I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl STOWE,“ THE G A R D E N 5 Of the Right Honourable ‘ Rich-22d Lord Vifcount CoMmm "an-vi" Addrefi‘d to 22222. POPE. 132-3322529105“ We r, 55" 42mm”; 279222224 Foriufiah’mm 226220214222, 12% [/2 22:2 [13222225. Virg m ..' ‘ u 1 1, 10 Vvhibi‘l 13 Wki'fid, War-w ‘ WW -2; i . W2 ‘ - m ”mzammmwm Wan-gm; \Umvumnxanwwm “ ”my” .mxsm‘flrfm L O 3-5130 N2 Printed. And, DUBf In, we pmmflEx a; 32135 SW" :2 Sizaet, Op; mitt-c 3:23» 32:.“ 9:1" 210:, 77‘; o 21 379‘ {7‘7 2. "“w’ . V =.,. , {a — i O, Thee, great Mailer of the vocalString, 0 Pope, of Stowe’s Elyzian Scenes 1 fing:, That Stowe, which better far thy Muf‘e~ divine , p Commands to live * in one diflinguifh’d Line; Yet let not thy fuperior Skill difdain The friendly Gift of this Poetick Plant The Tame prefiding Mufe alike int°pires The Planter’s Spirit and the Poet’s Fires. '13 S39 51"]?!th i??? Eff} of Burling’tldné‘ a _———-C (4) Alike, unlefs the Mufe propitious finile, Vain is the Platnter’s, vain the Poet’s Toil. All great, all perfeéh Works from Gmim How, The Brita/h Iliad hence, and hence the Groves of Stowe. ‘* To guardian Planck”: the firfl Strains belong, (And may th’ aufpicious Omen hlels the Song) To Phwbzzt, and th attendant Vi1gin Train, That o’er each Verfe, each learned Science reign? And round embellilhing the gay Parterre, 'Unite their facred Influences here. Here Congrew, welcome Guefl‘, oft chear d the Days, With friendly Converf'e, o1 poetickLays Here Lyttelton oft fpreads his growing Wing, Delighted in thefe Shades to rave and fing. And Thou, where Thames impels his filver Flood, Qtitting the Care of thy Own rifing Wood ; 0ft, as thy Breal’t with pleafing Rapture glow’dav Hat’t hererO Pope,‘ avow’d til” infpiring God. In a green Niche’s high-emhowed Shrine, Each tuneful Goddefs flu‘ou-ds her Form divine; Beneath, in {thelwide Area’s middle Space, > ‘ A jetting Fount its chryf’tal Flood difplays : I :1 WWW * Swim: of Apollo, the, Nine Mules, and theldberal» A1 ts and Sciences placed round the Paw-ewe. «5% one ‘3‘» ( s ) In whofe clear Face again refleéi‘ed thine P11111112 P5066115, and the Virgin Nine. Here too for ever bloom * th’ 1401111112 Bays, Ordain’d the Meed of tuneful Poets Lays. In feemly Order they on either Hand, Alternate in the verdant Arches {land : Alternate glitt’ring with the gilded Vale, On either Hand the verdant Arches blaze; Here, odorous Flowers perfume the vital Gale, :5; And there Hefperz’an Oranges exhale. Tranfported hence the Summer» hearth they grace, And thine, colle&ed in the C1111; vars; Or on the Sunday’s confimrated Morn, Seleél: in NoiEgays the fair Breafi adorn. Lead thro’ the f Circle, Virgins, lead me on, Where, guided by the {till-revolving Sun, The faithful Dial counts the fleeting Hour, , Lead to the Church’s venerable Tower: Which like the life—producing Plant of Old, That fiourifh’d once in Eden’s hlelled Mould, I n . . 11...“.14.» W 'zmmmm .Mmm um?!" “Ml-'- * Bay Tree: Md gilt 174/131,}; 111111? (1111171111er 1'52 W” 111119125 of the 4101912116. :35 ‘che Oraflgmie T 71169-1111 13111! P 1111111 ( 6 ) In the mid-Garden plac’d, its facred Head Uprears, embofom’d in afpiring Shade: . And Hell with Vertue, like that wond’rous Tree, Confers on Mortals Immortality. Hence thro’ the Windings of the mazy Wood Defcending, lo! the Oéhzgon’s clear Flood, And rullick Obelirlt's aerial Height, Burl’t in one fudden View upon the Sight. * Bataoian Poplars here in Ranks afcend; Like fome high Temple’s arching Ifles extend, The taper Trunks, a living Colonnade; Eternal Murmur animates the Shade. L Above, T two Dorick Edifices grace An elevated Platform’s utmofl Space; From whence, beyond the Brook that creeps below, Along yon beauteous Hill’s green Hoping Brow, The Garden’s defiin’d Boundaries extend, Where Cobbam’s pleafing Toils, tho’ late, lhall ends Beneath, th’ extended Lake’s capacious Bed, i Receives the loud, przcipitate Cafcade ; And tufted Groves along the verdant Side, Call their deep Shadows o‘er the filver Tide ; . The * 97x Abeal milk. ' 1' Yew Paoiliem 6421112} Sir J. Vanbrughf 4 A A fir", --«t~«—> ,w_.,.T——:;,{_ ( 7 ) The lilver Tide (where yonder high~rais’d Mound Forms the wide~floating Lake’s extremelt Bound) In fecret Channels thro’ the fwelling Hill, Gives Force and Motion to th’ impullive Wheel ; Whofe conflant Whirl, the fpouting jets fupplies, And bids aloft th’ unwilling Waters rife. Fair on the Brow, a fpacious Building (lands, Th’ applauded Work of Kent’s judicious Hands: The fpreading Wings in arched Circles bend, And ruflick Domes each arched Circle end. Thence back returning, thro’ the narrow Glade, See, where the * Ruin lifts its monld’ring Head! Within, clofe—fhelter’d from the peering Day,- Satyrs and Fauns their wanton Frolicks play: While fad Malberco in the fecret Cell, Hears each rude Moni’terf ‘ ring his Matin’s Bell.’ Where yon high Firs difplay their darkf'ome Green, ‘ And mournful Yews compofe a folemn Scene, Around thy Building, 6217175, 2% a facred Band Of Princes, Patriots, Bards, and Sages fland: Men, M... * The Ruin, painted on the [77 tale with the Story (fl‘rial-~ hecco, out of Spenfer’: F airy ueen. Book 3, Canto IO. 1' An Hemyfliek of Spenfer. it diluding to tire [nfcrfptz'on on the Building. HicManus, ob Patriam pugnaudo Vulnera Quique Eii Vates, 6; PM??? digit; locuti , P831; r-‘V 9m" C 3") Men, Whom); Merit purchas’d lafiing Praiie, Worthy each Brita?) Poet’s noblefl Lays ;' ' Or bold in Arms fer Liberty they flood, And greatly pefiih’d for their Country’s Good : Or‘nobly warm’d with more than morta} Fire; Equal’d to Rama or Gweece the Brita/.5 Lyre; 0r Human Life by ufefui Arts refin’d, Acknbwlecig’d Benefaéiors of Mankind; ' Thou firfi Elizabeth Imperial Maid, By free. born Subjeéks willingly Obey’d; ‘ Fee to the Tyranny of Spain and Rome, Abroad. refpeéted, and belov’d at home. Beneath the friendly Sheficr of thy Throfie Each Art of Peaee. with ufizful Lufire fhone 3 Indufirious Commerce courted every Gale, Ami fpread in. diflant W orlds her fean’efis SaiL Eneoumg’d Scienee rear’d her laurelfl Head; Ami ail the pleafing Train of Mufes led. £0 E Vemhzm and SEa/éeflzear near Thee Fraud; Rais’d by‘thy Smiles to grace this happy Laud : ‘Eoth dear to Pizzce‘ém, tiered both to Fame; ‘aVith Princes here an equal Rank they claim; ' This hwemas autequi Vizam exccluere per Aries ; _. (@nque Km memores anus fecere meren o. ' ' a . , . ‘ . 1/773. Lil). 6. -‘ can—.- *- This with the richei’c Stores of Learning fraught; That by indulgentNature only taught. : All hail’ aufpicious Q1een, thy Praife {hall live (If Worth like thine Eternity can give) When no proud Bul’c th’ Imperial Wreath {hall bear, And Brafs and Marble waf’ce to Dufi and Air. 0! that Iil (e Thee, fiicceeding Kings had flrove, To build their Empire on their Peeples Love!- That taught by thy Example they had known, That only Juf‘tice can fupport a Throne! Then had not Britain wanted Hambdetz's Hand, Weak and oppreflive Counfls‘ls to withfland ; Nor had the Patriot, 0111 his native Plain, Dy’d for the Laws he flruggled to maintain Behold his Buf’t with CiviCk Honours grac’d, Nearefi' to thine, irninortal Afflflé'fl, filac’d, To thi11e,great William, whofe proteéting 31101 1i, That Liéert}, for which He fell, rel’tor’ d, ' Next Locke, who in Defente ofConf’ciet‘tce 301:2, And flrove religious Rancour to compof'e: Jui’cly oppofing every hitman Tell, Sin :e GOD alone can judge who ferves him heft B W 'VA (3! Aw .~'.\M.—w—Vb ”(W‘m“ " . ( 10 ) Bot what is he, in whom the heav’nly Mind Shines forth diff’cinguiihid and above Mankind ‘? This, this is Newton; He, who firl’t furvey’d ThePlan, by which the Univerfe was made; Saw Nature’s fimple, yet flupendous Laws, And prov'd th’ Efl'eEts, tho‘ not explain’d the CauiE-i Thoxi too, bold Miltoh, whofe immortal Name, Thy Country dares to match with Homer’s Fame 5 , Whofe t0w’ring Genius vafi' and untonfin’d, Left ev’n the. Limits of the World behind ; Thro’ Hell, thro‘ Chaos, and infernal Night, Afcending to the Realms of purefl Light; Or elfe on Earth, in Eden's happy Grove, With Peace, with Blifs converfing, and with Love: Here art thou plac'd, thefe blooming Shades among, Second to thofe alone thy Mufe has fung. * An Ancient Wood (upon whore topmoft Bough High-waving croaks the unauf'picious CrOW) From hence its venerable Gloom extends, Where, rivalling its lofty Height, afcends The pointed PYramid : This too is thine, Lamented Vanbrugb.’ This thy lal’t Defigna 'l AmOng’j *5 The Rook-Spimy. ‘ ( I I ) 1- Among the various Structures, that around, Form’d by thy Hand, adorn this happy Ground, This, facred to thy Memory filall Rand : i V Cobbam; and grateful Friendfhip fo command; Nyfivm Bacchus next the Mufe demands; To Him, in yon high Grove, * a Temple Francis; Where Brag/73 Oaks their ancient Arms difplay; And fcreen the Summer Sun’s unclouded Ray, There, half -Concea1’d, it rears its Ruf’tick Head; The painted Walls myflerious fl Orgies: {preach A jolly Figure on the Cieling reels, Whofe every Nerve the potent Goblet feels: His Vine—bound Brows befpeak him God of Wine, The Checks, and rwening Paunch, 0! -———— are thine: (not unknown to Phoebe: is the Name) Once felt the Fervour of a fofter Flame; When heedlefs Fortune {hot the {udden Dart, And unexpeaied Rapture feiz’d his Heart. My faithful Verfe this Secret fliall reveal, Nor mfg—=- himfelf {hall blame the mirtl‘rfulTalea A 1' Alluding to the Infwiption. Inter Plurima Hortorum horunce fEdificia 21 Joanne Vanbrugh Equite defignata‘ Hanc Pyramidem illius Memoriae facram efle voluit COBHAM. * The mflick Yémple, built by Sir} Vanbrnghr' 3 Kim and Revel: af Bacchus; ‘ ' , (12> A cooliRecefs there is, not far away, Sacred to Love, to Mirth, and rural Play.) Hither oft-times the youthful Fair refort, To cheat the tedious Hours with various Sport; Some mid the Nine—pins marfhall’d Orders roll, With Aim unerring, the impetuous Bowl. ' i Others, whofe Souls to loftier Objects move, Delight the S‘ZUiflg’S advent’rous Joys to prove: y While on each fide the ready Lovers Hand, i The flying Cord obeys th’ impulfive Hand. As on a Daycontending Rivals flrove, By manly Strength to recommend their Love; Tofs’d to and fro, up flew the giddy Fair, ~And fcream’d and laugh’d, and play’d 1n upper Air“ The flutt’ ring Co 1153 the rapid MotiOn find, And One by One admit the fWelling Wind : At length the lafl, white, fubtile Veil withdrew, And thofe myflerious Charms expos’d to view-e... ‘. What Tranfport then, 0 ---- poilefs’d thy Soul! " Down from thy Hand, down dropt the idle Bowie ‘ As for the skilful Ti]: prepar’d you flood, And Hopesand Fears alarm’d th’ expecting Croud; Sudden to feize the heauteous Prey he fpruhg; Sudden with Shrieks the ecchoing Thicket rung. Con- ( I3 ‘2‘ Confounded and ahafh’d, the frightcd Maid, (While tiling Blufltes ting’d her Cheeks with red) Fled fWift away, more rapid than the Wind, And left the treach’rous Swing, and ---— behind. Down the fmooth Lawn {he flew with eager Hafle, And near thy * Obelisk, O Camber, pafs’d: As on the wounded Stone thy Name {he view’d, The wellaknown Name her every Fear renew’d ; And firait, in dreadful Vifion, to her Eyes She fees anorher Priel’t and Lover rife. Nor cou’d thy gentle Mind her Fears aflhage, Nor honefl: Heart, that knew nor Guile nor Rage; But with redoubled fpeed away lhe fled, And feught the Shelter of the clofer Shade; Where in thick Covert, to her weary Feet, ‘3“ A private Grotto promis’d fafe Retreat : Alas? too private, for too fafely there The fierce Pnrfuer feiz’d the helplefs Fair ; The Fair he feiz’d, while round him all the Throng Of laughing Dryadt, Hymemab fung: Pronubial 774m gave the myflick Sign; And Venus nodded from S her neighb’ring Shrine: The Grotto, confcious of the happy Flame, From this aufpicious Deed derives its Name. W f" An Obelitk, ‘z’n 111677707] of Robin Coucher. ’3‘ The Randiéufin 3 ‘The Rotunda. liere w...“ .\Mnav~ .. ,, ( 14. ) Here future Lovers, when in Troops they homes Venus, to vifit thy diflinguifli’d Dome; i As thro’ this confecrated Shade they paf's, Shall offer to the Genius of the Place. Shift now the clof'er Scene; and View around, With various Beauties the wide Landskip crown’ds Here level Glades extend their length’ning Lines, There injuf’t Order the deep Qaz‘mame fltines. Here chryf’tal Lakes tefieé‘t contiguous Shades, There difijant Hills uplift, their azure Head's”. Round the free 1' Lawn here gadding Heifers flray, And frisking Lambs their f'portive Gambols play. I, There murmur to the Wind Groves ever-green, And inter-mingled Buildings rife between :‘ The Sun declin’d with milder Glory burns! And the fair Piece with various Light adorns; Lo! in the Center of this 'bea‘uteous Sceae, ‘ Glitters beneath her * Dome the Cyprian Queens Not like to her, whom ancient Homer prais’d, I To whom a thoufand facred Altars blaz’d : When fimple Beauty was the only Charm, With which each tender Nymph and Swainigrew warm 2 But; .— T A large Field encompafi‘d with the Garden. * fThe Rotunda, on Pillars of the Ionic Order, with an 41* ' Mr 0f blue Marble, andgiia’ed Statue ofthe Venus of Media's. 4 But, yielding to the now-prevailing Trifle, in Gold, for modern Adoration, drefl'. For her the Nam/21:, in their warry Bed, Amid the level Green * a Mirror fpread ; Along whofe terrafs’d Banks the fllelt’ring Wood, ‘ Defends from ruder Winds th’ unrutfled F Ioods Beyond, a fylvan T flame difplaYS Its circling Bof'om to the Noon—tide Rays. In Shade, o'er Shade, the floping Ranks afcendi, And tall Abeal: the fleep Gradation end. Here to the Sun the gloffy Lame]: fliine, There wave the darker Honours of the Pine. High on a Pedef’cal, whofe fivelhng Bafe, To Heav’n itfelf afpiring Columns raif'e, Shines the great Part’ner of xfugzg’im’ Bed, The guardian Goddefs of the noble Shade. Beneath, in order ranged on either hand, Attendant Nymphs and Swains rejoicing fland. But cou’d the Mnfe prefume her lowly Pray’r Might win Attention from the Royal Ear, _ Here ’ * ‘The Rotundd Pond. 17 The ,ineeiz’s Qiémtre, wit/E; {Zea iii-flyifi’lfsSrizme cradled cm fmr L'aiamm. . , , (i6) § I Here fhou’d thof'e Princely Stars, that dawning f'mile, ‘ With kindly Luflre on Britannid's Ifle, Fair Conf’tellation ! in one Blaze unite,- Aiding with filial Beams theit Morher’s Lighti Hereihou’d Imperial CAROLINE be feen, The glorious Rival bf the/TPbryg/Mn $254M: ; Who ’mid the thoufalid Altars that around, Blaz’d in old Rome’s Panilaedn, high enthron’d; With Pride furvey’d the venerable Dome, , ‘ Fill’d with the heav’nly Off—flaring of her Womhi, And feel where, elevated fatahove,‘ "' A Column overlooks yon nodding Grovej On which, the Scene of Glory to compleat, Deck'd with the Enligns of imperial State, Stands the great Father, George, wliof'e equal Sway; With Joy Britannia’s happy Realms obey. Thence round, he views the cultivated Plain, T hat fmiling fpeaks the Bleilings of his Reign; Thus, o’er their Planets radiant Suns prefide, By Heav’n’s fixt Laws their various Courfes guide ; And fhedding round Benevolence divine, L Blefs’d by depending W'orlds, indulgent ihine. Deep ~-.~vv--4wu..—- -. I" Cybcle, 34'0th If tise Gods". ”‘ Ybe King's Pillar and Statue, ( 17') Deep in this clofe, unihrageous, wild Rec-cf}, ‘ Where the fwe’etSongf’ters of the feather’d Race,‘ Warble their native Mufick thro’ the Shade; * A folitary Building hides its Head. This peaceful Fabrick, for Repofe defign’d, Clofe Vales defend from penetrating Wind; And the thick Under—wood’s combining Bought»; On every Side :1 verd’rous Wall compofe. Nigh, found the quiv’ring Poplars in the Air, Like falling Waters murm’ring from afara Here, where their quiet unmolefled Reign The Gods of Sleep and Solitude maintain; ‘ Whether foft Slumbers 'clofe thy languid Eyes, Or Thought be loft in pleafing Reberiei, From yon fage filly’afito learn thy {elf to fpart‘, And bid adieu to unavailing Cares _ Let not the Cenfures of the Wife difmny; But where they own clear Reafon leads the Why, Her pleafing Diéfates uncontrolld purfue, ' Thy Dreams, may he as good as Theirs, perhaps as tru Forfaking now the Covert of the Maize,- Along the broader Walk’s more open Space; Pat's we to Where a fylvan Temple {'preads Around the Saxon Gods, its hallow’d Shades, ‘ { C Hui; f :l‘ The Sleeping-Honk. . . . "l Cum Omnia {int in incerto fave f 11):, m - ..r-.,. VWx-vxw‘er;——u -- , a ‘~_m_ , 1 -- I ' -a’ ,. . ( 18 ) ‘ Hail! Gods of our renown’d ForebFatherss hail! Ador'd Protectors once of England’s Weal. Gods, of a Nation, valiant, wife, and free, Who conquer7d to efiablifh Liberty! To whofe aufpicious Care Britannia owes Thof'e Laws, on which the flands, by which {he roi'e. Still may your Sons that noble Plan purfiue, Of equal Government prefcrib'd hy you: Nor e’er indignant may you blufh to fee, The Shame of your corrupted Progeny! Firli radiant Summ fheWs his beamy Head§ Mom to Him, and fceptaer’d Titty filc1 ed; €Iz‘w, ancient Monarch of remotef’c Fame, ‘ Who led from Babel’s Tow’rs the German Name. And warlike ”Eden, fam’d for martial Deeds, From ivhom‘great Brunfwick’s noble Line proceeds; Dread Thufler fee! on his Imperial Seat; With awful Majel’ty, and kingly State Reclin’dl at his Command black Thunders roll, And Storms and fiery Tempel’ts {hake the Pole. With various Emhlem next fair Friga Charms, In female Coats array’d and manly Arms. Expreflive Image of that double Soul, Prolifick Spirit that informs the Whole 3; 1 Who‘fe ( I9 ) Whole Genial Power throughout exerts its Sway, And Earth, and Sea, and Air, its Laws obey. Lafi of the Circle hoary Seatem flands ; Infiruatvc Emblems fill his myfiick Hands: In this, a Wheel’s revolving Orb declares The never-ending Round of rolling Years, That holds a Vefl'el fill’d with fading Flowers And Fruits colleéied by the ripening Hours. Be warn’cl from hence, 'ye fair Ones! to improve The tranfitory Minutes made for Love, E’er yet th’ inexorable Hand of Yime Robs of its ~bloomy Sweets your lovely Primes Lo, Nel/Zm’s airy Seat, whofet rifing Sides Obfcuring Fir, and fhining Laurel hides! Here in fweet Contral’t Rural Scenes difplay’d Around their native wilder Beauties fpread. T he tufted Woodland’s, where the Hunter’s Horn 0ft wakes with chearful Note the drowzy Morn ; The Brook that glitters in the Vale below, And all the rifing Lawn’s enlightnedBrow, * In lowly Huts adown whofe flielving Side, From Storms fecure the peaceful Hinds refide; The fpacions Park, within whofe circling Pale, The bounding Deer at large imprifon’d dwell Q And WW false Village of Dadforil, we...“ ~sMkakaV—V’ -. _ -_‘_____ n. _ - mm==1 ‘ - ""__" __T_L.___ ’4ng _:—_:;:v_. f - (20) And feed in facial Herds along the Glade; 0r lonely feel: the folitary Shade. Far o’er the levelGreen, in jufl: Array, ’Long Rows of Trees their ad"erfe Fronts difplay, So when two. Nations, fierce in Arms, prepare At. one decifive Stroke to end the War, In feemly Order, e’er the Battle Joins, The marfhal’d Hol’ts extend theirthreat’ning Linesa And Files to Files oppos’d await the Word, That gives a Loofe to the de-firoying Sword. High on a Mount, amid a verdant Field) Where intermitted Lines wide opening yield ; Where from their plenteous Urns the wat‘ry Gods Pour o’er the green Expanfe their limpid Floods, i Behold the ff good old King in Armour clad, Triumphant Wreaths his facred Temples fhade. And in his gracious Afpeét fliine exprefi, ‘ The manly Beauties of his gentle Breafi 3 His Mind, fincere, benevolent and great, Nor aw’d by Dagger, nor with Pow’r elate 3 For + Enzteflrmfl Smme 0 George I. at the Head (3” the City/2'], With this Infrwption, ’ ‘ I 1 media mihi Czefar erit, IL t Vll idi m Campos oignum de Mamore ponam w ’rmizer .sl‘w gnaw; V Virg. ( 2 I ) For Valoar much, but more for far/lice known, Bram in the Field, and Good upon the Throne. * An ample Arch, beneath whofe fpgctous Round The mally Valves on turning Hinges found, Opens its holpitable Bofom wide , Thro’ which at large the rolling Chariots glide, On fwelling Bafiions here 1* Two Buildings rife, (While far beneath the low-funk Vally lies ;’ Where, or in one broad Lake the Waters fpread, Or draw their humid Trains along the Mead.) Of Yhefe, a Shelter from the fcorching Rays, One in the Garden fpreads its, rul’cick Bale: One in the Park, an habitable Frame, The Houfhold Lawn, and Pehate: claim. But lhé'llthe Mufe approach the Pile, allign’d Once, for a Manfion to her much-lov’d Friend, And not bellow one melancholy Tear, Unhappy fitted! on thy untimely Bier? " ‘ ' Here, * The great Entrame into the Park, and approach to the Hon/e along the Garden W all j Two Buildings, call‘ol Boycut Buildings, on eachfide the Ehtrame. One in the Garden, the other in the Park f’svaiihz‘rhdedfir a Haufefizr C ohm] Speed, decear’d. , C 22 ) Here, had not hafiy Fate our Hopes deceiv’ch In fweet Retitement tranquil had’fl thou »liv'd ; And pafs’d with him, whofe Friendfhip did ingage In‘A’rms thy Youth, in Peace thy weary Age, Faithful Companion of his toirlfome Days, He led Thee on in Gloty’s nohle Chace! Faithful Companion of his calm Retreat, Here had he. defiin‘d thy delightful Seat. Here too the Mufe had joy’d to fee thee Meiji“, Of every Hope, of every Wiih pofTeft; Had fang, with Friendthip and Affe&ion mov’da Thy honePt Heart by ali efleem’d and lov’d ; \, And to thy Living Worth that Tribute paid, Which forrowing now {he offers to thy Shade. Of Falfi‘ TASTE. A N To the Right Honourable Ric/Jam? Earl of Burlfizgtm, Occafion’d by his publifhing Pallddz'o’s De— figns of the BATHS, ARCHES,‘ THEATRES, E36. of Ancient ROZME. ‘ ., I S flrange the 'Mifer flmuld his Cares i employ To gain thof'e Riches he can ne‘er enjoy :1 Is it lefs firangc the Prodigal flmuld twafle His Wealth, to purchafe what he ne’er can mfleg Not for himfelfhe fees, or hears, or cats; Artifis Inuit chufe his Pié‘i‘ures, Mufick, Meats: He buys from ‘ZIJflmm Drawings anti Defigns, For Rum/aim Statues: and for (I‘m-fa Cains, AJ..._»..\MWW» z _ -,M‘\__ : ~~ r .» VA“... ,. -.' , my: ( 24 ) Rare Monkifh Manufcripts for Hedme alone, And Books for Medal, and Rarities For Sloan, Think we all thefe are for himfelf? no more Thar; his fine Wife (my Lord) or finer Whoréi For what has 73mm pointed, built, and planted“? Only to flievv how many Tafles he ivantetl.‘ it What brought Sir Skylar/Q’s ill-got Wealth to walk? Some Daemon Whif'per'd, “ Kizigbt: fhould have a Tag/left ‘ Heav’n vifits with a Yafie the wealthy Fool, And needs no Rod, but Soap—rd with a Rule. See fportive Fate, to punifh aukward Pride, Bids 5450 build, and {ends him fuch a Guide: A {landing Sermon! at each Year’s Experiee, . That never Coxcomb reach’d Magnificence. 0ft have you hinted to your Brother Peer, A certaimTruth,‘ which many buy too dear : Something there is, more needful than Expence, And fomething previous ev’n to T290 ’Tis Senfe; ' Good Senfe, which only is the Gift of'Hcav’n, And tho’ no Science, fairly worth the Seven. A Light, which in your nl-f‘you mull“ perceive ;- * :727285 and :1: Le Naive have it not to give. m,“ m i ..- mun—n— u——_~‘ : u— * [Inigo jones. :3: Yhe famsm fi'ri‘z' :: ram-’50 defigw’a’ the by} Garcfem in France, (27le plaim’d Qi‘TthCh {ind St. , ‘ t ‘ w James’s Parks, Etc. F0 < 2s ) e To build, to plant, whatever you intend, To tear the Column, or the Arch to bend, To fwell the Tertas, or to link the thi 3 In all, let Natzire never be forgot. Confult the Gem'm of the Place in all, That tells the Waters or to rife, or fall, Or helps th’ ambitious Hill the HeaV‘ns to l'cale, Or (creeps in Circling Thtatres the Vale, Calla in the Country, catches opening Glades, Joins willing Woods, and varies Shades from Shades, Now breaks, or now direéts, th’ intending Lines ; Paint: as you plant, and as you work, Defigfln Begin with Swfe, of WT}! Art the Soul, Parts anfw’rihg Parts, {hall Hide into a ‘V’V'llole3 Spontaneous Beauties all around advance, Start, ev’n from Dzfiimlfy, (trike, from (3mm 3 Nature {hall join you ; Time fliall make it grow V A Vt’ork to wonder zit—perhaps a ‘9‘ STOW‘i. Without it, proud fivflzz‘z’t’et.’ thy Glory falls, And Nero’s Teri-alias defer: their Walls: p D The ' * The Seat and Garden: Of the Lord 7:]?qu Cobham ,- m Buckinghamflm‘e. ( 26 ) The vafi Partewe: a thoufand Hands fliall imake, Lo! Bridgman comes, and floats them with a Lake ; Or cut wide View: thro’ Mountains to the Plain, You’ll wifh youi‘ Hill, and flielter’d Seat, again; Behold Villarz'b’s ten-years Toil co‘mpleat, His @incuni darkens, his Efpaliers meet, The Wood f'u'pports the Plain ; the Parts unite, '. And Strength of Shade contends With Strength of ' Light; > His bloomy Beds a waving Glow difplay, Blulhing in bright Diverfities of Day,“ I With filver' quiv’ringRills maeander’d o’er-ma , . 1 --—--Enjoy them, you! Villarz‘o can no more ; 7 Tir’d of the Scene Parterres and Fountains yield, He finds at 13?: he better-likes a Field. Thro" his young Woods how pleaS’d Sabina: firay’d, V. 50': fat delighted in the thick’ning Shade, ' ' ' ‘With annual Joy the red’ning Shoots to greet, And fee the firetchin‘g Branches] long to nieetl v His Son’s fine Taf’ce an op’ner Vii/24 loves, Foe to the Dry/1d: of his Father’s Groves, One boundlef: Green or fiamfi/b’d Carpet vie ws, i With all the mo‘u’rnful Family of few: ; ' (27) The thriving Plants ignoble Broomflicks made, Now {weep thofe Allies they were born to fhade; Yet hence the Poo: are cloth’d, the Hm :zgry fed; Health to himfelf, and to his Infants Bread The Lab’ rer bears; what thy hard Heart denies, Thy charitable Vanity fupplies. Another Age fhall fee the golden Ear ( Imbrown thy Slope, and nod on thy Parterre. beep Harvefis, bury all thy Pride has plann’d, And laughing Ceres reafl‘ume the Land. I At Timonés [filid let us pafs a Day, ; Where all cry out, ‘ What Sums are thrown away? So proud, fo grand. of that fiupendous Air, Sufi and flgreeahle come never there. Greatnefs, with Timon, dwells in f'uch a Draught, As brings all Brobdigmg before your Thought; To compafs this, his Building is a Town, His Pond an Ocean, his Parterre a Down; Who but mufl: laugh, the Matter when he fees 9 A puny InfeEt, Ihiv’ ring at a Breeze 7 Lo! what huge Heaps of Littlenefs around! The Whole, 2; labourjd Quarry above Ground! Two ( 28 ) Two C #11sz fquirt before: A Lake behind Improves the Keennefs of the Nortbren Winci His Garden: next your Admiration call, On’ev’ry fide you look, behold the Wall! No pleafing Intricacies intervene, ‘ No artful Wildnefs to perplex the Scene : Grove nods at Grove, each Ally has a Brother9 And half the Platform jufl refleé’cs the other The fuff’ ring Eye inverted Nature fees, Trees cut to Statues, Statues thick as Trees» With here a Fountain, never to be play’d,1 And there a Summer-houfe, that knows no Shades Here Amphitrz‘te fails thro’ Myrtle Bow’ rs; Then * Gladiator: fight, or die, 1n Flow’ rs; 1 Un—water’ d fee the drooping Sea~horfe rnourng And Swallows roof: 1 n Nilm’. dnfiy Urn». Behold! my Lord advances 9’ er the G1 eenj Smit with the mighty Pleafure, to be feen: ' 1-, But {oft-«4 by regular Approach-nnot yet-- Firl’t thrg’ the Length of you hot Terras fweatz Anti mmnmwwmu Q,‘ '4‘ 97:12 two famous Statue: of the Gladiator pugnans, 81: Gladiator moriens. C 29 ) , = l ‘ ‘ And when np ten {leep Slopes you've draggld your ‘ Thighs, i ’ Juf’c at his Study-door he’ll blefs your Eyes. His Study? with what Anthors is it flor“.d? In Books, not Authors, curious is my Lord; To all their ddted Back: he turns, you round, J Thefe A’ldm printed, thofe Du Suez'l has bowd: Lo fame are Vellom, and the refi as good, For all his Lordfhip knows, but they are Wood. For LOLk Or Milton 'tis in vain to look, I Thefe Shelves admit not any Modern Book. And now the Chappel’s filver Bell you hear, That fumrnons you to all the Pride of Pray°rz Light Qfirks of Mufick, broken and uneven, Make the Soul dance upon a jig to Heaven. On painted Cielings you devoutly flare, | Where fprawl the Saints of Verrz‘o, or Legmrre, On gilded Clouds in fair Expanfion lie, And bring all Paradife before your Eye. To Rea, the Cufhion, and foft Dean invite, Who never mentions Hell to Ears polite. But l 9 1 2 ‘2 '1 :1 y ( 30 > But hark ! the chiming Clocks to Dinner call ; A hundred Footfleps fcrape the marble Hall ; The rich Bullet well~colour’d Serpent: grace, And gaping Yritom fpew to waih your Face. Is this a Dinner ?‘ this a Genial Room? No, ’tis aTe-mple, and aHecatomb ; A fqlemn Sacrifice, perform’d inSréue, You drink by Meafiire, andcto Minutes car, 50 quick retires each flying Courfe, you’d {wear ,1. Sancko’s dread Doclor and his Wand were there; Bern een each A&, the trembling Salvers ring, From Soup to Sweetwine, and God big/3r the King. ' In Plenty flarving, tantaliz’d in State, J ‘ And complaifnntly help’d to all I hate, Treated, careis’d, and tir’d, I take my Leaves, Sick of his civil Pride, from Mom to Eve; \ I curfe fuch laviih Coil, [and little Skill, And fwear, no Day was ever pafi to ill; In you, my L owl, Tafie fané’cifies Expence, For Splendor borrows all her Rays from Senfc You fllOW us, Rome was glorious, not profufe, And pompous Buildings once were things of 111°C. ( 3 I ) jull as they are, yet fltall your noble Rules 13‘ ill half the Land with imitating Fools, Who random Drawings from your Sheets {hall take, And of one Beauty many Blunders make ; Load fome vain Church with old Theatric Stare; Turn Archs of Triumph to a Garden-gate ; Reverfe your Ornaments, and hang them all On fome patch’d Dog—hole, ek’d with Ends of Wall, Then clap four Slices of Pilafter on’t, And lac’d With Bits of Rul’tic, ’tis a Front: shall call the Winds thro’ long Arcades to roar, Proud to catch Cold at a Venetian Door; Conf'cious they a6): a true Palladizm Part, And if they flarve, they flarve by Rules of Art: Yet thou proceed; be fallen Arts thy care, Ereél: new Wonders, and the Old repair, yam: and Palladio to themfelves reflore, And be whate’er Vz‘truoz'u: was before : Till Kings call forth th’ Idea’s of thy Mind, Proud to accomplilh what fuch Hands defigx. 3, Bid Harbours open, publick Ways extend, ’ And Temples, worthier of the God, afcend ; Bid Thciéarc Imperial Works, and wOrthy Kings; 23 Thefc Honours, Peace tok'happy Britain b I18” 4 59 A I And rolilobcdrient Rivers thro’ the Land A Back to his Bounds their fubjetl Sea command,» The Mole projeeccd break the roaring Main; Bid the broad Arch the dang’rous Flood contain, (32) a m. m _ _ a w w