T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* " H E. ſſPROTESTAVTiUJWAWACK For-the: T F AR y The Incarbation”of "Jeſits Chriſty, R 1..0-:8 06 A 2 ) Ouardehver: ctmcefrom Poper_y by Q_ſſeen Elzz, Rn s _ : | B £414 N:G - The BISSEXTILE or EEAP:YEAR. WHERE.I N þ5 'Tbe Bloody Aſpccts Fatal Oppoſ]tlons, and Perni- &10us Conjunctions ofthe Papacy, agauit the Loxd Chnſt and the.Lords Anomted are dcſcubed With the Change of theMoo#, the Riting a.nd Se tſſung "of the $un, fome obſervable Fairs, aid the Echpſi:s 10 whittvis now | added the Moons place in the Zodiac, tluowhout each Month H ofthc yEArs ct ; OWEEE | 'ſi Cakulated according to'Art; for the® Merxd:an ofBa[?ylon where - the Pope'is clevired a hundred and” two Degrees 'above all - Reafon, Righr, *and Religion; above Kings, Cantions,” Coun- Cils, Conſueme andevery thing therein Ealled God;”="Theſ.'2. And may without ſenfible effor, indiferently ſerve the whole Papaty. By P/ozlo_ſſpror;zſſ/_?: a Well-wilter ro the Mathematicks; LONDON; Printed for trhe Company of Statzohers t680. - #..1'0 the Chrltiah Redder: HeModern, Romans may-well. be.compared t0 thg Au- cient:Romans in divers reſpets, but eſpecially zn their Anbition-and Tyranuy ; .tor as the Aucent Romans after the Conqueſt of therr Neighbours, were wo? con : * rented, but ftill-thinſting after mort, never ceaſed anrillthey had made:a Conqueſt of the then, known warid, and o feb-upro-themfelves.thefourth Monarchy. 0 the Amvitious Bi- Fops of Rome,: moF contented, with the juriſaiFion of their own "Country, neverceaſed'( althorgh by Pride, Avarice and Cruelty ) wHritl” they had arrogated. to themſelves the title of Univerſal » "Biſop"or Head of the Church;, But herein they exceeded the Au- \. ejent Romans,:for. as. they only Tyranized over mens bodies'; Theſe Laim a-Privileds ever their Souls ton.; being as they term them- afekves'$6. Peters Succeſſars, though their life and DoFrine be far different frombis, \yet. jo, much theyworkt npon the conſciences 'of 1en 1n the days of ignorance, that what the Pope commanded, was obeyed as if St. Peter had. commanded it himſelf, and that 0#-only of the oulgar.people, but alſo of Kings and Princes ; fuch drent they ftood incof-St. Peter,, that 1n the time of the Saxon *Heprarehy, when that great controver ſie was betwinxt the Britains 3nd Saxons ahout ithe Celebration.of Fafſter, the Britains alledg- " Fngfor their Tenent the example_of St. John the Evangeliſt, zhe |:$2x008/the example of $2.. Peter.; . Olwy King of Northumber- -landbeing preſentat the Debate, , he thus, concluded, For ſo mych as St.Perer is thedoor-keeper ofheaven,I willnot gainfay him,bur -in\thar Þ am able, will obey-his orders.in eyery poigr, leſt, when 1 corme"to'the Gates of Heaven.he ſhut them againſt me. 4ud to "rhis day the. Popes relie ſo.much upon_this Fancy, of being the di- \>e Heirs of St:\ Peter, and all his preheminences, that all things whichthey ſay or do, muſt be entituled to.St. Peter,, Their Throne \* 24ſt-be $2., Peters: Chair,. their Gharch, St. Peters Ship, . 7heir Lands, 1. PetersPatrimony, their fributes and exattions mMuſt be called>Pter-pence;, «their . Excommunications fulminated .in St, Peters' name': and.all.their Bulls \ aud. Faculties. jealed Annulo % Piſcxtoris; with: 8 Porers Signer. Nay theywent fo far at the laſt, - "zpatPape"Steven vot being contented t0 92 Peters Succefiour,, did * rake upen him in plaincterms to be Peter himſelf. For being vi- ſſ , frreſſed ferifſed 55 Altalphus. Kizg of +be Lombards, be.ſends for nia d9 King Pepin in thes following file. Petrus Apoltolus Feſw Chrijftt &C. 4,.e; Perer the Apoltle of Feſus Chriſt to you the moſt Vluſttious, King Peprn, andto 1 Biſhovns,"Abbots, e; -Eahe Apoltle Peter, whofo zdapted Tons your =are/!admoniſh y@u that you preſently cotne and 'defend' this Cityj2 &vlbAnd dqubt you . Dot; burt truft aſſuredly, tharlmyſelFus if'} ftood beforgge, do thus exhort ye, Oc. And'that'T Perer the poftle of God, will ar the.lait day, yield you' mutual"kindryefegvwand prepatrevygrt Tabernacles in the Heavens."” Now 25 for thePapes \anrogatins tothemſelves the Title of " $t."Peters\Siiteeffour,>wake 14 yfod- lowing fory, which thiugh\to"forme wealousPupiſtorit mnayyern rdiculons, yet T ſuppoſe it maybe us true'as ſome'inthein Dixenas: There was a Pope,- who being tlead,” it"is- ſaid thatbercamento " Heavven Gate d knocked ; Saint Peter” ( being withinthe Gate,) arked who, was there ?. The Pope nnfwered; Brotherg it d gode/ape: the laj} Pope aecenſed ; S. Peter ſnia; Ifi'theu bethe Pdpeg;rhivou heving the keys may'ſt unlock the Gate\ and enter't1 ThecPopete- plyed, ſaying, That his Predeceflors"indeed had- the Keys, buc lince that time the wards were alter'd: But to return where we left, for the manner how'they\ careto this proud aiid arrogant Title of Univerſal'Biſhap,"\or: Heal of #n2 Church; you muſt know, tha't'it was by obhers \elaimed arpicttas them; namely in the time 'of Mauritius-thefarperoun, whenthe Biſhop of Confſtantinople jo \far prevailed with' thar Emperour, that by his permiſſion he took upon hins thi"Title of \Univerſal Patriarch, or Head Biſhiop. ” Gregory the Great\('of mhinid! & ſaid, that he was the worſt Biſhop of #ll**hat wentibeforehim; and the beſt of all that came after him ) wis at that: #i1meBijhop of Rome,who ſharply en-veighed nſweb amainſt the) Emperounzas The Patrinrch of Conftantinople,' for 2654 Title"; vwnd. piainiy main- tained, that whoſoever tnlled himfelf Univesfal Bith opz»\w 22;66e fore-runuer of Antichriſt. \ » Byt Boniface whonext Þ#t orte furveeded Gregoty, beinginok. of Joferupulous's Conference; but® ove who'rs ſarinfie Þi9 Anmbitiens woruld.a; ſpence with thechrcks of Fhat : ipp ed frimpelf. 40 Phoces \ 70at bloody Tyrant: who” having" mmirderedrhe Emiperour dieus Ftivs,. his ife and Children, wnd thereÞy ght-thogenenal fat ed #f all the good Sab /elfr of H Enipsreg therbertar: $oaffure e- ULT LESS _.__---_-{-ct"/ C —— ECCCII To the Chriſtian Reader, Jelf of Italy, which he feared was reaay to revolt, declaved this \Boniface (-/ike Enperons like-Popeyeo:bethe Oceumenical Biſhop, avd. Head of theChurchin 7 ſfuch #good beginming” ( ſaithonr”) @nd: ſ0\ grations.a' Patron;uur.the Popes ftand indebred"for"*ht Pawer,:and Empire which now *hey challenge to themſelvesoye7 \Wll the Church. - 14 . pIinhy Then in the ſecond place for their Tyranny, T ſuppoſe they 'tome nverram/rct behind the.ncient Romans. For though"ths t'6 fr- <0us\ perſecutions wererwery. bloody, eſpectally *the laft nnderthe . Emperorty Diocleſiany. 7n\which ( os Ste Hierome w7iteth inione af 1 oxEpiſtles ) therevwere Martyred 5 000: for' each dny inthe gear, excep? thefirſtof January,” on' which they uſed not to'ſhe# blood; werwas there ſeueral tntervals betwixe them; in'whith none ſuffered for: Conſcience ſake. \ But for our. modern Romins; though ſomony fifered not1inaday, ( which ſpould it have*bern, #n«o. loug a'time' of their Papal ſway they 'would have emptied the world of peopler) we know their perſecutions are mithout cex: fng where' they havepomer'to n the ſame. And"for the Prguis" Serenefraf their torments, T: ſuppoſe* nithing inferiour to'rhens; For. what elſz\makes them ſo affraid of the'Inquiſition, thirt"the atrempting” of bringing it_ into Aragon' and Naples;"muie the people theereof fortoirebel, althoughthey were'then allof the Papal frale;oyea ſogreat is-the'Tyranny thereofeaccounted, that Many Papiſts whowould willingly die for their:Religion, 'nbhorthe VERAy* name andomention of it."- Concernin#, theterrour thereof; "bbene 65aftory, how'in Spaimoneof rheirsLoraſhips ( for furh ave the Inquiſiters;or Maſters of vhe Tnguifttion:called') hawving's Aefire” to-entofi the Pears which grew in a Poor mans Orchayd 20t flay 0f%, \feut for the man t0-c0122 anto him-goewhich pur the Poopſout emrocifuch'a fright, -thats herfell fick upon/it, and kept hisBedl: Beingafrerwardsinformed; that all his Loraſhipd buſtneſs" with him;" was to requeſta difÞ.of his Pears ;\ he:-pulled the Tree' up by Fhetoots,.and carriedit unto him with the Fruit: upon it5"" An whenhe mwas demanied-the reafon of that raſh and impyovident atfion, thereturnedth:s anfoer, That: he:would.never keep that thing=in-his pofſeſſion;>which ſhould give any'of their Lordſhips occationtorfendfurther afer him.-:! :: | uindthenitor thein Cruelty-exerciſed in' Fngland; welhawew rhfeethereof in the fhort frue:years : Reign' of Queen Mary, wheres m 4 To the Chſixſtmn Reader. n. abom* t/'ae number of:2:60; were burnt togeath for\\the cfflu/Z of Religion:\ \And cvif. 1n ſorfrorta Fime;and olſo: fuch a ©neens time:why,of hen ſelf-was ofi.no crnelmature *f nar:miſted; ſo mav] people came;ta,be Martin'.;\ bow many wroy\ beexpes? ct{ſict.,ſſ m 1rRoe Juffered', had it been in the:long Reign of @\-reateb natired Prance. But in nothing are'the Ancient.and Moſſ'ez : Romansmore:ulike than.in:their: ſuperſtitions,- having ſeveral'Guas am{ Saintsifo trayetefor-their jeveral wants.\ Thus the: Ancient ROman; priay- e4to;Pomonafor the-increnſe-of theirFraitg' to Ceres Tar "Cofp and Grain, 'to. Silvanus: for Mld-fowle,: to Bacehits: fa) TPaneg't Neptane: for Fiſh, -to Mars for: the ſucceſs of Wars \an Capranny, 79:Apollo fbr Phyſick and Mulick, to:-Saturn forÞYabourens vwhntl morkmen:in: Huſbandry, «to, Pallas:foru'Y; alour, to-1 dinerva for ſ\ſ/z/aom to-Jupiterfor:men of State and Porty: to: Junofos pomp aud- Jewels;. to Venus for Beauty anddaſeiviousRleaſurcy\toiona for.Calmneſs and-Fair-weather,to Plato:for Riches,to Mſircx.xyjor Learning: and Elaquence,""to Florg for Flowers,. to-Proteus* for Diſguiſes, to-Laicinafor-women with Child, : to Faunus for-Goves. and Veniſon : &c. But theſe were not ſo Frantick in \dhivir d vocations, but. if me look-inte. the Lying« Legend:of Golden: Gullery, we-ſhall find-the poornſeduced. Modern Romanifts 70 imitate all-the zdolatzoſſ © Fo3's nication\ of. the » Heathen,, Pagans and Infidels,cand that ts y\pur their-He aud She Saints.to far more boſerand ignominious+offices; thantheſe-untelievers of former Ages did dave-to put upon»! their Vainimaginary): Gods »45 tſi*e}ſ make It; Criſpin's $hoomnken, and:)Stu;Roch: the Patron of Sowters and Coblers," they P::*-.S*, Windelin-to-keep:ſheepg-iand they. make StaPclage.a ſ'ow/ſiem' 0n Neatzherdg3$t. Anthony. hath the. protetirou of therr {r ſſ'ſſ,'t. Vieus:07: Vitellus; -alios:St; iCalk, exceling for the:cure 0] tm that.arebitten: of:va ſpider cnlled Taxrantſixla, 0-:Phallanx: I'/}ej ackmowledge: Sti:Gertrade® forvanexcellent. Rat-carcher, andsSt; Hubert;f0# a:g0od Dog=keeper.n"\ The: Smiths they mu/f pray t0St. Eloys)bthe! Painfers4to: St. Lke,' the Bakers muſt-envocaterSt. Honore, the Mariners St. Nicholas,! St.'Y ve;! 78 for the Lawyers, aud S$2\Ann tofirdothing sthat are Joſt-or ſftoln. "Orher Satnts roofagiue theirſevertl QFiees, as St.Valentine*7»foruthecuringafl theFalling-ſickneſs, St. Roch for ſcabs andſcarffs, St. Sebaſtian X4 for To:the, Chriſtian, Reader. , for the Plague, St. Entrope. the Dropfe, St, Genou'the Gou?, St. Petrovella the Agne, $t, Apollonia the Tooth-ach,. $t. Ros mans {a ſay diſpoſſeſets Dewils,though I, fhould think a'Gliſter eff Fotp ater mauld betfer drive him.out. d laftofÞult S. I\_igtp{f_inctſi: is the Mad mens SE, to cure the Pren5 D3 1680.1-*" T* Wice thisſſ year. will.the Suz be Eclipfed,. but the Moon not at -all.. The Prieſts ofCyvele will be glad the Mooz ſcapes ſo vellz they.) may . thereby. ſaye _their Kertles and Pans by the bargam. If the Sun had not. been Eſiclipſed neither, we had been in'a fad caſe, for no\body. would have. bought our Almanacks ; An*Al- manack without_an_ Eclipſe being like a Bag-pudamy withour Suet. But.to the purpole. Of the firft* Eclipſe of the"Sumn. It.happ-ns.00 March, the,20th, at;our .19, of the Clock in the.\Foreno0n, in.11, Degrees.of 4ries, *and where 1t 18 moſt conſpicuqus .will-appear 2 very, dreadful, terrible, and formida- ble Eclipſe. - But/ you .need. not to fetch, home your Cattel as upon Black-Monday ;, for iit.will be very. little vitble with us, but to ſuch.as. inhabit- the. South,.parts. of America, the Holy Iſand, the Cape..of St. Vincents..&c..it .vill appear very, greats but L think moſt of..us will,have.more wit.than.to.go thither.to behold it; unleſs.it-be the: Zeſnits, . who. upon their), Oath of, Obedience, will tragel Sea and Land. to.make.a. Proſelyte, ,an1 when he.:s made 5: they make. frim; two-fold more. the, Child of Hell than themſeles. Matth...2.3: 1. : Of the, ſecond Eclipſe of the Sun. N } Uponthe 12#h.:day.of September,” at: our 84 Clockof night, the'Si9is Eclipſed,-and 'may be ſeen by=thoſe, whom Cunriokity, "Profit, 'or-other Afffairs,- cauſes'to-Navigate near the. Port-of, St. P#fer;*the Hand'Pavars Gc.> Forour Parts, 3t will-then.bepaſt Sun. {et 2 pretty while \in \E2g1and, and {o.we aveinot concerned iy it! " Ohely we muſt tell you.it-does forctell many.to be Fakss "\Fac'd, » pretending one thing, and afting- another.; promiling-in exigents to perform much, bur in concluſion doing nothing;/. The Devil was fck, the Devil a Monk would be, The Devil was well, the Devil a Monk was he. January ) 1 i[-L g 41 after Chr., | 82 [terworth-'F. 9Þ iSan riſe. 7 55 {9.C. |Sun ſet 46 $11'Dr after £61ph. q12e” lHincMcy F. 13/f |Melton Mow- Hr!g bray Fair - 1 5j4 Sun ſet 4 44 16b |Sun riſe 7-45 t7jc j;Sun ſet 4 17 18.D'> after Epiph. Lgje- |Sun riſe 7 39 if |Sun riſe 7 38 A - Flg Sun ſet 4 24 ' Sun ſet 4.12.5 i Zſijzib trerm begins 924ic IFairatHenle 45 @ Con. of St.Paul 25 26 27 e Sunriſe 7.27 f |Sun ſet 4 36 *P-*"*-d*———-—y——-—--——- iþ.2 |New-years dayneck i$. 2/Þ ©Sun riſe-at$.6farms Papiits.digg*d up 7ohz Wicliffs. bones, 'Fe \Sun fet 3 +*56 farms |40 years after his deathand burnt them! Sun;riſe $ 2 |brealt Jhis life, they wonld confound after his ſi ſiflf Twelfth day |Þ '7'2 1Banb, and Lur-jand ſneck 1. Max. farms 31 Sun riſe 7 18 Full. Moon 5,day at 14-atnight. ,. _— "ſſct"ſi-l% LaftzQuarter 13 4day; at 8,ac night. *o! New:Moon..21 day-at. 1 inthe afternoon; Fufi: _(Lug.rtcſſi' 28,;dayat 10 (in;the forenoons!”) 26T' j In the beginning, of this. Month the. breaſt |that he whom they could.not.confute ih} heart |death. Far. worſer ulage had, W. Way. Sten. Kemp, W. Bowling," W. Lowzfc;_kſif,ſſ' back .all fix burnt in one, fireatCanr.. Mr; Z. bowels|P5z4por, Archd.marrt. atter he had been! bely 12 times baited|by. the Romiſb Blodd-ſi! reins Jhounds, ſealed the truth with his blood, and ; |72n. 16. 1557. 7: Wittle Minift. Par#.! loins _ |Greer Gent.7.Taylor,7, WZſinz*ſſ,T.Bromn,ctſſ iecrets|1/ab. Forſter,: and . Foan Laſkfora, all ſecrets|burnt;in one fire..in Smithfield. Fohy, thighs|Lomas, - Ann Albright, foon Cſiſiztmare,kſi . thighs| 42nes Snoth, and Joan Soal, all burnt' knees /in one fire for thetrath, Fon.27.1556. and. [Towards the:latter .end of the Month,| hams fuflered for /the truth, iY. Sawtry legs. .|Prieſt, Fohn Brown Gent. who itfi Fiery- legs . |Chariots had. their. ſouls. \carried up| teet _fto_the _eternal Manſions, -thereto re- teer ceive. the Crown of MartyrdomavDt- vers others alfa ſuffered/this\Month. So-that you ſee. here'was- hot doings this Cold. weather ,-nothing quench-! ing the ,Popes, Ambitious!Thirſt ; bij onely. full .Bowls. ofi warm Proteſtants! blood. : . | breaſt head head neck arms IN ESOENAE D ADeSI DA A P SATW ATB ſſſiſiPaPi_.[ſſ]o 'ÞI'r | inketss The Reod, this was an image of Chriſt” on the Croſs, made ?gcnera]ly of wood, "and efedtd in 4Toft B&that purpoſe, ju tlover the paſſage 618/5f the Church' ntotheLChphrel. © And wot [{you what Spititual myftery was'ecouched in"the Pofition thereof? |{The Chirch(forſoort) Typefied'the Church=mitant, the Chany [!ce/ repreſents the Church=1riumphant-rand-all-who- W1ll paisout of theformer into*theV7arter, muit go underthe Rood-l9ft); that [tiscarry\the Crefs," and” be'acquainted With aMidtion.” 0 m fe— \1970us Herp Dromity ! 1 91 Fhe'Pare, Wasa'piece of woodor mettal with Chriſts Pt Atire thereonyand' was folemnly tendred to all people to Kifs, in!imitaz 08 -of the' Apoftles 'words, 1 Cor. 16 20. Greet one anothet p3fÞ.an-holy:ki f;" Which toprevent wantonels 'of men and wofflcu [ſkiffing"6ne anorher, was done *by the” Proxite of the Pax, But though 6urſhayen Crowns would not kils women Openly, they could Uo'ie privately 'ro' ſome purpoſe, as Chancer faith jn t'hc Plongh-mans Tale. Mens Wives they woolen hold, / And thouſh thar they been rlght ſorry, To-fpeak they ſhull notbe 1o bold For {ompning to the Confiftory : And make hem fay month Flie Though theyit faw with |hier iye, His Leman 'holden” openly No man fo'hardy to ask why. .| | 5: Cenſers,'Pots in'which FranÞ7ncenſewas burned, pcrfummg the Church duringDivine'Service,becaule it/ſtunk of Superſtition! 4 "Aubes or Al/ze: were Priefts Garments ofwhite Tinnen down to their fect, 'pirded about their middle. The thin 1atte7 dengted mplicity'; tolour; purity, Tength (deep Diyinity ) Per]&w*emuce and the tmcture thereof fignitied, "the perſon wearing it prompy jand prepared'for Gods ſiJIVICC Ozſieſi y. Whether here "were nof more joutward Holineſs than 1n\vaxd ? - A*Chriſmatory, was 2 veſleFin;which | the Conſecrated Oy] ſſuſcd inBaptiſhy, Confitmarion, andexrream undtion, was depolited, 6. Pix was a Box wherein the*Hoſt, 'or Conſhcmted Wct_er Was put and preſeryed. . : s F ebrha-ſſry- hath*xxi Diys@ "Full Moon 4 day at two in the afternoon _ Lait Quarker 12 at 5 a* night ” ”New Moon 20 day at, 1. in the morning. " "Firſt Q_artcx 26 day at 6 at night. 11 4 Ifrer Epiphlbrcait| In this month was the Papiſts cruel- *z e |P4rif..of Mar)y.ſbrealt [ty exerciſed upon many Godly Mar- 113{f jSun riſe 7 *T2]hearr jryrs, of whom the chief. were, Fohy 14 s 'z dayF.at Lin.|heart |Hooper Biſhop of Gloceſter, R. Faway 'FÞ ſiSun ſet 4 5z |bowels|Biſhop of 7. Rozers, Rowlan {6Þ* Srafford Fair |belly |Taylor, Z. Sand. theſewere Capfams in {2}c (Sun riſe 7.4 Jreins this noble Army of Martyrs, whichTiE 2 Doectfzmctſſeſ na | and_\fered in the' Marian days.' Sir F. Olac. 9'& [Stafet 5 o © Jloins ]Lord Gobham, mart. SirR. Onley, Prieft Sun riſe 6 58 [{ecretsjmart, Mart. Luther Confeſfor,” whoſe ſecrets|pen hath ſo fully deſcrib'd theBeaſt,thar thighs|the man of fin hath been'ever fincethe ſſſſSun riſe 6 52 | and Jmore fully known. Fo. Chaldon, mart! " [Palentine R. Turmine, mart. R. H. mart. T. Bag! Sexazefiima Prieft mart: Theſe fell a Sacrificetoap4 O\vndle Fair peaſe the Helliſh fary of the Triple Crown. Mother 'of the Lady Young mart. 7. N. mart, T. E, mart. T. B. mart. {Pope. of Zay mart. not thePope'ofRome, it was his power” that made the” other mart G. Carp, mart. Ag. Potten, mmart, Trenchfields Wife, mart. befides W. 7; Prieft, and E. C. Gentlew. Confeflors, Theſe would not bow the Kknee to Baal. "TTheſe refuſed to bear the yoke of the d_|Romiſh Beaſt, which the gentle Pope .|had no other _ways to reform but by breaſt|Fireand Faggor ; powerfull Rhetorick l Sunt, 3 Lem breaſt ito carnal mindedmen, but toa refolute ; lgodlv {pirit ot no valrd)ty aralF* _ ſſ 1 em erenene eeennae ernn eran re e erernennnnr LILE Adultery, and !lain by. the Husband of the woman. | 2. Innocent, $. was very_ fruitfull m _his Nephews,.for by that 12me do the Popes, call their Baſtards, of him it is thus, wrot. Eight Lads, and twice 4. Girles Nocens got, Torr> 1 Jhef Wight not Roze him Father rexm?-whygort= ,c1y Of ane.,of. tbeſe, Pope Innocents, it. 2 thus mritten, Pope.Innacent the chief of all the Rout, ſſ Anſwercd-his name, but how ? if [n were out. 3+.20pc, Zodm:the 2 3 coramitted Inceſt with his Brothers-wife Þ defiled Nuns,. acted whoredom with, Virgins,| and Adultery with mens; Wiyes. G K \4» Pope Joan was delivered of 2 Baſtard, as ſhe was going tof the Lateran, between. Co//ofſes ang St.,Clements, proving her feliþ both.in 2 Litteral and, Miſtical fence to be the Whore of Babylon; $.Nzobolas- the. firit, was;.the firſt, who by Law reſtrained Priefts by Marriage;, faying, That zt was wore honeſt to hawve to 14 with many womer privarely,than openty to keep a wife ; whict|| |Doctrine is {o-magnifed by ſome of his Suceeffors, that a.PriefiÞ| of. Plagentia,being .accuſed to. bave-Wife and Children, was.de- ! {iprived of his. Benefce;. but upon proof made that ſhewas the wifef, {of.,another man, -and his $?rumpet- only, he was again reftore Unto 1t, f f 6,2Pope Nico/as, the. IIT. was uſed to ſay,, The Law forbjds 'n} £a:ge? Children,. and the Deved hath given ns Nephews 77 cheirl (tecd. 71 AMexander. VI.. carnally nſed his own, daughter ' Lenorerra, Þ thewiteto, 3.Princes, upon whom:was:made thisfollowing Epitaph, | « «.,Lxcrece,by namehere lies; but /Thais in Lfe, Pope Alexanders Child, Spoule, and ſons.Wite. And mult a Sextas: Lacrecealways:raviib, Cur{t name. buthere's ctheFather, that's moſt knaviſh; Targquinius, Nero, this a Sextus too! . Sextrs,was.cver born Rome' to undo. This.Pope, Alexander gave.himſclt to the Devil, who at length fetch'd him, being Poyſon'd with theTame cup he had provided forf his invited Cardinals; m m e- rrne r een FC EEES EIF arnrnae eI e EE IN EIEITEEIIE CS I OSY Se /LE GE m rnanarnre—. 1 s j C EIEEEIA March hath oxxi Days: D " Full Mooh the s.day_ar6. mn the mormng Laſt Quarter 1.3 day at a,14,inthe forenoon New Moon the 2.0 day at_ yo.inthe forenoon Firt Quarter. 2.7 day.at ,2; in; the morning. ctkſiſſſſd 'Chericy Fair jheart | T | _ This Month produced thele maxtyls, 2 J38f5rd Fair fheart 'Dr. 7. Weſellianus \Anno 1479, Witl, 3(" Sunrife 6.15 Tbowels Taylor, Maroh 2. 1422, Hen. ſisutpben | [#g [Bidford Oak. | and |£m 1490. F. Houzhley Anno I526, 5fa"[Suri fet 5 49 belly |4aolphus Clabachins, An. 1528. T. B, =6b 1n TiHe's 9 freins [-47. 1531, DctvzſlFaſter Palen. Freeſe'- ; TIC]z Sun. 74 Lentireins and his wife martyrs, R. W. An.1555. 8 d Sun fet 5.56 Heerete The. HighedGent. T. Cowſton, W. Hunt. ple Sumn rife's 2 jecrets the ſame day An.1555.Stephen Knight. tof [D. &N Cqu;]_] ſecrets March 2.8, 4nno._1555-.Theſe perſons t t]g Sunfet 6 2 Ithighs ſealed the Truth with : their deareſf 12:2\{Wobourn Fair tlmrhs blood, and undantedly perleyered .in fb Sun ru'cct ©-53 knuſſs their ſſinth not fearing the Torture..o '4-'@[ FS41.:7 Loufand |fireand faggot. In the next place. we Iſd St2im. HorſiP hams. have that Reverend marts:T., Cranmari; I3%g. 'Smſbflctſſe feer * ſhunſcſſlr for ſubſcribing a-recantation, 19:2 Sſim {&t 6 ig ftcet ſburnt oJ his.right hand firſt, which had 20,b"[2.0 day Alisb. Thead 'betray d the tmth and then ſealed thel 21 \7[ Midtent S. [head truth with his whole body. March, 2.1 ſſzzſie Sin riſe.5 33 jneck” }ln*L!ſil}H 'd March 24.155.641/7, Cober- 7—44 ;25 day St. Al arms /ey, and one Maundrel the fame:dayy. ?-S'g Wirum. of M. rms_ 'R. (ſizctzſtfieldz\_ſzzrcb AAS.LS5704th 27Þ Sud fet6 36 _[breaſt three eminent Martyrs March.28, An 29 Sun rif--5 20: [heart |Ecc cleſea. 30e Sun {et 6 42 _ |bowels, 16 Malmsbnry P.tbety 20 W e9 IRAS EEI B SEOEFOLIES EFTLDEEDS P AEIA AR ZSN A DERLAE 17 C R E 16ſi ISuu ſet6 13 jlegs 'ArchBithop of C:The Proteſtant Scevg-|1| 17 Sin riſe 545 lcas 1z, who toſhew his indignation again(h; | 22 Stam F. MidLjneck_ j1.556. Totheſe we may .adj0oyn..R.S4 26a 25 Hy North. brealt | 'Sarmſon, Hugh Fox, and, Fohn Devorifhyſe —-SCP.-:?"} -wzdct)ſiectſizt 1)58 Sanguis. Martyrum .Semen, ints, B e- Popiſh—Miractes.” . Saint Runnald or Rumweald, as {oon as eyer hecame.outo hl:: Morhcxs Womb, he cryed three times, 1-am @ Chr zſtzan ſi Then making 'a plain Confelfion” of his #27fh, he' delired to be Baptized; choſe his Godfathers, and appointed-his own name. Hef alſo by his fingers directed the ftanders by to tetch him a grea hollow ſtone fora Foxr, which ſundry of his Fathers ſervants cſſay- ed invainas muchabove their ftrength:Till the rwo Prieftsths3ige- figned Godfathers ) did goand fetch ir ealily ar his, appointment. Being Baptized, He for 3 days diſcourſed of the Common, ,places ofPupmy, and having confirmed their truth, he bequeathed ths Body. where it ſhould be buried, and then,, expired. This emf_) WMonks 7nvented lies, and the creuzt[om people they believed them,!', * 2. Plating reporteth, that Pope_ Farmoſus, . being by his ſuc- teſfor Sergins the third taken out of his Grave, and his-Bodyicalt mto the River Tyber, that ſome Fiſhermen finding the fame, in- terred'it in St,. Perers Church, at which time the. Images of| the $aints there didit Reverence. Were not theſe kind Imctge: chink Je, f/mt would as well worſhip, as be worſhiped. . Saint Eamond King of. the Eaſ?- Angles, was cruelly mur- dcred by the invading Danes, and when the Chriftians ſeekiag us Corps, were loſt in. a wood, didcall one-to another Where art? Where art ? Whereart? The Martyr'@head anſwered, Here, here, here. Thus zmpm{ent Monks by their ridiculgns ſftortes, have ammetl. Eclipft the ct[m) oft 25 Pious King ani Martyr. ) 4. St. D: z/f/m entring .one._day into 2 Gentlewomans houſ_ hung his Hurp apon the wall whileftheſhapeda Prieilts tow,when to Þal\e bim'merry ar his work, his Harp otit icſir cgan to playel.. Hymn, Gaudent in celis anime ſffz*zſſz*amm KC. 1 pen mſiz'r nenh thits vegin to'play alone, twill quick!y /PO;I the Fidler FZ"ſſa Je, " F. When Wrinifred had her Head” Gut off by Cradecus Joniteh, Alan King of Nozth-lales, for not yxeld-na to h1<1"nliwfmlhffi : Beno her Inſtruſtcr Miraculeuſly ſet. it.on agzin, and.ihe lwec rifteen” years afer! '® Render if thou wilt not 1Five this, thou wilt not believe that the Siun ſhines at midnight, and thas men. ent and arink in the bottom” of the Sea. : l Apral hath XKN Days. | Fult Moon'the”3 day 46 07 At night EaftQuarter 71 day-at tiidnight New Moon'the 18" day at” 7 'at night Firſt-Quarter” 25 day at 1 in'the aftetnoon, &[Sun riſe'5.4.4 (bowel : 'This Month thele boly men ſe:flſſid thf: N la Aitchin Fair I1ems truth with their blood: *wis: Rober? *21Þ [Leicefter Fair TEIns Ha#ches, Tho. Bouni, Wrisſhan Lſimſiſ : Cj[ Palm-Sundzy "IRerets}dale and Mrs: $m7h, ApriFa. Tt9. ['5fd Sunfer 6 54 ectets|More cminent was the Martyrdom of 1 5ſe |Sun riſe 5 4 {ecret3}G. M. burnt 'at eſtcheſter Ani"i55, 76 Darby Fair | [thighisin 45 barbarous a manniet '#sErns Ity "$ig {Ketgring- Fair thighs|could inyent, having a Firkin'6fPitch, 1 9f2 {Erog-Friday | [knees [Rofin, 'and Tar, placcted over his'head, (19 iSon fet 7 4 © [knees which melting down baited him; whtt : 11 CLiza/ter Day, [knees |the fire beneath Roaſted himVſichen- 14" aing Cooks were the PopesEmiſfarics, to makexreftorativediſhfor alanguiſh- ing Jjglon The faine day fuffered"M, Flaw 27, Min. nay the whole Month was beipunl led with the blood"6F" Sxihits, R. Drake min.. T. Tyms, R. Spurge, Z Sparge, F, Cauvil, G. Ambroſe, mart. in ſi\mzthſiel{ffipſizl 2.4. '1556: you fee the Pope ſcorns to murther 'by retail, Chr. Liſter, min. 70 .Spenser$tn. foyh, R. Nichol, 7o. Hamond, allmattyr'dat Colchefter April 28 t556, The Pope aow zmſſht ſvim in blood, 7ho! Laſi*b)/, He). lmn,/ſi y, Thd. '_llmctt[e M/zigctre*t [Hide, Agnes bmnle)', all burntin'one fire in Smirh bpeld, Bloody.. "Bone)s laughter-houſo, T\Vzll Nichol, ma,xl; Atts VS57 Thſi. m@xues oſ xhe wſiſil-@dſ are ClctU\.ltlCo ſi - I13Þe jEafter Teſaay legs '14ſifſſ Welling. Fair |feer Sun riſe'4 47 [feet* jDarby Fair / [head Sunfet,7 17 _jhead '' !8 T Law-Suzday Jneck 19 d [BicklefſworthF.ineck [zoſe Sun riſe 4 38 jarms Nz 1if fSun fet 7 24 Jarms F22'S Stafſmd raſſn l breait | zȝſa Sun riſe 4 32 |breaſt #24b{Stn t 7 30 fhedrt LCSt. Mark ” jand© F36'4{Sunrife 47 Jback 27£e Sun {et 7 35: Ibowels .f- _rjm L_egim bowJf -163. _ſict ȝoia Sun ſct 75" rems Popiſh*Miracles'of Thomas"Becket. 1. Thomas Becket being Arch-Biſhop/of .Canterbayy, whilſt hel | lay at his houſe at: Orford.in, Kent, whereof. _ſome'pgrt is yet re- maining, 'tis faid. that.it, wanted at ſpring_to water it, where- upon to fave.them.,the Jabour of; ferching, it 2\great;way off, he ſtrake his ftaff into thedry ground ( in a place thereof at this day Jealled St.,.Thomas WelE) and that immediately -water "2PPearea; the, which. running plentifully, - {erverh, the Offices -of the Yew Honſe at:this preſent, time... Cerrazuly this water wuſt neeas be vod to waſh. Cloathes withall, it being a perfet# Lye, 4 Þ 2.:At another time as he walked.in the old Park, (buſic atihis prayers) he was much hindred in his deyotion, by the {weet notef and..melody. of a Nightingale, . that, ſang in a Buſh beſides kim therefore he { in the might of his Holinels) injoyned thar frgm thenceforth no bird of that kind, ſhauld be {o bold as rofing there- abouts.. Query, Whether he forbad the Cuckow, becauje they come much. about one time. ; ſſ 3: A..Smith, alſo._in_that Town, | had_ prickt his Horſejn th ſhooing, . wherefore he Enadted by like Authority, thatatter tha time no Smith ſhould;thrive within the Pariſh, 24 now, ge-qo/; ]Trabe of Vulcans, ,ye, mey perceiye by this how ye came tobe fuch [Euadlecaps. | + .4..,Becket one day lyingat 2 certain Town in Kert, certaintel4. Hloaws curt off his Horſes Tail,. after which fa&t, all their Childrem Ivwere. borg.with/Tails like Horſes, ,and that this continued long. inl | |their Poſterity. Sowe Tales have neither head, nor tail inthem i FIehis thaugh it hath no. Head,. hath Tail enough in #t to chopk an | 4pnns belief that ſhall read. it, þ. --5.., One dilpardus, who for ſtealing a great Whetitone,|being eprived-of his eyes. and yirilities, by ſentence of Law, upon praya \kr.to.St. Thomas, he had all reſtored again, Reader, had you,tn+ (4 her beljevue this flory, than believe that he deſerved the Whetſtang " [hat wroce at. em 6. ABirdivhohad been taughr to {ſpeak, lying one day out ofher Cage,and [: ÞÞeitg ready tobe{eized on by x Sparrow-hay/k, ſhe-only id,'St. Thotaas hely {Fmne; andher enemy Ralprefncly deat; andihe eſcaped,:and( balike?) Seporred itto himthar wrore it, or elſe we rmay believe thartheStory lies.-} 111#! gic Bad is that ſame Religion which is founded 1 ———Qg-ſuch-yain-lies-thas-on.te-fence-is.grounded.._.*_..._.* May bath, xxx: Days. % Full Moon the. 3 day at 4 in the afternoon Laſt Quarter the 11 day at 11 inthe forenoon " New Moon the 18 day at 2 inthe morning Firſt Quarter 25 day at 2 in the morning. In this Moath that excellent man Fohn Huſs was martir'd, Anno 1415. notwithſtanding he had Letters of fafe 4 4{e |Sun riſe 4 14 [hips ſconduct from the Emperor Siz:ſmond, J 5jf ſSun ſet 7 46 ,znd blame we not then the Twrks for breach -6]s [Almsbury Fair thxffhsſſ_,- rFaich, when Chriſtian Princes will 7 2 [Sun riſe 4 1o |knees |violate theirs ; this Glouous Martyr ' $|b [Sun fet 7 52 Jknees Haffered at Conſtance for the T:{timony tib P. (9' Facobjreins Ectſter ſecrets ſilſto\v Pair ]fecrets 4 after Eaſter le gs r4j2"{Sun Tiſear 4 jhead 151bþ JSun ſet 81 Jhead 16/T|Rogation Sunneck r 7]d |Sun riſe 3 57 jneck 19ſe {San fer 8 4 farms 19[f{Sun riſe 3 55 farms zo|s [4ſcenſion day [breaſt 21ja |Ruthin Fair {breaſt z2]þ {Sun fſer} o jheart 23]|Ci6-after Eaſterſheart bowels 24\d [Term' ends z5]e fBlackburn F S. beti y 0..6F! Sun riſe 3'47 ſreins 27 'Sunſet 8 14 and :$]a 'Sun riſe-3- 45 [loins b {N. R.K. C. 2.tHecrets|With Crowns of immortality. 29 39\L|kitſunday |ecrers 31/d .Owndle Fair ſ[thighs of Jeſus Chriſt. Hſig/*Lctwcrcack Fohn Apeprice mart. May 15 1555. K. N. Elzſſ Thacknel, Foan Horns, mart. no Sex 2s well as Age, could mitigate the Pope2s malice. Bluſh .you that hold women haveno Souls, fince theſe three Female Martyrs-in fiery flames, their ſfouls did magnifie the Lord their Sa- viour, A blind Boy and another with him martir'd May 5 1556. His'Hol- neſs will play at ſmall Games rather than {it out fora wrangler. Tho. Spzeer, Fohn Denay, W:ll. ')ſſctl mart. Robert King, Robert Debnam, Nzcbo[. March, foim Cardmaker alias Taylor, mart. May 31 1555: With a Trium pha nt-patience they For Chriſt his cauſe their lives down lay Whoſe heads inheayen ſhallwreathedbe "Popiſh"Invocarions.. ,ſi The Lanceard Nils that r6tmented OHf Blefſed Saviour,are? ?ſſ-cſteemed by"them'as'moſt Tncomparable Rehqucs being graccdfſſ [yith a Holyday atid this Elegy. | Ave ferrum triumph -7-78, Fwcundſiimſiin cruove, _ Introms em tuwoitale, C "FeliX Haſt 55 amorere 7 ſſſi "Cel: panis oſiia, Per, te fixos. jauciann, «| Hail Irontriumphal, Blefſed.Spear Reeped.in bloog Piercing a breaſt vital, With loye make vs-all wood,,, That opens heayens, gate, The Hereticks tohate,7 2. ,Of this-Thomas) Becket likewiſe whom: we mentxoned bc— , tore, . was made this Anthem, - 9 | Tu per Thome ſanguinem quem prote zmpendzt Fac nos Chriſte: ſcandere quo Thomasraſtenair. Fox the, blood of Thomas which-hefor thee did ſpend, Grant us.Chriſt.to.climb \where Thomasdid! aſcend Bat notwithſtanding-this Anthem,-4f! it be truenwhat® Rogerzs the. Norman pubhckly avowed-( when'the :queſtion was 'debated- amonefſt the DoQors, of the Univerſity of Pari, whether Thomas were:faved or-damned.) -That he deſered denth and dammuation for 15 contumacy againſt his King the Miniſter of Gody "what ,any excellent Saint do.theſeiblind' Papiſts-pray unto. 3,:How do. they invocate-the VirginMary,. callingther the Cſigen of Heaven, -: the- Gate of- Paradiſez:their life-and {weet- nels,. the Treaſurer.of Grace;/;the refuge bE Sinners, andi the Mes d1atr1x of Men :\ thus praymg untocher, Ofſſ'llſſ' puerpers, O'happy Mother >!W145 Noſtra pians ſcelera, Satisfying/for our»fins; ' Fure matris impera By thy Motherly authority Redemptorz that-1is)/ Command:the Redeemer. Thus: Popery is proppcd up-:by Poliey -to- hoodwink/the Vu]- gar, making them. believe.that-Ignotance-is-the mother/of/Dery - votion; when as indeed the Blind thus lcad.mg the Blind;* they do :_ at laſt fall both into. the ditch. B ' !une WW SA Dn 2}f \Well: ingboro.F ſiſih]: hs g JAlisbur f Fair |knees 2 Sun et 8 ; 'Pomun* r jlegs. jmart.1546. feſi'om of Prague that good 6 \I Trinity Sunda -Hcgs champion of Chriſts car Wct.*n?ſir.,une I, 51d Rowel Fair ſſ legs [1416-Nzc.Belmau,Th,Hawks, June 10, A Efzun riſe 3 41jfeet lx) SS-TVats,F SymſonF ...ſſd[e)/,martct gjf iſiMaxGi tone Fair] Acet 1/472 14.1555. N, Chamberlain,T.Hoſ- oig ſi an ſer $ 19 thead ma:-ſſct,ſ/ſi'zmſſ/z]o rd,mmart. 7une I-$E$55 1j2 |S.Barns. Tu ' egins|7. w*! mzzjame 16.1556. T. Ofward,T. 2ib fSſi:n riſe 3. 41 jneck' |Rex 2d,Fune20. T. Abbington, T. Wood- 3C]:?1 after TYi ncck win, Th. Milton, June 23.1556. One a14 jBan igor Fair jarms |would haye thought thus much blood 5j©.4Devizes F Fair jarms jmight hayequenched the Popes thirſt; 16}f |Sun ſer $ br eazſiſiouſi it wonld not do.Ra.Fackſon, HAd 17jg iStowgreen Fail breaſt; lmr 02,L.CawchW.Halliwell,G.Searls, 18jR | heart gſi Row ih, 7. Denſal, H. Wye, Ea'Hmctſt t9|Þ jSunriſe 3 42 ſheart [Lawy, Pct}*mſim, T. Bowyer, Eliz.Pepper, 2olCiz after Trin. [bowel|Agn. George; theſe 13 all honeſt Peo- {21jd ZSun {et$ 1 and |ple and true, came in with 2 Verdi& Ezz c |S.Alban-Shrew4belly {againſt Popiſh Trinkets and Trumpe- 2 2jf jSun riſe 3. 44 Jreins [ries, Hereſies and Idolatries, and ſeal- 524i-37 S. 70n Papr.&\reins led their witneſs with their Blood, 2 52 FJU weongreenF.ffecret |Fune 27. 1557. This Midſummer 12.61 %ſiſſi"fi'flſſiſiſi—'*'\ Tſſ I4 (jſ-(ſt*t iMoou made bloody Bonner ftark fran- 1275%13 47767 1rin, fſecret ick, being drunk with. Quaffing and 23 {oun riſe 3 48 jthi O'hSſi(ctar wing Innocents blood. Precious 2 9je þS. Peter f\pa/ſſ Zestl gls 72 the ſight of the Lord u the death of| zolf ffermends TAT A LLEEIRAEEr 2m T = June bath xxx Days. Full Moon 2 d ay at 6.in,the morning, Laft Quarter 9 day at.6 inthe afternoon. New Moon 16 day at 9 in the forenoon, Firit Quarter 23 ('zy at 6 in the afternoons 11e ſſ\!ſſſ-y ſ lz!cſi-cſſ/yflſitfll' hs| This Month the (14)8 are lon ng, and the Þ aÞi i7s had much to c_o in deftroy- ting thoſe who 1 impugned their totter- 19 {knees ling Kingdom. 41 ſ\y.e ew, ſo/m Lacels, knees |h;5Saints, Pſal I16« 15 —OEE E —— —— ſig Popiſh Blaſphemies C nch —— 1, Pope FH:l; zebrand, who gots under the'name of G Gregory thel Seventh, "be PRYX ſoned fix or feven Popes before: he could- get the Popedom himfſelf. Hethrew the Sacrament into the fire, becauſe it anſwered not his demands,concerning his ſucceſs aga vmuſic Em- pcrorr whom he Eſſ'commſſmſſ'm ed. . Pope Fulizs the Third being fm bidden Pork by his Phyu- cians, as not agreeable to his heahn, wore ch.ſif:: c*ely he would uſi\/(ſilf \Zct'@/jſiet;) de aio, In ffle/þz'ſſſiſſ";.*f of God L1mpelf. The Bmat ly- u\ſi! Pope, having loſt a Peacock Pic, fell into - a tultiant 5 ume, curfing zmc' ſwol ing; and wh _n one, of his Cardinals adviHeds ih-m to compole his paſhon he replied, God cou!d be angry for a} Z torry Apple, and ſhall not I for a delicate Peacock? He was \2 zte, and gave a Cardinals Hat to a Sovomitical Boy 1 hom he had abuſed ; whereupon one Walterzs deicribes the bcci lof Rome under him i m this Tetraſtichon. Whats Rome ? Even that prepoſterouſneſs doth ſhow, What's that, ſpel't backward, then thou ſoon mayſt know ; Backward tzs Amor, Love, what love? nay hold, It is a male love, odious to be told. RaS SAAT R HS EAA- 3. Pope Leo the Tenth was a great fayourer of Learning,but 10 ittle he favoured of Religion that he was often heard to ſay, Yunn- tas nobis divitias compararvit iſftn fabuls Chriſti; a ſpeech fo blaſs phemous that Porphyriz, or Fulinn the Apoſi-Zctm could nevyer *Imarch it. 4. ' Pope Szxtis the Fourth, when he ſhould firſt enter into Rome 1n his Papal dignity, had made for him a Pageant of Tris umph; cunningly fixed upon that Gate of the City he ſhoulden+} ter at, having written upon it this-blaſphemous Verie, dedicated} x unto I..m. E f [ ' _ Oraculo votrs mundi moderaris thaberas © Et merito 1n terrss creder; fe/ctſſſiſict Dexs. By oracle of t by own voice c 1e World thou govern'{t M % And worthily a God onearth men think, and do thee call, E « July harch xxx1 Days. Full Moon 1 day at 7 at night Laſt Quarter $ day at midnight New Moon 15 day at 8 at night Firſt Quarter 23 day at noon Full Moon 31 dayat 6 in the morning Iig (Suin riſe 3 51 {knees| | This Month the weather was hot; 2]2 [Aſhton un. Lin'knees jand perſecution amongſt the Poor 3]Þ |Rikmanſworth }legs |Proteſtants much hotter. Henry Voz, 4\C[4 after Trin. ſlegs jFohn Eſch, Mart. Fuly 1.1522. Fohn 54 ]Burtonup.Tre |feet |Frith Fuly 4. 1523. Anthony Perſon| © 6]2 [Haveril Fair jfeet |Mart. Fuly 8.1543 Robert Teftwood, 7]f [Burntwood Fa.head |H. Filmore mart. John ProdfordPrea- 81 jSun ſet 8 2 ſhead jcher mart. Fohn Leaſe, Fohn Pelley, 9]= jSun riſe 3:59: jneck .|W711. Ming Miniſt. Rich. Hook, Jobn toſÞ {Sun ſet8 o [neck |BloudPreacher mart. Fuly 12. 1555 11]Cſs after Trin. jarms |fohn Frank mart. Hum. Midleton, Nj. 12]4 |Sur in Leo. ſarms, |Shetterden, William Dighel, Der. 13]< |Fodinghay Fair;breaft |Carver mart. Fuly 12. 1555 In the 14|f jSun riſe 46 [and |Ifle of Wight Fuly 17. 1556 Ruter. 15]8 |Greenſted Fair|{toma.|Cawches and Per, Maſſey her daugh- 16]: jSun ſet 7 52 ſheart |ter were burnt, the faid Perratine 17ÞÞ Stevenage Fairjheart ſthen big with Child could not get A 18}C's afier Trin, [bowels|Reprieve till ſhe was delivered, her 19]4 [Dog days beg. |bowels|Child with the-violence of the F lame, 520|S [Barkway Fair ſreins ſpurſt out of her womb,and was thrown 21]* |Bickleſworth F.jand [into the flame by thoſe bloody Perſe- 22/8 [[ckleton Fair [loyns jcutors. I wonder what articles of He- 2.3]a (Carnarvan Fairjſecrets|reſie they could. lay to this Childs 24|Þ jSun riſe 4 20 |ſecrets{charge. Fo. Foreman, Sim. Miller, 2.5|U1S:.7ames Apoſt.|thighs|E1;z. Cooper Martyrs. 26jd [Audley-end Fa.jand IF theſe the acts of grace and fa- 27je |Aſhwel Fair ſhips vor be, 28|f |Sun ſet 7 33 Jknees | Graceleſs and cruel are ſuch Popes 2.9/g {Sun riſe 4 28 [knees we ſee. 30ja {Stafford Fair [legs 31|b |Sun.ſet 7 28 llegs R RT D E D ttgEE Rn oorrng—nng d - : - Popiſh Pride. Pope Honorins the Third crowned Frederick ( the Nun Con- | ftance's Son ) againſt Ozhothe't 47h,and notwithſtanding for claim- ing his rights, afterwards Excommunicates him. He cauſed 400 Scorsto be hanged, and their Children Gelded, tor burning their Biſhop ( who had Excommunicated them ) in his own Kitchin ; of him was made this Rithme. O Pater Honori, multorum nate dolori, Eft tibi decori wivere ? vade mors. : OFather Honorz, born for a fad ſtory, Tolive is it glory ? Death is too good for ye. 2. Juſtinianthe ſecond kitled the feet of Pope Conſtantine, and ever fince it muſt be counted an high fayour an't pleaſe the Pigs, to kiſs his Holineſs golden Slipper and ſweaty Toes. Thismindeth me of a ſtory, how Sr. 7h. Bullen being ſent an Embaſſador to the Pope, was graced to kiſs his Holineſs Toe, which he had no ſooner done, bur his Spaniel in imitation of his Mafter ſought to do the like, but inſtead of a gentle ſfalute he gave him a Bite, enough to have made him becurſed by Bell, Book and Candle. Far more co- mical was that of a Gentleman, who being admitted into the Popes Preſence, had the honor to Kiſs his Toe ; his ſervant which atten- ded on him ſeeing it, began to run as faſt as he could, but being ſopt, and askt the reaſon of his haſt, he defired them to let him go for if ( faid he) they make my Maſter who is a man of ſuch a great Eſtate to kiſs his Toe, Iam ſure they will make me whoam brt his ſervant to kiſs a foot and a half higher, meaning his Breech. 3.Pope Alexander the third Excommunicated the Emperor Fre- derick the firſt, and by raiſing war 'againſt him in every place, brought him to that exigence, that he was fain to proſtrate himſelt ar his feet : when the Pope treading on his neck, faid-aloud, ſupe; Aſpidem & Baſiliſcum, &c. profanely applying thoſe words on the preſent occafion. And when the Emperor to put the better colom on his diſgrace, meekly replied, '7207 #3b7 ſed Petro, the Pope not willing to looſe his-part of ſogreata glory, ſubjoined as angerly, + mihi &» Petro. Now what may we think of theſs Popesz 'or vhat could thoſe Popes think of themlſelves, Can they by pride ſuppoſe in Heaven to dwell With God, when as Pride make the Devilsin hell. Au-. D TIER ETAA M ET rE Oy -oi I A Augult h ath xxx1 Days. LaſtQuarter 7 day at 5 in the morning New Moon 14day ats in-the morning FirſtQuarter 22 day at 4 in the-morring Full Moon 29 day at 5 at night GA SSE EIEaaI : ]!ſiſſ[ſiſſ;lctſſmſſctnwctctmz/ z et_. _ d [Thaxted Fair ſiſect EM\ -fk of Mſimſſſſ-o; l'cteſO"'}t'Z?'/ſi; ſ* m"mſiſi D z]e-jSun riſe 4. 38 'head |Fammes 4bbes Mart. Auguſt 16. 1527 4jt jThunderly Fair head }zn L)enlav Gent. mart.Aug. 8. 1555 5jg |Sunſet 7 19 ncfk FWill Bougeor, Robert Pmcctſiz;, Tho. 612 ſiPeterboroghfi and IBennald, Agnes Smith, Ellen Ewring, 7jb ESuanſſſſiſi 45 )Throſit Eliz, Fulkes, all 6 burnt at Colc /eſtſiſſ 8{L{9 ffer Trin. \arms- |Auguſs t. 1557 in the moraing { 93d 'Aberlew Fair Zarms Thus the Pope drunk. his mornings : [toje blackmoor F, [breaſt {draught'in the bloud of either Sex,| [11/f [Sun ſer 7 8 \01 eaſt}and in rhe ſame place in the auunoon% 1721g 'Sun riſe 4 54 \heart Jhe had 1/111, Munt, Alice Munt, Roſe 63j2 | Sun in Virgo jheart |AJlen, F.Fohnſon,this was for his Bea- t4]Þ {Sunſet 7 2 |bowels]ver or afteraoons Luncheon, Yo may ctz 5|[lto after Trin. \bowels perceive. the Pope has no quealie fto- 16\d 'St. Albanrſ*aſſxuns mach, that he can gorge him! lfwith b7le {oun rife F' 4 'and Wach larpe morſels. Gcor_ct Engles, one 18 (Sun ſet 6 54 lloins Friar, and thc SLſtffl of George ct_ctſ'uffl £9ig 'Sun riſe5 $ |ſecrets IW. Hale, { JO'a Sun ſ{et 6 50 [{ecrets}Ga marte. Azſiſiſſ* 1 E 3 ! Q - « "I;b [SURT) ſe.5 12 fthx"' 1-556 - M. Cooker, Will, H Jopper, Hen. zz:cſictjſi LI /zftor Trin, 'Z,ld Lawrence, Richard Collier, William fi 2 J!, d ſi\'ſſ] 16[ 6 44. ſiDlPS 5 ff'@g ſi]_ five martvrec t. Canter- i © 24|E [Y Bffzrſſctolomemi nees [9u7ry A"M ſt 2.3 1555* I"DD'JTCF"L 2 ſiiI 12.4 Beggars Bu.| 'knees ly Lſiafflflſct have mHt radir ng this month S 'Sunrrile 5 22 F eo El:S. [\[ctmcte George Tomk zfc /a-raar. g 0 2.7 a 1Dog bl[lf}.f enid El:g_. Auguſt 15. 1555 Stephen Harwoos| &8 b 'Daintry Fajr gle gs fmart, Affug. 33 FI5% 29: ſſſſſiſſct after Trin. ifeev ; zoct [Sun ſet 6 30 Ieet | > 'ſi *Sſiſin riſe 5 [Hea { Popzfly Magicians. d cozened a Saracen inSivil of his Conjuring Books by being in- ward with the Magitians Daughter ; then he contraCts #ith the De- yil, to be his \mol]y upon cond dition he would fit him'with Pro- motions. Tlxſiy iayhe muſt needs go whom the Devil drives; by help of him and his other arts he obtzmco at Jaſt to be Fol*)e of Rome ; im which Seat he concealed (but ever practiſtd)his deviliſh myſtery, having in ſecret a Brazen head inſtead of a Delphick O- racle. Conſulting withthis on a time, how long he ſhould live; anſwer was given, #nzill he ſaid Maſs in 767"1ſizz/fm This made him conf deut of 2 long continuance, but he was cozened by the Devils Eq\ ivocation, Who ſerzed upon him faying Malſs in” the Church of St. Croſs, otherwiſe called 7eru/ſalem. He was after- wards buried in the Larerzxe Church, the ratling,of whole bones & 1. Silveſter the ſecond began to play the Devil betimes, having' in his Sepulchre, pr oſſnoſhcatſſ s the death of his Succeſlors, Benedi# the eighth a great Conjurer, is faid tobe deen afier his death upon a black horſe, and confeſled he was greatly tormen- ted, and defired the party that ſaw him to procure Odile of Clu- niarck to pray for him, andtotell his friend Fohn that he ſhould take a treaſiure,. which he diſcovered where it was hidden, and d1- {tribute to the Poor for his Soul. MQwere. H Vhether Benedic might not be then in Hell, and this only an Apparition of the De- vil ſſoſſez]zmde People to SuperFition. 3. Pope John the thirteenth was much noted for Magick, He ame to thc Popedom by bribery ; was given to all dcbauuzconcſs pcxme and facriledge. . He diſmembred divers of his Cardi nals, by phld\mſſovt thcn eyes, cutting off their hands, and gelding them. He made Deacons in his ſtaolc among{t his horſes, for money he made Boys Biſhops. He defloured [\ ynern'a Widow. his Fathers Concubine, and Anz another with hzr Neece, put out the eyc: of his Ghoſtly Father Benedif# ; brake windows in the -]lſut, {t bouſes on fire, drank a health to the Devil, would fay Maſs and not communicare. At laſt being taken in the act of A dultery with another 'mans wife, he received from her Husband fuch a gaſh, as ſent'him we ſuppoſe not into Purgatory, burt ra- ther dſhvn uvht into Hell. B'4 Sep- emn _y September hath xxx Days. Laſt Quarter 5 day at 11 inthe forenoon New Moon 12 day at 8 at night Firft Quarter 20 day at 14 at night Full Moon 28 day at 4 in the morning 11f 'St. Giles Fair [head | As wehaye no Month which is not 2[3 'Sun ſet 6 25 fneck» ſrubrick't in the Kalendar with ſfome 3]2 Sunriſe 5 37 Jneck ſeminent Saint, ſo we have no Month 4[Þ 'Sun ſet 6 21 harms lin the Year but in which the Pape by 5|L'r3 after Trin. [arms [his cruelties did ſend up ſome in fier 6]4 ;Sun riſe 5 45 prealt [Chariots unto Heaven. Will. Wright 7]- iWare Fair |oreaſt [Miniſter, Fohn Waddon Miniſter mart. = |Sturbridge Fairſheart 1428 Will, Allen mart. 1556 Tho. o|s {Nat. B. Virginſheart |Cob, Tho. Coe Martyrs, 1555 George 1o|4 'Sun ſet6 7 bowels|Carmere mart. Sept. 6. I555. Corn. 11]> 'Sun riſes 56 [and Bungay Sept. 8. Robert Streater, An- 12]C\14 after Trin. ſbelly thony Barward, George Bradbriage, 13jd [Newtonred F. jreins Fames Tuttey, 1555 This Year 1555 r4]e |Walcham Ab.Flrcins ſwas as emineut for the Papiſts cruelty r5[f 'Raiadargwy F.[ſecrets|in burning the Servants of God, as the 16}s 'Sunſet's 54 ſecrets|Year 1666 for their burning the City i7}a Cliffe Fair ſecrets|of Lonaon. Cicely Ormes, Foyce Lew!s 18]Þ ;Sun riſe 611 ſthighs|mart. Sepr.10. Fohn Warn, Chriſtian 19}U15 after Trin, |thighs|Glover,Thomas Athath, John Affdone, 2ofjd %ctRuthin Fair Iknees |7' Spurdance,Fohn Fortune maxt. Anno 2.112 EMct;z*/yew Apoſfland [1557 'Theſe bloody Butchers, like 22]t {Sunſet 5 41 jhams jtheir Father the Devil, beſtir them- 2318 Pancridge Fairjlegs jſclves becauſe time is ſhort. Ralph 24]2 jMalcon a weekjlegs JAllerton mart. Rich. Rock mart. 25]Þ {Sun riſe' 6 25 |feet [James Anſtoo and 'Margery his Wite, 2.6 Q[jISzzfier Trin. ffeet Iwith Rzch. Rock and Ralph Allerton,| _ q27]4 jSun ſet5 31 Jhead fall burnt in one Fire at Ifirngton Sept. 28je jSun riſe 6 31 Jhead j17: 1557. 2.9]f [Michael Arch. lneck ----in flames of fire ȝoig z9 Biſhopſtarf neck Their holy lives Expire. Popz'fla Councels. 1. In a Councel at Rome, held under Pope Innocent the third, It was decreed that the Pope ſhould havethe correfon of all Chriftian Princes, and thatno Emperor ſhould be acknowledged' till he had ſworn obedience to him.This was a very merry Councel, and much of that jolly humour of the Great Cham of Tartary,who when he hath dined,commands his Trumpeters to ſound and'make Proclamation, that now all other Kings and Princes may fit down to dinner, 2. Under Pope Fohn the 2.3. was another Councel holden at Rome, where when they were fat, behold an ugly and dreadfull Owl flew to and fro in the Councel with her evil-favour'd voice, and ftanding upon a beam, ſtared dire&ly the Pope in the face. This put the whole Company ina great affrighr, to ſee the night- bird which is wont to abide no light, how he ſhouldin the mid-day come in the face of ſugh a multitude. | But the Pope himſclf was moſt troubled toſee the Owllook ſor ſtedfaſtly onhim, and taking it tobe ominous' he difſolved the Councel for the preſent, after that followed another Seſſtion, in which the Owl ( although ſhe was not ſummoned to appear.) was again preſent, looking ſted- faſtly upon the Pope, and would not ſtir from the place where ſhe fat notwithſtanding their ſhouts and hallowings, untill with bats and ſtroaks of the ſticks that were thrownat her, ſhe fel] down dead before them all. Certainly the Pope was much to blame to have the Owl killed, ſince he might havve made a fit Prefident for the Councel. 3. The Laterane Councel-held by Pope Leo the tenth, termed him the Liow of the Tribe of Fudah,to whom all power was given both in Heaven and inEarth,whom all Kings muſt adore, Pſal. 72 Certainly theſe Men were not fo clear fighted as the- Ow! we ſpake of before, nor had any more þrgins in them :;than is in an_ old Horſe-ſhoe, That Popes may err, we ſes they often doe, And ſo likewife may General Councels too. OQftober ſſſid—*M * . { October hath xxx1 Days. | 8 Laft Quarter 4 day at 7 at night New Moon 12 day at noon Firft Quarter 20 day at 4 in the afternoon Fall Moon 27 day at 2 in the afternoon UIÞ. 'Sun ſet 5 22 jarms In this Month we will place i1[;am 2ib ſisafisbury Fair jarms |7yndzl in the Front, againſt whom 3Ci1 7 after Trin, breaſt the Papiſts had an inveterate ſpleen} 4+d \Faſtly S. Faithsſoreaft |for tranſlating the Scripture into En- 5%3 Zſſsug riſe 6 46 ſheart |z/i/þ, by the light of which their Do- &f ;Maidſtone Fairfand- [Arine,and deeds of Darkneſs were diſ- 7?g ZBanbury Fair _back' covered. He was martyred An 1534 82 |Sun ſet 5 8 _ſpowels|Next follows Perer a German, Thomas 9'b Aſhburn,Barb.jbelly [Garrard, Robert Barns mart, 1 539 ro(Ci18 after Trinreins [9/51), Woolſey, Robert Pigot Ofob. 4, t1'd fSun riſe 6 58 jreins [i5sg5s Hugh Lotimer,Nich. Ridley twol Fi zſic Sun 1n Scorpio {Z:crets pious, godly Biſhops, who left their I zif Colcheſt. Hitchſlecretsſearthly Mitres to enjoy a Crown off 14'S |& Leigh.Buz.Fjfecrers|Glory, martyred at OxfordOFob, 16, I gſi'cta Sun fet 4 54 [thighs|1555 Adam Walls, Mark Burges, W. 16 |Sunriſe 7 8 ſand [voker, Mr $7mpſon a Prieſt, Benered L 79 zfter Trin, |hips jaFriar, Keyler a Black Friar, Norman 18'd ]Lyke Even. &iknees Gozely Vicar of Dolor, a Black Canon, I9.e {Wellingbor. F.jknees |with four others mart. 1 556 Theſei 20F, |Sun ſer 4 44 jlegs Jhad a more true title to Religions 211g'|Saf. Walden F.jlegs '{Perſons, than the reſt who continued 22/a |Sun riſe 7 20 |feet [in their Orders. Three dicd in priſon 23'b [Term begins [feet fat Coltheſffer Offo, 18, 1556 Confel- 24\Ci|zo after Trin, [feet j[forson Earth, Saints in Heaven. Johz| 2 Fid Beaverly Fair jhead |We/ls Gent. George Roper, Gregory z6ct;e Leichfield Fairihead Parkmartyredat Canterbury OF. 33, 27t |Sun ſet 4 31 Jneck |1555 *7he ſouls of them that were 28.2 1Sim.&> Fude &jneck [//ain for the Word of God, cried out, 29/2 |Newmarkert Fa.jarms |Eow long O Lord, Holy and True, doft 30b jSun riſe 7 34 farms {#hou n0t judge and avenge our Blood o;ſſ,z[ 31 ſſſiſſſſ 21 after Trin. [breaft em that owell on the earth,Rev.6.1 04 C el ig CROENg | —— e- C ——eneeeree ! Popiſh Implicit Faith in believing lies. 1 Rn M eIN C eR -n mn S. Benedi# who was the Father of the Beneditines,to co 1QuEr his amorous paſtions, rowled himfelf naked amonet netles and thorns;whichThornsa long time ctctſiſi_-rS.Fſi TC graited Roſes upon { as Bollandus rejates ) whi the coldett timeof Winter, and of them Roſe-water is ma w h ch is ſent as a Preſent to the SIEA! Clctf P1 mſios! being as rare 0 1;{ 25 £00d as old maids water, z. ſio f / 7 Are iſſ\ ſ'ſſſiv ent to their Superi Ors, t1 14t One O : 1faſs, which they call the Sacrifice us Superior, ro Whom leaving ; his Superior having no buſi- hſſ:* that he only ſh:t for him >tancly addec] that obedicnce C ct.ctſſz.'ſſſi-ſiſi- a Hog if he 'be taught will J- 7 7 7, faith Petrus Daminni, being 2 mountain, 'in his ſleep he ſaw; : to Heaven, 2 nda great many Monks Had he livedint 'ctc e[./z,c times, 7 3f mMany 0 fel]ow- ard int ſ*ſi"-ſif:-zg ted Holineſs, and being were both of a Reli I | : : __ ; eaE fo R foegan toqueſtionhimin this wite. Comlier (ql oth the Devil) how ; : - 14: k : eVE ( quit ct the Collier ) I believe as 'the fCZzſiLſſſſ.'clſſſi Lſili ves. I, but how doth ._!1 ſihzz:ſiſſ] believe {quoth the as I believelaid the Culllſ. Conld hi Triple better ctn wer to make the Fiend bluſh .nt,born at Andover. in Hampſhire, ſſſizſſjſ')[" 224, tO FJRI\L (uiſi.\JvCl*) lightlike a candle(being nothing elfe bur 2 metcor frequcm by feaa :dlffnd) fell on their main Mait, hich the Spaniards on their kn: 2CS Wmſhrſſpedior St. Elmo, the Adyocate for Sailet 's; werenot theſe paper-skull 'd Spariards think : Meteor for their Adi rocate, moving Blocks. 54 tl'-ic'vſſ—\ſſ..ctſid Juſtice, drunk wl:h floth ; ! Or Alderman-far gone 1n Capon Broth, 7 Novembe; -—Nſi—amſiwm—m——— —_-—.—-Wctu———————-—m—__m P November hath xxx Days. Laſt Quarter 3 day at 6 in the marning New Moon 11 day at 6 in the morning Firſt Quarter 19 day at 6in the morning Full moon 25 day at 11 at night d {Al/ Saints dayſbreatt| Though the weather were now cold, 2]e |& Bickleſwor,Fſheart [the heat of Perſecution did not ceaſe, 3jf |Sun ſet 4 19 [heart |for in this Month theſe blefſed Mar- 4|s |Sun riſe 7 42 [heart |tyrs mounted to Heaven in a Coach 5ja |Powder Ploz \ [bowelsjof fire. 6|Þ |Sun ſet 4 14 [belly | Richard Meakins, Richard Spenter, 7 Clzz after Trin, jreins |Andrew Hewit mart. 1541 Thomas ${d |Sun riſe 7 49 ſand |Bernard, Fames Morton mart. 1542 ge Sun ſet 4 g [loins |George Wiſeheart Gent. Fohn Kerby, toſt JFairat Lentonſſecrets|Roger Clarke mart. 1546 Theſe were [1]s,[Þy Nottingh. [ſecrets|Truths Bone-fires, ſealing their Pro- [2]a']Sun riſe 7 57 ſhips feſſion with their blood. Alexander i3jÞ jSunſet4 2 jand IGouch, Alce Driver martyred at 1þ- t4/Cijz3 after Trin. |thighs|fwich Nov. 4, 1554 as no time, {o t5}d jStin riſe 8 o [knees [{carce no place free from Perſecution. 16e |Sun fet 3 59 [knees [ohn Cornford, Chrifopher Brown, 17jf Northampron, flegs ]7obn Harr, Alice Snoth, Katherine 18s [Spalding Fairs jlegs |X77ght, burnt at Canterbury Novem- 19 jSun riſe 8 5 |feet ber 10, 1558 Theſe five were the 2olb iSun ſet 3 53 [feet [laſt that ſuffered in Queen, Mares [21]C\24 after Trin, [head days, according as they begged off 422'd iSun riſe 8 9 [head ]God at the Stake, That their Blood 13 ;Sunſet 3 50 Jneck [might be the laſt that ſhould be ſhed, 24 |Sun riſe $ 11 [neck }and that it might quench thoſe flames zs!g Higham Ferr.Fjarms {which had devoured many hun- 26 4 |Sunſet 3 48 ſarms f[dreds. To which Prayer ( faith my 7 7}b 'Sun r1ſe 8 13 Jbreaſt Author) Providence faid Azen. Queen L8ſſ-(]jſſ: \Advent Sundayſbreaſt [Mary dying about fix Days after their 29d jTerm ends heart jMartyrdom. ȝoie Andrew Apoſitleſheart Popiſh Rſieliques. 1. That you may ſee the Papiſts haveno falſe Reliques amongſit | them, we ſhall inſtance in St. Zohn Baprifts Head ; They of 4-! miens brag that they have his Face, ando do they of S. Fohn d Angelie. Thereſt of his Head is at Malta, yert is the hinder part of his Scull at Namur, and his Brain at Novum Roſtonienſe. An- other part of itis at Maurienna, another piece at Pary, hisJaw at Weſel, his EaratS. Flowres, his Forechead and Hair at S. Salva- dors in Yenice, another piece of his head is at Noyor,, and another at Lyca, yet is his whole Head intire and unmaimedin S. SylveFers Church at Rowe. Andnow Reader can you be ſuch a Nullifidian as to make any doubt that every one of theſe are not true Reliques? And'what an ineſtimable deal of good may. be got by worſhipping they know not what. 2. Agelnoth Archbiſhop of Canterbury, going to Rome to get his Pall, bought of his Holineſs the Arm of S. AuguF#:ne Biſhop of Hippo, which coft him a hundred talents of filver, which at, his return home he gave to the Church of Cowventry for a precious | | ['f Relique: Now if S.Augufines Arm was worth ſo much mony,what think you was the price of his whole Body ? but how if this was not S, AuguFines Arm, but:the Arm of ſome other Perſon, what 2 dear penniworth it was./ ', But who can aoubt of the truth of the maiter, for we know his Holineſs cannot err. 3. At Rhemes in France is kept the UnCtion of a ſacred Oil, which they ſay camedown from Heaven, and thoughthey uie ne- ver ſo much of it, it willnot decreaſe ; yet none of their Hiſto- rianstell us what Saint it was rhat ſent it, whether S. Denz orany other, becauſe ( Iſuppoſe ) they never 'asked the Meſſenger thar brought it, 4. At Gaunt in Flaudersthey ſhow the Affes tail, upon which (they ſay ) Chriſt rode in triumph to Feruſalem ; though ſome think there is none but' Aſſes that will believe it. S. At Halloin Brabant they boaſt to have the Breeches of 7o- ſeph, without welt or guard; alſo ſome Haircloth, the ſame that Elias wore, or elſe Fohn-the Baptif, they , know not themſelyes well which; bur if youpleaſe to pay well for the fight of it, you may believe as you liſt your ſelf, December M*M 9g 58u1 fet 3 4t -[thighs [9;a zSun iſe 8 19 ſthig hs l b {Newport Pag.F| knees 4 (]]:ez Sund.in Adyand r3/d [Sun fer 3 41 ſhams \4'6 Sun riſ& 819 ſlegs 15/f |Sun ſet 3 42 [legs 16fſſ Sun riſe $18 jfeer 17\a Sunſet'3-42 Ifeet 18 {Sun riſe8 18 fſhead !(j[ 4 Sund.in Ady.thead *d Sun ſet343 jneck zlse- Thames Apoſteneck zz;f Sun riſe 8 16 ſarms zzfg Sun {@t 345 ſarms 24;2 jSun riſe 8 14 jbreaſt 2.5]b jChriſts Nativ.ſbrealt : 2.6\C iStephen Proto.ſheart 27'd $F Fohn Evan land 7.8'e Innocents day back gog Salisbury Fairs bPIly $31'2 [Sun ſet 3 57 lreins December ha $] Uct, 2 Sund.in Adv. ! loins- [coveri 6 d 'S. Neots Exetcrsſ ets mar tyr 7e j&Spalden Fairsſecrets Adom , amplip 4 8£ P\ortmmptonrfſcſirets Buckinghamfhive 2-9; £ Canterbury & bowels! TAR AB EWEAE TEE D TACR Rn R R AR Po SARA R D RRTES FR eETIIUReEPerI R EriELIEY Nn Pn H CL R OR O TA eTC el ZN A D d t mn em —— — — 2 th xxx1 Days. I- \ > 2 CLB TC IIE m D R 7 P OAS IwLIE EG LJTES CISA DEASICLE Laſt Quarter 2 oaſſ at 9 at night New Moon 11 day at2 in the morning Firſt Quarter 18 cſi:ct'ſ at 7 at 1*"3-" Full Moon 25 da 1y at 18 in the forenoon 1f Sun {et 3 44 'bowelslſi Now to con ſſſſ-.ſi Year,. we find 28 Sunrifſe$ 16 fand 51*5301\1_1-60 cnſſſſi Marty: 'ſſlzi: Moath. Ȝa SL]'] &t Ȝ 4') Y[)C.UY EPCFP}" Oct Ence V ſ\v\,,ſiC\i 111_ 4.b Sun riſe817 ſreins \name by Z:ls j 2, mart. -1531; Two Gray Tctuctſizs mart..1381- Few.Beaſts .of prey ſeize on their own. kind, bſſſſ |the cruel Pope ſpares dnor dance to the 5A Scholar of /ſiſicteſiſſzſiſiſſſi'a Alſo a 7 - EF28.;7 very zw ous of ſinſiſſcſi\m} \iment ; /but who will not wo ;Pa utſi \ſſ ooden Blocks, t?ſize:ſſ- ;Blocj s to burn them withal {Rhedovenſis an Earl, mſſzr:ctſſr. [Þ Nobility will not quench the rage of! uur—ſi]tſſſiy Rich. 2 mart, Dſiu,mctſieſi (4 151 - marts De- [eember d er e kſſouſim mart. Dece [AV.[ctlſigcttuP 1--:44/4,' T. mart. om ſſiaſſaſſnr_i- 5 l.(ſſ-"ct —__ ſuch''a: Loggerhead to looſe ſo great a benetit for 1o little labour. : In the ſame Church alfo is the Spear that Chriſt was pierced with, being. ſent by the Great-Turk from Conſtantinople to Pope | Tunocent the 8th, and that this is the very ſame Spear, you have l not only the Popes own word, but the Greaz-Turk is his Voucher; who then can doubt of the truth thereof whea it is atteſted by two ſach Witneſſes ? Upon our Z2dy-Day in Lent is hanged before the Quire of the faid Church,a Cloth that our Lady made her ſelf, where it hangeth till theday ofher Aſſumption,now as many times as a man behold- ethit,he hath 400 years of Pardon.Thereforeſince the Pope affords you ſ{uch dog-cheap rates, and Robin-Hoods penny-worths, couid 2'man be'burt perſuaded of the truth of it, who would leave them- fſelves a Groat to purchaſe it ? - Alfo before the Quire door ſtand two Iron Crofles, who fo Kiſſeth thoſe Crofſes hath 5oo years of Pardon, orelſe two kiſles for his labour. In the Church of St, Croſs, or St. Crucis in Rome, there was as- many Relicks as I think would fll a Dung-cart; as firſt, the bond that Chriſt was led with to his Crucifying ; and two Saucers, the one full of Chriſts Blood, (thou canſt not chooſe, Reader, but believe it, becauſe his unerring Holineſs hath fſaid it. ) the other is fallof our Ladies Milk, of which is ſhownin ſevera] places, as much as the 7 beft Cows in Ho!/and will givein 7 years ; the Je- fuits fay it is as good as the Blood of Chriſt. There is alſo the Spunge by which was given our Saviour Vineger and Gall todrink, but how they came by ie I ſuppoſe they know not : likewiſe one of the Nails wherewith Jeſus was nailed to the Crofs, and a part of the. Block upon which Fohr: the Baptiſt had his head ſmitten off; but what became of the other part, I ſuppoſe neither they nor I do know. 'There is alſo two Arms, the one of St. Peter, the other of St. Paxl; but whether they be their Right arms or their Left arms I know not. There is alſo a great part of one of the Croffes, on which ſuffered one of the Thieves that was Cru- cified with Chriſt ; but before thou worſhip it ( Reader ) I adviſe thee to know whether it be the Croſs of the good Thicf or the bad one. There is likewiſe the Title which was put upon the head of the Crofs, written in Hebrew, Greekand Latine, To the viſting of Of very great Pardons and mdulgentes, of all which-Relicks there is by the Pope granted very-great Pars don, and do not think,ye zealous Catholicks,but ye ſhallrecieve it, for who.can imagine that your Holy Father will dodge withhis beloved Children.? anbr't d In the Chureh of Saint Mary. Mayor, there ye have the very Cradle that Jeſus lay in, ( I ſuppoſe thatin other places they-have all the reſt of the Virgin Marzes. Houſhold-ſtuff ) there is-alſox great deal of our Ladies Milk, and a piece of the Holy Croſs;obur ifall the pieces which are-ſhown for it were put together;-itwould break $i-920m of Cyrentas's back to bear it; there-is alſo-the(Re- licks of feveral Saints, of ſome an Arm, and ſome:a Leg;- oilome aNoſe, and-of ſfome an- Eye, for the Papiſts mangle-the:Saints bodies, as: pitifully as the Hangman- doth the-Body-ora Traytor at his execution, making one Saint fometimes:to haye-31ori4.Avms; and another 5 or 6 Legs:; and:therefore' ye are deſired to.beware of Counterfeits : For in Germany. once the bones of 2: \uppaled$x. were Worſhipped, which:in conelufion, upon examination proved the bones of a Thief, who:was Canonized at the-Gallows. Whem the Church of St, Fohn Latteran was Hallowed byPope Silveſter, he gave: thereto: as: many years of Pardon as-it rained drops of water that day; thePope was thenina bountifull humour, for it rained fo faſt that no-man ſaw agreater rain-before ; where- fore he wasin great doubt{as well hemight )whither hehadſo much pover orno;; but(as:the-ſtory: lies)there: came a voicefrom Heaven and aid,Si{veſter, thou haſt power enough-to do-it; And therefore at any time if 2 man; come- to. St. Fohn Latterans he-is-quit of all his fins ; and if you will now go to Hell, when. you-may-be Saved for ſuch 2 trifling buſtineſs, youmay walkalong,nobodpwillſtayye. Upon the Tower of this: Churel: ſtanderh-a double'Crofsmade of the very {#lf ame Sword that John' Baptiſs wasbeheaded' with; but whether 1t were a Backſword or a Rapier we are ignorant'of; nay we know-not-yet but that ir- might be # Butchers A” Now that-man which beholdeth this Croſs,hethath r 406 years'of Par- don, thereforethey' that may have:Pardons fo cheap at Rome, are very fools to Trudge to Feruſalem for them. Alfo there they fay is the Grave that St. John laid himſelf in when he ſaid Maſs (but who ever heard St. John ſay :t? Jand then came a great light over the Grave,and when that light was gone, then found they nothing there but Heavenly bread. In that Grave cometh eyery Goog-Fryday in the night the holy Cream and Oyl; and Granted by hu Tripple Holineſs &c. and therefore it is of ſogreat account, that he which putterth there- in his head hath a 100000 years of Pardon. No marvel then if Feſrits and Fryers care not what Murthers or Treaſons they com- mit,” fince for ſo ſmall matter they can have fo long a Pardon. The® Ciry of Compoſtel/z in Spain is very famous for divers RelicksPretended ro be there, as thebody of'St. Fames thefon of Zebedte, which the Romaniſts worſhip with great devotion; But moft of all is it frequenred by Barren-women, who there may have help-from the Pirgin Mary. It happened that' a poor man deſi= rous toihave Children, and for that purpoſe had travelled to many 2Saints"ſhrine, and many 2 weary mile,' and all upon the hard Hoof, for 3 whole years together, at laſt he ftumbled in his way atCompoſteliz,wherec he got preſeat remedy ; for as ſoon as he came home; he'found that his wife had got three as ſweet Babes as ever the Sun ſhone upon, and as like the Father as an Aple is like an Oyfter; or an Owle is like a Gliſter-pipe ; which he good man mademuch'of, becauſe they were the gitt of the Virgin Mary. Henry Stephens in his defence of Herodotus page 182. tells us, thata merry diſpoſed Prieſt got a pretty Lafs behind the High Altar, upon 2 Good-Friday in the morning, where he thought all the He-and She Saints were contented to keep Counſel ; but it was known to the Legare of 4vinion{ by the intelligence ofno Saint ) which Legate after he had wiſely conſidered on what day andtime, and in what place the cleanly conveyance wasadted, he out of his Charity /concluded a Prieft to be mortal, and that Fleſh was frail,” for which reſp=cts ( upon promiſe of amendment ) he was abſolved and releaſed. ſi ; *Father Bauny tells us, That a certain oldwoman, my old Gam- »1er What-you-call-her, (T ſuppoſe ſhe was Grannum to the old woman that'was drowned on Ratclif High-way)) This woman having lived all her days; and 4d when ſhe had done, in all man- nop.of-notorions mortal ſins, yet:was ſaved at laſft, meerly by ſa- luting the Image of the Vizgin Mary every day. But what He or She» 'St;1t was that revealed this to Father Bamwy, he as well as/Weiare4gnorant thereof; A ſhort Chronology of Papal Obſervations. "N Ince Pope Urbar the 1/t. who turned the wooden Chalices infs \S Gold and Stlver ones; which gave occaſion to one Box?rface Biſhop of Mayence'to fay, We have made a blefſed Change'!, The Church had formerly wooden Chalices, and golden Prieſts, andwe have now got wooden Prieſts, and golden Chalices V457 Since Pope Ianocent the Scor ſet up extream UnQtion.; He or- dained, that He and his See ſhould not be, judget by.any King z no nox all the Clergy. 1t was pretty fair for a young be- ginner 1278 Since Pope H:Iarins,who decreed, that no Mitiſter ſhould mar= ry any other woman but a maid. By which it appeareth that Mi- niſters might,then marry 1219 Since Gregory the Great, who having made Decree againft Prieſts marriages,cancelled the ſame,npon the finding of 6000 In- fants skulls in a,__ Fiſh-pond, He is faid ro be the laſt of the good, and firit of the bad Popes 1099 Since Sabinianrs his ſucceſſour, who ordered Candles to be fer np lighted in; the day, that men might not looſe thee way to Heaven in 2 miſt of PopzſÞ, darkme(s 1076 Since Pope Bomjace'V. who ordained, That a!! Rogues, Thieves, or Murtherers that comdd but eſcape to a'Church, fhould there 'be prozeed fromthe Sword of Fuſtice; which, gave occaſion to' the old Proverb, The nearer the Church the further from God 1065 Since Pope Martin the firſt, who commanded Priefts to ſhaye their Polls, which made one tolay,They werevery tallmnen, having not a hair berwixt them and Heaven Fo3r Since Pope Agatho, of whom it s faid, That yore ever.cameto' him heavy, but he'ſent him away light-heorted, Butnow.it'may.be" faid, Naxe ever eame to the Pope heavy, but he jends:them away light purſed . IOTk Since Pope Donus the firſt,, in whoſe time King. Dagoberts ſoul of France, being at the Brim of Lippary,'tobe thrown iwby- the Devil, was manfully refcned by .St. Denzz, St. Martin, and St. Maurice, whom inhis life time he had honoured : Thou canſt not, O Reader, chooſe. but believe it IOOK Since Leo IT, who was an excellent Muſician a/ias a Fidler 98$ Since Coyon and Theodope uſurped the Papal Chair, who both Were 4 frort Chronology of Papal O3ſervations, were "Caſhiered for a-couple of Knaves, to make way for a Foo! Sergius the firſt 991 :-Since Pope Foane was delivered of a Baſtard as ſhe went in Pro- ceſtion,, which ſhe murdered, though great pity it were, that the Church of Rome might rhereby have had a pig of her own Sow: : 825 Since Pope Chriſtopher the Firſt, who for his Pride and Cruelties was called Pope Lucifer 773 - Since BenedifF VIIL. was ſeen after his death, riding upon a Black Horſe. ( by his marks the Hue and Cry will take him for the Devil ) He told a Biſhop to whom he appeared, that he was ingrievoustorments : Iſuppoſe you havereadof Antichriſt riding the.Beaſt, and now you hear of his riding the Devil 668 - Since Benedit the IX a great Conjurer, After his death an - Hermite'is {aid to have ſeen him by a Mill, having the body .of a Bear, and head and tail of an Af6 646 : Since Y7&or III was poiſoned by his Sub-Deacon in a Chalice, Fudge you heve the Religiou of the Romaniſts 594. Since Ca/ixtus IT who made Decrees againſt Priefts Marriages, Whereupon $77207 of Durham made theſe veries The Clergy now the good Calixtus hate, For heretofore each one mighthavehis Mate; Bur fince thou-gotten haſt the Papal Throne They muft keep Punks, or learn to lig alone. 561 : Since Cele/t;ne II who was the Inventer of that mad manner of Curiing by Bell, Book and-Candle, $37 __ Since Jznocent IV The great Patron of the 4 Orders of beg- ging Locuſis, Dominicans,Carmelites,and Augu ;ſtines; who hatched under him thoſe addle Egs of Summaries, Sophiſmes, Repertories, Reauories, Duodlibets, Exorciſms, Breviaries, Rituals, and the like.- He Decreed, that Cardinals ſhould ride on Horſe-back, and wear Red Hats; To fignifie ( faith my Author) that they ought 70 ſpend their blood in the defence of the Church; of rather, To aenote how much blood *hey /hould ſhed. He quarrelled with our Rovert Groftead Biſhop of Lincoly, who withftood him ſtoutly, and contemned his Excommunication; andafter hisdeath (isfaid ) to haye minded the Popeby a thump on his ſide with his Croſters Sraff, and this Item, Yeni miſer in jadicium Dei, come wretch to Gods judgment, and ſoeaſtd the world of this Tyrant. This is that Jynocent who inſulted over Henry 3. of Sngland, ſaying, : & R - E - = SOY 4 ſhort Chronology of Papal Obſervations, I; not - the King of England our Slave! Nay, - he \#ot oup Vaſſal? 1 437 Since Gregory X at-whoſe Election the Cardinals were together by the ears above 2. years;; {o that one of them cryed. out, Letings urcover the Houſe ; for the infallible Spirit cannot get amongihus) for the Tyles. Upon this Gregory being raiſed to this Dignity from an Arch-deacon,. were made theſe verſes. 5J a508 An-Arch-Deacon the Papal Incomes gathers,- 25-26W Whom Bretherens diſcord Father made of Fathers: *:1409 Since Boniface VIII. of whom it is ſaid, that. he entred' like's' Fox, Reigned like a- Lzon, and died like a Dog 336! Since Benedi& TI. one of the beſt Popes that had- the Title-of Univerſal Biſhop; for he being but- a Shepherds-ſan, -would'not acknowledge his poor Mother when ſhe came to-him Lady-like, but cauſed her to put on her Shepardeſs apparel ;. but being tao good for ſuch a place, he was ſent to his laſt home by a! poyſoned Fig. He dyed 41n0 1303- 37 Since BenediF XII, of whom was made this Rime for-his; Epitaph. ' - Laicks Bane, Clerks Viper, here lies Nero's Trunk; :: Fardle of Lies, a But of Wine, ftark drunk 346 Since Alexander V who confirmed St. Francis five wounds to be accounted an Article of Faith; he was uſed to {ay, That he was a rich Biſhop, a poor Cardinal, and a Begarly Pope 279 Since Calixtus :III one it ſhould ſeems of no great reach,” of whom 2 Cardinal faidat his Eled&ion Quam fatue, fatui, faruum creavere Calixtum. How fooliſhly were thoſe Electers mixt, That have been fool'd to chooſe the Fool Calzxt 225 Since Leo X who ſent his Indulgences into Germany, where they were ſtaked at Dice by the Pardon-fellers, at who throws moft at three throws, as our Orangemen in England 'do. for' Oranges " &CL Since 1znatins Loyoln,the firſt Father of the Jeſuits, whoſe Mot- to was, Cavete vobis Principes, Princes look to your jelves; a good warning for Princes to think upon, for fear of After-claps * 144 Since P:ius V who would after ſay, When he was a Biſhop, he was pretty ſure of his Salvation ; when he was a Cardsnal, he began to donbt of it ; but-when he wasn Pope, he utterly deſpaired OfZP 114 Since A ſt:art Chronology < Pctctbctl Qbſerwations. Since Pope Sextns' V whowiped the Feſuzts. ofa great Maſs 6f mony, fſo thar they forged, ,that the Devil carried him away ih 'the habit of a Coachman, 2 years before he ſhould have doneit by compaCt. But.the Pope had beſtowed thoſe two years of his own age to make a youth - otherwiſe under age-) ripe for the -Gallows. Whereupon Bellarmine being queſtioned what he thought of this Popes ending, fagely gave his cenſure, Quantum ſapio, quantum capio, quantum intelligo, Dominus noſter Papa deſcens dit ad infernum. 4 far as 1 canperceive or underfland, in _plmn terms our Lord the Pope is $ouy to Hell\ Since the bloody deſign of the Papiſts, to blow.,up the Parha- ment-Houſe by Gun-powdel by the inſtigation. of Gayner the Feſurt in thetime of Pau/ the 57 75 { "Since the Maſſacre of Ireland by the bloody Papifts, wherein about 300000_ Proteſtants were murdered 39 Sinee Pope Tunocent X who kept his brothers wife, Donna Olym- pia for his Concubine, who bore great ſway with him in the Af- fairs of the world Since the bloody Plot of deſtroying Lonaon by Fire, which de- fign was carriedon;by the Feſuzts, ,as.hath: been ſinee Elearly ma-! - nifeſted I4 Since the late Helliſh Plot of the 7eſuits againſt qur King and Government, for which ſeveral hav: becn exccu.cd and more are in Cuſtody | | M 2 T fpall conclude my Book with a merry,Story,\which T ſuppoſe will pleaſe the Papifts more than any thing that hath been recited before. A Country-woman'before aJufticewas totake her Oath agamit 2 Party; the faid Partyentreated the Juſticethather Oath-might| not be taken; the Juſtice demanded_ why he excepted againft her; may it pleaſe your Worſhip-( quothhe ) ſhenisa, Reculant or Ro- man Catholick, and they hold it.no matter of Conſcience to ſwear any thing agamfl: us:--Come hither -woman; faid the Juftice,1-do not think thou'art'2Recuſant, I am perſwaded thar;/for fourty Shillings thou wile-fvear the” Pope is a Knave:-Good" your -Wor- ſhip, Naid ſhe, the Pope is aſtrangerto,me,-bit if I knew him aswell| as I know your Worſhip, I would ſivear for half the, mony, 1 N1 '9, PT B M s - ”