I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl P A A s "If: A N D VENUS réconcfl d Inicrm d to ayoAAg L A D Y on. hex BIRTH—DAY. ' " - AA a , Arinted in theYear MDCCXX‘XL‘ PALLAS and VENUS reconcfld " J 1’ O E M N ancient Days (:13 Authors {beak , Who {p011 young Maf’cer s Eyes with * ‘ Greek) ' I11 Hum 72 a dire Diflention rofe, And W ifa’om sQueen 1111111 Love 5 Were Foes 31112111 was the Caufe, tho fierce their Hate, And time b11t Widen d the Debate; Which fhews that fomerimes 111 this Skies, Great Wars from 1111111 Begmnmgs r1fe. W1th Earth 5 gay Toaff'c, and BM?) 22 s bright . Dame, ‘7 T11e Source of Hatred 3 much the Same. ' The Queen of Charms was fOnd- Of Drefs, ‘ And PALLAs minded 11oth111g lefs From Whence Remarks Were ofte11 throWn, About her Manna and her 01112-111 , Then; Then, rci examine ev’r-y Featurei And —————— well l“ flie’s filth an unhewn Creature! .All her fine "Wifdom can’t defery, .. fW‘hen her own Mmtmm’s pinn’d awry! THERE lurk’d- about MINERVA’S .Hearc A little Spleen; but hid withArty; L Y ‘ Which; ibrrietimes~ led her to appear, \Tho’ not morofe, yet toe fevere, ' Her Topick was the ‘Marriage Life; She talkll'of Duties in, a Wife; ‘ , And often vow’d, ’twas woud’rous Bity f Virtue fhou’cl ejre forfake the Pretty : I Well! furely VENUS has a Face, ’- Gives eviry thing {he lays a Grace; The fi-riefi: Shape; rhe prettiefl Airs ;A And the whole (Art of laying Snares; Lord! (1011’: you wonder all her Charms; Ha’ne‘t won APOLLO to her Arms gear—'3: But Beauty’s made for Feels to 131126, Belew theNOt-ice of the Wife, VVho never yet the ‘Worth cou’cl find; Of a fine Face, Without a Mind. I . . REPROACH is ever apt to fpread : So VENUS foon heard all was faid; . And, tho’ {he feo‘rn’d her, Rival’s Spight, , VoW’rtl that R‘evengefhou’d do her Right, She valu’d not her‘fage Remarks, " ‘ About her Cendiuéi’cor her Sparks 3, xi}. ,1. , _ ,1 ,.: v. 7‘ ‘ “I“ 4%.,“ ,; ‘ . Jw ' - Jun-nu w a. r ' 4 > a. , ( 43 )1 But fuck a Cenfure, ‘fo {CVEYS‘ 3 On BeautyMThat {he cou’tl not bear ; She’d have a pretty Time indeed, If fuck oclcl Notions fhou’d fucceed; Her Alters Were notw’ortlrher Care, If none but Fools were ofl’er’dtliere. ‘ RESOLVH) her Vengeance to fulfil , To WOrk fhe fummon’d ‘all her Skill 3 Then rofe impatient to purfue, ' ’ I lThe'Projeé’c which {he had; in View, , And faithful to the great D'efign, Her Doves Obey’d the, Rain Divine. , THERE is, as learned Bards maintains, 'A’ narrow Street they call Back—Lam, ' There is v‘-‘---- a fretfiil Critick Grieg, Hafie and impatience in his Eyes 2 ‘ There is ‘ for pity’s fake go on ; Will your dull TALE’bS never done? \The Time—the Place? it’s. all agreed ""'"_" [What then ?--why,! then Sir I proceed. * , ’TWAS here the Queen of Love furvey’d, New to the Light, an infant Maid, ' \_ Already blefs’tl by‘ Nature’s Care \ , , ’With Charms‘fuflicient,‘ and to; fpare. 3 Elate with Hope the Goddefs fmil’d,’ Then tenderly embrad’d the Child, And breathing thrice an Air divine, - Genre ev’ry‘latent Grace to ihine. 1“ 3.163193%; sf”; 3 7' 3 i _' ~ ' x. "" HM Hence the foitMoifiure that fuppliesg The melting Languifh to her Eyes; J The Smiles that ever dimpling move, And Lips that wear the Hue of Love. * The faultlefs Harmony of Form; ‘\ [The Bloom, that heightens ev’ry Charm-,5 4 And all the {oft engaging Arts, That Beauty taught to vanquilh Hearts. , 5 And-KITTY ! Thou unblemifh’d Fail: ’Tis t‘ ine, my Empire to declare, ' i i i The Force of Beauty to maintain, And give to ev’ry' Heart a Chain. E For thee, the Old fhall knOW defire ; For thee, the tender Beau expire ;“ ' Anti Wit/and 'Wifdom fhallagree To” leaVe their Books, and Sigh for Thee; Thou like the KITTY, fling by PRIOR, ' 'Shalr fer the willing World on Fire; And PALLAS own, with Rage and Shame, Her PoW’r too weak toquen‘ch the Flame. SHE {aid—«Fjoyifparkl’d in her Eyes, ’ And back {he haf’cen’d to the Skies. ALLAS, who guefs’d at her intent, Obferv’d the Goddefs as {he went. Sheifound her Projeét Out, and fmil’d To think, how {con it might be "fpoil‘cl. ’Twas But to mix her with the Loud, T he fhamelel3,‘ Vain, unthinking Crowd, ' 1 6 ) ' Who hang out :1 Erie Worthlefs Face, The Sign of ev ’ry Publick Place ' , , Twas but to quench her Thirf’c of Fame; , All VEpiUs’ Skill had 11,1115’ (1 11’ s A1111; And Chen 1111 might then have only been, * The Means of making Folly feen. ‘ BUT PALLAS chofe a 11obler Part . Wifdom (11111211113 each little Art; Knows 11’ s 011711Stre11gth, and {corms to ufe Th’at Aid, which Virtue W011’d refufe. She won ’d no.1; fufl’er her to Stray Whe1e ill examples point the Way, But timely planted 1111161: Mind, The Ornaments of Woman- kind: The Winnin Air, the modefl: Grace, And Virtue %11001ning through the Face . The Temper prudently fincere, Not over— free, 1101: too fevere: The. Elegance and Eafe of VVit, ’VVixh ludgmem how to manage it, ‘ O1: Humour the exalted Sen1e, And fprightly artlefs Innocence. And thou, thrice happy Maid, {he cries, Superior. to the Wotld (halt ri’fe: ‘éTis thine, the virtue-113 Heart to move, And kindle VVifdom 11110 Love; Love {0 Well grounded it {hall feem, But the Ex‘cefs of jufi Ef’ceem. r1111, : (7) , That pleafing Form, that faultlefé Face, ' Shall only hold the fecomi Place‘ " And VF NU fhall be taug ht to own, ’ That all the Cha11115, her Hand has fown; Boaf’c not a Lufhne fa refin d, ' — As the le aft Beauty of 30111 13111161.. T1ME, that makes Virtue fhin'e mere brioht Brouoht K1TT1’ s Merit {(1011 to Light: F1r11fl1 cl 111 ev ry Grace fhe fhone, Our Sexe s Wonder and her OW1i. ‘ And taught the coldef’c Hearts to warm, . Won by her ’VIrtue, 01 her Form. T1111 Rival Goddeffes f11rvey’ d ‘ W 1111 anxious Joy the filing Maid; ’ And. fometimes new Debates Weie prefs cl, About the Talents fhe pollefs’d, Each boaf‘ting what tO each the ow ’,d Anal mailing, What het fell” beflOW ’.ci Jove 111111111 to them bOth a while- Theu told them, with an eafy Smile ; This fingle Inflance ferves to fheW, ’ Your Bleifings 111011 (1 togethert) 00. The Fapt; thfe only Merit lies In a fine Outfide, Mien delpife: , , And VVifdom Wears an awkward DrefS, That fuits but ill with Uglinefs: ”115 Beauty, that gives Virtue (313.129, And Virtue bughtens the falrl’ 1: ace: at_~.‘w_fi_~_~—. _. ..__....—‘_ V... _.1..__.__ ~._., m-...-____.._.,.. , ( 8‘ 1) . I If, as in her, they both confpire§ All fee their Lui’cure, and admire . 1 ‘ Then, Daughters! leaVe your pri ate Entls; And A8; like Goddefles and F riend Your POW r, your Union Will com leat, And Millions rountl your Altars Wait. - 1, When Love and Wifdom learn to Rand, « Join’ ti, as they, {hon d be, Hand in Hang; a m. m _ _ a w w