I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl A M o . " z DEFENCE .l OFALATE POEM By an unknOWn Author, (3211! ’dn The LADY’S Drflhg—ROOM W fififi DUBLIN; Printed by GEORGE FAULKNER, m Efixfireofi op’pofite to phe Bridge, Mpccxxxu DE FE N C Est/re. Poem, or Pamphlet publiflied in this Kingdom without a Name, will not long want one, if the Paper makes any Noife. There is a certain Perfan of ,Difiiné’tion among us, who is conjeé’cured to V have written many Thin 3, both in Profe and Verfe, for the Service 0 the Nation, which, undoubtedly, were publiihed with his own Con» fent. It is alfo believed, that he hath compofed others occafionally, for the Amufement of himn {elf and a few intimate Friends; which by the Indifcretion of others, were, from flolen and uncorreét C0pies, dragged into Light. But, I hold it for certain, that a much greater Number have, by the BOldnefs of Printers, and the Want of Judgment in Readers, been charged upon that Author, wherein» he never‘had the x {We ( 4 ) fmallefl Finger, as I am aflui‘ed he hath often Héclared ;’ and, which is remarkable, was as free in difoiVning fome Writings charged upon him, of iwhich he had no Reafbn to be aihamecl, as he edulcl'be of the meanefl: Produé’eions of Hz? Enema” Grub-firm: Of which I 1hall initance only one Pamphlet, which hath been very well received, as it jul’cly deferved. It is entitled, .fln Infallz‘file Scheme to pay the Nation’s Debzgs, by a Tax upon Vice; which he difclaimed any Share in, at’ the fame Time giving it dire Praifes. And, I find, the true flat/90;” of that: 'Bainphlet lyes yet concealed; which is a Hap-_ pinefs' that few Writers of any Difiiné‘cion can :ai‘rive at, Whether by their own Indifcretion, or Lthatof their Friends I [hall not determine. As , to thOfe fdml V 67%“ called the Lady’s Drying—Room, which have {9 highly inflamed the whole Sex, (except a Very t'eW of better Judgment) as I can by no Meanfijufiify the vul- -- at Opinion, that feems to fix it: upon a Perfon, go well ‘known for :Works of a very different Nature; 10 I cannot but lament the prevailing ill Taf’ce athong us, which is not able to difcover that'ufeful Satyr running through every Line, and the Matter as decently wrapp’d up, as it is , p‘oflible the Subje€t could bear. Gledfiliflqflf hath, in all polite Ages and Na: tions; been ei’teemed the chief“ corporeal Perfec— tion in Mme”, as it is well known to thofe who ate; converfant with the antient Poem. And To 1: , it is Ptill among the young People of Judgment and Sobriety, when they are difpofed tomarry. And I do not doubt, but that there is a great Number of young Ladies in this Town and Kingdom, who in reading that Poem, find great Complacency in their own Minds, from a Con-- fcioufitefs that the Satyrical Part in the Lady’s Brewing—Room, does not. in the leal’c afi‘eél: them. Wherefore it is manifefl, that no Poem was ever written with a better Delion for the Service of the Sex: Wherein our flutbar hath obferved to a Tittle, the Precepts of his hdaf’cer Horace; or, indeed, rather hath gone very far beyond him, in the Article of Decency. That great Poet, inllruéting us what Aé’cions are fittefl: to be produced openly upon the Scene, and which are molt proper to be only related to the Audience, ooes many Lengths beyond the flat/{Jar of the Lady’s Dreflfig—Room ; for at the fame Irritant when he fays, lbme Ae‘tions fliould not appear as done upon the Stage, he allows, they may be recited with Pleat/are and E/cgmce; and y:t when he comes to Particulars, his Re« cital is extreamly grofs, and {0 are his very Pre—a zepts which forbid the Aé’cions: That if our infb nitely morennodefi flat/907* had imitated his Mae flcr’s Stile, the whole World might with great Appearance of Keaton, have been up in Arms againfl: him. Therefore, to let thefe two Poets in a true Light, I have ventured, for the Satisfa-i’cion of borh ( 6 ) “Both Sexes, to tranflate, as literally as I could, ten Lines in Horace, upon the very fame Subjeék,‘ which our flat/oar hath handled with a Decency {0 far fuperior to his Roma; Mafier. '1' To jufiify the Truth of my Tranflation, I de— a fire all fine Gentlemen and Ladies will appeal from me to the Information of the Learned, that I may be wholly clear from the leaf: Cenfure of mifi‘eprefenting f0 great an Authority; for, in- deed, if I have been guilty of any Fault. it is in palliating the grofs Expreflions in the Original, and foft’ning them very much to the Politenq/Zv of the pwfent flga. ‘ The Latin is Word for Word as follows. JIM agitur was in fcem's, aut afia rcfertur. Segm‘m irritant animus demijlk per amem, QM?” guts fimt oculz's fubjefiafidchém, 8 9M£ {pfeflbz‘ tradit fpefiator. [Von Mmen intus ngmgerz' promes iii fcemms Multaq; talles- Ex ova/2's, gum max narretfawndia praefem. Nee pmros comm populo Medea trucidet; flat {Gamma palam cog/um extra nefarius Atreus; flat in amm‘l’rogne vertemr, Cadmus in angmm, andcuflq; oflmdi: mihific, imredulm 047. The The literal Tranflation whereof is thus. Some Ladies do their Need before your Face; Some only tell the Alli-07¢, and the Place. Our Mindmis lefs provok’d by what it hears, Than whei the Fat? before our Eyes appears. In Clofet dark, your Cedar—50x be hid; Not in a Parlour {hown Without the Lid. Some Afilom mui’c be always, out of Sight, Yet elegantly told, may give Delight. ' Nurfe muPc not hold the Child, and cry Eee, Her, When Madam and her Friends are o’er their Terr“ Arrows, with Ladies by, mifiakes his Wit, In new—born T---s to run a red-hot Spit. Mifs Progrze mufi not cry, a Bird, 62 Bird.’ Before good Company, and Ihew a -——--. , Cezdmm, who voids out Wrorms of monf’t’rous ‘ Size, In mere good Manners {hould deceive our Eyes; Muf’t do his dirty Work behind the Scene, And e’er he {hews the Vermin, Wipe them Clean. To bring fuch odious Obje&s full in View, Though 11:00]: may laugh, will make a wife Mam pew. I defire the Reader will compare the leafl: ex~ ceptionable Lines in the Lady’s Drefliflg—Room with the leafl: ofi'enfive of thefe in Harare ; ale- though purged by me, as much as could confiit with preferving the true Settle of the Original ; Yet . LV‘”V; ( 8 1 Yet this Was the great [Lid/Z21” qf Polite/’14.} 1n the 1307722274 Empire, at the Time it flmirifhed 111011: in 1122‘: and flims. . Horace, you fee, makes Uf e of the 1121111 110» venly VV’ordS. which our decent. Iri J Poet me dufirieufly avoids 211111 skins 0V: 1 .1 Hundred dirty lllaces,witho11t fawling his Shoes. Horace, on thec contrary, p laimly calls a Soar/2,21 Spade, when the1e was not the leafl: Necefiity , and When, with equal E 1e :15 well as S1gnificancy, he mioht have exp1e1s cl his 1111221111119: “111 comely Terms fit for the meelt Ears of 21313122222 or a Drinks/‘5 I do, thereiere, pelitively (1291211: 111 tavour of our Hiuemiam 3212!, upon the Artie 1e 01 D22 22226)); and am reac1y to 11efencl my E’fenofition agamfi all Man1111... that 111 the ten Lines of Horace, here faitl11’7*1:ly 21111 1211011121th 11.111112: ted, there are ten limes more/1011122151 Exp12f~ 922.,1 than 111 the whale P022723 (32111-311 the Lady 5 D22flizig Room; ancl tor the Truth of this Pro- petition: 1 am ready to appeal to all the young Ladies of the K111 darn, or to fuch a Committee as my very Advertaries {hall appoint. FINIS. a m. m _ _ a w w