I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl ? VANELLAiflth€ - P O E M \INscRIB‘D TO A STRAW; Certain Lady in Sta yamex’s— rem mwmmmml ans-s.- Alexis faw me, I flaw 192m; WE: view’d, IZfld téreMZvled ev’ry Limb : ‘76]! me, ya W7”, and Max of Seflfe, I/Vbat than could be the Cale/Equeme! W's/boak-vm tremélmg Limbs together, flied got #36 Likenefs qf Me Fax/96:22. ANONIMUS; I g . LONDON: Printed for W ‘ games, without Temple-Bar"; and fold by t e Bookfellers and Pamphlet fellers of Loader: and Mfr’mz‘fiflar, I73 2. tvvdi' ‘ v.1!“ f “i"? l _ Z: 5|." ~091Q? 95949 ?9E?QQC‘!¢§L@§% ,. momwgozogeggou email-2, Jzecaogtg a VflgEglL/i in 17th: STRAW; ..... w.; 'AIL! Royal Maid, divinely ‘52: and good, » . ‘ ' ,Repofitotyaof the Royal Blood; , Safe Sgrehoufe-oi a PrinCe’s‘ lira {horn on, 7, ‘ f .‘ Such " {8(3ch QE—ijring .«fit; for thee alone .; . Indulge the Youth, and? may his God-like Sire ‘ W ith his own Senfe the gentleBr-at inf ire; ‘ » . j'H Ne’er fpareithe Cofl, no: flint ”him in Expence;E it“ ‘ But when you {waddle him, think {is the :P--—,-c';- ‘1‘ So {hall you ‘chief the Brita/b" court adorn, i? And every :Year another Duke‘he born. - . i :3 ’ Old Sages fay, that .GhiidreniBafiardSam, ’: ,. . ., Ifthoy noLikenefsto‘the/Faciherhear; , : And that the Mother is an errant W—e—v—, But younca’n ne’er be-hlam’d on this {31d Scone: 2:. * .V A His Fafie‘and Look {peak him ail: over his; L :‘ i And his Nofe fhews who ave the cager ._ rm. __ ___V m» K-” M .0“- ,.., .,_ ___m I ‘ ( . s- )« Then ‘lofli’ih YranfiéftfithvasRapiure all, i *1 - But who can paint for what e’en Thought’s too (small; That you a're'le'arh"d$hobody can gainfii‘y,‘ ‘ " i ’ ' For you computed r‘fghtlufinto a" Day ; ’ 0 Old Midwi‘Ves ‘thi's‘ya Certain Maxim tell: 3 ‘ ' . j ‘ If you'd your O’fli‘pt‘ihguhave in Worth‘exéell’; ‘ You mull, when with the'B'u‘rthen heaVy'fr'éu‘ght,‘ ‘ Let none but Hermes enter in your Thought ; ‘ Grandeur'and‘Wealth, and Fame and Wine mull be ‘ ThetSquefi: of your ’VV'iflw,‘ and Company; If {0, to what Will yo‘firi‘gte‘at 5011 arrive,” ‘ For what greatPlaees 'willrthat: Bamlinglive ; ' ,. Each Day your Thoughtswere fix’d upon a R‘obe, In every Dream you grafp’d afgol'den Globe ‘; Dukes, flords, énd Squires» Male, 3 motly Train; And form'd a coroiiatioh finy‘our Brain: Nay—,5 that young bir might haVe a perfeél: Mould, When he Irattain'd fe’w Day’srof nine hidmhé old; Thata‘he might breath and move in courtly All; \ St. ‘ —-——’s;S-=~t receives theiP‘ale and Fair, v « , From theidtlll Smoke of dirty Sta—«O .’ Square. ‘ There great fllexit condelbends to view ; The lovelijaid, and fit-ids her Charms anew, There; fluids th’ ‘Efieas of ' grilling fruitful Land, And {trays o’er all he‘rBea‘utie's with his Hand ; Conibious ofF‘athe‘r'sATou‘ch the Babe ofSin, «, With l‘ymputhetickfTraulifi‘ort, leaps within; And the next Day with Arms-and Legs 'unfitrl'dt Proud to‘be born, flit-lugs headlong to therorld. But e‘erhe came; what Grief, what Fearsarofe! (The Midwife ma‘kesctofleav’n her Prayers andVows;) Fears fe'i’ze on all, but ‘Chi‘el‘ly Madam crys, Send me a 50n,_‘O G’odd'e’i-‘s ..0F the Skysl The Goddefé hears her ‘Wilh, the Matrons join, And other their loud [J’s at'her Shrine, ‘ Old Mother Midnight drowns the Noife of triany, Nurfe takes a Dram, and then’s as loud 'as any, The Din at. 133: reaches ltind‘Daddy's Ear, Who to the Lady flys with Full Career; 0 Good old Creation fh‘cws him his own F ace, ' ‘ And crys,-’tis like yOu, Sir, ah .1 blefi‘ your Grace, . A . f The ( 6 l -‘ The Nofc! how like 1'th Mouth”! [Wear your , 7 Own! - , f ‘ Nay wife :tqorwfee it knows its Silver Spoon ; , ‘ The Head juftflaugbfi, andmwb’ed too, like yours, ‘ The Hand! Q ’tis the ‘Very fame, yel’ow’rsl . y A ‘ It is ft; like, Were it to fuck my Tit, ‘ I {hould :mifiake, and fuckle you for it. By {ugh like Prattle {he obtains a Purfe, AndfeveralCnrt’fies gain the fame to Nude; _ _, The joyful News {trait flies ,thro' Town and Port; ' The Ladiesto the weakerfid Fair; refort. 2 Thus Grandeur can fecure the worfi from Shame, AndGold {comes to all a fpotlefs-Name ; None {offer Sicandal but the Mean and Poor, And {he who wants a Gown muft he a W . use: ‘ Madam, who fins at Dmry or the Fleet, ' - When plac’d in Coach and Six, and drefs’dmofi neat, f Laughs at the drudging Fools who iii-1 for Hire, And makes fome fmoorh—fac’d side-box Beauexpire. ; But may a” gentler Fate thy Life attend, . And every Star prove thy aufpicious Friend! - May‘fi thou (fiill fair) Alexi; Heart retain ; May he e'er prove to thee a faithful Swain. And may the glorious Produéi: of thy Womb, His Grace, his Air, his courtly Mein allume; May fuch intrepid Valour :fire his Breafi, As in his Father’s Face {lands lain confefi ; May fuch his Conduct be, anffuch his Fame, When Annals (if he’s any) fpeak his Name ; May the fame Stare dart from his rolling Eyes, May he be jni’t as Good, and jufl as ”fife. . Vain are the envious Tongues who hafely {pread ‘A falfe Report, becauf'e thy Power they dread, And fay another Sire begat the Child, And that sfllexi: is by much too mild; Wharw‘ill not Malice for her Turn invent? What Stratagems to favour her Intent : Becaufe a Maid-——once gets a Slip, mul’t {he For ever vile, for ever guilt be? N01 tho’ Almirm made the 12: air a Mother, she’s now as tree for this, as for the other. Alexi: ( 7 ) A fliexz‘; too, ConfciOus‘ he’s gain'd ybut Love; ' ’ ’ Requires no Oaths yet-1r Conflaney to fife-we; ' The Bed of'iDajie: fpe’a'ks you his alone, ,. The following Night confir'm’dyou all his oWn : In vain (lift? one addrefs, anothet mute, , His is the Joy, and his alone fhé’Sp'o'rt,‘ ‘ ‘ . In vain your Rivals laugh,’ and make their ff: ;1 ‘ The Settlement fets you 2:15va the felt. ' Let ’em fiill'laugh, andjjeer your haplefs Fare, 'V ‘ Since you have got your‘ Sideboard ltdr‘d With Plate, For ev‘ery'Sneer they give, ieitpo'f'e the Gem, ' ’ Or fhew yourrjewels, and then laugh at them; Un‘e only Defiiny good He‘aven‘avert; And kindly take thy faCred Oflfipring’s Part; Grant he may none of that fad Spirit feel, V ll ‘ Which Dad polfefi, when defibb’d by 112?»: gf‘flidl, H l Nor may hene'er be by fu'ch‘ Feats beguil‘d, ‘ , 1 A: Mamma when 1he founcf beefelf with Child; May he ne’er feel the dreadful racking‘Pain ‘ 0f jealonfy, that rent thyV Heart in main; When Mm: and when 111-4: {tmve t" Ont—do Your Charms, and take the longing Prince from yet Ne’er did Othello make a greater Moan ’ For’s Handkerchief, when finding it was gone, ‘ "han you to fee the golden Snuff-box given,‘ _ And from thy Arms the fair fllexij driven. Then jealoufy, that Bane of Peace and Rel}, That dire Tormentor of a uiet Breafl', With Anarchy {upteme pofllefl your Soul, And reign’d a Lord at large without Controal. But when poor Women frail and jealous grow, To quell their Z’affion, our Sex quickly know; A Sovereign Balfam lies below conceal’d, flilmt yields it Aid, and all is quickly heal'd. ’ fliexz‘: (like the Sun) to all difplay’s His vital W'armth, and glads ”em with his Rays; So bright, {'0 full of fplendent lucid Grace, That few weakelighted Birds can View his Face ; Like Owls aghafi lbme {huh his piercing Night, But you fiill Eagle-ey’d confront his Light, Stun upwards, fpite of ever darting Ray, Anal boldly wanton in the 'ace of Hair. .Asnongfi, 5:1?! “Ere.“WK». __....... . , ( :8 ) . Arno'ngfl~ the Croud that to the Fair refort, A good old Lady Comes red her from Court, Pre ar’d to‘ give the Maid fome wholef'ome‘ Rules, AndJafxer Compliments, her thus be~-f‘chools. ‘ How dare you fuch a Fault commit, and now ‘ Inflead of blufhing’for’t, the Fat? aoorw? ‘ WheniCi‘tytflDame Commitsvfucha fad Slip, - ‘ She in the Country wifely taltes a Trip, ‘ There fees the‘Parilh, and, Wears out the Stain, ‘ ‘ And then returns a fpotlefs Maid again ; ‘ Bl’efls me; had in my Youth lhch Things been done, ‘ Women had only been for Game and Fun. ' Madam, replies the Fair, now grown more bold,- If not, when young, youpraétife it now old. The Dame takes pet, inEury flies away, For» that ’Reproach impedes her‘farther Stay. Next, out of COmplim‘ent more than Refpet’ft, Two Rival M ms of Ho—Jr richly deckt, Pluminig‘w'ith Hopes to fee poor Mifi dif'may’d, Attend the Fair to have their Vilit paid; Chairs lEt,-,~Scanda_l in Vollies flies around, And yallfor Vice are more‘or lefs. renown'd _; The {age cold Virgin "s quickly fiil‘d a Prude’, The Free and Frolick is accounted rude. Thus, ”while the Ladies their deep Scandal vent, 0n racking Reputation all intent, JIexz‘: enters to confole the Fair, They burl’t with Envy to behold him there. Now each lays out her Bait, while he by turns VVith equal Flame for eachfair Rica] burns ; Bur Ptill anella only claims his Heart, The refi {hare but a more ignoble Part. 30 in a Farmer's Yard, theCock elate Struts round among his Hens in mighty State ; Some hide their Heads, and pout in fullen mean, While kind to all, he only loves one Hen ; Cheats her with Groam, and other pretty Things, And “jifely fathers every Chick ihe brings. FINIS. a m. m _ _ a w w