I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl EXERCISE At TEA With the RI S E agd Progrefs thereofi: O R T H E N/[mg-nmmwnk arm a?“ afi-iwwxdm-‘m " , D U B L I N ‘ Pxinted by Rich Dickfon, and Ree-i Primed in Germ" / C. 2 ) THE «- RIS EandPROGRE 58 T4 E (K: 8:0, N, Homfi: Illind, and Odyfl‘m We read of jovial Goddcfl'u, . "I‘h‘ét'n'ever {at dawn todebate “ In Couneil, ,on,‘ Affair}; of Stage, ' WithOut‘ their Cups 0“? ‘Ntfiar by “em : 70v: fend, the Bard does not bely ’em. But what is meant by Nefi'ar there. Is neither Heav’nly Wine nor Bur. As form: will have it. But I fay. ‘ It mutt have been fomefiea‘v'nly TM. For Lwa'i'd g; no: 3‘ {ugd appear, ‘ To make fuch Taper“: of the Fair .’ I'm right : and I’ll be Judg’d by Email, Who. atone Glympfe I’m {ure will ken this And Pope’s of my Opinion :00 5 ' And he‘s infallible you know ‘ * Who eclojelyflfdll’fiing’ the-Old Greek, Wbm #32le A N N E‘vou’d Council Mk0; A N N‘A whom t’bru’Rulm: 06:} 9' He makes her drink a diflo 0’ Tea. . I don’t Remember that I’ve‘re'ad of What their Tu Equipgc was made of; But by mofl Amber: ’tls agreed. Vulem .; Brafitr wag by :‘L’rade ;' No doubt on’: be. their Kmlu made And often us'd to blow the Name. And boilit far'the Cyprian Dame They fay. he tended well the Km]: :1 ‘ :We’zfe in the Dark about the Mail“ T TVidS“ for?! Wéndfw E93613”! v.9? “W V Whether ’twas Silver, Tim ‘Or Copper g—S-m No matter which sand {ea-we'll drop-here As 0’ch thexr Cup: each Goddcfs (at. , Each Cup infpir’d them with new Chat; Theywalk’d of fuch and Inch 2 Pair: And {caudaliz’d each beav’nl‘y Fu'r, Not om efcap’d, but What were there; How all the‘ God: had chang’d then-Shapes Their Low: wich'MonalK, and then" Rap" 5 Hence all thofe Staffer we have meta"; ' Of Mar: and mein the Net § " Europa’: Bull, and D‘mm’: mow’r‘; g Of L‘cda’: Swan ' A' Hundred more, Were nonbing elfe, as one may far. But Scandal o'era‘Diflo 0’ Tea, ' , ‘ There Smfiw #1139 t C HCMHS flew, No matter what Efffl eori ma; ‘ ' ’ ‘ Theymade the Goddefle: {a julour, They calldwtheir God: all Idle Edam; Vmu: tore herlovely Hair, , And BurlI-Ey’d 7am; 'gan to Rare g“ In Bri-nyfl‘cars Mgnswa cries, ; , Goda'tfi of the Agar; Eycs. :‘ 5 5{ Each Guide]: was mrag’d tohearg‘ h A Mortalchus preferfid to her, , , h 1' ' .A’nd tuba: {they Cry-d) wbu Mom! {In pm: n‘vsl thy: a Duly! ‘ ‘ ’ ' 314' “’b} [hou’d w: our [:lvuperplex‘: Lu u: mam our Farm: and 11:13:, Tim: vain, prefumpmom m‘bml Sex. Agrec’d, they all their'Powers join’d, 1‘ From Clay that treble was retin’d, ' They mouIded out a beauzeous Dame: 1 think Pandora we} her Name, ' VVhrenithis was done, they all combm’d» T’ adorn her Body and her Mind. ‘ mepufl’d Oflr a Grit: or "110. 551; And (lightly o’er her Emma: g-htew 5h ‘ 33730 gave ‘Majcflick Mcin, ‘ (z. r- u r. ,—_._s.,»-...__..r_. , __ ~vl..‘. ‘ wv‘W‘n-un—v» . , .....-~....._———...___ Minerva furnifh d her within; 131mg gave her Tongue enough, Minerva made 1: fm‘oorh and rough. And bid her ufc it at her WiII, And never let 11 011612 fland [1111: She c pt It o’er With 311,12 Comm, With Scandal Malice, Envy Hate, Ingredients that the Fair Complztc. . Thus farm ’d for Mcrmr'y they fend, ' And bid him quick to Em}: defeend, Tolndia,’ .1 Shore to flee-1 his Way. . . And bring’ em up‘ a Weed caII' d Tea ‘ Lihc Light he darts him 1hro’1he air, And in a Moment’ 5 Time gEts there; Before that you (1011 d reckon Ten, ' :rhey fly that he rerurn’d agen, . And brought cm baEk I115 Load of T111, Whether Imperhl. or 1:105:11: ‘ .' Is to the C1iticks fliII unknown, . Tho' it has puzzled many a one. No manger of what far: it Was . 3311;11 was ’I‘m I’m fun: that’5 Pos. - 1 This Tm they thicw into apoc, ‘ ‘ Then pou-x’dm W311” flailing [101, TI hen let; it {Iand awhiIe to 5:111: WhiIe Vulcan: IImping, heId the Kmlg The Antiems were {0 hnpoIiu. Empute 11 to the Tim'és they W111; 1 Ladies wiII think :they was unciviI; j ‘ To 13er their 171:3 For. Box 1115.111? ‘ But I 111qu reII you by the bye 1' In \Vhifper betwixt you and I. ’ ’1'1'5 but another Name I fee, ‘ ' For what we. ca“ 21 P111. 0 Int; 1 (I prove the giv'en Efl'efi the {2'1va , And thatthey d1 Ker 11111111 Name. 7 ' 'II‘his l {quorworfe Effcéts 1319111117135 4 * Than b/afs‘dy‘ P11111111), qr Gmpc’ 5 MMJUWCW @1111 11s as 1,1..11111111111111111” , ’ if 1;, . 11 I , I’ ' " j: I” 1 21"?!“ LlIqu “$1 , n. :11, ‘, {KI/omit take at, Helz'cm «(5), When (medic, rafe‘s in the-[Brain 3; i- " " 1» x‘ “ But not {0 gemmm I knew, ‘ By lufc Efiflfluhac from, itgfipw, trim does noble -Deeds,infp1re, Adds Fad m the martial Fire. , ‘ And makes Men Facem Fag: ascacki Bu: Ladies quarrrel behind Backs , ‘ , They wait, hkcfiirds Ofol’Eydgfilau!’ A‘nd tear the Charafim (13:10 £338 0; figlike‘sztiicks, thdifgracel ~ The BeauEiCSsof‘fome ‘n‘ml. Fact ;. For Woman rail; ‘andGIiticks mm, Againfi wl‘xatfver’s. fair or (night; Envy, alike. does bot/J mfpire, Both hate what .aH the Warm-admin: ‘ H/oman unpumlh’dmay; dcfnm: ; Then give the Quick: l‘eavf'cm 51am .~ 5 ‘2.’ Seeing their 7ndgmmnzarc the fame, friticlis whcn” fick of Hwy :igmwn, , V And 144;”, [O infp'ire keen Satyr, Will take. 3 Bake oflW’ud; and want. Hold there, mymiufegg naw. let us {Eta-y Where have weigh was Rot ,o?‘ T“, You know, awhile ago wefaid; ' ‘ The Kmlc bald, {haired was Mada, This Pot Was (0 Pandora given: CUrs’d‘ Prefmt ofrcvcngeful Heaven: Thus "a'rm’dr {helium rmand Fairy Did (0 the Eat}: the Prefént bear, To {preadl her Start ofE‘Uifl: there: The Wodd hadneVer known what’s Eu"! I any far ‘Woman and the Daily ‘ ‘ Down to the £515th szgé’orngt‘, 4% Fatal: Eaccbm,»wit‘h her-Pot ‘3 And from that; Day to :nhis, we fee, X’V’hac Toptr: women are offfm fibre flight“ .1: fiitfi among the Fmr,’z T$1th 10v: whacc‘vcxis Name; 113;: ' . . . _—-—...—--—— ~_NM‘~..~> - l And vow’d it‘waS" as good Empcrial. As 7:010 drank in Realms Ethereal: She/{aid : and fill’d the Liquor out; God: how the Poifon flew; about; t After theyfldrank 2 Cup or two, ‘ ‘3 Up to the Head the Vapour: flew and e’re they let tied in the Braiuv. 1n Sandal were fpu’d our again. From muddy Dykes thus Vapour: rile; That darken, and infel} the Skies 5 Then down they fall. éhea‘vy {bower} Regardle’fs upon whom they pour Thus Ladies. when their Cups prevail: Ne’er eeafe to fcandalize and rail, Carelefs they at whom they firike, But good and had are {all alike. Thus as Pandora lilt’d and fill'ds ‘ And Seandalfrom’é each Cup difiillf’d‘ Scandal reach’d at left the Sky And chang’d its Name to Blaiphemy That not a Goddels was untainted. Some there atfirm’s that Venus Paintetl And had th’ alfurance to compare F0: Beauty with the. Immortal Fair : Some were fo arrogantly bold» They [said that Juno was a Scold: They told a thoufand Stories more, They «2th each Goddefl‘es Amour, That gods for them had‘ left their'Slties,‘ Prefering them to Deities. - , Indigent Herd; The Heav’nly Fair, Such lnlults Deities can’t bear. Their Carulc Orb: r‘oll:’d round fuch Ire; As almofi fer the Heavfns on Fit e, . Down to the Earth, ’ with VVtath replete; 4nd‘big with many a fair one’s Fate, They quick defcend in Clouds of Air. VVithout much trouble found out. where Pendofg entertaiu’d the Eatt. Nam They were vifible to none, ,. VVhene’er thefe Cloudy Cloaks were on. ' “They got behind each Ladies back. ‘ '~ , And bore a while the Noify Clack. But patiencefoon‘was weaz‘y‘d out, Revenge takes place and flies about,1 VVhene’er they try’d to take .1 Sup, Their hands [hook {0, each drapt her Cup ;' ‘4 Nor Cup, nor Saucer, Pot. or Bowl: , , 'l- , Was left upon the Table whole; ' But all one Common Kain lhare: . Thenlearn by this, you mo:-;-sliv_’d Fair. ' Bum”, like thefe is briltllfiWarl.‘ ‘ 1 It puzzled each Celefiial's‘Brain‘, How to renew the Sent again ;: 7 .p ‘ For more delervlng Dames than thew And teaeh ’em Caution o’er their Tea :1 Their Rage war not, as yet, allay’d‘; They vow’d Definition to each Maid ; Proceed, my Mule, now to relate The dire Efleé’ts of Heavenly Hate; Andlet the Fair, for warning fee. _ Beauty’s lad Catallrophea , l Each Cup ( ’tis faid) was broke to S'hatters ; l Now as it broke, the Liquor {catter52 And all the Lady’s Cloathsb’efpattersg The Company was all amid: . ' And each upon the other gaz’d :1 a One laid the blame upon the e’other; ' .‘Allop’d, at lafl, at one anorh‘et‘ “m“ ‘ And there was fucha Noife sel’othflg-ug Bu e lo this.Din of Viom daopsa ' = They dwindlc inté China Cups: 7‘ Thus, by fom-e nice Legeidemamfg The Tea Cup: were all whole agams' Their former Beauty fivill they bear 'And are true Emblem: ofthe Fain The Fimf: of the Mould is feen 5- gb; {Wit gran/aim! refill-WI 5km (35")? ‘ The Painiz‘fig‘hf the 54¢:“rtmain's', ' '* Andfifll the pure Complexion ,ftainx, Gay Monuments of the Fair dead; On which their Epitaphs are read. : , Fain lwouEd they moifien fix“ their Clay; ’ And many aBumper ‘hoid of Tefiz‘ ’ Like faithful Urns in’ which are "laid. Prefé>r6,’d;the Rehé’gswofthe'Dead ; ' ' ‘ Still do they ’<>p€,‘§fi§’il‘wMOuth's to (peaks: ' .ln‘mvain 3they'cannqu;«3i1ehcebreak : ~~ ‘ ~ but flit} haw: Jeff 111133 (POW’I t infufc lfi‘EOIhEEé-if'the' ill-“midi?!“ fuiceif ' ' oft fig they :zirkéélf.<%a‘l1dadbrzi'n,fi Ioégmft the (25:13.01? ” f "fly acne, ‘ Thus, byofin/e‘ cafcl’efsfijfilfpa‘or ‘Sfi‘o'k: ; gldflcufl-‘a and Mmd’: ”diff bfbkh .. a m. m _ _ a w w