T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* BOWl{bR 168 of AN FOR THE , BEING,, | } ! Bzffwcſz/e or Leap- }/em | | i Planets, , and Fixed Stars, " the Aſiſſſ]}ects of thc Planers , and mumauon of the Air. 3 } every day in the Year: And alſo in 55 other Ports and Hayens abour -E NGLAND. WITH Mods; and divers other neceſlary tmngs pcr- rinent to the-cam; -lcauno of a Dſiary or Day-book , fuirable ro a1l mens occaſions. _ F | View of Afr00my., and the Refurarion of the Cv'*eſſma/z; Opinion concerning the Eartihs Motion. — And may generally ſerve the rwo Famous Hlands of By— Aſt\ophtl . | Prmrcd by ** 9::57 for the Company of 1680, ( f 4 -: Year 1680% according to the Accounts R or g 20100] 9 d 9 The Epat 29 ” 9| The Circle of the Sun | g - £ehc22. Shrove-Sunday 3-Marth April 11 ' 21 Apiil May 16 Ropation Sunday 26 May May 20 Alcenfion'dey 30 May May 30 9 Tung Fune' 6 Trinity-Sunday \16 Fune Noven. 28 | 1 December The beginning of the Year till Fazuery 14. Econ Srpruageſſima- ro Shrove-Sunday. Ropation Surday” to Trinity Sunday, Advent Swunday to- the end of the Year. URLE, willthis year-be our Morning Star till-the 26- of An7aft, and from- thence our Evening Star'to the end of the Year: '\eum Days, or Da)s of | Days oc | Recurna | Days ot Eſſovn. -ſiEz:cepr_;ſi-] Brevium LAyp'e'arznce., OQab, Hill, Fan. 20 21 22 23 -\z_unri Hill, Fan. 27 a$ 39 34 Craft *Purif. -Feb43 4 5 6 0Rab. Purif. Feb. 10 II |Iz I2 } _ E5 4 ſſc*uzn[ Paſch. Apail 26 27 25 2.8 ſſTſſ] Paſch, May, 37 4 ! 5 l 6 Meſſz/ Paſch. May-Jo l 1K L2 Iz 9 11ng. Paſch. May 17 l 1 -| 19 i 29 ſſCrajZ Afmzſ May: Bn3 7 1: - $332y 123 Craft. Trin. Fune 7 3 94 Oftab. Trin. Fune 14 5 j TR. - - t2wind. Trin. Fune 11 22 i R P - ; Fref. Trin. 'j';my 28] 22 Þ M Þ- - ſ/e] Mich. ©Ofob. 20,1 2 i 25 23 | Mcuf. Mich. Octe, 2.7 ! , 29_ ] FCT SNY 30 Craſt. Auims. Nov. 2 i i $:-"<] 6 Craf. Mart. Nov. 12 [-IF R. f Oftab. Mart. Nov. 19 | 23. \| 22 if Vind. Mavt. Novi-26 þ--: 29: 9 | ho Exchequeriopens eight daw before an" Term bceſm:, Exc i;' [ ſnnltv X oeſore which x. opens bur follt days, : | Goolego Z0es 10 Iſizwfor Conren Ganders Lam' } ! And Fox the Lawyes tabes the ((anſe in band : { IWho (for his ſouſiſi' 1) taketh Fees of either, ! *PUfrd 3n the end Iraves neither worth a Fearher. i Now comes the ſu*m, and Tudgreent ma't "z"fiz'ſicct—'*ſictz F ſuol they fell ant, and Beggers tey agreed 4 l A2 A L eD rt SIY FS P e aeun r raiee narts e- — m Toeennnenaen roney mn G-'-———- I \ſſ * ,. in all thePorts/ below-mentioned, 1 { :-1ſi1 ours: azzc{ * < Minnes to ; : { 'bz £aded, } ſi ' Ho: fHſi M |) Lſi o 49 (}Veenborough, Southampton , Portſmouth.| 6 o| 2|'t z8-<_ Rfl(nf:ſh"r., Maldon, Blacktail, &” 49 J-3 2 26 Grayeſend, Dover, Blackneſ:, Silly, i i 30* 4-41 3 25 Derdee ,. S. Andrews, Llsb()n, Lucas, 2 15}, 5\ &4 ; London, 'Tinmouth, Am(ierdam, Rotterdam,) |z | m -1;1,4 > 53 - Barwick, Fluſhmg, Flamborough, 3 a5} S. D 4\i Ba. t.mſſoo. » Carke, Seyern , Callice, 4 | 3of 86 % 30 Falmouth, Humber, New Caſtle, s | 25| 9 - 2 29 Plimonth, Hull, Lin, St; Davids, 6 | 'o 4*29] $0$ 8$! Briſt6], Start-pomc, Waterford, 16 | 25 : {1;( ": þ Miiford, Bridgwater, Lands-end, 7 | 30 12| 9 45. _. Portland, Hartflew, Dublin, 8 15 13/10 34 Fool, e of Man, Dunkar, Diepe, 9: 20 l,ſi:ſiſiu 23-| Necdics, Otford, Seuth and N. Forelands | |: g 45 Tre 12 's Yarmonth, Dover, Harwich, [lo | Js —161 & cſſ: Rrc Wnchſilſev (*olſhoc 78 | Tk I7; 4. - c'ſſ* lZi I I 19;2. $8/;J"rbe Tzb!c following. you have the Moons age every 20; 3 26 'day of-=the year 5 which being known, ſeek the Moons 2L| 4 151ge 10 this Table, and ſee'whar” hours and"minures ſtand 23\ $ B3 aſim—u it, thoic Fonrs and minutes'being added©to thie 23].5 $.53 hours and 'minates.which Rand againſt the name of the[* 4$24j.5 = 41]placeyou wonld krow the.time of High-water.at ,/ will 25; 7 & zoſgive you the time of High-water at that place»_ ' 0/ 8 7 Examvple. '"J21 - ge| 1 f you world hnow whar e18 it will be H,_gh-wam 25'!0 7* Graveſen4 wpoz rhe '1 'of January , Took 193 the fol: 0.”r *Z'S[:ctw,ſſ,ct Tatle, axd agcurfl the 1 of ]muary, you| ſhall 4 % fina 7he I"ſim 75 10 dayi olds; wherefore find 10 da?: 4 thu 7 abſ.,- under \Tsſioem age) ond againſi :t you ſhall find 8 h4 8 m vhieh 6ci22p acded to's h, 39 m (hebeurs and mraures /fandmg ogdlnfl $Gra-eferd ) ) the ſrems 4 ) h, 39, at which time it wili be. Bigh-wate 1t Graveſerd on.zhe 32 of Jarwary aftefoon,” But! if 'the hours and wits mures added. tozethey excecd 12 howns, 30n muſt;eaſt away 12 bouri, and the 4'0ms of # gh*"cta er will rejrcin, S00uthe 30 of Jannary, the Moon l-ew_g 9 'Zctfl'}'zuluſi the kours antl inues agninſt g dſi'ys ola areF h. 19 m.!whic {a2ae d9 19 hy 39 m.((the bawrs gad mmmes/ Yrnding againſt Dover) m-f} : \z? P 493 ifro *2 which, wake, 3 h. and there remailes'5 be a.g l 4 , ſiw!:szſi: tirge 2 hſſ'ſi'ct be High-wartr : Dover the 30 of January, ; C make e- W'*—T*-:*-#&* __-MWWWWWU—-M - \'ll\\!huſſltt[-ſdfl'i(v\ -l\lllhſil\!b:lbfl." ORGs J day _Which had, mn fifty firve. Ports, it decrees X » 4 y 29 k M_.,)A- VKa29 9W0_M%fl%.m/\ſſſizſſſſqgpal 34(;67 4. m 4 Ver on " —_ 84 " ©a —0-0+,50,thos,Ne - 0 A N Q .\ - L Hz/ O.:.li}_ 7 ſſqillpff.-, 0: R ſſt)! Q O.A \5 Þ & 24 A 7 A £ c A + mn k% 403 4 wi\S M,/S 'I s e1 þ "lffa j Owl a INLH A - 4220._@ e( e2 m lavl."ſi 6 p_ INn e2 Cn Eeioey m B fl.ſioh mm prmmnn mm s nagoenp—_—_o : ” ” } R } .Ro -n 4. nny Ro o.ogi.c - eit; ”s Nhog 90]1u.)ſſ-,., .L.../Lo b C - In 4 ON 4 naANddean 2 ” : _reY i z _— - - Ent 24 72 Fo9 9013{4.)ſſ.o7®izct$4$67890Hſiſſſſſi.ſiſſſſ.>ſi.h, S. Y K [ao ESNNAQwng : » j - 1 m A An ntne mn er re em eRn e- rg r r er r OEEetd &2 aO m - AR x K { D 429 X O-ct + ON9 & -qQ &Q - » O.F&>S2v o f ]N = H A CM CEgdNYN 2 e& & Mw Hn d A ) _— _— — c IJS a o —0 maT "+© R .0O_ - e. + A9 X & "N _o v M FE T._ſi 1\1222222232@ t eB 25: 24 26'1'25 27 ZZ ; 24 Th alternate motion of the reſtleſs Seas, Within the narrow confines of Tou have'(for'e 25 I7 j' 26 wt, d bud bent l LL things were of.G.O D creared good 5629 ſſ'ct'; _ ſi _ WSory 039 ICT PrLEgro7 k MY 7 Noan aſcendsthe, Ark 1 avoid the Flaodv «x% 3944 WH { | GOD:the Promiſe madetordbrabam.,,.> 1() 2607 l 4. | Th* tſ-aelites from Fgypts. Bondagc came 7 3175 l 4. | Solomon the Temple iniſhed : d 26909 " - | King Sedechins was a Capm/e led 22709 Jſſ : JJESUS was of .th* Blefled Vi/gzrz born; 15%9 THMRN'NY * | For Mais $iz herſuffer'd-Death ang: Scorn 1657 WiHh 4 Firſt the Saxozs,ftepr on, Engh/b.ground.., 4 1125 Lil ! _ | Here the Dares.the Jike:ddvantage, found 849 B - 1 Normai Willian Biitais over-power'd 614 !fſſf - | Maudthe Engliſh-Saxon;Blood seftor?d 576 l 4 Second Henry Treland. firlk afiail?d 507 { Our Firſt Zdward-hence the Z2p5.expelPd ....- 389 8 !! Tyler fain would have.the Throneaſcended 04 299 MaiN He his Life with his Reb:llzon enged ' \298$ m" !ſi & | Guts (thoſe Mortal Engins) firſt were fourd WEE ; &5 Printing mage.the worid. with Bocksabound 237 (9 , Philip of Spam did wih Queen dMaj JDaxry , 1126 ' Coaches were 1nvented-men t@ carty,; : 125 Ligh:ning laſt conſum's.s. Pas!*s hlgn Spixe [ 26 All the Heawens 3pneared:on a Firen, 7T |I096 Þercy 3nd great Neti/'s InſurreGtion, ;; 7 + "1I1% % Greſham- Colleage and thi Exchange excRtion: 109 Dyake ſfurrouzded;this, gur Globerot tti'e wno\. | 19 Prous Greſpan didexchange this Life 01 Satnt Dominzo Ravfackd was by.Drake 98 | Then the Spama/as did (not fight) burquake,...y | 58 Boiaſting Spains Armado.overthrown S j 92 That Fokzcco.was.in England known i.... ; E£7 Cales was from the Spaniards ftiquily,tgrn : ; | 84 CHARLES: the Fift wavat Duzf2:1m1t horn $ ! | FAMES of Scotland the Engliſh Crown polleſt | 58 } CHe th” Allegeance OQath upon us prcſt | 75 m A mn e-n —-———.—-—————-——————-——-—-——-—_-fl Since- -—-*-*-*'_——-—-—-—————————-.————-—.__———-—-_._J L-—.—————- Fate reveal'd the Helliſh Powder Plot We rejoyc'd thar it ſucceeded nor A Great Plague on London Heaven fenr Then at Oxfoyd fate the Parliament Thatthe Duke'sf 'Buckingham was fain England\did\conclude « Peace- with'Spain ' Our Dread Soveteign firft breath*d Richwond air Biſhop Laud bepan'S; PaxPs Repair 2 Charles the Firſt advanc'd apainſt the Szot The Leord Stafford ſtooped tothe Black' Charles his Royal Standard ftreaming ſtood * Keinton Field was dy*d with Englifh Blood Reverend Laydunto'the Block did'bow Naſeby Fietd firſt own*d thar fatal blow Charles the Finſt left Oxford in diſguize He unto the Scots-becamea Prize Martyr'd Charles receiv*'d his fatal doom The Rump Vored Kingſhip burtkenſome Cromwel did ProteQorſhip Uſurp In a Whirlwind he was taken up Into London General Monh did come The ſecluded Members he broight horge Charles the'Second*s coming to White-Hall Forthwith he a Parliament did call That the horrid Regicides were Try'd They at Charing-C-ofs moſt juſtly dy*d There appear'd three Comers 10 the'Sk Thar the E#gtiſh made'the Dutch Ships f?;- Londons laſt great Plague or Vifitation Holland thrice beat by the Engh{þ Nation (For our Sins) God infvis dreadful Ire ; London conſumed by a diſmal Fire By his Providence Omniporent Reſtor'd and buik farmore Magrificert Peave agreed *twixt Zgliſh and the Datch The ſhrill Trumpa'nois'd'ir'to be Tuckt C A 4 D Full Mion the 5' d13 el Rxt3 07 nle_h" © P Lafbqmriorthe 13 daycatya night, & New Moonthe 21 day, at 14 1I\ſ Affternoon: , Flzſt quartſ: the 2$ dav, '() mm.palt-7.inche mommg. Feware ef Cm'd ,to Bath on Blred, tal(ffl becd Agaod warm Coat this, Month thy Bagk, will /'ced A T. 19 1325)7ſſh x% 'S Sometſuddenff \v ORav, Sreph.j22 20,8 11 4. 1.17 &5 ftorms of Fc Meltoras z3 21]22 '1o'F. 03z &{frow ofratn. \ Cronia:k 24 '22,6 95 9: C-8.46 159 C T; 2z 3: 4: 5 6 7 8, -£ Ed.Confeffor|z5 24j19 zsſſſſ%?ſſ $55'T - Zf _26 2513. 9135; þ. 3:39 o*ſſurbu]cnrairſſ f Ced. B Load.129 251i16 ſiſisu[gſi—gl and \& Will. B. 7043118 25129. 28 &* 4 29 vy ireat winds. 9: 'h Adrin 129 28}11211'59 Y"T1EIT - 10 £:Paul Erem, ” &- 36[2 4 * 13ſſY 0.17%% ſi-lſs ſif L. 31% 13H 313 =| 43.12| £ Archadius 2 .32118 1FY 2 Zj 13/'f: R1em()ldus 3 33129 159 8 6ſſw : '74 C 4 34'Hm J6. Þ 17052 _z{{ſian ind tlar aMmrl'm 5 35123: '[iQZ}*lVPbI'VCKy ſſ Jo,b [Marcellus.....] 6 3515 .Z737h ©2:59* 05 jcold. 17: £ {Anthony Abct 7 3;119 CPW " 2.32 S) 6 9 18 d —en——_—_o_neogej .ſſ.,ctw-_a._-—-ſi.._ſſ._.._.;...._,..( ON S. Enbghth. Prnodaiesaa.t H w ]8'] F ; 380 -'44 (?lzct 2 34 \V(ſi\ctv 119\C; \,xſſſi()!{}annm 9 39j13 759 g;_) 2235 1 wind" 3Q fzc-'l & Zeb, 10_/;)'*7 ]C{ 2.1 27 WiFS t_z ( 2L; gſiſiwmsv I1 " 411 133 SPZ ZS[?ÞO/S;((_ 22 aſiVmcenr E2. 4:125 13'11. PJ. & 23\h! l3 4gſſ9 X 29| F 16.20%% :,4! £ ;Timothy 14 44 23 !'50:9 27149 | [{ndifferent 25 i; Z I5, 458 "\/ſſlz!{z 59Vy %od\yerther ctctſſj :6ſſſſ9'jſſ)hcamus F6' 45 22 ( h .2726% 5 - {.27| f |[Coryſoſtom |175 46 '6 Ba42'Y 343818 C . ?.Slgſi' 2rol. N_l]cr 13 47 20|* 45 (3\20 l"ſi*"' 79,3 Giidas, .: 19 44 T42% 32 W 2nds the! ſſb b 20 3 [8| ©30] 7**4 55V” Mſſm'f* : 31\\; daman LI 4) \_910 D otaaa 0 ed mn m mn rnrn u} E SLALLTW IESS P e: ſſfct\ MN UWAR Y»> Taketh the Namt : 24 pf Janut/alt arcient Kl*g ] Of l d-l. T}/ſi)o /'()/ct l'ſif:' ſſſ*ſ*'j ſſl)/" d'l['{ Dl(){_';l{ ce WAS P—'ZZ/Z (d W!fb 99 FZſſ?' th3 bae lonkeng back tb the olf Dieas, e2d 48 other fot-! 7 wpite at tctſiſſ\ sthe 2dmeof Jandad Gate , bie\ wz; : :0 b} :ZZ; ? }ſſjſi 14:4-1n10-The-1eas. - The Saxens calltd f4t 6 TD e & : lun Month W(-U Mogiatyutt ſſ(;u Montti. far that-thiy were fflfſſ. ,ſi ſildſi.{gw u/ v!'] gcte ()1[ ſtc'ſſ)ſſli(ll L_ſ d - ſi 7 8 ? 2 { H I ' Bomo713 loſivu 484..1,) l> $0 ar u)lmw nzlzfd | ſio' ©| 2 FL-11f- 36 Faibers will, &5 I2/E z—}ſi/ --gfz 26 \24 !Hctſiſidſ circumchs d and did fb!!13 f) I)J C [3 - , - , /.ſi/, : 14 g 7 524 41 25'12 l Eaw jIful itla, 4!7 ; \4 J )\ \ſi 7}[)3) breals at 5 h. 5o m. lGib- 07 554 of 35 F [ Iwi-lightends 6 hk, 10 m 17121 7\7 " 5414- 7) 4 3*0i 6) gi xsld\ ſſ827 N ERY Z; ſſffl.n riſes F.'E. by .mdſealg'e, 4.917 5214 Yi e SIF by $; ; 29 f! 1101 50j4 10% 6 _ſictw e7 of wile| 4714. 13] 8S15 21 !ll]? 4614- 14 9;% © ” H417 $14514 15 2'E45 >ils 1 5[7&44]4,5 161102.30] 25/e: \6ſi7;42;4518511ſiw_1;l X 7 f X PArg _Lſil-a nof Crab So, t 12.1251T | 7:153914* - 2112 % 4 29 a; 5 ' - '*03 1 ſſſiſſ z5l1 ZZ Z_Zctſſſi'zs' Day breaks # 5,% 32m. : ibct Ly " Twi l ends 6 1. f i :_L!7 34&4 25| 3 © ſfil—l:sſiſiſi. ends 6 ” 31 lC \ x217 341% .22| 4 52: 1 thar' 12 z\e*; 2717 3 [;4_ 29], 4 42 Heart of Þ)'L.td. Fout h ; f 2417::1,39!4 39 5 -35 2 P:.,2814., 32) 6 26 E -N L | 1e C: : CS ACi cany. | 26\7 2624 24 7 lSiT.\ſſG.ct_\ogfie achronicaly gg 77 '25/4 ;35| $ .19 J:0 297.. 23:4©337 P 26 4.3 29}7 21 Y .£02 D &5 h. 17 m. 9e| JE 7 20;4_ 4(,\10 45, 1*] L:ſlſia( 1\ 4 Azm !O*f\ [21l7 -10is a21ch 32h Lotbn dodteGh ag phe Weoul OU- 13'b Frmcmld Q. Valentme £ ]u 1arus Fj*-inan &{ | *1imeon F }Acca B. b |Mildred V. r Cimbretra Policarp. J)'**' : D, : ctNN Ww Gxw \V\-PWNP*QVM hrove Tueſd. Full Moon the 4 day , at 2.im the Afternoon. ""Laft quareer the 12 day, at4'ih the Afteriioon. | New. Moon the' 20 diy, at T ifithe Mornine, * Firſt quarcer the 26-day.36 min. paſt 2 in the Afrerr.Gon. Warm Claaths this. Monech are g00d, 01d Sack. mn leſſ;, Always provided you avoid Exceſ: ]_—Fl wed"atn | Tie SlMoveabliBra%) £#1 Terme 0 R On——_—_ Tbe'l*lznet: Suzs (" Moos 'I'loe P!arzm Alpe&s and Plate. | Place } Places. ,chctzmfl of Ait 2052 59/1 5 9541] H 2.41 H >now; Siket, 23 $Slzo _ 1 4.32v5;and;'Cold- : 24 $712) 8 F'25.2:2(), 25 $25 1/2 9.238Y%Raw weather, 26 $217 np37]% - 0.34X|vith; Fogsand 27 $3j'9 $9/H: 2.1+S'Sharp $3j2 = $9|Yis. 185 F $4/'4 9{428.59X\ |Winds b: gins $4}26 1 914 $5VP ſi - $517 45 56; 24.52 $51'2 37]h1.54 S\he/Monrh, $5|t Z31]Yþ, 6.6. & $5113 36|2:56 Hard Fioft.; 50124 571920. 28\/)3' $3 W3z9/Fra 60 Vc-yCod $7Þz1 46ſiſzlzoct eC 57 2219\ 1 659 zz!d TC $7119 16|$6:52 Ȝ(ZMorewarm, io 573 K36: 6.4-091 @''C but! ix. 5718 17/9 20.z Wjyery \wer, z 573 5[ H" 1.485 [3 577 SiU75;ro I4 sſſ,z v36/F10.49X1& % ( l SYE7 19 P51,44W 16 $7lſi-ſiſſf-> 27 39 ailv1 17 5:il5 2:|F41.49'S ; 15 $729 24 Þ 8.495! o'T7 C Fair 9 Sy7j139533]|4$ r4. 44X| 'mild,tand 56':5 451 2: 7, #888lreniperace. F E B R UARY takcs;the:Noame,a Februis expiatoris, /5omeer= | [tain expiatory Sactifices , 1 the Komany 72 this.Month offeredl [ . 2 th.ir God Februus , for purgirg. of the Soucs Bf thx Dead), ash The-Saxons-called-zt Sp'om-}{c &a- | -they th0:pbt. H: M}H MlH M. \Sſi')x hyng of Stavs and.PIanees \.. »f '57 17]+ 1 /43]t2 - 28| \r11G} | 27 L814"5 44]L - » 39 IZ/A | 37 l4]q 46|2 n! 1) Sun rzſesE SL leris W $W.1:3}b | $7 /-T3]4©- 4713 ©, 14''C [bgip 200h1ga9'3 143 15\D | 67 loſ 5941.430 16, £ ! 77 5 4 $2j5 i5 x7ſi f (: 0 6]4 /54;6 /.2:9; 18 | 97 44 566 451 ' 19 A tjo7 24 «©85. $30' Daybreaksat 5 in themorn 26 b [I16 5915 1$ U,Y"ISL y FAZTY gp 24] £ j12'6 5815 29 5. ©, Tyi-lighttends at 7 arnight. 124 g Þ 136ſſ$5 © 493 45, 25/E ſſ14( 555: 5j10.530| 24 f S x6—5472 6 LTpt 5 25 116'6 ” 53:5 /_lzſiiſiſi 9 26.0 17ſi5 SL5 9 12 45 77 [18,61:49/5 nZI 2530| 28! H}} 196 465 14z o%_-xz 291£ 206.1244/$11163; 2 of Qurs 2: l aa4ed! 216 435 1I8'3, , $2| 20).Sun rifes E.b.S. fersW:b.S;-f| 2 e]} ' 16 40;5 20 » 443 ' 3; J! 23'6 ) 35 22(5+4..035 4qJ 246 3515 2536., 126| Day breaks at'y h 3e'm: i'a1] 256 325 28/7; v38} TWl—-]lJhtfifiua7.1 30 M. '6|b4| 26 6 30.5' 308 lo ; 7,04| #76 Þ7j5 339 2 8/d4' 286 2.4\5 3)9 52 l 9 £ 16 -122;5 38510 45 {10\$| 1 wort (wb ich"they cattKele)*® in this atontÞ yieldeth whoiſom young _ctSpſſa uts for their Nownhment- — ——— ecauſe the Colc Uncr and Dect. of rbe, days, with | l,d David.B, |'2 5 £ !Chad 35 f iLucxuc i'4; F Adrianus sga Euſebiys - 6\h Fndlhne l 8'H F@llxM 9\E140 Martyrs 410|'f Fnmachfls I14 {Gregory 2\g |Oſwin 3 b W]ſſm 4 5 _46 7. þ ]archibald 29 dſſſi Victorian 30] E [Patrone 317 £ JAdelmsB, © ©W Quih w wim O 4 Full:Moon'he 5 day;:3gummicafier'& in the morning, C : Laſt quarcer theor3:dayg's p\min/Jafrer g1 imrhe mommc @ \New Moomthe 20/day; 2.0\min!afrer10'jn the Foſicſſ-ſiofl Firſtquarter/the 26:day,'26-min, pat ) ar night, " 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A9 -n ” C rrrnnteendroees Thy Bloog 4f/e!b *gins 10 icreaſe ggain,, Purge', Bath and Blzed 3.:thy _Body 50 1 aintain,.. - 5618, $143 h, 1:52.5 | 56j21 26.Þ 9.324 ZS[ | 61 e57 dmgzz( [The Momh% 55 1< 18 P 12.4 &2 begins wich | $$125;..50 ſſ?ſſlzctH){ Waind , and '. $4[12 22 22N 1, <9_.01mPC-UO.AS 7 54.ſi - i#xo,gdfi ! 5$3/4 m29 32147)( forms of 53,16 8 Q 17.,5222 rainand $2127 59 7{2124}( haik.” 529: 2,551h 28 | 5 /q FIj22 1,Þ 11,375| 5214 VP 71 d 25.41X, More-m:1d 59116 ,:59,2 23-42:Wand remperate 49129 .,,55|F 15N - 481132Y25]H 2.29 25 Varisble 47127 201(,12415({ P. C:8 46]1TX 42| & 29.34% uncertain( @ 47 5 17919 --,ctſſw d(g* 44[11V 29;7 #1. lo"\f - 43126, .338|h 2.34 9 weather. (4 42 \16:4u13465 d 41[25 4o|e 25 Y\ .ſſ 42j11 IL06.Q, 5.25 ){ 39125._,..3O gzxzzſ*, 339 $16|H 2.51:S d Þþ 0 37?zz 41 |U, 14:52:5& Theend of SLa4 |F 7.17.Y the Month 34!15 28 Q I1.20 X will be\cr} 33jO W,6/8, 1 49Vplcaſanr z**r* - } C M A 8&,Ghs $9:caild aMartsy ofMars the God of Battelzto whom ths Mouth wins dedicated bythe ancient: Romzns The $axois cal- -1,4.i6 kr@t-Monery thati3s, Lergilv Month'g” becanſe inthbss " Month thy days begins:t8 :xceed the nightsintength 4 Audbence co-| meth th: Name-of -the Feaſt of Lent,- becauſe this Monththe| morepart oj tvat Feaſt facleth. Gw 8 O\ctQ\ſiC\ ©0 \, ON* wFx ( I A DAn A H OoInR (# SARA tie Lyofs Tail South at 12, Day breaks 4'h. 12 m. ' Twi-light ends 7 h. 44 m. 1 The Sun riſes due Eaft, And ſets due Weſtt. Day breaks 3 ho. 50 min. Twt-light ends $ h. 1= m Firſt in G.Bears tail S. at 12 Sun due F. a quarter after 6 1n the morinng, Day breaks z h, 25 m« Twi-light ends 8 h. 35 The ſecond in great Bears tail, 15 South at 12. —'-.3-11_- Fh UWMMWWW EZm,wdnam ; O,D.., ON » m 5ie @. Full Moon,ragy, dav, 2.5-MIn« paſt I1:23kpigat, D '_) Liſt-quarier e32 aaſſ, :6:1038«:before :n the morng - @. New Moonche8,dy; agquanteratrer 6:arnight; EaR CAGHER rhe 35) dcty, $2:1i4{paſts Aiternoon. | þ.. '-"*"?"—""* Lanerth Lngbee If thou zſſcttfflz'_/r *o;ſi\ ;ree, 06: path,:or. bleed, | _Of Leain'd Y/}{zfzam com]el tbu]l _haſt ſzeed } ]Qſſ Cunſi M. Mag. 22 go zzflſi[* b 31;\9 2 # 23: 2-9! F#8201Þ16.13.6 Sudden Show : | 4 FiFrancis Con: 24 2,j19 15gd11.52) ſirsd Rain - bjRichard 1 41 SÞ!. 25 26] 11 7]P18.24% ( of D [Vincentius 6" 24/22 © Fo} F13.4 & ind Hal. {! & E/Ethelwold 27 23124, " $1}Þ® 3,36S 53 21Þ 62 46 1 7.22'S [Great Wmd. f£ Egcſippug . 7fg Dofianus _ 9 H Frihitan 10: flctEſ chillus. 16 15.41V} £ 24.25X F20.47 &|etled and FI E 17[25' 57 b 4. OG* Caſ()n&b | T03 Iulius 3 173 $8W52]! ;83\}5 weather , wit n 13])eHermene gx'd E7 34: —1c 5\ 19,29V normngFroſh I4 'f}Fiburcius 5 A 5X5aly 6.2ry SC 5| Traz(. Of. 5 7120\ " 926:54 0 reatel 16{#}Tranf Alb.” - 6 4 4 h 46 5 F ( 17 1 s a4j19 $2[VÞ1941S9ff[I1 63({3 THIKR! 9 zſi _4544_3331570' ſiZ(L , 19[.2 Z}pgegen - " ;'ZGIH % Z 19\1[; S ( 207% C WA r9 «1L20}7 T ſixthmzeon LI Z5 20 Il3} h4.54H5 Eaſterly Wmd 22.181>Iter, e,. i2 "54] 4S41[V20.51S5 & H*C ſi HLSE Georſſſe T3 ;©2 18 4081 2 z4 B Nellitus - 14 49{7. $1,10]S 12 tSYſſvFaxr and 5|4 YaDdhr5* 4g 5 13 1.30 mffcleer Air. z6d'Clecus 16 45j27 g:ſi'ſib 5.24 0 : 7 P. Waſi-b'dfge 1'7 43'107[?[5 $32,3=20 | fl m 11g"41:20"" £2 (3* 0.46'& \ :9 g Perer Martyr 19 38] 4Q20} Prear7v Very Warm 30 o.@Kath. of $ ena 20 3e 8.16 I3 "g 0. 5731 wearher. A P RI L 'Sp cnl/ed ab apnenendo, of open" ng-; becauſe in tl-u\ Moath a/l things *grr apemtd'in"the Filowers $0 Ovid Apn'em me=! morant!ah ape:tbt-*mpore gi&ts. The ancient 'Suxors talled It' O-) ſtartMonar,of thi Baſt 'Wind' that aſed to'blowtbis Month. And tmrcethe Feaft of Eafter-ſeemeth-to-take its Name , as being for; the moſt part kept'in this' Month, % —————-——-———-——-————ſi—-——-————-—— : t 5 2016 4&L; 20'Day þreaks 2 Þ, 57 m 11 CI {| 2452 28}6:-42/2 10 Twiight endsg h. 3:m. 12]1D [} 3[5:-/1616-1-44 3 19e| 4 415 14/6 463 14 [ If 5ls [22[6::484 36 'T1e nday keepbol}, praife-him 1 5 EL F}C|s toſs 505. - z4l: /fill, X aſi 4 715-104/74615 36 12 Tbat]et «s free fram- Satans"Sini 7 bf 8's 46 567 o| 44 Brlb, (;i' YN 216 58/7. 48 )19 Dv! II 4+-15:817 29 24 21 FI214 .$547 3'\1073.11 ; [z2 Cl4.-5517 5,14 40 2zba 1414 ©5 37 £ 1:\I-+4SDaybreaks*h z;m. 24/'b I5|4 352]4 5 $:12.2 » 36\Iwilight ends 9 h. 35 m. 125|'C ſſ 164—-5070101 24 ® ” 12/2 :_lz 14.3/,S.0 I6, 3 ſſz—48 18 4 fd_ſi36 ANS162 21,6. - IzjThe 7.Stars riſe Coſmically, 2327 © 25/7 4 $}Day breaks 1 h, 52 m. 27,8. 36|\Tmilight ends 19.h.g aw, Sun rifes E.N E. lets W.N W, ſſz*: D 299 24 24[10, 12 33]18_ . «f The Norh Balance S, 4r 1. | $5111T. 48 | 37}12 36 ” Full szu ; the 3 day,..9 min. paſt 3 inthea"terſſſom. {r62200 Laft quprierch+ t r day, 56 min. jat 2 inthe afternoon. Z j Q [ct\uſiſſ\ M 11 rnc 18 dſinſſ SO- AK w.} L 1n thſi mommo 1z Firſt quarter che 25 day, at 3 in the morning. s C wtreie=e RS --___________.___.________________ſſ_ } S*Wſit uflr\!ctſſrſſſ ct")ſi/{ſ ,Jctſiſſz.' Vage the minds m: at pz**a | (}f thale -'ſif Rodics a1 e3 he d/(// .and M{ } 41 Þ; FZL 342*0:&: 3 Tſſzct- 5.55S & Z J- 4 {-z- 329 m57|[2,23.12 0 1:;3}J Inven. Cru. ſi;gz; 29/21 47 | 4-28S5 #:4} £- Monica- 124 2713 2530|P24-17}}| Wind and 51 f Alzive Q- tz5 24"'t5 5o{[y28.435| rain, with &9 Joh.Por.L. |26 2228 1 P 6.2795| cloudy.and - Jobn Beverly [27 19/rowp2r il!.zct}.zgb' : 81 D: Ap. S. Mich-|:8 1922 -51]F $.405| daik air. 9 129 15 5, $34]P 0.175& of - Gordiins f{ o-1218 3i[g 25.g,5 11} £ Amhny P E K 44] - &| o. #x zſſl F Pancrazus - j. 2 7 I5 I94 b 7, Sct\þ { More ſerene I3jJ Scrvitus 3 ſſzſi;'\ſi"x;[uz;}OUI and cieer, *14' g:;Bontace 4 2/13S8351F 11.55?5 , E'lzfbſig 14 593 r8/Q 6'365 A4PC FESIL | 15 $719TM19/7232 51 d 4 C .ſſ'l?"{d Sarah 6 54 28 28!{, 7'Ȝ &] &N C $18, & Sewal »” -x6 x;ſiZB37[]ſſIſſ:6'4gbſi- Great wind, I *t f Pudentian.V.| $ 40ſi38 3336* Is :' - | with fome 22N 19 461:N vow ?5|dHEC F:1:g Timotl'y 10 43\27 \;!ctg 2.*7 95 Rain cr. £2.þ Julans. V \ir _goizoit; h 8.II &| hail. J*8/< | e4 ſiz 59'1.027535 24 H'e l3 35's 4319225 ; 25 E Uchan 4 3:.719 6\P 18. Cbſi Pleafanr :6 f Auguſtine |'5 29/1 m 6 "2 23 585 Weather 27 & Bedz Ven. Jjis 213 'H 8 AY | :8 g Jonas Ab 17 124124 49, 4 29 - &|{ with flying | 29 bj i8 2116 Þ 3$) d'ſiz.4z-5 clouds and 30) l9 18;18 33 T. 24. - S& | ſome ſhoyers 'ſi;f,d PC(['()'UH'\ 20 l*;ſſO 'Vf_z-]\L'zfi_ : 1 - 20 _______________'W MAT 1630, 'lsſſſſſio' called, of .the Goddels' {aja-the _Aſſpthcx of lſi?[:ſſ:;ur_y. becauſe the' Heathens uſed to'Sacritice to Ther this moneth! "The Saxopr called it il_'rzmzlk_.bcc'aul; in-this moneth they uſed to milk their Kine three times very day. Day breahs 8 m- att. 1 1# the morn; (1 t 7 24]4,.22(7, 38 Daybr, : el l2 12/4 uſ*] 39 !'wylzglctzt ends $2 meaft. lo.ſiatm. :2' | | 6 20|/7 40jThe North Crown-South'at 12; L3'2 , 3: 19/7 -41} The Hinder Guard Southat thy'\ '4_!3 3 '46' c217|7 43/ Seipents neck Suatia 'Zj*? 4 m304 H9 | u6'c dn nS7 5 49) | " $7/d P EAY ed ©a \Jigle ſi7 Z Z*ſiſſ 1117 ſſſi4'9—'!'be $#4 35 juſt Eaſt at 9 m.aſter 7 |19 'O,Z {ſii;64ſi 10/7 $0| in the mors and weſt $1ms fitr 4 205 4 4 . A ; et .W. 21 11!9 Z*ſia4[4 2[7 5! ZKZ/RZ/Z,:N E b]E ctſiſ JN ſſ ::%b} kzlſſogu\-{ 17 $S39Y " 23 13/11.y C/4 67 54: | 34!;} 15\110_5_149 4 sf', jſisſifloctr;ctzzu\d a"_zy and 10 tſſfſil?*k Bl'ibtlſifſic - lblx:mz(54 ZV 53[,003 Mſiy j!ſito]U-ſiYlfl;, xz6 5 ry Ept |[1>. 5 | 27|6| 119/2 12.( lg 5? - ; 28 3*; I:43 0}3 5n 9 193 ;?3 ;6:? it giuts) *Oz*r 20#4 *13, . cbved viſed On 1 ' 122'6 12/3 54( F * 2 \E) el - ofg szſig 7} 38 247, 48/3 D 459 259 ,. 136/5 $2 i rovculs head [outh at 183 &5 2 "9 : 243 572' g at Herentes nead [Outy S [6 ' \ 27lo 12/3 \$2| v 16 } 28/11, 5 Of; S*lgct 91 \<\ [*9]1X 483 513 5 19-j 4 f 12 3613 50!3 £ R. -n tigtt/A | {33þ4 _ 2£/2 _5.?},3._ſſ—ſſ_o._____w--ſſwſſ | \ aaotn—r—— mn tibvcuy '_ \ j : ; i ' R mn P ndno nacy C FEAÞa. 4.3 d $-bs &s ” wp fou M.N M - LY 0OM) AR dn 15 BY ed C ed Hn irea R ——_—_ B e2 8 32 m G = & 2 { - B M G 0 ct(\ Fa } J 1]-4 L f 23 oip.Chri.'s 25 1 2t '© 17 43 Fk - 46 ©00,x » A A M m 09 Am Wwar o aOdaRSOAPRY -ctr 7U ſſi.. Il Fſſw Kſil O m a WA » WWAO = ,. z L : ige 56 QG 2 4 To D vSs B H Þ oy AASSHIASLHHRHOQMH - —— — —— — A ADS CL AAo Quo. ay! tc-gelſi/}frſi' -n 9 37 _ 5 Felicianus/ \Wil,B.Y, l { 1 4 V16,29 46 | | | | | | ) » O @A O m 42 i. MA2 of> 9 90 EEE N arce}in 3 5 i28 2 0 ; .3 : &4 9 28 5] 55 ! W » AT # \ACG 4 4 e 20 55 6: 46 1 o 3 11 36 55127 $27, 2 - 45 10Y \b ' & 'ef 26 2 2 &9 30 © 24 It $I m=y 'þ3 I P 10 11 6 13 T. 62 >« | g90d þ h ther in Ppaces, T1 bot and | #y iſſ'ct'ſſct '* ct( ;Fd . arveſi weas' ſeme clear: Pn - " FONE ©86.06 =| ſſ | fune, jnnim cakerh the name of ]unſſzm-brſiumnl the Authoor of the Roman Liherty, who was made| Conſul this Meneth, The Saxon: called ſſthis_Moncſſth{ Weyd-monat, oh - -Weyden. to. feed , becauſe, they uſed ;_hizMUncth to drivetheir Cattel into the Paſturesto ced, 11 12]3,.508 16 1z/a 2 13 ©[Z 498 H - ctl2fb 3 13 523 1 498 14þ 1 3ic G: 45 498 n1} l*:d ; £13,,40j8 12 -F e\.2 5 Ead3C488 £ial » | | 46| 117, 483 ,488 ,r2| Drigous bead S. at 15, 37 3 0 E1c3 =478 213 87 ? 9.Q 213 493 33 A 9b 109 £$33 47 13/ L: J” - fao'e fg 10 - 443 474j8 13; Vpon whith daygthe (y will be uh; 21'6 2 \LY_ZTB 473 13{ 63 the juſt Eaft Poirtygat ac mn [4 26 i2Sz8g 473 12 aſter 8 iy the mora, aud. uj104 '23 l 2 !3 473 23 the wiſt paint, at 40 min.ctqfie*rlctſi_ctſſg is\2 (;SHÞ 48j3 x2|- 3 in the afternoon - and. the:(3 15ſa 1513, * &3 488 1z| oath ſame 12 daywill riſego lag's l t7'2 43*,,3'3_ 48ct8 L2| (Icg-ſ.fctll)/?} ib' Eafj iamſſzrdcſi!b 7,-,,ſſſiſiſi ' 1814 ȜU,Ȝ 47958 1 | Novtb, and will {et 40 degr.inf g 1915,, 243 498 11 fromthew'e}t tomurds the; North 29e & 14 goſ& nef that isthe ſun will viſe N, E, \30; : 27: 23 g98 z3<| half a point Baſterty, and (ets.Nv ) ſi 7 ,433, 51 of.. weſt Dalf a point weſkertge |2 \2} 15 3: 363 sg,gſi gh. 7 3 :b! 29 .243, 52j8, Þ| 4 ſc—! ſ25j10 123 52/8, 2 5 4 ſiad'ſſz! 0.3. 279 $ S &l ſaltt 453 $38. 7 17 92 -36;3. g4/8 6 [3, \4) B9r. 243 $519. 6 42 hics - PB 12j3 563 4'Snan bil ſeutyat 1n Y j | FN E 2 eaecebiimten n Serke ranet - mn nrrt rrAen e» 7 I:-ctſſctſſ }. | | | yw 9 ,Komwald j26 me - 313 & |Vifit Mary.'28 g5:0 | þ|Hyacinch, |12 £y ; 25 17/e2 d lAnſeilm 3 3 44333 Sexburg.Q./23 Demetrrias,6 d [£ '£ g a F » $4/26 | g |Edeliburg |3_ S g3/27 ©: þ j9 Brechren|18 z |a$8 4 m © 4 GA AwHpas 5 : d x3' 4 14 f |Bonavent. |'s ag/2 15' $ [Swithin 29 JUI 16| g |Offftiond |'3 &L 294 17 [alexigs. [*S «$8'5 r8|W1> : 1© mp s |5 19/-5 /Ruffigps [22 49j6 26\.g 5 w 13/7 $21].F j|Daniel 17 - 20(8 -43] f [Mary Mag.[29 179 3| a \Apollina. j*1 wy $ j10 24| b |Chrifting [22 gg1'! 25 s F q5j12 26| 5 {Anna 16 45[13 t7| # iPantalcon-j29 2 :jr4 28 f [Sampſon |1!1 - 33/15 29 & Martha V.j24 23ſi16 £30! j\bdor {7 &2 3ojty "2*| þ {Igratins 26 gx5118 45 H 13 42/y, 6 39 F 17 3649 8 33/Y 26 3%h 14 281}' 7 25\ 27 22/Y I'4 !9[9 7 16/h14 lſi4!u 8 11%324 8 |L 20 ; |y s 3 |HIs ww 9 u.þ\lo —"nuvn WWwo aiS WA _ __2 ſict-::-ſi-*-mm ” $ f> " ©Sw 9 moOomnygy 6 —————— _————— ——— d * Og 7 } } 'W THI 26'y »o W_ eN - IPEVIAE /P W Full moon the 1 day, 22 min. after 7.at night, C Laſt quarter rhe 8 day,a quart.after Midnight ® New moon 16 day, 39 min. paſt 4 in the morning Firft quarter the 23 day,i2 min. after 11 at noon | - ® Full moonthe Jaſt day,a quarter atter 7 in the morn,| Strong Drinks andnew refuſe, they be tby Fogg To bath in Kivers codl this July go. 25 H 49 H ©8Z" 53 It| Fair hot* : © 48 11|claps of x6 77 | Thundex, 29 &) $393) Fair and 32 10 clear &ir; i85 : 39 &\| heat abated , 49 mp| and very 35 $|\ ſtaſonable | 40 Ft| and good 36 G| weather td 1% 49$itheend of | 21 77 the | | moneth. FULT x680. — Jaly, Julius, 10 calledof Julins Ceſar, who was, born in this Moneth, for before ix was called Dutmilir, 50 ! —— — [ NN em mn 291 24j4' 367 24 * as being the Hfth Moneth from March, from whenc the Anctegt Romans uſed to begin the order gf their Monethg.The Saxons called this Moneth Hen-monas, or Heymoaat, becauſe of their Hay-harveft in this Moneth. r [3 3 [14;E jz 3 3| 0r10ns Oirdie riſes Coſmically xa'd 3 |4 2 . | 13 * 15 11 The Scorpions Thigh, and Vultys |x4 e i6 2 | g'2 15 17 4% 27 = 58 | res heart are $4 A1 dn 16!3 9 7 4 3/7 957 17Þ 8 I'55 81 \9 9 E24 ” .5$ I9, 1019 12 52 20.C ) Cn 1 : ; 21 {T2]1T S 48 49 © Riſes N.E by E.Sets NeW.by P. [22 g \13112 8 l 48 andis Eaft 9 min, after 7, and nga 14/F w24 17 4% Wefts1 min. afit! 4e b Is/2 ſſſſgl:l 4 28c {1673 ® O\4 45, ,ang f26d 17 44 _ . 21c ] 43] The Swars Tail, and the Dolpbins 128) 95 42) Head bath South at 1n ,zgſſg 2 0,5 42 Day breaks 45 m. after mida. 302| PLr } R 31 b) 1227 37| Twyltght ends @ quartey aftey 11 f {*zſſB 36/4 25/7 3g) '2, a! 349 © 2414 277 33 13 ©| »- [fo. I2/4 299 - 31 -iq % [26/1Ix 014 30j7 ' 30 25 g: 27\,11 44 327 2 | is ga,ſi 2312 36/4 -34]7 26 iv ſſ .Þ- $02 12\q 3517 " 23| The great Dog riſes coſmically, 4. £1.387 22" "———_— LO S D IEt Wrt H CB aie ELYS RY PR TU SW-l l H IAEI KEI IEBEa0r ,_.___ X \O ſi@ "n Nn nes emn —© CNNN - —A eD f 43 Laft quarter the 7 day, ar 3inthe morning. j 4 'New moonthe 13day;halfanhour after 7 arnipht.' Eirſt quarter the 22 day,3.quarr. aft.'s inthe morn Full moonthe 29 day, , 3 quart, afters in the aftern ſicti;/\; beed of $ ur}*ci:}:ct{ nflaming meats ancz'ſſ]Þ;cTe;ſſ - Pozſ.ck ferbear, be wiſe in exerciſes, -ct ſſſſ' 7 4 X 3;1198t21h i7 48 51 Wind and - 1 : |> ES\ephcn 18 27120 19%'.*.1. i2 15 1T|,v0rms of 3 \ g Invenr $r.2 * 27j21 1735 8 319 : | 4 | g arittarch, 15 , 35/22 149 16 13 M |rain, now is !Z Feftum Ni,o” 25 a0|23 12/90.19 26 rp\ and then s 'a 1Trans.Chgj.ctl_4 3-7'3:4 105;5 17: 53 ſome ly p \Qonatus 28 $4/2g 74 72, 57 It| thunder - | $ \C 12 If 58'26 5'J1f 45 5: || 9 | z Romanus '17 4ja7.}, .3,9/22 24 $|,very lo kſſſſ'ſiſſi.a\\.ſrcncc'ſſud!_ctȝ 2'28 i!? 20 ,10 73\d. þ4 cxl p \Tirus 24 $53/28 59/9, 18 25 54 &4 2 g {lare Y. !8 ct33}29 z $71 I3 37 l various i2 g Hippoliws 22 lo f54| 9 14 58 514. $0, and 14 þ Euſebus'' 's. mp1314 . .52|Q 23 .35.4| unſerled " } Ig 2 405.0 12:5-| weather 15 y jRorhus © 45z 45 18 58 GI{g (4 g Tho.oHart1 3 aiſſſſ_ſſ 45 q4, 14 13.11 | rill the, 20 \1i8! e Heiena Q: 25 12 $ 44) F 3_8 3 &6 | day, gg-fgiCl'mzank 7 m ,915 4'[g 4 47 mi .ſio-*l 1 'Bernard " 19 17 411g..3 149 < xx| þ (ichar® 'o 7'52/3 35|6,19 299 | bigh windy w'z_ſi T- eB j42 A2ſ9 391% 14 44 11 | wih flying, TICT Timothy 24 - 4119” 35 21 \\ 8.55 clouſſd: pro-.| ct 2@' £ 6 VP 5'7*3] ZZZſiL lo ,50.np| ducing raln i26 f [Ladovicus 19 28j12 3319 5 -41.> {25 & Zepherinug2 Ev20/13 3@5 19 .$3.05} :lzſſ ſi L6 :SEQ 17 121_{?} | | 1!\ Felix . [27. #&{ 7 23 25 16 1 fajr weather, Adrian, Bn crfi3 22 at the end.'! eD ATB R EIES A 4.m | :a| 15 3114 28[y1s 12m l ; 6 \Aaguſtine (29 12j;5 27| 24 2|2 ſi8 2L m ,' 10, ; 5 R 3S27 509 13 x [1T] d [Nichaſius [uy9 46/28 $5)h22 cogltya | [12, £ \Wilfrede |29 5_1529 5olÞ 15 ge 57 | 13' f \Edwardus |iz m 50 SolJ 21 28 (42< | 14| 2 iCalixrus \23 a4s|; 4$og 14 35 m | 15'4 |TercſaV. |s 2 38|2 $0jf 26 29 | 15'b ſſanlius B. |19 32z g So'l ?2 55 gg| very good- | A 29 — HS SO[W 15 31 ;ſſ\ weather for | 18: H LOKE EF 11 VP 31Þ6 50 24 llct(})efectfbn, l 19| g /Fridiſwideſ2g 4215 519 20 g1; t ® [20] F [Urlula, V.s ez &7 15 4 78 " | '21,IſiHiHarion 18 4318 51'5 22 59 & \ 22| a [Corguia 1 K $3jſ9 : l 23B 2: 8 ?2 24 © [20: 29 23 gaſQ 27 6 5 25 d Erifantns 113 51/g2 S3/2.12. $7. 26, g Eouriftvs /28 * 44/13 g:jh at 59 37, © '!voConfcſſſxz &S 54]14 £3|{2 14 28 0 129 31ts 129 & Eaxdfine {50[ b Agelnoth weE : W15 6 x wind with F 26 Zoct ſome. raing j j | | | | 37.47| more mild 64] $29 26 ct and tempes | 14 It 25j16 g$4jY 3 24 7\&UI rate. | W. 2$17-.55(7,20- 56 g | | TA Pn Rn mz : — 2 CS l TMarchs I ſil6 ]:._6 42 [7 06 |- 79 .486 8 3610 OCTOBER 16 80- Oftober, So called as being the ergnth Jonth from The: Saxony called it VVin«m.nat, that 1. [Wine moneth, becauſe this Moneth, they had Wme brought-out of othex Countries, 36.5 24\Dywlal{3 at 47 m. att, 4 Morn, ud 35s 4o5 25 12236%6_:—72; 2 1 224%-545 - 6 in2 E:]ZIG $65 - 4 #3\3 38 0:6 «35 2 133 548"7 oF »© !4[4 - 367'; 34 $8 M Egiog o T2 4 54 7 *-097 84 52 B : 487 .704 5c iIÞ » 36 ,124 48 209 24]1144 4 fo 127 164 44 ,zſiſſl Ol7 174 43 35'{!\ 427 194 43 I3-5317 ..,204 40 [251- 47 24/4 38 ':fz 127 244 36 7 07 1634 34 223 4%7 ,28/4 32 29,4+--3517 3*|3 3© 30's 247,,324 2 I7, 32j6 27] 2| Iwysl zſſ)'rn/u 13 M. aft, 5 N. The Rams horn $.4t 14 -| The Rams head Sonuth at 12. D :y breaks s m, afr, 5 Morn” Twylight ends:55 m afr. 6 N. S1uA riſes ESE. [ls WSYW, The q $:ars ; 1/e Achronically The 13 halrs jaw and Meduſacs hbead ae botls S. at' 13n $2Ec 13] 14;8 15'2 16b \Þ\ſi Muarter the 3 day, 19 min. after 4 in the morn, @ New moon the 11 day,a quarrt. after 6 in the morn, Firſt quarter the 19 day,zo min.after 6 in the morn,' Full moon the 25 day, 20 min. paſt 11 arnighr, ( Irrnrtn eGAD t Nn eAn InrSnmt - N I LDEIIRO eD WORI eD Chuſe bot and wholeſome drinks and meats li)f\ei{iſ d Av1d bot Baths, uſe bsaeſt exeroiſe. :8'S $6;hz22 $s$ d hC T. 429 57 13 57 10 frow or 24 5$9j21 $7.4 2 28 m rain, in- d - GHT g |All Soculs f |\wineired F jViralis {i7 mpgojaz2 582 10 5 Z/{ 40 . 209 22j23 59jy © 20 7|\termixed þ iLeonard {2 wa $5[25 oh 22 49'S; | 14 46j86 oY. 13 3I 77jwith ſome d jiSeverys 26 aqvj27 IFf_ 4 54 wp { D 04 On>w ,. £ iClaudius, {3" m 43/28 :\2 I7 6 7\frofts olf iTrſiiphon 20 J8|239 aip 8 s 5 g ; 11 J )MartinB.C.|2 4hH 22 49 gſſffdark_ aiy 12|g MartinP.M.'1g a$j1 s/W 12 42 7[#9,0 13].þ Kilianus, 'j26 © 2y I5'm/4$ C 1g]Þ | e 999 2 rs| d {Leopaldus|2o 37/g 45 5 E;|Edmond |2 wy-5315 29' | ſeaſonable ſſ7l f [Thanmas |rg. --20's 2" q\and ſetled 18 Eccleſ,Per.:g 1'7 33" qp| weather , for 59] a \Poution , {rx 3 118 3% 7| many dayes, 20. hEdmond 24 22;9 22 z 3 : 237*; © 8 'o Is & 22* D Cicely V, }jz> !, zi'u 22 ; 23 ZZ'ZC}U_!}CH! ” 5 4!]2 41 Tſſ :4].t Cirifogon |22 813 59 jp| flormsof | 25 g ſſ_Kathſicrmc 7 T 24ſil4 4 wP d u qa : s 26] J |PererR.24.12s 4315 59: g—of;wind, with 27] Þ OdaVir, 7 @ gr'ns 4® 'n 14n ſnow 28 22 29 17 44 &ÞC 9 Þ S. $1.3918 s ayp; or ſleet. fzo © 129 l ( , | 49ſi19 59 'VT1 7 T =—== = < "NOVEMBER 1680. ]ſſſi__ from March, The Saxons ———— ——— — — becauſe of the bluſtering Winds which uſually riſe in !this moneth. z9 © |; 344 - 26|Day breaks 37 m. at.g 37 the more \81'F | 2 ]7 489 35%4 24 Twylight ends 23 maat.6 at n'yghc. Ig2 | 38 369 33z 32 1z3b 4 's 247 394 2', : 1g,c s [To 12[y ©40'4 20| The great Pog ſets coſmically 154 | 6 \I3,O0 79.42'4?1 36c [L18'4819 E 43/4 © 27] Perſeus Foot South at 12, 17} 8 1253677 w454275 88 9 iI 524573:\'464_ I4 19 2 | , 10%2 > 129 * 48/4 I2 : . g:e:b 1 113 R0.\4 494 11 QR/esS.E.by E,e&ffetss.w.bywW,'2T1c : 23 E487 $9'g 10 The ſeven ftars ftts Coſmically, ſ22d 134 369 $214 E8:The bulls eyeſers Coſmicaliy, [23;C S 249 $3/4 7| No abſolue daj put all Twylight.'a g 156 81329. $S'4 5 Thrylight cnds 13 M af, Gat Ni, agjp | &129 | 5 {167 Ro 's $94 4; A[:dſſa {17 7 48:7 $7'4 3! ſfl7ib l19s 3s7 584 2 [avlc 199 249 594 D© lag d 2010 12g © (4 ©, [20;e jIF © \8 4 \Z' $9 The Bulls oe Riſes dchronteally\ \ 22/3x 48/8 2 3 58 28 [22 | 2 [23/k2 36/8 3 3 57 |s /a 3'3431 348 4 3 56* i4 ib ;;35}2 1:;8 $ [3 5zi i$ EC [27'3 48'8 6 3 54 {+ ic | 4 ȜGLL 73 $3 orioxs foot S. at 12 ſis } 95 24/8 8 13 $2, 9 £ 30ſi6 I JB 9 }Z 51 Orions ſhoulder. $. 61 13 gmſſa ; ; % \. } ſi' November , So- called, as being the ninth moneth : called it Wint-monat; | ll ! 1 l | [| 11n 47 " 11 1: as \ſſ 1 \': D enet ,.__.._.A_,..__- emn mn rmrnmmrn f La& quarſicr hc 2 day, 34 min. after 9 at night, @ New moonthe 11 dayghalt an h, aft. 1 ih the morn, Firſtquarterthe 18 day, Half an hour aft. 7 atnight, # Full moon the 25 day, 22 min:after 8in the morn, 1o keep thy felf in Aftien thou mayeſt plcty A Caras or Dice, but not thy *itate amay. l l | i [ ſi- I 7 l 1brana 5 Tp : B 20 725 h lſſlſſſſſictſſ}. l {2.1 4 iLocius jfi9 e2 26|Y,10 I IIJ F 41 H 13 14 {Caffianns j29 ©. 3022 28/P15 39, top Storms of l f*} v |zarbard - jLEF 2 4323. 29!,5 18 19 yp ſnow and | [{| g ] : 23 4524 30olg 14" 29.vp windy, with' h 2 [Nicholas | 5 m 41.25, 31 ſſzz 21, os! P WIH {7.1 5 [ambroſe (x7 3426, F3% 9 22.27 freft fr ,_: ſſ'{_ C'"MCCKTM'E:S) 26ſſ2z 34.5' Iy 46_\153} l H 7 i-{Leocadia |11 7 212 59 24 33:yp / { Wil j72 4 Melchiad, [22 x:/t9 a7jy 19 28 yp ret *'"*Pct' (FT gr _)ctmaſffl_-, 's 'V'** 279 28 hao 58 5, rate but : 72 nyLo, S50 35 18 46 ar P ſome 'n2 Þ IctuciaVſi 29 52 qrlpi9 4 m - $4 1 B —L5ns - f } P 1,54— F Mimborin.!12 2 213 42 2 0 467 ſnamor ſſct:zſſ% Abraham 25 4!"4 4z'ct 21 27.yp Fainy 16 7 K 35 44jf 20- 35.c ZZ*F'ctſiſi Lazarns g; 5\555 WHZ_ xt3 Þſctiictd :Z,ctl [28| s wincbald 4 1 &/7 47 j* 20 J2, ; : 79 C 7 2:(s Bm 6 ſſ aayr, [gid_' 7 43 47 Formirth with meaſure can produc 11 t | 13Þ; 473 ao #ll {[ 9 F3\z- 47 [20 d 303, 47 ; . Y 131} 47 12 Q 7/es S.E. balf a Point Ba- 22 13]} 47 fierly, and ſets $. ir. half apon; 238 13;8 47 MWeſjieily, bavizg amilicude frontaq a fiiſij 47] th: Eait awd we ( foutherly 40/2;b } lzxſſz 7 degrees , bis meridiaa attitnds|46 C 12\3 48 boag only 5 degrces, and [0,29jd 133 49{ the refltx of bis beams can yieldian e 1013 gol but little heat to the inhabitant\ 39% 9 j3 51" of theſe northern Eimates, 20g » Lz 52'\ 27 2 78 &2 { 6 |3 $4, Feaſt-vt the rich oaes, 2 Þ 5 13 $5| butihy Neighbow s poor, 3 C S |3 £$$\$8 God will ble/s thee nimi 4 d 413 $5| " mcreaſe thy ft.ve, 15 £ 4 \} 56, | f) 3 13 5$7; Caſtor fouth at xs a dsÞþ, 7 @ 313 $1 '$ 2 2 3 5$BlitHe Do7 South at 18 's 2 3 5B|Great Dos ſouth ot £.4, lzcle} than .Z | | Body paſGng tnderthe twelve Signs of the Zodiacke 1 | ſſ W. : » Head and Face. ATR | egkandgi | WArms and [_ thfoarn" 3 ſhoulder® " 9 33" !Brc}aſt,fio-- | Heafl and mack and $! itback | ribs g | " f np A Reins and ; » Bowels loyns |- 2nd beily +F m igh } Secret Th;%hs / members R: M 5 Twa M Legs vþ RHces emn m ieen F 2 - Fcct '4iThe eager Ram rules both the Head and Face ; '>#The Neckind Throar 3 ſullen Taurns's phace, \xr Reſembling T wins the Arms and Shoulders guide, '9 Toeflow pac'dCrab, the breaſt,theſpleen, and,fide.. '$, The Heart and Bacx's the,gen rous Lion's thare, [35 The Baſhful Maidof Belly and Bow'ls takes care, P To thejuſt Ballance Retns and Loyns belong, | 7 The Secret's govern'd by the.Scorpion, | & Theivory Thigs the Archer-doth affedt ; | M The Goat our.cowplemental Kneesprorech, j.{ Thenimble Legs r Aquarius lot dothfall : { 3: The active Feerro Piices, and there's/all, ſſ" Thus doth the vertue of rheſe Sigas fuperiour, | Ruleo're the Bodies af poor Wights inlerjour; | t N T.nN | ButÞoth aregovern'd by God's ſoveretgn might, ' He's happy then tharnnderſtands chem right, —Sapicnr dominabitar”A/tvir. R eA eR f Leaſes of caſr up at Aft X Pet » Per Cent. S - £ D 2 [5 LN *$IO .ct - D |Y W. MAD 1 & mafs k= þOF " WJ FS &YRN 4 I& ESN R 38 8;Y MLUTNOO K > k' 6 d & S KO VP fio . > " [. e 5 Yas S. ' ; Cent, | Bn rnwmpn——oor——nccorn——k, Arars 48 j Years Mon. Per Cent. 10 , Ceat. em trntm mn 9n i Pears 4 ; ' i naorye FIFOOR ' Ceat. J2e.17s Mon. m rnan A vz ÞAF. 9(294149261704\!3469010000o f= # aſnqnung 31 foirg 49 1, 00007%0 hy F, - o I,z 3..34.455667788899999991 m f ESaVa- = ®N &0 N A An 171 NO ® = 0 H mnEcnaeg ys ) Q a.\ afx FOJ,MG 97 ſiQ angr 4 4 nn—— : c ..OOOO.I\ZZ.ZLILZ OoOmmni - z vrDvDD }RkkonsGRdg 410 D d O aARnk=ns H AG 0 d 'l I ” v2 ſoquing 391 Jo-anjv.g ap l O. m — e1 e1 m WAa Y © \ onaSr » t6Eeado ScG mn = nnay » A) e2n 4a m SHT A WA el B AB 2n - - 04 mn emn es Loarrnt 1 mn v0bttnnds irepayeoorte m 0 thEE D m wngGrNONSs H zz_/i Mm - FANGQ yu m T/ M #r:frqaig.aqs $04#124:440, C &O w &t 9121345]56778911 I j 12 j13 14 14 HAMGGtTtRSFrR®DO AC - OvraoMGwnN —_ Mn warHAa[ jENRAGSAGS H W. piſequing 3q 01 5473% J0 2qunR 1 Z 6 ct RuAERCPOE P TOORge rt7 ITu R C Rn PN CT 9 " CT IT v> OERTGS n ew— mn oioaenn r ee A Tziblc of:Interett at 6-ſſper Cent. IAW mn FE 1. Mont, mch\z Z\nſm\ 4m Lib3 H ) Ab. flz l B d S. 42.)005 o,cþ19 0 -2CliL5 Ozo © cſi;ſ-)_ct?zſſ\z 75 00], ig0f7] 5 Q. 7: 49-,0 10 T 0 cflif o & [400({4- 04 06 2 © 4. wwc(frr-o-c zoojr 10: 0 04 ,1 08 0 9 0 6 200ſr '@ (} 2 0.0,3, 0,9 4,0 [-64 00 ZLooig 0 - g e15 2%0 27 H 06 o00:y 50 38 70 4 16 12 14 c Bolbe Shck3o21s el D FLeþÞ2 s 05 e1 117, 42 07 T5 o! i - TooE 2B gp'sn ,4; cefss 62 05 /9275 o 09 25: 94 11 879 $0277 35!oÞ07T0 0'!0 Thy -\1o/to9fln ropr bapine 1 4 of-o9igi%g þ 643 D bjd 15 DN 20 TAR p: 2920 yſſcſſ $327]-of} he; 5/BÞ " 9}1015:3 46 07 19 H976 1 TH.59G 7}) 098/0.-1 46 2 70 ViNa7gFer 1 649 07 Ont Bn $ l 2 A 3 53{0 e69 58 R 6 B SFeR- 3 419 eR 9ſſ!o Cn Sigtkt MAB - * 10n e0n ARIQL M Bn d FfB 1 : :40 © :2. - 0:\ $/1.0..4.549 - v9Þ0 T1 gf ' lz:\ O #1. 20 .© :'.ſii",o Q-\\3) Q1440 44 © O © S. ISES. : The 4Heof this, Table, XampP ,Fo-hn#thelncereft of 50 4. for'6 monrhs : Fine Fſi - 0/ 1n,ihefiſt Colamn,/and righr apainſt jt,/1n the.Go ging,ot 5MmOor 8 16 2 12 4. ard 10 much 15 th- [ncereſt. Fo *e 1arereſt 0, "the fams u%149 moxtl Ps, lhok for the Snterdt 7 W!bs WVah 11 S. 'lſſuad-i t the atereſt for 6-maMb3,.th » 31.38,"the Inti/ft'of 70 F in g months, Allo tafud th %tmfi mſ}'s efor 3 nonths : "Firſt, lookithe Literest of 76't F7 : nzambs, whichs 1 3 5,. Eikewiſe,.the lntereſt of 5, 1. J#;3þ aotths'; 15 T. 5."6 4. thisaditd torl.b's. ma e'b 1,1, 25 ſd \ ct.,bz-ſſb ts th:1aerft-of 75 1. fur 3 Moitts. —n.-.n. X eB d BnB 11 Bn 00 eA Grn D ITCS e.AD M e1 _ Ot CT HE | FOURQUARTER:S, Or' SE'ASONS ©of* this FEAR 689 Of the Yernal or Spring Qgart_br. - Qiurter commenceth upon Tueſday ;the g1-6f March.at50 min-,after 2 in the Afexnoon jat whacky t1ne ,the Sun enters into the frft ſcruple of ithe Northern Aquinoftisl Sign Aires, making the days-and.nights-tobe | of eguillength.a/l the World over., except: in the. two Fri- gid Zones , where rhey haye continu3lday,-and conſequen:= ly contigual night fex many Weeks.or Months rogether, ac- cording?,as .they are removed-from eirfier-Pole.: — - The proper nature ane qui1hty of this (Quarcer is hor,and woiſt : Mot in reſpeet of the Suns aſcending, and moiſt in reſpe&t of me Winters.vicinity. Now: dothe Bitds begin to warble' forth Sweet Notes,|to welcome Phebus to the Warth * H to requite them, "clnatheth with rith green, All Trets and Plants whith orft, wereTufſit feen « Anadtby his quichuing vertue} dath piaduce A wew ſuppiy of ali things'for matt's uſe. Of the Q/Eſtivctlſi or Suremer Daarter, FLs Quarter takebh its beginning upon Sunday the 1 rils | of' 7ime., at 5 1n the morning; the Sun havirg then, { arrived to his tarcheſt Northern Declination ».and 18 entringy_ | | kntorhe Northern Tropical Sign Cancer 3 making .the days | Iongeſt, 'and the _nights ſhoptelt , 'ro all the Northern Tn- | habitaries'ofthe World ;/and the contrary to thoſe that pol- Tels the Soitthern Hbmz(þhdra . The Nature of this Sealon B_hotand' a/9, ' N W— ; S 5 Now Bawker, 1.68.0, Now do the,Fields with bearard Grain waxe white, d Hidbayditn ocjoy d 10 ſer the frabt : #p1Sluggane, flecp tot., make yehaſte to Hay; Whilt Ticn heateth, worb without dtlay. Forcareful Husbunds', that intend't0 thikve, Muft withthe' Beering Hony 10 the Hiog, Of the Autumnal or Harviſft Duarter.” .ctiutum'/z begins* this year upon'Sunday the Fzth of 'S preme *23: tember,. at £2:0f the Clock. in the Forenoon , rhe.Sun 3t tharrime entrirg tinto the'Southern Aquina&i4) $:on'Li- bKz makirg 2gtin the day and nighr'of equal lengch all the World over;z 2nd'is tvw begtnning to rake his Journey Southward towards Ele Antartich Pole, This/Quarter isnas * tarally cold and aiy. Now Sol from bJs Imperial Throze deſcendeth, A44d towards, th'Antartick Pole h#& Furnty bendeth o. At whaſe depayture., every Plant and;Tret”, Fot grief',. doth*caſt aſide its bravery... Hnd ſadily mouribeg , Camot iRe vor thrive s Till be /eturn , and them arainteuive, Of the Hyemnal 'or. Winter A*Zgdm}r. *He P;nter Quarter begins this year upon Saturday the - x1th of: December,, about 6inth© morning z t12. Sun benig then arrived to:his greateſt Declination from.the A quino&ial Soithward., arid is enited in'o the Souchern Tro- vical Sign Copricornz. making the! ſhorceſt days and. longeſt nights*to"the Northern z and the contrary to.rhe Sourhern Inhabiranrs/ This Quarter 15 naturally cold and morfh. $# bow tbe ſilly [apleſs Trees do ſpavet,, - For. watt of*Kjigly Sol their comfort givers 4nd'bow Dame Flora i# her Mother Farth » Doth /Þrand 11 felf From laſPting Boreav's breath : ARd d225 n0t P ,. untilÞ? Vack returt Td quickis Me7tals, dead with Byeni's fpurs, BiWker, 1680- Having thus'given|youa-tulland Jarge Ac- count of: the'Commencement;;'"Continu- ance, Nature;- Quality, and.Signification of the. Four Seaions or-: Quarters of the Y.E A R# 1 hall here, preſent you with 2 Philoſophical. T. A B.L E , thewing The:Agreement of ſeveral Things in Natnre. Four Dry ” | Mout \ Moilt”..y.,Dry ELCEMENTS|F'IR EA 1'RWATER|EARTH 4 Seaſons Summer || Spring Winter Harveſt 4 Coafls Eaft Sou'h W.ſt Nerth 4 Wiias E:Winl S. Wizd |\ W. W.nd | N.Wind — 4 Aits Childbood-i|; *Youths.) Old. Ager: | Manbood 4 Humours Choller Blood Phlegm. |Melancholy 4 Twwms of Nature Motinn : Quantity " Quality: | Subſtance 4 Motioas ofxvzt/ſſre Aſctf58 ' Cricular | Progreſſive | Deſcenſron F B-/OZ;;[)I memg [ Going * | © Flying *| Srimming| Creeping 4 SÞirits of Animals Azzmal Pital GenrativeNaturdl 4 Pirts of Mains Boaly "Peins* : Nerves Fleſh Bones 4 King: of Conſtitutions rpetuoty | Agiliey | Remijeneſs Slowneſs 4 Pct'jſſt. compound Animals Plaits. 1 Minerals '} - Stoi4s Bogzes A 4 Taward Sehſes aderſtandzog Keaſſſml Dnagmation}. Feeling 4 Outwa?d Swnles Stg't Hearing \Smel.orTak.\;Touching 4 Elemeats of Man Soul, - }, picges l Life BoJy 4 Moral Vertuzs Fſtice.. |Temperance Prodence | Fortitude 4 Parts of Heibs $t6d Fliwer Teaf Root 4 uarrers of the- 209 Decrtaſe ..|Frll, Moon N:w. Moon'| Tacreaſe 4 Qurte.ſſ; 0f' the Day Morwing Noo Ewvening. | Midiight 4 - Teiplicities of the/$igns.. ) &bs £. 48 12 M 64 M Yp \ BowWker 7 68 O. "Of the Eclipſes. this Tear, 1680. HE. Edlipſes thatwill happen