I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl P A R s o N, Bewitch’d 0 R5 A Word. to the Wife; APOLITICAL LBALLADJ To the Tune of the IRISH TROT, a Dance _ Mm}: in F afhion this Winter. A cunning Artifi once didput r / Homer’s Iliad in 4 Nut. ‘ Ami Orifmades didpla'ce, ' ‘ 3 In an Egg-R1 ell's narrowSpacc,‘ ' } All the Blifs of Human Race; But Reader read my Ballad o’re, And you‘llfind it wond’rous more} Printed in She Ygar I730, CV; ._ “.5 1 b. 3; EPESTLE TO THE £EA13E (3222220225 Reader, EAving long; admired your firong and .. . 602222222222522512 Inclination to P22222222, I take this Opportunity to communicate to you the toilowing Azjy’fcmww Poem? which if properly cmfldered 252221 rig/532?}? 2222w dwflood, cannot fail of opsning yourfiyes, and brimring to light the dark doings of O 'thoie who like “fa/2,9 2/22 Kiwg’s 6222222252", 1111- derthcfpecious Frets-23cc of :1 friciz‘ahfy E222- (92222.2, flm'fc 9’02; 212.2 éaz’éevmg Abnox‘, 22222527 25:32: pit/2122M, 21222152522320” 20 [2522222. I w~»~»-w.....__-___ . .._. “H There therefore prefent you with an un: comnion Piece of Novelty, in which you willfind mofl: ingenuqufly exprel’t, under the feigned Names Of sz’r’am’er and Phil/2'5, the whole Secret binhicI'r this PoorCoun- try hasbeen for fome Years govern’d 5 and tho’ the Fear of giving OfFence, has obli- ‘ ged our cautious Author to conceal his Meaning under Allegories and F igures; it is to be hopedxforne learned and undaunted Commentators may in time rife up amongi’c us, to oblige the‘World with Ammdm‘z'bizs, Explanation“ Annotations, various Lexicam, Inc/ex’s, afldflqw MAI/5‘6 wiggle, in order to make it more ufeful to Mankind in gene- ral. . » t "In the mean time, I rejoice Within my felf, when I confider how muchvlyhaveajl- ready defired of you; and of" my Country 5 and I conclude therefore with perfect Satis- faflion and Tranquillity of Mind The P étriol‘. N. 13. There is now in the Prefsfand- willfpeedily be Publifh’d, Tbe State of {be Nozz‘iola by the fame Hand? to the Tune of, C? THE MONEY, THE MONEY. THE. _,A g» ,___'4____-.._. «7: ‘ ”ML-é .‘ .‘ v E "y -:. u \ 5' r1 "' «4/. ~ » ' ' ._..‘ Ls§ “\méx Km “m\mxx ,,_. THE P A R s o N Bowitch’dj 5396‘. I “ . .- J- " l4' .1. y 4 4 7' ' at,“ w E §.,%]Hue Lullss “ole growing, _ x ‘ s V A 11d Roles a blowmg, Beneath the cool Shade of ahArbour, an, Arbour, _ ' Opprci’é’d by Noon Tide And. 'byflqfflef/Eiflg Z‘rc’flde, _ Young amorous I’M/[12's took Harbour, took Harbour. ' With a high didlc didle, and he didlcdidls, A114 figh’d thus aloud for the Café of be? jl’idd‘zeu 2 Q what is the meanino Of Sighs and complaining, IO 9 0 what is i: makes my Heart flutter, Heart: ,. flutter .? W hen Men figh and tremble, l5 W hat makos us dllllcmblc, 0 why do “we {.ep {och a {puttflf’fl fivt‘Ifitfl“? “- V 1C1] \ finalifén“ w__.,..‘w.._—_.-—« -- H»- C 6 ) >W11hah1gh didle didle, and 110 didle di. dle, W hen glad we {hould be that they play’ 11 at our Fiddle. 3 Y oung luefiy 1’52]de ‘ Stood lifi’ning behind hel, And C1 y’d you no DIODUCI‘ {hall languifh, 1halllanguifl1, 0 ice he1‘e my Dem, 5’6“ '1 he1e 15 1101 its Pee1, \ To eaf‘e a young Maid of her Anguifh, her Angmfh » With ahigh didle didle, and ho didle did} e, Then come my Dem, now my Deal, now 1 ‘ fo1 you1 Fiddle. W 1th p1etty {11131126, 25' - But with Looks of her Eyes, When a thoufand kind Things were €va ' p1efling, cxp1efli11g, She puih 61111111 aWay, Yet {he wifh 11 he W011 ’d flay, For fl1e}}o11g’d much to tai’te of the Blefling, the Blefli 111g, 1 go \Vith '1 h1gh d1die (111116, and ho didle didle, ' And bluihing c1y’d what wou d you do with my Fiddle. , ' 5' 1 He {hatch’d her in hafle, To his amorous Breafl‘, ( 7 :) Nor could the Nymph longer difl'emhle, difl'emble, * 35‘ He gave her a Dofe, ‘ . . Whglfl he hugg’d her {0 Clofe, That put her Nerves all in a Tremble, a Tremble, . With a high didle didle, and he didle didle, So fweetly, fo {weetly he play’d at her F id:— dle. \ 40 ‘ 6 ‘ In'came Parfondmly, [While thus they did dallyg-i, Not dreaming at all of the Matter, the; Matter, But all in a flutter / , ' 0 how he did (putter, 45' ' To fee the young Swain fl “clofe at her, 51% at bar. ' With a high didle didle, and ho didle didle, For all the while long the Swainrplaid at: her Fiddle. . 7 ., He {wore all amazed, _ . . That the Devil was railed ' ya 01' fome little Imp of his Order, lair Order, ‘ For furely one Look ‘ At hEr conjuring Book, Could never have caus’d his Diforder, Di- forder. ‘Witha high didle didle, and he didle dim - dle, , TY §ince ’twas not the firfc ”Elms he {aw inch 2. Fiddle, " " H 7 " Then ( 3 l r . 8 Tl1enalli111“l1u11y, No longez he d [2111 y, But 03 {C0111 d, trembling and qualiing, and q Iai1