I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl 5 ., . mmmmmm LoNGPo 315’s GLYNQ ArRUE “ msmm: ‘ WaWaMP 1:“ 5,”-.. x Q: TLos-aioiib’s GLYN: * A. TRUE HISTORY; F aithfully tranflatcd from the Iré/b Original. L O N D O N: Printed. And, D U B L I N, Re—printed by and for GEORGE F AULKNER, in EflEx-flrect, oppoficc to the Bridge, 17; 2. a » m w . a i * a , _ . w m w . ‘ w . . a a m; , w . , , x. 17 m: . a. , (f L. n ,r M .M _ .r , .. w .. /, A M . . V ,2 U, u T E; w, L M w . . A 4 m J .a, ' ‘ M A M , x , x J . .3 v y.” y , . ., . w . M v J ,, N . ,, Eu" ., V I my . QQQQQQQ©C7®@Q7" CDQQQQ'WQDQX? WW” 'To hcr ROYAL HIoHNEss THE Princcfs A N * N E. MADAM, H O the Author of this ., Poem is, I {hall not take upon me to fay; but as I am told, (and I take it upon the Creditof others) that it is a good one, and Of afingular Kind, I have for that Reafpn,’ prefumed to infcribe it to Your {Royal Highnefs; becaufel am toldu(and I take it intirely upon' the Credit rbf others) that you, alfo are of £1 fingular Kind! of at Ieafi: as uncommon a Cafi', and Turn, aa- ' : mong vi: DEnICA'rION; mong Princeffes of Merit, as this, among Poems. | I therefore defire the WOrltl to 1 take Notice, that this Addrefs is made, not to the high Qlality, but to the diftinguifhed Charaéter, of the Princefs Royal of England; and I defire her to accept it, not as In- cenfe offer’d to her Birth and Stae tion, but as a Tribute paid to her. Virtue! And the more honourable, as it is paid by a perfon unknown, who never hop’di to be other than, unknoWn her: Who hath no Vanity? to induige, who propofes‘to him—e felf, neither Praife, not Preferment from D E'D—I c A T I o N. 'Vii. from the: Attempt; nor any other Interelt he hath greatly” at‘Heart, befides the Hopes of . having en- larged and honourable Sentiments, more extenfively convey’d, under the Sanétion of her Name, and the Honourl‘of' her Approbation. 'And I flatter myfelf, that the Author . (if he’s a good Poet) will be very fenfible of" the Honour I do him on this Occafion; for What earthly Honour fo folid, in the Efteem of a true Poetick Spirit, as the Ap— probation of a Princefs, adorn’d with every elegant, and amiable Accomplifhment! A Princefs, who ; hath m N .7 w‘« ,.... r . U "“’-"""""""E':_«_.r;:' V; ‘ wwqmfi'x‘tm I U A U A ”4,; i,“ “he, ‘ .Z A” W“ A” __‘ :1.“ V __ 1‘? Twrfi . . A. -.-~.W~c-Fm ’ f *3“?! “Tc lviii. D E D]; 1 CA T I ON. hathalready learnt to do Honour ' to Reyalty !‘ Proceed, illuftriOus fair, to tread the Paths to true Glory, and eter- nal Honour? Shine out, a. fair EX— ample, to the degenerate World about you I And. teach them at once to admire, and to imitate! rLet them‘behold iniyou, the Bleflings of a religious and a virtuous Edua- cation, together with the fignal Advantages, that await a virtuous Indufiry. An Indufiry exerted in the Parfait, and crown’d with the Attainment, of every defirable Erudition? And let them contem- piate ' ‘ DEE D 1 CA T I 0N2 plate. in themfelves the fad and _ {hameful Fruits of parental “Neglea‘ ’ I and the fond Indulgence of Sloath? ' and Vanity Your Royal Highnefs will; I hope; pardon this Prefumption, in one, who doth not arrogate to himfelf the Charaé’ter of a Poet, priVilege tO’ dedicate; ye‘t'hopes that Privi— " ege, great as it is, may be inofl’em fivelyafl‘um’ d on fuch an Occafion, By One, Who hath no felfifh VieW m this Addrefs (m’oxe than other E- ditors) but that, of enjoying in B “DEDIGKTIOM garment, the satisfaéfion, of ‘ havihg "g’iV-en this public}; Attefia~ titan, to a Merit, f0 dif’tinguiflfd! And being from the fole Motive, war Raj/(21 Higlmzfl’r My} Dutifal am? 1 11/10]? Obedimt ' ermHe Semam, ». .LQNGFORD’S GLYN ”5‘. 'A TRUE HISTORY. N~ fair Tyme, for fruitful Fields. renown’d, And waving Hills, With Various Verdgrg, .» cro wn’d, Where Mountains over Mountains tow’ring high; With pleafing Horror fill the difiafit Eye 3 N 0: * Situat: in the Gaunt}! of Tyrone, and Mdnour of Cecil, ngtfarfi am the C it] of Cloghcr, autiently a royal City. Tho Name 2': derived flom the two Irifh Word: mention’a’ in tha intradm‘fory Verfei, (for the Reafog than; afigmd) tbefirfi of which figng'fie: a Stone, and mart Gold. ’u ‘3 3W; ‘ my 4‘ » x r l \ :3 ‘1 1 A /,,4_/ ( 12 ) Not Far, From where that antient City flood, Wafll’d by T Owifldo’s finooth and fable Flood, For royal Ergal s Palace fam d of old, _ And Pagan; Oracles from Rocks of Gold, Clogb-ore from thence 1n antient Records named Though fince a See; for Claw/mm Prelates fam d, NVhtere 901m ’5 renown d for Bounty and for. Books, Peace at his Heart, and Plenty in his Looks, ‘Guards Well the Ways with hofpitable Eye, Nor lets the Traveller pafs hungry by 5 A Nymph, the Wonder of the neighbouring Swainsl The Pride of all the fweet Cecilzcm Plains! FairMonimem dwelt, of Race divine! Offspring of Pan, and Glory of his Line! None could with fweeter Breath the Reed infpire, Or touch more tuneful the Saligmfl Lyre: Phoebm and P472, two mighty Powers! combin’d, To grace her Perfon, and adorn her Mind, Added “I‘M“ _*-— #3; {The Irifh Name fir the River now call’d the Black— Waf ' e1" Dr. Sterne :beprefim 31190;. a._. I U i, f ' Q f, Added th’ enchanting Voice, andlovelyAir, To every Art that form’d the finifldeair; Parental Fondnefs urg’d the aged Sire, Nor leis was P60222253 urg’d by fierce Defire. I: The Father (aw, and hid the Nymph beware ; Be timely wife, and {him the gilded Snare: Bid her, before the bird, examine well, If 'Wit and Arts, with Faith and Friendihip dwell, Told her, the giddy Likings Of the Great, Were but Effects of Vanity and Heat. Wit, in the Condué’c of a lawlefs Will, Is but the Gilding of a poifon’d Pill! The hone-2ft, is alone th’ accoriiplithd-Breafi; There fix, my Child, there only to be blef’c! And fuck, I deem, in films you {hall find, A manly Mien, embellifh’d by his Mind! Let Aim: have your Heart, be doubly. wife, Be grateful to the God in Sacrifice. ' He faid, nor askt, nor needed a Reply: _’Twas fainted on her Cheek, and in her Eye. Long ('14) Long had the. Love—lick, Swain the fair One view’d, VVith down-calf Eyes, with file-m Sighs purfu’d; Nor did his difiant, diflident Addrefs,’ .. 1 Though feeming flightecl, fail of fome Succefs: ; At her Approach, Joy lightens in his Eyes! But quickly fickeus with Defire, and dies; His Accents faulter, and his Spirits fail, And dewy Damps fucceed a dying Pale. The Nymph foon {aw his Agony of Love; She faw, nor could fhe blame, nor dar’cl approve- The Love, the Tranfport, the Difirefs {he fees Steal on her Heart, by unperceiv d Degrees Too happy Swain! now Openly approv ’d! Favour’d by PM! by Monimem lov’d.’ Contiguous Was a Vale, of various Shade, By arching Rocks and meeting Mountains made! ‘ ' Here, parallel approach the mighty Mounds, ,1 And the “re, 11 hollow Windings part their Bounds : The Whole Summer Days wieh .fl/zflzs file beguil’d! “ J?" , Late browfes, pendant, on the horrid Brow, . ( 15 ) The Rocks with Woods, the 'Woods with Rocks 0 ergrown, ' Proteél: the. lhrilling Hawk, and VVoodquePc’ s Moan; Above the Summit of the craggy Steep, The Eagle, failing with majefiick Sweep, Smiles on the vdif’tant Terrors of the Gun, Or tries her penon’d Offspring at the Sun! The Goat, with Pain difii-nguilht from below; With dreadfiil Negligence ! The Shepherd fees, And {hours him down by dangerous Degrees! \Vakirzg the Dillonance of Rooké and Jays, W hilft blended Echoes bound along the Maze. Here, in the Covert of the lonely Vale, Fair Monimew vbreath’d the fragrant Gale; Here deckt her cool ‘Recefs, a fweet Retreat, From waéus’ fearching Eye, and fultry Heat: Here, deep embower’d in the woodbin’d Wild, To ( I6 ) . T 0 happy Aims yielded all her Charms, Whole Summer Days Were lhort in fllms’ Arms! Bleft .Swainl what Joys tumultuous fwell’d thy Breafl, With Love, with Blifs, with Gratitude oppreflj , Nor Love alone their happy Hours employ’d, Tho’ to the Length of Happinefs enjoy’d, To ev’ry Grief, they lent a pitying Ear; The Worthy and" the Wretched were their Care! To call true Merit from the Gloom of Night, And fheW its Luf’tre in the fairefl: Light; To eafe the anxious Heart, to heal Diflrefs; Happy themfelves, their Study was to blefs! ‘Refin’d Delight! and fitted to endure. But What can human Happinefs fecure. 2 Negleéted Love, now turn cl to vengeful Hate, » ‘ Purfued them guiltlefs, to their fweet Retreat Great 7/ Great F4777 Jr, the fav’rite Son. of Mother Earth, Potent, and rich, and boaf’rfiil of his Birth, A Gyant Form, and Tyrant of the Plain, . Long fought the lovely Nymph, but {Ought in; ‘ vain. Yet not true Loire infpir d him to purfue, Lord of the Glebe, he claim d her as his Due! Pam heard, but {till f0 dext’roufly deny’d, At once he looths, and difappoints his Pride; And f’cill had footh’d, had walm‘s not inflam’di His Spirit, not malignant, though untam d: Well meaning was the Man, but rough and loud; Jealoufly f’rupid, hofpitably proud. His Teniper P19075773 knew, and quickly fir’dg~ I To more than all the Vengeance he delir’d. \ C _ ' Chang’d "whit-fl “in mm“ 1‘ Fan, the Na 4772:: of a Gyant, fizmom in tke Irilh Legendr, who/E: Alwumem i: flow/Z743“??? 072 31:77: Mazmflim, $91777}; make: , @779 Mound If this 61.7777 C 18 ) Chang’d to MacFMrol’s Voice, and Mien, and : Age, (FM; 8 favourite Bard!) he thus inflam (1 his Rage: ‘ Is A’Ztus then preferr cl to mighty FM 3 ‘ And lives the haughty Nymph? And lives the Man! No more—~the Tyrant high i-ncens’d reply’d, Attend—wand fee my Vengeance fatisfy’d ~-—--—. ‘ ,1 ,a < H J4”. ‘ ”make. . A a...“ 1m rmmmfi-m n - m aware ‘ 5W” ”Tim” He {aid—and, foaming in afatal Hour, Speeds to the Rock, that overhung the Bow’r: Well had he markt the Scene, with Envy view’d, To which his jealous Eye had oft’ purfu’d The happy Pair: Ah happy now no more! Puflit tiom the folid Bafe, the Gyant tore The folitl Summit, With impetuous Shock, And Rage refifllefs, rufht the rugged Rock; Sheet to the Bow’r purfued its wafting Way, Follow the Gyant, and the God of Day: Arriv’d, they find, unhurt, the frighted Pair; For 1mm, careful to preferve the fair, ‘ . ~_-_’-vasg~?~*x§3-yx3§:xvmwnf= Heav’d ;‘_H-.._W~.___.___ . _. ..—.._..‘_ .v___ ,..___-- _. Heav’d the huge 'Mole above them in its Bound, ‘1 And {entit guiltlefs to the nether Ground. Quick fled the fair one, at the Sightdifmay’d; And 'begg’d, nor vainly begg’d, her Parent’s Aid 3 - Plowbm purfued, and eager feiz’d his Pre y, J As up the Rock fhe urg d her uncouth Way And now prepar’d to rifle all her Charms, She fell aliving Fountain from his Aims! 'Mean While, the Gyant and the Swain engage . With Strength ill fuited, tho’With equal Rage, , fTillaéiiV-e AIMS. with a dext’rous Lock, Impell’d him headlong on the pointed Rock; Thenrufh‘ing to his Love’s Relief, he found, Entag’d, [his Feet fall rooted to the Ground! Forward, with eager Hafie, his Arms he throws, To ’feize the God, his Arms are turn’dto Bows ! Quick into Branches, {hoot his Hair and Hands, And now 3 Willow, as. he {loops he f’cands. Fall ( 20 RR down the Rock, the living Fountain ‘ flows, To bath her Love, and blefs him as he grows; Flows fafr, and fondly curling round his Root, Swells to a limpid Bafon at his Foot; Each, Life and Senfe, (f0 Pan decreed) retains, ‘ And lafling as their Life their LOve remains: M 1 Is Frill the fame, to the fame Scene confin d, F No Change or Change ch&s the faithful is; i Mind' ' i ' filmy, flill fondly bending from above, BehOlcls himfelfrefle<9ceé in 1115 Love, Nor from his Sight, will Monimccd part, But raptur’d, feels his Image at her Heart! Tho’ fever’d from his Arms, her Bounty gives The Verdure and the Bloom, by which he lives: Whill’t he that Bloom employs with guardian Care Still from his Rival’s Eye to fhield the F air: 59. ”7mg,” ". ,t _ _ V 30,, Gratitude repays the Bhfs the 0W3; And Bounty feels the Blefling {he .beftowg.' Live, faithful Pair, henceforth confign’d tote . ’ Fame, ‘ h The Lover’s Envy, and the Poet’s Theme ! NOr flmllthe rocky Fragment be unknOWn, _ But from your Fate, be call’d the * Parting Stem,~ Roll’d by the Labour of an hundred Swains, Near; the next Road, that bounds the neighb’ri‘ng“ Plains; Stain’d withthe Gyant’s Blood, ’tis Hill in View And to this Day retaihs the‘tainted Hue! The Stranger fees it, as he pages by, Asks what it means, nor'hears without a Sigh; The / ~“ “M“**-—_- “ha—g . * A celebrated Stone in the Mid-way between the City of Agher and Clogher, which i: fa call’d from a known and awtz’ent Cuflem with the Inhabitam of Agher, to attend the Carp/é cf their mare/2} Relatiomfiftzr on thEiI' Way to the Grave, and riofarther. ‘ I ( 295 J The Husband and the Wife, when Life is fled, Here part,‘ the living Lover and the Dead: Thus far, as each furvives, with Tears purfue The parting Herfe, here figh a 12111 Adieu. Live faithful flltm, [Mom'mem live, To all the Length of Year: the Mufe can give From you, be fair Altmanimam * known, All other Names difdaining, but her own: Be Longford’ s Glyn no more, the Region’ 5 Boafi, But in‘your‘nobler Name, For ever loi’c. ‘ m“ “- * The original Irifh Ndme of that Valley, now mfl’d Longw ‘ ford’ s Glyn F] N] s. a m. m _ _ a w w