T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* —_ — PEÞSH$ -A'N Affftera New, Faſhion, , WHEREIN The Reader,may.fec *( many remarkable” things worthy of 1his : choiceft” Qbſervation, Yiz.. The Julian,or Engliſh 3 and the Rovune- heads, Fanaticks, or Maggor-headed people: with. rbeir ſeyeral Saints-ga73 ; and Qbſeryz- tions vpon. every; Month, D Wrinten'by 7 K aight of the Burat- Iſland, a well-wiſhir to'theMathematiers, ( Readery: weido not in bur Book impayrt Hard cratiping wards' of &ſa=trologichart 3., 7 Nor have-we ſonght, for' yet,nor ever, willy, Thehelp ofiLapland Witcher for our.sksllo, \\Zet' here you"l frnd Cif that you will but 18ad ) Muny good Obſervationsz therefore heed. it, Printed for the Comþarſiyſi (ſiſ PROIDY ISP4 00000600$00:0000:0940:000909 $66003444560004004400049505600005000 564 $0+090000000:200000040$200049400004000000004 < P 4 $$$$905060$$69950$69$$56555s 50 if - _ m — ppe————_——__Oey R SEELS E—— ——mm—mmm y D R Dn R emn ee——, : D S : — D | ſſ,\yl}ſſ 4 ']* ſſ" 'l 1P0007 HNN -.;. The common Vulgar Notes for this fame year . vwi\thin this TABLE plainly doth zppcar.ct P s or | \ . Exgliſh or Forrein W 5 9 9 J D.C G.F 3 |-Roman Indi&ion 3 [Yan 21 | --Nuwher of -Dire&ion | 24 ""February $| SePptuagefima 18 Febroary. ' ., Fehruary 25 | Aſh-wedneſday _ _ ' 6 March, . .> February 29 | , Quadrageſima ! to Marchs Apri! 11 [ 21 April. May. - .16{ £og+'on Sunday | 16 Maye May: 20| Ho!y-Thurſday i 30 Mays May 96 7 *:*' [9: June- Juone 6 [16 June- " November 28' Advent Sunday {1'December. » Marriage comes in on'the 13 of :January, anud by Sepruagefima Sunday it #'out again,” ntil the O- Haves of Eaſter,or day after Low-Sunday 3 at which time it comes in again, -and goes 0 more ont till Rogation-Sunday : for Rogamen vetitat. From wheace it # forbidden again until Trinity-Sunday 3 when it goes out, and comes not'in again until $t, Hilary or tbe 13 of January #ext after. Marriage doth Man and Woman fo unite, That they are both but one Hermaphrodite. Itis 9 ſered Kaot tyed with the Tongue wiaich can- #ot be unlooſed with the Teeth, ,. b ; e K2: ; » & JSorn Bdgahro ſſ,i Rſſel ned \Since they , Buried Q_ Namcs anno Rc:gn Y.cI #D?; Rcfigned WYY ar lelr Cm.j ioiz 1066 O:} 14209 Il 02[593) Scpt 91 u61, Norns» {Willie.Rof.[1057j1087, Sepr.g 12 IT .191579! Aug, 1 /Vmclufln- [Hn.-; 1{r068/1100 Aug.2.35, 4 Iif545) Dec. 2: Readiig |Stepen liogiiiz3s Dec. 1,18; 11 1]/526, Oco,z 5\Feverihars i Th: Saxon Line rcſiored f!!m-ſſ-_p; 2'r132,1154 Oht.25'35 & {491 ju!y 6 Fountever. [Richard 1 11551189 July 59 9 + 01434April 6 Fewnevey. ohn 11165 1199 Apro6'17 16" 0/464 O&, 19 Worcefter I $ 6 $ Henry 3,1207]1226 O&,v9:5'6 ojo,os Nov, 16 Weftwinfter |Edgard 1 1239 ſiſiEdwar*' 2 1283 1307. July 7 'Edwa/4, 3[1312/1326 Jan-25/5T 5 71303 June 21 Weſtminftes K:hqd. 2 1366,x377 Jan,21j22 3 14_ 281 Sept, 29 Weſftrainfer ſſ The Line of Zancaſter, I272. Nov 16: 34 IQ_,' » 61373 ;July 7 Weftminfter \ $[353 Jane 2 5 Glocefter \Henry 4/1367|1399 Sep,2y113._ 6 -: /3]267 Mar, 20| (anterbury {Henry, 55 1384ſix4xzMar.zo 9: s 24 258 Aug,31|Weftramfcr l'Þ!mvy 6 14:1 1422Aug-31 3v 6 16'220 Mar, 4|Wwndſor Tie Line of York. 1442|1460 Mar, 423 1: $1197 Apr, 9/Wincheffter 5[1471|1483 Apr,9 o 2 18*197 June 22|Not knewn 3114483{\1483 June23'3 2 5$\195 Aug, 22|Leiceftey The Fmilies united. '171 Aprg2T 1 Weſtrainfter - Bd-nrl 4 { Eduard 5 |Richard '}-H.m] 7 1455 1485 Aupe22/23 10 16 Henry, $:1491 509 Aprozifz7%: 10: 2 134 Jan. 28 Wmdfir Ed-mr_ct{ C1537 1546 Jan, 28j6 - 5 . 19/127.. July 6 Weflmnffin &Mui-) 15!8 Is59 July 6ls5 4 22/122 Nov, 17 | Weftminftcs &ſli(_ |Is3 34 $8:Nov., 179144 4 16!078 Mar. 24 | Weflminfter The Unjon of ;therwo Kingdoms. Jawer I566[1602 Ma,2422 o© 3|055S "Mar, 27 Weflmmfin \Cheries 1|1600|162 5 Marz7ſ2'y 11 2'032 Jan; 30|VVindſor \Cheric1., 2116 30/1648$;Jan.30'Y YVhom God grant long to Reign,. Twint Kings. axd tbe Aimighty 55 this odds; HE is the Heavenly King, They Earthly gods : What reve/0:ct then muſt needs expeted be _ To thoſe that coze ſo near the Deity ? - Rebels, leawe of your Sain'-like foul pretences, ,. © Or may the Gallows.pay ye Your off ences. ed hate A 2 A) HTT 1 i Inh l LN ( P Kl 4 A Brief . : 21 D Bn D R v 50: 00 0-0-0 6.0 \s l enatin—gpeeno—nronn— .Wflzz lezozſſxpoooooooooo bey awoauGguſ e3 02.,.+0 = o. 102 20 n 0?0\237 »00 of0© m " a An O0D000:00M m 4 ® el " YA.. i M. R ffl. WFZ7m z4690246m/:u4ctw8@m4.4woooſſſſ mw . £-3 a..ooo12346789.."1.011-,,23,34456 &N 1 E_——— 0 D h) j p o%Saoa _ -No=S: W C X JÞI_WHI = 10-\33021130..0000000000 .M Mmb Mſ M.Þ..Z-)oo197664310!90M7tws.1m-3n1m M pM .I-lM _,Msooo0!2345678[00\1223344 m fflim 4 EE TEDLSEE—EarSaacgs e-n EIIS =. &0 e” DETITS.BILES EGoDdE 56 & mrm .wx mPl Dn A oOthVaAav} ,. g SV e22 egto *< DAAT " biþ - min 0 O0 GG Huweodgd 8 S N | 8 X $o0-00/0 &4 OTW 8 d .lvuu D'Y P 8 .Fal 'M S> D R A .a.- w m => D m Y a Uſury would” actounted "be but ſmall, Were not Extortion mixed therewithal ; Bonds, Morigages, andoether like vexation, It doth appear that Montys that'ways lent, Tr The 'Serizeners alſo ada unto their ſorrow, WU 8 : B M W D l -3 D g: © F. Q=—2 0 00 V D ( U!M ESwanonmAamn0do”r mm HS9 $G9000000 m V t *i_ a 00 © Of| w eA QD-00m © H WHAR P-O]o O ©@, 9: - Q n +© KR A- 4 + HS A >D Q3/- CVY [E.c000/cocoovocoo|r oovoeocoos L RY - K l y emn A D Os Q 8 a »4 . » 5_ aogſſo ooooe -m'- ffl flrw Tct HM” q mainyg Kto 6 IZ!A.Wſi,nnlooQ/m 62 fir SES AS> h IT J>S> 2 5anpy s} $punog $punog J0.403.L * Z THE Creation of the world $63$ The Deluge'of': Noahs flood'”* 4027 Julius Ceſar conquered Brit#in 1733; The Conqueſt of England by Duke Villiam 613 King Henry the:Eighth won Pullen - 134 The:Royal Exchange was builr 14 The Spani/h Invaſion in $8 92 The Powder plot 75 King Charles the firſt crowned $S The Duke of Buckingham murthered $2 The Birrh of King Char!esthe fecond 50 The Duke of Zork was born t 47 The.Loyal Lord Straffordwas beheaded 39 Reverend Biſhop Zaud was murthered 36 Charie: the firft-wes inhumane!ly wurthered Z2 The noble Lord Cape/ was/murrhered - 3L That brave $oh of Mars\ Montroſs was murthered: 30 Reverend Dodctor Hewit wasy'murthered [AhoS j Thart bluftring/Tyrant 0.P.expired 5 22 The bappy Reftauration of his Majefty 20 The Kings Judges were judged and executed: 20 The pious Mary Princeſs of Orange:dyed - - 19 The yertuous Duke of Gloceſter departed this life 1 King Charles'the fecond crowned at Weſiminſter 19 The good Queen'of Bohemia left this Life 19 The King and Queen were married at Por!ſmouth 18 The Raging Peftilence reigned in London 15 Zondon conſumed moſt parrbyFire 14 A dangerous Plot diſcovered ' $ The Duke of 4lbemarle cured.by. Dr.Sermons Pills 1x Of'a/l the Pills ſet out the wery chief, FWhich hath denc Cures almoſt beyond belief, A3 61 A Slnce B/bop-Storford Fidler had:the Bellrung.our for _ his wives departure ..,..' V 4 Query,Whether her clapper did aot ring him a peal. for cay> " fing the Bell to be ſo rmnge. ,.9 ,. \oas Since 7ybarn, the grand,gxapd , grand Gallows of| Zrg- Lind way ſtolen twice away in the ſpace.ofa.Tweive- month _.oa ns iror: withd 2 Query,. Whether ,Oiiver Cromwel .bad n4;wery.ill luck fo foon after h1s death to loſe both hts Monuments, yiz«thtin : Weſtminfter Abbe y, and this bighs Tyburnz1aud wi. - fher bis memory bad not been bit:eriÞreſernd by a moiy+ menta/ Efhigies in the Knaye.of Clubs ? - ' $Since'empt y purſcs begaive to be faſhionable 30 Query, Whuber a great»many Gentlemen. do not foltowbia faſtion? | $ince Compounding-Dick (the ſame that gave five ſhillings to be proved a Knare) blocked a. Calver-head with a Tom-a- Bedlams KSA wikahoknd idZ Query, Whether a Cap madt;of a picd Calwes-shingwould not have cauſed him to dook mare liks 9 Jack Franck?. »,. ffll;:cc _akgrea_t Feaft in Ws/es, whereimWere: above 4o0 00Ks Lie betreodboatlradts 2 Quer y hether exery one did.not tnaſfs his own, Cheeſ; * - Lince Sir Robert Osbornes.ragged Colt.-was yoted.a. Stur- geon - 46 tixw? 24 Query,Whether ſuch Fiſh may he.catemim Lent? ,. Since the Game of Cheating waz firſt invented;,;.,3824 Query, Whether that Game, be, ugt... noW yfed\more.than any othey 2 W=<\* d Since the invention of going maney-leſs 508$ Query,Mhetber a-man baving the fewer croffes, hath not the more vexations? » — Since Z. C. profer'd the Hoſtlers wife of W.a five ſhil- ling piece of filver— 97 may ghe[5 for what 4 Query Wherher her Son did not will in adviſing her tot3ke * Itzbecauſe it woald tuy a fat Pigg ? Since Woman wore Farthingales 7.2 Quer ys Query, Yhethey that were not 4 good covert fora crackt Ma'd n-head,though London is faid to be the beſt Forreſt. whereint' loſe #Great brlly ? M E C Since Women wore rheir ſſeeves-not above an inch and **half*longe 4 eN D IES - Query, Whether, if God ſhould make their bedies as the. T zyloy frapes their Clothes,"inſttad of " being fine they would wot be moſt deformed? SXrDea 6 D Since the Fidler a* Wzlden, to ſh2w bis aRivity 5n dan- cing put # braſs Porridp-;'or upon his bead, which by accigent ſlipping orer his ears, could not by any.arc of induftry be pulled'back apain, but was witk much -Jatour forced to'be filed/off, ©* - D $2 Query, Whether our Gallan's will uſe ſneb n faſhion'd Cap to dag-e in, andif it ſhould ſerve them asit did the Fidler © bow#tn the tifterim they would kiſs the Ladies ? Since T.F. of #— por his Femaleſervant, the Tipkers davphter,with Child | d 4 Query, Whether it would not have been a greater Wonder if ſhe hadgotten him with Crild ? . Lirice the beginningof 'the laſtyear $N Quere,#hetber that were not about a Twelvemonth'ago ? _ Since the*farmous Spaniſh Rnight Errant, Pow Onizot of the Mancha,ecncountred with the Wind=-mill _* 1og. Quer3,MWhither be might not with'more probabilityhaus tak n. it io hawe been a Gaol than @ Giant,fince ke might have ſcen a Thief init? ct Since Mall Citpurſe flouriſhed in preat ſplendor 3$, Query ,Whether every Prodigat be'not his own Cut-Purſe ? * Since Noll Cr. (Heavens prote& usJbeeame Our ProteR&or Quere, Whethey the Zand was not then in groat dancer of being all Drunkards,when the Head-man of it was aBrewir? Since keeping of Miſſts came ro be in faſhion 30 Query ,#bether it be not a Gentile faſhion, fince Poor men, cannat folleow it * _ Since the fyondim PI ngb-bay arrefled Ned C—for the- Lord knows what * «. Query, Whether originally the knawvery were inthe Balors Boy, or darivatively from his F -—— ? Janus 9- C e eSeeTE ra nereeu ren eSC STIER R R IOEDGII TE AEIE II ICT R TA R vl} Moonp 5:day ar 1batnight. Laft quarter 13'day at'? ar night: New Moon' 21 day at : Afrerngons Firft.quarter.28- day ar$'in the morning R. New: Neck ſſ-dj]'fl ye '$1ſter3itbreetimes thru b OR.Stephen [Arms,. 44 Phobus ke propizios be, 1C 0& JODB Arm "That 1 in. thunder-thumping verſe : ſſ' aſtcrChrlſt yBre ſi }Eacþ Months que praiſes 7(7;:{"}:- e 'Edw. Conf. |Breaft /That T 10 helps thereto may lack), f ' 7 { Heart” Joyes:*high-born - Son 4fford me £'CedB,Lon |{ and, 4 +(8ack, þ @ WillB. Y()ſſi B.}Ck %.And Joney to come. by #tlightly Þ 'Agape\:—c ſſfi Bowe!s .M_y Verſes may. appear more ſmz <| 'Belly | R T ' 4 {Reiys "Now men the Chimney=coyney tend, Archadius and* \And there ar Ale' their 9whiy ſprnd, FRhzlDOId us Loms pſſhc weather makey *us blow : 07 HIHRFY Biſh, Secrets! *: (n4zls, MRUYlllus Seeret: -And . Mulk comes frozen hon: in ails fMara@ lus, Thſſgh, Ns paftime now Men nor .}L(lpaxdc l Anthony Ab,:|Thighs 4 (make | *H Ewpb. Knees !! ArStool-ball, or at Barley-break. - \JVOYQBD B; Enees Tht Yhdi are muje;Futes have baye f Fab.& Seb. Knees (4rs, &A grics Vil*g, Legs .And']?cggars mnlſſgtbeu beds inbarns - : ſi J]ſilen 1n 4 {oach. bad_ rathgr go9, : #| VADCER? mſſ' _ chs ''Thas en theThatmes byBoat ro row. ſi Feet # ; TAmong [t the Lamyers the Green- C Timff{hv Bo ſſ FCC{ ?o Z/;fſit caf[;ah?uf dorh myap. [MS ' Head xwmn John aNokes #nd*John a 56 e |2olygaty B Hezd (Stiies, 27 t .ſſ:*ſVſOſſi B C Neck {AndPa o's and.Cons,and other mpiles; 23 £ cturU} inag; NCCY{ 0/ ſſ)mſib the Lawyers mctzſi[};::ct | £91 2 Theodore ſſfAſi ms" D make the Clients purſes empiy:; P ZO \Arams Andthen perfoo jade Dir%9 4 pearce; 36 EC}}'TZEG- Brcaſt !caufetrme aw .;/ the ejject doth naſc C I rar n CS rei EI A eECICICOCTEIT IN GEIEI d em &A Þie Ale with a Toaft now for a Mornings drench I; far more comfortable than a Wench : And in the Afrernogn-a:g)aſs of Sack Doth chear the hearr, and-dr iveth forrow back, L{Riebmento:rich:ſend'$+..8]3 5214 The Sears ſeer to| 2| New=years giftsy 613.54|2redi&.,.. as if -men} 3\/-ilft Poar 16 livede$ 413,55|would lie cigſe, ro| 4j make hara'}'h:f!s. \$ 313:57{heir Wivesthis nonth 6 '$:.]3:58{by reaſorof,, the cold At-Twelwe-night King 8 .of4, ojNights, : which may and Oucenthey make 7'5%S +;.1 PTOL_JLCL man”, Grear By Brad"and Peaſe 1 57 3]Þellies ; from whence | drawn inÞPlumit=cake 7 55/4,y5\93), P-l'!ſ@ preat / em- 6 T 8 7 IoMall.Cutpurſe 7 34j4, |6]P/oyment and profirto 11/Archee 7.5214 . 8/Mother Midni g/)t three 12 7.51/4..5Quarters of. a yJear af- 13|Hobbadebood y- i7 49/4.1 eT. AMercyy 18 1n.2 |14}Eazarillo 7 48i4. 12/Trine:with Mars, ang. BS: Sulman® {7 464 Ictſi}therflo:e oſivſm and 16 | |7 45 (4: 15 iprſizrs Will be. 3n.more \17 ; 743 24 17rcqucſt than. Cherries ,18 ]7 Al'4 7 9an05nawberms Jr will | 19014 Venner For. a }*7 39}4 2T' grzcvc ſome Condew. .20 Crown did witch, |7 3814, 22 ned men_to be_ha- ged 21 But "thut'the Hanctg—f7 36]4 24 this cold weather, and *'32' nan gid bimtatch. 7 35/4 25; otſicters will be.unwil-! [2, T 33/4 27.\1pg to be Whipr*ar the [24 Contentions which jn\7 3114 25 Carts-arſe, notwirbft. | | 25|. ſome. dotb{uck , [7-2914 3 :;their back: may be hear | 26|Now fets the L./_'Wjer.- 7 2714 33\rherebye, Some 7 burs- 12"* TonguesaWwork, [725/4 35 Dirge nay. be ſerf_rth | 28/Gammer' Gurton [|7 24]4 3E itthis rime, ther afrer | 29]/2on Quixor [7 2214 3?]chey bave been, execu- ,3 1|\B-ft KING did &ye !7 4 4 Cardsiſome Flii) 1414 44'. Satura this Month 5 | 2 ſpend night and day,\1 1414 45 robuſt to. Mars, theres] | 3 [7ereinihe Knwwe 37 34 48 fore he, .thar. .boy$ .a ,4 crief inplay, 7 Icj4 50 Horſe in Smnichfreld, '$|Whore. of Babylon(? #|4 52 97 :marriesa Wite out 6 |] 1 24 17...6]4 54 of -a voulting-School , Knave of *Clubs,-- [7---4}4 $5 may, happen 10 lip 13 Knaveof: Spades 7 - ? 53 upona Jade, neithes of 'g.\Damaris"Page 7 ofs othem both worth The 10] ſane 'Shore '16 $8js 2 riding on, Againy Fexzs|. itDu Yall-. 6 S61s 4 181n; oppoſition 10 #ir- [ 12;/Hannai; - 16.$4]5 $6.202 ſome Fewales with| | ſſl 15{Ned: doth.to Nell |6-52}s 8 erackr Maidenheads|; | 1ahiFalertine bring, |6 $ojs Io ſhall ſeek ro ſqder| | 15\ 44 elip'and kiſs '|6'48]5s I2.them up.by marriage;z 16|"Jike any thing. 16'461s 144bur | whart . ſays) the}: | 17|Robip..Hood , 6'44]s 16]Learned |Albamazer 10] 13]Liitle John \6 4215 18|this|caſe, Nawticywa ca-|- 191G in 5 gols 20jſ/um (9 firſium'laſtum, 20[Paſquill 6 381]5 22]Once # ;Whore and| 21)Saturday Jack 6 36|5s 24|always a Whore. Some 22\Pancakes (o Fritter16 3415 26\whoring , ſwearing ' 23] *bout do flie, 6 31js 29/Sparks of the rimes, 24|And many Cocks tbi:lz 2-15-471|5 13]will be wood enough 17]Merry:Ardrew -j5 4515 1$jleft ro make a' gdevice 18/Jack Cade 5 4-16 17]for the cure_of thoſe } 19* 5 4115 19}who"bave' gotren ” the | 20\Cambury-Beſs $ 39(s 21|Thieviſh-crick-of rhe 21:Mother Damnable .|$-37s 23jneck- The Stars ſfeem kzzſiD:vi\ of Maſcon |$. 35'6 *3|to/predi&,a5ifthis was !ſiZZlTom Coriat sȝgſiſiſis 27|he beſt tronth - for 24/This 14 the Landlerdsls 3116 25\brewing of Marchk-b,s, 25| j'yſ#l tine, s 28/6 32jand thar there_is.no 26 Which brings them in$ 26)6 24in or& A :1rot-beer brew'd 27| g16at Fove of Coyn1s 24 6 Z6lin Offoberi\than There-1s 28,Will.St-George © 5 2236 3$1Xenti/}-Pippins grow- 29] 15 206 4ojinpin E/i*, of Nvutz- gſio[Ho\y Maid of Xent|s 18 6 42]Praray made In Erg- i{31'Hannam $s 16 6 44\!'077:-{. P 0 ; [l z | {ſſ ſſ-i l j !Fſſ\ | }ſi. l " ct . N00'R \ 1 \| 4 ? Fyll moon 3 dey ar.11arnight, | Laft quarrer 11day at 5 at night. New Moon 30 day at.midnighr. Firft quarter 25 day at 1.in the Afternoon. g |Conv. M{Mag.|Bowels 2 Mar, Epgypt Reinz |X-m Zephyrus doth gently blowy, { b |Richard Biſh, Reins And the meati2r marmer grow ; 5 Flowers they begin to ſpring, Vi _'ſiſi"" And the B: ds in woods toſing. qa 13Cent Secrets Cowflips, Violets, Drimroſes, S1xfus Secrets Countrey-menches mear for'prfies. Egcſippus Thl?hs The little wantonfricking Lambs, Maundy Thurſ. Thlgh! Bleating 1un afier their. Dams, Good Fr:dz) Knees Whilft each buſhy Heath and Vale # . q Rings forth of the Nightingale., |} I , 4 \ Fhe Cirtren his wife dorh take ſſ : Hands |To IMington 0 eat Phumb-cake, ; . chf (bring ' $2009D L eps » And as. he homewards bher -doth \T5burtius Feer Chances to hear the Cuckow ſing, g Q {Vmpjg Feer Who doth very mu:lh rejoyce ThA4or 30 (s: Aft ber ſweet melodious woice, w512 Iſido e' Bith, ſſHead Tleſcing himſelf hehath an eay, Such ſweet muſuck, for to hearx, 19}þ \Aniccms [Head 18 7 i-Ncck 9 E]phcgſi": LNCCk Now [-}Yqndmtn de riſe #þ eayly, 20je ſiSUlpi{i;j! 'A'rms (ley. 21}f-Simeon " TArms © {Avd laboier bard to ſow their Bar- 22j8 Emanuel Breaft (maie, 23(-2! : 6 Farley makes M alt, 3 adt beey lotb,' 3I ea Breaft Of' wbich if. your too-73uch do take ; 240Þ Mebiitus B {Rearg - |7 H9 ed arges, :} 25 d Cfas - a6d Beer maketh driinh,,"'and drun!(-_m- 26_ C*ei}*s : l Back Doth make them ſitkthrough exceſs ; 29] © Aneftirius Bowe's And fickneſs maketh men to die, 28]f / Bawels | (rately, 207'8 | Reirs. Drink then, b4z yet drink mode- 3<4:2 Erkenwald /Reins \ d eIN PN IN C IN N ) Prebas now With his rays doth warm. the earth,. | ! Which gives t« EF .:_ſſ;-wcrs,to,P!ſiarts and Seedsa birth; The Cokney he his Wife ,abroad doth bring: |,.». i To heay that.pretty Bird, the Cuckow fing, | i|Pacoler ]S 14/5 45 |. This'monrh'1 would { '2 's 12{6. 434d viſe many” Women Frink"the Fidler '5 29,5, $27r0 lock up rheir. Huſs alNie. Peagles .und. S 8.5 szþands ſafely, forthe $ Primroſes ſpring,) 's 6.6.54 \'ſi" rs doſeem to Prei 6147d Cuchew be his 15 419:59 didt, tharthere will be 7 ſong doth fing © 5 25 $82 grear: preſs our'for g{Gregory Hangman(s Oj'!' oCuckolds, therefore it gf Jokn L " 14 $8|7 ,,2will be very dange- toſPope Jone 14 56,7,, 4rous for them to waik 11/Collier ofCroyden[4 54 75 #broad, thisis the more | 12/Now Country Lads/4 52 7 8c0i;f]rm_ed » becauſe 13 and Lafſis they, - ' [4 50 7 10 Mar, being in conjun- 14] 4t Bur/%=5* eok and'4 49 7.11 Rion with Venus, when is| Stool-ball play. 14 47 713 thecuckow fings abroad, - 4519 35 Cuckolds are moftſafe 17 1g 43/7 17 within. The weather 18/DoR@or Fauſtus {4 41]7 19 now1s very fruftifying, 19/Sir Giles Gooſecapſ439|? 21 witneſs many_ wOnens ;? 7.24bigly as If rhey ''had 22 23} 7.28 On r_he 12 asd 13\davs 24 LongMeg of Weſt. 7 39|of this month thcſiſg_ will 25 Patient Grizei 7 32 be much_ _p!ay:pg:ac 25 Tom Teibtroth. {4 27 |7 33/Srool-balland' Nine-p, 279 Now Lawyers thy (4 25]7 Ȝsſſbu!h- dChriſt » faln out 23 therr purſes fill, 14 23]? zzlar this tline, Xn would 4 4 . [Fryer Bacon 4 38j9 22 bellies , 'who look ſo | 4 4 4 4 4 6 45 26 heen at a mans labour. 2 0 8 'Diſſntion brings |4 2217 38|hav been in requeſt;bec. wat} s then men deal with Cur, C 30,Grifis totheir Mill, 14 20 4 2 . ETAANm = = S l l $ R . . em e em arrmne a emn n——mo—gan emn 5 | Full -Moog 3 day, at 4in the Afternoon. | Laft quatter.is day .at 1 inthe Forenoon, | New Mogi,i3 day at 2:in the mo \TRINg. irf qwrtcr 5.ataF 2t.2.inche.morning. i b{ {Reins em $6-2h B ater Eafter Secrets Fhys Montiit isthe pleaſant ſeaſon, 3 +.layenCroſs Secrets (peaſon, e F}c_)ſ{an I*h}ghs When Ladzes eatgreett Cheeſe gud| þ. G'Ddaſd 4.and And M ackarels came up mſtm'e | ; To fill the maws of hngry fouls. f ſigj}sſia\:]'.()flgt %Z;g:s S'mjz't Stllabubs and [tpglo{ d Tau/} 9 04 JOSP-ÞW rony 4 S{ui lſia*ls Knees ' F07 William # prepar "d t)%z;[)*';z' ſi4 afrerEaft &p L@gs " *[The Milk-maids pails att't, '\tſi-m-},zz 1(} d Gaordi a B Legs Amnd men begiwtodrink3n; ',Iſſiosact*ſſer_x. Z Ekte i Feer Some Cherries;now #ppearinſtvth, ; LeþF 45 , Feer But they are,for. my Ladies touh l 1 CFPTVE\UUS Feer '[;ctzZ- mhy t miſt be underſtoad,, i C zngs conmmon ave net half.fs _govd E91:4 fI\ fdo7e ſi Hcad But that 15 always beſt,is ]Ziuctgbt e37 81 %5 }hla Head A great way off and dmrefl bougbt TER- | {Neck * 13}.d An qaq £4{Reck 7 [1f the the firſt day chan- e6 befſihf 15{£ ZPQ neus [AT ms$ Ladies will to HidesPark repaiy, x«4:t, [Bervar I._,ſi\ſſmg ln Coaches prancings'70; th#-gries, 2c| &4 / B:o65h There toſte, and to,beſe in.;., 21}.a) zBſir#aſt . ; (0y : } ſ N That you may vitw'theye in that. fid- 22 D idet ius [Heart! Þrye choiceft Brdletcs of the Natin, | 23jQ-.;5 &{[Lf Eater}Heare 4 Surh ſights aseheſt'the eye'maypleaſs, 24 d ' ſſ 51 Bowels' B grve the 'Belly lutle'eaſe; f 2x{e lrban : /1Bowels (ſerve,| 26\ c B:de Reths Thoagh they \eye-pleaſing 2[;(5&5 arue ZEF 8 *EOrQnH mar. | and Tet without Victuals. men may 282% 2 ctUcrma 1 L('}'DS \Fo)* all t!zeplcaſmu of theeye, { 29 b SECCets jThe Belly will-not ſaruſie, } Z£) 4 }dccrſietsſi q ; j 31 Thighs "MW A Srypommmtetroourttinemerentnmmmlren Rn ernn—————_ —_ " Now men of Jflzugmz prick up )our ears, 5 | For why, the joyful Summer rime appears { *Twill r1d youof your Cakes and ftew'd Pſiſinſis clear, | | And make your Bacon tlye like Botrel'd Beer. i 1 Now Mzſiy-pcles vſe 4 1817 42 Ifon the firſt day ofſſ 3 50[$ 1o[l cannot find by thcz 3 49j8 11/$tars,' but jr 15 as goodz 2 lzſmarrymgm this mouth! ,zz\Bonny Franck \24IDlck of. the Cow jz;'Rablals | 2 fo bt ereffed, 4 17[7-43jthis month men gene-| woich by Fxmxztzc{s '4 15|7 45|rally be more addxcted! are rejebteds 4 14|7 45|to playthanto work, ſayl Cook Lorrell - [4T2[7 48ſiris the intluence of thct'} 6 Durry Dolf 4 11]7 45|Holy-day.and not of afy - Nirty Dick l4 10{7 $ofPlaner whatſoever 3 yez, 8 4. 8|7 52|withour the Stars we can! gSquire Dun 4 517:52predi& ; That*did nor) 'to Squire Kerch 146/7 54 meer ſ-cccſhty compel,| |;x Dick Tarlron » 4 47 55|moſt men would rath-r{ 2 Marriot the Feeder {4 37 $7jcat,drink and play, than| (3 147 27n ſome get i4 2{7 58|r0earn their bread be-| 14 for the crime (4 03 oſore they-eat it at work., ts Falled acote 13 56/ '8 1/This js a very amorons i6 [3.58/8 '2[month, yer hear what| {19 Huffing Dick _ſi; 5713 3/One writes of it ! } 18 Berry Evills (3 56|8 -4/The Poet Ovid be dothf ſay,! 19, Will, Low 3558 5\'Tis very ill to wed inMay| i o]Dcſpcratc Dick. 'z 53/8 -7Bur if ir ſhould| be your| [ 21 Garagantua 352/8 ſDeſhny ro light on al 22 l; 611$ 9,Whorc a Slut,or aSco'd, H 343 ].6 Comical Dick 3 47|8 13/as any orher, | | 29 /May menorable 7s 3 4613 14 ] *B'nfaſſl the Spring, 34518 15 * 29!Wl ferſt brought forth |3 4518.15 B Y 30\41d next orought bamt[g 4413 : 315| - L5 | [$ 1 04 K_z_rg-_ſi_ Bbeass oyore ſi'g ſiH emn emn D Pn em E ae nrang R EE= i j 4 { | | ' ! 2 } | | { ! | ? D II C In cnneIIER LRY> D Saes 'Full Moon 2 day at 6 in the morning. Laſt quarter 9 day, ats inthe afterfioon. New. Moon 16 day, at 9 in the forenoon. Firft quarter 23 day, at 6 inthe afrernoon, r'g) 'thighs 2|/F] thighs |Now the Heavens bright barning torch | 3 E Eraſmus 'knees Dſſotb_:};e earth with jerv'ctor ſco_rc_/.'z ' WETE eD knees Making 014 Teltus face be wrinkled, k 4J *<7re Il All with chaps and cracks beſprinkled, $jb Boniface CBS [InwcoolsArbours men now drink, , 6lemr iT ſſlcgs And at ſmall Canns ſpend their chink,, Robert Ab. legs So they do their Bellies cozen 3 4 Z g 9 fe%t For three Flaggons hold'a dozens | 7 }T ” d IeD And therefore the cafe is clear, | QY ;} FANs OL E-Qs ICT |T, get a Fox this way is 'dear : z L 10 ſſMaſirgarct head |A:1 for a wath may be held'forth, we! l 'head 17: coft more than the Shin. 3s worth, [ 12] þ Baſil Coftfeſl, neck |7Þ # the coinaxt of purſe fled, ; el LACER. Before the'jume's got in the bead: 13/g; 1 Atrer Trin. neck For where. ſuch little Canns they fill, ſſ For why, it mujt be underjiood, r9] þ..Gervaſe xhCZſ\ Canary at. all times is good, | 20\ 2 afrer Trin.. |bowels|Let weather it be hot or cold, i 21! D. Walbourg | and Canary alwayes good T hold, ' AN Z Thus inmy writings I nOre vary, 22, &:St. Albane bC.HY But ſt!} do praiſe the juice Canary. | 14|D . Virus JJATMS. |Hep mujt be ſober *painft their. will, | I5E ſil{ſſuland arms. jind therefore at juch rate I think *GI f aka. breaſt ]Men better had Canary drinks ' Or Tankards of Whitc-wine and water, 7 g Bſi]t:ſſlph breaft !Lemvn and Sugar,and ſuch' matter, 18| & Marcus lheart | - | 23|f ':_Eſhdct'ſ ed TEIS » | 44 good-as ever therye is feill Ict 24'q L relns |A: Queens-head 40 Snow-hill. , 25| 4. Amphubalus fſecrets | 26] þ |John & Paul ſecrets ſi: 273 afrer Tria. ſecrets x 28 D iLco fap. thighs | 29,6 thighs 30 f| |knee ſi Z Bify ( OEG Hot weather now comes in, wherein you muſt ( Orat leaſt ſhould ) abſtain from fleſhly luſt; * But fome are ſoaddifed toa Whore, Say what you will, they neyer will give o're, 1Tom a Lincoln 1342/918 Now the weather 15 24 man may know 3 42/8 18 very hor, and the heat of "3itbough cled in frock 413 4218 18 love hotter with- ſome | 44 woman from 3 4118 19 than the weather,ſo:that gi4 weather-cocks 3.41\8 19 by this rule, matrimony | 6]Spaniſh Curate 3:41/9 19 and ſmall beer ſhould be| | 73 3 4118 19 now very: comfortable, g/Fryer Tuck 3 41/8 19though by the predomi- | 9!Haberdaſhers Hall - [241]8 19/nancy of a' malevolent 10 Flying Serpear. 3 413 19 Planer, rhe one may rot} :x1,C. Clatiſey ')3 4118 19 the Guts, and the orher [z2| Ars 3 41]8 19{hornifie the head. Thoſe X3 Pantagrue!l 3 4118 ig9irees that blofſome this 143 Loggerheads. . 3 41|8 19]month, are ſeldorh bit- [x 5 Mugleron 3 41/8 19jren with the frofts, and [x5 Queen of Morocco (3 41 8 19thoſe who are troubled [x5 Fryer Bungey [3.41]8 19with aking heads, may 18 Nick Wood '3 41/8 19now have milk enough; r9 Tantabilus 3 42\8 18\to make: therm' poſſets.| 20 /3'42/3 18/Towards the latter end 21'Sir Fopling Flutter.” [3 42/8 186of the month, Satz'n 1 22|Some-men prove mad, |3 4.3|8 17\robuſt with Zupzter 3 ler ! 23|\will not be tam'd, ſſz 443 i6young fiudents therefore 24\For which Midſum. |[3 44{g 16 have a ſpectal care not toj 25|Moon is blam'd. 3 45|3 15{inroxicate their noddles 26\But pride, exceſs, '3 4518 14 with hor loaves and but- [27|or melancholy, 347j8 13ter, pudding-pies, and [2811s 7ather cauſer 3 48]8 12 penny cuſtards , which (29]of this folly. 3 49|8 11/will make thein ro prove 30/Tim. Featherbrain. \z 5018 10 meer Dunces and Clot-} 'pates. _.-: B'2 Fult *\ſſ?oon I day,at 7intheafternoon. LaſtQuarter 8 day,” at mxdnight. _ New Mo6d r$dby; \at'8"at\nights , [Romwald B.;'knees 'Vlſit.B Mary knees *5 After Trm. artms 7 SIGEPErs Sainion B. \MarthaVirg-knees -Abciſiom | Tegs Tpnatius. 'less --——--__.._.__ B as: Afceſ Tſ;n. bowelsſ bOWC]ffl And thai*s an argument conviting, Alexius rems i-flnd be)onſil aJ mens cammdzc}mg Danzel and ' Mar Magd hoins Good Hwsbands. now, this\rule Aomank; 5} J : |Lye"domn with Lamb , and rije witk; Apollinaris !ſccrets - Carkal hr:ſtm Vs "m ſecr Ets! |F hereby they do pieſerve their,be alth, Z PR rh]ghs And main!y add.umo therr wealth, | | [Anvx ang 1B poverty aoth 1hem atteng, | __wmwct- Firft Quarter'2 3iday,! af ;n001. ,? Full Moon, 31 dav, 36 i in the mormmz | { This Mionth took name” from ]Uhus i TIE85S © hece #51 & Monerd)ttol *hiahfe. } : [ » was a Monarch\and m Kigrars Aſieſ Tſ , kgs He conquer'd Germaiy-414Flamders, ,S G Q 1{:35\ And ander thin;had brave Comman- EXDurga ect C ders fDeerrius head 'I'Uhfn :obſiper{ſſ-am_ztz hrs f}wſſzv, ” f Ehiljan,” *— Jhead, (T Jaty, July, fu : 3 z 3 5 ſic) l'll BlſhOP [HCCk Ia teu thee true thy.man, hs Hliruby, ? felRneck aſimg men and Wenches map\mz ;—jm, ſi ,.)vo very apt to run aſtray Ard then it comes10Juch -zſca*z Zz arins. - ſi The Pariſh provides forthe:Bant! -zrzg 'Maſg"'Ct : breaſt bettey there were no. 1lay, nor, Hor j6i, x ]Bonavenr. and Than dry Maids jhould thus prove Wet-| 'Y \Swithin B. {plecn C NanJes.| ſſOſmend hearr © *97 41 that great Aſtrolopey 3 Fir 1 Whedrr John Tay]or plainly doth avery, \ ' An 'others amare beſ-les kave ſaidg Who is @ Whore, jhe. 1sno Maid : Fo now their time\do\ tdiely: fpend; l [ ! ' Now all the flowers thatin.this Month, dogrow, 1/Ariſe Evans l ; 3:Muckle John 4'Tom @ Bedlarm' | | | | You by the name of 'Zuly-flawers may. know /7 j And any one who does this*Truth deny;”” 7: , l You boldly may'giveunto'him the'Lye. [ 3 598 19 " Now Love and Peife, 3518 9porridye will be in great; \ »113 $2:8 B requeſt, the one for ittle [3'538 7 heads, the otherfor, eſim-] « Mabe Hay now whileſt-3 $48 5 pry bellies. Saturn.is Te-| \ 6 the Sun, doth:[1int, 7 iſſSbzm whoring and..« | 3 exceſs.of wine. : 9|Will Summiers Iof rwee.| _ 14;Merriton Latroon 12:Sir-John Mandevill 13/Aſcapart i4 IsMad Beſs 16 If wife in'bed 13 11 winter ſhee'! 19'\H0.thefame things 40 Pariſmus 21/Don Diego 29k0hs 23'Black Pudding 24 London Prentice, ,. 24'70 Beggers 0 26 the-ſtafon yields; 27 ho ſcorn the Barns, 23 and lye in fields. 'agkSir Simon Eyres ZA 31 JackRetch, - - edn 142517:35 AIDT IEDT Hn AR e- 3 59/8 4trograde to Mars,i many! 3578 3 Apples by the operative| 3 58!8 2 vertue of, boiling water, j3 $9ſſ8 I fhaſl *be rurned' ,a0%9! 14.. 98 0 Quodlings. 7Yenys 18n a !4 2]'7 58 Trine with the Moon 14-3/7 57.fore perſons in- thei! 4 47 55 nocturnalarchieyement: 4 $|7 $4 ſhall bid; people .ftand. 4 .817.52 withas mnch confidentc}, 411917/ 50 45 aConſtable, bur with] | 1910w\cloſe aoth-cling, ,4 1117 49 this-greater civility,that] 4.12]7 48 they will diſmiſs thetr}, 4.14,7 45 perſons, and ſecure onh| 415 745(what rhey find ,aboui 4:1717 4Ȝ\them. The Scars.do:in-} 41817-42 timare great. ftore. of 4 20|7 40:working this month, the 14 22/7 38/Countrey people | ſhall 4-23(7 Ȝ7iwork hard toget in rhely Harveſft ; and others ſhall be 4 27|7 33iforced to work hard at> the 28|7 32 Henp-Office 'in 'bridewelk 4 2 The month /concluges. very 4 ©9/7 3Ugellwith then,that tare in Y4 30.7 Ȝoſi\heal—th and have ſtore of many. 14 32|9 28 : B-- m peea—y ormqmarngentcan. X _c.moocy Avenad vz*ct; z CR EI DTEs A IN mn ayeny em emn TC R z | © Laſt quarter 9 day, at $ in the morning. f | New Moon 14 day, at-$ in the morning. { Firft quarter 22 day, at4 in the morning, ? {- Full Moon 29 day, ar'5 at night. |--1{\ ; dayiſfeet SA » 2|H [Stephanus feer |This Month ſupplieth ws with bread, l ' R any thoujands fed. | 3}e\Dominjeus, Jhead |5y 9##ch are many thonjan 4]F [Ariftarch head The teeming earth by ſeed incyeaſt, i 4 ' CAI3. - eR Affferdeth food for man and' beaſt ; 15 d 'QſWRld neck |7þe painful Hmsbvands indujtry ! 6] g |S1xtus and |9ur craving Belly doth- ſupply, 7 /Donatus B.. jthroat |/#5ic> wanting food would quickly die, : Then to our great Cyeators praiſe, Fith thanks let #s our voices raijſes 8 &9 aiter _ Trin. jarms [:9/D [Romanus . Jarms !xo| E |S. Lawrence. [breaft | - Bleſt be the Father of the Skye, 21 F Gilbert. B. breaſt | The Hiwbandma? of Husbandryy : ſ} 2\ |Clare Vil*gſi Jhear r | Pn glaſs barrets up hath bung His treaſures of ingendfing rain 5 !:i g Kaſebiue 'ÞZZ:Z] That wc by prayers ſhould brezlz?k_tbelx : P 28 3 #NB3, '15}| gr]io Affft. Trm.}bowc]s And ſuckont frishing ſhowers amazn} }-ſi 61 d \Roch 'Teins 'Zj—".ſizſi'- that mal{/z ws plenty ſee, 117.C iThO of Herif.\.. and Thine l praiſes Harveſt be. -. P d : - \.,' F glg E gege?g Emp. ſi%_omz The earth though dumb, \crges buy my 'x ebaldus ecrets bread, {20/A l !ſecrcrs Not for your pieces rbite or red 5 1 '21;H *chlghs But *for your pains 5 your thanks,' 1 b22! 4 your love, f f aud : 41} thanks be to the gentle earth, 1 [23| d hlpps Thanks to the porcer of powers above, 8 | ;24 E knees That feed*jt us with the fields fajy J ias f jLewis R. : - iknees birth, 'ct [ LN Thou that mal2it as plent | | . : tyſeeg ;ſſſſ 2:? g ZCPhyg*mſſc. [ÞIICZSS Thine let praiſes Harveſt bes z C 4 le , * F lgg þ (Curhbert [legs !29_ 12 aft, Trin, jfect 159 D [Sir s $ifeer j LL0 head , TC LEEC SAz eCn onnean emn p A LDet A A AIEIAE eD EIeInnaEI C ES O IB eICTn d 2 | Bm mn eINn mm mn St. Baytholomew thou haft-gotren a Fair, To which Ladijes of Pleaſure Jo repaiy,”/ Who with inticing words, d wariton fooks; Draw in young Cullies as with Tenter-hooks. CB eLN inEDS/} i FIAD TC An - 1 Tom Thumb 4 3517 25] Weare like to hayea 2 Now Husbandmen 14 359 24 plenriful crop of Rogues 3ereat pazns do take 14 38|9 22 and Whires M cohch 4 With fithe, with feckle,\4 409 20 ar Newgate,ttHhs Tiekle ofj 5 fctſſZzct"ctct rabe, 4 41|7 19 Juftice 'do' norcur them | 6 And never leave their l4 43|7 17 down. Thouph the wea- 7 work,, ſtill fallowing 4 45|7 15 ther be hotitis not con- 8 771] Hoaky. be brovghti4 4,7\7 13 venieftt to pifs the Bed, 9 bome with hollowing. |4 48|7 12 becadfe it i8 a gttat bree- ro|Hudibras 4 50|7 Ioderof Fleas.If you would 11/Whore of Babylon |4 $2]9 8anple for the Y)!ack ran I2 4 $4\7 6 with Clovett feer ; bait 13/Tarleton 4 56\7 4 your hodk with 4 L-— \x4\Wolner of Windfor |4 ;8|7 2for thers 15 Iittle emploi- 115|Charon s o[7 oment for rhem- ftiow at 16|Merlin s.216 58 jeft - hall, Hey ho!l i7|Dog dayes 10 wornens 46 56 fay fome now for a wifeJ \1Biof their rights, s $616 54 and Hey ho, fay others| |I9\Though they do plead \s 815 52 with a' wife ; ' no' man 120|tbere's 10 dog nights. |5 10]6 5Olikes his preſent condi- 21/Penelope 5 1216 48 tion: Birds in the Cige woutd 22/Tybert the Cat 514\5 46 fain get out; 'and thoſe that 1 i1 oly © W. 5 1616 44n Cabancle Nofe l be 24|Citirens and 5 1816 42/y6;y dangerous to comenear zsltbeir wives Yeparr 5 2016 40|a Magazin, but yery neceſſa- 26\To eat Pigs beads 5.2216 38ry in 2 froſty morning,” when 29|at Smithfield Fair. 5 2416 36 ;gſſcbbſ} T\ſi]?ſi: ,;*"fſil be worth a 28|Wirch of Endor |s 2616 34|zq. © 2 2 @ potr o !29/]Bel and the Dragon |s 2815 32] l z30Peaſe Porridge 5 Zojs zo-\ B2Þ---1& . 1 Pudding-pics '$ 33{0 28 » ; Yſi) ___,_-—m C —_—_— mn NWare e6 2 Laſt quartcr s day; at 11 imrhe forenoon. New Moon 12day, at'$ atnight ( Birſt"quarter 26 day;at 10'/at nighr,* Fulk Moon 28 day at 4 iwthe mornmg 1] "FqGites Abbor: head! - P g vctomca ncck Now"the:Sun abates bis ſtrengt}' M l hete die.-lneck Dayesand nighis dre of .juſi igmy, big 3 A _ Stubble Geeſe zvflzſl{bn AT 4 bh hcodoſ-'a PIMS 1 rb;ch wetroafted 6.good fare: Tet howrever friends take heed iHom too-much on them you feed, Lemhen as your torngues riun” Imſf' ear. d!ſcſimſe do ſſinea of: Goofe 1374m nd thereky awian may prove \Fhratkma of diet ?:i5 -you love : | $/E'f1 3/Afr. Trin:ſarms ' &H jMagnus breaſt 7fe Tranſ, Dunſt.jbrealt*| FTo9"t17 - 'C*flſ\ A CLN ngia A 4 ) A S. _77-_;_,_ſſf. D n—art—————eteoepn— gſio a Z'y]'vjus _ctwdz Fer mſizm()ſiz ant$5#" thejy wby 15 [i x/H{orothius And! {S*1ie;ſtore of:fenſe-nſfordr, TLe hbo befl &- ythat it j]ovzllbemdſirjlood d3 ;T 27Q euy! " That Calf and Goofe is all their food, ZXȜD F's \ſfflnS Toen berrare leſt Jou be harn?4, - &: !4 P P rems : |God counſel *tis, fore-warn'd\ fow- l | ;5 f]Ntcomed. m.jecrers HLEgO, Carti? wts 35/6/23 SFevecry corcradiftary | 30n thisthird tay S"3c18 2 ſiro me rich ſeemingh | | q/the world Went out. Te 411'* r9/enign, affording then | 15'58 '6- 2jonl'y brown bread, ſraal 15..-2'5:58{money ; but withal.en 165554 '95 l; $4T I ;)9[!41 9 [ctjm ſome; whe 543 67 roſſſt-mear fixon ffdr.nz _ $44 5 16 15)wwine.ſofc ! )Cds, and m | 54-1*6 13[H2y Inthetr puries/;bu | 49'6 11 ytthal cares, fears, ans | 25 $1,94. 9{Many vexations. Tpizh |; 1$:53 '5: 91pocr they are ſhcwmgx _' '5 g5'6 malcvolent givingthen |' i s 06 ojbeer, hard beds; and Nc: i6 4'5 $5;richingrheirminds wit] content ', .their., bodie: with hcſia'm 4:/and;frou 6 11}549 bled, with Iie.;.orjme 6 13 5 47,Gares- (6.Lg] $ 45 annedled. n61e5 : here tawol. iG 17'443 man bifall, 6 9551 16.21, 539 ;ctmZſ:ctz homever utls 's 2'1[(,37 YCC [UkerſdS [h'ſi i&TCl 6 25/335 end.-of the, amonily, thc\ 27 s >3 Landlordsſcemn.to; have| $3TL '4 Breat prcrogatlvc OVET |-. 629 rhen* Tenants, ſo.r then|. s 27 they,areto; reccive mos|. 5 2e:ncy, and the Tenant3to pay.l.. imtoney | (if Uſiſivcſi-v getiir” ) | l 4 3 ?z ed mn emn Q\C*\O\Q\Q\ 1 | Laſt quarter 4 day, at 5 at niphe, fT| New Moon 12 day, at noon. | | " Firſt quarter-20 day, at 4 in the afternoon, Full Moon 27 day, at 2 in the afrernoon, 1 Remigius B. jarms 9 D Ecodepar arms |\Shoutd we not prajſe this month,; you'a 3/C[r7 afr. Trin. ſbreaſt M ak 9 » 74 - R ed breaſft 1*27<© fffſſifi'f thÞree things very famons:: 4',73 LFY**?ZC',S h {t (ſ-ez give to me your beſt attention, $; £ (Conitance cart } 4nd { 77 order #31! thens mentiort; sf ſi%'aith Viſ-g. and The jirft i5,*cauſe the Terh begirs,' L1. back iYhen Lawyers come up totheir I7tas, !8/g 'Demetrins bowels ".;,'Zjctſſfg ſſ,,'ct:"j "ſſſiſſ.ſiſſ'ſſ.?-ſiſſ" aotend, eD coping the Term will Trading mend, S'h Dlonyſ. AB:CO- bO_WClS _.ſiſſ*Jl:þoug}; 2r 25160 FraelT Aonbt, »(10) &18 afr. Trin. [relms Tradvng is naught, Term 3n or oul, {11/ [Burchard and {Ard if itbe not fo P:h City, ct Iſſ 2\g \Wilfrid B, Y foins Tjf?ſſſ :n the }C'ozctſſvztfey, more's the pity, 7 3 14 26 ext TPang TRar comes 3n our was jT3} £ | ?CC]'CES}IS the Shoo-makers Holy-2ay, e i 4 l CCſſ]"CtS' WWhen as a Crue being met topether, '2 g| | th]ghs They r,rr-'\ in mzz/:ſi-nſi-_ſiſi,_ [.zze-' wet Jeathey : 16 [g [Gallus ancl ſſqſizſſ'ſſſiff/,ſſ'ct.ff' bozeſt: Eriſpine's ſzke, 15 &119 aft. Trin, ghlpps ſij_yſt'rz}/e each other dmſi-:g_ſi*o makg, f Gs l,ſſ—_vſſſi-.;ſi'ſiſix for to give them their dye, 18, | -URE Z.V - 'Tſſſi ey are avery Jouial crues !9;\ ſſf'ſldcſWId V.:knccs \Then"the lajt tÞiig ##04 Fiive yor 20;F | An0w, | Tt is my Lord Mayoys poygeous fhow waldm Fair Zſiegs &is wy Lo {fl'ſl)ſin gorgeous ſhow, l nen When as to Weſtminſter he poes, fe Attenaed with wriumphant fhow:s : i EELT _ Vhere as you walk along the ſtreet, 23 20 Afft, Trin, feer Ton ſunar y Pagedhts vheve tuy t#edt. }hczd But ctz:Guilgi-ſſHa_'ſi]ct.ſi;(wſiſſſſ meake a jidy, Amandus head There ea: artd drink, :þen gathezr way. 27| f [lvo Confeſſor |neck 28.0| neck 20| g \Eadfine B, C.arms 30| h |Germane. _ {arms 37| 27 after Trin, breaft R Eerrt mn mn dn 7 em mn m mn mn 1 £ q b D e . |f,Caprarius jlegs j \g { a b 1 J el NN N ror - m P | B Cord e- \ To ſee the Pageants marching 1n array, \ As doth a Woman whoſle belly doth rife, |- Doth long for Cuſtards, or for Apple-pies. i\Tom Tram 6 38'5 22} ' Many mett ſhall'miake " 6 40/5 2oſiſtrazſſgc progrettions this 3'Now Winter doth '6 42\5 18Fmonth from luxury ' 4come 0n apaces '6 445 16ſſ'_ſito begpery-, from beg- « Get wood and coals |5 465 14/gery t0 thievery, from 5 in any caſe; 's 48\s 12jthe Alechouſe to''rhe n.For whoſorver s 50%5 Io;Gallows ; * and many' 8 of them fazls, 6 52'5 8'others ſhall be out-wit- o Pre Winter's done © 15 $415 " 6'ted, being withour their romay blow his nails. |6 59 ]5 4 wits, (for they ſhould be x1. Queen of Slurs 6 «8's 2within them ) this will 12 7 ofs omake fome think they] r3Sir Giles Gooſe-cap |7 2[4 53 have reaſon to'be mad, i4 Charon - 17 4[4 56 becauſe they fee others is 7 614 54 are nad withi r@a{on.[ſifla-z \6| 7 8[452ny thall conceir , -that [7\ſi 7 10[4 50 there is neither God nor 18 ct 7121448 Bev1l, Heaven nor Hcſiil,! 19 7 14/4 46and their a&ions ſhall; 20 {s 15/4.44 confirm it';- eſpectally] 2 Il \7 18/4. 42 your Ale-wives,who like 24 \ 7 20*4 40 the German Froes, \are all 23Do&, Lamb 7 22/4 38 cheeksto the belly,- and 24 St. Criſpin's bealth |7 234 37 all belly to the knees_.z 2675 often quaſt 7 25 435'whoſe dugs and chins 26 By the boon blades 27 of the Gentle Craft * 28/4nd Dung-boats then 29/are painted gay zolln honour of , 7 27 433 meer withour any foree-* 7 29 4 31 ing of cither,walking 1n 7 31 4 29 theſtreers like {s many 7 33 4 27 Tunns eacly moving 5 34 4 26 upon twoPottle-pots. | ' | (3 17n Lord Mayors day. 9 36.4.24 ; C rr_ Cere e erer err r Or rt r en te D R nenn —-———__—__, Laſt,quartex:3 day,zat6-in the mommg. New Moon 11 day; ati6in'the-morniing: | Firt,quarter, 19-day,at6 inthe morning. E Enil-Moon 25 day,at: 11 at nlghr. Z | e —rn s eR eemneeee ed }-* i d f 0 iSaf 2\breaſt-1Bacdhs fir/t tound out the V, mes - 11 ſi{ c All Fouls '; cheart ?Zſi t:lugot e8 A-Iſurbm fo -vzn'-,- IVize r42 ?9 C &9 | . T Z f '\Vlmſi'ld hcaſ!' Tſi,:Gctlctl /ctſſ 1;/-)( m,}_i)ct 0]:':': ; ;ſſ,, + q ' 7 ine J *C Dg_ſi 4 ig Mary 1 bowels Byt whhas WWine?,warwe do not k noir, | $176 } " bO\Vct!S Canaryigy o!fe Malligo, 4< ih ,*[ffim rd:v5, rClDS ,C!ſſarfſ,'Wmva wine, ſſrrllſe}'}\mmffi Lo log after Trm- and -26.- - prer SH2 ars.as rep mzja ' }3 }d ,\ct.hl]dllls loyns i2 VVHſh men.they moxld/\us zm/fl(act e 2 {e Theodore ſecrets Tierewas 7 drink \}*e*x but Metſi*e{*hn \rg)f- LTVP!]OH ſCCctſCtS AnaTriſh-men cryout' 0 honez %l'!g NetuBiiRs thlghs That-ztav 15 Ulquc*oah alane: ' ) . 2}: : z 'i 7 -sd J:bers are in opinion wider, | r2'q+ B & ſſh 1/)12 !t masPerry, or el/e Slder, | !|r3/b rice IPS © 'Antthere 15 ma; 19 4 old tac ſiſſ(,ronej, lz 41& 23 aſtcr Trin-knees 7:9 dolimeorr i wii *te poney : {fs d - sknccs Bbutai of - hemfrom vrichh d9 vary, dmundB C: lcgs It was ng 0*/)-rtl*1-rc..mry 1vy ugh c { | Yſi) f Zc]g.lſ)us i gS l Of all;*he rare Juivrs 1 28' T : : ! ThatBacchus 1 ro. luce', -3 l?i—a ; ſif("ft Ther® 13 none that dare T j b xAglPinc feer ( om} a; £with Canar ye 3 } .ſſ"ſſ r'] : ()'* !ſl') ]/L'JIW / xzx, 24 afrer.T injhead © | N F Fency-thfuc | [22/5 Cicely Virg. Jhead :3* & Clement Y.mſneck 24).f |Chryſogon 28 'Conrade 26" Pccf:r B - Th:s 'H \f got 2 K ingys Ar'd nioxt the nie "ſluſi 5 d OQ A ÞT' D aigns $2015 ,TCY.! btis m1l fb! Poets *o !1 m2, larms þ 44 fiv al 'ren*an;l.-z th z/afrz el ( 9n*ts: breaſt They -4,.74 it the Theſpian ſpring, 27b } | 23i7 &h 3 brealt”}- pur %;mas Sar k, though they honerp 38 29:H, bhs , ,-hearc ( the name' 0n $o{4$ j-t \htflſ\' | ———— _ b ONn ON IN P R 9 ICT R CB eRn eRn eR I EET n aneonyinone s ir ] The nights growdong, the wearher.eold rand Uiceyy 51 | | To walk abroad therefore/baresfoor will turt ye!: |{ Much Pork 15 eat;;1whereby Hopps fofetheir lives, 7T | | And ſome have ftonachs tharperithantheir knives.44 l \' C - 543814 22{ Wecan predi& by the 2/Nozp. Gutdo'Baux”: {9'3514.21Srars, tharcold dirtyye- Ȝſſbu'l!ff didleofe, 741]4/ 15|cher is cohiing on; there- q Being choaked by 7.42{4 I'store good fires and wax» g'4 hempes nooſe, 7:44}4 16ed;:Boots will be! wery: 6.#ith many of 7.46]4'T4|neceſſary. 'Y7eans 15 derris; 7;})15 w/e_parmkerſif 4 19 47/14 1 Jmcntal ahd 4n: ker mwi-- g'For whichthe"BoyeS ( 4514 1 Hifubles , ahis Portends! 9'!:71.-1@ $q4#b5@crack?15,954/4 19fmall rradibg-to Your!: ſioflſi{nlppcrdolmg_ 7:52{4 -8$uburb finners;* to Sthe! 1 ; Rogue.the Repiſter » j 54]4 6prear leflenitig " the]us? 121208 &l 74 $Sftices Clerks feebgfon; 12.Gu1d0 Faux 1:5714 Ȝſſ*ctr*ormivmcc. Birs igides! 19/Now 35,1he.tame. .. ..47-5814 2/prefied' and-goes:retres :;it};at mn bill STP2MRe i8 of ofgrade ; this thall fogniſe} 16| Wandring/Jew [8 113 $5/Souldiersto berake rhomi ]7jAſt)flur of Bradlcy. !8 3(3 S'jſſ'c*O.L'hfiiſ Winter Quariers A-j 18.Devil of Edmonton kg 413 &6 xam\ſis'.zzz-{rzlvff.,ggnſſ:g;azſi& z-z_zſi_r*e—{ !9_{ * 8..3 sſif;ptzozz\fſſjxtſi1 Jjurſſw,tſie.-;f.c;ej ' : ſi | j- ? 2|roolery 25 well as knayety fs} 20 8 71S$ Zi*lmc to bave'#"'. favoufebict 21 : ' 8 8 3 $2growthanongſtus. 1drab 4 22\Jack Adams\ \8 933 szfiſſ:}ſicting i{czodls iba'{l. be ſiorſſdg:' zg!Dcvil of Maſcon 8:10/3 5oſictſſſſſiſſfctſiſſſif{ſi'ſi" ,.ſiſil Rrvt L"ſiff | Cot ed Of LOOT, bUInt Crult! 24}Garncts ſtraw 8 r Fct'% 45 ntkomncl Water Hn fnk { 25 ; $\0253.48\eigridre troubicd igick ſi:_ſ.i?-z zdvſiſi\ſow men-of Iaw 81 2{?, 4 $146:7 oramnss 2 ,1 &l p 7 j m 4n YPIGAONS, 16 14 ( MEE ; AL0 FETSLD 499 - \teSguire of tae Hemmwen h:Þ7} 29 b0me.du,Walk, 8 14\3 45 eA zhe deys of this monet? g(ſi_z{ $ 1 5%; .Hiſi. 169 it does nut rain, is i.i_ſi-_ci_-_:]ſſ i } loprove litWeatucrs \ - nma ln P nrrney mn P ti o roges e neere _ foroty; Laſt quarrer 2 day, at 9 at night. New Moon 11 day, at 2 inthe morning. Firſt quarter 18 day, at 7 at night. Full Moon 25 day, at xoin the forenoon. 11F Elegius Biſh. |bowels| 5K Luctus Rex | and |Now the _}';'d?* draws to mzjma', 4 - Cafl; Mem much coals and wood do jpen: 3|4;Cafſian_, jbelly |#- _ , T. | 'IF bileſt the fire they do tend, J b l[;-gu ZH(;A"YXZ*\;ZEZ |And makg acap of Ale their friend, f 6; d{Nicholas B. |fecrets, 4, Cards and Dice do people play, 72 £ gAlleſOſC Dſ-ſſſCCYCſS Some their money quite aYays 8:f Concep. ary 'fecrers But mark well what T do ſay, l } Leocad,V. m. thighs C*1tainlythe more fools they, FFORE'S j j y » 'q} de thighs ' S." floia ſiMlIUa 2 B \Strong drink_dies the'Noſe to ſearlet L1. E : !knees 0; each drunken idle warlet, {121.&13 Sund.in Ad-z and i7bo then courts his wanton Harlot, 13:D ſſLUClC Virg. lþams 1n ſuch language y0u would marl it, 14 E Mimbor. Ab. ficgs R o f legs ?Wbile_[l that good Houſekgepers they, ff GOLELS Ee | Sperd not therr time zlely at play, 56.? T0 fſſpy M_ſict ſifCC. |For 0 Joſe their comm away, 17; # LSZRH}: ſſ,feet iAnd tocheaters come a prey : 18 5 Scbaſtian, {head | 19} gr4 Sun.lo Adv. head |Bt are bufſie to frovide 20! D ']ulius _{aſſ[Z. 'neck |{5Good cheer againſe Chriftmafs T:de ; \! | And ſtrong Beer t9 make it ſlide 21;F£. DEOK : R.n Dn JIQes ; ; iZÞ"bhich is the chief Cagnirey pride. 22! f.;Theodoſius. arms \ " D IPIOY k , f 5 73{ s AT arine '\Th,; they do conclude the year i 24 q ;4© Vlſgms breaſt 173th bozPd meat, roaſt meat, and good 25/b i f gbreaft | cheer, 26 hearr |Goodnappy Ale,and ftout ſtrong Beer, ( 291d ! : | 26 i.ſiſiiſictſſgſictctffl gratis, tha,?s 6: desrs | 523 e| back | I> }'ggctjff Pi bowels | {39, Y, David Chad, bowels !ſi » ©11$ Iveſter. o r r rt rnnor ttn nnn 25 HAA tIEE + - emn mrrer r r n rer nennenrrmrrre r r rnn II nmen in einnS Fack Presbyter, who Chriftmaſs did diſparage, ._ For ſuperſtitious minc'd Pies and Plumb-porridge 3 Invited to a,Dinner now, will grant Good cheer,is better than the Covenant. 2 3\/bo bath great ftore | 4lof woridly-pelf, $|and is geod for | 6[none but himſelf 3 10 may 4 hatter Bl/top hzs wand, giwe better in \TO{his room may find. Ii{Mather Cunney 24 \that will not feaft, 251|yet would-to athers nave for bis cheer, 29120vght elſe but broxent 8 11 30|oread .andjmall biere 8 19 Clim of the Clough. { 37 1 Dirty Doll TRLT 8 16|3 445 The'Stars do prcdict,\ 8 16]3 44;thatChri//maſs thismonrh} 8 17,3 43'will be well obſerv'd-at 8 173 43'London,& not as'it was 1 8 18;3 42 the Rympstime,when the $ 18i3 425Church doors were ſhut,@, 8 18:3 42.and the Tavern doors o- 8 19;3 41;pen,as if theMajor ſhould 8-19;3 41.fay, We'll have no more 8 19;3 41ipreaching, let's 90 to 8 193 4_1£dſinkingct the reſi'of the 8 1913 41{month will be greart .fea- $ 19/3 4I;ffing amoneſt the Alders 3 19/3 41;men & Common Coun- 3 19/Z 4IZciI men.and amongſt the 3 18/3: 42;very Uſurers, ('Satzrn is 8 18;3 42jin conjundion wich J77r- 8.3 42{20 ) dogs ſhall run away] 4 4giwith whole fhoulders. 43;jKnaves ' ſhall he wvery 44imuch uſed, but kmvery more 4_4_*pmctiſed; for though 'thc-re Ebe but. four Knaves in A 45 pack of Cards , yet d9..not 4{think that_ there are all, the &6jknaves thatbe; T te}l you' no; 3 47knaves aremoreplentiful,thay Þhoneſt women in Lutenery iLave, or Gnimnes In Poets y 2 t 3 13 j3 3 3 3 j t , ' ; j j C oemann B B A e3 erj 81 3'17 3 17 8'16 316 8 15 8 14 8 14 8 I3 } $ 12/3 48 8 Iſſ'gz 48ſipocket5,thar 3f you take buty 3 49ithe breath of ſevera} perfors,] 13 $Ojfou may. eafily perceive t?\fſiſſſi'-,*i (8.:9]3 511(?17.6]10&' a_kiave, ICT 7. - IEar EEReS. f © 0 !gg!fiy Troy weight, havmg[B] Aveir di Piis ,'(ſſ{g z ;E 12 oances in (v#z.) over weight' S 5 [2 =| pound, and 20 pen- having 16 ounces in 9 = [8-5{ ny weight, in each off the pound,our com-}|S & 8 Y*J thaſe 12 ounces. mon weight. g ® 1 ..&f 2 D EGEnAL'S 4. 2 ece dn warng vaes Loef d 4 P | 2 F]Penny | Whea- | Houſe- |Pcnny| y| Whea-jH lHouſe-.g_T- .ZZ' 3\white jren jhold white [ren \hold z 8 Zn 0' eX © l ;;l. Oue 4.\'. 0u. d. |'. Ou, de [Oh. Gn-|0He; ( '0lhe Gite\ ;Z 2 c|t 3 q1iit of2 6 12Þ1i7 025 1/34 02 3 ::3/t 2 21 9-'212/ 4 4þf6- 023 0/32" '0'2» 6 2 61 'r ot 710!2:2 ofig o2t 1:30"02'9 '2. $11'o0 116 02 &- 2Þ13 ,. 219 3/129 03 0 3 cjoll 5!1 4 18 1 10 12j1i2 | 1,18' 3124' '2 303 '3 3o1013,1 326,1' 9 2jit 217 7 23 -0,3 6 26 9 19]t 2 19,1 7 18]rt 916,-1!22. 039 3 909 8'1 2 21 6 16jro 1ls 2.20 - 24''0 4 13\ 1.9 0 16 i95; g 14/-3'19 2 tg 4 30 8 gj1 0121 417] 9 114 oj18 24:6 4 6 8 1{1 o.or 4 28 313 117- 2;4 9& '4 $j> 7 130rt lot 3 6 8 1112' 3116 25 © 5 ©Þ 7 7oIir ol 2 14} 8 0,12 @II6 0/$ -3 5 3 7 toolor 2 IÞ-7 3{1L 2j15-2;5 6 's oiro 61;1010 21 T'1of'7 21T ofls'0;5'.9 5 9p 6 10ſ0 9141 T. of /7 o1T0 .2/14 036 O 6 00 6 do 9 619 10| 6 319 1/13 2/6 3j 6 g;ſio 6. 00 9 ojl O oi s 20 o\13 66 6| 6 60 5 16j0 8 159 IL I2/ 6 1|9 2}12 2'*6 91 & 9!0 $1210"'$ 9'0-Þ- 2165!- 6 .0. 12 1. %1 Tius by this TTLTTZWÞHV plataly iec, What weighr ( as corn is prized ) bread ſhould be; VWhich ifthe knaviſh Baker make roo ſmall, Thenthorough an inch board goes head, horns, and all!! j A_i if ſach puniſhment will ner hlm mentl, | | "xy Pharaoh's Bakers fare he his laſt end. i 54 IES: 7/9er d ÞNDſi 5 EEG C TN } Pfſſ}i ZZZH Year ()f Oſſ}z}' Ect_ qg& 3: w C GN [ i g ſſ ; Containjng an! accurate Dz ſcnpnon of, t?aſi four Quarrers.of rhe, Lear, the Planers chat rple in them,.. with' the myrual Aſpedts 3 w}ſſcrhcr LEE | turnive,. Jovial,, Solar,, Venereous,, witty, war- { Jike, wacry, or of any other fienification ; alſo.a | De ſmpmon of the two.Solar Eclipſes,' with Af- trological, Judgmentrs upon them.,., How.to kngw when 0 go xo dinner wirhour Clock;or Pendu- lum. - Echiſtading , c\. Poo2 Robin, 1680. Echifladins, Haly, Albumazer, Strcete, Wing, Lilly, G ad. bary, &c. who make a gainful Trade ro. the TWelve Houſes for Intelligence, where they have it by whole- fale, and afrerwards ſell it ourt by Retail , no, what 1 do ſhall be from my own head, and perhaps toas much pur- pole as ſome of theirs. Fupiter we find 2duſt ina Trine with Mercury, down- right honeſty ſhall bz accounted fimplicity,and paying of Debrs ar two ſhillings in the pound is bur mere knavery. ' Venus is Retrogade, ard ijn a Quartile with Mars, The Mafter that kifſes his Maid-ſeryanr,will wake her to grow proud and negled her woik, Apgain, Mercury looks a- {quint vpon Venas, ard is in a Sextile AſpeR with Jupi- fer 5 this denotes a great ſeeming compliance betwixe Men and their Wivcs, thart very lovingly hand in hand they ſhall goro thered Lattice, and there tope'their no- ſfes rogerhar, Eur whar ſays thar grear Mathematician Fohn Taylor, in his Learned Treatiſe of Fack & Lenr 2 When the Hutband drinks to the Wife, the Angels above laugh at his fumplicity; and when the Wife drinkhs to her Husband, the Devils 7n Hell laugh aloud at her Hhpocrifie. Luna is in Square with S:1. Cuckold-making & mony will be in great requeſt, though ofrentimes the latter is the occafion of the former. Saturn is in a warry Triplicity in Piſces z great Queries and controverfial Queſtions will now be handled, as if Almanack-makers ſhould for- gerto pur 1n our Lady-day and Michselmas- day into their Almanack; whether Landlord; might lawfully clajm a- ny Rent from their Tenants. © Mars again is retrograde ro Mercwy, and in Biquineile with Taurus,Tabaco there- fore is deſtined ro be_burnr, and the P:pes to be broken. Luna 1x in her Exaltation in the Eighth Houſe; this is plain as the noſe on a mans face, thar Women will be cro(t-grain'd and difobedient to their Huzbands. Verus 18 10 2 Trine Oppoſition ro Jupiter 3 therefore brown Laſ- :es penny-white ſhall ſooner have Rusbands, -than beav- riful Wenches perny-icſs; for ſo fays Albumazer, If Sve kave flore of the white ard yllow Beſſings (1 (uppo!!ſic 7 iC PÞoo2 Bobin, 1680. he means Silver and Gold) match to her, ' for money cures all imperfeFions, Bur I proceed to other things. On the 20® of Auguft rhis year, is celebratzd an unu- {;al ConjunRion of the two Maleficks, or il] condition'd Planers Saturn and Mars, .in nineteen degrees of the Ce- Jeftial Crab. This denotes the Compoſirion of ſeveral Tradeſmen, thart they fhall have a grain of Conſcience, a dram of Deyotion, and a Scruple of Religion, which will ſcarce be tafted amongft a pound of Lies, and as much of Oaths, befides odd ounces of equivocating Pro- reſtations. Fenus is ina Trine with Mars, pear unto tme warry Triplicicy of Piſces, therefore mary Hogs will be killed in November, of whoſe Fleſh will be made great flore of Links and Sauſages, which for a ſhooing-horn ro draw down Drink, is far betrer than either white Of black Puddings, yea, far beyond the Bag-puddings of Gloucefler- ſhire, the Black- puddings of Worceſter- ſhire, the Pan- puddings of Shrop-fhire, the whire Puddings of Sommerſer-fhire, the Haſty-puddings of Hampſhire, of - the Pudding-pies of any Shire. But Sauſages with Pepper flor'd, and Salt, T1 excellent good to draw down Fuice of Malt - The reſplendenr ſpangle of the azur'd sky, the glori- ous Planet Venur, is our refulgent or bright Morning Star from the beginning of rhe year unro the 26th, day of Au- enft, ar which rime ſhe makes her ConjunQion with the Sun, and ſo becomes. Occidenral, or che Evening Star, che remaining part of rthe year. Thus, Reader, we have faithfully related Whar with much art by us was calculated : We could (f that we woald) give demonſtrations About the truth of oar Progneftications 3 Bur queftion not, you will hereafter find'1t, And therefore at this time we will not mind it, For time (as it is ſaid) about doth bring, And reBifie the truth of every thing 3 If eaght here be untrue, we, do dependon't, Tow'll fay "twas amiſtaks and'there's an eng on't, C 4 A P33z RKobin, -: 680. A deſcriptson of the four Qmrter! of. the Tear, aia” firit of the. Spring. HE verdant Spring taketh jtz bcg'rnmg ar fuch a time as the refulgent eye of Heayen enters rhe firſt poinr of rhe E\zzſivſioffia! Sign Arres, being this year Marchg. 52 minuics palt 2 1n the afternoon; this 1s rhe exaet time to.a rittſe, arcording to the Accourir of Aſs-trologers;z burt yert, Reader, know, rhat if two or rhree days afrer it ſhould be a bicter Froſt, or a deep Snow, we may conclude Winter is/notthen done, let a rhouſand Affftrologers ſ;cty o the contrary, A: for the remper of this Quarrer, the Weather is 0 prove mid witzre the Women are well pleaſec 3, flormy> lowrſing, and robuſt where the Wife follows her Husband to rhe Ale houſe, _ Such will be the Weather ar home, Then for the Weather abroad, you may expe& it very various, ſomnetimes fair, ſormetimes rain, ſome-» times ſan:ſhine, ſornerimes clc-ſſuſi!y,ſ(:, merimes calm fome- times windy 3, che righr Emblem of a Woman, Cſiszxacnmcg fick, ſometimes well, {omerimes angry, ſometimcs plea- ſed, now laughing, anon 1 CrYing, now me rry, preſently mad rhis hour all koney, the nexr all pall, Thiz 15 the chlcf Quarcer for the melodions finging of the Cuckow, as alſo tor Phyſjcians ro purge mens purlesz Sape and {weert Butter will be whols{oine for the Belly, and Gold a comfortable Cordial for the Pur: * Menfhall begin ro drink their Beer withour Toaſts, and thoſe who have no money inrheir pockets ſhſidl be exceeding backwards in paying rheir Reckonings, The molt memorable d days in this Quarrer are theſe, Firtt, the 5 of March, vulgarly-catled'ovr Lady day, which revives the ſpirirs of many Landlords, cvenas an oid Woman troubled with O\Lzsffi' 15 revived | PY drifiking Aqua Vite. Seconedly,” Eafter Holy-days, the ſyn-mar, or Sturbridge Fair,to Iflington, H gſden, Z\- : fox Torr.-zm- Court, &c for Szlc of ſisſifflſſd Prures, Plu }xs, $lices af ike i Bz m 37 Pore Bobin,' 1580. of Bacon, and other Urenfils , ycleaped Belly-Timber, Thirdly, for the 28 of Aprit, when rhe Term bepins, more gainſul ro Lawyers th2n Harveſt to Tenantrs. Fourrth- ly, May-day, when the-Ladies reſort to Hide Park , fome roſee, others 19he ſeen,, Filthly, Rogatzon-week » when we ferch in the Bounds of the Pariſh, *And Taftly, Whrt- fan-holy- dayr, waen the Country Lads ard Laſſes exerciſc themſeives at the commendable Plays of Scool- Ball and Bailey-brezk. But now for to accounted be gooa-fellows, We Stool-Ball leave, and do frequent the Alehouſe. Summere. Unmmer. the third Quarter of the/year, 1s fo called trom Suy-near, becaule rhe Suns Courſe is nearer r0 us chis Quarter than in any of the other rhree. 'Now ac- cording to that agncienr azjzd Icarned Aſs-tronomer Fr7a Pater, this nearne(s or vicinity of the Sun cauſe.hheat, hear cauſeth ftore of Graſs ro grow, fiore of .Graſs cau- ſerh- the /Cow to give ftore of Milk, fiore of Milk canſerh fiore of Chereſero be made, and ſtore of Cheeſe will ſecd fivre of mourths © from whence we can philo- ſophically argue, That Fune, Fuly and Auguft, the three Moriths of this Quazter, are far berter than December, Fannary and Februaty, rhe three Months of Winter Quar- rer, becauſe thar in the three fir!? js more Cheeſe made thanin the three laff,by_reaſon of the Suns nearneſs to us, {r bepinneth, according ro the Account of unerring A» frology,on the-11* day of June, at ſuch time as the glo- rious Lamp of Heaven, reſplendent Phebun,entererh the firſt poinr of the Solftitial Sign Carcer 3 I ſhallnor need £o rejl you the » { Libra or the equal ballance - Areceive rick Legacies / - any of the 12 Signs aforeſaid Chief Pooe Bobin, 1680. ans Harveſts, purge the bodyY ( Spring or Autumpn, Phyficis Chief times r Chief times r0 {the 4 Term times, Lawyers purge thepurſe Harveſts, marry - : & { Aries or Taurus horned figns have your pockets pickt " N <&emni or any unlucky fign 9 Jeatchthe French Pox S JScorpio,tor that is a chargable s L I Sign £ jbreak your Neck v 3 lignof a dangerous Cure' take a purſe on the Road = f 3 lign hanging may follow carried to prifon fordebr any Sign Thustheſe Dire&ions to your knowledge brings Rules what 4 good or bad for ſeveralthings , And though ſome ignorant Perfons they may ſcoff ir, As rules that do bring inno gamns or profit. Let them ſay what they will, yet you may find them, _* Both good and gainfultoo if that yon mind theme : But 5f you mind them not all's 6ne 10 me; For inthat matter I ſball careleſs be. An Aſi-trological Scheme, l t \, C rrESen m FCT Squire Ketch. _— rienceein other Conntries as well as in England— Pafcernonns ar _the Bel} in'S; Foanſes Court, Clerkenwe! Parilh, P Bobin, 1 680; An Alminack withour a Scheme is like a haidſom, younggarich Maid without a Suitor, or likea Bag-pudding without ſuetgfor 2 Bell without a Clapper, or a Liar without an excuſe,or Dct')'ffſi"(i(-r*ſij_ Beef without Muſtard, or 2 furſe withino mony In it, or (hich js the. propereſt, Compariſanſ"a handion Hoftefs withour” any Cuſtomers. Therefore,ty compleatour Alnanack; ind mike it as fit as a Cafe for a Fiddie,,.we have here |kewiſe plated » Schemey which after we bav&explained every particular of ifymay Cfor ought I know). ſerve t2 as much purpoſe-as fome Scheimes in other Almanacks, : Mercury we find is croſs-grain'd with Sarurnwhich hgnifiesthar though Malt he cheap, Brewers'ſhall make their Beec final!%* for fo faith the Learned Fobn Taytby in his At3-trological Predicions of .the antiquity,of Jim-cmcks. ' At good mensboards, wheteoft T fin{4 g00d” Chetr, I.fin4 the, Brewen, honeſt 7 big beer 1. , He ſells it . for _ ſmal} beer, and;he hould cheat Tnſtead of ſmall, to'cogen Folks with gyeat : Buz one ſhall feldong \find ther: with that fault, Except it fhould inv;fily rain mault, AzainPemus 19t0 a!Quartite wihiMyrs, therefors rhet=owill.s be few... Veſſels ſhipwracks vpon Salishury-Plain,,, becauſarxe thall hive pood Harveſt Wearher all” February long, .Tn Summer we f£nlÞbef» peſtred with dut,” that many, m#1 ſhall notbe abl®ro diſcern-their Neighbowars Wives from their own, The Weither ſhaill be as ynconftaat. as womens-mind+big-belyjied Clouds With child of ftrange. Chimera's , and great Thundrimgs in and- abvut London, with Lightning abour puny Gameſters. Some ſhallido thatina Tavern, which they, ſhall repenr_ar Tybarn;; and. f6ine coy Virgins, tiating (forfoorh) to be_thonght windfa'ls; org to be rathered bur with che Lad der ofoMardmonyy thall hang Qn- piuckr till they,aro,rotrens And. lailly, we-fid} thes jovial Pla- * net Fupiter, in .2. Sextale aſp eA with Se!, which t1gnifies, That Powder'd beef and Cabvidge will be berret andwholeſomer tgod thanfryed Flyes, biifter'd Bees, or ftaed Snakes, which three dith- =es they ſay may be eaten on Wedne'days or Frydays, becilſe they are neither.Fiſh, nor Fleſh,.nor,good red He:rinp. . And \fo Ehope -you are with mith veplentſh2, _— f m tabonybere 5 franffero onn ADVERTISEMENT, 1 Uptures or broken, bellies. No Cire no Mony, intil's moiifhs after you be'well: © But for Trufſes you 'may Have\rhem oall ſa-ts eatie; None Tach made it Englend asthele beffound) by expe- By-Foim-Rentar the naked boy on the Ditch fide by Flret-bridg from 9 ron. LF: : Ws advice for nothing, ; ; E7, N Þ-$5 PT B M s - ”