T ILLINOIS Production Note Women Printers Digital Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of lllinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ZOZ3 W. Ys & _ 7 '* emn rerenern C/l[?il[l/z/ WA ſz?cf/ſifl'ſ'ſi/fifl* i OR AN l ALMANACK|| F O'R” THE Year'of.6ur.Lord God: 16$0, IT.,BEING. THE » - . - 7 Biflextile;or Leap=Year. Whereit # briefly comprehbended , he Genetal State. of.the Y CAL.; with-the '$72 each "day hct:zun; Eclipſes., Full Sea, Termws and theit Retwrns , Sll;-ſſ? zſſzſ 199 , &C S O RAOLES for }ſi};}ſc and Hisbandry with ſundry other uſcful Obſeryations, Ono which z added,, A Dz$ willing to d:|favourers of zood, the learned. C —_— Love of great|Famow mon men., profpe-[2redr advo- reus \ hrnourgcares, and but diſſention|counſelors i.} in wedloch, learning. Pleaſant dNo delighrful Ingemons , populay, good Merchanis, Travellers , Hypoerancal, terms : : y , oK "Japr to be diſ-{ſolute, fortu-|givento all|woren , anajimpuaent , cover'd. nate in war, |wichkedneſ(s|(iral. wraii Hal, Ve- |C:yerous of |Perſons of [Propenſe |Plrafant, Happy men ,þ nus |ther mens - [traſt andfige-|1o lnſts and|offable, loversjingrni0us » -'zi}"egctods, fordid-|lityy good to litidin-|of muſtc., beloved of all, terms|ly Taſciutous, [nirriage g ows courſeshand love Pgets, fdmomn SC ....._.._-—-—- " mm mn oon 'Vc\— Wzſ;( a ffim, \Good man. |Treecher. l'rml-m » yeilaten of Lear ; cury |pt to be 3790- lyers, and ex-\ homicides ;[(iridinous , |ning, lovers off 3 thejprifoned, for \cellent l-cfſſaw falfoeſs, |g104 _(]ſiucb, Arts, ond terms|;hoiw miſs lonr, Free ſtum| drunken. Jand artijts inſgainers by deeds. maſice. & laſanmi. lmuſfc. —[them 8&-. Cn Dn W_— ; z*;ſſf! ſſ;; : - The i L - aints kyS. SZZ'Z- —|—|[- —— | ;z ;! [necl O - <} b |Seaſonable, . farms | x ! ſig £ |but cloudy zgſn}? 2 4 j . [Dreit |-3 | 5| [moilt Air [breſt |. 3 | &£ heart | 4 ? _-,fggat the heart | 5 i $| a|beginning., he;ctrt 6 | 919 |Atrim, Ab. ggſilfſſf I 7 fIo|c belly -| 7 ZIZZ , reins | 83 {12\e Brisk reins'| 9 tt2) E [Zillary, B. freins {10 l/j,.! ſg'wſilſl S, and ſLCſ@LS T1 Lſi-ſſſſ! I Very ſim*p iſccx efSIT 16| s 14 \arcellus. | hſſf*ſſs O 70 ,ſi\l-: about {thighs} 1 18 [knees ( 2 iſi_;' e the Full knees | 3 j'ZQ! + ctju()\)ſſ knees | 3 i21] g |/gnes, Virg. Jlegs | 4 * fz,zfſs Changed 1ezs D i22\b! {ſicetſil 6 '24\c \to Froft ſeet - 7 ;_;\,ſſſi l head | 7 Tſf 3 15nd Si aAow, ih@iſild i $ 25j f, anTwinterly neck | 9 2%4 2 Carol. Ma $, in.(ſik j10 _] 1 :-ſſ veathen [27Ms [[T FY 53: (N LN M R ſpreft 1 © 368 2418 12/7 oo'7 4817 36/7 24| 12 OD} 49 ,.4* 12j7 ©97 47 16 7 2417 12/7 7 7 7 7 '7 7 3-Þ O© > & 00 < JV wWwa A KM Qy” X MD C C O »B N JSIJWSJIWIRIs 014 Janus wil”s thee keep thy Body warm, with Kitchen Phyſsc thy Diſeaſes charm. Sweet Wine is &ood , but Exerciſe us beſt , For him that in 914 Age would live at reft. 'F. Sea.|ORi.| _ H M !HM* Obſervations, 1/The year , being ochanged z ſhews 59j/ome 1n great pla- 5& 56 5 day, 55|LT at night. 54 ; 3;ces 10 change 1heir| 5 2| Employments', at / 59 a [O [T 2 13 5 16 I"'ſſ L8| 51ſſw'1zcb 4 contrary\tg| 49pzzm rejoyce. But 43/all bxman Zondurs ” n 45\day, $ atnight. 44 42jare ſtz/vper} » and 4.1pnany Winter-G lo-| qgmtes are nipd be-| 37)fore they reach 10' 35 4 .wa/ſig. ſio,nc )4 ZE 32) da} I afternoon.] 30i 20=gfſiz* Female a«| 27ibout this time J)DF 25j4and argry, Altions| 22 2\1 ſſ 28 day, at $ morn, ZO [2T 23 _ſiTC) r* | 6 I 2 Tſct/aerz to end theito 1 ſi;-*ſ\?u 17 " Iru] ! : j | | T - m R Of-.Cold beware , with Peniſon and Fiſh , Do n0t in«any-caſe\ maintain thy Diſh. *T'is very good t0 Purge ,"t0 Bath, and Bleed, If Learned Medics judge thou ftaud'ſt in need. S. The |E. SEaORi, S. A G — {-. | —————_———————. e—en——g————_ } ——nrnooenommenny I breſt | 1 24/7 12/Strange and unex-(12 2|e| brelt | 2 12j7 iiipeFed News ar-i13 3] £'Brisks heart | 3 ool7- grivesof very great|14 4\g winds , heart | 3 48[7- 7 4 51 8 [Agatha. belly {' 4 36/7 5\day,2 afternoon.|16 6] b [Dorotheg. belly þ 5 24/7 3|A#0ns and,Con-\l71 7iC and-cold jJreins \ 6 12/7 L|trivances in 1hells| 8\ reins | 7 0'056 59;Norzhern parts ,fig} gle reins*| 7 4815 57]Saturn, # now 7420| ſixo;!i'%ſſofl'y ſecrets| 8 36'6 55|Cancer. lzli {uig!fflr. ſecrets| 9 24]5 54{God preſerve u5/22] 12 a* ' ith}ghsixo I216 52 121| 13] b\Ermenild. thighs/1z o0[6. 50[day,s aſternocn.ſſzq.] L;,c'!ſt'þzlcmincſi'. thighs|1I 4856 48]_ [25} 1 5HDIS: knees |,o 36{6 46!from another furi-26| 1*} Pleaſant knees | I 2416 44)0%s fit of Zeal,ard 27 i7] £ |sky theſe legs E216 421@@ %s from Fea-|28! " I ' 2 Lglſi:_ct-ſi?zmeon, B.' © flegs -| 3 coſſſictc} 4ojvers in Religiou ,3'2?,3 i9] 3 [days, feet {| 3 4816 38 ((EJ 20 b with gentle Ifeet | 4 36'6 36 20 1 21| 6 |breathing head | 5 24.!6 34jday, at 1 morn. | 2. 22 head | 6 12!6 32 3: 22| C \winds, neck | 7 00jS 3ollsf they turn u all| 4 24\f neck | 7 4816 2Sjinto.a Freaz),. | 5: 25| f | Aſh-wedneſday.jarms | 8 36{6 26|England might be| 6 25| & |/Pleaſant arms | 9 24(6 24 263 1 27| 8 |Froſts at arms 10 1216 22{day,6 atNight. 4 8 28|b jthe end, >refſt [11 ools 21|bappy enorngh,, if| 9 2c 5relt |LT 4816 20]{he could he quict. (1.6, Q <£Y D mmermnnoenrmeneere neeeS— Pn aeeege mn — ——_ S. Bath oft, bleed not , unleſs occaſion urge , Nor yet thy Body t00 untimely purge. More health is gotten by obſerving Diet , | 211 £ |Adelmus, belly | 0 361[5 Than pleaſure found in vain Exceſs and Riot. . 3 . .- - 5; Saints days. SZZ :ſiz_]_ſijctf_ Z%h!ct Obſeryations. 3:% 1]b {David, B, lheart | © 3556 18|Now Armies begin|1 1 2|e |Curions - heart | I 24'6 L6|to tahe the Field,112 2 f ' belly | 2 12]6 14janda timeof nota-[13 4| « |Adrian. belly | 3 o016 12 4 5|a good Air {b=lly | 3 48[6 10 5 day,|gy 6| þ ifor ſome reins | 4 36'6 Sfat 6 morning. |8 7 DA reins.. 5 24(6-.. 6 17 $| d |days, ſecrets}-6 1216 gjble Ation draws1$ ole ſecrets] 7 ©0js 210n. TheGerman|tg rol f yet a ſecrets| 7 4816 ofZerritories ſeem|2g [1| g Gregory, thighs| 8 36ls 58moleſted with bold|21 [2] a Notable thighs| 9 2415 56} : 22 12j þ;wet and knees [1O 12/5 54 13 4 ; knees [11 Ools 521day, at L[ morn.|24. 15|d windy knees [[1 48\5 50|/nvaders, Many(2s 16| e [March , legs | © 3615 481great Perſons at al26 i7] E [Patrick, legs | 1 2415 46{{fandintheir Coun=[27 118| g ſwith ſome . feet | 2 I21s ggictls, and the Can-(28 i9| a Snow ret - 15 0ols 4fþ m 29 20| # |Cuthbert. head -| 3 48|s 40 20/@ 121] @laz; head | 4 36{5 38|day, at Iomorn.| 2 22| 5 orQHall neck \| « 24]s 36 4 5 23] e about neck \ 6' 1215' 34|cerians - of the| 4, 24 F Z@C!)QY}'- arms*| 7 ooſ5 BQlWOTZdCrdTleaCkct- 5 25n 6 arms | 7 48|5 3olward. Crafty wits| 6 26} a {fiie New brelt | 8 36|5 28]are zowoutwitted,| -j 27| þ [Moon, breſt | 9 2415 26|Tip\t « r29 x 28| 7 neart |10 123 24{day, at 2 morn, 9 25] d |Eroſty and [heart |1x ools 22]and * ſome State-l15 30] e [pleaſant. belly |i1 48[5' 20|Fuglers appear|i 1 1 8|without 4 Masb. 112 To purge, t0 bath , to bleed, is not debar'd, So that the Golden Mean be well obſerv'd, *Tis alſo good to hunt, 10 ride, and run , If that extreams therein thou wiſely ſhun. The |b. Sea. & Ris .Z 9 { - '_ . E & Saints —days. Sign. —H 7.2h. 'Zi_ſſ* Obſervations. 0n I| g jConv. M,A1ag.lbelly | 1 2415 16|April informs 113 2] a iPleaſant reins | 2 14of the motions 0/'\14 3|b [ſ[weet Air ]reins | 3 12 2.day.\m 4 ſecrets| 3 ILat I1 atnight. 16 5| }Pencents ſecrets| 4 36|5 . 9\Armies , of greatl7 6] e |at the ſecrets| 5 7 Steges , Towns1$ 7| E beginning. jthighs| 6 S|taken , or yisldſiſid,*lg' S] g |/Maundy Thurſ.thighs| 7 3|Mars inAries,EZſſcſſQo! gfa (Good Friday. |knees | 7 I\commands komage|211 Lolb knees | 8 N [22} LI knees | 9 24{4 55 Lt 12|[d |Winds and *[legs |i0 5 7Iday,at midnight./24 13]e |Rain legs [II 55|whereſozver hei25| 14|f jafter the feet [|LL 5 3|comes.Go0d News26 I5| g[oſwald. feet | © 5 Larrives , gladdingi27| 16| @ |Full, head | I 45];be London Mer-28| 17 biFroſty and ſhead | 2 47 29; 19 @[Lc neck | 3 46 19 19j d {fkeaſonable. * .jneck | 3 4814 44{dayat 7atmght! T| 20l e iCeadwal. arms | 4 42\chants.On a ſudgden 2' 21] f |Cold Rain, jarms | 5 24{4, 4oſmany. ſeandalous 3 22| g [poſſibly jbreſt | 6 38[Libels caft gbroad,| 4. 23 a |S. George, [|breſt | 7 36|to diftainthe names| 51 24|b |Snow Jheart | 7 4${4 35]and credits of Per-| 6 25 ſſ heart | $ 0 25| vf 26| d |or Sleet neart | 9 24/4 32]day,r afternoon.| $' 27 eſat the belly |io 1214 3clſons of Honour,) 9 25|f ' belly |11 28|&c, but the fooliſh10) 29\Fſend, ceins |L1 26|0ffendors are met 11}' 30| [Cath. Sieng, |ceins \ © 24\withall. 21 Ag || mn hoeetere Joerreeernnatet ed ——_—_— P &2 eR | Now'ma) # thou uſe ſuch D hyſi-ctzl ineutions , As are preſcrib*d".by Medios' mues inuentions Fll But loath'Impoſtors., "and £ 2ack- ſalving 1\%&?5, Th1r-bring all, People 'to untimaecly Graves. } ſilj-!-ſiſſ?! Saints days, f Zctſi;fi kſſ SAZU_)}ZL[ Obſervations. ſſ;ct: l _______________ſſ,_._____ ® CS F [if 'runz f I 244 23/God ſſmmnoſr!vſſ'l-) *1, ſecrets!. 2 ILH 21'mufflſ Or negt this'1 4. FN Goodand *1Z;ſic'ſi'et5j' J 90{4..20 3 ( pleaſant thighs|- 3: 4/4 / Igiday,4 afrernoon :16 1 digrovey Qu thighs)4 3514117 il'* 1 }'\V(ſiſſſſiſſſt(iſi[', ighs} 5: 24/4 16tme , 1 fear ſome'1$ ſi*}- {PLinging 6 1214\15|Epidenucal Llj 19 6.nhowers 7, 00/413eaſe. Many ftrifes, 20 | 7 48(4* 12! Lmuſſmllo, Qum*-Zl VIG0rdLtn. | 0: 2614/T1 (22 9f. Rain 8t.. 1.9 24/4.1 5 L1; 1.00N after feet jto 1214 Zſidſſſiy, IT MOrn. ſiMi 2 |the Full, feet, JIT. oof4n! 7 [25 ſſ'?.:*zzct.z-ſſ'e. !head ſiſſ![ 481[4. 6jrels, COWWUU?ctFſi?ct [CUFiQUS head 10 36/4 4/&C- n0w bappen27 | neck, | 1 24/4 314mong-men. dAnd 25 jalcyon - \.jneck | 2 12/4"! 2 129]* Aſſ'rffiſ'ſſ't*ſi"ſi ; [arms E J-: O0(41f! X 18 11 Jentiaine armns.| 4 44 \ct:da 7,at2 morn, | 2 {Aſcen jrett }.5 3613.59| 3E 1nixed- (ore:t 6 24]3-58|ſundry: Adulteries,) 4 3 Jwith. fine [Neart | 7 1213-'5 7/und- Fornications., 5 neart |.8' 003 56|are atfo !)roug/ to, 6 fpelly.'| 3 46/3.:55//ight , and that to, 7 - MorMng [Deily |.9-3613. 54/ 25 r9ts, [reins. 10 -24/3" 54/day,at 2 morn,:4 9 q82d2,, N [reins 0 1,-12\3/:5 5 [10| M at ,. ireins (9 00 3:153the difhonour Of-£1 {atiogrets- © 4513.15 21/undry great Per-112 j{©CFEtS,» 1] 36;3 -ȝzlſiſſo-ſiſiſirgſiz. 13] ine end, jtnighs| 2: 24/3- 51/Avertat Deus.! '!14] CS EOS_ DnN A VE RS rs Go bunts.#he» Zare , the timorous'' Buck, purſue , Bid idleneſs, and Nenus ſports adiem. The-careful Husband that intendsto thrive, will, like the Bee ,"bring Honey't0 his Hive. : The |F, Sea.|dR1 A Saints days. Sion. |2. M.IZ Mi Obſervatlons. ſſq - CN ] dm 5 olMany Planets in (5 » D h: Pampbzlu/:. ctthighs Y 1 hf ek.|thighs| 3 ) $O 2 2 gjA cloudy knees | 4. 3613 49/day, at 6 morne |r7 4 a'| Perrochius, knees | 5 49 18 5|b ovctcr-caſt legs ['6 1 49:[:@ Celeftial Ge-j19 legs | 7 48|mini,berokens mi-'20 d sky for legs/ | 7 4.3\ny jrauds cmdfdl/e 21] | 8 e \ſome days; feet | $ 3 48|Actions to bappen 22 ſſ g\ f{Felician. ifeet. | 9 48 g 'l. Lo! gl head 119 48\day,6 atnight. c24_ l} 11 @) head' j|ir 48\ 125 j 12|b} (clearing neck 11 48 ſſ26 '|F 13 ] neck | © 4Jimonrzſi men, En-, 27 E 14|djagain. arms | 1. 24}3' 48gland has au)ei il 15 TZHOTZ Alr, arms | 2 3 48 remewber mſiu l 16 t ;Richard, B. Jbreſt | 3 A @ Y 17/g as if ſome'" Jbrelt | 3 40iday, at 9 morn. | 2 } 1% a -'lhun erand jheart | 4 363 49 31 " 19/b bjLightning Jheart 5 49;Gemini z 4 biu| 4 M 20 belly. |- 6 5 olman Sign from the| 5 21 d 'ulburge: belly } 7 5leffetts of the Zreat| 6 lwere neare " Jbelly | 7 5 1\Conjuntion of Sa-| 7 23/'f Vffn*dſſs - reins | 8 S1 23 4 I; _ reimns 1 9 62|Jay, 6 at nig! 9 5| gjRain, and - Ufecrets|io : 53|turn aud l\za*z I0 261'b EHM near : [ſecrets|[T 6 2|tbere,in Al.167811 27 C} | fecrets}1 1 4$13 541July 31 1 bope u0f1.2 28] bithe end, thighs|-0 363 5 5 imore ſuch Þ1015113 29]2 | thighs| 1 24/3 56j0w. 14 [20 Ziſſim S. Paul.|knees | 2 1213 56 5 _ C E. TEE R INn R 243 D = Breath not 4 Yen , neither yet Phyſsck, take , Unlefs thou wilt 4 breach in Nature make. Do mnot incline to Wine, or wanton wys , Left thou deprive thy ſelf 'of laſfting joys. ES Saints days. _YZ; FUSZ Z,I}:ſſ Obſervations. ctf%ſi 1| g |Gentle knees | 3 ooſ3 57 1 day, 2] a |Vilit. V.24ary.knees| 3 48]3 58jat 7 Evening. |15 3] b jbreathing 'legs _| 4 363 59|Some fear of air$ 4 Tf legs | 5 24{4 o(z'cldySeaſon; andj1g s| d jwinds, and [fect '| 6 12}4 1|thzs 10t only amoug|20 6| e |plcaſant wea-|feet '| 7 o0j4 2jHen, but Cattel|21 7\ E [Demetrius. Jheed | 7 45/4 3 R ARA 3| gjther. head |{ 8 36/4 4 8 9| 3 jSome ſweet Jneck | 9 24i4 5fday,atmdnight.'24, neck- [10. 12/4 6|alſo; tlaq Inhabi-\25 arms |[I o9j4 Tltants of the Sea'26 arms |LI 4814 8 13| eling ſhowers |brelt | o 36/4 gfare not wholly like2 L4] f {toward the L 24/4 I1 - I5| &|S. Swithen. 2 121]4 12 I5 16] 3 jNew Moon. 3 0054 I4iday, 8 af night. | 3 I7] b|Gallant Har- 3 48&4 I5|toeſcape the Fudg-| 2 palt Tri 4 36[4 I7|ment impending. | 2 belly | 5 24/4 18|God preſerve the| 4, 6 5 Y. 6 7 g 7 Lo| b |and refreſh- I9| D] 7 20| e jveif weather 21| f jnear this 22| g|Mary Magd. 22] a (ftime, ' 24| b |Brisk 1214 20|great City of Lon- oold 211don from Fire,and 45: 23]. 2 36{4 24 ſecrets|-9 24i14 26{day, at noon. 9 thighs[10 12j4 28] _ | I0 thighs|L1 oo[4 3olfiery Atzons; Jetiin thighs|1T 48[4 31/ber Sons of diſcon-|12 knees | o 3614 33jtent be diſcovered.|1 3 knees | I 24|4 25 I4 egs | 2 1214. 36 31j15 legs f 3 ooſ4 38|day, 6 morning. Bid Phyſic farewell ; Wine and Women ſhun , Left , woe s me, thou cry'* , T am undone. Uſe ſlender Diet , cooling Drinks embrace , If long 0n Earth thou bope to have a place. ; z Saints days. ZZ: Z'SZ BI_{,;ſſ Obſervations. ct:% I feet | 3 48|4 40]4n unuſual Con4l7 213 |A windy, |Ifeet. | 4 36|4 42|jun#ion of Saturn|18 2|e jyet moderatehhead | 5 24/4 44\and Mars ce|19 4 f ſpleaſant ead | 6 12]4 45|lebrated in this|20 s|& [Feffum Ntvg.neck | 7 o0|4 47/Month, i the ſe-|21 6jT jAir, at the Ineck 7 44 48\cond Decade 0f|22 7| 5 |beginning. jneck | 8 36|4 50 7| 8 arms |. 9 24/4 52|day, at. 5 morn. |24 g| ® |Cool, perhapsarms jlo 1214 53 2 to| 2 |Lawrence, |breſt |11 ooſ4 55]|Cancery and bath 26 11 £ |Frolty brelt {11 4.8/4 5$7|many Male effefts,27 12|g heart | © 36(4 59ldttending 1t, which,25 13| & |Mornings, lheart | 1 24/5 olmnay go near t0 con-/29 L41 b jabout belly | 2 125 2 14/® 5 belly ] 3 oof5 ajiday,at 5 morn. | 1 16| F]thefe reins | 4 48/5 - 6fvince us , that Sa-| 2 17| e (days reins | 5 2615 © 8jturn z realy, as| 3 18] f|/Zeleva, Q. - [reins | 6 24'5 1Toſwell as Poettcally,] 4 19|\g[Rain.,, and, |ſecrets| 7 125 12|the devourer of| 5 20| a |it may be, [ſecrets| 7 ool5 14\his own 1ſue. | $ 21| b{Thunder and|thighs| 8 48]5 16 22 22 thighs| 9 3615 18|day, af 4 morn. | 5 23|d|Lightening |thighs/To 2415 20 9 24 e knees |LL 12/5 22|4fuch unhappy ,|10 25| f |Ludovicus, \knees |11 ools 24{and therefore un-|L1 26| g jin ſome legs | © 4815 26|welcome News ,|[2 27 a legs | 1 35\5 28|comes from the(13 25| b |places, legs | 2 2445 3o|North. I4 29 feet::] 2 125 22 29 3o| d |Various Air.\feet | 3 00]5 34{day, 5 at mght. |IS head 7 21] e [Aderian. D EESE 4 4815_35 I7) C —— Be blyth and aftive, and ſuch Phyſec 1ake , As may thy Body ſound' and healthful make. Take heed of Surfeits, naughty Fruit forbear, If thou intendft to lros another” year. 55 Saints days, ;Z; ÞISZIZR/;\J Obſeryations. q:% 1| F |Grles Abbor, fhead '| 5 24/5 371September begins|18 2| 8]Mild and neck | 6 I2|s 30|with much dz'jcoſi/z-llg 3] 8 [zentle neck | 7 ooſs 41jtent,and mary miy-\20 4\ b |Cuthbert, arms | 7 48(s 43lmuring aud repi-(21 5/C11 3 arms 1 3. 36j5 45] fer 5 6|/d [Air, the breſt | 9 2415 47,day, at II morn,|23 7 e{Seaſon breſt j10' 1215 49 24 3 E [confidered, ſheart |rx ooſs 51 ming Spirits ap-j25 9 F|Gorgon. * Jheart |1x qS|s 55 )pear, envying' thej26 10|& [Brisk belly | o 36|s 55 Afftions 'of thein2 [1}bjWinds , belly | x 24/5 57/Governors. 2 I2 belly | 2 I2/5s 58 12/S £3]d jdriving reins | 2 ocls oday, 8 atnight. | 1 141\£ [/Z0ly Rood. [reins 2 48'6 2 2 I5if ſi ſecrets! 4 3616 *©'4) _ Strange' News|- 3 16 |Rain; ctſ:cr@ts} 6 24'6 6from the Weſte9;|" 2 717 1 E()}ffi.ſſdy, ſecrets| 6 1216 $/ſtands, as if nnith| 5 !18 v jand mixed thighs 7 Ociſi5 nodamage may. bave|' 6 Ig thighs 7 4816 12 happened by an uin- 7 !20 d [with Froſts, |knees | $ 2615 14 20 !2{ E knees | 9 24(s 16day, toatnight.! 9 [22 f |Cold Mor- fknees |15 1216 18] [O ' o5l'6 20kid Nurricane a-l1 1 [23]J nings and jlegs [|rx [24| 2 |Evenings. legs [11. 48/6 22/mong them. Some|12 £25ct b Cloudy feet | o 3616 24.great Lady dyes13 26 } ' feet 1 24(6 253nctear this time , but|1.4 27 D!and Rainy jhead | 2 19216 28little lamented. 5 25] e /at the head | 2 oofs 20 25 29 f! : neck } 2 4816 32(day, at 4 morn; 17 13 E!;Cſh?- neck | 4 36i6 34 l [ j ! » l el d eRn R CS MWWM-W - Ie Still Phyſsc's help 3 mo3 10 be refuſed of ſuch_as want , .and warily can uſe it, _.. Good ſport abroad for ſuch as keep good Hounds , But beit-at home for bim that hath 10 Grounds. The S191. |Z. 11.\H. } © —$f 5\ 3 Saints days. — - I a |Remiglihe arms { 5 2! b |Windy arms | 6 12\6 } X breft | 7_o0ſ6 4\d|at th breſt | 7 48(6 «| e |beginning ,. beart |'8.36(6 6! £ (with heart { 9 246 7,@_ Mark,, P.C. |heart jLo 1216 v\ g.\moiſture ,. |belly |x1T 00j6 91'@ and that like |belly |L1 . 46 Io reins | © 36i6 [1] d ito continue - |reins | 1 246 i21e reins | 2 1216 21 £Ptill towards |ſecrets| 3 0016 I4 ngſizlixms. ſc*cretsi 3 48;7 [s]J ſiſſthe laſt thighs| 4 36/7 16|b,Quarter, ithighs| 5 24/7 17 thighs| 6 12/7 [$)Þ knees þ 7 00\7 i9\.6 hwith ſome Jknees | 7 48/7 20) f [gentle legs | $ 367 21\J zfſſji]ctzſſruſimſi lf%gs 9 24.7 Eſſ,_zzſi;s Frous feet 10 1217 1221 Þ feet |1I1 00j7 1.24-\ feet| |1L_ 4817,, 25]d iChraſantus. head | 036'\7 ſſ {26! @gbſict\ſi-—;ecn. head; | 1. 24'7 )7] f.1A quiet Air |jneck | '2, 12,7 328!@}_ Si, ie,jneck -| 3 FC7 (29] tat the end, \aTms.1.4, 48 7 13 b rſi;;:ma:!:. arms | 5 3617 131C| breft | 6-247 E. Sea.)OR1. 24 6_ſi5ſi>ſi6zThe Quadrate, 0j 119 i Obſerrvations. 2$|the Sun _ and. Sa-[20 +> V +> 4.$|tio portarum to solill Weather, and 1026 &2|ill Ations among\27 6 4\the Sons of- miſ-[25 5 6ichief. Many be-| H V2. = NO* hu day, juſt at noon. \cin to talk,of new Laws , while per- baps they jorges old Fuſice, &c, Let us leave things 2 Jaw day,4 afternoon. ( poh ed d $iof Government t0 20|ſuch as beſt under- O 22and it, and learn 23\to know that Obe- 25 27 27\day,2 afternoon 28 2 c]ſictſictz'iem'c s 'preferrt- 321ble 10 Sacrijece. Now generous Wines are worthily efteem'd , And Meat well fpic'd, is exClent Diet deem'd. . #ot Baths avoid,, but' boneſ# Exerciſe 1 wiſh thee uſe, if thowlt be coumted Wiſe, = s j T Fo — #| (+ I . . = 5 ; Saints days. | Sl;: H_d_?ct[_ }}R]lſſ Obſervyations. ct:ctſſ% RNG reſt 7 48/7 34\4 Month of much 2of 2\e |A Souls, Jheart | 8 36|7 35(crafzy contrivance,|21 3| £ [Mutfable heart | 9 24|7 37[ 3 4 g jweather, |belly [10 12[7 39\day; at 6 morn. [23 5| 4 [Malachy. belly |11 oo7 40 24 6|b [ſometimes. ſreins |11 47 41/many wicked peo-125 reins | o 36/7 43/ple AF their parts|26 $' D j{kofmy , reins | 1 24j7 44/ecretly, 10 theſ27 g| & [other 2 1217 46|public difturbance.\28 10| E jtimes 3 ool7 47;Scandaloys Pam-29 19 : 3 457 49 11/S 12| a |Martin, P. M. 4 36|7 5ojdayzat 6 morn. | 1 £2| b ipleafant s 24j5 51 2 knees | 6 1217 sgpblffiſſ fly about ,| 3 7 ooly 544and the Authors| 4 7 5 9 6 9 7 48|7- 55|met with, and| 5 : 17 f Thaumarutg. 3617 56 puniſhed. cols$ &{iuftly deſerve, 19 J t C re enreerIee Ioeaeo Piarn nientnese Ser eR re err nAn E oBIBe Ee n tnb ares emn ed ouRIe— d rroree onetrn> 18|g |Frofts. legs 24/7 58 19] 4 |Great feet [10 12]7 59 T5 20| b |Winds feet [|I1 o0j8 ofday;ats morn. | 9 21 ; head j11 4818 ) 1 .jLO 22|b |and Rain head | o 26/$ 2/Falſifiers 6f D0-11 22|8 [near this neck | 3 2418 2jney, Clippers; 4ndj12 24 ® |Chryſogouus. jneck | 2 1218 4|Copners, near theſe\12 25 gitime, it arms | 3 o0j8 5 6 26| 4 May be .. arms | 3 48j8 6{day, 11 atnight.jts5 27| d |Thunder, breſt '| 4 36[3' 7 ; [6 28 . breſt | 5 2418 rſtimes diſcovered ,|17 25|d heart , 6 12]3 +[andpuniſhd as they| 18 2c\'e heartj 7 Good Meat and Drink,, and Fire of fragrant Wood, The Spirits raiſe, and help to cheer the Blood. But Milk, and Coleworts , aud ſuch watry Geey , Bequeath t0 them that have no better Cheer. . . A 5: Saints days. ZZ;; ÞSZZ Z—l_h' Obſervations. (?(% 1| f [Bibiana, * |belly | 7 45]8 9g|The Configurati-[20 2|giLike to be [belly | 8 36j8 9 2Þ C 3|g |Froſty Air, - |belly | 9 2418: ro{day, 9 at night. [22 4 þ |but ſoon reins [Lo- I2|3 10 23 5 reins {1T o0]8 I1lons of the Stars ,[24 6| d jturned ſecrets|LI 45]8 11|whzich happen from|25 7|e|to Winds ſecrets] o 3618 12|Cardinal Tropicaiſ26 5 E |Conc. B. Y1rg.fecrets| 1 2413 12|Signs, are ever of [27 o|gſand Rain, |Ithighs| 2 1213 -12|noft eminent and[28 Lo| a [Pleaſant thighs| 3 oo{fs 12|public ſpguification [29 Iilb knees | 3 4818 12 11]1S 12 knees | 4 3618 I2iday, at 2 morn. | I 13|d |Zucia, Virg:\knees| 5 241$ 12 A t4] e{for the legs | 6 12]8 12|/Many aGtve yourg| 3 5 fÞ legs | 7 ool8 12\Men dye in thy| 4 16] g |time. feet |7 451S 12|Momth, and fun-| 5 17| & [L4Zarths feet - 18 3618 I]!.ſiir} others meet diſ-| 6 £$| b |Changed head | 9 243 1 18 19 : head {10 12]3 iojdayy7 at night. | $ 20| d |to windy neck |11 oc}8 1o 9 21|« neck j11 4S/8 ojvonour, end loſs|10 221 f jrainy arms | 0 36j8 olof Hberty , andjtl 22|g|Air, mixt arms' | 1 24]$ SLjpreferment, &C. 121 24| 8 [with Froſft , - Ibre{t | 2 12/8 $|Zegates, * on. Am-[13 25|\ H breit-|-3-v0|$, 9 25 26 heart | 3 4$/$ 57[iay, toforenoon [I5 27\d neart | 4 2618 E|baſſadors., 'Teave\16 i25| C keart | 5 2418 5iſundry Courts inſt7 {25| f jand likely ſbelly | 5 12/8 g{diſcontent. Tying|1s {30] g jfo be Snow Ihelly | 7 cof$ 3[Keports. conclude|ig {51| alſo, reins | 7 45/8 2lthe year. 20 f | e) =—m___—— - 4 Man's Body , as ſhe paſſeth the Twelye l | l b | ! ſſſi !*ſſ [ : WA - 5 W. Head, Throat, arms, Breft, Heart, Belly, Reins do greet : m P VY".. .oev 2C The Secrets, Thighs, Knees, Legs, and th* 4itue Feet, Þ Saturn, © The Sun. » The Moon. Þ Jupiter, Q Venus. £, Dragons Head, &d Mars. - 5 Mercury. I5 Dragons Tail. N 2 & Conjunttion, ? ne? A Trine. >X, Sextile. % &' Oppoſition. 21 Quadrate, The Great CREATOR undey every Sign, Engraves bath ſome Myſtery Divine. | !"W-a eSARn eB IPGENGIB An \ fi Wrigge, 1650. A ("brOno!og-y of Things Memotable to.this Tear, 1/30 z | HE Crearion"of che Workd $7.09 Noah's Flood 3990 William the Conquerout «. » » ſſ ,. -fOK the'Invention of Gnns ZOF The Diſcovery - of Printing : 232 The Sweating - Sickneſs 299 Pauls Steeple burnr by Lighrning SL A great Earth-quake.in En;lafld _— 99 4 Tilbury Camp. $0 William Hacket Exccuted * 7 80 The Gun-Powdet Plot | 75 The grear Blazing-Star ; 62 The grear Dauke of Buckingham R:b*fi $2 London - Bridge burnt 48 The Eajle of Straffo:d4 beheaded " 35 The Long Parliamenc began 37 The Bartel ar Fdge-Hill 38 V 'he Fight at Brainford 39 & Fhe Firft New-burg Fight 36 P| The Fizhe ov Marftoin-moor 36 arch-Biſhop Laud behcaded 36 Knaisby bloody Batiel 25 King charles the Firtt bchcadcc{ 33 The Fighrt ar Worcefter.* - 9 The Long Parliament routed by Crom myel - 29 Oliver Cromwel Dycd 22 'The Reſtauration of! King Charles rhe S/*mn'! *6 King Charles the Second Crowned Fg "King Charles the Second Marryed 13 The Iaft great Plazue Is : London almoſt Burnt ro the ground T. The Duke of Albermarie Dyed Io The Dutcheſs of Orteance ar Dover - I'0 * The laft Fight with the Durch » 8 Ciena : -F__ſi_'_*-ſi_ R eA D R A ON ' The laſt Great Snow " The Latle of 8hafts-bary £ord Chan**e!!cſi s The Earle of Tame Lord Lſih**n"c!}or 4 $ Sit V/illiati Scroggs, Lord Ghict. Jullice 5 B N TRIGGE, 1680, Fere folow:th an exa®! Catalogue of all the Fayrs in England and Wales, Alphabetically ; with a Geo- graphical Table of the diflance of the principal Places in England,and the ways tothem. | A - Shborn peak May 3, May 1o, june 24,ſept.29,0ctob.g Now, 20,Aſhwel may 25, june 29,july 25, Octob.29, Abercons way Avg.24 $ep.29, Octob.28, Aberfrow 0ctob. 13, Trin.Wedn. Abergelly Aſcenſ. Eve, Ankingborow june 24, Auſcrton jal 20, Authreſton- Sep.8, Aſhten under line july 2, Aſhford May 6,july 27,Aug.28, Affhby de laZonch Aug.2, Octob.u8, Eafter Tuef. Whitſ.tueſ. Arundel” May 3,Dec.6, Appleby Whitſ.mund. S. anns june 24, Corp.Chrift. Andover May 1,Nov.6, Ampril April 22, Nov. 30, Good fri, Amerſon Whit,mund, Albrighton jaly 7, Alchurch Aug-10, Almsbury March 20, june 3, Palm ſund.eve, May 6,Alſom March 12, $t,Albons March 25. june 23,Aug.$,Sep.29, ARonburnel Good frid. in times paſt,Abur- row Aug.21, Aberkennem Nov.11, Aberlew Aug.14, Aber» males Octob.z1, Aberwingreen Nov.zo,Abergavenny May 2, Sep.14, "Trin. Tueſ. Aber 080.15, Abergully Sept.21, Al- dergam july 25, Abingeon jaly 25, Aſhwedneſ. The Letter A eontaineth 34 Fayr-places. B Bnry in Lancaſhire April 23,Sep.1,Bury on Good fri. Sepr: 8, Burron upon Trent March 2g, june 2. july s. OSob. 18, Hely Thurſ, Whit, mund. Bucfington mnnd. afrer Holy Thur). Burnrwood jzly 5, Burnham - Weſtcore july 3. Buntingford June 29. julj 2 £4 Bulwick Sept .21. Buckworth Feb.2. Buck- landSept. 29.Buckingham. April 25, june 29,Feb, 24,0 &ob.28, Whit.Thurſ.Bunningham Sept. 21,, Holy Thurſ .Broughwon jul 22, Eromyard Whir. mund. Broſgrove june 24,july 2, Bromly pagers Azg.21, Bromley in Lancaſh. Feb.1,jane 12,Bromley in Kent jily 25 , Briftol} jan. 25. july 25, Bridgftock £3ril 23, Mvg,'24, Bridg-north june 19,. july 22, 0@!'0:5 18, r0v- —_——_ E R D eD eC A TRIGGE;, 1686; Sbrov. Thurſ. Brickhil May 1, Octod. 18, Brewood Sctt. 8 Brewton April 23, Good fri.Bremwelbrocks March 3.juncin, Bremichan Corp. Chrift. Brecknock june 24, Aug.29,Nov. 6, Breſted Holy Thurſ. Bromyard May 2, Braintry Sept. 21, Bramford Aug. 10, Brails Eafter Tueſ. Bradford Nov.36, Box- grove Feb.3, Bowlin july 20, Bowen March 13, Bow Whix. 'Thurſ.Bow-green june 20,Bourn Feb.24, April25, Boſworrh June 24,Boſton july 25, Nov.3o, Bovnlron in the Moors july 10, OJsb.2, Bonlton in Fonace O#4b. 12, Boulton june 29, Aug. 1s, Brockham Sept. 22, Bodwin March 13, 4ug.1, Bodnam March 13, Blith Octob.9,Blechingly Nov.2, Blackmoore Aug. 10, Blackbura May 1, May 15, Sept. 8, Sept.29, Biceter july 25, Buſh-Statford Sept.29,0ctob, 8, Holy Thurſ. Corp. Chrift, Thurſ. Biſhops-Caſtle june £4, Nov.2,Good fri. Biſhops Shar- field April 23, Octob.18, Bilſton April23, july 25, Billingis worth Aprilg,P lm mund. Belarica july 22,Bedderden Ofob. 26, Brickleſworth Feb.2, july22, Nov. I, Low mund. Whir, mund. Biballance. june 29, Bewmaris Sept. 8, Dec.8, Holy Thurſ. Bewdly April 23, july 26,Nov. 20, Feb.s, Beverly May ”, june 24, Octob.25, Eafter Wedneſ, and all Rogation week Berley july 20, B&rtingham Nov. 11, Benningron june 29, Belton wund. after corp. Chrift. Thurſ, Beggars buſh Aug. 24, Bedle june 24, Bedford in Tork:ſhire.May 4.,Nov.30. .Bedfortd Fune 24, Aug.1, Sept.12, Nov:26, Firft Tueſ. in Lent, Beck- field Sept.2, Bealth june 16, july 19, Nov. 23, Batilefield near Shew uly 22, Bafingſioke Sepr. 29,Bourn Feb.3,May 7,Aug-1. Barſſey Sept.14, Barner june 23, Octch,18, Barnards Caſile July 22, Barkway july 20, Barkhamfſicad June 29, july 25, Bradviey Aug,S, Bangor june xT, Octob.28, Banbury Aug. g, Octob.18, the Thurſ. after 13 day, firft Thurſe in Lent, Holy Thurſday corp. Chrift. Thurſ. Firft Thur/. after Michaelmas, Blamftock Sept- 29, july 25, Sept.21, Nov.30, Bala May 3, May 1 Lzjune 29. The Letter B containeth go Towns fer ayr s. G - / _ Chicheſter April 23, july 29, Sept.29, Octob, v, firfl aund. in Lent, Whitſ. mund. Eherſey may 3. july 26z firft mand, is Lenr, Cheſton july 23, Cheftccficld Sept.r4, Chidley Aug 1o, B 2 l (T Q1hi1 em TRIGGE; 1686G: Chilſholm july 25. Chimock jaly 20, Chippingnortoen juh 5, Chipnam May 3 Chorely Aug. 10: 'and 14. Chicheſter june 24. Sept. 29. Churchſtreton May 2. Sept.14. Ciceter Octob. e1. Afo-Wedneſday, Elappon Sept.21. Clete April 26. Cliffe April 25. Sept.19. Cliffe Regis Octob 18. Clitheral july 2.Dec, 8. Cobham Nov. 23. Cockermouth Sepr 26. Whit. munday Corkſhil Whit. Fryday, Codiemew Feb. 2. Colby Auguft 29':l Clocheſter june 24. july 22. Octob. 13. Eolbrook April 15. Collingborough Nov.1o. Congerton May 1. july 2 Coolidge july 20. Corby Ang.1. Coventry Octob.21. Fryday ufrer corpus Gbrift. Cambridge May 13. and 24.Crambrook May g\' jane 24. Cranbrook March x9. Sept 1. Cribe Whit. mund.Cricketh Mhy 12, june 20. Ofob. 75, Chriſwel. Trin mund. Crowland Aug.24. Croydon june 24. Sept. 21.Crowley Aug. 2, Aug.10. Chruthon Octob,1 2: Cobley Nov. 13 Clemsford May 1. 0&80b. x. Chalcon Sept. To. Chalrom Sepr. 8. Chipftow Aug. 1. Fri- #ay after corp. Chrift, Cleoqury matrimer Trin. mund. Charl- ron Octob;18, Charing April z3, Ofob.13. God-fri. Chappel- filvy Sepr. 1. Chappel-jago july.25. Chappel-Frith July 9: and 27. Holy Tharſ, Carsby july 20. Cafileman july 9, Caſiles. . Ebicein june 23. Caftle-combs April 2t. Caftor Octob, x. Caicd Dec. 6, Carwis Aug.21. Carwid corp. Chrift, Cart. walden March 25. Carnarvin May5. july 24. Nov.21, Car- marthin Aug. 1. and 21. Sept. 23. Nov 3. Carlin Nove 23+ Wedneſ. before Eafter , Carlile Aug, 15 Carguilly Augift x, Cardigan March 25. Aug.1s Sept. 8. Dec. 8. Cardiff june 19, Sept, 8.Gincerbury july 7. and 19 Septem 1. Dec.29. Whit.Taeſ, Cardain Aſþ-Wedneſday, Eambden july 25, Cambratge jut: 24: Aug.1S. Camp April 15. july 21. Eookfield Whit, Thurſ- day. The Letter C containeth 71 Places for Fayrs. ; D Dogleth Sepr.28, Dec.6s, Dogelly june 23, Doncaſter jal *5, Aag. 10,Dover july,z s,Aug. 24, Sept.21, Nov.2l, Draytom $-pt. 8. 0fob.13. Wedneſ, before Palm-Sunday, Driefield Axg. I$, Sepr.6, Eafter-mund. Whit mund, Dudly july 2s, Dunmow April 25, Aug.25, Dunftable May 11,Aug.1, Afh-Wedneſday, Buckam March 203 Burham jx Nerfolk. july 22, Diffcringo! with wI 2 s SC R D e———cn d - == D C D — TRIGGE, n68580 with Aug.1o, Deviſes Feb,2, jime 15, july 7, Sept.21, OFdber 1o, Holy thurſ. Trin. mund, Denbigh May 2, julie 7, Sept. 14. Mund.before the 25 of March,DaringtonWhit.mund,Dampron Whit. and everymund. fortnight after till Chriſtmas, Darking Holy thurſ. Eve,Darby April 9,April 25, Maie 3,june.1 2,j#liers, Sept.26, the Frid. in Faſter-week, Frid.in Whitſ, week,Dantry Ang.28, Sept,21, Eaffer-tueſ. Whit,tueſ. The: Letter D cong tainetb 20 Places for Fairs Fgleſgrew Holie thurſ.: corp. Chrift. thurſ. Egleficld April 13, Nov.30,Good Frid, Rogation week, Elftow May 3, Elmerg Aug. 1;, Nov. Whit.' tueſ, Erith julie 25, Everſham Low mund. Whit. Tueſ. Kxcetor Aug.1, Dec.6, Aſh-Wedneſ. Whit. Munday,Kaglesfrow mund-after the Y1 of Novem. Kaglesbait Ang.z St. Keds Aug.1, Dec.6, corp. Chrift, Edinonftow 0. 13, Edmondsbury Sept.2, Nov.13, and 20, Kccleſhal Ho/y thurſ. Eftred Sept. 11, Eaton Afo-wedneſ. Elitow Ofob. 2$5 The Letter E containeth 18 Towns for Fairs. ct F - , Fodringhay julie13, . mund. fortnight after Midſummgr, Fokingham Maie 1,Novar1, Aſh-wedneſ. Frokſtone june,27, Fricſweod 0H0b, 19, Flodiſham Avg. 1o, Froom Feb. 24. Nov.23, Fulſea Auguft 1, Flint Auguft-1, Feverſham Feb.14, Falſely mund. after Michasl, Farnham julie 34,Ag 19, Fleer julie 22, Farindon Feb.2, Aug.2, Ofob.13, and 20, Whit.tueſ. St. Faiths by Norwich, mund. after Michael. The Letter 8 bath 14 Towns for. Fairs - St: Giles Fayres kepton St, Giles Hill, near Winchefter in-Hampſpire, theiFirft Day of Seprember, being the Chicf Day:| Burthe'Eve is the Fayr for Jheep, and Far Cattle, Gainzborough 0#ob.g, mund. in Fafter week, Gargreen' Nov.30, St.Giles Sept.1, Gloceftcr june 24, Gilborongh Azg. 15, Septe8, Gilburn Sept.8, Goodhurſt Aug.15, Gorangsr jane 29, Gilford April 21, Nov. 12, Good Fri, Glimſted jaly 15, Nov.3o, Grimsby Aug.24,Grighowel Mate 1,Giainſthur- rock Maie 12, june 29, 0F0b. 9, Graveſend jan.2S, O#ob, x2, Grantham Dec,s, muwnd, in Lent, The Letter G bath 17 Towns for F airve B 3 High- TRIGGE, 1686. H #ighamferries Feb. 24, june 19, Sept.25, Nov.2s, Hinkley «ng.15,3 mundays next T2th. day,Hinningham april 23, May 3 &ood fril. Hilchin aprit 2, Octob 13, Tueſdaie in Eafter weeks todeſdon june 29, Hodonet Octob. 13,Holden Sepr. 21,Holeſss worth june 29,” HoltJune 11, Octob.x3, Horn Caſtle aug.1o, Hornby Dec.21, Horndon june 29, Hornly Dec.6, Horſham June 24, julie 27, Nov.10, Hornlay avg.1, Hounſlow Trinitie #urds Hove May 6, Hunderfie]d mate 3, June 9, Hull Sepr.20, Hunge: ford ag. 10, Huntingron Varch 25, julie z, aug.15, S$ep1.8, Rutft june 24, Hidom Sept. x4, Hide Nov.17, Hickle- ford jan.s, Herbury. Sepr. x4, Hethin Dec+6, Horſecorn june 29,Hereford Octob.2, and 12,Henly on Thames Feb.24, Henly, # Arden Octob. 18, Helxome Dec. 8, the 5 mund. in Lent Hempfley Spt.21, Hampſtead corp. Chrift. © Healtt; Nov 26, Headley Sept.20, Headingham Dec,6, Hay avg. Y, Sepr'- 29, Haukharft ang 10,- Haverſon julie 3, Haveril maie I, mungs efter 3d of julie, Haverfordweſt julie 7+, Havent October 6; Hatesoury mate 75 Hatfield bradock jzlie 25, Harwood aug, 34 Hartford wate 1, jane 24, Sept.8, Octob.28, Nov.6,Saturd. before the s Sund in Lent, Haſton june 24, Haſtgreen Whir;/ mund, Hartow Nove7, Harly aug.20, Nov.30, Harborow Octob' 9. Harbin april 23, Hamlock mate 9, Hallifax june 24, Haling Corp, Ch:ift. Hallaron Octob, 28, Holiethurſ. corp. Chrift. Had: Rock janc 17. The Letter H bath 59: Towns for Fairs. : I --þ1 : r.James by Jandon julie 25, St.Ives Sepr. 26, Whit-mund, Gerob 8, Ipſwich april 23, juiie 2.5,, Good frid.St- Jones march 25,tnhings april 24, Ingerſion Nov20, Whit-rburſ. Jockletons nefte 20, James by Norchampron ju#e 25. . -The Lerter I: harb aing Torns for Fairs. , ſi Knorsford jnfre jane 29, Offober 12, Knotsford ſuperts aar Whitfun, tueſday, Knighton mate 5, Septem, 2 1, Kirham jave 25, Kirham Ile jutte 25, Kirby frephen Whitſun,mundaic, Eigviigale June It, 4n;aſt 10, Kingfion jane 24, julie 25; $ept. mber 21, Kingfion upon Thames julie 22, Kimboulton : © | july, N C IEIOIES TRIGGE, 1n680. jaly 22,Nov.z6,Kimber May 1,Dec.8,Killingworth Secpt. 29: Kilgaven Aug.10, Kilborough April.23, Kidwely 0#0b.18. Kidderminſter Aug. 24, Holy Thurſ. corps Gbrift, Kettering munday Tharſ. Keſwick july 22, Kenelmsjuly 17, Kendal the mund, before March 26,Palm mund»and Trin.mund.Kelſon Aug. 10, Nov.1,Katherine Hill. Sept. 2, Kateſciots Nov.23: The Letter K hath 24 Towns for Fairs, Leighton May 1, Ofob. 1, l.Vbitſ. Tueſ, Lemfſter june 25, 0:b, 28, Linham Whit-mund. Lentham 080b 21, Lenton Nov. 1o, Lesford Nov 6, Lewis Whitſ-Tuef, Lexfield May 1 Lid.july 11. Len.Fcb. 2. Lincolne june 24, Nov, 17 Linfield May 1, july 25, Linton. Aug. 4, Whi:ſ. mund : Liverpool july2g, Lecher Sept.29 London Ang.24,Longuer Apriiz3, Good Frid. Whitſ-Tueſ. Lichfield May 1, Frids after Twelth day,' 4ſhwedneſday Friday before Simon and Judes dayLei- ceſier May 1, Fune 24, Sept-29, Dec. 8, Palm-Eve.Leck, April 3, july 19, Nov.. 2, Wedneſday jn Whitfan-week- Lanurin Aug.1, Lawreſt'Nov.29, Longuile March 25,Lau. vencam Sepr,20, Lantriflent May 1,Aug.1, Lanwiſl june 1r, corp.Chriſt. Lanwilling june 17,,Jaly 17 ,. Sept.14 , Wednef- eay before Eafter, Lanwinage Sept. 22z Lanvelly Sept- 20, Lanimicheneth Corpus Chrifti Lanitheny Nov. 15,}{hir, Txeſ. Lanidlas july. 6.Sept. 19 Sept 20, Lanibirher j.ly. 3o, Lanaveth OFoþ, 12, Lanquiny jan. 12. LangavellahMarch r, Langartanog May 16, Langadog March 1, Lanerehem March.24, Lancdy 0#0b. 28, Landogain jane 27, Landiilel janu 31, Sept I, Thurſday beforePalm Sonday, Lannillaya- mer Dec. 22, Ladilanador june. 11, Landeby Whirſ.Wed neſday,Landatirer munday after PalmSunday,Landaff Fes, 9, Landergiram june. 25, Lancaſter 24, Sep1.29,Landebiy pene 29, Whitſ. Wedneſday, Lamorgan june 259, Laughbos coW Aug. 1, Nov. 2, Louth May 1, july 23, three Mandayes after Eafter day, Lowhadde 0&49b. 18, Ludford Auguft 1: Lydlow, Wedneſday in Whicſnn, Weeks Auguft 10,Sepre 1.5, Nov. 2$,Luterwarth the third Tharſday after Twelfth, day, Holy Thurl. Luton Aig. 25 The Letter L harh 59 iToWns for Fairs, mn . B 2 14 [1 v - b Rn R D aeraaeauem el aug_e e" 4. of e- - *, m—_— AW wgn AR ———_—_—— { .-I l " | [l ſ. l it 5 | \\ TRIGGE, 1680, M. Machenbleth Fuly 1$,- Marlborongh Fune 20, Fuly 22, Ang. *S, Sept. 21, Nov, 11, Marlow Ofob. 18, Marras 046þ. I8, Marron Nov. 6. St, Mary-Aok , Trin, Mund. Marſhfield O#9b. 13. Mavdlio hill Fuly 22, Maxfield Fune 11. 29, Nov, *, Mayficld May 10, Nov. 3 Mearworth Aug. 16. Tueſday, aſter 12 day, Whity. Fuef. Merhir May 3.'Sept.29, St. Micha- e5 Mund: «fter Michael: Oflob 14. Michaeldeham Sept 29, Midhaft Wiit Twsfday. Midlom Whit. Munday. Middlewich O#0d.18. . Holy Thurſ. Midnal Sopt. t. Milford Whit Tueſday Millain Good Riiiday, Monnrgomery Aug 2d, Nov: 1, Munk- r00 Sept:14, Mnnmonth Aug 24, Novemb.31. Whit Tuejd. Mounton May 3. Mountſoril June 29: Mountfiril June 29 Madrid March 1. Maidenbrickly S-pt: 21. Nov. 20: Maiden- hezd Nov: 3o, Maiſtone Sepz'2, May 1." and 9. Func 10, 0206:6, Mayling Ang 1: Nov. 63 Malden March 25. Sepr: 8, ?I and 263 Malmsbury Marchg1, May 20, Fuly $, Malmaz Marth 25, Fuls' 25, Dec:8, Mairon Sept: 24, Manchefter Fov: 6, Whit Munday, Manrheld June 29, Marcheneth May $9 Fane 28, Set.-29, Nov. 15, Margrer Fane 20, Markec- dcepirg Seprs 29: The Letter M hath 41 Towns for Fairs. N : Newporrin Monmouth Ang. e1:08.1 $2Corp Chrifti: New- 1n 75 Keddewih 7une-13, Septs 23, Newton inLancaſh, #1497, Aug 2-Dec's, Noncaron Mar 3, Northallerron Aug: 24, every Weaneſday from Chriftmaſs rill June: .Northam. Aug 1, Northampron March 2 Aprit 23, Auguft 15, Sepr.g. Koug 17, Dec:B, Northfleer Apri! 2, Eafter Treſday, Northop Fune 46, Norwich' in Cheſhire July' 22, Dec. 6, Norwich Avg. 24, Nortingham Septermb 21, Natley 4pril 23, Gond Fri- 4ay2 Nantwich Arg. 24, Norberr Now. 30, Nearh, Jaly 20, Sept I, corps Chrifti day, Newark July 22, Whit: Tueſday N Newbury. Holy Thurſday, Fune 24, Aug 1 4, Offiber 28, New- borropgh June 11, Azguft10, Sepr 14, Newcaſtle March 25, Otfober 18," Low Mungay, Holy Thurſday: Newcaſtle. in Em- bine 7#% 11, Nov, £1, Newcaſtle «pon Trent Augnft 1, New- *«le v=der _Line y Shrove-Mundd , Low-Munday , Newin " Auge TRIGGE, 1680. | Aug. 15, Whitſunday Eve, New-market Ofober 28,Newport | Sep. 14, Palm-Eve, Newporr-panne! June 11, Newporty pond Nov. 9, Newport in Keams' Func 16. The Letter N, fam 29 Towns for Fairs. : Oakham March 4, April 25, Aug 29 , Oceſtree May r, Novem.20, Odechil Whit. Thurſday, Okinham Fune 11,0diam Fuly 30, the fourth munday 'in Lent , Onay march 25, Fune 29, Faſter manday, Oringitoke Whitſon-Tueſday, Oundle Februarg 44, Aug 10, Whitſun-munday, Oxford may 7, Auguft 24, Fri- adny before Simon and Jude. The Letter O bath 9 Towns fax Fairs. . , P Pinchback Fuly 25, Pluckly Dec's, St. Pomps April 22, Fune 28, Good: Friday,' Pombridge May 1 , Pontfratt Palm4 ſunday-Eve , Trinity Eve, Pouterly July 22, Pontſteven Tune 26, October $ , Whitſun Wedncſdax, Poultbelly , May 2, Sept 23, Octob 21, Prefcor corp *Chrift, Prefton June 24, Aug 15, Ot0b 23, and 28, Novem 3o, Pancridge Sepremb.2g, Parney July 11, Septemb 9, Parrington' March 17, Pecores Novemb 30, Pembridge Novemb, 6, Pemſey June 24,Penhad Sept 24, Penibont Novernb 22, Pererborongh Fune 29, Aug 6, Sepr-21, Penterfield June 1o, Nov to, Perſhore May 13, Fune. 15, Perin May 4, Perith Whitſun-Tueſday , Phillips- Norton May 1. The Lerter P bath 23 Towns for Fairg. R Radnor Ang. 1. OfFob 28, Rayly Trinity Minday + Ratars - darwy. July 26, Aug 15, September 15, Ravengla Fuly 25, Redding Feb. 2, May 1, June.24\, July 15, Rech all Rogation Wreb ; Reculver Sep. 8, Redburn Eafter Wedneſday, RichH Whirſun-Munday, Ruthin September 20, Offober 31,Friday. afs; ter Holy Thurſday,Rumney Aug. 1, Rumford Fune 24, Rngby HAug 10, Novern 20, Roz'f{on zune 28, Fuly 5,040 12, Dec, :Z, Aſb-Wedneſday, Whitſun-Wedn, Rowel Trinity-Eve, Ro- cheram Good Fiid. Rols Fuly 25, Aug 15,Sep. 14, Holy Tharſ corp: Chrift: Thurſ: Rockingham Sep. 14, Rocking July 23, Rachford April 2,' Eaft-Tucſd. Whit-Tueſ, Rochefier May F: —— —— emn P TCn PO C gng emn m SREETEETEEEC emn eR | | ſſe— —I_ > 90 - - % T. LEeiwie - m ed . S2 C erenae m inenen emn ie m b ed - , m_—— F Cn ed el e,. VA % ' TRIGGE, 16980. 89. Nov $1- Rochdale may 3. Octob 23 Whitſun: munday Shipton may 4./ept 14 Holy Thurſ.Ralisborrow April 13, Good Friday, Rigate Whitſun-munday , Rid-wally June 22, Rickmanſworth July 2. Ramsbury. may 3. Auguſt r, Richmond July 7. July 27. ſept 14- the Letter R hath 22 ' Towns for Fayrs. P 2 Sittingburn ſeprt 29 Whitſun-munday, Skipron upon Craven fuly 25. Novy 11» Paln Eve, Saturday in Whirſun- week, Whirſun-Eve, Trinity-Eve, Skipton on ftow June It. Slceford Whirſnn-munday , Smalding ſept x. Smeath July 2. ſepremb. 8. Snide ſepremb 8. Southam June 26. Southeaye Trinity munday , Sonthwarke fepremb 8. Spaford march 12. Spalding ſeptemb 1. Decemhb 6. Spilsby Trinity munday , Stabford April 22. Stackpool July 25. Stafford Feb 6. june 29. july 39, Stamford july 25 Ofober 28. third Munday in Lent an Hirſe Fayre , fourth Munday in Lent, and munday after Corps Chrift.Stanton October 13. Staoſted May 1. Stapport Hol Tharſday Starftrange jane 29. Steye.. nage july 17. Stocknailand may. 1« Stackworth, Stokechcer Whitſun-munday,Stokesbury july22- fiokefley 0Fober 21, and 31. Trinity munday,Stone july 25,Stonyſiratford july 23.Stop- worth Octob 12. Stopport Gorpus Chrifti d4y Stow the old way 1. Stowin-givell on Friday in Whitſon week , Stow 1n Lincolnſhire Aug 15. ſept. 19 Stowgreen june I17. Straight- ſtock june 28.Straud aug 15.5Sturbridge by Cambridge fept.8, Sturbridge in, Worcelierſhire, march 18, aug. 28. Sudbury march 12,and 26,Auguſt 24. ffth munday in Lent, Sudminſier Munday Thurſ. Holy Thurſday, Swanſey july 2-4ug 15.080b. 2. Sweaton july 7, $jlſo may 1. Shrewsbury june 22. auguft x, ſeptem. 21. Wedneſday after Holy Thurſday, Shipſton July I1, Shiſnal July 25 November 10, Sherbura avg. 10 Sheffard }uly T. ſeptemb.29.Shaſtsbury June 24. Movems 1 1.Senneck ane 29. D:c. 6. Selby auguſt 1. ſeptember 20, Selbucn an- g#ft x,” Sedole augu}? 1o.Sanchey Noy. 22, Sapſar april 23: Szadwich Novem), 23.Sandicy Nov. 6. Sandburft Decemb. 5, \Sandbich © Eaſter Turſdayy, menday after Bſſi:ſſ!boiam:;-d?, P - 239 WA CL dB Dn eD TRIGGE, 1680, $indber Whit.wedneſ.Salsbury jan.6, Dec. 29, Tueſday aficy Twelfth-day, fifth mund. in Lent, Whit. mund, Tyeſday ajter $:.Michael, Salford nov.6, Whitſ-nmnd, Saffron Walden july 25, Octob.21, fourth mund. in Lent, Sawbridgworh april 23, October 9, Swinſhead Sepr. 21, The Letrer $ bath fixtie Towns for Fairs. ' T E Tragaron Feb:4, march 8, Treſhnimica julie 5, Trigney Nov.6,Tringe june 23, Trowbridgejulie 25, Tenbridge julie 24, 0#0b. 13, Aſb-weaneſ. Trin. mund. Toddingron auge 24, Sept.26, Nov.2z, Turbory aug.15, Dec.1, Tuxford mate x, Sept,12, Tortington Sepr. 29, Tocefier avg. 10, Tiſdale OFober 18, Tiptery julie 6, Tilbury julie 25, Tidvile mate 3 Thunderlay mate 7. aug.4, Trapſion julie 25, Thirft 0ob, 18, Tickham julie 25, Theford mate 3, Themblegreen julie- 25, Thexſted aug.1, mund. after Hoiy thurſ, Tewxbury Feb, 24, julie 22, aug.24, Tenbury april 15, julie 9, Septemb. 15. Tenby julie 20, Sept.8, Fanworth april 24, 0&ob.20, Aſb: wedneſdate, Taliſarngreen aug. i84 Octob.a8. The Letter T bath 19 Towns for Fairs. u Upton june 29, Uk maie 1, Trin. mund. Urroxiter apriF2s - Uxbridge julie 20, Sept.29, Uppingham Feb.24, julie 5, Up- heaven 0806.8, Ulceſter Sept.8, Verſley ſept. 13: The Kerter U bath eight Towns for #airs. : - W Weſiminfier june 24, Weſichefter june 24: ſept.297 Weſt3 bury whit.munt, Wenlock jane 24: Wendoyer male 1r ſepr. 21: Wemer ſept.:9: Wem june 26:-nov.10: Wellow may 199 wellington nov:6: and 15: Wellingborongh Octoba18e Eafter wedneſ. Weſtpool maie 15: aug:283 Warmngton julie's: Nov: 20: Ware ſcp::52 Walliogford april 5: Walton ang:10; Wal- tham on the woald ſept:12 Walcham-Abby, maie 37 aug: ſept:14; Walden Feb:44: Wakefield juane 24: avge155 ſepi:8: Ocrob:21: novtzo: Welinem ſeptemb: $: Whetherby Ju172'2$- Wx elihod nov; 6: Weyden gugiio; Weywer feps, 293 Wtyſhl] eþ! TRIGGE, r6580. ſept.2: Whitchurch, 0f0.23; whit mund. Whitland, ſept.237 March2g:, ang. 13: ſept..8: Dec.8: Witham Octo. 18: Holy thurſd. Wigmore j4ly 25: Wilton april 23: Octob,28, Win. cheſter-the firft Muſin_d in Lent, Wincomb april 25, Winſor July 24, Octob. 13, Winſtow ang.1o, }Vithc_nal Jalie 24, fepr, 21, Whingnig jalie 22, Nov.1, Whitney jane 29, Witham ſept. 20,,Wisbich. a#g: 1, March 25, Palm-eve, whitſun-eve, Wooburn, March 12,Jule 2, Woodbury-hill ſept.7, Wood- h-m.fc(*['y ſePt,ZQ, Woodharſt june 29, WOOdſiOCk Marcb _ 25,- julie 20,: ſept.21, Dec.6, Woolpir ſept. 12, Woolver. hampron jul7e 29, Wooten under-Hedge ſept.14, Worcefter Falm-mund, Wye. March 23, Wrinkley Octob. 18, Wrexham March19, Worſeworth Maie.1, _fepr. I2, Wormeſter june 24, gg.10, Octob: 28, Wortham aprii23. The Letter W bath 5 s Towns. for'Fairs. y Yorkunez, and 29, aug+10, Nov.2,and 21, Yeſtradmerich Jane 21: Yadland julte 21: Yran jaÞe 28: Holy thurſd. Yelland o#ge 1: Yminith aug.15. The Letter Y bath 6 Towns for Faing, The whole number of Towm,xſivb&r,ein the Fairs herein expreſſed are kepr,are 102,then needsmaſt the Fairs be a great RamMs ber.z; for-moft. of the Towns, have three or four Fairs, —hi emn C Cn A Geographical Deſcription of the High- ways - from Fown toTown,and ſo from thoſe Towns tothe Honourable Ciry of London : very exaQ- Iy expreſſed. ; From Barwick to London 263 miles. Flrſi'fl, to Redfard 12, Anwick 12, Morpit 12, New? ; caſtle 2, Durham 14, Daclington 14, Northallerton v@, Topcliffs, Barrowbridge 4, Werherby 8, Abetford s, 9 : Ferry- TRIGGE, 1659, Ferrybridge 7,, Wentbridge 3, Doncaſter 75 /Taxford 19, Newark 1o, Grantham 10z Stanſord 16, Stilton 123 Hun« ringron 9. Royſton 15. Ware I4: Waltham 8. London'12, From Briftol to London 98 Miles. Firſt, to Maxfield” 10. Chipnam 10. Marlborough 1s, Ramsbury 4. Hungerford. 4. Newbury 7. Redding'1 5. Mai- denhead x1, Colebrook 7: London 15. From: Bofton to London 94 Miles. Firſt, ro Worn '22. Weſtdeeping 5. Gunworth-ferry 5, Srilron 4. and ſo from Stilton as before to London: - From Cockermouth in Lancafter,and ſo 0 London 22 3 Miles. Firft, ro Keſwich:s. Grocener 8: Kendale 14. Burton 7, Lancafter $. Prefton 20. Wigan 14./Warringron 12.” News cafile 20;/ Lickfield 20. Colchil x2. Coventry8. Davence 14. Toceſter 10.Stonyfiratford 6. Brickhil- 8.: Doaftable 5 Sr. Aibanes 10. Barnet 10. London 10. | From Carmarthen'to London:157 Miles, Firſt, to Landovery 20. Berth 14. Prefton 12. Worcef er 26. from thence to London asin Ludlow way. \ From Carnarvan to Cheſtar, and fo to:London T99 Miles. Firſt, to Conway 24 Denby 11 +Flint 12. Cheſter '20, wiche 25. Stone 15. Lichfield x8. Colchil 12.Coyencry:8; and ſo to London, as in Cockermouth way. : From Chichefter to-Landon 50 Miles, Firſt;to Midhurft 5 Gheddingfold: 10..Gilford'8. Ripley $. Cobham's. Kinfton' 5 London' 10. þ 4-He From Cambridge to London 44 Miles. Firſt, ro Barkway 12. Puckeridge 7- Ware'$- Waltham 8. London 12. ' — From Coventry. to Cambridge 46 Miles. Firſt, to . Dunchurch 8. Northampron 10: Highamferry 10: St. Kedes 8: Cambridge 12. ct : From Coventry to Oxford'44 Miles. : l; Igſt, co Southam 14. Banbury I0. ; Woodfiock 14. Ofe ord 6, ; From Cambridge to Oxford $1 Miles. Firft, ro Gallinghay 9. Bedford 9g, Newport 5. Bucking- ham 8. Bifceter 3. Oxford Is. ” " from 'TRIGGE, 1690, From Dover to-London 55 Miles; - Firfl, to Canterbury 12: Sittingbourn 12. Rochefler 8: Grave ed $. Dartford 6: London 12, From St. David ro Hereford and Gloceſter,and ſo to London-300 Miless Firft,to Axford 12: Carmarthen 14: Newton 12: Lanbury T0; Brecknock 16: Hay to8 Hereford 14: Roſs B: Glocefter 12: Ci- cefter 15: Faringdon 12: Abington 10: Dorcheſter 5:. Henly 16: Maiden-bead 7: Colebrook 8: Hunflow 5: London 10, | From Excter to London 133 Miles. Firfl, to Honiter 12: Chard 10: Crookhorn 6: Sherburn 03 Shaftsbury 12: Salishury 13: Andover 158 Baſing-floke 16: Hartlerow 8: Bagſhot 84 Stanes ®: London 15. From Exeter to Barnſiable 25 Miles. ©* Firf, to Copftonflone 31 Colerige 8: Highbrickington 8: Barn- Fable 6. From Lxeter ro Briftol 52 miles. Firff, to Colbalton 12: Wellington 8: Cumberm 5. Bridgen a? ter 7: Glaſtenbury 15: Briftow g, From Lincoln'to London 99 Miles. ; "Firft, to Sleeford 14: Bonn 232 Weftdeeping 53 Gunworth- ferry 5: Stilton 45 and ſo to London as in Barwick way. From Ludlow ro worcefter, and ſo ro London 109 miles: Firft, to Tenbuy 6: Worcefter 16: Eviſham 1 12 Chippingnorton .4: Iſlip 12: Wickam 20:Beaconsfield $,Uxbridge 7:London 18 From Norwich to London 65 Miles. Firft,to VVindbam 5: Artleburrow 18: Thetford 16: Ichling= bam-ſands 9: New-market 10: V'Vbitford-bridge 12: Barkway 12: Puckeridge 9.VVare s. VValtham 8. London I2, _ From Nottingham to London 91 Miles. Firft, -to Loughborough 8. Leiceſter 8.-Harborough 11, Nors thampmn 12, Stonyftratford to. and ſ+o to Londou ar in Cockere 019 and Lancafier way, Frem TRIGGE, 1660. From Norwich to Tarmoxth 16 miles; #irfl to Okebil'8, thence 10 Tarmouth 8, From Oxford to London 47 miles. | Firfl to Wheatley-bridge $, Tetſworth s, Stoken-Chureh $5 Wickham s; Beconsfield $, Uxbridge 7, London 15. 'From Oxford tro Coventry 44 miles. Firfl ro Woodfock 6, Banbury 14, Southam 10, Coventry I4 : From Oxford to Briftol 48 miles. Firfl to Faringdon 13, Ciceter 14, Sudbury 12, Briftsl FO0s From Sbrewsbary to Coventry, and ſo to London, I118 miles, , Firft to Watlingftreet 7, Sharſhal $, Bonigal-Walverbampton $, Bremicham 10, Metiden 1o, Coventry 4, and ſo to London as is Kockermouth"way. © From Shrewsbury to Briftol 90 miles. Firft to Ludlow 20, Lemfter 8, Hereford 12, Monmouth 123 4ufter 10, Briflel 8, From Walfingham to London 86 miles, Firft to Picknam 12, Brandom-ferry 10, New-market 16, Whitford-bridge 12, and ſo to London as in Norwich way. . From Tork ro London 151 miles. Firft to Tadcafter 8, Wenthridge 13, and ſo to London al jn Barwick way. From Tarmouth to Colchefter, and ſo to London 102'mi{es, Firft to Leflaff 6, Blibar 10,"Snapbridge 8, Wovdbridge 16, Ipſwich 9, Colchefter 12, Kelnodon 8, Cletaford 1o,Ingerfion $. Brentwood 5$, Rumford 5, London 10. B From Rye to London 61 miles. Firfl t» Pimwel 35, Tanbridge,1, Chepſtow 17, London 'LÞ | AR TRIGGE, 168s. 'An _Affiologo—Phyſicial Diſconrſe. Hat the pro-dominion of humodr s, is the immediate cauſe of Tdiſeaſes 3 and_that the excitation of theſe humors, is cauſed by the varions and differenr Aſpe&s and Pofition's of the Stars is even by Hippocrates and Galen themſelves confirmed., Truft we then to theſe Rules Aſtrological,to be obſerved for the advantage for the fick 3 ; Sangvine X,or T. Cholerick bleed the Y ) S,or R. Lerthes Phlegmatich beingin ) £,or 3 _ Melancholy st1,w9, or F, _ But let her be alſo in the AſpeF of the Fortunate Planets; and Seated in a fortunate part of Heaven. It is good topurge with Elefnaries,whenthe Y in $ ; with Pills,when ſhe is in K ; with Potlons, when in w, becauſe then pofited as before direBed. " Vomits are unſafe for all ſorts of complexions and conftitutions3 yet ſometimes there is a neceſfity for then'y, as when the Diftemper beth above the ftomach; it being impsfſivle for a Purge,, or any Purgative Meadtcine thence to carry 1t.; but when theres an oc- cafon they may be ſaſely taken when tbe Y kin &, M,or t. In any good AſpeH of g; Y,or ©. | | Glyſters are moſt conveniently adminiſtred; 'when the'Y is in 'T, &, or MI, poſited as before, 4 Good to flop Flazes,or Rheumes, or Tues,whenthe Y is in any . of the EarthlySigns,viz. &, Myor W 5 of which experience,n " # valuable witneſs. : " Fery proper te-Bath, when the. -3 in B, \nt, mo, or X in A[Wofgaor )ct* IES- - .., Conventent to cut Hair,the Y berng in , £, 22; or X in- freafing in Light. And although this 5e 1n the.opinion of many bit ©*. « Trivial thing to obſerve 'yer were it moye taken notice' of by "the"Gallants of ouritimes,they nead nor diſguiſe themfclves with | Yenns Locks 5 But they, it may beefteemit, an Honour to bemade eniendswith a.part of ber,that Originally injured them, % f ” Medicins's medico 3*taedela ab altiffinie,s!.- Pry 0 ( 90 M R E. eSA io R R | [2] TRIGGE., 1680. An Aftrolegical Account of the four Seaſons of the Tear | | 1. Of the SPRING. | HE Sprzng, (the moft pleaſant and delightiul Seaſon 1 of the year)commenceth always when the Sun touch- | eth the firft Scruple of Ar1es, whichthis year 1680.happens | upon March the ninth day,two houres fifry minutes P. M. or Afternoon, And,in the Meridian of Londorgat that time, ! twenty ſcyen degrees of Leo Aſcends the Horoſcope, and the Sun, Lord thereof, is in the Eighth Houle, where alſo are Mars and Hercwury: Asif,in this yeargthere were me- naced the Death of manyGreat and patent Peffons,as well || militarily concerned,as otherwiſe: And alfo ſundry youns || hopeful Gentlemen,Heirs of great Families,are now likely *|| to Sign that immortal and never- failing Motto, Ac m:r- raueſt.] might oblerve unto you ſundry other things from | this Ingrels,but knowing that other Perſon:,who haye lar- || ger Room will deal more fully therein.I forbear. | | 2.0f the SOMMER. M The E£/tival or Summer Quarter b2gins where the | Spreng ends,viz.at that point of time whentheRoyal Lamp of Heaven entreth the firſt ſcruple of Cancer, which this ||? year happens on the tenth day of Fune, about fix 0: the Elock-at Nighr,the Regal Sign Sagirtary then Afcending the Eaſt, and Jwpirer thereof in Conjunttion of the Fiery 7 Planet Mars in Gemini, near the Bulls Eye, a violent fixcd | Star z And will effeually inform us, wherher Jupiter Cwe make no queſtion of Mars, ) bea Planetby Nature hot or 2 no;for MundancAccidents and theWeathey will now both 2 ſpcak his Temperament, . | 4 d B P c ""ct,)f 3Þ O S. £27 | 3 Of AUTUMN. The Autumnadl Quatter"initiates' ever,where the'Sum- wer ends,viz.whenthe Sun makeshis Entrance ifto Librz, makins the Days and Nights equal unto us, and-to- the” whole World a!fo. 'And this year it happens on'September the twelfth day, ſomewharafter our Nine ofthe Clock ih the Morning, at which time you wiltfind the Adtiye Sigh Scorpio Afcending the' Eaſtern Finiror, and ” Mars Lord thercof in. Leo,"in Sextile of the $un and /2:1157'] willnot enlarge upon theAfrological Significations6*the Pofition of Heaven, becaulſe 1 intend the ſmall Portion of Paper which I have allotted me, ' for fome'other, arid' perhaps as uſeful apurpoſe.”* And fo I come unto. | '4. The \VINT ER-Quarter. The Bramal or Winter-Quarter bepinn-th where the Aitumnal ends » And thit'is at what time foever the S77 enters Capricorn, which 16 this year happens on December zhe tenth day, between the Houres of ninc and ten of the Clock at Night, at which timethe Corleſtial Virgin AE ccnds the Horoſcope,inthe Latitude of London; and MHer- c#ry, Lord thereot, in a double oppoſition of Sarrirn, and himſelf ur Capricorn, there alloin Trine of angry Mars, etween him and whom there isa greatReception. Twell know what the Judicials'of Affrology tay to fuch Po- fitions, aadcould acquaint you with them tooy hadI but Time and Room, bur being ſtraitned;/do here conclide my Diſcourſe, not only of-the Wnrer-Quarter, but of all'the fourScalcns. ed Of crhe LuminariaMEclipſes which Hapfieninthis Tear 1680; " inthis Year there'will happen'bat two 'Eclipſes, and both thefe w.ll beof the Nobler Eitminary” of Heaven;"as may be feen'by T:Gadbaries Ephenmerides of this year,unts wiich bre&r Fou; : TN eD LUEDLUG H 2 The _ IN ON CS [3] The/Firſt will. be on the twenticth -day. of #£2rch,at our 1 of the Clock-inthe Morning, the/ Sun;being.then.in E- {-ycn degrees ofthe Regal.Sign.Aries.The Moon Eclipſes che S$un m his-own Exaltation - ?tis-never. the. better for that tofuchas:fall under its.Significations. ÞItisan Eclipte that happens-near the South Node of the Moon,,..and will thereforein it felf be very.great, butit will.not appear-ie Sieatto us.in theſe Iflands z and. yet we.may in lome» mea- ture (be we-but diligent) behold:it,thoughthe Noble, An- drew Argol think otherwile, | It will be-a vifible and-totafl Eclipſeuntofuch as inhabit the: South-parts 0i. Americay the Holy 1Rland, the Cape of Saint Vincentc, &c, And therefore both'in_its Obſervation and Effects, the moſt wortiy.to be regarded by ther. | The fecondEclipſe of the.Sun doth happen onSeprember, the twelfih day, az our eight,of the Clock at Night. This Defed falls in-the beginning of.the A&quinottial Sign Li- bra,and it is no-way.robe feen of us,” becaule both-the Lu- minartes will be-heneath our Horizon before the | Deli- 91m begins.. But totuch as ſhall Sail-or Navigate near the Portot St, Peter,..the Iardof Paxaro, &c. it will apxear a yery. great Eclipſe,and unto.thoſe parts will prove of a moſtaſtoniſhins Signification and Portent, , There can beno Full Moon Eclipſe this Year, becauſe both thole of the;Sunare Central ; and the one/of them is madc heforethe. Suns Apogezm, and the other after if, Thus muchFfor the Eclipfes hapnins. this Year. (&& Onthe twenticthday.of Auguſtinthis Yeargis Ce- lebrated an rmuſyal ConjunRion of the, two. Malefiques, | daturnand- Mars,innin2tecn degrees, of the Cacleftial Crab, or Carcer, 1t is worthy the Obſcryation and Con» - ? y . ſidfſa.\r_iſ_\n} ngf ()n]Y of Aſtronomer_ſſſ, but Aſt7ſ01'0507'5 a! ct(?.. C:-2 Fory D INN ON : 6 _ eD Ee ean n er Pn emn emn nnmeenn W. A eN IFS ) g 4 d | D ee ———_ A -, [4] For, as the one can tellyou where 1t happens, the other multcelt you what .it means or ſignifies, , And without the knowledge of thelatter, the formeris no Advantage to Mankind. O: the Effeds of thefe Eclipſes b: plealed to reade Antonius Guiffus, Proclus,' Origanu de' Effettibns Stellarum, Junttiumns, cum multts alits,, ©c. to0 large for me togiye an Account of inthis Place. ABrief Accounr of the Vulgar Nores of the Tear 1689., afrer the Methodof a Captain (now Sir- George) ' {Wharton, 1n þiz Almanack for the Year 1657. Thefirſ thing to beobferved is theGolden Number,or the Cycle ofthe Moon,which in this year 1680, is---:-9 Revelutiens Compleated, fince it wasfirft found -—— 1 10 Aeron (th' Athenian) firſt this Cycle fonnd, Which ninereen Civil Years divolveth Round : Sor, all Lunations make Return therein, Nijzh.to.the Place-where firſt they did Beg'n. Tofind it, add oneto the Year of Chritit, '(For whemhis.Star Appeared in the Eaſt, ThatwasthePrince,) then by Ninetcendivide The Aggregate, and what rema'ns beſide Relolyes the doubt.: the Quotient doth d:clare How many PeriodsRevolved are : Burwhens(Diviſion made) there leayeth novghr, Nineteen it ſelf'sthe Golden Number ſoughr. - The-:Solar, Cycle —— =—— ——9 Revolutions of them Compleated w=—=oms 82 * Tis cal'ed Solar, forchat thereby's known The $unday's Letter, nort his Motion : Now, if toch?.Year propos'd {fince Chrift did come } /"Yonaddehrice Three, and then divide'the Sum By rwentyeight;, what's left, {thac being done,) - Þs evermorethe Cycle vf the Sun. %If 'nought remain, 'ris rhe whole Cycieour, The «