I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl “WW—vi “3 A v.7 <.;§I:.'—-( BEdUTn OR,THE Am 09 GHARMENGg g H A T gives fin: Maiden Bfuih itslovzziicfi Dye, ‘ Charms in a Smile; or wounds us from " an Eye, The Muffi: {ha}? flag. Attend and learn, ye Fair, O HARTFKJKD'. born with eva FemaieCharm The: £in to ravi‘ih, or the Heart mwarm : Fair in thy 57mm, fii'ilfaimrin thy Mind; With Beauty Wiiliom; Sen c Wiréi chctncfsjoin’d : Great Wirhuusi Pride, and low“? “Grin-nut ."‘ 2'1“, Tsar Lows-;..~L»C:d»x::x‘ztz.zrc, ’C’mds Gooditniéimpart. Ti‘ius farm‘d so charm, O dcign m hear the Song , Whoie bfifi, whofi: {weateflz Strains to you belong. Baauty.’ Then {weer Reformer of Mankind! Poiifh’d by thcc the Ciown becomes refin’d; The Hang}; hty humble, and the Rude wclivbred, The Tim‘musn vaiiant, and ti}: Enid aflaéd. lelrsgm‘ti by {as Enniics the Wrer‘ch fargets his W766, And fmm thy Prawns our tender-CF: Sorrows flew. Aw’d in thy Prcfince Pops and Smarts forbaav, With Jefl's obfccne to waund the modaft Ear. For thee the \Warricr bears the rough Campaign, Nor knaws to tremble but at thy szdain. Infpir’d bf," 121631311? iatmt W earth appcars, . A brave-Ambition fires our Early Yaars To rife in Merit, or point to fixinc, And ail our greatcl’t, wor‘ehicfi: Deeds are Thine; W hat: is this Beauty ? What this Woznfi’mus E’Qwh’; Which all Mankind in various Farms ark-gm? I «QVfi z .BEAUTT.-Or, Love lure an Imagepaints in every Breafli, Ami eaeh’purfues the Pié’ture there expreflt. ‘ The Fair, the Black, the Brevm, allhave their Charm, ‘ _ Their different Beauties different Bofoms warm. *,' Where lies this Chaim"! ? Alas, not in the Skin 5 The Life of Beauty riles from within; I . Flows from the Soul, and animates the Breaf’c, In Words and Afiions, Looks and Smiles exprefl‘. W hat gives A Malia that l‘eiifilestGrace .9 Nor Rafe, nor Lilly’ghloem, adorns h‘er Face. True; but whe fresher Tmile, or hears her fpeak, -’ Finds there are Charms the: dwell net in the Cheek. 1! n‘While {he Lee-Enid : There the fparkiing Eye, The Role and Lilly in their fairef’: Dye, With 311mg Charm ear Face and Shape unite, In vain; her f\i‘l€&3tl0fl ipoiis the11:quite._ And who but: fees or hears her one half Hour, Finds Red and White are but of feeble POWer. Learn then this Truth, of Coni‘equence to know, Good-ihnfewill give the homelic P: Face to glow; To glow with Charms intrinficallyhright, :Fair to the Wind, tho’ homely ta the Sight. Without it Cz’oz’s Lip, youn Plom’s Cheek, And Celie’s Eye, in Vain A .mirers leek: W ithouc it fair Call/la lung has mourn’d A Maid, fiill wond’riag why her Charms are reorn’d. Whence but from Want ofThis to guide aright, So many {hock us, aiming to delight. Tg‘rterm thinks t0 laugh’s a Sign of Wit, Hence every Word isibllow’d by a Fit: Her Face, in which fame Charms mightelfe be few, r’ 15 conliently diliorted with a Grin. This lndecorumlage I’M/jam fees, And (irivr. s with fiifihn’d Gravity to pleafe. In mimiclc Mmiefly demure {he fiends, Her Apron firings {uppm 1 her folded Hands. ’Nur Smire nos Frown her equal Vil‘age wears, Aflefiedly unmev’d with all the heave. ' The fund Pigmalim who makes her his Wife, Mull eg the Gods to give his Szatue Life. ‘ But i; T‘“.I=:9-- ».-..;:'..&:~ T he AM of (mm 125. But we F irti’lfl, prettylittlch‘xiuf? Alw;1ya 1.11 ACTtiom flutter, dance, andlin g, Laugh, Oinf, fmile, andhow and pram, 2i. mite 21: Poor little Poppet how i: ll :iVCS‘; :3 pl: alt! And fine Emilia top; i)l€1i‘l‘1€1’Fi)i’H1, T1131 211,113 lays, and 212 {'11 ruins: mull. 1mm; And one would think lo: .13: 15,1:- nicehsr Care To {peak to mom, with apeculiar Ai: - Sole-1t, folan‘vafliins, ion: at, {0 prim, The pretty Fool isf; an in cvcry Limb. But {huh Extraams: 1310 ivzelm wants no Charm Of Wit, or Facs, the Heart of Mm to warm. But film’s lo ovcpfzec, f0 Oi’tr.pl2ffil, ’ So unpolite, f0 aukwarri, f0 imgdn, So much above all Thought or Care of Drcfs, So much a Blewze, {o verv much a lie/.1, That (4113 not Wfillimzf olluw whc‘n lh’co goes, The World 111 ight thi 11k my Lady. 221w s 3poule. Some hope to charm (tcirbcar the; vain ”rcrenc 1:) With Learni mg, Wit, and mars than common Scare. Deep read in lviii‘cry 311d holy Writ, The? 1363 rly low: to poi, ssa paw Man’s Wit: Quelii on on Qgefision wild diy they pmpuund, Till Will). the World, tl mix: a ddy Heads turn round Study Sir I/azic at the Paliry School, And make Mince Picsby Mathematick Rule. Knows every Arr, andavcrys cience teach, Of nuthinq irmorant but how to Stitch. Emgivc the Muie, who awns thc Female Mind Isdoubly fan with Known edge when iefin’ d, Doubly engwing to a Man of Sanfc; She only bl (isms-«b: warcthc faith." 1 1mm: 6. But various Paffions Female Minds engage, Some, (coming Thefe, 21W 211 with Learning v: ags. - A modilh lgnor 8115:: with Pride confeis, A’idl hate ali Arts but the dear Art of Drefs. ’1 hair Hop 5 ti» charm :11 Paint and Powdsr lis, in Gold, in Biamonds, and Embroidery. Biforc the Foiiet fit from Mom to Night, Then rife from Berty’s Hands divinsly bright. ‘a um um 4 B.E/1’UTT.'Or, Ah learn, ye Fair, your native Charms m prize! The more you drefs, you but the more diiguife: Law to the Beans your pretty prinking Art, Of late (0 zealous to ufurp the Part. Thus far theNluie unwilling has purfu’d A Task ungrateful, but of general Good. jul’t touch’d your Foibles with a gentle Hand, T00 kind tolaih, too young to reprimand : Blum’d your wrong Coudufi' only 1’0 excite To what is really Charmin-g, virtueus, right. But is yeur Arr, lhge Mailer, only taught From the fall}: Conrluéi, and the Vicious Draught? Arejuli Examples in this Age lb rare, A s nuns are tound that might engage the Fair ? 0 yes! from Thefe the Mule her PreeeptsdraWs, Her Art fire borrows hence, and hence her Laws, Tum then, ye Fair, from ‘r’iétures you delpil'e, And herewith Emulation fix your Eyes. See lovely Smirmvw r, Charming to the Sight, filer Face, herShape, her Smile, Mankind’s Delight. But rho’ adorn’d with each external Grace, ' Soft l'zlooming Beauty bluihing in her Face; Thu’all the Graces {parkle in her Eyes; The’ Love in Ambufh on her Bofom lies; Yet Thel’e not: half her Charms; her Inowy Bleafl: ls doubly fair, fair Virtue isiis Guefi. ‘ Good-nature gives her Eyes to thine more bright, The i'weer Complexion of her Soul is white: W” hir e with challe lnnoceuce and Peace fereue, And all her Charms are heighten’d from within . fif ' 3 See beauteeus 5b ts—w-ry, eminently bright, Ar once our Admiration and Delight. ' , An eafy Smile adorns her lovely Mien; 1 Gsy Fparkléng Beauty in her Eyes is {een. B it eerch within; their Charm they borrow thence : Good—nature forms the Smile, the Lnok Good—fenle. With Rapture fee all Nature’s Graces meet, In lam/2m wd’s bemlreousFram e, and firine compleat. Reflzi’ci frem Heaven with all that’s fair and good; And warm’d with all the Charms of Flefh and Bleed; QM #43 g . SUCh UlflC .. ‘5. kg 'WV The Art of Charming; 3 Such melting Sweetnefs, fuel] a Heaven oi Love Again might tempt, 3 but ne’er would yield to Shave. But fee, inperior to the iinefi Pen, Q“... séwflry, the Darling both of Gods and Men. So fair her Mind, her Angel Form f0 bright, ‘Tis hard to lay which gives us mnf’t Delight: Each heightens’ each 3 to both, th’ engaging Power 50 fweetly mixt, that neither can have more. But Theft: inin‘xitable; here you View Th’ united Force of Senfe and Beauty too ; Divine Conjunétion! and fupream in each, fill may admire, but few can hope to reach. And thus the Charms of Feature when combin’d With Virtue, Senie, and Beauties of the Mind, Are lovely then indeed we muff conieflz, But ’tis to theft: they owe their Lovelinefs: And theie our Art wou’d teach :' If blef‘t With theie, Or Fair, or Brown, you all~have Charms to pleafe. Has Heaven then to your Form not been lb kind, Mourn not the LOIS,- adorn yourfelf with Mind. From thence a Source of various Charms fliallrife; Mere amiable than Lips, or Checks, or Eyes. What is the bleeming Tinéture of a Skin, To Peace of Mind? To Harmony Within 2 \W hat the bright Sparkling of the finefl Eye, To the [aft Seething of a calm Reply .9 Can Comelineih of Form, or Shape, or Air, With Cornelineis of Words and Deeds compare ? No: Thnieat fin": th’nnwary Heart may gain, But Thefe, Thefe only can that Heart retain. Florella, blef’c with every outward Grace, Shape, Air, Complexion, and a beauteous Face, ' Had long imperial Tyranny maintain’d (T’er gentle Eamon, and his Suit difdain’d. Vain of her Charms {he thought his Heart her own, Thougiiit Life and Death was in her Smiie or Frown; And oft when tenderefi Words told how he lov’d, ' The fair Coquet was but with Laughter mov’d 5 Thought his fond Sighs the Tribute of her Beauty, And allhis have no morethanjufl' his Duty. N ’01‘ —-——_.—.—.— .-__‘- «0 6 . B E fl 0 T Y: 01‘) Nor car’d to pleafe, nor fought to heal his Smart; Fond of the Power to tantalize his Heart. 0 what the Fangs which flighted Lovers feel, Theie who have felt them only can reveal! Damon, unable to conceal his Grief, In Silence and Retirement fought Relief. Convers’d no more; refus’d or Food or Rel}, The fort Difeale Frill growing in his Email. What {hall he do 9 The vain imperious Fair, Nor hears his Love, nor ieels his tender Care. Regardlefsof his Woe, new Vows receives, Proud of the Pleafure, and the Pain {he gives. One Day all penfive leaning on his Arm, In Fancy inndly viewingr every Charm, Appears a Sifter of the lovely Dame, His hofom Friend, Cariffa was her Name. Cari a, neither blel’t with Charms of Face, ~ Nor Shape, nor Air, nor any outward Grate, Yet fhines a Beauty, purely from within, There are the Loves, and there the Graces feen, Mild as the gentle Breath of blooming May, Sweet as its Flowers, and chearfnl as its Day. Yet ioi‘t Compaflion oft hedew’d her Eyes, Her Email at others Grief wou’d heave with Sighs. No envious Paflinns mov’d her Hate or Spleen, Her Heart was friendly, and her Soul ferene. Pleas’d in heriéll, {he ieem’d no Care to know, But the [05: Pain of‘pitying others Woe . To Her, his well—known Friend, the Youth addi‘efl', Told all his Grief, his tender Flame coniefit; Begg’d her Aflifiance pow erfnl to perfwade, And move to Pity the relentlefs Maid. ~ Griev’d with his Grief, the tender Fair cemply’d, i A thouiand Ways to gain her Siiler try’d; Now urg’ri his Worth, and now his Wealth to move, But more than all the refi his tender Love. in vain; the fluttering Beauty fiilldenies, Nor hears Cariflcz’s Words, nor Damon’s Si ghs; This when the told, tranfix’d withGrief he flood, The iiient Tears run down a trickling Flood. , ‘ ‘IHeaith, The Art of Cbermi'ngl Health, Strength, and Beauty, leave his manly Frame, And ghafily Sicknefs pale and meagre came. A real Fever now his Veins pofl'etl, A . A nd deeper Anguifh {eiz’d upon his Breal’c, Touch’d to the Soul, mefla, tender Maid, All Means of Comfort and Relief eiTay’d. Now feeds with flattering Hopes of kind Return, Now fortifies his Mind againll her Scorn; Prepares his Medicines, or diree‘rs his Food, With all the friendly Offices of Geod. Long Time he languifh’d, but to cafe her Tail, Returning Health at length began to imile; A rid with his Health his Region too return’d, 'No more his Breaii: for vain. Florella burn’d. His Eyes now open, from blind Paflion clear, The Beauties of Cari-flu all appear; Fair to the Mind, agreeable to Sight, Love, Reafon, Virtue, in her Caufe unite. With feeret Plealhre {he pereeiv'd the Change, Yet inch her Modeiiy, {hethnughtitflrangez Uneonfeious oi the Beauties of her Soul, She fear’d Florella’s Eyes might fiill controul. When thus young Damazz...m“ 0 thou lovely Fair! “ Hear now my Love, and now my Reafon hear; “ Wherehas that Love, and Where that Rcaion been, “ That thy lair Charms till now were never fem? “ Strange Blindneis! FollylmO believe it true, ‘ What Beauty wastillnow I never knew, “ Nor what was Love. ’Twas Madnefs alien-raging, ‘ A Mutiny of wild Defires engaging. “ Here ’tis {oft Peaee, and mmual }oy fincere, “ Here every Word and every Look endear: “ Beauty, is Harmony in Deed and Thought; " And Love, true Friendlhip to Perfeétion brought. “ Come then, my Fair, theft: tender Vows receive, “ Forget my Folly, and my Loyeberlieve: “ Blelt in thy Arms my future Days l’ll fpend, “ Thy Husband, Guardian, Comforter, and Friend. With hlulhing S weetnels {he reeeiv’d n Kills, Efiiey’d his Vows, nor long delay’d l'risi’lfirifs. F 1 N 1 5. , A 7 £13562 Tubfifbfl, by EDWARD; EXSHAW, 7425 the Bible 0% tbeBIi11d~1