I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl STATE DUNCES. INSCRIBED TO Mr. PO P E. I from my Soul f merely Imie Barb --- and M-n-rs of State. 8 W I F T. LONDON: Printed for W. D I 0 xi: NS 9 N in Mich-5 Srmt, I'733._ STATE DUNCES. WHile cringing Crowds at faithlefs Levees wait, Fond to be Fools of Fame, or Slaves of ’Sté’tc, And others, f’tudious to encreafe their Store, Plough the rough Ocean for Peruvian Ore; How blefi thy Fate whom calmer Hours attend;a _ Peace thy Companion, Fame thy faithful Frienaflsl 7 While in thy Twick’nlmm Bowers devoidot Came. You feafl the Fancy and enchant the Ear, Thames gently rolls her filver Tide along, And the charm’d Naiades lifted .to thy Song; Here peaceful pafs the gentle Hours away, While tuneful Science meafuxes out the Day 3 Here happy Bard, as various Fancies lead, You gain: the blooming Maid, or flow’ry Mead! A 2. ' 1 Sound ( 2. . )r . .§Ourrtl%tlie rough Clangour of tumultuous Wdr, *f ' "0r Sing the moi/yd Tendril: of theFair-I‘ § ‘ now melting move the-tender Tearto flow. -, And rr‘mke our Sighs with Eloifa’s woe. 11 But chief to Dulnefs ever, Foetleereed, The Ape: of §cience with thy Satire bleed ; 1- rers, Poets, Panders, mingle in the Throng, Smart with thy Touch, and tremble at thy Song. *3 "5 Yet vain, 0 Pope! is all thy fharpefi Rage, Still {larv’ling Dances pet-fecute the Age 3 Faithful to Folly, or enrag’d with Spite, Still taflelefs Timon: build, and Tiééulds write; 1, 1- Still Wet/{earl tunes his Beeréinfpir’d Lays; find Rofipb, in Metre, howls forth Stanbope’s Praife: I _* Homer. § Rape-of the Lock. “Eloifato Abelard. «1- Dunciad. ‘H‘ Epifiles. .1. f Still Welfleaa’i Two Authors, remarkable For no; And Ralph, thing [0 much as ‘the Figure they make in the Dunciad 5 where Mr. Pope has condeicendedto drag them fromObfcurity, and damn them with Immar- nifty; yet they have both ventur’d out in Print fincc they were enter’d Dunces on Record; the one in a few had Ver- fes againfl MLPope’s Taf’te, the other in a dull Epif’cle to Lord C/aefi’erfield; but both thefe Pieces areas entirely loll: to Fame an'd Memory, as their Authors are toModcfiy and Common Senfe. ' ‘ ' , flying; Ah! ,f 't " {32.06 Rwy; ' ‘Ji I 3 ) Ah! haplef: Viétim to the Poet’s Flame, , W hile his Eulogiums crucify thy Fame. Shall embrio Wits thy findious Hours engage, Live in thy labours, and prop/cam thy Page 5 While Virtue, everolov’d, demands thy Lays, And clai ms the tuneful Tribute of thy Pratife ; Can Pope be filent, and not grateful lend, ’ One Strain to flag the Patriot, and the Friend; Who nobly anxious in his Country’s Caufe, Maintains her Honours, and defends her Laws 2 Could I my Bzrd but equal Numbers raife, Then would Ifingwfor oh i I burfi topraffe; Sing how a Pulteney charms the lifl’ningThrong, While Senate: hang enraptur’d on his Tongue 5 With Tully‘s Fire how each Oration glows, In Tully's Mufick, how each Period flows; lnftruét each Babe to lifp the Patriot’s Name. Who in each Bof om breathes a Roman Flamfi. So when the Genius of the Roman A ge Ste m’d the {trong Torrent of tyrannic Rage: In Freedom’s Caufe each glowing Email hewarm’d, And like a Pulxemy, then a 8mm: charm'd. ' How ( 4 ) How, blefi, while We a Brité/I: Brutus fee; And all’hhe Roman flahd eonfefi in Thee! Equal thy Worth, but equal were thy Doom, To fave Britannia as he refcu’d Rome 5 He from a Tarqm'n fnatch’d the defiin’d Pxey». Britannia {fill laments a W.__’s Sway. Arife my tuneful Bard, nor thus in valn Let thy Britannin, whom thou lov’fi, complain: If Thou in moanful Lays relate her Woe, Each Heart {hall bleed; each Eye with Pity flow : If to ReVCnge you {well the founding Strain, l Revenge and Fury fire each, Britifl; Swain: Obfeqfiious to thy Verfe each Breafi' men move. 0r burn with Rage, or {often into Leve. 0 let Britannia be her Poet’s Care 1! And lafh the Spoiler, while you lave the Fair. Lo! where he fiends, amidf’c the [crude Crew; Nor Bluflzes (lain hisVCheek with crimfon Hue, While dire C ormftion all aréund he lpreads, And e’ryduéfile Confiience captive leads: Brib’d by his Booms, behold the 1mm! Band. ‘ ' Worfhip the Idol they could oncevcomm‘and : ”a ._ fi}."‘i . . ‘ (‘5') So Britain’s now; as ffudab’s Sons before; Fixfl: raife a GOLDEN» CALIF, and then adore. Let dull Pamefi‘an Sons of Rhime, no more L Provokefithy Satire, and employ thy Power 5 New Obieéts rife to [here an equal Fate, The big, rich, mighty, Dunn: of the State. Shall Ralph, Cooke, mlflead, then engrofs thy Rage, While Courts afford a H..._., T———-, or G...— 5 Dame/3 no more roofts only near the Sky, But Senates, Drawing-rooms, with Garrets vye ; V Plump Pairs, and breadlels Bards, alike are dull. " . 3t. Samos’s and Rag-Fair, club Fool for Fool. Amidfi the mighty Dali, behold how great Au Appiu’s {Wells the Tiébald of the State; Long had he (trove to {pread his lawlcfs Sway O’er Britain’s Sons, and force them to obey ; But blafied all his blobming Hopes, he flies To vent his Woe, and mourn his l6fiEx—fe. I Penfive be fit, and figh’d, while round him lay Loads of dull Lumbee, all infpir’d by Pay : Here, ( 5 ) Here, puny Pamphlets, {pun from Palate: Brains 3 There, the {mooth Jingle oi Cook’s lighter Strains; Here Walfingham’s {oft lulling Opiates fpread 5 There gloomy Osburn’s Quinteflence of Lead : With thefe the Stanfman firove to cafe his Care, To footh his Sorrows, and divert Defpair; But long his Grief Sleepf‘s gentle Aid denies, At length a {lumbrous Briton clos'd his Eyes. Yet vain the healingBalm oi downy Reft, To chafe his Woe, or eaie his labouring Email 5 Now frightful Forms rife hideous to his View, . More, Stmfi‘onl, Laud, and all the headlefs Crew 5 Dagger: and Halter: boding, Terror breeds, And here a. Dudley (wings, there Wilding bleeds. Now Goddefi Dulnafs, watchful o’er his Fate; And ever anxious for her Child of State, From Couch of Down, flow rais’d her drowfy Head, Forfook her Slumhcrs, and to Appim fped. Awake, my Son. Awake, the Goddcfs cries, Nor longer mourn thy darling loft Ex - - fe 5 (Here the fad Sound unfeal’d the Statefman’s Eyes) Why ( 7 ) Why (lumber: this my Son, appren: with Cattle, While Dulnefi rules, fay, lhall her Sons defyéir 2 O’re all I fpread my univerfal Sway, ngs, Pr '12:“, Pg‘Lrs, ancl Rulers all obey 5 Lo ! in the Church my mighty P‘oWer l thew, In Pulpit preach,and {lumber in the Pew; The Bench and Bar alike my Influence owns, Here prate my Magpies, and there done my Dream In the grave Dons, how formal is my Mien. I Who rule the Gallipo‘ts of Warwickdane :‘ At Court behold me flrut in Purple Pride, At Hos/elegy roar, and in Crane-03:1” prefide. But Chief in Thee, my mighty Power is feen‘,‘ ’Tisl infp’ire thy Mind, and fill thy Mien; On Thee, my Child, my duller Ble‘ffings fhed, And pour my Opium o’er thy favourite Head; Rais‘d Thee a Ruler at Britannia’s Fate, And led Thee blundEring to the Helm of State. Here bow’d the Statefman low, and thus addtefl 5 O Goddefs, fole Infpircr of my Breafi ! To gall the Britifl) Neck with Gallic Chain, Long havel (trove, but long have {trove in vain 5 B ‘ While ( 3 ) While Caleb, Rebel to thy {acted Power, Unveils thofe Eyes which Thou had’fi curtain’d o’er 5 Makes Britain’s Sons my dark Defigns forefee, Blaft all my Schemes, and firuggle to be free. 0 had my Projeéts met a milder Fate, How had I reign’d a Baihaw of the State! How o’er Britafinia fpread m’ imperial Sway, How taught each free-born Briton to obey! No fmiling Freedom then had chear’d her Swains, But Afia’s Defiarts Vy’d with Albion’s Plains: Turks, Vandals, BRITAIN ! then compar’d with Thee, Had hugg’d their Chains, and joy’d that they were free 5 1 While wond’ring Nations all around had ieen Me rife a Great Mogull, or Mazarin: Then had I taught Britannia to adore, Then led her Captive to my lawlefs Power. Methinks I view her now no more appear Firi’t in the Train, and Fairefi ’midfl the Fair ; joylefs I fee the lovely Mourner lye, ‘ Nor glow her Cheek, nor fparkle now her Eye 5, Faded each Grace, no fmiling Feature warm; Torn all her Treffes, blighted ev’ry Charm ; Nor teeming Plenty now each Valley crowns, ._ , ‘ 7 5,2 we; are her Sons, and armleejs all her Towns. (9) For this, Behold yon peeeeful Army fed; For this, on Senam fee my Bounty ihed 5 For this, what Wonders, Goddefs, have I wrought ! How bully’d, beg’d, how treated, and hog'fougke 1 What wand’ring Maze of Error blunder’d thro’, And how repair’d old Bll'mders (till by new ! Hence the long Train of never-ending Jars Of warful Bearer, and of peaceful Wars, Each myflic Treaty of the mighty Srore, Which to explain, demands ten Treaties more : Hence Scare-tram Naviesfleating Raree-Slaows, .3 And hence Iberia's Pride, and Britain’s Woes. ' Thefe wondrous Works, OGoddels, haveI done, Works ever worthy Dame/'5’ fav’rite Son. Lo! on thy Sons alone‘my Favours mower, None (hate my Bounty that difdain thy Power : Yon, Feathers, Ribbons, Titles light as Air, Behold thy choicefi; Children only {hare ,- Each views the Pageant with admiring Eyes, And fondly grafps the vifionary Prize; Now proudly fpreads his Leading-firing of State, And thinks to he a Wren}; is to be Great. ‘ B 2 , - But « 4; in: m a ( I o ) But tnrii, OGoddeis, turn thine Eyes andviewj {the darling Leaders of thy gloomy Crew. I-‘ull opén-mouth’d N..........e there behold, ’Aping a Tully” {well into a Scold, Grievous to mortal Ear ; As at the place Where loudetongu‘d Virgins vend the fcaly Race. Harih Peals of vocal Thunder fill the Skies, And Running Sounds in hideous Difcord rife; So when he tries the wondrous Power of Noii'e, Each haplefs Ear’s a vié‘tim to his Voice. How bleft, O Cbejélden! whoie Art can mend; Thofe Ears N e was o‘rdain’d to remit give; SeeH——w n fecure in {Ilence fit, No empty Words betray his Want of Wit; If Senfe in hiding Folly is exprefs’d; 0 H - n, thy Wifdom hands eonfefs’eh To Dulmys ficred‘ Caufe for ever true, Thy darling Caledonia», Goddefs, View, The Pride and Glgry of thy Scotia’s Plains, And faithful Leader of her venal Swains, Loaded e, . r...‘ w—4 ‘4‘_ . (II) Loaded he moves, beneath a let-vile Weight; The dull laborious Packborfe of the States Drudges through Tracks of Infamy for Pg; ‘ And hackniesout his Confcieaee by the Day :, Yonder behold the bufy park/3 Pm, With Afpeét meagre andjmportant Airs . His Form how gothlc, and his. Look: how. (age; He feems the living Planet the Age. Blel’t Form! in which alone thy Merit’s ieen, Since all thy Wz‘fdom centet‘s in thy Mien! Ilere E----—e 4—6—1: (for Senate: fit) And WW6} the Wife in Council fit, Here looby G n, G , 7», ever dull. By Birth a Smyztor, by Fatea F - I. While thefe, Britannja, watchful o’er thy State. Maintain thine Honoutjs, and dirth thy Fate, How {hall admiring Nations round adore, Behold thy Greatnefs, tremble at thy Pow’n; How Skew: come, invited by thy Fame, Reyere thy Wifdom, and and thy Name; L0! to you Bench now, Goddcfs‘ turn thific 31"“ And view thy Sons in folemn Dulnefs rife, (12.) 'All dusting, wrinkled, grave, and gloomy, fee Each Fo~ in coniefi thy dull Divinity 5 True to thy Caufe behold each trem/var'd Sage Increas’d in Folly as advanc'd in Age : I Here Ck ‘ = 1" ' r, learn’d in myflie Prophecy, Confuting Collins, makes each Prophet lie“: Poor Wool/Eon by thy Smallérook there afiail'a, Goals fure convinc’d him, tho’ the Prelate fail’d. But chief Paflqriur, ever grave and dull, Devoid of Senie, of Zeal divinely full, Retails his Squibs of Science o’er the Town, While Charges, Paflo mlr, thro’ each Street refound, Thefe teach a heav’nly Sefu: to obey, While thofe maintain an earthly Appius Sway. Thy Gofpel Truth, Pafiorim, crofl we Ice, *- While God and Mammon’s ferv'd at once by Thee. Who would not trim, fpeak, vote, orCoinfcience pawn, To lord it o’er a See, and {well in Lawn 2 If Arts like thefc, O S ' '1 ink, Honours claim, . ‘- Than Thee none merits more the Prelate’s Name: "‘ A Prelste nored for writing Spiritual Paflorals and Temporal Charges 5 in the one he endeavours to ferve the Cauie of Chrifiianity, in the other the Mammon ot a Minifiry. .e aw: i: " ' 3 Wond’ring ‘ ( r 3 ) Wond’ring behold him faithful to his Fee, Prove Parliaments dependent to be free ; In Senates blunder, flounder, and difpute, For ever reas’ning, never to confute. _ Since Courts for this their fated Gifts decree, Say what is Reputation to a See. 7 Lo! o’er yon Flood H- ‘- e cal’ts his low‘ring Eyes, ,1} ,1 e a And wifhful fees the reverend Turrets rile. While Lamheth opens to thylonging View, Haplefs! the Mitre ne’er can bind thy Brow : i Tho’ Courts mould deign the Gift, how wondrous hard By thy owfiDoétrines hill to be debar’d; ’ For if from Change * inch mighty Evil 1prings. Tranflatiam fure, O H - - e! are finfulThings. Thefe Rulers fee, and namelefs Numbers more% 0 Goddeis, of thy Train the choicefi Store, Who Ignorance in Gravity entrench, ‘ And grace alike the Pulpit and the Bench. Full plac’d and penfion’d fee H - r-- o fiands, f‘ x . Begrim’d his Face, unpurify’d his Hands 5 1 if 1 r‘ i * A noted Sermon preached on the 30th of january on this Text, Woe Ive mm them that are given to Change, Sec, 111' thaw ~ r. ,x. ______~_,__,.\,_,‘,_.._.,_-_, . . Mix < I 4 ) To Decency he {cams all nice pretenee, And reigns firm Foe to Cleanlinels and Senfe. How did H—raa BRITAIN’S, Came advance! How mine the Sin-um and bafaon of France, IuSenatcs now, how fcold, how rave, how mm: or Treatgex run we tedious train-:row o’er ! How blunder out Whate’er {liouz‘d be conceal'd, And how keep fecret what mould be reveal ’d I T: ue Child of Lame/'5! lee him, Godd'ez’s, claim Pow’r next myfelf, as men in Birth and Fame. “2’Silence! ye Senates, while enribon’d r a»: Pours forth melodinus Nothings from his Tongue! How fweet the Accents play around the Ear, Fotm’u of {month Periods, and of Well-turn’d Air! Leave; gentle r--..e, the Senate’s dry Debate, Nor labour’midfl the Laybrinths of State; Suit thy {oft Genius to more tender Themes, And ling of cooling Shades, and purling Streams 5 W’ith modem Sing-long murder ancient Plays, * Or warble in (weer Ode a Brunfwick’s Praifc: * This Gentleman, with the Alliftance of Rocme, Cone mnemand leveral Others, committed a barbarous Murder on the Body of an old Comedy, by tuxning it into a mac elem Ballad Opera; which was {came exnibited on the Stage, before it was thought necefléry to be contrafied into one A61. As this is the only living lnl’canec ol’ the iurprizing Genius and Abilities-of their: Wits, I could not forbear mentioning it. So 7(15) So {hall tb y Strains in purer Dulnef: flow; And Laurels wither on a C—bb-r’s Brow. Say, can the Statefman weild the Poet’s Qiill, And quit the Senate for Parnafl’m’ Hill; Since there no venal Vote a Penfion lhares, Nor wants Apollo Lords Commiffioners. There W and P Firm in thy Caufe, and to thy Appim trues Lo .' from their Labours what Reward betides ! One pays my Army, one my Navy guides. ,Goddefs, view, a f ‘5 To dance, drefs, ling, and ferenade the Fair, “ Conduéi a Finger, or reclaim a Hair, __ O’er baleful Tea with Female§ taught to blame. And lpread a Slander o’er each Virgin’s Fame ; ‘ Form’d for thefe {ofter Arts, {hall H..._.y (train; . 7 ’ t ‘ if 3‘ ‘ » With i’tubbom Politickt histender Brain! ‘ 'V For Miniflers laborious Pamphlets write, In Senates prattle, and with Patriots fight! Thy fond Ambition, pretty Youth, give o’er. ' Prefide at 13:113., old Falhionsloi’t reliores (I So V (16) So flail each Toilet in thy Caoic engage, ' And H——y mine a P.—~re,of the Age. ' ll Behold a Star emblazon C._..n’s Coat, Not that the Knight basV Merit, but a Vote. And here! 0 Goddefs, numerous Wrongheads trace. :Lur’d by a Penfion, Ribbon, or a Place. f .‘ y Jud"... . , an...» a“ A-» To murder Science, and my Caufe defend, Now Shoals of Grubflfeet Garreteersdefcend; F'rom Schools and Des/e: the writing Inieé’ts crawl, - y; Unlade their Dulnefs, and for Afpiu: bawl. Lot to thy darling Osborne turn thine Eye’s, Sec him o‘er Politicks fuperior rife; While Caleé feels the Venom of his Qiill, .And wond’ring Minifiers reward his Skill: Unlearn'd in Logic, yet he writes by Rule, v {9 And proxies himlelf in Syllogifm.” Fool 5 Now flies obedient, war with Senfe to wage, And drags th’ Idea thro’ the painful Page : L‘mead, unanfwer’d, fiill he writes again, ' Still {pins the endleis Cobweb of his Brain 5 Charm’d (I7) Charm‘d with each Line, reviewing whathc'writ, Blefle$ his Stars, and wonders at his Wit. Norlefs, O Wal/inghnm, thy Worth appears! Alike in Merit, tho’ unlike in Years : Ill-fated Youth ! what Stars malignant ihed Their baneful Influence o’er thy brainlefs Head, Doom’d to be ever writing, never read !_ For Bread to libel Liberty and Senfe, And damn thy Patron weekly with Defence. Drench’d in the [able Flood, 0 had’fl thou flill, O’er Skins of Pagehment drove thy venal will, At Temple AlebHoufe told an idle Tale, And pawn’d thy Credit for a Mug of Ale; Unknown to Appius then had been thy Name, Unlac’d thy Coat, unfacrific’d his Fame; Nor vafi unvended Reams would Peale deplore, AsViétims deftin’d to the Common-Shore. 'Aa Dunce to Dance in cndlefs Numbers breed, So to Contanen fee a Ralph fucceed, A tiny Witling of thch Writing Days, Full fam’d for tunelefs Rhimes, and {hortliv’d Plays, W1 ice. ' Writcon, my *lmklefsBard, rcfiifl MEMm’d,‘ Tho’ burnt thy Journals, and thy Dramas damn'd ; fTis Bread infpires thy Politicks and Lays, , Not Thirfl: of Immortality or Pmifia. Thele, Goddefs, View, the choiccfi ofthc Train; While yet unnumbcr’d 13mm: {till remain, ' Deans, Critics, Lawyers, Bards, amofley Crew; To Dulmf: faithful, asto ‘Appifl: true. Enough, 7 the Goddefs cries, Enough I've (can 5 While thefc fupport, fecurc my Son {hall reign, y Stillmalt thou blund’ring rule Britannia‘s Fate, Still Grub-firm hail The: Minifler e/ L Sum. .. FINI-S. a m. m _ _ a w w