I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl wmmazmamg ; BLASPHEMY: H As Old as the ‘ CREATION. _ magmmmfig «V, “.wi A ‘mmfigmw y BLASPHEMYg" Old as the REATEON The Newgaée DIVINE: A SA Addrefs’d to the madam Advocates of Ir; religion, Pmphansnefs, and Infidelity ) Wm“ ” > By a GENTLEMAN and a Cz-mxsrmN. Wat—"- —--~-v-—-—-I wflwm—M‘m‘r‘m—I—n‘ 2310:! fi in 7005 Erro, quo‘d am’mas 1207725an Immmtale: efl‘e credzm, libem‘ér Em. N2; 211in hum Errorem, 61m delefiov, dzmz mm, Extorquerz’ cola, anima; efie Immortalej, wagicguid Dixit, Omnium animamm Socim, W Ty11da11--—« “memmmh T‘ullvs L O N D O N: Printed, and DUBLIN Re printed, and Sold by GEORGE FAUI KNEE, at the Pamphlet Shop in E] reet, where all Manner of Pamphlets am 3231. 1, fex‘afl an Printing W orla. done Reafonably, ‘7 3c; A. @C‘BFQQCQQQQQCMDF @C’Dm EQCDQ ~+++++++++++++++++++++T+v ******************>§~** '************************** '+++++++++++++++++++++++~ QW-n’lugk‘vv/‘t Ekaja stem-J \s ©\\~,M;~dd<\&/DQ, ”ELL/$1.3 ._____., M ,_______. ...._.__._._. m..." BLASPHEMY As Old as the CR "ER yet the Earth or Heaven, 01‘ various Frame - Of wide extended Nature had a Name, Or Stars were hung, or Planets blaz’d on high, Satam blafphem’dmthe * ‘I—-—-Md~——I 0f the Sky. F or this, by Heaven’s reluc‘i‘ant Vengeance drove Down to Perdition from his Blifs above. When new the Fiend .had rais’d his horrid Head O'er the blue fulphurous Flames, around him fpread, Unconquer’d Rage fiill burning in his Bread, The Pa‘rt’ners of his Fate he thus Addrefi. h... * Jutbor of tire Rights of the Chriflian Cl mrch; Cl 21 1- flianity as Old as the Cteaticn: afid fwemi eiZ e; qmfima and impiom Piers: ‘ 14mm l...«__..._..—.-.—._-.__ ._ .____..—._ - ( 5 ) From thefe deep boiling Gulphs, if yet we rife, We yet may dare the Thunder of the Skies ;, Too weak their firongel’c Prifon to detain ~Spirits, that burfl: below each brazen Chain 3 ‘ Mine be the Danger firll ; and then the Farm: ‘ To lead you up from thefe dark Dam of Sha , e; ‘ Back to his Heaven thefe Rival Fires to throw, ‘ And wreit his Wreaths from our infillting Foe, ‘ Through various W'orlds, let his wide Pow’r external,- ‘ Half his Creation to our Shrines fliall hencl ; ‘ Incenf'e as Rich and Pure our Noll’rils feed, ‘ And Viétinis at our Altars oft-her Bleed, ‘ HisPriefls for us their Saviour {hall Defame, ‘i‘ And blaft his Godhead, while they own his Name 3 In ev’ry Age, each Clime, great Patriots rife, 4‘ Pleas’d hy our Guidance to Liefert their Skies ; One duteous Ifle, a Realm above the relic With all our bounteous Infpirations blefi; There, there, your Thoughts with Joy and Tram ‘ {port turn; a ‘vVhere Dreams {hall pleaf‘, and Revelation hum. t Through dark Futurity I there behold ‘ Leatlers for Guilt renowu’d, in iiirrors bold ; ‘ (Tho’ deep in Night the difiant Proii‘iefl: liCS, ‘ By Fate foretold, the Era once {hall rile ) ‘ Fables and Fraud {hall be their darling; Theme, ‘ Abhorting'l‘mth, their Glory to Biz-527.3; For us their Faith refolving to dilgrace, f Wit, Scheme, and Humour, planting inits an.“ 6| h 'L a L3 5 With Pupils nurs’d by them, our Groves {hall fill; ‘ More gain'd by * Coll—m, than by ffulz'm’s "O‘uilll .‘ F or us IhallT IV Ian-22 rave, and :1: Ly~m think, ‘ Kind Afg-ml waft his Time, and 3:2er his Ink; ‘ Great I] ll’l’zmd‘l the Truth no more Conteil, 5 That Heavens worf’t Subjeéts, are each Kingdom'g ‘ Belt; '7 By him the Maxim plainly underlined, ‘ That Damm’ng, mufl‘ premote a Naden’s Geod; ‘ Wits {hall for us in want of Faith excel ; .‘ Free Mar/6m Banter ; and EleaTlaim’aen Spell ; l Deifls and Drolls on Myfiery‘ {hall frown ; f And W'o elf—~74: turn anlbon beneath a Gown. Spirit Divine, that doll a Heat infufe, A heavenly Zeal into each pious Mufe; Say in theft: fearcl‘ting, lhrew’d, deteéting Days, “ Why little Fools fllould print, what Greater praife s?» For what Impiety, or Guilt accurft, Sage Britain fcorns the Good, to prize the Mr]? ; Thou, facred Guide, unfold the myftick Caufe, That gives the Ideot Fame; the Weak, Applaufe, Why new Philofophers, old Maxims quit, Forfaking Gib—~92: Senfe, for find—l: Wit ? Why , *Grounds and Reafons, and Scheme of Literal Pro-e phec . T flgaz‘nfl the Trinity. 5): Fancy-logy. ’ ll able of the Bees.» 3} (3) ‘Why each dull modern Scheme each Breafl: fliou'd fire“ Simplicity tra1ifpori. an d Wirdom tire ? Why Senf'e and Reafon are our wo1ll: Difeafe, Learn d Writers {com ’,d why doating Mad—men pleafe 7 Want, or the Pride of being deem'd Polite, Tempts gay Apol’tates to deceive and write; Each facred Truth to fcorn, or to difclaim, Prompted by Hunger fome, and fame by Fame; Few fiarving Doctors wou ’d renounce their Creed Who on pure Faith mu d better c rink and feed; Nor for a Dinner m {tale Errors deal, If found Divinity wou’d fetch a Meal : ”707/2077 won’d own a Saviour, dread 3 Hell, Lilac gainful Unbelief, did Scripture fell, ° The Godhe; dl 1e (1 rides, wou d learn to fear, Like * filmy 1 emv, it Miracles fol d dean But who can blame each Sage, in Judgment nice-:3 Good Pagan Doctrines yield a better Price 2 W 10 calculate exa'c‘t t he ir Gains each Day, An d kno v what Wages Heaven and Satan pay“ The hit their kindefi: Patron! each more wife Who Fed ’em heft, to leave, and to defpife. Their For each ‘Morn, an Allegory fills, ‘he Spirit feeds ’em, while the Letter killsa 2 yo: — ”n...“— * $92M: f): b! *fzzlaemcm szcourfw, and b2: 2100 Defamer pf’ em, (22 fluid am! Impom ”—m a m. m _ _ a w w