I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 //M 6% J ’ {4/ W ”77/ // Q / V w , 3% , f4 _, a - / ' )//; 9)) ‘ :‘fztxhhi‘ . '.- - ..‘ L‘INEXMWM1WWnn umhmwfiimwaluw‘um " im ‘2 1‘ Nu ”mm "a‘JHz-‘fiku «I , . 1 3.2 n, q : ,5.§$éfit,uua‘ .nflgfi igahw" x 1313: g: unapna u «Ly fl , q Tée Famam HONEY BUNCH Book: By HELEN LOUISE THORNDYKE Here is a complete list of these well-loved stories, in order of publication. HONEY BUNCH, JUST A LITTLE GIRL HER FIRST VISIT TO THE CITY HER FIRST DAYS ON THE FARM HER FIRST VISIT TO THE SEASHORE HER FIRST LITTLE GARDEN HER FIRST DAYS IN CAMP HER FIRST AUTO TOUR HER FIRST TRIP ON THE OCEAN " HER FIRST TRIP WEST HER FIRST SUMMER ON AN ISLAND HER FIRST TRIP ON THE GREAT LAKES HER FIRST TRIP IN AN AIRPLANE HER FIRST VISIT TO THE ZOO HER FIRST BIG ADVENTURE HER FIRST BIG PARADE HER FIRST LITTLE MYSTERY HER FIRST LITTLE CIRCUS HER FIRST LITTLE TREASURE HUNT HER FIRST LITTLE CLUB HER FIRST TRIP IN A TRAILER HER FIRST TRIP TO A BIG FAIR HER FIRST TWIN PLAYMATES HER FIRST COSTUME PARTY HER FIRST TRIP ON A HOUSEBOAT HER FIRST WINTER AT SNOWTOP HER FIRST TRIP TO THE BIG WOODS HER FIRST LITTLE PET SHOW HER FIRST TRIP TO A LIGHTHOUSE HER FIRST VISIT TO A PONY RANCH HER FIRST TOUR OF TOY TOWN HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL BY HELEN LOUISE THORNDYKE AUTHOR OF “HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST VISIT TO THE CITY," “HONEY BUNCH: HER EIRST DAYS ON THE FARM” NEW YORK GROSSET 8: DUNLAP PUBLISHERS Made in the United States of America COPYRIGHT, 1923, BY ; ; GROSSET & D‘UNLAP Honey Bunch: Just a Little Girl? Vii “AFTER II. III. IV, VT VI VII VIII, IX, XI. >111. XIII. XXV. XI. CONTENTS A BUSY MONDAY MORNING ........ .. DADDY’S VISITOR .................... . AN AFTERNOON TEA PARTY .......... A MORE EXCITING PARTY ............ SARAH JANE IS SAVED ............... . LEARNING TO COOK ................. IN THE GARDEN FEEDING THE BIRDS ............. . . . . . WHEN THE COAL CAME ............. HONEY BUNCH, PAINTER ........ . . . . a THANKSGIVING DINNER .............. THE FIRST SNOW ................... BIRTHDAY SURPRISES ................ FIVE COUSINS HIDE—AND—SEEK rm 1 13 25 37 49 61 74 86 98 111 123 }35 145 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL CHAPTER I A BUSY MONDAY MORNING “I HOPE this doesn’t shrink,” said Honey Bunch, holding up her doll’s petticoat for Mrs. Miller to see. “Somehow my child’s clothes shrink every time I starch ’em.” Mrs. Miller laughed. Her round, red face shone through a cloud of steam, for she was washing. She had two large tubs filled with water and a basket of clothes stood on the floor beside her. She was rubbing a white sailor blouse up and down on the wash-‘ board and the soapsuds came up to her el- bows. The sailor blouse belonged to Honey Bunch. Honey Bunch was washing, too. She had a basin all to herself, and a chair to hold it and a cake of soap. She was washing a petti- l 2 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL coat and a dress that belonged to Eleanor, her _ doll. “Clothes get very dirty, don’t they?” said Honey Bunch, holding Eleanor’s petticoat up to the light as she had seen Mrs. Miller do. “I just can’t seem to get the dirt out. Eleanor is such a careless child!” Mrs. Miller walked over to the tin boiler that stood on the laundry stove and stirred the clothes in it With a long stick. Honey Bunch knew that Mrs. Miller boiled the clothes to make them clean and White. She often said so. “I wonder if I hadn’t better cook Eleanor’s petticoat?” asked Honey Bunch. “I’d like her to have a nice clean pettieoat and dress this week.” “You let ’em soak, Honey Bunch,” said Mrs. Miller, stirring the clothes in the boiler Carefully. “Let them soak in the warm water awhile; that loosens the dirt.” “All right, I Will,” replied Honey Bunch. “But won’t it make the buttons loose, too?” “My land, Honey Bunch, what won’t you think of l” cried Mrs. Miller, putting the lid HONEY BUNCH: 8 JUST A LITTLE GIRL of the boiler on again and going back to her tub. “I never heard of buttons soaking loose, and I guess anything I never heard of, in connection with washing clothes, never hap- pened!” ‘ Honey Bunch was sure Mrs. Miller was right. The washerwoman had washed for the little girl’s mother ever since Honey Bunch could remember. She was a very large wash— erwoman, large and jolly and good-natured. When she walked across the kitchen floor the pans in the closet rattled on their hooks. Down in the laundry there were no pans to rattle, but you always knew when Mrs. Miller was coming down the stairs, for she made each step creak and groan. But that, as Honey Bunch’s daddy said, was much better than if Mrs. Miller had creaked and groaned. She never did. She was always laughing. “There now, my wash has to soak,” said Honey Bunch, who could no more work with— out talking than Mrs. Miller could wash with- out soap. “Lady Clare, have you anything 1 you’d like me to wash for you?” a i f. 15 i E t I‘ . “i ' ’ i2 :i , 9 ,nh‘anvinru‘ x -.-'r;i_~:qmy:~ow3m. azib‘rli fl-Wtyulg. ingggr-p-x; “:33: I1.- «ram; .144 «1;. ::: . .. " .7. f5? ,1; ' ‘ .3 'J‘ , A 5O HONEY BUNCH: ‘ J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Drop it, Teddy! Drop it!” they still shouted, but as Teddy still ran on, in a few moments they were too warm and out of breath to shout any more. “I can’t run another step!” cried Grace Winters. “Not another step! Oh, my, I’m so hot!” And she sat down on the curbstone and fanned-herself with her handkerchief. They all stopped. Honey Buneh’s socks had come down and were rolled in little wads over her shoes. Cora Williams had lost the circle comb out of her hair and the hair was getting in her eyes. Every one had red cheeks from running and their faces were streaked with perspiration and dust. Altogether, they did not look much like a tea party company. Teddy stopped, too. He stood a little way off, the rag doll still in his mouth. He was panting, but he wagged his tail encouragingly. “Come, chase me some more,” he seemed to be saying. “Come on—perhaps you’ll catch me this time.” ' “I should think you could get the doll away from him,” said Fannie Graham to Grace. HONEY BUNCH: 51 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “He’s your dog. Doesn’t he ever mind you P” “He belongs to my brother,” explained Grace. “ ’Sides, you can’t make a dog mind when he doesn’t want to; can you, Honey Bunch?” “I don’t know,” said Honey Bunch. “But maybe I can make Teddy give us the doll.” All the time she had ‘been jolting over curbs and turning up streets, you see, Honey Bunch had been thinking. And now she was quite sure she knew What to do. “I don’t believe you can get the doll away from him at all,” said Grace. “If you try to snatch it he may bite you. My mother says you must never snatch anything away from a dog.” “Well, I know When the baby across the street came to see us,” replied Honey Bunch slowly, “he wanted to play With the little china Clock. He had it in his hands and he wouldn’t put it down. His mother was going to slap him, but my mother took my little woolly lamb and held it out to him and he gave her the clock and took that.” ‘ ,- ' Uiig‘gjv: 1.1;: g},}‘._,.:,,§l;‘ ngshu....;.»d.ia«a—-n .» a; , my: NW1 am» - 52 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “But Teddy isn’t a baby,” argued Grace. “And he hasn’t got a china clock in his mouth,” giggled Fannie. Honey Bunch looked at them. She knew exactly What she wanted to say, but she had to think as she put it into words. “N 0, Teddy isn’t a baby, he’s a doggie,” she said. “But don’t you think if we gave him something else he liked, he would drop the doll?” “He likes things to eat,” Grace declared. “All right, I’ll get him a bone,” said Honey Bunch. “Does he like bones, Grace?” “He loves ’ern,” answered Grace, scrubbing her hands With her handkerchief and leaving the little White square very dirty indeed. “But you haven’t any bone, Honey Bunch.” “I’ll get one,” Honey Bunch replied, star- ing at Teddy as though he might help her to think. “I know Where our butcher shop is on our street,” she said, “but Teddy might run away if I went ’Way back there. Our butcher gives the man on the corner bones for his dog, and HONEY ”BUNCH: 53 JUST A LITTLE GIRL I guess he would give us one for Teddy. Do you want to wait while I go back and ask him?” “N 0, that will take too long,” said Grace. “Look, Honey Bunch, there’s a butcher store down that street; maybe he will give you a bone if you ask him.” Grace meant the butcher himself, not the butcher shop, might give Honey Bunch a bone. But Honey Bunch was too excited to' notice what Grace was saying. ‘ “I wouldn’t go into a strange store and ask them to give me anything,” cried Mary Gra- ham. “Don’t you go, Honey Bunch.” “I don’t mind,” said Honey Bunch bravely. “That is, not much. I don’t want Teddy to chew up Sarah Jane.” Then Ida Camp spoke up and said she would go With Honey Bunch. Ida was a lit- tle girl who was scared to pieces if a stranger spoke to her and who always blushed bright red and tried to hide behind her teacher if she was called on to recite the golden text in her Sunday school. Ida would not be much v 44 1 - - L ': “nun”? tin-‘azagtsuh$1.35.!»tagger; :,,;...;.....~.;4L--,~.,,,; §Afi4‘1newa "“311“ WY, .mMm-‘xegu 54: HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL help to Honey Bunch, when it came to ask- ing the butcher for a bone, but it was good of her to offer to go and it was brave, too. “All right, you two go and we’ll wait here and not let Teddy run off,” said Grace, Who was very comfortable on the curb. Honey Bunch and Ida started down the street to the butcher shop and Teddy lay down on the grass, the rag doll beside him. He thought, perhaps, that they were all resting before they began another race. “What are you going to say?” whispered Ida, as she followed Honey Bunch up the shop steps. “Oh, my, look at the people!” There were several people in the store, buy— ing meat, and Honey Bunch felt almost as un— comfortable as Ida when she opened the screen door and went in. There were two long marble counters, one on each side of the shop, and two men back of each counter busy cutting meat for the cus- tomers. Far down at one end there was a boy in a white jacket turning some kind of a ma-_ chine. He had red hair and he looked kind ’HONEY BUNCH: 55 JUST A LITTLE GIRL \ iand jolly. Honey Bunch decided he looked like a boy who might be willing to give away a bone. 7 “We’ll go ’way down here,” Honey Bunch whispered to Ida. ' The floor of the store was covered With saw- dust and it was fun to scuffle through that as they walked to the end of the shop. Honey Bunch wondered why her mother didn’t have sawdust in the kitchen, at least. She thought it was very nice to have on a floor and it was certainly pleasant to walk in. The red-haired boy was waiting on a woman When the two little girls reached his end of the counter and they sat down on a soap box to wait. Back of the box Honey Bunch discovered something that made her forget her errand. “Look, Ida!” she whispered. “A kitty—a black one!” Sure enough, curled up in the sawdust was the flufliest of little black kittens, and when Honey Bunch stroked him he rolled over on his back and waved four tiny White feet in 56 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL the air. Honey Bunch scooped him up and hugged him tightly, while Ida stroked his head. He seemed to like to be petted, and the red-haired boy smiled When he saw Honey‘ Bunch hold him up to her chin. “What is his name?” asked Honey Bunch shyly. “We call him Suet,” answered the red~ haired boy. “ ’Cause he is so fat, you know.” Honey Bunch didn’t know that suet was the pieces of fat the butcher wrapped up With the beef and mutton he sold, but she thought it was a funny name for a cat. I do myself, as far as that goes, and you probably do, too. But then it was a good name for a butcher’s catl and that makes a difference. The red-haired boy wrapped up the chopped beef the woman had bought and which he had been cutting in the grinder, and gave her a check Which told her how much to pay the butcher. Then the boy moved down to where Honey Bunch and Ida were playing With the cat. “Well, ladies?” he said gravely. HONEY BUNCH: 57 J UST A LITTLE GIRL Honey Bunch put down the cat and stood up. She knew the butcher boy was making fun of her because his eyes were laughing though his face was very solemn. Honey Bunch did not like to be laughed at. “Have you any bones?” she said most po- litely. “Bones?” repeated the red-haired butcher boy. “Well, now, what kind of bones did you want to-day? Do you want a bone to fry, or a bone for stewing? Or, if you would prefer it, we have some good roasting bones just in.” Honey Bunch felt the red coming up into her cheeks. She looked at Ida, but Ida was playing with the cat and not paying a bit of attention to her friend. Honey Bunch looked back at the red—haired boy. “I want a dog bone,” she said, her voice shaking a little. “Well, you shall have a dog bone,” said the boy, and his eyes stopped laughing. “I’ll get you the best bone we have in the shop—a reg- ular ten—center.” Oh, this was dreadful! Honey Bunch ’58 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL glanced at the people standing on either side of her, for more had come in and the store was really crowded. Honey Bunch felt as if every one in the shop was looking at her, but the idea of giving up and going away Without the bone never entered her mind. She stood up on tiptoe, so she would be a little taller, and leaned toward the red-haired boy. “Could I Whisper to you?” she asked. “It’s private.” The butcher boy leaned his red head down. to her and Honey Bunch, still standing on tip- toe, looked at the people near her. “Please excuse me,” said the little girl po- litely, so that their feelings would Vnot be hurt. “I haven’t any money,” she Whispered to the butcher boy. “And I have to have the bone to give Teddy, Grace’s dog, so he Will let me have Sarah Jane, Cora Williams’ rag doll. I’ll bring you the money to-morrow, if you don’t mind waiting a little bit.” That red—haired butcher boy seemed to understand at once. He popped a bone into a bag, said a word to one of the men at the HONEY BUNCH: 59 JUST A LITTLE GIRL counter, and then, telling Honey Bunch and Ida to “come ahead,” went with them back to the place Where they had left the other girls and the dog and doll. “Here, you purp,” said the butcher boy, walking over to Teddy, Who wagged his tail, “What do you mean acting SO—With girls, too? I’m ashamed of you. Here’s a bone for you, and I want you to drop that doll; and don’t ever let me hear of you carrying on like this again.” He gave Teddy the bone, picked up the doll, Which the dog did not ofler to touch, and handed Sarah Jane back to her little mother. “You don’t live around here, do you?” said the butcher boy to Honey Bunch. “I thought I hadn’t seen you before.” “No, we live on Grove street,” answered Honey Bunch. “We all live on the same street. And I was having a party for the dolls When Teddy ran off With Sarah Jane. HOW much is the bone, please?” “Nothing,” said the butcher boy. “Noth— ing at all. We give bones away every day. xndzsurmgux :, «?gyfiutrvdh}Izwguiow‘sériéiiiflfi-T'h a --a_ v-r-v :22“.- »x, 60 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL Did you think up the scheme of bribing Teddy with a bone?” “Yes, she did,” said Ida, speaking for the first time since she had left the shop. “Honey Bunch thinks of lots of things.” “I knew she did as soon as I saw her,” the butcher boy declared. “Well, I have to go back now and I think Teddy will go home with you and act peaceable. If he steals any more dolls, you let me know, won’t you?” They promised to let him know, and he went back to the butcher shop and the girls walked slowly home. Just as they reached Honey Bunch’s house and were going in to get their dolls before they went to their own homes, quiet little Anna Martin spoke up. “I think that was an exciting tea party,” she said. CHAPTER VI LEARNING T0 COOK NOT long after the dolls’ tea party, Honey Bunch made a discovery. That is, she thought it was a discovery. She had been sweeping the sidewalk with her little broom, and close up against the steps she found a slip of paper. Honey Bunch liked to sweep and she was al- ways finding things, for a broom, you know, digs out all the corners and Will not let any- thing hide away. “This,” said Honey Bunch to herself, smoothing out the piece of paper, “has writ— ing on it; maybe it is the Lulu-man’s card. I’ll ask Mother.” Honey Bunch called the stranger, who had called to see her Daddy while he was on his Washington trip, the “Lulu-man.” N either Honey Bunch nor Mother had ever remem- bered his name, though Honey Bunch re- 61 g i, .; 1.4.356 2.2 v " . Judglgwwli, 1» __-;Arr-~ ; , sq. , L "a , c.‘ 1’ ,L? , t Z, 5 It» . , .3' I -- E 3‘: '9 5' f. ,3 ;' 5 '3; ,2; '253 'ié ‘ 5:2 mi ii .3 a. $1! . i5" ,3: 90 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL she carried her in and explained 10 her that she would have to stay in the cellar just a httle while, until the birds had finished their breakfast. Lady Clare didn’t seem to mind. She was sleepy and had had her nice break— fasto She wasn’t worried about her dinner either. She knew some one would feed her. She would not have to go out and hunt for something to eat as the birds did. When Honey Bunch had put Lady Clare in the cellar and closed the door of the stair- way, she went into the kitchen and found Mother had a small pan of bread all ready for her. “Don’t birds like butter on their bread?” the little glrl asked. “No, I don’t believe they do,” rephed her mother. “I never heard of any one butter- ing bread for the birds. This winter we will hang out pleces of suet for them; they Will' like that. But they do not need it in warm‘ weather.” “Suet” reminded Honey Bunch of the cat in the butcher shop and the time Teddy, the HONEY BUNCH: . 91 JUST A LITTLE GIRL dog, had run away with the rag doll in his mouth. “Mother,” said Honey Bunch, “isn’t it funny how one thing makes you think of an- other thing?” “Yes, indeed, dearie,” replied her mother. “One thing makes us think of another thing and that is called remembering.” “I remember ” said Honey Bunch sud- denly. “What do you remember, darling?” Mother smiled as she asked her, for Honey Bunch stood on tiptoe as though she were reaching for the something she had remembered. “I thought I remembered,” said Honey Bunch, looking disappointed. “I almost did, Mother. I was just going to remember the name of the man Who came to see us when Daddy was away.” _ But though Honey Bunch tried her best, she could not, as she said, “remember the re— member” again. So she took the pan of bread and went out into the garden to feed the birds. She threw the bread as Mother had shown r3 ; ‘13,... r:s»¢4sae.§¥1‘§é‘s-“‘135»‘-~‘I~'"“'“¢‘1‘-’~‘ f ‘ ~ 92 f fiONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL her, tossing it as far from her feet as she could, for birds are timid and will not come close to a person to eat unless they have learned to know that person very well. A little sparrow came first. He stood with his head on one side, looking at a piece of bread. Then, suddenly, he snatched it and flew away. Either the other birds saw him with the bread in his mouth, or else, as Honey Bunch thought, he was kind enough to tell them about it, for presently the garden was full of birds, pecking and chattering and some, I am sorry to say, fighting with each other for the same piece of bread. But then, I do not think their mothers were there or they would never have acted so badly. “Hello, Honey Bunch!” called Mrs. Per- kins, coming to her back door. She lived next door to Honey Bunch, you know. “What are you doing?” “Feeding the birds,” answered Honey Bunch, holding up her pan, which was empty now. “They were just as hungry!” HONEY BUNCH: , 93 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Birds always are,” Mrs. Perkins told her. “I wonder if you wouldn’t like to feed them that box of bird seed I had left when my ca~ nary died; would you, Honey Bunch ?” “But these are sparrows and robins, and I guess there’s a blue jay in the apple tree," said Honey Bunch. “How can they eat ca- nary seed?” “Bless you, bird seed is bird seed,” replied Mrs. Perkins. “I’ll get you the box, Honey Bunch, and you can have a good time scat- tering it around.” Mrs. Perkins went to get the bird seed and came back in a few moments with a pasteboard box nearly filled With seed. Her canary bird had died the month before and this was seed she had bought for him to eat. “I tell you What you do, Honey Bunch,” said Mrs. Perkins. “Feed the birds most of the seed, but plant a little in a bowl. It Will grow quickly and you’ll have something pretty for the middle of the table.” So Honey Bunch threw most of the seed to the birds. They liked it very much and 94 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL peeked at it as it lay scattered on the ground .{for a long time. But she saved a handful and this she planted in a little flower pot that was her own. “I won’t say a single word to anybody,” said Honey Bunch, pressing down the earth with both little hands. “It will be a s’prise for Mother.” For nearly a week Honey Bunch watched the little earthen pot, and by and by some- thing feathery and green began to show. In two or three days more the green was longer and Honey Bunch carried her little pot into the house and put it on the breakfast table, right in the center where her mother always had a bowl or vase of flowers. “Why, Honey Bunch, how pretty!” cried Mother, when she came in from the kitchen and saw the new centerpiece. “What pretty green stufi’! Where did it come from?” “I planted it,” said Honey Bunch proudly. “Is it to eat?” asked Daddy Morton anx- iously. “I think it is a salad, Mother; but I never eat salad for breakfast.” HONEY BUNCH: 95 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Oh, Daddy, you don’t eat it!” cried Honey Bunch, afraid her daddy would cut the pretty green plant and put salt and pepper on it, perhaps. “That’s bird seed. Daddy.” “Bird seed!” repeated Daddy. “Well, I never! Where are the birds?” “Daddy is teasing you, dear,” said Honey Bunch’s mother. “I used to plant bird seed When I was a little girl. It makes a very pretty bit of green. Come, Daddy, eat your cereal, and don’t be asking about birds. Honey Bunch gave that centerpiece to me-- I know exactly what it is.” Daddy Morton came home to lunch that noon and When Honey Bunch, Who had been planting in the garden, came in to wash her hands, she peeped into the dining room on her way to the bathroom. There, among the feathery green sprays of the sprouted bird seed, sat a very small yellow canary. “Oh, myi” Whispered Honey Bunch. “It’s a live bird! I s’pose it knew that was bird E123:,.f-..»§ar.x..,‘:mzt~u: (1!:{151Xfi'lw‘iéfil‘7 5 96 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL seed. I wonder if Daddy saw it. I’ll goeall him!” But some one else was watching the little yellow bird. Lady Clare, coming into the Hining room from the hall, caught sight of the little creature among the green, and Lady Clare decided that the bird was surely meant for her. Before Honey Bunch knew What Was happening, the cat Sprang to the table and slapped her great paw squarely across the bird’s body. “Daddy! Daddy!” screamed Honey Bunch. “Oh, Daddy, come quick! Lady Clare is kill- ing the little bird!” Daddy and Mother came running and- Honey Bunch began to cry. By the time Daddy reached her, she was sobbing as though her heart was broken. “Honey Bunch! My dear little girl!” Daddy took her in his arms and laid his face against hers. “What is the matter, dearest?” “The little bird—the canary!” cried Honey Bunch. “Lady Clare killed him!” “Oh, Honey Bunch! That isn’t a real HONEY BUNCH: 97' J UST A LITTLE GIRL bird!” said Daddy, pulling out his lovely big handkerchief to dry her eyes. “That is a little toy bird I brought home for you. I stuck him there to surprise you. See, dear, he is only painted wood.” Honey Bunch took the bird in her hand and looked at it. It was wood, as Daddy had said. “David,” laughed Mother, “you tried to play a joke on Honey Bunch, but I think the joke has been played on you.” “No,” laughed Daddy, “the joke has been played on Lady Clare. Look how silly she seems to feel.” The cat sat under the table, washing her face. She was pretending, you see, that she had caught and eaten the bird. “I like wooden birds,” said Honey Bunch, slipping down from Daddy’s lap to put her bird back again in the flower pot. “Lady Clare can’t scare them, can she, Mother?” CHAPTER IX WHEN THE COAL CAME “THERE’S a wagon stopping at our house,” said Honey Bunch. She was upstairs in Mother’s room stand- ing at one. of the front windows. Mother was sewing and Honey Bunch was amusing her by telling her everything she saw in the street. Mother said that darning stockings wasn’t much fun, but With Honey Bunch to amuse her, she thought she could darn much faster. “What kind of wagon?” asked Mother. She wasn’t supposed to look out of the Win- dow. Honey Bunch told her everything that went past and then Mother guessed what it was. “It’s a big wagon,” said Honey Bunch. “A great big wagon. And two horses. And two men. And baskets on the back.” 98 ’i‘.‘if:‘*::fritS-x£f-;;!' ~€:,V~“rrri,'-‘.“*‘" um» :2??“r¥i“‘§‘4‘515‘51i::“3:55;,741‘4‘L~“i“ rm u HONEY BUNCH: . 99 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Dear me, perhaps it is the huckster,” said Mother. “If it is, I must go down. We need some salad vegetables.” “No, it isn’t the huckster, he has a White horse,” declared Honey Bunch. “There are two long black things sticking out behind the wagon, Mother. And a man’s coming up the steps.” “I’ll have to go down,” said Mother, ris~ ing. “Why, dear, that is the coal!” she cried as she saw the wagon from the Window. “Coal to keep us warm this winter. That is the first load.” Bing! went the doorbell. Mother hurried down and Honey Bunch trotted after her. “Mrs. Morton?” said the man, when Mother opened the door. “Got two tons of coal for you. F our more loads on the way. Mr. Jepson says you want it all put in in one day.” “Yes, it is such a dusty job,” said Honey Bunch’s mother. “Did Mr. Morton tell you to bring chutes?" 100 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Yes, he told Jepson,” answered the man. “We’ll shoot it in for you. I’ll use the hose, if you have one; that saves some dirt.” Mr. Jepson was the man from whom Daddy Morton bought his coal. “Let me see ’em shoot the coal, Mother?” begged Honey Bunch. “I never saw any one shoot coal, Mother.” The man laughed. He had given Mrs. Morton two slips to sign and he was waiting for them. “I guess you think I take a pistol and fire at each lump, don’t you?” he said, smiling. “Well, Sister, you hang around and you’ll see how we shoot coal in. Thank you, ma’am.” Honey Bunch’s mother had given him the slips and she now told him where to find the hose. Honey Bunch danced out in front to watch the men work, promising Mother not to get in their way. It was very interesting to see them. First they took the hose and turned the water on and washed the coal. Honey Bunch sup- posed they did this to make it clean, but she HONEY BUNCH: 101 J UST A LITTLE GIRL afterward decided that no amount of water could make coal clean. Daddy told her that night that the men sprayed the coal with water so the dust would not fly in thick clouds when they put it in the cellar. “We shoot the coal with this,” said the man who had rung the doorbell, when he put the hose back and took up the “long black things” Honey Bunch had noticed on the back of the wagon. He took both black things, “coal chutes, we call ’em,” he explained to the watching Honey Bunch, and put a soap box under them to hold them ofi‘ the walk. The end of one rested on the pile of coal in the wagon and the end of the other just fitted into the cellar window. Then both men stood on top of the pile of coal and shoveled. Steady streams of coal poured down the chutes and into the cellar. Honey Bunch thought that if the men’s mother should come walking down the street and see them, she would send them up to the bath- room at once and tell them to wash their faces 102 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL and hands. The little girl had never seen such black hands and faces. Everything about the wagon was dirty; men, horses, blankets, baskets, and shovels. Of course, it was the coal that made things dirty. When one of the men pulled his hand kerchief from his pocket to wipe his face, that was coal-black, too. Every time a person came up to the coal chute, the men would stop shoveling and the person would stoop down and crawl under the chute. Many went out into the street and walked around the wagon, instead of go- ing under the chute. Honey Bunch suggested to the men that they stop and take the chute apart to let people through when they came, but the men said if they did that they would never get all the coal put in. “It’s all right,” said one of the men to Honey Bunch. “You see these people have to go under your coal chute now, because you are having coal put in your cellar; but maybe to-morrow, or next week, they’ll be having coal put in their cellars and you’ll walk under HONEY BUNCH: 103 J UST A LITTLE GIRL the chute on their sidewalk. That makes it even all around.” Honey Bunch had not thought of this and she told it to the next lady Who came walking by. The lady had on a White hat and Honey Bunch was sure she did not like to have to stoop down and walk under the 0031 chute. “When you have coal going in your cellar I’ll come and walk under your chute,” prom- ised Honey Bunch, smiling such a dear little smile that the lady smiled back and said she wished she was having coal put in the next day. .. By and by the wagon was empty and the men drove away. Then another wagon came '11) and two more men unloaded that. Honey Bunch thought they looked just like the other wvo men. That was because their faces were just as dark, you see. But this wagon was pulled by two White horses and the other wagon had had black horses. That is, these horses would have been white if they had not been pulling a coal wagon. Honey Bunch 104 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL wondered if horses ever had baths. She hoped they did. By the time this second wagon was empty, it was noon, and Mother called Honey Bunch in to lunch. They ate in the kitchen, for Mother said that was the cleanest room in the house. “Mrs. Miller will come and make us all tidy again to—morrow,” Mrs. Morton said, spreading a biscuit for Honey Bunch. “And then, I suppose, as soon as we are nicely in order, the painters will come.” Honey Bunch wasn’t thinking about paint- ers; her thoughts were with the coal wagons. “Will there be more coal, Mother?” she asked, biting off a little corner of the bis- cuit. “Two more wagons this afternoon,” replied her mother. “And then, I hope, we sha’n’t have to have any more coal put in for a year.” After lunch Honey Bunch went out to wait for the next coal wagon. She sat on the steps. and waited quietly. She was wondering whether the men would» let her throw a shov- HONEY BUNCH: ’ 105 J UST A LITTLE GIRL elful of coal down the long chute. She thought it would be fun to see it slide down through the cellar window. As Honey Bunch sat there in the sunshine, she saw Lady Clare come walking across the street. Lady Clare often went walking, and though Honey Bunch sometimes worried for team she would be lost, the cat always came safely home. N ow Lady Clare was stalking toward the cellar window. The coal men had left it open. As Honey Bunch watched her, Lady Clare stepped inside the window, stood still for a moment, and then jumped. “I wonder where she went?” said Honey Bunch aloud. The cat did not come back and Honey Bunch began to think about the cellar. Where did the coal go the men put down the long, black chute? Was it lying in a great pile in the middle of the cellar floor? Per haps her mother would have to walk around it when she went to get a glass of jelly from the cupboard in the corner. She would not like that, Honey Bunch was sure. 106 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “I s’pect I’d better go see,” announced Honey Bunch, rising from the steps. She trotted around the side of the house and came to the side entry door. Her mother had gone back to her sewing and Honey Bunch thought she would not tell her about the pile of coal in the middle of the cellar floor until she knew more about it herself. Honey Bunch opened the door that led into the cellar and went carefully down the steps. There was no coal in the center of the floor, and for a few minutes the little girl thought that the men had not put it in the cellar at all. Then she saw it, black and shin- ing, in one of the “rooms” as she had always called the bins beside the heater. Lady Clare sat on the coal, washing her face, and the open Window above her head let in sweet, cool air. Honey Bunch thought it Was very nice in the cellar. “I’ll wait and see some coal come in,” she' told the cat. They had not long to wait for in a few minutes the rattle of Wheels was heard and a HONEY BUNCH: 107 J UST A LITTLE GIRL wagon drew up at the curb outside. Some one rang the doorbell and Honey Bunch knew the man was giving the slips to her mother to sign. Mrs. Morton had explained that these slips told Mr. Jepson his coal had reached the right house. While Honey Bunch stared at the window she saw the end of the iron chute come in and then, the next moment, With an awful clatter and racket, the coal rushed in! Honey Bunch had not known anything could make so much noise, and she put her hands up to her ears. “Lady Clare!” she cried. “Where’s Lady Clare?” The cat was nowhere to be seen. The coal had come pouring in where she had sat under the Window, and as Honey Bunch looked more coal kept coming. “She’s buriud underneath!” said Honey Bunch excitedly. “Lady Clare is deep down Iunder all that coal!” As soon as Honey Bunch thought of any- thing, she made up her mind what to do. If 108 HONEY BUNCH: ’ J UST A LITTLE GIRL Lady Clare was under that coal, she would get her out! Honey Bunch jumped upon the pile of coal and began to dig. She had only her lit- tle hands to work With and it seemed to her that the coal came in faster than she could toss it out of the way. She worked as hard and as fast as she could, paying no attention when a piece of coal bounded on her head. She was going to get Lady Clare out before she couldn’t breathe. The stream of coal kept coming and Honey Bunch kept working. She was crying now, because she began to be afraid that Lady Clare was buried at the very bottom of the coal pile. Tears and perspiration and coal dust made great streaks across Honey Bunch’s face; her soft hair was filled with dust; her hands were as black as a coal man’s. She was hot and un- comfortable and most unhappy, but she would not give up. “Honey Bunch! Honey Bunch! Why, what in the world ” cried a voice. HONEY BUNCH: 109 JUST A LITTLE GIRL Honey Bunch looked up and there stood Mother on the cellar stairs. “Lady Clare is underneath, Mother!” shouted Honey Bunch. She had to shout, be— cause the coal made such a noise coming in. “I saw the coal go on her, but I guess I can get her out.” “My dear child! Lady Clare is asleep in the kitchen,” said Mrs. Morton, coming all the way down and over to Honey Bunch so she could hear her. “Oh, dearie, how long have you been working like this?” Honey Bunch looked at the little pile of coal she had been able to throw on to the floor. She looked at the big heap of coal in the bin, a heap Which was growing larger every minute. She didn’t see how the cat could be upstairs When she had seen the coal land on top of her, but if Mother said so, it must be true. “I guess,” said Honey Bunch slowly, sit- ting down on the coal heap, “I’m just a little tired.” 110 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL And Mother picked her up, all dusty as she was, and kissed her and hugged her and car— ried her upstairs to the clean White bathroom and gave her a bath and shampooed her hair. Then she dressed her in clean clothes and gave her the money to buy a “double decker” ice— cream cone. “For that,” she said, kissing Honey Bunch as though she loved her very much, “will take the coal-dust taste out of your mouth.” And it did. CHAPTER X HONEY BUNCH, PAINTER “BUT I don’t see how Lady Clare go: out of the coal room,” said Honey Bunch. She was eating her ice-cream cone—it was chocolate—and Lady Clare was curled up on the cushion in the rocking chair. “‘Nhy, dear,” said Mrs. Morton, “the cat jumped when the first shovelful of coal came down the chute. You thought the coal buried her out of sight, but she ran off and you never saw her go. I’m so sorry you spent all that time in the cellar and worked so hard.” “I don’t mind,” Honey Bunch answered. “I don’t mind one bit, Mother; because, if Lady Clare had been there, I would want to dig her out. And I thought she was there, so I had to dig, anyway.” “I see,” said Mother. “And now Daddy 111 112 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL has turned the corner and if you want to run down and meet him, you may.” Mrs. Morton had said that she supposed. after the coal was put in the cellar, the paint- ers would come. But Honey Bunch didn’t pay any attention to this, so she was much surprised to hear a noise on the back porch one morning while she was eating her break— fast and to see two strange men with ropes and ladders walking about. “Oh, my!” cried Honey Bunch in dismay. “They’re from the soda fountain!” .“The soda fountain!” repeated Daddy Morton. “What makes you say that, Honey Bunch?” “Their coats, you know,” said Honey Bunch. “The soda fountain men wear ’em. And Grace Winters says a little girl ran off with one of their spoons and the man is go- ing to every house on this block and asking if any one has his spoon.” The soda fountain Honey Bunch meant was in the drug store at the corner of the street where the Mortons lived. But, of course, HONEY BUNCH: 113 J UST A LITTLE Gm the drug store man was not going to every house to ask for his missing spoon. Grace W’inters was a little girl Who rather liked to make up stories to astonish other children With. “Those are not soda fountain men, Honey Bunch,” explained Daddy Morton. “They are the painters. We are going to have the house painted.” “Are we?” said Honey Bunch. “Won’t that be fun!” Her eyes sparkled and, as she had finished breakfast, Mother said she might be excused, so she ran' out on the porch to see the painters. They wore White overalls and jackets, so it really was no wonder that Honey Bunch had supposed them to be from the soda fountain. “Hello!” said one of the painters, smiling at the little girl as she stepped out on me porch. “Hello!” replied Honey Bunch. “Could I watch you paint our house P” The other painter turned around and laughed. He was short and fat and he had 114! HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL pleasant blue eyes that twinkled under his funny, peaked cap. “I guess we’ll have company, Ray,” he said to the painter Who had said “Hello” to Honey =Bunch. He was a tall, thin painter and Honey Bunch thought he looked like the red- haired boy in the butcher shop. “Well, we like company,” said the painter called Ray. “Toss me that brush, will you, Clem?” So then Honey Bunch knew the fat painter"s name was Clem. “What’s your name?” the fat painter asked, stirring something in a tin pail. “My Whole name?” asked Honey Bunch doubtfully, “or the one they call me P” The fat painter laughed again. “Why, how many names have you?” he asked. “You’re not such a very big girl, you know.” “I’m Gertrude Marion Morton,” Honey Bunch told him, “but everybody calls me Honey Bunch.” “That’s the nicest name I ever did hear,” HONEY BUNCH: 115 J UST A LITTLE GIRL said the fat painter, stirring away. “We’ll have to paint the house extra nice for a girl with that name, won’t we, Ray?” Daddy called Honey Bunch just then te‘ say good-by to her and he told her not to ask‘ the painters too many questions and to be sure and not get in their way while they were work‘ ing. Then he kissed her good-by and went away to his office where he worked so hard) Mother said, to buy them pretty dresses to wegr and good food to eat. Honey Bunch went back to the porch. She found the painter called Ray trying some paint on a slab of wood. “T hink you’ll like this color for your house?” he asked her. Honey Bunch thought it was a very pretty color. It was yellow, she thought, but the painter called it “cream.” He had other colors in his paint pots—green and red and brown and white. He stirred them all with‘. a stick, one after another, and Honey Bunch wanted to do it, too. “Why do you stir it?” she asked, bending M: "Jan. N .: n. umati 1’“: M 116 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL over the pail of green paint and almost put- ting her small nose into it, so eager was she to look at the smelly stuff. The fat painter pulled her back. “Don’t fall in, Sister,” he said seriously. “You wouldn’t look pretty With green hair, would you? I have to stir the paint to make it smooth.” “Did you ever see a girl With green hair?” asked Honey Bunch, sitting down on the steps. “Well, once,” replied the fat painter. “Once Ray and I worked at a place Where there was a little girl. She was older than you are. I think she must have been about eight or nine. And that girl wouldn’t let a thing alone. One day she climbed up on our ladder While Ray and I were off at noon hour, and When she heard us coming back it fright- ened her so she jumped and her elbow struck a can of paint—bright green paint it was; it poured over her as she tumbled down the lad- der and I just wish you could have seen that girl! She had green hair if a child ever had.” Honey Bunch sat quietly, thinking about HONEY BUNCH: 117 J UST A LITTLE GIRL the little girl Who had upset the paint, While the men tied the long ropes they had brought to their ladders and pulled them up to the top of the house. They began at the top of the house and painted down, they said. Honey Bunch, if she had been painting, would have started at the first floor and gone up, ending With the roof, because she could “leave off” on the roof and no one would see where she had stopped. But then Honey Bunch had never painted a house. Long before the painters had finished their first day, the little girl tired of watching them. They worked for hours, standing on the lad- der held up by the ropes, painting the cor« niees and the window frames. Honey Bunch had thought it would be exciting, but it wasn’t. The second and the third days they did al- most the same things, but the fourth morning it was much better. They worked at the first floor, the porches and the porch rails and the steps. And Honey Bunch could see every- thing they did and follow them around and 118 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL could ask them questions without shouting. “Can’t go up your front steps to-day,” said the fat painter t0 Honey Bunch as soon as he saw her that morning. “Why can’t I?” asked Honey Bunch, smil- ing. She was pretty sure the fat man was playing a joke on her. “This says so,” the painter answered, hold- ing up a large white card. It had big black letters on it, but Honey Bunch, although she knew most of her alpha— bet, could not read words without some one to help her. “Please, what does it say?” she begged. “Ray, can you read this?” called the fat painter. Ray was busily mixing paint, but he turned around and looked at the card. “It says ‘No little girls allowed on these steps,’ ” he read aloud. Honey Bunch looked puzzled. She stared at the card. “How can it say all that?” she said slowly. “There aren’t enough letters.” HONEY BUNCH: 119 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “That’s the trouble with Ray,” grumbled the fat painter. “He doesn’t take time to read properly. I’ll tell you what the card says, Sister. It says ‘Wet paint.’ And you tell your cat that it means she isn’t to go walk— ing across the floor I finished last night.” So the painter put the “Wet paint” card up on the steps and he put two pieces of wood across them, too, in case, he said, a person came Who couldn’t read the card. Then the fat painter and the thin painter went to work and painted every one of the little pieces of wood in the porch railings, 0n the front porch and the back porch, too. “It looks so easy,” said Honey Bunch to herself. “I just know I could do it. Maybe they would let me, if I asked them.” But the more she thought about it, the surer she was that they wouldn’t let her paint. , “I could surprise them,” said Honey Bunch, who felt that if she didn’t paint something pretty soon she would have to cry. “I won- der if they would like me to paint the back steps?” 120 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL Now, although Honey Bunch didn’t know it, the back steps were to be left to the very last. The painters were not going to paint them till the front steps were quite dry, for there had to be one dry place for people to walk over to get into the house. Honey Bunch did not know this and she decided to paint the back steps and surprise the painters. Both men were painting the front cellar window when the little girl trotted around to the back of the house. She knew where to find the pots of paint and the brushes. She thought that the back steps of her house ought to look very nice indeed and what better way to make them look nice than to paint every step a different color? Oh, this was a lovely plan, thought Honey Bunch. She carefully carried five heavy pails of paint over to the steps and took one of the soft, fat brushes. She had watched the paint- ers long enough to know how they dipped their brushes in and squeezed them against the sides of the pails. Honey Bunch dipped 'HONEY BUNCH: 121 J UST A LITTLE GIRL her brush into the yellow paint and began on the top step. “Just as nice,” she said, looking at it when she had been all over the top. The yellow paint ran down and some got on her shoes, but that did not bother her. She dipped the brush into the green paint and painted the second step. When she had finished that, there was a great dash of green paint on the front of her pink gingham frock. But even that couldn’t bother Honey Bunch. She painted the third step white and the fourth step red and she was working away, using black paint on the last step When She heard some one come Whistling around the corner of the house. It was the Ray painter! “What are you doing?” he asked her, in great surprise. “I’m painting,” answered Honey Bunch, rubbing her hand across her forehead and leaving a smudge of black paint there. “Doesn’t it look nice?” “Well, as long as we have to paint it over, U ,A-r: 1.1,; 1‘ x u \y ‘umhé'iiil'e 122 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL anyway, I don’t see that much harm is done,” said the Ray painter, looking from the steps to the little girl and from the little girl back to the steps. “But I don’t think that dress you have on Will ever be the same, Sister.” “I can keep it to paint in,” said Honey Bunch comfortably. “Mother has a dregs she uses to paint in, ’cause it has paint spots on it, from the time she painted the screens. Now I have a painting dress, too.” “Well, if you are going into the business, I’ll retire,” said the painter, beginning to pick up the pots of paint and carry them back. “I never could use as many colors as you do all at once—it wouldn’t be any use for me to try.” CHAPTER XI THANKSGIVING DINNER THE painters painted the back steps all one color—a pretty gray—and the next day they took their ropes and ladders and went away. They told Honey Bunch they were going out into the country to paint a farmhouse and three big barns. Honey Bunch thought the house looked very beautiful. It was cream color and the blinds were green. Mrs. Miller came and washed all the windows, for the paint had spattered on some of them, and she and Mrs. Morton hung up clean, frilly white curtains at the clean windows. Everything looked very nice and cozy and Daddy said he thought they must be ready for Winter. “Well, we are,” Honey Bunch’s mother told him. “I like to get all the fall work done be- fore it is time to get ready for Thanksgiving.” 123 q r” x~,._,;u.,«n,‘ ,f. ,. . ‘ ,3 " 11.; p3 ..a,.-:-.»u.}:¢§r1u'a K‘YGJKMLM‘ ; man .-: , .. ,_ .j' . 7:; V 1; '- 1%. V1: ,5; , ..;.{ ':.'-S 6-4; . .3} 1? .V 3 1i ,9. E t 2: .4 t i; :3 :‘;r .3 1 A 1241’ HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL And of course Honey Bunch wanted to know When it would be Thanksgiving. 1 “I’ll show you,” said her daddy, picking her up and carrying her over to the large calendar that hung in the kitchen. “Now this is to- day, Honey Bunch,” he said, putting her finger on one of the big blocks. “Count from to-day—one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight—Thanksgiving is eight days from to- day.” They had had a fire in the furnace ever since the painters had finished the house. Every morning seemed a little colder. F irst Honey Bunch put on a warmer dress, then a heavier coat, and at last Mother brought her her mit- tens. Then Honey Bunch knew it was win- tCl‘. “Is eight days a long time, Mother?” asked Honey Bunch When Daddy had gone to thc office. “No, indeed! It is a very short time,” an- swered Mother. “Why, Honey Bunch, you and I have so much to do, we’ll have to be as busy as two bees.” HONEY BUNCH: 125 J UST A LITTLE Gnu Honey Bunch loved to help Mother. and this sounded pleasant. “What do we have to do, Mother?” she asked eagerly. “We have to go to market and tell the butcher to save us a good turkey,” explained Mother. “We have to make at least three kinds of pics, mince and pumpkin and apple. We have to get Daddy to crack nuts for us and polish red apples. We have to see that our prettiest silver and china is all ready for the table. We have to fix a dinner for the birds—why, Honey Bunch, just think of all the things we have to do and all in eight days!” “Let’s begin right away!” cried Honey Bunch. “Oh, Mother, suppose Thanksgiw ing came ’fore we were all fixed!” She and Mother began that very day to get ready for Thanksgiving. They went to mar- ket together and Mother told the butcher what kind of turkey she wanted and he prom— ised to send her a nice one the day before Thanksgiving. Then Mother and Honev 126 ' HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GLRL Bunch bought nuts and raisins and cranberries and apples and oranges and a great yellow pumpkin that Honey Bunch thought was too pretty to cook. They stopped at the grocery store and bought eggs and sugar and butter and so many other good things that the little girl began to wonder where all the things were going; she was sure their pantry wouldn’t hold them all. “Are we thankful Thanksgiving because we have so much to eat?” she asked her mother, when they were on their way home. So Mother told her a little about Thanks- giving, as much as a little girl not yet five years old could understand; about the Pil- grims who made the first Thanksgiving be- cause they had a good harvest and were very grateful for food to carry them through the winter. Honey Bunch asked so many ques- tions about the Pilgrims that they were home before Mother had answered them all. “Honey Bunch,” said Daddy Morton that night, “are you going to be too busy to help me a little?” L HONEY BUNCH: 127 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “My, no,” said the willing little Honey Bunch, who was always ready to help every one. “What do you want me to do, Daddy?” “I’ll tell you,” answered Daddy. “You remember the little lame boy I carried the bouquet to this summer? You picked the flowers for me, you know, and he was so pleased he nearly cried. I want to take him a Thanksgiving basket and I thought perhaps you would help me pack it.” Honey Bunch was delighted to help, and the next night Daddy Morton brought home a pretty round basket with a long handle. Such fun as he and Honey Bunch had packing it! They put in little packages of figs, wrapped in tinfoil paper. They put in dates and candy, wrapped in goldfoil paper. They polished apples, and tied a bow of ribbon on a large bunch of grapes, and tried to make everything look as pretty as they could. Wherever there was a little Chink left, they stuffed in raisins and nuts. “Why are you cracking the nuts, Daddy?” asked Honey Bunch, when her daddy began -i "3 , ,I 2 ,2 . w‘, “'5 ' ‘\ .4 ,A :1 41‘ v I ~ - ‘K .1“ ....§ " i" W}, A: $ é , 9 A :3 ,‘r‘ 5% *1 ‘ f ' ‘% .g :24 n. ‘ rd ”3, "a :5 :3. .a; p: y ,. A 128 ‘ HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL to open several English walnuts carefully with his knife. “This is a secret, but I’ll tell you,” he said, smiling. “You watch and see what happens, Honey Bunch.” So Honey Bunch watched, and she saw her daddy take out the nut meats and slip a bright new dime into the shells. Then he glued the two halves together again and really and truly you could not tell those nuts had ever been opened. He did this to a number of nuts and then scattered them around the basket. Honey Bunch stared and stared, but she could not tell Which nuts had money in and Which had not been opened. “How Will the little boy tell Where the money is, Daddy?” she asked anxiously. “He can’t tell,” said her daddy. “That is What makes the surprise. He’ll crack a nut and it will be good to eat; he’ll crack another nut and it Will be good to spend. And the basket Will amuse him till the last nut is gone.” Honey Bunch thought this was a very nice HONEY BUNCH: 129 J UST A LITTLE GIRL plan and she thought about it till bedtime. Then, when Mother came to kiss her good— night and put out the light, another thought popped into her head. “M other,” she said, “why didn’t the Lulu- man put his card inside a nut shell? Then it wouldn’t get lost and Daddy could have it.” “What made you think of that?” asked Mother. “I thought you had forgotten the card long ago. Daddy has, I am quite sure.” But Honey Bunch went to sleep thinking what a nice little cardcase a nut shell would make. She dreamed that she went to see the little lame boy with Daddy and when he opened the nut shells there was no money in them, but cunning little cards and every card said “Lulu.” Honey Bunch and her mother were very busy till Thanksgiving Day. Mother said she didn’t know what she should do if it wasn’t for Honey Bunch, and Mrs. Miller, who came the day before Thanksgiving to help, and on Thanksgiving Day, too, to wash the dishes,1 130 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL said she knew that Honey Bunch was going to grow up and be a famous housekeeper. Just as Honey Bunch had decided that the calendar was wrong and that Thanksgiving was still a week away, it came! The pies Honey Bunch had helped to make were ready, the table was set with the best tablecloth and napkins, and the silver was beautifully pol- ished. There were grapes and apples and oranges all piled into the glass fruit bowl in the middle of the table. Honey Bunch wore her best brown velvet dress and Mother wore her best silk dress and Daddy had on his new tie. It was Thanksgiving Day and no mis- take! Daddy went off to take the little lame boy his basket in the morning while Mother and Honey Bunch stuffed the turkey. Mother sewed him up with a needle and thread, just as if he had been a dress she was making. Honey Bunch said she thought he ought to be stitched on the sewing machine because Mrs. Miller had once told her that sewing machine stitching was very strong indeed; but Mother HONEY BUNCH: 131 J UST A LITTLE GIRL said that turkeys were never stitched up on the machine, so of course it wouldn’t do for their turkey. When the turkey was in the oven, Mrs. Miller came and then Honey Bunch andé Mother went into the parlor to watch for Daddy. “I shouldn’t be surprised if it snowed to- day,” said Mother, pinning back one of the curtains so they could see out into the street. “Oh, goody!” cried Honey Bunch, clapping her hands. “I wish it would snow. I wish it would snow so much that it would be up to the roofs of the houses!” “Why, Honey Bunch, you wouldn’t like that at all,” said her mother. “You couldn’t go out for weeks and weeks if that should happen.” ' “Why couldn’t I?” asked Honey Bunch, pressing her nose flat against the cold window pane. “Why couldn’t I go out, Mother?” “Because, if the snow was up to the roofs of the houses, think how deep it would be,” said 1M0ther. “It would be weeks and weeks be; ,i' ' J. a 3 .e w: a , . : ' o; ‘2 Li" .94 l '3: :2 ‘ 112' 4‘2 132 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL fore men could shovel paths through for the trolley cars and the automobiles and for grown-up people to walk. Little children would be buried in snow the moment they put their small feet outdoors.” “Well, then,” said Honey Bunch, “I wish it would snow just up to the windows. There comes Daddy!” She flew to the door to meet him and to ask him if the little lame boy liked his basket. “Don’t tell me I smell turkey!” cried Daddy Morton, wrinkling his nose. “Honey Bunch, do you know Whether we are going to have. turkey for dinner to-day?” Honey Bunch giggled and nodded. “Yes, we are,” she answered. “I helped Mother fix it, Daddy. He is all sewed up With a needle and thread. Did the little lame boy like his basket?” “To be sure he did,” said Daddy Morton. “I left him eating grapes and looking at the rest of the things when I came away. And if you’ll look inside this parcel, Edith,” he added, handing a long package to Honey HONEY BUNCH: 133 J UST A LITTLE GIRL Bunch’s mother, “you’ll find something for yourself.” Honey Bunch came close to Mother to watch her open the parcel. Inside were great, beautiful yellow Chrysanthemums, raggedy, handsome flowers Whose smell re¢ minded Honey Bunch of the woods Where she had gone one Saturday afternoon With Daddy. “Oh, David, how lovely!” cried Mrs. Mop ton. “We’ll have them on the table. Honey Bunch, aren’t they beautiful?” Honey Bunch spent the morning trotting backand forth between the parlor and the kitchen. She saw Mrs. Miller “baste” the turkey, Which had nothing to do With needle and thread. Honey Bunch had seen Mother baste her dresses, often, but When Mrs. Miller basted the turkey, she poured spoonfuls of gravy over it. Honey Bunch helped Mother fill the little candy and salted nut dishes and tasted a candy and a nut or two. She tied an orange ribbon on Lady Clare, And then, finally, dinner was ready. Every year Mrs. Morton invited three old ’, ,, . ‘1 “ ‘ ,,.",.',.~4»L..q' ‘fi'.:;<,.~ www.x-ir- Is'r4""’—‘:'f;‘ ‘1': ,' '.",'.'1‘ ""“, I ' " ‘- ,‘V.’ ’-' I" 1»;“-:~« ’r; ' ”“7 r». .1 , sunlwuur~V,-.{t~t..tut..».u;!.:aw "134 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL ladies who lived in an old ladies’ home to come to Thanksgiving dinner. They were sisters and their names were Miss Anna, Miss Mary and Miss Bertha Anderson. Mother told Honey Bunch that they were not exactly poor and they were not hungry; they were well taken care of in the home. “But they are lonely, for they have no one of their own to love them,” she said. “N 0 nice daddy, no little girl. I like them to come and be happy with us, and Daddy does, too.” Honey Bunch did not talk very much dur- ing dinner. Miss Mary talked a great deal and Miss Anna and Miss Bertha talked, too. They seemed to be hungry and they liked the dinner. Honey Bunch was sure they did. It was a very good dinner and Daddy gave Honey Bunch the wishbone of the turkey. She put it away to dry and then she intended to make a Wish With it. CHAPTER XII THE FIRST SNOW WHEN dinner was over, Honey Bunch Whispered to her mother that she would like to go outdoors and play a little while. The three old ladies wanted to sit in the parlor and knit and talk and that, of course, wasn’t very exciting for a little girl. “Don’t go far away from the house,” said. Mother, kissing Honey Bunch and coming out into the hall to help her into her coat. “And if you are cold, come in right away.” Honey Bunch jumped off the steps, two steps at a time. It was cold and there was no sunshine. The gray clouds seemed pretty close to the ground. Honey Bunch thought that she could have touched one, if she had been just a little taller. “Oh-hoo, Honey Bunch!” called Ida Camp, waving to her and hurrying across the street. 135 136 - HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “We had my aunt from the country for din- ner!” “We had three old ladies,” said Honey Bunch. _ “Oh, dear, it’s raining!” cried Ida, as some- thing wet struck her in the eyes. “I think it’s mean to rain.” “It’s snow!” cried Honey Bunch. “Ida, it’s snowing!” “It’s snowing! It’s snowing!” children be- ' gan to shriek up and down the street. “It’s snowing! It’s snowing!” they cried, dancing up and down in delight. You would have thought, from the noise they made, that they had never seen snow before. “Hurrah! We’re going to have a bliz- zard!” shouted Elmer Gray, 21 little boy Who lived two or three doors from Honey Bunch. “It’s going to be a blizzard and maybe there won’t be any school the rest of the winter," he cried. “That Elmer Gray makes a lot of fuss about everything,” said Ida. “Come on over to my, HONEY BUNCH: 137 J UST A LITTLE GIRL house, Honey Bunch, and let’s make ice» cream.” “I told Mother I wouldn’t go away from our house,” replied Honey Bunch. “Can’t We: make ice-cream here?” “I don’t remember how you make it, with: out asking,” said Ida, “but we can ask your mother.” They went in and found Mrs. Miller just putting away the last clean dish in the kitchen. “Don’t be bothering your mother, Honey Bunch,” she said, when she heard What the two little girls wanted. “I’ll tell you all about snow ice-cream. You take clean snow, :1 saucerful, and a little sugar and some vanilla and stir it up. And if you eat too much of it you’ll be sick sure.” “We’ll not eat too much of it, shall we, Ida?” said Honey Bunch. “Will you give us the sugar, Mrs. Miller?” “If you can find enough ice—cream, bring it in and I’ll help you,” said good-natured Mrs. Miller. . “I don’t believe you can find enough snow.” 138 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL But the flakes were whirling now and the ground was already white. There was not enough snow to scrape up, that is, clean snow, but Mrs. Miller said she had to do several more things before it was time for her to go home and she thought they could scrape up two saucerfuls of snow before she went. Sure enough, in another half hour, the snow was deep enough to sweep off the steps and Honey Bunch and Ida carefully took off some clean snow from the kitchen window sills. “Now I’ll pour in a drop of vanilla, like this,” said Mrs. Miller, holding the vanilla bottle first over one saucer and then the other. “And then in goes the powdered sugar, like this ” and she carefully put in the pow- dered sugar. “N ow then, Honey Bunch and Ida, stir away, and don’t make yourselves sick.” Honey Bunch and Ida carried their saucers out into the yard to eat the ice-cream. It tasted very good, and it was, as Honey Bunch said, “as cold as real ice-cream.” HONEY BUNCH: 139 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “I have to go home now,” Ida said, When she had finished her saucer. “My aunt is going away on the train and I have to say good-by to her.” After Ida had gone, Honey Bunch made herself a little slide on the walk in front of the house“ She was having a very good time, sliding up and down and singing a little song to herself, When some one came sliding in back of her and bumped into her so hard she nearly lost her balance and fell. It was Elmer Gray. “Who made the slide?” he asked. “I did,” said Honey Bunch. “Want to slide?” “It isn’t much of‘ a slide,” replied Elmer. “You ought to see the one I had last year out- side the school yard. It was a dandy, only the janitor put ashes on it, because so many people fell on it.” “I like my own slide,” said Honey Bunch happily. “Aren’t you glad it is snowing, Elmer?” 140 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Sure I am. I have a new sled,” answered Elmer. “Had your face washed yet, Honey Bunch?” , Honey Bunch looked at Elmer a little doubtfully. He could be very nice. Once he had climbed a tree and brought Lady Clare down for her when the cat was afraid to come down herself. But Elmer could also tease. Honey Bunch remembered once when he had frightened her very much by showing her a live mouse. I “Have to have your face washed the first time it snows,” said Elmer, scooping up a handful of snow. “Gives you nice red cheeks. Come on, Honey Bunch, let me wash your face for you.” He came running toward her and Honey Bunch turned and ran. She ran as hard as she could, up the street, and Elmer chased her, calling at every step: “Let me wash your face, Honey Bunch! Let me wash your face for you!” Honey Bunch was very sure she did not want her face washed with snow, but Elmer HONEY BUNCH: 141‘ J UST A LITTLE GIRL could run much faster than she could and he would surely have caught her if he had not dropped his handful of snow and stopped to scoop up another. Honey Bunch, running, dodged around some one on the walk, but Elmer ran right into the tall figure as he scrambled to his feet with the snow in his hand. “Here! Where are you bound for?” asked the some one. “It’s Ned!” cried Honey Bunch. Ned Camp was Ida’s oldest brother. He was in high school and Honey Bunch thought he must be quite grown up. Almost as old as Daddy Morton, perhaps. “Honey Bunch, is Elmer teasing you?” asked N ed, holding Elmer by his coat sleeve. “I wasn’t!” said Elmer. “No, I guess he isn’t teasing me,” replied Honey Bunch slowly, for she was out of breath from running. “You thought you’d wash her face With snow, didn’t you?” said Ned, surprising both 142 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL Elmer and Honey Bunch,'who did not see how he could ever have guessed the truth. “Well, Honey Bunch, I’ll hold this young man for you While you wash his face, if you like.” Honey Bunch shook her head. ~ “I don’t want to,” she said. “Then I’ll do it for you,” promised Ned, and he grabbed up a handful of snow and, in spite of Elmer’s kicking and wriggling, he rubbed his face thoroughly With the cold, wet flakes. “This will do you good,” said N ed, rolling Elmer in the snow When he had finished and then standing him upright again and brush- ing him off. “Now if you want to fight me, Son, go to it!” But Elmer, who was really a good-tempered lad, if he did like to torment his friends now and then, only laughed. “I don’t care, Ned Camp!” he cried. “You wait till you want some one to pick up balls for you next spring!” Ned played baseball on the high school HONEY BUNCH: 1443 J UST A LITTLE GIRL team and Elmer often went to watch them play and brought back the balls when they went out of bounds. ( “Don’t threaten me!” said Ned, pretending to be angry and starting for Elmer, who ran off home as fast as he could go, Ned chasing him through the snow. Honey Bunch ran after them, for she re- membered that she was not supposed to go away from the house. She found her daddy out on the steps looking for her and when she told him about Elmer, he understood that she could not help running off. Not very long after Thanksgiving, early in December, a most important day came. The day was Honey Bunch’s birthday. This year she would be five years old. “Will I have five candles on my birthHay cake, Mother?” she asked, a week or so be- fore her birthday. “Yes, indeed, dear,” answered Mrs. Mor- ton. “Five candles and that means five birth- day Wishes.” . ,. 42.. ~uwur—nu'ei‘*'~fi“.‘tm ": 1.717.}; : ' 4‘ 7 {112.1 ‘ . .431andrazumiké’ig'élfs.”LuLu.» hm; 1444 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “And that isn’t all,” said Daddy Morton who was reading his paper on the other side of the table. “There Will be ” “David! Sh!” cried Mrs. Morton, holding up her finger. “Is it a secret?” asked Honey Bunch. “Oh, Mother, is it a secret? Is it about my'birth— day, Mother?” “Yes, it is a secret,” her mother admitted, laughing. “You and your daddy are just alike, Honey Bunch; you are both bound to let the cat out of the bag. But this is one se- cret you Will not be able to guess before the time comes. I am going to sutprise you and you’ll never guess what the surprise is.” And though Honey Bunch wondered and wondered, When her birthday came she had not been able to guess the secret. CHAPTER XIII BIRTHDAY SURPRISES “WHEN did Daddy put Lady Clare in the rag bag?” asked Honey Bunch thoughtfully, tasting her good oatmeal. It was the morning of her birthday and she was five years old. Mother and Daddy had each kissed her five times before breakfast and here she was at the table eating oatmeal from a brand new blue bowl that, Mother said, was a present from Mrs. Miller. “I put Lady Clare in the rag bag? Never!” said Daddy Morton, looking puzzled. “Is the cat lost, Honey Bunch?” Honey Bunch shook her head. “No-o, Lady Clare isn’t lost,” she answered. “But—but Mother said you let the cat out of the bag. Didn’t you, Mother?” “I said he usually did and sometimes you helped,” said Mrs. Morton, laughing. “Only, 145 146 HONEY BUNCH: . J UST A LITTLE GIRL Honey Bunch, Mother wasn’t speaking of rag ‘ bags; I meant that you and Daddy like to tell secrets before the right time.” Honey Bunch didn’t see what secrets had to do with cats in bags, but she wisely decided not to think about that any longer. It was much more exciting to think about her birth- day and the surprises that were going to hap- pen. Mother had said there would be sur— prises. “Now, Honey Bunch,” said Mother when breakfast was over, “Daddy and I decided that you would have a better time if you didn’t have your presents all at once. They are hidden around the house and I think you’ll find them Without much trouble. And this noon Ida’s mother has asked you to have lunch with them.” Honey Bunch kissed Daddy good-by, her mind filled :vith thoughts of presents in tis- sue paper. Then, too, it would be fun to go to Ida’s house for lunch. Last year Ida had come to Honey Bunch’s house on her birth» HONEY BUNCH: 147 J UST A LITTLE GIRL day and they had had a party supper together. “NOW I’m five years old, I’m big enough to go visiting, I guess,” said Honey Bunch to herself. .. “Honey Bunch,” called Mrs. Morton from the kitchen, “Will you run upstairs and get me a clean handkerchief? You know where I keep them—in that little box in my top drawer.” Honey Bunch ran upstairs and into her mother’s room. She found the handkerchief box in the top drawer 0f the bureau, but there was something in the box besides handker— chiefs. The something was a little White package, tied With pink ribbon and With a little card tied to the ribbon. “Oh—my!” said Honey Bunch softly. “That’s a birthday present! I just know it’s a birthday present!” She did not forget to take a handkerchief for Mother, but how fast she ran downstairs!‘ She burst into the kitchen, waving the little White box. 148 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL “Mother!” she cried. “Mother! Look! Is it a birthday present? And it’s for me, isn’t it, Mother?” Mrs. Morton looked at the card on the box. “Why, dear, this is printed and you can read it,” she said. “See, Daddy has made the letters very plain: ‘To Honey Bunch With dear love from her daddy.’ What do you sup- pose is inside?” Honey Bunch sat down on the floor to open the package. Inside the white tissue paper she found a little white box. And inside the box, on a nest of pink cotton, was a small gold locket and chain. “Oh, Mother!” Honey Bunch held up the locket for her mother to see. “Look What Daddy gave me! I can wear it to Ida’s house, can’t I, Mother?” Mother said she might wear the locket and; chain and then she offered to fasten the clasp around Honey Bunch’s neck and, turning the locket over, the little girl found that her ini- tials were engraved on one side of the locket—w G. M. M.—and on the other side was a little ,‘HONEY BUNCH2‘ 149 J UST A LITTLE GIRL flower, a blue flower that her mother said was a forget-me-not. Honey Bunch was very proud of her new locket, and when the postman rang the door- bell, she danced to the door to show it to him. “Well, well, that is a pretty locket,” said the postman. “You don’t mean to tell me you have a birthday to—day? How old are you P” “I’m five years old,” said Honey Bunch. “And I’m going to have five candles on my birthday cake.” “I didn’t know you were five years old, but if you are, I think I have a parcel for you,” said the postman. “It’s for a girl who is five years old to—day and as you’re the first little girl I’ve seen who has a birthday this morn-- ing, I think I’ll give this to you,” and the jolly postman held out a flat brown package to Honey Bunch. “Mother!” shouted Honey Bunch, tumbling upstairs, for she knew her mother was mak« ing the beds now. “Mother! The postman brought me something because I’m five years old!” ‘ 150 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Well, you are having an exciting morn- ing,” said Mrs‘ Morton. “Let me out the string for you, dear. There—you dropped the card, Honey Bunch. That will tell you who sent the present. Why, it is from Miss Anna and Miss Bertha and Miss Mary!” They were the three old ladies, you remem— ber, who lived in the Old Ladies’ Home and Who came to Honey Bunch’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. Miss Anna had knit the little girl a pretty blue sweater. Miss Bertha had made a smaller sweater for her doll. Miss Mary had knitted a round cap for the doll. “Aren’t they lovely, Honey Bunch, to do all that work for you?” said Honey Bunch’s mother. “It takes a good many hours to make a sweater, and those dear old ladies must have knitted pretty steadily to finish this gift in time for your birthday. I remember they asked me Thanksgiving Day when you would be five years old.” Honey Bunch liked her sweater very much indeed and she said she would wear it to Ida’s house and also take Eleanor, in her new HONEY BUNCH: 151 J UST A LITTLE GIRL sweater and cap, With her to shdw Ida: “That Will be all right, won’t it, Mother?” asked Honey Bunch. “Because this is my birthday.” And Mother kissed her and said that peo- ple could do almost as they pleased on their birthdays and she thought it would be very nice for Honey Bunch and Eleanor to wear their new sweaters. “I wonder if you’ll have time to dust the hall table for me, Honey Bunch?” said Mother. “I’d like the house to look tidy on your birthday. Be sure you dust the lower Shelf, dearie.” . Honey Bunch loved to be useful, and she trotted downstairs and took the silk duster out of the bag in the back hall Where it was al- ways kept. Then she dusted ofi‘ the top of the hall table very carefully and put the vel- ~yet runner exactly in the center. Some little girls I know do not dust the lower shelves of the tables in their houses. They think that no one can see the dust there. But Honey Bunch was not like that. She 152 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL began to dust the lower shelf of the hall table quite as carefully as she had dusted the top. Away back, in the corner of the shelf, near the wall, her dust cloth hit something hard. It was a box! Honey Bunch reached under and pulled out the box. Dear me, it was another birthday present! Honey Bunch threw the duster down and started for the stairs. Her mother was just wming down. “Mother!” cried Honey Bunch. “Look! Another present!” She and Mother sat down on the stairs and opened the box right away. Inside there was a slip of paper that read “To my Honey Bunch With love from Mother.” Honey Bunch had to stop then and kiss Mother and then she went on to open the box. Inside was a trunk, 21 doll’s trunk, and in- side the trunk was a small doll and “enough clothes to last her a year,” as Daddy said when he saw them that night. Honey Bunch had wanted a “little doll” for a long time, and HONEY BUNCH: 153 J UST A LITTLE GIRL she was so pleased with this gift that she hugged Mother again and named the doll “Edith” right on the spot. She already had three dolls named for her mother but, as she explained, she could change their names eas- ily. Before it was time for Honey Bunch to go to Ida’s she had found three more gifts; at set of dolls’ furniture in the box Where her best shoes were kept; new hair-ribbons in her own handkerchief box; and a glass jar of candy standing on the shelf where the toothpaste was in the bathroom. “Daddy did that,” said Mrs. Morton, when Honey Bunch called her to come and see. “He said he thought if you found some candy on that shelf you might remember more eas— ily to brush your teeth.” When Honey Bunch was dressed in her pretty blue and White Challis dress, with Miss Anna’s sweater over it and her locket and chain around her neck, she looked just like a birthday girl. Her mother said so. “I’d like to take Edith, but she’s so small 154s HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL she couldn’t sit at the table,” said Honey Bunch. “And then Eleanor knows Mrs" Camp and Edith doesn’t.” So the Eleanor doll in her new sweater and cap went to Ida’s house for lunch with her little mother and the new doll stayed at home. Ida was very glad to see Honey Bunch. So was Mrs. Camp. There were only the two little girls and Ida’s mother at the lunch- eon table, for Ned did not come home from school at noon. Eleanor had a seat next to Honey Bunch, and though she did not say a word she smiled all the time, and no one can find fault with a doll who always smiles. Mrs. Camp said that as it was Honey Bunch’s birthday, she thought she would have pink roses for the center of her table, and very beautiful the flowers looked. Honey Bunch thought they did not look exactly like the pink roses she remembered in her garden in summer, but she was too polite to ask ques- tions. “We have creamed chicken, ’cause this is HONEY BUNCH: 155 J UST A LITTLE GIRL your birthday,” said Ida, When they sat down at the table. They had little baskets of candy, chocolate drops in spun sugar baskets, at each place and a pretty paper doll with “Honey Bunch” and “Ida” written in gold letters on the skirts. And from each place a pink ribbon streamer ran back to the bunch of roses. “When Will it be time for me to give Honey Bunch her present, Mother?” Ida asked, When the maid had brought in the vanilla ice-cream and the round, pink-iced cakes that went with it. “I think you might give it to her now," said Mrs. Camp. So Ida slipped off her chair and went into the parlor and came back in a moment With a bundle Which she gave to Honey Bunch, a little shyly. “I wish you many happy returns of the 'day,” she said politely. Honey Bunch let her ice-cream melt while she opened the bundle. In it was a rag dog, a rag cat and two rag puppies and two rag 156 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL kittens. They were stuffed with soft cotton and painted and they looked very real indeed. _ “Lady Clare won’t mind that kind, will she?” said Ida. Honey Bunch was so happy she could hardly talk. Ida had a set of rag animals like this and she had played with them often. She had wished she could have rag dogs of her own, and now here they were, and exactly the kind Ida had. “I love you very much, Ida,’ said Honey Bunch. And there is no better way to say “thank you” for a birthday gift, or any other kind of gift, is there? “Don’t forget to pull your ribbons,” said Mrs. Camp, smiling at the two little friends. Then Honey Bunch learned she was sup- posed to pull the pink ribbon at her place. The bouquet of roses fell apart—they were make-oelieve flowers—and tied to the other end of the ribbons were little favors. Honey Bunch had a set of celluloid animals that would float and Ida had a soap bubble set. “And now let’s play,” suggested Ida, at ) HONEY BUNCH: 157 J UST A LITTLE GIRL though she had been anxious to play with Honey Bunch for several minutes. They were having a grand time with the soap bubble set and the rag animals, to say nothing of floating the celluloid ducks in the bathtub, when Mrs. Camp came upstairs and said it was time for Honey Bunch to go home. “I hate to break up your fun, dear,” she said, “but I promised your mother you would be home at three o’clock. And it is five min- utes of, now.” “Oh, Mother!” cried Ida, “we’re just begin: aing to have a good time. Couldn’t you tel- ephone Mrs. Morton that Honey Bunch will be home at four o’clock?” “I couldn’t,” said Mrs. Camp, shaking her head. “I promised this little girl should be at home at three o’clock, and home she must be when the clock strikes three.” So Honey Bunch took off the oilcloth apron Mrs. Camp had tied over her frock to keep it dry, and she put the ducks back in the box and wrapped up; the rag animals and took her candy basket in one hand and shook hands ......... S. :9? ‘ 3% .. i. #5 A .2, 3": 1 tr '2 158 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL with Mrs. Camp With the other. Then she picked up Eleanor and started downstairs. “I’ve had a lovely time,” said Honey Bunch. Then she kissed Ida and trotted across the street to her own house. The clock on the mantel struck three just as Honey Bunch stepped up on the porch. Some one inside opened the door for her. CHAPTER XIV FIVE COUSINS HONEY BUNCH tried to look behind the door. She thought perhaps her daddy had come home and was hiding from her. But it was not Daddy Morton back of the front door. “Boo!” cried some one, and her cousin, Bobby Turner, jumped out at her. “Hello!” he said, laughing at Honey Bunch who was so surprised she couldn’t think of a word to say. , “Hello!” “Hello!” “Hello!” three little voices cried, and three little girls came run- ning out of the parlor. They were cousins, too, Tess, Bobby’s twin sister, Julie Somerset, and Mary Morton Who was always called “Stub.” Her nickname had been given her because she was a little girl who stubbed her toes very often when she 159 160 HONEY BUNCH: ' J UST A LITTLE GIRL walked. She never minded it, either being called “Stub” 0r stubbing her toes, and she was so good-natured that she made “Stub” 'seem a jolly kind of name for a girl to have” “Are you surprised?” asked Stub, giving Honey Bunch a kiss. “Of course I’m s’prised,” said Honey Bunch. “Isn’t it nice? Does Mother know you’ve come?” “She invited us,” laughed Bobby. “We all came on the two—thirty train. Say, Honey Bunch, we thought you were never coming home.” The cousins were the surprise Mother and Daddy had planned for Honey Bunch on her birthday. Daddy had almost told her, but Mother had stopped him in time. “That’s why Mother told Mrs. Camp I Just come home at three o’clock,” thought Honey Bunch, following the cousins back into the parlor where her mother was. Truth to tell, Honey Bunch felt the least bit shy With these four cousins. They did not HONEY BUNCH: 161' J UST A LITTLE GIRL live near and she saw them only “once in a while,” as Bobby said. Stub was nearest her age, and Stub was six years old. She lived Honey Bunch knew, on a large farm in the country, a farm where Honey Bunch’s father had often gone when he was a little boy. Julie Somerset was a little brown girl, about seven years old. She had blue eyes, but her skin was brown because she played on the beach so much. Julie lived at the seashore and she could tell you all about shells and little sand crabs and when she grew up she meant to have a sailboat of her own and go fishing every day. The twins were the oldest of the cousins. They were eight, going on nine, and they, of course, went to school and knew a great deal about arithmetic and geography. They knew about other things, too, for they lived in New York City and crossed two car tracks to go to school every morning. Bobby took care of Tess, who was careless, and when he wasn’t )aughing at her he was helping her with her 162 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL lessons or mending something for her. Tess broke the toys and Bobby mended them and that was surely a very good plan. “What’s in the bundle?” asked Stub, point~ ing to the package Honey Bunch carried. “Those are my rag animals,” explained the birthday girl, unwrapping the parcel. “Ida Camp gave them to me.” She showed them the things she had brought home from Ida’s and her locket and chain and the other gifts she had found around the house that morning. Before she had finished show- ing and explaining, all five cousins were chat- tering away as though they had always lived in the same house. “Did you have any snow Thanksgiving?” asked Stub. “We went coasting in the after» noon and I steered right into a tree.” “Gee, we had only a few flakes in New York,” said Bobby. “Anyway, when it does snow, they shovel it off the streets so fast we can’t have any fun. I’d like to see a real snowstorm just once and build a fort.” Julie said it had rained at the seashore over HONEY BUNCH: 163 J UST A LITTLE GIRL the holiday, and she added that she didn’t like snow. “I like to play in it,” said Honey Bunch. “I Wished 1t would snow up to the roof of the houses on Thanksgiving, but Mother said the trolley cars couldn’t run if it was as deep as that.” “The deepest snow there ever was wouldn’t bother New York,” boasted Bobby. But before the others could ask him what he meant, Daddy Morton came in and Mother with him. “Let’s have a fire so we can see how these cousins really look,” said Daddy Morton, smiling. “I like to see faces in the glow of a wood fire. How about it, Bobby?” “I’ll help you build a fire, Uncle David,” cried Bobby eagerly, and he went down cellar with his uncle and helped him bring up some wood and the kindling to start the fire. “I’ll sit down a little while and enjoy the fire before I begin to get supper,” said Mrs. Morton, dropping down on the divan and tak- ing Honey Bunch in her lap. Stub sat on one 164 ” HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL side of her and Julie on the other and Tess and Bobby sat on either arm of Daddy Mor- ton’s big arm Chair. “Now that’s What I call a good blaze!” said Daddy Morton, as the flames roared up the chimney. “Stub knows what a wood fire is, don’t you, Stubble?” Stub smiled and nodded. “When it snows, or is very cold, Daddy keeps the fireplace going all night,” she said. “He puts in a big back log and it Will smol- der all night and start a fire in the morning.” “Oh, Bobby!” Honey Bunch sat up straight so suddenly she almost bumped Mother’s chin. “Bobby, you said the biggest snow there ever was wouldn’t bother New York. Why wouldn’t it?” “Bobby, are you boasting about New York already?” asked Daddy Morton, laughing at Bobby, who turned a little red but looked de- termined. “Well, Honey Bunch said if the snow came up to the roofs here the trolley cars wouldn’t run,” he said. "-f HONEY BUNCH: 165 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Can the trolley cars run when the snow is up to the roofs in New York?” asked Stub. “I don’t believe it.” “I didn’t say they could,” said Bobby. “I never saw snow up to the roof. But if it did snow and snow and snow, you could still ride on the subways; snow wouldn’t stop them.” Honey Bunch was so excited her hair- ribbon stood straight up. Her cheeks were as red as the heart of the fire. “Subways!” she cried in amazement. “Oh, Bobby, how can you ride on him?” Tess laughed and Bobby stared at his little cousin. “Him?” he repeated. “Who said anything about him? What are you talking about, Honey Bunch? I said subways, not him.” “But that’s 3 him,” persisted Honey Bunch. “He’s a man. You can’t ride on a man, Bobby Turner. I don’t believe you can, even in New York.” Daddy and Mother Morton looked at each other smiling. The other children looked at Honey Bunch. Every one thought the little 166 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A. LITTLE GIRL girl did not understand what Bobby was saying. ’ “ “Now you listen, Honey Bunch Morton,” said Bobby slowly, the way he spoke when he was explaining an arithmetic lesson to his sis- ter, Tess. “The subway is a railroad; they run all about New York, deep down in the ground. No matter how much it snows or rains up in the streets, none of it gets into the subways. They’re always warm and dry. When you come to see us, Mother will take us all riding on them, won’t she, Tess?” “I guess I know!” cried Honey Bunch, very much in earnest. “Mr. Subways was a man. He isn’t any old railroad under the ground. He came to see Daddy and Daddy wasn’t homemhe’d gone to Washington. So there!” This time it was Mrs. Morton who sat up very straight. Her checks were almost as red as those of Honey Bunch. “David! That was the name of the man who came to see you 1” she said eagerly. “Mr. HONEY BUNCH: 167 J UST A LITTLE GIRL Subways—of course! I remember it now! And it was such an odd name I thought I’d 'be sure to remember it always!” “He was a man, wasn’t he, Mother?” said Honey Bunch. “I should say he was!” answered Daddy Morton, looking pleased. “I know Who he is perfectly well. I’ll send him a night letter after supper. That case has taken a turn again to—day, Edith,” he added to Honey Bunch’s mother, “and I think Mr. Subways and I can probably save several thousand d01- lars.” Honey Bunch was so glad she had remem- bered the name of the man that she was will— ing to let Bobby insist that subways were really a system of railroads that ran under- ground. Honey Bunch did not really think a railroad could run underground, and Juhe and Stub were inclined to agree with her. But Tess and Bobby said that every one rode "on the subways in New York. “Wait till you come to see us and we’ll show you,” promised Bobby. 168 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Maybe I won’t want to ride under the ground,” said Honey Bunch. But she did—oh, my, yes, she did, of course ”when she went to the big city of New York to visit Bobby and Tess. When she went vis- iting and what happened to her in that great City I’ll tell you by and by. Mrs. Morton had gone out to get supper ready while the children talked, and in a few minutes she came back to ask them to come out into the dining-room. “Oh—ah!” every one cried, and no wonder. In the middle of the table was a beautiful White birthday cake with five pink candles blazing merrily. “Honey Bunch—j years old” was written on the top of the cake in chocolate icing. There was a red “cracker” at each child’s plate and two platters of sand- wiches and a cup of cocoa for each one with whipped cream floating on the top. “Make your wishes, Honey Bunch,” said her daddy, lifting her up to stand on her chair. “Make your wishes and blow out the candles.” Honey Bunch shut her eyes very tight and HONEY BUNCH: 169 J UST A LITTLE GIRL made four wishes. She couldn’t think of am other, so she opened her eyes and blew. Four candles sputtered and died out and Daddy blew on the fifth and that stopped burning. “Only four of your wishes will come true,” said Bobby, as they sat down. _ “I made only four,” answered Honey Bunch. “One was that it would snow antl one was that Lady Clare could sleep on my bed and one was that I could have all the candy I want and the other was Daddy would stay home and play With me all day.” They all laughed, and Daddy Morton said that she wouldn’t need him now she had four cousins to play with. “They’ll be here all day to—morrow, Honey Bunch,” he said, “and you must play every game you can think of. You don’t often have four playfellows, do you?” “Let’s play hide—and~seek,” suggested Stub. “This would‘be a dandy house for a game like that.” “How do you know?” asked Bobby. “You never saw this house before.” 170 ‘ HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Yes, I have,” said Stub. “Haven’t I been here before, Aunt Edith? Once when I was six months old, Mother brought me. She told me so.” “I don’t believe you can remember much about the house,” grumbled Bobby, but it was decided that the next day the five cousins should have a grand game of hide-and-seek. “Make as much noise as you want,” said Honey Bunch’s mother. “I don’t mind noise at all.” CHAPTER XV HIDE-AND-SEEK THE next morning Stub announced that they must have all the fun they could because she had to go home that afternoon. Tess and Bobby and Julie were going home, too. They all attended school, and when you go to school it is very important not to miss a sin- gle day. Stub said it was lucky Honey Bunch had her birthday on F riday, because she had to miss only the part of school that “didn’t count.” “F ridays, in the morning we go walking for flowers and plants and things,” explained Stub. “And afternoons we recite; so it doesn’t matterif you do miss Friday at school.” “How can you look for plants when it’s Winter?” asked Tess, who was a city girl. “Nothing grows in the winter time.” “Some things do,” said Stub" “And our 17’} 172 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL teacher makes us tell the different kinds of trees from the bark. I guess you can’t tell a maple tree when it hasn’t any leaves on, just by looking at the bark, can you?” “I don’t know a maple tree, anyway,” re- plied Tess. “But I know all about the pic- tures in the Art Museum. I’ll bet you don’t.” They might have gone on talking about their schools all the morning if Bobby, who didn’t see any sense in talking of school When there was something else to do, had not sug- gested that they play some game. “I thought we were going to play hide-and- seek,” he said. “Aunt Edith said we could make all the noise we wanted to.” Bobby liked to make a noise. Sometimes his daddy said he could make more noise than any boy on the block. “All right, let’s play hide-and-seek,” agreed Honey Bunch. She loved to hear the children talk about school, but she was an unselfish little girl and always tried to do as she thought her friends wanted her to. If Bobby wanted to play, she was willing. HONEY BUNCH: 173 J UST A LITTLE GIRL The little girls would have liked to play with the dolls, but of course dolls didn’t in- terest Bobby. He had suggested, at break— fast, that Honey Bunch let him see if he could hit the birds who came to the yard to eat the bread Mother threw out for them with the rag animals Ida had given Honey Bunch. “They’re so soft they won’t hurt a bird,” argued Bobby. “I’d like to see if I could hita sparrow at long range.” But Honey Bunch wouldn’t hear of this, so there was nothing left for Bobby to do but play games. “I’ll be ‘It’ the first time,” said Tess good- naturedly. “We’ll go upstairs, and it’s no fair hiding anywhere off the second floor. Hurry up.” The five children ran upstairs, Honey Bunch With cheeks as pink as roses. She had not known what fun it was to have four cous- ins to play with. She was used to amusing herself, and this having company, she thought. was about the nicest thing that had ever hap+ pened to her. 174' (HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL Upstairs, Tess hid her face in the soft pil- low on Mrs. Morton’s bed and the other chil— dren tiptoed away to hide Bobby crawled under a couch, Stub climbed into the clothes hamper in the hall, Julie hid behind a chair in the sewing room, and Honey Bunch wrapped herself in the curtain that hung be- tween her own room and her daddy’s and mother’s room. “One-two-three—four-five—” began Tess, counting aloud. She counted up to ten. Then she opened her eyes and started to look for the others. While she was exploring the hall Julie and Bobbie ran “home” safe, and When she was poking the couch pillows in the guest room Stub climbed out of the hamper and ran into Mrs. Morton’s room without being seen. But Honey Bunch, Who didn’t know how to play as well as the others, waited till she heard Tess walking past her and then jumped out and said “B00!” Tess had to laugh, and the others laughed, too, and Honey Bunch laughed With them, 'HONEY BUNCH: 175 J UST A LITTLE GIRL though she didn’t know What they were laugh- ing about. “Now you have to be ‘It,”’ said Tess to her little cousin. “You mustn’t let the one Who is ‘It’ see you before you get home, Honey Bunch. Come on, we’ll hide. Honey Bunch is ‘It.’ ” “She didn’t understand, so I don’t think it’s fair to make her be ‘It,’ ” said Bobby sturdily. “You give her another chance, Tess.” “I’d like to be ‘It,’ ” cried Honey Bunch. “I’d like it just as much! ‘ You go hide.” So Honey Bunch buried her head in the pillow on her mother’s bed and counted as she had heard Tess do. Every one got home safe except Bobby. He really let Honey Bunch find him, because he didn’t want her to have to be “It” again. “Hide all over the house,” said Bobby gen— erously. “I don’t care Where you hide. I’ll find you or tag you before you get in. And I’ll count twenty-five, too, so you’ll have all the time you want to hide.” 176 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL This was most exciting, and the children scattered as Bobby began to count. “Let’s hide together—you and me,’ Whis- pered Tess to Honey Bunch. “Where is a good place? Some place Bobby will neVer think to look.” “In the back hall there’s a closet Where Mother keeps the brooms and dust cloths,” said Honey Bunch. “All right, we’ll hide there—come on,” an- swered Tess, pulling Honey Bunch along by the hand. They reached the closet. It was large and deep. There were brooms and dust cloths and a dust pan hanging in neat little racks against the wall and several pails and mops. Mrs. Miller did not like to have to go down to the kitchen to get a pail When she wanted to Wipe up the second-story floors. “This is a good place,” said Tess, pulling the door close after them. “I don’t believe Bobby Will ever look here.” The back hall was a little shut off from the rest of the house by an archway and you did ’ HONEY BUNCH: 177 J UST A LITTLE GIRL not see the closet door at all when you looked through the arch. “There, he’s begun to hunt,” said Tess, peeping through the small crack she had left. “Oh, my, he’s coming this way!” She pulled the door shut. There was a lit- tle click. It was perfectly dark in the closet and rather warm. “Where is he now?” Whispered Honey Bunch, holding fast to Tess’s hand. “Sh!” Whispered back Tess. “He’s out in the other hall. I hear him opening and shut- ting doors.” The two little girls sat very still for What seemed a long time to Honey Bunch. Once‘ or twice they thought they heard iaughter, as though Bobby had found the hiding place of some one. Then it was quite still again. “Do you know What I think?” said Tess, “I think he’s sitting out there in the hall, near the stairs. Then he can see every one Who tries to come up or down. Well, he won’t catch us that way.” am. 331‘s? .3“ 3 13’ v-:-, i ' [78 ' HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL “No, he won’t catch us that way,” repeated Honey Bunch. By and‘by Tess said she thought they might venture out. “We can go down the back stairs and up the other way,” she said. “Even if we’re tagged, I’d rather be ‘It’ than stay in this hot closet any longer.” “Yes, let’s go,” said Honey Bunch. Tess fumbled With the door a few minutes. “Why, Honey Bunch, where’s the knob on this door?” she asked in surprise. “It’s there,” answered Honey Bunch. “I’ll open it for you.” But though Honey Bunch passed her little hands all Over the place Where the door knob ought to be, she couldn’t find it. “Hasn’t it any door knob?” asked Tess grossly. “All our doors at home have door knobs.” “Course we have door knobs,” said Honey Bunch. “I’ll find it in a minute.” But the more she tried to find it, the more it seemed that she must have made a mistake. HONEY BUNCH: 179 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “I’m so hot that I don’t know what to do,” declared Tess. “Suppose we never get out of here, Honey Bunch? I don’t believe we ever shall!” ,_ Honey Buneh felt like crying. She was? hot, too, and she certainly didn’t want to stay in that dark closet all the rest of her life. “I’ll kick on the door,” she said hopefully. “Mother will come and get us.” But though she kicked and Tess helped her kick; no one came. “Doesn’t any one ever come to this closet?” asked Tess. “Mrs. Miller does,” replied Honey Bunch. “She comes Fridays to clean and she uses the mops that are in here.” “Then we’ll have to stay here till Friday,” said Tess, who was not feeling very cheerful that morning. “To-day is Saturday. We’ll have to stay in here a week and my mother won’t know where I am and your mother won’t know where you are.” Two tears rolled down Honey Bunch’s cheeks. 180 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRL “I’ll kick some more,” she said bravely. “We could kick it down, maybe.” “I think we’d better yell,” said Tess. “Your mother might not like us to kick the door down.” So both together, they shouted. In a few moments they heard Bobby shouting, too, and he was screaming: “Where are you? Where are you?” “In the closet!” cried Tess and Honey Bunch. “In the hall closet!” Then Bobby and Julie and Stub came run~ ning into the back hall and the girls in the closet heard them fumbling at the door. It opened and the rush of light made Honey Bunch blink her eyes. “Why didn’t you open the door?” asked Bobby. “We waited and waited for you and then I heard you making a heap of noise.” “We couldn’t find the door knob,” explained Tess. Bobby looked at the door. It had a spring catch on the outside, but the inside was per- fectly smooth. 'HONEY BUNCH: 181 J UST A LITTLE GIRL “Gee, I suppose you shut the door and it locked,” said Bobby, who understood about doors and locks and bolts, as most boys do. “‘Then, of course, you couldn’t open it from inside there.” “But where’s the door knob?” asked Tess, and Honey Bunch stared at the door as though she would like to see the door knob, too. “There isn’t any,” said Bobby. “Nothing but this catch.” “What a silly door to have!” exclaimed Tess. This wasn’t very polite, but then being shut up in a dark closet might have made her forget her manners. “We don’t have doors like that in our house. When you come to see us in New York, Honey Bunch, you won’t get fastened in a closet without any door knob.” “No, but you can’t play hide-and-seek all over the house, either,” declared Bobby. “Because we live in an apartment.” Honey Bunch didn’t know whether she wanted to go to see Bobby and Tess in New York or not. She was having a very good 182 HONEY BUNCH: J UST A LITTLE GIRL time in her own house. But when she did go to visit her cousins she had a good time, ’too, and saw much stranger things than doors. without door knobs. What these things were, and what happened to Honey Bunch in the, great city of New York you’ll have to read in another book about her, to be called, “Honey Bunch: Her First Visit to the City.” It will take a whole book to tell you, so you may know Honey Bunch had an exciting time. “Stop talking about doors,” said Bobby now, very sensibly, “and come on and play. Let’s go out and play tag. It isn’t a bit cold.” And we’ll leave the five little cousins get- ting ready for their game of tag, with Honey Bunch wondering if they played tag in New York. THE END <9‘ .3, t? 2 , n‘ M. w... .n ; w a aw, b. r. .7,” u} L‘: .,. u 4*” "- '5- Hiké‘ér ; ' .;x- ; ' * «I now”. m. ,. ‘ ml i2 ' ' win“. ”W 7’” "W9 2, 47/” M3720 Wm. §§§L1W% an» w