T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* D RODI EIIE TEe IiLITE” » Nuncins C a)leſtis : OR, TIHE Forthe/Year of our Redemption1626. : And fiom the'Creation, accorditig to Sacted Writ5 6 2'9, Wherem is contained (1) Aftronomreal atid Meteorolo: gical:Obſervations: (2) Aflrologzca! Preditions of rhe”* State of the.Year, deduced. according to, ART,, from the' Solar Ingreſles, Eclipſes, yarious Configurations, Aſpedts and Con- jun&tions of the Planets. (3)) The Riſing and Setring of the 11n and Moon + Allo Her Soythinz 5 Together with many uſeful Rules and'Tables pertinent 'for-{\uch'a Work,” Acco- modated.to the Merjdian .of. London, '\which, Hies in the Lati- tude of 5 1,dep. 32.min, North,, but.may indiffcrently ſerye (vithour'fenfible Errour) for any other part/of Great Britazn. By | ſi Stcydent; mn, the.. Ma- ihematichs andtzc Caleltial Scaence, Te d Acceyt Aſtrolopy as a portias of Nataral Pſſulofi)pby, and-yet Attrioute to it 'no more,Credit than Reaſan, and the Evidence of Partientars do evince, ſttting aſide Supevflmows and Fi: [m':ſi.'ſſ Lord 'Baron's Advanccment of Learning.*Pag.147. ! { *riiten, by 7 Grover ſor 12 Company of, Stationerae Hisis the ninth year of my appearance amongſt the number of Annual Writers, and in every Almanack 1 | have endeayoured to oblige all perſons, eſpecially fuch as are Lovers of ART, or Students therein, in preſenting them every year with variety of matter, and to many, ſuch things as were purely Novel, which hitherto has found kind Acceprance. [The confideration of which hathencouraged me now to preſent my Nuncius in another Xode, as here you ſEe, leaving out the Longitude and Latitude of the Planets, which could not be in- {erted for every day, being confin'd: to one Pagefor the ſame; rogether with the Lunar AſpeFs, and therefore the Eyhemeris wasnot ſo.compleat as I defired ; nor had Iroom:to add a 74h/z of Houſes for the conveniency of thoſe whieh ſet Fizzres upon any occafion, which I confidered did render it themore im- ;perfe& and leſs uſefu] to Students, and not at all underſtood by others, and more particularly the Country-712n, whom T defire alfo tooblige. Therefore I ſhall for the furure refer thoſe thar deſirea complete Ephemerz,reduced to the Miridian of London, as alſo a Table of Hoyſes, to my Honoured Friend Mr. 7;11;an; Lillyes Anglicus, which is the moſt complete (tor any Students Uſe) now extant——And to render this book the more gene- rally uſeful toall perſons, T ſhall now annually (God willing) preſent the world wich monthly Predi2ons, as alſo the Riſfing and Setting of the $7 and Myo7, the Lynar Afpects(which many perſons make great Uſe of ) with all other Appurtenances re- quiſite to ſuch a Work, inthe ſame Method as is here preſen- ted; which I have reaſon to believe (as the times now go) will be more kindly received than my former was. If fo, 1twill Animare me to digdeep into the Myne of ART, and implore the Affiſtance of the Divine #r4nza, thatT may thereby oblige her Sons in preſenting them Annually with {omme of her choiceſt Rarities z whichis the Defign and Reſolution of -—— From my Houſe 1n Bald- Gintlemen! wins Covrt in Bald- Tours to ſerve Jou, rwins Gardens, 74nt 20. 16 7 9, x : HEN. CCLEY. | The ]zſilm 1lian or old Ac-\ Ac-} {The Gr2g0rzan or New count uſed 1n England Stylc uſed beyond Sea. 5 | T. 9 - The Epadgt. 29 Febr. 22 March 3 April 11 April 2x May 20 May 3o May 30 June 9 Novemb.28. December'x. A Tahle of the Four Terms and their Returns. — Begins ]anuary 23s loct_a-b. Hill. Jan. 20. . _ | Quind. Hill. Jan. 27. hath four Returns. > C4R, Purific, Febr. 3. C Ends February 12. } O&ab. Purif. Feb. 9. —— —— —________—F— ſBegms April 28. Quind. Paſch. Apr. 26. ———_ dm Tres Paſch. May 3. hath five Returns. > Menſ. Paſch. May 10. Quing. Paſch.May 17. LEnds May 24 Craft. Aſcen. May 2T, rBegins June 11. 7 Craft. Trinit.June 7. ] ORab.Trinit.June 14. . 4 hachfour Returns. $ Quind.Trinit:Junezz. [ſiEnds June 30 _ Tres Trmlt June 28, Begins Oftob. 22. "YTres Mich:ORob. 20. Menfſ.Mich:OQob.27. Craſt, Anim. Nov. 3. hath ſiX Returns. Craſi Mart. Novy., 12. : Ocab.Mart. Nov.18. Ends Novemb. 29. — Quind.Mart. Novy. 25. — hpn=——_ The Glorious Planet Ye9us is our bright Morning Star, from he beginning of the year until the 25 day of A4uguft, at which '1meſhe riſes afier the Sun,and hecomes our Veſperns, or bright Zvening Star to the end of the year. il '\, | C Dn ——__y rewrn This Table tells ns of our Cxfars Birth; When *gai #0. Reigh, how long they ſway'd on Earth Ti Pageant Glories, real Cares and Paing, And laſt recounts the end of all their Reigns. Conclude in Dutt Ob ſad ! what's learned here ? But dire Remembrances that once they were : Of twctzty ſ X d.ſim ozzl » ofe nmctm Bags ald Lormn Begali tQ Reigned | Since their Buriea (Lcens _Aannof _ þ Rcxgn. Ys M .clgns cndcd at William 1,1023}1066 OR. 14 20 1:1593 Sept. 9.\Caen Norm. VWilliam * 2,1057j1087 - Sept. 9.|1z 11 589 Aug. 2:]Wincheſter Henry x:1068{[l100 Auy, 2.435 41 45 Dee.-1.FReading Stephen®” }110512135 Dec. 2j18 | 11]526 _Oct. 26.|Fevertham IS "The Saxon Line Reftored. Henr y 21[132j1154 OQR. 25.335 9 491 July 6- Fountever Richard - 1jr15 2h1189 July-6,9 9481 April 6. Fountever John 1165|11199 April 6,07 61464 OQ. 19, Worceſter Henry 3j1207j1216 OR.19.,56 I 4@8 Nov.16, Weſtminfter Edward © 111239]:272' Nov.16.!34 8 373 July 7.;\Weſtminſter Edward 2[1283|1307 July 7.19 6 354 Jane25, 'Gloceſter Edward 3j1312}1326 Jan.25.51 $1303 June 27.jWeſtminfter Richard - 211366/1377 June 21.122 3,281 Sepr. 29..VVcſtninſer ©*"-The Line of Lznc*l B em Henry 'r*6711399 Sept. 29.113_ 65ſi67 Mar.20.|Canterbury | Henry 1534. 1412 Mar.20. 9 $;258 Aug.31-|Weſtminſter Henry. GfI 421 1412 Aug. 31. J8 61220 March 4.\Windſor . The Lire of York, Edward 41:_442 169 Maich 4-j23 1j197 April 9.jWVinchefter | Edward - 5\1433}i471 April9g3o 2197 June 18,Not known Richard Yiaggh1aged TuneT?, z 2'705 Ang.22, leiceſter ihe Families Vnited, ſſ Henty 7 1459 7435 Aug-22.[23 " [r7r Apr.21, Weftminſtec | Henry 8:149:508 - Ap- 22:|37 Icf134 _June 28, Windſor Edward 6 1537h1547 - Jan.28. 6 5] 27 July 6. Weftminſter Q. Maiy -jI518|1553 July 6: 44122 Nov.L . \Weftminſter (LEhi l!jzz I558 Novy-17. 44 4!:$ March 24. Weftminfter 34T-£ Ehte Vm-m "of the two Kingdoms: ' yames.” : |:565,14092 Mar. 44.|2 ols5 March 27. Wcſhml e: Charles 3 1(00 1625 Mar. 17\ 11132 Jan. 30.]Windſor Charles 2ji640 1648 Jan. 20 VWhom God grant long to Reign i } | { R m 14 TABLE ſhewmg -upon what point ofthe Zquator the Moon makes a full Sea in any of the under' named Places, with the Hours and Minutes to be added to her coming to Sourh, for the time thereof, | South Uinborough, Southamprton, Portſmouth h. i & Iſle of Wight, Beachy, the Sylts,l{cnuſh 00 00 rch Knock, half tideat Dunklrx N N by Elend of theNowre, Black-tail. ) 45 S'S W. Graveſend, Downs, Rumney, Tenet, Sllly, N N Ejhalf Tide, Blackneſs, Ramkins, Serihead. L 39 C EE Le—————————————— SWby$ "Dundee, St. Andrews, Lisbon, St. Lucas,2 NE by N|Bell Iſte, Holy 1fle. j SW Lond(ſſ)n, Tinmouth,Hartlepool, Whitebay, N EAmſierdam Gaſcoipne, Britain, Galizia. 3 ©9 SWhy W| Barwick, lamborough-head, Bridlington- NE [,ſſ E|bay,Oſtend, Flufhing, Bourdeaux, Fountneſs, 4 5} WS w - Scarborough quar. tide, Lawrenas,Mountiſ, * ENE bay, Severn, Kinſale, Cork-haven, Baltamorc, 30 = [Dungarvan, Calice- Creek, Bloy, Seven Ifles. | 1 by S; Falmouth ,Foy, Humber, Moonles, Newcaſtle, ] E by N' Dartmouth Torbay,Caldy. Garnley, Lizard. \5 : _Eaſt | Plimouth, Wazmouth, Hull, Lin, Lundy,, & {Antwerp, Holme of Briftol, St. Davids head,'s g1ito " 26 1317 - 45 BET D - 16 1. 13 133 48 Pg>>#25 4 The uſe of theſe and the preceaunt Pagesro hnaH. Warer 11 jany oi the places mentioned inthe Tzb!z 'on the backfide of this Page, 1s thus : ſuppoſe that upon the 10 of 7an. this year,T would! : D - h H l x60w when it1s H. Water at Graveſend, T fird by this T:h/e.ther; } ATABLE ofthe time of the Þ Southing the laft fix Months| lof the year: As for Examplz, - *and under Feb, ] find the Y is South at $5 min. paſt 3 in the Morning,and againft the 4 day, under 4uguſi,the Moon is South at 9 min, paſt 3n the Morning, !lD. July. 1 (12M. 5 2 25 3 |1 © B 5 2 6 3 28 74" 20 $39 P 96 4 10,5 &8 1117 52\ 1218. $g2 139 50\ I4|IO 43 Is}11 43 16112' 38 17{I A.27 18|2 16\ 1913 3 2013 .46 21]4 28 223 IZ 23jſs 56 12413.-.-..43 2517- .35 26]8- ..20 2719 3 2819 57 2c\to 48 13-J[I 40 [31'12 35 'the ) 15 Sourh then at 14 4. pait 3 Morn. then 1n rhe tirtt 146/? Auvguſt. oMM.ȝs 25 I5 g 5 $7 62 42 42 40 35 10 3O I1 21 I2 11 o A'g8 45 37 I2 57 43 »0m AupÞw H » O© ON wW OunupWww 0 = pary jout m Q 125-12 o A.12 I 8 againſt the 10 day in the firſt Col. noted by M at top. Septem. | Oftob. | Novem.|Decemb 2 M. 2|2 M.46 | 4 M-304 Mso 2 5813 4515 28's 39 3 52 l 4 45]5 76 27 4 $S21s 4247 $17 s 5 50 l 6:..39 ] 7;.,4717.-..90 6 4nl7 2918 343 32 7 43|8 3i8|[9 189 16 8 35[9 6 | I@ 219 o©o 9-. 289 2 $6-1.20 46'10 46 10 Is| 10 35| IT 2111 29 it 3{[ 14 21] 12.. 16j12 18 II 49\12 6]14% or A-11 I2 34| 0 Ago1T 49E $7 L"A,T6-1 1. 26 2 47 28 - d9: 42 RELS 1613 32 2 45*3 9 | 4::.-34 42 d 3 32|3 $415 05 8 4 2014 44|/5 5$055 58 s 9[s. 34]S 376 44 5 $56|[6 21[7' 257 36 7n3 Þ9+—104;8 16i8 29 (EEDS 5 \ 8 ol 9 6*9 27 8: :-22: |.8 -:47 þ:10 - 00 9--. 15 94: 38.4-11 2'11 27 Io:'.s | 10:.33] I1. 5$8j13. 27 lo 56 | 11 22| 12 38|0 %yo 1: 48} 12 25} 1 Maigl 33 12 45|]o M3;|2 13j2 25 o M.46| 1 35s|3 103 23 I 46\ 2 34]4 34 ,. © J 24 4 A8 the Southing.amounts to 44 .paſt 4 Morn.the time of H.Wart apainſt Graveſend, Downs, &c. 1 find 1 þ.30 m. which added to\ jeer inthoſe places, &c. Tf it exceeds 12 hours, caft them away. — — — — — —— — C LEEET IrrRnn ouro—_ ”Full Mcon the 5 day, ar 30 min. paft 10 at night. =JLaſf quarter the 13 day 26 min. paſt 8 at night. >|New Moon the 21 day, 50 min. paſt noon. 2 [Firſt quarter the 21 day 28 win. paſt 8, morning. PR l<{ Saints days l ! - U 5).. and Wea. } D place © 9|89 I -a* 2358 58 A F[ 2\|\Þ'\Mach Snow or/[8 6 2322 3 BRam with not-|[22 12 4 \|able lofty winds,6 B1o s |© |Legins the jear| 19 55 * s.\k 3 28 11 n-|Þ y:t not much |16 38 - ]4 8 flFrofi, but ra- |29 30 3 9 bſitberatmbalmt 12]k 9 o xo| © or unſetled A4irl24 14|| A —A ' s RB1g 12 12 g which may con-|18 2 K ry lȝl f tznue without 129 52 & f] ſ_'];]9'15 149 'any conſiderable|11M 38 : 15 alteratzon ſome|23 33 X ;5 b few days, butls 439 2 17] g.4beut the Newl18 3' 4 '13 F o Vf46| 4 io| & Moon more va-(13J 52: d 20 fſimiy of winter-|27 20 llȜ ſi'? weat}w/mſſy It1Vlo 62 74 0 L.Z}Zff'cct(,)/z! 25 14 | z|b 9 X39 | fſi* 24 5 zn all probabi-|[23 52\ 1 Uſſzo 26 8 Y141lrs; g | 35 E izty xot wnſea-|12 52 A 25 f ſjoradblt. 6 C441> 30 28 E* 20 49 25'A 4 44 ee 30 hi T 18 32 | ' g0 0 1g8e 120S121-:5:469.10) D L 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 » IC 1 iz 3 I4 Is 16 17 18 Ig ZOj 21] 12 23 24 25 326; 075 293 | 020 14 On Þ W - ”> ® \n m QQ9 o - O = <*uyry 5u00J4y ——_—— m ) -m > > &q 09 AE Oo oUw oc>t An w H = -z m 0 OM W vOW uwu rr_——— Z Saturn this Momh. Sets before Sun Rif ng. Jupzter Cul- S 'minares in the end hereof after (or abour)Sun-Serting. Mars & falls under the Sun beams. Yenus 1s our 'Morning Star. (or 2-1Phoſphorns) and' riſes alittle before the Sun. Mercury keeps X jnear che Sun. DTOpRccOR.SHWat| - 1 [21Vf208 2 4[11422 !2-|[22 2180 4\12 3 4. 124 23]7 57 5/2 5 j25 2517 59 513 6'|26' 2617 55 513 T |27 27[7 54 514 8 |28 287 535/4 919 2517 52'515 10 $231j7 50. g16 IIEI 3217.49 56 12/2 33 42 57 133 3417 45 58 14/4 359 45 59 is/5 37 44.59 1615 57 42 5 17 3874t5 188 3597 39 5 199 497 38 51 20]lo 4117 35 e2 21]t1 427 35 52 3 $L 54 *4itg 49%.32 35 25|1s 46|7 28 556 25116 4717 26 57 27|17 4717 24 «\8 22/12 " 43/7 32 5l 23/13 44f7 28118 4£]17 22 5 Zoſ2o 4fj7 135 Ziſ2T 57 16 6 fms 23 22/7 58 51 M.12|onfigurarions of rhis Month, much jnj - jny - Dv -—.O0 A. 6are in agitation,and ſtrange animeſi- 519 29119 4£c17 22 5jflO 10 II and proſperity may be preſerved ard contuucd in our Broty} /Rirgdoms rejoy-e in their Freecom. In Gyto vertimur omnes. , 14] From the various and malevolent 16|variety of matter may be produced, 10fand the minds of the people in gene-þ 36jral do ſwel with ambiguous thoughts| 2|Satarn this Month is Retrograde in} $3|che beginning of Cancer,theAicendant 35jof Scotland and Holland,g ſome other 14|Countrys in Europe, which menaces $3thole places with treacherous aQtions 42and ſome other diſaſters which time 20|will diſcover. Many perſons, & thoſe giof no mean Quality may juſtly ſuſ- 52|pe&t a' ſudden Cataſtrophe will befaii 42ithem, ir_concerns ſuch_ therefore to glſſitakc heed how, they aft, fince near 22about this time very norable defigns 4.ties and accuſations break forth. Ma- 58 ny perſons who concladed themlſelves 48 ſecure,are now brought upon_ the 41Stage—May the endeavours & con- 37 fultations of thoſe Noble FHeroes thai 29ſit at the Stern of ſudicature he crow 24 ne» with proſperous ſuccets inthere- 15 gulating diforders, & the compoſure 11 of thoſe grand diffcrences which roc 6 frequent]y erfturb the publick—Let $1 the guilry tremble. & þ rall incocent, 31 honeſt loyal hearrs who-wiſh 'peace m A L ern } = Full Moon the 4 day $o min. paſt 1 in the afternoon. =| Laſtquarter the 12 day 16 min. paſt 5 afternoon. - New Moon the 19 day 48 min. paſt mid-night, | 2 Firſt quarter the 25 day 45 min. paſt 4 afternoon, 'or ſnow. I'2- 46 |= &- Saints days | ' l ]) Riſe 9*_'9 and Weath- | P placc] H _c_?: _@_5_2 P 2. andSet.? D 4 P. Epiph. {15S42 ' Pl& |1 5 24 e 20 Dbat 6 22]2 |s ogs f | Mild calm wea- {125) 16 llo 3 16 ?36 Y| ther at the be-.'25 21K;419 4 , a | grnning (conft- j7 M38114 15[1 2 14 5 |s Aegs! b| dering the' ſea- ?20 c 6 5.16 37 C |fon ) which I2 $1309 Al7i7 750 | 14 12]2 D 18 18 552 el preſume ſoon |26 31B fAA19 ig 55 l f | changes in ma- {7 M.g011 20/, 8 X[|20 19 10 S57 1 Y| nyplaces toran 19 40 , ; 9 [II 10 54 21 ; il —TȜȜ [:]D* I2 12. 53 3]b C clPIL 8 Vf35|cli20jz6 20 2 .$1 6 g | which may not [23 48 & I64 20 17 f | continuetitl a- \s 22 2-19-1174. 58 "I18} | bout, the New [19. 16|Al7 201185s 29 19| g | Moon, then ex- j3 58 20[*,515 I9%s 94 20| h | pect very , tem- 118 2<1018 8 13 [20| 21 c| prrate and ſea- 13 Y* &|2g | [16] j2117 A.38 | [DI;X 122/8 $42 &d —/H;ſiſizon 2319 258 23/11 14/22] ,((T [241r1 ” 13 0j 1£4[16 [25j12 6/24 izox 5 26|1 M.24 s | |&]27]2 - 38 $812-=-..30 & 26'f| aſh-wedneſd, {is 2- 527 a|ther to the j29/ 26 128} h | Months end. i13D3: Saturn this Month ſets after midnight. 7upiter ſers befor \rmdmght Mars falls under the Sun Beams. /enzs riſes before >\che $un in Aurora, or break of Day. Mercury at. the begin- fſi'nmg of the Month is in his greateſt Elongation from th 7 ! Sun. The Moon the 25 day 15 near Aldebaran. D. D.j&” 's play©R.S[H.Wat. 5 (iro), 22Vgiſ7 Is oft2 &1| S1L $2]7 14 5|1 M3s5 i 2 j23 3 24 4 }25 s j2s 6 127 7 j28 3 Þ29 9 ofT I1]2 1203 i13}4 14f5 125 1687 17}8 18]9 19}10 2C4 21j}12 22413 223;14 24j15 125 15 26]17 27 18 280019 3920 &1| $1 Deus nobzſcum,qzm contra nos3: ? After the firſt Weeks- hereof, the $2]7 12 52 34Months attended with many very $317 I1 $/3 '*2ſſconſ1derablc benevolent © Aſpedts, $3]7 10 513 2 which T hope may influcncenot on- 64(7 8 54 $ ly ſtrong Inclinations,but attive En- $417.8 5'4 45 deavours in divers worthy and emi-| $5/7 4 5 s 32nent perſons of our Nation to Amlſy $S17 1 5'6 16and Friendſhip, who lately did vi- 5615 89 6.7 1 'gorouſly oppoſe and contend with 5616 57 6/79 45each other:though ar the beginning 56 65z 68 33ofthis Month we may hearofan in- 716 54 69 19 ſulting Martial Commander,whore- f<*5 g1 6 Io 1oceives a {evere check for his infolen- 57 6 43 6'11 1 cy,or knowing his own Guilt,filent- 58 's 45 6:11 59 1y makeshis Erit, and yields up his 586 42 612 45 Honer. Bur there1s as great a pro-| 5386 40 61 A.39 bability that prefermentwill be con- 586 38 6 2 - 34ferred upon others, no leſs deſervin 586 35 6 $. 6 B3 'either in England, or not far remote $36 34 6 4: 22 from thence. Now we'may upon 586 32 6j5 Iggood grounds exped greater unity 586 31 66 131n Councels than of late,& the minds! 586 30 6ſi7 8 of people alittle better compos'd for 585 28 68 4. 4 time,though moſlt fear {trangeOver 586 26 6'9 © tures approaching—Derzs avertat 1 586 24 5'9, 55/4i:ium. Good News a rives towards 586 23 6110 56lrhe end hereof,not oply torhe advan; $76 21 6j11 ,42;turovs Merchants, butvery hopefu!: Intel]tgence cccurrs, -cndmg much! to the Good of the Fuvlick, ct AFI P EADS SI eD TEAD A E LAW l A Rn tiet B 6 ESrerrer 1 t'0 l , ' } Y $ &'|Full Moon the 5 day, 35 min. paſt 6 1n the morning, =/Laſt quarter the 13 day at 11 jn the morning, 2 New Moon the 20.day 35 min. palt 10 morning. & [Firft quarter the 27 day 19 min paſt 2 morning. R EERe R eC S| £| Saints days ; Þ Riſe &| S| and Wearth, |:J place Þ{M _(_? @2 2 ]_ſi)_ and Ser, 1|d 8 45 O | [&.|1 |4 M 2 |g|High winds, |21 28, 1 © 2 [5Wy B 3.|£ pm Ki1g 929 3 |5 $39 4 |& jdriving Rain 16 20[ !121@|&| [104 [6 7 & s |A |or Hazl at the2a8 $20]| 14 [18 5 s |þ |beginning hert- 10$t:346 l A 16 16 &o 7 C '22 gofA! 8 7 |7 Aq8 8 |d |»f may be ex-4 M22 2oſi00 9 18 50 3 fe*vectzd in many15 10| IȜ?A'A Oia9s l9 252 10 F |!aces. yet not 28 1 13'5 |4 |8.j10 109 50 11 |vwlent, 9 £57 l >5<[ {IT|11559 12 A 22 3./&| 0 az[112|12 39 13H 4 9 120 AF 23| 6 {13]1 M.3o 14 « F is|* 12 - 119 15 D [Nor of long con- 53 I | [O18/k| j*15|2 54 16 gltinuance, but 13%828| [|22| - [12| [2:116 3 =37 17. f [the whole 27 22,A; d| l\7 4K 7 i8 0 |month in gene- 11X44ſi9 [ D [:8 439 t9 alral afords much 26 29ſiUſi2 djd] id|i9e 8@ 20 þ [varizty of wes- 11 V31.10| |3 [22} {o |20 | 21/C 25 49.X 12 1 +8 A'4OL 22 d |ther,. y2t ſuch 113 48,19 2 | ]22}9 30 23 e |which may not.26 43) 4 [*| [oO [:31 10 17 24' f |»2 mzſez/b!ubieſill]lffiz Li*415 $[24|11831]| 25.4 [25 gzſid ]'s A 14]25 12" 30 26 g 1 pPreſulivial 19 518\*12 +118 21" [25| 1 M*ȜS' 27!-1: *0 " the bonet 22 43" J1:þ i14/ Oez7| 2 22} 28 C| [; 35 JO|A' | s [28]2 953 29]H {Conntry-man, 113 439 [ief2 E 2912 8.21| \ Farmer P 42 X | 'Alo B z0] e” Farmer, O” UK 59 /14} [2 32|3 08 52/ lzi'f 12 254 18) | [@2juls 6 PELAERERELC CY NSSSSN R ——rrnoren mn genenntema ,1 Saturn (till fers after midnight. 7upiter ſers afrer Sumlet-| 5 |Mars falls under the Sun beams. Yens is ffl our Mornin 3Star, and riſfes before the Sun. Aercury falls under the Sun| ctſibcams, and cannot be ſcen. The 5 day the Moon may in = |che Evening be ſeen above the Virgins $;-42, and che 8 18 » the Evening above Lanx Auſtralis.— S Oplac|©R.S.[H. Wat [25115 40 g*| orſdcrab\ Grear preparations are} *6—16 39| $6/n6w making,which 4s bur ſeaſonable : l .27117 38 5* Agint non tegunt, the Stars mzfmetq l 28118 38 O a\&jonbutoo rot cr iſixceflfwsiſi——z l 26/19\ 3olg"2 I 2? in many places cf Ezrope there ap.} .;c'zo 34 2 1- |Ears grcct-fſmſi\h tions.&c. webhope! 2 4 5 s 5 gc|Exalration, whoſe effe&s way Provcf 7 8 9 I I I J D D "'70,"77 af \_-ri C (1 ſCſi P\'!(i"ffl lſſ—zx)( 5 18 6112 3: 3; Vtritas in projundo_Latet." - 2 22 &13 16 6j1 M.2c|The Counſels & Conſultations of thi 3 23 $g515 14 62 £| Month appear full of Jabour and dif. 4 24 55 12 612 . 54|iculty, & abundance of flying News s [25 413 106/Z 2eÞfſome notable Afftion drawingnear 5 \26 g4158 613 ge{This may prove i all likelihood a 7 27 g556 64 1<|very bufie Spring,Goddire@our Su- 13 128 $g4/54 64 s58|periors intheſe dangerous Times— [9.129 ggj5 2 65 46|Mars this Month entets Arzes,8 con-| l100 V e35 0 6ſſ6 34|ttnues therein til theendof the next; PR 45 58 7/7 - 21|certainly weof the Fng/zſty Vation ar 12/2 &25 56 7i8 8]aow very Active; and *t1s but reafon 1313 g115 54 719 cofable we ſhould be fo,when we diſco-| 144 * 5115 52 79 g1{verenemites at homeas wel as abroad! ;5!5 gol5$0 7,10 grfit behoves us therefore tolook about] 16s5 4qg5 48 7,11 34]us. Many are the Male Configuratiens] 5 1797 48\5 45 7j12 16 of this Month which may:(*tis to be! 188 47's 44 70 A.21ffearedy produce as Croſs Counſels, 199 465'43 7 2\{ome couclude one way,ſom arother;} 20110 45'5s 4 7 59 but, Homo proponzt, Deus autem d/'ſſ{ponict*ſſg 2111 - 44'5 39 7 26|Hor Spirits contend to purpoſe, Ca-i 22112 '435 37 7 2[vendum! The 5n ſuffers an Eclip Y 2313 '425 39 7, c|*his month'near the very dcg(crt!ſiz } [24/14 /415 35 7, $347 19.32 7 >3Þ 7 $'28 7 5*26 7 5 24 7 g$ 22 7 jriſzr_ 32 ; | | | ny 2 <| Saints days & &| and Weath. g Gratfiffl/je.zflz*z- a |able weather b welcomccts in the | 9 |\Month, which 'e 1 continue F many dayes,and g Maundy Thurſ a| 0 b forward the -ÞWD-—: r3 14 f jþop eful Springe SA S owers and 17 b ooling gales of 18 19 d 7nd 'may be 20 g lexpetfed this 21 f ,mmfb, but more 22 g -plmtzfully to- D T:ſſ W M ſſw.uds the end WHÞMMBD D 'than at the be- \ l glaning heres | O D OA AU+Ww f, | | i o Full Moon the 3 day 33 min. paſt 11 at night. {. Laſt quarter the 11 day 40 min. paſt midnighe. .New Moon the 18 day 46 nin. paſt 5 afrernoon, Firit quareer the 25 day 12 min. paſt 1 afternoon, l 'I kit )p]ace l) X13 9\_1 S\"D_ .md SCC 25"}222ſſ[] i |4 24z 7 Szzild 863& 219 +@; 7 I9 17 | 177]_9',5 I 11 Y4Z6A.57 13 1j4 ]dſi)i 'Aic?s 27 51 24 53 |8 i4jo 16 19 40 6 £48 !A] 719 £30 18 50 8 jA'D lS |I0S 35 1 Y ol P 2338 9111ſi'ſſȝl 13 22|6 A'Dl_| \A2 25 25 59 10\8 ;0, 18 1 Mig] 8 54 [D|k[122 | jr2/T 45 22 12| A\'18|18| U-'Ȝlz 34 5s X55|20%| |23] |s 114|3 29 20 - 8 22 X&/15/4 08 25 4 7\44 3 20|x1115| 5 ZO el lall Þ PN 20 igold(z'/'i.dlsſſgf\ls s 22 Rly5/2<|9 23 20 4 | 21 10.S31 4_943 d] \LE] 22| 11,9 23 i8 40|j1;,X[1159 j123j12” 9 2 51?2ſi | IE] Aih} 12. 4 5 15 [j] E]zo 2511 M18 27 *121\* : E]z25 I - 49 lonZ 7 14 74 A 8 127j2 & (122/ 24| &| j14" JAjB 2 £-32 4 2=22if0o " 118/29/3 1 15 F54] -: &y- 1321 3 - -49 Saturnſets this Month much about midnight. - Zupiter to-| | wards the end 15 near the S/1, and cannot be feen. Mars 1s| . | 2. notyet free f om the Sun Beams. YVenus is our Morning Star.| | a. but in the Sun Beams roo, and therefore rarely'to' be ſeen. "[= Mercmy in the firſt part of the Monch emerges out of the - Suns Rayes, bur at the end returns again. b @plaſie @R S.\H. War, ſi227ſſ31 « 20 751 Magg Majora Canimus! 3<|5 17 9j2 29\Themany Configurations of the laſt 24 28]5 14 79,3 12Month may produce ſufficient mat- 2s 2171$1293 Zojrer tobetranſacted in this— Great 25|s 10 713 54/application to Authority, or men.in|” \27 24158 74 41/Power; And if ſomefarther Plot.or l ;1 O\of> 42 »ÞI (oN 22155 75 25|\Deſign be opportunely diſcovered 2182 7,6 16lnow or near this time, ſay Tam a True Prophet—ButT know Nemo Pro-| o G1gs I 77 5 Dheta in Patria. Buſie active Spirits 10\ 19150- 77 53} 1112 16/4 58 88 gzg(creare themſelves trouble now, and 123 144 56 8:9 37 great Things dependingare mana: 13/4 _1214 54 10 23'ged with much prudence and {e- 14!5 Iol4 52 8,11 16 crefie— The Sextile of the For- 1.5/5 84 50 8/12 7 tunes, 7oveand Yenzs, and the Con- 15[7 714148 81 A 4)unctlon of 7oveand Myrcyry ſeems 1713 $4 45 811 559(to lntimate that perfons Ercleſtaſti- 1819 34 44 82 54|'al or Legal are no » betrer fatisfied 15|to 1[4 43 8 3 5$2{than'1n ſome precedent Months— (29]l0 594 4 8}4 52/Pleafing Intelligence arrives from 2111 57.4 39 85 - $1]Þeland. And asto the affairs of our 22112 $[437 85 581|Metropolis, they are well managed. 23[13 5:143587 45fand appear in good order. 7upste (24]14 54 35 88 goſcafts his Sixtile Ray ro the Twins. [25/1's 4*14 33 89 31]vhy may they nor expeR an Ad- (25|*'6 g4*|} 31 810 2crarce jn Trade? *ris more than pro. 127]t7 4a[j.29 3'tt 3ſhable theymay, and continue their 128118 4:[1 28 8i11 4/ Grandeur and fame throughour £u- (29I9 - 4 |4.26 82\2 Zojrope »==a Sigris Coilk noittt\ 533 20 3: 24 8'%\ M 13|tImere. " z } [ j eIN O F n 1 FEEIIIAE E D AE I RE EIOTEOE IET $nn ESe I OI nenyetr yrontar mn Wcoreeanen 1 : t f [1 New Moon the 18 ; Sainrs days and Weath. | This month is ulbered in with warm pleaſant q weathzr, and a 'tzs very. lihely Þ to-be more- hot | o.D than uſual, 'x1 E producing Thun lza © der or Coruſ- (13 f cations in the 14 & _Air < but after 15 D the New: Moon 15 . 7 'd expect 74 more 113 £ tem'z rate for jl9 f aflomt time, 20 Þ! 21 A bat ſoon, chan- 22'bged to winds 23 ( 24 d 25 F.nd rainwhich 26 f. 2741)/ be very wel 27 T; coſſm, and. x0 28 a !eſs [caſonable, 29* h 30 z:d\ Jax &C cſiq*& 5 6 7 8 9 [I —— Z{Fall Moon the 3 day, 46 min. paſt z aftecnoon. Laſt quarter the 11 day, 52 min. paſt 10 mocning, - |#ir{t quarter the 25 day, 5 min. paſt 2 morning. day, 7 min, paft 2 morning. l [ { I Rlſ(. Iplaceih ſi}l d'i© Q[QD'HU(}SC( 28=3|A\ PT |3 Mge 9 Ms5 |16] 10 ſ2 4 28| 21 .50| 1@. |@| |'3 3 £48] 13 4 l164 |8 Ag IS- 52 ſi Al i5', 8 45 28... 31 |A\ '\20. 6 19 Zglo IoV23 [16| |18 [ !7 9 945 22" 53j, \/ \ADA8 Tie? 26 5 36 ] 14 H13127 9 (1 1 18 33 ED(S [Qal | \Q'io 113 47 I Xq6 Aſi,12>1<ſſ'23ſſ>}ſn IT 12* 24 Is 21 h12*16| |2 12 1 M. 4 29 71 - 1. 113'13'1 39 13V'38 |14 l 81 | 4 2 9 28 201 l 1is 2:..40 130 21 116'& &d| , 1164116.3 0 28.. 01. 1222-14 116197.3 26 13]139 _ ' Ig|. \ſſ '18 28 .35|d 1 119.8 As5 13S 9 i16} |X' g '20;9 44 27 17 * ' i II42li Ic S25 10&55 DÞ\'[]DQQ 11019' I4 E]162 zſi_zgzgſſſſz 2| 6 11144 *|8 124\12 43 I9 44 AAH,'A A'2g\1 Miag i=8 U l9l3 I 1025 2 I 3 16 A 713 C 23 50.1 & 6328' 5 49 6 mct]-O!Z (ſ 12 4'[6201_* G-QZO 18 32 !ſiz [EOTS D 20/5s. © goeast 4 LEt 2 s as| D.\© pla. 1O K- STa.War | F21535j2 22 8j1 Myg, | 2/22 3334 21 8/2 _ g3| Exfargar Dews, & diſſipentur Inietics, * 204 10 4'3 Cſſ} This Month begins with 4 Co:yun*? 3| 3 gaofe-- $eÞ -| Rionof the Surn and Frpiter, whict! 4 28j4 17 $i QQl Fupier, HÞ 4l24 2ojd 17 « '$ 2\ Halytells ns, Part, 8. p.,392. figni- s/25 2514 19 84 12| fies that men of Incegrity and Judgesof 6126 2314 14 $;5 15| theLaw will thereby receive prejudige, 01/27 2]?4 12 8;5 <2 and rthe law it {elf ſuftet loſs---20ad up-/ 8928 18/4 12 86 P 1 0n the Sextile of Mars and Saturn, h:Z : lſſſi* A ; ctſſ.( writes, Thar men thall labour. much, 9{*9 1044 11 87 42 and receive loſs and damage in their, Iojo 13i4 10 88 22|j Cauſes &c, *Tis Very probable ſomcf' lll 1 1054 9 89 zzi emfnent " Gown-man may _about this{ | 1212 4 7 $30 FR time be diſcarded or force his way mfoz L.-160 .| another World---it may Concern his 1213 594 % IT O8| Holinefs 3 for rhis month and the nexr} [14]4 34 5 Z Ii 41} afford variery LOf Coſſſ]'j'lmctionsþ of the O'4 4 &12 25] Planets amongt themſelves, which 5 \.ig Z 5 Zſſi 2 81 A _J)H very rſſ;ſſſſſſtſſlſſſſdi%y%] aſſur;c.ll)lrlfir%ducc nſſ.ſſſſ' A l : ,{ remarkabie effe@ts----whic eaVe to 19 ...554 _l\ 3,'2 3*] time r9 manitett, Now. or_ near this - 549: 1 24 - gencral Council, Synod, or Con- 5 $03 59: 94 2<| vention may be expeRed to debate mar- c[2 473 53 923 27j ters ofgl}ct_car imporx;rctſſceſſin the Southern 442 &7 96 £| parts of Europe, and pernaps : VEry near 2 - 4452 )z _Yfo oy Eome, forthe Hca\f(g]s ſeem t0_repre- 2 ſſ?ſig 5 ſict.ſi7 23] ſentthe Adtions of Mankind in a hope- 23N72 ,/3913 53 9.3 I$} full way of Reconcilizion, and-thel '24413 , 39.3\54+ 99 O5{ Spirits at this time nor fo v_zo]c:ſſ.t:_ As for Z6j14 \ 33T 54 199 47 I private: Diſguſts and Animoſities, ler I2el1s - 203 £2. 90 26} the perſons concery'd compoſe at pleas PR3 þ 23 Y **| ſurxe, Many Miſfives or Ambaſſadors} j2711% 2043 52 %ziHl 121 -rrive from Forreign parts noW or near 528117 £513..35 9fLI 5'63 this time, wo our Engl;fþ Soyeraign, i25 18 2'213 5I 9f12 Ȝfſſ;i whom God proce@ from all his Ene-} .ſiȜo 19 193 51 9 M 22; mes T. : : L {31 20 '1613 150 92 GL B S _ Saturn falls under the Sun-beams this monrh; and\fo 15! hid from our ſight, Zupirer doth the ſaine 5 Mars riſes be-! fore the Sun, bur falls under his Rays, and cannor be ſeen, Venus and Mercury the fame,ſo that none of the Planets car; convemiently be obſerved this mon. The 4 day the Þ-1s in a right line between 4ntares &the right knee/of Gpb7uchep. | z 1 \ 2 | Full Moon the 2 day, 28-min. paſt 6 in the morn, >| Laſt Quarter the g day, 12 min. psſt 6 in the aftern, New Moon the 16 day, 36 nitn. patt g 1n the ntorning, Firſt Quarcer tFe 23 day, 6 min. paſt 6 inthe aftern. — 5 JamnsD.&. 9 pac (nz 7( >1Þ R S L: £ |Pleaſant -coolingl12 F 33 611 ; 1,*6 M 30 f \ i8 i 45 2 2 f 24;.- / : 3 B|gales of wine[3 VP laP! | 35 3 | 4 Cjwith ſome fenlig. - 5c15 AA -!_A' 40 -ſi—? 22 5 D Wowers of Rainſa 33 37 izuc A 23 57 8 27 64 1 e: AT93 ” 5 . . X>7 ! pm 4 ! m 7 DJzt the: beginning|2S 35 DN C D 79 £& 18 : 8%2 bereoſ_ 1N 5730'% 61 2 2 12 Ill! 8!10@ 30 1 gff But avout the newj25 - 3O 15K | 3 91 33 {to 8 |Corpus Chrifti./s Y 119 12)11 £[23.23/1012 54 \x31 &( 23 233 X [11;2 M 2 b 7 12;3 7 | 3 Il 3 45 ,16[\ with Thunder in|5 5 17|Tifome places, [21 1560*| 15 A 49 18 jwhich will ve-ls &1 2 . 19[ b Iy mach clear the118 Air, I4 27 y = 2q {22] /the end carions 24 8 | 21 25|f [Summer weather,j3 26} h jand no leſs ſea-l1 4. 29?8 21 IL 133 2j22 - 113 3123 813 1124 43 LF 113 23 99]3 26 563 [27. 533 20 - 593 29 473 2 » 4413 {jf 41/3 2 _38/3 Z 363 4 32/3 ) 30.5 N 273 7 24 3 3 2112 12 18 3 21}IO 153 22/11 - 12:3 23j12 93 24j13 63 25/14 33 11:)' 0'3 2715 $73 $116 543 29:17 513 30,48 49,3 5O 49 49 4 48 48 gi2 M 53 93 9i3 24 R ed eC C (Saturi this Month falls under the Sun-beams, 7upzter at, [the end of rhe Month in the mornings emerges our ofthe Sun's Rays, ſo doth Mars alfo, but Vens and Mercary cOn- tinue therein, Ar rhe beginning of this Month, 'the Vz'r-ſſ gin-ſpibe 18 Sourh abour $ar night, 41f{mis arg, and rhe Scorpions-heart at 1o at night, and Fomrahant ar61th mom, D.j2 phace|© RIS.H. War. I© 46} 41 26 13 5 53 39} 20 7 Il L1 I1 I] It 6 Sfct 45} 35 15 1 . £ - Z in ſecret, 1f. Pcath be- preparing |. Exrope, who can help it 7 —_— C eet S. A ſuperioribas inferiord Teguntiir. This Month 1s attended with no; leſs then feven Conjunttions of the| vlanets, and 4 of them- in the Tying, God preſerve our Mezropols {rom ra- ging Viſcaſes, Tumulrs, InfurreR&i- ons, Plots,Fires and all other Caſual- tics of whart kind fosver, Now l'cſſſſz—i ple generallyare in expeCarion 'to/ hear of ſome. grear Action, | either} lately paſt, or tuddeuly to be perfor- med, which peihaps way be joyful Tidings to many atfiicted Souls, and! as unwelcome to bthers, if any ſay Dic quibus in teriis,Þ anſwer, 1n the; Weſt or North-weitern parts ot Eu-| P'OPC i The Winds riſe high. and may Y lictle affi ighren us, yer we xecetve ſeveral intelligences that our Mer- chanrs Ships are (afe, We may julte} .. ly fear that crois Counſels' or Con- ſalrationsare now on toot, and if an eminent perion.og perions be remo- ved by Death, or otherwite, *rwill put a ſtop for a rtime ro many Nota- ble things.now in debare, the worſt of days are_not yet palt amonglt us, and ſome dilterpered., Spirits begin to. ſheiy themſclves in or near the City, and many+Conlitſtarions held to cur down a [all Cedar or tyo 1n D —— noarermmmrmmmmm ( { Full Moon 1 Moon the 1 day, 3o min. paſt 7 in the-afrern, , Laft Quarter the g day, 56 min. paſt 11 at Nighr. New Moon the x5 day, 22 min. paſt 6 inthe afrern, | [ /Firſt Quarter the 23 day,20 min: paſt 11 morning, | | 5: Full Moon the 31 day, 7 min. paſt 7 morning. i j | | [ | | | z <] Saints days l Moon Ru1l,) U, ] and Weatl)': lD placlb\lzla ' l? D. l and Ser. ? 11 F[Pleaſant Breez-116 VP 4]5 o| [&} l [2}A {es of wind ac-l128 57 A .4 Z 'þ {companied with; 12 Wy 5 % 55!! . 82 s| D jcooling and 7e— 3 15 6-£: \freſþing ſhow-122 'Lo Z 20 7 £ [ers at thevegin-'s V o' 40 '$ g!nzng hereof, 119 i P. 59 '9 aþvbzdz perhaps:3 & 55 X M 4 io h \may alſo fal1[18 17116 17 FI ! 2 Tt 27 27 12 oſimore than uſual 16 47 31 I2 ltbrougbout tbeI 28 3;4 flwbole Month ,15 gxd 9 I5|; 29 39] K 16| 4 iyet zn the g&-138121 A'i33 17]h {neraſi, the -'27 O E 43 11ſi8ſid IO W 7X123] 1 S. 55 19: 22 51jIC G 50 T20} g Month 75 atten-5 z 15/D1A[12/118] _ 2'] f jaed with mode-17 22124|L0| | C Z. 00 122] & |74te,. pleaſant 29 19 $*1.-1:5 [23] &|S#mmer wea- |I1 MA M. 9 I24 h ither. 22 $56|1c Io {25 4 49 8 125!' D (But forget not 16 249 59 27 e fo make Hay29 4 42 25|f whilf the SmllW356 \ | Saturninthe mornlng EMe1 ,. 5 vih. Of the Sun-beaitis,? _7-4- }pzm riſes before the Sun, Mars nay be feen inthe mornng betore Sun riting 3 Yerus and Mercury fall under the Sun- beams, and carner be ſeen —- The Virgin-ſpibe | Sourhs at the beginning of the Month about $ ar night, Arcturm ; jat_7> and rhe Scorpzons heart at $ P. M D. jO piſiz R. S. *I\Vat I 1]19@463 59 6j3 M 11 i 20 4 57 513 31 : Meliorg Sperg. 3l21 3 53 of4 6 The Ewropeay Nations having beer | K 5 6 lately notably Attive, bceumow to_7e-1. 4@22 3713 59 94 5 ] tire and pauſe upon what they havt|' SÞZȜ 34j4 © 85 48 done, that thcy may procecd again] | 624 31j4 14$'6 34 with the greater couſſrage and 'vigour, 'ſſſſ 20i 2 8l7 26| and the people 4n general ſeem. berter 5!26 22 + g'$ i pleaſed then foxmcxly, er in ſome pre> ' *34 3 | 5 ccding months----== Good Tydings* ar-|! 9127 23'4 4 559 TIo; rive to our Governours from remotel: 10j28 20!4 5 8]'2. Oqg| parts and a hopeful Uniry may now be Ui29 þ 7}4 6 8119 -= --Lcr ffoeky look to it. 27114 35j4 30 81 o Lu3 poreſt eqpere, capiat. $115 324 32 81 Mg (29]16 3c[4.34 81 54 e7 2714 36 82 45| B 3 31]'8 25j4 38 83 41 ——_———_— ——gfonneti N N H D eAn B d eR : Goa*s anger or vergcarce to fall uponj! 1515 5514 I5 8 22! vs, we may be happy---=- The Hea-}. R nr ——_—_ g C = f [l l p [ l }4* t m | Lait Quarcer the 7 day,'/3 min. paſt 7 inche mora. New Moon the 14 day. 25 min. paſt 5 in the morn. Firſt Quarterthe 22 day,15 min. paſt « in the morn. Full Moon the 29 day, 45 min. paſt 5 inthe aftern, Cn dos d R CT *::cj and Weath. ID PIJC'Z_Zlſiſiſi\d\Oſſiſſ ?\D\D B "HE 4 X 35S|| | | |&| 15 A 20 A [Pleaſant S$um18 2-422 13] 1S 417 A P [ner - weathrl2 V 29] Kn <1$ 4 f]-ſſctbicb may bolaf1s 922lf 17?12 A 419 A 5 E'WZ'H)()IZZ' a"'oO & 42| 2 :*'[1 C ) g 6 @ {27*at alteration,14 49! !17ſ ON 12 © 71 14 avont! the2s 54 6 | [i5] l - ME. $| 5 12 Tol |f K%fI! £[2 5 9 0 [V-w Moon, ther27 6| |'ol- [>{iZ | S'16 7 5 17j e [wb2cb ſoon paſht3 ginlA'gn 019 9 {g% E j/es ojf agam 25 14 2 2( 15110 ® : [9i gſſmctfi towards 7 M 12 ſſ D ARC Ig kb 2 20: & 'the end_an In- 19 Ȝ!A i_[_\ i2c|12 T. 21{\3 creaſe of _heat(g 53 © 1C}I|*211129 22; 0 : 12 44] |&j- j1&15} 629 M 23/H|for- @ time, but|2, 45 | 4 2.242 24ie 5 P .59 AIA1024)3 251 f [rore temperaliiig Yogp| I&| <{| 5 '25[4 Zd T Nn 2 22} 1 |6 A'?.csjct 7 a 7?7.a.ſſ,_ 0%- ' 82 6 28] h \-ludes the 2; ?Zf o ;ſi;,_gſſ 29f F 13 X13A0/Af|6| 29 goi R | onth, 27 + 30.12| alzo! «< £ f?{goid A J - A ! 74 | )I-ſix ILY 58\[]5* l | 1431;7 dn A - w N —_—__— EEEREEFE ——————— » e- = D H vwacooTWwaEa A0cCwyy.r O0 .þ.ſſþ\l\\!\\)\\}\ xAg- SA wWuWwuwsEr+þ>p m AANAGASLAAAAA A AAANARARAMANSE weAa ocx oyv - w.. xawvo02L D DMDOMD D wuuu s —— _——-—' 0N \© 40 42 44 49 453 50 52 54 56 58 59 I 8 5 6 $ 10 12 14 16 18 0 - daturn rues betore nud-night, Fypzter res near the lame -ime, Ma"srifes before the Sun, Yenzes falls under the Sun- 5eams, Mercury 15 inconſpicuous in our Northern Hemiſph, 2ut intheSourthera Zoge he appears in the Evening very plendid.Fomahant South at 1 in the Morn. the Head of An- {-ameda S. abour 2.8& both 'th morn. of the 1 d. of this M. *; RoDd[4. Wat," —— 14 M of : &|4 25 Semel inſanavimus omnes. A 21: How much uncertainty is there jn &5 ISſiſi- humane Atairs 2 Tthe lalt Month : i was not fo hopyful and quier, bur S 7 9; rhis appears as rurbulent and full 813 3' of aQtion, but. moce particularly 818 59 thoſls which' foll,vy. Upon the 20 glg 2: day rhere happens a Conjun@ion o | Sariyyn and Mars in Cancer ; they are 8110 4 { Pliners of a contrary nature, there- 8{11 45i fore their ef:&s will be the more 8512 41} violent and raging, God preſerve us git A 36; trom ſtrange Diſcales. Many falli- { » tic. and ceceits now or near this 712 /% time are Ac-d----Men ſcek to en- 7..-3 I17; tnare 3nd entrap each other, Quar= 714 43 rels, Contentions, Ducl> and ocher 7 1! conrroverlies ſudd-nly break forrh, 7@3 43 the Hi_h- was moſt 1ntolerably pe- 5 18 Rer'4 with Thievesz whence ariſ Tj deſperace Robberjes, crucel Muithe-s, 7 57 3j -n unuſual miſchicfsglofſes by Ships| 7/7 45 wrack, and Piracy, Cum mults 4 7.8 26 lis ----martal Men acculed with j Þ| ſecret Plorts or confpiracies and not 79 75 unjuſtly,z ſome are difcarded and 70 IZrundd out of rheir ptaces z other 7j1T Of being found no orioully Guley fall 7!1 I &56j under the cond.mn-tin of che Laiw 7112 4 We m:y now fear Tumults and dif- M orders, 1t not prevencc-d b_V the care 7iE 33} an+4 prudenice of che Magiſtfates and; 72 | 23; Perſoasin Puwer, 713 13 7Þ. 43 7i4 14 " Firft Quarter the 5 day, 50 min. paſt 10 morn. New Moon the 1: day, 24 min. paſt 7 afternoon. Laſt Quarterchſi 20 day, near r1 at Night. Fui] Moon the 28 day, 45 min. paſt 4 morning, ——_— ON GOIES ſſſi:z' - FOE TIEET Monne! PTTA | S] S. Saints days Moons| Moon Rif, S1z and Wcat?\ place, b )@ J Ol? Y D\ and Set, { Iff Pery temperat|25V 29 a ! A 5s8 1 23 ſſſiezmerjorthzll*d 2)}: IIALA 219 => 56 ;ſiſig a jS24ſon at the be-j25 3I[14 *,10 20|4 3Zllo 8 &8 41b1s5nning bereof.f9 If 45 J] 6{9] [14) 4jt2 5 29 «(C 2 5 [2 319 5 M-30 66 i#hzich ſudden-17 95 47 4{11] 6j2 27 e0 Pangee 14 :291 51 11K 713 2 5 el fito inds vandct; SL 55] <]*118} 8[13[13] 83 ©D 44 1.98 Razn:(and be-[18 1c |© 95_4 W 19 Iol-A Ifore the monthll 1 12 | lofg 42 11 6 Jends-) may b 14 JXI}O| | &[L1}5 Io 12 25 3814] 4 %_.dfd [8j12] 19} Þ jplenteſully af-49- -3 [Aftg! BB j13's A 85 ['4_* e\forded, thougit2s 15] 0 114 1457 Z 27 ſsitſſ' 3m 21 o |{ i1538 & 48 15 Bifew Land- ls I7Z_\ 4\ X[16}z0 ® .co 17fſz floods may be oc-|2 i2 1A*| 12 17 ii1 7 2 ſilgzh caſroned tlaerw)i Pj20 16|% =18311 7: 519! E ig | 6[:]]941'* .4 '20, DjBut 2n the ge-j2 W 56 'Of | olzo;ſſ M 33 Lctfle 1&| | 190[A'21f 2 22! fjueral.,the mazztk,-7 34114] |{ j 1 13 2212 49 123 ({ (zs attezzded &9 22] |O o/_*ſiſiA o2h 22 f24*ctiwztb moderatd123. 2al 13 j 118] 24 0 \2s! þ good weather 7 X 13] [0 | | 25 3 | 126 21 19}AjfT5] 4 :26{\4, eal * 327 U and not p?l;u !5 Y 47 2*[_\. (Sſi {10 2715 20 } E pidzczal to ths [20. 37 Ci151216 P) ELS \30;5 Seaſons 20 35* 13 [ | R Ee=k Saturn this month riſes abourt midmght, . Zp-ter, rites emn rr m | ibefore midnight, Mars riſes after midnight, Yerz fzl]s un- der the Sun-beams, Mercury emerges 1n the. Noroung our of the Sun-beams z the third day 1n the eyening,the Moon may be ſeen above the Hyaces; the Scorpions heart South,! the firſt day about « at night, - emn Sonrarrermmoremmmmhnmgmprt mm orrmr mm mn Erehet mn IN D pla. [© R. S,jH.War.1 L (19me2115 37 75 M $| 2 j20 20j5 40 7{5 4 3.j21 19]5 42 76 58 4 [22 17]s 44 77 58 5 |23 16|5 46 78 56 6 [24 I4j5 48 7Þ 53 7 j25 13j5 50 fIlo 45 8 j126 1215 54 7111 gil , ]27 Tofs 53 72 41 10428 gls 57 71 A21 ii2g 85 399 12 ©9 i20 £4.7,5. 1 62 &5 131 66 263 406| 14/2 56 3 44 22} 5 > 46-14 04 155) i64 36 6 65 51 17]5 26 8 6}5 38 18j6 1:6 10 6{7 26 1917 05 12 63 15: 20 06 14 6 2 2118 $96 16 69 49 229 586 18 6\\0 143 23]j10 $76 20 6311 25 24j11 $566 22.612 21] 25]12 55 24 61 M u} 26113 566 26 2 4 27114. $5j6 28 62 5$4 28]12 54;6 30 633 ,52 29115 54:6 31 &4 20 39[17 . 5416 32 54 52 | Sub Deo ſemper aguite Many are the Benevolent Configu- rations - of the. Planets .this Morgth, whoſe gentle Influence 1 hope.may! mitigare { if not meltorate,) 11 part, the Dire etfc&s of the Conjunttion' of th Injortunes now operating, 'Tis like to prove 2 very a@ive Month, and many (- and thoſe very weighty: 2 material ) are the Couuſels and C5n- ſulrarions here »f, in molt parts of Eu- rope ; Ler us not Repine at thoſe- things which canrot be amended=-- /*..Sud; dea News arrives to England, difco= vering Marters of Conſequence, draw= ing near, 1 ſha/lyor concera my "ſelf| with the confid.ration , whether” th Pope or ſome Graud Izalian be near an eminent danger, ror whar Mortality may ſurpriſe the Muſcovite,' or whe thcr he be likcly to be invaded by the Taitars, ncither ſhall I make it my buſines to infpett jnro rhe actions and defigns of the great Turk>-- Bur look| rather what may be the fate ofour\ | { flouriihins Ifland ( fo much envied by Forcigners, ) Some empaent Perſon, eicher Lawyer or Divine near prefer- mentr, and probably much News trom Fiance towards the end of the Month, C C CCCINOEENESNSS N mm Pn EERESTEE RA ” Laft Quarter the 4 day, 48 min. paſt 6 1n the aftein, New Moon the 12 day, 3 mn atternoon, | Firft Quarrer the 20 day, 36 min. paſt 3111 the afrern, 3 Full Moon the 27 day, 3o min. })Lſi I 11 the aftern, % J =; 5| Saints days 2 EZJ 5 andWeafſi;ſſ] *D PldC ib PL CS \Ul F Qlz./.i »- R-S; 1 aÞTis [trange ijj5 I 26) d* Uio A 22 2| Þ [chis Jmonti di)-o 6 17} IS!AA[ l T. 25 3K 4 5 2_2[ E © 19;_,, 3/12 6. 4 d 10t proſi'ure 18 180O} | ſi:ſſ |{ 4 41 M g| 5[£ [nach variity;l 3 SQf s ſ [ 73 )F Sl 5?- 45 6'f 0f*veathlr_fſſcmls T. XK c{* 215} 62 D 222 7[8 |:he begmnzn_gctIs 5 25 18% 72 5 56, 51 @ [o the end, and.10 48* 0: {16| 8;[3 R o þ|in all proba-23 m 23jtof * 93 D 48: Ic|C|1' 5 SA; 104.5 7) 13]d !nlzty the firft 17 48[3 20'/* |11'4 375 12|C |week ſhoald 5229 '10 ſ 6 i 412[ aſſ 13 f |ttended with 11 m 52 } 10 S| 1137) A 58) 14| 8 |z very diſturb-23 4722) 2 |'s ligg. » 15 14 Azr, whichs Þ 40 (?F ff 159 3 4gi [16] þ f:agaureucw-m 34] j29,5] | 16i1\o S 48 17 Y; 29 31 (13 [#|19þ2 * 2 {IZ D}j< ſiII VP 33 &) c (2%] 1 1011 M 34! IS e jed about tfſſFQ,'* 44_22' :Tej{119;2 27| '.2ſi, f VewMoon,Mch 6 FA & :]I 221203 o 15 l . 821 K jcontinues for38 &o| [1813] 4m failg $ 5 ſſ 22 g \/ome days, bIlZI K 55 A 16 L*.\'2>E4 B 58 '22/h n 113 27 [6 S1121235 » 50) 24 : 29 25113} 0 12: 2246 40 f:zs D 133.Y 53 U%( 25{7 28 '26| £ |nore temperate28 g6(14! 2 2 258 16 *27 f |fowards thet3 & 56 X* ' C P; ,2/ '2810 29 13 14' D 2's| 4j287 A 57 29]a j'14. [14.3E 27] [o| © | & ſ2gp &13 39]b 29 26 | O* \oj0 = 14 21 13_3595 ! Q'Aſi Lſiſig\lll = 6[ Saturn this Month r1fcs betore nid-mght, Zupiter ries afrer Sun ſer, Mars riſes at mid-righr, Yenw and Mercuryl are hid by the Sun-beams, The 28 day the' Þ may, be ſeen to touch the South Eye of the Bull. The firſt day ithe Head of Andromeda 1s South about 11 at nigit, and (Sheat, or the tip of Pegaſus Wing Sourh ar that time alfo, 11j18==5 319 219 53s 3j122 $2 5 a\21 «<5216 5_422 526 623 6 24O 7,24 - 51J6 825 $51j6 9ſſ26 g1 6 11027 519 1128 511s 1229 51j6 130m 51j7 141 «187 Ig2 57 163 $517 174 51]7 ]18;5 5 17 1196 $2.7 20 7 5 27 21'8 52j7 229 52j7 ZȜjffl 53%7 24\1l $5317 251j12 54.7 P01t2 58 27/14 547 ;28}1s $5;7 \29j16 55 .7 3017 567 (31]15 57 | 35 6js M 52 ; : 38 6l6) 55] Deo fiias fiſa}?u.. 40 6 7 51 The Planec ldaturr.z is 1n ſiCanc_-cr, 42 613 &| and has lately beca mn Conjunction] 4 with Mars 3 we may theretoie ex- 44 919 45] ped& by this timero be. more or, lefs 46 6!10 35iſcnſible .If rheir effe&s-- Now Jer the 43 61x 24: ſubrile J-ſujr & Jeſuicical party 100K 50 619 199 ic,tor thi: Conjunttion portends no- _ thing propitious ©o them bur horror zz ZEIZA 55} or VENSQCANCE 1NA greim Mcaſhrc--—-l%et 4 ©j1 1i ſuch as loye rhemielves loveHonelty, <6 ? 27ſiſit_hough never fo mu.}_l deſpifed gy 58 6 3 21 ftome, The fquare of the Sun and Sarurn at rhe beginning hereof, purts O 5,3 56 { - c? D 7 0 i ome perſans of 16 mean quahſſ-y 1nt0 2. 34 42|greac fear and Anxietyz and fome-. 4 5%5 27; times impriſonment. I hope no dif- | ference ariies berweenMadgiltrates and g Z\'(S l(sj perſons in powrr, for ofrencimes from 10 5'7 <© croſs Conlſulra-ions ariſe as bad Re- 7 ſelutions. Fair promiſes are more 12 53 40 asceprable than foul words, burt ax I4 Sſſſig 27, preſenr I «o nor Cxpett ro hear of any 16 5jzo 165; weat performances ; however I have 15 ! great cauſe to hope we are ſecurd< 9 4iTT { from wild Beaſts abroad, ( Vizg Inva- 20 5{IL 53; ders) bur ſwarm with Tame Beaſts! 21 5,12 44 ar home ( v:2, Flarterers ) who thh; 22 511 M 3-* t_'-uirſſctiſſti]c m\ſinuauuns deceive the 24 5!2 ȜFſi' Honaeit hcearted, 26 513 - 32 28 534 O0 30 34 41 31 5]5 42 [ 32 5j9 49| D D Ore n pprnrnoeernn” m eD D eT EEE p Ir 4 \!' ''14 bol 'l \ H — R 6 mormng arter the day, 3 min. pa I%iſſ}v(filoon the 1% day, 20 min. paſt 5 mornmg'n *Firft Quarter the 15 day, 21 min. paſt 6 mornl 2 Full Moon the-25 day, 35 min. paſt 11 ar night. 5 m'ioou .\J =\'&[ Sainrs days[)) pac\b 2.515 Ol?i? 'a*vi Ser. ſiſiU!C* and Wearh. ON 52! d 25 & gd(*\ b. '7 Dn 22 ]All Souls. 11 &14 4()/ y M. M. te Soaonablc 125 : 3 14] 7 4 4'r = 26' 4\8'{ weather at tbfzo'\'f Z?}H( D 2 fl Z - l = | 6ſ2 © ,1 <55ſſ b begznnzng, but?4ſi-—ct 285;35 8*22 Lj Z 3?( ; - . gd_ after_ the firſt 26 45 [6, ſſ,?; O Z; - 3; .9*2 wetb it may |$ 4%.Al * 4 = . i01f 1 prove Tempeſtu-|20 3 456' mlts H' 1 R} ors, bringingſ2 £ 34 l"Oi N ELPc . lzſia Winds and 14 30 |2 A d fegs " 13h] Rain, and pro-[25 30 - 14*103 P9 {G 8'\0*4% - IS,OO 50 15)0 | bably Stow [20 23 [A X W98 59 16| £ | whichmay con-[2 55 4,13 4 17, Y 17] f | z7nue for ſomis5 2? ! & 18i12 M 45 15\F| tzme, .zzfi)ſharp 28 A 22 j I9Ha | cold moreings.[1T X 220 i L 24 20/h| with 4 cold, 24 . 22 & lalp 2 d 21 3 Y 15[316 1 - 22/d| raw, darh, 22 2( , - o 2YJ e | cloudy Arr, bui7 S )Þ [s 451 24] f | more' warm 22 IZ oo'U 5 251}] and temperate |7 IE 26 S. M. 26]| g | towards the 226\ 47 7 S eH 27] þ | End bercof, |7 5323 Fol 1 w - ;2&42 : - 2910 S 45 !Zcſi;? 20 ----41 ' 21 3Yt1& 50 M | *ſiſi**\———ſiſſ— nngtnnmn— _ | 3 Saturn THes atter d'un-_Et, abour the.22 UAy. *Fupete * Jeing in oppoſition to the Sun, riſes at Snn-ſer, and fers | ar Sun-rifing z Mars rifes about mid-night 3. YVeaus.emer-|| ges out of the Sun-beams, and becomes Heſp?71s 3 Mercur) falls under the Sun-beams, the 24 day th2 D rranfits above]| * jche Hyades. The great dog Sourth neer 4 morn. at the bepin]; 21© pla. |O R.SH.Wat. | ijgm57]7 35 57 M30 20 «5$j7 39 518 3121 537. 38 519 23 2uod ſupra me, nibil ad me.\. *; The a&ions of this month atthe bezginning thereof may. be very al22 «<9j7 39 5jio 11 hopefuls pleaſing,& probablyan 24 of7 4o 50 5$3] eminent Elderly perſon recelves 6ſ25 1j7 42 SHT 4© preferment or ſome other advan- rage, tho at the ſametime a wor- thy Lady languithes under. great affliQion 8 trouble of ſpirit.But z month in general ſhould produce ;| no propirious overturs as..to pub- \ 7326 11j7\ 43 $i12 24 . 8227 f7 45 51 A 8 { 928 37 46 51 52 loLQ9 3!7 48 $2 ,-2 ITo 2 5 12 67 £0 54 lick affairs,for*tis attended with [13/2 77 52 554 ««| Many malevolenr configurations | !\43 8,F7 63 5*5 43] from whoſe influence nothing { ſſ t =Os : : 54 24 56-+ 32 but miſchief & croſs contradigo- \16*9 97 $6 5ſ7 20] ry a&tions can be expetted. A: \.17!6 117 57 58 $j great Animoſitles 8& Con}cntmns [18,7 312/7 58 53 46 amongſt Perſons of Quality, No- j198 1357 59 5*9 43] corious Robbing upon the High- 209 . 148 © 4910 31] way, breaking of Houſes, tothe -.njxo 153 1 4/11 22 greatloſsand detriment of man 122/11 15F8 2 q\i2 12 honeſt, worthy pcſirſons._ ln ſhort -23%12 178 3 41 M g|rie Planets promiſe nothing good 24'13 ]gſiſis 4 4'2 gf (or atleaſt very little) during the} 125114 198 5 43 4{whole month, & therefore 'tis but 25 15 26/}8 6 42 44! labour loſt, ro enquire — quantum 2716 218 6 44 21} q542,0r quomodo. Many flying re- }\28 17 23{8 7 45 2cj portsare ſpread abroad this mon. 20118 249 8 4's 14}rheyare not grounded upon the lzolig. 28 8 47 g{cruth butratherforged ourofeyil | |— |4fen. | mn em rrnmmnmntntpmonmmmmrmrmmnenn l [ [t | | F F! l t 80 48 l d - } ;ct: l Blit W l [ F W 'Fl! eBn LNELLIED eoed Laſt Quarter the 2 day,i6 mip. paſt g at nighr, New Moon the 11 day, 4o min. paſt 1 inthe morn, Firſt Quarrer the 18 day, 4o min. paſt 6 afternoon, Full Moon the 25 day, 42 min. palt -9 1n the morn. S4nts Oays } 5 ') placjh and Weath. 'ſi*)) l 2 The monil be-\4 R 10 ſſ gens with ſir\17 21 & 5 onable weathir 129 92 * vut is ſoon chan-[11% 45 j| 23 479 grd to Snowl5s m 4? 1 Rain, and[i7 2614 - [12pping coldſ2g 258| 6 4rr, which a-j1i Þ 29 ' Vout the Newl22 25 Moon may bejs VP 25 17 41 J XA : : bo. R m p mm \( OO much increaſedjzo ©| <| to reht zz*iſſz-]lz 8227| 151 b - 25 6 el Nirerly weather$9 X 5al 10 [17]A |viz, wholſom 20 55;%5 1/2 i]h|Froft , thoughs 17] &X I9]&-14 i7 558}.5 201 D |10t wviolft 1 & 55 4} 21|. I6 19/K} 22| f |which may con-i1 - 2 8 22]VÞ|'7nue without.15 56 }12{ 24] 1 \7uch alteration,1 3 2 25 16 5 ,{t 26 o $L 45| 8 I5 8 Ell g ,f29 4 j - the years 12 iſſ'ȝoſiſ*ſim nFQsg N D. 25 2$12 Eſi8 3 m rSrrI B G nnoee nnn 4 => Saturn at the eud hereof becomes in oppol oppoſition to the| 'Sun, and riſes ar Sun ſer,and ſers at Sen riſing Fupzter ſer: ia the mor: nng before Sur-rifing. Mars riſes before mid- mght. Venus fers after the Sun, and Mercury is hid from 'our ſight, The 22 day the Moon is wirh 4ldebaran. Thc '27 day the is with the 1 yors-beart D.O pla. |O R.S|H, Wſiſſ{ 120226Þ 9 47 M 56; D 221 .-27& Z n Parturzant Montes ! 3;22 2918 2 33] This Month js atrended with} 423 90fs lo Ilfmore variety of configurations of 5\24 3143 lo So thePlaners,then any other month 6:25 3 4|il 33 throughout the - whole year,| 7126 -3 a[12 22; whoſe effcCts ſhould be very va- 3'-27 3519 13 qdjL A 6! rious, and produce as notable 8 4 9448 36!8 13 4j1 53j{remarkable Ations in the gene-[ 029 38]8 13 42 35jral. A troubled fear poſleſſes ll%O VP 29iS -I3. 4[3 24@ che generallty of men, and 'very 12;iT 40]8 13 4j4 I8{uncertain News 15 ſpread a-|' 13i2 : 42j8 13 45 ibroad Many Iying, ſcandalous ! 4313 13 45 !and malictious Pampiilers arc 44jS 13 419 gS*now diſperſt, for peoples Ears Ios 4518 13 57 27-1ſch afrer ſome novel Intell1- 17,6 47 13 45 14/gence; many diftempered AQi- 18/7 483 13 4j9. 4;ons, or Broiles fomented —— 1958 4918 12 49 50{Plentriful Marter 15 providing Io 42/and notable Afftions may 1n a 11 35;thort time manifeſt rher zaſelves z 21,10 5238 I2 12 - 25}Diviton in Confulcarions hov 22i11 <53j8_ 12 D L5> 23j12 $55}8 12 qfL M 34{to qualifie the hor Spirits oiÞ 24'13 58 11 4j2 34iſome diſconterted and dif-at | 25/14. S7I8 10 4j}3 - 33jfe&ted perfons, The yeai ſi5!15 58!8 9 41[4 ofdraws to an +1 e2 : a z paſing underFthe 12 Zodiact] 'ſiCOrct]ſicllationſiS. abibad N Aries, Hmd rmd Face: tx Taurus 8 TGemins Nechnoand-f Arms i*aad Throat,7:7 Shoulatys! ſſfl'*" "Eancer, F|. $.Leo, Broalt, "*Sto-4 Heart , and, &X R005f Back, ;ſſ'ſifw\ctſſctſſgo 4 = Libr4, 6 289/5] Reins"® anjaſ Belly, D - n Lozns, , #t-Scorpio.'4 Sad Secvetn mem: bt Sagzrar__x- Blrgsn int. 15 us,, Lhighs. 1. Y, Capri- $: &3 \Aquarir} SAOFTl;Noets: eR IETI ed $15 3 hLegSot! »1. f 3 Pxices,ſſtbe Fctezt.ſi 2r11 | 19 TA roage 29r3o Soulg l kofrly 3 thgoht acds Jo2, * .-,. Ma)eſhck Arres ehd 'ns den Wſſſſml( Comfnands the Headiand" F'H*C The Zochſſzck'*"ſſ Bul! Rules'Neck an# Theoar: The Artns'and Shoukk ]\e {Subjefted' ro th&'Z6tinck's Grmmmrr F *Career the Breaft and Stomack do-obey; 1 11919 5 *And Repal"L orefthe'Hexrr"doth ſway »HS Royal:Sceprer; athilft chewatſtors Mdrds *Claim&h-the Belly Reinsafd boinsate* Wayd ' *By the Caleftial 1:7hr4 iSefrets 8 3001 1 W.,05) | >The-poifondusi$:41}50ngf atidthe Thighs thE ſharc GOES127taffus: Buttthe Vechle Khees?! 1F11 30 B >Fall-to'the"Gr27's - Thel.ogorare ſtending Pces DES: Unoaquuiinss Whlffithe. Feerjdoibend ( 27 1 Then* ſieps to P-_ſces, anc-ailigh an EN'D; _ ons for-the Tear 1650, By Henry Coley, The USE Of' the KALL ENDAXAR. the LunationsAt rop ofeach page)which if&robtunderſtood thus, viz. " Thefirſt'is rhe daysof the Menth,” the fecond the days of the-Week, 1n the third you have rhe uſual Feſtival days, alſo the Terms, and the alteration of the Air: which tay probt- bly happen in cach Month,thre ughour theyearz inthegth ise8- preſt the 1oons placen the Z33:ck, in Deg. and Min«every day at noon 5 in the gth the o27s Aſpedts to Þ; in the6th-the'Lu- nar Aſpects ro, alſo the heursafrer noon,when they fallunder- -neath each AſpeRt:inlike mat n.r inthe 5:h you have ker Aſpedts roF,inthe 8th to.the ©,in the 9th to. 9 yinthe roth-ro Þy tn the 11th the days of the Mouch agazy repeated ;/and in the-1 2th and laſt the Moons Riſing from the Full tothe: Change of New Moon, and her Setting fromthe New Moontothe Full,inhours and min. A. ſtanding for Afternoon.and M. for Morning:' Inthe right-hand- page you have at topthe Riting and: Serting of- the Planers for the beginning of each Month.&c. inche firſt Col.the days of the Month; the 24 the place of the $un inthe Ectivtich every day at Noon; inthe 34the-Suxs Rifing and Serting every day throughout the Month.;. in the 4ththe time of High-water at London-bridge, A, figmfies Afternoon,and M. Morning} and ift rhie laft great Col. is(this year)preſented A4ſtrological Prediftions upon each Month,which if they be accepted;ſhall, God' willing, be continued annually ro farisfic the - curjofities of the'moſt Ta- gquifitive ſorc of Readers. And thus, that none may be ignoranr of whar is expreſi meach Col. of the Kalendar, \Ihave(befides the Titles) fully explain'd them, which may be more imtelligible to ſome,it cxemplified as followerh, viz, The 6th day of Zan.(or Twelfth-day ) the J 1s 3 deg. 28 min. in the Sign S. at Noon, & at. (29 hours after Noon the 5 day, or 8 in the Morning thea 6 day ſhe is in $quare. Aſþe& to H,- and ar-23 h..after Noon the 5 day; or.11 inthe forenoon the.5thin f ro:Þ,alfou A'to Q 13 þ. afternoon, and in_ : ro..Y at 4 h.afternoon; rhe'fame day. the Þ riſes at 53 min. paſt 4; ornear 5-a'clock/in the after- noon,the ©. bzing thenin 26:deg.26 min.of 7 at Noonhe riſes at 55.min.after.7, and fers at 55 m n. before: 5 at niglit the faid 6.of Zan. and the true t1me of High-water-at:London:bridge is.35 min. after 3 inthe morning underſtand:;che-fame inthe reſt; ] N the left-hand-paye you have (now ) T2 Columins (befides- Aſtronomical an4 Aftrological Obſervations and\Preditii- N 4 T/ '| 1 | A Brief Chronological.. Account, of ſome tbi;zg{-.zrortbyſſ , -—-8f Nott Gnce the-Birth of Chriſt to-this preſent Year, 1680;-— - © Smece the"Creation, and fince. Noah's Flood, - 2 == By Avuthors (fure) was ne'r-well.underfiood;.. .... \ For their Accounts'do fo much diſagree; \.- ©,,,;Shall here ſucceed: \ .Adſi.yZA WekA n mon {:3 months. 5 mont}*s., A _'Year. \s, Celds a: ſict.ſſs. d\' $. 7 &60 W- LE +; Ze So d 6 YEAEAST c*_m D 37 S. M CART IN A ed . 10" 2 2 An aes -——-WW l [1 » ol9,00);R9-977 6{00:101:48]8 0507 35 00 7z 2 10- -019--07 ,3761072 20 0 ſſ-iO g” 44 iȝ {A!, ©1Q; Qza4 5: © 124010 © 2 I6| &/4 Jo gjo.o 5u02-*,oo o 2 88 5!5__ ?__lſio,o 7,0.0.3cl0 0 0.3' 60 -(:,—'3 S_ .1Q xlſſo © 8;0?}65 © 12: 4+i22 T. 10019*0042_00 0 15:024 $ 10 119..9.11,0.0,481949 0. 98 376 9 bÞo lfo o 129.0..5419/ 0 0.16:48 :Z_Eſſ_ſſzſſo O,13/0:40., 6010-0 { Q,:F} 20 .49 4{0027551 2610-.0 STIFW 2... 10 8]0 0,\55/9 2/:g5]00 2:4)80 319 1219..0 8210-13 609: 0 3 X9 4. ]Þ,1510. 1 Folotg. 80ſÞ.'l 449u60 - 15.__12. 19;& L:38,046.0c[0; 1 6'0 0 6 02350165072001 FS-4 10.7- 2 40 17 027101)30840021200 4 2 00 84 80 3 |o-31/0. 2:2116. 9* 60jo"2 50 97 2 19 0350248010800284c054>8®0109 60 Sit© 0200276lloonog '6- ©,-00j0- 12 909 ſig?(?omo;; &" ofs'5:0 clo'12 © el400 R o'9 do/18.0 o1 159 0 3'0118082813 55 40 1380114! © 50 19"1180,90 ofo 150 cft 10.0 ogoo O -60245!4;"0 © 70'27 '70 Uio of2 2.0 c44oo 80315,1 1o9ſi80 oft 40 oj2:8 © c'4160 O 90355208590 ojt.7.0 02140,9 'I*Hxs rablc Hews the !rſſ*cre{! of any L.Lm of Money-from F's.t6 - fraina, day t0 2 year, And by the he!p of Addition:you-mnay compyte the Tnreveſ® oſmv fim whatioever'; an d nate thatfar the grearer \Exat- neſfs.the peny js divided inro/a 00 parts forrthatyy pare ate vfarthigg, ang 50z PIrrs atyhait- Pcn SAB partssy t-xthm?s,ſſ&c.,l.mm}:ffe, S. ThEintireft of 4 fſi_ fix 'vdn ghs one w-.-ek and one ozv is thſſ# ,ſiqpn{ +$y thg Favio, CS TN 7 e” SF 1ri.G Mn 32 d c] EBes 83 51 1**** M5C195 7 -)ſ- F ed :'*-1-1-**6' -:-1'7_5-..77-\,13?-5 5 l 219 : A A F rn Rn EIe o t Pn eRn A SYNOPSILS of allthe, 1atuah, Aſped Planets throughout each Month of ſf}fe ſi?lzc{::/t 4 1680. Wth the"Day and Hour"thereofc"\" —\lp mſi 'ſctzn D. dlgn< Alp. 1n May. D 5Iphd Al 1 sS © 4;'{2 £Z81d ©Y 11m3 {aog ies ſiſiſi Wſi 9 9mro d. h goa :;?5 Z_]FZOOR 21/0.6 X 114128#|d.4 9 oa \27\t5; A@ZW \25! H 93{205$A1p ]nj/znefD LITROY ( WJ?'_?B 2 D.\Signs/Alp. 1 in 00b D. Slgn 2902 : % ſſFMJlsuPHQ '0] 67{%?*5&3 E M DHm [DÞ Tos: eHT 4 goes [Ut OYYia3l8=/dg 59 WoEy X >& % 1731;,&_ A© ho. ho|XS|d þ ©5 a "3 3'88) '[[_*:_]ſi'ſſ? E SM1TS AKtS &m 2]XS|{hÞi2a” 12n 5 q 8 7m246\,fl: XOY 1291a/5 08 of Dſſſſ_____d@?lnmzze TTL EOF D MAD XD D TED Bgga þ 2 10a51'® A}} Sh2k 2'71536!?% © 54 ſſz_i 3 i\_ſ_g_nz\ſſov D Smcctc Mpinnzed}D-Sienl /;A EY 1 9:8m, ?W'*MſſVmmz &SY% F% $144jz [NG\& & 77m 23 alP C hO hiSEYLY 3 11 azgflkct]z ZSQ d &$4m h12] 3 (EY 017.6310 lſg] 5 CÞY 12 IsY&/Ap. in 2795D7 ſiȜ o: Eeg Sa 129 1 B Sbathi l ogs [p 44gaÞSiem3 d O02922. 8 f \AHOISa\A1, ZK? S 3693 [W49Þs 18 e: Dſſsffiſſ E]"b'@iomzz ;6(580:1_%2( S &2 Jgafr m l ulE EYerN S. l Zg%lgſi*ct m AlpdmiorniD|Sipndmioin) tos DN *Wmſi lſi;ffi'ctſi" -ſſ=ſiſi3?ſſfct? C M bo K C D OETHIng af PT R THS ſſſſm eeyEre etweata artt: CWN on 0z ) Þ N g B ſiDT! 18 Z, H Þ 12 j2.1M4 ſſ (; 48 l :!O?S 841139 1 Aſſgsflihr\fi """ lſſſſ.ſi&ſi 28a. uo@_'ſſr (Cſiſizaſſz,, " t l } 1.N : PR HT2 atfg O"Vf _*—4-_-\-—!—4* -—-—-m\-u.*.b_-. 4 L— 5 &645449 * COVEY! t6852' Aftrologieal: Tudgement on-tbe;Tear #650.from theSqla | -Tagreſſes, and other-concomitant Configutrations. of _the | . : M3 FR2EA092 AT SA } el Bodhep *. ' f : » , fos Tigura, Mundi, \689. . Sole attingente premum /P pundium Avietis Mat. 2r l \ _ , 12 Þ655 mct.iPAMq-ſict ; U 4 3 \ A 459. 0© h- RN 26 Y % 65\ Sub Lat.. Londil-;-| N Lrr— n——R—— CT z \ſſſi, ; bo m oÞ ® SA e5/08 ji Q) A.q% X" ct?ſſ | THc'rc is nothing;more :cerrain- rhan-this,-tharnext-under L- God(the Primary moving Cauſe;) che Cozleſtial Bodies,viz. the.Stars and Planetsare fecundary. Cauſes:of Generation,”Qor- ruption, Produdtion and Conſummarion. of all things in thisfube lanary;and elementary World; and therefore are Inſtrumenrs of far.greater.uſe than to give an 'obſcure-Light,.or for people'to! g2Ze 2t; ;yet ſfomeare 10 0bſtinace 1n _cheir opinion;/as to attri- bute/'no.more; Vairtue-to the Influence: of the Planers and Signs, thanrothe- commen-Signs-of-every Tavern and AlehonſenOf- thisJudgment was Mr. Chimvrs, who received a very copi- —— L ous AftrologicAl(Obſer#atian &9 t41680. qus Ankwer- from the,,Learned Sir Glri/lopher- Heydons: ſa:did Joannes Piors, Mirantnl as (:whoſe;Arguments +Mr;,-Chambgrs makes:;much -uſe!of.from L4625Bellanſis),and thoough Sextrs Emparirnge.iSextus ab. Hempngay Pereriusp and; many.others, ide: nied; the Influence of1che!- Srarrs, yer Piratennus. Gochleds us, Hargje alertivs, and;many. others,. (Lfuppoſe .nor Infericur 1n Learmingtiothor Adyerlarics). have 45 much-applauded their Varue.and Influence ypon Inferiour Badies, 1a5-thoſe atoreſaid Antagn? ifts idve. exploded;this,. Truh.: vfor:Gup-dnd a-any orhers ave proredithaty. Hores ofeqiuatccy temtpepatidithh 1 07 29726Fhe Heaveniy, Bodies do-not.only melinehe Wallby the Medio- gongl! the SenficiveAppene, exciiedatobythe Conſtitation, byz allo, infuſc 4nto Jits Habirs, CompieRtonnand: Diſpalrtons4 and quy Modern,.as, wellas Ancient DivinesJallow-the Srarry tttuencesz; to:extend;to the Stareof the Wetther,Plenty, or Searrity.of, the-year,) Piague, Sickne(s and, Health.of-.our;Bo- 68345 alo'te.dired the 2hyftion whennto, Purge.by FRwhen by Poaop,or. Plebotmmu'ic Lheir. Iaflycnges 2Horeachiiezenjin- ro, he-Bowels.of the;Earth,; roxhs maturating and/prodyucing all-forrs of Mugerais.anaaboſefioange, Efeds whicawe daily meetvith.in the World. 194 2 viana _ l3 i!; Jbis being premiled,” T procced.to tlie/Confideration.of.the Seheme. of che. Sun's.Ingreſs into drigg: for.1Beratus tellsivg, 5 Hhat bythe Reyolugions of-che> Yearvofithe Worldgi inay Shediicovercd uhacwall,caſuc.equhyeary;uin Good,or.Evil,, - Peece0rYuar; /Picnry, or Scarcity 4. whar the; Condinionof *+ Bopg%,,Prieess; Nobles,, the;;Relginus,: and;all; orherSarrs 52n Degrees ofveny and Ruaziny off chings: wharigneyer,ag- *COrqiwg: toithetroperty of-Mancherein.nof 1be; Dearncls 385He0era and>Linigerty Goves, 6 axirayponerfularban % z & 7 Y £ h - 3 y þ % 7 By: HENRY COLEY-' phlar hnd' particular'Caules 3 for a particular Conſtcllarion(fg they) 'does but rediice>thoſe things x6 Affion-n their proper Tjmmes, which a niore Superiour Configuration/hath figaiheds&v Ta/the'Scheme of the Sun's Tngreſs: into' 41525- (which' &Hete- ſctfrom the” $/Holphine Tables, which'I'follow): the' Angitware #ll Fixe4 3 the Sun\in4.$qure 10" $2f'from 'Cardinal-Sipns3 K95 \w ConjunRtion with Mercurys the Moon' Deftluxing/fromt 'thſſſſc*ct()ct-pxpſi\ion of : Thpiter, 1n $qpart”eo Feans, and Applytng to rhe Benevolent Trine'of/ Mars and” Mertiiny 5 bur no! Plaiier Aipilar,” except\the\ Moon. 'Cam wiltialits.,+5-- Whence 'F jadge'no: very. confiderable/ matrers ma?' be |tranſa&ed-+rhis Quarter' {ar*leaſt the beginning : thereof.)}, bur. very. (erious Conſulrarions and Debates concerning 'Wejghty Matters,' may beſecretly, and/in"all. probability” 'vigorouſly proſecttedprt- vately, -and concealed . from!; the Vulgar-"Man, ' 6r' Gomfition Newſmongers./.” But ; the*People. in' general. exrreamly/poſlef- Many 'F raudulenr-andknaviſly Deſignsnearthis'rime cotirrs- ived, which before Marth be:expired,” may be publickly Kniownz jthe” Conjunftion*of Mars: and Merenry*In'-the 'Fiſhes/the Scheme in'the*Eighth Hovſe,”and the'$quyare of "Saturn' and Mars'from Cardinal. Signs 'the 2 2th/ day;/imports no/leſs';-'ro which may be added; Treacherous' Conſulrations, 'many'Rbb- heries and Notorious: Thefts, borhat: Sea and/Landy frequently feported, to the/great Detrunent of -many* Worthy'-Perſons 2z nongſt us 3.. Grear' complaint*for Trading , -and' nor with- out-Gauſe, and !rhe| Progreſs' 'of Affeairs*in'' general| preſerit themſclves very, ſirangely 3 yet-moſt perſons are”too' forward to'derermine whatthe Ilſue may be.'- Batinorwithſtanding all :this,. there" js grear -Hope. we may keep' our” felves* within bounds,/and not .break'out-into; Attions of Hofttlity,/which «Kill alluredly, (Whencever it 15//artempred) end'in Confufion and* Deftruttion of the Fomenters of 'fiich « Miſchiefs 'which many would rejoyce;rofee; Many are the Turnings and Wind- inzs' of HumaneAfffyrs, nothing bur Combuſtion and; Secrer Contiivances (T fear ) may/be carried on for /many years. dace The, Conjan&ian'of the'Superiour: Plners Satyrn and” Z4p3ters Jnhe/Fiery /Friphitiryin 1582: and '1583* draws on, and for #he'next"Surgecding 29 yeurs-may produce Rirange”EffeRts 1m B0D - C 4 ; For l l b n— " C E : CT IEAZ H Aſtrolagicgh Ob[ſefcAtib#ti}, 1680. ncHorare very cerramnhey roduce verynorayle: Alterations, angifimdry Qperarions; they :Alrer; in'one.reſpe or orher:the Srae ,Empires, Kmgdoms. Gommonivealihs/and: Countries, cauſing fme new-Empiresanf” Ringdoms to emerge'es! Inke ſi;gg_.ſſſſtlj%;@f Alexandyy t]"]{:ſiſiGre{ztf anan-Hirg,/the' Perfians miian H glgſiyſiſiſidxsdu that ofibhometinatatry's 25 may-bereadoniCut- t@a#eg} T. 5pb,/f34:20d-of thefe Conjunftions(If you: account Trom theChange.ofrhe-Free 0Yev1 into\ the Etrthy) therefalls Huralinys chree +winhin; the-{pack; of :g95,years; - Thefirſtin JM3 X4 .the ſecondin the 4iiy, and\the+ third: 19 the:mutsy ſſ' Tſſlq.ſizty. And-fiace Thavermentioneds this famonus: Conjutt- ſſctmſia;ſiſi;gijhichſiwſiifi-ſaſifliiiaſſ-the year, 19924!Hnd1587) jr willnor {hElmpertinentes adda few; Lines more from Sir-G. 77 andR-E, z3t And15/pood:reaſon; that lke a8#2azrva$ builta litle/af- tſirt}?\e beginning.of--the Frftb Fiery, Thigen (the firftibeingithar - underuireh che. world;wias ereared) :antafterwards” by little and -E%'_t'tf}_ejncrcaſcd;, and\amonpſt orker\Cinies, the prear;Aflem- - bly.of'che tahabicants, ;People'and? Ringdoms the hid, fubdued bore up;heriHeaduhil ar length Cabout theRth'Ticry Tregin) ſhehad reducedveryimany Kingdoms'of Enreft;Aliayand AFIra ;10-the: torm. of.a) Moxarchy.and Soverengn fnrf's, and Hotiriſhed In-great glory z:and-thar from-mhenice; this Env2e bermg diidet Qnto rwo, :(Eaft and-321) was ioferved.to have fallen.ro'deeay, ;been'troubled:with inteftine;.Wars, Zand;cxhauſted by-the Alte- .nzJons of RKingdoms. and/ Provinces;;antil'ahour :che. ſeyenth 174gongitiyasretiorediby Chailesth? Griaty/ atia (4n fome fort ) Tecetveditspriſine'Beaucy :i56- 4lfo. ſhall this Empire at:this t;me under che, eighth;Fizzy T:7confafain preat murations; -*., &And (urely with pood:reaſowir mayHhe ſo-tonjequred,for:?trs . the Zidcement of Alfledrys, thinxthe Fireofthis Conja6Rion(rhar ; 35 of this Reſtiturion of,.theF/py Pigh):will confurne all the aregs and refule of the.Citv'of. Rowgyy Þ, fay? there will-hotable ;Acctents happerita the K9#an Eimpire dwfane the Effeds.ofthis ;return of the: Superiors anto-the*Fivj34iplinity;: and thoſerrand- actions willalfo jnahundant meaturebemanifeſted-from-the year 1563;10,16333;anmd (as.ivhasheen ptedited}/efpectally abont -TEYEATS. 166:, (andwharidire-effetsthen ha ppenecl H never be-forgnrten by the/ fuhalhiranrs.of \Eondorn! Letdo ,1 not.conceive._that-Rome. ir.ſelf wilk hertubje&'ro fich grand " IM401008a5-fome haye :coneeivedy;/rit-the:ycar'46 83 l( for B5tbog 5 | Cn SS r os . 7 DGATE By HENRY\COLEY) onxrather afrex) iwwhich, and 1682, there/happetithreeCon. »jim&zons of Saryrmand) Zipiter in Leo,). theAlcendanit of Romct whictvondoubredly-willhave great force/thereon;:though Fean- not (ay ro'trs'total Subverfion. However,/ before: theſe [Supert- rours have performed: theirPeriod 'im this. Tripiic3ty, whiehwAll beabourthe year'1801,'there will aſſucedly be:great Alterail- ons;f not a () nal:Catz/irophe of 'the Sovereignty and Dommſhn :thereoſ For 1f (as/Diſepodrus fairh ,4pb-7 7.)the Fiery Trizon Hath Dominion over Cbn/hſizns, then mu't rhe: " 'Fee. of 'Romebe mu(h coricerned herein 3 and* beſides,. from the poſition-'of Marsin Tzrat-thetimeof the Con)unctxon, and' ſorme orher, Confidera- tiotis,” we ſhill ſpeedily hear of ſome gran# Commotions, Wars, Eites;'Tumulsand Uproars, &e.- that wFaffie borh City and Country:-ingreat'mealure—= Thus much of 'the approaching Con)unct]or*., whichageording to the ]adgement of -all Authors on' this Sub e&,menaces Romin patticular, which Irathſſ.c leavc To expſir:cmc than proſtitute my Judgement-ac ſo eafſe q rate; 'Foras ſaid, Corporu/Cileſtia mz agunt in enftentz,folle m tempoyre The'Celeſtial Bodies' do-nor operate in a'tmoment,byt with, lomc delay;Having conchided this neceflary dlgſireſhon,l returti apain >ro arfurtlierconfideration of the Schon? :-anid-by.the' poſition'of Satinn inCancer the reputed Aſcendant'of Seoriand; HollantZ: o- land, Pruſſia," Conſtantinop!e, Vinices Tints,. )m((-ny in ngiana' znd divers other places(asFou may/read art*large 1 my Clatis Aſtrologie Elimata,)*T ſay, thoſe places' are'tnenaced'wit dlſCd- fes; oriother, unhappy;Cavalries and Diſorters; of whictii Itcon- icerns them'ro bevare. ---"Apain, finding Cauda Draconts-in 4- 1725, #he: reputed"{and'doubriets the trucY;Aicendant;of 'Evg- tand,and” Mars Ruler thereof in Conjin&ijon with Merrary\ 38-B4f- r65,/adouble Bodied Sipn' in'the 8 b; Houſe:; Alo.an "F:bsple of 2uhe'S:2'in his Exalratjon ar the Poltventional 'New Mocn 6: " may' therefore )uffl) concſude; and'there is great reafon,to fz;zx 'a general' Difſacisfaion 'avd Uneaſincls amongit the' PeoPIe mn general3'/alſo much\Treachery and'fecrer Plotting .and Heare- -bummg one-again{t'another;; this*15 ſomermng agſi,rſſmtcd by''the' Qzarvk of -the' $# and' Sitirn, and The.* Mooh's; po- >fzomn in 1509r/79,her Ful7 10 Oppoſition-to'Zupzrer. " God, pre- ferv&us from Zu kneatd' all Octult, or raging Diſcales'and Corher Calamitievimpending—For what'can we expe&lels than ]uſiſigct:*ments and/Afffretions for t Fe putifhuent of our Offetices, [2113 poured ſſſi ſſ L i —A ; | Ajzrologieal Obſero#0f 1680, poured downuponus, unleſs a'generaf and/ſoeedy Reptntande appeaſ&rh&juſtiAngerob'the/Ailmighry, and! Hiverr: his Tudpe- meittts==/T-fear theill EfFGHs of Srrurniin Catter may|ro0'ſlid- aguly/appear 5 He'portends prejudice toithe laborious andirj dufftrious Farmerin mzny/Countrics, produtinglofſes; aiid £6nc fequently, Poverty *procceding from: BurrenneF, or lean Erops, acgenerat Confumption, long'laſting\4gy25; .4nd ocher tedious Diſtempers, Diflimulacion/in- Treaties/ and weighty Confultati- ons; Alſodulneſs and ſtupidity jn” Magiſtrates-#nd perſons m Power, and many Cottroverfies in' Relipion, or perſons profeſ- ting the fame vader feverat Denoininanons and.Diſpuiſes ——. The Scott?fh Nation 15 nieurally difaffeftsd' amd unquict, the Cauſe ariſes cinefly-from:a fort of:men amonplt them' pretend- Ing'much to Religion, ahouph. cheybetnreality but Oves habitiy Sheep 1n Habit; 'yer PFilpes fant afti, cYiAtlrate Litdz, Foxes.in Cratty andY Holvesforther Cracky,aridaigw bepin to raſtefe Frujcioftheir Hypocrifie; they have laid' a Train to blow up rthemweives.. Nordothd/Þ{/aroveſtperScorfrec; which Tleive wo Timerether'ro confirmoroontratig.n} 01. 11 KP " Satiyh bath nowlefc the Twins, and T:Hope' leaves by deotees atverninent Ciry(free frommtheotifett3 of tyoMale Influence— And Infily,fince the grand/Adtions of chis Yoar may-chictly concerts perſons of Superiour:OrderoriDepiee; racherthar michi of mean Qualiry;' or-thevulgar: fort}? infregard the Sunis Lord of-the Aſcendanes /and (norwirhftanding the;opinionof forne whoaftirm/the! conrarey therprincipaiRulr of the Year 105; rakethefefores fora fonchifoti of thisJudgement, the words of-honeft Gizdo Boratyrs; Bolto e51 d f h tautera Furr3t " Domhivius AnnSol, Oc SWhenthe 4 is Vord of the'Year,” and he well difpoſed (as her#ihdecd he is nor,”bethg. 1n 'the Ejphth, dn Squarero Satuyn) heimports thefeftinefs and Pride of Kings;cor'fuch 25 inNattons or Provinces do govern, andthar #he King, or Governvur, or Ruler:of that Country appcſſrrainctm% *0'rhe Sign the/Sunts tH1, thajl tighty 4dvance his Honoury' af ';ifh&llſi:endcctavour_co"enlarge his Coiifines::.or” Territories;. or 70 addſomerhing/untothem by a-New: Chnueſt 5 and-nobthe Mitig, Governour, '6r Rulfr oaly/ Thall ginvar tuck nacters,! but every-perſorn of that Nationwho "is qualified-according to-rhe Meaſureof: his Capacity:mnd Fortuhe dothi Tabour to-aup- Menohis Eftate/07Formme,” It imports/alfo; thatthe great'Onhe A9 ' of IS7S> B HENRY\COEBY.* ofhe Naciow fhall beraſhamed.of doing ,Evil;cand-nuirtb-cheiy faces;from wickedriefs, or: doing/injuries/or diſhoneſt' a&jong,$ rhatithe: perſons of Honour of: that Natton [ſhall/do'very welloas ratheaugmenting their-privare Fornine;) ancthar the Principdl onChief; Rulers; wherher Kings, Ptincesy Dukes; Empetours or:ofanyiother Title- wharfocver, ſhall-Jive 'merrily,increate their-private Revenues: boch/1n.Horſe and/alt Solar /Thinps/or Creatures. ButF -fear- this Judgetnent! may not” full yrake! p{ctrſi-*ſſ, in rc,gard of the-Sans poſiuon ; The::Morid's a Qccne of ſmnges, andto be Contantan Natirt were Tnconflancis © The:moſt frx d Bring (EFU; doth move and"fir; -S',wft as:the mngs of Time, *tis meaſsr d bvy. 11 fCowey Of t}ye Suns: Treres7hto-Cancer, *or +t55 : Summr u*artcrſi The Sun ronches-the- firſt; Scruple \of : Cancer this yedt up*m _/mze the tenth, ar 49 min. paſt g aftcr noon'y at whioh mme2y degr.of P7go culmmafcs, and 1:depr-of 9272tary atcends :,tiM Sunand $aturn.arc poſited/in the e'ghth, T7oypitty nearthe-Cuſſp of the' ſeventh, nConjundtion with Mars 4 engs and My rzzm*ctz arecalſo in; Conjunttion it the 1cvcmh Houle, md a}l:2mr the” dzgn Geminjionthe 'Twins, the Mn 18 in the fourth'tn'4772s; ſcſipam- tingfrom-the:Square of Satirn; ancs void of colirfe 1.n 4z Now confidering the:double Conjunitionof 4 Planers 3n thete- vemh iniGenini; *this/argues the Portents.or EfeRsTthercofro be-themore remarxab}c, andin ſome reſpe&ts prodigions::God pitcferye our' rropolſiun Cy from Infurredions, 'or any orbier ietal, Au_ment thisMonth of 74n and: foriever;; for: n-an) are " THeGomilnfiioggfiine.Planets therem, 'as Thave obſcrvedanithe Preeidtiors of the-faid Month, which :muſt certainly-produce vyergiacine Conſultations, worthy the obſervation 'of .the/moft Gurious==which perbaps may not: break cutlmmedmrd}, butr by degzees theach Month-ofthiis Quirter?/-Ir-15 the*Decree:6f God and:Nature, thatwhathoever 15 co*npſ)'ſimdzd eiriier [niatuy- rflivof*Ek-nc nts,: or-artificially:by the Induſtry of Men, 2fhall be-aifloſreds andwhitorver gre weth 'or 'nſ'rſiſi aferh 'ſhall-alfa deeroſcand/ periflhÞ Ferevery L,ſſmg breedeth mn 1t4elfan-Tas reral Sickndſey whnehio therend:dorbrinetatdybring nao cofs z | ruption, Aſtrological Obſervations, 1689. ruption, as Iron and other Metals Ruft,, Corn-and other Fruits a. Wiarm, 'Cloth” aMorchyj Mens- Bodies"'and other Lving Creatures Diſcaſes, whichdeftroy them in the end+ fo Kingdoms, Connmeys cand Commonivedlths ingendet in themſelyes Difor- ders.and Difcord; whichiſvoneror Hater oring. them'toruihe ; $0 that:T,mapconcdude my Judgenient 'on this Quarter, with 1\1]:_@}-})06\.} 16919 ,197 Now:Muſichijnow'd Knel! ſilgtes my Bars;' Dns 9917, AC Nannw we fwem in Wint,” at Night'in Tars J 2quei724 ( Bor, Heavgei gfvesr both by Firns, Tolec men ſee c189Y 21cl7 How. alterablerearthly Pleaſiires e: ['Quarles Of the Suns Ingreſs znto Libra, or the Autumnal Quarter, ; 7\/7831 h commenceth;this year,S*ptembrrthe 12th,29 min. \ pait 9 jn;the morning,at which'time about. 18 deg.of Lio culminates4:and' 5 .deg. 'of the famous Sigh 5:0Ypio aſcends,and fo.the Anglesare all fixed; Szturn is poficed; in the-g houſe, 7«- pzter is mtercepredinthis Detriment.in-the 8th, Mars in Lto,and poſited in.the 9th, Perus and -Mercary 1n the-..11th,. the onein ifirgo andithgatherin Eivr,” both in'their./own.proper Digni- ties..and .dccompanied-withiche 27007; who is very ncar Con- Tncubn withicheSin{as thoſe tharpleaſe'ro'fertheFipure ma y $£6:) \Now Ihoperrhings arc if-a herter compolure 1n rhe. ge- neral,avd:the, peoplesqniads/(moderately well farisfied ; they Hopewell,, and-fo doT.-The'Configuratiotis 'of 'the Planers this Nanth, are; beneyolenc,/and therefore*the more pleafing Overs tures.12; general; Affairs! may. be expetted.” 0fobzr ſeems Full bf, variery,..as to: genetal Accidents;and November is moredan- gerousand: tvaleyolents/God Gire&the Great Counſels and-Con- fulrations of choſe;Noble Worthies of our Nation that now ſteer and,dire@-the,grearAffeairs! thereof .LTii'regard I havemade Obleryations on.each/Month-this year, the lefs may paſsforthe Quarters3and.therefore nothing wore 'need'to be Taid in this Place,, but refer.che Reader' to/ the Monthsthetnſelves, But re- member, that. : 2n UDO? | 2 Riehes art fatr Inticements.to deceine ns, e th vey flatter: while we live, but aying lenukitlss By HENRY.COLEY, : OpY © Of \the Suns Entraucemto:Capricornz orthe Winter Quartef, ſſ7 C. 7'Hich this year,;begins Necember.the:;20thciig amincIpalt \7\ 9 ar. night.z the very,beginning;ef 1izgo aſcends;and 29 deprees, of . Taurns, culminates,,: 'Lhe.Confipurarioris cat the Plancts this Month, are many and matcrial/yzowtieh though ir be a'rime, of. little .or no;Ation\abroady. yer great will be the, Counſels.and Conſultations-of the moſt»a Rive and Heroich Spirits.at home,,,with! notable; Diſputes, and perhaps the_ Dearh of fome Eminent, Perſon. may. conclude! this year, or begin the next, wWlitra mundim ergo eft quits. What to day we prize Above our: Souls, tomorrom: wedeſpiſects 9 # Beneath a Trifle1;, what. in:former trmes .4 We own'd as, Fertity now' weetax ws :Cremess Gnunll Of tbeEclipſes:this-Ytar 1680- "T*Here will be, only. rwo. Eclipſcs. this Year-3and'both of the L. .$42.,.. The; Firlt 1s: celebrated/ Marcbrthe:20th. abourTzs in the_ mornung, .1n..1.,deg..of, Aries his: Exaltarions tUJrwilt be ' great; Fc/39ſe,, and (though in the day; time):bur-very lifite vi6bl> co.,ut, : yer. toral,and.very - conſptcuous'ro/Tuch'as. mljas bir, rhe, Southern, partiof, America, the .!|Holy 1ands, the"Capy of St. YVincents, . &C. .rne., Portents of: :whichy ſo:'muett as* ton- CErns Us, 1 have already.. brictly conſidered/ jn-rhe pr'eceſſdſiiiſſigſi Judgements : Eut Lreter che, Readerro:MroLillys Angtiens for - | this.year,. for a. more, full and;copiousJudgement thercof;/ 019 .The ſecond. E:1ipſe of .che-S1n: falls September'\1 2 Hear'g ar nght; in thebeginning of the,/41uindf@3.ls SightVibrap ButP e- Viſible to us, becauſe, borh,che Lumnariesareſer before thede- fect initiates; burtofuch, as Navipate neat-the'Porof SEPHþY, or near the Mhand ;of Baxano, K0 its will! appearra very-grear E:lipſe, and to fome people may produce as notable E (fo&s;2*" 14 07 : SOVAGIEs Sein; e-zaſſ'll MM 3 2 SA duertifementy/43digh :0[] ſſſi*#}lſi?ȝtſizzy-e_r or Broken- Belliess No'CureNo'M ohey m}f, 1 EX2 3 Months after you be well : Bþttfbrſj}'ztſi[/'};_y/)zct-ſi "7-1)7 h3vthen of all ſorts eafie. None ſueb"nmiade 1 Eripland as theſe are. Found by experience in other Countreys xs twell «r;England, By John; Reve: at the-Bell! 53 | Se, Johifs y Court.near) Clerkenwel. (T_La\(i}sſſMedicinffi; Or a;new and ſbort Method ofPhy - ſick.,, compoſed for all Families, ſhewing the Canſe-of moit Diſeaſes, and ſpeedy way of Cure; alſo how 9 dife Filve the:Stone. Never performed befoxe; by Jereniiah Eqgve, MiDs: Sold by Beni, Billingſly *ar: the” Koyal Exebarge, kwndon; s ' J//e bighly approved and oily true Spirits of Scux- =vey-grals, both Plain and Golden, Famous for theis admirable Cures inthe Scurvey, Droptic, and ſeveral other General Diſtempers, ave exatly and Faithfully prepayed anſold by-the firſt-AnthyrRobert Bateinan;at bis /Mgſe zn PauPs-Chainnezr Poctors-Commons, Londog'wiry Printed' DireCions for theis uſe.” The!Bittles " 11} Feule4 9911/5 Dis"Coat of Arms, TheHalf-Moon"and 'Erntincy” # prevent Counterfeits. Price one Shilling each Batrle) _ C 7 Inetum Britanticum! of: a Treatiſe, of Cider, and F"other Wines 2nd Dronks evtraded from Freits grow- ing inthis Kingdom,, with the Metbod of Probugating all fores of Vinous Femt-Trees,and the Deſeription af the.New lngenio.or Mill for the more expeditions mabing of Cider, And alſo the right rony of making Mctheglin 'and.Birgh- Wine. The fecod. Impreſſon much entarged, To wlyeh # added.g. Dilcourſe, teaching, the, belf, m of. antpriifgh Bees. By . J«W.oxlidges Gents Sold byiÞho. Dringhtc? aguaſt'tmehmmce Ferple-gate; wnd Pho! Burrel 7 thi £ Goldon BHP 54 8 Duviltins*Chardtt' Flect{treet, C eR Horz Orz Mathematica,feu Uravials The Soxt (vf Afffro- logy, 1eonfaining; *]wt Art\in alliat£ Parts, 6n f'u{n; Bnſ']\_ſ By William\S3lmon-Prifaſoncof Plſicks Saldhy Thomas 13 iwksJatthe Blew A4ncbarat the W ſiſt-cpd of St Pauls,.. - IKPOTIA ſi\A >TPON, Or, An ſifir[ſi*[oſizz- cal Vade, Mecum. B 'Jobn Patridge, M:'A® Sola by William Bmmwzch at tf? Szctg.*z 0] th Three Bibles 77 L udgate-lireet, \ Uckworth's Lozenges 3 famous'in all-Dije ctflu* indi- dent 40 the Enngs *+ Alſo a arcat Preſervative agdiaſt atf cont agious D'lſ(*m])ſi/'ſct are now more faithfuliy;and exatily, prepared. than ſince the 4mthor's Dſſea/%ſſ By Jamcs Shipton, Apothecary, at. the CGrown. an Hattop- Garden, who. only, as atlomed. and. recommended. by the Co'lm'f'c of Phyſtcians, London, to.frepare.the ſamr- $i Tend SIucſſ the Death--of \the.-F amoits.Dr. Loſikȝ er; hisVnic f werſal, P 1 L Ls fo bichly (uceeſsfal-in; tbſi Crerel. of Agues, Fevers, brophe Sſiurvcy Green-fickneſs, Gara+ vel, and all Pains,and Weakneſs, mohetber anternal.\or\exxt tmml, is-prepared. and ſuld by.4iis Nephemw Mre Watss at S:. Thomas's, Southwark, and Mr. Fyge Apathecary' without Bil hopſhatſi, London., his: Truſtees for the ſarte- —— C CL En_S -—-—-____,__- Yp oiidi Stience? MA matiidl Prafeſſed'and Taught by the Authir BENRY COLEY, Philoniath. 'at his (" Houfe 1n Baldwins Court over "aparnſff the Old Hole "wWthe'Wall 2 Baldwins Gardens near Gray's lnne-ſi Lane. | ARITHYME-/ Whole Numbers and Vulgar Frad&ions... ” T-HCK7 I% Decimals,.and byVulgar Log.znfhr ſi' GEOM®-/r The Ridimencs thereofalforhic Demonfl ari00.49G> T.AY 11 Praghice, Acorging ts, the beſt Authers: e” AZ*TROWMY Bn Cealeſtial, and ] The uſe of the Globes \ Terreſirial, l - To project the Sphere M Plzng to any Latitude , ſeveral wayes. To calculate the Longitude NOMY. * }| and Latitude of the Planets, with their De- ! clination and Aſtenſion. Alſo the true Time, 1 Quantity, and Duration -of Ec1ipſesof the L Luminaries for any time paſt or to come. fOr the Dodrine and Calcu- F Plain and { lation of Triangles, both— \ Spherical. l TRIGONO- , : "Geometry. METRY. +< Wirth the Application of the ] Aſtronomy, ſi I ſeveral Caſes thereof in the$ Geography. moſt uſeful Queſtions in—— | Navigation. {Dyalling,&c, _ NAVTI- rIn either of the three? .& TPlane and) GATI-2 principal kindes of > - < Mercatm*s S Chart ON. '{ Sayling, viz.——; Z Great Circle. \ Geomerrical'y? ©The Seor and other'conveni- fgct% Inſ_irumex}tallz Sby< entScales, ” ,CArithmetically ; _The Logarithms, Sines & Tang. "Several ready ways to meaſure a Plot, and divide : ! Land, &c. alfo the raking of Alritudes, Profun- SURVEY- , dities, Diſtances, &c.. Together with: the Men- ING 7 furation of ail matmer of Supcrficies, 2s Boards, i Glats, and Pavement;' alfo of Solids, viz. Tim- C ber, Stone, &c. Regular and Irregular. To find the juſt quantity of Viquor in any Cack, GAGING wherher Full- or parily-Empiy.-Alſo the con- | \..tentor} ſolidiry of- Brewers:Veſicls, &c. Tuns, Coppers, Backs, Coolers, &c. : In all its Parrs, and according to the beſt Authors, ASTRO' R oat 2 D - B 2 ” , pH with feveral Yariertes therem, not known to. Eve- LOGY f | xy Profetlor. Non nob#s nats ſumus itryrormanm mn VERF HN SOSTITERLY— arAten” ESoEDY 0 res 05 R Aint OtlgS's Facr 15 kept on St. Giles's, Hullnear Wins & Tepelter in Hampſhirestve fixit of Septemiber is zhe chiefeſt dajiand theKve ts for Shrep and Fat Cattel, PT B M s - ”