I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl ,5». , M OF THE‘ USE ofRICHES, AN 'EPISTLE To the Right Honourable , flllm Lord Bat/MM. By Mr.POPE. o -. p a ' A y a up ' p» r- >. ' ' N n , . - 4‘ .R. g. a. gififififigfiwgfifi ‘ ' "71'” 'v ' p' ' [2347“) '01.". (r {r 'u" .. r d w‘ a 'ka‘“.\'r’$ ' 'lé‘" OF THE U S E of RICHES, "‘ IAN EPISTLE To the Right Homurable ALLEN Lord BATHURST. By [Vin E? O P E. “.D “ID I? L I EI: Printed by S. POWELL, For G E o a G r. R 1 :F K at the Shalzpfi‘eAr’S-Hefid, G E o R G E ET! 3 N G at the fingel and Bible, and W I L L I m 3 MI n at the Herc/51w, Bookfcllcra in Dame’sflrect, LV . D C c. x x x l I I, IAN To the Right Honourable. ' flLLENLogd MTHUR S7: H 0 [ha]! decide, when Doétors difagrcc, g R / And loundefi Cafuifls doubt, like you . and me 3 You hold the Word from Jove to Momus giv’n, That Man was made the {landing Jefl' of Heav'n, And Gold but rent to keep thc Fools in play, ' , Fer half to heap, and half to throw awayw Bust: "” 'a' ’“‘*—"—51v..— ._‘._ ,____ But I, who think more highly of out Kind; (And furely Heav'n and I are of a mind ) Opine, that Nature, as it) duty bound, Deep hid the {hining Mifchief under ground : But when, by Man’s audacious Labor won, Flam'd forth this Rival to its Sire the Sun, Then, in plain prof c, were made two forts of Men, To fquander fome, and fame to hide agen. Like Doé’cors thus, when much Difpute has paf’c, We find our Tenets jufi the lame at lafl: Bath fairly owning Riches in eifeé‘i: No Grace of Heav’n, or Token of th’ Eleé’c; Giv’n to the Fool, the Mad, the Vain, the Evil, To \‘Vfird, to Wimp—rs, Cit—«rs, and the Devil: What Nature wants, commodious Gold beflows, ’Tis thus we eat the bread another fows: But how unequal it befiows, obferve, ’Tis thus we riot, while who {ow it, fiarve. hat Nature wants (a phrafe I much dii’trufl) Extends to Luxury. extends to Lufi; And if we count among the Needs of life Aziother’s Tail, why not anothet’s Wife 2 Ufeful, [3] Ufeful, wegrant, it ferveswhat life requires, , But dreadful too, the dark Affaflin hires : 3 Trade it may help, Society extend; But lures the Pyrate, and corrupts the Friend: It raii'es Armies in a nation’s aid, But bribes a Senate, and the Land’s betray’d. Oh ! that fuch Bulky bribes as all might fee Still, as of old, encumber’d Villainy! In vain may Heroes fight, and Patriots rave, If fecret Gold faps on from knave to knave. Could France or Rome divert our brave defigns, " With all their brandies, or with all their wines 2 What could they more than knights and {quires con- Or water all the Quorum ten miles round 2 [found, A f’tatefman’s flumbers how this fpeech would Fpoil, .“ Sir, Spain has (em a thoufand jars of oyl ,- .“ Huge bales of Britifh cloth blockade the Door; f‘ A hundred Oxen at your levee roar. Poor Avarice one torment more would find, Nor could Profufion fquander all, in kind. Afiride his Checfe Sir Morgan might we meet, And Worldly crying Goals from fireet to {tr-eet, Whom [4] Whom with a Wig {0 wild, and Mien fo mazld,‘ Pity mil’takes for lome poor Tradefman craz’d. Had Hy—wl_y’s fortune lain in Hops and Hogs; Scarce H.._wl._.y’s {elfhad fem it to the dogs. His Grace will game : to White’s a Bull be led, With fpurning heels and with a butting head 5 To White’s be carry’d, as to ancient Games, Fair Courfers, Vafes, and alluring Dames. Shallthen Uxorio, if the {lakes he fweep, Bear home fix Whores, and make his Lady weep? Or {oft Adonis, {o perium’d and fine, Drive to St. James’s a whole herd of Swine 2 Oh filthy Check on all indui’trious skin” ' To {poll the Nation’s lafl great Trade, Qladrille! Once, we conlefs, beneath the Patriot’s cloak, From the crack’d bagg the dropping Guinea fpoke, And gingling down the back-(lain, told the Crew “ Old Cato is as great a Rogue as you.” Blei’c Paper-credit! that advanc’d (0 high, Shall lend Corruption lighter wings to fly! * Beneath the Patriot’s Cloak] This is a true Story, which happen’d in the Reign ot King William, to an L eminent uniufpeéted old Patriot; who coming out at the Back-door from having been cloieted by the King, A where he had received a large Bag oquineas, the Buri’l— ing ofthe Bag difcover’d his Bufinefs there, (3 ll O.t [ 5 3 Gold, imp’d with this, may compafs hardefi things, May pocket States, or fetch or carry Kings; A fingle Leaf may wait an Army o’er, 0r {hip off Senates to fome dif’cant ihore 5 A Leaf like Sybil’s, fcatter to and fro Our Fates and Fortunes, as the winds lhall blow. Well then, fince with the world we {land or fall, ' Come take it as we find it, Gold and all. What Riches give us, let us firit enquire : Meat, fire, and 'cloaths; what more P Meat, cloaths, and Is this too little? ,wou’d you more than live? [fire. Alas ’tis more than Tu * ‘K r finds they give. Alas ’tis more than (all his Vifions pail.) Unhappy Wh * *F n waking found at laf’t! Whatcan they gIVe? to dying 1-H * p * s, Heirs? To Chartres, Vigour? Japhet, Nofe and Ears 3 C an f A Citizen whofe Rapacity obtain’d him the Name of Vultur. He dy’d worth three hundred thoufand Pounds, and left it to no Perfon living, but to the firl’c Son that lhould be born ofthe firfi Daughter of his next Relation. Being told by his Lawyer,that it would proba- bly be thirty Years beforedhisMoney could be inherited, and it muft all that time lie at Interefl, he anfwer’d, He liked it the better, and 10 died. 3‘apbet, Nojéand Earn] japhet Crook alias Sir Peter Stranger. was puniih’d with the Lois of thofe Parts, for B having t6] ' Can they in Gems bid pallid Hippia glow-e In Fulvia’s Buckle eafe the Throbsbelow? 0r heal, old Navies, thy ohfcener ail, With all th’ E‘mbroid’ry plaifier’d at thy Tail ? They might, (wete Harpax not too wife to {pend} - Give Harpax {elf the Bleflin‘g of a Friend; Orfind fome DO&01’, that wou’d fave the Life Of wretched Shylock, fpite of Shylock’s Wife, But thoufands die, without or this, or‘that, Die, and‘endow a College, or a * Cat: To iome indeed Heav’n grants the happier Fate T’enrich a Bai’tard, 'or a Son they hate. Perhaps you think the Poor might have their part 2 y , Btnd damns the Poor, and hates them from his heart: The grave Sir G *‘ "‘ t holds it for a Rule, That every Man in want is Knave or Fool: “ God cannorlove, (lays Bl * t, with lifted eyes) “ The Wtetch he flarves” :— and pioufly denies: But RCV’tend S * * n with a {after Air, Admits, and leaves them, Providence’s Cate. having forg’d a Conveyance of an Ei’tate Ito himfel‘f, upon which he took up feveral Thouiand Pounds. H: l was at the fame time fued in Chancery on fuggeflion of ‘ having fraudulently obtain’d a Will, by which he poflhlt another Very confiderable Ellate, in wrong of the Bro- ther of the Deceas‘d. * A famous Dutchefs in her 1211’: Will left conflderable Annuities and Legacies to her Cats. Yet, [7] Yet, to he iuf’c to thefe poor Men of Pelt", Each does but hate his Neighbour as himfelf: Damn'd to the Mines, an equal Fate betides The Slave that digsit, and the Slave that hides. Who fufl‘er thus, meer Charity lhould OWn Muff a& on Reafons pow’rful tho’ unknown ; Some War, lome Plague, fome Famine they forefee, Some Revelation, hid from you and me. Why S-l—k wants a Meal, the caufe is found, He thinks a Loaf will rile to fifty pound. What made Direé’cors cheat in South-Sea year 2 To live on Ven’fonwhen it fold {o dear. * Ask you Why Phryne the whole Aué’tion buys E' Phryne forefees a General Excite. Why {he and Lesbia raife that monfirous Sum é‘ Alas! they fear a Man will col‘ra Plum. Wife Peter fees the World’s refpef’c for Gold, And therefore hopes this Nation may be (old: Glorious Ambition! Peter, {well thy fiore, And be What Rome’s great {r Didius was before. * In the Extravagance and Luxury of the South-Sea Year, the Price of a Haunch of Venifon was from three to five pounds. '1- A Roman Lawyer, fo rich as to purchafe the Em- pu‘e, when it was (e: to Sale by the Praetorian Bands on the Death of Pertinax, B 2. The The Crown of Poland venal twice an Age To jui’t three Millions fiinted model} m... But nobler Scenes Maria’s Dreams unfold, Hereditary Realms, and Worlds of Gold. ‘ Congenial Souls! Whole Life one Av’rice joins, And one Fate buries in th’ 3* Afiurian Mines. Much-injur’d 131—4! why bears he Britain’s hate 2* A Wizard told him in thefe words our fate. “ At length Corruption, like a gen’ral Flood, " (So long by watchful Miniflters withfiood) “ Shall deluge all, and Av’rice creeping on, “ Spread like a low-born Mid, and blot the Sun; “ Statefman and Patriot ply alike the Stocks, " Peerefs and Butler {hare alike the Box, “ The Judge {hall job, the Bifhop bite the Town, “ And mighty Dukes pack Cards for half a crOWn. “ See Britain funk in Lucre's fordid charms, “ And France reveng’d of Anne’s and Edward’sArms? No poor Court-Badge, great Scriv’ner! fir’d thy brain, No Lordly Luxury, no City Gain; ‘ Two perfons of dii‘tinétion, each of whom in the time of theMifiiflipi defpifed to realize above three hun- dredthoufand pound; the Gentleman with a View to the Crown of Poland, the Lady on aVifion of the like nature. They fince retir’d togetherinto Spain, Where they are {till in feat-ch ofGold in the Mines of, the Alfa- ties. But [9] But ’twas thy righteous End, alham’d to fee Senates degen’rate, Patriots dif agree, And nobly wifhing Party Rage to ceafe, To buy both Sides, and give thy Country Peace: “ All this is madnefs, criesa {'oher Sage, But who, my Friend, has Reafon in his Rage 2 The ruling Pafiion, be it what it will, The ruling Paflion conquers Reafon flill. Lels mad the wildeft Whimfey we can frame, Than ev’n that Paflion, if it has no Aim; For tho' fuch Motives Folly you may call}. The Folly’s greater to have none at all. Hear then the truth : ’Tis Heav’n each Paflion fends; And diff’rent Men direéts to diff ”rent Ends. “ Extremes in Nature equal Good produce, A“ Extremes in Man concur to general Ul' e. Ask We what makes one keep, and one bellow ? That Pow’r who bids the Ocean ebb and flow; Bids Seed-time; HarVel’t, equal courf’ e maintain, Thro’reconcil’d Extremes of Drought and Rain ; Builds Life on Death 5 on Change Duration rounds, And gives thf eternal Wheels to know their rounds. Riches, [10] Riches, like Infiéts, when eoneeal’d they lie; Wait but for Wings, and in their Seafon, fly. Who fees pale Mammon phae amidfl his Stores Sees but a backward Steward for the Poor 5 This Year a Refermir3 to keep and fpare, The next, a Foumain foaming thro’hls Heir, inlavilh Streams“) quench a Country’s eluirfl, And Men, and Dogs, {halldrink him till they handle Old Corta [heard his fortune. and his birth, Yet was not Can void of wit or worth : What the‘ (the ufe of barb’rous Spits forgot) His Kitchen vy’d in coolnefs with his Got; His Courtwith Nettles, Moat will) Crefl’es flor’d, With Soups unbought, and Sallads, bleflc his boarda If Cotta liv’d on Pulfe, it was no more Than Bramins, Saints, and Sages did before; To cram the Rich, was prodigal expence; And who would take the Poor from Providence 2 Like {ome lone Chartreufe {lands the good old Hall, Silence without, and Fall's within the wall; No rafter‘d Roofs with Dance and Tabor found, No Noomidewbell invites the Country round 5 Tenants [“3 j'renants with fighs the fmoaklefs Tow’t-siurvey; And turn th' unwilling Steeds another way, Benighted wandetets, the Forefi o'er, N Curfe the fav’d Candle, and unopening Door :- While the gaunt Mafiiff, growling at the Gate, Aflrights the Beggar whom he longs to eat. Not {0 his Son, he matk‘d this ovetfight, And then miflook revetfe of wrong for tight : For what to {hunt will no great knowledge need. But what to follow is a task indeed. What flaughter’d Hecatombs, what floods of wine, Fill the; capacious Squire and deep Divine! Yet no mean morive this profufion draws, His Oxen pet-ifh in his Country's cauie. ’Tis the dear Prince (Sir John) that crowns thy cup,» And Zeal for his great Houfe that eats thee up. The woods tecede around the naked feat, The fylvans groan e... no matter —. “ for the Fleet.” Next goes his wool ...... “ to clothe our valiant hands: {i kill, for his country’s love, he fells his lands. Bankrupt, at Court in vain he pleads his caufe, His thankleis Country leaves him to her Laws. The [12.] The Senfe to Value Riches, with the Art T’enioy them, and the Virtue to impart, Not meanly, nor ambitioufly perfu’d, Not funk by floth, nor rais’d by fervitude; To balance Fortune by a iuf’t expence, Joyn with Oeconomy, Magnificence 5 With Splendor Charity, with Plenty Health; 0h teach us, BA'mun ST, yet unfpoil’d by wealth! That fecretrare, between th’ extremes to move 0f mad Good-nature, and of mean Self-love. To want or worth, well-weigh’d, be bounty given, And eafe, or emulate, the care of Heaven. Whofe meafure full, o’erflows on human race, V Mends Fortune’s fault, and iufiifies her grace. Wealth in the gtofs is Death, but Life diffus’dg, As Poyfon heals, in jufl proportion us’d ; In heaps, like Ambergrife, a fiink it lies, But well dif pers’d, is Incenfe to the skies. Who flarves by Nobles, or with Nobles eats E The wretch that trufis them, and the rogue that cheats. Is there a Lord, who knows a chearful noon Without a Fidler, Flatt’rer, or Bufl'oon 5* Whofe [Is] Whole Table, Wit, or modefl Merit mate; Un—elbow’d by a Gamel’ter, Pimp, or Play’t? Who cepies Yours or OXFORD’S better part, To cafe th’ opprefs’d, and raife the linking heart? Wher-e’er he lhines, oh Fortune gild the fcene, And Angels guard him in the golden Mean! There Englilh Bounty yet a while may Hand, And Honm- linger, e're it leaves the Land. But all out prailes why fhould Lot-d5 engrofs? Rifehoneft Mufe! and {ing the Man of Rofs: Pleas’d Vaga ecchoes thro’ her winding bouijd‘s? 3 And rapid Severn hoarf‘e applaufe refounds’; ‘ ~ .~ Who hung with Woods yon mountains fultry brow 2 ” From the dry rock who bade the waters HOWE Nor to the skies in ufelefs columns toll, Or in proud falls magnificently lol’t, But elear and artlefs, pouring thro‘the plain Health to the lick, and {olace to the (Wain. Who‘fe Caufe-way parté the Vale with {had}? tours"? Whof e Seats” the Weary TraVellet repof'e ? Who feeds yonAlms-honfe, neat,‘ but Void of flare, Where Age and Want fit fmiling at the gate ? c; Whig [143 Who taught that heav’n —dire&cd Spire to rife E The Man of Rofs, each lifping babe replies. Behold the market-place with poor o’erfpread! The Man of Rofs divides the weekly bread ; Him portion’d maids, apprentic’d orphans blei’r, The young who labour, and the old who refl. Is any fick? the Man of Rois relieves; Prefcribes, attends, the med’cine mal