I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl ENGLISH IMPOSTORg “ deteéted. WWW—“(mm u—n-u—u—n—u‘ § 0 R, THE ‘ HIST O RY , OF THE . "LIFE med FUMIGATION ’ OftheRenown’d I Mr. 1—4—5 T-4——, occumt. m m—u‘u—‘n . III—n..— ' Ex fzmzo dare Imam. Ram Mtccedememfceleflum, Defirmt pedepcem Claztdo. s Hor. wwwfl—flmm ‘ III-— ” ——~.m———-m-\mm _ ,, D U B L I N: ‘ Printed, in the Year M.DCC,XXXIL urtCaus RCCdCC {01‘ thy E111C11131111111C11t 1 WC hayC 1111111111311 111110 1:1115 0111f 111011, 11 £11111 P0611} C111 n111g1y C1Cy11Cd 1111110111 d011111: 011 111C 111m SL1b1CC1 by 11111113 21-1 1116 C1C111< 111 11111113 Days 11011137121111 111111“ 1CC111’ (1 11 p1C1Cnt 11: 111110 1116C 11:1 1‘ 1C 11 being 111111111113 :18 1111-11 wilt pCrCC1VC1 11:11” 1. ry of T1111C 111 111 CC 111- 111mg F01“ 11111111111111113111 1111 my 11/101111yB11C1111‘C11 111138 (1111111101? 1” 11/11 {BM/111,41. 111 0116111111 1191‘ 1181V€C10at11 Cd 11: 11/1111 111C (1C1Cé11b1C Charms (111:1 11g]; fl) POCRC "‘ " V ale £1 fmww " HISTORY OF THE LIFE (Md FUMIGATION Of the Renown’d Mr. J——-—---- T———-—, Occunfi; HAT the Name Fumz’gatian, and and other noble Atgrhicvments of the Famous Mr. T——-_--—- may ‘ not be buried in Oblivion, and that Poficrity may not be deprived of an au~ thcntick Relation of there mm omHe Occur- 7mm 5 , I Dymifim ngrpozdes of the Tribe of Bag/£25; arr/"ms, and Native of Grub -/:’reet, have. Comkmd and digefi‘sd the following dekfiéa- le ( a ) ble Hilltory; well knowing; how often the great Exploits ofillul’trious Perlbns have been mifreprefented by mzrltz'llfa’l, or unfaithful Wri- ters. And Whercas, I my {elf was preheat at that laft, and fatal Cam/tropioe 3 and beiog un- biaffcd by any private Releormcm, or A fill-Eti- on whatever incident to molt Hiflorimzs in thefe late Days of Pattie: and ,Faéfz'm, i think my felf not altogcthcr unqualified for {0 great an Undertaking. ' , Be it known then, that the Famous JOHN T—m-A— had, for the Place of his Nativi- " ty, the ancient and opulent City of 11073510”; and was born the. fame Ytsar, in which the emi- neht Dofior Patridge departed this Lite, dc- fignccl by Nature as a Recompcnce for that'in- ellimable Lofis, {o from the. M1165 of the old wam‘x arifes a Second Lite in Colour and BeaUty, mother and the fame. However vari- ous be the Accounts of I‘v‘vmhors concerning; his Father, whether Hark-Farrier, mm mzt Morm- lcbmt, or flpotbcmry; molt ccrtarn it is, that [Wart/m his Mother, gain’d great. Reputation by her ~Succefs in .Mz'a’rwz' cry, and in truth, Marl/m was an exocrienccd Matron, and ex- celled in that her Day. ACCording to theTrae ditions of thofc Tunes, he was ufltered into the World by a great Ecripfl’ 0f the Sm: Various were the Opinions ofthc Learned concerning that waomemrz. Monficur Cafllrzi the French Afironomcr, Le’Cler‘t/c the Drum Phrlologri’r, and ( S J. and a Right Reoermd Pbilomm‘b,Famotxs for his Book of in'z‘c/a‘cmft, and his profound xii/mas Mikaffirm’d, that whereas the Sun is at once the Eye of the Univei‘fe, and is ei’tcemcd to prefidc over i’hyfiCk, his {widen Emery-fig from the Shadow, that ohfcured him, porténdtd the rift of fome eminent Phyfician, who flnou’d~ in like Manner page the Eye: of Mankind from Films, and Cataract:, and other Ob- flrufiions of the vifual Ray. Very difl'crcnt herefrom, was the Conjeé’cure of the {agaci- ous Eickerflafi; who aflbrttd, that hereby was prognofiicated, the Birth of form: grand Im- poflor, by whom the Eyes of many ihould be: darkomd. ' _ ’ Manifold were the Indications this renowo’ tied. Forfeit gave of his future Groameis even. in his Infancy, [t is related by the Hii'i'orians ofthofif: Times comoi‘ning Hat/miss, that even in his Cradiehe cruihsd to Death two Serpents of prodigiousSize, anChnen of his future Vifto- ties over {och Monitors. Nor leis Ci'sc‘éibiy is it- a CNCd of ous‘ More, that he {matched out tthycs of his Mink, and afterwards at. divers times thofe of hisPiay-fcliows, a certain Frciéga of his Faiwc Wham/pix cow that Organ. in his Childhood he gave manifsfi: ”fokcm of}: great genius for Limo/hire, by fcvei‘al little Tricks and Frauds he us’d among his Commdos. This inclined hisFriends to breed him up in the metflion of the Law, his Uncle beingcmi- new ** ' (6) nent in that Eaculty, in the Capacity of 80112“- ciror, befides feveral collateral Branches of his Family were Retainers to it in Quality of Bums, BeilifliaSub—Sberifli, 8m. But the Soilz'ciz‘ar ha- ving unfortunately refignecl his Ears at the Pi]- lory, and afterwards, according to the bet“: Ae- counts, finiihed his glorious Race at Tyéum, all the Hopes our young Adventurer had conceived of tiling in this Profeflion periihecl with him. Thus deititute of Friends, he followed the Ad- vice of his Mother ibefiige Marika, who reale— hing, from farm: unufual throes {he had felt cin- ‘ring herPreghancy,determita’cl him,who had gi- Ve'n fu'ch eariy Proofs of his agility, t") the {lib- lime Occupation of Rape-dammg. Here mark, gentie Reader, the firange Vietflitude of Hu~ man Fortune, how our young Adventurer was doomed to Support his Life by that very thing, i to which his beloved Friend and Uncle owed his Deathyvizelaeiiope. And here let me infert What was (0 elegantly {aid by that witty Writer of Dialogues Leann of Samos. On rev/mt a [lender Thread dot/9 Heme” Fm: depend. But conceiving a jail; Antipathy t0 Hemp, f0 fatal to his Family, he chole to flaew his agility in a lefs dangerohs Manner on the Stage, under the Infpeétion of a skillful Moun- teban‘k. He was by him initiated in the mul- tifarious Methods of blinding by Combiazgr, Catt/licks, Famigatiom, and Shirrifimfiom. Here ence more (benign Reader) than I crave thy Pati- (7 ) Patienc.;, to ohfcrve the fingular Difpenfatimi of Fortune, that 136, who by 11isf1'7fl Method of 111.111-711.111, was 111971151111 :11 1171: Art of (1138711111ng 11411217 of them... ’7 23.7777 71177.1 lbw/770775“ by this 1.777777 11101111.: 1772 6111171037 ed 111 1111-: 1.11111 and D: 1171765071 0. 11.17217 87777751 111111112 Man-é 1161 we find it 71:17-11:61 in 1:111: H111171y of 1117-1: W1 1: and (75113211 Vthm 76777377177775 that thc mam 1110171711: ”1.113111, [0 dcflzuéfive to A's/77775, £1111: 12.111 17711117: 111611‘ G707]: and PO/flizrms and than the ga‘ong Contagion 1117170111611 1117:: 13011717075 1.1 e:11[elves. 737777773 777773772777 deflezm’zu. *,**>1<*.>1:*=1: >1<>1<>1<>7<>7<>1<>1< ***>1<*>1<>1<71c >1<>1<>1<>1<>1s>1=>1< *******-1. >1 >1: >1< * >1< >1: >72, =1< >1< >1< >1< *,>1< =1: 11: ***>1<>1<,>1a.~1< 2111-217: (11221711611 12.137113430007111 we 11617731 ‘hficiu e1111y 1172-7172111, with E11120. [1161015 of [0 many 11111711": 06117171172723, 1171117911 perfih: d t1‘11011gh the Injunes of Time. But now pmcwd we to 11701131 17.11155, W170 a: Reconis 1712: 11311121111 . "i has Ila-Vina ex1111771..1h1u the Ly; s of M11117: {111.173 of 1113 Caz/7177‘ 73777777, trace we him in 1113 1910ng to 17727777d,whithc1 F1112 had [but 111111 to compiece 1:116 Cal .mities of that 171116- 1211711: 111211111, 16165111711113 herein that 111111311111. 17711: 1/777717'7‘7, who after he was dcpnv’d of 1113 S77777g7/7 71nd Mai-777737 was 37777771771, anfd rec; ewe i 3 ) ferved for theSport and Dirifion ofhislfiefler‘s, “‘ the proud Lords of the Pbilz‘flz'nes. Sorry I am, that after (0 many Trefpafl'es committed againi’t the Patiencefl mail): trouble thee with yet another Simile. Among the Greek Poets (if haply thou conihlteit the Greek) thou mayelt finl the following Fable. " TheGods to punifh Mortals vaor their Crimes, ‘ font Pandora with a Box filled with Ennis ‘ and Dil‘eal‘es; when this Magazine oi" Mi- ‘ fery was opened, the Contagion flew Ahmad, ‘ and over-fpread the Face ofthe whole Earth : It is added, ‘ that Hope being lefs Volatile, re- ‘ main’d in the Bottom. Thus came our Hero equip’dlwith eVery Infirument deih'uétive of Health,’ Hope only wanting to complete the Parallel. . - Verily wert thou (Candid Reader) to fearch into the Gazettes, and other diurnal Iz‘inemnt Hifiories of thofeTimes, thou wouldeft ima- gine him to be the blefl'ed lnflrument, ordained by Heaven to reflore the loft Senfes of Sight and Hearing. But we, who have laboured to dif’cingnifh 'TrUth From Fall'ehood, and have fearched into the moi‘t authentick Records, find him to have been a wolf audacious Empirick. ‘ , How firangely is Tinth corrupted in thefe de- generate Days! when Iconfidered thefe things, I {aid within my iblf, furely a faithful Hifiori- an is an ineilimable Blefling. Here again mull we implore thy patient Attention to one Simile, which alfiiredly {hall be _——__._.__ . ___—..—- . ('22) be the hit. It is thus recorded in the: thhtmrS of my worthy Friendl, and OCCU. t Mirontmmr William Ramflry,‘168,iays he, is not; ‘ occafiond by 232.261.1222 366222.26 of the Sun, as ‘ fame imaging but by certain “fembrifam ‘ St 2223, WE ich my out @2221: 226%, 223 others do 6 I ight.’ N ow writes it. is, that (2222 Adven- turer m2y b6 jum y c<121fld6r6d :23 2 12222222296- cous Star of the firi’c M2 2222262626, i2222.2imi ch as his malign Influ: nce dittufes Biindmiis, and thick Daritt‘ieis all amund, {a that hemay init- ly b6 {tiled the grand xii/23211226222222}: of his Age. Now, Reader, 602226 we to the moii: delec- table Part of this our Hittory: Hitherto, we have endeavour’d to diverfify a Subjtét lefs. a- reeable In its {61f,hy many pic 221222;; 52221222263, Aiiu fleas, and, other {tuitienai 16 E mbeihih- meats, now {hall we 602221226 our f6iV6s to the fimpieRelation of pi 22in Mzttter 0? F666. It was that Time of the D232, as Authors Write, when the Sun haittns with prone Ca.- rcer towards the W'eflewz {3662222, to 1622! 2 his Fiery foaming Steeds , when OUI E?» 620, urged 'by a Thirii oi Gold, direfted hi sCuuti6 2.0 the Seat of the [52/56/02. Eiufh’ti with 52266623 2.2161 {zinouine 1-2: 321652, he meurtts his lofty Car; thus :23 he 16,2i26‘62 iti 222‘ 3,t'226 213202212666 6Xpit22'6s his remoxiti‘ci is Heart? Succefs thus {:22- 0222 ngmgems adem’d, An d Eyes , in Tears of Bisod, 02.22 Cautiiclts mourn’chm : O ‘ O II‘E’MWZ, thou Land of 5131112, @321ij to be the Fray of every K115117163 l1 n11: pmfpm 101M115? doc-s 11111130111116 tl11ivc :11 til-1 1y 1911113721! Sail! 1 come, but: with 11:) 111221113? V Alpcél‘, and 11ft: upon th 1y Hemifphmc like 5611:: l’s’for- ning,wl16n all the Scars, the Eyes {fl-16:1- ven, go out one by 07116, as it {p1 cads WM Fond D lufion! Beware vain M111111l2Al1l how lime knowcl’c 11101.1 that the H1111: now approacheth, which law has 12f11wd 1‘01t’he Pumfhment of all 1:11}, lUC‘Lflf Ul Villan: 1:5, how art thou £11 1911' 'l by F. 111:, fly G11111« deur, and thy {11:11.6 Hop. (.11 Rachts i0: CV13: 2711111111211 “7611111211111 thou wonclcr (i11111:11<2l113:1ze a 11121ny Poker, fireaming with Liquid fire; this on :1 fudden they plunge into the helix-rag Tide; - direfulvas the Hills, athick Cloud of Smoak aw fcends; not blacker the Smoak, that miles from burning 70mm, not more rioifirme the Stench exha‘rld from the {am’d jitter-WM Lake, that {trfi'ecates the Birds altzit in Air. Ht, mean while, tits SUperior, and drinks in the odoriiflerous Fume at his expanded Noilrils, writhing to and fro with Pain corivelv’d; their was the dreadful Corii‘lié’if. Where Whaire, 0 Tour, are now thy intended Expm’fitimas into Cork, thy youm’eyz'figsg and thy Prognyj’ks? W hem are thy Cay/z‘ida, Fami- gsztiom, and .S’kirrzjfiyaz‘éo225? What are ali th SUatagems, 5:: whicE"; thou halt cxtinguiih’d [Em 112.3% .0? "E”houihnds? Alas! am: they not vanifll’d? xraazéfll’d like unto the S:m>a§<‘, firhfich hm: now afccndcd into my Neiirils, and isfecn me more? _ Sic" Maw/f Glorm Mafidi. "OUPI-MQPSo-KaETS’o-Mon xix. ***‘********* ***********1 flmq; locum ingrefifm vacuum peragmw‘t, et alto: C ompofltiz‘ wultm : P fife/f7; in pariete fiymplnat Luflmvit, (lufiramz’o grawem fifalieret homm ;) szc admiramz' fimz‘lz's, fimz‘lz’fq; Scientz' flntz’quo: ‘volm't librox, mmc ambulat anccpx, Vuimffiqu; manm cma’eiz’lym imprabm c2742; flccz’figit mefitemq; lucrz' fpe pafcz't‘ inam'. Cumfzzbz’z‘o Iuwms, jmlfi ceu turbine wm‘z‘, Him inde z'wuere, et certafim mmz'mt: Zoojlem thigeri pwnflzre trucem 3 par: bmchia firing it, Par/q; pede: prendiz‘, 1mm calla tumemz‘zz torquet: “ Obfiupm't, ftetemntq; comets, et wxfzmcz'ém lax/it. IIaudfecm 27225671th pmd‘z, inter fawz’: acerw: Ore tmfit cererem 1w limimz tartarem mm, Q’uem ‘z'zgz'l inmuium erz': fi forte per umbmi, Sm cmfpexz't aw] fa'pz'efltz‘ jmm 114777877248, Latrom‘ exéguo, celer involat ungue tenacz' Luéi‘ami imaflizm, “ Micar auribus, ct tremit artus. 192m maxim”, pedz'bufg; fimul Funambulm locflz‘ Obluffazm atrox, mmth; ‘voluéz'le Corpus Hm iiim, frem'mt (1mm, raw Izmzz'mz fupwi Qflcfl‘mzt, w1321177213 inrmrdwt om roafiii. Yum ,, ( I4 ) Sf um were ingentexfremeimudu: pet‘z‘ore a5 imzé ‘ , Efuudz’t gemz'tu: ; re/bmmt clumore flueftm ’ Perm/fie, rebout pmies, laqumrz'u plunguut; ’ Sad qutmto magis‘z'lle ‘zu'u: exp/amt et urteJ, Ilium fumigeri mute rudgiJ um‘m urgent. Eft 12m coufi’éfumfilz'di de Iamz’ueplumbz’ ‘ Ore ca'aum, putulumq; et wafto immune bumtbro, flue decom, tegz't quad circum z'uerueu weftz'x, Modules lufzmum dixere, Ere 07; facmruut; ‘Iertia‘ [um piano: @5574" it C yutloz’a rvultu; . Candida, dumfiater radii: lib/2mm opimum Decoxz't, lwz‘bufq’; dedit dzfuudere mutt: flmbrofia’i sitter, et odaro: u\e£2‘ure_.fumo:. 122mg; duo Iumue; immeufis wiw‘bu; xgre flttolluut lufuuum, wftu fub mole gemmtes: , filter unbeluutem contorquem igue wrucum Humori immergit, fluguumq; volatile «whit: Fervet 0pm, flrz'detfirrum, perry; atria fiumeu Fumz‘femm glomemt grumoleuti turbine uoffem. Y um @670 1213ou fumz’ propiori: adore . ‘ yer conutu: emt ferrumpere @iucula, terque Caucidz't, {cf tale: efua’z‘t pefiore wacet, [ugemiuum tremulu: mfo crintmta quweltzx.~ ‘ Heu quom‘um de me fcelemtar fumere poem“ ‘ Stat wobir,fixa€qgfidet fmtentiu meute, ‘ Nee Lac/917mm profunt quidquum, net wtu faceuti, 1 ‘ Heu I Salter/z z'umcu‘c (crudeles) pum’te mfiz'. Dz’xemt, iuq; atro: ubievuut'wrbu 'vuporey: Viudz’ce Flummarum Euceludus/fic fbmicefumum ‘ Nuéz'geuum ewmuz’t, tetmmq; bitumiue noéiem, ’ Ingemuz’tq; imi: rudicz'lyu: Zita/.MPBT Etna. L I 7mm, 53" demem mm; ufiure triumpbox, Exfumo efulge, tib te gefl'ire licebz't Omnibm €2- lzfpz‘: uotum, ac ton/bribm efl'e. Yuq; adeo (fuveuis) cujm fartiflimu dextm Lumim’bm putjvz'z‘: monflrum exitidle fubegit, Tu mam Alcides (fi quid meu carmz’nu pqfl'unt) Immortal“ m}, mixtufq; Heroibu: Hem-r. Thus Is ) Thus reuder’d into EMgii/l). ' OW thro’ the hof’tile Void, with {tatel Tread N Y » The Hero fialks, and rears aloft his Head; Here views the Nymphs, that from mixt Shade and Light, Start into Life, and {well upon the Sight; There ancient Folios turns, that lie for Show, And much he feems to wonder, much to know; Now walks dcepepond’x‘ing, and prepares for Blood His Hands, oft purpled in the Crimfon Flood ; While Golden Fees, ah! fruitlefs Hopes arif'e, Brighten in Thought, and thine before his Eyes. When hidden rufh the Smoke-compelling Train, Swift as loud Whirlwinds fweep the dtu Plain ; On every Side they grafp the {truggling Foe, Some f'eize his Arms, and fome his Feet below; Some gripe his fwelling Neck; he flunn'd, amaz’d W ith brit’cling Hairs in fpeechlefs Wonder gaz’d. So ’midfi: the tiling Labour's of the Swain, The latent Moufe devours the golden Grain. Wreteh! by tome thoughtfulOwl a Feed defign’d, Or fome grim VVarrior of the Tabby Kind; Rapid they pierce their Prey, transfixt with Pain, Vain are its Strugliugs, and its Screams are vain. Now fierce he winds his fupple Limbs around, Taught on the bending Rope aloft to bound; He writbs, he grins, his hollow Eye-Balls flame, And his jaws whiten, with a foamy Stream. He draws 21 Length ofGroans; the Walls around, The ratling VVindoWs tremble with the Sound, ) And from the vaulted Dome loud ecchoing Groans rebound. But Hill the more he labours to depart, They bind him falter, and Strength conquers Art. A Vafe there is, the Mold :4 folidPlate Of hollow’d Lead, with ample Chsfin dilate Gapes the wide Orifice, beneath thlides AConcave Will, and hoards the gath’ring Tydes; Oak decht with isms, Ihpplies an en’nbient Frame, Known among Mortals by :1 Cloib~itool’s Nettie. Thrice 3*“ . ( 15 ) l l i Thrice had, the Waning Moon forf'oolr the Night, Thrice bath’d her growing Orb in Silver Light, Whill’c golden Suns firong Energy fupply’d, And with kind Beams matur’d the Stagnant Tyde, Whence on foft Zephyr: Fumes ambrofial fly, And waft diffufive Fragrance through the Sky. Two Youths robul’t, fcarce from its dark Abode, Heave the vafl Engine, groaning with the Load: Others on high the flaming Poker raif‘e, Far through fing’d Air it darts a ruddy Blaze ; Then plunge into the Waves, the Waves refound, And whirling Eddies refs the Dark profound; Hoarfe the Steel roars, thick Smoak obfcures the Sight, Rolls in dark Spires, and wraps the Dome in Night. Now when the Clouds in darker Volumes came, And his wide Nollrils drank the thick’ning Steam ; Thrice he effays to break his living Chain, High bounding from their Arms, thrice links again _:. Then fore difmay’d amid the Cloud of Smoak, Tun’d through his curling Nofe thiefe mournful Accents ‘ Ah! fince I mull thefe noifome Fumes ful’tain, [broke ‘ Vain How my Tears, my Pray’rs be pour’d in vain ; ‘ Here cruel as ye are, refirain your Ire, ‘ And Fpare, O f pare my innocent Attire. lie fpoke ; his Words in circling Vapours fled, The fmoaky Billows curl around his Head. ‘ Emeladw, thus wrapt in penal Flames, , , From his dark Furnace vomits cloudy Steams; " " A Noon—day Night breaths o’er the Realms of 70m, Through all herburning Caverns Etna groans above, Go, Madman, now thy empty Trophies raife, And let each Journal labour with thy Praife ; Rife bright from Smoak, and triumph in thy Fame, VVhill’t every Barbitmfir lings thy Name. And thou, fam’d Youth, who cou’df’c this Monf’cer quell, By whole red Arm the proud Impoflor fell, Foe to Hibernian Eyes; if right I fee, A new fllticle: fliall arif'e in thee ; Thou, cou'd my Lays immortal Fame bellow, With Heroes mingled, ihOu’dll a Hero glow. F I N I S, a m. m _ _ a w w