I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl SAfY In the Manner of PERSIUS INA DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE PQET and his FRIEND: nun- By aCcrtain ENGLISH NOBLEMAN. W ”Hm” m m gwm LONDON; Printed, and Sold by the Bookfcllcrs of Land”; 3m W'Efimiflfler, 1,730,, ' " In the Manner of PER.S]U£&C.‘ I} Poet. “2&7 HY Wears my? ponfiuc Eriggdi {hat gloomy Brow”; Say2 whence 1342;066:de th” imaginary Woe? What pitofp’mus Villain hafl: thou met th—Day, Or hag afliié‘ccd Virtue, qg‘ofé’d thy way; Is it forms Crime unpunifh’d you cicploi‘e, Or Right fizbvi‘rtcd by injurious Power? .36? ""“—"~—~———-—-— _...'..~..- ( 4 2‘ Be this, or that the Caufe, ’tis wifely done, To make‘the Sorrows of Mankind your own, To fee the injur’d pleading unredrefs’d, The Proud. exalted, and the Weak opprefs’d, Can hurt thy Health, and roh thee of thy Refl: ; Your Cares are in a hopeful way to ceafe, If you muPc find Perfeé’cion to;a‘ind Peace ; But wraclc thy Malice, vent thy {tilled Rage, Inveigh againfl thexTimes, and lath the Age : Perhaps jul’c Recent from the Court you come, On publick Ills to ruminatie at Home ; Say, which of all the Wretches thou halt feet], Has thrown a Morfel to thy hungry Spleim. ' II. What worthlefs ****** of that medly Throng, . ' Vv'ho bafely Aéts, 0r tamely {utters Wrong,“ He who‘to nothing but his Int’refi true, Cajoles the Fool he’s working to undo; , Or that more defpicable tim’rous Slave, Who knows himfelf ahus’d, yet hugs the Knavc: Perhaps you mourn our ****** linking Fame, ' That Show of Freedom dwindled to a Name: . Where @95ng 4 1:0 I i ._ UMC p 1 . w A . _, 1 'r- "IQ-”W 1’me V 4",”va . ~ ;_ t» _ MgénsgNWM‘ Kwehguu _- v ; __W _ .t ’79 ._ t > _ ~ .. ' a * , WWW-“ A - I, ..~-~- in “H‘EEM’WY _ L , I . , ‘ . "\‘x'n’.\4\ ;' ,. h -, \» - t s 3 Where , ---- deal their venal Laws, And the heft Bidder has the jul’teft Caufe ; What then they've Pow‘r, and who ihall dare to blame, The Legal wrongs that bears fl/Bmea’s Name ; Bcfides, fuch Thoughts ihou‘d never {fir the Rage Of youthful Gall, Refle&ion comes with Age : ‘ ’Tis our decaying Life's Autumnal F ruit, The bitter Produce of her latel’t Suit ; When every BlolTo‘m of the Tree is dead, Enjoyment wither’d, and our Wiflies fled ;, Thine Rillis in it’s Spring, on every Bough, Fair Plenty blooms and grateful Odours blow3 Seafon of joy too early to be wife, The Time to covet Pleafiire, not dif'pife, ' III. Yours is an Age, when Trifles ought to pleafc, Too foon for Reafon to attack thy Eafe ; Tho’ f’cill the Hour fltall come when thou {halt know, sTis vain Fruition all, and empty Show ; But late examine, late infpeét Mankind, If fleeing Pains, ’tis Prudence to be blind, M .. _~~__~_....-_ _-M».- i( :5; ) Let not their Vices yet emp‘i‘ay thy Thoughts: Laugh at their Follies, e're you weep their Faults, And then (aSfiié y’o‘a mile) at 131% you find What things they are, reform to: firm thy mind; Too nioely never their Demerits roan, And of their Virtiies make the molt you Can, Silent avert the Mifchiefs they intend, And crofs, but feem not to difeern, their end, If they prevail, fubmit, for Prudence lies In fufl’ring well ; ’tis equally unwife, To fee the Injuries we won‘t refent, Or mourn the Evils which we can’t prevent. Frimd. You Counfel well to bid me arm my Mind; Wou’d the Receipt were eafy as ’tis kind ; But hard it is for Mil’ery toreach, That Fortitude, Profperity can teach; IV. Could I fothid what has heen to have been, 0r lodge a doubt on Truths my {elf have feen, Cou’d I. divelt Remembrance of her Power, And fay Colleét thefe Images no more 3 i: 7 ) No more, let pafi Events furvive in you, In Lights too faithful ufher‘d to my View: Cou’d I diflodge Senfation from the Breafl', Or Charrn her wakeful Faculties to rel’t ; Cou’d I my Nature andrmy felf fubdue, I might the Method you prefcrihe ptlrfue, But if from real Caufes we endure, If Reafon’s our Difeaf'e and not our Cure; Then feemilig Eafe. is all we can obtain, As one who long familiariz’d to Pain, Still feels the Smart, hut ceaf'es to Complain ; Tho’ young in Life, yet long inur’d to Care, Thus I fubmiflive every Evil bear; \ If unexpected Ills alone are hard, 4 l‘dine fhou’d, who am for all Events prepar’d: No Difappointments can niy Peace annoy, Difufe has wean’d me from the liopeof joy.- V. The vain purfuit‘for ever I give o’er, Repuls’d I f’trive, betray’d I truf’t no more : Mankind I know their Nature and their Art, H1313“ ViCC their own, their Virtue but a Part: < ....~.- .¢.. :( ‘8 ,I) 111 play’d f0 oft, that “alil'theChezt can teI‘l, And dangerous only; ‘when’tis aeted well; I different ClafTes fing’d, a different Name, Attends their Praéif‘iCe, but the Heart’s the fame ;, This flew; the Foe,‘ ”that hides it in the Friend, The Road is varid‘us, w the fame’s the End ; Their Hate is Int’refi, In't'refl too their-Lave, On the fame Springs, \thefE (Tifferent "Engines move, That fliarpens Maxl‘i‘Ce, ‘and direéi; her"St'ing, And hence the hony’d Streamslo‘f Flatt‘fy' fpring. Long I rurpeet Mm at the 129: I knew, I thought Men warmers, how he pm'v'd them {as Reluétant prov’d it, by‘ ‘too’ fire a Rule, 1 I learn’d my Silence in a‘ ishiriful SChoifl :' He buys eve‘riWifdbm' at too high ziiPrice,‘ who pays my hamperime m be Wife; Why did I hope, by Sanguine Views pofl‘efi, That Virtue hai-hour’d in a Human Breaf’c, Why did I trufi to'FIattery’s fpaciousWile, The Apriffiméfliine of her tranficnt Smile? Why ' ( 9 3 Why dishelieve the Lefl'ons of the Wife? Who taught me young, to pierce her thin Difguife; I thought their Rancour, not their Prudence fpoke, That Age, perverfe in falfe Inveé‘cives broke ; I thought their Comments on this gaudy Scene, Th’EPfe&s of Phlegm, and dictated by Spleen, That jealous of the Joys themfelvesl were paft, Their Envy try’d to poll their Children’s Tafie ; Like the deaf .Adder to the Charmer’s Tongue, I gave no Credit to the Truths they Sung ; But happy in a vifionary Scheme, Still fought Companions worthy my Efleem: The Tongue the Heart's Interpreter I deem’d, And judg’d of what Men were, by what they feem'd: I thought each warm Profeffor meant me fair, Each fupple Sycophant a Friend {incere ; The foiemn Hypocrite, wliofe cIofe defign, Mirth never interrupts, nor Love, nor Wine ; VII. Who fl'ill attentive to what others flay, Obferves to wound, or Quet’tions to betray; Him { IQ. ) Him as the Guardian of my private Thoughts, In Morning Councils (cool Refolves) I fought To him flill open, cautionlefs confign’d, The inmofl Treafure of my fecret Mind, My Joys and Griefs delighted to impart Infacred Confidence, unmix’d with Art, LAN That dangerous Pleafurexof the honefl: Heart. W hene’re. I purpos’d to unbend my Soul In Social Baguets, where the circling Bowl To gla dncfs liirs all SorrOWs, but Defpair, And gives a ti ani'ent Lei-he to our Care ‘ I Chofe the I‘vian whole Talents entertain, And feafons C onverfe with a lively Strain; Who thougl itlefs frill, by hopes, not fears, perplex’ d, Enjoy the prefer t Hon r, and rifque the non, Thefe, not the floathful Luxury of EEUC,‘ Soft Beds 09 Down, nor baimyffilumbers pxeafe ; ’hilfl: n ”i1". lKings on purple Couches, ovin The {beret Sor L or 905 their envy d Clem: { I: 3 VIII: And wait revolving Light with flower i‘efi', Than even thofe W retches by their Power oppref’c, This jocund Train, deviated to delight, In Cheerful Vigils {iii 1protra& the Night, Nor dread the Cares approaching with the Bat , 3 Through each Viciflitude for e Ci gay, With fuch I commun ’d, pleas’d when I cou ’d find Recefi; f0 grateful to the a€tive Mind: And whilft the Youths in fprig .itly Contefts try, With hum rous Tale 01 oppofite Repi y; Or am rous Song or inoffennve left, (The Zei’c of Wit) to glad the learned Feafl. __ ,A4“. —-. My Soul (faid I) depend upon their truth, “ For Fraud inhabits not the'Breai’c of Youth: Indulge thy Genius here, be free, he fate, Mirth is their Aim, they covet but to’LaUgh: Pure from Deceit as ignorant of Care, ‘ '1 neir Friendfhips and their Joys are born tint, 'e’ I judg d. theirNatuie, like their Humour good, A5 1ft the: He 'ut d: pendec; on the Blood; C I: 3 And that the Seeds of Honefly mull: grow, Wherever Health refides or Spirits flow, 1 IX. A ‘ I fee my Error, but I fee too late, 'Tis vain Infpeétioxl to look back on Fate, What are the Men whom molt efieem’d we finci, But thofe whofe Vices are the mofi refin’d ; Blind Preference! for Vice like Poyfon ihews, The furefl' Wound is in the fubtlel’t Dofe ; To fuchRefleétions whilfi I turn my mind, I loath my Being, and abhor Mankind, What joy for Truth, what Commerce for the Juli, If all our fafety’s founded on diflrufi? ‘ If all our Wifdom is a main Deceit, And he wl1o,Profpers heft, theiablefi Cheat? , . Poet. Oh! early Wife I how well ha’fi thou dcfin’d The Worth, the Joys, the Friendihips of Mankind, Friend. LBleit be the Powers, I know their ahjeét State g, Poet. Yet: bear with this, and hope a better Fate ; Thrice happy they, who View with {table Eyes . This {hifiing Scene; who temp°rate, firm, and wife, Can Rand it’s Sorrows, and it’s Joys defpife. ‘ _ Who ( 13 > Who looks on Difappointments, Shocks and Strife, And all the neeeffaty Ills of Life. X. Not as Severities, the Gods impofe, But eaf y Terms indulgent Heaven allows To Man by flIOI‘t Probation, to obtain Immortal Recompence for tranlient Pain, Th' Intent of Heaven rightly underlined, From every Evil we extraét a Good; - This Truth Divine implanted in the Heart, Supports each dmdging Mortal through his part, It gives delightful Profpeéts to the Blind, The Friendlefi here a couflant Succonr find ; The WretCh by Fraud hetray’d, by Power oppreli‘, With this Reflorative fiill Calms his Bread, This fufiering Virtue cheats, this Care beguil-es, And decks Calamity herficlf in Smiles, When Ahead and 13125de hath ranfiick’d every Rule3 Taugl‘lt in Hipacmtt: or GJIYEI'I’S School; To quiet Ills that mock the Lambs; Art, Virhich Opiates fail to deaden in the Heart; C #4 3: This Cordial Frill the incurable fiif‘t‘ai‘ns,‘ _ . u /. _~ Who Trinmphs in the {harp inftrué‘tive Balms, ' ‘ XI. Not like a Roman Hero, falfly Great, With impious Hand anticipates his Fat; ; But waits refign’d the flow approach of Death, Till that great 1% wer who gave, demands his Breath § Such are thy folid Comforts, Love Divine, Such folid Comforts, ohl my Friend he thine ;' On this firm Bafis thy Foundations lay, Of Happinefs unfnhjeét to decay, On Man no more, that frail Support, depend, The kindel’c Patron, or the warniel’t Friend ; The warmcfi Friend may one Day' prove glitrue, And Int’rel’t change thy liindefl Pati‘on’s gYievv, Hear not elate the Kindnefs they profefi, Nor on/the Tryal grieve to find it leis. Submifiive each Vieiffitnde endure, Careful to Merit, where Reward is fure, To Providence implicitly refign’d, Let this Reflcffizion poife th y wand’ring Mind, ( Is ) With partial Eyes wc View Our own weak Caufc, ¥And {lightly fcan her upright. equal Laws. . I l XII. For undefe—rv’d flie ne’er inflié‘ts a W 06, Nor is her’Recompence unfure, tho‘flow, Unpunifli'd none Tranfgvefi, deceiv’d none trgfi, Her Rules are fix‘d, and all her ways are jufr. ‘F‘ 1 NI 8. a m. m _ _ a w w