 5 Djrz3 57 24 9 %5'23 34/9 33j26 51] 8 X454 1 6'e 14-. 473 26519 -3 24 311'9 > 36]28 55 : 219: * 7 -t: I4 T217) 48]0 37/25 3911 49\T CLZG'Y*HZ 5 3 \g\14 20/7 __592T" 17 26 2 26 3_aly 619 5613 __52 9 a\r4 278 LIj2I 57127 23 4 35{5 /[S bſi'ſſ'zzȜ 49 10 Hj14 3-'*8 22122 38*28 20jt5 ȜL_OJZ____? 19 -=F 3 46 [l—_lſctct_ 43\8 ZȜ 23 ]9\29 I [6 \!.ſinſi';) F 2 _[:[ Mſſ% 14 50B 44/23 59ſio 9_13317 - 17 Ceg R 36 *_( ct_z9 13'% 14 588 55 l24, 49lx 7: ctlg 10/r2 58 I ZZL 3 ' 36 44 x[15 S. 1625.- 282 9*'20 2414 52/15_31[3__33 -ſis"i 15 139 1-/26 ag 61 3716 a4/29 39j3 36 6ſſſills 219 22126 4022 4222 5(**15 v_u 1;()_ 'ȝ 26 77 15 "*-zq 39 z7 20/5 %24- 520 23'27 ofz ſſ23 -i8 QI 5 369 45128 05 $8[25 18 22 TOrc TTQ 7]3 __2© 19 Dj'5 42120 o's 4ol6 55j26 32]23 5522 513 17 20|gj15 5110 toſ2g 20/7 5,27 4-125_ 279 5 R1513 I4 21 f|115 5810 20ſ3o > als 5028 59i27 2017 22'3 In nlg! 610 _zoſo H40/9 482 © -q-l229 _039 T543 7 i;f 3!16 13 to geſt nTghio a5jiT 276 T!L_wllfl'{_ 713 ——; *4 þj16 219 _E - 59111 42/2__402 1622_ ,6 Þlli z 29/12 4cfz 5)3 494 52'49 2 552- 4 25 C 15 : 28jrt u z6ſſ Di16 - 3S[ED m2eſÞ IO[TS 2719___$15 25]!6_ 49]2_ 55 }! 27 e\:6 42|ir 23 58j14 35]5 23 47129, 4j2 12 Wo |{ cee 3 e55 30 9 l - ” 6 3' - 2611VPz\[: 43% 9 It 237 83 j2 42 x | ac * l iſi #19--57 iT 37; ) x6j16 30 %—- 5 ſi'56jiſſ4ſſ 2<| z___qs j 130, 5 17 4m 4 \( f___; SEt 22 Fg. .'. IaT b T7 TTIHK 57 :.18 2;} I7 C emn em m CS ELISE A e2n A SC AR EZL IHS RID PR IATIL 0 SATR WCRAB AN D A SCN IDERSSCIIS eSA eD ln e WHESEEEESSIEISESTE CR PR -ſſ_-..-—\o(oe\:ſi_ffi-_;\p.þ—ui..-ſi \; TTYNEER) l © i \ 1 \ſi jos | | | | l \ r # ]uly 1680 The Lunar Aſpedts. Rn [IY 9 - ſix YL P 17 A 'IThe Planets 2 [|Mutual A- fare ſo fleartHcSun 'hzs *\fionlh (hcy "Fſeen - durmb thſi- {{amc. [Þ cum £&} X Y -) To man@.. xQ 7'7 manCte An e: CT N A —_ 6 CLB CLB dn | | — ct'ſiſif-ſſ\- Full ffſilooſin 33 thin. paſt 7 afternoon. 2''A Sunriſes 52 min. paſt 3, ſets 8 min. after 8. 3'\bj 4.C Days about 16 hours long. $./D 5'£ | T. F | 8. S|Laſt Quarter 56 fmiti, paſt 13 at night. 91 . 10 Þ [Sun riſes at g, ſets ats. i1C ; i2 d [Days ſhortned 1 hour almoſt. 'liy's 14ft lct;ſſ g |5t. Swithiy B. New Moon 20 Min. after 6 aftern. ©6, J [Day's 15 hours and a half long. H '.gſſſſC [faith Cardan;z) 19 d [Dogs Days begin (but of no influence in England, i 20 £ |Sun riſcs 14 min. paſt 4, fers 46 min. after 79 ſiſſ_ 21 f| f 4.9 j 23. A {Firſt Quarter 20 min. after 17 in the Morning. f 24 b [Days ſhortned 1 hſſour and a half. zctsſi C T. Fames Apoltle. l / fzo al. 31] þ|Full Moon 8 mi. paſt 7 in the Mornings JULIES Obſervations. 1 6 80. Deus in Adjutorium. TH E Configurations of the Planets are for the moſi-part benevolent this Month, and the Conjun&ion of Fupiter and Mars in the Twins -in the laſt, may influence notable Etk&s in this, and thoſe which follow- -——- All health, peace and proſperity do we heartily wiſh to Englands, Metropolis 3 God preferve her many thouſands of Inhabitants from raging Dilcaſes, and the City it {elf from Fires and all other Caſualties We may hope all things continue well in Scotlaud and Holland,&c.but Hangary & the Auſtrian Family are now menaced, and {o are fome of the German Prin» ces, with the angry frowns of Providence, proba- bly the Incuifion of a powerful Enemy. We hope allo that our Friends in the Weſt Tadies remain quiet. The French Monarch is ſtill aive, and very formis dable—— Here'is now plentiful matter for Ambaſſadours ro work upon, bur we-fear the Religious Party (we mean thoſe who would be repured ſo) do,jin one kind or other, moſt un- happily diſturb, if not deſfiroy, the moſt hopeful Conſulta- rions now on foot Every Man for himſeclf— and tos many ſtrive only for advantage, and the promotion of cheir own Intereſt and Honour, Yis & modis, per-fas aut nefas- Yet we hope the Affairs of #ngland (notwirhſtanding all endeayours to the contrary) continue ſtill in a moderate good poſture, and his Sacred Majeſties Perſon fafe. from all dangerous Attemprs of hjs moſt ſecret Enemies, to the joy and comfort of his moſt Loyal Subje&s Plcaſing News arrives to the induſtrious Merchants, and the Month ends with ſmiles from Heayen upon the endeayours of deſerving Men, who labour to do good in their Generation——— ' Auguft PICT>) 06 DN CN TN ICT raaeas, CL LNB em B EEIOIEIALE S. A An A D TC C eR E2- 2 Q 2 QF') _2319 _ 434 sziffiſis@ Q[ 7 15'\2 6j 13 Ig 22 I2. ;6 14 : 7 4 33z 55 d'l7 25 12 15/7 $53j20 20/rg 46 15 33j18 3012 32 e17 32 'I2 23 8 32]2x 95 2j16 53]2 'Yzg 2 29 £jt7, $912 32/9 ez 15116 5 18 ryjl5 39j2 26 0117 46 i2 419 $ol2z xzh19 aghtg 28/0 Bazſe 22 ajſſ7 53 2 49*\0 29/24 n1j138 43120 43/74 45j2 20 H|17 59 12 57)ir 9z 8[19 57/21 5528 7 17 C/13 6119 6\iT 46j26 Gj2T 32123 6\rg]l xj2__ 13 D118 12'13 14;!ſi 25|27 gj22 26124 24 15 27 62 10: 0 £j18. 20/13 2:,13 _3j28 2123 4oj25 21|i1S 4 __ 7 rx[Fj18 2613 29/13 42[2g 0f24 \54j28 24/24 5:ſ2 4 r2| g/18 'zgſſcz 37/14 _20/2g 52/26 8127_268 8 Q.36[2.__7 iyal's 39173 44/14 59Þo NMes5/27 23/8 25/22 3[ 58 9 b/18_465113_5[15 37jx 54128 37/29 2015 Ms|©__ 54 15|&/18 521r3 5:[16 15 51 19 50|Þ 3$14/18 z '5T 76/d118_54'4__&:6 5313 49 e61 4ſo 248[1__ 48 rjeirg $j14 13j17 31l4 47]2 20ſt Solrg 9/5. 45 178) Fixg nj'4 19118 ols 4513__34/2__ 34/25 Taſ5, 42 Eze'fiſſi; T7j'4 26\18 46 "a3/4 agis T4l7 Nreſz 38 j201aſrg 23j4 321;9 _25/7 42 3/8 - 42['9. 3[t---35 2r/b/rg 35120 agj8 goj7 _ 18/4 23/0 >»O55|l 32 ,. $22/C 19 35!14 4_@.?;0 419 388 9_24_ 5, r2 44\ 29] lzſifi 19 44 SOFN roſto 36ſ19 475 '14/24 46j7 26| 24| [19 47j74 5 >"'l 56jIT 34]T0 3215 Ȝ*ſſ Vp5gir 23! [=5| F|1g $5315 22 34/12 3z/r2 16's 4zjr9 3oſt 79 526 QLMBI_'_S 7.23 n]zff 31173 3715 512223221 16- ,27 a 20 &4115 13 ?2 48 14 29114 45j5 $3115 '37jr I3 :8!5 20 9 13. :: 18 /24 , 25]15 2.8[16 oxs R_46 29 I4|F 10 Cn j mn 2g|Cj20 25j15. 23/25 3[16 2617 145 5 [03Megle 7 }_2_!!1.20 ?0{15 27,75 40j17_24418 295 17j27 30 - 3 j3! 15 Mſſſi& 77 18 eRCRA C NEST WATN CT EITIE EICERSITE A ET TSSs Thc Lunar AſPCRs SA PT E WOW AT UCIR D IT IoET Augu(]r I 6 8 ©. ';"*'ct 7 q | j {The Planets b 12 ]'ct © ! Y | 2 |Matual A- P rm—r TAn ——{lpe&s. Orient [Ocient |Orient, BOuenc |Occid, ny _—_ 2 | R | z L X 27/0) 22 )< 13* B T. *'*——ſſ———-— X 2octd Kye t.)nemȜ C itÞ g | FTGOTEF &_ eP i} e4. *af wet 36 grg BN IC2 IN l (3K 14 S. © 91 _38 Echpſe of the® A 14!' p —— C — _ —— — — — — em d ,. | =hyTy : - 3 ' -—-—-'ſi N 3 ) APOIKOH* I?ctſ..ſict *' | A 28ÞX .. 16 2 1B 1 7 - X 6 QS\;(. adDlrcC} Þ J- A i3}* Þ9 6 AY $- : 62 X ©'s —_ ſſ EIIInennS | nnnnnSY —— ; oooao__ —=| 0 OET *—-"*- ,_-TT5 ' _ P-ſtat. ad Retfog. S : P T16j) H4 4 * 1 A ;zoo T. y 17Þ cunv 09 ? 8 AOY 18 — Rn T 373 I Perigzon; Septemberchath xxx days. \ AB3 4 Sun rxſes 38 min, paſt 5,.lets 25 tin, after6- The Day abour' 12 hours'and ihalf 'Ioſing _ Firſt Quarter $7/mIn?paſt to in theMornmg. : Nere ſhortned'z hours. ; U*'r"v . Sunriſcs $3.min, a&er s,fets 7 thin.paſt 6. jxiſh LZſſ T New Moon 25 min. paſi 7 .afternooth 3 Equal Day and Night x2hours, D 24fe} 20 d\ Laſk Quarter atizx/ar mghe. 21/.e.|St. atrhew Apoſtle; 22\'F (Sun. riles;1,9 mine paſt-6, fers 4t'tmin. paſt' s. 23g_.ſſſi_ rs 24/a | 5 7 27\d: Days about 'r'x houts Tong.' 28/:g4Full Moong6 thini after 3'in the Mormng | 29\F1St. Mwbctel Arch Angel mm 2N BY rontica' - SEFTEMBERS Obſervations, 1 68 Os Providentia anticipat. \ E> ar& now under theInflaence of the late .Y __Conjunction of Sarurnand Mars in Can- cer, and ,we have obſerved in {eyeral. years paſiy many evil Effeds;to follow.;ſuch Conjunctions ſometimes Matinies , Infurze&ions,:ſcornfuli-Re- proaches againft Magiſtracy, arifing chiefly from a dilatisfied repining {ort of people— Yeniexnt Male, Injurie, Rixe, Gontentiones inter Divites,” ſeu' No-. biles, atque. Magnates Regionums"(i. e) Many In-_ jurics, Evils, -Wranglings, Contentions between - rich Men or great Perfons of ſeyeral Nations, King- : doms or Countries—— "Now let the honeft Tra> yeller look- to. it; for he will find Highway-men, and Padders very bufie, efpecially in_and about the Northern Parts of our Ifland, whence much blood - may be ſpilt,, and-inany inhumane -Murthers:com- mitted upon divers innocent honeſt hearted-Perx- *? ſons. Much fraud aud diflimulation.now-too fre-: | quently pragtiled-— Many ftrange Difcalesraging, high and tempeſtuous Storms/at:Sea; with Intindas tions, or overflowings of the Sea-Banks now! br -+ near this time may prejudice, and very much damnifie many - ggod Families— Bur ſince this month1s attended with many fayourable and bencvolent Configurations, we hope therefore thac much of this Evilmay be mitigated, if nor'abated;/atleaſt ini{cyeral places for a time However, we'may.expet it to be a Month'of muchA&ion, and of yery high and weigh- ty/Conſulrarions 1n moſt Parts'of Exrope, May all theſe Evils bejremoved far from'us, and let it* be our endeavours-to a- mend our lives, and pray to God ro_diyert-his Judgments.,.. which-by the=Sipris"of Heaven {eem impending— Bur-pance intell;guat, anlth teprebendaunt— : E 3 Octa- Fa _,__ſi,____.__ct-—.ſſ_. October hath xxxi da S. The da:ly motion of thc Plancts and Q H 22 o'f ©L ]ctv.ſij)ctſi x}ſi THs [ 0 kake|. ſſf-ſſſ - m j DſſOMD MDSL Da T jolif 3116 39}[6 37, 'r6 22 39 16 15 22 47 16 '2 !Q\I'Qſiaſi**sfilfl H,} : o Ezz 43.15 TT B22 50115 t2j-0122 51 15 'l fn 52 15 194} $122 54515 i5)n|22 "55/r5 16 B122:-55.15 t7 C452 55\5 Jx8 daz 57 I5 *x sr;.a - sgſſs "'ai" 59415 23/H 22 59\t5 24}C,22R 591r4 *ct; ezz ſ{'z_ 72 Solrg 2 \ 58 4 5—-5353 3/4"4 v f 7( l\ 22 30 32 16R20[14 45 _18 $ 22 ſſ:7-24 - 17[0 Tgits 20 T7115 54 16 15 16 382! : r7 19 - 53/29 15 I1 - B118 "gf24 47 6 $j©87 43)25 " 51/7 2|1g 6|26 511$ 23 -59,19 $9127_.$1;9 5"20 5120'5629 5:!2 48\2r - 4421 5 2[1 40/22 3412 $115. 36/73 473 51[17 31[23 29 28 A2fS_51719- 22/24 4\{6 523 20 16 {n5 167 152 22 IT, 1, A3fS - '$2123 626 2009$2;24 i2:6 $1jra 53 53/25 55,27_23Þ17 $3/27: nzz $9144 49\27 szu $&j28 22uſi 31/29""27115.. 51 24/29. 58þ16; $513 Mzgl 7--5614 fr'o 20 52[0 ſl[sg ” 17 3523 52\4- ct*lȝs 5 . 26129 4620 629 2214 $ 22Þ29 837- 5918 x#$129-—12 g //38.x $53/29 » 181|15 - (T P 53j12. 59 28 5 8 +4*-40 roſ[YctgctSzg 384 23128, Z11;0 ſi5<Ȝ t9 45 17ſſ 4825 59 26*!9 522*8 Slzms "23 24”—50(23 47 28 53j26 305 :?4@:8 928 F1/E7 z4{18 23/29 - 52/29. 3129 zn 38,7 Mz2jnrWgyj2s 23 5 53 IT23 44-*8 23 236 299 50/28 - 38/8— 539 45/15 27]48 8[17—22/20 2528 $9\13V 53fa8 _59114 43j28 _2513 3_5419 38 4 36128--46/23-. TF 22: 59}44. $7]28 56 I4 5+/0: 033 16 72 14556 27 5N 2 5}17- _48129 13 17 23473 22\4]'_[272"' -35120 5829 26 $129 > —7 553 _- —— 2'2}} I9 15 121- 9ſſ | : } 44 40 - 24 3' 23 25% 2rt- 18 : FST:: |{ wol} O1bQ » TZ 55 ſi,\ſi;_! 49 591's 74 53t22 2314% ol: 23-—q6} - R iiobe eln iireee enr rerre nneeiiD AEOIEI o d R — Thc Lunar Aſpccts GEESD ſſT M Yil,& } © 28 -ſſMutual N —_ —— "'***ſpects ſiſſOrIcni Oriegt Orzent] : OCCld Oncnt 1\ , d D - 22 P " D Wiks 1 0U &d * &13 c ieſp Uſd lhy - be wpeO l R P ,: I Aapogzon=,. |i7; H R ITEST f | =1E.1-M ; A Yat f f: 8 {f; o| a— SHo—— enrt d [ en rerrey } orermr grnmmernegbey m ging a__>. T. 5 em iſ L2 >..." 1 ! rPP 23 i }* | 18\-, FE prme FN { 4 1863 11[;] 4\5 r —} c D entgsrrwhr —— f * iÞ »< ) Pen{,_zun B 2 Iq 9 m ——rerrrey D ch An ATR - % M WE G, mn eto T 1 ' - hrmiratirnancs A TA hig emn rhneret C em Rn eeereenn eeeneee—— ©>x 7 o&obeſſ'ſi errhath xxxitays.7 © S'ſiun ſſriſ;s 3.8 min'ſſpſiſi 6z ſets 22 tmin; paſi 5_ +4 "'-'Z LLZRRWW 48 min; paſt 6dfrernoonsy ; ſſ'Djſi,\z}ſiys Ig hours.and acthalfſſſſ long. ':-_ſi. T4Sun riſes 6 min, paſt 6, ſets 4 miinſſ;paſt 5 * {New Moor juft ar Xoon. ETESIAITLSESSS \-ct;ſiO\ ( > W |-49 -;| © $/Days'rohoursTong. - - 4- qzq { $17 F. ctL%KctctEVangeIiff. 1 12; £Days ſhorrned 6/hours3'Quarteps,) 45 ninfic 1: | 29: £1EirftQuarcerithe'2orti. Day;36:minipaſt 3 R un:FE518 tin,afer 7;ſers 42 4i-pattg, 0 D d 23 FulMoon half an hour paſt T aftertoon, P 1St. S1m07 and Fuge. ON OCTOBERS Obſtrvatiof4 51680. - Veritas odium parit- TH E. Acions of -this:Monthrequite® the wiſ! dom and endeavours of the moſi prydent! perſons, for it appears that Factious Spirits areRftilſ} bufie— and publick/Negatiations feemiat prefent] at a ſiand,: or at Jeaſi very dubious CounſclsAnd ): Conſultations-now -under-Debate;”""Soineare ad-! yanced, and others reje&ed,andloſe their Honagr4| Felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum 3 haſipþy? is he that will take timely watning,. &c.. Thewials! gar man _complains he-is impoverithcd, and\{oine of the richer {ort muſi be content. tofit down with! their Lofſcs, and other caſual Accidents, whichw4 bout. this time may happen. Duwubitandiam quod fiy nificabit dolores longinquos ſecuturos' & ex illo Mort zem. The Aflictions which are moſt feared about this time,. may be of Jong continuance, - and '6ecas fion the death of many— TheMerehants,ws much fear, ſuſtain great Loſſesat"Seaz:andrho/Heavens*ſeem*rg frown,upoen the:AGjonsof:the Durchdlſo==/either Divifi- ons or an Abatemenct of. Trade. (if.no worſe afliftions) ueent - now 1mpendihg-— Notable, Combuſtions, and- thoſe anex- ; pettcd to many, break forth in divers places,of Exropers o—pet Tribulatio cauſa Terrorum & ut multum detiffabults fnis Ker”M Great Calamicics befal _many poor people, either by.deyaſia- rion of their Native Country, or of thoſe Towns' or Flates they did formerly inhabit; and rhe end ſhould be nat%only deſtruive, bur deteſtable : Heayenspreventthe pro- bable miſchiefs may be produced this-Month,. for-norhig bie fraud and diffimularion is apparenrt or portended,” norwiths ftanding the moſt honeſt and fair prerences——\ for.now mas- ny perſons are diſcovered to be vyery .treacherons, and too ſubje& to berray the.truſt. thar.1s.umpoled-in them—— - D ROn November m re——nteti enermormnrrn ———— d 4.m anms November hath wxx days. The daily /Motion oſ ithe PYWCIS ind'F2. eR Rn 2 ve OITIIeron 7 Jrnnty e T a l mn - ' %DſioM DHAJIDMMD MD DTMD*DM'DM_A%; BzzRSSHR 4r 2919 7R $124 $]|8 9|2a7: 3 £/\2n_ 543 >7ſſr 5920 58]$ -: 23125 _42]£ 10ab[ 17 49 ,f{zz $3/13. 5.2 } 5819. 38 "38127 a$25 " u27.. 37 -ct_'__gjzz_ſſzctzff rz3 432 383/22 15g|to 53j28. 5012, N WS 27 3 *z: 5.jr3 33 28124 ofx2 }-$0 18'2320 24127 31 Þb|22z 49!1z 29]3- - 57.25 413 n_____sfz-—-ur 27: 7 52 43 t3. 21/4 26'26 11t4 383 29114 afe7 24. Bj2 4613 n3[4__$5.27 __ 2115 535__ 213[29 49}27 '9{2 22 44\3 —U5 24128 3 317 86 353 M45(27 5 po Efaneerd@ 52 5N 20 8 ap8 _ Jino" 49Þ7 R'o xt f/22 go1? 5616 1200 e 3lrg n89” 49's. »733117 12 22 38 12 4216 4?\ 6j20 $3Ir niu 39127 B ':ſſ; b,zz 36 T2 :3417 | ib2 7;22 22 $12 4426 29127 7 e4 Cl22 3412 2t7 443 $/23 2394 168 W3iſ27 2 lks D.22 3212 143 14 B824 abis 4820 291:6 Gof }zStzz 2912 12[3 385 9425 -253117_19-2 3353126 56þ ffiſſ;;ſſfzvzffl 2 - dlo. 8 -;6 11;27 — B18 5115 2a2126 52 f's $/22 24 h, Sy y47 An [23:20 22 28 28 _3/26. 49þ .z; A 2z 2jir &13 535'8 12529 3*3*2t szl)X 3ta6. 46 3_3 b|a24\x8\e 46 ro 25:9 40 V) Vy 58 52 23 24.24 24126 43 tzx Cl22; x5/ie 3ej19 st,xo Is|2 24 548 s-=6 *4: fi g F L L z@ P{225 F2 £93)92) frr 46i1r /4613 22/26 _24 2: 2bje6 [>7þ« *u'uſi— " a'c ſſJ—_ 4 - ay} 26 [37 -fl r >! g|ir 13 42;12 17/4. 3} 27 /547 & $1:6 34 F.* Grrſſ.ſſ_' © $j*2__ 7 713 x78j5 52jt9 22 22 roj26 39 ,{15 flzz 2[ro 53]02 37;14 4 Tolt < pjo V3r7 Thatſz6 270> 126 a/31_59]10: 44 12 6:5 2ſi$_____2 2 Iy#2 ..45126 24 3 2el6 2119 37 65 56 ett;! 3 .63157, 25 1:9 5945 . 1222 - qpſz6 -I$h+| + 8[8 2.!]'2 -—.7' 3779,1'6 '4 Ȝ?i*'() $54{$, 2 2*3 1.20 : $}1:6 n J 2T 55'10 4) C Eonnom ntinmd rhrngrtonn mn el :44 ! 09 00\,(3 : : t —Y - m +> 4> —j— 1 9 - 'V} Novembet 1 6 8 o. m — on—rrrhnn— em edn C Ern emn rre nr 'The'Lunar Apedts. \T{pets. Ot.c1d Occxd {» Pfflzf?_f}._ſi.ſi.lſi f' edn CT HABLL REBIS eRAn A TC" fA L C 5 ©> EOIJENJ = l N cmnmantde. J l k - jmm[wal A T Sctzm*: Sun r_\ſCS 38 m. pa{i ) ſcts " m'R* 49 44 A(ſſ[ qoſig[_f E 1aſl Quartſix at 6 m the Mommg \'\5 W Mau Gur PowJoy- Treſizſoſiz, w wſi?(f*s x.*&";-';;' * 26 Da; 8 hours and ahalf iong ſſſi_ct ſi' n nſes 52 6un.' paft 5,2[6t$'2 niih; afrer 4. it\New-Moon'2o Mig.' aftcr6 itr- rþc Mornxng &};jDays ſhormcd & hours; ! : Sx warte}2o wihafter 6 the Mornmg 1lts 7 mm. paſts ſets 53 mm paſt 3+ 2 $*g .Fufl Mooa 36 guin, paſt 1. uight. ( W I-4noM 5 e37 (T 27 M e: &:9 Adzlem Smdcty 2913 Tertulcnes. ifq BO e zt Aſizdrew Apoffl 42 NOVEMBERS Obſervations—1-6$0: h EfR qud{lam doleuds voluptas MPHE benevolent Trine-AſpeRt of the Sun andj '' 4 Satarn at the beginning hereof, might give] 45 good hopes of an approaching reconciliacion,; ox | a 1ight: underſtanding'of former Controverfics ands! Debates both at hotne and in ſome of our Netgh+! bour ?ouncriſies, now or near this time, did northes: Month produce alſo divers othes.Configurations off: the Plancts, and all of malevolcnt Influence—<-* We may julily fear therefore, That thoſe hoþes* will ſaddenly and moſt unhappily, befraftrated; or that rumours or intelligence may immediately fol-* low to the contrary, which we; ſhall find'tootruee Alfo clandeſtine whilperings,among(brhe/pentralis ,. ty of people, dangerous Informarionsand Accuſa. tions now break forth, ſome proceeding from-mere malice, others not without- foundation , whence much mifchief follows= ard firaoge Animoſuits' : fxcquently break out, even amongfi Friends ard* ®: Relations— Divers perſons now in great danger2*" and very difficult TrapſaQtions inagitation';'term<" peſtuous Winds, and bluſtering Srorms.do-alfo fullow/whence* © unwelcome Intelligence arrives of much damage at Sea, to,the! lols and detriment of ſeveral worthy Merchants \C . 'Many loſe their Offices or Employments, and the Oppoſis « £10n of the Su2 arid Zupiter menaces ſome Grave Magiſtratespr.. « Clergy-men amongſt us (whether Biſhops,, or by.any ather. Titles, diſtinguiſhed) with ſome very "unhappy Caſualry ors, .: Dilaſter, probably Death it ſelf— In fine, the Month-pro+-- : duces nothing- (or very little) of good, bit Contention \a-"" mongſt &randees, much Robbing upontherHightways;: atia” whole Swarms of lying fcandalous Parmphilers andzLibels'may afluredly beexpedted : Let the Authors, look to, itv4—— | + Deceraber' | Decembſſhzfflſſz}ctzſſ:;(ſſi_ctdaysct m «] q@fidw!m*n] —ſiſi—\o!ſſwvlo\-ſſ-*—'n-' , is=15 ps » ca**sj n_q\@_d;} = 18 Dj29\ 26|8 $ 1 7129 33/7 48 The daily Motion'of'thePlanecs'and C. ]5['ſi5g!ſſctſi-@'z> ef2718: TeÞs e- .- 7 21 RithioRfiesng5l:o 64 j2s_37119 |1[t5 1hſat_ # i2T 339 $3 t5z 40 ; 27 299 43\@ 21]23\—zojT3 1 13_75 15:::2:,, 21 a5g g31'6 24|24 19 36/14 3\13 47]25 55 20 7'!9 *oſ*5 45 : 2L \I6g "22)i'7 6fz6; ȝ4ſi22 5 [16 46 17 ,,36 75 49 ' 22: T23g'> an5[17_ 27127 33,23 201!7__ 47/29. -28125-- 46 = 27: © £[17 47]28 25/24 35 84 4I|iTFl2gle5 43 t 39 __$j'..7]29 34ſ25 50['9_50{22 -22j25 -3 20 583 5.\19 27Þo Wzg/29 4/29 Tols Wag2s 36 22 1 5081 14915 47jr_40ſ2B rgſ20 44/T7 - 41[25_ Miil 20 49 4ejrg 5[z 42/29 34/27 939 "oſ?s 36 [20_45]8_ 319 2413 43 a0gh[20_25\ra027[25- 27 20 403 2t l9 42{4 44\2 ſſſi-ct:zt 23125 - ,-61]25 28 20 353 19119 59ſs 4513 172:R2 7}{5425 20 — a120' 3313 \,[ſioctſſctrs6ctſiſſſſ47i4 32j2T 40 58/25 17 5 TZCzo 2118 0120 43]3 49/77 _aſg 5717 S5125 "4}. $ 'Þ\20 © 1617% $u/2t " 519 58 __T5]8. 5915525 - uf- ,, '©20 1:17 4Y[ET *ſo 529 3zejt7 55116 95 4} .:2.1 fzo 4'-1}"1 r_ $3/19. 44}16 44 tI[1125... 1. ȜſSc2l 4-,-!2 $5/1X 59j'5. 25j15 $59[24 S8Þ- Ajng * 5217 32 3j1g_56113_13]114 $|r $ 1124 55 "-ſſ—ſi_ſ9, 22/7 123 23/2t $/21 5$32'6 109.28 2/24. 32 eSC -,.-W _ _ 27122 i16ir4 57 57|14. - 28}12 g4zj116 afz4 52 _'ZYZZ___%Z7 23/22 29115 15 59/15--42|{r__ 239 48/24 _ag}*| 19 4207 1822 4rjt9 - _l_9ſſ_ 3217 13:22 » $2118 _ 1j18...11($ 58125'"4124 42 923 2irg 2:119 251/7 55|r2/ſP;olzs 39 x9 __237"> 0 $/23> I2129 _4.20. 39\7 4/25-. 28[24... 36]\©| Thie Planets| Matual A- ſpc cts. ' O TWe 7 & Stat. ad Dzrc{\ —_ _ @— - Perjpezun::: e- O22 08 j f {Sun riſcs 16 min.. pait 8,.ſers 44 min. afrer 4; ® X Lafl Q_\arrcr a Quarter paſt 9 Ar Night. 41 M t Radam s C 'z'eeſi*azzd Advent, 16g6/7% 12tho ” 810 ) 9 Da $ ſhortned 9 hours 3\Quatters, " 5 ag ?nſes 15 mm: paſt 8, ſers-q'7 minopaſt 'g/5 VE1! 14}.þ New;Moon 3;Quarters paſt-x. Morn Shorte{k D.Lſſey.ſſ F 12 Ci!hird Advent. _. ſſ 13]d.|. | e 4 ſſ Flrſf (*@aſſrcer near 3.Quarters paſt 6 akernoons. C Pou:ſh Adveiit.” 20]'b $tn riſes 19 mmin, paſt 8, fets 43 mm p;ſt 3 : 2t|6 |St. Tlzomct/: Apoſtle 22 f 23'g\ 24\ a New Moon ot!Chri/tms-Diy 46 m. palt 7.in-the mar. 25\'y }Natzwzy of ( m*Z/Z, or Vulgaſ]y Chmſtmas day [25]@ \St. Steven. [29\ diSt. Fohn Evangehſt Days 1engrhened 4 quarter of ! lmtocectnw | (an ho"ſ L : { D ECEMB E RS Oþ]ermfioi(;. I690% Vita nihil chariuw. WE arenow arrived to theycixs end,and not- withſtanding ſo many ffiangeTranſactions which have throughout the famie been agitated, and., {ubtilly managed by-perfons-of yarious Judgments,' - and Refolations, both in Englandand' other Kiog- doms and Countries of Ewrope, yet we have great hopes we continue Gill in Peace and Tranquillity (at leaſt at home or. amongft our felves)-which:we pray God continue— ,This Month is attended' withvariety of /Contigurations'of. the” ſiperiduts' Bodics, whoſe Influences and Operstions may ve- ry well merit'our Obfervations-— , Let us now*eX- pe@ to reccive grateful Intelligence from ſeveral. parts of Exrope.' Many Grave and' Learned\ Per- ſons, by their great endeavours'and prudent. mz- nagement of Atairs, have now fetled and compo» {ed fome"material” Differences', which we, hope may not ſpeedily break forthagain—, but we can- not ſay but that” there dothy, yet remain vatrious : . - £ grudges and heart-burningsamongft grear Perſons, and fuch who will (tjll continue male-content 4. Wwhichwe do not exped ſhould ih any. ſhort tune-be remoyed, and'therefore we are fiill poſſeſſed; with. fears-, and jealouſics, ſorjertimes'withour juſt cauſe— And 1t4s apparent, thas fra- ward and perverſe Spirirs delight not only tg -give, them- {elves-rrouble, bur:their Superiours t9g0———= R The -go0od Angel of God dire& all his MajeſtiesſiAffaifs, and preſerve his Sacred 'Perſorr from the malice of his great- eſt Enemies, this year and ever—. Faxit Diiis.” An: F Iaþl_c o-f Houſes torthe laumdi- @f X ed "'—ſimſſ from--|dom,X.do,Xi; to, XIL Afcend[Io - IThRGITT. ct gnoon TA1 8 | g |S{ Qogume E $[2-12:829 E2 9 ETE; þ 0 -Sh &0/ . DIS. Babs B MA 5! | pct_-Oſſ 0 17 35 32 28 29/26" 42 42 \TRL 26} 23 42 13 59j29 a9/22.:251j6 355 14 | " 2oþ0% c114 g9/0-Sx0/29 2 [17 1515 5g, | ; Z- oph; ©3 © -:Z B o 123 "4zlt7 56_}6 B l 34 461..4 17 7 129 27 309 Bj | l 28 261.5 118 25/3: _39/2_$Þ 119 21618 u9] | 45 22: 0:þ-.5 -4j19 343 40[29 5619 5 > 22: 0 9 3 \ i; 23; gofc:7 129 334 x_ _.20|29 359 52 ? | +8,:j2x " 4515 2 50 [ar 17:10 309/ | [n0 2 20]- » 45 ; 4 14s 33 0: |::9 :2123 $115 : 039|21 S2Qur 26\ | | ijÞ 36 10../23 $816 423 -: 19]23 37;33 23| | 'fs Zo :: It-125753:|2 :59]23_17\12 59 i P" 7 -212.-126 5.18 38/23 57115 46] | _ 47 49: 13 127_ ; 17:4 ſſ39%14 34j g ) 51 28| .74, |28 52 19415 24} | e55 32h..25::|25_20jt_396 1 3625_0 j36_glf | 11 58 52.. .76;. 16 ]122\1 217 15129 "40(16 56 2 jE 12 36] 3IZ7::)0 $51*2__23117 43 | '[r—--6 " 20)., 18;, iſſz 35 23 2 118 31 | 219: 4: e79 13. 9 a134/29 43j19 9 | FEnTS, aBk 29 1 5 5 16 0 7 Ihb - 1; Zz 22T ?s | 3419, Ms, j20 95 ; 1 aaT; I&kg 22 }',6 - 14 ct 43% j \I& 123 Ocþ223 « 17 3c 42 SHT _ 122 31 | $. 8) 224 «\ 26112. ,. 32.2. 423 19i q 'his - :Q,ſſ ZGE; -ſi; -, ;{9ct 2118 13 Ii[13...12|2 51324 s k its 36 2 ( 26 .\io 32 18 58173; -5213, 33/24 S(* | 4 its $549 u'ſſ- 27 »2 32*19 40.<'14- - 32 % | f R Ino -28 > 72 zol20 261151., 2414” 52/26 3;4'% | 1 - 429 0 ſixz _28j23 29115.25115. 38/27 23 f——;—:—-—- "K ©« 'FI. dcgr '. 34. Min. - Sol i0 Aries, © ') , :52\ #s1(B,, - 21.6 20\28 ,lQZT% / 24 40 K4 1 % A Table df Houſhs ſſi)r the laucudc Gf $I, degr- 34 Cn . $ol it Taurm. " dI 5 —c Ww & 23 o 26 34 T0 ©{2z 56 25 12 ll 24 7210&2\ 25 48'5 75 13 -126 42'1 g 3852 15 26" |16 219 52 33/3-__0.126"_42117 slro 45 16 29 273 33.45 4527 24/17 49/1T 34 ** x7 *þo” 52334 36 jis 32 46 18 - 1428 (47189 27173 13 17 " 19... bſi 203 PEIET | »2 23 47 18 2 46 24 3319. zo $ 29 25 I9}20 " - ©©xA|26 4jat ,* Io 34112 a815 ©©55/26 5v2r 53 *29 *fi7_18 ix_18113 3216 © 39@7 37j22 50 nz. 30 hz 14/14_ 16 25 23 28 nl » wd/ [Iae/ ſ { 539 53 23 42 2 A TablesbHouicstorffSc iaiiltidt 6 Ficdegr.. 35.miny Svtfin” Gemim. _ *Time from, |domy omR.1d0.; Xl. 4o6.XIT Afccnd do'Lk: [do lll -: % Nooft« ! H 3 1 n Gradus 6 MG wiec 16 _{ſſi# M $ _79 43{@_32 io 28/ K- 3oi27 12 58: g*frr S. |2 16f28 85 18 56/j1X 47: 3 %29 7T 19 &AT 12 3[.3 1 49ct29 54 20 27 I3 164 14ſſ" T'[14 ©466 (22" 47|X5 *31/6:; 23 33/16 ©167 24' 2T117 ©I ſi8 £.33 [25 ” g* Ig 4690 2 T 25 46,25. 57j38_*32/1% 97 426 42/I9 ©1710 563 27__34/27 - 30 3020 4 |XT, 458 28 / 28'\ 20 49412 42]9 22129 6 dzr $S_ |I3.c 20/T: 26 Jo'ALI629 - 5422 "20/T4, 8 | 0%4123 & [14.. 56 ZJM 5a/ 20 "56/25 g._ 849 emn - 28/23 (T Is 44ſſ C A C LE P ACDIOIEE B Dn R AE eCS 2 59/2 5313 + 483 474 -—3215 16124 371 25 123 l7 5: 26 &f 18 7/26 "55/18 - 56\a7 2 28 27 41419 44\27 55 16}28 27,29© 32[18 49 | 29 T3Z 25 20j19 44 (22 9 j20 36 19' 8 52. 90 A EA 2 AAL IB Mn 2 2 AT SASE: ” l A RA d M AB EB = ARIIE h A TableofHoutes-forttic latizude af, _.$186 deſſgr.zct} {min: Seluin Cmn. —_ K Tind ©09 emde:xl;}do-x1I|Afcend(do. IL1do-HI,f "Noon.] S \ %. | [1oY ( ______ſſs K 2M! S$Grad.46; MS; MS ,MG. MG M z 6 *@ £5, 04 ; =0-122-9 |20 36 62 »4 - - 88 16, 4$7/22_ 5$712T 34 6 B9z 2 - ' 33 [23_ 46]22- 29 6 19 $ :{22. 5.j10. 182 1924 33/23 24 6: 7 12 o322; 59 "ſi?ſſ'_,ſiſi $/25 21124 18 6 21 5 5 23413, 52}T ,. 539 5\26 8,125 14 6: 26 - s .ſi' ,—37-26 57126 7 67 30 i7 - 23:27 44/27 I 6\/'0 34 -B 9.128"321207 35 16: 39 9 : » 55.29 20/28 49 43 70 40'9 M7/29-44 47©©_52þ 38 2þBe H P 60 52 29 (1 $2 12 129 13[07 289 12'1 43/1—a3f || $6: -__1_5___ { ___222 39[2 27} : © 14 22 © 19 4 :[0 433 183 :_ 5\, jaks & 122 22 54/19 SI\IT 28/4 4. 5 (4 ;5 ſi 9 - '=F0 @ {23 49 20 40:12 14 4 525 : 9: 48 1 37 1245 43/25. 29)52 99 i 405 4_ 1 18 18 ſſas 36 22 _15113; 45\6 6 26/16 —58] : | 22 2 26]:.39 1260 39/23. 22 14. 39[7.13/7_99} 1 =p6 3 20 1[27 24| [23 "$0/15 148 o |8- a7hi} 30 \ 22 £/28 18\24 - 35 15 5913 45'9 41: 35 22 £29- 12/25 25 2516 249.. 33.19 35 72 $9 (i.:23 20 M 6/26, 11.17 29{10 zo{u 29]:| 43 07 36 124 78 126 69 18—I4/15-—512—25 47 *48\25. 1: $2/27., 45 18 58/*1. 52013 17 $ 26 06 2 2028; 30 19: 92(12 12--38|14—77 56 i 7 _©$.2- 38/29.. 38 40 35 16 "24/15 5 6:/:72610 28 74 319 20 5 20 To01r4 -I1tg 59 4 ©29. 4$. ) 26/2 52 21 54414 . 57116 54 $«! 0 26[13 4g/15 6 $7,24. 57|1h 2616 29 7. 26 44 ?ſſS___._Ȝ_9 15__3_?;_17 3O 44 =—5$26..20{ 15 54;- 14: 9 f_m IS 97 02 ſſ16 399 37|78 26> : 20 P.2 27 44117 24.209 44/T2 49* g&b - j#I) . 50 28 25 13-8 {'21 501I4; ]Ol 25 ſſ;zct 3629 $118 54/22-59[15; 32 2a28, (4333 29 c09[19.- 39/24.. 6 16 54 12 . 14 109..2083/29 ct&ſſzs 17|18 27} —Y 14 67 X 16 2I,. 1:4126 28 I9; 45} Qſſfi [25.\ 44 L. .57122 1 ,!27 41j2I- 9 2287. 16 83 ,. 45/23 49/28 257/22; 35| 2J© 37 389 3 26125. 379 $911124,.0 Z 29 ch 74.8 24 26__-\ 27425: 263 23 5 4..501257 159 1 44/26 50 '(84 Fq 46/106 Cm m mn em m eD D D __ ios Table'of Houtestotthedatitude bf | C rrrre emn | .iS6/-11 Scorpm. EES | Tlmc from'] [dom.X \do: XT &o XIIAſce 1 &- II.dBfffſ'.T ©Ngon, m_j l &) ,_z P: ; 1 *M S$(Grad;7jG. gMiG [MG M : ln 15 26,'0 AZ 133 —84|UT IZ *59'* 26 4 "3 .43 14 *6 56': 4 14 10 &48 35 14 18 36 7 !4 22: 28—3— x4 26# 26;'9 — D —o—n—orn——— e—reremnna—————— I oPreits 3 3518 o xj 6 116""2319 21: I 56.17 14jto 6 z 46 (1" "31jix_"g 129 *1515 ;-—_3-618 52172 141 X6 22 56 4 | 27/19_4r[13_21[2 | 57 5 xg!2o 23114 29/4 53)25 49 6'| 10/2T " 24115._37 3716 927 4{ x 125 "x4h16 46 - 471295 291 ſit,'ſſg-zg 7 117; 589: 42054 .' I'jl d .2!5 2-.1_,' 24 1r50t g03 © 321 40250 fi5; ® g4*|'40 T265. $75.22 38 48 27 25 © 43 28 15/-4 T4X21\4 | 9 CS e2] atts 73 6 16 [x2+- 53/6 922. & [14::26]29 Is &© +#7\” $2þ 17 j14© 17 45?23 O\{15-:14]1210036 22 72t", 48 ig 45: 449 30 30?3 Sol165-2 |br_ 2z 27 5: 44 39 27 17jif. 9 ſi24 5$[16 (6> 49]21_ 23 29-1 4011.20 18 42112 4725 95j7 +_J3-- 36 2x_J2c- 8 14 21\26 51 t g7 ©- 3azji' 22 J21% g4j;15 57]27 47 ail< 24 23 123 11 {i7 N ID ctct*;s 2a]; 24 4J24 - gojls ſſ29 329 42 6 19 49 124/\25 25 57 ?2_3:_3,? S2gſ232426]7|.y 6' $37: 44 26 27 2442T 473 22422-:24\7>» 54 56 574:427 28 23 -51/23 122” 'T4 2.2____5_68 42 o 44 28 7'}'*1724 '.36:5 5-123 »40/9+>-30| 2 41 30 \29 J£ 1 44/26%o 3: $6j24 -25|10 18 8:'.22411/30 #£ -9 j29 17 4" 45 25 8 |t 6 2 SARA MC D LAID Aotableof Houlſes:torthe lacitude of _iFt% degr/347 mitd. Sol.cto Poſces. _{" Fime from dom-X, ſido.)xl |do:XIÞ Aſcendjdos H douTil. fYY 5 1 7 Noong ! £ 5 I% Q t zH M ſſiGrad. 'G', M[& - M'G.baMG. MG M. ! | Ee N ?22 8 24 0 ;3 g9/27 I'g %5|25 81 6 { [AT £225% IK 2 -$4$$ 353 ® 34 5 5125 ,. 52}UI 54 v--: 62 o fjrs 36 G/29. 52'6 23 26 35 35j12 40 2 \xg1 48: g 9 260 1 67 #2127 1593 28 2us a3<1 265rs W'e "galh 20 5 o|23 24 25 Z 27 __ct___,ct 5 lm I513 3?8 ctſig 28 44.15 3—;* [a2s 37 © 120126 ojIT: 45\45 439 $529. 28t5 50 220 -85\520 Þ 7 cþ131 _ #15:7 57430 @2210+$\r1j36 36 262” £$380+ 435/ 6 g341 2997 #213x %7j@2 53Þ07 23 22 &$255 285|;9 I5, $0/8-.. 10 xx_$2/Þ+ 25 13 ..T0 22).” &67 1a0 0 {17% i2hges 16:32 37| 2: 1748 57, 226 49 01 56" D 13 34)i0 24"13 "23/2- 5919 44 22%. %3 © 40" \D2 919+ 586/1I- 2771,4 93 qoj20 g1 A2L. $707 241/23 22 0I6/I25 ZI'x4 754/40 2x/21 18 23+% T 8 x ]4_ 25 36'-13 93 ls 35 5 ? 22 4 I 27 4® 56 48\\25 423 55\I4© 34 86 ?17/5%7 441/22__ 50 213 & 35 16 -425+ I5/\15,> 2507 441]6 26423 © 37 23Q2r#|p17204 27 $26,4.37/46:1 3 «7 72 - 7124_23 2F® 15 | 556-118 j27 52/87.4 339 $261724. 48 25 9 2XL 16 [e29622|29_ f2p.& H4 3RIp $5196b" 29þ99 © IS 23 2F|"a64 20 |2.V2 6'*9 219 52|g0þ Iojas 4 231T 2Fj=D j8:/2þ ÞE -*:0 20 & 2620 83/9.5% 521R7 29 ; ;Ȝ %o 42 22 ]2 Ss 2 L '.3.2'2)' !'*',IU 72' 8 15 [[23'>_34 |7720 23 [%/2510/22 1 16333 g6/aws 12]26 26 230Þ 35 [530 34 5 725 (23o2 182h go\ir sz'ſſ 4 23 © 41 194g0* 25 5 6 95 24 5 423 - 4$|12:+ 93/0 NL3 23} 45 205526 7 - 1/24 ©595 83 S91 13'þ 13h-* 2 238 49%jy 223 95 214 R51254 24 29| 13 2 54f2 1230% 52" 40 £28 (10571626+ 1,26 25 '*:]m ſſſſ*ſi-'iz 5 ſilzg ( 56" 'p0 $52He_;1x" £28) 29 1427 26 2 i5)5 1413 44 '124© © © 1 36 :_2 37| d_ctſſ.ſi'ctſſ .;r-ſi. 5ſi,3 26; $ ©ther M. 0 jomertry,. ath hematica; Na!l 2 ( tl_o,n, 3 (ft Aſtranamy VG CT CANGLICHS &H $ $$, MeNuringg a0g the Art 3 ruments.s. alt C of, }i ' $;allo Dyalt -v!ſiſſ:fin al a 4 ;\theuleof i :liO 8,5 i ( PZ_LS]F metry, eGigh Wrveyt v'$ &S ag,Gage-. b 79 ; ri ae ed elan eiormrnmemmrrfme mn ſi'maw -Dlee. Fie7 -Gjob 1357 Pjor ©; 86 K7 A "al Z IUZQL (tol_ 5_}01 &Jot Pjs&.Rivz - \( Clot @ker £jor. Alot - Y4Ez ÞIGT 'ſſ:ſi "]&lot” 4 [o7” Clor -&lot Pj2— 7 j61 (I(Sloi &joz= v]ox_2Pjot Yj& " &z &Þt- m9 .P\.P .Pl ©lPlbot: Rior .4 l3 ®Cjot HhreZ K16 Alzrz $19 UA1: Q lac” szct &loz.; &11 @loi P 4 lex A B1&— 5*& Zibe: _d*ffl 2 tinbald wiss Gardth l(l ._ct..-—._..__..-_.—_..._ RTS$ and Fciewter Profelſe his Houfe 5n Baldſſwi:ſin-ſſcþu 4. 1814ot: 4 loz>C1ox-Aibt Plgr -4 12z A15r- &19 _S1C_F1E_CR-. ctctzctct}eeſſzzozſio Þ ſſozſſſie"qrgz Bz &\v1819% A1 Otsx m -viz/Utith . AD;\EÞT[ST;SM- 0 { j f 1 ! " l 9 z J 1 EN :he Pla 1ers n—_— 'SNUIH x *$1309].0. , - gJo 329 3 2393+.-10 - $W221, 30 2 ed xaltation TnſipTI: city:. © 13 Plan, r:overagaint the 07 bute metick;” Geo WA d and Taupht by. Heny 7 CS | "*CW0j029-01 Su;pzonIs $LERyY 1.{ P 'jo npxu\;q—mnu_gg :q: ;o- 'W.l v C ” Tſſ Y \ \ \ 5!(} at inehe rh- *O\Qfflouſel of ]'i [04-- Pſioz #lor qog ſiplgz 7\151 zlg, ſiſiy qx- @{ @1 I\g - zzs;ſſ Us. _,}_ q_*oi (loz 5'01 -ſſbloi q'Lz z\oz 5:21 j(lg 'Pl'P ,P-Sl n\N (5} wſicte gl&: Bjor Alt-pr_ahe Hz R Wa &/1E. cff [Signes, ,(.{ Tpry taferrear t-c He true'E! i ?*Iſif Pffipf'zetafic and its pcrfc& uf?: Nn :jmfi ( Diſcaſes,” viz, erpmgof the Guts,.ſinall Poxi; purtid Fþavers, Windand Vapours, @xr.15 compoſed_znd ſoldar the ſipn of the /7 Hetmant 1n Hrydbr- yam' in the Minqries apainſ} szdan Houſe 3 alſo at M*Robeit.|Hittn's ſhop-at the Souch .eiſiſſ nsancqſiof the Royal Exchanges, at”Mr: RabmHarfmd_c at gſi@ . AngeEin CofthiHS\ati M Hancochs at the:three Bibles in Papes-heaa' alley 5 ar-M* Br ewſiers at rhe-CraneinS*Panls Chutchs )mdf at M*/Playfords flſſatloner ih the Templesar M Lougds ſtationer agamſt Exiten Hoyſe in the Strand 4 at»-ME- Gauelrag the Faylcon in Petminſteroballts, atMi Cooksat thesTabarg Kqw aqd Surar the corner Shop /1n; Lincolns- Tnn;fields near Thrgs flile-alley » Holbijz,.. Alk perſons"are_By Paul! Rycaut Eſq; late Confv] at STVELSS " I Foho Being a$uppletnetit to: Know! 7 hilh Hiftarys 2 HE Preſeyt Stateofthe Greek and Armenian Chrches Anno Chfifti 1678.. Written at, the. Command.of His Ma)fiſiy By Paul Rycaut- Elq;late-Conſular SmVT44; an@ Fe]low of the Royal Socicty=*| Ity 0twe;- * ' -Both Printed-for ffobn Starkey at the MEtre"W Flfet;?rm, near Temple-Bary' \/ " Lovis Medicine, Of Dr. Lovs's ſhorc Method of Phyfick, d: ſheving the moſt, excellent, and approved;EnglitÞhRe- meqies-n, the-World;:formoſt- Diſcaſss,«performed\-borh with ſpeed/and faferyy' hkewile the tyuch Experiencet ##- dfeanr that yeally Diffolves the Srone, a; Eure performed. by nþ;--man before. * Sold by Binjamin Bilingſly t he Royas Exchange, Londgge þ d a; taſermtt.cy _ F2I UCKWORTHS LOZENGES, Famous in- all Dff- eaſes' incident to the Lungs : 'Alſo a great Preſtruatzue aganſt all contagious Diſtempers, are now more” fairhfully ane cxaRly prepared than'! ſince the Authors Deceale, by James Shipton. Apothecary at- the-Crown in Hatton-Gardes ; who 071y is allowved, and recommended by the Colledge" of Phyſicians,, £0ndory (for publick uſe and Benefit) to pre- pare the ſame.-,, ' ; Ince the Deceaſe of' Dr.'Lockiz?, his Famons Univerſal Pill,, which hath beea fo ſucceſsful in the Cure: of Fea- vers, Agues, Surfeits, Stone, of atly outward pains'9r wedk- nefs, or _inward Diſtemper, is only prepared,; accordingto his appottirment, by his Truſtees, Fobn watts, his Nepheie, 1n St. Toomas's Soutlwirky and Tho« Fyges Apothecary, with- out P:/hopſgate,.London, and noneorher. T Hole highly approved, and only true Spirits of Scurvy- Gralſs, both Plain and Golden, famous for their adrui- rable. Cures 1n the Scuryey, Dropfie, .atid (&veral other gene- ral Diſtempers, are exadly and farhfully prepar'd; and ſold by the firſt Author, Robert Bateman,at his Houle tn Pauls Chiin, near” Do#tors Commons, 'London; with printed Direions / fbr their uſe. , The Bottles ate all ſeald with- his Coat of Arths, The Half Moon" and Ermins, to prevent Counterfeits:\Price one Shilling-each Battle. : Hoſe. famous Diuretick and Diaphoretick Pills, working by Urineand Sweatzcommonly called Mathews his Pills, very effeual'in the Cires'of allAgues,Feavers; Stone,Drof iy, all;pains inthe limbs;Gonts, {%7,are now'prepared according tothe method'©f the firſt Author,the moſtexperiencedPhilaſo- Ehcr, Dr. Stay#/y,and'are tobe hadiarDr, Alens, at the firſt oule on the' riphthand within Gamyard intomnfadrtth,London. Uprures'or Broken Bellies! » No Care mo Money, un- til two. Months after you be.well; But for Trufies you may havethem of all ſorts cafie. None ſuch made in #yg- Zand as theſe be. ' Found by Experience in 'other Countries, aswell as 1n England., By Jobn- Reve at the Naked Boy; on-the Ditch fide by Fleet-Bridge from/9'to.12. The Afternoon ax the R-1] in-St. 7oanſes Court in - Clarkenwe! Pariſh His Ad.. vice for nothing. FINIS, PT B M s - ”