I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl AN EPISTLE FR 1 E N D- M Felix, quipotuit Remm dzgmy'cere Caufajj D U B L I 4N? ,Printed by find for GEOR GF. FAUI. K NER,‘ in I'Mjéxfltree’t, uppofitg to thc Bridge, Mnccxxxnn R EA D E R: HE flalbor judged it 72666]; fizry to illaflmte flme Party 9f) the fillowiflg Efflk by a few flmrt Nom 5 fi/éoflld tbcyé who may fad (m WWI/Jim" Ekplamflioy (want; 672g 606/62]; Fatber‘ Malbmnche, they will meet wit/9 flail Samfic‘ 62072 in M665P0m, whisk 25.5“ M6 memgfl Advamwe to 56 f666i‘276’d fivm 666 @706ka (grim; ififlOMPW‘fl-d’ H6 flax/60;". C e ‘-‘- . W15? \ w \ , AN EMSTLE to a FRIEND. - g H E Wifefl' are by narrow Bounds canfin’d, And“ fame” few Truths fill up the llreighten‘d Mind : Succefil‘ye Thought our Knowledge ‘ g , J ‘. might extend, But foon in Death the Inn: ' Chaih mufl’e‘nd ; Yet you with Lumber' {llufiythe‘ {canty Room; Yet you the Moment in vain Search confhme ; In rufiy Antiques,'Dates., and Habits'tracei, Or curidus, meafiir'e the [Etherial Space; In difl‘ant Times, and airy Realms, you roam, Unmark’dt the prefent, and unknown your Home; How fluggifh Matter can infpire the Soul, ' The blended‘Aétings of" the various Whole Firfi learn; e'er yet you fearch what ruling Force Confirains the Orbs to dance their meafur’d Courfe; I What to yourf'elf, to others, what you owe, ’ Firl’c feek, e’er‘Eucl'z‘d’s‘Elements you know ; ”Tis not enou h, tho’Truths unnumber’d thence, Shine‘in the {glendid Rays of Evidence ; ‘ . They fhou’d be ufefnl’too, what mof’t concern Mankind; for fuch, alone, Mankind fliou’d learn. OF Things, he thou, the great Creator, known, Reaflm’s firlt Link be fix’d upon thy Throne ; lultly to Thee is due, Who Rea/7271 gave, he firfi, its grateful Tribute, to receive; That e’er we were, now are, and e’er {hall be, Pafl',‘ prefent, future, all we'owe to Thee 3 You --——-—-- -——-—----- ~~ r~ r ( 4 ) , You will, the World {tarts forth, from nothing brought Ceafe, and it flarinks into its former Nought; ’ ‘ Thought, Motion, Ref’t, the univerfal Frame, A new Creation ev’ry Moment claim. ‘ All Matter’s Mafs thou jul‘tly, didl’r produCe, For Sov’reign Man’s fuperior Body’s Ufe ; That Body thou as jufily haf’c defign’d Subfervient to the more exalted Mind; The Mind to thee,‘ tn thee fhould jufllv tend, Thou soul of All, of All thou Cauf‘e and End. FAR then be thofe, who impioufly believe The Infinite no finite Minds perceive ; Are we then Form’d by Heaven to know and love, What, by no Means, our narrow Powers can move 3 When holy Flames infpjre the raptur'd Breaft, Are Sighs and Pray’rs to nothing then addrefs‘d? Almighty Being! with all Virtues fraught, To Thee all other Things are truly nought: Hence Clarifl'ian Atheiflx, ye a God difclaim, . And worfhip, in his Stead, an empty Name. GOD, in {himfelf firfi known, attentive know Thofe * Types in him that Things created fhow, V Of Worlds unnumber’d, and of this the Scheme, Divine, eternal, uncreate, the fame; ‘ , i ‘ For, e’er Creation was, th’ Almighty Mind, From long Eternity, the World defign’d; ' ’Midft others, never to be made, chofe this, In Pollibility’s immenfe Abyl's: , Thence the great Syfletn’s various Parts he drew Alone, and in himfelfalone, he knew. V V. ' THE fluid Ideas jufi Proportions teach, g: Greater or lefs, more or lefs perfect each; rs, . ,- One Foot exceeds its Half, nor Pow'r divine ] Can change the Nature of that {ingle Line ; _ ;% Angels than Men more perfect Beings are, " til And more Perfeétions‘Menthan Bcafis declare ; ' There Truths eternal Pow'r omnifcient fees, On thefe he forms his ever-made Decrees: * This irfimnded on Father Malbranche’: Syflem ofrur fieing every sz'ng in God. ' ‘N or «. . ».—... —.__.. ,,,. __. ~ _-_.-. ._.._. ___,_.,___,.- ..———‘--‘-.—_~_§—fi~fgz ~(s) Nor can he better love what merits leafl', Wherein his Attributes are leis confefls't, Man than an Angel, 1' and than Man a Beafl‘. Hence Rmflm, hence immortal Order f‘prings‘, Knowledge and Love that juflly litit the Things. Hail {acred Law I the univerfal Fate, ' Which God liimfelf can never violate. VVHI‘LE Man in Nature’s Purity remain’d, By Pain untrouhled, and by Sin unflain’d ; Fair Image of the God, and Clofely join’d, By Inmate Union to the heavenly Mind; In the pure Splendor of fubl‘tantial Light, The Beam divine of Rea/on hlefs'd his Sight; Seraphic Order in its Charms he view’cl, a , :- Seeing he lov’d, and loving he ptirfu’d ; -;§ His Thoughts, his Inclinations were the fame, ' With the almighty Source from whence they came-,- Nor dar’d the Body, humhl'e Slave, controul The fov’reign Mandates of‘the j: ruling Soul. BUT; lQI‘h‘y Guilt the facred Union broke, Man bows to Earth beneathgthe heavy Yoke ; The darltling Soul {carce feels a glimmering Ray, Shut in grofs Senf'e from out immortal Day: Now right’ous Veng’zanee injut’d Order arms, And wraps in Terrors all its heavenly Charms: Dreadful ly. beauteousl Material O-bjeé’cs fpiritual Souls pofiefi, Paflions inflave, and fervile Cares opprefs: 1: ‘2 Force, Rapine, Murder, Guilt’s long direful Crew, Diflraéted Nature’s Anarchy purfue : i No more pure Reafon groffer Minds can move, No more can Order’s Charms perfuafive prove; But as the borrowing Moon’s reflefted Day, Gleams on the fliadow’d World a feeble Ray, *— u...- 1‘ Here thof~ Being: are taken a: the] are idsaly in God. “' ‘ Vide ‘Maibmmhe. l #2 Before the Fall the Saul had an abfblute Power over ‘ 7i 1:; the Organ; of the Body, and f0 was afeffed ml)! witbfucb 1| Sen/Idiom from without, a: it was plea/Ed to receive. 1;” i l l Some 3* J ' !I" W.“ ~_———..— _-___-_- - C 6 ) Some wand’ring Beams of Re-afon, Law contains, And Order’s Rule muff be inforc’d by Pains. Hence written Statutes; Torrures hence are giv'n, And Magifirates the xieceif’ry Curfe of Heav’n. NA v, e’en the Verh Divine, 9’0 be obey’d, Niul’t {pad-1' to Senfe, and he in Fleflt array’d‘. Vitiniy filali Truth in all its Rays appear, it" Eves don’t fee, and if the Ears don't hear ; Amiftiii as: vain, it Pafiion don’t incite, Difiatte avert, or * Pleafure don't invite. Thus {Ewing Grace, the Pafiion’s Aid employs, And Sin with its own tav’rite Arms deliroy‘s. BE tiiofe few Rays in human Laws that fltinc, Pure Emanations from the Fount Divine ; Such as from Thence the poiilh’d Grecian: drew; Such as from Them th‘improving Rtmam knew. ; Such as canpierce the Gloom of Pagan'Night, And untaught Savage: in'Woods enlight; Such as the h’Iurd’rers‘liited Arm arrefl, _ And blaft-the lurking Crime withinthe Trajztor’s Breaf’t; Such as on Scafiblds can the Guiltlefsfave,’ <- And rack on Thrones th’ofl’ending fcepter’d Slave; Such as the VVretch cond-emn’d indignant owns, And hails their Beauty with his dying;r GroansQ Law, from this SourCe, like the blef's’d Tree of Life, E’er yet the Daemon Snake beguil’d the Wife, Propitious rear'd from EDEJN’S‘ facred Ground, Spreads its wide. Arms, diffufing Blefiings- tbund : Unlike that Plant, which” from th’ nnhallow'd’Earth, Of rutl'iful Paflion takes-its baneiul Birth :' In fomevgrim T yrant’s Breal’t deep fix’d its Roots, From the black Source th’ infectious Poifon fltoots; Oppreflion’s bitter Draught dil’rilling flows; Death its curll Fruit, and agonizing Throws : But vengeful Order plies the flaming Bran-d, And hlafl‘s the Tree within the» Planter’s Hands SUPPOSE the Law repleat with Truth Divine, Had Order {hone in ev’ry Facred Line ; “a.“ n—«v—u‘n‘ * 7:6: Hal} Embtiom Whit‘bfhe yufl feel. Laws Laws that to all in general extend, ‘ Mufl often fail to reach the deflin’d End ; , ll’en thofe by which u-nerring Heav’n defign’d To fave, and to prefervc T 311 human Kind; The dif’r’rent Circumf’tances, Time and Piace, And Things and Perfons change the Varying Cafe; The Murd’rer ’fcapes, the Innocent mul’c bleed, And Oaths, and I.“— ’gain{i f;— and Truth Ihcceed‘; S— Gains his Canfe, and jnfl was the DeCree; He flarves in Jail far his Attorney’s Fee. EVEN you, 0 Senate, where fair Truth prefides’, W hom Order governs, and- whom Reafon guides ; Makers of Laws, heft knowing where they tend, Who lofe the Letter to preferv‘e the End. You too mull: fail, and from thy Sov’reign Court, To Heaven’s Tribunal he the hill Relbrt : There injur’d Innocence finds quick Redref's, And Juflice damns who legally Opprefls. SINCE fuch is Man deprav’d, that Fear mufi fway, To tread thofe Paths where Duty points the Way; The Wretch muf’t‘fitfier to forewarn the refi, And fome mull {all to {top the fpreading Pefi: Hence publick Pains; what to the Crime is due, 0 JUDGE SUPREME, mufi he relierv'd to you! Alone the gen’ral Welflre, can demand The tender Tribute,:from the bleeding Hand. Such the fole End, then flwnld no gloomy Spleen, Int'refi, nor Rage, no Pallion intervene. Tins well, thou know’l’t, 0 ROGER SON E whofe Seat-ti To fufi ’ring Innocence is fur-e Retreat: Severely jufi, and pioufly Revere, The Crime. you punifh, while the Pain. you fliare: Tears, 3: the dreadful Words of Sentence flow, Nor the righteous judge the Man fbrego. ' ether He, if fuch a. Monfi‘er were, ' Agony Can. feafi’, and Groans can Chear ; T r[be Laws; ofNMume zmd, Gram qflenfhi! 2°72 pmfiwigw CircumflaficgJ’ in brifigifig (Ellwt t-lche tiiflzlij fl?!” ‘LUiTI’éL‘z’ tilt: Divine Author ‘iwflfiufed them ; yet no crerlew can. lie every WM raft-6e. Wim- Wh. h...— , C 3 ) With gloomy joy elatte, whol‘e balefiil Breath; Triumphant, ‘f'wells with the dread Sounds of Death Who on th’ imploring Face malignant fmiles, And {entenc’d Wretches wantonly reviles. Shch, far from hence; where CA; SA R’s gentle Sway, With Iiihjeél: Heartsrthe willing World obey. To thofe curs’d Realms, rul’d by fome Tyrant God, Whofe Scepter's Perfecution’s Iron Rod, : There may thisLord his faithful Slave command, And trul’t his Bow—firing to his ready Hand. PERfJ E her Sange hoafls, his Serpent Nun, But Both in One iniel’t our fated lfle : Portentous Beafi, togthofe blefs’d Climbs unknown, A monfl’rous Birth peculiar to oar own.‘ . Well, may no otherVenom curfe the Ground, Exhaulied all to form this dire Com-potind 1 Well, may no \Nol’ves deflroy the fleeéy Care, Since fiercer theft: the trembling Shepherds tear! If ranfcour’d Malice, or low Rage provoke, The Sword of Jul’tice deals the Villain°s Stroke : The Reptile Crew pollute her Rites Divine, And Plunder {helter’d underneath her Shrine. T1 BER ms foremoli in the blotted Roll 1 . Of gloomy Tyrants : Well, thy {fibril-Soul 1 i'; r‘ Chole vile 4: Inlbrmers, Tools offefi’er'd Spite; , l? The Pimps of Torture, and the Scourge of Might: .,: Fitly on fuch fupporting Props reclin’d , , The Shame, the Dread, the Pelt of Hunian~kindl ‘ HAIL, mighty TRAJA'N i thou Wert truly great, \ Who to the Crime proportion’d well their Fate ; Nor did to wrong’d ASTREA Pow'r refufe,‘ ‘ H To damn the Wretch who did her Pow’r abu’i'i; By this one Aétion, thou hafl far ontdon'e ‘“ fl Thy Proudef’t Triumph o’er the Parthimz: wo‘ AND Thou, our C‘efitr, may thy righteous ‘ From the fell Monfler fave the frighted Land; Nor {hall fllcz‘dei’Toils more Merit claim, Nor higher raif'e than Thine his deathlefs Name. wt :5: nga’ iidaxime exitigbile tulere ilk; ‘Iempom, cum Pri. morejvti’matm ixfimm etiam Delatione: exercerem, alii pro? 12414722, mnlti Per occulfum. TaCit; ‘ r 1 N 1 b. a m. m _ _ a w w