I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl 4 , ‘ ‘b ‘1' . 'l i » \ n I, i x ‘U l T R A U L U S I [I u ‘ ' t‘ f '5 I H D ’ » . u '. x H) | I} I I l ”wan—un— TMfim:PART. m ”In—dull.— DIALOGUE IN BETWEEN( ., ll!!! ‘ 1% HF. ‘Hmzqiulqékumfifixéifir g nits. (ragga) fir’quqrfim wfirm. 3‘ . *QMOGQG fir; meewx % §E§E fifigfijfig‘égawkw éhwpfi Eagle —-———-—-—/1v\ T O M. AY, Robin, what can Tmulm mean By bell’wing thus againflthe DJ»? Why does he call him paultrySeribler, Papif}, and jacolyite, and Lib’h’er ? Yet cannot prove a fingle Faéh R O B I N. Forgive him, Tom, his Head is craekt. T O M; What Mifchief can the D—-—- have done him, That Ynmlm calls for Vengeance on him? Why mui‘t he (putter, fpaul and firmer it In vain, againf’c the People’s Fav’ritc P Revile that Nation-{wing Paper, \Vhich gave the Dam» I. he L lameef Draper? {{OBII‘V. C 4 ) ‘ R O B I N. Why Tom, I think the Cafe 18 plain, Party and Spleen have turn’d his Blain, T O M. Such Friendihip never Man profel’c, The D was never {‘0 carefi: ' For Tmulm long his Rancour nurfl, ’Till, God knows why, at lafl: it burfl.‘ That clumfy outfide of a Porter, How could it thus conceal a Courtier? . R o E IN. r " 2 I own, Appeazances are bad, ‘ But fizll infift the Man IS mad. . T O M. Yet many a Wreztch 1n Bedlam, knows, HOW to dzfiinguil‘n Frienfis from Foes; And the pmhaps among the Rout, He w ildly flings his Filth about, He flill has Gratitude and Sap’ once, To {p226 the Folks that gave him H2'2 pe nce N02, in theix Eyes at Random piflEs, Buc tums a22de like mad U/jflt‘s’f: .2 \Vhile Tim/21m all his Ordure 2‘:c22:texs. 2 To foul the M222 he chiefly 212222323 \l'hence . _ ’pm’ UlUC e w Whence come thcfe inconfii’cent Fits? R O B I N. Why Yam, the Man has 10?: his Wits! T O M. Agreed. And yet, when Towzer {naps At People’s Heels with frochy Chaps; Hang’s down his Head, and drops his Tail, To fay he’s mad will not avail : The Neighbours all cry, S/aoct [aim dead, Hang, Drawn, or knock him on the Head. So, Traulm when he firfl; harangu’d, I wonder why he was not hang’d : For of then-yo, without Difputc, Towur’s the lefs oEenfive Brute. R O B I N. Tom, you miflake the Matter quite; Your banking Curs will feldom bite; And, though you hear him Scut-tut-wt‘ter, H6 barks as fafl: as he can utter. He plates in .Spight of allilmpediment While none believes that what he laid he meant ; Puts in his Finger and his Thumb, To gi'ope for Worde§ and ow; they Comap ac ( 6 >. He calls you Rogue 5 There’s nothing in it, He fawns upon you in a Minute. Begs Leave to rail, bur: d n his Blood, ‘ He only meant it For your Good. His Friendlhip was exafitly tim’d, ’ He {hot before your Foes were prim’d : By this Contrivanee Mr. Dm— By G---- I’ll bring you off' as clean.--—-—-—' Then let him ufe you e’er fo rough, ’Twas all for Love, and that’s enough. For let him {putter thro’ a S--fl"~-n, ' It never makes the leafl Impreflion. What e’er hefpeaks for Madnelé goes, With no E3158: on Friends or Foes. ’T O M. The ferubefl: Cur in all the Pack Can fet the Mafiifl‘s on your Back. ,I own, his Madnefs is a left, If that were all. But he’s pofl'efs’t: Incarnate with a thoul'and Imps, . Tar work whole Ends, his Madnefs pimps. ‘ Who o’er each String and ‘Wire prefide, Fill ev’ry Pipe, each Motion guide. Direéting 4 We WW“ m . ; _‘_{ # “~— ‘ < 7 -) Direé’ting ev’ry Vice we find In Scripture, to the Dcv’l aifign’d: Sent from the Dark infernal Region In him they lodge, and make him Legion. Of Brethren he’s a faZ/é dccuflr, A Sland’rer, Traytor and Seducer; A fawning, bale, trepaning Lyar, The Mai-ks peculiar of his Sire. Or, grant him but a Drone at bei’t: A Drone can raife a Hornet’s Nef’t : The D hath felt their’Stings’befores And, muli their Malice ne’er give o’er ? Still {warm and buzz about his Nofe P But Irelaed’s Friends ne’er wanted Foes. A Patriot is a dang’tous Pelt When wanted by his Country mofl; Perverfely-comes in evil Times, Where "Virtues are imputed Crimes, His Guilt is clear, the Proofs are pregnant, A T raytor to the Vices regnant. What Spirit fince the World began, Could airway: bear to Siriwe with Man? Which ( 3 ) Which God pronounc’d he never wou’d, And foon convinc’d them by a Floud. Yet flill the D---- on Freedom raves, His Spirit always firives with Slaves. ’Tis Time at laf’c [O [pare his Ink, And let them rot, or hang, or, flink. F1 N I s‘ a m. m _ _ a w w