I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl F R O M _ Young Gentlemen about Town; As deliver’d in his SECO ND SERMON. Imitated in the Manner of Mr; P O P E gogetber with the ,Ori inal Text, 4: refiored by the Reed. R. BE N T E Y, DOE”: of Divinity; Andfome Remark: mtlae Vcrfion. L O N D O N : Printed. And, DUB LIN Rc—printed by GEORGE FAULKNER; Bookfcller, in Eflxjflfgb oppofigc; (to 5h; Bgidg¢3 Maccxxxv: ‘ ' ’ V- -. ,9 ,, l . v“, “1......MK, WMWHI.__,~_ _ w _. :— a.......w...w,_ «flaw. 1 a; I 1 «.1 '17, ‘1 '1 ‘ " I: “6 “I I”? T O fllemfider Pope, Efq; ”Tijfiave f0 great a Truf’c in your Indulgence towards me, as to believe you cannot but patro- . ‘7 nize this ImitatiQn, {0 much 111 your own Manner, and Whofe Birth I may 11 uly fay is owino to you. In that Confidence, I would not fupprefs the rCriticifms made upon it by the Rpm/611d Doctor, the rather, 14111103 he 1111115 promifed to mend the Faults in the next Edition, with the fame Goodnefs he has praé’cifed to M11011. I hope you will believe that while I expiefs my Regard for you, 1t is only our of NIodef’cy I conceal my Name; lmce,1§l1o"pe1haps,I may not profefs myfelf your Admtr-ewfo much as fome others, I cannot: but be, with as much inward ‘Refi1e&,.Good—will, and Zoe] as any IvIau, Dew Sir, ‘- 9 2111? mg}? flfiati‘omte mi flair/729%? ,Sczwavéjfio Q._ HORATII FLACCI. SERMON II. LI. I ,‘ k i: ‘1. 1 HI ‘ i ‘ 'l X . 1‘ : . i 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ I :} H“ 1‘: ‘ 2 ' ! I | ‘HI‘ T EXTUM Recefifitit V. R. RICA‘RDUS B‘ENTLEIUS, S. T. P. Mbubajdrum collegia, pharmacopolae, Mendici, mimae, balatwne: ; boo germ: 0mm Mdefium' ac follicitum efi cantori: movie Yigelli : Quippe Benignus amt ‘ “Cantu bio, we prodigy: eflé Dicatur, memem, inopz’ dare mlit amico, Frigm qua dummque famem depellere poflit; , . Hum: > [Norm BENTLEIANJEJ Imitated. Why Imitated? Why not tranflated? Odz‘ [mitatoresl A' Metaphrafl: had not turned Yigellim, and Fufidim, Malclaz'nu: and Gargom’m (for I fay Malcbinmynot Maltbz‘nm, and Gargonim, not Gorgonim) into {0 many LADIES. Benignm, bio, 1mm, SEC. all of the Mafculine Gen— ‘der: Every School-2:)! knows more than our Imi- tater; ,3 M; U'zflC am! an... WWW“.-- WW. I Sober ADVICE From HORACE, Imitated from his Second S E R M O N. THE Tribe of Templars, Play’rs, Apothe» I caries, Pimps, Poets, Wits, Lord Fanny’s, Lady Mary’s, And all the Court in Tears, and half the Town, Lament dear charming * Olcyield, dead and gone? Engaging Oldfield .-’ who, with Grace and Eafc, Could joyn the Arts, to min, and to pleafe. N07 (0, who of Ten Thoufand guii’d her Knight, Then ask’d Ten Thoufand for a fccond NE 371:; The Gallant} too, to whom flu: paid it dowh, Liv’d to refufc that Mifircfs half a Crown. Con. a” * A famous fifh‘ql}, belonging $9 the TheatreoROf" in Dmtvaané. .-_,..--., __ I r, . \ V . “v7 ( 2 ) Hum f aperconteris, aw‘ cur atquepzzrent-i: Fraerlaram ingmta firingat malm mgluvie rem, Omm‘a ,condm‘z‘i; ‘caemem olfiflia nummt‘; : “ Sordidm, atq'ue animz’ quod‘pami nolz't haéeri," Refpandef, Mudwur ab him, caeépatm' ab illij. Etfiz’iu: vappae famam Jimet dc ne-éulonii, Dim: dgfil, diwexpg lit}: m fizmr. o man-mix. 52mm»; his capitz' mercedes fax/ecat ; «pique Qgtmzto parditier quque (3/2, tanto daw'm urge}. Nomim fi'Ehzfm, modo fumm vefie (virilz' Sub pmm'bm durix, tir‘oflum. fifaxime, qm’: mm, 5*} jailer, exclamat [172241 Home dudiw't. ? “ A't m fa “ Ptaquaefiu [amt-am: facit bio." Vix traders poflb \. _ anz 1262' nonfit amicm: ita ut Pater ille, Terenti / EYEMM quem miferum gnato 7);):qu fugato Affidavit, mm fe pejm crucimerit atque bio. Si quis mmc yuan/1t, Q3“; m Imec pertinet? lilac: ‘ '1' . ~ . . . . . 43am vxtam‘fiulu vma, x‘n contrama currunr. . ( 2 ). Cm, Philip; cries, “ A fiteaking Dog I hate}? That’s all three Lovers have for their Efiate! ‘ “ Treat on, treat on,” is her eternal Note, And Lands and Tenements go down her Throat. Some damn the Jade, and fome the Culfies blame, But not Sit $ Herbert, for he does the fame. WITH 3” aWoman's Virtues but the I’m—x", Fufia’ia thrives in Money, Land, and Stocks: For Interefl, ten per Cent her Confiant Rate is ; Her Body 2 hopeful Heirs may have it gratis. She turnsvher very Sifier to a job, And, in the Happy Minute, picks your Foh : Yet f’tarves herfelf‘, fo little hen/own Friend, And thirfis and hangers only at one End. A SelfiTormentor, worfe than (in the fi Play) The Wreteh, whofe Av’rice drove his Son awayt BUT why an this? Beloved, ’ris my Theme: “ Women and Fools are always in Extreme. Rufa’s at either end a Common—Shear, fiwect Mall and j‘httk are Civet-Cat and Bear: Nothing ...........1. A V ., , i Sir Herbert Packington. 5 See My ‘Tmmre Hmutmtimommems: There is nothi: 1g £11 Dr, [14. e; Rm; 1‘ ( é“ ) Malcbz‘mx tunic}: demifli: ambulat : {/2 925 ' Inguen 4d obfcaenum fubdufii: ufquefacetm J Pafiillo: Rufillm olet, Gargonim bircum. Nil medium efl, fun?! qui nolint tet’igtflé, m' a film, 2544mm fab/um tale: tegat- infiim tag/2e .- { Comm alim nullam, mfi dent? in fornicc 1347mm. . Qgtidam notus homo‘ cum exir‘ez‘fbmice 3 “ Mara: .71 f‘ Virtute efio, inquitfentehtid did Cdtom‘x, ' “ szmjz'mul ac mam: infiavit tetré libido, “ Hm juvene: ‘aeqéum {/2 defcendere, non" gliemz: “ P ermolere worm—- -—--Nolim Iaua'arier, inquit, " Sic me, mimtor CVNNI CUPIENNIUS ALB! .1: fludire eff operas pretium, procedere refie \ gm“ macho: mm waltz}, ut omni'pm'te Iabomzt ; ’ th'ue If: CUNNI CUPIENNIUS ALBI, Hoary Shrine. Herc the Imitaror grievoufly errs, Cmmm all)»: by no means fignifying a white or grey Thing, but a Thing under a white or grey Garment, which thing may be m’zhcr black, brown, red, or parri»mlcurcd.B Em“. ’4 ( 3 ) Nothing inINature is 1'0 lewd as Peg, Yet, for the World, flte would not flléw her Leg! While bafhful 34mm, ev’n at Morning-Prayer, " Spreads her F ore-Buttocks to the Navel bare; But diff‘rent Tal’te in diff’rent Men prevails, And one is fir’d by Heads, and one by Tails; Some feel no Flames but at the Court or Ball, And others hunt white Aprons in the M411. My Lord of London, chancing to remark A noted Dean much bufy’d in the Park, “ Proceed (he cry’d) proceed, my Reverend Bro: ther, ' “ ’Tis Form'catio fimplex, and no other: S‘ Better than 1qu for Boys, with Pope and Turk, 9 Or others Spoufes, like :t my Lord of Ibrk. MAY no fuch Praife (Cries 7efi'eries) e’er be mine! jéferies, who ’bows at Hi——sb-'—w's hoary Shrinewsc 1* ALL you, who think the City ne’er can thriVe," “ ‘1 ' ”Till ev’ry Cuckold-maker’s flea'd alive ; if: B , Attend, WW * J4 Verfle takenfiom Mr. Popes #4 Otherg read Lord—Mayor, " 7—1—— _, ~_..___._ ( 4 ) thue i115: mum Eb’wupm dolore vofupitz'l, fltque hues vain-1, cuddt'dum inter fuepe which. Hicfe pmecipitem teéfo dedit : ille fiugellis 11d martem caefu: , fugiem bi: desidet ucrem Pruedouum in tm'bam: dedit L‘z'c pro corjwe uummo: 2" Hum permiuxerunt culones; quin etiam illud flotidit, ut * cuz‘a’um TESTIS,€AUD‘AMOJJE SALACEM Demetermt fez-r0. jure 02mm. Gull»: uegufmt. {Z'utz'or at quanta merx eff in clafléficuudu! Libertinarum dico : Sallufliu: in qua Non minu: inflmit, quum qui moecbaiur. at 751‘s [5, Qua vex, qua ratiofuuderet, quuque modg e flfuuffico efi Iicet, vellgt bonus utque benign”; Efle', duvet quantum fati: eflét, uec fibz’ damuo Dcdecorique foret. ‘verum hoe fie ampleéi‘itu um, ”Wflfluw-fi “h“ *—--TF.STIS CAUDAMQpE SALACEM Demetereut ferro (for f0 I fay, and not Demeteret ferrum, Bleed: in Perfofl. Silly! was he let Blood by a Surgeon? how (hart is this ofthc Amputation 0fthc ‘Fgffm'and Cauda fulax 7. ‘vV hut Ignorance nifo of Ancient Learning, appears}n his {hallow Tranflation of Per- «mixerun‘t, totally mxfiing the Mark, and not curring ‘ into the deep Meaning of the Author. ' Hos C 4 ) Attend, while I their Miferies explain, And pity Men of Pleafute {fill in Pain! Survey the Pangs they bear, the Rifques they run, Where the moi’t lucky are but lafl undone. See wretched Monfiem flies to fave his Throat, And quits his Mifirefs, Money, Ring, and Notch, ‘ [(—- of his Footman's borrow’d Livery fiript, By worthier Footmeu pifl upon and whipt 3, Plunder’d hy Thieves, or Lawyers which is wotfe, One bleeds in Perfon, and one bleeds in Purfe; ; ,, This meets a Blanket, and that meets a Cudgclfl And all applaud the Juflice—All, but :1: 8145133]. How much more fafe, dear Countrymcn! his State, Who trades in Frigates of the fecond Rate? And yet fome Care of S fl fhould be had, Nothing fo mean for which he can’t run mad; His Wit confirms him but a Slave the more, And makes a Princef's whom he found a Whore; The Youth might fave much Trouble and Expence, ‘5? ere he a Dupe of only common Senfe. 5....“ i A Gentleman as celebrated fir 121': Gallantries a: his Politicks ; an entertaining Hziflory of which may be pub- l-flbed, without the .1315]? ngitndal 92: flat? Ladies. E. CURL, ’(s) Hoe 4mm 8’ Mada: Mitronam nullam ego flange. U; szondam Marfaeu: amatur Origiuis, ille 23d patrium mimae dorm: fundamque laremque, Nil fuerit mi, inquit, cum uxorz'bm umquam aliem'x. Vemm efi cum mimig efi cum meretrz‘cibm: uncle ded maliim grawius, qmm res, Habit. an tibi abunde Pawn/m7 fati: ([2, non illud, quicquid ubique Oficit, e‘vitare? 1207mm deperdere famzzm, Rem pam’: oblimdre, malum efl ubz’cumque; guid inter E fl in matrom, ancillal peacefne togata ? Villim in Faufid Sullae gener, hoe mifer mm Nomine deceptus, poem: dedit ufque, prerque Quamfatig aft, 3 pugni: caefm, ferroque petitm, Exclufmfore, cum Longarénfl: firet intm, Hidcfi, mutam': «verbiy, mam Mum widenti Diceret has: animw 92“” wis- tibi ? WWW” ago we ' ‘ Mag- (5) But here’s his point ; A Wench (he cries) for me ! “ I never touch a Dame of Qnality. To P—-—l—-—r's Bed no Afirefs comes amifs, He courts the whole Pewjime Dmmatz‘x: He too can fay, “ With Wives I never fin." But Singing-Girls and Mimicks draw him‘in. Sure, worthy Sir, the DiH’rence is not great, With whom you lofe your Crédit and Efiate? This, or that Petfon, what avails to flinn? What’s wrong is wrong, Wherever it be done: The Eafe, Support, and Luflre of your Life, Deflroy’d alike with Strumpet, Maid, or Wife; WHAT pufh’d poor E—: on th'Imperial Whore? 9Twas but to be where CHARLES had been before” The fatal Steel unjnl’tly was apply’d, When not his Lufi offended, but his Pride: ,Too hard, 3 Penance for defeated Sin, Himfelf {hut out, and 74cob Hall let in. Supposz that honel’t‘Part that rules us all, Should rife, and fay—“W Sir Robert! or Sir Paul! '9 Did.- C 6’ ) Mztgnoprbgmtum depofco confide * cu N HUM, Kelatumque [2014, meat cum ‘conferbuit im? Quid reflmnderet? Magnapcztre mam paella e[l. At quanta mellow: monet, pugnantidqm {/2}: Dive: opi: natumfude! at [i modo refle Difpenfare Well}, ac non fugiénda petendi: :- Infill/cert. -——f2m with, rerunme labor”, Nil referv: putt“? game, we poem'teat is, Define marrow: fefiarier :_ undo Iabori: Plus bazm’re mazli 4/2, gum: or re decerperefmfim. Nec uflnw c—p-n. - * Magno prognatum depofco confule Cunnum J4 Thing defcended from the Conqueror. A Thing defcemkd why Thing? The Poet has it Cunnum ; which, therefore, boldly place here. Bum T\- c 6 ) 54 Did I demand, in my moi’t vig’rous hour, u A Thing defcended from the Conqueror ? u Or when my pulfe beat highef’c, ask for any “ Such Nicety, as Lady or Lord Fanny? What would you anfwer? Could you have the} Face, VVheu the poor Suff’rer humbly mourn’d his Cafe, > To cry, “ You weep the Favours of her :1: Grace 3.: HArn not indulgent Nature fpread a Feaflt, 3 And giv'n enough for Man, enough for Beafl? But Man corrupt, perverfe in all his ways, In fearch of Vanities from Nature firays: Yea, tho’ the Blefling’s more than he can ul'e, Shuns the permitted, the forbid purfues! Weigh well the Cauf'e from whence thefe Evils fpring, aTit. in thyfelf, and not in God's good Thing; Then, left Repentance punifh fuch a Life, Never, ah, never! kifs thy Neighbour’s Wife. Erfi. W.“ #- Spoken not of one particular Dulcbcj}, but of diver: Qualifier. 3 YLe original rilamfiript has it, Spread 3 Feaf’t OF «www— enough for Man, enough for Beafi; 9'..in we prefer flag fire/em“, m the purer Difiim. ( 7 ) Nee magi: We, inter prime: viridzfgye lapillo; Sit licet, o Cerintbe, tuo‘ tenerum efifemm", aut mu Reflim: atque etiam mafia:- perfaepe tagatae efi. Adele hue, quad memmfine fmi: gefiat ; aperte 25106101222418 babet, qflendit ; nequefi quid honqfli efl yaé‘r’at babetque palam, quaerit qua turpz'a celet; Regibm hie mo: gfl‘, ubz' aqua: mmantur; sperm Infiz’cium : we fifaci’es, utfaepe, datum ’ Mollifulta pede q/l ; emtorem ducat hiantem, Quad pulcbme alums, brew quad mput, ardua cervim Hoe illi refle. Tu corpori: optima Lymei Contemplare occulz'J; Hypfaea caeciar, ilk: 925m: malafimt, fpeflax. Own, 0 bracbia! vemm ‘ Depug'z‘s, Ina/hm, bre'w' latere, ac pede Itmga efl, Magronao, p'aemfaciem, nil ternere [261725; Caetem, xi Catt}; eff, :1:th mfle tegenti: . H -s'~—«_—.-_- 7 ( 7 ) Rifl, Silks and Diamonds veil no finer Shape, Or pluniper Thigh, than lurk in hnmble Grape: And fecandly, how innocent a Belle Is fl1e who knows what Ware fhe has to féll ; Not Lady-like, difplays a milk-white Bre‘afl‘, And hides in {acted Sluttiflmefs the ma; OUR ancient Kings (and fure thoie Kings were wife, Who judg’d themfialves, and law with their own Eyes) A War-horfe never for the Service chofe, But ey’d him round, and fiript off all the Cloaths ; For well they knew, proud Trappings ferve to hide. A heavy Chefl', thick Neck, or heaving Side. Bnt Fools are ready Chaps, agog to buy, Let but a comely Fore—hand firike the Eye; No Eagle lharper, every Charm to find, To all defefis, .Yy Goofe-rump’d, Hawk-nos’d, Swan-footed, is my Dear 5‘ They’ll praife her Ell/ow, Heel, or Yip o’tb’ Ear, y not f0 blind: A LADY‘S Face is all you fee undrefé’d ; For none bntLady M lhow’cl the Rafi) " C Bu: ( 8 ) Si iniem’ié'fa 1mm, walla circumdatd, (mm te Hoc fizcit irifanum) multzze tibi tum qfifcient vex; Cufloa'ex, Ieifim, cinifioneJ, pamfitae; “4:91 talo: field demzfl‘a, 83’ circumdatzz jmllrz .- le‘ima, qude imideantpure adpa’rcre tibiremz. A’Item m‘l log/lat: Cat's tibi pane videre {ff Ut Mud/1m ; we cmre male, nefit pede tugbi .- ‘Mctiri poflh oculo brim. an tibz’ mill/i: Infidimfieri, prefiumque a’vellier, ante Qatam;mevcem qflendi ? —_—-—-—'——LEPOR EM wuator at alt/t In fii‘cefec‘z‘etur, pofimm fie tngcre nolit : Cant/it, 83" adpom’t, MEUS ej/l amor buicfimz‘lz’u 7mm Wafifwlat in media pofita, @fugz’entid czzptat. Hifi‘me 'verfimlz': [per/t: tibi pofl'e‘dolarej, fltguc acflm, cm-nfque gram}: 6 pefiore tolli ? Nome, czxjgidinibzls flail/at 724mm madam 93mm, Quid Iatum, fibz’ quid fit dolitum negatum, éflf’a’fi'ff‘e ply! WWW}; {if inane nbfl‘imereflz/da? ( 3 ) . .V But if to Charms more latent you pretend, What Lines encompaf's, and what Works defend! Dangers on Dangers! obfiacles by dozens'! Spies, Guardians, Guefis, old Women, Aunts, and Cozens! Could you direétly to her Perfon go, P} i Stays will obf’trué’c above, and Hoops below, > And if the Dame fays yes, the Drefs fiys no. J 1 Not thutat ¢ Needbam’s; your judicious Eye May meafiire there the Breafi, the Hip, the Thigh! And will you run to Perils, Sword, and Law, All for a Thing you ne’er {0 much 35f4w 9 “ THE Hare once feiz’d, the Hunter heeds no more 9‘ The little Scut he fo purfu’d before, “ Love follows flying Game (as Sucklyn' fings) “ And 'tis for that the wanton Boy has Wings." Why let him Sing—hut when you’re in the Wrong, Think you to cure the Mifchief with a Song 2 Has Nature fer no bounds to Wild Defire ? No Senfe to guide, no Reafon to enquire, What folid Happinef's, what empty Pride 3 And ‘what is bell indulg'd, or hell deny’d ? If MW' 7%: A noted Bgmd in London. ( 9 3 Nam, tibi Zumfddfclismitfitix, wad" gum; ' Pocula? mim éfuriém fafiz’di: omnia pmeter f“ Pdwnem, Vibombumqae? fitment; iibi cum inguina, 2mm, .15, Ancilla m warm: efl pmeflo Paar, inlpetm in 9mm: Continua fiat, mall's tentz'gim rumpz'? Nan ego: namqm parabilcm amo venercm, facilcm' que. ILLAM, Pofl paullo, Sad plums, Si Axierit air, Gallic: Ham}, Philodehms aitfibz’, quae negaevmagm? Stet pretio ; nec cunffetm, cum 53/} juflk wem’re; Candida: reéldquefit: munch: bdéi‘enm, at neque Ioflga, Nec magi: all»: *belit, qudm'det mama, wideri. Haw, abifuppofuit dextro, corpus mibz' laewtm, Ilia ESP Egeria efl : do women. quodlibet illi. u—uu.‘ * PAVONEM, Pea-Chicks] Not ill-render’d, mm- wing a young or foft Piece, Anglia: a Tid-bit: fat}; is that ‘Delz'cate Tenth 'Cc‘rinthus, wbofl: F1417, our Horac‘cexpreflb fayr, was 4: tender as a Lady’s, and our Imitatqr, tum’d Such Nicety, as Lady or Lord F--- mt amif: truly ; it agrees with My own Rmdz‘ng of mo femorc, infieczd of mum femur, and/wear: of the true {Z‘afle qfflm‘iqaiy. BENT. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' : ' ' " ' Nee ( 9 ) If neither Gems adorn, nor Silvertip , The flowing Bowl, will you not wet your Lip? When {harp with Hunger, fcorn you to be fed, Except on Pea—Chicks, at the Bea’fiwd-bead 2 £013 when a tight, neat Girl, will ferve the Turn, In errant Pride continue Frill; and burn? I’m a plain Man, whof'e Maxim is profefi, “ The Thing at hand is of all Things the belt: But Her who will, and then will not comply, Whofe Word is If, Per/79412:, and Brand—by, ‘ Z-—-—ds! let fome Eunuch or Platonic take—~— So B—-—-—t cries, Philofopher and Rake! Who asks no more (right reafonable Peer) ‘ Than not to wait too long, nor pay too dearo I Give me a willing Nymph! iris all I ICare,» Extremely clean, and tolerablyi fair, Her Shape her own, whatever Shape {he have, And juf’t that White rind Red which Nature gave, Her I tranfported touch, tranf'ported View, And call her Angel! Goddefi.’ M—nt-.m! < m ) Néc wrew, 'né, ddm futuo, w‘r mm remmn‘ ; yanudfikngatur; latret cani: ; undique magm Pal/It domm/lrepitu reflmet : we pal/M4 1‘ch De filiat mulier; mifi’mm fig can/cm clamet ; Crmz‘lzu: haec metmt, doti Imec deprenfa, egomet mi. .Difiinffa tunicafugien‘da efl, ac pede 22min ; Ne nummi permit, ant puggz, ant denique fanm. V Dep‘endi ”lg/29mm efl: Fabio we! judice vimam. ( I 0 ) No furious Husband thunders at the Door ; i Nor barking Dog, no Houfhold in aRoar; L i From gleaming Swords no flirieking Women run ; No wrefiched Wife cries out, Undone I Undone! Sciz’d in the Fa&, and in her Cuckold's Pow’r, She kneels, {he weepb,and worf'e! refigns her Dow’r' Me, naked me, to Polls, to Pumps they draw, To Shame eternal, to eternal Law. OhLovel be deep Tranquility my Luck! * No Mif’crefis H—-—-}fh—~m near, no Lady Buck! For, to be taken, is the Dev’l in Hell ; This Truth, let Lowe], yefireys, Onflow tell. n... m ———a—-—u_—-—-I—-—_'——- * Here the Izhz'tator erm. Yhe Latin ha: it dum fu- tuo, a my? neceflkry Circumflame .’ which ought to be refiored ; and may, by the change of a fingle Word, be the fame with that of the Author, and one which wou’d mawelcmfly agree with the Ladiet in the fer/am? Lific. BENT. FINI& a m. m _ _ a w w