I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl THE FIRST SAT‘IRE OF THE ”SECOND BOOK HORACE Imitated in a DIALOGUE betWeen ALEXANDER POPE, of Twickmbam i7; Com Mold. Efq; on the one Part, and his LEARN; ED COUNCIL on the Other Scilicet Um‘ [Equm Wriuti at? ; ejm Amicin HORAT. "oh. LONDON: Printed. DUBLIN Re-printed by and for GEORGE FAULKNRR, in Efix; lireet oppofitc to the Bridge, 1733 «#5 ~ m _ _ q.» HORATII FLACCI SERMONUM LIBRI SECUNDI, SATIRA PRIMA; 'QUI/NTI HORATII FLACCI SERMONUM LIBER SECUNDUS. SATIRA 'PRIMA; HORA‘TIUS. TREBATIUS. , ultra " Legem tendere opus ; b fing nervis altera \. quicquid Compofm' par: effé putat, finzileféue meomm M21: die wrfus deduci pofli). f Trebaté! 52:54 faciam? Precfcribepfi'lg __ U‘UC Tun. UNT quilms in Satyra widmr nimi: “my OF THE SECOND BOOK OF FIRST SATIRE HORACE. P. HERE are (I fcarce can think it, bueam told) 3 There are to whom my Satire feemS too bold, Scarce to wife Peter complaifant enough, And fomething {aid of Chartres much too rough. ‘9 The Lines are weak, another 5 pleas’ d to fay, Lord “‘ Fanny {pins a thouiand {uch aDay Tim’ rous by Nature, of the Rich 1n awe , c I come to Council learned m the Law. Yeu'll give me, like a Friend both fageafid free," Advke; and (as 3r<7,~’I1'e2*Vel wifbuut 2. Pee. “wk—“mm” W; * __Lord H J 6 (6) TREE. d ain't/ms; Hon. Ne fatiam inquis,‘ pmm‘m werfusg T3153. A50. Hon. Peream male fi 72073; Optimum erat .- 5 126mm nequeo dormirt. TREB. f Tor mitt: Tranfnanto Tiberim, fizmno quibus. a]! 01m: alto, ' " Irriguumve mero fab nofiem corpus 19:15:72”. 8 Ant, fi tanm: amor [cribmdi te rapit, dud; Casnxs invifii m dicert, h multa ,laborung Praemia 14mm; Hon. Cupidttm, pater optivte! wire: I Deficitmt ; if neque mim quivi: horrentia pilis Agmina, nec frafia pereuntes cufpide Gallos; 22m labentis equo defcriéat vulnera Partbi. I TREE. k Attmzm e? jttflum pottera: (9‘ fi§§é€ffefi”‘m§ Scipiadam at fapim: I.” Mitt-b fr? ll ( 7‘ 2i 1:. d I’d write no more. p. Not write! but then i think; E And for my Soul I cannot fleep a wink; I nod in Company, I wake at Night, Foolsrulh into my Head, and fo I write.’ L. You could not do a worfe thing for your Life Why, if the Nights feem tedious—take a Wife , f Or rather truly, if your Point be Reit, Lettuce and Cowflip Wine; Probamm e/l. But talk with Celfm, Celfur may advife Hartfhorn, or fomething that [ball clofe your Eyes. a Or if you needs muff write, write CAESAR’S Praifei __ h You’ll gain at leai’t a Knightbood, or the-Bays. A. What? like Sir 5 Richard, rumbling,- rough and: fierce, With ARMS, and GEORGE, and BRUNSWICK crowd the Verfe. 3 Or nobly wild, with Budgell 5 Fire and Force, Paint Angels trembling round hisfalling liar/é a L. R Then all your Mufe's fofter Art difplay, Let Carolina fmooth the tuneful Lay, Lull with Amelia's liquid Name the Nine, And iweetly flow through alithe Royal Line. (3) Hon; Haud miki Jam; Cum res ipfaferet. 1 Nifi dextro tempore Flam“ Verbal per attemam mm ibtmt Caefaris amen} ; Cui male [5 palpere, recdlcitrat undique tums.‘ TREE. ’11 254mm reflius hoaqmm trifli laedefe 'verfik Pantolalmm Scurram, Nomemanum've nepomn? :1 Cum 176i quifque tibzet, {{u’anquam efl ififdé‘t’m, (9' odé't‘. Him. 0 $1M faciam? Saltat Milbnim, m :femeliifiaf Iccefit ferbor (apiti nfimerufque lucemik. P CAflar‘gaudet equis; 'ovo pr‘ognatus codem Pugnis'; quot capitum mi'wmt, toti‘dem fludiomm ‘ Millia: q me pedibus delet‘t’at claudere werén, Lucili rim, nofimm meliari: mroque‘. Iile, mint fidi: arcmm fodalilzm olim (55} P. lAias! few Veries touch their nicer Ea‘r, -‘ They fcarce can bear their Laureate twice a Ye c-ar . And jufily CA:3AR fcorns the Poet’s Lays, It 13 to Iii/fury he trufls for Praii‘e. A L. m Better be Cilzlzer, 1’11 maintain it {iii}, Thain ridicule all Tafle, biafpheme @tadrille, Abufe the City’s befi good Men in Metre, / Andiaugh’ at Peers that put their Truitin Mr. A Ev’n thofe you touch not, hate you. P; What fhouid art‘e‘maj L A hundred fhfiart in Timon and in Balaam. . The fevi?er {iii} You name, you wound the more; Bbmiis but one, but Harpax IS 21 Score P 0 Each; Mortal has his Pleafure: None deny Scarfdale his Bottle, D—--ty his Ham WP)” ~- Ridorm fips anti dances, till {he fee The ”doubling Luflres dance as well as (he; PM --10VCS the Senate, Huckley- Hole his Brother ‘5 Likein all e ife, as one Egv to another. ~ I love to pour out allmyfeif, as plain As downright 5853,9223, or as old Managua, B. gm ( Io ») Credelmttlibrisi nequefi' male geflemt, ufquam‘ ‘ ’ Demrrens alib, neque [i Irene : qua fit at omm's Votiva patent fueluti Jifii'ipta tabella‘ Vita fenis. Sequar 1mm, 1" Lucanm an Appulus 492cc}: :‘ [Nam Venufinm are: firm» fulv utrumque colonm, Miflits ad has pulfis (mm: e‘fl m fama) Sabellis; (Qua mg per vacuum Romano incurreret hoflis, ' Sive quad Appala gem, flu quad Lucania Bevllmiz Inmterst violentéq 1’ Sad [72; fiylus hundred: W r 5' wcnquam animantem' ; (9‘ marveluti mfladiet mfis Vagina reflm, 4mm cm- difirz'ngere comr, v Tum: ab infe islatronib‘u‘: ? W 0 PM” 0' Rex yupiter! at perm pofitum rubigine alum, Nld < n i In them, as certain to be lov’d as feen, . The Soul flood forth, not kept a Thought within ; In me what Spots [ for Spotsl have ] appear, Will prove atleafl the Medium mufl be clear. In this impartial Glafs, my Mufe intends Fairto expofe myfelf. my Foes, my Friends ; Publifhthe prefent Age, but where my Text Is Vice too high, referve it for the next : My Foes {hall wifh my Life a longer Date, And ev’ry Friend thelefs lament my Fate. My Head and Heart thus flowing thro’ my Quill, if Verfe-man or Profe-man, term me which you will, Papil’t or Protef’tant, or both between, Like good Emfmm in an honef’t Mean, In Moderation placing all my Glory, While Tories call me Whig, and Whigs a Tory, s Satire’s my Weapon, but I’m too difcreet To runa Muck, and tilt at all Imect; t I only wear it in aLand of Heétors, Theives, Supercargoes, Sharpers, and Direé’tors, 1' Save but our Army! and let W S'qm incrul’t Swords, Pikes, and Guns, with everlal’ting Rull ! B 2. Peace (12) New guifquam naceat {Ecupido mibi pacig! at ille, 3? me commorit (melg'm non tangere clamo) l Habit, (37' infigni: tom cantabitur tube. 2 Cervizgs iram; lege; minitgmr «'99 ”may? ; Canidia Ale’mti, quilms efl inimica, Venenum ; Grande malum Twins, fl quid fejudice cgrtes; 3* Ut, qua qm’fqug valet, fnfpeflm tgrreat, utqug Impcret boa namm potem ; fic collige mecum. Dente lupus, 6mm mums [writ ; unde m' 1 int”; ' Mogflmmm ? b 86mm wivacem gferli nepoti Matrem : kilfaciet'fceleris pia dextia (mimm Ut mque calce‘lwfus quenquam, neque dame petit £105) Sad mala toilet (mm? vitiato melig cimm. _¢ Ne lopggmfaciam; fim me tranquiglafemfifls Exgzefim, [2214 mm air}: circummlat alis; Di'L'Qs,‘ fTis a Bear’s Talent not to kick, but hug, , ( Ii ) 3 Peace is my dear Delight-n— not Fleury’s more; But touch me, and no Minifier {o fore Who-e’ er ofiends, at fome unlucky Time 3’ Slides into Verfe, and hitches in a Rhyme, Sacred to Ridicule! his whole Lifelong, Andnthe fad Burthen offome merry Song. ISlander or Poyfon, dread from D7151} Rage, Hard Words or Hanging, if your J—ge be P —-- From furiousSappbo yet a {adder Fate, P-sfu-ex’d by her Love, or libell’d by her Hate : I Its hrop‘er pow’r to hurt, each Creature feels. V Bulls aim their horns, and Ailes lift their heels, And no man wonders he’s not flung by Pug; P So drink with Waters, or with Chartres eat, They’ll never poifon you, they’ll only cheat. 0 Then learned Sir ! [to cut the Matterlhort] What-e’er my Fate, or well or ill atCourr, Whether old Age, with faint, but chearful Ray, Attends to gil 'd the Evening of my Day, Or Death’ s black Wing already be difplay’ d To wrap me in the Quiverfal Shade 5 Whether Dives, inops, Rom; [Eu flm itajujferit, mid, d Qdfqui: erit vita, fcriéam, color. TREE? e Opuer, mfis Vitalis, memo; (9' majomm ne qui: amicm frigate ta firiat. Hon. f QM? cum e/l Emilia: ‘3qu; frimus in 1mm: operis camion‘zre carmiaa morem, g Detrahere 8c pellem, nitidus' qua quifque per on; Cederet, introrfum turpis; mm; Lalim, «'9' qui Duxit ab; opprefla meritum Carthagine nomen, ‘ Ingenio ofwfi S? nut Inf?) dolmre Metella, Iamofifque Lupe coapm‘o wrflbm .? Atqui Primores papal} arripuit, populumque {ributimg‘ ~_.S’§ilic.gz.f ( I: ) Whether the darken’d Room to mufe invite; v Or whiten'd Wall provoke the Skew’r to Write, In Durance, Exile, Bed-lam, or the Mint, flLike Lee or Budge”, I will Rhyme and Print. 1;. e Alas young Man ! yOur Days can ne’er be long, In Flow’r of Age you perilh for a Song Lm I Plums, and Direéiors, Shym and his Wife, ~Will club their Tei’ters, now, to take your Life! P. f What 9 arm’d for Venue when I pointthe Pen. Brand the bold Frontof fliamelefs, guilty Men. Daih the proud Gamefler in his gilded Car, Bare the mean Heart that lurks beneath a Star; Can that be wanting to defend Her Caufe, Lights of the Church, or Guardians of the Laws 5* Could penfion’d Boileau 1th in honefl Strain Flatt’rers and Bigots ev’n in Louis’ Reign 9 Could Laureate Dryden Pimp and Fry’r engage, Yet neither C/mrles nor game: be in a Rage ? And Inot g firip the Gilding oifa Knave, Un~plae’d, unz-penfion’d, no Man's Heir, orSlave ? I will seizicetfiUNI jE-QUUS VIRTUTI ATQUE _E]US AMICIS. I i @i}: ubi fl: 4 Vulgo e55 Scena, if: $cfeta remoréng Virtus Scipiadae, 0' mitis Sapientia Lée’li; Nugarz' cum £110, 6‘ difcinfii itidere, donéc Decoéuéietur 02m, filiti. '---—-- Qigcicquid fia'm ego, q’udm'ui‘; Infra Lucili cenfum, ingeniumque, tamer: me 1‘ Cum magnis'vixiflc imim fa'tebi'mr ufqu-e‘ Invidiai‘ éz‘frdgili guarem illideré demem, Ofibndct folido; :1:- ——.. .._.-j V; , . Nil; ( ,I 7 ) ~ I will, or perilh in the gen’rous Caul‘e. Hearthis, and tremble! you, who ’fcape the Laws. h To VIRTUE ONLY and HER FRIENDS, a FRIEND, The World befide may murmur, or commend; Know, all the difiant Dinthat World can keep. Rolls o’er my Grotto, and but fooths my Sleep; 31 There, my Retreat the belt Companions grace,‘ Chiefs, out of War, and Statelm’en, out of Place. There *é St. 30h» mingles with my friendly Bowl, The Feafl of Reafon, and the Flow of Soul: And 'i‘ He, whofe Lightning pierc’d th’ Iberian Lines; Now, forms my Quincunx, and now ranks my Vines, Or tames the Genius of the fiubborn Pl alin, Alm of: as quick! y, as he conquer ’d Spain. 1‘? Envy mutt own, I live among the Great; NoPimp of Pleafure, andno Spy of State, With Eyes that pry not, Tongue that ne’er repeats; Fond to fpread Friendlhips,’ but to cover Heats, To help who want, to forward who excel ; This, all who know me, know; who love me, tell: ( 18 ) 1 Ni]? quid m, dofic Trebati,‘ Dijfmtis. TR EB. m Equidcm nihil him: difinderepo/Ium;fl Sad tame): at maxim: caucus, m forte negoti Incmiat tiin' fanfiamifi inf’cit‘ia legum‘. n “ Si mala cohdiderfi: in quefn quis éarmina jus cit Judiciumque.”_ Hon. Ejio, fiquis 0 mala‘, [Ed bona jigm'r Sudice condiderit laudamr CAESAR’E: fiqdis Opprebrij: dignum lacerawrit, integer ipfe', P Solvenfur rtfu tabulaz; m 722th abibir. FINIS; ( 19 ) This is my Plea, on this I refi my Caufe____ .1 What faith my Council learned in the Laws 9 L. m Your Plea is good. But {till lfay, beware! Laws are explain’d by Men——-_-fo have acare. It {lands on Record, that in ancient Times A Man was hang' d for very honefl Rhymes. n Confult the Statute: quart. Ithink it is, Edwardi Sext. or prim. (9‘ quint. Eliza. I See Liéelr, satires—there you have it—read P. <3 Libel: and Seth-gs! lawlefs things indeed! But grave Epi/iles, bringing Vice to light, Such as a King might read, a Biflaop write, Such as Sir Robert would approve—— L. Indeed. 9, The Cafe is alter’ d——-_-you may then proceed, 13 In fuch 21 Cattle the Blaintilf will be hil‘s‘ d, My Lords the Judges laugh, and you’re difmifs'd.‘ FIN-11y; a m. m _ _ a w w