T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* cAltronomical, And Altrological, It being Biſextile, or Wwith 'ZPR}EDICTION S$? And g Sydereal, SCEXPERIMENTS ſſBY | Student in Phyſick and Aſtrology. Multi multa ſciunt, _/Zſidſſ nemo omniad, ——————— Printed by F. D. for the Company of 1680. Think, it not amiſs 0 zive you an account of ſome choice Obſervations, 4nd Experimentsthat Thave,(not (pithout 'ſomes Coſt and. Diltgence ) Iately made of the | Horoſcopes of ſeveral Places , which T hope will not be ! unwelcgae t0 the Learned and Ingenious Artiſt. F oz]awmg the fteps of the Ingentous Lucas Gauricus, F take notice, not anl)ſi of-tpe.very Original Horoſcopes of iPlſizceſ but of their fubſequent Aſrendent.r too3 and look }upon a Primary. F igure of -any Place, G&c. \ t9 be no lon- ger Inflaential, than the Glory or G(wernment thereof | [ſhall continue.) Sothat.if .by Wats,or other: Accidents, a ſi Czty, Caſtle, or Country, come eztber to be conquer d, a'e- ' 'ca_y d,or-deſtroy'd, T-efteem its Horoſcope or Pa kadium to be, iter removed or to have finiſhed its Dominon and EKule over the ſame : and if ſach Place ſhall happen only| ifo be conquered. that 1then the Horo/&o]ze or. Hngel th ereuſ,l recedes. from its Chair of Regency, giving Place to ano- cttfier as your /AnmualPretors of Cities, &c. do 3 but jnll aletee to the Government thereof, altho not with ſaſi ffilenc[ -n Avpe of Anthortiy as befare. The negiedtor -non-ob ſervante of which. Doftrine, is | jcarſe of great Errors in the- Fudicials of Aſtrology. For | 'rwhen an-Alt ro[ogſſr ſbalErppoſe that ſucb aCoz.}zmEZzon | Eclipſe, Tranfit, 6&c. doth relate to the Priftine Hffioſfflſ'ctf '*mſſ 2 City of Country, mboſe Afcendent 15. ;ſi*cr-az/ed- by rea- 'fon af Wctzr or C me otner Caſualty, he m: }! Uſl_}' faili} Z/Je groſs of his Tudgments \ and that wh neh be ctpreaz.x ied to befal Patis{ \Rome&or*London, &'c. may eitber! 4 3*20* et ];m atFil,-:or ufe very weakly 3 'or. may probably| B ight va ;'c*me other Place be tbougohtnotofe As jor Inſtance ” " if ag .Kifiſictro, oger ſhall predid any} ; C:ZU/M}Z z i Gentlemens ] } y ; 2 7 1 42 Cn Þ' t z 1 f | i } j I i | 1 F | —_ A IN IN PT A LOS H OIS _ em omebnes eA erarbir 2 TAR GTIAE SIE GN TAn a, e7n Rn em C) K —_— p S e”n eminent Accident ts befal Ghent in Flanders, from a Conjunttion, Eelipſe, &c. in Scorpio, the primary Horo- ſeope of that Place,he will be ſure to be greatly miſtaken 3 becauſe the Horoſcope thereof is now» changed from Scorpio to Leo,by the Conqueſt Iately made over it. Thus T cometo the ſeveral Obſervations &« Experiments which Ipromiſed. I. The Noble Tſland of Barbados was firſt yeilded to the Engliſh on þ February 17. o®30/ P. M. 1627.|- It then aſcending, and \ ruled' the Howr. This is as T received it from the Pen of my worthy Friend, Dr. Rich.| Lawtford. Refident there. | | 2, Jamaica was #aken by the Engliſh, on H May 10. 1655.3* P. M. =; was Horoſcopical, and 4 govern'd the Hozr. 3. Valenciennes was ſtorm'd and taken, $ March-—+ at S* 309 mane, 1675 hora h and 11 Horoſcopical. 4. Stetin #n Pomerania, after a'glorious and ſtupen- dous Siege,” was in an hamble (yet honourable) manner ſurrendred to the Duke of Brandenburgh, » January 6. SN. 11 A,M. 1674 hora.} and V Horoſcopical, 5. Ghent inFlanders was taken by the French King, on H March 12. $.N. 2" P.M.1678, $\ the Horoſcope. 6. Maeſiritcht zreated on G June 30. 1673. and agreed to [wt- render about Noon on the ſame day, == then aſcended the Ho.. roſcope, Tet will 1 not aver this the trut Herofcope of Maeltricht, becdctuſtz 1 fnd that all the Dutch did not 7#1} the Place unzil the next marnngs but tſſr'?ouſigffi)ſif fiſit to mention it, toinceline o- thers, of better intereſt than zmy ſelf, to diſcaver the Truth thereof, A little paims, well improv\'d and enconraged. would be ef | great 2avartage to this part of Aſtralogy, and help ax to gain crealt, as well t0.0ur Mont hly.g Anwual Predidtions ; which 6 the 1rks deſign and reaſon @ſ;he_ſiſct Experiments berng made pub- UrkxY, 5 02 tlop | Brick-\Coutt,by the (Genrlemen) yourreal Yotary, Deans-yard-Weitm, ſſ Apr;{58 £ 1 7 A BECDES. LEGB. Acds _- Brak| Twi-| Sun] Sun [Leng. |Leng. [P1.H PLH jlight. |riſe. | ſer. [Day, |Night|þyD-.joy N — R o 47 14jo 46 IOſo $0 7jo 53 3]o 57 Oolt © 1 57" 3 © 54j1 6 SOIL I0 4'/*1 13] 44'1 16| 42'1 18 Odoter Novem:» 40;1 39'\ 21 'I16 260 3S1I1 22 16 0 39;l 23 22n rpcaeierh Snec>: p ON - 1 Cn RA S8 Decexb. Londan and Middle ſect., £ Civ. Norwechz = oanenenns; ! | > VI Sarrey, : :: Srſſex, d,:-ſi 3 Oxong 52 Serxs, M Norfolk, Sz;ffſ?[lz Hereford, Z-Z wy M onmthb B 5 Dorſer, &2 Villa Pool, jony Nottinghamy : Derby, Tork, J Devony S 5 Ci-it, Exoz, Z"ſſ:_ — G[ozſſeſter, 'S 7 Civit. Glexceſfer, J& Warwsck, " Leicefter, }"Z_; = Sowurhaniptom, (2-35 Nor! bymbc'r[ctud, f ſſ Cunberland, z E We ſt/urſirlctmd "V 5 L ancaſter, \'* ſſ:'* New-Caftle, z d"*' C Cn ERLEEE EBEcL IN FSE SA R WASR IE RCRA XTA 2 : R From the time that .D was fitſt fo called by -King unti 1680. __.—-—_—_——_-*—_*,—--—_——_'———————_ Reigr{ Rei Degan | z AZCTH . ——_———— = cnnrormmonmemuesan * F K. Epbert $18 zgſſ 26 Richard 1. ' 2 Ethelwolf 836|z1|. | 27 King John 3 Ethelbald 857]-1; | 28 hcm] 4: { 4 Ethelberr 858] 5] {29 Edward 1; - 5 Ethelfred $63f10) } 39 Edward 2, 6 Alfred 873j27| | 31 Edward z, 7 Edward 1, Saxon| goo[z4! | 3z Richard z $ Ethelſton 924\16' | 9 Edmond x. 940} 6 igz Henry 4. ro Edred 946 | 9! 34 Hcnry 5. 11 Edwin 955 , 4' [35 Herry6, 12 Edgar 959 j20 13 Edvvard 2 Saxone! 979 3! |36 /Edwardg, i4 Ethelred 982 245 37 Edward F. 15 Edmond 2. lois| 1 Z 38 Richaid 3, 16 Canvtus T, rot7!zoz 39 Henry 5, 17 Harold 1. 10;72 3! 140 Henry g. 18 Canurns 2, .}1049} 2; |41-Edward 6. 19 Edward Confeſ. (1042 zzjſi 42 Queen Mary 29 Harold 2. jIOGSE 2/ |43 .Qu, Blizaberh 'Z g g I\ctmv*ſfſi-ſims wnit. 21 Will, Congueror,1067 '20' | 44 King James 22 Will.Rufus __|1087 1 7 {4 : Charies 1. Mare.! 23 Henry 1. Sxaod: 38" |46, Chm'ſisz.ſi' 24 King Stephen 1135 39 \ ” [ | ! : 'a5 Henrv v. Kings Bave iwllr Vailons Far? £, aS N NLUQIICE VLEN And meer with gioomy, We -ſſ as ſſſigſſf,w-ſſ Years? ]he Czaſct aCCOMPan! C \Z\L 1 P -_f-- g To ſhew their 5 e55 16 | often ] d wit Conficeri ſſz__:.xbſi Cares a Crowma g0th biing, *Lis prerty to pravs ———_— —— — — — —— Pn A aI #rearegeyt 0 Dn nrn Ws n —e X : DH Returna.. .L)'\}'S of Ap- Brevinm..| , pearance. Rerurns or Efloign Days of Days. Excevtion, { $34+ m enmnnanny—wor_rfe_—mbkry Octab Hill, Yctwum-.z] ?ctn. 221 F4n#ar;" 22 }'ctr}wſi*r, 23 Quind.HilL Far. ' 285Far 29 Fartear; 29 FARvar. 31 Craſt. Parif, Feby, 3\ Febr.— - 4|Februar, 54Febrnar, 6 Otab PurifFesr,'” 10]Feb#. 11 Febrwar. 1itFebruar. 12 | 5Q1md Paſ; 4priil 25 April 29 Aprii® ©* 29) April” 30% gTl 2s Paſch, Mzzy 31May 4\44ay , Sfiflctſi[x_l_y : ſ/?ſſk | Menf. Paſch,” Mays Lo7 May” 11 May I2*2May, 213} !(@mq Paſ.; May | 17] My 18] May 19\M4} 20 | Craſt. Aſcen, May - 2 May' 122] May » * 22] May 24 | | Craft,Trin, Fune - 7 Frne | 8$1Frne ® 9iF 6 lo| Z()ctlb Trin, Fare ,14\ Furne* 151 Fune I6; Frune 173 | Quind:Trin/Fune. '21]Fane ' 21 Fune” | an| Frpe 233 |Tres Trin. Fane 281Fune * 28] Frone 29 Fx7e 30 ; | 4 i { ?TledMich ()ctob 21 | Oct0b.. 221Octge. 22 > Gdfod, 23\ ſſMſi-*nſPvhch :08%, 25j0Fob. 28]'02%5. 29]09b, 36 |Crail, Anim. Nowmb Nov, 41 Nov. 5] Nov. 6 | Craſt, Mart.” Nov, Z\av T2|Novy. 13} Aove \I3 ſſOChb Marts Nov. 18 Nov. 19]Nov, 20|Nov, 20 | _ſi!') l*!d Mart. Novy, 25 Nov, 26TN6v, 27 Noyv. 29 The L aw's our Rule of .Life : the Judges be. The STARS of KINGS, and by that Rule difpenſe, ( 4s they find RE ASON and NECESSLTY Yr To 'L]xd(g1 ees. of Mens their Influence., " *Tistrue, ſome 9 them ſharp., and others ſivcet : R3zhcSons, and Rebels, c.i\"'{]) they gr 2Ct, C 2 emn A4 Tannary; mwwmctwmff--c - C P mm e- A megaantode - Six Planets plac't in beaſtnl rep cile Signs, " Would fain turn Heaven's angry Influence, From Lords of Reaſon, unto Sl:u cs 6f Sence: But-chat {ly.F{er2225 with brisk Mavors ]oyns Tn Aqzary, Fwhich mult not be forgot} 3 Taat Treacherous huwane S\gn can ſpawn a Plot., S= 0 v[hv[g2[2D 52 S Tls :d, m [S|S]V 7 [=1d. m.{t ſſ' That I:zxxcſiſi 4þ-1291-6.7123 57 l-%Wffld}'Alſ 19 x b {Abel 22 2 | q| lizz] 7|R] BIT 4j14}XPY. yetlx1 zic Seth. 23 20: 4þ. 24 1 8 7j22 1lojlgiſcaſonabls n. - 4n erhuſal. 124 22] 4 11 91.7] 55 9/140 ] &. ſſ | 51 &- Simeon- [25 24] 4 2110|] 6{19 55 l4cloudyand ! 6 fi 2625] 4| 21 gll $] 3$1.26 l4gmoxſt Ig o'g GeddusB. 27 26| 4 4ll 4/'6 - 36}14 - 15 85 \Wiliam Blz8 27 4] 4\7- 3129 28|lyjwurbulent 17 '.') Adrian. 29 26 3]-2] ſſi Zlxtw59 13DM_S I izg' C jPaulErem;22 3oſ 3] 2 614}'} 1313/S© Q. 19 {t7 I 31} 3 .7'l$29 5'*'3*3*('_'_]02.6 20| j{I2 ?z*\:c}nld 2 32] 3j 2 Slctr% i8. Ylgly M 21! }x zi {,Pcmhold. $33] 3} 28 15:26i29 cor-lzi)) Apeg. l zzſſ* 35 -Lxry 4 3- 3! 2) 913'25 Il!n36ctfz Air, with”? *} 'z, a'Maurice | 5 35] 3j 210192423, 3iÞ'3jiharp coldit4 ſij Z!zhſihrccllſin 6 3*[ 3| 2.11 29j23} 54 37 3jFrofts, 25 !ct o1£ Pm*hony 7351-3 3:*21}*3 18 1}t3 26 ſſ[fit ; R*E Ȝaſſ 3 13 12}],,900*\#:}144_2 ſijp /eaſant \2,7 tofF! Vvo]ſt'*n 9 30 3{ 3].3 22 Soahſi*bſi 28 20| © {ab. Seb, j10 4-] 31 31424. 21 —7 18y 3|1gan [2.9 2Tj g jAgnes 14 31 3\15;25. Zlilim 8513 A likely. @ 22 7 jVincent, [134:; 313 Izz(ſi[) 25 13ſi[3mood of 2 231H (I34-| 3 31627 zxſſ 9X 29/13)cold froſty| 3 24] * [iimorhivs 14 44] 3; 3 ſi7ctb;221 2 53113\t\1ſſ, unh? 4 2c i154<|2 3 1812-ſit *'j $V 1z *lzlDU lnuſiv: 5 26 .ſſſrſiolſicqrp 166:- 2 4.'9,V22j22 $0]131D Perrp. | 6 27 EiChivſitt. 174c] 214 20 Iſiz;g 6 542 13F3(wxmeuy\ 7 188j;* fFCaru] M. 51847 2:.4 20 :Lzg'ſifzo 45 5i jd) h - j "9 & Gilgas £I9 4<] 2' 4 21 3ſi24*j 4 7 47 Zlljweſi"hffl at! 9 20| bj l204f} 2 422| 4125:18 37 E!*ALÞP o 134} CiAdiman 27 deſ 2: 4 220 $260 2 10)) lr Fe eng.. 11 Fu)l moon the 5thday, at 11 at nighr. era Laſt quarter the 13 dayy art 8 ar nighr, K4 g New moon the 21 day, at 1 afternoon, - : z Firſt quarter the 28 day, at 8 in che morning, I will begin my Judgmenrs of this-en- ſuing Year- in_the Name, and with the A @ Aſſnt;uſſcſi of .God, from whom /proceeds 1 3] 4,:\11 Truth, and wuh whom there 45no' ya- rmblencls &'e, A treacherous ſmiling Aſpetof & Q 2: A firſt ſalutes the World ; *tis violent and|. >l< 12/ impermanent :, and- the following Knot ſi19U10f Configurations curn ſoine Comick A&|D |16iScenes of great Concernment. into A 6 4115, Tragick Dreſs, The Angiy. Scars. haye | I>{nor wholcty left us yer, but threaten fome >« * 2 dlſturbqncſi, as.well in Courts as Ciries, IDoG| ICamps, &5c. God preſerve his \!a)eſty j* and the Government of ihefe* Kingdoms j wherein we live, and make us butarh:ml/- [3iful People-ro }ſin*, and oHedtſint to our il Lince, and :hm wethall be happy. - The L'Oo-' Pl;ne 5 ſ:'ct xcrxou L, ſiml<.ls z but|. © 5ſ:hſiſ> &- C on__—_——_——————__ m 1 m wWo - D 7-0 (thſiu treſſchcrous hſi.mctn 54 gn,the Joy of 7 [L5] 8 F), the Worlds known Kcz/o;l},_,:[_,(ct(.)}, or 2 e|{ ! '& 1 A 1: 'Evil- ſpirt:) poiſon our gieateit hopes. of 27 1K18 ) 13 of' good, A great Lady leav.s this Life for 28]zc113” 23 |/Aa berter, havm" (uct:c Gueen Dido ) : 29 | cl ſcarce liv'd our half her day. —_ EEEIETED D ETWEEE EEPUAPPISIL> P m9 EE D IS EIt mn WITT K D TEEE TLD EATR": Fel Chrones, laſt in Cancer, Taiſ:d Storms, And Hurricanes ; and phnted lireful Arms In humble Scorta#d': Try'd their Loyalry, For which Montroſs, and others, brayely die !' *Twas Crime then to be thought a Man of f Worth Evil came not from, but went ( henY rothe No*th. = j 5) S.3 & » | i . K3 R e- < I')' 4!!12H1f'h wind!r z 9 iizahd cold I'3 S'L 8]2({@6 I4 25 i2ifroſty Air, 7@37Elzw1tn Hail. j1'6 19 5911 119 22 913 ) Apop. '118 [4 9xz D 4.clou-irg 26" I 12 []);tg dyſ2o 714812/A© R. l: 109 37\2.5111(} wWete. 123 WJ An Aw » - ON E 1 nEy ooan -3 m — eLN | B ' £ Þ—- . ( - i_ 12] A{Terin's 572 2z g| 41 T31} lfi\A I3 b {Ermenjld 276 2 Tojl3 _ 36 lzFn(Pv?hh 24 r4iC 556-iz 1215 5712*01} 25 5 : 656'2 l3 3'3/})39\1l Pleaſant: |z5 !ſiſſſſi £ ]uhan 75% 2 rgj2T 46 lI'ſroſty 27 7 Fjrinan 857j2 16] 529 \1,!\11 28 15 g(*-lmeonſſ 957!2 ' ſi,:\9 16, \1>}_)ſſ(3, 29 '9Faſ\?cſſ B /[ro$S7| 2 [26 33C36/{1{{uitable |@ 20j B ildred - [ra 57 2 71 10 jct 8 1711 to the I 21 (\ctlmbſec [2573 L ] g'\(* ȝ'u D 29. 2 22/P}C 811079-**5 2 11 Seafon. 3 ſig!PWl}'CQYP- I4. $7D 8111'::: 25|. zb/vouo ercaſe | 4 124/f} re 59 2 81:.] 2[25j 17 9uqſſſiilhm 5 z5| £ [2- Ciner, 16 57 zcti 8*!2. 3]28} I7E25/L1 were 6 ſſ,,sig-ſi\]c\andez 17 57] 2| 9.13] 4{:g] 15 25: lctZZ\BT D ETY ulph }1857 2| 94 5 ſiJ . : 241uh reby _| 8 _Z'ctgcn AMwald ji957} 2 9115 6| :113Dz bzſilncnkd 9 zſi*-9i g fzo 56 21 9.16] o| aj 25 4@411: E | - L | : l x[20| not &5 the exaJtation of 2 God grant ; that pretences,of Piety,and a ſhew of zeal %|\ for Religion_do not imbrew ſome Sep- : 17| tentrional Countries into . Niforders, ſ4 Þffiloo A M's Wars, and Confuſipn. The of F © me- 20[l1]20þ1 6 naces Dittempers to the Weitern Parts. . Mars is of _nature intemverate, and raifes 2\&| rhe bilous Humour, 'which fres the Gall,} IEbKkA[6) |: | Happy are.thoſe.worthy Senators who - — ——— Rn R Ianeoem iS} fA 5 20 and inflames rhe Heart with Paſſions fo t9&f 20 * S& great, thar Mortals' can hardly bear one 2o[13'r3} with another. A Feaver of Religion i21 turns the ſooneſt into a Frenzy, & makes >x| each Wight an Oreffes, Lord God! when | 23 X*'—ct* S*kl,o! 81 /p4l the Angry Angel depa't from our (2.442-2j2.2 1 E- 4 10 | Terrizories wholly,and wever to return any C nnrs a A LI SAn eGAD SDE m EE e EIIIr. UFA 16| more 2 Some litle fprinkling of good } 20 News from the South-weltward;gladding 6 of 3 Al the Loxdoz Merchants, who are nappy by; R 41 3\ being fignified under Mercary, 3 iY | | } ATR AR ETTES EVDTEATEDEESIT 5 Here's four firong WIdlat S, bcfides what the Moon Makes with each hngh. Planet and the San B ight S0/'s Eclipſed inhis Royal Throne By pale-fac'd Lzna, c*re the Month be done. Like Cauſes, like BteR&s do {till produce, _ And Aſctctrc/a-Bnds aenot a'ways good fol uſe, 'n WH- Z lO )( S. a, | ſi-] d {Da1id Ep. Zl 56 2 e [Ceddus z 56 3j.f jLucian. 123 56 1.4| 8 JAdrian _ [24 55 '1.5/AEuſebius 25 55 6/. b Frodolin. [26 54 2 2 27 54 8\D }Falix M. [23.53 -9.8 140 Mart, [29 53 1go} 1 Equinox |V 52 Gregor 1 52 ſi gF()ſwgln $ 251 ' _[3_. b |Wigan 359 (4' 459 i15. d3L011Pſin*ſi1s 549 16.E jAlrede 6 40 I7. tſilPmuk 7 47 1.18 F{Edward 8 46 19 R ct]oſeph 9 45 20 b !Cuthbert j10 44 2 !: jIi 43 124. j2.41 0 Si 4pmou1ſ 123.81 ſſlhcpd(,n' 24 | -Zachmy 1440 25.5| 1539 a6 & {William *[16 3 »7 &Archivald 17 37 28 19 36 29 D{ViAorian.[19 34 30 F Patron, Jzo 33 [31 f [Acelmus z: bzaxav urual'A, bſix}{ ſi"){ WJ $3 *ſſ JT 2 916 9 6; 8 431]]W'n zlofm Io] 7,2L 26 UU)\L? m!l SL- Ww 21018 i1] 9, 3"%}(1-*)(-9 13 210| [19[L2JEL16 18j11ffomewhat j14 zſilo 19113j13/28 5c<|tofpleaſanily, 2 10/20]14]1[4 102:32910'Y N butits znzl (6116;22 "27]10\J .apog- 17 zſſllſi-z\718 4120| rolcontinues 118 2%1[513 1<]120 16 '8$110'not [o. 19! 2/11;23/1c]22.27 Fgltof Windy 20 3112410'3 gÞ 85 lofl © h. 21, zixz-,zat-s 22 1.00/39'. 22 212/26/23| 7( 4 ; 1oſſſtoxmy zctlz'z 24 lzctlz 55 1occU Ait, 24[ zſiſſn_ſiz7 25 519 58 10[:] hy. [25 { | 21218*6 3,13225 -0.15 ic were,36 | 213i2512 5 27 20l0inclingd 427 | Z'Z'Yſſſi 711){4 107C05110v, \ 2B | 21_*5;0){ 9.265 1 25 'OO'OQ 29 | 31;ſix zxlſixxvzglo &@. 3/0%4 2 313126 3PoAHE | ») £14) 3 35 18 400Q bg. |{ 3) 314; BZ—ſſ/ 26 4'[lojfy perig. l-h 311'} 4; SUin]llfſſ 9orH;ul S| 31—55!757415 30 '6[ 3115 | 8141 99510 9,(:h'm<*cdto' 7 315] 7 926122 4'| gfivityylca-| ſ 3{\55 7 19j:8] '£ q 44 gfant wea-| 9, 3:15} 811/S[18 26 'L}Cl Wi n-]()z ct'j*ct! )13} 2 cofſ{-ſſsſil 9 {>h Y. "o 3[(-01.} 41? 3 15 9d)/dſiwct 1:,, mn A EACAR D AREE CT EL. Full Moon the 5th day, -at 6 morning. Laft quarter 1 3. day, at 11 'betore noone New Moon.zo day, at 10 morning. Firſt quarter 25 day, at-2 morning. S. & l - . 2 Mel wbi, Fel 1bt, 3 o [5=3 - 4 i2/@] [io} March comes.in with much brisk ARi. 5[18|9 4 on, andthis not altogether unplealing to 6 Perſons of great Authority, both in Z S |Church and State, Bur. ſuddenly after, F v/2, abourthe 11th day, f] © Hs. emn 9 131A\ D |fcar guod Reges in [u1s rebaus ſe drſſſſicloſiſſn_ 13] 4| 8] denr, &c. That ſundry Heroes ſittingin $10 > high Places,are at a ſtand in their greateſt 12/n|6] [A[23]0]| Councils and Affairs ; bur poſlibly to.n6 13/z3]20/A| 6| | 6| great Injury, becauſe © is firongy and 15 envious grinning h very weak, and una- 15/ 18| |X|ble to do the Mifchict he deligns. : T re} i6/02]) [at 2| thee,O clandeſtine Conf irator | bethou 17 |A & who thou wile, in making it thy buſines : 8{ 9X| | &l j*o dilturb eicher thy Governorsor Coun- oiol 2& try, thou doit therein afſuredly court l.y z2|1o| | 3 [;5 fown deſtruttion. Various' News from *\ %| 0 ſeveral pants beyoundithe Seas : ' Ambafſa- ro'd oors arrive. 1nz:and trom fevera}'Parts, 2 4*|0 but to whateTett > — 13 h&, fienificar 14_* 4\1 1\151 qzzodc'r.z;—zt #21:lta /m'/d_. latrones (T Pre- | b— I9 2.C oO 14) donts mults &” manifefs. Yuch windy CIAjfH4 26\[1 i32 *118'21 \\'Ca[he!':_ with $20w or-cold Rnin, hfilpb - deflroy our kopes of much 24arch | 6 Duſf, R eN re Ethelwold [z5 23 zgeſippus [28 21 Vaund. Ttj29 20 Aprzl yeclds very tew Cceleftial Rays : Fovein the Bull, Yenj in Piſces plays, The firſt doth worthy Treland advance 3 :The ſecond well affifts ſome parts of France, But Chroms quadrate to the Queen of Love, Dorh ſhzrms of Wind, and Tears of Women move, g| 4 |GoodFrid& 18 ro] d jEſchylus | 116 2 215 r2] D [[ulius 313 13] © jHermeneg] 4 1 12 £| Ciburtius | 5 5 i5] $jOſwald -} 6 7 16 J Aſban 76 15) v JAnicetus'| 8 4 18 w ” 1s\ D Alphege - fro oj 12o} e [Ceadwal Jro 58 5 21}fimeon '|r1 56 2: Fj>vother,&c.{r2 54 2/3} 15 [352 24þb|Mellitus -114 49 2'F ' 15 47 26{\D-]Clerus 1645 125 P Wdlb\ſſge "/+5 z£ f 1841 i2c} & |Peter M. !19 38j.5 j3o] A Cathbiuflf-oſi*g 5 4|'7 14/21115]24 S1 4117 Is,zz 15] 6 ©46. 4\8!6'2{18 18 48 4\18.16! 241900*@053 5 Air at rtheir$ 9 eommng I9 NSYL S. [rof 9 Winds and{2zx == FRATLESTINT; jS S 4. m[S|F\VX\&|d. m.{:n: 09 18 |Con. MMzzzo 31610415 6125 21: g|Very-curi-|x; 2| 2 jFrancis C:3 29] 3j16 £1.16| 8| 72420 9*)}9.ous I4 £ 3h \ichard 24 37| 3][6 12/17\Lo\ig 15 91) 88 2 25 26] 3[17 13j18jirH| 11 5 9DApog 16 5| d]Vincent/ 126 24] 41t7 13/20/r3112 59 g/pleaſane 17 e f 10 4j18 1726*1'13 20 9iRajin, 22 41318:_7 zzizg 57] 9]Pleafant 4[19 19 '28[2.3] 88X52] 8 Nnorning -j24 4—\9195292422 10 ) K© h. Lzf 4\I9 20f% [25] 55 4 3 Frofts 12.6 419ſi2.1 2/26120 G6f 81 Tho New|27 4[19,22] 3/27 4&V 4: ))Qjmoon 28 53023]42.23[9 4283779 29 | 5129/23! 5:29| 4E54} ®|y rerig. '@ gzoizq 6129|26 TI1 5! roducerh | 1 20'251 8/7| 5Ihof s ſome cold | 2 52.1[26] 9 1120 13 91 Rain, flcet J FI21 Zoſſoi 1 4B41 'F ONOW) | 4 52112.7Il 3;18 40 gl(pcxhaps) 5 S|21 28,12. 21 ZQIL lit may bci 6 ſi 52-932{ 215 l E,nlmelE 12.2935, 2i27 vaþſiy&g 8 (Hzm ,26, j{ſſxofil*lf *} tmcertain E 9 6 zi lI*Ze zzz 22 8| ,ct)mf*hſtu (10 }_ſiȜ zlhg 1 4=20} Sh1rtheend.'1 1 6'23] 219| 16 15}8 12 { 44 I3S-) j P ien nr e GIr tnor ena ogmn < — Full moon 3 day at 11 at nighr. Laſt quarter 11 day, at Midnight, New Moon 18 day, at 7 at night. Firft quarret 2 5 day,> at 1 afternoon, Nulla ſalus bello, pacem te poſcrmus 077NeS, . l | l P A\,(Y The fery warlike Planet, Marg in g| | [54/99| Arzes, tells uSs That the worthy and ge- erous Souldier begins to make Elbow- room in the World, and brandiſh rheir $| |glittering Swords and Spears 3 reſolving |A not yet a while _to turn them.into Pru- 8/2&, 18| ning-hooks, or Plow-ſhares. The Mur- >| 2 _ | thers, Treaſons, Perjuriess Rebellions, 131%\A[1818] |{ and other Cruelties of lace years aCted 'ſſſſctflzz\'loſſ*ſſ' 5| againft Ged, and his Vicegerents' .cry &|{ aloud to Heavyen for Vengeance : Sothat { _ 529*11! that Holy, and Divine Prophecy is not 'EY| lo0 C{i 1 yer like to. be fulfilled, atleaft in thefe | - European Countries. An elderly grave ; | {&} bur yer infirm Man, meets fome, ynex- | ——cr—en————_ 19 700 N R SR ; " MPRT [ZO} i,, [09 ſſ*;ſſ | Pectea Honour ; he $ too MUCH GECAYES } 41: > 4} | and waltea.to bold it long- A,Repert | :Zz.z,zd] gloſi'ffl[ Eot vood News Arrives to ON Englifh | 125|1£5/ 11 X 9;39 M-rchantsfrom the Weſtwatd, but ſufi.-} {2-4| ct i 4ſil4zſſſ—'—\-ſi_23 denly contradicted. Mercary {carce iſiz-.} E} ſiG: | _2! [{30, _ lores the threſhold cf theTwinsbut keaves | [£6) 74 21 |{ m 3gain by.a retrograde Mgtipni, An l 127] [_*ſi?lff | 4 Ef, &nnNenty Feinale Perionage meets a, Diſſj- 1 -,—zſi.dzſiſiſig Al - ]2{tionour, hard/to be removed -irem e) ']293 !3 5 [E5} Breatls or Beliets ot.nſſct:er*:,{unouſisj\hſiofld. ;ZC | 4 [[& i | Amd a brisKk Merearalijt is rorn 4 QUt of z, 1 v = 1 { 11 Enplorment.. ———— Make bim appea; Of various Shox_) His Errand*to the lowez Warld's: l.ſſſſuge Four brisk Con) intions-in the thundm ig Bull, {m\e Canno!i.crammed full ]\fl 16ady toulſchavoe Hence varions Weather, Various Ations to0s Making poor Catrel, well as Mankind, roc, TN ININS [=|-= ovb'ſi 42 Y]D, A 'O E ngſi!ſſdſig'\ſ S. m « 14 21 34 6'zzſſ /128 5 7[D -4pog. {s 22 32 6123: 422- o| 9M 53; ;|>ea ſctþmblcl P43 D Inv Cu1c1 13 70} 6) 23 4 ſigiU »i,147| |SO P3 EfMonicy” Þrs 27]'6 24' 5: 14 29] 3.746| ,| catheryatls 6 S'f Algive 25'24 67.4f 6152915 5o| - *T? 8\ E} $115h P.Latj:6 25 6 24! 2 22 7[28128) 1LEIþo oggin,}1 8 I \ SFRF[ Bevetly/[15'20 7124] 7 281:8| ovpz1 j ORs. 1 þ_App'.I\ctiich. 18'17| 7 25\ 8 29125|122. 54 7 [pxmglng 20 F { OPSToantate 129" 579 519 [181 5$334] l owrs 1 V3Gordimi" PT 7 25 10; Tiz6ir'8, 31} 511car theſelz2 it 10 nchony 149 7 25110 329 TK4 41 5 S. it l:-f P:m(ſaſill*—! A » 7_26lſl'} 4j25115 17 iaySs withi24 13]S}Servarius- |-gi4i7 2673 &- e[2a1zg 15] 5T vinds. 74 Bonifac2: 4-g 13 72_6[,3 &24|13V35] 7 D 4s-. 1 549 D;,'411}>na | 4 59; P 2 6[13 8124j28 Io| 7 *b?. 169 Rogat ! $57} S 27514) 923 'T 13S19} Iy Perg. 149 3Saraoh yiid 6 54'] 27,15 16[13148", 28]'7 34 EiSewe) I? P 8127/65 71 23121137 7j Pleaſant }G 19|-E-]Pudertiay;! 849 8.27/46,42]23)2 8 33 7| Aalcyon ,_-r_I 4946 3-71714 ȜlȜJ/ (Aur_:md\'ctv _ [Tlmotfy 119 43] 5 2S:18'15] 29 15 ttcurious 22 h Juhana fA 40 1?,18 16123710 $2j © mornmg 23 ſi 12 34 928'199 LI[Z_ 4_91 ci5frofts; xctxſi Cz l $113135} 9:28,20.1% zȝg 6111'42- O:omeRain lſi "U:ban 1'14 31 ) 19'z} 4*19 *[t' therenthþs ſſſAuſhn 44 52 9/1:9-29! 7.1;7_1 243 12 6 ( ſſ\) C. of ctſi gBedq\ſen. 16 27]-9,29'2 22 2125 8 1i C JOI;:].Q ]l, &4 929 2E352J[2% 1 24 49 6 hſi mont} fI L9 U 418 21 979 23+24h56461 3B; 6 ) Apege 39 B ]IO 18] 93 þ3& 26 [7p18). 3 Oy 64 vich Axish z1} d cho..c]h 20 151 900 25 37|27 00 17 6 ,'\'inds. ; b s » . eRn —er emn eo em eeennnn e IS Ie eIr eIIESEO SN - " T. ” Full moon 3 day, at 4 afternvon. _. Laſt quarter 11 day, at 1: beforenoon. New Moon 18 day,at.2 morning, Firſt quarter 75 day, ar 2 morning. —= —_— ; — —, —— i A *8[8} Morbos odinus, ſtd acctrfimws. - 16 |Io l In this Lunation & in the ſixth in 3'8, |8& 81 ſhews the Heavens ready to ſhower $-45-1-3] 15 down upon us, (for our Juxury and 5]. | Or| |A {intemperance) Diſcaſes.- almoſt of'a] 6 8 /._\_5201 'Peſtilential nature, aMifting the head 7, 16 [|18 '& bowels. It was a-cuſtom among the 8I N P UſſA!_Priefls of old, when anyman was found 1 12; 7to be Giſcaſed in his head, they pro- 10: 1 {Dctnvounced him 72zcrable, For natural 6/* 11diftempers I leave them to be dealr 12/ 12%|*| 2 * withal by Phyſicians z but for thoſe lȜ:* (J 16116] 113 thatare mental, 1 fear we fhall Znd that 14a 8 14 many will incur -that cuſtomar\y ſen- Is \* &| lence as their due.Hereare no leſs than [ ſiſil6f c|a116' d four Planers in the 7tb Angle,beroken- 199; (22| 2] [16ing many enemies, ſtrifes, quarrels, | 1814 | Law-ſuits, duels,and the like, &c. And 19 {&| the & of f & in 5,among the 2lej- 20] 16, - |*{* K{ades, fignifies, Mnitas fornzeationes anmu- | 21 i %| 6 oſictilierct'bm,@*c. bur amidfi all rheſe un- 22 % | 110|0'D happineſſes, here's a likelihood of the ' 16 lo'23,advanccmcnt of ſome deſerving per- 247) *l 8 ſons as well of the Law as Church;and 2514 42 A) Amany conf:derable removes of inferior 26\ 19 1{10,Officers in City and Court. But © - 27 16 mong thePl##ad?s gives norice of Ship: 28\ 6 ) 'wracks at Sea,e*c, and wicked contri- '29, « A g\g i(?ivances at Land. ſi | & ${I214'16 _ ; ſi 5\2 ; | 4] B Into great places, great But Mer's unravels all Þour Planets mn the Twms r and thoſe four be The Sn, bright Venus, | Foue, and/ Mercury. Great Councils now-on foot! and:men of wit N d ed ioraioee edn preferments get. { the others weave. Prometheus ſometimes doth great Jove deceive: zlgl fOH. l- RL O'Q » 52[ i;; ;UU ED M.jc ;_U_gþ_ſiſſſ) M}— ;ct*l—} 51 Pamphilus/21 12/10fo , 26 28/28/12 31 6Var10us jls 21 F.!Marcellin. /22 10.19j0 262929124 471S$i5 03 -z| 3 Erafmus 523 7.10f1 25-]111!71/?12 6'5 2 Pllg 4 *lPetrochlu524 419/1 ,28 2 1[19Wct,8 65 N QI D Boniface |25 Iloiſſl 1291-3] 22 X Z1 5An*,ſome 29 25 58105 *9 4] 3j'5 28 6 .rimes very|79 d Paulus ;25 55 192 : 5 428 35| S\ſtormy, Z; "ſi8 2 \William -.j27 57 10]2 6 6"F*ſi5" 5;other {'g] £ Felician. (28 4911]2 P 7'35 23} 5;whiles a L1of £ 29 451112 | 2 9 9Þ. 16 51 & 2,5)24 ir} d 098431152 | 3,10,10/23 21| 5 2 Þ Cyrillus | 2 4901{3 | 320rue 46 5[oG 95 % [13 E 2 37/I1}5 | 4,1>ct13; 22 24. splcaſctnt 27 'F#: 2 iBaſil, Mag.' 3 3511EȜ g Slct'ctſi' IL12 SSRY with 12 ,ct;aszodeſiusj42ct-13ſi51517'>2 2| 5fading _|29 15 ſiiſhchzrd 5 49113 ; 6161 f ©48| sſſfroſis Hot': 17 0 eozolſſ,h f 6 26ſi 4 | 7\7ſi20-l 17 $alr, if nor]. 1 [18] £ Marcus |} 7 2 'Izv | 919ſiuj5 SLZI 5lome 1of Þ Gervaſius | 8 20,12ſ4 | $20,23/18 l 5thundcr | P S 9 I7il 4 l 92!ſſ25k Tv(II sandſiorms 4/ } dWaIbura [Io 14;12i5 ſſ10222-714 g5 5athand 5 2alk Aibdn [T1 Hſiſſ'tct)ct {I02329,17 18 C. 8 6 23] FPauhn. ſſ12 S;ILES II 25 © _Q[ =25{ 5 '0 © hHlk 248F {13 Sllsiz_ſi 26} ffii?l 16] 5 Good air $ 25 @{Amphibal. 14 2]13[5 1227 53 W. 5 6 by firs, 9 ;26* ]o &Paull4 $9113's 1 3 25, 714 55 5|.C Apog., |10 27( 56ſſ1556 14©31026 46 4winds and, 11 28, D Leo, Pap:u6 53i13k6 'I4 1 128 47 4ſid H Q:IZ 29£ 17 soſiljſi 5 21420 $55| 4FaIn at the;I13} zo f S18 48'136 16 35\6\3 VS24 4\end I4 Full Moon 2 day, at 6 morning. Laſt quarter 9 day, 'at 6 evening, ew Moon 16 day, at 9 morning. Firft quarter 23'day, ar'6 evening, A) ' Q GOHMUAf. 20 X"m - SAn Virtus dum patitur, vincit, 218| Mays 1n Gemenz ſeems to- interpret unto! 3] $ us, as if vice were like to be rampant, a | 6 +jand that the fons of perfidiouſneſs and - 21 A\\\{23creachery ſhould be prevalent | againſt A' ix6) x] "[Nen of worth and integrity The 119 Qiro[Tmins have been ever by Aſtrologers Tec- 8) ſ2o| 67 1211 koned a humane ſign, and Planets making !Ul x' 2*'% Conjuuttions herein, relate ( in their In- 1o' 62 %'Lgſiſizct luences) ro men chiefly. If you' diſtrut 11.*| 3 1 Achis rruch, pray conſult the aftions which !1213/% attended the & þ & in_1Lin June 1648, ' - 515 and if rhart be* not ſarisfaory and.con- 3 20| | g|11five to your realon of the verity here- I 1?* o t2/3jof, call but tro your mind the & H &f in 16 21\& l [Lon. 7uly 31,1643, aud tell me, whe- 17 l7o * cher the ſuccedent aftions and accidents of 73 $4 che world have not been moſlt yiſible and 19 { 4/-/46@PParent upon,and among men. I remem- 4 *\no\ 4 9ber the famous Lord Bacoz obſerves unto 2114'18 4ll Ui us, that once in ſomewhar aboye thirty 22 | \\j 14 years, the _ſamefſ_ulc or k}l?(-} of V\lſ)czither n= returns again. If you vouchſafe to believe lzz U555 [6,/'\* \l *thar the like-retu)rſſns of general accidents l2s 1 1 - |happen. fo to, the Aſtrolozer will not be 126 A19 efteemed a Wirch or Cotjurer, but a 08 friend ro Natural Philoſophy. 28 | 18 8 B 2 ſ ' | The Deities reſolve with one conſcn Þ ; Faireft Diana for ro. complement z * E | Bur ſhe being indiſpos'd to.enterrein ' S many of them, gets from home.amain : E Oppoſes their 1ntention 5 whence doth ſpring ; A (.rab-ſixkc mouon (now} in -every thi iing. —— — —— 1 —_; R =] " Zi15 92723191 £29| 3 fome [ l:ſſ x% K'AIemus -,5 © 15110:27 242026 58 ſſſſwmds Of 2 'gg{-ſſ ſſv;54*-ſi;57 16j10128 ?.f'.zz IQTF)Z 5 '*fermg ar 33 13g]0F} ſſſſ;b $4 16j70 29 27,24/2215149| 3 rain agait;g... ifioſict-- | et"\7 .52T6;z0 29 28265 _.ſi_lctſſ 3 D QoNowh g! ,. ſi Jlif h178! 49 1651009 09!27 I7 201 3glorious || 6;. 22/J MarMagd PUGPISDISES 29 2970 07 -3 J- Apogn 7 23 apoNnar? 19 544716!T 1j25; H'Xfllm 513 © #} i 24ffi cfmſima {121/apr 16 61/72(þ:222/.g4{. 3 9/149} 1 z25!"\ | !2 39 &93-17! gt 4 vq b247| 3 Harveſt- | jqo!. Aritva $:3547.11! \3ig l 67 Gwearher ; ,ſil{ſſ_-ſſ x27L2,Pantalcon 34 34 17,11 4j%6 729 ſiſi-zſſgbxsk\ 18d 2: ſſ ;28) f Sampſon ſ15 Z1 1711 s| 8| 8 I1IVS35 gconcude } gMartha I6 2917,12 5| 9iio}24 2:1 '3 th* manth. f 395 {Abdon f17 261712 6\to[liſy w36l 5 0 Z,L 9? 5] 55 Tavarius [18-2417,12-7h1r3{20—55 30 —_—___——— " 14 Full Moon 1 day, at 7 evening. f Laſt quarter-8 day, at midmght. _ New Moon 15 day, at's evening. Firſt quarter 23 day, at, noon. Full Moon' 3r day, at 6, morning. z oOEL# oo[ _« AfftologiestiObſtrrar 118|8.. ! i Plures ('mpuld, quam gladzzþs 21 7] UMy) 18 The Luxuriant Planert Yeas: being| 1 \ 3 14 | 4Conjun&ion of DeſtruQtive® Satyrr thc 'ſſ C] 4 Gxrh- Angle, intimares ſundry diſtempets, 5 20 N 'of a languiſhing conſutgptive narure now;} Þ 6 A m 203 likely to affii& poor mortals, ſuch-as have; | 7\ 4 5 14 been: procure& by glurzony and wanrot-> | $/2j15 4F4p Mn 20 Conſumptlon, Dropſie, Gout, 67 | 9ſi12% 29%- Ptifick, Gonorhca, Strangury, Oorn\ ! roj%115- 18 2Four Planers in che/Houſe of ficknels mu'} 1 ;neceds:produce'a fickly: ſeafon, And: &, ih;- 1 271}&|| 413 Fonthe fifth Angle, helpsito deſtroy the!, QTf5 4 i/(zgſi'}zw faculty, corrupts>the Pſincrtz:z,l e1 Fand renders the'1.;v9 wnſound.: Buts: God! 9 ibe blefled jn this polite age, we-have ma-ct , \>*: o'ny learned' " Phyſciars 'who# are moſt;able; H E 9.tO, tFace nature” 11 [all her Ma(ctmmdſs, ſi | "and findont borhicauſe and, cyre;of this! |[I-36 jgrcateſt maladies: 1' hope *þ in IL willls \ISig prcſcrvc London fronu Kire; and fiery .zctl-ſſ £ | l [on*s, though & the-there, tnenaging borh A5 unto; her. --Armiegor:a ſudden removc, 2 ofmm one place /ro: another ,4.a5-1f fame« , ) RIG 'oreat Bartel were neariz-a great WIKTY/: and ” 1 22 22 ambicious - Martia1 ift falls !1neo dlſgracſi,ſſct l hard ro;be:recovered. He'shappy that can!. - 1 with 42u7 pray, Iaupf,ta!m aut dwzctm; ; )1018,877@ desmzlctz &£. : cip } { 1 3 N 20m — The two grand Rebels of the glorious sky, In Cancer ſeem to. be at umty When ſnabes and vipers join, we may expet, Not Balſom ifſue, bur what'doth infe&. From wicked conplinz, ſuch cffects proceed : If bit by Badgcrs, then we 're ſure to bleed. _ ) '& Zſſſſ D M. 55' SUT,LD M ſiſſ\ }ſij% 71 I9 21 1712 7l 144 35 3Br15kand'7 2{ DStephen.. |:o 19j17 12 81416 13 27| 3 windy 18 3 £ [Domunic. [21 14118. I2 915172 VY29| 2% Þ Q1; 9 4 £14 Ariitarch. I22 14118, lȜ 91561815 32| 2) &,yetg, &\ RiFeft. Niv. [23 1 2118 Ig Fo 17190 540] 2 pleafant ſſZll 6 /Tr.Chriſt, 24 Toj18.13101921 14 g7| 2 » Perig. 22 7! b;Donatus 292-:9 1813\11 20 2228 &4| 2ajr At the ] g 26 18 151120\ 23121158 2oegznn1ng,2 9 d ]Romanus |27- $[18 Igilz?zlzſi; 27 4] 2with cool,zq xoi £ [Laurent, |28. -1/{18 13} 13242511G 2| 2 perhaps |2j x f {Tirus, 28 59118,15114 25 2624 53| 2froſty. Izl 12 8 [Clare. vir.129 | 2 mornings.' 23 -—191414262/8 A 33 13} 'a H]pohtus 011254 1914,1527ſi2822 I 2 Abour the 2g 4 h 'Euſebius {I s2(l9 141629495 m3 zncwMoon' ctct 18| 2 5019141671}{_..18 7] 24 little l 116|D Rochus- 13 48/19 14117; 1þ-10 ,...45 2Þ B, - | 4 '17 £iThomas,H4q 45 19 14110, 24-2 :3 2after, ]lk@; ze 18 £1 [Helena. 15 1418 413 25 125 2to berain,) \/ 19,5 Clintank 6: 1 I4Ix9; 5, 37 9 .\))Aþſ)gctvmz. 5( 20/ 1 [Bernard - |7 4l 61:449) 1| 2& þ 6 Eh Rlchard 8 30419 1520 7' 40 752 2 zthundfl', ' 37120 T5; 2' 9) 5 12 40! xaffd very Sſi,, 23 6/Timothy |1o ct;ffiſi) 15'*1 Io, 524 44 1,various - | gf 24.L IT 33201522.11] 66 V$57 I'al windy,'19 UES OIT b2s! £ |Ludovicus!12 $2/20 I523,12| 619 28 1wer, 11 25}F{Zophorin.|13 3 30201523| \ctct 62 220] 10 © 2?112 273 4 28-0152415 65 .35] 4O X [13 284[ {Arpuſitn 15 27"0152416!22 29' 12 lD © 414 29' ct5ct01ff2517 615XII 2 |Fceltx 17 ctſi20152618 $27; 28| 113 9 16 _sl Adſ]ſidm }8 22/20 16'26 20 sSTTY55}| 11% bþ P 17[ Laſt quarter 7 day, at.$s morning. New Moon 14 day, at $ morning. Fir't quarter 22 day, at 4 morning. Full Moon 25 day, at 5 at night. A FOHD H 1 C | 82 CANE 72 > RAAT 81 Ni prodet quod non Ledere polfit idems 2 122.13 6\ 13] The Heavens and Stars do at onte both J 10 ſmile and frown upon the actions of man- 42 217]2:| A \kind, Were it not tor theunlucky. &© h & $11%| |*| 2 lin19 &. this Lunation might prove of 60). 6 |7QOIO fiendly Influence unto the world, For 1 7i17l S .)Zk[lj] iin Medio Celi, betokens Honour, Succels, 9*: | o| l \-g and much felicity to Kings, Princes: and 19195] |& "GOVCFUOUYS, and ſhews their ſubjects to TyT 221 " 4 x be of obedient hearts and: minds. And 112] ,| |* 2|7 in the ſecond Angle , .indicares the 1310| |io| |S Commonalty to thrive and-grow rich/a- 1417 |©|,/to} pace by induſtry and prudence,-But Oh! 'ſſ X ,16|20 tharfatal 5 H & in the Agathodaimon, as '15{ } 2 well of the worlds figure; as of the Luna- ſſg. Wa ON O|tzon, poyſons the hopes of all our happ!- ” Z' 12] 2 8 |neſ$ ; God grant it hurt nor_the Haryeſt 9; 3 \ to0, Hulte egritudines militum nobill- 120]- .L\ N : : X: Yzlſſrſi'- of 4{rolagfurm excurſut, mors mulicrum, 5c. The Ma- ' is 18 l\lzſſ 6 crocoſm is diltemper'd alſo, as well as th< 125) |-1 4 7 Microcolin. Tonitrua, fiulming, .caloh vere-| 24A {\20|mens, cur multts calidis vents, ©e. Let :the Yzsiſi 98| \g|5 ſiKingdoms of grear Britain and Irelard wath {261 , 1 \ | 60©/\|the Sacred Ruler of them,be eyer happy, 17 | \A :and let the Bolrs of Heavens anger tall {.©} |. | {Northward, and upon ſuch*people who Z 8 A: 32 8; 1 3 ” S | 73 ove _not England's Peace and'.latereſt. 999 - 4.297 5 Amen, 31 (. *| \14 C CS ———r—n So! entring Libra, hides his Golden hezd, And Lyna triufaptis imtkis place and ſiſſ:ad Yet *tis but for a while: 45: Pnnm, who By bold 4ſurpers Are cebardithenidne : The fraud oncetnderftoods bright-Zu/tice ſhmcs, And ſns Viftorions, *bovc all Countermuntes. mn —nnn——oe—m fhgidlus 19-20/21[16/2*12 4%26 2:1 Iivodcraic 18 t M3 Adaman -j29; 19/2.1 (6' $221 4115 1 *'% + 019 & Theodore 21 -15/21 16'*28 25\ 525 Lc lct l mgun '70 b Tr.Cuthb 22 irs .4 123 162116*22911 Y I'wih \ ſſfl Mſignus 24 I]pentle) 323 .£ Punitan ” j=5 Ikvholſome 24 f'Nat. V.'M.\26 Ihwinds2 826 KN Gorgon,""/2 uf © 2 16 Nicolaus i%*' 4 2 27[ [Fer{bJacynrhus [292117, clſlome ,23* 1 \rip dowin's 3\J-Amatus olrain, { 4;2£-\Exalr.Cru.}2 owctith 2 f Nicomed. 3 i H $115 g,Comchug 0 Þ Apffogeont 4 7: 8 Steven 0 high. - 5| b ;Winock * 22 o dlul "mrg 6 9 } 39 | 59?2'16 @\\lnfls ,7} o!' D Euſtachius7” 5 25j16 o% h'$ | e1 Marhew®'"3822/r6 0 &:©: 8 9 : 122/P, Mattriee 9-1- 57%116 1051722,27 55] e A\1% Dfto 289" Linus, P: 5692 16: ]_Oclgzjllcwl( ofharp/ 'ſilll? 24 aſſ-Vn.ibald lll 56 2'= 16{11 29; 24'23 34] 0 moruings; \\!2 i2s: hiCeolfride- |12 55..253: ]nſſ21257 X 11] o &evenings!3) -5 0: Tx:n}13 5)2271512ſſ222621 15] & f/ T? Q [4 THeA dCoſm Da-: 14 5422 lfif[')zjlqs N 45Þþ o#9< 8 * " 539 £, Lxoba Ab.iIs 5ct22'161" Z5j 4920 35HR X) © -LL {{r65 5522161426-—-—5 Uzfi 29 rair- ltke<117 Hlcrome [t7 532—16 14127! #20, 33f>9 J* Perige118| | + 189.f %05 — ___.,_.__ N emn Laft quarter-5/day at 17 before noon, New Moon! 12.day; 'at$.aMgjight.. Firft quarter 20:day;'at10AL night.. 'Full Moon 23\days at4 mormng [S' (Ueh, . 4.: frolapigl Obler __ſſ,,_ct_z & 42 _T_'_YZL_ \:ſi"_;_-__{li ſſ Complementam Legis, Pax e? J INN 'U\ | In or near*theſe rimes the'ps ople OTct AR Z Izct—, ſeyeral Countries ſeem tinevarſton- Zffiſſhctr' ctgct'"ſiſiz tented, and many ſuddſi*n, and'perhaps; g l \ Q extravagant defires 2nd” pctmons ap-| [IXG 2 | , [-'x1 Praramong them., Þ is fiationary) in; ETaette) ff % hisown Dwmſizes.ſi\ in a doubleccratty! -3 g Uoct*}ct'ſi(*ſi 5]a 13 upettiof furL}' ungrateful &1 Ph*a £95 @. .3o18jr3 ortick 0 7 -to0,.over whom heclaims 4 ! j P Dominion. God' preſerve:the Hononr a 31 - jo7 G:and Dignity! of the® Clergy, /they: haye *1 &*%OÞ - many enemies. ThEunwearted aCionsol! ;Z S\Mſſi /*iſſlf:ſilf Princes and Goyernors cap90tcontent | ln j [ 1 l fortsof different opimons. 'Oh! th:\ft\ Meobolr kojje 1 136 we.were burtifo happy'/as'to put in/pra- 7 - dil d 4þ 1 66: FRar ccellent ndvice,” abbut/r6- 8 46!'8 A » 4 Soabiling d: :fenting partics, 25.1 owcnx i \/0 l)z[ ourſe of the rije and proer ots Dariga-! q \ 1K 5/*7c butthe compfflſinſſ oſſoffrezſitfl be - bſiſi'i 1JT 15: PErnaPs Teerny's "dfor a*:c honoux ofa berter age,chisbein Mſiſdunſii fearce: worthy to ideſerveIt; ')ſſſſ.sſi , Ships arrivefrom the Soirch we EGOOUT | O*th@iſi rimes,& many Tikewiſe are rſſow* Forth.t_ God ſend them ſſroſpſſroſiu .ſſj "tures.The yenefiek 1. of þ' memc- 5 - forhe;eminent female n:rlox-m, with | Poyon ticher to her pe r{on or r DnN oa7, ! ct £ C IINED \ 311_;20—,\/; 5#þ the taumlſ'?bchook, entituled, ,ſiAZAſi . y i -....___.._5.__-___... 0 mn enet C Ew A er eEn eRn emn emn Chronus doth ſquare bright So/ and Mercury:; Hot Mars and YV1us do not well agree. But Plots and Plotters nearly out of date, I fear no great diſturbance to the Stare. Let petty Gameſters quarrel, if they pleaſe 3 Their ſpieen once ſpent, they'l gladly covet ecaſe. - dn EarnBe ed 3 R RITOSE 1 þ =i-=- Saints [O 2 b[B[\2[4D. IES & S/& D. Mjco\r[]=|2D. M.K 02 IT Remigius [15 5423/15j15 {29] 3]s 2427/a windy |19 2/Þ/Thomas, B19'52/23115115 11 5120: 479 air, and a/29 3; 20/$123j16|16 | 1]-6{4 @20!29;* 7\21 6 Dipbancis - N21 51/23\16|16j 213 18 16Þ29zſſſallot*moj. S\£ |Placidus '[22 51,23/15117} 31olt Ago290 H (93 6/U|Fides 23/51,23/16 13] 5|13}hs. 5.27fture, go0d|24 71 /Mark, P. j24 50_23516 13]-6|13j28 3 29ſtore nceri25 SJſſaDQmeſſjus 25 50231619j 7115}19V$46 22 this time,|2s 9 b\Dyonifius {26 $0[23'15)19] 8j15[23, 1629/A 2 v [27 08 27 50j2315120;Ic|185 #3$35 39{)) 28 ll4d[N1chaſius 28 50j23 6 20511 20]17. 46.<9 probably [29 12 C wilfred [29 $6/25 1621112[21529 . 51;22/% 7 & ® [13] E{Edward” |o $6[23 1621113Þ23[010L5o 29m by | FE N'Calixtus |1 5 023 1E122/15 25123 4529|) Apog. | 2 Is AjTereſa '|2 5$0j23/16 23316i263 £38,27 Froſt now,| 3 16 ÞjLullus |3 1*56j231623/1728117, 32/29 more 4 (T 4 $0/23\16 24 18|\mj29 29,22 winds and| 5 18 D Luke 5 $0'23/15]24 20| 2|11V$31,29 rain for | 6 'I9'£ %Fſ]d(iſiſWld.F 5112315}25 21|'5123 42,2? manyGdays| 7 2 ' f_illyſul_a 7 51;2315125 '22\ 5 p.-x 6;28ſome- 21; 3'Hilarjion. 3 $£/25 16126 23 418 , 4822 whar 9 22 Cordula j5 51 231"5 26'25} &,1 X 53 quier at . Jlo\. 23 Þ Term beg. 10''$223/15/27 Ojroſts |2522 C9 (n 24C It $225i15 27 27,11129 23;485 & 2..12 25 8 Chryſant. 12 53'Þ {15 28 28 133_13"*-4"5128 S. © & 113 26 £ Evariſtus [13 $3/2315 ſ29 @115'25 44 283 14 zgp_ſſvo, Conf. 14 53 2315 28 1\\6,135542;2 o. 2 K {15 54 2515 29 2ct18'_29 II 25 » Perrp. [16) C 29 & Eadiine }16 64 23 14 3'19'14'1125*2 the end. |17, i;3o Þ Ageinoth: }17 5s 23 141 0 5{21 29 24jÞ 184 17 7 18 823 H,J 1 - 623 13 88 23 A h._&' 119 /______.__—_._—-——-—-————————-—-—-*———*——. Laſt quarter 4 dzy,, at 7,evening. New Moon 1 4day; 'juſt at noon. Fifſt quarter 20 day, at 4 afternoon, Full Moon 27 day, at z afternoon, Fuſtlitio in ſeſe virtutes continet omnes. 2 A 19.1s!/A ſſ Aitrea's fled ro Heaven;and the cardi—i o© Þ £[o12|2 \ 1 119 nal 7 © H begers unkind effecs inthe] 40 * wearher, and diftempers the minds and; g' 78 7 fancies of mankind z and although it be] 5 %| X&|5|'2/15/fall of the leaf, yer the aftions. of thejſi 718| | 2| «'&| " ſworld ſeem to rife high, and menat this! 8) -[X 5 j16|., jtime are nort eafily contented, ;A greatctz 9| [2310 Stareſman meets hjs period,. and 15:nor| A - much lamenred. Great, yet cloſe conſul—i 1 | 20*| - |;tations among the. Heors of Govcr_n-ſſ 12 o/10 61 4\ment,& contriving how to enforce new,! 13 [0Qid| abrogate old Laws. Some petty untuly, 14 (22 - 120 -2} {fricks appear among the vulgar, but t0| Is | 9 no- great difturbance. & jn © menaces! I6 '20 4 great & populous City with caſual fires! X| | 12 \x'and differences in her Councils,witlythel (T 129 I [x.| 1 death of one,or more of her Magifirares.| [19 22 18 qLerLondon be happy in the choice of ker; 203 {A, 81: |22 hew Lord Mayor. Some eminenc Cegars! '2T 4 l18 lgſſ[j !ſſ iſfeem ſubjed ro a Palſe,and ſhrubs begin} fzzſi\ſſ\_l Eg Þ 11 t0 rh'mk of advancement. God diredt atl 2316/A0 Aſr2for the bcflſſ._& permit the tutelary Angel: 13,0, 20 {or Genius of this Nation.a power to kee P/ 28 O'% \ ,us from ſtaggering.in opinion. S7 7enopal 2 14! 2 A eſt Dens ipje fuquimre eum&c. A Janns go-; ſ'27 $.% og g.vernment 1n Church or State, 15 ever of (28,214 n18 4'dangerogs conſequence.T am deceiv'd if} 29 R ione, dzy inthis month be not muct mere; [30' 01%5 !ſſkmd than ir was two years L.nce,and {o! b 'N'S ] 2 I[ſia glorizovs Hero will find 1t, A PTISEI 7 D Bught Jove and Hermes in this Moneth oppole, While Mers at both Jays onwith:dowhright-blows! ; And Rehell-like, confroms:the feeble'Syn, With whom /ove's:found:1n coppofition. That Church and/Sratre's uncaſiey -where:theſword Poth make irs Governours call back their word. m rrrennnnmnem em mn .._-—--___....._ - IFs j l il Z|S, ,© MyÞ, Uh 22 0 gbſix?, S gok jD Mo*;ſſfl)({n[l)ſſ M.z _ct,_), | 8 wit {\9 I5125 14\ 1] 1124'28 7{28COld yet|2> 4 L; L An 20 $712314, 21 26;11Q4628ctvariom 53 þ 3 f; xmfndc@l 5723 I4 2;1 27124 5 2'8?2111', - 4 Bſſ italls, e—rc,?-Z 58 25* rg1 3[a 29;7 fl;[-ſi;ozg AO/ | 25 6 t;Malachy 23 '59]23 lsf 3j12|;4j2071"22/23]) R X|2%. 6 Leonard ,25 20/23'13! 3/ 413 22 236j27| 8 1 2 / 0 reinc)2s 02": 4,15 3114 46/27ſomerimes/25 g|:D:|Severus » : [27 Izctſſ"* ]16 $126/ : 2N9N Bilz7 9 Y___'(ſſlaudius | 25 223 lȜ 5 17 7i8 m3 27}*[}01*\]-])! 29 H 10 10 __ſiTrzpnon ?29 523 lji 6. 18]. 8:29 '\8 27() 4ctpogvm D © | 1 E' 1 0 \Martin. B,'o 2423 13*' 6[20102 }33 27 lomerines| 21 l's : a iMart. P.Ci1 52"113 el Il!l4 23 27piedſiant, T 13\ Þ [Kitianus |2 623]13{- $22113/26 "27/2718 "3 |& .4-ſſ_- 3 72'3"*'12,' g/23 14i3 V829 27w1th ſmall ,5"6 Eeopaldus 4 823]12* [25 16120 27127 froſts. - 16| ©[Edinnd 14 07 922:12 9/2617/2! 2855127; High+ 46 9 fiThanmart. 6 To 22 72: 2/11915 209 ..'7wjnd5, 21NDed.Bc. pu- »11 j\22 12'10 28;20[287 {£n Z7c]oudy, 7 | { 4 0{:@4P tctP'n*Js*B 12122 I2 To VILLELN vi1 27rainy,. >[og|<" ſi_cſi!_iſſſi gugectms 9 1-221210 1123124 ....22\2 \) & nof [23(T-þ la !42212}! 2238; P 9R7O_GY in1 25;3 C!cdy !n 1622 11 26,22 2427ſſg ©. o p2j< D floek, virg!ſinfi 202""13.10 4/7,0951425jthunder, {17]\< 293{ 'Atvent{19222 ſi 22,11,14 1 1195j2210.39 26\yer I fear 18 gſiſſ'd ſiſizs 3172 onct,:zt 76 £59 26-1\. | £8jx9j0s YEZOEZ[ Q 24j2 0}1015 \jl 820 49 26] | jF - 2ofot : | , : — — Laſt quarter 3 day, at/6-morning. New Moon 11 day,>at 6 morning. Laſt quarter 19iday,-ats mornmg. ['Full Moon' 2$ day, ar-1.1 -At n,ghc. : — ToT! — Niib RIdagad AÞ gnmnl mz!ſi) libera n0s -)omzctne l* bv# 01. Angry-A7ars upon the Mid-heaven, and 4 Dm Virgo-to0,.: in raye.of © ,.9 .and D-'ſiz4 4 3 inthe fonrth. Angle, prſiſaſ'cs Ml-wea- * 12 '$ *thex, 2nd 2n ill; Moneth-:in geacral af- 5'/_\' 22fairs alſo.” And'although»rhe!t wearher bc* O241*; cold; yer maggotr generate: amain in the} 15' *. 9 brains of themutortide. Many deanddlous) t S —— EOB!U*J!? Q —A I 2 Books and. Pzpers frequently*{pread”and! |& promoccd to the-offeace"and arthogngur 2l 5.18.0f men/in high places. Plors ana'craffyl ger? A\16-- 1gns.on. foot 10 feyeral Counries.an 8 t]us t: !nae {o/ much becauife-Scorgio 15 the Hore! Is ſcopc of. the Lunation, as for:; : his| be- I6/a, 10g-.10 T1,-caſting 12s PYO}Cctmg beams) :gſſ' 4 78 'X-rom-chat 2Give ch -n unto fo:many ſeycy, .4 12 '8[* 6iral laners Few! will ibe found. tocprayy,! 18/0 22: 0 Dyith hondlt Apir, Punitarom 5 remmender *Zoizſi,zo _)Z{ 1522 Cem longe amove 4 me. Men/dorathermnaug.. ſacrificeto the impious Goddeſs Meadacias. | and make lyes rheir_greateſt reſuge—IFiqe M .z tims .more for countel than action, 3 angj® { 17 yerwelthall fiad Cundey brisk remoyes off* h | | g,.+8 ,many publick honour and ofice,as Wolk 27j71 ſſ*ſſ*-x'*-ſi E$0nzthe, Law, 1 29 of- the, Church,,-,an% 1. 995 m emn AB 'Courts of Princes: ;; -poGbly, occaſi9n'g . 29101123 ſi)} theodeath 'or dr—:ctrau of one or two! - !Ȝo}ſiſſſict * \{greaxt Offlcers, e: 5 7 DA C An 20n Dn A e D R ESSI manls HEE ed te au abe> - Dn C 1 —————_ "n 2 mn , Thus have we run our Courſe throughourt the year, ct Viewing the various ſhapes which 1n't appear. . And for conclufion find the rad#ant Stars Are perperrating divers mental Jars, Diſpleaſant unto many. The weather too, Weeps very often, as ſomne great_ ones do, | S,=] o 4h1YG2T D MA S| \S|& D. Mcs : R vS'vS D M-He dpects. I| f \Eibiana J2o 25221015i5 94 826A D 2 2|NjLucius f21 2522 10 15 16.11 17 0126ie'rofiy air, i 3: a{Cafſian- | j22 23 22 101617 1229. 30.26}/) Q - 23: 4ſſ h tBarbara j23- 29 21 10 1618 13 11:243 26 foon '24/ 5! 24 30 21 10 16 20 14.23': 45 26 turn'd 25| 6. d{Nicolaus..[25 31 21.10,1721/165J4125 @. h. Q 26 7;£-{Ambroſe [25 33 21,,9,17 22 1717 ., 3425.A.f & 27 8/£/Concv.mj27 34 21.,9,17231829 ; 2626ito winds 28, | 9; F{Leocadia. 28: 25 21, 91825 1911]2,ſſ26fi)) Apogeon 29 'ro, g {Melchiad. l29 3721} 918261$22 2026and rain, ® II{ : [Damaſcus |oY$38 21 9,18 27.205 y$29,25 {till I : j } { 12,6 1.: 40 27 91192821;7 392515 H $i-2 13, d{Lucia Vir.j2 4121 919 ,21.29 59,29 Froſty 3 !T4 £ Mimborin'z3 . 42 21 919 1,21 12725j25 by fits. 4 15' f {Em., weck4 4321 8,20 2.2125 ' 4/25jA great | 5 15 /O. Sapicn.'s 44 21 8/20 3 j7, X 52/25|Apermio , |'6 17} }Lazarus - |6 46 21, 8/20 5.21/20 £6/25j% h &(-7 [13}Þ {Winibald j7 47 29, 8{21 6214. TISYSZA & © }195- , S. .4820, 85215 7,2017. $3[2518 Þh $19 [20, DiJulius 50/20 8(21| ${1911. 553/25/0" Þ 2 ilo $10 51 20 821, 91816 17]25\Portarum {11 ———— 12 54.20, $/2212'15|16 | e&725| ) Perigeon 13 52255 30. Mart. {11 52.20 8j2211,170. T159|25 15 now {12} t { i24/@[ad, & Eveji3 5$5,20, 8/2213.14.0 @59}3?60' ©:. T 14 ;ſizsgfz [14' 56 20| 9 2214}19116 1/25jike 0 ! ? 126}. tis $8.20, 9j2216:11{0 £46:25/happen. jI6 %27 D 15 59 20, 712317;10!1s 6(_25ſſSnow_and317} [28 g[_ þ 18 o20|.7/2318| 9129 zgzssbad air at{r8| 29] { |Tho. Cant. 19 120; 7]2319] $\121p2825| © Hj19) 20 ſſfj.gojg Euſtachi. f20 3 9 7j2321 7125 26j25, Y.-'63 Z1: & (Silveſter 21 419 7.,23 22 68 = 1/25the end. Zjſi | J R —_ A rnerno 26 4 | l Laft quarter 2 day, at 5 atnighr. New Moon 11 day, at 2 in the morninge Firft quarter 18 day, at 7 at night. Full Moon z5 day,. at 10 morning. EO'TÞ:ZHOZ,FZ*Y_ D D ( puacawedomns _ = — —}— — — I A A A - Dominene ſecundum peceata tribuas. 2(] % 11202010 How! a double & of h &, and from 3984 | - Tropical fignes too! many mahlzcious 4 029 !D0/97 ſpirits appear in the world, and inchne * 19i 12 2 men to/0:ly and madnejs, tolying, f_r.zu:l, 6 1 \ *' Xand a 1ibciling alfo of ' their Syper2ours, 7 8 23 23 hut the fend (as his faſhion 15) forſakes '8] jIo, ſeveral of them, and leaves them mn th :20'[]] hands of Authoriry to be pumiſhed fo 16 their wickedneſfs. News of many ſhip- wracks neezr theſe times, and much roh- ct-ſſ A!] |©& bery both ar Sea and Land. And yer & 13 joA| 2 &! 6is the Horoſcope at the Lunation. Bar : 1 |o hark thee, honeſt Reader, haſt chou no 1s* heard of pious Frauds, Godly Cheats, 1620| 269 holy Hypocrifie ? (Cucul'us non faczt Mon 17 |£&| 123! |X nach;m.) You may perchance now 1ce 183 o,X| [*| o them. The fraudulency and hypocrifte 70 8 | 40 ofthelate Age hath almoſt banifhr cru 20 A*i 4 £9| 4 Religion from among us. God bleſs ou 21 14%' /\'1112\ Gracious £overaign, and his Honourable| 22 'd_ 9 A,\ 4 Council,with the Reverend rhe Biſhops.| 23 12 17.” |&c. and give them unity among them-} O% CO !24 & to, 7 &'fclves, and a ſpirit to diſcern what be- 28 22|0 %] 18 longs. to the peace of our diſturbed Na- ) 3/X/12 } |rion, thar they may provide Remediey 27 Ii-|8' ibefore ittbe too late. Make them as wiſc 28 o L as S$»/67:09,and as ſucceisful as the Sons off 29 AjX[14\f] 116 Tſachar , who bad unaeritanding #n t#h4 -tzmts, and rhence taught Ijfraed what theyi !20 0zght to do.Deum rimere,RegemBRonorate.]|- [AIS 5 d A An R. 3o 14f12|L\.20 Q1-.+ = ſ C OES | = 34. min, ct' in_ — ET ſi'[mſſze[x '\P ? O _ D |frot Yffl(; lZſſAſccn ' 2 3 Time , { !m o- | n 1 ; o. r En. EHWH } hX L*L'HK,I from 19'15 ZſiAic@n_i -,( 3 fct M. g'ſi*"' gc Gr. ſſgr — —| 10297 UZU' ſiſſ:% ' T'ZTTX ſſſi() o. OC13 ')82 gſ'; 'H* Mbx.zgſ Te (I o 4 14 9ſict 42.15 4, ſſfſſ\ $1 O'———{*" r. M gr.gr, ha Þa $5-pagu 23 09 S| j1 14/2216 31 628 l H :156 128 - '17 6| EI 25 Ilsſizctlſiſi ?Il 72 316, 128 th-. : $9! 2116(\2 [ Z P M d 2n 329 04 9 216/2317 51 $30 o 18 Z'lZ? l 2119 8:'2 35 '15{2418 sxi $ ſiO 22 6?_0{f Bn 45 8; '2 12 : l2>-19 12} 9, l] j TA i 5; O AOZO 9 f OES Sſſſſl9l2019 }-t;:: 34 © 21 21 4 j{2 1 t 69 $Z:10;'2 C -29 &22 1 202110 2 g| 6/20/2620, 3211; þ :-Z-Zſſ Z 2 "o21 14] [2 9 12127 21 f::lii 3 32 22T5! - lanis &: 43 21 -3371%'-??; S. 2211 12.26/ 3/22.2821 SZJLOf 4 Bn 093 1y MN 25115' 6 d F $697 13 16 30/19/24/2923 16,13 4 &15 25 & 4 3524 14' 2 7T 5/-5 D 23. 57,14 ,,,\ 4 1327ſſſi 9 5 D 'ſſ_ſſ 38 12'26 lr } + /{ 611428 01 183 £5:12,-48 _—— 24 3515 8 R e Fen2 ® igtos 131275 £0þ — 96: 9 1 } 36.4 16. ; 420| 22 | 59161I.11f 56 27 1 ſſ ſi?ct 50515%2*Y 526 0\1610 317, 112 gE7 00 1S 547;15'2 R 4217111 319 02 7 552715| 2 5917 9| 427 24118 12 to 6 5, 38 28 19 2 jI7T}.IL| 4,29 6191 ' 9! 3214- 9 l4a2 j 2\18 I| g 2 1420 4 14 4 - 919 2 ſ | 52 47If1 4. 40, 4_[ct3_ 9 Zogt - 6419 2 62 \ ;Z Ȝ[ 1521j 515 19 2920| 2 16/29 3 ”9 30 14 H Ceevr” 3n m 5 1421 4 7 oM13]21 15/ ve 22 H 12 122, ſſſi y i 4 70 5:44216 $23 71711 22, 3 1822 5 $ g ' 2024 17 62 123 |3 2223 6 1 37j2217, 4 © F7 12 32 2 23 19 2223 ©, 9, 2 nct 3325 519 13 = 2 2624 710 3 50,23 19) lz 18 92 3.-3f4 j10. 3 22418 5 913 $S2 2 5 1. 25 219 2 6 C EID HSB b 42% 3 3525 9jii Mephip44 19; 5 X £ j 4_4 gln ZOIS ?2 4 Ȝ ȜC ſi7 (ſſ),,]") r 4925 204 D [ed : j :', 'ct2 2'7! 523011 2216 31 628' 2 472911_ſi1ſi\1_; 6 I;ZZ | e 73 l- 3 $1391214} 7 22 28/24 —A k l - m tns An CL ln dn nen emn 1 A RAT DAAT SAn CS EATR" aITS Ti mn mn m emn 2m: {ſſ A Ictifi}— wh PU(* Zſ(zſ ſ 2 h\}ſiidi Ot SI dcg ! f 5__5_ ſi}ii Fo : TAR C —]--""I'j!""*""'ſi"ſſ " y—_ .__..I--v-ſſ—i"-*'"*—*"ſſ" O ln 9__0' - =——_— C 1 N (4 ſſſſſſſſſſ C d (T jor oor 12 lſſ}(leolltl'ſi) Aſ(.enl ſi)! .ct—?\ig ſifſi'ſſfl)lll ;O lZL flX m 2 "t ſiſcſi) nctſiJL;Sſiſizi L' "X i"ſilſiſi;ſi*; irioon” D D D M D P 5lL 10114! G (;;3 o+ 36 4 [0 9 © 47%2322 [66 50 099 11 26291] 6 eA ng 9. r' 33/24'22 4 60j 2.1416;1Þ, 1 50 22 13 311216, 2' 19/25'45 4 4 ſſ"\ſſ.ſiſiſi 9 351 IJ_-;: ' 6 17 413 1l;3.* $25 24 4.08 4.!()[710 IJ% ,*)95 l 2__3_ 14 12/'3 51;2625* 8-060 51 2198G 1 313 20 IC23 $j15 13] 3 3727'26 4 069 6 15;09. 1 *7, :ſſſſ_—;?ct 6. 31 7'1613 5 2328/ 4_ 2[_;[ 7!92012 gT 4'1,51'7 *6 j 817 14 6 92928 4 -29þ92021 14 - Z Þs 441018 16 7 40/M2 # 90 2 82 l4 odflop; 3t' 18 4$111917| 8 1261] 4 YN ooe d [H0n & 15 3aiz 26/17\ 5 42)0| 4 4 242 23/24 19 lct; Z?T }(3 $71321118, 9 72 S 4 45I<ſijſ*jlſi l\; 9:% 420 I9.10 433 3 4 r'I 14 5 7* 17 46} 9 d 7 \ 25 KZO-II H ; ſſ S2!10l 7 7 5 5 1 £2.41.4 4 Isſi;:ſi)[o j---;_ 8 - 91624_211) 141. 5 s 15 59['ſſſ/?"9 ſſfi.ſi ſſ? : 14£174.S 21 12 59" 6]'S| 5 v $1482825 20 [49.131 2219/26 209 9Þ og ; 12,1929 92\' 35/25) II* 7 27!33-7123;? ?4}'8 9{ :f)' l6ſizo (Lnſzſictz ?o 14- iz ; 3[221128 25 15 .80, 9ctIo\ ;[5 25:-1. 21 IZȜ Sl | ſſ ſi7 392 i>6 K” 2910?1? 5 £29 ?3j 33 .24 3'7 17 14* 442 7 27 18 91 1ſſ21 f_-,-. » 9142 4\ Z J S ſſ l7 IS 7 4 , - '9 34; 4 5| 518164 7 48_,_5 28 :18 5812\12| 15 .'38*25 Si 4! 9 I | 7 52526 29 19 421314 5 <432 k26 5519 lg 7 56'27 429ſict20 2513]15 | oFlon g d aijendl op ag em 153 2 [ 75-) 2 8: $.29 51 121 $415418\ 15 356[29] 8| 5129 ]j] 41 D B ORE 222 5316mſi 1z *606 30] 9 8"0 22 21 K _930__..____-. " D em 5 C ATAB[F A Ena—Ir SAn roes _j10. .5,29, 12312 ,. 59 '_7ct15% 1156292 IȜ 2 39)\/517 __ A Tabl;. of Pſſlouſi_(ſſ';s for vfhe Latitude of 51 deg. 34 min. — —— - 9 FL © in T. ."fl;ſilorxle Z{\Ilct!ſif—ſi! Affſien. n2\ 3 fTſil)ſſilf{IO Lrſſ{ſſ-ct'ſi- Aſcen; 4 noon,| ")('——\ 6 ULP| Inoon. *B H. M.D.|D:D.|D. "M.1D. D. H.MD.E:'D.D.\MT*D J 8906ſſ222 38:1618 Iog ] 241r3 20] $|7& 8.13] 1] 7 2'25 221619| j1o12! I| 324124 I'r7] 21 8. 3 25 : 5 17,20 [1016| 2| 525114 821] 3| 9. 424 481821] [Io 20|'5| 426]t5 8 25] qlio 525 321921| 10 24 5/25]16 829] s111 $26 1620/222] [10 27 5 6127116 8 34] $/12 6/26 . 58 20'2< [1o 3I| 6| 7[28j17 8.39] 7/12 727 41 21j24] 119 35| 7] 129[L 8 42] 8 13 828 232225] [1059 $| $29118 846! 9{14 8ſſ29' 6 23]26 ſilo 42' 9| 5f3ojt9 lofts 929 82—2-— }1046101011L 20, | " 8-54\E1{16 10 9111_302,428 10501111 1]20 8 58%r2 1-711% I 13j25|29] 10 5412]11| 221 PEp B 9 0o'13|1811] 1 105713]12] 5[22 9 61411812] 2 36|26|vs| 11 1 14113] 5J22 9 ro5h1913) 3 I821| x frr 5'15]04) 123 9 14 16|2014) 4 ofz8| 2| *{II 916]1s} 5124 9 \8.:7 2114) 4 41j28] 3} {111217]rs| 5Þ24. 9 22/18|2215| 5 21]25! 4| |11.1619]r6) 6 926*'1923 16 6 4q{Z| 5] 11 2019}7 726 2123 9 30,20,2317 6. 55] 1{ 6 [I1 2320183 { 41123| 93452152417 7 26 I! 7 ;II 2721 I9 827 21124 9.38;2 22518\8 6] 218 =11["*12219 928 125 9 41; 232619 5 47'{ 3] 9| j113 g[ZIZO 928 of26[29 9.4% 2427ſſ19]* 9 28| 41o| irr 5 24[21 I10/27 20/27112 9:49,25'28,20'10 8* 4TT| 422522i" 29 459127113 9 53126 292L 10 46 &'12] ix1 4,*262211} of'3 39\9814 9.57 27 2922 11 29 6ctſſ135 [LF cta,927'2j | 1 xgſſzgxs Io 1528__.2212 9 7,14| n 5328}24'13 D 3elrs ſſ 820* 22413 20 816' 12 o 30/26'14) 3 :19, 2118 EE. 3 - Bn DARN CT RCTA T DN -E o RASS 2 eOII EdeIIGAEDR SA A'lable of Houſes for the Latltudc of 51 deg, 34 min. - 41 mſſ@ſſſſffict [TWNE [10)11/12] Aſcen. | from : ) |acon. m rqi,z Z*_ſi 5 | D:l &M. D.1D:,D:0; M: ©26114| 3 19| 219 [1352 oftg| 525 Is| 3 18 13 56, Iſ20 626 'st 4 3j20| j13 59ſi 2:20] 6!26 sj} 5 4j21] 14 3 3{.21' 22]; 4 7 4"_122 9 91 3] 231 14 If, 5.23} 929" 20 10| 4 25| j14 15 6241'9, oVS24I1| 5 | 8126| }14 19 7325;Ioſſct 118 | 27 [14 22 8:25\11| 2 13)14 28] [14 26 9ſſſſ26;12 IojfiI6{lo 3 "3\0{ 14 30 1027/12| 4 : 11| - j14 34 17 28lIȜ 5 a09Y (12] 2] j14 381229' 6 zkz: 7 13} 3| 14421329151 14| 8 I4 46 I./.].,Z1 161 8 o 43iI5 61 T4 50 lsſſI 1116;'9 2{26 18 7|'174 54 16 * 1[1459 17{ 3 18,11 9,29, 'lo I5 218\ 4 13 10/19{1o[27116 392011 Ts 619, 42013 21] 3 13 1420|11]28117 23211 15 1020} 5/2914 25 5'26 t31821\122818 822} Is 14 21 CZIFS 37 7,27 73 21121;@9*18 54'2 Io Is 18 22 7\22'16 46} 9 ,32523133019 392417 152223F 8'431-7 o811 13 29124 14];2{20 262-5!18 15 2624; 924119 11113] if, 23 33}25 15| 1j21, 1426/20 [I15.31 2510l25ct;o 2ſſ7ſi151 2þ : 13 36j26 16 222' 12821 16 56 26 10*2621 4317| 3þ 13 40j27 17 3122 92923 1<*3927112723ct 319j4ſi 13 44/28 17, 323 378824] |15 43 28.12ſ2824 ' J21] 5 2925 47 23 b 91?_75 ſſlo,25j 8 13 48]29 18 4/24 26 1253 15 472913 135250.19, gl25 15 3127) \15 $139.14 | C-2 A eC CEIII N A Table of Houtſiz for the Latltude " 51 deg. Time from | ſinoon. H-M.! 7551| otga927 Is 55| 115,VS.25 IS 0o!| 2116}. 1 16 4] 3{17..2 16 8 I6 12| 5! k6 16] 6,19) 16 213 6 25 16 29 821 9223 911 16 33 Io0 23}10/17, I6 38/11 24111) 16 43 12 25/12 17 1646132J<-319 I6 51 14 27}142 16 g5,16 23 5523 16 59 629*57 25 17 /3117.30|(5.27 I7 818,V$,19 29 il7 Io'i9; 2129j 2 I7.16 20' 3422} 4 17 21/21] 4123) 7 117.25 22] $124,9 17 29,23 6422311 iT7 34_245 7%--%,/,}4 (17 38 2s! $8/23116 17 43 26} 9130/1 I7 47 %Ioſiiſſ*" 2 17 $1/28j01} 3: - 2 EEEo IET= 103 D 0 O R w A w Z< K- fFru ——— MAD.D, CS EEEY 20119 4_ 16*2.1ſ5; fs ſil) 2'74ſi 17* 5 28, 20]2"/ 32429 j 4..*/—} homy jp= D wun 444O} .21 42 H 893 2 - L*i 17:1=5 '*,8*5 7 %? 1 ")g Oj -3 6% 24/11] $| ſſſſz l s s i | } | f { ſi q ONB A garyy wn= eS. P ) VA O O0OWM OWfzl m z D V d d + 3 — \O © | jny jeef | fant {SI - = 33 1 O ſſ]\ſſ)ſictſſſiſi —_— — ! 54* m.n. F l _ © in vs.” Huneſſm. rz A1C ctſi mctct* ;ff()ffl LT e® ſſ*:*'.*f 3, [no90./!*, \S X - D H4 D. D D D FoE ITITET D OTSNS IC2 - EIZ 97:0.13-91-0.- 2024 17 Z_xzj 4'1.15 7j 2..37 26 18: l9 0: 2116 9| 5 1927 19 IrR-ro : [ }.ſſ '([i ,) l MSS Þ1ASS (POpy 07 LIOISQO; 2 5 9 12:9..5! &WHH'_Z_'_ 3 e2 (45j17 4: 19.16.19 4. 92.12 429 5 119:22/119, GID\g, ( 40119-0} ii? 2720, 7 15116* 355;9 Ti 119 31'21. 815/18 Lojzrſſ 3 Ezggr)ct'?ſſz IoI7j20 $122 92 19 39 23 11/19/21 $212410| 119 44/24 12 22.23 jctgg [1 194525 13 24/25 1552511 I9 52/26 15 26116. 40Þ27 12 19 562716 25/28 2:128'13 20 0128 17l Vi29 +5:12914 20 529 \9ſſ 21 LIL2-. "o[xf, Jzo 9 020 75 2ct gcI 16 Dn C rr emn 1 deg: { les for the Latitude of 5 | Mfflwb A Tab 34 min _,_O in %. —_ mm _—ct_ſſ_-_______! ' T D D | ! } ſiſſlziAſcen- [.21-.3 "— oqOn s + 1. [Tome LN | ) 991& : O_\ſiſiſiſiſiſ\ 2:5 .'from \ſi_ſſu Uſſ M \——*--___— Eene. Sf - : D - - - [")Iflc{lo 1 I2Aſc lGg >} .. Inoon. ;ſſ?D. D.JH. M. SIEh \ D r\.'f\ 1z - 1 *E ſſ,] !.)7\___'_:1—' 5251 \ from | ;M*'Z'-—W ;—' E)_ſſ! {H _s*" I 2/3 4 f' 26 12 BOGty 'D. M.D. R S| 05 529]:5 32 ) f M.D.1D. D.{D. sſiozorſict-zrzxct "]Zffoffl 23,27,13 F [-2 17] J22 12 5 27 13 — | 1!17; J2 2| 4 1227 13 - O*'O 1 I þ ! - ]6 | 7 - | 3 ' EY 93 1**22 7T 4 'i:ſ 2ſſ]8ſſſi Eſſſi% 20] 3| /H-:YZ 0.28 l4ſi 0 baj. 123 91 5 37 3.19þp [22 2 K22 8:29.15' pu )23 83 5 ' i'__f) ;4 4 &1 39 4 i f i 20]/ l2 Il 6 5 ſſ 20 ZL- SIO 43 DOe 29 165 211-3124 A$'17 K 22 27 21.2-352 17 20 \06 j ] C-'-L' ict N 61 \ ; QZCL l7z 20 25 4{; 15ſi 253 6'24) j22 31 7.13] 6\10 7 1517| 20 29] 5j27} Io 459 H 122.5 812/ 71 A 2.18| 55 6129117 5[7123h. 4 22 | $ 1 52 ſ 20 ]4 *n 9!2 - Q*>5: E2*' 39 16 j nr—% 2]95 39} 7130 S. TI4}-9 -5 42\ 9 i911'2 ILL £925 S|[X[21.13 ſi'! 9,24.. j22 6Jlo,T7þ 2 3 - 23j-3,20) 20 42] 2 2314. 24_] 25 [224 11119 10|15 7 4'21 20 451 ſiſi_ſſ 225315 32 .Zſi26 22 5*;!12}20:]]-14 ,:4-3 432[ 20 scſiij 6127 16 4gſi125 22 sctrllſſjzzſi;mſſ} 3 52 : 22 'ſict?ſi FaOf 4 \! 20 51(4 [2 7;9]7 4:.1227 *':) EI44311 172 62ff A1 ſſ I 5 !zo 59 13|'8151:8 55\'[225 23 5!15'24 I; 17 i 623 -14 05 219.'-5 429 23 16 25116,1 | 72, 21 6 ſi}'}[? 420 ZSl]lctſſf--.ſiO g523 9 17 5717 LE ?2, 82 R el 22 R 2 161585103 dn [21 14[19[13 823 opis [23 16| 9]49 19 " 21 18]17]14] £ 3 '-52pPÞ e4 123 201F'9 26 1919 52 %21 22[18*16 9? <8iſi7'ſi 2 ;2 23'20 Uſizſi_; 29 Ȝji [- zffii 21 174t1 ct4 TC: 5 27?I ct:ſſ,l 21 '5311 [23 9 26 SEED! 3 31| ,2221 56, | aaleralr2s S. 8s IN Nngs 3712/30 j21 34]<1]20]14 J- TP9] S 129 24 45:22;-.5 7 !ſi 7 22195 ſ62(, 1120' $ 5 5s 824 T; ; }813 brgr(:hogteozs 36/2n,, 623 3 2507.42 59|13 ſſzſſi?ſi : 2411929 36,!:[1 7-3468 42'56 9 25 23 59 H N $N Uegp 249 27 g'2835 21/15| [21 4<| -5\; 221 1. 22ſ2 4 23 49 27 25 N ? ( \Þ. - F \ e_ : d ſſ Figura Moundi, FN __;zfct > ſi"o AT 5 N 3 ; 'ſiQ\__ict@Q | Fol 1n Ariete, W. e.4 , 1680,,, DLAS - - { Mart. 9 dz hgo!,P.M, \ " ( Sub, Latit. $1::32 1.: P ſſ_z \:Zor, Aſtr. Q. u\ >< Ga. \ : ) 4 D LzadA :? &J rf,.ſſ .S\*ct* i .ſicto* N H » \ \ m 7 ac : . -.ſſſſ K ſſ*fi a. gſſ *ct\ -*S—ctct-ſi'ſi %ct \\ Kſhail here confider the condition and ſtate of the enſi- ing*year, and the accidents thar thereinare likely, (by Gods p&rmxffion) according to the courle of: the Stars, to artend mankind : And this ſhall be by endeavourmw £0 CN pZ[am Unto youtheſe three things, wix.. Fa- 2 The fcnfi'e amdmeanxngof rh; Vemal ;ſzgure m: 5 ſſ 4 S» SOME= Aſtrological Obſervations, 1680. 2. Somewhat touching the Commet which appearedrin April,” 1677s | [L-EL B: 3. An account of the Paraſalene, which appeared of Sunday,' Fanuary the 6th, 1 67%. 22 \ : 1. Iſhall begin with the Vernal Figure. The Regal fign Leo, or the Ccoeleſtial Zyon, aſcends the Horoſcope at the $un his entrance into Aries, and that great Star; called Cor Zeonts riſeth therewith, and the Sun, Lord thereof, is poſired in the eighth Angle ; which rogether with the 2oons being in Scorpio, and in quadrate of Yenus, de- clares that the commonalty or people, generally in this year, ' will be of high and eleyated ſpirits, of brisk and ſhayp * conceptions, &c. aiming at eminent and lofty things, ambi- tious, aſpiring, and torrent-like oppoſing eacly contradich- on they ſhall meer withall, uſing all ſubtile ways and means to compals their defired ends, though never ſo unreaſonable: Together with this ſpirit of Pride'that ſeems now to be let looſe among us, there is alſo. a ſpirit of fraud and hypocriſte that bears 1t company, which animates men to entrap, en- ſnare, and betray one another; yea, even their very Friends, and thoſe of the ſame Feather and Party with them, poſlibly, to the ruine and deſtrution of many. Hars and Mercury are not'in & for nothing, in this Figure : Bur of that more anon. Howbeit, Iwould wiſh the briskeſt of the contriving Tribe, in this year, to order their ſteps aright ; and remember that thoſe who have A for their Horoſcope, haye H certainly for their enemy; and this is an Axiome allowed by all Genethlia- cal Aſtrologers AndI aflure you, what'is found true in each fingle perſon, will bear the ſame Image of yerity to Societies, or Nations,though in greater proportion.And 1n this our ver- nal Eigure the Argument is enforced; for H is,not only natu- rally, but accidentally too, the Enemy of England 1n this year, as being in 0 ©, as well as he is Dominus Septimg, and by his maletick Poſition in the Bleventh Angle. The Ancients tell us, if H be in © © 1n Figura Mundi, and both of them Iapedited,and if Saturs hap to be elevzred R C 4 2a13pve Aſtrological Obſeruations, 1680. aboye Sol, as here, then ſhall mankind ſuffer much ſorrow and trouble 1n that year: and that there will many captivities and impriſonments befall men 3 and eyery uſeful commodity tend- ing to olir preſeryation will proye noxious and dangerous. Sarurn poiſons our hopes of happineſs, and defeats our like- lieft expectations of good, and deſtroys the friendſhip and amity of one man to another. Nor will this year eſcape without ſome remarkable morta- kity; (1 mean not ſo fignal as happen'd 1625, 0r 1665, but like one of your lefſer Peſtilences, as happen'd 1636 and 1647,65c.] for Saturn is Lord of Diſeaſes, and.$9/, that now fignifies the people, (which he doth not commonly do) is inthe Angle of Death. 1 could produce you parallel inſtances, butit needs not ; for every moderate Aſtrologer underſtands the reaſon hereof. - - Nor 1s S9l alone in the $th, but there in 75 H, and 4 5 are there in & alſo ; and the mutable y. (who a1lways hath 2.ge- neral ſignification of the people) is.in ( 2, who. receiyes exaltation 1n the $th Angle. Authors tell us, and our experience proves it, when 7 and + & arein &,that Knowledg and Science willreceive increaſe: { but then alfo, Craft, Fraud, Lying, Dectir, Back-biting, Con- tention, &c. will be'promoted 3 and if they are impedited (here both are ſub Radirs ſolis) many Forgerics, Perjuries,Tre- pannings, &c, will be practiſed among men, and divers nefa- r1ous aciions will be perpetrated, and:monftrous and ſtupen- dious ſcandals/promoted to the diſhonour and diſturbance of many 1n eminett places, not only by the tongues of malici- ous people,. but by their Pens and Prints alſo. Many will make ©ozenage, Backbiting and Lyes;.&c. a Trade tolive by, and glory.in their Frauds. Subje&s will prove unruly and diſobedient ro their {uperious, Seryants to their Maſters, and EFriends and Relations will be perfidious and treacherous to each other ; and a!ll thisunder the mask or mantle of San&ti- ty! the &.15i0 6 (an incuxyating treacherous Hgn,- though) the gigntties of $. .And thus you ſee, that although we ; E=— may 4 Aftyological Gbſervations, 1680; may probably increaſe in Science, we are ſure likewiſe to en- creaſe in ſorrow. ; To avert theſe heavy menaces of the Stars, let us ſludy like Chriſtian men to be wiſe, and to know and believe, That Obe- dience is bitter than ſacrifice ,,and that ſuch who yield them- ſelves unto the remptations of Saran, are certainly 1n the road of being made his vaſials crernally. Ler us therefore, I fay, Study to be quitt, and to do our own buſme(s , and give honour to our ſuperiors, and nor diſturb the peace of one another z becauſe thar 'tends to the diſturbance of the Government it ſelf ; Ler us mind our own concerhs, and pray to God to di- reR others for the beſt in theirs.—Ir 1s moſt excellent ad- vice, which his Grace the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury gives, to ſuch-like unqvier ſpirits, 1n his Sermon ou Novenb. 13. 1698. p. 34. — © Ler my Counſel, I pray, be acceptable unto you; « ftudy to be quiet, and 0 do your own butinefs ; and that « lies not.in the Court, or 1n the Palace, but here in the Tem- « ple. . *Tis nor to liſten at the Doors of the two Houſes of « paxlizment, or to eaves-drop the Counci|-Chamber ; but to « wait in your proper ſtations with modeſty and patience, « what Aviſoes and Commands are ſent you from thence, and &« to comply w'th them, inttead of thronging and peſtring the « Galleries - anl Avenues of thoſe_ places, where matters of « S$tate are upon the Table : whart a blefied 'appearance were « jr jn times of danger, fuch as rhis 1s, to ſee the Church- &« doors always open, and the great ſtream and ſhole of Peo- << ple continually _iic-\-virzg thither ; sſimd ro find ſome of you al- « ways upon the floor, there weeping between the Porch and « the Altar, and faying —=Spare thy people, ob Lord, and give «< not thy berttag! to reproach, 8:(:,_ Bur; to turn_:0.0ur Vernal Figure again, let 1t be remem- bred that the $h Angle ſignifies Death : And:the three Pla- nets mention'd, pofited therein, porrends the death of three ſorts of people, >eſides rhe very vulgar : (1.) Many grear and honourable perhns, as ſignified'by $9/. (2.) Several of our hopeful young Betl, as repreſeuted by 5 (3.) Ard divers of our ſtrong men; as govern'd by- d All thele, 1n their ſundry conditions, beconing ſo Ketrograde, as never to be dire& any more z making rem for others to ſucceed them. To be more plain, many iwgeOiPlace and Authority, Heads and Matters of d Aſtrological O8feruations, 1680. b of great Fainilies, Governors of Socteties, Colledges, Schools, @&c.—Genera's of Armies, Captains of War both by Sea and Land, and other Military Officers, &c.----Heirs of many em1- nent Families, Scholars, Secretaries, Merchants, Accomptants, e@. Tſay, many of all which kinds, are, in this year menaced by the ſharp knife of Atropos, and will meert a reſtmg-place where all their errors ſhall b6e obliviared with them. _— And, ro make up this banquer the more compleat, ) in 0 0 pives us notice, that imany worthies of the fxmale ſex, will alſo be+ come. morſels of mortality to ſatisfie the great devourer. Death hath his different ſorts of Dijet, ſujtable to his divers Apperite.He 15 a Monarch too mighty to feed always upon one ſort of food,he Joves variety of Dithes.& ar ſomerimes deliphts to feaft on different dainties, as'now in'this particular. year. Would you:know the probable propinquate cauſe of this choice mortality, that js thus ſeverely portended? Underſtand then,that ) is 1n ( @ from the dignities of H & H#,8 that 2/ who 1s Lord of the $th Angle,is m H &mMl9,% diſpoſes of rhat malefick & & 5.and &4 claiming adominion over $ol, which plainly prefages that this havock now likely to be made by Death,will not be ſo much by violence,Cand yet ſome vio-' lentdeaths (with Cardarn, &*c. ) 1 alſo fear.as Poiſons,Stabbings, Hanging,- ) as by Luxurioas and idle courſcs, viz. Surfeits, Feavers, Debauchery of ſundry kinds. Plures Crapula, quam Gla- gins;The Belly and the Groin /thoſe two Grand Idols.to which this Age doth conflantly facrifice)do ever deftroy and devour more thanan Army,or all the violent deaths contriv'd by na- ture. | HS 2 I ſhould here obſerve unto you ſundry other things from this Vernal Figure, but wanting room therefore,ſhal only rake no- tice, that 1mmediately after the Vernal Ingreſs S9/ will be E- clipſed 1n his Exaltatiou,as he was 1n the laſt year. Eclipſes of Sg/ 1n were wont tokeep a due & orderly mithod{(as I have elſewhere obſerved.) but 1t js otherways row in this Eclipſe. The famous C:mbdzn hath truly minded us ofthe danger at- rending Ergland from Eclipſes 1n .---S; quanio ſuerit Eclipfe 64 Pant A [ignif. morten regis. An Eclipſe of Solin T or Q be- tokens the death or downfall of fome great Enperor, King,or Prince; anct the Reaſon thereof 15 near at have. Sol is Rex Pla- netars'n, as a Privee among the Planets,and 1onaturally repre- : ' ſents Aſtrological Obſervations, 16%o. ſents the greateſt of Perſonages,and thoſe of higeſt dignity and power: and 'V* and {\; are, not only regal ſigns, ahd fo fignifie Empire,Rule,Dominion,&-. bur allo the great cignities of $0l; the one being his.Houſe or Mantion, and the other as his Sear in Parliament wherein he is exalted :- Such Eclipſes therefore muſt needs be of the moſt ominous 1mport. - Bethem tells us, If.a Planet be Gombuſt,or Retrograde,in his Hbnje or -Exaltation, be is as a man copfin'd by bis Prance to his ows dwellingzor as one fick and unable to help bimſe!f. Much more is it ſo when he is Eclipſed or darkned there : jor he 45 then as a perſon bound-by-Thieves-thar break 1n upon. h1m with Armed yiolence,to rob and deſpoil him of his Goods and Nonies,and poſſibly alſo, of his Life. . Thus much, ſhall ferve to. be faid upon the Worlds Figure of this year, 1680., . _. 2. Of the Commet which appeared in &pril, 1697. T rmay not be forgotten, thar on Sunday April 22, 1697,there . was a Commet ſeen in England, and curioully obſerved by the ingenious Mr Flan/ted,at His Majeſties Obſervatory atGreer- wich near London: as it was alſo by many Learned and worthy erſons of the Royal Society,in divers orher places.It was like+ wiſe viſible in ſundry other Countrics, as well as jn Ergland; particularly in Zamazca, of which I ſhall give you a brief, yer faithful account, as I recejved the fame from my very worthy Friend, Dr. Nathan#el Eſtaugh, refident there. viz, 4 Sir, Imuſt advertiſe you of a Blazing-ſtar which we ſaw bere 3n April laſt,| It.wis not belicved by many,e!ſe you had receirved an Ac> count thereof beſore now | hearimg of it firft the 15th day, the next morning 1 aroſe to watch for it : and to the Eaft, a.little more than half an bour before the Sun roſe, I ſaw it, and it ſeemed to bavt 5 or 6 deg. N. latitude. The Star was of a pale Braſs-colour, and the Tail of a Saturnine Hue,pointing upwards,a little inclining,N.w.1 ſaw it again the 17 and 18 days, and perceived its motion was towards the Sun,for eviry day it appeared le{s than before.The 19 and 20 days 1 could not fee t at, all. Somz here affirmed to me,they ſaw it 16 days after z but T believe they were decervid with a ſight of the ſplendant Venus only,which roſe glortouſly beſove the Sun. It ftartled me much 's find it is ( Englands Aſcendant.I pray God heep you all is peace. Thus far my ingenious Friend, Dr. Eſtaugh, from whence may be noted theſe three things h Firſt, It 15 0bſeryable, that what Mr, Flanſted ang others faw - ar Afirological Obſervations, 1680, at London 1n &, was ſeen at Zamaica in F. Secondly, that al- though this Gommer was not ſeen in E72/4nd beofore the 1 9 of April, yet 1t was viſtble in the 7e/?-Idies on the 15 day there- of. Thirdly,That when it did diſappear jn 7:mazcz,it was con- ſpicuous to us 1n Great Brtain,Which obſeryations I commend, firſt,to the induftrious Altronomer,who is able with eaſe to're- folve, how ſuch difterent {1ghts of the ſame Obje&t haypen in different- places. Secondly, To the ingerijous Aſtrologer, who may hereby be raught,not to make hjs Judgments upon Com- mets or New-Stars, Unzverſal, becauſe they are not univerſal viſible, nor yet equally ſo, ro places five or fix hours diftant, There's no Ph:nomena in Nature, which are not of real figni= fication and effe&t to mankind in one place or other, upon this carthly Glob2z,elſe,to what purpoſe do they appear'or why have all Ages been, not only affeRed with them, bur ſuddenly after them affiifted with variety of misfortunes.-———Comete non fraſtra apparentſed confpiciunturut denuntient ves mignas coc.({aith one) Blazing Stars do never appear to mankind jn vain, bur by being viſtble unto us do denounce great alrerations near at hand,thereby to prepare us toſirive by humnliation and praver, ro avert the Judgments of an hipghly offended God. Aftrologers, with on= conſenr rell us, Concte moont bella feditiones,#c.Thar Commets move Wars and Seditions,e tranſ- mutant zmperia, exc. and thar they declare the change of Em- pires and Kingdoms,Laws,Religion,Cuſtoms and Conftitutions, @©c. And they give good Reaſon for this ; for. ſay they, when Commers or new Stars are generared,many exhalations hot & dry, are drawn from the Earth, whereby che humours jin our bodies are exficcated,and our ſpirits inflamed; whence we are eaiily provoked fo wrath.Thence follows Animoſiries,Diſlikes, Strifes, Hatred, Plots,Contrivances and Conſpiracies, c..-Affter theſe; Wars,Slaughrers,Invaſions,&7.From rhem ifiues Vigory and Conqueſt;and 1n conclufjon,a change of Einpire and Domj- n:on.And all this to reach us,that there is nothmg eternal bur God alone,who is the Lord and Maker of the Heavens and3>rars, whoſe Kingdom 15 from everlaſtiug,and endurerh for ever. And this 15 a Truth not to be ſhaken by the Sophiſiry of Damis, nor needs 1t any ſupport from. 7, oc/es Tealous Railing. Neither js this our Sorites fo eafily invalidated or weakned, as fome men,enemies to Starry Learning,imagine or pretend. For Altrologecal Obſervatzons, 1680, For if the Linxs of the Chain are of equal force and ſtrength, then muſt the Clain 1r ſelf be moſt conipleart and perfect, and fully ferviceavle to its deſigned end. And we well know(unleſs we vil wilfully wink)rhat every. days Experience,in one way, and in one place or. another,confirms unto us---That there can be no quarre] or conrention without heat or paſſion ; neither can there be paſhon ſizſſſiuſi,zc rhe ſpirirs are firſt inflamed: nor yer wars and flaughters, withour quarrels and contentions; nor victory withour wars z nor change of Empire or Goyernment without V i(ſiſifſſ('}ſ}' And ler me nor, I pray you, b< cenſured becauſeT mention this Coinmet of 1657, 1n my ]'(dgln(.nts of 1530,for-you know the ful >)ſi-ds ſſ my iwo laſt years. Ephemeris were too large t® admir thereof; and T could well have ſpared my pains there- ypon now, havieng gor her matter,more than enough,to have fur- rrihed my three Sheers withal; yer T thought fiſi to remember the world thereof at this time, leſt many might think I had wholly overlooked fo great and amazing a Prcdlgle. And { conceive jt cannor now he too lace,fith there are ſome ſiſſ-ſi-ſiſiſmctſi-ſſ, us.that pſiſiz:.cti :o enflave us to the effeRts of Commets, not ovly for one; year, two or chree, @. but for an1ioo Years, nd more together, although T muſt profeſs my ſalf not to be \ſiſiſi_tſiſia.ſſi Opinton 3 as. 1 have c[ſewhere declared more largely. For thar were to abſira&_from the Prodigies of.. the preſent Age, and pur rhe glorycf. their, portents upon thoſe of elder ſſ citly to athrm,that the alwiſe God hath left hime cIf.as '.ct:ctii? times.without witneſs of the various diſpenſati- ons of his ſr-ſiſivz dence;wheress we Know,and ſ*:ſſ_{'ſſſi*cordwſi to the Pſalmift ) That day unto doy utter #th bhvowiedg 2 3 and all the Prodigies of feaven, in 2ll cimes have been; and.are;bur as ſo many Monicars'or Heraulds, denounctug 3 ]udſſf*ctcictts ap= proaching them that 1ahabir the earth, where/ſuch-Prodigies are moſt viſityle. Neither.am T yet 'fully ſatisfied whet other than Signs;for ſhonld rhey be ..sſiſſi: ther methinks their effe&s ſhouldmſi-mcdictrdyſi cceditheir 'p eara ſ'*ſſ'ſi the \-Lk beft Philoſophers opmuon. that cauſes and eite ſtſſu— taneous; as we ſee it dayly in the weather, aſixu in t 10n of Porxſizs 2 But,I cannor ftand here © diſcu ſis 1 ce :u*d curious points.Ler it therefore ſuitice in chis place, ghat Kiſtor eICT C INEEnS _ _ - ' Aſtrotogical Obſeruations, 1680, : and Chronology do afſure us---That Blazing Stars,or Commets, are the meſſengers of Almighty God, and the certain precur- fors.of dangers eminent to befall a wicked and finful people; as it_ happened before the deſtrufion of Zeruſe/em ſome years, there-appeared a Commet for Six months ſpace together;if we will give credit to Languit and others. R 3. Of theParaſelene or Mock-moozs ſten 0n Sunday January | —_— the Eth, 1679, at Lempſter. 1 Pon Surday, Zanuary 6, 1679, there were ſeen at Lempſter -n the County of Hereford, Fwo Moons at once; the true oneand a- counterfejir. The account that I recejved thereof was ina Letter from Mr. Zames Matthas, a very ingenious, and carefully. obſetving Perſon of ſuch marters, and a good Stu- dent in Aftrology; in theſe words: | Spr, The preſent hafte of this, is to #nform you of an unuſual Prodigy, the appearance of two Moons, the 6th day of this inſtant January, a- bout 9:9, P.: M. the Moons Arch was high, the true Moon appearing bright and tranſparent, and the mack-Moon ſomewhat faintly. At the firts frght they were ſeen about half a yard diftance(arcording to com. 70 viſtonJone zn the lap of the other.This Prodigy was not only ſeen by my{elf, but by Mr. Tohh Steed, an Apothecary, Recorder of the Town, who calied up Thomas Bichards the elder, and the yoinger, 'wzt) Thowas Gritfths, and ſeveral others, who all ſaw it, At the frſt thes Prodtgy was ſeen, as in the firlt Figure, the true Moon ap= bearig much bigger than it ſhould have been by its Age. The ſecond fFeure ſhews how it did diſappeary the Moons ſeeming to touch with thezy lower Horns, and were ſepgrated abave. L1. Fipure, :+,2» Figure. * Theſe Celeſtial Prodigies, as before was ſaid of Commets Gf New-Stars, are the certain precurſors of many ynwonred ac- cidents, . Aſtrological Obſervations, 1680. cidents,and ſometimes very great Mundane Alterations.' A$Jt happen'd a little before the deſtruion of' Catana mn Szvily by an Earthquake, three Moons were ſeen in thoſe parts An.1169. And after the appearance of three Moors, Anno. 1314, the Eng- liſh (though a warlike Nation) mn the rejpn of Edward the fe- cond, were overthrown in Batrel by the Scots:and divers miſe- ries were ſet on foot in the Empire at the ſame time,rwo Ems» perors being Ciown'd at once, upon ſome differences which happen'd among the Elefors, God in his great mercy defend theſe Northern Countries from the calamities which theſe Pro- digies feem to preſage, and:quiet the differences of Chriſten- dom,by checking the deceitful, wicked, unruly,turbulent ſpirit, yow, let looſe among us, to the great diſturbance of Church and State. And lert us know 1t for a Truth, becauſe utter*'diby ' the Spiritof Truth, That though the Stars, and Celeftijal Pro- digtes-are the precurors of changes, &:. yet it istruly,” Be- cauſe of unrighteous dealing, wrong, blaſphemizs, and divtrs de« ciits, that 4 Realm, or Kiigdom hall be tranſlated from one people to another, Ecclefhaſticus 10. 8. I could tell you how the Heavens were poſited at the begin- ing of this amazing apparition,and whar they naturally denore; but want of room prevents me. Let it ſuffice, that God hath a controverſie with us for our fins, and that he gives us notice thereof by rhele his Celeſiial Monirors and Meſiengers. I will nor rake upon me to determine whegher theſe Para- ſelene are cauſed only by certain diſpofirions of the Clouds, or by Angels or Spirits,@c. nor yer,whether if the cauſe of them be 1n the Clouds (as ſome think)thar Angels-or Spirits do not work thoſe Clouds into ſuch like forms, as they are thereunto appointed by him that made the Clouds and Heavens alſo. T will not, Tfay, take upon me to determine upon ſuch myſteri- ous Arcauums, bur leave themn to the difquifition of the more Iſiſ;earncd Vertuoſi of the World, and conchude my preſent Theam, and my this years Obſeryations together, in the words of that great Oracle of Learning, Sir 7h0. Brown,, in his Religio Medici, Sedt. 31.-+-T beliece, that thoſe wany Prodigies and omingus Z:T@gſi'fflſtſſkſif which forerun the ruine of States, Prirces, and private £ erjons, are the caaritavie premonitions of good Argels, which more careleſs enquiries term but the effefts of chaxce and nat ure. LausDe0e Brick-Comrt, by the Deaz-? 333 » 13 Str m 2 51 7 A : if 8 y 4. 7 T 2 71 : 314 /7 + lct,s_:, " - I Sv 8, Gct-flct-"ct) b _.. ADVERTISEMENT, N Ephemeris of the Cceleftial Morions and AſpeRs, with _ the Ecl iptes of the Luminaries for Twenry ſſſiſi!:sſſſſicgm- mng Anno 1682, where my firft part Expires, triaced for, and fold by the Cofnp.my of ' Starioners. The Juſt and Pious $corpioni(t; .Or, the Nativiry of that excel- lent man,Sir Matthew Hals f\c ate L(znc (,}'-zſſi Juitice of Eng- land. Sold by R. Boultey, at the Tyrbs-bead 1 : Obſequium Ration: bile : Or, A 5{ eaſon for theSons of the £Cu/7;al Srorp 20 28 he malicious and blaſphemous athEmpts of rh2 envious _;zomifſſ--ſi-ſiſi to the Au- thor, and to that worthy Sign. Sold by william Berry, ar the Globe at Charing=Croſs. *ApTiFtaresBy, Sive A'ctiiffldd*"ſi!'!ſſffifl(js 1n Malachie Thruſto- ni;- M. D. Diatrebam de Refpirationis Uſu Primario. Auctore Georgro Entio, Eq. Aur. Med. D. & Lo[ Lond. Socio. An mgcnuſſou*x Vade Mecum to Altrology, Very Tit ceatly and uſe- fully contrived into a Pocket Volume, b y 7. Vartridge. Both ſold by willzam Bromwich, ar the three Bibles in Lydgate-ftroet. Whereas, fince the Deceaſe of Þr. Locþy-r, great enquiry hath been fflctſſ:}v afrer th1s lhxſi-ſi..lſil Pill, fo famous as well beyondrhe Seas as at home, for the cire of Dropſi 'E9, \cuwy, Stone, Conft: zmpmm Lameneſs, Apnes, 'Feavcrs, —— Theſe are to x*pm'\e ir 15 prepared hv ?m Nephew, ]*ſſ- Y/ſilan watts, 1n St. Thomas's Southwafb , and Nr 1ho. Fyze Apothe- cary, at the Sygar-Loaf withour bJhops-Gate, his only Tru- ſtees for the ſame, 63 All forts of Chymical Prepararions, are ro be had'of Chri{topher "ctcb(hyimſh ar the Globe and Furnaces 1n the Poſtern by Moor-gate , where a Catalogue of them may be had Qw@[f.ſ. ervice pfflinrmed PT B M s - ”