I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl M W._—_~ ’1 St. Patric/é’s W E L L g. mm "-a 3/ , Mu...“ DUBLIN: Printed in the Year M DCC xxxm; H. v.1".flF-3h4huln - St. PA TR I C K’s NWE LL EA R winding Bay»; a Chapel fiands,‘ The Work of pious Bamwell’s Hands ; Within, a Fountain’s Chriflzal Strcaig Springs {acred to a fainted Name; The zealous Neighbours all around Revere the confecratcd Ground, A And thro’ a Window oft explore .T he Fount, for Harris ficpp’d the Dooré A Window which wou’d fcarce fufiigq (£0 hold 1 HM 0! Wis: éizsz ‘ - -.__4 _-_V_.. .-~ , , i . a ‘ _ _ ~ .v: “"M’I‘rfi‘f‘flhfiemm Shawmnze. My? < ’\ {f 4‘ 5 The Head thrice dipp’ d, devoutly pray, The Stream will wafh your Sins away: For this can, by peculiar Grace, Wafh clean the Soul as well as Face. 1 hither came, nor will declare If for Devotion, or for Air, Perhaps for both; fupinely laid Beneath a rgv’re’n‘d. Aflr's Shade, The cooling Stream arid dark Retreat Congeal’d from Sight, fecur’d from Heatgk if Wijm Juflice here: I mightcomplain, How cooling Streams and Shades are vain;- While raging Love theHeart infpires With runextirlguifliable Fires, - But this by fifty Bards, before ' Was laid, ”and fhafi' t be now {aid o’er? It therefore, Reader, mull: fuflice To fay, that lovely Chloe's EYes, - i (For Chloe’s her Poetick'Name, " 1 Though flag-21y Garry‘b'ev the Dame) ' With fir ong Delire inflam d my Breait, While colcl Difdairt he): Own poflefs’ d .. , . i , . $0: {Wm ~ v A. Mgmmm.m._,_4 ”A. . ( s l _ For long with Gold and Pray’rs I flrove; In vain, the cruel Maid to move. WHILE thus in ‘penfive Mood I fate; And mourn’d her unrelenting Hate ; I A fudden Voice fur‘prizjd my Ear, The well-known Voice of my proud Fair ;‘ But fuch was then the plaintive Strain, As mine when breathingam’rous Pain ; Or rather fuch, as cruel Maids Breath forth in Pluto’s gloomy Shades; When punifh’d there for {lighted Love; And all the Deaths they d'eaEt above :. :For hollow rung the difmal Sound, As if it came from under Ground; Again alarm‘d, to helg I flew ; The Voice firaight to the Window drew; Where, in a doler’ul, comiclz Plight, My Tyrant Chloe {truck my Sight; Not Chloe -;-=,-- for but part was feen; Her Head and Arms were fall within :‘7 She, not content to dip and pray, Would heme the ballasts §tr¢am convert? ‘ ti! , ( 6 ) 'A Pitcher, for this pious Ufe, / In with her Head and Arms {he fcrewts; Scarce enter’d, when the witlefs Chap 1321?; flicks, like filly Moufe‘ in Trap. ,Pleas’d with the Scene a while I fiand, Then lift up, with a gentle Hand—.9538 What did you lift up? Reader guefsv! What wou’d you lift, if in my Place P I then did -‘-—»- What then didfl thou’ do 3 Reader that mull be guel’t at too !' i ‘What does the Foe to open Towns, Defendedv by: no Garrifons? What! no Refillance? Yes, but fuch As did enhance the Pleafute much ; Some {ridden Movements -—-l did then W ‘ ,Nay what? The fame Thing o’er again. _ And what next did you, Hero flout? Why néxt, indeed, I took her out. Then what of her? her Crock was full, I found the Shade grown much more cool. Sure there wasemore! The Sequel, pray! The Sequel --=-.- Why we met next Day. MORAN \ (773‘ MORAL" THUS, Mm, while the City Dame, In private Room, rewards your Flame, While anxious Fears of dire Surprize, Mix with your fiercefl Extac’ies; 7 Thy Friend, fecure beneath a Shade, . Enjoys the humble country Maid, Where none can witnel‘s to his Love, Except his Fellows of the Grove, Who feem to pour their melting Threats, .To hail his Blifs with fei’tal Notes; a ' a And murm’ring Zephyr: feem to {hare ' .The Tranfports of th’ expiring Fair: But, when th'lenchanting Joys are pafl: For (hart, ah !" very lhort they ran! The M‘ufe, in a facetions Strain, Gives them all back to him again: He doubles thus Life’s narrow Space; By running twice the deflin’d Racer, FINIS. a m. m _ _ a w w