T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* =Y ———ereen rrreoe mm SieareingorhrrnrrIrbet tar em emn oine mn eoarna—s m R E—eesn em ro mn onaagea m agns eCn -n C C SIESIS I r EIE EATI A e eEIITSER P IN em AN For the Year of our Redemption from the | Creation of the World, 5629. Amplified with Aftrological Obſervations from the San's Ingreſs into and the other Cardinal Points ; with ari Account of the Eclipſes, Conjun&ions, and other Configura- rions of the Heavenly Bodies, Calculated for the Meridian of where. the Pole Artick is Elevated above the Horizon 51, Degr. 32 Min. but may Indiffercntly ferve for and By \C3 Student in Ph jſicflkſſandſſAfirOZO_gy. Agunt non Cogunet. Aftra in Voluntatem bominis & tiberum arbitrins indireffs & per accidens agunt z . dum dirtte temperamentum ſognificant &" diſponunt, ſenſuſq ia confenſum trahunt. ' J Printed by £- of. - 7 16 80, for theſſſifompany ſſ, | Being the Biſſextile or Leap-Year , and | \ | s ! z According tro the Julfan, Engliſh, Oldy £ Gregorian, Fofreign, or Account, }{ New Account, 9 | The Cycle of the Sun. 9| The Epad. The Roman Indicion. 21 | The Numver of Dire&ion. 24 The Names and Charatiers of the Seven Planets. % &” © L Satirs, Tupiter, Mars, Sol, Venns, Mercury, Moon, Dragons Head and Tail. N I The Names and Charafters of the Aſpefts. Sextile, Yuartile, Trine Oppoſetion, Conjur/?;m_ * 90 & That part the Moon governs in mans body, bmzg zn any of the Twelve Signs. l Moveable Feafts accordingi Gregorian, or tro the | new Account, 13 February- February 8. Septuagcfinia'. 6 March, February 25., | Aſhwedneſday. May 16 _.. Rogation-Sunday. | ' 26 May. May 20. Holy Thurfday. 30 May. June 6. Trinity-Suniday. 16 June. November 28. | Adyent-Sunday. 1 December R em em eet em and hath four Returns. Rab. HIl. Fanuary 21 % % Craſt. Purif. February 3- Quind. Hill. 7anuary 28. ORab. Purif. February 10. _ and hath five Returns. uind, Paſch. April 26. } % Quingue Paſch, May 17- Menſ. Paſch. May 1o. Craſt, Aſcenſ. May 21, and hath four Retrurns. Craft, Trin. Zune 7. Quind, Trin, 7unt 21s ORab. Trin, June 14. $ @ Tres Trin. 7un? 28; and hath fix Returns. Tres Mich. Ofob. 21. } { Craſt- Martini November 12. Menfſ. Mich. 00b. 28. Ocab. Martini November 19.-. Quind. Martini November 26. | 3s our morning-Star rom the beginning of this year, wnto the 26 day of Aupuſt, at which time (he makes her Conjunition with the San, and ſo ecomes Occidental, and our Evening-ſtar-to the tnd of the ear, and to the 18 of June 1681. * of 2 © Ril, 9 Riti.|© Ser.|Length of theſFlanetary Huarliwi-, \ Da y,!wſibm\ ſ)aj H;gh tohr, T, M.'4. M H M.jH. M. 4. l'{ M \l 58 2(3 $8j7 56 16 -4jo 40 Tis 20]1 9 16 j7 $54 58 ichg goſo 41j1 1)i q 2 [[1;7 49]4 113 22)15 z36ſ0 42/1 418/2 5 2 [15/7 41]4 189 351s 24 43 19 4 o 21;7 34|4 16{8 $:15 SFO 44 -: 101- F Z_ſ_ſſctctſſ 26 4 349 :__<[14 52i9 4:: 1 Fs]2, 1 I 17 17|4 439 2C[14 34%0 &7j1 lgu 59 D16 7 L101\4 $0/9 4<14 - 20ſo 48/1-— 1-2jx 68 S |x1'6 59's tto 213 58 goll z $9, 5 \I66 $3| 5 n110” 14113 ” 46j0 51[1 Slr 59 = f216 42/5 nihtio 3613 24 | M be 0 266 305 Jour__ 5 SSE 2afir 1 59 6. 23/5 374{1 14112 46 I O 90, 41 59 216 16 12/5s 48|11 3&612 226 58/0, 2 &9 S1111s 0js , ofi2 <112' 'ofl OL 61 +i165s $2/5 8j12 1611\- qalt 16 ggiz : " lars- 42/6 1812 34 241 30 52" ( L\26's 34/5 26112 52 ti 81 $o 59 6 1 /s 20 gollz 2dio 40t. 9 53 Tn 6 |$. ,10|6 g$oll3 gcſio 201 80 51{2 — %\11;4 $817_ 2114 4g[9 561 I0/0 50 uk _YF_} Icfi4 2cf9 40;1 12 4.8%2 28 4"' 20/14 49 20/1 13 4752 Ȝ7ſſl P 6 3 ; 38 15 16|8 44'/! ]6i0 44!2 5*'9* ,4515s 38 ', golt 170 43 38 | : l SIjrs 423 181 18$0: 42 | ; 58115 _ $6/$ 4|k 19]0 &1 j ' $j16 17 &oſt 20/0 ,. 4© - z Bir6 I6i7 44\1 2Ho 39 ,q Rn ] } - L lo T. 209 40jirt 22 28 j5o r2/16 2417 36\r zctl 38] &- 13116* 269 34j1 22i 38] & 116 247 36|r_ 22 ro[16. 209 3Olr 23 8116 169 4gir 21], « 1O RIfO Ser,j Length of rhe\Planerary hour| Twi- \ \ Days thght.| Day. fNighſſt. iight.\ - M H 049 MH. MAH. M. M. " 57]8 | s ©67'' 5ajt 2cþo 2 All 7 58\1'5' 6_&" !H. ÞJjH. M. M. 7 Z 4\r - 2c|o- 4 Twi- | 2 13]c - 18Þ- : 42 lighr. 8 Zolt -17P 423 22 8 A4:|t: 16Þ 4413 1 cl'5 0\9 olr TFP"A4412— A8 l TvlL 146 442 36 4 36{L 12Þ 442 - 28 14 i4{9- 56 . .IC|O; 52: 22 F4(1t3 48{10 121L ſigſſo 5 112 15} 15 44j13 Zflfo 32j1 7ſſ 5 212 IW \ 26\46 34\13 _ S;IO__S_ZZL,___,___ 5!3 5 |2 9 Anpuirt. 'ſi'ſſ: 23]1% 463\ r. 141 30-:572: 4 _%_%ſſ 13112 . 2631\ 34\1 2b 82 _ 1 E altz 81 F211 Oft... 2 ©'-© L 54]rr A8$;r2 -12j 48 YL 68 5;: 445|1T7 '23;12 ZL!O $7jL - 33 57 O 55 5jt 's } Ja\ir 82 t 16 36/5 24116 483 \ct 64 x14\10 z%l} x | l : Ato : '8j13 AR © M l 118) S 54j9 48114 11h © 45 3Zol4 r J6j9% T2ji4 Y kſſ; 2615 52j15 B = 1812 36i1$ [i8i £ T1j3- ' 22j15 ' E z W 813 $:35C t> { _2 5917 58%I6 Fal7 4$i16 5e17 4Oi16 4717 34.ſi16 4-17 - 3416 47/7 3416 S2}) 44:36 $64__$216 { December. A Table of the Moons rifing and ſetting eyery day of | the firfi Six Months of the Year, from the New Moon to\ che Full.her ſetring; from the Full to the New or change, jner Riſing, : =Z;January. +d, MJA. M. ; M 393 M 5ojy M2] 353 _ 34 S 20/ſ4 & 25]4 26j4 I 4 ® 58 8 A 59 5 © 23 A 42Þ A 369 39 449 33j10 A 15 A 349 _ 42]10S Igflog 44 3910542113 Februar.| March, | April l May. | June, 1'{ M.jH. M.H. M, ſſ 33105102102 25112 ® 15112.®..-2f118 29 24)8 > 47/118 271(5410M 15Þ M 2j11” 53 25j109 3J1I2®” 4412% gcjo 54jO 27]12 ' 20 26115 28 M 44o M cfi dxL2 20 The refidue of the Table of the Moon's Rifing and Setting, for the other Six Months ; where Noze that A. fignifi- eth Aftemoon, M. Morning. July. |[ Auguit, Feptcm.z Ottob, Novem. ,Decein. S. M M.jH, M,H, MH' M.JH. _M, A-4qjtoAg1 $8|1T 56 51 4 1 M 4 l 3112 S 15 1713 gm 2?4 2 1 ® 23[s ____%12 2463 - $917- "B 3515 47 Ig]6 46 J7 22 A N EÞ+ 519 $ 53 - gjt1 ® 7 S 17]11,8 I6H2 _ 17 79 270 M 17 2019 ® 369 & M 27 31 211g ſſſisoſilo%ct 42/2 © 53 22110% 26\105 4 564 Z. 23110 3 54111 * 18]5 & 25 2411* 24/12 376 28 25112 3oM 261 M gfl ais A 44 27 462 S& 76 g4 28/l 333 I5]8 ,, 6 29/2 31 D 309 =:28 3013 376 48 41j10.8 3 213 7 IT : 4 | | The New year doth begin as th old doth « R - 8 From time to time we hope that things will mend. ______l_____ S| e| The two Superzors with a loving Ray, —Z a| Do ſeem all former miſchiefs to alley ; —=[*| But yet wefear ſome lurking hnaves there be, &1 &j___That ftill are _b@t_gþſſng of more, villany. b|7 ojY12]c La L1.: ſſ\ & WVF]I R S tude.xse j |T] 4 [LA/L46 |7 123 513 | j»1Þ! (£2 73. 49 == 14 {1 20}23 (?[AS IL , ! [3 {Cctl*ctſiſiorus 4 h W238 jR 22 Ic}; } {4 {D} h o.. 45 S. o*'*ſi 5249:76 5 z |£ {Edward conf. L o]6 19 &«&/A ſſi;ſſ:g Ljoezox R. 26ls 7.|T$% 1. 558. 4 '2 [4 ſi27A4 16 34 $]a;F' 1 4 5. *Au. !28123 29 2813 5 |R } Adrian, 3 |2 IS :29ſſ[];2 1z WA «93 16] £PaulusErem.. |2 |2 15 {/A'r4/A 24 E212 [f ! !UEL IA;AWEI()%W6 R e07 12 £ {Archadius, - |2 j2 [7 }3 28 18 31N 3/f gReino]dus. A1E18 ([J19,0 25 c|l 4 3 {Hillarius.s- 3 j2 |O's 18i2518 41 32 1501P 2. 50 N, 3 [|2 9(_19!:%\-23 3313 ufi! 2 {Marcellus. 3 2 [K>k/2023 5 T. 24 17: £ fAnmſizr—:s 3 [3 j12'$ | -;22' 18 313 Ir] l I&|A\12'9 '22220 - w aals CT 2: 52 N, [2 [2 121032322 13 «cjD 20] £ !FaK & Sebaft. j3 IEZ'LJ,I: 24& 27 I$|s zſizzgſifſign 3,3 o'doszxu 2 &4 %zzg,ſiz Vincent 3 13 1013*4145 15|4 29 LF13614927D 9 X - 2c13 24/ C Tl-T]O'ZnIUS. 2 |3 [17:16|0/>k 23 5c|2 jſizctq' Ejlg 18!16j2 9!228 VY. <22]S ;26] 2 ilſiol}carpus. 2 |4 >k>f< 01/22 SC|E 27] f |Chryſoltora, - |2 ſoſſ 19518 Acto { & 42[2 28] T; Caro}, ln'ign. Xi4. !E] []2 /__ſi ffo 45 91 1 12 23n [2 14 ;21-40 ſict IT 424 {30[h z s NAls fa51r8 35 {5ri£ iAdaman !d-* 22,2 .ſi.')' 26 _& l | eS. 49 AT Dn AR IE IHS { | who liſt to view the motzon of the shie, | - Oth Plantts congreſs great variety | S l jind, and an oft changing Air, \ f =! d] 7 D : £at8 5 Sometimes thick clouds, ſoon after clear an {oir, l HighWinds, with F ſſn'i and Snow and K41z iooethere 2 4 frhte und incon/tant winter weathe ſiE' J=e " 323 ['| Hothan the Son beheaded, 1644." | & 54 as Ret, 2 | Hotham the Father beheaded,” 1644. STO7 1125 Of 3 16 Lnuczda Corona o0ccid, n_ſſ Þſſ,__gſſ; 4 fter, 4 | Day 8 hours. ſſ'ſir_"_v_j_ſ-_ '.ſſ 1OT Ve- 5 32 min.-paſt 70 at night;| 30 24 s | s Duke Albemarl? dvcd 1670. ry cold, but 2 7 tmh Monarchy men Tiſc, 1650, rroubled Alr, [3 \ SIY 54 F ſome Places 19 Archbiſhop of Caxt. behead. 16 44. 1%Zy 8 mern. 1 o C 3_5 9 ors r2].13 Days lengrhned one Þ ,.1 ; ©Þ'- ;1 & "3 22 mia, p_{ nighe. » $> Snow 14 D Apogon )'Uſ\'*"l"g %A winds for ſeve-| [:6] day 8 hout 30 min. y 3 ral dct\ys, but 17 A I Coif remi1is, - 19 variable, nacl- L0 * h 1.9 4. ned 2.1} L min, paſt r afterncon, |*2 Froft, Syow P clon:man © 22 21 Fomahaud orcid. veſpers. : b 5 Stat.ad dzre. 23] The Dutcheſs Albemarle dyed, 1670. Rai 24 Thelatelong Parl, diffol. 1673.4% {ſſ;?ctd - ?5|Fod.dic Ifſimllſ/&(ſſY Exe. 167 Z S Perigeot 25 Da} 9 hours. dark WCS\.'*]C\' 27\ 56 Prin, Burton. 'Ba(l Vi >z:(*r{ Innoc. \( 10, _5)'!: Y : 23 _paſfl © ie 9 A 29| The Great ſi;w-Sfar rz'ffl) at Sw- . |$now & Rain 30| Day increaſed 1 hour 54 m ,3;1:. 2 © : ZT _,,._-- _ more pleafant arthe end.j \| | The Peaſants poor, whoſe bearts are well-nigh brobe, Long bearing rough Bellona's heavy Yoak, with hope inflam d their liberties to gain, And once as free-born Men to live again : But when we fondly flatter our defires, ! Our beſt conceits do prove the greateſt lyers, b-ſſſiffl&{@,?ffi » Latt) 5jo l 19 tude.|S 15 41]s 15 & 81 113 M 3792 $5[2 D=' 5 5 6 { PIX1X 6 |1 jz 6 {D 6 13 li 5 4 's Is75 Sexagetima, 2 |A x6|C Julzanus, '5 7:15 8 [O ifig1 48S. 26 9 j2: : {X8] F| Simeon, i2 [7 |7 |Iol: X1 [11/2c 7 18 |& j27 8 19 [13 8 [lo[rg .O'lllA 8 ( 8 [13]19 9 10: 9 j* 9 The warlke Star, and Titan are togetber, By thezr mild influx moderates th! weather 5 Soon aftsr change their Sign, and doth diſpence, unto the Air a moifler inflyence : Jove with bis moderate Rays he doth apply, And doth diſpoſe all to fertillity. | Good weethe Cor Leonis oritur arvonice. begins, war'm | 4 Day increaſed 2 hours 22 min, | 4 ©@4 8 46 min. paſt 1 aftern, |for the ſcaſon, Cor Leonzs occidhe colm. Fin ma,elon.a® G. Mozk marched into London. 1659. & pleal. chath D Apog, winds Day 10 hours long. » Q adrive 9 |R Char, I, Incer'd at Windſ, 1648. 4 |[DJPÞY 12 10/12 G. Monk received into' the City| A© h o.dark puow *$kp — 00 O\Ar of J : m IN ( with joy, 165g. |Clouds, rain & I2fr .t 13 M. paſt 5 night. Atd5m I3 ſnow follows, I14| clearing and 5 \ KO©W 1. I6] Cor Hydre 0r. 4ctons warm for the I7 ſcaſon, 18] The high & Prodigious wind, 1661. |{K Þ& 7 % I19/20 Dytch bearen by the Englzflo,16 52.| ſo conrinuing, 20 7 min. bef. 1 morn, fomertimes 21 G, Monk Readmit. ſeclud.Memb. 1659.] Þ I fome [22| 21 Greez & H:/{execut. for murd. Sirj] Þþ ad dirgs, 23) Day 11 hours. (E.Godfr,1675.) Þ Ptrigecn 24| Lucida Arietis oritur mane. Storms. 2 g' 26 Day 1ncreaſed 3 hours 3o min. 2 41 min. paſt 4 aftern. 27 Informis Hydre oritur acron. Il}:c :-Zi:ſids 8 H. Berry eXecut. for Godf.murd.74. Y S 1 ;n 29] 28 Peace with the Dytch Procl. 1674-\ fades of ſno;v m 2 K N 2 A B TAn ” D 6 2 v O” SAKD Luſioſin CT PESIC < 2 2 4 2 IſſBZIZQ 'SAFP N22 S+X+60, 1 UJV -02950 *23 24 221.J e f J Q h c 7 28 29]Y 123 4þ . zoIEe 31:t* 77 Ar*'lcfl Fee 8 4 + Vie Patrone, Orlatus, ” ag © CAAGBARO And wes Theodor. O EA R 4 A A 5 0B AMQILTE phat ſacceed Zecharius. Y % # D No Plot 1 ,ſſſſ-ſſctcty_ct which Heaven ſi; to the D een—o hen em mn ———— I(ll CR GO IIILAIIIE ARn IN CS PR IRSAY, Cn !.:li..ctl.!illll LEZO/C,_(LCQ-WWE _UZ.NJ-Z ZDGZZZZVZ .Wffi_o ?:u\ct?ſi Ott Er e irEI eAn 3 Ouaran/et R M emn Cn ereet R IACW DA EATIETIn C ITIIE eR D I B D eIS TInes itinee nenntt Þ emn | J” ſſ..l A 4 X,IJWL ſſi le\,hl JJIVWTMIT:O)[T\HTM H f\fl. M..,m\-zm S; ; j [ | 1 i5e what news from t 53 ['-. & ©& .., C) 17 D ZE W#4.5 Z ; | + ' Zz ” J 3-116 A W ſſ IS " Y at I; 4 _ £ Q j R _ * _ v B R _ ® Sloey S Q, d D WHH m m =DY D I= B = j 9 } Werel el P e: erd G : lſſ. 4 4 &: IStfA C Weugy B M (1 iw (RNROobws ture — 2 &,\. Y alt 2 3 4 { *;i A 2 7 r !7* X o ee Wi4t e40 L WAK —= OW. SJuin zn ba LC?25 fl = /\(nſiffx. W H D Cd _— S. jOi; - 1 \ 3> OTW ..Mſi_ D D D9 7 4 FS oo WJJL cQ £ {C 2(. wf. * "OFCH Nook, C C © 20 5 11 CL & ! 14 / ſi : ONN .\. Y 1 443 FF " OutZ23 M dS - 6 ( WVO\ W. H \wſi HQ ONm Sy.t 1 WSED V PR 7 0 G4 s PAG DESURRPY D SKouDarb Doagyg =t { SDoOorPbnSvM D wwaw ( m O mn D \O ZXZIZILTF[ oe) Q t 7 15: [& 2416 j28/25}29| 18 5 05 6Iglho 298. - |6 |24]7 |26/A[29| 28 I|s 716|% 0 44S.. |&[24Q/2728]28] 10 W, 21D. bi4g o 275. 47 |A e115 Cantare, 7 j251 &3 345 10jH | Gordianus, 7 11 31j4 £1] g | Anthony. Aſ2511c K 443 Pancrarius, 7 1261 19/2 13] g|Serrarus, 7 [X|12 I5/I 14] g | Boniface. F_TJ'*LC? 13 VY 36S is/h|# 1. 35 S. |7 213 18|2 16 (7] Rogate, >$k126|& | v. 19]3 17 1 | Sarah, 8"icf|r5 2814 18] X" e78, 8 |27j15 T - 37 {5 Pudentiana. - |8 [29/16 3315 o gj H S[271* 5 17 21] g | Timothy, 8 18 el ih\ho 27 S, |8 j28|18 &4 52)5 Exaudi. g JOIG 5014 1 4; N K&}]2E[20 ne -?Þ *;;Bſiuo 2S. -9 j29 22 26 f-Auffln. to [Aj21 =; 6[l oirdo 16S. [Olg2s IN. : zgſſ: Jonas 9 |25]23 45]T 20: h AfRAP 41 +38[2 30| 19 1 P[24| 3013 21 5 53 l l2cl2gi21l2ol2gl © 2 - 0lk } eSAR ng eR Ee CO P R ES AEEER aeae ae — iThe hzſig m "Stars and Ph: 14eton reſz[ezzdent, In tY* air doth cauſe a wholeſome temperament'; | Mars Saturn- 4oth behotd, Thunder-doth threat, | - | Herines the winds 40:raiſeto a[lzy the heat : | The Lady Venus contributes her:powersg. \. And datn by coalt aj]ma uS p[eaſſimt [howters. jo p L{Luoyſi A r ennenoo em o emn oeeoeonſog \ *SAp f Liwih L fParhamcnt vorefor thc Kmg 1660 50., » Apogeons 2 \>The Sun 8 Fupittrn conjundtion.'Sercne and. pleaſant| 3 44 min p. 3 aftern. |d © Y...11 n. fam- 4 1Da y'Is hou 3: 30 M. mer-weather. S\N. Reding Efq;inthe Pillory, 79- ? \ ſſ%i b 3 m. Thun- | 7.\8-Laſt lohg Parliament began, 61.|d © &4 a. der». | 1 8'XK; C:TE proclaimedin Londor, 6o.llike, and ſtorms off [1 CR 'Tho.Pi cherangexcc. forTreaſon,79. 'wind. OfAſiſi/ #b. occid. elpert. Inclined to:be fair [xx] 2 min.p. Fibeforen,|s V T o. and [12 E.nlofSfmflmibcneaded I641.\windy. [13, 11 Fomahaid oratur mane. ' [t4) » e5 [15| [E Pro. mn Clute 1 6: $yrreyPeririoners diſperſed. 48 (49. Þ Perigeen. and 17,18 Leycllers ſurpriſed, at,Byford, the air cooler,/in %ſigct 21 min. p. 2-morn. \ſome parts raits 19] izg! [21] |5 Stat, ad diret. [22, Ortus veſp. cordis. M., [23] '24 Day increaſed 9 hours. 251 27 min. paſt 1 morn.) 26: K. CharlesTIs Landedar Dover, 60.| Þ &+ Scrcne and 127 Oculis &01 04 O ld 6\ Q gOOd 128. Englith and Dutch fight, 1672+ ]Weathfih ofmg 29 | Day x6 hours 3o m1n. | ) Apoge Clouds fly, zoi 28 En? liſhand Ditch fight, 1673- ) {31 C ffu/i as bright Phoebus hath his heavenly Wain X 5 |X 22 26]14 55'2 125 To ( Oly 181 UAAD:5299-*'*-23V 135 123 2 9|21 I6 1 4 13s. 12114275 &3 M $2 26 | b-|John & Paul. AȜ6 135}237 I4 5?3 27 3 Sund, after Trin.|136 |14{16 29|10}26 464 28|D | 424% 136)(?\7_9:128 -Zſi475 136 15|18 2/14|20 595 136 1649&[163 Wzct;ls j % SLSet 0z the top of Cancers TropzcÞ ;, fain 5' h ?Z-iWould the rough bew'd, and hair brain'd Mars, | & &| Zoyned with Jove de('gn mnteſtine jays. 1 1= £| Let not juſt Heaven to chaſten 15 be bent, 4 |-L:ft all convert to our due puriſhment. T : @{ (Q,D Lat. ) 3 II?F 1 N I " | e Pamphiſus; 109 2621 28 28/12 315 2: f Marcellin, t00 l26 :29 29124 471s5 | j 3 g Eraſinus. cP'I '29423 Þ. Hj7 Wi%D 4'g /RN 540% [xor 28/24 27 j19 48 s| h Boniface. :oAA 25 &A Aj2 223114 6, ] 10n 299A.4 I fts 28 7 d [Paulus. to0 dj27 0 Bj8 353 8: g Willam. A'2 |Hj286 3 |HIX 55[2 0: f/ho2ss. '11***U8 'g [2g 281 r1o| g ; Corpus Chriſti. O22 2 J2gX'K|9 Y155S n!a! : 112 3 |£107 [23 217 r2j þ , Cyrinus, X3 3 |X1181]7 5£463 ctlgi x Sund. after Trin-j13 f 4 |3 13 1oſ22 244 14'd/YL 0 42'S I13 dſſ4dd7E125 15| & Modeſtus. It3 419 15'raþ22 25 16' f ;Richard. d3 6 16 15]6 $48A I7| gzdſioȝN _—1124 7 16 17 18]21 17 zgctatl\-.arcus. 12X /7 I9 20}5 'SU21'4 i9;h|[e 1308. \124 9 18 |*[19 24 20 2Sund.aftcr Trin. 12[)10*9 21 242 M3 | TC USeo eAR =agyen—erq——n em =Y ES | of ſeven Conjunttions three firſt do deciare Good weather, @nd a very pleaſant 'arr; Mars with great Jove do exerceſe their powers In Thunder {torms, ſoon aſter ſudden ſhowevs* Then Sarurn 3n Conjuntton withthe Sun, Canſe Rain, and dark Clouds *fore the month 3 done. | *S&erq yauory 1 Day 16 hours 32 mumures. -| Þ Elong. 4z 2 © 2 33 min. paſt 6 morn. |d F 9.0. Clouds 31 Engliſh and Dutch fight g2, 65, 66|of @. 4.4. clear- 4 Abour this time:the Scots rebel, 79.]J V 23 m. ingas s' Bright foot of 1. ſets with © —jgan fair Surmmer 6'Sir Henry Yane indicted; 1652, [weather. Z 9 Lambert indiged, 1652- The air inclined t 9 - 18 m. p. 6 at night. |Thunder & Temp Io 11 Bothſentenced. Longeſt day.|d &\F; 7 fte 11 Hec duo folftitium faciunt 5, Vp. | D Perigton. | 12 *Sed notes equant &N = diebus. ſi C C emn nererne emn herteenteneeannnnoonmeen eenenes I lz Naſeby fight, 1645+ 1$:D. Monmouth marchedfor Scotl.79. 16 52 M. P-.9 MOrNe 19: Dunbirh taken by the Engliſh, 58. 18 20 Whitebread, Harcourt, Fenwick,l ' 19: (Gaven;Turner,Jel.exe;forTrea. 79. 20 Oxſord Treaty ended, 1646. 21| Thick Clouds and 22 TheScotsroutedbyD. Monmouth,79.| Þ ' - dark cold 23 s M. p.6 aftern. |d@ Þh 5 rain 24\Day:15 hours 30 min. for ſeyeral days. 2e \Oxfird ſarrendred, 1645- 26 |Lycida pes TE 0n coſMe 27 ſtorms by-coalt. egnanten—ng D Apogeon- The winds cool 28 29 cropedry Bridge fight, 1644- \fome rains go +N l R mn eA rere rrenr emn e) 29'8 MarthaſiVirg 30' A $3.2 42 2 b Ignatmc THeavens ſmiling jace -all flmows would adjow he ſſ% e>* | But ſuch l#ght bopes.-not lzſmzg, therr return S. &\ fear, jrom murthers\rage "tis a reprive, &. &; Not- Europe freed, her troubles may teviues S\G| Oft times"tesſeen, that in thelovelieſt bed C f O]]vm*ſſſſi Flowers, 6: Serpent bides her, bead. - P P d {HIYS mQ"qu Lctt ' 26_5 11\]1190 oſſzizffi Vp_ \N "1/'g {Romwald.' © 17 [69]# [4/ 1@P/[16-14. 2'5 2 | Viſit. Mary. 14 7 '72ll {20/28 55; z| þ Hyacinthus. 91 |2217 j23/122% I\g 4? '4 Sund. after Trin-|14'4 1823*8 [24'25 173 ! $s} y |Anfelmus. £ Mts/24\5/26/8644/2 | 5j e ctScxburga. 147 0 Alnzs 22 M'] 5 - | F. Demetrius. 14 2125] IHASsV 1$ 8g 3 52 = []8 *U}IZFL}W 5412 9!8 H 1148[2227414[:];5;53! I10! þ17 Brethren. X18 12228/*9-118 »- 5/4 7 s Sund. after Trin. I's d]zg* £79412 (IÞ21/4 E lzfd Y o425, 159!dSL18*/ 16 455? 12;.e ! Anaclerus. [T519. 125]1 {[913\I- » 9 | 141 f- *Bonaventurc. d]o i25|2 id I5\ts "29jA } i;| g |Swithin. [K99"(26) d |21/17129 374 | 16/J| ; Oſmond. y X 26/4 23 & *lȜſſſLct94f [17/þ|# 019N; 15j9 1 + | = 185' .6 Supd. after Trln. &1£32816 2522'!@)2 g|2 5 119/d] F6|r6[])9 {X{24122/549.1 | J.oLe Margaret, : "£6]A[29 J(f28 26\69.4241 3N {21' f [Daniel. (]r0;919 [29,27|17 201 122/q, MaryMagdalen S]fflo}& Ioſ I/12129 4 I7ct 123\'&; 9654N ;Aur C]Qctſi)ſſxrllr[ 513 |247 b ;Chriſtrana, 16]r12 [12(3"12 22" 54/4 25| j 16 P3 \ȜſſAſGct4 3'475 26 $-042N. 17lllȝ ALig !e;--_'16 47\g |27 g'P_:ſſmcalcon. 17/11P|1515 7 129 25 2g. f Sampſon. P|ri]5 ;168 |A I1Vp 33/D x7[r125"[1719 71024 23/5 17]/415 18 6)]117,.,_;3(/ 17/127 |P{11113/20 59 + 2 | d : — — — —— — ————— — —— —— ———— [ e8 Veenus mects with Satum, Clouds ariſe,* hich cool the Air and darkneth the skies, !7hich makes: the Hushand-man forbear, and fiay | For fazrer weather for to hauſe his Hay * /' But Jove and Hermes influx clears the Air 1 *sflr([ UtpuoIy With whaleſome gales, which makestse weather fatr. 32 m p. 7 hight: Winds, and coaſt - The Battle at Marſton. Moor, 1644-|d © Y;.5 4. ſhowers, Mr.-Love condemned; 1651. Francis Lord Villers flain, 1648. D 99./ Somerain 8 [9- Day r6 hours. » Perigean. and 55 M: bef.--x morn. |d b 9" 44. dark zo'Mr Gerrard 8 Vowel executed, $4-|KW Y 12,wearher. 11/r0.Thelaſt Parliarn. dlſſolvcd, 79. Winds clearthe alr, [12/\Earl'of Fſexvoted (xen. 1@42. and good Hay-ma- E : 10 T9-4 k |þ [13 I king weather. | | 14 /Mr. Langhorn-Execs for Treaf. 79. E glzj 27 m-pi'6 atnight. , | [761 | | | Y 119 | z : ſſaS;Dr.Iffi ens.execared, 1650. &1 [194Day Ts hqurs'30 mins; - | | 5"oj 19 Leſſer Dog-ftar rlſech colm. * |) ,. J [2T| ;nHot,: fair and_goodſſ [22;\Day ſhortned 11 R s min. 7 ,|Þ {pogeon; wen- 1231 14m.P Hbcſn. i\ſ'%þlon rher;j P 4 mhe f 25 Oamſns Veſperte Afells, Bares... Fſi\lnds, raiſe.clouds} 26;| ſi | % i 29./Sir Will, walier yored /Gen- . of ithe| 28| » (flying Army, and Weily 1643 ] 22 ' 294 The grear Dog rifeth withW@g7 .}A bruskgale, bu {lai 68 | £ -30 3-Old Trympilain; 16.5 28 | ( ]_5 iNe P- ':7 ſiſſ\ſſrk]a ! nrtene m ET TNn Pn cocormcge e® 5n | *SApq )[99 M te rIE-AE2r statms \ *S&rq tpuoIN \ | \ —_—_— ffiwd'dmmfflwd | i | | | m \ M 0 0 C9 On'Þ w 12| 6 £[* ' ${ighted by none, but ſuch who views a'Star, . | 41d never learn'd what confiel[amſſzs are, O'th” angry Heaven ſee whar's uffion the. /Zage, And- only reſts contented with the light, Knows nothing beyond' his un@. owing ſight. A dire Conjunftion-of: an l Pejages | ! | [ YIS[®[2|7(> Lat. } S. C IN I7|r2:7 19ſi12 14'4... 32 Stephtn. ANG8 j2014]4 18 2711 $:2 29 2 \712[]211--72 V 271S Ariſtarchus. [9 A'\L1816 32Þ8 Þ- 0:24-S 17 ſSIOOȜI/lQOb'LI.\,g Y 0 42 S. X]13,[24}j14 47]4 Ponatus. '18 13\1.[] 20122.28 54{g 9 Sund. after Trin.|18 dſi122621,23 1211585 Romanus, 18]13 12*5'}—'\332" 45 Lawrence. &d 113 282425110* 2'A Titus.-. 18|131142925X|24- 53 5 J 0208. 18]|14 17 26 27]8 033 4 Hippolyrus. 19]114151 'f 28j22 13 |Eufebjus, 9 1416d 2929 s M3 2 70 Sund, aft. Trin-|* |[D/*'3 29:=:118 71 Rochus. I9114174 M dþ =45N Q 119N. UAD;zzrg 61 Helena. 1914186 4 3'125:\ 12 2 P.3 16 5, 191419*K>3<37m92 Bg:rnard. ' H 15*&8 6 419 14 Richard Bith, . 19115209 9 Þg25 1+ Sund. eft. Trin'20| 21[] D.5 2 425 Timothy. - 20 1521 I1195 124 4q4's 20 1522*A ALO V57.D Ludov*cus. P 15;6)'13 125 [15 28jg B 1 16 '20 15231313*A2 222014 20 A24 415R1g 35/4 z—ſiuguſhp_e.ct Rolrs2 aſ5165 29 12]3 12 Sund; aft, TWA CJ'2 5(9 Ple [13)CT1j2 Feelix. - 20 15&'17 18Þ5 29 281S Adrl:m o[] >\<2A 18 2C LPHYSL I | D s R C e eeeeeeeerr er e er r rerr n m m m D Dwring the tims the Infortunes are together, You may. expett unſetled ftormy weather, Triatning an ill reward to th* Plaw-mans pains And makes him fear the houſmng of his grazn« The mulder Stars do make 4 recempences ” | Better the weather by theer influencee 3 1 Maddle X #n the neck ©, viſe coſm.|*V @ 5 m, Fair 2 Sir George Booth declares for a free |:nd good harveſt] Z. (Parliamenr, 1659. [veather. Cooler, 4 *XHY 4m. D v$. $ Day 14 hours 3o minutes. Cloudy and Winds, 6 - Reguus orituy mand, D Perigzon: 7 7 13 m. paſl 5 morn. 8 The Scotch Army enter Eng-1651s! 9 Day ſhortned 2 hours 24 min. | fo| 11 Engliſh and Datch fight near the | 12 (mouth of the Texel, 1673- [3 Day 14 hours. h 5 Elong. mar.d ©, 4| 31 min, paſt 5 morn. !Expc& for ſome i 5 ſi ſtimea diſtempered; 6 | D R.: face of Heas+: 7 Day ſhortned 2hours 56 min. ;velt- | | 18 D. Hamilton ronted at Preſton, 48- ; Thunder,lighening-- {19/20 KC. I. fer up his Standard ar}Þ © Apoge69. j 20 |Day 13 h:. 30 m (Nottingbam, 42-) 4 Þ * 0.". Great 21 | 22 Mri Lyve & Gibbons behead. 1: iſtorms for ſeyera; s&rq yayoly IN rt— edn eWASR II Sot men nSpe rea t IIDagareno——Woe: dn eactimbiteeadooc are—nnnerereennn 22 19 m.P. 5 Morn. |days. : | 23 |Cauda leones ore mand & tempe{?atesf if 24 (& grandines ſepe movite\ ctf 25 iBeptns to- clear. a4 l126 'S©Qg o. gan 25 |Colcheſtty ſurrendred. Sir C. Lycas|[I'V Q 12 1. bet} 28 (and Sir George Lifle ſhor,q.8. C9 Y 8 m 29]'8 $1/m, p& 5 afrern. | Þ Stats ad Retroge | |30 [29 Day 13 hours. | ) o9- Harveſt » ——CEECCR em eprmoneonebemgsc P t ITE IP WEUATI} Pl EE T grn ermen eSAn Fy em mm mn | ; -f!ſſ < What lctzd M]ſin(i P3 tum! ezts, troubles, (p(u} 1 .e( T | 4ttends tf the poorvand barren Scottifh-(oul 2 " |Was 7t Religion got this j/amſſſi{* ft-? \ *SAPG qſſwſſo N gfiiſh Relagion the mark to be þit ? | el Vaunt not ('jſſbndf})ols) of a vittorions'day, | ; ! Whileſt l\znmr}ms ſclz mn ſmows vſſzm C AWAY. Z....-; % C nT !ſſ_,(}; Ul_offl\xfflg-—}ctſilſſzctwg_z! 1 f Gllcs, 521;\68 I9]21/4.,126 2;:2[ | 2|g Adainan, 2151627205224 IIS 13 | | 3 g ſiTheodore. 16 ;ſi'_*:%gſi 25 -26[4 ſi 1 4lh [68/0.48 2% » ſ21]d[282225j0 90 c'ſi-_? | i s lgSund. a,'Irit. [2p{16}28;3)1;L.,23, 51]}4p| | 6] |Magnus. .- szilſi—lſſz/ctzſiſſſiſz",ſiſſſi.i 74 515%] : 7' * H o18,8, dctgit $SYLiai28 P 21 25 Z {8|f a1j15\d 126/H} .4 $V53/44| l olg iGor@onmſi,. ſi21;>}< 2:427/2%j27,18) £13 | ſictx-ſi\i q_ | Nicholas. {21[16|2 [28/2 j261 NY1c|2 ! E!z' b | Jacynthus. 7 gzxgljg '29.3 {25 14 1]? jſi {12| @ 14 Sund, a, Trin, ſi:%:izd,ct;ct [dij5d,25 35Þ4 [13|/4 |Amatus.. ” -ſi._-ſſzxfu%ſſ}:-ſiſi:ict 3 S4239095 1 Ni :14|e EL Kalt, Crucls. Ef'ct_ſi_ſii Abg4219412221 {1512 \ i1s g!Nxcowzfd [22116 13 8 213 Mrc1y '16 g@ComLctxuſi fzſſ\ct}[/ſſj 4 [rolk 15 15|44 FLAE) *SCDY'Þ@ (22{1617-4SLLAh27116]4 1 18 R] |Wi nod{ſi. - 12.241.6; A)&: &\D-8+ £:50%5 4 :I91:4 jlg Sund, 4. T'rin. Zzg%_ſſ_ſict 3 9-131] 20 : 521s | s ni \ ; Euſtacius, ſſ22x16%8 (3 I5212 Vp.541D4 521} e} | >2z'zoe9 9 61 22:15:9/ 515 4 i22]f|Y 043S Iſſſi(!)j:oizozozſſſictct27 321$s 23]\gid 114N. (22/16|-Pu l -48:23-103320j4 124þ& ;.2.1..9.N. eſſzzf[_\.ilſiſilz £Ai24 23..13218 *ſſ %'25 b.\.%.1 38N '22116{111321257 XK112+4 ?26 &z 16 Sund; afty T F1n, * } t21422 21 171 [27þ2.4 R1017;S: '22/R |A I5-238h 6 10 45.Eſi'ſi*? 'ſſ:& 16-62 29 ȜIW EjXlagfc4i29.20) 3512 29]-f-! ; 22/16 ſizſſſſ'ſi:eG',iſi; s 283 - }}'go F ,erromc. ( [E6[EL 18 272:29403514 4 - 4 ! % J [=454 | eR eeteeeereern, $eoroeeene erea eN f , D o, D En EEinn In | '= 7et this months mm ſant "ſſiflzfx fl?m to brin 2, | © | 4 wholeſome 417, A jemzy latter Sprong {s Tis Beauen mdber mations aq znclctw, &75 God alene moſtizh; that doth "defigns Z | :The [Z.mcty motions'ſometimes do declare, |* { - #hat 3n the Heaven 0f Heawens aefrened ave. \*Ml d m ertnnn em emn | 0 B. A I= | ; 15 ;Dſiſſv x2 hours 45 tmin. x h @Q 4 m. Clouds | (24 Eſſex defcated 1n Cornwal, 1644. X© h 7.n. threa- WEE Dunbar fight,g0. worceſter fight, $1. Þ Peri2200. ten { 44 Eid. die 0. Cromwel dyed, 1658. ſome' moiiture. j 14 $3-min. p. 10: morn. | 4 5; 2,3, 43 5. Lontdon burnt, 1666, 5 74 | f 2 |Pr. 14 dyed at Carisbrooþ, $0. ,Winds clearing, ) | Day ſhorttied 4 hours'24 min, 'f © 88 m. lbon o! [KF@ 8 n. after l | Norms. ſi_ [I'2 21 1. p. 7\mght. '© Eclipſed. | | 13\ Duke of Glouce/i#r dyed, 1660. | f! | Ig %*O. tus tiathtinis ArChits. z l: 'Is| [X H.Y 3a. Cool !f [I6| | ) Abogzox. winds. * 17 WLu634 4 COPONA bYefur mmnnes N 18 FDay 11 hours ;3 minures. Zſi'—Z ,*; at. ad dive l ct 19 \VWarm, good ſimd ;L ſſſi;:ſſ—- $3 M-P: JO :-Z ohr. ]Aſſ ) r? XHh J-: n ' firtt fiziſi 5 1643. ſiſſ 2 CAY9 1 NeWbury | s | i \ ! I 2 23| Pre E/ſſl" interred-at _j\ angh}t, $0.! D rer PRs I ' 24 Q60a146VejperFo2is ſpicey ſſſſgſiſiſſm. \ 3 Flonge? MA &O FLY | ,. S£2%.) 24 R 1 26 ['x EHS .] 20 4% doz ? j 27 ,Nay T1 hours. t.; | 155..;clougy. and ; 28 \fh1g 5 619 paſt4 moro: - |/S £©. 1.m modt '2Þ| - | ſſ Soon ckeat ing. .V 2 £ - m . :3 » P g _....__.__._.__.-——..._._._ Dn Y- Eav fhorknet - koive 4 RN Nn of SOTLA) ſhortned SHIOUTS. &4 IBLNNEUCS 3) LVETTERDBo \-=32! - - i | 1 CN A Ta AT TN SE YEII R PT EEI Y IED Y RI 9 SAAT YR TC CT e3 R DUT IN CL G d S E LT A BARIEA D 7n E: el bormmnly INor z the Bz lgzrk bore free from thein bate, 6?' Z"Z Their influx threat the Hogen Mogen State; Eſi &X How quzcll)/ are they into trouble hur'd ! &! &. :0/} Holy, and Moit Chriſtran rids the world =]*| Oſctzl[zutsHoly, Chriltian, Pious, Good 1 " 1 - 4 Paradox ea/:'/ nndvflooſil E P ſſ OQTZDLM}) ..-\_..A.ct -\.ſſl ]I s "L E —R?:—ffligiusſi ſſ22 1615 19 283 [s 234!5 2]þ |{ 29 19 W. ?5'*3*4429520 4is 2} gr 17 Sund, aft. Trin- ;2ſi 163 21 |iI{q B 20JA 4 y |Francis. rd 16162.M8{18 26 s| g | Placidus. 23 16 17)23 0/10/1 ſisuſſz 6|F ſiFldcs 23 dl244 ]* Is 7lg'MJrk 2316185([6 1328 53 8'g Demetrius. 23 ſi9£ct6!ſi'< ls 10746/2 9 þjh o178. >li<471228 lglg'Y'SI 26.. £-\Evariſtus. IT[1/A[13 29]15 28 44j2 27 f|ho1ss. 23 15[29/&|£|P[135 544 28 J{o *\I [315(531*29 ]1{4 29 a}Y 04258. 163 1914]1 5:5 30 þ j93 29:5018, 4314>%\ 17% ſat/2g 24A) 27 21 Siind aft. Trin. ſ22'14mp{185 Aſirzfi"<85 | wwm"" _-.___—-q-—-—-——'**——'**_'__?*—_"**—'_—*._*—_*_-— \ 2 Mars and the greater Fortune clear the azr, S jAnd make the weather windy, dry and fair; 2.\hich Saturn ſoon doth alter, for hzs ways, & | Unto the Sun, cauſe dark and cloudy days 5 Z | Dark, cold and wet until the Fortunes ply, * | A4nd makeths weatlm fairer, warm and dry. s - [Begins with fair 2| Jind windy. 3 Spica Virginis oratur mgne. 41 31 m. paſt 6 night. |KY & 4.m s Day xo hours 50 minures, -] H& 6 m. 6| Cold, dark, cloudy, a} and wet. Y ; 9 Caput 4ndromede ort2d. mane. L H F em 10/11 Day 1o hours long. [D R. Clearing I1 |12 Baſing-bouſe taken by ſtorm,g 5.|gales. Izi 2 win. before noon. |X& T 5 -ſi I13-12 Sir Edmundbury Godfrey mur-jf1 h 5 M : I4 \dCſCd, 784| ) Aogeot. g Is Caula Leonis occid. acrot. w -miſſ ard roozcr l]d{ it han fort uu. { r7, ! ſi, 18] (Porgeſter tiglic, 51 ſſ 19) R. C. Il. arrived 1n PFrance f&« Jn'l } 320 35 M. P. 3 afrert. } Z 21 ; : 22 : | ' | 22\-Edge-hill fight, 1642. EZ\ (.*ouds, _ 24 | Day fhortned 5 hours 25 M- H3 2 7 h: cool [25 j& Io M. and |26|27 Day 9 hours. {ſuddcn ſhowers « | 27 29 m. P. 1 aftern. 'Tan. :28 27 wzwbm ſecond Bartte, 1644 D xer:gcteo*s. 25|Miedle in the N. Bal. riſe morn. 3o 'Cold windsand [ 266-*- Ab Pxon.mqlfl aron onmg mn D SA LI OEI EI SS O0 Mn Rn Enot rm nn tr— ee mn pat=- 7 - D rn Y e ON Y Ij " 1 3 ; j ij 1 11 [1 9 l | \0048'8; l \ i / INNK f \ H1Y 4 j | l RN 1 | l l 'F3] | f f! (1 ! | | 10 | [! \|l l IN M | M ſ l o PM } g l d [b : 14 1 { 14 10 l K } -N [1 (1N 4 I 01 an } \I1 74 8 | ( f | 11 WIW #4 11 1 1 l 0 4 1 i l! 10" 10 v j j PRN j WAnN IYPV 1;000 K [y, y J | : | hay pay fof hery jenf jery fery jr fry jan el ehe en—nn— eAn mn ed wr feaf— poyy— proip fay jroj faref— frnf i*% Os 7 -,ſiſi,ſi © _vL >4 E H *.(ſi sſiia!(ſizaww.ecmſſſi,ſſuſſeſſ.ſſſi.ſimiffilctoo/u AanEGpwwrnm=O0D 0m Cmve.ew » I |22 Y 0 42 \ Claudmus. H 01458. | Severus, Leonard. Sund. aft. T Z. DB F ©g2 2 CC ffi,vcc TY C) r11; [2 f > 3 dI Wo wn_ 3 —ſi\ d3 ar YCD W. 1n L 0 R | -k2q yauoNy *SAEG P2A dn cweoeodo 2 R9 I. o2 - G &s GESJJQ_ / ” o4; z with ſudden Ship 4 b Vicaiis. Winefride, gr0us '$ SZ 2740.MM, By theer dive z And thoſe thers z } By znundations 2 Se jorjaky £5*13 l 7 7 L LONGIS, - . J '&-T4|2 [23 eeceeneere emn emn mn nenrrrtmrttnOoemmmnnnm—me—mnr— £ 10 H 3 1 4 and temp oands, 2 _Oſiſſ.ſiV%z.TOzZZZZZPſſ RVA 24 O'COa \w7\ ſi,ffl,, DBDo 0 24n 3 F C..CC f-UIa.J h.OO O,S,V\r?ſiſſmſi ————_ ])/I oolþ(..Cc o Zzſſ,ſſ .ſi. IQ.biuww TXHo ..Z\.Ws!i...p — ——— ——__ : ſ 6 H9 7ſi M ?..!CrZ..VJV.VCc D DN 22 309 ow 2 A\O CN R ——ocl y M j j - { >'ſſſſ<2ſi21 #s do-ariſe 20 1 0Tef 7 MAany £V4S MOrks 7 WAT H LONINS PM ZA 7 2 | 1 Z \ 'mM Jux arethe Seas infeſted, 24 26 | n concerned much moleſted mrachs, horrad Paratzes, ws. the H . » Dn T _,ſſ___i\)______.__ 28 l La - Le I1%,46! k - = M R A AT AT TA A THTA 6 IN A SANN A ATN PTTA B E oare, D eCn emn 0 —_ D W___,_-_—-—-————-*——W | | » 4t the Qegſſnmnfl Fctztumz lowring Eye > Doth raiſe thick Clouls, which*darkneth the Skit5 which the two jortunes cleareth-by ans { by, And gives more pleaſing weather, ſometimes ary. | '\ | But Mars"and !OVC 1n Quartele"to the Zffln, Raiſe bl -meſiwj or#1s ſſm the ;ſſmctſi) IS:idonts *:A4rq qmow | + om————__—_ | i 73 Long Parliamentbegan, 1540. Clondy and cold,” 23 Fantares occid. viſpers, with nſiozſh'rſſ,after— 3 2 min. paſt 6 morn. wardsfatrand clear, 4 Octaſus matitinus $yres, LH©h9m s Day 8 ho urs 30 min, ,/_- 8. 6 OHQ13 4 q. P. Henry dyedat St. 7ames's, 1612. 'Sct 4 Y 10m | 97 Winds. [10, 11 Plezages er2urtur Mane, ' D Ap0g800- ctnſſ ELES} 28-1141. P. 6-MCYN, | j| 12 Branſo d fightgþ1 64 2- [orof el S !lȜ ' ,{'ſi?ſſſi*ſſ' YL g.fi*' - | f 14: Day: ſhortned $ hours 52 minutes, VWwdy ctſimd farr for} Z 15 Colz Rainsherough flaing 164% —the molt.part. z | 16 Day 8 hours. | i [17) | 184 l 19*i ; 20-min,. P4.6 morn. 20| | D 2J» 21 |Cor $corfit orite mande 'A windy, turbulent 22 : SA33 LOUS: 23| ; LL_'\@ſſd 9 M. 24; \The Pcuncels of.Grange dyed, 60 Þ.Per Z&401: 25/ 35-14P. L.Lat night.' and trou bled air 26 Staly Executed for;Treaf. 78 ſeveral days, but 27 0C- 35 'ON«\ Wey 0ns -; 8.notyery Cold. 28 Treaty ended:at the; M of 37ght,, 129 ) [*. ]zo [- H 2 Gs Fois E 2 B ——I - / i !? Lſi 1 | 'SSpq uoIt Diſturb his Szgnzory : ! They threaten alſn the grea gre at Otroman (% In his affairs, and th* Metropolican ?.ſi"Ofbſſs great Empire; Mutinies and Faftions, & Rebellions, Treaſons and ſich lihe Attions, w 11j1O 36310 I4 18/T1 34] - 3 ; 10” YOJUE 25iFE rIF12 22 21 io N\;ſſgſi 4;11 6[i2 36.IT 47 47jo M 20M2! 7 29ct A t C aa t A D EEIII ETAenn -n erIgs 5;" 503M56 12 20 3of0- 47 1 94.2' 18 6;12 50j0.- 59 0, M3oft.. gofll 5713 7 T/9 Mygoft; 44.1 1212. 201,2 4813 551 B\$. 3ht, 2n 3 314 44 91 32 38þ30p 7 152.8 ,429;37 gef% 3345 84 19 68 43534 : $3:39 2014 47}2 1240 25\1 39 Sipkze 35 A4\;52 341% 04 bY [2?4ſſ , 34_%;-_7 2415 24'5 27 6_ S_]. 8 ](;)}1 13 17]9% 129 52197 1307-4249, 79 114; QbE-0f7"s.. 3 6" 4418 6/®% 36fto 15 31556 4517%* 5397-* 35494 2j9 Whir 6 [16|F+ 34j8 41487 2719+ g5xj2o 26j0 Alg x-;;&'_?z*ct]% 339 2t:19 - 41 A—SZI ctſil, 18{9;* 13?10 34ſi'lo It 390j0 A29jI 8 zqglſibct 6ſſll' 28 17 6 1oA 431.7 a8\'2 48{ 20 | bs) 5Qſio A 20"T} qgix 4442 27 21 21 Seit, 140;A5m2; 4618 24/4 ſſ24 }ſſ.*zſſzid Act,ſig " 9:H;s $943 4524 1015 8 23]K- 39/3, 62 5914 4ojs.. &ls ! fi}f 3134 2.3; 57 - 32/% 53 6_! 33 [25|3-= 23/5 04: 5'51.67 24} s el 17 0 SHT $74065 30 e- - £909 17 8 01 27\$4 $18%..-55464 44) 84 57 8 vofs 49 28| 4: S742 4357 & 32 8, 39/® © 459 38 29{7 135..244 .194.9-.-224p....fto 25 30!7 57' 9 8j/10 $gj10 14\iI Is 21'$ 49 '9 $3j [#r 71 fe rendue of the Table of the Moons: commy to " the South every day of-the other fix-Monchs: ſerving for'the purpoſe aforeſaid; alfo |to find *he Hour of 'the' Night* by the' ſhadow of -the Moon upon the Sun-Dial.” P H | Augiſte:Septemb. Ofobery Novemb. Decemb | TRo. Mi.|Ho. Mi. Ho: Mi,Ho. Mi|Ho. MiſHo. Mi, |rrmmnm m m——_— ——_— |{ #12 60M28xM582M444M324M54 | #0 M6\ 24/2 !g 435_23]5 34| | 3/1 22 133 514 435., 146 |4/t 493 54 45 3917-.. :0[7 | 5]2 © 353 5515 3717... 487 |6'3 © 264 506 I-z 27;8 333 174 155 457 2:'s 219.. 17 [8s 55 448 309. 419 Ito 195 587 399.. 229 49.10_ gillo 166 538 36ixo T14jlo 341t. 30 u '1t7 © 509 © 3310, 58[[I 130 A 15lo ,128 ** 4810 26 11 471(5 A 40_ $9{r 139 © 44 - 3B& A 30: 481t:> 4915's 5 1g10" 420 A 0n" Ight 35;2-: 38 - 46 18t1--39& '572 3j2 -223. | 36\5 ;160 A314'l 4432' ſi494*3 Io4.. 134 - 179 ;171 24 2 29,3 393 55_5 05 K2 *I03. " 13'4 84 445 48'5 ug'3 ©*,03, 55 ,65.. .336. 346 - 43þ 203 454 425....559. 217., 23;3 - 36 214 *295 27;6 44}7_ 98 138 - 228." 135 14/7+, 33B 119 69 - 32þ ,zg_ſſg 5617 358 24B 49ji@ 2jt0 : '246 42 $3.9 169 421Tt, -2jr1 267 3o8 44{\0 gilo 35 [268 169 35/10 58ſill 30 '299 ! 6'to 28-i11 $0/12 29 \2810 2!1 t 12 45 6 M-29]2 ſi2910 .48l12 I0jo M461.....393;. 73 [ZOLL 4oo Mlb .442 31\3 0 SAB ..... TC 323 46 4 - : em mn "K7 Caralogue of_the {L : d ; m A em ene eniengen —Srye—rnyrr rny m d —iieeenmnSern———nmrmn m enen oeraregeree ree O 1. Pygy f-;o 3.453- 2218. xmdcr theA ASTROEOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 263 10]...\4670 #g6pXthe 2year;| X'6 B oj15:2 219 10 eome AB g r. Muſe ( imploring great; Apolle's) $þill) | .Beg'd wiſdoin-to-dire8- bher-timorgs "quilt;, -n Smoothly 20 portray Europe's peateful Ptate, 31 Afrer dire and_ black, ſtorms,, @ ferene) fare;” 5 wWhilſt| on @ judden. ſmitten with-ſurpriſe - » Of freſper ſtorms,. with fears: und-from'the change to the, full, which; every intelli=:1c) gelttReager \will perceive by bare.inſpedtion : mote thar Mitands for morning,, A for.afternoon. .The next is thes kft-hand! page of \the Almanack, ,whiclr hath\ x1 Cov”* lumns, che firſt containeth the days of themonth; 2..the days'of the| week z 3iFeſtivals,” rhe place'of. the-Dra=.,+__. gons head, and the latitnde of the.s Planers....The-ge=— the pIaTe of Saturn every day at Noon, .2nd the AffpeRts | 4 5 of r Aftrological Obſernitiom; £'53 5; g© m Mioon ro him;!, The'g theplace of Fupiren, the 5 of Bers;*the) 7 of the Sun, the'g'gf Penin,"the's '6f Alcremrys thene the'place of the” 3rbyn in deorees thd mumreSeyerydaat Noon tthe lafk the: lxticude'f tht Meoa:: Tac rightband page hativonly 3 Cohimas ;\clic x-4he days.of-thempnrhy" x.che chanige,Rull; and giriys rees'0p.the Aeryzorhe kngthinoreaſe; and decreafe &: zhe- daysanfomercermintimestchenrifing and (eting of fom. 2of.thefixed Sravs, wich'fomne faw'Che ouolom-— cal: paſſages 2 TheJalt contains*the{ ymtual Aſpets "of che Blaners, with-a) briefiacoonntof the erther; \The :ewo-pages'afrcr -mhet Alvanzck! fhay you the e\act cime of thedonr combiots the South;owhich ss dane by infpcing the'dag'of the in6nth Giche fielt Cos lama; acad the-monthonthe hiead © andin the common angleor mectng, yourhave thcteiwm 259 minute,- cicher thorniog or; aternos), a5che leirer oit ort Adorh des note with which; and che Table iol}osvzrzſſ The T\ſſuſias ace molt precutiy known. | The'Tablebf the Pmcs. DN H M ctQſiMewwffiugſ Sourbiumpton. Portſmonrh, Iſle 0f Wigh "06-06 Recheftcs fald. Abetd. Z(zcteqlzrj We_(i ed of the Nare $0'4f Grevejesd; Zzfiwm ;F fſſſſmſizeyſia By Falfe tide,Blacbn8fs -3 Dantee, Si.' fuirews; 1is)0n, Bell=1]12; \FrolswTife | 25 Zongon; Th wmſifzmh Hartte pool. (Phivebay; 4rſifierdam I3%00 Farwicks L—M*M@mygffiectzs{, Bridlington-biy: "3 35 Severn, Leith;Dunber, Kingfale, C Mſie—cr?e' 19" XNewcafile, Humber, Fatmout'; Dartmonith; Lz-{yſii 7 iy Plimouth; Weymouth, Hull, Lyun; Umdj, [ffllmzct s'Þb Briftob; Foulnes 7 as the $tyart 6'%5 Mitford, Bridgemnet, Lads-end, waterford, Texel' EFR Portland, Peterport; Harflew, Hague, Dubliu F=Le FoY, Carnes; Orkneys Hfleof min,'Baſs"I!md 50 Needles, Laſte, North aud' South Forelaw1 _ 9'85 Farmorth, Bszw Hirwich, Calice-road, Bullein Io 30 R/% Wincheljea, Goree, Thames, Khoges TL 08 D ſi{zimsgffmz @Bfezwwmſi E 5 To find:the time of' Hzſifi-_wzxcr at; zrſi}? Qf thofe Ports3 frok rhe honr and minure o£ the Meorſis cammg 16'ike Sourh, towhich add the hours and - inuees agaanſiothe, Fort; which givetts you the'ritne.of High-ua?ctfzſict}lgſeaſi, ample; H wout Fhow'the eime'os, fflgfiſſwuſſ atiDau don-Bridg - ov the firftof Pebrvary zþzz,ſſct,ſſycar 5 the Mooe comes -to the:Sotith *rbar dayar. ghonrs:aq min, afrer= n90n 3 £o: which 'F a0d 2 hours, the apmbes..again Londan, andt pſiroduceth 22 hours '44 mjnates; which isfo-many nun. - patt” mxdmght By the fare ruley 3145 kigh-warer-at Berwick, mpon Tweed,” 20 29 min "pait's abruziand-2t the-needlesitwill-be faltSez-ar25/min. P?,.Pſi 7\morning + for by addiog 9:bour-45 mic."the Honr ainth min., agalult-vhe Vged[ffl, they*produes” 7 houts 29 min.*frotn.whick dedadting 12 ho-chere remaingrhs boues and min; avaboveſatd;-Seerhow mucktmes whe Mnve-comes-to the fouth theinext dav, 2nd a$d oue half ofthat to your fojmer.'timey/ and irgives youwrheaF. rernoon-tide-thit day. Noſic., that:che Tide flowenhk one poinr of the Cmnpa%*s at the. Z\mnmudrsp viz. 2t. the chapge and.tyll.;\; morg"than, at;the'Neapotided;”vipe frft--or..laſt Q__artezcts. Bmf%ezous W nſiw, 2nd gyegt Land-floods.;»ahag/eauſes fome: variztion-,bur rſibctss '* thezymolt exa@&.mulenxiuatoanbe glven: With the\Moons Southinga ſo;you maxahndghe Z*z@ctmffl min, of the nighs: by. glig.thadow of fe-Mopp upor the Sun- 0141 thus, Rſipau ro\aSin-dial- (whewtheRoon ſhineth) and feerhaw.many\hours am% mingces the tha dow. wanteth, of, the«line3rs, whiebetke&) from"vhe hours and mins of: the"Moons Jaxſſzx-fſixing,.ctand' the \y&. mainder, 1the. ggur:of:the woght 3 Bur-WrheTadow' be paſt the line of\3.25;;a8 irhe- hours and mitures 26 the ſiimux and mingefithe:; Moons Sonthing; affl. ene Saſiz*r* b chct:ſizz and miumc.ofth ſſma\hfi R ' w5; \; - C % - ) r ſſ'-ct_()'-, y\ CY Aſtrological Obſerugtions, 2 6.8.09 | 10 Of the Spring, Quarter.,.... ofl THJS Quarter commenceth,with. :tne:Sans entrance:ins ..co thefirft ſcruple of Aries, equalizing the daysand: nights 2ll the World dver,.(the, Poles. excepred:)5: 16 produceth'7 more- equal .temperament. in, the Air;zix8= laxing "the: pores of the carth, endowingurwithiaovis: vitying-and generatlye, virtue, .quickening and:giving hfe to the chilled 3nd almoſt dead: rootsof; yegetables.! Thappeneth thrs }ſe'fix on. Tueſday,the; 9rb;of :Marchg.at: 25: min.: paſt” 3" afternoon,,at.which; time..the:Heavehs: appear 25 1n the figure following. 66 ap01102000 >= | .-ſſ'-\\\ 44 95 ,ſi;.ſig , \S- K27 F NESEH —ahr '{ LOLIKE O-, ; \}L2 4 - .-.; aS1T% \ 14 4ur-*þ 1 1433op- 1/280P832 Q *u1W *£2'83P- 17 YIAPIY*PL 2 11 *utiv 21 E'1gop ao mopuaaſy ſiſſ ?{ A u1ry f85:283Þ $1-uaarayPrgy 10Wuogy 32 7 : ſiſi,zjzoſz_c'o 1\-{ 1 »Uponthe-dumming up-of; thefortirudes/and/debilicics” that-each Planethath: in-the' princip> 1plices'vf*rhis* figure,.and-in; therfigures-of-the full S preventional; 20d, new y, poltyentionals. the Planet &-claims d61i" 108,.25, Haying moſtdignities:iwtheaforeſ2id"placess Irkewiſes:herris:angulax-in, allthe three figures,” wite. aſſd n 4 quattilerto:the New:Starz place of : the' $yncar Uiw gange 97 303 949 254D3 163 e0vt9 5n OI the* Rteanna ® Sinerernennt D Aſtologtea! "Objervations, 1'6 $-0. the great ConjunQion/andto'theConjundtion of : 1663,, Bonarasfaith, *Sifuerir f 3n X frenfrear multitudinen ni- vis'\aq; pluvies& erit moriatitns in partibus vieridionalibueg dirimenturyegat/&ifignificarinterfeftionem regum© mag- natum;'& divirama nebilinm, ſciticet qui ſunt apti regnoe.[It| AFibeinVitfignifiech tmuchſnow and ratn, and a-mor- tality in-the ſouthern/parts';"divifrons and: conteſts be-: tweenkingdomsand {tares,and flaughters of Princes and., greatimen,richmen'tnd&nobles;thatis,ſnch as are aptto rule.andgoyernt' Thepropinquity of Zand:y ſhew ma-= ny contentions. and diſcords'to happen'among men, by” bringing old matters and things upon the ſtage, which hadfor ſome -confiderabletime lain-occultor dormant- Ielignifieth many forrows;-tuch crouble and loſs by the aboanding' of 'rogues;-yagrants/and. cheaters; : thieyes; clippers and-copnersof money-morethan ordinarysby which meansthe moſtihoneſt'and®beſt of: men are deceis vede=The wits of a yery'villanous and-deceitihl genexa- tionof/ Vipers now morethan ordinarily a&tve,'to-im= pede” thehoneſtand'good incentions and indeaveurs'os moltot. theipowers|in/Zurope; who would gladly put'a period'/and.'conclufion to the differences) and/ealamities' uader which'theyhave {o {everely ſmarted/ And thongls many of theſ® evil members cometo'be diſcovered;!and great and tranſcengentmarters come- to be more judici- oully weighed than 'formerly, arid/ 2 procurement of*a ſertlemeut of many*matters: 26d® things: formerly- in doubt and debate/; -yert the/ſtorm ſeems nor-to be quite oyer, ibut darkanddiſmaliclouds ſeemno'itthrearen'the northern paxtsof; the-worlewith aftorm;which Godin”' his mercy:divertz&et,9 Hercuria: fueririy piſce;fignificat® ventss,; &© plaroiam, 5 atvideut bacut 'plurinmm in pariibus” feptemrions 1 It fignifieth'a windy andwet ſeaſon,eſpeci-* ally io the narthern parts.« The-2oomtfrom: theNorth Angle in Aſpe&ro and/$% and/thequartilerays of ” t9, 10 ©, gryes us cauſe to belieye-thar the Spring will GNN z : h R * Aftrological Obſervations7'6'$.0. " commence, Withwithdy;dark,clondyandiwet weathes, © *1 Of* the Summer Cuaner. 0K - l His Quirter'commencethwiththe Sur'sentrancein- to the firftſcruple of the/Tropick of og1makingithe "Jongeſt days 4nd Thortelt nights to allithatinhabir=thar " gart of the world/ofn'theNoth-$ige of the ZEquatorssTt appeneth this yearon'Thirfray/theroth' of Fune,cat's ho, 18 min. paſt noon, the'rmiddle*orfequalitimez>burthe apparent time'is/at 's/hoyt7;, ln and/31feconds, at ©wwhich time theface'of Heaver this: preſents urs ſelf,:: Midheayed'=».4 deg*47 twnltes;- Hotoſcope: 76 dege 34 min: N93 According'to the dodrige/of the/molt' approved'A- froJogians, the planet, 45 toſhaye thewprincipalirule of chis quarter alſo, ;a.common: fign'occupying the Eaſtern Angle at the 'vernal Zquinox.”-Juſtupon'the Sammer Solſtice we have &- joined with 'the Benevolent planer 21n: the fign I7, deſcending belowthe Weſtern'Horizon Notdiſtant muchfrom the/planets:# and g,- they'occu- Py the medium.celi of the vernal figure,/altheugh his'por Ltion in 77 Rixas movet; &c, yert we havereauſe to hope war the benzyolent._nature of 27 will: ofar meliorats the rougher nature 'of ', thitWemmayhope'fora"right underſtanding between the peopletan@their ſaperiors ; and we begin 'to hope (thit many;d6”beginto a&tamore - honeſtly and-publickly than formerly: ee fwany waſe men fear/a, ſnake in'the grafs ,byteafouret 4 conjunttion of the two malificks in this quarter;of which'more afnon - The *configurations of 'the heavenly bodies'this:quarter doth ſeem.ro.be aufpictous (except tha configurationbe-: fore\hinted of).and:a probability of weatherphotrant ſe_. Tene, togerher with fomeThowresand thinder 'weather Tultable t0r:tht {Eafour RN l IOR P R D ,. { Theconjungtion.of thetwo matevolent planots Hiand F, wiuckis celebrated this yearonthe-emhofriuuguſt, :$10,worthy of the:conſitrationiof the iogenions,"thas, T'#2000t paſs it with filencg; 3 7 This Kſtrologicat-Obſervitions3+3'6'$0. »:'Lhis &\happeneth.1n.a43-to the-glace.of umat.the's. 2663, And ,. atthetimeof. this. 3g isin the-likeaſpe@ ro:the ſuperiors, placesar the great, &.,.and to:thelace of the 3MoonaMo,which-ſeets to, defige the eftefts $o be .the-mores confiderable-1n-the. Northern /paxts.of-.che world;which will becommortions, difturbances, notori- . ous robberies/-ſeditious;conſpiracies.atLand,.:and.more than'ordinary;,pipacies atSeas 1 l T) l 7 \-Confiderable effects hath followed their conjunGtions in &; :they-were;conjoyned.in :the-year, 15624to:g0/no further backwards 2 plague.ingEngland.1 Queen Elizys be#th flights' the Popes, offers;/ and {tands ypon.her:guard, 56 She-and-rthe:Queen of - Seots;grew gealous ofeach other;the Moſcouites.invade. Livoniaz/Duke of: GaizeMlainz £&c. Anorher..<.im the ſamedign in.the year:a592;1.The FrenchKing apoſtatizerh,, turns Papultyfodoth the:Saxos -nibns'5140d the Turks prevail agaiult-Zunzarid. » Brion'0 >andirebels, in, oipyh fecyws Rock 2-greatariſh potentate, rebeNed againft-Queen«#1i- zabeth: and/ſoon after-Tir, 0en allumediahe title ofi aueat,' 116224 ahother. 1n 5;/aboutwhich time-the Jeſmrs - were: expelled rhe; verherlands:s' the Proteliants-abuſed inFrances .:S0on-afterwas thefatal dowulall in;Black- Friers/at Huiſdes:bouſes 1n which was killed the Pneſt, 4oo of- his;Audirors;-and many wounded. 06 { In-the year -1650 they-were.conjoined 3n © aforcſaid; 2:War inSco:lund:beganthe{ameyean, whichisyeufreth itthe memory.of- theſe;three Nations:1: Belide; el «r2acnorum (3 Tagus, £5.6 anges ſorlan Antipoders.; The confideration.of.. the.oature.of this:5.brings me.unto/the Xemembrance-oba Jearned quotation-of Mr.aLilly.upon \thedike'vecaſion;; viz.c Exdetertoribus, confurſuous que int: Calo fianr, eſt conunttinSenrs © Harnp in(aucre 3 4uani- anmSaturnus. cadit.a deme\; Mars. 4b exattatione © S1MHars corrunpit effetusLungsy queibi hagen domun, © {Mars0r- runpirefſeitus Gruis, quacibi, cxaltatts Aurtzcalarinfiguo 14 - eſtivp i Afftrological*Obſeruations;.x'6'$'0. ' efiihaugetur,1& ſcrarin frigus proptertunan;;-& eft fieniim propinguimumwoertico noſtre, 5n quaileats Aſpettu ariens, 9 domiuetur'in Europaceſt etian figuam, quod pre eſt-mart; & monhis ſerpeutibus, us elephantiaſt,05 pravis Carcinomati i5 phageiiayz. (The worttcoutiguration"thaticanibe:made inithe Heavens; i'iS:the :at-frand-onlin-os ; ibecaiſe'f thereifalls fromchishouſey.andigifrom his exaltation;; Hcorrupts: the-influence of the' 60n3 whoithathther houſean:thacigs; an& : Yeſtroys the influence'of P whogastherein exaled':*thefign being @ftrval, .cauſerh the-heatof/& to-bemore-oyrragions 3" and/H; his'coldis augmented,:2s:it isithe houſe:ot theMvor. 'This fign aifo 15,neaxeſtro-our Zenith;almoſiiverticalvoyernus; indbes holdsche figw witha quadrat'Afpe&;and * hath'imuch dominion-iniEurope'; itis alfon fignwhich ſignifieth:the- Sea, ;and hath:dothinion'thereonyand-on-creeping/or crawling diſeales, as theLeprofie; Cankers;andſuch like diſeaſes, fichilores as-runfurther and further;&c, Fcor lands Hollend; Zealand; Burguidy, Ruffiay\Priifia, Tunis ) 2415 geire, Conſtantinople, Fenice, mMillaine, Geroa; Amſterdam, York, Cadez,aud manyplaces moreihall. be ſubje&torthe many eviisdefigned by-this:& ,00iz wars;bloodthed, re- bellions, inſurre&tions; ſhipwracks;'piracies; robberies; ©clf we have refpedto:thepartof Heaven'in'theiyeraal figure where the & falls;it is in the cleventh houſe,which utimates breach of truft; league andfriendſhip,and the erilsand miſchiefs arifingfromiſuchadiicns;Fo this a- greeth the figure of theLunarion preceeding the'&; which onght to bethe.Radical figurez whoſerxfcendentis near thefame/of the Veral figureyrandthe' Liitninaries upon'i the-Cuſpattheltimeof: cheir Si73pin, whichis as before mndedin 23 Afpedtitothergreat! & itfelf,* Hetice'iy" mult follow; tharasrheasis naturally conſiderable and- emientz fo19isacdidantally.yery remarkablejiand doth” not,oply;exctte-the influence of thegreat"&-ir 161F, and' me15-.08,633,and/Propare matterifor thetiext conjunti-? M ons, - afliQing the gth-houſe, whichis the houſe'of Relivien. Aſtrological«Qhſervations;\:2'6/8\9. 085,-Which; will happen-in-82-and33,) bur-doofichemns ſplvesſſcauſe or_{tir.up ſome notable rranſations;; ſuddery commouons \rebellions, war,uproars;murders;yery'vie? lent and cruel .cnormities:inthoſe places: rhatiareunder the.ſign.in-which ;they.are-;conjoineds/' alſo-great'inuns dations of water fudden.ſhipw racks,plracxes andSea-rob. beriesin fuch placesificfor ſuch-accrdents;] To!Princeshy {ignifierhthe! treachery-of: their Subjedts; great:diſcons tents:amonglt them treacheries-16- trearies,! breath'st: Leagues,.the mfidehcy of+their Allies and Confederates; breach of truſt.in; their-favougiresand'Servants; waſting” thei txeaſuty. To-conclude;Jev Scorland;1Z#/eBayll Zmlam%s t5c-pray Ged to-deliver-them-from a grievousand*r aiging Peſtilence,this year'and thernext;and from'the devouring” Swordsand-pray thatReligionduffer novby Innovatians, which.is-to be feateds vizea fatal Cataſtrophe! \Of thedurtumn.s.' l HE Autumn or. Harveſtiquarter commenceth Wlt-'n - \:entrance.intothe.#quinoGial fign-=$;ox the ballance?” makingithe. d2ys.and nights equalalt rheyworld oyer;the Pales excepred.-,|It happeneth»/rhis:year on Seru#day the 1.th ofSepxemLer, at;2 1 ho, >z-min;paſt Meridiaty6raF- rexnoen;/Aaccording;toAfftronomicahcompurations l—vſiſi vidgarly. 0n,Sundey; \-therzo at 21 min, pafl 9 mortiing at[whigh/tume »;The Mideheavends:£8 dett. 3 mn 1 :n3 TYs homſcope i$10:5 degr!2quming H Upon.cxamination-obthe forrimudes: of che P*anets ity e- Heleziacal p}aces of;the- figures i/h45/9-a0d” 7 Vear the PLnGapal rale;and don*mxon 5:2] thePlners fre above! the,carth, ,yet,all-cutok Angles:; [bothithe MileyGlents God:deliver.the placesſubje@rorheign'&3 (4 Mck THee down, before): fromthe Plague!of Peſtlence; of Tome 6 ther. ſirange and;- year'1672, andenting at the year 1682:: both-which-are Printed”for, and fold by - theCompany/of Stationers. - - . This is to'give notice,- that allChymical Medi- cines now in uſe, truly prepared;: {uch as are ſafe and cfteQual in-operation, arid abie ro abide the molt-curious:! examens, 'are made "and fold by Chrzſtopher Pack, at his houſe at* the'fign of the Globe-and (hymical Furnaces in the Poltern ſtreet near Morepate 5'where for {urther {atisfaction, any, perſon may have a Caralodpne of. the lame Gratis. The true Spirits of Scurvy Graſs, both;plain-: and golden, famous throughont the Three Nati» ons - for their admirable Cures-in- the Scurpy, Dropfie, and leveral other generab diſtempers, are faithfully prepared, and-fold\ Cwith dire&ions for the uſe of them)' by rhe- firſt*Author Robert Bate- man, at his Houſe 'in” Pauls-Chain near DoTors Common London: the Bottels are feal'd with the Half-Moon and Ermins to prevent. Counterfeits ; price 1 5. each Bottel, R SA erA ; There is on Oftober the 4th.a Fair-at Brentwoed in-the County of Eſex, for all farts of Cattel;and holds Three days. N EIOISENE z PT B M s - ”