I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl THEM” v I ~ w" D u E L PO ERM- Inferibcd to the Rt. Hon. W-«m P—----~-Y, M], M M ,. leem Virum, ant Herod, Lyra, we! am‘ Tibia/£11m: celebrare, Clio 9 Hon. Lib: I. 0d. XII. a-“u—‘u Whate er Aflz’fiance I ham Power to bring, . Y” oblige 772} Country: or to fame my KING; W hen 9 ’er they (all, I' ll readily afmd ‘ My Tongue, my ‘Pen, my Counfel, or my Sword. POMFRET’ 3 Choice ——-—. Egfl %% LONDAON Printed by A. MOORE, near St. Paul? 3, I7 3 I. ~"\ g , ”a 1.3? i ’i ‘1‘ ‘i. ‘ 4;; @QQQEQOQQEQQamgemgmmam ham"... __ _. . - Win a . ._.. _ 6©©n©©®©énééefieefim?©©e?fixé T HE D U E L A OR GIVE the daring Rafhnefs of the Mufe’ At leafl the Failing of a Friend excufe ; y learn, Can we the Danger of a P Our Breaf’ts unpierc’d, with tenderfl Concern f. P y who makes the Publick Caufe his Care, The Friend of All, fltould fure to All he dear. Honour ’tis certain is the greatef’c Good, And Life without it were a wretched Load ; A Load, a gen’rous Mind would fure difdain, Rather than wear it fully’d with a Stain : \ 1'; ‘ r v i 31 x i ‘ ’ ( 4.3 thrfiill a fart Regard to Life is due, ‘ And that Regard is multiply‘d to you. So much the Patriot to his Country owes, He/cannot freely of his Life difpoi'eg V , ll _/ ourrheé the Brita/Ila Liberties depend, ‘ ‘ " Their firmefl Champion, and their ablefl Friend ; Nd more then in the Caui'e of Party-Strife, ‘EXpofe at once thy Country and thy Life. = Etch Fame at fuch aFrice forbear to buy, ‘ ' Nor rifque the publick Safety—’géinfl: a Toy. ‘Thinlt not We flight thy Courage or the Arm, When from ('0 weak a Foe, we dreaded Harm Ir ' P --—--y fo much is to his Country dear, ‘ That as weall things hope, we all things fear; But 1110?: that geu'erous, that too ardent Fire, ‘ (Fortune and Chance againfl the Good confpirej' Small Force can fhorteu Life’s uncertain Date, Such was the great flhillex’ haplefs Fate ; Whom Heffor’s-MahlyCourage could not quell, By the—weak Arm of feeble Paris fell. Each Party—Pique‘is made by fecret Mines, " The Stale, for perpetuating black Defigus : ’ The private Murd’rer is with Dahger hir'd, The Brave, by~little Arts are quickly fir’d :, 14"“; Alffaiiination‘ U169 a. . ' ‘ 7M ' ,' , n " , JHIIMW1‘HA‘1 ,‘ , .‘ ' - J - i “my“ " a I \ r Afiaflination wears a barb’rous Name, , ,Rencounter does the Thing, and hides the Shame: Remember Hamilton, and Gallant Mob”, ‘ Who Vitftims fell tn tharrels not their own ;" ’ Think on the Hand that puflfd‘that Murder nn, Nor think it bafe—-———:his future Arts to flxun. Not that I‘d hint this in the pref'ent Cafe; Hw—y’s a Soul that could not he fo bafe; A Flight of Temper and unguarded Youth, Perhaps feduC'd him from the Paths of Truth i Warn'd by th' Event, he may again return, Repent his Errors, and his Follies mourn ,‘ At leaft his Wounds the Marks of Honour are, And all its Marital he in that Caufe can wear. 0 P——--y! let thy generous Soul dcfpifi: Thefe little/Arts, on which the Foe relies, Thy Bofom glowing “with a Patriot Flame, Go on to vindicate the Brizy‘b F ame : Let every honef’t Heart with Pleafure View, Rome’s God-like Cato, live again in you : Like his,» thy Nervous Eloquence is flrong, . (Tho’ blefl with all the Sweets of ‘Iully’s Tongue) Like him, the Patron of the PublicliCaui'e ; Like him, th’ Ailertor ofour Ancient Laws ; (fl) Like him, on Thee thy COuntry" 3 Hope’ 5 repos d; Like him, by Faé’tion and by Power, oppos 'd. O C'chair." I {Orbear the Injury! To name my Heroes oppofite with Thee ; I That were with more than C'aflim’ Rage to fwell, And give a deeper Wound, than that by which you fell' Our gallant ‘Ancef’tors difilain’d a Yoke, ' , They f1 eely aéted as they freely fpoke , F amous for Virtues of fevereft Mould; Their Iron they us (1 Of honef’t Hearts~-~and of a rough manly Senfe, and were averfe to Gold , Curfe on thofe poliflit Arts that drove them hence , ‘ That to Corruption gave a'fofter Name, Tho’ gilt the Pill, the Poif‘on (till the fame. . Since then, the B’rififla Glory has declin’d, ' Our Manners fofiened, as we grew refin'd : ’Till in the prefent Age, we ’re f0 polite, Each ancient Virtue feems forgotten quite : Our Honour, Country, every thing is fold, And all things he may purchafe who has Gold. ‘ Hence is our Wonder, when we gaze on you, A waffii,‘ R- jig—4, or a W—ndbnm View; Britain, alas ! is Funk tothat‘Degrec, Avfatriot is become a Prodigy: 0 think how few that glorious Name deferv‘e, \ And for thy Country's Sake, thy Life preferve I: a Tho’ Lawrel Wreaths the Conqu’ror’s Temples grace, The Patriots Virtues. claim the jui’cer Place ; Can we difpute who. inof’c Applaufe {honld find, ‘They who deflroy, or they who fave Mankind ? Mifled by Cuflom, we fuch Trophies raife, To Cafdr’s, and to Alexander’s Praife ; Were ruin'd Nations, or were flau'ghter’d Kings, v Such glorious’Aftions, or fuch worthy Things? V What Numbers did their thirfiy Swords devour, Thro’.‘ Rage of Empire, and thro’Luf’t of Power ? Shall thefe with Mam equal Honours lhare ? ' With Cato and m- Tally, there; compare 2 Heroes, who of all Mankind deferv’d fo well, Who for their Country fought, and with it fell : From juf’tel’t Motives they their Glory claim, Eternal Honours, and a deathlefs Name ; Succeeding Ages owe their Memory, For all thofe Virtues, which now fliine in The; Grandeur and,Pomp attraéi: an idle Gaze, But lofe all Power where ever Wifdom fways g, . Names never firike, but on the feeble Mind, iTis Virtue only dignifies Mankind ;. C .3 ) ’Tis that alone can! jufl: Refpeéi: obtain, Withoflt it Title’ 3 loft, and Ribbon' s vain . ’ The Crowd, that on the Courticr Chief attends, Of Sycophants compos ’d, and not of Friends, Who on his Power, not on his Perfon wait, Meer empty Shew, Pageantry of State. ' Makes each impartial Eye this DifierenCc fee; 'Twas Fortune made him Greab—th‘y Met 1t, Thee. O P-—-—-y. . - could the Mufe with equal Lays, In ihiningVerfe thy various Virtues prnife , Sweet as the Accent then fhouldfiow my Song! My nervous Thwghts be as thy Reafoning .i’crong; And every gteat Perfeétion that is thine, Transfiisfd into my V erfe flxouid now be mine. Thefe Lines, which as they are, mui’t {con exp-11°C, Should then defpif'e the B age of Time and Fire , The PerfeEc Poem flanel fecure of Fame, 5.1% , And be immortal, as thy deathiefsNama " F41 N is. 5 1w yflwz..¢.w.mz.;m s. ‘ :. 11115:. . .12. win"... _1.‘MLI.:_J':1 ' Al : a. .3 k.» , A . x . I humane-4’... .r.4 gun». a. 3.1;“. ~-. a m. m _ _ a w w