T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* - ſiocscwosct&oaooesvmwoewmz s Apollo Anglicanus, ? : THE : ? z Afiiting All Perſons in the right Underſtand- ing of this Years Revolution, as alfo of things paſt, preſent, and to come, 56 «bY A twofold Kalendar, viz. Falian or Engliſh, Gregorian or Foreign Computations, more plain and full tkan any otker, with the Sun and Moons Rifings and Settings daily ob« lerved, of general uſe for moſt men, To which is added certain brief and plain Dire- Ctions how to know the Hour of the night by the Stars, with a new Methiod of Com- pound Jntereft and Annuities, 50 eC O89 56 339 eB I0Þ 5 8 Studes in the Phyſical-Coleftial Scienceg. g Aſtrolog0s in pluribus poſſe non falſa predicere maxine Z quidem in communt, quia pltres bominum ſequuntur paſſiones, ad quas cooperari poſſunt Corporg Caie- 2 ſtia. &&, Thomas Aquin»s, 1 Par, 9, 115s ; s Printed by Company of 1680, $N 0G29 00 GIn aGoeacont, => N sſi. n 529 GYP dI50 05 90: G5:I9 5 00 G20 52 M TAn EEEEE een EHEEDreem eD n nn R a—_—_— —— — IIS ) == — & Fable fhewing how many years Pui chalc »Loale or An; nwiry, ro endure for apy Term of years under 33..1s worth| preſencly ac Intereft upon Intereftyar fix'in the h undred: 2nd fhewing plainly how ro diſcount any Leaſt: in Be- '} ing, and thetrie value, of the Reverfion after. at1y num- berof Years i_ So .{c,o\ihe aic and txplnation, © 6 ſict—; £ ſjſſſ%];% S: of this Table. = TiSj6&|S - D (Zct & | Thefirft Colmn towards che - m 0 '_o G [——— - feft hand, Ghewethihe yeares of HS t'1* |IO fa Leaſe or Anwity, acd right| 7 0[ 5 (T » |1 19 |9 JgainſtcachYear, is the Years| 19 30{g 9 ; 3.|3. |8 |[1- |Months and Decimal parts of 9 1r{r Monecbs purcbatc, that ſuch : [ 4 13 5 [9 Les' L OES 20 Li|o Raſe or Annuity is worth. 7 5 [4 j2 ]F. E;!zimpzſizſict'. ZI-! 19 3 6 |4 [12]0 | £oppoſe a Leaſe er Annuity] 32/1%0 |- 7 |5 |7 |© kecentinueten Yeares, and you 2312[; [s 8 |6 [a |5 [would know bow many years 24\12\6. |g 9 |6 |9 |c [rurchalein is worth in preſent 25 129 tolp |4 |; [59ne, look in the Table for i6\35t; 4 ten years of 3 Leaſe to the [:212 10 17 j1017 |icft band, and againſt the ſame|] 37/13/: l 1313 14 [6 [you thalf fied y,4,32-which fhew-| 29/:3/, " 13\s8 j\ro[z cth fach a Leaſe to be worth e- ſiqſſ\ctZ F l ! 149 |; [s _vcnzems four menths,and chreej; ſſU*ſſſiIJ - T; ) 2 tCath : Parts of a Months pur<-l 24 21 1B j 129 5 [|chaſe. { 3T{£3/15 l,\ I 1© : j Z y | - S. Ag#itty are you totake or mn 4 6 buy cheReverfion of any Leaſe or Annuity,w : k chus, Sup»y Poſc rhe Leafe ro be thirty years in all; you find in the ſe- Ccond Table, and righr hand againft chircy, 13 years 5, | monthg,and two renth Parrs of a monerhs: purchaſe ; rhis T were worth, were it in prefenr poſſefſion. Bur ſuppole; chere be a Leafe of five years (more or leſs) before your Commence; leok in rhe Table againft'the five Years,and rhere you find four Yearsgrwo M oneths, five_centh parts, | halfs a Monerhs purchaſe;take rhis our of the ſum againft 6 | rhurty, which is 1339,2. 43235, Fhc remainder 1s 9, years lf| fix moneths, ſeyen-renth parrsofa menrh.z and ſo much is the Keverfion' after five years worrk, rhe rem+inder of ehirty ye#rs, - This is uſefr) 2nd very cafe D B &,. ,'ſi'ſiſiſſ\ Ye J, {ſſſihzuſy 4 136; 13991 Sep,29|13 6 167,ſi!ſiſi!ſi:\?ctz$ſiffitcrimw S \Henry 5 1384 1412)] Mar.z20/g 512.58, Aug.z1 Weſtminſte: Heary 6,1421.1422) [Aug.31138 61220, Mar, 4 Winſor A Table of che Kings and Queens of Enzlaad fince the C(ſſſſſiqffi—ſiflſſ Rn s 2or® [Begantoreign\nm ed l Buabed »: | William 1%1013 1066310&.14 oLills93s vepti g/Cacn Nerm.\ William 2|1057| 1087,) Sep. 9{1211]580, Aug, 2\Winchefter' ) JM Heary | 1,1069 109 Aug.2|35 4{545, Dec, 1jReding / " Steph=n [xro5 11355\'Dec. 11811]$26,0809,2 5/Fc er 1am || IFES - - LTTE TheSaxomLine.reftor'd, 15 10 T. Hcm'y S L132\11543 Uct.zg J5 949 ]uly 6 Fountcſſ:—vſicſiff-) Richard 4 1155,11894july 619 9.481, April 6|Founrevey, F [John 1165 1199,]April 6|17 6|464,OQo.19]Worceſter \, Zflcnry 31207 1216|[O&.19};6 1]408, Nov:1s6|Weſtminſte, Edveard 11239 1272,)No.16j34 81373, July 5|Weflminſte Edward z\1283|1307;| July-7]19 613 543 Jane x5)Gloceter | \Edward 3 /1312/1326)| Janez5|;1 5130 5z June zl'Wefiminflezj [Richard zl'\zssſſxz-n, ſun.21\22 318 1z Septiz 9 Wenminiter !____,____._____._..a— 2 —ceenneerenrrnr nrnnnnrnnrnnrnro m l —The Line of Lancafter. ——— The Line _9( Yorke Edward 411442 1460,| Marig|zz 1|197, April 9,'Wifi-—:ncncr Edward 5|147.1 1483,| Apri.gſo 21197, June 18/Not hirown Richard 3[1448/1483|Jun,itS[z. 25195, Auy, 21/Lcift,Cwbere! _—_ The Families United, : _ : {Henry T[lag55hi 4By5y Au.zz}zz 8\i71,Aprod 21 Wetmmuae: | 'Henry -$[1491|i50f,}Apr.2243710{1134, Jan, 28 Winſor | Edward 6|1537}1547,|Jan,28j6 5/127, July 6 Weſtminſter! Qu, Mary|1518|t5539| July 61 4j123 Noy.x7 Weſtminſter} Q Elizab-j1533 15 583 Nos 17]44 4 78,March 24, Weſlminſter| "n S. 'ctſh_c Union of the two Kingdonis, p f 1602,| Ma.za\z> ©{55,March 29|Weſtminſte) Charks 11600|162595|Ma.z9|131132 Janu. 3o/Winſor Charls ,. 2 1630{1648,} Jan.zs|whem God granz long roReign, — — — — emn mn mn mn f eRn rr terne eB re iboe, The World muſt now confeſs, 'that Monarchs are Of him that ruſles above the chicfeſt cafe. \ He withgreat C aR LEs doth gently Peace feftors, Heaven could not give us, nor We cCOvet mores Hence Anti.monarchiſts, from' yo! there ſprings $i8very ; but Freedor is from Heaven and Kingh Then let all loyal hearts with us conctude, May; Cefe? live, and Rebels be ſebdu"ly, mn : " \ pa e” james [1566 — » Farewarn'd, forearm;d,. the Terms approachinou {ee : | Na AMfick,s ſweet, like Angels Harmony. | Cerhenpn——==— em m rienoyyon nmmmmadomnh mn mn C y, X HR ALSIS AT penn Return,or, Eſfſoint Exception,. |[Retutna Bre:)Days of Ap-] | - nday+. - Mays.... yium. pearance,, | OFabHil-Far, 20 Fanuary ©21\January, 22 fanuary 72 Qiita, Hile Fans 7 Fanugry,. . 28|Fenvary, 29) 7anuary ,* 3ol. 6raſt.Parif. Feb. 3|February - 4|February: 5\February 6 O, Purif. Feb 5\Fchruery, 10\F cbruary.. 11\Februgry. 12 Ouin,Paſc Apra6 April,,.__ 27 Aprit. . iSſſ-ſiApril - 291 Freſ. Paſc. May 3|May 4 May 5 May 6]. MenſePalc May L0) May M\May. 12\ May 13 Oum Paſc May 17 Hay - 18 May '19|May ;.., 20l Craft Aſcen-May 31 'May 22/14y ;... 24 May 24 Craft.Trin, Fune 7 Fune 8\Fnne 9; Tane 19 | Of.Trin. Fune 14\Fune 15Yune 16-Fune— -— 19 DutnTrin Fur.2 Tf Funt zz'ct{}'unc 23 Trne Z4 Tref-Triz June 25 Fune 29| Fune 30, Fure 3oſi | Tref. Mich.O#, 40/Ofsber. - 21[OHober” ® 22\08nber 23 Menf.Mzb Of, z7loctober 27|0Hober 25/OFober 29 Craft.Arim:Nov.3|November' *a\November 5{Novembey 6 | Craft. MareNouet ) Nevember 14|Novimber 15|November I5 | OF0b 2{zr.Nov 8 November TgNovimber” 1 November 22 | Quin.Mar-Nov. 5" Nourmber 26 November' 27\November 29 A[ R EEEEIA ot t-cun SgIIIR Ins ornos nnn mm ON: p I — — —_ | |>Notez The Exchequer” opens eight'days before any Term iſi, begins, Excepr Triny-Term"'before which it opens only ; four"days: | " Nore, Thar the firftand laft days' of every Term, areÞ \ f i F { thirtand laſt days: of 'Appearance. ——_—— . , ; : e” t\ " Directzons for the ſubſequent Diary,er Almanack. 1 FN thefirſt column to'the lefr hand}on the left band pzge, {| 2,,Inthe ſecond columy.you have the- week days, and Dominical Letter., 3. You have all. the principal and 'obſervable Saints days and others ; the places of the Pla- nets, and the Moon aioſt nigkts,and whar fixed Stars ſhe,jiz| with, 18 obſeryed; by which the Affteritms and Conftella- ttons are calily known to an ingenious eye and underfianding. |'4. The Moons place in the Zodiack eyery day at noon,)\ | '5._The age of the Moon, by which the Tides are known i | |.6, The rifing and fetting of the Moon, eyery day in the| year with.Latitude, | Cn performed by_the Author, Romanweek days, and Sunday Letter, 11. The perie&t Roman Kalendar and Saints days, 12, r3, 14, the utmoſt to the right hand, you bayethe daily rifing and. ſerting of the Sun, with the Aſpe&s, T Table to find when the Xfo0n will be full South every day this\ - year,, whereby the time of Tides k exattly knewn. M: A. H,b.[. Firſt find her age in the 5,column.of the Alma- T116 12,o|nack,which is exaRly every day noted ; which} | 2/1 7[ 1]26]2ge ſeek out- in-one. of. the two columns, of this! 2/18/ 2]24/Table to the left. hand, , againſt which. in\the 4\19.. 3)c213and 4..columns is the/hour and minutes which 5/29. .4: ofſhew. the_time of the Moons being South, , 6j41) 5143]:. Asfor example,the 22,day, of March.the Moonr 7 24 6]361is 3 days.old,which. being found.in the; 3..celumn| $12.3. 6]24/ofthis_ Table to.the left-hand,-it-points.to-z i. | 9124/7 [12]24,m.! aty which: time.,the: Moon-isSputh, the 10/25) 7j..ofaid 22,day, of March,. 16S0..:Erific;de cateri. 11]26' $148} Here note,thatall the increale ſhe comerk tothe 1214.7| $\36|Sonth;in the evEning following tbe $un z buriin £3/28| 912.4|rhe decreaſe.inthe morning going beforethe Sun, Ya[291c|iz} By any Sur=Gial you may know the hour, of) 1543912t-o|mght-byadding rothetime of-rhe-Mooi being! als -1$}South after, or ſubtra&ing before Twelve. \ you have th'\Nuzeral figures of the days ofthe'Month,| 7. The general ſtate of\the weather, with_ muck. care] $. ln the'$, column, the firſt on the right kand, you bavef : the Engliſh account, In the 9, che Foreign, 1n tlhe 10. the] ! CT - - 57 D D 11N l iþ IN U9 l 1 ( To frad the tame of High water 1n meſt Coaſts of Exgland, | Firſt, £5 you betore were rtaughr, find' at whac' time.the] Moon will be Souch, for then you may truly cenclude ir igh-ſi warer ar Southampion, PBuinboroughs and Foriſmonth, for chere the Souch and North 'Moons-make Va -High-water. ' 'Burwhen you defire thertinie of Full Seain any of the following Coafts in,ſſ cheeniuing 3 able,find che namet the 'place; and ſee how many chours and minuces be annexed/ thereunto in the Column” under H.M, which added to-rhe time: of the dMoons coming ro South, «ives you cthe rime of High-water forthe place required, A Tide-Table, with rhe Names ot-che-Havens. Rochefier, Maldon, Aberdren, ob.4ym, Graveſend, Romney, Rambings, /Þ2 39 ' Lengoa, Tiamonth, Hartlepool, 3 'o ' Fi:ith, Leith, ,Dunvar, Narhong 4-'30 Newcaſile, Falmeuth, Humber, F''lg Lin, autw: p, Plimouth, Hyll, £5:we B:iſtol, Laxiong Foulneſs, 6 24F Milford, Biidgwater, Notth-coaft 7: 30 Portlazd, Peicrpoit, Bartflews $ 5 Dever, Tarmouth, Farwich, Dublin, 19 30 Caltice, Rie, Winchelſey,. Catſhet, Ii 15 Example, 7 The 2.%,0f March this year, ,it is required ce know the time of Full Sea at Newcaſtle : by the” Kalendar over againſt rhe »2.08 Match, in rhe tifth Column, I find the Mocn 3 days ?zz\d, and by che foregoirg Southing Tablc, I find the Moon !501;{!*: at 2 hours 24 minures in the afternoon 3 _then in the pre- [ccding Table, againſt Newoaſ}/e 1 find 5 hours I's Minutes, ryhicon addedto 2 bours 24 minutcs, the 38gregoate 15 7. hours :9 mipuret,whereſore 1 conclude'ir Bigh-waterthere ar 7 hours ZLQ mnures 1n the afternoon : ſo ofany other. Fake rorice that the Tideflewerh one poinr of the Cempaſs more ar the Spritg- Tide (which'is the New and Fu] Moons) ehan at the Neap=Tides(rhe firft and ſecond Quarters) As alſs ne Larirude of the Moon and Winds. may alrer ir an heur io0ner or larer; ler jr be rhejr providence who depend upon the Tides co make 5imely provifion, | The Tides lihe tumoms Hymours never reft, ,S'rif_cnzzfi,ct:vzz in incenftancy : bef, R : W : mn 7"'— | 4 true (-Chronalagy of memorable things to this year 16$0,| . CL Ktecnrieled rhe ifland of Great Britgia 2506 ?) The building of. Lozdoz 2707 l The building of .Rome : 2432 Thi laſt deſtruftion of. Zeruſalem by Titxs Veſpaſean-15 g7 Eng {axd fix{t Teceived.the Chriftian Faith 15c0 The: Tower of London builr 1115 Duke #iliamihe Norman conquered England 614 Weſt mwinfer-Hall builr 81 The building of $r, Peax!s Church Loadon 594 Londoa- Bridg builc with fione 470 The Bible fiſt divided inro Chaprters 45 The fir\ invention of Gu#s 300, A FroR from the midſt of September till 4prid 26 The rare invcotion of Printing 2.40 Pauls Stegple fiied by Lighning I19 Che New Scar in Caſſopea - ,. 107 The Royal Exchange builr and faniſhed fiſt time 1068 A great Snow fcll February 4. 03 Y g Tilbury Camp on St. Fames diy 9: ſiſſ-ſi; A Plague in Lonayn whereof died 30578. 75 The laſt great Snow, and Smithfreld paved _ 65 A great Plague in London, whereof dicd 35428, 55 The Parliament thar produced monfters began 40 The hemaininging Scam of rhem murrhered thar ine % : comparable Royal Marryr Charles 1. Jan, 30.1564% £ )z,! The Lord General Mozch hippily lopr off rhe heads l of thoſe Mouſters, Feb. 21-1659. 5" King Chales the Second ſafely recurnced_to Phirebally May 29. 1660, 4 m His 'Majeſly rruwphanitly Crowned, Ap7i/ 2.3, Two'Cormers appeared in Decomber and Mfa"ch The doleful Plague that followep themy whereof died from'April. co Chrifimas, of the Plague thar"weic raken noticeof," beſides © number of -Quakers znd ] others never broughc inro the Billy/ 6255'6, The M | R Toral,and moſt 'of the Plague, was 97396s- _ Thac unparalleld* Dreadful, fire 'in London,Soptemb. Z $5) L 2, 3, 4, 5. in that faral year 1666. A'4 — Fyll-Moon the.s. da zK - - : . dayz.,2t 30.m. paſti10;at nigt (ſſ Laft/Quarterithe, 13 day.,. 26. kr)n-. paſt 8 Zigſ:(tcth l £5 ÞI'CW Moon the 21, day;- 50:m. paſt-noon 7T” Eirſt;Quarter,the:28, day,: 20«m; paſt'8 in-the mo/minſſg: 1ja Arau:,t4)1t|1; M T 21 &3 57S 'gem, 8 % ber ihety Z 24 s gez.z: :; 4 4; c:_/: ?*!uc},: ; Fath! or 1-4 " T 20 &K canc;6114f6 48- = :Pvdct,ſiabſſq*l(-)ctyq Sſe[2 9| 38 ® can. 20 #7ow, mn PeUr e) '6|F) lo. 3]16\4 A.c8 R ( gee og\T 4 1R, lieo 17|t9]5 Y N d 2 yald ["3/@\> n..4 B; rail.lleo 3018; Fl 'v{lt_h frolt forr a 9 b 'p n.* 1n ta.:virg. 12[19\8 - * F {ſimectſi ma1ehHig : s W. 2leold 6 __ct(_oonſi : changed| RC) hb?. MUTSs Zyſig'mtpaturbulen—t N Fy Vigt Borhibs 29 iolegs 21 Bn RnedSrS t3] 5 » m Luc. cor. |libr. 30| : [x2 Wik Vres migycon \4l$ſſ - W.,XSerp. n, PT 9 Etlnue more |ot1 35*'3 Þ with Oph, lcor:z4 »52 w6 E?ct]cts forye few!| I6|h (4 w.l.fh; Hercfaoit. 6 W. AIION idays - apd now: 17|g 3 w,'ctr..ſh.Opb.iaſiZir 1$[27 xp ſſexyect d 18}+ | caPrſi. IInRE If wgh An 19/ e3 /7 tail Vul.\capr, 4.2.9? & vtb.er' aſſpd pro- ctſiz \f '> W-,BR}Y—VU]_ capr.27 ZO 5 34 ſb:bly (n—OW 16 2 g l Wi.Swans Br, aqu-." Z = 'Rſitnrywpljlcſſſi;,' 22]& 3 W. m, Peg./a ſi C DN BWT l nciins prc.a0lirly.. - o hehiek Mhap aif zctſſ\i i'ſi:- w.Xta,whal. P,jſc:,,44 g zg - ſi;ſſſi-ſſh may alſs 2 1at$) ' aries. 85 |g : : diſiſi;ng 'Ffl'm- T. 6 E )Wi.glr—-, Andro.jaries lȜſi 10 ?8 g { eR "m 2-7 f: j%zw.ſſ-@" kn.ctCaſ,}taux_ 17 12 nſſſict? el 51 g| # WithPlejadesftaur, 203 M3 M *9/J,I with Regel" Jg-m.. 519 {2 3,3,03 E Z}b/ Pre gew,Ig|16[3. * 20| ©/ 9rtE -3 ICUNCe.21$1/4_29] _y—_—— —_— - mn IaoO- mn e- II eCn mn D \ , |mn 7 =| =| "$aturn this month ſets before Sun Sun riſmng. Jupiter| 123 5 SJouminatts a the” enif of th#s month abour'Sun ſet- D &\ting.” Mars'falls under the' Sun' btams... Nenns [7]5 iſiſſj =-|ourbright- morning' Srty,” and Yiſes olitle-bifert 'f-g }'% 'g-ſi Z1the Sun; Mercury*kceps neer the 'Sun and 'canuot 1 a D $]|be ſeen. _ mn [ 4 8 3 11]d 1ArcT1:xs T. " Day 8 hours 11*8 Zi.ſſoſi 12);2 |Benedi&t A/K Þ$ 9 42 3;'758 goy 13{-f Kentig, Ab. watts e- P HT EwS 5|.$6/4 15: (Maurice S. |:i6ht 6 b\Marcellus _. 3 7\ty[t/Anthony ( & J- 5 a; 9 - 78 K8 :[PſlſC;l\N 1 Gu 9 C " : s*ſi 49}g| $./Pont,,Wo \ Yoe” ſſZzof Fab SebmeH gm; Day 8b. zem, :?7;9 ;\ I &l Agn; | of Fi (;ſizv T|Vincent! C_']@U Ilaſi. ll; :ctſſ :Z 13| =3{-*jE merent p 4n (4-5,,4 e Timothy-B ln vs 5| Þ.\Con. S.Paul; iGa#1tÞ lz6 F\Polymrp 4 180 1_71.7 Chryſoſt. B A oHICt 8kp | : 19] ,33] :3 X Theodore ; Kpa2 19 ..364 24 939 lAPO]OHXZL * V \ 92 meSs 25/311 £\Cyriac .. } l og 21 lgn B.& M> '-Ȝ' d 52 w :41132% 39 7'41 3 f Blaſ B M} !1597\8431 S/e {2.6\,26| [34 '6| 5/© Agarhy Pn 3 27] 6]V Dorho{by ſip]f 0 9 \85' l3 28 7] e£ [Zachary . zmſiznct - 29| 8 d [Paul Biſh. Day9h Q 32[ Lp102 zo| 9| E [Apolonia AY go. 3;7184"473 3!{lo\f Scholaſtica £ ) Full Moon the 4. day,' 55m paſt 1 afternoon, C Laſt Quarter the 12, day, 16 m. paſt 5afternoon, & New Moon the 19. day; 48 m. paſt midnight. Firſt Quarter the 26. day,*46 m,paſt 4 afternoon; Feſtival & Sainrs| Th- y:(The|The Þs riing, The! yarjigus =| < from the »fullj F ſioſi] :ct:: daygwich che Þ:{;}ſicfhct 3s go;ctf;fiſicgflwfggſſ'mumſilorl of the Uf =applicarion ro the[.4;, 1 lage l change, of WEAKHEr, S ( Ylflflffid fixed Rars.lar r:oor}ſſMſſ \ſictl—i—-["*w—*ctſſ'—cſſſſſ@ſix 215 M24! : ca8. 2913'5 55 Mild and warm - *!Hſſz 6 S R, |leo 1,/1415s 36| . Jatthe begining, fſi 3 Va 5os |leo z , —;jbut ſoom-over- 1 4 E{ct_ 26| 37 &2 virg. 8 .165 A,q5 caſt with cold ": | Z 12 1. 38 wp Yirg-xo,x-,- +YI7 flſſL_bby driſling o|f[9 2 51 as [libr. 2.10/17) 59| ,,[rain;then more g tbr.14/1g/8 52z jtemperate ;for ol e6 hbr.zsſij, 9 55', _ /ome few days, tolf |Þ near S. Bal]jſCOYP $|2zj19 57] & which 55 ſo_on] i1\g \Þw B. *Ser.N )'ſcox'_ſſz.o'z_,_ it 54\S follewecſii with <2\ @ Terrn.g /ſagzr. 2(@\12 53 = rough winds, 8 3--':1* » whea Oph.|fag. i424/! M: ={churliſh ftorms ſi4 c Valentine ſag. 26\y5\2 ' 42 Z |[More.or leſs inf :'5 ; jcapr. 925/3 31|; jmany places, [ 16(e,\ with ſw, billcap, 22274 20 but-towards the t 17] £ ® in bigh w.Swaqua.5/2g/4 58 fend. ,. hopeful 18) 5n wing Swan2qu.19], gff 29 ſP".fiſig"Ȝg WeJ- 19]* |Iwith Marchab|Piſc. 4 @5 54 rher, kind and xo_{ſi ,with,ſifwh.m pl_ſc,zg\ v[4N h—_ ſ_'e.zſo.zſſ:able,wu_h j 11 dwithiAndron/aries 3|.,]7 A.z5| wſome dark alr!ſ - 2 D\C aries18| 18 42| w[and drifling ſi [-2]5|-with F,And,|raur. 3 al9 $58[© ſaow, bat mor- 2b6 taur.17, 5jif 13/5 [oing froſts and '--15 , gem, I1| :z 24{19 Clear-air con- -6| , Iwith Orion Blgem-T5| 7 24 5:\cludes:;the 27| jÞwich'B. F nglecm 29 sz 33'?0'-"5 {month; | Can- 14 913 39 18% | CAan. 261{ 4 71 mm — R Srnde emn ree errerrrer m B aernn em rrruer nngrt em Bent mn emn emn emn wT, ” — 5 Zfictſ 75{ Saturn this month.ſets after midnight,” Jupiter| M 39 Z fiats before midnight. Mars falls unser the Sun- R =%Y|S|2 \beams. Venus riſes before the $un. in' Aurorayi | > > 0 break of day. Mercury at the beginning of thect R 2 Þ\=|month is mn her greateſt clongation fram the.Suns M © S |-I ſi 33 85 the Moon 1he 25. day near Aldeb. - &|*|*| B Perieyſtats The mutual Aſpefs of the ] } i l \ ſſ' l X=-JYF Concept. Planct.r, &C o. R 5 l W 1117 l n I7u7443 2|12| g \Hali. Nat-ſi Days length 1 h. 52 m 2 16 44 3/13] 4 |Woſtans, |{ F'© 5 2- 3 14 46 M\ 4]14] q \Valentine X 13 4a7/' 5[45] » \Fauſtin 5 h 48} jſi)} 61i6] g\Juliana 6710450| 7417 gſDiaſcore Fa. $ 8 F2 ſſ!l ſſ* $li$ 8 4 56 -4 9|19| &/\Sabine OYy 1: 3., 9 2 58 l toj2efh ;Mildred \A@Hh o Day is 1o lours 107 05 & j11 [21] 4: j69: Martyrs {I1658 12Þa2Þd ſſPeters Ch,*HY 5'ms Iz' 57 3 13]23] 7 {Policarp | 13''55 5 14]24]-f Juhan ſAO*-ſſF 5 Ms I4 '54 6 1525 133 33 20 16j16| 3 16 Sl 9 17]27] b |Auguſtine 749 11 ſlZZ.S £ [Roman &A 7% © 18545514 19]9' ®.jAlexand, ſi I9" 44 16 2© David: B, | 20 42 I8 21] % f 'Chad. 2I 45 20 224 3 22 38 22 : 4 :-; Adrian 23635525 74, 24 ȜL 28 vg 6{ D Dies ciner 2F 32 30 26 37 33 i Pcrpetua 18 9 Prudcnc. v9 lo Cyprian A H Y 133, Day m.;!yzzm 17 25 35 1286 245 36 { Eirft, Quarterthe.-3\day;-at 11:inthe morning. | - B New Moon:the 20,dayy+36 mypait.io in-the'morning; > birft Quarter the-27sday;! x5:m; palt z1jn the mornigg, D)Nguzd Bithop, «leo. :-9} 14 M. 54 ; 6 154.S Dile-o 2113], $ : ; ,vjfg__ct;xz; 35 Þ 9.53:5 |virg.i6}13)s 5 &' 19 | 26 F |virg.:9 14 23 I:br,xxjls 5 A_;c— libr,22/i6/7 48 ſcorp.4['7]8 5Fo ſcor,z6118 3 52 Sun in Aries ſcor_183(9 to 50 » n,kn,Ophin, ſagy 10j29); x 59 t2]/8#[» n.R.S.Oph. [aS, 23/31 Cold-and ſharp} ſturdy winds uſher jnthe , month, Right] March: "weather!: for ſome| fey 1 | days,then ſweet Z\{pringing wea+{: ther 'may'be ex- ] # Full Moon thcſſs.dayſſ, 35 \ſſ*n, pait-6'imthe merning; | m * P 17 54K b] rf I100 d | 12 139" |peed;*with t3]9|.31. B,X Harplcapr, 44 l M-30Zmorning'froſts, ual &14 cap, 17(43ſz 17 Povercaft at 15{Þ 1.3 n-B, Vult, cap. 32|*4|u 54 A| | D, night with winds (#0->.11 {w.br, aqu.t3/25Þz © 37 cleering for?a t7].f \Þh. 4n m,Peg/aqu, 27/26 4 7| | |while, but rain 18| - {Fnear Marchabſpilc, 4/*7 4 39] : jorſnow followsi 19 4 |anear /Wh,tailipiſc_,6|28 s 8) | [About'the new 2 F n.gir,Andro.jaries z 2\& "\Moon'expedt | aries 27 313 A,z0 ſhatp"air, cold D.|.Þ n. Meduſas b.'taur,x2þ3js 32 jand windy, yet *|3n, Plciades ;tanr, 2914}io% 27 S\for-the'moſt #41.F/2 near Rigel lpcm.rr] Sjtt 34 2 |partiſex{ondble, 25| gl.L | ctſ'gem.zſis 6fiz zoſ * though'very va. 261T|F near Syrius\canc. g9| 7\i M.35 Yrious weather 37ib |Þnear Przſepect'can. 231 $% 22 linwoſt places. I8|. 1. Sty - {lco 6\'9[z 55 Z $2 Re: ſſ ;29[.d |D near,Cor Leo'jep I8itoſ} 21 IZF@?_! 'B.ficar ba;Lion virg. 11z 5: - " Zlf C n, Lions tajl Virg.lzſtz 4 15 . ' ' — d ——— -—-——-—-—*-—-—__.-—._.-—._———_——-—-— ————diee m emn REII em rmoenle ed _ X —— Ell Saturnzbis' month: ſets after- midnight; ) upiter| | | m 19 0?_'-3 S| 3:\ſces after-$un jets Mars falls utdr theSim-beavis,} P'ZW ſi, enus is | ſtilt-our: morning-Star,” ard riſes before\| | 41$122.|tbe Sun. ''Mercury falls under #he Sun-btams, "and| | 5 9 213 | 2-jcaanot be_ſeen this month. —The-6;-day in the”eve=" Z 5 31 [ning the |1 m69.be ſten above the Virgms Spike. * ( \ I1|11; 4 Cunibert Day 12 he 16 ms 1]6;2?_5 z!ſſ;ja'(iregorius!lfiu ? '3m, 3 30 313/'v, [* Þ y 164: 3! 88 41 46 \Candide 4. 16 | e1ig)ht{Longinus 5 14 ehog+8;Boniface 6: xxh 17 A 4 ſi?ſſfls &\Edward » | Bſi ſi-,;\ 91g/#|Jofeph-'/) ſſ Y miz.o h{Cutbert } Day is 12h,\io s os 11(2; }/6\Benegi&+ (FIO &7 2 i1'5 58'6 12/24}. 3: jPaulinns: 7 Y 4 Ms Iz 571 13/24] 3\Theodore | | 13 56 !412.4 ! 14, 54 1 51a5f H Y 12 32 I6 zgi &;Caftor 50 17]24).9Martian 48 18128).5 \Dorothy 46. 1919\ |Euſtace's jf © J 14 44 20 3.0;- v Guido j | 42*3 Ll!zxl Ah? I'5 As 22 Theodore {{3/k f 16'Ms 21.k MzrſiſſEgipt 3{-6 ſUlpian 25] a\.6|Ambrofe 51-% |Vincent 2.7; 6| % Egcſippus DlſſiS I3 hours [ 2 CO 2 29]. 8| d jDjopy ftus 3e} 9g| 5 [Valerian 31|io”d-Eſchillus -———-—-—-"_-\-——————————_',\————-—\_\ em rnrnrnr m z Full Moon the 3. day, 33 m. paſt 13 at night, j ; }c LJſt Þarter the 11 day, 42 Mm: PZ!} midnlgbfi }. New Moon che 18 day, 46 m. paſt 6 aftexnoon, Firſt Quarter the 25.day, 13 m, palt z aiternoon, Pn mn 3 15 S - |virgevs baf 2 i6, 13 1: 5z Y itbr. 71: 45 7 libr.19 {__ſſGrateful and icorp,i|}1615 A.F7] gſeaſonabls Wea- 2 19, 35 X{ [(cor.:3[i7)7 > 51 {ther begins the 3 14 45 S licor.r6|18}8 40[ month, and ijn ;Þ ncar Antares(agir, 7 :99 32 [all probabiliry iÞ lag, 19]:ofto zſſſſi*zmay continue &" 1 & Y X b I E f 4 b capr, 112,}kX 3I 2 ſeveral days, CaP.L3}22{i2 25 ;? ,vi3. ſome April A Nm . cap.36|4jl - 13 "'ſhowers with 10 " d\3n. X in w:$w, 4qua.9124T 45 ='troſt in the mor- E . BN » ,. Pegaſus, ſaqu. z: -s]'ct 34,X \nings,then about T_ Þ ne. h(ſi;rchab piLctc. 6126/3 20| ithe m1d{t of the ſij z near Pegaſ} pilc,20(27)4, 25 ſmom:h expe&t {30h, of Andryaries 5|2815 39 |cleudy weather, 7 4 16 H; 3 0-Gir, Andr. " aries3 0|2.9j6 [threatning ſ1.ow 18 | T. _ taur, 5| {—or hail in many 19 D 2 near Pleiade: taur, 20 z3 15% ſſplſitzces, or Tr 3 8 LthL we Y n. Aldebar ſoe&m, sſſ 2/9 23] +changeable wea- gem 2<| 319 34 _{ther with loſty % g Þ'near Syrius fcanc, 5 4flt 24 Zſi,ſſwindsſſ yet good > I, Geor->e can.i 12 9 ſ*-*ſjn.o-j{]ſſ;-r Wea 4 near Preieptjlee 2} 62 44' e, ther 1n the gene- e: 10 1. /u |& n. Pole X x5t 2 | ZZral,and towards 26|, Pn.Llon_s acartjieo 28| $/x M 48 g'ſithe emd exped; 27| E|# Þ. tail Liovivirg.n:| g'x 72 \much rain not 28 g @ Virg.22/1@> 3;% {unſeaſonable. 29lg 1 2: \_ſmſi-*ſſcmll ibr, 4j11/3 17.*% l PO Z. Virg.Spike ibr.16ſſu.3 40}! , i | ” » : | j i — } !ſſ 1 Saturn ſets zhis month much about midnight.| Juptter towardsthe end hereof diaws near the Sun and cannot be feen. Mars is not yet free from the Sun-beams, Venus 7s 0u7 morning Stare Mercury at the beginning: of #he -month emerges-out of the ( 2 < \Suns Rajys, . apuaJry *WOY dtuoojv +[3BY '4103IIY *10J Arp *51g 1woY Lo - 11h g Leo Pope Jay 13 Þe 15 me| 15 2116 39 z,12]D July Biſth.|kK bþ Q& 42 : 2| 18| 42 313 Z |[Zenon 3] 16| 44 414 4] 14 46 5,15]s |Olympia 5| I2| 48 616]| g |[fidore 6| Iol 5 7/17] k |Colmie 7 l '53l $16|g |Valeritan j&F 3 6m 8] 4 54 9\19] þ |T1mothy g\ - o| 5 10120] & |Victe Mart. . Day is 14 hours|19/5 o[7 0 L1}51 [T|4 5B 2 12122|Y [Emanuel 12\ 57þ 3 13123] - |S, George X © te 13 as 13\ 55]. 5 14/24] ® [Wilfkride : 41 3þ 1 15j25] 6 \ r5j 52 8 (6126| - |Clete £6] 5e[ 10 t7127] * [Anaſtafins i{] H Q 14as 117 4 45[7 13 18|28 : 18| 46| 1 - 9/29]1% |Sy bil 19] 44| I6 20/39| & |Erkenwald, 10| 42þ 1 21 i 21] 4c{ 20 22] 21 4 {Athanafins 22 39] 21 2.3} 3)1 [nvſiCrUCisz 23] 37] 23 24\ 4' x |Feſtum Co, 24\ 35 Zs\ zx5l 5 ' zzf 3317 27 26|, 6\7 |Jo,Por.Las Day is 15, hours|26/4 31] 29 27] 7 & |Johnof B.' 27 i9] 31 28| 8/y [Ap.SMichs' 28| 27] 33 29 90 Job | 29] 25] 35 30\ ©| d 'Gordian = - 130 L:ſſzctlſizct? m l | 1 I | "ily i Full Moon the 3. day, 476 m. paſt : o } afternoon. C Laſt Quarter the 11. day, 52 m, paſt 10in the mornin F New Moon the 18. day, 7 m. paſt z in the mornin 8 Firſt Quarter the 25, day, 5 m. paſt z in the moming 1.h P(lbr.zS;I}{Ȝ—M'ſisgſſ 2 i{cor,10 14 Fir 3}.1h 6. 7 S {cor_22) ? 28 HT\?:: fgſi_nth Is F SE - EÞ. : 4\ »1 23 41 & lſiagzſi 4\16'8 A.is WArmC ſil*;a\';lth Sigjo 5 57 & fag. 15117's 45 ſi_ſiaſſoſiſi!ſſ)]ct ant 61: 192/26 4 Y flag. 28118)g n ther,Whlctchwmſi 71 27 36 & [capr 10)19j9y 46|. Jrender it may 8$|-. [Þn,Xin ſw. billcapr.z3\20|io 26| |» a kind 9 laqua. 6/2i\1z 1|V #947, at Jeaſt at Io] :: \ilqu.ls) ZaHItL 47 2 N bCginnj,,g It|« | þ n, Swans tailſpiſces 2 C|12 34\# :;ſſthc former 12\.F | }ne, l\'lſſarcb.ab-_ſſſſxlc_xȝlzq 4 of Pls-s t?ereuf, 13\/g|30. 9.T.wh,|pitc.29,25;sT 35 5- R afterwards 14/ K | } n.in w.bet.arjes 14}»6]/2 g/%s bctslveſ_}' pro- 516 : : taure14}2bjz - © Fha;:c mſi?'ſſ hot [x7] d | Fnear Pletades;raur.y8[29/3 26| [or SIGEATY, 18/e Bn, 4. in ſh-Oſ-fgfm.Ict} * ;ſiſſn'odu'cmg izg, F/an* 1nS, Aur,ſgcm,29] 1 — Lnazxmuer or 20 6 Zc;:m. Z' ſſf-'S A,55| |Coruſcations | »1 j 1 23\«| þ1, lefſer DOg N aY ?o :4 in the air, but [224 b | þnecar Hydra |leo z 4' 3 [towards the l | #If 19 Fllatter end } 33 leo 24 5212 m mucn iz2,' B . 3] & |nare tempe P 1 virg. 7] 6112 a3lS1- perate ['$ &f }ne,. tail Lionſviry,19 M B -9 ſiſi.d teaſonable, 26] 3 |y near Vindem.ltibs, 1} g zl. N ſſſſctſſſifh gentle [27 * ne.l.Sh_Boor_{hbſi 13) 93 1:'_3 ZZFS of wind, 25|&|ne.Spi. Virg-ivt, 35\x03 ac)” prentame (29] 0 ſcorp.7\1114 - weet air may | R ) jbe expefed, oO] Fn. l.kn,O $1221F 2 | | ———_;M,E';Zſiſi*' 0[i3ls 45 | C nnn ee enSdeeeadns el F IOCIETEEE= D of 1 lg, þſſct E . o@ þ 41 _Þ Þ,'Eſi_ſiſſ_': ſſſi{ſ%'n m e- 'l.m R. ]ſiſi Z BMctlmert ſiſſ—ctſi( IY Brſſmdon Etegrins iDinftan -otent' 1184 [9'x9l !o—o!l_'_ſſſffl!cn Reg,' | it7 26 &Juhan Yirg. Hctz-ſſ b{Beſiderius D pgz { CFrarnC, Frane 'E 4 24 3 {Adelme'B, 't 52 ,Urban Z!Octo } :}ct7 2-{\WCoron's mart {18 28]quGerntan z9 25 -Elix thzh -\. >4I &95 (:1 t*z 11 celix- Pont; ctj:*_z. Jen \uo enits 2 3062] | 2453'i 17 $raſrinys Pe* l()C[c E6hig \\Buniface :27 6 thud-ſiſſ 528 7 Tſſ' iJ\)}.. K f) 29 8ſi g ſi-cdard 20 () \ !Zgl }(\ 5 Uflſhſhlms z * 1 l | | | ! | j 4 {-T | i C n nth ennoooommerm m em eIreIS —n nrmerer H LAIIESY *' 14 22 Daylgh 1611'. li 21 'G©; *% IEmM, 3ſſ 20 . I'9 1 h & 15 4. _'F{ 17 : | 6j 15 d ©OY4a. =|-.. 13 8] 72] 9| L 104.1& CW Yo, Is g| Day 15 h. 48 m [22] 71 x7 6 I4\ 4 S H4 O« rs} z 16 1 I/ 3. 5S :8l 58 19 56 2D... .,55Þ j21! 54 } - : 23 52 | 24 2] E):LV 15'6}1 20 15251 52]. 61 ©3Þ &4 6: 21" 55f R £ 'BO; *;(_ B _ | 3 !,Zr. Sn Iy CG9. An j | Satzrn fallsunder the Sin bearns this Mon th' \and foi$hid from'vur fight.Fiptter fuffers rhel ſm\c Combuiiion, M#»#; riſes beforethe-Surt? 'bur fat's under fts Rays and cannot be ſccn, 'ſ{o/YothVenns andMeroury allo.thereforxe none - lof the Planets can be obicrv'd thismonth. —.--;_. N: bert d l C ©:D;X© 199- 32-02/00©0.5 0 —_—_— R3 Ioeine eonnanon—e——_gs, '| 1 'ctſij'ſſ L l}ſſ [ſ ſt6 inthe morn, *Ful; moon the 2 day 28 min. pa » f.:ſt quarter the 9 day,12 mii1. paſt6 in the af:ernoon. ]Q New.moon the :6 day, 36 min. palt 9 inthe morn, Fi:{fquarter the 23 day,.6 min. paſt 6 afternoon, | , - =} ag. 1 14\5 M Ȝo - At the begſiin.] i l!?—* 939 Eau_ 9_;{ ning hereof, | l zſiſſ*,ſſſ 0..2811, Cap 7165 A 3| |expe&t plea- Ȝi ctl(i\zſſ; jct T. cap zo 17 6 22 ſaur COOhl]g ctfz%;]ſſ 2 ;ſi : jAqu. 389 - 27 7ſigalcs of wind, TLUts Aqu. 1 .]98 15}\ P\with (omcfcwſſ p ” S |fruitful & re- | o it jAqu. 29209 18[5 [fruitful & re. oalDO1Y 4 33 q ” |e fadſthow | 8/g1” aMarch, {Prſc, 12|21110 30} —freil ing ſhow. ( \C it 33j=iers of rajn zbut j 9 F " N ſiLCZL[. Yl C. 258 H el adls. : Ari. g23112 54 .dboutthcnew fIO;g Ari 2_3,2_].2. M 2 Moon h()ſ ſl- E] 'ct Tay, $253 7] |try weather,& Zlzi s Tau; 23 26 4 11 |Probably ' 51]35 Gem. -1275 37|- [Thunderin 'IſiH Y ) nipol ſtarGem.22 286 45|_|many PIdCCS hZJct*.ſſ ; n*cwrmſſ 'Can; 7 Z WhlChVſi XVC' }]7!?_{ n Procyon | Lan 21: 94 6 'ſſ}V Mmuen c CZT 118674Þ: afo, AncLLco 5' 26 4: %ſ\;eAllr( attcnn;x 29] -: n'CorLeo.'Leo 18 3 7 go,ſi Y T. Virs 43 lome few ha Y '20} E IFg. 2 ,_ſſ ] b ZZI;B : rita.Lyon Vſſg 15 5.10 :/ {})lowexs thut B . 7 r 22ip,- N in b t.i\Virg. 27 \'6 11 nſſ;_ fct':\;i*noz 123] /7 nLiſh. b, 'Lib. 6 12 70 5 [L21S 72: M 'ſſo :& \Part throug ,;Z]:ſſſſi " -E.C. 73/Sco. 3 92 353 ſioul the whole el ln hg WI Xo 23] imonth ſhould] 20; $42) D * m lſ *CO, 15 3 h A 5 feo. 29 11-4 18 bc \yMciently| fgſiſſ! 5 nkz ſk.he, fag, g9125 7 ')le. fanr- and , :9*Ui : fag. 21136 6] nolef. feafo- ] Lee f | if7 5 - 5 - 81 'Cap, 2$1146 49 nable, 30(* i E; ' ;(ſiſiſi '[ { Þe-d j 5 i . i - nrn_ ooroterrneteneetnnmnes IEIeRrtwnn H iteg ry ed em e- w—_ £> - D e aro o m —monnmagm——_— F BRE 2 ; Saturs falls under tne ſun beams this mont ctſi,ſij ] ot gſi Fupiter at the end of the mbn:h'emerges out! B1218 ',ct of the ſun be3ms, ſ0 do. kMars alſo;bur VmM m =- & Mercury continue'thkerein' They; :ſſſigtn_/pz P>|2 5 2]outtatrhe beginning of this month aboſilſi. d- e>.1.* 2 RATN Iugh Archirza at 6,\& the !cozſſmowz atioat ] j l' 1ght, 2 1{1 T. A\St, Barnabas. ſiſi;ſiſiſiſiſiſiſiſſſiw 6 016tþ-JaH 5_01 g nſſoj 2112 H 58 1$10472% 2| 4Þ/7} 22) \3 Clauthony: [dÞ8 4a'dY v5 3{ 49 uſſ! 4 D Baſdl Billy, (150.]- 44 1 49 &0 5'15 C iVitus' 5{-:48| 5 2.F 6jt6} l ; 5 16 48!_ xz| ſſl7 R Botolpl Day 16 h.24 m.j+7 43} q 12 8 18| it} Marcc-.m $i3-47/9 12 g\19|i }Geivale 2 9 47) I.3} 19120|.L 1 Y 1:4. xo}; 47" xF} 1121| 0 |Watburg: _ II; 47 13 12 22{; Albagy d: 7: P/om 12|-n47]7 13 131*2 " F3Þ 47] 13 14124 B'} I4) 47 13 15[25 fl;Tran.ofEhſſ 153 4818' 13 16126| h|[John'& Paul | 16} :48|.* 12 17127] 7 leepers £5 1\7i 481 1"25 18]28' Lcoſaſt 18| 49]. 12 10129 P:Þ Dayſiſil6ſi1ſſſi20m.19} 49]-+ 11 1201j30 l 20 4*9 LIf j21) July/OR, St Jo B.| 21} -50{8- 19| Ez: 2 fl Vilitat, Mary; C 22{- :50]” 14 2;].3.h|Cornelius, |d-© b& : 235 ©52]; 9* 24] 4;C|[Ulricus. : 34 FIÞ 9 251.5 UſZea Virg, T. 4 z 5 $2Þ; 9%* 261.6.£./Hecor 26': 5 2þ- 8!' 271 7:X, H HTER. _s 27{! 153]; 8"3, 1231 2.1FiC Chilianuis : S. 'Þs : a; 28 - 54þes 74 1291 9 1TyiHl Llſhv'l * 2 29 55 9\? f}_ſ_)_ſi.loſi _ſi} ;Bre:h Hhſ B $Ai;; 30; 56-3 ct*.ſſ\gſi i ed d S - ed MAAR CS FN SA edn re eenre— \ - 4 5 Full.4foon the 1 day,zo min. paſt 7 afternoon. 5') Laſt quarter the $ day,\d min.paſt 1 at night. @ New. 00n the 15 day,22 miu. paſt 6 afternoon, ( \D Firſt quarter the 23 day,20 min. paſt 11 morning, : \@ Eull adcon the 31 day,/ min. paſt »7 mornmg ', ſi)ct—g*ſſ}_ rg_zz % Cap, [—|Brisk gaſhs ot ſi{ 251 Vilitat, Mary CaP- 2chi6gs A4 wind , and | j { 5 2 M el poe iff fetaws oþ 4: - ij(ces ;.- i938 16 ihowers of ZZE 23:09_ ;:I Viſc. 25 229 20 Z rain at the ' 75%— S1, 1 fdries 6]z110 4o S beginning 8 )n gir \nd. Ancct 20[D) 11 59 & jhereof, and J 9\J Pn'(chedir [Tau. 4j-31 M 4| Elprobably more| 1oſi%ſ] TRet hMcdſig{'irſiu_ 18j24 2 17]& jrain than is d iGem. 21]253 27j Juſual, with l:%fl Gem.17 264 31 ſo'nc Thu 1312 Dn*inbfofCan. 1 275 23! fderclaps 14f|PnC&P. ,Can 16|28. 6 9__aboutch _XSQB- l Can. 30 [m:dſt, b\.ſſt the 16;F{2n hydr. h.eo 14 1i5 A 33 Platter hal may| 1/\1}2-n cor Leo, Leo 271 26 43| jÞe more tem] 18 i\xxg 39} 47 FF] iperate 6 | | 19Z:—ſſ 'ur,z,.zg 4;8 59(: *W-*?ſicvwſſfh?,; 20ig|Dn vindem.jLibra 5 5110 65?,;'*3"7:_0']5\'_ l zz.F'))nVſſZ ſi,].gxſi id. 17 65!! OZZLCSſi, flljl' m: zzffi' Dn Arctarusſi* ib. 29] ms 5' Zadeed curious X Lſil{ n o Ball. lſi*ſſp'u i; 9: Z-}flſſzmmcr wea- zz\hz >nRs Herc.;jſcorp. 23! 9i2 1oZſi _Eit ter,therefore 4,0) e: ſſſſiz 8 X {thoſe which | 26,n']})nhz Ot OP ſ.l* 2it, I7;1 343 59: ſſ'lſ@ CO?: ('Crſikd 25 6 /DnRfhof 0lfagit.29]1214 42 *;mmay nowmaks ctg} fi 2n br.\ſſ}qar i_ſſap, }7{1'\ 5 25 fhfiv *Ril:t thc z25jT), 4 3 C. þ. !(ſſa)- 2ſſ1ſ1- 5 10+ ſſſ\n {hines, and* 29 g*\þn. in 12 4/ 18 ine }.ſi.ſſ.ctnnop go'all\numgſh- 4qu. Z;KSÞ -**.ſſ D \P(\rflþ'u t &S. IE4" 7 P IAL ROD D: D: - A 02 1: \ % 4 D I AIIWE> Hede—ac { il B | | |Fat. in the morn. emerges out of the beams, Frp.riſes before the ſun, Mars may be ſeen in .|the morn, before ſun 1if.Veu. and AMerc. talls '{finder the ſun beams and cannot be ſezn, th Vngſp is ſouth ar the begin, of the month a- ® bout 5 atn. 41@. at 7 andthe Sc, h,ats m. *IIV '[3UT *IJy 01 'ctffii—;}c)['\uo}[ szſiffig*g— —_ P LN LAAPIu BAK42 D 11L & Fius 13578 3 212 U Henry dOY 5a. &- S. Þ 313 C Margaret { 3; 58 2 4 14:If) * 4 9 1 515Edt.8w1th B. 54 o8$. © 616 4'Cſmond Day 16 h,% 6: - 2 48 7 17 b Kenelae. _ 1 31 57 $18, { Roline Y $ - £7-$8 919 D Ruffin *XHQ 4a- [igy- 6 SȜ: lo 20 L, Margate *Lol 8 »2 r1 219: XY& 173 '222}!}' Miry Magd, j12]- 0 25 13 23/ ApolinBiſhop JI 3ſiſ 2.742 14 24 1 Chiiſt.Bilkop CL 15 47 525 £ :"*5 14 *4< 6 26 YN Anne 115|--IS - 44 17 27.e 7 Sle-pers [17] 17 43 v8 23; i18} 18 2 1929 Beam,cc %19 zo' 40 20 30| Abdon Day 15 h"zo' 2I'7 3c 21 31 4 GermanBiſh.! | 21 4 23.. 37 2: Aug. Lammas - | 12/2/25; gj 23-2] } Stephen '& L ©19 m, [23 29 37 24 :1i£ Dominic. *+f Þ 7m 2_-{ 20.4-2 25 4* | . {25j 39, 35 25 5|BJuſin 126”3%, 2 27 6|a Ofwald | [27% 34 , 26 28 {] Tran figorat. 123,- 36 7 24 29 8| C Donatus '-/; 37 .: 68 ZO QI]] Cyriac L1WL 333 a, ho; 383 z:! ſixo g F.YQ 174 (19 39 Þ3} em rreen——_ / W. l Y - !_ſſ ;ſſ. Z\T \gſi % CR A CN —orerrr aamohonrdtREDREDESS ha: ; f Laſt quartert hc 7 dav DNew Moon the 14 day, 25 min. paſt 5 in _the morn. 7 Firſt quarter the'z —-——-——-——-—ſſ—____ min. paſt 7 inthe morn, 2.day,. 15 min. paſt 5 in the morn, full Moon the 29 day, 45 mm. pe.ſt 5 af*crnoon \ PTWn 1-4L1. \Fiſc. 213 |Þ 17.25 & 'Piſc. 18 x817 43B X 1:.:.3_1 Aries .1319% J 4!{'(3" 9. 109S 'Aries 1 17]120]9 $1XT ® 17. 27,5Y Tatls 1[21}t9 165 Z Y 20, 41 17 ,Tau. 15}12512 1 F_ > 7 :ſigi 4 ct"fi an, 29 51 11 Gom. 1212.4jz 9'7{37}? n Propus Gem. 27;2513 M : Y l m!;—.j}) flSxuus Can. 11j2614 'ul g: 2 n Procyon Can, 25:27/4 X - t : t2/f 2 nfo. Affej Leo v29!5 T. Leo 21??-9%4 [ESE 16 ” 7 Mn 1 BEMmnBLL Virg. 5| ' e) : \- 7 \-": 35 HZ): 1 ,ſictct—ſi"-"}'ctſij ſſIu %xtſſy 6 I_m 1 2}7 H 2n L, ſſi}: ſſ! gſi 13] 39 ')"-ctv,ct:ſſþ 7 i ſſſ izcs! FZ N Yirg. ſp, ViD. 25} 4j1O ?YQ!Wf Pn Lvc. Crw feort 7} clil 4 $1 4 F-E3 213/-0n* inCl.nſcor. 19] 612 34 . - { ZZJZ;JHY_!(""\.ZQ; 11 12 [2. 24 4 : Fag.. 1 ſſſſ@ i YN"" nRfſ{hOn.jfg 25|-9.2 3.24 & | (.Zſiſiap -ſſ-lzm 3 22\" e fl -;ſi 11t,v, Cap. 20{17 4 12.6) 6 MA gue 21124 527:% *% }n Cerhng b,Agy -6%22 6 zſih -n Tomah, 'Aqu, 2 ſf-e, 5 # 6 - d * ;3 ; : 'Pifc. 11 30 2n foneat. Pile. 1 &6 33 14 - N-Wh Z*cu\ſi Arftr ſ;'ſiif" l(T:O()d pleaſa At uſi \ſhmmer Wea- 29 thcr af the be- . lgmnmg, f;ſſ -whlch 1n all o;ſig tpſſobaſſo lity 17; ©.\may ;continue goi w*t'*out much Ll]ctſſ; lſi'\hcratlon tall 12" /about thenew »- | 00n then |[we are threat- ined with ſome ffilew ſtorms \rſiun & thun- \der. But after- p\'ards good harveft wea- tHÞr for many d3 Y.5 4 \et fo- 7 lſl 'lcth\ E! zd 2 foggy morn- | WH 4. WQ LXTO 50 2 Pn nbd D e1 ſi:iLiUUjſiY 29; P fflgſs and vari-i 2c]'? 0"-; vcatncſi 13 ;ſiſſ.lmz ?fl Ufli' 1-% rrctm rmr"'z &1 ',ſſl MA2- *()rmfiy* ' | 4 2%fe) may f 71 IDe ſſi*ſſ:ſſ_ſi:ſſ [, }Sctſſ; 'E.aſi ! -T1#]|.[Saturn riſes pefore midnight, Fapiter. riles P|7|31* |neartheſame time, Mars riſes betore the Sun! R.” | =\Vnws falls under the Sun beams, Mercury Can VY Zt l Z;mot be ſeen in our northern lſiemxſ} here, but] R1o18 t ſſ_ſilm the ſouthern Zone he appears in great; ? - ſct)lcndor The-1 day Tomah ſoſix h at.1imorn, Z 1.11 \ N 14 399 zzſſ; 212 iClare Day-1 4-h-42 M. '2, » 4e} 20 13 q*HVPct*htc X- Þ, Þ. 16-a, | 3 42 19' { 414 1 |Eufeby 14 44 16 |'SIS|L | 94 49Þ; 14 6.16 fl R(\r-h i 64 49], 12 i7'7[3 O& 4 3vr. - 73 06 28 8 18 E Zſſſſ F2 8! ' 919-4% MH3gnvs 9 54 - 6 {110.20 Q_Z Lewis Bi x}Op ſſ,ſi.IOſſ 56 4ſi 11 *Iſſ'j} Rernard ct 'I!% 5£ 2 E32:36 fzſſzſſ.romna I2'. 59 I} '13 23'D|Zagh@us 33;5 1f5 59 14 24.-% 14;..3Þ 57 15 2,51 If}© 15 sf 55 46 26 F\Severiie Day 13 hs 19 54 17/27, wþhaghvs m, | 1 7] Ci 52/ ;)8.2,8;*?3 Auguſhſ ! 18-{ Ic SOY [10j29: £ |$t «Toh.beh. | ; 19 x:ſſj 4ſi' 20j201T1] [Faeltx AT &. ,0. 120]þ " 14]: 46 21} !ZL Paniligus l %2! 19 zct{ (4 21 $&: | ffPv**ctſi**m. \2215 18 6 42 (3 3] ;,"]fgſſrſſAniſſ'ſſ*ſſmY | {25]; 20 43 ;24ſi Z\liif r8gory 5 L*ſ_l 29 g*if 25]-4|-4;Theodofus, |f 7 2 9 [25]- 24.4*36| 26 F! £, Afartin f Day 12 1.39 Fe,2.6]. 25 24 27 (3 3, Engenius ]' ed 1,2. }2;—\ 23 z_: a &f 02 3 D - \ _ T-> 0 - 34 l omig onagn, [OK Dm--rt 1129) " 32 22p 729 81If} ( 230 »B 2c| 9({: Silei ng .jſi;{ 22 ctctzct} 31Fro -n 1 H GOEE 5 (3715 35 6 af 1» Frſtquarter the 5 day. 5o min- paſt 10 morn. @ NewMoon the 12 day,24 min. paſt - aftcmoon. Laſt quarter the 20 day,near 11 at night. D Full Moon the 3.8 day 45 min. pa(l 3 morning, IITWSZ6188 A 581 Tcmpcrate & | 2 B])fi If 15, 40 Tau. 11j199 55 & Bood £ arvcſi 30 d 28-7 > |Tay. 25j2510 48 2 weather at 4 Þbj2 '24.40 P [Gem. 10|.Lts 29 © the begin- | s Gem, 2 lD 1 M 3e Z. ning hereof, | | 5 n(70.12= [Can. 2 ' 27 ct':i wWhich con-* 7 g » npel. kere|Can- 2 43 5 * tinaes notlon 8 £{Dn ( Aſſell. JLeo 5253 44 ſibcſorc it be © 4 s (n Ly.hearty eo 18Þ64 10 Changed i20 Ml DnX in B.r{Vir. 3ſ2g 4 42,' iinto winds }31 fy, L pBcapzaſill}\Lr. 14128 F 10 and rain, and 12 4 Vir. 2:/S ctſ—pſ(\**ably Lib. 91 16 A 55: jmore than 7 — 34 ? Exalt, Cruc, |Lib. 21 27\ 15 defired ; } -ſcorp. 31 38 48, - jyetnotf9 316 Dn Nor Ballf corp.15} 419 © - much as to [17] D nX*infhm COrp.27; Fiz 2/5 iproincc ' 18 B -Dn1thHere, 8 ]Landflſſmds. 4git, GT1T F56, .-ſiegxc 21j 712 44* —/But the end 2.0 J Dn br. X ho. L-ap 1.333 ...Eof tre n.ont! l ſi\.ap. ts] 92 M 12-Biaſſcr ds - mote ap 28:102 49 Ifair., warm , 22 %* DnB 2 vult [22/ ff/ 2n w of Cw.34gu. 101{M 22: Ipleaſant wea- 4 (Dn I w {wanj}Aaqu, ȝ 124 , o {her, with F.s :3 D n ſwans ca.]' :#[ces 7 134 z30| flome clearing 36 J 1N4Pi'ces21! '14 4 $4 p_gcmlc breezes 2]J D n Andro.k,jArics 6155 20j 'of wina very 20o, ;'Dngir. And. Ar!csz]; j P*c:ſo able and ſict.*:c | Tanruss.197 A &.no lefs whol: ;ſig 7 D n Pletagde:[Taur, ul P*o Z:.ſi ome. 5 { 7G ſſ.} Sat, this month riſes about midnight,”Fup. B ? ©[ric. before midnight, Mars riſes after midn. B * f799, falls under the ſun beams, Merc. emerges >|>| =| 5 |in the morn. out of the ſun veams, the 3 day 319 Zſi\g_lln the even.the 4/oonh may be ſccn above the ' ſiſii [H74, the Seorpi. heart louth 5 atn. the 1 day. "71111 3 [Burchan Day 12 h.46.m.| 113 8 6 22 2[12 C Guidon X © h Jas i 2] 40 2 3.13|Y[Amanci 4> 18 414|C 44 16 5[15 6116|F|&dith — |L£9ith ©wv &u Þ> w +> w ay WL 7/17] @|[Lambert Lambert 49, II }18 h ; 59; 10 9j19\ C(January dO?Sm)anuary Fx...4 10{20 [] 'Euſtatius *X& 9 84 Eulatius.' IO 34 Day uh.fn ss-': $ 1*'22 \lz 58 : 13/23]{F\Eſdras 13j5 06. © l4ſſ114 f[iAndochc m. 141 25 58 15*5 U'Clcopſins XHY6Sa. Is 4; 56 16 26|f[Cyprian 16 {..7 64 17 27|]]} jCoſmine &P I'7 8l 82 13 28| - jExupzra 18] 10, 49 19 29] Iſ) ' 119 xzfſſ 43 20 30 f 1_' Hierom 120] 14\ 46 21; Ccto{8emig'/us Y*Tw F6. day 11 h. 21 1(t 44 22 2þH Leodeear AY gX4©. 22 18' 42 123 3 C|candide 23] 20j 40 24 4 ( F:ancys 24j. 23" 5 38 25 g g |Conſtane : z_ſſf *4i.136 a9 Ch2gs 26] "#P-L30 27 » [F|Pvonitius : _ 127] 28].1.32 28 g © |Vigor AD Y13 ,. 5 28; zo| |30 29 9 : Vicaſt4ys s C SEEE i 32] 38 32 :0 fVilir:d ſi - L9016- Laſt quarter.the 4 day,q48.min. paſt Gafternoon, © New. 4450n the 12 day;3,min. after noon. | @ Firit, quarter the 20.day,.35.min.:paſt z afternoon. Full. oon.the 27 day,.39,min. paſt 1afrernoon. 1 Tis more 1 rſiaq, Iſilgſſ 22.39 % D Gem. 52010 4 22, 2hiY16.19 '*}eGemzoz:u 274 _Orobable tha 3 l _ Can.. $22/12 6* much varie- 4J{$:15.27 N Can. 18 ”j1 AM.g\ 8\ty of wea- 5Pp ſſſ,ct 3- 21 M 4leo 2241I. '45| C |cher may he 6 ;*-ſiy 16 Leo 19 25 2. 7 22| &/8;odnced 7-R|Y n*\<1n L.N, Leo 28 26'2 | 56\8his month, 8 J{ 2 n#inB.t,,Virg..n1 273 25| 5vizrain of 9h "n\*'mBſil.,\ſſ" 23 23/3 48 *|old fnow, { - Io ,L]b 5294 7 vith dark jllgſi Dn Virg. ſp :Lſh 18 20 4 37} zloudy foggy.! 12p Þ.n Luc: Cor. L]b 30 '! —_ mp}ſi_aſctnſi ] j ! Q 13;F} _Lor 12 27 A: 584 4JAir for, many, r4ſig ?nXrsRer: cor. 24 349 2 33}' ,and pro-| L5|of j 2n Antares ifag. 6 49 4:| Abably»morn t 16]4j'2nh,of Op p jfag. . 18 ?ictfO 45 ing) Froſts, \ 71 6 i'actg ſi@ Gi2£264 wn\nw(i'[ ]S!UE | Iz ap. *,f M '*ſi'} ff ſl{\ffi blaſts 194P [D.n br. ** v.iCa IP, 24} zzf*ct 2 i| zSof,wind-and Qo! F.Þn bxf ZſiAl ouls [zgg L9; - 41 \fſi!] 2{ ' 12 479 M {*24' 3J 'n© } 5 d Armant'us, [g 0 m: 1 {25. 23| 133 [26, & & Ric! hard. [*8:.1 24] 30 ];27ſſ 6*\ 1 Leonard {*7: 161 ;4 : ;Z,Sſſ 7f \Wolftid ;E[ 2.8] 32| 129 8 F\.landins , [291..39] 32] 139 9 g .ſſſi eodore 132]. 32 - 28] 31ito) I :,-;ſſ;ſſT P Ods [ſſct:ſiſſ 37" ſſ\ Laſt quarter the 3 day,z min. paſt6 morning, ® New AMoon the 11 day,2o min. paſt6 morning, 'Þ Firſt quarter the 19day,21 min- paſt 6 morning, » Full Acon the 25 day,36 min. paſt 11 at night tD ſi Can. 282111 A52 Z,Lſi All ſouls LEO 122212 3'f|ha2.53 SR[Leo 25 4N{Y 13:43 HlgVirg. 8241 5;ul Virg. 2025 1 6'h|d 3- 56 jLibra 3'262 7} Libr. 15 27/2 8 Dj215-$1 Þ [Libr. 27 28/3 9819 6.33 Þ |ſcorp, 9293 to' f | Pn Rh.Her.fſcorp.21/30'4 YnL.kn Op.iſagit. ;Gi (agit. 14] 28 ſagit. 26| 39 Capr. 9} 4ji9 Dn ſwans b.-C:\gr,zl ?ilo g j2nbn-Ek Op. fcor. z9'28i5 40 \mer part of 'Fn Eſb.Her.Sag. 11-2916 35] this Month, J 5 :6 F } ) 56 ' 'Yn Rihb.Op.*ag. 22/zolp 36 and about rE; \Capr, 5; e w 21 the New 2| 7 - 1(.*apr.18ct3 29 &A 42 iMo[on a nip- i13'D Lucie {Capr,30! 319 19i Ping, cold Air| 1432 ,Nn hwſwan, Aqui# : 42 59| [May be ex- | 15|f Er lAc%u. 25] 519 44/ pefted with | | 16/N|)nfwans t.File. 8] 65 23] 2 Froſts and F7;0/2n Scheat, Piſc. 21| 5\zz x0/ 2 very.(uita- r8/h|)n head An. Aries 4\qglc M I1| Pble wea-_ 19 Aries 18| 9jz 55 8.ther for the 20/N[In Gird Ce, Taur. 2:10/2 | 45/ feaſon;if : *11 P Taur.t6jtilz 50 nOr , then 2:/\f DnNeyeB, Gem. 1i12/4 55} wWinds.and 23/0{2nth. OcionGemor6/r3'6 of Trainor ſnow :4 A\D-n BrilGe Can, Fie47 | 55\ {uficient 2 51 13.C! Can. 16! 5 —to render Wnk l A | 26 Leo 1116'5 A 20þ 'tne (eaſon | 27.D0 Leo 15i\19/6 | 10\ © as-b&: - ſi. " ; <4: 5 B 3s K | 28 L\ _ Leo 29:186 56i$,ougnt fo | 29\FjÞn=inB.t.Vitg, 12197 | 42/5 be in'the* 5 30 [Y n Bears ta. Virg: 25420;8 | 35\"" depth of ; he 373 nee isv,z. Libra $iz1'g 26] \winter. { mn R enrnnuturonorqe mm C ed reboe EOY '\\ s £OS #|Satury at the end of the month will be i in oþ- 3 ])Oſtmn to The fun, and-therefore riſe at the « {funs ſetting, and ſer at (un riſing, Fupiter ſets linthe morning before ſun riſiag, Mars riſes' | 2 |before midnight,Venzs ſets after the ſun,and ſſ'——' &) Mercary is hid from our ſgbt | Ul | 41 Z,_l Z1ntippa A y A 94 - "Þ aſg I10{z 50 | 212 £'Þaul Bithop 2| 11} 49 | 313 I Lucije 3| 12| + 48- 414.8 \Lſihaſus ! 4\ 13]* 47 Jsli ct P 13Þ 47 | 6,16 EOſapana 'P. H© 13 4. 6 175 47 \ 7/117 & Lazaius A 5 14 &. T. 13] - 47 {. $128 d ; 8] 13] 47 | 579 L Veneſt 'Day 7 h. 34 1. fl - -13]-:-47 (10120 U Juljai faft | rof 13] 47 xugz:L; 11]-423[” 47 12 ſi C ; 12] 13j: 47 1323. Vigor H t3] 23 27 24/24 U Candy 14| -+23]- 47 1522 0 I5| 133 47 - Lſi 16] 13 48 17ZZB} Y hd 7 I718 12] 49 181- £ OChy3;a 18|'-x1} 59 ,1927 F Tho. Becket| Igf 10, Fl 20]32 IN David AY 92 m, 2ol 29 95% 52 2113? f Sylveſter Day 7 b.5o m..2? 82:53 2.2] Jan, ; [22] 219 54 23 k -Abel 23 6 55 24] z| 1 Enoch . R 24 25] 4 E Yethiſalem TC 25 Z ZZ 26, 6 Simeon £7) ( We :;] 5!3' Pip! 27 2 57 Zſiui 715{ Ecel 'x 28 3" $7 29! ſ] L"Lldſſſct] OOOE I'; @. ]19' 3, 58 S 9 C ,g20ite ve 1 ; gc 2 2+T ofs 31 xvli]ctg_a__-_\_ Emm t.- '211$. 23 585 !ſi F - Y ——_ Gregoiian 9 9 9 Evnat 29 9 4 F Romiar: IndiEion 3 February 22/Shrove Suraay 3 Marck 3 April 11 April 21 , May 30 June 9 June 6 Trmxty Fxmda{ June 16 November 29iAd yent Sunday {Decembert 1 governed by the Twelve Celeſtial Signs, V aries, Head and Face, 2 NMVWY-Þ-,!'MW pt M-.UN\,- bes ctay-ſhſiwſi.% ; bry , < & Taurg ,} ſſ)ſiſſ;p{j 11 Gemini, Neck and W. #BArms and Throar. '--ſi #* houllers. &. Cancer 8 K ſi_mfl £L Leo, Breaſt andi & 7.59% 83 3 iFHeart and | Stomach. BYTh ON ct*ffi"ſſ FFF ack. | ?T Vngo : ' . o ':ct : - ſi — } 37 le'u Powels. and 3 ZA agraf Reins and l Belly ſi SAN G .Eſi_o)ns ! 1n Scorpto , dn " CS Fas 2 (rims,! fecret w R W{I S"Z:"Wſſ] Members, - [ Thxghs [ 'Vp Capricorng' - 38 £285 _ct_?)S : 5 X Aquatin Kyecs. d F e25 X P:_ſcu, the Feet. 1 60 |Y J;piter Hot and moiſt, ! & ConjunGion'o0! Zl gr. }F Saturn 'Cold a'\u dry. + Sexcile is iſi}i . 7 Qnartile 15 ſſf:fg 733 go [J Mars Hot and dry. A Trwe is ,ſiſictȝ*l 5 120© Sok Bot dry temp. &P Oppolit.-is |'5 & 130! 9 Venus Goli moilt tem, $Þ Dragoas h. !g; | / 5 Mercury C--1d and dry. | } \ . } [Lf. Dragons b- *F]_ : / 1» Luna Co'dar d moiſt, | SAUNDERS. 1.6.8 09. Of the Eclipſes this preſent Year 1680. Here will be only. two. Eclipſes this Year, and both 2 ..thoſe of the San : The firft falis March the 20, abour ro in the Morning, in 11 degrees of Englands Sign, Aries; it falls near_ the Moons South Node, and muſt therefore be very greart, though as ro us much of it will not be viſible; but_ it may be ſeen a Toral Eclipſe ro.ſuch as Inhabic the Southern parts of America, the Holy Tand, the Cape of St, P:neents, &c, _ Yet I Judge we may ſhare 1n the EffeRs.of this Solar E- clipſe moreor leis; For *cis faid by Mgn of good Judgmenr, viz.. The Sun is at no timein vain Eclipſed wichout ſome prejudice at hand ; nor need we have recourſe to whar the Ancients have written concerning irs Effe&s, we bave many Examples of their. Effedts /in- our own, Agez upon Ecdipſes of rhe Sun in Arzes have.ſueceeded many.. hotzand: parch- ing Summers, many.furious\.Conſulrcations, .much Harm, to the Fraitz of the Earih, many Quarrels, Deecirs, Hatreds, Wars, 09c. ; ; Comun&#io Luminarium in Artete facit alterationes & mortes, Cardigan. Seg.q. 89. The Conjundtion of the Luminaries in Aries,. occafions firange: Allenations of Friendſhip, and Death, viz. Breach of Leagues, Amities, and Friendſhips, from thence War, and Concroverfie, after which follows Quarrels, and then, Dexh and Deſtradtion, many times aiſo Famines or Scarcity of Proviſtons, (5c. Tie ſame Aurhor teils us, Thar Eclipſ-s of the Lyminaries have Sipnificaiien ,6r: Operate by their Influence upon Cities , Provinces ard Kingdoms, more forcibly than on Men of Private Condition, or upon Kings; far their Ef:&s generally-have relation tothe mulcicudes.or- many Peopie, And Rigel. Aphor. 8 4. ſairh, Carjund#ios Luminarium in fignis C Martis SAUNDERS, 1680. Martis morbos inducit, &c. An Eclipſe or Conjun&ion of the Luminari+s in che-Signsbzlenging unro Mars, produces, or is the figaifier of « Diſeafes tending unto Death : And if this Eciipſe bejn Arzes, ir afflicteth the Sick even unto mad- n T hope our Induftrious Merchants a: e made happy rhis Quar= ter with the Proſperous Rerurns of their Adventures,” and the grear Advantage of many who have dependence there- on Wommmcmnirmanc Of Winter. XF A 7 Inter by our Aftronomical Computation, begins Decerm- V'Y ber the 1oth. at'9 min. paſt 9 at Night. The Na- ture or Inclination of this Quarter is cold and meiſft, and from the Temperament thereof Touth and Cholerick People engoy their. Health beft : But &ged and- Phlegmarick Perſons are moſft af- flifted with Diſeaſes. Tf. the Winter be dry, and much abound with South Winds without Frof8, it create's pains in the Breaff, Ceftivereſs in the Belly, flopping of the Urine, with fharpneſs, Exulcerations and Tiflammations, 1j the Froft cominue long, and little or no Snow, it-is the fore-runner of a Plague the Summer following-. Oihers «ffirm, that the colder and dryer this Ouarter is, 1he more wholſome it is for Mankind, though too much cold bills Treee in a warm Climate or Region, eſpect- ally thiſe that are young and tender. Again, a warm and moi} Winter is very anwholſom, ard a great Enemy to Heusband- men; but-a moderate quantity of Snow makes the Ground rank and preſerves the Cern - Jn this Brumall Quarter 'Tis £ood to eat well and drink lirtle, becauſe at this iime Mans Stomack & of good Dizeſtion — Diſeaſes uſually offiifting Humane Bodies. this Seaſon, are Hoarſeneſs, cold Lacks, Rheums Conghs. Swels lings in the Face by Orgafton of the Tooth-ach, the Stone, the ' . ' Gouts S AUNDERS.1680. Gout, the Dropſie, Melancholick, P aſfions, Agues of meft forts, with ſome other tronbleſome and unkind Diſeaſes — As to the Weather ineach Quarter, conſult the Kalendar-part, where you are preſerted with a more full and exa& account than is uſual #n every common Almanack : And for the general occurrences sf this Qaarter, ſince "tis a Seaſon of little or no Aftion, and miſt of this Quarter falls inthe next Tear, T fhall therefore preter- mit all farther ſcrutiny into the Pubkck, Afairs thereof, and ra- ther refer you to thoſe that write more largely, as Mr,Lilly,C9, Twelve Problems cmncerning Compound Tntereft and Annuities in a new Method, very brief, and yet plain and perſpicuous : In- _wenred by Mr. Adam Martindaie, and Preſented to the Royal Soctety by Mr.John Collins of Lendon,and a Member thereof, Tieſe twelve Problems teaching Compound Tntereft and_ Annu- ities are expreſſedin Symboles, and to be Reſolved by the Loga- richmes, 12ey are diftinguiſhed into three Ranhs, whoſe Sym- biles areto be thus underflood, viz. Privovipalne z race, v/2.'U. wichits Raze >commonto all three rankbs fme ———-— IMOunt Or aggregate —— - Iſt. sum of Prin. & Arrearages: >proper t04 2 >Ranks, difte:ence of Prin.& worrh LȜ —— Signifies P r £ 4 s d Toe Capitals fland for the Logarirhmes of thoſe Numlers which are ſignified by the ſmall Letters. D. Si2nifies Data, 2.Quzſtra, Prob.Provlem, ReſReſolurion, Toe firft Ranks touching Compound Tarereft for a fingle Sum of Money. Prob. D: p,r,t, Q,a? Ref: Br OP—A, Prob. D: a,r,t,Q,p? Reſ: A—Rr--P. Prob. D: p,a,, Q,r? Reſ: A—=P—R, W. t my ; | &- 4 Prob..D: p,a,r,Q,rt? Ref: A—P-r, Obfirwtiam.ſi The Second R anb: concerning Annuities in Arrear at Compound Tstereſt grounded upon theſe two Axiomes, . . 1- The Annuity-and Rate of Intereft be ng given, tbie Prin- cipal Correſpondent to the Annuity 25 1n effe& Erven alſo, being eaſily found our by the Rule of Three thus: A4s the Tntereſtof an Principal ( ex-gr.. of 1.10. 100, Ofc. ) is ro the Principal, 'fo wthe Annaity or Penfon to irs Principal, 2, The Sum- of the Principal. being found, the Arrearages alone may be obt ained by Subtr a&ing the Principal-from rbe_(umo The Problems are theſe that follow. 1 Prob. D. p, r,t, Qs? Reſ: Rt @. P—S. 2 Prob. D. p, r,t, Qp? Reſ;: S—Rr —ÞP, 3 Prob. D. p,r,t, Qr?. Ref;, S—P—Bv C 4 Prob. D. p,r,t, Qt? Ref: S—P—t R The Third Rank touching Anuities Anticipated or bought for a Sum in hand (or equivalent thereto?) at Compound Intereſt dinyned, beftowed npon the former of the two Axiomes befere mentioned, and this that followeth. If the Difference and worri be once ſound together, the worth-ig eaſily obtained b) Subtrad- ing that Difference out of the Principal, which is ever greater, being the worth of the Annuity at that Rate for ever : The Prob- lems follow, I>Prob. D. p,r,t, Qd?; Reſ: P—Rr—D. 2.P:ob. D. &r,r, Qp? Ref: D«Rr—P. 3 Prob. D. p, djr, Qr?" Reſ: P-D—R. c 4 Prob. D. p,d,r,Qt?. Ref: P=D—to Any Smatterer in Algebra may Contra# theſe twelve Problems mnto three, for his own Vſez for any one being given, the reſt may be fourd out inevery Rank by Tranſpoſition, &y'c. Then the wor of he firſt Rank will attain the ends of the ſecond, to bimthat undere SAUNDERS, \1680, anderſlinds that for the Principal be muſt-take one that is . reſpondent t9 the Annuity at the given Rate, and at the end of bis Work Subtrat it from the Amount or aggregate in the firft Problem; þ deal proportionably in the re#. 'But they are thy explicitly ſert gut for the ſabe of Young Mathemaricians.ro whon T make bld tyoffer the following Advertiſements. (1 ) The third Prob. of the third Rank do:b act dafh with the fourth in the Countrey Almanact ,1577, for the defrgns and frope of then are vaſtly different, as there is ſhewed. (2.) The ozely Incon- venzence of ary Import ance that Ican yet diſcover inthis Method Zs, T:54t in borh Rſſ:::!{ſ concerning Arnutttes, the ſecond and third Problems are rather for Demonſtration of the other, and to compleat the Rounds, than of any other great Uſe, proceeding wpon ſuch Data as are ſeldom given for finding the Penſions and Rate. ( 3.) But theſe d not teave ns without Sufficient þelps tg find oat Penſions by plain and uſual Data: For in Reference 19 the ſecond Ranh , if the Arrearages (or Stock to- be raiſed) wih the Rate of Tntereft andiime be grven for the finding out of ſuch an Amnnuity, asin ſuch a time, and at ſuch a Rate, will raife a given Stock byits Arreaze; "tiseaſfily doin? thus : Sup- poſe my Anuity, d baving found' Ar rearages by the firft Probs tem of the ſecond Ranh , ſay by the Rule of Three, 4s the Avs reatages found, tothe ſuppoſed Penfion, 39 the Arrearages.(-or Stock ) grver, to the Penſu.nrequired, . (.4.) Likewiſe (inre- ference to the third Ravh ) If the worth. ( or price) Rate and Time be givea to find. out the Penſron by the firft Problemof the third Ranh , Thea the proportion tands thus, As.ths worth found ro rhe ſuppoſed Penfion, ſo the worrh or price given to the Penfion Required.” {& ) If the Tnterval of any twi Payments beleſsihan a Tear, confuder what part it is, whether M 2n e” Ocandbythe Denominator bf the Fraf- zon fignifying that part, Divide the Logar. of one pound, and its Rate of Intere$ for one Toar ( uſt.ally called the 'Lygar, of the Rate) the abſlute Nambey arſwering tothar Quotrent, being maie leſs by an Unite, willbe 4 new Zulfor, ;ſſz*-,{ſſvcſi-:ebſi-ſiDſi'w'a'irrg the .given Perfion ſo daid half-Yearly, Quarterly, &e.theCor- . reſpandent Princizal will appearinthe Quotient, A — Obſervations, A Table of the Hour and Minute of the Seven Srars comirg to - the South, for every third day n} the Year 1680, Fitted to the Lutlmdc of Londou, and may ſerve, without ſenſible erar, any other place in-Evgland. Februar) Mznb A-'w'l 47/17 junfl : 30. m ſho. mi. \no ini. |ho. 1 \h - [ho: - mit ſir 1A53} 5 A 45 3A58)2A6!12A13 0 7| 7 45 3113...51 812 5|9M99 5|7 35|s . 29| 3 43\ 511 It 57.9 50 l7 J- D IN ab-8 - 861'T 44 it 499 42 917 18\5 13.3. 3o|t 35 11 419 3 i17 n{s 5 |3, 22}1T 29\ 1. 339 25 137 214 583 15|t 211s 259 17 t5|s .5414, , .59,3 B.|1 41 179 9 76 454, © 43.3,0 11 6jir. 9.19.' 0 lxQz 6 34 38 2 53 12 59, It 1]18, 53 21% 6 28]4 28 2 46]112 $1 10 $g38_ 44 231 6 20| 4 '*o! 2 38|12 '44\10. 45{8 361 2516 12|/4_13|2 31|12 '36;lo 3618 28} 271/6 44 8 } 2, 24\12 8 10 28j18 19 20 5 _56F'4, - 22" 17] 12 . 21{10 o__2cf8 11 ETE 77 \ Angult |Sepremb.i Offob. \ NvvembDecemb. | i\f__flu % \m ho- T*m mi. ]*H flg_cti 50 mi. \1181 gſſd\ſſſctz)x\/jo 21\/119\ [\ſſjlsſilo 7 37 98 54- 59 2 1j9 As9 5n 42 qin! gabe 38 2-410gdþoo hd þþ: EEG 7 17 38/5 -3 3-- 45 7 57]1T $50J9 415 97 305 309" 37,1 50 49 33 7 22 233 - 31 T. 42 Is 33-*29 24; "3 75 X4 5 2 ISþ-JOD- BJ. X 12 g@/ AB CL H IÞS} 57 6 15 8193 15 26"Ix" 169 -9 1 17;8 $81'5' onf g'> 81 IS, 11 7?8 $7} 98 34 543 ofx 11 to \59\8 48 ' 21f 8 47ſ 4 461"2 $3'1 3 j:19 5ſi.5 $ 39 23/8' "39/4 31 2 46 0 55 10 - 4248 goi 25 P. TIY! 4 Lg2tS 139195 3 27 IIT RAN R 27'8 23/q 19}2",- 30: - 3960- 48 - 12 [29/ 8 1414 Z912 4520 30 109 I5!18 4} SAUNDERS, :1680, The time when theſe 21 Stars fOHO\i-Ving {hall come to the-South, either before, or aſter the Pleiades or Scven Stars, T. A Pol%s 18 Head comes to the Sourh after the 7 Stars L.. 3 HOUES, 45 MIDUres. : Arcturus afrerihe 9 Stars, 10 ho. 33 minutes. Buis Eye afrei 7 Stars 49 minutes, Coroz. Encids Coron. after 7.Stars 11 ho. $3 min, Doz. The great Dog after,7 Stars 3 ho. and 3 min. Dog. The lefſer Dog after 7 Scars 3 ho. $4 mſa. le, The fliing Eagle before 7 Stars 7 ho. 52 mins 4pant before the 9 S:ars 4 ho, 49 m'n. 9 Goat. The Goat . frer the 7 Siars 1 ho; 24 min, To_ #arp. The Harp before the 75 S:ars 9 ho. 1 min, 11 Hyara's biight ftar aftet 7 Srars « ho.44 min, I2 Liong hewt after 7 Stars 6ho. 23 mtn, 13 Lins tatl afret 7 Stars 8 ho. « min. * : I4, Ortons rzght ſhoulder afcer 7 Stars 2h, 9 min Is Peg<ſus ſhoulder before 7 Scars 41o. 41 min, Pogsſus leg before the 7 Srars 4 ho. 4o min, 17. Pole-ftar bifcre the 7 Star: 2 hs. 87.MiN. 13 Storpions beart before the 7 Sears/11 ho. 18 min, 19 Swans failbefors the 5 Stars 6 ho. $7.min. 20 Spica,virginzs after the 7 Srars 9 ho. 4 min. 21-Wiakes ſoth tail before7 Sters 3ho. 1 min. In my last Tears Almanach I ſhewed how any Perſon (theugh of a mean Capacity ) mightwith litile Pains and Oijervation know aud diſtinguſh many of the meſt Principal Scars, by their diftance from the Seven Stars, which aye gener ally known to all, ( eſpect ally fuch as Inhabit,. or are much converſant-in_the Country 3) avd now Thave preſented the Reader. with a more Complear Table of © the Southing of the $.ven Stars, alſo ang- ther of the time of the. Southing.of 21 Principal Stars, elther hefore or after the $:ven Stars,. by which-may be known the hour of the Night; A thing of great Uſes and very Delizhrful for thiſe Obſervations. thoſe which have Occaſion ta Travel early or late; and though the manner of Work is plain and Obviaus to any Tntelligent Per- ſn, yet T (hall add an Example or two, that none need Objett the le.ft Difficulty. _So upon_the 29 of January. T. find the Se- * ven Srars are:South at 5 haurs $5 minutes ajter Nacny then ſuppeſe I ſee that Night the great Dog-ſtar upon or near the: Me- radian, 1 therefore. enter. the ſecond Table againſt the Number s, and it tells me the great Dog-ftar comes to. the Sont9 3. bours 3 min, aſter the Seven Stars z therefore add this 4 hours 3 min. to.5 bours 86 min« and the ſum is 8 hours. 39 mih. which Informs me_'tis then.juſt upon. 9 of the Clock So.rf the _ſame Night 1 ſaw the Bu'ls Eye upon_the Meridian,,, who comes there 49 min, after the Seven S-ars, theref.ve I add.q9 min.to 5. bourg 65 min, and the Sum is 5 þ-urs 45 min. Jult 3 quarters paſt 6; and ſo you may proceed with any ather.Stars Which wall bee come eaſie by Prattice. Advertiſements. "T"H E Afffrological Fudgment and Praftice of Phyſich deduced from the paſition of the Heavens at the Decumbiture of the Sicks Perſon, (hewing by an. #niverſal Method not ontly the Cauſe, but the Cure and Endvef all manner of Diſeaſes incadent to Humane Bo- dies: Alſo divers Notable Experiments of great aſe to all the Indu- Arious Students in Phyſick, and Aſirology;, veing the perience and Praftice of the Author, Richard San! #n Afirology and Phyſick. Sold by Tho. Flower-de-luces in Little Britain. Ak [/j & '"g"*l—l E Eſſential Spirit of Scurvy-Grafs, | teCureof the Scurvy; of two ſorts, Purg with Direftions ſor its Uſe, Sold jor 124. ti pared with great Curzofity by Henry Clark, C cary of London, at the Lamb over agaznit the Golc vern in Fetter-Lane, Sealed with a Seal with 3 Swords In Feſſe and good in all Diftempers of the Stcmack , and other Dz{zafe ceeding from a cold canſe, as Rhenms, Conghs, Droppes, &C ty YIBNLC 47 ©pme Anee SAUNDERS, 1680, Slm*e the Death of the Famous Dr. Lockyer, His tniverſal Pill, fo bighly Succeſsful in the Curing of Agues, ' Scuyoy, Dropſis, Fevers, Conſumptions, Stone, and any P ains and Feahneſs, whether #nward of outward, #s onely prepared and Sold by his Nephew, Mr. John Watts, zn $t. Thomas's, Sourhwark, and Mr. Tho, Fyge, Apothecary, without Biſhops-gate, London, appointed his TruStees for the ſame. N Fphemeris of the Celeſtial Motzons and Aſpefts, with the Fclipſes of the Luminaries for 20 Years;By John Gadbury, Student in Phyſich and Aftrology, beginning, Anno. 1682, where bis frſt part ends, the ſaid firſt part beginning at the Year 1672, and ending at the Year 1682. Both which ave Printed for, and Sold by the Company of Stationers, C arare 67 WerRSoretnmnnnrrn l pertonenney ” SInGIIEt Gonoerapinis Wonnnenennn TNn n ninnet Wonorpommomnane WIEIEERD ® n O re EENT.S PT B M s - ”