T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* Hffio%o% 050803-0503 030303 g , OB AN” For the,* w+# With"AſtrologzealTudgments pon the (cyerai Eclipſes, Poſitions, and Configctrct;— tions.of Heaven happening therein.. » Being the.. .1:12 " Or Leap-year;: Andfromth&CR E A-TLON, of the WORLD 562_9 YEars? 1119s You Hhave a pcrſect and brief Account-of the moſtmatertal® Matters' *and Tnings in-. tended by the Heavens to.be manitciied in the. WORLD. in;the.ſame SEA R. & &d Student..in; Aftrogoly, - Maxima-pars. eorum que ſormusr;eft 10nnma parreormmqQue wefcimu. London, Printcd by w for the 50>50» WZQ%GSDSGSOSGZOSOZÞZÞ%-@ZGZÞZÞZQZQZÞ QSVBQ% o@os% <620%; 0%0%0 MW%%ÞWÞWWWW%WMWWWWW%M $0> Aſtrologia eZt pars Uraneſcopie ex- plicans rationem res fuluras ex Aitris precognoſcendi, quatenus Aftra « Deo ſunt condita & poſita ſigna rerum humas« zarum. Alſtedius Method. Admirand. Mathemat. Jib. 5, pag. 264- / | - T O-THE READER: OU have here ſome Obſervations upon the year 1680.. the year it ſelf is Leap- year _— God Almighty grant it may be @ year of Peace and Tranquility unto all Chriſten- dom. | There doth happen in this year ſome very confiderable Contigurations of Heaven, whic if they be of a propitious Natare unto Man- kind, it will be well, —+ Aſira agunt, non cogunt, The Stars have preat Tufluence npon Humane Afffairs, as many Wiſe men conceive ; but God rules the Stars, and diſpoſeth of all Things as he pleaſeth. -—— God preſerve England, Scot- land, and Ireland, 'in peace and unity 3 that we may all live in the fear of God, in humble Obedience to the King, and Brotherly Charity one to azother, Amen. ſſ Radwinter, near William Andrews, Saffron-Walden in Eſſex, ' OR, ,Cſiom-mcm Notes for this preſent Year 16$0o. according to both Accounts, viz. Fulian and Grectgorictſim 9. 9 9 9 3 9 Epact.ſſ 29 21 Number of 'Dire&ion. 24 The uſe of the Two enſuing Tide-Tables, l f TO find the time of Full Sca, or High-water in any of rhoſe places mentioned in the two enſuing Tide-Tables, you muſt obſerve, Firſt the Age of the Von, which you may cafily find in the nex:t follow. ing Table, wherein ycu have the Moons Ape every Eay throughont this year 1680. And having therein fourd onr the Moons Age, accordivg to the dire&i- ons menrioned for that purpoſe, in the fide of the ſaid Tables, Then have recourſe unto the ſajd Tide- Tatles, and lock for the place defired, in the Head of rhe ſaid Tables, with the Age of the Moon, in the Colvmn under the Title of The Moons Age, and inthe common Angle, or mecting of the Lines, in the Co- lumn under your place, you ſhall have the time of Righ-water in Hours and Minvutes, Yer Nerz, that the Tides do not always fall our exadly at rhe time feund in theſe Tables, by reaſon of the difference of the Meons Latitnde, high Winds, Lard flouds, &c, which &0 very offen alter the time z yet this is the exaQeft Rule thar can be given for the fnding of them. A A C eS. PTm IEIEe DA ALl D eA ; R = SIGEILIISPIT |JATABLE of the Moons Age every day throvgh- our this year 1680, whereby, with the help of the enſuing Tide-Tables, the r1me of High-warer and. full Tide may he found inthoſe places thete Inſerte —A February. -jauu.;ry._ .-. O_} 4 Þo 5 December. 5 March ; {APru, May &10 =[ j gu!'lzn i3]\ 4[i5[16{18}119j20 21[z1 2 1516\7 8*0 uilz123]2; [4/35}16} 719 o*lzz—z' 617 i6]- 9 2112223 24[24| 6\15)16) &| 5 18]15]20/21 23124 25|15 7116117]1e118 1912C2112 v42$162.6 $\19|18]17}19 29]21[:224|u5j26 27|29 9 I84l9 IS$]12 |21 22 L32( 26 2.738 181 1019'20-19 21]'2 zſſ :42627/28 25129 FEII20{2 10 20 22 , ;l17*28z93oȝo 21]z22j2 123124\25'26/28/2 I 13]22j1 3.22124 5261729 | 14[231-4'25525|26/27 2830 \52425þ.4 26127128 29} 15[2625]19128j2g, 1 (7:617{1618 29] I} - I 2 d __\(_)U\I O\Vc.þw f ) It \\ } :%z; 1 M f fc 0: 1'S) j } ſſſſ lſſſi'ct [ An W. D w= ON QOnanhR w w re 09 QOna Þ w H g 9 10,10 8%50]0!! ink : 9,41|TL12 12 4 lO]_)]Z\Ȝl* 5 9.1c (151\34—-1414 6 8:o[ul:14:!415!5' 71 of O[18112 'zlglmdlb 8 C (6 D GAn w n le is cahie to be underſiood, for find-the Moath defired in Q - þÞ w H Ha a B ww b 7\ $] p_ \N 00 wÞSWw w k thi-s Ta 10[10[z2[1:]18/11611647 19 11 \3ſſ141517 1719 18 [L2[i12]14 15116(18;18-16] 9 [1i ln 16 17ſſ-—-!$--2q, the H:ad of the Table, and the Day thereof in the firit Column, under the Title Days, apd in the common mceting of the Lines, you ſhall have thc| * Moons Age, &c. | Thc uſe'o WJ " s - - —__ < w ——— ABLE, amp—' p » lctflc of | wight, SPit, dunkirk, 6 zemouth, d Lorbay, Uowse h WRE lackne mourk, Amfterdam, Holms of Bri- 110, Lde' 4 ondon, Tin h, Newcaſties HumFer, Y Weymoud\: 1f Tide, Thaner, » ſtony Head- Lizar' Lyn, Aniwerps zurk, doyer, Har- | hn de Luce, Bullen | , Fonlnel(3, cilly amkins rclepool, Am Whirbey, brirain, Beachy, Kencith kneck. a Quinborowgh, Sour con,-porrimout Graveſend, Rumney , Galſcoign, Galicia» Falmouth, &a Gfltnſty, Foy, St» Ma Hull, s, dflVidS) ftol, 8 ma Yarmo wich, Calice Road, 5n ]tſihe Frir > at the ftarts Jt z - *.--1H SC. 8. 'S wvy - - 2 &,. 0 mm O© M *A w »H W. A P maywWw - wu B © N A X{Plimouh © - - 92 Þþ | 2 Qo b JW .c0! &R ilriftol f= w H W m awwy E\V QN 4AMmaebw w,.w © m d k P 43 #4 15 6 5f6 - -& S MN 1 r w4 W W. NGD -WumnHpvO O joet”. ons.!. Jout , _qo\om\l 6 Qumbwiph t =_— N WAn ND m ( #=s - Ug A LN The refidue of the Tide-TABLE, 16580s |S S. l ggl 3 |[=E2 | | > Y | EF, [V B8] 82 |ES ['@.- ©o 5 ;55 | BSS | SgOE] 8 - JSER H3 033"552 ©S 5 | 6aP ;@._'gfiz ſi:ff;'*a G B S. C 35 | 85 | PR EODY > BEY SEE P3 SYBE 'ctſi—ſſſi:g "Z-Y'E'B]-YEFE PR REEHEEFHE U]3 M Mjh djo M [d,M [HoamÞja. - : 31 3313 343 1f[4+33]9. 3qt : 5ifrt 2113 $g19 6521{9 51 2 2|© 39Þ »14 39[9--54[5. 9|10 393 e» 27 $715 27Jro -4+[2 F7| 11 27 |3 þ; x5]r 4516-251414.3917 4$10O If5 [4 e[4*; 3]2 33[7 3P-48]3 -33]1-- 3 24 54 Þ 27 :g51jfce 619 20 1 51 16 85 39[4 913 39]1 54[19--9|2 3917 9ff 27}4 $57j9 27|> :42jl6 573 3717 Icl7- 1515 45Þro 15 13 3*[I1 45|4 25 [8 133 .315 .33jt 3j4-:18]9 33{5 319 I;13 grj7. 21|ir g1]5-- 60 21|5 FLja” 1:1; -39]3 9ſo 39]5 $4j12 g$16 39|i1 Igjio 27138 $711 275 -42]2 - $7|7 27 11 | Igfil 159 45[2 15/7 30f$ 45|8 15 j i6o 519 33}3 3|8 18]4 33|9: 31 j 1-13 g1|(1 21[3+ $1497- 6]S+ 21|g9 30 L' 18|t --39ſs 94 3919- $416. - 9110 39B 17 Icſ2 27Þ $715 27|40.4216 57:| 11 273 l l; [2<|3 I5|L 45j9 151|11.30|7 45|@ 15j4 y |2314- £:3421133-57 +- --349:1:.1843 -33j 1---315 ſii 22j4 $1,13:"21j7- Fijt ; 613 21n 56 | þ 2315 39]4 98 39]: 54j © 9|2 39]7 1 24]5 27]4 $71]9' 27,2 42]:0 57]/3 27 |7 | 2417 Is|5 4510 513 :30[i1 45|4>1518 \ 26]8. 35 -33|11\ 3/4 .18{0 -3315 - 32 213 51]7 31i]in 5ily 6jet 21 Fifio 219 39j3 9j9. 3915- 54ſz 916 39 acht0 273 '57[1, 27]16 42[2 57/7 27|iT 2c) 1 159: 45: 1517--30}2 -4518. 51z 1580. the 5 day, 9 min. paſt 1oar nighſic. Laſt quarter the 13 day, 6 min. paſt 9 ar nighe, the 21 day, 2 min, paſt c afrernoon, - Eirſt quarter the 28 day, 20 min paſt » morning, Z{ £ Feitival days,& O | Þ Planets mutual S. & chang of weath.| v : _Aſpedts, "1] aNew-years day [z1 n9ſz3 - 57 F Scat.ad Retro, '2| bh Cold and ſharp [22 '20j8 4X2? 5 4.p. ' :|.e weather, &c. [|33 24j>2 - 10 Sup riſeth 8.4. 4 2 S,afrer Chriſt,44 25 S 9myea.p, 5|£ | 25 24/19* 55 Sun icts 3.58, 6\-f ſſ 36 25]3 26 . 78 High winds jn 17 24Þ6 36 d@ 93 5,p, | 8] 4 good earneſt'; a}28 27129. 28 9| b windy weeks thelag 22lifsg FJY 5 8.m, io| £weather unſetied ox30]4 I3 dO$g.m, 11 Sun, aftcrEp/r 3']9 213 MOY r1, p. 12|P 2-- 32 18 - d 173 12|f Not much changeſy 33[:9 50 Y Apogzon. { 14\ N of weather in |4 34|lM3s Sunriſeths 48. '5[A this week, Ta- 15 '35123 31 Snn ſets 4. 14. 16| by t9er ſeaſonable |6 - 3&8. 4 57 17{.6 fhan otherwiſe, 79 25188 1 18 [z Sun. after Ep.\8 28[ v* 44 ſi 19] 8 Indifferent good l9 24| 3 5o XHWÞ 9.P. z f weather at this [1o 4cſu7 18 21| A 2ame alſo. (Þ:4'f[14 &8 2z\A 2 42j25 13] & El:max, 4© 24|b 13 4:19 X 29, J Scar, ad Dir. zal C 14 gaſtz 50 25 '5.45}1S Y 12] YY, «|e 16 46[:2 54 Y Pcrigzon. 7 f Much [now, 6r 19 47|5/ & 42| Sun tiſeth 7.25, 2& Himer and cold '|\$ qa*j:o 45|Phe g. P: 2<| 4 weather at hand\19 at{4. 42|Sun ſets 4. 38, ; ; 20 4fji8 30] AYP o. Faſt.jza1 qctz & 1c ———— 34}C E6800 THc Confiſigflraizam of Heaven at this time, are of Importance : and. do ſorcſhew that Matters and Things, in fome parts oſ the World, now ftand in ſomewhar a dubiogs politure. In this month the Afffairs of ſome Countrics are pretty highly carried on, and fome Warlike bulineſſes ſeem to be in Agita» tion, — Much News, and many various Re- ports, touching ſome Nations Tranſactions. The Merchant ſuffers detriment at Sca by high winds, and Ships at Seca are in danger of Shipwrack. Poland much hinted at. Sundry Rumours ſrom the North, North-eaſt, and Weftern parts, @c. —— Poland, Rufflz, Ire-, land, Tartaria, Meſcovia, the Blſhop of Mun., ſters Dominions,- the Switzers Countries, Sweden, and ſundry other places, now con- cerned by the tignifications of the Stars, Notwithitanding the ſeeming uncertain poli- cure of Arairs in ſome places, the prefent condition of ſame Nations, is better than re- ported 3..and the gencrality of People, feem jaclined to Peace and Amity : Though ſome twarmuring, replning, and unquiet Spirits, are labouring otherwiſe, — The weather, for the moſt part, will be fharp, frofly, and windy. Expedta very great wind, in the ſecond week of this month; and ſbuxv,orſnuch\v:r,aboutthcxnon:hscnd, ) 7 tke 4 day, 4 minutes P'ſilff. 2 afternoon. D TTET C TET iSEE el an eBn emn ne ITn n e EG ca I6%N0, Laſt quarter the 12 day, 1 minure paſt 4 afrernoon : rhe 20 day, at1 in the morning. *Firſt quarter the :6 day, 39 mid. paſt 2 afrernoon. SiFeftival days, &| © I jelancrs mutual Sgichange of weat.| &5 Aſpedts, m | Cn —nennaem. | emn B > 4 Sun. afrer Ep-jz2 5cj15 4: jSun rifeth 7.16 £ 23 $1[29 1|cunſets 4. 46, f Perhaps ſome 24 5'[l«AE|GOG 5: P. Biclaps of thundergſas: 5:[25 1 fA zſiamz'prett)f warm|26 5217 M 33|5 Eloſing max b this weeks 27 .53j19 SG (1© : 28 53]% = $|Y Apogzon. 8 19 5aſt4 P. 9 £:;Somewhat cool - 0 2459126 1|IYG 13 P. | I 2 3 4 5 6 JV et 4 1o.f'and uncertein....t $517 Ma48[AFO o. 11 weather. 2 5:1:9 - 37]Sunriſerh 6, $6. 12 ) | 3 '$511 © 31 AÞFSsS.m. \3;!}3 *14 5 |'3- 3«Funſets 5, 8. 14 £,Valcntine, s $6125 $7Þk%© 13 p. X 244ſ5 553 VP 35 ts, P Pery cold wea- |7 $7121 4: I7; f ther at this time _ 6 18 R ans 7n this weehlg 5li9. KYR ST p. 19 ſuitable for 'this\to 551; # 36]Sunriſerh 6 40. 29 : time of the year. [r.t -57118 17 ©o wn =I \St + uſ ) 21/C £2.593 Y 5[Þ2s.. 2 13 5-117 F2{hStarad dircs. 4 RrY 2 F& 36]Y Perig, 24/f xf.5"[47- 9 Faſt, 25 E:{af 6 5/|1 IL 25 26/F Indrferent good|17 57115 25 2|.g weather 1ow ® 5:| 9 244Ah7 n3.p. 81 20 :9 $7113 D33 {1'Sund. 1n Leni{20 ficulties attend ſome People North- ward, and. North-eaft from England: Anda month of much buſinefs. Many Trea- ties on foot : New Leagues at hand. Provi- dence now \{miles, on fome Countries under Taurus and Piſces, - Good news from Ire- land : where things ſeem to be in a comfor- table condition. The Polander ſucceſstul. The Hollander buſie in his 'Affeirs : Sundry Ships arrive, td the ſatisfa&tion and benetit of the Merchant 3 and good News from Sea, The whole A&ions of this month, will be ſmoothly managed : However , the unruly Tartar may prove troubleſom to his Neigh- boars. - Some Battel, or Skirmiſh, wherein the Muſcovite, Tartar, or Swede, may be con- cerned, Many' things under Confideration about Sea-affairs, and Naval preparations at hand, News from Holland and Portugads Mars now paſſeth out of Aquarizs into Piſces, and Satura hecomes direct in Motion, =— The weather will be ſeafonable moſt. part of this month;. and agrecable to this time of the year, 1680. the 5 day, > PEISLLI 42 min. paſt « morning. Laft quarter the 12 day, 58 min. paſt 9 morning. the zo0 day, 23 min. paſt Ilo Morging Firſt quarter the 26 davy. 29 min paſt 11 art night. = 2 reltival aays,& & Fianets mutual 3{ - 75 AſpeRs 568 43|Sun rilerh6, 19, 2 56!2.1 26/[1Þ 2 8.m, ; $6$3 WM57XKYV9 16.p. a\ f [Prety good wea-[:4 55'16 18: Sun (ets 5+ 47. 51A jther in this 5 $5]-8 5O 61 þ [werb 26 $410232] YN. 7/%12 Sund. in Lentſ-7 54122 27| J Apogeon, $1D :8. 53j4 M:o 91 E [Perhaps ſnow, [29 53116 B 1o]k leold, wet and [>T $2129 59 18 .r_(ea/ouable t $21/9-£ $51QOh 7.p. 12\&iwtather at of [v F1[22 l!ffr}ſſ**m I,'blavout this timel; $04 V 7, Sun riſerh 5.53- T,jj: Sund, in Lexrſ4 gojI6 59 Sun ſers 6. g. 1;/d Stormy, fleety,& 499 S8B Bhy m l«# |rold uncertain 5 4g8|13825 lnjf weather ftill 7 4747 30 8) P [continues, &c, 3 q6t1 K42 19 9 4516 27 DV. P. z(j b {indy weather, [10 44|11}"29 @ FEclipſed. 21ſ% {Mid-lent Sund, [1 1 43126 38|] AHP i5.P» 2:\d{#nconftantans 11 42 11 ©46|[JhF4 10.M, i23]£ iwet weath. nowj13 41126 41 I Pcrigzon. 24]f ja!ſo, &e. Faſt.|114 4 HUlGſſ. 125 8 15 3917 30 *:6' a 16 389 16'Sun riferh g 26 2>lh - b7 3-'22 41, Sun fers 6, 28/&{5 Sund, jn Lenc.|: 8 35 5 51 44ſſ 29\ d 19 3 z3<| e JPrety ſeaſonzhieizo 3..3 "{ SGi L f weather, eD ooe eer te—ereeee—reeeyeps _i$XHY6 m. gzlz 1680. PEOple in fome places not fatisfed. Ku- mours of War, or Commotions, in the Northern and Eaftern parts. Controverfics in ſome Countries not far off: and littic &d-- Iity amongſt ſome men 3 betng ready ro qua: rel one with another, Some Natiohs lcen; inclined unto War and Contention ; and falſe Reports, and lying Pamphlets are ſpread abroad, by perverſe and unquiet perſons, thovgh to their own juſt detriment. The Stars are not very ſercnely diſpoſed now, for here is a Quartile of Sol, Mercury, and Mars, with the cavious Planet Sarzrry, which are.of an unpleaſant ſignification. Befides, in this month, there is a great Eclipſe of the $* in Aries, and though ſcarce vitible in England, yet it's worthy of confideration. —. Piracics and Storms at Sea, and Robbing at Land. Sea Negotiations much talk'd of. Some Countries are not fo well ſettled, as might be wiſhed : and croſs and unruly paſſages, may attend ſome place or places, lying towards the before-mentioned parcs of the World, A dubious and unſettled Spring draws nigh, not very acceptable to the Farmer, Much cold and wet weather, very often in this month, the 3 day, 28 min. paft 11 at night, Laſt quarterthe 1.1 day, 57 min. paſt midnight, the 18 day, 20 min. paſt 6 afternoon.| Firft quarter the 25 day, 28 min, paſt 1 afternoon.| — [ | S | = ct_EkFc*'ſtival days, &| © I - |Papers murual | & S change of wear.| \* iy Aſpe&s _—_— C e r rr nr r mn ONn ————_——_—— em 1 5uiravle wea |22 3o[zs 20)Suntiferh 5.14; 2 B : her for the time[23 29/7 : 20>k29 4.p. 3ſſ'ib of the year. 24 27]19 15/332. Sun\.6,50 4 25 26j1 M 7Y Apogzon, 5 D\1ndifferent good |26 24112 5 6 B'ſweatber alſo at jx9 23124 51 7, C [this time, 28 21/6 £ 46 8 £ Stormy, &c, [:9 20.18 4B[dÞ 76m - f oF18o 58 jlo, Faſt, |x 16|13 20 ; ctlxj 2 1g|25 $57Sun rſeth 4.g6, 123d 3 13j8 x2 52Smn lets 7.8, "3 C 4 1122 10XK©h o, 14 \Gord weath. till's' 95 KS54j - \I5| Bithis weeks end,\'s 70 65 Elong. max. 16|A tþen ftormy,cold7 614 V 42\Þ'9- (20 17| b|and wet, 8 419 4218Sh9 4.p. 18 4 9 2/4 S© 54\Y Perigzon, I9/D [#nconflant wea-1o of20 11 20\ B |ther 19w, ſtormy1o e85 l 20 21 £ 'ſomewhat. cosl, |11 563 © 13 22/S I2 54/4 5 41 23/T | 13 $2118 goſSunrifeth 4 32. [24 B 114 49/2 $, 10jSun fſets 7. 30. 5 I5 47j15 1 * 26| ® \Moderate Wea- ct;Z ZZ'W ;Z 27|L |ther. now, 17 43|1oRpr gjJÞ Stat, ad Re- 28\f 18 41122 22 ( trog, 29 19 38/4 2 20 sg@l& 20 36[16 I3 1 | Couaanes—— 1680. Atters of Conſequence now appear in ſome Countries of Exvrope. An active time, Where Armies are on foot, fome con- fiderable Adcion happens, Sea-rmen alſo arc imployed more than formerly : And ſome Nations are ſetting out Fleets to Sea- Leagues formerly made, are_not very well kept, but are ſubje&& unto; Alteration about theſe times. Some Countries affe@Fions, be- ing not very firm unto one another. Sorge Battel hath either lately happened, or may be feared to be near at hand. Sca-AGion be- twixt the Turk and Venetian, Dilturbances and Mutinies , in Conftantinople, ana the Turks Dominions, &c. That City will be now ſenfſible of ſome ſudden Caſualty. Some Countries and Cities feem alarm'd, and the preſent face of things in ſome places, look buc dubiouſly, Some raſh and unpleafant de- figns on foot amongſt ſome people. This months effe&s hath relation unto Germany, Denmark, France, Sweden , England, Scot-. land, Venice, Hollend, Zealand, and United Provinces, &C, mom=e Pretty good weather now and then in this month, Cold and wet weather about theend of Eofter week, &, 7 U ru n we ATN l F.18 l | L the 3 day, 12. min. paſt 3 afternoon, Laſt quarter the 11 day, 48 min. paft 11 forenoon the 18 day, 53 min. paſt 1 morning Firſt quarter the 25 day, 2 min. paſt 2 morning, g'g't*'cſtiva days, &- ® Þ jYlaners mucyail & xyichange of wear,| 5 | _= Aſpedts. 1"5'* j21 34 26 2 SAp_ogz:on. }| 2 S. after Eaſter|22 32/9 M 53|Sun riſerh 4.19 21 D jwarm anziplca-ſſg 29]21 47 SYO1m, ale |/ant weather, 124 27j3 £ 46/Sun ſers 7. 46. 5'f [perbaps ſome |*5 24j15 'so KXhd 15 P. 6| A |thynder. 126 22128 1 7 a [Windy and un- 27 20j10\Ww21/GOYP 4 P. 81 þ [conftant weath, 128 I7122, 51 . 9 ©14 S. after Eaſter/29 15]5 22 34 10 (OI[U 18 31 11 £ |Windy again, &'t 91 K44 & o, 1.21f |/omewhat un- |> 7j15 19gjSun ricth 4, $, 13jg |/etied weather, 3 4j29 15[Sun ſets 7. 58, V4| ajtormy, &c. ' .3.13736| J09. Isþ + $9]28 18/Xh@? o. 16| &15 S, after Eaſter's $57/x3 519 rerigzon. 17|d|Indifferent goodi's 54128 28 18 B |weather now.” (7 $11131T137 i1g/f Faſt,® 49/28 33 i20| 0 9 46113S7 i21| g |Seaſonable weas|10 43j27 15\9 Stat, ad 22 þ [ther till, i1 40j1oQg2| , (dire, !zgf 65 S. after Eaſter|12 38]23 39 24d 13 3516 NP 42/Sun riſerh 2.49. 25' 8 |[hnraer and I4 32,19 2{Sun ſets 8. 12, ſi:dif tormy weatber |15 29]1 2 6|Þ R. 127\ 4 ['1 this weeh ,&116 27]13 11dg 9 o. ;28 g [Part of the next. 17 24/24 4ol }29'5 (8 21'6 N 33/Y Apegzon, YO lſſ? 18 30 2 3r-D] \o 15/6/2 37 Rn m eeE eur ed R EI DAB IN D ENE AT em \He grand AQions cf this Month ſi-zctſiſiſi_omſi 'ſſſſ—'.' mn what uncertain, Mcns mivds ave varia abie 'and unconflant, and if the preſcnt TranſaQions and Intentions oſſomcſiNctr.*m and Peogle be now quiet and pcaceabk:, it will be well, fl\c Confi- gurctztmn: of the Stars are of a pretty mild n arure Here is a Conjwrrction of the Sx1t and jzſi zer, of Mercary and the Su7, and of Venus aud Mais.—— Sorne News (ti1] abroad of the vmriou5 concerbRaf ſome Septentrional Countries, and alfo of the Low Countries atfai s. Treland, Plaud, Lorrain, &e, enjoy a moderate. tiie, nuzwnxhzzctmffi g al1 fears and varieus reports, Fe." * However Mars now enters Towras, and it's probablc th. £ many_mate- riat things way in this Mon!h bc-either aGed or under contideration in thofſe Countries z -and the publick Dcfigns and N+otiations of diversof thoſe places, mcmiones | nſſ e48 1} 2 lail Pxct'os*ſithſig fecm now carnetily and vacioufly difcoutfed of. Moderate wea cnſir tor the moti mrz of tH] Month, perhzps Thunder and Lightaing 2 zbout the beginning, middle,. 2nd end vi the fanres m__— m e GerIrenetennrenrece ncrereeenereeenene the 2 day'16 minutes paſt 6 moriiing. Laſt Quarter the 9 day 23 minutespalt 7 afternoon, the 16 day 34 minutes paſt 9 morning, Firſt Quarter,the 23 day 20 win. paſt 6 afternoon, =|A|Feſtival days,and; © y \Planets mutua & !:: changeof weath.] H 2: Aſpe&s. I\e hitTueſday. 21 12]12 31]PElon.ma®, : 22 10[24 479 Q 5 o. ; ſſ Tindy, unconftant.|23 77 W12|d V 24.p. d 1 {{/}-rmy,and tempe= [24 a4{i9 48 CY &Þ 15, e00 Wweather, |25 12 2231|Sun rif 3, 41, - J; g 25 5$|i5 28\Sunſets,8, 19; , 26 29 5 g %gflmmſer and light.\27 Z*Sxll)(ZS } ining 11 this week, 28 goj25 28 | 1@& 29 9 Vi6dVg7.. | 13 47 'O 5_54::, 21 Þ Perfg [ 12 þj *L.z]mled weather, '1 4(:57 546l 7 9.m, | i2 43i3 Wct-*——ct}l O It t n N mn3 eA Rn eAT eP P AA SARn 49 P * Nm on I2 i $11nd. afrer Tri. 37122 24 4 '5]3 3 35/7 Fi2Sun rif. 3, 48, I5\ : ? '4 22{42=<-.4 *Sun ſets $, lQ\ 16 fſilnd:j]efem goedls, 2916 $48 f - ,weu:bzr in thi46 27/20 17 Z * fl' i m | 54 j ;10 Pſi $1nd.after Tri.j9 I7;2 Wpil Z 27 D Fet & coo! weather 10 14114 55 E 22| 5 (at hand,if notmuch|1l 11127 18 ſ 3 L; Thunctler,&c(Faſt 12 8\g e23 d@hep, | '24 13 FjzI 163\311\11 3. 44« 25 g Hgſt)-ſtonncaf ha t}ſlqſſ 2;:}2Ms5 Sun fers, 8, I5, ( 'z(, ſiſi and rain,cool, &C.114 59 14 55] I Apog. !2.7 ) 3 Sung, ſſ\ftcr Tri.jr5 56126 46 i;ſi,g, zmm_yſt:ct 211116 5$3i8 Z47 S H v 12.p, {.- 1D D 129 1 FOj2O JY9 olf | 4 | [Upitey js gone out of Tauris and'is come into Geminz, ard there is no lefs than feven Con- jundions oi the Planets now ; One of them in Tawrus, four in Gemini, and two in Cancer; all of yery confiderable hgx !Hcations. , An cminent Clty or i'woin theſc parrs &t the W.zsctld concerned how, likewiſe Flanders, Brabant | and szzm[b Nctbſirlanact'ſſſ wheze at \nſſ, fire mwu c} bufinel(s is in agitation———T h-ngſſſi oft iir poriance debated on, Great Councils and Confultations on foor, Embaſſidors empioyecd, pew Laws, Conllituti- ons, Leagues, ana Ticaties, &c, are Cif.h@r clta - bliſhed or unde contideration z Yarions Affions appear, but of what Kind time will 56 diſcover, « & &- -5ome people are for War others for Peace : However endeavours arc Promoted to Reccniile differenccs, and thoſe {L,rrzſ..ſzy ur:Quict appear now pcac-ſiab]y difpoled. Maftcrs of conſequence Nor' bward, ae now manitcited, and Holland. Zea - land, Lerm* Amſterdam, Conit tamtizople, and the Iurkſ Pominiogs allp now:s are Concerned, Sud- den Fires in, fome place or places, or damage by Thunder and Lightnifig. A time of goud Tras dmm the \icſſchants ard Citizens of Loadoz thrive and proſper : May that City be free from all Di- ftempcrs and Cafaaities now and ever, —- Tem- pettuous. Windy, and unconfiant Weather often in this Month, violent Storms or much wert in Midiumimer Weck, and at the Yonths end. B 2 jaly R eog the 1 dctzy 25 minutes paſt 7 afternoon. — *Eaſt quarter, the 8 day 18 mioutes paſt midmphr, | rbe I5 day 42 midutes paſt 6 afrcre ounh ? Ficſt quarter, the 23 day 15 m.nutes paſt 11 bufore noon, 5 tet da 20 nnm 5 n0alt 7 morring, ſir A FMY.W al days and & I : j|Ohaaets mutu- &'& chang@of weath.| S ſ v [al Aſpcctz, 'ZS $0%M, « ſr: & ha 19 45|16 z | 4 {Viſter of B.V.Maryſ:!© 42/28 55 : U W.ſſnſily w:'t weath.|2l 3912&9 1{Sunfkes, y, $, 19.3tter Tri 22 36/25 17 D 23 33/8 K44 £ l r 5 Affore coo! forms,orl:4 3ol2 mruch 2wt weather, 25 2815 about the lattey em'l!5 25119 , ;, I 2 l 4.- | j2! z | |'Otlof this week , if nſſſitl-7* 22 L ['I{flmdflo-—-—- 28 19 5 $111d.after Tri: H QA +Þ » I% - U[Onconf.int awea- $| 14 ( : ?_ Etberſt-' l continaes .%l LifT % L i : &5 8;15 25\Sunfets,7,5 4. | %ſſ;(ſſ. Swithin. B,W. «i3 5529 : 37\ | 7 Pretty gagd wwea u—f- 3/13S$}29] [ #ber, 8 thjc rime, ©l26 581 ;Y.6 Sund.after ſx**\' 55 /1oW 5| | (ahſſ' BE ict 5--2?22 4. . g Sm*ſanſſ:þ e Weatby r7 52/5 52 !g: Þ $3; : lihx*)% Z__ i$ 4_7557 24 ! Iſſz 47/29 17%"5 _ſict*.j,:ogſi z " 139 " 44{00M} 5SIRY 1a.p.! ſii FaRkyHn” 12 "54\X& V 5p._þ T 35 247 | = Ygſſ AFoa”r3t* and good g*ct? 34,29 2jSunrif. 4. 25.| = wanger for the migght5 33 11%933)Sunſets,”, 33| p:n 0/ Zrctſiſ! ÞU;E Zib ;1'\,' 4 23) ! d Ly wpt _____ 149 24/20 55 54 Þ 17 P. ] uL Y 'S Obſcrvat.ors 1690. 'Heprelent tharc avd L_,ondluon_ of thete time: is pretty calm and modfl'are and the .ſiztazct.ſſs in thnjs Month arein an jndifferent {crrnc pobtiture, -Things formerly (ſſihm! ed of do_ now ſhew ctforſh themfetves, fundry difcourſes about Sea Ne gotiztions, In.(.il*gſ*r('f from the NNorth of fuz*zſict-ff: varuy \aſſzgfs the moiion of Armics, &7 = Some confiderable Ships and Fleeis at Seain Be> twint the Tark and Veaetian lometi; zz g of remark now happens, 'The Prurch-are full of, ſ.:fflſſmi* Rus mors and Reports from Scrrland, ave uſi_:zſi—ctd:vuſſ, ther pl accſſ under Cancer. Mars now entcis that 4 fgn, anc ! :5 hatt tobe in Conjendion with Sa. f1r99 Hſi:zſiw vhich he accomplit theth the rext Montn, O ._I ofluence will nave mactirelation unto the Tſ nfac hſmc of tm-?u 6 JaCue H noer that ConfteFation both at Sea and Land, Mary fobzr n)g iheir z-ct-fſſzſiſſ-ſſ p1x n 5 mſſi\U Cze{ſ\flſſl"ct w hift torce £ ſſictſſiv } (5 Aſſſ/[ctjfflzſi' fſſſſ' cſſw.——-—.-.*___,ct_. 1'0*3 f.\) $s Plf?ctſ"ſi-ſjſi? e4C. T2712 -Y : 1 \-*%-'fſict.iz :,zſſz:*ſiſſſſſiſſh mzſi.ſi:z:*:ct:z \ itr L | 4 g eRnz HS eSHR Eſi.\ -!r_:-ſſms, Formy. and wet weathe: 3 TIVCHBMY 1 - SHR ; . ; L TA IKCond Weeks of YY:z:ſiſſ {(ViODT? GCAGEOTETEE Month will be {cofonh 4 LONUL LLL 43E LCELOL ct,ſij._ſi £040 ſiſif ſt 7: CR 6 13Ger AvgaR y— — Lzi Q\artcr the 7 day 5 minutes paſt 3 morning. ſi the 14 day 35 minutes paſt 5 morning, Firſt Quarter,the 22 day 50 minu'es paſt 4 morn, -—.m-u Fn _ eeoem em e- Ao oEs : 9 the 29 day 46 minutes palt 5 ſiſttſi*]ooa =\'S, rellivol davs,andp &) j D Planets muty.| ©] Sjchange of w ectrh $L l X Aſpects. —l18 Sund.atter Tri 19 21/4 35 Lammas day. H {Nogreat alteration|20. 19118 27 Sun ciſ.4, 36: al. »f eveather now,ra jZl 17]> V27 K Þ 16.P. 4\ F thr feaſonable inz2 14{16 32 DQF- 5,1 izm -weelg_ than 0- z; 12:0 & 40 Sun ſets,7.1g. 6[{[ Bherw! '_je. 24 1e}13 47 D 1*5;'15 j 25 728 54 z gſſ *) 2.6 5|-21T 58 { 5 '27 37 4 ;Zi? |28 ZHS z iſin f Indifferent geod 318 $c[24 53 12 ſc; wenther. in this 123 $5713 Slz3 lfZctſſ "wweck, al]a. J) FYTH 42 1 } Eleng, mag, [:4/h j Fals mery 6 '15|,p19Sund afterTri.j2 501-18 7 $un rif. 5.18, 1257, lz 48Jo 45 INN ſſ 257!? Fmpſtm)ctu *uct'ea-4 46,1; 6 Sun ſets, 6,56, fſigſ ſ)ſir, h. fiy ſt/ſſrms. 5 44125 12 239 Zſſ- n0t muct Tet, 6 41}7' W.9 4 D Apog ing © 1with muchThund: r 7 41119 } Sdhbdo Y'-}:Iſiſſ 7 5 Lightning now 8 ȜC)SO T 52 ghi #|11 Sund af.erTr. '9 ?ſi?'iil 42 2 eaft.j19 35j24 44 FZZ? y 11 ;3%5 57,Su'1 riſ. 5. 18, fgz, f 1x2 321[19 48 Sun \ets, 6.40, %5:6ſſ f More Thunder afld 1:3- - 3Qj> Wctzo Cſi( (*f Y ©. sz'vct 4 [1arsſ-teled -wm:bctr, I4 Zggif 39* 3}*'\ ſiſſ L2eÞs ZZZS hlfzevhzpf now alſ0, j1'5 Z'.-'E*ſſct9 - : 3.Mm, :39! ]nswnd afterTri.[45 25]13X11 7 Stat ad Ret, {25\ &f SHT S. 'a1)g/ M SFS2-16- p Aturn and Mars now meet and are.conjoyncd in Caxcer, God keep thoſe Countries abd Ci- ties under that Conftellation quict at this time, and during the effe&ts of this ConjunRion 3 andallo free from all ſirange Diſcaſes , Scarcity, (fudden Fires, and all othc Catualtics whatfoever Some people {cem opprefied with War or theftars thereot, or are ſiubborn and unruly——— Many Piracies at Sca,Sca Action in forne parts of Earope, Robbing at Land, hally and raſh Dctgns appear, The Soldier not idle but ſecms ready for aG&ion, TheVenetians employed, their fuccels proves va- r'0:S. That City is now hinted at: Allo Gexons, Magleburg, Wittemiurg, Milan, Anifterdam, and, a City ortwo in the North,&e.are ſeniible of ſornc- thing of Importance at this time. Troubles in ſome place or places Northward and North Eait from England, Some Peoplc not well plcaled. Arimoltics amorgtt men , many difficuitics in ſome Nations aftairs , perhaps ſome #attel or !l:ughter of raen. The Turk thrives not,—— Violent {torms of Hail and Rain i noc 2 great teme- pelt &c. about St, Barthelomew or in the Week be- tore, afterwards windy, &c B 4 September L1S 25 w o ..W 0 0 R. - A Y pI0 boe » R Q Wie WA 29 31 minutes p .the 12 day at 5 at night, yarter the 20 day 34 Mirmtes paſt 1 2.01.6 } 32 m % P A ed eRn em m nrr e r nrr rrninaer et ne er eerrnn T e iL - n - « M M S. - C " _= \ R Pn - ( C &0 - OE ( - | 1z 7 OWn - B , S ,u_ſſu_.mz(mſim - | ,. DOwj| = - - y-o "rf c FO< T. - R | .& o—_ B TY \S == c . 24 F . - ON WA y ——" LCST - 91 p » 2 O40NHTD, - f CS _—_ = G\ 1 A S = CTB 1 Q {' - O+ © " w_ , ES e08 B BY Cn B x 33 ” | 5 - » » \/ ] e: & \ m ts j © S. | Quj,o oE6 4 - : 14 & * FN'S. em P ed CS eN - G _ £5 + Gat CS 4 5 - 5 | m © =& Q kw | f þ= )ou 2 (22 b Qu 0 D b#_ | he GHy [.29 8-|S ©O m Am Hn © ha 0 © - R oo, oc WwAgy Kty h * A N A AN FALYNN.n, 0C- @. .Am WweWw R D > - d: [| d eT ” VA F M e) D D TOTTT wIt eR $T, | ; 2 |[EAOS; D S S' ooe N M ” e Ns - 5 0 R _ 0 TE Kn W þos bH= & W. 8N m x - \ _— wW ©9 ndr MW _ d 2 « 34 hat d &s kk * 8 S | W A3 B "=> bs , [ ; & Lſſ.. @ > R $ q f > _ N &3 - Y Lo 5 d LS z l 0 Uy = { m vhw bt 8 k-ffl * Loes OTWn | h d - X Ehn * - P P T - ) l 43 4 ha,} - B E 4 * W. OT - by jea | ffi P Fr'Y S G:} 8 «= m vs. nQ s =? - * D "" [ { m " D 7 28 " & &» R BE RN T8 ] - m G. => 3 E B: oan aves oY /7 >.J D | 0 >,wL & t : R - l | ba v/lmu ,. K W z w 5 S. 0 a k 3 -m U ; ) . >S þ = ” eD | \ - - = & SSSW 8 B 2 Wt S. - - - CT M eD - W. SV Wrtr R. RN R 5 " - } T>..* : P 6 l =y th.8= ana &S. $ = e2 SQ. 1B 8 84: R mn DAN e n WDU GS | Cen hog, B R A TN G eR B \ d $) nd R S d Pions'} _ſi, _ &) Fſſ. W: D Nn niend> Wh, o oaZhts 7 HS eoyEeh 9 - kllis giut, 02 ,5q, A t Umane Adons many and of ſund ry Natures, Jſſi Mutinics and difturbances in Conflantinople, (-ffrfflth ng of conſequence hath Jately happened there, or that City now under many dargcrs fub- j:& unto ſome fudden change or great difaſters, pcrhaps prejudiced by Fire.. Mens minds are various, poſſefſed with fears-and )ea'nnſics_ Some peopleinclined to quarreling. and 60 bufic themſelves in Controverlies, and 'would willingly cauſe Commotions, afting tbcſſ part* with much ſubtilty and under- hang dca]iffgſſ by covetous de- figns and (elf ends. —— whiltt fome perſons of MOre generoxs and heraick dilpolitions.are labour- ing with all integrity to put an end to all publick Conteſts and Diffzrences, and to fettle Peace and Concord between Nation and Nation, for the ge. neral good and to the content of all ſiom{c Hearts, Tn—f. Stars are in a very moderatc potiiure now, and fomewhat a calnicr time appears than in fomc Months patt-———-both at $:a and Land, e&e. Seaſonable weatner #H thisMorthza great Wind in the fecond Week ther-oty &c,— " Þ Dn — Wh - - : [S]Schange of weath. \18\ D k ,. Laft quarter, the 4 day,25 minutes paſt 5 at night. the 12 day, 41 min. paſt 11 before noon: : Firſt quarter,the 20 day,33 min. paſt 1 2ftcrnoon. N F x Libeſtival days,and -,ſi F1 Preuy !ood weath.|18 2| ( ther'srain at hand.'19 19 Sund,afrerTr. l:.o 40 Cold and clondy, oſſlſi ;jV'ry wot -w:ulm, 22 5 6 tllf not ſome ſnow'23 - g in this week, 24 819 . 25 9 B 26 rol 18 Sund.sfterTr, 29 tilh 28 z g \Windy & cold 1a- 29 t3 lbu alſo in this © m50 14l 1 week, 'f #0t ſomen 5 (ſnow. D 7 3 19 Sund.afterTr, 4 6 t9/C 6 Moderate aweatber 7 21 14 in this week. 8 21 9 10 11 16 7 24) 20 Vund.aftcrTr v251[Q0; Windy and unſt-|12 6 P it!ied qweather ebout 13 l P tl)e)e days, (f alt | 14 2B g 29 u zo' ri \7\ ! Seaſonable woath ' 21Sund .:ſt-.rTr-[ [OO\-l W. the 27 day,2 day,zz mm.utcs pa\l x afternoon. ) d p— D ]Hanrts mutu- Tt nal A ſLe&s. 52i5 z4-x in rif. 6. 38. 52120 4'Sun ſets, $.20. Silg BzoXY & 15.Pp, 51/18 16 51[I 50 hO6.m, 51!15 5 50113 3 Soj10Nnv4s Soſz3, 16/AYV Q5.m, sol5 ȝqſD $Þ, 5oſi7 46'* d T 17. P. SC. Fi iimyollIHY5.m, $o[23 45|” Apop. Sels T 38} {Sun riſeth,9.6. 5c|17 zz\Sun (ets,.;sz..ct go[z9 29 SO[LIVP3I F1[23 42 FIj6 22 6 5\]18 48 SI1 Xfi%] S2j15 25|D4F- 52;29 \ſ" 5 9 7;P- 53 ſſlg\( -'1 SOV1 10.M, FF AzL <;113%_ſs4 $412G6 311!)D Perig, xl:,ſſch Sun rif. 9, 23, 55129 2415un ſets,4. 26. 76 " Þ 10. P. 13*53581'51\ emn ed mn A m eP eAn N indifferent moderate time now,——yet {ome Nations publick Afffairs are not vcrſiy. well ſertled. Thoſe places under Cancer are agajn concerned, and fome debates are not yet fully d& termined.———Somewhat of Importance appears in the Emperozrs Countries,and allo in Ttaly.Plens ty of News {ome trne and {ome falſe,- Grums« blings and Murmurings, a fort of People not {a- tisticd, fome German Prince or Princes diſcontent- ed,———yet it may bc hoped that the general Af- fairs of Chriſteadom meets not with any confidera- ble interruptions now.- Pcople axe adviſed unto moderation,and do not much concern them» {clves in troubleſfome Negotiatiors. The Mer- chant this Mont: recciveth fome loſs at Sea. The Pirates of Tunis, A'gier, &c. are chaſtiſcd. Some Ships of the Dxtch in danger, and fo arc ſfome of the Venetians, Unſettled, cold, and windy wet weather yery oftew in this Month,. &c. November | iW | W' ; —— R ereen N 35 2 C —— { 5 1 d » : (n : _ mm. 89 UVM [S &1 M. PN - P. : £ 5 _ 2 & .ſſ. >05 ? m ſirſſ- m , - * m 55 | _ D | 5 $.j.C8 _f m m - m R 6 ESEo 8 a 6 _= R j >be | - - o&t : o d TC I9 # j g-&== | '© C v5 z y edy, _ t-iſi-ſſ.ſi\%z S. d 5 | 4 (s D bS . — P BY 4 , k hanh m : : mu : ZS : ; N 6 93 V —— Iy* 5 f- 6 - | : [E y - e5 FF Cn d - 4 $. m = kng | al>="90s | m ſ 2 £4 M 5 - ſſ | _, R. j Os 4 5 R < N D D W — nfll - 5 !l.-.l,,t\uſſ : - > 00 2 wL -7% | 1 " LOh m =Þ == e OQ 94 ON O m Jou hoehs l 9 mn m m C Le ene | l 6 O y Fh g N e O 5 : | M.H w_ B3 : 1 N &K 0 N # | n\. n, | < m Mn j iy m l A K - : P - | | j - | Kos £© ©07Q q ” - | - : ſſ m # N l pi (@) M SAn j LN ? | \© A.X wS N. 05 w &9 f 5 ; : ſi &R <© ” i (0 } ! S P - | | \ _A \, | : D - | B } .A © — Yo E e2 * 6 Jum e. 0 oL j » wwnyg - A &: Q@ tÞ e1 © - " » ſſ m - K Rtec m eY O,: : M. q : : - ſi - , 66 _ S) m jag A y R N KV © =.z eS. :9 B2 - S /03 m ; b hr B —.-1 7 2 £ » S. " hy : | 2 : | | o r S d — 1 91 m þ S. & = Y G, = - O I F 7 | B D B S.n E © y 8 S - | | = 2 9 fom © Q - mu w.% —_ U /ctzſh T/ an® M-. % - : lnn.ſſ _ct : &5 of 8 9 = = AR R D U D9 S &- 7 : w= >= .vahyy5 D GrSz S. E e- Bn 2 | ſſctſſ | ; bay H G { Piſces, the Feet. A FNn Planets, with the Dmg(m sH*ſſad and ſa' fz Sct!atlffi '*Þ o V'cm—:s. i {. l ?z.nzſczctf}-@) So!, or the Sun, < Þ Mercury, - & Mats. Z : C Tie Moon, | ' 8) Dragon's Head. f i 6% Oragon's Tail, i ( 7 | New,accordiug to l } ſiſſf"'ct"""ſſſi""ctſi' 5 ſſſi'ſi'ctſiſi"";""ſi'ſi*"""""*ſiwſi - R T z C d oed R |759 -ſſ'*z*-ſimſſ of \DiBaxt in\ The Phaſſs or 5þ 1es of 1he | Zv—llſſi U*'- 4 JCL..- . l' p* Th Jct_)ſſ,) 'ſſ ,(}-3(,0'[5 $-=F. }Þ,ſſ)_,_ ! | j 9 l ! .:"* ' l*'*'"*"**" ——_ RI—s, ſii' D R Ir S ! C —An IT _— ; ()( l\. WNNco0n 00: 60 ?:a.ſſ,\*-ſictſiſſſſzz,ctsm, the Hſſt K ?VZ'\\ No! S&/Seraiſextile o1 ico} f | 7 þ 46 Ig ” Y 4 Foy Lrt «. '}» , l "SXELLE { eW. :73!557:43;3,*,&5! 3 Tes OON ; p | z Y z eAſtrological Fudements, For- the Year, 1680: . By William Andzews, Student in Afrology. FiguraColi ad Ingſiſieffltm Sotis 1n Ny, ſeu Tro- prcum Hyemalem, Menſe Decembris, 1679: t19, 3Þ, 22m, Þ. M. Londinum, Do here trext of the Year,1680,. unto which we are now artived, And ſhall (with, Gods affiſtance). diſcourſe_ now of the moſt marerial Foſitions. and -Configntations . Heavep Aſtroiogical Fudgments Heaven happening therein. Wherein, firſt of all, 1 will he- gin with the Tngreſs of the Sun into Capricery, in Decembey x679 3 and take notice of the then Poſition of Heaven, and "\Confignr ations of the Stars artending the ſame ; and after- wards proceed to the Vernal and orher Solar Tugreſſer, Fciips fexof this Year 1680 3 and all other Caleftial Marters, wor- rhy ar rhis time of confideration: and from thence deduce ſome Fudgments and Obſervations from the Principles of Arr, (with as much circumſpeRion as may be) according to my uſual Method ——— The laft Year 1699,we hinted ſomewhat touching the then Removal of Satuyn out of Gemini into Cencer 3 1t was ahout the'23% day of Fune laft paſt thar he made his Knrrance in- -tbthar Sign, and here wefind him , at the Ingreſ7 of the Sus irito Caprzcorn, got into the fiſth Degree thercof————— If thoſe Countries and Places under that Conflellation, during his continuance therein, be free from diflurbances, rroubles, vexations,” and all Diſtempers and Caſualties of his Nature, it will be well His Tranfit through Gemini hath been by ſome ſoher. perſons taken notice of, and his Influence dufing his continuance therein, -hath been inſor.e reſpe or other manifeſted, in all or moſt of thoſe Coumries and Ci- ries under the ſaid Sign , 43 mighr be ſufficiently demonſira- red—— Bur we come unto the aforeſaid Ingreſs of the Swn into Fapricors z at which time'the Stars ſtand thas pofited, vit. Setxrn j3 in the Aſcendant, inCancer as aforeſaid, Retro- | grade. Fypiter in the 11 Houſe Rexroprade, inthe begin-? ning of Taww, but quickly afrer he apvcars Scacionary, and | then becomesDireR in Motion, The Szy is in the 9® Houle, | in Trine of - Zupiter. Marg and Mercury are in the 8® in Capri- cern, Venus is in; Scorpio inthe 6*,and rhe Afoon in Leo inthe 4 fQouſg,in $quare of Venw—All which dulyconfidered, feems to intimate, That, notwirhſtanding a'l various Reports, the / Grand Affairs of Furipe #rthe beginning of this Year 1680, and during the Mnnths of Jaruary and Febrwary of the ſame, | will be prefty calmly carried on 5 and fome ſober and judici- ovs perfons\will be'8Hhipent ro cauſe 2 right upderftanding to 'be ' continined b&cwictxcſiſſſogeſſ "NationS=— ——— Agd the d -ſſ 3 For the Tear 16%6. the gentraliry of pedple will be pretty moderate iit their & Rions, notwithſtanding the Contrirances and pernicious de- figns of ſome fturdy and unquier Spirits, which may (per- haps) be labouring to edvance. matters of. ® croſs: and thwarrhing Nature | nLY Merenry is Lord of 'the Aſcendant ar the aforeſaid Zigreſy, 4s if Mens minds- wolld be variois and inconſtent, and not very well ſerled, full of Cunning 21id Deceir,' which ſeems the more confirmed by: the Pofition of Cauda Draconis in the 11* Houſe, which ſignifies treacherous, deceitful, and perfidiovs a&ions ro appear amongſt Men : Beſides, Saturn in the Aſcendant Retrograde imports, That the-Commonalty of ſome Regions will be in the month aforeſiid of-a riiggeds pceviſh and contentious diſpoſition, murmuring and repinin ar their Superiors moſt unworrhi]g,though i6 the end ro theit own confuſion, The truth is,the $un is haſtning at the Tngreſ} to the Oppofition of Satwra; which ſeems toithport Diffcul- ries berween ſuperjour and inferiour perſoris,clandeſtine pra- aices, and that a Satnihian people will,if poflible;endeavout tro be vnraly;and as Saturn is now Retrograde; & unforcunate- ly pofited, ſe he doth further (by his preſence in the Aſceti- dant) denorte, Misfortunes and troubles unto niiny people m their Perſons;. and alſo ſereral miſchiefs, loſſes and vexs- tions to artend the Commonalty of ſome Countries, unco which his preſerit Influence hath relation Animofiries alſo. may appeat amongſt Men of Renown in theWorld, fot Satyrn is Lord of. the 10" Houſe, and the Sinis in the 9*.. Moreover, the preſent Pofition of the Afoon is to be diſli- ked. Haly ſaith, Pag. 358. when the AMoon fhall be 'in the 4® Houſe (as now ſhe is) fgnificat triflitias if anxienares *altas, that Seople will be ſad-and full of anxieties. And feeing the Lord of the Aſcendant is in the 8* Houle, .many people willdye inthis Winter Quarter, eſpecially thioſe of the younger ſort, and Mercirial Perſons ; and '#4 Mars it now poſired in that Houfe, he doth inipotr the deith. of SouHiers and Martial mmen in ſome Countties, 'snd'of-people. by $kirritifhes, Conflifts, - @c. and thart ſome perſons wilt be fubjeQ unto violent and ſudden death z and Veaurin the Hxrhi | P gg & 2 Houſeg Aftrotogical Tudgments Hovſe, ſhews /a fickly rime unto many Women ſſ As unto: the - Diſeaſes and Sickneſſes, which will be moſt prevalenr in the- Months of Fanuary and Pebruary of this Year and ./'Winter Quarter,they are fignified by Saturn, Mars, and Venus ; therefore at ſome time in theſaid months, Colds, Conſumprions, - Palfies, Agues, rotren Coughs, gc. will be very-frequent ;\ and alſotowards the beginning of the Spring, Diſcaſes of-a hot vature-will appear, violent/Feavers, the-{mall'Pox;/Meazles, Surfers, Inflammarions, if not ſome peſtilential Diſtempers, whereof many People in ſome places willdye. Brandenburgh,” and ſome- other- places under Capricory, may be in this Quarter' concerried, and ſubje&-uno Martial Adtions and Diſtempers z and ſo may ſome other places —— lying Northward, and Northeaftfrom England And fo I proceed to'the TIngreſs of the Sun'into Aries this Year, ar which time the- Spring-Nuarter Aſtronomicaily begins—— Ar the Tagreſs of the Sun into Artes this preſent year 1680 the Heavenly Bodiecs are curiouſly diſpoſed, and very weigh- ry and importanr Configurations atrend the ſame as if the World wonld be full,of bufineſs in the Spring time of this Year, yea, 'even rhe European Parrt thereof, we find-inthis Revolution,” -Saturn in the 11 Houſe, Fupi- fer inthe ro®, in the 11 degree of Tawns, Mars and Mer- cuary in Pzſces-in-the 8rhalmolt in Conjun&ion;3 the Snn is al- 'fo inthe'eighr Houſe in-Square of Saturns Venur is in the 6:þ in Aquarius :\and the Moon is in'the fourth'in Seorpio, apply- ingto the Trine:cf Mercury and Mars Thus the Hea- vens: appearat:the ſaid: Tagreſs, and quickly after the ſame Mars and Mercury enrer Aries, 'and do then come to\ a Square of* Saturn—===—— from-hence we may probably conjeRure in the,geneta!, that there will be 'many 'grear rurnings and windings iv'Humane Affaits, and that the-publick buſineſes of fome: Narions will be managed-and carried on very vigou- rouſly.» arid thar:confiderable ARions will happen in the Spring-timeof rhis:Year, viz-inthe Monrhs'of March, April, a0d May:: ichoſe-Countties, .Gities,:and: places\concerned - now by rheraforefaid Configurations and Pofirion of the ſtars 2n uo!y ct, " attending { C ql For the year 1680! Figura Cels ad /Equinoftium Vermim,"ſeu Ingre; ſum © inV. 1680, ' Menſe Martis, a Zh so'_ 9 P. M. Londimum. dinggad AGRS. attending this ſaid preſent Ingreſs of the Sun into Arie—— Four of the Planers- are in this Vernal"Figure in watry Signs, ramely, Satzrn, Mars, Mercury, and the Moon, as if ſome Nations would be very much employed about Sea-Mat- rers, in ſetting our of Fleers, and in ſtrong Marine-Pre- parations 3 befides, as Mars and Mercury are now 1 Cont- jun&ion, ſo there will be many rumoors and falſe reports ſpread abroad 3 alſo Piracies at Sca, and much- boifterovs Weather, and ſiorms there, whereby the Merchants of ſome C3 Countries Aſtrological Fudements Countries will receive confidefable Loſſes z for this Conjun- aion doth imporrt much detriment, decay of Trading, per- plexity, and . misfortune unto thoſe perſons fignified by Mercury; for Mercary is not only much afflied by the preſence of Mars, but he is alſo in his Fall and Detrie ment Ir is vecy obſervable, that the Sun no ſooner emters Aries, but he preſently comes to the Nuadratyre of Satura ; The Sng is Lord of the Vernal Aſcendant, and Saturs is Lord of rhe ſeventh and fixth Houſes in the Scheme, and this ſcems to be of ſome unquier fignification, for 1t is no amicable 4- ſpe#, burin ſome reſpe& of a quite contrary Nature 5 Dif- ticulrics do therefore ſecm ſignified thereby ro appearduring rhis Revslution in ſome Countries and Cities 5 and (ome un- happy Differences may ariſe in the World, betwixt Nation and Nation, or People formetrly in League and Amity z and one Country may be ready'to conrend with another, where- by the peace of ſome places may-be difturbed z and as Saturn is in the Eleventh Houſe, yhich Houſe ſignifieth Friends and Acquaintance, Hope , Things defired, Companions, the Counſel of Friends, .their falſeneſs or fidelity, G'c.. ſo like- wiſe this aforclaid Quadrature- of the Sun and Him doth ſeem ro import no.great unity amongſt Friends and Acquain- zance, but that people. will be ready ro ftriye and quarrel one with another, and'thac fricnds will prove falſe and un= fairhful, and the hopes.and defires of many will-be.fruſtra- fed —— and. contentions. and rebellious Spirits ſhall ſuf- fer accarding to their deſects, ' 1 do proceed,and (ay, That foraſmuch as Mars and. Mercury doſo quickly afrer this ſngreſi of the Sun into Aries, remove our of Piſces inro thar $ign, and do then.preſently. proceed rherein unro the Quagrajiure of Saturn in Cancer, as. afore» laid-— irdoth import, raſh and hafty aRions.both at Sca and Land, and -rhat: there will be rumonry of War:, and Martters of a Maprial Nature, Barrels, or.Slaughter of peo- pie. Commoatrions, - much robbing andthirving, and ſundry enormirics of rhe narure of- choſe Planets, in thoſe Coun: ſFics and places concerned by rke faig Confle[lations of Hea- ' : : ven, For the year 1680. ven, wherein the beforementioned Qaadratures happen—— The Ciries of Conſtuntinople 1n Greece, Tuinzr, and Algrer in Barbary, and other plzces under rhe Tu/by Dominions, will be highly concerned in one kind or other, to their great lots,” diſturhance and damage, meir Merchants ſhips, their Pira- rical ftips, their Mariners, Souldiers, g4c. will eitherbe Ty- flily beaten in ſea-fighrs, or extieamly ſhipwracked by florms and bad weather, and will nor rerurn ro the benefir and profir of cheir Underrakers and Owners; all which feems rhe more firongly confirmed by a malevolent Conjunizny of Satura and Mary 1n Cancer, in the Summer-Qaarter of thiis Year, of whicih, more hereatrer, E We do obſerve, that not only cthe beforementioned plices in the Tarbs Dominion ſeem hinred ar by che Celeſtia! Bo- dics at this Revolution and Configurations of the wandcing ſtars rhis very_ year, bur alfo all or moft of choſe Coungries axd placcs vnder the fign Caneer afor:(z}4, and fome under Piſces and Aries too, will in ſome reſpc4 ofr orher be Tke- wife concerned, .- The Scate of Penzce, their Armics by land, and Navies by fea. The Ciry of Milane in Ttaly, and its Confin:s ard Territories, The Cities of Wittembergh, 'and Magdeburgh, Scotland, Ho!land, Zealand, yua, Anifterdam it ſelf miy be confiderably ſenfible of the piefent Influence and Effe&s of Satwn in Cancer Here is the Benevolent Planer Pupiter in Tawws, in the 10® Houſe, and this hath good fignification unto thoſs Countries and Places, men ar4* thirgs concerned by ti2e fign and Houſe of Heaven, Tite Kingdom of Trelans,they fay, is under that Confle!/atizn ,/ and we have ſome reaſor to be. liere it : £rgo, it may bz hoped thar ther Kingdome wil! be in 2 good Condition, and the people thereof in a thriving poſture, loyal to their S»perergn, and cheerful and well na- tared and diſpoſed. The Polifſs Affairs in this Qua'ter mey alſo prove ſucceſiful, thoſe people ſeem alilo favoured by the Heavens ar this time——— Germany, France, Swedcn, Deamark, England, gyc. ere under 4ries, as Afftrologers af- ficm, and Pertugal under Piſces, Saturn is in Square unto A- rics, - nd (andry Configuratioas ar this Revelutfon happent in C 4g me Dn Aſtrological Tudgments the ſame, of ſome confiderable fignification as aforeſaid —— Bcfides, a very: confiderable Eclipſe of the Sun, rhough ſcarce vyiſible in our Horizon—— which we ſhall hereaffer deſcribe. | As unto the Weather in this Spring- Quarter, it will prove fickle and unconftant for the moſt parr, eſpecially in March, for four Planets in moift figns, as aforeſaid, ar this preſent Vernal Ingreſs, do declare that there will be very often in the Spring-rime of. this year, wet and unſeaſonable Weather, The laſt Spring, and whole year (though dubious ar firſt) proved yery comforrable unto the Farmers employmenrt (as I told you ir would) generally throughont moſt parts of England, asto his Cotn, ggc. We wiſh the like this year, bur do fear orherwiſe. There will be now and then in this year rerrible Claps of .Thunder and Lightning in ſome places, with. extraorginary baſty ſtorms of Hail and Rain, cauſirg great flouds, - prejudicial ro the places where they happen. The diſeaſes and fickneſſes of this Spring-Quarter are de-> figned to be much of the Nature of ,thoſe mentioned be- fore by me,- inthe Wiater- Quarter of this Year. Here are Mars arnd Mercury in the Fighth Houſe now al(o, as they were before ar the aforefaid Trgreſs of the Sun into Capricorn, and Saturn isLord of the 6® Houſe in this Fernal Scheme, God keep us from ſudden Death, and from all violear and peſtitencigl Diſtempers now and ever Bur fith there is an Eclipſe of the Sun in this Quarter, I will now come .(be- fore I procced 10 the Ingreſs of the $un inro Cancer) to give you - An Account of the Eclipſes, which happen in ithis Tear, 16$0. T HE Eclzpfſes of this Year are ovly two, and they both 3 of the Suz, and are Certral; the cne being before tpc Stzs £p:gaen, and the other after it; infomuch thar.there £25 he no. Eclipſe of ihe Afocn this Year.: The farſt of theſe &5lipſes is gn the twentieth day of Harch, about ten ofl th;{: 46 | © 16: S. For the year 16_80. Clock in the Morning it happens near the Sonth Node of the Xſoon, and will be very great and toral, and viſible vnto fuch as inhabir the South-parts of America, the Cape of Vincent, the Holy Iſland, ggc. 1 conceive it will ſcarcely be ſeen of us, yet peradyenture we may ſee ſome of itin theſe Iſlands It happens in or abourt the Eleventh Degree of Aries, and therefore nor to be ſlighted, inregard its Ef- feRs may be of ſome-Conſequence unto thoſe Countries and places of Exrope urder that ConfleKation, &c. The ſecond of theſe Eclipſes of the Sun, falls on the 12% day of September, at or abour our Eight of the clock at nighr, and will appear a veryigreart Eclipſe in thoſe parts of theworld where itis defigned to be vifible, thar is, unro ſuch as ſhall ſail or navigate near unto Saint Perers Port, the Iſland of Pa- xaro, &yc; bur it can no ways be ſeen of us, in regard the Sun and Ffoon are then both under the Earth or our Horizon before this ſaizd Eclipſe begins. Ir falls irthe very beginning of the ſign Libra, and-may have very eminenr Effe&s and Porrenti—— And (o I ſhall paſs on to the Sammer- Quarter of this Year, which, according uvrto Aſtronomica) Account, begins at ſuch time as the Szn enters the' firſt point of Can- cer—— True it is, Haly, ard Guido Binatus, two famovs Afirologers, are of this opivien, vix. That when ar the Suns Ingreſs 1n10 Aries, the fign aſcenging ſhall be a fixed fign, (as it 1s this Year, fer Leothen aſcerds) that Renvolution in it (clf; come prehendeth ajl the four Quarters of thar Year : butthe Do- Grine of Ptolomy is more to be embracesd, (zccording to my opirion) which direð- us to corſider the four Crarterly Irgreſſes of the Sun, 2nd Prol:my procceds ro give the realon thereet in theſe wores, Nam 7pſas quidem univerſales crſti- tuttones temporum &9 modcs Sol parit, wnde (# penitus imperits Mathematum pt encſcrnt futura 7 for thele general Corſtitu- ons and. Marners of them are czvſcd by the Sun, whence even mary, up{killulin Art, do ceme 10 the knowledge cof future Eventt=— I do row wholly Tollew. tke Mabod Piokemy, 83 being the moſt rational—— Figura mn el - m Aſtrological Judgmerts Fignra Cals ad Tngrefſum Solis in $, ſex Trops- | cuns /Eſtivum. y, £ Rew TC. \ 'ct\"—;ſic\ f z E7 | T. Zi{ſinſa Tunts, | 4 2 16bo. i \ Lon 1a1118 \A]dcbzſan. be : | D a0 H oZ'd 'UJC 'l 5 What is moſtobſerrable art this Ingreſia ſthe Sun into Can- cer is, the pofition of four Planers 1n Gemini, in the ſeventh A}ſſmſſ; ui7, Fupiter, Mars, Venur, and MHercury, as if this Saminer of i680. would be of a bufice Natmie, bath in re- gard of Counſel and Ation for ſo many Planerz in the Houſe of Mmm}, and hz amongſt che reft, intimates, WA many Dobares and Confultations will be on ſoot theretn, kor rhe carcy ying on of fame zmporcctnt Matrers and Dcfigns m ſhe: Vorid, the more inregard thar Fepiter and Mars are in CojunRion jult ac the (aid Ingreſs in the laid ConfleNatl, f'ſi For the yeay 1680. 83, 33 if much variery of ARion wyould follow—— There will be many Reporrs from Flanders, Brabant, and the Spa« niſb Wetherlands in this Summer- Quarter, touching ſome mats rers of conſequence there———— ' Again, ſo many Planers in the ſerenth Houſe of Heaven, being cermed by Aſtrologers the Houſe of Contention, War, and Wrangling, may import that ſome places beyond the Seas, under the aforeſaid Sign, viz. Gemins, will be* now and rhen liable unro diſaſters and difficulties, and if they be free from Wars and Commortions in this ſaid Summer- 2ugr- ter, it will be well. Beſides, many people will be given un- to Law- ſuits and Controverfics, and many Duels (perhaps) will be fought in ſome places, and ſoine unquier ſpirirs may be aRive, and ſome people inclined unto ftrifeand variance, and crafry pratices, (c. Erynt inter h\mines deceptiones, falfitates multe, O accident interfeiones multe, Of pradati- ones AS' the faid Confte/lation is of the Aiery Trigon, ſo the Tffe&ts of theſe Planers therein will ogerare much in the Air 3 From whence, variery of Weather may be expe&- ed, and ſamerimes very tempeſtuous, &c. God Almighry prore& the City of London from all Cainalties by. Fire, Sick- neſs, and unruly Actions ia this Swmmer and evermore 3 we hope 'twillbea time of good Trading there, and many' Merchants Shipz will ſafely argive, to the great comfort and content of the Owners. We are to take norice, that in this Quarter there is a no- table Conjun#zom of Saturn and Mars in Cancer, viz. on the 20* day of 4ugaff, whigh GonjunFion (cems ro have very ma- terial fignifications. Tc happens in a warry Sign, and there- fore its Influexce will be manifeſted at Sea» aud upon the, Warers among Fiſhermen and. Scamen, g&c.—— Thoſs, laces under that Confl-Ylatica herein, before mentipned, may be ſ