I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl N 6% Simi/e ‘9’ FOR THE LADIES ‘WITH Ufa/[141 flnnomtiom. n PM. "a...“ ‘ A ,A m: A "3"". ‘1‘ < nrxr ., .‘ ,v-Klfljvgy A ._......,. Wmmu To make 4 Write? mifi his Em], You’ve nothing elfe to do ém‘ mend. ”mm xv.» ;WIW,M~W‘“M. a... m .. .. “a...“ New Simile FOR THE V \LADIES@& .‘ Often try’d in vain to find t A * Simile for Woman-kind, ' A Simile I mean to fit ’em, In ev’ry Circumfiance to 1- hit ’em, Thro’ ev’ryBeafi and Bird I went; I ranlack'd ev’ry Element, And after peeping thro’ all Na- To find fdwhimfical’a Creature, Bum, ‘ j-vWWVV'W-wfi, .7. , A V . *_ Mofl Ladies in reading call this Word a Smile, but the] are to note, it confifl: of flare: Syllablc’f, Si~mi-le. In Englifh, a Likenej}. 1- Not to [curt them. " N 2. / A ~»,—-—n--..W.__.__ , , u‘ l ’74; (14 > A Cloud * prefented to my View, And firaight this Parallel I drew; Clouds turn with ev’ry Wind about,‘ They keep us in Sufpenxfe and Doubt, Yet oft perverfe like Womamkind Are feen to {cud againft the Wind, 1 Ahd are not Women iufi the fame? For, who can {all a; what they 1‘— aim? We \. Clottels keep the floutefi Mortals under, When 2t bell’wing they difcharge their Thunder; So when the Alarm-Bell is rung, Of :1: Xanti’s everlafiing Tongue, W o 3* Not like a Gun ’or Piflol. 5 f This is not meaned oz: to Shooting, hut refol'ving; 3‘; The Wom’ {yellowing is not here to he underflooel of a Bull -, hut a Cloud, which makes oz No:fe like .262 Ball when it Thunders. ~ j: Xanti, a Nick-Name fm‘ Xantippe, that Stole! afgl’orion: Memory,rwho never let poor Socrates home 6 one Moment’s Peace of Mend, yet with unexotmpleol Patience, he hone her peflilentinl Tongue. I jhall hog the Ladies Pardon, if I infert a few Pezflhges ' eoncerm'ng her, and at the fizme Time I aflure them, it is not to leflén thoje of the prejent Age, who are . paflE/l ofthe like laudable Talents; for I will confefs , that I know three in the City of Dublin,no wayiin- few to Xantippe, hut'thet the] have not as great Men to work upon. when a Friend asked Socrates, How he could hear the Seolet'ing of his W’ife Xamippe, he retortm’, and asleeol him, How he could hear the Gagling of his Cafe; any, that m} Getfe lay Egg: for me, .‘reply’d hi: —¥§.’fyifi% e U‘UC “m... j .e"% The Hfisband dreads its Loudner more, .Than Light’ning“: Flaih, 01 "l'hmzdcl..s Roar; 24.. Cloud! weep as they? ()5!) whhout- Pain, And what are Tears L ’«337’01nen’s Rain? The Clouds about 2:9; 'EC/"elkin j: roam, And Ladies never Fwy 4;: home. The Clouds build CaMes in the Air, A Thing pecuiia‘r w the Fair; 192's Friend, So does on)! W2 e éenr C'Cvz'ldren fnid So- crates. Diog. Laert. Being asked at another Time by a Friend, how he could bear I’oer Tongue, lye/kid [he was of this U 2 to loirn that fi’ye taught him to éeozr t/oe Impertinen- oies of other: with more Eel/Ea, w/oen be went aerond, Plut. de Capiené. ex hot‘t. utilit. Socrates inrvz'ted leis Friend Enthydcmus to 83;:- per’. Xamippe in grade Ridge went in to them, and over/er one Faele. Enthydemus ré/z‘ng in n Pajfz‘on 'to go of} my dear Friend, fin] fnid Socrat 5, Did not a Hen do the fame Tning at your Honfle one otber. Do}, and did Iflzerw any Refentment .3 Pint. de irfl cohibendfi. I eouldgz'rve manfmore Inflnnces of [oer Termna grimy, and his Pnz'lofopr’qy,zf fuel: it Proceeding mign: not loo/e n5 ifI were glad of an Opportunity to ex" pofe t/oefnir Sex; om tofnew I have no jne/o Den flgn, I declare folernnly, that I om! much «war/2' flower to tell ofner Be/oawz'onr to {oer Husband, which I rather pnfs’d over on account of the gran: Efleem which I bear fine Ladies, efimciall] tbofe in :17: loo~ nonraéle Station of Matrimony. i Ramble. ' For .e...-._w..__.__._.. . ._ V ...__,.._.._._ _ .-——~ ( 6 )‘ For all the Schemes of their * Fore-calling} Are nor» more folid, nor more lafling. A Cloud is light by Turns, and dark, Such is a Lady with her Spark; Now, with a fudden 1' pouring Gloom, She feems to darken all the Room; Again, {he’s pleas’d, his Fears i beguil’d, And all is clear, When [he has fmil’d. , In this they’re wondroufly alike, (I hope the Simile will ** firike) Tho’ in the darkefi fi' Dumps you View ’cm; Stay but 'a Moment you’ll fee through ’em. The Clouds are apt to make 111: Reflcé‘cion,‘ And frequently produce Infeé‘cion, ' So Celia, with {mall Provocation, Blafls ev’ry Neighbour-’5 Reputation. The Cloud: delight in gaudy Shew, for they like Ladies have their Bow; The gravefl it: Matron will confefs, That me her {elf is fond of Drefs. WW *Not vomiting. Wrztfléng ant tbe Lip. ti: This'is to be under/load not in the Sen/22 ofWort ’ iwben Brewers put Tefl' or Barm in it 5 but it’s true * Meaning is Deceived, or Cheated. ** Hit your Fancy. fie Salim Fits. We have a merry Sigg call’a’ Dumpty D'eary, invented to rouze Ladies from the Dumps. if; Reflefh’on oft/4e Sim. ifi. Markerlj Women Qbferve «i Ohferve the Cloud: in Pomp array’cl,‘ What various Colours are difplay’d, The Pink, the Rofe, the Vi’let’s Dye, In that great Drawing-Room the Sky, How do thefe difl'er from our " Graces,“ ‘In gardin Silks, Brocades, and Laces? Are they not {uch another Sight, \V/hen met upon a Birth-Day Night? The Cloud: delight to change their Fafhion, (Dear Ladies, be not in a Pailidn) Nor let this \Whim to you feem flrange, Who ev’ry Hour delight in change. In them and you, alike are feen The fullen Symptoms of the Spleen, The Moment that your Vapours rife, We fee them dropping from your Eyes.‘ In Ev’ning fair you may behold The Cloud: are fring’d With borrow’d Gold‘ And this is many a Lady's Cafe, NV ho flants about in 1: borrow’d Lace; Grave Matrons are like Clouds of Snow, Their Words fall thick, and (oft, and Slow, ____________________________..___._._._—-———-——-— * No: Graee hefbre and after Meat. nor their Graces the Dutehefl’s, but the Grace: which attends ed on Venus. :1: Not Flanders Lace, but Gala., and Silmr Late; 13} borrowed I mean fuoh a: run in bone]? Trade/Men’s Debts, for who: they were not able to pay, a: 7724. my of them did for French Silver Lace again]? the iflfi Birttha], rid. {he Shopkeefer: Books. ‘ " "W ' "M " ' " ~While ( 3 ) While brisk 1- Coquets, like rattling Hail; Our Ears on ev’ry Side affiayl. Cluuds when they intercept our Siglm Deprive us of celeflial Light; : So when my Chloe‘fi‘lg: Rurfile, No Heav’n bpfidcs'l'have in View. Thus on 1: Comparifbn you fee" In every Infiance they agree, So like, {0 very much the: fame, That one may go by Rocha-1’s Nam? Let me *pmclaim i: then. aloud That cv’ry Wemnn is a Cloud, ’u 1’ Girls wlyo [we to kezzr Mam/221w: pmz‘e , and , ». put on a Nuinéer of Monkey rAz‘r: to catch Mm. ii I 740;: 729713 will be f0 amomflmfzmt to the Lat fies as to iifink the]? Compm-z‘jms odious. 1”" 3:35 it :o zfie whale Worlds: m; to proclaim $1932): a; Raéém mm’ Rapmees. tinny.“ :‘aw fl . na— inmn'allllsk 2 a m. m _ _ a w w