I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl f E R s E 85' r' , , Addrefs’d to the J :VMMTATOR 1 OFTHE QPIRST SATIRE' OFTHE Second Book of H O R A C E; ByaLADY. Si Nam” saga: fdci: Indigmfia var/tug JUVENAL. m I. 0ND o N; ' Printed for A. Dodd ‘; VD Z! 8 L I N: Rea-printed by Ciri/iop/oer ; ‘Dic/g.’b72 in the PcflOflice—Tard, I733. ., ».~.~.—— .... -.-_. ,. $43: :3? Firfi Satire of tloe Second Book of Horace. N two large Columns, on thy moriy Page, Where Roman Wit is firipe’d with Enghjb Rage g 2 Where Rihaidry to Satire makes pretence; And modern Scandal rolls with ancient Senfe a Whilfl on one fide we fee how Horace thought, And on the other how he never wrote. '- 2 Who can believe, who view the bad and good; . That drill the Copi’fl: better underflood That Spirit, h’e pretends to imitate, ‘ Than heretofore that Greek he did tranflate 2' ' i Thine is jufl: fuch an Image of hi: I’m, As thou thy {elf art of the Sons of Mene Where our own Species in Burlefque we traee, ' e sign-Poo Likenefs of the noble Race; 2 5m?“ is it onee Refembiance and Difgrage, ._ i i A 2 , Home -.-.__._~.--.— --..— -.—_ .. _ .-.-._.. -_.._... H. ._.. [4] timid can laugh, is delicate, is clear ; ' You, only coati‘el)?v rail, or darkly Inset: His Style is elegant, his Difiiott pure, , ix Whilf’t none thy ctebhed Numbers can emigre , . L . Hard as thy Heart, and as thy. Birth obfcure; L J If He has‘Thoms, they all on Rofes grew; Thine like tude Thiflles, and mea n. Brambles (how, With this Exceptieh, that tho’ rank the Soil, Weeds, as they age, I they feem ‘p’iroduc’d- by Tail, satire lhou’cl, like a pelifh’d Razor keen, weund with A Toufi'h, that’s {careely felt 6: feet); ‘ " Thine is an Oyflet-Knife, that hacks and hem; N The Rage but not the Talent to Ab‘lfe I? v.’ And is in Hate, what Law is in the Stews. ’Tis the gml’ngtfl of Hate, that fli ll annoys? Without Diflinfliop; as gtogLove enjoys; ‘Neither to Telly, nor to Vice contin,‘ d 5 The objeéi: of thy Spleen is human Kind; It preys on all, who yield at who refifl § To thee’ tit ftovocation to exifla B t: . ,. i . i ,' . v - - ‘ “ : 8; ‘ 2%.. we I "" ~_-~-v tfik [5] But ifthou fee’fl * a great and gen’mus Heart, ‘ Thy Bow is doubly bent to force a Dark. Nor Dignity nor Innocence is fpat’d, ' Nor Age, nor Sex, nor Thrones, nor Graves rever’d, Nor only Iufiice vainly we demana, But even Benefits can’t rein thy Hand : To this or that alike in vain we trufl, Nor find thee left. Ungrateful than Unjufi. Not. even Youth and Beauty can controul - . The univerfal Raucour of thy Soul; Charms that might {often Superflition’s R389, Might humble Pride, or thaw the Ice of Age. But how fhou’dfl thou by Beauty’s Force be mov’ds? No more for loving made, than to be lov’d? ‘3 W38 the Equity of righteous Heav’n, That fuch a Soul to fuch a Form was giv’n 5 find them the Uniformity of Fate, ' That one {0 odious fhou’d be born to hate. * 3.658 T4136, an Epimeo When ~m-.--.—_-~-..W— - ...... .,«- Q [6] When God created Thea, one would believe, He [aid the fame as to the Snake of Eve; ‘1? human Race Antipatby declare, ’Tdikt them amd Thee 5e warm/ling War 5 EM oh ! the Sequel‘of the Sentence dread, ' And whim you brui/e their Heel, beware your Head; “ Nor think thy Wéaknefs {hall be thy Defence; The Female Scold’s l’roteflion in OFFence. Sure "tis as fall: to beat who cannot fight, As ’tis to libel thofe who cannot Write. And if thhu drawfllthyl’en to‘ai'd thevLaw, Othefs a *‘Cufdg’el, oi: afRod may draw. If‘ndfi‘b With Vengeance yet thyCrim’es‘pfiEfuc; ' Or give thy map‘ifold Affronts t'h‘cir‘du‘é ‘5 IE Limbs unbroken, Ski-n without a Stairi; ‘ W 'Unwhiprguabranketed,sunvkick’a', ufina‘in; . i That wretched \littl‘e‘Carcaléyduk‘ retain. - ~ ‘ i J The Reafon Is, not that the World wantsEyeSa , ‘But‘th‘ou’ rt {0 mean, Ehey fee, and Ehé‘y defp’ife; W}? E 7 3 When fretl'ul Porcupine, with ranc’rous Will, From mounted Back {boots forth a harmlel’s Quill, Cool the Speétatort Rand 5 and all the while, Upon the angry little Monfler fmile.‘ Thus ’tis with thee : --whilfl impotently fafe, You firike unwoonding, we unhurt can laugh. Who but mufl laugh my Bully when he feet. A puny Iva/2261‘ jbiu’ ring at a Breeze? One over match’d by ev’ry 8121?: of Wind, Infulting and provoking all Mankind: Is this the Thing to keep Mankind in awe, - Tameka tbofie tremble who e/mpe the Law? Is this the Ridicule to live {0 long, The death/cf: Satire, and immorml Song «1? N o : like thy {elf-blown Prail'e, thy Scandal flies 5» And, as we’re told of Wafps, it flings and dies. If none do yet return th’ intended Blow; You all your Safety, to your Dullnefs owe: ll But whilfi that Armour thy poor Corps defends, ’Twill make thy Readers few, as are thy Friends § ofe ? -- W... ~— -..__.-~.-- .- _- ‘ .- ——-—.-._-—.—.- . w -»..<.‘....-_... [8,] more, who thy Nature loath’d, yet lbv’d t’hy‘ A”, gum. . V . .. ,Who hk’d thy Head, and yet ahhor’dfi’ thy Heart 3 Chofe thee, to tead, hht never to con‘verf'e: , And {com’d in Profe, him whom theypriz’d in Varfea Even they “man naw theit partial Error fee; . Shall mun thy‘ Writings like thyaCot’hp‘any" 3‘ And to thy Books {hall ope their Eyes no more, ‘ Than to thy I’Etfon they Wou’d do their Deon Nor thttu the Iuflice ofthe‘ World difo’w‘n, That leaves Thee thgs an Out-cam and aione 53‘ F3: the.“ in Lam t0 mhtde: he to km: In Equity th’e Murdet’s in :5; Wm: , Then whim with Coward Hand iron flab alfiémez And try at leaPt t’afl'aifiha'te o'u't Famé , h V Like the firfl bold Afl'aflin’s 'be thy Lot, N‘c’et be thy Guilt forgiven, or forget ; Butts thou hate’fi, he hated by Mahkinég And with the Etnblerrt of thy crook’d Mimi, \ Mark’d on thy Back, like Cain; by\ God’s O‘Wn‘Ha'nd 59 ~ Wander likehim, accurfed through the Land; { ' ‘ F I N I St a m. m _ _ a w w