Ae . Ch My 3 ww Re . moti Sie a bi epee he oeae ta Fescrentin ee Huseee inet ae eaas £ SUNT e es Be hee eeecens Snp ot iH i nt ¢ \ if ca be A 0 o 0 ns S ‘ ‘ 5 5 x i , < % ‘ o 5 i ‘ a ° D A} A f % Ny oi ‘ is H 5 ts RAG ‘ f phar y) ‘ G i i i . 7American Catalog FOUNDED BY Fo LEY POlgpa pay | 1576-1884 f BOOKS RECORDED | INCLUDING REPRINTS* AND IMPORTATIONS) JULY 1, 1878#.JUNE 30, 1884 2 COMPILED UNDER DERE: DDITROR TAT. DIRECTION OF K. R&R. BOWKER / BY : Miss A. I. APPLETON eT A UTHOR-AND-TITLE ALPHABET We SUB SE Ome A EP HA DMT, Es Oe ) @ NE We Y OR K | OFFICE OF THE PUBLISHERS’ “WEEKLY 7 1885THE MEMORY OF Srevderich Leppoldt A MARTYR TO HIS ZEAL IN THE CAUSE HE MADE HIS OWN OF UNLOCKING TO THE WORLD OF READERS TREASURE-HOUSE OF BOOKSPee hea ie Tae American Catarocue of 1876 is the monument of Frederick Leypoldt. For many years it was his chief purpose in life to lay the foundation of an American bibliographical system on which there might be built a structure worthy of the future of literature in this country. With what enthusiasm, at what cost, he pursued that ] urpose, so far as it was given him to do, only those nearest to him ean ever know. When he died, at the close of a life which was short measured in years but long measured by the work which was crowded into it. he had accomplished indeed only the foundation, and the fulfilment of his plans rests with others. It is the bibliographer who of all men has most occasion to realize the imperfection of human endeavor. Completeness in bibliography is an ignis fatuus that eludes even the closest pursuit and the most painstaking accuracy. The American Caratogur of 1876, more than most publications, was subject to this difficulty, and no one appreciated it more keenly than Mr. Leypoldt. The earlier work of Roorbach and Kelly had been most useful in its way, but it had attempted only very modest and circumscribed results. Those who took up the work of compiling a catalogue of the books in print and for sale in this country at the date of July 1st, 1876, had not only the most imperfect, but the most mis- leading, material to deal with, the first consequence of which was a delay as costly as are delays proverbially, putting out of the question any hope of pecuniary return. The burden which Mr. Leypoldt took upon himself was indeed a heavy one intellectually, but it was still heavier financially, and when he died the enterprise had not only failed to pay him a penny for his own labor, but had involved an actual loss in money amounting to some thousands of dollars. The delay was caused chiefly by the incompleteness and inaccuracy of publishers’ catalogues, on which the work itself was based, and by the difficulty of learning the facts as to the volumes issued by the small publishers scattered throughout this wide land. ‘That so few imperfections and omissions were found in the CaraLocurn is the greatest of all compliments both to its editor and to its compilers. The original scheme of the enterprise included the issue, at intervals of about five years, of additional volumes containing the full record of publications in America from the issue of the previous volume. ‘The present is the first of that series. The very serious delay in the original CATALOGUE, caused by the search among the smaller publishers, made it absolutely =) necessary that the present work should be at least based upon the bibliographical record of the ‘* Publishers’ Weekly,” the organization of which had been- continuously improved to make it represent fairly the actual book production of this country. Mr. Leypoldt’s own conception of the work, after the discouragement of the previous volumes, seemed to have been limited to this record; but it is difficult to speak with certainty on this point, and, in fact, the chief difficulty in planning and editing the present work has come from the sudden- ness with which he was called away from his labors without opportunity to record in full his own plans. The present editor has, however, endeavored to supply as many gaps as prac- ticable outside of that record; but it was not practicable to postpone the work until such search among the smaller publishers as was made in 1876 could be again made, for in that case the work would not have been issued until it would have been virtually out of date. As it is, the first alphabet was issued in November, 1884, within four months of the time at which the entries stopped, —a promptness which is believed notable in the history of cata- loguing,, and the second is finished in March, 1885. The present work follows essentially thev1 Preface. plan of the original American Caratocur. The first alphabet contains the entry under author’s name and the entry under first word of title in the case of novels, juveniles, plays and poems, and of other works whose title is not essentially a subject-title. The second alphabet contains the entry under specific subject, novels, juveniles, plays, etc., of course excepted. These two alphabets have been paged separately and duplicate title-pages fur- nished, so that the work may be bound either as one volume or two, according to the subscriber’s individual pleasure and convenience. The CaraLocur embraces reprints, such importations as are kept in stock, publications of learned societies, the law reports of the United States and State courts, and, in an appendix, the Government publications within certain limits. It has not been attempted to include local directories, periodicals, sheet-music, books chiefly blank, unbound maps, tracts, and other low-priced pamphlets. The present editor has attempted, as stated, to fill such gaps in the bibliographical record of the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly” as became evident, particularly in the case of the ‘‘ cheap libra- until some years after 99 ries,’ which were not recorded as books in the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly their start. Doubtless, however, a great number of issues from the smaller and subscription publishers have not been covered, despite several endeavors in this direction. Every effort has been made to reach publishers, through the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly,” by direct circulars, and by invitation on the covers of the separate parts of the CaTaLoGurE itself, so as to secure the com- pletion of the CaTraLoGuE by the supply of missing entries. So far as this material came to hand it is given in the last pages of the work. It is hoped that any publisher who notices the omission of any book will send the full bibliographical particulars to the office of the ‘‘ Pub- lishers’ Weekly,” where it will be properly registered for future use, and that he will hereafter supply, week by week, either his books as issued, or the necessary bibliographical transcripts of their titles. It has not been attempted in the present volume to follow mere changes of pub- lishers, or changes in price of works, entered in the AmericAN CaTaLocue of 1876. It proved on inquiry that their importance would not justify the space they required and the delay that would be necessitated in procuring them. Whatever omissions may be found, it is hoped that the CaTALOGUE, with all its imperfections, may be of definite and decided value tousers of books, and may be another step toward a more perfect bibliographical system in the immediate future. The remarkable feature of American book-production within the period covered by this CaTALOGUE has been the issue of the ‘‘ cheap libraries.” As has been stated, these were not at first registered in the ‘* Publishers’ Weekly,” and this CaraLrocur had progressed some pages before the present editor discovered that Mr. Leypoldt’s plan had not included them in his eol- lection of material for it. A, B, and C, therefore, are imperfect as regards earlier numbers of 3 the ‘* Franklin Square,” the ‘‘ Seaside,’’ and other libraries, but thereafter the publisher’s lists of these libraries haye been used, and it is hoped the record is approximately complete. In a number of cases there have been changes of price, which it has been difficult to follow. Where changes have been discovered in the case of new editions the latest price has as a rule been given. In addition to the well-known libraries there has been a great variety of other series, many of them trashy and sensational literature of the baser sort. Some of these series it has not been practicable to include within the limits of this CaTatocuE; for the most part they are sold by newsdealers as periodicals rather than by booksellers as books. The treatment of Government publications has been one of the great problems of the present Cararoeus. Since October, 1882, the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly,” by arrangement with gentlemen of the Smithsonian Institute working beyond their salaried hours, has printed a quarterly list of Government issues, a list which from January, 1885, is given monthly. It was at first proposed to include in the body of the Caratocgur, Government publications during the eight years, and to treat them topically in the second alphabet. This, however, would not have been practicable without delaying the whole work probably for at least six months. Jt was then planned to include all such titles in an appendix at the end of the work. Careful inquiry, including personal visits to Washington on the part of the editor, proved, however, that the material even for this was not in satisfactory shape, the Smithsonian and other records having been properly organized only since 1880. Moreoyer, the Government, at Do; Preface. Vil € an expenditure already amounting to $50,000 for editorial and kindred labor, had caused to be compiled an approximately complete list of issues of the Government from its beginning through the session of Congress which terminated in March, 1881. That important volume, edited by Mr. B: Perley Poore, may be expected during the present year. The plan adopted, therefore, was to provide a continuation of the record of that volume (beginning, however, with the even date, January 1, 1881) up to July 1, 1884. The separate lists of ‘‘ series” and of publishing societies, also following the second alpha- bet, were determined upon at the last moment, in pursuance of the example of similar features in the English Catalogue. The individual volumes of the series, entered, as a rule, under author and title in the body of the work, will be found grouped in the publishers’ own catalogues in the ‘* Publishers’ Trade-List Annual.” The publications of societies are given under their names, whenever responses to the circular letter, addressed to all, brought the necessary data, or the information could be got otherwise. It is hoped that both these features may be worked out more fully in future volumes. The list of publishers, which prefaces the first alphabet, gives the names of all whose books are entered in the main alphabet or the appendix. In the large cities street addresses (the latest) are given so far as possible, and where no addresses are given it is because most care- ful inquiry through the postal authorities and otherwise has failed to give trace. The name on the title-page of a book is the one always given in the catalogue; changes of firm are traced as far as practicable in the prefatory list. Many entered as publishers are, of course, State or other printers or authors printing only their own books. The methods of entry are detailed in the notes facing each alphabet and the list of Govern- ment publications. The entries, as in the original AmpricaAN CaraLogun, are generally in conformity with American bibliographical custom, following, as far as possible, the rules of the American Library Association. If has not been practicable, however, to give the size in exact letters, instead of the indefinite numbers, as it is hoped to do in future volumes. The main entry should be sought under the author’s name, or, in the case of anonymous books, under first word of title, the other title-entries and the subject-entries being more abridged. ‘The small ficures give the whole number of the ‘+ Publishers’ Weekly ” in which the original full entry is to be found ; an accompanying asterisk signifies that a descriptive note on the book will also be found there. ‘This is a feature of the CaraLoGur to which the editor calls the particular atten- tion of readers and students, as a bound set of the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly” can be found in most large libraries and in many bookstores. The arrangement in the subject volume is by specific subjects; not by general classes, Books upon kindred topics are not grouped under a general heading, but each is placed under the particular subject of which it treats. There are many cases of books with obscure, ambiguous, or meaningless titles, in which it has been impossible, in the absence of the books themselves, to determine with certainty their specific subjects; they have been placed under general subjects where these were evident, but in many cases there have doubtless been mis- takes, and perhaps ludicrous mistakes. For the reason stated it has not been practicable to await publishers’ replies to specific questions as to such books. The editor will be glad to receive any corrections in this as well as in other respects. The user of the subject alphabet should remember, in general, that by reference to a more general heading he will often find what might otherwise escape him on the specific subject or kindred topics. In searching for books on specific subjects the extended catalogue of bibliographic aids, prepared by Mr. Leypoldt personally, as a preface to the subject volume of the original American CATALOGUE, is still of the greatest value, and should be consulted by the student. The editor of the present volume, after recognizing first of all the primary obligation of this work to its founder, desires to acknowledge the very great service of Miss Augusta I. Apple- ton, of Boston, who,’by the courtesy of Mr. C: A. Cutter, of the Boston Atheneum, obtained leave of absence from that library to give her experience and trained skill to the work of com- pilation. Her chief assistant has been Miss M. B. Joy, to whose carefulness and good judgment much of the value of the work is due. ‘The original bibliographical record of the ‘* Publishers’vill Preface. Weekly,” upon which this is chiefly based, was compiled by Miss M. M. Monachesi, who has been the writer also of the valuable descriptive notes, and Mr. Adolphus Growoll, of that office, also deserves cordial acknowledgment for his work in the collection of material. A number of publishers, booksellers, and librarians have also kindly given their help in making the work approximately complete. The AmErIcAN CatTaLocueE is the crown and completion of the bibliographical system centred in the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly ” office. This starts from the weekly record, in which are entered the full titles of all books received or of which information is sent by publishers, and for it the most careful means are taken to ferret out information as to books of which any indication can be found. ‘This list includes the valuable series of descriptive notes in the case of all books received. Its material is used, secondly, for the monthly reference list, which includes entry by author, title, and subject, indexing the books of each month, and is now given in the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly” in the first number of the succeeding month. Thirdly, annual lists will be found in the index to the ‘‘ Trade List Annual,” in which are reprinted also the full weekly records of the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly,” from July 1 through June 30 of each year. Fourthly and finally, the American CaraLoGur in its five-yearly vol- umes completes the permanent record. It is probable that the next volume will include the years 1884 to 1890, so that thereafter the volumes may correspond with the decade periods. The bibliographical publications of that office also include the ‘‘ Library Journal,” the organ of the library interests, the quarterly ‘‘ Index to Periodicals,” continuing Poole’s Index, and the ‘‘ Literary News,” which connects bibliographic work with the great mass of readers. The great work of Mr. Leypoldt, and the series of which it is hoped the present volume. is the precursor, by no means fulfil the ideal which that great bibliographer, and the successor to whom falls the duty of attempting to fulfil his purposes, would consider adequate and final. The ideal of an American bibliography ought to include in one enormous volume, or a series of volumes, the data of the American CaraLocuE of 1876, of these supplementary volumes, and of the earlier works of Roorbach and Kelly, all of which would need to be supplemented by a careful search, with the help of library codperation, for the titles necessary to complete the record of American publication, at least during the latter half of the nineteenth century. If there shall be found, fifteen years hence, with the close of the century, adequate support. for such a work, and a bibliographer bold enough to undertake it, such an American bibliography would form an adequate foundation for five-yearly volumes worthy of the American name. Possibly by that time we shall be near enough to the millennium to find five hundred persons willing to contribute the one hundred dollars each which would be necessary to guarantee the commercial and financial basis for so great an undertaking. In the meantime, however, it is the purpose of the present editor, in connection with the office of the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly,” to extend the data of American trade bibliography in two directions. He will be olad to receive at that office the data to supply the record of any current titles omitted in the present CATALOGUE or its predecessor, and of others earlier in date not included in Roorbach or Kelly. These will be rewritten in accordance with the general system of the American CaTaLoaur, and efforts will be made, as occasion permits, to bring this material nearer and nearer to comple- tion. For such a work as this the codperation of librarians, which has produced the magnifi- cent Index to periodicals edited by Mr. Poole and Mr. Fletcher, will be most helpful. Secondly, the current bibliographical system of the ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly” itself, from the date of the completion of the present AmrricAN CaraLocur, will be organized so that all titles can be arranged in one alphabet which shall serve for immediate reference and as the complete ‘“ copy” from which to edit a new volume of this work at the close of each five-yearly period. This organization will make it possible to fill out omissions from year to year, and will also serve the immediate purpose of those having occasion to make bibliographical inquiries. Step by step, in this way, we shall ultimately reach an American bibliographical system which will do credit to America. RK. Rk, BOWKER. New York, March, 1885.Lisy OF PU BiPIS Ros kes AND OF ABBREVIATIONS OF PUBLISHERS’ NAMES ENTERED IN THE AMERICAN CATALOGUE. , WITH NOTES OF SUBSEQUENT CHANGES. Abel. Abel, C. K., & Son, Dunkirk, N. Y. Am. Iron. American Iron and Steel Assoc., Phila- Acad. of Nat. Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia. Sev. delphia. Am. Int. American Literary Agency, New York. Adams,C: Hf. Adams, Charles H., Claremont, N. H. Agency. Streetaddress not discoverable. Adams, J. B. Adams, J. Bradley, Washington, D. C. Am. Mach. American Machinist Publishing Co., 96 Fulton St., New York. Adams, J.Q. Adams, J. Q., &Co., 61 Cornhill, Boston. > * aaa ‘ Ay eter wWige ster (1 r19 7 99 x Adams S Adams & Bishop, 57 Murray St., New Am. ai Meter Ame TL an Met r Cov, 52 We 22d ot., Bishop. York. Co. New York. C ° Ay fone ?rie etrie PB ney iN Adams & Adams & Blocher, Little Rock, Ark. Am. Metrve Am« Bey M¢ tric Bureau, >oston. Blocher. ; Bu. Now Metric Bureau, 32 Hawley St. LUC! 2 ° D J Adams, V. & Adams, Victor & Co., 98 William St., | 4m. Avlen. American Millennial Assoc., Boston. Co. New York. Assoc. Advoc. Pub. Advocate Publishing House, St. Louis, | Am. News. American News Co., 89 Chambers St., Ho. Mo. New York. African M. African Methodist Episcopal Church, | Am. Philol. American Philological Assoc., Baltimore. . V2 > geen 5 sae : yal ’ . rele ciee ~ , EH. Ch. J ublishing Department, Philadel-| 4m. Pub. American Publishing Co., 284 Asylum phia. St., Hartford, Ct. Albany Law Albany Law Journal, Albany, N. Y. Am. Pub., American Publishing Co., Philadeiphia. Journ. i (Phil.) Alden. ( Alden, John B. 3 : Revi y&F y hi 1 ee . = Am. gq. J rical »cister Office, Washing J Alden Book Co.,393 PencliSh Now Wonk 4m. Reg men Ps tecister ice, Washington, See also American Book Exchange; Useful ae L Knowledge Pub. Co. American School Book Co., 704 Chestnut Alden § H. Alden & Hazen, 31 Milk St., Boston. | St., SM POUss Mo. : as i : e : See Central Publishing Co. (St. L.); G@. I. Aldrich. Aldrich, Rev. J. R., Wellfleet, Mass. Jones & Co. : : on « yr \ e ‘ “oY + e Allen & H. Allen & Hicks, Oshkosh, Wis. | Am. S. S. American Sunday School Union, 1122 Allen, L. & Allen, Lane & Scott, 229 & 2318S. 5th St., Chestnut St., Philadelphia. S. Philadelphia. Am. Temp. American Temperance Publishing House, Allyn. Allyn, Charles, New London, Ct. New York. , ~ a N Now des. Ogil sie & Co., 31 Rose St. Allyn, J: Allyn, John, 30 Franklin St., Boston. es ee < me es oF ; Ar % rican Traet Soe., 150 Nassau St. Alpaugh. Alpaugh & Thompson, Trenton, N. J. Am. Tr. Ae oe ee oGs), YoU Nassall 2h) : : spoke ee : New Yorlk. Am. Bapt. American Baptist Publication Soc., 1420 | Unit \ : WG ATTAT Alceocl a 7) remount ; ‘ ; , An net. Americ: tarlan Assoc., re Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Am. Uli mers ms e soc., @ emc ay 2OSLC . Am. Berk. American Berkshire Assoc., Springfield, | re 7 = coat Tl ee 22k a > | Amerman. Amerman & Wilson, New York. il. Street address not discoverable. Am. Bib. Soc. American Bible Soc., Bible House, N. Y. Amhe Call Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. ; >" Tr, pee Serna XD) Gna: x 3 ‘ pa . . Am. Bib. Un. Ame rican Bible Union, 32 Great Jones | jin j0s, Amies, W. T., Philadelphia. St., New York. Now Amies Pub. Co., 1420 Chestnut St. Am. Bk. Bxc. American Book Exchange, New York. Amies Pub. Amies Publishing Co., 1420 Chestnut Now Alden Book Co., 393 Pearl St. St., Philadelphia. A» Y rene wyrine ‘ ovat Ieaga Taw Ty si- ; x — 4 Am. Ch. Press. American Church Press, New York. Andevcon: Anderson & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. E , ~ 1) 7 T Anderson, J. Anderson, John, & Co., 183-187 N. Am. Fem. American Female Guardian Soe., 29 E. ae ac Guard. Soc 29th St.. New York Peoria St., Chicago. RET Es EG ee eee oe Proprictors Skandinayen’s Book Department. Am. Grocer. American Grocer Publishing Assoc., See also Anderson & Lawson. an r 1 r | . . - 30 W. Broadway, New York. | Anderson, J: Anderson, John R., Hartford, Ct. Am. Hebrew. American Hebrew Publishing Co., 498— R. (i.) anus menoe! Book Co., 66 & 68 Reade + + St., NCW Ork. 500 38d Ave., New York. Se f see : c . wee ‘ ; | Anderson. J: Anderson, John R., & Co., New York. Am. Inst. American Institute of Instruction, Bos- | R. (WN. Y.) Now Anderson School Book Oo., 66 & 68 Reade Instr. ton. | eee St. 6. (Mar. 85.)Anderson, J: R., & Allen. Anderson § L. Andrews. Andrews, S.C. Andrews, W. R. Andrus. Anglim. Arbor Pub. Anthony. Ann Anthony, E., & Sons. Appleton. Argus. Ariz. Miner. Armstrong. Army & N. Gaz. Army & N. Jour. Arnold. Art Pr. Arundel. Ashe. Ashmead. Ash T7L¢ ad Bros. Atheneum. Atkin 6 Atlantic. Atwood. Authors’. Avery. Avil. Aydelotte. Ayer. Ayers. Babbitt. Babcock. Bacon. Bagley. Bailey, D. Batley, J. M. Baird. ANDERSON x ae | Anderson, John R., & Henry S. Allen, | Baker, G: M. 66 & 68 Reade St., New York. Anderson & Lawson, Chicago. | Baker, W. C. Now John Anderson & Co., 183-187 N. Peoria M. St. Baker § A. Baker § G. Andrews, A. H., & Co., 195 & 197 Wa- bash Ave., Chicago. See also M. B. Cary & Co. Andrews, S. C., Ann Arbor, Mich. Baker, P. § Now Andrews & Witherby. Co. ~ 5 x - | Andrews, W. R., 328 Pearl St., New| Baker, V. § y ork. Co. Andrus & Church, Ithaca, N. Y. & ~Co., Washington, Ball, G: W. Ball, R. #1. Ballou. Anglim, James, ID), (@ Arbor Printing and Publishing House, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anthony, E. & H. T., & Co., 595 Broad- | way, New York. Ann Balmer. | Bancroft. Anthony, E., & Sons, New Bedford, | Mass. Appleton, D., & Co., 1, 3, New York. Argus Co., The, Albany, N. Y. Arizona Miner Office, Prescott, Ariz. Armstrong, A. C., & Son, 714 Broadway, New York. Army and Navy Gazette, Washington, D> (Ge Army and Navy Journal, 240 Broadway, New York. I. ] Banker's Mag. | Banks. & 5 Bond St., Banks, A. B. Bapt. Bk. Ho. Bapt. Pub. Bardeen. | Barhyte. : : Barnes. Arnold, Alex. S., Valley Falls, R. Art Printing Establishment, 30 Bond St., | New York. Arundel Bookstore, York. See also John D. Williams. Ashe & Gatling, Raleigh, N. C. Ashmead, H. B., Philadelphia. Ashmead Bros., Jacksonville, Fla. Barns. 24 W. 14th St., New| Barrett & B. Bartlett. Atheneum Publishing House, New York. Street address not discoverable. Atkin & Prout, 18 Chambers St., New Y ork. | Atlantic Publishing & Engraving Co., 9 Baxter Pub Murray St., New York. Atwood, David, Madison, Wis. Authors’ Publishing Co., New York. Now W. BB. Smith & Co., 38 Bond &t. Avery & Dolen, Plymouth, Mass. Avil, J. D., & Co., 4032 Market Philadelphia. Aydelotte, Wm., & Co., Philadelphia. Now out of business. Aver NEW Son.) co himesin Bldg, | Philadelphia. | i | Bates. Bausman. Bean. Beard. St., | Beer & S. Beidleman. Belford, C. & Ayers, J. J., Sacramento, Cal. Co. | Belles-Let- tres. | Bennett. Babbitt & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. 3abeock, J. S., 57 Liberty St., New York. Bacon, Frank, Pittsburgh, Pa. | Benzagen. See Levi & Bucon. | Bacon & Co., San Francisco. | Berendsohn. Bagley, C. B., Olympia, Wash. Ter. 3ailey, David, Highland P. O., Highland Co., O 3ailey, J. M., Billerica, Mass. Baird, Henry Carey, & Co., 810 Walnut | Besser. St., Philadelphia. | Betts. Berkey. Bartlett, iM oh Belford Bros. | Bermingham. BETTS 3aker, George M., & Co., 47 Franklin St., Boston. Baker, W. C. M., Columbus, O. Baker & Arnold, Syeamore, IIl. Baker & Godwin, 25 Park Row, New York. 3aker, Pratt & Co., 19 Bond St., New York. Baker, Voorhis Nassau St., New York. Ball, George W., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Ball, Robert H., Philadelphia. E., Boston, Mass. & Co., 66 Ballou, J. Balmer & Weber, St. Louis, Mo. Baltimore PublishingCo., Baltimore, Md. Kelly, Piet & Co.; John B. Piet. Bancroft, A. L., & Co., 721 Market St., San Francisco. Banker’s Magazine Office, New York. Now Homans Pub. Co., 251 Broadway. 144 Nassau St., New See Banks & Bros., York. Banks, A. Bleecker, Albany, N. Y. Baptist Book House, Memphis, Tenn. Baptist Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Bardeen, C. W., Syracuse, N. Y. See also Davis, Bardeen & Co. Barhyte, James H., Schenectady, N. Y. Barnes, A. S., & Co., 111 & 113 Wil- liam St., New York. Barns, C. R., 215 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Barrett & Brown, Montgomery, Ala. Brown & Co. 615 Now W.D. Barrie, George, Sansom St., Phila- delphia. See Gebbie & Barrie. 3artlett, Levi, Warner, Merrimac Co., N Jartlett, N. J., 28 Cornhill, Boston. Bates, George A., Salem, Mass. Bauswman, A. C., Minneapolis, Minn. 3axter Publishing Co., Philadelphia. Now out of business. Bean, Theodore W., Norristown, Pa. Beard Bros., Chicago. Now Beard & Kimball, 484 W. Madison St. 3eckwith & Parham, Richmond, Va. Woodhouse & Parham. Beer & Sadler, Baltimore, Md. Now W.H. Sadler, 6 & 8 N. Charles St. Beidleman, J. G., 2035 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia. 3elford Bros., Toronto, Can. Belford, Clarke & Co., 192 & 194 State St., Chicago. See also Rose-Belford Publishing Co. Bureau des Belles Lettres, Boston. Not now known to Boston Post-oflice. 3ennett, D. M., New York. Now Truth Seeker Co., 33 Clinton Pl. S ¢ Benziger Bros., 36 Barclay St., New York. 3erendsohn, Theodor, 86 Fulton St., New York. 3erkey, Wm. A., Grand Rapids, Mich. Bermingham & Co, 28 Union Sq., New York. Besser, Ernst, & Bro., Buffalo, N Y. Betts, James & Co., Hartford, Ct.Bible Ban. Assoc. Bible Revis. Assoc. B ickh am. Bicknell. Biglow. Bill. Binswanger. B vrd. Birmingham, H. EF. Black. Blackall. Blade Pr. Co. Blakiston. Blanchard. Blew. Bliss, A. T. Bliss: H.C: Bliss, Ff. #. Bliss, R. Bloch. Boer icke. Boericke & T. Bond. Bonham. Bonsall. Bookmart. Boos. Booth. Bordman. Bornstein. Borst. Boss. Bost. Sch. SUP. Bost. Nat. Hist. Bouton. Bowen. Bowen, S. § Coe Bowman. Bowman, FE. Q. BIBLE Xi Bible Banner Assoc., 506 Minor St.,| Boyd. Philadelphia. Bible Revision Assoc., 42 Bible House, | Boyle. New York. Bickham, W. D., Dayton, O. | Boyle, J: A. ( Bicknell, A. J., & Co., New York. 4 : Afterwards ( Bicknell & Comstock. RP, Now W.'T. Comstock, 6 Astor PI. | meee eee Kdward, 58 Reade St., New| Bradley. Ork. See Harroun & Bierstadt. lead Biglow & Main, 76 BE. 9th St., New York. | re D Bill, Henry, Publishing Co., Norwich, Ct. | p_77,, I : : | Dradtey, i. Binswanger, D., & Co., Baltimore, Md. z Bird, W., Boston. Birmingham, Ernest F., & Co., 853| Bradley, M. Broadway, New York. Black, Austin, New York. ae / Now H.N. Black, 21 Park Row. | Bradley, W: Black, John A., Supt., Philadelphia. eb See Presbyterian Board of Publication. | Bradley x G. Blackall, C. R., Chicago. | Brainard. Blade Printing & Paper Co., Toledo, O. Brainard, C: ( Blakiston, Presley, Philadelphia. J Now | Blakiston, (= nut St See also Lindsay & Blakiston. Blanehard & Co., Wheaton, III. Blew, C. W., Jacksonville, Fla. Bliss, A. T., & Co., 111 Milk St., Boston. Bliss, F. C., & Co., Newark, N. J. Bliss, Frank E., Hartford, Ct. Bliss, R. W., & Co., Hartford, Ct. Bloch & Co., Cincinnati. Now Bloch Pub. & Printing Co., 167 & 169 Elm oo. P., Son & Co., 1012 Wal- Board of Publication Reformed Church in America, 34 Vesey St., New York. See Reformed Church Board of Publication. Boericke, F. H., 921 Arch St., Phila- delphia. Boericke & Tafel, 145 Grand St., York. Now F. KE. Boericke, 921 Arch St., Philadelphia. Bonar, Henry S., Supt., 42 N. 9th St., Philadelphia. See Lutheran Publication Soc. Bond & Weigley, Chicago. Bonham, Jeriah, Peoria, Ill. Bonsall, H. L., & Son, Camden, N. J. sookmart Pub. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Boos, George E., Helena, Montana. Booth, W. Bordman, Mrs. S., Rochester, Minn. G. N., Melrose, Mass. Bornstein, M., 15 Ann St., New York. sorst, Geo. F., & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Boss, Henry R., & Co., Chicago. Boston School Supply Co., 15 Bromfield St., Boston. See also John A. Boyle (Manager). Boston Society of Natural History, Bos- ton. Bouton, J. W., 706 Broadway, New York. Bowen & Kingsbury, Yankton, Dakota. Bowen, Stewart & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Bowman, J. H., Columbus, O. 3owman, EH. Q., 1380S. 6th St., Philadel- plia. New R. Brand. Brentano, A: Brentano Bros. Brentano’s Lit. Emp. Brewster. Bridgman. Brinton. Brobst. Brooklyn L 1b. Brotherhead. Brown. | Brown, C. C. | Brown & | Brown, J. B. D. HH. Brown, J. Brown, J. Bro wi, W. Dd. Brown, W. Ff. Brown & D. Brown & F. Brown & G. & W. Bruce. Bryan, C.W. Bryan, W. S. Bryan, B. § Co. Bryant. Buck. BUCK Boyd, Wm. G., Selma, Ala. Now Robt. S. Wetmore. 30oyle, William K., & Son, Baltimore, @ Md. Boyle, John A., 15"Bromfield St., Bos- ton. See also Boston School Supply Co. (John A. Boyle, Manager). Boyson, N. C., Philadelphia. Not now known to Philadelphia Post-office . Bradley & Co., 66 N. 4th St., Philadel- phia. Bradley, D. L., 240 E. 33d St., New Y ork. sradley, Ira, & Co., 162 Washington St., S0ston. See also Henry Hoyt. Bradley, Mass. Now Milton Bradley Co. Bradley, William H., & Bro., 1026 Arch St., Philadelphia. 3radley & Gilbert, Louisville, Ky. S., Sons, Cleveland, O. Brainard, Charles Rollin, 13 Pemberton Sq-, Boston. Brand, G. J., Brentano, Augustus, New York. Now Brentano Bros., 5 Union §q. Brentano Bros., 5 Union Sq., New York. Milton, & Co., Springfield, Brainard’s, & Co., Columbus, O. Brentano’s York. Now Brentano Bros., Literary New Emporium, 5 Union §q. Brewster, Lewis W., Portsmouth, N. H. Bridgman & Childs, Northampton, Mass. Now 8S. BE. Bridgman & Co. Brinton, D. G., 623 Sansom St., Phila- delphia. ( Brobst, S. K., & Co., Allentown, Pa. = Now ( Brobst, Diehl & Co., Allentown, Pa. Brooklyn Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3rotherhead, William, 1214 Poplar St., Philadelphia. Brown, A. G., & Co., Boston. Brown, C. C., Portland, Me. Browns Os Be. bp Y ork. Brown, J. Beekman St., New D., Philadelphia. Brown, J. Howard, New York. Now The J. H. Brown Publishing Co., 13 & 15 Park Row. Brown, W. D., & Co., Montgomery, Ala. See also Barrett & Brown. Brown, Walter F., Providence, R. I. Now resident abroad. Brown & Derby, 21 Park Pl., New York. Brown & Faunce, Toledo, O. Now Faunce-& Leland. 3rown & Gross, Hartford, Ct. Brown & Wood, New York. Bruce’s, George, Son & Co., 18 Chambers St., New York. Bryan, Clark W., & Co., Springfield and Ilolyoke, Mass. sryan, W.S., St. Louis, Mo. Bryan, Brand & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Bryant, de Cay Lio St, Buffalo, N. Y. See also Mathews Bros. & Bryant. Buck, S. J., Son & Co., Lewisburg, Pa. WashingtonBUCKEYE X11 CHRISTIAN Buckeye. Buckeye Publishing Co., Marysville, O. | Caspar. Caspar, C. N., 437 EB. Water St., Milwau- Bufford. Bufford’s, J. H., Sons, 39 Federal St., | kee, wy Wok ie oe = Boston. | Cassell. Gassell & Go:, Limited, 739 & 741 % 7 + ~ | sro: ray, New York. ‘Bundy. 3undy, Charles S., Washington, D. C. | Broadway New York ee eaeE Me ll Aniec > ‘assell, ttter & G: in, New ork. Burbank. Zurbank, James P., Salem, Mass. Cassell, I -, Ge { Cas ell A & Galpin eV Now Boston, Mass. | S Co. | S TN ete Galvi C0 Burford. 3urford, W. E., Indianapolis, Ind. ‘ sae J Sra eae a mar ea : | 1VOU aASSC © JOn, Li » oI NM 1 > ad- Burghewn. Burgheim, M. & R., 484 Vine St., Cin- | way. cinn atte Cassino, S. E., Naturalists’ Agency, Burgoyne. Burgoyne, C. G., 57 Park St., New Salem, Mass. : York. | Cassino. + Now Burke. Burke, J. W., & Co., Macon, Ga. | S. E. Cassino & Co., 41 Arch St., Bos- Surlt 2yrlington Library Co., Burlington, | ton. i : Bui gee Bur ape ’ C 2 2 7 See also Naturalists’ Agency. sU0. IN. de <7 ~ : Y > \, ‘7 Prhlicati Society C 9 Bar- Burnham. Burnham, Eliza A., Ross Station, Byron, Cath. Pub. ( aN Bu eee . iety Co., 9 Bar Kent Co., Mich. clay St., New York. ‘ . ‘averly, Charles, Manager, 16 Br ie Burns, J: 3urns. John, St. Louis, Mo. | ( averly, Ch irles, Manager. 16 Bromfield Now John Burns Publishing Co., 717 Olive St. St., Boston. en - , See Universalist Publishing House. Burnton. Zurnton & Corey, New York. : : ; aS eae Now Albert Burnton, 49 Sixth Ave. Cen. Bh. Central Book Concern, Chicago, Cincin- Burnz. 3urnz & Co., 24 Clinton Pl., New York. : nati and Oskaloosn Ts menue ’ . ; Now Christian Pub. Co., St. Louis. Burr. Burr, J. B., Publishing Co., Hartford, Ct. | _ ‘ a en Burrows. Burrows Bros. & Co., Cleveland, O. ae es Central Law Journal, St. Louis, Mo. 7 < JOUTN. 2 2 Y > v 1 . . i co oll. ushnell, A. G., & Co., Gardner, Mass. | - : eos : ; : ae H ee E i & Go 7 ae ae ae len. Pr. Central Printing Co., Indianapolis, Ind. yop i ds or, tb. nig OCING Ong ». Db, la-| > ee aunt : : 2 ‘ ae ; delphia se ate : Cen. Pub. (C.) Central Publishing Co., 108 Franklin Be : é St., Chicago, Ill. Butler, J. H. Butler, J. H., & Co., Philadelphia. Not now known in the business. Now E. H. Butler & Co., 178. 6th St. | = : wees : X 0 : : ye os) Ghee c ae Cen. Pub. (St. Central Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Butler, J. H. Butler, J. H., 925 Chestnut st., Phila- | i) Guta epaeiveceiaGoma Of theis booksinremow CP) delphia. published by American School Book Co. Butis. Butts, A. K., New York. | Century Co. Century Co., 33 East 17th St., New York. Now Bound Brook, N. Jd. | > See also Scribner & Co. Yo i. aT 15 ~~ Prblishine C ‘hicae Chika Calkins, Charles W., & Co., 64 Federal Century Pub. Century Publishing Co., Chicago. : St : Boston ; ; | Chain. Chain & Hardy, Denver, Col. hee : : Now Chain, Hardy & Co. ‘al. Pub. California Publishing Co., San IFran- ; eee a “ ¢ panouGal 2 ; Challen. Challen, Howard, 744 Broadway, New ; om Y ork. allaghan. Callaghan & Co., 114 Monroe St., Chi- ; LR Nr : CHEAG RE a ae by Ui"! Chambers. Chambers, J. H., & Co., 405 N. 3d St., ee St. Louis, Mo. Calvo. Jalvo, Charles A., Jr., C hina s: @ he : : Ome . me cea J 2 Columbia, 8. C. Chaney. Chaney, Henry A., Detroit, Mich. Cameron. Jameron, Amberg & Co., Chicago. ra ee : eee : ak in : et? ETS VO CbICae O Chapin, C. V. Chapin, C. V., Providence, R. I. anupbe 5 : en a Peer pes: a ae J | Canipbell, H., & Co., 140 Nassau St., | Chapin § G. Chapin & Gould, Springfield, Mass. 0. sea ee : : : : : Campbell, H. New York. Chapman. ( hapman, James Jr ashington, D.C. e = See also Solomons & lapmMman,. Campbell, J. Campbell, James, Boston. lee : a ve Now N. R. Campbell & Co., cor. Pemberton Chase. ( hase x Hall, ( Incinnati. Sq. and Tremont St. Now Christian Pub. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Campbell, J.. Campbell, John, & Son, Philadelphia. Chase, W.J. Chase, W.I., 159 Lasalle St., Chicago. § Son. Now William J. Campbell, 740 Sansom St. Chatterton. Ghitterton, We. A. 9 S. Canal St, Campbell, J. Campbell, J. W.,& Co., St. Louis, Mo. | Chicago. W. Not now known to St. Louis Post-oflice. | Cherouny.- Cherouny, H., 17-27 Vandewater St., Campbell, W: Campbell, William J., 740 Sansom St., | New York. hil; , li ‘11° “ “1: . ~ ° ou: Philadelphia. Chic. Direct. Chicago Directory Co., 1 Lakeside Canfield. Canfield, D. B., & Co., 229'S. 6th St., Building, Chicago. Philadelphia. | Chic. Leg. Chicago Legal News Co., 175 Monroe Carleton. Carleton, George W., & Co., 14 W. 23a| ews. St., Chicago. St., New York. See also Legal News Co. See also Street & Smith. Chic. News- Chicago News-Letter, Chicago. Carlon. Carlon & Hollenbeck, Indianapolis, Ind. | Tet. Carroll, D. H., Agent, Baltimore, Md. | Chickering. Chickering & Axtell, Pittsfield, Mass. See Methodist Book Depository. | Child. Child. Elias, Utica, N. Y Ana arr > T > ‘ 999 7 ~ > 5 : " Vee : Carroll. Carroll, R. W., & Co., 233 W. 4th St.,| Chisholm. Chisholm Bros., Portland, Me. Cincinnati. | Chisholm Mon. Chisholm Monument Fund, Chicago. a Ya powa Ta ‘ = * Carswell. Carswell, Hi, ponent, Can. Not now known to Chicago Post-oflice. Now Carswell & Co. . ‘0s r x . ee C : = : et Orn Chittenden. Chittenden, W. B., St. Louis, Mo. ‘arter. arter, Robert, & Bros., 530 Broadway, | 7,,- ree oo Nore Soni pee C Pe M., ( ie VW : Ie ‘ , x Chrastern. Christern, EF. W., 37 W. 28d St., New Carter, H. H. Carter, H. H., 3 Beacon St., Boston. Vieni ea Ss New } he Cary. Cary, Melbert B., & Co., Chicago. Brith ts see Now A. H. Andrews & Co., 195 & 197 Wabash C hristian Publishing ( 0., St. Louis, Mo. Ave | See Central Book Concern; Chase & Hall. Case. Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., Hart- Chr. Un. Christian Union, 20 Lafayette Pl., New ford, Ct. York.CHUBERY X11 CROSS Chubery. Chubery & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Collender. Collender, H. W., Co., 860 Broadway, Church. Church, John, & Co., Cincinnati. New York. Church, W. C. & F. P., 240 Broadway, | Collier. Collier, Peter F., 17 Vandewater St., New York. New York. : See Atmy and Navy Journal. | Collin. Collin & Co., New York. Civ. Serv. Civil Service Reform Assoc., Boston. Now J. B. Collin, 3 Park Place. Ref. Collins. Collins & Bro., New York. Clapp, D: Clapp, David & Son, 35 Bedford St., Bos-| _ Seen eae ee Ol ee enoa ey ton. Col. Mus.Ge- Colorado Museum of Applied Geology, Clapp, O. Clapp, Otis, & Son, 3 Beacon St., Boston. ol. i Denver, Col. Claremont Claremont M’f’g Co., Claremont, N. H. Colton. Colton, Mrs. Lizzie E., West Gorham, Mfg. Me. . Clark. Clark, Edward), 41sWestiSt), Boston: | CO? sik COR Or eee ern aa! Clark § H. Clark & Hofeline, New Orleans, La. on See also A. J. Bicknell & Co.; Bicknell & Clark § M. Clark & Maynard, 7384 Broadway, New Comstock. York. Cong. Pub. Congregational Sunday-School and Pub- Glavke: Glarke: Robert, © Gos, 65 Wa 4thist. lishing Soc., Congregational House, Cincinnati. 2oston. Glarke. G. S G@larke.@ S.. Jr. Jersey City. N. J. Conn. Pub. Connecticut Publishing Co., Hartford, Clarke, H.C. Clarke, H. C., Eureka Springs, Ark. oi E Not now known to Eureka Springs Post-oflfice. Converse. Converse & Co., Louisville, Ky. Clarke, H. 7. Clarke, H. T., 526 Chapel St., New| Cook. Cook, ©. A., & Co:, 110 Dearborn St., Hlaven, Ct. Chicago. Clarke, S. A. Clarke, S. A., & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Cook, HL. A. Cook, Ezra A., & Co., 7 to 13 Wabash ( Clarke, William B., Boston. Ave., Chicago. a ee. Now Now Ezra A. Cook. Clarke, W: B. ) Clarke, W: B., & Carruth, 340 Wash-| Cooke. Cooke, D. B., & Co., Chicago. { ington St. Cooke, R. D. Cooke, Richard D., 738 Courtlandt St., Clarke, W: H. Clarke, William H., New York. | New York. : Street address not discoverable: | Coolidge. Coolidge, George, Boston. Clarke, W. H. Clarke, W. H., & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. | : Not now known to Boston Post-office. 5 Co. | Coon. Coon, J. M., Beaver Dam, Wis. Clarke Bros. Clarke Bros., Bible House, New York. | Co-op. Build. Co-operative Building Plan Assoc., 24 Clauder. Clauder, H. T., Bethlehem, Pa. Beekman St., New York. See also Moravian Pub. Office (Edwin G. 2 Co-op. Print. Co-operative Printing Co., Cleveland, O. Klosé, Manager). > ‘ ; 7 ’ Y vi > wu y V¢ ~ + o an Claxton. Claxton, E., & Co., Philadelphia. Copp. C ypp, Henry N., W ashington, D. C. Now Edward Meeks, 1002 Walnut St. Corbiére. Corbiére, G. F., 93 William St., New Claxton, R. § Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, Phila- York. Te delphia. Cordell. Cordell, E. F., Medical Library, Balti- Succeeded by E. Claxton & Co., and they by | more, Md. Edward Meeks, 1002 Walnut St. ‘ + ante fe eS , Cornett. Cornett, Henry T., New York. Clay. Clay, Cosack, & Co., Boston. Sain deuanbedl ? Not now known to Boston Post-oflice. ma Some . . YY, oO ‘ *S . } » T > Tr i sie Coates. Coates, Joseph H., & Co., Philadelphia. | Corson. Corson, Juliet, New York. Now Porter & Coates, 900 Chestnut St. Corthell. Corthell, W. G., 28 Tremont Temple, Cobb. Cobb, Andrews & Co., Cleveland, O. Boston, Mass. Coburn. Coburn Bros., 15 Water St., Boston. | Coster. Coster, Morris, 1162 Broadway, New | r sl> Coburn § N. Coburn & Newman Publishing Co., Chi- | York. cago. | Cowperthwatt. Cowperthwait & Co., 628 & 630 Chest- Coby. Coby, E. P., & Co., 93 & 95 William nut St., Philadelphia. St., New York. | Con. Gox, Chas. B., St. Louis, Mo. e Cockcroft. Cockeroft, James, & Co., New York. Cox, J: Cox, John, Baltimore, Md. Vow out of business. | Craig. Craig, A., & Co., Chicago. Coddington. Coddington, R., 246 Fourth Ave., New| Graig § 7. Craig & Taylor, Detroit, Mich. York. cy Now out of business. Coffin. Coffin, C. A., 88 John St., New York. Crampton. Crampton, R., Rock Island, Ill. Coggeshall. Coggeshall & Co., St. Louis, Mo. | Now ¢ a m0 ne TR : 1 7 | Ora? jrane, Geo. .. & Co., Topeka, Kan- ( Cogswell, Albert, New York. | Crane. Crane, Ge » & Co., Topeka, Ki ; : Sas. Cogswell. 4 Afterwards | Cogswell, A., & Co. | Cranston & Stowe, Cincinnati. Now out of business. See Hitchcock &Walden; Walden & Stowe. Cogswell, P. Cogswell, P. B., Concord, N. H. | Crawford. Crawford & Co., 47 N. 9th St., Philadel- B. phia. r : Races Beer ( eel The Cohen. Cohen, Max, Washington, D. C. | Crawford, GO} @rawtonds Cs Gz. 49) Bark JEl. New Y y sir Colby. Colby & Rich, 9 Montgomery [P1., | G. York. Boston. | Crickmore. Crickmore, G., 32 Park Row, New York. Coleman. Coleman & Maxwell, Boston. Crider. Crider & Bro., York, Pa. | Colesworthy. Colesworthy, D. C., 66 Cornhill, Boston. | Chasman. Crisman, E. B., St. Louis, Mo. Col. of Elec. College of Electrical Engineering, 122 | ng. E. 26th St., New York. | Crosby. Crosby, Nathan, Lowell, Mass. ‘ 0 | Not now known to St. Louis Post-office. Col. of Or. College of Oratory and Acting, 54 E.| Cross. Cross, Richard, 1717 N. Front St., Phila- 21st St., New York. delphia.CROWELL X1V DONNELLEY Crowell. Crown. Cumberland. Cumming. Cunningham. Cupples. Curlander. Currie. Curtiss. Cushing, E. IH. Cushing, T. & Co. Cushings 4 > (Go Daggett. Dagnall. Daily Post. Daily Union. Dale. Dando. Darrow. Dassler. Davenport. Davis, C: H. Davis, Ff. A. Davis, G: L. Davis, G: Davis, J: Davis, R. (B.) Davis, R. (P.) Davis & P. Davis, B. § Co. Dawson. Day. S. De Colange. De Groot. De Leon. Delisle. Democratic Leader. Democratic P4. ( Crowell, Thomas Y., New York. \ Now | Growell,,Thomas Yio, Co; 13, Astor Pl: Crown, W.S., & Co., 186 Washington St., Boston. Cumberland Presbyterian Board of Pub- lication, Nashville, Tenn. Cumming, George, New York. Now Cumming & Brinkerhoff, 219 E. 18th St. Cunningham, P. F., & Son, 817 Arch St., Philadelphia. Cupples, Upham, & Co., 283 Washington St., Boston. See also A. Williams & Co. Curlander, M., Baltimore, Md. Currie, G. E., New York. Now out of business. Curtiss & Childs, Utica, N. Y. Cushing, E. H., Houston, Texas. Now deceased. Cushing, Thomas & Co., 163 Dearborn St., Chicago. Cushings & Bailey, 262 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Daggett, Mrs. L. 287 Bunker Hill St., Boston. Dagnall, J. M., P. O. Box 153, Brooklyn, IMG YG Daily Post Printing Co., Detroit, Mich. | Daily Union and Advertiser, Roches- | ter; NE Ys. Dale, John P., & Co., 17 Boylston St., Boston. Dando, Thos. delphia. ( Darrow, K. 4 Now ( Darrow, E., & Co., 182 E. Main St. Dassler & Shafer, Leavenworth, Kansas. Davenport, A. B., Brooklyn, N. Y. Davis, Charles H., & Co., Philadelphia. Now of business. Davis, F. A., Atty., 1217 Filbert St., Philadelphia. Davis, George L., North Andover, Mass. Davis, George S., Detroit, Mich. Davis, J: M., 40 Fulton St., New York. Davis, Robert S., & Co., Boston. Now Leach, Shewell, & Sanborn, 87 ot. He. S., 807 Walnut St., Phila- | , Rochester, N. Y. out Davis, Robert S., & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Davis & Pitman, Newport, R. I. Davis, Bardeen, & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Now C. W. Bardeen. Dawson Bros., Montreal, Canada. | De Dempsey. Denison. Dennis. Denton. Derby. Derby, H. W. Derham. Des Forges. Silver. Detrott Free Press. Detroit News. Deutsch. Dewey, D.M. Dewey § Co. De Witt. De Wolfe. Dews. Deater. Dibble. Dick. Dickerson. Dickman. Didier. Diggs. Dillingham. Diossy. | Diossy, G: S. Franklin Day, Egbert & Fidlar, Davenport, Iowa. Now Egbert, Fidlar & Chambers. De Colange, George, & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. De Groot, N. G., New York. Street address not discoverable. De Leon, N. Ponce, 40 & 42 Broadway, New York. Delisle, P. Democratic Leader, Cheyenne, Wy. G., Quebec, Can. Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wis. Disturnell. Ditson. Dizon. Dod, A. Dodd. ff. Dodge. Doerflinger. Donkey. | Donnelley, G. ¥ TG: | Donnelley, L. Jy Co : Dempsey & Carroll, 46 E. 14th St.. New York. Denison, T. Chicago. Dennis, Martin R., & Co., Newark, N. J. f Denton, Wm., Wellesley, Mass. S., 70 Metropolitan Block, Now | Denton Publishing Co. Derby Bros., 27 Park Pl., New York. Derby, H. W., Columbus, O. Derham, J. Santa Rosa, Cal. Des Forges, John P., Baltimore, Md. Now Mary J. Des Forges, 3 St. Paul St. De Silver, Chas., & Sons, 1102 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Detroit Free Press Co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit News Co., Detroit, Mich. Deutsch, Solomon, 325 E. 49th St., New York. De Vinne, Theo. L., & Co., 63 Murray St., New York. Francis Hart & Co. Dewey, D. M., Rochester, N. Y. Dewey & Co., San Francisco. (De Witt, A. 4k Be. 33 Rose sts, Ney. See | De Watt. (Co i.) New York. J Now A. T.B. De Witt, 33 Rose St. De Witt, Robert M., New York. | Now A. T. B. De Witt, 33 Rose St. De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., 365 Washing- ton St., Boston. Dews, Edward, New Bedford, Mass. Dexter, E. F., Chicago. Now out of business. Dibble, W. Dick & Fitzgerald, York. Dickerson, J. & H., Philadelphia. Not known to Philadelphia Post-office. Dickman, F. F., Fort Scott, Kansas. Didier, Eugene L., Baltimore, Md. See also Pe »ple’s Publishing Co. Diggs, D. William, 48 E. 14th St., New York, Dillingham, Charles T., 678 Broadway, New York. Diossy & Co., New York. Succeeded by Ward & Peloubet. Now George 8. Diossy, 231 Broadway. Diossy, George S., 231 Broadway, New Y ork. Disturnell, J., Now deceased. Ditson, Oliver, & Co., 451 Washington St., Boston. H., Cincinnati. 18 Ann St., New New York. Dixon & Shepard, Chicago. Not now known to Chicago Post-office. Dod, A. F., & Co., Memphis, Tenn. Dodd, Mead & Co., 755 Broadway, New York. Dodge, E. S., Printing Co., 95 Chambers St., New York. Doerflinger, Carl, Milwaukee, Wis. Succeeded by Doerflinger Publishing Co.; Hail- man & Doerflinger. Now Freidenker Pub. Co. Donkey, J., & Co., Philadelphia. Not now known to Philadelphia Post-oflice. Donnelley, Gassette & Loyd, 144 Mon- roe St., Chicago. Donnelley, Loyd & Co., Chicago. Now Donnelley,Gassette & Loyd,144 Monroe st.Douglass. Doyle. Draper. Dresser. Dieysdale. Drown. Duncan. Duncan & H. Durie. Durston. Dustin. Dutton. Dyke. Eagle. Larl, B: Earle. Eastman. Eaton. Eaton & B. Eaton, L. § Co. Eckerson. Eckler. Edgar. Earnest Chr. Edwards. Eggleston. Eldre dge. Elliott. Ellis. Ellis, G: A. Ellsworth, I. Ellsworth, | W. Enterprise Pub. Eshobel. Esperanza. Essex Inst. Essex Pub. a = Estes. Kv. Knowl. Soe. Huvans, C. H. Huans, GC: TF. Hvans, F. O. Evans, T. C. Evans, W. A. Douglass Bros., 53 N. 7th St., Phila- delphia. Doyle & Whittle, 39 Arch St., Boston. Draper, Warren F., Andover, Mass. Dresser, McLellan & Co., Portland, Me. Dreysdale, Wm., & Co., Montreal, Can. Drown, P. S. & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Dunean Bros., 133 Clark St., Chicago. Dunean & Hall, 912 Arch St., Phila- delphia. Durie, J., & Son, Ottawa, Can. Durston, T. W., Syracuse, N. Y. Now T. W. Durston & Co. Dustin, Gilman & Co., Hartford, Ct. Dutton; B: Be & Com 389 We 23d Sto New York. Dyke, Charles E., Tallahassee, Fla. Eagle Book Printing Dept., Brooklyn. Earl, Benjamin, & Son, Fall River, Mass. Earle, James H., 178 Washington St., Boston. Eastman, Edson C., Concord, N. H. Eaton, Chester W., Wakefield, Mass. Eaton & Burnett, Baltimore, Md. EKaton, Lyon & Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Now Eaton, Lyon & Allen. Eckerson, R. J., 159 High St., Boston. Eckler, Peter, 35 Fulton St., New York. Edgar, George P., P. O. Box 4534, New Y ork. Earnest Christian Office, Rochester, Edwards, Broughton & Co., Raleigh, | N. Cc Egbert, Fidlar & Chambers, Davenport, Iowa. See Day, Egbert & Fidlar. Eggleston, William, Terre Haute, Ind. Eldredge & Bro., 17 N. 7th St., Phila- delphia. Elliott, George M., Lowell, Mass. Ellis, George H., con. Ellis, G: A., Springfield, Mass. Ellsworth, H. W., New York. Now H. W. Ellsworth & Wilson, 22 Bond 8t. Ellsworth, M. W., & Co., Detroit, Mich. Enterprise Publishing chester, Mich. Eshobel, Raymond, Washington, D. C. Esperanza Publishing Co., Lebanon, Pa. House, Man- Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Essex Publishing Co., Newark, N. J. Not now known to Newark Post-oflice. Estes & Lauriat, 299 to 305 Washington St., Boston Evangelical Knowledge Soc., New York. Now T. Whittaker, 2 Bible House. Evans, C. H., & Co., 914 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. vans, Charles T., New York. Iivans, IF. O. & Co., New York. Kvans, T. C., 8 Tremont Temple, Bos- ton Evans, W. A., & Bro., 50 Bromfield St., Boston. DOUGLASS XV | Hv. Post. 141 Franklin St., Bos- Everts. Ewing, S. LD. Byrich. Fagan. Fairbanks, A. W. (Ch.) Fairbanks, A. Ws GG) Fairbanks, L. Y Fairbanks y Gos Fairbanks, P. ¥ Co. Fales. Farley, A. C. «Go: Farley & B. Farm & Five- side. Fa VTE ll, G: Je Farwell & Co. Fee. Fergus. Fe rvs. Fest. Assoc. Fillmore. Finch. Fine Art. Fireside. Fischer. Fisher. Fisher, G: G. Isher, G: W. Fisher § V. Futch. Fitnam. Fitzgerald. Flanagan. Fletcher. Food. Ford, C. L. Ford, J. S. ord, RP. L. Fords. FORDS Evening Post Office, 202 Broadway, New York. Everts, L. H., & Co., Philadelphia. Now Louis H. Everts, 719-725 Filbert St. Ewing, S. L., & Co., Louisville, Ky. Eyrich, J. C., New Orleans, La. Fagan, J., & Son, 621 & 623 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Fairbanks, A. W., 56 Madison St., Chicago. Fairbanks, A. W., Cleveland, O. Fairbanks, L. S., 3oston. Fairbanks & Co., Chicago. Now Fairbanks & Palmer Publishing Co., 133 & 185 Wabash Ave. 282 Washington St., Fairbanks, Palmer & Co., Chicago. Now Fairbanks & Palmer Publishing Co., 133 & 135 Wabash Ave. Fales, Edward L., Minneapolis, Minn. Not now known to Minneapolis Post-office. Farley, A. C., & Co., 413 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Farley & Burnham, Philadelphia. Now A.C. Farley & Co., 413 Walnut St. Farm and Fireside Co., Springfield, O. Farrell, C. P., Washington, D. C. Farwell & Co., 45 Pearl St., Boston. Faunce & Leland, Toledo, O. See Brown & Faunce. Fee, J. G., Cincinnati, O. Now at Berea College, Berea, Ky. Fergus Printing Co., 234 Illinois St., Chicago. Ferris Publishing Co., Albany, N. Y. Festival Association, Cincinnati. Fillmore Bros., 12 Glenn Building, Cin- cinnatl. Finch & Apgar, Ithaca, N. Y. Fine Art Publishing Co., 535 Pearl St., New York. Fireside Publishing Co., 20 N. 7th St., Philadelphia. Fischer, J. & Bro., 226 E York. Fisher, AY Aor New York. Fisher, George G., & Bro., York, Pa. Fisher, George W., Rochester, N. Y. Fisher & Van Zandt, Philadelphia. Not now known to Philadelphia Post-ollice. Fitch, George W., Rochester, N. Y. Fitnam, J: C., Denver, Col. Fitzgerald, J., & Co., New York. Now J. Fitzgerald, 30 Lafayette Pl. . 4th St., New Flanagan, A. M., Chicago. Fletcher, N. P., & Co., Hartford, Ct. Food and Health Publishing Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. Ford, C. L., Ann Arbor, Mich. Ford, J. Sawtelle, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. Ford, Paul L., Tribune Bldg., New York. Ford, J. B., & Co., New York. ( } Now 1 Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 27 Park le lace:Forest. Fortescue. Foster. Foster, J. H. Foster § M. Fowler, B. A. Fowler & W. Fos. Francis. Francis, V. § Co. Frank. Fyauenthal. Frederick. Free Relig. Freeman. Freeman, JN. Js French. Friends’ Bk. Assoc. Friends’ Bk. St. Frysinger. Fuller. Funk. Funk, S. Gallagher. Gannett. Garner. Garrett. Garrigues. Gately. Gates. Gebbie. Gen. Soc. Mech. George. Germ. Ev. Syn. of N.A. FOREST Xvl Forest and Stream Publishing Co, 39 | Park Row, New York. | Fortescue, W. S., & Co., 811 Arch St., | Philadelphia. | Foster, Charles, 118 S. 7th St., Phila- delphia. | Foster, Joseph H., Portsmouth, N. H. Foster & Megargee, Philadelphia. Not now known to Philadelphia Post-office. Fowler, B. A., & Co., Boston. Now Russell & Henderson, 79 Milk St. (Howler & Wells, New York. Or Now | Fowler & Wells Co., 7! See also 8S. R. Wells & Co. Fox, Richard K., 340 Pearl St., New Worl: Francis, David G., 17 York. Francis, Valentine & Co., 517 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. Frank, L H., & Co., New York. Now out of business. Frauenthal, A. W.,125 S. 8d St., Phila- delphia. Frederick, G. W., 117 N. 6th St., Phila- delphia. See also Lutheran Bookstore. 3 Broadway. Astor Pl., New Free Religious Assoc., Boston. Freeman, BE. L., & Co., Providence, Reel Freeman, Norman L., Springfield, Ill. Freidenker Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. See Carl Doerflinger; Hailmann & Doerflinger. French, S., & Son, 38 E. 14th St., New York. Friends’ Book Assoc., 1020 Arch St., Philadelphia. Friends’ Book-store, 804 Arch St., Philadelphia. Frysinger, W. Maslin, Harrisburg, Pa. Fuller, Horace B., New York. Street add Funk, I. K., & Co., New York. Now ( Funk & Wagnalls, 10 & 12 Dey St. See also Religious Newspaper Agency. Funk, S., 55 Pine St., New York. ress not discoverable. Gallagher, D- J., 7th St., cor. Market, Philadelphia. Gannett, Howard, 25 Tremont Temple, Boston. Garner, H. B., 710 Arch St., Philadel- | phia. See also Nelson 8. Quiney. Garrett, P., & Co., 708 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Garrigues Bros., 608 Arch St., Phila- delphia. Gately, M. R., 72 Pearl St., Boston. Gates & Co., New York. Now out of business. Gebbie & Barrie, Philadelphia. Now George Barrie, 615 Sansom St.; and, Gebbie & Co., 619 Sansom St. General Soe. of Mechanies and Trades- men, 18 EX. 16th St., New York. George, W. S., & Co., Lansing, Mich. German Evangelical Synod of North America, R. Wobus, General Mana- ger, St. Charles, Mo. Germ. News. Geyer. Gibson, H: Gibson & K. Gibson Bros. Gilbert. Gilbert Bk. Gull, J. D. Gall, J. K. Gall, W: F. Gilliss. Ginck. Ginn. Gladwin. Globe. | Golden Rule. ” Gomer. Good. Goodman. Goodman « dD. Goodrich. Goodwin, C: EL, Goodwin, vs H. Gordon. Gotts berger. | Gould. Gould, W. R. Gould & K. Goulding. Gov. Pr. Graham. | Granger. Grant. Graves. | Gray. Green, CO: M. Green, S. W. Gresham. Griffiths. GRIFFITHS German News Co., 44 Lasalle St., Chi- cago. Geyer, M. Shirley, 60 Duane St., New York. Gibson, Henry, Omaha, Neb. Gibson & King, 221 Pearl St., New York. Now out of business. Gibson Bros., Washington, D. C. Gilbert, W. J., St. Louis, Mo. Now Gilbert Book Co. Gilbert Book Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gill, James D., Springfield, Mass. Gill, J. K., & Co., Portland, Oregon. Gill, Wm. F., & Co., Boston. Now out of business. Gilliss Bros., 75 Fulton St., New York. Ginek, John L., Washington, D. C. | Ginn Bros. & Co., Boston. | Afterwards 4 Ginn & Heath. Now | Ginn, Heath & Co., 13 Tremont Pl. Gladwin, George E., 16 Harvard St., Worcester, Mass. Globe Printing & Publishing House, Washington, D. C. Golden Rule Publishing Co., 25 Congress St., Boston. Gomer, E., New York. Street address not discoverable. Good &: Re. & Bro. -litin, ©: Goodman, J. S., Chicago. Now J. S. Goodman & Co., 142 La Salle St. Goodman & Dickerson, 69 Dearborn St., Chicago. Goodrich, E. J., Oberlin, O. Goodwin, Charles H., 245 W. 53d St., New York. Goodwin, J. H., 1215 Broadway, New York. Gordon, S. T., & Son, 13 E. 14th St., New York. Gottsberger, William S., 11 Murray St., New York. Gould, Wm., & Son, Albany, N. Y. Gould, W. R., 168 Nassau St., New Y ork. Gould & Kello, Chillicothe, Ohio. Now Horney & Son. Goulding, J., & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. Government Printing Office, Washing- ton, D.C: Graham, Andrew J., 744 Broadway, New York. Granger, Davis & Wiltsie, New York. Now Arthur V. Wiltsie, 5 Dey St. Grant, Faires & Rodgers, 52 & 54 N. 6th St., Philadelphia. Grayes, Andrew F., Boston. Now Locke Pub. Co., 47 Franklin St. Gray, Baker & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Succeeded by Hugh R. Hildreth Printing Co. Now St. Louis Stationery & Book Co., 407 N. 4th St. Green. Chas. M., New York. Now S. W. Green’s Son, 69 Beekman St. Green’s, S. W., Son, 69 Beekman St. New York. Gregory, H. See N. Bangs Williams & Co. Gresham, Jas. A., New Orleans, La. Griffiths, J. J., Jersey City, N. J. >Griggs. Gross. Guernsey. Guild. Gurley. Hack. Hailmann. Hale. Hail. Hall, J. Hall & W. Hall Type- writer Ag. Halliday. Hamersly. Hamersly, T: H. 8. Hamilton. Hammett, B. Hammett, C: EH. Ha num ett, Js Hammond, J. Hand-Bk. Pub. Haney. Hanscom. Hanscom, P. 4e Hansell. Hanson. Happy. Hardenstein. Harding. Harlan. Harlow. Harper. Harrell’s Pr. Harris. Harris, G:F. TTarrvison. Harrison, J. B Harrison, J. P. Harroun. GRIGGS Griggs, S. C Ave., Chicago. Groot, N. G. de, New York. See De Groot, N. G. Gross & Chicago. Guernsey, D. L.. 61 Cornhill, Boston. Guild, W. B., Newark, N. J. Gurley, Henry, New York. Now out of business. Hack, C. A., & Co., Taunton, Mass. Hailmann & Wis. See also Carl Doerflinger. Now Freidenker Publishing Co. Doerflinger, Hale, E. J., & Son, 66 & 68 Reade St., | New York. Hall & Co., 26 E. 9th St., New York. Hall, James, Norwich, Ct. Hall & Whiting, Boston. Now Charles H. Whiting, 32 Bromfield St. Hall Type-Writer Agency, 48 Madison St., Chicago. Halliday, Robert J., Baltimore, Md. Hamersly, L. St., Philadelphia. Hamersly, Thos. EH. S. DEC: Now 30 E. 14th St., New York. Hamilton, Charles, Worcester, Mass. Hammett, B. New York. Mason, Hammett, Chas. E., Jr., Newport, R. I. Hammett, J. L., 24 Cornhill, Boston. Hammond, James, Philadelphia. Hand-Book Publishing Co., City, Utah. Salt Haney, Jesse, & Co., 10 Spruce St., New York. Hanscom & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. Hanscom, P. L., & Co., 106 Madison St Chicago. Hansell, F. F., New Orleans, La. Hanson, J. W., Chicago. Happy Hours Co., New York. Succeeded by Roorbach & Co. Now Harold Roorbach, 9 Murray St. Hardenstein, E., Vicksburg, Miss. Harding, W. W., Philadelphia. Now A. J. Holman & Co., 1222 Arch St, Harlan, George W., New York. Now out of business. Harlow, J. C., Carson City, Nevada. Harper & Sq., New York. Harrell’s Printing House, Weldon, N. C. Harris, George S., & Sons, 718 Arch St., Philadelphia. Bros., Franklin Harris, George E., 494 Louisiana Ave., Washington, D.C. Harrison, Frank, & Co., N. Y. Now out of business. Harrison, J. B., Pittsfield, Mass. Harrison, James P., & Co., Atlanta, Ga. Harroun & Bierstadt, New York. Now Edward Bierstadt, 58 Reade St. ¢. (Mar. 85). -, & Co., 87 & 89 Wabash Delbridge, 48 Madison St., Milwaukee, R., & Co., 1510 Chestnut , Washington, 1286 Broadway, 1224 Chestnut St., Lake o1, Hart, GOS: Hart & R. Harter. Harv. Univ. Inb. Hastings. Hauser. | Haven. Haverty. | Hawkins. Haynes. Health Ref. | | | | Hayward. | Hedges. | Heermans. Helmbold. Helmick. Henderson. Herald. Herald Pr. Hertig. Hewitt. Highland. Milburn. Hildreth. Hitchcock. Hitchcock & W. te. Hobbs, A. C. Hobbs, C. W. Hodgson. Hoeger. Hofmann. Hoggson. Holbrook. Holcomb. Holden. HOLMAN Hart, Francis, & Co., New York. Now Theo. L. DeVinne & Co., 63 Murray St. Hart, Lane S., Harrisburg, Pa. Hart & Rawlinson, Toronto. Now Hart & Co., 31 & 33 King St., W. Harter, F. A., & Bros., 65 N. Clark St., Chicago. Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass. Hastings, H. L., Scriptural Tract Re- pository, 47 Cornhill, Boston. See also Scriptural Tract Repository. Hauser, I. L., & Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Haven Bros., New York. Street address not discoverable. Haverty, P. M., 14 Barclay St., New York. Hawkins, Armand, 196} Canal St., New Orleans, La. Haynes, John Edward, 78 Nassau St., New York. Hayward, Robert J., & Co., Philadelphia. Not now known to Philadelphia Post-office. Health Reformer Office, Battle Creek, Mich. Hedges, Isaac A., St. Louis, Mo. Heermans, John, Corning, N. Y. Helmbold, H. T., Mfg. Co., New York. Now out of business. Helmick, F. W., 180 Elm nati. Henderson, Peter, & St., New York. Henry Bill Ct. See Bill, Henry, Publishing Co. Herald Office, Mount Joy, Pa. Herald Printing Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Hertig, C. M., Chicago. Not now in Chicago. Hewitt, Ed. W., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Not now known to Fort Leavenworth Post- office. Highland Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn. Hilburn, Charles A., Hildreth, Hugh R., Louis, Mo. See also Gray, Baker & Co Now St. Louis Stationery & Book Co., 407 N. 4th St. Hitcheock, Romyn, 51 & 53 Maiden Lane, New York. Now Washington, DAG: Hitehecoek & Walden, Cincinnati. Now Cranston & Stowe, 190 W. 4th St. Hite, George C., & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Hobbs, A. C., Somerville, Mass. Not now known to Somerville Post-oflice. Hobbs, C. W., New York. Street address not discoverable. Hodgson, Joseph, Mobile, Ala. Hoeger, J. B., & Sons, Milwaukee, Wis. Hofmann, Joseph A., 208 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. St., Cincin- Co., 35 Cortlandt Publishing Co., Norwich, Easton, Pa. Printing Co., St. Hogeson & Robinson, New Haven, Ct. Holbrook, M. L., & Co., 138 & 15 Laight St., New York. See also Wood & Holbrook. Holcomb, J. R., & Co., Mallet Creek, O. Nov Cleveland, O. Holden, George H New York. Holman, A. J., & Co., 1222 Arch St:; Philadelphia. See W. W. Harding. 7 ood muxth Alve:.Holman. Holmes. Holmes, W: G. Holt. Holt & C. Homans, B: Homans, I. 8. Homans & B. Homans Pub. Co. Honeyman. ITood. Hood Orp. Mem. TTope. Hopkinson. Horsman. Horton. Hoskins. Houghton. Houghton, M. a Co. Houghton, O. ox Go: Houghton, W. ‘Al 6 C. S: TTouston. Howe & Co. Hoyt. Hoyt, J. S. Hoyt, F. § D. Hub. Hubbard. Hubbard, H. Ee. Hubbardston. Hubbell. Hudson. Huggins. Tull. Humphrey. Hunt, G: D. Hunt, J: P. Hunter. Huntington. HOLMAN Holman, Thomas, Centre, cor. White St., New York. Holmes, PD. S., 89 New York. Holmes; William G., Chicago, IIl. Now Fleming H. Revell, 148 & 150 Madison St. Holt, Henry, & Co., 27 & 29 West 23d St., New York. Holt & Crawford, Montgomery, 4th St., Brooklyn, Ala. Homans, Benjamin, New York. Now Homans Publishing Co., 251 Broadway. Homans, I. S., Bankers’ fice, New York. Now Homans Publishing Co., 251 Broadway. Homans & Banks, New York. Now Homans Publishing Co., 251 Broadway. Magazine of- Homans Publishing Co., 251 Broadway, New York. See also Banker’s Magazine office. Honeyman & Rowe, Somerville, ING ol Hood, J. J., 1018 Arch St., Philadelphia. Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, cave of G. 'T. Beauregard, New Orleans, La. Barron, & Co., Norfolk, Va. 42 Nassau St., New Hope, ole Hopkinson, D. H., Y ork. Now deceased. Horney & Son, Chillicothe, O. See Gould & Kello. Horsman, E. I., York. Horton & Denning, Gowanda, N. Y. Hoskins, Wm. H., 913 Arch St., Phila- 80 William St., New delphia. Houghton, H. O., & Co., Cambridge, Mass. See also Riverside Press. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 4 Park St., Boston. See also Hurd & Houghton. Houghton, Osgood & Co., Boston. Now Houghton, 4 Park St. Houghton, W.A.& C.58., Sacramento, Cal. Now C Houston, York. Howe & Co., Atchison, Kan. Mifflin & Co. ghton. . 8. Hous Gavin, 42 Bleeker St., New Hoyt, Henry, Boston. Now out of business. Books with Ira Bradley & Co. and W.A. Wilde & Co. : Hoyt, J. S., Boston. Hoyt, Fogg, & Donham, Portland, Me. Hub Publishing Co., Boston. Hubbard Bros., 723 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia. Hubbard, H. P., New Haven, Ct. Hubbardston, Mass., Town Committee. Hubbell, J. H., & Co., 407 Broadway, New York. : Hudson, Rk. E , Alliance, O. Huggins, Jas., 372 Pearl St., New York. Hull, Asa, 240 Fourth Ave., New York. Humphrey, Charles, 7 W. Maumee St., | Adrian, Mich. Hunt, George D.. Salem, O. Hunt, John P., 163 N. 3d St., Phila- delphbia. Hunter, Thomas, Philadelphia. Huntington, W. W., Hartford, Ct. XVil! Hurd & H. TTurlburt. TTurst. Husband- MAN. TTuse. Hussey. [Tutchins. Hylton. Ile. Tht: Pox Illus. Med. Journ. Independent. Index Assoc. indianap. Journ. Indust. Ingersoll. Ingham. Ingraham. Inquirer. Inst. of Instr. Insur. Journ. Insur. Mon. Int. Mus. Int. News. Int. Pr. & Pub. Int. Short. Ives. Ivison. Ivison & P. Jacobs. Ja 711€S. | Janentzky. Jansen. Jarrel. Jeffery. Jenkins, E. Jenkins, W: R. Jenkins & G. Jewett. | Jew. Mess. JOHN Hurd & Houghton, New York. Now Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. Hurlburt, C. 'T., 3 E. 19 St., New York. Hurst & Co., 122 Nassau St., New York. Husbandman Press, Elmira, N. Y. Huse, Goodwin & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hussey, E. G., 191 Broadway, New York. Hutchins, Charles L., Medford, Mass. Hylton, J. D., Palmyra, N. J. Simeon Ide, Claremont, N. H. Lllinois Printing Co., Danville, Ill. [Illustrated Medical Journal Co., Detroit, Mich. See also C. Henri Leonard. Independent Office, The, 251 New York. Index Association, Indianapolis Journal Co., Indianapolis, Ind. y also, 3roadway, Soston. ‘‘ Journal” Office, Indianapolis, Ind. Industrial Publishing Co., 294 Broadway, New York. Ingersoll, Dr. A. J., Corning, N. Y. Incham, Clarke & Co., Cleveland, O. Ingraham, C. B., Indianapolis, Ind. Inquirer Printing & Publishing Co., Lan- caster, Pa. Institute of ly. I Insurance Journal, Hartford, Ct. Instruction, Providence, Insurance Monitor, 137 Broadway, New Y ork. International Music and Agency, New York. Street address not discoverable. 29 & 81 Beek- Publishing International News Co., man St., New York. International Printing & Publishing Office, 150 Nassau St., New York. International Shorthand News Co., Phila- delphia. Ives, James R., & Co., Denver, Col. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 753 & 755 Broadway, New York. Ivison & Perry, Auburn, N. Y. Now J. Henry Ivison. Jacobs, A. P., Detroit, Mich. James, Ed., New York. Janentzky & Co., Philadelphia. Jansen, McClurg & Co., 117 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Jarrel, Rev. W. Jeffery, John B., Chicago. Now The John B. Jeffery Printing Co., Evening Journal Bldg. A., Greenville, Texas. Jenkins, KE. M., 257 Broadway, New York. Jenkins, Wm. R., 850 Sixth Ave., New York. Jenkins & Glick, Oxford, Miss. Jewett, John P., New York. Street address not discoverable. Jewish Messenger Office, 179 Grand St., New York. John Burns Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. See Burns, John, Publishing Co.Johns Hop- kins Uni. Johnson, C. Johnson, H: J. Johnson, J: F. Johnson, T. & J. W. Johnson, T: M. Johnston, W. ts (CVE WS) Johnston, W. DE (MAY Jones, G.I. Jones, eM W. Jones, W. Jones Bros. Jordan. Journal Co. Journal Of. Judd. Judd & D. Judson Pr. Co. Kansas City Bk. Kansas Pub. Kantner. Kay. Keen. Keen an. Keener. Keil. Keller. Kelley. Kellogg. Kellogg Pr. Kelly, M. Kelly, 7: Kelly, P. § Co. Kemper. Kendall, B. du. Kenedy. Kent, C. H. Kent. Ve ds Kenyon. Keppler. Kershau. JOHNS Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Johnson, Crisfield, @ow Ne Ye Johnson, Henry J., 122 Duane St., New York. Johnson, John F., Amesbury, Mass. Johnson, T. & J. W., & Co., 535 Chest- nut St., Philadelphia. Johnson, Thomas M., Osceola, Mo. East Aurora, Erie Johnston, W. J., 9 New Y ork. Johnston, W. J., Whecling, W. Va. Murray St., Jones; Gs Ie. & Co: lon N: Louis, Mo. The educational books of this house are now issued by American School Book Co. Jones, J. M. W., Stationery and Print Co., 167-171 Dearborn St., Chicago. Jones, Wiley, Norfolk, Va. Jones Bros. & Co., 51 & 53 Longworth St., Cincinnati. Jordan Bros., 127 S. phia. 7th St., Philadel- Journal Co., Lincoln, Neb. See also Lincoln Journal Co. ** Journal” Office, Indianapolis, Ind. See also Indianapolis Journal Co. Judd, Orange, Company, 751 Broadway, New York. Judd & Detweiler, Washington, D. C. Judson Printing Co., 16 Beekman St., New York. Kansas City Book and News Co., Kansas City, Mo. Kansas Publishing House, Topeka, Kan. W. Martin. Kantner, W. C., Reading, Pa. See also G. Kay & Bro., 19 S. 6th St., Philadelphia. | Keen, Cooke & Co., Chicago. Now out of business. Keenan, M. H., 15 Water St., Boston. Keener, W. T., Washington St., Chicago. Keil & Bro., Fort Wayne, Ind. 96 Keller, H., & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Sth St.. st. SXGIEN 2 es | Kimmel. | Kimpton. King. King Bros. Kingsland. Kirk. Klein. Knapp. Knight. Knobel. Knoefel. Knowles. Knudsen. Kochendoer- fe 7 Kohler. Kohlman. Kollock. Kopp. Kurtz. Lane. Lansing. Lasher. | Law. Lawrence. Lawyers’ Co-op. | Lea. Kelley, H. W., 711 Sansom St., Phila- | delphia. Kelloge, H- i., & Co;, 21 Park New York. Kellogg Printing Co., Little Rock, Ark. Kelly, M., Boise City, Idaho. Kelly, Thomas, 858 Broome St., New York. Kelly, Piet & Co., Baltimore, Md. Succeeded by John B. Piet & Co. Now Baltimore Publishing Co.,174 W. Balti- more St. ls Kemper, Philip A., Dayton, O. Kendall, B. J., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. Kenedy, P. New Y ork. Kent, C. H., Davenport, Iowa. J., © Barclay St., Kent, Virginia J., Chicago. Kenyon, James B., Frankfort, N. Y. Keppler & Schwarzmann, St., New York. Kershaw, J. M., St. Louis, Mo. 23 Warren Leavitt. Leavitt, S. Lee, H. Lee § S. Lee J W. Legal Adv. Legal News. Leggett. Lemotine. | Leonard. | Leslie, A. F. | W. | Leslie, F. Kurtz, D. M. LESLIE Kimmel, M. G., Valparaiso, Kimpton, Henry. Address not discoverable. King, Moses, Cambridge, Mass. King Bros., Baltimore, Md. Kingsland, E. A., & Co., 66 John St., New York. Kirk, J., & Sons, Dover, Del. W. L., & Co., 88 Metropolitan Block, Chicago. Klosé. Edwin G. See Clauder, H. Moravian Publishing Office. Knapp, Peck & Thomson, Auburn, N. Y. Knight & Leonard, 105 St., Chicago. Knobel, A., Knoefel, Henry, Louisville, Ky. Knowles, D. W., Philadelphia. Now out of business. Klein, 7 Der Madison & Co., Chicago. Knox, Thomas R., & Co., 813 Broadway, Ni. Ye See James Miller. Knudsen, C. W., Norwalk, Ct. Kochendoerfer & Urie, New York. Street address not discoverable. Kohler, Ignatz, 911 Arch St., delphia. Puila- Kohlman, C., Springfield, Ill. Not now known to Springfield, Ill., Post-office. Kollock, Henry, 22 Vesey St., New York. Kopp, H., & Co., 145 Lorimer St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mountz.) -L- Md. Kurtz, D. Morris, Ithaca, N. Newton, & Son, Baltimore, Yi Lane, George E., New York. Street address not discoverable. Boston. now known to Boston Post-office. Lansing, John A., Not Lasher, G. W., Cincinnati. Law, James, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Lawrence, W. H., & Co., Denver, Col. Lawyers’ Co-operative Publishing Co., Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y. ( Lea, Henry C., Philadelphia. { Succeeded by : | Lea’s, Henry C., Son & Co. Now Lea Bros. & Co., 706 and 708 Sansom St. Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, 87 Franklin St., Boston. See R. 8S. Davis & Co. \ieavitt. Ge Ay. dr.. Now deceased. Leavitt, Samuel, 60 Ann St., New York. Lee, Homer, & Co., 60 Cedar St., New York. Lee & Shepard, 47 Franklin St., Boston. Lee & Walker, 1113 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia. New York. Legal Adviser Publishing Co., Chicago. Legal News Co., 175 Moaroe St., Chicago. See also Chicugo Legal News Co. Leggett, S. H., 253 5th Ave., New York. Lemoine Bros., St. Louis, Mo. Not now known to St. Louis Post-oflice. Leonard, C. Henri, Detroit, Mich. Now Illustrated Medical Journal Co. Leslie, A. F. W., Publishing Co., 21 Park Row, New York. Leslie, Frank, New York. Now Mvs. Krank Leslie, 538-57 Park Place.Levi. Lewin. Lewis, A. F. 5 GW: Lewis, J. Lewis, T: Leypoldt. } | Lib. Bu. i Linahan. Lincoli Journ. Lindemann. Tindsay, R. a i: Lindsay § Baker. Tindsay § Blakiston. Linn. Lippincott. Inst Pub. Litchman. | Little, G: 7: Little, W. C. Inttle, B. & Goa: Tnittlefield. Livermore. Living Ch. Lloyd, L: Lloyd. Locke (B.) Locke (T.) Lockwood, GEE: Lockwood, i. Lockwood, B. & Co. Lodge. Long. Long § P. Wiel. ast. Soc. Longstreth. Loring. Loring, S. & Ee Lothrop. Love. LEVI Levi & Bacon, Pittsburgh, Pa. Now Frank Bacon. Lewin, Louis, & Co., Los Angeles, | Cal. Lewis, A. F. & C. W., Boston. Not now known to Boston Post-office. Lewis, Juan, 625 Walnut St., Phila- | delphia. Lewis, Thomas, Cambridge, Mass. Not now known to Cambridge Post office. Leypoldt, F., New York. Now ‘Publishers’ Weekly,” 31 & 82 Park Row. Library Bureau, 32 Hawley St., Boston. | Linahan, Dan, St. Louis, Mo. | Lincoln Journal Co., Lincoln, Neb. See also Journal Co., Lincoln, Neb. Lindemann, W., 101 St. Mark’s PI., New York: Now Henrictta Lindemann, 101 St. Mark’s Pl. Lindsay, Robert M., 828 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Lindsay & Baker, Philadelphia. Now R. M. Lindsay, 828 Walnut St. Lindsay & Blakiston, Philadelphia. Now P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1012 Walnut St. Linn, Frederick D., Jersey City, N. J. Now F. D. Linn & Co. Lippincott; J. B., & Co., 715 & 717 Market St., Philadelphia. List Publishing Co., 140 Nassau St., | New York. See also Maurice M. Minton. | Litchman, Chas. H., Marblehead, | Mass. Little, George Thomas, Auburn, Me. Little, Weare C., Albany, N. Y. Now W.C. Little & Co. Little, Brown & Co., 254 Washington St., Boston. Littlefield, 3oston. George E., 67 Cornhill, | Livermore, S. T., Bridgewater, Mass. Living Church Co., The, Chicago. | Lloyd, J. U., Lloyd, Louis, & Co., Chicago. Cincinnati. Locke Publishing Co., Boston. See also Andrew F. Graves, Boston. Locke Publishing Co., Toledo, O. Lockwood, George R., New York. Now Lockwood, George R., & L Broadway. 812 | | | Son, Lockwood, Howard, 74 Duane St., New York. | Lockwood, Brooks & Co., 17 St., Boston. Lodge, Edwin Albert, Detroit, Mich. Long, Silas, New York. Street address not discoverable. Franklin Long & Putnam, Boston. Long Island Historical Soc., Brooklyn, Longstreth, Henry, 738 Sansom St., Phiiadelphia. Loring, A. K., 9 Bromfield St., Boston. Loring, Short & Harmon, Portland, Me. Lothrop, D., & Boston. | Co., 32 Franklin St., | | Love, James, Burlington, Ia. Lovell, XX MARSHALL Lovell, A. Lovell, J: W. Co. | Lovell, Ad., W. § Co. Lovell Bros. | Ludwig. Luth. Bk.- St. Luth. Pub. Lynch. Lynde. | Lyons. | Maccabean. McCalla. McCarthy. McClain. McClenahan. MacCoun. McCracken. MacCrellish. McCurdy. | McDonough. | McGee. Mc Ginness. McKay. MacKellar. Mc Knight. | McLellan. McLoughlin. Macmillan. Mc Morris. Magee. Maine Hist. Mallows. March. Marot. Marshall. Ad. § Wovell, A.. & Co:, 16 Astor Pl., New York. { Lovell, John W., New York. | ~ ) Now : } Lovell, John W., Co., 14 & 16 Vesey l St. Lovell, Adam & Co., New York. Now John W. Lovell Co., 14 & 16 Vesey St. Lovell, Adam, & Cor, York. Now John W. Lovell Co., 14 & 16 Vesey St. Wesson New Lovell Bros., Toronto, Can. Ludwig, Chas. H., 10 & 12 Reade St., New York. Lutheran Bookstore, 117 N. 9th St., Philadelphia. See also G. W. Frederick. Lutheran Publication Soc., 42 N. 9th St., Philadelphia. Lynch, Cole & Meehan, 12 Warren St., New York. Lynde, Charles, 31 Cornhill, Boston. Lyons, J. A., Notre Dame, Ind. Maccabean Publishing Co., 25 Bond St., New York. McCalla & Stavely, 237 Dock St., Phila- delphia. ( McCarthy, Carlton, Richmond, Va. } Now 1 McCarthy, Carlton, & Co., 805 E. [ Main St. McClain, Emlin, State University, Iowa City, Ia. McClenahan, J. C., Columbus, O. MacCoun, Townsend, Chicago. Now 744 Broadway, New York. McCracken, C. L., Thompsonville, Ct. MacCrellish & Quigley, Trenton, N. J. McCurdy, J. C., & Co., 632 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. McDonough, Joseph, 30 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. McGee, James A., 7 York. McGinness & Runyan, Princeton, N. J. Now H. Runyan. McKay, David, 23 S. 9th St., Philadel- phia. MackKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 606 som St., Philadelphia. McKnight, Geo., Wellesley, Mass. Not now known to Wellesley Post-office. Barclay St., New San- McLellan, Mosher & Co., Portland, Me. McLoughlin Bros., 73 Duane St., New York. Macmillan & Co., 112 Fourth Ave., New York. MeMorris & Gans, Philadelphia. Not now known to Philadelphia Post-office. Magee, James P., Agt., New England Methodist Book Depository, 388 Bromfield St., Boston. Maine Historical Soc., Brunswick, Me. Mallows Publishing Co., Lock Box 60, Boston. March Bros., Lebanon, O. Marot, Charles H., 814 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Marshall & Bruce, Nashville, Tenn.MARTIEN Martien. Martin, G: W. (C.) Martin, G. (L.) Martin, H. T. Martindale. Maryland Hist. Soc. Masonic. Mass. Hist. Mathews. Matthews Bros. Maxwell. Mazwell, S.A. Maynard. Meadville. Med. Journ. Med. Press. Menamin. Mennonite. Mer. Statis. Merriam. Mervall. Merrill, H. § Co. Merrill, M. & Co. Metelli. Meth. Bk. Dep. Metropolitan. Meyer. Miami. Mil. Ord. L. Miller, D. Miller, J. Miller, S. A. Mills. W. XX1 MURPHY Martien, Alfred, Philadelphia. Martin, George W., Concordia, Kan. Not now known to Concordia Post-oftice. | Mills, J. R. | Martin, George W., Kansas Publishing | Milton. House, ‘Topeka, Kan. See also Kansas Publishing House. Martin, H. T., Beaver Falls, Pa. Martindale, J. B., New York. Now 142 La Salle St., Chicago. Maryland Historical Soc., Baltimore, Md. Masonic and Miscellaneous Publishing Co., New York. Massachusetts Historical Soe., Boston. Mathews, W. S. B., Chicago. Matthews Bros. & Bryant, Buffalo, N.Y. Now J.C. Bryant. Maxwell & Co., Bloomington, Ill. Maxwell, S. A., & Co., 184 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mayer & Van Sant, Dayton, Ohio. See J. H. Thomas. Maynard & Tedford, St. Louis, Mo. Not now known to St. Louis Post-oflice. Meadville Publishing House, Meadville, Paz Medical: Journal Louis, Mo. Now Frank M. Rumbold, 2622 Washington Ave. Publishing Co., St. Medical Press Assoc., Chicago. Meeks, Edward, 1002 Walnut St., Phila- delphia. See E. Claxton & Co.; Claxton, Remsen & Haf. | felfinger. Menamin, R. S., Philadelphia. Mennonite Indiana. 517 & Publishing Elkhart, Co:. 519 Minor St., | | | | | Miner, LH. | Miner, J. A. Minton. | Mitchell. Mohun, F.B. | Mohun Bros. Motr. Montreal Gazette. Moore. Moore, J. A. Moore, J: Moras. Morav. Pub. Morehouse. Morrison, W: H. Morrison, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, R. J Co. Morse. | Mortimer. Mercantile and Statistical Agency Asso- | clation, New York. Now out of business. Merriam, G. & C., Springfield, Mass. Now G. & C. Merriam & Co. Merrill, D. D., St. Paul, Minn. Now St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. Merrill, Hubbard & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Now Merrill, Meigs & Co. Merrill, Meigs & Co., Indianapolis, Ind Metelli Bros., 135 Bleecker St., New York. Methodist Book Depository (D. H. Car- roll, Agent), Baltimore, Md. Methodist Book Concern. See Nelson & Phillips; Phillips & Hunt. Metric Bureau. See American Metric Bureau. Metropolitan Publishing Co., 252 Broad- way, New York. Meyer, C. E., Philadelphia. Miami Publishing Co., Piqua, O. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of U. S., Headquarters Commandery of Pa., 189 S. 7th St., Philadelphia. Miller, Daniel, Reading, Pa. Miller, James, New York. 5 Suceeeded by Thomas R. Knox & Co., 81 Broadway. Miller, S. A., 8 W. 3d St., Cincinnati. Mills & Co., Des Moines, Iowa. 2 0 Morton. Moseley. | Moss J Co. | Mound City. | Mucklow. | Mucklow & Ds Mudge. Mutr. Mulheron. Munro. Munro, N. L. Munroe, C. K. Munsell. Munson. Murphy. ( 1 ] 1 1 1 Murphy, J: L. Murphy, M. Murphy, W: Lr. Mills, J. R., & Co., Cincinnati. Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass. See Bradley, Milton, & Co. Milton Publishing League, Montreal, Can. Not now known to Montreal Post-office. Miner, Henry, Pittsburgh, Pa. Miner, Joel A., Ann Arbor, Mich. Minton, Maurice M., New York. Now List Publishing Co., 140 Nassau St. Mitchell & Bettis, Litthe Rock, Ark. Mohun, Francis B., Washington, D. C. Succeeded by Mohun Bros., Washington, D. C. Now out of business. Moir, H. C., 211 E. 8st St., New York. Montreal Gazette Printing Office, Mon- treal, Can. Moore, Alexander, 3 School St., Bos ton. Moore, James A., Philadelphia. Moore, John, Ann Arbor, Mich. Moras, Ferdinand, 609 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Moravian Publishing Office, Bethlehem, Ba. Edwin G. Klosé, Manager, succeeding H. T. Clauder, Which see also. Morehouse, L. H., Milwaukee, Wis. Morrison, Wm. H., 475 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. Morrison, W. H. & O. H., Washington, Dae: Now Wm. H. Morrison, 475 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W. Morrison, Richardson & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. Morse, C. C., & Son, Haverhill, Mass. Mortimer, H. S., & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. Morton, John P., & Co., 440-446 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. Moseley & Bro., Madison, Wis. Now J. E. Moseley. Moss & Co., 432 Chestnut St., Philadel- phia. Mound City Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Mucklow, W. B., New York. Succeeded by Mucklow & Simon, New York. Now out of business. Mudge, Alfred, © Son, 2 Boston. Muir, G. W., Evanston, Ill. Mulheron, J. J., Detroit, Mich. Munro, George, 17-27 Vandewater St., New York. Munro, Norman l., 24 & water St., New York. Munroe, C. K., 140 Nassau St., N. Y. Munsell, Joel, Albany, N. Y. Now Joel Munsell’s Sons. Munson, James E., 103 Tribune Build- ing, New York. Murphy, John, & Co., 182 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Murphy, John L., Trenton, N. J. Murphy, M., 715 Sansom St., Phila- delphia. Murphy’s, Wm. F., Sons, 509 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Franklin St., 26 Vande-Murray, W. § i: Murray Hill. Murry, C. R. Myers. Nagle. Nagle, J. A. Nash. Nashville. Nathan. | N. A. of Wool Man. Civ. Serv Ref. News. Nat. Nat. Sch. El- ocu. Nat. Nat. Temp. Nat. Ag’cy. Nelson. Nelson & P. New Ch. Ne He Hast. } Gen. N. H. News. N. E. Pub. New Ovleans. NV. Y. Book. NN. Y. Crema. N.Y. Ev. Expr. N.Y. News. N.Y. Tribune. NN. Y. Weekly Digest. N.Y. World. Newell. Newhall. Jewhall, J. R. Newton. Nichols, C: A. Nichols, J: Nicholson. Nickerson. MURR Murray, Williamson & Phelps, Chicago. Not now known to Chicago Post oflice. | Murray Hill Publishing Co., 129 East 28th St., New York. Murry, Chancy R., Cincinnati. Myers, E. B., Chicago. i Now E. B. Myers & Co., 123 Monroe 8t. Nagle, John R., & Co., Philadelphia. Yagle, Joseph A., Austin, Tex. W., 80 Nassau St., New York. [ City of], Tenn. .. S., 55 Cedar St., New: York. {ational Assoc. Wool Manufacturers, John L. Hayes, Boston. National Civil Service Reform League, 1 & 6 Pine St., New York. National News Washington, DEC. National School of Elocution and Ora- tory, 1416 & 1418 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ) ash, E. Vashville A te vathan, C b Bureau, National Temperance Soc., 58 Reade St:.. New York. See also J. N. Stearns (Manager). Naturalists’ Agency, Salem, Mass. Now S. E. Cassino & Co., 41 Arch St. Boston. Nelson, Thos., & Sons, 42 Bleecker St., New York. Nelson & Phillips, New York. Now Phillips & Hunt, 805 Broadway. New 20 Church Board of Publication, Cooper Union, New York. New England Historic, Genealogical Soe., 18 Somerset St., Boston. New: England News Co., 14 Franklin St., Boston. New England Methodist Book Deposi- tory, 38 Bromfield St., Boston. See James P. Magee, Agt. New England Publishing Co., 16 Hawley St., Boston. ’ New Orleans [ City of ], La. New York Book Depository, 5 Clinton Pl., New York. New York Cremation Soc., 140 Nassau St., New York. New York Evening Express Office, New York. Now New York Mail] & Express Office, 23 Park Row. New York News Co., New York. New York Tribune, 154 Nassau St., New York. New York Weekly Digest Co., 85 Morse Bld’g, New York. The World Office, 31 & New York. Newell, C. M., 1074 Washington St., | Boston. Newhall, Geo. D., & Co., Cincinnati. | Now The Geo. D. Newhall Co. 20 Beekman St., 29 Vga Park Row, Newhall, James R., Lynn, Mass. Newton, W. H., St. Georges, Del. | Nichols, Charles A., & Co., Springfield, | Mass. AY XX Miles, T. H. Nims. Niwver. Nixon. Noonan. Normal. North. N. A. Rev. N.W. Pub. Nourse. Noyes. Noyes, Oahspe. O’ Connor. Ogulvre. Ohio St. For. Olsen. Oneida Com. Orvis. Osgood. O’ Shea. Otts. Overland. Pacific Law. Palliser. Palin er, J. E. Palmer, L. T. Palmer, W.C. Park. | Park Pub. Parry. Parsons. Pastvme. | Patriot. Nichols, John, Raleigh, N. C. Nicholson, Thos., Philadelphia. Not now known to Philadelphia Post-office, Nickerson, Sibley, & Co., Pawtucket, | Patterson. Patterson § { T Se 5 Co. PATTERSON W., Niles, T. H., and Raynes, George Boston. Nims, H. B., & Co., Troy, N. Y. Niver, D. R., 10 N. Pearl St., Albany, ING aY4: Nixon-Jones Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Noonan, Thomas B., & Co., 23 & 20 Boylston St., Boston. Normal Teacher Publishing House, Dan- ville, Ind. See also J. E Sherrill. Now Normal Publishing House. North, F. A., & Co., 1308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. North American Review, 30 Lafayette Pl., New York. Northwestern Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn. Nourse, Thorndike, Detroit, Mich. See also E. B. Smith & Co. Noyes, Henry D., &Co., I St., Boston. Noyes, Snow & Co., Boston. Now Henry D. Noyes & Co., 134 Bromfield St. 34 Bromfield Oahspe Publishing Assoc., New York. Street address not discoverable. @CGonnor, Ke B, Jr, 68 3rooklyn. Office of ‘‘ The Publishers’ Weekly,” 31 & 32 Park Row, New York. See F. Leypoldt; ‘‘ Publishers’ Weekly.” Court St., Ogilvie, J. S., & Co., 31 Rose St., New York. See also American Temperance Publishing House. Ohio State Forestry Assoe., Cincinnati. Ohio State University, Oxford, O. See State University. Olsen, Neils, New York Yacht Club, 67 Madison Ave., New York. Oneida Community, Oneida, N. Y. Orange Judd Co., 751 Broadway, New York. See Judd, Orange, Co. Orvis, C. F., Manchester, Vt. Osgood, James R., & Co., 211 Tremont St., Boston. O’Shea, P., 45 Warren St., New York. Otis; H. H., Buffalo; N: Y- Overland Publishing Co., 147 Fifth Ave., Chicago. Now supposed to be out of business. Pacific Law Printing and Co., San Francisco, Cal. Publishing Palliser, Palliser & Co., Bridgeport, Ct. Palmer, J. E., 128 Broadway, New York. Palmer, L. T., & Co., Chicago. Palmer, W. C., Jxr., York. Park, W. J., & Co., Madison, Wis. Park Publishing Co., Hartford, Ct. Parry, Jos. Hyrum, Salt Lake City, Utah. Now Jos. Hyrum Parry & Co. Parsons, John D., Jr., Albany, N. Y. Pastime Publishing Co., 29 Rose St., New York. Patriot Publishing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. Patterson, F. B., 23 Murray St., New York. Now out of business. Patterson & Neilson, 12 Dey St., New York. sible House, NewPaul. Paxon. Payne. Payot. Peace. Pearson. Pease. Peaslee. Peck. Peck & NS. Peloubet. Pelton. Penhallow. Penington. People’s Pub. Pepper. Perkins Inst. Perrin. Peterson. Peterson, H: Pettengill. Phila. Times. Phillips & H. Phillips § Sons. Phinney. Phonograph. Photo-£lec. Pickwick. Prerce. Pret. Pilger. Pilot. Pioneer. Pitzer. Plummer. Poland. Polhemus. Pollard. PAUL Paul, Peter, & Bro., Buffalo, N. Y. Paxon, S. & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Rayne, i He & Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. Payot, Upham & Co., San Francisco, Cal: XX Peace Assoc. of Friends in America, | New Vienna, Ohio. Pearson, Charles C., & Co., Concord, Pease, Thomas H., New Haven, Ct. Now Thomas H. Pease & Son. Peaslee, F. E., Battle Creek, Mich. Peck, Henry H., New Haven, Ct. Peck & Snyder, 126 Nassau St., New York. Peloubet, S. S., 80 Nassau St., New York. See also Ward & Peloubet. elton’ Wy Re, 25 Bond St.. New York. Penhallow Print Co., Lowell, Mass. Penington, John, & Son, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Historical Soec., 822 Spruce | | Potter, SS: St., Philadelphia. See Frederick D. Stone, Librarian. People’s Publishing Co., The, Balti- more, Md. See also Eugene L. Didier. Pepper, J. W., Philadelphia. Perkins Institution for the Blind, 37 Avon St., Boston. Perrin & Smith, St. Louis, Mo. Peterson, T. B., & Bros., 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Peterson, Henry, & Co., Philadelphia. Pettengill, S. M., & Co., 263 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Times, 8th & Chestnut Sts., | Philadelphia. See also Times Pub. Co, Pollock. Pond. Pool. Poor. Pope. Phillips & Hunt, 805 Broadway, New| York. See also Nelson & Phillips. Porter, EF. B. Porter, J. W. Porter J C. Pott. Rott. Ya 5; Co. | Potter, D. C. Potter, J: LG. Potter, A. & Co. Power. Prang. Pratt. Pratt, C: Presb. Bd. Presb. Pub. Press Pr. Prince Soe. Principia. Phillips & Sons, 80 4th Ave., New York. | Phinney, T. C., Montpelier, Vt. Phonographic Institute, 51 W. 4th St., P. O. Box 1158, Cincinnati. Photo-Electrotype Co., 63 Oliver St., Boston. Pickwick & Co., 1429 Market St., Phila- delphia. Pierce, Burton & Co., Aurora, III. Piet, John B., Baltimore, Md. Now Baltimore Publishing Co., 174 W. Balti- more St. Pilger Buchhandlung, Reading, Pa. Pilot Publishing Co., 597 Washington St., Boston. Pioneer Press Co., St. Paul, Minn. Pitman & Howard, 51 W. 4th St., P. O. | ; | Quiney. Box 1158, Cincinnati. See Phonographic Institute. Pitzer, George C., St. Louis, Mo. Plummer, Charles G., Davenport, | Iowa. Poland, J. & J. M., Montpelier, Vt. Polhemus, John, 102 Nassau St., New York. Pollard & Moss, 47 John St., New York. Prov. Press Co. Pub. Weekly. Pustet. Puterbaugh. Putnam. Putnam § D. | Q: PB. Ind. | Quaker City. Quigley. Radde. R. R. Gaz. Rway Age. R’way Rev. RAILWAY Pollock, T. H., New York. Street address not discoverable. Ponce de Leon, N., 40 & 42 Broadway, New York. See De Leon, N. Ponce. Pond, W. A., & Co., 25 Union Sq., New York. Pool, W., Niagara Printing Estab., Niagara Falls, N. Y Boor, He Va & He We. 70) Wall St: New York. Pope Manufacturing Co., 597 Washing- ton St., Boston. Porter, E. B., Indianapolis, Ind. Porter, Joseph W., Burlington, Me. Porter & Coates, S. W. cor. 9th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. See also Joseph H. Coates & Co. Pott, James, New York. Now James Pott & Co., 12 Astor Pl. Pott, Young & Co., New York. Now BE. & J. B. Young & Co., Cooper Union. Potter, Daniel C., 644 6th St., New York. Potter, John E., & Co., 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia. Potter, S. H., Hamilton, O. Potter, Ainsworth & Co., 107 Cham- bers St., New York. Power, J. L., Jackson, Miss. Prang, L., & Co., Boston. Book publishing department is now Prang Ed- ucational Co., 7 Park St. Pratt, D. C., 16 New Church St., New Y ork. Pratt, Charles, 46 Broadway, New York. Presbyterian Board of Publication, John A. Black, Supt., 1834 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Presbyterian Committee of Publication, Richmond, Va. See also J. D. K. Sleight (Manager). Press Printing Co., Paterson, N. J. Prince Society, Boston. Principia Club, Cambridge, Mass. Not now known to Cambridge Post-oflice. Providence Press Co., Providence, R. I. Publishers’ Weekly Office, 31 & 32 Park how, New York. See also ¥. Leypoldt. Pustet, Fr, New York. Now Fr. Pustet & Co., 52 Barclay St. Puterbaugh & Puterbaugh, Peoria, Ill. Putnam’s, G. P., Sons, 27 & 29 W. 23d St., New York. Putnam & Davis, Worcester, Mass. Now Putnam, Davis & Co. Q. P. Index, 29 Broadway, Bangor, Me. Quaker City Publishing Co., 237 Arch St., Philadelphia. Quigley, R., New York. Street address not discoverable. Quiney, Nelson S., Philadelphia. Now H. B. Garner, 710 Arch St. Radde, William, New York. Now Wm. Radde & Son, 62 Reade St. Railroad Gazette Office, 70 Broadway, New York. Railway Age Publishing Co., Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago. Railway Review, 182-184 Dearborn St., Chicago. < AROSasc eeuRway World. Rainbow. taleigh. Ramsey. vand. Rand, O. J. Rand, McN. § Co. Randall § F. Randolph. Randolph § EE. Rapier. Rauch. Record. Reed, F. R. Reed, G: B. Reed, W. L. Ref. Ch. Pub. Reid. Rel. News. Rel. Phil. Remick. Revell. Rev. & Her- ald. Rhodes. Rice. hRichards. Richardson. richardson, W: G. Richmond. Rider. Riegel. Riggs. Riverside. Roberts. Roberts, C. C. Roberts, J: T. Robins. Robinson. Robson. Roeslein. Rogers. RAILWAY XXIV Railway World, 423 Walnut St., Phila- delphia. Rainbow Club, Montgomery, Orange Cor Ne Ye Raleigh [ City of ], N. C. Ramsey, Millett & Hudson, Kansas City, Mo. Rand, Avery & Co., 117 Franklin St., Boston. Rand, O. J., 79 Milk St., Boston. Rand, McNally & Co., 148-154 Monroe St., Chicago. Randall & Fish, Indianapolis, Ind. Randolph, A. D. F., & Co., 900 Broad- way, New York. Randolph, J. W., & English, Richmond, Va. Rapier, John L., & Co., Mobile, Ala. Rauch, E. H., Lancaster, Pa. Reeord Print, Seymour, Ct. Jeed, FE. R., & Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. Reed, George B., 24 Cornhill, Boston. Reed, W. L., Macon, Ga. Not known to Macon Post-oflice. Reformed Church Board of Publication in America, 34 Vesey St., New York. Reid, J. A. & R. A., Providence, R. I. Religious Newspaper Agency, New York. Now Funk & Wagnalis, 10 & 12 Dey St. Religio-Philosophical Publishing House, Chicago. Remick, John C., 320 Broadway, New York. Revell, Fleming H., 148 & 150 Madison St., Chicago. See also W. G. Holmes. Review and Herald Publishing Assoc., Battle Creek, Mich. Rhodes & MeClure, 11 Methodist Church Block, Chicago. tice, Thomas A., 210 & 212 N. 4th St., | | Russell, W. E. St. Louis, Mo. Richards & Co., Denver, Col. Now Stone & Co. Richardson, M. T., 7 Warren St., New York. Richardson, W. C., St. Louis, Mo. Richmond, Backus & Co., Detroit, Mich. | tider, Sidney S., Providence, R. I. Riegel, M. J., Easton, Pa. ” Riggs & Bros., Philadelphia. Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. See also H. O. Houghton & Co. Roberts Bros., 299 Washington St., Boston. Roberts, C. €., & Co., 1118 Arch St. Philadelphia. Roberts, John T., Syracuse, N. Y. Robins, M. B., Shelbyville, Ind. tobinson, HH. W., 1102 Walnut St., Philadelphia. tobson, Charles & Co., Philadelphia. Now out of business. toeslein, Friedrich, 302 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. Rogers & Sherwood, 21 Barclay St., New York. — Rogers § Co. Rokker. Roop. | Roman. Roorbach. Roorbach, H. Roper. Ropp. Rose- Belfo rd. Rosewater. Roskoten. Ross. Roth. Rough Notes. Rounds. Routledge. Rowell. Rumbold. Rural Home. Russell. Russell, C. £. Russell, G. D. Russell, J. MW. Russell, L. Ruttenber. Rutter. | Ryder. Ryland. Sabin. Sadlier. Sadlier, W: I. St. Joseph Steam Pr. St. L. News. St. L. River- side Pr. ST. LOUIS Rogers & Co., Memphis, Tenn. Rokker, H. W., Springfield, III. Roop, Hubert A., Wilmington, Del. Roman, A., & Co., San Francisco. Now A. Roman, Agent, 120 Sutter St. Roorbach & Co., New York. Now Harold Roorbach, 9 Murray St. Zoorbach, Harold, 9 Murray St., New York. See also Happy Hours Co. Roper, Charles F., 29 Rose St., New York. Zopp, Christian, Jr., Bloomington, Ill. Rose-Belford Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich. Now Belford, Clarke & Co., 192 & 194 State St., Chicago. Rosewater, Frank. Cleveland, O. Not now known to Cleveland Post-office. 2oskoten, Robert, Peoria, Ill. toss, C. M., & Bro., Iowa City, Ia. Roth, Edward, 1135 Pine St., Philadel- phia. Rough Notes Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Rounds, S. P., Jr., Chicago. Routledge, George, & Sons, 9 Lafayette Pl., New York. Rowell, George P., & Co., 10 Spruce St., New York. Rumbold, G. O., & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Now Frank M. Rumbold, 2622 Washington Avenue. See also Medical Journal Publishing Co. Runyan, H., Princeton, N. J. See McGinness & Runyan. 2ural Home Publishing Co., Rochester, Russell, B. B., 57 Cornhill, Boston. Russell, C. T., Rochester, N. Y. Russell, G. D., & Co., Boston. Now Russell Bros., 126 Tremont St. Russell, J. M., 126 Tremont St., Bos- ton. Russell, L., 9 Spruce St., New York. Russell, W. E., 88 Chambers St., New York. tussell & Henderson, 79 Milk St., 3oston. See B. A. Fowler & Co. Ruttenber, E. M., & Son, Newburgh, Nic Xe Rutter, Wm., & Co., 124 N. 7th St., Philadelphia. Ryder, J. F., Cleveland, O. Ryland, J., & Co., Richmond, Va. Sabin, Joseph, New York. Succeeded by J. Sabin’s Son, 21 & 23° Ann st. Sadler, W. H., 6 & 8 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. See Beer & Sadler. Sadlier, D. & J., & Co., 31 Barclay St., New York. Sadlier, William H., 11 Barclay St., New York. St. Joseph Steam Printing Co., St. Jo- seph, Mo. St. Louis News Co., 307 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis Riverside Printing House, St. Louis, Mo.Via Sallada. NAMPson. Sampson, D. { & Co San It. News. Scammell. Schermerhorn. Ochairvme?. “7 “7 OCIHILELAET. Schober. Schoenh of. 17 . ochoftetd. J 7 Schuberth. Ps 17 Scots Char. Soc. Scott, C: A. Scrantom, W. & Co. Scranton. Scribner. poe Sc? tbner, J y Co. Scribner & W. Scribner, W. & A. Scribne rs Sons. Scrtp. Tract. Sceelbach. Seger. Selden. Sentinel Pr. Sentinel Pub. Si. LOUIS Xx St. Louis Stationery & Book Co., 407 N. Ath St., St. Louis, Mo. See also Gray, Baker & Co.: Hugh R. Hil- | dreth Printing Co. St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., St. Paul, Minn. See D. D. Merrill. Sallada, Wm. H., Des Moines, Iowa. sampson, J. H., Columbus, O. Not now known to Columbus Post-oflice. Sainpson, Davi nport, & Co., 155 Frank- lin St., Boston. San Francisco News Co., San Francisco, Cal. Sanborn, Josiah B., Coneord, N. H. Sanborn, J. P., & Co., Newport, R. I. Sanborn, John Wentworth, satavia, 1 Ve Sanford & Co., Worcester, Mass Sanitary Engineer Office, 140 William St., New York. Sause’s Dancing Aeademy, 114 E. 13th st., New York. sawyer, M. B., & Co., I7 Warren St. New York. Scammell & Co. 210 N. 3d St.. St. Louis, Mo. Schermerhorn, J. W., & Co., 7 BE. 14th St., New York 89 Union Sq., New York. Schneider, W. F., Cleveland, O. Schober & Co., Detroit, Mich. Schoenhof & Moeller, Boston. } Now Carl Schoenhof, 145 Tremont St. 5 Sehirmer, G., Schofield, W. J., Boston. Sechuberth, Edward, & Co., 23 Union Sq-., New York. Seots’ Charitable Soe., Boston. Seott, Charles A., Pittsburgh, Pa scott We Ee. Wb W. 9th St. Kansas City, Mo. Seott-Browne, D. L., 23 Clinton Pl., New York. Secovill Manufacturing Co., 423 Broome St., New York. Serantom, Wetmore & Co., Rochester, Neve Scranton, S. S., & Co., Hartford, Ct. ., New York. Now Century Co., 33 E. lith St. Scribner, Armstrong & Co., New York. Now Charles Scribner’s Sons, 743 & 745 Broad- way. Scribner & Welford, 743 & 745 Broad- way, New York. Seribner, Welford, & Armstrong. New York. Now Scribner & Welford, 743 & 745 Broudway. Seribner & Co Seribner’s, Charles, Sons, 748 & 745 Broadway, New York. Seriptural Tract Repository, 47 Corn- hill, Boston. See also H. L. Hastings Seelbach Bros., 89 White St., New York. Seener & Condit, Burlington, Iowa. Selden & Bros., Philadelphia. Now Ashol W. Selden, 15 N. 9th St. Sentinel Printing Co., Keene, N. H. Sentinel Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ad. (Mar. 8d.) Setliff. | Sever. Sharp. Sha rp « a ¥ OAT pe. t- v7 Sharps. Sha Ww. Shawm Sh ea. She als. v7 ohearer. ¥? S/LE ha S he ¢ h Uj. ut. tl. Sh é ldon. Shi Ld U. v7 Shepa rd. ‘7 yay o/erlock. O/LET TET aA. Sh Cr? al E. C Sherwood, G: ] ) Shi } wood. A. Shillington. 7 os Ohort. S/ue Uj. S v 00 le . tie ped orebert. Siemon. | Sleight. Slote. | Snuth, « Small. Smart. Poi ath 9 Smith, Sm ith a Smith, Snuth, Smith, Smith, Smith, Sm ith ) Gs (!. EL. Ff, G. oe Di. L. Fes SMITH Sever, ©. W., Cambridge, Mass. Sharp, W. S., Printing Co., Trenton, NE: Sharp & Alleman, Philadelphia. Sharpe, W. C., Seymour, Ct. Sharps’ Publishing Co., 161 Franklin St., New York. Shaw & Swarts, Providence, R. I Now W. B. Swarts, Agent. Shawmut Publishing Co., 81 Shawmut Ave., Boston. Shea, John G., Elizabeth, N. J. Sheals, John, New York. Street address not discoverable. Shearer, John H., & Son, Marysville, Ohio. : Sheehan & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Sheehy, Jas., 33 Murray St., New York. Sheldon & Co., 8 Murray St., New Y ork. Shelley, C. C., 10 & 12 College Pl., New York. Shepard, Henry L., & Co., Boston. Now out of business. Sherlock, P. T., Chicago. Sherrerd’s Printing House, 152 S. 3d ot., Philadelphia. Sherrill, J. E., Danville, Ind. Now Normal Pub. House. Sherwood & Co., E. 9th St., New York. Sherwood, George, & Co., 307 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Shillington, Joseph, 363 Penna. Ave. Washington, D. C Short & Forman, Cleveland, O. Shuey, W. J., Dayton, O. ee also United Brethren Publishing House, W.J. Shuey (Manager). Shoppell, R. W., 24 Beekman St., New Y ork. See Co-operative Building Plan Assoc. Sibole, J. L.,; Philadelphia. Now out of business. Siebert & Lilley, Columbus, O. Siemon & Bro., Fort Wayne, Ind. Skandinaven’s Book Department, 183- 187 N. Peoria St., Chicago. See John Anderson & Co. Sleight, J. D. K., Richmond, Va. See also Presbyterian Committee of Publica- tion, J. D. K. Sleight (Manager). Slote, Woodman & Co., New York. Now Daniel Slote & Co., 119 William St. Small, Willard, 14 Bromfield St., Bos- ton. Smart, James H., Indianapolis, Ind. Smith, Charles J., Mutual Life Building, New York. Smith, Charles W., 158 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. Smith, E.. B., & Co., Detroit, Mich. Now Vhorndike Nourse. Smith, F. L., Boston. Smith, G. G., & Co., Evansville, Ind. Smith, J. Frederick, Philadelphia. Now out of business. Smith, John Brown, Amherst, Mass. Smith, Lucien H., Washington, D. C. Not now known to Washington Post-oflice. Smith, L. Lum, 912 Arch St., Philadel- pliia. Smith, Philip H., Pawling, N. Y. Ran asSmith § FP. Smith & M. Smith. Inst. Sm yt he. Soc. Pol. Ed. Solomons. Somerby. Souder. Soule. Soule & B. Soule, T. § W. So. Bapt. So. Meth. So. Pub. Sower. Spalding. \ Spectator. Spencer. Spon. Sprague. Springfield Coll. Inst. Standard. Standard Pub. Stanton. Starke. Start. Facts. State. State Char. State Journ. Co. State Leader. State Pr. State Univ. Stearns. Stebbins. Steele. Steiger. Stelle. Smith, W. B. SMITH XXV1 Smith, W. B., & Co., 38 Bond St., New York. See also Authors’ Publishing Co. Smith & Forbes, Chicago. Not known to Chicago Post-oflice. Smith & Mayo, Skowhegan, Me. , Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1D (Cb Smythe, A. H., Columbus, O. Society for Political Education, 31 & 32 Park Row, New York. Solomons & Chapman, Washington, D. C- Now James J. Chapman. Somerby, Charles P., 33 Clinton Pl., New y ork See also Truth Seeker Co. Souder, S. ‘T., & Co., Philadelphia. Now out of business. Soulé, J. H., P. O: Box 69, Washing- ton, D.C: Soule & Bugbee, Boston. Now C. C. Soule, Pemberton Sq. Soule, Thomas & Wentworth, St. Louis, Mo. Now F. H. Thomas & Co. Southern Baptist Publication Soc., Mem- phis, Tenn. Southern Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn. Southern Publishing Co., New Orleans, La. Sower, Potts & Co., 5380 Market St., Philadelphia. Spalding, A. G., & Bros., 108 Madison St., Chicago. Spectator Company, 16 Dey St., New Y ork. Spencer & Craig, 169 & 171 Race St., Cincinnati. Spon, E. & F. N., 35 Murray St., New Y ork. Sprague & Son, Augusta, Me. Springfield Collegiate Institute, Spring- field, Mass. Standard Book Co., 111 Madison St., Chicago. Standard Publishing Co., 180 Elm St., Cincinnati. Stanton & Davenport, Wheeling, W. Va. Starke, Thomas J., & Sons, Richmond, Va. Startling Facts Publishing Co., 146 Smith St., Cincinnati. Published by State Government. State Charities Aid Assoc., 6 BE. 14th St.. New York. State Journal Co., Lincoln, Neb. State Leader Co., Des Moines, Ia. State Printing Office, Carson City, Nev. State University, Oxford, O. a Stearns, J. N., 58 Reade St., New York. See also National Temperance Soc., J. Stearns (Manager). Stebbins, M: ©:, & @o:, Springfield, | Mass. Steele & Avery, Rochester, N. Y, ( Steiger, E., New York. 4 Now ( Steiger, E., & Co., 25 Park Pl. Stelle, W. H., & Co., 697 Broadway, | New York. va Stern. | Stern, M. Stern, M., G. xo: Stevenson. Stewart, G:D. Stewart, W.B. Still. Stirewalt. Stockwell. Stoddard. Stoddart, J. M. Stone. FP: D. Stone, L. Stow. y 7 Strauo. Ot7 ee i Strv hk land. Stringer. Strouse. Stuart. Stude Ve Sumner. Sun. Sun Pr. Swartz. Swindells. Sw ssh € lm . Syckelmoore. Tafel. Taintor. Talbot. Tallahassee. Tamsen. Taney. Tavel. Tavel, EH: & TE Taylor. Taylor, M. Ten Lyck. TEN EBYCK Stern, Edward, & Co., 125 N. 7th St., Philadelphia. Stern, Max, Chicago. Now Max Stern & Co., 84 Fifth Ave. Stern, Max, Goldsmith & Co., Chicago. Now Max Stern & Co., 84 Fifth Ave. Stevenson, William H., St. Louis, Mo. Stewart, George D., & Co., Detroit, Mich. Stewart, W. B., & Co., 4th & Race Sts., Philadelphia. Still, William, 244 S. 12th St., Phila- delphia. Stirewalt, J. P., New Market, Va. Stockwell, J. C., 25 Ann St., New York. Stoddard, S. R., Glen Falls, N. Y. Stoddart, J. M., & Co., 1018 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Stone, Frederick D., Librarian Histori- eal Soc. of Pa., 822 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Stone, Livingston, Charlestown, N. H. Stone & Co., Denver, Col. See Richards & Co Stow, Mrs. J. W., Boston. Not now known to Boston Post-office. Straub, S. W., 236 State St., Chicago. Street & Smith, 31 Rose St.. New York. Most of their books were published under joint imprint with G. W. Carleton & Co. Strickland & Co., Oakland. Cal. Now 8. L. Strickland, San Francisco, Cal. Stringer & Strien, care American Baptist Publication Soe., 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Strouse, L. K., New York. Ni L. K. Strouse & Co., 95 Nassau St. Stuart, Edwin S.,9 S. 9th St., Philadel- phia. Studer, Jacob H., & Co., 26 Tribune Bldg., New. York. Sumner, Henry A., & Co., 205 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Sun Office, Cheyenne, Wy. Sun Printing Establishment, Baltimore, Md. Swarts, W. B., Agent, Providence, R. I. See Shaw & Swarts; Tibbitts & Shaw. Swartz, W. P., & Bro., Harrisburg, Pa. Swindells’ (E. W.) Printing House, Austin, Tex. Swisshelm, Jane G., Chicago. Syckelmoore William, 1420 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Tafel, lu. H., Philadelphia. Taintor Bros., Merrill & Co., 18 & 20 Astor Pl., New York. Talbot, D. H., Sioux City, Ia. Tallahassee [ City of], Fla. Tamsen, E. J. H.,52 Ave. A, New York. Taney, Charles H., Wheeling, W. Va. Tavel, A. B., Nashville, Tenn. Tavel, Eastman & Howell, Nashville, Tenn. Now A. B. Tavel. Taylor, W. A., 145 Wood St., Pitts- burg, Pa. Taylor, Martin, Buffalo, N. Y. Now Ulbrich & Kingsley. Ten Kyck & Remington, 271 Broad- way, New York.Tenney. Terhune. Terpening. Texas. Thayer. Thomas, C: NV. Thom as, Tes EE: Thomas, J: H. Thomas, iG: Bs Thompson, E: Thompson, N. D: Thompson, W. H. Thompson, W. H., & Co. Thompson, B. & Co. Thomson, P: G. Thrum. Trib 0a ls . Tibbitts. Tilton. Tim es. Times Pub. Io. Times Steam Pr. Titus. Tobitt. Tomlinson. Topeka. Tousey. Townshend. Traders’ Man. Com. Un. Toe PB: of Fe: Gas Treat. Tredwell. Trenton. Tretbar. Tribune Pr. Tripple. Tro Ww. Truth Seeker. Tryon. Tucker. Tumbridge. Turnbull. TENNEY XXVU Tenney, Wm. P., Boston. Terhune & Van Anglen, New Bruns- | wick, N. J. Now J. Terhune. Terpening, C. W., Creston, Ia. Texas State of Thayer, Merr Philadel Thomas, Charles N., 211 Tremont St., Boston. lam, & Co.. 833 Arch St., phia. ‘Lhomas: By Ee. & Co. St Louis, Mo. See also Soule, Thomas & Wentworth. Thomas, John H., Dayton, O. Vow Mayer & Van Sant. Thomas, Lawrence B., Baltimore, Md. Now at Pontiac, R. I Thompson, Edward, Northport, N. Y. Thompson, N. D., St. Louis, Mo. Thompson, W. H., 404 Arch St., Phila- delphia. Thompson, W. H., & Co., 32 Hawley St., Boston. Thompson, Brown & Co., 23 Hawley St., Boston. Thomson, Peter G., 179 Vine St., Cin- | einnati. Thrum, Thomas G., Honolulu, H. I. Tibbals, N., & Sons, 124 Nassau St.. New York. Tibbitts & Shaw, Providence, R. I. Now W.B. Swarts, Agent. Tilton, S. W., & Co., 333 Washington SS Te B STON. Times Publishing Co., 8th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. See also Philade Iphia Times, Times Publishing House, Denver, Col. Times Steam Printing House and Blank- Book Factory, Denver, Col. Titus, W. L., Cambridge, Mass Not now known to Cambridge Post-office. Tobitt, H. M., 42 Dey St., New York. Tomlinson, John H., 153 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Topeka [ City of], Kansas. Tousey & Small, New York. Nou Frank ‘Tousey ’ 34 N. Moore St. Townshend, Charles H., New Haven, Ct. Traders’ and Manufacturers’ Commer- cial Union, Buffalo, N. Y. Transylvania Printing and Publishing Co., Lexington, Ky. Treat, E. B., 757 Broadway, New York. Tredwell, F., 342 Fulton St., Brooklyn, No NG Trenton [ City of], N. J. Tretbar, Charles F., Steinway Hall, New York. Tribune Printing Co., Lincoln, Neb. Tripple, Robert A., Philadelphia. Trow’s Printing and Bookbinding Co. 207 KK. 12tn St., New York. Truth Seeker Co., 33 Clinton Pl., New York. See also D. M. Bennett; Charles P, Somerby. Tryon, George W., Jr., Philadelphia. Tucker, Luther, G Son, Albany, N. Y. Tumbridge & Co., New York. Turnbull Bros., Baltimore, Md. Now out of business, ? | Tuttle & Co. Tuttle, M. § TE Tyler § Co. Ulbrich. Union Bk. On 10N Pub. Onita. S. S. Un. B. Pub. Un. Presb. Bd. U. S. Direct. U. S. Pub. Unwersalist. University. Univ. of Notre Dame. Usefu l Knowl. Vail. Vaile. Van Antwerp. Van Loan. Van Nos- trand. Vaughan. Vickery. Vogt. Vose. Vose: Z FE Vosseller. Wagenseller. Waggoner. Warte. Waite & B. Walden. Walle. Walker, R. F. Walker, S: Walker, H. § | C. WALKER Tuttle & Co!, Rutland, Vt. Now The Tuttle Co. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, New Ha- ven; Ct. Tyler & Co., Chicago. Ulbrich & Kingsley, Buffalo, N. Y. See also Martin Taylor. Union Book Concern, Chicago. Union Publishing House, 126 Chambers St., New York. Unitarian Sunday School Soc., 7 Tremont Boston. United Brethren Publishing House, Dayton, O. See also W.J. Shuey (Manager). United Presbyterian Board of Publica- tion, Pittsburgh, Pa. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. See Government Printing Office. United States Directory Co., Philadel- phia. : Now United States Publishing Co., 47 N. 13th St. United States Publishing Co., New York. Street address not discoverable. Universalist Publishing House, Chas. Caverly, Manager, 16 Bromfield St., Boston. University Publishing Co., 19 Murray St., New York. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Useful Knowledge Publishing Co., New York. / Now Alden Book Co., 393 Pearl St. Vall os Hes & Cos 21 Astor Ela. New: York. Vaile & Winchell, Chicago. Now 8S. R. Winchell & Co., 88 Metropolitan Block. Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., 37 Walnut St., Cincinnati. See also Wilson, Hinkle & Co. Van Loan & Van Gordon, Catskill, N. Y. Now Walton Van Loan. Van Nostrand, D., 23 Murray St., New York. : Vaughan, Victor C., Ann Arbor, Mich. Vickery & Co., Norfolk, Va. Vogt, Charles, New York. Street address not discoverable. Vose, James E., Ashburnham, Mass. Vose, Z. Pope, & Co., Rockland, Me. Vosseller, ., Flemington, N. J. Wagenseller, J. A., P. O. Box 2021, 23 N. 6th St., Philadelphia. Waggoner, J. Fred, 159 Lasalle St., Chicago. Waite: ©. Ve. & Coe 143) asalle St. Chicago. Waite, E. M., and Byars, W. H., Salem, Oregon. Walden & Stowe, 190 W. 4th St., Cin- cinnati. Now Cranston & Stowe. Walker, Edward, New York. Now Walker’s, 8.,Son,14 Dey St., New York. Walker, R. F., Richmond, Va. Walker, Samuel, & Co., Boston. Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Charleston, Sh, (Cx RSD ae eee— Wallace. Wallace’s Month. Walsh. Walsh, J. M. Walton. Ward, M. Ward, U. D. Ward § D. Ward & P. Ware. Warne. Warren, A. Warren, M. Washington Pub. Watchman. Watkins, S: R. Watson, G. Watson, J. S. Watts. Webster. Webster Hist. Soc. Weed. Welles, A. Wells. Welsh. Wendell. Werner. Wernse. West. West, J. & Co. Westermann. Western. West. S- S: Pub. West. Tr. Soc. Weymouth Hist. Soc. Wharton, G: ff. WALLACE XXVIII Wallace, J. M. P., 132 S. 6th St., Phila- delphia. Wallace’s Monthly, Office of, 212 Broad- way, New York. Walsh, Ralph, Washington, D. ©: Walsh, Joseph M., 117 S. Front St., Philadelphia. Walton, W. M., Austin, Tex. Ward, Marcus, & Co., 734 Broadway, New York. Ward, U. D., New York. Now Ward & Drummond, 116 Nassau St. Ward & Drummond, 116 Nassau St., New York. Ward & Peloubet, New York. See also §.8. Pe loubet Succeeded by Geo. 8. Dik ssy, 231 Broadway. Ware. William, & Co., 47 Franklin St., Boston. Warne, Frederick, & Co., 20 Lafayette Pl., New York. Warren, Alfred, 278 W. 6th St., Cin- cinnati. Warren, Moses, 103 State St., Chicago. Washington Publishing Co., Washington, Dee. Not now known to Washington Post-ofli Watchman and Journal Press, Montpe- lier, Vt. Watkins, Samuel R., Columbia, Tenn. Watson, Gaylord, 278 Pearl St., New York - Watson, J. S., 18 State St., Hartford, Ct. Watts, H. C., & Co., 506 Minor St., Philadelphia. Webster, Charles, & Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Webster Historical Soc., Boston. Weed, Parsons & Co., Albany, N. Y. Welles, Albert, New York. Street address not discoverable. Wells, S. R., & Co., 739 Broadway, New Y ork. Now Fowler & Wells Co. Welsh, Rees, & Co., Philadelphia. Wendell, Rufus, Albany, N. Y. Werner, Edgar S., Albany, N. Y. Wernse, Wm. EF., & Co., New York, Chicago, and St. Louis, Mo. (West, John B., St. Paul, Minn. 4 GAL ( West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn. West, Johnston & Co., Richmond, Va. Westermann, B., & Co., 888 Broadway, New York. Western Methodist Book Concern, 190 W. 4th St., Cincinnati. See Hitchcock & Walden; Walden & Stowe. Western News Co., 40 Randolph St., Chicago. Western Sunday-School Publishing Co., 203 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Western Tract Soc., 176 Elm St., Cin- | cinnati. Wetmore, Robert S., Selma, Ala. See Wm. G. Boyd. Weymouth Historical Soc., Weymouth, Mass. Wharton, George F., New Orleans, La. Now George F. Wharton & Bro. Wharton, W. B. W heat. Wheeler. Wheeling. Wh upple. Whitaker. Whitcomb. White, J. E. White, J. T. White, Joel. White & S. White, S. Oo. White R ver Pape Ve Whitehead. We 59 Whitehead Ga: Whiting. JY Whitney, NV. HT. Vy h vtne Uy S. Whitney, J W. Whitney & J J N ut ta k Whittemann. Wible. Widdleton. Wilcox. Wilde, A. E. Walde, W. Wiley. Waley, W. & i. Wilkinson. Wilhia ms. Willia TUS 5 2 11 fr. Wilhuams, D: Williams, F: Williams, H. 1 L Williams, J: dD. Williams, B. V. S§ A. N. WILLIAMS Wharton, W. B., New York. Street address not discoverable. Wheat & Cornett, New York. Now out of business. Wheeler, S. J., 81 Clark St., Chicago. Wheeling [ City of ], W. Va. Whipple & Pierson, Denver, Col. Vhitaker, Epher, Southold, L. le Whitcomb, C. D., Detroit, Mich. White, J. E., Battle Creek, Mich. White, James T., & Co., 23 Dupont St., San Francisco, Cal. White, Joel, Montgomery, Ala. ( White & Stokes, New York. Vou ( White, Stokes & Allen, 182 Fifth Ave. White. Smith & Co., 516 Washington St., Boston. White River Paper Co., White River Junetion, Vt. Whitehead, Jessup, ‘‘ National Hotel Reporter,” 183-187 N. Peoria St., Chicago. Whitehead & Co., Lynchburg, Va. Whiting. Charles H., 32 Bromfield St., 3oston. See also Hall & Whiting. Whitney, N. H., & Co., Boston. Not now known to Boston Post-oflice. Whitney, Sumner, & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Whitney, W. W., Toledo, O. Whitney & Adams, Springfield, Mass. W hittaker, Thomas, 2&3 Bible House, New York. ‘ce also Evangelical Knowledge Soc. Whittemann Bros., 192 Fulton St., New York. Wible, J. E., Gettysburg, Pa. Widdleton, W. J., New York. Now A. C. Armstrong & Son, 714 Broadway. Wilcox, C. H., 835 W. Lake St., Chicago. Wilde: A. B:, & Co., 256 Vine St., Cincinnati. Wilde, W. A., & Co., 25 Bromfield St., Boston. See also Henry Hoyt. Wiley, John, & Sons, 5: Astor Ble New York. Wiley, Waterman & Eaton, Hartford, Ct. Wilkinson, John, 55 Lake St., Chicago. Williams, A., & Co., Boston. Now Cupples, Upham & Co., 283 Washington St. Williams, Alfred, & Co., Raleigh, N. C. Williams, David, 83 Reade St., New Y ork. Williams, Frederick, New York. Street address not discoverable. Williams, H. T., New York. Vow Adams & Bishop, 57 Murray St. Williams, John D., 24 W. 14thSt., New York. See also Arundel Bookstore. Williams, N. Bangs, & Co., Providence, Re Now H. Gregory.Williams, Williamson. Willing. Wilson, #. Wilson, J: (Camb. ) Wilson, J: (Newark. ) Wilson, T: Wilson, H Co. Wilson Ay ys Wanchell. Winslow. Witter. Wom. Wood. Wood & HT. Woodhouse. Woodruff. ( " nt. Woodw urd. CE IG, Woodward, EL. M. Woodwa rd, TLE GEE: Woodward We E. ’ J. WILLIAMS Williamson & Cantwell Publishing Co., Cincinnati. Willing & Williamson, Toronto, Can. Now Williamson & Co. Wilson, Edwin A., Springfield, Ill. Wilson, John, Cambridge, Mass. Wilson, John, & Son, Newark, N. Y. Wilson, Thomas, 182 Clark St., Chicago. Wilson, Hinkle & Co., Cincinnati, O. Now Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., 137 Walnut Wilson & eago, Ill. Not now sones, 88 Lasalle St.. Chi- ] known to Chicago Post-oflice. Wiltsie, Arthur V., 5 Dey St., New York. | See Granger, Davis & Wiltsie. Winchell, S. Block, Res & Cos. 88 Metropolitan Chicago. See also Vaile & Winchell. Winslow, H. H., Keokuk, Ia. Witter, Conrad, 21 S. 4th St., St. Louis Mo. Women’s Centennial Executive mittee, Philadelphia. Not now publishing. W ood, Wm., & Co; Pl., New York. 0d & Holbrook, New York. low M. L. Holbrook & Co., 13 & Com- 56 & 58 Lafayette W . 15 Laight St. Woodhouse & Parham, Richmond, Va. Ni Beckwith & Parham. Woodruff, George, Little Rock, Ark. Woodward. Charles L., 78 Nassau St., New York. Woodward, E. (Oftieg Nhe die W oodward, J. Vou M., Ellisdale, Monmouth H. H., Cincinnati. Woodward, W. E., Roxbury, Mass. Woolley. Worden. Work. World Pub. Worthington, D, Worthinaton, ure t. Wright, F. Wright, H. T. Wright, R. oe Wright § P. Wynkoop. Yohn. Yordy. Yorston. Young, HH. & Ji 5: Young, W: H. Young Men’s Ch. Assoc. Young Men’s Pol. Zi L h nh. Zickel. Liegler. HVA. ZIEGLER Woolley, Milton, Streator, Ill. Worden, Wm., New York. Work, W. R., Philadelphia. Now deceased. World Office, 31 and32 Park Row, New York. See New York World. World Publishing Co., New York. Now out of business. Worthington, A. D., & Co., Hartford, Ct. Worthington, York. Wright, Elizur, P.O. Box 109, Boston. Wright, H. T., Kansas City, Mo. Wright, R. J., Tacony Sub. P.O., Phila- del phia. Wright & Potter, 18 Post-office Sq., Bos- ton. Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, 121 Fulton St., New York. R.,770 Broadway, New Yohn Bros., Indianapolis, Ind. Yordy, E. B., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Yorston, J. C., & Co., 80-8£ Johnston Building, Cincinnati. Yost, Samuel M., & Son, Staunton, Va. Young, &. & J. New York. See also Pott, Young & Co. B., & Co., Cooper Union, Henry A. Boston. Young, William H., Troy, N. Y. Young Men’s Christian Assoc., Ave, and 23d St., New York. Young Men’s Political Club, Providence, Re. Young, 5d Franklin SS bas ; & Co., 4th Zahm, S. H., & Co., Lancaster, Pa. Zickel, S., 19 Dey St., New York. Ziegler, P. W., 915 Arch Philadelphia. & Co: St. 3Saar a nana ce anneal ee ee A Te ey es AUTHOR-AND-TITLE ALPHABETNOTE. Imprint Entries (chiefly by author). The full entries are given under names of authors when known, pseudonyms when the real names haye societies. ‘The order in such full entries is: author; —under initials and not been ascertained, —under names of editors of collections, —and under govern ments and names of ‘llustrations; size according to publisher’s designation ; ‘¢ Publisher’s Weekly ” in w hich the entry oecurred, k designating a descriptive note in the same number; binding, if other than cloth; price; and name of the list of publishers which prefaces the work. actual title: series name; edition; number of volumes; date, with superior figures referring to that number of the an asteris publisher, abbreviated as shown in Anonymous works are the title not an article, with the exception that anonymous biographies are en- entered under the first word of The works of bject; translations under the author of the original work. tered under the family name of the su The works of the following authors, known chiefly married women are given under the latest name known. maiden names, are, however, entered under the name popularly known, viz.: Bird, yseudonymes or Gréville, Henry; Harland, Marion; by their ] Isabella L.: Bronté, Charlotte; Craddock, Charles Egbert; Eliot, George; Saintine, X. B.; Sand, George; Thomas, Annie; Werner, Ernst. Transactions, journals, reports and collec- tions of a society are entered under its name ; works by individual members, although published by the society, are placed under names of authors. Church constitutions, hymn-books, liturgies, prayer-books, ete., when official, appear under the name of the church society, otherwise under the title: individual churches under the name of the place. Under ‘‘ Bible ” the entries in the first alphabet include only the text, with or without notes, —that is to say, books of which the writers of the Bible are essentially the authors. Commentaries have been given in The arrangement has been general works, Old ] the author alphabet under the names of the commentators. Testament revised version, separate books. In the case of law books: Testament, New Testament, New laws, proceedings, reports, etc., have been entered in the author alphabet under the name of the country or State. with reference from the name of compiler, and not repeated in the subject alphabet. In author’s name, honorary degrees, etc., are omitted, unless these or the names of places are needed to distinguish differ- ent authors of the same name. Initials and pseudonymes, used as headings, are regarded as real names; the last part being placed first (as A., S. F. — Holm, Saxe). English compound names are usually entered under the last part of the name; foreign ones under the first part: French and English names beginning with a prefix (excepting the French de or d’) are entered under the prefix; in all other languages (and in case of the French de or d’) they 1e name following the prefix. The German diphthongs, i, 6, ti, are so spelt are entered under the part of t (excepting when, like Goethe, the author himself used ae, oe, ue), and are arranged as a, 0, u. In veneral, the vernacular usage of the language has been followed, excepting when there was special reason for deviation. In doubtful eases, cross-references indicate the proper heading. Reference (Title) Entries. — Novels, juveniles, plays and other popular books having characteristic titles. are also entered in brief under the first word of the title not an article; fuller information being given in the author-entry. Additional entries of such series and libraries as are commonly quoted in sets are, as a rule, made under the series-titles. A single dash indicates the repetition of the preceding heading (author or title); two dashes indicate the repetition of the preceding double heading (two joint authors, or two titles), or of the preceding main and subordinate headings (author and title; title and edition), ete. A shorter dash ( between prices indicates various prices and bindings ranging between those given. In cross-references a (; o separates alphabetical headwords. Brackets after a proper name enclose the real name of a pseudonymous writer, the family name of a nobleman, the present name of an authoress; the pseudonym (in quotation marks) of a writer entered under real name, the title (in italics) of a nobleman entered under family name. Brackets are also used to designate what does not appear on the title-page of the book. The date is bracketed when it is not on the title-page, but is inferred from the time of record or from other data. Dates of publication separated by a dash are the years of publication of the first and last volumes of the work or series. : The abbreviations are usually self-explanatory, and follow as a rule the recommendations of the American Library Association. [Library Journal, March, 1878.] A colon after initial designates the most usual given name, as:— A:-(August, Augustus); B: (Benjamin) ; C: (Carl, Charles); D: (David); E: (Edouard, Eduard, Edward) ; F: (Frederic, Friedrich) ; G: (Georg, George) ; H: (Heinrich, Henry) ; I: (Isaac); J: (John, Johann, Jean. mase.); K: (Karl); L: (Louis, Ludwig); M: (Mare, Mark N: (Nicolas, Nicolaus, Nicole); O: (Otto); >. > >) / . ‘ ‘ + osm 2 - 2 PO a is kus ( Richard) ; 8: (Samuel); T: (Thomas); U: (Ulrich); W: (William, Willem, Wilhelm). The so owing abbreviations haye also been used: Caro.(Caroline), Cath.(Catherine), Ctte.(Charlotte), Eliz. (Elizabeth), Fes.(Frances), Ha.(Hannah), Marg.(Margaret), Ma.(Mary), Reb.(Rebecca), Sa. (Sarah). The less evident abbreviations are : adap ient ibbreviations are adpt.(adapted), adv.(anced), anc. (ient), ann.(ual), app.(endix), arr. > (anged), coll.(ections), comb. (ining), comp. (iled), cone. (erning), const. (itution), corr. (ected), descrip. (tion) Gis co COMETY)) >) dog: (ument), doct.(rine), embr.(acing), expl.(ained), hom. (copathic , ill. | ustrations), imp. ee” mer uding), Leis.(ure), lib. rary), lit.(erature), man.(ual), mod.(ern), narr. (ative), obs.(ervations) . 7 . nay : uae o.p.(out of print), pop.(ular), por.(trait), pref.(ace), prep.(ared), quest.(ion), rel. (ating), resp. (ecting), + . (4 . \ . riots \ C © (1 \is (oO roxb.(urgh), roy.(al), ser.(ies), sel.(ected), S. (Sunday), sup.(er).THE AMERICAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RECORDED JULY 1, 1876, TO JUNE 30, 1884. AUTHORS A., D. V. Christian and deist, and the prophets: a business man’s view upon religious and social | mn ID, Veer SIL GooGoocaac Somerby. A., E. W. See Alderdice, Mrs. BE. W. A., L. L. See Adams, Mfrs. G. M. A. B. C. poultry-book. Wilson, Ms. M. A. 50c. Cassell, P., G. & Co A.L. O. EB. (pseud.) See Tucker, Mrs. C. Aaron, C: H. A practical treatise on testing and work- ing silver ores. 16°. [’76.]78% $2....Dewey & Co. Abbe, F: R. The temple rebuilt: a poem. Inl. ed. 1c) 209. (PBN SI Ob ene nee ee Lothrop. Abbé (L’) Constantin. See Halévy, L. Abbé's temptation. See Zola, E. Abbey, A. J., and Munger, M. J. White robes: Sun- | day school song-book. 30c.; per doz., $3..Ditson. Abbey, H: Poems. sq. 12°. ’79.*4!% $1.50. ..Appleton. — City of success, and other poems. 12°. 783.8) $1.50 sl aieieleiey ciuie (cin c) viele (ere) clare) eaicinraletelce Apple ton. Abbot, Ezra. Authorship of the fourth Gospel: ex- ternal evidences. 8°. ’80.*45° 75c.; pap., 50c. G: Hf. Hilts. ede 80) [Pi Balee sai niicocm ics Waaaletor. Abbot (The). See Scott, Sur W. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. Irving, W. 10c. J: W. Lovell. Abbott, Alice I. Circumstantial evidence. 16°. 799045) RD as cajeu oe siete sae ees W. B. Smith. Abbott, Austin. Collection of forms of practice and pleading especially adpt. to the code of proced- ure of State of N. Y.; with notes and enone SO, HME ER coo coon - »ues- Baker, Vi & Co. — New forms of practice and pleading under in code of civil procedure. 8°. (77. J shp., $4.50. Baker, V & Co. — Reports. See New York, State. — Rules of evidence applicable on trial of civil actions at common law and in equity, and wee the codes of procedure. 8°. 780.4% shp., $6.50. “eae r, V. & Co. Abbott, B: V. Judge and jury: explanation of leading | topics in the law of the land. 12°. ’80.**4% $9. Harper. — Law dictionary. 2v. 8°. ’79. shp., $12. Inttle, B. & Co. — Travelling law school and famous trials: first les- sons in government and law. (Business boys’ IN) GS PRE ERE? Sco sac cn 0000 Lothrop. — Treatise upon the U. S. courts and their practice. Saved= 2 ay (G28 Otello (ele Spe, Ole) tele ates! scieials)6) aie) aie loleln alete Diossy ; Wand. & 84.) (Aug. | JO AND TLL ES: | Abbott, B: V., continued. —and Austin. Digest. See New York, State. Abbott, C: C. Primitive industry: illustrations of the handiwork of the native races of the north- ern Atlantic seaboard of America. 8°. ’8].*°! SO) aiaicle ciel eterno evelavere a evaioisiclei cia seas e -- G: A. Bates. Abbott, E: Long Look books. 3. ill. 12°. [’76]- ae piolisieie Gileieiaie Valiava/e is aveleiehs eiaicneie . Noyes. Cont.: Long Look House, $1.25.—Out-doors at fone Look, $1.25. — A trip eastward, $1.00. — Revolutionary times: sketches of our country one hundred years ago. sq. 18°. ’76. $1..Roberts. Abbott, Edn. A. Howto parse. 16° ['78.]%* $1. Roberts. — How to tell the parts of speech. Am. ed., enl. by J: G. Re Meblroy 160 {SiExe 7ber Roberts. — Latin prose through English idiom: rules and exer- : s as 5S s ae on Latin prose compos nous INS A ITT ce acisipicisy ew eiovar cies viele Bison sic aiciemrese oes Ally. —_ ae ee memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul. 162. FROUBSR “ENED (iceiare <6 cc0 oye ce o/c) eieierers - Roberts. — Oxford sermons. 8° 779.4 Cuaenilane ; : | — Philochristus: memoirs of a ie sciple of the Lord. — Bibliography of the doctrine of a future life. New | 20 See he) eee eer S cleweicial\elsin LUOUCTLS: |— Through nature to Christ: the ascent of worship through illusion to the truth. 8°. ie adelaes Grd ayefeveiaienotouarel tence alerelelercio ac mieleinllt LOMUULLONID = Abbott, Granville S. Baptist question book on the Internat. _ Bible lessons, 1876-79. 4v. 18°. *16—79.° CA., LOC. +22 - eee cece es --Am. Bapt. Abbott, H: L. Explosives and torpedoes: experiments to develop a system of sabes nines for de- fending the harbors of the U.S. pl. 4°. ’82.°% Ii, WHOS SSO) ocogan coded eae cele Van Nostrand. Abbott, Jac. Abbott’s American histories for youth. New issue. 8y. ill. 12°. ’83.6 $10.... Crowell. — Harlie stories; ill. by J: Gilbert. Newed. 6-v. sq. 16°. 782.5 $3 ..........-h. Worthington. — Jonas books. New issue. 6 y, ill. 16°. _ 283 605 Ge re cynic ister eisnee) Gisie on aisuelereye Sipievelovsierer es ereus 01s OT OLUCULs - : : * , 2 605 — Lucy books. New issue: 6) ve wl, 6c, “3ee Gy erent eels oe ciereie icin sistem loess ete eral OViOlUCUL. — Rollo books. New issue. 14 vy. ill. 16°. ’83.°%° GNA eieicre aelala wielatel elefaiel airoeiein tens cle cara efel 7, O1ELL« — Young Ghuicuan Me mona ed., al a sketch of the author, by one of his sons. por. and ill. 12°. PERRO NO estate olny alele seis) Brie sisi Gale leet Nis Abbott, J: Treatise on Jack pot poker, with the game of Sancho Pedro when played for stakes. 24°, eS ou2 Fy()) Gite cltoire aie) lebosnsicel aca Mcafee eer LU M2Clue Abbott, J: S.C. Austria. (Kingdoms of the world. ) GOL SS) Ro eres sire ie michele oe cee we mimsie Dodd. Re areaABBOTT Abbott, J: S. C., continued. — History of Christianity. New issue. Toy PSUs Glee. — Italy. (Kingdoms ot the world.) 8°. [’83. } s{oiel eisiereiore Lothrop. $2.. Dodd. — Prussia. (Kingdoms of the world.) 8° [’83.] $2. Dodd. — Russia. (Kingdoms of the world.) 8°. [’°83.] $2. Dodd. — and Conwell, R. H. Lives of the presidents of the U. S., from Washington to the present ume; added a chapter showing the hundred years progress of the republic. i]}snSos | 2Silese Sols Tilt. GOD cra cecice= vee scer aeeren eres Russell. Abbott, Lyman. How to study the Bible. 16°. Patel? Weide, Wiao sone: coo0 Socd apce Chr. Un. — Life of Christ, with designs by Doré and others. | Pd ed. 129% 782.9% $1.75..+.---- Ries este Harper. — (ed.) For family worship. pt. I.: Scripture read- ings; pt. u.: Family prayers. 12°. 28a seca DO lew cle eee ele eins ~HOduDOOODD Dodd, M. § Co. — Gospel according to Luke; with notes, comments, maps, andill. 8° [’78.] BDO eoO «=e LRATILES: — Henry Ward Beecher: a sketch of his career; commem. of his seventieth year. por. and ill. 80} 283 .teee — Hints for home their use, by C: SUDS., POresseces cee reading: chapters on books and D. Warner, M. F. Sweetser [and others], with introd. ; [also] rev. ed. of Suggestions for libraries, by G: P. Putnam, with priced lists of books. 12°. ’80.*** 31; bds., Fil CW ee) oie eiciciei ei cieieleieit sl svc oii <)cte)ei6 - Putnam. | — How to succeed in public life. (Handy-book ser.) 16°. bds., 50c...- -... Putnam. 78D), #563 wte ees — See also Gilmore, J: R., and Abbott, L. Abdallah. Laboulaye, E: R. L. 20c.-..----.. Setliff. Abel, C: Linguistic essays. (Eng. and for. philos. 2B 2yuee $4 2ichardson, A. S. lib.) SOn 8 eO20 end ieraie) ie ein aiel cinicre -- Houghton. Abelard and Heloise. Mor Osgood. Abernethy, J. W. Academy orthoépist: manual of pronunciation. (ng. classic ser.) 16°. *84.°%° pap., LBC... ee ee eee eee e er eee eee eees Clark & M. Abide with me. See Lyte, H: F. Abiding memory. Metcalf, R: $1.50.......-- . Lillis Abijah Beanpole in New York. Gray, W. T. 50c. Carleton. Abner Ferret, the lawyer detective. Rockwood, H: MO GS cieverctc oc cic ce see reiciciee ole ie nic cl ecleic eis Ogilvie. Abney, W. DeW. Treatise on photography. ill. 12°. PR SMe Ol eieiniece) le cle cinie elec eis ele Appleton. — Same. (Sci. lect., So. Kensington.) ill. 12°. [’77. ]?° | pap., Py Caveie sleieloleiovcicis ciel elects) airielel(olole lo Macmillan. | Aboard the Mavis. See Markham, R. About, Edm. The fellah; tr. by Sir R. H. Roberts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°° pap., 10c..-. Munro. — Germaine; from the French by Mrs. C. H. Storrs. (Seaside lib.) : — Story of an honest man. 82 529 8°. 40, SOies42 “pap. 0c. Appleton — Tolla: a tale of modern Rome. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ZO DAU Oe mT a ea aL Cr rere e steleroreiaiel cle eielsieialeiale Munro. About old story tellers. See Mitchell, D. G. About pebbles. Hyatt, A. 15c............<.. Ginn. Above andaround. Hamilton, J: 90c. .-Wacmallan. Above suspicion. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. 40c.... Hstes. Abrantes, Duchesse d@. [Madame L. P. Junot.] Memoirs. Rey. ed., with por. 3 v. 8° 783.°°8 $19. as Scribner & W. — Same, with title: Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family. Newed. 2v. 12°. ’80.%9 $3..Appleton. Abroad. Crane, F:, and Houghton, HE. E. $2.50. M. Ward. Ab-sa-ra-ka. Carrington, H. B. $1.50...Lippincott. Absjornsen, P: Chr. Folk and fairy tales; tr. H. L. Brekstod, introd. by E. W. Gosse. by rl]. U0: Abstinence from evil. Farrar, F: W: map and ill. | Ace of hearts. .. Funk & W. | pap., 20c..... Munro. | | Adams, C: IQONT79Q¢ «562 oH kK mn ch ry SS(BS Zee 2,50 DAS:, plidiore «<< -Armstrong. | 2, ADAMS Nat. Temp. Academy boys in camp. Spear, Mfrs. S. B. 1.25. Cong. Pub. Academy notes. See Blackburn, H: Academy sketches: reproductions from drawings by the artists of pictures in the ann. exhib. 1877 of the Nat. Acad. of Design. Notes by ‘‘ Nemo” [es W. Coffini|. se: ital pape. voc: Putnam. | Acadia. Smith, PE: $2. cies viele ever ee P. H. Smith. Acadian geology. Dawson, J. W. $6.. Van Nostrand. 60c. ; 30c. Appleton. Account of the destruction by fire of the N. and W. Halls of the Model Room in the U.S. Patent Office Building, Sept. 24, 1877, with hist. of the Patent Office, 1790 to 1877. ill. 8°. [°78.]°* PAP., FOC. -- +e eceesrsverccereccecees Accomplished gentleman. Sturgis, J. Williams. Du Boisgobey, F. 2 pts. ea., 20c. Munro. Achor. Clarke, Ms. 8S. R. G. $1.50...... Lothrop. Acland-Troyte, J. E. Through the ranks to a com- mission. 8 S482 ily) 3.2.1 Macmillan. — Same. 2d (cheaper ed.) 8°. ’81.°* flex. cl., $1. Macmillan. Acme library of mod. classics. 16°. ’80.**7 50c. Am. Bk. Fac. Cont.: Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield. —St. Pierre’s Paul and Virginia. — Johnson’s Rasselas. — Saintine’s Picciola. — De la Motte Fouqué’s Undine, and The two captains. Wyman, Bh. A. $1.25. C. W. Bryan. sketches by ‘‘ Wanderer; ” 89585 Bh... Scribner & W. Acquaintance with God. Across country; sporting ill. by G: Bowers. 8°. Across the Atlantic. 12°. ’82.*°4 canvas, $1. Randolph. Acta et decreta Concilii Plenarii Baltimorensis Secundi. Ed. alt. mendis expurgata. roy. 8° [777.]* Bia ioieieleie) ercielereieiaie eee! Murphy. Acting drama, nos. 51-190. 7 OO 4b ea, Bake pap:, LOC. 22. <- oes ne 2 ones malsiinnsis -. Happy. $3.50; $4; mor., $6 Acton, Mrs. Adams. Child’s delight. ill. 4° 778. $1.50; bds., GNI avetayen ai cievace Rial claire ciaiare .. Routledge. Acton, R. Our colonial empire. (Pop. lib.) 24°. (782. ]*°3? 50c.; pap., 25c... Cassell, P., G. & Co. Acton, W: ductive organs. Functions and disorders of the repro- Gth ed. 8°. °83.°7? $2.. Blakiston. Acton; or, school and college days: story of life at OMOdtiy, WO CPE ES agoa sodac Cong. Pub. Acts of Congress. See United States, Congress. Ad fidem. Burr, HE: B. $1.50..-...-......-.1 Am. Tr. Ada and Gerty. Gray, L. M. $1.50......... Nelson. Adam, Mme. Edm. [‘‘ Juliette Lamber.”] A fasci- nating woman. sq. 16°. [’82.]*°8° $1.25; pap., Hy Gs ainiorcicle ale ac) elovclc cle cnele o siel cielo ciels) fests Peterson. Adam and Eve. See Parr, Mis. L. Adam Bede. See Eliot, George. Life sketches of Macaulay. (Half-hour ser.) por. 32°. ’80.*44% 40c.; pap., 25c.. Harper. Adams, C: C. Anthroposophy. (Cur. thought ser.) P20. 2S xa8s bdses 4. 0Cse onic ei oats - W. B. Smith. — The Bible: a scientific revelation. 16°. 782.54 UG, 05000 Sicieis nie pinieievelerele) iaeioiais aietalal ciciovelere Pott. =——Jife of cur Mord Jesus (Christ. 8 [asus GOED) sys crayersienecmsrers ici ere ieee sierra seneeys Roper. Adams, C: Follen. Leedle Yawcob Strauss, and other poems. 1200 (iit al oOm cca. .. Lee § S. Adams, C: Fs., jr. A college fetich: address before the Harvard chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa, June 28, 1883. 8°. ’83. Same. 3ded. 8° 784. Ted CaM aD eae Coreeiela eters oie sarees o cies elie Oy | — Federation of the railroad system Sor 28086 DUP es 2 Crpererciererc rvaioee + sieve ei eiehe ere eye oterecrsy(e Estes.a a OE eR ee ee SE ADAMS Q o ee ee Adams, C: Fs., 77., continued. — New departure inthe common schools of Quincy, and other papers on educational topics. 8°. ’79.*4! PAP. ZOC. 202222 ceweescvcvce soce sce cres Hstes. — Same, with title: The public library and the com- mon schools: papers on educational topics. 8°. ORACLE! DADE, ZOCu cin cielele «clic orc eie ele Estes. — Notes on railroad accidents. 12°. ’79.* pl.i a — Railroads: their origin and problems. 12°. [’78.]%° | RO dee ae ee eee on pea | — Taxation of railroads and railroad securities. 12°. BONA “paps, 2OCe oe ceive so emlan cis we R.R. Gaz. | Adams, C: F: Rob the hermit. ang drama.) 12°. P-AOses be: neler tree .. Happy. Adams: (©: He: Gominicaoners ‘na conveyancers’ manual. 8° 782.578 shp., $5.50 ........ Ball. Adams, C: K. Manvel of historical literature; brief descriptions of important histories in English, French and German, with suggestions as to study. 12°. ye) EEE LOD) Wo ocoanagn0f Harper. | Adams, Emily. Six months at Mrs. Prior's. ill. 12°. (er Oe eee Oy SSIla Oleic ci eve eracclorciel cls -- Lothrop. Adams, F. G. (comp.) List by counties of newspapers and periodicals pub. in Kansas, March 1, 1884. (JO, AMEE Te econo co0c00d ..--. Kansas Pub. Adams, Mrs. G. M. Three months in Egypt. 16°. (7°77. 99) BL. 25. eee eee eee eee were nee Hoyt. Adams: G: B: Medizval civilization. (Hist. primers.) 24°. 783.*9 45¢...--+-++4 Appleton. Adams, H. C. Boys of Westonbury. ill. 18°. [’78.] 305 SRLENTIDy creiciei iter Gietaia oie) sie erare (acral ere Routledge. ADAMS Adams, J: G. Fifty notable years: views of the ministry of Christian Universalism, with biog. sketches. por. sq. 12°. ’82.*°7 $2; pilt, $2.50. Unwersalist. — Memoir of Thomas Whittemore, D.D. 122. (P77. je Sl.505 gilt, SI75-...-..- Universalist. — Talks about the Bible to young folks. 16°. ’81.*°? OCH ecicieie acciaie(s oi cicietels inieraeraici emis -- Universalist. — Universalism of the Gord's’ prayer. 120: 779-%4le BO Ge actarereterouciotanets By etnincaai mista ela sicieie 1 CULEOETISCULUSE: — The Universalist Church: its faith and its work. 16°. ise pap, LOCH cere eee .--- Universalist. Adams, J: Q. Memoirs, comprising portions or his diary, 1795 to 1848; ed. by C: F. Adams. Lr P25 60h [Re iieileeties Cle, sO clerle are Lipponcitt Adams, Js. Leith. Aunt Hepsy’s foundling. (Seaside libs); 40% 28482) pape, 20Cs wc aici - Munro. — Georgie’s wooer. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. [’78.]°* DADs 5) LOC sei ere cle oie) os inin) ois winielele) = oreieee ci Gp ens — Lady Deane; 5 [also] My husband’s friend. (People’s lib.) 40, 782,541 DADs) LOG: vere ciel .- Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°8 pap., 10c.-. Munro. — Madelon Lemoine: novel. 12°. ’79.*8°° $1.50; pap., TNCs aie mipicielecisicl Voreiciete rele ore «oe ees s LUpprncott. [=="Wanstowe: (lib: of sel. novelss)) 6& | [iil PAP.) 2DC.... seer plolemetexcrs/eie\clel oe eeee- Harper | Adams, Ma. Honorable surrender. 16°. ’83.*°8° $1. Scribner's Sons. Adams, Nehemiah. At eventide. 12°. Po SUD Die) weleier ote ete cue stele ere : oe ess Lothrop. — Bertha andher baptism. 12° -- Lothrop. |— Broadcast. 12°. °79.37 $1.-.-..- ~-.-.--Lothrop. |— Endless punishment. 12°. [’78.]*°° $1....Lothrop. ee Hair-breadth SCE Dasa oon arvien Unies of three boys|__ Jnder the mizzenmast: voyage round the world. in So. Africa. ill. 12°. [279] 31.50. : EDO A ORSIAs aera creer Sc cbclouelere oi cleus Lothrop. eos : é ; Pott, Y. § Co. | Walks to Emmaus; [sermons | eal by his son Rev. — Original Robinson Crusoe. Hs MG [Peele We Te Adame” Milctecen © Too P79. 382 $1. ID Circe oicls eieiniene sliavelend eiejsrale < teeeee soe. Routledge. Lothrop. = Une ai it?; or, Holmwood Priory. ill. 12°. (’81.] | Adams, Oscar Fay. Brief hand-book of Am. authors *5 Cet) Sood and sorte e ees alictafaysislel bi cie - Dutton. 16°. 84, ]*82 TG ee Houghton, M. 5 Co. Adams, H. G. The weaver boy who became a mis- | Brief hand-book of Eng. authors. 120. 84 (°83)).*62) sionary : story of David Livingstone. por. and ill. | UB Oras hee Sins Cane ee Houghton, M. § Co. 2s a CRED occa onaatica: sero UO GILSs | Adams, Rob. C. Evolution; a summary of evidence. Adams, H: John Randolph. (Am. statesmen.) 16°. 120) °83.¥802” pap., 2dC. ...-----+- =~ . Putnam. 7B2.*983 B1.2D. ow noes eee Houghton, M. § Oo. | — Hist. of England inrhyme. sq. 16°. [’80.]**°% *° —(ed.) Documents rel. to New Eng. federalism, HOG. to ee ee ee ee Lothrop. 1800-1815. 8°. [°78.]*"* $4..-Lrttle, B. § Co. les Hist. of the U.S. in rhyme. 16°. “8 84.]*83! 60c. —and others. Essays in Anglo Saxon law. 8°. | Lothrop. DUC a ep Vode ele) aed are - Little, § Co.|— Travels in faith from tradition to reason. 12°. Adams, H: (comp.) Notes in mechanical engineer- 784 -*648° 20. Se a eens ing. 8° 783.9% G1......--+eeee ..-.-- Spon. | Adams, Sa. B. Amy and Marion’s voyage around Adams, H: Carter. Taxation in the U.S., 1789-1816. | the world. ill. from photographs. NOOF iiSelees (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.) 8°. 784. 648 | B1.25 . eee wee e ee ee es seers a - Lothrop. pap., 50c.-..-.++-- .Johns Hopkins Unw. lyAvdemne: Sa. Flower Nearer, my Gna to Thee; Adams, Herb. B. Goanie origin of New Eng. with designs by L. B. Humphrey. sq. 12°. 783 towns; with notes on codperation in university (782].*°° Golden floral style, $1.75 Lee § S. ‘ work. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.) 8°. ’82.*°79 | Adams, Silas. Prohibition; a calm view in rhyme: the pap., 40C. . sees eereeees Johns Hopkans Unv. | license system roughly handled. NGO: | {Sic — Methods of hist. study. (Johns Hopkins Univ. stud- pap., LOG. .--- esses eceee cece reer ces - Bushnell. jes.) 8°. °84.*%! pap., 50c. .. Johns Hopkins Univ. | adams, W. Dav enport. Dictionary of Eng. litera- — Norman constables in America. (Johns Hopkins ture. sm. 4°. [’78. ]#!4 3 4. Cassell, P., G. & Co: Univ. studies.) 8°. 783.°°* pap., 2oc. SE ene a, Gn Ge POE Gon aine: Hae : : Johns Hopkins Ti feap. 4°. $4; hf. ef., or mor., $6.50. x axon tithing-men in America. (Johns Hopkins ; GEAM, 1x, Co & Cex Univ. studies.) 8% 783.° pap., 20¢. _. | Famous books: sketches in the highways and bye- : tee Johns Hopkins v Be wavs of Ene. literature. 129. 779.*88 $1.50. : — Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem. J 2 R. Worthington. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.) 8°. 83." Adams, W: H. Seven words from the cross. ~ 120, pap., 50c...-- ereerercicis ....-Johns Hopkins Unw. MIE?) Glee eee eos: . Lothrop. Adams, J. We POWELE and drains aoe populous OS Adams W: H. Dav enport. cial life throughout tricts; alle 129) 80 Ronco. Van oan the elobe; illustrated book of natural history. Adams, J:, Ue The doctrine of oe CoC avae ae 80. [77.72 AOLOR ie eee nes Seleon! > law as ¢ : sourt of chan- L 5 ; eu Ww a Se eee ae i Wy dla Ls ||) Arctic world illustrated ; with hist. sketch of eres Ludlow Lang others]. 7th Am. ed., with add. discovery. roy. f° [°76.]™" $O++-.0%- CES OT notes and ref., by A. I. Phillips. 8°. 81,526 shp., | — Beneath the surface; or, wonders of the underground SABO Me ues behest. 2: & J. W. Jonnson. world, ill, 129. [°77.]*4 $1.25.--.... Nelson.ADAMS 4 JESCHINES Adams, W: H. Davenport, continued. Addison, Jos., continued. — Eastern archipelago; description of the life and} —- Same ; with notes by W. H. Wills. (Half-hour ser.) wonders of the islands in the Eastern seas. ill. GOR 2S GO ec ere a rclainite gare a ereie sis Nelson. — Eminent sailors; biog. of naval commanders; incl. sketch of the British navy from Drake to Colling- wood. ill. 12°. ’82 [’81].*°! $1.25.. Routledge. — Great English churchmen. (Home library.) 12°. pO Ee AOS STO Olsen eye sieiclm c= = 1-3 twits Pott, ¥. & Co. — Mediterranean illustrated: picturesque views and de- scriptions of its cities, shores and islands. ill. 4°. iia] S035 IS Gravcraveterereve tote) wiers 1c SieiSislctew WRC! Nelson. — Red rose and the white. 12°. ’79. $1 ..Routledge. — Secret of success; or, how to get on in the world. Am eds) by ie. Gs Hey Io) pe7orssy" S150: Putnam. — Sunshine of domestic life: stories of the lives of noble women. New ed. 12°. ’76.*° $1.50..-<-. J Velson. | | 320, (278ts42 papy, 20C. 22.6 ~ 0. s.s-.- Harper. — and others. See Spectator. See also Habberton, J: Selected British essayists ; also Wudson, H: N. Text book. Addums, Mosiz (pseud.) See Bagby, G: W. Adela Cathcart. Macdonald, G: 20c. ...... Munro. | Adelaide sewers act: rules and regulations made | Adeler, Max (pseud. — Threshold of life. ill. 12°. lea GOstleo $1.50.. Nelson. | — Wellington’s victories. 12°. 79. $1...Routledge. — Woinan’s work and worth; with hints on self-cult- ure, the higher education, and employment of women. 12° 780.*48? $2.50. Cussell; Ps. Gu & Co. —(ed.) Page, squire and knight: a romance of the days of chivalry. ill. 12°. 783 [’82).*°8° $1.75. Estes. — and Giacomelli, H. The bird world, described with pen and pencil. ill. 8°. °78.°8. $5..... Nelson. | Adams, W: T. [‘‘ Oliver Optic.”] Boat-builder ser. y. 1, 2. ill. 16°. °83 [’82] —’84 [783]. 69 ea., $1.25 piicinielsllniicievaleisielnimlel ps eisicl cia islsiainiet sic wie Lee Xf S: Cont.: All adrift; or, the Goldwing club. — Snug harbor; or, the Champlain mechanics. — Great western ser. v. 2-6. ill. 16°. [’77]-’82 [’81]. under the act; with directions as to making house connections. 8°. °82.°°* pap., 80c....... Spon. ) See Clark, C: H. Adirondack stories. Deming, P. 7dc. Houghton, O. § Co. Adirondack tales. Murray, W:.H. H. $1.50. Golden Rule. Adkins, E. The ages to come; or, the future states. 160 28042" Si-p0s a. Eee -..+- Authors’. Adkinson, Fs. Township and town officers’ guide: summary of the law governing towns and town- ships in Indiana. 12°. [’77.]°* net, $2..Clarke. Adler, Felix. Creed and deed: discourses. 12°. [’78.] wu SSD) se © oie oialer ciel erelete) a) ciclolele] wie cai aje> Putnam. Admiral’s daughter. Wetherell, H. J. $2.50. Church. Admiral’s ward. See Hector, Mis. A. F. Adolphus, T: The English in Ireland; or, People who live in glass houses, ete.: reply to The Turks in Europe, by E. A. Freeman. 32°. [’78.] 3 BOGS, PAaDPry 20Cie oan = ecto ns oreislo Sibole. | Adopted son. Collins, W. 10c. Fitch; (N.Y. News. ] 278-509 - g 16 . p ieee TO Re mnie) crcio sic eye cic ee clepniee ciers Lee & S. Cont.; Down south; or, yacht adventures in Florida. — |} Going south; or, yachting on the Atlantic coast.— Lake breezes; or, the cruise of the Sylvania. — Out west; or, roughing it on the great Jakes.— Up the river; or, yachting on the Mississippi. = Household lib. v. 2. ill. 12°. [’76.]*° $1.75. Lee & S. Cont.; Living too fast. — Young America abroad. 2d ser. v. 5, 6. 16°. 255, 309 ‘ L fee | Cae pile D Oke ce siicieercasiie ccs css Lee & S. Cont.: Isles of the sea; or, Young America homeward bound.— Vine and olive; or, Young America in Spain and Portugal. Adamson, Rob. Fichte. (Philos. classics.) por. 12°. Adrian Bright. See Caddy, Mrs. | Adrienne: Booth, Mrs. ©. 0c... 22.3. sc 6/ Munro. Adrift in the ice fields. Hall, C: W. $1.50..ZLee § S. | Adrift on the black wild tide. Kane, J. J. 75c. L ippincott. Advent of the Lord. See Words for the New Church. | Adventure in Thule. See Black, W: | Adventures of a consul abroad. Monti, L. $1.50. TS EONS pea aemaccoen ee ae Lippincott. Addie (pseud.) Snowflake’s pleasure-book. ill. 8°. | ES PES | nelsso WO; Gh odogu scp vooae 1m. News. — Sunshine for dull days. ill. 8° ([°79.}*4 bds., DO Cr rreteretevers eis cio ele eran 5 crsyei< piel efeta ae? Am. News. Addis, W: E., and Arnold, T. Catholic dictionary ; account of the doctrine, discipline, rites [ete.] of the Catholic Ch. 89%. ’84.°! subs. $5. Cath. Pub. Addison, C.G. Treatise on the law of contracts; 8th [Eng.] ed. by H. Smith; with Am. notes by B: Wee aibboth. iv. 8% 785.4987 “ship. net, Slo: | Soule § B. — Same. ist Am. ed., by J. A. Morgan. v.3. 8° Mo SND ie hed Oe sarise cs cece eis - Cockcroft. Addison, I. C. Street singer: a poem. ill. sq. 16°. (cana lesOT ew D0) oc 6Q a . en drorben mocks asd: 16°. °79.3% g0e J : 1693 760: Sp ee Oyelaneie ye) eiclareia)crs sei cir ete Putnan. Ose ao: GOCE eiviw ee os) ve « vw ale cio) eis Macmallan. | Aeath Golbe ace — Prometheus bound; [with] introd. and notes, by A. Sa ee COCs Gee tae la as: QO. Pricl kard. (Clarendon press ser.) 16°. eae Lee’s inheritance. Higham, Js. M. 30c. SE TDC. ccc c coo ee Mame Randolph. — Same; with notes and inirod: by R. H. Mather. | Age of fable. See Bulfinch, T: mf ee 83.58 $110 sjeloic: Wo elolelcelt eraieys: Lyon. | | Age of reason. See Paine, T: — Tragedies: a new translati SSAy r cs gt dies u new tr Ws] ition, W Tae biog. essay and | | Age of the Antonines. Capes, W.W. $1. rhymed choral odes, by E. H. rape. New | Scribner’s Sons. > r0 QHD 2Q 516 ch r ed. 16°. ’82 [81]. p1.50. - Routledge. | Age of unreason. Braun, H: 25c..-[ Cath. Pub. | fHsop. Book of fables: cont. Msop’s oranies complete, with text based upon Croxall, La Fontaine and L’Estrange; with copious add. modern authors; ill. by E: Griset. 16°. ’80.4°9 50c..Am: Bk. Exc. — Fables. cHeoplety eds) aula 2cs 280) e7Oy ak ele bds., 25c. Wisloinita erw(eie; «ine ater cece =es Wells. — Same. (Nouns) people’s lib:) all. 4°. 782.544 pap., DOCS Scie ciers re myo en amieiya neicisyele are] ore Routledge. — Same; by E. Griset; text based chiefly upon Crox- all, La Fontaine, and L’Estrange; rev. by J. B. wundelle ‘smi 4 [diieilae osDUles 6 «1ee cg) 1S — Same; from version by Rev. T: James, and some | in words of one syllable, by M. Godolphin; in pronouncing orthography. 24°. ’79.*8°8 pap., NO Cove: sais) aie sia ere elelwiale cle eiinieie) ci e)e aie) create Knudsen. Some of /Esop’s fables with modern instances shown in designs by R. Caldecott; from new transla- tions by A. Caldecott. ill. 4° 783.59! bds., Spoinieie eisisiekeleiniere: cca tee ins woes Macmillan. — Three hundred fab les, literally tr. from the Greek, by G: F. Townsend; ill. by EH: Weir 12°. ZO0 RSE BOG sie Sa eee Sree Tioutledge. and others. ‘The book of fables, chiefly from sop; chosen and phrased by H. E. Scudder; ill. by Hy He We Herrick. 16°. 78298 50: Houghton, M. & Co fiisop, G: (pseud.) Archibald the cat, and other sea yarns; ill. by EF. S:. Church. sq. 16°: HiStrre MAD 2OCs eds. eigig aieevelecne N.Y. World. — Out of the World. Fables; taken anywhere, any- where, out of the World; ill. by F. S. Church. Sqe L6o% [eiSaiees Dds: DUCre mie Ve Ve Worle 4@sthetics. V cote H. $1.75..........ppincott. Affection’s gift: melodies and poems. 32°. [’80.] 50c. J: Bh. Potter. Afghan’s knife. Sterndale, R. A. l5c.....- Harper. Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F. 20c. ..... . Munro. African pets. Parry, F.C. $1 coe evce es DULtON. Africanus Bluebeard: musical Ethiop. burlesque. Du- MOV Gs He OCs ereersieiecie celeieis) oo) lers oi ein ci De Witt. After kindergarten, what? Peabody, E. P., and Mann, 45c.. reiaieie nodgDeSOODUD OC Sterger. Agter lone years. Downer A. Sl.-.. 2.0.5. 46 Dodd. After many days. Fisher, F. C. $1.50; $1.. Appleton. After the freshet. Rand, H: A. $1.25...... Lothrop. After the pattern. Stone, Ms. B. P. $1..Cong. Pub. After-thoughts of foreign travel. McCollester, S. H. Spill DOF evel cieiael a < Seen ied cher eal cient seis sin) ceeiersi ce Lothrop. Atterelow, WathropyGs Bo Bie. es< crs Roberts. Afterglow of European travel. Warrington, A. L. Spin Olrerereyerc ciel eeaieos See der - Lothrop. Afternoon, and other siatches, See La Rame, L. de. Afternoon tea. Sowerby, J. G., and Emmerson, H. Ee hb Oj we Siete cieven elie [R. Worthington. | Agamemnon. Browning, R. $1.50. Houghton, M. § Co. Agamenticus. Tenney, HE: P. $1.25...... Lee & S. Agassiz, Mis. Eliz. C. A first lesson in natural history. Age-temptation of Am. Christians, and Christ’s method of gaining the victory ; Diylers Sq.2°) [eb0n|ta2 owe n introd. by W: $1.25.. Se aiek Agents’ directory, embr. alphabetical record of ad- dresses of agents and canvassers in the U.S. and @anadas, 89.) figttalee 2b. L. L. Smith. Ages before Moses. Gibson, J: M. $1.25..Randolph. Agnes Graham. Dorsey, IMs. S. A. 50c... Peterson. Aenes Grey, Bronte; Aly 20C ice. mens 27 g 349 402 Henn. Cont. : Elements of French Henn’s practical and easy 35c.— French dialogues; 1-3: no. 1, 40c.; bds., 30c. no. 2, 35c.; bds., 30c.—Second French reader with notes and vocab. 80c.; hf. roan, $1. — Key to Second Fr. reader, bds., 40c. 1 [etm bass, ed. by lex grammar, method of dramatic — German dialogues. 12°, 35C. a Genin in reading charts; no. 25C. 5 — reey im series 79, jess Cont.: $1.75. — Fourth German dramatic sel. no. 1, 40c.; 12°, or ONE Complete method of the German language. hf. roan, book. bds., 60c.— German dialogues: 2 Jere 30c. — Rudiments of the Ger- man language. 2d course. bds., $1; hf. roan, $1.20. — Second German reader, with notes and yvocab., or with foot-notes and vocab. ea., bds., $1; hf. roan, $1.20.— Key to Second Ger- man reader. bds., 50c.— Systematic synopsis of German grammar. 60c.; hf. roan, 80c. _ [Latin Series ; ed.] by P. Henn. 15-612 Qv. ser citel oie aialoralee) sjwlie sie m1 lo) niteyaienale ols ainel= Steiger. Cont.: Complete Latin syntax. 90c.; bds., 80e. Virst Latin book. 70c.; bds., 60c. — Latin grammar; with ref. to the first, second, and third Latin books. 90c.; bds., 80c. — Latin 12°, 779- New ed. (Guides for sci. teaching.) ill. 24°. MO DADs OD Clin ats alicia aiefoln owe e arses Ginn. —and Alex. Seaside studies in nat. hist.; marine animals of Mass. Bay: Radiates. New ed. ill. Sore Or eenel holst tenet . Houghton, § Co. vocabulary for beginners; with Latin proverbs and quotationsAHN 6 ALCOTT ———————————————————— ede Ahn, F: , continued. | Alabama, continued. by P. Henn. bds., 60c.— Manual of Latin prose composition, | (77), by J: W. Shepherd. —v. 61, 62 ?78—79), by T: G. Jones. with ref. to Ahn’s Complete Latin syntax. bds., 50¢. — New —y. 63-66 (’79-’80), by J: W. Shepherd. —v. 67 (780), by G: Latin manual: Ist course. 70c.3 bds., 60c. — Second Latin F. Moore. — v. 68 (’80-81), by J: W. Shepherd and do: Pe Till reader. 90c.; bds., 80c.—Short Latin course. pts. 1-8, $1.20; man. —v. 69 (’80), by J: Tillman. —vy. 70 (’88), by J: W. or in 2 pts., ea., bds., 60c. — Third Latin book. 9Uc.; bds., 80c. Shepherd, — Vv. 71 (8182), by J: P. Tillman. — Latin wall charts; ed. by P. Henn. [’77.] $1.50. | Alacoque, Marg. Ma. Pearls from the casket of the Steiger. sacred heart of Jesus: coll. of letters, maxims — Pronouncing method of the Germ. language; ed. by | and practices;, ed. by E. C. Donnelly. 24°. 2 () 437 J. C. Oehlschliger. 8°. [’79.]---+----Steger. | MDC: cece Sin ele sie © «ela, «10 moe eine Benziger Cont.: First pt., bds., 80c.; hf. roan, $1. —Second pt., bds., | Aladdin's picture BOOK: ill. by W. Crane. col. ill. 4°. ae De roan, 60c. — Complete, bds., $1.15; hf. roan, $1.40. — | | P 76. | BOOB On visi seis © Gee eee eee Routledge. Smee ie x F | Aladel, M. Miraculous medal: its origin, hist., circu- —and Henn, Dr. P. First Latin reader : De sepLemy lation, results; from the French by P. S. 12°. regibus Romanorum: extracts from Ist book ot 36 () 486) GB] BO \cicsne se sievea ee eters Penn anos Piet. Livy; with notes, vocab., and ref. to Ahn-Henn’s | re : ay ; a y > > ary 8 f § re 7 U- Latin grammar. 12%. ’81.*°!? 80c.; bds., 70c. Albany Penitentiary. — 28th mnnal ré port, with docu Steiger. ments. 8°. [’76.]-°° pap., 00C..-.-.-- Munsell. Aidé, Hamilton. Penruddocke. 8° pap., 50c. ; Alba’s dream, and other stories. 8°. [’78.]°* $1.50. R. Worthington. Cath. Pub. — Poet and peer. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. °80.**" Albee, J: Literary art: conversation between a poet, pap., Lc. ..-+ e+e ee ee Biefelcie cloiis «elec Harper. painter and pinlosonne : ae 81.454 S1.. Putnam. a o . 7 7 7 4 Ss DOF ile Oienicleiclclele clareicc > Aids to reflection, and Confessions of an inquiring | Poems. 16°. 83.” $1.50... : -£ Wenn: spirit. Coleridge, S: T. $1.40... Ser ibner & W.|— St. Aspenquid of ae aeenenbede : Indian ey l. os . Line 2,.Q eae JAD va oO Carercicie ssc os sleje clercre)sicje.s -ewster. Aikin, J:, and Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. FE venings at | P: Poe Set (cree a a home; or, the juvenile budget opened. (One- | Albemarle, Karl of. [G:T: Keppell.] Fifty NS syllable ed.) ill. 12°, [’79.] $1.50; bds., 50c. | of my life; with pl. by Jeens. 12°. [’76.]"™ e 4 ROU aie cic o/s) a cielo ele) sieievst ois) eine (o)/aloiniaials eee ee LIOLl. Routledge. | Aikin, J: F. History of liberty. 12°. [’76.]>° $1. Barnes. Alberdi, —. Life and industrial labors of W: Wheel- wright in So. America; tr. from the Spanish, with : add. memoranda; introd. by C. Cushing. 8°. Aikman, W: Bachelor’s talk a bout married life and Pe eae On : re Eectlolle $1.50 ees Walliams. things adjacent. 129. ’*84.*&6 $1.50.. Howler § W. RS eee — Heavenly recognitions. 16°. 8. *597 850... Am. Ty. | Albert, Bessie. How Bob andI kept house: story of — Life at home; or, the family and its members. Rev. Chicago hard times. (eaters ser.) 16°. COE ae: eds sq. 120 276.29) SI b0)- ns Wells. | pap., Ldc. +--+ +eess Sie eis viereie ee cies s ANUCLONS « Aim, fire, bang. Beecher, J. M. ae ....Lee & §,| Albert Savarus. Balzac, IL. de. 0c... -. Munro. Aim high ser. 4 v. ill. 16°. [?77.]?7 $5..U. D. Ward. Albertis, L. M. d’. New Guinea; what I did and what : See OY or ; ATVs ; 20 191 472 & Cont.: Leonore’s trials. —Mary Rutledge.—Old Grips. — Isaw. 2 Vv. por., map and ill. 8°. él. p10. Deserted Jessie. Houghton, M. & Co. | Albertsen, Ek. Four-footed lovers; ill. by L. B Aimwell, Walter (pseud.) See Simonds, W: ; ; a EY : ie eS io ) pa ae Humphrey. Newed. sq. 8°. ’81.° bds., $l. Ainger, Alfr. Charles Lamb. (Eng. men of letters.) Lees S 90 IQ9 *531 7 7 ns s “ ee 4 « DD. : 12°. ‘02: di C ctetespelc ses cie) 2 < esos sees Harper.| Albine, Zola, E. 75C.-+++- ses eresee aces Peterson. Ainsworth, W: Harrison. C ‘onstable de Bourbon. | Albrook, J. B. (ed.) Assembly of the North-west: ; (Seaside lib.) 4 cL 82. pap., 20¢. - -- Munro. outline sketches of 2d Sunday-school Assembly — Stanley Brereton. (Cenc lib.) AO Ore Dae. of the North-west. 16°. (’78.]?!° 75c.; pap AN 291) 0 i st. ; be.; pap-, DV Giaercieia orc cleiele s/c clelsisiele) a siellaleieie) cla'e eee Munro. | BOG! fons ead : eis. 2 rr RTS & Co. Airs fee Be Aready, and elsewhere. punnel H. C.| Album leaves. HOnehtOnt G: Bh Gnsce eee peach stes: Spillers es ei viclelelie ofelaleleleioveltalisie ele Scribner s Sons : ~ ee PY ~, : j Se i ruoner Ss SONS. | Ajbum of Cincinnati: 20 views. 8°. 779.4 50c. Airy fairy Lilian. See Argles, Mrs. M. Burgheim Aitken, W. Hay M. H. Stambline stones; or, hin-| Album of love. 32°. [’80.] 50c....- -.. J: E. Potter drances to believing. sq. 16%. [’80.]**° $1. | Album writer’s friend. Ogilvie, J. S. 15c.; 30c. Randolph. Ogilvie. —wW pau isgyour lute? addresses to young ne Alceste. Gluck, C. W. v. $1.-----:---- --- Church. id. oO coco ese teers eet et ee ee tees see bEX - mm én ch ~ - : : : i varter. | Aleiphron: a poem. Moore, T: $2; $4.50..Bouton. Aitken, W: Complete hand-book of treatment: an C : a9. J ee : : sane arene : a5 | Alcock, Sur Bo Art ang art industries in alphabetical index of diseases. 12°. [783.[°™* Anant ill 8°, [°78.]548 $6 Seoibner & W. ao « . > eee DC) / c ° $2 eeccccere winteleliviis ele ies cleele) slei is iaie/al eteucilaeiniete e Fowler f W. Aldais leap. Greene, Mrs. L.L. 50c.....-..«./ Velson. Alden, Ellen Tracy (ed.) Stories and ballads for young folks. sq. 16°. ’79.*89) $1..Am. Bk. Bae. Alden, Mrs. Is. M. [‘‘ Pansy.”] Chautauqua girls at home; tle Go5e [eiieileee | pleo0) cee « Lothrop. | — Endlesschain. ill. 12°. [ga xes3 $1.50.. Lothrop. 4 — Ester Ried yet speaking. 12°. [’83.]*°? $1.50. —— Hive friends: ill. 120. ’82°0s4 ey oe a Lothrop. — Getting ahead. ill. 16°. [’77.]8® 75c. ...- Lothrop. — Hall inthe grove. 12° [’82.]°76 $1.50 ...Lothrop. 7 Lothrop. | — Hourwith Miss Streator. [’84.]**° pap., 6c.. Lothrop. | — Leonora Claribel. See below Side by side. — Lesson in story: Pansy’s lesson-book for boys and pinlss pts ls 2. Sq. LOS: [iiSnilau ea., pap-, LOc: Lothrop. — Links in Rebecea’s life. ill. 12° [’78.]%78 $1.50 Lothrop. — Little people, in picture story. ill. 4°. [°77.]%°! $1.50; ALDRICH | Alden, Mrs. Is. M., continued. — Tip Lewis and his lamp. (Young folks’ lib.) ill. 16°. | (P84. ]*540 pap., 25c.----.-.-.-0---s-e Lothrop. |— Two boys. ill. 16°. [’77.]° 75c......... Lothrop. — What she said; andwhat she meant. 16°. 80.447 $1; pap., Fy) CE crcteke ei cic oeie ccciisieleeialclaicieie craters Loth Trop. | — and Foster, Mvs. I. H. From different stand-points. ‘| Ue 20% Gules oeb0) ee meaeeoceerer Lothrop. } and Livingston, Mrs. C. M. Divers women. ill. 12°. (780. ]*459 $1-50.-..--.. SGiea belo Sine an Lothrop. — and others. Mary Burton abroad, and other stories. il. 12°. [7?83.]*8"7 Tbe.......-...+--- Lothrop. — See also Foster, Ms. I. H. Alden, Jos. First principles of political economy. 16°. (RO eS! VOC nn cece eee Davis, B. § Co. — Science of government in connection with Am. insti- tutions. New ed. 12°. [’76.]*43 $1.50.. Sheldon. — Self-education: what to do, and how to do it. (Chau- tauquatext-bks.) 32°. 780.** pap., 10c. Phillips § H. — Studies in Bryant: a text-book; introd. by W. C. Bryant. 18°. Ee Ke, connooc : = eeDI are — Same. (Lit. primers.) 18°. [’79.] 45c...Appleton. | — Thoughts on the religious life; introd. its Wie Ce Br yant. GOs 47 ORO Bien cmc crocs Putnam. LAqaent Miriam. Marjorie’s good year. ill. 16°. [’81.]**° Sbi lum retriclatalelelie) cveueielal slelisiel ¢1ei cleislerts fe telss\eleve -- Am. Tr. iden, Wie 1G: Canoe, and the flying proa. (Half-hour ser), S29) | (Sapo paps. 2D Ce mie eiernre Harper. —C hristopher ¢ sana (1440-1506) ; the first Am. citizen (by adoption). (Lives of Am. worthies.) TGS, PQURtOL (Gl Dye tone coi = eeloore attr Holt. — Comic liar: ill. 12°. °82.5% $1.50........ Carleton. |— Cruise of the Canoe Club. ill. sq. 16°. 783.4°°8 $1. Harper. — (Cruise of the ‘‘ Ghost.” ill. sq. 16°. ’82[’81].*°° $1. Harper. DOSSe toners mctera cravere cies elole crore tn . Lothrop. — Man of the house. ill. 12°. [’83.]*°7° $1. 50. Lothrop. | — Miss Priscilla Hunter. 16°. ’79.°°? pap., 50c. Lothrop. | — Mrs. Harry Harper’s awakening. ill. 12°. [’81.]**? | GSE crete) cl al eisrerieielelel= cele re cyere crete oie = cele Lothrop. — Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. 12°. [’82. ]*°°! $1.50. Lothrop. — Mother’s boys and girls. 4°. Meioe™ ep lors OSes — Domestic explosives and other sixth column fancies. [From the N. Y. Times.] 12°. [’77.]*° $1.25 Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. — Moral pirates. ill. 16°. 781[’80].*** $1. pe. — Shooting-stars as observed from the sixth eolanin of the Times; ill. by F. S. Church. 16°. [78.]%** $1; pap., 50c. .+-+ +--+ eee esc eeeenee Putnam. Alderdice, Mos. &. W. Heart’s delight: a novel. 12°. eee TD) aa) ele) sie ereleinieie| eiete «ile -. Carleton. | Aldersyde. Swan, A. S. $1.50........--.. Carter. | Aldis, Ma. Steadman. Great giant Arithmos: most elementary arithmetic. ill. 12°. ’82.°% net, 75c. Macmallan. Aldrich, J. K. Critical examination of the time of our Saviour’s crucifixion: the fourteenth day of the Jewish month Nisan, a.p. 80. 12°. ’82.*55% GT DQ leeiee) cccis @elere ie cleisie cieies Be cig asa radscey aaa Aldrich. Aldrich, T: Bailey. Works: ill. by the Paint and Clay Club. por. 8° ’83.° $5; mor. or tree Gis, ED Gacane oo00¢ Scan ccc: Houghton, M. § Co. |— Baby Bell. ill. sm. 4° [77.]*° $1.50; ant. mor. or tree Cf., BD .-.+-.2-ee5- eer ecie Osgood. — Flower and thorn; later poems. 12°. [’76.]?°° $1.25. Osgood. GBI Ds taietacoie ols allele ie wil ayo ein aia clei non 9000 DOlbUOy a — My daughter Susan. (Idle hour ser.) ill. sq. 16°. [ZOE MS22 paps, DOC: wcicteies eee ee eee ns Lothrop. — New graft on the family tree. ill. 12°. [780.]** SL.50 «2.2 ee clave tela tates aa einiorel el aleyerer) ciel - Lothrop. — New Year’s tangles and other stories. ill. 12°. [’84. ]*®° | SN eaatelceray cite) a) ele) ieteel ate eve eiceiy eter a sie\e) iis - Lothrop. — Our darlings: what they think, say, and do. ill. 4°. (-78.)22) S1.50s bds), Sl «22... ---2 2500 Lothrop. =—spansiesa. Alle NGO [itiellee. WDCsesclestcice Lothrop. — Pansy’s new lib. 4 v. ill. 4° [’78.]?°° $3..ZLothrop. Oont.; Six little girls. —Getting ahead. — Pansies. — Two boys. — People who haven’t time and can’t afford it. 16°. 10st Si PAs OCs tin ciclel «rieisinie) ioe s Lothrop. — Pocket measure. 12°, [’81.]*4°° $1.50 .. Lothrop. — Side by side; [also] Leonora Claribel. ill. 12°. (MSS MSS COC ies ctele ares nee) Alice Lorraine. Blackmore, R. D. 20c......Munro. Alice Sherwin: tale of the days of Sir T: More. (Household lib.) 16°. [°78.]84° pap., 25c. Sadlier.ALICE 9 Alice thro’ the looking-glass, and other fairy plays. Freiligrath-Kroeker, K. $1........... Putnam. Alice’s adventures in wonderland. Dodgson, C: L. Np eabetslats: = cl eleloiOreiereel sicic as ciara rere Macmallan. AMlickisthero, Shaw, ©: $1.25. .4... «4s Carter. Alide: episode of Gocthe’s life. Lazarus, E. 40c. Lippincott. Aline’s widowhood. Blanc, Mme. T. 20c...-. Munro. Aliso and Acne. Wickersham, J. A. 75c.; 50c. Brentano’s Int. Emp. Alison (pseud.) Princess Charmian. (Seaside lib.) BOF TOO PAP LOC waa cern sels) ee eed VWunro. — So near and yet so far. (Seaside lib.) 49°. 784.9 pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) WY, EL Ny Weoso6 coco conn cone Munro. Aliunde; or, Love ventures. 12°. [’77.]° $1; pap., BQ) Goss ceive erate os OAS ce tren Sree eres a Somerby. All aboard for sunrise lands. Rand, E: A. $2.25; Spi ( (Dyan ates oats) alistel siecle sie) statata) «ota iyerrs Piseve Lothrop. AlWadriits Adams Wie ee Seon ss. ae on. Lee & S. Allvalone. Wheurtet, A. 250i. cele oi 5 Appleton. All around a palette. Champney, Ms. L. W. $1.50. Lockwood, B. & Co. All around a rocking-chair. Woods, Js. K. T. $2. J. Miller All around the house. Beecher, Is. H: W. $1.50. Appleton. All for her; or, St. Jude’s assistant; ire DE PARE SSLASDS jenyneg SSL Gocooagacant Carleton. ANIL for hime; by Saee re 208 eS. eo ilvoO pape. ollie Carleton. All for love; or, from the manger to the cross. Mori- arty, J. J. $1.25 ALLEN Allen, Mrs. Eliz. Akers. [‘‘ Florence Percy.”] Rock me to sleep, mother. ill. sq. 12°. 83 [782].*8 wleoO tulliitree’ Gi y Dieter etiste sic eyn cree Estes. Allen, F:D. Remnants of early Latin; sel. and expl. forstudents:, 120 280s8428" Sher a0... 5 Gann. Allen, G.G. Universal phonography; or, short-hand by the Allen method. 24°. ’83.*87 50c...Lee § S. Allen, Grant. Anglo-Saxon Britain. 12°. ’81.*523 iD Gucicle ejcita tisierors Clatere aves eoerercici EH. & J. B. Young. — Colin Clout’s ealendar: the record of a summer, April-October. (Standard lib.) 12°. ['83.]*986 DBDs LO Ce crerintae scissile lacie ole cine incre Funk. Color-sense: its origin and development. for. philos. lib.) er. Si enone $3.50. Houghton, O. & Co. Colors of flowers as ill. inthe British flora. (Nature ser.) ill. 16°. 782.57 flex. el., $1.. Macmillan. Evolutionist at large. (Humboldt lib.) 89. pap., Loe sii .reee- Mtzgerald. (ing. and 19 oo 789 526 Cath. Pub. | — Flowers and their pedigrees. ill. 12°. ’84.*8% $1.50. Appleton. — Physiological esthetics. 12°. [’78.]8° $1.50. Appleton. — Vignettes from nature. (Humboldt lib.) 8°. ’82. SABE TAD os LOC setescle) ects) ale oh oare falayeln craters Fitzgerald. Allen, Harrison. System of human anatomy. pl. and Te Ar Bee liereteis cia) eke cle erie cle ners Lea. — Same. Sec. 3: Muscles and fascie. pl. and ill. KANTO, bye Elon Goan canoacenon nood Lea. — Same. Sec. 4: Arteries, veins and lymphatics. plevandill. ponrtiolio. 783-092) (S350) 2-25 -- Lea. Allen, J: (pseud.) See Clute, Oscar. Allen, J: B. Reports. See Washington Territory, Sup. Court. 1)" ha 2c . . ry . OQNa * | ae 0. Sree : ee i 2: Uc icin ae ee Allen, J: Barrow. Elementary Latingrammar. 3d ed. All in a garden fair. See Besant, W. (Clarendon press ser.) 16%. ’81.52 $1. [Welson.] All on account of Eliza: anovel. 12°. ‘81.487 pap., | — First Latin exercise-book. 3d ed., enl. (Clarendon DOC. vee cee cece tree eee cece renee -- Carleton. | press) Ser) G0 28 eee er eine { Nelson. ] Alor nothine Hoey, Mrs ©. ibe. sce... 4. Harper.| Allen, J: H. Fruits of the wine cup. (Acting drama.) All pictures and stories. ill. 4°. ’78. bds., 50c... Nelson. | 130; (79. “pap, lbc:-..- 4--..-. ea. Happy. All quiet along the Potomac. Beers, E. L. $1.75. | Allen, J: W., 77. Paul Dreifuss: his holiday abroad. Porter &§ C. 190.) 280 ee5b0 eee ae cee Bluse OULD RY Blea oO 008s aaa a meno: Allen, Jos. A. Westboro State Reform School remi- Putnam. iscences. 16° [7’77.]%° od0c.; pap., 30c All Saints’ day, and other sermons. Kingsley, C: nIscsuces: : ee I ee I a Nee 7 Sep On. Ee aia alaiialetoteiele ateielalniainiens Scribner. A. & Co. ‘ are ge ° : 10e8 wood, B. 9 Co. ae ‘ a . Allen, Jos. H: Christian hist. in its three great All sorts and conditions of men. Besant, W., and Rice, periods. 3v. 16%. ’83.*58-620 ea. $1.25.. Roberts. Ae PAYOR sno coon pene on ooAc ed nooo cae Harner. \\ Fraginents of Christian hist. to the foundation of the All the way round; or, whata boy saw and heard on his Holy Roman Empire. 16°. 280*se S150) way round'the world. ill.12° [7’76.]#! $1.50. Roberts. Appleton. | — Hebrew men and times, from the patriarchs to the All the week through. Hoffman, C: F. $1. Messiah: 169 27988) Sin 0i 2... «- Roberts. Am. Ch. Press. | — New Latin wethod. 12°. (76.744 $1.50... Gann. All the world over. Barritt, lL. $1......... Lothrop. | — and Greenough, J. B. Latin grammar founded on All through. Macaulay, J. $.25........ Randolph. comparative grammar. Rev. ed. 12°. [’77.]?% All wrong: leaf from adrama. 12°. [7’77.]*%° $1. $1.12 denier Se segs 3 s} pieces (eleiets csi “ s+ ++ Ginn. ~ Linpincott. | — Manual of instruction in Latin on the basis of a Latin Allan, J. A. Orangeism, Catholicism, and Sir Francis method. 12% [’76.]° $1.50 ......-. -- Ginn. A Hinecks. 8°. Miley Paps, LOC. 2 Manta; fe Allan, Ja. W. Notes on fever nursing. ill. 12°. ’80.4?° MDGS tere eis ce eran cn) oases ceyeras ¢ Blakaston. Allan, W. Shipowners’ and engineers’ guide to the marine engine. diagrams, pl. 8°. 780.4% $4. Spon. Allan, W: Hist. of the campaign of Gen. T. J. [Stone- wall] Jackson, in the Shenandoah Valley of Va., 1861-62, with maps by J. Hotchkiss. 8°. ’80.*4! SDL DU) rarolaiet =) elle sle'm) o sial 5 ( Anderson, T: M. the rebellion; or, true stories of Sumter and lett, (38, ERE Sila sao cgas coo Putnam. Andes and the Amazon. Orton, J. $38...... Harper. André, —. Cruise of the walnut shell. ill. in col. AO COON Teo Die rca nets ue ierelerele Scribner & W. — Overcome. 8°. [’76.]*4° $1.50..Zovell, Ad., W. § Co. André, G: G. Draughtsman’s hand-book of plan and map drawing, with instructions for engineering, architectural and mechanical drawings. pl. cr. BOF 280 ree SOD oe cies ie cia ieee NDOT. — Mining machinery: descriptive treatise on the ma- chinery, tools, and other appliances used in min- INA ave De roy 4°. = [ietite ae S28 Spon. Practical treatise on coal-mining. ill. roy. 4°. 5 - MUO IRS SPRY bScecocccde ; Spon. Rock blasting: practical treatise on the means em- ployed in blasting rocks. eng. and pl. 8°. [’78.]°”* MpAeaDyaiela eile eer aieiiale) elo) elo arel = ‘ Spon. (ed.) Spon’s encyclopedia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and com. products. Complete in 5 div. ill. roy. 8°. ’79-—82.49%5°! $27...Spon. Andreds-weald, Crake, A. D. $1.50..Pott, Y. § Co. Andrew, J: A. Errors of prohibition: argument on the matter of license and prohibition. 10th ed. So; 280; pap.. O0c: ---. Williams. Andrew, W. P. India and her neighbors; with maps andapp. 8°. (778.]8° $7.50 ...Scbner & W: Andrew Harvey’s wife. Smith, Ms. L. T. $1.. Carter. Andrews, E. B. Elementary geology designed for the ZV. interior states. (Hclec. educ. ser.) ill. 12°. Mi Sesey Spl oie aiernie soaude anaccaon Wn AGG Ds Andrews, Ethan A. Latin lessons. Rev. and enl. ed. ZO (Sas OCe simi «amie Houghton, O. § Co. Complete course in hist.; new man- | Clark & M. | | — (ed.) New Latin dictionary, founded on Freund’s Latin-Germ. lexicon; enl., and in part rewritten by C. T. Lewis and C: Short. (Harper’s Lat. dict:)) 4°: 779°*208 “hds.;.68:50); ship:, $9.50 ihf: leath., $10.50; rus., $12.50 Harper. —and Stoddard, S. Latin (School ed.) or Eg Houghton, O. § Co. | Andrews, Fanny. [‘Elzey Hay.”] Mere advent- urer. 8° 779.*3° $1.25; pap., 75c... Lippincott. — Prince Hal; or, the romance of a rich young man. | grammar. 1205 6255527) Sez) paps, 60: -<-- Lippincott. | Andrews, Garnett. Digest. See Mississippi, Sup. Court. Andrews, Israel Ward. Washington County and the early settlement of Ohio. 8° ([(778.]3}7 $1.25; PAP., TOC. c.0e cece eveces S00 P: G. Thomson. Andrews, Ja. P., and Briscoe, W. A. of Conn. reports. | Andrews, Jane. Index-digest See Connecticut, Sup. Court. the Each and all; how or, seven little sisters prove their sisterhood. ill. 16°. femBealpee Sailer DD! fevciwier elarerey aiciale ey cisiaiero sires hee & S. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Newed. 16°. PoGsyee Suk Lee Sf S. Andrews, J: W. Church law: suggestions on the law of the Prot. Epise. Ch. in the U. S.; its sources and scope. 12° 783.*84 $1.25 .... Whittaker. Andrews, S: J. Life of our Lord upon the earth; in its hist., chronol., and geog. relations. (’63.) 4thed. 8° [779.]4!” $2.50...Sceribner’s Sons. Andrews, W: A. Daring voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, by two Americans, the brothers Andrews introd. and notes by Dr. Macaulay. ill. 12°. 80. tS Siac lors oi tckatel= Siohia ale oye) oiciciere cle eciaiaiats Dutton. Anecdota Oxoniensia. y.1. Muller, F: M., net, CSIP Okara sore ere ec tocy ciel yereion erin ai .--- Macmillan. Anecdotes of animals; ill. by Weir, Wolf, and others. VG°: ieee Sy antes ccigere init ao - Lothrop. Ange. Jean, Mis. KB. Tdc..-..-.-....--0. Carleton. Angel inthe cloud. Fuller, E. W. | Angelinthe marble. Pentecost, G: I Angel unawares. Howitt, Mfrs. M. $1.50; $2.. Hale. $1..Cong. Pub. $1.25. Je DP: = Williams. Angel voices; or, words of council for overcoming the world. sq. 160 [2782 Silli7brs (nibbonieds) iD Gai cielo eters eheveiee aifala aie) ele lore cieicrere inlets Randolph. Angela. Spielhagen, F: 20c................ . Munro. Angéle’s fortune. Theuriet, A. $1.25; 75c. Peterson. Angeline. Calvert, G: H: 50c...... s00000 1522 dP 8 Angell, H. C. How to take care of our eyes: with ad- vice in regard to the management of the eyes of children. 16°. [’78.]%8 50c¢ .- Roberts. — Treatise on diseases of the eye; added ser. of test types for determining the state of vision. 6th ed. remodelled. ill. 12°. ’82.*°°8 $3..Boericke § 7. Angell, Jos. K. Treatise on the law of carriers of goods and passengers by land and by water. Sth edi, enl. by gs Wathrops Soy [eae | shp:, Sp Oise crete eters Be ee cies Pee clei Uttlew nics COs — Treatise on the law of limitations. 6thed. 8°. [’77.]} Shp., $G-.-+ -scecessecev eee «..-Jttle, B. & Co. — Treatise on the law of watercourses, with app. cont. statutes of flowing, and forms of declarations. 7th ed., rev. and enl. by J. C. Perkins. 8°. [’77. ] sO Shp ole ere eonetittle, B. & Co. Angelo (pseud.) Adventures of an atom: its autobiog- raphy. 12° 781.47% $1.50..........--- Hurst. — Dancing imps of the wine; or, stories and fables. 120K 7Oeete eZ - Hurst. toe t wer seree .14 APPLETON’S Angelo [poem]. See Bloede, G. Angelo and Ariel. Sewall, F. $1.----- Angelo and Stella. Davies, G.S. 80c.-- Whittaker. Angelo, the circus boy. Sew all, KE. $1 --. ee Angels’ Christmas. See Walton, Jfs. O. IB Angier, J/rs. Annie Lanman. Poems. 16°. ’83 [’82]. *572 GUT ()) arcacel oie ete clone eyelsieve) sieve eles . Williams. Anglican Chureh. See Church of Mngland: Anglo-American Bible revision, by members of the Am. Rev. Com. 12°. [’79.]*3° 75c...Am. S. S. — Same. 4threv.ed. 12°. [’81.]*% 75c. Am. S. S. Anglo-American internat. copyright. Morgan, J. A. DCs aecicie eves Meyeleieraieis) cle A eiic cise Ae. DTENLaio. . [npprincott. Anglo-American primer. Burnz, E. B. ldc. Burnz. Angus, J. Keith. Children’s theatricals; arr. in verse, as easy plays. [’78.] 50c. ----+-.-- Routledge. — Theatrical scenes, for the ce of children. [°79.] 5Oc. -- eee seen eee ieee we Routledge. — (ed.) Sportsman’s year- “book for 1880, information rel. to British sports, games, and pastimes. 8°. 780.*929 $2.50 ..-0-- ee eee .. Cassell, P., G. § Co. Angus, Jos. Bible hand-book: with revisions, notes, [ete.], by F. S. Hoyt; [also] Short ill. hist. sketches of coinage and money connected with the Scripture narr., by F. W. Madden. New ill. ed. spore maps: 809 783.05) (Go). 2. Fagan. Animal automatism; and other essays. Huxley, T: H: LD CH cteicis «10 Bia toie\cieaieicie eel cis eee Fitzgerald. Animal picture Hook: col: pl. sms 4° [2765] ‘bds:, RT| Mercier) crereieie) > $3.50; SI Pers Gace ale miei cis cleuel ciel oie 500000 000n0 Od# Appleton. Appleton’s dictionary of N.Y. See Percy, T. Appleton’s European guide-book [1881-1884]. New rey. eds 2 vy. ill and maps; 120% si 84. peice) MUOT- SDS) Pel We, Gone cee eed DELON Appleton’s general guide-book to U. 1879-1883. Rev. ed. v. States, and Canada. vy. S. and Canada, 1: New England, Middle 2: Western and Southern States. ill. and maps. 16°. 779 ea., $1.25 2 v. in 1, roan, $2.50. Appleton. | Appleton’s hand-atlas of anc. geog.; ed., with introd., by G: Butler. maps. 4°. [’ 17.257 $3.. Appleton. Appleton’s illustrated hand-book of Am. cities, 1877— 83 391-598 * Ol, 1881. Newrev. ed. ill. and maps. 12°. [’76-80. ] @a., 7oC.; pap: D0Cie cece. serene -- Appleton. Appleton’s illustrated hand-book of Am. summer resorts, 1876-1883. New ed. ill. and maps. 120, (P6283. |2ese33 eas, (bc.5, pap-. DOC: Appleton. | Appleton’s illustrated hand-book of Am. winter resorts, 1877-1884. Rev. ed. ill. and maps. 129% [ii Goatees (eA., DC.” paps. DUC: Appleton. Appleton’s school readers; Wi Le Elanms: AG Jr uickoiy, Mo Bailey, “by. Go) Wor (7s es Appleton. Cont.: First reader. bds., 23c.— Second reader. bds., 37c. — Third reader. bds., 48c.— Fourth reader. bds., 64c. — Fifth reader. bds., $1.15. Appleton’s summer-book. ill. 8° ’80.*#> pap., DU Ciemmicis sues sie aieresieie . - Appleton. April day. Arab wife: See Jephson, P. P. romance of the Polynesian seas. (Handy-y. ser), 16% [e78o|ea5) paps, 2oc.<. 9. «A pplecon. - . . Yr ~ | Arabian days’ entertainments. Hauff, W: $1.50. Houghton, M. § Co. entertainments; or, the thousand and New ed. ill. cr. 4°. [?79.] $4; hf. -- Cassell, P., G. § Co. SiLAS! ibe: »-honten & GC: Arabian nights’ one nights. ef., $7: mor. (Alta aay ill. Same. 12°. I — Same. (Complete ed.) Cra Son (ieee oe Routledge. — Same. New ed. ill. 12°. [’82.]5°? $ - Routledge. — Same. (Young people’s lib.) ill. 4°. ’82.°44 pap., WANG, cooson BicLaVaie 6 ie lckele! Siaieul eibias sa eles oh Routledge. — Same; tr. from orig. Arabic, ith notes, by E: W: | Lane. Enl.ed. (Standard ed.) ill. 4° [’79.] 379 $3.50; $4.50; tky. mor., $5. — Same. 12°. STD (ROOD) cic ecto eic sien ce cise .. Ames. — Same; six stories, ed. by S? Dliot. le 120) —280;%283)) Dds 7D Cisccite cnc cece wens et bare ere Lee & S; | Cont. : The fisherman. — The three sisters. — Prince Ahmed. Aiaaint — Ali Baba, and the forty robbers. — Sinbad the | sailor. Arblay, Mme. Fes. B. da’. Diary and letters; rev. and ed. by S. C. W ee ZIV) (POtn 120k 18 O0nscs! GAs a eine syols niereie sy cre cco wisi eversie.s ic SOo0DC Roberts. — Evelina. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’78.%5% pap., loc. Harper Archbishop’s champion brought to book. Stearns, E: Ve LO Cie ales eraloie) oj eo lenale) o alelal slo elefolaleferove Whittaker. Archbold, J. F. Complete practical treatise on crimi- nal procedure, pleading and evidence in indicta- ble cases, Am. and Eng. decisions to date, by J: Pomeroy. 8thed. 2v. 8° ele Shp., Bld ane Sa d000GDDUNUAaD OC . Banks Archer, —. M. Golden one (Se asidelib:)) 40: 783.5% PAP-, 20C.« oo ese e coerce eevee rccesceed Munro. Archer, F: Collection of short pieces for church or meed organs. 782.09 Goi wns pees CHUTE. Archer, T: Decisive events in history. ill. sq. 8°. (79. ]*879° $1.75..---.----- Cassell, P., G. 5 Co Archery, “alli 129, “90F82 pap., Loe) sec. M60: 162-4528) b0 Cr. a + ++e--- Appleton. — Same. 1883. Rev. andenl.. 16°. 783.57? 50c. Appleton. | Armstrong, H. E. Introd. to the study of organic chemistry. 12°. [’80.] $1.50 ...... Appleton. Armstrong, Jfrs. M. F. Our jewels. (Hampton tracts.) 26° *79:%429°° pap. 8C5. --c1.- Putnam. Armstrong, W. P. Hand-book on the diseases of the heart: 129: 7892552. (Gh Oem mie cee Duncan. Armstrong’s primer of U. S. hist. maps. 24°. ’81.*>! BOC ererc ie oieiole nie ois) ciate eel si eloiele olen tar efarers Armstrong. | Army and navy birthday-book. Seccombe, R. A. PAO EM Go anacoc S gis Siele.u Gilets stoners berars Routledge. | Army life in a black regiment. Higginson, ‘I’: W. Pile Ob savera: osterecacyelsre cere eieeiels S cievele Soe averets Lee & S. Army of the Cumberland. Cist, H: M. $1. Scribner’s Sons. Army of the republic. Beecher, H: W. 10c...Chr. Un. Army register of the U. S. for 100 years. 2d ed. 8°. Bees shp:, SlOs hf mor, Sle hf ch. 2 Hi TUS, Bild eeeees cece ee noe T: H. Hamersly. | Army sacrifices. Fry, J.B. $1..... Van Nostrand. | Arndt, Ernst Moritz. Life and adventures of E. M. Arndt, the singer of the German fatherland; from the Germ. with pref. by J: R. Seeley. por. 129°. SO kSE Ss: ROE he eee alos \ekelaisioieve te diets --- Roberts. Arne. See Bjornson, B. | Arnold, Alex. S. Henry Lovell: temperance story. Ty Or Sooo) ST ale OU Cr ws alata mises Arnold. | Arnold, André. Dutch recitations and readings. 16°. | pap., L5c. .2.-5 ese voceenssnc veeree «+ Happy. |— My Peter. (Acting drama.) 16°. [’79.] pap., l5c. Happy. — Same. (Amateur stage.) 16° (['79.] pap., Lbc. Happy. Arnold, Arth. Through Persia by caravan. 12°. | Uo ESN Gooac Se eereie soe ose se Harper. | Arnold, Birch (pseud.) See Bartlett, Mrs. J. M. D. | Arnold, Edn. Poetical works. (Household ed.) New | Cd TiQ0, Bb reOe RO eae acca noc Roberts. i!——Poems., 11205 280.487 ee ecient COUETTS: — Light of Asia; or, the great renunciation (Mahabhi- nishkramana); life and teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and founder of Buddhism. 12°. TQ eEA0S RT SO lerne oe ereinie acisie cers 6 oc ee ere Roberts. |— Same. (Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.427 pap., 1dc. Funk. — Pearls of the faith; or, Islam’s rosary: ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah (Asm4-el-husna4). 16°. 783 [82] .*972 Gilis emilee Gua etrcarere eee s LLOUETTS. Arnold, Fk. S. Discipline and drill of the militia. 12°. [ates eee RO a ee ee) ace Van Nostrand.ARNOLD 1 Arnold, G: Poems; ed., with biog. seeue h of the poet, by W: Winter. (Complete ed.) por. 16°. 180. AG) SplleeO Olereterel cl cr sieiclero alejein scuerciclerciolee- « «+++ Osgood. Arnold, Howard Payson. Gleanings fron Ponenne and the Upper Engadine. 12°. ’80.*488 $1.25. Houghton, M. & Co. Arnold, I: N. Abraham Lincoln; [also] Stephen A. Douglas: eulogy, by J. W. Sheahan. (Fergus | hiStesen)) L20h 26esoe nan. 2her. see Fergus. — Life of Benedict Arnold: his paerousn and_ his treason. por. 8° ’80 [’79].*#°7 $9.50..Jansen. Arnold, L. B. American dairying: manual for butter and cheese makers; 12° (76:2) | qil-50: Rural Home. Arnold, Matt. Irish essays and others. 12°. 782.54? Spi ciliDleiaeucre etc! ria) clsy a creievole oie ciel e ---s- Macmillan. — Isaiah of Jerusalem in the auth. version; with introd., corr. and notes. 12°. 83.84 $1.25. - Macmallan. — Last essays on church and religion. 12°. (’77.]?74 SEDO! cicre ca csrcvete errors ere Sheisieicie sve crores Macmillan. — Mixedessays. 12° 7’79.*87° $9.......Macmillan.. | — Passages from prose writings. 12°. 780.74 $1.50. Macmillan. — Poems. New and complete ed. 2v. 12°. [’77.}754 SEED) arciaie wil elelterejarciate ors afsl cleave te eho eueces oie Maciallan: — Same. [Uniform with prose works.] 2 vy. 12°. 2B BR OPAT BUDO. oscic es ae cre cs cle cee seer Macmillan. — Prose works. New uniformed. 7v. 12°. ’83.8 i, SHO) S5csc0dc Sieiain sieipic (eepsisicieleG Macmillan. — Selected poet: (Franklin Sq. tbe) 40% 478cese PED LO Cr ercimts o cheince cheiemipiiein inl elsic injec +a )s1e Harper. — M: 1tthew Arnold birthday-book, arr. by his daughter, Ki. Arnold. por. 4°. 783.618 $3.75... Scribner op ALE Arnold, T. Catholic dictionary. See Addis, W: E., and Arnold. Arnold, T: Eng. literature, 596-1832. (Handy-v. Ser) GOs 7,0 ccs Dane. 2OCs ie cine {ppleton. Arnold, W. T. Roman system of provincial adminis- tration, to accession of Constantine the Great. DOS 7 OSES Ns eae case sc Macmallan. Arnold family. Miller, M. C. $1.25.....Presb. Bd. Arnold’s promise. Clay, B. M. 10c........ Ogilvie. Arnot, W: Autobiography: and mem. by his daughter, Mrs. A. Fleming: 12° ([(°77.]78 $2 .. Carter — Church in the house: ser. of lessons on the Acts of the Apostles. 12°. ’83 [’82].*°7° $1.50.... Carter. — Lessons from life: stories and teachings for the young. ill. 12° [7°78.]3© $1.25.......Welson. — Parables of our Lord. Newissue. 8°. [’83.]®? $1.75 Carter. Arnott, Neil. Elements of physics; or, nat. philoso- phy. 7th ed., by A. Bain, and A. 8. Taylor. 12°. [’76.]2°7 MN Wie cupictets) cialarei cic ielel cia oi stciny aicreke Appleton. Around thehouse. Willett, E: $1.75... Worthington. Around the Hub. Drake, S: A. $2..... .-- Roberts. Around the ranch. Towne, B. K. $1.25...Lothrop. Around the world in eighty days. See Verne, J. Around the yule log. Markham, R. $1.50 ... Dodd. Arr, E. H. (pseud.) See Rollins, Ms. BH. H. Arrabiata. Heyse, P. 10c......-.....-..-- Munro. Arrested on suspicion. Laffan, M. 1l0c....- Ogilvie. Arrom, C. B. de F. [‘‘ Fernan Caballero.”] La Ga- viota; The sea gull; or, the lost beauty ; tr. from the Spanish. 12°. witelexe $1.50... Peterson. — Spanish fairy tales, tr. by J. H. Ingram. ill. 12°. fein BISEeSRO DY ccpcos ahalgese cee TAppincott. Arrows and anecdotes. Moody, D. Li. $1.25.. Gurley. Arrows of the chace. Ruskin, J: $2.50...... Wiley. Arsiesis: a poem. Schoolcraft, O. a $1.25.. Putnam. Art and character. Wood, W: C. 1l5c. ..Cong. Pud. Art and literature. Coan, T. M. 25c........ Putnam. Art in the nursery: pictures for baby to draw and pictures for baby to laugh at. obl. 24°. [’79. ]*! PSH Chivoererarciny cere ale rolielie ini lielle) 6) els x zs 01 517 &9O Austin, Alfr. Savonarola: a tragedy. 8°. ’81.°° $4. Macmillan. Austin, G: Lowell. H: Wadsworth Longfellow : his life, his works, his friendships; with personal recollections. por. andill. 8°. 783 585 gubs., $2.50 ee ee wees e eee pitiipavevaln@(aieielsie: aa 618 e)u Lee S ». — Water-analysis; hand-book for water-drinkers. sq. 240, °83[782].*9 5O0c....-.-.--- +s Lee § S. ee SS at SdAUSTIN 20 BABES Austin, Mrs. G: Lowell (ed.) Little people of God, and what the poets have said of them. ill. sq. 12°. leAGeileee Ofte cicie ei shofelie cle(eielcreirier Lee & S . \ i ae iD Austin, Js. Jane G. Desmond hundred. Bound robin ser.) 16°. 782.*°°% 1..-.-- +--+ Osgooc — Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. (No name ser.) 16°. ZR (esos IR eie) oi cee io ehsne! vie) © (e)elale\0\le0 <1 ---- Roberts. | ier ; y : \ 19 90 *484 | — Nameless nobleman. (Round-robin ser.) 16°. ’81.**° SI eleloleleie 16.018. 0) 01ele16 1010_010..), 018101016 1810) 816) 616 8) 6). 05> Osgood. — Nantucket scraps. sq. 16°. 783[’82].*°°° $1.50. Osgood. Austin, Stella. Ben Cramer, working jeweller. 16°. Bf Den] eee e! 2D wolare/ «wile aloraie eros elt. ah 60: as y 1 7 o« ? *419 . On — Pat: story for boys and girls. ill. 12°. ’80.*9° $1.25. | Pott, Ye x Co. — Rags and tatters. ill. 16° [776.]*44 $1 ..Dutton. | Austin Elliott. Kingsley, H: $1............Dodd. | Australian hand-book: full details cone. immigration to the Australian colonies, ete. 98° [’76.] G2 Dap: Hl.D0- -o0caccercreesessed NV. Y. News. Aut Cesar aut nihil. See Bothmer, (Countess) M. v. Autenreith, G: Homeric dictionary; from the Germ., | with add: by R. B Keen; pl: 12° (e765 )2° $1.50; hf. bds., $2; pap., $l.-........ Harper. Autobiography of a bottle. Hutchins, B: F. 10c. Nat. Temp. Autobiography of Mark Rutherford. Shapcott, R. GRD iy cr oc cic teys aie na\sveici inverts ipibiet oisieleis (eile coe LULNAM. Autobituary of a West Pointer; written at the request of G: Washington, Gen. Chewflicket and some foreign gentlemen, by Captain Dum John, of the | Jate Wi Si Army. ili 89 <625%082 75e) 3 pap., Ore see eialole e/cileie/siel sys (eisiars crelelelsre Vetropolitan. | Autocrat of the breakfast-table. Holmes, O.W. $1.25; Ole aienerel ovate cus elehet sic tatonolcialeicre Houghton, M. & Co. Autograph album selections. Morrow, A. C. §$1. Trbbals. Autograph birthday-book for young folks. Harris, A. B. TOC.—PD ve ec cee ce ec ce ee cence neces Lothrop. | Auton, C. ( pseud. ) Sceé Hoppin, A: Autour dun berceau. Legouvé, E. 25c. W: 2. Jenkins. Autumn. Thomson, J. 50c................ Osgood. | Autumn swallows. Hopkins, E. $2. ... Macmillan. Avare (L’). See Moliere, J. B. P. de. Average boy’s vacation. Deering, M.S. $1..Dvz-esser. | Average man. (Grant; R: $1.50). ......-.. Osgood. Avery, B: Parke. Californian pictures in prose and | verses 49 (27. ShDicciecce «ca Lund oe Td: Avery, Elroy M. Elements of chemistry. ill. 120°. ALY ERR) ooconaoodo oda coco sous) Sheldon. — Elements of natural philosophy. [’78.] $1.30. Sheldon. — Teacher’s hand-book to accompany Avery’s Natural pulosophiye.. Ween aen9s| oC. eee ocr. Sheldon. Avesta. See Zend-Avesta. Avis. See Story of Avis. Avis Benson. Prentiss, Mis. BE. $1.25... Randolph. Awakening. Macquoid, Mrs. K. S. 15c.... Harper. Awards and claims of exhibitors of the Internat. Exhibition, 1876; with reports of the judges on | the departments of textile materials and ma- chinery. 8°. [’78.]?° $3.50... A. of Wool Man. Away onthe moorland. Chambers, A. C. $1.50. Bolt: Ya Co: Away on the waters, by the author of Up to fifteen. Ws, NL Wena oeaaacocodc eeeee-l, Bradley. Awdry, Fes., and others. Miz-maze; or, the Wink- worth puzzle: story in letters, by nine authors. WO Sco. SAO cals 5 See aeie a: Macmillan. Awdry, Mrs. W. Easy lessons in light. ill. 16°. °80. Be) Crier c seins stele ie) evs e cise ee: -++-- Macmillan. Ayala’s angel. See 'l'rollope, A. Aydelotte, W: Lawyer’s docket. 8°. [°78 ]2?? $3.75 SID enph DOM seein eke atids cos cco Aydelotte. ) 242 | Ayer, L: M. Infant salvation according to the Bible. 160: 2795408! (G0) aa ee oe wov-s Ward & D. Ayer, N. W., & Son. American newspaper annual. NN cy Sa eee SC Gopon Sig reos eeavers — ~oe Ayer. — Ayres, Alfred (pseud.) See Osmun, T: E. Ayres, Anne. Life and work of W: A: Muhlenberg. por andl (80. 2SO esas TS ie eerecr Harper. |— Same. New cheaped. por. 12% ['84.]®7 $1.50. Randolph. > Ayres, G: B. How to paint photographs in water- colors and in oil. 12°. [’78.]8* $2... Appleton. Ayrton, W. E. Onthe economical use of gas engines | for the production of electricity. 8°. 7’82.°% pap., 40C. .-.-e+ecevecscee cae siete) siecle ere Spon. Aytoun, W: E. Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. 12°. [°79.] $1.25; hf. cf., $2.50........4 lrmstrong. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 784.89 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32°. [°77.]7*? 50c. Osgood. — Same; [also] Lays of anc. Rome. by Lord Macaulay. 12°, [776.]*48 $1.25......ZLovell, Ad., W. § Co. — Same, and other poems. (Red line ed.) 12°. [’77.] | palin tA Soa5000 6 sisedime ee cranes R. Worthington. | — See also Modern classics. | Azalea. Clayton; ©. 50¢s-5-1 Bi eveiei oie yore . Harper. | Azarian. Spofford, Mfrs. H.P. $1...;. Sisto sister Holt. Azarias, Brother (pseud.) Culture of the spiritual sense: 99: 764-%85) nan. SOC. simecmece Steiger. | — Development of Eng. literature: Old Eng. period. [20, 27.9.*882 SNE DD cicdeccicraiotsccvcieis telsratce? 4 Appleton. | — On thinking: address. 8°. ’81.474 pap., 25c... Steiger. BE. W. What will come of it? 240° [477-1285 “b0c: Am. S. S. BG. &G. Broken thoughts. sq: 16°. 7822) sieo5: Putnam. B., R. G. Puritan and the Quaker: story of colonial times in New ing. 12°. ’79.%° $1.50.. Putnam. Babi ballads. (Gilbert. We S: 0c:.2ce...-.4- Nathan. Babbitt, Edn. D. Health manual devoted to healing by means of nature’s higher forces, incl. The health guide, rev. 12°. 780.4 $1+pap., 50c: Babbitt. — Principles of light and color. ill. 8° [778.]*8° $4. Babbitt. |— Wonders of light and color, inel. chromopathy, or the new science of color healing: 8°. 7’79.*4° | DED is LOC eiterste te niele=(aleler sveloe ors) oes Giele visicia 3 QUUUCL: | Babcock, C: Elementary architecture. nos. 1-9. (Krusi’s drawing.) obl. f°. [’76-77. ]757:°8 ea., Dea OO Cr excvetn cicin cre eine 90c.; pap., 40c.-.S: C. Andrews. — Hawaiian ferns : synopsis, taken mostly for Hooker and Baker; with add. and emend. ad: ipting it «ee 99 to the Hawaiian Islands. 12°. ’82. *°** pap., HID GS: eielsls cicielsivicieieiew Mieco ce soc eiecse - Thrum. Bailey, G: W. Private chi Wier of the war (1861-5). por. and ili. 160 280:*444 GIl....G. L Jones. Bailey, Gilbert S. Bible-reading on baptism. 24°. (782.2 pap., 5c. --------- cee secee Am. Bapt. — Trials and victories of religious liberty in America. 18°. 276. pap., 8C.------- Siereyerreior -Am. Bapt. — Word and works of God. 12°. [’83.]**"* $1. Am. Bapt. Bailey, Ja. M. [‘‘Danbury-news man.”] Danbury boom, with full account of Mrs. Cobleigh’s ac won therein. 12°. ’80.*49 $1; pap., 50c..-.Lee J — England from a back-window: with views of oe land and Ireland. 12°. ’79.%*° $1.50..Lee § — Same. New ed. 16°. 784.48 $1; pap., 50c...Lee J S. — Life in Danbury. Newed. ill. 16°. P77.) 303) Sl. pap., 50c. .-.---+-- Eypebor diate ts aroce ile lebeisiecs Lee & S. — Mr. Phillips’ goneness. 16°. 779.*9°° $1; pap., HO Gk srarels cle oc cicies Bfaiciele Ra ie ears leis SHOE Aes — They all do it; or, Mr. Mises of Danbury, and his neighbors. ill. 16°. (777.28 $1; pap., 50c. Lee & S. Bailey, J: M. 300k of ensilage; or, the new dispen- sation for farmers. 8°. ’80.4°° $2..J: M. Bazley. Bailey, M: Introductory treatise on elocution; princi- ples and ill. arr. for teaching and practice. New ed: 1:20: (esa. #528 BO Giais cicsc Sierexstel = Taintor. = Same, 120 284.828 GOCicc cnc ce ce vs os LOANLON:. — See also Appleton’s scl hool re aders. Bailey, Nellie E. Little folks’ song service for Sunday schools. sq. 16°. 779.39 50c.........-- Revell. Bailey, Sa. Loring. Hist. sketches of Andover; com- prising North Andover and Andover, Mass. ill. SO OR OED icionelercieiereie Houghton, M. § Co. Bailey, Urania Locke. Star flowers. 16°. ’82.°°? $1.25. Putnam. Bailey, W. Whitman. Botanical conegeue hand-book. (Nat. handy ser.) ill. 12°. ’81.*#9 $1.50... Bates. Bailiff’s daughter. (Acting drama.) 12°. 04 pap., NE} Oe crcvolvotnio alictannierelevccclaiel cls (cle! cliovele cisr ele aie Roorbach. Bailiff’s maid. John, BE. '$1.25.........- Lippincott. Baily, Flo. Gleanings from the fields of life: poem. ill. f°. 782.979 $6; tky. mor., $12.-Porter & C. Bain, Alex. Education as a science. (Internat. sci. SO) Re, OEE Sil iosanc aiarel st slee? Appleton. — English grammar as bearing upon composition. 12°. eee B10 cae ce See Holt. — Higher English Grammar. Newed., enl. 16°. [’80. ]*% Spill teliartalele; oie) cle lclouerai clei cieiele\s/clsieite oes) eis) su) ofa == ote Holt. — James Mill: biography. por. 12°. ’82.*93! $2. Holt. — J: Stuart Mill: a criticism, with personal recollec- LIONSs, | 20 2B DEOL BT DD ac ceieiee @ cicls «> Holt. — Mind and body: theories of their relation. (Hum- boldt lib.) 4°. 780.4! pap., 1dc...Mitzgerald. — Mother eee, cBuniboldt libs); 88; 782,80" naps, UD Ci arerereieic ois eiateVorey store Seeiere siolare Fitzgerald. — Practical essays. ‘120, 84.545 = $1.50.... Appleton. Bainbridge, Lucy S. Round-the-world letters. ill. I, ASI ee? ESido6 sq0000 00 oc Lothrop. Bainbridge, W: F. Along the lines at the front: sur- vey of Baptist home and for. missions. maps ands Zo (VS Qi eeas Re DOs ere ciele 2 Am. Bapt. — Self-giving: story of Christian missions. ill. 12°. (MB Sey Bete soil b Ocrersvcierere efor. ayelalelencepetevere Lothrop. Baird, E. T. Case of Dr. E. T. Baird, in the Hustings Court, with add. eens IS, (Pee pap., iC Byore eiere: (ier claicieisiaeeieicce WeSt, Js & Cor Baird, H: Carey. Eastern and the western questions: lurkey andithe U.S. 8° [27%.|2" pap:; 10c: Baird. 22, BAKER. <. | Baird, 1 H: Oars 7, continued. | — Lesson of German and French finance. 8°. [’76. ]4”8 PAP., BC. +. ee eee ce cece ee cece ces DooadOC Baird. — Money and its substitutes. Commerce and its in- struments of adjustment. 8°. [’76.] pap., 10c. Baird. Baird, H: M. History of the rise of the Huguenots of Erance. 2v. maps. 8% 79.*90% So: Scribner’s Sons. |— Same. New ed. 2 v. maps. 8°. °$3.5!% $3.50. Scribner’s Sane Baird, Spencer F. (ed.) Annual record of science and industry for 1876-16. Sv. L2S iia ern CARO cicisc cre clercie eieiore leis @levaia eiameiate ea Harper — {and phere Water-birds of North America. In Dv, Ve Te ll: 49: 784581) Sli2 hand-col: ed., in water-colors, per y., $30...-.Zittle, B. §& Co. | Baird, W: Raimond. Descriptive analysis of the so- ciety system in the colleges of U. S., with ac- count of each fraternity. 12°. ’79.4 $1.50. Lippincott. | — and Babcock, F. Sherrill. Guide to the principles of the law. 16°. ’83.99 $3......#: Wilkams- Baireuth, Margravine of. See Frederica Sophia Wil- helmina. Baker, And. H. Baker’s improved ser. 3v. 16°. [’78. ]3#8 bds. ....++----- fe ealele) sielarcleisiele O’ Shea. Jont.: Primary lessons iu arithmetic, 25c,— Elementary arithmetic, 50c. — Complete arithmetic, 75c — Short and comprehensive course of geometry and trigonometry. 8°. [’78.]8 $1.50 .... O'Shea. Baker, Arth. M. Howto learn short-hand: the steno- Bee race obl. 249) 780 [279)|-42 pap:, 25¢. eeovsescrecereces eccecece eeereeo sess ceee Wells. Baker, B: Actus al iv iter: al pressure of earth-work. (Sci. ser.) ill. 24° ’81.*5?6 bds., 50c.. Van Nostrand. Baker, C. Alice. Summer in the Azores, with a glimpse of Madeira. 24°. ’82.*548 $].25..... . Lee g S. Baker, Ella M. Christmas pie. 12°. [’79.]*4!! 1.50. Lothrop. rand servant. 12°. [’84. ]*®8 $1.25.. Lothrop. Baker, G: A., 77. Bad habits of good society. New issue. 16° [777.]7 $1l-.-.. Lovell, Ad., W. § Co. — Point lace and diamonds: poems. ill. sq. 16°. [’77. ]?” (Red-line ed.) $2; (Flirtation ed.) $1.25. Lovell, Ad., W. §& Co. — Same; ill. by A. Ledyard. Newissue. sq. 16°. 782.*°° $1.25; gilt, $2........ veeeseee Le. Worthington. Baker, G: M. Our folks: play in three acts. (Ama- teur drama.) 12°. °79.*40 pap., 1 DC. > M. Bak er. —(ed.) Ballads of beauty. ill. 8°. 193.01 bds., $2. Leeg § — Ballads of bravery. ill. sm. 4° [°77.]°°" $3.50. Lee § S. ill. 8% [83-85 bds., $2--....-- Mees ws: — Ballads of home. ill. 8°. [’83.]*®! bds., $2.Lee f S. — Handy dramas for amateur actors. ill. 16°. (eer zee Shilie5O) eiciete we cies Sieie\liaieie oicie.e c\ele/n einisi cle ee LTE) G; S. — Handy speaker: in prose, humorous, pathetic, patri- otic; combining selections in Reading club, nos. 1-4. 16°. ['°76.] Sl. .0-e cone cese cess LEEKS. — Prize speaker, sel. in poetry and prose, humorous, pathetic, patriotic. 16°. ’80.4%7 $1..... Lee & S. — Reading club and handy speaker; sel. serious, humorous, pathetic, patriotic, and dramatic. nos. 4-13. 16°. [’76—84.]7*>° ea., 50c.; pap., 15c. Lee § S. Baker, Rev. G: M. Christian faith: exposition of the Apostles’ creed. 23X28 in. [776.48 card- bde, Sills pap: 50ci.. 24. eo ceceeccce veee LAYLON Baker, Mrs. H.N. W. [‘‘ Aunt Hattie”; ‘‘ Mrs. Made- line Leslie.”] Gemser. Newissue. 12y. ill. G95 835829) S48 Oieaieleo cietalelainiee nreretn MIC ute Cont.: Gems of courtesy — courage — faithfulness — neatness — truthfulness — earnestness — uprightness — self.denial — perse- verance — temperance — self-control — generosity.BAKER y, © >) BALLADES Baker, Mis. H. N. W., continued. —ILittle Agnes ser. New ed. 4v. 16°. 781.5 $4. Ward & D. | Cont.: Little Agnes.— Trying to be useful.—Ill try.— Art and artlessness, — Minnie and her pets. Newed. 6y. 16°. ’81.°7? $3. Ward & D. Cont.: Minnie’s pet parrot— pet cat— pet dog—pet pony — pet lamb — pet monkey. — Out of the depths; or, the rector’s trial. 16°. ’79.4°° SEO Dincoteyere oie sistereieionelcideiereicre eeciesces tl. Bradley: — Pearl ser. New issue. 12 v. 16°. 783.97 $4.80. Ward & D. Cont.: Pearls of love, charity, obedience, penitence, hope, pa- tience, faith, diligence, meekness, forgiveness, contentment and peace. — Play and study ser. Newed. 4v. 16°. 781.5 $4. Ward & D. Cont.: The motherless children. — Play and study. — Howard | and his teacher. — Jack the chimney-sweeper. — Ravwlin’s mills. 169: °’82.573 $1.95....7. Bradley: — Sisters at service; or, I am for Jesus. 16°. °79.4°°| GRO Rie nae Sa ore sicio ce aise chee arcteiotaisc aiaye I. Bradley. | Baker, H: Barton. English actors from Shakespeare to Macready. (Amateur ser.) 2v. 12° 7’79.*975 Baker, Ja. Turkey. map. 8° ([777.]**! $4..Holt. Baker, J: F. Supplement to Riddle’s treatise on the law and practice of supplementary proceedings. 8° [°77.]?© hf. shp., $2.--.------ eee Diossy. Baker, Jos. Marion. Meladore: tale of the battle of Saratoga. 12° (279. )*32 pap:, 25c. Haton, L. & Co. Baker, Jose. R. Calvin the sinner. New issue. 16°. FRSON A BIO cee cies cere Ward § D. —Tom’s heathen. Newissue. 16°. 780.7% $1. Ward & D. Baker, L.C. Mystery of creation and of man; [also] A new view of future punishment. 12°. 784 (Soiree Sle teretne) os] 6 alinicicinicle sis ieiarere Lippincott. Baker, Lucas. Science and art of model and object- : J drawing. ill. 12° 7’84.°4 §85c......... Ivison. — Theory ofdesign. ill. 12°. (783.]°* $1.25. .Jvison- Baker, S.S. Joe’spartner. 18° ([(:77.]°°? 50c. Nat. Temp. Baker, Six S: W. Cast up by the sea. (Franklin Sq: lib.) 49; 780:***) pap., l5c....... Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 129. 783.%* pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. Hight years wanderings in Ceylon. (Lovell’s lib.) 2OR, 783cc-ee paps. 2O0C eens o.secd: W. Lovell. —JIn the heart of Africa; condensed by E. J. W. from The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the Albert N’Yanza great basin of the Nile. (Standard lib.) 120, [’84.]*5° G1; pap., 25c.......-.«- Funk. — Rifle and hound in Ceylon. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.4 pap., 20c...-- rakelee siete cial: J; W. Lovell. — True tales for my grandsons; ill. by W. J. Hen- nessy. 12°. 293 *622 O1.50.......- Macmillan. Baker, T: R. Elements of natural philosophy based on the experimental method. 12°, ’81.*%? $1.50. Porter § C. — Short course in chemistry, based on the experimental method. 12° °84.S4 bc. ......-.Porter s C. Baker, W. C. M. Labor-saving system of accounts; with instructions for students. sm. 4°. [778. ]*?° (eS noon codon Und ate ce cieicirsic oa WC. M. Baker. Baker, Wa. Handbook for visitors ofthe sick; for ministers, missionaries, lay-workers, and friends of the sick. 16°. 7.9, #384 80c. ; gilt, $1; leath., ANIA D) cp orale eieleye ic eves) sreiereloereccieis 5 ancoo[ LHR. Baker, W: M. [‘‘G: F. Harrington.”] Blessed Saint Certainty: astory. 16°. ’81.*47 $1.50.. Roberts. — His majesty, myself. Og mame ser.) 16°. [°79.]*% EM Goacoscnesdec afeterele Bice ci cteislelel ccrerev LOU CIIESS — New Timothy: a novel. er ranklin Sq. ait: )) 495 783.810 pap., D5C.-receee sere reeeeenves LAMper. Baker, W: M., continued. — Ten theophanies; or, the appearances of our Lord to men before his birthin Bethlehem. 12°. [’83.]*? eb Oki eee ic ciclo 5 aie sieclorcier cle ore ---.-- Randolph. — Virginians in Tex Xas: StOLy, for a oune old folks and ‘old young folks. (Lib. of Am. fiction.) 8°. "78. *356 pap.; WB Ove wieteluac le ei sicles Sees Harper. — Year worth living. 12°. 78. j32 $1.50... Gee § Baker, W:S. Engraved portraits of Washington; with notices of the originals, and biog. sketches of the painters. 8° ’80.*4% $4...Lindsay & Baker. |Balch, W. Ralston (comp.) People’s dict. and every- day encyclopedia; cont. all the information needed aoe any subject. 12°. [/783.]5*4 $1.50; CAS Sul, EPLWooca doco oa piel cle\ete cia clelere LULLU CDs: Balch, W: S. Peculi anpeonlgi or, reality in romance. 20%) 78 ieRolS! Nee eralc (oleiel sfetereinieroveieis Sumner. Bald eagle. Smith, Ws. BE. O. 10c. ........ Ogilvie. | + . r ° | Baldauf, Jos., and Ulbricht, T. Progressive trans- lator. English pieces for translation into Germ. MQOT [ietiteee AS: 20H ater ees= ne csi - Heger Baldwin, A. C. Pastor’s counsels to young Christians, familiar addresses, following a revival of religion. WOM, OKO Ellao ooo ete sees etnies Cong. Pub. Baldwin, G: ©. The model prayer: lectures on the Lord’s Prayer. 783. gilt, $1.25...... -Lee gS Baldwin, J. Art of school management: text-books for normal schools and ref.-book for teachers, [fete.}. 129. BT e473 S150 2 eo Appleton. Baldwin, Ja. Introd. to the study of I aa literature and literary criticism. 2v. 12°. [’82]—’83.*5S?,58? $2.50. Biceeieicioin ater eee ER. Potter. — Story of Roland: ill. 12°. 83. *611 $2. Scribner’s Sons. ——(Story Of Siegivied’s il. by EH. Pyle: 120. 782, *58* Ghose siecle lalsyeiei ein) Gicisi eis ule) civic’ i ciate « CILOMEITS: ONS: Baldwin, Jos. G. Flush times of Alabama and Missis- ea “Lith thous; 16% [e7oa\ee slb0: S. Whitney. Baldwin, Maurice S. Life in a look. 12° 779.¥*4!% Qs asgoocso ccc - ae yaieic\elols sie arerere isi Dawson. Baldwin, Sim. E. Digest. See Connecticut, Sup. Court. Bales, T: Suilder’s clerk; guide to the management of a builder’s business. 12° 778.759 60c....Spon. Balestier, C: Wolcott. Fair device. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.]*647 pap., 20c........-.d: W. Lovell. Balfour, Arth. Ja. Defence of philosophic doubt: essay on foundations of belief. 8° 779.96 RED (ie eiateie a elote ore eioinie ete 4 coco an can0 WHECHOOMOTS Balfour, Clara L. Women worth emulating. 12°. 1779. 408’ 80.2... seen wenn w eee eeeAm. las Balfour, Fs. M. Comparative arabe aloey: In) 2 vy vi te 80; *SOMS Ba bO0 ee cs weenie Macmillan. — Monograph on the development of elasmobraneh fishes. 8°. [’78.]°27 $7.50 ....-.-Maemillan. Balfour, G. W. Clininal lectures on diseases of the heart and aorta. 2ded. ill. 8° 783.°7* $5. Blakiston. Balgarnie, Rob. Shepherd calls. ill. 12°. [’79.] 75c. Nelson. Ball, B. L. Three days on the White Mountains. 16°. "77.99 pap., 25c. ..-.-.--Lockwood, B. § Co. Ball, J: See Hooker, J. D., and Ball, Je Ball, R. H. Elements of astronomy. (Text-books of sci.) ill. 16°. 780.471 $2.25.........Appleton. Ball, Rob. Stawell. Astronomy; specially rev. for America by S. Newcomb. ill. 16°. °78.*°°7 60c. Holt. — Glimpse through the windows of time. [ Essays. } 16°. °82.531 pap., 25c. --..--++.--+- Macmillan. — Mechanics. ill. 16°. ’79.*4 60c. .-------- . Holt. Ball of the vegetables. Eytinge, M. $2-.-.Z/arper. Ball room repentance. Edwards, Mrs. A. 20c. Munro. Ballades and verses vain. Lang, A. $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Re es ieBALLADS Ballads in black. Chase; F.-E. $1 ..+--- Ballads of battle and bravery. McCabe, W.G. 2c. TTarper. Ballads of beauty. Baker, G: M. $2...-.--LeeyS. Ballads ofbravery. Baker, G:M. $2; $3.50..Lee§ S. Ballads of home. Baker, G: Me Soren. Lee SS. Ballantine, E. Christ his own witness; all that Jesus : ; ee : Sa anes alia said concerning himself. 12°. [?78.]° $1.50. | Randolph. | Ballantine, H: Midnight marches through Persia; with introd. by J. H. Seelye. maps and ill. 89. 2779, *371 DED (ie oie ie oie) alee rel leew oleae] siaieleie7 Lee ¥ S. 4. BAPTISM Ballet, C: Artof grafting and budding. 16°. [’78.]?#! PT) esse sie els] b/cicwerelors: Ocisiare enwrsicie cha let VYacmillan. Ballet dancer’s husband. See Feydeau, E. q Ballou, Hosea. ‘Treatise on the atonement; with in- trod. by A. A. Miner. 4thed. 12°. *82.85 7c. Universalist. Ballou, Maturin M. Due west; or, round the world in ten months. 12°, ’84.*8° $150. Houghton, M. § Co. —(comp.) Notable thoughts about women: a literary mosaic. 12°. °82.*°88 $1.50.. Houghton, M. § Co. | — Pearls of thought. 16°. ’81.*475 $1.25. Ballantine, W: Some experiences of a barrister’s | life. por. 12°. °82.*9% $2.50...--..-.-- Holt. __ Same. New rev. ed. from 6th.Lond. ed., with add. | > by the authorin America. por. 12°. 783.°77 $1.50. Inppincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.*54? pap., 20c. - Munro. Ballantyne, Rob. M. Deep down; tale of the Cornish mines. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. soe paps, 20c: J: W. Lovell. — FErling the Bold. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.°°4 pap., Dee een ciel oiic eealolcicic le ole tauerera/eie J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 783.8? pap.,10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 12°, ’84.°° pap.,10c. Houghton, M. § Co. Baltes, P: Jos. (Bp. of Alton). Pastoral instruction to the clergy of his diocese. pt. 2. 8°. ’80.44? pap., Net, PL vcccievavesceer cvvcs .-.. Benziger. Baltimore handbook of colleges, schools, libraries, museums, halls, etc. 12°. ’76.7%° $1.50. Cushings & B. | Baltzell, Isaiah, and Lorenz, E. S. Gates of praise. Munro. | = Wire brigade. (ovell’s lib.) 12° 783.°4 pap., A) Chiao cic eel alale wiele o\e/e) Ke 016) sie e cela sieieiaie J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’83.°% pap.,20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 12°. ’84.°° pap., 10c. Munro. | — Giant of the North; or, pokings round the Pole. ill. 12°, ’82[781].*9!© $1.50..-............ Melson. =< Goldenareams lll, 208 4S SleQb oa... Nelson. | — Hudson Bay; or, everyday life in the wilds of North America ilk cr. 8% | [276744 S$le7b-- Velson. | — In the track of the troops. ill. 12°. 778. $1.25. Nelson. Yiaks; ohoiai siete ater ele Nelson. Ve Dies oa cele s Ne lson. "78. $1.25. Nelson. PD ieteterelele eiersia LVELSO TDS Oe reid are . Nelson. — jlife boat. ill. 12° 778. — Lighthouse. ill. 12°. ’7 — Norsemen of the West. ill. — Pirate city. ill. 12° °78. $ Sp See Oble 160% 2822592 = bdse30CiHs a cnc ce Un. B. Pub. — Heavenly carols. obl. 16°. [778.]%2 bds., 35c. Shuey. Balzac, Honoré de. Cat and the battledore, and other stories; tr. by BP. Kent. 12°. ?80.%7% $1; pap., 50c: Belford, GG: ¥ Co. — The purse, and Albert Savarus; tr. by H. H. Walker. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.987 pap., 10c....Munzo. — Vendetta: tales of love and passion. (Lovell’s lib:)) 169; ¢83°53% pani 0c... We Jzovell- Bancroft, G: History of the formation of the constitu- tion of the United States. 2v. 8°. 782.54! $5. Appleton. — History of the United States, from the discovery of the continent to 1789. New ed., rev. In 6 v. v. 1-4. 8°. ’83—84.°77-83 ea., $2.50.. Appleton. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Early American chroniclers. SOE PSS eee Nac sere eteie a sla cieleere - Bancroft. | — History of the Pacific States of North America. v. —=< Post haste. illa 11205 2785 S$ sie — Red Eric. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.° pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. | — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 783.8? pap.,10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 12°. ’84.°9 pap., 10c. Munro. ——iwversofice. il We. 478. Sl 2b. 62... Nelson. — Snowflakes and sunbeams from the far North; or, the young fur traders. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°?8 PAP, SUC. -ccicae cccicilcccce secs cscs sacs Munro. — Tales forboys. 6v. ill. 18°. [’77.]%7 set, $3..Nelson. Cont.: Pioneers.—Story of the rock.—Lost in the forest. — Wrecked not ruined. — Sunk at sea. — Hunting the lions. — Under the waves; or, diving in deep waters. ill. 16°. tle Rd les )rereke atejetere: © ors Rotts 55: Go: Ballard, Harlan H. Pieces to speak and how to speak them. 9). AOC welarcrcieie) clerete/ alate eile ses ippleton. — Word-writer exercise book. 18°. [79.] 5c. 1, 2, 4-6, 10, 18, 22. 8v. ill. 8°. 783[782)]—84. *DGA RSIS) eg. t.DO “leath.. p-p0s ht ef. ht rus. or hf. mor., $8; rus. leath. or tree ef., $10. Bancroft. Cont.: 1,2. Central America, v. 1, 2, 1516-1803. — 4-6. Mexi- co, v. 1-3, 1516-1803. —10. North Mexican. States and Texas, v. 1, 1531-1800. — 13. California, v. 1, 1542-1800. — 22. Northwest coast, v. 1, 1543-1800. Band of three. See Smith, JU-s. L. T. Bangs, F: E. Outlines of map drawing; with diagrams founded on parallels and meridians. sq. 12°. [Sie A22 pap., 2D Civercie csiewcslace ciareiar euler Soreie Peck. Bank robbers. Pinkerton, A. $1.50.......Cavzleton. Banker of Bedford. Musick, J: R. $1.25..Lothrop. Banker's almanac and register for 1877. 8°. [’77.]?® SDID isle olnveie)ic =) sto) cieielerers ie eta atote crete ele Banker's Maq. Banker’s secret. Smith, J. FE: 20c. ........dMunvo. Appleton. | — Words, and how to put them together. 24°. ’78,%52 BQ Cee ieiclalscie csteic sos skis tice eee ais etee Appleton. Ballard, Is. Julia P. Caught and fettered. ill. 16°. 27Q 362 i TP 79.* Spillicssieres Ay alee selsvskeles tis icie ca Vat. Temp. — Insect lives; or, born in prison. iJl. Sq; 1205 27,9): 4406 Spllv= cefalo) cele flee, siaveieis/spoile clei cise sissies. cose elanes Clarke. — Lost estate, and other stories. ill. 16°. ’82.*53! gs]. ae Nat. Temp. — and Smith, Anna L. Scarlet oak, and other poems. WOON AO oe. nila Dineeiere os ai ete ciel crole --- Putnam. Ballard, Rob. Solution of the pyramid problem; or, pyramid discoveries, with new theory as to their ancient use. ill. 8° 782.*560 $1.50..... Wiley. Ballard, Rob. E. Myrtlelawn: anovel. 12°. SXO TE aieieieeis 6 Peterson. Bankers’ directory of the U. S. and Canada. 8°. [BiSee] eee treet wie «leva! vicicicivis LUCLILGs| IU GING: On GO: Banks, Mrs. G. Linneus. Wooers and winners; or, under thescars. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’83.59° pap., DC rereicrevelisie leo (accie cle cisiai cioleiel Mis oie oor Cees Munro. Banks, Ma. Ross, Bright days in the old plantation tame I byid. H: Moser. 129: 282 -*54s ie 1ep 0: Lee & S. Banned and blessed. Werner, E. (pseud.) $1.50. Lippincott. Banning, Hubert A., and Arden, H: Reports of patent causes. See United States, Circuit and District Courts. Banquet of love. Helffenstein, J. 50c. .. Presb. Bd. Banvard, J: Tradition of the temple: a poem. 4°. SORE DCL apie ZC. seit sen Gannett. Banzer, Jos. Designs for monuments. 73 eng. obl. PO elle RO ces eee eee ic Bicknell. Baptism and daily life of a Christian child. 4°. [iOS] 22) Nap 20Cic ce sean ee --» Dutton.Baptism in fre SooLtihy Cs Ws de cee folhven. Baptist hymnal for use in the church and home. -12°. (’83.]* HUD 1. GaYosa coon dda oA dadons sooo Am. Bapt. Baptist question book. Abbott, G. S. lic... Am. Bapt. Baptist year book. See American. Bar, L. International law: private and criminal; tr. with notes by G. R. Gillespie. 8°. °83.*582 net, 90.505 hf. ef., net, $6.50 ....... Soule & B: Bar-maid at Battleton. Robinson, F: W: 15ce. Harper. Bar-rooms at Brantly. Arthur, T. S. $1.50. Porter & C: Barbara. Maxwell, Ifs.M. E. 1lde Barbara Leigh. Sadlier, A. L. 75c.; $1.25..Sadlier. Barbara Thayer. Miller, Jos. A. J. $1...-Lee & S. Barbara’s history. Edwards, A. B. 20c...... Munro. | Barbara's lovers. Percy, €. 20c. .......... Munro. | Barbarossa. Heyse; PB. W0Cij 5 jes cncip Munro. Barbauld, Mis. Anna Letitia. Tales, poems, and es- says; biog. sketch by G. A. Oliver. 16°. ’84.*838 Sl aie eielacelalalaia wv eelplielaielete lactis elelsiel siclcieiatsiiaye Roberts. — See also Aikin, J:, and Barbauld, Ms. A. L. Barbee, W. J. Confirmation. 8°. [’77.]7°° pap., 10c. Chase. Barber, G. L. Lawyers’ common-place and brief book. | Declines (eifeie slits US's b0c. | be: 3 paps, 20c: U T. Russell. Barbour, Ol. lL. Reports. See New York, State, Court of Chancery, also Sup. Court. — Treatise on criminal law. See New York, State, Courts. Barbour, Sa. G. Spiders and rice-pudding. (Satchel ser.) sq. 16% %79.*405 pap., 25c...--Authors’. Barchester Towers. ‘Trollope, A. 20c..-....-Munvro. Bardeen, C. W. Brief geography of Onondaga Co. [N. Y.], for public schools. map. 24°. °79.4% DAD», 2DC. 0206 cana cece cove wenn Davis, B. § Co. — Educational journalism: address. (School bul. pub.) BO. 26 RS°o Naps. 2OCe ci sie oie cin oi mera Bardeen. — Outlines of sentence-making: brief course in com- position, U29: | §84°"c-"" net; pone BdanooL Barnes. — Roderick Hume: the story of a New York teacher. G2, 2AERO ON adouasbenn bua, Tex. up Or — Some facts about our public school system. 12°. nS Re aes ADC terete clare Davis, B. & Co. — System of rhetoric. 12°. ’84.*%! net, $1.50..Barnes. — Verbal pitfalls: words commonly misused ; with ref. and quotations and the ruling of the dictionaries. (School bul. pub.) 16°. ’83.*8!! 75c... Bardeen. — (ed.) Common-school law for common-school teach- ers. 2drey.ed. 16°. [’76.]” 50c... Bardeen. — Same. 4th ed., re-written. 24°. ’78.°%*° 50c. Davis, B. § Co. | (Aug. 84. ) BAPTISM 25 ose eee Harper. eves cncces Harper. | BARKER Boeaeen C. Ww. en Vy tt: — Preliminary educational directory of the State of New York, 1878. 24°. ['78.]32 pap., 25c. pene B. & Co: School bulletin year-book for 1880: edue. directory of N. Y. State, no. & map and ill. 8°, °g0.437 DAD 5 SOCN sec sie cele oer oe Davis, B. & Co. — The 250 Regents’ schools of the State of N. Y., with names of the principals and relative rank in the apportionments of the past six years. 24°. ’81.479 Bae BD Oriel ernie ereleleicial afainiciersieiciein @ereicteeie Bardeen. | Bardell vs. Pickwick. (Acting drama.) 12°. [79.] aap lid Ce Sa hoi ea eee ee - Roorbach. Bardsley, C: W. Curiosities of unbae nomenclature. | WOOK 28) este SOO ee Rk. Worthington. Bardwell, F. W. Essay on methods of arithmetical instruction. sq. 18°. [’78. ]*?° pap., lic... Putnam. Barefoot Billy’s fortune. Gray, G. l0ce Ogilvie. Barftissele. See Auerbach, B. Barham, R: Harris. [‘‘ Thomas Ingoldsby.”] The Ingoldsby legends; or, mirth and we Is. New WEL, Gl, WAY ASM | EN aDoaas oodc Porter & C. | — name. (Seaside lib) 4°: 782.822 pans. 20c. | Munro. | Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious myths of the Middle Aces, 1G: 780 ist87 IDO! ale ieee sree Roberts. | — Germany, past and present. 2 v. 12°. ’80.4%4 $8.40. Scribner & W. <= hia, 3 AEE OBL Mo coon coounsoaoe no aul bhalhe — Same. (Kingdoms ofthe world.) 8°. ’83. $2..Dodd. — Legends of the patriarchs and prophets, and other Old Testament characters. 12°. ’82.°°? $1. Trbbals. —= Sine. U2o) 485 BOO cs - os ce ec oe LULL Seek en: — Mystery of suffering ; lectures= sq: L693 (ila SEILER) ene ccc teva ied cate cere evecets sie acuere Ot Vea Go: | — Origin and development of reli rious belief. 3d ed. Dy (80: P78.) Bal tee ele cielercia UeOLEn ea OO. | — Preacher’s pocket: packet of sermons. 12°. 780.*44° SOD Dy c cvare cveter eis cistern wie eis Sie Grelerece cere Rott ¥27% Cos — Seven last words: sermons. 16° ’84.*8° net, 75c. HE. § J. B. Young. .| — Silver store: coll. from medieval Christian and Jewish mines. 2ded. 12°. ’82.°°! net, $1.50. EL. § J. B. Young. |— Vicar of Morwenstow: a life of Rob. Stephen Hawker. por. 12° 279.*%! Si 7b... Whittaker. |— Same. 3d Am. ed. por. 12°. ’82.°38 pap., 60c. W hattaker. — Village pulpit: short sermons, or sermon outlines for each Sunday and some holy days of the Christian year. v.1: Adventto Whitsunday. 12°. *81.*°?} Net, HL DO neaeaddaas a siakeiae/elcic B.§ J. B. Young. — Same. Village preae bing for ayear. 2d ser. 12°. 2G dese Nets: Spl Os celeie wlia = H. § J. B. Young. Bark-cabin on aoe Rand: i AN voc. s 30c: Lothrop. Barker, C: Fs. See Barker, W: R. and C: F. Barker, F. C.,; and Danforth, J. S. Hunting and trapping on the Magalloway River and Parma- chenee Lake: first winter in the wilderness. ill. (RD, FDR GSO) Go00 pcono non0 0600 QoILONPO Barker, J: G. (ed.) Early hist. and transactions of Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of N. Y. 8°. [77.]78° $5 ....- Masonic. Barker, Ma. A. (Lady). [Mrs. F: N. Broome.] Let- ters from South Africa. 8° [?77.]7 $1. Inippincott. — Station life in New Zealand. Newed. 16°. ’83.°% Sie Distereios= eerie bic edicts cycle 2os eee Macmillan. — Year’s housekeeping in South Africa. New ed. ill. Nh, BSBLERE SL Bind goad Reale eiaic) s ehetele - Macmillan. Barker, Js. Sale. Lily at her grandmamma’s. ill. G95 [tien eoe BOs ck sees eee Routledge. — LLily’s drawing-room book. ill. 12°. [’77. J" $1.50. Routledge. ee (eei ' ru | t ; | \* Wahl Ba ht I het BARKER Barker, Mrs. Sale, Renued: — Lily’s holiday a lle 16% 7S. 50c> -.-loutledge: y’s oclee 50c. Routledge. — Lily’s scrap-book. ill. 16°. (e — LLily’s screen. ill. 16°. [’'76.] 45c...-- Routledge. — Little ade awaee: i]. sm. 4° [’76.]25> $2; bds., GRO seis iecrajisie claves ele etesie Bee einoniee se LLOULLEAG EC — Little wW ae awake pictures. 4°. ’78. $2- . Routledge. | — Little Wide-awake’s painting- book, designs by O. Pletsch. 4°. 779. BaD 50c. . Routledge. Some of my feathere ed and four-foote d fie nds. ne Ww ed. col. pl. sq. 8°. 83 [’82].*°°? $1.50; bds., Bae ee — Some of my little friends. New ed. col. pl. sq. 8°. 799 *559 S150; bds., Sl ces seers ee Routledge. | — Those boys. ill. sq. 8°. [7°82 ; bds., 50c. Routledge. — Those girls. ill. sq. 8°. [’82.]*°° 7c. ; bds., 50c. Routledge. Barker, W: Rob. and C: Fs. World’s checker-book : compr. orig. games and positions. 160% 27,0 ees’ 75c.° bDdS., DOC. . eee cess cers ce ccces H: A. Young. Barkley, H. C. My boyhood: story book for boys. 1. W20, 279.859 = SFO ewes ce we wee Dutton. Barlow, Alfr. History and principles of weaving by hand and power. 8°. ’78.°* $10...----- Baird. Barmby, Je 3eauty and the beast. ( Acting drama. ) 12°. 79. ] pap.; WD Cvctie cicielcie sisi eis ws Roorbach. —_ Seam (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., 15c. | Roorbach. — Gregory the Great. (Fathers for Eng. readers. ) Gon 279: it) Ob sic eletciei sels ale’ ele = clele Bott, Yau Co. | — Plays for young people, with songs and choruses, suitable for private theatricals; musie arr. by T. Rogers. 16°. [’79.]*** pap., 30c....-- Happy. == Same. 162% 780.4% bds:, 50c..; pap.; 30 Ctercicis Dick. — Princess. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., loc. Roorbach. — Rosebud; or, the sleeping beauty. (Acting drama.) 12°. i 79. | 7] pap., JV Gs cisicic Satcre cs oe 6 FLOOTOACIN. — Rumplestiltskin. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., WE) Cainer cictclel sinielc) creleicl ai sielele isin sels) icicle sie)e Roorbach. — Skinflint. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., ldc. Roorbach. Barn plans and outbuildings. Halsted, B. H. $1.50. Judd. Barnaby Rudge. See Dickens, C: Barnacle, Capt. (pseud.) Pehe nu-e, the tiger whale. ill. 16°. [ lile| a ML ao nanooboDpodoac Lothrop. Barnard, C: Go cpeeuon as abusiness. 16°. *8].*49° | Spilivoiesajcke lol ois' «| clicie'c\v wie ele/~ elvjes) wis ole ae eisieys Putnam. — Katy Neal: comedy of child-life, for young perform- ers; in three acts. cinadranay 1:20." [284.2] %829 DADs, WSC. cin cine wcrc cccerc ecciece ; ’ Roorbach. — Knights of to-day; or, loveandscience. 16°. °81.*#°9 Nill Galyeye coll ore sie eyeieiele ici - Scrvibner’s Sons. — Perpetual e: slendar. teh ke: bds. 5 HITS, 5 oc Putnam. Sce also Mayer, A. M., and Barnard, ¢ WO, eS eM Wyooodcbo0d0 00 enG0dC Sumner. Barnard, F: Character sketches from C: Dickens. 6 pl. in portfolio. [’78.] $6 -...Cassell, P.,G. § Co. Barnard, F: A. P. Imaginary metrological system of | the great pyramid of Gizeh; from the proceed- ings of the American Metrological Soe. (School of mines quarterly ser.) ill. 8°. 7’84.*846 $1.50. Wiley. — Metric system of weights and measures: address. 3ded., with add. 8°. ’79.*4!2 $1.50. Am. Metric Bu. Barnard, G: Drawing from nature. New ed. ill. with | col. pl. roy. 8°. PUG Ie? DU eisieeis ater Routledge. | Barnard, Helen Pearson. The last o’ the Luscombs. ill. 169°. fieBae ee2e SHED) ee teretsiepere ots Cong. Pub. | — Sheltered stranger. ill. 16°. [’82.]*59° $1.50 : Am. Bapt. Barnaval, L: (pseud.) See De Kay, C: 6 BARRIERS | Barnes, Alb. Noteson Daniel. New issue. 12°. 781.499 GRUB ic oie oi aieisie cies) sieror= acreleie: oie R. Worthington. — Notes onIsaiah. Newissue. 2v. 12°. 281420" So. R. Worthington. — Notes on the book of Job. New ed. DV 20s colle AS75390) CRE ee ele) obs shevere aber ee R. Worthington. Barnes, Fancourt. German-English dictionary of words and terms bee an in medicine and its c ognate sciences. 8° 781. SB clecieeieteelel« Blakiston. — Manual of midwifery for midwives. ill. roy. 12°. I Q89T) SRC OD a ole «/eieleleinia © eeilaie raters (els (oieke siete Lea. | Barnes, R. Clinical exposition of medical and surgical diseases of women. 2d Am. from 2d enl. Eng. ed. il. 8°. 778.3% $4.50; leath., $5.50..Zea. Barnes’ brief history. See Brief history. Barnes’ elementary arithmetic. 783.°° 40c... Barnes. Barnes’ new national readers. 3y. ill. 12°. ’82-’83.°%? DASiw iecle wicicie aisles a0 ee) miern) eel w ecinioiciieroreie Barnes. Cont. : New national first reader. 20c.— New national second reader. 35c.— New national third reader. 5Uc. Barnett, M. Yankeepeddler. (Acting drama.) 12°. (°79.] pap.; 5 Gs sc oes ere .---Roorbach. Barnum, P. T. Art of money-getting; or, hints and helps how to make a fortune. 16°. [’83.]*°” pap., NOG. “oc cuels sos) 00) so) 016 0000] ale) on) alarciejens Ogilvie. — Lion Jack: or, how menageries are made. ill. 12°. [’76. ZOLA (ies cisics) wre we aioe © pleie|s sieve Carleton. Barnum, S: W. Romanism as it is: exposition of the Roman Catholic system. ill. 8°. [’77.]*°° $3.50; CTAD: CG.) Sbs2dicc 216 «cic views sie cieleis Conn. Pub. Vocabul: wy of E nglish rhymes, arr. on a new plan. 18°. 76.1252 Jeath., $2.50). 66.000 60002 {ppleton. L Barnwell, Rk. Gane. Hist of the Bieso iunsehi war. maps, plans, and ill. 12°. ’78.%°° $2.50. J: EF. Potter. Baron Bruno. Morgan, L. $1.50....-...Macmillan. Baron Miinchausen. See Raspé, R. E. Baroness of New York. Miller, J. $1.50..Cavleton. Barque ‘ atibe2 W1@, Se ccc iene sin ne Griggs. Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. care MacPherson: tale of brotherly love. ill. aos E (G83: ]*610 S].95..Am. 7. — Scottish sketches. iil. 12' b (bdsbs pe $1.25..Am. Tr. Barr, Lillie E. Coral aa Ghietiane or, the children’s pilgrim’s progress. 16°. [’78. ]8° 75¢e. Mucklow. — Same. New issue. 16° [778.]%48 75c. ..Zbbals. Barr, W: M. Practical treatise on combustion of coal, incl. devices for the economic generation of heat by the combustion of fuel, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous. ill. andpl. 8°. ’79.**5! $2.50. Yohn. | — Practical treatise on high-pressure steam-boilers. ThE SO SOOO de oni) os auele oleielny efeiere) nice) Yohn. Barrett, B: F. New Church: its nature and where- about. 12°. L AK es Spilecielovai os Claxton, R.& H. i : : | New view of hell. 3ded. 16° ([/778.]%!® . Barnard, Edna A. Maple range: a frontier romance. | Clanton, R.& H. — Swedenborg and Channing: the many and remarkable arguments in the beliefs and teachings of these writers. 16° 778.35 1......Claxton, R.f H. — See also Swedenborg lib. : Barrett, E: See Carlyle anthology. | Barrett, Fk. Honest Davie: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 783.593 pap., 20c......--.--- Hamper Bane Lawrence. Edwin Forrest. (Am. actor ser. ) I TO0, 281.4508! © S105. a2 2.2. 5 Osgood: Wearete Magdalen. Mother’s secret; or, whose child was she? (Seaside lib.) 4° [784.]°** pap., DO) Cike e crei ercielel ose 1en6 (elo) oe) aie) wielinteliote wle) elelte ins nite caqae) Munro. Barrett, Ma. William the Silent and the Nether- land war., ill. 12° [784.]*84° $1.50..Zothrop. Barrett, R. S. Character-building: talks to young mens —J205 262 654N OCs se cele tein - Whittaker. Barriers burned away. Roe, HE. P. 20c..-..-. Dodd.BARRILI » Barrili, Anton Giulio. Eleventh commandment: a romance; from the Ital. by C. Bell; rev. and Corn; 69: 282.5512 naps, 5OCk occ. a. Gottsberger. — Whimsical wooing; from the Ital. by C. Bell; rev. and! corr. Sq: 169. “82. %589) “nan. Joc: Gottsberger Barrington, Si Jonah. Personal sketches of his own times: i W2e (P79 e sled Ola as. Armstrong. Barrington’s fate. Hunt, Mrs. A. $1....... Roberts. Barrister, A. (pseud.?) Five hundred pounds reward, (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.578 pap., 20c.... Munro. Barritt, Leon (ed.) All the world over, by rail, sail, saddle, paddle, and on foot, by famous Am. authors. ill) W205 [pO 2e eset. ipl crc. Lothrop. Barrows, C. E. Development of Baptist principles in Red 1809 (eure eae pape, lOc Am. Bapt. Barrows, C. M. New dialogues: book of original exercises for intermediate, grammar, and high schools. 16°. 784.9% bds., d0c...H: A. Young. Barrows, L. D. Distinctive feature of Methodism. S208 [Melee DA pss Celle sle iinet Velson & P. Barrows, S: J. Doom of the majority of mankind. MOR Soy nouet DOC ele ola seleie cre icfete = wreie 2 Am. Unit. Barrows, W: Oregon: the struggle for possession. (Am. commonwealths.) maps. 16°. ’84 [’83].*%° SSL O) nvoteyeue aicveleie: «) eiclelevcreis ects Happy: —(ed.) Concord guide-book; ill. by L. B. Humphrey and; i. ewis, 12°. |is0lt4e Sls pap:, 50c: Lothrop. — and others. Parlor pastimes and picture puzzles. 4°. Cea) DO Cr areratele ote cinfats) cralataialolniotefelatn Lothrop. | Bartlett, G: H. A commercial trip with an uncom- mercial ending. 16°. ’84.*64? 75c.... Putnam. | Bartlett, Is. J. M. D. [‘‘Birch Arnold.”] Until the day break. (Internat. ser.) 12° ([?77.]*”? | SHS Die. a aietele sveiel s\alelersivileie cre sic) ° $5; | Battle of Coney Island; or, free trade overthrown: hf. mor., $7.50; full mor., $10: tree ecf.. $12 Crowell. scrap of history written in 1900; by an eye-wit- messy 12007 83 .ee82) naps. b0Cs come Am. News.BATTLE 29 BEARD Battle of F life. See Dic een ns: G: Battle of the Moy; or, how Ireland gained her inde- pendence, 1892-1894. 160. ’83.*58! pap., 25c. Lee & S. Battleground of the eights. [Etchings.] Farran, R. ; a : so ee | Beadle, J. H. Western wilds, and the men who redeem nile afeterefeioteiniee cieleion, © sic ciers c/ cicieyereoie Macmillan. | Battles athome. Darling, M.G. $1] ....;:..Lee&s. Battles of the Republic. Harrison, H: W. $1. Porter a: Batty, Jos. H. How to hunt and trap. ill. 12°. [’78.] SSF RRO ac sa oe es ee ee Cogswell, — Practical taxidermy, and home decoration; with gen. information for sportsmen. ill. 12°. [’79]’80.*4!9 REDO ie siserord Sa oi oo ies cee cae sl eee Judd. | Baucher, F. New method of horsemanship ; from | the 9th Paris ed. 16° [778.]3}7 $1..Cogswell. | —o hha, NPM ALS GO, on ca nooKKdC W: R. Jenkins Bauer, Caro. [‘* K: Detlef.” ] Irene; or, the lonely Manon. U20s Cotes SO Cr care aie J: W. Lovell Bauerman, H: ‘Text-book of systematic mineralog (Text-books of sci. ser.) 16° 781.9% $2.50. Appleton. Bauhaus, J. A. Herz Jesu Buch; zum Beten und Be- trachten. 16°. [*77.]?8! roan, $1.50; $2; mor., OED) wtorcka cw sieiciciots Wucleiclele Sone seit co cic Benziger. Baum, H: Mason. Rights and duties of rectors, chureh- wardens and vestrymen in the Am. church. 12°. DRESSED Ore meieieite cso neko Claxton, R. § H. | Baxter, W. E. Our land laws ofthe past. 16°. [’80.]*#%° pap., Dy Onin aren cree ere niaic s «1 Cassell, P., G. & Co. — Winter in India. (Standard lib.) map. 12°. [’83.]*8? | DADs LDC eters re plore < eifialere res claln sialon eile Funk. Bay, W. V. N. Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Missouri; with app. [por. and fac-similes of letters]. 8°. 778.*957 net, $3 .../. H. Thomas. Bay of seven islands. Whittier, J: G. $1. Houghton, M. & Co. Bay path. Holland, J.G. $1.25 ....Scribner’s Sons. Bayard, T: F. Unwritten law; address before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Harvard Univ., June 28, USiite Ot) leiinilaes PaADen 2DCu cc a Williams. Bayles, Ja. C. House drainage and water service in cities, villages, and rural neighborhoods. 8°. CSRS SRB wines sie) ieielo sams ein sir D: Williams. Same. Othed. ill. andplans. 8% ’84.°% $3. D: Williams. | Bayley, T: Pocket-book for chemists, metallurgists, dyers, brewers, sugar-refiners, photographers, etc. 32°, [78 ie ale Dee elc cies eceeis a nine ere Spon. Bayley, T: H. Perfection [the cork leg]. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., lic. ....Roorbach. Baylies, I. L., and others (comps.) Coll. of impor- tant English statutes,showing the principal changes | in the law of property, with other enactments of common reference. 8° 780.48 $1.25... Sever. Baylies, Edn. ‘Treatise on the rights, remedies, and liabilities of sureties and guarantors. 8°. ’81.°° Shp. BO 00-22 ve ceer ve eiaiere cs Baker, V. & Co. Bayne, Howard R. (ed.) Indexes. Sce Virginia and West Virginia, Sup. Court of Appeals. Bayne, P: Lessons from my masters, Carlyle, Tenny- son and Ruskin. 12° ’79.*4°% $1.75.. Harper. Baynes, Rob. I. Lesson on thermodynamics. (Clar- endon press ser.) pl. 12° 779.°8* $2.75. Macmillan. Beach Allen C. (ed.) Centennial celebration of the State of New Work, [878 i 8. 47982) 2. Weed. Beach, Reb. G. Allie’s mistake Christmas story. WP, OMY CSI codad docadgecdconKK Putnam. Beach, W. W. (ed.) Indian miscellany. ill. 8°. [’77.]?* SNA peverersl siete See rieieey aie Aieieie (aieipiele ae eas ou! una Beacon light. Hoffman, E. A., and Tenney, J. H. 30e. Ditson. gy. | Beaconsfield, Varl of. See Disraeli, B: | Beale, Lionel S. How to work with a them: all. 8° [278.84 $3' iif mor: $3.50: Jones Bros. Beale, Anne. Fisher village. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84,633 pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) GO RSE |Se2 paps elOCker ccc cae Munro. Gladys, the reaper. 12°. 781.*5!} $1.50 .. Dutton. Idonea. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.636 pap., OA) Gaveiatcicleleiateia hetero aresciel cree) ero ciatenain crs Munro. Miller’s daughter: a novel, (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 78] .*489 pap., 20c..---...-.-.... .- Harper. Same. (casi libs) 4°. 7282502" paps. 20c. - Munro. Pennant ey (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40, eS Os case DAP LOC cre cl sec ees SoDaKC Harper. Rose Mervyn, of Whitelake: novel. (Franklin Sq. libs) 40: 779Or*402) naps, UDC. ween occ Harper Simplicity and fascination. ~(Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.57} DAD es ZO Ci oretes arnineiere oie eli eli n+) ae leje) lel ere Munro. microscope. Athied:. ill: 89. 780:45 S750... .. Blakuston. On slight ailments: their nature and treatment. 12°. BOVs455: S150): - Blakiston. Same. 2ded.,enl. ill. 8°. : $1.25; pap., Lip) Geiele fore ale) al alcloler ec a: sie) ool oi elacclehereiercrcrsrac Blakaston. Beale, Ste. Profitable poultry-keeping; ed. with add. by Mi @s Wield. ill; 129). (S45843 Si-50: Routledge. Beall, E dg r C. The brain and the Bible; pref. by R. eiice eae 12°. 7°83. $1..Druth Seeker. Beaman, Bae A. Swedenborg and the new age; or, the | Holy ‘City, New Jerusalem. 12°. 781.507 ba cooler s]a sia cams Sioletors ea ble © sinjeteeve ate Lippincott. | Bean, fannie. Dr. Mortimer’s patient: a novel. 12°. | fe oN S2N cep Olea cre aceite eine Carleton. Bean, Thdr. W. Washington at Valley Forge one hundred years ago ; or, footprints of the Revo- lution, 1776-1876. maps. 8°. [77. ]?® 50c... Bean. Bear- worshippers of Yezo. Greey, E: $1.75; $2.50. ’ Lees 8S. Beard, D. C. What to do, and how to do it; the American boy’s handy book. ill. 12° ’82.*581 Bo recaiele cre 6s arersioie wieieie cle eleteny custo Scribner's Sons. Beard, F. Blackboard in the Sunday-school; prac- tical guide for Supls: and teachers. 12°. [/’77.]25° $1.50. Sieh sieisis (eve) sieeve) wee ceee seo. Haney. Beard, G: M. Merion nervousness; its causes and consequences : supplement to Ner vous exhaustion (Neurasthenia). 12°. ’81.*4 $1.50.. Putnam. Hay fever; or, summercatarrh. 12° [’76.]*°7 $2. Harper Herbert Spencer on American nervousness: scien- tific coincidence. 8°. ’83.°77 flex. ecl., 50c. Putnam. Our home physician: pop. guide to the art of pre- serving health and treating disease. pl. 8°. ’83.°97 A A OHA NCD ON DO OF CGO OOOO od an Goode Treat. Practical treatise on neryous exhaustion: its symp- toms, nature, sequences, treatment. 8°. 780.49 Si DO) eee ee eere aon Ben oye HOOGs Practical treatise on sea-sickness : its symptoms, nature, and treatment. 12°. ’80.*47 flex. cl., 50e. Same: Wnlsed: 120% 20 Ri wear. Psychology of the Salem witchcraft excitement of 1692, and its practical application to our own time. sq. 16% 782.848 ST... oo... Putnam. Scientific basis of delusions: a new theory of trance, and its bearings upon human testimony. 8°. [?77.]?84 pap., 50c..--. +++ essence ease Putnam. Sexual neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion) ; its hygiene, causes, symptoms, and _ treatment ; with chapter on diet for the nervous: posthu- mous manuscript, ed. by A. D. Rockwell. 12°. 84. «647 ye alovoietieiaiieieioicfeielcelsleis (clersicle eve reese Treat. and Rockwell, A.D. Practical treatise on the med. and surg. uses of electricity. 3ded., rey. ill. 8°, 81.47 45.50; leath., $6.50........ Wood. Same. 4th ed., rev. by A. I). Rockwell. ill. 8°. 783822 5.50; leath., 6.50..........00 Wood.9 BEARD o Beard, Ja. C. Painting on china; handbook of prac- ~ . . oc IO¢ 7*559 tical instruction. col. ill. sq. 12°. [’82.]* DOSE2 Spilisicveie) arcs ee DOUDD OAD b0O0D 00000d Dick. Beard, Ja. Melville. K. K. K. sketches, humorous and didactic; Ku-Klux-Klan movement in the South. 12° [776.]?°® $1.25.. Claxton, R. § H. Beard, 0. T. Bristling with thorns: story of war and reconstruction. ill. 12°. *84.*°° $1. Detroit News. Beard, R. O. Action and uses of alcohol in the human body. (Element. lessons in hygiene.) 16°. ’82.*°°° pap., 20¢c 4000 0000 miafevaiareiciciolvire Sees sie DB COI; A- Beardsall, F. Trial of John Barleycorn alias strong drink: 169) 279529“ papy, lOc... = Vat. Temp. Beardslee, L. A. Experiments on the strength of wrought-iron and of chain cables, report of the com. of the U. S. Board, appointed to test iron, steel and other metals, rev. and abr. by W: Kent. O BEECHER | Beautiful in nature. Ruskin,J: 12c..... Clark & M. | Beautiful ladder. Dyer, S. $1.50....... ._Am. Bapt. Beautiful Lady Gladys; [also] Her bosom friend. (Seaside lib.) 4°. {SoM = pap; lOc. BELL Beecher, H: Ward, continued. — Statement before the Congregational Assoc. of N. Y. and Brooklyn, in which he resigns his member- ship and gives his doct. beliefs and unbeliefs. 8°. APES “viths Wlesagogs scoc anon nd accu — The strike and its lessons: addresses. 382°. [’78. ]°%° DADs WO Cicer cicisie) ete sine Serine seis eer Chr. Un. — Twelve lectures to young men on various important subjects. Rev. ed. 12°. ’79.*978 $1.50.. Appleton. — Wendell Phillips: commemorative discourse. (Ply- mouth pulpit.) por. 12°. ’84.°? pap., 10¢c. Yords. — Whole world in pain: sermon. 16°. ['78.]%° pap., iQ Ceeerctcvclercre cic oie) sictcre ccieverci cictexs tere oie ce CHI CID — Yale lectures on preaching. Ist, 2d and 3d ser. 3 v. ine, New eds 2205 181s ROT err. cietcie LONGS: Beecher, Jfs. H: W. All around the house; or, how to make homes happy. 12°. ’78.%? $1.50.-Appleton. — Letters from Florida. ill. 16°. ’79.*°°9 50c.. Appleton. Beecher, Julia M. Aim, fire, bang: stories for young folks. ill. 16°. ’81[’80].*4% $1.25....Lee§ S. Beecher, Willis J. Drill lessons in Hebrew. 12°. ABLE! GY, Go oc wile) lolcuajey ele: ole o cicleyele «isle siete Knapp. —and Ma. A. (comps.) Index of Presbyterian min- isters in the U. S. 8°. 783.88 net, $5..P7esb. Bd. Beechey, F: S. HElectro-telegraphy. 12°. [’76.]|*4° COC. o-oo ce cnc coe weer ewe wees were reese se NPON- Beef bonanza; or, how to get rich on the plains. Bris- bins Je Ss BUL20e ee cece eee i’ | Bells of Dumbarton. Montgomery, L. L. $1.25. I. Bradley. Bells of Freiburg. Clare, A. 50c....... Pott, Y. § Co. Bells of Penraven. Farjeon, B. L. 10c....... Harper. Belot, Adolphe. Article 47; from the French. (Sea- ide lib.) 49% 780.0% pap:, 202. s5. 301 Wunro. — Black Venus: tale of the dark continent; from the French by G: D. Cox. sq. 16°. [’81.]*#7° pap., 7T5e igis ele «slele) wimicle e/ 4) pyele)éie)ee)e1 ele. aiejstelie ciel. Peterson. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°°7 pap., 20c. Munro. — Dacolard: sequel to The parricide. (Seaside lib.) 40, ’8],476 pap., NWicgoous vacoscadanor oWMOHer — Fedora; or, the tragedy in the Rue de la Paix; from the French by A.D. H. ill. 12°. ’83.*°9 $1. Rand, McN. & Co. |— Grande Florine: seq. to The stranglers of Paris; (OCes pap., 400.++ ++ eee eeeese ee esse s+ Putnam. | Belle, Clara (pseud.) Clara Belle’s giddy girls. (Clara Belle lib.) ill. 8°. ’83.*°8* pap., 2c. Li. R ussell. Belle and the boys. Corbin, Mrs. C. F. $1.25..Jansen. Belle Langley, and other stories; by popular Am. Anh Oren: 16°. [E7 UT ie HD Gristeiss cere .- Lothrop. Belleinsa: Zola, HW. SWe2oe (oe. 5. 2. Peterson. Belle o’ Becket’s Lane. Beatty, J: $1.50..2Z¢ppincott. Belle of Australia. Thomes,W: H. $1.50..De Wolf. Belle’s pink boots. Mathews, J. H. $2.50...Dutton. Belles and ringers. See Smart, H. Belleview. C apers, Es Ds $1; (NOs Gaon baonde Hale. Bellew, Fk. Parloramusements: one and social enter- tainments. ill. sq. 16°. 778.354 75c...Carleton. — That charming evening. sq. 16°. 77.) aol DAD ey DOCS veicteye esa. Ve ole) ce) ve 01s) foicie sale ole Carleton. | — (That comic primer. ill. 12°. ['77.]9° pap., 50c. Carleton. —(ed.) The tramp: his tricks, tallies, and tell-tales. Teco (ieiSs teu DAs, 2OCs aa cee sielereieie « OAC. Bellew, J. C. M. (ed.) Poet’s corner; sel. from the works of the greatest British poets, with biog. | sketches. (Redline ed.) sm. 8° [’77.]3% $4. Routledge. | Bellinger, C. B. Reports. See Oregon, Sup. Court. Bellows, C. F. R. Elementary algebra. (Advance Cduesseny)s Won 283 ue C28) Il hii. Nourse. | Bellows, H: W. Before ands _after the president’s death: sermons. 12°. ’81.5! pap., 25c... Putnam. —In memoriam W: Cullen Bivens funeral oration. 8°. (? 78. if 38 pap., OC ee rei arctarceeretc Rel. News. — W: Ellery Channing, his opinions, genius and char- acter: disc. at Newport, R. I., on the centenary of his birth, Ap. 7, 1880. 8°. 780.44 pap., ; Putnam. from the French by G: D. Cox. sq. 16°. [’80. ]*#®° PAP., THC. - 22 - ee ee cece serecsescccene Peterson. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.4% pap., 20c. Munzo. — King of the gamblers; from the French by 8. Lee. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*°°? pap., 20c... Munro. — Marguerite Lacoste; or, Fleur-de-crime. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°7:°°8 ea., pap., 20c. Munro. — Parricide; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. (Seaside lib.) 40, 780.45 pap., 20C.....+...502 00 es0e/ Wunro. — Stranglers of Bans from the French by G: D. Cox. sq 16°. [ *8(0). )*449 pap., RCs noaGonod Peterson. — Same. (Seaside lib. ) 4°. 780.457 pap., 20c. IMunz0. — Germ. Die Wiirger von Paris. nach Belot von KE. Vacano. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. ’81.4° pap., 20c. Munro. — Thirst for the unknown; seq. to The Parisian sultana ;- from the French. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*#°° DADs 2OC8 Seileve wreie wicre cleele oe wre) nso einie ei el LENO s Below, @: v. Watinichart. 779° “b0Chse..-.n- - Holt. Belt and spur. S., B. L. $2..........Scebner & W. Belton estate. Trollope, A. 20c.........--- Munro. Beman, W. W. Key to Olney’s Elements of geometry and plane and spherical trignometry, introd. on method of teaching. J2°. ’80.*4°4 $1.25..Sheldon. Bemis, E: W. Local government in Michigan and the northwest. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.) 8°. ZOD cee | PAD. OC. wens es Johns Hopkins Univ. Ben and Bentiestories. 2v. ill. 16°. ’82.°°° ea., 75c. Phillips § H. Ben Bright boots. Havergal, F. R. 75c...Randolph. Ben Cramer, working jeweller. Austin, S. $1.25. Pott; ¥. § Co: Ben Holt’s good name; [also] Hungering and thirsting. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. [’83.]®°7 pap., 10c. Am. S. 8. | Ben-Elur, Wallace) Wi. $150.5. 2-2... 1 Harper. Ben Milner’s Pu Barr He silica. 1. ouents: Ben, the luggage- -boy. leer H., 79°. $1.25.. Porter SC. Bench and a of Mississippi. Lynch, J. D. $5; $6. Hale. Bench and bar of Philadelphia. Martin, J: H. net, $5. Welsh. | | | Bender, C: Practical treatise on the properties of con- tinuous bridges. (Sci. ser.) 18°. [’77.]784 bds., DO Cr acisters wi vasa coon ae eee Van Nostrand.BENDER 33 BENNETT Bender, Hermann. Brief hist. of Roman literature; | Benjamin Franklin primer. ill. 16°. ’80.476 from Germ. by E. P. Crowell and H. B. Richard- | pap., 10e. N.Y. News. ‘ 291) *421 QR . x : : 3 son. 129 780! Pils OD icra olaterel oielote)o cine Ginn.| Benner, S: Prophecies of future ups and downs in Benedict, B: Lincoln. See Benedict, R. D. and B: L. prices; what years to make money on pig-iron, - . ~ 3 : ce eee < Qorn. ; “OVIS) - aA 940 24 633 Benedict, Ernest. Cast-ironpipes. 8°. ’78.572 pap., hogs, corn, and provisions. 83ded. 24°. ’84.' AU) Ch ererereiele) a\eise) ole eleieo 1s eve © slicle(ain'e elas syorcicie 9 7 OTUs DL eee ee sete eee eee eee cee eee et te ee ees Clarke. : z ae | S vat aval Fagtisce lee i Benedict, Fk. Lee. Her friend Laurence: anovel. 12°. Bennett, A 2 Hughes. I ractical treatise on electro-di- FAQNeES. SIEDO Sac case soc a eese so OUT LE Lone eee ae Giee asc Cre OU SES yet aoe. zk 6) 56 Cir so — [Late remorse: a novel. 12°. 782.5%! $1.50; pap., O4. SRE Oiler ore ecieteie ee eeisieice eric Vaal. TID Ok ics sielitic Sis swiss Gielstelnc © Se ce ete coer Carleton. | Bennett, C. W. National education: Italy, France, — Madame:anovel. 12°. HE PULATADS Teh Coll Germany, England and Wales, popularly con- ! J 7 Pap: x : YD een een POF . Carleton. sidered) 89 “8:22 paps, 20cC. 2... - Durston. — Price she paid: a novel. 16°. ’83.*84 $1.25. — Same. (Am. lib. of educ.) 8°. [’79.]%° pap., 15c. Lipprncott. | Davis, B. & Co. -— ’Twixt hammer and anvil: anovel. 3v.in1. 12°.| Bennett, C: H. (ed.) Old nurse’s book of rhymes, Benedict, Jos. New York civil and crim. justice: DL.20 . 2. sere r ee eee ee eee e ees elele) sie) clon J. Miller, jurisdiction, powers, and duties of justices of the | Bennett, D. M. Anthony Comstock: his career of peace in the State of N. Y., adpt. to the new cruelty and crime; a chapter from Champions of codes = 2vnz we le (cthied) 82s) 283°580) ‘shp:. (’76.]?*° $1.75; pap., $l..-......--- Carleton. | jingles, and ditties. New issue. ill. 8°. ’79.496 | | the church. 16°. [’78.]3%° pap., 25c.... Bennett. } ‘ . . 5 . ° GS es wfersie ele lal wiesie oie ele eis cfeleeieiniere « W. C. Little. | — Champions of the church: their crimes and persecu- : ; - 7 ne ; . 0 72 7341 22 > ; Benedict, Si7 Julius. Maria v. Weber. (Great mu- | tions. 5°. al 18. | Qo rece ve -+++---- Bennett. phen : ot Y A ( O86 Oi 6 Nite . 7 = 5 sicians.) 129. ’?81.48! flex. cl., $1..Scribner & W. Same. 8°. °83. $3; leath., $4; mor., gilt, 54.50. Py or Benedict, Rob. Dewey, and B: L. teports. See God elie f 1 1 ti Ty eee rene ‘ “ * ® . —— ss SOLO . f 1S ‘ r ‘ United States, Circuit and District Courts. = AUIS ae x See Ne ie taeeea tS a qt oe : . m . ; : Sd; @2.. mo: Z V., poy Leatn., wis MOr., ol Dd. Benedict, W: A., and Tracy, Hiram A. (eds.) Hist. Miike ‘ - =e > 370 387 5 - y : of Sutton, Mass., 1704-1876. 8°. 778.387 $4. : ae : tae ae : : Sanford. | — Interrogatories to Jehovah upon various subjects, to NaAaNTOTaA. | : ‘ : : which answers are earnestly desired, offered up Benedikt, Moriz. Anatomical s Ss upc > brains > >) ia a eer ener ae Se I studies Uber. the ens from office of The Truth Seeker. 16°. [’78.]**! of criminals; from the Germ. by E. P. Fowler. ae an sie 0 721 502 &1 50 ’ Wood T5C. 3 PAP., DOC. «cece ecnceeseccee .--- Bennett. Bon 28 eee ole DOr aici) ielaleiscier). aecie : mt . : set ae rele ; 00@.! __ Trial of D. M. Bennett in the U. S. Cireuit Court, upon charge of depositing prohibited matter in the mails; rep. by S. B: Hinsdale. 12°. [/779.]8° Benedix, R. Is lying easy? comedy; from the Germ. by A. Wall. 16°. [’78.]%?? pap., 50c. G. I. Jones. — Mabel’s manceuvre; parlor interlude, tr. by S8. 50c.; pap., 80c......- pe Ty atMeSceken: M Hes bare Lie. ' caer ae os cS Us Witt. | _ World’s sages, infidels, and thinkers; biog. sketches. — Married bachelors: comedietta, adpt. by S. Rosen- 20 76.7246 &38- leath., $4: nee QAR (he feld. 12°. [°76.] pap., Jdc. ce De Witt. | ee ee Boe mtg Pai Benefit of the doubt. Spenser, M.C. $1...Putnam.|— Same. 12°. ’83. $3; leath., $4; mor. gilt, $4.50. Benham, W: (ed.) Catharine and Craufurd Tait: a} Truth Seeker. memoir. 12°. *79.%° $3.......... Macmillan. | — and Humphrey, G. H. The Humphrey-Bennett dis- Benjamin, E. Bedell. Hilda and I: story of three | cussion: a debate on Christianity and infidelity. lovers. 12% 280.43 S150..-.....<< Carleton. | 12°. G3 1M) «7 Digna eae ee ener ruth Seeker. Benjamin, Judah P. Treatise on the law of sale of| and Mair, G. M. uae objections to Chnistanity: personal property ; with ref. to the Am. decisions | a discussion, 12°. °83. $1.50... Truth Seeker. — and Teed, C. R. Discussion: held in the columns and to the French code and civil law; ed. by J. Spier : z ; oe ae , of The Truth Seeker, Nov. 3, 1877 — Mar. 2, 1878. C. Perkins, from 2d Eng. ed. 2d Am. ed. 82. ’ > | | | | [77.3% shp., $6.50..-...-....... Hurd & H. | 16°. Sele 5O0c.; pap., 30c. .....-. Bennett. — Same. 3d Am. ed., rev. and ed. by E. H. Bennett. | Bennett, Edm. i. a arm law : lecture on the legal rights 8°, 781.59 shp., $6.50...... Houghton, M. & Co. and liabilities of farmers. 8°. ’79.*389 pap., 10c. — Same. 3d Eng. ed., with author’s revision, by A. B. : : Rand. Pearson and H. F. Boyd. 4th Am. ed., by C: L. | — Fire insurance cases ; with notes and ref. v.5. 8°. Corbin. 2v. 8% 783.54 shp., $12.....Dinn. | (°77.]97 $6.50 ...- eee eeeeee sees Hurd § A. — Same. 4th Am. from latest Eng. ed., by E. H. Ben-| — ad others. Digest. See Massachusetts, Sup. Judt- nett. 8° 784 [’83].° shp., $6.50. | cval Court. Houghton, M. § Co.| Bennett, Emerson. Prairie flower, and its sequel, Leni Benjamin, S.G. W. Artin America. ill. sq. 8°. 780} Leoti: adventures in the far West. New ed., ON eee Ae cre wie cle cin an cle cietaiiernsie aie Harper. | rey. and corr. sq. 16°. [’83.]*°*® $1; pap., 75c. — Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. | Peterson. TSO [ASeeee pole act eieleie ... Harper. | Bennett, G: L. Easy Latin stories for beginners; with — Contemporary art in Europe. ill. 8°. [’77.]°° $3.50. | vocab. and notes. 16° 7*79.*4 $1.....Adlyn. Harper. : : : op | Wirst Latin writer. 16°. ’79.*415 $1.25 ....Adlyn. — Group of etchers; with text. ill. f. [?82.]*° $15 ‘| Bennett, Granville G. Reports. See Dakota, Sup. Dodd Chare — Multitudinous seas. Handy-y. ser. MGS | 779 neee : See eas ‘ ; pap., 25¢ ( . ) Appleton Bennett, Ja. H: Nutrition in health and disease. 3d BND oD Cn eleiealn o eieeielar alalelo elie e) ace) cree : ue wee sae Sr. — Our American artists. ill. 4°. ’79.*417 $1.50; gilt, $2. | rey.ed. 8° [°77.] $2.50..Lindsay § Blakiston. Lothrop. | Bennett, Mrs. R. I. Woman’s work among the lowly ; ="Same, 2diser. ill. sq. 8% (8il|eoee Sleb0e ext, memorial of the first a0 Tears of the Am. Fem. RP Lothrop Guardian Soc. 12° [777.]*°° $1.50. Rh eyat eer el ainretel Scien ones Sie chs oak sclee DL /p J i ae ‘i — Troy; its legend, hist. and lit.; with sketch of the es oo Am. Fem. Guard. Soc. topog. of the Troad in the light of recent investi- | Bennett, W.cC. Contributions to a ballad history ot cation. (Epochs of ane. hist.) map. 16°. [’80.]*4% England, and the states sprung from her. sq. 16°. 3] Biniere severe oi (silete Seis BES eice ore ... Scribner's Sons. MOnere) SOC a ainteieielelelete acetone -- Scribner & W. — What is art; or, art theories and methods. 8°. | Bennett, W: W. Narrative of the great revival which Vitel flex (DCe wines ser OC/CIU00L., De o) CO: prevailed in the southern armies during the late ea . . way . . . . € ~~ 287 th ~ — World’s paradises; or, sketches of noted sanitaria. civil war. ill. 12°. les $1.50. a (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. [’79.]*4!8 pap., 30c. . Appleton. Claxton, R. § H. 5. (Aug. 84.) spunea aa oem; S Ren eer er nsBENNETT Bonnett 7élates R. Y oung v eeanond: (econ! e’s ibe ) Aol 2890047 pap., LOC, - neces nec eet ons Ogilvie. . . x 26 329 1564 — Same; with introd. by E: Eggleston. 16°. [ 782. ] Slee cist os Biel clefoleterere eels By ctavevel ere Ogilvie. Bennie, the King’s little | servant. Marston, L. 50c. Carter. Benning, Howe (pseud.) See Henry, Mrs. M. H Bennoch, I's Poems, lyries, songs and sonnets. Auth. Am. ed. por. 16° ’81.°% $2. Houghton, M. &§ Co. Bernardino Ochino, of Siena; contribu- of the reformation: tr. from introd. pref. by W: $2.50 Carter. Benrath, K: tion towards the hist. the Germ. by H. Zimmern. Arthurs por oo | (aitale Benrimo, A. (pseud.) Vic.: a novel. ( sq: 16% [479: => pap:, J0c.=.«- ... Benson, BAe: Art and nature in Italy. sq. 16°. 1. C --- Loverts. Authors’. eee cere ee ee wese eee ee eee ee ses — Gaspara ‘Stampa; with sel. from her sonnets, tr. by G: Fleming [Miss Julia Flete her]. 16°. ?81 #517 Sl Diclelelelic ja eleieiele 7s eo weene A DOO OOOO - Roberts. Judicial record of the iate. Chief Justice 8°. pap., . Baker, V. § Co. Fifteen years in hell; autobiography. Benson, J: S Chase. Benson, Luth. 202.048 20C. + 12°. Hie] eae SLED O) vin ciere ie sisisjelsie lt. DB LOTLET. Bent, J. Thdr. Life of Guiseppe Garibaldi. (Frank- lin Sq. lib.) ill. 4°. ’81.°!” pap., 20c... Harper. with notes. ; Osgood. Bent, S: Arth. Short Sok 2822078 sayings of great men; Bentham, Jere. Introduction to the principles of mor- als and legislation. (Clarendon press ser.) cr. 8°, [’76. 1 DEO ce scemccs occ oeees Macmillan. Bentley, A. J. Official opinions of the Attorneys Gen- eral. See United States, Attorney- Gen. eo Rob., and Trimens, H: Medicinal plants. Coli pl: 49° (Rie spap:; 2: Lindsay & Blakiston. Bentley, T: False honor: novel. 12°. Arye ESN Walker. — Illus. hist. of the eon Exhibition, Philadel- pl ia, 1876. onl 525) 40. ieGslee Cas. pape, UD Care sieiolerels . eoecee peor es esos cone Kelley. | Bentley, W. W. See Perl 0 ® a © > . | f pan - — ~ ~ Se Oe as teb) Se REDS rae BOT BRO ed., from 7th Eng. ed., by C: F. Chamberlayne. — Studies } in early French poetry. 12°. oi] 04 2. . 8°, °83,.*589 hf. shp., net, $6........Soule g B. Roberts. | B t f; | Ty nae Al 200 uv i — Uncle Jack. (Seaside libs) dos agSit2s) nan.) 1c: ||aeoe aoe aoe LOS toa cae © aero sees Eee. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.83} | Best ornament. Sawtelle, Ws. E. W. 50c...Lothvop. Pap., LOC... . eee eeeveee eve ves -+.+.--Jfunro.| Best reading. Jones, L. BH. $1l............ Putnam. — and Rice, Ja. All sorts ‘and. conditions of men: an} Best way series. Sawtelle, Iis. E. W. 3v. $1.50. impossible story. (Franklin Sq. lib.) ill. 4°. Lothrop. ['82.]° pap.) 20C.+++ seeseeree -Harper.| Beth. Dayton, L.C. 8. 35c. .......-.A. Brentano. a eae ee : aytony Le CoS: . Z P18 : aes 50 (Lib. cs sel. novels. ae ~ *|Bethesda. Elbon, B. (pseud.) $1......1 Macmillan. i oh | as » DUC. eevee eee ay * eler ea eves arper. | i 4 Or — — Captain’s room. (Franklin Sq. libs) 7405 782002) Betrayed. Hylton, J. D. P1250 22 sees eee - Hylton. pap., l0c........ siete blale obit sieeeieisue eles - Harper. Betrothed. See Scott, Sv W. — — Same. People’s lib.) 49°. ’81.52° pap., 10c. Betsey andI are out. Carleton, W. $1; 50c... Carleton. I pap., 1Uc. — y ¢ (Seasidelib.) 4°. 81.52 pap., 10c ie Betsey’ eee dquily, and Cub’s apple. Guene Me B Se eee eee eee aioe DAD zie Wh anc = COC. «rece cccecc sees neces AM. DA a Case of Mr. Lueratt [and other stories]. (Seaside Betsy’s profile. Droz, G. ldc...--.....-. Roorbach. lib. AOSD PAP ery WO Criecre ens sire e sleie ol Wunro. + TOR 2 ent 160 ; 5 a Be : linet loccans nACtICS Ania : — — Chaplain of the fleet. (ieanka ea lib.) 40, | Bettany, i : ae ESSODS Em DLaACucs ee 1 : 781 F489) pap, 20C. «0 vecinnis ve) = - Harper. 51. DE UU Cs Rie Scere ris eter nee — — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°! paps, 20¢.. Munro. | — See also Parker, W. K., and Bettany, G. T. — — Golden butterfly. (Lib. a sel. novels.) 8°. | Better than good. See Ridley, A. E. ie ee: LDC cc teicke leekercicr etal Harper. | Bettison, W. J. Basil Grey; or, tried and true. ill. — — Love finds the way. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 784.64 jos. OM aye ee ee Nelson. pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) ek A TAR Sune Cl Gl 12°: 784.5%! nap., 10c....- pferoler ersinytersictere Munro. | Betty and her cousin Harry. Logie, Mrs. x a ee ees rs aya 11 a. 6°. VASe «362 S 5 « . ‘ r % - : ‘ eee See Cr One R ee Se Betty’s bright idea. Stowe, IMs. H. B. 10c... Nat. Temp. Oo HOD OD aeiwivlelaiis ele es eis © sieve) a dma 2. , ee : ‘ x K s a : = Same: (Seaside ib.) 4°. ro 576 pap., 20c. Munro. | Between the gates. Taylor, B: F. $1.50... Gruggs. — — Over the sea with the sailor. oe eople’s lib.) 4°. | Between the locks: or, adventures of a water-party. 820027 paps; LOCi. ene © clei coccee rare Oguivre. Bb URS Doe Benoc cancun Veuy (Eo — — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 80.4 “8 pap., 10c. Munro. | Between times. Drekenga, I. E. 75c.......-Harle. eS Soe aaa and CHEE StOMER ce Between two loves. Clay, B. M. $1.50... Carleton. aibrary amous fiction. 5; Pe ee — — Seamy side: anovel. (Lib. of choice novels.) 8°. Between two sins. See Clay, B. M. 80 FeA28) Maps, DOC vac ci a efae a ere ole @ {ppleton. | Beulah (pseud.) See Bates, F. D.BEVAN 30 Bevan, Llewelyn D. Sermons to students and thought- ful persons. 12°. »8].*471 $1.95.. Scribner's Sons. Bevier, R. S. History of the Ist and 2d Missouri Con- federate brigades, 1861-1565; [also] From Wa- karusa to Appomattox: military anagraph. por. Ry WANE ESI Ggq000 bo d00000 Bryan, B. § Co. Bewegte Zeiten. Alexandrowitsch, L. 10c. .. Munro. Bewildering widow. Dunn, J. EB. 40c. -. W. B. Smith. Beyond pardon. Sce Clay, B. M. Beyond recall. See Sergeant, A. Beyond the gates. Phelps, E.S. $1.25. Houghton, NM & Co. Beyond the grave. Foster, R. S.- $1.25-. Phillips § H. Beyond the Himalayas. Geddie, J. $1.50...Nelson. Beyond the Sierras. Tevis, A. H. $1.50.. Lippincott. | Beyond the sunrise: observations by two travellers. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. [783.]*°"° pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. Bezold, W: v. ‘Theory of color in its relation to art and art industry; tr. from the Germ. by S. R. Koehler; introd. by E. C. Pickering. Auth. Am. edevenk, ill, 10° (776/722 $b... -)---- Prang: Bhagavadeita with the Sanatsugitiya and the Anugita. See Miller, F: M. Sacred books of the Hast. Bianciardi, Ms. E. D. R. At home in Italy. 12°. SBA NCIS IO versie siclecieis eielete Houghton, M. § Co. Biarnois, A. Self-instructor: new method of learning French. 8° 779.397 $1.50....--- «+5 Sadlier. | Biart, Lucien. Involuntary voyage: tr. by Mrs. C. Hoey andJ: Lillie. ill. 12°. ’80[’79].*4!4 $1.25.. Harper. — Two friends; tr. by M. de Hautville. ill. sm. 4°. 97 Q 361 SpiDicie orc lel cin)ole sais icles \s) es) elicree eyere Lippincott. Bibel in Bildern, enthaltend 240 Darstellungen von J. Schnorr von Garolsfeld. 8% 783.*°7 $1.75; silt; 22d. Same, in 2 pts:, ©: Ls ols Ne... (QWeae snp oodcedone dabpUsonoocos oogone Kohler. | Bible. [Whole Bible.] Holy Bible according to the authorized version; with notes, ref. to parallel passages, chronological tables, and maps. sq. GS (ate eee Ae ci siereveioicic < c ayexery ott, Yeu. Go: — Ed., with various renderings from the best authorities | by IT. K. Cheyne [and others]. sm. 8° [’77.]?7! Bicieicieie siele Cieiere nie hee cine viniele LZOLL ye an O0s | -— (Teacher’s Bible.) With nearly 900 ill. from au- | thentic sources. cr. 4°. [’78.]*°? $5; leath., with 4 co]. maps, $8; mor., $10; lev., $12. Cassell, P., G. & Co. — Hebrew and English. Interlinear translation of the sacred Scriptures, with grammatical and critical notes; by L. Tafel, R. L. Tafel, L. H. Tafel. Webrew text: pi. 45 So 9 [iai7232 pap. so): SUD Seay op isle clere ie ors nic oie tele. cre) olin cle cise ciere ce VOTEL — New Testament. New Testament: newly tr. [from the Greek text of Tregelles] critically emphasized, with introd. and notes by J. B. Rotherham. 2d ed: rey. (8% (Bagster) 778.*98" S3io ht mor, SS eet in) Olas oh D Ole ovetinisicters cyeiesiy eae oc Wiley. — — Literal tr. from Syriac Peshita version, by J. Murdock. New ed. 8°. ’79.374 $2.50.. Carter. — — Tr. out of the orig. Greek, with former tr. comp. andi rey. (3295 4795822, be... ncn 1AM. Bibs Soe: —— With eng. on wood from designs of Fra Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Fra Bartolommeo, Titian, Raphael, and others. 4°. ’84 [’83].6 $10; full mor., $20.........Houghton, M. § Co. — New Testament. [Revised version.] Version set forth 1611, comp. with the most ane. authori- ties! and’ rev. I88i% 20 78-48 Si Same. | CMCC ENS GL) - 3G) co50 0006 Uo000n000c Dodd. | ———— SOMies D0 Oe see oc cei eisis os Sie se Hstes. | ———— Save. 24.0. 78). 293498 20c.: pap., ldc.: mor, 65c., | 80c., $1.75, $2.50, $4. Same. 16°. 50c.; mor., DileLOs 2: M0.10 %*- Dy Daan: Same, OF ‘ail mors $1.80, $3.25, $4.50, $7.50. Same. demy 8°. $2.50; mor., $7, $10. Same. roy. 8° $4-| MOL eo LOLOO atiliGe erie crs nite cies Funk ; Nelson. | BIBLE | Bible, continued. Same. 8°. °81.5°3 $2. Same. 169. 781%? 45c:; leath., 90c. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 79]. *490 pap., D()Oeiace orcisrcierers sleie elere Sate Harper. ames IGOl 2S ileate SBI oer eve: re ein wrororoiere Lee & S. Same. 32°. 781.489 20c.; pap., 15c...Luppincott. Same. 120, 781.4% Si .3..)....8. Worthington. [also] Authorized Eng. version, with introd., and yar. readings from the three most celebrated mss. of the Greek text, by C. Tischendorf: in parallel columns. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.489 ea., pap:, 20c. -.------- Bee leisieiaie Munro. [also] History of the Eng. versions of the Bible, with their several revisions. ill. 12°. ’81.4% $1.50; arabesque, $2..-......--.--d:H. Potter. [also] King James’ version, on opposite and corresponding pages. 12° ([’81.]#° $1.50. Same. (Red-line ed.) $2.50.....-..--.- Dodd. With readings and renderings preferred by the Am. Com. of Revision incorporated into the text. Am. rev. ed. 24°. ’82.*°°8 flex. cl., 25c. Am. Bapt. (Am. version.) 2d_ ed. 120) 26 seee She S 1.75: tky. TN OLS Sh ew oc are) ciereie! wieiaiel ele -- Fords. Columbian Oxford double Testament, cont. the old and new versions; the marginal readings of the old versions; notes of the new version; notes of the Am. Com.; chronology of the N. T.; index to subjects, all on the page with the Testa- ments; hist. of the Com. of Revision; hist. of the three great authorities, by D. Curry. P20; PRO RD2AE UTED) wecieeciniene siecle Bible Revis. Assoc. (Comparative ed.) Authorized version and the new rey. version, in parallel columns. 12°. ’81.*49} S150: Slab: Same: . New ed “120. 282eKtes STeHOics Slee s cance oe bi eisie obbicsecieinue Porter & C. — — Parallel New ‘Testament; the authorized ver- Gr Gr sion set forth in 1611, arr. in parallel columns with the rev. version of 1881. 8° ’82.*°41 33; pers. mor., $6; tky. mor., $9. Same. 8°. $1.50; flex., $2.50; pers. mor., $3.50; tky. mor. flex., $5; tky. mor. circuit, $6. Same. (Student’s ed.) 4° $4.50; tky. mor., $11 ....--./ Velson. Same; with the Greek text followed in the rev. version; [also] the readings noted in the margin of the rev..version. 8° ’82.58! $6....J Velson. (Reachews ed:))) 82 78 eo DOR eer Funk. eek. Novum Testamentum Grecum, with lexicon by F. H. Scrivener. 16°. [’79.] $2.10.- Holt. New Testament, in the orig. Greek; text rev. by B. F. Westcott, and F. J: A. Hort. Am. ed., with introd. by P. Schaff. 12°. 781.*5°% $2. Same. New ed. 12° 782.574 $2..... Harper. [also, on opposite pages] N. T. tr. out of the Greek; being the version set forth 1611, comp. with the most ancient authorities and rev. 1881. 8°, 782.*548 hf. leath., $3.50 ......... Harper. Greek Testament; with the readings adopted by the revisers of the authorized version. (Clar- endon press.) 16°. ’81.*#8 $1.75-..[JVelson. | eck & Eng. Parallel New Testament. Greek and Eng., authorized version, revised Greek text, and readings displaced by the revisers, in four parallel columns. 8° 783. $6........ Nelson. [Separate parts. } Apocrypha. Selections fromthe Apocrypha. (Wis- domiser:))) 249: 4782822 DOC ices cine Roberts. Ecclesiasticus. Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach; or, Ecclesiasticus. (Wisdom ser.) 24°. ’78.%? BGs cveioletoiey siaiotene ralaiciere) ie eie¥ereroc\ ele eyeueiers Roberts. Epistles and Gospels for Sundays and _ festivals. He Catholic version. 32°. [’80.] 30c...Benztger. brews. Epistle to the Hebrews, in Greek and Eng., with notes by F: Rendall. 12°. 783.°98 MN, VOesoooocs b0n00 sieicieieleis os cieicieles Macmillan. — Job. Book of Job; essays, and a metrical para- phrase, by R. W. Raymond, introd. by T. J. Co- nant, and text of the rey. version prepared by Dr. Conant for the Am. Bible Union. 12°. Bees ROD ciecie asec Rieiel ove) aren nore cit: Appleton.BIBLE 3 Bible, continued. — — Book of Job; ill. with 80 eng. from drawings by Sir J: Gilbert; and with expl. notes and poetical parallels.. 8°. *80 [79).**)! $4.50. .... Carter — Joshua, Judges, and Ruth; the common version rev. 7 BIERBOWER | Bible in the ion onda HT: A. %5c:Am.S.S- Bible leaflet. K.,; A. W. 10c. ...........Randolph. | Bible myths, and their parallels in other religions. 8°. for the Am. Bible Union. 8° ([’78.]3!® 75c. | Am. Bib. Un. a, Judges, Ruth, r. and 1. Samuel, 1. and 1. Kings; common version rey. wih introd. and | notes, by T: J. Conant. 8° [84.]*8° $2: Am. Bapt. — Judges. See above Joshua. —Kings. See above Joshua. Gospel according to St. Mark; introd. and notes, by T. M. Lindsay. maps. 16°. ’84.°7 SRT eig cia ccuer nic lavave ele) elelievelelovs) cucte) ei eunvecats)? Scribner & W. — — Gospel by Mark, in phonetic spelling by C. W. K. first reading- book. PY, LUN BWW, ocadcs fh une: — — Gospel of Mark [from the Teacher’ s ed. of the rey We ASS Wy ith marginal passages printed at le ngth. So. [R82 eee 0c Rae M5 Ge een cia. Funk. — — New Testament; tr. out of the Greek; triple com- parison: King James version, Anglican rev. ver- sion of 1881, and Am. rey. version, 1881. Gos- pel of Mark, for use in schools and classes. 16°. 82.824 pap., LOC. --<2 eee e cee ce see cee Fords. — Matthew. ‘The new covenant according to Matthew ; with explanations of the tr. and songs of deliver- ance [by E: A. Guy]. 24°. 784.*6? pap., 2c. Clarke. — Prophets. Old Testament with brief com. by var. authors: Prophetical books— Isaiah to Malachi. maps. 12° ’80.*437 $1.50...... Pott, Y.§ Co. — Psalms. Book of Psalms; new tr. with introd. and | notes by J. J. S. Perowne; from 3d Eng. ed. Oh Vie O°. ligt po8 Wiis Oleccin erciers eile -.-- Draper. | — Tr. by T. K. Cheyne. (Parchment lib.) 24°. 84.4637 parchment, $1.25....-+--+--: Appleton. — — With introd. and notes, by A. C. Jennings, assisted by W. H. Lowe. 2y. cr. 8°. [77.]?™ (WS 000 boOnn0 CO COUOUOU Odd HnacOoO bd Macnullan. — — Bible songs: sel. from the Psalms set to musie for | Sabbath-schools, prayer-meetings, etc. 8°. [’80. Un. Presb. Bd. — Ruth. Story of Ruth, from the Holy Bible, with ill by Bida. obl. 4°. [’77.]?°° $5....--- toberts. — — See also above Joshua. — Samuel. See above Joshua. — Solomon’s song. Germ. Das hohe Lied, ubers. uu. kritisch neu bearb. von K. Kohler. 8°. ['78.]°°7| pap., d0C...+-.+- sees ey ace cyeieleniesiaols Wet aan. — Wisdom of Solomon. Sophia Salomon: the book of wisdom; the Greek text, the Latin vulgate and | the auth. English version, with introd., critical apparatus and commentary by W: J. Deane. 40, 81.517 net, $3....0.-2-+--- Macmillan. Bible and the newspaper. Spurgeon, C: re loc... Funk. | Bible children. Wells, J. $1.25...--..--«-- Carter. Bible dictionary : new and complete pronouncing Bible | dict., comp. from most authentic sources; with | eng., hist. of the books of the Bible, tables, chronol. index, etc. 8°. [’77.]?8° $2.50.. Harding. Bible echoes. Wells, J. $1.25.....-++--ee-- Carter. Bible emblem anniyersary-book; ill. by W: Foster. 249, Usse ew GUTTA Dl oieie otei evel an outledge. Bible for learners. Oort, H., and cae bly. Qe CVE INIg WM, $92 codec 000d onon Gadd GaK8 .- Roberts. Bible forget-me-nots: daily text-book of divine prom- ises. See Macduff, J. R. Bible hand-book. Angus, J. $3 ---++-+-++: . Fagan. Bible history, with short hist. of the church, aes use of Schools. ll. W208 490s Dee a.m O’ Shea. Bible hygiene; or, health hints by a physician. 16°. 2 ()eAGd ROD c ciciene e ciciele sieee nie sibje cree LSLQKUSLOIL. Bible images. Wells, J. $1.25 ..----++-++-- Carter. Bible in the counting-house; lectures to merchants. Boardman, H: A. 75. »-+-+essessees Am.S.S. | Te oood bo oe eaoeh ss ce Gaueas Bouton. Bible of humanity. Michelet, J. $3-....-... - Bouton. Bible of to-day. Chadwick, J: W. $1.50 .. Putnam. Bible proofs of universal salvation. Hanson, J. W. (Hire, 9 24, beac cc00 ba05 Be iclaielcieieiea «cielo LA QTLSOTD: are , 70 7315 = | Bible reader. 16°. [’78.]?!2 50c.......----Lothrop. Bible songs; sel. from the Psalms, set to music, for Sabbath-schools, prayer-meetings, etc. 8°. [BsOnls2e bds:; D5 GR cine are eioicicre SUV EN ESD BG: Bible stories and scenes for young people. Harris, Who 1% Wl, bs GE socaqccec sGa0dd -- Cassell. Bible text-book; or, principal texts rel. to persons, places and subjects, occurring in the Holy Script- ures; [also] Bible student’s manual. Rey. ed. maps. 8°. (80.]#8! 90c........-..... -Am. Tr. Bible words. See Book of Bible words. Bible words for birthdays. sq 32°. [’78.]*°° 50c. Am. 77. Biblical things not generally jenow ms L208 (e7oh ee a1 BOCES: S avelel sien SUSIE. Cou Sal cree cise eie Oa elee DD ICIC: Bibliotheca Americana. See C Jar] xe, R. & Co Bibliotheca Americana. See Sabin, J. Bibliotheca medica. See Clarke, R. & Co. Bibliotheca theologica. Hurst, J: F. $3. Scribner's Sons. Bickers, the blower. Robinson, F: W: 10c... Munro. Bickersteth, E: Family prayers. 12°. 7°79. $1.25. Nelson. My hereafter. 24°. °83.°% 40c..-.+....-. Cassell. Bickersteth, E: H. From year to year: poems and hymns for all the Sundays and holy days of the Church. 16°. ’84.*°8 $1.25....-...... Carter. — Yesterday, to-day andforever; poem. (Pocket ed.) 162 280480) FO Gee emcee siecic cre tele inie Carter. |Bickham, W: D. From Ohio to the Rocky Moun- tains: ‘sq: 16° 779.485 (ll... -. -i-i6 - Bickham. Bicknell, Amos J. Cottage and village architecture: cont. 66 pl. showing plans. 4°. ['77.]°° $6. Bicknell. |— Public buildings: cont. 21 pl. 4° ([?77.] $3.50. | Bicknell. | — School-house and church architecture: cont. 23 pl. | zi x salts = s showing 26 plans. 4°. ['77.] $3 .-.- Bicknell. — Stables, out- buildings, fences, and miscell.: cont. 24 pl. 4%. [?77.] $2.50.-..----+- +2200 Bicknell. | _—_ Street, store, and bank fronts: cont. 22 pl. showing 34 designs. 4°. [’77.] B3-----+--+: Bicknell. —and Comstock ( pubs.) Modern architectural designs and details, cont. 80 lith. pl., showing designs of dwellings in Queen Anne, Eastlake, Elizabethan, and other styles. 10 pts. pl. f°. ?80—'8 1 465-472 ea., pap., Shilo ie op wie wn nce) eleies «(0 om evele.s (eje Bicknell. | Bicknell, C: F. Reports. See Nevada, Sup. Court. Bicycle tour in England and Wales. Chandler, A. D. GR ere aero clea ei ciel eielsitle cia lelelietta siersiervicl« . Williams. Bid me discourse. Hay, M. C. 10c....----- Harper. Biddle, Arth. ‘Treatise on the law of warranties in the sale of chattels. 8°. ’84.°7 shp., $3 +... Kay. —and G: ‘Treatise on the law of stock brokers. 8°. 289.523 ship., GD--2.secee- Sy) eteeies sc Lippincott. | Biddle, C: Autobiography. Cire punt ); 162% 83. *61l net, $d.-6-- eeuaierep ernie suee Clacton. Biddle, Clement. Poems. ill. 8°. 71, 1253 $3.50. Lindsay § Blakiston. Biddle, Horace P. Elements of knowledge. 12°. °81. aoe Seopa aie Ue ae hae fee oars eines ores Clarke Biddle, J: B. Materia medica. 8th rey. ed. Ill. $9. [°77.]8% BA. ww we ee we eee Lindsay § Blakiston. —_ Same. 9th ed., rev. by C. Biddle, and H: Morris. ‘Il. 8°. 783.8 $4; leath., $4.75 ....Blakiston. Bierbower, Austin. Life and sermons of Dr. He W.- Thomas. por. 12° ([78l.]*% $1.50. Smith § F. SS (Seen9) BIG oO Big fish; [also] Ellen Marston’s inheritance. (Peoy ee S Jibei 40s. 262" B27 pap:, LOCse.--5.<\016 OC One Big heart and little homes. Ropes, M. EB. $1.. Hoyt. Big Jack Small. Gally, J.W. $1; 50c... Belford, C.§ Co. Bigelow, Erastus B. ‘Tariff policy of England and the U.S. contrasted. 8° [’77.]°°° 75c.; pap., 50c. [nttle, B. & Co. Bigelow, Horatio R. Hydrophobia. 8°. 2G eeS Bie Brinton. Bigelow, J: Ja Fayette. 12° 782.*°#7 pap., 25c. Inttle, B. & Co. — Molinos, the Quietist. 12°. ’82.*°87 $1.25 Scribner’s Sons. — Wit and wisdom of the Haytians. sq. 16°. [’77.]?” pap., Bl---+ +--+ sees sleleiieieie(e Scribner, A. & Co. Bigelow, Marshall T. Punctuation and other typo- graphical matters. 16°. ’81.**° 50c..Lee § S. Bigelow, Melville M. Elements of equity. (Law student’s ser.) 12°. (77 i leatherette, $2.50; shp., $3 cecoces seccces wives we Tittle, B. & Co. |} — Elements of the law of torts. (Law student’s ser.) 12°, ’78.%48 leatherette, $2.50; shp., $3. Inttle, B. & Co. — History of procedure in England during the Norman period. 8°. [’80.] $5........Lzttle, B. § Co. — Law of bills, notes aad checks, ill. by leading cases. Qded: 8°. 780-44! shp., $6...2ttle, B. G Co. Law of fraud and the procedure pertaining to the re- 38 BISCHOFF Binmore. H: Te eendineeeen See , Mic hipan: Sup. Court. —Instructions for sheriffs, coroners, and constables. with forms. 8°. 782.58 shp., $2.50.... Myers, — (ed.) American corporation cases, since Jan. 1, 1868. 5, 6: Private corporations. 2v. 8° ’82-—’84. 6365695" Teq.. shp\, Neb, spd. pap., 20c.. Munro. Randolph. | Bisbee, L. H., and Simons, J: C. Board of Trade and Produce Exchange: their history, methods and law. 8° 784.937 shp., $4.25...... Callaghan. Bisbee, Mrs. Susan A. The Daisy Green stories. ill. WAS tebe GLY. saod6 oc v0 we rices © cies LOUIUTOD: Milly’s little wanderer. 12°. [’84.]*6!7 $1.25. Lothrop. Bischof und Konig. Tenger, M. 10c.....-.-.- Munro. Bischoff, J. W., and Presbrey, O. F. Crystal songs; for Sunday-schools, eter Oi WP, (Peo! _ Intkey Bie oagoouc sie ole Cisierer rela clare W. W. Whitney — [and others. | Bells of oli VHS no: J: coll. of songs for Sabbath-schools and gospel meetings. VEL Ni0ec anno coo0cp ac eee West. S. S. Pub.BISCHOFF Bischoff, Jos. E. [‘‘Conrad de Bolanden.”] Trowel and the cross, and other stories. 8°. [°78.]8?8 SPiltsO Oyero oi erere) ivi Ver eis vie cholclei(e ol efel ol te sever aie Cath. Pub. Bishop, Coleman FE. (comp.) Pictures from Eng. hist. by the great hist. artists. 12°. 783.5% SUELO cic siers cers oc Aecieics bse eens Phillips §& H. Bishop, H. H. Pictorial architecture of the British Isles. ill. obl. 8° ([[:83.]*#53 net, $1.20: LH. & J. B. Young. Bishop, Mrs. 1. L. See Bird, I. L. Bishop, Ja. L. Law and practice of insolvency and assignments: treatise on common and statute law of N. Y. rel. to insolvent debtors. 8°. ’79.38° SNP: 5 NCt GD eis cece g es <6 ciel. DAES ay Oo: — New assignment act. See New York, Legislature. Bishop, Joel Prentiss. Commentaries on the criminal law. 6thed.,enl. 2yv. 8°. 1.782 shp:, $2. Intile, B. § Co. — Commentaries on the law of marriage and divorce. 6th ed.,enl. 2v. 8° 781.597 shp., $12: Little, B. § Co. — Commentaries on the law of statutory crimes; incl. the written laws and their interpretation. 2d ed., enl: 89; 7835587 “shp:, $6 Little, B. & Co. — Criminal procedure; or, commentaries on the law of pleading and evidence, and practice in criminal cases. 3died., enl; 2) vy. 89: 780:44) shp., $2: Inttle, B. & Co. (2785222) shpes Nowles Uso We commentaries on the written laws 77 — Doctrines of the law of contracts. 8°. SpowD icicis olay vel eraye @ cic a 61 6)crelcin eieioler> — For civil practice: and their interpretation. 8°. 782.°8 shp., $4. Tuttle, B. & Co. | — Hand-book for civil causes. 8° 782.59 shp. $4. Little, B. & Co. Bishop, Levi. Poetical works; with sketch of the authors (Gthieds 80s (Sie sae cece oe Weed. Bishop, Natl. H. Four months in a sneak-box: boat voyage of 2,600 miles down the Ohio and Missis- sippi Rivers, and along the Gulfof Mexico. maps Andel Bor Aiea SOD Omri © oe ieiere- Dee &S. — Voyage of the paper canoe: a geographical journey of 2,500 miles, from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico, 1874-5. 8° [’78.]%° $2.50 ..Lee gS. Bishop, T: Etcher’s guide. 16°. ’79.4°4 $1..Janentzky. Bishop, W: H: Detmold: a romance. 16°. $1.25 Houghton, O. § Co. — House of a merchant prince: novel of New York. 12°. ’83[’82].*°71 $1.50 .... Houghton, M. § Co. — Old Mexico and her lost provinces: Mexico, South- ern California, and Arizona by way of Cuba. A OR AO Oe ets eB DN cveyeia teieves e's afciciale = (ei Harper. — One of the thirty pieces. See Stories by Am. authors. Bismarck-Schonhausen, C: |] v0 ee eee eee me eee er ee ewer eee x {\s Leop. O:, Prince v. Bismarck: his authentic biography, letters, [ete.];. with introd. by B. Taylor. New ed. ill. 8°. (°78.]32! $2.50; hf. mor., $3.50.. Words. — Letters to his wife, his sister, and others, 1844-70; tr. from the Germ. by F. Maxse. 16°. 778.*%3 Sl Scribner’s Sons. Bispham, G: Tucker. Principles of equity: treatise on the system of justice administered in courts cee w eee ee et eww eee tw ee eS of chancery. 83ded. 8° ’82.°7% shp., $6.50. Kay. Bissell, Josiah H. Reports. See United States, Circuit and District Courts. Bits and bearing reins. Flower, E. F. 50c. Cassell, P., G.§ Co. Bits from Blinkbonny. Tod, J: $1.50 ....--. Carter. Bits of blarney. Mackenzie, R. S. Bits of precious ore. 4 v.: George Herbert, 1593-1633 ; Frederick W. Faber, 1814-1863; Jeremy Taylor, 1611-1667; Frederick W. Robertson 1816-1853. 48°, 783.*82 $1.40 Randolph. Bits of talk inverse and prose. Jackson, Mrs. H. $1. Roberts. $1.50..Armstrong. Pee ee oo 179, #986 BLACK Bits of travel athome. Jackson, Mrs. H. $1.50. Roberts. Bitter atonement. Clay, B. M. $1.50.. Carleton; Street. | Bitter cry of outcast London. Preston, W. C. 10ce. Cupples. Bittersweet (pseud.) Marie Manning and others. Ue NGOS, [SO Reta DOCH sere nape ceo) re Am. 1%. Bitter sweet. Holland, J.G. $1.25..Scribner’s Sons. Bitting, C. C. (comp.) Bible societies and the Baptists. 240° (783.4) *852 “pap: 2 Am. Bapt. Bixby, Olive Jennie. My child-life in Burmah; or, recollections and incidents. 16°. 780.48 75c. Corthrell. Bixby, W: H. Graphical computing table. 16°. Geese) Toes; with chart 18)< 19) inser... Wiley. Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Arne; from the Norse by R. B. Anderson. (Author’s ed.) 12°. ’81.¥*59 $1. Houghton, M. § Co. °82.544 pap., 10c. J: W. Lovell. — Bridal march, and other stories; from the Norse by R. B. Andersen. (Author’s ed.) ill. 12°. ’82.*546 Pils cicsajsiets cin els) ° Houghton, M. & Co. — Same, with title: Wedding march; tr. by M. Ford. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.57! pap., 10c. .- Munro. — Captain Mansana, and other stories; from the Norse by R. B. Anderson. (Author’sed.) 12°. Siilere sa cieieis sielelelo(e) sie dele) inci Houghton, M. & Co. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°87 pap., 10c... Munro. — Fisher maiden; tr. from the Norse by R. B. Ander- son. (Author’s ed.) 12° ’82.*5°° $1. Houghton, M. § Co. — Happy boy; from the Norse by R. B. Anderson. (Authorisied:)) U2 7Sikeisi Sie Houghton, M. § Co. Same; from the Norwegian by H. R. G. (Lovell’s libs), 169. 7825528 spap:, LOG. ci. eine J: W. Lovell. Magnhild; from Norse by R. B. Anderson. (Author’s ed.) 283) [(FS2) 52) (Sle Houghton, M. & Co. — Railroad and churehyard; [also] Fair Kate, by P. Heyse. (Seaside lib.) 4° °82.°°% pap., 10c. Munro. Synnoéve Solbakken; from the Norse by R. B. An- ' derson. (Author’s ed.) por. 12°. ’81.*43 $1. Houghton, M. & Co. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ” pap., 10c. Munro. — Wedding march. See above, Bridal march. Black, Clementina. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. oe ee eee eee os 789 *960 the 16°. | } | Q 5S | 83,590 Sussex idyl. (Half-hour ser.) 32°, [778.]8 pap., 25C..-++-++-se-ee Harper. Black, Ja. B. Reports. See Indiana, Sup. Court of Judicature. : dramatic episode. sq. 16°. ’80.*48§ QED Dicteteres ceisler eiaveloiaie) <<) sin) cloletelaey — Goldsmith. (Eng. men of letters.) 12°. °79.*°%" (oc. | Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 780.497 pap., 1dc. Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.°% pap., 10c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.%°° pap., 10c. .- Munro. — Green pastures and Piccadilly. (lib: ed) 22°: [?77. ]8° $1.50. Same. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. ene eee pap., BOC. -- +2. eereee sees snes Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.°'! pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784,631 pap., 20C. ---- eeecee rece eerecerecesees Munvro. — Jn silk attire. (ib. ed.) 12° [777.]** $1-50. Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.%? pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.%4 PAp., 20C..-- 2-2 vec ee cere cece cce ceeesed Wunro. — Kilmeny. (Lib. ed.) 12°. ['77.]?** $1.50 .. Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.°'! pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. | — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 284,631 | pap., Drie cree e eieleie we ciclelie wielelcerelele: sleloxa Munro. | — Lady Silverdale’s sweetheart. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 793622 pap., LOc...-. esceeee cence J: W. Lovell. — Macleod of Dare. ill. 12°. ’79.*8° $1.25. Same. (Lib. of sel. novels.) ill. 8°. pap., 60c. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. pap., 10c....--- Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’83.]°®’ pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.54 PAp., 20C. 22 ceeece rece ce veaccrccereed Wunro. — Madcap Violet. 12°. [’76.]?°° $1.50. Same. 8°. pap., 75c. Same. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. (77.78% “pap., 50C. <<. ..-6 scence saeco Harper. — Same. ((Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783:°™ pap:, 20c. J: W. Lovell. Black, W:, continued. (People’s | — Same. Opts: (lovellts: libs) G25 cone (ea, Pap., 15C...222 sere ceeeee cree cone J: W: Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 81.47% pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’83.°°* pap., 20c. Munro. =—'Phiree feathers: (ib: ed.)) 120 (fen7. 22) ep leb0: Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.8? pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.%! pap., DO Cs Serce sie sie sein 4/00) cle ale ole v's ep! ojance | Wunro. — White wings: yachting romance. (Lib. ed.) ill. 129°, 780.451 $1.25. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 49, pap., 10c...----.«-- Sloe ciel cine ett AM C4; — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° ’83.°%? pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. °*84.829 pap., 20C..--6 ees eres cevceececces sees Munro. — Yolande. ill. 12°. ’83.*597 $1.25. Same. (Franklin Sq: lib) ill. 4°: 7835595. pap... 20c. << Hanpen. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. 783.°°° pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.5% pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 12°. ’83.°* pap., 20c. : Munro. Black and white. Forde, H. A. $1.05..#.§ J.B. Young. Black arts in medicine. Jackson, J:D. $1..Clarke. ? Black dwarf. See Scott, Su W. Black Hills. Llewellynn, H: 10c. .........De Witt. Black magician: Ethiop. comicality. Williams, H: Lue, 9% UDC. «cccccce sscce Bicioicie eal eee De Witt. Black poodle. Guthrie, F. A. 10c..-....... Munro. Blackyobe;. Collins; WW. 20Cicce.n-> were! VWunro. Black ship. Charles, IMs. E. 50c.........-- Carter. Black sorceress. Bréhat, A. de. $1..Rand, McN. §Co. Black speck. See Robinson, F: W: | Black spirits and white. Trollope, Mrs. F. E. 75c. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 84.99 | PAPs, 20C.. cccciccecescccescvccsccsscars Munro. — Maid of Killeena [and other stories]. (Pop. lib.) | 8°, (etic eee pap., KYees cao sooe ood Fergus. | | | — Man who was like Shakespeare. (Pop. lib.) 8°. | etitellee Paps, LOCK. © cle nw > ccc nie ss ei Fergus. — Marriage of Moira Fergus. 8°. pap., 25c. WE jis, WWE ccogoccoonuscocc00r J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°7 pap., 10c... Munro. — Monarch of Mincing Lane. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. eB asee | DADE LOC hse sec © wcll cle J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.8! pap., A) Cavevorsisiorcy cieleie\s ct1s1e/(ic.s sinless otereloie) © einis cio Munro. — Princess of Thule. (lib. ed.) 12°. [77.784 $1.50. Harper. — Same. 12°. 783.999 $1; pap., 50c....J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.84 [DEA Ao cdccccodcdoudnocadcou0UdaGGCS Munro. — Pupil of Aurelius. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.494 pap., NO Co reroferetenslevciers'c eiolelec\cecicielelevcisis clic cic clep! Wunro. — Shandon bells. ill. 12°. 7’83.*58° $1.25. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° pap., 20c..... Harper. — Same. 12°. ’83.°°? $1; pap., 50c. Same. (Lov- ell’slib.) 16° [783.]°®7 pap., 20c. .J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.5%? pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib:, Pocket ed.) 12°. ’83.64 pap., DOCH are classic cloicieuckoisioisaeieieieie «© eieiet esis * CAey DADs) AOC epee: secon eleleiaores tale - Scribner & W. Blackburn, W. M. History of Christian church from its origin to the present time. 8° ’80.47° $3. Phillips § H. Blackburne, E. Owens. Bunchof Shamrocks. (Sea- side lib.) 4°. ’83.°°° pap., 10c. .....- Munro. — Glen of silver birches: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) AON Oe Re ape OCs ere cite ce sie clare Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.479 pap., 10c. Munro. — Heart of Erin: Irish story of to-day. (Seaside lib.) AOr 28308 Napa. 2OC! weraccc clerics ela red Munro. — Love that loves alway. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*5°8 DADs 20 Cie) oe corer) okelai eyeneie! >) sical viel eietes oas.oP! Wunro.BLACKET Blacket, W. S. Researches into the lost hist. of Am. ; or, the zodiac shown to be an old terrestrial map in which the Atlantic Isle is delineated, light thrown upon the hist. of earth-works and ruined cities ofiAm*. «ill. 8° 783:824 Blackie, J: Stuart. Four phases of morals: Socra- tes — Aristotle — Christianity — Utilitarianism. New ed. 129. 320 $1.50..Scmbner, A. & Co — Juay sermons. 12°. 781.*°8 $2.. — Natural history of atheism. 12°. $3.50.. Lippincott. wee Scribner’s Sons. Besse S150: Scribner, A. § Co. — On self-culture. (Standardser.) 4° ’80.4% 10c. — Songs of religion and life. 12°. ) pap., $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. — Wisdom of Goethe; with citations, with ref. to the text of the more important works. 16°. ’83.*®}? | SPT SD Eyierol ose) ov cicic ecclal ee piste cctos ere rch Scribner's Sons. Blackmer, J: Prescribing alcoholics. 12°. ’80.*419 pap., 5C. .....2+---- Bieiolctorsieieici oi chere cree Vat. Temp. Blackmore, R. D. Alice Lorraine: atale of the South Downs. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.585 pap., 20c. Munro. | Blair, H: W. — Christowell: a Dartmoor tale. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Funk. | BLAKSTON Blaikie, W: How to get strong and how to stay so. TS GSS Oe ses" soil oseee-ee- Harper. — Sound bodies for our boys and girls. ill. 16°. ’8t (BSBi soot 2OCe ee ciemisere racers oe eer .- Harper. Blaikie, W: Garden. Manual of Bible history in con- nection with the general history of the world. New ed:,enl. 12° 283057" $50)... Nelson. My body. (Heart chords.) 24° ’83.*° 40c. . Cassell. Personal life of David Livingstone; chiefly from his journals and correspondence. por. and map. 781 [80.5485 $3.50 s hlercisiee ¢ os alee Harper. Same. 513° pap., 20c. . Munro. -eeeee 2 D. de Ro (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’8 Public ministry and pastoral methods of our Lord. | U2 290 $1.50 j Blaine, Ja. G. Eulogy on James Abram Garfield: be- fore the Senate and Ho. of Rep. of the U.S., Feb. 27,1882. por. 169: ’82.*5%! 50c... Osgood. — Same. (People’s lib.) 8°. 782.989 pap., 10c. - Ogzlvie. — Twenty years of Congress, from Lincoln to Garfield. *634 Ve li 780. 2Od 88h subst oalo: se cr cees a6 Bill. Blaine and Logan songster: popular campaign songs. | 190; #847648" “aps, LOc- Sele ele leie estou N.Y. News. Constitutional amendment, manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors; speech in the BOF ABI PAT Mapes 20 Cae ercie aici o siecle «in Harper. | Hos of Reps, Dees 2) V8iGn W208 (ere ece — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 78):21° pap-, 20c. pap:, lOc. 5 --2....0- eemcre neleee Nat. Temp. 3 : : oe. Ogilvie. | Blair, Hu. Beauties of Blair. 32°. 50c....J: H. Potter. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.°l° pap., ot |— Outlines of chronology. 36c. -.-.......:..- Ware. Munro. ot Min opens es . po AT « — Clara Vaughan. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.**°| Bia aoe rk Fo 306 A a a wa . ee Be MAD UD Ce eleelaere ne ete wie siete ... Harper. Blaisd 7 nl r 0 ti en f ike : ae : f E i — Cradock Nowell: tale of the New Forest. 2 pts. alec’ a syaee : ay e Pee a biae oe - oA aa (Seaside libs) 49: “8l-2 ea., pap, 20c: | ¢ classics. IZ 18-1) a Sten baer E: mes Munro, | S#me: Newenl.ed. 12°. [781.] $1.50 . Small. — Cripps, the carrier. (Lib. of sel. ill novels. ) go. | Blaisdell, E.W. Hidden record; or, the old sea mystery. WiGist PAP MDC. ween - ocln- -- se. Harper. | sq. 16°. ['82. Jae $1.29 ; Pap., 79¢. .- Peterson. —Erema; or, my father’s sin. (Lib. of sel. novels.) | — Same. 12°. ’82.*°3 $1.25; pap., 75c. -. Maxwell. So Pelee PAD DOCS me emide a cori Harper. Blake, E: T. Sewage poisoning: how to avoid it in — Lorna Doone. 12° 783.58 $29.50..:.Sc7bnerg& W. | the simplest way. ill. and pl. 8°. 2Bilee29! paps, =~ Same. (Qiranklin sq. libs) alll 8°95 "S22 naps, | OU CE whe atoles oloten ss -lmreianumronorsre/«) orevcrerere! alekei) chains Spon. DDC. sisi ici Mele ielelcle veo sie clei nisi cl erels cia Harper. | Blake, H: N., and Hedges, C. Reports. See Montana, Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°, 784.9%) Sup. Court. PAP., BOC. ~ 200s serene errr n screen scssred Munro. | Blake, J: F. Astronomical myths, based on Flam- ——- Maid of Sker. (Seaside lib.) 4° ‘81.4 opap-, marion’s The heavens. ill. 8° [?77.]?® $2. MNO, ogo000¢ sector eveicri ei Bee ole eiete ial teres Munro. Macmillan. Mary Anerley: a Yorkshire tale. (Franklin Sq. | Blake, Mrs. Lillie Devereux. Woman’s place to-day : tbe), 49: 2804s Ap. VOCre acc «1 Harper. reply to the Lenten lectures on women; by M. — Remarkable hist. of Sir Thomas Upmore, Bart., Dix. 16°. [’83.]*58° flex. cl., 50c.; pap., 20ce. M. P., formerly known as Tommy Upmore. 169 784.*644 “ohds.. 50c. pap:, sbe. Same: (Branklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’84.° pap., 20c. Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. [784.]°** pap., 20c. Munro. Blacks, Boers and British. Statham, F. R. $2. Macmillan. Blackstone, Six W: Commentaries for students at law; obsolete and unimportant matter eliminated by M. D. Ewell. 16°. ’82.*5°% leatherette, net, $2.50; shp. or hf. ef., net, $3 --- Soule § B. Note. This work 1. Ewell’s Essentials of the law. Blackstone, W: also forms vy. of William Blackstone, Boston’s first inhabitant; sketch and poem. [Anon.]_ 8°. [’78. ]95 pap., 25c.......- ereleinicr els .- Williams. Blackwell, Eliz. Counsel to parents on the moral »7Q #412 $1. A. Brentano. In 3: Hale. See Duf- education of their children. sq. 16°. Blackwell, Ja. De Ruyter. Poetical works. Vee W608 wOeele S50 Blackwood, F: Temple, Larl of Dufferin. ae ef peewee ferin. Blades, W: Biography and typography of William Caxton, England’s first printer. 2ded.- ill. 12°. PO 2eacae SnOleeiele« «ise =) eleleie lis\re/eynie/s). Scribner & W. Blaikie, Alex. History of Presbyterianism in New England. 12° 781.5% subs:, $2 ..-.--- Moore. 6. (Aug. 84.) | } | Blake; 2. C: J: W. Lovell. Dumaresque. Children’s thoughts in . by W. De Meza. 8°. Blake, Louise song and story ; ill 193 %618 OSes one) sie steers iar Mielec oer crater Cassell. Blake, Ma. Twenty-six hours a day. 12°. [’83.]*°” GED Dy erevem « aieeie) sree ales Reciemeiicie cae Lothrop. Blake, Ma. BE. [‘‘M.E.B.”] On the wing: rambling notes of a trip to the Pacific. 16°. ’83.*°8! $1..Leeg S. 120, 782.%*543 $1.95... Houghton, M. § Co. Old log house: hist. and defence of the Cumberland Presbyterian Chureh. 18°. [778.]**° HiDCs Gincin cc) celelele ecia = saoe oo 0coo on Oliginc tapas: Blake, W: William Blake, etchings from his works, embr. many of the rarest subjects; [ed.] by W. — Poems. os - Be Scotts GOs [eStipey Siete cer) Bouton. Blake, W: P. Iron and steel at the Vienna Exhibi- om, WG G0, [PoP ENG Gilloooooes Pease. Blakes and the Flanagans. Sadlier, Mrs. 25c. Sadlier. Blakeslee, S. V. Archology; the science of govern- ment. 12° [°76.]?8° $1.25.......----Moman. Blakiston, J. R. The teacher: hints on school man- agement. 12°. TS laaooooc .- Macmillan. Blakiston, Peyton. Modern society in its religious and social aspects. 12°. [’77.]?7 $2-. Macmillan. Blakiston’s duplicate prescription-book. PBS pocket size, 50c. ..+..+ esses eee ees . Blakiston. Blakston, W. A. [and others]. Illustrated book of canaries and cage birds. ill. demy. 4°. ’80.*% $15; hf, mor., $20.......-- Cassell, P., a. § Co.BLANC 4? BLUE Blanc, A: Alex. Phil. C: Art in ornament and dress: tr. from the French. 8° [’76.]?°? $3.75. Scribner, W. & A. — Crs of painting and engraving; tr. by Mrs N. Doggett. 3ded. ill. 12°. ’79.°77 $3... Griggs. Blanc, Mme. Therése. [‘‘ Théodore Bentzon.”] Aline’s | widowhood; from the French by M. N. Sher- wood. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°%* pap., 20c. Munro. 60 =2 352 — Remorse: anovel; fromthe French. 16°. ’78.° T5C.3 Pap. FOC. - seers eeeerereccs cers Appleton. Blanchard, Amy E. Parise and raindrops. ill. sq. 8°. | 299 1*556 ds., Bl.e cece ccceeses eae cei DULLOMN. — My own dolly; ill. in Peake by i Waugh. sq. 12°. B 2QDi55) hdse. BND. «oc caicieie cle esos sicie «i Dutton 1Q9 *556 — Wee babies; col. designs by i W ein AO. 282 5020. DAS Baie cic wicie ce wleicieis © vieicieie meveis elena erence Dutton. Blanchard, G: A., and Weeks, E: P. Law of mines, minerals, and mining water rights. 8°. [?77.]?”° Clie lis shp., $7.50..--+---+- podo0GOeOORUN S. Whitney. | Blanchard, J. Freemasonry illustrated; exposition of the 7 degrees of Blue Lodge and Chapter. 12°. 29 398 a eeocr re cece eee se ences es eee eeeees Cook. | mo Hevss cd Odd Fellowship illustr: ated. alls 120. 2Si1-502)) 5 Pap., DOC. -ccecccccnee cove cece caine COOK: | hee Ruf. Abraham Lincoln, the type of | American genius. por. 8° ’82[’81].*°% $1; fullrus., $3; (fine ed.) tky. mor., $5.. Blanchard. — Discovery and conquests of the northwest; incl. the | early hist. of Chicago, Detroit, ete. ill. and maps: 8° 7o0:5882 (S3:2p") leath.. $o.7b5, tky: MOF., GD-50. cece ccesccescece Cushing, T. § Co. — Rise and fall of political parties inthe U.S. 24°. 784, *641 50c.; pap., 25C. ....-.. Brentano Bros. Blanche Carey. Patricia (pseud.) $1.25.... O'Shea. | Bland, J. P., and O’Brien, J. Roman Catholicism and Americanism: discussion. 8°. ’80.4* pap., 10c. Am. News. Bland) —. A. Lifeof Bi Hh. Butler: por. 20: 7795%376 $1; pap., 50c......-.. eyejle aisle fe siais Oia eieele Lee & S. Blanford, W. T. Zodlogy and geology. See Persian Boundary Commission. Blanid! Joyce, RaW. PILDOn cece ce we aie Roberts. Blanqui, Jéréme-Adolphe. Hist. of political economy in Europe; from the 4th French ed., by E. J. Leonard; with pref. by D: A. Wells. 8°. ’80.*43° $3.50 eisisisliviciate avecalereialiolele eiereisicieisievecelieevste Putnam. Blaserna, P: Theory of sound in its relation to music. | _ (Humboldt lib.) 4°. 80.494 pap., 15c. Pitz gerald. —— Same. (internat. sci. sers) 129 ([e76-)7°* $1.50: Appleton. Blatchford, S: Reports. See United States, Circurt and District Courts. Blatherwick, C. Ducie diamonds. (Seaside lib.) 4°, 784.89 pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.83! pap., 10c. ... Munro. Blauvelt, A: Present religious crisis. 16°. ’82.*54! — aniliteisisiaeieieicvereie icici cyere niesers, siclale cscs ciate Putnam. | Blavatsky, ee H. P. Isis unveiled. 2v. 8° ['77.]%°| Spb DO terelelotsre exe) aio eiais s oa/eia) oi syerncie) cele. c1elets Bouton. Bleak House. See Dickens, C: Blessed company of all faithful people. Kimball, H WO, Ws sadounanc0 6000 conc .-e---Randolph. Blessed life. Tileston, Js. M. F. $1..... - Roberts. Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker,W: H. $1.50.. Roberts. Blessing and acurse. Farrar, F: W: 5c..Nat. Temp. Blessington, Countess. [Marg. Power Gardiner. ] Country quarters. New ed. (Dollar ser.) 12°. (anit. 275 Spill ste rors cvs rie aie Dune. | Bliss, C: R. Wakefield Congregational Church; com- memorative sketch. 1644-1877. 8° [77. ]?®? GO0c.; pap., 25c...-.- Beeler cle vererie ieie ore Eaton. Bliss, G: Code of civil procedure; [also] New court rules. See New York State, Courts. Bliss, P. P. Hold the fort; ill. by L. B. Hum- phrey and R. Lewis. sm. 4° [776.]*° $2. W. F. Gill. See also Lowry, R.;— Murray, J. R.;—Whittle, D. A. Bliss, Philemon. Treatise upon the 1 ae of pleading. 39, FRYE hs bidco oo once . H. Thomas. Bliss, Ward R. Digest of acts; [algo] a See Pennsylvania, Sup. Court and other courts. Blochwitz, J: Eastern question: brief hist. of Turkey; from the Germ. by Mrs. M. Wesselhoeft. maps. 18o, [teh S0cls paps, 20C..-- <1. Osgood. Block Island; handbook, with map. sq. 18°. [’77.]?” | PAP-, 2OCi ce cnsceaciccciencce occceremnce J. Hall. Blockade runner. See Narrative of a blockade runner. Blockade-runners. Verne, J. 10c. Fitch ; [N. Y. News. ] Bloede, Gertrud¢ ale Stuart Sterne.” ] Angelo: poem. | 18°. [is 77.308 SB Tiee era yetey etal oelelade svoleiels Turd § 71. New ed. 16°. ’79.97° $1..Houghton, O. § Co. = Giorzio’ and other poems. 24° ’81.*485 $1. — Houghton M. & Co. Blood of Jesus. Reid, W. 40c..... Am. Bapt.; Funk. Bloody chasm. De Forest, J: W. $1 ....Appleton. | Bloomfield, Georgiana (Baroness). Reminiscences of court and diplomatic life, 1841-70. 2 v. por. andill; 8°: 4825520 S750. 1 ee see eees Putnam. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.*°73 pap., 20c... Munro. Bloomfield, Julia IK. Glenwood. 16°. ’79.4°° $1.25. Phillips § H. Bloomfield, Rob. Farmer’s boy. (Vest-pocket ser.) S205 (eiKve \z22 DOC cs eccvs cidisre ters Steiner cre Osgood. The horkey; a ballad; ill. by G: Cruikshank. sq. 8°. SO DEMDEOE Ny 1 Se~ snilO lorcet ee areiclenercrs sare Macmillan. | — Little Davy’s new hat. 18°. ’7 | —- See also Modern classics. Blossom books. 10v. ill. sq. 12°. [’80.] $2.50. Phillips § H. Cont.: Bud and blossoms. — Pansy bed. — Children’s hour. — Daisy chain. — Summer wreath. — May flower. — Dew of the morning. — White lily. — Little Rose-bud. — Work and play. Blossom bud. Smith, Mrs. J. P. $1.50....Cavleton. Blossoming of an aloe. Hoey, Mrs. C. 20c. Munro. Blossoms by the way. C Boren C. A. $3 ...Lothrop. Blouét, Paul (ed.) L’éloquence de la chaire et de la tribune frangaises. v. 1: French sacred oratory. (Clarendon press ser.) 16° 7*84.°4° flex. cl., ME bs, GOCHerejerciaie cisters Aralero oie ofors -----Macmillan. Bloxam, C: Loudon. Chemistry, inorganic and or- ganic. dth ed., rev. iil; 8% 784.843 S375 leath., RAID) eicrelas eur cio clei cloke ees - Blakiston ; Lea. — Laboratory teaching; or, progressive exercises in practical chemistry. 4th ed. ill. 12°. ’79.%*99 45c... Routledge. B1.75 22 cece a rece wee cans Iindsay & Blakiston. Blue and red. Ewing, J. $1.50..4.§ J. B. Young. Blue-badge boys. nee Kee, 25) Ams Blueibanner. Cahun, Ll. $3.22. 0. 00... . Lippincott. Blue! Bell: Bramston; Mi. 60¢.3.0.......- -M. Ward. Blueblood: DWandey i, Sileb0ccccn ccc «ocr Shepard. Blue flag and cloth of gold. Warner, A. B. $1.25. Carter.ia it I r é BLUE 43 BONHAM Blue ribbon. Tabor, E. 20c..... are(s ciohele sjacereQULIUNO% | Bodleys on wheels. Scudder, H. E. $1.50. Blue Ribbon Society; or, the school girls’ rebellion. | Houghton, O. § Co. Bhelps) Mas. i. Ble... 3 Claxton, R. § H.| Bodleys telling stories. Scudder, H. BE. $1.50. Blue stocking. Edwards, Mfrs. A. $1; 50c...Sheldon. s es Hurd § H. Bluff crag series. Cupples, Mrs. A.J. 10 v. $3..Nelson Body gud wal: Maudsley, Hie 7522507 “0 - Appleton. Blutftons Sayaco Ma Jn Sien0n eee cee Tee as Boehmer, G: H. History of the Smithsonian _eX- ae 2 changes; from the Smithsonian report for 1881. Blumen und Sterne. Gerok, K: $1; $1.25; $1.75. G0; BDEESIC: an: ee ces ee See c - Smith. Inst. Kohler Blumenlese deutscher u. englischer Stammbuchverse fir das Autograph-Albuin. Ho6flich (pseud.) 25c. Enterprise Pub. Blumenstiel, Alex. Law and practice in bankruptcy. SOF (Siete shpssihileo Oe «coe eerers Ward & P. Blunders of a bashful man. See Gray, W. T. Blur vady | . Bedouin tribes of the E ates : | r Gl oe unt, Lady Anne. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates:|_oneme. W elles CxS) Teckee nee Putian ed. with account of the Arabs and their horses by W.S.B. map and sketches. 8°. 779.*37? $2.50. Harper. Blunt, J: H: Reformation of the Ch. of Eng. ; its hist., Boericke & ‘Tafel (comps.) American homeopathic pharmacopeia. 8°. ’82.*°43 $3.50..Boericke § T. Bogatzky, C: H: v. Golden treasury for the children of God. Newed. 8° 779. $1.50; gilt, $1.75. Routledge. Boggess, F. C. M. South Florida, the Italy of America. 12°. ’83.6% pap., 25c... Ashmead Bros. Bohemian (The). De Kay, C: $1..Scribner’s Sons. | Bohemian days. Townsend, G: A. 50c...H. Campbell. Bohemians in the 15th century ; tr. from the French by Mrs. Sadlier. _(Housetiold libs) 169, [ase eze DAD a aC fare cre cette) « wefe ele) nictetereie iayelarers .- Sadler. | Boisen, Hermann B. Preparatory book of German principles and results. v. 2, 1547-1662. 8°. | 782, #555 She) ere otaie cuniaieia coke els i JE OB: Young. Blush roses: Morse, ©. BE. 50c.......... --- Harper Bliithgen, V: Ein Friedenstérer; [also] Der heim- | liche Gast, von R. Byr. (Deutsche Luib.) 4°. Bole jo, Aleacocodgo0cacn ane eisiaie cyster! Munro. Blyth, B. C. Thoughts on the Lord’s prayer. 12°. PO EW acocaqccooosedoc0ane Se ae eee o« Ott. Boardman, G: Dana. Epiphanies of the risen Lord. QOF iQ eeol OO cic oe resecevccess Appleton. — Shrewd steward. Rev. ed. 24°. ’83.*°89 pap., | | | prose; with notes. (Martha’s Vineyard ser.) MOS 2S Dencols ete ilies cn crclele a cicreicicie © store - Ginn. Boit, Rob. Apthorp. Eustis: anovel. 12°. ’84.*844 $1.50. Osgood. Boker, G: H. Book of the dead. 12°. ’82.*533 $1.50 Lippincott. Bolanden, Conrad de (pseud.) See Bischoff, J. E. Bolles, Alb. S. Conflict between labor and capital. 15. ee ee ee ee ae i ae ae Am. S. S. New ed. 12°. [°77.]?9} pap., 75c...Luppincott. s in the creative week. 12°, Pee ile 20's | sae Financial hist. of U.S., 1774-1789. 8°. 2805483) $9250: Appleton. i Appleton. —,Studies in the model prayer. 12° 779.¥979 $1.25. | — Same, 1789-1860. 8°. 783.97 §=$3.50 ..-6 4 Appleton. Appleton. | — Industrial hist. of Wiatstag with description of Canadian — Studies in the mountain instruction. 129! 81 | industries. 8°. 78,382 $3.75; leath., $4.25; [’80].*487 $1.25 Hacoee eck A ean . Appleton. tky. mor., $5.25 ...... 100 00000 006 a cs creiee DULL. — Titles of a pastor’s Wednesday evening ; lectures on} Bolles, J: R. The edelweiss: a poem. 16°. ’81.°! the New Testament. 24°. ’83.*589 pap., loc. Silearoaioneie ere eistere! «\cine erercs erellere steelers oceee Allyn. Am. S. Se Boardman, G: N. The will; [also] Virtue: essays. > TGQ CO ORCSo sD Oki eie, ctalels clerciels is siere ieee Revell. — and others. Current discussions in theolo Beye Wo Ibe Introductory. 120 783:48 Sil... . Revell. Boardman, H: A. Bible in the conning nonce: lect- ures to merchants; introd. by R. Bickersteth. (Ada Gab UG PP REO alifes oc000 ba007 Am. S.S. — Bible in the family; or, hints on domestic happiness. WS, IPTOG]| UWitdosa coco or scoacn coed Am. S.S. —— Earthly suffering and heavy ‘enly glorye 12en eiselpee Gh oD Vetellek el ayelel oitaralelerave niecefels) « elieners/elaie ere aie Lippincott. — Higher life doctrine of sanctification, tried by the word of God. 12°.° [°77.)?8" $1.25...Presb. Bd. — Mottoes forthe new year. 12°. ’81.°°7 $1.50. Claxton. Boat-builder series. See Adams, W: T. Bob Dean. Hood, Ms. BE. N. $1.50.......-Claaion. Bobby and Rosie; or, a summer in the life of two children. wile 1205 (Biseole i eve ens Carter. Bocaccio, Giovanni. Decameron; or, ten days’ enter- tainment; with introd. by T: Wright, por. after Raphael, 10 designs by T. Stothard and 12 de- signs fromthe Milaned. cr. 8°. [’77.]?" $2.75. R. Worthington. Bock, C: Head-hunters of Borneo: narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito; also journeyings in Sumatra. maps andill. 8°. 782.529 BT.5O. pce cece ween eevee ncreuner § W. Bodenhamer, W: Essay on rectal medication. 8°. [P2782] 989 BL «we wee cee ence nearer ecce Wood. Bodenstedt, F: Von Atlantischen zum Stillen Ocean. 8°. 782.*547 $3.70; pap., $2.80.....--- Steiger Bodines. Up de Graff, T.S. $1.50...... Iippincott. Bodley grandchildren and their journey in Hol and. Scudder, H. E. $1.50. . Houghton, : . § Co. Bodleys afoot. Scudder, H. EH. $1.50. TEGO &§ Co. Bolte, Amely. Madame De Staél; an historical novel. (Hudson lib.) 4°. 783. pap., 20c. ....... Putnam. Bolton, H. Carrington. Student’s guide in quantitative analysis; an aid to the study of Fresenius’ sys- tem. dll; 80; 28206888 S50). <1. -.. seeees Wiley. Bonaparte, C: L. See Wilson, A., and Bonaparte, C: L Bonar, And. A. Brook Besor: words for those who must tarry at home. 24°. 780 [’79 ].*4° 50c.. Carter. oe Com ena onthe book of Leviticus. 12°. [’77.]?7 GUPTID) ei ere re lel ee cielo sanele ciel eee Carter — Gospel pointing tothe pero of@hrists Ge; [aici ee Be. : Bon ogododGa Cd -» Carter — Palestine for the young. 16°, ‘81. 479 $1. of Bradley. Bonar, Horatius. How shall I go to God? and other readings. 24° ’83.*8!0 4Qc. .......... Carter. — Hymns of the nativity, and other pieces. sq. 16°. © PQ USGL So ae nigatencrnc oe ateciee sieoicrare OGICEN: — Life and work of the Rey. G. Th. Dodds, missionary in connection with the McAll Mission, France. por. 12% 784.*898 BQ... ..eeseee cece sens Carter. — My old letters. 12°. PPP GOT c csrcferetera O@nLEN = — White fields of France; or, story of Mr. M’All’s mis. sion to the working-men of Paris and Lyons. 100: 27 ORMONDE ccicrcrarcietercicicias aie efere COLE Bonaventure, St. Life of Christ; tr. and ed. by W. H. Hutchings. 12°. 81.4? $1.75..H. § J. B. Young. Bond & Weigley (comps. ) The legal, bank and report- ing directory. 8°. ’82.°7 $25. Same. 8°. [’83.]®® $25 ..--- sie croc Biclate clei ereiaie > cielelsieiats Bond. Bond and free. Ingraham, M/s. BH. M. $1.50. Ingraham. Boner, J: H: Whispering pines: poems. 12°. 783.*°!° pap., BL. .-.e cece cece ccceees Brentano Bros. Bonham, J. W. ‘Temple of pleasure; or, seeing life, SQ) LOO [Celle aap lla relates enews tncend Mucklow. Ce Sera eaeBonham, Jeriah. BONHAM 44 BOSANQUET Fifty years’ recollections ; hist. events, | Books for the young. Hewins,C.M. 25c...Leypoldt. sketches of eminent citizens, their lives and public | Books for young girls; W/V. 32% (’80.] ea., 10e. services. Bonheur des dames. Zola, E. $1.25; T5c.-- Peterson. Bonitz, Hermann. lecture; from 4th Germ. ed., by L: R. Packard. OCs wh cists sie oo wicks oete 5s tee e eee tees Le 28 ()ikde2) TDG. 6 cicie «is cle sins ce eels Harper. | Books of 1879: as recorded in the Publishers’ Weekly, sq. 24°. Bonne-Marie. Bonnechose, FE chef des armées de la Moselle, ete., introd. by FON ATS! | CCH cere as clesie ile sie (ocieieie Macmillan. Bonner, Sherwood( pseud.) See MacDowell, Mrs.KateS. k lle = 80s 28d G82. Soe leath., $3.50. Cath. Pub. Bonham. Cont.: Young girl’s month of May. — June. — July. — Octo- | ber. — November. — December. — March. Origin of the Homeric poems: a| Books of all time. Leypoldt, F., and James, L. E. Leypoldt. with notes and library headings. 8°. ’80.4?° pap., : pice iTiky ONT inv cleiaiel oieiele (oleke evo io.e ereiatsislsl ile oterere Pub. Weekly. mile de. lJazare Hoche, général en feo : 5 ; ae a y 1793-97: | Boone, C: T. Gould's annual digest. See New York, State, Sup. Court. | . . . |— Manual of the law applicable to corporations; also, | Gréville, H: $1; 50c..-.-- Peterson C. Colbeck. (Pitt press ser.) 16°. rules peculiar to banks, railroads, religious socie- ties, municipal bodies, ete. 16°. ’82.°% shp., Bonniesbesl cya Mann eg eo BODEN: $3 oo adda: She Pee eee S. Whitney. Bonny eagle. (Satchel ser.) sq. 12°. [’78.] 443 pap.,|— Manual of the law of real property. 16°. ’83.°°7 OC esekoye eioierewieatie, olescsonchen ys la . Authors’. flex. slip., $3.-20-- 6. -.e5 since een S. Whitney. Bonny Kate. Fisher, F.C. 70¢..--+++-+++4 {ppleton. | Boot, W.H. J. Trees and how to paint them in water Bonnybel Vane. Cooke, J: E. $1.-+------ Harper. colors. col. pl. obl. 12°. ’83.°4 $2.50. -- Cassell. Bonsall, Bartram L. Cash; or, practical hints for} Booth, Ma. L. Hist. of the city of New York. New ed. practical people. 12°. 783579 $1.50 .. Bonsall. | HT. (BOs 280 RAS2) Ra rece) sci mie ccc Dutton. Bonsall, J. Northern tourist’s book of summer travel. | — (ed.) Nee and complete coe ok wench ae ill, 8% $1; pap., 50C...--.- +--+. eee J: BE. Potter. | manual; Comp. from t le Hrench, with hist. o : g : clock and watch making in Am. New ed. pl. 122. Bonus, J: Shadows of the rood; or, types of our suffer- ony 871 eo ‘ Wiley : Sout oa i 17. Vie aie tole eolei cle ee cielo ele hieteret< . ; ing Redeemer Jesus Christ, in the book of Genesis. | t a ree Rita on) Mar . , > for 9 ae | “¢ ce a. 10 ye S — SdAm: ed, rev. 169 (278.83) Wbc..... Murphu. | Booth, Mrs. Otto. Lo avitacd| Adrienne: SUOTY of : . : aA French life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°4 pap., Bonwick, Ja. Egyptian belief and modern thought. 10¢ ice go RQ Saoh Dies cars oie ois ole nein eri WE | eee FS alels oleic ei cia ore poets sete ee - ooo M ‘ : : [ eet ee BO TLE? 9 |— Daphne: anovel. 12°. 80.44! $1.25; pap., 60c. — Our nationalities; or, who are the Irish, Scotch, | oe es W els!) 1 Enclish? 12°. 781.499 $92 Lippincott. Ish, ¢ inelish: 205 Oil D2. 7 ; a AAO EOGR PTO Las. elsh, anc £ ee Paya | ae Faustine: anovel. 16°. ’83 [°82].*°® $1. .Lippincott. Scribner ¥ W. ‘ : : 4 Le f : , 5 ' — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.5 pap., 20c.-- Munro. andits story. Ranyard, Jfs. E. $1.50.... Carter. | s peewee aioe S Leas Boor andits/sior He a se Ore) __ Bragoletta: anovel. 12°. ’81.*5°7 $1.25. .Lappincott. Book-hunter. See Burton, J: I. | — My lady coquette. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.*#7 pap., Book-lover’s enchiridion. Ireland, A. $2; $5. | DOC sa ac eee cele wiles Sree ie ice mien Munro. , i = ‘ : . Saran : Houghton, M. § Co. | — Sinless secret. Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°°7 pap., 20c. Book of Bible words; list of all the words used in the Munro. Bible, accentuated for pronunciation, with mean-| Booth, Wa. S. Constable’s manual for the State of ings of obsolete terms. fcap. 8°. [’76.]°°* $1. | Minnesota. 16°. [’77.]78° flex., 75c....- Booth. Cassell, P., G. §& Co. | — Highway manual for Dakota: guide. for “overseers of Book of concord. Jacobs, H:.E. $6..... Iyedertck. | highways and county road supervisors. 2d ed. Book of eloquence. Warner, C:D. $1.50..Hastman. 12°. 784 [’83].°! pap., 35c....-.-.- < e/aleie DOOLIU: Book of forty puddings. Brown, 8. A. 50c. |— Township manual for Dakota. 12°. ’84 [’83].°? Scribner’s Sons. | pap., Stilts ever] crele dl cravelevolel(oloisie) 6 ncleliotovereys cece DOOtL. Book of gold. Book of golden S.C. $5 Book of rhyme. Trowbridge, Ais AL. S250. «<6 Harper. | Boots and saddles. Stevenson, ye ee seb Oa Patriot. deeds. See Yonge, C. M. | Boots at the Holly-tree Inn. See Dickens, C: Book of love stories. Perry, N. $1..--.--. Osgood. | Bo-peep; story book for children. 4° [’78.]*° bds., Book of memories of great men and women. Hall, | BL.50 2. cee cee eee cece ce eww ee ces .. Lothrop. 92 CO. BO eee eee rete eens DOOGOL hk. Worthington. | Bo-peep; treasury for the little ones. ill. sq. 8°. ’82.*58 Webster, A. $1.25..... Macmillan. MeO DOSe nl crercle @ yeti s Boston town. Scudder, H. E. $1.50. Houghton, M. & Co. Boswell, Ja. Life of Samuel Johnson, incl. the tour | to ie Hebrides: [20% 27.825" Soe an ae Holt. — Same. New ed., with notes and app. by A. Napier. Di Ve. 80, 784,640 $22.50; large pap. ed., only 104 copies printed, 25 for U. S., 5 v. 8°. $80. Iippincott. Bosworth, Francke H. Manual of diseases of the throat and nose. 8°. 781.473 $3.25...... Wood. Bothmer (Countess) M.-v. Aut Cesar aut nihil: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’83.*°°9 pap., D0 Gas esis Cee ce is co eels ee cee csrae : eens Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.94 pap., 20c...Munro. Bothwell. De Peyster, J: W. oe or pave ate circula- BLOM) fe crere > - Ludwig. Botta, Mrs. Annie ©. l. Poems. 12° °82.°7° $1.50. Putnam. Botte, C: Small-pox and vaccination ; predisposing con- dition and prevention: New cheap ed. 12°. ’82.°?° BOC. weer ee cece cee vne rereces Siajeiale) ol slate) ats Moore. Bottle (The) in eight plates. Cruikshanks, G: 15e. Happy. , theoretical mechan- GOOF iad aae ten lee Putnam. comedy, ed. Bottomley, J. T. ics. (Elem. sci. ser.) Dynamics; or ill. London Boucicault, Dion. assurance: by A. B. Sedgwick. 16°. ([78.} pap., 15c. De Witt. — Love and money; comedy. 16°. [’78.] 15c... Happy. | 20 O-. — Story of Ireland. Boudoir cabal. See Murray, E. Bouldin, Powhatan. Home reminiscences of J: Ran- dolph, of Roanoke. 12°. [?78.]??7)9°% $2.50. Randolph & E.; West, J. & Co. Boulnois, H. Percy. Dirty dust-bins and sloppy streets : practical treatise on the scavenging and cleaning | of cities and towns. 8°. 781.2% $1.40....Spon. — Municipal and sanitary engineer’s ardihogke ill. 8°. Bune. Dla. Spon. Boulton, S. B. Russian empire: its origin and devel- Coe (Bop. lib.) map. 24° 782.*8%) 50c; PAP., 2ZOC. -scccccsseccscces Cassell, P., G. & Co. 181 £299 “paps, lOc. C. G. Osgood. Bound in honor. Trowbridge, J: T. $1; 50c...Lee g§ S. Bound together. Mitchell, D. G. $1.25. Scribner's Sons. Dutton. virgin and 16°. 80), 487 S. Miniature for every day of Bowden, H life of Mary, | mother, | | the month. 30c. — Miniature lives of the saints. ] Benziger. Publie hygiene | Bowditch, H:I., and Pickering, H. G. | in America; centennial discourse before the Internat. Med. Congress, Phila., Sept., 1876; extracts from correspondence from various States; with digest of Am. sanitary law. cr. 8°. [°77.]31°)-HZ.50.--s eee eee eee Little, B. § Co. | Bowen, Mrs. C. E. Among the brigands, and other tales of adventure; ill. by T. H. Collins. 5th thous. 16% [779.**2 40c.-.-<..5-~ Coffins ©: (Ci ip2:b0 rece. oie SLES: eoyie of the Sierras. Montgomery, W. Pee 25 -Lee § & 75. Ga ] Boys’ and girls’ first story-book. ill. sq. 12°. [’80.]*#% COLNE codec Bn olele aie sisi geen dae Susea oer - Lippincott. Boys’ and girls’ treasury. Guernsey, L. E. 6 v. $1.80. Whittaker. Boys’ and girls’ treasury. Uncle Herbert (pseud.) STO) DSi ple 2b i siare orn cic a ere eis ce ee Lippincott. ?| Boys’ pocket library. 5 v. 24°. [?77-'79.]4% $2: Gann ACs ctl or eeerereers a serine 50d (Phillips & I. Cont.: 1. Rab and his friends. —The mountain of mis- eries, and other stories. 2. Sea-fights.— The wreck of the Golden Mary. 3. Men of iron.—Three great potters. — The Russian vase. 4. Popular delusions. 5. Strange stories about strange people. Boys’ winter evening library. Verne, J. $2. Donnelley, L. §BRACE 47 BRASSEY Brace, C: Loring. Dangerous classes of N. Y., and twenty years’ work among them. 38d ed., with adda all 120, 280 ESs SI Ob ean. cen Wynkoop. — Free trade as promoting peace and good-will among men. (Economic monographs.) 12°. ’79.*375 PAD ee OCH er sister cre cies ce aietc cS nine veremrcie Putnam. — Gesta Christi; or, a hist. of humane progress under Christianity. BOF {82888 eb Occ - Armstrong. Bracebridge Hall. See Irving, W. Brachet, A: Public school elementary French gram- mare, 1205) |eiGilees OCacsae oe ea Lippincott. — Same ; with exercises, adpt. for Eng. schools, by P. H. EK. Brette, and G. Masson. pt. 2: Syntax. WA eR GO: occacocos0 Gao dae Lippincott. Brachvogel, Udo. Theissland und sein Dichter. 8°. (S250 e223. paps. OC eric cree cree era Steiger. Brackenbury, C. B. Frederick the Great. (New Plutarch ser.) 169 784.*85 Sy. ..... Putnam: Brackett, Anna C., and Eliot, Ida M. (eds.) Silver treasury of poetry for home and school. (Holi- day ed.) ill. sq. 16% [76.]28° $1.75... Putnam. | Bradburn, Mis. Fes. H. Memorial of G. Bradburn, by his waite; por: 1205 483.4822 Sil'50.... Cupples. Bradbury, W: F. Eaton’s practical arithmetic; oral and written’ exercises; 12° (2795s) 9bdc: Thompson, B. & Co. — Elementary geometry: plane, solid, and spherical. (Univeeds)) 1208 [inet Ntmors. 60: Thompson, B, ay Co. Braddon, M. E. See Maxwell, IMs. M. EH. Braden, Clark. Problem of problems, and its various solutions; or, atheisin, Darwinism, and theism. We 208 erGalee! Same. New rey. ed. aievela coset ssi CILQSE: [LS (2. ..-- Chase: ] Bradford, N. K. Songs of real children. 16°. [’78.]9?° a POO Bie s sicie eels esis siete niles peice eo C. W. Bryan. | Bradford, W. H. Thirty possible problems of percent- ape GO [iia LOC © orsi- ..-.- Bardeen. Bradford, W: Rosebush; or, life in California. Satchel’ ser.) sq. 169, [Silos pap: 20c: W. B. Smith. | — Yesterdays in Paris: sketch from real life. (Satchel ser.) sq. 16°; ([/80:]%*22 pap., 25c.. .Anthor's’- Bradley, Aloysius J. D. Gentle remonstrance: letter to F: C. Ewer, on the subject of ritualism. NG, ODEN CSL con 00n0 sano conan are IV USUELs Bradley, D: L. (comp.) Water-front directory and car route guide of New York City and vicinity. N20; VB e88) MANss ZOC.. wie clereis D: L. Bradley. Bradley, E: [‘‘ Cuthbert Bede.” ] Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. (Lakeside lib.) ill. 4°. [’77.]?78 DADs OO cieieionjeleiaye eine eis nieie Donnelley, L. § Co. — Duke’s plantation. (Seaside lib.) 4° 781.°!® pap., NO GH eraysvon ei cie is ercitarev cis is akele lois efeici el atela ec) skaters) Wunro. Bradley, G: Granville. Recollections of Arthur Pen- rhyn Stanley, late Dean of Westminster. 12°. 20 SOO ON ae Scie ears aes oye .. Scribner's Sons. | Bradley, Mrs. Ma. KE. Carol Olmsted. 16°. 76. $1. Am. Bapt. — Charlotte’s friend. 16°. ’76. $1.......Am. Bapt. — Little Amy’s work; or, the higher law. 16°. ’81.%% Bile Oye retain (aleieis ois) .00; wy Zed O}eilerere - «eee Cassell. : ee ees ee _. . |— Madge, tae ae and other y0ems. ill. sm. 4° Brief honors; romance of the Great Dividable. (Jeri- | 18] 33, l Da ia pe ‘ Bee enters BtaLBE: eis ORR In oe ees is arlan. cho ser.) 129. 228. SNE asters crevers | : Q 290 563 my [’77.] | -TJansen. | __ Papa’s ttle daughters. ill. sq. 8°. 782.563 SLT a y¢ grrictoer roreoae 2c a, FQ . or . o-~ S -~y riefs by a barrister: verses. Johnes, E: R. 1.20. | bds., $1.25 Kreis ieete teee cess Cassell, P., G. & Co. : is Putnam. | — and Perry, Nora. Midget’s baby, and other erarice 5 Briggs, C: A: Biblical study; its principles, methods | WE Go (eS oiess bdst35c5 aacece 3c - Lothrop. and history : with catalogue of books of reference. | r ROCeaeaC ll SRNR A gue eee , refe See | Brinkley, Mrs. Xu. L. Woman’s thoughts about men. Ov. SP Hfo ON) iravakaie)(s781(0).0) 0/0 <0 Cromer Ons. | BY, EEE HO, BOs o acccnc00 caco occ Derby. Briggs, G: R. Elements of plane analytic geometry. 20, 28 eeD ISTO as cers wee Wiley. Briggs, Helen P. (ed.) Sacred songs for little singers : for primary classes in Sabbath-schools. sq. 16°. Brinton, Dan. G. Aboriginal Am. authors and their productions; especially those in the native lan- guages: chapter in the hist. of literature. 8°. 1 bds., $ Siewieieiete cis esse seis 6 Brinton. 2B LSS BO Ce we mievere ais oleic el) tatale) «/ ee nla Ward § D. |— American hero myths. 8° ’82.°7 $1.75.... Watts. Briggs, H: Steam-heating: exposition of the Am. prac- | — (ed.) Maya chronicles. (Lib. of aborig. Am. lit.) 8°. tice of warming buildings by steam. (Sci. ser.) 820 $3.50; pap., Bd.-----.+-- eee Brinton. 24°, 83.611 bds., 50c.......--- Van Nostrand. | — See also Giiegiience. Briggs, IT. P. Song of songs: paraphrase in verse of | Brisbane, Alb., and Fourier, C: Gen. introd. to social Solomon’s Song; introd. .by F. Johnson. 16°. | science. pt. 1: Introd. to Fourier’s theory of so- 782,568 flex. cl., 50c.; pap., 25C..+..++-0s Barle. cial organization ; by A. Brisbane. pt. 2: Social Brigham, C: H: Memoir and papers. por. 12°. 81, 492 | destinies; by ©: Bouner. 82. ~ [76-]); ce ol. GME Diciesetevicvaleie tele) slo wis eis Gis aererets Lockwood, B.& Co. | Somerby. 2 - ve Brisbin, Ja. S. Beef bonanza; or, how to get rich on Brigham, Gershon N. Phthisis pulmonalis; or, tu- taney: ee Re le aan : UPS «es eae ar c aie ; . I the plains : cattle-growing, sheep-farming, horse- bercular phthisis. 8°. ’82.*°°? $2.. Boericke & T. | : : me USIOB and Gurying: UE L208 28 (RS 0i esc Brigham, Mrs. S. J. Babs: verses. ill. sq. 16°. ’81.*916 SpledOyaereiele melemieainrcr Secieie es ..+- Lippincott. etl, CMNO5 Goac sac S eyets Phillips & HH. : am wy: i | Bristling ty vith thorns. Beard, O. T. $1-.. Detroit News. > : d' letter ; r stories ; : Brig ee S se oa [8t. 00s org d ALAND, ‘and a othe non 7. | Bristowe, J: Syer. ‘Treatise on the theory and practice ee ey ee ee pe Boe tos of medici ae ed., with notes, by J. H. Hutchin- Bright, H: Ne English flower-garden, with illustrative | son. 8°. [’76.]75! $5.50; leath., $6.50-.-.. Zea. notes: 120 2Siaee Slo... eeu «4s , ‘ x ‘ ‘ = | British Bi el Greenwell, W: $10.... Macmillan. — Year in a Lancashire garden. 120, “279 3365 Si. 2 | ‘: = cm Tine British goblins. Sikes, We «BE O alere oreo) wieiele) ere Osgood. Bright, J. F. English history for se hools. 3. maps | | British in India. James, Siz W: M. $4-. Macmillan. and plans. 12°. Vlei cnD leat or erere Dutton. | British northwest: pen and sun sketches in the Canadian I | Pp! umss \ ve Bright, J: Public addresses; ed. by J. E. T. Rogers. wheat lands. ill. 89. ’82.°°° pap., 50c.. Pioneer. QOl 27. ONS86, REN (ae cronies coe Macmillan. | British painters; with examples of their work eng. on Bright, Mathilda. [‘‘Lyndon.”] Margaret: story of wood. 4° 781 [’80].*" $8......-. Appleton. life ina pret home. New issue. 12°. ’80.4° | British thought and thinkers. Morris, G:S. $1.75. $l. mel eioistneic)crs aie nie cleereya sb slae 56 .. Ward § D. | Griggs. — Oxley. ine woissue. 129 “#8048 Si .. Wand S D.\ Brittan, Ht. G. Woman’s talk about India; domestic Bright, W: Notes on the canons of the first four gen. | habits and customs of the people. 16°. ’80.4%? councils. 8°. 782.93 net, $1.40 ..- Macmillan. DO Cry ceiersre cia DOO OndQDOOROCCODOOCN0UL 4m. S. S. Buen RS day ser. 10 v. ill. sq. 8°. [82.7999 bds., Pec S. B. Battle-ground of the spiritual reforma- IF) ()iScneva cove leres ore crelaversleere cislaleuse evole teers Routledge. tion. 129. One : B2.ver eee error) oheeie oe ( olby Cont.: Meg’s tales. —Sunny days. — Hazy days. — The little Rational spiritualism; views and opinions of the Am. musician. — White caps. — Beppo. — Baby’s morning. — Al- Ps spiritualists. 16°. [’77.]?8 pap., 5c.-..- Colby. ENE TET No WOE HELE SNOWED | Britten, Emma Hardinge. Ghost land: researches into Brent aay in the old plantauon time. Banks, M. R. the mysteries of occultism; autobiographical 50. Seine wSile ics wisi cle celcle sie Lee § S. | sketelyest (80) GviGizse SS) i ecmarn cei) Williams. ere gems; for S sapbatlives Hoel. Ellenberger, S. B. | Britton, Wiley. Memoirs of the rebellion on the OD. Creme Bier ete iekel coerce eis as eee avers CUI border, 1863. 12°. ’82.*584 $9..Cushing, T. §Co. Bright Sundays. Heild, Ms. $1.. Cassell, P.,@. § Co. | Britts, Mattie Dyer. Honest and earnest; or, Fred Brighter days. Chapman, H.C. $1...... Presb. Bd. Norman’s trials. ill. 16°. [’°83.]*®? $1.Am. Bapt. Brighter side of suffering. Whittet, R. $2. Broadcast. Adams, N. $1....-........-.- Lothrop. Randolph § E.|Broadley, A. M. low we defended Arabi and his Brighter than the sun. Macduff, J: R. $3.50.. Carter. friends: story of Egypt and the Egyptians; ill. Brightly, F: C: Reports; [also] Digest of reports. by F. Vi lliers. 8°. 784.939 $6.50.. Scribner § W. See New York, State, Court of Appeals and Sup. |Broadribb, W. J. Demosthenes. (Ane. classics for Court. — Pennsylvania, Courts. — United States, Ing. readers.) 12°. [’77.]?7! $1... Lippincott. Sup. Court. Broadus, J: A. Lectures on the history of preaching. Brigitta. See Auerbach, B. 120, ([P76.)25° BL-b0 .. 6c... siecle sin eS LELCLOM: Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme. Gastronomy as a fine art.|— Three questions as to the Bible: sermon. 16°. 120°. Wipes SoA Ocean cee Scribner, W. & A. [483.1 *8% pap, LOc. =<. elaine eelnre ANU Oe Brine, Mrs.Ma.D. Bessie, the cash girl. 16°. [’78.]*!| Broadway in 1851; reprinted from Daggett’s N.Y. BOCs ciaeisise ie bc aie ee) oly iaeyaoiee ie Wiese oid Nelson & P. City street directory, for 1851. 24°. (’78.]° a2 — Christmas rhymes and New Year’s chimes. ill. obl. pap., 25C.+--. pe Sees ol pore us -- Worden. 12°, 783 [’82].*59 $2.25; bds., p1.75.- Harlan. | Brock, Mrs. Carey. Sunday echoes in week-day hours — Four little friends; or, papa’s daughters in town. 7th, 8th ser. 2v. 16°. [?77-’78.]?°? ea., $1.25. I Oos Sooner bds., $1.25; $1.75...- Cassell. Dutton. 7. (Aug. 84.) BO iy Svayirik Li} thi 1 | | a tr: { j ly 4 ; t iW | |} oie A tI 4 it} i | jet hi othe +} i a BROCK Brock, R. A. Richmond as a manufacturing and trading centre; incl. hist. sketch of city. ill. and map. 8°. [’80.]**° pap., 50c. [Randolph § E. } Brockett, L. P. Silk industry in America: hist. pre- pared for the Centennial Exposition. 8°. [’76. lee DO! sesic ccc cscs cece vei { Van Nostrand. | Brocklehurst, T: Unett. Mexico to-day: a country with a great future, and a glance at the prehist. remains and antiq. of the Montezumas. col. pl., 8°. $7.50.. Scribner & W. ‘ 500 584 map and eng. 8308". Brodie SiC. Ideal chemistry: lecture. 16°. ’81.*7° RID Cs ersicliee Be Mats ele esr) oie ciskovele ia ielates Macmillan. Brodie, Emily. Dora Hamilton’s choice. ill. 12°. SOF eee S125. wee wen eee cece sae oo CUURIATS — Elsie Gordon; or, through thorny paths. 12°. oeee Carte. [’79. | asze SO ace — Jean Lindsay, the vicar’s IB] sD eerte rovel cre cleiiele © e)islejeieiein) sic sve (eis ae ee Garter — Lonely Jack and his friends at Sunnyside. 12°. e250 SBLBD Hicvereicisia cloeies efeitos) 6 ciclo are ore CAD LCI. = Nora Clinton: or, did I do right? 12° ([[?83.]*°?2 TOD ei ie es ee Oe eee ae . qa everersle) oisvors - Munro. — Tenant of Wildfell Hall. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.48? | pap., 20c..........--.. nice cisieleiereucl aie ererets Munro. Bronté, Ctte. Jane Eyre. sq. [ Mrs. Nichols 16°. 3 72D 569 pseud., *¢ Currer Bell.””] ~S. W. Green. Toe — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 779.98 pap., 1dc. Tar per. — Same. 12°. ’83.°°? pap., 50c. Same. (Lovell’s libs) 160 283588) Snap. 2OCiss cece J: W. Lovell. — Same. (New lib. ed.) ill. 12° ([°77.] $1.25; is Ge folky EMG5adcqGa0 cucodac Scleteines Porter & C. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781.519 pap., 20c. Ogilvie. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.84 pap., .() Ototeloce) eiey-ie\eicia cisvciel oir esc cvs Creieycls cieiexe Munro. — Poems. 16°. ’82.*° limp vel., $1; limp tree cf. or sealskin, $4.50; embossed leath., $4.50. White § S. ——sProtessor, (bop. libs) 8e: wSts!8= paps, 25c. : Etch ; — Shirley. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.99 pap., 2) Oe wieseaeice . eholoheXe: sielsle) sie) states «) oul Wunro. [WV. Y. News. | | — Fairport nine. ill. 1 | | BROOKS Bronté, Ctte., continued. — Villette. (New lib. ed.) ill. 12°. “| Ble2ds hf. cf., gilt, $3 ....2+seee eeeeee os e- - Porter & C. Brook, Leon. Beautiful woman. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40, 778,339 pap., MWe coscdcdonnoond00K Harper. Brook, Sa. French hist. for English children. col. maps: 12%) {Seer ipailaiecletere te or Macmillan. — Same, rev. and ed. by G:C. Eggleston. maps and TE 16 Os 2B ee ee ee ree cyelaiclerere eres Harper. Brook Besor. Zonar, A- A. 50cC. .-s..2...0.- Carter. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain. Gordon, G:H. $8. Osgood. Brooke, R:S. Recollections of the Irish Church. er. Son Met BD nl e reletec ne wien Macmillan. Brooke, Stopford A. English literature; Am. ed., rey. and brought to date by F.Gilbert. (Lit. manu- als.) 18°. ’82.°4 flex. cl., 40c... Kawrbanks, P.§ Co. — Faith and freedom. 12° (78)-*485 S150... Lillis. — John Milton. (Classical writers.) 16°. 77! Appleton. Brookes, C. Bankes. Popular guide to the terms of art and science. 12°. 1....- Lippincott. Brookes, Ja. H. From death unto life; or, the sinner saved) 188 280'432) pape. 2 se cle LALON: 79. *408 g JO Cr aie siete [972 7326 g 732 L ‘ -| — How to use the Bible. sq. 18°. pap., l5ce. Cox. = Jsithe Bible true? 6% [ St o.332. Cox. — The way made plain. 2 pts. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. 783. 1897 ea., pap., 10c. ..--.... Am. S.S8S. Bible reading on the second coming of 18°. [2r|c8= pap:, 2oc: E. A. Wilson. its history and romance. _ ill. sq. Pap: LOC. = em cciercre ne A. F. W. Leslie. Brooklyn Library. Analytical and classed catalogue: authors, titles, subjects and classes. [S. B. Noyes, comp.] f° ’78-’80.*47° $6; hf. mor., $7. Brooklyn Inb. | — and others. Christ, with introd., ete. Brooklyn bridge: 169; 283502". Brooks, Byron A. King Saul; tragedy. New ed. LG fe78.92 Sl50. oe. n= seiee -- Nelson § P. — Those children and their teachers: a story of to- Guy. JG% “82. Fee oer oie om = winielnieinin Putnam. Daughter of the stars. (Acting drania.) 16°. 782.58 pap., loc: ....ftoorbach. Brooks, C: T. William Ellery Channing: centennial memory. por. and ill. 16°. ’80.*#?9 $1.50. . Roberts. Brooks, E: Higher arithmetic. 12°. [’76. ]?%4 $1.25 hf. roan, eayaneke(ow Sower. 128 ata. toile: Sower. 782) PES) SILO: Eldredge. 16°. [(778.] 385c..Sower. 169. (7285 © 220.0 Sower:. 12°. $1.25. — Key to geometry and trigonometry. — Manual of elocution and reading. 12°. New mental arithmetic. New primary arithmetic. New written arithmetic. Sower. — Normal higher arithmetic. Newed. 12°. [’78. ]%4 SOD cee cieroiciers eeaners Siaiecerelslcieeinicie Sb eios 6 Sowes — Normal methods of teaching. 12° [7’79.] $2.25. Sower. — Philosophy of arithmetic as developed from the three fundamental processes of synthesis, analysis, and comparison, also a hist. of arithmetic. New ed. Bos RMSE eee VO cieierciste ieee: Sower. — Union arithmetic complete. 12°. isis 90c: Sower. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Life-work of Elbridge Gerry Brooks, minister in the Universalist church. por. 12° ’81.*488 $1.25. Universalst. Brooks, Mrs. Mar. Gowen. [‘‘ Maria del Occidente.”’ ] Zophiél; or, the bride of seven; ed. by Mrs. Z. iB: Gustatson: 6% 2798888) Sie bOs. ee ges: Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. ill. 12°. [’76.]?*? 31.50. Scribner, A. & Co. $1.25. Scribner’s Sons. See Stories by Am. authors. 120, *80. #458 — Lost in the fog.BROOKS o1 BROWN Brooks, Noah, continued. — Our baseball club and how it won the championship ; introd. By a G. Spalding. ill. 8°. ’84.*846 $2.95; ukh., blo aagogn dadco00Gc0K0 60K eieiereres Dutton. Brooks, anne Alexander Hamilton Vintou: me- | morial sermon preached at Emmanuel Church, Bost., May 15, 1881. 8° 781.498 pap., 25c. : Williams. — Candle of the Lord, andother sermons. 12°. ’81.*°7 BETS se cicck oro eeieeiere wie elelel (die crersen eters - Dutton. — Influence of Jesus. 16° 779.*49% $1.25.[ Dutton ]| — Lectures on preaching delivered before ite Divinity School of Yale College, Jan.—Feb., 1877. 12°. leeteiea|ere Bile Oleicrersretendc ce) reverend Gi aevovetere Dutton. aeons et ASE CSI paocoaccosen Dutton. | — Sermons pre iched in English churches. 12°. ’83.*8!? SS LiiDereieven ele pap., 75c. .----++-+. Appleton. | — Second thoughts. 2v. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. 780.4% T5C.3 Pap., DOC. .+..eeesecceeees : Appleton. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.597 pap., 15c. Ogilvie. | — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°" pap., (Cire ier eel aioe eioled ole) oi eiieyal clonal loko cxelers)- - Munro. — Strange dream [and other stories]. (People’s lib.) 40, 781.507 pap., lUc. .----+---- see Ogilvie. Brower, D. H. Danville, Montour Co., Pa.: hist. ye LOE. (Fathers for sketches. 28111 *493) S50 The Venerable Bede. and biog. 8°. Brown, Prof. —. Eng. readers.) 16°. [’79.] 75c.. Pott, Y. & Co. | Brown, Abby Whitney. Can sheatone? 12°. 28034493 BOD) cela lorerere) el si elo\ slexelarafole«) cleyal using them. ob]. 329. 783:%8!2 bds., $1. : Scribner's Sons. Brown, T. Edn. Some reasons for the exemption of church property from taxation. 16° 7’81.*#° DAD es LO Ce eer eee elated fomeis acta Scrantom, W.& Co. Brown, Theron. [‘‘Park Ludlow.”] Stories for Sun- diye alle W6o [eS0s)| 84849 bck... Am. Tr. — Wooden spoon. (Red. shanty ser.) 16°. [’78.]%4 $1.50 SOODHO UOUODOOODO F000 FUG GOUU Et: A. Young. Brown, T: Taxidermist’s manual. 28th ed. (Pop. | manuals) pl: 129. 779.4228 S1.25 5. Putnam. | Brown, Wa. F. Hail Columbia, historical, comical, and centennial. ill. obl. 8°. [’76.]? $3. W. F. Brown. Brown, Wa. Lee. Manual of assaying gold, silver, cop- per and lead ores. ill. 12°. ’83.*°9° $1.75. Jansen. Brown, Willard Civil-service reform in the New York Custom House. (Civil-Service Ref. Assoc.) WO, EPA! WN dbn BIO, coa0cde cago s6n0G05 Putnam. | Brown, W: Wells. My southern home; or, the South and its people. por. and ill. 12°. ’80.*48° $1.25. Brown. Brown house at Duffield. Lee, M.M. $1.50. Kelly, P. § Co. Browne, A. J. Jukes. Student’s hand-book of physical geology. (Bohn’s sci. lib.) ill. and diagranis. W208 228d) GAs ROUA()) pce enc nce Scribner & W. Browne, Causten. Treatise on the construction of the statute of frauds as in force in England and the U.S.; with app. 4thed. 8°. 80.442 shp., $6. Inttle, B. & Co. Browne, Edgar A. How to use the ophthalmoscope; | elementary instructions in ophthalmoscopy. ill. | SD, WHO's UPA (Pol Gail poo cacooonooKec Lea. Browne, E: Harold, and Ellicott, C: J: Inspiration of Holy Scripture. sq. 8°. [’78. ]®°3 75c... Whittaker. | Browne, E: W. towland Hill, preacher and wit; | with introd. by J: Stoughton. (Pop. lib.) 16°. | ‘81.2 b0c:; pap:, 2bc. ....Gassell, P.,G. & Co. Browne, F's. F. (ed.) Golden poems, by British and | ANN AUtROGS) 6°: “B2.Fo24) OR a. Jansen. | Browne, G: H. Notes on Shakspere’s versification; | app. on verse tests, and short bibliografy. 12°, | (Siren interleaved: pape B0Ci.. 4-100 Gene Cann Browne, G: Lathom. Narratives of state trials in the | 19th century. 2v. 8°. 82,537 5, Houghton, M. & Co. | Browne, H: _H. Civil procedure reports. See New | York, State, Courts. | Browne, Irving. Elements of the law of domestic rela- tions, and of employer and employed. 8°. ’83.*6!5 leatherette, net, $2; shp., net, $2.50.. Soule & B. — Judicial interpretation of common words and phrases. (Legal recreations.) 12°. ’83.°°? $1.50. S. Whitney. — Law and lawyers in literature. 12°. ’83.*°72 net 7 , QB isars Sate 2 he Siete o cshepaelacre bretepe cess Soule & B. |— Reports; [also] Digest of reports. See American reports. — Short studies of great lawyers. 12°. [’78.]?4% $2. Albany Law Journ. | Browne, J: Hutton Balfour. On the law of carriers of goods and passengers by land and water; with notes and ref. to Am. cases by H. G. Wood. 8°. 289004) Slips. Omer teria ciel oiierteyels ele 3: Banks. Browne, Lennox. Medical hints on the production and management of the singing voice. 8th ed., enl. 12°. [’80.] Ml Vipin, Be cooocoouduoc Holbrook. —and Behnke, Emil. Voice, song, and speech: practi- cal guide for singers and speakers, from the com- bined view of the vocal surgeon and the voice trainer. (Liniited letter-press ed.) ill. 8°. ’83.8%% CHEM) oouss Bote ses o Biels sae Sisto eee. Putnam. Browne, Phillis (pseud.) See Payne, A. G. Browne, T. M. Not my way; or, good out of evil. NE IW SEER eS Sion acco coon Whittaker. Browne, Siz T: Religio medici, a letter to a friend, Christian morals, urn-burial, and other papers. eter) ee EI poacoo npc oor Roberts. Same; ed. by W. A. Greenhill. (Golden treas. ser.) GOR | Sees Ob) ceca Fi clerave ar eracere - Macmillan. Browne, W. H. Heart-throbs of gifted authors. 12°. (78. [222 Ril aD Dravsieteve nicl ea erece eke es -..- Robinson. — Witty sayings by witty people. 12°. [’78.]%?9 $1.25. Robinson. Browne, W: Hand (ed.) Archives of Maryland. See Maryland, General Assembly. —and Waldeman, S. S. Clarendon dictionary: con- cise hand-book of the Eng. language. 16°. ’82.*575 Net AOC). «co Aes ae sce ee Wee .. University. — and Scharf, J.T: History of Maryland. maps and por. oF (see hf nor. $1220) mela. 7. os Coe Brownie’s triumph. Sheldon, Is. G. $1.50.. Carleton. Browning, Mrs. Eliz. Barrett. Poetical works, com- plete. (Florence ed.) ill. 12°. 779.874 $1.95: $1.75. Same. (Householded.) 2y. 12°. [’78. ]#46 Spare le \icieaiaiereiie ol oie sissies cl cicicie sea ee i LL ease — Same. (Pop. poets ser.) ill. 12. 783. $2.50-. Crowell. —Farlier poems; 1826-1833. 16°. [°78.]82° $1.25. J. Miller. — Aurora Leigh: poem in nine books. (Pop. poets ser.) 12°. ’83. $2.50. Same. (Red-line poets Sen) @LZ08 785. abl 2Diyecrs ere ieres evel -isy Crowell. — He giveth his beloved sleep; with designs by L. B. Humphrey. sq. 12°. ’82['81].*°!% $1.50. .Lee § S. — Same. 12°. 783[’82].*° Golden floral style, $1.75. Lee § S. — Letters to Richard Hengist Horne; with pref. and mem. by R: H: Stoddard. 2 vy. sq. 18°. [/’77.]?74 Gs DED ic tke ciara: a syste: xc ois Shere ne a ooae J. Miller. — See also Modern classics. — Mrs. Browning’s birthday-book; ed. by R: H: Stod- dard’ ill: 240. 7807x065 ee eed. Maller. Browning, Oscar. Introduction to the history of edu- cational theories. (Education lib.) 169. 782.%*524 UD. Cet ievele, 56 ccrsrsueisicie) crctene sire Gie cieiee ele ee Harper. Modern England, 1820-1874. (Epochs of mod. hist. Half-hourser.) 32°. ’79.*8 pap., 25c. Harper. — Modern France, 1814-1879. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. 780), *451 PaAp:, 2ZDC.«--- 0 ais a sieiaie Ste eis ote Harper. Browning, Rob. Complete works. New ed. 7 v. cr. Cor ORCS Oe oe rn Houghton, M. § Co. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32°. [°77. ]?88 DOCS revere ten orclsl were ercn em ic see yee - Osgood. — Selections from the poetical works. 2 ser. New CO oO e ee COl cae nob acres - Macmillan.BROWNING 53 BRYANT Browning, Rob., continued. | Brunet, P: G. [‘‘ Philomneste, yr.” | Bibliomania in Y > nD) tocar ‘ IQ¢ co MK a * r 1a — Same. (Pop. poets ser.) 12°. ’83. $2.50. Same. the present day in France and England; account | | (Ra 7 > tte car ) oT 9Q¢ Hy Ox se . 7 + 7 s (Red-line poets ser.) 12°. ’83. $1.25.. Crowell. of celebrated sales; from the French, with notice — Same ; introd. by R:G. White. por.-12°. [783.]*59° and por. of Trautz Bauzonnet. 16°. ’80.47 yel., $2 Wp Litotareseiele) = usi2\10 a c/o cis eve ole) ielele) ci cle eis) sie) cretets Dodd. SileDOK ao aac Seen ee ee ee Shee ce Bouton. — Agamemnon, La Saisiaz and dramatic idyls. 16°. Brunhilds Gebel’ ky 6c) Ginn BO Nees IEE laces cca wc cre Houghton, M. § Co. | — Jocoseria. 16°. ’83.*593 3] Houghton, M. & Co | Brunner, A. W. See Gerhard, W. P., and Brunner. e x the . OV. g S505 ee > 4 end . % . 8 . 32 =; >. 2 ATT O§< inc Tene 7A . — Lyrical and dramatic poems, with extract from Sted- | Bruno, R: M. (ed.) American insolvency reports ; man’s Victorian poets, ed. by E: T. Mason. 12°. | cont. important decisions under the insolvent laws IRR UKSTB! OO ye Ce eS Holt of various states, Jan., 1878—Jan., 1883. v. 1. 8°. s S : x 229 599 A oh j — Pacchiarotto, and how he worked in distemper; with 63.” Shp.) BO-e++ +22 ce- severe ee H. Campbell. other poems. 16°. [’76.]?49 $1.50.... Osgood. | Brunot, Felix R. Wine and truth. 12°. ’80.*44 pap., — See also Modern classics. | DCN eecice cic cere wiefelelefe nfarelelerele ecieiaier! Vat. Temp. Brownjohn, J: (pseud.) See Talbot, C: R. Brunson, Alfr. Key tothe Apocalypse: or, revelation of L ) ’ | 2 J I YI ’ . »< > 1 1 . ] 1A la ~ >, = Brownlows. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O.W. 20c...Munro. eae Ce Bas he fon ate Se ores e 69s 28478 Sc cece wees ae ips & HH. Brownson, Orestes A. Works; coll. and arr. by H: | : oe ? e : Phallrp 9 ae i) Brownson. Newed. Izv. y. 12. 6. 83.58 Brunton, T. Lander. sible and science. 12°. 81.° CAs len Oe a) oteiein oral orstoieis ecient ere ee croc ei Nourse. | D250 + ose wwe e cece ee cece twee e ee ween Macmillan. — The convert; or leaves from my experience. New |— Pharmacology and therapeutics ; or, medicine past ed. by H: F. Brownson. por. 12°. [°77.]282 $2; and present. ill. 12°. ’80.4° $1.50... Macmillan. EVLA 5anco00Gd dodcatonanoouo UGG doc Sadlier. | Brush, Mrs. Christine C. Colonel’s opera cloak. (No : = : aan) 9 27Q 389 h ays Browsing among books, and other essays. Woolson, namersers)) UGS 4795288, Sl ee come Roberts. MAS Ac Gr Spileareiei tera Gee 61-14) cic ots crs ola ie Roberts. | Brush, G: J. Manual of determinative mineralogy; Brubaker, A.P. Physiology. (Quiz compends.) 12°. with introd. on blow-pipe_ analysis (constituting RUB UIEOT ee Bialkiston. a Sea part of Dana’s mineralogy). : en A : od ed., tr. into the new system. 8°. ’78.%48 $3.50. Bruce, Alex. Balmain. Chief end of revelation. 12°. | ; : CES Y SUC DC al Bee tolls [be Billo ooooe coos a cndauanoDoKT Randolph. . e eee G . / rane aH HOTGn it i Eee | Brush, Ma. E. Paul and Persis; or, the revolutionary — Galilean gospe - (Household lib. of exposition.) struggle in the Mohawk Valley. 16°. °83[°82].*55 169. °83.°% BL.20.--- eee eee eee Macmillan. BY D5 cis csi oteicie cin sie sie ee oie Poe eee Lee § S. = cf ral ie 2AC ] y * Chris : Syste < I aie riti 2k | X ‘ ~ . 0 DOES NT OI ae Mee Ge skariiraet, Chynciog, dk Wy Pinon naan Study. 0%. Oo. |* 2-00... eee wee ATIMNSTV ONG. ak nS 5 : = z ; : : ~ |Brushwood. Read, T: B. $1.50; $3.50; $4. Bruce, Ms. E. M. Helpful-hand ser. for children. | Lippincott Give) DIE 168s 780522 ed ToCr acs 6 niversalist. T3113 wes — : LS Sao, 00 Universalis | Bryan, Mis. J. M. Nellie: asummer rhyme. sq. 16°. Cont.: A week of life, 2 v.— Robby and Nellie in business. PROUD TT ON oe ko aioe eisvene este oe oe ce Putnam. — Robby and Nellie at school.— Robby, Nellie and Susie. — ss ee iso ee The silver shadow, and other stories. Bryan, Ma. E. Manch. 12°. ’80.**? $1.50..Appleton. Br te A ae : : — Wild work: story of the Red River tragedy. 12°. ruce, e ee Se cama 5 ae fruits ae eee et 28 ee OOS:, 5 GOs ser cease aes eee Appleton. and description of the Centennial Exhibition. ill. : . . Sul a nciceleran een Bryant, H. B., and Stratton, H. D. Business arith- ces Oe ee ee ie TEER: metic, 89 [Ps05]) S250s. 36. ce Z Armstrong. Bruce, G:, Son & Co. Specimens of printing-types : ; See | Commercial arithmetic. 8°. [’80.] $1.88. Armstrong. ' hire Tinole NI y a+\ EA ety oO Qs) 53 ' : Sates’ Y 1 Ve S made at Bruce’s N. Y. type foundry. 4°. ’82.°""| __ New counting-house bookkeeping. 8°. [’79.] $2. Sy Leases eile 6) aio alieeter eos atn ol wrete |) ee clisiel «lal sicley si sincere Bruce. | Ivison. Bruce, Wallace. The Hudson; ill. by A. Fredericks. | Bryant, J. C. Business man’s commercial law and Tt WFAA AMM ENN EEWa5 aoc Houghton, M. & Co. | business forms combined; ed. by G: W. Clinton. — Land of Burns; ill. by J. D. Smillie. sq. 12°. | 8%, BZ E8S BD) ww we rece meee eres rnine Bryant. TI*PY BVBO eee cece cece eee ee cece ceee Lee § S. | Bryant, Jos. D. Manual of operative surgery. ill. 8°. — Yo Semite: poem; ill. by J. D. Smillie. 12°. ’79.422 | 784885 Bd wee eee eee we eee Bermingham. DL.50 cece cece eee ee eee eee eens Lee § 8. | Bryant, T: Practice of surgery. 2d Am. from 3d rev. Bruck, Julius. Bunte Bliithen: Scherz u. Ernst in Ver- | Iing. ed. ill. roy. 8°. 778.38 $6; leath., $7..Lea. sen: 169 780-4223 50.) pap: o0C.~.6. Zackee. | Brucker, Jos. Chief political parties in U.S. Same. 3d Am. from 38d enl. Eng. ed.; ed. by J: - their B. Roberts. «itl. 8% »’81247% $6.50» -Leath» $7.50; + - . > 7Q Ae , f S bib as Delve Ae Ae te * eo ee epee vdeo hbeoe J a . history and teachings; hist. sketch. 8° ’80.4°° hf. rus., $8 Es Bees 4 ee DUD sy OCs clole ols cle cies) ote ole.s) Melero iota) s atalciols> Webster. | Bryant, W: Cullen. Poetical works); od. by P. Gocwin. +s . x ‘ 2 NV; 39 AB SESH: cs Olecoepel a uisie ane) 9 casi Avpleton. Briider vom deutschen Hause. Freytag, G. 20ce. AV. 89. Pu. eu a 129} let yt = . > ~ 7 : Munro. | — Poems: ill. by B.’Festex, H. Penh, Fvedevicks, and ~ . e e . sae + 2 ° »¢ a 7259 ») a2 y ) no Bruen, E: T. Pocket-book of the physical diagnosis of | others. Newill. ed. 8°., [?7( (3? ogd 5S meor., $8. the heart and lungs. 169. ’81.°%9 $2.. Blakiston. | Appleton. — Same. 2d ed., rev. ill. 12°. ’84.643 $1.50 |— Same; comp. by J. EH. Hodgdon. (Leaflets from “ : z= oY f 3 = = Ts r | } . or ? *628 € = Blakiston. | standard authors.) ill. 12°. ’84.*68 pap., book : “| : 2 ~ | and leaflets together, 60c.; or, separate, ea., 30c. aVveTro: Mu C 2 A ANE] < 5 ? ? ? ? Bruey. Havergal, F.R. 90c. ...-.. ay alate dm. S.S. | Wenieton Brugsch-Bey, H: History of Egypt under the Phara- — Prose writings; ed. by P. Godwin. 2v. 8°. ’84.*644 ohs, derived from the monuments: [also] Exodus | CC Oe eee ee ee AS Appleton. i raelites ; tr. : Yr » Ger Takes he . . . 7 Tk th ¢ 5 ARF of the [raelite: ; tr. and ed. from the Ge rm. by I | — Flood of years. ill. 8% [ 77.8°7 $3; mor. $6.50. Smith. 2d ed. with new pref., add. notes. 2 v. ill. | Patna Oy Gee RO eae eee Scribner & W.|__ a OL O7OLESs7) GOIRON mon oo So; ‘81. pl2.---- orubnen Sp Wels CThanatopsis. ill. sq. 8°. ’78.*87 $2.50; mor., $5. — 'T'rue story of the exodus of Israel; with view of Putnam. hist. of monumental Egypt; ed. with introd. and — Same, and other poems; introd. and notes by J. W. notes by F. H. Underwood. map. 12°. Oa Abernethy. (BEng. classic ser.) 16°. 784.°# BL.50- + ee eee eee eee eee ahere¥e ee ee iele ies Lee § S. DADs LACE ec ieee aa ee clerseseleie-iore Clark § M. Brun-Barnow, I. v. FalscheWeee: Roman. (Deutsche | __ Three sreat poems: Thanatopsis; Flood of years; , i D > I ° " Woib:)) 49: 7825529 paps, LOC... ence J Munro. Among the trees; ill. by W. J. Linton and J. | . . rN a . e > 2Q¢ *559 thA . 7 nr Bruner, Jane W. Free prisoners: story of California | McEntee. sq. 8°. [782.]*°? $4; mor.» $7.50. life. 12°, [77.]27 $1.50..-..Claaton, R. § H. | Putnam.BRYANT 54 BUDDENSIEG Bryant, W: Cullen, continued. a, OC 22 «622 — To the fringed gentia ny ill. by L. Hollis. 8°. »83.* flex. fringed, $1.50 ..... ais oreiclonc screw Cassino. — Birthday-book; arr. oF J. Be Ruutz-Rees. por. and We 1608. LOO EES EDD iarerekerensie oie miele Appleton. —(ed.) Family lib. of natsy and song: choice sel. from the best poets; with introd. on the poets and poetry of the Eng. language ; incl. biog. mem.of Bryant by J. G. Wilson. (Memorial ed.) UT So: OE: $5; shp., $6; hf. mor., $7.50; Mor. Ant., BIO... cee sr eeeee reeves ceeees Fords. — New library of poetry and song. 21 pts. ill. 4°. (’76.]247 per pt., pap., 50c. or 2 v. gilt, $14; hf. mor. $18: mor. ant., $22 -.-.cces rece cees Fords. — Picturesque America. 2 Vin fOs ie8'a| SUDS. ay lke mor., $36; mor. RSNA Aur aiciis/o1e Wie role) ole 08 - Appleton. — and Gay, Sidney How: ard. Popular illustrated hist. of the U.S. 4v. ill. roy. 8°. [°78—82.] subs., | CBee Dies cele tie cleiie! | oietercie . = Soren Ol — and others. Forest scenes; ill. by oe A. Hows. 4°. 82.561 S5- mor. ortree cf., $9- Loughton, M. & Co. —In memory of William Cullen Bryant, born 1794, died 1878. [Anon.] por. 8°. ’78.%° pap., 50c. Ev. Post. — To William Cullen Bryant at eighty years, from his Buchenheim. Varnbiler, T. v. 10c........4 Vunvro. Bucbhheim, GC. A. (ed.) Modern German reader: coll. of prose extracts from Germ. writers: pt. 1; with Eng. notes, app. and vocabulary. (Claren- don press ser.) 16°. 781.°°7 G60c....-+J Vacmillan. Buchmann, J. N. My first communion; or, the hap- piest day of my life; tr. by R: Brennan. ill. 16°. 78 ilEece Ti} Gis ciceic os be) Osler wrotereie cleus le Benziger. Buck, C. H. Alcohol, what it is, what harm it does, and what to do with it. (Chautauqua text-bks. ) Ty) BON Ee, MOE, cosccdssoc Phillips § H. Buck, Dudley. Illustrations in choir accompaniment, with hints on registration. 4°. [°77.]?7 $3. Schirmer | Buck, Gurdon. Contributions to reparative surgery ; treatment of deformities, ete. ill. 8°. [’76.}?®° 2 SSS cic cleled Ge are nels cca ccm e de idieisu vos 04 Appleton. Buck, W: E. Universal school record; complete sys- tem of school accounts. [’77.]*®° bds., 60c. Lee & Buckalew, C: R. Examination of the constitution of Pennsylvania, derivation and hist. of its several provisions, etc. 8° 783.°°! shp., $3.-... Kay. Bucke, R: Maurice. Man’s moral nature: essay. 8°. PF QESSO SRR (rats sire ce ever cisiol eiotiaier si eialesereners Putnam. — Walt Whitman. por. and ill. 129. 783.*°88 $2. McKay. | Buckelew, S. F., and Halstead, C. A. Dictation les- friends and countrymen. [Anon.] sq. 12°. [’76.]?°> pap., 50c. ---- +--+) Scribner, A. & Cc — William’ Cullen Bryant. (Chautauqua text-bks.) | 320) 7795 paps, LOC. cele ie aie Phillips & H. Bryant, W: M._ Philosophy of landscape painting. | POOR ZOD eHOES EDO er ciel celele) cic wile St. L. News. Bryce, Carroll. Lost function in romance. sq. 12°. 283.8275 pap., ZOC---- cose ses evcenucee Putnam. Bryce, Ja. Constantinople. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. (’78.]3!9 pap., 15¢..--+ e+e eee eeee vee Harper: — Holy Roman Empire. 7thed. 12°. [777.]*° $2. Maemillan. — Transcaucasus and Ararat; notes of a vacation tour, l8v6. L29: (eat: [02S Oy ()iarecehel = cere Macmillan. — and others. Comprehensive atlas and geography ; modern, hist., classical and physical. New enl. ed. fo. ’81.°?7 hf. mor., $25.......-- Putnam. Bryce, T. T. Economic crumbs; plain talks for the people about labor, capital, money, tariff, ete. NGO Oe pap. DUC ce os oles 4. Brentano: Bryce’s pearl Eng. dictionary, short explanations of scientific, philos., lit. and tech. terms. 48°. 88,822 | DiliCu miicicid eleicis ici © siercieisis elouel cls \e\era --- Crowell. Bryson, J. Rese ue the perishing, and other allego- ries. 16°. [ "78. \o22 DO Cicer: apersisis) << ole LLCOUGLS: Bubble reputation. King, K. 1l5c....-. .-. - Harper. Buccaneers. Jones, R. $1.75; $l.....-.-- Authors’. Buchan, W. 2. EB dumbing ; with chapter on drainage. 55.5 j ie 1. ee 2§6 Sl 26.5.4 5.c..0. Van Nostrand. ce « ‘ Sig: Buohanar, Sos. Hades: “ylorn P egureation : its laws and niethods. $d ed.“ 12°. [’ 83. ]*°78 $1.50. S. W. Green. Buchanén, Ro. ‘ Reena Water ss a romance. (Frank- | ccc ka SQ-c Nb. ¥ Pi <[’88. ]? #622 cpaye, 20c... Harper. —‘ Saime.° (Séastde’ lib. ¥ 46. 784.85 nap., 20. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.%! pap., 20c. Munro. — Child of nature: a romance. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Aor oe eeel Naps, locus... este AnD el — God and the man: a romance. (F ranklin Sq. lib.) BONO URES ADs COC atjerveis | Gini oe ole Harper. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.4 pap., 20ce. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.83! pap., 20c. Munvo. — Love me forever: Christmas carol in prose. (Sea- sidenlibs)) 40: 785.213" pap, N0Cu.o.c3- Munro. — New Abelard: a romance. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. gO Ae COU NTN en Cn eyorrel yoo oe cielo) rests Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 784.85 pap., 10c... Munio — Shadow of the sword. (Lake Champlain Press ser.) ee (Gee eo leD 0s base. ailn2d. Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. SO OMLen Sone iil] oe DADs, OC. eos ain oo Appleton. sons in drawing for primary grades: to accompany White’s primary school drawing cards. ill. 12°. [78.]%3 bds., net, 30c....-...--- Seles eel UUSON: Buckeye cookery and practical housekeeping; comp. from orig. recipes. 2ded. 8°. [777.]7®" $1.50; waterproof, $1.75...-.5222e eee ee eee Buckeye. Buckham, H: B. Hand-books tor young teachers, no. 1: First Sepe (School bul. pub.) 6°. °81.***? TB On soe oa Se tea cis wiverels wes eer an eie oi <1 OEE TES Buchan ¢ r. R. Insanity in its medico-legal relations. 89; 783-845 25 shp., $ OED Oates iavern eehe Inppinectt. Buckingham, Emma May. Silver chalice, and other poems. 12°. PF BEGOD OT eg acces oq0d0ae Wells. Buckland, Anna. Slory of Eng. literature. 12°. ‘83. pas LERoba sac ~ Gassell. E:. Gi & Go: | — Use of stories in ‘the Kandergarten: and the happi- ness of childhood: essays; with Madame de Por- tugall’s synoptical table. 12°. 784.89 pap., 30c. Steiger. — (ed.) Record of Ellen Watson. [A biography.] 12°. Oa G Ad a IGS TEU Dreve cieiercve!@ ool scliekel veto tee aici oe! Macmallan. Buckland, F. Log-book ofa fisherman and zoologist. Ik) 100. | 2RGkCO8 OL a eee Scribner § W. | Buckley, Arabella B. Fairy-land of science. ill. 12°. PORRSTS ITU Oiiciccin cies siele eiclsleieiel ice s .- Appleton. — Life and her children: glimpses of animal life, from the amceba to insects. ill. 12°. ’81.*47° $1.50. Appleton. — Winners in life’s race; or, the great backboned fam- ily, ile 12°; 783) (4827) Rese oO are. <2 Appleton. |Buckley, C. F. Cerebral hyperemia: consideration of views of Dr. W: Hammond. 169. '82.5°8 GR feve res Fc lavaue lace Siero. ciscle aie siete sc Giske eens .--.Putnam. | Buckner, R. A. Civil and criminal codes. See Ken- tucky, General Assembly. | Bucknill, J: C: Habitual drunkenness, and insane drunkards. 169 °78:357 Si. ...... Macmillan. | Buckskin Joe. Sillingsby, M. $1.25...... - Ogilvie. : Buckstone, J. B. The dead shot: farce. Sce New York drama. Buckwalter, Geoffrey. Comprehensive spelling. 16°. 2)! Vek BW co pcoo ncuaba scones Porter s GE — Primary spelling-book. 16°. ’79.998 bds., 22c. Porter & C. Buddensieg, Rudolf. Life and writings of John Wicelif, patriot and reformer. Me Cena ed.) 32°. 84 647 parchment, 75c....... ..- Scribner § W.BUDDHIST 55 BULWER-LYTTON e Buddhist birth-stories. Fausboll, V. $5. Houghton, M. § Co. Buddhist suttas. See Miller, F: M. Sacred books of the East. Budge, Ernest (ed.) History of Esarhaddon, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria; tr. from cuneiform inscr. in Brit. Museum. 8°. 781.477 $4... Osgood. Budge and Toddie. Habberton, J: $1.75...Putnam. Budget: picture and story book. Uncle Herbert ( pseuwd.) Seis Nits DASs. Bills2onc ce oes oo Livpincott. Buehrle, Rob. K. Grammatical praxis in American lit- erature. 12°. [’77.]?8 bds., 30c..Cowperthwait. | Buel, J. W. Border bandits: authentic hist. of Jesse and Frank James, and their bands of highwaymen. Ul. 129 2842) SB bOy Shps. H2i\- cle UN AILaT. Buell, C: J. Elements of education. 24°. ’80.*423 Paps, LOCE cise acl ote = ee cic «le Davis, B. & Co. Buell, Wa. Joshua R. Giddings: sketch. por. 12°. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E: G: E. L., continued. — Complete poems and dramas. 4 v. 12°. ’83.577 $5. Routledge. — Alice; or, the mysteries : sequel to Ernest Maltravers. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.494 pap., 20c....... Munro. — Caxtons. 2 pts. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 93. 624 ea. NW, WES o0o50000 2000 na0000 0000000 Te We ovell. — Devereux. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. °83.64 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — The disowned. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.94 pap., DU) Ga eietere) etererare late oialere) ee) ekriel ay J: W. Lovell. | — Ernest Mz airavens: (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.484 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 120°. fey) EN PANO aacuccdcoo0dse cima cre JMan70+ — Hugene Aram. (Lovell’s lib.) 12° 783.82 pap., DO Cis iis eek lee wo ie eee J: W. Loveil. senside lib.) 4°. °81.489 pap., 20c. Same: (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 4.8! 12°. ’8pap., 20c. Munvro. Qs) 572 ie oe er W: W. Williams. | Godolphin. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. eee pan oe Buffalo Bill (pseud.) See Cody, W: F. |— Harold. 2 pts: (uoxellis lib)! 12°: 83. oe Buffalo Bill. sudson. bE. 2; CC: DO Chictercrcievn sic Ogilvre. | pap., VpOe hs ee a ee oe J: rT Lovell. Buffum, J. H. Clinical papers on ophthalmology and |— Kenelm Chillingly. (J.ovell’s lib.) on ZO Buco Otology: 80h 185 5885" pani bck ce... Gross. | PAP., ZOC. eee ee eee ee eee ree ere cece: J: W. Lovel. — Practical treatise on the medical and surgical treat- |— Lady of Lyons. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ment of the diseases and injuries of the eye. ill. Sox 283.S12 SAH) cee oe cs Riis cuewerete ove ots Gross. Bugbee, Ja. M. Russia and Turkey; Eastern que stion historically considered. maps. 16° [’77.]?? 5OC.; pap., 25C..-.6 10-2 wee cee ence eee Osgood. Building ahome. Oakey, A. F. 60c. ..... Appleton. Building eras in religion. Bushnell, H. $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. | Building the nation. Coffin, C: C. $3......Harper. Bulfinch, T: Age of fable; or, beauties of mythology. New enl., ill. ed., by BE: E. Hale. 8°. ’82.*545 ODO ec crac oxi a sist asl ciel sicie cieie ceisie sac ae es Tilton. —= Same. 8°: 78255: Bulkley, L. Duncan. Eezema andits management. 8°. 28818 SS. 2died. 89 [78t.)*8 F385... Rutnam. — Manual of diseases of the skin; with anal: of cases and formulary. 16°. ’82.°%4 $1.25..... Putnam. — Skin in health and disease. (Am. health primers.) il]. 249. °80.*449 50c. Same. (New cheap ed.) DH ON 28027 Wap, OO Cel eisie si creicis) sie. oe Blakiston. Bull, Sa. C. Ole Bull: memoir; with Ole Bull’s Violin notes and A. B. Crosby’s Anatomy of the violinist. por. and ill, 8% 783 (/782)."°72 §$2:50: Houghton, M. & Co. Bull, T: Hints to mothers for the management of their own health, ete., with hints on nursing, manage- mee of the infant’s health, et« New rev. ed., by Ranker: 8° ig es) Sl 3. ee. Wiley. — eens management of children in health and disease. New rey. ed., by R. W. Parker. 18°. Mieco Se irre BS cieccrels wie sie creure eile ais Wiley. Bullard, Asa. Fifty years with the Sabbath-schools. por, 29: (’76. 7251 $1.75.. Lockwood, B. & Co. Bullet, Emma E&. First lessons in French. (Eclectic educ. ser.) ill. 12° [’78.]?8 50c. Van Antwerp. Bullet and shell. Williams, G: EF. subs., $2.75; 43.25. Fords. Bullitt, J. F. Civil and criminal codes. See Kentucky, General Assembly. Bullock, Alex. Hamilton. Addresses; with mem. by G: IW. Hoar. 8°. °83.84 $2.50...L2tile, B. & Co. Bullock, Ja. D. Secret service of the Confederate States in Europe; or, how the confed. cruisers were equipped. 2y. 8°. ’83.°! $6. (ed. limited.) Putnam. , 7 Bulow. See Marenholz-Bulow. Bulwer-Lytton, Si Ei: G: Eb. L. [ Lord Lytton. ] Works. NBivea WO. 18355824" SOHO irre R. Worthington. — Complete miscell. works. (uniform with Knebworth ed. >| | Q4 631 Hie MWe cogs Goacac0c cdcdc0 coon IMI Keb | — Last days of Pompeii; condensed by R. Johnson. | (Condensed classics.) 18°. [’77.]277 $1.. Holt. Bl a Same. (Hranklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 778.364 pap., ldc. Harper. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.64 pap., DOR Ayer sie oie ew iielcle ene nisl wic\ci eiolereneraicierae Munro. | — Last of the barons. 2 pts. Crowell s libs) 12e, 2833824 | @a., pap., LdC.-.6. seer oe scisie cece Wasbouell: Same. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 40, 799, 569 ea., pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside he Pocket ed ) 12°. ’84. 63) pap, 4UCi «1. - b bate csereraeeel Wunro. |— Leila; or, the siege of ae in: an ( (Pop. lib.) 89. OSU DADs, LOC cern «icicle ore x ltch ; [W. ¥. News. } — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.°%" pap., | NOY, a50aqs0 0Ana0d aieiievelc ciel cVerayn liv aeielele) aleiers Munro. | — Same; [also] The coming race; or, tiie new Utopia. (Lib. de luxe. ) 1120: [78.94 pap., 00c... Mune. |— Lucretia. (Lov ellis lib=)e 120: 2835624 pan. 20c: J: W. Lovell. |—= My novel. 3 pts. (Wovellis lib.) 429. 783°°9" ea, pap:, 20¢.-.-- oon a rere dimiawe Jicie(oiereeie le J: W. Lovell. |— Same. 2pts. (Seaside lib. ) AON 728i) outass2 | (Gan. PAP., 2UC.. vee e veer ecee cer eceee Selene MLUILIO: — Night and morning. 2 v. (Lovell’s lib. TGs eS ares? ea., pap., 1Ldc....5-.21 -. 120+ eons ~.d: W. Lovell. |— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 33 602 pap., 20c... Munro. — Parisians. 2 pts (Lovell’s ee Wor w85ces eal. pap., 20¢. ee : W. Lovell. |— Paul Clifford. (Loy ell’ s iin 5) 12 20, ~ £83.99 pap., SCE eae A aiceecedo Me Lovell: | — Pausanias. (Lic ovel 5 lib.) 120, ‘OAc Pap, Loc: ds W. Gorell. =— Pelham. (ovellis lib), 129 (83> “paps, 20c: J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.°°° en 20c... Munro. — Pilgrims of the Rhine. icy ellismlibs)) 20re iodecss pap., 1lde..-...-.-- é ence We eee — Reynard the fox; eng. in plionic ‘shorthand, by Ik. B. “Burnz. 12°. [’77.]?% flex., 50c. Same ; with new and rey. pl. 16°. 83.) flex., cl., 50c... Burnz. — Richelieu. (lovell’s lib») 6% 783°°°2 paps, 1¢e: J: W. Lovell. — Rienzi. 2 pts. Covell’ ibs) HGS BSoue (eas, pap., ldc. ....- : J: W. Lovell. — Strange story. (Seaside Lib ) 40. 983,576 pap., 20ce. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.59 pap., PD Chraieckonce araretere Bains are © ieiwic alee ale ee Munro. — What will he do with it? 2 pts. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 283.628 “eake Waps) ZUG. « 73 $1.50. 290 Surly ‘Tim and other stories. ill. i ] 2° — That Lass 0’ Lowrie’s. (Midsummer ed.) ill. Same. (New uniform ed.) l=——"Mlieo. 120; [eni7282 ils) paps, O07.) Peterson. |— Same. (Auth. ed.) 16°. ['79.]*8* pap., 30c. Scribner's Sons. — Through one administration. 129. 783.*°9? $1.50. Osgood. — Vagabondia. See above Dolly. Burnett, J. Compton. Essays. 8°. 782.*°° $2.50. Boericke & T. Recollections and opinions of an old 0% SO Reso pie Appleton. See Arblay, Mme. F. B. @’. What Johnny found, and Burnett, P: H. ploneer,. Burney, Fes. Burney, L. [and others]. other stories. ill. 16% [778.]%°° bds., 35c. | Lothrop. | Burnham, Anna F. Fussbudget’s folks. 16°. [’84.]*°* Bey cteie lel aiai elec Cong. Pub. 78. ]958 bds., $1.25. PL rece — King of pict Lothrop. —Stories and pictures of wild animals. sq. 82: [Di Qe SEY © DOS se D.C ater re ein eleiniainio = .- Lothrop. | Burnham, Jfs. Clara Louise. Dearly bought: novel. (Hammock ser.) ill. 12°. *84.*°% $1.. Sumner. |__ No gentlemen. (Hammock ser.) 12°. 781.*° $1. | ; Sumner. — Sane lunatic. (Hammockser.) 12% ’ Sl. 82. *544 | Sumner.4 BUSH Modus operandi of the cell for- Burrill, Alex. M. Treatise on the law and practice of voluntary assignments for the benefit of creditors a~ ww ~~ BURNHAM Burnham, Eliza A mation of animal and vegetable life. ill. 24°. 79, *408 = nap., BOC. «+--+ +--eee eee eee Burnham. adpt. to the lawsof the various States ; w ith forms. Burnham, S. M. Hist. and uses of limestones and 3d ed., enl. by J. L. Bishop. roy. 8°. ['77. eee marbles: with chromo-lith. ill. of antique and shp., $7.50 «.--.++-++-+2+--- oor Baker, 3 ALCO: mod. marbles. 8°. 7°83. $G6..+.++++-- Cassino.|— Same. 4th ed., by G: L. Sterling. 8°. ’82.°7! shp., BG Oleverelere.cialoislsisiel ere tovevere) sclere wi a\nie Baker, V.& Co. Burning of the convent. Whitney, IMs. L. G. $1. : oe a SS es Osgood. | Burritt, Elihu. Chips from many blocks. 12°. Pit R Burning their ships. Phillips, B. 20c. .---- Harper. | i eo Dieierereciotereieresere efoletereicheiore sie Rose- Belford. Burning words of brilliant writers. Gilbert, J. H.| Burroughs, J: Birds and poets, with other papers. Sects ers Bie cole ie ele oe aielet ate ciel siatelenereie oil Niver. | UGS: [eijae SUDO merle meee: Hurd & H. : i Y > . ’ . . . > =Q *382 See Burns, H. Tadex. See Indiana, Sup. Cowrt of Judi- | — Locusts and wild honey. sq. 16°. 79. ate cature Houghton, O. § Co. — Pepacton. 16°. 81.*485 $1.50.. Houghton, M. & Co. — W aay Robins il: 16% [f 237 $1.50.. Hurd & H. c Burns, Jesse G. Two orphans; falso] His love and hers. Lege i ) — andothers. Essays from The Critic. 12°. BD 542 (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.°%7 pap., 10c. - Ogilvie. Burns, Rob. Poetical works; with life of the author, | &1.95 : Osgood aes a sci 8 ae ; 298 aa SOB cc ie ope iecerei coi iolieisieloi- ici clenereie) rerater ‘ i notes wand G1Ossarys eocma sided Cane Burroughs, W. H. ‘Treatise on the law of taxation as — Same. (Globeed.) 16°. [’77.] $1.25.-Appelton. imposed by the states and their municipalities, or __ Same: withmemoir. (Riversideed.) 3v.in1l. 8°. other subdivisions, and as exercised by the goy- Palio $3 coodoces 6000 con. Turd & H. ernment of the U. S., particularly in the customs and internal revenue. 8°. [’78.]**° shp., $6.50. — Same: ed. from best printed and ms. authorities, ae: Dv EAohe meen Y with glossarial index and mem. by A. Smith. 2v. | Baker, V. § Co. por. and ill. 16°. *83.°97 $3. 50k ces ae — Same. Supplement; digest of CaEES decided benwicen . /XT : Pr Qc r Te ‘ Ss: Ro 3 : — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32°. [’77.]**°| Ales 1877, and Jan. 1, 1883. 8°. °83. i shp.,; BCH eee oe es eine) oe wicieies Cicieiels ol eielee (ei-i-ie Osgood. | pe-0U++--- secre eee reese wees Baker, V. & Co. — Cotter’s Saturday night. il].4°. 781.512 $1.50;| Bursill,H: Handshadowsto be thrown upon the wall. canvas covers, col. designs, $3.50; tky. mor., $4. 2 ser. inl vy. 18th thous. sq. 8° [(’80.]*1° bds., Porter & C. | A) Gc s cic scl ereveiaie nie ee elise isle e)is/e/c'™ cl ererelsicis)« Dutton. — Same, and other poems; sketch of author’s life, etc. | Burt, W. H. Physiological materia medica; the physi- ene: classic ser.) 16°. ’81. pap., 12c.. Clark § M. ological action of our [homeopathic] remedies, — Birthday book. sq. 16°. [7’79.] $1 - Routledge. | their indications and their pharmacology. 8°. — See also Modern classics. ZO Ok ie shp., SSO wisiols eieloin tn slie'asalelslsietelic Gross. Burnz, Elieza B. Anglo-American primer; deziend tu} Burton, C. E. Amateur actor. 16°. [°76.]249 bds., teech a proper speling and pronunsii ashon ov the | BOC. 3 PAap-, SOC. cw cc c+ cin we sini sien cio els aime Dick. ine. langwej. 16° [°77. ]?9! stiff pap., 15¢e. Burnz. | . , Eng langwej. 16°. ['77 aS Ea l5e. Burnz. | Burton, J: Hill. Book-hunter. (Memorialed.) 129°. — Help for young reporters. i6 i “Sie flex. cl:, 50c: 721 *524 net. $3 Tripple ¢ oe ‘ site lL, MOe erece eeveoneececevses seee 7 Ge uur : : : ah Ses : | he Same ; with mem. and index. por. and ill. 12°. 783.9%" — Phonic shorthand for schools, business writing and | 2 reporting; on the basis of I. Pitman’s Phonogra Be aK eae ae ae See ee meas dts Worthington. e : Sis O s - | . , . 2 I BueaG | — Hist. of the reign of Queen Anne. 3v. 8° 780.44 phy. 12°. PO ONOIO Si Pereicincieisine oom DD ULnITS. | eee : a es BIS 50 seco tec ctech Secs cc cose Scribner & W. — Selections for practice of studer nts in the reporting é 2 : style of Burnz’ phonic shorthand. 12°. [’78.]3 Burton, R: F. Book of the sword: hist. of the sword Nex 0G en ee eee Bunnie | and its use in all countries from the earliest times. ; - 97 . > Ul. 40° 28d 882" SST OPDO) occ siecle S ; Burr, C: H. Plans of 27 Doric temples, taken from ae ' Ho : orsbner $V. best authorities and drawn on uniform scale. | Burton, Rob. Anatomy of melancholy. New ed., rev. 14 18 in. [no ee? DOSie orice ccra sa LZLUS 3yv. cr. 8° $5.25; hf. cf., $10.50. . Armstrong. Burr, Enoch F. Ad fidem; or, parish evidences of the Bury, W: Power and speed of steam vessels: calcu- Bibles 12%) \e79n) Sleb0eee seca n ec Am. Tr. | lated by rules adpt. for vessels of all types. — Dio, the Athenian; or, from Olympus to Calvary. pl. 8°. 778.°" pap., 1.40 ---- +--+ + 220s Spon. 120. 4805492, G2 wees cence rccesces Phillips & H.|— Resistance and the proportions of screw propellers. =——Wecercelums 220 295 (Gl cace-s: ccc Am. Tr. | pl. 8° 783.89 Gol... 2.26 ce eese sce --+- Spon. meee Os a hand of God in the ean ay | Burying the hatchet. Kellogg, E. $1.25....Lee§ 8. GAT ee SU QD ce cies « Sfevetele se eYoie eS Se . ‘ [ meso: Be | Busch, Moritz. Bismarck in the Franco-German war, — From dark to day. ill. 8% [’78.]*1% $3.50. ‘ : : iss V7, : a 5 & O | 1870-J871; auth. tr. from the Germ. 2 v. 12°. : : LVOYES, WD. « oO. T9770) «374 a Dv. ] 90 »7Q 1%*379 & 50. — Pater mundi; or, mod. science testifying to the| a eT eee #10 Heavenly Father. 12°. [?79.] $1.25. Am.T7r. : : : — Same; ser. 2; or, the doctrine of evolution. 12°. | — Our chancellor: sketches for a hist. picture ; from the OW RIOR eo ok We ee Tie. Germ. by W: Beatty-Kingston. 12°. ’84.*°4! $2.50. — Tempted to unbelief. 12°. P 89 as -Am. Tr. Buset We M a ‘ . Scribner's Sons. Burr, Sophy 8. Cash seventeen; [also] Little Faith, ee za k ae Se eu Ey 4 aos oes ene a ae 1. s; Newed: col: ill: 12% 282-5 S:, (oc: by Mrs. O. F. Walton. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781.52 — Ne eee eae ; Roberts. Same. Newed. 8°. 784.64! $2.50..Scrzbner’s ene. VAD ry dl Cr retoyetol cys cree iele o crc)o oleic loiciercicret dgilvie : aa ~ . Teepe’ reeeeeees Ogulvte.| __ Mischief-book; from the Germ. by A. L. Alger. ill. Burr, W: H. Course on the stresses in bridge and roof obl. 12°. ’80[’79 ].*4!! bds., $1.25. R. Worthington. trusses, arched ribs and suspension bridges . ue ion ; go 80) #448 G3 J ee ore. Pl. | __ plish and Plum; from the Germ. by C: T. Brooks. me OU. 3700s. z 1000) ¢) 00 (8 le fake sekei(ole) ois yi rley. ill 120 *83[°82)). 569 ate: Roberts. — Elasticity and resistance of the materials of engineer- ee Lo ee Ne OS ees De St, 28D FOO he ea. ae : Wiley. Busey, S: C. Congenital occlusion ani dilatation of : R : ; ; ae 7 , 8°, 78. |92° Myo GOCOC Burrage, H: S. Act of baptism in the hist. of the lymph channels. a) pe Wood. Christian church. 16°. [’79.]?8° $1....Am. Bapt. Bush, C. G. Our choir: symphonie ina BCDEFG, — Hist. of the Anabaptists in Switzerland. 16°. [’82.]*°6 etc., flat and sharp, major or minor, opus 1881. Ory er et Oe eee, Am. Bapt. Obl. 8% 283s%88* bdse. ile DO ni cicc a cicice Putnam. — (comp.) ‘Longfellow, 1807-1882. 12°. ’82.587 s1,.| Bush, Clara R. Ninety-nine days. qatchel ser.) sq. Hoyt, F.§ D. GOR 279 F405 | DADs, CO Ceci oie wickei cre wine oie Authors’. Burre, Gerald: Returned to life. (People’s lib.) 4°. | Bush, Ja. S. More words about the Bible. 1205 (SB. aee3 SL.°% pap., L0C...... 2. sees eee ee eee Ogilvie. UNGa6 EM, Aehocscccs soonns wale sede Wamovell.BUSH 59 BUTTERWORTH Bush, W. P. I). Reports. See Kentucky, Court of| Appeals. Bushel of fun, from aca of Josh Billings, Mark | wainssete 169 (eSile 4 paps, 10c... Ogilvie. Bushnell, Horace. ne nurture. (New uniform | ed.) 12°. [’76. 2 $1.50 .... Scrrbner, A. & Co. — God in Christ; discourses; w ane a preliminary disse r- | tation on language. (New uniform ed.) 120. Te. 1802 SHIDO) ete cscs oo -- Scribner, A. S Co. | — literary varieties. 3v. 12°, ’81.*491)*49 ea. $1.50. 2 3. Building — Sermons [°76. — Sermons ed.) — Sermons [te Cont.: 1. Work and play.—2. Moral uses of dark things. — } Scrvbner’s ce g eras in religion. | for the new life. (New uniformed.) 12°. )249 Se DO) ares occ ate ere Scribner, A. ¥ Co. on Christ and his salvation. (New uniform 12° (/°76.]72° $1.50... Scmbner, A. & Co. | on livi ing subjec ts. (New uniform ed.) 12°. | }? 66) Sb ae ee aoe es Scribner, A. & Co. — The vicarious Pe (New uniform ed.) 2 v. 12°, | por 728 - ¥ a P Y | L @d. 12 , per V., DIL OO]. Scribner, A. J Co. | | Bushrangers. Thomes, W: H. $1.50......Summer. Businger, L. C. Christus in seiner Kirche: eine Kir- chengeschichte. ill. 8°. [’79.] 7dc...Benziger. — fing. C hrist in his church: Catholic chureh hist "9 tr. by R: Brennan; [also] Hist. of the church in} Am., — Das Leb Mari: — Lng. Li Mary pts. Busk, R. H. by J: G. Shea. ill. 8°. ’81.49° $2. Benziger-. | en unsers Herrn und seiner Jungfr. Mutter = uv. ill. 4° [°79.] $6.50-$20 ... Benzager. | ife of Jesus Christ and of his virgin mother | 7: from the Germ. by R: Brennan. In 388 ill; 4°. *7.9.98?:994 ea. pap., 2c... Benziger. | Roman legends; fables and folk-lore of | Rome, coll. from the people. 12°. [’76. ]?°° $2.50. | Buswell, I pleading in personal actions in the courts of Mass. | 2d ed., enl. 8°. 783.8 shp., net, $6..G@: B. Reed. But a Phill But yeta woman. Hardy, A. S. $1.25. Butcher, S. H. Demosthenes. (Classical writers.) map. 16°. ’82.*544 flex. cl., 60c. ...-Appleton. Butler, C. M. History of the Book of common prayer. WA AKO MIDs Godcodoaose Claxton, R. § LH. — Reformation in Sweden; and its triumph under Charles | rx, 129 [83578 SDILEZ OD) aiciercicler elses Randolph. Butler, E. Essay on our Indian question. 8°. ’82.°% PAP. eve ee eer eeeeceee ese cere encececce Sherwood. Butler, I's Breeding, training, management, diseases, ete;; of dogs. Oth edi: enle ull; 8° [fair Gnis ate « nicl cise ai ciale oo iele aiclaveldhsisistoralie aierel.e} Holmes. Butler, G: hand- Butler, J. New 8°. [’79.] ea., $9; shp., $6; hf. mor., $7; mor., S10. Cont.= 1. tion. — Same. v.1: The fourfold Gospel. ill., maps and diagrs Butler, Ja. $3.50 Butler, J: — Text-boo Gor 4 Butler, No philosophy of composition, and other pieces. 20! Butler, S: (QU, Lofts — ]Judibras. Estes. | | I: F:, and Walcott, C: H. Practice and stine. Townsend, V. F. $1.50...LeegS. Houghton, M. &§ Co. Hand-atlas of anc. geog. See Appleton’s | atlas. Glentworth. Bible reader’s commentary. Testament. 2y. ill., maps and diagrams. NU Aratalipvavalaleietaleloielie elalalelelccsiminieis (alee ei? Appleton. The fourfold Gospel. —2. Acts, Epistles, Revela- VMS: OSs WO! HD eeie ce een ie Funk. Larger catechism. 24°. per 100, net, Stoicteleie) bieisicielei sie Sodcuo Dogo OCGadC Benziger. Electricity in surgery. 12°. ’82.*° 1. Boericke §& T. k of electro-therapeutices and electro-surgery. Ti QGAS RO a cine e cyeiciels eveielelers Boericke & 7. ble. Miscellanies: Trial by jury; The [SO Asee Sail DN wiarele) Wal a ele ale)ts)ereiere Vorton. Poetical works. (Riverside ed.) 2 y. in I. 79 8711 81.75 ...---- Houghton, O. § Co. (Globe ed.) 16°. $1.25; pap., 60c. Appleton. Butler, S: Alps and sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino. ill. 4°. ’82.°3° $7.50. Scribner & W. — Evolution, old and new. 12° 779.418 $2.50. Cassino. Butler, W: Archer. Lectures on the hist. of ane. phi- losophy; ed. with notes by W: H. Thompson. Dive Fe 100) 27, Gekste: ROU Oy ee creas -- Carter. Sermons, doctrinal and practical; ed., with mem. of the author’s life, by T. Woodward and J. A. geremie. 2 vj. 120 279 EeSeL SONS) c cee Canter | Butler, W: F. Red Cloud, the solitary ae story of the great prairie. ill. 12° 782.*998 50. Roberts. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.°8 pap. on - Munro. Butler-Johnstone, H. A. M. Trip up the V olgar, to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod. ill. 12°. [’78.]3*” J GRD Dy reireloyeral rare cioiote eiclerchel crc /elsio siecle toccelc Porter & C. Butler’s literary selections. nos. 1a McCaskey, J. (ed), eWis TOCis) BOC urac 6 m0 scree J. H. Butler. Butler’s series [of readers]. 5 v. ill. 12°. (83. ]*84 J. H. Butler. Cont.: First reader. 20c.—Second reader. 30¢c.— Third reader. 40c. —Fourth reader. 50c.— Fifth reader. 60c. Butt, Beatrice May. Delicia. (Leis. hour ser.) 169. 2 eK SO2 RT cris, «a ay cle aie sicnis. Dusteacicin ie a ciste.e FTolt. — Eugenie. (Leis. hourser.) 16°. [’77.]? $1.25. Holt. — Geraldine Hawthorne. (Leis. hour. ser.) 16°. ’83.*°8° Sp Le cs eicrerele)s ielleile) ele stele (aie cc) o) nielsie acrelelelcieiciclaveie's Holt. Same. (Se aside lib.) 4°. 783.587 pap., 20c.. Dfuno. — Hester. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. ’79.9% pap., 25c. Appleton. — Miss Molly. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.4° pap., 10c. Munro. — Passion-flowers; [also] Matty of Greysparkle, by J. McCarthy. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.47 pap., Munro. | Butt, Geraldine. Dieudonnée. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. [’77. ]?89 pap., 20c..----- 2+. sees sees Harper. — Time of roses. (Half-hour ser.) 320) eiailees paps. DOH arsvereale 6) aja nicl vicilcie)ia eave) ail «(0\«/s/e/e)(viore! «/.- Harper. Ute UPS and: daisies alle sq. 120) 778.282 bdse, By ()Oxerninreia claveierclorerels Biniehcl cela oleiere) alee (ne) ei si orale Dodd. | Butterfield, C. W. History of the discovery of the Northwest by J: Nicolet in 1634; with a sketch of bis lifes, W205 78] eolee ai 5000 D00G RAL — System of punctuation, for schools. 10% zhao flex. Clew4. 008 a ciere mildivl clelncielelelelel sisicte elevate Park. — (ed.) Washington-C rawford letters: correspondence between G: Washington and W: Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, concerning western lands; with app. BOs (eel ESD oscconcaK occa gone .- Clarke — Washington-Irvine correspondence: official letters conc. military affairs in the West from 1781 to 1783; arr. and ann. with introd. ill. 8°. ’82.°7 BBE Okan ]. ; : , cy me | : Prollopell | Caleb, the irrepressible. Paynter, M. M. $1-.Sumzner. 169; 7832922 30c.s paps, loin. ee ccc. s Alden. : ‘ : : : : Caesar: a dramaticstudy. Peters He b0G. He etere Caledonia, described by Scott, Burns, and Ramsay; ill. ane nee BeTROM SUR aN an Le | by J: Maewhirter, eng. by Rk. Patterson. ill, -4°. Caged linnet. Leathes, Jfs. 8S. Sil 2D isiaiereccle « Carter. 7G 365 ANTHIB \i cs eects ere ae ae R. Worth ington. . ’ ras mr Os 71 on: oy || , ae : — 6 — Cahun, Leon. Adventures of ¢ ApvaID Mago: or, @) Calendar leaflets for ministers of the Prot. Episc. Ch. Phoenician expedition, B.c. 1000; ill. by P. Philip- (So. (e7Sepe | pap yoUCe se acieerie Whittaker. yoteaux, and tr. from the French by E. E. Frewer. : is s i : : a Calenzano, Marchese di. See Mauris, M. 1200 WenGa2e2) GONbOn- eae, Scribner, A. § Co. | ~~ °"24t a — Blue banner; or, adventures of a Mussulman, a| California, Legislature. Codes and Statutes 18iG- ‘ e A ° e . > y 7 > £ r . y »¢ 7_2Q 2 Christian, and a Pagan, in the time of the eral 1880, by T. H. Hittell. 3v. roy. 8°. iN ou.” sades and Mongol conquests. tr. from the French | SUD ay gee sere 2 elmiyene terete sterol rcerels oioene oe Bancroft. by W. C. Sanders; ill. by J. Lix. cr. 8°. RA eee Statutes, 22d—-24th session, 1877-1881, 3v. 8°. °78- Hols) eee eYei avers Sie eicliatalel ake) clelaie) (clei n/o' fer otetenle Lippincott. | SI, ea., Shp, pl0. 26. 50000 000000 JEM OCIRO lic 5 % - ben : Si oape ([t se mes ; : nts > 2s. passed at 25 ses- Cain, W: Maximum stresses in framed bridges. (Sci. | Same, anu Bee DlemoK odes? Pe ee Ms an ce ser. ) 940. 79 353 bds., Ole. onc Van Nostrand. | s1on, ISeu- 5°, . Oo. Ss a To as ae — Symbolic algebra; or, the algebra of algebraic num- | eG Court. ‘i Bo ee v. 4 a oie re cas bers; with notes on the methods of reasoning em- O42. GTS Neo Sued OF Nee Ses ean ployed in‘geometry. (Sci. ser.) 249°. *84.*644 ea., shp., B4.---+ + +++ eee Bancroft ; S. Whitney. bases DOC ee te ee oe ctemtare Van Nostrand. Cont.: v. 41-48 (71), by C: A. Pe a 51 (70), by ©: A. in Of i i . j Ab »—y. 52 (77), by C: A. Tuttle and G. J. Carpenter. — — Theory of solid and braced elastic arches; applied to Luttle.—v. 52 (il), by CONOR Ee ‘ arch bridges and roofs. (Sci. ser.) ager 279,420 Me oe (78), by G. J. Carpenter. —v. 54-62 (’79-’82), by G: H. x Ores Se Nena eee es Se Smith. Dds pO Crees coe etecloi co siaies Cale Van Nostrand. : ‘ cate : as Se Cai T. Hall. Recollections of D @annel Roca Digest of reports, v. 1-55 inclusive, [1850-1879], by EU og ee a ae One uns e ane ee. ee Ae Rhodess 2iv. So Wolke shps, oiler setti. 8°, 82,577 Do ele ee a0 0a 0006 #0 68 Roberts. Bancroft d s Whitney = of S ats “AR (CE ‘ies ‘ - 40) 29 547 : 6 i i : ‘ ) : { (ed-) onnets Cie Ce eS ents ie ee Californian pictures in prose and verse. Avery, B: OO eiecieie soci anon oes cae W. B. Clarke. i eer: coe ie eee eae idhravel dp 3k Caird, Ef: Critical account of the philosophy of Kant, ye Oe Fee ay ‘S ite with hist. introd, 8°. (?7'7. 128" $6.50). - Macmillan. | Californians: ki ae _ : a Wore eee ne : ae : : X 229 586 1 OX C Newims : S ZOGe waciee seve ce adver. — Hegel. (Philos. classics.) 12°. 783." 1.20. Calista. Newman, « ocd) “A Lippincott. | Calkins, Norman A. Manual of object-teaching; with — Problem of philosophy at the present time. 16°. illustrative lessons 1n methods and the science of « ~ e : : 90 2O6 2 *5 18 n Or cs < 282.531 pap., BOC. .ecesesere ccccce ce Macnullan. education. 12°. ’82 [’81].*° $1.25.. Harper.{ i Pihie Bae ithe | he i i} \ he bb i 1k i j 3 tine rhs j \ i es Lit i; ag | i Pi ea { ' i teas tke / 1 | i} ! ; | : { | | i CALKINS 62 CAMPBELL Calkins, Norman A., continued. — and Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Prang’s natural hist. ser. for children. nos. 1-6. col. pl. 8° 778.*°8 ea., HOXS DOCS piccleiee ieleie vo alte aicieie el cictale eye Putnam. Camden, C: Boys of Axelford. ill. 16°. °79. $1.25. Routledge. Cameron, Mrs. H. L. Deceivers ever. (Lib. of sel. NOMEISS) 162. a[iaiGeile-s Paps O0Ces ee ee Harper. — Juliet’s guardian. (Lib. of sel. novels.) ill. 89. Eto ee pap., OUCHe en. aiellefei ere Harper. Cameron, K. Plasterer’s manual. ill. 16°. ’79.*389 TOC siete Solel oleleoreie ele cicrerstorei cleo eleislere) oi Bicknell. — Same. Rev.ed. ill. 16°. 783.5% 7dc...Comstock. Cameron, Verney Lovett. Across Africa. ill. and map:. 289 [Pts SDE cio cicere oss HAMDEN. Cameronians. Grant, J. 20c...........-.. Harper. Camille. See Dumas, A. (fils). Camoens, L: de. Lusiad; epic poem: from the Portuguese, by W. J. Mickle. 5th ed., rev. by E. R. Hodges. (Bohn.) 12° [P77.978% $1:°40: Scribner, W. & A. Same; tr. by R. F. Duff. ill. roy. 8°. 780.1 $6. Lippincott. Camp and cabin. Raymond, R. W. $1; 50c... Fords. Camp, court, and siege. Hoffman, W. $1.25.. Harper. Camp life in the wilderness. Farrar, C: A. J. 25c. Williams. Camp-life in the woods. Gibson, W: H. $1... Harper. Campaign primer. 16°. [’80.]**°® pap., 10c. Harrison. Campan, Mme. Jeanne L. H. Private life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre; with sketches of the court of Louis xiv., xv., and xvi. New rev. ed., with add. notes. 2 v. ill. 8°. owes = LOD ORs cca oe --+«- Scribner & W. Campbell, Arch. Church of the future: a diocesan charge: 169: 7S eoSe creel Macmillan. Campbell, C.D. N. Jesus, and soul to soul: poem. BOR IO eee a crcrcies avevarcyete ae etntereroh ele = - Maynard. Campbell, Dudley. Turks and Greeks; notes on a recent excursion. 12°. [’77.]?% $1..Macmillan. Campbell, Lord G: Log letters from ‘‘ The Chal- lenger.” chart. 8° [7’77.]?8 $4..Macmillan. — Same. 2ded., rev. 12°. {’77. ea $2.50.. Macmillan. Campbell, Su G: White and black: outcome of a visit to the U. S. 8°. ’79.*997 $1.75... Worthington. Campbell, G:D. See Argyll, Duke of. Campbell, H. & Co. (pubs.) | Hand-book for business men; legal and financial directory: [also] List of banks and bankers, with laws and facts impor- tant to every business man; laws comp. by C. S. Withington. 8° 781.499 $2....H. Campbell. Campbell, Helen. American girls’ home-book of work and play. is 220 *8BNeNS icin s)< «1 ULLIU ND. — Easiest way in house-keeping and cooking; adpt. to >) domestic use, or study in classes. 16° ’81.*47? GRi]Veve a steve) se cia oie Sele §8 flex. cl., DO Greseieicccte tierce eleiayers ais ieelcletersie cisisien tote Fords. — Patty Pearson’s boy: a tale of two generations. New Gd 160, 7850) lie paps DOC re apecrecree « Fords. — Problem of the poor: a record of quiet work in un- quiet places: sq: 16°. 782:*°8? 90c...... Fords. — Under green apple boughs. (Our continent lib.) WO We ee BG bon no coun nod0 coun Meni — Unto the third and fourth generation. 16°. ’80.*4%6 Sailesie eiaie bieie cy oie) elelic ele onesies) o lerecicis) eisiewieiae Fords. Campbell, J. A. P. Revised code. See Mississippi, Legislature. Campbell, J. F. My circular notes: written while travelling westwards round the world. New ed. 2Vein le ills 120 278188 ROnOn Macmullan. Campbell, J. L. Geology and mineral resources of the James River valley, Va., with map and geol. sections. 8° 784[783.*%t! Sil..-.... Putnam. Campbell, J:& Sons (pubs.) List of the practising members of the Phil. bar, Oct. 10, 1879. 89. WL ORAAS = DAD is ZOCie sccieiain sieeleie J: Campbell § Sons. Campbell, L: Some aspects of the Christian ideal; sermons. 16° [’77.]%° $2........Macmillan. — Sophocles. (Classical writers.) 16°. ’80.*43° G60c. ; Appleton. —and Garnett, W: Life of Ja. Clerk Maxwell, with sel. from his correspondence and occasional writings. por. and col. pl. 8° 782.574 6. Macmillan.CAMPBELL 63 CARED Campbell, Loomis J. Hand-book of Eng. synonyms: with app. showing the correct uses of preposi- tions; also coll. of foreign DIS es 249, 8] XW, gaso 5DO C0000 UosJIRGr Ik 482 — (comp.) Younes folks? Bogle of moetree coll. of bee short and easy poems. ill. 16°. ’80.*437 Same in pts. CAs, PAP: LOC. cece icine Lee er 5 Campbell, M. Montgomery. Sean Roubaix: tale of the Swiss mountains. 16°. RSOr ee. 50c: Pott. ¥4 5 Cou Campbell, Rob. Allen. Philosophie chiromancy ; mys- teries of the aoe revealed and explained. ill. WS, A .00; hf. mor., $2.25; full mor. SS Bic toieleleiel sie) sleeve wieieleiciere/aere erei so 0dk WWE Campbell. Campbell, S S. M. Story of creation. ill. 12°. [°77.]307 STD icusicre resto clercle stele. ereisieis Sen B. ¥ Co. — Same. ill. 12°. [’80.]**} -$1.50.......Randolph. Campbell, T: Complete poetical works: with mem. of.his life 16°. [777.)%°! $1.25; $1.-.Cro1wedd. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32°. [’77. ]8° Canterbury chimes. Storr, F., and Turner, H. $1. a Roberts. Canterbury pilgrimage. Bedell, GT. $1.25. : Randolph. Cantica canticorum. Meisen, H: vy. 50c...... Gray. | Cantiones sacre. Mohr, J. $1.25........... Pustet. .| Cape Cod and all saloneyl the shore: stories. Nordhoff, @: Ube: i Score cere ce amen: \CaperCoa folks) Meleangs: ms aieson saan: | Capen, Nahum. Reminiscences of J: G. Spurzheim | and G: Combe: review of the science of phre- nology. por. 12°. 781.4% $1.50.. Fowles $ W. Same: W205 Slee) SOO ecie cite .- Liapprncott. — Not like other girls: novel. 16°. °84.*°°" $1; pap., DZOCs « eces viacs cle al eieie ere) a) wilcieleleis.eiri ee [ippincott. == Same. (Seaside lib.) 4% [84° pap:, 10c: Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [(e84.|22" | pap., Ch eiepecreie) cleteie! revise eyes 01s) soko a\e:-\ « Munro. — Queenie’s whim. 12° °81.4” . $1.25; pap., 75c. Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*475 pap., 20c... Munro. Carhart, J. Wesley. Four years on wheels; or, life as a presiding elder. por. sq. 8°. °80.*° $1.25. Allen & H. Carita. See Oliphant, Ms. M. O. W. Carl Krinken. Warner, S., and A. $1...... Carter. Carl, the young emigrant. Alexander, J. W. 10c. Am. S. S. Carleton (pseud.) See Coffin, C: C. Carleton, Fanny E. [‘‘Notelrac.”] Operas: their CARPENTER Carlyle, T:, continued. — Characteristics. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32°. [’77. ]%°° ROC ee eee oe oe lle ie tere inter icrsi OSG OO — Critical and miscellaneous essays. (Pop. ed.) 2. 100 2S 48s S3°50... 0. 3. Houghton, M. & Co. — Cromwell. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. [’77.]?*° 50c. Osgood. — Bssays. (Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.429 pap., 20c.- Funk. — Same; with biog. sketeh by C: N. Williamson. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.478 pap., 20c.... Munro. — Essays on Goethe. (Seaside lib:)) 4°, 281.482 pap-, DG acrt ere ciciicrere ciiciicie oi siievelereciclsis) ero teie te soc ce DUNO: — Goethe. (V est-pocket ser.) 32°. [eerie] 22 50e. Osgood. — Hero as a prophet; with biog. sketch, notes, etc. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. 782. pap., 12c. Clark & M. — On the choice of books. (Standard ser.) 4°. 28 (3424 pap., [32 Oviaie eloiciai eis @ietelclelc sleleleie clipicleielivicve leer Funk. — Same. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32° few \F= 50c. Osgood. |— Reminiscences; ed. by J. A. Froude. 16°. °81.*" 30c.; hf. rus., GOc....-.-.+--+---- Am. Bk. Exc. — Same. por. 12° “802222 G0c. ce <2 5 een Harper. writers and their plots. 16°. 782[’81].*°°° dc. | Lippincott. | Carleton, G: W. Our artist in Cuba, Spain, Peru and Algiers; with caricatures of travel. sq. 16°. Preire SI 5 pap., (VO ateielcieiniere el ciel sie Carleton. Carleton, Will. Farm festivals. ill. 8°. ’81.**4 $2; cilt, $2 50 conve cose cons en seee titer eee Harper. — Why wife and I quarrelled; [also] Betsey and I are out. sq. 18°. [’77. ]®°* $1; pap., 50c... Carleton. — Young folks’ centennial rhymes. ill. 12°. [’76.]?* $1.50 cic lsisiolelein isiscaielaje isie\e7ee/ ea eiele) 6s sin'c\e.eie Harper. Carleton, W: Art Maguire; or, the broken pledge. (Householdilib) 169: [2785|5*2 ~ pap, Toe: Sadlve Vie — The poor scholar, and other tales of Irish life. (Household libs) 6°: (ears) z2 pap., lode. Sadlre Ve — Willie Reilly and his dear Colleen Bawn. 8°. 779. GND i iso Sinica clelele piwels alee sis cele 6 mss Routledge. Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. °83.°? pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. Carleton’s classical dictionary; hist. of names in lit- erature and events associated with them. 782.8 TE) Oa ciate eioiel ole lolelic cicisire 6 arousal eis) eieuielsiaie: sielere Carleton. Carleton’s hand-book of popular quotations. 12°. (Retiree 228 Me Woaasoncgs00ac Salone 6 « OUUGLELON. | Carleton’s popular reading. See Diehl, Jfs. A. R. Carlin, W: Collection of recipes from mss. of Dr. W: Carlin, of Bedford, Eng., with add. by the Am. tk NAO, thle OP o brass cpagnoocoo/baonr Ne Carlotta. Roskoten, R. $1.50 .....-..... Roskoten. Carl's first days: easy reading for the little ones, by author of Rose dale books. ill. sq. 16°. ’79.%°° Carlton, Christine. Muriel; or, because of his love fomher» (Seaside lib) 49) © 782-547 nan... 20c:. Munro. Tin ewn'g N ws ’ ne . y ‘ > — Vivian Grosvenor; or, Kenneth Farrand’s reward. (Seaside lib.) 4° (784. ]§# pap., 10c... Munro. Carlyle, Jane Welsh. Letters and memorials, pre- | pared for pub. by T: Carlyle; ed. by J. A. Froude. — Same. (Auth. ed.) silhouettes. 8°. ’81.*47 $2.50. Scribner’s Sons. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° 781.47 pap., ldc. Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.479 pap., 20c... Munro. — Reminiscences of my Irish journey in 1849. por. }20, 789.*545 $1. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40, pap., L0G. . -...c0 cece eee cor cee ne Harper. — Sartor resartus. (Standard ser.) 8°. [’81.]**° pap., OR Gro og cree clas siecle ce sine sees cle eee Funk. — Same. Complete ed. (Young people’s Jib.) 4°. (782. 1559 pap., 20C.....006 .e 57s e eee Routledge. — Schiller. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32° [’77.]°°° 50c. Osgood. — and Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Correspondence, 1834- 1872. 2v. 12°. ’83.*°82 $4; hf. cf., $8-. Osgood. Carlyon’s year. Payn, J. 10c...--.--+-..-. Munro. Carmen. Mérimée, P. $1; 50c............ Peterson. Carmina Princetonia: songs of Princeton College. 4th ed., by W. HE. Dodge, and others. 4°. 7 QUS8Ss | TR (ec c aie « crover a ois ears © stisio ss Dennis. — Same. 5th ed., by D. L. Elmendorf, and others. AO. 189.584 SIDO! ceca cies cco cbe einer Dennis. Carnegie, And. American four-in-hand in Britain. 8°. 83. %591 89 Scribner's Sons. — Round the world. 8° ’84.*88 $2.50..Scrtbner’s Sons. Carnochan, J. M. Contributions to operative surgery. 8 pts. 4°. [’77-’83.] pap., pts. 1, 2 together $1; pt. 8, 75c.; pts. 4, 5 together $1; pts. 6-38, CAe UD Cicncjolere cope cherie Y 83e n° SpeO Ol ere corel cievels lola siere'e ae Scribnei’s Sons. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 783.587 pap., 30ce. Same. (Lib. ed.) 12°. 783. $1.50... Harper. Carlyle, T: Anthology; sel. and arr. by E: Barrett. | OM IeMGe eee BOs sesso soa hes as « Holt — Same. New ed. 12° ’81.48° $1.95 — Burns. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32° ([°77.]®% 50c. Osgood. -+e-+ +. Holt, Putnam. — New guide to the conversation in Portuguese and English; introd. by M: Twain. 16°. 783.°% flex. cl... $15 pap:, 50c. ...- eioletelcisislenere -- Osgood. Carpenter, C. H. Self-support; ill. in hist. of the 3assein Karen Mission 1840-1880. 8°. ’84.°5 SHIDO) este cretevevenerere viele cas crevereleieyovere SAO OOOO Rand. Carpenter, Fk. D. Y. Geographical surveying. (Sci. ser.)) 16° (P78:)244" 50c. 3... Van Wosiand. J — Round about Rio. 12°. ’84[’83].*8° $2..Jansen. oSCARPENTER 65 CASSELL Carpenter, G. J. Reports. See California, Sup. Court. Carpenter, Harvey. Mother’s friend. 129° 784;%845 Cupples. Carpenter, J. Estlin. Life and work of Mary Car- penter. 2d ed. por. 12°. 781.494 $9... Macmillan. Carpenter, Ste. H. Elements of Eng. analysis ill. by a new system of diagrams. 16°. 207 bds., Be eleva ae cilei colors cia) crete Siw hele iei- terctorn ele ore Park. Carpenter, W. Boyd. District visitor’s companion: hand book of instruction, ete., of those engaged in district visiting. 24°. 781.438 40c... Whittaker — My Bible. (Heart chords.) 24°. ’84.*®9 40c.. Cassell. — Narcissus: tale of early Christian times. (Home and kindergartner’s 1.25. 353 libs); 129. [R79 eAce Sb0s3. -.-- Pott; 42. &: Co. — (ed.) Sunday musings. ill. 4°. 783. gilt, $7.50. Cassell. Carpenter, Wesley M. Index of the practice of medi- cine. 16°. ’83.58% mor., subs., $2.50; inter- leaved: S3°50\ cc cesses ss cls ae) olele oles Wood. Carpenter, W: B: Mesmerism, spiritualism, ete. : lectures. 12°. [[777.422° — Microscope and its revelations. 8°, BY 506 $5.50 6th ed. $1.25......Appleton. Gth ed. pl. andill. Gieifsleiatnllsisyaieia/ey cle she) ais Blakiston. (Lib. of stand. med. authors.) v. 1, 2. all. 129) 783.59” subs., ea., $1.25... Wood. — Physiology of alcoholics: address. 12°. 783.*°74 PAP., LOC... ee cece ee ree cere ce reeel Vat. Temp. Carpenter, W: Lant. Energy in nature: substance of lectures upon the forces of nature and their mutual relations. ill. 12°. ’83.*°9 $1.25.. Cassell Carr, Beryl (pseud.) See Byrd, L. E. Carr, J. M. C. Examples of contemporary art; etch- ings, with description. f°. [’77.]° $12.. Bouton. Carr, Lucien. torically considered. — Same. Mounds of the Mississippi valley, his- ov) 283.4619 ‘ Clarke. — and Shaler, N. S. On the prehistoric remains of Kentucky. (Geol. survey of Ky.) pl. 4°. ’83.°° pap., $2.50.....- Clarke. Carr, Nathan T. The sun: its constitution, its phe- nomena, its condition. (Humboldt lib.) 4°. (783. ]®4 pap., lic........+++-++--- Mitzgerald. Carrie Ellsworth. Johnson, M. O. Carried by assault. Hervilly, E. d’. 15e. Carried by storm. Fleming, Mrs. M. A. ere eee Pe $1.25...Lothrop. -- Roorbach. $1.50. Carleton: Carrington, H. B. Ab-sa-ra-ka (land of massacre) ; experiences of an officer’s wife on the plains. 3d ed., enl. ill. 12°. [’78.]9%4 $1.50.. Lippincott. — Battle-maps and charts of the American Revolution ; with explan. notes and ref. por. 8°. [’81.]°” $1.25 -.-- Barnes. — Battles of the Revolution; with topog. ill. and mili- tary and popular criticisms. roy. 8°. $6; shp., $7.50; hf. cf., $9; tky. mor., $12. Same. 8ded. 8°. [778.]*! $6...... Barnes. — Crisis thoughts. 12°. [’78.]4® pap., 60c...L¢ppincott. Carrington, Kate. 16°. 8p, 544 Carroll, G: D. ere ee eee wee toe ee ee Aschenbroedel. $1 (No name ser.) wile) w\ «/ elerart LUOUETES: Usages of the art of correspondence and polite society. pl. and ill. 16°, 780.47. $2. Dempsey. — Wedding etiquette, and usages of polite society. 16°. 78 ()EAID ST DO). ooo ace ciceve co vcieis vice - Dempsey. Carroll, H: K. World of missions. (Chautauqua text- bks.) 24°. °81.487 pap., 10c...-.-. Phillips § H. Carroll, Howard. Twelve Americans, their lives and times. por. 12° ’83.%997 $1.75.....- Harper. Carroll, J: St. Maur: an earl’s wooing. sq. 16°. (7°79. ]*4°8 pap., T5C.---22--eees oe wee» Peterson. Carroll, Lewis (pseud.) See Dodgson, C: L. Carroll O'Donoghue. Faber, C. $1; 50c....Coller. Carrothers, Mrs. Julia D. Sunrise kingdom: life and scenes in Japan, and woman’s work for woman theres alle 120; (79 eeeo 2 Presb. Bd. 9. (Aug: 84:) pap., $1.50. | (’76. ]25° | Carrots: just a little boy. Molesworth, Mrs. M. $1.50. Macmillan. Carry’s confession. Robinson, F: W: 20c....-Afunro. Carson, J. G. Communion, Secret societies and Psal- mody. 8° 7’82.° net, 25c...-.Umn. Presb. Bd. Carson, W. B. Essays on theology and philosophy. 28-498 paps; 50C. | account of the national sports and games of the Highlands. pl. andill. 8°. °82.°°S $2.50.. Wiley. | Carter, Horace E. of Judicature. Carter, Ja. C. Reports. See Indiana, Sup. Court Proposed codification of our common law. 8°. 784.549 pap., gratuitous Ee. Post. Carter, Rob. Brudenell. Eyesight, good and bad: the exercise and preservation of vision. ill. 12°. 780.*493' S150 Blakiston. — On defects of vision remediable by optical appliances ; lectures. 8° [’78.]9?9 $2.50...... Macmillan. Carter, Ruth. Errors; or, the rightful master. 12°. 79 416 $1.50 ..--- Carleton. | Carter, Mrs. Susan N. Drawing in black and white; | charcoal, pencil, crayon and pen-and-ink. (Art hand-books.) ill. 16°. ’82.*°8% bds., 50c. Putnam. eoeeee twee tee eee Carter, T: T. (ed.) Treasury of devotion; manual of prayer for general and daily use, compiled by a priest. 24°. "77. |?8* 90c. ....-- Pott, Y. § Co. Cartilla y doctrina cristiana. 5C. -.+-+-+++++4 Appleton. Caruthers, W: A. tionary tale of the Old Dominion. libs); 49. 7822588 pap:; Cary, Alice. Clovernook recollections of our neighbor- hood in the West: lst and 2d ser. New issue. SCE Knights of the horse-shoe; tradi- (Franklin Sq. oD () Chinraterel cierclevcle Harper. 2v. 12° 784.99 ea., $1.25.......Armstrong. yy —and Phebe. Poetical works. (Household ed.) por. WW Pets goon oc00udK Houghton, M. § Co. Same; with memorial by M. Clemmer. (Red line ed.) 8° [°76.]%48 $8.50; $4.-......Hurd § H. Cary, G: L. Introduction to the Greek of the New Testament. 12°. ’79.*97 75c......--. Draper. Case, A. lL. New recipe-book; cont. recipes, of value to every farmer, mechanic, business man and manufacturer; also, medical and household recipes. 12°. [782.]>4° $1; pap., 50c... Ogztvre. Case, C. C., and McGranahan, Ja. Harvest of song; for singing classes and conventions. 16°. [’78. ]*° Dds (DCs “aoe cer: Church. Case against the Church: summary of the arguments against Christianity. 12°. [’76.]?*° 75c.. Somerby. Case of Mr. Lucraft. Besant, W., and Rice, J. 10c. Munro. Casella. Finley, M.F. 80c..-------+-+ss-+:: Dodd. Cash. Bonsall, B. L. $1.50......-------:- Bonsall. Cash seventeen. Burr, $8. S. 10c¢.-.----+-+: Ogulvie. Cashier's scrap-book. Perey, H. C. $2---- Carleton. Casket of literary gems. See Craig, A. Cass, J: A. Isthereahell? 16°. [’78.]** 5c. Lothrop. Cassell, D. Manual of Jewish hist. and literature, preceded by brief summary of Bible hist. ; tr. by Mrs. H: Lucas. 16°. 783.84 net, 75c.. Macmillan.CASSELL’S 66 CELESTIAL Cassell’s book of in-door amusements, card games eral Catholic keepsake: gift book for all seasons. 12°. fireside fun. ill. 8° [781.]*#° $1.50. | 277.78) $l-255 $1-60---.- coer oo ve MUNDY: Cassell, P., G. § Co. | Catiline and Jugurtha. Sallust, C. C. $2..Macmillan. Cassell’s book of rote and pastimes. ill. 8°. U 31 ee Caton, J: Dean. Antelope and deer of America. 8°. GB. eee cccs cece recess eeeee Cassell, P., G. § Co. | [77 ]285 G4 oo 2c woos eee ween eens Hurd & I. Cassell’s French and En vale sh dictionary. See oe Tein | ==sSamnes edieds ull, Soy lesdey $2.50. een oe J: L., and others. | — Miscellanies. por 8%" 280) [7Oiletale tape Cassell's illustrated almanac, 1877-1883. ill. 4°. ['76-| Houghian 0.§ C B25) eegee (co DAPS, 2bCR ee Cassci’ os G. § Co-| Gat’s cradle. Willett, E: $2 ....... R. ene Cassell’s illustrated Bude. to Paris. ill. 169. ’84.*645 | Cat’s nursery and other stories. ill. ’83. 25c. EGhesell: Da ets eis es a, ay Cuca | Cats, Jac., and Farlie, Rob. Moral emblems, with Cassino, S: FE. (ea) )_ Naturalists directory tor Leed- : aphorisms, adages and proverbs of all ages and Wee ola SOU De Da ice Cassino: nations; ill. by J: Leighton; tr. and ed. by R. Cast adrift. Martin, Mrs. H. $1.25...- Pott, Y. § Co. | Pigot. 4° ['79.] mor., $20.......-Appleton. Cast away inthe cold. Hayes, I. IE Seb er etieeg 9: | Cats, cooks, cartwheels. Ely, E:T. 50e. .. Garleton: Cast up by the sea. See Baker, Sur S: W. | Catskill Mountain guide for 1877-84. maps. 8°. Cast upon the world. Perine, C: BE. 0c. =... Ogzlvre. | e77— 84. |782 ea., pap., 20Co «<0 a0 Van Loan. Castle Blair. Shaw, F. L. $l .------e+ee:- Roberts. | Catullus, Quintus (or Caius) Valerius. See Collins, Castle Dangerous. Sce Scott, Si W. W: L. (ed.) Ane. classics. Castle Foam. French, H: W. $1.50.....-- Lec & S§.| Caucus system. Whitridge, F: W. 25c...Soc. Pol. Ed. Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss, A. $1.50. .Lippzincott. Caught and fettered. Ballard, J. P. $1.-Nat. Temp. Castle in Spain. De Mille, J. 50c...-..-- .. Harper. | Causerie. Hovey, W: $1 ---.----+----+++Roberts. Castle Richmond. ‘Trollope, A. 20c...-.--+-- Munro. | Cautley, G. 5S. Century of emblems. [Poetry.] sm. Castle St. Angelo and the evil eye Story, W: W. 40, [°78.]845 $3..----.-++-------- Macmillan. ONTO ee ee ee ae cae sieve slelsiece pene Cavalier. James, G. P. R. Sl.-++++++++-- Peterson. Castle Warlock. Macdonald, G: 20c.....---. Munr Cavalier poets. ( Ing. classic ser.) 16°. °83. pap., Castle windows. Strong, L.C. $1.50 .--..--+/ ce {OSD OG O00) 0 COCO OO0> OnGc eoneee- Clark & M. erie oo Castlemon, Harry (pseud.) See Fosdick, C: A. | Cave, Alfr. Scriptural doctrine of sacrifice. 8°. a apie a2 ‘ : | Rc scporsies © oheeieievs cle siete eryercrersce Scribner SOA Caswell, Alexis. Results of meteorological obs. at Provi- C disk ag Seay ve j S dence, R. I., Dec., 1831, to Dee., 1876. (Smith- avendish (pseud.) See« ones) ; sonian contrib.) f°. ’82.*°3> pap.... Smith. Inst. | Caverly, Rob. B. Genealogy of the Caverly family, 1116 : j | rand ill. 8° ’80.*482 $3... Hlliott. Caswell, Is. G: A. Letters to Hetty Heedless and | we eres el und ll? oh 30 sae Eillvoid others. 18°. °80.443 50c.. W. 1. & O. H. Morrison. | — Indian wars of New England. 12°. ’82.°" $2..Harle. mu ‘ ; Som | __ Life and labors of John Eliot, the apostle among the Cat and mouse. Pask, A. T. 10c..........-. Munro. Indian nations of New England, with account Cat and the battledore. Balzac, H. de. $1; 50c. | of the Eliots in England. ill. 8° 781.482 bds., Belford, C. § Co. | 195 cicccine vince ser fata romriomene Meieice <-eeuLluote. Cat picture- book : et and stories about CA sM.| Gaxton, W: Dictes and sayings of the philosophers pee edlidee AOC-1) DADs OUC ote select Routledge. | fac-simile reproduction of the first book printed Cathcart, G: R. See Swinton, W:, and Catheart, G: R. in England by W: Caxton in 1477. 4°. [777.]?” Cathcart, W: Baptism of the ages and of the nations. B10. cece cece ee cece cee r eee ecee ce seme Bouton. 16°. 2 78. | 90 Bl eee eee ee ee -s+ee---Am. Bapt.| Caxton | pseud. ) See Rhodes, W. H. Cathedral (The). Lowell, J. R. 50c...... - Osgood.| Caxtons (The). Bulwer-Lytton, Siz E: G: E. L. Cathedral towns. Silloway, T: W., and Powers, L. 2 pts. ea., 1L5C..+--- ee eee S00 0000C J: W. Lovell. Meee oe le rele ce ee eice cn Cupples. | Cazenave, A., and Feydeau, Ernest 3eauty; or, the Cathel], D. W. The physician himself, and what he art of human decoration; [also] The art of pleas- should add to the strictly scientific. 8° ’82.*947 ing; tr. from the French by M. T. Courcelles. 77 1283 SHILA Diels o sierct cs cre e1s: elects *)sicje's --+- Cushings & B. P20 |ielel Catherine. See Thackeray, W: M. Cazneau, Mrs. W: L. Our winter Eden. (Satchel Else eclersine Srereiee See ORASE: Catherine Blum. Dumas, A. 10c........... Munro. | ser.) sq. 12°. [778.]** pap., 30c.---- Authors’. Catherwood, Ma. Hartwell. Craque-o’-doom. ill. 12°. Cebes. Cebetis tabular; introd. and notes by C. S. DMO aOR ee ee es. Lippincott. | Jerran. (C larendon press ser.) 16°. MBE — Old caravan days. ill. 12°. [’84.]*°47 $1.25.. Lothrop. | QOS scicrcrere creteierers ec eieva cuneate lols’ Hamels - Macmillan. —Rocky Fork. ill. 12° [’82.]*°4! $1.50... Lothrop. | Cecil and his dog. See Story of Cecil and his dog. Catholic anecdotes; or, the catechism in examples; | Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop, T. 30c.....-.- s cieiete LZOLLs tr. from the French by Mrs. Sadlier. 3 pts. | Cecil’s fate. See Little widow. (Household lib.) 16°. [°78.]" ea., pap., 25e. | Eeeil’s summer. Hollis, EH. B. $1.25....... Crowell. Sadlver. || 5 ; : : . Cecily: tale of the English reformation. Leslie, E. a Cite: see Ce ( orm an Omens: ee oe | IRR oe: : Sen as Phillips § H. atholic birthday book: calendar, [also] Feast of m mp Y each day and appropriate motto and practice. Cedar Christian. C Cuyler, I’. ov (OG HN ve Carter. DOOM aot Gime ee Benziger. | Cedar Hill library. 4v. 16°. ([(’77.]7°% set, in box, GBEOO creme 6 ors eels cies cee M oieceiesaerers Whittaker. Catholic child’s Bible history: text-book for schools; Old and New Testament; comp. by the Sisters Cont.: Christmas at Cedar Hill. — Rose the lavender girl. — of Mercy. (Boston text-bk. ser.) ill. 12°. | eee anes enone. [lo ee et Uitehoadoed seecceseseess J: A. Boyle. | Cedars (The). Cragin, L. T. $1.25..Lockwood § B Catholic directory, almanac and ordo for 1878. 12°. | Celebrated epochs of Irish history ; ill. by J. McNevin. ieiSaie28 S150: pap: $1... ... siaiel cio ais SAQLLCN sq. 12°. »7 9 387 pap., 10c.. AO oe ie -- Am. News. Catholic family almanac. See Illustrated Cath. family | Celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the almanac. ; birth-day of W: Ellery Channing, Brooklyn, Catholic family annual. See Illustrated Cath. family N. Y., Ap. 6, 7, 1880. por. 8°. 780.*#° $1. Hillis. annual. | Celestial country. Bernard, St. 25c¢. -... Randolph.CELESTIAL 67 CHAINEY Celestial country. Neale, J: M. 20c. ...... Dutton. Celestial symbol interpreted. Morris, H. W. $3.50; DOO OV OO Fc icic cle a cleieieis sie oiefeterel cielove / WcCurdy. | Cellarius (pseud.) See Fowle, T: W. | Censor (pseud.) See Bunce, O. B. Centennial buckeye cook-book. 12°. [’76.]?°° water- proof, SL Dive vevolanfevale a otc corel cleia eae me er. | Centennial call to all nations. Ideen, M. A. a Tae aot | Centennial celebration of the battle of Rhode Island, | at; Rortsmouth, R. 0. Aue: 29. 878 CRA L- | hist. tracts.) map. sm. 4° 779.4% $1..Rider. | Centennial city, Philadelphia; its hist. from the | earliest times, with map and eng.; a guide for | strangers to the city and Exhibition of 1876; | with app: 12° [1/76.9/248" pap. 25c:. <7. « - Coffin. | Centennial Commission. List of the awards made to the | American Exhibitors, Internat. Exhibition, 1876, | from the official lists. 8°. [’76.]?°° 50c...Souder. Centennial discourses: sermons delivered in 1876 by | order of the Gen. Synod onthe ae f. Dutch Church | in America. 8°. (als -Ref. Ch. Pub. | Centennial Exhibition. Official neice complete in te lv. Rev. ed. 12°. [’76.]?* $2. Hurd § H.; Nagle. | — Official reports of the judges, ed. by F. A. Walker. | comp! ylete set. 37 pts. in32v. ill. 8°. ’77—78.292"339 920. AGO WOOO COCU DO ODOKO HOCO DOO Lippincott. Nave ly: ‘Geub 1. anon mining, and metallurgy. $2. Pottery, porcelains, ete. pap., $1.50. Chemistry and pharmacy. pap., $1.50. Animal and vegetable products. pap., $1.50. Fish and fishing products, ete. pap., 25c Timber, lumber, ete. pap., 25c. Furniture, upholstery, etc. 50c. Cotton fabrics, etc. pap., 50c. 9. Wool and silk fabries, etc. pap., $1. 10. Clothing, furs, india-rubber goods, etc. Tdc. 11. Jewelry, etc. pap., 2dc. 12. Leather, boots, etc. pap., T5c. 13. Paper industry, stationery, printing, etc. pap., 50c. Omi Cre Cobo 14. Apparatus of heating, lighting, ventilation, etc., 7dc. 15. Builders’ hardware, etc. pap., 25c. 16. Military and sporting arms, etc. pap., 50c. 17. Carriages, etc. pap., 25c. 18. Railway plant, rolling stock, ete. pap., $1.25. 19. Vessels and apparatus of transportation. pap., 25¢. 20. Motors, hydraulic and pneumatic apparatus, etc. $2. 21. Machine tools, etc. pap., 25c. 22. Machines used in sewing, etc. pap., 50c. 3. Agricultural machines. pap., Toc. 4. Instruments of medicine, surgery, etc. pap., $1 ). Musical instruments, ete. pap., Sl. Century of roundels and other poets: Swinburne, A. S175 2... e2ce eee reve eee . Worthington. Centz, P. C. (pseud.) See Sage, B. J. | Ceremonial institutions. Spencer, H. $1.75. Appleton. Cernuschi, H: Bi-metallic money. 8°. [’76. ]?°? pap., 25¢...-....6-. eieieleteie: siorcie .1. S. Homans. Yomisma; or, legal tenden OF (ete S25 Appleton. Certain dangerous tendencies in American life. Har- rison, J. B. $1.25.....-.---.Houghton, O. § Co. | Certain men of mark. Towle, G@: M. $1....Roberts. Certitude, providence, and prayer. McCosh, J. &0c. Scribner's Sons. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha; from the Spanish by C: Jarvis; with mem. of Cervantes and notice of his works; ill. by G. Doré and T. Johannot. 8°. AS CBG falls EB) Gocaccocna coor Arundel. — Same. New ed. ill. 12°. [’82.]°° $1. Same; ill. by Sir J: Gilbert, T. Johe vont and others. (Young people’slib.) 4°. [’82.]°°? pap., 20c...R auteaae |— Same. Won Quixote. } pts. (Svaside lib.) ill; 49: ea., pap., 10c.-...-.. slieieisievels sais tee LUN 0: Same, His tory of Don Quixote; ; ed. by EF. W. Clark; biog. notice of Cervantes, by T. C. Shore; ill. by Doré. New ed. 4°. ([780.]*48 $7.50; full MIE CM dHNoococago00b code oe PG. & Co: — Same. 4o, 83. SD « eocceseccce eeietes CUSSCUL- — Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote por. “and ill. 24°. A) OR CIS ooo GOGO OGOOOd OOOO eee LOUCITS= Cesarine Dietricht. Sand, G: 50c. -.R. Worthington. Cesette. Pouvillon, BE. $1...,...-......-. Putnam. Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus: narr. of researches and exca- vations. mapsandill. 8°. [’77.]?!° $7.50. Harper. bretropenie Museum of Art. ill, f®. ’82.*543 pap., 50e. Ss oon 00aGGODL eaisveieyereiere toler {ppleton. Chadbourne Baal . Hope of the righteous. 12°. UG tealeee iD) Cunte sleieleleleiele ecisisir pia isiie op 0 ce LULNQNL. — Instinct: its office in the animal kingdom, and its rel. to the Mee powers in man. sq. 8% 783.°?* GRO (its cicie eiprernieieie cieielcioke) wiatels (ee picieiae cere IRULILGML — Strength of men and stability of n: tions ; bacealau- reate discourses. 12°. erence 7 T5c... Putnam. —and Moore, Wa. Burritt (eds.), Public service of the Stateof New York. 3 v. ill. 4°. °82-*83.°47:58 26, Architecture and engineering. pap., 75¢. fnliilevant: GlOOk. «ssc ccc omen le «se Osgood. 27. Plastic and gr: phic art. pap p., Toc. Chadwick, G: A. Christ bearing witness to himself. PAGE cieaibnland xenon: (9173 8. [19] $1.00.-..... Cassell, P., G..& Oo. 30-35. Live stock. Be. 25c. — My emotional life. (He: mri evondet 240" OS crane 36. Pomology, pap., 25c. MONO. nono cagd orrocoG odode dlp isieir) cleleieec/s\e Cassell. Bie go ollective eR Ss, Gee: cheaeier me Witt’s base-ball guide, 1877-88. Centennial frog and other stories. ill. sq. 12°. [’76. ]?°° Ty. an 16°. [°77-83. }272-483 ea., pap., 10c. GT yerie aicloieieial sie esis wielets sie) oi cioreloiak OLQRLO NM vay GwLe it » Witt. Centennial historical discourses delivered in Phila- | Chadwick, J: W. Bible of to-day. 8°. ['78.]*°? $1.50. delphia, June, 1876, by appointment of the Ge n. Putnam. Assembly of the P resbyterian C hurch inthe U.S. 1205, le 76.1]? 2OB TGR Oseierercteleies exe ofan . Presb. Bd. Centennial movement, 1876; comedy. Appleton: N. DOCH 2 <0 nears mie) olsiclaieiaisiayere ove . Lockwood, B. & Co. Centennial temperance volume ; memorial of the Inter- nat. Temp. Conference, Philadelphia, June, 1876. POT Soe [LAT ee apie ole a relerare) aerate acer Nat. Temp. Cénti (pseud.) Mescolanza. 12°. [777.]? pap., (NO. occbed enero cre Bat lelelel siotsenere siete Lippincott. Century of Am. medicine, 1776-1876. Clarke, I: H., and others. G2.25..6-.+creees soo0dDD Oot Lea. Century of discovery. Vogel, T. $1.75...Appleton. Century of dishonor. Jackson, Mrs. H. $1.50. Harper Century of emblems. Cautley, G. S. $8..Macmillan. Century of Gospel work. Noble, W. F. P. $3.50; — Book of poems. sq. 18°. [’76.]?°® $1..-.Roberts. — Faith of reason: ser. of discourses on leading topics of religion. 12°. ’79.¥44 $1.......--Roberts. —In Nazareth town: Christmas fantasy, and other poems. 16° 783.¥89 $1.75 ..++e.+-+s Roberts. — The man Jesus. 16°. ’81.*°!9 $1.25 .....Roberts. — Thomas Paine: the methodand value of his religious teachings. 12°. [’77.]?® pap., 10c...C: M. Green. Chadwick Association. Reports on the estate of Sir Andrew Chadwick and proceedings in ref. thereto, by BE, Chadwick and J. Boardman, with app. ; [also] Life of Sir A. Chadwick, by J: O. Chad- wick. por., ill. and map. 4°. ’81.°% $11. C. L. Woodward. Chaillé, Stanford E. Origin and progress of medical jurisprudence, 1776-1876; centennial address. BA20% BD-D0) wocncie ov sues SO UO00 COO ONC Watts. Century of nursing: with hints toward the organiza- | tion ofa training school, by a member of the hos- pital committee. 8°. [’77.]?” pap., 50c. Putnam. 8°, [777.]3!° pap., 30c...++++----d. Brentano. | Chained lightning. Philkins, I. (psewd.) 25c. .- Ogilvie. Chainey,G: Foundation stones of the Ch. of ihe Unity, Evansville, Ind. 8° [’78.]?° $1 ..@. C. Smith. RY SRT OECHALLAMEL 68 CHANDLER Challamel, Augustin. History of fashion in France; or, dress of women from the Gallo-Roman pened to the present time; from the French by Mrs. Hoey and J: Lillie. col. pl. imp. Se; 762.55: im. satin-wood, $10 ...-----.-- .-- Scribner & W. Challoner, Rob. First twenty hours in music; les- sons for a beginner on the piano or parlor organ. obl. 16°. [’80.]*4° bds., 75c.....---» Newhall. — Hist. of the science and art of music. 8°. ’80.**° THO) See ec = cle e ce clalse) cls tisloe -e1e ool Newhall. — Music made easy: rudiments of music, expl. in a concise and novel manner. 8°. 779.4! pap., BCH teici ele) oieleouele loin’ siiciaiclouciers Bic iercretsyel are ool Newhall. Chalmers, Ja. B. Graphical determination of forces in engineering structures. 8°. 781.44 $6.50. 3 « | Macmillan. | Champagne: Atte as (Acting drama.) 12°. [79.]878 Chalmers, M. PD. Local government. (Citizen ser.) 1, ABE El GaGa bo cVoreieler siecle sis Macmillan. Chamberlain, H. B. (ed.) Hand-book of Bible read- ings; introd. by D. W. Whittle. sq. 16°. [’78. ]%!® pap., BROCE deceit cece cies aes ss Fairbanks § Co. Chamberlain, Mellen. John Adams, the statesman of the Am. Revolution: address. 8°. ’84.*®! pap., DOM ioe s sislciol wie cisleioie ereis 6c slerere Webster. Hist. Soc. Chamberlain, Parthene B. Chosen vessels. ill. 12°. Sot eets GIO eee ca foe wet. oe Crowell. — Mistress of the house. ill. 16° [’79.]*°° $1.25 Crowell. — Rare piece of work; or, Gilkie’s court: story for old and young. ill. 16°. [’80.]*4#7 $1-....Crowell — What about Fred? ill. 12°. [’81.]*°?! $1.25.. Crowell. Chamberlain, W: Mellen. Manuela Parédes. (No namejser)) 16° 78-482 BT wie cee cic Roberts. Chambers, A.C. Annals of Hartfell Chase. ill. 12°. leno: |* AO Ounce a os die c Siclas Osi cinels Pott. 4 x Co. — Away on the moorland; Highland tale. ill. 12°. (AG eee BID0s sees sl oes cece Pott, Y. § Co. Chambers, G: F. Hand-book dictionary : Eng., French | and Germ. languages, in parallel columns for tray- ellersandstudents. 16°. ’83.°4 leath., $2. Putnam. — Handbook of descriptive astronomy. 3d ed. 8°. gates zee SSL Q)eictere sveratolelercicietelsrcse cierste s Macmillan. Chambers, Julius. Mad worldand its inhabitants. 12°. fe Sil iercisicisicietcleice cicle © vate ever? Appleton. Chambers, Rob., and Carruthers, Rob. (eds.) Cyclo- pedia of Eng. literature; hist. of British authors, with specimens of their writings. (New stereo- type ed>)) Ziv. ill 89 [iieilpes $9\s) lib-ashpe, $10.50; hf. cf., $12 plalele) isis se elcielcieiere Lippincott. — Same. 3ded., rey. by R. Carruthers; ingiv. -v. I. @aicme ed: 2400 [iz79: ests $2795—-F5.95) for complete work............ eters) e7 Am. Bk. Exc. ==" Sames = Ve S80. 2895074 Rd ee. ieee Kenedy. — See also Chambers, W: and R. Chambers, Talbot W. The Psalter: witness to the divine origin of the Bible. 12°. [°77.]?6° $1.25. Randolph. Chambers, T: K. Principles of diet. See Youmans, E. A. Lessons in Cookery. Chambers, W: Memoir of Robert Chambers; with autobiog. reminiscences. 4th ed. 12°. [?78.]%6} spi ea) ererclel rales oie sikeisiaislelais) ersie cree Scribner's Sons. — Story of a long and busy life. ron 16°. 782.*542 5Oc. hk. Worthington. —and Rob. Encyclopedia: Rev. ed. 10y. ill. 8°. Oa IDO De eit ie eine ais ele ers k. Worthington. — Same. Am. additions embr. titles comp. by Am. edi- EOISs Aaya, Oo; 782.4059 S10) shp., $12; mor., $15. S. W. Green. — Same. New handy-volume Am. encyclopedia: reprint of last Edin. and Lond. ed. of Chambers’s encyclo- pela live 20 8 BEbe4 Bee oe. J: D. Williams. — Etymological dictionary of the Eng. language, ed. by J- Donald. 12° ['76.]%° $1.25. R. Worthington. — Same. New rev.ed., by A. Pindiater N20 128224] 988 SoU DD cielo or everreiet ei ote axeleleleieiiaieisys ?. Worthington. — Mathematical tables. See Pryde, x Gromer Rev. W:, and others. Scottish church from the earliest times to188]. 12°. 781.49! hf. mor., Or i revels oicisiciclelcisreieveis (ol) eiolere.)< aroretles Worthington. Chambliss, A. W. God’s ministry. 12° 781.47 $1. Ramsey. Chambliss, J. E. (comp.) Lives and travels of Liy- ingston and Stanley, covering their entire career in southern and central Africa. ill. and maps. 8°. [7°81.]*5° $2.50'...--.... - Crawford. Chamisso, Adelbert vy. siadowless man; or, the ad- ventures of Peter Schlemihl: 12° [777.7% pap.,; DH Ci aieisicielclovelolelcleler siete iareictoveiel elevate Routledge. — Same; [also] The new Paul a Virginia, by W. H. Mallock. cms library.) 82 7822838 nap, sloteieielel s/c ielere Im. News; Setliff. pap., 15c. ....-.+--- srolerelaieioiete cio sis oie er: lappy. Champions of the church; their crimes and persecu- tions: Bennett. De Mia 3) ceic sic. Bennett. Champions ofthe reformation. Gordon, J. 80c. Am. Tr. Champlain, S: de. Voyages; from the French by C: P. Otis; with hist. ill. andmem. by E. F. Slafter. vy. 1,2. ill. and maps. 8° [('81-]°° (Sold only. to members of the Soc.) ......-..ee0. Prince Soc. Champlin, Ja. Tift. Constitution of the U. S., with comments on the constitutions of England and Brance: 160 280s*220 (S135... veeeeed: Allyn Champlin, J: D., 77. Child’s catechism of common things, 169 7922" (GO Ci rie oer . Holt. — Young folks’ astronomy. ill. 16°. [’81. 1*499 60c... Holt. — Young folks’ cyce lopedi: 1 of common things. ill. 8° eG 402. RO, oo ao ee ae Oe ee Holt. — Young folks’ cye lopzedia of persons and places. ill. 8°. 78] [ "80.7 RAGS! ROR Ose ce weston eee Holt. Young folks’ Nigtony of the war for the Union. ill. 89°. QM MOLUS (ROM D eselenial oro ecciniere oe Beccles - Holt. | Champney, Jfrs. Lizzie W. All around a palette; ill. by J. W. Champney (‘‘Champ”’). 16°. [’77.]3% BIRO co eee ee Lockwood, B. & Co. — Bourbon lilies. (Wayside ser.) sq. 16°. [°78.]3}8 $1.25. Same. Newed. 16°. [°78.]8@ pap., 75c. Lockwood, B. & Co — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. [7’83.]°8° pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. —In the sky garden; ill. by J. W. Champney (‘*Champ’’) sm. 4°. 762) 22% ($2: Lockwood, B. & Co. —John Angelo at the water-color exhibition; ill. by members of the Am. Water-Color Soc. 8°. WY [283.882 (Sle !2 Bs cre ciaierevare sic okees Se ere aicite terete sie a atau vl lol OSQOOG. — Three Vassar girls abroad; ramble of three college girls through France and Spain; with their haps and mish: aps. all. sq. 12 «[282! ys S88" 2) bds:, Gaile eve cictere cleteis cvclc cine el ei cieie a le iel olelelorctcverovets isieet —T hree Vassar girls in Engl: and : holiday excursion of three college girls through the mother country ; ill. by ‘* Champ ” and other artists. 8°. ’84[783].*6!8 BO DOSs, ep DO mcieie sion a <0 wicke(oveid eis else Sie ere LUSLES® —(ed.) Entertainments; compr. directions for holiday merry-makings, new programmes for amateur performances, and §. 8. exercises. ill. 12°, [ete Sees Sp Meese = ctata, we ate ola sieker=(clel eloyeialles Lothrop. Chance, H: ‘Treatise on crown and sheet glass. See Powell, H: J. Chance acquaintance. Howell, W: D. 50c. Houghton, M. § Co. Chancy, Ja. J. Ireland: as she is, as she has been, and as she ought tobe. 12°. [’78.]8?5 $1.50. T. Kelly. Chandler, Alfr.D. Bicycle tourin England and Wales made in 1879; with app. giving information on the use of the bicycle, both in Europe and U. S. maps and ill. 169. 781.*49! $3....... Williams.CHANDLER Chandler, Peleg W. Memoir of Gov. Andrew, with personal reminiscences: [also] two hitherto un- published literary discourses and the valedictory address. ill. and por. 16°. ’80.*48 $1.25. Roberts. Chandos. La Rame, L. de. 60c........Lippincott. Chaney, G: Leonard. Alo’ha! a Hawaiian salutation. map and ill. 12°. 780 [’79].*414 $1.50..Roberts. — Hollis-Street Church, from Mather Byles to Thos. Starr King, 1731-1861; discourses. 8°. [?77.]?” MD Cas cistale cies wcisieisiclotnwielo wie sees Shareie Williams. — Tom; ahome story. 16°. [’77.]8°7 $1.25. Roberts. Chaney, G: R. Index-digest of decisions. sas, Sup. Court. Chaney, H: A. See Kan- Reports. See Michigan, Sup. Court. Change. Leighton, W: $1.50..-...-.... Lippincott. Change partners. Morton, J: M., and Williams, T. Dy Ciscretelovere ereletolaiete loin cte | vais eraiee soi Roorbach. Changed cross. Hobart, Mis. C: 25c...-- Randolph. Changed heart. Fleming, Mrs. M. A. $1.50. Carleton. Changelings. Fullerton, Lady G. lic.......-. TTappy. Changing year: poemsand pictures of life and nature ; ill. by A. Barrand and others. 4°. 782.8 $3. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Channing, W: H: by his nephew. 8°, 80. *450 191 (Centenary memorial ed.) Am. Unit. Ashton, J: $2.25. Scribner & W. por. Chap-books of the 18th century. Chapel, and other poems. Palfrey, S. H. $1.25. Putnam. Chapel anthems. Herbert, J. B. $1.25...Brainard. Chapel hymnal. LasarS. 50c. ........-.-- Biglow. | Chapin, AaronL. First principles of political economy, for the use of high schools and academies. 12°. ?80.*417 60c. Chapin, Bela (comp.) Poets of New Hampshire: speci- men poems: with biog. notes. 8°. ’83.°°° subs., BOP BOO Omens ce clelele selele. «10 ela) oe .C. HW. Adams. Chapin, C. V. Sympathetic nerve: its relations to dis- ease: (89% Z8FOLo SDD aie cicre tc clccie wiejele Reid. Chapin, Edn. H. Church of the living God, and other sermons. por. 12° 781.*477 $1......J. dfiller. — Crown of thorns: atoken for the sorrowing. 16°. [(’78.] $13 gilt, $1.25.........--- Universalist. — God’s requirements, and other sermons. por. 12°. POA ON Vcreieinin'e oo eleisl > ; ac eed. Muller. — Lessons of faith and life. 12°. [’76.]°° $1.50. J. Miller. Chapin, J. H. Creation and the early development of society. 12° 780.48 $1.75..---.---- Putnam. Chaplain of the fleet. See Besant, W., and Rice, J. Chaplet ser. 4 vy. ill. 16°. ’79.4°7 $3.20-... Nelson. Cont.; Father’s coming home. — Holiday chaplet of stories. — Sunday chaplet of stories. — War and peace. Chaplin, Mrs. Ada C. Cousin Mercy’s idea; or, the heavenly wardrobe. 16°. ’84.° $1.50. Am. Bapt. — Our gold mine; story of Am. Bapt. missions in India, 12°. (°78.)7)° $1.25. Same. 12°. iQ eeeee Sil bs Corthrell. — Workers together. 12°. $1.50 ... Gannett. Chaplin, Mfrs. Jane Dunbar. Out of the wilderness. Newissue. ill. 16° ’82.°3° $1.25.. Ward § D. Chaplin, Jer. Duncan Dunbar; sketch of the late pas- 289,578 tor of the McDougal St. Bapt. Ch., N.Y. 4th ed. por. 12% (78. )c2 $l2be 7 U. D. Ward. — (comp.) Chips from the White House; speeches, con- versations, and other writings of presidents of the We Se 10, 28 Ks78) BT 50 cree = wie «1 LVOLIZIOp- Chapman, A. W. Floraofthesouthern U.S. 2ded., Erle VBSc0o5) Rass ctare a1 owls eleieye wfors(n = ../vison. Chapman, BE. N. Antagonism of alcohol and diphtheria. Toon. (7S see alee cee cen: wos. Wood. 69 The life of W: Ellery Channing, | Sheldon. | CHARMED | Chapman, Helen E. 3righter days; or, the story of Catherine Jans: sequel to Those dark days. ill. | 16°. [°83.] $1 Presb. Bd. — His Honor, the Mayor. 16°. 779.*4°3 $1.25. Nat. Temp. [’78. ]93! 40c.. Presb. Bd. diaries of two Netherland eirlss 6%) [Sie Roto (si --- Presb. Bd. Chappell, Philip E. Bond, stock and note values; at any rate of interest, 6 mos. to 20 years. 4°. 779. $3 .--J. S. Homans. Stebbins, G. B. Nourse. *572 — Jennie Prindle’s home. 24°. | — Those dark days; or, the | | | | Chapters from the Bil | GIB csccisiesysiciee cies cisiecic oes oes ectees | Character: Lane, L. M. 50c. | Pott, Y. § Co. | Character sketches. Stevens, A. $1.50. Phillips §& H. | Charcot, J. M. Lectures on Bright’s disease of the kidneys; ed. by Bourneville and Sevestre; tr. by | H: B. Millard. ill. § $1.50 .... Wood. |—- Lectures on localizations in diseases of the brain; ed. by Bourneville; tr. by E: P. Fowler. ill. 8°. Se ESalat0) Wood. | — Lectures on the pathological anatomy of the nervous system: diseases of the spinal cord; tr. by E. Brissaud. ill. 8° ’81.°?7 $1.75..P: @. Thomson. |Charge of the hash brigade; musical Irish sketch. Skelly, J. P. 15c............-..-.---De Writ. Charity, sweet charity. Porter, R. $1.25.Randolph. Q le of the age > 1-0 367 0. 78.29! 7 Q io. |Charlemont. See Simms, W: G. | Charles, Mrs. Eliz. 3ertram family. 112% 7821526 CO Beye cre se cine cio ciclels winters ia eerie icra Nelson. — Black ship, with other allegories and parables. New issue. ill. 169 84.857 50c....-...--- 2% Carter. — Joan, the maid, deliverer of France and England. | 12°, 7 $1.50 Dodd. uni = Lapsed, but not lost; tale of Carthage and the early Church. 12°. [’77.]9°% $1.25..........Dodd. — Sketches of the women of Christendom. 12°. (RSOm eset ORE ee Ayer saisie ice or ieleleiciers Seen. Dodd: |— Voice of Christian life in song; hymns and hymn- writers. New issue. 16°. [’84. ]§7 $1. Carter. — Winifred Bertram, and the world she lived in. 12°, IQ OVERE) TRO Re cia 6 a siieitares ie ele oleic . Nelson. |— Selections from [her] writings. 12°. ’78. $1.70. : Dodd. | Charles Auchester. Sheppard, E.S. 20c. ...Munvo. | Charles O’Malley. Charles Van Rheyn. daughter. Charles Vavasseur. Smith, J. F. 2 pts. ea., 20c. Munro. Charlesworth, Mar. Louisa. Broken looking-glass ; | or, Mrs. Dorothy Cope’s recollections of service. ill 129° Gl. sccee neccee Carter. — Dorothy Cope: cont. The old looking-glass, and The broken looking-glass. ill. 12°. ’83 [’82].*°* $1.50 oes Carter. |__ Kinder im Dienst der Liebe; oder, die kleinen Ar- | beiter im Weinberge des Herrn: eine Erzahlung. 4, verbesserte Aufl. 12°. [’80.]*8 $1.10.Am. Tr. — Qld looking-glass; or, Mrs. Dorothy Cope’s recol- lections. 16°. [’78.]°! $1. --- Carter. Charlesworth, Vernon J. Rowland Hill: his life, anecdotes and pulpit sayings; introd. by C: H. Spurgeon. 16° [’77.]°** $1 1. Am. Ur. — Same. (Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.*4* pap., 15c. - Funk. Charley Wheeler’s reward. 16°. ’78. $1.H: A. Young. | Charley’s lessons about animals; [also] The story ot little Flora. ill. 16°. 788. 60c Cassell. Charlie Burton. ill. 16°. [’80.]*** 50c... Pott, ¥.§ Co. Charlie Codman’s cruise. Alger, H., 77. $1.25. Porter § C. See Lever, C: See Wood, Ifrs. E. P. Doctor’s 28().2k422 sere eres Charlotte Temple. See Rowson, Mrs. Charlotte’s friend. Bradley, Ms. M. E. $1.Am. Bapt. | Charlotte’s inheritance. Maxwell, Jfrs. M. EB. 10ce. Munro. 15c..-. J: We Lovell. Charmed sea. Martineau, H.TO CHERBULIEZ CHARMING ( Charming stories series. Newed.,enl. 12v. 16°. "TT 79> $6. oon ev ee cc eeee sone vee ee Lothrop. Charteris, A. H. New Testament scriptures; their claims, hist. and authority. 8°. ’82.*°°? $2. Carter. Charteris, M. Hand-book of the practice of medicine. ill. 12°. [’78.]38 $2....Lindsay § Blakwston. Chase, B. W. ‘Tobacco: its physical, mental, moral, and social influences. 18°. [778.]*?' 50c. hee ; Tibbals. Chase, Eliza B. Over the border: Acadia, the home of Evangeline; ill. in heliotype from water-color sketches: 8° 784.*845 $1.50 -......-. Osgood. Chase, F. E. Ballads in black: original shadow pan- | tomimes; ill. by J. F. Goodridge. obl. 24°. [’?81.]*28 bds., G1 -.--- ese eeeeeenes Lee SS. Chase, Ira J. The Jewish tabernacle: lectures. ill. 1 MS ieee GL WO, aacoaoh Standard Pub. Chase, T. R. Michigan University book. 8°. ’80.1%6 Shiiakeloleeieisiarels sis eevee eocececcesece cece Richmond. Chase, T: Latin grammar. 12°. ’82.°°8 $1.35..Hldredge. Chase, W. I. (ed.) The Gladstone speaker. (Our day ser.) 16°. ’84.8%° pap., 30c... W. I. Chase. Chastening of the Lord. Wilkinson, G: H. 30c. Bae! B: Young. Chatard, Fs. Silas. Christian truths. 12°. ’81.5°2 $1.50. Cath. Pub. Chateau d’Or. Holmes, Jfs. M. J. $1.50.. Carleton. Chatrian, A. See Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. Chats with the animals. ill. sq. 8% [’77.]3% bds., H[iDGe cies ccc wie ie clay nie ereree’ bins levciele oa eraiels Am. News. Chatterbox. [ Annual. ] al 40, ?76—83. 900-613 &] 75 = $2.50; bds., oe 3]. coer ee-Am. News: Estes: F. Leslie ; J: iene IL : Nelson ; J: D. Williams. — See also Baby c. ney, ale., Sunday ¢c., Young folks’ ¢ Chatterbox junior. [ Annu: ale) all: “40, 11 — 83. 908 S18 || bds., $1-$1.25.... World Pub.; R. Worthington. | Chatterbox picture-book. ill. 4°. ’79.*4!! bds., $1.25 R. Worthington. Chatterbox quartette; or, stories in pictures. ill. sq fo. 780 7 9}. ALT bds., SL iete alt Worthington. Chatterbox stories of natural history. ill. sq. 8° (S03 }282" Dds; SU25. -.cec se-s tt. Worth ington. Chatterton, T: Poetical works; with mem. (River- side ed.) 8°. [’78.]°*? $1.75..Houghton, O. § Co. Chattock, R. S. Practical noteson etching. ill. 8°, 783.596 sic SpOlis. « xicletoreveveveis lc aiprereie. oi eiccn ale Scribner §& W. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Poetical woneee ed. by A. Gil- man. (Riverside et Oo Ve por. Cra8o:, 279) 41s GO cic ias oi ate cies eiclelelciercccc Houghton, O. & Co. — Man of lawe; Pardonere’ s tale; Second nonne’s tale, etc., from the Cante rbury salle ed. by W. W. KE Ate oe min ieilics colder tacis on « Macmillan. — Parlament of foules: ed. w ith agate notes, and elos- sary, by T. R. Lounsbury. 12°. [’77.]894 75c. Ginn. — See also Canterbury chimes; also Haweis, Mrs. H. R. Chaucer for children. Chautauqua girls athome. Alden, Mys.I.M. $1.50. Lothrop. Chautauqua lectures. Packard, J.F. 10c... Ogilvie. Chautauqua library of Eng. hist. and literature. By. [’79-’82. ] Sislevw: ole eiercier tied aleisinite. «ici sie - Phillips f HH. Cont. : 1. From the earliest times to the later Norman pe- riod. 8, 80c., Ppap.; 60c. — 2. Period of the early Plantagencts 12°. 50c.; pap., 35c. —3. War of the Roses. 12°. 50c.: pap., 35¢,. Chautauqua’ text-booksha.6.... 4.004. . Phillips § 1. Note. — Entered under authors and subjects. Chavasse, Pye H: Advice and counsel to a mother on the management of her children; [also] Advice | to a wife on her own health: and on the treat- ment of the complaints incidental to pregnancy, labor and suckling. 12°, 80.433 $1..7 ippincott. — Mental culture and training of children. 12°, ’8].483 Bele eases eee -- Lindsay & Blakiston. — Woman as wife and mother. 120°. ai) 343! 2250! a Souder. | Checkered life. Joyce, J: A. $1.50. | - Rounds. Checkered life int ine, Bid and the new world. Ver Mehr eis “SOU oncicctc scl ces «+ +++- Bancroft. | Chedayne of Kotono. Towner, A. $1.50..... Dodd. Cheerful songs for young folks. ill. cr. 8°. [?77.] 50c. Cassell. | Cheerful Sundays. ill. sm. 4° [?’76.]?® $1.50. Lovell, Ad., W. § Co. Cheever, G: B. Faith, doubt and evidence. 12°. 2B ino esl Ol sere cre serereere coenccceee LANAOlph. — God’s timepiece for man’s eternity; its purpose of love and mercy; its plenary infallible inspiration, ete. 120. *83°*58° (S150)... nists Armstrong. Cheever, H: T. (ed.) Autobiography and nen of Icha- bod Washburn. 16°. [’79.]*%8° $1...Lothrop. | — Same. 16°. [i B25] e29 SO0CGhec eiereione --Am. Tr. | Chegwidden, T. C. [‘‘ Hollis True.’’] Vi ictoria Bri- | tannia; or, celebrate the reign: plan for cele- brating the reign of Queen Victoria by the in- auguration of political changes in the British con- Stitution. 6°! “WOlF812) bc... ines ose Barnes. Chellis, Ma. Dwinell. 3read and beer. 16°. ’81.*997 Spire a5. Ci bc oicte tate efoiere cies ercreie. ois orev - Nat. Temp. | — Brewer’s fortune. 16°. [’77.]?78 $1.50..Nat. Temp. — Brewery at Taylorville. 16°. ’79.%? $1.50. Nat. Temp. — Conquered by love; or, the test of principle. (Peo- pleis lib;), 405 282.885 pani. 20c. wns.. Ogilvie. | — Drinking Jack, and other stories. (Fife and drum ser.) 129: 79:520) pap., LOC anc-c.- Vat. Lemp. |— Effie Wingate’s work. New issue. ill. 169. ’82.5%6 | SIRO: ccs cece cree cess SValce see cece Ward & D. | — Fife and drum. (Fife and drum ser.) 12° 781.529 | DADs LOC cee cers cere secre era Salave se cio) Vat. Temp. | — From father to son. 16°. ’79.*4!5 $1.25.. Nat. Temp. | — Harold Dorsey’s fortune. ill. 12% [?81.]*9°2 $1.50. Cong. Pub. Jolly time. (Fife and drum ser.) 169. ’82.*58 DAD Ss LOC. 5 ayec crore cieveree sori sisleiereieeiske Nat. Temp. | — Molly’s Bible. New issue. ill. 169% 782.598 $1.25. Ward & D. — Old tavern. (Fife and drum ser.) 12°. ’82.*54 pap., LO G5 crcreres ss ctel wcreicl oie oi mie cue oie eis eed Vat. Temp. — Our homes. 16° ’80.*48 $1.50...-....2 Vat. Temp. — Profit and loss. 16°. ’84.*82 $1.95....2 Vat. Temp. — Revere estate. 16°. ’82.°% $1.25.. Fairbanks, P. & Co. —— same. i1l;- 120 783cci8 “Sone. 72.5 Ward oD: — (enrcents: 120% (e7Gae Slovene Nat. Temp. Chelsea householder. (Leis. hour ser.) 169. ’83.*°88 $l. Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) pap., 25c... Holt. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c....... Munro. Cheney, Mrs. C. Emma. Young folks’ hist. of the Givi war: (Young folks’ Jhist)) ale 12°: S84 lL Ee Sloss cece got eesoe eee . Estes. Cheney, C: E: Sermons. por. 8°. ’80.*487 $9.50; gilt, $3.50; tky. mor., $5.....Cushing, T. & Co. Cheney, Js. Ednah J). Gleanings in the fields of art. B0e PORES R285 Olerrese SER NOOO COLO UGOr Lee § S. Cheney, Mrs. Ma. Bushnell (comp.) Life and letters of Horace Bushnell. por. 8°. ’80.*4!° $3.. Hasper. Cheney, O. Augusta (comp.) Sunday-school speaker. Newreds "1205" 28 1h822) bds-. D0Ci ss. Ward & D. Chenoweth, Ms. C. Van D. Stories of the saints. ill. W208 SQ iere GO| ernlole nieers oreo ciao reli) nore Osgood. Chequer-work. Appleton, T: G. $1.50 ... Roberts. Cherbuliez, V: Jean Téterol’s idea. (Coll. of for. authors.) 16°. ’78.*%° $1; pap., 60c...Appleton. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap:,10c.......- Munvo. — Meta Holdenis. (Coll. of for. authors.) 16°. [’77.]%° pap:, 50c...... esis wis cle ou caries sel AD DLELOTs — Saints and sinners; rom the French by M. N. Sher- WOOds = S95 | 78hesss napa DOCH aie ane Appleton. — Samuel Brohl and Co. (Coll. of for. authors.) 16°. Ele S32 jhe, Oesaccoocd00 cour Appleton. — Same. (ovell’s lib.) 12°, 788.84 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. |=" Same. ~ (Seaside lib.) 49: papi lOc! 3.00 Munro. — Stroke of diplomacy; from the French. (Handy-v. Sens) sl6% 80ns paps) 20Ch an. a. - Appleton.CHE ROUNY i Cherouny, i pap., 1 Secinne sm) a Christianity. 8°. Cherry-blooms of Yeddo, and other poems. Arthur, GRIME SPQ S150! oc eo cee ee ee L othrop. | Cherxy ripe; ill; .by (C3 S: Reinhart: 89 = (R77 e8 DED e ye DOCH Geiefererere wi sicrehe silo css claieieueistere se < {ppleton. Chesebrough, Amos S. Children trained for disciple- Ship: = 69:, [283.)%82 50c- -- Randolph. Chesney, G: Dilemma: tale of the Indi: an rebellion. (Seaside lib:) 4°. *81.5}8 papi, 20c:.:- J Munro. — Private secretary. (Franklin Sq libs); 49; “81 seu)) PAP-, ZO... cre ccccvecccngs cecsenesece Harper. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 8 pap., lic... Ogrlvte. Chester, Jos. L. See onete 7a and C he ster; od. Ju. Chester, Sa. E. See Logie, IMs. Sa. E. C. Chesterman, W.D. James River tourist. maps and i) 129) (Sse paps, 2oC inter. West, J. § Co. Chevalier Casse-Cou. Du Boisgobey, F. 2pts. ea., DOCH cic cic pic ciclcie © clelslsieia« sielole\e eicieic/eie)c: ofa Munro. Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Dumas, A. 20c..Junro. Chevalier’s daughter. Guernsey, L. E. $1.50. Whittaker. | Chicago Bar Association. Lectures. (Fergus hist. ser, Bar Assocs eds) por. 80: 78220!) “nap:, SMILE creve| ein (lene occ tele! cletcl slelelel vieveral cise creve cicter cle Fergus. Chicago River and Harbor Convention [July 5-7, 1847]: account of its origin and proceedings, etc. ; comp. by R. Fergus. (Kergus’ hist. ser.) por. 8°. 28.9529 pap., Sl mieverenaotstehens occ . Fergus. Chicken market, and other fairy tales. Morley, H: SOO) Spl Dy heise icles elev e meine Cassell, P., G. & Co. Chickering, Jfrs. Fes. I. Cloud crystals: asnow-flake album. 2ded. sm. 4°. 784.9%? $1.67.. Appleton. Chickering, J. W., 77. Contrasts of the Appalachian Mountains. (Saturday lectures.) 8°. ’82.°4° Pap., LOC. cer erceereccccavceesescere Judd § D. Chicot, the jester. Dumas, A. 20c.......... Munro. Chien d’or. Kirby, W: $2..... Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. Child, Elias. Genealogy ofthe Child, Childs, and Childe families: SOs ZOBiCS beens «cece Child. Child, Fs. J. (ed.) English and Scottish popular ballads. (Ed. de luxe.) 8pts. pt. 1 fer 7852692 subs-. GRY she aisle a ebb tele ole oleae isis Houghton, M. § Co. — Same. (Riverside ed.) 4v. cr. 8°. 778.59! $7. Houghton, O. § Co. Child, Js. Lydia Mar. ASpiredons of the world. 16°. "78 ales $1.25 e sin eis ve - Roberts. — Isaac Hopper: a true life. New ail, "por. ] 2°, ae you GRID orm ei oiale oierere eisieielateverel cle vistors oY Dodd. — Letters; with biog. introd. by J: G. Whittier and | app. by W. Phillips. por. 16°. ‘83 [’82].*°8? STD OQ) ca ctstere ore siecle a ela ateroeiste Houghton, M. § Co. — Rainbows for children. New issue. ill. sq. 16°. EMS Sao ancodc00 ooonad dCOUOUaO J. Miller. — Stories. New enl.ed. 5 v. ill. 16° Tithe slices SnepeyIIDE cheleval ciel «. slovaleiolel cleo) 0) sislehe eielein/elel. Letenson. Child of nature. ee Rie be: - Harper. Child of the covenant: memorial of Caroline Fuller. por. 16°. ’80.*4!9 $1.50 Mary Cherouny. | .Davis, B. § Co. | 1 CHILD’S , wo ’g2.°52 | Child toilers of Boston streets. Brown, BE. E. 50c. Lothrop. Child world lib. Pratt, LL.M. 10v. $1....Zothvop. Childhood of religions. Clodd, E: 15c. ae gerald. | Childhood of the world. Clodd, E: 10c...J7: W. Lovell. | Childhood songs. Larcom, L. $1.. Houghton, M. § Co. | Childhood's happy hours: short stories. ill. fep. 40, Wi eeoe, DUS! ef Care cists renee ere Cassell, P., G. & Co. | Children busy, children glad, children naughty, chil- | dren sad:) (CS. us Silb0 men ss cee Nelson: Children of Abbottsmuir Manse. Thorne, K. $1.25. | Nelson. of light. Faris, W: W. $1.50 .... Roberts. of nature. Desart, Harl of. $1.25. | Rose- Belford. | Children | Children | Children of our village. Mitford, M. R. $3.50. Routledge. | Children of Seeligsberg: tale of the Lake of Lucerne. | 16°. [’76. ] Ti Ga ev sinisia soya olale elcialeyers Pott, Y. S Co Children of the Abbey. Roche, R. M. $1..Am. News. | Children's almanac. Pratt, Ms. Eh. F. $1; 50c. Lothrop. Children’s Bible picture-book. Newiissue. ill. sq. 160; (27S pee S50) oe cco cwicsicicie ose J. Miller. Children’s birthday text-book. 32°. [’78.] 40c...Nelson. | Children’s book. Scudder, H. EB. $3.50. Houghton, M. & Co. | Children’s book of poetry. Coates, H:T. $3.50; | tky. mor., $7.50 ...-2 ets Estes. China hunter’s Fan by the youngest member. sq. 16°. ers as* RIED cies Beet ita aleue slers Harper. Chinese classics. pt. 1: Confucius; pt. 2: Mencius. | New ed., tr. by J. Legge. 8° ’82[’81]. $3. Houghton, M. § Co. Chinese slave girl. Davis, J. A. $1.40... Presb. Bd. Chip of the old block. Marshall, Jfs. E. 50c... Carter. Chips from a German work-shop. Muller, F: M. vy. 5. On DE carsici ele e biaie wrelele ie 01s s/e.e.e ee eet) e Snes Sons Chips from many blocks. Burritt, E. $1.25 Rose- Belford. Chips from the White House. Chaplin, J. $1.50. Lothrop. Chisholm, H. W. On the science of weighing and Christie, a Ce measuring, and standards of measure and weight. (Nature ser. ) 12°. lietiten| ice $1.50... Macmillan. Chisolm, J. B., and Hyde, S., 77. Index-digest of re- ports. See South Carolina, Sup. Court. Chloe Lankton; or, light beyond the clouds: story of | real life. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. [’82.]°® pap., UOC erereiere Sia wieiee) sieleleelaveis ee load isi cle Am. S.S. Choate, Ruf. Addresses and orations. 12°. [’78.]%?? SO2b: Nt Che, (piecice ss cle ce cicie - Little, B. § Co. Chocarne, Rev. —. Inner life of Very Rey. Pére La- cordaire, O. P.; from the French by author of Knights of St. John, etc., pref. by Ree — Ayl- ward. Newrev.ed. 8° 779.387 $3... O'Shea. Choice selections from the young Guncuae s pocket- noms, G9, [Pk Wie ean5os0ac Garrigues. Choir, M. Pioneer directory of the city of Seattle and King Co., and immigrant’s guide to and through- out Washington ‘Territory and vicinity. 16° Hi Deo AP Gplieoliecerei) sactalelo ie) eyeleicioleys\e Christmas evergreens. and how it was spent. --+---.- Routledge. Ny Christmas evergreens. Christmas greeting. Christmas Jack. | Christmas morning. 40c. .--..- Dution. sel. of psalms and hymns with music ea ee Se 25. Broken 5G le, J.C. $2.25. Nelson. Gladden, W. 75c.; - Century Co. $1.50. Scribner, A. & Co. or, spiritual exercises of the heart, by the author of Christian experience. 12°. 507 Diveievera siokcietoisioieneioketsale ce Carter. By Chico erie syexors ane Dodd. Comprehensive treatise on perfum- d description of the raw materials and apparatus used. ill. 8°, [77.393 hie oreo) co) ce Baird. Technic a treatise on SOap and c andles ; witha glance W115 489; 781.480 eS ofeieisis Baird. S. $2.. Osgood. sermons. Jacobus, M. eiovalono cision s\cl.ciarele cerekers Carter. 25. De MM: Cholera epidemic in East Africa. maps. y: slnvelo Vicia a elaleioteleierera(s Macmillan. E tienne Dolet, the martyr of the 280420" 6; Macmillan. ed., rev. by Prof. 789 564 tiex. chs, .----- Hawbanks, P. § Co. aereiais -. Appleton. See Walton, Js. O. F. ED) Cee sicie arcree Holt. )f $4 »e--- Lapprncott. Patrick, M. 15c.. Harper. -s. H. B. $1.. Williams VS alle asm: 82: io) ie cielo ciel iee oes ei Pilger. P rotestant for. missions, their present by D: A. Reed. [SOs|*S2 5c: Cong. Pub. Trollope, A. 20c. Harper. 83. 25c. Cassell. 3 M. (dC3* Si: Lippincott. Christmas carols ang midsummer na by Am. poets; [’sl.j2 $1250: Lothrop. a 92.00; So. Nelson & P. . Ames, Jfs. F. B. $l. Ellis. 16°. °77. bds., J ple bO% - Johnston. CVE YAS) 75c. .. Randolph. -- Ward & D. wiatele)\e/e\e a) n)e2/ dm. Tr. ~ Me S25 ail wo. Lothrop. 50c... White § S. $1.50......-Lothrop.CHRISTMAS 73 Christmas plum-pudding; stories by L. M. Alcott, and others. ill. sq.8°% ’82.*°® bds., $1.50. Crowell. Christmas rhymes and New Year’s chimes. Brine, Ms. Wh, 1D, | ber S ploy GagoaooduGo050 coUT Harlan. Christmas selections, 1883; new songs and responsive services for Christmas celebrations. obl. 24°. [EB IP Wes GES Ga noad6o suunousoacoe Church. Christmas snowflakes: ill. poems by favorite Am. au- thors: sq. 8°. (P79: ]%4t) $2.5... 2. Wotuon: Christmas stocking lib. 6 v. ill. 24°. [’78.]95° $1.20. Lothrop. Cont.: Velvet coat.— Baby Dido. — Brave Kit. — Little Gyp.— Flutterby.— Family cares. Christmas stories. See Dickens, C: Christmas story-teller; by old hands and new ones. il; cr. 8% i777.) $3.75. «.. Screbner, W. & A: Christmas treasures for boys and girls. Bell, C. D. BOC cee crein ciclelol s cserernie) divinatione, de fato; recog. R. Co hahews : : wet ; pe nee : decree Latin texts.) 24° 2G 372 | table of difficulties by M. Stern. (Stern’s sel. BU OLZ- (Gree / oe S| Germ. comedies. 16°, °83. pap., 30c... Holt. 65c.; pap., 42c.----+++- Reese aieleleto ei siers Harper. ) pay oc. ; pap., 44C- ‘ ee sw lnvore Is 177 2717 a] 7 — De officiis; tr. with introd. and notes, by A. P. Pea- Clagett, Sue Harry. Her lovers. 12°. [7 i. Jo $1.79. body. 12°. ’83.*8!! $1.25.....- Iittle, B. & Co. Inipprncott. —De oratore: libri tres; with notes by E. P. Crowell. | Claiborne, F. Unfinished tale : or, the daughter of the mill: romance of Lake George. 16°. [BS2.ee2 (Classical ser.) 16°. 779.38 $1.35..Hldredge. — De senectute (on old age) ; tr. with introd. and notes, SL ne ceee cer eee ce eccee ce .- Brentano’s Lit. Bmp. by A. P. Peabody. 12°. °84.*°% oc. Claim of Christ onthe young. Thorold, A. W. 90c. ; Inttle, B. § Co. | Randolph. — See also above Cato major. Clan of the cats: true stories about the feline animals. — Epistule selecte, recog. R. Klotz. (Greek and Latin 11 402) [Te 282) FOr eee eee Pott, Y. & Co. texts.) 16°. 779.9 65c.; pap., 42c.-- Harper. : Mo : : ‘ Clapp, Eva Cath. Lucky mishap. 12° 83.586 SI. —Lelius de amicitia; with Eng. notes by J: K. Lord. Belford, C. § Co. Z ; 3 S e ) ~ . . ie 120. 783; pili-.-- setter eee es ~.+++-+ Appleton. | Clapp, Herb. C. Is consumption contagious and can it — See also above Cato major. | be transmitted by means of food? 12°. ’80.47° — Pro G. Rabirio perduellionis reo; oratio ad Quirites ; | 1 9% “ aN oe ows J x ’ 2 : oa RD occ cicieteiel vi cic ein mcvelaielsvis sieielelalelslese O. Clapp. | with notes, introd. and app., by W. E. Heitland. ; : : : pears ce PI : — Tabular hand-book of auscultation and percussion. 89, 782.575 net, $2-....- Be eee sic! Vacmillan. somes 2 3°, Cee selcs : ib hh Oe PL occcoos Houghton, O. & Co. — Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino oratio ad judices; introd. : J and notes, ed. after K: Halm, by E. H. Donkin. | Clapp, Otis (ed.) Rev. Jos. Cook vs. Emanuel Sweden- GOs Oa Ole: oe re Macmiltan. | borg: refutation of errors in Tremont Temple —Somnium Scipionis; ed. by W. D. Pearman. (Pitt | lecture, Feb. 18, 1878, entitled Infidel attack on the family. 8°. ’79.° pap., 20c...H.H. Carter. press ser. ) 16°. °83.84% net, 50c... Macmillan. — Tuscalanarum disputantionum ad Brutum. Libri} Clapp, W: H. General index. See Rhode Island, Sup. quinque; recog. R. Klotz. (Greek and Latin | Court. eee Qo [79 7321 KXn . a; 2a eee Al ‘ S texts) 152. (Clie 00C# Depa d0Cic Harper. | Clara Augusta (pseud.) Rugg documents. Ist—5th — Eng.; Tuscalan disputations; also, Treatises on the | ser. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781.5506 ea., pap Pe YF Ee gods ane on the aah ean lOGE fale oa kc le se eee Ogtlvie. it. tr. chiefly by C. D. Yonge. DO. (tile Se 2 7 oe ea an aS Pied Clara Belle’s giddy girls. Belle, C. (pseud.) 2dc. SUDO ie cicre wc ae 0 ejsicia vi wees a 000.010 celeis selec Harper. | : 4a 7 Pirseell — Allen and Greenough’s Cicero; eight orations of Cic- pees ; : . s ae See : x Regenerate. ~~ 2 | Clara Vaughan. Blackmore, R: D:. dbdc.-... llarper. ero; with vocab. by R. F. Pennell. 12°. [’77.]-°"| pee Fe E Nfs MOTs. PleHOe ce cece cece wie ieieielcie «aes Ginn. | Clara Vere. Spielhagen, F: 10c...---..-.-./ Wunro. Gids@hronicleotithes Ga-cr sioletere (ee perelelerZ Am. Unit. — yents and epochs in religious history. ill. 8°. 81. *927 Sh Syoie\olepeleieisl ete slaleie/e) clei . - Osgood. — Go up higher; or, religion in common Bitte: 12°. “itor? SRD lero velisketelelei ee orecclieteleteleialee 1 Lee & 8S. — Hour which cometh and now is: sermons. New ed. 16°. [?77.]?74 $1.50...- ++ eee ee eee Lee gS. — How to find the stars; with account of the astro- nomical lantern and its use. sq. 16°. [’78.]*"° pap., 50C. +--+ --eeee eevee Lockwood, B. & Co. —TIdeas of the Apostle Paul, tr. into their modern equivalents. 12°. 784.*87 $1.50....-. Osgood. | — Legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. 12°. OSS RD lelove cite clclove(el vis aie e7e\ele/ oclere) 0) Lee & S. — Manual of Unitarian belief. 16°. °84.*8® flex. cl., 25c.; pap., 20c. ---. -+e seer eee - Unita. S.S. — Memorial and biog. s Sketches: 120, P78. 332 2: TenghiGO. & Co. — Self-culture, physical, intellectual, moral and spirit- ual. 12°, 28 (sree SED Oicccis ccicielel oc wis Osgood. | — Ten great religions. pt. 2: Comparison of all relig- noe, hs SBR EBS Goooas Houghton, M. § Co, Clarke, Jean D. The boss devil of America. 16° [’78.]92} pap., 50c. .....-.20---- 1 N.H. Whitney Clarke, Marcus. His natural life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 2815818 map., 2OC: «2. cieins elev cielo ec Munro. Clarke, Mrs. Ma. Cowden. Girlhood of Shakespeare’s heroines. ist and’ 2d ser, 2 v. all. ‘cr. 92: [’80. ] o.D0* CA., DLdccccce es oe Armstrong. — Tron cousin. Newed. 12°. [777.]° pap., 50c. Appleton. — Rambling story. Werside libs), 4°, (825292) pap:; IKOsnoso poco ocoUK Viele leieie.« occeee Munro. — See also Clarke, C: nnd “Ma. C. Clarke, Reb. So. [‘‘Sophie Ma Lael Fi: axie F rizzle stories. 5y. ill. 16° [’76- 84.) UE AITD Oo (OE Lee § S. Cont.: Doctor papa. — Flaxie Frizzle. — Kittyleen. — Little pitchers. — Twin cousins. — Janet: a poor heiress. ill. sq. 16°. 783 [’82] Sie DO erie wie noCKOOdOGDOO0 DUDE . Lee iS. — Quinnebasset Binls! L6o5. [etre $1.50.. Lee 5S. Clarke, Rob. & Co.(eds.) Bibliotheca Americana: cata- logue of a valuable collection of books and pam- phlets rel. to America. 8° [776.]*4° pap., 50c. Same. 1878. 8°. ([?78.]%? pap., 50c... Clarke — Same. Supplement for 1879. 8°. 79.4)? pap., 25c. «570 *} 7 ve ~ < « » 1 Ss > . > > 7 ‘] >» | ° . periodicals, transactions, etc., rel. to medicine, | — Bride of an hour; [also] Why they parted, by author surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, chemistry, etc., classified by subjects, with index by authors. 20% (ES paps, 2oCesa.: 2. 2s cece Clarke Nene 2CeOne een Ore? DCs oa ee Clarke — Digest of law publications; cat. of Am. and British law books; with index of authors. 12° [°77.]277 DAD 2DCrecieccicc ao biel] wise tee vi fee sls es Clarice: Clarke, S: Robinson. Constable’s manual. 8°. [’78. ee Tie D OMerererelels elave!sicieicl cisic cieeie cicie « Se rariin — Magistrate’s manual; supplemented by a complete ‘digest of the criminal law ep Uhepe tically arranged. Sor le CSei\22 I, SI Goondooac ... Hart § R. — Treatise on the law of insurance: with notes of all decisions in the Dominion, reported to March 1, US Tee ote (iiellaou spss h4ectoin s- o/- Carswell. Clarke, T: M. Law governing township officers. 8°. Oo 2eeee ape Distee css cet. plein oierercieiate -- Burford. Clarke, W: F. Centennial discourse; July 4th, 1876 Philadelphia. 8°. [’76.]?! pap., 25c. : Cunningham. Clarke, W: H. Horses’ teeth. 12°, ’g0.478 $1.50 W: Hf. Glance: 76 CLAY | Clarke, W: Horatio. Anthem collection, with organ obli- gato. obl. 8°. ’79.9°? bds., $1.50...G. D. Russell. — Outline of the structure of the pipe-organ. ill. 8°. eee Bile DOmniee ecco nteite eles ClamhegaCo: Clarkson, L. Fly-away fairies and baby blossoms. I}. 40%, (282: [eo8e) DdSas Sb 2ke cic cic yao Dutton, — Gathering of the lilies. ill. 4° [°77.]8° $4; mor., SS Ble avere clelictcle a (eleletelerevorsts afofelisliayoioverelevcver eve cre Stbole. — Heartsease and happy days. ill. f°. ’83 [’82].*58 SEGUE oie core piste ew sienelcie ere elciers ie eleiiers suse Dutton. — Indian summer: autumn poems and sketches. ill. fo. 78 [e802 SO mor ol2s 6... Dutton. — Little Stay-at-home and her friends. ill. sq. 8°. a QuSeL a SOND Ojerersicisins cic cele ie creie oe Robinson. — Rag fair and other reveries. ill. 4° ’79.9 $5, Robinson. — Violet with eyes of blue. ill. with col. pl. 4°. [’76.]*°° portfolio style, $3. (Fineed.) $5; gilt, Sb iy; MOL pl Oe mere clnterel cleieele erereiere -- Stbole. Class book of federal government, in easy lessons. Rev. ed. sq. 16°. [’77.]8°4 pap., 10e. Sampson. 'Glass of “70: ‘Morrison, HV. Sil25.2.... Lothrop. Classic heroic ballads. ‘Tileston, Js. M. F. $1. Roberts. Classic preachers of the Eng. church; introd. by J. E. Kempe: 120. (iio eeee Sr cree cera sicicre Dutton. Classic tales. Edgeworth,M. $1...... --. Roberts. Classical elocutionist. McDougall, W. H. $1.25. A. Brentano. Classical handbook. Allen, T: 62c........... Ware. Classical studies as information or as training; by a Scotch graduate. 8° ([777.] 50c..... Appleton. Classics of Babyland. Bates, Mis. C. D. 50c.. Lothrop. Clauder, H: I’. (comp.) Year-book and home alma- nac, 1879; rel. to Northampton Co. and_bor- oughs of Bethlehem and S. Bethlehem, Pa. 12°. ?7 9 368 pap., VOC ciatcie cccieinc es aoe sesiaee Clauder. Claude’s confession. Zola, BE. $1.25; 75c... Peterson. Clay, Bertha M. Arnold’s promise; [also] Under the shadow of St. Paul’s. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.58 ihe MWe soagoo0ccg s5d000 Sa00 Sielsnereis Ogilvie. — Between two loves. 12° ’81.°!7 $1.50..Carleton. — Between two sins. (People’slib.) 4°. ’83.°77 pap., LOGS seieciccre se one eine erine ele ee ania Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°° pap., 10c...Munro. — Beyond pardon. 12°. 84.97 e100 seyeere tate Carleton. ——Same: U2 [484-828 SU ween scine sens ene Ogilvie. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’84.° pap., 20e. J: W. Lovell. , |— Bitter atonement. 12°. [’77.]°! $1.50. Clarke. | ——WOAMLes UOSa.86c. Sderot | Pap. DUC: seen Clarke. | — Bibliotheca medica: cat. of Am. and British books, | Carleton ; Street. — Bride from thesea; [also] King’sservants, by H. Stret- ton. (Seaside lib.) 4°. *g] 512 pap., 10 c... Munro. of Thorns or grapes. (People’s lib.) 49. ’%2.5?8 pap., lOc. .--- 2.22 ee ee secs eXeliaie (e\lsieve eis Ogilvie. — Bridge of love. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.5°7 pap., NW Geass aonocumOnp ooo onicomn seco ooo oo! Munro — Broken wedding-ring. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 2D) Cxeic crcicieiel elerea e616 oo eco uae Lovell. — Same. (People’ s lib.) 40, 782.944 pap., 20c. - Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.944 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.874 pap., 20c. Munro. — Cost of herlove. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.535 pap., QOCh eee cca. Rie ereccieeio octets See see ---- Oguilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°%° pap., 20c... Munro. — Dark marriage-morn. (People’s BD Aor 28 2iees Pap., 2OC. .- 2. 220s vere cece vee aYolevelcvelere Ogilvve. — Dead heart. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7 ip., 10c... Munro. — Dora Thorne. (ovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.9% pap., NiOsaanso voter eee ee eee eeeee osceda We Lovell: — Same. 12°. [783.]°*° $1.50. Same. (People’s lib.) Aor 8 lese8 Maps 2OCiaresiciaistere cere oo eeeee Oguivie. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 780.47 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’83.°% pap., 20c. Munro.Clay, en M. , continued. P= = ( | | — Evelyn’s folly. 12°. ’78.357 $1.50.. - Carleton. — Fair but false; [also] The heiress nes: Ame: (Sea- side lib.) 4°. [84.847 pap.,, L0Ckso- «c Munro. — Fatal lilies: [also] ’ Twixt cup and lip. (People’s libs); 495 78.808 “paps. l0Cr acne ace. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..-.... Munro. — From gloom to sunlight. (Seaside lib.) 49. 82.528 DAPe; ZOCH sree cycle cic) lee ever eiserem oil cine Munro. — From out the gloom. (People’s lib.) 49. 782.540} ehh AUiee coon 4606 5606 0dd0 anon ooOO c - Ogilvie. — Gilded sin; [also] Lost harmony. Ce cople s lib.) | 407 281208 pape. JOC. secs aes cee - Ogilvie. — Same; [also] Black speck: temper: ince tale by F: W: Robinson. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81. pap., L0G. ee ee eee ee ee ee eee rate oral cal s¥ ete © ovesie Munro. — Golden dawn; [also] Down with the tide. (People’s libs) 408 | 2BNeh nan OCiereee asin Ogilvie. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c....... Munro. — Golden heart. (People’s lib.) 4° ’82.5%! pap., DO) Crise ciclelev eres cine! se sins 6) eb ef cle Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10c......- Munro. CLEAVER | Clay, Bertha M., continued. | — Romance ofa black veil. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.596 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 120F Oe CSR Naps LOCHe sass scene aeeier Munro. — Rose in thorns. (Seaside lib.) 4° 781.5"! pap., NOCk erree sj olei eels «eno iolckel < cicicie we coin) « Save wile eioves Munro. — Letty Leigh; [also] Queen of the season. (People’s libs) 4eh = 2820s pans. LOCH ince ceo Ogilvie. — Like no other love. (People’s lib.) 4°. °81.°°° pap., LOCH Se sek Geers ORR ee oo ole aiee Seiwa Ogilvie. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.499 pap.,10c. .. Munro. | — Lord Lynne’s choice. (People’s lib.) 4° ’82.5°! pap., iO Go ieiev ater sel orn) ele clelicipiwielcleiciclaie) eo eine Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 12°. ’84.° pap., DO Gauis cis cleleiel cis o/< sie) tle one nie wee ereyeicyel es ois) oieiets Wunro. — Love for a day. (People’ Si libs) 40% 1820820 “pap:. LOCH ieee cee ne ine ern e arlene . Ogilvie. ser. ) 12°, [PZ 76. 1-3 Silo ORmoees one. Carleton. —Two kisses. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781.57! pap., 10c. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7§2.°° pap., 10c... Maunzo. — Undera shadow. 12°. ’82.°4° $1.50 .... Carleton. — Unnatural bondage; [also] Hoist with his own pe- tard. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.527 pap., 10c. Ogilvie. — Vivien’s atonement. (People’s lib.) 4°. 783.58" pap., AQ CS evercrerciere a iateteicl ele leleicre (ols iele en cys ccraoe - Ogilvie. — Wedded and parted. (People’s lib.) 4° pap., 10c. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.5% pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°° pap., 10c. Munro. — Which loved him best? (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.° pap., 10c... Munro. | — Love works wonders. 12°. [’78. ]98° $1.50. . Carleton. —lLove’s warfare. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’81.°!8 pap., DZ (\Onverevers ores orcrct sie ore) 6 ye ieiate cletsicle ei ceraie --. Munro. — Madoline’s lover. (People’ Silibs))) Aor 780-2 pap:, RO, soon Se eevee Ge ices Gan cine os oveloueieie ecm Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. *84.°*9 pap., DV Os eicrarclckel cictave ioe eloioiein) cle sie ele eierele) ors oo Munro. — Miriam Le cis manage: (Seaside pee 40, 789,563 Pape NOYongo5606 mualarelclc lets elcretoieverors Munro. bitter ‘ita death. (Ses iside lib. ) 4°, pap., 10c. Munro. — On her wedding-morn. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°%4 i, Ws Bos sd0000 socasod0n0 00 bo0dcr Ogilvie. — Queen amongst women. " (Reople’ s lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.5° pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°° pap., 10c. Munro. — Redeemed by love. (Seaside lib.) 49°. ’81.°'© pap. 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. PRU ACzeE NAD DOCHacis er ceed iene onic Munro. — Repented at leisure. 12°. ’81.47 $1.50.. Carleton. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 20c...J: W. Lovell. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.543 pap., 20c.. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°!° pap., 20c.. Munro. | Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [’84.]%% PAPes LOGE eiciars eyes aie elereiel ie) nis| eyelet avore aint Wunro. — Wife in name only. (People’s lib.) 40, 783.°9) pap., DOG, si acerwteraerovevevers ce clare nisieveke ure oieusteraie: An eis Ogilvie. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Same. (Sea- side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. °84.8° pap., 20c. Munro. ; [also] Vice-versa; or, a lesson to fathers, by EK. A’. Guthrie, 12°: ([’83 08 Si: .... Ogulere: — Wife’s secret. (Seaside lib.) “4°. ’82.5% pap., 10c. Munro. — Woman’s temptation. 12°. 780.4% $1.50.. Carleton. — Woman’s war. eSeaeids libs) 4.95.9 Gilets paps, lO Gieteieinrel cxctercicvatete ayaralievatel eyelele felelereucicicieP IL ILIL7.0 Clay, C: Complete Hand: peor of obstetric surgery. ill. 12% ['77.]?8 $2 ...Lindsay § Blakiston. Clay, C: M. (pseud.) cee Clarke, Mrs. C. M. Clayden, P.W. Samuel Sharpe, Egyptologist and trans- lator of the Bible. 12°. ’83.84 $1.50.... Roberts. Clayton, Cecil. Azalea. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. [(’'76.] pap., 50C..-++ sees eens wele vee ee LAI E0:. Clayton's rangers. wwalliemsonth H. 10c..J: W. Lovell. Cleanliness and disinfection. Harris, E. 8c. Putnam. Clear light from the spirit world. Irving, K. $1.25. Carleton. Clear shining after rain. Hamilton, C. G. 15c.. Harper. Cleaver, C: arly Chicago reminiscences. (Fergus hist. ser.) 12° 782.54? pap., 25c...... Hergus. ARO ea = Speoioanihad os ee ite a neaRR pert siSc 8 CLOWES CLEAVES ( Cleaves, E. C. Relief-designs, Conese and | Gimeerdaie mystery. Wilkins, W. A. §l.. .. Fords. sculptural ornaments, and their hist. nos 1-6. | ciew of the maze. Spurgeon, C: H. 75c.; 15c... Funk. (Krusi’s drawing ser.) 8°. [’78.] no. 1, pap 30c.; 2, 3, ea., pap-., 45c.; 4-6, ea., ae 40c. Appleton. | Cleland, J: Directory for the dissection of the human | body. 129°. [(°77.]785 $1.25 «1.200 -2eee. Lea. Clemens, G. C. Law of corporate securities as de- cided in the federal courts. 8° [’77.]°°° hf. shp., $3; shp., $3.50 .-...-.+--+- «eee Gilbert. — Reports. See American railway reports. Clemens, S: L. [‘' M: Tw ain.” ] Adventures of Hom Sawyer. 8° ([776.]?° $2.75..-..---2 Am. Pub — Life on the Mississippi. 8°. 783.5°8 subs., $3. 50; $4; leath., $4.25; hf. cf. or hf. mor., $5; full MOLE BSc sisieleisicie cletets aieilerois! elolaiolater aye! siskote Osgood. — Prince and the pauper: tale for young people of gilt, $3.50; | all/ages: il: "sq: 8°. 78222 $3); ‘gt t leath., $3.75; hf. cf. or mor., $4.50.... Osgood. age story book. ill. 16°. [’78.] 900. Ciel | Clifford, Jose. Overlandtales. 12°. ['77.]*83 $1.50. Claxton, R. & H. | Clifford, Nathan. Reports. See United States, Cu- — Punch, brothers, punch! and other sketches. 18°. | [(’78.]*3 50c.; pap., 25c. ...-.-+--- eae LOLe: — Stolen white elephant, etc. 16°. 782.*°44 $1.25 Osgood. — Tramp abroad; ill. by F. Brown, T. Williams, and Others; 89: “SO:485 “$3:50) 522.00 - «1 Am. Pub. cuit and District Courts. Clifford, W: Kingdon. Elements of dynamics: introd. to the study of motion and rest in solid and fluid bodies. 12° [7’78.]%° $2.50 ...... Macmillan. — Lectures and essays: ed. by L. Stephen and F: Pol- lock: introd: by HH: Pollock, 2 v. por. 82. (ee EN RVooooon soooo0 obo «----+ Macmillan. — Mathematical papers; ed. by R. Tucker, with introd. by H. J. S. Smith. fac-simile. 8° ’82.5%° net, OO ee ee Scan us or ree cated Macmillan. — Scientific basis of morals, and other essays. (Hum- boldt lib.) 8°. [’84.]®8 pap., lic... Mitzgerald. — Seeing and thinking. (Humboldt ibe) Sor 78: PAP.) 15C.-2. 6 ees eee cee voce cece eens ‘Fitzgerald. |— Same. (Nature ser.) 120, "79.49 =$1.. Macmillan. — True story, and The recent carnival of crime. (Vest- | pocket ser. ) 32°. ileal 1) ) Civecescicie Osgood. Clemens, Will M. Famous funny fellows: sketches of Am. humorists. por. 12°. ey stecreysre el oleietele< Lets oreieieleisiotor W: W. Williams. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 784.89 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. Clement, Jfrs. Clara Erskine. Charlotte Cushman. (Am. actorser.) por. andill. 12°. ’82.*°°7 $1.25 Osgood. — Egypt. (Lib. Ghontereening hist.) all; 22°: esis? Bile) erereteis paren aNsai aya vanieiievelsyeiarereisieieis 6 Lothrop. | — Eleanor Maitland: a novel. 16°. ’81.*°!7 $1.25. Osgood. — Hand-book of legendary and mythological art; with descriptive ill. 13thed. 8°. ’81.%* $2.50. Houghton, M. & Co. — Outline hist. of painting for young people and stu- dents; with indexes. ill. 8° ’83.*®°9 $2.50. White & S. — Painters, sculptors, architects, CHELAVELS and their works: a hand- boos: with Jl. and monograms. 5th ed. 12°. ’79.*%6! $3.25..Houghton, O. & Co. — Same. Newenl.ed. ill. 12° 81.4 $38.. Osgood. — Same. 6th ed. 8°. ’81.4°* $2.50.. Houghton, M. § Co. | — and Hutton, Lawrence. Artists of the 19th century and their works: hand-book cont. biog. aFeiches: Divi OO iQue Ae ci cle Houghton, O. & Co. Clement, G: A. Digest os fire insurance decisions in the courts of the U.S., Great Britain and Canada: continuation of the 3d ed. of Littleton and Blatchley, Clarke and Bates’ digest. 8°. AWS Aiyths SED) Gcoooc bbodos Baker, V. & Co. Clemmer, Ma. Histwo wives. Newed. 12°. 783.599 Snilte) fete evekorsieva.c occlei aie sie\e +) creie > Houghton, M. & Co. — Poems‘of life and nature. 12° 783 [’82)].*58 $1.50. Osgood. | Clephane, Eliz. C. Ninety and nine. ill. sm. 4°. iedlices. bolas ier on teces cess Lothrop. Clerical guide and ennchnne in’s “directory. Bliss, OR Vis He Siliere ayetereoareyoisve al oles) atc sieeve cyelsi6 Dune. Clerk, Dugald. Theory of the gas-engine. (Sci. ser.) DAO VSOEESTS: UBC, «crc de eee te VAN INOSLT ANG. Clerk of Portwick. Fenn,G: M. 20c........ Munro. Clevedens Yorkers: LOC oc arrears «12 Harper. Cleveland, Neh. History of Bowdoin College. with biog. sketches of graduates 1806 to 1879; ed. and completed by A. S. Packard. 8°. ’83.973 $5. Osgood. Clever Jack. Bowman, TL: $1.25......... J. Miller. Clever woman of the family. Yonge, C. M. 20c. Munro. Clifton picture. Coulson, J. G. A. $1.253 Tdc. Lippincott. Clifton’s book of selections from the good and wise. Ved: 9169) 28255585 7b Ch ate wc - Chic. Leg. News. Cline, C. C., and others (eds.) Popular hymns. 32°. Psi? by Woke. ooo 365600 cocd TGP: & Pe Co. Clingman, T: L. Selections from speeches and writ- ings; with add. and notes. 8°. ole? like DAS: < SQb0k os sce cice cee ce cs ae «eeseds Nichols. Clique of gold. See Gaboriau, E. Clodd, E: Birth and growth of myth. (Humboldt libs) (89: (84282 paps, be. cians... Fitzgerald. — Childhood of religions: account of the birth and growth of myths and legends. (Humboldt lib.) 8°, 783.8% pap., LbC...---- os00 ose Fitzgerald. — Childhood of the world. (Lovell’s lib.) aoe (RSte 648 pap., LOGS etita ere Fs cei we Siecle oicie cre ci ees a, ovell. — Jesus of Nazareth; embr. sketch of eee hist. Cr. 89 80:44) $240. we ccm = = SCTUOIE? O) We Glorinda. Zola, His W5Ce s veo cos civiele cisco LACLEN SOM Close up the bar-rooms. Hay pond! A. G. 15dc... Burke Closing of the Eagle. McBride, H. E. lic.. ee, Cloth of gold series. 10 v. ill. [’79.] bds., -50; per box of 4 sets, $6.....0+-++ ++ ee ee eee ae Cont.: Old church. — Young sailor. — Small boy. — First quar- rel. — Ho! for the country. — Snowy day. — Little brook. — Lost bird. — Old secrap-book. — Bit of sunshine. Clotilde. Pontmartin, A. de. 50c....J. M. Stoddart. Cloud crystals. Chickering, Ms. F. E. $1.67. Appleton. Cloud islands. Dolsen, H. 40c.......- W. B. Smith. Clouds. Aristophanes. 60c...........-- Macmillan. Clouds and sunshine. See Reade, C: Clough, Arth. Hu. Poems. Newed. 12°. (’77.]78 SS Dl re ceva) wie selarele otsie aiera leleneicveie) s/otaietele ete Macmillan. Clough, J. E. From darkness to light: story of Telugu awakening. 16°. 782.539 $1.25. ....Am. Bapt. Clough, Jos. W. Study of the hexameter of Virgil. Gr 7 Oral BO Ch ciaiere = clase wicyo) oe aRULLEs Beh) Os — Study of the principal Latin rhymes other than the hexameter. 8° ’79.414 35c....Lvttle, B. § Co. Clouston, T: Clinical lecturesonmental diseases ; [also ] Abstract of the statutes of the U.S. and of the states and territories rel. to the custody of the insane, by C. F. Folsom. lith. pl. ie oH 647 -$4.... Lea Cloven foot. See Maxwell, Js. Clover beach. Vandegrift, M. se . Porter & C. Clover-top story book; by Uncl as and others. ey 4orleelen Slit oo ere Crowell. Clovernook recollections of our neighborhood in the West. Cary, A. 2v. ea., $1.20 .. Armstrong. Clowes, Fk. Elementary treatise on practical chem- istry and aus ilitative inorganic analysis; from 2d rey. Hing. ed. ill. 12° ([/'81.]#84 $2:50 ..Lea.CLUB-ALMANACH 79 Club-almanach: a nie des Gereles et du_ sport, 18835 Ve année; ‘por: 249. 783'*584 pan Sse eareereiaotlarsicrerersts sireda aoe G stekelele aveiecre [ Steiger. ] Clubfessays: Swing, D: Sl... cas: Cane Jansen. Clum, Franklin D. Menand women; their structure and Tunction: < 129. [@83.))*e89 oO ce se ea. ee Cluny Mac Pherson. Barr, Mfrs. A. E. $1.25..Am. Cluster of gems; collection of piano-forte pieces. 4°. tf> emei|eY SS): oilts Sao dss eee crcnca cre Ditson. Cluster of poems for the home and the heart. Means, AVS SUDO Soicnicie wc cece seine eo reeelerers Se Clusters from Eshcol. Hoke, J. $1 ....Un. B. Pub. Clute, J. J. Annals of Staten talande. 8°. eras SRG! ialeverevaie Scie co clare lo rsleiey oe cic elec lelerete: oleleieleieia Vogt. Clute, Oscar. [‘‘J: Allen.”] Blessed bees. 16°. ’78.*9°7 Spilocrcteyeiere cleistoei sieiclene B relexoiel se cl ciielel ciel eteiele Putnam. | Clytia. Taylor, G: 90c.; 50c...-...-.. Gotisberger. Clytie. See Hatton, J. Coale, C: B. Life and adventures of Wilburn Waters hunter and trapper of White Top mountain. 12°. [asc es! Spills Da elaversrete cite alate: ---- Randolph § L. | Coals from the altar. See Cross, J. Coals of fire. Murray, et » Wllecacce eee Munro. Coals of fire. Sweet, M. gi Suelo leis sos Nat. Temp. | Coan; Titus. £ ae Gn Pavieonty) introd. by | He: M. Bield.. 129 280249) S195 22... Dodd. — Life in Hawaii: autobiographic svetchi of mission life. | (1885-1881.) por. 12°. [’82.]***4 $1.50. Randolph. Coan, Titus Munson (ed.) Topics of the time. 6 v. | 16°, 783.%992-*819 ea., 60c.; pap., 25c... Putnam. Cont.: Art and literature. — Biographical studies. — Historical studies. — Questions of belief.— Social problems,— Studies in literature. Coates, Mrs. —. While they are with us. ill. 12°. 779.4% TD On wietsie creole Birarsleloreie © eieioraleiniascrevousteie serere Porter & C. | Coates, I: T. Centennial Fourth of July oration at Chester, Pa. 8°. “i\eo bOC. = paps, o0C. Lippincott. Coates, Jos. Manual of pathology. ill. 8° ’83.9%° $5.50; leath., $6.50........... afeial sie ote siete Lea Cobb; Ja. E} Heroes of charity. ill; 169% ([278:i]é BU Cieraretes ; pap., TD OE winieicrarcinletcieleye)ie ri cic els) vievereie Peterson. — Sylvester pound, the somnambulist. New ed. 8°. [a6 ee pRADE ~ Tle ooo aq00d . Peterson. — Valentine ver 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) “40, ea., pap., RW sooo sacan0s Br aterele cielelslcisle clots ere elsie(s Munro. | Coddington, C. E. Digest of the law of trade-marks. Sor (78. 24" shp:, pOeen erie ise Ward & P. Codman, J: Free ships; restoration of the American carrying trade. (Economic monographs.) 16°. [emsass) paps, 2bce; Same 2areds | 12087 280.22 pap., DOOR ercrnvele she slejaie. ve eee. - Putnam. — Round trip by way a: Panama, ‘through California, | Oregon, Nevada, Utah, IdahoandColorado. 12°. 279 «387 aE Oe OR cts ccavecs cia Ue tewel oe eicieless ous Putnam. Codrington, T: eMC nBncS of macadamized roads. 8°. y 79,379 UD (ice creterc eo etelae: cictercare cislei ee Spon. Codville, W: C ee ince to Hymnal of the M. E. Ch. 12°, [’80.] $1.50.....-.--...... Phillips & H. Cody, W: F. Life of Hon. W: F. Cody, ‘‘ Buffalo Bill.” 19°, °79.40? $2: shp., $2.50... #. Blass. | Coe, B: H. Progressive lessons in drawing; studies. | New ed. pl. sq. 16°. 782.°4° 60c....-.. Wiley. | Coe, Mrs. Spencer W. Me! July and August. sq. 16°. Feito ee pap., 50c. +--+ +--+ +e. 5 ale ee Carleton. Co-education. Pollard, J. 25c...#. F. Birmingham. Coelebs in search of a wife. More, Is. H. 20c. Munro. Coffin, C: C. [‘‘Carleton.”] Boys of 76. Hist. of the battles of the Revolution. ill. 8° [’76.]?° $3. Harper. — Boys of ’61; or, four years of fighting. New issue. Wh fH, BR OW E6650 son0 oec00 00 co dN — Building the nation: events in the nich. of the Us S: ill. sq. Sor 485 [82]. ome | BY oA dono Harper. — Old times in the colonies. ill. 8° ’81 [’80].*#% GR aol wea cr nie miele sieyal = Bin versie clinic iciciele avers Harper. — Our new way round the world; where to go and what to see. (Pop. ed.) maps and ill. er. 8°. [°77-]2% $1.50; pap., Toc. ...+---e- Lovell, Ad., W. § Co. — Story of liberty. ill. 8°. ’79.*8 $3....Harper. — Winning his way. New ed. ill. sq. 12°. ’83 [?82].*°* DO See Gere cre cc sree leelele = ciietele elerc)sfevesel clei Estes. eo ; : E. Porter & Coates’s interest tables at 4, 1, 3, 34, 4, 44, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 per cent. on $1 to $10,000. 8°. [784.]*689 Gl... =. Porter § C. Coffin, Levi. Reminiscences. 2d ed., with app. por. U20. BOPP TI KA Ake wae ewe wei . Clarke. | Coffin, Rob. B. [es Barry Gray.’’] W orks. New issue. Dive 2088 2SBNe OKs sree sie cece UCR QIN. Coggeshall, C. H. Legal directory for law ver s and busi- ness men, 1882-’3. 8°. [’sz. ]°4 $2.- Coggeshall. Cogswell, Fs. See Walton, G: A., and Cogswell, F. Cohen, J. Solis. Diseases of throat and nasal passages. 2d ed., rev. ill. 8% 79.9 $5.50; shp., $6.25. Wood. ‘an aa we eh aoe mS eS ES —— TaheppaeeeT oceans Seo a See SCT mes Pee es cement oe pe Saat RI r} } JCOHEN 80 COLLINS | Cohen, J. Solis, continued. os — The throat and the voice. (Am. health primers.) ill. | sq. 16°. ’79.*4° 50c. ; 30c.. Lindsay § Blakiston. Cohen, Max (comp.) Garfield souvenirs. v. 1. 16°. 2B mOCSs NADN. LOC «astenicicle «mic BS tociouscerictare Cohen. | | Cohen, Morris M. Admiralty jurisdiction, law, and practice, with app. cont. rules, statutes, and forms. 8°. ’83.°%% shp., net, $5....-Soule gs B. — Essay on the growth of law. 12° ’82.°7* $1.50. Callaghan. Coigne, G. Money; the way to make it. (World ed.) PON igtMel|aee «ep Le OO) ere eres = bi eetere eioieis World Pub. Coit, Davida (pseud.) See Scudder, V. D. Colange, Leo de. Dictionary of commerce. 2 Vv. roy. 8°. 780. ea., $6.75; shp., $7.50; hf. mor., $8.25. kstes. — French pictures with pencil and pen; ill. by G. Doré, A. de Neuville and others. 4°. ’79.*°8! $6. Estes. — The heart of Europe, from the Rhine to the Danube. TLE On Goel TS aD icrctoelte crelel s ersteisiel le Estes. | Colbrath, M. T. What to get for breakfast. 16°. ’82.°4° | intenleaveds Sills sees cerecec cr temecic ee Earle. | Colburn, Warren. Colburn’s first lessons: intellectual arithmetic. Rev. ed., with app. ill. 2°. [’84. }&4! DAS SDC} seus vec Houghton, M. & Co. Colby, H: F. Restriction of the Lord’s Supper. 18°. Eel SOice oe eccie eje cs ce Vaio rie aie ere oA NU: Bapt. Colby, J: H. Statute railroad laws of New York, codi- fied and arr., with notes, forms [ete.]. 8°. ’82.°%9 BPs SOD ee cieccies cleiini scissile =o W. C. Inttle, Colby, J: Stark. Agatha: romance of Maine, in blank verse, with other poems. sq. 16°. ’80.**4! pap.. DO ON sieteiets cier sje creiel sion) «ie cicls eie's «cio «fej oie Willams. Colby, Ma. B. Deserted Jessie. 16° [’77.]8 $1.25. U. D. Ward. — Same. See also Aim high series. Colcord, Millie. For Thy name’s sake. 18°. [’78.]%% G0Ch cee eclcie- eciee ceive eccncvce 2a L10Yt, I. f D. | Cole, Chester C. Reports. See lowa, Sup. Court. Cole, J. R. The horse’s foot, and how to shoe it. ill. PML blosoonsocaeooduse P:G. Thomson. Colebrooke, W: ‘Treatise on the law of collateral se- curities as applied to negotiable, quasi-negotiable and non-negotiable choses in action. 8°. 783.8} shp., SGD OR or es ee ok sis te ee eee Callaghan. Colegrove, W. Complete scientific grammar of the Hing. language: 12°. 7’79.*°8° $1.25. . Author's’. Coleman, W: D. The case of W: D. Coleman. 8°. OSD Vr VETO af aiers ae os etels West, J. § Co. Coleman, W: M. Epitome of Fearne on contingent remainders and executory devises. 12°. 778.385 | $1.50 55000 wisvabereclelaic leiaccie Stal ero ede Ane VA Johnson. Coleridge, Six J: Taylor. My recollections of the cir- cuit; address. 12° ’83.*°!9 pap., 25c... Rider. | Coleridge, S: Taylor. Complete works; introd. essay, | ed. by W. G. T. Shedd; with index by A. Gilman. | @oibteds)) = Way. 1207 “84 640k per Set. ilo: Llarper. | — Works. 8° 783.84 $4.50; shp., $3.50; tky. mor., oo Gia (swale) 0/61 /9)'e).01e16) 0/1010. eln e e\e) allele Porter & C. — Poetical and dramatic works. 16°. [°77.}8° $1.25; Die pects cite cers ayia) sieleiclo oie (cine Crowell. | — Aids to reflection and Confessions of an inquiring | spirit; [also] Essays on faith and the Book of| common prayer. (Bohn’s standard lib.) 12°, VL GE (5 Wok soup oocoonce see Scribner § W. | — Ancient mariner, ill. by D: Scott; with life of the artist, by A. L. Simpson. 12°. ’83.*819 $1.50. | Nelson. — Same ; with biog. sketch, notes, ete. (Eng. classic Ber), 60) U8) pap. lacs a. oe. Clark & M. — Same, with title: Rime of the ancient mariner: ill. | by Chapman. (People’s ed.) 12°. ’80[’79 314 | Ses dss 250. Bae tee osc ac cde . Wells. same, Ul by Wore. f° [276.722 S10... Harper. Coleridge, S: Taylor, continued. — Same; ill. by Doré, Foster, and others. 8°. ’84 [’83].*8!5 $1.50; tree cf., $5; illuminated and fringed covers, $1.75; decorated satin and fringe, SROUD (is ccevereies seteler a cre reietere se cic (a . * 90 : ser. 12°. ’76—79. Cas; Gils cise Iappincott. | — Queen of hearts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Namely: Ovid, ed. by A. Church. — Catullus, Tibullus, and Munro. Propertius, by J. Davies. — Demosthenes, by W. J. Broadribb. — | — Rogue’s life; from his birth to his marriage. (Han- Aristotle, by A. Grant. — Thucydides, by W: L. Collins. — Lu- ou } dy-v. ser) 169; 779.*884 nap., 2oc. .. Appleton. * 2 eretius, by W. H. Mallock.— Pindar, by F. D. Morice. ey Teer : es — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781.4 pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. )c Collins, W: Wilkie. Adopted son; [also] Caldronof oil; | — Same. (Seaside lib) 42. pap., 10c......-. Munzo. [also] Queen’s revenge. Newissues. (Pop. lib.) | — Shocking story. (Atlas stories.) 16°. ’78.*362 pap., 89, 779.420" pap, L0casse. Fitch ; (N.Y. News. | NOC en aclnis\cinieisle sie sine ciecis ci ciclo aecrene Barnes. — Basil; or, the crossed path. Newed. 8°. [°77.]°6’|— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap: L0erss.... Munro. ills PAD sy MOC wc cece. elovev ciel elee --++---Deterson. | — Sister Rose [and other stories]. (Pop. lib.) 89. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10c...... - Munro. | (eaves pap. LOce seca a. See eooee ee Fergus. — Black robe. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.44 pap., 20c. | — Two destinies. (Lib. ed.) ill. 129. (ee6e 242 $1.50. Munro. Sanve. wile (89 pap:, 500) .....- woe. Harper. — Caldron of oil. See above Adopted son. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap:, 10e....... Munro. — Captain’s last love. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. — Who killed Zebedee? [also] Head waiter, by F: W: Munro. | Robinson. (Beopleis libs) 49) 2825583) nap... — Dead secret. New ed. 89. eee eae Si pap., | LOQi ee Sensinc cies Cree ce ee cs ea eee Ogilvie. TD Cele epererc otis eyeiaae nie eeeveere eeicieleis cm cemic Peterson. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 42°. Daipy, LOC as cae Munro. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c....... Munro. | — Woman inwhite. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap., 20c.. Munro. — Dream woman. (Lakesidelib.) 4°. ['77.]*4 pap.,|— Yellow mask. New issue. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. LOG eh ciices wels cis foe es cece ce Donnelly, L. & Co. | 79), £389 DAD 2OCe erarelesiereiicieclareicrerers - Appleton. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°%! pap., 10c... Ogilvie. | — Same. (People’s lib.) 49. 782.535 pap., 10c. . Ogilvie. — Same. (Pop. lib.) 8°. [’77.]?°° pap., 10c. .. Fergus. |— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c...... - Munro. — Duel in Herne Wood; [also] Inez Varian’s secret; | Your money or your life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., or, whose child was she? by H. Wood. (Seaside VOCE viene ajolni reo eiclel ei cleleins elels « cieicisrereretcre eo Vunro. Iibs)e 40% 38089 paps, LOC veces cece cet Vunro.|— Same; [also] Two delicate cases, by J. Payn [and — Fallen leaves. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c... Munro. other stories]. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.°°° pap., — Frozen deep. (Lakeside lib.) 4°. [’77.]?84 pap., | VOCs cicictes nielerosle wieleie ere ienisl oo ein clorarcieieie Ogilvie. LOCK ciepe os ei crrieisin eis @ cicice .-++++ Donnelly, L. § Co. | — (ed.) Howl married him; the confessions of a young — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. .... Ogilvie. lady; [also] Two daughters of one race. (Peo- — Same. (Pop. lib.) 8° ’78.977 pap., 12c. pleisilib:))) 749. 782.594" naps LOC: sera. - Ogilvie. Fitch ; (NV. ¥. News.] | — See also Dickens, C:, and Collins, W: W. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.4° pap., 10c. .. Munro. | Collisson, H: M. What is the matter with Ireland? — Same [and other stories]. CRopi libs); 82. [77.280 hist. essay. 16°. ’82.*°6 flex. cl., 50c. .. Revell. Pape nOCe Ue Gare eae ae I Fergus. | Gollom, J: Prophetic numbers of Daniel and the Rev- — Haunted hotel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c... Munro. Baton 12°, °80,47 $1.50.....--. Walson &J — Heart and science. 12°. 783.585 $1; pap., 50c. te ae re bas Re Belford, C. & Co. Collyer, Rob. Life that now is: sermons. 10th ed. — Same. 12°. 783.59! $1; pap.,50c. Same. (Lovell’s ae 82 POU ce BLA aan neal iS lib.) 16°. [’83.]587 pap., 20c...... i Welovell — Nature and life: sermons. .New ed. 16°. 82%" — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. [783.]°S? pap., 20c. Same. N oD Sansiges cee : ie eC anaes Sah, ea sed g S (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 12°. ’84.° pap., 20c. | + ew German crusade: lecture. 12°. ’81. pap., Munroe lO Chane. OT dOon Oo a 2 pete rose I UUTAaE — Hide-and-seek. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c..Munzo. | SONS 11th ed. ulc ae CA aoe nee Eee § Ss 7" Tsay no. (uovells lib.) 6% pap: 200). We Lovell: |e ope: tute ats Sri Teles elo as ec — Jezebel’s daughter. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. | 18°. [’78.]™ Sl oe Se ees one Z Lee g S- Munyo. | Colman, G: Jealous wife: comedy. See New York — John Jago’s ghost. (People’s lib,) 4°. 782.9%! pap., | drama. Ws co acbacd Sfeisle © 6 slele\«\s 6 eicleie/ejvicicis/e/elele Ogilvie. | Colman, Julia. Alcohol and hygiene; lesson-book for — Law and the lady. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c. | schools: 69 80:46 G60c.-. Rocket.ed.)) 220; 2845885" nan... 1c... 1. Munro. | Fel) bis coon Safe ele rrieie re oe cioe Routledge. — Magicspectacles. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Jun7o0. | Colombier, Marie. Memoirs of Sarah Barnum; with Man and wife. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 779.°9| pref. by P. Bonnetain; tr. under the management PAP, LOC. eee reeeneeeeerrsereee revece Harper. | of F. C. Valentine and L. H. Hunt. (Standard — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c....... Munro. | ed.) 120°. [’s4. ors pap., 50c.-- SW Green. — Miss or Mrs. [and other stories]. (Pop. lib.) 8°..! Gol, Dunwoddie, millionaire. (Lib. of Am. fiction.) [ uit mee pap. 10c. oe tte e ees Fergus. Son Tze |e8s Hape (oC cee ie Harper. ae Moonstone. V4 \ coat 1 5 Paes BOS Le piss| Colonel's daughter. King, © SileD 0) eraarei Lippincott. ENE ae <2 ark See Colonel’s opera cloak. Brush, Mrs. C. C. $1.- Roberts. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside Colony ballads. Raymond, G:L. dec. ee Hurd §& H. lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.6%! pap., 30c.... Munro. | Colorado, General Assembly. Code of civil procedure, — My lady’s money. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ['78.]?!*| as amended by acts of General Assembly of 1879, pap., DP Chere areveloiialsl Harper. Coming man is the present child; or, childhood text- book of the age. 12°. (ie 738. eae pap., 60c. Fairlanks & Co. Coming of the birds. Goodale, E. $1.50... Cassino. Coming race. Bulwer-Lytton, Six E: GE. Ii. 50c. Funk. Commander of Malta. Sue, BE. 20c. .------ Munro. Commenting and commentaries. Spurgeon, @2 He Carter. CR eee Carle el clole) sie eens eimre mieieieeceis nis (gierer= Commercial organic analysis. Allens, “Ay. “He 32) v.. v. 1, $3.50; v. 2, $5-..----0-- sates Blakaston. Commerc products of the sea. Simmonds, P. {ppleton. GPT); aisle aiviiaicio’s © ele eles) wiereie)neleieie sfeeneie Commercial trip with an uncommerc ial ending. Bart- lett, G: H. Td. +200 cece veer cc ec ricer Putnam. Common mind troubles. Granville, J. M. 50c.. Cassino. Common school law. Bardeen, C. W. 50c. Davis, B. & Co. Common-sense. Leverson, M. Kh. $1.25..Authors. Common-sense. Paine, T: 15c. ---+-- Truth Seeker. Common-sense in the household. Harland, M Scribner’s Sons. Common-sense in the kitchen. Henderson, J/rs. W. AR BlecD Osc < cco ova cc eia vi ein'e nc ole m6 216 8 World Pub $1.75 Common things. Champlin, J: D.,77. 60c...-- Holt. Common things of divine science. Huntington, F: D. UOOs siete cela c 2/c\cte)~ [ele picleja'oianserele/ epson eiaione/e Dutton. Commonwealth reconstructed. Clark, C: C. P. $1.50 Barnes. Commune in 1880; downfall of the Republic; by a spectator. 18°. [777. ]7°8 pap., 25¢...dAm. News. Communion of saints. 32°. [’79.]*°7° flex., 35c. Randolph. hn} S52 Ds Companion library. 4 vy. ill. 18°. emeies set. Nelson. Cont.:—Our junior class. — Robert's bat. — Sister Cora. — Robert Cranmer. Companions for the devout life; lectures; pref. by J: E: Kempe. Newed. 12°. [’78.]** $2.-..Dutton. Comp ene of architectural sheet t metal work. ill. (°77. 287 G10.--- sees eves Van Nostrand. Compendium of valuable information in regard to old coins, notes, postage stamps, rare old books, ete. 890, 781.484 pap., ldc.---------» Randolph & E. Compensation. Gardner, C. E. $1. 50..-- Carleton. Compensation. Havergal, F. R. Zoe. Lona doleh Competitive workman. Foster, Mrs. TH. pl. Nat. Temp. Complete word-speller. 8°. ’79.**%° bds., 10c. Ulbrach. Comprehensive church. Vail, T: H. $1.25-. Appleton. Compton, Alfr. G. Manual of logarithmic computa- tion, with examples. 12°. ’81.* 22 $1.50.. Waley. Compton, Fes. Snow. Esther: a novel. (Am. novel ser. ) 169: 2S4seesh Sl occ cis ieiavalaictelaleiera Holt. | Comstock, Ant. Frauds exposed; how the people are deceived and robbed, and youth corrupted, through the mails. 8° 781.47? $3.50; shp., “4.50: hf. mor., $5.50 ----seeeee creed Am. News. — Traps for the young. ill. 12°. [°83. ]*8? $1.. Punk. Comus. Milton, J: 12c...---- Seis sce Clark § | Comyn, L. N. Christinn Elliott; or, Mrs. Danvers’ prize. Sththous. ill. 16°. [(?79. ]*4 40c.- Dutton. | Conant, A. G. Statutes. See New York, State, Legis- | lature.CONANT 83 CONRAD Gonant, A. Ji Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. ill. 4°. ’79.*4°3 $1.50. Barns. Conant, B. See Conant, T. J. and B. Conant, Helen S. Primer of Germ. literature. (Half- hour'ser.) 82°. (778.)%°° pap., 25c: .. Harper. — Primer of Spanish liter: iture. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. 77.9, «866 PAP. ZOC. sec e cece cece tvcnce Harper. Conant, W. C. Brooklyn bridge: hist. of the bridge ; [also] The bridge as a monument, by M. Schuy- | ler; with account of the opening exercises, May O4. 7°83. (Hranklin Squ lib.) | 11 ao 6s 3 «597 Pap., 2OC. -- 220s cece e oe eess ae cceres ce Harper. | Concerning a plebeian. See Saved by love. Concerning lawn- aint Vaux, C., and Famous; Sr Js LOCm nice win weenie) wieininie cleierereroinie cies Jude Concerning the Jones family. Holland, J.G. $1.25 Scribner’s Sons. Concilio, J. de. The knowledge of Mary. [’7 SileDOie . ! Wn gucco aDOnls King. | Concordance to the Book of Psalms, in the authorized version: with concordance to the P salte r of the Book of common prayer. 16°. [?77.]° Sl. Rando lph. | Condensed classics. See Johnson, R. Condensed novels. See Harte, F. B. Conder, Cl. Reignier. Judas Macecabeus. (New Plus | tarch ser.) map. 12°. °79.*4!° SI...--Putnam. — Tent work in Palestine: record of discovery and ad- venture. 2v. ill. 8° ['78.]*8 $6-.-Appleton. Conder, F. R. and C. R. Handbook to the Bible. 12°. [ 80. ] OED Dyecicisle(el ele) ciare siaiel ele ielevereiere Reeds lph. Condit, Blackford. Hist. of the Eng. Bible, extending | from the earliest Saxon tr. to the present Anglo- American revision. 8°. ’82.°%° $2...- Barnes. Condit, C: L. Painting and painters’ mate rials: book of facts for painters and those who use or de al in paint materials. 16°. 783.°° $2.25... h. Gaz Condit, I. M. English and Chinese eae 120. | D 199 573 Gus eee Sac cic a epee caaveuinis lickers Am. T7. i Condon, J. F. Annals of Louisiana. See Martin, FE. X. | Confectioners’ hand-book. 16°. ’81.47° pap., 25c.- Dick. Conference of Charities. Proceedings of the Confer- | ence held in connection with the meeting of ihe Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc., Saratoga, Sept., 1876. [’76. |28? pap., CPE ce rcieiarcve sieie (eceieleselieie/ eco (cle oan — Same. 1877. 8°. [777.]°% pap., $1---- Wiliams. Conference of Charities and Corrections : Pices edings: 7th apn. conference, Cleveland, 1880, ed. B. Sanborn. 8° ’80.*4 pap., $l-- Re Confession. Simms, W: G. $1.50-.-- ++: lomstrong. Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant, R. $1.20. Williams. Confessions of a medium. 12°. ’82.*°° $1.25.. Dutton. Confessions ofa pretty woman. Pardoe, Je fbe: Peterson. Confidence. James, H:, 77. $1.50.-. Houghton, O. § Co. Confidential agent. See Payn, J. Confidential reference-book and commercial ratings, embr. the book, stationery, and paper trades. 4°. [°76.]4 G80..---e cere 5000900000 Mer. Statts. Conflict in nature and life: study of ants vzonism in the constitution of things; for the elucidation of the problem of good and evil, and the reconciliation of optimism and pessimism. 12°. 2B Otome tee Aopen Conflict of centuries. Miller, C. W. $1.50..So. Meth. Conflicts of the age. 8°. ’81.*°°° 75c.; pap., 50c. Scribner’s Sons. Confucius. See Chinese classics. Congdon, C: T. Reminiscences of a journalist. por. 120. 780. #455 . BL. 50. wrece covervecncees Osgood. 7. )3°8 | | Congregational Church. Creed and confession of faith; reported Dee. 19, 1883, by the creed com- mission. 32°. [’84.]7 puap.. dc..--Cong. Pub. Congregational | year-book, 1879-1834. Gv. 8° 7’79— 28) S7S=630" ea. PaAp-; UOC. cce cee ne Cong. Pub. | Congressman Stanteyss fate. Harp, Mrs. H. A. $1.25. Nat. Temp. |Coningsby. Disraeli, B: 20c. -.-------+-+-++4 Vunro. Conklin, Buel. On the wave, and other poems. sq. Ne, ADE CNL noon dp b0cd de c0cdH! Am. News. | Conklin, Carrie. Lady Leonora; or, the father’s curse. (N. Y. Weekly ser.) 12°. [(°77.]?® $1.50. Carleton. Conklin, Mis. Nathl. [‘‘ Jennie M. Drinkwater.’’] | Bek’s first corner. ]20. *83.*585 $1.50... Carter. — Wlecta. 12°. Qi KACO THO) eeroisiele oc lelarcl of Carter. = Fifteen; or, Lydia’s happenings. 12°. 83 [eS2i a2 | SIRO Sc Mie ee eee Carter. | — Keenie’s to-morrow. 16°. [’83.]*°°? $1.25. Lothrop. — Miss Prudence. 129. ’83.*°!9 $1.50. .%,.... Carter | — Rue’s helps. 12°. 19 ()y-1S 8 STD On eale «cle sci Carter. — Tessa Wadsworth’s discipline. 12°. ’79.*79 $1.50. Carter — Wildwood. 12° [’84.]*%° $1.50...... Presb. Bd. pene Alfr. R. Appletons’ guide to Mexico, incl. a chapter on Guatemala; and Eng.-Spanish vocab. map andill. 12°. ’8 [’83].**° $2..dAppleton. | Conkling, Howard. Mexico and the Mexicans; notes 12 of travel. ill. 120. 7283.*8° $1.50... Zaintor: Connecticut, General Assembly. Index to general | statutes and public acts, 1875-1582. 6°. ASB seus pap.-, ON) OOOO DODAO 00 OOO 0OOD0U0 G0000C Case. — New joint stock act, 1880: with notes comp. from Ct. cases and forms adpt. tothe new act. 4th ed. | 80, 780.44 shp., G2 ---2 ssc ee: sence cece eck. — Public Acts; 1876-188t. Sv. 8°. ’76-84. ea., pap., SS DD crete rata Cia iatavure cre aie! eislerel «i.e FO OOOO Brown & G. — Speci: ua acts and resolutions, 1883. 8°. 783.87 pap RTO) ayo reveleniete ai ole areleKoy shaun ere cs W. & £. — Supreme Gorter Errors. Reports. . 1-21 (1814- 252) DY Wes D: ay. 2ded., wrth Shee and ref. by T: ] M. Day. 8°. 783-84. 642 ea., shp., >4 Banks. | Same. v. 49-50 (1876-83), by J: Hooker. 9v. 8°. 245 | 7 G§83.248-268_ ea., ShpP-, PO. 2-22-25 Banks ; Case. | — —Digest of reports, by 5. Be Baldwins Nee2s Se- 782.540 shp., net, PO--+-+ +26 see Little, B. & Co. _— — Index-digest of reports. v. 1-48 inclusive [1785— . | 1881], by J. P. Andrews and W.A. Briscoe. 8°. (783.86 shp., $5 2-2 -s02e-- seen Brown § G. | _. — Table of cases, by G: Sharswood, jr. 8°. “/8. 33 | slips eos a - coe cas osu T. & J. W. Johnson. Connecticut almanac, 1884. Phillips, A.W. 10c.. Peck. Connecticut and New Haven. Blue laws. See Trumbull, J. H. Connelly, J. M. Revelation expl: ained. 16°. [°76.]*4° STD Ole crete cle pie icieiele epoleieic tee oo. A. ID. Cushing: Connelly, Pierce. Reason and ecient with other sermons. 12% [?77.]? $1.------> Lippincott. Conner, Levietta Bartlett (comp. ) The parent heart invsones tly [20h SUA 26 $9. P:G. Thompson. Conner, P. S. P. Sir William Penn, Knight, Admiral, and General-at-Sea, Great Commander in the leet. 8° ((/76.]74* pap., $l. .-.-- Lippincott. Connoly, Thdr., and Vilas, H. L. teports. See New York, State, Courts. Connor, G: C. Guide to Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain. ill. 8°. [’82.]5? pap., 20c..-Payne. Conover, 0. M. Reports. See Wisconsin, Sup. Court. Conquered. Strong, B. S150... 22 oes oee .. Carleton. Conquered by love. Chellis, M. D. 20c. .-- Ogilvie. Conder eue dream, and other poems. Sharpe, W: Putnam. 75c. see ee veeay Siieioiiel viceverere/ree erase aie.e)® Conquest of lneeanet Zola BH. $1.25; Toc.. Peterson. |Conrad. Leslie, HE. $1.50 .-.-++--++e: Phillips § H. Sinn sent opsCONRAD 84 COOK Conrad and the house wolf. Cragin, Jivs. M. A. $1.15. Presb. Bd. Conrad Hagen’s mistake. Roquette, O. $1.25. Lippincott. Conscience, H: JF isherman’s daughter. Newed. 8°. OU AO FSi en ci ctars clove olole sh ojeloieie/eiclel(oleieie Benziger. Consecrated. Gilmore, BE. $1.50.......4 Vat. Temp. Consequences. Dunning, Js. A. K. $1.25. Z Presb. Bd. Considerations for a novena in, honor of the Holy | Guardian Angels; by a Father of the Soc. of Jesus; | 251 from the Ital. 32°. [’76. 20e.. Cunningham. Conspirators. Dumas, A. 10c.............Munvro. | Constable, Arch. G. Afghanistan. (Half-hour ser. ) Maps: o2es Oeste, paps, VOC ie. c-< .--larper. | Constable, S: Geometrical exercises for beginners. 169% 2890522) net, 9O0Chs ss cc oss Vacmillan. Constable de Bourbon. Ainsworth,W: H. 20c.. Munro. Constance Winter’s choice. 12°. ([’79.]*4)! pap., DOCH cicreleisic eielaisic ailoieteleletelsiete(s elclclsie eiclelclc'e Loring. Constance’s fate. Singleton, Is. C. $1.50 . Carleton. Constant, A. The last incarnation; from the French, by @: Kohlman. 8° [779° ]*8 pap., 2ac: Kohlman. | Constantia Carew. Marshall, Irs. E. $1.25.. Dutton. | Consuelo. Sand, George. 7dc. .........-. Peterson. Contanseau, Léon. Pocket dictionary of the French and Eng. languages. 18°. [’77. ]** $1.50. . Lippincott. A — Practical dictionary of the French and Eng. lan- guages. cr. 8°. [7’77.]*® $2.50....LZippincoit. | Contarini Fleming. Disraeli, B: 20c.........Jfunro. Contraband. Melville, G: J: W. 20c........ Munro. Contrary winds, and other sermons. Taylor, W: M. | $1.75. TOO COOOUOODU DOO OODCDODCOODOW La-mstrong. | Contrasts. Grendel, M. R. $1.50......... Putnam. Convent (The). McCrindell, R. 75c........ Carter. Conversation, on the creation: chapters on genesis and | evolution; bya layman. 16°. ’83. 75c..-..Nelson. Converse, Ht. Sheaves: poems. sq. 16°. 782.558 CMA Godones aieieleiete gisteie cle cicieicle's os elavevs Putnam. Converse, H: D. Indexes to reports. See Virginia and West Va., Sup. Court of Appeals. Converse, Ja. B. Summervacation abroad. ill. 120°. leise iene SLD OE sicverar ere cioccucieie eons srelacs -. Converse. Converse, Josiah Holmes. Library company of the Baltimore bar: subject index of the text-books and books of leading cases, with list of abb. of LEPOGiS: | 2208 782200 PAP rcterrsicie serie Sun Pr. | Conversion of the West. 5v. maps. 16°. [’79.]*866491 | CORA OCs wore ciniaie\s vioioiniole) ofc (a/e0s) ave lcie Rott. Vie Go: | Cont.: The continental Teutons, by C: Merivale. — The Celts, | by G: F. Maclear.— The English, by G: F. Maclear. — The Northmen, by G: F. Maclear.— The Slavs, by G: F. Maclear. Convert. Brownson, O.A. $2; $2.50..... Sadlier. Convicts and their children. Auerbach, B. $1.25. Holt. | Conway, Clara. Life’s promise to pay. 12°. [’76. ]234 SpE O Or eslevers\creicin siclers cere oe ee weeeee. Lappincott. Conway, Hugh (pseud.) See Fargus, F: J. Conway, Moncure D. Demonology and devil-lore. evig gellle. (SOS OR eses ae TTolt. — Emerson athome and abroad. 12°. ’82,*569 1 50, Osgood. — Idols and ideals; with essay on Christianity. 120. | Uo EE ERD oe ae ne Holt, | — Thomas Carlyle. por. andill. 12° ’81.*4% 1, | Harper. | — Travels in South Kensington; with notes on decora- | tive artand architecturein England. ill. sq. 8°. | AORN LO o 006 aeteleleNeieie niece eG --- Harper. —— Wandering Jew. 120, 281506 $1.50 ...... «Hold. — (ed.) Sacred anthology. New ed. 12°. Pec ire BO ai os SG IA OO OAOE Geen ree Holt. ee eeee ee see eeee | Conwell, Russell H. Life and public services of Goy. Rutherford B. Hayes; with sketch of W. A. Wheeler. por. and ill. 12% [76.]*4°. $1.50; WENO bai cers orere ciciereneiciciere cicicioretecceieres Russell. — Life, speeches and public services of Jas. A. Garfield, incl. account of his assassination; with introd. by J: De Gone: all, 0205 2824 Ses Oe hit INOW Op) ol cleo aicln Cciele oyeeiel le sie clare ici Russell. | — Life, travels and lit. career of Bayard Taylor. por. WYOS | 27 OiSS8. BDO hfe mote pene cee CUSSELL Same. por. andill. 12°. [781.]*49° $1.50... Lothrop. |Conybeare, W: J:, and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of the apostle Paul. 12°. gees) $1.20: Sycke lmoore. — Same. map, plans and ill. 12° ([779.]*5 $1.50. Crowell. Same. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 4° ea., pap., 20c. Munro. Conyngham, D. P. O’Donnells of Glen cottage. (Household lib.) 16° [78.]%4° pap., 25c. Sadlier. |— O’Mahony, chief of the Commeraghs: tale of the revolution of 1798. 12°. ’79.397 $1.50 ..Sadlier. — Rose Parnell, the flower of Avondale. 12°. 783,603 RD Bicvcis/crccel oleie co hinievelsielc Giibraveioieisl ele ciel ore Sadlier. Cook, Alb. S. Anglo-Saxon. (Chautauqua text- bks!))) 23205 27.95 wap, 20Cicciec a Phillips & H. —(ed.) Extracts from the Anglo-Saxon laws. 8°. TiO jhe, GO, cacouea Gand0ouG condo doc ~lloleé: Cook, C. A. & Co. (pubs.) U. S. newspaper direc- tory; cont. names of all the newspapers and periodicals pub. in Am. 8°. [’76.]?44 25c... Cook. —— Same. Wev. ed: 89 282s Sa ke. «++ Cook. Cook, Clarence. House beautiful: essays on beds and tables, stools and candlesticks. ill. 40, ett [eee QTD Ove svele eccre crere oiler siecle ee Scribner, A. § Co. — same. Newed. ill. 89°. 281 (780]-*** $4. : Scribner’s Sons. — What shall we do withour walls? ill. sq. 8° ’81.*485 Ddgse Si bO; eis eo cas eee eee [ Gotisberger. | Cook, Dutton. Doubleday’s children. 16°. [titea| ees SHLEZD) cree cc esc cles et cleos ee ec asics eee Putnam. |— Same. (Dollar novels. ) 12°. 783. Slices ce DOGG: — Nightsattheplay. 2v. 8° 783.59 $6.. Scribner & W. Cook, Mrs. E.G. For mothers and daughters: man- ual of hygiene for women and the household. WL OR LE GIL) Se cobs oor Fowler § W: Cook, Eliza. Poetical works. Complete ed., with notes; ete; pore and ull: 229%) (752.3) "558 S 25) ALEC CLA Baie eee ec cece sais crc coe Crowell. Cook, F. C. (ed.) Bible commentary: New Testa- ment. 4v. 8° ’78-82.997-*990 ea., $5. Scribner's Sons. Cont.: v. 1. St. Matthew, by H. L. Mansel, and Cook, F. C.; St. Mark, by F. C. Cook; St. Luke, by W. B. Jones; with gen. introd. by W: Thompson. 2. St. John, by Boh: Westcott; Acts, introd. by F. C. Cook, comment. and notes by W: Jacob- son. 3. Romans, by E. H. Gifford; Corinthians, by Canon Evans and J. Waite; Galatians, by J. 8. Howson; Ephesians, by K. Meyrick; Philippians, by Dean Gwynn; Colossians, Thessa- Jonians, and Philemon, by W: Alexander; Timothy and ‘Vitus, by H. Wace and the Bp. of London. 4. Hebrews, by W. Kay; St. James, by R. Scott; St. John, by W: Alexander; St. Peter and St. Jude, by J. B. Lightfoot, and J. R. Lumby; Revelation, by W. Lee. Note. — Also known as Speaker’s commentary. Cook, Mis. Ja. C. Woman’s perils; or, driven from home. sq. 16°. [782.]*54 pap., 75c... Peterson. Cook, Joel. Brief summer rambles near Philadelphia. 180), PSO (eSis) M819) Blecice ses5 eer Lippincott. — England, picturesque and descriptive. ill. 49. ’82.*°%8 $7.50; hf. cf. or hf. mor., $10; full tky. mor., SpIV De ULC (Clie SpiG) sielereicie cic sicieie @ aisic rs - Porter & C. — Holiday tour in Hurope. 12°. 77,9.*°63) Gi. pap, Mi Carer el ercy olor el cvclerele veces sees o cece ese Lippincott. Cook, Jos. Alcohol and the human brain. 12°. 79.%*44 paps; lOckas <<. sists tie ence sateen cre Vat. Temp. — Boston Monday lectures. Biology. pl. 12°. [’77.]8 BL 50 oc cick oc ceee ces wnevee sere woes OSGOOR.COOK 85 COOPER Cook, Jos., continued. Same. Conscience. 12° ’79.*369 $7.50 Houghton, O. § Co. — Same. Heredity. 12° °79.*879 $1 50. Houghton, O. & Co. | — Same. Labor. 12°. ’80.*474 $1.50. Houghton, O. & Co. — Same. Marriage. 129% ?’79.*879 $1.50. Houghton, 0. & Co. — Same. O1 thodoxy. 12°. lies: $1. ov as Osgood. — Same. Socialism. 12° SO ese Sie Hovghton. M. & Co. — Same. Transcendentalism. 12°. [/'77.]8 $1.50. g Osgood. — — See also Christ and modern thought. — Lectures. 8° [777.]°°* pap., 40c....... Rel. News. — Temperance and republican institutions: address. 180. (278ee2 paps, LOC ccs ci od Vat. Lemp. | Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Religion and chemistry: re- statement of an old argument. New rey. ed. 120% 2805449 (S150). 6 ho clreice, Scribner's Sons. — Scientific culture, and other essays. sq. 16°. ’81.*°% Silieeyavers or erereicloreterers si etalhavevelevs olaroieteisicrere oz Appleton. Cooke, Laura S. H. Dimple Dopp, and other stories. ill. eu BD, ALE TOSI) Gb 00 oc -e«--- Osgood. Cooke, N: Fs. Treatise on antiseptic miedin: ition; or, Dé Xe 1 te Smethod. W205 2825*860 Nl 3. Giri0Ss- Cooke, R. J. Outlines of the doctrine of ana resurree- tion, biblical, hist. and scientific. 12°. 784.832 SID O\ se cisic en cere eeye seuss cise -. Phillips § H. | Cooke, Bose Terry. Somebody’s neighbors. 12°. ASL Eee EN aco0 cooc aie ereyerenie - Osgood. Cook, Mare. Van Dyke Brown poems; ed. by his wife; | with pref. by H. Frederick. por. 129°. Be | SSO) crores wicle cicle elem a erersj cise cislciela ereele Lee & x —— Wealderness cure: 1129) 2Siesee4 Sil see = Wood. Cook, 8S. N. Broken promises. (Acting drama.) 12° [PTO Paps, LOC rere. wi erste oeicie oie) eiarai- Roorbach. — Out in the streets. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., 1Ldc...-...2-- sence Sintec elcis cine Roorbach. — Same. (Amateur stage.) 18°, pap., l5c... Happy. — Same. (Temperance drama.) 12°. [’80.]*%° pap., | Cooke, Sydney G. Politics and sc ‘looks: miadeose at ann. meeting of the Assoc. of School Comm. and Ohy eu benntende nts of N. a at Auburn, Dec. USTs 120% 78058224! paps, 2oc.. Wauis; 34 4700; eee c eb of Tu-Whit Hollow. Pratt, IMs. E. F. (8X85 Condon Bisisleiole, e(elele olcle/aiclaieiejielcic si sie -- Lothrop. Cooking rece ipts from Harpers Bazar. (Half-hour | ser.) 329. (eidelee Paps, 2oCiacca. ~~ Harper. Conn Alfr. Stayed on God. [With memorial, ete.] 6th ed. 18°. lemitealze2. b0Ch.... Tibbals. PO Giisieierercne/ ate sic eiciere Sieiejc\opexclelels scremicia Am. Temp. | — Uncle Jack. (Acting drama.) 12° [7’79.] pap., My Criereree oieis erajaioieisior efe\aiofeielsfeveisicio\eis elelscs he oorbach. — Wanderer’s return. (Acting arama he 129, 209. paps, VO Chis wie eieinlsje: sie » sisiaie)(siel'e (ela oj oie)ele Roorbach. Cook, Thdr. P. Life end pubis service of S: J. Tilden; added a sketch of T: A. Hendricks. nee 129, | [e6e eee) $2 hf mor, or a eyalerere ofele Appleton. Cook-book for Lent: dishes without flesh-meat, suite d | to all seasons of the year. 3ded. 24°. ’80. 74 MOK Cle. QD Ce creer) raisin) ajareseie sale) ice ele Benzige Cooke, Carrie Adelaide. Early printer; tale of hel timeof Caxton. 16°: (277. )20° pl .-.-. Dutton. — From Juneto June. ill. 16°. [’80.]*42* $1.00. Lothrop. —(ed.) Blossoms by the way poems. il sq. W220: [’82. OORT Si Ola ci cteversi s/c cle aieieie ore: cle -- Lothrop. — Young folks’ speaker: coll. of BrOSE and poetry. ill. W208 FORME eal fais aia nioisiel elelsie cic ee eels Lothrop. | Cooke, Fes. E. Footprints. 16°. ’79.*4°4 60c.. Williams. — Guiding ]i ghts : lives of the great and good. ill. 16°. [(’78. ali OOF BO Cae wrote ceimisio cis oilsiele miele iets) «1e)iele Am. Tr. — Story of Theodore Parker; introd. by G. A. Oliver. WOON 2S ee crerae to acicicira cists ee) ei) sis Cupples. Cooke, G: Willis. George Eliot: critical study. por. TOO OS e eT OT aa ee reisic wiciele) sie Cis\elalieicine Osgood. — Ralph Waldo Emerson: his life, writings, and phi- losophy. por. 12°. 481) 6513 Dao leersrere Osgood. | Cooke, J: Esten. Bonnybel Vane; embr. the hist. of Henry St. John, gentleman. New ed. por. 12°. | | | | | | Cool as a cucumber: farce. Jerrold, W. B. See New York drama. Coolest, Ima D. A perfect day, and other poems. (Authoris eds); sq: 169: 78/29?" S1F50: [Am. News. ] | Cooley, Arnold Ja. Cyclopedia of practical receipts, ete., in the arts, manufactures, professions and trades. 6th ed., rev. by R. V. Tuson. 2 v. ill. Son 28 (so ROR a co cueveretseieiere cere o+eeee- Appleton. | Cooley, T: M. General principles of constitutional law in the U.S: 89 380544) shp:, 32-50: Inttle, B. § Co. — Treatise on the constitutional! limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the Am: union: 4thyed: © 82s [ig78-1]2°3 shp-,, 36. LInttle, B. § Co. — Same. Odth ed., with add. giving results of recent cases. 8°. 783.°°° shp., $6.....Dzttle, B. § Co |— Treatise upon wrongs and their remedies. vy. 1: | FO aeaes SilUrrarcteie ere iocisa incre cto creeierelone w0ce. Harper. | — Canolles: the fortunes of a partisan of 81. 12°. | (Betirenlet® WL POO seis s: vicc is ceie sKeloie isle. BE. B. Smith. — Her majesty the queen: a novele (Cheap ed.) 12°. ?80.*431 pap., 60c....- Lippincott — Mr. Grantley’s idea. (Halt. Nouns ser. 2). BD, UE SESS. PAP-, ZC. - cee ee vere eee wencce cer eee TTarper. — Professor Pressensee, materialist and inventor: a story. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. [’78.]**7 pap., 25c. Harper — Stories of the Old Dominion. ill. 12°. ’79.*353 $1.50. Harper. — Surry of Eagle’s Nest. New issue. 12°. 779.997 pap., Oil kee Seale wc mage 6 seni e .ee-e- Huntington. — Virginia: a hist. of the people. (Am. common- wealths.) maps. 16°. ZO EM CMON 0 Hone M. § Co. — Virginia bohemians. (Lib. of Am. fiction.) 8°. 780.%493) pap., TOC. .--+ ee seccececce rere Harper. — Virginia comedians; or, old dare in the Old Do-| minion. Newed. 16° ’83.°7? $1.25..Appleton. | Principles of the law of torts. 8°. ’78.35° shp., net, $6.50. ofc dele sieve ve c(aavel< o\eiaipcene Callaghan. | Coolidge, Susan Gasca) See Woolsey, S. C. Coomes, Martin F. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh. 12°. BOLTS (SON crore clele viele ciele inlets severe Bradley § G Coon, J. M. Scripture opened; hand-book and com- mentary for Sunday-schools: Mark. 8°. 782.935 flexacCles SD Cs eects ciety ier sie ac qancc oCielpr Cooper, Elwood. Forest utr and’é eucalyptus trees. 20." (ae: ie $1.50; pap., $l....... Chubery. Cooper, Fk. ( pseud.) See Simms, W: G. Cooper, H. J. Art of furnishing on rational and es- thetic principles. Ist Am., from 2d Ing. ed. 16°. °Q |, «482 LOC. asec aieve/ aierelal eae aeece cocerne TTolt. Cooper, J. T. In memoriam: sketch of the life of the late We Bruce, DD. por: W8o, 282782) net ONG See cenisess Se crereia cisierel chs --- Un. Presb. Bd. Cooper, Ja. Fenimore. Complete works. (Globe ed.) 16v. 16% (’79.] $20; hf. ef., $43. Houghton, O. & Co. — Novels: ill. by F. ©. ©. Darley. Newissue. 16 v. 120, °79.41% $20; hf cf, $43........ Appleton. — Afloat and ashore: a sea tale. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.938 pap., 20c....- eral elelerei cats @eteratee ... Munro. — @raters or, Vulcanis Peak. (Seaside lib.) 42: pap.) 20C.+.e+ sere cree pferelel sieleier(oreeieiclslore7! Wunro. — Deerslayer. (Seaside lib.) 40, pap., 20¢c... Munro. — Headsman; or, Abbaye des Vignerons. (Seaside libs) 495) 283-084 pap, 20Cir crise olare . Munro. — Heidenmauer; or, the Benedictines. (Seaside lib.) 40, 783,996 pap., 20C.< .2.ceseee eee «UNTO.COOPER 86 CORNIL Cooper, Ja. Fenimore, continued. — Homeward bound; or, the chase: tale of the sea. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [°84.]§® pap., 20ce. J: W. Lovell — Last of the Mohicans. 16°. 781.47 35c.. Am. Bk. Exc. == Same: sq. G2. 7825282) (dC. cece. = 0-3 S. W. Green. = Same. 12°, 783.587 $1; pap.,50c. Same. (hov-| ell’s lib.) 16°. 789 544 S1: pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Sea-| side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.9 pap., 20c. Munro. — Leather stocking tales. (New household ed.) 56 Vv. | 16°. °83.818 $5; hf. ef., $12.50. Houghton, M. & Co. Cont. : Deerslayer. — Last of the Mohicans. — Pathfinder. — Pioneers. — Prairie. — Miles Wallingford: sequel to Afloat and ashore. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.599 pap., 20c. .- Munro. — Monikins. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.°°° pap., 20c. Wun TO. | — Pathfinder. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. ’84.°%° pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c. .-.-.d/unro. — Pilot. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap., 20c. -.---- Munyro. — Pioneers. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c...-- Munro. — Prairie. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. ..-- Munro — Red Rover. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c..- Munro. — Sea tales. 5 v. 16°. 784.68 $5..Houghton, M. § Co. Cont.: The pilot. —The red rover. — The water-witch. — The two admirals. — Wing and wing. — Spy. 12°. ’83.°9° $1; pap., 50c......J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 49. 781.477 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.%° pap., 20c. Munyro. — Water-witch. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20..d/unvo. — Wing-and-wing. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Munro. — Wyandotte. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. .. Munro. Cooper, J: H. ‘Treatise on the use of belting for the | 293 ns) transmission of power. ill. 8°. [°77. |**" $38.50 Claxton, R. & H. Cooper, P: Ideas for a science of good government. 2 *586 por. d°. 783% sieluleterete ecceease eb} 0.0 0186 Trou. Cooper, ‘J Bridge of history over the gulf of time: hist. evidence for the truth of Christianity. 16°. Pike lee fSikoooean 4s HOGDOO DGODOUUaOC Whittaker. a, Same. 16°. 83. Sl eiete\ see) 61006) e,0 68 \eic eee Nelson. x Cooper, T: V., and Fenton, Hector T. (eds.) Ameri- can politics (non-partisan) from the beginning to date. 8°. ’82.°48 subs., $d; lib., $6; hf. mor., $7. Fiveside. Cooper, Thompson (ed.) See Men of the time. Cooper, Vincent King. Tales from Euripides. (Half- hourser.) 3205 %79:*88 pap... 20c:..-.. Harper. Cooper, W: F. Reports. See Tennessee, Court of Chancery. | Cora Lynn. Hartley, J: M. 50c. -.-..---. Hayward. | Coral and Christian. See Barr, L. FE. | Coral bracelet. Howell. JDvs. F/B. 40c. ..So. Meth. Coral pin. See Du Boisgobey, F. Corbet, Rob. St. J: Mince-pie island: Christmas story for mince-pie eaters; with other tales. ill. 12°. | (283° 8 Bl.2505) bds:, (OC. ces wince - 2. Cassell. |— Who will be queen of the tournament? and other sto- ries. ill. 12°. [’83.]9!° $1.25; bds., 75c. .. Cassell. Corbett, A. The poultry yard and market. New ed. 120, Wee bes paps, DOC. eee e cae «ane Judd. — Same. New issue. por. 16° 783.*8 pap., 50c. Brentano Bros. Corbett, Ifs. E. T. Three wise old couples; pictures by Hopkins. sq. 8°. ISeol2) dss. SileoO! Cassell, P., G. § Co. —and Whitney, Mrs. A.D). T. Bunch and Joker, and other stories. ill. 16°. [’78. |e bds., 35ce. Lothrop. Corbin, Mos. Caro. Fairfield. 3elleand the boys. ill. 16°. 230) [Oi BD Die sie eisieie occa ‘Jansen. — Rebecea: or, awoman’s secret. 12°. [?77. 1722 S1-50- Same. Newreds JU20) 28088 Silo ceieice Jansen. Corbin, W: H. Act cone. corporations. See New Jersey, Legislature. Cordery, Bertha M. Struggle against absolute mon- archy, 1603-1688. (Epochs of Eng. hist.) 169°. 17. PAP., QOC. + cee ee seve cs sere vccees Harper. Core, T. H: Questions on Stewart’s lessons in elemen- tary physics. 16°. ’81.4% flex. cl., 50c.. Macmillan. Corey, A. Properties and powers in every-day matters ; illustrated for children. sm. 4°. [’77.]* $2. Dennis. Corfield, W. H. Dwelling-houses; their sanitary con- struction and arrangements. (Sct. ser.) 24°. 780 *480 bds.. bOC: <..6s-ee. cee Van Nostrand. — Same. ill T20F> 2X IAG SD ersiciacie oD LLICUSLON. | — Hlealth. ] 2°. 80). #445 OD | ee crete cieie se Appleton. Corinne. See Staél-Holstecin, Ime. A. L. G. N. (Ba- ronne) de. Coriolanus. See Shakespeare, W: Corisande. Comfort, L. BR. 20c. «622.8 ees VWunro. Corkran, Alice. Bessie Lang. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. | ile Gob eee eee ee ace cee Holt. Cormack, Si7 J: R. Clinical studies; ill. by cases ob- served in hospital and private practice. 2 v. 8°. (’76.]° $6.50...... ..--. Lindsay & Blakiston. Corneille, Pierre. LeCid: tragédie, with biog. notice, hist. introd., and lit. notes by G. E. Fasnacht. (For. school classics.) 16°. 481-917 flex. cl., 30e. Macmillan. — Cinna: atragedy; ed. with notes by E: S. Joynes. (Students’ ser. of classic French plays.) 16°. | Co- rati re: Gr we s o-operative commonwealth. Gronlund, L. a ‘ | BBL Geltbdhs GUYS co05 onG006 SUs000 9000 docdKc Holt. GoGoeritive| : Pe} M.F 06 FD. lee Horace; ed. with introd. and notes by G: Saintsbury. = ouselkeeping, a in See Ae j DUT) p 1ousekeeping elrce, | ei | Woes 28D DIA nateinc Machine Osgood. Copley, J: Singleton, Lord Lyndhurst. Se: Lyndhurst. Copp, H:N. U.S. mineral lands, laws, forms, instrue- tions and decisions. 8°. 7’81.°° shp., $4.50; hf. SI Pee mgnoieteleie ciel clare cis) ¥F svstem of determinative mineralogy. ill. 8°. Coughlin, W. J. Songs of an idle hour. 16° 783 789560 9 BO nbc es ee Van Nostrand. (827) Feo Sisjeic sfacuieiets © leleja oie! © ecelivieieie|e.s ies Williams. Cornwall, Sa. Jerusha. Roses and myrtles: [poems]. Could aught atone? by the author of Magdalen’s legacy. PX, PI EDLB) conn occa oacoGoc : . Appleton. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °82.°% pap., 20c....1 Munro. Cornwallis, Kinahan. The gold room and the N. Y. Coulson, J. G. A. Clifton picture. 8°. [’78.]°** ur 1 OR. 1: Tha re stock exchange and clearing house. (Atlas ser.) | $1.20; pap., (OC. sss eeees oeeeee--- Lippincott. 8°, [°79.]*371 pap., 20c....-.. a Barnes. | — Ghost of Redbrook. 8°. ’79.*°°4 $1.25; pap., 75c. Cornwell, H: S. The land of dreams, and other | Lippincott. poems. 12°, °78.98! $1.50.....-------- Allyn. | Council papers. 10 nos. 16°. [’81.]*°°7 ea., pap., . . . rt’ x | 5 a ™ se o eee (sle@/ 6100076: 0.0) 6010) ele iene , “ES Coronation: a tale of the forest and sea. Tenney, E: aoe et, *0c -- Presb. Bd. Pe Sb Oe crcierele cles cree cic eie eicveloin Voyes, S. & Co. | Count de Camors. Feuillet, O. $1.25; 75c... Peterson. Corporal Bruce, of the Balaklava Six Hundred. Perry, | Count Erbach. Stein, A. $1.25 ....-....Randolph. ie 1B, AYO, dono caaco qooan0 von aou0S0NKd Loving. | Count of Monte Cristo. See Dumas, A. Corr, Mrs. S. H. Obstetrics reduced to questions and | Count Robert of Paris. See Scott, Su W. An Wore : 90 > 312 “) Or ’ : ee ‘ Z eo PEDSWETS: UN 285 8) Po 20 oeeee Cooke. | Count Silvius. Horn, G: $1.20 --+,-.+--.. Tlarlan. orsican brothers. Dumas; A. 10C.-+.--6-s- Munro. | Counterfeit presentment. Howells, W: D. $1.25. Corson, Juliet. Cooking manual. 18°. [777.]*7° 50c. Osgood. Dodd.| Counterparts. Sheppard, E. 8S. 40c. ........ Estes. (oe riIno-se Iwt- me se-keeper’s guide ‘ ¢ : orate school a a nO and house-keeper’s Sean Countess de Charny. Dumas, A. 20c....... Munro. 30. (3.122 lie 2 Disie eielcleie wiele)ejejaictere cele ac udd. . S wee : — Twenty-five cent dinners for families of six. 16°. | Concer OTe ewan tea comDuniss 27 Sess SEL nape, 200.5) LOC sie sic Corson; Judd. aE ee eS Oo: oes pon bes Sil eivore sietens ie veireriey aire dalavelcietsia ciel orelcvevels ca eisie Peterson. Cory, W: Guide to modern English history. pt. 1: 5 » ALO ° ° ~ mR SE, x, Nore . Medea is NVR. «ES, WEE FD gacce npocoonclé@te | Countess of Rudolstadt. Sand, George. $1 505 Sl; Same. pt. 2: 1830-1835. 8°. 782.*°8? $3.50... Holt. HO Cais ticle acieis sono eae are Peterson. 5 =F eno ’ secret; [als as she a fair clair or Corydon (pseud. ) Polly’s scheme. 129, eS Zier | Countess oa mr : t [also] i Ss A - i ur cl tim to her ; ; name? (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°°° pap., 10c. 21. Same. 16°. [’83.]*°2? pap., 40c... Zc throp. | me ae : tee L J Pat oe park | Oguivie. Cossa, Luigi. Guide to the study of political economy; | Country by-ways. Jewett, S. O. $1.25 from 2d Ital. ed., with pref. by W. S. Jevons. | : oe BRE ren °. WOO! ABRs 2b yermiciern «wie ore wees ee Macmillan i . 2 ONLINE, TSC: = : Poe : -| Country doctor. Jewett, S.O. $1.25. Cossacks: a story of Russian life. Tolstoy, L. $1.25. | Houghton, M. & Co. : ne : sis . iio aS Scribner’s Sons. | Country love and city life. St. John, C: H: .. Williams. Cost of her love. See Clay, B. M. | Country pleasures. Milner, G: $1.50,.....Roberts. Costly heritage. O Hanlon, Be AUC ee occ Harper. | Country quarters. Blessington, Countess. $1. Peterson. Cothran, G: W. Revised statutes. See Illinois, Gen- Count’s secret Ga ponds Bra DO Chee ccleteiele nici Estes eral Assembly. aa : ; ae e: ‘ aa, : : ‘ _|Coupland, Sidney. Personal appearances in health Cothurnus and Lyre. Harding, E: J. $1.-.Authors’. and disease. (Health primers.) sq. 24°. 779.*378 Cotterill, H. My work for God. (Heart chords.) 24°. AQ Cia crereciss el Stele cian areata ciel sterehe) eYalaai siecle) 20 LELOTEs 729 592 . Wares a ee : coe SOC cies yew eae a an Cassell. | Couppez l’alphabet : 25 études: op. 17. $1.50--. Gordon. — Revealed religion expounded by its relations to the | : . 5 S . - Ta rloio y *a 7 » . < moral being of God. 8° 7’84.°°° $l... Putnam. | Court Ne Deus eo Oe ec Te . 36, | Court of the Tuileries. Jackson, Lady C. C. 2 v. $9. Cotterill, T: Family prayers fora week. 18°. 778 ; ’ } ’ 40c.; pap., Lc. Lech ho tees woes Whtttaker. Ee : ‘ Scribner SW. Tes . _. R Courthope, W. J. Addison. (ng. men of letters.) Cotter’s Saturday night. See Burns, KR. 19°, 784,626 75e ee ae : enper Cottin, Mme. Sophia Ristaud. Elizabeth; or, the exiles : we Se a Ina) 1956 A Sere Newnesie; (Copano ca. 701s Cor Ne ae L. . D. Pauline’s trial. Ei Se : a aaa Soe od dss eee amines GRID! atelier cies eis ciel=(elareleie sie ele eees« 0 COMLELOTN. pap., 15c. -e+eeeeeeeee see sie Wetclu,: [Ns Ye Views: 3 tus : Cottle, E. W. The hair in health and disease 190 Courtois, Alphonse. Political economy in one lesson: 2 “O77 ys Pa a Ge area tai 5 Blah ae, tr. by W. GC. Ford. (Economic tracts.) 12°. (ele |e iDCs aecc esiecce se UNAS &F DLAKUStON. 20 0 g K ~ : 82.549 pap., 10c....--+se+ee- scien SOG. Ol. Bde ; fliz. - coffee r eG) elles? calle . = ‘ Cee Coo a ee eee Ce Ea Je Te zs Courtright, W: Motor bellows: comedy. 16°. [’78. ] . ou . WIT u 7 ‘ z DOs UD. Chris ele) sXe cilctane al sioleleteiere wieicleicia oe ces Cotton, J. S., and Payne, E. J. Colonies and de- . een » loc ues He ee Ce pendencies; pt. 1: India; pt. 2: The colonies. | — Private boarding : comedy. 16°. [’78.] pe ae Eng. citizen ser.) 12°. 783.9 $1.. Macmillan. : : age CE Noe ee ) é + — Zachariah’s funeral: farce. 16°. [?78.] pap., loc. Coues, Elliott. Biogen: speculation on the origin and De Witt ‘ en age go 729 542 Yay, (YO. oar ld & D. | : : Be ee : UL Sa DS oO ace q "940 ar nego ie oe ae Courtship and marriage. 16°. §2.5°8 pap., 50c.. Ogrleve. —— same. 2ded. Sd: 44>. (O2.: ap., (dc... Lstes. | nee 2 ce : ‘ Bd, — Birds of the Colorado Valley; pt. 1: Passeres to Courtship in 1720 and 1860. Smart, H. $1-- Lippincott. Laniidae; bibliographical app. ill. 8°. 79.42 | Courtship of Miles Standish. Longfellow, H: W. 15c. Gov. Pr. | Houghton, M. § Co. — Birds of the Northwest; handbook of Am. ornithol- |Courty, A. Practical treatise on the diseases of the OO 80n IMG lete apd OO antral eens Estes. | uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes; tr. from 3d — Check-list of North American birds. 2d ed, rev. ed. by A. McLaren; pref. by M. Duncan. ill. todate, 8°. 782.224 S30... cence ce ee we LUSLES 89, 789.993 SO; shp., Pl---seeee see Blakiston.COUSIN 88 COZZENS Cousin Clara. Randall, M. BE. 20c..........Munvro. Cousin Daisy (pseud.) Picture alphabet. ill. sq. 8°. ’79.*411 bds., 75c.; printed on linen, flex., $1. Lippincott. | — The youngster; with ill. by K. Greenaway 8 and othe rs. Bq. 608 [SOs so) bds., 70C. renee Cousin Ella (pseud.) Fullnest. ill. ShilisD) Oy cleteieveieleielevoie)elsys\cle\ cia sie) ci eiel eye seis ciclee As — Little twigs; or, el chil dren at Locust Grove. 9, FOLEY. Silla ocnd60 0060 oon000 0000 / Cousin Felix. See Kniehisondeent mystery. Cousin Florence. (Acting drama.) 12°. pap., 1l5c. Roorbach. Cousin from India. Craik, G M. 10c....... Munro. | Cousin Henry. See Trollope, A. Cousin Kate (pseud.) See Bell, C. D. Cousin Madge ( pseud.) Gem of all picture-books. ill. fo. [779.]*4°% $1.75; bds., $1.25....Am. News Cousin Mary (pseud.) See Huston, M. E. Cousin Mercy’s idea. Chaplin, IMs. A. C. $1.50. Am. Bapt. Cousin Polly’s gold mine. Porter, Is. A. E. 40c. Harper. Cousin Simon. Marsham, Jfs. R. 10c. .--- Harper. Cousin to them all. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79 Cowper, W:, continued. Same. Book 1; with roe cone notes, ete. (Eng. | lies Same. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’79.%4 pap., 20c. Harper. —< Jap. 15e. mie ielaiets)a\e.6\e, a\e)cleicjeleee ss 60.0 01° Roorbach. | Cousins: Walford) dis. i: B. Sl .....6s.<8-- Holt. Couture, T: Conversations on art methods; from the French by S. E. Stewart; introd. by R. S. Gifford. 12°, [°79.] OOO EAS TO) Dy ereleve) erniere: ccie ee Putnam. Covenant name and privileges. Newton, R: $1.50. Carter. | Coverly. Higham, Jfs. M.R. 50c... Cowan, J: Science of a new life. ill. 8° ’82.532 $3; shp., $3.50; hf. mor., $4....... SoauGaC Ogilvie. Rveie Randolph. Cowan, J: F. The patriot spy of Brandywine. (Sea- | sidedibs)) 405 784022) = maps. 200% aia sia .. Munro. Coward conscience. Robinson, F: W: 15c.. Harper. | Cowdery, Jabez F. Citizens’ law-book and officers’ puide: (8) 783393 shp., p0:00.. <0... Bancroft. Cowell, G. Lectures on cataract, its causes, and treat- | ments 80) 76 Gn0) DO ce cencte aie cr Macmillan. | Cowen, Esek. Treatise on the civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace in the State of New York. ») 587 7th ed., rey. 8°. 783.587 shp 5 Oo ooGoC Banks. 3 , Cowen, Pat. H. Reports of criminal cases, with notes. | [1860-1874]. 8°. ’84.649 shp., $5. W. CG. Dutt. Cowles, H: Critical and practical notes on the Old| and New Testament. 8v. 12° ’77-’83.302-574 Appleton. Cont. ; Book of Job, $1.50.— Matthew and Mark, $2.— Luke and Acts, $2. — Gospel and Epistle of John, $2. — Acts, $1. — Longer Epistles of Paul: Romans; 1 Corinthians; 2 Corinthians, $2. — Shorter epistles: Galatians; Ephesians; Philippians; Co- lossians; Timothy; Titus and Philemon; James, Peter and Jude, $2. — Hebrews, $1.50. Cowley, C: Famous divorces of all ages. 120°, coe eee le 2p: pap. QT eiisieces - Penhallow. — Leaves from a lawyer’s life , afloat andl patwOrc. 129, 91.255 pap., Geren eo ee Penhallow. Penhallow. Ayer and the town of Ayer. — Our divorcee courts. 12°, °*79.°8 pap., 25c. — Reminiscences of Ja. ( Oe dO maern NUD oniluciayve) ocieee ----Penhallow. Cowling, R:O. Aphorisms in fracture. (Pocket ser.) NG, te Tr ORY, ooda eieicierele - «e+ Morton. Cowper, W: Poetical works. (Riverside ed.) 2 y. SO iSellnes (oD) ve cece ce Houghton, O. & Co. — Same ; with memoir. 16°. [°77.]34 $1; $1.25. — TON ge crock tect) ill. 32° [77.289 50c. 702000 2000000000000 0000 o50q00 000 - Osgood. — John Gilpin. See C ‘ali de 2c 6te, R. Picture book. — The task fa Faeni il. by B. Foster. sq. 8°. SUAS BB BO ctoee sxe classic ser.) 16°. 782. pap., 12c...Clark & M. |— Same ; added Epistle to J. Hill, Tirocinium, and Hist. of John Gilpin; with notes by W: Benham. (Globe readings.) L6% 283: 380ci. 2... .... Macmillan. |— Selections from Cowper’s poems; introd. by Mrs. Oliphant. orden treas. ser.) 16°. 783,634 Gil O Drs co lohieic ecelevelsiale crcl elcicielc ciaie cisycis Macmillan. | — See also Modern Welt issics; also Stevens, E. T., and Morris, D. Annotated poems. | Cox, Six G: W. Athenian Empire. (Epochs of anc. hist.) maps. 16°. [’76.]?° $1. Scribner, a & Co. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 16°. [ sei! Sil Scr ees s Sons. | | | — Crusades | i ° “1X 7 = |— Greeks and Persians. (Epochs of ane. hist.) 16°. We CE Gamera deacon conn odoooOC Scribner’s Sons. | — Introduction to the science of comparative mythology andifolk-lore: 1129) 7Odn9d0° Sih eee ee Holt. | — Mythology of the Aryan nations. New rev. ed. 8°. ZOD, FOAb NAH ()) crnicie co ois inielw 6 steel oie os Scribner & W. — School hist. of Greece. 16°. [°77.]?®! 60c. Harper — Males of ane: Greece. (sdied: 189s [27,7.]3 “So: Jansen. —and Jones, Eustace Hinton. Popular romances of the Middle Ages. Ist Am. from 2d Eng. ed. 8°. OQ ese RD ODS. claynicrcie icleiel seek oie centers eel - Holt. Cox, Jac. D. Atlanta. (Campaigns of the civil war.) maps: 120 782 Fah sil cece. Scribner’s Sons. — March to the sea: Frankfort and Nashville. (Cam- paigns of the civil war.) maps and plans. 12°. ABD LROSS! | IG sie hielo en cto sees Scribner’s Sons. — Second battle of Bull Run, as connected with the Fitz-John Porter case, Feb. 28, 1882. 12°, ’82.%537 SDilieleveis Gis wie ove efeincaveisi grove rsietaun ate cieTs P: G. Thomson. Cox, Palmer. Hans von Petter’s trip to Gotham, in pen andpencil. 8° ([778.]8%° pap, 2ac. -.Art. Pr. — How Columbus found America, in pen and pencil. Oo [erSieee paps, 2DCse acco ecen< Aite sere — That Stanley. ill. 8° 8° |222) paps, zoe. Amt. (7: Cox, Rowland (comp.) Manual of trade-mark cases: comprising Sebastian’s digest, with notes and ref. 8°. 781.5% shp., $6.50.. Houghton, M. & Co. Cox, S: Pilgrim Psalms: exposition of the Songs of Degrees; introd. by M. oR. Vincent: | 1209: 5 ites 1722 CEO) 6 Giaoc ateielelersiorete -+--- Randolph. Salvator mundi; or, is Christ the Saviour of all men? 16°. Eee Spe Dicvotciavelese c1cle stots cic acer Dutton. Cox, S: S. Arctic sunbeams; or, from sroadway to the Bosphorus by way of the North Cape. ill. MOR 2B Dee) Oe ey araei'e re - Putnam. | — Free land and free trade: the lessons ae ite Eng. corn FO00G0 0000 d0G00n Gaatan, | laws applied to the U. S. 12°. ’80.*432 $1.25. Putna Mm. — Orient sunbeams; or, from the Porte to the Pyramids by way of Palestine. ill: 120, 782)*841 so: Putnam. — Why we laugh. e ranklin Sq. Mee AO 783.005 DADs 2OCueresetareseieie oiclele) cle cisinir e/ciciele .--. Harper. Cox, Wa. S. Ouccione for students in ihe Junior Law Class of Columbian Univ. 8°. [’77.]?7° inter- leaved, shp., $2.50:.... W.H. & O. H. Morrison. Coxe, Arth. Cleveland. Ladye Chace. 189°. [’78.] MOCn eorsere nici cite ol tact cele rere - Lippincott. — The penitential: book of authorized remo of ( Catho- lic absolution and confession. 249. 782.537 50c.; DAP Es OOCe ic ielolelsisteicie isis) scicicicioie cleres sine oe LO ULLOI- Cox’s diary. See Thac en ay, W: M. Coyne, Jos. Stirling. The women’s club: comedietta. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79. ]%8° pap., 15c.. Happy. Cozzens, S: Woodworth. Nol yody’s husband. 16°. Ee | &3il8 jr, HOE coogcco0sac ee EEX S. — Young trail-hunters’ ser. 3 v. ill. 16°. [’76—88. ]?5 *568 CQ Merrepile ciate ercieiecierc:s Sie lojeveliceeparete nvaleie afeeLICG) Gy Ss Cont.: Crossing the quicksands. — Young silver-seekers.\— Young trail-bunters.> u 2 2 2 > CRABI Crabb,G: English synonymes explained in alphabetical order. New-ed., with add.and corr. 8°. ’79.*386 BOBS OM ER ee osc as sie Sie Harper. Crabbe, G: Poetical works. 16°. [’77.]29% $1.25; $1. ] Crowe ll. — The village; with sketch of author’s life, notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. ’81. pap.,12c.. Clark & M. Craddock,C: Egbert (pseud.) tains. 12% 784. *639 Craddock, [da C. Pitman’s 729 *540 In the Tennessee Moun- Houghton, M. & Co. Primary phonography: introd. to system of phonetic shorthand. 129°. BL.50. cece cece ere eee Lappincott. Cradle of the Confederacy. See Hodgson, J. Cradle songs of many nations; music by R. L. Herman; ill. by W. Satterlee. 49°. [ ble cover of pink satin, $4....- Cradock Nowell. Spite Dyes a7s 65 in remova- secs « OAG 2 pts. ea., 20c. Munro. Crafts, Wilbur F. Illustrations and helpful hints on the Internat. lessons of 1878. pts. 1, 2. sq. 16°. ui s flex., 50c. - Fairbanks & Co. »? relation of the Old Christian life of to-day. 169°. > aie oe LLOTLE: 229 1% Ot D. > Blackmore, R: PS 'a|PAs882" Teal. — Must the Old Testament ¢ Testament to the 83. 2 40e. ewee AA DO — Plain uses of the blackboard and slate, and visible and verbalill. inthe S. S. and home; [also] Illus- trative teaching in the primary school, by Mrs. W. | Ry Grafts: 120: 7 285% Ward & D. — Successful men of to-day, and what they say of suc- ( 60 O1.2 cess. (Standard lib.) por. 12°. [’83. ]* pap DE OWicicralelcverolsiclevalrc/cielaie Si eiciclee cle elcie cis wisi sete Funk. — Talks and stories about heroes and holidays; ill. by | . T.'Brigham:, 129: 283) (482) "8 Si-255 paps, | GO Oar aia aus ci oo totes ais awn) let oie cav cle esate alors Gisieye Funk — Talks and stories about prayer: the Lord’s prayer, and Now I lay me down to sleep. ill. 16°. [780. ]*48% 9 60c.....-...-----s Soon0 00 c04WOn SHR — Talks to boys and girls about Jesus. ill. 12° [Si 7628 SMD! weiss cca ce 6 6 wielelisie overs . eo Lun — Through the eye to the heart. Rey. ed: 129) (3) Sl: pap., DU Ge aicic se cieicleie] ss e,0) sreie eee Phillips Ee — Two chains; or, the twenty-nine articles of temper- ance. 16° [’78.]%4! pap., 25c. .... Nat. Temp. | — (ed.) Helps to the study of all versions of the New | Testament. (Teacher’sed., Standard ser.) 8°. | 7 | | | Pap., 2ZOC.-- eee weer ee cece recs [’82.]*° ne Crafts, Is. Wilbur F. Blackboard temperance lessons. We 160, 28325528 pap., 10c. «a... Nar. Lemp: — Lesson hand-book for primary and intermediate teachers, incl. Internat. L. I. Brigham. 12°. lessons for 1884; ill. by 1Q4. 1eoc2 S1 ne Cong. Pub. — Normal outlines for primary teachers. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 24°. 783.5%? pap., 10c. Phillips § WH. Cragin, Louisa ‘ { [‘* Ellis Gray.” ] child life. ilk 16°. fi — Cedars : more of [°77.]97 $1.25. Lockwood, B. & ill. by S. Hale, J. NGOS Gece. Sh Lockwood, B. & Co. Cragin, Mrs. Ma. A. [‘‘ Joy Allison.” ] Conrad and the | house-wolf. ill. 16°. [’84.]*68 $1.15.. Presb. Bd. — David Kent’s ambition. 16°. [’77.]8°? $1-.. Cong. Pub. Craig, A. (comp.) — Long ago; a year of child life; Dabney, and E. D. Hale. Casket of literary gems: tales and sketches, anecdotes, wit and humor. ill. 12°. 279.421 1s pap., BOC.-- <2 weceesvoccccns Craig. | =< Same. Th eds ill. 8% 78084 Si. WG Holmes: == — Guests of the heart: book of religious poems. _ ill. | 12°, [780.]48 $2...-+--eeeeee . W: @. Holmes. — Same; introd. by A. E. Kittredge. ill. 129°. 781.°™ EMio fakin, (adcooc eels sinieleveleiedels\oias at viele ON Q/UG). — Room at the top; or, how to reach success; with biog. notices. por. 12°. 782.973 = 1... Sumner. Craig, A. R. Your luck’s in your hand; or, the| science of modern palmistry: according to sys- | tems of D’Arpentigny and Desbarrolles; with account of the gipsies. ill. 12°. ’84.*649 $1.25. | R. Worthington. | 12. (Sept. 84.) 89 CRAIK Craig, T: Elements of the mathematical theory of fluid motion. (Sci. ser.) 18° 779.*#° bds., OY, Goooe Se oe eh oien cleeie ce iere ice Van Nostrand. Craighead, J.G@. Scotch and Irish seeds in American soil; early hist. of the Scotch and Irish Churches. Ne, [Poth Presb. Bd. Craigie, Ma. E. Once upon a time: stories of the anc. gods and heroes. ill. sq. 16°. [’76.]?°° Putnam. Shiliserexe Sl. Craik, Mfrs. Dinah Mar. [ formerly Miss Muloch]. A bridegroom’s sin, and other tales. (People’s lib.) 40, °89 522 pap., NOY cagoonoo0K0d clelelere Ogilvie. | — Children’s poetry. 16°. 781.°? $1.50... Macmillan. — Child’s book, in prose and verse; ill. by C. Dobell. NG Al Cl oaoasocoasacccoG0c0d Macmillan. | — Christian’s mistake. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°* DADs LOC sci cierecri cee: Sreicrerts »veee Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..... .. Munro. — Half-caste: an old governess’s tale, founded on fact {and other stories ]. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.498 pap., LOC... 2.200 ees eee aieie cvclsisio sie - Munro. — Hannah. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..... Munro. — Head of the family. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Munro. — Hero. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c...... . Munro. — His little mother, and other tales and sketches. 12°. 781.*482 $1.25. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 78]. e489 pap., HWY sagadganoncoo ai cic cia) one « Harper. — Same. Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.48° pap., 10c..-JLunro. — Italian’s daughter. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — John Halifax, gentleman. sq. 16°. ’82.°° 5c. S. W. Green. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 27.9),955" pap:, Loc: Harper. == Same. 122% 283.08! (Sls pap... 00C. cen J: W. Lovell. —~ Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap.,20c.;10c. Same. | Sea- side lib., Pocketed.) 12°. ’83.°4 pap., 20c.. Munro. Last of the Ruthvens, and The self-seer. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c....-. Bieeietes eiciarpieiers MALI O- —J,aurel bush. 12° [’76.] $1.50. Same. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8° pap., 3dC. ....eeeess Harper. — Same. (Lakeside lib.) 4°. Mata pap, 00e: Donne lley, LD. § Co. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap.,10c....... Munro. — Legacy : life and remains of J: Martin. 12°. (eB ea| ee Spl listers isfeie) stele eee ~ ee Harper. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..-.... Munro. — Light in darkness, and other sketches. (People’s libs); 49: 2802937") nani MOGs cteieeiwiere «+e Ogilvie. — Little Sunshine’s holiday; picture from life. New ed. G9: 28 ieee RE eiatereicielnieva'e! «1m ele Macmillan. Low marriage. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. -- Munro. — Miss Letty’s experiences. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.%°° pap., 10c. «+... JoooouoadGor S) cialala @ cfeleta UU. Os — Mistress and maid. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. (People’s lib.) 4°. je eee Ogulure. Ralston. Newed. . Macmillan. S My life’ 9QO¢ 525 Spe ransom: a love story. pap., 10C...-+-eees eens: My mother and J; ill. by J. MeL. 120% 8B ncee | soley O) asians Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c...- Munro. — Noble life. (Seaside lib.) 49, pap., 10c.; - Munro. Nothing new. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c... Munro. Ogilvies. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. .-.MJunro. — Olive. (Seaside lib.) 40, pap., 10c..--.+. Munro. Plain speaking. 12°. 782.°°8 $1.25. Same. (rank- lin Sq. lib.) 4°. 782.59 pap., 1dc...-. Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., l0c..---.-4 Wunvro. $1.75. Macmillan. oe LON Os — Sermons out of church. New ed. 12°. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..- ( \ — Studies from life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.47° pap., VOCs os c1c'6) core iriwy ch overerel choirs (elturelazay< Bi aveie cle ate -- Munro. — Thirty years: poems, new and old. 16°. iS) CL cana od0a vege og bono 9a00 Houghton, Ma & Co. — Twenty years ago: from the journalof a girl in her teens. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*°° pap., 10c.. Munro.CRAIK QO CREIGHTON Craik, Mrs. Dinah Mar., continued. | — Two homes. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. -. Munro. — Two marriages. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Woman’s kingdom. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — Woman’s thoughts about women. (Dollar ser.) 12°. [ ilk | 305 ev are rel aiielelavelleleleielealsls) nile alee: viel ese Peterson. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 781.484 pap., 10c. Afunro. — Young Mrs. Jardine: a novel. ill. 12°. ’80 [’79].*") $1.25. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib. fOr HORAN pap., WO Ce erecisroicieis aicieie «cic Ricci clei clelielorers Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c....--+-4 Vunro. Craik, Georgiana M. Anne Warwick. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8° [7?77.]78 pap., 50c...... Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10c..... +44 Vunro. — Cousin from India. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — Dorcas. (FranklinSq. lib.) 4°. ’79.*%° pap., ldc. Ha per. — Esther Hill’s secret. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°° pap., DO Graves cleicls 6 cles) clolcls mejele as 9 si clce™ wee eie Harper. — Faith Unwin’s ordeal. (Seaside lib.) 4° 781.7” pap., D() Rea rstsies orelele lel oielvie® sialic cies si ele) sin elelets Munro. — Fortune’s marriage: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib. fOr 7992052, Nap, ZC. wees ciciccinie «ene Harper. — Godfrey Helstone. (Franklin Sq. lip) 40) soars! pap., 20c. ..... greie elevelecielcis ele 6 e1e's) ee eielels Tlarper. — Hard to bear. (Seaside lib. 4°. pap., 10c..-Munro. — Leslie Tyrrell. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Sydney. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° ’81.*°% pap., ldc. Harper — Sylvia’s choice. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Two women. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 780. pap.,; Wi ee eo cic e cio vieke e ererera, Breicien es ss LIQTD CI: — and Stirling, M.C. Two tales of married life: Hard to bear. —A true man. (Lib. of sel. novels. 80; 2785318 PAP., BOC... eeecce seures Hla per. Crake, A.D. Alfgarthe Dane. 2ded. 16°. ’80. ie See a al Poti, ¥: & Go — Andreds-weald; or, the house of Michelham. ill. HGOS [SOE |Reeo OO ee ecole cis 01 ore Rott. ¥..& Co: — Edwy the Fair; or, the chronicle of 7iscendune. 2d CGF PEG 280 rrr SS wee wrcieie cies Ott. Yad Oo: Cramer, W. ‘The Christian father: what he should be and what he should do; from the Germ. by L. A ambert; introd. by S. V. Ryan. 32°. ’83.°° 65e. Shile\e \slelsale 410/00 s\6) 6010.0 00 s/c 0 sift, 0 esiele B NZ ¢ Te — The Christian mother: education of her children and her prayer; tr. by a father of Soc. of Jesus. 32! 780. #425 75¢ec. Oa) 2Alis:- bestest) 8.0 190-014 (ele s'~ 01,¢ Benzige We. Cranch, W: Reports. See United States, Sup. Court. Crandall, @: EL. The season: record of N. Y. and Brooklyn society. 12°. 783.9 $38. White § S. Crane, I: M. Compilation of railroad laws. See Michi- gan, Le@slature. Crane,J.L. ‘Two circuits; story of pioneer life. ill. 12°. (etfrea] Pee CRATIBY Same. New ed. ] 2°, 780.285 ile cretetsieie) evcleraiers Gofereievsilcie S ullsvsverascceree elo sin Jansen. Crane, Lucy. Art and the formation of taste: lectures: Wl by Dand Wi. Crane. 12° #83579 s9) Macmillan. Crane, T: Athome. See Sowerby, J. G., and Crane, T: —and Houghton, Ellen E. Abroad. ill. sq. 129°.| [S25] eese bds., DAD Oise eto iosisere wee. M. Vard. Crane, Wa. Baby’s bouquet. ill. sm. 4°. ’78. bds., pil Opasteis = crc ene ciclcrareee Scr eter Routle dge. — Baby’s opera: book of old rhymes with new dresses; 5 music by the earliest masters. ill. obl. 16», “io: \eee SD aeO eireeiereieie cleteies iiss cieiere Routledge. — Same. ill. 4°. mie te SN ee ceric McLoughlin. — Colored picture-books for children. 7 vy. 8°. [°76.] Chis tilloacgauaaouno6 onoees dacoqcuc Routledge. Cont. : Song of sixpence. — Chattering Jack. — King Luckie- boy. — Three bears. — Marquis of Carabas. — Alphabet bee. — Blue Beard. — First of May: fairy masque; presented ina ser. of designs. obl.12°. ’81.*49? bds., $2.50.. Osgood. | Crane, Wa., continued. — Musical Cinderella. ill. sm. 4°. D 7 i 8. pap., 50c. Routledge. Crane, W:, and Moses, Bernard. Politics: introd. to the study of comparative constitutional law. 12°. 84. *° SRD) ec crac) eerie) e) oeate) wi cicte a elms io 7d Putnam. Cranford. Gaskell, Ms. H.C. 0c. --...... Munro. Craniognomy. Hedley, A. E. $1..Claxton, Rk. & L. Granston, W: Hi: Poems. 12° (78.9822) Si. (OL EH. Hammett. Craon, Princess de. Sir Thomas More; hist. romance, tr. from the French by Mrs. M. C. Monroe. 8°. [?78.]9?8 $1.50... .- cee cece ene ween Cath. Pub. Craque-o’-doom. Catherwood, M. H. $1.25. L ipprincott. Grater. Cooper, J. F. 20c.........-........ Munro. Craven, Mme. Pauline. Eliane; from the French by Lady G. Fullerton. 16°. ’82.*5°° 90c.; pap., 50c. Gottsberger. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’82.°4° pap., 20c..-Munro. — Fleurange. (Leis. hour ser. 16°, 284. Silk.. Holz: — Natalie Narischkin, Sister of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. 12 783.990 - $1.25 .... 2... Benziger. Crawford, Fk. Marion. Doctor Claudius: a true story. 12°. 83. a RE ee a ccareeranci weiciece ® Macmillan. — Mr. Isaacs: tale of modern India. 12°. ’82.%57} Sirs Srcpeccia wats wie cusiolem onerercie e ore Blew ever bie lets Macmillan. — Roman singer. 12°. ’84.*°4 $1 - Houghton, M. § Co. — To leeward. 12°. °84 [783]. *° SED: Houghton, M. § Co. Crawford, Mos. H. L. linda; or, iberdas Meer. sq. 12°, 78. ZONED Dyess ciel ais evs eioleie: clereie Authors’. Crawford, J. B. Credit mobilier of America, its origin ang nist: Sc: OO Seb: con ticle « Calkins. Crawford, T. P. Patriarchal dynasties from Adam to Abraham, shown to cover 10,5C0 years, and the highest human life only 187. 16° [’77.]°%° $l. Ryland. Crawfurd, Oswald (ed.) English comic dramatists. (Parchment ser.) 24°. ’84.*°?9 parchment, BNL ED Ey aioe valictey eialelsl cienevel cierelenelereie ce) evaie ..- Appleton. Crayon | Creak, Alb. Complete dictionary to Cesar’s Gallic war, with idioms and hints for translation. 12°. vapers. See Irving, W. 8 1°76. 17 Niles cieiece a ce reieiel ciecsie) suerels © cisicrere Barnes. l } Cream of love. (Amateurstage.) 18°. pap., 15c.. Happy. Creasy, Si7 E:S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world. LG e 8 ] ; 173 35e ele sileie eee vse a/c «(sna Am. Bk. Bec. — History of the Ottoman Turks, from the new rey. Kine. eds 12°. (eiileh S250) 6. c were « LLOLE- Creators of the age of steel. Jeans, W. T. $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Credentials of Christianity : lectures; with pref. by the Earl of Harrowby. 12°. °76.244 $2.. Whittaker. Creed and conduct. Frothingham, O. B. $1.. Putnam. Creedand deed. Adler, F. $1.50.....-. ---- Putnam. Creed and creed. Rhodes, D.W. $1.25..P: G. Thomson. Creed of Christendom. See Greg, W: R. Creighton, Louise. England as a continental power, ghi uy from the Conquest to Magna Charta, 1066-1216. (Epochs of Eng. hist., Half-hour ser.) map. B20) eile PAD an 2D Cs efecto cre eialorurs yx" Harper. — Life of Edward, the Black Prince. (Hist. biog.) WOO Ns ep) repos cle ee wreiciotcieie ese Dutton. — Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. (Hist. biog.) 18°. [’77.] nL exaverni ley ol elfeus (enc) a) een cvsivee’e s\ele) sie nerete oveKeiene Dutton. Creighton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 16° [’76.] $1...Scribner’s Sons. - Half-hour hist. of England: introd. v. to EHpochs of ling. hist. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. °79.*88° pap., Dt) Sas uetioral eholis scye|olei le: aicrclc(cileiaihislic cue sie evey aievers Tlarpe " — History of the papacy during the reformation. 2 v. 807 18 ORO5o BST (ire excise: ere .--» Houghton, M. § Co. — Life of Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. (Hist. oyKoyeys)) 1 all bilo oood sone onc ac Dutton.CREIGHTON Creighton, Mandell, continued. — Tudors and the reformation, 1483-1603. (Epochs of Eng. hist., Half-hour ser.) 32°. [’77.] 25c. Harper. —(ed.) Historical biographies. y. 1-3. maps. 18°. ate [eee Caen mille cheer ea nicicisi ee orn tee OO ILCLOTE Cont. : Life of Edward, the Black Prince; by L. Creighton. Life of Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester; by M. Creighton. — Life of Sir Walter Kaleigh; by L. Creighton. Crescent library. 4 vy. ill; 189 [eave] set $2-)| Nelson. Cont.: Nebule and comets. — The planetary system.— The stars. — The sun and moon. Creswell, Fk.O. Hand-railing and staircasing : instruc- OQ] CROSS | Crcesus’ widow. Russell, D. 20c Mica rereleicie coee Munro. Croffut, W. A. A midsummer lark. (Leis. hour ser.) GOs SOU HOO: Te Sa cic wots a sec cle Soiree Holt. Crofutt, G: A. Overlandtourist. 8°. ’79.°74 $1; flex., LED OR wires ofaicicveveraye clei e)ciclatey<| a ciclo cre: clei cicVels Overland. Croke, J. Greenbag (pseud., ed.) Lyrics of the law: recital of songs and verses pertinent to the law and the legal profession. (Legal recreations.) 16°, 78 4.-*852) B50). ce ce eee eto. Whitney. Croker, B. M. Pretty Miss Neville: a novel. (Frank- lin Sq. lib.) 49: 784.*83! pap., 20c..... Harper. > — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. [’84.]°"? pap., 20c. Same. tions with drawings. 2d ed. ill. 16°. 83. | (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [’84.]°* pap., zs | ~ L OTROS och cee eee Se ee a es Cassell. TUF CS esrate ceteris ciciera: nioieie;ceiereclcveisi sin avai ciere - Munro. ee Le ee een 0 ©6674 7642 Crew of the Dolphin. Smith, H. $1......... Dodds = Propet pridk sanovel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. LU k. |! x ; 5 PVD se CUO cicteretcie) cleloleheicleiel =i naivieisjelalajni o/s) aie invo. Crew of the Sam Weller. Habberton, J: 75c.; 40c. Boe Munro Putnam. Creyton, Paul (pseud.) See Trowbridge, J: Cricket on the hearth. See Dickens, C: Crime of Henry Vane. Stimson. F: J. $1. Scribney’s Sons. Crime of the opera house. Du Boisgobey, F. 2 pts. Cae DC ere) ore ote @ olclolin is (oifelinielele'lalo (ol si 0) a] is iclceieuns< Munro, Criminal reminiscences. Pinkerton, A. $1.50. Cazleton. Crimson and gold threads. Havergal, F. R. 75c.; $1. Dutton. Crimson hand, and other poems. Jeffrey, R. V. SET (Pa acim ec cvcisre. bie wie eleieiule: slercis ern ciaie.s Lippincott. Cripple Jess. Marston, L. $1......-..-.--. Carter. Cripps, Wilfred J. Old English plate: its makers and marks: with improved tables of the date letters. ii. 68% )6(E7S. 8 $10.00... ... Scribner § W. Cripps the carrier. Blackmore, R: D. 75c....Harper, Crisis (The). Paine, T: 75c.; 40c..... Truth Seeker. Crisis thoughts. Carrington, H. B. 80c. ; 60c. Lippincott. Crisman, E. B. Biog. sketches of living old men of the Cumberland Presb. Ch. [In 6y.] v. 1. 16°. Pee? Gitte, Ganeccos dae Ieee ae Perrin. —Infant baptism in a nutshell. 3ded., enl. 18°. 28 ()eA sO AO Chere aire crete cleo etn oieia oreiereie (ein: Crisman — Origin and doctrines of the Cumberland Presb. Ch. GOs eS aU iD Cietaic siete aveiee elaine! ciel ney els Crisman. Criswell, R. W. Grandfather Lickshingle. ill. 12°. 734 *690 Nie ecee ciel sisie ors (ala! cl ejere on Pee Worthington. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 169°. pap., 20c.. J: W. Lovell. — The new Shakspeare, and other travesties. 12°. 782.945) S13 pap., 50c. ---2 eeeeee coves im. News. Criteria of diverse kinds of truth as opposed to agnos- ticism:s, MeCosh. J. 50e: 2.2... Scribner's Sons. | Crittenden, S: W. Inductive and pract. treatise on book-keeping by single and double entry. ev. | | tS. ]338 bds., $1.25. ee Fort SCuUe. andenl. 89°. — Single entry book-keeping expl. in five sets of books. | Hinl: ed: 8° [78:72 bds.; (oc: -..- Fortescue. | Crittenden commercial arithmetic. See Groesbeck, J. Croasdale, E. System of industrial art drawing. [’80. ] J. M. Stoddart. | Cont.: Elementary. 5 nos. ea., 25c.— Plane geometry. 5 nos. ea., 25c. — Object lessons. 3 nos. ea., 25c. — Architectural. 5 nos. ea., 35¢. —Ornamentation. 5 nos. ea., 35c.— Perspective. 4 nos. ea., 35c. — Landscape ser. 3 nos. ea., 50c. — Husy drawing lessons for blackboard, 25c. Crocker, Lucretia. Methods of teaching geography: notes of lessons. 12°. 783.*°9° pap., 30c. Same. Fdued= 162 48h) 60Ch 2. uc Bost. Sch. Sup. Crocker, S. R. Centennial Exposition of 1876. sq. ISO = (Ge 222 Crocker, Uriel H. Notes on common forms: book of Mass. law. 3d ed., enl., incl. statutes of 1883, and Mass. reports, v. 183. 8°. 783.°°! shp., $6. Little, B. & Co. —and G: G. Notes on the public statutes. See Mas- sachusetts, Gene ral Court. Crockett, D: Life. [Autobiog.] 12°. [’77.] $1.20. Porter & C. 6. pap., 20C..+-+ ee eevee Roberts. | Croly, G: Holy Land; after lithographs by L: Haghe, from drawings by D: Roberts; with hist. de- scriptions. Div. 1: Jerusalem and Galilee. Div. 2: The Jordan and Bethlehem. 2v. f. (78183. #88 ea., $7.50... - 25. 22 wee cee Cassell. — Salathiel (the wandering Jew): story of the past, present, and the future. Newed. 8°. [’77.]?%® hs (Os 66G000 4 d000000000 codGun dons Peterson. Croly, Mrs. Jennie E. [‘‘ Jennie June.” ] American cook book. New ed., with suppl. on carving. Ws 20) Pees seb ees. ~.-Am. News. Crommelin, May. In the west countrie. (Franklin Sq. lib:) 40: 284) =84s pap., 20c...-«.- Harper. — Same. Seaside lib.) 4° [’84.]®47 pap., 20c. Munro. — Jewel ofa girl. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. [’78.]°™ pap., DO Cariarcclaierc eidlercicleiercieraielclelsre (ol s/eieicicre Harper. == Orange lily. (@Hranklin’ Sq. lib:)) 40. 2795"<° PAP-5 LOC... coer ce ee none cece ncccce wees Harper. Crompton, R. E. Electric light for industrial uses. pl; 80s) 28)ReIY pap... 40 Cire © inti) Spon. Cronin, D:E. [‘‘ Seth Eyland.”] Evolution of a life, described in the memoirs of Major Seth Eyland, late of the Mounted Rifles. 12°. ’84.*°* $1.50. S. W. Green. Crooks, G: R., and Hurst, J: F. Theological ency- clopadia and Methodology, on the basis of Hagenbach. 8°. 784.942 $3.50 ..Phillips § H. — (eds.) Library of theological and biblieal literature. v. 1: Introd. to the study of the Holy Scripture, by H:M. Harman. 8°. 779.957 $4..Nelson § P. Same. 89. 4835822) Sas co cea oe ... Phillips § H. Same; v. 2: Biblical hermeneutics: a treatise on the interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, by M. Si Derry.” 8°. 783.8% $4... Phillips §& H. Croquet: rules adopted by the Nat. Croquet League. sm. 12° 780544) pap. 20c0 wr. Lippincott. Crosby, Fk. FE verybody’s lawyer and book of forms. New ed., rev. by A. G. Feather. 12° [’81.]**7 hf. shp., $2; full shp., $2.25 ......0. J: H. Potter. Crosby, Howard. Christian preacher: Yale lectures, | 1879-80. sq. 12°. [’80. ]*#24 $1.50. .. Randolph. |—On Nehemiah. See Lange, J. P. Commentary. |— Pulpit teachings on great subjects; discourses on Christian doctrine. v. 1. no. 1: God ever active in Christ. 12°. [°77.]? pap., 10c. ..Putnam. | — True humanity of Christ. 16°. [780.]*#°° flex. cl., | DOC. «eeee- De ue Sle raaie oie ois nies eleiel cicre ... Randolph. — True temperance reform. 16°, ’79.**°! pap., 10c. Randolph. | Crosby, Nathan. A Crosby family : Josiah Crosby and Sarah Fitch, mar. Aug. 23, 1750, and their de- scendants. por. 8°. [’77.]? $1.50...Crosby. Crosby, W:0. Common minerals and rocks. (Guides | 526 On ¥en { for sci.-teaching.) 24°. ’81.*°** pap., coc. Ginn. | Crosier, Alfr. A. Digest of infinitives, participles and | abridement, and outline of Eng. grammar. 12°. 282.545 aps, DOC. «. eciweis cmiemicie = wcinne Sherrill. Cross, D. W. Fifty years with the gun androd. 68°. | 28 (VAI SE SBE OQ) ave rere ee) alte, ein ee) wie wueh simian e)iejorsis Short. aa ee a ee a PoE IO Tae ae ee TeenCross, J. G: Eclectic short-hand: new system. 12°. 27,9849 9° Same. di edi, rey. 120: 18.9453 ON ee ereleleleleye asics eiciele cin ele eielel= *) = Rone ctels Griggs: | — Eclectic shorthand primer: four lessons. 12°. ’83.*°” exe Clon 2DCr tesco ciclaisie) © s)01e1 sin +) oie ie)oiele Griggs. Cross, Jos. Coals from the altar: sermons for the Christian year. 2v. 12°. ’83.*°8%:*991 ea., $1.50. Whittaker. — Edens ofItaly. ill. and maps. sq. 8°. 783 [’82].*°* Do) iveleloieialel cfeleie) ele sisi= clerelel eieVeleliniaceleipiereie Whittaker. — Evangel: sermons for parochial missions. 12°. ABER) Enid bs ado0> goacckooac Whittaker. — Knight-banneret: sermons. 12°. ’82.°4 $1.50. Whittaker. — Pauline charity: disc. on the 13th chapter of first Corinthians. 12°. ’83.*8!2 $1.50... Whittaker. | Cross, R: Cotton yarn spinner. 8° 782.*°©4 $1.25. ( OSS. | Cross (The) [poems]. Richardson, C:F. 60c. Lippincott. Cross above the crescent. Southgate, H. $1.50. Lippincott. | Cross in the light of to-day. McLane, W.W. $1.20. Lippincott. Cross Patch, and other stories. Woolsey, S.C. $1.50. Re be rts. Cross purposes. (Acting drama.) 12°. [779 pap., CEs eicicins © sce eicic ee cic cie Sintsic visi ais cies Roorbach. Cross purposes. Farnie, H. B. 1l5c..-..-- Roorbach. Cross purposes. Findlay, @ 10c.......---. Harper. Cross purposes. Williams, Ms. M.F. 10c... Munro. Crossing the quicksands. Cozzens, S$: W. $1.50. Lee & 8S. Crossley, E: D., and others. WUand-book of double stars: catalogue of 1,200 double stars and lists of measures, with notes. 8°. ’79.4!17 $6..Macmallan. Crowell, I. P. (ed.) Selections from the Latin poets, Catullus, Lucretius, Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid and Lucan. [Latin text. 20. 262 eee, 4.0: Ginn. Crowell, J: Christin all the Scriptures: demonstra- tion that Christ is the divine Saviour, and the Scriptures are inspired of God. 24°. 780.1% DAD ise OCs aterm cies eiaielc cielo cies 6 «1s foie cree Presb. Bd. Crowell’s Sunday-school library. no.1. 80v. ill. 18°. BUA’ net, SO) Same: no. 2: bv. ill: 169; net; S12:50: Same. no: 8: [5 ve, ill: NGO Net. MZ OO). scien cic o's cle eee. e+ Crowell. Crowest, F: Book of musical anecdote, from every | lore ]309 available source. 2v. 12°. [777. Scribner, W. & A. — Great tone poets: short memoirs of the greater Sd. composers; S88. [eige eo) Sik o0) aac. Church. Crown for our queen. Ryan, A.J. $1.50; $2... Piet. . = = : @ a Crown jewels. McKeever, H. B. $1........ Walden. Crown of glory. Trowbridge, C. M. 90c. -.Am.7%r Crown of heaven the supreme object of Christian hope. Stoger, J: N. Dike D Oss 6 cress pielaleleltiiclesie O Shea. Crown of thorns. Chapin, E.H. $1; $1.25. Universalist. Crown Prince and his scapegoat. Nieritz, G. 80c. J. A. Moore. Crowner’s quest. Dietzsch, E. 50c......... Steiger. Crowning triumph: sacred songs. Hugg, G:C., and ATNISELON Os Hs Wes BHC! cocci se ele clccicc North. Crozier, L.S. Treatise on the culture and raising of silkworms. 8°. 780.476 pap., 50c......» Hyr7ch. Cruden, Alex. Complete concordance to the Bible. (Students’ ed.) 4°. [’79.] $1.50; shp., $3.50; Hem Ore, 45 Olen ccc cccys wiclemie sea ce enise Dodd. | language. 8°. ’81.°° — Same. Abridged; ed. by J: Eadie. 12°. [779.] au MO Corehe azote ie wclictolaVol sis ie valelsis cists cin & a Aisi Oleic Dodd. Crueliondon., Hatton. J. 20c. 2.54...- J: W. Lovell. Cruikshanks, G: The bottle, in eight plates. 8°. (a8) HY OSS ie nh eusie tes ciieia cee See lappy. | CUMMINS | Cruise of the Canoe Club. Alden, W: Er Siler Harper. | Cruise of the ‘‘ Dainty.” Kingston, W:H. G. $1. Rott; ¥4 & Go: Cruise of the ‘‘ Ghost.” Alden, Melb Esl oc Harper. Cruise of the ‘‘ Midge.” Scott, M. 2 pts. ea., 20c. Munro. Cruise of the ‘‘Snowbird.” Stables, G. $1.50. Armstrong. Cruise of the walnut shell. André, —. $1.25. Scribner & W. Cruise under six flags. E.,O. A. 60c..... Lippincott. | Cruises with Captain Bob on sea and land. Shillaber, Be ee Die eerste ci cleiels clelaie ciate are 3m ols Lee & S. Crummell, Alex. The greatness of Christ, and other sermons. por. 12°. 782.*°°§ $1.50.. Whittaker. Crumpled rose leaf: comedietta. (Acting drama.) 120, (e792 SEO PAP, VOC ewe. ose cle Happy. Crusoe in New York, and othertales. Hale, E: E. $1. Roberts. Cruttwell, C: T. History of Roman literature to the death of Mareus Aurelius; with chron. tables, etc. 8°. 78.349 $9.50. ..2ce- Somtoner’s Sons. Cryptogram. Sce Verne, J. Crystal fountain. Upham, Jfs. P. L. 7ic.. Lippincott. Crystal rill. Treloar, W. M. 20c........... Church. Crystal songs. Bischoff, J. W., and Presbrey, O. F. PO crater Gis orn cunveral oieteiove lela isiers er eieletaie Whitney. Cub’s apple. See Guernsey, L. E. and C. F. Guern- sey stories. Cuckoo clock. Molesworth, Mrs. M. $1.50. Macmillan. Cudlip, Jfs. Pender. See Thomas, Annie. Cuffe, W: Ulick O’Connor, Larl of Desart. See Desart. Cullingworth, C. J. Manual of nursing, medical and Surgical: ills 190, “83 .e Sle Blakiston. Cullum, G: W. Biographical register of officers and eraduates of U. S. Military Academy, 1802-1867. Rev. ed., with suppl. register of graduates to Jan. I, U8A9:, So 9S Suess. he Meller: — Campaigns of war of 1812-15 against Great Britain, sketched and criticised; with brief biog. of Am. engineers. por. 8° 779.99 $5......J. Milles. Culross, Ja. Greatness of little things. 12°. [’79.] | SRiTUD Fy eveeiokorelcrelecoielel ciel are tele) eaeln\s (cle) cial ciel eter ans Nelson. leas Home at Bethany 12 [(?78.] $1.25..... Nelson. — John, whom Jesus loved. ill. 12° ’78.%° $1.25. Carter. — William Carey. (Heroes of Christian hist.) 12°. | > 5 i | 82.533 11D Cove ietni stele: stavove lel ts leloie) cle) elctel cr? A rmstrong. Cultivation of the senses. (Manuals for teachers.) WGS. | [79 ReSt OO Cae oie erciareies ee, «lstei Lidredge. or O° Culture and cooking. Owen, C. Cassell, P., G. & Co: Culture and religion. Shairp, J.C. dc. ..... Funk. Culturgeschichtliche Novellen. Riehl, W. H. net, | SRS eee ceeic See eecnicre ee elarsiieie sveielouale sie Macmillan. Cumming, I/s.C. F. Gordon. At homein Fiji. New ’ $1.25. Armstrong. ed. maps andill. 8°. ’82,*°° Cumming, Linneus. Introduction to the theory of electricity. 12°. (area eee SpOlcie aiere Macmillan. Cummings, J. An elective presiding eldership in the M. E. Church constitutional and desirable. 12°. [77.177 pap., 25C... +26. -e 2c ween cree Tibbals. Cummings, J: Watchman, what of the night? 12°. [’76. [a0 Shi DOlerclers) ecielis 1 nie) oc eianciey sini ore Carleton. Cummins, Adley H. Grammar of the old Friesic 607 $1.25.. Houghton, M. & Co. | Cummins, Ella S. The littlemountain princess: a Sierra snow-plant. 12°. ’80.*4%% pap., 50c...-- Loving. 7 Cummins, J/rs. G: I: Memoir of G: D: Cummins, first bishop of Ref. Epis. Ch. por. 8° ['79.]*8° ROLE ()i a Sievers asta oie aie oicreta Bo Sisiioie eae eoleteieks Dodd.CUMMINS Q Gone Mar. S. Mabel Vaughan. ._New bet 16°. (ie 186238 Siler sjeielelojelais Biv/wie) eia/eix a) eiete rele Cogswell. | — Same. Newed. 12°. ’82.*°48 $1.50. la loughton, Me &CGo Cumnock, Rob. Mclean (ed.) Choice readings for public and private entertainment. 12°. [’78.]%?° SBD itereeie cit 6 sca olsls . Jansen. —- School speaker: rhetoric: al recitations iow boys and | girls: 12° 284: (2837). 582s Si osc - Jansen. | Cundall, Jos. Book-bindings: ancient, medieval and | modern. eng. 4° 7’81.48° $12..Scribner g W. Cuniculus (pseud.) The _ practical ean nieeeper | ill cr. 8°. ’80.48° $1.50..Cassell, P:, G. § Co. | Cunning woman, by the author of Lady-bird’s peni- tence; [also] Bride of Blacksedge. (People’s | Jibs) 40; iSIRSLOR pape LOCH cre trtelvearete Savinte Cunningham, 7s. B. Sim. For honor’s sake. 12°. | 279 *383 SLD Oe cietelio cielo evcteter es) ele) elcisl sis een cont | —In Sancho Panza’s pit. 12°. °83 [’82].*°7 $1.50. | Lippincott. | Cunningham, Fk. H. Familiar sketches of Phillips Exeter Academy and surroundings. ill. sm. 4° 28 BUGDS CSE (ie crciave siete eiele cial oie iste cies in ol Osgood. Cunningham, H. S. Lectures on the physiological laws of life, hygiene, ete. 12°. 783.97 - Borst. | Cunningham, Jos. O. See Jones, W: C., and Cun- ningham, J. O. Cunningham, W. Growth merce. maps and charts. and com- $3. Macmillan. civilization, with $1.75. Macmillan. Sor ewtoless Macmillan. of Eng. 12°. industry 506) O4. 10 Christian ZR (i 143 Cunningham, Rev. W: special ref. to India. 16°. — Descartes and Eng. speculation. ov. 3, | — Theological lectures on natural theology, evidences of Christianity, ete. 8°. 778.949 $3 .... Carter. Cunynghame, Arth. Thurlow. My command in South Africa, 1874-78. maps. 8°. ’79.°? $3.50. Macmillan. Cup of consolation; or, bright messages for the sick- | bed; introd. by J. R. Macduff. 16°. ’81[’80].*4°7| $1.25 Se ray a ovcdalael siete elevelerle cjiciia: cle vel alevele lee Carter. Cupid, M. Swift, A: M. lic...) Scrtbner’s Sons. Cupid and the Sphinx. Flemming, H. $1.25..DPutnam. Cupid on crutches. Wood, Bi f5Cr.--. Carleton. Cupples, Mrs. Ann Jane. The cockatoo’s story. ill. 16°. 28) pck 910 DO One crate enictcini cyetercleic sie! wicieis Ne Ison. | — Edenside; or, the lights and shadows of our village. Ws 129: [Site pees TiD Cs

L- B: shp., Little, his son, B: R. Jive 89. 279; Little, B. & Co. Dottings round the cirele. ill. 8°. 2G le $2.50 . - Osgood. Digest of es and statutes. J] Curtis. $3. B. & Co. Curtis; BoE Os Curtis and $2 notes 780. 2%° with 12°, by (Gs i leatherette, 50; — Memoir memoir by G: and writings; ed. by lI. Curtis. Curtis, B: Robbins, 2d. with heliotypes. | Curtis; C: J. | gon, Sup. Court. | Curtis, Mas; ©: BR. [Carroll Madge to Margaret. 169°. — Love ofa foctimel JQ 2 Curtis, D: A. Fifteen: pap., MOG eicisl © stee ele fete eVel ei aie ol elec sie | Curtis, Ik: Manual of (Pocket manuals. Curtis, G: 8°. [ 78. | — Life of James | 2Ve pols Ox. 83. |— See also Curtis, B: R Curtis, G: W: Life, Cullen pLyent) pap., d0c. — Wendell P hillips : See Ore- | From _Lee & S. - Cupples Winchester.” "SO «442 2 > 32 Saces 8°. 780.432 News. how Bice ANUs medicinal 783 623 Sl general technology. ) BAY Wood. Last years of Daniel Webster. pap Buchanan, Ticknor. 314 “i ., 00C. Appleton. 15th President of the U.S. 602 Harper. character and writings of W: addnesse l60) [ivGomlmoss locas » Scribner’s Sons. 84.%642 pap., 25c. Harper Centennial school singer; Obl: 129: -. Biglow. . eulog , and Bourne, O. songs of patriotism and peace. bds., 40c. Human elements in inspiration of Script- 20% (atts $2 Appleton. Wheat culture : Curtis, H: or, eaGees: Gurtis: (l. 1. ures. | | Curtiss, De Ss how to double the yield | and increase the pone TE 1205 0 paps, KYO, coago00s 060 tere! afokareyeicreia “1s eis) cater Judd. Curtiss, S: Ives The ik ite of our Gospels. 16°. ’81.*°° | fleyeall BOG Oe Revell. | Ingersoll and Moses: a reply; with notes and app. | 12°, *SO [779 ).54 GL.25 . cen ee we cone Jansen.CURWEN g) é CECA gee secs a Curwen, Maskell E. Manual upon the searching of records and the preparation of abstracts of title to real property; rey., enl. and ed. with forms and ref. to decisions by W. H. Whittaker. 12°. 83.822 shp., net, $2 -..2.2 see cece neee eee eee Clarke. Curzon, Rob. A visit to monasteries in the Levant. New ed, 12° (783.9*8% S1.50.......-. Dodd. Cusack, Ma. Fes. [Sister Mary Frances Clare, ‘‘ Nun of Kenmare.” ] From Killarney to New York; or, how Thade became a banker. 12°. [’78.]345 A Eee eco ci cicne ciere ie/s) cle; s¥clieis) cis wie: wi eic se) one ele Mc Gee. — Life of Father Matthew. (Household lib.) 16°. (’78. "4 — The present case of Ireland plainly stated: plea for my people and myrace. por. 12° ’81.**°° $1.50. Kenedy. Cushing, J/7's. Henriette. Pussy willow and other child songs: ill. by G. Clement; music by S. E. Farrar. ob]. 12°. 783782]. *503 Ddeoeoe ccc. White & S. pap., [ED Ce ereroteicl cicucieic 42 $1.50 Dieser eiole’elsluvele pi isisie ole veielelcclcsvdlel elroter crane Osgood.DAHLGREN Q5 DANCING Dahlgren, Jfs. Madeleine Vinton, continued. W. Impressions of America. Newed. (Handy- — South Sea sketches: a narrative. 12°. ?81.*518 ser.) 16°. °79.*8° pap., 25c. .... Appleton. » | Dale, R. Vv. DIDO. 0 cece cece ec cece cece cone news nee Osgood. | — Lectures on the Ephesians. 8°. ’83. $2.75.. Nelson. — Washington.winter. 12°. °83.*°°% $1.50.... Osgood. | — Nine lectures on preaching = 120% [77-803 Si.50: Dahn, Felix. fFelicitas; from the Germ. by M. J. Saf- Barnes. ford: 169 ~83.%2)2.= pap., b0c. 3. Gotisbergen: |= Protestantism: its ultimate principle. 8°. (778.238 Daily Bread. He ok Mo be. eee Randolph. i 60¢ fee veteliclelsioceucislsdsieeversieenel clone eee oie Ne Initon. Daily evening rest. Giberne, A. $1........- Chia Fe he Ten commandments. sq. 16° [’77.]3°4 60c. Milton. Outskirts of physical science : essays, Daily light on the daily path: devotional text-book for} Dale, T. Nelson. 320. | philosophical and religious. 16°. ’84.*64° $1.45, every day; in the words of Scripture. 2v. 3 rs0 1639 5 Or 7 (S482)! SZ BR cele eiesieernielers ares wrsy-e = candolph. | Lee& S. Cont.: 1. Morning hour.—2. Evening hour. | Dale, T. Nelson, qr. Study of the rhaetie strata of the . . a lone ae | Tal di Lerdo i 2S rn Tyr é — Same: Evening hour. 32°. [’77.] 60c..-Am. Tr. Val di Lerdo in the souther D Lyrols map-, pl. : pe é and wood-cuts. 8°. [’76.]*°5 $1.75. Westermann. Daily round; meditation, prayer, and praise adpt. to Dall. V C TG (oneal 1 . : : ~ ‘ { "Se aro. . 4 »¢ O1CE 2S ¢ rrats 0 the Christian year; with add. by A. C. Coxe. sae a : We Ho ‘al ae : nous ene erat Bo UGOs 280453) shpeq pilD Ok cries etary actsicioie Dutton. See ee eee eee ey CeCe. ["81.] : ‘ on ap eecre ee ee DAD ey ill ereiereteia torts cite) ole nh crere ot eer cle Hiliott. Daily steps upward: Scripture text and POSLLy for every | __ My first holiday; letters from Colorado, Utah and av 4 > waar S 940 'Q9D x98 4 7 “2 ° - , 3 kA Sas : day in the year. sq. 24°, | O4. | ee ne California. 120, 8], *513 O50) eases Roberts. vanaoltph. - a . . . > ~o4 , Alex. Ja. ‘ports cases. See Pennsylvanis Daily words and doctrinal texts for the year 1883. 153d Bones or J = ue ie - : ce Pennsylvania, r ; KF “oO~ - OuUTtTS. — , Ole 24 UTS. year. [Annual.] 24° [782.]*58 35c.; gilt, 50c. ; ae ae re : te 2 onan PAP; VOCE soe ee eck Ce eee oti Morvav. Pub. | Dallas, Ma. Kyle. The Grinder papers; adventures of 2 A ; Miss Charitv Grinder. r. Y. Weekly ser. . Dainty lady, by the author of A guiltless prodigal; io Charity | mI meen (N.Y. Weekly ee zt il. . = Sere : a 20, lil SSO Goso ong KoeocGec rleton. [also] A circlet oflove. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°? ! ee , Cen Papin OCu cee es seem se enh ee. Ogilvie. Dalton, H: Evening amusements and book of draw- : on ~ r, ing-r ays. ill. Zor 383. Hil... Cassell Daireen. Moore, Wye (bCy ee ae. - ee Harper. ADB sTOOm D2) Ne co eee: . ’ . ; . q@ | Dalton, J:C. Experimental metl i dical science Dairyman’s daughter. Richmond, L. 10c. Am. S. S. | LO ‘e es Pb io ul method in medic H geN OS | ae OZ ) UM UeZD! eiene nivisiteisiclelcini(uie\ieleis utnam. Daisies and buttercups. See Riddell, Mrs. J. H. — Treatise on human physiology. 7thed. ill. 8°. poy J Daisies and raindrops. Blanchard, A.E. $1..Dutton. | 89 537 Borne Hi ethic Olas eerie) eye coins Lea. Daisy and herfriends. Henry, H.L. $1..Presb. Bd.| Dalton, T. Rules and examples in algebra. pt. 2. 18°. Daisy Bright Eyes. ill. ’83. 2dc........... Cassell. Mile ez SSM OD eer cte wielers @ aiclerers © ope cte\~ Vacmillan. Daisy chain. Yonge, C. M. 2pts. ea., 20c.. Munro. Dalton, W: Library of adventure. 4 vy. 8° ([779.] Daisy chain, a picture story-book. ill. 4°. [’77.]?9 SRO fais creole 250) exolein clehcec xcs) =) rere cefekcdc\.2 ciclo Lippincott. SIITRA DY ercrclelors ire) n's sys) ele cae a evalst oleic sie cicre + ae Nelson. Cont.: War tiger.— Wolf boy of China. — White elephant. — Dai . le? | : | : . eos Tiger prince. ak De rs Se aeipcc Seen ie pigs S101 <=> Daltons (ihe). Lever, GC: 2 pts. ea., 20c...Munro. WE 108 | do. |*” bds., $1.50: $2.50.. Cassell. Daly, C: P. Reports. See New York, City and County, i rree Ss es Jisbee, Mis. S 80c.. Lothvo 7 ay 5 Daisy Green stories. Bisbee, JMWrs. : Oc.. Lotha p- Goin of Connon Licas: isy lib. lO v. 18°. 779.497 bds., $3....... Whittaker. spat Daisy lib. 10v. 1 : ls., $3 Wirtarer- | Daly, Guy D. Theory of art, and some objections to Cont.: The jackdaw’s nest. — The picture book. — Little May’s utilitarianism. 8°. [’77.]?74 pap., 25c. . Appleton legacy. — Pictures and stories. — The Christmas feast. — The little Leas ae et me Ds I ee a aS Italian boy. — Willie’s hyacinth. — Annie King’s question. — The | Dalziel’s comic annual for 1883. ill. 8°. ’82.°7 25c. little red book. — The neglected spelling lesson. Chic. News-Let. Daisy: Miller. See James, H:, 77. Dame diuropais ree trance and her Se : rT: nN, EL: ZO Crinin « winieein oreicialryeee Craig & T. Daisy Nichol. Hardy, LadyJI. D. 20c........ Munro. Pullen, H ‘ , a rarg g ; . oe 7 i a 2 nen’s ghost. MINOT Wye Uae. (epi) eeraterss oilers Osgood. Daisy Snow-flake’s secret. Reaney, I/7s.G.S. $1.25. Damen's ghost Bynner : : "gece Am. 7), | Damon, W:E. Ocean wonders: a companion for the . m . . Se S] 1° + ‘ye Ur} y 1AAta 90 I7Q *376 Daisy Thornton and Jessie Graham. Holmes, Jfs. seaside ; ill. from living objects. 12 ey Me BOs oe ee oe Carleton. SHIR O! eicw ere ele alenete (si(olcele/e/«inielel(sinisis ele ele Appleton. < oe G - y 9 . ateetive over 72 SI On yecare y -/et Daisy Travers. Samuels, A. F. $1.50...-... Lee § S, | Dan, the detective. Alger, H., jr. $1.25.-. Carleton. Daisybank. Mathews. J. H. 90c. ..--.---Am. 7%. Dana, A els Enigmas of life, death and the future ° State, 120% | 7827282) QD) arent Somerby. . ’ L 2. , . R n i sys ond. Own. Slices crise. Am. Bapt. ee : : te : : Bete yee tu ae Bs ald rae Mal Ethical and physiological inquiries. 2d ser. 2d ed. Dakota, Legislative Assembly. Annotated revised 1205. BRSURBTS Ye a es ean ... Somerby. codes, 1883. v. 1, with new index, ed. by A. B. and Ju. uevisee. 8°. 7’83.°° shp., $6 -.-. West. — Laws, 13th—15th session, 1879-1883. 3v. 8°. ’79-’83. Dana, C: A., and Johnson, Rossiter (eds.) Fifty perfect poems wil) (2) 762.20 silk, $10 ...Appleton. Ga. Slip howd see meer rea ae «sche Bowen. | Dana, E:S. Text-book of elementary mechanics. ill. ey, RO Oe eee eeeee for Shere crete 0 . SA co 170 a x ee ee Vr ale — Revised codes, 1877; comprising codes and general a 12°. 81. — PL.50. eee eee see } uley statutes passed at 12th session, and all general | — Text-book of mineralogy; after the plan and with the Inve cemainine in force. edeby Gull. Mande eo. | co-operation of J. D. Dana. wood-cuts and col. 17. ST 3 : Bowen pis eos Ailes. ame. 10th ed. ill. 8°. (he mDili ec emie os) sie 2 0|\a)s10 a) exeilea) a) sie) 5 «ial fis ie)6)0 { S Lt Ba Y . 7 7 en 28 Se NNN) ciel se) a airs oi ie ioierere eles cie sccie) < eicier Wiley. — Supreme Court. Reports to 1877. v.1, by G. G. | Ee ious 50 f : ey Bennett, 60s io “show pense cra: Bowen. | — Third appendix to the 5th ed. of Dana’s Mineralogy : — = Same. ISiseHelsce. War, Uy We Gasmith: 89 285 completing the work to 1882. 8°. "BQ.*04t S150; shp., $5 : i Bowen | 3 app. complete in 1 v., $2...-.-- cfereperarte HULet. : ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ "oe OoVv: Wi ref. Ore A Dalby, J. Arnold. History of Old Point Comfort and Dana, Ja. D. eae Beolouye aR Bre oon geol Y Te 19 29 2 S 3d ed. 5 OO, ©«6—2O0 NSS HE ON 06 LUUSON- Fortress Monroe, Va., 1608-1881. 16°. ’81.*% hist. Se } 3 3 a Ses ee a an.. 30 N. ¥. News. | — Manual of mineralogy and lithology. 3d ed., re-arr. os Ep : Sesh ancdineivs, lle OCs aSuesthes tener jcleratsiers Warley. Dalby, W. B. Hand-book on the diseases and injuries of the ear. ill. 12% [°77.]29° $1.50. Danbury boom. Bailey, J. M. $1; 50¢ Sone Lee § S. Lindsay & Blakiston. | Dance, C: Kill orcure: farce. See New York drama. Daldorne, Evan. Wooingof the water-witeh: anorth- | — Naval engagements: farce. 16°. [’78.] pap., L0c. ern oddity; ill. by J. M. Smith. sq. 12°. ’80.**°*| De Witt. BO) eyeroierel: se Roa eous ee ue ene es EO are Holt. \ Dancingimpsof the wine. Angelo (pseud.) $1.25. Hurst. eet Ss RS orsDANDE Of Dande, Leon. Blue blood; or, white May and black Juner So (ies pl-o0 «~~. i Shepard. Dane, H. C. West Point centennial: hist. oration. 12°. (ers sss PAp-, 2OC.- cere reeves Carleton. Danenhower, J: W. Lieut. Danenhower’s narrative of the “Jeannette.” por. andill. 129. 7%82.™90) pap., 20C.+-+-+- Be aicve o ciole) eicielerernieie) ols sie Dangerous kiss. (People’s lib.) 4°, pap., 10c. — Ogilvie. $1.50... Sumner. Osgood. Dangerous woman. Pierce, G. A. Dangers and duties. Rhodes, D. W. $1.50-. Lippincott. Daniel, J: W. Treatise on the law of negotiable in- Struments. | New reveeda 2v. 8° (/782)))P° shp., $13-.--++-ee-- oleae erseis ere Baker, V. & Co. Daniel, Js. Mackenzie. Heiress in the family. (Dol- lar ser. ) 1:20. [Emin] eS2 SSilicvoveleveieiete foleie Peterson. — Marrying for money. (Sterling ser.) 8°. [777. 224 Gls pap., ToC. .see cece tre rer eee ee vere Peterson. Daniel Deronda. See Eliot, George. Daniel Poldertot. Diekenga, I. E. $1l....---- Earle. Daniel Quorm. Pearse, M:G. 2dser. $1. Phillips § H. Daniell, Alfr. Text-book of the principles of physics. i]. 8°. °84.834 net, GO---- wcceseee Macmillan. Daniell, Edm. Rob. Pleading and practice of the High Court of Chancery. 5th Am. ed., with notes an ref. to Am. decisions, adpt. the work to Am. practice in chancery; based on 4th Am. ed., by J. C. Perkins; ed. by W. F. Cooper. v. 3 [last go, 780.441 shp., $6...--- Scatele sis . Little, B. & Co. Daniell, Moses Grant. Short sentences for practice in writing Latin. 2d ed., enl., with notes. 16° PQ OUROSS ON Oi. cieicie) ele lcicie/e ice see vies oe Ivison. Daniell, W. H. How to sing; or, the voice, and how to use it. 16°. [’76.]?°! pap., 50c...-.- Wells. Daniels, G: F. Huguenots in the Nipmuck country ; or, Oxford prior to 1713; introd. by O. W. Holmes. 12°. ’80 [’79].*4!1.....-....... Hstes. Daniels, W. H. That boy: who shall have him? 12°. azn eae GRD Oiiereveliosierere: 6 sie ~---- Matchcock & W. — (ed.) Moody: his words, work and workers; introd. by C. H. Fowler. por. and Wile jer. So [ego BO ht MOL ee lO cieieisiec vieieie «ee .-- Nelson & P. Danites in the Sierras. See Miller, J. Danks, H. P. Choral anthems: coll. of anthems, etc., for churches and home use. obl. 8°. U8 198 Dannenburg, G: [‘‘Golo Raimund.” ] From hand to hand: a novel; from the Germ. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. 129 ’82.*541 $1.50.......Luppincott. — New race: aromance; from the Germ. by Mrs. A. Te Waster. 120. 780i) GiLe2o~. 0. Lippincott. Dante Aligheri. Inferno; tr. by H: F. Cary; ill. with designs of Doré. New ed., with notes, | life of Dante, and chronology. f°. [’82.]°° $6; Full MOM ol Onicisas se o's 00 CUSSELL Be Ged: Co: — Purgatory and Paradise; tr. by H: F. Canyen we with the designs .of Doré. New ed., with notes. f°. [’83.]®8 $6; full mor., $10.. Cassell. — The vision; or, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise; tr. by H:F. Cary. 16°. 780.4 50c. ...Am. Bk. Exc. Same. (ovell’s lib.) 12°. ’84.8 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. Danvers, F. C. India. (Spon’s information for co- lonial engineers.) 8° (’77.]*) $1.75...Spon. | D’Anvers, N. (pseud.) See Bell, N. R. E. | Daphne. Booth, Mrs. O. $1.25; 60c...-Lippincott. | Daphne stories. Lynnde, E. 6 box, $1.75..Am. Tr. Daphne’s championship, by the author of A cunning woman; [also] The marriage plate. (People’s libs); 4°: 789 028 pap:, LOC. 2.55. serie Ogilvie. | Darby, J: (pseud.) See Garretson, J. E. Darby, J: F. Personal recollections. 12°. ’81.477 ae | G. I. Jones. | Dare. (Glascocks Mo Wi S125. 2.206. o0 Cal. Pub. | ) DAUDET Daring voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Andrews, Witt Ax) Sills cc « Roieieisi ore e lel eicleie) icine ee Dutton. Dark colleen. See Jay, H. Dark inheritance. See Hay, M. C. Dark marriage morn. Clay, B. M. 20c....-.. Ogilvre. Dark night’s work. Gaskell, Js. E.C. 10c.. Munro. Dark noight’s business. (Acting drama.) 12°. pap., VB rere oer oe clleiroi cies caclerolore plolete) viciete sieve Roorbach. Darkest before dawn, by the author of The ice carni- val; [also] A child of the streets. (People’s lib:)) 4°) 28-22 paps, LOC cies etre Ogilvie. Darley, Felix 0. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. Newissue. (Holiday ed.) 8°. TS eood Soi gilt, $2.50. (Tourist’s ed.) bds., $1.50.. Lstes. Darling, Mfrs. Flora Adams. Mrs. Darling’s letters; or, memories of the civil war. (Lovell’s lb.) 16°. [784.]*8 $1; pap., 20c...-.- J: W. Lovell. Darling, Ma. G. Battles at home. ill. 12°. [’77.]°% iets wie: co ciwiee cl ole cd mie pc as 0 ee cele S eierne siecle LO CEINT IOS =Jnthe world. il. 12° (777.)¢ MeN EO Roc Lee & S. Darling, W: , and Ranney, Ambrose L. Essentials of anatomy. ill. 8°. 7’80.%° $4..... ..- Putnam. Darnley. James, G:P. R. 20c. ...--+ +e eed Wunro. Darrell, Joyce. Sapphire cross; [also] The wife’s se- cret, by B. M. Clay. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°5 pap., NOYesnaac sn OORDDO DAOt UO bOOOo sees MUN O- — Winnifred Power. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’84.8° pap., AV Gris eres pisleiele we ok Gea aed © W. Lovell. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap.,20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 12°. 784.83! pap., 20c..-MMunro. Darrell Markham. See Maxwell, JIfrs. M. E. Dart, J: Companion to the prayer-book psalter. 12°. 784[783].*822 G1 ....--.- 22-00 eee Whittaker Darton, J. M. Heroism of Christian women of our own time. 12° ’82[’81].*°!% $1.50 ... Carter. Dartt,Ma. On the plains, and among the peaks; how Mrs. Maxwell made her nat. hist. coll, ill. 169°. 279.352 Sls pap., 50c..-.- oeee-Glation. KR. & A: Darwin, C: Rob. Different forms of flowers in plants of thesame species. ill. 12° [’77.]?°* $6. Scribner, W. & A. —— same. V2 lait. \ou2 SBilED Oqerere eters crouens Appleton. — Effect of cross and self fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. 120 ([7.\e82 Boe i. ou Appleton. — Essay on instinct. See Romanes, G. — Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. 12° ’82[7’81].*°!7 $1.50...- Appleton. — Origin of species. 2 pts. (Humboldt lib.) 8°. 784. €A., DAP-, LOC... 00 - weer ce eee weee ee Fitzgerald. — Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects. 2ded., rev. ill. 120°. [77.2 $1.20. Appleton. — Darwinism stated by Darwin himself; sel. and arr. by N. Sheppard. 12°. ’84.*8 $1.50....Appleton. — What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship ‘‘ Beagle.” ill. and maps. sq. 8°. 280) [EMO es BB iin cn oie ois se cine = a elsinie Harper. —and Fs. Power of movement in plants. ill. 12°. BOM ALD IGS Die eiave i elec clinic oie -1s ele.cicr- ..--- Appleton. Darwin; or, Godin nature. Ormsby, R.McK. 75c. Masonve. Darwiniana. Gray, A. $2...............Appleton. | Darwinism in morals. Cobbe, F. P. $2.....-- Ellis. Daryl, Philippe. Public life in England; tr. by H: Frith and rev. by the author. 12°. (784. ]*°* S15 pap., 50C.-... .2 ee cece cece ee eee Routledge. Dassler, C. F. W. Compiled laws; [also] General statutes. See Kansas, Legislature. — Digest of decisions; [also] Reports. See Kansas, Sup. Court. D’Aubigné, J. H. Merle. See Aubigné. Daudet, Alph. L’évangéliste: Parisian novel; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 16% (783.]*°°! $1.25; WEN hy (leh 0000 5000 60400 0000 cG00 dodoKc Peterson.POSER eae Pe D1 ) QT rT DAUDE'’ O' DAVIS Daudet, A e ere Tien oer et, Iph., » continued. David Fleming’s forgiveness. Robeson: M.M. $1.25 — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°°8 pap., 10c.. Munzo i | Rand phe — Jack. (Cobweb ser. ) 120 77 280 81 50 Estes. | D : - ; «48 x : EOD: ‘ Cen c o olhls $1.50 ..Hstes. avid Kent’s ambition. Cragin, Jfs. M. A. $1 — Same. (Seaside lib. 49. pap., 10c. - Munro Cong. Pil rae RC rwilae "ys > Tra : > : “ nes BO ile from the J rench by v. Cc shi implin. | David Saunders, the shepherd boy of Salisbury plain. i 12°. OU" 1 ee pap., OUC. »-++.-6- -.Lee & S. 12°. |°76. Ee iD) ON Gira «sie (ola a) holies (a/shei 0: elele Nelson — same. Seasit e lib. {0, yA Oe VWs . r : ° : : Be TR pond toe: Sie hua PtP) Lc: De ea lunro.| David Upton. See Mathews, J. H. Jim’s make up. attle good-for-nothing: from the French by M. N a5, ys J Sherwood. (Cobweb ser.) 16°. 78.39 $1.50 David's little lad. See Smith, Ms. L. T. Tisiee. Davids, T.W. Rhys. Buddhism. (Non-Christian relig. — My brother Jack; or, the story of what d’ye call’em; systems.) 18°. (ieee S25)... out, Y4 oy Co. L e call’em; L tr: by L. Ford. ill: ‘sq. 8°. (?77. ]3 S92 50. — Lectures on the origin and growth of religion ill. by Lippincott. some points in the hist. of Indian Buddhism. — Nabob; from the French by L. H. Hooper. (Cob- 82. 782.9 200. - 20 oe ee ever voce - Putnam. : web ser.) 16°. [’78. 314 BB Ove ccc cee Estes. | Davidson, Ellis A The boy joiner and model-maker. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. -....Munro. (Great lesson ser. ) ill. 8°. [°83.]® Sl... Cassell. . : : Se : : : — Num: R re an; from the French by V. Champlin. | Davidson, J. Morrison. Eminent English Liberals in ’ Hos a PL oc ce ec ee nae cece ees Lee § S. and out of Parliament. 12°. ’80.*#8 $1.25 — Same; from the French by J. Abarbanell. (People’s Osgood } \ Ao 519 . . ° es ae - : Ss! lL. : lib.) £0) 61 oe DADs 10c..----- (ekerelate Ogilvie. Davidson, T: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 12°. —— Sa be by L. E. Kendall. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 289 .*54T = ap., 2OC.- +22 eee oon Little, B. & Co. SL SO they. IQ, sscosccagccougos cace WV ° ee er : : : eh pal ‘ oe : ule. lunro.| Davidson, T:F. Table of cases. See Indiana, Sup. — Prodigious adventures of Tartarin of Tarascon; from 1 RS = s : s : a3 Court of Judicature. the French by S. Minot. 16°. 800 eer Sl : Sa : DAD BOCs sacs Soke Gaec cee eee osieas Eos Davies, B: Compendious and complete Hebrew and == Sidonies [29 [iia|e2 S150 -- Wetes Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament; with Eng. | | Pee re D Oe aiera nin ells sere Ustes. : za Pd sgeiehe — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c Wunro Hebrew index; rev. by E: C. Mitchell. 8°. °79.*%° _Tartarin of Tarascon. See above Prodigious ad- GRAND) Oya nieve ciel cicioies cil ieleiel wleelel fe) cl ova letes Aieiarareus (6 Draper. ventures. Davies, C: Elements of surveying and levelling; rev. i : = ; ) rea 621 = Daudet, Ernest. Henriette: fragments from the diary by Ds H. Van Amringe o co) sbp:, of the Marquis de Boisguerny. (Franklin Sq. PLC ciceoss oh ce ors remot See cae ek Bes lib.) 4°. °78.337 pap., 10c. une, | Davies, C: M. Mystic London; phases of occult ie in pa} = ke rper. fos . Z : — [and others]. French celebrities, as seen by theit the British metropolis. 8°. [’76.]"" $1. contemporaries: brief biog. of Frenchmen of Lovell, Ad., W. J co. our day; tr. by EF. W. Potter. Standard lib Davies, Cp. The ‘“‘ Swan” and her crew; adventures 1D, (ERR LIPOE jotine ies cococcaapaccod Rinks of three young naturalists and sportsmen on the Daugé, H: (pseud.) See Hammond, Jf-s. E. broads and rivers of Norfolk. eng. 12°. [’77.]™™ se : ett eee a aly $2.50 : pane W.& A. Daugherty, M. and others). Revised statutes. . - 7 . : See Ohio. General Asse me Davies, Gerald S. Angelo and Stella: story of [talian : oe fisher life. ill 169 779.4% OE. .- Whittaker. Daughter of an Egyptian king bers, G: . . . : oc ghte or in Egyptian king. Ebers, G: dream; story of a.p. 362 We) Oo: Daughter of Heth. See Black, W: [°76.]?97 $ eee eee Pott, Y. § Co. Daughter of Russia. Turgénieff, I. 10c. .-. Munro. | — St. Paul in Greece. 16°. [’79. ] . Pott, Y. § Co. Daughter of the Philistines. Boyesen, H. H. $1. Davies, J. See Collins, W:L. Ane. classics. Roberts.| Davies, R. N. ‘Treatise on justification. 16°. 78.357 Daughter of the stars. Brooks, C:S. 15c. Roorbach. Spi siaicrelahe) elnlesereresoieial= Hitchcock § W.; Nelson rs P. Daughters of Armenia. Wheeler, S.A. 90c. Am. Tr. Davis, And. J. Views ofour heavenly home; sequel to % = Be S Ve n]loary ANT > ry.) ¢ 90 2 326 Daunt, Achilles. Frank Redcliffe: story of travel and ote llar key MO the summer-land. 12°. [’78. | adventure in the forests of Venezuela. ill. 129°. UD Cos) DADs; DUCE we cre inital ckchareioe sleneelele eke Colby. IQ OMROLL, TON ()) ncreisimieiele (= aleve) ereielsisie Nelson. | Davis, Angela K. Wesley and early Methodism: hist. — The three trappers: story of adventure in lane wilds text-book for church lyceums and students. 16°. ~ NX > Ste 9 : 12 P. ) of Canada. ill. 16°. 82.*565 1.50... Nelson. 84.6 SOCK <6 as ew lele) a cles YP OtIOO Oc Phillip s § Hi . r cI : > ‘ : 7 i \ € rT} » aw ] shales »97re 20 032 Daurignac, J. W.S. History of the Society of Jesus: Davis, ©. Ke. he _law in Shakespeare. 12°. Oe tr. from the French by J. Clements; with app. p> 2; shp., $2.50. ---essesece recs cece afore ore WESE- to 1877. 2d ed., rev. 2v.in1l. 12° ['78.]*!| Davis, Mrs. Caro. E. K. Dotty’s picture library. 6 vy. GOUR()) 5 oo ctev ietela eoieve iss ier oleic tnleie cielo Murphy. il. 189 [278i 922° Bl-8O .- cece vs cene Lothrop. Davenport, Alfr. Camp and field life of the 5th N. Y. Cont. : Rose’s dream. — Dotty. — Netty’s Christmas party. — Vol. Inf: untry (Durye asi Zouaves).; L20 Anotc! Billy’s good friend. — Brave D«¢ mnald. — Benny the newsboy see Aa Siete sie eave Sie: ol eile leie-el Svea rae cee leverai _ Dick. | — Fireside talks ; stories on the Commandments. 16°. . ‘ . [?76, 124° Toe eeovevoooeoeneacenee nee eoreevevee ¢ fe Davenport, Amzi B. Supplement to the hist. and 4 EGO rane Oe Jan ev { i genealogy of the Davenport family in Eng. and| _ Miss Benedict's way. 16°. ole Pe cea salle America, 1086-1876. eng. 12% ([777.]2"° $4 _ Picture and story, for boys; short stories. 16°. , oe Cee al (°78. ]*5° $1. — Same, for girls. 16°. $1.Lothrop. Davenport, Emma. Happy holidays; or, brothers and | Davis, C: HH: (ed.) Narr ative of the North Polar os : < - . 39 rr e409 PK is . N ce 22 0 77 28 sisters at home. 4th thous. 169. [’79.]**#° 50c. | pedition: U. S. ship Polaris. te Your ee Dutton, | Gov. Po. — Vain ambition; or, only a girl. ill. 16°. 79,407 ‘S0c.| — and Rae, Fk. B. Handbook of electrical diagrams Whittaker. and connections. 2d ed. pl. obl. 8°. [77.}™ Davenport, J: I. Election frauds of N. Y. city and their DZ seeceer recs eels mterateresciey celine nic: Van Nostrand. prevention. 16°. ’81.*%* $1.50 . Am. News.| Davis, C: H. S. Manual for the training and educa- Davenport Dunn. Lever, C: 2pts. ea., 20c..- Munro. | tion of the feeble-minded, imbecile, and idiotic. A : : DIGI OH Gi ctenser Bo cia apeiialaie erm sse . Sterger David, Lady. See Navery, M. de S8. ie 88. oe : : : ood, David : Se hed E klin S |_. The voice as a musical instrument; with medical avi Armstrong ; or, yefore the dawn. (Franklin 5q. hints as to its training and culture. 283 6ll 40c, libs)! 405 @80iees | pape LOC Tirana ciel. Harper. Ditson. (@: 2Z0C..» 6 David Copperfield. See Dickens, David Elginbrod. Macdonald, G 13. (Sept. 84.) . Munro. | | Davis, Edn. A. sembly. Statutes. See Indiana, General As-DAVIS Qs DAYTON Davis, Eliz. A. Snip and Whip, and some other boys. TE. 169; (enGeece GRO Dinperceiore nie sieleiuis Lee § S. | Davis, G: L. Samuel Davis, of Oxford, Mass., and Jos. Davis, of Dudley, Mass., and their descend- ants: 80) 7841828) Se oe a scie sree G: LDL. Davis. Davis, G: W. Treatise on orange culture and other citrus fruits. 783.84 50c. ..---+. {shmecad Bros. Davis, Ireneus P. Hygiene for girls. 16°. OD o le RTD nc sic 6 eee = 6.0 n eiataveteteieialelelaliciel elekeietd {ppleton. 7 . . yD ’ | > 0 Davis, J. A. Chinese slave-girl. ill. 16°. [’80.]** RTA Oc cicce cvareio. oie siniiel eis) ole cle siecle) eieje.s el Presb. Bd. — Rescue the drunkard, and other dialogues. 16°. PERRY pap., Py Che cece. cee INGE Le mp. — Tom Bard, and other Nortonville boys. ill. 16°. [’838. HOUSES TROD) Stores stele < clalesele 1s esis) ers Presb. Bd. Davis, Jefferson. Rise and fall of the Confederate gov- ernment. 2v. por. and maps. 8°. ’81.7°7 ea., $5; shp., $6; hf. tky., $7; fulltky., $10....App/eton. | Davis, J:C. B. Reports. See United States, Sup. Court. Davis, J: W. Formula for the calculation of railroad Rg excavation and enbankment, ill. 8° [’76. |*° pap., Sl....-- eeee eeeeees Rieisie ee Van Nostrand. —— Vine > IPrmiRe ilaoocssaceodnocac Gilliss. Davis, L. Clarke. The stranded ship: story of sea and shore. (Knickerbocker novels.) sq. 16°. °81." 1; pap., 60e. Same. Hudson lib. 10-28 002 PAP+, ZOC. soc ces cervccerscccrcceceres Putnan. Davis, Leopold. Strange occurrences. 12°. ’80.*4 7 Sl - pap., 5) () Orn ints lovelies nielelclel overs ciereleiecs cle Bess¢ r. Davis, Lucius D. Improving the farm. 12°. 780.7 Ge eyove ore ereicue oie cic cnGieiele oe Davis & P.; | Williams. | Davis, Miriam K. Maggie Pollard’s sacrifice. 16°. 783, «629 OR ayers oicke ico) lal o re sunicie oye ere ele LIULUa UD: Davis, Noah. Intemperance and crime. 12°. ’79.*97) pap., 10C. ...--s seen wcceseeecees Nat. Temp. itise on deduc- Davis, Noah K. Theory of thought: tre tive) logics So sSOrssst Son. . . Harper. Davis, Reb. Harding. salaechi brothers. See Stories by American authors. — Jiaw unto herself. 8° ([’78.]8!© $1; pap., 50c. Lippincott. Davis, Reb. I. Gleanings from Merrimac Valley. por. 240, 7S. 28 TD Chcleroie -ee+e-+ Hoyt, LGD: Davis, T: J. Sketch of the life, character, and public services of T: Jefferson. 16°. ['76.]? : Claxton, R. & H. Davis, W.S. Alcoholic liquors in the practice of medi- cine. 12°. 78] .292 pap., OCs eicersecreIVOte Le np. Davis, W:F. Saint Indefatigable: sketch of the life of Amarancy Paine Sarle. 12°. ’83.°4 75c. Lothrop. Davis, W: Morris. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and torna- does. (Sci. ser.) ill. 24°. ’84.*44 50c... Deed S. Davis, W: T. Ancient landmarks of Plymouth. maps. 8°, 783, *585 »6 S$] Davis, Woodhull W. Manual of suggestions for teach- ing fractions. (School bul. pub.) 16°. ’80.*479 pap., OP Cllereteieieeieiceretn se hee belt oie bee Cieaee Bardeen. Dawe,C.S. Landmarks of modern hist. (Ser. of school hist.) ill. withmaps. 16°. [’76.]*4° $1.. Putnam. Dawes, Mrs. S. E. Rosebud mission band: [stories]. Gy BIE i Baas Gah oHS Dee GeAne Gannett. Davinotloves “heuriet, A. 50. .5c..--- Roorbach. Dawson, Ja. Australian aborigines. sm. 4°. 781.507 | Sp Decree el sie 5 ci cyt asicio seo eic stasis mone ie «++» Macmillan. Dawson, Ja. A. Code of civil procedure. See Colo- rado, General Assembly. Dawson, J: W: Acadian geology. 38d ed., with geol. map. roy. 8°. [7’78.]3%3 $6.... Van Nostrand. — Facts and fancies in modern science: relation of | science to prevalent speculations and religious | beliete alls W295 (Soh es40! Ob. Amn. Bapt. — Origin of the world according to revelation and sci- CNC Cr Miiiet| ese | Ghai csc) oyels1 so ole LONDEN: SAS es sieve eciare «sisi eatele i eieees Williams. |Dawson, S. E. Copyright in books: insight into its origin, and account of the present state of the law in Canada. 8°. ’82.*55! pap., Joc. ..- Dawson. es of Tennyson’s — A study with crit. and expl. not *969 S)] 25.. Dawson. poem, The princess. 16°. *82.* == Same. 2dedi 120; 2648848) Ob). ca. OUSOMN. Dawson, W.W. ‘Treatise on stone inthe bladder. pl. So. 280: S323 leath.. Sond. G. Lhomson. Day, E: Parsons (comp.) Day’s collacon: encyclo- pedia of prose quotations. por. 4°. 784,.*68? hf. mor., $12; full mor., $15; rus. leath., $20. Int. Pr. & Pub. Day, H: From the Pyrenees to the Pillars of Hercules : Spain, its hist. and its people. 12°. ’83.*°97 $1.50. Putnam. Day, H: N. Ontology. 12°. [’79.] $1.75.. Putnam. Day, Lal Behari. Folk-tales of Bengal. 12°. 783.5 Ss] Svalelolelel eres e\'s(eeela'n les els siaje) a lee sie sisi is Macmillan. — Recollections of Alexander Duff, and the mission college in Caleutta. 8° 7’79.%°5 $1.50..WNelson. Day, R: E. lLinesinthe sand. 12° ([°78.]§ $1.25. de pe: Roberts. — Thor: drama, representative of human history. 16°. 2805203" naps. DOCk scm c Ge teamed Te Roverts: Day, T: History of Sandford and Merton; corr. and rev. by ©. Hartley. Newed:. ill. 12° [781.5% SOUL sini er sie -.-.-- Routledge. $1.50. —— Same, Alls V20 [ees ieee ail. 20 ow. ni. <1 Routledge. — Same. (Young people’s lib.) ill. 4°. °82.°%4 pap., D(C escrow erelolarelo clelinic wicletr vice cls akersi ies Routledge. — Same ; in words of one syllable. col. ill. 4°. [’77.]?” hf Dds. WDCo ence cece tere ele cies ee McLoughlin. Day, T: Reports. See Connecticut, Sup. Court of Hrrors. Day, W: The race-horse in training; with hints on racing and racing reforms. 8° 7’80.*°4 $6.40. Scribner XY W. Day, W: H: Diseases of children. 2d ed., rewritten and enl. 8 781.*487 $5; shp., $6..-Blakiston. — Headaches: their causes and treatment. 12°. [’77.]?” SDD vere ci eielele e clerejeieisl< ose L indsay & Blakiston. — Same. 4th ed., rev. Octavo ser. of stand. med. books.) 8°. 783.°%° $1.25; pap., 7dc..-- Blakiston. Day dawn lib. 10v. sm. 4°. "79. $2.50..Routledge. Cont. : Kind little heart. — Mama’s little pet. — Happy pet. — Red rover. — Baby boy’s picture book. -- Little sugar plum. — Household fairy. — Little Ann’s picture book.— Nursery pleas- ures. — Happy playtime. Day in the woods: [poems]. Colesworthy, D. C. 7ic. Cupples. Day of fate. Roe, E. P. $1.50 ..........--5. Dodd. Day of first communion. 32°. ’80. pap., 25c... Benziger. Day of my life; or, every-day experiences at Eton; by a present Eton boy. sq. 16°. [?77.]°% $1; pap., BOGE corer sie s1viore eieielele crpic(eielereteieies G: R. Lockwood. Day unto day: an illuminated diary. sq. 16°. [’78.]%! DO Civein ie clels) «)niefeieiecimiple Ce ener es cece ec ces - Nelson. Day with a demon. Wright, Mrs. J. McN. 40c. Nat. Temp. Daybreak. Dorr, J.C. BR. 60c¢.......... Randolph. | Dayre, Sydney. The queer little wooden captain; [also] The little lost girl. (Mnchanted lib. for young folks.) sq. 16°. 79.99? 90c...Authors’. Day’s pleasure, and other contributions of Q. Q. Tay- LOD is lic reracte - eisio erent ele aisreie cle ol ore Carter. Dayisiride: Weyer, Cr 26.6 ieee eee cues oe Munro. Days, L: Foreman. Every-day art: short essays on the arts not fine. ill. 8° 782.579 $3. Scribner & W. Days and nights with Jesus. Hoffman, C: F: $2.. Pott. Days with great authors. Jerrold, W: B. $2. hk. Worthington. | Dayspring. Marshall, Is. E. $1.50. ..-... Carter. Dayton, Abram C. Last days of Knickerbocker life in New York. por. 16°. ’82.%538 $1.25.. Harlan.DAYTON 9 Dayton, Laura C. S:; Beth. 189 [778.2% 85¢: | A. Brentano. | — lTissie: romance in rhyme. sq. 12°. ’78.3 pap., OOH crctciciciniieiat csi epeiwnave Wie Rie nebo woes [ A. Bre ntano. | Dayton, Laura H. The willows. 16°. 779.39 $1. Am. Bapt. Deacon Cranky. Guirey, G: $1.50........ Authors’. Deacon's daughter. Wells, L. F. $1..... Am. Bapt. | Dead guest. Zschokke, H. VWOCKe een cece cies Wunvro. Dead heart. Clay, BoM. J0¢:<.....-.... 6. Munro. Dead men’s shoes. Maxwell, Ws. M. E. 10c... Munro. Dead-Sea fruit. Maxwell, Jf-s. M. E. Dead secret. See Collins, W: W. Dead shot: farce. drama. Dean, Amos. The British constitution. 16°. $1 20e... Munro. B. See New York Buckstone, J. 2Q *597 « 2 vo. Dean, B: A. Bible temperance catechism : concert exercise for Sunday-schools, 16°. etc. | 782. | ad PAP., DC. +e cece nee . Nat. Temp. Dean, J: W. Sketch of the life of W: Blanchard Towne. 16°. [’78.]*! pap., 2oc. WV. H. Hust. Gen. Deane, Margery (pseud.) Sce Pitman, dfs. M. J. Dean’s daughter. Gore, fs. C. G. 20c. J: W. Lovell. Dean’s wife. See Eiloart, Mis. C. J. Dear Lady Disdain. McCarthy, J. AYO, n590c ° Mun VO. Dear oldstories. Miller, Is. J. A. 6v. ea.,15¢e. Am. Tr. Dear old stories told once more. Miller, IMs. J. A. SSR Dict cite oustelavel cinieledelelclsiele:cureValersl ieinicle(clsiats Am. Tr. Dearly bought. Burnham, C. L. $1 Sumner. Death and beyond. Hayden, H.C. $1.. Baker, P. § Co. Death of death; God’s holiness in connection with the existence of evil; by an orthodox layman. 12°. ar iets 7 CWP) Gs aadondadcon ca00KdG Randolph & EH. Debenham’s vow. Edwards, A. B. 20c. . Munro. Debit and credit. Freytag, G. 2 pts. ea., 20c. Munro. Deborah; or, the Jewish maiden’s wrong: drama. Mosenthal, S. H. See New York drama. Debussi, Vather. Month of May. ’79. Cath. Pub. Decameron. Boccaccio, G. Deceivers ever. Decima’s promise. Decisive events. Archer, T. Declaration of Independence: Spi lievereteia: weir 50e. Cameron, Js. H. L. A. $1.75. 30c..- Harper. Giberne, 2D) ore cloves Cassell, P., G. & Co. apoem. Martin, J. H. mets ate Claxton, Eee Oe Decorative sisters. Pollard, J. $1.50....Randolph. De Cordova,—. Mrs. Fizzlebury’s new girl; ill. by C. B. Canton. sq. 16°. [’78.]*°4 pap., 50c. Carleton. De Courtney, —. lLady’s and gentleman’s book of toilette and etiquette. 16°. [’77.]?°! pap., 10c. De Witt. Decrow, W. EF. Yale, and the cityofelms. ill. sm. > IQ 529 82.°* 4°, De Doss, P. A. The pearl among the virtues; words of advice to Christian youth; tr. from the Germ. by a Cath. priest. 16°. [777.]?8! 75c.5 $1.. Murphy. Deeds of daring. Kelsey, D. M. .50; $3 ; >. pila) tevaneverers torevelel efallele aie -- Williams. subs., $2 St Scammell. Maearthy, «. De Witt. Deeds of darkness: Hi de: Deems, C: F. Homealtar. 3d ed. 12°. ’8).4°4 Ethiop. extravaganza. — Hymns for all Christians. 16°. [’80.] $1.. Crowell. — Jesus 8°. [’80. ] OBL Caoddada0 0000 dotiC Crowell. — Lesson in the closet. 2ded. (Standard ser.) 12°. (782. )* 210 ADs ZC.» cil en em sieirie mielsne eel Funk. — No room for Jesus. 16°. [’80.] 40c...... Crowell. — Weightsand wings. sq. 16°. [’78. ]°!8 $1.50... Mucklow. — The Deems birthday book; arr. by S. K. Hunt. por. ork Hep EG Ci malt, Cll On nopeaoodod Funk. — and Perkins, Thdr. E. Coronation hymns and songs; for prayer and praise meetings. 12°. ieee DUS OD Cae sim eiae a) oie) «aol sic ... Barnes. | Defenders of the faith. MacCoun. | temperance | $2.75..R. Worthington. | Carter. | 75e.. Funk. | OQ DE GRAFF Deems, Fk. M. WHand-book of urinary analysis. 12°. Oi eiS) tlexe Cl 250s cermc secre a cyciere Indust. Deep down. Ballantyne, R. M. 20c. ...J: W. Lovell. Deephaven. Jewett, S.O. $1.25.......... Osgood. Deering, Ma. S. Average boy’s vacation. (Forest @ity sex) UG2. [ene a|e. Sil cc occ Dresser — Phil, Rob, and Louis; or haps and mishaps of three average boys. (Horest City ser.) 16°. [777.]?% SpE toere= sellers cin sleise) os sloletolelrerers) ela crete Dresser. | Deerslayer. Cooper, J. BF. 20c....-....... « Munro. Defence of Rome and other poems. Myers, E. $1.75. Macmillan. $1.... Putnam. 0tt, V6 GO: (Frank- Defence of the bride. AG Watson, F. Defoe, Dan. Journal of the pl: LON? Green, 75¢c. vzue in London. TQ *374 lin Sq. lib.) (9). pap., 10c. .. Harper. — Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. New ed. Us impss® (eee aor oe Cassell, Be &. & Go: — Same. ill. 12°. TQS IED BIG ci cis oratsvcs oosye bre Crowell. — Same: ill. by T. Stothard. (Classic ser.) 16°. PBB OlS) Re as ciate e otereiey sue AO CO OD OORC Roberts. — Same; ill. by J. D. Watson. New ed. sq. 8°. (782. ] F009 SOs Ses sileD Oise sea ercreiee Routledge. — Same. (Franklin §q. lib.) 4° Sco pap, 20c- Harper. — Same. (Young people’s lib.) ill. 4°. 82.544 pap., IY, gaan cine ale) cieiciela.e Routledge. Sane = ; ed. for schools by W. H. Lambert. (Classics 12°. 4 bds’.. 300. =. Gin. ; fac-simile reprint of the first ed. pub. in 1719; for children ) 283. 5° Same introd. by A. Dobson. 12°. ’83.°78 $4. Scribner & W. — Same; with mem. and ill. in photograph after T. Stothard. oY, 781.909 SRS rereaecey acs ace Sertbne PAX: Wz Same; with mem., notesandetchings. (Old Eng. ro- mances.) 2v. 12° 782.°%% $6..Scrrbner § W. — Same; in words of one syllable. col. ill. [’76.]?°° DOSS TID Cs crecccre o cccteit wie nici clsia Sis islet McLaughlin. — Same; by M. A. Schwacofer: il; i20. [7s8zryress Oi Dds DOCH = crise sere Cassell, P., G. & Co. De Forest, J: W. Bloody chasm: a novel. 16°. FQ DUS UNE ec cis teiciele saison niicie S «+eee+s Appleton. Same, with title: The oddest of courtships; or, the bloody chasm. New cheap ed. 12° 782.549 pap, MUOws pace THoncoooNooe noOCdG nn . Appleton. — Inspired lobbyist. See Stories by American authors. | — Kate Beaumont: a novel; New issue. 8° (7/78. ]24 | pap., FOC... - ee eee re cree cece Siaratetay eich Estes. De Forest, Julia B. Short history of art. ill. 8°. | 9 ONT ca ROCC) Ree an cparcveleicraleielete a cee Sa eens Dodd. |— Same, with title: A brief outline of the hist. of art. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 32°. 782. pap., 10c. | Phillips § H. | De Garmo, W: B. Dance of society: analysis of the standard quadrilles, round dances, figures of le cotillion (the German), ete. 2d ed., rey.; ill. by ae Wausts «32: $1.25; pap., 75c. A. Brentano. Institute song budget; coll. of 7 9 370 De Graff, E.V. (comp. ) songs and music for schools. ill. 16°. [’77.]?8 | bds., 50c.; pap., Ldc...-...--..-5e- - Bardeen. | — Pocket pronunciation-book. (Schoolbul. pub.) 24°. | 27Q | 186 pap., Le) Cote aitereyel ae sare a clerelaleaiee Bardeen. | — Practical phonics : ciation. comprehensive study of pronun- (School bul. pub.) por. 16. Boe (OS valiel aimileia)/@ alee) a, aie)e/ee!(s/e)\e/e) «)s) (4070) 010.0) ¥).0).e)e, Bardeen. — School-room chorus: songs for public and private schools. sq. 16°. [’78.]°*? 35c...Davis, B. § Co. — School-room exercise-book for written spelling: pri- mary department. 28-85 paps Loc: Appleton. NGOs (Sea e42 ZOU Sq. 0°. — School-room guide. ed., j RTO) are crete oie e 6) cele aietelelaleisicle Davis, B. & Co. —and Smith, M. K. Development lessons for the senses on size, form, place, plants and insects. 190, °83,808 4. Lovell. rev. 83 $1.4DEHARBE Deharbe, Jos. Catechism of the Catholic religion ; from the Germ.; rev., with add., by an Am. eccle- siastic. 16°. 777 8,351 bds., S00. 8... Oath: Pub. — Large catechism; tr. by a father of the Soc. of Jesus, from the Germ. ed. 12°. 782.53 bds., 30c. Benziger. bds., 20c...Benziger. 3 — Smallecatechism. 12°. ’82.°°3 De Hass, Fk. S. Recent travels and explorations in sible Jands; ill. with new maps and original eng. | 80, °80.*444 $2.50; hf. rus., $3.50.. Phillips § H. Deirdré. Joyce,R. D. $1.....-..----.---- Roberts. De Kay,C: [‘ I: Barnaval.”] The Bohemian: tragedy of modern life. 16°. [’78. ]* 363 S1. Scribner’s Sons. — Hesperus, and other poems. 12°. 780.**** $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. — Love poems of Louis Barnaval. 12°. 783.*°!9 $1.50. Appleton. — Vision of Esther: sequel to The vision of Nimrod. 12°, 789 543 OWL Wed G66 O00 Dood GODDODY {ppleton. — Vision of Nimrod: oriental romance. 12°. 782.7% SRD Oierencrcheivisialeceislelsicisv«slejel/ellsin sipicle ulcers Appleton. De Koven, J: Dorchester polytechnic academy, Dr Neverasole, principal. 12°. ’79.4.4 $1.25; pap., | By) Ce efetotcrccoir cis) cio eine) eleiolele s]o esis cisivie= Morehouse. | — Sermons: introd. by M. Dix. por. 12°. ’80 [’79].*** SD) siciec eicinie cia vie e's) alalcir) eleiere is, e/a/e aleve Appleton. Delafield, Fs. Studies in pathological anatomy. v. 1. pl. Sor 289500 hE njor.. R20. . soccer eu ce WOOG. — Same. v. 2. pt.1: Broncho-pneumonia. pl. 8°. 283.024" DADs, pices ccc ccsine cers -oneceee Wood. — and Stillman, C: FE AOr Boos Delafield, Julia. Biographies of Francis Lewis and Morgan Lewis. 2v. 12°. [778.]%° pap., $2. Randolph. Delamater, La Fayette. Genealogy of the Delamater family. 89. 782.259 85 wn... soe v ne one Munsell. Delamotte, Philip H: Hand-books of practical art. Sce Wheatley, H: B., and Delamotte, P. H: Delany, Mrs. Ma. Granville. Autobiography and cor- respondence; rev. from Lady Llanover’s ed., and : a3 ed. by 8: C. Woolsey. 2yv. por. 12°. 19.% . Manual of physical diagnosis. Delaumosne, J’ Abbé. Art of oratory; system of Del- sarte; from the French by F. A. Shaw. ill. 12°. QD «562 UD Ztavciolle letersi atelsiietel sl crateic cs bieletciciuiinie Werner. — and Arnaud, Angelique. Art of oratory; system of Delsarte, from the French; [also] Essay on the attributes of reason by F. Delsarte. 2ded._ ill. DOr eee Ie Oiaia cassie iaiolais\els eielereinic(s)se Werner. Delaware, Cowrt of Chancery. Reports. v. 2-4. 3v. 5°. "78 78.4 317-639 e@a., shp., MO. PD: ae W. Johnson. Cont.: v. 2 (33-65), by D. M. Bates. — vy. 3, 4 (’66—73), by G: H. Bates. — General Assembly. Laws, 1877-1883. v. 15, pt.2, to Wee pts ls 4 vy 82; “i 83.°-" ea pap:, al-o0: Kirk ; State. De Leon, Edn. The Khedive’s Egypt; or, the old house of bondage under new masters. ill. 12°. (are) e® SHLD Oeiernisielapeis c cists cs clere cine Harper. — Same, with title: Egypt under its Khedives; or, the old house of bondage under new masters. (Frank- lin Sq. lib.) ill. 4°. ’82.*555 pap., 20c.-.. Harper. De Leon, Néstor Ponce. Diccionario teenolégico, In- glés-Espanol y Espanol-Inglés. pts. 1, 2. 4°. Oden! «CAD AD as OUCH cle sie eae selene ere De Leon. De Leon, Stuart. Berea; or, the C. and M. CG. Rail- road. (Satchel ser.) sq. 16. ’79.°84 pap., 40c. Authors’. Deleuze, J. P. F. Practical instruction in animal mag- netism; tr. by T: C. Hartshorn. Rey. ed., with apps Of notes: 120% 279.4878" GO cine Wells: Melioia Butt BoMe. Rita one ee oe HTolt, Déliée, Felix J. Franco-American cookery-book; or, how to live well and wisely every day in the year. 8°, ’84,%*642 BA rc urns oe bo UE OT. Ge ehe eaiaiele els elelicisjicicioree(escielcrevstr Wood. | 100 DEMOSTHENES tr. | De Liefde, J: B. Maid of Stralsund; story of the thirty years’ war. cr. 8°. ['76.]??° $1.50. Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. |— Same. (Dollar novels.) 12°. 83. $1 ...-Dodd. | Delightful days; stories of Am. life and adventure, by Am. authors and artists. ill. 8°. [783.)*%2 dss led Ole ere se eric sein sere Sec eerciere or Lothrop. Delitzsch, Franz. Jewish artisan life in the time of Jesus; depicted after the most ancient sources; from the Germ. by P. C. Croll. (Fatherland ser.) 16°. 783.*8) 40c..-.-.<....- Luth. Pub. — Same ; tr. from the 3d rev. ed. by B. Pick. (Standard libs) 16% [eS3s|%88" paps; bese. 335. Hunk. — Old Testament hist. of redemption: lectures; tr. from notes, by S. I. Curtiss. 12°. '81.°7? $1.80. Scribner & W. Dell, J. H. Nature’spictures. ill. 4°. ’78.°°2 $7.50. Lippincott. Delmas, L: Huguenots of La Rochelle: hist. sketch ; from the French by G: L. Catlin. 12°. [’80.]*#°} Oia sooo oOF AAO OOOO DUDOOO WOU00U Randolph. De Lolme, J: L. and othevs (comps.) French and Eng. dictionary, rey., corr. and enl., from the 7th ed. (1877) of the dictionary of the French Acad., by E. Roubaud. 116th thous. 12°. [’81.]*°!? $1.50. Cassell, iP. Gk iGo: De Long, G: W. The voyage of the ‘‘ Jeannette:” the ship and ice journals; ed. by his wife. 2 v. i]. So 282: ‘subs., 97.50; shp:, SLO; hf. mor:, $12; full mor., 516...-..--. Houghton, M. & Co. Delphic days. Snider, D. J. $S1.----.-.-- Roeslein. Delpit, Alb. Odette’s marriage; from the French, by Ii: Prescott: 220; #802822 SI oo... Sumner. Demarest, Ma. Lee. My ain countree, and other [’°83._ *581 S12 « - Randolph. Demarest, T. F. C. Reports. See New York, State, Surrogates Court. verses. sq. 122. Dement, R. S. Ingersoll, Beecher, and dogma. 12°. (778. ]372 Bl ween ee vec e ce sen es ceneee Griggs. — Napoleon and Josephine: tragedy. (Author’s ed.) O°, 1°76. 256 OL DO ienciscure sere stele uieiel Le gal News. De Mille, Ja. A castle in Spain; ill. by E. A. Abbey. Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. 783.*°° pap., 50c. Harper. — Elements of rhetoric. 8°. [’78.]°?° $1.40.. Harper. — Old Garth: story of Sicily. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., ZN) Ox estore cia pie eee pale wine. ellelule ep 0/é.e1e\. oocc~ Munro. — Winged lion; or, stories of Venice. (Young Dodge Glubs) ill; Wee, (eGses | loOr cr. Lee & S. Deming, Clarence. Byways of nature and life: ser. of essays. O°. 8 628 $2.50 AOOCLOOCROD aS Putnam. Deming, P. Adirondack stories. 24°. ’80.*#°° 7dc. Houghton, O:7& Co: Democracy; an American novel. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. 780.*48° Sl. Same. Cheap ed. 169%. 282.5% pap.,25c.. Same. (Leis. mom: ser.) 16° *83.5°° PAP: 5 COC. <6 eee ve ewww erie sine loiviele ole ein) 0) Holt. Demokritos. Weber, K: J. 40c. ........ Int. News. De Morgan, Ma. Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde, and other stories; ill. by W. Crane. 12°. 780.7% GRO (ie a tele sie le eco sie! are ole levee ovenes s eievereues) Vacmillan. — On a pincushion, and other fairy tales; ill. by W: De Morgan. 12°. ([776.]° $1.50.......- Dutton. Demosthenes. Orations; tr. by T: Leland. 2 vy. (Standard ser.) 4°. 780.444) 447 ea., pap., 20c. Funk. — Same; against Androtion and against Timocrates ; Introd. and Eng. notes, by W. Wayte. 16°. ADE ale boo oond oc mialoiaiotans evaicvelen Vacmillan. — Hellenic orations [Gk.]: Symmories, Megalopolitans, Rhodians; [with notes] by J: Flagg. 12°. ’80.4°? SUD ieee ei orete(e eletiois/eleleiyel- eYsers Seis lelos GYUILIs — Oration on the crown. See AXschines, and Demos- thenes. — Philippies [Gk.]; ed. by F. B. Tarbell. 12°. *80.*447 OWE Dis saci bess case eo eee ertcc ce Sonn p cous AlsDEMOSTHENES Demosthenes, continued. — Same. The first Philippic; introd. and notes, ed. after C. Rehdantz, by T. Gwatkin. 16°. ’83.587 vain (Ye, dods5oooocoGudss sacsec ores MACmilan. — See also Collins, W: L. Ancient classics. Dempster, Ctte. L. H. Hotel du petit St. Jean: Gascon story. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.974 (Seaside lib.) 2.223 pap., 20c. - Dene Hollow. W<« od, Mrs. FE. Ps Loc Denier, Tony. How to join the circus and We Or eee pap., — Parlor tableaux; living pictures. pap., 25e. — Shadow pantomimes. 1 Denis, H: Reports. Denis Duval. See Thackeray, W: Denise. Roberts, M. 20c. Denison, C: and chart in pocket. $1 a pap., Wunro. 8 - Munro. Munyro. gymnasium. Happy. 7805404 Dick. 25¢c.... Dick. ( 989 oO” (ile | =< 25c 605 2805. paps, See Louisiana, Sup. M. Biss Btara Arielle te level aieiete Munro. Rocky Mountain health re 12°. sorts. map, $1.50; pap., micietsleie Croetn scloicieye) si nie elatete ef Houghton, O. & Co. Denison, F: The past and the present: Narragansett sea and shore; ill. guide to Providence, Newport, and all sea-side resorts of R.I. map. 8°. 779.39! pap., a Bole oe «UCL: — Westerly, (R. I.) and its witnesses, for two hundred 780), 480 Qn oot. and fifty years, 1626-1876. [map and ill.) 89. 78,353 $9.50: full moat, HD .-.--.+----ee- Reid Denison, G: T. Hist. of cavalry from the earliest times, with lessons for the future. maps and plans. 8°. “Hee EAGT) Coo Gons Macmillan. Denison, J/rs. Andrews. [‘‘Clara Vance.” ] Erin Ma. 12 oo bragh. | 791999 S150: pap., 75c... Globe. — Glennandale. ill. 16°. [782.]°° $1.25....Am. Bapt. — Grandmother Normandy. (Ve. Te RE ser) 129. 182. Rk SRiLua iD) teire iecreletel eielev ale ayatateleielerecs Lothrop. — Hidden treasure. 16°. (77 125m Sie DOK... Lothrop. —— Mis triumph. 269; 483.*90" (Sic. cece Lee & 8S. — Like a gentleman. 16° ’82[°81].*°)7 $1..Leeg S. — Mr. Peter Crewitt. 16°. [78.]*4? $1; pap., 50c. Lee & S. -—— No mother like mine. 16°. ’81.479 $1.25 ..7. Bradley. — Qld Folly and its inhabitants. ill. 12° [783.]*°” Seed Dice eieveraies Siac psie oie cisiaie epececek eveleielens Am. Bapt. —— Old slip warehouse. (Cinibi of Am). fiction») 8° least \347 pap-., GOC. ..-..eeeeeereecees Harper. — Rothmell. 12° [7’78.]*°* $1.50-.---..--- Lees S — That husband of mine. 16°. [7’77.]?°! $1; pap., Be ac oererc ie ciceicicrs oe sisraie, Sislials slats ccaere) ers cys Lee & S. — That wife of mine. (Sparkling ser.) 16°. [?77.]?°° SL; pap., DOC... 2. s2- cece rece veer ns Lee XS S Denison, IT. S. Exhibition and parlor dramas. 12°. 2 OMSL AL | GRITTAD yi cecvarever spare) inl (ole\e siniel a eleie| ais Denison Dennis, J: Heroes of literature: Eng. poets. 12°. 28S E629) NEte dnl ssO a mrercln olen Be Ae BS Young. Dennis, W: HI: Probate law of the District of Colum- bia, comprising the Maryland act of 1798, chap. | 101, statutes of Cong. on the subject, with notes; | app. of forms [fete.]. 8° 8: shp., $3 3,087 d. | Gibson Bros. | queen; or, brigand cap- | 16°. °[’83.]°8 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. Denslow, Van Buren. Modern thinkers, principally upon social science; essays, withintrod. by R. Ip- gersoll. por. 12°. 80.473 $1.50.. Belford, C. § Co. Densmore, G. B. Chinese in California; ill. by | Voegtlin. 8°. 780.43 pap., 50c...San F. News. | Denton, Eardley F. Bailey. Water, (60) ¢So-0 Maps, 2 Denton, J. Bailey. Hand-book of house sanitation, | for all persons seeking a healthy house ; enl and rev. by E. F. B. Denton. 8°. 782 539 $3.50... Spon. ill. eo le ESI), Spon. De Normand, Hu. Gipsy tive. (Lovell’s lib.) Domestic filtration of | eielaie Spon. — Sanitary engineering. roy. 8°. DESCRIPTIVE | Denton, J. Bailey, continued. — Sewage disposal: ten years’ experience in works of intermittent downward filtration. pl. 8°. 781.48? Pap:, P1240. -.ccee -eee wees wee pOdD00UDOG Spon. Denton, W: Is Darwin right? or, the origin of man. (GY, Aswleee - oleooase co Bis erel ee eer ---Denton. — Our planet: its past and future; lectures on geology. Sthreds W208 27Orstee IND Oi eres clei Denton. — Pocasset tragedy the fruit of Christianity. 12°. 719328 apr, LOC «cic lesen sieles silo anor Denton. — Radical rhymes. Newed., enl. 129. °79.°° $1.25. Denton. — What was He? or, Jesus in the light of the 19th century. 12°. [’78.]?!85 $1.25; pap., $1-.-Denton. De Peyster, J. Watts. [‘‘ Anchor.” ] Address before the Hist. Soc. of New Brunswick, Aug. 28, 1883. BON VB Be esO DAD etimrci ee ili clle el civoe os Ludwig. — Bothwell; hist. drama. ill. and por. 8° ’84.*64 pap. (for private circulation.) .....--- Ludwig. — Burgoyne campaign of July—October, 1777. 8°. BOs SOS) PAP vieiere vielen Sie ee elereie Hamersly. — Inquiry into the career and character of Mary Stuart, and a justification of Bothwell. ill. and por. 8°. [’83. ]*>*! pap. (for private distrib.) .. Ludwig. — Jife and misfortunes and the military career of Brig.- Gen. Sir John Johnson, Bart. por. sq. 8°. 789 *630 PAP~ oer ece re rene seen cece ecee Ludwig. — Mary, Queen of Scotts: a study. 8°. ’82.*°%? pap. Ludwig. — Suworrow. 8°. 7’83.*°99 pap.....-.-+-- Hamersly. — Vindication of James Hepburn, fourth Earl of Both- well, third husband of Mary Queen of Scots. 8°. °82.*575 pap. (for private distrib.) .. Hamersly. Depth of love; or, a mother’s sacrifice. (Seaside lib.) 0 (84. eae pap., 10c...-...-..-....- Munro. De Puy, W: H. (ed.) Methodist centennial year-book for 1884. 12°. 784.992 $1.50...-. Phillips § H. — Methodist year-book. [Annual.] 12°. ’81—83.47: °? pap., LQ Oi eaters ar ovcre elel siete nicl sl clei avers Phillips sy H. — Statistics of the M. BE. Ch. of the U. S. 12° 779. DG re cin ce olaieiot nie orn eicle ae Phillips § H. De Quincey, T: Works. (Globe ed.) 6 v. 129. ’81.°7 ST Oeehts Che, pO ccc ce clele- Houghton, M. § Co. — Fatal marksman, and The dice. (Pop. lib.) 8°. WiQersol naps, LOC. Sen. ec Fitch ; [N. Y. News. | — Joan of Are; with biog. sketch, notes, ete. (lng. classic ser.) 16°. ’84. pap., 12c.-.Clark § M. — Literary criticism. (Riverside ed.) 12°. [’76.]° STD oar ae eis cia Sane o nn Seas neadoce Hurd & H. — Romances and extravagances. (The library.) 8°. [82 J546 pap., 20G..--- 22 ee eee vee seed Setliff. — Spanishnun. ( Lovell’s lib.) 12°. pap., 10c.J/: W. Love ll. — Beauties sel. from [his] writings; with biog. sketch. Oey 3% [Pa IP $1.75 5c coon JahryR ap IGE Derby, J: S. Mechanics’ lienlaw. See New York, City. Derham, J. Analytic grammatical chart of the Eng. language. 41 X 53 in. [°77.]?°° $3.50..Derham. 29 Tiic wie sie ls De Rohan. Sue, E. 20c.....-- ss000gn0 andC Munro. De Roos. See Roos, J. D. C. de. Derrick, Fs. ( pseud.) See Motley, Mrs. ¥. B. M. Derry, Jos. T. Georgia: guide to its cities, towns, scenery and resources. ill. 12% [78.]°° $1; pap., COC. ..- secre seer ee ects cceecs Lupprncott. — History of the U. S. Rev. ed. 12° RM abe VOD nila Disco! visio) wieereKe de Stats v6 el oyeraieieys Lippincott. Desart, Hari of. [W: Ulick O’Connor Cuffe.] Children of nature; a story of modern London. 12°. rSoil eee GAT Die cle wel nel e okelere iterates Rose- Belford. __ Kelverdale: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) sq. 4°. 79, #870 pap., 15c.....+--+--= Seotine Fac Harper. Des Cars, A. ‘Treatise on pruning forest and orna- mental trees; from 7th French ed., with introd. by C: S. Sargent. ill. 16°. °81.**°° 75c..-. Williams. las of anatomy: representation of the i OL -soe -- Lippincott. Descriptive at anatomy of the human body. RTO) elie) cinisiele eetel see) cena ecalereDESERT 1( Desert ofice. Verne, J. $1.50 ..-.+.---- Porter § C. Deserted Jessie. Colby,M. B. $1.25...U.D. Ward. Deserted village. See Goldsmith, O. Deshler, C:D. Afternoons with the poets. sq. 12°. 27 OUR SION AR Tati ye oie) 0)76 a0) oie) e1 0 ehoelels) eles elela sie Tarper. i Designs and instructions for decorative pottery in imi- tation of Greek, Roman, and other styles of vases. 16°, (777.9?) 50C.-.eses eee eeeeeccceee Tilton. Deslonde, Ms. Mar. D. John Maribel; anovel. 12°. (RG nl z22 SLD ele oie) e106) 6) (6 a isiele ele! clieis icicle Carleton. Desmond hundred. Austin, Ms. J. G. $1-.-Osgood. Despard, Matilda. Kilrogan cottage. (Lib. of Am. | fiction.) 8°. [’78.]34? pap.; 60c...... Harper. Desperate game. Noggs, C. 10c..-------- Ogilvie. Desperate lover. Saunders, E. 10c....-..- Ogilvie. Desperate remedies. Hardy, T: 20c. ..----4 Vunro. Destiny. Ferrier, S. E. 2 pts. ea., 20c...-- Munro. Destiny, and other poems. Serrano, M. J. $1- Putnam. Destiny of Russia, as foretold in the Scriptures. map. 7 169% [etS.|%2 foc pap: b0c....-...- Wilson. Destruction and reconstruction. Taylor, R: $2. Appleton. Desty, Rob. Compendium of Am. criminal law. 16°. 105 QYOGO! Spee Orie 201 s\ei00) e601 o16) sine cio h S. Whitney. — Federal citations: alphabetical table of Eng. and Am. cases cited in the opinions of the courts of the U. S. 8°. [778.185 shp., $7.50.S. Whrtney. — Manual of law rel. to shipping and admiralty, de- termined by courts of Eng. and U. S$. 24°. 27 Q 376 shp., Oe Orc ioieisic oie tral csi pieic Sen AL ILEU: — Manual of practice in the courts oft he U. 8. notes. 6th ed., rev. 16°. 784.64 shp., $3..S. Whitney. — Removal of causes from State to Federal courts, with chapter on jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the Wee SE G8, 289882)" flex. shp., $2..S. Whitney. Deterioration and race education. Royce, S: &2.50. Be rendsohn. Detlef, K: (pseud.) Sce Bauer, C. Detmold. Bishop, W: H: $1.25. l/Ioughton, O. & Co. Deucalion= = Ruskine ds. lees onesie ce Wiley. Deutsch, Sol. Deutsch’s letters; practical and gram- matical course for self-instruction in the Germ. language. pts. 1-3: 8°. (78. ]°?? ea., pap., 25c. Weste TINRGAINN. — Self-instruction in the Germ. language: lst course, Grammatical; 2d, Idiomatic and literary. 2v. 8°. 783 580 S4- eg., $2.50: or pts. ea., 25c... Deutsch. Deutsch-Amerikanischer Familien Kalender, 1880. We 89, "80423 pap., 15c........... Burgheim. Deutsche Element in den Vereinigten Staaten, USi8—485 Korner; G. $2250)...-2. A. H. Wilde. Deux écoliers. Villeroy, A. L. de. 25c. W: R. Jenkins. Deux sourds. Moinaux, J. 25c. ..... W: R. Jenkins. Devereux. Bulwer-Lytton, Si E: G: E. L. 20ce. J: W. Lovell. Devil (The): does he exist? and what does he do? tr. from the French by Mrs. Sadlier. (House- hold lib.) 16°. {778.]24° pap., l5c....Sadlier:. Devil puzzlers. Perkins, F: B. $1; 50c.... Putnam. Deville, E. Examples of astronomic and geodetic cal- | culations forland surveyors. 8°. 778.38! $1.50. Delisle. DeVinne, Thdr. L. The invention of printing: ill. with fac-similes of early types and wood=cuts. 2d eds 752). (eissi\e2e" SG) bt: mors. OS aa--- Hart. Devoted bride. Tucker, St.G: $1....... Peterson. Devoy, J. Land of Eire; preceded by a hist. of the Irish Land League. ill. 4°. ’82.59 $6.. Patterson & N. Dewall, J: van. Far from home; from the Germ. by K. Hamilton. (V.I.F. ser.) 12°. [’84.] $1.25, ‘ Lothrop. — Der Ulan. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. *82.552 pap., 10c. Munro. | )?, DIANE ee ee ee ea ee DeWattville, A. Practical introd. to medical elec- tricity. 2ded. ill. 8° 784.94° $3....: Varl. Dewdrop series. 12 v. ill. 329. (778.]%* bds., per set, $1.20 ..-- eee seen ce veces weve eed Velson. Cont.: Little Ada’s story book.—Little Dimple-Cheek’s album.— Little Merry Christmas.— Little nuts to crack. — Little pictures for Rosy Cheeks. — Little Violet’s album. — My own little book of pictures. — My own little book of stories. — Pretty pictures for our pet. —Stories for a very rainy day. — Tiny pictures for Rosy Cheeks. — Wee Tot’s picture gallery. | Dewdrops and diamonds. Marshall, dfs. E. $1.50. Carter. Dewees, F. P. The Molly Maguires; origin, growth, and character of their organization. 12°. [’77. ]?6 SSD ()ixccre eioraloieletercielcic cic aie «/sletielevercrorere GL upprncott. Dewey, J. Helps to devout living. 129. 779.386 AHOOUADOUOOG SD DOCOOROG Be Anthony § Sons. — Same. Sq. 16°. 78], 5499 flex. cl., ML2a. Lockwood, B. & Co. Dewey, Melvil. Classification and subject-index for cataloguing and arranging books and pamphlets $1.25 ofia library. (8° = [ie7O-Nge8) bds:, pila. Ginn. Dewey, Orville. Works: with biog. sketch. New complete edi, (80h) (SBT e Sine scree Am. Unit. — Autobiography and letters; ed. by his daughter, M. E. Dewey. por: 129 783.%8% ° Slcvip 2-1-1. Jeovents: — Memorial discourse on W: Ellery Channing; re- printed as delivered in Ch. of Messiah, N. Y., L843. 129. (280-3482 pap., ldc.......J. Miller. — The two great commandments. 3ded. 12°. [’78.]316 ST BO hohe eee es .J. Miller. Dewhurst, W. W. History of St. Augustine, Florida. YOO" 28 AIR OD ee an on ec cee cle we Putnam. Dewing, Mrs. T. W. [ formerly M. R. Oakey.] Beauty in dress. 16°. 28] kA SSili Gc sialeis ele nee Harper. — Beauty in the household. ill. 16°. 7’82.*°56 $1. Harper. De Witt, E. L. Reports. See Ohio, Sup. Court. De Witt’s acting plays....--+2.2-: seeese oe» De Witt. Note. Entered under authors and titles. De Witt’s base-ball guide. See Chadwick, H. De Witt’s Ethiopian and comic drama........ De Witt. Note. Entered under authors and titles. De Witt's handy letter writer. 16°. [777.]?” pap., L0C3 sos hes cee ce ce REE CRI Ee oer .» De Witt. DeWitt's school dialogues. nos. 1-6. 16°. [’76—78. ] aSEELOE Ga. DADs, LOCe comin cies cles De Witt. Cont.: 1. Primary.—2. Public. —3. Exhibition. —4. Patri- otic. —5. Dramatic. — 6. Comic. De Witt’s song and joke book series. nos. 216-240. 16°, [’7G=78:272s) ea., pap., L0c:-- De Wait. Dexter, H: Martyn. Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its literature; with bibliog. app. 8° ’80.*44° $6..-.. Harper. — Hand-book of Congregationalism. 16°. [’80. ]*#4% Goilitcyorete cis) ciniciel eine) sailors crores) wiecel 2e4n629 pap., 30c. — King Grimalkum and Pussyanita; or, the cats’ Ara- Munro. bian nights. ill. sq. 8° ([’81.]*°°7 bds., $1.25. |— Battle of life: (@bovell’s lib.)) 120: 784.93 paps, Lothrop. LOG eas © SNislelet sis telsis\inie) ate). J: W. Lovell. — Neighborhood talks. 16°. [’76.]257 25c....Peace.|— Same. (Sei aside lib. Ni AON pape, Och oc. Munro. — Polly Cologne. ill. 12°. [781.]*°!® $1..Lothrop. |— Bleak House. 3 pts. (Franklin Sq. lib., Duodecimo — William Henry series. 3v. 16°. 781.477 ea., $1. eds) W295 eh Cans pap Cece cere Harper. Lothrop.|— Same. 2 pts. (Lovell’s lib.) 129. *83.%% ea., pap., Cont.: William Henry letters. — William Henry and his friends. 200. vee reee veer cece cree ee cees creed: W. Lovell. — Lucy Maria. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Sea- Diccionario teenolégico. De Leon, N. P. pts. 1, 2. | side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 84.°°! pap., 40c. Gis Oe, CcdoDD COODOb DOO OOU DOU0OG 0000 De Leon. : : : Munro. Dice, F. M. Reports. See Indiana, Sup. Court of Ju- ee ee Be Doe SH a ee oe et e dicature. Bow aie hy Lovell’s libs) Ube. 2g3 624 Dice (ihe. De@uincey,L: lOc, Match (Ne We Wercss| mete eae Nant eee eee ee eee Z co oe ee : TO Cee oe ore wie me ciere aioe feiere rover J: W. Lovelt. Dicey, E: Victor Emmanuel. (New Plutarch ser.) | __ @pijla’s hist. of England. 120, 783.591 $1; pap., por. 169, 782.9% pl... cee we eee Putnam. 50c. Same. ( Lovell’s lib.) 16°. ’83.587 pap., Dick, W: Brisbane. [‘‘Trumps.”] American Hoyle, | DO Oi eres ot eet operate ei eteres ere i-'- J: W. Lovell. or gentleman’s hand-book of games; [also] Trea-|— Same. ( New ischiool eds) wey 208 eri )|e°8e sil 2b. tise on doctrine of chances. 13thed., rewritten. Carleton. diagrams and ill. 12°. 780.*49 $2...... Dick. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.58 pap., 20c...Munro. — (ed.) Book of toasts, speeches, and responses; also | — Same ; ill. by A. De Neuville, IE. Bayard, F. Lix and choice coll. of anecdotes. 16°. [’83.]®° bds., others. ‘New eds 12° (780. ]*% $2°505 hf 50C.3 pap., 80C.. +. cece weer cece cece cers Dick. | f., $4; full mor., $6; (Pop. ed.) $1 . Estes — Dutch, French, and Yankee dialect recitations. 16°. |— Chimes. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..--- Munro. 79.497 bds., 50c.; pap., d0c. ...... 2-2. Dick. | — Same; [also] Our Indian cousin. (People’s lib.) — Ethiopian scenes, variety sketches and stump speech- | EO APES es Wes cooncu oo00 -. Ogilvie. es. 16°. [’79.]**° bds., 50c.; pap., 30c...-- Dick. | — Christmas books; ill. by F. Barnard. (Chapman & — Games of patience; or, solitaire with cards. diagrams. | Hall’s household ed.) 4°. [’78.]8!® $1.25; pap., sq. 12°. Ooe | een Ci aarroar Geto Slee eupiaieare Dick. | TBO Ls mrcreta sein eis sie oie slwiar sr prone ahd Appleton. — Trish dialect recitations. 16°. [’79.]*4° bds., 50c.;|—- Same. 2v. (Standard ser.) ill. 8°. ’80.%°7 ea., PAP., BOC. «2-2 cecess cece ae es eenccecens Dick. | PAp., 25C....20--+ eoerees 6 Srateiele) ove ers Funk. — Original album verses and ac rostics. 16°. [°79.]*4°° | — Christmas carol. (Boys’ poc ket lib.) 240r ite bce TDC. 3 PAap., FOC. ----022 eer eres vccces eens Dick. | GC cpeerercrerer Clee ere cieiere cre) err Nelson § P. — Parlor exhibitions. 16°. s., 50c.; pap.,| — Same. (Wovell’s lib.) 12°. °83.°74 paps a dc BG, cocccoonoc ; Neen. « Dike: ‘ Lovell. — Quadrille call books ‘and ball-room prompter. 16°. | — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.°'® pap., ee : ees (278. 25° bds:, 7be:;; pap’, d0c:. 2... - Dick. |e Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. .-.--- Munro. — Recitations and readings. nos. 1-14. 16° 76—82. | — Same (condensed); with biog. sketch, notes, ete. 248-532) ea., O0C. 5 PAP, SOC. «<< orice cmccnene Dick. | (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. 782. pap., 12c. Dick and I; or, the adventures of two children in a tub. : ee Clark gS es i]. sm. 4°. al ie po DOC eratiaseiet) cireVELSON: | Cricket on the hearth. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. S3ibe¢ Dick Cheveley. See Kingston, We Gq | _ pap. 10c. beet eee eter eae ees weed: W. Lovell. j ae 4 |— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.......J Wunro. Dick Netherby. See Walford, nis I B. — Same, and Doctor Marigold. (Seaside lib., Pocket Dick Rodney. Grant, J. l0c............--./ Wunro. ed.) 120 784.88! pap., 10c..-.......-- Munro. Dick Sands. See Verne, J. — David Copperfield. 2 pts. (Lovell’s lib.) seo 2G 3 cu2 Dickens, C: Complete works. 15 y¥. ill. 12°. °79.* l., Pap., 20¢ wee e eee e er weer teeedly . Lovell. DOOD Oleks «lore aie over clelciee ce Sati varterse UWE LOvells | ao tice (Seaside lil ) 4°. pap., 20c. Sane” 2 pts. Cont.: Barnaby Rudge, and Mystery of Edwin Drood.— (Gerrits bs eoceet tee) aoe Soe . ‘ f PAP., ZOC. 222. cece ee cee eee cree cree cere Munro. Bleak Troe: — Child’s history of England, and Miscellaneous. — Christmas stories, and Reprinted pieces. — David C oppertie Id. — Dombey and son. — Great expect: ations, U neommerc¢ li iM travel- ler, and Miscellaneous. — Little Nicholas Nickleby.— Old curiosity shop, and Hard times. — Oliver Twist, Pictures from Italy, and American notes. — Our mutual friend. — Pickwick papers. — Tale of two cities, and Sketches by Boz. New ed. 14 v. ill. 12°. ’79.98! $14.. Porter § C. | — Same; ill. by F. Barnard and others. 15 y. 8°. | (BOS ease $22.50 41000 00000,.0000 00 00 IAHOURAKAENG IA: — Same. (Cabinet ed.) 15 vy. ill. 12° 780.**? $22.50; Tie Chee end Dive ecle ear alors sien tie se Lippincott. See above Cricket on the hearth. CLARO & Hall’s household ed.) 290 Doctor Marigold. Dombey and son. es (Sor eine .75; pap., $1.25.. Appleton. — Same. 2 pts. (Lov oe S) libs))) 29: 83. G22) (eas, | pap., 20c....-..--.6- ets A siae ctatulevevatauore)s Lovell. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Sea- side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°! pap., 40c. Munro. — Great expectations. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. pees PAP., 2ZOC. --- + oeenre re cccrerererece J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 40, pap., 20c. .+-++4 Wunro.S| DICKENS 104 DICKENS 7 i Dickens, C:, continued. Dickens, C:, continued. ae | | 3 — Hard times. (Chapman & Hall’s household ed.) ill. | Same. 2 pts. (Lovell’s lib.) 129. (83. (eax, Pies Sor (etimeless Sl. 2bs paps, (OCs eo 2 {ppleton. Pap., 20C... eee eeer seer cece scenes J: W. Lovell. | — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib., Duodecimo ed.) 12°. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20e. _Same. (Sea- i 783.907 = pap., 20C.-.--- eee e ee eeeeeceees Harper. side’ lib... Poeket ‘ed:)) 129 784 e! pans. 40c: I ig = Same. (lovellis libs) 12% 783.85) pap, 20c. a Munro. tod J: W. Lovell. | — Pickwick papers. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. ae — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Same. (Sea- Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.64 tie side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.89 pap., 20c. Pap., 2OC. vere rere ee creer ere cceesecees Munro. ieee | Munro. | — Same, with title: Posthumous papers of the Pick- Hig is — — See also below Uncommercial traveller. wick Club. (Franklin Sq. lib:) . 40 779.4% {|} He — Haunted house, etc. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. pap., Pap., 20C. 2. eee ee eee esacnce sisicleisiele ec Harper. Lie oe TOC ere aioe Sci iocicieie a ieieseleialolecvelel clerere J; W. Lovell. | — Same. 2 pts. ( Lovell’s lib.) 16°. 283 08 fear. [ate is — Haunted man, etc. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.94 PAP., ZOC. vere e reve reece rece von J: W. Lovell. ; PAP., LOC... 02-2 vorceoeces ooen voene J: W. Lovell. | — Pictures from Italy. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.824 — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Same. (Sea- PAD ss LOCiciclore = ler vicinal eie(ieteciele alaieles J: W. Lovell. side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.9! pap., 10c.|— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.47° pap., 10c. ie Munro. Munro. é — Same; [also] The ghost of art. (People’s lib.) 4°.|— Same. Sketches by Boz, and Am. notes; ill by T: 5 FY ihe, Wi ooacqaccocgGacddodc -» Ogilvie. Nast and A. B. Frost. (Household ed.) 89. tha af —Is she his wife? (Vest-pocket ser.) tle 320 [ZG |FS5 SUCDOs Paps, pile crete « (Co cae Macmillan. — Dictionary of London. [Annual.] 16°. [’79.]*9°*| pap., 35c. Same. 4th year. maps. 16°. ’82.°%| flex. cl., DC. aercis\cie ic seve 00 aie eccee/ Macmillan. — Dictionary of Paris. maps. 16°. ’82.°% flex. el., 50c. Macmillan. — Dictionary of the Thames, from Oxford to the Nore, 1880: 160% (780; 84 DOC eee as Macmillan. See also Mathews, C: Ja. Dickens’ dictionary. Pierce, G. A., and Wheeler, W el : ; : : | — Primer of criticism. (Primers for the people.) 12°. Diday, P. Treatise on syphilis in new-born children tr. by G. Whitley; with notes and app. by F. R. Sturgis. (Lib. of stand. med. authors.) 12°. 2B SeC22F SUD She il Dieiciere cre ciaereiere seer cle - Wood. | Diddie, Dumps and Tot. Pyrnelle, Mrs. L. C. $1. TTarper. | Diderot, Denis. The paradox of acting; tr. with anno- | | | | A. Sh Ditsie sijelo s) efa)ie\e/ «ae 0:(e\e\ s/s) (0) Houghton, O. & Co. | Dickinson, Anna E. A ragged register (of people, | places and opinions). Sq. 60% ai aeee? (Oke Harper. | Dickinson, Mis. Ellen E. (ed.) Christmas wreath: | poems. ’83.*®!2 wreath shape, ribbon-tied leaf- lets, 50c.; fringed, $l..... 5 cqo0a0dar White § S. — Wayside flowers: poems ; ill. by J.C. Emmet. 12°. »82.*565 ribbon-tied leaflets, S1.75-..-.- White §S. | Dickinson, Gideon. Poemsand essays. 12°. ’83.*°*! EO) Ga nans conadcad MoOCO ooOGO 00 Hood Williams. Dickinson, Helen Ma. The seed of the Church. 16°. | latin SID celle ie oie oleic eres ciara ecisyeh OCU COIS || Dickinson, J: W. Limits of oral teaching. (School | bul. pub.) 12° ’82.°8 pap., l5c.... Bardeen. Dickinson, Ma. L. Among the thorns. 12°. 780.449 SR Litt Oiateiar cioieles ciaieleie/eis bial Sieierore crete ee ereve Carleton. Dickinson, S. Meredith. Practice of the probate courts | of New Jersey, with forms, also rules of the Prerogative court and Orphans’ courts. 8°. 84.638 Shp., $5.50... ..s0seerseccecceee Linn. Dickman, F. F. Kansas medical directory. 781.*% BO etree calnialeiayeyciciever acts Selec aieverele notre LOA CIONILGUTDs Dick’s wandering. See Sturgis, J. Dickson, Alex. Beauty for ashes. 12°. [778.]*® $2. Carter. Dickson, D: The elder and his work. 16°. [’83. lee | We Gao0G connn0 a00Un sora etelafeiey eleteraze . Presb. Bd. Dickson, W: M. Some aspects of the money ques- tions 6% [iivedete paps, 2DCa.en. eso COLONIE: Dictes and sayings of the philosophers. Caxton, W: PMO a6soaaanco0n kf Toye tee ieyiareleleiaie eielele: nieve -. Bouton. Dictionary of cookery. eng. and col. pl. roy. 8°. [(’77.]8 hf. roxb., $6.50. « Gassell. 2. (Gg; Co. Dictionary of love. 16°. [’78.]*° bds., 75c.; pap., BO Cie ccciciais © cele) cielevele el efcieis) «piece Bere eieleiat ale -- Dick. Dictionary of mythology. 18°. 789,540 flex. el., 50c. Lippincott. Dictionary of quotations from Eng. and Am. poets, based upon Bohn’s ed. KRev., corr.and enl. 8°. [783 ou] xo bds., $2.50; $3.50.....-.-. .- Crowell. Dictionary of Scripture proper names, Ww vith their pro- nunciations and explanations. 16°. [’77.]°®° 25c. Fairbanks & Co. Dictionary of the Chinook jargon; with examples of its use in conversation. 10th ed. 24°. 784.°%° PAP-, QC. eee ce oneness veneer cence J. I. Galt. Did she love him? Grant, J. 80c....-...-Routledge. 14. (Sept. 84.) tations by W. Pollock; pref. by H: Irving. 8°. 283,004" flex. vel., $1.25 3... <1... screen: § W: | Didier, Eug. L. Life and letters of Madame Bona- parte; with por. from studies by G. Stuart. 12°. 2 Qeso2, SBD (ice cee co eicisiercie cio Scribner's Sons. 183.%592) 30c.> pap:, lOc... -...--. People’s Pub. Ipident H. Science without God; from the French by R. Gorder: 1:29: 7829:98% S095... Wihattaker: Died young. Russell, E. E. 10c.......---- Ogilvie. Diehl, Jf-s. Anna Randall (ed.) Popular reading. 12°. ASCO TRH eis cre ve cel ccicia we ala aiclinvete -»- Carleton. Same. 2diser. 129: 2822537 SIC O i c. caicie @- Carleton. | Diekenga, I. E. Between times; tales, sketches, and poems. 16°. SQ DESASE 7 Oo Mretnies wiokelciciele cele Farle. 83,573 ST .... Harle. 79 389 — Daniel Poldertot: astory. 12°. — The worn-out shoe, and other poems: 16°. 1DCecce B Avs Boia 6 occ aise Gis icieiciclo clsieiclele siete DS QSIUS Dietz, Ananose EF. (ed.) For our boys: coll. of origi- nal offerings by popular writers at home and abroad: 80% 309.3) “$350. s2scs0-3 Bancroft. | Dietzsch, Emil. Crowner’s quest: three annual re- ports. ill. 8° (/°78.]**?' pap., 50c.-..- Steiger — Geschichte der Doe ee ey ue hicago. In 12 pts. pts. 1-8. 8°. 781.39 ea., pap-, 2dc: M. ‘Siler n, G@. & Co. Dieudonnée. Butt,G. 20c....-.. . Harper. Dieulafait, L: Diamonds and sieGiougile stones: pop. acct. of gems; from the French, by F. Sanford. (Ill. lib. of wonders.) 2d ser. ill. 12°. [°76.]?” 81.50 Save lcicie eis oisie isis niciaevelelsieivie Scribner, A. § Co. Digby Grand. Melville, G: J: W. 20c...-- .- Munro. Diggs, D. W: Money of all nations equalized, and currency rates of sterling exchange. 16°. [’76.]*7 Gerona sare cic BN oa) cia) e(eueto) isle! eicio ais e)ciei “ .. Diggs. | Dilemma: tale of the India rebellion. Chesney, G: DO Ch ercicici sion clelele «re orci nels eine) stoners eee Munro. | Dillaye, Ste. D. Menes and finance of the French revolution of 1789, incl. an examination of A. D. White’s Paper-money inflation in France. 8°. IL (Oo a8 pap., BS Cne cs cisicvercicrerciesiele avea cileya Baird. Dillon, J: F. Commentaries on the law of municipal corporations. 3d oe enle. Jive cca eclcas Re NE te Dike cote siovs/aielots)s wlciere s\ieKsiae.s wie Bu&( — Law of munic pa) bonds SOS (AY Sik oiDe iO aie erareie cicieleteveralelciolers) alelvierele) cteiarernis Ga: Tones — Removal of causes from state to federal courts. 8°. PAIRS Biescocecoocar aie) cistere Cen. Law Journ. | Same - with forms adpt. to acts of Congress on the subject. 38d ed., enl. 8° 7’81.%° $2; shp., ROED in ceclaiciereie aie inieleieiaele) Breese (eva\araiaPe Stevenson. — Reports. See United States, Circuit and District Courts. Diltz, Hanson Penn. Duchesse Undine; or, slain by a woman’s lie. sq. 16°. [’83.]*°7? pap., 75c. Peterson. Diman, J. L: Alienation of the educated classes from politics. 8° [’76.]°° pap., 25c..---- - Rider. — Capture of Gen. R: Prescott by Lt.-Col. W: ‘Barton. (R. I. hist. tracts.) por. and map. sm. 4°, [’78.]846 pap., G1-.--- Sai elals foe vensicielous Rider. — Orations and essays: with sel. sermons memorial volume. por. 12% ’82 [’81].*°% 5(010) ee M. § Co. —_ Theistic argument as affected by recent theories. 12°, ’81.*493 &2.........--Houghton, M. § Co. Dimitry, J: Lessons in the hist. of Louisiana to the close of the civil war. 12°. [’78.]°!7 bds., 75c. Barnes. Reece onsfe fi hee Ht : ‘ fi 4 Hi i li it DIMPLE 10 Dimple Dopp. Cooke, L.S. H. $1.50.----- Osgood. Dingelstedt, Franz. The Amazon; from the Germ. New ed. (Transatlantic novels.) sq. 16°. ’80.* 520. $1; pap., 60c. Same. (Hudson lib.) 4°. 83. Pap., 20C. .- eer cere scree e seer ee cee Putnam. Dingley, Nelson, j7. Prohibition and the amendment. 6S = [P83 612 pap., 10c...--...---4 Vat. Temp. Dingy house at Kensington. ill. 12°. (PS. e228 $1.50: Cassell, P., G. & Co. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°%! pap., 20c..-Jlunro. — Same. (Transatlantic novels:); © U6 7822027 Sib; pap., G0C..- 2+ eee eee cee cree ee ees Putnam. Dinner party. Eddy, J: See Stories by American au- thors. Dinner year-book. Harland, M. $2.25. Scribner’s Sons. Dinwiddie, W: Times before the reformation; with account of Fra Girolamo Savonarola. 16°. 80 [enna] = SSD icieraroier siete isin cieteie = sce Carter Dio, the Athenian. Burr, E. F. $2...-. Phillips & H. Diothas. Thiusen, I. (pseud.) $1........ Putnam. Diplomacy. Droz, G. 15¢.----.+-+-+---. Roorbach. Dippold,G: Thdr. Great epics of medieval Germany : outline and hist. 16°. 82.*°°8 $1.50 .. Roberts. Dirty dust-bins and sloppy streets. Boulnois, H. P. GWA Ole ceyole ee eeic cle bias ose cysisiee scence 07D Disappearance of Mr. Jeremiah Redworth. Rid- dell; tiis. J: WH: LOC. veece iene « asic. MUNTO. Disarmed. Sce Edwards, M. B. Discipline of temptation. Sidebotham, H: 35c. H. § J. B. Young. Discussions in hist. and theology. Fisher, G. P. $3. Scrzbner’s Sons. Disk (The). Robinson, E: A., and Wall, G: A. $l. Cupple a Disosway, E. T. Sydney theknight. ill. 16°. ’83. GR ile a clare cisicraie ic cfs oie. sale suelereis ele clones cree AWIDa Ie Os Disowned (The). Bulwer-Lytton, S27 E: G: E. L. ZO Cire sroiclcicvclele le) ee (aie)aiele\ oie selon mjiolsie) ore J: W. Lovell. Disraeli, B: [Harl of Beaconsfield. | Novels and tales. (Hughenden ed.) Il v. por. and ill. 8°. 2311 008, S12 (complete. ) alelaty feveie) elev Scribner & W. Cont.: Vivian Grey. — Henrietta Temple. —Contarini Flem- ing. — Coningsby. — Tancred. — Alroy. — Venetia. — Sybil. — Young duke. — Lothair. — Endy mion. — Coningsby; or, the new generation. (Seaside lib.) Aon ZR E403 pap., D0) Oe Se eee tees cre oes Munro. — Contarini Fleming. See below Life of B: Disraeli. — Endymion. 12°. ” 75¢e RUdieieis seal eila pile sieve! «inte alelaleieie eiwiet ie cleveis Appleton. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.4% pap., l5c. Harpe Nas — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.4% pap., 20c... Munro. — Henrietta, Temple. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap., 20e. Munro. — Ixion. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10c....... Munro. ——Wwothair. Newissue. 12°. (777.7% pap., 50ce: | Appleton. 80.*°°* $1.50. Same. 8°. pap., — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c......- Munro. — Same. 2pts. (Standard ser.) 8° ([’81.]4% ea., | DAL Deny LO Cu ivaye eleici nye) e/o1 ciee's ce os Munro. | — Venetia. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.49! pap., 20c.. Munro. — Vivian Grey. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c... Munro. | — Young duke. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 78.344 pap., MOC eer oie Se cs eG eo Eee ce oeeee- Llarper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.47° pap., 20c... Munro. — Wit and wisdom of B: Disraeli, coll. from his writings and speeches. 12°. ’8],*504 $1.25... Appleton. — Life of B: Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. [Anon.] J (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° [?79.] pap., 10c.. Harper. — Same; [also] Contarini Fleming. (Seaside lib.) 60, {Bleep ANE oc oanooon dooce .. Munro. | 6 DOBBINS Disraeli, I: Complete works; ed., with view of the life and writings of the author, by B: Disraeli. Standard ed., from 14th corr. Lond. ed. 6 v. por. 129. 281 (SO pee Sie OO re 6 ero oi Armstrong. Cont. : 1-3. Curiosities of literature. —4. Calamities and quarrels of authors, and memoirs.— 5. Amenities of literature, sketches and characters. — 6. Literary character, history of men of genius. — Amenities of literature: sketches and character of Ing. literature. Newed., by B: Disraeli. 2 v. er. 8°. [?78.] $3.50; hf. cf., $7. -.-Asmsitrong. — Calamities and quarrels of authors, and Memoirs of our literary history; ed. by B: Disraeli. 2 v. 8°. (280: o°b0. shi. Chey oil ee cree ere Armstrong. — Curiosities of literature. 4v. cr. 8°. [780. | Si. Tris Chie BIA oi cpepc stores ele oielereinis) cys) sleievois « Armstrong. —— [uiterary character. cr. 8° 279.) $2225 hf. cf, AE i eraiieenta\avie ele el oh ialed cleus terereieleieve Gareter sie Armstrong. Distracted young preacher. Hardy, T: 25c. Appleton. District of Columbia, Supreme Court. Reports. v. 1-3 (75-"79), by A. MacArthur. 8°. 7’77—81.78% €a., SHp-, GO-- «ssc. W. I. & O. H. Morrison. Same. v.1, 2 (80-’83), by F. H. Mackey. 8°. ’83- 18459923822 eal, SNPiy OOO es csc wicice ele «lace Ginck. Disturbing element. Yonge, C. M. 30c...Appleton. Disturnell, J: (ed.) American register or blue book for Si. (@otl) year of pub.) 8% igi pap., $2-.--.-.., SOHO DOC OO COHO oD He Disturnell. — Political economy; or, interest, usury, and taxation. 8°. [Par. | > pap: 10e:..-. 6... «o-» Wiley. — Summer resorts and watering places. sq; 189: EY Wits CHI osa5600 coco doondouc Wiley. Dita. See Majendie, Lady M. Divers women. Alden, J/s. I. M., and Livingstone, Mis. C. M. SL DO eee er eS eee Lothrop. Divine order of degrees in man, exemplified in the order of the four gospels. 32°. | Mikal poe 50c... Putnam. Divine problem. McComas, E. W. $2. J: W. Lovell. Divoree. Jee. M. o0c.° 20c 2.2..-c sc We Lovell: Dix, J: Adams. Memoirs: comp. by his son, M. Dix. 2v. iil. and por. 89: 7835%089 Sb... -..- Harper. Dix, Morgan. Lectures on the calling of a Christian woman. 169: 2832698 DOChe a ee nee Appleton. — Lectures on the first prayer-book of King Edward VI. 12°. 281.%49 pap., net, 35c..#. f J. B. Young. —Sermons;: 120 27/8392" Die. seo ee ene DULLOMNs Dix, Tandy L. The healthy infant: treatise on the healthy procreation of the human race. 12°. BONAR? Ble. a ere P: G. Thomson. Dix, W: G. Why a Catholic in the 19th century? 169°. PASE SIS DO Ce rcieac a cious emeristee rer Cath. Pub. Dixie, Lady Flo. Across Patagonia; ill. by J. Beer- bohm. OU; 7Q 1 *A77 SUD an ceile. Worth ington. Dixon, D. B. Machinists’ and steam engineers’ prac- tical calculator. obl. 16°. 783.8 mor., pocket OMIM LL oo oo HOOD Seile ce Gein Van Nostrand. Dixon, Rob. B. Fore and aft: story of actual sea life. [QO BB uKCOT) ROR... crera score cee crac eevee Lee & S. — What is to be done: hand-book for the nursery, with useful hints for children and adults. 24°. ’84.*°%4 DUDES BOC rere crc cis cee at cis elans cl wicisi= ev Lee § S. Do they love us yet? See Lawrence, Mrs. C. W. Do-without Society. Hartley, Mrs. E. $1.Am. 8S. S. Do you wear your own clothes? Whitney, J: R. 15ce. Am. S. S. Doane, W: Crosswell. Mosaics; or, the harmony of collect, epistle and gospel for the Christian year. HOF 282s SMa ee e0 SD yexecrecere o's si cisiccets Dutton. Doane, W: Howard, and Johnson, E. H. (eds.) Bap- tist hymnal for use in the church and home. 129°. Soa Rese Mile De oe Eve esaVe ws ca secret AL INEs Bapt. — See also Lowry, R., and Doane, W: H. Dobbins, Fk. S., and Williams, S. Wells. False gods; or, the idol worship of the world. ill. 8°. 781.79 $3.75; hf. roan, $4.25; hf. mor., $5... Stringer.DOBELL 107 DOLE Dobell, Horace. On coughs, consumption, and dict in | Dodds, M. I 1 Rose Dunbar’s mistake; or, who have diseases, 89: [i7/7.1)78° ($9.95. .05 25-55. Boanton. I in heaven? pref. by H. Bonar. 12°. ’79.%361 Dobson, Austin. Fielding. (Eng. men of letters.) 12°. SLB0 eee ne eee eee reece cee eee Carter. CBee (E@s00neb06 dogo ounu Gou0 Soba 6c Harper. | Dodds, Susanna W. Health in the household; or, hy- — Proverbs in porcelain, and other verses. 12°. [77.3 gienic cookery. 12°. *84[’83].*°°! $2.. Howler § W. L Spe! eevee (saya cre eleic\e els ao sc sie ete cle Scribner, W. § A. | Dodge, C: Richardson. Louise and I: aseaside story. — Vignettes in rhyme, and other verses [introd. by E. 20: 8289 SUDO) ~~ cieyeiniese wisi oo eve Carleton. ‘ Stedman]. s 90. 80). #429 ao eo ig ee Bat ae es C. Stedman]. sq. 12°. 80. Hp cece) eke cre Holt. | Dodge, E. S. Mystery of living. 8°. ’80.42 pap., —= (( a) bighteccun ee Se ( Rarchmentser, ) BCH ca ceieti Cues cre ec eters ..+++ Dodge. oS O20!" parch’ ants, bilby cicr- see Appleton. wot meee . 33 ear Dr A : Ruff P G ; Berea Dodge, Ma. Abigail. [‘‘Gail Hamilton.”] Divine = ] D20e - . : > > . 3 Tee oO: vullini, G. MVE, ononaagoboo ooo Wunvro. euidance : memorial of Allen W. Dodge. por. Dr. Barringford’s school. Ogden, H: $1.... Putnam. | eA, ASL EG) 6 ogoc Berea eee Appleton. Doctor Basilius. Dumas, A. 20c. ..........Munzo. | — First love is best. (Cobweb ser.) 12 ne Doctor Ben. Witherspoon, a a ee Osgood. 6 $1.50 Spann eta ciel ereers oh eae Ae : : — QOurcommon schoolsystem. 16°. °80.*°"* 51.50.. “stes. Doctor Breen’s practice. wells, W: $1.50 . . Ree ee =) : or Breen’s practice Howells, W: D. 1.50. — What think ye of Christ? sq. 16°. [’77.]?8° $1..ZHstes. Osgood. " = Doctor Claudius. Crawford, F. M. $1 -.. Macmillan. | P°48e: as. ae mle: ay one the aye oT ake = W)eale r : ee Inn er . 19.5" " Pls gilt, Hl.00 .- cs. .0k cribner’s Sons. Doctor Dick. Woods, Mrs. K. T. $1.50..-Lothrop.| __yonald and Dorothy.. ill. 12°. ‘83.*62! $2.. Roberts. Doctor Dispachemquic. Dugan, J. 7ic...Clark § H. | — Hans Brinker; or, the silver skates. New issue. ill. Dr. Gilbert’s daughters. Mathews, M. H. $1.50. We, AR ESIGN) Gacogousoctl Scribner's Sons. Porter & C. | — Theophilus and others. 12°. [’?79.] $1.50. Dr. Grantley’s neighbors. Keeney, E. B., and Noble, Scribner’s Sons. Ave las Shilllia ye ecsie csv ercisieie cle raraiei cies Presb. Bd. | Dodge, R:1I. A living issue. 8°. ’82.*°47 pap... Mohun. Doctor Grimshawe’s secret. See Hawthorne, N. — Our wild Indians: introd. by Gen. Sherman. ill. 8°. : = . i ; 7B 546s s., che: de SOT 7} .. 93.00: Dr. Heidenhoff’s process. Bellamy, E: 25c... Appleton. = subs-, cheap) ed, 92.705) withiply ee. De a Wh; ae ce VQ a thie Shlcrereetete: rece ols)ere clerels A. D. Worthington. r. Hildreth. NV hite, A. I. $1.50 ....--- Lippincott. | _ Plains of the great West, and their inhabitants; Dr. Howell’s family. Talcott, Irs. H. B. $1.. Williams. introd. by W: Blackmore. ill. 8° [’77.]?6 Dr Jacob. Hdwards; M.oB: Si-b0. 3... 3-1 Roberts. BE nce cece ee eee ee cee ee eee eee ee - Putnam. Doctor Johns. Mitchell, D. G. $1.25..Scribner’s Sons. | Dodge, Thdr. Ayrault. Bird’s-eye view of our civil Doctor L’Estrange. Lyster, A. 20c. ....... Harper war. maps and charts. 8°. *83.*°!! $3.. Osgood. : 7 sane ~ |— Campaign of Chancellorsville. maps. 98° ’81.49° - Marigold Vee ‘kens. C: | bee : Doctor Marigold. JOE Dic ke ns; ( : S3 clu sie wletellvislare m aleele ejre cla) elec (slale esis eleveieiele Osgood. -. Martindale’s ward. ill. 29; 285. 75¢...Am- S: S. oo m : Bs Bog ue und Ue : es s ae : Dodge, W: EH. The church and temperance. 12°. Dr. Mortimer’s patient. Bean, F. $1.50 ... Carleton. sG0rt408) “naps, LOG essence ccs cc smiy! Nat. Temp. Dr. Ox’s experiment. See Verne, J. | Dodgson, C: L. [‘‘Lewis Carroll.”] Alice’s advent- Doctor papa. Clarke, R.S: Woe. oe sce cic Lee & S. | ures in wonderland; [also] Through the looking- Dr. Renwick’s medicines. Dunning, Mrs. A. K. $1. | glass and what Alice found there; ill. by. J: Am SS Tenniel. Newed. sq. 12°. ’81.°?° $2.. Macmillan. Doctor Thorne. Trollope, A. 2 pts. ea., 20c.. Munro. | — Hunting of the snark: an agony in eight fits; ill. by ey ee “om See on : iday Bo. fieiGeje~ S:, 00c... Os l. Dr. Todd’s Christmas-box. Trollope, IMs. F. E. 10e. | ‘ Hi: Holiday. Lee. a DoS acs a C0 Munro. | Sume: (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. «----4 Wunro. |—_ Rhyme? : reason? j nA IB. Brost & : Doctor Tom. Payson, BE. $1...... Dresser; Lee & S. | Rhyme f and rea on ill. by JA iB. Frost und H =, ge pe | Holiday. 12° 784 [’83].*°? $1.50.. Macmillan. Doctor Waillk Harrisons Bl oon cecnw occ ee fm. Tr. | : = : S | Dods, Matilda Lees. Art of cooking: ser. of practical Dr. Wilmer’s love. Lee, M. 50c. ......-.. Appleton. | lessons, ed. by H. DeC. Sherman. sq. 169: Dr. Wortle’s school. See Trollope, A. 280) TOI RAte US25 ee icte ee See wwe wie - Putnam. Doctor Zay. Phelps, E. S. $1.25.. Houghton, M. § Co. | Doe, Wa. P. (ed.) Doctor's daughter. Wood, Mrs. E. P. 10c... Ogilvie. | Revivals: how to promote them; as taught and exemplified by Bishops C. P. Mcll- a xs : “<3 ayia Doctor’s dilemma. Smith, H. 75c........ Appleton. | eee and ae eae ae . a EAE. a Te . 1: . ae arnes | ar thers}. 129. “O4.%9°° wl.00.. “eat. Doctor's family. Girardin, J. $1.75 ...-. Routledge. | D A on f ue ; : s z ey Som (eon ‘ ~ 0) ’ : re oe ‘flinger, C: nkel Karl. ill. 9892. (9..) HL.o0's Doctor’s patient, by the author of Wife or widow; | O, 940. Mio |S Os acbo 006 ~Leey ©. Doddridge, Jos. Notes on the settlement and Indian telephone. 24 (7. ; JS wars of the western parts of Virginia and Penn- Dole, C:F. The citizen and the neighbor ; or, ‘men’s sylvania, 1763-1783; witha memoir of the author, | rights and duties as they live together in the by his daughter; ed. by A. Williams. 12°. [’76.]?*° | state and in society. 16°. Oe re flex. cl., SZ) iste cies wieiciee)cicisi< Re ane e acca ay Munsell. | B5C. 3 pap., 20C. +. 2. ee vevecececevens Onita. S. S. seepsDOLE Dole, Nathan Haskell. Young folks’ history of Russia. map andill. 12°. Dolf’s big brother. Hay, M. C. 10c. --.----- Munro. Doll doctor ser. 6v. 16°. [’77.]7° $2.40.- Lothrop. Cont.: Jessie’s neighbor. — The doll doctor.— An Indian princess. — Lill’s travels in Santa Claus land. —The house of umbrellas. — Dolly’s last night. Dolliver romance. See Hawthorne, N. Dolly. Burnett, Is. F. HW. $1.50; 75e...Porter & C. Dolly’s new shoes and some of the places they went to. Harvey, Ms. S.D. 30c. --+--------+- Am. Tr. Dolores. Forrester, Mrs. 20C.-++++ seeeees Munro. Dolsen, Ht. Cloud islands. ill. sq. 24°. [eS 3] e424 MWY, Goad vude oon 600000 DUD GOOONC W. B. Smith. Dombey and son. See Dickens, C: Domestic dictionary. roy. 8°. [’79.] hf. roan, $6.50. Cassell. Domestic explosives and other sixth column fancies. Alden, W: L. $1.25....-.- Lovell, Ad., W. § Co. Domestic heroine. Hays, Mvs. W.J. $1-- Wh ittaker. Domestic problems. Diaz, Mrs. A. Me 2. inl. ol: Lothrop. Domestic tales. Stowe, Ms. H.B. 4v. $5; ea., $1.50. Fords. Domett, Alfr. It was the calm and silent night: a Christmas hymn. ill. sq. 8°. 84 [’83].*° 13 $1.50; Golden floral style, flex., $1.75...-..---Leeg S.| Domville, E: J. Manual for hospital nurses and others engaged in attending the sick. New ed. 16°. PROD! 7 Chicseiic cis wiciele 2 eeiciere =e ein icici Blakiston. Don Gordon’s shooting-box. Fosdick, C: A. $1.20. Porter & C. Don John. Sce Ingelow, J. Don Juan. Byron, G: G.N. (Lord). $1.25. Lippincott. Don Quixote. See Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. > Don Quixote, jr. Talbot, C: R. 50c...-...-.Lothrop Dona Perfecta. Galdos, B.P. 10c...-....... Munro. Donal Grant. See Macdonald, G: Donald, Ja. See Chambers, W:and R. Etymological dictionary. Donald and Dorothy. Dodge, Mrs. M. M. $2.. Roberts. Donald Dyke, the Yankee detective. Rockwood, H. MO Cha oreia croteticie eine! clcicieic ss ole) sie ele) cle ie) vielers Ogilvie. Donald’s school days. Howard, O. O. $1.25..Lee §S. Donaldson, Heber. Dancing —is it asin? ‘Trial and suspension of Heber Donaldson, of Oil City, Pa. ; his defence before the Presb. Synod of Erie, Oct. 2). 188i. 8% 280.8 pap:, 2OCi «sic sie Ormston. Donaldson, S. Ja. Contributions to practical gynecol- ogy. ills 89") (82°= 1 $1.50; pap., $1.25-. Vari. Donaldson, W: Principles of construction and ef- ficiency of water wheels. 8°. [’76.]?4° $2..Spon. Donau, P. Memoir of Jacob Creath, jr.; appended a biog. of Elder Jacob Creath, sr. 12°. [’77.]784 GRIT PAD Fy reveyaycfoycivel se olcercl sie! wie: <1e/o1 oie ave o/elia Putnam. ; | Dowden, E: Shakespeare. (Lit. primers.) 18°. [°78. ]318 BOC. «0. - 2s cece cece eer coon Appleton. — Shakspere: critical study of his mind and art. 12°. LEO EDL (iandon0 06000000 « eile eel Harper. |— Southey. (Eng. men of letters.) 12°. ’80.*#? 75c. Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 10c. J: W. Lovell. Dowley, M. F. The law in a nutshell; concise and lucid answers to 500 leading legal questions. 16°. [’78. 123 GROME ()) sreverel o avelarets) cine nie) 16 ete Ward & P. Dowling, Morgan E. Reason and Ingersollism. _ por. eynl bk Ie, Ase bilo Goacac Detroit News. | Dowling, R: Beh water mark. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 78.487) pap., 10... cee eee cess sees cees Munro. — Husband’s secret. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c. Munro. — Last Christmas eve. ou yle’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°7? pap., lOGs sere. Rees Sedu Uy Geaveleiecapeveis) slovers Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 40, 82.571 nap., 10c. Munro. — My darling’s ransom. (People’s lib.) 4°. 7Oileee pap., 10c...-----. , pe ebe wie aveleie semen oie Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) “40, gS) nele paps, 10c. Munro. — Sweet Inisfail: a romance. (Seasiae lib.) 4°. 783.57 PAD, ZOC. << .cee sie scien ss ities tininie osiors 1 ico’ — Under St. Paul's: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.47 pap., 20C. 2.5 see ne sees cece sane ne meee Munro. Down South. Adams, W:T. $1.25 .....--- Lee & S. Down the bayou. Townsend, M. A. $1.50... Osgood. Down with the tide. See Clay, B. M. Golden dawn. Downes, W: Howe. Spanish ways and by-ways; with a glimpse of the Pyrenees. ill. 8° °83. OY SLID Din cerelalere(s) » ciels eye lewle\cieiniecele sine) oe Cupples. Downey, S:R. Actsand joint resolutions. See Indiana, General Assembly. Downing, A. J. Rural essays. 8°. 2SUROl eS. | » R. Worthington. Downward. Jones, S.J. $l -----+-+---:4 Am. S.S. Downward path. See Gaboriau, E. Dows, H: A. Essay on preaching without notes. 18°. 780.426 pap., 20C. soeesere seer eesees Whittaker. Poe Rees ores noe |i f i Bod i Bisa 4 | i ( | j a j : DOWSE l Dowse, T: Neuralgia: its nature and curative treat- ment. 80) 280:802 e225 oes cele creicre Putnam. — Syphilis of the brain and spinal cord. ill. 8°. ’79.41° Ove cclels eo see ver seers ese sco se eee ee se eee ee Putnam. Doyle, A. C. My friend, the murderer. (People’s | li b.) 40; 7837681 pap., NW Gcooudsou0006 Ogilvie. Doyle, J. A. English colonies in America; Virginia, Maryland, andthe Carolinas. map. 8° 7’82.*°% COUR Oe cieve scree iol ore cis oe ele nralsiciin sere eis cl eyercie Holt. Doyle, Patrick. Tin mining in Larut. pl. and maps. ore, AS SIGS) Gadonco0nds su00 aoc Spon. Draft on the Bank of Spain. Mitchell, S: W. $1.75. Lippincott. Dragendorff, G. Plant analysis, qualitative and quan- titative; from the Germ. by H: G. Greenish. 8°. IRAN CASE ROM Dy cries ae cise oe) eaierne cies ae) « Vail. Drake, C: D. Treatise on the law of suits by attach- ment in) the We Ss bth fed= enl 82) 278.308 shp., SR Geer ere toe levelios avele sv ek a cov evens Little, B. & Co. Drake, Fs. S. Town of Roxbury: its memorable per- 38 * 3385 sons and places. ill. 8°. ’78.* $3.50. Williams. Drake, J. Madison. Fast and loose in Dixie: un- prejudiced narr. of personal experience as a prisoner at Libby, Macon, Savannah and Charles- ton: por. 129) (e80.j*se S50)... 2 Authors’. Drake, S: Adams. Around the Hub: a boys’ book about Boston. il]. 12° ’81.*°!8 $9.. Roberts. — Captain Nelson: romance of colonial days. (Lib. of Am. fiction.) 8°. -’79.*98° pap., 75c. .. Harper. — Heart of the White Mountains: ill. by W. H. Gibson. 40, °82 [81 [emoe $7.50. Same. Taurist’s ed. maps in pocket. 8° 782.*°1 $3...... Harper. — History of Middlesex Co., Mass. ill. 12°. [’79.] a beso) $2 alelleie. ws e:e)leie eine) 00: 0) ee clal vies «bia < ela ie)e1s)e1e Roberts. — New England legends and folk-lore, in prose and poctrys Wl 1So. 18308289 83700. vce. -l- Roberts. — Oldlandmarks of Boston. ill. 12°. [’76.] $2. . Roberts. Dramatic life as I found it. Ludlow, N. M. $3.50. G. I. Jones. Dramatic persons and moods, with other new poems. Piatt, Mos. S. M. B. $1.25.. Houghton, ON SCo: Draper, J: C. Practical Jaboratory course in medical chemistry; obl: 4895 782;580 Gy. se... Wood. Draper, J: W. Scientific memoirs: experimental con- trib. to a knowledge of radiant energy. por. ill. 5°, 78,349 BBs ccc e cence ee -seee eee s- Harper. Draper, Lyman C. King’s Mountain and its heroes; hist. of the battle of King’s Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780. por., maps and plans. 8°. ’81.*5!2 $4. JER ES Thomson. Drawing-room car: comedietta. Verconsin, E. 5c. De Witt. | Drayson, A.W. Art of practical whist. 12°. °79.*492 On retisier cre voieine cis Sc cieae ce ioe Routledge. Drayton, H: S._ How to study phrenology. ill. 12°. 80) (e79i|c2 pap:, 10c: oie) oie eleven ete cre VCLLS: — Indications of character, in the form and proportions of thehead: ill; 12°: [i’81.]47© pap., loc. Fowler & W. | — Light in dark places; or, how the Camps lived in their poverty; ill. by F. A. Chapman. sq. 16°. HO eco Sees MOD eye ons es ere) ae: Claxton, R. & H. — and McNeill, Ja. Brain and mind: mental science considered in accordance with the principles of phrenology,. all. 029: %80.%*429 7°50)... Wells: Dream and deed lib. 6 v. 16°. [’78.]349 3. - Lothrop. Cont. : Harrie. — Dreams and deeds. — Lottie Freeman’s work. — Rhoda Lyle. — Little faults. — Little Mike’s charge. Dream life. Mitchell, D. G. $1.25.. Scribner's Sons. Dream of Arcadia. Thomas, L. B. $1.... Tirnbull. Dream of fair women. Tennyson, A. $5 Dream woman. See Collins, W: W. Dreamer. See Wylde, K. Dreamings of the waking heart. SWartz, Je ‘Pil: - +» Osgood. Swartz. | 10 DRUMMOND Dreams: poems. Fall, C: G. Tbe.......... Cupples. Dreams and deeds. 16°. [’78.]3°8 50c..... Lothrop. Drechsel, Philip Edm. Introd. to study of chemical reactions; tr. and adpt. by N. F: Merrill. 120°. BO. 408: SI oa en Senn earn Wiley. Dredge, Ja. (ed.) Electric illumination. ill. 49. IPO UbCs) RR) jcrcta cess ieusce See ie ie eee Wiley. Drei Ehestandsgeschichten. Nordheim, J. $1..Am. Jr. Dresden Gallery. See Gems of the Dresden Gallery. Dresser, Cp. Japan: its architecture, art and art manu- factures. ill. 8° 782.579 crash binding, $10. Scribner & W. Drew, B: Hints and helps for those who write, print orread. Newed. 16°. 782.543 50c....Lee & S. Drew, Cath. The lutaniste of St. Jacobi’s: a tale. (Leis: hour ser.) 169: ?8i.*499 $1 ....3.. Holt. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10e. ..... Munro. Dreyspring, Adolphe. Cumulative method for learning Gernians 12° 883", BM b Oia. cc {ppleton. Drierstock; or, life on the frontier. Bates, L. $1. Am. Tr. Drift from two shores. Harte, F. B. $1.25. Houghton, O. § Co. Drift from York Harbor, Maine. Houghton, G: 35ce. Williams. Drift-weed. Thaxter, Is. C. $1.50. Houghton, O. § Co. Drifting. Read, T: B. $1.50; $3.50; $4. Lippincott. Drifting and anchored. Richmond, dfs. E. J. $1. Phillips & H. Drifting round the world. Hall, C: W. $2.50; $1.50. Lee & S. Drinker, H: S. Tunneling, explosive compounds and rock-drills; with Am. and for. systems of arch- ing, and tables [etc.]. mapsandill. 4°. [’78.]3#8 hf. bds., $25. Same. 2ded.,enl. ill. and fold- ingpl 495 282.884" hfs nor secre ais - Wiley. Drinking Jack. Chellis, M. D. 10c. .... Nat. Temp. Dripps, J. F. Love and friendship. sq. 18°. 782.5% DO GCE elerciairic clcleleln crasieiela sicieccicts invclee cree /s Presb. Bd. Driver, J. Merritte. Bible temperance hymns. 12°. i OEOIA | DOS. (OO Cieveres eye ie ore ie isles Church. Dromgoole, J. P., and others. Yellow-fever heroes, honors and horrors of 1878. por. 8°. ’79.*884 DVD se DOCS oeielagee) cleieleleleieleyere esc eloieieiearieen VWorton. Drone, Eaton S. Treatise on the law of property in intellectual productions in Gt. Brit. andthe U.S., copyright in works of Jit. and art, and playright in dramatic and musical compositions. 8°. ’79.*9®9 SH Pes) GO colors sce aciela te cies elev chars Little, B. & Co. Drop’s dog and other stories. Preston, Js. A. M., andvothiers; S80Co so. see ees eee Lothrop. Dross from gold. (Amateur stage.) 18°. pap., ldc. Happy. Droz, Gustave. Bertha’s baby. See below Monsieur, Madame and the baby. — Betsy’s profile. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., ND Cos teieiciotere isicieie @ ovsiere eyrel ere feleey clove eyelcre Roorbach. — Diplomacy. (Actingdrama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., 15c. Roorbach. Monsieur, Madame and the baby; from the French by R. Savage. sq. 16° [’8L:]*2° $1; pap., 7c. eterson. — Same, with title: Bertha’s baby. 16°. [’81.]*5!° Spl ss PAD ss OU Cie ceteris oo mo ere) clerereners oye) cr alere Peterson. — Sempstress’ story. 12°. eal pap., 20c. West, J. § Co. | Drugs that enslave. Kane, H. H. $1.50..Blakiston. Drummer boy and other stories. 18°. [’77.] 50c. Crowell. Drummond, H: Natural law inthe spiritual world. 12°. "83.64 $2. Same. Cheap ed. 12°. ’84. $1.50.. Pott. Drummond, J. H. (comp.) Maine masonic text-book, forModgest: W207 s[e7iSe Sis) abd) cerca « Dresser.DRUNKARD’S ett DUGDALE Drunkard shome. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., | Du Boisgobey, Fortuné, continued. > 2 «}. ~ ‘ > . 7 . LSC. eee vee ee ee eee ee eee eee encase .- Roorbach. | — Satan’s coach; from the French by C. A. Merighi. Drunkard’s warning. (Acting drama.) 12° [779.] | 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. *83.°8? ea., pap., 20c. pap:; L5cs +... ss eevcce veces LOOTLACh. Munro. Drury, Anna H. C iilealtonthe rescue! (Seaside lib.) | — Sealed lips. (Seaside lib.) 4° 783. pap., 20c. POR 8906. 8 2 ie eT Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.5% 5 Se Oe ‘ : DUDS DO Cees Siero rae ele te te ierae As serene ese WV — Story of a shower. (Seaside lib.) 4° ap., 10e. Peps : : UE G t . 2 Rel — Severed hand. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c... Munro. neo: ; | ee — Steel necklace. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.6> pap., 20c Drury, B. Paxson. A fruitful life: missionary labors of | teel necklace (Seaside lib.) 4°. °84. ae OMe: Stephen Paxson, by his daughter; introd. by e : | Was itva murder or whom: thon hen? fir Sate L. Goodell. por. and ill. 12°. ’82.*535 $1.95 pee — : rene 4 Ne eee Sipgre oO eS J 1.29. | Hrenchi by, Ax Di He. 129% «28 3esc2t ee | Am. Ss. S. . ts Drury, E: Ja. Comical French grammar. ill. 16°. Rand, MeN. § Co. ele yee Ort a perce | Du Breuil, Alph. | Thomery system of grape culture. D iB , ' ¢ oo | L2or [i KO NUO Gooadoond 0000 o060 Ga6 Judd. rury, « ° ruths and untruths oY I Le : . eeaads , y e5%0 : sof evolution. 1 Du Chaillu, Paul B. Land of the midnight sun: Swe- [’84. ] Meanie sconcsoun cand beds Randolph. | ag a : den, Norway, Lapland and Northern Finland. Dryden, J: Alexander’s s feast, and MacFleknoe. (Eng. | 2v. map a aaiit 8°. 782 ['81].*18 $7.50.. Harper. classic ser.) 16°. 783. pap., 12c.-.-Clark & M. . seats Duchess (pseud.) See Argles, Mrs. \ — Essays; sel. and ed., with introd. and notes, by C. \f ae ) caerele yes Mi D. Yonge. 16°. 782.58 net, 60c... Macmillan. Duchess of Rosemary Lane. Sce Farjeon, B. L. — See also Collins, W: also Modern classics. Duchesse Undine. Diltz, H. P. 75ec Duboc, E: (pseud.) See Waldmiiller, R. | Ducie diamonds. See Blatherwick, C. Du Bois, A. J. Elements of graphical statics, and their | Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D. See Sand, George (pseud.) application to framed structures, ete.: text and Dudley, Dean. History plates. 2ded.,rev. 2v. 8° [’77.]** $5.. Wiley. : — Strains in framed structures, with “pp lications. ill. | OF 28¢ SSI QO) fare wire cs eiobavele = eveielaisiel «eis «cies rley. | rT , . ao 2 E iP ee : ; Wiley Dudley, T: Underwood. A wise discrimination, the Dubois, ee : sorgken English ue renchmas’ mace le Church’s need. 12°. ’81.48° net, $1.. Whattaker. with the Eng. language. n Eng. and French. 1 rn si ea © ar . Maxwe Mos. M. BE. 10c... nr DAO TQ GaRCAR (Oe ici ciereioies ye cia cinicie rie cie Lee & S. | ae ‘ ee oe Hyllts Pe POG Men oe és : ee | Due West. allou, M. M. $1.50..Houghton, M. & Co. Du Bois, H. P. Historical essay on bookbinding. 12°. | ie : : 3 ee J a ye (°83.]*82! vel. gratis ....... Bradstreet Press. | Duel in Herne Wood. Collins, W: W. 10c...Junro. Du Boisgobey, Fortuné. Ace of hearts. 2 pts. (Sea- | Duff, Alex. Missions the chief end of the Christian Wereiateheys Peterson. of the first council of Nice: A.D. 325; with life of Constantine. 12°. ’80.476 Sy crores erecets Sree terete eine eek ene airs se COLLINS: side libs) 49) 783.99" "ea. pap:, 20C... <1 Munro. | church. New ed. 24°. SO Rie _90¢. Same. — Bertha’s secret. 2 pts. (Seaside lib) 4°. 84. New cheap ed. ’82.°* pap., 5c..Un. Presb. Bd. Vas DAs LOCH ere cieic orien ela i6 sts . Vunro. | Duff, C. P., W. H. and R. P. Book-keeping by single — Chevalier Casse-Cou. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°, | and double entry. 4° [777.]?§? hf. roan, 75c. SO AReSo Caen DAD ys ZO0C i eitecmecs lela claisie aie ini: Harper. — Coral pin. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°4 pap., 30c. | Duff, Mountstuart E.G. Miscellanies, political and lit- Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.6 | eratyn 82. Vig eee Sr eis oeler = ol Macmillan. PAP., BOC. eee ee cece ree cece cece eee ee eel Munro. | Dufferin, Earl of. [F: Temple Blackwood.] Letters — Crime of the opera house; from the French by F. E. \ from high latitudes : yacht voyage to Iceland, Jan Garnett. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 49. ’81.5!7518 Mayen, and Spitzbergen. cr. 8°. [’76.]*48 $1.50. | | l., pap., DO Cr ercrcrsie Balelie micrevic al clwieievelerels (ere Munro. | Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. — Ferry-boat; from the French by C. A. Merighi. ; K |— Same. Newed. 12°. [’78.]3% $1.50.R. Worthington. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.°7° pap., 20c...-/ Munro. | — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. pap., 20c. ...J: W. Lovell. — Golden pig; from the French by C. A. Merighi. | Duffet, F. New French method. New ed., rev. and iV adpt. to Am. schools and colleges, by A. Henne- Munro. ° iD 2 an ay 1*491 @7] 9 ‘ ‘ : quin. (Kelectic educ. ser.) 12°. [’81. ] $1.20. — Golden tress; from the French. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 1 \ d E Van Antwerp pap., DOC serevereravots ciclo elelciecielere) ats) eyare a aieieis MMU O: 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °82.5°% ea., pap., 20c. | y op I: I 1G 19] ¥5 21 a). Duffey, Mrs. E. B. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s etiquette : Tee See NON ee ne manual of the manners and dress of Am. society. De Oe oe eae soo tease PUT 208 [repo DO ere teeter sciecr Porter § C. — His great revenge; ont the French by C. A. Meri- | = : : eo ce > 6e9 865,568 4. | Duffield, G: and S:W. The burial of the dead: pas- ghi. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 49. 782.2% Ca, ; : : pap 20¢ Tapacnan, | tor’s Handbook for funeral services, and consola- Ahn AWGsosca00c Wis cite cia this rotne clos eeierene cl : : 5 : SER TET Sra ; “hi » afflicted. 16°. °82.*545 75c.; flex. — Iron mask; from the French, by C. A. Merighi. | eer o1 ee filicted. 16 ‘ oe nee 7 7 2 | ' Wlaoodo oodd eoeeeveen eer ee ereee eve er eee TU Ce (Seaside lib.) 4° [784. lee pap., 20c.. Munro. | See 5 ee : : — Lost casket: tr. by S. Lee. (Transatlantic novels.) | Duffield, Jfrs. W: Art of flower painting; ill. by Dal- dv a . 7 %*357 ~ 5 ’ 16°. ’81.*472 Sy. pap. aye Bevis) elsive oie alicia Putnam. | ziel. (Art hand-books. ) NGO, 27Ses357 Ihdse. OU ce mL 5 5 > — Marie-Rose; or, athe mystery. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) | Putnam. Aor 7837658 -, pap:, 20C.-..--.-...... Munzo. | Duffy, Annie V. Glenalban, and other poems. 12°. aC =Q 356 ch P — Matapan affair; from the mrench bw L.. Ki. Kendall. | 78. BL50.. ce cee cece ec eee cere eens .- Hale. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.5%4585 ea., pap., | Duffy, Six C: Gavan. Four years of Irish hist., 1845— DC isia oi ay ae GI ee las Gis e otisreceis o. o- Munro. 1849. 89°. [RSS RES Ree OMSSCLLs Ess Gi COs — Mérindol. (Seaside lib.) 4° [784.]°® pap., 20c. | __ Young Ireland: fragment of Irish hist. 1840-1850. Munro. Son 38h] (SOs esses $3. Same. New cheap ed. — Mystery of an omnibus. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 190! %*OsdTl eI ROR: ees OR a. Appleton. Ds () Giicra ciercrcieic ciel ol ciivicre:e: c1c1 ole) «) abelia\ ele) erch cla evelece } ‘ : . ES ONT46S 2) Giteter citcve siete lnvolelcjiviinie: o: ei) 010) «) a) eileieielele) ofa e/aleves Tunvro. Gag 9 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4o, 8), 468 ea., pap., — Old age of Monsieur Lecoq. 2 pts. ene lib.) S00. at ore oe [a ae ee Mano AO (CRs; DADs, 2OC. ce ceisie viele slele aise .- Munro. a hee : : — Privateersman’s legacy; from the French by L. E. | Dugan, Ja. ([‘‘Oneida.”] Doctor Dispac pee Kendall. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4° 799 574 ag. | story of the great Southern plague of 1878. 1 Ns tg Cae : eee we | 0, 79, %*420 UR sc0n0en 00000: lark § H. pap.. 20c. ..-...26. ei ckee oie eiai sisiia)aTeloiele cleo Munro. | 8°. 3." pap-, (oe. C og . mn . > : ¢ . rp > race » > — Robbery of the orphans; or, Jean Tourniol’s inheri- | Dugdale, R.L. The Jukes; study in ce pauperism, tance; from the French by S. Lee. (Seaside GisGasey and heredity ; introd. 1 yy i. Harris. 3d 2 ak 77 7291 1 OF , indy) ZO, YS, pp, Alc ccaccnnmncon Munro. edi reve. U205. iia PL.20- essa ee Putnam. pap., eeDuhring, L: A. descriptive text. ea., pap., DUHRING TBA (°77.]22 $6. Duke’s plantation. Mathey, See Trollope, A. Same. 3d ed., r RE ee ee are eine clolore oteieie)« sieieliele Duke of Kandos. Duke’s children. eV A. 20c:.- Bradley, E. 10c... I] Atlas of skin diseases; with plates and Complete in9 pts. 4°. $2.50; complete, hf. mor., $25 In crt |- L ippincott. | — Practical treatise on diseases of the skin. il 182: Lippincott. | ..J: W. Lovell. | Dukesborough tales. Johnston, R: M. 25c. Dulce domum. Taylor, B: F. $4..---.---- Dulcken, H. W. (ed.) Worthies of the 2 ONT BOYD Or cic a) cieielerelec sas abaielcioi ict Dulles, C: W. Dulles, J: W. Dumanoir, P., Dumas, Alex. — Same. — Man with five w ings ills 169: enl. with new ill. SD isl cleie) wiaieveiers and Sew rai Thdr. ¥. school hymnal. pauvre : comé 12°, 83.81 p; dict. (Seaside Captain Paul. Catherine Blum. Chevalier de Mais« Chicot, the jester Conspirators. Corsican brothers. Count of Monte C Same. Countess de Charny. Doctor Basilius. Forty-five guards! Ingénue. (Seasic Isabel of Bavaria. Joseph Balsamo. (Seaside pap., 75c..--- Marguerite de Val Mohicans Of Banicl ea., pap., 20c. Nanon. Page of the Duke of pap., 10c.... Queen’s necklace. > > I £ » Regent’s daughter. Russian gypsy. Salvator 792 968,574 ea, Six years later. Spell-bound : Three Same. side lib., (Seaside Three strong men. anovel. 16°. guardsmen. New ed. 12 Pocket ed.) 28 (ese2) HOC. 16°. 783. *594 and Lafargue, —. lie. Nouv. éd. ip., 25C...-.--- Beau Tancrede; or, lib.) 4°. ’81.489 (Seaside lib.) 4°. (Seaside lib.) 4°. yn Rouge. (Seaside lib. ) (Seaside lib) 4°. (Seaside lib.) risto; ill.” 12°: (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., (Seaside lib. (Seaside lib.) 4°. nen. (Seaside | le lib.) 4°. (Seaside lib.) Som i718. |e20) ps AP lib.) 4°. pap., 2 ives. New ed. romance. ois: ist ° (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., Savoy. (Seaside lib.) 12°, (783. ] +07 pap., Se (OC. « b ee Line. ill-, 82% ene Munro. Harper. Griggs: world. 8°. .-- Putnam. --. Presb. Bd. dsi00c: “Presb. Bd. Le SAARC (Théatre contemp. ) W: R. Jenkins. the marriage ver- pap., pap., pap:, (Seaside lib.) 4°, pap., 40, [’7 20¢ 80. ib.) 4°, (Seaside lib.) 4°. (Seaside lib.) 4°. : conclusion of The Mohi by M. N. Sherwood. 5 pts. libs) 49 pap:, (Seaside lib.) pape, O [’ 20c. 20 4833024 40, ) 40, 10c.. pap., ol 20c. 10c. 10c. pap., 10e. pap., Munro. Munro. Munro. Munro. 4°, pap., | Munro. 20¢e. Munro. Munro. 10e. 7.| $1.50. Porter & C. es pap. Munro. Munro. pap., 20c. Munro. , 2U0C. 4°, pap., 20c. Mu 770. .. Munro. 10e. Munro. .. Peterson. Munro. | What to do first, in accidents or poison- | 2d ed., Blakiston. Ride through Palestine. ill. 12°. [’81.]*°°° | (eds.) Westminster Sabbath- | [eve SI; | (Seaside lib.) AO; 7891588 pap:, 2Z0Cs 0a scene sere cece LOGS sisrcre (Seaside lib.) 4° Munro. 70 582 Ove Munro. Munro. Munro. pap., 20c. pap., Ee C. Munyro. pap., Munro. 10e. Munro. -ans of Paris; 10c. tr. , (Seaside lib.) 4°. » Pap., ZOC. 200 ce ececerces (Seaside lib.) 4°. Hore! Munro. Munro. D - Carleton. aa [es >L.50. Peterson. | I orter & C. | Same. pap., (Sea- 20¢c. Munro. pap., Munro. 10e. | — Same. |Duncan, J. » DUNCAN pam. ion , continued. — Twenty years after. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.9 pap., 20c. . - Munro. — Twin lieutenants. (Seaside 1 in ) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — Two Dianas. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c..-. Munro. — Vicomte de Bragelonne. 4 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ea., pap., 20c..+--+----+-- ents eiep ere eiaereee - Munro. — Watchmaker. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c.. Munro. Dumas. Alex. (fils). Camille; or, the fate of a coquette. (Sarah Bernhardt ed) sq. 169 [280|*252" pap... UD Gricieicioteleverslslere Noieioielelclaiclelsio ciel s Peterson. — Camille: drama. © (Ac ting drama.) 107 ino pap., LDC. <--oce~ cee cenccecs wie ele cise Roorbach. Dumas’ art annual: ill record of the exhibitions of the world, 1882 (Ist year). 250 original drawings in fac-simile. 8°. 782.°7? pap., $1.25...- Bouton. Du Maurier, G: Pictures of Eng. society ; from Punch. (Parchment pap. ser.) ill. 24°. ’84.*°9 pap., SO Case ccios cee mieleaic eiarcvocistciece B aheieie cio {ppleton. Du Moncel, Count Thdr. the 2d ed. (Sci. ser.) Electro-magnets; tr. from 2405 28308880 bdss, 50c: Van Nostrand. Elements of construction for electro-magnets ; from the French by C. J. Wharton. 8°. ’83.°°4 TDS Oe sywiarelnierein ciclele eiclelel = clcte (ov lalelel sis cis’ s)'seisic - Spon. — Telephone, imicrophone and phonograph: auth. tr. with add. and corr. by author. ill. 12°. ’79.*49 TOR oecie clele sere clevelel oie cio ieis) i cleke [alice =e . Harper. —and Geraldy, Fk. Electricity as a motive power; tr. and ed. with add. by C. J. Wharton. ill. 8°. 18 BeOS SS iclereiere pela cyot silace ere ie vere AOoROOU GOON Spon. —and Preece, W: H: Incandescent electric lights, with ref. to the Edison lamps at the Paris Exhibition. (Sci. ser.) ill. 24°. 782.*°*8 bds., 50c. Van Nostrand. musical Ethiop. Dumont, Fk. Africanus Bluebeard: burlesque. 12° [’76.] pap., 15c. .-.- De Witt. — Gambrinus: BUM On: Durlesdve 129: ae | pap., 15c. Sis¥ois) ejelsielele mi Gisele ple es.) slolssiclere : sale — Helen’s funny babies: E thiop. burlesque. [’78. ] pap., L5C..-.- cece cece reer cece es DO00 ae Witt. [? 76. pap., l5c. De Witt. [2763] pap:, — Making ahit: Ethiop. farce. L298: — Midnight intruder: Ethiop. farce. 16°. PD Oe cicre so iavolis) aletere «ais ole) ic sheyelorciarels 5 - De Witt. — One night ina medical college: Ethiop. sketch. 12°. (?77.] pap., 15c...6+---eeeeee sccm eDe Watt. — Painter’s appre ntice : E thiop: farce. 16% ([776.] pap., l5c...--.... mS ellsie/ als fajere\eaiclere) cyelsisiere De Witt. — Polar bear: Ethiop. farce. 16°. [? 76. ] pap., lsc. De Witt. (276-4) paps, loc: De Witt. — Whatshall I take? Ethiop. farce. 16°. [’76.] pap., — Two awfuls: negro sketch. 12°. Cee cscetts oe cpeieislorerevere gia valevayol weieralevsaexersie « . De Witt. — Who’s the actor? Ethiop. farce. 16°. [’76.] pap., VS Ci hcsiete ois icra wis vores sy eiceserersie eign ce ene Dewite Dun, Finlay. Veterinary medicine. Newissue. 8°. AF | EBS) Gano co00 anno aoO0K . W: R. Jenkins. J: W. Lovell. Complete concordance to the Odyssey and [also] Concordance to the Dunallan. Dunbar, H: Hymns of ilomer; Kennedy, G. 2v. ea., loc.. parallel passages in the Iliad, Odyssey and Hymns. [Gk.] 4° 780.44 $5.25.. Macmillan. 80. *473 $1, Spon. Duncan, D. See Spencer, H. Descriptive sociology. Duncan, Ms. Flo. I. My intimate friend. 12°. [’78.]°" SUED O}e tec sicrerelel crore syorcul io cretelere woe ceee Lippincott. — Wax flowers : lessons in modeling: aE Doe a ieiiveilines $1. eres aivehs cle oinioieyerecie oreeveys -+---lrppincott. ye faithful drama of Dunbar, Ja. Practical papermaker. 16°. — Ye last sweet thing in corners: ye artist’s vendetta. sq. 12°. [’80.]*#°7 $1.25; pap., 50c... .--- Duncan § I. Matthews. On stenility in women. 8°. 2B AOR Te (SS Dy to rale eleva clevalieii eitciaieve) weve eieinia Blakiston.DUNCAN 1 Duncan, R. S. History of Sunday-schools; added app-, cont, suggestions. 12° ([/777.)7 $1; MOGs pre sie eiciee eievetersienerelnie ce So. Bapt. Duncan, T. C. Feeding and management of and children, and the 493 treatment of their diseases. NAY te} $2; hf. mor., $2.75.-.... Duncan. — How to be plump; or, talks on physiological feeding. P20 FRB RAe DOCS icon wrerele wisrere ols ererors Duncan. | — How to feed children. 16°. 779.4% 25c; pap., 10c. Duncan. infants Q o J DYER Dupré, J. V. Quarter-sectional atlas of the city of Milwaukee; drawn and comp. from the records of Milwaukee Co. 2drev. ed. maps and index, fo. 84.84 hf. roan, $15....-.....-..-- Caspar, | Dupuy, Eliza A. The shadow in the house; [also] A | husband for a lover. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.°°° pap-, l0c........-2---- dole olaicjonclershenerens) Ogilvie. Durand, Mme. Alice. See Gréville, H: ( pseud.) | Durant, Ghislani. Horseback riding from a medical I” point of view. 16°. [’78.]%? $1.25. Tay QO It % > iseases wh} FO Q ’ 9 | - 5 o = Rext book of the diseases of children. 3d cd. 8°.} Cassell, P., @. & Co. oe $6; leath., $7 ----- o ieiees hare Glee Duncan. | __ Hygiene of the voice; its physiology and anatomy. Dundas, Hon. Mrs. —. Wrecked, not lost; or, the} Rev. ed: ills 89: 27928207 Sie50: pilot and his companions. 6th thous. ill. 16°. | Cassell, P., G. § Co. [°79.]*A 40C. 210 eee ce eee eee eee Dutton. | — Sea bathing: its use and abuse. 24°. [’78.]9%° pap., Dundas, E. His bonnie bride: [also] A father’s story. | QD. oc cacsce secs cccccce © cece cece .--- Cogswell. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.°°° pap., 10c... Ogilvie. | Durant, Héloise. Pine needles; or, sonnets and songs. Dunderviksborg and other tales. See Henderson, | THe 80; 2845892 archi. HD) miciciei nici - Putnam. Mrs. F. C. | Durch ein Nadelohr. Smith, H. $1.10-.---.: Am. Tr. Dunglison, R: J. Elementary physiology. 12°. (’79.]| Durden, Dame (pseud.) Mabel Howard. ill. 16°. SE Oven ce. Sais Sedo verel Oia elelie coi wiars aie Porter & C. | lima ee OTOH ao cers a cisco etere cists oe »--Lothrop. : rr . Yo 2Q() #448 ‘Tier ; . epi . > — New school phy Stalay: vey Te ole 80. Sle 20). | Durfee, T: Gleanings from the judicial hist. of Rhode a ; : a7 eee gC. Island. (R. I. hist. tracts.) sq. 12° *83.*°°7 pap., — Practitioner’s reference book. 8°. aes -50. | OPO a ecicicictee crise cre slcielsiacs ticle : . Rider Tend step SUB ae Sten | noes ~ 5 , / . ’ in ; 209 596 Se See ae | Durivage, O. E. Se Yankee. (Acting —— same, 8ded. 89: 7832922 93-50) ci. <6 Blakiston. | ‘ : x : : | drama. yi, 129: 79.] pap., lidc...---- Roorbach. Dunham, ¢ arroll. Homeopathy . er sgt ee New Y ot a drama. yeuties. 8%. [B7i8-|el2 s . Boericke ; Hart. ; ; penuc Lg Se ek ine a 5 5 Duca Wine Angéle. A woman’s mistake; or, ence oe materia medica; 89. ['80-] we » a Jacques de Trévannes; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. mor., MY ene ere ween. aisle eins ee OcTanee | Sq. 16°. °78.354 1: pap., 50c....-. .- Peterson. Dunham, We JR: @Dheony of medical science: 6% lwcee Wawthore: do Globee a ee eee orgs: 231 SpilisODiecleislel s\eisiei ciao eleie = «eed. Campbell. : ; _ lk 76. | yi aie rn oe a | Dust of gold. Ruskin, ee MOC ec ier. ec cceccce V vley. i gail Scott. avid and Anna Matson. | - , : eos . Panay A real 76.255 ee OR ane ere | Dutch, French, and Yankee dialect recitations. Dick, Ste, ae ee ene ee We Be 0c. + BOCs aseeee- een ce Dick. Dunlop, M. A. v alles Glass inthe ol world. Co" | Dutch justice: very aug tenn sketch. Morris, D. L. Die So, 282i Oe ricco ey evelcats - Scribner & W. | (Ro. : oe De Witt ale rlossary of biological, anatomical and | é Da ; Gio ry of biol ou al; unatomical “| Dutchman in Telia Acting drama. 129: “pap: ‘ ( 69 a physiological terms. 12°. ’79.°° $1..Appleton. ie Rogrbach sallard S. w to solve > Mormon problem. | : pe : a Ree Dunn, B ulard S Ho EO solve the DOD oe Duties and duties. Givens Ae tere re -« Carter. go. TOs812 Paps, LCs ee secle = ¢ aX 2 4 8°. Dunn, N. Satan chained: poem. 2d ed. 12°. [’76.]?°} take th , tabular views, and index, oe GRAB (Ve six derecho ois © oie te einiersievel sce cioleinio’s Nelson & P. (776. |? Pde eee ee eee navn Scribner, A. § Co. eee So ‘ . i . Turki BO DO mee bY) FTL eat oe Dunning, A. E. The Sunday-school library. 12°. Dwight, H: O. Turkish life in wat Oe re ee : [PSae e249 60c. so. «Cong: Ieubs, Leypoldt. GQLO0...ceeceaes Sle elelpielels\eiclaeiare serioner s Nons. Dunning, Mrs. A. K. [‘« Nellie Grahame.”] Conse- | Dwight, N. Lives of themigpers of the $1.50. B of In- quences; or, a bowl of punch, and what came of dependence. Newed. [76.7 $1.50. Bar ee pes a9 ~ } < mn . 2 246 it. 120, [78.]8% $1.25...........Presh. Bd.| Dwight, T: Anatomy of the head. pl. 8°. 76 — Dr. Renwick’s medicines. 16°. ’79.389 $1..Am. S. S. | eal) ooo 0000. HL : ane cs 1 1606 Trt Ht —— Fatal inheritance. 16°. ’79.38 @1...... Am. S. S.|— Frozen sections of aon de ill. 8°. 8 3 ood. — Hampered. ill. 12°. [7’84.] Am. Tr. | Dwyer, C. P. The immigrant ae 10th ed. ill. — Letting down the bars series. (781-83. eel demy 8°. [ 78.]?° Bl.00..--- Nanton, R. § H. EBS! egy Sill o ateverenccel mentees) ce elemerare al cle Presb. Bd.| Dye, W: McE. Moslem Egypt and Christian Abys- Cont. : Letting down the bars. — Scattered. —In the enemy’s | Siniae S82 sO: GRU oe dave were eres . Atkin. Cae eee re eee Ce ee ean Dyer, H: Education of civil and Siccnenicalle engineers — Loss and gain; or, great fortunes. ill. 16°. [’78.]*%*° | So, 781.488’ pap:, 40¢. sie os Micieles/ccieaiS 20%. Su elehene eoeresers ie eyciniciay esas Sie alee cuties ois shes Am. S. S | Dyer, I: W. Statutes. See Maine, Legislature. : y 90 TIO *593—-%*622 QQ. | 2 i i 2 ; bab todo.setles, Oy 12 pees °°3| Dyer, J. M. Exercises in analytical geometry. 12°. OP? log Ewlall 5600 a0qgc00c eiyeiele pei oe 1m. S. S. ao aady eT OF. seers Shere otis eile wee UIQCILUULQ IL. ont.: Whi .— How not to do it. — How to do it. eS j RA son ees we: NEO Ova hiupehe os ae | Dyer, L: The Greek question and answer. 8°. ’84.*°99 Dunning, Fes. A. B. Gathered leaves: poems. 129. Pap., FOC. were eeesceccee rece cecccaccce Osgood. 270. ch oem 7 ) One f (77. ] a MOD aKeietnre= shies L. Palmer. Dyer, Sydney. eautiful ladder; or, the two students. Dunphie, C: J. Splendid advantages of being a | 1608 eR es NIE Oe cieio ss cpienisiaee Am. Bapt. woman, and other erratic essays. cr. 8°. [’76.]*° | — Elmdale Weeun or, God’s mighty workers. 16°. Spier (Deneve elrerss miiebsieresteie sicieic Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. | (277. ]802 BLO .- +00 cree ener en aces Am. Bapt. Duntzer, H: Life of Schiller; tr. by P. EK. Pinkerton. | — ote andelaws. 16°. [’ 77.] $1.50....Am. Bapt. ill. and fac-similes. 12°. °83.597 $2.50. — Ocean gardens and palaces; or, the tent on the Macmillan. beach. ill. 16% (°76.]*° $1.50..Am. Bapt. 15. (Sept. 84.)DYER 114 EASTMAN Dyer, T.F. Thiselton. Domestic folk-lore. (Pop. lib.) 16°. [’81.]*°°! 50c.; pap., 25c. Cassell, PG & Go. — Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 8°. *84 [’83].*°? $2.00. Harper. Dyer, T: H. Hist. of the city of Rome to the end of the Middle Ages. mapsand eng. 8° ([777.]*” Oe ee eycie rere file) olersi eicla. © ‘ele leloleiessiavers R. Worthington. Dyke and Burr, the rival detectives. Rockwood, H. DB Oc cere nie el 0) oe) © efoley elo! #1 cyeislaie)-s/sielel ele Ogilvie. Dykes, J. Oswald. Abraham a friend of God. 12°. [ieefen eee SSH) OE cise siercieiers SAN Gobo CoDR Oo OULATA ES — Daily prayers for the household, for a month. 12°. AY ESOS ood oaKdas Sievaleve eieie easvelais Carter. — Manifesto of the King: exposition of the Sermon onthe Mount. U20% {Siete Oe mics. Carter. == Sermons; 120 [Seite Pl O0e scene Carter. Dynamic electricity ; its modern use and measure- ment. 1: Some points in electric lighting, by J: Hopkinson. 2: On the measurement of elec- tricity for commercial purposes, by J. N. § bred. 3: Electric light arithmetic, by R. E. Dav. GScir. ser. JI Bae; 284.4583 obds.. 50c:; ; Van Nostrand. 100l- B., E. M. Random casts: odds and ends from an angler’s note-book. sq. 16°. [’78. 327 pap., 50¢. - Derby. E.,H.F. Fighting the good fight; or, the successful in- fluence of well-doing. ill. 16°. ’8 { 637 S150. Nelson. SS Esp mothers DOOks JIGS, = 2835 Dl nec Carter. B.. ©. A. Acruiseundersixflags. 12°. 7’83[’82].*?°° (Of he, (AS-coocc9o09sno6 00 sda GDO0KC Lippincott. E pluribus unum. Wells, J. C. 50c....-- ec Malis. Bach and all; or, how the seven little sisters prove their sisterhood. Andrews, J. Sil Dis sie ole cts Lee & SN. Eadburga, Queen of Wessex, and other poems. Now- lan, W: By... ir SONDOORO OOODOODCDOOCRDOOOdSOO Ke e7an. Hadgyth ( pseud. The Wilford family; or, hero- worship in the school-room. 12°. [’79.]*8°7 75c. Pott ¥: & Co. Eadie, J: Commentary on the Greek text of the Epis- tles of Paul to the Thessalonians; ed. by W Young; pref. by Prof. Cairns. 8°. [778.]22° $4- Macmillan. == Mhite ot ObNmttOw Dips Il AGO. Ieee] Silo: ; Cartei Eiads, H. L: Shakersermons. por. 8°. 779.*4% $1. Clarke. Eads, Ja. B. Review of Humphrey’s and Abbot’s rep. on the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river. 8°. 778.°°7 pap., 25c.... Van Nostrand. Haglesmere trio. McMinn, BE. $1...--..Am. Bapt. Bames, Roscoe L. Light-line shorthand: work on prac- tical phonography. 12°. ’83.°9% $2.... Barnes. Harl Hubert’s daughter. Holt, B.S. $1.50... Carter. Earl of Mayfield. May, T:P. $1.50; $1.75. Petesson. Earl Wayne’s nobility. Sheldon, Js. G. $1.50. Carleton. Farle, A.B. Humanwill. 18° ’82.54% 25c...Havle. amily worship and private deyvo- — Morning hour: forf tions 8. (enr.s244 2s libs, doi tky., so. Sarne: INewated: 80. 9 lis eee 2: ht. leath.. 3% MOL Ole 6 cle: Br oiiwtle avs: Vale ololsieiisl sels sc ereveisiels Ravrle. — Title examined. 24° (['77.)?7? 30c.; pap., ldc. Earle. Harle, Abr. L. Our revenue system and the civil service: shall they be reformed? pref. by W: G. Sumner. (778. 1331 pap., 5) Civatelevalichsrc © ola) eielevererciel Cishaeis) cie\clele sieve oc/ats Putnam. Earle, Alfr. God’s seventh-day rest. 16°. 781.479 75c. Selden. Earle, J: 300k for the beginner in Anglo-Saxon. 12°. etied eee PES aha conMonoGoun podoooo Macmillan. Earle, J:C: Manual of the lives of the popes from St. Peter to Pius 1x. ill. 12°. (778. |°?3 $1.50. 7. Kelly. Earle, Ms. L. B. Lessons of trust. 16°. -’79.38 75ce. (Hconomic monographs.) 16°. -[ Bartle. Early, Jubal A. Jackson’s campaign against Pope in August, 1862. por. 8° 783.992 pap., 50c. Cushings § B. Barly and late papers. See Thackeray, W: M. Early Christian lit. primers. See Jackson, G: A. Eiarly chroniclers of Europe. 2v. 12°. [’80.] ea., GT BOR cet eee 8 ee eee Pott, Y. & Co. Cont. : England, by J. Gairdner. — France, by G. Masson. Early graves. Macduff, J: R. $1.50......... Carter. Barly printer: tale of the time of Caxton. Cooke, C. A. DR ines og eva jiel Siete ble a 6 Gheroie eneueraroterore aie) aieiee LD ULLLON: Barly spring in Massachusetts. Thoreau, H: D. $1.50. Houghton, M. & Co. Early Teutonic, Italianand French masters; tr. and ed. trom the Dohme ser., by A. H. Keane. ill. er. 8°. SF QV ANA RTD (epee escieleva ere caren ecole anis Lippincott. Fiarnest appeal for medical freedom. 16°. [’77.]?54 pap., 2) Coy ery clots aekcievel eave aiaisie (ce) suctatevelevorelorcvark Colby. Earnest appeal to Moody; a satire. 12°. (e78-7222 Paps, LOC. weenie since «cle -isjei- > ecoee Authors’. Barnest student. See Macleod, N. Barnest trifler. Sprague, M. W. $1.25. Houghton, O. & Co. Barth, airand water. Martineau, C. A. 50c.. Routledge. Earth as modified by human action. Marsh, G:P. $3. Scribner, A. & Co. Earthbound. Oliphant, Jfrs. M.O. W. 10c.. Munro. Earthly Paradise. Morris, W: 3v. S6-$15..Roberts. East, J: My Saviour; or, devotional meditations, on the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. 12°. Mili 274 Td5c. vee ee ew ee ee eee eee ee Carter. Bast and the West. Stanley, A. P. 2dc.... Williams. Bast Lynne. See Wood, Mrs. E. P. East of the Jordan. Merrill, S. $4; $2.50. Scribner’s Sons. Eastburn,—. Musical cabinet. 12v. 4°. ea., $1.50; bds.. Shill < cis isis wo cle 6 eee) cl oie in eiele'e J: M. Stoddart. Cont.: Voeal: Choice parlor ballads. — Pleasant pastime. — Songs of affections. — Gems of Germany. — Select contralto or baritone songs. Instrumental: Fireside gems. — Beauties of Dorn. —Favorite dances. — Sparks of melody. —Gathered pearls — Cirelet of brilliants. — Beauties of Strauss. — New organ book. 4°. $2; bds., $1.50.J. M. Stoddart. Easter angels. Wastman, M. H. 35c. .... Lippincott. Easter chimes. 24°. ’81.*#°° $1; hand-painted, $2.50. Randolph. Baster day. M., K. 50c.--............ - Whittaker. Easter wings. [’79.]*°78 wing shape, tied with ribbon, pap., DOC wrciees alle alahaiets (ciaie wie! cicie) cieceleisis Randolph. Eastern and the western questions. Baird, H:C. 10ce. Baird. Eastern proverbs. See Long, J. Eastern question. Roberts, SiR. H. 50c. ; 25c. Osgood. Eastern question; or, an outline of Mohammedanism. 8°. .782.*982 pap. 50C..... 22+ ee ene Williams. Eastern sketches. Harte, F. B. $2. Houghton, M. & Co. Eastern sketches. See Thackeray, W: M. Bastlake, C: lL. Hints on household taste; ed. with notes, by C: C. Perkins. 6th Aim. ed., from latest Ene: ed. col. all. 89 28-82 $3: hf. ck, Gee) OLA Toniliic lee) see letere) cierele! Houghton, M. § Co. — Notes on the principal pictures in the Louvre Gal- lery at Paris, and in the Brera Gallery at Milan. ill. 4°: °83.5%% $2......-.-+- Houghton, UM. & Co. BHastman, C: G. Poems. New ed. por. 12°. 780.*449 TLD Oye eretal aiereretayojeieerey «) 1 olclcrsiey ciaveln wieie le ole Phinney. Eastman, Julia A. Short comings and long goings. INewed: Tle? 162s = 2719288 Slob 3. Lothrop. — Young Rick; for boys; ill. by S. Eytinge. New ed. il, 405" [evsiecs = bdss) foci ricci Lothrop. Eastman, Ma. Henderson. Taster angels. obl. 24°. [’80.]*4°7_ pap., tied with ribbon, 35c. ippincott. Bastman,S: C. White Mountains guide. 13thed., rev. for 1876. ill. 12°. [’76. ]?*7 $1. Hastman ; Lee § S.EASY Basy reading. ill. 16°. [’78.]96% bds., 25ce. Basy steps for little feet. Wise .- Lothrop. Swinton, and Cath- CunteGs IRE QoC. seca cos (ou oes Ivison. Baton, A. H. Eaton & Burnett’s course of business training in commercial law. 12°. [°82.]58° $1.50. Eaton & B. Eaton, Dan. C. Ferns of North America; ill. by J. H. Emerton and C: E. Faxon. 2-v. col. pl. 4° SO: = ss Cassino. 8°. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) | Eaton, Dorman B. 80 [°79].*418 40, — Spoils system and civil service reform in the Custom- House and Post-Office at N. Y. (Pub. Civ. Service Ref. Assoc.) 12°. 781.486 Civil service in Great Britain. $2.50. BSE paps. 2oc pap., Putnam. — Termand tenure of office. (Pub. of the Civ. Service Ref. Assoc.) 12°. 782.537 pap., 25c... Putnam. Eaton, Herb. N. An hour with the American Hebrew. ip WE, OY i, Wis ossccod Seika ier: Haney. Eaton, Ja. S. Primary arithmetic. Rev. ed. 18°. [aii Lees. Eaton, Morton Monroe. ‘Treatise on the medical and surgical diseases of women, with their homceo- pathic treatment. ill. 8°. & shp., $6.50. Boericke Jf Tt Eaton, 8.J.M. Jerusalem, the holy city. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 24°. °83.°%% pap., 10c... Phillips § H. Wescoe «oe LALOMNSONM, Bb. a Co; L cerns 80. #45 Eiau-de-Nil. Edwards, ©. C. H. 10c........ Munro. Ebbe und Fluth. Widdern, M. 10c......... Munro. Eben, ©. T. A comparative German primer. 24° PE Th, Bae ood nosG 0000 door Westermann. Ebers,G: Daughter ofan Egyptian king; a romance: tr. by H: Reed. Newed. 16°. [’78.]8*° $1.25. (Cheap ed. 16°. ’80.447 pap., 60c... Lippincott. Same, with title : Egyptian princess; from the Germ. same. by i. Grove. Auth. ed. 2v. 16°. *80.*45 $1.50; Pap: SOC. seccac + - hee e ieee A noonac Gottsberger. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c....... Munro. Egypt, descriptive, hist. and picturesque; from the Germ. by C. Bell; introd. and notes by S. Birch. TE fos (2825680 hf. and full mor., $37.25; 2-v. in 1. Cassell, P., G. § Co. Eine Frage lyll zu einem Gemalde seines Freundes 2 V. $20 ; 2 $33.2d.-. a Alma T’adema. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. ’81.49 DVDs LOC are eic cielstnialwiale yon) vies ciel crea --. Munro. — Ing. A question: the idyl of a picture by his friend Alma Tadema; fromthe Germ. by M. J. Saf- ford. GOS = Oilmees pap., 40c...... Gotisberger. — Frau Biirgermeisterin: Roman. (Deutsche Lib.) AO ODP ze ape OCH © siete or elsie) yasicls ecie ere Munro. — Eng. Burgomaster’s wife: from the Germ. by M. J. Safford. 16°. ’82.*°?9 pap., 50c... Gottsberger. (Seaside lib.) 49. 782.58° pap., 20c. Munro. Homo sum: from the Germ. by C. Bell. Auth. ed. GS: = 80.82 nap: 40c. Gottsberger. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.... Same. — Der Kaiser: Roman. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. 7’81.4%4 PAP» ZOE. <2. oe sicene cece cuss cccccs ove Munro. — Hng. The emperor: from the Germ. by C. Bell. 2 Vier © GO 2 781 .*491,494 nap., 40c.... Gottsberger. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. The sisters: 16°. Same. Sell. Auth. ed. NHS CMC Geo05 an00Gd Gottsberger. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.4° pap., 20c... Munro. Uarda: Roman aus dem alten Egypten. (Deutsche from the Germ. by C. 22) *441 2 Lay) 20, “Ppt eye, ANG ncacon soda 0a! Munro. — #Hng. Uarda: romance of ancient Egypt: from the Genny. by © Bell: 2yv. 162, “80:42 oO: pap., 70c...... By alome rel sisloleleyoi sis) s)cieicie Gottsberger. — Same. 162 28) 478 FA) Gaye ei cle axe) erenciereys Am. Bk. Hxe —— SQME. (Sh N69 as J 70. FaSneanieaus Beectier: Gs SILO <<. docae. aoa — Outlines of English history. ['80.] 22c..... Ware. : : igs — Thousand miles up the Nile; with fac-similes, plans, Edenside. Cupples, Mrs. A.J. 75¢.---+--- Am. Tr. col. maps of the Nile [etc.]. ill. imp. 8°. Edersheim, Alfr. What isher name? (Robert Raikes | (277. R0e BLO)... wc cee eon Scribner, W. & A. lib) 16°: [f83-90 pap:, Lc: --. <2 14m. S.S.|— Twice saved. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c... Munro. Edersheim, BE. W. Laws and polity of the Jews. 12°. | Edwards, Mis. Annie. At the eleve nth Thane. (Trans- ZO eC OaT Ge trois) ofa/eis) ele einicle fe) clei . Nelson. | atlantic novels.) sq. 16°. ’82.*°°° $1; pap., 60c. tches of Jewish social life in the day: S Oi Christ. Putnam. 1G Uae (Ol cee ees [. Bradley. | = Same, with title: Ball-room repentance. (Seaside — Temple and its services. 16°. ’81.°°° $1.25. libs), Ao. 282) Aoe2 pap. DOCH Wace coe. Munro. : I. Bradley. | — Blue stocking. 12°. F277. P29) ills: pap. o0c: Edes, Rob. T. Ther: apeutic hand-book aoe the U.S. Sheldon. pharmacopeia. go. ’83.586 subs.. $3.50.. Wood. |—-- Jet: her face or her fortune? (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. Edgar, G: P. (comp.) Gems of the spait of 1880 | (78. ee pap., 80c.-.-.+----- vies sie Appleton. by Generals Grant and Garfield. sq. 16°. ’81.*47°| Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. .---. Munro. — Leah. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c....-.- Munvro. pap., 25¢e. Atal cielevelieiolcisislclcieieilstele ° . Bdgar. ane } ‘ 2 : == Rove ar alma vindicated ie Presby tery and| — Ought we to visit her? (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c Synod. 8°. 780.*474 pap., 25c......-. [ Edgar. | Munro. — Philip Earnscliffe. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Munro. | — Point of honor. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.- Munro. | — Stephen Lawrence. (Seaside: ub) AON 2842859) pant. Edgeworth, Mar. Classic tales; with biog. sketch by G. A. Oliver. (Classic ser.) 16°. 783.93 $1. Roberts. — Prussian vase. (Boys’ pokes Jibs) “240% 47,9).d06)| HO ooc0c0 aooc000ND0C sinvei=i vielen © MULUDS) S; H. | : LUC eens e/a ties isjeinre sees sccisiccce ce MMUIMUTO. — Simple Susan, and other ctoties. 24°, (76. ]244 $1. = Susan Fielding : a love story. (Ses iside iFin) 4o, Tr yee 83.588 = pap., 20C. .--- cece rccccscacncs Munro. — Waste not, want not, and other stories. 24°] — Wagabondiheroine.” (Seaside Ub) 22> spab acs ernment: Gace. bos J. Miller. | __ ive meee: + ON Pe nV > YY r 20 2Q > Edgeworth, Mrs. Ma. L. Southern household com- Pe nS ee ee ee yanion. 90, 7971355 thy OF ope Pe ‘ , : : pe - & I mon: ] Mo [ 78. ] y $1.25-..... Lippincott. — Same. (Pop. lib.) 16°. 7*80.*47" pap., 25c. Edgren, E. J. Epiphainia: study in prophecy. 16°. Fitch ; [N. Y. News. ] 7974 495 rz ry Y ‘ . : Sere COC. eee ce arneceecses sete ee seeeeee Revell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 40. pap., Nye. ca Gaon! Vunro.EDWARDS 11 Edwards, C: pref. by R: H: Stoddard. New issue. ill. 12°.| SOTO ets BUDD cee ceria =i -- Armstrong. Edwards, C: Reports. See New York, State, Court of Chancery. Edwards, E. C. Hope. Eau-de-Nil: a chronicle of recent travel in Egypt. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 792 05! pap., l0c.....-. aielaveieiols} cic eile clare Munro. Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts and phrases: dic- tionary of curious, quaint and out-of-the-way mat- ters. 8°. [’81.]*°!7 hf. mor., $2.50..LZ7ppincott. Edwards, Emory. Catechism of the marine steam engine: INE (89.. 47a e er Oy crerelsioe is Baird. — Same; 3d ed., rev. with add. eng. 12°. 781.5)? $2. Baird. — Modern Am. locomotive engines. ill. 12°. 783.8% SS Dincic ieiclere Soqo00dc aa sta Arey clelc te cove Gisele eieisiere Baird. — Modern Am. marine engines, boilers and screw pro- pellers. pl. 4°. AS OE 85 sooo cdc0dc Baird. — Practical steam engineer’s guide in design, construc- tion and management of Am. stationary, portable and steam fire-engines, etc. ill. 12°. ’82.°4 OE ()rernicnerevereeias neers clei lersteciere isis are ; 56° iy = the Colossians, by A. Barry; Thessalonians, by A. J. Mason; aN yO < oO R89 569 > a YS vans 2) : yo SEF < 3 Vy hs Us Ds ; Same. Sq- 16°. oe TO Ce reieieyeleiexe.° S. W. Green. Timothy, by H. D. M. Spence. — Epistles to Titus, by H. D. M. 3 a t s 4 pence J 5 — Same. 12°. 83.51 $15 pap., 50c. Same. 2 v. Spence; Hebrews, by W. F. Moulton; St. James, by E. G. Tse 1c ey > 298 587 - Punchard. — Epistles to St. Peter (First), by A. J. Mason; sovell’s lib. 6°. eee: Caen Di de as : \ Si Oe es lied ar tee ey d ell’s lib ie oo Ca.) PAP, Loc : (Second), by A. Plummer; St. John, by W. M. Sinclair; St. J: W. Lovell. Jude, by A. Plummer. — Revelation of St. John the Divine, by — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c. Same. (Sea- W. B. Carpenter. side lib., Pocket ed. 1202) 2832624" nan: Whe, r re - " ) pay Vv 5 = New Testament commentary for Eng. readers. 8 vy. Munro. ; pon 229 319 é : ore see nee 40, (Si Oa Ca SOs ew se cc ee Dutton. — Silas Marner, the weaver of Raveloe. (Franklin Sq. Fa eee 3 . > ay s < Bit ne — Old Testament commentary for Eng. readers. 4°. lib., Duodecimo ed.) 12°. ’83.% pap., 20c. 209 577 & : ; Dutt 4 Ov wns MO ec wesc cece e wes rese ees aesess esos UuULlot. larner. Y - aes = ss : : Soe A SA Te ae Harper. | __ See also Browne, E: H., and Ellicott, C: J: — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° 783.°87 pap., 10c. : oe Re Be hs J: W. Lovell. | Biliott, C: Wyllys. Pottery and porcelain, from early - . . \ , ; mera é i 2S hil yxhi 76 i ATKS < — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..-.... Manno: times to the Phila. Exhib. 1876. ill., marks and — Spanish gypsy. Newed. 16°. 781.474 $1.50. Dee eC Se SO OR GIs | pee tai 2LCL0 it Houghton, MW. & Co. 16°. limp vel., $1; limp tree ef., or embossed leath., $4.50 White & S. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Munro. ) 622 vo. : Sa aie Same. 83.812 Same. Same, and other poems. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. DADs, 2OCS wren crea cloie tinileisiere clainle «iels c J: W. Lovell. — Character readings from George Eliot; sel. and arr. 2 by N. Sheppard. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’83.577 PAP: 2ZOC. cc cc cece cr orc ereccoes cscs Harper. — George Eliot birthday-book. por. obl. 32°. ’82.*°7! SOR ee re ee an Hall & W. — Wit and wisdom of George Eliot; with biog. memoir. ING@weds 240%) {Sip RaG2e Ne cyoms cist erate Roberts. Bliot, S: Manual of United States history. Rev. ed. [Eettieall SpU OD) etecrer serie fore) el star ere) «> Ware. — (ed.) Poetry for children; authorized for use in the Boston public schools. ill. 16°. ’80.*42° $1. Lee SS. Eliot, W. G. Home life and influence. 16°. ’81.477 HD Ce ee ierate cleieis cia eee eietelelele ce eiciele a ee(Ge lL. JONES: Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia. Cottin, Mme. S. 1 Lb Cittee sie lee ects Fitch ; | N.Y. News. | Ella, Prof. —. Musical sketches abroad and at home; ed. by J: Belcher: $9: [778/822 $2070. Schuberth. Ellacombe, H. N. Shakespeare as an angler. 16°. POs seis VC leprae atateycial nei clein o)cralcieiars Scribner & W. Billard, Virg. G. Grandma’s Christmas day; ill. by C. A Word. iSq. W205 {BON eee ede. crise « Clarke. Ella’s half sovereign; or, painsand gains. 16°. [’77. ]?7 Wile Z Die! =\cc)nirelae le\ felci ete) ajfsl] $1.25 “10. ‘ ie 18 Lindsay § Blakiston. ms ; 539 no) = — Same. Slee 90.00. 4th ed., enl. Blakiston. 4th ed., enl. 8°. ’82.8 $1..Bermingham. —— NO 7ueé. — What every mother should know. 16°. ’81.**9 TBS cic sh Vaiw GS eine dbYe Ate. ai siolainiie olele oeie ie le eteers Blakiston. Ellis, E:S. Boy pioneer ser. 2v. 16° (’83-84. ]& Cae. anleaD SOL aloleisieiciercieiere arere R evetlovebere Porter x @. Cont. : Ned in the block house. — Ned in the woods. — Jack’s horseshoe; or, what the Waugroo bitters did. (Fife and drum ser.) 12°. [783.]°°° pap., 10c. Nat. Temp. (Seaside lib.) 4°. donn OnoG! Wunro. — Life on the mountain and prairie. (pSae bee. paps. Ellis, G: A. Work done by, and power required for fire streams; with tables and information rel. to hydraulics. 16°. ’78.857 tucks, $1.75. G: A. Ellis. Bllis, G: i. History of.the first Ch. in Boston, 1630- UskeXO, 8, Ase mb bic o0 Co o0G Hall & W. |— Memoir of Jacob Bigelow, M.D. por. 8°. ’81.*°4 2 .. Walliams. | GR ce a sy laa lol a a icia ala crete creinin cis — The red man and the white man in North America. Sore 282% NOU ites ve cries ela LCLLON asp CO. 545ELLIS 120 EMERSON mo : ne | Ellis, G: Viner. Demonstrations in anatomy ; from | the 8th ney Bing) ed) ill 80: 47953" 4°25 leath:. Sbs2D= 20 cc cs wc ccc vices - cic elie 5 canna — and Ford, G. Ee Illustrations of dissections; col. pl. of the human body. 2d ed. (Lib. of stand. med. authors.) 2 v. 8°. 782.°% ea., subs., $1.25. Wood. Bllis, Ht. Warner. Our eastern sisters and their mis- sionary helpers. 16°. 783. $1.------ Randolph. 0 P2477 265 Ellis, Robinsons Commentary on Catullus. 8°. [’77. ]* Bites) cioicl sible’ Ain aia Fo eiclelvicicie «(el elelsiere Macmillan. Bllis, | See At our pee and other essays. 16°. Si ierarspetoiel lelelete sieiess cp ekc cece UNWUETSALIST. | — Life of Edwin H. Ghieyse D. D. por. andill. 8°. yy EO CLG) soon cono0cn0U GoUONd Universalist. Bilis, Tristram J. Ona raft and through the desert; with etchings and map. 2yv. 8° ’81.*% vel., $20. Scribner § W. — Sketching from nature; frontispiece and ill. by H.S. Marks, andsketches by the author. (Artat home ser.) 12°. 283. SOU ONG! cc eh acicciie Vacmillan. Ellison, Ismar S. Die Deutschen Buffalo’s. 8°. ’80.**° pap. LOGE. vce ° ees 0/6 «e100 0/0 - Besser. Ellsworth, H. WwW. Sweed: of en Sane. We, (PIS tallaooos Se Seis leeieloronsl Ellsworth. Bllwanger, H. B. The rose: a treatise on the cultiva- tion, hist., ete., of various groups of roses. 16°, [782.]*°34 $1.25 -... 2220 nen ees Dodd. Ellwood, T: Life; with essay by W: D. Howells. 18°. io) GND cre ecclele siaietslelclegiele eee «+--+ Osgood. Hilmdale lyceum. Dyer, S. $1.50.... Am. Bapt. Elmendorf, J: J. Outlines of lectures on the hist. of ) philosophy. 12° [?76. ]?°°) $1.50 .... Putnam. Elmes, Webster. Jixecutive departments of the U. S. at Washington. sm: 89 280;224 ssa H. & O. H. Morrison. Elmira Farmers’ Club. Report of discussions for 1876. 8°, (777.784 $1.25; pap., $l..-- Husbandman. Elmo’s model speaker. 12°. ’83.°°* $1.25. Belford, Ge a Co: Elocutionist: practical method of teaching and study- ine elocution. ill. 12° ’80.*44 $1.50. Cath. Pub. Bly, E: T. Cats, cooks, cartwheels: domestic city sketches; ill. by P. Mann. 12° ’82.°5° pap., NOYO. conancodnuoc aoc elee sip avons aisles tists Grr letone Ely, R: T. French and Gaannn socialism in modern himes:. UGS VSorecey TOC. cece - ele .». Harper. f — Past and the present of political economy. ein. Hopkins Univ. studies.) 8°. ’84.*°4! pap., 35c. Johns Hoppin Te Ely volume. Laurie, T: $3...-+-...-.6- Cong. Pub. Elyria. Whittlesey, E. lL. $l....-. Claxton, R. §& H. Emblems from Eden. Hamilton, J. 10c...Am. S. 8S. Embryonic system of nature. Milleson, J. $l. Cen. Pr. Emergencies. Wilder, B.G. 1ldc......... Putnam. Emerson, Ellen Russell. Indian myths; or, legends, traditions, and symbols of the aborigines of America. pl. and diagrams. 8°. 784.997 $5. Osgood. Emerson, G. R. William Ewart Gladstone; political and lit. biog. (Seaside lib.) 4° 7’82.°88 pap., DO Gis wise ip islersle cis Gisis ove Sisiie alors (ols sieicle cisielaiete Munyro. Emerson, G:B. Trees and shrubs. 8ded. 2y. 8°. [(’?81.] ea., $6...-.-. 2-2. ee eee, Iittle, B. § Co. Emerson, G:H. Doctrine of probation with ref. to current discussions. 16°. ’83.*°78 50c. Universalist. — Memoir of Rev. E. Fisher, D.D. 16°. [7’80.] $1; Plt, GUE2D wc ccc eles wieinc Bele sinten ore Universalist. Emerson, Irving (comp.) Public school hymnal: for use of high schools and seminaries. 12°. [’80. ]*4°! AOC. DdSs, SDC: < cece «oe siafecveciaieciehs MMe IUSSELL. Emerson, L. O. Anthem book. $1.25..... .- Ditson. — Voice of worship. $1..--.-.-.eecccceeeee Ditson. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works. (HFiresideed.) 5v. 1GO8 (BSON Sl On eicete creer Houghton, O. § Co. — Same. (Little classic ed.) Illv. 18°. [’78—83.] ea., $1.50; set, $16.50; hf. cf, $325 tree cf., SR (Giclee ete eee eaelateve es eae asia bie Houghton, O. f Co. Cont. : 1. Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. —2. Essays, Ist ser. —3. Essays, 2d ser.—4. Representative men, —5. English traits. —6. Conduct of life. —7. Society and solitude. — 8. Letters and Social aims.— 9. Poems. — 10. Essays, 3d ser. — 11. Miscellanies. |— Same. (Riversideed.) 11 v. por. 12°. [’88.] ea. Elopement: farce. Stewart, J.C. l5dc. .... De Witt. | Bisa. Hogbin, A. ©. $1.50 . 22 ccs. wes cee [ippincott. Elsberg, L: Throat and its functions in swallowing, breathing and production of the voice. ill. sq. TWO 280MES Ole ac cera cisicreie wie -.-- Putnam isies wWalbur Ves: Wa Me WbCw sec ac 62 Am. Bapt. | milsie Gordon. Brodie, WH. Sie25 .. cace cs asec Carter. Elsie Venner. Holmes,O. W. 32. Houghton, M. § Co. Bilsie’s children. Finley, M. F. $1.25........ Dodd. Hlsie’s motherhood. Finley, M.F. $1.25...-.Dodd. Elsie’s new relations. Finley, M. F. $1.25 ... Dodd. Elsie’s widowhood. Finley, M. F. $1.25 .....Dodd. Elson, L: C. Curiosities of music of anc. and savage MAGlONSE | UOOS Ole Bil ercusierers sive crore e Ditson. — Home and school: ill. song-book for children. ill. SGD Ghs [PEL IPPs tsilesco onc picclers peerern- Lothrop. Elster’s folly. Wood, Mrs. K.P. 10c. .....-Munro. Elwell, E:H: Boys of thirty-five: story of a seaport town. 16°. 784 [’83). AE Cl OS ooobar, Lee &§ : — Portland and vicinity. ill. 8°. enei|e82* paps. wpe: Loring, S. & H. — Same; with sketch of Old Orchard Beach and other Maine resorts. Rev. ed. ill. 8° 781,506 S15 | DAD en DOCH ore clei eis orn ore Gis Bis (eve 6/6 eis (ale Solel blere ies Reid. Elwell, J: J. Medico- Tezall treatise on malpractice, medical evidence and insanity. 4th ed., enl. 8°. SilteeA slp. Nets GO. .6 «6 erect. Baker, V. & Co. Elwes, Alfr. Surprising adventures of Paul Blake. WOR teh lt Dever eevee eiciclel eiesis sioee sis oars Lippincott. $1.75; set, $19.25; LOD Oleictaverelsieis exe ereeceece Cont. : Same as above. hf: cf.) $38-50: hf evant: -- Houghton, M. § Co. — Books, art, eloquence. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. Pete? Be, oo0on60660 coud e+ s00 +2 Osgood. — English traits. New rev. ed. (HLittle classic ed.) Sq. 18% [Gales snleDO) eicercicclc ni. «..+. Osgood. — Hssays. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° [7’84.]§4® pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. 2dser. 18°. [’76.]?°7 $1.50 ..... Osgood. — Fortune of the republic. 16° [’78.]*4% 50c. Houghton, O. § Co. — Letters and socialaims. New rev. ed. (Little classic eds) sq: 18% [iGuleey (Silo0ne ce Osgood. — Love, friendship, domestic life. (Vest-pocket ser.) By, (Uo IRY Ws coco cnoccgatoo5¢ - Osgood. — Nature, addresses, and lectures. (V eemocket ser.) Bo, (PAO? BC cc aconsa0 nad o0¢ . -- Osgood. — The preacher. 8°. ’§0.*#8 pap., l5c....... Hllis. — Representative men; lectures. New rev. ed. (Little classic'ed:}) sq: 18° [1776.28 S50). “Osgood. — Selected poems. Newrev. ed. (Little classic ed.) Sh IED, PAO IRE bSILAO caso dasn one -++ Osgood. — Success, greatness, immortality. (Vest-pocket ser.) 390. 77 1280 4 5s Nes 6ag00d0acaa00dcoane Osgood. — Emerson birthe lay-book. Hor. and ill; 240), = 78ilesae? Slee oe sce ssecee-ee- Houghton, M. & Co. See also Modern classics. Emerson, W: A. Hand-book of wood engraving; with practical instruction for persons without an in- structor. Newed. ill.. 24°. °81.*519 $1.Deeg SN. — History of Douglas, Mass., to close of 1878. ill. 8°. i Oneiel > Oob Okereiie ors «sei oer ogee oe DUI;0.EMERTON 121 ENOCH Emerton, Ja. H. Mllucteations of the ferns of North America. See Eaton, D. C. — Life on the seashore; or, animals of our coast and pays: Naturalists: panoy Ser.) wily [oor 28Osese2)) SOO) wereietelael see 5600000000 aQUu000 JAVA — Structure Faas habits of spide rs lle or lierseecs $1. 50 Der eeyeaehe cele ieee cieiyoG is) leit crete Cassino. Emery, C. A. American handbook of industrial draw- ing, for schools and home instruction. In 4pts. pi: Ie obl. 8°: Pao: pap., 20c.. M. Bradley. | Emery, S. A. (ed.) Ould Newberry and Newburyport: reminiscences of a non: vgenarian. ill. 8° [’81.]** | SRD ue cis cioie cise isles stele aie cere cere Grerayerore Littlefield. Emigrant’s story. T rowbridge, J: T. $1.25. Houghton, M. § Co Emigrants. Hoffmann, F. 75c. .....-.-. Am. S.S. Fimma. Austeny de 2OCi secs eri eles Vunro. Emma Alston; or, the new life. (Robert Raikes lib.) 169: [Fssbte paps, LOch ee. c. sii. -.Am. S. S. Emmerson, H. H. Afternoon tea. See Sowerby, J. G., and Emmerson, H. H. Emmet, T: Addis. Principles and practice of gynex- cology. il: 8° 49ie> abs leath., $6...Lea Emperor (The). Sce Ebers, G: Emperor's boys. Thorn, I. ( pseud.?) $1.25.. Carter. Emperor's picture. Hauff, W: 10c..-.....- Munro. Empty churches and how to fillthem. Hamilton, J. B- DD Cs ars wisiia(elaiclieic) vin) s\cleel sielsie) melee) © «Phillips § H. Emson, Fk. E. Bumble’s aeartghipe: comic interlude. See New York drama. Enault, L: Christine; from the French by E. W. Pen- dleton. (eis: hour ser.) 6% “83°*59" Si" Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) pap., 20c..---. TTolt — Olga. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c....... Munro. Enchanted mirror. ill. 8°. [’81.]*°!* pap., 50c. pap., Putnam. Enchanted moccasins, and other legends of the Am. | Indians. Mathews, C. $1.50 ..... .-- Putnam. | Encounters with wild beasts. Gillmore, P. $2. Lippincott. Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. v. 4-16. maps andill. 4°. [’76—84.] ea., $8; hf. mor., $10. Inttle, B. § Co. vy. 1-16. mapsandill. 8° [’77-84.] ea., subs., $5; shp., $6; hf. mor., $7. Scribner’s Sons. — Same. Am. reprint. v. 4- maps and iIL. 8°, (76842 *tx825" veal, bbs ee $6. J. M. Stoddart. Encyclopedia onthe evidences. Monser,J.W. $3; BIH ONs Hd\c «6 ove ieee sale Leva tele a clei Seo) Shore ed. Burns. | Ridenion' S minstrel gags. Sambo(pseud.)50e. ;30c. Dick SD o Z ’ = Bnd ofa coil. Warner, S. $1.75...-.--+.--- Carter, End of the world. Eggleston, B: $1.50. Scribner's Sons. End of the world. Holcombe, W. H “ete. Lippincott. Endless chain. Alden, Mrs. I. M. $1.50 ..Lothrop. Endlich, G. A. Law of building associations, etc., in the U. S. 8°. 782.*26! shp., net, $6 ....Lun. Endymion. See Disraeli, B: Engaged. (Acting drama.) 12°. [779.] pap., 5c. Roorbach. Engaged to be married. Black, W: 10c.... Ogzivre. Engelbach, Alfr. H. Bertie and his sister: domestic stony. ill, 220 [e80:)**82 7c oie, Vergy Go: — King’s warrant: story of old and new France. 12°. (’79. #387 $1.25... 6 soe Bc ecslere ne Pott, ¥. & Co. — Monsieur Jack; tale of the old war-time. We 16°. "79. |*99) BOC. ee te wee e ee eee Pott, Y. § Co. — Three millstones; story of the area le te ill. [Gog (ROOM no) COChedoeeis oe aatl- Pott, Y. § Co. Engelmann, G: J. Labor among primitive peoples: development of obstetric science of to-day from customs of all races. 2d ed., enl. 8°. 783.579 SDV OU fepaterarora)takelelotatsirerene ?6 Ogilvie. DAD is LOC: cleele eerele cee oie cfr esceiaie prefeleieterlee slOU. — Strange stories; from the French. Oe undy-v. ser.)|FBssay onman. Pope, A. $1; 25c.-..+.....s. Wells. IG, WW ed, WWOc0000 s500 soa Abnainos || me Ercolani, G. B. The reproductive process; with quarto atlas of 16 ill., eng. by Bettini, reproduced in heliotype; tr. by H. O. Marcy. 2d ed., a 2v. atlas, 4°. text, 8°. ’84.84! Pee ee M. § Co. Exema. (Blackmore; R:D: 50c...-... oe Issa, Joye 08 We bSILWHoo66 0 cauoss succor Dutton. Exic Dering. Argles, W7s.,M. 0c. .-...... . Munro. Eric, the Scandinavian. Bates, L. $1.25..Am. Bapt. | | | | | Essays in Anglo-Saxon law. 8° [’80.] $4. Inttle, B. § Co. Essays of Elia. See Lamb, C: eae of to-day, religious and theological. Newton, Ni Wie BOe ce oe eee eee Williams. Esser, ee inn. Draughtsman’s alphabets; plain and ornamental; with 31 pl.7xX10. 2ded. obl. f°. BTA | ee Sb ie tone re crciacer-luneycicnttereteyterer= .-- Bicknell. Essie. “Dayton; U: Cy 1S. o0Can cesta [A. Brentano. |ESTANCIERO le 93 EVANS HEstanciero. Ponce de Leon; or, the rise of the Ar- gentine republic: hist. romance. 8°. [’78. ]?# GSD feeVeieyol cree el el aie See ies cs reccce Lappuncott. Estee, Morris M. Pleadings, practice, and forms in actions, both legal and equitable. 2d ed., rev. and adpt. to the latest statutes and decisions by J: Haynes. 3v. v. 1. 8° [’78.]°% shp., $6.50. Bancroft. Estelle. Allmond, M. B. 50c.............. Morton. Ester Reid yet speaking. Alden, Ms. I. M. $1.0. Lothrop. Estes, Dana (ed.) Half-hour recreations in popular science. 2d ser. ill. 8°. [’79.]**°° $2.50... Hstes, Cont. : Transmission of sound by the atmosphere, by J: Tyn- | dall. — Gigantic cuttle-fish, by S. Kent. — Glacial epoch of our globe, by A. Braun. — Sun and the earth, by B. Stewart. — Force electrically exhibited, by J. W. Phelps — Causes of the degeneracy of the teeth, by H: S. Chase. — The great pyramid of Egypt. — Plant life in the sea, by L. Kny. — The illumina- tion of beacons and buoys. — The telephone, by F. J. Garbit. — The phonograph, by F. J. Garbit. — The use and abuse of food; Ozone; Dew. — The levelling power of rain, by R: A. Proctor. — The succession of life on the earth, by W. C. Williamson. — What the earth is composed of, by H: E. Roscoe. — Notes on |} tree growth, by A. Gray. — Science and war, by H.B. Pritchard. — Existence of glacial action upon the summit of Mt. Washing- ton, by C. H. Hitchcock. Estes, Louise Reid (comp.) Nature and art: poems | and pictures from the best authors and artists. ill. 49. ’81.5!} $8; mor. or tree cf., $13..Hstes. Eisther. Compton, B.S. $ Holt. misther, Bord; Mo ©. 20Cke6 oe cece cen ee sine Ogilvie. Risther, Racine rds) A0Chececccc ste oo racic se Ole. Esther Hill’s secret. Craik, G. M. 20c.....- Munyro. Eisther Pennefather. _Perry, A... 7dc........ Harper. Esther Ray the hop-picker. ill. 12°. ’79. 50c.. Nelson. Esther's glove. Francillon, R. E. 10c....... Munvo. Eisther’s lover. Francillon, R. E. 10c....... Ogilvie. Estranged: operetta. Sedgwick, A. B. lic... De Witt. Fitalee! Humes. UG. SIRDOe. 3... cee ce ces Barns. Eternal hope. Earrar, EF: W: $1........-- Dutton. Eternal purpose. Hart, W: R. $1.25 ... Lippincott. Ethan Brand, and other stories. Hawthorne, N. $1.25. J: D. Walliams. Eithel Dutton. May, M. 50c.......... ...- Loring. Ethel Graham’s victory. Paul, Ws. H: H. B. $1. I. Bradley. Ethel Gray; or, alone in the world. 8°. [’77.]?°! pap., Dy Cla eiecies) ecient cioeieieicioieie isjele ole. ateiecteye De Witt. Ethel Hamilton. Sadlier, A. T. 75c.; $1.25. Sadlter. Ethel’s perplexity. Leggett, F. W. 20c.. WwB.Smith. Etheridge, Kelsie. Prisons without walls. New ed. (Satchel ser.) 12°. [’78.]° pap., 35c.. Authors’. Ethical and physiological inquiries. Dana, A.H. $1. Somerby. Ethiopia. Flickinger, D. K. 90c....... Un. B. Pub. Ethiopian scenes. Dick, W: B. 650c.; 30c.... Dick. Etiquette ; or, how to act in society. (People’s lib.) AO, Map., 2ZOC. -..-ece vere sees cone core OGilure. Etter, J: W. The preacher and his sermon: treatise | on homiletics. 8°. 7’83.*919 $2.25.Un. B. Pub. Etting, hdr. M. Admiralty jurisdiction in America. Go a7 Ouse TAUhOR near ae .. Rees. Eubank, T: Key to Harvey’s Eng. grammar. 16°. Oil Nex. Cle D0CHeca- nroherel cia sie _- Holcomb. | Eucken, Rudolph. Fundamental concepts of mod. philosophie thought; tr. by M. Ss. Phelps, veel) [83 ].*619 1.50 add. and corr. by author and introd. by N. Porter. OM eS Ouse tS Y((Dialcleine) ccererntole) creher= -- Appleton. Eugene and his friends. Pressensé, Wme. W. de. Spier DY elroveveleva veel ele eis) clereje tetey sic ecco All. BApu Eugene Aram. See Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E: G: E. L. | Hunice; or, wandering in the dark. 8°. (777. ]?® | DADs LOCN teers Bereineeiciteieiel nico - .e++ De Witt. | Eunice Lathrop, spinster. Sce Noble, A. L. | Buphrates and Tigris; with description of ruins of Babylon and Nineveh. ill. 16°. ’79. 80c.. Nelson. Bureka; or, the golden door ajar. Green, A. T. $1. | Clarke. | Euripides. Hecuba; rev. text, with notes and introd. | by J: Bondi and A: (S° ‘Walpole: 6: 7827628 AO Cire sicie cores Soe. eee cleo ciocierer! Vacmillan. — Helena; [Gk.] ed. with introd., notes and app., by G.S. Jerram. 16°. 782.5% net, 7dc.. Macmillan. | — Heraclide; introd. and notes, by E: A. Beck. 12°. Ae WN nono oonoocn Odeon codec Macmillan. | Iphigenia among the Tauri; ed. with introd. and | notes by E. B. England. 16°. ’83.8! net, $1.10. Macmallan. — Medea; notes and introd. by F: D. Allen. 12°. (’76.]74%% $1.25 ..-...... Ate eaicie Wines caren Ginn. — Same; with introd. and comm., by A. W. Verrall. So) 78 t8t S25 Same, Goh 283°88 net; 90c: Macmillan. | — See also Anthon, C: ;— Cooper, V. K. European slave life. Hacklander, F: W: 2 pts. ea., | PANG Codac0 ac Bie aio) a) orele ores eee eleiatny iota a areere Munro. | Europeans. James, H:, 77. $1.50. Houghton, O. § Co. Eustis. Boit, R. A. Spilled) Ojemepeteiel lcoreiecicra-ieial< Osgood. | Butaw. Simms, W: G. $1.50.......... Armstrong. |Buthanasy. Mountford, W: $2..Houghton, M. § Co. | Eutropius; adpt. for beginners, with notes, exercises, and vocab., by W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. (Elemen. classics.) map. 16°. ’83.°! flex. cl., NOt LOC sie ee wrereciolnere are oieeielele us ei Macmillan. |Evaand Bertie; tale for little children. ill. 12°. 217, AOS 7H Crs aires cel ciel «1 cital clelale) sicliste cia e\olsiel lin /ni(a Nelson. Evadne; or, the statue: play. Sheil, R: See New York drama. | Evangel. Goss; Ve BIEOO) vere are eeielel «ler Whittaker. Evangel Wiseman. Ford, S. R. $1.50...Am. Bapt. Evangelical church. Tullidge, H: $2.50. Whittaker. | Evangelical Lutheran Church: Nachrichten von den vereinigiten deutschen Evang.-Luth. Gemeinden in Nord Amerika; Vorrede von D. J: Ludewig Schultze, Halle, 1787. Neu hersg. von W. J. We Germann: wy. Ie pt: I. 60) oles “paps, BO Gaaerctercl oo eleolareUaterecici seins teielere siaiel cote nse 3 7,0USE- Evangeline. See Longfellow, H: W. Evangeline; the place, the story, and the poem. Por- ter, N. price on application. . Cassell, P., G. § Co. Evangéliste (L’). See Daudet, A. } . . Evans, C. H. (ed.) American college directory and universal catalogue, 1878-82. v. 2-4. 8°. [°78—82. ]*896*939ea., pap., l.--.C. H. Hvans. — Same. v. 5, with title: Educationai year-book and universal catalogue, 1888. 8°. 783.*°°? pap., | Mann, B. M. Schmucker, unter Mitwirkung von GOTT reve clehsts) sielle si siercies sets ieicteloLoleha core C. H. Evans. | Evans, Edm. Birthday book of flower and song. ill. TTT SST OO) erelete creole « evareleter efetors ..--- Routledge. — Floral birthday book; flowers and their emblems, | with sel. from the poets. col. ill. 18°. [’76.]?°° interleaved, $Sl..... aie iotciers Gc eine os Routledge. — Routledge’s 4° toy books; printed in colors: Hind in the wood. — Princess Belle Etoile. 4°. 776. BOCs lamers oh lites sie otedeta seta ere tererete nein Routledge. | Evans, Eliz. BE. Laura: an American girl. 12°. 784 S oauode naooab ddd ..- Lippincott. Evans, J: Ancient bronze implements, weapons and | ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland. ill. 7 Q}] OOS eGR fa leiceta) lciale) ei sle(ei ele) ee lereiei el) aleke)o/2 {ppleton. | . 7 oY . » | Hvans, Lawlor B. Student’s hist. of Georgia; from the earliest discoveries and settlements tothe end Bugene Onéguine. Pushkin, A. S. $2... Macmillan. | of the year 1883. ill. and col. maps. 129. ’84.°°° Bugénie. BUtt Bs Wi 2D) sie sie areceren eee LOUL. | MOTD Dy alele oes ol ie tres clearer) Cre cerefel sieya)« Burke. Ren er oaEVANS 124 fiat ~— — Evans, T. C. Advertising hand-book: list of advertis- | Every-day reasoning. Hays, G: P. $1.50. ing mediums in the U. S. and Canada. 12th ed. 120, 283-088 pap. «..- -.- fein eee T.. C. Evans. Evans, W: ‘Treatise upon law of principal and agent in contract and tort. 8°. 7’79.°°° shp., $65. Chic. Leg. News. — Same ; with notes and ref. to Am. cases; by M. D. Ewell. 8° ’79. $6.50............ Callaghan. Eve, H. W. [and others.] Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education. (Pitt | press ser.) 16°. ’83.°°7 net, 50c..- Macmillan. Eve of St. Agnes. Sce Keats, J. Eve, the factory girl. Comfort, L. R. 20c...../ Munro. | Evelina. Arblay, Mme. F. B.d’. IT5c....... Harper. Evelyn, J: Diary, from 1641 to 1705-6; with mem. ; ed. by W: Bray. (Chandos classics.) 12°. ’79.*%°? RO Cse ewe icici wee es oleic cle ie aicic ee R. Worthington. Evelyn’s folly. Clay, B. M. $1.50...---.- Carleton. Even at the altar: [also] Loved and righted at last. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°%° pap., 10c.-- Ogzivie. | Even-song: service of songs to be used on Lord’s day when the morning and evening prayers have been said. 32°. ’78.3°4 flex., ldc........ Whittaker. | Evening. Keble, J: $1.50 ........-..---.-Dutton. Evening by evening. Spurgeon, C: H. $1 -- Carter. Evenings athome. Aiken, J:, and Barbauld, Mrs. A. | Nis S150 DOCK cs. Be uaeare Uetoies cls Routledge. Evenings with a reviewer. Spedding, J. 2v. $7. Houghton, M. § Co. | Evenings with the poets: coll. of favorite poems by famous authors; ill. by Dore, Eytinge, etc. 8°. ZO eee) Aah) isin nialese/ ore) cieieia aicielalel) eicver eed. Miller. Eventide at Bethel. Macduff, J: R. $1.25 .. Carter. Everard, G: Everyday life; introd. by T. Vores. 24°. | (776. ]744 Glee ccc cece cence twee ee eens tm. Tr. | — Talks about home-life. 16°. [’80.]* Am. T?. | Eiverett, C. C. Religions before Christianity : manual | » for Sunday schools. 12°. ’783.*°98 25c. Unita. S.S. Everett, W: School sermons preached to the boys at | Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass. 16°. ’82.*°?9 SON orale ghee iete as ol ele elea me clnicic cle ole cicie) wie vic Roberts. Evermann, B. W. Animal analysis for use in schools and colleges. 12°. 782. G5 Socccor Jansen. Everts, Orpheus. Giles & Co.; or, views and inter- views concerning civilization. 12°. [’78.]?47 $1. Bowe TU. DS. Co. — What shall we do for the drunkard? a rational view of the use of brain stimulants. 8°. 783.*°78 pap., By) Cie cto clecy oenrelote ais aint ie ef ciel siecle) creel Clarke. Everts, W. W. The Church; or, organic Christianity. 12ONe eile paps LbCh «nme s --- Tomlinson. — John Foster: his life and thoughts. 8°. ’83.*° $1. Funk. — Pastor’s hand-book: aritual of scriptural and poetical sel. and studies for weddings, funerals, ete. Rev. Gil G2, “BRE? Ws co oscdronoDboadc Sheldon. — Through the Narrows. ill. 16°. ’84.*°° 60c.. Carter. — William Colgate; a Christian layman. 12°. 781.4% CHL Soqoon Byaovc ciolel sie) sierais ie ciclewi aie sis. c eters Am. Bapt. Everts, W. W.,77. The church in the wilderness; or, the Baptists: before the reformation. 18°. [778 ] Se seb sees SiS atonal eects oder ei olote ete Am. Bapt. Every boy’s annual. Routledge, E. 6y. ea., $2.50. Routledge. bvery-day art. Days; lu: BE. $3'.....- Scribner & W. Every-day cook-book. (Hovell’s lib.) 12°. ’84.53! MPa LO Co tare cketelel ante clove) e\ oles) clei eres etre J: W. Lovell. Every-day doings. Richardson, H. $1.25... Nelson. Every-day home advice; hints upon houses, cookery, gardens, law matters, domestic medicine, ete. 12°. EO ecu Siataplliaty learns orsieyel cis ciel clears: cis nie on1 : an ; RoR! Peed Fair device. salestier, ©;W. 20G5.3...- J: W. Lovell. Exploration of the world. Verne, J. $3.50. |F'air enchantress. Keller, M. C. 75c....... Peterson. Scribner’s Sons. |Fair-haired Alda. Lean, IMs. KF. 10c...-... Munro. Extremes meet: comedietta. Field, K. See New]Fair Kate. Heyse, P. 10c......-........... Munro. lew le 26 a. | e ey: ~ 2 York drama \Bair Wiliase Wean, & 98 pts: (ea,, 20c).. 1. Munro. Bye for aneye. Sce Trollope, A. Eyebright. Daisy (pseud.) See Johnson, Irs. S. O. Eyebright. Woolsey, S. C. $1.50......... Roberts. Byes and ears. Aunt Yewrownkie (pseud.) $1.25. Presb. Bd. Eyes right. Richardson, J. $1.25 .........Lothrop. Eyland, Seth (pseud.) Sce Cronin, D: E. Byre’s acquittal. Sce Mathers, H. B. Eiyser, J: Farrago. 16° ([777.]?*7 $1...... Witter. Eytinge, Marg. Ball of the vegetables and other stories in prose and verse. ill.. 8°. ’83.*°!° $2.. Harper. F.,L. B. Heart histories and spirit longings. 12°. (°77.]?89 $2.50. - 2. rece cere cece veces Somerby. | F., W. Simple ailments of horses; their nature and treatment. 8°. 782. $1.50..Cassell, P.,G. § Co. Faber, Christine. Carroll O’Donoghue: tale of the | Irish struggles of 1866, and of recent times. 12°. 2g rao Sis) Pap, OO0C Hs cence ree oie ore eis Collier. — Fickle fortune. 16°. [778.]*° $1; gilt, $1.50. Sadler. — Ugly heroine. 12°. 783.*°°9 $1.50 ...Lzppincott. Faber, E. The mind of Mencius; political economy founded upon moral philosophy: from the Germ. with notes and emend. by A. B. Hutchinson. (Eng. and for. philos. lib.) 8°. 82.°° $3.50. Houghton, M. § Co. Faber, F: W: Hymns. Ist Am. from author’s ed. of W861. por. 129 “80.440 (S505 gilt, $25 hi. aid Cheol tacisiete a avere¥el Clete) cei elelaite is level exe c1e ler! Murphy. — Maxims and sayings for every day in the year. 18°. 7.9),397 BOC: DOC cs cle sice ene nantes ole e Sadlier. — Bits of precious ore. [Selections.] 48°. °83.*%? BB ae ici aicrcieatel 0 al ciclo caveats) ociene) uahelers Randolph. — Thoughts on great mysteries; sel. from [his] works; with introd. by J. S. Purdy. 12° *80.%? $1.25. Same. 2d ed. 12° ’82.°74 &1.20.. Whattaker. Fabiola. Wiseman, N. 25c........--+-e«- Sadlier. Fables ill. by stories from real life. Cupples, Js. A. Je stand) 2deser:, Cass (OC k« 6 pie ciejers slord Nelson. Face illumined. Roe, EH: P. $1.50..........-- Dodd. Face in the glass, and other stories, from The prattler. ill: sm. 4°. 279.407 bds:., b0c..-...--Lapprncott. Face of Jesus; or, thoughts cone. the nature of the word of God. 12°. 783.597 $3.50... Worthington. Facing the footlights. Lean, Mrs. F. 20c...-4 Vunro. Factors of civilization, real and assumed. vy. 2. 12°. AQ OU MOUO! Of ae ave isicl ele (s) «/ eteterey cyeiee sere J. P. Harrison. Facts and fancies in modern science. Dawson, J. W. ASTD Die, oie) eyeicdate 8)» eorietel clei chstete aie) aie wl 1c Am. Bapt. Facts and phases of animal life. Morwood, V. S. GD Oi eerery cree ele eke hein ete oie en aciefae a Pg LCL OI. Fadette (pseud.) Sce Rodney, Ms. M. kh. L. | Fair maid of Perth. See Scott, Si W. | Fair philosopher. Hammond, Js. E. H. $1. Harlan. Fair plebeian. Stone, M. Hi. $l.-.....--.--. Sumner. |Fair recluse. Kirk, BE: 10c.......-......... Ogilvie. Fair to'see. Wockhart, Ul: W. M. 20c.. <5... J Vunro. Fair women. Forrester, Mis. 10c...-.....-./ WVunvro. >? | Fair words about fair woman. Bunce, O. B. $3. Appleton. |Fairbairn, A. M. City of God: discussions in reli- gion. 8% 783. $2.70... .-.eeee eee eel Nelson. lie Studies in the life of Christ. 12°. ’82.*574 $1.75. Appleton. Studies in the philosophy of religion and history. 208 [atiel ae = pe Dieter wrt Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. — Same. cr. 8°. [’79.] $1.50...... R. Worthington. | Fairbank, H. W. School songs [with music], no. 1: Primary, 69 7822832 paps, l0ch<-.. Winchell. |Fairbanks, L. S. Divorce laws of Massachusetts. 8°. | [’77.]28 pap., $l...--- sss L. S. Fairbanks. |— Laws of Massachusetts rel. to marriage and divorce. Ddved: 160 <820882 neta lia -:-.woule & B. | Fairchild, M. Augusta. How to be well; or, common- sense medical hygiene. ill. 12°. [779.]*4? $1. Wells. | Fairest of three. Haynes, E. J. 50c...--.2 Am. News. Fairley, W. Ventilation of coal mines. (Sci. ser.) SHO 28 95*0387 DdSe.) D0 Chere winnie wie Van Nostrand. |Fairman, C: G. General insurance statutes. See New York, State, Legislature. | Fairmount Park Comm, [ Phila.] Description of Pom- peian ruins, ete., exhibited at the Pompeian Mu- seum, Fairmount Park. Rev. ed. sq. 16°. ’79.*°S pap., LOC... see eeer cece cece Slee ee eee NLCIIUs Fairport nine. Brooks, N. $1.25...Scr2bner’s Sons. Fairy folk series. Weston, H. H. 38v. $2.25. R. Worthington. Fairy gold. Kirk, J/rs. E. O)}, 4.c0000 . Lippincott. Fairy guardians. Willoughby, F. $1.50.. Macmillan. Fairy-land of science. Buckley, A. B. $1.50. Appleton. Fairy tales. See Andersen, H. C. Faith and character. Vincent, M. R. $1.50. Scribner's Sons. Faith and freedom. Brooke, S. A. $1.50 ...-. lls. Faith and patience. Winthrop, S. 50c...-Randolph. Faith and philosophy. Smith, H: B. $3.0. Scribner, A. § Co. Faith and reason. Stevens, H. R. $1.50...Somerby. Faith and unfaith. See Argles, Jhrs. M. Faith, doubt and evidence. Cheever, G: B. $1.50. Randolph. Faith of reason. Chadwick, J: W. $1....-- Roberts. rot onsFAITH 126 FARJEON Faith Thurston’s work, and how she did it. Robbins, | Family Christian almanac. See Illustrated family MGS. Ses (plleZd) es Siclaieieie. cieiere ooee- Carter. | Faith Unwin’s ordeal. Craik, G.M. 20c...--1 Munro. Faith victorious. Mombert, J. I. $1.50 .. Randolph. Faithful Margaret. Ashmore, A. $1.50 ..- Carleton. Faithful promiser. Macduff, J: R. 35c. .. Randolph. Faithful to the end. Houghton, L. S. $1.. Presb. Bd. Faithless friend. (Boys’ pocket lib.) 24°. [’77.]°” GO Ca eer crr wi crevene ie) oi clele el pinfeiefcUetea.e 1s o1/ Velson & P. Faithless or true. See Wood, Js. E. P. Will he | betray her? Faiths of the world; St. Giles’ lectures. 12°. ’82.*°4 ORS) Ore crclc ice niclce) sins 0) <)0 cs) 6 vicir «© Scribner's Sons. Christian almanac. Family feud. Harder, L: $1.25........Zi¢ppincott. Family fortunes. See Mayo, I. F. Family library of poetry and song. Bryant, W:C. $5; DS Gis) TKD ON) Sp Okie cceie saat celols cleyaeye sicre oi ste Fords. Family of the Black Forest. N., L. M. $1.50. Am. Bapt. Family physician: manual of domestic medicine; by physicians and surgeons of the London hospital. roy. 8°. [’79.] $5; shp., $6- Cassell, P., G. § Co. |Family pictures. Stirling, E. 15c........ Roorbach. | Famous American Indians. Eggleston, E: [and others). Falcon; and The cup. Tennyson, A. $1 .. Macmillan. | Falconberg. Boyesen, H. H. $1.50..Scribner’s Sons. Falconer, Edm. Eileen Oge: Irish drama. 16°. [’76.] pap., 1L5C. 2... cece sree e cece wecee: «--- De Witt. Fales, E: L. Songs and song-legends of Dahkotah land: 120% 7825542 nap: 20C. i <.-56 Highland. — Underneath the mistletoe, and other poems. 8°. ASUS yeh les oadoon 6 0dcd0000 oodarc [ Fales. ] Falke, Jac. v. Art in the house. Auth. Am. from 3d Germ. ed.; with notes, by C: C. Perkins; ill. by chromo lith., albertypes, and etchings. 4°. 79.381 $15; hf. mor., $18; mor., $20-...Prang. — Greece and Rome: their life and art; tr. by W: H. Browne. ill. f°. 782 [781].*°4! $1o..... Holt. Falkner, W. C. Little brick church: a novel. 12°. 789 KAT SNe ()iarcus crevice) sore cicievere creneiwiere iG ipprncolt. — Rapid ramblingsin Europe. por. and ill. 12°. 784.*6 WD oicleie cl sisie e wicielsic cl wic)(c\) o/c s1lc)'e's\sie] vrei ein © L ipprncott. — White rose of Memphis: a novel. 12°. ’81.49° $1.50. | Carleton. Fall ¢: G. Dreams: poems. 16°. 783.592 vel-, 75c. Cupples. — Employers’ liability for personal injuries to their em- ployés; prepared for the Mass. Bur. of Statistics of, Gabor, «82 % pap., 50c.... Walliams. Fallof bossism: Wickers, G:; $1.25 <:..... Boyson. Fall of Damascus. Russell, C. W. $1.50...Lee SS. Fall of Jerusalem. Hallock, Wrs. M. A. 75c..- Nelson. Fallen (fhe). Kenyon, J. B. $1.50........ Kenyon. Fallen among thieves. Rayne, Mrs. M. L. $1.50. Carleton. 30 2» *584 Fallen fortunes. See Payn, J. Hallenijeaves: Collins, WeWe 20c.. «ccs... Munro. Fallen priest. Morgan, H: $150 ..-..... Shawmut. Fallows, S: Complete hand-book of synonyms and autonyms. (Stand. hand-book ser.) 16°. ’83.*6 Gre erelelele olor wees SrteiNioe ee Ce Standard. — Hand-book of abbreviations and contractions. (Stand. hand-book ser.) 16°. ’83.98 50c.; flex. cl., 40c. — Hand-book of Briticisms, Americanisms, colloquial and provincial words and phrases. (Stand. hand- book ser.) 24°. 783.9 flex. el., 25c...Standard. J 5 Vv. Cee LEO wercsre <0 ne eis sicicie cleielcre e) clove - Dodd. Famous books. Adams, W. D. $1.50. 2. Worthington. Famous boys and how they became great men. New issue. ill. 12°. 778.9 $1.25.R. Worthington. Famous funny fellows. See Clemens, W: M. Famous horses of America: Famous Am. race horses; Famous Am. trotting horses. ill. 4° [?77.]?9° ea., pap., 7oc.; 2 v. in 1, $1.50 ..... Porter & C. Famous men. Japp, A. H. $1.25...R. Worthington. Famous parks and gardens of the world described and ibustrated. 4°. 779: olt, $6:50-...... . - Nelson. Famous stories by De Quincey, Hawthorne, Thackeray, Zschokke and others; ill. by Nast, Hennessy and Others: ills sq. 12°. 278-8275 Sieb0: Rk. Worthington. Fiamous victory. 12°. ’80.*489 $1.25.......Jansen. Fan Cilie). Uzanne, ©; pleas... . . Lippincott. Fanchette, by one of her admirers. (Round-robin oir) | Wd BEES! Gils cage Guocacasac Osgood. Fanchon, the cricket. Sand, G: $1; 50c.. Peterson. Fancy’s frolics. Farley, H. $1.25 ..R. Worthington. Fane, Violet (pseud.) Sce Singleton, Js. C. Fanning, J. T. Practical treatise on water supply en- gineering. tables andill. 8° [777.]?8 $6. Van Nostrand. Fanny Allen, the first American nun. Josephine, M. DDC wie be cclele crs cies weenie ele (s einiscceien - Noonan. Ean's brother; Marshall: Bs 50c%.-20: 2... - Carter. Fan’s silken string. lLyster, A. 75c.... Pott, ¥. & Co. | Fanshawe. See Hawthorne, N. Fantasma, and other poems. 12°. ’79.*49! $1.50. Ramsey. Fantasy and passion: poems. Fawcett, E. $1.25. Roberts. Far from home. Dewall, J: van. $1.25....Lothrop. Far from the madding crowd. See Hardy, T: Far too clever. See Southworth, E. S. His love and fortune. Fargus, EF: J. ([‘‘ Hugh Conway.” ] Called back. Standard. | (Geis. hour ser.) 69 784-*85 SI. Same. (eis: mom sers)) pap:, 25Cacecine cere Holt. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’84.° pap., 10c.. Munro. | Faris, W: W. Children oflight. 229. ((*77.)78° STD Olgrstevaerercie + x) oscicysie se sisisve sicle ewreheae Roberts. | Farjeon, B. L. 3ells of Penraven: a novel. (Frank- Falsche Wege. Brun-Barnow,I.v. 10c..... Munro. alseninendy wWawcett. Wa VOessc.s-.- 256.5. Munro. False gods. Dobbins, F. S., and Williams, S. W. SOMMONY aaa DIT an Dl scciere Giner eacee. .---- Stringer. | False heir wsamessG- be: kt. 20C)..+4o.0- 5-6 Munro. Ealseynonor. Bentleys @: Ses... Spee oe Walker. False hopes. Smith, G. 15ce. Fame. See Her daring venture. Fame: comedy. Rae, C: M. See New York drama. Fame and fortune. Alger, H., j7. $1.25. Porter & C. Pamiliar allusions: Wheeler, W: Anand © (Ga (R53. eo Osgood. Familiar friends. Patch, O. $2. Cassell. Pre Gua OO: Familiar studies of men and books. Stevenson. R. L: Gort pe fe oe pie ea Scribner § W. ee J: W. Lovell. | lin Sq: libs) 49. 479.442 nap. llc... ...Harpen: — Bread-and-cheese and kisses; [also] Only the bur- den of others. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°4% pap., NOCH Se ce sere oes recs erie ce ae oe sie Oguinue — Duchess of Rosemary Lane. (Lib. of sel. novels.) SON ini Papa (DCs seca ceiee rece Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., lOc. ..... Munro. — Gautran. (ovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.84 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Golden grain. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Grif. (Seaside lib.) 4° *82.53° pap., 20c... Munro. — Johnny’s Christmas [and other stories]. (Seaside lib) Ao 83cele nap. LOC. a stellen cer Munro. / — Joshua Marvel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro.FARJEON A Farjeon, B. L., continued. — Little Make-Believe. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.°! pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Poe ket ed.) 12°. ’84,6% Hp WOO Socecvad0casndco0 conan. onboDC Munro. — London’s heart. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap.,10c... Ihimro. — Love’s victory. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap.,10e..- Munro. — 119 Great Porter Square. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*#8° | pap., A) Covers cots nrersvolsia/ cir; avelsieleroreicicicrerearicicte Munro. | — Sacred nugget. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c.. Munro. — Shadows on the snow: Christmas story. ill. 89. | [eG] R28 pap., ODO siersotrs eee elle ie etnies Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. _pap., Nes sooacc Munro. — Solomon Isaacs. 16°. [777.]°°° $1; pap., 50c. Carleton. Farley, A.C. JDirectory of the stationers, booksellers, book publishers, etc. 1880-81. 89°. ’80.**°* $2. Farley § B. — Reference-list of the stationers, booksellers, printers and paper dealers inthe U. S., 1882. 8°. [’82.]*°°° subs., net, $1.25.......-...-- A. C. Farley & Co. Farley, Ht. JFancy’s frolics; or, Christmas stories told in a happy home [Hazelnook jin New Eng- land. ill. 12% 780.*494 $1.25... Worthington. Farlie, R. See Cats, J., and Farlie, R. FARRAR | Farrar, C: Ne re Wild sobre life; or, a trip to Parmachenee: realis- tic story of life in the woods. (Lake and forest sexs) le G0 4 eee leaders ele Lee § S Farrar, C: S. History of sculpture, painting and Farlow, W. G. Marine alge of New England. pl. | POF AS eOS! ISD Oi orereyccalelc oie sis euedele icicle Bates Farm conveniences: practical hand-book for the farm. Wk GIP, A Re ES Dn obono cauccd cacae Judd. atm echoes. ‘Starr, Be Re piles 6 cies cece ance Judd. F'arm festivals. Carleton, W: $2; $2.50...Harper. Fatmhomes: Jeland, Ba Ho Gi-b00s..c. a2. - Judd. | Farmer, J: Hist. memoir of Billerica, Mass.; to 1816. [reprinted.] 8°. 7’81.*4 pap., $l...-.. Ellvott. | Farmer boy, and how he became commander-in-chief. Thayer, W: M. @1..-. ....... 2ees- Cyowell. Farmer's almanac for 1877. sq. 12°. [/76.]** pap., LO Ciaiever. ehelayeleic Uneven elev averetalvetelieiais ecrereleieh on ies LUNE: Farmer's annual hand-book for 1882. Armsby, H. P., and Jenkins, E. H. 50c. Same. 1883. Rev. yl, Ge coonco ns oot oo0abdo DODOY Appleton. Farmer's boy. Bloomfield, R. 50c....-.... Osgood. Farmer’s daughters, by the author of A great mistake; [also] The housekeeper’s story. (People’s lib.) AO. 2881 nan OCs. ee cave ee ice Ogilvie. | pay g Farming for boys. Morris, E. $1.25.......othrop. Farnham, Ef. P. James Abram Garfield: memorial sermon. 89 7oileel2) pap. 20C cs. occ. Tibbitts. Farnie, II. B. Cross purposes; a misunderstanding. (Acting drama.) 12°. ’83.°°° pap., 15c.. Roorbach. Farnum, Alex. Northmen in Rhode Island in the 10th century: (Re Ie hist. tracts.) sm. 4c) [iz7isiss pap., 40c....-. sbOR CO nOCU OCOOCNN Sic Rider Farquharson, Martha Gad) See Finley, M. F. Farquharson, Rob. Guide to therapeutics and materia medica; ed., with add. embr. the U.S. pharmaco- | peia, by F. Woodbury. 12°. [’77.]*° $2..Lea. = Same. 3d ed. rev. 120. 462.089 S2rol ~, C Se R Farrago. Eyser, J: $1......----.+0..-0-s « Witter. | Farragut, Loyall. Life of David Glasgow Farragut, first admiral.U. S. N., embodying his journals and letters. por., mapsand ill. 8°. Wie 74s. SDP, GS ve 0 voce cone cece eens een cones Appleton. Farran, Rob. Battleground of the eights. [9 etchings of scenes on the Thames, the Isis and the Cam, rivers on which the Oxford, Cambridge and other crews row their races.] obl. 4° 784.9 $12. Macmillan. Farrar, C: A. J. Camp life in the wilderness: tale of | the Richardson Lakes; ill. by Johnson. 169. Queer DADs. 2OCa seein dees icie ones Williams. — Ill. guide book to Rangeley, Richardson, Kennebago, Umbagog,and Parmae henee Lakes, Dixy illeNotch, and Andover, Me., and vicinity ; with map, ete. 2d ed. il 69) [A707 “483 Sepapeio0c: seer Lee § | | | | | architecture. 2d ed. 8° ’81.*°°7 $1..MacCoun. Farrar, Mrs. Eliza Ware. Young folks’ Robinson Crusoe; ed. by W: T. Adams. ill. 8° ’82.*918 Dass. d acccc sisrevoeictace sis cre ccpsicrsicie cee Lee § NS. Young lady’s friend; introd. by Mrs. H. O. Ward EMs. C. J. Moorel: New ed. 12°. [R80 %22 Be Okeine cic eisio mic neice a cisiers cis 2----Lorter & C. Farrar, W: W: Apetirence fons evil: sermon. 169°. “ko [PE TUE eg WNGscncedo conancn06ed Nat. Temp. Blessing and a curse: address. 12°. ’84.°7 pap., 5c. Nat. Temp. College libs New ed: 33 ve 120 fenecae set, NA ecveielinre cicielessicla/ol sisi cherele) nie oe nierere os Dutton. Cont.: Eric; or little by little.—St. Winifred; or, the world of school. —Julian Home. Duty of the church, 120% 27925810) pany. 10c: Nat. Temp. Early days of Christianity. Cheap ed. 2 v. 8°. (P82. ]ee8t SO 85. Same. 8. 783.572 OS 3 Pap.; AQ) CS Ricyciniors ciepeisiais sisia'e/ cielo sei Cassell, P., G. & Co. amie. 120) 2838029 (6bCrccccccc cic ‘5 eee Same. 2pts. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° ea., ent 20c. J: W. Lovell. Ephphatha; or, the amelioration of the world: ser- mons: 120) 280449) (S50 oo. cece Macmillan. Eternal hope: sermons. 12°. [’78.]° $1... Dutton. Fallacies about total abstinence considered. 129°. 410) fete WC. 5000 oG000 age aac Nat. Temp. In the days of thy youth: sermons on prache al sub- ects. 1207 enGulcee niece. : - Dutton. [77 1260 same. Cr. 89: Cit) Snorereielelohoi Maeniilan. Language and languages. maps. 12°. [°78. 1323 $2.50: Dutton. Life and work of St. Paul. 2 v. maps. 8° [’79.]*#% SS Oo Srateveiarcic lel no einicledelatciel cisieleicielaielcisieisncisiore Dutton. Same. Complete in 1 vy. maps. 8°. ’80.*4 $3. Dutton. Same. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ea., pap., 20c. Munro. Same. 2 pts. (Standardser.) 4°. 780.429:480 ea, PAD: ZOC ccna s as Einie (ou oieluleie eis) one © ele SI LLNLIC. Same. New ed. maps. 8°. 780.4% $3. Same. Dwr SRG ao cic retocieccisleiers O00 AGG “ oa 00 DRAM Dn Life of Christ. New ed. Mt bor: and map. 4°. [’83. ]**8 subs., $10- ae . Cassell. Same. New ed. 129°. "80. 493 Sl. Sane (ib: ed.) Dye RAD Bre cyeve rere cicoia cre creel aici) eraueyar cone DUtLON. Same. (Seaside lib:)) 40: pap DO Ou ce srcrs.s Munro. Same. 2 pts. (Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.4% 50c..§ Funk. Mercy and judgment: few last words on Christian eschatology with ref. to Dr. Pusey’s What is of farthye, AOn eC eeees | SD ()) eiecverereereia- Dutton. My object in life. (Heart chords 240, 783,582 Al) Oe vere creo cm cleo) cl oictotelaeicreraieie aicveteial craic Cassell. Yescuethechildren. 12°. ’81.*49° par. ,oc. Nat. Temp. Seekers after God. 12°. ’83.°87 $1; pap., 50c. Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., ae See J: W. Lovell. Serpent and the tiger; address at a great temperance gathering, Aberdeen, Scotland. 16°. [’78. ]*??7 pap., 10c...-2.. 20.0000 seeeee ees - Nat. Temp. Silence and the voices of God, with other sermons. Newed. 12° (76.785 $1.25..... Macmillan. Temperance and legislation. 12° ’80.*4! pap., 10e. Ricle oleietedcievelelelicVa.ciuaileiniclejesace e Saree NOE: Te mp. Total abstinence for the sake of ourselves and others. 16°. Esiaeee pap., lOc. ........-- Nat. Temp. Words of truth and wisdom. 12° 781.49 $2. Scribner & W. Same. 2ded. 16% *83'[/?827.*58 $1.50). Dutton. (comp.) Withthe poets: sel. of Eng. poetry. (Stand- ard lib.) 12°. [7’83.]*9% ‘pap., ¥dc...... Hunk Farrar, J. ‘he human voice and connected parts. ill. |— | = a WO, ASME ENO) oG000 Grater ale! teireleve Scribner § W.FARRELL 128 FAY and acnner: Farrell, E. D. Grammar school ries DOR [alles TOC wie mo claiole a) -i0 01 Cath. Pub. Farrell, Jos. Lectures of a certain professor. 16°. | RT: Tesjeee $2 ele vieiele siece eles a) sjeleisie evs Macmillan. | Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith, 1723-1790. (Eng. philos.) TIQON, VON RSIS, a Dye cre esis) oncte's)s\ c= «0 are Putnam. — Primitive manners and customs. 12°. 19). ce2 2 $1. 7d Ara aiel cisielarete evs elses) e)eie) sieke eo) o.¥i ee siela/e\e-e\ ae TTolt. Sanneés 120), IOS Se crcicreicieleicl- c's Scribner & VW Farrer, T. H. The state in its rel. to trade. (Citizen ce) WA GBs Eiloocosobde0Gur Macmillan. Farrington, W. G. See Church almanac. Farrow, E:S. Military system of gymnastic exercises! and swimming; prepared for U.S. Mil. Acad. 120, #82.%552" $1.50); pap., ol-- — Mountain scouting: on the frontier. ill. 12°. ’82.*°5? 3; pap., $2. Metropolitan. — Pack-mules and packing. ill. 12°. ’82.*°? $1; pap. )Ceeciete ioe cles icloleles severe sr! Metropolitan. — West Point and the Military Academy. 2d ed., rev. sq. 16°. 781.*#99 $1.50...---+.-2-2 00. --- Wiley. Farwell, W:W. Questions for law students on Bisp- | ham’s Equity. 16°. ’82.°8° flex. mor., $65. Chic. Leg. News. | — Questions for law students on Story’s Equity plead- ings. 16°. 783.°7° flex. leath., 50c. Chic. Leg. News. Fascinating woman. Adam, Mme. EH. $1.25; 75c. Peterson. | Fascination. Munro. Fashionable sufferer. Majendie, Lady M. 20c...... Hoppin, A: $1.50. Houghton, M. § Co. Fasnacht, G. Eug. Macmillan’s progressive French course. Istyear. 12°. [’77.]?? 50c.. Macmillan. — Same. 2dyear. 16°. gy 481 flex. el., 65c. Macmillan. — Macmillan’s progressive German course. Ist year: KIasy lessons on the regular accidence. 18°. arsea| eee (VON ercie cle clete os ete nore el ere sie Macmillan. — Same. 2d year: Conversational lessons. 18°. erSacee bes eee eevee Macmillan. Organic “method of studying languages: French; cont. complete accidence and element. syntax combined. 16° ’81.°74 net, $1.10 . Macmillan. — Synthetic French grammar. 12°. ’83.°°7 net, $1. Macmillan. Fasting girls. Hammond, W:A. 7dc....... Putnam. Fastre, J. A. M. Imitation of the sacred heart of Jesus; tr. from the Latin by F. Arnoudt. 12°. [’80.] $2.50 peewee ec owes ee tere aoe e ee es esos Benzige Dy. Fat and blood, and how to make them. Mitchell, S: \ifo SSO ESI coos condos oon .. Lippincott. | Fatal boots. Sce Thackeray, W: M. Fatalvernor: kent; Mys: ©: W0Ci.... ccc 25. Munro. Fatal inheritance. Dunning, dfs. A. K. $1..Am. S.S. Fatal lilies. See Clay, B. M. Fatal marksman. De Quincey, T: 10c. Fitch ; [N. Y. News. | Fatal marriage. Maxwell, Is. M. E. 10c... Junio. Mrs. &. D.E.N. 7bc. Peterson. Mrs. ¥. Fatal marriage. Southworth, Fatal secret, and other stories. Southworth, D. BE. N., and Baden, Mrs. F. H. $1.75; $1.50. Peterson. Fate of Madame La Tour. Paddock, Ms. C. $1. Fords. Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White, R:G. $1.25. ae M. § Co. Fate of Marcel. Harlan, ©) (p25) .: 2.4. Iippincott. Fate of republics. Townsend, L. T. $1.50 ...Zstes. iatedto betree: Uncelow, J. 20c. ....--.0-) Wunro. Fated to marry. Fleming, Mrs. M. A. 10c.. Ogilvie. Father Tom and the pope. Murray, J:F. $1; 50c. Peterson. ill. | -- Metropolitan. handbook for officers and soldiers | | Fauntleroy, H: | Fausboll, V. Henry, Js. M. H. $1.10..Am. Tr. See Dundas, EK. His bonnie bride. Sez Turgénieff, I. | Father's house. Father’s story. Fathers and sons. Fathers for Eng. readers. 8v. 16° ([779.] ea., DCs. ohare o) eieyeie) cre oes a) eieise oi orci eh aye) cate Pott, Y. § Co. Cont.: Apostolic fathers; by H. 8S. Holland. — Defenders of the faith; by F. Watson. — Saint Augustine; by W. B. Clark. — Saint Jerome; by E. L. Cutts. — Saint Basil; by R: T’. Smith. — Saint Ambrose; by R. Thornton.— Gregory the Great; by J. Barmby.— The Venerable Bede; by G. F. Brown. Faucit of Balliol. Merivale, H. C. 20c...... Munro. | Pawent, L. Ashley. Index of physiology. 12°. ’82.°4? OY, Saoobscc sichele bisie ci svels es iets oe cece ce HOSKINS. Faukner, T: The series athome. 8°. ’81.48° $1.50. Hurst. Faulkner, Jos. P. Eighteen months on a Greenland wiialer: 12°.) [278.822 stRDO man <1... Barnes. | Faunce, D. W. Resurrection in nature and " revela- tion: argument and meditation. 12°. Soy] e849 BH Olscis ele vic cise avec ara «eee orere : ees — Young man’s difficulties with his Bible. 120." (AG. \25 TDD sions co cree el erovel oe a seis s unile eisie clears Sheldon. Same. New issue. 12°.. [’83.]°% $1 - Tibbals. Who’s to P20; 783, 4820) Sie So. Meth. 3uddhist birth-stories; or, Jataka original Pali; tr. by T. W. KR. and for. philos. lib.) 8°. ’81.476 Houghton, M. § Co. by S. Wolffberg ; 282.0 it Ibds:. blame? (ed.) tales from the Davids. (Eng. DO cove cccccee sees cvves coves Faust, B. ©: laws of Ca tr. and impr. by H. Kop 25¢c. Faust. Sce Goethe, J: Faustin (La). Goncourt, E. de. $1.25; Faustine. See Booth, Mrs. O Favorite album of fun and fancy; ill. by Griset and others. 4° 780.4% $1.25 .. Cassell, P., G. § Co. Flavorite nursery ser. 10y. ill. 4° ([778.] $3 Nelson. Gypsy’s album. — ed. 24°, .-- Peterson. Cont.: Little Bo-Peep’s album. — Little Little Jack Frost’s album. — Little Prattle’s picture book. — Little Why-Why’s album. — Pictures and stories for little Two- Shoes. — Pictures for little pets. — ‘he nursery pet’s album. — The picture gift book. — Walks through childland. Moore, T: 50c... Favorite poems. . Osgood. Favorite poems sel. from Eng. and Am. authors. 16°. [P 78. i\e22 Sl © DIZ sececeuc covccs -- Crowell. — Same; ill. by Garrett, Gifford [and others]. 12°. PBL IES EPL asocogacac oouaad0ccdcc Crowell. | Fawcett, Edgar. Ambitious woman: a novel. 12°. 84 [eSSi} sees Sle D 0} ereiere ete ore Houghton, M. § Co. — False friend. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Fantasy and passion: poems. 16°. it. SL 25: Roberts. — Gentleman of leisure: anovel. 24° ’81.*4%% flex Clie alecrersrercis) oie Siete er - Houghton, M. § Co. — Hopeless case. 24°. 30,498 $1.25 Houghton, M. & Co — Tinkling cymbals: a novel. 12° ’84.*847 $1.50 Osgood. — See also Flossy and Bossy series. Fawcett, di: I’ree wiude and 5 protec uo: 5th ed. 12°. WUSsi| ee SpilleiDicie es elerciey ciclo cree Macmillan. — Manual I politiea economy. Odth ed., enl. 12°. a8emets FOO pierre. soe 5G 00 00GaKqo! Macmillan. Fawcett, Mrs. Millicent Garrett. Political economy for beginners. 4thed.,enl. 18° (/778.]3!8 $1. Macmillan. Fawcett, W. L. Gold and .debt: Am. handbook of finance. 120°. Cielo $1.75. Same. 2d ed: WQS, 27 BES8 OI Dicis ce tes ae wes eros Griggs. Faxon, C: Ek. Illustrations of tie ferns of North America. See Eaton, D. ¢ Fay, Amy. Music-study in Germany. 16°. ’81.*47) SOLA) raters ere sicieleias cle dooub0aG06 eeieie oe Jansen.FAY 129 FERRIS Fay, Jos. D. Executors’, administrators’ and guardi- ans’ manual. See New York, State, Surrogate’s | Court. Hay; Julia Douglas; Poems. 8° [278-8 Sie2b. | Munsell. | Fazio: tragedy. Milman, H. H. See New York drama. Fearful responsibility, and other stories. Howells, W: NS tape leva, crave eteicet orepereles shell eieleite) oc mueteicveree Osgood. Fearon, D. R. School inspection. cr. 8° [776.]?° Sie ss Sec ee ee eee ee oe VWacmillan. | Featherman, A. Social hist. of the races of mankind. 5th div.; Aramzeans. 8° 781.9% $5... Osgood. Feathers for arrows. Spurgeon, C: H. $1 .. Carter. Federal citations. Desty, R. $7.50..... S. Whitney. Federal union nota nation. Hamilton, E. 25c...Lee & S. Federlein, G. Practical school of vocal culture. 4°. 28 (E878) Alaxs (Clee poeple selec «se Schirmer. Ieadoray Belote Be ill sci a oe are Rand, McN. & Co. | Fee, J: G. Christian baptism: action and subject. 12°. UASEEE ENE Gaoo cago ndconucdd Geoo cnboon dado Fee. | E'ée (lua). Feuillet, O. 25c.......... W: R. Jenkins. Fee guide of Michigan, and law-blanks and law-book catalogue. 24°. [’79.]*8°7 pap., 10c... Richmond. Feet and wings. Uncle Herbert (pseud.) $1.25. LG ippincott. Feet of clay. Martin, EH. $1.25......... Brown & D. Felicitas. Dahn,F. 50c.............. Gottsberger. Felix Holt. See Eliot, George. Felker, P. H. What the grocers sell us. New ed., rl, HPD, AKO OWN onoaccod an06cac0cac Judd. Fell, Archie (pseud.) See Capron, M. J. Fell, J: C. Some notes on the advantage of using steam expansively in steam engines. ill. 8°. (2G. 42 “Spap., GOC i 6. ce ccc ne weer Spon. Fellah (The). About, E. 10c.............. Munro. Fellow-students. Tharau, H. $1.10......Am. 7. — Off to the wilds: the adventures of two brothers. WL, 11, BSE OA Goons c500 4004 CRAY — Parson 0’ Dumford: atale. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. “(e732 Nhe Wesco coo 660 Sarettole uae - Harper. — Rosery folk. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’84.8%! pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [’84.]®*? pap., NiO Gcve eioreracee SOD CAGNO eiiiciele wioller ciere .. Munro. Shamrock: charade. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.]%° pap., Loc. Os seioilaisiei ce eve viels LLAD DIYs — Vicar’s people. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°!8 pap., D2) Crete eerste eleicie: sierele)« eet shele coceee se Munro. — Same. (Transatlantic novels.) sq. 16°. 781.57! S15 pap., 60c. ..-...--. siciclol oinis/eie aiaicise LGULTLONE — Wardrobe: charade. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79. ]%6° pap., ldc. -...... Srafote a erexeierehae ice siatele Happy. Fenner, C. S. Vision, its optical defects and the adpt. of spectacles. 2ded., enl. ill. 89 783.5% CRU) oo9q000 annc00 G00000 Go0anEC ...-. Blakiston. Fenno, Fk. H. Science and art of elocution; or, how to read and'speak. 12° ([/80:)*2" $1.25. J: #. Potter. —(comp.) Fenno’s favorites; choice pieces for read- ing and speaking. 12°. (84. ]®° pap., 25c. J: Ei. Potter. Fenton’s quest. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. 20c... Munro. Fenwick, S: Outlines of the practice of medicine, with formule and ill. 8°. 780 (’79].*41* $2.25. Lindsay & Blakiston. Fergus, Mrs. M. Nearer to Jesus: mem. of Rob. Walter Fergus; with notice by J. Oswald Dykes; from Glasgow ed. 16°. ’83 [’82].*°° 75c.. Carter. Ferguson, Rob. M. Electricity. New ed., rev. and extended by J. Blyth. ill. 12°. 782.°° $1.50. R. Worthington. Ferguson, Sir S. Forging of the anchor: a poem; ill. by A. Barbaud, H. C. Glindoni [and others]. sq. 8°. PR RERCIO RTD) cree cicielaiareiele iowa sr Cassell. Ferguson’s anecdotal guide to Mexico, with map of Fellow townsmen. See Hardy, T: | railways. 12°. [’76.]?8! pap., $1. Claxton, R. § H. Fellows, H: Parker. 30ating trips on New England rivers; ill. by W. H. Beals. map. 12°. ’84.*8% ONDA ey ee ese ates hie oiler e eite) ol aile)elcntes( LCOS S's Ferne Fleming. Warfield, Jfs. C. A. $1.75. Peterson. Fernow, B. (ed.) WDocuments rel. to the hist. and set- tlements of towns along the Hudson and Mo- hawk rivers (with the exception of Albany), 1630-1684; tr. from the orig. records, under direc- tion of J. B. Carr, Sec. of State. 4°. 781.°4° $3. Weed. Ferree, J. W. Falls of Niagara and scenes around them. 16°. (BaiCeleee SOO! seieiere ¢ wien Barnes. Ferret, Léonce. Executioner’s revenge; from the French by Olivette; UGO 483eRo22 "Sir Rand, McN. & Co. Ferrier, D: Functions of the brain. ill. 8°. [’76.]?° GROUB (cis sre 6 ce cit ayes cicveve te Meioreie < 9 eiel 6 is .-.- Putnam. Ferrier, Susan E. Destiny; or, the chief’s daughter. Fiemale minister. Wies; BH. WOC. ccc. ccc wae Wunro. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °82.°"° ea., pee Female nihilist. Lavigne, BE. 20c...... stereo Munro. | Tnheritance. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 195) 540,541 Fénelon, Francois de S. dela M. Selections. (Wis- @a., Pap., 20C..--- eee eesesnee pense CULT O: dom ser.) 249. °79.*"° 50¢...+++.-.. Roberts. | _ Marriage: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. *82.°%° pap., Fenn, G: Manville. Clerk of Portwick: a tale. (Sea- | VO cacaac Sree ce eee oie ctie arele ailein sie) isis Munro. side dibs) 4°: 2802) paps, 20Ci --- Munro. | — Gilded pill. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c...dM/unro. — Goblin rock. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c...Munvro. | — Lady of Hazel Place; [also] A peer in Cupid’s realm. (People’s lib.) 49: ’82:522 pap., 10c... Ogalure. — Middy and ensign; or, the jungle station; ill. by H. Petherick. Sq Le: ASS) Es ED ea occ Dutton. | — Mr. Shum’s property; [also] A desperate lover, by It. Saunders; [also] The fair recluse, by E: Kirk. | (People’s lib.) 4°. 82.59? pap., 10c...-- Ogilvie. | 17. (Sept. 84.) Ferris, B: G. New theory of the origin of species. WO, ARERA SI) hocoanoodo nano lenmar dp WE Ferris, G: T. Great German composers. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. [’79.] 60c.; pap., 30c..-..Appleton. — Great Italian and French composers. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. ’79.*8°° 60c.; pap., 30c... Appleton. | — Great singers: Faustina Bordoni to Henrietta Sontag. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. ’80.*98 60c.; pap., 30c. Appleton. Soren teaiFerris, G: T., continued. — Great singers: 2d ser., Malibran to Titiens. (Handy- vy. ser.) 16°. ’81.*48! G0c; pap., 30¢c...Appleton. | — Great violinists and pianists. (Handy-y. ser.) 16°. 81.*488. 60c.; pap., 40c-..-- cevaicienevee Appleton. Ferris, J. F. Practical artificial incubation. 8°. *80.4%? Sl; 75c.3 pap., DOC... e-eeeeeeeerrances Ferris. Ferry-boat. Du Boisgobey, F. 20c. -------- Munro. Ferry-boat library. 6 v. 16°. [’77. }?98 set, in box, $6. Whittaker. Cont. : The king’s ferry-boat. —Theo. Gray’s first years out of school. — Winifred; or, after many days. — Sunny days abroad. — Shoshie, the Hindoo Zenana teacher. — Recompense. Feste Burg ist unser Gott. Luther, M. 50c... Steiger. Fetherstonhaugh, Ifs. —. For old sake’s sake: a sketch. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.°° pap., 10c. Munro. | — Kingsdene. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° °78.°*! pap., WYO, g5o00bd oooUdOUUOt ODDO acle = seit wee oe TTarpe y. — Lil, fair, fair, with golden hair. (People’s lib.) 4°. 231.508" “Dap:, 10C..c.s.-2++0s errs cocees Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. .---- Munro. — Same. (Star ser.) 16°. [’77.]8° $1. Same. (Tour- ist’sed.) 16°. [?78.]*"! pap., 50c. .--. Lippincott. Fetridge, W. Pembroke (ed.) Uarper’s hand-book for travellers in Europe and the East, Ui: and Canada. 15th-23d year. 3 vy. [each year. ] maps and plans. 12° ’76—84.75*°? leath., pocket-book form, ea. v., $3-------+--- Harper. Feuardent, Gaston L., vs. Cesnola, L: Palma di. J. S. Cireuit Court, southern district of New York. ‘Testimony of the defendant. 4°. 84,841 pap..-.«- Bieee cinch alo ele) elo) s) alse clei #Is (nie mele Polhemus. Feudge, Mrs. Fannie Roper. India. (Lib. of ent. hist:)) ill; 120: (SOD) e225 DLO. ec cs Lothrop. Feuerbach, L: Essence of Christianity ; from 2d Germ. ed., by G: Eliot. (Eng. and for. philos. lib.) 8°. 281/207 Ne cis ciclo) s clei bie sie eicrors Houghton, M. a Co. ilippe; tr. by M. N. oF SLs pap: 00C: Peterson. — Same, with title: Philippe’s love story; tale of fashion and passion in France; tr. by E. Leigh. 8°. Week DADs, 2OCs cian cle me lene Am. News. — Bellah: tale of Brittany; from the French by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 16% [781.]*#5 pap., 75c. Peterson. — Count de Camors, the man of the 2d empire; tr. from the French. sq. 16°. [779.]*88? $1.25; pap., 75c. Peterson. — Diary of a woman; from the French. (Coll. of for. authors.) 16°. °79.*88 7dc.; pap., 50c.. Appleton. Feuillet, Octave. Amours of P Sherwood. sq. 16°. [’77. Ls — Same, with title: Woman’s journal. (Seaside lib.) 40, pap. NOC 35sec see eieieieinie eistaloneieiere Munro. | — La fée: comédie en un acte. Nouv. éd. (Théatre contemp.) 12°. ’83.%% pap., 25c. W: R. Jenkins. | — History of a Parisienne: from the French by C: Rip- | ley. sq. G2 (e8le|*482 pap... 50c... Peterson. — Same, with title: Jeanne; or, the hist. of a Parisienne ; from the French by J. Abarbanell. (Seaside | lib ) 40. 78]. *498 pap., KOO, 6 G0andcce es Munro. | — Same, with title: Parisian romance. sq. 16°. PCR IELY font DUO. Googeocoapa00c° Peterson. — Life and adventures of Punchinello. (Seaside lib.) | AIO, On WOE aaogdaccnade.cconca000cGo/ Munro. | — Marriage in high life. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., ZO Cie ieeiciecte ele ae es cis 6 sje sie cra ere re J: W. Lovell. — Onesta: story of Venice; from the French by J. D. | McCabe. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.46 pap., 10e. Munro. — Romance of a poor young man. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) WY YE ae, MWe cosdonosadno ccs Munro. — Story of Sibylle. See Library of famous fiction. Féval, Paul. Jesuits; from 10th French ed. by T. F. Galwey. 12°. ’79.*962 $1.25; pap., 75c.- Murphy. | FERRIS 130 FIELDING Few days. Hay, M.C. 10c......-.+++----- Ogilvie. Few steps in philosophy. sq. 16°. ’80.%° pap., 50c. Putnam. |Feydeau, Ernest Aimé. Ballet dancer’s husband; from the French by M. N. Sherwood. 12°. 280. #442 GR en) oi ohn ralalioratalo: chao) ol elie cul (cuercl ot siiai'ers) e/a) eerel Sumner. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.47! pap., 20c. Munro. — Same, with title: Barberine; or, a woman’s devo- tion. 120 28a Sil s. c. Seehaireiacere Sumner. Fickle fortune. Faber, C. $1; gilt, $1.50.-Sadlher. Ficklin, Jos. Elementary arithmetic, oral and written. (Newsser: of math:)) alle Gos [eSsaj-mece, Shc: Barnes. — Elements of algebra. (New ser. of math.) 16°. [’82. ]’ 22s SM Dil creccl< el cueverce eievels/ere) (nisin Barnes. — National arithmetic, oral and written. (New ser. ot math.) 16° [’81.]°° 80c......--.... Barnes Fidel, I. N., and Hook, A. Chronicles of Simon Christianus and his manifold and wondrous ad- ventures inthe land of Cosmos. 16°. [’78.]3" pap., 25¢c Lralcloveneisie aicleiciel viel afeeiale sicieeicl siecle Bennett. Fidelité. Verne, BH. $1 .......-.-....-.. Bancroft. Fidelitie (pseud.) Fighting the foe; or, every-day battles. 12°. [eetiren| eo CLIN Godoou non Carter. Field, D: Dudley. Electoral votes of 1876: who should count them, what should be counted, and remedy for the wrong count. 8°. [’77.]?°° pap., 25c. Appleton. — Outlines of an international code. bk. 1: On peace. bk. 2: On war. 2ded:, enl. 8° [776.222 $7-50- Baker, V. & Co. Field, G:W. Field’s lawyers’ briefs. v. 1: Actions and defences —Chattel mortgages. 8° 784.97 SUP spor Oia seve aieie)a:- B OO0G AdoGeK OCoU denn Banks. — Law of damages. 38ded. 8°. [’78.]**8 $6.50. Ahdls. — On the law of private corporations; rev. by H. G. Wiood: (8°: © 1832822 “shpis 96:00) =e. Parsons. — Private corporations for pecuniary gain. 8°. [’77.]°*° GND cic tie ee sic alc n wis alclels 6 6 si slcc sia ele sale Parsons. — Treatise on the constitution and jurisdiction of the courts of the U. S. 8° 783.8! shp., $6.50. T. & J. W. Johnson. Field, H:M. Among the holy hills. map. 12°. 784 FSBa ee SS RGsGGo0c5 dogs Scribner's Sons. — Krom Heypt to Japan, 129 [777.4% $2. Scribner, A. & Co. — From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. TOO (Gales B27 cere --1 Scribner, A. § Co. — On the desert; with rey. of events in Egypt. map. O°. POO, lanerieve clevepel cv cisie eis unteiereys Scribner’s Sons. Field, Kate. Charles Albert Fechter. (Am. actor ser.) ill. and por. 12° °82.*5°5 S125... .5. Osgood. — Extremes meet: comedietta. See New York drama. Field, L. C. Oinos: discussion of the Bible-wine ques- tion, (89% 2835802 ieee. ci a hf. cf., $10; mor., o14......... Beiehion a manos Fielt, Ctte. Schloss Griinwald: Roman. “pent ons | Libs) 40), 7825529) paps. OCs oo... «3. Munro. Fife anddrum. Chellis, M. D. 10c. .--..1 Nat. Temp. Eifine: Houchton) Ws) 90ch so cee- 2 Am. T7. Fifteen: ‘Conklin. Mas. N. Sil-00%.... 22... Carter. Fifteen: how to do it. Curtis, D: A. 10c...Am. News. Fifteen years in hell. Benson, L. $1.50... B. Porter. Fifteen years of a drunkard’s life. Jerrold, D. lsc. Roorbach. Fifth Avenue to Alaska. Pierrepont, E: $1.75.. Putnam. Fifty evenings with Moody. Moody, D. L. $1.50. : G. Holmes. Fifty perfect poems. Dana, C: A., and Johnson, R. SpLQ) cimieie «sr aiviuiova claleleletelcysinrs lol chet) elels(ellsts Appleton. Fifty years and beyond. Lathrop, S. G. $1.50.. Revell. Fifty years of church life. Hoyt, J. S. $2.25.. Hoyt. Fifty years of my life. Albemarle, Marl of. $2.50. Holt. Fifty years’ recollections. Bonham, J. $3.50. Bonham. Fifty years with the gun and rod. Cross, D. « . 1.50. Short. Fight at Finnsburg. See Beowulf. Fight for him. Robinson, F: W: 10c. .......Ogulvre. Fighting her way. Ashleigh, R. 20c........ Ogilvie. Fighting the enemy. Miller, BE. H. $1..Phillips § H. Fighting the foe. Fidelitie ( pseud.) $1.50..Carter. Fighting the good fight. E., H. F. $1.50...-. Nelson. Figs and thistles. Tourgee, A. W. $1; $1.50.- Words. Figureinthe corner. Maxwell, Jfrs.M.E. 10c.. Ogilvie. Figures of hell. Thompson, IMs. E. $1 ..-.- Oahspe. Figures of the past. Quincy, J. $1.50...... Roberts. File no. 113. See Gaboriau, I. Filia (pseud.) See Dorsey, Mrs. S. A. Filleul, M. Pendower: story of Cornwall in the time of Henry vir. 120°. POF eh ceca Velson. — Same. Newed. 8°. 579,388 Spo) aoiotereeerei sper Nelson. Fillmore, Ja. H. Songs of gratitude; for Sunday- schools. obl. 8°. [’77.]?" bds., 35c... Willmore. Fillmore, J: C. Pianoforte music: its hist. with biog. sketches of its masters. 12° ’83.7°9% $1.50. MacCoun. Filthy lucre. Fonblanque, A. de. 20c.......4 Wunro. Finalcauses. See Janet, P. Final ending of it. Wood, Mrs. E.R. 10c... Ogilvie. Binaissaunt, itehies Wyss A. TU; 10er een ens Wunro. | Findelkind. La Rame, 10c..-....... Munro. 177 7302 | einalay. Philip. [ee i S. pL. 2 | Finette, a 0] yeS Fink, Alb. with t FIRST My } Nonees podge me ture-book. 8°. le 80. le FAGL O50! Ibds., — Our baby’s primer. ill. 4°. 80.7 ae , 30c..- Estes. 450) Gooooan ill. Zambles among the insects. 12°. [’78. ]%%° Mie re ioratone/ sie Nein eisle efereie cre eeiCieSD. (Dd. Nor Cont ables. man maiden, an d her Eng. fr 5 WI, 18 fSlcaGouoc Sess cis Sine) crete Cr of railroad transportation. 2 8°) (279. pap Bi} Chreletete Us iends. owell. 1 ed., Gaz. — Investigation into cost of passenger trafic on Am. railroa Finlay, Dan. | Finlay, G: the Romans, with ¢ dss 8°: (i795) “pap. (oc... he Histo 1dd. ; rea s38 Ss: Finlayson, cases. Ja. Clinical ill. Finley, Martha F. the Waldenses. 16°. tale of - Elsie books. S 1.25 mialeie alleleiwiels) alejevtele es (elalele aie aie 9/0 016, e.cleis Cont.: Elsi at N: aay — Elsie ’s children. — Elsie Veterinary medicin ed. by HH. K- ND, CED ESD Goo a oGdaC [<* Martha Farquharson. hood. — Els iets new relations. — Elsie mother Elsie. — Mildred b $1.25. Cont.» Mile Roselands. — Mildred Keit ooks. lred — Pewitt’s nestseries. 12 v. 64°. — Wanteda pedigree. 12°. e79e Finn, Ms. Ii. A. il; andimap; 129 [782.52 eaDEey C: G. New ed. 1 — Reminiscences : 5Oc. 3 pap., BdC..-++ veer eee — Systematic theology; ed. by J. [778.827 Bbw ewe e seen none ene Finod, Jie Ge (comp.) e. manual for study of 8° 8] 485 Gaz. $3.50. W: R. Jenkwns. ry of Greece, from its conquest by B.c. 146—a.p. 1864. New ed., rev., Moyers Wi Vin | 13°: Macmillan. medical . Lea. | Casella: EQo1|, Ge. < Dodd. 7 Si ea. Ss Gave alle 160: (7G —e3el 2 exe -- Dodd. *s mother- widowhood. — Grand- S18 25 Soot and Elsie. — Mildred h.— Mildred’s married life. at home. — Mil So eae, Dodd. lred at [276.757 in box, $3- Presb. Bd. A home in the Holy Land: 31.50... Crowell. Lectures to professing 20% 780 hea taps 50 speeches and sketches. 12°. [’ 39 279. 88°? a tale. Christians. Saeieuieis Goodrich. eee e ee seee Goc wit, wisdom and wickedness. Thousand flashes aT 265 Ciel dr ich ° H. Fairchild. 8°. Goodrich. of French 1208) 280 440 SI Ap, Firdusi, Abu-l Kasim. Epics of kings; stories nleton. retold from Firdusi by H. Zimmern; with etchings by L. Alma Tadema, and poem by E. W. Gosse. WO, ERLE SPE) coG000 coc 0d0c sia is eleiee Holt. | Fire and flame. Schicking, L. 75c..-.---- Appleton. | Fire and the hammer. Parker, O. $2-------- Earle. | Fire brigade. See Ballantyne, R. M. |Fire-worshippers. Moore, T: 12c..---- Clark § M |Firebrands. Wright, Mrs. J. McN. $1.25. | Nat. Temp. | Firelight stories. Moulton, Mrs. L. C. $1.20. Roberts. | Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry. Coates, H: T. $9; $7.50; SIO ..-- eee cece rece cece cee Porter § C. | Fireside lib Finding her place. Henry, Irs. M. H. $1.50.Am. Tr. | Finding Jesus. Strong, B. P. 75dc........ Presh. Bd. Findlay, Cecilia. Cross purposes. (Franklin Sq. Jibs), 40) 28008448" pap. lOc. asa... - Hamper. — Only arosebud. See Giberne, A. Through the Linn. Fireside r DL. 95 rary. | Fireside talks. | Firm groun¢ 1 MckKnight, | First aid to the injured. 40. [P01 \202) 0. Donnelley, L. § Co. | Fireside readings. Mumaw, H. eadings for happy Davis, es @ A. > homes. Hastings, zB Sil. 50c .- Men wilarei cictre Ha TDC. nonite. lok, 10, stings. -- Hoyt. .- McKnight. See Bs 0c. se ytnam. | First and true love. Sand, G: $1; 75c.----- Peterson. First baby. Walker, J. $1 ..---::: .. > Brown & D: | First century of the republic. Woolsey, Te De and others. $d; $5.50; $8..----.- . Harper. | First Christmas of our dear little ones. Mulholland, 1, GSNAHO) coon dace oa00 40K hake nee aus Pustet.: \ | a } een , FIRST First Church, Church in | [[Amon.)]/ 8° ‘81- De Boston. Gomme moration by the Fi rst | 3oston of the completion of 250 years. SOE (Vee chereuetorors Hall & W. First help in accidents and in sickness ; guide in sence of medical assistance. 12° 778 [’79].**°*| fee eile cree crest eicleslne wiciele siele.e iisin cle wloler Moore. First hunt, and other stories. Woodbury, J. W., and WIS 11@s_ 0000050 b0b00 45d0 5500 0050 Lothrop. First love is best. Dodge, M. A. $1.50....... Estes. First love is best; by the author of Edith’s secret; [also] Little sweetheart. (People’s lib. 40, 782,541 pap., 10C..---+---2 sere ee ee cnee One. First of May. Crane, W. $2.50 --..---.+-- Osgood. First the blade. Johnson, H.M. $1 .-.-.-.-- Presb. Bd. First violin. Fothergill, J. S1-.-------..--«-- Holt Firth, Abraham (comp.) Voices for the speechless: sel. for schools and private reading. 16°. ’83.*°°} TiFy Oe eeeiiere checsvoucra a Misteterol.evoreve Houghton, M. & Go. Firth J. 6B EB: Sylwais new home. 16° [77-1 GilRODiciclale sieleisi vie (eioKele Me nucete te lois chelisiciciaielelelsie Hoyt. Fischer, Gustavus. Elements of Latin grammar, in connection with a systematic and progressive Latin reader. 12°. [’76.]?4° $1.25. Schermerhorn. American manual of parliamentary law. 16°. Fish, G: T 98 () pe SSS1 1 () i a cycle lcyaieicl sia (sle «sere am sicic's eis Harper. Fish, H: Masterpieces of pulpit | eloquence: New ed= Yivein le spor: 89h [eit . Dodd. — Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century. New ed., with suppl. por. 8° [777.]?71 $8....- Dodd. Fishbourne, E. G. Letter to the Lords Commission- ers of the Admiralty and to the Pres. of the Board of Trade, the guardians of the lives of sailors and of the naval interests of [Great Britain]. 8°. “84:8*5 pap:, 40c. --. »-. Spon. — Stability, the seaman’s safeguard. ill. sq. 16°. | 78. )982 40C..--20----0«--- oGoD0o 1908 oa NAO Fisher, Fes. C. [‘‘ Christian Reid.” ] After many days: a novel. Gap i Am: fiction.) 8° [e%7.28 50; pap., Bl.-- see e eee eee rere eens Appleton. — Boney Kate: a ae 805 (27851222 paps 15c. Appleton. — Gentle belle: anovel. (Lib. of Am. fiction.) 4° UO ane DADs DOCH irc viele) nolesie ni eles Ay PEON: — Heart of steel: a novel. 16° 783 [’82].*°7? $1.2 Appleton. | — Morton House: anovel. 8 (ite ee Silko 0e $2: Sadler. — Summer idyl. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. [’78.]34 pap., ys Oaelelercioicicreln/cl oleic s/c) cl vielu clivis)« « sitleis aici cle Appleton. — Valerie Aylmer: a novel. 8° [’77.]** $1.50; $2. | Sadler. Fisher,G: D. History and reminiscences of the Monu- mental Church, Richmond, Va., 1814-1878. 12°. 78). 448 DZ rccace aces .sece cece Randolph & &#. Fisher, G: P. Beginnings of Christianity: with a view of the state of the Roman world at the Christ. 8°. [’77.]8 $3....Scrmbner, A. § Co. — Christian religion. 12°. 782.58! pap., 30c. Scribner's Sons. — Discussions in hist. and theology. 8°. ’80.*#! 3. Scribner’s Sons. supplementary eRe Ib short 129. Faith and rationalism, with essays on related topics. Scribner’s Sons. — Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. 129. ’83.*612 SED) eta oiei ol elsieie) @ elieyel slctsial cin ciel ciclele Scribner’s Life of B: New ed. ill. 8° [77.] Sons. Silliman. S950. orterks Gi — The reformation. Newed. 8°. ’83.8} $9.50. Scribner's Sons. —(ed.) Early Christian literature primers. See Jack- son, G: A Fisher, G: W. QV. 7o0292, bds:. G: W. 10e. Isher. Grain tables. 3 de ab- | birth of — Recreations of a literary man; or, — 2S royal Fitzgerald, O. P. ere ce Lord Edm. SIMON 2 FITZ | Fisher, H. Ss at Marik-Haus mittes in d’r Schte rat, un a ‘Alte Zeite: In Centennial poem in Penn- sylfanisch Deutsch in Zwe Dhel. 8°. °80.*° $2. G: G. Fisher. Jos. History of landholding in England. (Humboldt lib.) 8°. ’82.°78 pap., Inutzgerald. Fisher, M. M. Three Dr of Latin. 2d ed. Fisher, 15c.. TO), 2 OQ uKaso Rho ere 4 er eyeeieie of es N. #. Pub. Fisher, Rob. Rev. Green W illingwood ; ; or, lifeamong the clergy. 12° ([777. 275) $1.25 ...- Authors? — Same, with title: Life among the Sletey. dd ed. 12°, (78s e8 GND cei ete iota cpaicve es nies ot Authors’. Fisher, S: Sermons on the life of Christ. 12%. [’77. ]?°? OR a eae 6 ars sick sores oe ee Clarke. Fisher, Wa. M. The Californians. 12°. [/’76.]?° $2. Macmillan. Fisher maiden. Bjornson, B. $1..Houghton, M. § C Fisher village. Beale, A. 0c. .......-.-.--- Munro. Macquoid, Js. K.S. 20c. Conscience, H. Fishermanof Auge. Appleton. Fisherman’s daughter. $1..Benziger. Fishing with the fly: essays by disting. Am. angling writers. (Orvis-Cheney coll.) col. pl. 8°. 783.63 SN Cty)! a cis aieo cin acln eslele cle Sree Sl eie aisieiy) severe aie Orvis. Fiske, Bradley A. Electricity in theory and practice. = Bs BR EP) socoocac Van Nostrand. Fiske, Darwinism, and other essays. 12°. ’79.*42! BON aye aG ele s eral ols ayaieo) © cisreiele cleleleiereic lc Macmiilan. Same. 129 ‘84.894 S29. 0.....Houghion, M. & Co. — Excursions of an evolutionist. 12°. ’83.8? $2. Houghton, M. & Co. Fison, Lorimer, and Howitt, A. W. Hamilaroi and Kurnai group: marriage and relationship, drawn ciety from the Australian aborigines; introd. by L: H. Morgan. 89°. 81.479 $5.... Macmillan. Fitch, A. Mabel B. Madaline: a poem. sq. 12°. ’81.*#%8 POD ()) ec cle we cicls 6 ea wie o oles 6 ses o's eie)'yis)is of ais Sumer. Fitch, Joshua G. Art of questioning. (School-room classics.) 24°. ’79.*#° pap., loc... davis, B. § Co. — Art of securing attention. (School-room classics. ) 940, 80, *488 pap., PD C@risictcvetere cre Davis, B. & Co. —__ Lectures on teaching. 12°. 781.48! $1.75..Macnullan. Fitch, Nathan T. Law of real estate appl. to principals, agents, and third parties, as deduced from the decisions of the courts. 12°. ’81.°?? shp., $2.50 . ; . Myers. Fitnam,J: C. Practical treatise on 1 abe nga. summons and the mode of serving it as prescribed by the agency : civil codes of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and other states, with forms. 8° 783.69 shp., $3. [ Fitman. | | Fitz, Ja. Sweet-potato culture: with chapter on the Chinese yam. 12°. ’82.*8389 pap., 40c. ..Judd. ipiEboodle | papers. See Thackeray, W: M. Fitzgerald, P. F. Essay on the philosophy of self- consciousness: cont. analysis of reason and the rationale of love. 16°. ’83.*°99 $1.25..Clarke. Fitzgerald, Percy. Life of George the Fourth. ill. 120, 781.482 $2. Same. 2 pts. (Pranklin Sq. libs) 40, — “eitedsss? pap., 20c.... Harper. does writing pay? Scribner & W. the family of - Scribner & W. spiritual, ethical, 90 IQYH 540 120. 762. dukes and 2 v. 8°, AV princesses of George IL. 2B DHO8S! OK G limpse s of truth: 12°. O22 GS leveuevaley cele ere So. Meth. Life of William, Earl of Shelburne, afterwards first Marg. of Lansdowne ; with extracts acOm his pé ja! and SoS: V. 3. practical. 83. maps. So [2tiee8o Ge ieee 2-1 - Macmillan. | Fitzpatrick, W. J. L ife of Chi wiles Lever. (Franklin Sq. libs) 495 9 795892 pap., LD Ceereteietes> Harper. Fitz-Simon, E. A. Historical epoch, with system of mnemonics, (20, 283.*826 bc... 3... Tarntor. — Joint venture: tale in two lands. 16°. [’78. ]?°° SOD ON; sapert eie) erohaiesi'e ere) site shore eile eis ecrse e+ 92 “ FIVE 133 FLINT Five friends. Alden, Afs.I. M. $1....... Lothrop. | Fleming, G: Text-book of v veterinary obstetrics. ill. Five great monarchies of the ane. Eastern world. Raw- | Fo Maas 088 ee ee es Cog evel linsone G Siva, (SQ eccct oe ecm. Dodd: | = SQies (Goh 2B DO eee cme « oin10 We J . Jenkins. 500 millions of the Begum. Verne, J. 10c... Munro. Five hundred Eee. reward. Barrister, A. ( pseud. ?) DOC aircrew oe cceie eo oa seven ealeloreucietaleTeyete oi cise s JMQLIUTO’ Five little girls and two little boys. sq. 12°. [’78. ]3%7 DOSt HD Ce cicveierale cree sre ele me cious eiemele ereniercre Muir. Five little peppers. Lothrop, H. M. $1.50.. Lothrop Five little southerners. Porter, Js. M. W. $1. Lothrop. Five mice in a mouse-trap. Richards, L. E. $1.50; Sp Dies clei aicraisoiere) rete Sie niele siespoe ie cielo revel clare Estes. Five ministers: Bartol; € A. 25c: ....... Williams. Five-minute sermons for low masses; by priests of the Gongs of St Bauls 2died! ve 1. 169: 77.9), *420 | Sl silateleisie)iaielec)ele aleleyelejistetee salt © cine ¢) a\aje.e Cath. Pub. Five problems of state and religion. Wood, W. C. | Gere > Oieearerareleieicicielel clotaleye (cou islets lore uicheveyete) evs Hoyt. Five weeks ina balloon. See Verne, J. Five women of England. Middleton, M. $1.40 Py sh. Bd. Five years inaconvent. Murray, E. C.G. 10ce. Ogilvie. Fixed period. See Trollope, A. Flaacke, Marie. How it ended. (Satchel ser.) sq. NG, 2S ds, PEO, aococ00d06 coc Authors’. Flag-lieutenant. Sadler,S. W. $1.75....... Estes. Flagg, I. Pedantic versicles. 16°. ’83.*°99 Tic... Ginn. Flagg, J. Foster. Plastic and plastic fillings in teeth. TU SOR Bieta SS) cicve a eiercie cies orarcrs - Blakiston. | Flagg, Wilson. Halcyon days. 12° 781.*5°8 $1.50. Estes. Flags of all maritime nations, prep. from authentic | sources; signals; [also] Coats of arms of the| states and territories of U.S. and nations of the world; printed in col. 4° 779.4% pap., $l; SD ON Teathe. tpa-D Oleinie orci cyera icine vreyateeie es Aies: Flammarion, Camille. Wonders of the heavens. | (Humboldt lib.) ill. 4°. 780. pap., loc. Fitzgerald. Fleming, G: (pseud.) See Fletcher, J. Fleming, Jfrs. May Agnes. Carried by storm. 12°. PF QVALGE TOSI D iss cia sya: citeveerc/e el elolele miniale oieye Carleton. — Changed heart: anovel. 12°. ’81.°° $1.50.. Carleton. — Fated to marry; [also] A night of terror; [also] | Kathleen. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.°°' pap., 10c. =| Ogilvie. — Heir of Charlton. 12°. ’78.9°° $1. BO ---- Carleton. — Kate Danton. 12° [776.].4° $1.75-...-- Carleton. — Lost fora woman. 12°. ’80.454 81.50 .--- Carleton. — Pride and passion: a novel. 12° 782.°°7 $1.50. Carleton. | — Secret sorrow. (People’s lib.) 4° 781.4% pap., 20c. Same. (Pop. lib.) 12 ©6832 pap: 20e: Ogilvie. — Sharing her crime. 12° ’82.° $1.50.... Carleton. — Silent and true; or, a little queen. 12° [/'77.]?* SSiLeu iD ioravercrere cielcle lela lejelsvel sive sveleie c]sieie oye -- Carleton. — The three cousins; [also] One summer month. People’s lib.) 4° ’81.°7 pap., 10c..- Ogilvie. — Wife’s tragedy. 12°. 781.4 $1.50....-.- Carleton. | Fleming, Sandford. The Intercolonial: hist. sketch of the railway uniting the inland and Atlantic prov- inces of the Dominion. maps and ill. sq. 8°. (776. i (Dye en Goo co cuntoonuOnonoo OS Dawson. Flemming, Harford. Cupid andthe Sphinx. 16°. ’78.%°4 SRIPD DY wie occ e erereie clot ai cisieiele: sisi slain ::: Holt. Fleurette. Scribe, BE. 20c...-....-.+ eee J: W. Lovell. | Fleury, C. Complete historical catechism. 12°. [’77.] | WA Cerereneine wrnvs sobiine sietrer os Briere Gan Pub. | Flickinger, D. K. Ethiopia, or, twenty years of mis- | sionary fe in Western Africa. oe [eal ee SYOe; cand 0000 0000 s0D0a0 Sieveteioles ereierere Un. B. Pub. Flint, Austin. Manual of percussion and ause at ition ; [and] the physical diagnosis of diseases of the lungs and heart, and of thoracic aneurism. 129. (P76. 128 Dl. Toe cvees a ai aie a eisVeiernisieiareiere - Led. OntFLINT le Flint, Austin, continued. — Same. Newed. [d.] 12°. 783.°°° $1.63.... Lea. — Medical ethics and etiquette: the code of ethics adopted by the Am. Med. Assoc. ; with comm. | TQOM 2QBGROOL GCs wre cicwiceeicie «1s «1 «70121 Appleton. — Physieal exploration of the lungs. 12°. °83.°" a se. — Treatise on the principles and practice of medicine. 5th ed., rewritten. 8° 780.477 $5.50; leath., #6.50: Nf: rus., Bl... cece ce tees cece cece Lea. — Same; with app. on the researches of Kock on pul- monary phthisis. 8°. 784.°°° $5.50; shp., $6.50; hf; rus., S7-------- SUAloieie) el wisle ole sieis sists) ni siavsvs Lea. Flint, Austin, 77. On the source of muscular power 120, [’78. es Shiliteretove) aielele| cleicloe eicieie ele Appleton. — Text-book of human physiology. 3d ed., rev. ill. 8°. 7 Oileses: Gicietere icicle are 0. ae ieie\6°1 cielo |e/ ois) oFe Appleton. Blint Rob. heism: 16% [ii|pes (iS38i7o. Scribner, W. & A. Filip. Harte: HeaBs spillicc ccs Houghton, M. & Co. Flipper, H: Ossian. The colored cadet at West Point; autobiography. 16°. 778.497 $2....... H Lee. Flippin, W: S. Reports. See United States, Circurt and District Courts. Flirt (The). See Grey, Ms. E. C. Flirtation camp. Van Dyke, T.S. $1.50.... Fords. Flirtations in fashionable life. Sinclair, C. $1. Peterson. Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor. See Laffan, M. Floating city. Verne, J. $2 Floating prince, and other fairy tales. Stockton, F. R. ..-- Scribner's Sons. Shay Ecler ele) elev ere vies ci cit) cle el e\cielsie ele Scribner's Sons. Flood of years. Bryant, W: C. $3; $6.50.. Putnam. Floral gift. 32°. [’81.] 50c. .......--.-«. J: E. Potter. Florence Walton. McKean, M.D. $1..... Am. Bapt. Florida, General Assembly. Acts and_ resolutions, 9th-12th session, 1877-1883. 4v. 8°. ’77-’83.5% C2.,, DADs, PbO Olinc cic cece sieccisner vic vals Dyke. | — Digest of the laws of the state, comp. by J. F. Mc- | Glellans Soh 28e (Se ects cielo wie slo ici ess <1 cre State. | — Supreme Court. Reports. VeolA=195 6. 89. 76— EO Oe Cale SI Das pOcDUlerersiccicissercie csiets ee 5 SEALE: | Cont. : v- 14, 15 (71-76), by W: A. Cocke. —v. 16-19 (’76-’83), by G: P. Raney. | — — Index to decisions, [1864-1880], by R. M. Call. So. 250: shp., SOCIO! aetcleiereieare/o {shmead Bros. Flossy and Bossy. Eckerson, M.H. 75c...Lothrop. | Flossy and Bossy ser. 4v. 16°. [’78.]*#9 $3..Lothrop. | Cont.: Flossy and Bossy, by M. H. Eckerson.— Margy’s two troubles, by N. Perry. — Belle Langley, by E. Fawcett. — Mrs. White’s party, by E. Pratt. Flotsam and jetsam. Bowles, T: G. 25c..... Funk. Flower, E. F. Bits and bearing reins, and horses and Harness: 120 [478:24* “pap:, 50c. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Flower, W: H: Diagrams of the nerves of the human | body. gded. 4° (/781.]47 $8. .... Blakiston. | — Fashion in deformity ; customs of barbarous and ciy- ilizederaces. all 169. | [v8i == oc: | Macmillan. | — Same; [also] Manners and fashion, by H. Spen-| cer. (Ifumboldt lib.) 8°. [’82.]5° pap., 15c. Fitzgerald. — Introd. to the osteology of the mammalia. 2d ed., rey. wl. 120° [e77.e8* $2.25. -... Macmallan. Flower and thorn. Aldrich, T: B. $1.25.. Osgood. Flower and weed. See Maxwell, Ms. M. E. Flower-de-luce. Longfellow, H: W. $1.50... Cassino. | Flower mission, and what grew out of it. 16°. $1. | : ws A m. S. 8. Flower of Christian chivalry. Lloyd, Ms. R. W. SLD Ores er slolvict oars Cents «see bine, Routledge. Flower of society. See Was it a crime? | FONTAINE | Flower of the family. Prentiss, Ms. E. $1.50. | Randolph. | Flower songs for flower lovers. Porter, R. $1. Randolph. |Flowers from hill and dale. Skelding, S. B. $3.50. White § S. Flowers from the garden of God. Calthrop, G. $1.25. Cassell, P., G. § Co. Flowers of Shakespeare. Viola (pseud.) $2. Scribner & W. | Flowers of the forest, and other stories. Sherwood, | Woes) (ME Me Silence: SUsiers slate esee Garter. Flowers of the sea: in picture and verse. ill. obl. ] 2°. [RS3eq| A222 fringed, $1.50......... Cassino. J Flowers of the sky. Proctor, R: A. $1..Armstrong. Floyd Grandon’s honor. Douglas, A.M. $1.50..ZLee § S. | Fluckiger, F: A. Cinchona barks, pharmacognosti- cally considered; tr., with notes, by F: B. Pow- er. 12°. [Sate es: Spile DO! sie skate rone aor Blakiston. — and Hamburg, D: Pharmacographia; drugs of veg- etable origin, in Gt. Brit. and Brit. India. 2d ysl, th, Vi SIS soca codoobocn oc Macmillan. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. Baldwin, J. Gis EIINHOs aoacodsoda6ac0000 Dodane S. Whitney. Fly-away fairies. Clarkson, L. $2........ Dutton. | Flying Dutchman. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap.,10c.. Munro. | Flynn, P. J. Hydraulic tables, based on Kutter’s formulas. (Sci. ser.) 24°. ([783.]°!! bds., 50c. Van Nostrand. |Foa, Mme. Eug. Little Robinson of Paris; or, the triumph of industry; tr. from the French by L. andons W886 eee ail oe crc else Nelson. Fobes, Wa. K. Elocution simplified; with app. on lisping, stammering, stuttering, and other de- fects of speech; introd. by G: M. Baker. 16°. (PAT) DOC ee ieeere eters wi cre cele erete chs eeeier~ Lee & 8S. Fo’c’s’le yarns, incl. Betsy Lee and other poems. 8°. Foltclie 632 soques conc Sielela cine aie repakerl Macmillan. Fogg, W: Perry. Land of the Arabian nights: trav- els through Egypt, Arabia and Persia to Bag- dad; introd. by Bayard Taylor. New rev. ed. Ill; 120. (82. *eo* 12) - es - « SCMLOMENS SONS: Fo Hi. See Miseries of Fo Hi. Foiled. (Holt, iis. M.A. JOG... 3.60. 3. Ogilvie. Folded hands. Titterington, Js. S. B. $1..Am. Tr. Folk and fairy tales. Absjornsen, P: C. $3.50 ; CULT Ba GooG acHGOdDoG sialsleiwieleleialc svete A rmstrong. Folk-tales of Bengal. Day, L. B. $1...Macmillan. Folkard, C: Watson. Potable water and methods of detecting impurities. (Sci. ser.) 24°. [782. ]*°® DdS'n DO Ces cvcte oie clei cteraie ceil oie -- Van Nostrand. Folle-farine. See La Rame, L. de. Pollen, Mis. Eliza Lee. The birthday: sequel to the Well-spent hour. New ed.. ill. 169. [/'77.]?!° Shilutetsrcle: oicite rele) Fool’s Paradise, with the many wonderful adventures | there. [Sel. of Bush’s and Hoffmann’s droll pictures.] sq. 4°. 783.4 bds., $1.25 .. Dutton. Fool’s revenge: drama. Taylor, T: See New York drama. Foot onthe sill. McKeever, H. B. 90c...-.. Am. Tr. Foote, E: B:, 77. Blue glass: cure. 18°) [@77)2% pap., 0c. ......- vale ciotoie cs dlae sche oul Murray Hill. Foote, H: Wilder. Annals of King’s Chapel, from the Puritan age of New England to the present day. Dy. val: 8% ‘82ic9 net tb. attle. Bag Co. Foote, Lucius Harwood. Red-letter day, and other poems. sq. 12°. ’82.*°*! $1.50....- Williams. Foote, Ma. Hallock. Friend Barton’s concern. See | Stories by American authors. — Led-Horse claim: romance of a mining camp. _ ill. PAD, BEES | CSP) oSoao Beeniaie) eraKer el a7- Osgood. Footlight frolics. Fernald, Mrs. C: F. 30c...Lee§ 8. Footprints. Cooke, F. If. 60c.....--..-. Williams. Footprints. Keddie, H. $2.25.......: Scribner & W. Footprints in the snow. Russell, D. 50c....Zoving. Footprints of the Redeemer. Dunn, L. A. $1.50. Mills. Footsteps of St. Peter. Macduff, J. R. $2.. Carter. For a dream’s sake. See Martin, Mrs. H. For cash only. See Payn, J. For each and forall. Martineau, H. 15c...J: W. Lovell. For each other; anovel. 12°. [’78.]%° $1.50; pap., $1. Carleton. For her dear sake. See Hay, M. C. For himself alone. See Speight, T. W. For his sake. Fothergill, J. 10c....-+------. Ogilvie. For honor’s sake. Cunningham, Jfs. B.S. $1.50. Lippincott. For lack of gold. Gibbon, C: 10c. ..---- +--+ Wunro. For love and life. Oliphant, Ms. M. O. W. 20c. Munro. FORGED |Forbes, Rob. B. Life-boat, and other life-saving in- | ventions. ill. 12°. ’80.*47 pap., 20c... Williams. (= Same. 2ded., rev., added Rambling recollections connected with China. ill. 12°. ’82.°7° net, $2.50. Inttle, B. § Co. — Personal reminiscences. 12°. [°78.]*°7 $2; hf. cf., ED Obie scle m cieleiace ei ereleloieia elect Inttle, B. § Co. — Seamen: past and present. 8°. [’78.]*? pap., 30c. Williams. Forbes, S. Russell. Rambles in Rome: archeological and hist. guide. maps, plans andill. 12°. ’82.*°! | BED Ole cretetmcieiae iereveleyors elelelei is akeiery «ol - ..--lVelson. | Forbidden fruit. Hacklinder, F: W: $1.50.. Zstes. | Forbidden land. Oppert, E. $8 ..--....-.Putnam. |Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. (Cam- paigns of the civil war.) maps. 12°. ’81.*°? | Sele veto eels efeierele miele) aio) or ieetosiaeiateters Scribner’s Sons. | — Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio. To what race did the mound-builders belong? 8°. ’79.*38 PAD es OG ace eco re cig rene lologe afofe alnieintnieralciomnte nie Clarke. | Ford, C. L. Questions on anatomy, histology, and | physiology. Newed. 8°. [’78.]*° $1.C. L. Ford. |Ford, D: B. Studies on the baptismal question, incl. | review of Dr. Dale’s Inquiry. 8°. ’79.9°? $2.25. | Ward § D. Ford, G. H. See Ellis, G: V., and Ford, G. H. |Ford, Ms. Helen J. Willit be? (Tales of the day.) Sq. 1605) fenialew, | DADs DUCE wea ere Loria. | Ford, H: A. (ed.) Poems of history, by famous poets of all ages. ill, 190 783:82% subs. Go.255 | SSO MMD) creisteiee)eneerenea = oe acq0oaddC M. W. Ellsworth. | Ford, Melbourne H. Student’s legal analysis. 16°. 289.575 $1.50; shp., $1.75; hf. cf., $2... Myers. | Ford, Mina Conklin. Esther; or, false and true: reply to Vashti: (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°%.pap., 20c. oes | : ss Ogilvre. | Ford, Sallie Rochester. Ernest Quest; or, the search | for truth: 12° [e783 sil7b0)~.---. Sheldon. — Evangel Wiseman. 12° [777.] $1.50..Am. Bapt. Ford, Worthirtgton C. American citizen’s manual. pt. 1: Governments, the electorate, civil service. (Qitastions of the day.) map. 12°. °82.*°° $1. | ok Putnam. |— Same. pt--2 :- Functions of governments. (Ques- ae tions of the day.) 12° 783.*°8° $1...Putnam. For love or gold? Alcott, J. S. 20c........ Ogilvie>+>— Standard silver dollar and the coinage law of 1878. For Mack’s calee Burke, S.J. $1 25 Lothrop (Economic tracts.) 12°. 84. 20c...Soc. Pol. Ed. Mack’s sake. Sere pli 2Dyeie «ere sy : For mamma’s darling. ill. sq. 8°. 783 [’82].*°°° bds., | »-- Dutton. ake. Fetherstonhaugh, Js. 10c. Munro. For our boys. Dietz, A. $3.50 ........--- Bancroft. For Percival. Veley, M. $1.25; 7dc....- Lippincott. For summer afternoons. Woolsey, 8. C. $1.25. Roberts. LOC. eeesevves ee eeeee evceecse ve eee For old sake’s ” For the major. Woolson, C. F. $1........- llarper. For the Master’s sake. Holt, B.S. $1..-.-- . Carter. For Thy name’s sake. Colcord, M. 60c.. Hoyt, Ff. § D. Forayers. Simms, W: G. $1.50 ....-.-4 Armstrong. Forbes, Arch. Chinese Gordon: succinct record of his life. por. 12°. 7’84.*840 $1; pap., 60c. S.W. Green ; Routledge. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) ill. 4°. 784.5% pap., DOCH cieiacicis)cleiecisiclele) «ais cleiale <=1= clots clesaie Harper. = Same, (Standard libs) por, 12%. 18h 8e foc: pap., ldc..... aici ieiels| Gisisiwiels sieiersis aie a aie) sYeleve Funk. — Glimpses through the cannon-smoke: sketches. 12°. 781 [780].*487 Gl .......--- Sieeiclenuciele ac Qsgood. — War correspondence of the London Daily News, 187778: hist. of the war between Russia and iunkey, 2 ve W2% [Seibert eas, b2.b0: Macmillan. Forbes, J. H. [‘‘ Arthur Locker.”] On a coral reef. ill.. 12°, [783.]%8 $1.25; bds., 75c.... Cassell. Forde, H. A. Black and white: mission stories. (Home lib.) 12° [’81.]*°% $1.05...--H. § J. B. Young. | Fordyce, Solin. Aspects of scepticism, with ref. to | the present time. 12°. [’83.]®? $1.50. Whittaker. Fore and aft. Dixon, R. B. $1.25.......... Lee & S. Foreign classics for English readers. See Oliphant, iiais: ME. ©: W. | Foreign marriage; or, buying a title. (Lib. of Am. fiction.) 8° 7’80.*4%! pap:., 75c......- Harper. | Foreign relations. Walpole, S. $1.....-MJacmillan. | Foreigners (The). See Price, E. C. |Foresight. Legouvé, BE. 15c..--.--++.+.- Roorbach. | Forest, Neil. Some other babies, very like Helen’s, Mice at play.] sq. 16°, (277.1282 pap., 50c: Roberts. | Forest glen series. See Kellogg, E. | Forest scenes. Bryant, W: C., and others. $5; $9. | Houghton, M. § Co. | |Forestalled. Edwards, M. B. 10c.....-.-..4 Wunro. | Forester, Frank ( pseud.) See Herbert, H: W: |Foresters. Auerbach, B. 50c. .------ ..-- Appleton. | Forestier, Auber (pseud.) See Woodward, A. A. | Forestville sheaves. Trowbridge, C. M. 80c..dAm. 7%. | Forever and aday. Fuller, E: $1.50; 50c.. Lippincott. | Forged letter and other stories. Brigham, S. Re al | Cong. Pub. only more so; ill. by S. Eytinge. [New ed. of OK en te one4 ei Hl Lae Ee nf FORGET-ME-NOT 136 FOSTER Forget-me-not, and other tales. Mackarness, rs. | Fortune's wheel. Argles, Is. M. 10c.....- Munro. MAR SNe erence «le Sohisre eo ess Routledge. | Fortunes of Glencore. Lever, C: 20c....... Munro. Forget thine own people. Vaughan, C: J.. Macmillan. Forging of the anchor. Ferguson, Siz 8. $1.50. Cassell. | Formby, H. Little book of martyrs of the city of Rome. 120s ieee COO) i. one. meer (OG: euo: Forms of land and water. Bell, N. R. E. 50c.. Putnam. Forney, J: W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. 12°. OTA LONG Diem erovererers! oe) <)oiera)< siclaicloia oiciec sic Harper. — New nobility : story of Europe and America; [ed. by W:M. Baker]. 12°. ?81.*477 $1.50.... Appleton. Forney, M.N. Locomotives for rapid-transit railroads. ill. 12°. [’80.] pap., 40c........--R.R. Gaz. —and others. Car-builder’s dictionary. 12°. ’80.**? Se DD eeveislieit ele. cis) os) sls cles) =| s\e/e1 s\ ec 6c) sees 0/0 R.R.Gaz. Forrest House. Holmes, Mas. M. J. $1.50... Carleton. Forrester, Mrs.—. Diana Carew. Cheap ed. 16°. 79.998 pap., BOC. .--+ ecereeecececes Lippincott. —- Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.....-. Munro. — Dolores. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. ---Munro. — Fair women. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..Munro. — From Olympus to Hades. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.°°° pap., 20c....- HO ODOOODOD00UONO coccer sss Munro. — J have lived and loved. 16°. ’83 [’82].*°8 $1. Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.57 pap., 20c.. Munro. —Inacountry house. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10e. Munro. — June. 12°. ’84 [’83].*8% $1; pap., 25c..Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°°? pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°°° pap., 20c. Munvro. = Mienon. 12°. fei? $150 «--. «.». Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c....... Wunro. — My hero: alove story. Newed. sq. 16°. [’80.]*° pap., iy Gforce a) cYeleveliol cies eloxcllede/cieveleliete ol/a0= Peterson. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 780.467 pap., 20c. Munro. — My lord and my lady. 16°. ’82 [’81].*°?° $1.25. ib ipprncott. — Same. (Seaside lib. ) 40° 78] ,620 pap., 20c... Munro. — Queen Elizabeth’s garden. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., MOYO, As ooo0 nooa dads G00G BYelcustelein a euene ---- Munro. — = 1h, 1D, PALEY SSN Goo dannoc Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c....... Munro. — Roy and Viola. 12°. 781 [780].*#°? $1.25. Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.4 pap., 20c... Munro. — Turn of fortune’s wheel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., MOG rere ecto cis bcc e we cise ot are So claie a eerie Wunvro. —e Viva. 12°. (78 ) *DR — Libraries and readers. 16°. ’83.*°°7 50c...Leypoldt. — Literature of civil service reform in U.S. 8°. ’81.*486 pap., 20c..--+- piste) tales crevele! sie sts Young Men’s Pol. Foster sisters. See Guernsey, L. BE. Fothergill, J. Milner. Aids to diagnosis. 3 pts. Semeiology. (Student’s aid ser.) 32°. ’S1- 28D AGS SO ene DUC PUprs, 2OCs cin mc) cisiele Putnam. — Aids to rational therapeutics. (Student’s aid ser.) BY, FRAY GANS yen, BeXeo0qaco code Putnam. — Animal physiology for schools. (Student’s manuals. ) elo ING, ERE) EL Go andénon000 eacecc Putnam. — Chronic bronchitis, its forms and treatment. ill. 8°. | PRY SOAR ED (ira cicia rere ecueseclaners eteravelcnrs tare Putnam. | — Gout in its protean aspects. 16°. 783. $2.50. G: S. Davis. — Heart and its diseases. 2ded. ill. ’8°. ’79.*4°° $3:50. Lindsay § Blakiston. — Indigestion, biliousness and gout in its protean as- pects. pt. 1: Indigestion and biliousness. 12°. 28)]| #504 9.25. Same. 12°. 782.238" nap., lOc... Wood. — Maintenance of health. 8d ed. (Handy-book ser.) 12°. °79.*493 bds., $1.25. Same. Newcheap ed. | 12°, 783,587 pap., AQCHaevcietes a ciovovaielsverele Putnam. | — Physiological factor in diagnosis. 8°. 783.°°? $2.25. Wood. — Practitioner’s handbook of treatment; or, principles ofitherapeuties: 82 [7782 Fe .. 2... eas! — and Wood, Horatio C. Food for the invalid, the | convalescent, the dyspeptic and the gouty. 12°. | 2B (ee ea oreo a) ele ce eicvelerela\ia le) v/iers, es] 0) opt Macmillan. | Fothergill, Jessie. First violin. (Leis. hour ser.) | BO, 27th Ell pe eee ae oo00 Jéhiyls. — For his sake. (People’s lib.) 4°. *82.°% pap., 10c. | Ogrivre. | — Kith and kin. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. ’81.*°° $1. | Holt. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°'° pap , 20c... Munro. | — Made or marred. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*°°7 pap., NO) Civevereler interes) viorn e cele wel eie) ol elcin) © c/eln elelm allel alofer/ Munro. | Sce also below, One of three. | — One of three. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7’81.*°° pap., 10ce. | Munro. | le or marred. (Leis. hour ser.) | — Same; [also] Ma GOS 4S oles Rr citer rerere ie parcvaclackestacls -- Holt. | — Probation; anovel.. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. 779.*4)*| aS areretei ai nyaiciel en ateteis) cvoleta aia teint 900000 500000 Holt. | era FOWLER Fothergill, Jessie, continued. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 20c. ...../ Munro. — Wellfields. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. AOS ESI Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) 16° 30c. .... Holt. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.%° pap., 20c... Munro. Foul play. Reade, C:, and Boucicault, D. 1dc.. Munro. Found at Bluzing Star. Harte, F. B. $1. Houghton, M. § Co. Found at last. Reaney, Ms. G.S. Todc.---- Anv. Tr. Found dead. Payn, J. 10c....- 500000000000 Munro. Foundation stones for young builders. Hall, J: 75c. Am. S. S. Fountain of song: hymnsand songs for gospel temper- ance meetings, etc. 16°. [’78. ]*°° bds.,30c. Biglow. Fouqué, F: H: K:, Frether v. La Motte. See La Motte Fouqué. Four, doll mammas. ill, 16% [77.282 bds:; Zoe: Lothrop. Four feet, wings and fins. Maskell, Jfrs. A. E. le Tidis Spillers eletelevers) Sleleleveee c eieks .---- Lothrop. Four-footed lovers. Albertsen, F. $l...... Lee & 8S. Four friends and their fortunes. Howard, M. $1.25. Presb. Bd. Four Georges. See Thackeray, W: M. Four irrepressibles: or, the tribe of Benjamin. 12°. ecetenz24 tok pape, DUChee er aererrlciate Loring. Four little babies; for, youngest readers. ill. 16°. oA lwilng PX8,c000c bic) cisvcrerenercus cio << Lothrop. Four little friends. Brine, Js. M. D. $1.25; $1.75. Cassell. Four Macnicols. See Black, W: Four months in a sneak-box. Bishop, N. H. $2.50. Lee & S. Four pastorates. Foster, E. B. $2.50....... Elliott. Four-place tables. Beebe, W. 2dc.........-.- Peck. Four seasons. Vahey, J. W. $l1..-.-----Cath. Pub. Four years on wheels. Carhart, J. W. $1.25. Allen & H. Four-years’ term. Whitridge, F: W. 3¢. Nat. Civ. Serv. Ref. Fourchambault: drama. Magmes, J., and Bunner, H.C. See New York drama. Fourier, C: Theory of socialorganization. Sociol. ser. ; introd. by A. Brisbane. 12°. [’76.]?#° $1.50. Somerby. See also Brisbane, A., and Fourier, C: Fourrier, Alfr. Syphilis and marriage: lectures at St. Louis Hospital, Paris; tr. by P. A. Morrow. 8°. OT AM ROE Oi iicicele sale cia cle clo sleep DD LCCONU. Fowle, T: W. [‘‘ Cellarius.”] New analogy between re- vealed religion and the course and constitution of mature. 80 7O0e Be cei ~--+- Macmillan. — The poor law. (Eng. citizenser.) 16°. ’81.°* $1. Macmillan. Fowler, C. H. Wines of the Bible. 16° [’78.]° pap., LOc.....-2++sseeeee Siofelel cies oy! Vat. Temp. Fowler, E. P. Suppression of urine: clinical descrip- tions andsymptoms. 8°. ’81.°°° $1.50.. Wood. Fowler, Fanny (pseud.) My own pets: book of birds. INE S05 Oo Ost ose DOS sp leuDE ly. Worthington. Fowler, G: B. Microscopical and chemical analyses of urine in health and disease. New ed., enl. 16°. ZT dl pom (Splucretele! e\clei-10) -tafatere Rise erere LEULIUOATU: Fowler, Ht. P. Our smoking husbands. (Satchel ser.) sq. 16°. ’79.994 pap., 10c....... Authors’. — Vegetarianism, the radical cure for intemperance. 190, ?79.*49} nap... d0C.....0-.-.-..- Holbrook. Fowler, P. H., and Mears, J. W. Historical sketch of Presbyterianism within the bounds of the Synod of Central New York. The Presbyterian element in our national life and_ hist. 12°. (777. ]?82 BL. 75. een cece eee e cece wenn es Curtiss. Fowler, T: Bacon. (Eng. philos.) 12°. ’81.*°! $1.25. Putnam. < MS tt ne\ cit fe | Ve (Ch thie eri tl i Hg £11 as i Le Hips | asia ae I} a } ; pl i i high es i inal Naot ae | eee } i ie i yt t 1 thas FOWLER 138 FRANZOS Fowler, VT: , continued. _-Jiocke. (Eng. men of letters.) 12°. ’80.** Harper. — Same. (WLovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.] pap., 10c. J: W. Lovell. — Lord Shaftesbury and Francis Hutcheson. (Eng. philos. ) 12°. 283. ieee cle ene sel Putnam. Fowler, W: Worthington. Twenty years of inside life in Wall street; or, revelations of the per- i 5G. 7 ~ . 7 0 ? *423 sonal experience of a speculator. ill. 8°. 780 1D Ol eie e «ee mieloiel siclelercie ensleiciele vie.eie elels/es)vic/cre Judd. . Senha een eo oe — Woman on the Am. frontier. ill. 8°. [(’?77.]" $2.793 NS DT) HE ee iia sieve tea ciolele) wie =) melee al» ole! nisieleyA Scranton. Fox, Caro. Memories of old friends: extracts from journals and letters, 1835-1871; ed. by H. N. Bynr. 120) 7825822 S150 nas wee Lippincott. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’82.*°*' pap., 20c. Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °82.°°° pap., 20c... Munro. Fox, Mrs. Emily. [‘‘ Toler King.”] Gemini. (No name ser. ) 16°. | ws 328 Sill conte a cle ciel eure se sie Roberts. — Off the rocks: a novel. (Hammock ser. 12°, 28D O44 Sl nial ele)a\taje\e alse ee) eves (s/s Bis 0) 0,0) 9107, Sumner. — Rose O’Connor: story of the day. 16°. ’80.” 899) TDC. Chic. Leg. News. — Will Denbigh, nobleman. (No name ser. 16°, rife lees Gi] Povey avenelaieleh ove) cls|ieieierelclaie/selrl alle ei Roberts. Fox, G. H. Photographie illustrations of cutaneous syphilis. pl. 4°. 781.47 hf. tky., $28. Z’reat. — Photographic illustrations of skin diseases. pl. 4°. »S0.476 bf. tky., SO Rin ivetenereietsiicieidicl sieve ciel ere Treat. Fox, H: J. Students’ commonplace book; cyclope- dia of ill. and fact, topically arr. 4°. [777.]?™ DPT O VD spe) feveverel cc) cicieieieva(eicyale) (1s) 0) clevie Barnes. Fox, Tilbury. Atlas of skin diseases; ser. of col. pl., with text and notes on treatment. 18 pts. 4°. lesiericel cach (Caryn end e oie wie siciniel Lindsay § Blakiston. —and TT. C. Epitome of skin diseases; with formule. Qdieds-vemls W220) Oeste eS. = « «nels ole LCM =——wSames SavAms Cd. (8c: 2OoNes BIEZD eo. Lea. Foxcroft, Fk. (ed.) Resurgit: coll. of hymns, with notes; introd. by A. BP. Peabody. 12°. *79.*°” $2 +. . Lee & S. Foxton, EK. (pseud.) See Palfrey, S. H. Foy, C. H., and Broadus, J. A. Commentary on Sam- uel. See Lange, J. P. Commentary. Foye, Ja. C. Chemical problems, with brief statements of the principles involved. (Sci. ser.) 24°. ES 3 el DdSs DOCH. ce siciele sie a etelerete Van Nostrand. — Tables for the determination, description and classi- fication of minerals. 2d ed., rev. 12°. ’82,*934 SHILt eveiel sforelere cicioicie/ eicicie cleie @ cicis cle cic are oie teicie Jansen. Frare dine). Wbers;G: LOC: sce ccecc. oo Munro. | Fragoletta. Booth, Mrs. O. $1.25...... Lippincott. Framilode Hall. Marshall, Mrs. Ii. 50c..... Carter. Framley parsonage. Sce Trollope, A. Francatelli, C: Elmé. Francatelli’s modern cook. French, ital. and Germ. cookery; with ill. of various dishes, from the 10th Lond. ed., enl. 8°. 27Q29 *580 France, L. B. Reports. See Colorado, Sup. Court. Francesca (pseud.) See Alexander, F. Francillon, R. E., continued. | — Left-handed Elsa. New issue. (Hub lib.) 4°. 779.998 pap., 15e. evocesertscecuneecete eo peeves rese Loring. — Man with three eyes. (People’s lib.) 4° 783.98} pap., NO) Gikcreeeictnic ceverte miciowel eicreyere € ee Grae Ogilvie. — Same: [also ] The lost letter, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell: [also other stories]. ( Senside lib.) 49 732.571 pap., LO ORR ere cere cee ciclo erelcie ecieie eierele s cisie Munro. — Pearl and Emerald. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — Queen Cophetua. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.*#°° pap., D() Oierc cri «i ciac ci ciivielcicicr el oi-ale: ciel eseheye) wienene: aisrers Munyro. — Quits at last: an account in seven items. (Franklin Sqelibt)) 249) 262002 | papralo Cer cercc- Harper. |— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 2gBue7s pap., 10c... Munro. — Rare good luck: fortune in seven strokes. 8°. [?76. 255 pap., HOGS ai rns eee Sie ce Appleton. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., lOc. ..... Munro. — Real queen: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 7Q4 #634 PAp., 2OC.-- cere e cece rece eee, Harper. — Same: (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 20c...J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.°%° pap., 20c... Munro. — Under Slieve-ban: a yarn in seven knots. (Leis. hour ser. ) 16°. 7Q] #471 ile Asses wisice ss HTolt. — Same. Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., l0c.-..... Munro. Francis, Laura. Madge Marland: an every-day girl. Tle 7100. (PRE SS Bebe coe Am. Tr. Francis, S: W. Memoir of E. M. P. Wells, of St. ; Stephen's, Boston, Mass: 4°: 778°*58 pap.. Fy (CO ete cicicieieveloncietsyis einlovsinclsioieunreiete C: BF. Hammett. Frank Blake. O’Brien, D. $1.50..........Pioneer. Frank Harper. Alexander, J. W. 10c. ....Am. S.S. Frank Mildmay. Marryat, F: 10c....-...... Munro. Frank Nelson in the forecastle. Fosdick, C: A. $1.25. Porter § C. Frank Redcliffe. Daunt, A. $1.50 ......... Nelson. Frank Spencer’s ruleof life. Kirton, J: W. 10c.. Ogilvie. Frankenstein. Sce Shelley, M. W. Frankland, Perey Farady. Agricultural chemical analysis. 12°. 783.°% net, $2.-..-.Macmillan. Franklin, Alb. Ameline Du Bourg: a tale of the Huguenots; tr. by J. H. D. (Lovell’s lib.) 120, (83-3222 pap., (ean cosmocgonr JT: W. Lovell. Franklin, B. Creed and modern thought. 12°. ’8].*58 SPITS ID) cis sei ere ord cere vier sl oi ierere el L.g§ J. B. Young. Franklin, B: Works; cont. several pol. and hist. tracts not incl. in former ed., and letters, not hitherto pub.; notes and life of author, by J. Sparks. lOve por; 49: “82 soe (S205 ht Chor ht MOL hh ace cicin clelwieiclclelel Miateioueievetetorctcs cre MacCoun. — Autobiography. 12°. [’80.] $1... Worthington. — Same, with title: Life; written by himself; ed. by J. Bigelow. New ed., rev. 3v. por. 12° iQ AUe ISA CB (ists cc cievcia coos occ s1 a cus) aorere Lippincott. — Germ. Benjamin Franklin; sein Leben von ihm selbst beschrieben. 16°. [’77.]3° $1..Johler. |EFranklin, E. C. Manual of venereal diseases: their | Franklin Square library...-.. Francesca of Rimini. Hardy, A. S. 75c... Lippincott. | Francillon, R. E. By day and night. (Seaside lib.) AON OD ee DADs OCH cee cnin sce soe «i Munro. — Esther’s glove. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c... Munro. ae Hsthems: lover, (@keoplers lib)! 40) 7827850" nan. OC erator coher +12) aicleleli ele) ele\s «) «)le/1s\e16 0/0 Ogilvie. — Great heiress: a fortune in seven checks. (Franklin Sq libs) 495. i283" lest pap., lic...... Harper. — Same. (Seaside Jibs) 49) 283624 pap., 10c. Same. | (Seaside lib.; BPoeket ed.) 12°, °94.631 pap., 8 liomceopathic treatment. ill. 8°. ’83.*°87 $1.25. Gross. 83. eee ee kek Peterson | ranklin, Jos., and Headington, J. A. Life and times of B: Franklin. 4thed. 12° 780.449 $2; shp., $2.50; tky. mor., B4.-.-- aecsecccecece J: Burns. Biles ve eee Harper. Note. — Entered under authors and titles. Franklin Square song collection. McCaskey, J. P. 2 pts. ea., S15 50c. -.--.- 2.0205 s ee ee ees Harper. Frank’s campaign. Alger, H., 77. $1.25 ..Porter § C. Franz, Rob. Album of songs, old and new. New sel. ed., with Germ. and Eng. words, and notes by Gernr Critics. 49. %Sleaio SubOe silt. Sol DOS SRD ci oncte cicie nistel oleic cctevencievere: aievein eleiaie Ditson. Franzos, K: Emil. Jews of Barnow: stories; from 10c..... peioss ahekojeielanccless Steen tees --++ Munro. | the Germ. by M. W. Macdowall. 16°. 783.%*57° — Jack Doyle’s daughter. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °89.548 | tM] Gooo06c pier oicis ms aelererelers circle clercin craters Appleton. PU.) Craitere on ole otel ele eiaieicrel ve) leas cle 051 Munro. |— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °82.5° pap., 10c. .. Munro.FRASER ili Fraser, A. Campbell. Berkeley. (Philos. classics for Eng. readers.) por. 169%. ’81.*#99 $1.25 ..L¢pptncott. Fraser, Donald. Speeches of the holy apostles. 16°. RES EN Wioooa cocoa eis eie eieiere sree Macmillan. — Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. (Heroes of Chris- tian hist.) 129: 28 eels 5c. 2. Anmsizong: x Fraser-Tytler, Gs. CG: (pseud.) See Liddell, Jfrs. E. Frassinetti, Jos. Jesus Christus das Vorbild des Priesters; nebst einigen Lebensregeln u. tag- lichen Uebungen vom Gregorius Barbarigo, Bischof. v. Padua; nach d. 9. Aufl. a. d. Ital. | 240, 779.99: flex., 3lc.; pap., 12c.... Benzugen. Frau Biirgermeisterin. Ebers, G: 20c....... Munro. ‘ Frau Domina. Glimer, C. v. $1 ...Zockwood, B. § Co. Frazar, Douglas. Practical boat-sailing; treatise on | the management of small boats and yachts; suppl. by short vocab. of nautical terms. ill. 16°. THO SOOT Toil ate oinicieiciorse rie cianise HOCOdOC .-Lee § S. Frazer, J. F. [and othe rs | Revised statutes. See Indiana, General Assembly. Frazer, Persifor, 77. Tables for the determination of minerals; based on the tables of Weisbach. New | Tey5 cds W209 [ieiierey Go ce sie ate Lippincott. Frazier, M: Who did it? (Satchel ser.) sq. 16°. Vet oe DAP anOUC wi clei) «\ei olin seein nfo 2 Authors’. Freckles: Redcliffe R. E. 20c.....5.:-. J: W. Lovell. Fred Bradford’s debt. Mathews, J. H. $1.75; $1.25. Cassell, RP: Ge: x Co. Fred, Maria, and me. Prentiss, Mrs. EK. $1. Scribners Sons. Ered Vernon. Smith. J: W 20C sa. «ccc Munvo. Frederica and her guardians. Robertson, M. M. Sis Olsewipasyersieisveie. ecsteece aioisieliclevelslelajeiehciacrs Lothrop. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina (Margravine of Bai- yeuth). Memoirs; with essay by W: D. How- Clis) Yive 18% [ttt fed| ae COPANO o605.06 Osgood. Fredericksburg, Va., and vicinity. 16°. [’76.]?%4 Dans LoCocni.- ere evelora cicero oie ave ---- University. F'ree prisoners; story of Californialife. Bruner, J. W. MED) wcuvene cjeveiare cistele curbercrels) sieeve Claxton, R. & I. Free-thinking and plain speaking. Stephen, L. $2.50. Putnam. Free, yet forging their own chains. Cornwall, C. M. UN availelieholin/a:elal ciate) aleoloielele)sievalatels\sie\eejs)inela)a)ale Dodd. Freed, A. T. Life and pub. services of Winfield Scott Hancock, (Bop. biog. ser.) por. 12°. 780.**%9| PAP-, 2ZOC. + cece er cncer crea cccees ecees SUMNE?D. Freed from the bondage of superstition, by an ordinary mind; [also] A word to Judge Black. 16°. i paps, 25C..:.,- -- Brentano’s Lit. Emp. Pe ealpY Freedley, Angelo T. Corporation laws. See Penn- | sylvania, General Assembly. — Limited partnership association laws. See Pennsyl- vania, General Assembly. Freedley, Edn. T. Common sense in business. 12°. eA maser IONileety ()eyore siterevetal eioreie einie Claxton, R. S iH. — (ed.) Home comforts. 12° [’79.] $1.50. Claxton, R. & H. Freedom in science and teaching. Haeckel, IE. $1. Appleton. Freedom of faith. Munger, T. T. $1.50. Houghton, M. § Co. Freeman, Irs. A.M. Altha; or, liberty of conscience. WO, [eee aD Ole crete eiare = 1010 clo lalns Russell. — Somebody’s Ned. tht tile oaoac Griggs. Freeman, Abraham C. Cases: also, Index to cases. See American decisions. — Treatise on the law of executions in civil cases. §° tile aes SIP e a pile OO) wre ere cic ske cle erere —S. Whitney. — Treatise on the law of judgments. 3ded., enl. 8°. aie! SH pr Ol arereiens ciclo s wicleld «ccietare - Bancroft. Freeman, EF: A. English towns and districts: ad- dresses and sketches. ill. 8°. ’83.°97 $+4. Macmillan 39 FRENCH | Freeman, EP: A., continued. | — General sketchofhistory. Newed.,with maps, chronol. table, and index. 16°. ([/’76.]?4° $1.50... Holt. |— Growth of the Eng. constitution from the earliest times. 4thed. 12° ’84.68 $1.75. Macmillan. | — Historical and architectural sketches, chiefly Italian. Uh WOO! [ieiGulea Solon =~ wc 3. Macmillan. |— Historical geography of Europe. 2 v. maps. 8°. Siar Re ee ere] islicieiol ochel oie) ciel) « Scribner & W. — History and conquest of the Saracens. 2d ed., with new pref. 12° [776.]?47 $1.75.... Macmillan. — History of the Norman conquest in England; its causes and its results. v.5. 8° [°76.]*° $4.. Macmillan. Introduction to Am. institutional hist. (Johns Hop- kins Univ. studies:)) 89. °82.*572 pap., 2oc Johns Hopkins Unw. — Lectures to Am. audiences. 12°. [’82.]*°° $1.75. Porter & C. — Origin of the English nation. (Half-hourser.) 32°. — UOESA02 Nap., 2DCo ac nine eels 0) weinin = « Harper. — Ottoman power in Europe: its nature, growth, and decline. maps. 12°. [777.]*8! $2. Macmillan. — Reign of William Rufus, and accession of Henry I. Oy (SOe | 2QU8OST Te Oe ec srerelsre cele Macmillan. — Short hist. of the Norman conquest of Eng. (Claren- | don press ser. ) 16°. ’80.454 60c... Macmillan. | Sketches from the subject and neighbor lands of | Venice. ill. 12°. 781.57 $2.50... Macmillan. — Some impressions of the United States. 12°. ’83.*°5° GRIEO) eicveic wim ace cleiererele nie celseiellslclere! a) wroreieiei sea Holt. — Turks in Burope. 8° [777.)-* pap:; 2oc Lovell, Ad., W. § Co. — Same. (Half-hour ser.) 32° (777.]?7 pap., loc: Harper. Freeman, Ellen. Mauual of the French verb: to ac- company every French course. 16°. 780.**% PAP., ZC. +02 e weweee cere sce vecens Pees Clarke. Freeman, Ja. E. Gatherings from an artist’s portfolio 3 in Rome. sq. 16°. [’77.]?78 $1.25 .. Appleton. — Same. 12°: 783855" 1-50)... .-- ereisaiolist Roberts. Freeman, Ja. M. Book of books. (Chautauqua text- bks:)) 320; 280! pap:, lOc... Phillips & H. — Manners and customs of Bible times. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 32° ’81. pap., 10c... Phillips § H. | Short hist. of the Emg. Bible. 12°. ’79.* 50c. Phillips & H. Freeman, N. L. Reports. See Illinois, Sup. Cowrt. Freidenker-Almanach, 1878, 1879. 12°. [’77]~78.°"* @a., PAP., 25C.---- eee eevee coeeeee Doerflinger. Freiligrath-Kroeker, Kate. Alice in wonderland, and | other fairy plays for children. 16°. ’81.°°° bds., 5Oc.; pap., BOC... eeeee rere rece nce Dick. — Alice thro’ the looking-glass, and other fairy plays for children. 16°. ’83.84 $1 ...-...--«- Putnam. Fremantle, W. H. The gospel of the secular life: sermons. 12° ’83.*99! $1... Scrubner’s Sons. Frémont, Js. Jessie B. Year of Am. travel. (Half- hour ser.) 32° [’78.]*® pap., 25c... Harper. French, Eliz. J. New path in electrical therapeutics. New ed. por. 12% [’77.]? $2.-Lippincott. French, H: W. Castle Foam; or, the heir of . 90 327) F?797 *409 Meerschaum: Russian story. 12°. °80 [°79].** Ne O lero eretelelicrelesie1ce) ai-)0) inraeXe)nierer® 2 eeelsiernie Lee & S. = Boos anovel. U2 280:60) aia. eee eC Is: |__ Gems of genius: famous painters and their pictures. ill. sq. 8% 781 (’80].*#° $3. Same. TE oe [783.9 Dbds., $2 ---+++.>- ... Lee g 8. | T : ; . 0) 999 f9Q]] *521 —Nuna: the Bramin girl. ill. 16°. 82 [81]. SPD cevelaiaiteverteiieekel a) «) s sieiejic (ec) siecle - Dick. — See also Williams, H: T., and Frost, S. A. Frost, T: Modern explorers. 2ded. ill. 8°. 2BBC*E1S DOS SeleZD ss She eecicree ce) wicleiel ciel eine) mc oie Cassell. Frothingham, Oct. Brooks. Assailants of Christianity : | ed:, wath suppl. chapter. 3 v. ‘cr 62. 28 1/488 SUH Ola. cee baa ieyaln tecleler eis e Giclee Scribner’s Sons. — Historical and other sketches; ed., with introd. by D: H. Wheeler. (Standard lib.) 12°. [’83.]*6% PAP., BOC. eee cece cere eee eee tee we eens Funk. — Life and times of Thomas Becket. 12°. [’78.]%?° COTS (a ese eee ere cial eralcie SD CULUILEM: IAS & Co. — Wuther: short biography. 12°. 784.*828) 75c:; pap:; SOQ Cie clerics cele NGO conODaOCdh Scribner's Sons. — Nemesis of faith. 12°. 780.42% $1.. Belford, GG. & Co: — Short studies on great subjects. 3dser. (Lib. ed.) 8°, eat Fe IED (ei eraer opeveire ark Scribner, A. & Co. —— same. 8d ser, (kop: ed.) 12°: 278.955 $1.50: So) rbners Sons. — Same. 4th ser. 12°. 783.577 $1.50.. Scribner's Sons. — Thomas Carlyle: hist. of the first forty years of his life, (795=183p5 Yow. in’ J por. and) alle le 782.538 $1. Same. 2pts. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40, 782.587 ea., pap-, 20C. -.--- 0. eee Harper. = Same: 2V- So. 782-5549 $4" Same, 2iveun le (Auth: ed.) por. 8°. 782.54 $1.50.....- Scribner s Sons. — Same. 2 pts. .(People’s lib.) 4°. 782.°%° ea., pap., DVO See ein iste oie ie cies nice eieievete cieiers Ogilvie. — Same. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 4° 782.°%? ea., pap., D () Cie crea ole cieeie eo ela) eis ie) aia) eel eisin is) elena ollepaeie Vunro. —and others. Theological unrest: discussions in science and religion. (Atlas ser.) 8° ’80.*° PAP., BOC. 2-002 ee eee cne vane vere cane Barnes. | Frozen deep. Sce Collins, W: W. | Frozen zone and its explorers. Hyde, A., and others. $3.50) G4... Savah cleo eieveraral ever Sacto ieials Bliss. Fruit and bread. Schlickeysen, G. $1 ..--- Holbrook. Fruits of the wine cup. Allen, J: H. 15c...-Happy. 90¢ 534 Fry, Caro. The listener. 16°. 82.*534 S$) .. Carter. |Fry, Ja. B. Army sacrifices; or, briefs from official lecture: 120: 7795888) pape 20 Ci W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Sea- side lib., Pocket ed.) 12° 783.84 pap., 20c. Munro. — Other people’s money. 12°. 7’83.°9! $15 pap., 50c. Same. (Lovell’slib.) 129. BSScaees pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. - Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Sea- side lib:, Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.974 pap., 20c. Munro. — Promise of marriage. (Lovell’s lib.) 169. ’83.°° IMs CXS 0G00 oF Be Varel ec ielen seoteieyetet sceleere J: W. Lovell. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°%! pap., 10c.... 4 Vunro.GABORIAU 143 GARDNER Gaboriau, Emile, continued. — Slaves of Paris; from the French. 8°. [’82. ]*555 Dap, DOC eo snies oie ei imine, = soolaiej(e) ol ole) e! + e)injeeie)isienele Estes. — Same. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 4° ea., pap., Munro. — 13th Hussars. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro. Galton, Fs. Inquiries into human faculty and its de- — Thousand francs reward. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., MO OR cer cisy ors) scien cle) ier e ia) ietale) nisicl ic lennon Munro. | — Widow Lerouge. New issue. 8° [7’78.]*48 pap., BOGE twats ctelcre eel shecsiciere eiersi cls iol uray ce) cinis) crs Estes. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10ce. Same. (Sea- side lib., Pocketed.) 12°. 783.4 pap., 20c: Munro. — Within an inch of hislife. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20e. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) ] 2°. SY 624 pap., DOR aia exc arereleiiareeteleye ove «) eievere Munvo. Galbriel’ KohnsS: 0G)... -ss0c sess eee Munyro. Gabriel Conway. Harte, F. B. $2. /Zoughton, M. § Co. | Gabrielle. Gréville, H: ( pseud.) DOC... <0 0+ etenson. Gabrielle de Bourdanie. See Spender, Js. J: K. Gabrini, F. Mary the model and mother of Christians ; tr. by a Catholic priest. 12°. [°78. ]°5 $2..O' Shea. Gaddings wlth a primitive people. Grohman, W. A. IBS Ph aap eoaonue Jude eon son oobacoeads Holt. Gage, Alfr. P. Text-book on the elements of physics. Ty Oe FO DRDO SNE Dpistcicie) sie ee els ele) ova eres Cv U707U: Gage, Simon H. Anatomicaltechnology. See Wilder, | B. O., and Gage, S. H. Gagneur, M. L. A nihilist princess; from the French. 12°, 78], *493 Oe ce cece ccc oe cme ace Jansen. Gaines, G. American girl of the period; her ways and wiews: 69 ([(277-)|-02 Gairdner, Ja. England. (Early chroniclers of Europe. ) NOR [Oe ates DO eer eaicisrerr snore Loran Cos — Houses of Lancaster and York, with the conquest and lossof France. (EHpochs of mod. hist.) 16°. [?76. ] $1 seer ee see ets Oe ee oeee Scribner’s Sons. Galabin, Alfr. L: Student’s guide to the diseases Ofwomen: ill [205 279ees oD: Inndsay § Blakiston. Galaxy, Suffemn, J: W. Sills ees. .- 6c5- Brainard. Galdos, B. Perez. Dona Perfecta: tale of modern Spain. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.5°° pap., 10e. Munro. — Gloria: a novel: from the Spanish by C. Bell. 2 y. G9e 78 2Foe | Napehliccte «cies ccs Gottsberger. — Marianela; from the Spanish by C. Bell. 16°. 83.*°86 PAP., FOC. ceeeseveeenes Soe) oteiel ohare rate - Gotisberger. — Trafalgar: a tale; from the Spanish by C. Bell. 16°. tod hees 90Cr pap red Cs ccs es a): Gottsberger. | : 57| Garden graith. Smiley, S. E. $1; $1.25..Randolph. Gale, Jf-s. Martha T. The widow’strust. 16°. ’79.*957 GMa Derenetarere aietelovelelele BD olole oiled intel eicl evel svete onl OCUISLEM: Galileo, the astronomer of Pisa. 18°. ’79. 50c..Nelson. Gallagher, W: D. Miami woods, golden wedding, and other poems. 12°. ’81.*5!8 $2 .... Clarke. Gallatin, Alb. Writings; ed. by H: Adams. dy. 8° POE SOOT RTD aca cvayn sjeieie: eicicielaletalelsierelclere Lippincott. Gallaudet, E: M. Manual of international law. 12°. 7 OQ * 384 D1 .DO cece vowe cove venrare -..- Barnes. Gallery of great artists; portraits reproduced in helio- type, with biog. 4° [776.]*°° $10.-...Osgood. Gallery of great composers; incl. heliotype por. and sketches. New and smaller ed. 4°. ([’76.]?#9 SOleicieieisie pielcleicis cieleveieiel ai ps (aieielteks si yeisieiere Osgood. Gallop among American scenery. . Silliman, A: E. Shed Oereiera ayeicre Mieneyoe cr sieree cine cio ielel- Barnes. Galloway, Rob. L. History of coal-mining in Great you «| I PU Moon bodoaK/ Vacmillan. — Steam-engine and its inventors. 12% 781.479 $3.50. Macmillan. Gally, J. W. Sand; [also] Big Jack Small. ill. 129. SON aeIe le pape, O0C. mrerciceri Belford, C. § Co. Galton, Douglas. Obs. on construction of healthy dwellings. 8°. 780.44 $2.75 .....+1 Macmillan. $1; pap., 50c..Lippincott. | velopment. ill. 8° 783.59! $3....Macmallan. Gamble, J. S. Manual of the common schools of Fayette Co., Ind., with hist. sketches. 169°, ao IBY pap., 10c....... aieicinicle P: G. Thomson. Gambler's wife. Grey, Mrs. B.C. 20c. ..-. Ogilvie. Gambrinus: Ethiop. burlesque. Dumont, F. 1dc. De Witt. Game laws: act of incorporation, constitution and by- laws of the West Jersey Game Protective Soe. ; also game laws of N. J., N. Y., Penn., Del., and Mids 2400 [eit2o, paps. 25Cs. ..~- Fisher & V. Game of billiards. (Acting drama.) 12°. pap., 15c. Roorbach. Gamekeeper at home. Jefferies, R: $1.50 -. Roberts. Games and sports for boys. New ed. ill. 16°. [’82.]°°° GO CR ere cit eeisveteciciic c) ove eicielcisiale crererel sisters Routledge. Gamegee, Arth. Text-book of physiological chemistry. V. We Ook 280NSe Sa OO eae Macmillan. Gamegee, J: Yellow fever aenautical disease. 8°. CFF, AOS | SEDO) emiiers a ore oie) ad oeisicleie wi cieiee {ppleton. Gamegee, Sampson. On the treatment of wounds and fractures. 2ded. 8°. °83.9% $3.50..Blakiston. Gandy, J. P. See Gell, Six W:, and Gandy, J. P. Gannett, W: C. Studies in Longfellow; outlines for schools, conversation classes, and home study. (Riverside lit. ser.) 16°. ’84.°7 pap., 15ce. Houghton, M. & Co. — Year of miracle. sq. 24°. 782 [’81].*°}8 50c..- Hills. Ganot, Adolphe. Elementary treatise on physics; tr. and ed. by E. Atkinson. 11th ed., enl. ill. and col. pl. O°, 83 611 ON Dicloinicie eieia erelercrevere . Wood. — Introductory course of natural philosophy ; ed. by W: G. Peck; rev. by L. S. Burbank and J. I. Hanson. Rev. edi, ily 120 (282. ))*522 Slo0. =.) Barnes. Gans, Edgar H. Digest of statutes. See Maryland, General Assembly. |Gant, F: Ja. Diseases of the bladder, prostate gland and urethra, incl. urinary diseases, deposits and calculi. 5thied:,enl: ill; 8% 784.885 $3.50: Bermingham. Gantt,T:T. Demonetization of silver unconstitutional. SD, Pc BX, noon c .G. I. Jones. Garbett, E: (ed.) Morning, noon, and night: private prayer. 24°. 781.479 60c...... or e+ Whittaker. Garbit, Ff: J. The woman’s medical companion. 8°. a8 (ee) MONDE Oe ciel sicte a: sree ieee ste) Salle welnvore Dale. Garcia, Gustave. Actor’s art; ill. by A. Forestier. cr. GO tO eae Oi ae oils rel sicleiel eles) siera ini Lippincott. Gardens, woods, and fields; or, the teachings of nature as seasons change. 12° ’82.*°®° $1.50..NVelson. Gardiner, S: Rawson. English hist. for young folks. Rev. ed. for Am. students. il. 16°. ’81.*°°4 $1.. Holt. — Puritan revolution. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 16°. [76.] Bl wn cwec cree cneeccrers Scribner’s Sons. — Thirty years’ war, 1618-1648. (Kpochs of mod. hist.) 16° [’76.] $1..-..--.Scribner’s Sons. — and Mullinger, J. Bass. English hist. for students ; with account of authorities, by J. B. Mullinger. On 2 Cy ekO0G! RO RO eres wai oie) felevererel eceielel el etre Holt. Gardner, A. K. Conjugal sins against the laws of life and health, and their effects upon the father, mother, and child. Rey. ed. 12° 784.94! $1. Hurst. Gardner, Celia E. Compensation: story of experience. TQO% 780486 BID) inate! 83.7 Outwitted at last. $1.50. Garfield, Jas. A. por. 2% — Garfield’s suggestive passages from [his] public and private writings; comp. by W: R. Balch. por. 24°. ’81.*°°9 $1..Houghton, M. § Co. Garfield and Arthur campaign songster; incl. biog. sketches and constitution for campaign clubs. Works; 83 601 words: 940, 80.459 pap., LO Chis race cieraicrects 0s GILUNCH: Garland, G. M. Pneumono-dynamies. er. 8°. [’78. ]#!5 $2 pap., Splice Olevacce ot crciere s eiate Sree aie Hurd & H. Garland (The). Gurney, E. P. Garland from the poets. - Porter & C. Patmore, C. $1.25: $3. Lc throp. Garland'ser. 10 y. ill. 18°. 779.4% $9.50..Welson. Cont.: Angel’s Christmas. — Aunt diamonds. — Emily’s trouble. — How the gelden eagle ght. — My lady’s prize. — Olive Crowhurst. — Steenie Alloway’s adventures. The adopted son. — The raven’s feather. — The white feather. Garlands of praise. Hull, A. Garman,S: Reptiles and batrachians of No. (Geol. survey of Ky.) pl. 4° 783.68 Milly’s Was caus 2 Qr OUG. 3 JOC... «. Lothrop. pap., 54. Clarke. Garner, L: Unmistakable flirtation. 16°. ’79.99 75e. Carleton. Garnett, W: Lifeof Ja. Clerk Maxwell. See Camp- bell, L: , and Garnett, W: Garnier, Alb. Scientific billiards: hints to amateurs. ill. practice shots, with Obl. 120% 180422" 33550: Appleton. Garretson, Ja. EB. 29.9: *544 — Hours with John Darby. 1 (‘‘ John Darby.”] Brushland. 16°. $1.25. oF en Greeee toile be Iippincott. — John Darby hours. physician, and Hours with John Darby. 16°. MEM eee BO ais care oaiciois oe cose: Lippincott. — System of oral surgery. New ed., rev., with add. pl. and ill. 8° 81.48 $8; shp., $9. Same. ed., rev., with add. pl. 8° ’84.631 $8; shp., SOP eierstoies wyevave ras cieicus icin iefeleiciaie ise toy stere Tippincott. Garrett, Mrs. Barbara Semple. Bread and honey. 8 v. Nese, Go Bo ocoopoccandonoGnoD0KC Routledge. — Our little sunbeam’s picture book. ill. sm. 4°. (aie BCS 1.50; bds., MDILe arses <¥e evereiexs Routledge. Garrett, E: (pseud.) Garrett, Phineas (ed.) One hundred choice selections, nos. 13-18. 12°. [777 ]—'80.27454 wa... 75c. pap., WN, o05000 000000000 Shele! ofeicsisiole) si s/e --- Garrett. Garrett, Rhoda and Agnes. Suggestions for house decoration, in painting, woodwork, and furniture. ill. 120» [777.26 See Mayo, Isabella F. 144 k. See Whittelsey, C. M., and Gardner, | - . | Garrison, Olin. 2Q9 *569 2 complete | Richardson. | Am. | | — Wives coeove ree eee c ce oe cess LE ipprncott. i 1., inel. Odd hours of a} Qiiveretsye ec provers ois Porter & OE | GATCHELL Garrigues, Mrs. Adéle M. Summer boarders. 12°. (40), ee SNe oaatarersie bucleie eicveleiatels: vice cis 6 Authors’. |Garrigues, H: J. Diagnosis of ovarian cysts. 8°. PBB oeo EDDY cucjeiere sector reise Cie involohal sl chete sicie Wood. — On gastro-elytrotomy. 8°. pap., 50c. ... Appleton. Probationers’ catechism and com- pendium: religious, historical, doctrinal, ete. ; introd. by J. ©: Peck. 249. "83. 20¢c.°% flex. el., 20c.3) pap., L5c. 1. -. 2c. we Phillips & H. Garrison, W: L. Tributes to W: L. Garrison. [Anon. ] por. 12°. [’80.] 50c.; 75c.... Houghton, O. & Co. | Garside, Firth. Adventures of Tom Hanson; or, brave I-A 12 a (dé. $2. Scribner W. & A. Garsin, E. Garsin’s globe telegraph code; compiled to meet the requirements of all branches of the mer- cantile profession. 12°. ’83.8° flex. cl., $2. Cumming. Werner, E. (pseud.) 0c. endeavors achieve success. ]302 Gartenlaubenblithen. Munro. rete eens - Appleton. Sok [e79' Garth. Hawthorne, J. $1.50; Gary, G. Probate practice. $5.50. Callaghan. Gas-consumer’s guide; with description of gas-meters, ete; Ills G9; 2n8) iei9ie0" bdss. o0cs. ..\foon:e. Gas engineers and superintendents’ almanac for 1878. N60 [78 )22 More, G2 cece. ous Am. Meter Co. Gasc, Ferdinand E. A. Dictionary of the French and Iing. languages. 8° [7’76.]7°° $4.50 .... Holt. — Improved pocket dictionary of French and English. TQO5 A9. LO) core: <10ie os saio1e oierera even) ol iors) Holt. Gaskell, Widow of Windsor. (Tales of the day. emt zee paps. DOC: cnc Loring. Gaskell, Mrs. Eliz. C. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 18) 512 pap., 10c. Munro. — Dark night’s work. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. Annie. Sq: GS leita Cranford. — Grey woman, and other tales. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 789 543 EHS Wee GacG Gnoood coceog GeodKG Munro. — Libbie Marsh’s three eras, and other tales. (Seaside libs); 40). 16; h20 ewe, WME: cooaaagadcoc Munvro. — Lizzie Leigh, and other tales. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 789 554 pap., iQ Oar ro ace Shenae cuece elelete veiovs Munro. — Mary Barton. (¥ranklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 783.585 pap., DCs, felstoteywcleras (slice sislaicreleiciel srelaisiel ernie) eicliels Harper. — Same. Seaside lib.) 4° pap., lOc. ..-.. Munro. — My Lady Ludlow. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10e. Munro. pap., 10c. Munro. (Seaside lib.) 4°. Clon iby ANE oosc op nocand po anon/ VWunro. Gaskell, G. A. Compendium of forms; penmanship and book-keeping, and aid to Eng. composition. ls 405) 1805475) $5. 50)-ssh ps. Gs 00s MO tie sn ieiiols tky. mor., $10 Fairbanks, P. § Co. 16th ed. Special Australian ed., with laws of the colonies, etc. 4° ’82.°4 subs., $6. Fairbanks, P. & Co. Children’s treasury of Bible — North and South. (Seaside lib.) 4°. and daughters. 2 pts. ID 565 32." — Same. Gaskoin, J/is. Herman. stories; ed. by G. F. Maclear. pts. 1-3. 18°. MOBO seeste2” en. flex... SOCe wees se ars Vacmillan. Cont.: 1. Old Testament.—2. New Testament.— 3. The Apostles, St. James, St. Paul, St. John. |Gasology; Donkey, di: 20: ¢ce-secincco ce Donkey. | Gaspar, the Gaucho. Reid, M. $1.75..... Routledge. Gasparin, Valérie Boissier (Comtesse) de. The near and the heavenly horizons. New issue. 16°. (BSS si Ae sb) ee ceric cite cya oeses Canter. Gastineau, M. Voltaire in exile; moirs of Voltaire. 12° 783. unpublished me- $1; pap., 7ac. Truth Secker. Gaston, H. A. The ready lawyer. 8° ’83.587 subs., DAMON SD Deny oa Dlernreretere: cater Kawbanks, P. § Co. Gatchell, C: Doctor, what shall Teat? 12°. 82.55% $1. Duncan.GATE 145 GELLIE Gate of Paradise: a dream of Easter eve; from 3d Iiond. ed. 16°. ([[’80.]*427 tied with ribbon, DADs DCs cre ore close oxclots o\el~ niele)-16/ore eee eel DULCOM.: Gate of the temple. Newton, W: W. 40c.. Whittaker. Gateley’s universal educator: ed. by C: E. Beale and | ME Re Gateley, %483:518) SG sane ocecc <7 Gateley. Gates, Ellen M. H. Your mission; ill. by Church, Harper and Alexander. sq. 16°. ’82 [’81].*°!? GO ore e) c¥elalarcleiers ale olereieieore sire INewed: ill. 4° [2765257 $6... -. Cockcroft. Gates into the psalm country. Vincent, M. R. $1.50. Scribner's Sons. Gates of praise. Baltzell, I.,and Lorenz, E. S. 35c. Un. B. Pub. Gates of prayer. Macduff, J: R. 75c........ Carter. Gates ofthe bast: Potter, H: ©: $1.25: ~... Dutton. Gath (pseud.) See Townsend, G: A. Gatherupthe fragments. 16°. [’76. ]?87 60c. Pott, Y. § Co. | Gathered in. Dunning, Mrs. A. K. $1... Presb. Bd. Gathered lambs. Hammond, E: P. 40e.; 10c.. /unk. Gathered treasures. Willard, M. J., and Lyman, M. | Be be Sagoo Goppocodccocdobodcoeo dods Lothrop. Gathering of the lilies. Clarkson, L. $4; $8..Svbdole. Gatherings from an artist’s portfolio. See Freeman, | Je LH: Gatty, Irs. Alfr. Parables from nature. New ed. 2 vy. Sq. DY US). OEM C4 bo anno can canoe Gaudart, Jules. Foundations; tr. from the French by, UW Ve Harcourt; (Sci ser.) 16° [a8 pl By) sere mre (ol ee aicie oa aye are) eterere sar -. Van Nostrand. Gautier, Judith. Richard Wagner and his poetical work, from Rienzi to Parsifal; tr. by L. S. J. en, WR By EA Slo coon ca0 agcodd Williams. — The usurper: episode in Japanese history; from the French, by A. L. Alger. 12°. ’84.*644 $1.50. Roberts. Gautier, Théophile. Captain Fracasse; from the French by M. M. Ripley; ill. by G. Dore. (Leis. hour ser.) 16° 80.*2° i... ... Holt. — Same; tr. by E. M. Beam. (Transatlantic ser.) sq: 169 780:*422 Sil Zoe pap: O0C.. -..- Putnam. — My household of pets: tr. by S. Coolidge. ill. sq. | GOS BO Deere Fe Dy cereal ete ciel oie ei ciere) e161 Xe Roberts. | —One of Cleopatra’s nights, and other fantastic ro- mances, tr. by L. Hearn. 8°. 782.*°89 $1.75. R. Worthington. — Romance ofamummy: from the French by A. McC. Wraricht. 20) 780 ese OD) macs «- Lippincott. — Spirite; a fantasy. (Coll. of for. authors.) 16°. 277798 = Ta, pap.,; NYO, Bond soooT a oletale 7 {ppleton. — [and others.| Famous French authors. ill. 8°. TAYE EDICT) ooooc o) esis »»e--R. Worthington. Gautran. FEarjeon, B. L. 20c..-.-.....J: W. Lovell. Gaviota(La). | George at the wheel. Fosdick, C: A. $1.25. Porter § C. by the graduating class of St. Joseph s Academy, G : Bale Olabaw © Seay ail Harper 4 Flushing, L. I. 12°. [’77.]?8 $1.25.-.O'Shea. eorge bailey. dboy, O. (pseud.) l---- dlarper. ti : é : a NG . | Geor Janterbury’s will. i 5 Mass Wh. Re ; He ae Gems of genius. French, H:W. $3....---- Lee & S. | &eorge Canterbury’s will. Wood, Mrs. E. I es eb | : Munro. . i or . oO ya eee VD orn | : Gems of the campaign of 1880. Edgar, G:P. 25c. s ae ; : et ea Edgar George Caulfield’s journey. Maxwell, Ms. M. E. 10c. es |} : : 5 Snes smurcRannaa ay, Munro ' { ~ . 7 4 [Hee i Gems of the Centennial exhibition: descriptions of : PHAg ; ° . anes = 7 - 1 v¢ Tos k 1. &] 95... Por: -& CO Hi objects of artistic character at the Phila. Internat. George in camp. I osdich , C: A. 1.25.. Porter § C. ieee || Exhibition of 1876. ill. 4°. [’77. ]8°° $6.. Appleton. George Vanbrugh’s mistake. Pritchard, H. B. 20e. i a Gems of the dance. 4°. [’77.]*°! $3; $4; bds., $2.50. : : Harper. ete : : Ditson. | #eorgia, General Assembly. Acts and resolutions, fee Te > ‘ . grees 878-1883 3V 5° ’°80-"83 2 Ss fieoae: || Gems of the Dresden Gallery; reproduced in _ helio- 1878-1883. ov. 5° “oU- do. a op: ee H Coad type; with notices of the works and the artists. Gone aearcde Re HE Gane ea ci Peete | ised fo. (PAG IPS Ctl access osconacososouc Osgood. | — Code; prepared by R. H. Clark, and others, rev. anc ei ] a : : a corr. by D: Irwin. 2d ed., rev., corr. and ann. ems of the Gray collection; reproduced in heliotype; eae en es a Sa ere coe | Gems f tl x ’, leet : Fee luced in heliotyy by D: Irwin, G: N. Lester and W. B. Hill. 4th ieee i} with full hist. and descriptive letter-press. 4°. Bd prepared by G: N. Lester, C. Rowell and W {i [ 76. |~ PLOR oer e eta cisis aiavojaleys Osgood. | Bo Hill ge: 99 568 shp., $12..J. P. Harrison. | yeas Gems of thought. Northend, C: 75c....-.. Appleton. | _ Supplement to code, cont. public acts passed | repay Gendre de M. Poirer. Sandeau, J., and Augicr, E. | since 1873, and the constitution of 1877 with an- ee | DROn ceils cineio ese cies cies cele s)se0 W: R. Jenkins. notations, side ref., ete., by N. E. Harris. 8°. i General average. Gourlie, J: H., 77. $10.-Sherrerd. [’78.]*° shp., $3.50. .--++- +--+. GOO OC Burke. | ea a ae — Public acts, sessions of 1882 : 883; comp. by H. a General catalogue of choice books for the library ; Public UCtS) Beeelen ot 1852 ind 1 a che by H Hinds, | classified and priced. 12°. [°78.193° pap., 25c H. Cabaniss and W. H. Harrison. 8°. 783. pap., as: : priced; 12° ([778.]] pap., 25c. Suis Hi 4 , Clarke Sige ereecsceccenesvcece eee we eee If JER: Harrison. tn ae : . 0 . Be Soreness -“eme four te rts r, 56-69 y 30 et General Dot; tiny book for tiny folks. ill. 16°. UD Coune Reports. v. 56-69. 14 v. 8°. t i “3-4-7 7310 ee . Z 1784.29!" eCa., shp., ois Do. eon: ete OCS spel e cio te o eicreis oe ee) cieiein «cie' Lothrop. . : ae Boa : a : zh Burke ; J. P. Harrison. py . General Soc. of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City Cont «=. 658 076277). boH: Jackson —2v. 50060) (71781) } i > KT y : MOP . they Ave P ont. - » JO-0 10-11), DY ; JacKsSON —Y¥. oY—-00 ( fi-— 901) a of N. YX. Annals, 1780 1880, ed. by : Earle by H: Jackson and J. H. Lumpkin. — v. 67-69 (’81-’83), by Te and @240. Congdon: All; 49: 7807eoee" pe. H. Lumpkin. iy 1 Soc EC. m > . - : . aoe G ee Nein dg Sie ¢ 4 mie Mech. | — — Table of cases, cited and compared in the Georgia | ere Jew. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.]| pap., reports. v. 1-62 inclusive [1846-1878], by W. I. He | Man Bt ie Re Oa gE Happy. | Heyward. 16° 781. $2.50 ....-.-- oo LAN. eae | Genesis of a New England state. Johnston, A. 30c. | Georgians (The). Hammond, Js. KE. H. $1. Osgood. at : Johns Hopkins Univ. | : ; ease : Li; ei css — Sas See ee |Georgics. See Virgil. a1 Genevieve of Brabant. Willing, Ms. C: $2.50. a Uh al Lippincott Georgie’s wooer. Adams, Mrs. L. 20c..----- Harper. } i : AY PE . 2 yeaa 7 th 9K 7," Sener. : Gennesaret. ‘Petrie Mi Sl ce... 5-- Barrett & B. | Gerald. Leslie, H. $1.25 ...........- Phallips & I. i Gentilhomme pauvre. Dumanoir, P., and Lafargue. Gerald I itzgerald. Lever, C: 20c..---+.++++4 Munro. | ORO lee ee Cee W: R. Jenkins. | @eraldine. Hopkins, A. $1.25.....-.. .. ++ Osgood. Hi Gentle belle. Fisher, F.C. 50c.........+Appleton. | Geraldine and her suitors. Simpson, M. C. M. 1lbce. a Gentle Elsie Moore. St. John, K. M. 10c. .. Munro. | -« Harper. es | Geraldine Hawthorne. See Butt, B. M. . Gentlevheart. Macleod, A. $1.25........... Carter. é as ne i : fi, ( eS “ Geraldy, Fk. See Du Moncel, T., and Geraldy, F. ry || Gentle savage. King, B: $2.............. Osgood. | vw 3 eee : : me a : z : : y : Gerard, C: B. Descendants of Ralph Chapman. 4°. Gentleman Jim. Prentiss, Mrs. E. 2dc...Randolph. | (°77.]26° $2.95 Black lik: ROMO Dees aia) sree sy cieteres cletovel clever) cieiers lack. Gentleman of leisure. Fawcett, E. $ ne eisure. Fawcett, es es Gr | Gerard, E. D. ( pseud.) Beggar my neighbor: a novel. C i Cu. ion, M. g Co. | (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° 782.*°8! pap., 20c. Ur Gentleman's perfect letter writer. 12°. [’77.]?® pap., | Harper. (ile DUC. vere erence cece ee cece ee teens ..- Cogswell. | — Reata: what’s in a name: a novel. (Franklin Sq. eles: | Gentry, T: G. WHouse sparrow at home and abroad. lib.) 4° 780.*457 pap., 15c. .....+.-- Harper. fran | % m2 th ¢ ae 7 es at 8% [7785] $2 ......«-...-. - Claxton, R. § H.|— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c...-..-i Wunro.GERARD 147 GIBBON Gerard, Ja. W. Titles | to Seal estate in tien State of New York. 2d'ed: 8% [777-310 shp*, 6.50: Baker, V. § Co. Gerard, the lion-slayer; and other stories. i 16°. Bi Poni DO cies cicvelc ere aveiele) << od: BH. Potter. Gérard’s marriage. Theuriet, A. 150.45 50c.. Appleton. Gercke, Hartwig. Das Oeffentliche Schulwesen der Stadt New York. 8°. ’82.55° pap., 30c...Sterger. | Gerettete Lamm (Das) ; oder Ich, lasse dich nicht; aus dem Engl. 18°. [’78.]%2 20c......--4 Am. Tr. Gerhard, W: Paul. Hints on the drainage and sewer- age of dwellings. ill. 12°. ’84.*®7 $2.50 Comstock. — House drainage and sanitary plumbing. (Sci. ser.) OY) ASAP! aki, Gilles, cooccd -. Van Nostrand. — Sewers: diagram for facilitating the calculation of | velocity and discharge of sewers ; with examples. 222) TOs corel ci eyaleleleietel “(olotele aici aiersiete eve ste Spon. —and Brunner, A. W. Cottages; or, hints on eco- nomical house building. pl. 8°. 7’84.° $l. Comstock. Germaine. About, HE. 20c. ....22.2rece cee Munro. German (The): how to give it, how to lead it, how to dance it; by two amateur leaders. 16°. °79.*#°° EOD) ieveiers cteueve eis Gicyelievel biel siel olay ciate Salatelel civics UIDSEMUs German Am. translation book: Deutschamerikanisches Uebersetzungsbuch fiir Elementarschulen, hersg. im Auftrage des deutschen Oberlehrer-V ereins. 5optss 160, 780s: ea. bdst, Oc oe -. Wilde. German and Eng. vocabulary for conversational exer- cises. 129° 782-992 hds:, 400.56. 00-1 Steiger. German barber near the Cooper Inst. Raley Je: Ok aicicve) crolevaiaeleiciere o witctenelate cleieiere mee nlVe ue News: German culture and Christianity. ee ie Oe Scribner & W. $1.50. - Appleton German home life. 12°. [’76.]?°? German Lutheran almanac for 1877. 4°. [’76.]?°7| pap., LOC. ..-. ree cece ee en ee ce eee eles = © ES NOUSE: German popular tales. Gulu, Js i and We C: SOOO) eioleiel ore SU Say ees oUeln cc oledciarebereiiriarcveiers Porter & C. German principia, pt. 1: A first German course. 3d ed., enl., with exercises in Germ. and ling. char- acters. 12°. ’82 Sia] e524 DOGS aeieisciene Harper. German thought, from the seven years’ war to Goethe’s death. “Hillebrand, K: $1.75 ......-..---olv. Gerok, K: (comp.) Album fiir Sonntagschuler :Denk- spriiche. obl. 18°. eb altos cooaac Kohler. — Blumen und Sterne: VWermischte Gedichte. 16°. 284) 4630 RTs olf, SUZ BLD ~ «ccc «- MONET: — Palmblatter. ill. 24°. ’81.*52? 80c.; $1.25; $1.50. Kohler. Pfingstrosen. ill. and por. 16°. ’83.*574 75c.; gilt, Ghee SiO) a scree Veleielst cielelel sioisc)eisieie sveveveles Kohler. Gerrish, fF: H: Prescription writing; 3ded., with app. on the metric system. 16°. 780.*43! 5Oc. Same. | 4thed. 24°. Dora DO Cael a Loring, S. & H. Gerson, Virg. tans Dignity: pictures and rhymes of | olden times. ill. sq. 8° ([’8l.]***° bds., pL.50. | Routledge. Gerstacker, F: The strange vill ge, and The burgo- master’s daughter; from the Germ. 18°. C UB Pas (HOY, Cadaoo0nK Melsiereleteieis secon aia 5 or (Cor — Der Wilddieb : Erziihlung. (Deutselie Lib.) 4°. ’81.°°° PAP., LOC. 2.2. sew crene cree re cee merece! Wunro. Gertrude’s money-box: farce. Lemon, H. See New York drama. Gervinus, G. C. pheces bene commentaries; tr. by F. E. Bunnett. New ed., rev. with pref. by F. J. Furnivall. 8°. Pp 77. |?28 $5.25 .. Scribner, W. 5: A. Geschwister (Die). Freytag, G. 20c. .--..-Munro. Gesenius, F: H: W: Hebrew grammar; tr. by B: Davies from Roediger’s ed.; rey. and enl. by E: Ge Mitchell, Soh 2208) 3 crete. sor Draper. Gesprengte Fesseln. Werner, E. ( pseud.) 10c.. Munro. vented by the monks s; tr. from the Latin, notes, Geeta Roiiauocuni: or, Se eee moral stories in- by C: Swan, rev. and corr. by W. Hooper. 122. | [PIT P27 G2 ..--.06.--00- 20 Soribner, W. § A. Getrennt. Polko, BE. 10c....... Bieferoe Sielevercie Munro. Getting ahead. Alden, Mrs. I. M. Tic. ---.Lothrop. Getting the better of it. ill. 12°. 779. 90c...Am. Tr. |Getting tobe women. Klingle, G: $1.50.-. Whittaker | Getting up in the world. Rose, G: lic. ..-. Happy. | Getze, J. A. New and improved school for parlor Organ. B2.50.. ces sccca~cceccseee ce Gordon. | Geyer, And. (comp.) Stationer’s illustrated catalogue. A On 27 Qeesoos eID (iercicrcrotevere cee clelencronntsiol= Geyer. Ghiberti gates: 33 heliotypes. 4°. [’79.] $10. | Houghton, O. § Co. | Ghost land. Britten, E. H. $3.........-. Wilhams. | Ghost of art. See Dickens, C: Ghost of Charlotte Cray. See Lean, Mrs. F. Ghost of Redbrook. Coulson, J. G. A. $1.25; 7dc. Lippincott. | Ghost’s bargain. See Dickens, C: Giacomelli, H. The bird world. See Adams, W: H. D. |Giannetto. See Majendie, Lady M. | Giant killer series. Tucker, C. 10v. $8 ... Carter. Giant of the North. Ballantyne, R. M. $1.50.. Nelson. Giant raft. See Verne, J. Giant’s robe. See Guthrie, F. A. Giauque, Florien (comp.) Election and naturalization laws of U. S. 8°. ’80.*427 $1; pap., 75c. - Clarke. — Laws of elections in Ohio: comp. of all eee of U.S. and of Ohio rel. to election. 8°. ’79.4% $1.40. Clarke. — Manual for assignees, insolvent debtors and others affected by assignments in Ohio. 8°. 782.°°° net, $2: shp., $2.50 ...-....-- ooo aad CMA — and McClure, H. B. ‘Tables for ascertaining the present value of vested and contingent rights of dower and curtesy and of other life estates, based upon the Carlisle table of mortality. 8°. °82.°°° shp., net, $5.-....- Seen pecs eiecle sore I OLQU ICE: Gibbes, Heneage. Practical histology and pathology. | [QOS FSPATS) TSR eisai ajo stele icin) cla .--- Blakiston. |— Same. 2ded., enl. 12° 783.5% $1.50..Blakzston. Gibbon, C: Braes of Yarrow: aromance. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 781.45)? pap., 20c...... - Harper — For lack of gold. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — Golden shaft. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°.. ’82.°7° pap., NOs aood odoc 0000 90K ercioxeheici siecle we oe os HATER. — Same. iow ell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 20c.-..J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°7 pap., 20c...Munro. — Heart’s problem. Gan Soe libs) so o2scz pap., LOC... .-ee rere rece ceecces jee e OGDEN, — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°! pap., 10c... Munro. — Inhonor bound. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.. Munro. — In pastures green. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 783. 590’ pap:, VOCs Sie. crain we cleyeia: viewwlel six Se eleleloi are aiisietecorl Wunro. — Maiden fair. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 783. pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 734629 PAp., LOC. . cee eee rece cere ee ser cere seeed Wunro. — Of high degree. ee ea libs) 405, ater. pap., 20C..-.-...--seece cee Sale wicjeace s LLONDEI: — Same. (Seaside lib.) “40, AA Dp: ip., 20c..- Munro. — Queen of the meadow. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 2BOL*t18 pap:, LOC... csce ences «oe ..- Harper — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c....--- Munro. — Robin Gray. (Seaside lib. ) 4°, pap., l0c.... Munro. — What will the world say? a novel. (Seaside lib.) 40, 783.578 pap., 20. -..eeee rere vere es Munro. Gibbon, E: History of Christianity: comp. all that re- lates to the progress of the Christian religion in The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with life of the author, pref. and notes Whe ap. FREE TEP) Coons concec nchion is Ree errnoWe GIBBON 148 GILDER } ak OE pee Gibbon, E: , continued. | Gieseler, E. A. Frog angles and their distances. C79. ] tl b — History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; | 2HC. v2e+ e+e ssceeeee tere ee tee eee Rk. R. Gaz. [ihe . | with notes by H: H. Milman. New ed. 5v.|Giffe, W. T. The song clarion: coll. of new music. ite | 12°, 780.457 BR ee ce es see Porter & C. | Obl. 160% Ou bdss. b0Che aca. cles Vewhall. ii EI — Same. (Acmeed.) 5v. 16°. ’80.*4 $2.50; hf. |— and Rosecrans, J. H. The helping hand, extended mH | GUS) Oe sini-wleieiee eeiaiel cinee since oelcke Am. Bk. Exe. | and dedicated to Sunday-schools and praise meet- 1 | — Same; with notes by H: H. Milman, M. Guizot and | ings. obl. 16°. ’78.*357 bds., 35c...Newhall. ; | W: Smith. OVo INOS 80.7% i | Gifford, O. P. In memoriam, and other sermons. 12°. oe | — Memoirs; with an essay by W: D. Howel Ss ee gi ADS eR vaya Se cies cle cielo eiere ee alae IS TILULIDS at 4 [iti |) Soe Ae eke Aa sre? eeccieiniciee )sgood. Gift, Theo. (pseud.) See Havers, Dora. Ni 2 Gibbons, Ja. The faith of our fathers. 11th enl. ee Gift for a good girl. ill. sq. 8°: [780.] $1.25. i) i i) 16°. 79." $1; gilt, $1.50. Same, eee =) | Rk. Worthington. ta) : pap., 50c. eae ts ee - Va ee on a ane Yy- | Gift of gentians and other verses. Smith, M. R. $2.50. (Hip } | — Germ. Der Glaubens unserer Vater. = oe || Randolph. if = LOA ET Gitt of gifts. Porter, Rus 40CGee ce cece ---- Randolph. Gibbons, Phebe Earle. French and Belgians. 12”. | Gitts of the child Christ. MacDonald, G: 10c.. Munro. 779 395 ON ae orc lel cio Geis silers ela clelels 76 I Lp yincott. { e fi sta: Be ee ee Ree i See ventures of Gil Blas. | i | — Pennsylvania Dutch, and other essays. 3d ed., enl. Gil Blas. eC dy ee Ne Pe | . | NO0r ROR EOC (ROU ey era ee os ar Lippincott. |Gilberg, C: A. The fifth Am. chess congress. ill. - ie | : 3 . us : 2° oO avo eT OED (are yentano’s Lit. 0 rs | Gibbons, W. S. (ed.) National bankruptcy register| 12 a I. BONE Brent wee In Emp out reports. v. 15-16. 8°. [°77—78. ]3%93! ea., shp., Gilbert, F k. American literature. (Lit. manuals. ) ae |. B Giese cin le os Se See ssw H. Campbell. 18°, 782.°°* flex. cl., ae 2s Eaanb ons P. § Co. ae ¢ > a > > 7 ‘ ~ 2 - *¢ OF O00 ea. : 7 ; : : ae A i= tt’s troubles. (Satchel ser.) ill. 16°. 782. pdr i} Giberne, Agnes. Curate’s home. (Seaside lib.) 4°. Plunkett Eee oo ) soe es j 308 590 9 Ml : PAP., 2ZOC. wre e ers eeer cece cece cans W. B. Smith. : eid 83. pap., DN) CA voveicl cial clctee! vie (se) cla elitje eis HUNY Og, — , > i Relist 3 : Ce ©) — The world: historical and actual; what has been and — Daily evening rest; or, thoughts of peace about the | : ‘ ; 3 ; Pie ee ‘ : 300 623. ey pee | what now is; with charts, ref. tables [ete.]. ill. ; ; Master. sq. 16°. 83.7 SDilicre sictere tererers Carter. pees Sane ae : 4 cea aa A : ry SOONEEED. CLO yee es | 40, 82.546 subs., $6.50; $7.50; full Jeath., fo — Decima’s promise. ill. 12°. 782.” $1.25.. Carter. | SRO. ware STO hairbanks) by C iia . 2 > i Ae Sd ats KTH Oi TUS spl cies cc « ocre oe LLAATUANKS. tes Oo GO: Hi — Duties and duties: atale. 16° ’81.*484 $1.25. ae Mod ae cme ge ieee Hi wee | Carter. | Gilbert, Helen (ed.) Primary Fridays: original and ‘ . . | = “Anita tt Yr >» 1} > 2c 90 7Q *468 je — Gwendoline; or, Haleots and Halcombes. ill. 12°. sel. recitations for the little ones. 12°. °80. a | feu o0) UR Qe ee ee im. SS. pap., 25c......- Si ateveka)eteweeiicse) <5) ciereiertaie te. Winchell. {Ties — Jacob Witherby: astory. 16°. ’83 [’82].*°© 60c. | Gilbert, J. H. Graded test spelling-book; added sen- Carter. tences for analysis and parsing. 32°. [’77.]*8% ; i — Kathleen: the story of a home. ill. 12°. 783. *621 | DdSes 2OCs so ecies « clcle cic. « e\siaiaire cle R. S. Davis. (B.) a SLD0 eee eee eee eee eee ee cee eee ee eee Carter. | — Introductory spelling-book. sq. 16°. [’78.]°**? bds., is — Muriel Bertram: a tale. 16°. ’80.*° $1.50.. Carter. DO Crete sare nie’ , doings 1 -riors ‘pe Magna. 2°, | «a: site a 222 x65 a Sess pea a1) 0} doings in Priorsthorpe Magna : I Gilbert, Luther M. Home physician. 16°. ’83.*6? ‘ Bos RIED) Sects wee Sele oe oo nee nielels Carter. | . a > ny sk 3 at ee : : ORT 5 orsyeieial Sale bilcve s wsist eases) bo cle have evcrere Putnam. a — Through the Linn; or, Miss Temple’s wards; [also] s S ee me ne Only a rosebud, by C. Findlay. ill. 16°. ’82.*°*? Gilbert, Sim. The Poa System: story Oy its origin OiOnp ee ee ee Sg es. Carter. | and inauguration. 12°. ’79.°°* 60c.. Phillips § H. — Twilight talks; or, easy Jessons on things around us. | Gilbert, W: 5S. 3ab ballads: much sound and little be Hy { Pi We 169. 483 (825) ese Ton Gaon ae as Carter. senses 12°. (Pr9 ase “pap. Wc. .-.... Nathan. ome ot — World’s foundations; geology for beginners. ill. |— H. M.S. Pinafore; or, the lass that loved a sailor: @ til POR OO ou SED Olas cieititciei eer ce arsyors Carter. nautical opera in2 acts. 16°. ’79.%8° pap., 10c. a) Y . > cat Gibney, V. P. The hip and its diseases. ill. 8°. ’84.68 3 i : ; Sn 878 Carleton. } ety i mee i eset 7 ( > . oy, ‘ 90 373 ¢ he aie ee ne eee aa ae Bermingham. Same. (Acting drama.) 12°. [779.] Bape 15c. | Mereie if : ; : : i sy K eS appy. harcix Gibraltar and its sieges. ill. 16°. ’79. 60c...Nelson y (Seasi il OF 280008 Ne. J ; ou ‘, Gibasn: J. Scie: ae : feld a las Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.°°7 pap., 10c.. Munro. i j i oe ocire As r¢ oS § y > . . : 1c . . 0 | y mec oes UO Man yee Cs Ly | birates\or Penzance. « (seasideiliby)) «4.05 apap.,a0c: ; 16°. 84.637 $1.25 aiviivielaleisielinicie ais leia stele ols Nelson. | ; Vunso ' Gibson, J: Monr »s before 1s: lectures eas Stead i reey J Monro. ree gD fore Sak le tures on | __ Sorcerer and other plays. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 83.587 . Fou aa ee I || eel) i Pee nae | pap., lOC..-..... 2.2. seen ceneenne Ses iceret Wunro. — dé s: lectures > evidences ‘Istlan- . ; y G a ae ¥ " es Seiiiesse on : le evidences of Christian |— Sweethearts: drama. See New ¥ ork drama. pil Y. ae OU eee DIL eels slleleliaiescie/eileielelsisie NSE rs 7Q : . a : = ae Jansen. | ___ Wicked world and other plays. (Seaside lib.) 4°. | — Mosaic era: lectures on Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers | 83.987 pap., 10e Munro Ly | ) aaa! 3: Aes LOCeew carvers cre eveisiens le aicicicala . ri x| and Deuteronomy. 12°. Sl es22) Sib: eae : a yo : . : ef ‘ [ J Pear ny | Gilchrist, Alex. Life of W: Blake, with sel. from his 1 | Gibson, O. Chinese in America. 16°. [’77.]?8 $1.50. poems and other w USS New enl. ed., ill. ee tener ck & W. from Blake’s own works, with add. letters and a i ) < ‘ . an SANUAn nye le i : 7 op i mem. of theauthor. 2v. 8° 780.47 $15. | | Gibson, W: Poems of many years and many places. Macmillan ta | } AOm eB esee, AGI 5() ce coc oe ~lhee & S.| a: aes ; ean || : ae Bo 150 pe teceeeeter ccc os Lee § S. | Gilchrist, Mrs. Anne. Mary Lamb. (Famous women he Gibson, W: Hamilton. Camp-life in the woods: and | Ser) WG 26d ueece Tile caret ore Sia oo LUOUCIES: i Be ia the tricks of trapping ; rap-makine Tew ed. |as : ; . bi || a] oat ae fe ind trap-making. New ed. | Gilchrist, Annie Somers. Rosehurst; or, the step- at . Ae : Wl «vece « eee ee eTocs Harper. daughter. 12°, ’84 [Sisal emeee EEO ei ippincott. | — Complete Am. trapper. 12°. [’76.]249 $1.75. 5 : : ~ i | J. Mille, | Gilded clique. Gaboriau, E. 20c. ....--J: W. Lovell. | Je i C7. — Highways and byways; or, saunterings in New Eneg- Gilded pill. Fenn, G: M. 10c. ........... -» Munro. ‘ : ) 209 P06 *56! aoe ; . . ~y ‘ re aud ie 40. 783 [’82].*°8 $7.50 ..Harper.| Gilded sin. See Clay, B. M. — Pastoral days; C , ‘ies reas lew Enel: . r rm . (ie ee he feu Sit ees a New England! Gilder, R: Watson. The poet and his master, and ee: ay ; agen: Soe [’80]. $7.00... Harper. other poems. ill. 12°. °78.*983 $1.25. | Gideon Fleyce. See Lucy, H: W. Scribner's Sons.GILDER 149 GIORGIO Gilder, W: H. Ice-pack and tundra: account of the search forthe ‘‘ Jeannette,” anda sledge journey through Siberia. maps andill. 8°. ’83. $4. Scribner’s Sons. *580 — Schwatka’s search: sledging in the of the Franklin records. ill. and maps. 8°. FO oAS! Recs cise es oe cies slates SCION CIISIS O2US: Gilderoy’s book for boys; ill. by R. G@. P. 12°. 781.9% Silo ralokelallcisl oi slcls @s\c\alc/ejeieyieiclelol Golden butterfly. Besant, W., and Rice, J. 75c. Harper. Golden calf. See Maxwell, Mrs. M. I Golden Chersonese. Bird, I. L. $2.25..... Putnam. Golden dawn. See Clay, B. M. Golden dawn. Potts, J. H. $3.50..........Zvegler. | Golden dream. Ballantyne, R. M. $1.25.-.. Nelson. Golden gift-books for our boys and girls. Uncle John ( pseud.) ile Oacicioielc cuecele’ 6 e/eicrele ole sie Am. News. | Golden girls. See Muir, A. Golden grain. Farjeon, B. L. 10c.......... Munro. Golden mean. Perkins, T. E. Golden grasshopper; by the author of The yacht voyage. 16°, ’81.* $125 -I. Bradley. 10c...-.... Anderson. Golden thoughts from the Spiritual guide. Molinos, M. CM Poo sGa06 siclelejoiere eicrelare Scribner’s Sons. Golden thoughts on A nother home and heaven: from poetic and prose liter: ature; introd. by T. L. Cuyler. Rev. and enl. ill. sq. 8°. Eee ie subs, $2.75; gilt, $3.50; full mor., $5 ... Treat. Gilmore, H. $1........ Nat. Temp. Golden throne. Putnam, S. P. $1....Vvuth Seeker. Golden treasury for the children of God. $1.50; $1.75 Routledge. Golden tress.. See Du Boisgobey, F. Goldene Schatz aus dem dreissigjahrigen Kriege. yen 18, AG = WG, concn cau0 0nd oa0d0c Munro. Goldoni, C: Memoirs; tr. by J: Black; with essay by W: D. Howells. 18°. iaiiea|eee $1.25.. Osgood. Goldsmith, Christabel (pseud.) See Smith, Fannie. Goldsmith, Ol. Works; ed. by P: Cunningham. 4 v. ers i ee ET) Gogoen secoo0 00d Harper. — Works. New ed., life of the author; with notes by J. W. M. opps (Bohn’s standard lib.) 4 vy. 120; 764cee pl. 40 ee sie Scribner & W. — Poetical works. 16°, ue 7.7298 $1.2 $1.. Crowell. — Poems. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’79.*97? pap., 20c. Harper. — Poems and plays; with critical dissertation on his Golden Hair. Wraxhall, Six F:C:L. $1 -..Lee gS. | Golden heart. See Clay, B. M. Golden horn. Wakeman, J. $1.50........... Buck. Golden hours; coll. of piano music. 12°. [’78.]?'® $3; full gilt, $4; edee $2.50 -200 wees -ees Brainard. oPhaliips & LH. rr 728% i. Golden inheritance. Rockwell, R. $1.25 Golden jubilee of our Holy Father. 32°. [7% DADs, DC. oc cc cc ween er ce enccee oseees Benziger. Golden ladder series. Mathews, J. A. 3v. $3.. Carter. Golden library. (A.) 10 v. 16°. ’81. in box, $7.50. poetry by J: Aiken. (Lovell’s lib.) ee aes eas PAP-, 2OC..- ccc eens cncenssrvercecc J: W. Lovell. — Poems, and the Vicar of Wakefield. Gace ed. ul: roy. 89. [RU |25 “2°50 a3: Cassell, P., G.& Co. = Desens village; ill. by H. Billings. 49° 782.570 $1.50; canvas covers, pendepeinics: $3.50; mor. ant., eae plush, $5....-. sod go0onar Porter & C. — Same; with sketch of anion s life, notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. ’81. pap., 12c. ..Clark § M — Elegy on the death of a mad dog. See Caldecott, KR. Picture-book. — Good-natured man. See below She stoops to con- quer. — History of England; Pinnock’s improved ed.; with a continuation to 1872, by W: C. Taylor. New enl. ed. ill. 120: 7281.50 “S160 .<.. De Salven. — Letters froma citizen of the world to his friends in the East. (Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.*® pap., 20c. Funk. — She stoops to conquer: comedy. 16°. [’76.] pap., ldc. De Witt. — Same; [also] The good-natured man: comedies. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’79.°74 pap., 25c.. Harper. |— Traveler; with biog. sketch, notes, ete. (Eng. clas- Carter. Cont.: Alice and Adolphus.— Aunt Judy’s tales. — Blind man’s holiday. — Brother and sister. — Emily Vernon. — Family at Heatherdale. — Florence Egerton. — May Dundas. — Parables from nature. — Vesper. — Same. (B.) 10 v. 16°. ’82. in box, $7.50-.. Carter. Cont.: Anna; or, home life— Aunt Edith. — Broad shadows. — Daybreak. — E ae ird Clifford. — Jeanie Morrison. — Mabel Grant. — Near home. — Passing clouds. — Ruth and friends. — Same. (C.) 10 v. 16°. ’83. inbox, $7.50.. Carter. Cont.: Brother’s watchword.—Clara Stanley. —Days at Muirhead. — Ellie Randolph. — Happy home.— Jamie Gordon. — Mabel’s experience. — Mia and Charlie. — Rival kings. — Sid- ney Grey. Golden links; or, thoughts for the hours. 24°, ’81 AON ESN PSY oc aone cade Becieisicis le sieeiee Claxton. Golden lotus. Greey, EB. $1.50...... Sliees Lee & S. Golden mushroom. Fry, Mrs. S. A. 50c. ...Nelson. Golden pig. Du Boisgobey, F. 20c.-......./ Munro. Golden poems. Browne, F. F. $2.50........ Jansen. Golden-rod. Harrison, Mrs. C.C. 25c..... Harper. Golden sands: coll. of little counsels for the sanctifica- tion and happiness of daily life; tr. from the | French by E. J. McMalion. 32°. [’77.]?8° $1; SED Olercreictcicitersccie opie of nl cte stoleve%s «21 cline ous Sadlier. | siciser))) 16% “8il. paps, ligccs. 7. Clark & M. — Same; [also] The deserted village; The hermit; with notes and sketch of author. (People’s ed.) We 20" 280; (79 Y Si bdss 20Cia. <7. Wells. — Vicar of Wakefield. (Alta ed.) ill. 12° 781.497 Ty Os cio lata (eleva ois eke ele! weiss ercicla eles socond/mountanay (Oe — Same. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. 7’79.°°° pap., 25c. Harper — Same. (Little classic ed.) 18° ['77.]? $1. Osgood. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 10c...J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Riverside classics.) ill. Se 62) TenGallan. SBD) aj eleercie alelorslavieleletn 7 ey cle) ciel evevole s/s oi Hurd & H. — Same. (Seaside libs) 495 pap, 0c ee... Wunro. — Same; ill. by W: Mulready. (Classic ser.) 16°. OB O1SE Onis sissies steno mini si chsie oecevee LtObEerts.GOLDSMITH Goldsmith, Ol., convinied. — Same; with memoir by Prof. Masson. (Globe read- ings.) 16° 783.989 30c. ...-.-.. .. Macmillan. — Same; with pref. and notes by A. Dobson. (Parch- ment lib.) 24°. ’84.*8% parch., $1.25..App/leton. — Same (condensed); with biog. sketch, notes, ete. | (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. ’82. pap., 12c.Clark § M. —and Gray, T: Poetical works, with memoir. (Riv- erside ed.) 8°. [°78. ]** $1.75. Houghton, O. § Co. — See also Hudson, H: N.; also Modern classics; also Stevens, E. T., and Morris, D. (eds.) Anno- tated poems. Goldsmith’s wife. Reybaud, Mme. C: 25c..Appleton. Gombert, A. (ed.) French classics for students; with arguments, and notes. v. 1-8. 16°. [’77.]?° ea., DOC eyereivioielelcicieic slelejlaicieleis\clers aici es oe ee Putnam. Cont. : Le misanthrope; Les femmes savantes, Le bourgeois gentilhomme, and Le tartuffe, by Moliére.—Le Cid, by Cor- neille. —Iphigénie and Phedre, by Racine. — Zaire, by Voltaire. Goncourt, La Faustin: a life study; from the French by J: Stirling. sq. 16°. [’82.]*°9° J $1.25; pap., TOC... eee eer eceeeee «+ Peterson. — Zemganno Brothers. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. Gong lesson and other poems. Moore, Mrs. Cay. PileoOma. «- Glee Sl ousistaicis) Hetejayers ICORLE THOT Os Gonse, M. L: Eugéne Fromentin, painter and writer; tr. by M. C: Robbins. ill: sq. 8°. ’83.*°1 $3. Osgood. Gonzales, Emmanuel. DOs er .» += Cassell. — Peter Parley’s cottage library. New issue. 12 V. Wl. WG! 3SB G8 Sb we weiner . Cassino. Cont. : Make the best of it. — Right is might. — Truth finder. — Tale of the Revolution. — Dick Boldhero. — Take care of number one. — Persevere and prosper. — Home in the sea, — Wit bought. — Tales of the seaand land. — What to do and how to do it. — Adventures of Billy Bump. — Peter Parley’s recollections of a lifetime; or, men and things I have seen; in a series of letters. 19D, AIDS EW ooacodd eiekoreyerers ey vietelsiel= Arundel. — Strange stories of tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, poor man, ploughboy, thief. { Peter PatleyS annual for 1882.] ill. 12°. ’81.°% $3.. Cassell, PAGE & Co. Goodwin, C: H. Hospital treatment of cane. of heart and lungs; with formule and prescriptions, as exemplified in the hospitals of N. Y. City. 120; 2889079) TBO cicin ce we neces . 0: H. Goodwin. Goodwin, Dan. R. Notes on the late revision of the New Testament version. 8° 783.8% $2. W hattaker. Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. One among many. 16°. ’84.*° GRY eee eaters olan siclniele cere einer MON Cunnle. Goodwin, J. H. Improved book- Beebe and business MaANUAls Wee) le wecrat cree . H. Goodwin. Goodwin, J: A. The Puritan conspiracy against the Pilgrim fathers and the Congregational Church, NGQHs 80, W8ds89l api, VOCS wate mre Cupples. Goodwin, W: W. Elementary Greek grammar. 2d Gh OO, ALR OD SHG) cocadondo90DgoN Ginn. — Greek reader. Rev. ed. 12° ['77.]?” hf. mor., G2 wees cocicvce srereier qi eve ere elelererelc wie sae GUNN: Goodyear, W. A. Coal mines of the western coast of the U. S. sm. 8°. [°77.]84 $2.50... Bancrofé. < eee PeesGORDON Gordon, A. J. Grace and glory sermons. 12°. [’81.]47? | Tiled Oererere ciel eiaken) oiele aisle Ore oie crs los «(elelelce - Gannett. — Ministry of healing in all ages of the C Parent 120°. LP) EG) cod0oGKe Riis cisteieeecrs ie oie ere Gannett. | a Gordon, C: G: Reflections in. Palestine, 1883. 16°. pdesso! flex. (Cle. JO Ciscoe cicicivien cis cine Macmillan. Gordon, Dan. M. Mountain and prairie: journey from | Victoria to Winnipeg, vza Peace River Pass. maps and ill. 12° 780.**7 $1.75 ..-. Dawson. | Gordon, G: H. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain in the 1861—62 maps. 12°. J Osgood. war of the great rebellion, ASB OBS 6 — Hist. of the Pope, Brig.-Gen. U. campaign of the Army of Va. under J: S. A., from Cedar Mountain to Alexandria, 1862. maps. . 8°. ’80 oe $4 Houghton, & Co. — War-diary of events in the war of the gre: at re ee llion, 1863-65. maps and ill. 12°. ’82.53° $3.. Osgood. Gordon, Hanford L. Pauline, audlothespociie. sq. 16°. [ "78. less SpA D erelers eicle sieicic clclele eis — Wonders of the great deep; or, the physical, animal, geological, and vegetable curiosities of the ocean. I er enitealec Lippincott. Gostwick, Jos. German culture and Christianity, their controversy in the time 1770-1880. 8° 782,540 | BG ivcictat ato Ssiehe Sek eda eee Scribner & W. Gottschalk, L: Moreau. Notes of a pianist; during his professional tours; from the French 26], 4008' 9.50) | | preceded by biog. sketch; by R. E. Peterson. por. 8°. -.----. Lippincott. W.v | Gotz von Berlicningee. Goethe, J: net, 55c. Macmillan. Gouffé, Jules. Royal cookery-book, tr..and adpt. for Eng. use by A. Gouffé. “New ed. col. pl. imp. Be Ghee. SUNN o6ae S000 sano Kooac Scribner & W. Gough, J: B. Sunlight andl shadow; or, gleanings from my life-work. 8°. ’80.471 $3.95. A. D. Worthington. — Temperance lectures. 12°, °79.*%4 pap., 25c. Am. Temp. Goulburn, E: M. Collects of the day: exposition, critical and devotional. 2v. 12°. ’80.4°9 $5.50. Pott; Ya & (Co. — Everl: sting punishment: lectures. 12°. 780. *45° DILSLD sieve cic'c.c cre ois e siete kien viel wei ce Pott, ¥.& Co. — Thoughts upon the liturgical gospels for the Sundays ; one for each day in the year. 2v. 12° ’83.*62 Sa DO esis wc cccie sire tec -----H. 5 J. B. Young. Gould, E. R. L. Local government in Pennsylvania. See Shaw, A. Gould, J: How to camp out. ill. 12° (°77.]2% Sil sicveiscve so ererere piniele sisieisaceseione cies Scribner. Same. Knapsack ed. ils 16° 280: *225 oil- Clin FDC asisisicics > cities corde occ ote Scribner’s Sons. |Gould, J: M. Treatise on the law of waters incl. ri- parian rights, and public waters tidal and inland. 89. and private rights in 783. ship., $6.50. Callaghan. and builder’s as- Gould, Lucius D. New carpenter’s sistant, and wood-worker’s guide. Enl. ed. pl. COR Oe ices sisiersiercierere crcieioss Bicknell. problems: geometrical demonstrations of practical value to mechanics. New enl. ed. UL, KR BEES Eloghaa coo; A - Comstock. Gould, W. R. Lawyers’ diary for the year 1883. 12°. Sot Bile re sie ereiialele ainiehe aie overs W. R. Gould. Goulding, F. R. Woodruff stories. 8 vy. in 1. 16°. eR EEO) soon coos acoour Claxton, R. § H. | Gourkie; J: H., jr. General average; the laws and customs of the U. S. [and other countries]. 12°. Ze") SNPs. il. Olscjs sj ecys oer cree certs Sherrerd. | Government detective. Rockwood, H. 20c... Ogilvie. | Government revenue. Roberts, HE. H. $1.50. Houghton, M. § Co. | Gow, Alex. M. Primer of politeness: a help to school and home government. 12°. [’83.]*5°7 75c. Lippincott. Gower, Lord Ronald. My reminiscences. 2v. por. OY, BEE BY) oooaon. ieee cee Scribner & W. ——ISdme. por. 190! %Bd4ix6d0l woe hee phen: — Same. Author’scheap ed. por. 12°. ’84.52 -g9, Scribner & W. — Romney and Lawrence. (Ill. biog. of great artists. ) W208 BOR eee rc oe ne oe -» - Scribner & W. Gowers, W. R. Diagnosis of diseases of the spinal cord. dded. ill. andcol. pl. 8° ’84. $1.50. Blakiston. — Manual and atlas of medical ophthalmoscopy. 2d ed.) ‘cole pl: 8° [182.540 (G6..<... ..Blakeston.GOZLAN 155 GRANT Gozlan, Léon. La pluie et le beau temps: comédie. Nouv. éd.; [also] Autour d’un berceau; piece en une scene, par E. Legouvé. (Théatre contemp.) 199% 288.808 “paps, 25Cs cee cin W: R. Jenkins. Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. Beesly, A. H. $1. Scribner’s Sons. Grace and glory. Gordon, A. J. $1.50 .... Gannett. Grace andher step-mother. Smith, A. E. $1. Am. Bapt. Grace Ashleigh’s life work. Boyd, Ms. M. D.R. $1. Am. Tr. Grace Darling. Hope, E. $1.........-. - Whittaker Grace Dermott. ill; 1295 “79S 7bec.. Nelson. — Same. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. [’84.]®7? pap., IQs, goog oaddon ccaaot oDDDaD OaDOOO ACKC Am. S.S. Grace Flemyng’s husband. See Whyte, V. Grace Westervelt; or, the children of the covenant: se- quel to Theodore. 16°. [’76. ]?*° $1.25.. Presb. Bd. Grace Winslow. Spear, J: W. $1.25; 75c.-. 7zbbals. Gradle, H. Bacteria and the germ-theory of disease: lectures. 8°. 783, *605 Shovel cveley cre: ete) ate. ie Keener. Graff, J: Franklin. [‘‘ Graybeard.”] Graybeard’s Colo- rado; or, notes on the Centennial State, 1881-82. 2, AIO Wye conde Rea teleterinye se kerets [ippincott. — Graybeard’s Lay sermons; summary of the great doc- trines of Holy Scripture, interpreted and ill. by the Scriptures themselves. por. 12°. [?76.] $1.75. Lippincott. Graham, And. J. Synopsis of standard phonography. New.ed; 1207 [mS0.)*-4" “b0ce -.../7.-7- Graham. Graham, C. H., and Lane, O. F: Excise laws. Sce New York, State, Legislature. Graham, D: A. Treatise on the comparative commer- cial values of gas coals and cannels. folding pl. Boy TOR eee iiaic cine © ole) efal sla) cre eleleie\ (ic sis ile Spon. Graham, Douglas. History of massage. 12°. ’79.**™ Ppap., 20C.-++-+-6- See cieleicleloiclalery © cisiciere sierele Wood. — Massage: its mode of application and its effects. 8°. (°83.]579 pap., BOC. «0... .-eeee rece acces Vail. Graham, Ennis ( pseud.) See Molesworth, Mrs. M Graham, Grace (pseud.) See Titterington, Mrs. 8. B. Graham, H: Grey. Rousseau. (For. classics for Eng. readers.) 16°. ABLE EL Goo aoc Lippincott. Graham, J. C. Elementary treatise on steam, and the use of the indicator. ill. 8°. [’78. ]°!* $3.50.. Spon. Graham, Ma. Grandfather’s last work. 189. [777.}?° ACen aio ere ole oye wesw cu oles Sisieienaieieier: im. SiS. Graham, W: Lectures on the epistle to the Ephesians. 8°, ['83.]*5°> $1.25 «0 eens seeeee yesh. Ba. Grahame, Nellie (pseud.) See Dunning, Mrs. A. K. Grahams of Invermoy. Stirling, M. C. 15c.. Harper. Grammaire (La). Labiche, E., and Jolly, A. 25c. W: R. Jenkins. Grammar-land. Nesbitt, M. L. $1.25......-. Holt. Granada, L: de. Meditations and contemplations on the sacred passion of our Lord Jesus Christ and on the blessed sacrament; with instructions on prayer; from the Spanish, by a member of the Order of Mercy. 16°. ’79.42° 50c...Cath. Pub. Granberry, J: C. Bible dictionary. 12°, ’83.°% $1. So. Meth. Grand jury. Winfield, C: H. 50c..........- . Linn. Grande Florine. See Belot, A. Grandfather Greenway (pseud.) See Cannon, C. J. Grandfather Lickshingle. See Criswell, R. W. Grandfather Merrie; or, the command and the prom- ise. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. [’84.]®7 pap NO Cee cielo ere ee ce sah oes ieee Am. S.S. Grandfather's birthday. (Pop. ser.) ill. sq. 24°. [’83.]8 bds., 15c.. 2-2-2 eee eee vee Am. Ir. Grandfather’s chair. See Hawthorne, N. Grandfather’s last work. Graham, M. 40c...Am. S.S. Grandineau, F. Le petit precepteur; or, first steps to French conversation. 16°. [’76.]*48 75c.. Barnes. |Grandissimes. Cable, G: W. $1.50..Scribner’s Sons. |Grandjean, M. A. Hair apparent: farce, adpt. by | S. Rosenfeld. 16°. [’76.] pap., ldc...De Witt. Grandmamma’s recollections. ill. 12° 781. $1.25. Carter. Grandmamma’s stories, by a California grandmamma. | Sq. 16% 283524 TO Creia- i525. -- W. B. Smith. | Grandma’s attic treasures. Brine, Mis. M. D. $4. | Dutton. | Grandma’s Christmas day. Ellard, V. C. $1.. Clarke. Grandma’s garden. Sanborn, K. $1.25 .... Osgood. Grandmother dear. Molesworth, Irs. M. $1.50. Macmillan. Grandmother Elsie. Finley, M. F. $1.25.... Dodd. Grandmother Hope (pseud.) See Knight, Mis. S. G. Grandmother Normandy. Denison, Mis. M. A. $1.25. Lothrop. Grandmother’s money. Robinson, F: W: 20c.. Munro. Grandmother’s story. See Holmes, O. W. Grandpapa’s stories. Saintine, X. B. $1.25. Lippincott. Granny Short’s barbecue. Bradley, R. M. 50c. Bradley § G. Grant, Alex. Aristotle. (Ane. classics for Eng. read- any) PR Pl blocaccoacd00 Lippincott. Grant, Alex. H. Church seasons historically and poetically illustrated. 2ded., rev. ill. 169. *81.*9% UNTO OP ieee oie oni Tal ie) ol clots eiele ser -. Whittaker. Grant, Mfrs. Anne. Memoirs of an American lady; with sketches of manners and scenes previous to the Revolution; with a memoir, by J. G. Wilson. por. and pl. 8°. ieGcaess Noire siacec es Munsell. Grant, G: M. Ocean to ocean; graphic account of an excursion across Canada and Vancouver’s Island. maps and ill. 12° [/77.]?"” $1.75. R. Worthington. Grant, Horace. Arithmetic for young children. Am. ed. by W: Small. 24°. 2BQiest2t B5c. Lee g Se Grant, Ja. Cameronians: a novel. (Franklin Sq. libs), 40) 280802 pap. 2UCH cic ar. - Harper. — Dick Rodney. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c... Munro. — Did she love him? (Railway lib.) 16°. [’77.]*” Bike 0a. oha0 cauuco Dp oboon sooo Caods Routledge. — History of India; ill. with portraits of the chief celebrities, plans of battlefields, ete. 2v. extra ere 40; (BiG—witall ete Cary en a ve ht Cie; ON [IDE raecorer arctan cucleisle es clsteve lee « Cassell, P., G. § Co. — Hundred cuirassiers. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — Jack Manly. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c....4 Munro. — Legends of the black watch. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10C..-+--+2-+.--: sole ere loteleeieletesole --- Munro. — Letty Hyde's lovers. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. — Queen’s cadet. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..- Munro. — Ross-shire Buffs. (Railway lib.) 16°. [?77.]°* bds., 80C..---.--se0s A Urey oc atevciela aVaets Routledge. — Secret despatch. 12°. ’83.5°° $1; pap., 50c. Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 20c..-.- W. Lovell. | Torthorwald. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*°°° pap., 20c. Munro. Grant, Mar. M. Jeanie Nairn’s wee laddie. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.587 pap., 10c...+---+---- - Munro. — My heart’s in the highlands. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 78.387 pap., 10C....eee eee eeeerecesss . Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c...--- - Munro. — Once and forever. 12°. [’78.]°8 $1.50; pap., $1. Carleton. — One May day; a sketch in summer-time. (Franklin Sq: lib:)) 4°. 782:*°?9 pap:, 20c..----« Tarper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.57 pap., 20c.. Munro. — Prince Hugo: a bright episode. (Franklin Sq. lib.) AON 280ER282) “paps, VOC. ater eieielalcves ec ees LADEN. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap., 20c..----- Munro. — So dear a dream. 12°. ’80. $1...-----Carieton. — Sorry her lot who loves too well: a novel. 16°. 7 ORS8G) 7B Criisineonasde « Sree ereieraee\ o/eere Carleton. ROS eet i jee | We stg By K i | F cil t lt i [dk ‘ ' ie vate ey | {Pees 2s i 4 y ied Rey ) : y cf I i } 4 : { fi ' t } pb } Ba I ued ! era t hl ii { | i ' | i a8 ' j { a ‘ tah] : } { ; \; al hI t He ; } pe } ib x Taka i + tee ‘ LH i rin Hr 1 if : ie 4 3 ¢ a fila | ‘ ‘ | ; 4) | | } ; : ie i sini pap item fe L ; } j ee iF | { t j t i f | a t hi i Grant, Mar. M., continued. — Sun maid: a romance. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. "77. |?84 pap., 50C. +++ ee eer eee ese ee es Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c....---- Munro. — Victor Lescar. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Munro. Grant, Rob. An average man. 12° ’84.*944 $1.50. Osgood. — Confessions of a frivolous girl: story of fashionable | life; with vignette ill. by L. S. Ipsen. 12°. PQQ ERAS SDD is aiels 0 o.s sice e1e)eeicjel = «ec cle Williams. — Tambs: a tragedy. ill. sq. 12°. 783 [’82].*° pap., GR parce eve ekcioicle) ticlors «elecclers fave cies eielels Osgood. — Little tin gods-on-wheels; or, society in our modern Athens; [also] Oxygen, a Mt. Desert pastoral. ill. sq. 12°. 7 9 386 pap., 50C....-...-2.6+ Sever. | Grantham, Siz T: Historical account of some memo- rable actions, particularly in Virginia; also, against the Admiral of Algiers, and in the East | Indies ; with introd. by R. A. Brock. Lond.,1716. reprinted [in fac-simile ]. 8°. ’82.°°° pap., net, $2. McCarthy. Grants of Jand and gifts of money to Catholic and non- Catholic institutions in N. Y. compared: which church does the state support? 8° 779.987 PAP., LOC. +e rece ce ee veer voce vevace -- Cath. Pub. Granville, J. Mortimer. Common mind-troubles. sq- GOR Oe tsee DO Ci cc cc occ ccio cele visi Cassino. Same: 169 [81] b0Cie R= i - eeniin sins Estes. — How to make the best of life. 16°. ’82.*°9? 50c. Cassino. — Nerve-vibration and excitation as agents in the treat- ment of functional disorder and organic disease. 8°. ?83,,590 SS Digie cre pesvoecetsee eee reese Blakiston. — Secret of aclear head. 16°. ’79.*° 50c... Cassino. — Youth: its care and culture; with Am. notes and add. 12°. [RSs] ROS CIhe6bop acon .-+- Llolbrook. | Granville de Vigne. See La Rame, L. de. Grape froma thorn. See Payn, J. Grass widow. West, FP. EB. J0c............. Ogilvie. Grattan, H. P. Lovely: charade. (Acting drama.) [20> 283x283 pap., loc........ «e-eees L007 bach. | Grattan, P. R. Reports. See Virginia, Sup. Court of Appeals. Grauert, W. Praktische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. [2pts.] 12°. [/°84.)*8? bds., 80c.; separate, pt. 1, bds., 50c.; pt. 2, bds., 40c. Ste uger. Grave: poem. Blair, R. $3-50....... -eeJ. Miller. Graves, A. P. From earth to heaven: sermons, Bible readings, and reform papers. 12% [7’77.]3 SpileD Olesen eel eiercie cee fe nlale eve] srelelevele Tibbals. | Graves, Alida W. Sunshine Mary. ill. 12°. [’84.]*64 SBS) erereve) lei cre eeeeee etel alelelal(s\ e(olelel eicie sole 7 ESO. Bd. Graves, J. R. Intercommunion inconsistent, unscript- ural and productive of evil. 16°. ’81.*498 75ce. Bapt. Bk. Ho. Graveyard flower. Hillern, W. vy. 40c...Gottsberger. Gray, Alb. Zabriskie. Land and the life; sketches and studies in Palestine. ill. sq. 16°. [°77.]26° SPIED OE eyeyever< srevaye eieiehciaieys aie clejeiern leis aie Randolph. — Mexico as itis: notes of arecent tour in that country. 16°, [atid] eae Shi sisicisre susieles os cvelevsccueiele Dutton. Gray, Annabel. ’Twixt shade and shine. (Seaside lib) 495) paps, 20Ch ace EON OOOO AOC Munro. Gray, Annie. Mary Mordaunt; or, faithful in the least. | DO Ort PIED bce cietcicie ciiaee Wihattalcer: Gray, Arnold. Wild Warringtons; a family history. @Seaside libs); 49: pap?, 20c...... 3. ---- Munro. Gray, Asa. Darwiniana: essays and reviews pertain- ing to Darwinism. 12°. [’76.]?41 $2.. Appleton. — Natural science and religion. 8°. ’80.*424 $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. GRANT 156 GRAY | Gray, Asa, continued. | — Structural botany; [also] Principles of taxonomy and | phytography, and glossary of botanical terms. New ‘ed. 89) 279K382) Sone oc oc eee LVISON. | Gray, Barry (pseud.) Sce Coffin, R. B. Gray, E. Conder. Wise words and loving deeds: book of biog. for girls: por: and iJ; "120% 728i *484 SBS Ol esr se clavcicin ele croc aieteieiavere aereverere clare COMLEM: Gray, Ellis (pseud.) See Cragin, L. T. Gray, Gaffer (pseud.) Barefoot Billy’s fortune: story for boys; [also] Maud Rochester’s valentine. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.578 pap., 10c.... Ogulvie. Gray, H: Anatomy, descriptive and surgical; with | introd. by IT. Holmes, and Landmarks, medical and surgical, by L. Holden. New ed. from 8th enl. Eng. ed. ill. 80, 279.855 S6) leaths, $7 Lea. — Same; ed. by T. P. Pick. New Am. from the 10th Eng. ed.; with add. by W: W. Keen. ill. 89. 835822 Sb Shp... 5, Mt. TUs., O7-00le« core «Leas 309 v Gray, I. E. Marjory Graham. (Knickerbocker novels.) sq. 16°. ’82.°°! $13 pap., 60c. Putnam. Gray, Ja. Comper. Biblical museum; coll. of notes on the Holy Scriptures. v. 1-10. 12°. [’77-’82. ]*73 Ca. ile 2a crises eireverelcvoucisls/accisisirevcunierets Randolph. Cont.: Old Testament. 1. Genesis and Exodus.—2. Leviti- cus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.—3. Joshua to Samuel.—4, Kings and Chronicles. — 5. Ezra to Job. — 6§. Psalms. — 7. Proverbs, Ecelesiastes, Song of Solomon. — 8. Book of Isaiah. — | 9, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel. —10. Daniel and minor prophets, index. Gray, J: Chipman. Restraints on the alienation of property. 8° ’83.*°!S net, $2.50; shp., net, $3. Soule & B. Gray, J:H. China: hist. of the laws, manners, and customs of the people; with ill. fac-similes of drawings by a Chinese artist. 2y. 8° [’78.]922 sp LOjsrcres ciccre sie © ciclsieis.c ci nee aiete sioieleiesPl Macmillan. Gray, Louisa M. Ada and Gerty; or, hand in hand heavenward. ill. 12° [’78.]%° $1.50..Nelson. Gray, Mrs. M. Fourteen months in Canton. 120°, 18 (425) OUR (a. se die Sisie bs bora emieie Macmillan. Gray, Robertson (pseud.) See Raymond, R. W. Gray, Rosalie (pseud.) See Mann, dfs. D. H. Gray; T: Poems. 16° (83°59) limp) vel-. ei limp tree cf., or embossed leath., $4.50.... White & 8. — Poetical works. See Goldsmith, O., and Gray, T: — Elegy written in a country churchyard. ill. obl. Book LOO TO ee 0c) anemic oe ye Carter. — Same; ill. by B. Foster and others. 8° 7’83.¥*618 $1.50; tree cf., $5; illum. fringed covers, $1.75; dec. satin and fringe, $2.50......... eieleuiae Estes. — Same; ill. by H. Fenn. 12°. 784 [783].*5!2 $1.50; with fringed borders, $1.75; flex. mor. and tree ef., $4. Same. roy. 8°. $3; ant. mor. or tree CL SSieicicn cic cre cle plaice elu) sale cia o o cccess MOLES. —— same; (Artists? ed.) alli” "80. “33.5619: “Sake mor. $3.50; tree cf. and alligator, $7.50. Same. (Kd. de luxe:) 8° net, $15... - ein ic ee Lippincott. |— Same; with biog. sketch, notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser.) 160 -SIr pap: Were aac: Clark &§ M. | — Same, and other poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. (ae z82 5OCe ee. Byles eicieielcicieere ----. Osgood. — See also Modern classics; also Stevens, EB. Tt; and Morris, D. (eds.) Annotated poems. Gray, Wa. T. Abijah Beanpole in New York; [also] Tidbits for tea. ill. 12°. 784.848 pap., 50c. Carleton. — Bad boy abroad. ill. 16°. [’83.]*®! pap., 25c.. Ogilvie. = bad DOyesdianye 60%. {SOr secs, Silica ear. Ogilvie. — Blunders of a bashful man. 16°. [’81.]*5!! 60c.; Paps, 2HCis cers Sie ofefe ciel sven ciere ee soley Ogilvie. Same; [also] Load of fun. (People’s lib.) 4°. ZOlineee! Paps, LOC actin acs clan eace>s Oguilrie. — Miss Slimmens’ boarding-house. ill. 16°. ’82.547 — New flora of North America. pt. 1. 8°. DAvS-e82 (SG. | 60c.; pap. 25c. Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 5 | Ivison. | 182-82 DADs, LOC eleintm «inele) eialeielicie sietnis| sii) OGRUUREGRAY ] of GREEN Gray, Wa. T., continued. — Miss Slimmens’ window. ill. 16°. ['82. 60e. ; paps, 20c. Same pts I 129% 28 10c. Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°4° pap., 10c. Ogilv ve. — Naughty girl’s diary. ill. 16°. ’83.°'5 $1; pap., 50c. Carleton. Gray engravings. 24heliotypes. 4° [’78.] $10. Houghton, O. & Co. Gray heads on green shoulders. Zimmerman, J/rs. J. Wye DDD ejeciciae clevelaiclclarc/erels eiejeis cis eciele DUMUILET: Gray mare. Webster, B., 77. 15c..-.......-.Happy. Graybeard (pseud.) See Graff, J: F. Graziella. Lamartine, A. de. $1.25........Jansen. Great argument. Thomson, W: H. $2....-.Harper. Great _atonement, by the author of A girl’s mistake; [also] The fin: al ending of it, by Mrs. E. P. Wood. (Beople’s lib.) 49: 781-82" pap, 10c.. Ogilvie. | Great crimes and criminals of America. il. 8°. [782.9826 pap., 25C...-ceecens ce reecseceee Fo. Great Eastern. Burnand, F.C. 1ldc.....-... Happy. Great elm. In memoriam. sq. 16°. [’76.]?°° leaf- lets tied with ribbon, 7dc........-.... Williams. Great emergency. Ewing, J. H. $1.25..... Roberts. Great expectations. See Dickens, C: Great feast. Wood, Mrs. Ef. P. 10c. .......Ogzlvie. Great fur land. Robinson, H. M. $1.75....Putnam. Great giant Arithmos: a most elementary arithmetic. Sis i pap., | | Green, Anna Kath., continued. — Strange disappearance. (Knickerbocker novels.) sq. 16°. 780 [’79].**14 $1; pap., 50c... Putnam. — Sword of Dame se: story of New York life. 12°. Aildiss ME Si) (bCr secre secre ye ae -.-- Macmillan. | Great-grandmother’s secret. New ed. 8° ’81.*% Syilecvedatelsvercielele) cle eee Ree eee elclaree s oc ee DCNUZ Ur Great heights gained by steady efforts. Wilson, T. P. | Silvey teal eleticlelele! cisieiclnvclaisisicieleye See. Great heiress. See Francillon, R. E. Great Hoggarty diamond. See Thackeray, W: M. 791. *485) S15 AOO 0060 as ee .Putnan. —X,Y,Z:a aoe e story. sq: 16°. 85.5992 “Naps, DOs cena ceive ene overs ayo leleiciel > alereverevcre ee eeee Putnam. Green, Arnold. Reports; alco Index. See Rhode Island, Sup. Court. Green, Asa T. Jureka; or, the golden door ajar: the mysteries of the world mysteriously revealed. por. 12% 783.*88 Gl... ....-++0220- Clarke. Green, C. E. Reports. See New Jersey, Court of Chancery, Prerogative Court, etc. Green, C: M. (ed.) The friend of all: cyclopedia of practical information. ill. and col. maps. 4°. 84.*648 subs., $7.50; hf. mor., $10..S. W. Green. Green, G: Walton. Repudiation. (Economic tracts.) [205 28554843" naps. 20h. aa ses -0G. Fol. Ed. Green, J: R: Conquest of England. por. and maps. x Ay ERPS | CY) Gooaoe mvelay atevotala aystay ere Harper. — History of the English people: 4v. maps. 89. (’78-’80. ]8 318-x454 on 689 50 1... .o+--- Harper. — Same. 2v. 16°. g 1,480 sls nf TUSs,, mae Am. Bk. Exc. = Same. Vel. W860. 2628bA Bicee ce Useful Knowl. — Same. 4pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80-’81.160-47! l., Pap., ZA) Chroverciclciets clelele Sie Csrei clare cesienaielieve Munro. |— Making of England. maps. 8% ’82.*% $2.50. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) maps. 4°. 782,528 pap., ye Be cies SRM aie abe ELS Sareea c elcicieSicls eel 5 — Same. (Seaside lib.) maps. 4° ’82.°4° pap., D(C eaieierae oiaievele clerecte cieretorere ave ale releielelalcieiers Munro. |— (ed.) Classical writers. 6 v. 16°. [’80-’83.] ea., GO Gierrcrae creiele te cin clcieinte: «eres sicie/ ocale «+ +--+ Appleton. Cont.: Milton, by S. A. Brooke. — Euripides, by J. P. Great industries of Great Britain. 3 v. ill. cer. 4°. | eR CVs olacicc!« cise cies Cassell, P., G. & Co. Great journey. Maxwell, Jhs. M. E. 10e. .. Ogilvie. Great joy. Moody, D. L. $25; $1.-.......... Treat. | Great lessons from little things. Taylor, J: $1. Cassell. Great match. Trowbridge, J: T. $1-....... Roberts. Great movements and those who achieved them. Nicoll, aS do RUD ocan adcn oor SOOODd oO nbooKs Harper. Great musicians. See Hueffer, F. Great republic. Peck, J.T. $4....... Phillips § H. Great St. Benedicts. Thomas, E. $1.75..... Dutton. Great shipwrecks: record of perils and disasters at sea, | 1544-1877. 12° ([?77.]°* $2.50 ....../ Velson. Great slighted fortune. Bell, J. D. $1.50. -.-Crowell. Great thirst land. See Gillmore, P. Great treason. See Hoppus, M. A. M. Great western series. See Adams, W: T. Greatest heiress in England. See Oliphant, Jfrs. M. O. W. Greatness of little things. Culross, J. $1.25.. Nelson. Greek hero-stories. Niebuhr, B. G: $1......Dodd. Greek-letter societies. Jacobs, A. P. 50c. ..Jacobs. | — Historical nadrecel in Cenreniinl aad centennial: at Greek vignettes. Harrison, J. A. $1.25 Houghton, O. § Co. Greeks and Goths. Taylor, I: $38.......Macemillan. Greeley, Horace. Essays designed to elucidate the science of political economy. New ed. 16°. [PUT JFeo BBO) swe oie once ew wicin nein Porter § C. Green, A. Supreme Court practice. See Ohio, Sup. Court. Green, Anna Kath. Defence of the bride, and other mec Etee WGI PAY EM Goaoogooda Putnam. — Hand andring. ill. 12° 7’83.*°!8 $1.50 .. Putnam. — Leavenworth case: a lawyer’s story. 12°. 778.*%8° Siv505 Samen (Ceop, ed) 40) 783.822" pap, DG eroierercrexeiers cievele siriels|elolele (s(n) eisieie olsin hERLLUILOVIIUs Mahaftfy. — Vergil, by H. Nettleship. — Sophocles, by L: Camp- bell. —Livy, by W. W. Capes. —Demosthenes, by S. H. Butcher. — History primers. v. 4-7. 32°. [’77-82.] ea., 45c. Appleton. Cont.: Old Greek life, by J. P. Mahaffy. — Geography, by G. Grove.— Roman antiquities, by A. 5. Wilkins. — France, by C. M. Yonge. — Literature primers. v. 3-10. 18°. [’77-79.] ea., Ald Cenieraisiiaieieloneiare apereeccicieracle eioteiale ele siaraer? Appleton. Cont.: Philology, by J. Peile.— Classical geography, by H. F. Tozer. —Shakespeare, by E: Dowden. — Studies in Bryant, by J. Alden. — Greek literature, by R. C. Jebb. — English grammar exercises, by R: Morris, and H: C. Bowen. — Homer, by W: E. Gladstone. — English composition, by J: Nichol. — Readings from Eng. history. 8 pts. in Il v. 16°. A QERSIS! BDO nc ciis oleic sie ocinie) ole ..-- Harper. Green, Mason. Springfield memories. ill. 8°. [’76.]?°° GO aciele iere eee ree cere oie els Whitney § A. Green, R.. John Wesley. (Pop. lib.) 24°. [’82.]*5% 50c.; pap., 25¢....- sfein sielelere GOMSSELI AGG CO: Green, S. W. (comp.) Complete history of the New York and Brooklyn bridge, 1866-1883; por. and sketches. ill. 8°. 83.59% pap., 25c..S. W. Green. Green, S: A. Groton during the Indian wars. 8°. 2830580 2 D0} ef Before . (Littlefield. | Groton, Mass. 8° [’76.]?8° pap., $1. Williams. —(ed.) Early records of Groton, Mass., 1662-1707. Tee SONS (aes SO craters a aeleieverere cle .- Williams. — Epitaphs from the old burying ground in Groton, Mass.; with notes and app. ill. 8°. [’78.]%** $3. Inttle, B. § Co. Green, S: G. Pen and pencil series. See Manning, S:, and Green, S: G. Green, S: S. (comp.) Libraries and schools. 16°. Boece DO Criieleleiertaiel cers es Se aie cielicye «1, LER MOLUU. Green, T. A. General treatise on pleading and practice in civil proceedings at law and in equity under the code system: with headnotes [ete.], comp. by W: G. Myer. 8°. [’81.]*77 shp., $5....+.- Gilbert. Reet Cheeite eee | (yo! hope fit HA " a ! (RG aie, clas Hie Vibe it | Wl idea t bi ray ; ee: ey Hh a [ 4h is ee i i i j ! i ii " a i eh cH Roa : ga ee | f #54 i th as } ; { i, big } ie ; ‘ HH ay vel 4 ik | EAR i ite GREEN 158 Green, T. H: Introduction to pathology and morbid anatomy. 4th Am. ed., from 5th enl. Eng. ed. Wil, 9, B12 EDO concnesocods0000 so olbGth Green, T: Hill. Prolegomena to ethics; ed. by A. C. Bradley. - 8°. 783.599 net, $2.75.... Macmillan. Green, W: H: Moses and the prophets. 12°. ’83 [°82].*°82 $1; pap., 50c.-.....-.-.---- Carter. Green, W: Spotswood. The high Alps of New Zealand ; or, a trip to the glaciers of the antipodes with an ascentof Mt. Cook. ill. and maps. 12°. 783. OD iwc reieiolsis «ele elleivie oie --- Macmillan. Green hand. Cupples, G: 15¢c..--.++--+++- . Harper. Green Mountain boys. Thompson, D. P. $1; 50c.; D0 Cn re ee ee cise ieie ce J: W. Lovell. Green Mountain poets: coll. of poems from the best talent in the Green Mountain State. por. 12°. ec eee eee ee ee se ec gS. Green pastures and Piccadilly. See Black, W: Green pastures for the Shepherd’s lambs. Porter, R. BO Che a eietc el cia) cre! 0) clove) o (0) evel (olin) os i0)(a)-c) Viele eles Randolph. Green ray. Verne, J. 10C..++--eee eee eeeees Munro. Greenaway, Kate. Kate Greenaway’s birthday-book for children; verses by Mrs. S. Barker. ill. sq. 32°. >Q(), #461 Soe a : Mn Vottelctelolerelots . Routledge. — Little folks’ painting book: ser. of outline eng. for water-color painting; stories and verses by G: Weatherby. 4°. ’79.4°7 flex. bds., 50c. Cassell, P., G. & Co. — Painting book for little folks. 2ded. [?79.] 50c. Cassell, P., G. § Co. — Under the window: pictures and rhymes for children. ill. sq. 8% ‘80:*437 bds., $1.50)...-..- Routledge. Greenaway, Nellie (comp.) One thousand and one riddles, enigmas, charades, and epitaphs. 24°. [’84. ]® 30c.; pap., ldc.+--....-.--.--. Ogilvie. Greene, Acila. Stanza and sequel, and other poems. GOs 2B deo O ee ravetercveye cree cler cals Whitney & A. Greene, Annie D. [‘‘ Marion Douglas.” ] Peter and Polly; or, home life in New England a hundred yearsiagos, 180s (eiGa)to pl cee nc oe Osgood. Greene, C: E. Graphical analysis of roof trusses, for engineers, architects, and builders. 8°. [’77. ]?6° Sila Dine ctelciele ol cvatriele Sieieie eleicia ce cies Van Nostrand. — Trusses and arches, analyzed and discussed by graphical methods. In 3 pts. 8°. 779.*377-*417 * Wiley. 2. Bridge trusses. $2.50. Cont.: 1. Rooftrusses. $1.25 38.— Arches in wood and stone. $ Greene, Duane Merritt. Ladies and officers of U.S. army. GO, FOES Silos a ono oO Pub. ( C.) Greene, Fs. Vinton. The Mississippi. (Campaigns of the civil war.) maps. 12° °82.%*56 7 Scribner's Sons. — Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78; with atlas cont. pl. of maps, plans, ete: mm) colorss 80" 47/9:eo4 SiS 6hen..c Appleton. — Sketches of army life in Russia. 12°. ’80.*494 $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Greene, G: Washington. Primary drawing cards. 12°. (2792) ND Oe iieiec Soe ststs eae be cs es Appleton. — Short hist. of Rhode Island. eng. and map. 12°. (arene WD Drereraia lope skern/s\ sie) nie aicie ele eco) ciersiciin< IUCUCL: Greene, Harris R. The English language: its gram- matical and logical principles. 12°. ’79.*97 $1.05. Houghton, O. & Co. Greene, Mrs. L.L. Alda’s leap; story for the young. ill. 129. [’83. | DO Citele creteisere a iolercie cre ie! Velson. — Babe i the mill, and Zanina, the flower girl of Flor- ences ll lo) 855 b0Chccre a. ee Nelson. — Jubilee Hall; or, there’s no place like home. ill. Oe OleOle 2 Dyers erereis ae - «eee WVelson. Greene, R: G. Glimpses of the coming. sq. 16°. Eo Sites eve ye tore talrcite suche dudQ006000C Randolph. Greene, S: S. Thought and expression; or, the child’s first book in written language. (Language ser. ) 12°, [’77.]"*° bds., 24c....... .. Cowperthwait. GREETINGS Greene, W. T. (ed.) Notes on cage-birds; or, practi- cal hints on their management. i205 2828s Sil eS Olesen cre stereos oso clei ciaisiere eee ee SCVLONET § W. Greene, W: Batchelder. Three vows [poems]. 12°. 283 )] OOS! SED Hin cre creyeve) svenorel oiepepele ciel olel ere ere Putnam. Greener, W. W. The gun and its development, with notes on shooting. ill. 4° ’81.4%° $7.50. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Greenfield, W. S. Aleohol; its use and abuse. (Health primers.) sq. 24°. ’79.*9°8 40c.. Appleton. Greenhill, A. G. (ed.) Solutions of the Cambridge Senate-House problems and riders for the year SROs L208 ee poe eles ctor. . Macmillan. Greenleaf, A. B. Ten years in Texas. ill. 8° ’81.*9?? Pap., FOC... oe ene veeece cc ccer cesses ve -- Boyd. Greenleaf, B: srief course in arithmetic, oral and written. (Math. ser., inductive course.) 169. 182.08: Met, SSC. 66 6 -ieie -----R. S. Davis.(B.) — Complete arithmetic, oral and written. (Math. ser., inductive course.) 16° [’82.]°®° net, 75c. k. S. Davis.( B.) — First lessons in numbers, oral and written. (Math. ser., inductive cours@) ill. 16°. 782.5% net, DD GN eiciclecs evel e: ciels eons euetclenciers is R.S. Davis.(B.) — Manual of intellectual arithmetic. 16°. ia a2 bds., BOCvshicis oo ete es lo cc ein) « siers Rk. S. Davis. (B.) Greenleaf, Sim. Treatise on the law of evidence. 13th ed., ed. and rev. by J: W. May. 3. 89. (?76—’77. ]?4:78 ~ea., shp-, $6..... Little, B. & Co. — Same. 14th ed., rev., with large add., by S. G. Groswell: sive 82x 2 S320 Gan. shp., $6. Tittle, B. § Co. Greenough, C:P. Digest of the reported decisions of the courts of the U. S., Gt. Brit. and her colonies, rel. togas companies. 8° 7’83.°8? shp., $5. Inttle, B. & Co. Greenough, Ja. B Rose and the ring; adpt. for the private stage from Thackeray’s Christmas panto- mime. 12°. “80:82"" paps, D0C. ccm. ccc Sever. — Special vocabulary to Virgil, covering his complete WiOLKS. 120K US Stoeie nets alice sere r.... Ginn. > Greenough, Mis. R. Mary Magdalene: poem. 12°. 780.479 $1.50. Same. New ed. 12°. 783.59? $1.50. Osgood. Greenwell, W: 3ritish barrows: record of the ex- amination of sepulchral mounds in England; app. by G: Rolleston. 8° [’78.]*? $10.. Macmillan. Greenwood, Grace (pseud.) See Lippincott, Mis. S. J. Greenwood, Ja. Adventures of Reuben Davidger, seventeen years and four months a captive among the Dyaks of Borneo. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. “a4 “look WIGs6 onob oaG5 Gdune6 Kg D000 Harper. — In strange company: experiences of a roving corre- spondent. por. 12°. 783.4 $1.25..Scribnerg W. Greenwood, Laura. Life among the flowers; giving poetical, classical and historical ill. ill. 129°. C80 RASS OES Oe cere a cles close R. Worthington. Greenwood, W. H. Steel and iron: comprising the methods pursued in the rolling-mills, the forge and the foundry; ed. by Prof. Ayrton and R: Wormell. (Manuals of technology.) diagrams. AO OA eel iociaie aie le wie ie ieee elec Cassell. Greenwood, and other poems. Hageman, S.M. $l. Holmes. Greer, H: Dictionary of electricity ; or, the electrician’s hand-book of reference. ill. 12°. 7’83.°S! $2. lol. of Elec. Eng. — Storage of electricity. 8° ([783.]>? pap., $l. Col. of Elec. Eng. — (ed.) Recent wonders in electricity, electric lighting, magnetism, telegraphy, telephony, etc.; [also] Articles by Dr. Siemens, Count Du Moncel, and ierof) “Lhomson: ally 8o (essutees (Snap... DL D0 wile cece occ Sicleieie eo ccer COl. Of, LLEC. NG). Greetings to the Christ-child; Christmas poems. 16°. 80S Slice cc sce sine spe 000 e DEMZUG EN.GREEY 159 GRIFFIN Greey, E: Bear-worshippers of Yezo, and ane clan Gréville, H: one of Karafuto (Saghalin) ; adventures of the Jew ett | family and their friend Oto Nambo; ill. by JNinZ0 and Ichiske Hamada. 8°. ’84 [’83].*°}8 50; ee SBIITID) oa eleio sis) oe) 6 «ols cious cielo iene eiereke Ine & S. 5 — Golden lotus, and other legends of Japan. sq. 12°. | > > $3 [82 ]f Wo Sl b0 cise ds ales aces Hees Lee § S. — Wonderful city of Tokio; further adventures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo. ill. sq. 8°. *83 [782 ].*88° $2.50; bds., $1.75..Lee g S. — Young Americans in Japan; adventures of the Jewett family and their friend, Oto Nambo. ill. sq. 8°. | 782 [’81].*9% $2.50; bds., $1.50.......Lee gS Greg, Percy. Ivy; cousin and bride. (Franklin Sq. | libs); 495 GS paps, 20Ch cicreieitere oi Harper. | Greg, W: R. Creed of Christendom; its foundations contrasted with the superstructure. (Eng. and for. philos. lib.) cr. 8°.. [(’77.]%°8 $5..Osgood. Same. WIS) USSe NEDO errs ices ses51° Truth Seeker. Gregg, Rollin R. Diphtheria. 12°. 780.47! $1.50 Matthews Bros. — Illustrated repertory of chest remedies. 3ded. 8°. Dae Sls 6 oonos on0dG 0000 Sie eis ete ciel siete: Duncan. Gregg,T: Howtoraisefruits. ill. 12°. [°77.]?7? $1. Wells. Grego, Jos. Thomas Rowlandson, the caricaturist: sel. from his works, with anecdotal descriptions. 2v. ill. demy 4°. 779.414 hf. mor., $20; tree cf., $32; mor., $40... woe. fee she selevaie Bouton. Gregorovius, Ferdinand. Island of Capri; from the Germ. by L. Clarke. 16°. ’79.*1% $1...Leeg S. Gregory, Alfr. Robert Raikes, journalist and philan- | thropist ; oat of the one of Sunday-schools. 16°. Ee i is 310 Sl. ee Randolph. Gregory, D.S. P ractical iogice or, the art of thinking. 12°. ’81.5 Ge STi sceccveie: (eves eos cveieusveren Hidredge. — Why four Gece or, the Gospel for all the world. 12°, imGeaet® hile O)eiereers @ieiels/ eis ie sjisiele ls Sheldon. Gregory, J: M. New political economy. 12°. [’83. ]*°°! nt, EP Moscsoacecn godacr ievernicts Van Antwerp. Grendel, M. R. Contrasts: [anovel]. 12°. ’81.*#9%4 NIE D ()cheverelsin ce laucie elelicielc elerelel nrc) cveireievelel oye aye Putnam. | Gresley, W: Stukeley. Glossary of terms used in coal- mining. ill.and diagrams. 8°. ’83.°° $2..Spon. Gretchen (pseud.) Old David’s lassie; or, lost and founds Wis) 6S [ei eicte OO0Ciy rca Carter. Gretchen’s gift. Sadlier, A. L. 75c.; $1.25..Sadlier Gretchen's joys and sorrows. Helm, C. 50e. Avery ; Williams Gréville, H: (pseud.) [ Mme. Alice Durand. ] Ariadne: | anovel, som the French. (Coll. of for. authors.) | 6S: fie 78. | 7oc.3 pap., 50c....-...4 Appleton. — Bonne-Marie: a tale of Norm: andy and Paris ; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 16°. (’7! : S15; pap., DOCS averereiere ololniel oe lela c/ks vieeee sece «ec Peterson. — Dosia. (Romans choisis.) 12°. ’82.*®7 pup., 60c. W: R. Jenkins. — Hng.; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 169 [778.)*%?? $1.25 5 pap., TOC... 220 weeeeecees eee Peterson. — Same. (Cobweb ser.) “16°. C7 18-1823" (Sil bOs estes. — Dournof: a Russian story: from ~ French by M. Stewart. sq. 16° ([779.]*! $1; pap., 50c. Peterson. — Friend: tr. by H. Stanley. sq. 16° [7’78.]° $1; pap., 50c...-..- 960000 00000000000 --+ Peterson. — Gabrielle; or, the ‘House of Mauréze. sq. 16°. (’78.]987 pap., 50c...-. esse ees noes Peterson. — Guy’s marriage; or, the ehadow of sin; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 16°. 733.7 #610 $15 pap., — Philoméne’s marriages; with pref.; tr. by H. Stan- ley, 16°. (279-17 $1.255 pap., 75c. .. Peterson. — Pretty little countess Zina; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 240, MOE Ree Paps MDC elle ae nis 2 1- Peterson. — Princess Ochée rof; from the French by M. N. Sher- wood. sq. 16°. [’80.]*48! pap., 7dc..-.. Peterson. = Same. tr. by I. WH. (Cadmusilib.) 16°, (77.1789 Pap., 40C. «-- eer eccrececrenceces cece Roper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c.......4 Vunro. — Savéli’s expiation; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 16°. PS PAS Pape, DOC. sees cre oie sisie cielee ce ECLONSON- .| — Sonia; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 16°. [’78.]347 pap., 50C..... 1... see eee eee she ctaioie (elevate Peterson. — Same. (Seaside ib. ) 40° pap:, lOc... .1 VWunro. | — Sylvie’s betroieds) - by MEIN: Sherwoo de sqi 160° [’82: ]* 59- $1.2 Saat DCs aeciee Sic cies « peterson. — Same; tr. by J. nverbancill (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.668 pap., DO Cr cicicteiel cies afelevelovclicyclersieice! Wunvro. — Tania’s peril; or, the edge of | an abyss: a Russian stony tre by Gs Dy Cox. sq. Ge, | [usoieo pap., (reo ciclo aletcloic/erelorcieievoliey ol clcreter sc Peterson. — Trials of Raissa; fon the F rench by M. . Sherwood. Sq: 169 [SO eASo> paps, (OCx. = 16-1617 Peterson. — Xénie’s inheritance; from the French by L. E. Ken- dall. sq. 16°. [’81.]*4°* $15 pap., 50c. . Peterson. Grey, Mrs. E. C. The flirt; or, the life of a young lady of fashion. New ed. 8°. fo IFO). Gaile pap., 75¢..--- eichsiece or cuerererel ct ore eet eeL ON: SOTD: — Same. (Se aside lib: ) 4°. pap., 20c....... Munro. — The gambler’s wife. (People’s lib.) 4° pap., 20c. Ogilvie. Grey, H: Bird’s-eye view of Eng. lit. from the 17th cen- tury to the present time. 16°. ’83.°4 40c.. Dutton. — Classics for the million: epitome in Eng. of the works of Gre -ek and Latin authors. 2d ed., enl UQOs, 2S bSo TO Dicccenare acre ereierersl crersiers Dutton: Grey, Heraclitus. King Gab’s story bag, and the won- derful stories it contained. ill. 12°. [783.]®® S25 DUSk iD Creiarec cle sec cisre er oo) eyis as ED, Grey abbey: anovel; by the author of Jack Blade, ete. (Star ser.) 16°. [’78.]°* Gl...-.-. Lippincott. Grey Hawk. Macaulay, J. $1.50........Lippincott. Grey woman. Gaskell, Ms. E. C. 10c..---- Munro. Greylock, Godfrey (pseud.) See Smith, J. E. A. Greymere. See Without money. -| Greys (The). Eldredge, A. 85c........-Presb. Bd. Grier, W. W. Rural hydraulics: practical treatise on rural household water supply. ill. 8°. [776.]?° MD Cu acter ele syelereraini cite eh efelle) si abeiayiateln als «ol e(erere Baird. Griesinger, Thdr. The Jesuits: hist. of their open and secret proceedings; told to the German peo- ple. 2v. 89 °83.°77 $6.........-.00- Putnam. Griesinger, W. Mental pathology and therapeutics; tr. from the Germ. (2d ed.) by C. L. Robertson and J. Rutherford. (Lib. of stand. med. authors. ) 120s 28 DEGVF Teil Sam cpio Ole taiereielel orale releKcl- Wood. Grif. Farjeon, B. L. 20c. eeeieyey eierel ous reiciey! Wunro. Griffin, Appleton P. C. Wiccos ery of the Mississippi: a bibliographical account, with fae-simile of the map of L: Joliet, 1674; app. note on the Joliet map by B. F. DeCosta, with sketch of Joutel’s maps. map. 4°. 783.*59? pap., 75¢..... Barnes. Griffin, G. W. H. Les miserables: e PEO: farce. 16°. [(?77.] pap., LOC. ..---. eee eee eee eee .- Happy. Griffin, Gerald. Colleen bawn; or, the collegians: a iD Oh evelcaveie sore oreist elaicts ais cietaye er ciele tes ayoiele Peterson. | — Lucie Rodey; from the French by M. N. Sherwood. SqlGon SOb Aae2* = paps, O0C erie oi -te Peterson. — Markof, the Russian violinist; from the French by H. Stanley. 12°. [’79.]*38 $1.50. Same. (Cheap ed.) 12°. [779.]°7 pap., 7oc. -------: Peterson. — Marrying off a daughter; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. sq. 16° (778.3! $1.25; pap., 75c. .. Peterson. —Niania. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c...... Munro. tale of Garryowen. (Seaside lide 40). cols pap., 20C..-++-- alola ofelle ah ete (elelcelcale) (6) 9) ore) (slalere Munro. — Tales of the five senses. (Household libs) Ge: [°78. 84° pap., 15c....--........6. .... Sadlier. Griffin, La Roy F. Lecture notes in chemistry: com- piled principally from the manuals of Miller, Ros- coe and Schorlemmer. 12°. [’83. ]*°%" 75c..Sower. Griffin, R. And. From traditional to rational faith; or, the way I came from Baptist to liberal Christianity. (Townand country ser.) 16°. [’77.]?7* $1. Roberts. Pe ert os het KE | , H i » } ih Wy ‘Bi Hs ly Ney | Hel HT ‘| Ae He | a ete [ i » : : f i 4 nf iad i Ry A ae ; ef | Bor 4 | , y j by} i Hipee seas He } i j hI i j ; es tf lie ; 2 ; ‘ \ i ‘ if tee oF ihe sj | } Ae : lie haat (t i ti ey Lie a || es : | | pay | . | mI ¥ ' fal ig ' i | { ae | Dil ‘ ' aye + 1 i | 1 Ee ing: tf 7 i f tie ‘ty { We | t Bf a & ; ee IE | t | i fe i | F i ui : ' i} Peat i : He a i i j i | | t ; i I th Fi { ; } { | i j i | ‘| eee ; ert fay Pt ee GRIFFIN 160 GROOT . ~ ebay 90 97 7255 Griffin, S. P. System of marine signals. 12°. [’76.]*°° pap., 25C. ».+-+-- Sfeibuie te wee sees Van Nostrand. Griffin, Wa. T. (comp.) Homes of our country; or, the centres of moral and religious influence. por. andill. 8°. 289028) SB UD Ost: « =) «7s Union Pub. Griffing, Jane R. Letters from Florida on the scenery, climate, social and material conditions and prac- tical advantages. 16°. ’84.°° pap., 25c..- Cupples. Griffis, W: Elliot. Asiatic history : China, Corea, Japan. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 32°. ’82. pap., 10c. Phillips § H. — Corea, the hermit nation. maps andill. 8°. 28D #563 SBE Oiieicis cisiciciel siele.elo secs siecle .. Scribner's Sons. stories from the wonder-lore — Japanese fairy world: «461 of Japan: ill. by Ozawa, of Tokio. sq. 16°. ’80.’ VD Olcrercio cela ccciers 5 Ro dieie cleivicis sis cies DAMNYTE. | — The Mikado’s empire. bk. 1: Hist. of Japan, 660 3.c.-1872 a.p. bk. 2: Personal experiences in Japan, 1870-74. ill. 8°. [’76.]?* $4.. Harper. — Same; 4th ed, with suppl. chapter: Japan in 1883. ill. and maps. 8°. 783.%°4* $4..++..-- - Harper. Griffith, Allen Ayrault. Class-book in oratory: drill- book for practice; with sel. for recitals. ill. and por, 129° 7B (e595) BIH Ole. cise ce Central Bk. Griffith, Cecil. Victory Deane. (Dollarnovels.) 12°. 4B oll Guaaoo0e SOACIOODUO On d00C age crelerere Dodd. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’84.6°° pap., 20c.- Munro. Griffith, E. T. Hymns and tunes in Welsh and Eng., for praise and worship. sq. 8°. ’8 { *646 S150... Sower. Griffith, F. R., and Martin, A. J. (comps.) Author- ized ed. of life of Sarah Bernhardt. 8°. 780.44 PAP., DOC. . ce eee rece eeeees tec ceene -- Carleton. Griffith, M.E. Boys at Eastwick. ill. 16°. Ose ON Ee retcicsvalcie slic caleleiclete 616 olsieis s/s a)cisielelele Presb. Bd. — Leavesandfruits. 16°. [°76.]*° $1.25. Presb. Bd. Griffith, M. J. The mystery solved; or, the prophetic hist. of the church. 12°. ’82.*5® net., $1.25. Cath. Pub. Griffith, M. M. Corpulence treated without starvation ; or, how to get lean. 2d ed. sq. 16% ([P777.)>° PApP., 5G... eee reece ere r eee cceececees Yordy. Griffith, Wes. T. H. Shadowvale; or, a youth’s start inplifes all) V6°s (Sos Pe SU crs wer {m. Bapt. Griffith Gaunt. Reade, C: 20c.......--.-+.. Munro. Griffiths, Arth. Chronicles of Newgate. ill. 8°. 784.6% BAH: Samer Be ils, 80% 284.827) Sid: Sertbhner & W. — English army; past hist., present condition, and fu- ture prospects. 12°. 7’79.°"* $5. Cassell, P., G. & Co. — Lola: a tale of Gibraltar. (leis. hour ser.) ~ 16°, PAT Sob cece cee eee ges tees coe es Holt. — Viscount Lacklands: a tale of modern mammon. (Seaside lib.) 4°. Bac pap:, lOc... Munro: — Wayward woman. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.*4?7 pap., 15C...-- eee cere wees slelelei sis clare s/s - Harper. | Griffiths, J: W. The progressive ship-builder. 2 v. G1 hoes Rar) Ble. ee ... Bicknell. | Grillparzer, Franz. Sappho: tragedy in five acts; tr. by E. Frothingham. sq. 18°. [’76.]?*? $1. Roberts. Grimes, J. Stanley. Mysteries of the head and heart explained; incl. animproved system of phrenology fetes]. Sdied. -ill. 12°. 781.*75) $1.50... Sumner. — Problems of creation. 12°. ’81.*#%! $1.25..Sumner. Grimm, Hermann. Life and times of Goethe; tr. by S. H. Adams. por. 8°. ’80.*48 $2.50.. Little, B. & Co. | Grimm, Jac. L: and W: C. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. Hey He Ba Paull, dll: 16% [v7eeie® eiso5: a Lippincott. — Same; ill. by HE. H. Wehnert. New ed. 12°. 83 eS 2a eee EDD ce ckete es cise Ac oa avs Routledge. — Same. (luovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.9 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Youngpeople’slib.) ill. 4°. 782.544 pap., 2) Gicic sie eisveics se Rh iaroe acide seeeeee-- Ltoutledge. | | Grimm, Jac. L: and W: C., continued. — Same; ill. by W. Crane and E. H. Wehnert; [also] Grimm’s goblins; col. pictures, by G: Cruikshank. New issue. 8° 783.95 $1....R. Worthington. — German popular tales: ill. 12° [777.9799 $1.25. Porter & C. — Household stories; from the Germ. by L. Crane, and done into pictures by W. Crane. 16°. ’82.57! BO Fes Sc Seek & ev wire cies oie ese ils Macmillan. — Same, with title: Household tales. ill. 12°. [’77.]?9 Sie Dis sie ieisiel nie cl elsiel citere bu Relele hisie(s) biseie OTL OO Grimshaw, H. Kitchen-boiler and water-pipes. pl. Son 2796890" AN Chek civ clone cio SiGe cholo tsiciere ers Spon. Grimshaw, Rob. History, development and action, classification, comparison, manufacture of saws. ill. (‘8% 80:4 S9:50. .2. <3. Claxton, Ri & He — Saw-filing: practical treatise in popular form. 18°. AB SLOT: IMT cere cisi sie ere Sh ootese Srasiere Fale wie Wiley. Grinder papers. Dallas, M. K. $1.50..... Carleton. Grinnell, C: E. Study of the poor debtor law of Mass., chron. list of the statutes of Mass., table of the statutes of the other states, territories, and the U. S., and list of books concerning poor debtors. 190; 783.22" shps, Pores «ec atelle, Bh G0. Gripper, C: F. Railway tunnelling in heavy ground. pl. BOL 2.550) Rae aya ceielo oe) 6) disses eieleueiiois ea Spon. Griswold, A. V. The reformation: brief exposition of some of the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome. 18° [’77.]?7! pap., 20c.. Whittaker. Griswold, Hattie T. Apple blossoms; poems. 12°. sles 2D we ce cine oe pievsieeiete seis Jansen. Griswold, W. M. Q. P. indexes. 15 v. 8°. ’80-’84. Q. P: Ind. Namely : 1. Nation, v. 1-30, 1865-’80. $2.—2. Suppl. index to 2 Atlantic monthly, v. 1-46, 1857-’80. $1.—3. International re- view, v. 1-9, 1874-’8). $1.—4. Lippincott’s magazine, v. 1-24, 1867-79. $1.—5. Eclectic magazine, v. 1-96; Littell’s living age, y. 37-148, 1853-’8!; Every Saturday. $2.— 6. Scribner’s monthly, v. 1-22, 1870-81. $l.—7. Q: P. index annual, 1881, $2.—8. Deutsche Rundschau, Bd. 1-29, 1874-’81. $1.—9. Historische Zeitschrift, 1859-’80 ; Unsere zeit, 1857-81; Historisches Tasc buch, 1830-’79. $3. —10. North American review, 1861-82. $1. — 11. Contemporary review, 1366-’82; Fortnightly review, 1865-’82; Nineteenth century, 1877-82. $2.— 12. Annual index, 1882. $2. — 13. Index to articles rel. to hist., biog., lit., society and travel, cont. in coll. of essays, etc. [’83.] $2.—14. Revue des deux mondes, 1880-83. $1l.—15. Annual index, 1583. $1. — Synopsis of copyright decisions. 8°. ’83.*°!” pap., GS Micra eicelaie, oie (olleieitel eel ailol(eleisile ole: = sieié (aj) 6 0200 Q. P. Ind. Grizzly Gulch. Llewellynn, H: 10c.......-.De Witt. Grob, J: Life of Ulric Zwingli; from the Germ. (Standard lib.) 12° ’83.*8% pap., 25c.. Funk. Groceryman and Peck’s bad boy. Peck, G: W. $1; Py) Ce aie ere ei eine cociarecersl sie eV ellevatetereis).e Belford, CG. & Co. Groesbeck, J: Crittenden commercial arithmetic and business manual. New enl. ed. 12° ’82.957° SileOD) ccc « Mintel stele piaiareicl ele Coletevelele) clowsie ei Eldredge. — Practical book-keeping. (School ed.) 12°. [’78. ]*48 CRs Sk ere aie Creole ols ele) wieiele eielersseie cre cle sieve Eldredge. Groesbeck, W. S. Gold and silver. 8°. UT alee DED ry LOC ie cc cre oc cre nie melalers elaine oeiooieieisa1- Clarke. Grohe, BE. Kurzegefasste Geschichte der Leibestibungen. 8°. [’77.]*87__bds., 50c.; pap., 35c..-. Doerflinger. — Gustav, der Kleine Turner. 32°. [777.]?* pap., HOCH women sole cielo icioo ein ereecleliele c's IOCTHUUNG CIs. Grohman, W: A. Baillie. Camps in the Rockies, with account of the cattle ranches of the West. map. 12°, ’82.*547 $1.75. Same. New ed. folding map. 12°. ’84.%! $1.25 ......Scrubner’s Sons. — Gaddings with a primitive people: sketches of Tyro- lese life and customs. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. (778.1?! $1. Same. (eis: mom; ser.) 16°: DADs, GUC. =~ sdiete sicrelese Sie Gave Sisies o's es creeiercieys os) LL OLE: Gronlund, Laurence. Co-operative commonwealth : exposition of modern socialism. 12°. Bese Sie Lee & S. Groot, N.G. de. History of the Israelites and Judeans : philos. and critical. 2v. 12° ’79.*879 $3.50. Groot.GROSS B. Gross, J. Parevn on dancing: dancing as tanaltt 161 GUIDING | Guernsey, Al fr. He s condinned: in the Bible and practised among ane. Greeks and | — Thomas Carlyle: his | ife — mis books —his theories. Romans. 12°. 78.98! $1..........Lappincott. | (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. ’79.*°™ pap., 30e. Appleton. — Sin reconsidered and illustrated. 12°. ’82.° $1. |— W orld’s opportunities, and use to use them. ill. 8°. Lippincott. | 84.642 subs., $4.75; shp., $5.75; hf. mor., $7. — Teachings of Providence; or, new lessons on old | Harper. a subjects tee 76. ]°* $2.......Lippincott. | — and Davis, Ireneus P. Health at home. (Home- — Bhoushs for fireside and chee na ee $1.25 books.) 12°. SQA G28) GI) Grd cca eicre - Appleton. Same. 2dser. 12° 780. $1.25. . Lippincott. : : TG — Truth in religion; or, honesty in our faith and wor- | UTES: v lara EE ee eons eos ship. 12°. ay EE! CSO © code oncsc Lappuncote | S aoe Save eke sevsuere = se 50000! 4m. S. S. — What makes us unhappy? 12°. ’82.°7% . Lippincott. | | ee iaise fuernsey, y, L. E. and C. ¥- : : Gross, S: D. John Hunter and his pupils. por. 8°. |G@uernsey, H: N:. Plain talks on avoided subjects. 2 ONS! GND! cfoteiore (elere sie oierm sielei(e)s) oie Blakiston. | 12°: 782.2 Gilleierete srercie sc a cersiel- .-- Hf. A. Davis. _— es aennee on diseases, injuries, and malforma- | Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. Boys’ and girls’ treasury. 6 v. tion of the urinary bladder, the prostate gland, _ 182. 279.47 bds., $1.80----------- - Whittaker. and the urethra. 3d ed., rev. and ed., by S: W. |- Chevalier’s daughter: being one of the Stanton Cor- Gross. ill. 8° [776.]?>? $4.50..... ree Lcas | _ bet chronicles. 12°. 80.*#°? $1.50. W hittaker — System of surgery. 6thed. 2v. 8°. ’82.°° shp., line Dae New ed. 12% (84.57 #100... Wiaualer bie) Nfs LUSs 6 Gpil Ors ore. is crereleies oie) °° pap-, — Practical treatise on tumors of the Da eland. | LC eens gees creer cee ek agen S: STR root ingen SOLFO) (mpleton. — Lady Betty library. 3y. 12 antiess set in box Ges eeiinos, Kone EA 906 ee | BOT Biin cles ce sae An oO OCDU COORG CUO W hittake ae S39) ct et | etree aS eae : 2 Cont. : Lady Betty’s governess. —Lady Rosamond’s book. — Grossi, T: Marco Visconti; tr. by A. F. D.; the| Winifred. — : ‘ ballads rendered into Eng. verse by C. M. P.|_ willy; or, the hidden cross. New issue. 12°. ’82 (Bohn’s novelist’s lib.) 12°. ’81.°” 1.40. 817.818 21.50 Wahitialcer: Scribner & Ww. | : Es }- ; . 2 as oie seee sees l . dis Grosvenor notes. See Blackburn, H: a ou Dom: 10ers 80a ee eras 5 ee Sree i ee) : | — No talent: a golden text story; [also] Phil’s pansies. Grote, A: Radcliffe. Genesis i., ii.: essays on Bible} WR, ANZ Ve.cooc Cae ee in. SoS narrative of creation. 12°. ’80.%°° $1; pap.,|— Old Stanfield house; or, the sin of covetousness. YANO Go0K C sale ale) eels lalietorei! . ‘ y . 0 | aK Ss ne fone Oded) alli. (89. [Raieijeee (0-50) --- Macmillan. a V~ 1D 1. por. tere | Oe | Lewes arter. = i V 1 remestal foal — Gems of illustration from sermons and other writ- i 3 xX CE iysiology: a practic: : 3 ' yA Guilmette, ©: Al x. _ Voea Be 2 By: ae eee ings; arr. under subjects. 2ded. 12°. °82.*562 treatise. ov. , ff.J~° pap., pl.oVU. ’earso? | DOs sc ce ccc oclec ac pya/ele cw) sicvevele (ove cial/eleraie Funk. . 4 rimen GSeaside lib.) , 20e. | : i Guilty without crime. (Seaside lib.) 4° p ain _,|Gutterson, A. C. House of Rechab: temperance 4 ‘77 0. Guinea gold. Eden, C: H. 75c...---. Pott, Y. § Co. cantata in two acts. 12°. [°78.]? $1..Church. G - “WwW 2B T i t? folly (S side lib.) 40 Guttmann, Oskar. Gymnastics of the voice; system ulnee, . ° albots Tolly. opeaside Ste 18). 569 90 ne: of correct bre aie in singing and speaking. ill. O2.°°" = pap., ZUC. enccerevecees seer wanes Munro. 120, 799 «569 GT Sa 1 9 § 2 me. 2ded.. enl’ ill. Guiney, Louise Hmoge n. Songs at the start [poems |. 120, 94 644 @].95 . ae ee ae Se Werner 0 OAC aoe Sei] eas cio ci eilcheve/6 (sicio se) ofelevs te) sicis Cupptles 7 , ‘ ‘ . : 16°. a : Le '|Gutzkow, K: Zopfu. Schwert: Lustspiel; with biog. Guinot, M. Kug. Summer at Baden-Baden. New | ue ng. notes and index by H. J. Wostenholme. corr. ed. ill. and map. cr. 8°. [ oo ae Po. | (Pitt press ser.) 16°. 781.479" 90c.,..... Macmillan. upprncott. G : : win , : wi uy Averall: patriotic sketch, as written by a private Guirey, G: Deacon Cranky, the old. sinner. 12°. y I : co I soldier of the U. S. army. 169: °80:473' Si.25.- Qe SSS Re ins c eae tare ol ora sec soelol ete Authors’. | : : : (78. ] a , : rhe Claxton. Guiteau, C: J. The truth; a companion to a Bible. Guy Livingstone. See Lawrence, G: A. 30 7 Rey eR eee oie nie cree el aleie ie Lothrop. : , ‘ as a _ ite 16 Be att a ios Guy Mannering. See Scott, S12 W. — Same. 16°. Ls wpil\e tray clercis Donnelley, G. § L. G M M 1 Jailer 5 . : “ ; oo : es u wton’s revenge. Myrtle, M. O Gracies Ogilvie. Guizot, Francois P: G: History of England. 4 y. 12°. y Ne : 3 g BT eee Os GI cic aiexc ion oi elo eis) silos) < , ns rs 5 . eB Cy »g *ASS 2 a 5 s : AO CHE « 4. Who was Paul Grayson? ill. sq. 16°. Da >1-| Faeue, W: Christian greatness in the minister: dis- a ; : ra ee OT Cle: course on the life of Rollin Heber Neale, D.D. — Worst boy in town. ill. sq. 16°. ’80.*** $1.. Putnam. sq. 12°. ’81.479 50c.; pap., 25¢ Gannett ae Keds) Select’ British essayists. vy. 2,3. sq. 0%: | Ralph Waldo Emerson. 12°. ’84.*°% pap., 25c. ry _97Q 1265,312 os . > 3 , elit (5. | CQWae Gil sic wel oie cinieie) in ele Putnam. | Putnam. ) ] < one ‘i ik = Bir OEE de Coveney: —y.3. Sel. fromThe Tat-| Fahn, A: The rabbinical dialectics : hist. of the dialec- er, ruardian anc {reenoiader. ore . - . . mh ticians and dialecties of the Mishnah and Talmud. Habershon, S. O. Diseases of the abdomen, compr. Gore Gi) S0GR I a ee again weet Bloch. those ot Ssyomacn sng oe er ot the omer Hahn, R. Edm. Schoéne Frauen: Roman. (Deutsche « sXr »« ‘ e » 4 or > 9 . 909 577 : els aes. Am. Irom od enl. ding. ed. ; O°. nibs), 40) *88.877 “nap-. 0c ee ocucce Munro: igdec-> TD in ecekelelisielale. a) allie] eiiss\(n!0 01s) ele ieie)iain 01s se. i a6 : e . . . . : | t y 2 HS OOO OO OOO f — Diseases of the stomach and varieties of dyspepsia: Haideprinzesschen. John, E. 20c: : Munro. diagnosis and treatment. 3d ed. 8° ’79.*9*| Hail Columbia. Brown, W. F. $3....W. 7. Brown. OTe Dieicte ae oisie wiee es ole .... Lindsay § Blakiston. | Haile, Ellen. Hazel-nut and her brothers. ill. sq. a a . 5 - 0 PQ 512 RY OOK. 3 Ly OR Habirshaw, F: Catalogue of the diatomacez, with Sor Sei ee $1.75; bds., $1.25. ” . . : ¥ ,o 2 Y p. Yn ref. to the pub. descriptions and figures; ed. by | Cassell, P., G. g§ Co. R. Hitchcock. In4 pts. 4°. ’81-’82.*°13 pap., | — Three brown boys and other happy children. 4°. ONTO Bove eleie Gre siocec ieee) slo vlacere ws cleisl sive ITitchcock. | a QYAOT RT Dd isia als eiersie] sie’ eieve OMSSCLE, las, Ga) GO Habit and intelligence. Murphy, J. J: $5.. Macmillan. | AY girls ange oes ne eaeaes ill. by eee : ee ee a <. Greenaway, M. E. Edwards, and others. 8°. Hachette’s ill. French primer; or, child’s first French [°80.]*49 bds., $1.25...... Cassell, P., G. § Co. lessons: ed. by H: Bué. 12°. 780%" 80c. Lippincott Hailmann, W: N. Four lectures on early child-culture. + = . : 90 IQ *425 LY » d yO ‘ 950 i , ) Hachtmann, Adolph. Ut Duetschland un Amerika; 12°. ‘80. fe x. cl., 40 ¢.5 pap., 20¢.- Hailmann. Plattdiitsehe Humoresken in Riemels. 8°. '83.°!! | — From Pestalozzi to Froebel. 8°. ’80.%° pap., 9¢. Pap., FOC. eee rece ceecrceeeceeecs Se Cie te || Doerflinger. — Primary helps: no. 1 of a new series of kindergarten manuals. (School bul. pub.) pl. 8°. iO geoey Hackett, Fk. W. Geneva award act; with notes and ref. to decisions of the Court of Comm. of Alabama bet : claims. 89, 789 562 CO} RNsoacoc iG ittle, RB. & Co. DOS aD Gee siete cre aiereteln AMOODOODOOOUGUOOr Bardeen. 5 | Haines, Elijah M. Compilation of laws. See Illinois, General Assembly. Hackett, Horatio Balche. Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. New ed., enl. 8° [’77.]** $3.50. Draper. — Laws of Illinois rel. to cities and villages, with notes — Same. New ed., enl.; ed. by A. Hovey, with J, | and forms; added principles of parliamentary Abbot. mapandill. 8°. (782. «568 G92.. Am. Bapt. | law adpt. to the use of city councils and boards — Illustrations of Scripture. New rev. ed. 12°. 789,582 || of trustees. 8° 79.987 shp., $3.50...- Myers. P1L.20 veccceseeces eens setter eee ee eees Sumner. | — Practical treatise on justices of the peace, police Hacklander, F: W: Behind blue glasses; tr. by M. | magistrates [ete.], in Illinois. 7th edi reve, os A. Robinson. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’78.%°? pap., | (°76. ]782 Shp., $7.26 cece cece rn este eel Myers. ZY Cr aeichalnie «(asisieccleiareln eicieucinie tc}eieies see: Harper.| Haines, Mrs. F. E. H. Jonas King, missionary to Syria and Greece. por. sq. 12°. aoe ete e spl O0:: 0 ; Am. Tr. 2 ; nse fen tearourome trie 29 «(1Q() 432 — Forbidden fruit: from the Germ. by R. Kaufman. Haines, R. i. The fruit-grower’s friend. 8°. ‘80. (Cobweb ser.) 12°. (777.12 1-50 .-.. Hotes. | pap., 30c.-.---- eclee ar cle eloveraisiarever sie {in. A ews. Haden, Fs. Seymour. The etched work of Rembrandt. Hair apparent: farce. Grandjean, M. A. l5c. - Del ull. New ed. ill. 8°. °79.4!7 bds., $1.50-- Macmillan. | Hair-breadth escapes; or, adventures of three boys in ~ * . 7 . 3 awe F . \ 2 ~ > r Chay Hadley, Caro. Bible stories for young children. ill. | Africa. Adams, i. C. $1.50.... Pott, Y. § Co. 2OR (RSS ei Peres: tanll cecraretatcrora)ctnele cnniors Lippincott. | Hajji Baba. Morier, J. $1.70 + +2-++-- J; EH. Povter. — European slave life. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 49. 783.9% @a., PAP., 2OC.-- ee eee cere ees eeeee «see e MUNTO.¥ { } fee a ‘ pag iy het +i ; tt sg eae 1 { i i } i! i i ine ag : i apf i bet i; { hi f ¥ ecg { } 4 ; i PA ‘ § a 4 vj te | j it + f } $ t | fi t t { ) pF { | i #7 i a} i} i} Ne ; 1} f i | { \ | | '¢ ’ it i } } pees hi 1 tt bi bY HAKE Hake, A: Egmont. Paris originals; with etchings by pa ra eae es 2. Ww | Nets L. Richeton. 8° [778.]3# $7...Scerubner J W. | — Stories . ° ‘ . 0 79 *626 — Story of Chinese Gordon. por.and maps. 98°. 84. CYAN conan oobovobonadq0 noon ft WOO — Same. New ed., with add., to the present time, by H. Craig.. por. and maps. 12°. ’84.*°™ $1.50 R. Worthington. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84. ]&4° pap., 20c. | J: W. Lovell. | x 2Q9 578 82.° Syererc crciee Gra 2D: Russell: Hakes, D.S. Pearly portals; for the Sabbath-school. 9 35¢C Hakluyt, R: Discourse concerning western planting ; . ee or ereoeeeee with pref. and introd. by L. Woods; ed., with | notes by C: Deane. 8°. [’77.]*? $3.- Williams. Same. Documentary hist. of Maine. 2d ser. 8°. P77. ]e S4... Pec ee cece Maane Liste Soc: Hal: story of aclodhopper. Round, W:M. F. 50c. LeeSS Halcyon days. Flagg, W. $1.50 ........ +--+. Hstes. Haldane, Rob. Workshop receipts for manufactur- ers, mechanics, and’ Scientific amateurs. 2d ser., mainly chemistry. cr. 8°. ’83.°° $2...- Spon. Haldeman, S: S. Affixes, in their origin and applica- tion, exhibiting the etymologic structure of Eng. words. New ed. 12° ’84.°° $1.50..Lappincott. — Outlines of etymology. 12°. [’77.]**? $1. Lippincott. — Word-building: for classes in etymology. 12°. POU OUT: UT Ow cc, ie o sicieieieleic)alel ele) svelele) 6, = Lippincc tt. Hale, Amie M. Management of children in sickness and in health: book for mothers. 16°. ’80,*438 BO Ge ceramic oc ole sieieiesicicioerscicislelaisc civic oie DSLQMUSLOM« Hale, Anne G. Uncle Mark’s amaranths. ill. 12°. Ett $1.50 seer eeerese we eee sever Lothrop. Hale, EF: Fall of the Stuarts; and western Europe 1678-1697. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 16°. $1. Scribner's Sons. Hale, E: Everett. ([‘‘Col. F: Ingham.”] Back to J back: story of to-day. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. msi eee Paps, 2DCro cies. < enolic sia « L117 E7: — Crusoe in New York, and other tales. 16°. ’80.*4°° SSE corel ave rors) otelieys: <)s) is ole ious ibievatel cislela ele © eoleves LLOUETILS — Emigration to Kansas: address. 12°. ’79.*4!° pap., OCS eictatererers) sicvcin wieialeyic') « oie iaiclaieie o's cia) wave eee JULLYS — Fortunes of Rachel. (Standard lib.) 12°. ’84.*6#4 $15 pap., 2DC... 2. .2ee eserves Bake eo creinersiee LUNG. — G. T. T.; or, the wonderful adventures of a Pull- man. (Town and country ser.) 16°. [’77.]?8° ShiLe s¥avere) c) ove eieic: @leleule cliere cc lsie) cis cies) cveiel cise» LUODETIES® — His level best. 16°. [79.] $1.25 ....... Roberts. —— How to doit. 16% [777i $1.25 .......- Roberts. —In His name. 8°. Lockwood, B. & Co. — Ingham papers. 16°. [’78.] $1.25 ...... Roberts. — Juneto May: sermons. 12°. ’81.*°7? $1.25.. Roberts. — Kingdom of God, and other sermons. 12°. ’80.*47 ) Gib kee ee Besse ci. ROBERTS. — Life in common, and other sermons. 12°. ’80.*479 Dye euniovcls calcite isrere eereee AnoooS Siels) eo sin ee LLODETES: — Man without a country. 16°. [’79.] $1.25 .. Roberts. — Mrs. Merriam’s scholars: story of one of the original mej; UU ee SIL Goan tooo dor --- Roberts. — Ninety days’ worth of Europe. 16°. (e7Oui| Sled! Roberts. — Our Christmas in a palace: a traveller’s story. 12°. | 8 ORK OZ OT reek aie ee 6 soci eles baci, eee e MUNK. — Philip Nolan’s friends: ‘story of the change of the Western Empire. ill. 12% [°76.]25 $1.75. Scribner, A. § Co. —— Seven Spanish cities and the way to them. 16°. Oana wtcplleOD cree cies ctosie sy. < eee ... Roberts — Ten times one is ten: the possible reformation. Niewsed: WG 783.598" ees ce once « ObeIES. — What career? Papers on the choice of a vocation and the use of time. 16°. [’78.]®!° $1.25. Roberts. | — Workingmen’s homes. 16°. ’78. $1..... Roberts. | —(ed.) Stories of adventure, told by adventurers. GOR ZO eee ae since sion cides ye chee --Ltoberts. | =< Sane . | — Stories of the sea, told by sailors. 16°. 780. 164 HALF 7 | Hale, E: Everett, continued. of discovery, told by discoverers. 16°. 783 [782].*979 Bl wwe vee ee ee ee eee» Roberts. *465 SST Roberts. — Stories of war, told by soldiers. 16°. 979 *AlL ST. Roberts. —and Susan. Family flight over Egypt and Syria. le sq: 1382: 782. |*2% =—32.50; $3-..-- Lothrop. — — Family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland. ill. sq. 8° [’81.]*°! $2.50. * Lothrop. — — Family flight through Spain. ill. 8° [’83.]*®!8 SOOO awicisis cere Saris eleva cisiers Soueclers o+e+ ee Lothrop. Hale, Edn. M. Lectures on diseases of the heart. In 3pts. 2ded., enl. 8°. [’77.]?8° $2..Boericke § 7. — Medical, surgical, and hygienic treatment of diseases of women. 8° 778.948 $2.25...-.Boericke & T. Hale, Horatio (ed.) The Iroquois book of rites. (Hib. of aboriginal Am. lit.) 8°. °83.°!8 $3.. Brinton. Hale, Lucretia P. Art needlework. 12°. ([’78. }°8 NOYES BoD oo s sis'eieie' tbe bicieie) eieare sven ¢ Gia reece CELLO: — Art of knitting. (Needlework series.) il. 89°. (782. ]*°29) pap., TOC... 20 eee e were econ Tilton. — Lord’s Supper, and its observance. 16° [’77.]°% Geilecicie c clcisisieie cicierere ol «ipo ss) clare inverelarcia elelcret LUO OD ERUS# — More sketches in decorative embroidery. 12°. 779.416 pap., 50¢....--.-.- Sistas clezeie oie ciniele rie eerste (LAULLOIE: — Peterkin papers. 16°. 780.47 $1 ........Osgood. — Spider’s eye. See Stories by American authors. — (ed.) Plain needle-work. [7’78.]°°* 50c..... Tilton. — Point lace: guide to lace work. folding pl. 12°. 79 389 pap., DOCH sisiiele’ cys leye cie enciore cis LLELLOMUs Hale, P. M. (comp.) Inthe coal and iron counties of WO ASRS | ESL GLO): [ Hale. | — Woods and timbers of North Carolina; from the botanical and geol. reports of Drs. Curtis, Em- mons and Kerr; added information from the Cen- sus Bureau and reports from the several counties. map, 12°: PR OUKOTT ROR cre. civ ienese cielons Hale. Hale, Jfrs. Sa. Josepha. New cook book: with prepa- rations of food for invalids and children. New issue. ile 120: eRe $1.75.... Peterson. Hale, Susan. Family flight. _ See Hale, E: E. and S. Halévy, L: L’Abbé Constantin. Nouv. éd. (Roman choisis.) 12°. 783.8? pap., 60c.. W: R. Jenkins. — Eng. (Hudson hb.) 4°. ’83. pap., 20c... Putnam. — Same. 16°. [’82.]°8° $1. Same. (Lovell’s lb.) piale elcheiereiee ctelehe Wn LIOUELL: Seaside lib.) North Carolina. map. L GOS pap:, 20c =~... — Same, from the French by J. Loder. ( AO: 7825894" nap. LOCke ce crea ew elcte ere) oe QIU7.0% — Same, from the 20th French ed. by E. H. Hazen. (Transatlantic novels.) sq. 16°. *82.*55° $1; pap:; 60.7 3..... sieveysreitcre Bra oie eishevaualeveye ore PAULL TOCLIIUe — See also Meilhac, H:, and Halévy, L: Haley, J: W. The hereafter of sin: what it will be; with answers to certain questions and objections. 208 7O tes OC ea crer. Slee cielo c Clalvtee (cele o LITA EI. Half acentury. See Swisshelm, J. G. Half a million of money. Edwards, A. B. 10c.. Mwnvo. Half a minute late. See Vain sacrifice. Half-caste: an old governess’s tale. Craik, Mis. D. ME 0G eee Sieve avevoits overs iets c/ievolieteleiei cienere/MLIL719:0.: Half-hour recreations. See Estes, D. Half-hour series .............--- Ber Selia ee ea ens Note. Entered under authors, subjects and titles. Half-hour studies of life. Johnson, E. A. $1.50. IIlitchcock & W. [aren] Sal 50S McLoughlin. Half hours with the humorists; or, treasure trove: the choicest humor. by great writers: Burlesque and travesty. 12°. 783.84 $81.25 ...J: D. Walliams. Story and extravaganza. 12°. 783.°4 $1.25. J: D. Williams. Half hours with the Bible. 4°.am wee HALF 165 HALLOCK Half hours with the lessons of 1883, ’84; in conn. with | Hall, I: H. American Greek Testaments: critical bib- the Internat. lesson ser. 12°. [’82—’83. ]°6?:*9?9 | liography of the Greek N. T. as pub. in Am. C0., S150. eee ewes ee eeeees Sele a ciei Presb. Bd. | fac-similes. 8°. 783.*82 $1.50-..-... Pickwick. Half year at Bronckton. Lothrop, H. M. $1.25. | Hall, Ja. Descriptions of new species of fossils, from Lothrop. | the Niagara formation at Waldron, Ind: 8° Haliburton, T: Chandler. [‘‘ Sam Slick.”] Old judge; | 79,417 pap., 25C. ----eesree sees sees Munsell: me pie a colony. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °80.*°7| Hall, J:, D.D. (of N. Y.) Foundation stones for young 6 pape, 20¢e.- sekol icles eke cate cies ccc Munro. | builders: New Year’s book for boys and girls of —- pa Bice : (Seaside lib. ) 4°. pap:; 10c. -- Munro. Am. all) 16 | [P80e2 Woe. 2... x SS. — Sam ° Le in search of a wife. (Seaside lib.) 4°. | — You and your children; or, happy homes: how to Papa SU Crea ere nie ie ares oes oct oie ie a suehecocle Munro. make them. 32°. [’77.]%° tied with ribbon, Halkett, S:, and Laing, J: Dictionary of the anony- PAP, BOC. +6 edes cena + ese cece Randolph. mous and pseudonymous literature of Great|Hall, Rev. J: (of Trenton.) Henry Martyn and his yore a i tes Pipher cae sole : . Z \~e % = . z ~ : “ = Britain ; Ne the works of Oe ee eee in missionary work in the East. (Robert Raikes or tr. into the Eng. language. v.1, 2. roy. o°. lib.) 16° (/83.]8°7 pap., 10c. . Cf Am SUS. 289-984 546, 646 ea.. SLO2D0) .. Lockie od > & 10. | . . : < a s oe : ood, B. § CO. | Fyali, Louise Gardiner [‘‘Sister Louise”; “ Lulu.” ] T*1f£07 Tho . : ; O ON “ain | . . oN0 30) 7612 Hall, A. W ilford. Phe problem af human life ; embrac- Manna: nightand morning. 24°. (°83.]*82 flex. nee ee See Een ee ‘le IHWYe, canon onos codon nod0 codon AP Ob 185 MOU with rey. 0 arwin, Huxley, Tyndall, Heckel, 5 : nat i . . ~ - y AVicl. de are ) one 1. acre S83 une. : see 53 | FAall, Ma. I Preparation: a novel. 12° 83. |* Helmholtz, and Mayer. Rev. ed. 8° [’80. | @1 OF EOueine + 4 = : © UR tara oe. % e/ 0 Ole see 40100 0\¢ es eeeee eoveeres ILE RO ks com te ee ate eee SGI \ ere acs i eee TU ; ‘ ‘ : : ae all. Salem. Ona candlestick. 16°. 780. |*t9% 40c. Hall, Alice C. Miss Leighton’s perplexities: a love : : [ Pott. ¥. & C > > 3 © , ¢ ; . Y . story. 16°. $2. 62 Neate cleceys wlcloye) x s ; ; J) UO : See z ** | Hall, S: Carter. Book of memories of great men and Hall, Amanda H. Within, without and over; memori- | women of the age, from personal acquaintance. als of H: Clay Hall. sq. 16°. ['78.] $1.50. | To ayaa ur a fale eee Runcrengton ‘ g Bridgman. | — Retrospect of a long life from 1815 to 1883. por. 8°. Hall, Js. Anna M. See Hall, S:C., and Mrs. A. M 199 *587 29 50) {nnleton ee 83. $2.50 --. 22ers es eee tenes -- Appl: ; Hall, Arth. C. A. Confession and the Lambeth Con-|— (ed.) Book of British ballads. ill. 4°. [’76.]°°? 36. ference. 8° 779.*88% pap., 25C.-.-->-- Williams Routledge. — Example of the Passion: five meditations. 32°.|— and Mrs. Anna M. Ireland, its scenery, character, 82,992 pap., 30C..+---: ta cicla cl ecicis) clerer«) sie/ere Pott etc. New ed. 3 vy. col. ill. 89 ag aroRoh SZ. Hall, C: Cuthbert. Necessity and advantages of popu- ' : : R. Worthington. lar education in church music. 16°. emsealese Hall, Theresa Oakey. Little Miss Fancy. sq. 16°. pap., COM coorerels) clielsielelel aie e)wis ie) s/ere «..-- handolph. [?76. |" $1.50; bds., $1.20 .-+: ---+s+> Dodd. — and Lasar, Sigismond (comps. ) Evangelical hymnal, | — Nuts for Christmas cracking: holiday book for boys with tunes. 8° 780.*48 $2...-.--eee- Barnes. | and girls. New issue. ill. 4°. ?79.4°7 bds., $1.25. Hall, C: H. Church of the household. 12°. [’77. J" Whittaker. BB Oats ioe iy eee eles loki cairo Hurd & H, | Hall, T: B. Legal status of patents. 48°, 782.579 pap., — Valley of the shadow: sermons on the doctrine of | DU Criiel alessio s 2 oicie ccs A.W. Fairbanks. (Ct. ) future punishment. 12°. (°78. }**8 $1. Whittaker. |— Modern spiritualism; or, the opening way. 12°. Hall, C: W. Adrift in the ice-fields. ill. 12°. [’77. le 288.089) GOC. «cece ceees eco ere teei= Williams. Een acago goon 60000000 Sele eiotsalecey~) o-iere Lee § S.{Hall, W. H. Hell and salvation rationally considered. — Drifting round the world; a boy’s adventures by sea | 120, 784.648 pap., 15c..-.-eees-eese ee Darrow. and land. ill. 8°. 781 [’80].**** $2.50; bds., | Hall, W: Biography of David Cox; with remarks on Spe Ola arores wioioie sce okenhonecelcneeceatce ic) aly chelicicls Lee § S. | his works and genius; ed., with add., by J: T. Hall, Dan. Reports. See New Hampshire, Sup. Court. Zunce. por. 8°. [’81.]*°° $2. Cassell, P., G.§ Co. handy guide| Hall, W: E: International law. 8°. ’80.%* $5.25. Hall, E. Hepple. Picturesque tourist: : Macmallan. round the world. ill. 12°. (eiialees 60: Am. News. | Hall, W: W. Dyspepsia and its kindred diseases. 12°. Hall, E: D. Metric dose-book, minimum and maximum (Ee NRL SIO) rere iterate loner R. Worthington. doses of old and new drugs by the gramme sys- | — Fun better than physic; or, everybody's life-preserv- tem. 24°. ’79.*498 pap., 25c..-...A. 7. Bliss. ere, NO, ERY Goo ooaodc Rand, McN. § Co. Hall in the grove. Alden, Jf7s. I. M. $1.50..ZLothrop. 2S) «427 Hall, E: . Ten lectures on orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian Chureh. 16°. 192 *612 750,..4d4m. Unit.| Hallam, H: Works. (Standard ed.) Givin 120: Hall, Elfin ( sseud.) See Perry, Mrs. E.:@: TD Olersrere\aie is) ele rerelsve eve Sada oo.0c mrerelaiers Armstrong. ; 7 ) Ys | | Hall, ug. Ji Lyrics of home-land. ill. Sq- 8°. 7°82 Cont. : Constitutional hist. of England from accession of Henry QT RODS Bis cles: 6 Bea ibis ne aicleavereis Griggs: | vir. to death of George 1. 2 V.— View of the state of Europe : o | during the Middle Ages. 2v.— Introd. to literature of Europe Hall, F. de Havilland. Differential diagnosis: manual in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. 4 v. in 2. of the comparative semeiology of the more 1m- | portant diseases, Am. ed., with add. sq. ]2°. Same. New rev. ed. 6y. 12°. [’80. ] $7.50... Crowell. 97 Q K865 BO os were rene rear sces tees Brinton. jtallatt, G. W: Tuxford: Hints on architectural — Same. 2d Am. ed., with add.; ed. by F. Woodbury. | draughtsmanship. 8°. gd 638 60C...---- Spon. 80, “SAE 2. aieim wii Bieri cle oe iaiateietele Brinton. | Haller, Gustave. Renée and Franz. 16°. iSaileee Hall, F: T. The pedigree of the devil. 80 288-2 Te; pap., FOC. ....-+s++-seece sores . Appleton. Poee see eoleraiay teierenes® 6) tlocelchy cic Scribner § W.| Hallett, W: T. Specifications for frame houses rang- ing in cost from two thousand to twenty thousand Hall, Granville Stanley. Aspects of German culture. LO LWel dollars. 3d ed., enl. 4°. ’81.47° $1.50; pap., $1. 120, °81,*478 1.50 ..-2 oes eee scenes Osgood. : | >a no — (ed.) Pedagogical library. v. 1: Methods of teach- | ; - : : ‘ Bicknell. . ine history, by G. Diesterweg, Profs. Hh Be Ade] Halliday, Rob. J. Practical camellia culture. — ill. Y AC ; 190, ~8O.*444 G2... cece e sree ne .... Halliday. ams, C. K. Adams, J: W. Burgess, Ii. Emerton, | : W.F. Allen and T: W. Higginson. 12°. 93 *628 | Ffallock, C: Sportsman’s gazetteer and gen. guide. GTS are cle 6 one ey oleevorele mieia onto exeaies cc eyeuezelo)- Ginn. lle Oo: fiaiten ROW ord otra cies sine sie Forest. . . : . + ~y ae = hoe eae ‘ : Oy IQ 355 Hall, H: American navigation: with account of the Same. 4th ed , with glossary and maps. WOO AiG causes of its former prosperity and present de- @3 Same. Reyv., enl., and brought down to cline. 8% [’78.]°'® pap., 50c...-.--4 {ppleton. | date. ill., maps and por. 12°. 35602 $3.. Judd. a Rr oneHALLOCK i 66 HAMLEY Hallock, Ms. M. A. Fall Be Veracnlons. aed Aa ramiiton. Thee ea Mildred’s cadet: an idyl of Roman conauest of Judea. ill. 18°. [’78. 13%? | West Point. sq. 16°. [’81.]*#8 $1, pap., 75e. 416) 001 e 0 eve \ ‘elson. i 5c. os 8 60 00 ° ec5e Goes. Peterson. retia | Hamilton, Allan McLane. Manual of medica] juris- s (ed.) James and Lucretia ’ ; : : : jun Hallowell, Anna Davi ss (ed. yeas os 724 %639 ao prudence, with special ref. to diseases and in- roti anand Ser DOr Houghton, M. & Co juries of the nervous system. 12°, ’g 4,648 net, ) 5 : i 3. 5 ee , s 190 295 593 DORO) cieyers ecleio Gielen sree ee Bermingham. Pins ee op eerarhy: oe 13° Be (esc >, | — Nervous diseases: their deser iption and treatment. re ace atom | ill. 8°. 778.38 $3.50. Same. 2d ed. 8°, °81.530 Hallowell, J: K. Gunnison, Colorado sonanza Co. yl i Le Author’s ed. CGeclogical monograph.) 8°. 783.*°° SPA iwiei.o7 910) ) 07< 010) (¢)= *)e (ai0i eke !eie)vi0\s) eo, .6) cilsisie (ea) (6 516) 6/- 5 PBC On Maes Glen]. | ayes of insanity : ill. guide in fthe physic al diag- pap yOU Ce nosis of mental disease. pl. 4°. 783.62 jn port- Hallowell, R: P. Qu: meer invasion of Massac aus gu: fOlIOs S250 Ns esac cone FOQ000D5000G CODE Wood. 10% 2 Oex5eo) eT OR Houghton, M. § Co. ; : = Soncind: 1 oir], | Hamilton, C. G. Clear shining after rain: a novel. Hallowell, Mrs. Sa. C. Nan, the new-fashioned girl. | (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.*#49 pap. 15e. \ 1 ) pay 790 (Seaside ser.) ill. 16° ([77.]8° $1. Same. Harper. New ed. ill. 40. [ (fey |= DU Cr tetelajere Lotha Oop. Hamilton, Gay: Milly Me ll: achin’s borrow ed plumes. . m . 2G I 389 + . . \ : Halsey, Calista. Twoofus. 16° ’79. pl. ; (Seaside lib.) 4°. °83.573 pap., 10c. .. Munro. Carleton. . ; . Hamilton, Jfrs. Celia V. -Lily of San Miniato; a Halsey, C: S. An etymology of Latin and Greek. i re rele 160 (e788? S150: pap. a. (@lassical ser.) 1120, 289.%538! &y 40)... 2... Gann. novel. 16°. [’78.] 0; pap., nes Halsey, W: McD. Beginners’ Latin : drill-book and} __ My bonnie lass. 8°. [?77.]2% pap., 50c. ... Hstes. practical introd. to the classic -suciors. 12°. : Cu ear pe Hamilton, D. J. Pathology of bronchitis, catarrhal AST Se na ene - R. Jenk ns. : . : : : Cee a aces Usk pneumonia, tubercle and allied lesions of the Halstead, W: Riley. Future religious ae of Am. human lung. ill. 8% 83.587 $9.50. 12°. (eerie 1 MOOR coe eee. . « Thitchcock XY W. Macmillan. Halsted, Byron 1 Barn plans and patbuildings: ill. Hamilton, E: A federal union not a nation: exam. oor OU eI SEDO feieieic w cinin)einlsie\ els vine vin *435 Bouton. | __ aga see and Victor. ill. 120. SO A452 fe 95. —-Graphiciants. ill, 4° 182531 S35 |... Macmillan. | L Presb. Bd ° — Same. 12°, 782,%533 Sickie o\cun psec eee nes Roberts. | __ Wethree. 160. (eae 1208) OO Presb. Bd. — Intellectual life. Author’s ed. New cheap ed. 16°, | — and Pratt, Mrs. Ella Farman. Prue’s pocket-book, 84.0" 91.50; pap., 50c......... ------Loberts. | and other stories. ill. 16°. [°78.]363 bds., 35c. — life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A.: ill. etched by A. | = Lothrop. 3runet-Debaines. 12°, °79,*373 $2.50.. Roberts. | : é ee ‘| Hamilton, Rowland. Money and its value. 8°. 781222 — Marmorne. (No name Sere) 169. [ete c2e Sir | > J aioe EDO cisco sictoc coe sac cae oan --»- Macmillan. vtobverts. H - we Oo ak ‘ 229 «570 A amilton, W: A compend of bap ‘ 2 480 — Modern Frenchmen: five biographies. 16°. ’78,%54 F ud Apustay I ent So reet ole eileen cy isc toe osteo site oe ere Roberts. lex OEE eee aac Pee ee og : amilton bri k , — Wenderholme; story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. CE PrOuers Ge ite nun. MOM [iO rl eee RO ey oe Roberts. | Hamlet. See Shakespeare, W: — and others. Wigher education and a common lJan- | Hamlet revamped, modernized and _ set ne music. guage. (Atlas ser.) 8° ['79.]38° pap., 40c. Soule, C: C. 50c. here wees . I. Jones. Barnes. Hamley, C: Wassail. ( OH, alf- hoe ser. . aoe 27 9926 Hamilaroi and Kurnai group. Fison, L., and Howitt, WEN, AOS 00G0 6006 6006 Gg o0n00 coun aooKne Harper. AMO E (GD ieee es eas ce Macmillan. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. ..... Munro.HAMLEY 167 HANNA Hamley, E: B. aden eee aouteenn a novel . | Handbook for the kindergarten; with full-page lith. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. °79. *382 nap., 1bc. Harper. | pl., with brief practical See meee kinderealts ss | — Voltaire. (For. classics for Eng. readers.) 16°. | ners by Florence kindergartners. sq. (ene sce ie ileal SOs ccc bg ovecs sere © ele bialee siecere Lippincott. | pap., $1 Lg stsiSia clave e olecs divleeeaeceewsd " Bradley. ~ 7 — . | n . Hamley, W. G. House of Lys; a tale. (Franklin| Handbook ron wv isitors of the sick. Baker, W. 80c.; Sq: libs) 4°) 7.9020 pap.) loc. otic. Harper. | Sls SL.25 220 - ce rce ec cece cove sees cece Trbbals. Hamlin, Cyrus. Among the Turks. 12°. [’77.]3°7| Handbook for visitors soithien poor- Mouse: (State Chari- DU DO) se cence tenes s iwc cce cnn renecrns Carter. | ties Aid Assoc.) 16° [’77.]?” flex., 50c.; pap. | ) J ? ; pap-, : . . 2 ee} 95 > Hamlin, Fannie E. Service and reward. sq. 16°. Ook cee eyo otecel ra eho aie She sere aici Putnam. Ui QeXse8 HOC 'ss PAN es OOCs er aie ere .-. Mrysinges. | Homdboolk of charities of N. Y. City for 1877; comp. : 5 : LAU Dn. Tinto 90. 277 7267 Hamlin, Marie Caro. Watson. Legends of Le Détroit; | for Board Of United Charities. 12°. Lil. ] ill; by I. Stewart. 129 784.*823 GO: hf mor., DOC. ; PAP.) ZOC. + eee ee eee eceees . Whittaker. SOA! cciciet scersics 6 isis eae elciere ei Rieiele) ic oir ole ela o eine Nouree! | Handbook of house sanitation. Denton: J. B. $3.50. ; . x oy yx Spon. Hammersmith. Severance, M: S. $2; $1.50. RE Houghton, M. & ¢ | etandbook of instructions and devotions for the children Hammond, Irs. B. H. [‘*H: Daugé.” | x a phi ae of Mary; from the French by J. P. O’Connell. Pcesie ees ches ee ee eet mi : 390 78.1828 GOc e ' Z pher. (Kaaterskill ser.) 12°. ’82 -. Harlan. 32% [778.] 0c ce eee sees eck ce Coe: Pub. — Georgians. (Round-robin ser.) 16°. 195 $1. | Handbook of Mormonism. 16°. °82.°" pap., 25c. Osgood. Hand-Bk. Pub. Hammond, E: Payson. Child’s guide to heaven. 16°. Handbook of Mount Desert coast of Maine, with 7301083| “A0cs jSame. 24) 783.525 nan. 10cs: routes thither. ill. and maps. 16°. [°78.]%%° leatherette: OFC. ou. ac i ee Funk. | PADey DOCK eiccccm sin cicln «ieee Whittaker; Williams. — Conversion of children. 12°. [’78.]3!8 $1.50.. Tibbals. | Handbook of nursing for family and gen. use; pub. = Same, 29 7625283) Tes paps, O0C ce «lea Funk. under direction of the Conn. Training-school for — Gathered lambs. 16°. ’83.*8°? 40¢.; pap., 10¢c. Funk. Nurses, State hospital, New Haven. 12°. 779.*%8! — and Bentley, W. Warren (eds.) The armor bearer; | HO Dicer no aeie fe sien eile elie ie cle Lippincott. coll. new and popular hymns and music. 12°. | Handbook of patriotism. 32°. [’78.]*°? pap., 25c. (E 76. IF EDAD ss BOCs wide cmc esis wie nis) cele Pond. Burnton. Hammond, Rob. The electric light in our home s. | Handbooks for students and gen. readers.....-. Holt. 6th thous. ill. and photographs. 12°. [’84. ]*° Note. Entered under authors and subjects. Giles Dieireverele cle cieie ci oisleie ialsi a clsie) ere sis R. Worthington. z | Handel, G: F: The Messiah: sacred oratorio, vocal Hammond, W: A. Cerebral hyperemia the result of score with accomp. for organ or pianoforte, ed. . « . > an mental strain or emotional disturbance. 16°. by V. Novello. 4°. ’79.37 $1: bds., 80c.. Church. 8. ee Shiliaretelerccolejoieiratel cle) aleetel(o a\cls)ohesie -utnam. . . : ‘ ‘ ; [7 ! . Buinan Handfull of blossoms. Skelding, S. B. $1.50. — Certain forme of nervous derangement: new ed., White § S ‘+h altered, with Spiritualism and other forms of | : / er biuehya’ tered, piritualism and other forms of | prandicapped. Harland, M. (pseud.) $1.50. mental derangement. 8° 781.775 $1.75.. Putnam. | my isaite Weis Scribner's Sons — Fasting girls: ‘ir physiology and p: oy. 20% a7 ‘ = I eee pe aD Dypie COBY ano ONCE / l Handrailing by the square cut. Jones, J: $1.40. Spon. {io 5> CX., (OC. ee en ern we weer seer veces uLtnam. - ees Me eas = = : ae : : ; Ups or ser s. Spurge — Spinal irritation. See Seguin, E: C. Ser. of Am. Hands ie ol Tee und other sermons ieee ue Qi ioe oa credelucie Ge Sas ous ee bee ‘ter clinical lect. | C arte) — Treatise on insanity in its medical relations. 98°. | Hands of justice. See Robinson, F: W: Gece Dye Sh perc GpOls clave slelejelietelo ef eieia Appleton. Hands up. Sorenson, A. 50c.......-..--- Carleton. — Treatise on the diseases of the nervous system. 7th| Handsome Harry. Logie, Mis. S.E. C. $1--.Am. Tr. ed.,enl. ill. 8°. 781.4 $5; shp., $6..Appleton.| Handsome Lawrence. Sand, G: (pseud.) 50c. Hampdens. Martineau, H. $1.50...... Routledge. | R. Worth ington. Hampered. Dunning, Mrs. A. K. 90c...... Ann Lar yeneys R. D. and J. H. Reports. See Cincinnati, : mi : E Su tor Court. Hampton tracts for the people Rieaici/ejalinielcleielevere Putnam. LU | sandy Andy. See Lover, S: Handy atlas: ser. of maps for the gen. reader. 8°. Note. Entered under authors and subjects. Hanaford, Js. Phebe A. Abraham Lincoln: his life | [tied eoe) (hore erie cl = me oe Lippincott. and public services. (Famous Am. ser.) por. and | Handy atlasofthe world. 4°. ’84.% flex. cl., 50c. . Ivison. WO, UP (Re Slo oacgs occes Lothrop. HI 5 2 “a we : andy book of old and Shai iv hymns. Hobart, Ifs. — Life nen of Charles Dickens. por. 12°.| Gi RO ne ee ee Randolph. Coe CUS: eae Lothrop. Handy-book of quotations; or, who wrote it? diction- Hanbury, Dan. Science papers, chiefly pharmacologi- : : ) ary of common poetical quotations in the Eng. cal and botanical. por. and ill. 8°. [°76.]?*° $6. language. (Handy-book ser.) sq. 16°. ’81[’80}.*#97 es . | : Macmillan. | DAShs VOC. sw cicts< cei Boe bp lethuc Plesemudere eerste Putnam. as one yee Fees Pee eas. incl. pee Handy-book of synonymes of words in general use. retehes ¢ , Ss . re aig » s ay oe an c we pan cae a ion for camp a u | 390, ’81.*472 5c. - roan, gilt, 75c... Lippincott. “& . ¢ « é e velele/ ejejeve eheeie) vie else. LUT CH Hand. G: H. Revised lose Sooealrota. earelate | Handy-book series «+++ +--+ esses eee ee eee Putnam. J ‘ie bl a a CeO LC ACL | Note. Entered under authors and subjects. Assembly. g » Handy dramas for amateur actors. Baker, G: M. nd and glove. Edwards, A. B. Nhe site tai ° z ree Hand and glove. Edwards, A.B. 20e...---. Munro eee eno ieee neseesscenen Lee 8. and and ring. reens An dG Sil-bOkmesc es LeULNOM: x tn y Hand der N Pee 2 Ké reek 0 if : Handy speaker. Baker, G: Mo $1.0--.... seed S. ana der Nemesis. Aonig, Hi. A: ZUC. oe voce (nro. . pe ae Ss 5) ts : C UNV Handy VOUT BOMICS i wie tele) ereieln sileial <: sie aes sie) f Appleton. Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy, T: 20c....-..-. Munro. | Note. Entered under authors, subjects and titles. Hand shadows. Bursill, H: 40c............Dutton. | Hankey, Miss —. Old, old story. 2pts. pt. 1: The Hand shadows on the wall: novel and amusing figures | story wanted. pt. 2: The story told: outline ill. formed by the hands. sq. 8°. [’80.]*#°7 Pap-, by, He Gy Mules) 162: ieee. bOc paps, DD Oe ciecver. sieiniela’ eieleler alee) ereienere cereal viel eyeiciniers Pastime. ONO sais a eles ciara cle) a okeie: eel erercre)(y eieie) « Randolph. Handbook for business men. Campbell, H. & Co.|Hanna, W: ‘The life of Christ. New ed: 80), S25) 85° Gp Oiteasy ctoiotey sioielor ofeieieveley’a ere acre eielniel ais) els H. Campbell. GHTESE (Nave creln ees ulin ei) site el aes oir iel sy al(ninia)cetelalei e102 Am. Tr. Handbook for hospital visitors. (State Charities Aid|— and Norris, J: Pilkington. The patriarchs. 8°. srr 7976 ~ a a hb ~ vA Y ef), Assoc.) 12°. 17.\77 flex., b0c..... Putnam. 779,404 $1.50...----0--- Cassell, P., G. § Co. Ree oneHANNAH Hannah. Craik, Ms. D. M. 10c. ....------4 Munro. Hannah. Wright, Ifs.J.McN. $1.----1 Nat. Temp. Hannah Jane. Locke, D: R. $1.50........ Lee & S. Hannah Tarne: a story; by the author of Mr. Grey- smith; ill. by W. J. Hennessey: 16°. °84.°° GRAD Frere cove) lial cleteis) eres eie) cloler ela) ol well orn eke ois Whiting. Hannibal’s man. Kip, L. $1.50 -.--.-+.-+-.- Argus. Hannyngton, Major-Gen. Slide rule extended. 8°. 794 648 pap., AO Here nic onl blocs ao; ole slo 0 el sims e Spon. Hans Breitmann’s ballads. Leland, C: G. $4. Peterson. Hans Brinker. Dodge, Mrs. M. M. $1.50. Scribner's Sons. Hans und Grete. 10c. Munro. Hans von Petter’s trip to Gotham. Cox, P. 25c. Art Pr. Hansborough, G: W. See Virginia, Swp. Court of Appeals. Spielhagen, F: Reports. Hansen, Maurice G. The Reformed Church in the Netherlands, 1340-1840, in short hist. sketches. Poor FOr Oi ei ere iccelelicle ci tielclers Ref. Ch. Pub. Hanson, C: H: (ed.) Homer’s stories simply told. ill. sq. He AN Ee OLIN o6o ooobesooUT Nelson. — Stories of the days of King Arthur; ill. by G. Doré. 11028. 2OORKDOS GST () cic sis ccs cielo aicisie cl eis Nelson. Hanson, G: A. Old Kent: the eastern shore of Mary- land: notes illustrative of the most ancient rec- ords. 8°. [’77.]?7! $4.50; pap., uncut, $4; shp., $5; hf. tky., $5.50. Same. (Centennial ed.) (limited). 4° $15; hf. tky., $20..Des Forges. an excursus on the eternal. ete., 16°. ’80.444 Hanson, i Wesley. Aion-aionios: Greek word rendered everlasting, in the Bible; with app. New issue. $1 — Bible proofs of universal salvation: cont. the princi- pal passages of Scripture that teach the final hol ness and happiness of all mankind. 12°. [’77. ]?' 60e.: pap., “WOO, nAaooG Cao OnOr Hanson. — The new covenant; cont. tr. of the N. T.; harmony |= 7 of the four Gospels; chronological arr. of text, and commentary. v. 1: The four gospels. 12°. AA OS2E RIGS cic cic sreverelcye sie ees aie c - Universalist. Happy boy. See Bjornson, B. Happy boy’s story-book. Uncle John (pseud.) 25c. Vews Am. i Happy days for boys and girls. ; $1.75; $1.25 D . Harris, Irs. M. Davenport, E. $1.50.. Carleton. wee eo DULEON: Happy-go-lucky. Happy holidays. DOG: ..- Happy home stories. ill. 16°. [’79.]*4#°6 25c..Am. Jr. Happy hours. wl. 8o. [es3r*8s bds:, 7c. R. Worth ington. Happy hours, for boys. 16°. [’77.]?!° $1..Zothrop. Happy hours, for girls. 16°. [’77.]3!° $1..DLothrop. 60c.. Nelson. (78 our little people. Raffensperger, SEE OCs tereteles cletlcl sys) mau ers) s Am. Tr. Happy isles. Byers,S.H.M. $1.25.......Cupples. Happy little people. Patch, O. $2. Cassell, Re, .G: & Go: Happy man. See Lover, S: : Happy moods of happy children: poems by favorite Am. authors: sm 4° (778.258 Si: silt, $1.50: Thompson, A: C. Happy pet. 4°. [’80.] Happy playtime. 4°. Happy release, by the author of Constance Happy hours in picture land. 4°. Happy hours with Mas. ¥ 3. s ee) Happy New Year. 85¢e.; 50c. BIED (ie a ce sis oes Routle dge. [’80 ] By ()\e.6 eeu « Dare: [also] A few days, by M. C. Hay. (People’s | libs) 49, 281.61 paps, LOCkeccy cee. Ogilvie. | Happyssunimer, Hrosts. A. S05... .... Am. Tr. Happy thoughts. See Burnand, F. C. Happy world. Alexander, J. W. 10c. ....Am. 8. Happy year almanac. Lyman, M.B. 1dc.; 20c.; Lothrop. 25e. 168 } Hardenstein, Ernest. Lothrop. Randolph. Routle dge. | HARDY | Haps and mishaps. Matthews, J. H. $1.25.. Carter. Harcourt, E: ‘Troublesome twins. (People’s lib.) 40, pap., 20C..- 20 sescee seer sececscce - Ogilvie. Harcourt, Helen. Florida fruits and how to raise them. ZO 2835024 | Ss Paps, WoOCs« ls Ashmead Bros. Hard times. See Dickens, C: Hard times, and what to learn from them. Thompson, Be UD Oise ecco cy ao wi cco cicre ol wiclereieiei cic Stern. Hardto bear. See Craik, G. M. Hardaway, W. A. Essentials of vaccination. 12°. ZR ONKDGO TON ievevelo ciel ofoisiel oiotolelata talclcisycheien se cYare Jansen. Epidemic of 1878 and its home- opathic treatment: origin, progress and end of plague in Mississippi Valley ; [also] Treatise on the disease by A. O. H. Hardenstein. 12°. 779.389 Hardenstein. pap., 50C. «+++ -eee Harder, L: Family feud; a romance: after the Germ. by Mirs. A. Jc. Waster. 22°: [ea(|-t8) Sill2p: Lippincott. Hardin, J. H. Sunday-school helper. 16°. 780.4% BO Gr ae cin cleie rota al evesAce cielo sicleree micre ciel cierers J: Burns. Harding, E: J. Cothurnus and Lyre: poems. 12°. [’78. 2M OST lc siercte eevee noice ee re eet ors Authors’. Harding, Grace. Leoline; or, captured and rescued. 16°. tated] ee SS ce aaciercve ots clacsvolarercte ate Dutton. Harding, W: E. (comp.) American athlete: rules of training and regimen of physical culture; [also] Short sketches of athletes. ill. and por. 5°. [SMe A82 = PApss, 2OCs ccc clcete crersiesle scree clera- Fox — Champions of the American prize ring. ill. 8° ASCE Tee, PO coca ccba 500900 onUnCO OS Fox ‘a’s champion oarsman: hist. A. Trick- Edward Hanlan, Ameri and por.; [also] History and por. of E: ett. ally 8°: [vSilaleee) papi, 2bcr =. 1 Fou. — John Hughes, champion pedestrian. -por. and ill. NG ES jen, Mec Goccc aoncabadac Fo2 Hardwick, C: the reformation. Hist. of the Christian chureh during 5th ed., rev. by W. Stubbs. 20) a BO cies wererercin ns eeee>- Macmillan. Hardwicke, Herb. Junius. Medical education and 180422 $3; Blakiston. practice in all parts of the world. 8°. Hardy, Arth. Sherburne. 3ut yet a woman: a novel. 12 ofS BODO) ND icc breve en Houghton, Me & Co: — Elements of quaternions. 8° 7’81.*°°4 $2.30. Ginn. — Francesca of Rimini: a poem. 16°. [’78.]%4° 75c. Lippincott. Hardy, Lady Iza Duffus. Daisy Nichol. (Seaside Jibs); 49° pap, 20C: so. See Seles eo! Munro. — Friend and lover: a novel. . (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. BOs ee Dap, UO Cures somites secre ciers Harper. — Glencairn. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7’82.*°8 pap., 20c. Munro. pap., 20c. Munro. sketches of an Am. .»-. 2. Worthington. — Only alove story. (Seaside lib.) 4°. — Through cities and prairie lands: tou: = 80 28) Sibi. Hardy, RobinaF. Jock Halliday: US UG SS Reie se ollierers Hardy, T: Desperate remedies: a libs), 4°: ° pap., 20c. . — Distracted young preacher. [also] a Grassmarket hero. ote ioveyeieie wae 1 OOULEI. (Seaside siwie| viel nee MMQLIUT,0s Hester, by B. M. novel. 7Q9 532 Butt. (Handy-y. ser.) 16°. ’79:*999 pap., 25c. Appleton. — Far from the madding crowd. (Leis. mom. ser.) 16°. 4B Why GO, Gaacooodo0 doa ciate Weyer isi eLLOLCs — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c..... -. Munro. — Fellow-townsmen. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’80.*49% DUD a ZO Ce lerete er eyeremerercieys ain creel ayer eiarele Harper. —= Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°: pap, l0ch..<. 1.1 Wunro. — Hand of Ethelberta: comedy in chapters. (Seaside Wb), 40% SRS yan. 2OCe . cance ccm Munro. — Laodicean. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’81.5!7 pap., CU) Cris; Misiejs, sicie sicie\ eivie sc occ crreleicie oe sie clase Harper. Sa 7ueé. Same. (Leis. hour ser.) ill. 169. ’81.*58 $1.. Hole. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°!7 pap., 20c.. Munro.Hardy, T: , continued. — Pair of blue eyes: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 49°. 781.486 | HARDY 169 HARRIS | Harmony of the Bible with science. Kinns, S: $3. Cassell, P., G. & Co. pap:, 20C. --....-.- suajsiejciele sleisieicic's ole --- Munro. | Harold. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E: G: E. L. 2 pts. ea., — Return of the native. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. ’78.*8 | WD Ce sees eisieie cic ai rekeyanclerle cleo creheierrele J: W. Lovell. Wb nce ce cee cece se teers eee. soeee+eeee- Holt. | Harold. See Tennyson, A. — Romantic adventures of a milkmaid: a novel. (Frank- lin Sq: lib.) 49. ‘83. pap, L0c....-... Harper. | — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 10c.J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.8°? pap.,10c. Same. (Sea- side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°%! pap., 10c.. Munro. — Trumpet-major: a novel. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. ZS ORO: | TR etercisien ciara ele elska/ol ats aio) Bielelsiaiol slo sleet OLE: — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.4% pap., 20c.. Munro. — Two onatower: a novel. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. Lee) No ooo el eis ielere aie) sXelloile 7%*589 12°. [’83. SED (iio ests .-.-- Routledge. — Life and letters of Frances Baroness Bunsen. 2 v. OB ees LOD coe yes Sok ....- Wat. Temp. Harper, Js. Lizzie St. J: [ formerly Mrs. Eckel.] St. Peter’s bride. 12°. [’78.]3%4 $1.50.. Carleton. Harper, T: Metaphysics of the school. v. 1,2. 89°. DMM no Eo oo ca0d6 SS ieNe wrote Macmillan. Harper's Christmas, 1882. ill. f. 782.*°68 pap., 75c. Harper. Harper’s cyclopedia of British and American poetry. See Sargent, E. | Harper’s Franklin Square library....... - «+++ Harper. Note. Entered under authors, subjects and titles. Harper’s Greek and Latin texts ...-......... Harper. Note. Entered under authors. Harper's half-hour series -....... elleiei=i 16% 8492 $i: pap:, 50c: Fords. Harston, E. F. B. Practice, pleading, and evidence in the Courts of California. roy. 8°. [’78.]%!* SH pss pil Opie eres spectre = «) o1e)-seserever-setel ae -»+-- Bancrofe. 160% {ie |e" 2c. pap: 10c: Macmillan. . 178! 50c.; 2c. ; pap., 10c. - Serzbner-. 5 srown, Irs. H. E. Harry. I-~-e — Same. 16°. [777 — Jerningham journals. (Seaside lib.) 4° 83.5%? paps, LOC: . sa. ey clerlsicler> Seieie iene Salekeiere! Munro. — Miss Hitchcock’s wedding dress. (Lakeside lib.) 4°. tien eles AD eg 2D Cie sereraierer Donnelley, L. § Co.HART I vl HARWOOD continued. Hart, Ifrs. —., — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°8 pap., 10c... Munro. — Very genteel. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’82.°89 pap., 10c. | Munro. Hart, C: Porter. Diseases of the brain and eye. tables andills (80: 27Seseh SSunOl isc acc ee oe Lodge. — Diseases ofthe eye. ill. 8° ’78.%°! $2.50..ZLodge. — Diseases of the nervous system; with clinical ill. 8°. PRADO I OE eae cre clorsiaceys Sfaleis ores 6 cin OCIUCILE Sy Le — Repertory to the new remedies; based upon Hale’s | Special therapeutics ietGeiees | plco0 1D. Bs, ogy. and eng. E: Handbook of volumetric analysis. (°78.]92° $2.50 i He he and Symptomatology. 8°. Boericke Sy TE Manual of gynecol- med. authors.) pl. subs., $1.25 .. Wood. H. of stand. 0797 (ea.. Hart, and Barbour, 2v. (Lib. 83. ~ 8°. Hart, Wiley. FP: club: a Nevada | book. 2died) (80. 2785800 Bonen ae Keller. Ja. Morgan. Syllabus of Anglo-Saxon litera- ture: adpt. from Bernard Ten Brink’s Geschichte der eng. Literatur. 8°. ’81.477 pap., 50c.. Clarke. M. C. The amateur printer; or, type-setting at home. 16°. [783.]°! pap., W: R. Eternal purpose: doctrine of immortality. Hart, Sazerac lying Hart, Hart, Hart, W205, 7Sigo2 SIE 2p Lippincott. with suppl. essay on Life, temporal 120% 784 ees 129., 7825523 pap. tiddle, A. G. Works; with introd. and por. er. 8°. 782, *528-* $20 Houghton, menof § Sandy stories. — 3. Same. 2d ed., and eternal. — Unity of the faith. Ffart and his bear. Harte, I's. Bret. side ed.) set, S10). hf. ct Cont. : 1. Poetical works and Two 2. The luck of Roaring Camp, and other the Argonauts and Eastern sketches. 5. Stories and Condensed novels. (Household ed.) $4; mor. or tree cf., $5. ie sm. 495 780:28* (32°00); tree cf., $6 . Lippincott. Bilvere irae cickee (River- Cd., O25 & Co. Bar. — 545 Dv. > — 4. Gabriel Conroy. — 1205 28 2i2e} Same. hf. cf., $4; Houghton, M. § Co. C8 ee? — Bl25: Houghton, O. & Co. Stare 2407 789 (ees) -- Houghton, ee & Co: 84 [’°83].°" Bl. iougiten M. § Co. ('78.]37 $1......- Osgood. story of the Jerseys, 1779. | le sae LSos [alee = ple 2D). - Osgood. — Twins of Table Mountain, and other stories. sq. 16°. 7 QEx40T) (RTOS) ceive oie «+ ile LIOUGILLON, Onan GO: Two men of Sandy Bar: a play. i $l. Poems. Son hte cfs. mor. Drift from two shores. 1 [ie Flip; [also] Found at Blazing oles In the Carquinez woods. ‘940, — Story ofa mine. 18°. Thankful Blossom ; eee we ree 18°. aT gis Osgood. with the Swedish by Lippincott. Hartelius, T. J. Home gymnastics; swimming; tr. and adpt. from the @ i lrotvines il 6h s83eess" (60er Harter’s handy interest tables; text in Eng., Germ., Scand. ,and Erench. 8d thous. obi. f°. ’81-5*6 bds:. 25¢:-60-- 54000 A600 .. Harter; [ Int. News. | Hartley, B: Guide to colledioseucne: ill. and pl. eB OROUIE TTS ictal e) ce) clele/siaictere Bier aie nisleieleie aisieiepl(LQVUSL- Hartley, Cecil B. ‘Life of D: vel Boone: ill. 12° (el) az d ect cleo sere aclnels Porter & C. Hartley, Jlrs Baily Dora Kemper; or, how the bitter was made sweet. ill. 16° [7*79.)*87>)| BileZoieraias wieveie ere) slelnteia'n eleils,o/bieln w/e aiereie 7 4m. S. S. — Odd moments of the Willoughby boys. 16°. ’79.%°° SO Cearererars oe its (ol(aia eis) olcheleletarsye Am. S.S. — Records of the Do: without Society: GOR 479 eee sail Am. S.S. Hartley, F. W. Gas analyst’s manual. ill. er. 8°. ’79.°% $2.50. Sd00 donuaC OnND D¢ ree eeeces ese SPON, | — Gas measurement and gas meter testing. 4th ed., enls (Son 2 508N INGO r wrcrreiete ow cien « nisin Spon. 12°. | Dick. i study of the Scripture | CM Aio6 a olG, upprncott. | Cobb. | Tales of (Red-line ed.) | or | art of , | Hartley, J: M. Coralynn. Newissue. 16°. 79.4% PAP., FOC... 0. 2c ccce wccccc-crocee .-- Hayward. Hartley, 0. C. andR. K. Reports. See Texas, Sup. | Court. | Hartmann, E: v. Philosophy of the unconscious: auth. tr. by W: C. Coupland. 3v. 8°. 784.5% $9. | Macmillan. | Hartner, E. Severa: eine Familiengeschichte (Deut- sche Lib.) 4°. ’82.55 pap., 20c....-.. Munro. | — Eng. Severa: from the Germ. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. | 12°. °82 [’781].*98 $1.50........-.-Luppincott. Hartough, Mrs. S. M. Curse of Mill Valley. 16°. Ren see pli welein te ates sie aie ci ciieielejeretore VOLES LeMiip: | Hartranft, Ruf. C. Pocket guide and hand-book for the city of Philadelphia. map and ill. 24°. [’S8+.]*847 40c.; pap., 25c..- woceee Pickwick. |— (comp.) The journal of Solomon Sidesplitter : witti- CIsmiss 108 BOARS Cr ein cen eare Pickwick. rartenores Mrs. Nancy (pseud.) Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua. 16%) [782-)*s2 Sl Same: (Pop. lib.) 12°. [’83.]°°7 pap., 20c... Ogzrlere. Hartshorne, H: Essentials of the principles and practice of medicine. 5th ed., rev. ill. 8°. ’81.°18 OED yeie s/s aie 0 sieKe aisicletniais: aielerelslalcierale <1<) ue fe -» Lea. ;— 1931: a glance at the twentieth century. 24°. | 2 eae2! NAD a. LOC ce cmcies em eee dee Clacton. |— Our homes. (Am. health primers.) 16°. ’80.*#7 50c. Same. New cheap ed. 24° °’82.59 PAPs, BOC... eee cece cece ce ceeeer eee Blakiston. | Hartt, Js. Irene W. Le B. Another man’s wife. Wi Pile SleWosoac sits eiareloie)e.siere Camletor. | Hartt, Mabel F. Nettie Cruikshanks. 32°. [’78.]%! | pap., 60c..-.- SVeveiainioeisis suetevcis (fete cccce Puinam. | Hartzel, J. G. (ed.) Christian educators in council: addresses by Am. educators. 12°. 84 640 S25. Phillips & H. Harvard book. 2v. ill. 4° [’80.] $80; $40; $50. Houghton, O. § Co. Harvard College, Astronomical Observatory. Annals. vy. 8. pl. 4° ([777.]8!9 $10............ Gann. Cont. : pt. 1: Historicalaccount of the Obs. from Oct., 1855, | to Oct., 1876. — pt. 2: Astronomical engravings of the moon, | ylanets, ete. Astronomical engravings illustrating solar phe- | I E | nomena. Harvard examination papers; coll. and arr. by R. F. Leighton. 6thed. 12°. [°78.]*® $1.50..Gunn. Harvest of wild oats. See Lean, a aie | Harvest of years. Ewell, M. L. $1.25.. Putnam. | Harvest storm. (Amateur stage. 180s [heist pap., sees seces Nels cieeicelele oe LED DY. | Harvey, Alex. First lines of therapeutics T20F 7 Osa SEO ie cise) s ...-+- Appleton. |'Harvey, Ja. Paper money the money of civilization. SOL fhe SOt BAe Din = wince) craic Scribner, W. & A. See Hatton, J., and Harvey, M. Louisa Van Benthusen: a novel. Spl DO) si W. H. Thompson. Reminiscences and anecdotes - Daniel Webster. 8°. 13° $3 Little, B. § Co. Harvey, Mrs. 8. D. Dolly’s new shoes and some of the places they went to. 18°. ’77.9°° 30c..-Am. Dh. Harvey, JT: W. Elementary grammar and composi- tion. Rey. ed. (language course.) WUE Zo [aSOr Kass a2 . Van Antwerp. | Harvey, M. | Harvey, Minnie L. | 120° 789 547 20, De | Harvey, P: I fi. eee sooo osc eese Harvey Compton’s holiday; by the haihor of A child of the glens, etc. 12°. (Opes lOc. | Pott, ¥. § Co. ee ooe Edn., and Wildes, G: D. In memory of | Vv: A: Muhlenberg, D.D., LL.D. 8° ['77. aoe | : AP-, BC. 0. -0 eee eee rene rere st eeee Whittaker. hetamwrood: G: Coming democracy. 12°. ’82.°° $1.50. Macmillan. or, defence of the principles of a . Macmillan. establishment ; | — Dis national church, 8°. [’76.]*°° $4.50.HARWOOD Harwood, J: B. One false, both fair; or, a hard Tm * x ° ) 562 | knot: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. [’84.]**°" | : es : : —= Same. 2°." [278°]. oli; alk M2 Die vere eiei eve Griggs. Pap., 20C..-- ees eee es eee eee eee ee cess Hone I. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.%* pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.°° pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12° 784. Col DADp:; DO Crsiciclereeie« aieke . - Munro. — Paul Knox, pitman. « ranklin Sap ah) “40, Tree! pap., 10C..-.eee seers eee cece cere ee eeee Harper. — Young Lord Penrith: a novel. (Franklin oa lib. ) 12 HAUSSONVILLE ae B: Art-life, and other poems. 12°, [PATeD\ZSU Spllle = PAP., 2OCH. - mine sie .. Llaverty. Havilah. Spottswood, ne L. A. -Phillips § H. Haviland, Laura S. Woman’s life-work. 12°. 83.579 Sh) terete ereraiovare Bieielel «i ejekeieoeiici< BS eie ciste visio Walden. — Same. — Same. | Hawaii nei: idyll of the Pacific Isles. Bailey, E: DCH AO Ce erent cree crtierejereis ates eiciene orers Andrews. Haweis, Hu. R. American humorists. (Standard lib.) [2057 (esse paps 15 (OQ CU DD ODOD OD AAOC Funk. — My musical memories. (Standard lib.) 12°. °84.*997 SL3 pap., 2ZOC. oeeee ew eccer rece cscccececs Funk. Haweis, Mrs. Hu. R. Art of beauty. ill. sq. 16°. Ete [2210 81.75 aiedalevelel aie aiviatereveliciaic) sisieiere Harper. description of certain well-known 282.047 parch:, o1-50: Scribner § W. — Chaucer for children; a golden key. col. ill. sm. 4°. [([77.]77) $4.20 --- 222s cee e eed Scribner, W. § A. — Same. New ed., rev. 4°. ’82.5°° $2.50..Scrvbner § W. Hawes, Horace. Law respecting parties to actions, legal and equitable. 16°. ’84.°4! shp., $3..S. Whitney. — Beautiful houses: artistic houses. ill. 16°. Hawkesworth, J: Adventurer. See Johnson, S: Rambler. Hawkeyes. Surdette, R. J. l.50-...... Carleton. Hawkkins, Dexter A. The Roman Catholic Church in N. Y. City, public land and public money. 8°. | 780.*428) pap., SBC. +e cece cece ee coe Phillips § H. Dancing as an amusement. 16°. Sievonsisrate Tibbals. Phillips & I. Hawley, Bostwick. Miele: DOCK; Pape, 20Ciincrs- : — Shield of faith. 18°. ?80.482 flex., 25c. . | Hawley, C: Early chapters of Cayuga hist.: Jesuit missions in Goi-o-gouen, 1656-1684; also, Sulpi- tian mission among Cayugas about Quinte Bay, 1668; introd. by J:G. Shea. 8°. 7’79.°° pap., iliaiote e efere on cierelieMeraaite Sierra reece seein Ivison & P. | Hawley, F: B. Capital and population: study of the economic effects of their relations to each other. NO, AEE Sa Go00 46 myeleleierereieleiee Appleton. | Hawley, J: G. American criminal reports: latest and most important criminal cases determined in the feder: u and state courts in the U. S., with notes and ref. 3v. 8°. [’78]—’82.978 ea., shp., $6.00. Callaghan. (Eeonomie mono- Hawley, R: Essay on free trade. graphs.) 12% 778.*88! pap., 25c..--- Putnam. Hawley, 'T: P. Digest of reports. See Nevada, Sup. Ct. Haworth’s. See Burnett, Jfrs. F. H. Hawthorne, Julian. Archibald Malmaison. (Stand- ard lib.) 12% 7’84.*64! 75c.; pap., loc... Munk. — Beatrix Randolph: a story; ill. by A. Fredericks. 120. 2G 4 628 BDO) oe cece cosas ve -- Osgood. por. and ill. Bie cre eie stniete LOTS» Seeiesve | OSGOOG- (Our continent lib.) $1.25.. 120° 28SiAG18 S150 — Dust: a novel. 12°, ’83.*578 — Fortune’s fool. — Garth. 8° [°77.]*2 $1.50; pap., $1-.-Appleton. — Mrs. Gainsborough’s diamonds: a story. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. [’78.]347 pap., 20c...-..-2 {ppleton. — Sebastian Strome: a novel. 8° 780.*48 pap., 75c. Appleton. Hawthorne, Nathl. Complete works. (Fireside ed.) 12v. ill. 16°. ’79.4!4 $20.. Houghton, O. § Co. — Same. (Little classic ed.) 25v. ill. 16°. 76-83. CAs DL aicicieins vise) veineee - Houghton, M. § Co. ee ae eee aeianenamnliionHAWTHORNE 174 HAY Hawthorne, Nathl., continued. | Hay, Ma. Cecil, continued. — Same. (Riverside ed.) 12 v. etchings and por. | Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.5%? pap., 10c... Munro. 29 574-596 a, D< ) a (5 “YW apy %s Vj 3] 016 i Hah er. 8°. 783.*°74°S ea., $2... Houghton, M. § Co.|__ Brenda Yorke. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.5% pap., ih | Fi Cont. : 1. Twice-told tales. —2. Mosses from an old manse. — VOC oe ec eee eee Pompe Ogilvie. mi 8. House of the seven gables, and Snow image. — 4. Wonder | __ ark inheritance. (Half-hour ser ) 3820, 779,360 4 iy book, Tanglewood tales, and Grandfather’s chair. — 5. Scarlet < ts ‘ : Ser. v=". : . i | letter, and Blithedale romance. — 6. Marble faun. —7, 8. Our old pap., LD Cite eiciciets aifele ate (el sie tte e eee e cease Harper. hd home, and English note-books. —9. American note-books. —10.|— Same. (Pop. lib.) 16°. ’80.*447 pap., 15c. i { reneh See Do Tce CHIR are eo TIEN ee Fitch - [N. V. News. ] 4 shawe, Septimius Felton, and 4 seStri ootstep. — 12. ales, ¥ ee ee Do 1: : ; 502 a) sketches and other papers; with biog. sketch by G. P. Lathrop, | — Same, and other stories. (People’s lib.) 4°. 81.° and indexes. pap., LOC. cece cere cece cece ee eee eee ee ss Ogilvie. — Biographical stories; with questions. (Riverside lit. | — Dolf’s big brother; [also] How Snooks got out of it, > ¢ c oe > acy ~«* « . ION riv » ¢ 7 ~ ae ser ) 16°. 783.59 pap., 15c.. Houghton, M. § Co. by M. Argles; [also] ’Twixt cup and lip. (Sea- Ys : a 4o 2Q/) 459 : < i — Doctor Grimshawe’s secret: a romance; ed., with side lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 10c....---. Munro. pref. and notes, by J. Hawthorne 120, °’83|— Dorothy’s venture: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. Sa ee sand Jee 3 ee ie 229 536 ; Ka a [782].*97! $1.50. Same. (Lib. ed.) 16°. ’83. | 82.*995 pap., 15c.++++ ++. teeee ees ----. Harper. 6 . — Same. (People’s lib.) 49. Tb, Alesoacs Ogilvie. RED Piers fadevaiciolc elereleiel ele) afe\'s\e)s\esisiie cre eje «+++ Osgood. } y pat g ¢ . 0 {(Qage} 17 \ Oo 229 535 je 2a se — Ethan Brand; or, the unpardonable sin, and other | — See. (Seaside lib. ) 4 = 82.° — Dap: 20c. Munro. °§3.4 $1.95.....J: D. Williams. | — Few days. (People’s lib.) 4°. 81.°™ pap., 10e. stories. 12°. 3 Ss — Grandfather’s chair: history for youth. (Lovell’s | i vi ee Ogilere. InbeyelGor esdale) pap 20ch.. 2. J: W. Lovell. | — For her dear sake. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.*4! — Legends of New England. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. _ pap., loc... svcicisie elles ohare. cuexei che) ole che peels te Harper. : lata soe DUG eaten an. Osgood. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside . . /XT : i Inelre > 0 f?Q 542 ¢ ‘ » . — Legends of the Province House. (Vest-pocket ser.) lib., Poc ket ed.) 16°. [’84. ]' pap., 20c.. Munro. BAO OM (ee e8s: 50 is wal ociese caine Osgood. | — Her last Christmas day, and other stories. (People’s Ai a 1 % . ; 4o 229 569 f . oT er — Scarlet letter; ill. by F. O. C. Darley. pl. obl. f®. lib.) £°, 82. pap., 0c. sole) Sh cree che) Ogilvie. Pome IS tO) eee ee Houghton, M. & Co.|— Hidden perils; a novel. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. sce eae . ee oa aes ; Poe 7234 . 7 oe — Same. (Red-line ed.) 8°. [’77.]?°% $3..Osgood. L (0. \°" Pap-, (OC. -seseeeese -++++-.- Harper. — Sketches and studies. 16°. 783.8! $1. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c.; 10c... Munro. ie ty Houghton, M. & Co. | — In the holidays [and other stories]. (People’s lib.) i i ry. . r ~ ~ 29 9 Ss 509 c , ) lute HI — Tales of the White Hills. (Vest-pocket ser.) 82°. by Pre Oke 7 Pape, LOC. eee cce ence wens - Ogrivie. ih Tile Eesccnce Oo Osgood. Same; [also] The name cut on a gate. (Seaside lib.) ri : “J i : me aie 0 79] 474 ; > i | — Tanglewood tales for girls and boys. 30th ed. ill. ee OM pap., 10c. - ++... sie Sosa caer: Munro. ti 19°, 289.62 Sy bo... ... ... Houghton, M. § Co. | — Into the shade, and other stories. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Bi) — True stories from hist. and biog. 24th ed. ill. 12°. | Zoe gO Lem pap., 1dC. --2++ee+ see ; Harper. HI ZoGnbz TER) ee: Be Houghton, M. & Co. Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.°!° pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. i! | : — True stories from New Eng. hist., 1620-1803. Grand- | Same. ( Seaside lib.) 4°. °81.*°° pap., 20c... Munro. ae ti father’s chair, pts. 1-3; with questions. (River- | — Lady Carmichael’s will. See below Sorrow of a secret. mil side lit. ser.) 16°. 83.59 ea., pap., 15e. | — Same, and other Christmas stories by F: W: Robin- i ' Houghton, M. & Co. | son, and J. McCarthy. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. | ae — Twice told tales. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.]®4% pap., | "TIS Pap.y LOC. +e ee cere eee eee eee Harper. Bi SOG a See > W Lor — Little aversion {and other stories ]. Seaside lib. Ri ; LUC. yovell. ‘ z ¢ i ry? 3 . /XT oO 27Q09 56% ‘ . < mie} — Virtuoso’s collection, and other tales. (Vest-pocket soe OZ pap., 10C. --+--+++---0- oee- + Munro. i 1H ser-) $90 [v7 )?87 50c...-<--.--:-.= Osgood. |— Missing. (Half-hour ser.) 32° ’80.*#5° pap., 20e. a || — Wonder-book for girls and boys; eng. by Baker from i Harper. in| designs by Billings. 833d ed. 12°. °83.822 $1.50. |— Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81 °° pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. Hite | Houghton, M. & Co. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.48 pap., 10c.. Munro. Pi — See also Modern classics. — My first offer, and other stories. (Franklin Sq. lib.) } iy i a S - . y ? *490 c pen . 5 ie til — Analytical index to the works of Nathaniel Haw- Bo. S1.*°" pap., Loe. . sete eee eee ces - Harper. hie thorne, with a sketch of his life. 24°, ’89.*524|— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.49° pap., 10c... Munro. HI i $1.25; 12°. uniform with the Lib. ed., $2. — Nora’s love test. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. [77.]?” fh Houghton, M. § Co. : pap-, 50c... vette eee sete eect e eee tees Harper. \, rept — Hawthorne. (Am. classics for schools.) ill. 16°. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 200. 5 10c... Munro. aie SRN BUCKS ohne ccc mas cas Houghton, M. § Co. |— Old Myddelton’s money. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., ae = wan peel) 20c. : , Same Senside li nolcatie Meigs Hawthorne, and other poems. Stedman, E. C. $1.25. a i -5 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) te} : 205 84. paps, LOC ce oc cre aes ose Munro ai Houghton, O. & Co. Posed he noe 1 her sketcl P, | a ee Hawthorne portfolio: cont. copies of the etchings| _ ane a eee seve eee ne Bketches. (ie a es hea made for Hawthorne’s works, incl. por. ’83.8)8 | ; LD) CS Oe UC ee Oo OR By F _7, |— Reaping the whirlwind. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. Spi Deeatororeleicieic nisi e/cicieiel ele e\ciclece Houghton, M. & Co. | aime) / iti} H El y WAN Seana P : E- FSY yer, Bec aoqooc aclerateieleieiers «lovid OAs) 677s Bae | VIVA pseua. NCE £ 2WS a | - . : : wa ay, : Zev pseud. ) ce Andrews, F. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., l0c.......4 Wunro. Af Hay, Ma. ( foe one the Uns and other stories. | Shadow on the threshold. (Half-hour ser.) 329°. (Fran clin § q. lib.) 4°. ’82.*°8 pap., 15c.. Harper. | (e7ouee papsloc cass cc eee ec ek Harper. e ae Sales) 0 2929 529 +, ~ - ‘ a et ae are — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 82.9 pap., 10c... Munro. Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.494 pap., 10c... Ogilvie. — Arundel motto: 8°. Wo pap., 75¢c. .... Harper. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10c. ..... Munro. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°°4 pap., 20c.. Ogilvie. | — Sister’s sacrifice. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.578 pap., — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c.; 10c... Munro. NOCH wiecisicinec cee ccc ces myeisicieier - Ogrivie. | ad > cAnS Woe ayo. "1A (Was. . ‘ ° - . Bie At es paces othe Ny Eto: (Franklin Sq. lib.) Something to read, no. 4: ten complete stories. 4°, fi Olle DADs OCS teiecie os eloielol-icyere Harper. 82853) eI HO pap Sl cee ase e eee Ogilvie. — Back to the old home. (Half-hour ser.) 32°, [78,1342 f 20e Bee: [ (0. | Cont.: A shadow on the threshold. — A dark inheritance. — pap., 2 i Bernese ener) onsensloeeicdeichols elolers Harper. Back to the old home. — Victor and vanquished. — The sorrow — Same. (People’s lib.) 40, 8] ,509 pap., 10c.] of a secret.—In the holidays. — Under life’s key.—Into the Og Ae shade. — Brenda Yorke. — Missing. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap.,10c. Same. (Sea-| ¢ K ve — Sorrow of a secret: a story. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.69 pap., 10c. Mi eeeces anaes 1D Cicer ce rie seteteral ofc cleie cress Harper. — Same; [also] Lady Carmichael’s will. (People’s Munvo. ait - ae the dawn. (People’s lib.) 49°. ”82.580 pap., lib.)) 40°" 781.895 pap., 10c. ..---..--- Ogulvre. ‘ DOME recleiloeiclerie cc. or eg Bid i Byes soceee sess ++ Ogulute.|— Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap., L0c......- Munro. ait Wenge ee novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°, | — Squire’s legacy. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c.; 10c. a . CEL Eh, WOO oocooonocune sd05 oS .. Harper. | Vunro. Hi} 4 ot yHAY (5 HEAD Hay, Ma. Cecil, comtinued. — Told in New England, and other stories. (Seaside libs )s 49. 28 e292" paps, LOCi cer ccteiac Munro. — Under life’s key, and other stories. (Franklin Sq. libs) 405 78ie27* “paps, loc. fo. -.-cee Lanner: — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. --..Ogulere. — Same. (Se eas lib. y 4°, 781.479 pap., 20c.. Munro. — Victor and vanquished. (Eeoulsis libs) 4° spap:, DOCH ha icrstaicrebeetes sate eicilelavalelej cielo’ sic Ogilvie. Same. (Se aside libs»); 4°: pap. 5 NOS gco0a! Wunro. | Hay, T: History of a case of recurring sarcomatous | tumor of the orbit in a child. pl. 8°. [’77. ]?8° Stiff paps, DOC! secisie cw cisiers Lindsay § Blakiston. Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer. Yellowstone National Park, and the mountain regions of Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and Utah; ill. reproductions of water-color sketches by T: by chromolithographie Mo- ran. maps. f°. [’77.]?® in portfolio, hf. levant, DOU aicisieate olajelercye c/s eicreiere «lee cle eicelelsicl se) ale) LOT ANG. Hayden, H. H: Autobiography. 8°. '80.4%? pap., 50c. Am. News. Hayden, Marie L. Through fire; or, athomeandabroad. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°4? “i ap:, LOGs...- Ogilvie. Haydn, H. ¢ Amusements in the light of reason and Seripture. 16°. [780:)*#8 7dc. .... -Am. Tr. — Death and beyond. 12°. [’78.]*°! $L.. Baker, P. &§ Co. — Lay effort: its range and methods. sq. 16°. [’77. ]*"! {BY coor sjefiofelelel sisvala cals alarels vee- ees Randolph. Haydn, Jos. Dic tionary of dates, rel. to all ages and nations. 15th Lond. ed., by B: Vincent. Auth. Am. ed., with suppl. rel. to Am. topics, aud DiOg: index: by G. bP: Putnam. (8o [eile ‘hf. rus., STD ae eo nee Goa eee eee — Same. 17th ed., rev. ond continue dt o the close of 1881. 8° ’82.53° $9- hf. rus., $12. Same. 18th ed. 8°. 784,645 He Sia iree ise cians Gioie ee Putnam. — Same. 17th ed. by B: Vincent, rev. for Am. readers. | iby, G: €. Heplestony|. 8% i83-"/8 Soe shp- SHED Ois Ni iChes lel aecie «elec oo siet ole aim LL AANET. | Haydon, P: Wadsworth. Life, correspondence, and table talk of Benjamin Robert Haydon; with fac- simile ill. from Wiswoustials: Brig OS IIE Gch re ec ae ee W: F. Gall. Hayes, A. A., 77 New ic lon non and the Santa Fe trail. ill. and map. sq. 8°. ’80.*49° $2.50... Harper. Hayes, I: I. Arctic boat journey in the autumn of| 1g54., New ed., enl: ills 120: 7835922) 1-50: Houghton, M. & Co. — Cast away jn the cold: an old man’s story of a young man’s adventures. ill. 4°. [’77. ]8° $1.75..Lee gS. — Pictures of Arctic travel. 12°. ’81.47° $1.50.. Carleton. Hayes, J: L. The Angora goat; with app. on the Alpaca and its congeners, or wool-bearing anim: ils 7Q 5 of the Cordilleras of the Andes. 12°. 782.9” Spilec O Ofsieieie) sis elolole eu aiteyeleie) eo acereicie ee eee 0a. Hayes, SSDs Electro- thenn: alba: 20 [batten] aes DLE ZO aitarelal otallel oielole:s) ei einiaieler ere aicheeiainiarel mete ais sieiera (sere (O QUILe LatlOs |— Catholics and Protestants agreeing on the school Inittle, B. & Co. | — Treatise adpt. to the law and practice of the superior | and inferior courts in criminal cases. 2d ed., rev. | OOF 1G 2S ISN Des spOiac ec ciel +s ce Inttle, B. § Co. | Heart and cross. Oliphant, Js. M. O. W. 10c. Munro. Heart and its function. (Health primers.) ill. sq. 24°. question. 8°. 781:428° pap:, 10c...... Benziger Heckewelder, J: History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsyl- vania and the neighboring states. New rev. ed., introd. and notes by W: C. Reichel. 8°. [’76. ]?5? ROU Oi sca Sieeis so e ses aon Bias cee . Inppincott. | Heckla (pseud.) Three ofus. 16°. ’80.44 $1. Lothrop. | Hector, Mrs. Annie F. [‘‘Ms. Alexander.”] Ad- ZOlal le TAG: «coseismic cicioee cise sion - Appleton. Heart and science. See Collins, W: W. Eleanthistoness be, Weis | o2Dleecael Somerby. Heart-life in song. Marr, F. H. $1..Randolph § Z. Heart of Erin. Blackburne, E. O. 20c...... Munyro. | Heart of Europe. Colange, L. de. $38.75..... Estes. Heart of it. Stoddard, W: O. $1.25; 60c.; 20c. Putnam. Heart of Mid-Lothian. See Scott, Si W. Heart of steel. Wisher, F.C. $1.25 ...... Appleton. Heart-throbs of gifted authors. Browne, W: H. $1.25. Robinson. Heart twice won. Van Loon, Ms. B. $1.50 Peterson. Heartbroken; [also] A weak woman. (People’s lib.) 40, 782. 523 DAD ss 20 Cr erciete vice eiciensieyecie Ogilvie. Heart’s delight. Alderdice, IMs. E.W. $1.50. Carleton. Heart’s problem. See Gibbon, C: Hearts. Sce Murray, D: C. Heartsease. Porter, R. 35c...........-.Randolph. Heartsease. Yonge, C. M. 2 pts. ea., 20c... Munro. miral’s ward. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. 783.%586 ol. Same. -( ser.) 169. 783.592 DADs, GDC msn cee ete cieistevel ce nie = oreo) eis ---- Holt. — Same. 12°. 783.59? $1. pap., 50: Same. (Lovy- ell’s lib.) 169 783.98? pap., 20c...d: W. Loved. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.58 pap., 20¢. Same. Seer libs) Pocket ed®) 120% 183°824" nap.. 20) Cristerere Sielialeyclave relia ele] oir eic eee «-eee Munro. — Executor: a nov él (Le eis. hour ser.) 16°. ’83.*611 $1. Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) pap., 35c.. Holt. —— same. (ovellis libs); 129: 7833022) naps, 20c: J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 83.62 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib:, Pocket ed.) 129. ’84.679 pap., A) Corererelerela eleneial ove a Gite eicisie ainiere e eYc 5B | mal body in health and disease. ill. 8°. 782,580 2 Oe : me a : ES be, Te. EI oogoc aie oisieeielelessie sc efevejarele, VUE — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. Same. (Sea- : eS Gal side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 783.84 pap., 20e. Heldmann, Bernard. Mutiny on boards the ‘* Lean- or?” ctorv of > cas i _ 90 7Q9 1 *568 Maroe| der :’ story of the sea. ill. sq. 12°. 82. ] Hector Shaw. ho. Slescc..-.. Blarels oicieiete Roberts. | @ pee as ea ae ees is . = peli-conquered; or, the belton scholarship. a elt Oe Hector Servadoe. See Verne, J. ya Ae 1 =O ee Y H b Euripid ri 7 HT [’83. ] SLED) ereilel cle orslaile aleve eloiere ciavelere Dutton. ecubDa. Zuripides. Way elev cielalu olefalale(sre)s ; } ; ‘ r . eee ae ee e ¢ ee Cem “@N-\ Felen Graham. McKeever, H.B. $1.-...@arrigues. en, : D. Sunshine among > clouds: or , : ‘ 7 i © : evamong, the clouds); or, the | erejen' Grey. Packard, ©. M. 80c.... >. soe Am. Dn: Macdonalds. ill. 169 4677.29" $1.50. : U. D. Ward. Helen Hervey’s charge. English, M. 75c.... Carter. Hedge, F: H: Ways of the spirit, and other essays, | Helen of Troy. Lang, A. $1.50....Seribner’s Sons. 16°, [(77.]° $2 ..............-..-..hoberts, | Helena. Wuripides. 75c............-.--. Macmillan. Hedge, Levi. Logic. 12°. (['79.] 60c...Armstrong.|Héléne. Zola, BE. $1.25; 75c..........++.Feterson. Hedges, C. Reports. See Montana, Sup. Court. | Helen’s babies. Habberton, J: $1; 50c.... Peterson. Hedges, I: A. Sugar-canes: their products, culture | Helen’s first love. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. Munro. and manufacture; introd. by G: C. W. Belcher. | Revie enived.. 60, sissy is oes Hedges. | Hedges, Killingworth. Useful information on practical | Helen’s funny babies: Ethiop. burlesque. Dumont, HY LD Cie). -) elofn niece Cassell, P., G. § (Qo. | — Princess Eve: tr. from the Germ. by R. Sachs. ill. e1: r ‘ . . SOF Riedl aes Shits Ole teretcrercrelofecicicrciste o1e\:7CG Qt Ine Heilige Vaterunser illust. und ausgelegt Gottes lieben | 16°. [77.] ol. 0 : Lee § * Kindern zu nutz und frommen. sq. 8°. 778.388 | Helm, H: ‘I’. American roadsters and trotting horses; DAD LOC a eecrieoe sew aete vs sieisiele oelelle BLOUSE. with photographs. 8° [778.]*"7 $9. Rand, McN. & Co. Heilprin, Michael. Historical poetry of the ancient | ak is s Pp : Bs Ue ae Helmbold, H: T. AmtTJalunatic? Exposure of per- Hebrews: tr. and crit. ex. Ve 1 025 Cry 625 TOASTS Giae Pls onaoan vance ..-. Appleton. Ona oD eee in ue lunatic pesy lune OF ee Heimburg, W. Lottie of the mill; from the Germ. by DD eames ea ae See: . S : pia a? 2 ; F J Helmbold. K. 8. Dickey. 12°. 82.™°" $1.50. Lippincott. | rreimholtz, H. Popular lectures on scientific subjects ; Heine, H: Die Harzreise und das Buch Le Grand; tr. by BE. Atkinson. 2d ser. ill. 12° ’81.*488 ed. for students by J. A. Harrison. (Unterhal- GO eekakiew tale suewiouies B cieeiaierdncreeApletone tungs-Bibliothek.) 16°. °83. pap., 50c... Holt. | — Same. (Humboldt lib.) ill. 8% 781. pap., L5e. — Poems and ballads; tr. by KE. Lazarus: prefixed Fitzgerald. biog. sketch. 129 ?81.*494 $1.50: Helmuth, W: Tod. Scratches of a surgeon. 12°. R. Worthington. YS) ESI, Goog coo Sy eels) oa eiciais) oe ciererel OLQZLET LOTUS 23. (Sept. 84.)asians rn a i ene See a a HELMUTH 1 78 HENSHALL Helmuth, W: Tod, continued. — Steamer-book: daily life of a transatlantic seeker ‘ 445 after health, recreation and rest. 12°. 80.% il Be cache ei eiaies Sa lgie sone sllete sic Carleton. — Suprapubic lithotomy : the high ope) ration for stone. lith. pl. and wood eng. ’82.*°7 .Boericke § T. — System of surgery. 3d ed., rev. a corr. eng. 8°, °79.*37T shp., $8.50.-----+--- Boericke & T. Help heavenward. Winslow, O. 75¢...--.--- Carter. Erelper, Hinton Rowan. Oddments of Andean diplo- macy, and other oddments. 12°. 279.418) S10: W. S. Bryan. | Helpful-hand series. Bruce, Mrs. E. M. 6y. ea., | oo ee ee Unwersalist. M5 Caan co nieiataivic(e wishes clei eis isle Helpful thoughts for young men. Woolsey, Ab 10% BL25 200 cece veccerccrrrce sn0 00m d00" Lothrop. Helping hand. Giffe, W. T., and Rosecrans, J. H. 35c. SOOO OODDO DOOD OUD DOOD OOCUG DUO DODO Newhall. Helps, Six Arth. Friends in council: ser. of readings, and discourse thereon. 2y. 12% [ ae \o4% $4. Miller. Helps for the pulpit; or, sketches and sel. of racne by aminister. Newissue. 12°. [783.]% $2. : Tibbals. Helps to meditation. Mortimer, A. G. 2 vy. ea., $2.50. E. § J. B. Young. | | Henkel, F. Mistress of Ibichstein; from the Germ. by S..E. Boggs. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. ’84.*647 $1. Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) 16°. pap., 30c.. Holt. | Henn, P. See Abn, F: French ser. ; German ser. ; Latin ser. Hennell,T: Hydraulic and other tables for purposes sewerage and water supply. 8°. 784.88 $1.50. Spon. Hennepin, L: Description of Louisiana; tr. from the ed. of 1683, and compared with contemporaneous papers, by J: G. Shea. 8°. 780.488 $6... Shea. Hennequin, Alfr. Analytical synopsis of the French grammar. 12° ’83.°77 pap., 25c...[ Sheehan. ] — First French reading lessons. W205 279 RIS ee 2s | Ann Arbor Pub. | — Practical lessons in idiomatic French; reading, con- | position and conversation. 12°. ’81.*°°* hf. roan, CR th Orea cs ceiocucieieicleree overs recesses eres Appleton. — Practical tabu ar summary 0 ench pronunciatio Pract 1 tabul ry of Fr h pronunciation. 12°, 783.577 pap., eevee Sheehan. — Students and teachers’ manual of questions on the French grammar. 8° ([’77.]%° pap., 25c. Winchell. Henoch, E: Lectures on diseases of children: hand- book for physicians and students. (Lib. of stand. med. authors.) 8°. ’82.°43 subs., $1.25.. Wood. Helva’s child. March, K. M. $1 .....-...Randolph. |Henri. Lewis, Mfrs. L. P. 75c...-.-..---> Mucklow. Hemans, Js. Felicia Dorothea. Poetical works. 16°. | Henri dela Tour. Smith, J. F. 20c........ - Munro. Melo Dlg Spla2d. anim 2 nice wcheee cis es Crowell. | Henrietta Temple. Disraeli, B: 20c......../ Wunro. — Poems. 12% [780.] $2; gilt, $2.50... 5: #. Potter. ene poe 7 Dandes, de Aes sacoddcacasouc Harper. — Favorite poems: (Vest-pocket ser.) SP Pee Py OOn sain ernie oie Hicie ni cicie) elvicie) picisie (sleloinicle\ Osgood. — Breaking waves dashed high; with designs by L. B. Humphrey, eng. by Andrew. sq. 12°. ‘80 (°79]. bei” 81,50; Same. sq. 12°. 83 [782].56 Golden floral style, $1.75------+++++- --Lee gs S. — Same, with title: Landing of the Pilgrims; set to music by F. W. Root. obl. 8°. [’78.]*? pap., Oe wet cls mtetatalGisiciele: sieisel ere avetsiwlocisies o GCIVULTCR: — See also Modern classics. Hemingway, J. B. H. Reports. See Mississippi, Sup. Court. Hemming, W. D. Aids to forensic medicine and toxi- cology. (Sindents: aidiser) 169 2795225 b0c.8 PAP., 2OC. 2-2 cece caccne eres cccesccce Putnam. Hempstead, Fay. fandom arrows [poems]. 12°. Sf Quteoi USS il tel aveie felsic ele ee ele) oi ols/s1 sina] sieis! 17) 0 VILCOCL- Henderson, Mis. Fes. C. (ed.) Dunderviksborg, and other tales; forming an epitome of modern Eu- ropean literature. 12°. ’81.*44 $1.50. Lippincott. | — Same, with title: An epitome of modern European literature: 2ded. "12° 783 [’82]].*5 $1.50. Lippincott. Henderson, Howard. Practical hints on camping. ill. W205 = 2B DEKS6O Pi DD icieioe-e «sels See rerrs ---- Jansen. Henderson, J: C., 77. Our national system of educa- tion 1699. (ee. Giles . yn ore Pee eneodar Henderson, M: Anthony. Song of Milkanwatha; ill. by WH: Beard: Sdied: ili 16% 783."588 ST. Nwer. Henderson, Mrs. Ma. F. Practical cooking and din- ner-giving. ill. 12° [’76.]?>? $1.50.. Hamper. Henderson, P: MHand-book of plants. 8°. ’81.*494| O33 Goon0n00c0000 000000 000000000000 Henderson. Renee T. New developments of algebra. 12°. MaMitien | eee tp in inrereveres erclele ------ Claxton, R. § H. Pen aevcen Mrs. W. A. Common-sense in the kitchen. Le 20% eiGaileae spl DO cites eraveiore World Pub. Hendrick, Ma. F. Series of questions in Eng. and Am. literature, for class-drill and private study. NG, OLE lnakh, 88050055 0407 Davis, B. & Co. Hendricks, the hunter. Kingston, W: H. G. $1.50. Armstrong. | Heness, Gottlieb. Der Sprachlehrer unter seinen | Schiulenns h2ches (ei Gri|eau llecor arise felere FIOLE. Henry, C. S. Endless future of the human race. 12°. 209. 5 BD Caee cievereueteieksla\© eos 0\esiafe) el oor Appleton. — Satan as a moral philosophe Ts with other essays and sketches. 12° [777.]?8° $1.50 .. . Whittaker. Henry, Dan., 77. Under a fool’s cap: songs. 12°. | 2RASKCSD! TRO are: aisiciel& eevee cieielaie ines Belalerors Clarke Henry, H. L. Daisy and her friends. ill. 16°. ’78.%4 Bl cece wc sc ce cwcces ce veccsecce o+-ee Eresb, Bd. Henry, J. T. Early and later hist. of petroleum; with facts in regard to its deve toomieai in w estern | Pennsylvania. ill. 8° [’76.]*°% $4.50.. Baird. Henry, J: Jos. Account of Arnold’s campaign against Quebec, in the autumn. of 1775. 12°. [’77. ]?° NO) cveicie cio) pioeie (oo Gio ais/eielers sore wievelcln sieretercre IIULILSELES Henry, M. H. Treatment of varicocele by excision ot redundant scrotum. ill. 12°, ’81.*°° 50c... Vail. Henry, Jirs. Ma. H. [‘‘ Howe Benning.” Father’s house. rE, ANG. EOP eileen on Am. Tr. | — Finding her place. ill. 12°. [’83.]*°8® $1.50.Am. 7%. (= JHester lenox. ill; 120 (e77.del $0... Am. Er. — Opening plain paths. ill. 12°. [781.]*°° $1.25. Am. Tr. — Quiet corners. ill. 12° [’82.]*°®° $1.50...Am.7% Henry, Matihew. Commentary on the Bible; with practical remarks and observations and memoir. 6v. ill. roy. 8°. 782.959 $18........2rbbals. Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. Mabel’s work: sequel to The voice of the home. 16°. ’82.*°°8 $1.50; pap., yO Csteiei cic amie cer evelsiersielcic ecccvccoscc celal. Lemp. — Pledge and the cross: hist. of our pledge roll. 16°. | OTe Ss paps, DOC. ccc eee -- Nat. Temp. — Voice of the homer or, how Roy went West, and howhe ramehome again. 16°. *82.*599 $1,95.. Naz. Temp. | ~ SOS f | Henry Dunbar. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. 25c.....Dick. | | Henry Esmond. See Thackeray, W: M. | | Henry Lovell. Arnold, A. S. #1; 50c. .....Arnold. | Hensel, Sebastian. The Mendelssohn family (1729- 1847); from letters and journals; with por. from drawings by W: Hensel. 2d rev. ed.; tr. by C: | Klingemann and an Am. collaborator; with notice by G: Grove. 2 v. 8°. ’82 [’81].*°® $5.. Harper. Henshall, Ja. A. Book of the black bass; with treatise on angling and fly-fishing. ill. 12°, ’81.*#499 Bic lelaveietaeleied aie c/ciele elsielcjeic ciele clere «ele eicie OLOMICE:J HENSHEW Py ( 9 HERO Henshew, T. W. Young Mrs. Charnleigh: a novel. 2, BYE aac cece cccs ce CATleton. Henson, Josiah H. Autobiography, 1789-1879; with pref. by Mrs. H. B. Stowe, introd. notes by W. Phillips and J: G. Whittier, and app. on the [negro] exodus, by G. Haven. 12° ’79. $1.50. Russell. Hent’s forms and use of blanks; rey. by J. C. Bates. 8°. [777.7 shp., $6:50.........-.-. Bancroft. Henty,G. A. Boy knight who won his spurs fighting with King Richard of England: tale of the Cru- sades. illt - 129 783:59S $150 Roberts. — Out on the pampas; or, the young settlers: tale for boys; il. by J.-B: Zwecker: 2°05 © [v7.9 ses SSD Oa recic wie cols clo vow crelelsicraierereie'eie < hOLES Dn a COs — Young buglers: tale of the Peninsular war; ill. by J: Proctor and plans of battles. 12°. ’80.*4!9 $2.25. Dutton. Hentz, Mrs. Caro. L. Aunt Patty’s scrap-bag; ill. by Darley. (Dollarser.) 12°. [’78.]#*° $1.. Peterson. — Linda; or, the young pilot of the Belle Creole. sq. 16°. (Petey see pap., 75c... --.-. Peterson. Hephzibah Guinness. Mitchell, S: W. $1.75. oeeee | Herbert, G: Lippincott. | Hepworth) GH. lo! 169 78io*se2 — Starboard and port: the ‘‘ Nettie” 12°. (eG s est DL. (Dwseee coc © LAINE). Her Benny. Hocking, S. K. Ward § D. Her bosom friend. See Beautiful Lady Gladys. Her bright future. 12°. ’80.*4%° Her crime. (No name ser.) 16°. 782.*°°8 $1.. Roberts. Her daring venture, by the author of Mildred’s mistake; [also] Fame. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781.5? pap., MOG crawler teicrcleislc ones cic (oie/o clieieic creole sie aleleis Ogilvie. Her dearest foe. Hector, Ms. A. F. 30c. ..... Holt. Her face. Sce Her solemn promise. Her face to the foe. Holmes, M.N. 10c..... Ogilvie. Her face was her fortune. Robinson, F: W: 20c. Munro. Her first love. (People’s lib.) 4°. pap., 10c... Ogilvie. Her friend Lawrence. Benedict, F. L. $1.50.. Carleton. Her gentle deeds. See Keddie, H. Her inheritance. Pratt, L. M. $1.25..... Her Jadyship. Minor, T. C. ashes Her ladyship’s secret. See Taylor, J. R. Macon Moore. Her last Christmas day. Hay, M.C. 10c.... Ogilvie. Her little world. Logie, Ms. S. E. C. $1.50..Am. Tr. Her lord and master. Jean, Js. F. 10c...... Munro. Her lover’s friend, and other poems. Perry, N. $1.50. Houghton, O. § Co. Sl... Harper. along the shore. $l. eee er ee Sumner. $1.25 Nat. Temp. Sile2oe. G. Thomson. Her lovers. Clagett, S. H. $1.75....... - Lippincott. Her majesty the queen. Cooké, J: E. 60c. Lvppincott. Her mother’s darling. Riddell, dhs. J. H. 20c. Munro. Her mother’s sin. See Clay, B. M. Her object in life. Mayo, I. F. 10c.. .. Munro. Her picture. (Noname ser.) 16°. ’82.*°3% $1. Roberts. Her sacrifice. X. $1.25; Her sailor love. Her second love. Her second love. Ogle, A. $1; 50c....... Her seconds part. Carolino, P. 20c.. Her solemn promise, by the author of The silent shadow; [also] Her face. (People’s lib.) 4°. 2B bea ANA Das OC: etepererestevetenars) © «ie'c weno ee Oguivie. Her ugly friend, by the author of Can loss be gain? eeeee 75c. - Putnam. See Macquoid, Mrs. K. S. Clay, B. M. Peterson. oe oes LULNAM. [falso]/ My sister Nellie. (@eople’s lib.) 4°. PO DEPoe ADs lO Ceretein malelcelstel stein is olelele1 Seb: - Jansen. 1794: tale of the terror. (Sea- pap., 20c. .-.s eee seeee- Munro. Hereward, the last of the English. Herford, Brooke. young folks. Héricault, C: D. d’. side lib.) 4°. Hering, Constantine. Condensed materia medica; comp. with assistance of A. Korndoerfer and E. A. Farrington. roy. 8°. 78° hf. mor., $8. Boericke x TE — Guiding symptons of our materia medica. 8°. ’79.°”. eeeee aed dé $5; shp., $6; hf. mor., $7.-.-----J.M. Stoddart. — Homeopathic domestic physician, 8°. ’83.°° $2.50. Boertcke. Hering, Jeanie. Through the mist. (Railway lib.) NG, {4dolhs lke, cles oc . Routledge. Heritage of Langdale. Hector, Mrs. A. F. $1.25. - Holt. See Childs, T. S. Treatise on chattel shp., $7.50 «.seeceecseees mortgages. 8°. Herman, H: M. ; -- Cockcroft. [78.2 Herman, W: Dance of death. 12°, [’77.]?87 $1.25. Keller. |Herman. Werner, E. (pseud.) 10c.--+-++-- Munro. Hermann, L. Experimental pharmacology; tr., with notes andadd., by R. M. Smith. ill. 12°. ’83.%° BDO! sie tereltole rs 01-1 «1 eslere) a eerclenieliaus raterorer ayes iee COs Hermes (pseud.) See Mills, H:, qr. Hermit (The). Goldsmith, O. 41; Neisococs WAI Hermits (The). See Kingsley, C: Hermy. Molesworth, Mrs. M. $1.25-.--- Routledge. Hero (A). Craik, Mrs. D. Me WOckess a. on eulenzo’||| Be hel y iti || | lh eit me int a be it | Me HP | ae te | if ihe | j mets | | rtf ee it HERO 180 HEWETT 7 l a ea es Hero in the battle of life. Marsh, C. 50c..-- Carter. | Herring boat library. 4v. ill. 18°. [’76.]*** $2.. Nelson. Hero library for boys, by best Am. authors. 4 v. ill. | | Hersch, Hermann. Die Anna-lise: Germ. play, with 16 [SiR SSF ee. clave of oie eierels Lothrop. Cont.: The first hunt. — Mark at Lake Ranche. — First ee last tournament. — That night at Lower Eddy. Hero of the pen. See Werner, E. (pseud.) Herodotus. History. New Eng. version, ed., by G: Rawlinson, assisted by H: Rawlinson and J. G. | Wilkinson. New ed. 4y. ill. and maps. 8°. 73 (PATO IRS eis cele wc rercloici or cioreieiale: elev elevoiesey7 Appleton. | — Second Persian war; ed. for lower classes in schools, "by A. H. Cooke. (Elemen. classics.) 24°. 27 QRA0G: TAQ once yh ne ore eed Macmillan. — Stories from Herodotus and the seventh book of the hist. ; with Eng. notes by R. P. Keep. maps. NGOS 27. eee tA DO ers cle ote rerersyeicl s arsreie .- Harper. — See also Sencnton and Heredouts: Heroes and heroines of the Christian churecb. Ritchie, PASS SPD Oleic cioletere cere cvefevelec) Siolorie Oe cise AN. Los Heroes and kings. Church, A. J. 60c... Scribner & W. Heroes of Bohemia. Mears,J: W. $1.25.. Presb. a Heroes of Britain. Hodder, E. $3. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Heroes of charity. Cobb, J. F. 80c...-......1 1m. Tr. Heroes of faith. Vaughan, C: J. $1.75.. Macmillan. Heroes of Israel. Tucker, C. 5v. $5...... Carter. Heroes of literature. Dennis, J: net, $1.20 HO Se B. Young. | Heroes of science. Morton, E. J. C. net, $1.20. E. Od (Be Young. | Heroes of ’76. Trowbridge, J: T.,and Cobb, C. BE. $1. G. dD. Russell. Heroes of three wars. Glazier, W. $2....Hubbard. Heroic adventure: ch: Bae cent explor: auon and dis- | covery. por. andill. [ 782. ]*5° $1.25. Carter. | Heroines of charity; ae aia A. De vereus ane. hold lib.) 16°. [’78. jet pap., 2dc..-.-Sadlier. Heroines of the household. — Wilson, W. $1.50 Routledge. Heroism in humble life; or, the story of Ben Pritchard and Charley Campion. 16°. °83. 60c....Velson. | Heron, Dennis Caulfield. On jurisprudence and its rel. to the social sciences. 120°, (?77.292 $1.50. Turd & H. = Snes WS (PoP Sa Wea5aocene S. Whitney. | Heron, J: M. (ed.) Pocket-manual: or, our writers’ and travellers’ ready ref. book for every-day use 249, 82.*533 subs. , 00c.; pocket- book ‘sty le, mor.. 3] wisleioils biavele(sielsic 6 Secs Hee W. B. Stewart. — Same. Newissue. 24°, °83.596 subs., 50c. pocket-book style, $1; $1.50; rus., $9. W. HW. Thompson. no. 2: A key to a profitable occupation for any person: a universal text-book. 24°, ’83 *612 50c.; mor., $1; leath., pocket-book style, $1; mor., pocket-book style, $1.50; rus.. $2. W. H. Thompson. Hero’/sreward. Iba Rame, L. de. 10c........ Munro. Herr Baby. Molesworth, Mys.M. $2... - Macmillan. Herrick, M. W., and Doxsee, J. W. Probate law and practice of Iowa and Dakota. 80°, 84.544 “shp., $6 =) 0. Callaghan. ; mor., Herrick, Rob. Chrysomela; sel. poems; with notes by F. T. Palgrave (Golden treas. ser.) 16°, Kiealee SIMO b ee Macmallan — Favorite poems. Weel pockct ser.) ill. 82°. [77, ]300 | NOY, Sooac nOHOOdOC wiplsleisielelsicrec ic Noe taco — Selections from [his] ethers with drawings by E. Abbey. 4° 782.*589 @7 5Q — See also Modern classics. Herrick, Sophie Bledsoe. Wonders of plant-life under the microscope. 12°, ’83.*621 %) 59, Herrick, W: A afeeter- ; ee - Putnan. Powers, dutie Ss, and lik abilitie s of town from the lyrical | Herron, W. W. Citations. See Texas, Sup. Court. an interlinear tr. and directions for learning to read Germ., by C. F. Kroeh. 12° 782.537 $1. Appleton. | Herschel series. 4v. ill. 16° ’79.4°7 $9..WNelson. Cont.: Story of Benvenuto Cellini. — Story of Galileo. — Story of the Herschels. — Story of Sir Humphrey Davy. Hersee, H: Love master, love man: charade: (Acting drama.) 129 E7983) paps. locks a: Happy. | Hershon, P. I. (comp.) Talmudic miscellany; or, a thousand and one extracts from the Talmud, the Midrashim and the Kabbalah; pref. by F: W: Farrar. ae ng. and for. uniles: lib:3)) 89% 28i)-487 84.50 «222 Boon - Houghton, M. § Co. ae Alfreton. fonly a flirt: ition: comedietta. See New York drama. | Hervey, A Alpheus B. Beautiful wild flowers of Am.; from Se BBal water-color drawings after nature by I: Sprague; descriptive text, with extracts from Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes and others. f°. 782 (8). #52° $6........-Lothrop. — Manual of American sea mosses. col. pl 12°. ’81.5% SSD a caw cvstelisvevwiciieieeiseislslolele tele sancrere rece acc sieiol ee Bates. eee G: W. Manu: ral of revivals: practical hints and suggestions from hist. of revivals and biog. Of revivalists. 20° |[Sde|ees3" 7D Cs cen 3c Funk. | Hervilly, i mess d’. Bric-a-braec. (Acting drama.) WAY, eC) yen, NWies06 onacdoonbac Roorbach. — Carried by assault. (Acting drama.) 12°. [779.] DEPas UD CE te wre 1c wictelcnlieree\= nie eieicisioisieie «ic Roorbach. — Vent d’ouest: comédie; [also] La soupiére. Nouv. éd. (Théatre contemp.) 120. 28320°2 pap:, 25c. W: R. Jenkins Herwegh, G: Neue Gedichte: herausgegeben nach seinem Pode. 16° [277-2 $1855 pap., $1735. Doerflinger. Herzog, F. Benedict, and others. College cuts chosen from the Cotumbia PDECINOt 1880-81-82. ill. OD]: Wi205 2B ORB SS BOT Ole cieici= sores White & S. Herzog, J: J., and Schaff, Ph. Religious encyclope- dia; based on the Real Encyclopadie of Her- zog, Plitt, and Hauck; ed. by P. Schaff [and Others]. 3v. 4°. ’82—84.*°98"*637 e9,, subs., $6; shp., $7.50; hf. mor., $9; full mor., $12..Funk. Hesiod. Lat. Hesiodus. Hints from the Works and Days; or, moral, economical, and agricultural maxims and reflections of Hesiod; [also] The praise of rural life, from Horace. Dedicated to the Husbandmen of America, by an officer of the a Treasury Pepartibent: WG Pees Daas OCs oie scree «e+e esse. Brentano Bros. Fesnenicl and other poems. De Kay, C: $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Hesse-Wartegg, Ernest, Mrethery v. Tunis: the land and the people. ill. 12°. [’82.]*°8 $1.75.. Dodd. Hessey, I's. A few parochialsermons preached at St. Barnabas’ Church, Kensington. 12°. ’82,*6) WN, Hla’) goaoso adam coceeee- HLS J. B. Young. Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary war. Lowell, E: J. Sil’) Oaparata oe: eyeiele) oe savers sin alaie e) ssaueisiela @ eier. Harper. | Hester. Butt BoM; = 250 hea e ce - Appleton. | Ffester. See Oliphant, Ms. M. O. W. Hester Kirton. Macquoid, Ms. K. S. 20c... Munro. | Hester Lenox. Henry; Mrs: Me Hi: Sie... Am. Ur: | Hester Morley’s promise. See Smith, H. Hester Seung at St. Mark’s. Spofford, Ms. H. P. COE syaleliclolers aielaiclere olan cradles Gen ee -- Roberts. Hester Trueworthy" Ss royalty. yoObbins;, Was: SS: BQH see aes Siniele wk te Nie cree cree Seen: Carter. aad parish officers in Mass.: with forms and par- | Hetty’s strange history. Jackson, Ws. H. $1. Roberts. liamentary rules. 8°, °80.442 99.50. shp., $3. Inttle, B. & Co. Hewett, Edn. C. Tiere on pedagogy for young 5 teachers. 12°, [’84.]*® net, $1.. Van Antwerp.HEWETT 181 HIGHER Hewett, W. T. study. 129% 779 i%s2> pap., 75c.-.-. for parents and children. 32° 783.*°87 pap., DH Ce ee ecvoreieie lel oleere cine sine) siete elere ects Leypoldt. Hewitt, E. W., and Coleman, W. E. (comps.) Index of general orders and circulars affecting the quartermaster’s dep’t, U. 8S. A., 1865-1877. 1:20: 278.88 nap: Sil; Same, 2di eds. ‘enl: (interleaved.) 12° 79.95! hf. leath., $2; pap., SEDO! tea erel ee Siete rersveel sie erelel o eleretele apereveueieiare Hewttt. Hewitt, Graily. Diseases of women; their pathology, diagnosis and treatment, incl. the diagnosis of pregnancy. 4th Am. from 3d enl. Lond. ed. ill. 8°. 782.569 $9.50; pap., $1.50..Blakiston. — Same. New Am. ed., from 4th rev. and enl. Lond. ed.; ed., with notes and add., by H. M. Sims. | Hidden record. | Hide and seek. Qyv. ill. 12° 78368 $4.50.-.. Bermingham. Heyl, L: U.S. duties on imports, 1883. v. 2. 138th ed., rev., corr., and suppl. 8° ’83.°!8 hf. roan, SO rarcimiclele) eeielevele/el a) sve.sielelic/e.e)e) «e)a)e W: H. Morrison. Heyse, Paul. L’Arrabiata, and other tales. (Seaside libs), 4°: 789,552 pap., Ne Gaosaccs0ade Munro. — Barbarossa, and other tales. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°4° pap., LOC... +--+ cece eee ve eee silo a eletena ei eire Munro. | — Doomed. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’81.°!® pap., 10c.. Munro. — Fair Kate. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°3 pap., 10c.. Munro. | Frisian language and literature: hist. | Hicks, C. L. Manual of Greek historical inscriptions. Finch. | Hewins, C. M. (comp.) Books for the young: guide| Hicks, L. E. 2 ¢ IQ 531 tho) 7 . SOF 762s a 2alo Macmullan. A critique of design-arguments: review and examination of methods of reasoning in nat. se ee eee ew eee eee ees theology. 8°. ’83.*°57 $2..... Scribner's Sons. Hicks, W. J. Manual of Chancery pleading and practice. See Tennessee, Court of Chancery. Middenilife. Saphir; Bo Slb0. 3. ca: 1-0 - Carter. Hidden million: Merritt. RB. W0c;-.<. 25. -.-.0 Munro. Hidden perils. See Hay, M. C. See Blaisdell, E. W. Hidden treasure. Denison, Mvs. M. A. $1.50. Lothrop. Leonard, of Port Mawrice. 50c. Benziger. Russell, H. R. $1.. Pott, Y. § Co. sq. 8°. [’81.]**!3 bds., 50c.. Dodd. Hidden treasure. Hidden workings. ill. Hide-and-seek. Collins, W: W. 15dc. ......Munvro. Higgins, C: Hand-book of ophthalmic practice. 2d TeVe.ed= 169 7825880" OC. Kieren ee Blakiston. — On ophthalmic out-patient practice. 2d ed. 12°. BQ eeeS iD Chelle s) sie --+--+.-Lindsay § Blakiston. Higginson, Mrs. Ma. Thacher. Room for one more. TS Oe eaten 2b ire rere ciiinetie ayere IECR NE Se Higginson, T: Wentworth. Army life in a black regi- ment. Newed. 16° 782.549 $1.50...Leed&S. — Atlantic essays. New ed. 16°. ’82.543 $1.50.. Lee J: S. — Book of American explorers. (Young folks’ ser.) Ue 208 [iGilleee ple DOs cack acre etre Lee § S. — Common-sense about women. 12° 82) [781] #519 GpIb) erehatsvcrale\clayai ore eter el ciciceiaielerey ciel aicleieiele Lee & 8S. — Malbone: an Oldport romance. New ed. 16°. ’82.°4° SND One ce cseles oes Co eS eib cada eeoaees Lee & S. | — Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (Am. men of letters.) por. [GOs | BRA Cee Obie cic chores Houghton, M. & Co. — Fortnight at the Dead Lake; [also] Beatrice. (Sea- sidelib.) 4° ’81.°!® pap., 10c....-...J Wunro. — Im Paradiese: Roman in 7 Btichern. (Deutsche | Wuib.) 4° 8.48 ea., pap., 20c......- Munro. — Eng. In Paradise. 2yv. (Coll. of for. authors.) 16°, [’78.]847 $2; pap., $1.20.....-Appleton. — Kinder der Welt: Roman. 2 pts. (Deutsche Lib.) 40, 787.5) ea, pap:, 20C..--s-0- escort Munro. — Eng. Children of the world. 2 pts (Seaside lib.) 4° 788:587 ea., pap., 20c........ Munro. | — Tales from the German. (Coll. of for. authors.) 16°. 779.985 $1; pap., 60c...-- » ee Appleton. Cont.: Count Ernest’s home.— The dead lake.— The fury (L’? Arrabiata). —Judith Stern, — Witch of the Corso; from the Germ. by G: W. In-| graham. (Seaside lib.) 4° 782.5% pap., 10c. Munro. Heyward, W.I. Table of cases. See Georgia, Sup. | — Oldport days. New ed. 16° 782.943 $1.50..Lee § S. Out-door papers. Newed. 16°. 782.5493 1.50..Lee & S. Short studies 410 [A eee TDS hicte aie cicloios’ sere Wiclodeicisik cin ie eee Lee ¥ S. | — Young folks’ hist. of the U.S. New ed., brought down to Arthur’s administration. 16°, 782.555 Meo Goaco cdac ADIGOUGOO CONG GOGdC SocanlYyagacr iN Court. Heywood, J.C. How they strike me, these authors. | W205 Teste BDO sieses 6 oieie wre oan ele Lippincott. Hezekiel, G: Bismarck: his authentic biog., incl. many of his private letters and personal memo- randa. ill. 8° [7’77.]?8* $3.50; hf. mor., $4.50. Fords. | High, Ja. L. Hibbard, F. G. 3iography of Rev. Leonidas L. Ham- line, late Bishop of the M. E. Church. 12°. TOE ENGNG ancoad ac avo cieiealciels ie epetete eis WVQL@er Hibberd, Shirley. Familiar garden flowers; figured by F. E: Hulme. Ist ser., col. pl. 12°. [’80.]**°° Higgs, Paget. Candle-power of the electric light. 8°. REE VM [Elbo 00005 sa0adoocuGDaN Dood Spon. — Electric transmission of power. ill. er. 8°. 779,47 BOO! a ais oid oie core sieve ws bio ors 6 clsze. os os ee eae NPON- — Practical application of electric light. ill. 8°. ’79.387 BED OE a cescrarelecieieveielsiera) sisi selon cieienn ete veer e- SPON. Higes, W. P. Algebra self-taught. cr. 8° ({/°76.]?% $1 same. 20ed: 82 78.02 Si. «ee ee SON. Treatise on extraordinary legal remedies. ded: 80s 784.837 chp: OD Oc ee Callaghan. — Treatise on the law of injunctions. 2ded. 2v. 8°. AO SG loauncooancs we cccececee es CQllaghan. High spirits. See Payn, J. High tide on th e coast of Lincolnshire, 1571. Ingelow, $5; full mor., $7.50; tree cf., $7.50. do 6208 £39 oho cocdoos Ane ee SR oberts: Y ~~ > y ~ fl, | “1 . ~ : : t Cassell, P., G. § Co. High-water mark. Dowling, R: 10c....... Munro. Hibshman, H. H. W. Abolish license: temperance Hinh water marl Teromeck S150 Tenet : > 9¢ ~ r 7a) = ark. ve >“ * (UDillee veces Ip : i address: 12°: 781.48 pap., be... -. Nat. Temp. aici F : _ R Nat ms I ‘ Tee tae : 5 s SNe igham, Jfs. Ma. R. gatha Lee’s inheritance. Hick, J: Experiments on the friction of the leather 5 ui : os aa seers = : : 99 «(Gal (Sunday-hour ser.) 32° [’78.]°*" pap., 30c. collars in hydraulic presses. 8°. 784." pap., : s hae ) Sinan | Randolph. : ae seu Be pis eee | —— Covenlya, New issnes 16ch a (i(lleas spaps)00c: Hickey, W: (comp. ) Constitution of the U.S., with | Randolph. alphabetical analysis; proceedings of the conti-|/__ Qther house. (Spare hourser.) 16°. [78.]*4? $1. nental Congress; Declaration of independence, | Randolph. ete. New enl. ed., rev. and brought down to |_ Our darling’s picture stories. 10 y. ill. 18°. [°78.] March 4, 1877, by A. Cumings. ill. 12° ’78.°°"| Olea ee ee eR ie . H: A. Young. cho) Fi). a4) } or ! : ea ui : 2 . BU aso error asai ion sions ocr cnc oles rcncaccns Murphy. Cont. : Pet chicken. —The rose party. — Nannie’s present. — Hickok, Laurens Perseus. Empirical psychology; or, Little pearl. — Rufus’ temptation. — Dolph’s trap. — Little com- forter. — Two robins. — Grandma’s chest. — The golden rule. the human mind as given in consciousness; rev. | with the codperation of J. H. Seelye. 12°. ’81.°!? | — Picture stories for boys. 16°. ’78. $1..H? A. Young. it “ 5 | . ° 7 . y Prey rs i = Glo Ole cine Go Me etic omer oie caeia ...-- Ginn. | — Picture stories for girls. 16°. ’78. $1..H: A. Young. — System of moral science; J. H. Seelye. 12°. ’80.%*49°9 $1.12.....-. Ginn. rey. with codperation of | Higher than the church. Hillern, W. v. 25¢e. Gottsberger.Sn <5 RE pl HIGHLAND 182 HILLYER Highland series. Robbins, Ms. 8.8. 6v. $7.50. Carter Highland widow. See Scott, Si W. Hight, B. W. Reports. See Iowa, Sup. Court. Highways andbyways. Gibson, W: H. $7.50.. Harper Hilary’s folly. See Clay, B. M. Hilda. See Clay, B. M. Hilda: apoem. Foster, H. A. $1.25....Lippincott. Hilda; or, Godleadeth. Hoffmann, F. 90c..Luth. Pid. Hilda; or, seekethnotherown. Shaw, C. $1.25.. Carter. Hilda and I. Benjamin, BE. B. $1.50...... Carleton. Hildeburn, Js. Ma. J. Pet series. 6 v. 32°. oe $1.25 @ (0101s) ove) ee\ee)e\s\leie (se) 0 00) a6 sje) 0/0) « 0) se Presb. Bd. Cont. : Gertie’s doll, and what became of it. — Bessie’s birds. — Doll Flora, and how she became a blessing to two little girls. — The white rabbit. —Mary’s doll and her young mistress. — Baby Gracie at the seaside. Hildegard. Waldow,E.v. 10c.............Munvro. Hildenbrand, W. Cable making and suspension | bridges; with special ref. to the cables of the Hast River Bridge: (Sci. ser:)) 16% [i771 828 WYK, GWG, svondooe ougacoucoDGKc Van Nostrand. Hildreth, R: History of the U.S. Rev. ed. 6y. 82. | LOO seaases Spiele tetelteseierel © ererenioveieienci ers o1- .---HHarper. Hill, Adam S. Principles of rhetoric and their appli- cation; with app. compr. rules for punctuation. 12°. [’78. } Spi lvcpersic cies sistciclescierers: s(eiaie Harper. | Hill, B., and Nevins, Winfield S. North shore of Mass. Bay: guide to and hist. of Marblehead, Salem Neck and Juniper Point, Beverly and Cape Ann. 16°. ’79.389 pap., 25c. .. Williams. Hill, B: D. Poems: devotional and occasional. 16°, | PGI Sil coqonos coousc aude oc ete OCLs IEDs Hill, Berkeley. Essentials of bandaging; with recs | tions for managing fractures and dislocations, for administering ether and chloroform, and for | using surgical apparatus. 5th ed., enl. 12°. Gotewas | Die ee atrotier af ctl 0) > -- Spon. Hill, H: F. Seven golden candlesticks; fulfilment of | the prophetic epistles of Christ ‘to the seven | churches, verified. 120°. (07-22 $1.25... Ballou. Hill, J: Waters of Marah. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 83.824) pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket a Wat hoot jh, Ae, 000 oanc00 ac -.--» Munro. Hill, J: C. Children’s sermon: with sel. of five min- utes’ sermons to children; for pastors, Sunday- school libraries and home reading. 16°. ’82.%*°43 BOGE ccs 2 clo cele cicie) siecle cis slevelcic eines Pees. Ba: — Hints on Bible readings: with coll. of readings from various sources. 12° [’77.]?!° $1 ..Randolph. The tabernacle. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 382°. ’81. E MG, Wes c68 605066 coacc sreceeese Phillips § H. | Hill, J: W pode. Management and diseases of the he dog: ill) 1298 278: 332 A socuo0 600d eCopt ell. | Bamiias MPR, A BD) ooo bood c0od 1k. Jenkins. | Hill, Kate Neely. Poor children’s Sees ae Millen noe AD Ce olen ere cele: oreyeieieie olor sia aver tol eloneererelsiey? Am. Bapt. |— That horrid & Sarat 16%: 77,9: 396 SL.-..Am. Bapt. Hill, Luc y Re Rhine roamings. ill. 8° ’80.*4%4 Dil! Cawialelocevs) éfuie eielevelerelaciele sialajiciuvate tee ca -Lee & S. | Hill, nw and Flo. D. The recorder of Bir- mingham: mem. of Matthew Davenport Hill, by | a daughters. 8% ’78.°8 $4.50 .. Macmillan. Hill, Examination manuals. See Wentworth, G: Ay and Hill, T: — Geometry and faith: suppl. to 9th Bridgewater treatise. 3ded., enl. 12°. ’82.553 $1.95..Dee& S. — Statement of the natural sources of HGsibee, with discussion of their validity, and of modern scep- tical objections; added article on the Ist chapter of Genesis. 8° [’77.]?® $1; pap., 75c..Draper. Hill, W. H. Ethics, or, moral philosophy. 12°. Benes. ele DO) ere cen sctere seis cisicio nee Murphy. | Hill and valley. Martineau, H. 1l5c...... J: W. Lovell. | Hill country .of Alabama; or, the land of rest. map. Soy (eS lees paps, 40Cre «cca aie eicler erator Spon. Hill of stones, a other poems. Mitchell, S:W. $1. ean M. & Co. Efilirest: Moulton, Si M. Slob... 5.52 -... Lothrop. | Hillebrand, K: France and the French in the 2d half of the 19th century; from the 3d Germ. ed. Boe OU eS ohiiDiac eo. sdand dor .-. Scribner & W. — German thought, from the seven years’ war to Goethe’s death. 12°. 780:*454 SI 75 ..... Holt. Hillern, Wilhelmine v. Ein Arzt der Seele. (Deutsche ei 40; 822089" nan ZO ceca Munro. — Ernestine: a novel; from the Germ. by S. Baring- Gould: 2v. 16° 9781475 °$1°50);;) pap:, 80c: Gottsberger. — Die Geier-Wally : Geschichte aus den Tyroler Alpen. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. 782.529 pap., 10c... Munro. — Eng. Geier-Wally: tale of the Tyrol. New issue. CHiandy-v. sers) 1169 279.822.1603" pap., 30c: Ree — Graveyard flower; from the Germ. by C. Bell. 16°. CEES tbs CNG cosa oppo encode - Gotts eee — Higher than the ehacches an art-legend of ancient | times; from the Germ. by M. J. Safford. 16°. ONE A OALs Mapes ZO Gsie sie cole wiecie so <5 Gottsberger. — Hour will come: tale of an Alpine cloister; from the Germ. by C. Bell. 16°. ’80.*46 pap., 40c. Gottsberger. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 80.4% pap., 20c... Munro. — Vulture maiden. (Seasidelib.) 4°. pap.,10c.. Munro. Hilliard, Fs. American law: comprehensive summary of the law in its various departments. 2v. 8°. UO BIE OO ere oof yore eieyere petra saisre -- Ward & P. Hills, O. A. Companion characters: ser. of studies in Bible biog. 16°. [783.]®4 $1.25 ...Randolph. Hills, W: H. (comp.) Students’ songs: newest and most popular college songs at Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Amherst, Vassar {and others]. 407 [4835))°22 pap:, bCc.. .. Aang: | Hillside and seaside in poetry. Larcom, L. $1. Osgood. | Hillyard, W. H. The little trapper. 16°. [?80.] SilieZO" steqevers\ yo iorclersieisiie eos ie i icis wc J: EB. Potter. | Hillyars and Burtons. Kingsley, H: $1...... Dodd. Hillyer, Shaler. The Marable family: novel. 12°. '79.*9° $1.50. Same. Cheap ed. 12° 782.545 | PAD OOCS iocists wie esi mcisre os eis LIQ DE), Hobbs, J. H. Architecture: cont. designs a ground | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20C.+--++-- - Munro. plans. 2ded., enl. 8°. [°76.]72? $3. 3. ippincott. | — What might have been. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7’83.°°? Hobby, Edn. Treatise on Texas landlaw. 8°. 83.5% | pap., L0c. --2+ eee recess eens Dorel a shp., $7.50 ..... se ie(stalereieteis isi elsi isis .... Gilbert Bk. | Hoffer, J. R. Thoughts heavenward. 16°. [°76.}257 Hobson, Arth. H. G. Amateur mechanic’s practical BaD AOC en ciclrclee nn ac ce sss ci +--+ [ Herald. ] hand-book. 12° [’78.] $1.25..Claxton,R.§ H. Hoffman, C: Fenno. Winter in the West: letters de- Hochaday, J: A. [and others]. Revised statutes. See scriptive of Chicago and vicinity 1833-4. Reprint, Wacsouri General Assembly with the original and new notes. (Hist. ser.) ae SoD ; See A fe ee 0) BOE Nass DU Cr acres ereici- wie Ferqus. Hochsten Kénigs Diener. Smith, H. 60c. -.Am.T7'r. Pt sae Pap: CUMS Hoffman, C:F. All the week through: ana Bible Hocking, Silas K. Her Benny. New ed. ill. 12°. : vi eee 84 [831 #619 &) : Ward & D readings, and prayers for families. 12°. [’78. sez « OV |e t eee eee eee eee ee wees 7 « [ Jas D8 | : s Gl ay is broeeaieleve ce Sielele Son ot 0 Am. aH Press. — His father; or, a mother’s legacy. New ed. ill. 12°. oa ae 84 [783].*619 ST ‘ auld» iD, | Days and nights with Nesaey or, words for the faith- ; a ats ce epee eer ee il : - To ene arene «619 | file GOs 28 oe BO cicicicy sei cicie « se eeioe Otte — Ivy: atale of cottage life. ill. 12°. 784 [’83]. = s é 2 Oe ne ene ele Geiss eae oe Ward & D. | — Sunday-school Book of common prayer. New ed. : é 0 326 ; 200 noe — Sea-waif. ill. 12°. 784 (’?83].*89 $1.. Ward & D. 18°. [’78.]° pap., 20c. ....-..Am. Ch. Press. Hodder, Edn. [< Old Merry.”] Ephraim and Helah. Hoffman, Hlisha A. Happy songs for the Sunday- school, the social meeting, and the home circle. JO. 28a SID Oe ce ces win ole oeeee oe LOthrop. Zein a 2 — Heroes of Britain in peace and war. 2v. - 2779), 404 | obl. 12°. [’76.]**? bds., 35c..-...--. Schneider Caen BO) ec cleleic eYoleie , . Cassell, P., G. & Co.| — and Tenney, J. H. The beacon light: coll. of hymns — On holy ground; or, scenes And inc ee in ae land | and tunes for Sunday-schools. ’82.°°° 30c. Ditson. of promise. 12°. [°78.]33 $1.50.. Whittaker.| Hoffman, M. I. Aunt Olive: her hidden past. 12°, Hodge, Arch. Alex. Life of C Henles es D.D. 28 22047: | BDO) cieieieleiers)o16 eel sie« eielerete icicle us Rea: por. 8°. [’ 80. JF" $3... +--+ Scribner's Sons. | Hoffman, Wickham. Camp, court, and siege. 12°. — Manual of forms; conformed to the doctrine and dis- [etienlese ele 2o1 sere eer be eiel ques reise aes . Harper. cipline of the Presbyterian Church. New and re- ; P Pal Cite a a as ,, |Moffmann, Prof. —. Modern magic: practical treatise written ed. 16°. [’83. ]°°7 flex. cl., 75c. Presb. Bd. en eee Oe Se on the art of conjuring. ill. 12°. [’76.]?*> $2.50. — Outlines of theology re-written andenl. 8°. ’79.%°° : a3 Guten Rouiledae: Hodge GG ommentary on Re NAG ed 160. ; withapp. cont. expl. of some of the best known C77 1300 $y ae Ghittin specialties of Messrs. Maskelyne and Cooke. hs NAO BTOE ee Bie poe othe SUeT: New ed. ill. 12° [°81.]°!© $1.50 .. Routledge. — Conference sapere: analyses of discourses, to the : s students of the Theol. Sem., Princeton, N. J. g0, | — Parlor amusements and evening party entertainments. 77.9, #380 3... : CRC hei Carag. Newed. ill. 12°. Sie ee $1.50.. Routledge. — Same. New ed., rev. " go, 283 [BZ tote SIND. —.Tricks with cards. New ed. ill. 12°. [781.56 Garner. Dds., 50C.. 622-2 weecce cece veecve sos Loutledge. — Discussions in church polity; sel. and arr. by W: | Hoffmann, Franz. Basil and Adelbert; or, each in his Durant, with pref. by A. A. Hodge. 8°. °78.*8°! own way; from the Germ. by M. P. Butcher. $O-DOle o cie's ele sine cicsisiceices = cise + WCUZONEIS SONS. (Fatherland ser.) 16°. ’83.*°9 70c...Luth. PubHOFFMANN 185 HOLLAND Hoffmann, Franz, continued. — Czar’s favorite; or, pride goes before the fall; from the Germ. by Ek. M. G. (Ivyser.) 18°. [’78.]3}° SOGE cinic eee» Crowell. — Same; with some account of the author. (River- sideed.) 2v. 8° 778.368 $3.50. lToughton, O. & Co. DOCH eicisicrciciierc. eels ery eleiele -.-+-Lt. Worthington. — The rhymester; or, the rules of rhymes guide to Eng. versification; with add. by A. Penn. [J. B. Matthews.] 16°. ’82.*°?9 $1 .... Appleton. | Hood's own: ood, T: 25c........... -+ +e Putnam. | | eoots and claws. Dyer, S. $1.50........4 1m. Bapt. | Hooker, Fanny. ([‘‘ Erniest Hoven.” ] Captive, yet | conqueror; tale of the first Christian century. il oe |ee> 7ces SNbO ce ere ee Am. Tr. Hooker, J: Reports. Sce Connecticut, Sup. Court of Errors. Hooker, Jos. Dalton. Botany. 18°. [’77.] 465c. Appleton. |— and Ball, J: Journal of a tour in Marocco and the | Great Atlas; with app., incl. geol. of Marocco, by G: Maw. ill. and maps. 8° 7’78.%°7 $6.50. Macmillan. Hooker, Worthington. Firstbookin chemistry. Rev. ed. 4° [777.7% hf. roan, 6dc. «....- Harper. — Science for the school and family. pt.1: Natural philosophy. 2ded., enl. ill. 12°. [°78.]8%7 $1. Harper. | Hookey-beak, the raven. ill. 4°. ’77. 50c.. Routledge. | Hooper, Mrs. Lucy Hamilton. Tsar’s window. (No | namersers)) 160; 28sec Beer cmc Roberts. | — Under the tricolor; or, the Am. colony in Paris: a NOVEls. . 120; = 2SOstses ODD ie ar oe oie Lippincott. | Hooper, Ma. Waysand tricks of animals, with stories about Aunt Mary’s pets; ill. by H. Weir and Others: 12° 780 [779 see Sloe. 5. Dutton. | Hooper, W. H., and Phillips, W. C. Pottery and porcelain: manual of marks; dictionary of easy ref. Newed. ill. 16° [’77. ]? $1.75. Macmillan. | Hooper’s physician’s vade-mecum: manual of physic, with outline of pathology, therapeutics and hy- giene, rev. by W: A. Guy and J: Harley. 10th ed. vy. J, 2: (lib: of ‘stand. med: authors:;) TE 90%, 264848 subs:. Cac. plea) «asics - Wood. Hoose, Ja. H. First-year arithmetic; teachers’ manual and first-year text-book. (School bul. pub.) NGO 28 2eRot hdsin DOC. cciew siciee © + oie LATGAeeNs | — First-year text-book of primary arithmetic. (Pupil’s | ed., School bul. pub.) 16°. ’82.°7° bds., 35c. Bardeen. — On the province of methods of teaching; introd. by C: W. Bennett. 16°. 779.*88 $1.. Davis, B. § Co. Hoosier schoolboy. Eggleston, E: $1. Scribner’s Sons. Hoosier schoolmaster. Eggleston, E: $1.25. Scribner’s Sons. | Hope, Mrs.—. lives of the early martyrs. (House- | hold lib.) 169. [778.]%4 pap., 25c....Sadlie:. | Hope, Alex. J. B. Beresford. The Brandreths: sequel to Strictly tied up. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7’83.°78 PAD OC cinve «wie le cic eieiefelsievera\e/crers\ oeeeee Munro. | — Strictly tied up: anovel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°78 | Pap., 20C.--22 eecereee BYeraieloke eaten clelatefer ere! Uunro. | Hope, Arth. Sorrento and inlaid work, for amateurs. | ill. 8°. [°77.]26° $1.50. Same. (Pop. ed.) designs. 8° [7’77.]788 pap., 50c.... Wilkinson. | Hope, Ascott Rob. (pseud.) See Moncrieff, R. H. | Hope, Lady Eliz. R. Wild hyacinths: a tale. 12°. | Sa a] Met BIO nee ee oe eee Pelselee sk Carter. | Hope, Eva. Grace Darling: the heroine of the Farne | Islands: all, 120% 283508 ais cr. -- Whittaker. Hope, Fes. Jane. Notes and thoughts on gardens and woodlands; ed. by A. J. Johnstone. 8° 781.57 SO ere reieicies © occ es cece tee secccc soccer o MACMILLAN:HOPE 18 9 HORSESHOE Hope, Ja. Barron. Under the empire; or, the story of Madelon. 12°. 779.38 pap., 50c. West, J. & Co. Hope, M: The prodigal daughter: story of female prison-life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.4% pap., 20c. Munro. Hope, Stanley. New Godiva. Cheap ed. 12°. ’80.*4?! pap-, 50C.-.-...+0 ie wrelevete cite eels) Sie1elc Lippincott. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c......- Munro. Hope Meredith. Tabor, EH. 10c..-.......... Munro. Hope Mills. Douglas, A. M. $1.50......... Lee § S. | Hope of the righteous. Chadbourne, P. A. 75c. Putnam. Hopeless case. Fawcett, E. $1.25. Houghton, M. § Co. Hopes and fears for art. Morris, W: $1.25..Roberts. Hopfen, Hans. Mein Onkel Don Juan: eine Geschichte aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert. (Deutsche Lib.) 40; "781.690: aps, 20 Ciecine cate a's siee oiesieie MULIT0- Hopkins, Alonzo. Geraldine, a souvenir of the St. Lawrence. 16°. ’81.*5° $1.25.....-+ Osgood. Hopkins, Alphonso A. John Bremm. 12°. [’77.]?° Dl ADisesace vce @ s(n) wl ee Ccisje) cicjele vice -.--- Lothrop. | — Our Sabbath evenings: home meditations in prose and verse. Jl6°. 781.459 $1.25........ Lothrop. — Sinner and saint; story of the woman’s crusade: a novels 120%; [SU eseh Sehr ee< -- Lothrop. — Waifs, and their authors. ill. sq. 12°. ’80.*4!” $2; gilt, $2.50 ...... sqdcde wislofs a (sio\eisiateloc! «st LOLIUTO De Hopkins, Ellice. Autumn swallows: a book of lyrics. Oe FOS e ee Dia ciciorel clslevelo/s)e1e/widie:s -- Macmillan. — Christ, the consoler. 16°. 780. $1.25..Randolph. — English woman’s work among working men; introd. | by, H. Burritt; W6es [e7Gn? 3bc7.. Ams: s- — On the early training of girls and boys: an appeal to working women.. 16°. ’83.*°8° pap., 10c. | Hopkins, W. B. The roller bandage. ill. 190, 283.1 Ne OD csc ciciets scissile sisieier cise Lippincott. Hopper, I: T. Story of his life. (Dollar novels.) NPY, hh EsILbodgadond cdc dO000unOOaC ---- Dodd. | Hoppin, A: [‘‘C. Auton.”] Fashionable sufferer; or, chapters from life’s comedy. ill. 12° ’83,*594 SED Okicicierbie eo icuevaetcueces cucu sever Houghton, M. & Co. | — Recollections of Auton House. ill. sq. 8° ’81.*16 Ddsi. il 25) wees esc cc clei Houghton, M. § Co. Hoppin, Ja. M. Homiletics. Newed. 8°. [’82.]*5?4 SOLO cleo cielo « Wie aletaicie clovelslelovelovere vi sieiciciee LOG |— Same. New issue. 8° [’83.]!° $1.50.... Funk. — Old England: its scenery, art, and people. New ed., | enl. 16% (°78.]279 $1.75.. Houghton, O: §.Co. | — (ed.) Memoir of H: Armitt Brown; with hist. ora- | tions. por. cr. 8°. 780.438 $2.50.. Lippincott. Hoppin, S:B. Medical directory of Philadelphia for ISS 1205 2O4 Reel SBD Oe crereiere cise Blakiston. Hoppus, Ma. A. M. Great treason: story of the war of independence. 12°. 783.8" $1..Macmillan. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 784.8! pap., 30¢e. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.3! pap., 30c. Munro. — Story of carnival. (Leis. hour ser.) 169. ’83.*586 Sl. Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) pap., 25c.. Holt. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.8 pap., 20c..Munzo. Horace. [Quintus Horatius Flaccus.] Opera. [Lat.] (Parchment lib.) 16°. ’83.°%? parch. ant., $1.25. Appleton. — Carmina [Latin], recognovit L. Mueller. (Latin and Greek texts.) 16°. 28D e083" Sw MacCoun. — Same. Lib. 1-4; ed., with introd. and notes, by T. Be kage. 169% 2832599) net. Si60 .- Macmillan. — Eng. Odes; in Eng. verse by C. Harrison. pt. 1. Mstibky 160) [ile DOC yes ce cco, Gui B. M. Hammett. | — Same, complete in Eng. rhyme and blank verse, by — Rose Turquand. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. [’76. ]?*7 PaAp-, DOC. ones e wees cicerccs sicko siecle ciara LEIDEN | Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 780.44 pap., 10c...Munvro. | | H: H. Pierce. 12°. ’84 [’83].*°? $2.. Lippincott. | — Same, tr. into Eng. verse, with life and notes by T. Martin; 16°. = [qe t8o Scie «cso Peonitersion On Hopkins, I. T. Blue-badge boys. ill. 16°. [’80.]*429| — Satires; ed., with notes, by A. Palmer. 16°. 783,69 GTO eraeeo) wei cte cies o) sale winters ciel bioleis aiewere: a) s1ePA MIDs) “Lures — Good-times girls. ill. 12°. [’84.]*8° $1.50..Am. 7’. — Harry Fennimore’s principles. ill. 12°. [’77.]?”4 WILE aie) ore sYalelele aiaoye siaieleloyelavclelalel efor eieieist seins Am. Tr. — Ready and willing. ill. 12% ([781.]*°% $1.25. Am. Tr. — Signal-flag. ill. 16°. ([779.]*4°3 90c....%1 im. Tr. Hopkins, J: Baker. By the waters of Babylon. (Seaside lib.) 4° 7’82.°°° pap., 10c.... Munro. Hopkins, Livingston. Comic hist. of the U.S.; co- piously ill. from sketches taken at a safe distance. TLE GOS 280 AASER DO Ciere erate ereitorel -Am. Bk. Hae. — Same. Newed. 16°. ’82.54! 75c. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa Parsons. Hand-book of the} earth: natural methods in geography. 24°. 2857x607 BIC) & cio eemiccmacie lie cee o. Lees 8S. — Motherhood: a poem. sq. 12°. ’81 [’80].*4° $1.50. Lee & S. Hopkins, Mahetible (pseud.) Mahetible Hopkins and 12°. 7 her travels: ill. by H. EH. Patterson. ill. Nes sl OOlsereicha steers) ceecececceee- Macmillan. — Same, and epistles; sel. and ed. by W. J. F. V. Baker. (Elemen. classics.) 24°. 781.48? flex. Glee A ()Crieicicis cic cis cis siarare aici cle nicresicic -.- Macmillan. — See also Hovenden, R. M. Horace McLean. (©’Hanlon, A. ldc........ Harper. : : pene | Horace Templeton. Lever, C: 20c. .-.-....1 Wunvro. — Uptothe mark. ill. 12°. [’83.]*°*° $1.50.Am. 77. | Hore Pauline. Paley, W: Todc.....-....... Nelson. Horatio Plodgers. Church,S. H. 90c.. W. B. Smith. Horatius and Virginia. Macaulay, T: B. 50c.. Osgood. Horkey (The). Bloomfield, R. $1.50 .. Macmillan. Horn, F: Winkel. History of the literature of the Seandinavian North, from ancient times, tr. by R. B. Anderson; [also] A bibliog. of books in the Eng. language rel. to Scandinavian countries ; prepared by de Solbere, 82: 84) [sa ene2 784. *643 SIs pap., 50C...+-sesseeee-e Lawrence. | Hopkins, M: Law of love and love as a law; or,| Horn of plenty. Alcott, L. M., and others. $1.75. Christian ethics; for use with The outline study Of man. Reve ed, 1205. 28 soos. ee ip. Scribner’s Sons. — Scriptural idea of man: lectures before the theolog- ical students at Princeton. 12°. ’83.*8 $1. Scribner's Sons. Hopkins, S. M. General liturgy and Book of common prayer. 8% 783.99 $1.25.....-...+.. Barnes. Hopkins, S: M. Reports. See New York, State, Court of Chancery. Hopkins, Sa. W. Life among the Piutes: their wrongs and claims; ed. by Mrs. H. Mann. 12°. 783.8" eeee eee eee ee weee Cupples. | BSED) chelelareretelele: aieisyaire aietalelelivia ciel ce alcvevele) ole Griggs. Horn, G: Count Silvius: romance from the Germ. by M. J. Safford. 12°. ’82.*58° $1.25.. Harlan. Horn, H: A. Drumming as a fine art: book about commercial travellers. 12°. 782.597 pap., 50c. Carleton. R. Worthington. Horne, R: H: Lifeof Napoleon. ill. 8° 777. $3.50. Routledge. — Orion: poem. 12°. [’79.] $1.50........ Roberts. Horrors! adpt. from the French by F. C. Valentine. TUE, OL Sa R23 pap.) O0Ck. a6: We Geers Horry, P: See Weems, M. L. Horses of the Am. turf which have trotted 2.30 and better. 12° [°77.]?8* pap., l0c...Mauenthal. — Same, season of wos 16% [7onsi@ paps, lOc: Frauenthal. Worseshoe Robinson. Kennedy, J: P. 2y. ea., ldc. J: W. Lovell. bee RecentsHORSLEY 190 HOUSEFUL Horsley, C: E: The bridal. $1.......----- Gordon. — Text-book of harmony. 12°. [’77.]?” 75c..- Harper. Hortense: hist. romance: tr. from the French by Rid) Malm: 18% [7-22 40c: . Kelly; PB. § Co. Horton, Fs. Allen. Progress of Christian missions: hand-book arr. with questions and answers. 32°. 789542 pap., Dy OM oiniclait elelelciciclic.e wi vic --eLresh. Bd. ; ; ; 2 ¢ 17Q 7345 Horton, S. Dana. Monetary situation. 8° [7’78.]° pap-, 50C. e+e .cceee cece rece eoeeeeeces Clarke. — Silver and gold, and their relation to the problem of } T 2 ¢ Ia 265 . pe | resumption. Newed., enl. 8° [’77.]**? $1.50. | | | | Houghton, Lord, continued. — Good-night and good-morning: words by Lord Houghton; illuminations and etchings by W. Sev- ern. sq. 8°. [’83.]*® ribbon-tied leaflets, $1.25. Roberts. | — Legend of St. Olaf’s kirk. sq. 12°. ’80.*48 pap., BOON s fewie tcleiic's aisles cisisers aisiesre sieicin claletete shee stele Clarke. Housewife’s opinion. Webster, A. $2.. Macmillan. Houssaye, Arsene. Life in Paris: letters on art, lit. and society. Newissue. 12°. 779.%*%? $1.25. R. Worthington. Houston, Edn. J. Easy lessons in natural philosophy for young children. ill. 16°. ’79.*999 bds., 50e. Eldredge. — Elements of chemistry. 12°. ’83.°!3 $1.50.. Hidredge. — Elements of natural philosophy. ill. 12°. °79.*#% SLED miete cc siecleleisie ste si elpie el cl ales six -22+- Lldredge. — Intermediate lessons in natural philosophy. 169°. PON S18 sO Goa aciseereieie sisters < e wlpiele(c cis ele Eldredge. — Outlines of natural philosophy, for young children. 1692 (7785122 bds:, b0C3-....-)- Claxton, R. § H. Houston, S: Life and select literary remains of S. Houston, of Texas, [ed.] by W: C. Crane. 8°. 784.842 subs., $53 Shp. BO.6 cece. . Lippincott. Hovelacque, Abel. Science of language: linguistic, philology, etymology; tr. by A. H. Keane. (Lib. of contemp. sci.) 12°. [?77.]?7! $1.75. Lippincott. Hoven, Erniest (pseud.) See Hooker, F. Hovenden, Rk. M. Horace’s life and character: epit- ome of his satires. 129° [°77.]7?7* $1.75. Macmillan. Hovey, Alvah. Manual of systematic theology and Christian ethics. 8° [777.]9!! $2.50. H: A. Young. — Progress of a century: the Baptists in 1776 and in W876; 18° eon eee pap., 8c.......Am. Bapt. Hovey, Horace C. Celebrated American caverns, es- pecially Mammoth, Wyandot and Luray; with notices of caves and grottoes in other lands. maps andill. 8° 782.4950 G2... 2. «8s. Clarke. Hovey, W: Causerie; from Boston Evening Tran- script. 24°. ’80[’79).*4! $1 ........Roderts. How, W. Walsham. Holy communion; 2 pts. pt. 1: Preparation; pt. 2: Companion. 24°. [’78. ]*%6 A ()ONsieieis) «ciciaicc + cleo clelcielsicicier « siclaselee MOLL a an OO. — Lectures on pastoral work. 16°. 783 [’84].*®° 80c. LH. § J. B. Young. How a farthing made a fortune. Bowen, Mrs. C. E. DO Creioterare «1 cer aial oie yere elsiislcleleilele eie\e/e\lslolslelisle’ ais Carter. How Billy went up in the world. Noble, A. L. $1.25. Nat. Temp. How Bob and I kept house. Albert, B. 15c.. Authors’. How Boggins was cured. ill. 24°. ’83.*8° pap., 10c. Dick. How he reached the White house. (Lovell’s lib.) 169. DADs 2OCs cele ieieielere.s) sisieie cle siokeieseisieis J: W. Lovell. How I married him. Collins, W: W. 1l0c... Ogilvie. How is your man? or, the sharks of Sharkville: reali- ties of the graveyard insurance system. ill. 16°. 282 [780]. #52" pap., BOC. « once renner ass LCOS. How itcameround. Smith, Is. L. T. 20c.J: W. Lovell. How itended. Flaacke, M. 25c...........Authors’. | How Jenny kept house. Jerrell, A. R. 60c...Am. S.S. | How Lisa loved the king. Eliot, G: (pseud.) $1.50. | Claxton. | How much I lovedthee. Eshobel, R. $1.25..Hshobel. How Nora Crena saved her own. Smith, dfs. L. T. Spl Dieralelel ler siclalieleleisl clalelerecierecinte cise sinercte Carter. | How nottodoit. Dunning, Js. A. K. $1.10..Am. S.S. | How Sandy came to his fortune. Richmond, Jf:s. E. | ls AMOS Soeccecoosnse slerele(s elelere ---+Wat. Temp. | How shall I goto God? Bonar, H. 40c. .... Carter. How shall we keep Sunday? answer in 4 pts. (Free relig. tracts.) 12°. [’°77.]?7° pap., 10c. Free Relig. | How she came into her kingdom. See Clarke, Mi-s.C. M. | How she won him. Moore, D: A. 75c.....< Peterson. How sorrow was changed into sympathy. Prentiss, Wield SIP coot no50008 oeeeeeeee- Randolph. How the poor live. Sims, G: R. 50c... Scribner & W. How the rain sprites were freed. Scudder, V. D. $1. Lothrop. How they strike me, these authors. Heywood, J. C. GED Ovacieie cin creer ciency cers © cre --.. Lippincott. How to be weatherwise. Noyes, I: P. 25c. Fowler & W. How tobe well. Fairchild, M.A. $1........ Wells. How to build a church. Goodell, C. L. 50c. Cong. Pub. How to build a house: co-operative building plans, cont. the most approved designs. ill. f°. ’83.*588 EA ENE noagoadcacagnecac ---.-- Co-op. Build. How to camp out. Gould, J: M. $1; 75c. Scribner’s Sons. How to conduct a public meeting. 12°. [’78.] pap., WD Ge cic setreretetere « sraielelc/atciole sichoin aierie cioteeea WCLLS: | How to do it. Dunning, Ms. A. K. $1.10..Am. S.S- | How to doit. Hale, EB: E. $1.25..... ----- Roberts. How to draw and paint. pl. 12°. ’80.*4%7 pap., $1. Dickerson. | How to get strong. Blaikie, W: $1....... Harper. How to grow handsome. Jacques, D. H. $1.. Wells. How to keep astore. Terry, S: H. $1.50. . Fowles 5 W. | How to keep boys on the farm. Hunt, G: D. 20ce. [G: D. Hunt.] How to learn the sense of three thousand French words inone hour. 18°. ([7’76.]75” pap., 25c....Dack. | How to liveinsummer. Lewis, Ms. A. 10c..Am. News. | How to live in winter. Lewis, Js. A. 25c.... Food. | How to make candy. 2ded. 12°. [’77.]?79 pap., 50c. Fletcher. How to make the best of life. Granville, J. M. 50c. Cassino. How to make up: practical guide for amateurs, ete. Col ill WC KS ose sap DU Chace: cia French. How to read. Reed: H. RB. S$1.25.......0.- Garner: How to see Jesus. Kimball, J. W. $1. Lockwood, B. § Co. How to sing. Daniell, W. H. 50c...... siasvenre Wieuls: How to spend the summer. 16°. [’78.]*4! pap., 25c. Chr. Un. How to travel. Knox, T: W. $1 .....-Duillingham. How to win in Wall street. 12°. 781.4 pap., 50c. Carleton. How two girls tried farming. Pratt, Irs. E. F. 50c. Lothrop. How we managed without servants; by a lady who can help. (Useful lib. ser.) 16°. [’76.]™° bds., 50c. Routledge. How we ought to live. Edwards, J. F. $4.... Watts. How we raised our baby. Walker, J. $1; 50c.. Derby. How we saved the old farm, and how it became a new farm; by a young farmer. 12° [°79.]*978 pap., BOGS siecle oree) icicle clo nie lelnns Soleie eieieiecelse 2 ONiU7UG)s How we went birds’-nesting. Harris, A. B. $1.50. Lothrop. a Tee eS Se S Rn a ao' Howell, IMs. Flo. E. HOWARD 192 HOYT Howard, fs. B. C. Fifty years in a Maryland kitchen. New ed. 12°. ’81.485 $1.50.. Lippincott. Howard, B: Chew. Court. Howard, Blanche Willis. Aunt Serena. 16°. ’81.*°™ Sia Directs sinha ece.e See; e16 eocceceseeoseeeeeee Osgood. — Guenn: a wave on ane Breton coast. ill. 89°. 84 (e Se 3). *620 Si]. 500 COD0DG DOU0 DOOO Osgood. — One summer: ill. nee | Hoppin. Sms (GOn [Mie] ee ROTI ()ioie co clelieiel sic) cle ele «ele eleiereie sivie *) ae -- Osgood. — QOne year abroad. 18° [’77.]?*7 $1 25. -- Osgood. Howard, Clarence J. Book of love ete 16°. 28.47 pap., 25C. -<.-- Biore o ereieie ele astoielereie 1s DUCK Howard, J. Q. Life, able services, and select speeches of R. B. Hayes. 12° [’76.]?#° $1.25; pap., 75C..+-+---+- S00d0D0 DODD00 00000 AAG Howard, Ja., and others. Practical politics. 8°. R02! RD vefereye alousle) ela) sieve/e)ia'=)s : Macmillan. Howard, J: Respiratory control for vocal purposes: inspiration — expiration. 783.°°° 60c. EH. S. Werner. Howard, Marion. Four friends and their fortunes. WE (69: (Sl |E eS S257... ~---- Presb. Bd. Howard, Ol. O. Donald’s school days. ill. 16%. 779.28) CRD eee eye osleil cieicies = «| cis (oisys) ols e) siclevsiere sss Lee & S. | — Nez Perce Joseph: account of his ancestors, his lands, his confederates, his enemies, his murders, his war, his pursuit and capi’: meee and por. 12°: 81 91 SS ZED) cissio siecle n) ets eve .--- Lee Xk Howard Ashton, and the world fe lived in. Miller, lis pee acrsie sie siecle 6 Settee sie asl Un. Presb. Bd. Howden, P: The horse: how to buy and sell; giving the points which distinguish a sound horse. ill. 12°. 789 042 EL B66 Gb00 GOOD Ob 000000 00000 Judd. Howe, E. W. Story of a country town: ill. from de- sionsiby, Wi. Ja. Wells; 120)" “83.Ki2 Sils2D: Howe & Co. Howe, Fes. R. A visit to Bois d’Haine, the home of Louise Lateau. (Rev. from the Ave Maria.) 120% UMS S50) =e. ----.. Kelly, P. § Co. Howe, J. Burdette. Woman of the world; drama with songs, etc. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79. ]%8° pap., ldc. .........- elec seis e)* «cles e's sic,s\e Happy. Howe, J: B. Common sense, mathematics and meta- physics of money. 12°. 781.5% $2. floughton, M. & Co. — Monetary and industrial fallacies: a dialogue. 8°. FAR ASIN 6 soaape bonded Houghton, O. & Co. L6os ia9e| Bile Houghton, O. § Co. — Political economy of Great Britain, the U.S. and Mrance; ini the use of money. 8° — ([47/8i1]838 O. — MAS. uetalisin and bi-metalism. BBD ec cece eevee reese eeveee Houghton, & Co. Howe, Jos. W. Excessive venery, masturbation and continence: 89 784.838 $3...... Berminghamn. Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward. Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli). (Hamous women ser.) 16° ’83.*613 Sbile cheretete oie apalelsl sie clelcleieleys ele) cia eis isle eas . Roberts. — Memoir of Dr. S: Gridley Howe; with other memo- rial tributes. por. 12°. fetiGo i222 “S50 paps, Perkins Inst. — Modern society. 16°. ’81 [’80].*48 50c...Roberis. Howe, Manley. Equitable taxation; or, the debtor’s Niente Son. [Bel esepaps. 20k te. Williams. Howe, Maud. Newport aquarelle. 12°. ’83.*6 1, Roberts. - Roberts. See Michigan, Legis- — San Rosario ranch. 16°. Howell, A. lature. 84 *645 1.2 General statutes. The coral bracelet, and other sketches: book for girls. 16°. 783.99 40c. So. Meth. Howell, G: Conflicts of capital and labor, historically and economically considered. 12°. (78.29 $3. Scribner & W. Reports. See United States, Sup. } } e | — Counterfeit presentment: comedy. 18°. » | | — (ed.) | Howie, Ja. Muir. Howells,W: Dean. Chance acquaintance; ill. by W: L. Sheppard. (Summer ed.) 16°. ’82.°°! pap., 50c. Houghton, M. & Co. wile eee Spills ic\cicls (elelieceiee eve lee) «cle ei cle) els) cle islc¥e sie «ie ° Osgood. — Doctor ae practice: a novel. 12°. 781.*517 Shi erercieieia) cin cols eile sielels)efoiricleis «)eielers ciers Osgood. — Fe: infu ‘responsibility and other stories. 120: 78) .+286 COs ooo00 CoKoUD Gbo0C aie) eieier sie oe rercisi- - Osgood. — Lady of ae Mroostoole: Tee O. & Co. — Little girl among the old masters; with introd. and comment. ill. obl. 24°. 784 [’83].*®” $2. Osgood. — Moderninstance: a novel. 12°, ’82.*°8! $1.50. Osgood. — Out of the question: comedy, Sqe L803. a[iaiienlease Sp ilie2 Diels crel siciers) = eciele isis ieelei ole eieie - Osgood. — Parlor car. (Vest- pocket ser.) 320°. P 76. ]255 50e. Osgood. — Register: farce. 32°. ’84.*®4 50Oc. ...... Osgood. — Sketch ofthe life and character of R. B. Hayes; also a biog. sketch of W: A. Wheeler. por. 129°. (PRAGA Sills pap., (OCs <-ig9..592 pap., MOG veicxeie: voc oicrsicieraie pie oc clalele ce) cls »-ee- Harper. — Same. 12°. 83. 590 $1; pap.,50c. Same. (Lov- ell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 20C.-. .eeeeene J: W. Lovell. — Same. (People’sed.) ill. 4° 7’82.°%° pap., 10c. ASR EVN) nooo coo0nse Cassell, P:., G., & Co. »¢ [eS Ssi bt RDO sem = clr © eine caer -- Cassell. — Mathematical drawing instruments, and how to use them: ‘sq: 12° 780.445) SiNb0) 5. ae - Bicknell. — Worked examination questions in plane peomennical drawing, for candidates for Royal ee \cad- emy at Woolwich. pl. 8°. 782,545 3. .. Baird. | Human life and its conditions. Church, R: W. $1.50. Macmillan. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap.,20c. Same. (Seaside | Humbling of the memblings. Besant, W. 10c.. Munro. | Humboldt library Cece cesses cess sce eeees Fitzgerald. lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°! pap.,20c. Munzo. —(ed.) G. T. T. Gone to Texas: letter from our Doys: [20% {84628 OD ei crere ate cele e Macmillan. — and others. Working classes in Europe, and other essays. 82h [iZiMie0S Bi eicr se cieieise TE Miller. | the New Testament for Eng. readers. 12°. 783,584 e J - | VWrocp Y 1 7A, Bh Same. 4th ed. 120, 89. 592 Plies: See Francis. | $l. 7a eoeecertceces eevee -- Cassell, Pe G. 5 Co. — Indirect testimony of history to the genuineness of | Hun, H: Guide to American medical students in the Gospels. 3ded. 12°. 782.59 $1.... Francis. Judaism atRome. 12° [776.]?! $9.25..J. Miller. —— sage. Athved, 120)" 2gibey seoron | Mrancis: Huish, Marcus B. (comp.) The year’s art: concise epitome of matters rel. to painting, sculpture and | | Hunchback: play. Knowles, J. S. See New York architecture, 1879, with information respecting events of 1880. 16°. ’80.45 90c. ., Macmillan. — Same, 1881. 12°. ’81.473 flex cl., $] lacunar Hulke, J. W. Sce Holmes, T., and Hulke, J. W. Hull, Asa. Garlands of DEAS S.S. music book. 16°. ree S0ce een. facies cies Lothrop. | cee CULE 28 [See SBC eee - Hull; Knowles. — Wreath of praise. obl. 12% 779.380 ds., 35c. . DAD es 2OCN were) ele ers eee eee sees Church. | HUrOpe: 82. 784888 bis ae cie) «cle se WOOE- Hun, Marcus T. Reports. See New York, State, Sup. Court. — Rules of all the courts of record. See New York, State, Courts. drama. | Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo, V: 20c... Munro. | Hundred cuirassiers. Grant, J. J0c. .......Munro. | Hungering and Uns eine IG; casoancs ----dAm. S. S. Hunnewell, Ja. F. Bibliography of Charlestown and Bunker Hill. TM So VSONES Or OSG00d- — Historical monuments of France. ill. 8°. 784.835 PS-DO) rec cscs cece wees reece vcvese sees OSJOOR.eae ees CE eee en gee rE HUNT 195 HURST Hunt, Mrs. Alfr. W. Barrington’s fate. (No name} ser.) 16° 783.°% $1.......+-.-..--- Roberts. Hunter, Rob. The encyc Opes dictionary: new and original Ons of ref. to all words in the Eng. — Basildon: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’79.*%4 language. vy. 1-4. 40, 783.624 ea., $3.. Cassell. : eee eae Lee teeeee cesses sees Harper. | Hunter, Thdr., ee Patten, Jarvis. Port charges and a a6 > rasket: ¢ re x1S ay 30 eee tT oa a novel. (Weis. hour ser.) 16°. requirements on vessels in the various ports of Ol. SRA saeieicie) ofevesers el chekerere)*) 2) shone ens --+++ Holt. the world. New rev.ed., incl. suppl. with index — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.47 pap., 20c. - piunio: : go. 784.69 $10; suppl. separate, $3 .... Wiley. — Posy ring: anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40. 8). eu vars y. — Telegraphic codex; to accompany the Port charges e pap., 10c...-.-.+-+--- cielo Ret ee eget es Hive : of the world. 2d ed., rev. and adpt. to the regu- = peme. (Seaside lib. ) 49. 781.2% pap., 10c... Munro. lations of U. S. companies. 8°. ’84.°° $5. Wiley. Hunt, D: Some general ideas concerning medical re-| Hunting adventures on land and sea. Knox, T: W TP : ( 977 1294 RG Tein e . t : : form: | sm. 49 [ieiit. T5C. «scccoce» Willams. Ov. en., $2.50. ioe ieuerciclencileierel = cine .- Harper. Hunt, De Forest. Homeopathic treatment of diphthe- | | Hunting ofthe snark. See Dodeson, Ga le ria. 16°) 280;*#24 Gl... 3... Eaton, L. & Co. | H : 1 : a g§ ¢ Huntington, Emily. Children’ s kitchen-garden book; Varese > : as 5 > ; > 9 ‘ . Sate . ae unt, Bara M. Alcohol ; as a food and mc dic es 12°. adpt. from the original, with additional songs. 17.]?77 GO. «+22 eee eee eee eee ee Nat. Temp. 16°, ’81.*#86 bds., 25e. — State and the liquor traffic. 12°. 781.*#” pap.» 10c. Schermerhorn ; Wynkoop. Nat. Temp.| Huntington, Faye (pseud.) See Foster, Mrsel. H. Hunt, G: D. y to ke 7s 2 farm. 16°. ’80.479 ae : See eee ee ana Huntington, F: D. Christ in the Christian year, and < e . Ys 7 | pap-, 20c. See cia eee orgie etch oe Ge D- Hunt. | in the life of man: sermons. 12°. [’77.]®°? $1.50. Hunt, H:G. B. Concise hist. of music. 16°. [78.347 | Dutton. $1. Same. 2d ed.,rev. 16°. [78.]™ § |—Common things of divine service. 16°. [’77.]*” = Scribner's Sons. | pap., LOC. -- 20 seee cree cere ce rece coerce Dutton. Hunt, J. N., and Gourley, H. y Modern spelling- | rmons on the G asia anvear. v.2. 120) | Bier book. 12°, 784.98 bds., 25c.....---- Tasntor. | SiO} ese ass: oo ee cee aeuiiss »..« - Dutton. Hunt, Mrs. J: The wards of Plotinus: a novel.|— Unconscious tuition. (Se ool: -room classics ) sq. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’81.*47 pap., 20c.. Harper. | 940, °78,*967 pap., loc....---«>-Davis, B. § Co. Hunt, Leigh. Book of the sonnet. 1. 16°. $2. | Huntington, G: P., and Metcalf, H: A. (comps.) Roberts. | Treasury of the Psalter: aid to the better under- — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. ['78.]**°| standing of the Psalms. 16°. ’81.%° $1.25. BOG seiacrsleke oie elere ole eelelslelelsi «fae Houghton, O. § Co. | Williams. — Table-talk: to which are added imaginary conversa- | Huntington, Jed. V. Lady Alice; or, the new Una. tions of Pope and Swift. (Handy-y. ser.) 16°. | 8°, (7°76. ]*° $2; pl.50.-...--------- , Sadlier. "79.889 pap. BOC. .-+2+s0- oilers ..- Appleton. | Huntington, L. S. Professor Conant: story of Eng. — See also Modern classics | and Am. social and political life. 12°. ’84.*°° Hunt, Lucy B. Hand-book of light gymnastics. 24°. | GO Dis eieleyeice e eiereieeile seine woes R. Worthington. "82 (781].*°°! FOC. .- 24-2 eee e wees . Lee le S. Eee W: R. Conditional immortality. 16°. [°78. 884 Bl. cee eee ee eens Meleniecre steel) ULLOM | Huntley, Stanley. Mr. and Mrs Spoopendyie: (Satchel ser.) sq. 16° [’81. 74 a6 BaD 25C. . B. Smith. Hunt, Madeline Bonavia. Little feces ill. by M. Howards ail: 160% [7S ekoe eb: Casseli, P., G. & Co. Hunt, N. Clemmons (comp.) Poetry of Bie lands coll. of translations into Eng. verse of the poetry | — Same, with title: Spoopendyke oe (Lovell’s of other languages, anc. and mod. 8°. [’83.]*®*?| lipo) 120s [esas p 93 pap., 20c..-.-J: W. Lovell. Dolce ee: Bee ae ae ke Porter § C. | Hurd, ©: E., and others. Kitty’s Christmas, and other Hunt, Rob. (ed.) Popular romances of the west of| stories. ill. 16°. "78.1383 bds., 35c... Lothrop. Eng. ; or, the drolls, traditions and superstitions | Hurd, H. B. Revised statutes. See Illinois, General of old Cornwall; ill. by G: Cruikshank. 3d ed., Assembly. end, 220) 78 eSs BS) viereie « wieiere os Scribner & W. oe = : : oe : Hurd, J: C. Theory of our national existence, as shown by the action of he's EY ernment of the U.S. since 1861. 8°. ’S1.°}2 .50.. Little, B. § Co. Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman. one history. (Chautau- qua text-bks.) 32°. 80. pap., 10c.. Phillips § H. — Lessoncompend for 1877—78. 2 v. 12°. EiGadie lee Hunt, Sandford. Laws rel. to religious corporations. Rey. ed., with address on laws of New York, by EB. L. Fancher. 12°. 782.5% shp., $1.25. Phillips & H. Hunt, Sara Keables. Ina’s visit to Virginia; ed. by W.G. BE. Cunnyngham. 18°. [’81.]*° 50c..-So. Meth. ee BOG Nelson & PE. — Yusuf in Egypt: < is friends. 3, Aero: Sl. CRS ROC GAA Gti Ram eee RA ee eaan tess Yusuf in Egypt: and! his friends 16° aig? | : om — Life of Christ. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 24°. °82. bed ce ee pap., 10c. .--+..----e- Dniels Sriseiele PPILALLU S| Gy Lae Hunt, Thdr. W. The principles of written discourse. 190 ASAT *SS7 Tete Bile alos aie meee elaine AI TIUSETONG- Hunt, T: Sterry. Coal and iron in Southern Ohio; mineral resources of the Hocking valley. map. Hurrah for Paris. Cone dren) nee, IP aeel Pap., 15C. -. ++ cece eeee veces yeceas sees L0OTUGCH. Hurst, Cath. E. E lizabetlt Chuistine: wife of Frederick the Great, from the Germ. and other sources. Qo) FQ) 482) SIRO)! paps. oen © dee +e 1 CASSUNO: : : ) 467 Donan of peiolOny S ae enature in thought and (Good women of histeaser) alls Teh OE é physiology; or, né Bue CO 5) cece ee Mgr aus AS teh w see Prillips § H. 2dC. language. 2drey. ed. 12°. ’82.°47 pap. o oD Grisstno dEUS Bibliotheca theologica: sel. and classi- Hunt, W:, and Morton, T: G. (comps.) Surgery in fied pip Boe eLDY oe the oloey ann gene) aes i i ; i i 75 rlOUS srature. 8°. ’83.*° go. ocrvone s a Hospital: epitome of practice since 1756; gious literature. ¢ 2 A [also] Papers by J: B. Roberts and F. Wood-|— Our theological century: contribution to the history of theology in the U. S. 12°. [’77. lee DG: bury. IO OES YE canno ey eteeeyecis Lippincott. Randolahe Hunt, W iM 4G alls on ant. 2d ser., ed. by H. M. Outlines of Bibleshist. Irevw ede) en. (Normal Knowlton. 8° 783.574 $1..Houghton, M. § Co. outline ser.) maps. 12° 78 361 flex., 50c. Hunted down: a detective’s recollections. 16°. 780.4% : Hitchcock & W. ; Nelson & P. pap-, 2ZOC. +++ ++. eM eleets eels) we seeee sees Ovaig.|— Same. Rev. ed., with full index. 12°. 280482) flex., Hunter, R. Practical observations on affections of the BOC’ cceiee ce crs es Be cee RUUD Si ale throat, lungs, and heart, their causes, prevention, | — Short hist. of the Pecorne ition. ill., map and por. and proper treatment. 16°. [777.]°°° pap., 50c. 12°, ’84.*844 flex. cl., 40c. ...+.-+-+«+ Harper Cooke. | — See also Crooks, G: R., and Hurst, J: F. a Leea HURST 196 HYPERION Hurst, J: T: Handbook of formule, tables, and memo randa for architectural surveyors and others en gaged in building. 10th ed., enl. roy. 32°. (776. |? So fereleees oi erorcieitc 50000 050000 000000000000 -- Spon. — (ed.) Spon’ s information for eolony: ul ex neineers. Way Oe SO [Mill ese ee ere <1 -1eke Slefalieje(eteicrs Spon. Cont.: Southern Africa, by H: Hill. $1.50.— India, by F. C. Danvers $1.75. — Spon’s Vike and memoranda for engineers. 5th ed. 48°. 783.619 roan, 40c.; cl. case, 50c. ... Spon. Husband foralover. Dupuy, E. A. 10c.... Ogilvie. Husband's secret. Dowling, R: 20c........ Munro. Husband’s story: (Seaside lib.) 4° pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [’84.]§4? pap., VOCE eicie rareccicl civic civcleisieicie cleo secs secs cee Munro. Husbands, Clement M. Law e married women in| Penn., with view of law of trusts in that state. Bo See Spi Ds D0) erresie T. § J. W. Johnson. Husmann,G: American grape growing and wine mak- | A Oe de ONS (eae Sle Olrervors ern sretorere Judd. Hussey, E.G. Home building. pl.andill. 4°. [°77.]26 CWanaponao ano Bonu evate stats ieis\e sa (arovene ciere Hussey. Huston, Ma. E. [‘‘ Cousin Mary.”] A summer journey yn Hurope. _ 12°, 78-597 S150... «.... Clarke. Hutchins, B: F. Autobiography of a bottle; [also] The gin-shop; ill. by G: Cruikshank. (Fife and | drumyser)) 95 169) [283.9284 — paps, 10e: Nat. Temp. Hutchins, C: L. (ed.) Barish ¢ *hoir: first ser., 1874- lo B% |RIPY BMooscacsooc --+- Hutchins. — Sunday-school hymnal. Yo GC. « ecw Pub. Hutchinson, E: Girder-making and practice of bridge- building in wrought iron, ill. by examples con- structed at the Skerne Iron Works, Darlington [eRe pls 80h 779i 8o Gan Be cee alee Spon. Hutchinson, Ellen Mackay. Songs and lyrics; with frontispiece from a painting by G: H. Boughton. WS LOS ON iso 60 od no0Gr Gisjers sie - Osgood. Hutchinson, J: Lectures chiefly expository on St. Paul’s first and second epistle to the Thessaloni- ans; with notes and ill. 8° 784.67 $3.75. Scribner & W. Hutchinson, Rob. Treatise on the law of carriers of goods and passengers. 8°. 779. $6.50. Callaghan. Hutchinson, T: Diary and letters; compiled by 2:0: Hutchinson. por. and fac-similes. 8°. ae Bone oo: Houghton, M. § Hutchinson, W: M. Song-land: ser. of ae ae small folks; 135 by A. W. ive er [and others]. SQerGcs Ou soces bass, sl b0s. 4. ae houtle dge. Huth, Alfr. H: Life and ie ay of H: T: Buckle. 2 v. WL 8 OSE COR scnososdee Scribner & W. ——w OLE 808 2h(as BO sletsicys . Appleton. Hutton, H:H. Manual of mensuration. eS ehoo) bul. pub:) il. 16° 782.*579 bds.,50c. .. Bardeen. Hutton, Ja. James and P hilip Van Arteve ld: sodes in the hist. of the an century. SD) mace Sow paps 2c ence Harper. Hutton, R: Holt. Essays in ene Sh cient 120°, Bae two epi- | EG. Le DO arereeie ies Soe ee ae — Sir Walter Scott. (E ng. men of letters.) 12°. [’78. ]948 75¢e. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 780.49 pap., | MOC erclorcita clots keels siete «ee -. Harper. | — Same. (Lovell s lib.) 16°. [’3d. ]68 pap., 10c. W. Lovell. Huxley, T: H: American addresses ; with lecture on the study of biology. 12°. [°77.]29° $1.95. Appleton. — Animal automatism, and other ess: ays. (Humboldt | Ibie,)) Ps (Pv IPS iene, RG, Sooor Fitzgerald. — Crayfish: introd. to mie study of zodlogy. (Internat sel. ser. ) lle 120 8), #426 $1.75 -- Appleton. — Evidence as to man’ s place in nature. (Humboldt lib) ile 49. 2801436 pap., 15e. -- Vitzge rald. — lume. (Eng. men of letters b)) PS, ADS ye Harper. | = | Huxley, T: H: , continued. Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° [’84.]®43 pap., 10c. 59 | J: W. Lovell. — Introductory to Science primer series. (Sci. prim- ers!) 169 780°*497" “flex. (cli. 45c...- Appleton. | — Lectures on evolution, with an app. on the study of | biology. (Humboldt lib.) 8° [’82.]5>® pap., 15c. Fitzgerald. — Manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. 8°. [°78. ]338 SO T5 ioe a eee Appleton. le Origin of species; or, the ¢ causes of the phenomena of oreae nature. (Humboldt lib.) 4°. 780.487 | pap., 15c..... ete ee eset eee eecnee Litzgerald. | — Physical basis of life, with other essays. (Humboldt | lib:) 4° ‘81. pap., 15c......-...Mtzgerald. | — Physiography: introd. to the study of nature. ill. 120% Slices (2-00) cloeeter rere eel = oe Appleton. | — Science and culture, and other essays. 12°, ’82,*534 Shilbs' 0) terostayeiejsieloreie ove\e\cys susie w see seeee-Appleton. |— and others. Darwin and Humboldt. (Humboldt lib.) 8°. 783.5°8 pap., 15c......... #utzgerald. | Hyacinthe, Father. rc: Loyson. ] Biographical sketches of Pére Hyacinthe and his wife. [Anon.] 16°. ASEM TEN PANO c00 oonodacos sie sires istele, > Payot. | Hyatt, Alpheus. About pebbles. (Guides for sci.-teach- WSs) GOS Wi ONeS0s Sane abc. cre) cle cre Ginn. 2 Commercial and other sponges (Guides for sci.- teaching.) all. 16% (779*36 Han., 25c:. Gann. — Common hydroids, corals and echinoderms. (Guides for sci.-teaching.) ill. 16°. ’79.*35 pap., 30c. Ginn. — Oyster, clam and other common mollusks. (Guides for sci. teaching.) pl. 16°. ’80.*497 pap., 35c. Ginn. — Worms and crustacea. (Guides for sci.-teaching. ) Ul Go See DaperoDCse seceee -e ce Ginn. Hyde, Alex., and others (eds.) The frozen zone and its explorers. ill. and maps. 8°. 780.477 an leath., G4 co Oe ee she evuk oaenns ”R. . Bliss. Hyde, Ms. Anna M. American boy’s life of ae Washington. New issue. por. 12°. 779,408 pl.25..- efarsfare(s) wie) =ie\ninoje) sie sleiciele «(exe ere clea MALLE I | Hyde, Ja. Nevins. Early medical Chicago: hist. sketch of the first practitioners of medicine. por. and ill. 8° ‘79.414 pap., 50c.....Mergus. — Practical treatise on diseases of the skin. ill. 8°. rOOn Lem leat hes @peo pies. ceric cine eel ee LLCs | | ple Ja. T. A new catechism or manual of instruc- | tion for students and other thoughtful inquirers. MGOr FSA eet ON ac ciec sce cece cee Revell. Hyde Park sketches. Western, A. R. 50c... Peterson. Hygeia: a city of health. Richardson, B: W. 30c. Macmillan: _| Hylton, J. Dunbar. Above the grave of John Oden- swurge, a cosmopolite; [also] Presidicide and battle of Antietam. 2d ed. por. 8° ’84.*641 $1.95, Challen. — Betrayed: anorthern tale. 8°. ’80.*428 $1.25.. Hylton. (Franklin | — Bride of Gettysburg: episode of 1863. 12°. ’78.%865 Shiller sss > Steer rece eee ees eee cece eeeees Lylton. | Hymns ah poems for little folks. ill. sq. 16°. [°76.]?5° DISD) rele ayeveleto nici eichclercis ei: evel clelefey orale) Sore Cassell. Hymns (oe infant minds. Taylor, A. and J. 45c. Routledge. Hymns from the land of Luther; tr. from the Germ. by H. L. L. 15th thous. 16° ’84,*688 $1.95, Nelson Hymns, home, Harvard. Sparks, Mfrs. M. C. $2.50. Walliams. | Hymns of praise for mpupite W Orel: 2695 219. “bdss, ] (WEscoonn 7 : Ri sin iolelisioreis AM. ret Hymns of the ages. W emeene C. S., and Guild, Wie Onve (Cae, DIDO) eee: re Hymus of the nativity. Bonar, H. $1...... Carter. Hypatia. See Kingsley, C: Hyperion. Sce Longfellow, 1: W.197 IM I have lived and loved. See Forrester, Mrs I love your wife. (Acting drama.) 12°. pap., 15c. Roorbach. Esaynos Collins; Wi We 20c)-.-.. . J: W. Lovell. Dowillt ‘Bower BeBe oll secc cejere crete «nee seiks Carter. Pe willshom Christ. Bower bs Ba lec. oo.. 5. Carter Iams, F. M. Behind the scenes: sketches from real life, by a pastor. 12° 783.5 Tbe... .. Lasher. Ice-cream and cakes: new coll. of receipts by an American. 12°. ’83.*°74 $1.50..Scribner’s Sons. Ice-pack and tundra. Gilder, W: H. $4. Scribner's Sons. Ida, Story of. See Alexander, F. Ida Craven. See Cadell, Mos. H. M. Ida Vane. See Reed, Idaho, Legislative Assembly. General laws, 9th—-12th session, 1876-1882. 4 v. 8°. ’77—’83.°°® ea., shp., CD VIIG S000 pclotsere Gisisiec eelotcie olen are - M. Relly. — Supreme Court. Reports. v.1, new ser. (66-80), by H: H. Prickett. 8°. 782:°° shp., $6. Bancroft. Idalia. See La Rame, L. de. Tdealsfanatie: Koreh; He B: Sle2b.3....0... SOLACE, Ideal poems from the Eng. poets. ill. 8° [’83.]*®!* SO eicivisie fei Maiaie Kibie evans eyeleteiniels Sieieis ee idealisten: Reimow, Me 20Ce for law; tr. from 5th Germ. ed! by J.J. Jualor, 12°. 77947) S150: Callaghan. Ihne, W. Early Rome from the foundation of the city to its destruction by the Gauls. Epochs of ane. h ] hist.) map. 16°. [’78.]%*° $1..Scribner’s Sons. Ike Partington. Shillaber, B: P. $1.50.....-LeegS. o t x Iliad. See Homer. Ilka on the hilltop. Illingworth, J. R. chapel. 16°. Boyesen, H. H. $1. Sermons cieaaned in a college 281.484 S1.50.......... Macmillan. Scribner's Sons Illinois, Appellate Courts. Reports. v. 1-13 (77-’84), by J. B. Bradwell. 8°. ’78- Ga cisesst ear. shp., SSS ED ()) crotsiotaielielotae. slelis/aieln/ slolwe) e/eie Re . Legal. News. — General Assembly. Compilation of the I uvs of Illinois rel. to township organization and management of county affairs, with forms and notes. New ed., enl., embr. the laws down to 1883, by E. M. Haines. 8°. 783.9! $3.50; shp., $4.-.-Legal Adv. — — Laws, rel. to roads and bridges, in counties under township organization; with notes and forms, part of div. II. of Haines’ Township or- ganization laws. New ed., 1883. 8°. ’84.°'° pap., .. Legal Adv. | | Illusions. Tllinois, continued. — — Laws. 31st—33d session, 1879-1883; with head notes and references to rev. statutes of 1877, 1880, 1882, by M-. Bradwell: Sy. 982 %79='83.50! ea., shp., $25 pap., $1.50.......... Legal News. — — Same, 33d session, 1883. 8°. ’83.°°7 hf. shp., SI D5 ct sk ies er - stcieleierocis . Rokker. Revised statutes, 1877-1883, comp. and ‘ed. by H. IBS Hurd (8\v5 (8°: 618 eg., shp., $3. Legal News. W. Cothran. net, $5. Same. "77-83. Same; with expl. notes, etc., 2 Vie 20% by G: 80.497 net, $6; or inl v. Ath rev. ed. -62 2835 6 Supreme Court. Reports. L. Freeman. 29 v. sore BEU=039)9 (eas. nie SOLD Obrerecrerelereier ol ciels telciaier ee . L. Freeman. — Citations s alphabetical table of Eng. Hae Am. cases, by H: W. Rogers. 8°. ’81. $6.50..Callaghan. — Digest os reports [1819-1883], by E: J. Hill. 5 v. 8°. ’79-’83. ea., shp., $6.50....... Callaghan. Sully, J. $1.50.... Appleton. Illustrated annual of phrenology and health almanac. [Annual.] 8°. ’76—'84.764" pap., 10c. .. Wells. Illustrated annual register of affairs for 1878. Wer ieee pap: Tucker. Tlustrated biog. of the great artists. ill. and por. 12% “79-84. ea., $1.25; hf. cf., $2.75; set, hf. cf., $80; hf. mor., $100; tree cf., $150. Scribner & W. Albrecht Diirer, by R. F. Heath. — Figure painters of by Lord R. Gower. — Fra Angelico and the early paint- by C. M. Phillmore.— Fra Bartolommeo, Al- bertinelli, and Andrea Del Sarto, by L. Scott. — Gainsborough and Constable, by G. Brock- Arnold. — Giotto, by H: Quilter. — V: Hogarth, by A. Dobson. — Hans Holbein, by J. Cundall. — Sir Edwin Landseer, by F. G. Stephens. — Leonardo Da Vinci, by J. P. Richter. — Little masters of Germany, by W. B. Scott. — Mantegna and Francia, by J. Cartwright. — Michelangelo Buonarroti, by C: Clement. — Overbeck, by J. B. Atkinson. — Raphael, by N. D’Anvers [N. R. E. Bell]. — Rembrandt, by J. W. Mollett. — Sir Joshua Reynolds, by F.S. Pulling. — Rubens, by C. W. Kett. —Tintoretto, by W. R. Osler. — Titian, by R. F. Heath. — Turner, by C. Monkhouse — Van Dyck and Hals, by P. R. Head. — V elazque z, by E. Stowe. — Vernet and Del: iroche, by J. eu, Rees. — Sir D: Wilkie, by J. W. Mollett. — Correg- gio, by M. Heaton. — Ghiberti and Donatello, by L. Scott. — Luca De la Robbia, with other Italian sculptors, by L. Scott. — Meissonier, by J. W. Mollett.— Murillo, by E. E. Minor. — G: Romney and Sir T: Lawrence, by Lord R. Gower. — Watteau, by J. W. Mollett. 78-107 (7684), 8°. ee ee ee eee eee ld rural o2. Vi. Cont. : Holland, ers of Florence, Tllustrated book of songs for children; 120, [778.]34° $1. Same. New issue. sq. 12°. 76 ode Seow o a eee cinacls Mellen: Illustrated Catholic family almanac. [Annual.} 12°. ea., pap., 2 - Cath. Pub. Illustrated family Christian almanac; astronom. cal- culations by G: W. Coakley. [Annual.] ill. 190, [e277 84.9003808 ea-| pap., LOc. <5. An. 77 Tllustrated hand-book to all religions, from the earliest ages to the presenttime. 12°. [’77.]°” $2. J: EH. Potter. us eee Hebrew almanac for the year 5643; Sep. 14. 1882, to Oct. 1, 1888. 8°. 782.55? pap., 25c. Funk. hist. register of the Centennial Exhib., 1876, and of the Exposition Universelle, iil. by Filmer. “eeeeer Illustrated Phila., Paris, 1878. 25 pts. col. pl. and eng. f. ’79.°*° ea., pap., 50c. -...-- Beeperater oie aiecelave) crererors Am. News. Illustrated primer. New cal 16°. Was ee tes POs ee 20 Care ares «cle mnie otells ester male Siethngn: Illustrated science for boys and citles ile 20: [(78U.jeo Ble... ee wee meres teyetelclscrerals Lothrop. Tllustrated table-book and first lessons in numbers. New ed. ill. 16°. ’82.°% bds., 20c...Cath. Pub. Tllustrirter deutsch-amerikanischer Familien-Kalendar fim Usiie 49: [GR “pap 5 20C cn Zickel. Illustrirter Katholischer Volks Kalender fiir 1877. 4°. [PVG 242) pap, 25C: ence oe a ce enn ese Zickel. Im finsteren Thale. Schupp, O. 45c...--..-dm. Tr. Im Paradiese. Heyse, P. 20c.---+--+++-+-> . Munro.IM 198 INDIANA Im Schillingshof. John, BH. 20c.........--../ Munro. | In Im Sturm des Lebens. Smith, H. 60c....... Am.Tr. Image ofair. Logan, A.S. 7dc...... .-. Lippincott. | I a a r yy n Image unveiled. ,Bates, L. $1 .......... Nat. Temp. ie , : ea | In Imaginary conversations. Landor, W.S. Sy. ea., | vl 5 Oey aerate wicreiel cre ciere Seo oer sie be sre Roberts. lt Imagination, and other essays. Macdonald, G: $1.50. | In Lothrop. | Imhoff, Alex. J. Life of Rev. Morris Officer. 129. | In [gta] soe) sale Olen crores cera: Jee) =) Un. B. Pub. |in Imitation of Christ. See Thomas a@ Kempis. | In Immer, A. Hermeneutics of the New Testament; tr. In from the Germ., with add. notes and full in- | dexes, by A. H. Newman. 8° (777. ]8° $2.20: Draper. Imperial natural history picture book. ill. fe. [’79.] | 12 $2.00; Dds. B.75 26.60 occ cece seo > MOULLEAGE. | Impressions and reminiscences. Sand, G: (pseud.) | SPEND) e eretayele sisielevsiay Scie) okels eiciel clay- ere W: F. Gull. | | Impressions of Theophrastus Such. See Eliot, G: u (pseud.) In ses: the need, and | Tn 375 < 2 . | pap., °c. Putnam. | ™ Improved ready reckoner, form and log-book; cont. Improved dwellings for laboring clas way tomeetit. pl. 8° °’79.* tables; 240. 28088! bds.. 2bc:...2. Porter § G, | 12 Improvisatore. Sce Andersen, H. C. | In In a country house. Forrester, Mrs. 10c.....1 Wunro. In a nutshell. Lewis, D. $1; $1.50....Clarke Bros. In a winter city. See La Rame, L. de. In In and out of doors with Charles Dickens. Fields, J. | Me OC eis ciciciet icici cioveieieles cuca ie eke Osgood. | In In beiden Hemispharen. Sutro-Schiicking, K. 10c. In Munro. | In Berkshire with the wild flowers. Goodale, E. and In IDE I ésanaccacose By elon octets ts siete rece Putnam. | See ‘ In In change unchanged. See Villari, L. fre TnChristos WWacdutth Je Re Sl hin... 2-0<..- Carter. | In dead earnest. Breckinridge, J. $1.25...Authors’. | In In der neuen Heimath. Tickhoff, A. 25c. ...Steiger. | In the far East: narrative of exploration and adventure in Cochin-China, Cambodia, Laos and Siam. _ ill. NGOs 279% (80 Ce cece ccr « Searevcie ayeKs ---+-WVelson. the fields. Hatheway, M. E. N. $1.25...Zothrop. the harbor. Longfellow, H: W. $1. Houghton, M. § Co. the holidays. See Hay, M. C. the meshes. McKenzie, C. $1.50..... Lippincott. the meshes. Thayer, W: R. 50c....-.... -- Sever. theomist. “Rorter, R. S125... 5.6. - Randolph. the olden time. See Roberts, M. the polar regions; nature and natural hist. in the frozen zone; with anecdotes and stories of ad- venture and travel. ill. 16° ’82.*564 $7.95. Nelson. the Rocky Mountains. Kingston, W: H. G. $1.50. Nelson. the saddle: coll. of poems on horseback riding. 16°. AVRIL gileh¢, (Glog bill Gado once Houghton, M. § Co. the Schillingsecourt. See John, E. the shadow of his hand. Porter, R. $1..Randolph. the shadow of the Pyrenees. Vincent, M. R. $2. Scribner's Sons. the sky garden. Champney, Mfrs. L. W. $2. Lockwood, B. & Co. the sunlight and out of it. Shaw, C. $1.25.. Carter. the temperate regions; nature and natural hist. in the temperate zones; with anecdotes and stories of adventures and travel. ill. 16°. °’82.%*56 $1.25 wie ais ele vie/sielalc ele a(e\pisiele ee sis\e eilhie «cele Nelson. the Tennessee mountains. Craddock, C: E. (pseud.) Spilln2 Dicravayerere ole s/cislate) sie © vel eee Houghton, M. & Co. the toils. Paddock, Mrs. ©. $1.50........ Dizon. the track of the troops. Ballantyne, R. M. $1.25. Nelson. the west countrie. See Crommelin, M. the whirlpool. Zola, E. $1.25; 75c..... Peterson. the wilderness. Warner, C: D. 75ce. Houghton, O. § Co. the woods; ee MEK. 2Sil ccc Bree tie ete! Velson. the world: Darling; M. G. Slc.n cc. oer Lee § S. the yearzi3: (Reuter, WH. 0c. .....- ----. Munro. trust. Oliphant, Is. M.O. W. 20c...... Munro. In der zwolften Stunde. Spielhagen, F: 10c...Munro. | In In His name. Hale, E: E. 40c. ..Zockwood, B. & Co. | In In In Maremma. Sce La Rame, L. de. In memoriam. See Tennyson, A. In Nazareth town. Chadwick, J: W. $1.75.. Roberts. In New Granada. Kingston, W: H. G. $1.50.. Nelson. | honor bound. Gibbon, C: 10c.. .........Munro. | Ina’s visit to Virginia. Hunt,S. K. 50c....So. Meth. | Independent movement in N. Y. as an element in the | nextelections, ete. Junius (pseud.) 50c.. Putnam. |Indermaur, J: Epitome of leading common law cases; | with short notes: intended as a guide to Smith’s Leading cases. 5Sthed. Am. ed., by C: A. Buck- namand B. Hall. 8° 783.94 $1.50..Soule& B. Index to periodical literature. Poole, W: F: $15- Gpil Crese cielolsiiciatelersrcicis\ » Sieia Instincts and incidents of childhood. 12°. [’78.]%#% pap., 40e.. evcvrV3sescceaoe - Fairbanks § Co. Houghton, M. & Co. Institute essays ; “Sead patore the ACinieters? Institute, | — Same. Am. ed., enl. 16°. ’83.*6!4 parch. bds., $2. Providence, R. I., Oct., 1879; introd. by H: W. Lippincott. . Bellows. 8°. °80.** $1.25; pap., $1 .. Hillis. | Ireland, F.G. Pocket classical dictionary. 24°. ’79,4% Institute reader. 12°. [’80.] 25c. .........Jvison. VAN ee eG ee A Putian: Institutes of Vishn u. See M uller, FE: M. Sacred | Ir eland, Ja. TS he pas A s ealeul: ator. cr. 8°. EY 6. 7259 »» | books of the East. | DOU sGlecisere emits eee sess cicisrcies oe cre --- Spon. Insurance year book for 1878. 4°. [’77.]* 75c.;| Ireland, Jos. N. Mrs. Duff. (Am. actor seh.) ill. pap., DOCH welcicicic sete twee ee ew wane Spectator. AOR 2B DeRose RD Dy iararsis a eer ciovcie es sieneie Osgood. Intellectual life. Heer P. G. $1.50; 50c. Roberts. | Ireland, Mrs. Ma. EB. Timothy: his neighbors and his Intercolonial (The). Fleming, S. $3..... Dawson. Priends: 020% | 6 ieooe lOO cre Lippincott. Interesting case. Allerdice, Mr. 20c...J: W. Lovell. | Irene; or, the lonely manor. Bauer, C. 50c. Interiors and interior details: fifty-two plates; with | 5 Macmilieadde EOL Hevea J: W. Lovell. introd., description of plates, and notes on wood | -*CR© acglliicuddy. see © Peer ee! finish, by W: B. Tuthill. pl. 4°. ’82.*5%° $7.50. | Irene, the missionary. 16° ’79.*4!! $1.25.. Roberts. Comstock. | Irenics. shires, do Bileoooocan05000Ke Phillips & H. Intermediate world. Townsend, L. T. $1.25..Lee § S. | Iris. See Randolph, Irs. International daily text-book, 1884. 48°. [’84. }822 | Tris. Toland, Ms. M. B. M. Hex Clee UDC sicice cic cicies cia ss ceisler 6 ae Ane SES! BS -- ee. ..- Lippincott. Irish, W: N. (ed.) Our marriage vow: the service International episode. James, H:, 77. 25c... Harper. and minister’s certificate. 16°. [77.]294 ac. International Exhibition, 1876. See Gentsnninl Eix- Whittaker hibition. Irish suietican almanac, for 1877-79. ill. 12°. International portrait gallery: por. with biog. sketches. (7678. ]2 ea., pap., 25¢...--..-.-- Lynch. 2v. 4°. [’79.] $5; gilt, $6..Cassell, P., G. § Co. | Irish Amy. Saenger, Wes ie LOGE a5. eA SoS International scientific series ......-...... Appleton. | Irish bar. ©’Flanagan, J. R. 5c. ....... .- Harper. Note. Entered under autbors and subjects. Irish book for the use of Irish classes in Am. Ist, 2d books. 12°. *78.*%64 ea., pap., 25c...Lynch. International trade. Phear, Si J: B. 90c. Macmillan. : : Se eS Irish detective. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 20c... Munro. Inter-oceanic canal and the Monroe doctrine. 12°. JO ERaee) Nie erica Duran: | Irish dialect recitations. Dick, W: B. 50c.; 30c.. Dick. Interpreter’s house. Newton, W: W. $1.25.. Carter. | Irish dialect recitations and readings. Burdett, J. S. = i 1D Ch felelesaveleicie tioisioleicroi cine sais i spelt ‘bach. Interrogatories to Jehovah. Bennett, D. M. 75c.; : ae ics : : Koon ach BOG ee Pe oe ee . Bennett. | vish faith in America: recollections of a missionary; x . a > Tra > y 7 > ‘ »90 Into the light; or, doubts < and certainties: story of to- porn the 3 rench iby E. McMahon. J day 16°. (C8027 Sil ..-... 0... dm. Tr. : ea Ce ciaenaee: Bee ee? ian atacts Into Micishade SHA Mo Irish legends. Lover, S: ee Gn plelersin.s © exere -» Munro. Introductory hist. of the U. S.; arr. on the catechet- Irish rebels in Eng. prisons. oss) O-D. as ical plan. ill. 16°. ’78.%°! bds., 40c... Cath. Pub. AIA) : : ae : Irish sketch book. See Thackeray, W: M. Invasion of Ivylands. Lyster, A. 75c... Pott, ¥. § Co : em az g : Iron boots 18o% se78s) 40chse.c eter cee <6 Crowell: Invisible eye. Erekmann, E., and Chatrian, A. 10c. : : on ae oy Ogilvie Tronicousin. Clarke, Me @: 50c: .--..4- -- Appleton. Invisible lodge. See Richter, J: P. F: : Iron gate and other poems. Holmes,O. W. $1.25. Houghton, M. & Co luntary voyage. art, I. nee oe Harper. : 2c g J . Involuntary voyage. Biart D Harpe Iron mask. Du Boisgobey, F. 20c..... -o.-- Munro. Stewart. See Linton, Ms. E. L. , ee : : oneap ic ce OD ee : : .| Iroquois book of rites. Hale, H. $3.......Brinton. Iota (pseud.) Adventures of a Protestant in search of | Trresiatible minders: d a wEYifle. CACtineldmarns a religion. (Household lib.) 16°. (°78.]° pap.,| Seep comesiot ten acting drama.) 95 c. Sailer WPS EBLE fps MY; on00 sco co gooc Roorbach. : i q< ie Re > Six irls: « > nV 9 > Iowa, General Assenibli. Acts and resolutions, 16th- PIAS) CET eE EG ape oe a howe oe oe ed: 19th session, 1876-1882. 4 y. 8°. ’76-’82. ea., bds. Tie Bae 2 ge a EO ec eine: VU. Adams. ClapheonUMaITS |e Same; ill. by F. T. Merrill. New issue. 12°. ee J vs etek oe 7Q2 7QH 964 Ss x4 Ne — Code of civil procedure; comp. by J. S. Stacy. : poe. y poll Dee fe vet ere. ae Listes: 8°. [’78.]*4! shp., net, $4.............. Mills. | Irving, H: Henry Irving: short account of his public — Revised and annotated code, by W: E. Miller. 2d ed. life. [Anon.] por. 16°. ’83.*619 pap., 50c. Zv. 8°. 780.48 shp., $12. Same, inlv. $10.. Mills. : i Gottsberger. — Supreme Court. Reports. vy. 7: reprint, with notes | “ving, Beate: Clear light from the spirit world. 12°. by C. ¢ Coley (89) 780.482 shps, @7cb0 -- Malls 84.097 $1.25 ........ eieheleie) slie/(eie ese. (0\0) 810 Carleton. — — Same. v. 41-60. 20 v. 8°. ‘76-84. ea., shp., $5. | Irving, Washington. Complete works. (Geoffrey Crayon Banks; Mills ; West. ed) 27 ve, SqeSo 482) Ga. S38 hr ch. Sh. P , oa 1: ’ ’ Cont. iy: A106 (7681), by J: S. Runnels.—y. 57, 58 (’81- set, $75; hf. cf., $125; levant, $150... Putnam. 82), by B. W. Hight. —v. 59, 60 (’82~’83), by E. C. Ebersole. @ 2 : ee eee Fee aero Cont.: Alhambra. — Astoria. — Bonneville. — Bracebridge — — Digest of decisions; continuation of v. 1, 2 by He all. = cus, ey a Crayon miscellany. — Goldsmith. — Withrow ¢ Chlea: ney , i: {i leee (20 rranada. — Iknickerbocker. — Mahomet, 2 vy. — Salmagundi. Mi throw and Stiles Ve x, { by Ki: H. Stiles. Oo : Sketch book. — Spanish papers. — Traveller. ay olfert’s Toot (JRE GA, ANd, bdo cn08 coue cone -«+» Mills. — Washington, 5 y. — Life and letters, 3 v.aS ge ee en See IRVING 201 JACK’S Irving, Washington, continued. Same> (idWudson ed) 27 v. wil: (er; 80s 382. ea., $1.75; set, $45; ht. cf., $92'...... Putnam. Same. (Kaaterskill ed.) 2v. imp. 8°. ’79. $10. Pollard. Cont.: 1. Sketch book; Alhambra; Conquest of Spain; Bracebridge Hall; Salmagundi; Conquest of Granada; Tales of a traveller; Knickerbocker’s history of New York; Companions of Columbus; Chronicle of Wolfert’s Roost; Sleepy Hollow, and other miscellanies. 2. Life of Columbus; Astoria; ‘Tour on the prairies; Newstead Abbey; Life of Mahomet; Abbotsford; Life of Oliver Goldsmith; Adventures of Captain Bonneville; Crayon papers, and Moorish Chronicles. — Same. (Spuyten Duyvil ed.) 12 v. 12°. 780. $20); his bound; $25; hf: cf, $42)....... Putnam. — Same. (SH eeane ed) 1O}v. 1205 384845. Sili7es | | | cee Agnes. See Wister, O. J., and Irwin, A. Is eternal punishment endless? Whiton, J. M. 75c Lockwood, B. 5 Co. Is he Popenjoy? See Trollope, A. Is life worth living? Mallock, W: H. $1.50. Putnam. Is lying easy? Benedix, R. 50c........... G.I. Jones. Is our republic a failure? Watson, BE. H. $1.50. Authors’. Is she his wife? See Dickens, C: Is that all? Preston, H.W. $1-......-.... .- Roberts. |Is the man mad? comedietta. (Acting drama.) 129°. hf. leath., $21.5 Kis a avelateis eicieis eis ene sieie Putnam. | — Samein part. Genes eds) 4v. wii, M208 sb: Putnam. Oont.: Washington. $1.50. — Life of Columbus. ae 50. — Sketch book. $1.25. — Knicke rbocker’s New York. $1.25 — Abbottsford and Newstead Abbey. (Lovel Vs lib.) Teer 283594 “paps. LOC) oo. . esc: We Lovell. — Alhambra. (Dovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.84 pap., 15c. J: W. Lovell. — Astoria. (Movell’s lib.) 12°. 784.6 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Bracebridge Hall. ill. 4°. ’82.°64 pap., 20c.. Macmillan. (Lovell’s lib.) 120, "84.89 pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Capt. Bonneville. (lLovell’slib.) 12°. ’84.°° pap., DOCH a ciate ere afore a cal oles eleic elec steieisie: sel Wer LOWELL: — Companions of Columbus. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’84.°? DAD 5 LOC a cic ce oie ole ecie vielen ce sini cle J: W. Lovell. — Conquest of Granada. Covell Silibs)) 12c8 763.5. pap., 20c......-. ceed: WE Lovell. — Conquest of Spain. Matos ell S lib.) ee 84.629 pap-, LOC. -.sceceecsevsceccsececee J: W. Lovell. — Crayon papers. (Lovell’s S ee [20% 7833024" pape. DO Ceirerecerelole islet etaveley cle) oleielelale (os) aim = re J: W. Lovell. — Hist. of New Y Oe ; with essay by C: D. Warner. (Geof- frey Crayoned.) ill. sq. 8°. [’80. ]*#° $3. Putnam. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12° 783.°°* pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Legend of Sleepy Hollow; with biog. notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. 783. pap., 12c.. Clark § M. — Life and voyages of Columbus. 2 pts. (Lovell’s lib) 120 4835922 eal, pap, 20c.-. Js We ovell. — Life of Goldsmith. (Lov ell’s lib. ) 20. Bas! pape. DO Career SOC siaiwie cial «reoreid | Wea LOU ELS. — Life of Mahomet, 2 | : Gioy ell’ s lib.) 12°. 784.99 @a., pap., 15c....-+---2ceee- J: W. Lovell. | — Life of Washington, and the hist E of the Am. Revolu- tion. (Centennial oy ill.and map. 4°. °83.*61° pap-, GOC...-2.. 2+... seceee afevatn ef eters LU OILCUII — Moorish chronicles. (Lovell Ss) libs); aon 845828 pap., l0c......... Berea cleiere We LOVELL. — Old Christmas. ill. 40, 89, Bos aan! , 20c.. Maemillan. — Rip Van Winkle. 18°. ’82.°%4 25c....- Useful Knowl. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.5°9 pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. — French. Rip Van Winkle: tr., par L. Du Bos. 16°. (°76.]°® $1.25. Same. (Schooled.) 16°. [777.)7°7 PAIR jen, Were cacc ere oer renee. Happy. Is there a Christian Sabbath?: reprint of A scripture view of the Sabbath; ed., with notes and suppl. chapters, by a churchman of northern Ohio. 24°. aSieOlS! G0 Cece secs a elelowie cietos - Brown & D. Isaacs, A. S. A modern Hebrew poet life and writings of Moses Chaim Luzzatto. sq 16° BSS eo. ibe: Jew. Mess. Isabel of Bavaria. Dumas, A. 10c.........-4 Vunro. Isaiah of Jerusalem. Arnold, M. $1.25... Macmillan. Ishmael. Southworth, Jfrs. E. D. E. N. 7idc. Peterson. Isis unveiled. Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. 2v. $7.50. Bouton. Isle of Wight: its hist., topography, and antiquities. New rev. ed., with sectional maps and plans. col. maps. 12°. ’82.*87 flex. cl., $1.50. Nelson. Isles of the sea. Adams, W: IT. $1.50..... -Lee& S. Isms old and new. Lorimer, G@: C. $1.50...@riggs. Israel Mort, overman. See Saunders, J: It is never too late to mend. Reade, C: 20c...Munro. It is the fashion. Auer, A.v. $l......-- Iippincott. It was aloverand hislass. See Oliphant, Mrs. M.O.W. It was the calm and silent night. Domett, A. $1.50 ; SN iviDiwia cere Be are cia ais ore erase elelererere LICE GT Is Italian’s daughter. Craik, D. M. 10c.-.-.--/ Munro. Ivanhoe. See Scott, Six W. Ives, C: Isles of summer; or, Nassau and the Baha- mas. (Ill. ed.) 12°. ’80.*47° $1.7 ; PDitlingham. ] Ives, C: L. Bible doctrine of the ir ; or, man’s nature and destiny, as revealed. 12°. [’78. ee TDC. § pap., 50c. ...-- Bea ekeneie eens) erek Claxton, R.&§ H. Ives, R. A. Military law. 8° [779] shp., A Van Nostrand. Ivy :atale of cottage life. Hocking, S.K. $1-- Ward § D. Ivy; cousin and bride. Greg, P. 20c...---- Harper Ixion. Disraeli, B: 10c. ..--2c...eeesseeeed Wunro. J.,E. A. See Jackson, HE. A. Take We Comiort. 16o: « (iercelme OCH. . Randolph. Jack. Brine, is. M.D. Toc. .-.---.- Berane Ls | Jack. See Daudet, | Jacl: and Jill. Alcott, L. M. $1.50.....- ..-hoberts. yi, WE, tes 8 Wha TOs 0505 o000 Clanion lit G9 Ih} —= Sketch-book. 169 ‘81.47% 35c......Am. Bk. Hac. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. 783.9 pap., 20e. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (People’slib.) 4°. ’83.57* pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. — Same. (Pop.ed.) 8°. ’83.°7 $].......Putnam. Same. [Selections]; with biog. sketch, notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. ’82. pap., 12c.. Clark § M. Same. Six sel. from Sketch-book : with notes, ete., by H. B. Sprague, assisted by M. E. Scates. 12°. 78,*337 flex. cl., 40c.; pap., 30c.---..+-- Ginn. — Tales of a traveller. (Lov ell’s lib.) "120, Bowes pap., 20c. ....... ea slelelolel(evels aicyarars)(el= J: W. L ovell. — Tour on the prairies. (Lov elizs) Jibs) 2208) 784ncss PAPes LOC sem ciee cece cecin Siete etoile Ji W. L BaelD — Wolfert’s roost. (Lovell’ Siliby)) 1207 odes paps LO Crave visie =) s/c/ele ine pagNDD DIO he STW. Lovell. — and others. Salmagundi. (Lov ell’s lib:)) 12°; °84.°22 DADs, 2OCi wereieictererncieie'« cciaais osescscd We Lovell. 26. (Oct. 84.) Jack Doyle’s daughter. Francillon, ip. EK. 20c.. Munro. Jack Granger’s cousin. Mathews, J. A. S1.. Roberts. Jack Hazard series. Trowbridge, J: T. 6v. $7.50. orter & C. | Jack Hinton. Lever, C: 20c. ..+.-+2--+-+-+- Munro. Jack Horner’s picture-book. ill. demy 4°. cGoil geo OUR N Go eee eee arleiees oieieoereisee Jack Manly. Grant, J. 10c. -.-+--:-: oo +e ee Munro. | Jack o’lantern, and other rhymes. See Talbot, Hh. W. | . | Jack of all trades. See Reade, C: Jack straws. ill. sq. 8°. [’81.]**!8 bds., 50c. .. Dodd. Jack Urquhart’s daughter. Sneyd, P. 20c. -- Munro. Jackanapes. Ewing, J. H. net, 30c..#. § J. B. Young. Jack’s courtship. See Russell, W. C. Jack’s first contract, and other stories. Woods, Js. K. T., and others. 35c. «..++-++++++--Lothrop. Jack’s horseshoe. Ellis, E: S. 10c. .....Nat. Temp.are ee i | rh} ae high JACK’S 202 Jack’s ward. Alger, H., 77. $1.50 ...... Porter & C. Jack’s wooing. See Double surprise. Jackson, A. M. and A. M., 77 Court of Appeals. Jackson, A. Reeves. Old Grimes: exegetical dis- | Reports. See Texas, COU ill. by F. L. Blake. ea: 16°. “lo RY || pap., 25c. pikelo\sialai «le Ss - Dexter. Jackson, And. C omple te memoirs Ol Anona 18°. leiSs|* 322 75c. eoce cece cece ence Olanion Ee § Hi. Jackson, Blomfield. Key to Greek prose composition, pt. 1: First steps. 16°. ’81.°°* 90c...Macmillan. Jackson, Lady Cath. Ctte. Court of ine Tuileries | from the restoration to the flight of Louis Philippe. Dive sPOls ~Oos 16a002s SO. inns SCION E77 GW — French court and society; reign of Louis xvi. and | rstempire, 2y.. por. 12% 789.974 $8° Scribner & W. — Same. 2pts. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’82. ea., pap., 20c. | Sa — Old Paris: its court and literary salons. 12°. ’80.*1°9 SOELD) co sielete/s aieveie cialis eioroleleicieiclcici cic lereleye cic Holt. — Oldrégime; court, salons andltheatres. Avie Alle 805) POO Sees OO elecre: «cle olere cris ae Scribner & W. — Same. 12°. SBOE o Debs cleveisis ni es sister eo aictolers steve Granrck Jackson, EK. A. (ed.) Sure Bilas for little footsteps. New ed. 48°. [’83.]*8!9 15c.; gilt, 20c.. Am.S.S. Jackson,G: A. Early Christian literature primers; ed. by G: P. Fisher. 4v. 16°. 779-84. *397-*629 ea., OO CHa s cic wis eioleletelataiplel els ciate siietelefolete i Appleton. Cont. : 1. Apostolic fathers and apologists of the second ) century. — 2. Fathers of the third century. —3. Post-Nicene Greek fathers. —4. Post-Nicene Latin fathers. Jackson, G: Russell. Ambergris Island; or, the new El Dorado: tale of love and adventure in the Southern seas. 16°. 782.*°74 $1..W. A. Evans. Jackson, Ms. Helen. ([‘‘H. ‘prey Mrs. Hunt.] Bits of talkin verse and prose, for young folks; sq. 18° . [i276- iF D2 SB eeiors career Roberts. — Bits of travelat home. sq. 18°. [’78. ]?93 $1.50. Roberts. — Century of dishonor: sketch of the U. S. govern- ment’s de abn: be some of the Indian tribes. | 20N Ole tales Bi DO eae os ec eee Harper. — Hetty’s strange Hee (No name ser.) 16°. Mlidealpod Shilesce Ficucie ete 1 sioca ees Reciein cio Roberts. | — Letters from a cat; pub. by her mistress for the benefit of all cats and the amusement of litttle | children; ill. by A. Ledyard. sq. 12°. ’79.*499 ADIL D forotorascia ole eles oo ciesaie) eejei el ies eis eleie oie Roberts. — Mammy Tittleback and her family: true story of | seventeen cats; ill. by A. Ledyard. sq. 12°. ZO Meee eT Obs cies sacar oie ooh ofias oie) seis) eieiere Roberts. — Mercy Philbrick’s choice. (No name ser.) 16°. [iG =" $l. Same. 16% [777-1292 paps. 50c: Roberts. — Nelly’s silver mine: story of Colorado life. 16°. [Oe EOE eae ae ee Roberts. — Story of Boon; apoem. 16°. [’79.] pap., 85c.. Roberts. — The training of children. 16°. ’82.*539 pap., ldc. [ Chr. Un.] —= Wome UB (Patel) bieocnn ac65 candace Roberts. Jackson, H: Miller of Scrawnton Dale. (Pop. lib. ) SS |Po ebs Me sacuocce co rees oe Mergus. Jackson, H: Reports. See Georgia, Sup. Court. Jackson, H: A., and Peck, J: B. (eds.) N. Y. Even- ing Express almanac: handbook ores [lete:], 1879 89. 279.*875 pap., 25e. ..M. Y. Hv. Bupr. — Same. N.Y. Evening Express sti 1tesman’ Ss annual and almanac for 1880. 2d year. 8°. [?80. ]*#27 PADas OO CK crenieie ceieiaicisis 6c 61 : LY. We. Bape. Jackson, J: D. Black arts in medicine; [also] An- niversary address; ed. BY L. S. McMurtry. 120°. BORE) Wikre op ete e ce cay Lene Olanhe: Jackson, Jose. What’s the matter? (Satchel ser.) Sq l6os eS0n|-28. paps. 20c. sn. +--+ Authors’. | | JAGGAR Jackson, L: D’A. Simplified weights and measures. 2, (PIE Sthoogoadooo0 cc Pee e cess coe e SPONs | Jackson, Sheldon. Alaska and missions on the North | Pacific coast. por.,mapandill. 12°. [’80.]*43! Seb Ons aces FO OUdO SOOSe OURO AnGOE Seles) DOG | Jackson, Tatlow. Landlord and tenant in Penn.: wathi forms. (625 [i7S-s24' ‘shps pGi-.« cr. «1 Wels. — and Gross, Jos. P. Landlordand tenant. 8°. 782.548 SH pis) Sle O) ererorereteicierer ers sileVereelareieye cis siete Welsh. Jackson, T: Stories about animals. ill. cr. 4°. [°77.]?87 $2.25..........-.. Cassell, P.,@.§ Co. Jackson, W. T. Seneca and Kant; an exposition of stoic and rationalistic ethics. 12°. ’81.5)8 $1. Un. B. Pub. Jacob, Ephraim A. Analytical digest of the law and practice of the courts of England, comprising re- ported cases from 1756-1878, with ref. to rulesand statutes founded on the digests of Harrison and Fisher. 9v. 8°. *79-’82. ea., shp., $6.50. . Diossy. Same. v.10: Supplement, 1878-1883. 8°. 783.828 Win bOI) 50006000 0000 Sosa oe Sieve) orca R mick. Jacob, G: And. Ecclesiastical polity of the New Testament: study for the present crisis in the Churchof England. 12°. [°78. ]®? $2.. Whittaker — The Lord’s supper mroricaly considered. 12°. RAE CSZ Ri eee) revere Biviclsisiete s/s esi «cic cia: se VELSOTN: | Jacob, Gert. L. The Raja of Sarawak: account of | Sir James Brooke. 2yv. por. andimaps. 8°. Peo PE SY) cocoacucso0acdonscac - Macmillan. Jacob Faithful. See Marryat, F: Jacob Witherby. Giberne, A. G0c.......... Carter. Jacobi, A. Die Johns Hopkins Universitit: vortrag gehalten vor dem Deutschen Gesellig-Wis. Ve- reine von N. Y. 8° 781.48 pap., 20c.... Steiger. — Treatise on diphtheria. 8°. 7’80.47 $2..... Wood. Jacobi, Ma. Putnam. A martyr to science. See Stories by American authors. — Question of rest for women during menstruation. 17 7278 | One i. | 53 reals claleid) cla[alorela ccs ctor Putnam. — and White, Victoria A. Use of the cold pack, fol- lowed by massage in the treatment of anemia. Som PSOE BRIO a cae eer .. Putnam. | Jacobs, Alb. P. The Gre Solas . Scicdee: 16°. Qe 20385 SCs te ce ee eck ee Ginsine eee Jacobs. Jacobs, H: E. The book of concord; symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran’ Church : with hist. introd. » notes, app. and indices. v. 1: The confessions. 8° ’82.°52 $6.... Frederick. Jacobson, A: Why I do not believe. 12°, 81.47 EL GoaGbaGd pieiolerars) siekelerin eteteieics Belford, C. § Co Jacobson, J. L. (comp.) The poor man’s gospel; compiled for the new world, from the French. NGOS ii O a Oe SST) cores are sfelsi= aleree/«:( Chic. Leg. News. | Jacobus, Melancthon W. Christian’s heritage, and other sermons; with unfinished autobiography ; ed. by M. Newkirk. 12°. [’78.]3!© $1.50. Carter | Jacox, Fs. Scripture proverbs: ill., annotated, and applied. Oo [inoue Das eres. Whittaker. Jacqmin, F. Railroad employés in France. 12°. Uited|eas sPADs. DC. sc a soociers ieee Rk. LR. Gaz. Jacquemart, Alb. History of furniture; tr. by Mrs. B Palliser. ill. imp. 8°. [°78.]827 $10. Scribner, W. § A. — History of the ceramic art; cont. wood-cuts by I. Catenacci and J. Jacquemart; tr. by Mrs. B. Palliser. New ed. roy. 8°. [’77.] $10.50; hf. CL, Die cca aieie eyorcs © eis 4756 Sia hner Weep Jacques, D. H. Florida asa permanent home. 12°. URE? yes NWO oaecasoouGbas oop o -»- Blew. — How to grow handsome. 12°. 7 79.] Ol... Wells. — The temperaments; or, varieties of physical consti- tution of man; introd. by H. S. Drayton. ill. W208 AO AIS) S50) cesrces = afore reife cieneieie - Wells. Jaggar, T: A: Duty of the clergy in relation to mod- ern skepticism: first charge to the clergy of the dioceses 8° 783:*594 pap., 10c...5.-. ----- Peterson. — Darnley. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783. pap., 20c.. Munzo. — False heir. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782. pap., 20c.. Munro. — Gypsy. 12° [’77.] $1.50. Same. (Franklin Sq. libs) 49: 9 4i9ee28) pap: 20C. tec nes Harper. — Huguenot: tale of the French Scene: (Sea- side'lib:)) 4°. ‘81-48 pap:, 20c......... . Munro. — King’shighway. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 20c. Munro. — Last of the fairies. (Seaside lib.) 4° 779. pap., MO Ceietete cree spore (eiolelclcre ws \clei“lie «iels) weiwiel <1aiereneyer/ Wunro — Manatarms. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c. Munro. — Maninblack: anovel. 8°. [’78. ]*8° pap., 75c. - Peterson. — Margaret Graham. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’77. pap., MO CReieriene er alatatavolelelslovotiniclalsielelalsiralslislelelsiele eta Munro. — Oldoakchest. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 80. pap.,20c.. Munro. — Philip Augustus; or, the hrochers in arms. (Sea- side libs) 4°: 781-472 pap: 20¢..)....- - Munro. — Richelieu. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 82. pap., 20c.. Munro. James, Paul. What became of Eugene Ridgewood; Novel: 190; 283n018 DO aici sides - Carleton. James, Prosser. Laryngoscopy and rhinoscopy, incl. diagnosis of diseases of the throat and nose. 3d Gil,” bl AOE ER ocsacdacc0e Blakiston. — Sore throat: its nature, varieties and treatment. 3d ed. ill. 12° [’78.]%47 $2.Lindsay & Blakiston. — Same; incl. the connection between affections of the throat and other diseases. 4th ed. ill. with cola pl: 120. 7S0i*2e) 32.25. Iindsay § Blakiston. — Same. 4th ed., enl. (Hand-book ser.) col. pl. andl 120% 2822084: 7501 @Samves l20he 783.008 Sos Paper UDCeiaieree| cle «olevelele afeiskae - Blakiston. James, T: D. My neighbor: story in verse, with other pieces. 16°. ’80.*#8% $1........ Carter. James, Sv W: Milbourne. The British in India; ed. by his daughter, M. J. S. Schwabe. maps. 8°. 13 nO Se OU eleva aie crcicvele geile clsrete sis cists - Macmillan. James Braithwaite. Kingston, W: H.G. $1.50. Armstrong. Jameson, H: W. Rhetorical method: concise treat- ment of topics belonging to rhetoric and compo- sition: 89 7’79.%*999 7oc...Barnes;; G. I. Jones: Jamestown: the metropolis of the James River Valley: its commerce, manufactures, and prog- TESS. 8% 782.580 hanes ccjsicieias) > V. W. Pub. Jamie, the English boy; or, only one erat in Tae Ly- school. (Robert Raikes lib.) ill. 16°. [782.]>® pap., l0c........ Sodd0qdO NOOOC ee S. S. Jamieson, Rob. [and others]. Portable commentary on the Old and New Testaments. New ed. — Robber. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783. pap., 20c.. Iunro. — Russell; tale of the reign of Charles II. (Seaside | libs)) 49 “835 papi, 20c.-...- ey afeterey wroleta Wunro. — Smuggler. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 20c.. Munro. | James, H: Society the redeemed form of man, and the earnest of God’s omnipotence in human | nature. 8° 7’79.*871 $9.... Houghton, O. § Co. James, II: , 77. The American. 12°. [’77.]?78 $2. Osgood. — Bundle of letters; reprinted from the Parisian. sq. 169% [ESO Ne2s papts 2OCi wine cole vi-=i< Loring. — Confidence. 12°. ’80.*#74 $1 50. Houghton, O. § Co. | — Daisy Miller: comedy in three acts. 12°. ’83.*6!° $1.50 SB AMO OO AN OBO0-ODr Biel cictaicior ere creccte Osgood. — Same: a study. ae [Nour Ser) “S205 ahoresc’ pap-, 20C...---+ 0% eievetei ocl ove inioies) ele sinrore Harper. — Same, and other aSLONLGE: (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. Lpiwow jNn Aev0005 aac og 0dndKC ---- Harper. — Diary ofa man of Atty - [also] A pone of letters. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. 780.*49! pap., 25c. Hamper. — Europeans: asketch. 12°. ’79.%% $1.50. Houghton, O. § Co. — French poets and novelists. er. 8°. [’78.]*?? $2.50. Same. New ed. 16°. 784.84 $1.50--Macmuillan. | — Hawthorne. (Eng. men of letters.) 12°. ’80.*4! $1. Harper. — International episode. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’79.*9°° PAD: » 2DCs a oice cele ans viele + sence cles om one. Harper. — Portrait ofa lady. 12° 782 [7Siij.*°)2 2: Houghton, M. § Co — Portraits of places. 12°. ’84.*9 $1.50.. Osgood. — Siege of London, Pension Beaurepas, and Point of View 100) 2GSeeo5Or eh lm ctee ete cies le OSQ.000-. — Washington Square; ill. by G: Du Maurier. 16°. 81 (SOs) a8 WHILE OVeielele eel elewle shee Wier . Harper. — Watch andward. 18°. (’78.]%%* $1.25. Houghton, O. & Co. | James, H: Ammon. Communism in America. sq. 4°. 7.9 «381 pap., $1.....-.- Bo a eieysrev aleve e ols TTolt. James, J: Angell. The widow direct ea to the widow’s God; with introd. New ed. 16°. [’78.]?? 50c. 4 Carter James, Ms. Ma. D. The soul-winner: sketch of Edmund J. Yard, 65 years a class-leader, and hospital visitor in Philadelphia; introd. by P. Widder. 169. ’83.%4 80c.....-.. Phillips & I. maps. cr. 8°. [’78.] $3.50..-....... Crowell. Jan of the windmill. See Ewing, J. H. | Jane Eyre. See Bronté, C. | Jane Hudson. (Robert Raikes lib.) 169°. [783. ]®7 PAp., LOC. 2. ee ee eee eee c cence ecee vores Am. S.S. | Janes, E. French grammar. 12°. ['78.] $1.- Holt. Janes, Marg. P. The artist’s year: original and sel. poems of the months; ill. by A. Quartley, D: Johnson, and others. obl. 8°. 783 [’82].* «560 ‘tied with silk cord, $4.50; vel., $9....... White g§ S | Janet, Paul. Final causes; tr. from the French by W: | Affleck. 8°. 78:95 36: Same. 2d ed: 92: FQ ONOGS FEAT Tie atei ciaiciove)oite sicle ce)ainieteiole SC ULOMLe ING, We — Same; from the 2d ed. of the French by W: Affleck; pref. by R. Flint. 2ded. 8°. 7’83.*°77 $2.50. Scribner’s Sons. — Theory of morals; from the latest French ed. 8°. BB.*619 8950... oe cone cle eo ee WEMLDNEN S SONS. Janet. 12°. ['78.]393 $1.50; pap., ¢l-.---- Carleton. Janet. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10c. .------4 Wunro. Janet. Glarke, R.S. $1-50.-....-...--..--Leeg S. | Janet and her friends. Hoyt, Mrs. K. C. $3.Appleton. ; | Janet et ses amis. Hoyt, Is. K. C. 33. - Appleton. | Janet's home. Keary, A. 20c..----.- erleiele ci: Munro. | Janet’s repentance. See Eliot, G: (pseud.) Jangda (The). Verne, J. 10c.-.--.-+---+++- Munro. Jannettaz, E: Guide to the determination of rocks; introd. to lithology; tr. from the French by G. W. Plympton. 12° [777.]#° $1.50. Van Nostrand. Janney, Lucy N. Alton-Thorpe: a novel. 12°. 2805405 $1.50. Same. (C peap ed:)) 1c; SIS paps, AOS sie aie sie sfe eis =i B einlclelor< clei carelaterei sb UILCOLG. Janon, Camille de. Reeueil ie poésies a Pusage de la jeunesse américaine. 16°. OO ROC LT ree) «sve - Holt. Janson, Kristofer. The spell-bound fiddler: Norse ro- mance; tr. by A. Forestier; introd. by R. B. Anderson. 129% ’80.*#29 $1......---. G@ruggs. Janvier, C. A. Practical keramies for students. sq. Bo, | 280 R4SI BODO nce wo ee cleme «ae meinein LLOCE. Janvier, Jos. Emma N. School at Beechwood. ill. NGOs 282.088 GCs rere ereetare oe wiolenninls Phillips § H. wee ot hee eIait Ba He i Here Hip} if He Bi | Mati oF litt |e Ha ig HE aa JAPANESE 204 JENNEM Japanese fairy world. Griffis, W: E. $1.50. Barhyte. Japanese fate book; or, the wheel of gold. 18°. nGize® paps, d0C 3. er. a) lale cilelciels) ° 60c. Holt.JOHNSON 207 JOHNSTON Johnson, Mrs. Emma B. Silk-culture in Louisiana and in the southern states. 8°, ’82.*°°3 pap., DO Ci eiarsieycreroel vice $1.25...... Putnam. — (ed.) Tears for the little ones: coll. of poems and passages inspired by the loss of children. sq. 169) [Rei POd (52) creieieioi- io BT olelsleelelcteiexe Osgood. Johnson, H: [In Eng. and Germ. ] New and improved bartender’s manual. 16°; [F82:]*°4% pap:;00c. Int. News. Johnson, Herrick. Christianity’s challenge, and other phases of Christianity submitted for candid con- sideration. 16°. ’81.*487 $1..Cushing, T. § Co. | — Same. 16° [782.]°47 $1l....--.....-----4 im. Tr. | — Delusion of high license. See Talmage, T. De| Witt. High license. — Plain talk about the theater. 16°. [’82.]*529 50c. ; | pap., 20c....- Ricisis pievee creeiove e oeiele aisiolsie -- Revell. Johnson, I. D. Guide to homeopathic practice, for use of families and private individuals. 8°. TO eaO2) OF ere reve cpeiereie acre cle cierto Boericke § T. — Therapeutic key; or, practical guide for the home- | opathic treatment of diseases. 10th ed., enl. | 16°. 781 [’80].** $2; linen, $1.50. Boericke § L. | Johnson, J: Old Maryland manors; with records of | a court leet and a court baron. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.) 8°. 783.5? pap., 30c. Johns Hopkins Unw. Johnson, Six J: Orderly book during the Oriskany campaign against Fort Stanwix in 1777; anno- tated from ms. letters by W: L. Stone; introd. incl. The battle of Oriskany and the life of Sir J: Johnson, by J: W. de Peyster. por. and ill. TOOseee DUS eatpt oe sisi) Slate aereiere ste ciel revere?! Munsell. Johnson, J: Edgar. The rock that is higher than I. 12°. TUMeil eee MO Ce elelelnltoteNol'ere coecee Whittaker. Siig, 33D, A Wien ccdasancooec Mielaleteia ree LUUAUICe Johnson, M. O. Carrie Ellsworth: or, seed sowing. ill Ge: u(Bsllcae SUD fare anaiiaevel -.+-- Lothrop. Johnson, Ma. Stoddard. Memorials of Charles Stod- dard. Newed. 16°. [777.]? $L--.Cong. Pub. Johnson, Ol. William Lloyd Garrison and his times; sketches of the anti-slavery movement in Am. ; introd. by J: G. Whittier. 12°. 780.5 $2. Russell. 28M een bOR Houghton, M. § Co. Johnson, Otis Coe. Study of oxidation and reduction. See Douglas, S. H., and Prescott, A. H. Johnson, R: W. Memoir of Maj.-Gen. G: H. Thomas. por, 80 “Sites 2h. Iippincott. Johnson, Rossiter. History of the French war, end- ing in the conquest of Canada. (Minor wars of the U.S.) ill. 12°. [82.5 $1.25.... Dodd. — Same. Newenl.ed. 12°. and Great Britain. (Minor wars of the U.S.) Wl. 12° [782.]%°8 $1.25........-..-».Dodd. Idler and poet [poems]. 12°. ’82.°7% $1.50.. Osgood. — Phaeton Rogers: story of boy-life. ill. 12°. ’81.*°%® SLD arevere ere) cle isieics crore core Gee e oe as) SCHUOMENS SONS: — (ed.) Condensed classics. .--++++-.+seseeeee Holt. Note. Entered under authors, subjects and titles. — Little classics. v.17, 18. 24°. ’81 [’80].**8* ea., Sli Gaver ele: cel elolercrotenele! srelelecieieietsl Houghton, O. § Co. Cont. : Nature. — Humanity. — Play-day poems. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. [’78. ]*°° Spill eciemeteeieie cers ota sie or sa000 concn JH History of the war of 1812-15, between the U. S.| Johnson, Mrs. S. O. [‘‘ Daisy Eyebright.”] Every woman her own flower gardener. 12°. $1; 50c. Adams & Bishop. Sl; 50ce: Adams § Bishop. — Household hints and receipts. Johnson, S: History of Rasselas. (Lovell’s lib.) NG, eA, WOO, so00 5000 4000 6 seeesd: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 88 pap., 10c.- Munro. Lives of the most eminent Eng. poets, with obs. on their works; [also] notes, by P: Cunningham, and life of the author by T: B. Macaulay. New ed. 2v. 12° 783.) $3 -.-...--+. Cassino. — Same. Chief lives of the poets: Milton, Dryden, Swift, Addison, Pope, Gray, and Macaulay’s life of Johnson; pref. by M. Arnold, app. Macaulay’s and Carlyle’s essays on Boswell’s life of Johnson. NWO, EHS Eo 6 --+ Holt. Rambler and The idler; The adventurer, by J: Hawksworth; The connoisseur, by Mr. Town, critic and censor-general; with notes. por. roy. SO EG aleay 2200 Cassell, P., G. & Co. Vanity of human wishes; ed., with notes, by E. J. Payne; 16° [7765] pap., li5c. .. Macmillan. 238 — Words and ways. 12° [’79.] $1.50..... Harper. Johnson, Rev. S: Lectures, essays and sermons; mem. by S: Longfellow. por. 8° 783.4 $1.75. Houghton, M. & Co. —Oriental religions and their relation to universal re- ligion: China. 8° [7(7.]?*° $5 ...... Osgood. Johnson, T: R: Text book on book-keeping: entry madeeasy. 8° 779.*87° $1.20.. Johnson, Virg. W. [‘‘ Cousin Virginia.”] An Eng- lish Daisy Miller. sq. 12°. 782.*°4! 60c.. Estes. — Kettle club ser. ill. 4 v. 16°. 983. S4.R. Worthington. Cont. ; Christmas tales for children. — The cricket’s friends. — Grandfather’s pocket-book. — The kettle’s birthday party. - Miss Nancy’s pilgrimage: story of travel. . (Lib. of double Dawson. sel. novels.) 8° [777.]?78 pap., d50c.. Harper. — Neptune vase: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 48408 DAp., ZOCS wmcelaias cciniii= ne .--- Harper. — Two old cats: a novel. (Hranklin Sq. lib.) 4°. APE Tyke Males oGo0 Ga00 coeD co bodo0Kc Harper. Johnson, W: Reports. See New York, State, Court of Chancery. Johnson, W: S. The guide: service-book for Sunday- schools. 24°. ’83.*578 bds., 18c.. Universalist. Johnson, W: W. Elementary treatise on differential calculus. See Rice, J. M., and Johnson, W: W. Johnson Manor: tale of New York. Kent, J. $1.50. Putnam. New England state pap., 30c. Johns Hopkins Univ. (iand-books for students and *578 of a 83 *613 Genesis 8°. Johnston, Alex. (Connecticut). — Hist. of Am. politics. Gen. readers.) 6° @7Jmeu. oc. Seme. 20 ed.. enl, 60, 782.925 Gere cies ec wn wie LLOUUe Johnston, Alex. Keith. School atlas of astronomy. New enl. ed., with elementary survey of the heay- ens, an accompaniment to the atlas, by R. Grant. pl. and maps. 8°. ’82.°°° hf. mor., $4.50... Putnam. Johnston, Eliz. Bryant. Original portraits of Wash- ington; por 4) 7leebe a0 Osgood. Johnston, H. H. The river Congo, from its mouth to B6l6b6; with description of the nat. hist. and an- thropology of its western basin. maps, ill. and etchings. 8° 784.9 $7........Scribner gs W. Johnston, H: P. Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. maps and por. 8° ’78.°* $4. L. I. Hist. Soe. — Observation on Judge Jones’ Loyalist hist. of the Am. Revolution. 8°. ’80.4% pap., $1-.Appleton. — Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Cornwallis, Bl, NL, Ra I tale Poconos ---Ldanper. Johnston, Ja. v. St. Andrew’s Ch. See MceGibbon, R. D. Single famous po 169, [277.990 ($2)... Holt. Johnston, Ja. F. W. Chemistry of common life. New ed., rev. by A. H. Church. map and ill. NWP, AXON Manca ngo0 oc Salone os - cotnie ence ees JOHNSTON 208 JONES . iH rare ies ee ~y* ~ ~ oe Bh . . 5S Gallic war. 20s (eiiien|ees SilebO: Johnston, R: Malcolm. [‘‘ Philemon Perch.”] Dukes- taries on the Ga \ ] (7. | a 1.50 mn a : x ® oO 9Q2 *57 } “2 Ss. borough tales. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 783.*°7 a yity TVUG GS SOR GPE ae Ne eas Harper. | Jones, H. Chapman. Text-book of experimental or- Old Wee Teancctont tale of Duke’s Creek. 16°. ganic chemistry for students. Reprinted from he 124 626 <] Be a ee Harper. the last Eng. ed. 16°. ’81.*49? $1.. Van Nostrand. — and Browne, W: H. Life of Alexander H. Stephens. | Jones, H. MacNaughton. Practical treatise on aural 8°, [/778.]84 $3. Same. New ed. por. and surgery. wll; 12° [e78iiss2 Bil-50: iN 80% 7855595 SUDSs. Solas c\ersiciel- o> Lippincott. Lindsay § Blakiston. ; : > me ¢ > > 1 90 229 538 Ho 7K Johnston, W.J.(comp.) Christmas evergreens: coll. of Same. 2ded.,enl. ill. 12% 782. 92.70. poetry for the holidays, incl. gems from Long- Pe oe Blakaston. fellow, Bryant, Goldsmithand others. 8°. 778.36! | Jones, i: [‘‘Cavendish.”] Card essays, Clay s de- $1.50 oan cence ts W. J. Johnston. (NV. ¥.) cisions, and card-table talk. Am. ed. with index. (Leis. hourser.) por. 16° ’80.*43! $1.. Holt. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 15c..J° W. Lovell. <7 Appleton. | — Laws and principles of whist stated and explained. ele sll ciate) ales 51 6 aiictore Cie) eile ieioke : 5 : eet ite ne ae : = 7 | 14th ed. ill. 16°. 84.2! S2 ...Scribner & W. Johnstone, H. A.M.B. SeeButler-Johnstone, H.A. M. | ; sie fe eS WARGun SeerT GH and ohnctone Jones, Rev. H: The perfect man; or, Jesus an exam- Jopne rane: See ee OE ae) nae eocO Ls d ple of godly life. 16°. 7’83.58° $1.25. - Lothrop. Johonnot, Ja. Principles and practice of teaching. 8' Johnston, W: P. Life of Gen. A. S. Johnston. maps, | por. and ill. 8° [’79.] $5; shp., $6; hf. tky., » | Jones, Horatio Gates, and others. Reminiscences of E7ealsy Sk50)-acce- ccs Des Appleton. | the life and labors of A. D. Gillette, D. D._ por. — (comp.) Geographical reader. ill. 12° 82.*544| Lee Oo OCs Gs ae Eat Eee Ward § D. QOD erciee nieclne clevels cic Lie sioelb cise eres Appleton. | Jones, J. W. Army of northern Va. Memorial volume. —Natural history reader. ill. 12° 783.*813 $1. 8°, 780.*417 $2: hf. roan, $2.25; hf. cf., $2.50; hf. : Appleton. mor., $3.50; rus., with steel por. of Gen. Lee Joint venture. Fitz-Simon, E. A. $2.......Sheehy. and battle-flag in colors, $5...... Randolph & E. Jolly, Alph. See Labiche, E., and Jolly, A. | Jones, J: Handrailing by the square cut. pt. 2. 8°. Jolly, Emily. My son’s wife. (Dollar ser.) 12°. | 781° $1.40... <= piole(eleleie © = seit se) alo's ier IO POI: (SaMen| Ae Sp wersie - e--- tee ee teen eee Peterson. | Jones, J: Ap Thomas. The retrospect: poem in four Jolly fellowship. Stockton, F. R. $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. | cantoss all Gl. 76de reser Re ae ee Lippincott. Jolly good times. Smith, Jfrs. M. P. W. 50c.. Roberts. | Jones, J: B. The rival belles; or, lifein Washington. Jolly good times at school. Smith, Js. M. P. W. (Dollar ser.) 12°. 778.9 $1....... Peterson. iD Diciarclore siete oleae cis are leyeierol ere iale sie) sella Roberts. | Jones, J: Paul. Life. [Anon.] (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. Jolly rover. Trowbridge, J: T. $1.25......Lee gS. | cae DADs 2 Cees er ncre e clr J: W. Lovell. Jolly summer. Sce Stokes, F: A. College tramps. | Jones, Major Joseph (pseud.) See Thompson, W. T. Jolly time. Chellis, M.D. 10c.........-Nat. Temp. Jones, Julia Clinton. Valhalla: the myths of Norse- Joly, N. Man before metals. (Internat. sci. ser.) ill, | land: a saga, in 12 pts. 12°. SOs ol. 1190) eG petssy eToys. Be nates Appleton. | kt. Worthington. Jonas books. Abbott, J. 6v. $6 Crowell, | Joues, Leonard A: Treatise on the law of mortgages SS. £ > Us ° WO wees cesee PLL« | z z | : : d of personal property. 8°. ’81.49° shp., $6.50. Jones, Mis. —. Little talks with little people: short | ; Ps Sas POP Cry On 6s shp UAiee sO . Hate re . ™ 177 7997 Same. 2d'ed., enl. 8°. 7283.8) ‘shp., 6:50: stories: (Cosy cornerser.) ill. 16% ([['77.)2 Slee ee ee cee ee Cassel) PGE KOo. ae Houghton, M. § Co. 2 - i. 3 nore _|— Treatise on the law of mortgages of real property. Jones, A. B., and others. _ A symposium on the Holy | 2v. 8°. 782.537 shp., $13.. Houghton, M. & Co Spirits GO 200 ee) Gs cries oievere cle: J: Burns. a 2 : ? t aa di SP — Treatise on the law of pledges and collateral securi- Jones, C. A. Onlyagirl: tale of Brittany; adpt. from ties. 8°. ’83.68 shp., $6.50 . Houghton, M. & Co. > Wrenec ] 90 [?Q22 1%*613 ny OR J a the French. ill. 12°. [83.] $1.20. — Treatise on the law of railroad and other corporate fe Poe SL. SJ. B. Young. | securities, incl. municipal aid bonds. 8°. ’79.373 tet Jones, Mrs. C. S., and Williams, H. T. Ladies’ fancy Slip ora Onee eae sche ....- Houghton, O. § Co. lie f work. ill. [’80.] pol oe cree : {dams § Bishop. — Treatise on the law of railroads. 2 v. 8° [779.] if i t — See also Williams, H. T., and Jones, Mrs. C.S. SCR ON gk eee Houghton, O. & Co. a ei Jones, C: C., jr. History of Georgia. 2 vV- maps, | Jones, Lynds E. (ed.) The best reading; 2d ser.: ; | plans, por. and ill. 8% 783.9! $10. | Priced and classified bibliography, for easy ref., of Houghton, M. § Co. | the more important Eng. and Am. publications Ve Jones, C: H. Lord Macaulay: his life — his writings. | for the five years ending Dec. 31, 1881. 12°. Hh | | = Seen ee eet eee neo | BE scegoouucger es Be : ; a zn Bee ea ee See also Leypoldt, F., and Jones, L. E. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. 780.*49° 60c.; pap., 35c. ; j f Appleton. |\3Ones, M. Nineveh and its story. New ed. ill. 18°. ie tore X “ip = : . TS IPY Wi,oc0c00nKc Tels — Short life of W: Ewart Gladstone; with extracts from [°78. ] O ei ee ee ae Velson. his speeches and writings. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°, | Jones, Owen. Grammar of ornament. ill. f°. ’80. $28. Orta (GOCE Naps, BdC..ce- - Siecle chelate Anpleton. Bouton. ie Jones, C: H: History of the campaign for the conquest | Jones, Paul Barrington. Pearls of wisdom: systematic We bey of Canada in 1776. 8°. °’81.528 43... Porter & C. res. ]e Soe gomestic eee Baan ee { 4 x, mA Spe ee Se ‘ nin | o4¢. : pap., 0UC..-..+-+.... Kansas City Dd. . Jones, C: J. From the forecastle to the pulpit ; fifty Tones Wi Wiens de eniectte lcs | years among sailors; cont. account of a wonderful | ete Ns money us Powel SClentinc, |hist.; and We revival upon the sea; introd. by W. P. Strick- pracical treatise on the subject of finance, 12°. ’ 50 RAS Sas te 27. Q 349 q 4 ° ~ 1? land. por. 129, [784.]*84 $1.50 ....Zzbbals. (78. ] PL.O0-. +--+ ae ore Bryan, B. § Co. | aH Jones, D: Morgan. Lethe and other poems. sq. 16°. fence, Randolph. The Buccaneers. 12°. [’77.]*° $1.75 ; Bee tf PAD ES cacao con obd: rere eee Lippincott. | pap., Bl ..-...--e- Peete eee eee ee nee - Authors’. Peale 4k . . ‘ ~™ ’ s Hy : Jones, D: Russell. Conflict between capital and labor, | Jones, S. A. Grounds of a homeopath’s faith. 12°. i 1GoserO0 Fe) Dap oo eae en | Os ]] GWG, ssoc000 sroleleis pereremini oc Boericke § T. i { \ c »S * fodars “VEtIC A Y 5 Tn} x x ~X Y T rv. ‘| Jones, E. K. Rules of federal practice. See United | Jones, S: and Spencer, J. C. Reports. See New York, GI i : States, Courts. City, Superior Court. EEL fJONES 209 JULIET’S --- Am. S.S 1205 (ESSaeee Bl Sacer cs — Struggling Am. aoe Jones, T: History of N. Y. during the revolutionary war, and of leading events in the other colonies; ed. by E: F. De Lancey, with notes. 2v. maps and por. Sls 4iQesse) TO cere ner e 1ppleton. Jones, T: G. Reports. See Alabama, Sup. Court. | Jones, Sa. J. Downward; or, the new distillery. ill.| Jouin, L: Evidences of religion. 12°. (tit 3 STO! 5 | § O' Shea. : r37Q 635 » Or a | ~ ’ x x upward. ill. 12°. [’84.]*8? $1.25. |Journal of a farmer’s daughter. Goodale, E. $1. Putnam. Journal of Solomon Sidesplitter. Hartranft, R. C. $1. Pickwick. Journée d’enfant. Marie, A. $8 ........... Bouton. Journey to the centre of the earth. Verne, J. 10c. Munro. m 7. . Sete ; | aie ofa : Jones, T: Wharton. Defects of sight and hearing: | Jousset, P. Lectures on clinical medicine; tr., with their nature, causes, treatment, ete. 3d ed. 16°. erry ory A i | PIR Bee acoso scda0c Lindsay § Blakiston. | notes and add., by R. Ludlam. 8° [79.13% PYTIANS lhe mle, biioo0 Gocad00bod ocac Griggs. Jones, W. Bence. Life’s work in Ireland of a landlord | Joyce, C: H. Alcoholic liquor traffic: its effects upon who tried to do his duty. 12°. 781.473 $2. Macmillan. | the industries and business of the country; what it costs the people; the duty of Congress. 12°. Jones, Wiley. The gospel of the kingdom; advocated | 430 ferhoe, WOE, coon dccccaG0caac! Vat. Temp. in a ser. of ten discourses. 12°. 779. $1. | Joyce, J: A. A checkered life. por. 8°. ’83.*683 W. Jones. | Spe DOs sieve ci ere lalctiolere else selec avelelars ore > 2 ee LOUNAS. Jones, W: C., and Cunningham, Jos. O. Practical treatise upon the jurisdiction of, and practice in, the county courts of Illinois, embr. collation of statutes and authorities upon the settlement of estates of deceased persons, correlative relations 2 592 of guardian and ward, ete. 8° 783. shp., $5. Joyce, P. W. Grammar of the Irish language. 12°. WhOWEAIE = Na. 2OCe crieeinie lela wieisie «fs <1e[a0e Lynch. Joyce, Rob. D. Blanid. 12°. ’79.*4°4 $1.50... Roberts. =e 1952 — Deirdré. (No name ser.) 16°. [’76 2 $1.. Roberts. Joyce Morrell’s harvest. Holt, BE. S. $1.50.. Carter. lll. Pr. | Soynes, E: S. Introductory French lessons, based on Jones's journey to Paris. ill. 16°. [’78.]%*? bds., 50c. Scribner Y W. Jonquet, A. Original sketches for art furniture. pl. EOF AOE SMO) wo ste wins cyarerercrelicieieinrcie J 727LCLEM GINIL- Jordan, C: H. Tabulated weights of angle T, bulb, round, square, and flat iron and steel, and other information for use of naval architects and ship builders. 3d ed., enl. roy. 32°. ’79.4°7 $1.. Spon. Jordan, D: Starr. Manual of the vertebrates of the northern United States. New ed., enl. 12°. |} [e7s 3s SR DUD Oiarcrorsicre ol 6c cleave clevelsls leis aicle Jansen. | Jordan, Fk. Two years abaft the mast. 12°. ’81.48°| Judd, Laura Fish. Honolulu: sketches of life in the S1.50% pap., TOC... .2.5 oe sere Ashmead Bros. Joseph Andrews. Fielding, H: $1.50 ...LZ¢ppincott. Joseph Balsamo. See Dumas, A. Josephine, Marie. Fanny Allens the first American nun: a drama. 16° 78s pap. 2dc: Noonan. Joseph’s coat. Sce Murray, D: C. Josephus, Flavius. Complete works; tr. by W: Whis- (Om Br\o ey IP Sb || §XBcc00 oon0 ccaddd Dodd. — Same. ill. 8° [’82.]°* $3; hf. ef., $5..Lothpop. — Same. por. ill. 8% ([’81.] $38; shp., $3.50. the works of E. Otto. (Elemen. French course. ) WOO Bi QUSbS Re ee as cei ae LOU: Joys of life. Zola, E. $1.20; 75c......... Peterson. Jubilee Hall. Greene, Ms. L. L. $1.25 ..../ Nelson. Judas Maccabeus. Conder, C. R. $l .-.-.- Putnam. Judd, Carrie F. Lilies from the vale of thought. sq. 169 (778. ]84? $1.25 .....2 «<0 020s. 50 ee Otrs. Judd, J: W. Volcanoes: what they are, and what they teach. (Internat. sci. ser.)’ ill. 12° 78].*°s $2 wie elelnicle pi aisie ele vleielaie|o ele «(s\ eee ce) a6 60,8 Apple ton. Hawaiian islands 1828-1861; with suppl. sketch of events to the presenttime. por. 12°. [’80.]*#*°? GUD Diciercie eleveleieetceye cies olen elel ere ----0 efo) ielnie) eicle ss HALZG CN ALL. 782.526 $1; bds., 75C..-++ee+e+- +--+ Hofmann. Keary, Eliza. Magic valley; or, patient Antoine; ill. | Keep, R. P. Essential uses of the moods of Greek and by E. V. B. 16° ([777.)8% $1.50.- Macmillan. Latin syntax. 12° ’79.8°7 bds., 25c....G@unn. wale . ‘ 2 < Memoir ‘ok Annie Keary, by her sister. por. 12°.| Keeping, Wa. Fossils and paleontological affinities 99 cb) 7 5} pt ° * . . ; 82.94 SA) @ ccie 0) ¢icle cle) cieicile «sie eeeees Macmillan. of the Neocomian deposits of Upware and Brick- Keating, J: M. Mother’s guide in the management hills pls oe: 788,802 $9.75 .....-- Macmillan. ‘ Soling of Int : 0 , 502 » 5 - : 7 : 1 SOND) eho cs und feeding of infants. 16 5 toile $1 .- Lea. Keeping on series. 6 v. ill. 16°. ('77.]2” $3. Crowell. — With General Grant in the East. map andill. 12°. : : 7 Nae i 7Q #497 RY eye y ; 50 Cont.: Lost in the snow. — Uncle Harry’s lesson. — Willing to (Jd. $1.50. Same. (Cheap ed.) ill. 12°. do anything. —'The drummer boy. — Both alike. — Keeping on. 780.447 pap., TDC.see occececere sees LUppincatt Keats, J: Poetical works: arr. and ed. with a mem by Lord Houghton. por. 16° ([777.]7* 92 Same. New ed. (Household ed.) por. 12° AG aaa Oy einaie aie sel eleiste etic) evel olen -»-e- doberts — Eve of St. Agnes. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 24° [a6 (bOC gee Noo nena ciecieewsgood Keeping one cow: experience of a number of practical eves, dl, 1, FOS Sle aoooncds0d Vii Keeping the vow. Morgan, Jfrs. M. 91.50-.- Dutton. '| Keepsake (The). 32% [’81.] 50c....-J:H. Potter. .| Keepsake Scripture text-book. 15°. 2Sileese’ bOcE, ‘ Bilt, THC. «+20 eeccvecece vcceecsccs cess Lothrop. 5 See Oe ree sKEERAYEFF Pal, KENNEDY Keerayeff, P. Tables of the penn al speeds occurring | | | Kellys and O’Kellys. TT eolone kk AWOscacar Munro. in mechanical engineering; tr. by S. Kern. 18°. | Kelsey, C: B. The pathology, diagnosis and treat- 779.980 pap., Z0C.---2+ ee sees 5OD0G OG000n Spon. | ment of diseases of the rectum and anus. ill. , : NA Eats bes : 0 224 639 y r Keese, W: L. John Keese, wit and littérate ur: biog. | and pl. 8°. ’84. $4 Se eran eee cai Wood. Memoir porn So Coe $1.50...Appleton. | | Kelsey, D. M. Deeds of daring by both blue and Keetley, C. B. Index of surgery: concise classifica- oray. ill. 8° °83.*8!1 subs., $2.50; leath., $3. , ° 7 “ Oe . : = CY tion of the main facts and theories of surgery. Scammell. Bon 2091029) FA ()On cae ye cietele ce olc[ore vice aiayele Wood. | Kelso, J: R. Bible analyzed. 8°. ’83. $3..TZv-uth Seeker. Keith, Leslie. Nobody’s lad; ill. by Petherick. ill. | Deity analyzed and the devil's defe DOSS 12°. Cue i (POT CMB cea ccc Wes cone Carter. | BI50+ eee eee es weer ee econ ee cone Truth Seeke Be (Les ae | — Real blaspl 12°, 783: ps 50¢c.. Truth Seeker Keith, M S. Quest and notes in physics, cov teal blasphemers. 12°. ’83. pap., 50c.. ruth Seeker eith, Merton S. uestions an teS S % a : Pc z ering pts. 1, 2 of Arnott’s Elements. 12°. ’79.%* | Keltie, J. Scott. See Statesman’s year book. pap., BS (VO aero) sc oie oi alate nicl e)lovein oie) 1 Sever. | Kelton, Dwight H. Annals of Fort Mackinac. ill. Keith. Scott, M. EB. $1.50......-.....- Lippincott. and por: sq. 12°: °82:°° pap., 50¢:... Hergus. Keller, E. Life and acts of Leoxi. 8° [’80.] $2.|Kelverdale. Desart, Harl of. l5dc...-..... Harper. , de 4 4 « < i - . | ° % 7 / Benziger.| Kemble, Mrs. C: Taken in and done for. (Amateur 7 onl ; . Keller, M.C. Fair enchanuig 3) or, how she won men’s } Stage:)) VS pap. bce. cece. a6 -.-- Happy. hearts. sq. 16°. [’83.]*°” pap., 75c.---Peterson. | Kemble, Mrs. Fes. Ann. Notes upon some of Shake- Keller, M. J. Elementary perspective explained and | speare’s plays. cr. 8°. °82.°88 $3. Scribner J W. adpt. to familiar objects. ill. 12% [777.]°°' $1. |— Records of a girlhood. por. 8°. ’79.*379 $2.50.. Holt. Clarke. | — Records of later life, 80. 78254008 O50 23. Ol. Kellerman, W. A. Elements of botany ; [also come Kemble, Marion. Introductory lessons in drawing plete _ Blossany of botanical terms. it ; oe | and painting: self-instructive. ill. 8°. aeons [Osea eee pl.25-. Bon inang reas rerete cele Li. Potter. pap:; 50c: Same. New ed; enl. 129 283780 — Plant Beare ie classified list of the ese of Ni hy eso sooo esean sietelofecieiore s sieisiecie sc Tilton. : : oo T x = revs: als complete y . : . ; the northern U. ea ten key i. t ate rsd Dail (ed Art recreations: guide to decorative art. glossary of botanical terms. ill. aro {Lt =o New ed ill 120, [’84. ] |*643" KO... Dalton. Select creete ct srofoley ela ois) siavele) cicisieie ele ---d: Ly. Potter. = - | Kempe, A. B. Howto draw a straight line: lecture eT Nb accep los ODUY «Oi CxstCuCe Bout i on linkages. (Natureser.) 16°. [/’77.]5° 50c. OUtTO ‘ A, aan Macmillan. : S. Treatise > law rel. to executors, P : : I pone 5. Treatise ve one la vd — 7 fae | Kempe, H. R. Hand-book of electrical testing. New adi stré ‘Sis guardians: adpt. to the laws . , 207 498 ar Y oAl: administrators, and guardl I : ed., enl. ill. 8° 781.499 $5. Same. 3d ed., enl. . ee arate ra ay 9 : ; Qo 294 640 of Missouri and Kansas. 2d oo ue io a Qo. 2C4 646 GR Co ee Spon. K bs JLIG@Us edo ais 2) sce cle c ccc s @ ot. Joseph steam £7. | en ‘ shp PPO a : Kempis, Thomas a. See Thom: is a Kemps. : Jerr he sti of ships: the : re ee Kelley J. Dsemoldy The) question: o a DS e icas | Renan, rr: S. Reports. See North Carolina, Sup. navy and the merchant marine. 12°. ’84.*° Coney. Spi be Eye eunea ene erehetoveyoiscellale(oie si chelele ia Scribner's Sons. m : gee Kell \ ME Elev nes edit ati So SCHOOL ae | Kendall, B. J. Treatise on the horse and his diseases. y 4 SP vn. Y Ce on; Sc O ¢ 3-0 37 ~ ry CEE, AMO : ee oe - We 20, Beis" pap.., 2oCs win. be Je Kendall. agement. 16°. >8(), #472 WO Gr cic ete cievate Kellogg. , é Kello Brnvard: (Hieher lessons in Enelish See Kendall, Mis. E. D. Mother Goose masquerades: ralnard. rT «61leSs S UNS. dee x ; moO 7325 8& 2 ‘ the Lawrence Mother Goose. obl. 8°. [’78.]3?° Reed, A., and Kellogg, B. tS Kell E I | 1 1 DS) 7D GE ekiieers cies Soe oe See coe .-Lee & S. , E: Labor and capital: new monetary sys- | : x : enoss : P ceuy Roe Kendig, A.B. Sparks from my forge [pulpit talks ]. tem; rey. from Labor and other capital, with Wn) Seay EES : . : ao ae near toys RES ESI Go oo adaagaobe eee. Lvussell. add. from his mss.; prefixed biog. sketch, ed. by | M. K. Putnam. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. 783.551 Kendrick, Asahel (comp.) Our poetical favorites: Dap PO eee. eee Te Wa Goocil | sel. from best minor poets of the Eng. language. : se | New issue; W20F 7803498, GD es si. ce = Osgood. Kellogg, E lijah. Forest glen series. v. 4-6. ill. 169°. aoe se ee (PAG nee SOO, Ga Obie as cteeesic a clas Lee & §, | Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer Lytton, Si E: G: E. L. z ‘i 20e ° y “0 Cont. ; Mission of Black Rifle; or, on the trail. — Forest glen; | Cee ee Ee Ee See re J: W. Lovell. or, the Mohawk’s friendship. — Burying the hatchet; or, the | | Kenilworth. See Scott, Sir W. young brave of the Delawares. q : . . | Kennard, Jos. 8.,77. Lawyer’s diary for 1883. 16°. oe ee 7 eae Ke ee a10 edie x pee sae (Lucky ser.) ill. 16°. t { (3) shh «cillaQogoo gang00gG56 G00C P. L. Hanscom. Silas A Dard Ca nverere) ci ct ciel cieiel'c cielo cieleipicieint ate 7ee & s. | y s . 7a: ‘ Pap : ; : see y ., | Kennedy, Alex. B. W. Kinematic ee s. (Sci. lect., — Good old times series. v. 1-4. ill. 169. 77—’83 | So. Kensington.) ill. 12° (7 260 | > 3007 310—«56 ‘ S ¥ ). KensIng . ‘ Lao C yap., Zoc. (BS Di ReiCerc6S” ear Sie biea a < eisiviele esc IVECO Ss | : ui pan ao J Macmillan. Cont.: Good old times; or, Grandfather’s struggles for a | Kinematics of machinery: lectures rel Reuleaux homestead. — A strong arm and a mother’s blessing. — The un- | ~_ MANEMAICS!Oh Machine ay : ah bres rel. to Ine u aux seen hand; or, James Renfrew and his boy helpers. — The live | moods: del. at So. Kensington Mus. ; introd. oak boys; or, adventures of Richard Constable afloat and ashore. | by R. H. Thurston. @Scr ser) alli 169s 281520 Kellogg, J: H. Plain facts about sexual life. 120. | bds., 506 vemteicia ve clnrerriaa/-1s recesses Van Nostrand. enn aa Se : . : Clee op De ccm. we cel: Health Ref. | Kennedy, Grace. Anna Ross; story for children. — Plain facts for old andyoung. 8°. ’80.47!_ hf. mor., | (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. [’82.j55 pap., 10c. — The soul and the resurrection. 16°. ’79.3% 75¢e. |— Dunallan; or, know what youjudge. 2v. (Lovell’s Rev. and Herald. lib.) 169. [’83.]°°* ea., pap., 15¢c..-J: W. Lovell. Mya) ()iiteresiasel ic\e\ 5) ci-lore) eve el) cycle opivieleleiateicrcie --- Segner. | Am. S. S§. | se ‘ . | Kellogg, Lavinia Steele. How to paint in water-colors. | Kennedy, J:, D.D. The four gospels: chert age and sq. 16°. °82.*°°° bds., 60c.; pap., 40c... Kellogg. authorship; ed. with introd. by E. W. Rice. 16°. Kellogg, S: H. The Jews; or, prediction and fulfil- | EB ONALOE Si Esre erator clare) voce cicisie- Siete eco Am. S. 8S. aoe. argument for the times. 12°. iL Sor | ee | Kennedy, J: Philosophy of shoal dieeniie: (School Spey AD leltes otalinges cy ojavelclel ora) avevcle cla wire ie syic« i andolph. | bul. pub.) 18°. [°77.]#} flex., 15c. Kelly, J: Fs. Statutes. See West Virginia, Legislature. | Davis, B. § Co. — Treatise on the law of contracts of married women. | — The school and the family: ethics of school rela- SH, Ce he S800 0060 cone aera ereis eis ere Linn. | Wlonss WlGoe [iSileas Bille c- oe +--+ Harper. Kelly, Ma. E. Brief but complete history of England, | Kennedy, J: Pendleton. [‘‘ Sol Secondthoughts.” ] France and Germany. sq. 8°. ’81.*°97 $1.50. Horseshoe Robinson. 2y. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. Claxton. 83582. eapaps, LDC... 1. ai ciis¥ersre ised Ma LUOVEUESKENNEDY 213 KIDDLE Renney: Mrs. eM. G. Anniversary leaves. 16°. [’79.] | Kerr, Joe (pseud.) Mike Horn, the independent can- Brees cls) clase sie «) 6) e) o1cleicie Giei oleren ers ~-e--. Am. Bapt. didate for the presidency of the U. S. ill. 169. — ae question-book on the International Bible 780.499 pap., SOC... --0 0222 eee woe -.-- Drown. lessons, 1877-79. 3yv. 18°. ['77-79.]"°! ea.,| Kerr, Norman. The heredity of alcohol; [also] The DdS., LOC. ++ ee eee ee rere ee cece renee -Am. Bapt. effects of alcohol on offspring, by N. Allen. 120°. Kennedy, W: Sloane (ed.) Henry W. Longfellow : 1B 2062) Naps. OC» cies wnresicicioc VAG, Lemp: biog., anecdote, letters, criticism. por. and ill. |— Unfermented wine; a fact. New rev. ed. 12° 28il'.6J2 0, 7 AOE EMG concn coon cocoon bOON nC King. AO WO aaooncsoocgcoge0gss seK000 Nat. Temp. — Same. 2ded. por. andill. 12% [’82.]*4® $1.50. |— Wines: scriptural and ecclesiastical. 12°. [’82.]*°* Lothrop. BO Gi ece. ce sVaioiel a lerete sisi eetele ele -+eees--Wat. Temp. — John Greenleaf Whittier: his life, genius and writ- | Kerr, Orpheus C. (pseud. ) See Newell, R. H. ings. 8°, BY 578 $1. DO iieicic oie, aie cie clei eie Cassino. | Kerr, R. W. Hist. of the Government fete Office, ae ee en ee Boe ae ee | at Wash., D. C.5 with brief record of the public i wv eyele ier: as S : printing, 1789-1881. ill. 8° ’81.*°°! pap., $1. Kenneth, E. S. Her waiting heart. (Seaside lib.) Inquirer. 4°, 780. pap., LOC... ee eee eer e ree rene Munro. | Kerr, Rob. P. Presbyterianism for the people. 16°. Kenneth Forbes; or, fourteen ways of studying the | ees Re coo oduouasoou cece wie EeTeSO: Ba: sible. chobert Raikes lib.) 16°. [783.]®° pap., | Kerr, W: W. Treatise on the law and practice as to LOC. eee ee cree ee ee eee eee eee ee tees Am. 8.8. | receivers appointed by the Court of Chancery. Kenney, Minnie E. Gypsie. (Knickerbocker novels. ) | Am. notes by G: T. Bispham. 2d ed. 8°. ['77.]?” sq: 16%, 782:*543 $15 pap:, 60c: Same: (Hud- shp., $4.50. Slee ele oO en ere cls relolercieaicione = Kay. son lib.) 4° 7’83. pap., 20c......... Putnam. | Kershaw, J. Macine: Diseases of the brain and ner- Kent, C. H. Manual for young ladies, with hints on vous system. pt. 1: Facial neuralgia and the love, courts ship, marris ige and the true objects of | visceralgiz, their diagnosis and treatment. 8°. ies, 119, ABLE Ela gaanc 54004 [¢. H. Kent. ] | 718; ex pap., (Oster ceicieiciclo cies si ciecis Kershaw. ——— NNW, coments manual for young men. por. |— Femoro-popliteal neuralgia. Neuralgia ischiadica 16o5 280: Sere pL -iafnia nian steer eeees C. H. Kent. sciatica. 16°. (’78.]! pap., 30c. .. Kershaw. Kent, Jfs. C: , S. Jar oO iL : e : of Eng. grammar, ed. by S. M. Perkins. 16°. Kiddle, H: Text-book on physics: based upon the 97Q 357 . 2On 9 ees ie > 2 61 Lice bds., 33c...-- +. siarers toaie icles raere RS OTs larger work of Ganot. ill. and col. pl. 8°. ’83.° 1 Kern, Horatio G. Mysteries of Fodliness! 1:20, 7gy. 558 COL Udy Gancomnodnoe. 000 cee SA AU ODE Wood. P1.20..-.. sheislorexel(eleieleiieie wesceeccee ss Lippincott. | — (ed.) Spir itual communications: piesenting areve- = < . x 7Q *382 15 Kernan, F. Reports. See New York, State, Court of lation of the future life. 12% °79.*88? $1.50. Appeals. Authors’.iy Y 4 ; att { Hh! 4 Wi mi | Wee | i] Piabb ats aii a aie 4 t 5 a Hi S |i 4 ij me ta} i } Ii a ae me linet w li , HEE at - rey! i if} § ; Hees ett Hie Hh BRE Ha] Siti ig ie ee j HH | : Mate Pkt el ed Meet } Hi ' ‘ fee hee) Bi i ee Tete thi ied! , > ¢ he ee Bal jee is bee tae he Fae ee) | KIDDLE 914. KINGLAKE Kiddle, H:, continued. é : — and Schem, A. J. (eds.) Cyclopedia of education. | 82, (eMialc® Bds) lib-, 1565 °bt tky. mor., $7; | hf. rus., $8: mor. ant. or rus., $10 -..-- Steiger. 2 s 80 ge Og — Same. 3d ed., with app. 8°. 783. *989 = $5; pap., uncut edges, $4 (also_ in 4 divisions at $1 each) ; leath., $6; hf. mor., $7; hf. rus., $8; full mor. or rus., $10...-.-.-- . Sd0n0d dod . 22+ Steiger. — Dictionary of educs ation ‘and instruc tion; based upon 6 7Q K499 OT 5 the Cyclopedia of education. 12°. ’81.*°" $1.50. ; Steiger. O”7 rn >¢ I7Q IF 337 — Year-book of education for 678, "15 3S IL (8-7 9. ]*° ea., $2; bds., $1.25. Bio(ela clofersia) ciclelerel Steiger. —- and Shere How to Lach. a manual of methods. 12°, [°77.]86 $1 ...-----+++--- Van Antwerp. Kidnapping in the Pacific. Kingston, W: H. G. 75c. Routledge. Kieffer, H: M. Recollections of a drummer-boy. ill. 160, 2QB E12, SDD cis cie wine emcee cece aie Osgood Kiepert, H: Manual of ancient geography; auth. tr. from the Germ. 12° ’81.4%? flex. cl., $1.50. Macmillan. Kill or cure: farce. Dance, C. See New York drama. Killen, W. D. The ancient church: its hist. for the first three hundred years. New ed., rey., with pref. by J: Hall. 8°. [’83.]°°! $2..Randolph. Killinchy; or, the days of Livingston: tale of the Ulster Presbyterians; by author of Our Scottish forefathers. 24°. [’80.]*#° 50c.. Un. Presb. Bd. Kilmeny. See Black, W Kilrogan cottage. Despard, M. 60c.......-Harper. Kimball, Klijah H. The Gosper in poetry. 12°. TYEE CHG sooccc ieveloscsiiels eveie)cielelsiielevein Carleton. Kimball, H. I. Internation: i Cotton Exposition, At- lanta, Ga., 1881. 8°. 782.873 $5..2..4 Appleton. Kimball, Ht. McEwen. Blessed company of all faith- ful people. 16°. [780.]*#!® 50c..... Randolph. Kimball, Ja. W. How to see Jesus. 16°. [’76.]*°° a ae are slelebuis Clee o-cieilevers Sees Lockwood, B. & Co. Kimball, Laura A. Household treasure; comp. of re- celpts. 8°. 780.*#8 SI.20.- 2... .00.. SUEMON. Kimball, Lucia E. F. Holly sprays. ill. 16°. *83.*6 QO CR eieteretra sate) alinlofal afc) oveyalcrels cic) «(afela;oversler/ Nat. Temp. Kimmel, M. G. lLong-hand short-hand: system of brief long-hand for general use, requiring but a few days for its thorough mastery. 16°. ’83.*8!? | Sl. siclelelsisilciatcieis alisiviare) sl slalcleleicislsiclisinlele Kimmel. Kin-folk. Miller, Mrs. J. 75c.. Authors’ ; W. B. Smith. Kand Bajazzors. Konies Wr As) 20¢ eels «cian Munro. Kinder der Welt. See Heyse, P. Kinder im Dienst der Liebe. Charlesworth, M. L. lm ee Pe ee, eee Am. Tr. Kindergarten guide. See Kraus-Belte, M., and Kraus, J: Kindergarten homes for orphans and other destitute children; plans of Mrs. E. Thompson. 12°. See Sil cgocior Bfoyelerele (cycyors| cicieye else eicya ers Oahspe. Kindling-wood Jimmy. Rand, E: A. $1..A4m. S.S King, A. F. A. Manual of obstetrics. ill. 129. 782.*596 m2. same. 2ded. ill, 1120, 784e4e Bo.” Tea. King, C: Colonel’s daughter; or, winning his spurs. OF Saas! open Qre ais cmc oe aeerecr Lipprncott. — Kitty’s conquest. 12°. ’84.*637 $1 .... Lippincott. King, D: Bennett. The Irish question. 12°. ’82,¥*563 EWWoocaco misiioxe(eraiors) ofs\ sisi oy creicisierc Scribner’s Sons. King, E: Gentle savage [a novel]. 12°. 783.58 ¢9. Osgood. | King, H: C. Digest of decisions. See Tennessee, Sup. Court. King, H: Melville. Early Baptists defended: rev. of Dr. H: M. Dexter’s account of the visit to W: Witter, in As to Roger Williams. sq. 16°. 780.426 pap., DD Ca: ieteleiovs cele ier steieleial ciaieiete/(s/ Roberts. 28. (Oct. 84.) KNOWLTON | a : om 297 Ee | Knapsack libs Siv- USO. [ieee sets G2 Velson: Cont. : Soldier Sam. — Tired of home. — Helen’s stewardship. | Setting out for heaven. — Olive Crowhurst. — David the scholar. | —Pat Riley’s friends. — The white feather. | Knatchbull-Hugessen, E£. H. Life, times and char- acter of Oliver Cromwell. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. (nrelue paps. 20Gx cc a. eielole sic eee eyelets Harper. — Other stories. ill. 12° (?79.] $1.75... Routledge. — Uncle Joe’s stories. 12°. ’78. $1.7 Knickerbocker novels... +... -sesssvceee: Putnam. Note. Entered under authors and titles. | Knight, Arth. G: Life of Christopher Columbus. 12°. PetoIF22 U@s00cc0a can0d000 onbuKdGE Cath. Pub. | Knight, Cameron. ‘The mechanician: construction and manipulation of tools. 2d ed. 4°. ’80.4?5 CSP Ro acco 66 Geiels nie cicketelcisia eicie ee eects Spon. | Knight, C: Half hours with the best authors. New ed. Gv. alll. 199; 78ebOh hve b0). omen a: Gs | — Popular history of England. 8 vy. 12° (’79.] $10. J} Crowell. i |— Same. (Am.ed.) 8yv-. 12° (778.3 $10; gilt, | GR Dy rai cic aiereve Sige she 6 Giese sels ae eieveneyavaiste J: W. Lovell. |— Same. (Standard ser.) Sv. 4° 780:*@i=) ¢ca., PAP., BOC. - 6 vc ve perc ae cece voce cece cence Funk. Knight, C: D. ( pseud.) Thump’s client. 12°. [80.]**°* Spite )Olevs ove ci clejers! wialecieia:s/e/ele! ee o\e) eiwiele) p)elers Authors’. | Knight, C: H. (ed.) Year-book of surgery for 1883. | MDOs | 284 GSos TTD Olvcac o sere s cieicrel cialelale Putnam. Knight, Enoch. New story of the state of Maine; with app. 8°. [76.1?®> pap., 2oc. --... Dresser. Knight, Mrs. Helen C. Memorial of Rev. W. A. Hal- locks De ID por. 169. 282236" oes. im. T%. | Knight, Mrs. S. G. [‘‘Grandmother Hope.”] Ned Harwood’s delight; or, the homes of the giants. ill. 16°. [RSA i] esez8 Shilicieseielele re ----- Cong. Pub. Knight-banneret. Cross, J. $1.50....-. Whittaker. Knight of the nineteenth century. Roe, HE: P. $1.50. Dodd. | Knight of to-day. Smith, Mrs. L. T. $1.50.. Carter. ee Templarism illustrated. 16°. 780.47" $1. H. A. Cook. | Knights of the horse-shoe. Caruthers, W: A. 20c. Harper. | Knights of to-day. Barnard, C: $1..Scrzbner’s Sons. | Knightsbridge mystery. See Reade, C: Knobloch, Arth. F. Louisiana civil and criminal justice, cont. numerous forms; with app. by E: R. Oleott and H: M. Spofford. Rev.ed. 8°. 783.589 Shp., GB.cce seeccececeeece ++ « Hansell. Knockabout Club along-shore. Stephens, C: A. LOS Eo Gocco GbuaGaC eeeiete) eiele(orelone elerare Estes. Knockabout Club in the tropics. Stephens, C: A. BL.5Os D2. cc vccccesccres cerecens eeeeLSLes: Knockabout Club in the woods. Stephens, C: A. BIE DOM Boccia) wciele © wie) cee) 0 Mfeleveiel heeiaie aiiarer ey SLCS- Knoflach, Augustin. Graded exercises for translation from Germ. into Eng. and from Eng. into Germ. 16°. ’84.*888 pap., 50c.......--.---- Hofmann. | — Manual of the Germ. language. 12°. ASE (Xe J: H. Potter. | Knopf (Ein). Rosen, J. 30c..-...-..-------- Holt. | Knots, splices and ties. Burgess, J.T. 50c.. - Routledge. | Knowing and doing. Paull, Js. H: H. B. $1.. Crowell. | Knowledge and faith. Frothingham, O. B. $1. Putnam. Knowles, Ws. EB. J. (ed.) Christmas chimes: introd. by J. F. Hurst; ill. by M. A. Lathbury. sq. 8°. (?77. ]8°9 $2.50; mor., $5.---- syec ie MELSOT Gy Eee Knowles, Ja. Sheridan. The hunchback: play. See New York drama. Knowlton, Helen M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting. ill. 16°. 79.388 $2. Houghton, O. § Co. Same. (Cheap ed.) with frontispiece by W: M. Hunt. 16°. °82.555 $1..... Houghton, M. & Co.> orm Sais : on oT i eS. Sa A EA ttl OS (4 Fpecasecane KNOWN 218 KRIK’S Known too late. Taylor, Miss. $1.25..Kelly, P.§ Co. | Konewka, Paul. Illustrations to Goethe’s Faust. Knox, Mrs. Alice W. Primary teacher’s manual for Sunday-school workers; with app. 16° [’77. AN) Os ee iexeiee oeicieieisieynioneo) = Bo ciee Serre ANU Ie Oe | . J. A year with St. Paul. New ed., rev.|Konig, Ewald A: Auf der Bahn des Verbrechens. maps. 16°. [ 2c 287 (oaalOcagacoc Randolph. Knox, J. Armory. Ona Mexican mustang. See Sweet, Alex. E., and Knox, J. A. | Eng. text from Bayard Taylor’s tr., and 12 silhouette designs by P. Konewka. New and cheaper ed. 8° 783. $1.50...-...... Roberts. (Deutsche iibs) 49: %8iee&8 2Oc. ncn as Munro. ( ) — Goldene Sehatz aus dem dreissigjahrigen Kriege. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. ’82.599 pap., 20c.. Munzo. |— Grosse Loos. (Deutsche Lib.) 4° 781.5% pap., Knox, Kathleen. Captain Eva: story of a naughty | Desist = Ae tas Ae eee wereiard Munro. girl. ill. 12% ([780.]*#°" 75c... Pott, ¥. § Co.) __ trand der Nemesis. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. 781.480 Seven birthdays; or, children of fortune: fairy pap., 20¢...--- ee ts ee Wiiro. chronicle; ill. by K. Greenaway. sq. 16°.|__ xing Bajazzo’s. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. 781.5! pap., [Retin] Fee eRe On eral clesale hielo ce Pott, Y. § Co. SOG ce ch nas oe eee ee we ss ae os OLS Knox, Loren L. Evangelical rationalism; considera- tion of truths rel. to man’s probation. 16°. | 79,367 = 1.95.....+- Hitchcock § W.; Nelson & P. Knox, irs. N. L. Elementary lessons in Eng. pt. 1: How to speak and write correctly. (‘Teach- er’s ed., Language ser.) 12°. ’80.*#? 80c. Ginn. Knox 2: W. 30y travellers. 5 v. ill. sq. 89. (ienOar8 4 ey Relea tle CAs, 6B) conooce sisiocere Harper. Cont. : In China and Japan. — In Siam and Java. — In Ceylon } and India. — In Egypt and the Holy Land.— In Africa. — How to travel: hints to travellers by land and sea all over the globe. 24°. ’81.*48° flex. cl., $1. Dillingham. — Hunting adventures on land and sea; the young Nimrods in North Am.: a book for boys. ill. I, ABIL ON Go ooadccconcdd0 oacaud Harper. — Same. pt. 2: The young Nimrods around the world: book for boys. ill. sq. 8°. 782.*°4! $2.50. Harper. John; or, our Chinese relations: emigration and commercial intercourse with the Celestial Em- pire. (Half-hourser.) 32°. 779.*°74 pap., 20ce. . Harper. — Pocket guide for Europe: hand-book for travellers on the continent and the British Isles, and through Northern Africa, Egypt, and the Holy Land. DD LEERY EL soac ogo bode e-ee- Dallinghan. Knox, W: Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? designs by L. B. Humphrey. sq. 12°. [’76.]?>> $2. Same. sq. 12°. ’83['82].°° Golden floral style, $1.75 ...... weieisl ole spcleis ee! ere Lee § 8S. Knudsen, C. W. Plea forthe Eng. demotic alphabet : printed in pronouncing orthography. sq. 24°. | | | | | | | | — Million. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. 782.574 pap., 20c. Munro. — Schuld und Siihne. (Deutsche Lib.) 4° 782.590 pap., AW coone Shai alee aerate e ielsve le cheers oo ee Munro. — Um Ehre und Leben. (Deutsche Lib.) 4° 781.53? pap., 20C...-..-«- ee ceceee te cccen coceee Munro. Konig der Luft. Winterfeld, A. v. 20c..-.../ Vunro. Konigswinter, W. M. Sie hat ihr Herz entdeckt: Lustspiel in 1 act; with table of difficulties by S. M. Stern. (Stern’s sel. Germ. comedies.) 16°. > 83. pap., 40c.-... eialic eieielsiel cies cies Sie d Ole: Konings, A. General confession made easy. 32°. [*80. ] WDC we crcls cic cic cols oi sicic ce sicie oc Benziger. Kookogey, W: P. Patent law in brief: succinct trea- tise on the patent law of the U.S. 8° ’84.,646 pap., Shilistcrsters alae cl (oieiale. w\ersisieieislorele Baker, Vee Co: Koran: tr. by G: Sale. (Acme ed.) 16° ’80.*4?2 NiO ae on A eG Bono Ee Ooso Sano eo” Am. Bk. Exe. | — Selections; by E: W: Lane. 2ded., rev. and enl. by S. L. Poole. 8° 780. $38.50. Houghton, O. § Co. Korner, Gustav. Das deutsche Element in den Ve- reinigten Staaten, 1818-48. 8°. ’80.*#34 $2.50. A. EF. Wilde. =—='Same, 2; Ause. 805 784.5038 SON) acc: Steiger. Kossuth, L: Memories of my exile; from the original Hungarian, by F. Jansz. 8°. ’80.*44? $2. Appleton. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 20c.. Munzo. — Same. 2pts. (Standard ser.) 4°. 780.44! pap., 40c. Funk. Kostlin, Julius. Martin Luther, the reformer; from the Germ. 8°. 783.18 $3.50; $4; shp., $4.50; TN ODES ip Ole crete) slelals oie = ernie etale ela 07) o\6 Luth. Pub. 780 [779]].*4!7 pap. (gratis)......----. Knudsen. |— Same. por-andiill. 8°. °83.*5% $2 50: Koehler, A: Practical botany, structural and system- atice UE Bo Orica Go) creer croie tecerere Holt. Koehler, G: Nick Putzel; or, Arthur Gurney’s ruin; ill. by BOOZ 129) 280 ee eee sere cule Hubbard. Koehler, S. R. (comp.) U.S. art directory and year | book. 8°. ’82.*°° pap., 50c.. Cassell, P., G. & Co. — same. pl. 8°: 784,949 bds., $22... ...- .. Cassell. See also Original etchings; also Seemann, FE. A. Koelle, L. L. Carmela (comp.) Musie in song from Chaucer to Tennyson; sel. of extracts descriptive ofmusic; 16°: “83-94 parch., $1.25 -. Dutton. Kofler, Leo. The old Italian school of singing. 8°. 783, *593 $1.25 aiatelclolelieleic a\ratallalatvelcrere E. S. Werner. Kohler, K. The wandering Jew; or, the path of Israel | | | Scribner’s Sons. —= Same. por U6 283:*82) (b0c! cee .3 oi Cassell. Kounse, Nathan. Arius, the Libyan: an idyl of the primitive church. 12°. 784 [’83].*°° $1.50. Appleton. Krantz, J. B. Study of reservoir walls; from the French by HA Mahan: pl. 89. “835 $¥c.c.. Wiley. Kraus-Beelte, Mar., and Kraus, J: Kindergarten guide: ill. handbook for Kindergartners, mothers, and nurses: vo ls “Bhe pitts. all; 8o& (ire CSO ace 2s Paps Gare «cl «eee. Steruger. Cont.: 1st, 2d gifts. 65c.; pap., 35c.—3d-6th gifts. $1; pap., 70c. — 7th gift. 80c.; pap., 50c. — 8th-13th gifts. $1; pap., 7Uc. Krause, Ernst. Erasmus Darwin; from the Germ. by W.S. Dallas; with notice by C: Darwin. por. through history: lecture. 8° [’78.]*44 pap., | and ill, 12°, °80.*! $1.25 ..+.---- Appleton. NO Cteteereerctlaerelelaets crre oto i-/oit- -----+ Westermann. | Krauth, C: P. Vocabulary of the philosophical sci- Kohn, S. Gabriel: story of the Jews in Prague; from | ences. 12°. [777.]? $3.50 ...-.-... Sheldon. the Germ. by A. Milman. (Seaside lib.) 4°. | Kresken, H. Acosta. Wonders of flora: preservation Gores, DAD MOC. ccs s nerd are @ elorels cla sicko MULIUTO« Kollmyer, A. H. Chemia coartata; key to modern chemistry. sm: 4°: |[1776.)782 $2.25. | of flowers in their natural state and colors; [also ] Treatise on ornamental grasses and mosses. ill. 8% 779.498 BL.5O. sence ee rene coon ec MEMPETs Lindsay § Blakiston. | Kreutzer, W: Notes and observations during four Kollock, H: (comp.) History of New York State. WN os Re ENING cocaucoo0gocuac Kollock. Kompert, Leopold. Stories of Jewish life: or, scenes from the Ghetto; tr. from the Germ. (Seaside bi,)) 6, REM Tr, Alle, caacoas 0000 Munro. | years of service with the 98th N. Y. Vols. in the war of 1861. ill. 8° ’78 zon] esSS $2..Grant. Krik’s guide to the turf. pt. 1: Record of races run in the Ue Sain l8iii 189 [R7Se 8% flex. Sil Crickmore.KROCH 29 LADY Kroch, C: F. First German reader. 12°. [’77.] 35c. | Lacombe, Peale ieee Riemnice du peuple frangais ; Gan | with notes by J. Bué. 16°. [’78.]3°° 75c... Holt. Krummacher, T: W: The suffering Saviour; or, medi-|— Hng. Growth of a people: short study in French tation on the last days of Christ; tr. by S. Jack- | hist-;) tre by 1G; AG wtinsons 169." 283i4e tpl. son. Newed. 12° 782.58 $1 .o..... Carter. Holt. Krusi, Hermann (ed.) Drawing series.-.... Appleton. = Same. Short hist. of the French people; from the Note. Entered under names of authors as: Babcock, C: — French. 12° 778.%° $1.25.....- -H; A. Young. Cleaves, E. C. — Kastner, C: — Morse, F. B. | Lacon ; or, me things in few words. Colton, C. C. Kuenen, Abraham. National religions and universal | ZOC. -eeeee seers ol aleve yore en keke cic eka shexenanes -- Funk. religions. 12°. ’82.*°°9 $1.50..Scribner’s Sons Tacordaire J. .H: Jesus Christ; God; God and Kuhn, Alb. Roma: Denkmale des christl. u. hei Mean enieeicen from the French. New ed. nischen Rom, in Wort u. Bild. ill. 4°. 779.39? | 120% 7284 aN oe © cine Sepsis eels .--- Whittaker. pap., $9.60.-....-. cece eeeee eh aielcie.s - Benziger. | Lacretelle, H: de. Lamartine and his friends; from Kiihne, W. On the photochemistry of the retina and | the French by M. E. Odell. 12°. Core $1.25 utnam. on visual purple: tr. from a Germ.; ed. by M. 7 | Lacroix, J: P. Outlines of Christian ethics. (Normal Outline ser.) 120 7795°2* flex: el-; 50e: Phillips § H. | acroix, Paul. xvuiitme sitcle: lettres, industrie, sci- Foster. 8°. ’78.38 bds., $1.50.... Macmillan. | Ku-klux-klan. Meriwether, Le i. A. 25c. | So. Bapt. Pub. Kul G: B. Luzerne legal register reports. See S : 3 P; ; ei ee ~¢ aM orate i P ences et arts; France, 1790-1798. ill. imp. 8°. Pennsylvania, Sup. Court and other courts. | Seni obs ma ue K a ‘ A ¢ a : 17.1202 $18.50): lev. nion., p20. «<< --- Bouton. ummer, S. Agnes. An ¢ pitome of Eng. hist. ; with | __ Sojence and literature in the Middle Ages. ill. 4°. questions for examination, rev. by A. M. ¢ hand- | 77, }309 $12; hf. cf. $15; cf. $18; lev. mor., $25 A 90 622 ot Ann Sper eee | . Ch ; : ERO: lee. 12 : 83. net, G0c. .--+.+ eee Barnes. | Appleton. Kurtz, C: ile (a) American Academy nots 1881. Ladd, G: T. Doctrine of sacred Scripture: critical, S ill. We t SMe Daves 85c. -. Cassell, P., G. J Oa. hist. and dogmatic inquiry into the origin and — Same. National Academy notes. ill. 12°. ’84.® nature of the Old and New Testaments. 2v. 8° ‘ 5 » Pea | rs 4 . . pap., DOC. veee rece reece cece es ee reece Cassell. | SR OUKOID RE ace oy oe Scribner’s Sons. Kurtz, 1). Moms: Ithaca and its resources. ill. 8°. | __ Principles of church polity: ill. by an analysis of ees os : a se i ) eS aD SLs 83." $1.25; pap., 00C.---+---- -D. M. Kurtz. | modern Congregationalism. 8°. ’82.*°?° $2.50. Kurzenknabe, J. H. Peerless praise: coll. of hymns | Scribner’s Sons. and music for the Sabbath school. ’83.58> 35c. |Ladd, Horatio O. History of the war with Mexico. Hood. | (Minor wars of the U. S.) ill. and map. 12°. Kwong Ki Chui. Dictionary of Eng. phrases with il- | hg3. ]*8}8 $1.25. oo 2 ve ween ee veces vee ee Dodd. lustrative sentences; [also] Some Eng. prove EDs; — Memorial of J: S. 0. Abbott. Ds Db. sch (eisale) sel. of Chinese proverbs Stes J. bor Sor 78 se DAD oD Ge come eerste eterel telat tal oletel eter Williams. Bie cycle crete Bielelsie share ; Hevesi eles 1 ‘ ‘ 1 : a - Barnes | Ladd, W: S. Reports. See New Hampshire, Sup. Kynaston, Here @ ) Extracts from shen Greek ele. ‘| cue giac poets from Callinus to Callimachus; added |yaqq w: ,jr- American probate reports: cont. ea sles . >» ss ) Yfo »Q] 482 | = . . Sane. (Elemen. classics.) 249. me nm Re | seat cases of value decided in the courts of the ast ee ca ek Ciera ee ee so EEE OTe several States on points of probate law; with : : ‘ notes andref. 3v. 8° ’81—’84.5?7 9! ea., shp., q yar > ohts * life 90 29 7 >*431 | ae er. L., F. M. Onward to the heights of life. 12°. [’80.] | met, SABO eoehins oe roe er .... «Baker, V. § Co. PDD vere cle cicieickeleliciciele oe eisifciie’s) sis) ele elleieieele LOUILTO Ds L., H: A. See Leveson, H: A. L., K. R. Ocean notes for ladies : hints to ladies propos- ing aseatrip. 16°. [’77.]?*° pap., 35c... Putnam. L. L. L.; or, fifty law lessons. Clark, A. B. $1.20. |— Reports. See American railway reports. Laddie. See Miss Toosey’s mission. | Ladies Lindores. Sce Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. | Ladies of the White House. Holloway, L. C. $3.50; { i $4; Se Gite c cicidieies clelelielelerdiele< Slefelatelieialsie7ais Bradley. Appleton. : La Bédollitre, Hmile de. Story of a cat; tr. by T: B. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Be fect cue 12°. | Ciel icane Aldrich; designs in silhouette by Hopkins. 8°. bds., 50c.; pap-, SOC. --++2. 22-5 veces Cogswell. UHV ESIE Vila. SWooacaccone - Houghton, O. § Co. | Ladies’ Paneaisee Zola, B. 81.95: Cx eres Peterson. Note. Knownin French as Mére Michel et son chat. | Ladies’ physician. (?79.] $2.50. . Cassell, P., G. § Co. Labiche, Eug., and Jolly, Alph. La grammaire:|}Ladson,G. S. lLotos land, and other poems. 16°. comédie-vaudeville en un acte. (Théatre con- (iver ED ES Gaannocdnonosn aaa led Crs AM CSa Lo jomip: ee : 83.20" pepe eee -. WR. Jenkins. | Jady Adelaide’s oath. Wood, Mrs. E. P. 20c.-. Munro. — and Martin, E: Le voyage de Monsieur Perrichon: : : - ne “ + . ays serie 1 aE Alice. neton, J. V. $1.50; $2..Sadlrer comédie en quatre actes. Nouv. ed. (Theatre pay) A . SI. ston, : d : contemp.) 12°. ’83.*°88 pap., 20c. W: R. Jenkins. Lady Alice. See Marshall, Mrs. E. Lablache, Fanny. Starlight stories told to bright Lady Anna. Trollope, A. 20¢. seen ass Munro. eyes and listening ears; ill. by K. Greenaway. Lady Ashleigh. Smith, J. F. 20c...----+-+- Munro. sq. 16°. [’79.]*9°8 $1.25........- Pott, ¥. § Co. | Lady Audley’s secret. See Maxwell, dfs. M. E. Labor problem in the U. S.; independent contribution | Lady Beauty. See Muir, A. towards its solution, by an Anglo-: Americ an; with lLady Bell. See Keddie, H. introd. letter by I. Weed. 16°. Sepa, O0C: 5 eee ROR pap., 2c beeen Coane sees Ue ee Lady Betty library. Guernsey, L. B. 3. ee Labor-value fallacy. Scudder, M.L., 77. 50c..Jansen. | Lady Blake’s love-letters : the theme from which Owen Laborers together with God. Calthrop, G. 40c. Meredith took his poem of Lucille ; tr. from the Whittaker. French by P. McCarty. 24°. 84, *645 pap., 25c. La Bouillerie, F. A. Hours before the altar; Carleton. or, meditations on the Holy Eucharist; enl. prom | Lady Carmichael’s will. See Hay, M. C. the 5lst French ed. by a Sister of Mercy. 32' | Lady Clanearty. Taylor, 'T: 15¢.--...-+-+-Roorbach. AQ OECGS! 1 () Chicinietereie aralove avail e/ekelenelere _ Benziger. = o 1 “ ade Vere. S Salers in, EF: 25c...Appleton. Laboulaye, E: René Lefébre. ABaniale or, the | | Lady Clara de Vere. I Sh : z a | Lady Damer’s secret. Clay, B. M. 91.50-- Carleton. four-leaved shamrock; tr. by M. L. Booth. (The | library.) 8°. [780.]48 pap., 20c....--. Setliff.'\ Lady Deane. See Adams, Mrs. L. Seen| eg) mT HG Piety a Wet Ge By Pee aLe ie fe eae Ue tee fist # LRG the & + a ua! eg aheeee a Hig) t aay ik | f i 4 Find + § nt | | ti hehe 3 ie I | io oe F Ae th | LADY 220 LAMB Lady Gay’s pride. Miller, M/s. A. McYV. 20c.. Munro. Lady Gwendoline’s dream. Clay, B. M. 10c...dJ/unro. Lady Helen Clyde. See Smith, A. L. Romaunt of Lady Helen Clyde. Lady Hester. See Yonge, C. M. Lady Huckleberry enlarges on her husband’s follies. | Oliphant, L. 25C...--2e eee ee ee eeeees Carleton. Lady Jane. See Oliphant, Jfs. M. O. W. Lady Lee’s widowhood. Hamley, E: B. 15c..- Harper. Lady Leonora. @onklins.@s Sileo0maccs «ci Carleton. Lady Lisle. Maxwell, Mvs. M. E. 10c. ..-.-Munvro. Lady Marabout’s troubles. See La Rame, L. de. Lady Maude. See Russell, W. C. Lady Muriel’s secret. See Middlemass, J. Lady of Hazel place. Fenn, G: M. 10c. ..- Ogilvie. Lady of Launay. See Trollope, A. Lady of Lyons. Bulwer-Lytton, Su E: G: E. L. 10e. Munyro. Lady of Shalott. Tennyson, A. $6.......... Dodd. Lady of the Aroostook. Howells, W: D. $2. Houghton, O. & Co. Lady of the lake. See Scott, Sv W. Lady, or the tiger? Stockton, F.R. $1..Scribner’s Sons. Lady Silverdale’s sweetheart. Black, W: 10c. J: W. Lovell. Lady Susan. Austen, J. 10c...... slele cie(oroire Munro. Lady Sybil’s choice. Holt, E. S. $1.50...... Carter. Tadye Chace. Coxe, A.C. 75c.......... Tippincott. Lady’s almanac. [Annual.] 382°. ’76—80.7°84!5 50c, Coolidge ; N. LE. News. Lady’s mile. Maxwell, fs. M. FE. 20c..«... Munvo. Lady’s walk. Oliphant, vs. M. O. W. 10c.Munzo. Lafargue,—. See Dumanour, P., and Lafargue. Laffan, May. Arrested on suspicion; [also] Kathleen. (People’s lib.) 4° 782.°% pap., 10c... Ogilvie. — Christy Carew: a novel. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. FOO eos Spill oteccetevere wisieirl 5) erie o/c from 2d French ed. by S. R. Koehler; introd. and notes. pl. 8°. 780.44 $3.50; $6.50. Estes. Tsalla Rookh: Moores 2:3) 20che. cece J: W. Lovell. Lalor, J: J. (ed.) Cyclopedia of polit. science, polit. economy, and polit. hist. of the U.S. 3v. f°. 78184 O85" 4544 ea. , subs., $6; leath., $7.50; hf. mor., $8.00; full mor., $10. Cary ; Rand, McN. § Co. Lamar, J. S. Gospel according to Luke. (N. T. Commentary.) cr. 8° [’77.]*!° $2; shp., $2:50; ifs Che BO eis cis cyeie cis earn iele cro) fe rc1s eiekaley@ clere Chase. Lamartine, Alph. de. Graziella: story of Italian love; tr. by J. KR: Runnian. New ed: 4°: 780.7% oyl¢, SED DW eerie eicicic cic ciotss cr viele © Civile clove ie veieveiere Jansen. — Joan of Arc. (Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.*447 pap., VO Ceieveccrolseje.6 aielelere fe «ci eeeeee vere ee eres Funk. — Mary Stuart. 16°. [’77.] 60c...Houghton, O. & Co. — Same, with title: Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 10c. .... Munro. — My mother’s manuscript; from the French, by M. L. Helper. 12°. [’76.]?5? $1.25....-..Lippincott. — Oliver Cromwell. 16°. [’77.] 60c. Houghton, O. § Co. — Stonemason of Saint Point; from the French. (Sea- side lib. A0- 283.078 “pap: LOC 32.26. Munro. Lamb, Lady Caro. Warrior kings from Charlemagne to Frederick the Great; ill. by A. de Neuville and other artists. 12°. 783 [827] 5558 D2. Routledge. Lamb,C: ([‘‘Elia.”] Complete works; with asketch of his life by Sir T. N. Talfourd; [also] Personal reminiscences of Lamb, Coleridge, Southey, Wordsworth, and J. Cottle, by an Am. friend. (Enfielded.) por. andeng. 8°. [’79.]°7> $3.50; YE ROR lobe ibe, clnaao cogons 05400 S50400L Ames. — Works. Newed. (Standarded.) 3y. por. 12° Ol {280-422 33:75. Same. New éd. 5: v. POL SO Bae oe STD Ue cree) slcreleie ares Armstrong. — Adventures of Ulysses. (Half-hour ser.) 329°. AN QERSES! NAD. 2OCz ciciete ciel eieisie cicreis «12 ot Harper. — liana. er. 8% ([779:] $1.50......... Armstrong. — Iissays of Elia; introd. and notes by A. Ainger. WOOK ZO Suecs | SVT) craters a cteie sve 2 1c eve) Macmillan. — Same. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. 779.3 pap., 30e. Appieton — Same. (islingtoned.) ill. 4° 783.88 $10. Same. (Temple ed. ) ill. O°. 83. $4.50... Putnam. — Same. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. [’78.]%?° 50c. Houghton, O. & Co. — Last essays of Elia. 18° ([/779.] 60c.; pap., 30c. Appleton. — See also Modern classics. —and Ma. Poetry for children and Prince Dorus. 16°, [°77.]°°° $1.25 ........Sertbner, A. § Co. —-— Tales from Shakespeare. New ed., ill. by Sir J: Gilbert. 12°. [’77.]® $4. Same. Newed. Sqs Soo, [82.5299 S26 bdst, Silica... Routledge. —-— Same; ed. with introd. by A. Ainger. 16°. eR ENGI s Gocco c Siete weeeee es Macmillan. —— Same. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. °84.5? pap., iD Chvcraieiei vise cis 6 sicieierela oe nicieie ote o eisG eters Clark §& M. —— Same. (Globe readings.) 16°. ’83.5%9 60c. Macmillan. —— Same. 2v. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. [’77.]?”% ea., DAD sls LO Crieleleietcls cero ci cnefovele alotciersicieis cree Harper. —— Same. (Littleclassiced.) sq. 18° [’77.]2% $1. ‘Osgood. Lamb, J. H. (comp.) Monroe Co., N. Y., directory. MMPs 4Ols LOO Nees DAS a oleic. > Darrow. Lamb, Mrs. Martha J. Christmas owl: budget of en- tertainment, original and selected. °81.°!8. cut in shape of an owl ona chimney, tied with rib- Ie; HOO 606000.006000060556 cob0G008 White & S.Eno LAMB Pa LANG : Lamb, Jf-s. Martha J., continued. — History of the city of New York. 2v. 4° 781. A74 RO Oicrscreversierere Se cibtere eS wists eiclsy stese Dusrey oe Raines — Snow and sunshine: a story fox boys and girls. ill sq. 8°. ’82.*582 92. Same. New ed. ill. go, | 289.812" shds., $1.25: $1.50..... Sielerercie White & S. — Wall Street in history. ill. sq. 8° 7’83.*8% $2. Funk. | —(ed.) Homes of America. ile 49; 479M. Seo: mor., $1Z.--.+.---- el ererelala aiole cle aici sisters 2 Appleton. Lamb, Ma. See Lamb, C: and M. Lamb inthe midst of the throne. Sherwood, J: M. $2. Funk. Lamber, Juliette ( pseud.) See Adam, Mme. Edm. Lambert, C. and S. The voyage of ‘‘ The Wan- | derer;”’ ed. by G. Young, ill. by R. T. Pritchett | and others. Gol Bh and) mapsy) Sos eso BCD O! crclerc creieete aiaisie (etarete icieie LMACIALLONY: Lambing, A. A. Hist. of ine Catholie church in the dioceses of Pittsburg and Allegheny. 8°. °80.*°° | $3 @ ae 0 0 6 00 p06 wie) hie eve ee 0s ©0010) «cee Benziger. — Sunday- school teacher? ssmanual: 16 = [in| 9Oc: Benziger. Lambs (The). Grant, R. $1 .--..- elaeier erie Osgood. La Motte Fouqué, F: H: K: (Fretherr) de. Min- strel love: 16°. ’76. $1.25........ Routledge. — Sintram and his companions: romance from the Germ. ; ill. by H. Sumner. 4°. 783.5! $2. SOT x W. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°! pap., 10c.-. Munro. — Same. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 320, [ 177,23 50c. | Osgood. — Thiodolph the Icelander. 16°. 7°76. $1.25. Routledge. — Undine. Newissue. (2op. lib.) 8°. °79:°% pap., LO Cirstevete: cisls «cise clclel ee c's «01 Fitch : [ WV. Ye News. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°°° pap., 10c... Munro. — Same. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32°. [°77.]?% 50c. | Osgood. =) Wald love. GS 27. $U20- 2. ee -- Routledge. — See also Modern classics Lamp for thefeet. 32°. 83. ]*0% 40c. ....Am.S.S. Lamphere, G: N. U.S. government: its organization and practical workings. 8°. ’80.*4' $3. Lippincott. Lamson, Ma. Swift. Life and education of Laura Dewey Bridgman, the deaf, dumb and blind girl. 16°, [778.]9°? G2. -.-ceeeeeeeeee siecle LeveL Ot == Same. Newseds por, 120) 7S/lisceo SO: Houghton, M. § Co. Lancaster, E: M. Manual of English history. 12°. AE EI Doscan6oboncs BE devel cleinie ce DS CUNILESS Lances of Lynwood. Yonge, C. M. $1.25...Lothrop. Lancewood, Lawrence (pseud.) See Wise, D. Land and labor in the U. S. Moody, W: G. $1.50. Scribner's Sons. Land andsea library. Newed. 5v. ill. 18°. [’77.]?% SR RE) () ev enoten ic enelel oi eils Ry lcintclicstinie eisierstelcicieyeletatelele Dodd. Cont.: The ocean. — The builders of the sea.— The frozen | North. — Ancient Egypt. — India. Land and the life. Gray, A. Z. $1.50 ....Randolph. Land leaguers. Sce Trollope, A. Land o’ the Jeal. Mathers, H. B. 10c........ Munro. Land of Burns. Bruce, W. $1.50.......-.--Leeg SN. Land of dreams. Cornwell, H: S. $1.50 .....Allyn. Land of Bire. Devoy, J: $6 ........Paiterson § N. Land of gold. Spurr, G: G. $1.50........ Wiliams. Land of sojourn. Scott, J: $1.50.......C: A. Scott. Land of the Arabian nights. Fogg, W: P. $2. Scribner’s Sons. Land of the mammoth; or, a boy’s Arctic adventures : by the author of Saved from the wreck. ill. 12°. (berSea] 228 ID Oe ‘ wiclolereie ele erexelele/ele) oe ole, (e)aisie Nelson. Land ofthe midnight sun. Du Chaillu, BeBe 2. Bi50! Harper. | Landa alphabet. Valentini, P. J. J. ..... Siero. | Landauer, J. Blowpipe analysis; tr. by J. Taylor and | Wek: Nays G2. 27 LO S15 Once! Vacmillan. |Landels, W: Marriage ring: gift-book for the newly married and for those contemplating Pa sq. 16°. ’83. leatherette, gilt, $2.50; full Bo $5; full cf., or tree cf., $6-.......----» Cassel Landenberger, G. F. (ed.) minfundzwancie ee, Gesiinge fiir gemischte Chore. obl. 32°. [’77.]?** flex., 35c.; per doz., $3 .----+..+--- oi aictee LCORLEN Lander, Edn. F. Exposé of Odd Fellowship. 16°. (Get?) paps, 2oCe +-- Lippincott. Landmarks. Piatt, J: J. $1.50.........--- Osgood. |Gandolin. Auerbach, B. $1.-....-..- soconooosehyhy Landolt, E. Manual of examination of the eyes; tr. by S. M. Burnett. Rev. ed. chart and table. SOR 7 OQUSoO eee oie wie scion Bee See DTLILLOMNL: Landolt, H. MHand-book of the polariscope, and its practical application; adpt. from the Germ. by D. C. Robb and V. H. Veley; app. by I. Steiner. We (805 ZOO HOSN RB WD icici = re slclereie «1 Macmillan. Landon, MelvilleD. [‘‘ Eli Perkins.”] Eli Perkins’s wit, humor and pathos. 12°. ’83.°°° $1; pap. POGOe wre ici aleteleis|s)cieieieleree sae . Belford, GE s Co. Landor, Wa. Savage. Imaginary conversations. 5 Vv. Sq. 120, [°76—77.|744795 en. G2 2. -e- Roberts. Cont.: 1. Classical dialogues, Greek and Roman. — 2. Dia- logues of sovereigns and statesmen. — 3. Dialogues of literary men. — 4. Dialogues ‘of literary men (cont’d.); Dialogues of famous women, and Miscellaneous dialogues. —5. Miscellaneous dialogues (cont’d.). Index. New ed. 5 v. 12° 782.558 $5...Roberts. iti Landor, arr. and ed. by S. Colvin. RG old eniuees. Ser), 6p edSoree GM EaO Dieerelere eievere hee «is se ccnees ss Macmillan. Landreth, Olin H. Metric ail tables for engineers. (Student’s ed.) 783.84? parch. pap., book form, 35c. (Engineer’s ed.) mounted or folded in case, TiN Cus etete el cimivie! aleve oiais cisvelelelerele) elele eiearerens Fortescue. Lands of the Bible. tre@arves, J We hos | . . | Iappincott. Landscape in American poetry. Larcom, lL. $4; $8. Appleton. Landy, J. See Shakespeare, W: Seven ages. |Lane, E. W. Arabian society in the Middle Ages; studies from The thousand and one nights; ed. by S. L. Poole. 12°. 83.982 $9.40.. Scribner & W. |Iane, Laura M. A character: story for girls. sq. 16°. | pron eieh b0cy esa sea eee Pott, Y. § Co. — My sister’s keeper: story for gir ke (Half-hour ser. ) 390, 779.*386 pap., 20c. --.------+ +--+ Harper. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 779. pap. 10c.. Munro. Lane, Sa. [‘‘ May Kingston.”] Phoebe Skiddy’s the- ology. 12° 783.58 $1.75 ..2.-.-..-- Gannett. Lanfrey, P. The hist. of Napoleon x. A translation. | Ve See SO. @ Geil eec sp SeO 0) Kereele sine Macmillan. Lang, And. Ballades and verses vain. 12°. 84. sceo8 STE D Olerereveierere ela (elelinVoie1 0lls elefe aloes Scribner's Sons. = Helem of roy; 169 = 782.6592"5 50: Scribner’s Sons. — The library: with chapter on modern ill. books by A. Dobson. (Art at home ser.) ill. 12°. ’81. naod flex. Cl., $1.25..-- 2-22 sess eee ceed Vacmallan. Lang, J. Manebalt Last supper of our Lord, and his words of consolation to the disciples. (House- hold lib. of exposition.) 12°. ’81.°17 $1.25. Macmillan. Lang, R. Hamilton. Cyprus. p@casice libs) 495" 778: PAPs, 2OC.- - ener ve cnce cee cose tees nce - Munro. . ees Soren5 asa itt ee LANGDELL 222 LA RAME Langdell, Cp. Columbus. Summary of equity plead- | Lanza, Marchioness Clara. Mr. Perkins’ daughter. ing. 8°. ila pls Sane. «20 cd.) 120. (Knickerbocker novels.) sq. 16°. ’81.*48° $15 pap., 7g 3 620 Ue se cesrsic AOGOOO DOOD DOO HONDO NODC Sever. G0) Ciitaiereicioicicuvcvevslolellsio ele clcvalel «il cleiie coces LULNAM. — Summary of the law of contracts. 2d ed. 12°.|— Righteous apostate. 12°. ’83.*°1} $1.25.. Putnam. 80, #6 leatherette, $2.50; shp., $3. Z7ttle, B. § Co. | — Tit for tat: Teutonic adventure. sq. 16°. ’8).*45° 6 . . . f . ¢ ) oe erele mie eeleaie.s slelele6is.6 “ree > V7 Langdon, W: E. Application of electricity to railway apapes 40. ease See se »oee. Putnam. working. 16° [’78.]9}© $1.75 .... Macmillan. Laodicean. Sce Hardy, T: iali . S sharles my 1D, Shilo Lange, F: Alb. Hist. of materialism: auth. tr. from the Lapsed, but not lost. Charles, Mrs. E. $1.25.. Dodd. Germ., by E. C. Thomas. (Eng. and for. philos. lib.) 8v. cr. 8% [°77—81.]?#*° °° $10.. Osgood. Lange, Hermann. New German method. v. 1: The Germans at home: practical introd. to Germ. conversation, with app. cont. the essentials of | Germ. grammar. 8°. [’77.]?® $1.25. Macmillan. — Same. v. 2: Grammar of the Germ. language. 8°. Azelf . Macmillan. 1A fd. =~ Lange, J: P: Commentary on the Scriptures, tr. and ed; by, E. Schatk, O870. v.35. 0, Ll 35 lb: 6v. 8°. (76-80. ]?°° 456 ea., $5... Scr1bner’s Sons. Cont. ; 3. Numbers, by J: rie and A. Gosman; Deuteronomy, by F. W. J. Schroeder, tr. and enl. by A. Gosman.—5. Samuel, tr, enl. and ed. by C. H. Foy and J. A. Broadus. —7. and ed. by G. Murphy; Ezra, by F. W. Schultz, tr., enl. and ed. by C: A. Briggs; Nehemiah, by H. Crosby; Esther, by F. W. Schultz, tr., enl. and ed. by J. Strong. — 11. Isaiah, by C. W. E. Naegelsbach, tr. with add. by 8. I. Lowrie and D. Moore. —13. Ezekiel, by F. W. J. Schroeder, tr., ed. and enl. by P. Fairbairn and others; Daniel, tr., ed. and enl. by J. Strong. — 15. Apocrypha, with introd., rev., tr. and notes by E. C. Bissell. — Same. ©.T. v.1: add. by T. Lewis and A. Gosman. 5th ed., rev. SO, HE ER oo55 oo Sie --«- Scrtbner’s Sons. | Same. N.T. v.1: Gospel of Matthew, tr. by P. Schatf 12th rev.ed. 8°. 784.6% $3. Scribner's Sons. — Index to Lange’s Commentary on the Old Testa- ment. See Pick, B. Langford, J: Alfr. (comp.) sung by Eng. authors; books. 16°. [’81.]*47> leatherette, $1. Cassell, P., G. & Co. isangston, J: ©: Poems: 19% 780.488)... 5... - Hale. Language of flowers. 16°. 780.4% pap., l5c... Dick. | Language of flowers. 16°. (’77.] 25c...-.. Happy. | Language of flowers. 32%. ['80.] 50c...J: H. Potter. Language of love. 32°. [’80.] 50c. ...J: #. Potter. Lankenau, H. v., and Oelnitz, L. v. D. and present; adpt. from the Chester. mapandill. 129. Russia, past 72» *546 Lanier, Sidney. its development. 122. 299 — Florida: its scenery, climate, and history. ill. 120°. | Wir $l. ‘Same. Rev. ed. ill. 12% °81.480| SpilemOn IDAD: 5 dpiliso «cre ciciesi scree cers - Lippincott. = oem: We” [PGP Giloson soca donc Lippincote. | Science of English verse. 8°. ’80.*436 go. Seribner’s Sons. | Leading men of Japan; with hist. sum- | Lanman, C: mary of the empire. por. 12° [7’83.]*586 Lothrop. — Octavius Perinchief: his life of trial and supreme | faith. 8°. 79.7) $2.......,..2.+-«+Angium. | Lansdell, H: Through Siberia. 2 y. maps and ill. 8°. 82.*°91 $8. Same. New ed., in 1 v. maps and ill. 8°. 782.563 $3 .... Houghton, M. & Co. Lansfeldt, Laurie. Ata bitter cost. (Seaside lib.) 4°, eSB eee a DAD LOC ca cicieics 1a Wo oo acre ei IMME. — Won by aruse; [also] The love of Lancelee. (Peo- pleisiib’)) s40n 769525) nan., LOcee sce Ogilvre. Lansing, J: A. The holy ones. 16°. ete 5c: ; Lansing. Lansing, Mrs. Ma. Rebecea’s journal; or, how we made the winter beautiful. sq. 16°. (’77.]28 $1.50. : McCalla. Lantz, Franklin W. Stock tables. 8°, ’83.623 hf. mor., SD OnO Oerntaye e\eyave Oka eels ei sin eel aci elas «Homans Pub. P: Lange, tr. andenl. by S. T. Low- | Chronicles, by O. Zockler, tr., enl. | Genesis, from the Germ., with | Praise of books as said and | with preliminary essay on | Germ. by H. M. | net, $1.50. | HH. &§ J. B. Young. | The English novel and the principle of | > DION Yee? ’ Y 83.9932... Scribner’s Sons. | $2. | La Rame, Louise de. [‘‘ Ouida.” ] Afternoon, and other ’ 3 Leaf in the storm, and other tales. Little earl; [also] Under sketches. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 784.84 pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.6%1 pap., Oley, acoo 46K @cesc os ence eee veacec Munro. Ariadne: 12% [eile ee SiliiDjeteiete < cra Iippincott. 3ébée; or, two little wooden shoes. Cheap ed. 12°. 28 a2) Pap:, GUC: sia: Sis cis cis el crereaie Lippincott. Bimbi: stories for children. 12° ’82.*°47 $1.95. Lippincott. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°°° pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.4% pap., 10c... Munro. a novel. Cheap ed. 12°. ’81.474 pap., 60c. Lippincott. achild’s story; [also] Rosemary: tale of London, by Lady G. Fullerton. (Sea- Same. Same. Chandos: Findelkind: of the fire sidelibs)) 40) 780380" paps, Lc yee - Munro. Folle-farine: a novel. Cheaped. 12°. 782.546 pap., GOC8 voice, with other stories. ill. imp. 8°. [’76.|*§ | BED Oyercieistereile efe\e) oleic elelel ein ere $1.50.----+--- ire soils Crowell. Laura’s aspirations. Hollis, E. B. $1.25...Am. S. S. — Res ERPSLAUREL 224 LEADEN Laurel bush. See Craik, Mfrs. D. M. | Lawrence, G: Alfr., continued. Laurel leaves. Gill, W: F. $4; $8.. Belford, C. § Co. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) oe 80. pap., 10c. . Munro. 3 — Hagarene: anovel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°° pap., Laurie, Jos. Homeopathic domestic medicine. 9th | Am. ed.; with add., by R. J. McClatchey. 8°. 279.3] Ese cioccic| oie © olviel vlejele ere «/ sicie/e Boericke & Ts Laurie, T: Ely volume; or, the contributions of for. missions to science and human well-being. ill. | WV sooo 5000 004 elicholatclteleleieleve lel cial elalakeleielsncie Munro. —Swordandgown. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 10c. Munro. Lawrence, Mis. Marg. W. Light on the dark river; memorials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin. 12°, SON ON sO Oi ciel oie ere ere cioleteleiwie eisyersic Cong. Pub. | 77,7216 $1.50 Eline . > ° x . YT S lidig ie? . OU sneer ee ert senveecesere eccevely TOp. — Glimpses of Christ in Holy Scripture. New issue. Bad ye onan nets sage one = ere eon: I Cong. Pub. | — (ed.) The home garden. 24°. [’76. ]?4 $1-.Am. 7%. 20, (fife Slo O66 bou0 10d Door g- De \ = . . ‘ | = ) Yee Daa las ‘ - Ro — Woman and her Saviour in Persia; by a returned mis- Lawrence, Rob. L. See Rapalje, S., and Lawrence, sionary; with ill., and map of Nestorian country. R. Ji. New issue. 12°. [7’77.]?8 $1.25...Cong. Pub. Lawrence, W: Decisions. See United States, De- Laus Veneris. Swinburne, A.C: $1.50..-.Carleton. | partment of the Treasury. | Laws of croquet, adopted at the general conference of ) La Van on, Mme. Brasier de. Guide to painting ODS : ZOD EeE he croquet clubs in England. 16°. [’78.]?%° pap., on porcelain and earthen-ware: pub. by Mlle. Tantiot. 16°. [°78. 19! bds Farwell § Co. DD Cuicveieiciciel picjexclale oislalelets avers aiciels .. Noyes, S. g Go Laveleye, Emile de. Bi-metallic money; tr. by G: Laws of Fésole. Ruskin, J: $2 ---+-+-++++--- Wiley. Walker. 8°. [’77.]?® pap., 30c...Banker’s Mag. | Lawson, J: D. Adjudged cases on insanity as a de- — Elements of political economy; tr. by A. W. Pollard; fense of crime, with notes [1804-1883]. 8°. 784.638 introd. and suppl. chapter by F. W. Taussig. 12°. shp:,, pGiies. ai oi ebefe rele! cleteso:< Sowierefers . Ff. H. Thomas. AO Wee Ooze SN lr D Uleievereiicla ele) viele) eicve.e less cvorelsis Putnam. | — Concordance of words and phrases construed in judi- — New tendencies of political economy; tr. by G: | cial reports, and legal definitions. 8°. 783.58 Walker; with app., cont. remarks at the Adam | shp., net, $8..-+..s ....- cee ceces -f. H. Thomas. Smith centenary in Lond. 12°. ’79.379 pap., 25c. | — Contracts of common carriers. 8°. 780.4%? shp., I. S. Homans. Re DOkrs bsccie cia cieieis eiscliove ese @ Gees celeron Stevenson. — Primitive property: tr. by G. R. I. Marriott; introd. | — Law of expert and opinion evidence reduced to rules ; by J. E. ©. Leslie. 8° [/'78.]5?* $4.50. ill. from adjudged cases. 8°. ’83.8°° shp., $5.50. Macmillan. F. H. Thomas. Lavenero. Borrow, G: 20c...-.....---...- Munro. | — Law of usages and customs. 8°. ’82.°?8 shp., net, Lavigne, Ernest. Female nthilist: from the French by a hoy essloleyhehonsi chal cialcne Shedeas F HM. Thomas. Go Se mawards. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 9) «481 | — Leading cases simplified : coll. of leading cases in DADS LOC rs cele cnc cleo eisie ci riciel sie cic coeee-s Munro. equity and constitutional law. 8°. go $2.50; Law allowsit. (Acting drama.) 12°. pap., 15c. | ay slip:, ee ee ae es na BH di homas. . : ROTA Ch. | a ueading cases simplified : coll. of leading cases of Law andthe lady. Collins, W: W. 20c. .... Munvo. the Coa on law; “8%. /82.—" nes $3; shp., ses ‘ : NEb, Por csee acres otc coe cs cc I. H. Thomas. Law and the liquor traffic. Noble, F. A. 10e. L es lncerande hich hock. Bache ouG Nat. Temp. awyer’s common-place and brief book. Barber, G. Law of Jove and love asalaw. Hopkins, M: $1.75. | L. of ae Se ee Me ne ge as Myers. Scribner’s Sons, | vawyers’ diary for 1883. Gould, W.R. $1. Law of marriage, divorce, breach of promise, and the : = = W.. ve Gould. rights of married women in the U. S., also mar- | Lawyers’ diary for 1883. Kennard, J. S., 77. $1.50. riage customs of other countries. 32°, 778.348 | : a P. L. Hanscom. DAP oO Ce tee cess eros Se ae Martien. | Lawyers’ docket. Aydelotte, W: $3.75; $4.50. Law of sowing and reaping. Vincent, M. R. 1l5c. ae 3 Aydelotte. Randolph. | Lay effort : its range and methods. Haydn, He (@: Law unto herself. Davis, Mrs. RB. H. $1 . 50c. (oc. coors rs beee Sree ae ca nL OCD Ite Lippincott. | Lay of the bell. Schiller, J: F: v. 50c. ..... Osgood. Lawn tennis rules, as adopted by the cricket and tennis | Lay of thelast minstrel. See Scott, Six W. ; s SS Del: 9 Qf) 441 ne opr . oes : : es Be clubs of Phila. 16°. ’80.%4! pap., 20c.. Lippincott. | Lay sermons. Blackie, J: S. $2-..-Scribner’s Sons. Bane, iiss Comelius W. Do they love us yet?|Layet, Canon. A quarter of an hour’s solitude: take Yo 27.2 364 a Va 29 o7Q 36: nyo» 5 ~ WAS ohshs $1.50. Same. 16°. ’79.*365 $1.50. and read, read and reflect; from the French. J. Miller. | 3205 808°) Net 2oCrcacic eel seca sielsheleisia 6 Pret. Lawrence, Egbert C: Recreations in ancie ields : mo 73: BPE AC OT vn renee iy eas ancient fields. Layman’s thoughts upon preaching. 32°. [’78. ]8%? ZO 28302 ole Ame. 122: S4n G32 BT. Bardeen. | 10c . 3 Chr. Un Lawrence, Eug. Eng. literature primers alf- - | See Oret me Cee yen crn RU SCOtS ha SEN es BRON GER SEO Gag (Half-hou | Lays of ancient Rome. See Macaulay, T: B. BH) BWo CPG “UR ee Gh keh, Oxo, | : . : ce rT Hopper | Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. See Aytoun, W: E. Cont. : 1. Romance period.— 2. Classical period. —3. Modern | Lazarus, Emma. Alide: an episode of Goethe’s life. period. | Cheap ed. 12°. 781.487 pap., 40c. . Lippincott. — Historical studies. 8°. [°76.]242 $3...... Harper. |— Songs of a Semite: the dance to death, and other — Jews and their persecutors. (Half-hour ser.) 3209. | poenis: 89: 782.495) bOc.s ‘pap:, 2c. POG? jth, Bes Goce cou0 dooce .+»-» Harper. | Am. Hebrew. — Primer of Am. literature. (Half-hour ser.) 3920, paz man’s work. Sparhawk, F.C. $1....... - Holt. 20f\ 427 : OR n - cy m a 80. i Ce 7 Bele elel eo sioleee nee ---+. Harper. | Lea, B: J. Reports. See Tennessee, Sup. Court. — Primer of Greek literature. (Half- * ser 290 ‘ : . : : , 77.2" e OB e. (Half-hour ser.) 320. | Lea, H: Carey. Hist. sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the ifUlc ‘ Bia AO Cerielelslejiatalievelsie(Sier cic clorete ner. | ‘ oBeine ‘ ) 70 *631 @ ~ ae : pee : i Harpe Ve Christian church. 2d ed., enl. 8° ’84.*8! $4.50. — Primer of Latin literature. (Half-hour ser.) 320 Y [77.2 pap., 25¢ 7 aS Houghton, M. § Co. : “J PAP.) 40C. + eeeee eer eees Nelteieiete arper. | _. Studies in church history. 2d rev. ed. 90. 782 589 — Primer of medieval literature. (Half-hour ser.) 320. | : aorenn story. 2drev. ed. 12°. eS sm 7307 a . CPC SPs Oi te) ,0)e\.eio)1s\ 6 a(nkel a al nioie\e veces co ee tae ce cene 1€Q. tol! Wits Os acco nse ether oe as ner x oy . n 7034: pee ee Pape : -- Harper. | — Superstition and force. 3d rev. ed. 8° [’78 ]9#2 eRe oe Alfr. Brakespeare; or, the fortunes of | SDD Otero crevcreleleie ciofeje eles e(cya oir » 35 - . i 4 - ~y is < q. lib.) sas pap., 10c....... . Harper. 'Leaden casket. See Hunt, Ihs. A. W.LEADERS ey Leaders of France; men of the third republic. [Mur Taya He Ch Gall) le2bieccmcianis soi Porter & C. Leaders of men. Japp, A. H. $1.50........ Carter Leaf in the storm. La Rame, L. de. 10c..... Munro. Leaflets in verse. Havergal, F. R. 25c...Randolph. Wieah® Hdwards: diss: A. 20Ciieo ec cee! Wunvro. Leal, light heart. Lyster, A. $1.05..4.¢ J. B. Young. | Leamet, S., 77. JLimited license in its relation to the liquor traffic. 12°. ’80.4? pap., lic...Am. Temp. Lean, Mrs. Francis [ formerly Florence Marryat]. Ange: anovel: 16°. 279.28" Fac. . Carleton. — Broken blossom: anovel. 16°. ’79.°8° 75c.. Carleton. — Facing the footlights. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83. pap., DO Ciiic o'ete soil sioleye(e1se)s)ehe)e/ aie eral ioias sisicie cad Wunro. — Fair-haired Alda. (Seaside Jibs); 495° 780" “pap, WYO, Gogn6o c00000G0 d0dn 000 a neDOGOOD 0O0C Munro. — Ghost of Charlotte Cray, and other stories. (Sea- side lib.) 4° 784.69! pap., lOc. Same. (ea- side lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [784.]§#? pap., 10c. Munro. — Girls of Feversham. coeaeide libs) 408 2ife pape, VOCS eee erie ciel] ac een ele oiled soi016rs orci ere Munro. — Harvest of wild 0: yats : a ‘novel. WE dole elas PAP-, DL - 2 0c cc ce coos sone cece ccccnre- Carleton. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Her lord and master. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., MOC ctsrerst cic a al oie) oleieleleia cielore whelefelsieleia oie cycleied Wunro. — Little stepson. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81. pap., 10c. Munro. — Love’s conflict. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 20e. Munro. — Lucky disappointment. (Hub. lib.) 4°. 779.*95° hay UECs Gooopagc0gdsuene booaKC secees LONG. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c..JJunro. — Moment of madness. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.°°? pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) WQ0% 2868 ap. . LOC. cis ainietal< + sicinicicle sie Munro. — My own child: a novel. “8°. [’76.]?* pap., 75c. Appleton. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7°78. pap., 10c. Munro. — My sister, the actress. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’81.*°" PAP. 2OC.. cece ee reece cece cceecerecces Munro. — No intentions. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap.,10c. Munro. — Old Contrairy, and other ctonies: (Seaside lib.) 4°. 84,631 ed.) 12°. ’84.8° pap., 10c. ....-.+++-Munro. — QOpen sesame: a novel. New issue. 8° [’78.]°* PAP., 25C. -.--eece reer sone siete cients (crane Estes — Outofhis reckoning. 8°. [’79. 37 a a paps; 50c. Loring. — Same. Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 10c..MZunvro. | pay — Peeress and player: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. [2 84. i) oae PAP», 2OC. oc0 200s secccersece . Munro. | — Petronel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °77. pap., 20c.. Munro. — Phy)lida: a life drama: (Seaside lib.) 4°. *82.°°° pap., 2Z0C..-- cece cree eeeee i's) © oe/elniis\e = eee Munro. — Pirate, and The three cutters. ee Sq. lib.) 40, 784,897 pap., LOC. veceee eee Harper. — Poison of asps: a novelette. (Pop. libs) 169s 780545" PAP=, 2DC.=-cces-neies-+--ntttch, (eV. ¥. News. || — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’78. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Rootofallevil. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’80. pap.,10c. Munro. == Stan and a, beart. | @bub libs) 40. a70ress apap. WO Cee sieve sieie Riafolelela\evs\eleis)s cieleis (elle aieiafe .. Loring. — Same. (People’s Mibo) 40. 782,558 oe 10c.. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 10c.. Munro. — With Cupid’s eyes: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7B1.*499) pap., 20C. -++- cence cece cece cees Munro. — Writteninfire. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’78. pap.,10c. Munro. Leaning,J. Quantity surveying: for surveyors, archi- | tects, engineers and builders. 8°. 781.7% $3.50. Spon. Lear, E: Nonsense songs, stories, botany and alpha- bets: New ed: col: ill. sq. 129° #82'9% (bds., GREED Dietaverel elelerel 257 > On . . : ape . : pce . ons of Godwin: a tragedy. 12°. [ iGo © §l.20. pissin indicitur in usum cleri practicis notis ue Lippincott. | ill. cura A: Konings. 24°. 781.4% 30c.; pap — Subjection of Hamlet: essay toward an explanation ORG. Boe ee ee Ren, ee of the motives of thought and action of Shakes- 5 : > . ee peare’s prince of Denmark; introd. by J Face | eo,—. Preservation of beauty: treatise on the face sq. 12°. 782.*588 75 ¢ i “il ippt Say | and skin. 12°. [’77.]?9° $1.50....De Colange. Sq. Liste OZ. OC. eee reeves evevse Ly } x va . ~ vee | L 3ertram. Hoffmann, F. 80c....---- area Tr Leighton Court. Sce Kingsley, H: | cea : : om he eu te . x = , : ar rs D> sisi (olelcjetalc\clelele 0 Leighton Grange. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. 10ce. | SS ne e Dutton: Vunro. | LEOR: L: The silver ship ; 0 “thie young gue of Isla : = vie Se - = N v0 ‘ 361 Leila. See Bulwer-Lytton, Si E: G: E. L. oe Grande. 12°. °78.™ $1.25... Am. News. : , i . ~ : ; Same 20 28 ).451 Spl 2D Ye eyes cie eyefe c sisle oi Leila-Hanoum. (pseud.) See Piazzi, Mme. (bre eg : ee : Oo Leonard, of Port Maurice. Widden treasure. 18°. Leisure hour series. .-«-...e-. sStsivoes eictee 6 sieteiale Holt. [’80. ] z s DOGS sce ecleie ol sioe eieeciere etal eisiove Benziger Note. Entered under authors and titles. J lmeonana: C. H: The hair: its growth, care, diseases Leisure moment series. ------++-. Soee aie --2- ++ Holt. | and treatment. ‘8°. 780.434 $9. Note. Entered under authors and titles. Leonard ; Lippincott. Leisure-time studies, chiefly biological. Wilson, A.|— Multum in parvo ref. and dose book. 38ded. 10th CP) anond6 COnanoan GcoDC --.- R. Worthington. | thous: 82°) (Wifes (OC ese aen- c Daily Post. Leitch, R: P. Course of water-color painting, with 24 i Physician’s dose and day book: 169 [277.32 leath.; col. plates. 8thed.,enl. obl. 4°. 788. $2.50. pencil loops, $1.20... +++0 seco sere eee Leonard. Cassell. | — Physician’s multum in parvo ledger. 8° [777.]°° hf. Leith, Alicia Amy (ed.) Every girl’s annual, 1879- leath., side plate, $2.50 ..+.--.+++---- Leonard. 1883. 5 v. 8°. °7983. ca., $2.50. Routledge. | — Vest pocket anatomist. Enl. ed. 32°. [°77.]"" pap., Leith-Adams, Mrs. See Adams, Mrs. Leith. ¢ ONC ees le a Bee ( A tl ie Daalty Frost: Fe ‘ . |— Same: founded upon Gray. 11th rev. et 16 Leland, C: Godfrey. Abraham Lincoln and the aboli- “OD 544 7Ro.. I : ik : Mt 5 peene 5 = S oa : . I OZ. 7 AH OnOOO OOOO OO000 S* éL C tion of slaveryinthe U. 8. New Plutarch ser.) | r é poe enol Tak ny \ gaisel )| Leonard, W: A. Brief history of the Christian church. por. We es B1.25...- . scenes Putnam. | ee 5 — Gyps ies. 120°, 7Q0. *540 $2 oe _ Houghton, M. & Co. | 12°. Oo Shilo Dierciece ale aleiinieleie!oleieele > - Dutton. — Hans Breitmann’s ballads. Complete ed. por. 12° Leonard Lindsay. Reach, A. B. 80c.---- Routledge. [Atioikts GF: oc ties s cisle @wrctelciexes Peterson. |\Tacone. Monti, L. $1...-..-....-«----++-- Osgood. aoe ae : Sj x “97 7255 5 Ss Johann and the ‘goblin: ule 12 + [ iB >! Teonie. See Lucas, A. DLl.o eisla’s| e/eiuelealele tic o/ «0 ee s)e/<1¢ s cee « JHACRAULLAN. : S xs : ; nen ”-\Tenora Claribel. See Alden, Mfrs. I. M. Side by — Minor arts: porcelain painting, wood-carving, sten- side. ‘illing, modelling ,, Art : > ser.) | . ‘ . : cil INE, as 2 lelir oy etc (Art at home Ser.) | Teonore’s trials. See Aim high series. a, 11, AO ibe Gea 5cno0 2 .--+ Macmillan. — : Ride nelishici 1 aoe | Leonowens, Mrs. Anna Ht: BEE at the — o =i oe : ; t= oO: Las sf S 5 : > x: : a. 1¢ aie ae aie Peet: Or, ee ie Tan the Siamese court. ill. 12°. [7 Tele ] $1.25. Porter & C. 0-H o ~ ‘ > 7 r ve 90 7 (5 “04 . . Py Py id yhina- English dialect; with vocab. 12°. [’76.] | — Romance of the harem. le 120: 77.) $1.25. SilebO) .« «6 Rieiereinrelaere Sareverete er eiee eialevars Lippincott. | Porter & CO Leland, —E. H. Farm homes, in-doors and out-doors. Rebate ners Essays and dialogues; from the ill. 12°. ’81 [’80].*#84 $1.50...........Judd. Italian, with biog: sketch by C: Edwardes. 8°. Leland, J: A. A voice from South Carolina: twelv e | 2B DO sOT DS! «lee wieesisreini seine 5500 9000 avon OnoMth chapters before Hampton, two chapters after | Lerouge case. See Ganon Ki. Hampton; with journal of a reputed Ku-Klux, |e Row,—. How to teach reading. (Eng. classic and app. 12°. ’79.*#° $1.25.. Walker, HB. § C. | ser.) 16% 784: pap., l2¢. <---.--- Clark § M. Lemmon, J. G. Ferns of the Pacific coast, inel. Ari- | Le Row, Caro. B. Fortunate failure. ill. 12°. zona. 8°. 782.529 pap., 35c.......-- Hofmann. (82. ]#533 $1.25 ....-- Rig es eae Lothrop. Le Moine, J. M. The Scot in New France: ethnolog-| Le Sage, Alain Renée. Adventures of Gil Blas de ical study. 8°. 781.**° pap., d0c..--- Dawson. | Santillane; tr. by T: Smollett. Newed. ill. Lemon, H: Gertrude’s money-box: farce. See New 129, [°78.] $1.50 ..-..------ osear OTLEMIG) Ce York drama. |Lesley, J. P. Man’s origin and destiny, sketched — Go to Putney: farce. See New York drama. | from the platform of the physical sciences. 2d Lemon, M: (ed.) ‘The jest book. 16°. [79 uf tik, © Ws Ah bPoosce soauc O08 Ellis. pap-, 00C.--+-- DOGO GCOS a0 seeeeel NV. Bi. Nos. be. \wmeete C. E.. and Randall, R. H. Song champion. Lempriere, J: Classical dictionary. New ed., with | 12°. *iledlpos DOS=5 (OCs lila seiner Moseley add. by F. R. Lowerby. 8° ['79.] $1.89. | Leslie, Eliza. American girl’s book; or, occupation R. Worthington. for play hours. 16thed. 12°. a7 Oe 1S) illo. Lena; or, ie silent woman. (Seaside lib.) 4° 778. R. Worthington. p aD Ce eect tee eseee steer eeees ....+-Munro.| Leslie, mma. Amy’s probation; or, six months at a eonventschool. ill. 169. ’80.*47 $1. P. hillips & H. Lenau, N: eS See Niembsch, N: ; ? ‘ 7-7 Cecily: a tale of the English reformation. NO HAs ‘ Leni Leoti. Bennett, E. $1; 75c...--.---- Peterson. | ~~ Y L 3 . t ue i. : BBO cc igoies he icc eaente -+++++ Phillips § HT. V9 , o ° . . re SAN ry) enormant, Hs. B eginnings of hist., according tO) __ Qonrad: tale of Wiclif End Bohemian eos woos the Bible and the traditions of Or ients ul peoples ; @ 150 eo PRAILED SIO; Le from the creation of man to the deluge ; from the __ Gerald: story of to-day. 12° 81.498 1.95 9d French ed.; introd. by F. Brown. 12° : Phillips § H. 9Q.) *569 ay Vn47 one S > 7 . GQ 406 oe pe OOF eiciei'4 INO site Scribner's Sons. | __ Margarethe: tale of the 16th century. 12”. nO Lenox Dare. Townsend, V. F. $1.50-..--- Lee § S. | GT Ole eet te ereclet ‘ j 90. [77 ‘ eS Ty Leslie, Ernst (comp.) Vox laudis: coll. of quartettes | — same. ul. 12 t (i le a poe tees Porter § C. and choruses for church service. 4° ’81.*494 | — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 77. pap.,30c. Same. (Seaside bds., per doz., $10-.....-.---.-..J. M. Russell. Leslie, Mrs. Fk. From Gotham to the Golden Gate. | OR MMi |as tgp aici oie olnialol nlelehel a\elele) mre ere Carleton. Teslie,G: D. Ourriver: ill, 89 781.42 $10: Scribner & W. Leslie, Js. Madeline (pseud.) Sce Baker, Mrs. H. ING: Wi Leslie Tyrrell. Craik, G. M. 10c........... Munro. Leslie’s scholarship; or, the secret of success: by the | author of The old brown book and its secret. 18°. i Welle FBI, C0000 0500 0500 D00C Crowell. Less black than we’re painted. See Payn, J. Lesser, L.v. Surgical emergencies; life-saving opera- tions; lectures: tr. and rey. by F: A. Lyons. 12°. 784. 688 Sie HOR. pietaibie;elaielsles sree elec Bermingham. Tessonin love: Kirk, Us. E. O: Sl <2. 5: Osgood. Lesson in story. Alden, Js. I. M. 10c....Lothvop. Ihesson in the closet. Deems, C: F. 20c...... Funk. reo. for little folks; Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Ment. As) VJ. (oe:.. Vad: Kent: TessOns for little folks: songs and recitations. Kent, hrs Vs Ae DOCs ceicisisc ce eicicie Fairbanks & Co. Lessons from life. Arnot, W: $1.25........ Nelson. Lessons from my masters. Bayne, P: $1.7 se Haapen: Lessons in life. Holland, J. G. $1.25.. Scribies’s Sons. Lessons of trust. Earle, Jfs. L. B. T5c. ...- Karle. Lessons on objects, as givenina Pestalozzian school, at Cheam, Surrey: from the 22d Lond. ed. 12°. [?79.] hf. mor., $12; mor., $20..R. Worth ington. — Mexican republic: historic study. por. and map. So. 27.853890" 80 Ga- Pap:, OOCS ee. <<) Am. News. — Our first hundred years. (University ed.) 2 v. in 1. Oe TM (elas 2 DO) ie es ciererten ae ote GS. Pub. Lester, Ralph B. Look to the East! A ritual of the first ‘ee degrees of Masonry (Webb Work). 24 ltiGelleaes ear tC R225 (ayer crcie cia clauie- Dick. L’Estrange, A. G. (ed.) Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford, as recorded in letters from her literary correspondents. } 2°. 1892084 2. Same. | (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’82.°8 pap., 25c.. Harper. Get nothing you dismay. See Besant, W. Let those laugh who win. Cece drama.) 12°. pap., LO Ci acisecsce cies ailolaisieleictercicl sie Sie aicione Roovrbach. Lethe, and other poems. Jones, D: M. $1..Lippincott. Letourneau, C: Biclooe (Lib. of contemp. sci.) 12°. (ers cae WDD s arclere @ cle nie areas Lippincott. ihetterofieredit. Warner, S. S175 ......... Carter. Letters from a cat. Jackson, Ms. H. $1. ae Letters from a citizen of the world. anne O. 20ce. ee Letters from high latitudes. See Dufferin, Hari of. Letters of a young Irishwoman to her sister; tr. from theM@xench: 8° i778.) $150)... Gath. Pub. Letters to Hetty Heedless. Caswell, Ms. G: A. 50c Wee & O. H. Morrison. Letters to young ladies. More, H. 50c...J: EB. Potter. | Tettice Hiden; Holt; ES. Sino). ..... oe eee Carter. Letting down the bar series. See Dunning, Js. A. K. [’76. lead SHIlEy/Dizselevciviocleierelc clsi ciel ee ever arco Roman. Lester, C: Edwards. America’s advancement: progress of the U. S. during their first century. ill. 4°. lib., Pocket e aby 16°. [’84. ]§ pap., 30c.. Munro. — Daltons; or. three roads in life. 2 pts. (Seaside lib. ) 40; 285.076) ea. paps, 20C ccc cece ees Munro. | — peicnpes Dunn. 9 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 778. Ven DADs 2OC ercieciiisiereiel cle clare wicleiel ei oe UII. “= Davis ride. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c.. Munro. — Dodd family abroad. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 789,546,547 ag., DiVpig ZO Circe cic cic cie © srevarercel Vunvro. — Fortunesof Glencore. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c. Munro. — Gerald Fitzgerald. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c. Munro. — Harry Lorrequer: with his confessions. New ed. 8°. Du PAP-» TC. ee ee vere eee eee Peterson. — Same. 12°, thee Te ] SLD (ove avec euerecee Porter & G: — Same. (Love IPs lib.) 129, 784.63 pap., 20c. W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’77. pap., 20c. Same. (Sea- side lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°° pap., 20c. Munro. — Horace Templeton: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 789551 DAD Es LOGE oie e am ermine, a nee loleial = atets Munyro. — Jack Hinton. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 777. pap., 20c. Munro. — Kate O’Donoghue. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’77. pap., 20c. Munro. -— Lord Kilgobbin. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c. Munro. — Luttrell of Arran. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.484 1., pap., 20C......-.->. Sisicvele eh avelsreierel Wunro. — Martins of Cro’ Martin. 2 pts. (Se aside lib.) 4°. 479% ea.. DAD ss LOGE ce aerate ete coieiaie: ajo) n nyte clare Munro. — Maurice Tiernay. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c. Munro. — One ofthem. 2 pts (Seaside lib.) 4° 781.482 ea., pap., 20c. siiellsloelelniess eile sicie /ajcks «cise MUNDO; — Paul Gosslett’s Bonraeetoae (Seaside lib.) 40, Oilisae= Pape, LOCs ccs ie cence « Sie ieteie ies se Munro. \ — Rent inacloud. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’77. pap., 10e. Munro. — Roland Cashel. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.559 Ces DAP er ZOU Ci ctelsicicjeicle «) saicicies cisic : a ies 3 elev sanollalty el ie ae Rk Ht eee H: Parry. Sermons to the people, preached axton, R. § : Ber sey nN (6 7 53 ’ ee chiefly in St. Paul’s Cathedral; ath pref. 120; Leypoldt, F: ([‘‘L. Pylodet. ] (comp.) Reading | Toneeal®| Inet, Gl Obs. 45-ee Je eu: ia Young. diary of m«¢ : -» representative | lany sosmodenn fiction; cont,2 representative | __ Thoughts on present church froubles : sermons; with list of novels of the 19th century, preceded by | prof) deo Veit «480 9c... Dutton se on novels and novel-reading. 32°. Lie. Jonas. ‘The barque ‘‘ Future”; or, life nether 81.*517 50ce: pap., 25c.; rus., gilt, $1..Leypoldt. mes Cree UG} ORS Dee DAD oe) So oMR Ee cum acess North: tr. by Mrs. O. Bull. 12°. 779.*97% $1. — and once ms E. (eds.) American catalogue of ; ey : TV UGGS. books in print and for sale July 1, 1876. v.1: Authors and titles. v. 2: Subjects. 4°. 7’78—-| 29], ¥36U-493 BOD yo ww ee wee eee eeecncnns Leypoldt. | — — Books of all time : guide for the purchase of books. 940, 789.%022" Hap., 10c.....-+-+---0% Leypoldt. | Liautard, A. Chart of the age bf domestic animals. TIAX 5A cm. 778.99 Glee eeee secre ev ecsce Judd. — Vade mecum of equine anatomy. 12°. ’79.*°9) $1.75. | W:R. Jenkuns. Libbie Marsh’s three eras. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. 10c Munro. Liberty andlaw. Hill, . $1; d0c...G. I. Jones. Library (The). Lang, A. $1.25.----+-+++1 Macmillan. Lieber, Fs. Legal and political hermeneutics ; princi- ples of interpretation and construction in law and politics. Enl. ed., with notes and app. by W:G. He ie eet Sone 80. ex net, $3..F, HW. Thomas. — Miscell: none writings. 8°. 781.4” $6... . Lippincott. Cont. : Reminiscences, addresses, essays; with por.— 2. C onuibations to polit. science incl. lectures on the Constitution of the U. 8., and other papers. | Liepsner, B. F. (ed.) The young pastor and his peo- ple : practical advice to young clergymen; introd. by J. I. Headley. 12°. [a (8.3) OleZor . Tibbals. Lies, Bug. Female minister. (Seaside libs) = 405, att. pap., 10c..+-++-+- We Wiese isle cisialet ce -.-- eee ALAN Blip ste IOS snRNA OR AI uo i} | be i | fe ih a Ry | i | ; ' 7 | | lea the Hy int ee (Pe yar fi} ee ite fi HEY Heer lley iy af if ry : "Feta £ / ' ce tied fe 21] Me a i LIFE 230 LINCOLN { : 5 Life among the clergy. Fisher, R. $1.25...Authors’.| Lightning flashes and electric dashes: choice tele- Life and adventures of Punchinello. Feuillet, O. 10c. | graphic literature, humor, fun, wit, and wisdom. c < . 3 . Us . = Munro. ill, 3/82; eli (ell eae Seb Ois ck vecicecec ee Johnston. Life and habits of wild animals; ill. by J. Wolf. 4°. | Lights of the English stage. (Handy-y. ser.) 16°. Lai Tetoo2) BOR ereyercelereres SeoucCoD doo .-. Lothrop. | [7-78-84 pap:, d0c: -.....+--+ ose Appleton. fee : i lr : Ti SAE NDR tiallas (20) aa cll Ihife and faith. McKnight, G: $2......2..c- Holt. | Lightwood, J: M. Nature of positive law. 8°. ’83. RSI! chek cieke «obec e cveleis Oe see ee -- Macmillan. Life and her children. Buckley, A. B. $1.50..Appleton. 21 OK r Liguori, Alf. Marie de, St. Novena in honor of St. i Jallantynes ReMi, SiO cas. Velson. , eas : : Tt oat a eae noo aa a) ae = | Teresa, with instructions, ete.; from the Ital. ; Life, death, and other poems. Calvert, G: H: eee & | pref. by J. Gibbons. 24°, [’82.]®° 40c.; mor., ee gp. mE = >" dl MOG oleic clale cle/clelsiclajoicye « cleietere cieveiaicio' cinie eer Lee. i »verlasti -ettingell, J. H. $2..3.D. Brown. : 3 ix s Life everlasting. Pettingell, J. H S ; " Like a gentleman. Denison, Mis. M. A. $1..Lee&S. Life fora look. Holloway, A. H. Idc...... Authors’. : ee s f Like his own daughter: story, by the author of The Life-h'story of our planet. See Gunning, W: D. chorister brothers. 12° ’83.*°85 $1.75.. Dutton. T.ife in a look. Baldwin, M.S. 50c......... Dawson Like no other love. See Clay, B. M. Life in common. Hale, E: E. N. $1.25 ...+---- Roberts. | hike ships upon the sea. See Trollope, Ifrs. F. E. Life in Danbury. Bailey, J. M. $1; 50c....Lee§ S. | Jiike unto like. MacDowell, K. U5 0Go0000 TTarper. Life in earnest. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. (782. ]°® | y.i) fair. fair with golden hair. See Fetherstonhaugh, Ms. im. S. S = Doo Ce ag aaa rece certo ud | Tilian “Welles, ©:.S5, Sl coc. -45-<550 5 Putnam. Ce On ea LO Ce aac Hotz e ae Lilienthal, S: Homeopathic therapeutics. 8°. 778.348 Life in the saddle. Judson, E. Z. C. 25c. ... De Witt. | $4.50; hf. mor., $550. Same. 2d ed., rev. 8°. Life in the wilds. Martineau, H. 15c. ..J: W. Lovell. | HO eee, | ee hy MOL pO) ore oie clei oy world. Woodhouse, F.C. $1.05. : : s - Bitclos the soulanithe world “B * J. B. Young Lillard, B: Practical hints and formulas for busy drug- : : - sya ee ne || gists: Vols pt. Ie (8% 2840844 Sia. ‘ail. Life on the mountain and prairie. Ellis, E:S. 10c. eee: l Pt eS 51 : Vaal Mirnyo. \usillian: Sargent, Gi Wi Cie sctciec ccc. conc. Nelson. Life on the Nile. Warren, W: W. $1...... Lee § S.| Lillie, Arth. Buddha and early Buddhism. ill. 8°. Life questions. Savage, M. J. $1..Zockwood, B. § Co. | gS 2 Reed OG 2E00) ciee~ ercteyelere oe wre aie e eines Putnam. Mifethat now is; Collyer R. $1:50.<....... Lee & S.| Lillie, Mrs. Lucy C. Mildred’s bargain, and other z 3 0 : i . ‘A ° s 6°, 722 89 ] #969 PP “ner. Life thoughts for young men. Rhodes, M. $1.50. Scones. ill. sq. ap OL [’82} $L.-Harpen ; Luth. Pub. | — Nan. ill. 16°. 283. F993 EAA OS Ani cC ar dc Harper. Luth. Pub. Maurier; ill = a69) (82)"883, 300cr. . va. a7pen:- | | Life thoughts for young women. Rhodes, M. $1.25. | — Prudence: story of esthetic London; ill. by G: Du | Life; what do we know about it? an essay. 8°. Pio RS | — Story of Eng. literature for young readers: Chaucer Papin 20Ce secs ciineicccn aca sos ce: Jansen. | to Cowper. ill. 12° °78.*383 $1.25. . Lothrop. Tife’s assize. Riddell, Mos: J. MH. 20c: ....-. Munro. | Lilliput land; or, the children’s peep-shows: ed. by the | Re TmeNTS ee ne ‘ ( l= 7303 : Life’s atonement. Murray, D: C. 20c....... Harper. | pe of Lilliputlevee. ill. 4 ae ' le ode E : - c . * ae . Re i ay ED ails ele aleve areic eieverelcicie creivic sisters s saleer, eG Co. Life's promise to pay. Conway, C. $1.50. . Lippincott. Lilly’s day and what she did with it. ill. 4°. [’80.] Life's secret. See Wood, Mrs. E. P. | DOG! selec ct so cinaeutene sweet see ear Estes. Lifted veil. Eliot, G: (@sevd.) lde......... Harper. | Lily at her grandmamma’s. Barker, Mis. S. 50c. Liggins, J: Opium: England’s coercive policy and its | Routledge. disastrous results in China and India; the spread| Lily bud ser. 6 vy. ill. 16°. [’78.]548 $1.80.. Lothrop. of opium-smoking in Am. (Standard ser.) 8°. SS Cont.: Two wide awake dolls. — Prue’s pocket book. — fOr ee DAD LOC: toracere etarer stare) reyoo cis cic eis Funk. Kitty’s Christmas. — Katie’s adventures. — Christmas in a cabin. Lightand darkness: Cutler, P.C©> 20c......- Munro. meee CUS Day. Dichtand shade, OBrien; ©: @. 0c: ......- Harper. | Lily of San Miniato. Hamilton, Jfrs. C. V. $1.50; $1. Light at evening time; introd. by T. L. Cuyler. 4°.|_. i % Carleton. cilel|ioy 2 jap: Neath. Gi ccna se Lothrop. | Lily of the valley. 32°. [’80.] 50c..... J: E. Potter. = > x m ¢ ~ | i ey a yy + dg 270.) 407 Dé Ty Light for the day. Edwards, T. $1.25.... Presb. Bd. | Lilydale ser. 6v. ill. 18° °79. $2.10... Nelson. Light for the little ones. Van Marter, M. $1.25. Cont. : Alice Benson’s trials. — Dame Buckle. — Lisa Baillie’s : : ay Tap "hips - FT journal. — The peacock butterfly. — Tiger Jack. — Where a S y wr ‘ - c os S aN . penny went to. Light in dark places. Drayton, H: S. $1.25. Claxton, R. & YW. | Lily’s drawing-room book. Barker, Mis. S. $1.50. Light in darkness. Craik, Mrs. D.M. 10c... Ogilvie. | __ Routledge. Light in the darkness: story of the Franco-German war; | Lily’s holidays. Barker, Mrs. S. 50c. -... Routledge. from the Germ. by A. F. Burk. (Fatherland | Lily’s lover: by author of Climbing the mountains. Cir )) SY, ORE Nie, sono concoon Luth. Pub. | (Satchel'ser.) sq: 12°) (i778: 383 pap:, 35c. Light ; is it wanting? why? how much? and what shall | Authors’. WeRGO, 10088 7Quese2: Vay ey Le Cong. Pub. | Lily’s magic lantern. ill. 16°. ’79. 50c... Routledge. Light of Asia. See Arnold, E. Lily’s scrap book. Barker, Mis. S. 50c... Routledge. Light of prophecy. Holbrook, EB. A. $1...... Colby. | Lily’s screen. Barker, Mvs. S. 45c....... Routledge. Light of the morning. Warner, A. B. 35c... Randolph. Light on the cloud. Savage, M. J. $1.25. Lockwood, B. & Co. Light on the dark river; memorials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin. Lawrence, Mrs. M. W. $1.50.. Lothrop. Light to the path. Longking, J. 25c... Ph illips & H. Lighthouse. Ballantyne, R. M. $1.25...... Nelson. Lily’s vocation, and other stories. 18°. [’78.]82? 60e. Kelly, P. § Co. ihimerickiboys “Rilenims os WoC... ce: Roorbach. Limitations of life. Taylor, W: M. $1.75. Armstrong. | Lincoln, Is. I). A. Boston cook-book: what to do and what not to doin cooking. ill. 12°. ’84,.*644 Wie bdsis (So aes oe eee ecu: Roberts. ;LINCOLN 251 LITTLE Lincoln, D. F. School and industrial hygiene. (Am. | Linton, Mys. Eliza Lynn, continued. health primers.) 24°. ’80.*#4 50c..Blakiston. |— Same. See Our Geraldine. Lincoln, Ms. Jeanie Gould. Her Washington winter. | — Rebel of the family : a uovel. (Franklin §q. lib.) NYO, UVACEN CSI) Gooson on 00060 5400 Oa) | AO 2S OSES SPDs 2OCi a cher sieeve ci ie Tarper. — Todhunters’ at Loanin’ Head, and other stories. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*5°4 pap., 10c... Munro. Lind, G. Dallas. Easy experiments in chemistry oe § — Under which lord? (Seaside lib.) 49. ’81.%*520 natural philosophy. 12°. 780.47! pap., 40c. Normal. | m 9 3 1° « 9 > sepa — and others. ‘Teachers’ and students’ lib. : compend. e bape Cee ec sat cone Scares ct eas Rope TO: a fie . ra “to ¢ TO Ie 07 ch ~r. of knowledge necessary to teachers, students and World well lost: a novel. ill. 8° [77.] “ $1.0; the gen. reader. 8°. 82.46 $3......Denison. | : pap., $l See SHER aos ces eceeeceee es Lappincott. ; ‘ : S z , |— Same. seaside lib.) 4° 7/7: ap. we . hinda. Crawford, Mis. MH. l. S$l20.. 652. -2 luthors’. | 5 Ks ey, : pee babe 10c. . Munro. ae “i 7 FR : ke (ed.) Witch stories. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’88. pap., inda. entz, dfs. C. L. 7dc..... eloreieietere Peterson. D0 Cie ce cisicinsleiels chico nc lours Sisia/inicicicle eelecrelerou/ 1 UL7L70% : > Ny ‘ + ‘ ml ‘ - x r m.*1: Lindau, Rudolph. Gordon Baldwin, [and] The phi- | Linton, G. W. ['wilight zephyrs: coll. of hymns and Losonnen s pendulum. (Handy-v. ser.) 18°. | tunes for Sunday-schools. obl. 24°. ’81.*489 278.) pap., 25C.++++0+ +++ e eee +++ Appleton. bds.,25c. Same. 16°. ’82.5°? bds., 20c. .J: Burns — Liquidated Handy-v. ser.) 6°: (ii78is42" paps, (ta r . LES Nae we : Aiquids . (Handy-v. ser.) 3°. 78. pap-, | Linton, W.J. History of wood-engraving in America. YANO OGG0D 00 nog agoo00d eyoleis)eielereiaiare' Appleton. ill. 4°, 283.575 $7. 50.. Estes cor ® : pose ae is es ee $7.6 tenet tees e ees : - HO SEE (Handy-v. ser.) 162. ([77S-j: pap., | — Some practical hints on wood-engraving for the in- DDC. ccarr cocvccorccsccrsccnevicse ---. Appleton. | struction of reviewers and the public. ill. sq. Lindendale stories. Wise, D. 5 v. $6.25..Sumner. | GOS en Oeesls: SIRO S) eee aoe ee gs - s T ‘ | Qo ) > ‘QO > - > > © 7, is Linderman, H. R. Money and legal tenderin the U. S. | — (ed.) Rare poems of the 16th and 17th centuries; TOON ire ste ROD en nee ee Putnam. | suppl. to the anthologies; with notes. ill. sq. : . wyalige . \ 6°, 783 [782], *968 ra > ao > cp Lindesie, A. Reconciliation; or, peace with God : 5 St ld t 2 H ue Ms tes Rare fioben Sk through the blood of Christ, as developed by | a aes a aae ia : cS SJ ang ish VISES Cpe ORV history: an argument for the Christian faith. | i. ne Ben dag ee Cnr ore Setbner’s Sons. Took goes) EO. piclcisies Cassell, P., G. § Co. | Cont. : 1. Chaucer to Burns. —2. Lyrics of the 19th century. 4 s ~ 2 aoa —3. Ballads and romances. — 4. Dramatic scenes and characters Lindley, A. F. Log of the Fortuna: a cruise in 5: Translations. eee Chinese waters. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.538 | Pape LOG Re eee ceeisess cse's eeee seeee. Munro. (sion Jack: Barnum, P- T: $1-50.--...... Carleton. ° _* . : AN se eens ures Ras Vy Wane (ct s 7 Lindley, J:, and Paxton, Sir Jos. Paxton’s flower-gar- Lionel Franklin’s victory. See Van Sommer, E. dens: rev, by Wi: Baines’ 2 ve (cole {ple dot | Lippincott, Mrs. Sa. J. [‘‘ Grace Greenwood.” ] Queen sHp6ed Vag hl. Oe ee ee ee eersei Cassels | Victoria: her girlhood and womanhood. (Ex- Lindsay, J. T. French exiles of Louisiana. 12°. | emplary women ser.) ill. 12° °83.*©? $1.50; P81. 1 #59 Ge GIN we oct ics yen Sle siafetedtels W. B. Smith. Shy) lefejere aie cee cielele ec Aodacnd J;:R. Anderson § Allen. Lindsay, W. Lander. Mind in the lower animals in | Lippincott’s American summer resorts. New ed. ill. health and disease. 2v. 8° ’80.*4 $4. NG (Pith tescac cone cece e Lippincott. Appleton. |Lippincott’s general guide-book to the U. S. and Lindsay’s luck. See Burnett, Mrs. F. H. | Canada: app. describing the Philadelphia Exhi- Lindsey, C: Rome in Canada: the Ultramontane | bition of 1876. 3dded. ill. 16° [776.]?4* $1.50. struggle for supremacy over the civil authority. Lippincott. 8°. (778. ]82° $2.50 «2.66. nce wo ee Lovell Bros. \ippincott’s general guide for settlers in the U.S. Linen primer. sq. 12°. [°79.]*!! G0c.....-. Lothrop. | 2ded. 16°. [°76.]° $1.50...-..-. Lippincott. Lines inthe sand. Day, R: EB. $1.25..J: 7. Roberts. Lippincott’s guide to New York, Hudson River, ete. z New ed., rev. and corr. ill. 16° [’76.]?4? 50c. | Iippincott. Lippincott’s pronouncing gazetteer of the world. See Thomas, J., and Baldwin, T. Linked lives. Douglas, Lady G. $2.50... Benziger. Links in Rebecca’s life. Alden, Ms. 1. M. $1.50. Lothrop. Linn,S. P. (comp.) Golden gleams of thought: words|_. 2 ih . é of leading orators, divines, philosophers, states- Lippitt, Fs. J. Criminal law. 8°. [’79.] $6. men and poets. 8°. ’82 [’81].*°!7 $2.50..Jansen. | _. oe _ Houghton, O. § Co. Linnet’s trial. Sinedley Me Be Sine. . Dodd. | Lipscomb, A. A. Christian heroism ill. in the life and character of St. Paul. 6° 780.48 pap., 25c. Same. 4thed. 12°. ’81.°°4 pap., loc. Burke. — Studies in the forty days between Christ’s resurrec- tion and ascension: ser. of essays. 12°. ’84.°9 Linskill, Jiiss —. Hagar: anorth Yorkshire pastoral. (People’s lib.) 4°. 783.979 pap., 10c... Ogzlvie. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°° pap., 10c.. Munro. Lintner, Grace (pseud.) See Ingraham, Js. E. M. 2 ae : : GR cs asrays scr cialis Gilecels ciersisise sisicie otis ere On IU ett. Linton, Mrs. Eliza Lynn. From dreams to waking: a Ineaidateal anand R. 25 5 novel. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. [’76.]2° pap., | agus ated. ao au, R. 25C....2ee eer eee Appleton. Ges sc ee Se Harper. | Gist (The). Minton, M. Sv. ea., $1.50; $3. —TIone Stuart: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° |_| Last Pub. BLEED TAN, Die once co doc: eee lauren Listener (The). Fry, C. $l......... Bisel sees C@ILEIs — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.974 pap.; 20c. Litch, Josiah. Christ yet to come: review of I. Warren’s J: W. Lovell. Parousia of Christ; introd. by A. J. Gordon. 12°. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 783.84 pap., 20c. Same. PRM C IEE EAL GoaG56 6000 aco0c -Am. Millen. Assoc. Seaside li >ocke > 90 224 631 ‘ ° ° ages . eer ide lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ‘84. Pap-, | Litchfield, Grace Denio. Only an incident. 16°. ZO Creicicie cel ait s/clels s) scien’ Wrevelsieieite slale vieieie: « Ahn : zag | Literary: life series. Shepard, W: 3v. ea., $1.25. of Christ: theoretical novel. 2ded. 12°. ’82.*°8 | y Shepard, : sen) = : ; Putnam. G1.25.--6 +2 -- ee eee ehelcleteoelciere R. Worthington. |... ae es : — Misericordia: astory. (Handy-vy. ser.) 18°. eae eee poiteralore Pee See aneeD. Ji Re : Dips, 20c. 7. er SO eee An eee Appleton. | Little, Arth. Early New England interiors: sketches in — My love: anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 781.*46 Salem, Marblehead, Portsmouth, and Kittery. DADs OCs ee eene eee ered sincere ..-« Harper. obl. f°. [’77.]8°S hf. mor., $6......- Williams. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.*%° pap., 20c.... Munro. | Little, C: I. Biblical lights and sidelights: ill., with —(@ur professor. (Halfshour ser.) 320)- [i782]? cross-ref., consisting of facts, incidents and re- PAap-, LBC... ecccerecnceesvvcree yeu ene LAMPE. markable declarations taken fromthe Bible. 8°. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’79. pap., 10c..Munro. 2OSERE2D) | GRAN erererere cle «/s clstale wie) « oiale sieisie) oreo IIL7biCe * a ae et pombe 35 Poreia eae / 4 i i i} j / ns ie } (| : ‘| LITTLE 932, LITLE Little, D: Mason. Instantaneous marine studies [photographic views]. 4°. 783.°°° portfolio, $3. Cupples. Little, EB. N. (comp.) God’s thoughts: text-book for the month. ill. 32°. [°83.]*8? 75c.Randolph. Little, G: T: The descendants of G: Little, who came to Newbury, Mass., in 1640. 282.078 Le : 7: Lrttle. Little, W. J. and E.°.M. Medical and surgic cal aspects of in-knee (genu-valgum). ill. 8% ’83.°% $2. AeA iie. Little, W. J. Knox. Characteristics and motives of the Christian life: sermons. New rev. ed. 12°. 1Q (ue dO! TD ie ciwciciceie) © cvoiere) evelelurnl= Pott, Y¥. &§ Co. — Mystery of the passion of our most ree Redeemer. PQO} 28) RECS Sh aes cileieieeice EIB: nee == Sermons. 120: ’SO:*3% SI.75.-...... er A & (GO: — Witness of the passion of our most Holy reeale emer. G0, 284626 Ss se be seicciccelin Gs B Voung. Baker, Is. H.N.W. 4v. $4. Ward & D. Tsittie: Alices library. 9) ve ily 16% 760.2.0 ea. Little Agnes series. 25¢e Rciedatslovete aleve. e) «iele|ele) se) oje.@ sie oie) (001010) 6).<.6 NGIeo Cont. : Little Alice’s palace. — Live to be useful. —Sunny faces. — Faithful Nicolette. —The power of truth. — Stories on the Lord’s prayer. — Sowing and reaping. — The one moss rose. — Freddy and his Bible texts. Little Amy’s work. Bradley, Mrs. M. E. $1.50. Am. Bapt. Little and wise. Newton, W:W. $1.25......Carter. Little Ann, and other poems. Taylor, J. and A. $2 Routledge. Little aversion. Hay, M.C. 10c......---+-+4 Wunro. Little Bessie. Smyth, G:H. 75c...........-Carter. Little Birdie’s picture primer. ill. 8° ’83.*°!* bds., Oy Glave clolinisiere cin clalcis iets) sci ayierereters - Routledge. Little Birdie’s Sunday picture-book. ill. sm. 68°. (27Gei|ee2 bds., DOCE sraicie slcicra elselel sowie vine Nelson. Little blind May, and Jane Hudson. ill. 16°. [’77.]°° Shileccceccis) cio sie sic ciele/s| sie 'sie cioloteleieVelera eveleicisiare Lothrop. Little Bigeeont s pees book. ill; 120 2476. bds:. ID Oe orcisieke Scie Eye (el/al Slo oicle Tolerelel sisi Sioiece Routledge. Little Blue Bell’s picture book; ill. by Sir J: Gilbert, J. D. Watson, H. Weir, and others. sm. 4°. [’77.]7* $2; bds., $1.25 ........--. Routledge. Little Blue-Jacket. Paull, M. A. 7dc..../ Nat. Temp. Little Bo-Peep’s story-book. Uncle John (pseud.) 25c. Am. News. Little Boy Blue ser. 6 v. 16°. [’77.]?9° $2.40. Lothrop. Cont.: A narrow escape.—Tim’s partner.— Strangers from the South. — Little Boy Blue. — Robin Hood and another Hood. — Cinders; the fortune Carl found in the ashes. Little brick church. Falkner, W.C. $1.50..Zippincott. Little Bright Eyes picture book: stories for little chil- dren. ill “sme4o” (°76:)242 "$1.25; bds:, 75c: Routledge. Little brown girl. Stuart, E. 80c............. Dodd. Little brown house and the children who lived in it. Santords Wiss De Pe SQ Ob ecrcrec.e cisreissee JIULLON- Little Brown-Top. Rand, HE: A. $1.25......Lothrop. Little bullets from Batala. Tucker, C. $1...Carter. Little Buttercup’s picture-book. ill. f®. ’81 so}. $2; . bds., SEZ OM aieiwie ocd cS ec eles cieiclc Routledge. Little captain. Peebles, Is.M.L. 10c..... Ogilvie. | Little catechism of the infallibility of the sovereign Pontiff. 24°. [°76.]?87 pap., 5c..-.. Benziger:. Little chats with little folks. 6v. 820°. (79.90 in NYOPS, SEY Oy OLWO5 006000 0000 uC Yel oioraers! force Lothrop. Cont.: The runaway na and other stories. — Nuts, ete. Pet’s Christmas present, etc. —B aby’s journey, ete. — King baby, | ete. — Homesick Dick, ete. Little Chatterbox. [Annual.] ill. 4°. 78-’84, 901,41 | DOSSs 2D) settles ele cie cir +++-ht. Worthington. Little chatterer. Uncle Ned (pseud.) 50c. Cassell, P., G. § Co. Nod | Little Christel. sq. 18°. [°77.]?” pap., 5c.. Gurley. Little Clara’s picture book. ill. 4°. [’77. ]?97 50c. Nelson. Little comedies. Sturgis, J. 30c. ......--«1 Appleton. Little Curly Pate’s story book. ill. sm. 4°. [’77.]?% PTE 25re DAS! DON wcleiercieteeiers ».--+--- Routledge. Little Davy’s new hat. Bloomfield, R. 45 Little Dignity. Gerson, V. $1.50........Routledge. Little Dorrit. See Dickens, C: ».. Routledge. Little Dot. Walton, Ms. O. F. 50c....... -- Carter. Tittle Dovs librany. I2v. ills 60 (Sie ean oc. Sets So) csicie ces Sirei clove! s/el(ee/ele\ ol sieve) 6 le sieicis es JVELSOTU. Cont.: The cowslip ball. — Fred Kenny. — Pat Riley’s friends. — Lessons out of school.— Always too late. — Spring- field stories. — Little Dot. — The little model. — Uncle Rupert’s stories. — Till the sugar melts. — Soldier Sam.— ‘Two ways to begin life. Little duke. Yonge, C. M. $1.25.......... Lothrop. Little earl. See La Rame, L. de. Little Ellen ser. 10v. 24°. [’78.]°8 $1.50..Lothrop. Cont.: Little Ellen. — Lucey and her pony.— Aunt Martha. — Daisy. — Jennie. — Minnie. — Better than clever. —Emma. — Miller’s daughter. — Beldina. Little faith. See Walton, As. O. F. Little faults and their cure, by the author of Soldier Fritz. 16° [’78.]38 50c.......«-.-- Lothrop. Little Iifine. M: acquotdé Mrs. K. 8. 10c....-4 Wunro. Little figures, and other stories. Bartlett, M. C. $1.25. Lockwood, B. & Co. Little Floy. Smith, Ms. BR BS 500k aa. one Lothrop. Little folk songs. White, A. B. 75c.......-.. Estes. Little folks in feather and fur, and others in neither. Miller) Os 4s 12) Zoi wrciecesr rapes sci 30 e DUtton. Little folks series. Gv. ill. 16°. [’77.]?8" ea., 25c. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Cont.: Little stories for little people. — Pleasant stories and pictures. —Simple stories for the little ones. — Pretty stories for tiny folks. — Mamma’s stories for her pets. —Papa’s stories for his darlings. Little folks’ album of music. Ellicott, J. Wap and OLN EIS: Ue cieiaisie's sleciats - Cassell, P., G. & Co. Little folks’ birthday book. sq. 390, 83. gilt, 60c. ; venetian, 75c.; ef., $2; ef., hand-painted, $2.50. Whittaker. Little folks’ black and white painting-book. Weath- erly, Gs DO Ceaecfevcicveic «specie . Cassell, P., G. S Co. Little folks’ painting book. Greenaway, K. 40c. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Little folks’ picture gallery. See Matéaux, C. L. Little folks’ play-book. Goodfellow, F. (pseud.) $1.25 R. Worthington. Little folks’ reader. ill. sq. 8°. ’80.*°!? bds., $1 Same. ill. sq. 8°. [’83.]®! bds., $1..Lothvop. Little Forget-me-not’s picture book. ill. sm. 4°. "77. }79® ds., 50c..-....------.---- Routledge. Little friends at Glenwood. Mathews, J. H. $1.25. Carter. Little gems of literature for memorizing. 16°. ’82.°48 Net, S6Ce sae @ jecice wees vcieies al Oller, A. & C0. Little girl among the old masters. Howells, W: D. GO rereycleveusteretseiei< eiofers eisvele cfoleeleyere= ole ele ate Osgood. Little gleaner’s library. 12v. ill. 32°. [’81.]°! ea., 10c.; 4 sets in nest, $4.80......-....... Welson. Cont.: The little gleaners.— Under green trees. — Willie’s blac yen srries.— Are you ready? — 2 he first best. — Daisy. — Roy’s revenge. — Who did it? holid: vy. — Old ranger. —The young Sstiee. Little Glory’s mission. Reaney, Mrs. G.S. 75c. Am. Tr. | Little Golden Locks’ picture-book: stories for little childrens) alli sm’ 4°: [iG lzee le2or bass, TD Ch veiacets olokers oyelevelcreie\ol cle cletee ever .....-Routledge. Little good-for-nothing. Daudet, A. $1.50....Zstes. Little Grand and the marchioness. La Rame, L. de. NOCH cierersis\'n cisier cies oie le 6 ehelolsle! since’ ey Cont.: Little pilgrim. — Little pilgrim and her friends. — : tle hinges. Hunt, M. B. 1.50. Cassell; P., G. & Go. Little pilgrim at school.— Little pilgrim’s Christmas. — Little Little Jack’s adventures. ill. 4°. | ’80.] 50c... Lstes. pilgrim at Aunt Lou’s.— Little pilgrim at housekeeping. Little Kate Kirby. Robinson, F: W: 10c.. . Munro. | Little pilgrim’s question book. See Barrows, Mrs. W: Little lays for little folks. Watts, J: G. $2.50; $1.50. Little pillows. Havergal, F. R. 25¢.; 10c.. Randolph. : Routledge. | Little pitchers. Clarke, R. S. Tdc...-.--.-- Lee § S. Little learner’s question book. Capron, M. J., and | q,ittle playfellow. Uncle Ned (pseud.) 50c. Peloubet; ME AS Wes sec ccc. secs cclcisc Hoyt. | - ‘ Cassell, P., G. & Co. Little learner’s toy book. col. ill. roy. 4°. [‘76.]*44| Little poems in a mother’s life. Perry, Mis. S. T. STD) comes ones occa cee eee ele eel Velson. | G5 Olcc cd ave sie ues Cie nese ues cere ue M. Warren. Little lessons for little housekeepers: lessons given at | Little Poppy’s picture-book. 4°. [’79.] 7dc.; 50c. Wilson Industrial School; [also] Rules of po- Routledge. liteness, and rules for sewing, by A. M. Kirk-| Little prattler’s picture primer. ill. 8°. [’83.]*®S wood. New ed. ill, 169 47954983 pap. 2oc: DOSS: 2D Cones cielslc oelclele cle elm wiavolo si eseiniars Routledge. : : Randolph. | Tittle Primrose picture book. ill. sm. 4°. [?77.]?% Little lights along shore. Cobden, P. $1.25.. Carter. base BOG. ee ee Routledge. | Little Lily's picture-book. ill. sm. 4°. [’76.]*°’ bds., | Little Pussy Willow. Stowe, Mrs. H.B. $1.25.. Fords. ol ee ciel aa og a eer Pees Nelson. Little Red Cap ser. 4 v. ill. 18°. [°76.]244 $3. Nelson. Little linen series. ill, sm. 8°. [’77.J°7_ea., linen, Cont.: Little Red Cap. — Margaret Browning. — The lost key. Ey CS evel 0) ofeytin sini ein orci s) orclatsl cy eee ce aie McLoughlin. — Mark Steadman. : E Little Loo. See Russell, W. C. Little Red Riding Hood. Millard, H. 25c..- Gordon. Guittle lost girl, Dayre; ss: 90c. 34.0... 2... Authors’. | Little Red Riding-Hood. ill. 32° [7’81.]*°!! bds., Little Lottie’s picture gallery. ill. 4° [’78.] 50c. POR acura nays in irae Se clsim che sies oorele Bae Nelson. Nelson. | Little Red Riding-Hood. See also Musical Red Riding Little Lou’s sayings and doings. Prentiss, Mrs. E. Hood. Bileo Oe cee nol Soe ose eae eee” Sees Randolph. | Little red stocking that hung at the gate, and other Little Lucy’s wonderful globe. Yonge, C. M. $1.25. Christmas stories. Wynne, F. 10c...Nat. Temp. Macmillan. . eee elie ae wees Re 0 %79 404 oy]. Little maid and her moods, and other poems. Phelps, rea es ture nook. ue an 4 ‘ a mes a OSE GIG OLMENSS. Silesia cnc ctere Lothrop. Se es ee ee : Little Rosebud’s menagerie. 4°. [’79.] 7dc. Little Make-Believe. See Farjeon, B. L. R. Worthington. Little May; or, of what use am I? ill. 12° 779.4) Tittle Rosebud’s picture-book. 4° 779. 75c.; 50c. TD Cag se weaie lo efoiociereolcieieloc cis tie grersieie = ..--lVelson. Routledge. Little May and her lost A. ill. 4°. [’80.] 50c...Hstes. | Little Rosy Cheek’s story book. ill. sm. 4°. [77.]?* Little Maybud’s picture book. ill. 12°. ’76. bds., CL ONe Wek Wes noua odce ccdacdos noon Routledge. MO Cre seNel is = etrtetone creas rere “sees r ce ceee Routledge. | Little Ruby-lips story book for children. ill. 4°. 779. Little May’sfriends. Whittem, A. $1.25. SO OU Cera ia atte a fatete faim) = erotevers ws, > > ro ~ y > nC ] = = : ae 297 ‘ cS Se it aur on picture story. Alden, fe M. \Tittle Sunbeam. ill. 4°. 77.]297 $1.50... Nelson. WPl.OO 5 Dl eee ce een eee renner vewnen tees sothrop. | a : s : : oe ere ee : . : “ f 2 | Little Sunshine series. 4y. ill. 18°. ’79.*7 ea., bds. Little people of Asia. Miller, O. T. $2.50.. Dutton. | 2~ : Nels BD Cacia elec ois gnddG dood cD aHDo ANDO DOUGKD! elson. Little people of God, and what the poets have said of Cont.: My own picture book. — Pictures and stories for pets. them. Austin, Ms. GL. $2 ........ Lee g S. — Pictures tor my pet. — Pictures for Sunshine. 30. (Oct. 84.) 2505) 40ch ee... Pott: ¥s & Co. Littlejohn, A. N. Conciones ad clerum, 1879-1880. We, OL ROLY SMA cosdgcapees Whittaker. — Individualism: its growth and tendencies, with some suggestions as to the remedy for its evils. 12°. CSA ToT cles seieielouersiererorers cocceee Whittaker. iiverboy. Johnson, B.A. Gil... s. sd Nelson & P. Iiveboys: kilorim, 9 Slee screrectes we ese, Lee § S. Live boys in the Black Hills. Pilgrim, T: $1.25. Lee Jy S. Live oak boys. Kellogg, H. $1.25 ......... Lees S. Live stock journal almanac. [Annual.] 12°. [’78-84. ]?!4 DADs: DOCS siein cree eie1cie os 1 cje.c)> Cassell, P., G. & Co. Liveing, Rob. Notes on the treatment of skin diseases. Athweds ene. GO 27, Seet Mo crye sien Wood. | Ibhiverenas, WollfriedH 0c. 3.52... - 3-661 Munro. Livermore, Abiel Abbot. Anti-tobacco: [also] A lecture on tobacco, by R. L. Carpenter; [also] On the use of tobacco, by G. F. Witter. 16°. | 783, *614 DO CMieisre coals Siete Cs eles Se mince Roberts. | Livermore, Mrs. Ma. Thirty years too late: true! story, and one inathousand. ill. 32° [’78.]%}8 SCs exsveconieicls 6 mieleieleis ec ie) sia ee Lockwood, B. & Co. — What shall we do with our daughters? 16°. ’83.822 Spilisws Direlshey sieve cielo siefolereicics cleitic ec cicic c eee LESS. Livermore, S. T. Block Island. ill. and map. 120°. 782.*°48 pap., 35c.; map separate, loc. Iivermore. — Hist. of Block Island from 1514 to 1876. 120°. Ziel pace DOOR istic tence Sei ice ee eee Case. Livermore, W. R. American Kriegsspiel: game for practising the art of war upon a topographical map: manual. 12°. ’82.°°! $2; tables and pl. sm. f°. $3; the two together, $5.. Houghton, M. & Co. Lives and portraits of 100 greatest men in history. 8 v. pl. f%. ea., $7.50. 2-222. cece eee es eee Fords. Lives of Pope Pius 1x. and Pope Leo xu. ill. 129. (GS 22 paps, ZOCs com cine wie ee inicrejoie)eieian We Gee. Living Chureh annual. Leffingwell, C. W., and Sey MOUS AS 2D Oro cclote sieicisiccieic:s B.S J. B. Young Living English poets [1882]. 16°. 783.*°8° $2.. Roberts Living issue. Dodge, R: I. .....-..--....c00/ Vohun. Living London. Sala, G: A. $5...... Scribner & W. Living pages from many ages. 4° [7’79.] $2. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Living pictures in the Church of the Holy Communion. Ihab kG EiloouaGooocGg00d0 cone -- Randolph. Living thoughts. Robertson, F: W. $1.25 .. Griggs. Living too fast. Adams, W: T. $1.75...... Lee & S. Living truths. Kingsley, C: $1.......... - Lothrop. Livingstone, Jlrs. C. M. Diverswomen. See Alden, Mrs. I. M., and Livingstone, Mrs. C. M. -—— Story ef Puff. ill. 8°. (PSse tet bds., 75c.. Lothrop. Livius Patavinus, Vitus. Ab urbe condita Libri t., 11., XXI., et xxuI.3 with notes by C: Anthon and H. Graig. 12° [272222 ‘shp:,, $:20' «--- Harpen: — Book 1.; ed., with notes and vocabulary, by H. M. Stephenson. (Klemen. classics.) 16°. 783.8}? flex. Gl net; 40C ii sc cies esac cic ee cle Macmillan. — Books u1., 11.; ed. with introd. and notes, by H. M. Stephenson. 16°. ’82.°4? net, $1.10.. Macmillan. — Books v., vi., and vir., from the war against Veii, to the beginning of the Samnite wars; ed., with notes, by A. R. Cluer. 16° 781.°2° net, 90c. Macmillan. — Legendary hist. of Rome; to the burning of the city by the Gauls, b.c. 390; tr. by G: Baker. ill We eB IP CPS bell) GG anac Rk. Worthington. — Second Punic war; tr., with notes, by A. J: Church and W: J. Brodribb. maps. 12°. 783.587 $2. Macmillan. — Selections for schools; ed. by H. L. Warner. 3 pts. HGS: [iiiel|, ea. 40Ci cece ae oie oer Macmillan. Cont. : 1. The Caudine disaster..— 2. Hannibal’s campaign in Italy. —3. The Macedonian war. Sce also Anthon, C: ; — Capes, W. W. Lizars, J: See Miller, J. Tizzie Adniance. Iuee, M. 20ce...3........ -. Munro. Lizzie Andrews’ first place. Sitwell, S. M. 50c. Rott. Ys «Co: Lizzie Leigh. Gaskell, AMs. E.C. 10c.....- Munro. Llewellynn, H: Black Hills; or, the search for the mountain of gold. (Champion novels.) 18°. (eiGo ese Dap:, LOCs ei. 5 weisicie es ojee 6) Watts — Custer’s last charge; or, the ravine of death. (Champion novels.) 16°. [’77.}?8! pap., 10c. De Witt. — Grizzly Gulch. (Champion novels.) 16°. [’77.]?8 PAP ss MOCK sisicieysis clerelel = alele. oreielei crore ote cose. De Watt: — Ojibbeway Joe; or, Red Eagle’s fight. (Champion novels:); 169 (e7saes2 paps, lOc: oe. De Witt. Lloyd, B. E. Lights and shades in San Francisco. 8°. (Gs e284) mor. Heiress seers eietnyelace Bancroft. Lloyd, D: D. Ogla Moga. See Stories by American authors. Lloyd, Mrs. Ht. Raymond (ed.) Life and letters of John Howard Raymond; ed. by his eldest daugh- ter; pork (62: (SilksiS SOMO ec cscs Fords. Lloyd, J. U. Chemistry of medicine: practical text and ref.-book for students, physicians, and phar- macists. 12°, 781.28* $2.75 leath.. $3:25. [ Lloyd. | —— Same. 2dyed. alle 120) “Bide? 62.757) shps, garcos Clarke.PERSE ES ee aol ee ee LLOYD LONELY Lloyd, J. U., continued. Lockwood, T: D. Electricity, magnetism and electric — Pharmaceutical preparations: elixirs, their hist., telegraphy. ill. 8°. ’83.*625 $2.50. Van Nostrand. pon ule® and methods of preparation. 12°. °83.*°97 | — Practical information for telephonists. 169°. ’°82.544 SHILA D Dye rerevess toxs claiciel olaieveveleiolocesvcisvercucts sieeve cre Clarke. SOIL eeyeie ciel evere ler ieleio © creler eines wuere eooe W. J. Johnston. Lloyd, fe R. W. Flower of Christian chivalry. ill. | Lockyer, Jos. Norman. Star-gazing past and present: 129% 2D. ESS Os cere sie oe cree ar Routledge. introd. to instrumental Sone my ill. roy. 8°. Lloyd Pennant. Neville, R. $1.50...Kelly, P. § Co. (Sa ee Src b0 cae cee es ne oe Macmillan: Lloyds, F. Practical guide to scene-painting and] — Studies in Spec UnU Dy EUNICE, Oe SER) eae enn ale : TS] 101) 597 &m ; Leer (27855); SO UDO! cictee baie chee aioe Appleton. painting in distemper. ill. 783. SL..Haney. = J s . ae ie Q 2 eee ’" |— Why the earth’s chemistry is as it is. (Manchester Load of fun. See Gray, W.T. Blunders of a bash- ae : . 90. P77 7274 9~ 2 . sci: lect.) alls 1205 [evel pap., 25c. ful man. io ee ie 4 : Macmillan. Lobb, J. Life of T. DeWitt Talmage, D.D., with hist. i ¢ - . | Locusts and wild honey. Burroughs, J: $1.50. of Brooklyn Tabernacle. 12°. 780.4°! 75c. Same. Houghton, O. & Co (People’s lib.) 4°. 781. pap., 15c...-- Ogiivie. | Lodge, Mrs. —. Under a ban. Coa lib.) 40, Lock, Alfr. G. Gold: its occurrence and extraction; | 784.63! pap., 20c. Same. Sele | ib., Pocket geog. and geol. distribution; ed. by C: G. W. | ed.) ant 264 ess) MANS. BOCs aajieie ole wiciere ; Mune 0. x ] ‘ ‘ . 20 572 he “Y Lock. ill. and maps. 8°. 783. 20 ..Spon. | Lodge, H: Cabot. Alexander ween (Am. states- Lock, C: G. Warnford. Workshop receipts: 3d ser., | men.) 16° 782.9% $1.25..Houghton, M. & Co devoted mainly to electrical and metallurgical |— Daniel Webster. (Am. statesmen.) 16°. 783.*°% subjects. 8°. “84.040 Goo .c ccs -- 1° SPO. | Sniles Oy ois/aie ciereere clovorele eroieee ele Houghton, M. &§ Co. : : a 2 = Tate: ttters of George C: 19 «6-977 7986 @a F —and others. Sugar-growing and refining. ill. pl. | Life and letters of George Cabot. 8°. [’77. ] 93.50. BOK ZB ROS 8 ON is ctornsl ote ehereteie ale ols es) oleic Spon. Iittle, B. § Co. : : — Short hist. of the Eng. colonies in Am. maps. 8°. Lock, J. B. Treatise on elementary trigonometry. 12°. Sanne : Oi an | : 89 543 net, $1.10 5 Maori || 81.* hf leathe noc ee cee -- «+ Harper. Zs 7c Bl\picte slsieie we lelelele siele/ 1 7 Li. ~ . . a ‘ a AIC ; as ; Ge so — Studies in history. 12°. ’84.*9 $1.50. Locke, D: Ross. [‘‘ Petroleum V. Nasby.”] Hannah Houghton, M. $ Co. —(ed.) Ballads and lyrics. 16° ’80.**° $1.2 OH gRtO: 0. s Co. Jane, sq. 8° 82 [Sl )etete SL50.-.- Lee & S — Nasby in exile; or, six months of travel in England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, |— Same. (Holiday ed.) ill. eo [282° ]*8°98 S3is hf. ck etc., with many things not of travel. ill. 8°. | $5.50; mor. or tree cf., $7.50. Houghton, M. & Co. ‘ 82.°%° subs., $3.50 ; leath., GO eels Pub. Y’. Loftie, W: J. Plea for art in the house. (Art at — Paper city. 12°. Dereon HOO icici ic aisiere.« Lee & S. | Homesen.,) £00, [ufos Glo... Porter & C. Locke, J: Conduct of the understanding; ed. with | — Ride in Egypt, from Sioot to Luxor, in 1879; with introd., notes, ete., by T: Fowler. (Clarendon notes on present state and ancient hist. of the press ser.) 16° ’81.4°! flex. cl., 50c.. Macmillan. | Nile Valley. 12°. 779.4% $3...... Macmillan. — Some thoughts concerning education; introd. and | Loftie, Mrs WwW: J. notes by R. H. Quick. 16°. 780.47 0c. Macmillan. Locked door. (Acting drama.) 12° ['79.] pap., Forty-six social twitters. 16°. ’78.36 nanood Macmillan. Lofton, G: A. The Baptist trophy: centennial poem _— . . . . . * . . on religious liberty. 12°. [’76.]**? 75c..So. Bapt. IBY; GG0000 0000 00r apelckerale ice precio “ieee Roorbach. | EAS GOS e fsl 5 B = lie F aa : A an og-book of a fisherman. uckland, F. $2. Locker, Arthur (pseud.) See Forbes, J. H. 6 * , a : See ae Scribner § W. Locker, F: London lyrics. 16°. ’83.°%° $1. ____ | Log letters. See Campbell, G: Scribner J W. > 309 «612 : ‘ . i >» Kor é yl Wi fate a We, Bacall “O. —— Poems: 6c 183;5%2 limp: vel. si; limp tree Log of the Fortuna. Lindley, A. E 10 funro ef., or, embossed leath., $4.50......- White § S. | Log of the “ Water Lily,” during three enuiscs: Mans: Lockerby, D. F. Acrostical pen portraits of the | field, R. B. 50c. fees Routledge eighteen presidents of the U. S. sq. 16°. [’76. ]?°} | Logan, Algernon Sydney y. Image of air, and other Ses MOLsey Sealers ele ciaieievereeieys sey eels) claves Sibole. poems. 12% [778.]*°° 5c. .-..--- Lippincott. Lockhart, J: G. Ancient Spanish ballads: hist. and|— Saul: dramatic poem. 12°. 1b -. Lippincott. romantic; with biog. notice. New ed., rev. 16°. | Logan, C. A. Physics of infectious diseases. 12°. Maas UU IRD Binnercic ccepeciicistele ovevale cvies ofor sisters TTolt. asses DO! Srciswose oie tislere pieces siacvecte oc) UIUSEM: — Life of N Yapoleon Buonaparte. New on ill. 89 | Logic and life. Holland, H. S. $1.50.. Scribner's Sons. 7325088 eroleleeiekele (ale eveiine ciel sieyeieie a C73 or & IW. | : . , kh a Ge: OM r : Sortbner g . Logical conclusion. Bates, L. 10c. -.....-- Ogilvie. I vawrence 2 MM. Hair see: a novel. . co ECA . ¢ a ee Bee x 199 530 Bane one We | Logie, Jfrs. Sa. E. C. Betty and her cousin Harry. 12°. {NESS : i Sh eee: ANT oe) GRILL ter ciereiere aifa inl elale.e} melon (elol si clelstsi< Am. Tr. — Mine isthine: anovel. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. | La i. Tae Gl Pg 7382 Sy ie Ty ies epap se d0Ci eee ee Aarne |G ara sonie Harry. il. 16% al 18. ~ $l.-Am. Tr. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 40, °78. pap., 20c.. Munro. | Her little world: - uN nes BiColes 1.50. «Am. Ln eo x — Out of the fold; East or West, hame is best. ill. 16°. Locksley Hall. 7 ennyson, A DO Ci epee acoieleler- Osgood. 782) 4588 ONE ec nee ee cs re venice Am. Le Lockwood, Flo. Bayard. Suggestions for the use of visitors to the insane: essay on the cure and care of insane patients. (State Charities Aid Assoc. Ser: )) (8c. so0Ntass | ps ap-, 20c. .....- State Char. — Training of children. 16°. ’79.**8 pap., 25c... Stern. Loher, Franz v. Cyprus: hist. and descriptive: adpt. from the Germ., with add. matter by Mrs. A. B. Joyner. mapsandill. 8° 778.3) 1.25. R. Worthington. orm in pies pas: Harland, M. (pseud.) Lockwood, H: C. evolton of the presidency. | $1.7 petals cele ote erate reverent: Scribner's Sons. BOL 2OA ROSle DOI saree sec eis R. Worthington. | Lola. Guinea AC 81.98 ee Ce Holt. Lockwood, Howard. cee of the paper, station- | Lombard street. Bagehot, W. $1.25 ..... Scribner. ery, and printing trades. [Annual.] 5th—10th | cc ¢ a ® , > ry 2 ») ve i A , ed. 8° °79-94.382-#645 on $9... Lockwood. London assurance: comedy. Boucicault, D. oe . . e tld. Lockwood, J: ‘Topical brief of SH inton’s Outlines of | t ondon bridge: a poem. Martling, J. A. 40c..-Harle. history; Zo (anil) S0chaa. s oaiejeraela cel USOT Lock aM.s reboot ok : 1 |London lyrics. Locker, F: $1 ....... Scribner § W. Mr SS: é c ers 2 art. 6°. sg Suk f os ee 320 ey Brando omecramic Cae London's heart. Farjeon, B. L. 10c. .------ Munro. i . Miliececsesvessenvneen rs eoeene eeeereee . * 1H =| mao ‘ rE » 2 »} , F()iieic ts cere cs piers ee ( a y ; . — and Glaister, E. Art lembroidery. VW CR ere | Lone ranch. Reid, M. $1.90. Carleton ; . > | . 7 hy} On ee - SULOVD Olver ic sels ose ereteie oe mete Scribner § W. |Lonely Jack. Brodie, E. $1.25 ...--.++-+-- Carter. Pe Ree oreli ie tt yi k i f Hee 1 rt Siti oe tt Brey d He by lett me LONG 236 LOOMIS Long, C. Chailé. Central Africa: naked truths of naked people. ill. 8° [’77.]?®* $2.50... Harper. | Long, Ellen Call. Florida breezes: or, Florida, new and old. 12° ’82.*°°8 pap., $1.-Ashmead Bros. Long, J. (cd.) Eastern proverbs and emblems, illus- } trating old truths. (ng. and for. philos. lib.) Ow 2A O07e BUDO). cco oc cccele Houghton, M. & Co. — Same. 12°. [’82. 1222 ni Lveleieveileielerwllcyeleel leis) «(eis Funk. Long, J: D., and Higginson, T: W. Memorial day: Oration, by J: D. Long; Ode, by T: W. Higgin- | son, May 30, 1881. 8°. ’81.*%° pap., 20c. Lockwood, B. f Co. Long, Mason. Life of Mason Long, the converted gam- bler, written by himself. por. and eng. 12°. Ooo! (OTe yeeros ie ece ee a oe [ Keil. ] Long ago; a year of child-life. Cragin, l. T. $1.50. Lockwood, B. & Co. Long Look books. See Abbott, E: Long time-ago. See Orred, M. Longfellow, H: Wadsworth. Complete prose works; with later poems and biog. sketch. (New sub- scription ed.) l5pts. ill. 4°. [783.] ea., 50c. Houghton, M. & Co. | — Poetical works. (New subscription ed.) 2. por. and ill. 4°. ’79—80.*48° -320;: hf mor., $26; PUTIN O Less Overcicreycics sie cree ele Houghton, M. & Co — Same. (Al). lib. ed. 8°. ieaGsl a2’ $5... Osgood. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket — ser. ill. 32°. over Ry (GN sicrwracisucicl clea eimisirieleiieinicicr cielo. Osgood. | — Children’s hour, and twenty other selections; with | biog. sketch and notes. (Riverside lit. ser. por: 16°. 83. pap., 15c... Houghton, Me & Co: — Christus: a mystery. (Household ed.) 12°. °82.°% Spi leversieis e's ee oe .----+ Houghton, MM. & Co. | — Courtship of Miles Standish, arr. in 7 scenes for parlor theatricals and school exhibitions. (Riverside Jit ser.) 16°; 263-2U (pap:, Tdc: Houghton, M. § Co. — Evangeline; ill. by F. O. C. Darley. obl. fe. 782.5% GM Qi ste brace cron es wclole sions ©) be Siebel Houghton, M. § Co. — Same; with notes and biog. sketch. (Riverside lit. ser) 169; 783-822 pans, — Germ.; tr. by F. Siller. 12°. 779.*98? $1.50. Doc rflinge mi — Hxcelsior. ill. sm. 4°. [eaarren| ee° $1.50; ant. mor. ortreeicts. Bb a. a.6e si peseeeees-- Osgood. — Flower-de-luce; reproduced in fac-simile from the | original ms.; ill. by I: Sprague. 8°. ’83.*62 MEX NIN SCO: Sole O Oo creer ec ielel sie nine) os ere ore Cassino. — Hyperion: aromance. 16°. ’82.°9° pap., 15c. Houghton, M. &§ Co. —— ame. (duovell’s lib:) 169 782'54% 50c.5 pap., D() Osreresiclers cers carro ieie ceo cis ate sieiete werersic J: W. Lovell. —In the harbor. Ultima Thule, 1 OS Ti cS Sc levat onsic sis Houghton, Ma Co: | — Kéramos and other poems. 16°. [’78.]929 $1.25. Houghton, O. & Co. — Michael Angelo: a dramatic poem. ill. 4° ’84 (2833].*929 $7.50; mor:, S10. . Houghton, M. § Co. — Outre-mer: a pilgrimage beyond the sea. 16°. °82.536 hobs Wales soou poco Goda goaope Houghton, M. & Co. — Same. (ULovell’s lib.) 169. ’82.544 — Skeleton in'armor. ill. 8° (276. ]?°? $5.. Osgood. — There was a little girl; ill. by B. M. Shaeffer. obl. 16°. 8Sen eens flex. fringed, ribbon-tied leaflets, ULWWoacoan0e sho06 vecseeee sees. LR. Worthington. — Ultima Thule. por. 16°. ’80.*493 $1. Houghton, M. § Co. — Longfellow birthday-book; arr. by C. F. Bates. por. andill. 24°. ’8],%*477 $1... Houghton, M. & Co. — Poems and prose passages; comp. by J. E. Hodedon. (Leaflets from stand. authors.) ill. 12°. ’81.*493 DDO OC eyecieyers s oreles oie) slat ar- Houghton, M. & Co. — [Selected poems.] (Am. classics for schools.) por. | andiill. 169. ’82.*° 60c...Houghton, M. & Co. | — Seven voices of sympathy ; from the writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; ed. by C. F. Bates. 16°. SRST ee Oi eee ye Houghton, M. § Co. | Longfellow, H: Wadsworth, continued. lic. Houghton, M. & Co. | pts 25 por. 16% o0c.; pap., | OYO, wooaonooc eli aielorele clisiole) lc siclatoiie cieie J: W. Lovell. | — Twenty poems; ill. from paintings by his son, EK. W. Longfellow. 8° 784 [’83].*®! @4; mor. ortree Ofte (SO Bierce cies Hloughton, M. & Co. —(ed.) Poems of America. (Holiday ed.) 3 v. 16°. 789.982 =S5; hf. cf., $10...... Houghton, M. & Co. Cont.: 1. New England. — 2. Middle States. — 3. Southern States; British America. |— Poems of places. 31 v. 18°. [’76—79. ]*4°4 ea., $1; set, $25; hf. cf., $75.......- Houghton, M. § Co. Cont. : 1-4. England and Wales.— 5. Ireland. — 6-8. Scot- land, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. — 9, 10. France | and Savoy. — 11-13. Italy. — 14, 15. Spain, Portugal, Belgium, | and Holland. —16. Switzerland and Austria. —17, 18. Germany. | —19. Greece and Turkey.— 20. Russia, including Asiatic Russia. — 2]-23. Asia. — 24. Africa. — 25, 26. New England. — 27. Middle States. — 28. Southern States. — 29. Western States. — 30. British America, Mexico, South America. — 31. Oceanica. — Poets and poetry of Europe; with introd. and biog. notes. New ed., enl. 8°. ’82.5% $5: hf. cf:, $7.50; mor. or tree cf., $10.. Houghton, M. § Co. See also Gannett, W: C.; — Modern classics. Longking, Jos. Light to the path; compend of Bible teachings concerning God and the creation, fall and restoration of man. 16°. 784.87 5c. Phillips & H. Longley, Elias. American phonographic dictionary : shorthand forms for all the useful words of the Eng. language. 12°. °82.*°°9 $2.50...- Clarke. | Compend of phonography, table of all alphabetic combinations, ete., at one view, also word-signs and contracted word-forms. 12°. ’83.°!% pap., DOCe aievsiayaisisyelals) 0 (che ie(c\eisiciecisiels (ejelelelele eis cre Clarke. — Eclectic manual of phonography: complete guide to the acquisition of Pitman’s Phonetic shorthand. B31 DOs wc cie sic cin erocicieies eclcrer- Clarke. — Every reporter’s own short-hand dictionary ; in which blank lines opposite all the words inthe | Ing. language are provided. 12°. ’82.*5°9 $2.50. Clarke. — Reporter’s guide, designed for students in any style of phonography. 12°. °’88.*°8° $9.... Clarke. — Student’s pocket medical lexicon; with app. cont. list of poisons and their antidotes, abbr. used in prescriptions, and a metric scale of doses. 24°. °79.4°4 S13; tucks, $1.25..Lindsay § Blakiston. Longman, F. W: Frederick the Great, and the seven 208 Oo, 10C. a years’ war. (Epochs of mod. hist.) maps and WO, UY, | ASK Poo Saco Scribner’s Sons. — Pocket dictionary of the Germ. and Eng. languages. WOO [itiieiees Slo0 meee cr --.-. Lippincott. Longstreet, Irs. Abby B. Social etiquette of New York. 16° 7’79.*86 $1. Same. New enl. ed. TBO; 28700) SHIES chiens slel ovotoveloreisie) o/s) erei ices Lppleton. Longstreth, Morris. Rheumatism, gout and some allied disorders. 8°. ’82.°°8 subs., $1.25.. Wood. | Lonsdale, Marg. Sister Dora: a biog. ; from 6th Eng. edi por. W169) 2805480) BI2bF ci. - ecODentS: — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.°° pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °’80. pap., 10c.- Munro. Look before you leap. See Hector, Mrs. A. F. Looking down the ages from a prophetic standpoint. Walshe Je eles TOO cicecccie cis cin ctor J: Burns. Loom and lugger. Martineau, H. 20c...J: W. Lovell. Loomis, A. L. Lectures on fevers. 8°. [’77.]8° $4. SIPs A Di oie na ciehere sieie sleicic wieleiels cicero miele Wood. | Loomis, G: B. (ed.) The progressive glee and chorus | book; sel. from Germ., Eng., and Ital. authors; designed to follow Loomis’ Progressive music lessonser; 4° °79:874 (bds.. S4¢....... Ivison. Loomis, Lafayette C. Index guide to travel and art- study in Europe; with plans and catalogues of the chief art galleries, tables of routes, maps and LU 6c SO aroek $3.50. Same. New ed. for 1883-4. 16°. °83.*°87 Jeatherette, $3.50. Scribner's Sons. — Summer guide to central Europe. 18°. ’79.9°9 pap., SPIE ieee sis eieit © «le Giorercl cies cifavereie Ge /crclc ee Am. News.a gehen ae ee Q7 Shae! LORA 231 LOLS Thora. Pastnor, P. 75c.....--+.--..-- --d: HL. Potter. | Lossing, Benson J., continued. Lord, Alice E. Symphony in dreamland [poems]. = History of American industries. ill. 4°. [78.] SGI GON wtB OTOL) 9 INOS) eee ..++s Putnam. | SO LOR fella orice citer cil Porter § C. Tordeye Ancient history New rev. ed. map. 12°.|— Home of Washington. ill. 4°. ’79. gilt, $3; mor. ('76. ]25} Spe ea GoclanCO Bani Gs ant., BO. ace sey aieieioie eter) ete R. Worthington. — Points of history. sq. 12°. ’81.*°? $1.25.. Barnes | — Story of the U. S. navy, for boys. ill. 12°. ’81 : ue Bee, Ease alee a ‘ oa : = [BSOy see Shiller [fey yeveen ciclarel evel ccolcee (oleleielreie exe Harper. Lord, eG oe viesees hopes; or eon com-|__ Washington and the American republic. 3 vy. ill. 1g or the Lord. 290 0) Te Tol 8°. 79), $18; shp., $215; hf. mor. gilt, $27; peat LOCALES 1) full mor. gilt, $30 R. Worthington or ‘ee rs Cer > rarde . | = : - 2g y MBU eee erences se ue g Wl. ae Brackenbury. ce Edwards, A. B. | — See also Spencer, J. A., and Lossing, B. J. ie ses ic eEte 7 : . at aco Qo 3 ce sa 2 : ord Peon ary’s visit. (Amateur stage.) 18 iI P2p-> | Lost arts. Phillips, W. 25c. -......------. Lees S we wis 0lelee) 0 elnic eju 001016) .0),410) 0.0010 e400) 08,01 0:010 appy. 3 bs Eee i BEY | Lost bank note. See Wood, Js. E. P. Lord is my shepherd. Richards, W: C. $1.50; $1.75. ‘ Rn es Teese Lost battle. Sargent, E. F. 10c....-.-..---- Ogilvre. Lord Kilgobbin. Lever, C: 20c....-- Rereicicloren! Munro. | Lost casket. Du Boisgobey, F. $1; 60c....Putnam. Lord Lynne’s choice. See Clay, B. M. | ost estate, and other stories. Ballard, Jhs. J.P. $1. Nat. Temp. Lost farm, and other poems. Piatt, J: J. $1.50. Osgood. Lost fora woman. Fleming, JMs. M. A. $1.50. . Sarees ries Carleton. rd Strahan. rick i soleebiaaco ; | . 7 , Lord Strahan. Wildrick, M7: S125 Lippincott. | Lost for love. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. 20c. .-- Munro. Lord Oakburn’s daughters. Wood, Mrs. E.P. 20c. | Munro. | Lord Stirling’s stand, and other poems. Babcock, W. lel, SlGlOoa 40 ocG0 4600 Sieie(die ot aie aise LAUD DUICOLL. rd’s |: . Rideaway, Ho B. (be... Telson & P. . mp r Lord’s land Ridga ly, H B 2 Welson 5 Lost found and the wanderer weleomed.. Taylor, W: Lord’s Pray Sh? ill. and esp lened for the instruction | Ma Sil oaks sec ac eae Scribner, A. § Co. and edification of the children of God. ill. sq. 8°. S ; ts : : Tet Coe suage eee oe ee dren of God. ill. sq. 8°.| post harmony. See Clay, B. M. Gilded sin. (ez 9e8| 35c.; 25c.; pap., lbc..-...--. Brobst. | : § arn ; ’ oe: | Lost heir: hist. drama. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79. Lord’s pursebearers. See Smith, H. = \ = ; io L nd aa a Seay | pap., 15C. .eeeeeeeee cece ceceee cece sees Happy. orenz, Edm. 8S. tates of praise. See Baltzell, I., | : . r oy De ee a OUaI Be OCT aes Lost in a great city. Douglas, A. M. $1.50..Leeg S. and Lorenz, E. 8. | ‘ : : — and Baltzell, Isaiah. Holy voices for the Sunday- Lost in the fog. Brooks, N. See Stories by American school, and other services ofthe church. obl. 24°. | authors. 283-4590" DdS=, o0.C.« ce sie Siac save sa) cists oy ererererers Shuey. | Lost in the post. Wood, Jfrs. EH. P. 10c..-.-- Munro. — and Rankin, J. E. (eds.) Francis Murphy’s gospel | Lost in the snow. (Keeping-on ser.) 18°. [°77.] 40c, temperance hymnal. 8°. ’78.*%°° bds., 50c. Crowell. Barnes. | Lost jewels. Ruskin, J: 10c....--+-+-.+--- - Wiley. Lorenzo. Bresciani, A. $1.50............- Sadlier.| ost key. Fry, Mrs. S. M. 10c.---.....-+4 Ane Sse Lorimer, G: C. Great conflict : discourse concerning Lost letter. Sr Riddell, dfs. J. H. Baptists and religious belief. 16°. [’77 we oe Lost receipt. Salter, M.J. 25c...-.--- - Wright § P. — Isms old and new: sermon ser. for 1880-81. 120. | Lost Sir-Massingberd. Payn, J. 10c.-------4 Munro. BR iT KOLO! TID \eccicra oie cco) evel wletele selon aaa Griggs. | Lost truths of Christianity. 12°. 780 [Oeste ealeto. — Jesus, the world’s Saviour; who He is, why He came, Lippincott. and what He did. 12°. ’83.*89 $1.50.. Griggs. | Lost will. Wood, Mrs. E. P. 50c. ----.--- Peterson. — Week-day lecture-room talks on conversion. 24°.|Lothair. See Disraeli, B: 2Q() *429 O(a .- ‘ , : “ ) y y 80. 20c.; pap., 10c. .--.---- Goodman § D. Lothrop, Amy (pseud.) See Warner, A. B. Lorimer and wife. Lee, M. 50c. -.-...---- Harlan. | Yothrop, Ht. M. [‘‘ Margaret Sydney.”] Five little Loring, A. E. Hand-book of the electro-magnetic tele- peppers, and how they grew. ill. 12°. (Si ee graph. (Sci.ser.)- ill. 24°. °78.%°° bds., 50c. TED Osis ells cies ese Slop eretere nlaveler sreretes a1 Lothrop. : Van Nostrand. | — Half year at Bronckton. ill. 12°. [Sia seee sle2 bs Loring, G: B. Farmyard club of Jotham: account of| Lothrop. the families and farms of that famous town. ill. | — Pettibone name: New England story. CVn Tasers) Sh (ae tebbal)) acc oobe Lockwood, B. § Co. | ° QO, IQYEKSIG | DDD . « ciawie ec civie ticle aus Lothrop. _ eps) seoiches of Dunstable, Mass. [1673-|__ go as by fire. ill. 12°. [’81.]*49! $1.25..Lothrop. 873]; bi-centenni: atl Sept. 17, 1873. 8°. * : . . 7 ra ee att see ul oration, Sept. 17, I Well os —. What the seven did; or, the doings of the Words- lias ALY) Cherc1 severe ic ele (eel eieisj ole ere sieve Vlirott. ~ . 1D 1K562 GO OF s 1 oP : eee “ worth Club. sq. 8°. [’82.]*°® $2.25; bds., $1.79. Loring, Laurie (pseud.) See Pratt, L. M. Lothrop. Loring, W. W. A Confederate soldier in Egypt. por. | — Who told it to me. ill. 8°. [°83.]*8° bds., $1.25. and ill. 8° [’84. ices SN 355 (Vevereiel nie ae OAd: Lothrop. Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach, B. $1.25 ---. Holt. Lothrop, Matthew H: (ed.) The poet and the children: Lorna Doone. See Blackmore, R: D. carefully sel. poems for children; ill. by J. W ‘ Toney Maraucsc enc: E: H: D. S. Campbell.] Champney, L. B. Humphrey, and other artists. od ‘ . ,} uU- Xs ue ’ » D- < a 5 8°, 7897 *564 Bs See apes Bi eye AG oth ron. Memories of Canada and of Scotland: speeches Bde L ] ey d Dk pe | a ’ calan . aV- Vv ave ‘ » f TiC: is Wy, 20, ‘ 3 é : s Sage 71. 480° ne ie m as aoe un pao z Lottie Freeman’s work. 16°. [778.] 29 50c..-Lothrop. O) leas $1; hf. rus., pl.oO0 --+-----4 Am. Bk. LX. : i 2 ; ie : Sate : ae — Harper’s pop. cyclopedia of U.S. hist. from the abo- | Lottie of the mill. Heimburg, W. eG Ue riginal period to. 1876. 2 v. ill, 4°; iSIk*et8 Lotty’s visit to Grandmammia: story for the little ones. SDF ec iratsceeteve: avec se Oe Glee ele elevel smcsseisicl « Harper. We Gk eeiol GNM ee cree eyes wleler Dutton. Sescrante. sae ipa crease oa get inlinirainthc: ss ean ibaa: LOTZE YZ! LOVETT eA ie . | 3S , Jes Wis sconod cane Ohi Lotze, Hermann. Logic, in three books, of thought, of | Love blossom. Alcott, J : 10 guvre e = x ~ e : x See vin ou - rs investigation and of knowledge; Eng. tr. ed. by | Love finds the way. See Besant, W., and Rice, J. B. Bosanquet. (Ciarendon press ser.) 8°. | Love flower. Legouvé, E., and Mérimée, P. 15c. 284,633" “net. BBQ) coc. secwcice ss. MAcmUlan: | Roorbach. — Metaphysic, in three books, ontology, cosmology, | Love fora day. See Clay, B. M. © + a < ar > Wns 5 ‘. . . < = and psychology; Eng. tr. ed. eee pesanduct: move for souls. See Scribner. W: ~” ~ ~ . 20 2 Ia > SS ¥ are ress ser. Ove O+. net, po.Zo. Ree : i < Clarendon’ ) ce Love inidleness. See Kirk, Mrs. E. O. Macmillan. Louage, A. Course of philosophy, embracing logic, | Love in old cloathes. Bunner, H. C. See Stories by metaphysics and ethics. 2d ed., enl. 12°. Sone American authors. TDC treielel = cles eiols/eisie oiciewe o o)e) ciel arslcerarereye -++- Pret. | Love letters of celebrated people, and hist. of beautiful Loubat, J. F. The medallic hist. of the U. S. of Am., | women. (People’s lib.) 4°. 783.59? pap., 10c. 1776-1876; with etchings by J. Jacquemart. 2 v. Ogilvie. PO [E( Sollee po Ueries srlecine) altar. ture, 1879; regular session, 1880: extra session Loved and righted at last ee Even at the altar % en : : ae 7 ; sO. Ife co 20 rohal]} 20 and 2d extra session, 1881; regular session, 1882. Loved into shape; [and] Osgood’s rebellion. ill. 169. aiielevercreSiclere eee oslo daca ae «+++ Ogilvre. Love works wonders. Clay, B. M. $1.50.. Carleton. ) 972 306 Y | (EVE TOON 271 G28 Oi wiccoucivclcic ere se nineteen State. Sree. Sete c ac secre cece. ee Lothrop. — — Revised laws, with ref. to acts of the Legislature, Lovejoy, B. G. Francis Bacon (Lord Verulam), from 1870-1882; comp. and ed. by A. Voorhies. | critical rev. of his life and character; with sel. A eGk GR, ANE EYED asoaonccn coco nc Hansell. from his writings. 12°. ’83.*82 $].... Estes. — Supreme Court. Reports. v. 27-34. 8v. 8°. °76— a ; i hi Lovel, the widower. See Thackeray, W: M. ea., Shp., S10 .... Gresham: umsell. : : oe as 5 ‘ ! ee eet ae Lovell, Solomon. Journal. See Weymouth Hist. Soc. 799 287,331 So. ’ Cont.: v. 27, 28 (76), by C: Gayarré. — v. 29-31 C77T-79), by P. Roberts. — v. 32-34 (36-’83), by H: Denis. Lovell’s library. ..-.---01 veces cess vecceed: W. Lovell. Note. Entered under authors and titles. — — Digest of decisions, v. 15-30 inclusive, [1860-| ; d ‘ 1878], by C: Louque. roy. 8°. ’78. $15. | Lovels of Arden. Maxwell, Ms. M. E. 10c. Munro. Clark § H.| Lovely: charade. Grattan, H. P. 15c....Roorbach. Louisiana. See Burnett, Irs. F. H. | Lover,S: Handy Andy. 12°. [’77.] $1.50. Porter § C. Loukis Laras. See Bikelas. D. | — Same. ( Eeople : ney) 40. 8). pap:, 20c.. ee 3 : ] . er : — Same. (Seaside lib. ) OF tide “pap:, 206....4 ‘0. Lounger in society (pseud.) Social etiquette and| AULT OO CRSIGE UID) eto all Deere’ unro a SEA neoaen 397 x478| —— Happy man. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. ’83.8 pap., 10c. home culture. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4 OTF ALS : J: W. Lovell DUD eee 20 Cote nts arcs ele cies cise cele ie iy Harper. | - oes . me See i LOU C bes es i ; : — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 783. pap., 10c.. Munro. Lounsbury, T: R. Hist. of the Eng. language. | __ He would be a gentleman. (Seaside lib.) 4°, 77 ‘Hand-books for students and gen. readers.) | Onn 4 oe : me Ce TY *401 ey 2 5 i 7 5 _ pap., 20c. Sate ere haces vale e yee ns sees Munro. oe ee Beate en ccna ie chene eres) ees _ «77 440't- | Trish legends. (Seaside lib. ) 4°. ’77. pap., 10c. Munro. — James Fennimore Cooper. (Am. men of letters. ae / ; Nee Rory O’More. (Seasidelib.) 4°.’77. pap., 10c. Munro. Dr ae ht wo &O | — ‘om Crosbie. (Seaside lib.) 4°.’78. pap., 10c. Munro. ; oughton, M. & Co. | a : Tn foe Sasell ann Louque, C: Digest of decisions. See Louisiana, Sup. | Lover and Jord. (Seaside lib.) 4°. *83. Dane 20Ce POs 168% 280) |RO2 not Court. Soe, : Munro. Love: dramatic play. See New York drama. heer ee - OE ae te Love; or, self-sacrifice. Herbert, Lady M. EB. 15c. | ewes 7 tale: Bee Tennyson, = Sadlier, | uOve’s conflict. Lean, Mfrs. F. 20c........ Munro. Love among the gamins, and other poems. Proudfit, | Love's crosses. Notley, Mrs. F. E. M. 1dce. Harper. Dae DOs jac 6 tie we a carne oc. Dick. | Love’s labor’s lost. See Shakespeare, W: Love and duty. Hubback, Mis. J. $1...... Peterson. | Love's random shot. See Collins, W: W. Love and friendship. Dripps, J. F. 50c... Presb. Bd. | Love’s sacrifice. Walenn, W.G. 10c...... Ogilvie. Love and life. See Yonge, C. M. | Love’s victory. Farjeon, B. L. 10c..... ercveverer! Wunro. Love and money: comedy. Boucicault, D. 15e. |dsovels\ warfare, (Clay. Bai 20¢)......---: Munro. Happy. | Love’s young dream. (Acting drama.) 12°. 783.588 sacs Avil. | PAD e OC ire ri coc seein ane cies ce LOOM DOCAL mip! «gavin oe OCS + hk. Worthington. | Lovett, Rob. K. Manual of foreign exchange. 12°. Love at Saratoga. Comfort, L. R. 20c...... - Munro. | E101} CSE 5506 cuoged on podn oo06 I. S. Homans. Love and transition. Tillotson, M. B. $1 Love and valor. Hood, T: 50cLOVING 239 LUDLOW Loving sister. Hays, Mrs. W. J. $1..-. Whittaker. Low marriage. Craik, Mrs. 1D. M. 10c...... Munro. Lowe, Abraham T. Fragments of physiology; or, es- says on life, health, hygiene, disease, and cure of disease. 16° (77. )22 $l25.--- A: A. Young: Lowe, Mrs. Martha Perry. Memoirs of Charles Lowe. [Oo; 2681820 S175 occe ee cee Cupples. Lowe, W:H: Hebrew student’s commentary on Zech- ariah, Hebrew and LXX.; with excursus on| syllable-dividing, metheg. initial dagesh and siman | rapeli. 8°. 782.54 net, $2.50 ..--.J Vacmillan. Lowell, Jfrs. Anna C. (ed.) Posies for children: book of verse. New issue. ill. sq. 12°. 782.5% $1.50. Roberts. Lowell, E: J. The Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary war. mapsand plans. 12°. 784.*8! $1.50.. Harper. Lowell, Ja. Russell. Complete works. New uniform edi 5 ve 180% 28285 89 Nh. chase Houghton, M. & Co. Cont.: Among my books, Ist and 2d ser. — Fireside tray- els. — My study windows. — Poetical works. — Complete poetical works. (Household ed.) 12°. | [’°76 leas WN DT teva roscoe iene ie cele velaserel cierevercls Osgood. — Same. (Ill. lib. ed.) ill. 8° [?76.]?5! $5.. Osgood. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32° [’77. ]?%° OG ies era clot laleveroiaclererelelclevorelereiele clsiejcucrelere Osgood. — Cathedral. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 32°. [?77.]7% PV (VCR careinloleteiele sim eiclictelelcsleiinvsloleelel “399 588 ~ | OOS [BS e eee NEO Dee cine cea e res Randolph. | M.,C.C. See Cooke, C. A. M., E.S. See Martin, E: S.M D4 Easter ae vy, and other stories from the Book of | common prayer. 18°. [?77.]?7 50c. Whittaker. | . M. Birds we see, and the story of their lives. | We W698 2855022 hdsa 2D Cre ccc eo eeee Nelson. — In the woods. ill. 12°, | 79. ] Spill c) cis. cele! Nelson. — Natural hist. of the Bible. 18°. [77 OE Soe | Ne lson. Rayne’s story. M., M. A. Her will was law: Esther NGOs (SON Re O0Ce eer crs ae Pott, Y. § Co. Mab Tarleton’strial. (People’slib.) 4° 781. pap., | KW, cooasa6c sek biel Scale: sleicle seis (suevers creversusrere Ogilvie. Mabel. lLynnde, I AOS cpererelorny cis) sii- sieierecA 117s bars Mabel and May. (Seasidelib.) 4°. [’84.]®4 pap., NO ee aie epeticieterciev cunt ere ayerclaiwic’s) oie terete aerate Munro. Mabel Howard. Durden, Dame (pseud.) $1.25. Lothrop. | Wiltittier: Js G. Lode: Houghton, Cummins, M.S Mabel Martin. M. & Co. Mabel Vaughan. See Mabel’s mancuvre: parlor interlude. Benedix, R. Vey Oe erereereieis eroveteree ac) yeni era) sare) Sakeial acre De Witt. Mabel’s progress. ‘Trollope, Is. F. E. 20c. Munro. Mabel’s stepmother. Robbins, As. $1.25. — Miscellaneous works; ed. } — Armada, | MACAULAY Mecano T: Babington (Lord). Complete works. Save 120% [SO Boies. cae aie J: W. Lovell. Cont. : History of E ngland. 5 y. — Critical and miscellaneous essays and pocms. 3y. by his sister, Lady Tre- velyan. dv. 82. 7802%22 sshp.) sil2.50) hf. ef., ROD rep cesva sare, cree okelaier bie) oie oon cbaevete a -srevereres Harper. — Poetical works. 12°. [’78.] gilt, $1.50. R. Worthington. with sketeh of author’s and other poems; life, notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser.) 16° 781. pap., Th OO are re etcieie elie ave Giiclel oelete, cea srerace Clark & M. — Critical and hist. essays. Auth. ed. 12°. [’79. e404 Sb er aiaye crcl clone cos ove /ciaieleiele ticie cyeceie eters Armstrong. — Critic al, hist. and miscell. essays and poems. 3 v. I” 40 LD A 12°. eM mo (od. Cogswell ; Crowell ; R. Worthington. | — Earl of Chatham. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. vise eae ~ | = PAP. 2DC. = 22 oe nw ee sc ceene ne vceecences Harper. —Hssays. (Half-hourser.) 14 v. 32°. [?78.] ea., DROo Gis oa ae oe os se ee Seis Harper. — lissays. Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.*4#5 pap., 5c. Funk. — Essays on Bunyan’s Pilgrim progress; withsketch of author’s life, notes, ete. (Eng. classic. ser.) 16°. : ‘ 4 ( AVUCT. 10. PAP, UAC. wee ecw) ee hae Clark & M. Mabel s work. Henry » Mrs. S. M I. 51 -00; (ONC: — Frederick the Great. 18° °829.°44 2d5e. Us ful Knowl. oe : : Nat. Temp.| _ Same. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. [777. ay PAps, 20.Cs Maberley, J. The print collector: introd. to the Harper knowledge necessary for forming a coll, ot — History; [also] Hallam’s Constitutional hist - | rez ancient prints; with app. cont. Fielding’s views.] ( ‘Half: our ser.) 4° 79 #391 pap. treatise on the practice of engravings; ed. with Oa ee Ce Harper He mea Sue ne } : i — 25C. +. eee | : ‘ per. NOvES eK a by R. Hoe, jr. ill. q- °. | __ History of England from accession of James u. 5 Vv. SU | (9 Jers TapO see) sia ce cs reer sacvine Dodi 1. por. go. AQ EE OCS! CNT en Harpe on Mabie, Hamilton Wright. iD stories retold from |'=— Same. Dove 20, 2708S) So concen ccc ere Crowell. thie Wddasy 169: Sorte ae a ce eve Roberts. | — Same. 3 169: 780,424 $1.25. hf rus., $2.50: Mac, Captain (pseud.) C anada from the lakes to the i Am. Bk. Bac. eulf. ill. 12°, ’81.*52° pap., 50c...[W. ¥. News.]| — Same. 9 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. *81.S°°™ ea., mI . . . ; DO Ce eters) Sates ec yee 6 21s) 01) seine arn 53 $1.50, Jath. Pub. | » McCLURE McCarthy, Justin. Comet ofaseason:a ae, (Fr ee lin Sq. lib.) 4°. °81.59% pap., 20c.---- Harper. — Dear Lady Disdain: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.556 nap., 20C. ----2-e eres rece scenes Munro. — Donna Quixote: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 79.*413) pap., LOC. - ++ eee sees et cece tees Harper. _. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c...d/unro. — Epoch of reform, 18830-1850. (Epochs of mod. hist. ) 16°, «[?82.)*9%" G1 cee. 36 owe Scribner’s Sons. — PHistory of our own times, from accession of Queen Victoria to Berlin Congress. 4v. 8°. 781.987 RT ce ore ici cia elle wolenslakoreis cre) e/ = c1ekel = Scribner & W. = Same, Ov. 190: - 280seteise22 ea. bey his (cr, “3 | Same. 2. v.. @eranklin Sq_ libs) 4°: 79-80. *983,457 ea., pap., 20C. ---.----- Harper. == Same. 2% pts. (Seaside lib) ao. AXES Ghee Ap, DV Ce. eeereei clsieve co wlnies oichelajeisiels a fever vreene Munro. — Maid of Athens: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 7Q2 «620 AP.» 2OC. «eee cree cere ecceces Harper. Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°: 783°%% pap.) 20c: J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib. AO; 48976" pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.8%! PAP., 2OC.. eres ce ceen cece ccce ence sees Munro. —.Mamie Tyrone: or, the fair Saxon. 12° 783.83 $1.50 e SHO OOH OOOO OdObDO COOS sia oreveiciobe oye Sadlier — Mattie of Greysparkle. (Seaside lib.) 4° 781.47 yAP., LOC... ee cece eee ee cece eee eee Munro. — Miss Misanthrope. 8°. (777.293 =$1.505 pap-, 90ce. Sheldon. — Paul Massie. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 80. pap.,10c.. Munro. — Short history of our own times; from the accession of Queen Va ictoria to the general election of 1880. 120, °84.*631 $1.50. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40, 84.892 nap., 25C..- 2. +. eeos weer wee Harper. McCarthy, Justin H. Outline of Irish hist., from the earliest times to the present day. 12°. ’83.*°9? 75c. Murphy. Same. Franklin Sq. lib.) 49°. ’83.°99 pap., 1ldc. Harper. — Same. (lovellis lib.) 12° [2835-8 papi, loc: J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 283.582 pap., 20c.. Munro. McCarty, G: D. one See New York, State, Cts. McCarty, | P. (ed.) Annual statistician, 1882. 16°. Goose pa ...---+[| Brentano's Lit. Bmp. | McCarty, W. Pee Our heiress: local buff opera. 120 (ree papi, 20C. sie. West, J. § Co. McCaskey, J: P. (ed. 3utler’s literary selections. nos. 1-4. “16° (277—80.)|=-st=* ‘eal foc. 5 pap-, OD Cres cycle Sib bie STo cb oro ei a cle aislrorere ic) GET ULELEM — Franklin Square song ¢ oll. : songs and hymns. nos. 1, 2. 89. el 84.) 4598) *835 eg. $1; bds., no.1, 50c. ; no. 2, 60c; pap., no. 1, 40c.; no. 2, 50c.. Harper. McClain, Emlin. Outlines of criminal law. interleaved. 8°, 782.573 pap., $1.50; hf. shp., $2. Same. 8°, $3626) “Shps, spo-D0) ciclo cleat mcarele McClain. McClellan, G: B. Life, campaigns, and public ser- vices. [Anon.] 16°. [’77.]°° pap., 50c. Peterson. McClellan, J. F. Digest of laws. See Florida, Gen- eral Assembly. McClelland, M. A. Civil malpractice: treatise on surgical jurisprudence. 8°. [’77.]?®4 $5; shp., RG aeieie ce eco etok crore ile einioie: sielcicve ela bcie eke Hurd & H. McClelland, M. G. Old Ike’s memories. 12°. ’84.%48 PAP., ZOC. -- ee eee cere ee sere ccces West, J. § Co. McClenahan, J. C. Gomips) In memoriam: gems of poetry and song on James A. Garfield; with por. and eulogy. sq. 12°. ’81.*°?! $1.50... McClenahan. McClintock, J:, and Strong, Ja. Cyclopedia of bib- lical, theol. and eccles. literature. v. 6-10. maps andill, (8°. [(77—?8illa|s04et87 Sb, shp:, cious Nt NNO, Esiooun0o cOG0dG G0G5 D000 DG0G 000K Harper. McClure, i a ) Edison and his inventions. ill. SS RBH WiiGs000bcoc0n sHocnc Wore cos LULOGES: — Moody’s anecdotes. See Moody, D. L.McCOAN McCoan, oe Egypt as it is. $3.75 Holt. rev., with additions [poems]. sq. 16°. 783.6% — Same. (Kingdoms of the world.) 8°. ’83. . Dodd. GRD i ier a osc creliel sauce oes Bieicintele a stele loc Putnam. MacColl, M. Three years of the Eastern question. | — Poems from an editor’s table. por. sq. 162. ’81.*#% N20 [Ser e8o) Dee retepesiere eae ote Scribner & W. PL. 2D «ecw ee rc cces ce cee sates eeceee Putnam. 5 | 2eas : 1 idelity e si re Ss Ss ver McCollester, Sullivan Holman. After-thoughts of for- | Reasomandinn lelity Ronee neo di Couns cnans wer e : . . ite mee . , 20 » 362 - DR any eign travel in historic lands and capital cities. | to infidelity. 8°. ’78.°°" pap., 25c...4. Brentano. Ath ed. ill. 20; [784.87 $150). - Lozhaop: McDonald, D: Treatise on the law rel. to justices of IWWcComas, EP. Divine problem. 12°. ’80. $1.75. the peace, mayors of cities and constables. See W. Lovell Indiana, General Assembly. — Rational view of Jesus and religion. 12°. [’80.] McDonald, Old Copp’s ou and burial-ground ; GT Dy ce cictei ois sielsiel miele (el sis\eloier*! rin) ele) eieie J; W. Lovell. | with hist. sketches. 8°. RO Sze pape cc: McConkey, Miss —. Hero of Cowpens [General | Macd 1 ee Walliams. Daniel Morgan]: centennial sketch. 12°. ’81.°” Boon ate De oe eae ave lany enoNel SRLS D| exciereieie eiele wa bos tise be biebitecieens Barnes. P29, 783. HL. 20 2 eee nee new oicie Truth Seeker. x . . . a] Ye IAT ‘Seaside lj ) ) McCook, H: Cp. Historic decorations at the Pan-Pres- eee G: Adel Catheart. (Seaside lib.) 4°. eye ouncil: photographic souvenir with let- DAD R20 Cs ree oy wee ee 2.60080 LALO ter-press descriptions. 4°. 781.4 photographic, | ~~ tle arlock :aromance. (Seaside lib.) 49. °82.° SI: col., eit Beno ec ccareie eee, Presb ’ Bd: aAp., ZN Ge cle siae w plee ve clu se eis eles ec aie eve e ule Munvro. at OV) Tot . Sanside jj \ 0 ‘ YHNa — Honey ants Of the Garden of the Gods, and the occi- David Elginbrod. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 779. pap., 20c. dent ants of the American plains. ill. 8°. 782 : See ee ee Munro. (’81].*917 Re ee ee Lippincott. | — Donal Grant. 12°. 83. ee Si DO jee aye Lothrop. : s ee —_ Same Tranklin S 0. 83 611 200 — Natural hist. of the agricultural ant of Texas. pl. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. °83. pap., 2Uc. AK 27 OuSSSy INA vara) s/eielerele . Acad. of Nat. Sct. ; : i es Harper == Same. 82) SOstt Stes ccm s esses Lippincott. — Double LODE ill. LGR Sl as Lothrop. MacCord, C: W Kinematic iivet mOdinGation ofl a Dramatic and miscellaneous poems. 2y.inl. 12°. ; : : emi: Ss: e rey catlo ) SP 1987 Via % or ! _ : : 6. Seb Orc sere eeeiietaee Scribner, A. & Co. motion, as affected by the forms and modes of Eve e : : : eae J connection of th movin - part of machin ill Cont. : 1. Within and without. —2. The hidden life, and other 7 eC eC oY < 5S AC es. . ; L6G = 2° ee poems. yo ASB EM PND ooo noo oC ek chy carson anime Wiley. : cs : .-, | — Gifts of the child C hrist , and other tales. (Seaside McCosh, Ja. Agnosticism of Hume and Huxley; with ; lib.) 4°. 782.57 pap., 10e S Murgro ice of the Scottish se : *hilos. ser.) 12°. tec ee ee a oY ; noc of the Scotti hschool. (1 hilo Sete Je — Guild C jourt: a London story. (Se: neitle lib.) 4°. $4847 pap., 50C.. «2.65 -c- asics Scribner's Sons. 81. 2000 i Minn oie Certitude yrovidence and raver. ( Philos ser ) 120 < PAP., UC. «serene eeccces : eee sisheler unvo. 220 a x0) . DEA re AN Sern tea y = | — faenauon and other essays. 12°. [’83.]*°°° $1.50. 83. *8 ADEs DUC Hem cieles acleet ol: Scribner's Sons. : ae , pap re) cC ‘ crvonNe? d7US Lothrop. — (Criteria of diverse kinds of truth as opposed to ag- i s s i : } nosticism: treatise on applic dloore ( Philos Note. The Eng. ed. was published under the title Orts. Ss S . -ATIsSe é - OIC, S. Be 5 0 aor +s ser.) 12°. °82.*°8 pap., 50c.-- Scribner's Sons. | — Malcolm: a romance. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.*°° : 5 9 ; — Development: what it can do and what it cannot do. pap., 20C.--- ++. cision cae erin te ees Munro. (Philos. ser.) 12°. ’83.*°88 pap., 50¢ — Marquis of Lossie: aromance. (Author’s ed.) 8°. / ee : Ses 77 1984 1 OF» ys on ns Cee Cone) ei (1 $1.25; pap TD Caisse cies ere [rapprncott. : fae sae , s eS cesigioen ees Cas AY . > aN 1) 177 280 : On. Foo: c — Development hypothesis : is it sufficient? 16°. [’76. | name. (Pop. lib. he Coles Rae 20c. Fergus. Saree ook ae MRO ORG ocbey. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.47 pap., 20c... Munro. - ra ; ; eae : eat Se A 90 2Q] *471 @& = ae == Wimotions. (oc7 lo0st Soc. Sentbner’s Sons. | — Mary Marston:a novel. 12°. ole $1.50. Lippincott. — Energy, efficient and final cause. (Philos. ser.) 129. | — S%™mé- _ (Seaside lib.) 4 zs 81." Den -» 20c.. Munro. ?83.575 ~pap., 50C...--.-+2-- ves Scribner’s Sons. | Paul Faber, surgeon. 8°. 779.*9 $1.25; pap. — Locke’s theory of Wow ledse: with notice of Berkeley. | GO Coneils cence One G a Lt ppincott. (Philos ser.) 19° 784 *631 pap., 50¢ — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 79. ne UD-; 20e. - Munro. ¢ Scribner’s Sons. |— Princess and Curdie; ill. by J.*Allen. 12% 7&3 rs n £229) *570 & Ot ea ae er he , Pn — The world a scene of Contes u: : baccalaureate sermon. 5 | O4 ]. s : O1.20. - Sr ee aera Lippincott. 120; [6.226 spap:,-2DCs) si -relierciete es wrerer Carter. | — ume. (Seaside ee a ae pap., at -funro- ‘ . = Wee D : |_ Princess Rosamond: a double story. ill. sq. 8°. McCracken, C. L. Apaiwtica) index of Kitto’s Bible P°79.] bds., 50c : i), ee , . Shan ds . 90 T 277.Q 326 ‘ 20 UcCra Tee? id. | ey mw ese ole) a) (016,01 u).0(e) 06: oe j p- ibustrations. (L295 (C8 tse Daas 20 Ges Me Cyacierus | ae Robert Falconer. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7’81.*5' pap. MacCracken, Mitchell. Lives of the leaders of DOG sans. ae ee pe Munro. 7 » vce Iv »ypae . op >; »y* + 50 our church universal. See Piper, I. — St. George and St. “Michael. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. McCrary,G: W. Reports. See United States, Crrcurt DDO Can crore ; é 56 5000 HMO 5 a aes pay y and District Courts. (oe Seaboard parish. (Seaside lib. 5) “40, 79. ‘pa p-, 20c. — Treatise on American law of elections. 2d ed., enl. | Munro. 80, 780.438 ‘shp., 56 «--...- Sole isis eleisia ors Myers.|— Sir Gibbie: a novel. 8° 779.*97* $1.25; pap., McCreery, J. L. Songs of toil and triumph [poems]. TOC. eee Sse) safe sie aie (sais eroceiiene oe Lippincott. NB | ABS ESILD Gdooon0c00d sage Ono Putnam. | — Sewme. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °79. pap., 20c.-.- Munro. : : any ey UU ort, ‘urate 90 9(),*469 $1.75. McCrindell, Rachel. The convent : : narrative founded Thomas Wingfold, curate. 12°. . ve th : : ree Lothrop. on fact. Newed. 18°. 78.]°*" 7dc.-.. Carter. | ~ ; : oe ce > : . . Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c.. Munro. McCulloch, Iu. Bi-metallism: lecture. (Hconomic ore . : see , ‘ 9-Q «392 we : — Vicar’s daughter. (Seaside lib.) 49°. ’79. pap., 10c. monographs.) 12°. ’79.*8° pap., 25c... Putnam. | . Z Wanna Yr * . | 4 . McCune, W.C. Process, testimony, and opening argu- | Warlock o7 Glenwarlock, Gl) 120 veleecs) qilao . . niaue . ~ Ixy ‘ ) Seanane € < he . ae . ¢ 210. ment in the judicial trial of W. C. McCune. 8°. Lothrop [rel euen PAD ADC. tehetatetes shereiciet acres Le Clarke. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 781.°° pap., 20c. McCurdy, Ja. ¥: Aryo-Semitic speech : study in| Harper. linguistic archeology. 8° ’81.*°!? $2.. Draper. | — Weighed and wanting. ill. 12°. (782. ]*0o) Bl.50- McDanield, H. F., and Taylor, N. A. The coming} : Lothrop. empire; or, two thousand miles in Texas on horse-| _ Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. (BS2.]2 pap, back. 12°. ic 18. ead CL ADoece dao 0000 Barnes. | SG ee ict ee Harper. Macderniots of Ballyeloran, Trollope, A. 20c.. Munro. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. *82. 572 pap., 20c. . Munro. McDermott, Clarke. Church of Dayton, pap., 50c. 125) sO or mice LL Tomes: O; alll: Gy 06) © 6)\6) @. 2.0 eee @ 0)e 0 8.0 243 | McDermott, Hu. I History of the First Presbyterian MACDONALD farrar. The blind canary. 2d sae — Cheerful words from the writings of G: MacDonald; | sel. by E. EB. Brown; introd. by J. tT. Hields. | (Spare minute ser.) 12°. (780. ]*5 $1.. Lothrop.pi ae ae (3 |\! > {I} j foe |i Be bai ee ted Ba Ht in me |i cn | i i i es a nr TOG ences oT a Faia em emrepemtinte pe VS MACDONALD Macdonald, Ja. Food from the far West; or, Am. acriculture. 12° (7’78.]°42 $1.50........ Judd. Macdonald, Ja. M. Life and writings of St. John; ed. with introd. by J. S. Howson. maps and ill. Son any. 3 — Same. New ed. maps andill. 8° °80.” Scribner’s Sons. Macdonald, Malcolm. Guatemozin: a drama. 16°. 27 Qin) SOS! NIT eae pycieisle (ole o7cjelo wise cle) eve Lippincott. MacDonald, Rob. . From day to day; or, helpful words for Christian life. 8°. ’79.: $2..Nelson. Macdonell, Agnes. Quaker cousins. (Franklin Sq. libs) 40N 7,02" = ape, HOC. are «6-061 Harper: McDougall, Neil. Relative merits of simple and com- pound engines as applied to ships of war; with 1289 SUD se aes ease eek Spon. 222 INS ENO Wn Goo. of; Scribner, A. & Co. aoe OB: app: 68 |0; McDougall, T:, and others. The liquor question in the Ohio campaign of 1888: the Scott law and its principles vs. the second or prohibition amend- ment; with suppl. in ref. to prohibition in Maine, etc. 8°, 83, #629 pap., VAIO OOO OD sees Clarice; McDougall, W. H. (ed.) Classical elocutionist: coll. of gems in poetry and prose, adpt. for elocution- ) IF od ary exercises. 12° °79.%°% $1.25...A. Brentano. MacDowell, Jis. Kate S$. ‘Sherwood Bonner.’ ] Dialect tales. ill. 8°. ’83.*58° $1.75.. Harp ”. — Like unto like. (Lib. of Am. fiction. 89, 278.248 pap., 7Tde iatelsveiwieleieiela ie aleteisivieeielsiern elavars cts Harper. Macduff, J: Ross. Bible forget-me-nots: daily text- book of divine promises. Sq. 48°, | 82. *971 doe, Randolph. == SOMmle 480. 7O4082) 25. olf. 40 Gis os crc Dutton. — Brighter than the sun; or, Christ the light of the world: life of our Lord for the young; ill. by A. Rowan. 8°. Tes) BUD One ce eee Carter. — Early graves: book for the bereaved. 12°. [’83.]*®9 $1.50 Sie) Clalieelievale ciel ciate icicle ale eve) e cusvelsiar es) sce . Carter. — Eventide at Bethel. | With frontis} 1ece. 12° 779.2°9% WAN 5065 05064060 bOUDS Gite) Wiel cietae ceo oe COOTLET. —— Faithful promiser. L8 SS a1 997 ODC..«. Randolph. — Footsteps of St. Peter: life and times of the Apostle. 12°F (en: PON Ore Ra are sue h os: soko os ero ee Carter. — Gates of prayer. Newrey.ed. 24° 281.538 5c. Carter. — Gleams from the sick-chamber: consolation and hope gathered from the epistles of St. Peter. 16°. i : a IO9 1%x532 ; Y 52. |7 Li) OS sicicicierd cisvele ateleie coche ees See Carter. L o-. | — Hosannas of the ¢hildren and other short sermons. 20 262 (Olesen! silo h canter oe corel Carter. — In Christo; or, the monogram of St. Paul. 120°. 78] 1’?80 _ #461 Led cis ee ee ioe oe esc oon Carter. — Memories of Patmos; or, some of the great words and visions of the apocalypse. ] 780. *428 $1.25 @).0).0/01010).01 8 6 018 ee mais) aoe al) 00.60) 60 0 eiaiv ee Carte v. — Palms of Elim; or, rest and refreshment in the val- NWOVSo IPR Ree Ge Nocon coaocqger Carter. — Story of a shell: romance of the sea, with some sea teachings; book for boys and girls. ill. sq- 12°. IQ9 *570 ma 82 %*d Shit Onearc siete ie cise ces icrel iaboie oe Carter. — Sunsets on the Hebrew mountains. New ed. 120°, 89,9 Thiliefetciarcle sree eislcce cee ite ee Cartes — Voices of the Good Shepherd and shadows of the ereaumock., 240% (88. eeel iC. cc. 6. Carter. — Wells of Baca; or, solaces of the Christian mourner, and other thoughts on bereavement. 24°, ’79,*87! DO Cite tpeieis sieeve cere oe ee ia ee aes Carter. — Words and mind of Jesus, [and] Faithful promiser, INe@weeds 180 280i484 50c, ea... Porter & C. Mace, Fes. L. Legends, lyrics, and sonnets. 16°. 284,02 P12. 006 eee eee ee ee eens eee Cupples. MecBlroy, J: The red acorn: a novel. (Acorn ser. ) TOO er ec ne i a Sumner. McElroy, S. Hempstead storage reservoir. 8°. (27.9 OD Caerets aieiersisi ersiciers ci McEvilly, Bp. —. Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, and the Catholic epistles. 2 y. 8°. [’80.] $6.50. Benziger. | Ri clsisete ore Van Nostrand. 244 McKEAN McEvilly, Bp. —., continued. — Exposition of the Gospels. 3 v. 8% [’80.] Benziger. Cont.: 1. SS. Matthew and Mark, $4.25.—2. 8. Luke. $2.25. — 3, St: John. $2.25. McFadden, Ms. Cornelia. The parsonage in India; adpt. from the Germ. 16°. [’81.]*8° $1. Phillips & I. Macfarlane, J: Life and times of G: Lawson, D.D., of Selkirk, Prof. of theology to the Associate Synod; [also] Glimpses of Scottish character, 1720-11820, ‘por. 120 “Bea Boe. Canter: McFetridge, N.S. Calvinism in history. 16°. [’82. ]*54? Ti) Ch cletaicl clot sieieteio cis cueleialeiiaVeleis oumie ai sieiets Presb. Bd. McFingal: poem. Trumbull, J: 50c..dAm. Bk. Exc. McGarvey, J: W. Lands of the Bible: geog. and topog. description of Palestine, with letters of travel in Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor and Greece. 16th thous. 8°. ’82 [’81].*°?° $3..ZLappincott. M’Gee, Ja. Outlines of Methodism. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 32°. ’83. pap., 10c...Phillins § H. Macgeorge, A. Flags: some account of their hist. and uses. col. pl. andull. 89 781482) $3.75; Scribner § W. M’Ghee, Rob. J. Expository lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Newed. 8°. 79.374 $3. Carter. McGibbon, Rob. D. Thomas D’Arcy McGee: ad- dress. ill. ’84.47 pap., loc..+...-... Dawson. — (ed.) Complete synopsis of the great pew case: Ja. Johnston (plaintiff), appellant, and the min- ister and trustees of St. Andrew’s Chureh, Mon- treal (defendants), respondents; with introd. and app. 8°. Ae Vane pap., 50C.....eee. Dawson. McGill, J: Our faith, the victory; doctrines of the Christian religion. 3d ed., rev. 8°. (aT z2 $1.50; pap., 75c..-.-... woe s---. Kelly, P. & Co. McGloin, Fk. Norodom, King of Cambodia: romance ofthe Hast: Uo. 28oecl Si hoe... Appleton. — Reports. See Louisiana, Cowrts of Appeal. McGranahan, Ja. The gospel male choir. obl. 8°. SFRQESOT WASH ()Ci cisuc ea eco epciecielssc mcrae OMLILICe McGrath, Terence. Pictures from Ireland. (Leis. hourser): 169). 281Fesi8s li ccm... a0 Jake — Same. Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.47 pap., 10c. Munro. McGuffey, W: H. Eclectic readers. fev. ed. (Ec- lectic ed. ser.) 5v. 12°. Patel bds. Van Antwerp. Cont.: First reader. 16c. — Second reader. 80c. — Third reader. 42c,— Fourth reader. 50c. — Fifth reader. 72c. Machiavelli, N: Historical, political, and diplomatic writings, from the Italian by C. E. Detmold. 4 Ve (G0 4827818) Sil hts Chey moO cs Osgood. McIlvaine, J.H. Thewisdom of Holy Scripture, with ref. to sceptical objections. 8° 783.*59! $9.50. Scribner's Sons. McIntosh, R. M. Good news; or, songs and tunes for Sunday-schools. obl. 12° [’77.]*? bds., 35c. Ditson. Mack, R. i. The masquerade: farce. See New York drama. Mackarness, Ms. Mta. Anne [ formerly Miss Planché]. Forget-me-not, and other tales. 16°. ’76. $1.25. Routledge. Mackay, A. B. Story of Naaman. 8° 782.58 50c. Dreysdale. Mackay, C: (comp.) ‘Thousand and one gems of poe- try; ill. by J. E. Millais, Sir J: Gilbert, and others. New. ed. 8°. [781.]°1© $2; $9.50; mon., $3.50: hf. ecf., $5; tree ef., ticgacoocdpnode Routledge. Mackean, Ja. The student’s algebra. (Royal school Sere)) UWP, GEM BSlaonG ono 500 sound Nelson. McKean, May F. Florence Walton; or a question of duty. 628 | [ei9.i) Sl pence. = are Am. Bapt. — Kezzie’s corner. 16° ’81.48° $1.25,..., tm. Bapt. — Marion Elliott; or, gold, frankincense and myrrh. 160 [eSB eed BNE Io cscs. «cite Am. Bapt.McKEEN McKeen, Capt. —. Sure shot; or, the wild roving | ranger. (Championnovels.) 16° [’76.]?°8 pap., TO CS os sicis a oreo) wei elaliore (ee oleic ibe) ejesniels eieletnr- De Witt. McKeen, Philena and Phebe F. Hist. of Abbott Academy, Andover, Mass., 1829-1879 ; introd. by B.A. Bark. ill, 80 780%42* $2) $3. Draper: McKeever, Ht. B. Aunt Lou’s scrap book. ill. 18°. [’78. | SO\Ce sede cre citer olekolelc aie ole lelclenele/ ers Am. Tr. — Bertha’s coronet; or, the house on the heights. 12°. 2 (ACD | RCD ()icreyerer eine cere cs isiclon ie sxetens Luth. Pub. — Crown jewels. Te GO! =2S8Beesor ce. Walden. — Foot on the sill: story of home influence. ill. 16°. 80. 1*427 -90c. - ce eee Am. 77. = Goldiand guilt. 12° (277-80 $1.25...) A’ Moore: — Helen Graham. 16°. 782.5 $1....... Garrig ues. — Petite’s wand of lilies. 16°. [777.]®" $1 Je — Tender and true. 16° [?77. ]9°% $1.25 ...J. Mackeldey, Ferdinand. Hand-book of the Roman law ; tr. and ed. by M. A. Dropsie, from the 14th Germ. ed. 8 783.99 shp., 6.00) 7. od W. Johnson. MacKellar, T: 25. A. Moore. A. Moore. American printer: manual of typog- raphy. Rev.ed. 129. 78.997 S9....McKellar. MacKellar, T: Hymns, and a few metrical psalms. [QO 2QBeRels: Go iaccye im «ekleleres wl wiolel« Porter & C. McKenzie, Alex. Cambridge sermons. 12°. [’83. ]*°"" BLE DQ: «nec 6c claics « = cle one pie sici a elele! vi) niece en Lothrop. McKenzie, Christine. Inthe meshes: anovel. 12°. (ete. lee SEDO) a arcie oo 6s siclaln wie os] «ane Lippincott. Mackenzie, Ht. D. S. Switzerland. (Lib. of ent. hist. ) ill. 20. [Sis] Se? $1.50 . : Lothrop. Mackenzie, J. Ford. Pleasures of house-building. 16°. lo ES bds., 50ec. wi © oae\e ee; 0.0610) 6 2\(¢)16 Routledge. Mackenzie, Kenneth R. (ed.) Royal masonic cyclo- pedia of hist., rites, symbolism, and biog. 8°. (td 222 $7 Be Sco COO GUO oO OIDd bo Bouton. MacKenzie, Morell. Diphtheria; its nature and treat- ment. 8° 79.379 $1....Dindsay § Blakiston. —(ed.) Pharmacopeeia of the hospital for diseases of the throat. 3ded. 18° (7°76.]284 $1.25. L indsay ¥ Blakiston. — Same. 4thed., enl. 18°. ’81.47 $1.25.... Blakiston. Mackenzie, Rob. America; a history. POF 282 (SNe) ees NILPSE) (i wre elerereuel clclecelimiayalerelenatersiD Nelson. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. pap., 20c. ITarpe Tis — The nineteenth century: ahistory. 8°. ’80.4'7 $2.50. Nelson. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. °80.**? pap., loc. llarper. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’80.4°7 pap., l5c.. Munro. Mackenzie, Rob. Shelton. Bits of blarney. 12°. [°80.] Pa Naidnogo coon so Guan COOCOdOOpoUO UO. Limstrong. Mackesy, W:H., and Molesworth, G. L. Tables of baromcetrical heights to 20,000 ft.; specially adpt., for officers on service, civil engineers and travel- lers in India. 329 782.999 80c.-. =... 2... Spon. Mackey, F. H. Reports. See District of Columbia, Sup. Court. McKim, Randolph H. Future punishment: sermons, with introd. on retribution, and essay on prayers forthe dead: 120% %S3iK812 [7/5 eh aac Whittaker. — Vindication of Protestant principles against a recent attack. 120% Yi9ets (GOCi 2 ccna Whittaker. McKnight,C: Captain Jack, the scout; or, the Indian wars about old Fort Duquesne: hist. novel, with copious notes and eng. 12°. Races sh DO: Porter & C. — Our western border one hundred years ago. 8°. | a7 G* ilaae GR yey cieievalciinio cievolelelevisie sceleia terete UcCurdy. | McKnight, D: A. Electoral system of the U.S. 8°. [’78. SOF Gh eee re ce sv el oiaia 1s es el eleiers Lippincott. McKnight, G: Firm ground: thoughts on life and Hebi UP, (PA EO fillla soo 000 00K McKnight. — Same, with title: Life and faith: sonnets. sq. 16°. ue SOO ROT ai eiclar si) mie) si elehel «eel «ireveleiler= so0d00 Mit Y45 MACLEOD Maclagan, T. Germ theory of disease: The specific fevers. 8°, Plo ee Shoveleie ele stevelcic Macmillan. McLanathan, Ma. Leland. As at this time: a holy week and Easter musing. 8°. [784.]*°4 narrow leaflets tied with silken cords, 75c....Randolph. McLane, W. W. The cross in the lght of to-day. WG Os FQ eRo8o IO De care ln ole ore a wie [ippincott. Maclaren, Alex. Life of David as reflected in his psalms. 16°. [780 Abas spills? OY create. Macmalian. — The secret of power, and other sermons. 10°. (782. \pe2 NTT ED Ey avapro revel cites eleieleieie Rraleretoul Vacmillan. — Week-day evening addresses. 16°. [777.]°° $1. Macmillan. McLaren, Wa. S. Bright. Spinning woollen and worsted: practical treatise for persons engaged in these trades. diagrams. 12°. [’84.]®* $2. Cassell. McLaren, W: E: Catholic dogma, the antidote of doubt: (69 [W832 TbCi< ce eee. an Pott. McLaughlin, M. Louise. China painting: practical manual for the use of amateurs in the decoration of hard porcelain. sq. 16°. titel eee bdseeatoc: Clarke. — Pottery decoration under the glaze. ill. sq. 12°. 80. *150 pap., Gl oeeecesseeecc cs ceeees Clarke. — Suggestions to china-painters. sq. 12°. ’84.*°°* bds., lee ccc we clclc oc cis el melee is ale eee Olanice: MacLaughlins of Clan Owen. Brown, J: P. 41. Schofield. Maclay, W: Sketches of debate in the first senate of the U. S., 1789-90-91; ed. by G: W. Harris. por. 80. 782.%522 G4... . ~~. eee ee Brown & D. Maclean, J. P. Jewish nature worship: worship of the reciprocal principles of nature among ane. Hebrews. 24°. [782.]°8 puap., 25c.-...Clarke. — Manual of the antiquity of man. 8th ed. ill. 12°. a) eh CUT ogo GooUdd A ua0d6 ODO tdONNL Clarke. — Mastodon, mammoth, and man. 12°. MS ie. DOC: Williamson. — Mound-builders: with investigation into the archex- ology of Butler Co., O. map and Wi ee SRA D RT ary ()) reterersrereral wie ce ee lela <)oeaceia Clarke. Maclean, J: History of the College of New Jersey. DINE. (G0: (Par 2 OE cicieieitonel ey niece) aie Il ipprncott. McLean, Sa. Pratt. Cape Cod folks: a novel. 12°. 81,498 1.50. Same. New imp. and enl. ed. oe 28)022) NO, cen ec ce ae Wellvans: — Some other folks. 12°. ’84.*96 $1.50.-.. Cupples. — Towhead: the story of a girl. 12°. (83) [NG Je cess QTE (em reie ninco cebei icicle telciorel eieyere aele (az Williams. Maclear, G:F: The Celts. (Conversion of the West.) maps. 16°. a7 SOG, UTI Gane arsine Pott. ¥2 & Go. — The English. (Conversion of the West.) maps. 16°. Sr RSOG) | ID Ge teterc ecicie lel cloeles cies Pott, ¥. & Co. — The evidential value of the Holy Eucharist. 12°. PQ EOS T! Ei Dia were ais) ieee erekeiajicie oxsiceeieie Macmillan. — The Northmen. (Conversion of the West.) maps. RD, PASEO FO; 006onadqaceon 000d Pott, Y. & Co. |— The Slavs. (Conversion of the West.) map. 16°. BT KAOL, RON cicyecey aeiee cio eiarein invcle Pott, Y. & Co. Macleod, Alex. The gentle heart: 2d ser. of Talking tothe children. 16°. ’81 [tO [ee $1.25.. Carter. Macleod, Donald. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. | (Household lib.) 16°. (778. ]84° pap., 25c. Sadlver. |_. Memoir of Norman Macleod, D.D. 8°. [’76. }747 $2. R. Worthington. == Same. Auth ved) 2) vain. spor. andl) lee ata ece CD aod 2400 Dae PIS OMLO ILE Tas Als Gy CO’ == Same. 2 ve tile 8o a) $4.50; 2. Inde S250: Scribner's Sons. | Macleod, Hi: Dunning. Elements of economics. In Qv. v.l. 12% 781.*83 $1.75..-....Appleton. | Macleod, Norman. Earnest student: from the 20th | Eng. ed. 12°. [°76.]%9 $1.50 ... Belford Bros. 120, [°77:]?7 $1.50....-.#. Worthington. | — Same. eee ae ee . Ree EC haeoe == ie areas a pee if i j Re ‘ re ' F ae it | j eel eee MACLEOD 246 Macleod, Norman, continued. ee ——Gold thread. ailF 129: Mit \2io! pl 50: R. Worthington. 271 75c.. Carter. — Same, and Wee Davie. 16° [’77.. — Old Lieutenant and his son. 12°. [’76.]?4% $1.50. Belford Bros. —_— Same. 12°. (ee 270 Sliced Oleic arose R. Worthington. — The starling. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 84. pap.,10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.°°! pap., DO rae Sacer a cl clevore Cisicle eleieie ol vlcis clei einl sere Munro. — Wee Davie. 16°. [’76.]?* pap., l5c... Belford Bros. — Same. 16°. [’77.]?” pap., l5c...&. Worthington. — Scotch pebbles: excerpts from [ his] letters, journals, and speeches. 16°. [’76.]**7 pap., ldc..- Milton. Macleod of Dare. See Black, W: Maclise portrait gallery. Bates, W: $3.. Scribner §& W. Macloskie, G: Elementary botany, with student’s euide to the examination and description of plants. Te 100s VOSewoole ROO a ciciec ccle ocis cierel TTolt. MacMahon, R: Randolph. Anglo-Saxon and the North Am: Indians: 8°. [@77.)38> pap-; b0c:. Kelly, P. § Co. McMaster, J: Bach. History of the people of the U.S., from the Revolution to the civil war. In 5y. Viel: 3°. Ase CWI Moooododo o0on Apple ton. McMaster, Rob. Bach. Act to provide for the organ- ization and regulation of certain business corpora- tions. See New York, State, Legislature. MacMichael, Morton. A landlubber’s log of his voy- age around Cape Horn. map. 12°. ’83[’82].*°7° Spi lavevore’ oiet where) slob) c) ois] Je ts)el vi ofits evcvcce Lipprncott. McMillan, D. C. Elective franchise in the U. S. 12°. 32 ee] y SEs pap., UD Ghin coe) cic 2 overs cre Putnam. Macmillan, Jfs. F: Hints to housewives on the prep- aration of economical and tasteful dishes. 12°. RNEASY CWO soso omarion ocunodoo0 cod] Macmillan. Macmillan, Hu. Marriage in Cana of Galilee. 16°. 789575 ED Oars sco cracls Mere shies eres Vacmillan. — Two worlds are ours. 12°. ’80.4°7 $1.75.. Macmillan. Macmillan, M. C. First Latin grammar. 169°. ’79.4% BD Os ere Seite Sere ioraic ious clelel oe) inibeleie scies Macmillan. Macmillan’s classical series........ ~.0e-- Macmillan. Note. Entered under authors and subjects. Macmillan’s elementary classics.-........ Macmillan. Note. Entered under authors and subjects. McMinn, Edn. Bravehearts win. ill. 16°. [°83.]*60! Pee Dice ee lec nace ce Soa co: Am. Bapt. — Breaker-boy of Lansford. ill. 169°. [’82.]*527 $1.95 Am. Bapt. — Haglesmere trio. ill. 16°. [’83.]*>9? $1..Am. Bapt. MacMunn, C: A. The spectroscope in medicine. col. pleandally = (89. 28025 Bec. case Blakiston. McMurray, J: Pennsylvania state-book and people’s manual: complete state and county official regis- LOTS e208 hoe ee Oleic. «acl L. S. Hart. McNab, W: Ramsay. Botany: outlines of morphology, physiology and classification of plants; rev. for Am. students by C: E. Bessey. (Hand-books for students and gen. readers.) ill. 16°. ’81.*50 SpiLltaYelalseXotegceleecis cicicisiercisics ois ds Ohare [Tolt. McNally, Fs. System of geography; rev. by J. Mon- teith and §. T. Frost, incl. Frost’s Geography outside of text-books. maps and ill. 4°. 782.550 lWékin Sloan oods oscad oqenaa- Macnamara, C. Bones and joints: their diseases and treatment. 2d ed. 12°. 81.5% $4.95.. Blakiston. — Clinical lectures on diseases of bone. 12°, °78.362 SNP Dyers as die etsie el cuekevs oicisie ose Macmillan — Hist. of Asiatic cholera. 12°. [’76.]249 $4.. Maemillan. — Manual of diseases of the eye. 4thed. col. pl. 12°. AS BM cone Die ye(\0\ olavela sie\ cis s\elavsice Blakiston. McNeill, Ja. See Drayton, H: S., and McNeill, J. McNevin, f. Guide to practical navigation. — 8°. (778. }e32 DOlcisicntcin epee i Baneroft. miele) sioysioials Barnes. | MADAME Macon, J. A. Uncle Gabe Tucker; or, reflection, song and sentiment in the quarters. 16°. ’83 [’82].*97° GBI] revel aie onc crclate) e\ererets ...-- Lippincott. Macon Moore. Taylor, J. R. 25c.; 20c. ... Ogilvie. McPherson, E: Handbook of politics for 1876. 8°. [76.1244 $9.50. Same, 1878. 8°. ['78.]34! $2. Solomons. — Same, 1880, 1882. 8° [/80—82.)422 ea, $2: Chapman. Macpherson, Geraldine. Memoirs of the life of Anna Jameson. por. 8°. 778.**8° $2.50...-. Roberts. Macpherson, Ja. Poems of Ossian; prefixed a pre- liminary discourse. 16° [/777.]%9! $1; $1.20. C) owell. Macquoid, Is. Kath. S. Awakening: tale of Eng. life. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’79.*%7 pap., 15¢e... Harper. — Same. See Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Beleaguered city. — Beside the river: a tale. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. >Q |, «487 PAP. 20C. +c ccccereeraee siaietave Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.493 pap., 20c...Munzo. — Elinor Dryden. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° ’78.*362 Dap; 20C. sien clon wince eile sien cielo Tarper. — Esau Runswick. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°?7 pap., 20c. Munro. — Same. (Transatlantic novels.) sq. 16°. 782.576 $1; DADs GOCE cieicis miei c wicie co oli elec cies) wieKal Putnam. — Fisherman of Auge: a story. (Handy-v. ser.) 18°. [?78. 1338 pap., DO Ga eic ce so cerca one cis Appleton. L ao — Her sailor love. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.8? pap., 20c. ‘ y I Munro. — Same. Transatlantic novels.) sq. 16°. 783.597 $1; pap., 50c. =... sicieicioleie $9 556 pap., KOS Gnonieaosoduodond Minro. — Patty. (Seaside lib 4°. “9. paps, 20c.. Munao. — Poor Roger, and other tales. (Seaside lib.) = 42. 1325 DAP, LOCH aioe cm sisiehe woe mle) cfeioie ols) <= Munro. Macquoid, T: and Kath. S. Pictures and legends from Normandy and Brittany. ill. sq. 12°. ’81.*}2 MHIAPDOL Sicieieiem wicleieicic tele aves cree nee ein eels Putnam. MacSherry, Howard. Chums: a satirical sketch. 129. eS s|zet: papi. O0Chee cece ccc ere C. S. Clarke. McSherry, R: Health and how to promote it. 12°. HUQ EESLO ET ADD) eres esi eieisieieiete histo ee Appleton. McVey,A.H. Digest of decisions. See Ohio, Sup. Ct. McVey,N. History and description of Eureka Springs, the famous health resort of northern Arkansas. Sie WDCas Paps Zo: a cere aie cis rete Olanlce: MacVicar, Malcolm. Complete arithmetic. LZO. eta 7e le QO Ck varcicievelcies cece cimee cccee Laanton. — Practical arithmetic. 12°. ’82.°6 75ce. ..Laintor. Macy, W.H. There she blows! or, the log of the Arethusas 695 (iie|ec2 SI oOl e-card 1s: Madiloye: Zolas We Whey. s. cre secre seo Peterson. Mad to get married; [also] Two strings to her bow. (People’s lib.) 49°. 82.597 pap., 10c... Ogzlvie. Mad world and its inhabitants. Chambers, J. $1.25. Appleton. Madaline: a poem. Fitch, A. M. B. $2.50..Sumner. Madame. Benedict, F. L. $1.75; $1 ....Carleton. Madame Bovary. Flaubert, G. $1; 75c... Peterson. Madame Delphine. Cable, G: W. 75c. Scribnes’s Sons. Madame de Stael; hist. novel. s0lte, A. 20c. Putnam. Madame Fontenoy. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10e. Munro. Madame Gosselin. Ulbach, L: $1; 60c... Appleton.MADAME 2AT MAIN Madame Lucas. (Round-robin ser.) 16°. ’82.*°° $1. | Maguire, H.N. The Black Hills and American wonder- Osgood. Madame Pompadour’s garter. St. André, G. de. 50c. Peterson. Madame’s governess. See Sorry maid. Madcap Violet. See Black, W: Madden, IT: Moore. Principal health resorts of Europe and Africa for treatment of chronic diseases. 8°. (’76.]745 $4.......- ....- Lindsay &§ Blakiston. Made forit. S., E.S.G. a0c...-.- ; Made or marred. See Fothergill, J. Madeleine. See Sandeau, J. Madeley, E: The science of correspondences eluci- Gated; 109° 2 Madeline. Holmes, IMs. M. J. $1.50.-..-.. Carleton. Madeline St. Clair’s lover. Mullen, L. 10c.. Ogilvie. Madelon Lemoine. Adams, Js. L. $1.50; 7dc. Lippincott. Mademoiselle Bismarck. Rochefort, H: $1; 60c. ; 20c. Putnam. Mademoiselle de Mersac. See Norris, W: I. Mademoiselle Mori. Roberts, M. 2 pts. ea., 20ce. Munro. Madge; by the author of A terrible mistake. (Seaside aisl ciclamn @ LVELSON- i SBR) ESIGTAIIG oodc Sitaree els Claxton. | lib.) 4°. “Os Paps. Kies eaqonsdaosoua anod Munro. Madge; or, nobody’s darling. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 789 536 pap., 2UC...---. aietoletevelci.\ siete ai se) oie Munro. Madge Dunraven. See Jay, H. Madge Marland. Francis, L. $1.25..-.---. Am. Tr. > Madge, the violet girl. Brine, Mrs.M.D. $38.. Harlan. Madoc, Fayr. Story of Melicent. 12°. ’83.°°7 $1. Macmillan. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 783.557 pap., 10c Harpe Te — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783. pap., 20c.. Munro. Madonna Mary. Oliphant, J/s. M. O. W. 20c.. Munro. Maertz, Louise. Key to a new method for the study of ne lit, U0. 48582 flex. cle, o0c Gn uggs — New method for study of Eng. lit. 12°. °79.*#% INterleAVEUs ilicicc acre @ celmccn es oa asians cin 316 Griggs. Maes, Camillus P. Life of Rev. C: Nerinckx; with chapter on the early Catholic missions of Ky., notes on Catholicity in the U. S., 1800-1825 [ete. ]. por. 8°. 7’80.*49? $2.50 ..--....--2--s Clarke. Mag: story of to-day. (Lib. of Am. fiction.) 8°. [’78. ]887 pap., 50C.. +. 22 eee eee cee ees Harper. Magdalen Férat. Zola, E. 75c. .---.- .-. Peterson. Maggie Pollard’s sacrifice. Davis, M. K. $1.. Luth. Pub. Magic flower pot. Mayo, I. F. $1.50. Cassell, P., G. § Co. Magic of the Middle Ages. Rydberg, V. $1.75.. Holt. Magic spectacles. Collins, W: W. 10c....-. Munro. Magic valley. Keary, E. $1.50..-+.-..+. Vacmillan. Magill, Ma. Tucker. Pantomimes; or, wordless poems, | for elocution and calisthenic classes. ill. sq. 16°. 43 DEACOUT OMT cave e elas p/evere) ais laleiela: oat a wee) aiels [ Ginn. | Magitot, E. ‘Treatise on dental caries; tr. by T: H. Chandler. 8° [7’79.] $8.50; shp., $4.50. Houghton, O. &§ Co. — See also Legras, C:, and Magitot, E. Magna charta stories. Gilman, A. $1.----- Lothrop. Magnhild. Bjornson, B. $l..--.- Houghton, M. § Co. Magnin, Antoine. The bacteria; from the French by G: M. Sternberg. 8°. ’81.47 $2.50. Little, B. § Co. Magnum bonum. See Yonge, C. M. Magnus, Jul., and Bunner, H.C. Les Fourchambault : drama. See New York drama. Magnus, Philip. Lessons in elementary mechanics ; emendations and introd. by Prof. De V. Wood. Bdeda neve LOGO) [igiGalleans plebO) crete Wiley. land: (liakesidelib:), ill: 49) (277-7? pap:, 950 OOOO OOOOO0 GCOCOCOC evexeie - Donnelley, L.& Co. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °83.°7° pap., 10c.. Munro. Maguire, J: Honesty is the best policy: play. 16°. [(°778.] pap., LOC. -.2+ eee cece ee eeees De Witt. Maguire, J: Fs. Piusix. New ed., rev. and brought down to the accession of Pope Leo x111., by Mon- signor Patterson. por. 12°. [78.]* $3- Scribner 5 W. | Magyarland: narrative of our travels through the highlands and lowlands of Hungary, by a Fellow of the Carpathian Society, author of The Indian Alps: ive ull, 169 {52 eee lOy Houghton, M. § Co. Mahabharata. Indian idylls: from the Sanskrit of the Mahabharata [tr. by E. Arnold]. 12°. °83.*S1° SMILE Greistslicjeleleiel aisieln feline ape aievale cietsiol = scr Roberts. Mahaffy, J: Pentland. Decay of modern preaching: essay. 12°. PROESSS! Ol) Ge cee aie we oe Macmillan. — Descartes. (Philos. classics for Eng. readers.) por. GO: 2S) eee ee Dis cre eten cree) aicceet Lippincott. — Buripides. (Class. writers.) 16% 2%79.*°%™ 60c. Appleton. — History of classical Greek literature. In2v. v.1: The poets (with app. on Homer by Prof. Sayce) ; vy. 2: Prose writers (with index to both v.). 12°. 3S (Vad a Oe cynic oie (ele lee © “late a\si sjsieieln) oj sieje i Harper. — Old Greek education. (Education lib.) 162. ES DE oes VON eo eleloicl a sie (el ai sialan) cle evelale) wie)e)s/u le) ol eleles TTarpe . (Hist. primers.) 18°. (76. ]?88 .-+- Appleton. $2.25. — Old Greek life. BOCs a cicic eo cremis cies cverciors ao ccloisiceateis — Rambles and studies in Greece. cr. 8°. [’77. Same. 2ded., enl. 12°. [’78.]°*7 $3.-Macmallan. — Social life in Greece: from Homer to Menander. 3d ed., enl. (with new chapter on Greek art). 12°. ever Zo LWA sa Goad vGanu0 dod0 00dd Macmillan. Mahan, A. T. The gulf and inland waters. (Navy in the civil war.) maps and plans. 12°. ’83.*996 OR crave ey eras reves ei ekckes slave aiarele Scribner’s Sons. Mahan, A sa. Critical hist. of philosophy. 2 v. 8°. 838.° Reo) ci eere) ciel 6) oleic satel - ee Phallaps & H. — Critical hist. of the late American war: introd. by M. W. Smith. 8° [°77.]?7> $3...... Barnes. — Phenomena of spiritualism scientifically explained and exposed. 12°. [’76. |*48) $2.50..-- Barnes. — System of mental philosophy. 12°. 202. sees) Teo Os Griggs. Mahan, Dennis Hart. Industrial drawing; comp. the description and uses of drawing instruments. Rev. and enl. by D. F. Thompson. folding pl. and col. pl. 8° [777.]7? $3.50 ....... Wiley. Maher, W:H. On the road to riches: hints for clerks | and young business men. 12°, ’78.%°° $1.50. Waggoner. Mabhetible Hopkins and her travels. Hopkins, M. (pseud.) $1; 50C. - +--+ eee sere cee Lawrence. Maid Ellice. See Havers, T. | Maid of Athens. See McCarthy, J. Maid of Florence: novel of the 13th century. (Sea- side lib.) 4°. 730.78! pap., 10c. .----- - Munro. Maid of Killeena. Black, W: 10c...-.....- . Fergus. | Maia of Northumberland. Lucas, D. B. $1.. Putnam. |Maid of Sker. Blackmore, Rh: ID, BW@souavede Munro. | Maid of Stralsund. See De Liefde, J: B. | Maid of the ranche. Robinson, J. H. 25c..-De Witt. | Maid, wife or widow? Sce Hector, Mrs. A. F. Maiden fair. Gibbon, C: 10c. -........---. Munro. Maiden Rachel. Giles, B.A. $1.25 ..---+ ++ Jansen. | Maiden’s lodge. Holt, E. S. $1.25.----+--- Carter. | Mail-carrier. Fosdick, C: A. $1.25 ....Porter § C. Magruder, Allan B. The Bible defended and atheism Main, D: M. (ed.) Treasury of Eng. sonnets; from rebuked: reply to R. G. Ingersoll’s lectures. WOR 28) 5488 apes DOC ect em clay iene saves eve LL QLCs the original sources, with notes and wl 2: FRM HATE! BDO ee cei wie erevee sles R. Worthington. aSOT eee (ek | la | I ; iii ees lib | tier ih i vie Le I a ld 4 We alt Le L bea 1 fea ae ee Bs i By fe cot a a aL a ret Gee Wa if) | ile i 1 eH } eit lea fee el ae a let yey ie is Lh ta 4a if ; ; | | | a) area Fae om mmmeriniins MAINE Maine, Six H: Sumner. Dissertations on early law and custom: chiefly sel. from lectures. 8°. 790 589! BOD cea c voce cess cere ce wen ce Holt. Maine, Legislature. Acts and resolves, 55th-G6Ist Legis: lature, 1876-1883. 6) ve, (6°: 76— 83." ea., pap CW) OI naca souD Dod000 DODO DOou 0000 Sprague. — Compilation of so much of the rev. statutes of 1871, and public laws subsequently passed, as relate to intoxicating liquors, with ref. to judicial decisions thereon. 8°. 779.7% pap., 20C. +--+ Smith & M. — Revised statutes. 4th revision [by C: W. Goddard }. go. 784.89 shp., $4.50 -------- Loring, S. § H. — Statutes rel. to business corporations, organized under the general law, except banks, railroad and insurance companies : with notes and forms, comp. by I: W. Dyer. 2ded. 12°. 784.947 shp., $2. : : Loring, S. f HH. — Supreme Judicial Court. Reports. v. 66-75. 1l0v, 8°. °78—84.314%44 ea., shp., $4.00. C. C. Brown; Dresser; McLellan. Cont. : v. 66-68 (7678), by J. D. Pulsifer. —-v. 69, 70 (’79-’80), by D: R. Hastings. — v 71-75 (81-84), by J. W. Spaulding. — — Digest of decisions, v. 1-68 inclusive, [1820-1879], by H. M. Plaisted and F: H. Appleton. 8°. ’80. 810 TOO DAD DOOOORDDO OU COUAOO OODOCO OU0D Dresser. Maine civil officer. 4th ed., rev., and with new matter by B. D. Verrill. 12°. ’79.%° $3.50. Loring, Den Le Maine Historical Soc. Documentary hist. of Maine. 9d ser., v. 2: Discourse on western planting written in 1584, by R: Hakluyt; ed. with notes by, G; Deane, 8° [ile ooe $3; $4; Maine Hist. Soc.; Williams. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: transactions of the Soe. at the meeting held in honor of his 75th birthday. 12°. ’82.547 $1....... Hoyt, F. & D. Maine state year book and annual register. See Hoyt, kK. S. Mainestone’s housekeeper. (Dollar novels.) 12°. 83. Shi Live reveneiotoncietevciel\iciie) cleleienelaielsl ate/oie.« <6sie WOAG: Mairet, Jeanne (pseud.) See Healy, M. Maisch, J: M. Manual of organic materia medica: guide to materia medica of the vegetable and ani- mal-kingdom: ill. 12° 782.524 $9.75....Lea. Maitland, Christal V. A woman’s web: anovel. 12°. ABOY Silas coagn oodoos ieveleccieisiete os Carleton. Maitland, Ja. A. Old patroon; or, the great Van Broek property. (Dollar ser.) 12°. [’79.]*98 EL 665000 Blisiclolaiellelalelieleteis oie aiers milsioleiaieicieves Peterson. Maitland, Roy. One little Indian. (Satchel ser.) sq. 16°. 80.427 Paps, ZOCi ete es c/e cicls occ Authors’. Majendie, Lady Marg. Dita. (Leis. hour. ser.) 16°. [eamiren| eo? Oni lEnvape raters elele chalets siete cl aie OOO OOOC Holt. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 784.6! pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. *84.95 nap., MO CM ierere este cee ole coo See) s eiroe nee wleraae nee Munro. — Fascination. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.590 pap., 20¢ 948 MAN Mun 7.0%;4) — Giannetto. (Leis. hour: ser.) 16°. ([/?76.]?97 $1.25. Holt. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.519 pap., 10c.-. Munro. Major Ashton’s mistake. See Righted at last. Major Jones’ courtship. Thompson, W. T. 75c. ’elerson. Major Jones’ travels. Thompson, W.T. 75c.. Peterson. Major’s alphabet. ill. sm. 8° [°77.]®87_ linen, 25e. McLoughlin. Make-up book. Frobisher, J. E. 50c.. Colle ge of Or. Making a hit: Ethiop.farce. Dumont, F. lic.. De Watt. Making merry. Ritchie, Is. A.I. 10c..... Munro. Malbone. Higginson, T: W. $1.50........ Lee g 8. Malcolm. Macdonald, G: 20c Ninrersiislerciercuie oe Munro. Male and female. (Acting drama.) 12°. 792i) pap., | 15¢. Bio en9 vere ie 3101010 ‘ vOsCOoe, Cont. : What the earth is composed of, by H. E. Succession of life on the earth, b y W. OC. Williamson. 25¢ Why the earth’s chemistry is as itis, by J. N. Lockyer. 26c. Mandoline’s lovers. See Clay, B. M. Manifesto of the King. Dykes, J. O. $2...- Carter. Manley,J.J. Notes on fish and fishing. ill. 12°. (eters 2c GD Dia sis elles ore Ge siecle) Scribner, W. & A. Manliness in thescholar. Storrs,R:S. 3dc.. Randolph. Manliness of Christ. See Hughes, T: Mann, 1). Manual of prescription writing. 18°. [’78.] OO Ce rahi oS crardio ig ehetotetel o oueienemwiaweis cs sicreve Pitnam. Mann, Mrs. 1D. H. [ees Rosalie Gray.” ] Little soldier. TU GS 2B ea ee ere eteyctarereyeren) oc ciae) = Am. Tr. — Willie and Birdie: sequel to Little soldier. ill. 169°. [R825 ees Se Ole terete w s)e 6 ee cerca ne elb cles 0 Am. Tr. Mann, E: C. Manual of psychological medicine andallied nervous diseases. 8° 783.882 $5 .... Blakiston. Mann, H. P. See Perkins, T. E., and Maa Ey Re Mann, Ma. See Peabody, E. P., and Mann, M. Mansfield, C: B. Aerial navigation; the problem, Mann, Rob. I., and others. Modern meteorology : lect | ures. eol. pl. 12°, 27,9, 402 $1.50.. Van Nostrand. Manna: book of daily worship. 12°. [°77.]°? $1.25; IMO Sb tee iolera crcicle alors aisle cl eieielc)ea\sfarelac Jansen. Manna: night and morning. Hall, L.G. 50c. BE. & J. B. Young. Manners, R. Rutland. Pasco: Cuban tale, and other poems: with essay on music appended. _ 16°. [earePO} Fil G0) selene See Me ti a Manners and customs of ye Harvard studente. Att- WOOd. He Ga SUD OR sce vin Houghton, O. § Co. Manners and fashion. Spencer, H. 1ldc. Mizgerald. Manners and tone of good society; or, solecisms to be avoided; by a member of the aristocracy. 12°. 4G (\EASA CR) ee wierd cy cieie ele Aine nical eistals NS CTA2OTLET. OF We Manning, E: Six months ona slaver: true narrative. (Halt-hour ser.) 32°. ’79.*87° pap., 20c. Harper. Manning, H: E: Eternal priesthood. 12°. ’83.*64 MLW) coco coca 0gda pDDNDOORdS er cicraremenarasy! Murphy. — Love of Jesus to penitents. 32°. Mites nlc. Sadlier. — Same. (Author’s ed.) 32°. [’78.]*8 40c... Cath. Pub. Manning, Jac. M. Not of man, but of God. 12% (783. ]FO29 BL.25 cee wee eee cece wee Lothrop. Manning, S: ,and Green, S.W.(eds.) Penand pencil ser. ill. DP: 8°, °76-84.244:297 ea., $3.50... J Velson. Yont.: American pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. — | Canadian pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. — English pict- | ures, drawn with pen and pencil. —F rench pictures, drawn with pen and pencil.—-Indian pictures, drawn with pen and | pencil. — Pictures from Bible lands, drawn with pen and pencil. — Pictures from the German Fatherland, drawn with pen and pencil. —Scotch pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. — Sea- pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. 32. (Oct. 84.) | Manual of Our Lady. 18° [°77.]?8! 95¢.—$2.25. >» with hints for its solution: ed. by R. B. Mans- field pref: by, J. Mi Gudlow. cr: (59. (end. |ee GR oie oekere sie isis siciepeleveiss (sleiece ie ie suereieye Macmillan. | Mansfield, Ei: pis rsonal memories: social, political and sion ary; with sketches of many note »d peo- ple, 1803-1843. 8°. °79.*978 $9. ...... Warke. Mansfield, Re Hymne with tunes: new music adpt. with sel. from the Hymnal. 8° 780.4 flex. cl., BOCs sete ore ie > ae eine ele ae slece as LZUDPUILCOL. Mansfield, L. W. Outlines of the mental plan and the preparation therein for the precepts and doc- trines of Christ. 16°. 783.6? 60c.; with por., FY ay ate re olen oieicielcrsiel ci cialelsteleusintal Phillips & H. Mansfield, Rob. Blatchford. Log of the ‘‘ Water Lily,” during three cruises. New ed. 16°. ale 299 pap., DO Gis oe Sc oes fe cite ele a eleva eat dge. Mansfield Park. pap:, 10e: Harper. Marsten, A. H. History of Cohoes, New York, from its earliest settlement to the present time. 8°. [BTN ee SO re reicrcte! <1 ~ seieia = 1c IMQINSEL. Marston, Louise. Bennie, the King’s little servant. il]. 16° Sl OUCH ee i Oantens | a | : — Blind Nettie; or, seeking her fortune. ill. 24°. ‘83. GO CH eictevercisia occ cic wininicicycie cieicie © ota « @ c:efe Carter. — Cripple Jess; or, the hop-picker’s daughter. ill. 16°. [ee et SS] arebanctc eens chore wince co cool OWT Len: — Rob and Mag; or, a little light ina dark corner. 16°. [*81. OLB ity (Sec Cs ee rs Me ie Carter. Marston, Philip Bourke. Wind voices [poems]. 12°. BBA G28 IME ioe icicles cele Ss cia ns oie os Roberts Marston Hall. Byrd, L. BE. $1.50........ Carleton. Martel, C: Military Italy. maps. 8°. ’84.86 $3.50. Macmillan. Martensen, D. H. Christian ethies. 3 v. 8°. ’79-’82,568 Cae imnlere efele cic) oie vcle/e) «cla erercierel o sierccrs IS CTLD IVETE VE Cont.: 1. General. — 2. Individual. — 3. Social, Martialis, Marcus Valerius. Selected epigrams; with introd. notes and appendices, by H. M. Stephen- son. 16°. 780,494 Ne Ok amis cee Macmillan. Martin, A. Atlas of obstetrics and gynecology. 2% ed., tr. and ed. by F. Bamer. pl. and text. 4 73 Haas Toni Oi verevetare) clever Martin, A: N. Reports. See Indiana, Sup. Court of | Judicature. Martin, dfs. Clara Barnes. Guide to Mount Desert Island, Maine. 5th ed. map and ill. 1209, AiO, 22 lod Wsca5ca0a coud: Loring, S. & H. Martin, E:S. Sly ballades in Harvard china. ill. sq. POON 2 BOR EEAR DAD. sail screios cise aisle ciere Welliams. Martin, E: Winslow (pseud.) See McCabe, J. D. Martin, Ellen. The feet of clay: anovel. 12°. ’82.*528 SpilBe OW eerste On ater ae cas er tne Ge Brown Sf D. Martin, Fs. Xavier. Hist. of Louisiana: with mem. by W. W. Howe; app. Annals of Louisiana to the commencement of the civil war, 1861, by J. F. | Condon: 8°. 782.558 shp., $5; hf. mor., $6. : : Gresham. Martin, F: Hist. of Lloyd’s and of marine insurance in Great Britain; with app. 8° [’78.]3!9 $4.50. : : Macmillan. — See also Statesman’s year book. Martin, H. Newell. The human body: its structure and activities and the conditions of its healthy working. (Am. sci. ser.) ill. 120, 9 ,%477 MAntlOletakeleda mise ew ele dee ce cic ene Holt. 9 hale wiisls Wis es aisiceceieie slakiston. | Sy MARTINEAU Martin, H. Newell, continued. Same. 2d ed., rev. (Am. sci. ser., briefer course. ) Wh, (12, | AB BS Qo066 ona6 so00 oo uHUeor TTolt. — and Moale, A. W. Handbook of vertebrate dissec- tion. pt.1: How to dissect a chelonian. 12°. 70004 = Nets TOCs sccm + ee ne .----- Macmillan. |— Same. pt. 2: How to dissect a bird. ill. 162. ASO RESIS = Ti GES Wi Co mcicicl wie s/o clee wiclelciere Macmillan. Same. pt. 3: How to dissect a rodent. pl. 16°. 7290634" ex. cli. met, GOCi ccc cio ne ore Macmallan. Martin, H. T. Every woman her own piano-tuner; hints and aids to piano-tuning. 24° ’81.*9%? bds. b0G cee eee ets oon ee ee Ls Martine | Martin, H: A. Surgical uses other than hemostatic of the strong elastic bandage. 8°. (78. }228 Up., Dy Cv iie oie oie olelio cy chaliovatalsliale) wtcloleire) sels sie) ele J. Campbell. Martin, Mrs. Herb. Bonnie Lesley. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 0, [’78. Re bs eres oSoaooduonSddc Harper. — Cast adrift: story of a waif; ill. by C. Patterson. 12°. Pima ROD aioe c ercsie oe ee OCLEUE & Co. — Tor a dream’s sake: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 10% 9 27 OSL ane DCs mc serene cre Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’84 6! pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.9%! pap., DO Gibicicc Sis cc Sie wel Sierele ce evcisleleis cc bic cleislee ce Munro. Martin, J: Hill. Bench and bar of Philadelphia; with lists of persons appointed to administer the laws in Philadelphia. por. 8° ’83.°99 net, $5.. Welsh. — Chester and its vicinity, Delaware Co., Penn.; with genealog. sketches. 8° [777.]? $5..... Welsh. Martin, Jos. H. Declaration of Independence: a poem. 8° (’76.]244 $1......Claxton, R. § H. Martin, Kate Byam. Belgian days. 16°. ’82.*934 $1. Jansen. Martin, Jfrs. Ma. F. Amidthe shadows. 12°. ’80.474 S] 5 SpiLeZ Ole orajelalal steleleieiclicie) citelcia icicle sielerel ere Nat. Temp. — Rosa Leighton; or, in his strength. 16°. °79.*9%8 Ste Sec a Gonds boos nooduo6e< Selclsie Vat. Temp. — Sunset on Mt. Blane. 16°. ’82.*5°8 $1.50. Nat. Temp. Martin, Siz Thdr. Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. ov. ily 12° [776=80- 928-437 Oi SD arch oc era eco eae ela Vevcusrcie cvetevariave tale Appleton. — Same. pt. 1. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 20c. Munro. — Life of Lord Lyndhurst, three times Lord Chancellor of England; from letters and papers now in pos- session of his family. por. 8° 7’83.°4 $6. Scribner & W. Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese: their education, phi- losophy and letters. 12°. ’81.*478 $1.75. Harper. Martin, W: Noble boys. il. 12° [°79:]| $1.25. Routledge. Martin, W:B. Index to reports. See Virginia, Sup. Court of Appeals. | Martin Bernhard. Hoffmann, F. $1.10...... Riegel. | Martin Chuzzlewit. See Dickens, C: lMiartin: Bazs Vierne. ecco Fitch; | N.Y. News. | | Martin, the foundling. Sue, E. 3 pts. ea., 20c. Munro. | Martin, the skipper. See Cobb, J. F. | Martindale, J. B. (ed.) U.S. law directory. 8°. ME ih, Ginoaooc Mie) eRe oielerel \eicle cle Vartindale. | Martindale, W.B. ‘Treatise on the law of convey- | ancings 82. 282-88 shps. Ula + < cic « Stevenson. Martineau, C. A. Earth, air and water; or, the story of the world we live in. ill. 16°. ’81.*4 flex. CL DO CE eerie steerer cic Kenran Routledge. |-— Easy lessons in heat. ill. 16° ’80.42° flex. cl., 70¢c. Macmillan. Martineau, Ht. Autobiography, with memorials by M. We Chapman’ -2ve porandall, 895 (ez SS Gussie s ele ieieionetel Cn iclinis eiclelaveieoiece ele ciere cle Osgood. — Berkeley the banker; or, bank-notes and bullion: tale for the times. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84. ]& iho AVOconcossadanogadcs adc cooar J: W. Lovell. | — Biographicalsketches, 1852-1875. Newed., with auto- biog. sketch. 12°. [’78.]!° $2.25.. Macmillan.MARTINEAU 253 Martineau, Ht., continued. — Charmed sea; or, Polanders in Siberia. (Lovell’s libs)) 160 [Saeco = palp-, Loci. J: W. Lovell. | — For each and for all; or, Letitia and Maria. (Lovell’s | libs) 160 [R8ea|G4= paps loci. a J; W. Lovell. | — Glen of the echoes. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. (84. ] | pap:, LbC...--- = 6.22 eee ress we ~-k J: W. Lovell. — Hampdens. 12°. ’79. $1.50....--....- Routledge — Hill and valley; or, hands and machinery. (Lovell’s ibs) G8) [RSi aces pape, loc... J: W. Lovell. — History of Eng. from the beginning of the century to the Crimean war; with index. 4 v. 12°. [’77.]?® $4; shp., $6; hf. cf, S12-......--- Porter & C. — Homes abroad. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.]°*° pap., WD Cz ccc cicrarer cleliole crerera: este o ctouiemedn We Lovell: — Household education. 18°. [’77.]?8& $1.25.. Osgood. — Life in the wilds: tale of the South African settle- | ment. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.]°* pap., 15c. J: W. Lovell. — Loom and lugger. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.] pap., DI) OEE = cic se eels cleeicie Srpinlelecis ie eie 0 J: W. Lovell. J — Sowers not reapers; or, Chatham and Mary Kay. | (Lovell’s lib.) 16° [’84.]° pap., 15c. J: W. Lovell. — Tales of the French revolution. (Lovell’slib.) 12°. | 7942639 paps, LoCiocice ? $1. Am. Unit. — Hours of thought on sacred things. 16°. [’77. OD) (so ee oie eer eee ec) cl ele o/s) a e)eielw | ele wieite) silo Roberts. | — Modern materialism in its relation to religion and theology; introd. by H: W. Bellows. 2 v. in 1. 16°. eitenecs GRE Dicucreie: os -b oualtateyelerae ee Putnam. — Study of Spinoza. por. 12°. ’82.°% $2.. Macmillan. Martins of Cro’ Martin. Lever, C: 2pts. ea., 20c. Munro. Martling, Ja. A. London bridge: a poem. ill. 16°. AOUOAG! A (Gan ses cies oe reir sol isl ee sen «PPI CUTLEs Martyr to science. Jacobi, M. P. See Stories by American authors. 2 Marvedo, the palm-land maiden. Nassau, R. H. 90c. Am.'r. | Marvel, Ik. (pseud.) See Mitchell, D. G. Marvel, L:H. See Parker, F. W., and Marvel, L: H. Marvell, And. Favorite poems. See Collins, W: — also Milton, J: — also Modern classics. Marvin, E. M. To the Kast by way of the West: with memorial sermon and life of Bp. Marvin, by Bp McTyerie; introd. by IT. O. Summers. Wile 29% [778.434 G2. ww wc cone so weees Bryan, B. § Co. Marvin, W: T. R. Medals of the Masonic fraternity. In 4 pts. pts. 1) 2. 4° 780.%° pap., 310; for the complete work......---- -, W. FB. Woodward. Mary and I: forty years with the Sioux. Riggs, S. R. COL UMs nooadccon noob oCOCOdODOCOt W. G. Holmes. Mary Anerley. Blackmore, R: D. ldc....--- llarper. Mary Barton. See Gaskell, Mrs. Bi. C. Mary Beatrice and her’ step-daughters, the uncrowned and the crowned: hist. drama for girls; by author of Life of Catherine McAuley. 18°. ’80.*49 pap., Ey () Oeevareeetcieiey calc aici mi cise s) nreleei(e Aistelersvl OCULIUs LEU. Mary Burton abroad, and other stories. Alden, Jfrs. J. M., and others. 7dc.--+---+.+----.Lothrop. Mary Magdalene. Greenough, Js. R: $1.50.. Osgood. Mary Marston. See MacDonald, G: Mary Mordaunt. Gray, A. $1.25.. Mary Rutledge. See Aim high series. Mary Stuart. Swinburne, A.C: $1.75... Worthington. Maryland, Cowrt of Appeals. Reports. v. 42-60 (7483), by. J: S- Stockett. 19 v. 8°: 276842485897 eee Whittaker. €N., SNP.) BO+--0s2 eee ceesensae Boyle; Murphy. — Same, ann. by W: T. Brantly, v. 1,2; cont. v. 1,2 Harris & McHenry’s reports. (1658-1790. } Qv.in1. 8°. 788.58 shp., $5.....Curlander: Maryland, continued. MASSACHUSETTS — Digest of reports, v. 21-45 inclusive, [1864-1877], by Wi: HS: Burgwyn: 89: ws" shp:, S10: Cushings & B. — General Assembly. Archives of Maryland. Proceed- ings and acts of the General Assembly, 1637- 1664; W: H. Browne, ed. ’83.*88 $2.50. Maryland Hist. Soc. — — Code of procedure; [also] Proceedings in courts of Baltimore City, with notes. roy. 8°. 780.4% SNPs, Goes ccecs ce cn cene veesces esse os MUTDHY. — — Digest of statutes and decisions on criminal law, by E. H. Gans. 8°. 784.9 $3. Murphy. — — Jaws, 1876-1882. 4 v. 8°. ’76—82. ea., shp., $5. Murphy; State. — — Revised code of the public general laws, with constitution of the state; compiled by L: Mayer [and others]. v. 1. 8° 779. $10 ... Murphy. | Mary’s alabaster box. King, H: M. $1.25.. Gannett. Mashallah. Stoddard, C:W. 60c.; 30c.-..Appleton. Maskell, J/7s. A. E. Anderson. Four feet, wings and fins: ill. sq: 12° [none Bl.7bis bds., $1.25: Lothrop. Maskell, W: Ancient liturgy of the Ch. of Eng. and the Roman liturgy, in parallel columns, with notes. Sded: 80. *SQtOks! Aad cle ec e we L Vacmillan. Mason, Mrs. E. R. Our Mabel. 12°. °84.*°5 Si. Cushing, T. & Co. | Mason, Ei. T. (ed.) Samuel Johnson, his words and 977, ]28 | his ways. 12°. 779.*9°° $1.50.... -... Harper. Mason, F. H. Forty-Second Ohio Infantry : hist. of the regiment in the war of the rebellion; with biog. sketches. por. 8° [’77.]? $2-.. ----.. Cobb. Mason, G: C. Life and works of Gilbert Stuart; with sel. from Stuart’s portraits, reproduced on steel and by photogravure. 4°. 779.*#!* $10. Scribner's Sons. — Oldhouse altered. ill. sq.8°. ’78.9°4 $2.50.. Putnam. Mason, Jos. Practice and pleading in civil actions and proceedings at law in all the courts of Massachu- | setts; with a chapter on equity jurisdiction and practice under the statute of 1883, ch. 223. 8°. | Soc» . Shps, Oe. Bercerc se LILULLes (Boar COs — Practice in civil actions and proceedings at law in the common law courts of New Eng. States. 8°. 80.442 shp., $6......--..--..-- Little, B. § Co. Mason, Lowell W. National hymn and tune book for female voices. 8°. [’81.]**” bds., 70c. -- Ginn. Same; for mixed voices. 8°. [’80.]* bds., 70c. Ginn. |— and Holt, H. E. Teachers’ manual to accompany | the 2d and 83d ser. of National music charts; with appendices on French time-names and manage- | ment of the voice. 12° 779.37 pap., 50c..Gin. | Mason, Ol. P. Constitutionality of prohibition. 12°. 4 SIN pap., LOC. .--.....6--e- eee . Nat. Temp. | | 81.* Mason, S: W. Manual of gymnastic exercises. 1lthed., with add. ill. 16°. ’84.*6? bds., 40c. W:.A. Young. Masque of poets. Lathrop, G: P. $1.-.--. Roberts. Masque torn off. Talmage, T. DeW. $2; $2.50; $3.90. Fairbanks & Co. Masquerade: farce. Mack, R. E. See New York drama. Masquerading for two. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79. Paps, VHC. .ceece csesencws sac veeece Roorbach. Massachusetts, Bureau of Statistics of Labor. An- nual reports, 7th-1l5th. Qy. 8° ’76-'84. Rand; Wright & P. — Census of Massachusetts, 1875, comp. by C. D Wright. 3v. 8% [°76.]797.....-.. Wright & P. — Same. Compendium of the census of Mass., 1879. Bon Yiliene eine leieelel ola Brose ern sie Wraght § P. — Census of Mass., 1880; from 10th U. S. census; comp. by C. D. Wright. 8°. 83... Wright & P. — Constitution. Adjusted Constitution, and amend- ments embodied with the original articles; ed. by J. N. Drask. 12° (84.83.03... 25% D; Clapp. < fy 5 Rosi atfe MASSACHUSETTS 254 MATHERS { Massachusetts, continucd. Masson, Mis Reealne O. aneee centuries of ing. He lk — General Cowrt. Acts and resolves, 1876-1882. 7 v. poetry ; sel. from Chaucer to Herrick, with introd. iia iH Oo; 416-64 ea., bds...... Rand ; Wright & P. | and notes ; Bee by D: Masson. 12°. | 16. Ae i | — — Same, general and special. 1882, ed. by F. FE. EMG) Gs aco dcoonadonoK an000 000 - +--+ Macmillan. YR Heard. 8°. ’84.°%° pap., $1.50. Lattle, B. § Co.| Master (The) and his friends in art and song. ill. sq. He? — — Same, 1883, with the Constitution, ete. 8°. TO08 27 Qrsb2) eee ee Sete sce coc scees Doda: , 83. hf. cf., $2.50 ...-- ee Wraght Si le Master Bieland and his workmen. Auerbach, B. $1. — — Digest of the public acts of 1882-83, which atfect Holt. Le the public statutes, with decisions from v. 130- Master Humphrey’s clock. See Dickens, C: bi 133, Mass. Leponts, by C7 Us Bell; 895 7833807 es E eee re ' ihe Me ee ee G: B. Reed. | Master of Greylands. Wood, Irs. £. P. 10c. Munro. | ) — — Notes onthe public statutes, by Ut He -andi Gz G: Master of Red Leaf. Meriwether, Ms. E. A. $1.25: hits) i Crocker. 8°. ’82. $6.50.. Houghton, M. § Co. BOE ore oreo ecole) 6) ticial cle wee ere ers crciels oe ee Hale. ahs — — Public statutes, 1882 ; with the Constitutions of the Moste: of the fore, Ohnet, G: 20c.; 10c... Munro. | U.S. and the Commonwealth, etc. 8°. ae Masterman Ready. Marryat, F: 10c........ Munro. Bil e209 cies hacia Re a ro oes ae and: Masterpiece: charade. Celine drama.) 12°, [779.1389 a — plement to the General statutes. v. 2. 1873- 15 : Hap} Nel! 1881, by W: A. Richardson and G: P. Sanger. Dee ss eC oe croleloy 12 ole 01s) in| elie) sivicie) ole oelels/iarelole appy: ay Bor 2GOL Ones Se cae ae ».... Rand. | Masterpieces of pulpit sioque nce, Mish. He. 3: ti — Supreme Judicial Court. Reports. v. 119-135 Dodd. i (75-84), by J: Lathrop. 17 v. 8°. ’76—| Masters, H: Architect’s letter about sewer gas and *84,261-646 ea. shp., net, $3.25. house drainage. ill. 8° [’77.]8! pap., 40c. Houghton, O. § Co.; Little, B. & Co. : Spon. — — Citations: table of cases over-ruled, denied, | Masters in Eng. theology : Kings College lectures, 1877; doubted, etc., by G: F: Williams. 8°. ’78. shp., ed. with hist. pref., by A. Barry. 12°. [’78 - fet net. S6o ..c: _litile. B.& Co.: G@B Reed: SRAMePeIGi6) tehes in a vck and white. Harris, Yin (Oi ROD ae ciciers sis eisie oe elele cree csc Osgood. Minister’s Heute Cad le My | .M. 5c. ..Sadleer: Minister’s son. Stirling, M. C. 20c....... - Harper. Minister’s watermelons. Stowe, Jfrs. H. B. $1.25. Fords. Minister’s wife. See Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Ministry of beauty; a society album; ill. with pen and pictures. 8°. [’76.]?°° $2..Lovell, Ad., W. § Co. Ministry of healing. Gordon, A. J. $1.50.. Gannett. Minnegerode, C: Sermons. 12°. 780.47 $1.50. Woodhouse. Minnesota, Legislature. Changes in the general statutes of 1878, effected by the general laws of the extra session of 1881 and the regular session of 1883, arr. with ref. to the chapter and section amended. 8° ’83.8° hf. shp., $2 ....-.. West. — General laws, 18th—23rd session aa extra session of 22nd Legislature, 1876-1883. Gv. 8° ’76-’83. 1., PUP. «eee se BA OOOO OU OODC sliclavolsiaie cis eve LOLLES — General statutes, with general laa in force 1878 prepared by G: B. Young. 8°. ’80. shp., $7. Same. 4th ed., with suppl.-cont. general laws in force 1883; prepared by G: B. Young. 8°. ’83.®° SMP iy billie wielain wlole = \c/a\tels sia eopelevarelcielels(elennreke West. — Supreme Court. Reports. v. 1 (51), by H. Officer. 2d ed., by J. Gilfillan. 8°. Tf 28 SND pole. West. — — Same. v. 21-30 (’75-’83), by G: B. Young. 10 vy. So: 716-783-2889 ea. slip, @o- Soule, TJ. & W.: West. — — Digest of decisions, v. 1-25 inclusive, [1851-1879], by H. C. Eller. 2v. 8°. ’80. shp., $12. Same. Nilesh, GH, BBY ais SID cosboons severe», WEST: — — Digested index of reports, v. 1-26 inclusive, [1851- 1880], by M. D. Ewell and A. Hamilton. 16°. POM SSD) wiccieietelo vere) o(aiete cocesesc-eee Callaghan. Minnetouka songs. Bunn, J. H., and Merry, J: F. 2D Calc aiciel clare siafelwiciece: vis.= Niele lovers cielelersyer ele Church. Minnie and her pets. Baker, iis « He IN. We 6v. $3% Ward & D. Minnie Grey. Smith, J. F. 20c............. Munro. Minor, Ellen E. Murillo. (Ill. biog. of great artists.) Uli W69: 2825529 Si 2b e e010 ----- Scribner & W. Minor,J: B. Institutes of common and statute law. 9d ed., rey. andicorr 2 v. 8%. [02777.]75%28 ships, AB ee Se creme cyeis cosl Randolph & E.: West, J. & Co. Cont.: 1. The rights which relate to ihe. person. — 2. The rights which relate to things real. — Same. 3ded., rev. andcorr. 2 y. 8°. shp., iirc ornis) avererocre Rieisteu lols cieieiclniaicic Randolph & #. Note. v.3not yet published. Q2. 562 — Same. v.4: Practice of law in civil cases incl. sub- ject of pleading. 8°. ’79.°7° shp., $14. Randolph & E.; West, J. § Co. — Same. v.4 in 2 pts. 2d ed., rev. andi corr. 689. 2BB6P2* (SNPs, DLS wie veces cs ele Handolnk & H. Minor, T: C. Her ladyship. sq. 16°. ’80.* $1.25. P: G. Thomson. Minor arts. Leland, C: G. 90c.......... Macmillan. | Minot, H.D. Land birds and game birds of New Eng. : with descriptions of the birds, their nests and eggs, their habits and notes. ill. 8° [’77.]?8° Shad) eleierere ls aie ooreicr evs (oiciedeia(s cele nicielele aio sinienere Estes. Minot, Rob. S. Railway travel in Europe and Am.; with tables of recent and novel statistics of jour- neys, speed, fares, etc. 8°. ’82.*°47 pap., 50c. VW Ricans Minot, W:, 77. Local taxation and public extravagance. So Seley DUP 2OCr cere eleva ce ceee Williams. — Taxation in Massachusetts. 8°. [’77.]?®" pap., 20c. Williams. | Minstrellove. La Motte Fouque, F: H: K: (Mrether7) Aes IZ eect we cclorelen dorcel oratecre siete Routledge. Minto, W: Daniel Defoe. (Eng. menof letters.) 12°. HIDES TG co0000 00056 Boles cies selec Harper.MINTO oy Minto, W:, continued. (Lovell’s lib.) — Same. 16°. pap., 10e. J: W. Lovell. visiting and shop- Minton, Maurice (comp.) The list: ping directory, 1879-84. [ Annual. Do) Ve 162 C00 =O haueelsU) | egal h (is kS oo, List Pub Minturn, Rob. B. From New York to Delhi by way of Rio de Janeiro, Australia, and China 12% [ir9-)) Spill) eve Milereiayele le) sini oieiers. diel aie Appleton. Miot de Melito. See Melito. Mirabeau: hist. drama. Calvert, G: H: $1..Lee& 8. Miracle in stone. Seiss, J. A. $1.25..... Porter & ( Miraculous medal. Aladel, M. $1.50 ........ Piet Minages Mletcher Ji piers. cee eee Roberts. Mirage of life’ (Pop. ser.) wl. ‘sq. 24o (763; 760 Why eo odo bobo so66 ob oobd ooo on bore {m. 1% Mirecourt, Famous Frenchauthors. ill. 8 eros eilte@le7becs< cs aes o.< R. Worthington. Miriany Alroys Disraeli, By 20c.....-...-.. Munro. Miriam Lee’s marriage. ( lay. 1B MW. 10e - Munro. Miriamis heritages Calder, A; 7be....--... Harper. Misanthrope (Le). Moliére, J: B. P. de. net, 30c. Vacmillan. Miscalculation. H. Roth Ye x Go: Miscellaneous words, prefixes, and suffixes, with Latin and Greek roots in common use: sel. Com. of Principals of G. S. in the ( Bowra, STH Oi ese. and arr. by ‘ity of New Work, US888 lei bus 20Cme aoee Babcock. Mischief-book. Busch, W: $1.25..R. Worthington. Mischke, H., and Francis, R. P. New-Yorker Bi- deker; Fiihrer durch New York u. Umgegend. ill. and map. 24 ACO TG, aancaad Steiger. Miserables (Les). Hugo, V: 5pts. ea., 10c... Mun Miserables (Les): Ethiop. farce. Griffin, G. W. H VC isjeieicie oars: aveKele og wiercins Scie Gis ee ei lappy Misericordia. Linton, Mrs. Bb. L. 20: Appleton. Miseries of Fo Hi, a celestial funetionary. Sarcey, I Sit wesc evelaleelevereisl televelainielstcie)< ccnle Ria ovololere Jansen. Misguidit lassie. Fe Misjudged ; or, the troubles > LOSS, Macmillan. of a city man, by the au- thor of His only enemy. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.528 pap. L0cr.<.. dimicuee) elaieic ciel cic ere cvenn 6 (cre Ogilvie. Miss Beck: anovel. 12°. 7282.58 $1.50...Carleton. Miss Benedict’s way. Davis, Ifs.C.E.K. $1.Am. Tr. Muss Bent: Suith, Ws. Eo Bt Sila. :. 2. Whittaker. Miss Bouverie. See Molesworth, Mrs. M. Miss Carew. Edwards, A. B. Miss Crespigny. See Burnett, Ms. F. H. Miss Dewberry’s scholars, and what they did. Sangster, Mos. M. BE. $1 Miss Gilbert’s career. Mun rO. Whittaker. Holland, J. 91.25. Scribner’s Sons. Miss Grief. authors. Miss Hitchcock’s wedding dress. Miss Honor Bright. O’Donochue, Jfs. P. Miss Hurricane. Monnier, M: 10c.......... Miss Leighton’s perplexities. Hall, A. C. Woolson, C. F. See Stories by American See Hart, Mrs. 20¢c.. Munro. Munro. S1l.... Hords. Miss Letty’s experiences. Craik, Ms. D.M. 10c.. Munro. | Miss Litton’s lovers; (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 10c. Miss Mackenzie. Trollope, A. 20c. Miss Mallows among the publishers: by author of Munro. a sad literary ex- perience, by Miss Mallows’ friend. 16°. ’81.*492 De 20 Co) ee ole eel cfrin avers ole oie) ala aie) rail Mallows. Miss Margery’s roses. Meyers, R. C. $1; 50c. Peterson. Miss Marjoribanks. Oliphant, Jfs. M. O. W. 2 pts. Ca eA Careterersatel sie) eins cleleite ciciele aieiciacsiaie cl aiers « DO Cie Osgood. | Miss Mehetabel’s son. Aldrich, T: B. Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy, J. $1.50; 90c.. Sheldon. | 34. (Oct. 84.) A ring and a rose. | | - Munro. ( Munro. \~ ww t ) MISSOURI e Miss Molly. Butt, B. M. 10c. Miss Munro. Nancy’s pilgrimage. Jolnson, V. 50c. Harper. LO Geis oe ore yt Mrs le Nir 5 2 or Mrs.? Priscilla Hunter. Collins, W: W. ld iG rJUS. en, S. MG. Lothrop. Conklin, Aas. N. Si. Gray, W. Prudence. 50..-. Carter. 3 Slimmens’ boarding-house. ke GOek: DOC ALO CE. crcisi nici cyaiate:s aie cclececisunc cic Ne ce Oguivie. Miss Slimmens’ window. Gray, W. T. 60c.; 25c.; WO GS eretaretare oreele wiorerere ccs sic simieiersje Yee Sisters Ogileve. ill. Lothrop. [?s4. 1 *644 Tiny: companion volume to General Dot. GOSS alee Oc Toosey’s mission; [also] Laddie. ND Oe cianiee) eis 16°. aiotate eiavele) cicielslciaterc\ eiencieeiaiee oe TLONeELS: Miss Williamson’s divagations. Ritchie, dfs. A. I. [Ded Vike oo rs aes ee ee Harper. Missing. See Hay, M. C. Missing diamonds; by the author of Wife or widow? ( People’s lib.) "40, ’S1. pap., 10c..... Ogilvie Missing from the roll-call. See Myrtle, M. Phantom wile. Missing letter. Wood, Mis. BE. P. 10c...... Ogilvie. Missing marriage certificate. Lee, M. 10c...Munro- Mission (Ihe). Marryat; RB: 20c. <--....... Munro. Mission box. Guernsey, L. EH. 90c. ...... Am. S. S. Mission of Black Rifle. Kellogg, E. $1.25 ..ZLee&S. Missionary exercises for Sunday-schools and mission- bands: responsive readings, dialogues, ete., arr. by the Woman’s For. Missionary Soc. of the resb. Ch. ite 83, 1972 ap., d0c.. resh. Bd. Presb. Cl 12 pay 0c. .P Bd Mississippi, Legislatur Laws, 1876-1882. 5v. 8° Hite, Chlg KINO, Ooo anoccocdgeno00GE Power. — Revised code of the statute laws; prepared by J. A. k « PB. Campbelle (82 380: sbi -- . Power. a 51-60. — Supreme Court. Reports. V. V. 8°. HO=Ooes (eae SUps, 0s Callaghan » @. I. Jones o Little, B. & Co. t.: VY. 51, 52 (7376), by G. E. Harris and G. H. Simrall. —y. 53, 54 (76-78), by J. A. Brown and J. B. H. Hemingway. v. 59, 56 (78-79), by J. B. H. Hemingway. — v. 57 (79-’80), by J. A. Brownand J. B. H. Hemingway. — vy. 58 (80-81), by J. B. H. Hemingway. —v. 59 (81-’82), by J. A. Brown and J. B. H. Hemingway. —v. 60 (82-’83), by J. B. H. Hemingway. — — Digest of reports, v. 45-56, inclusiv by G. Andrews. 8°. o10. 7. & — — Table of cases, [1818-1822], by M. 8°. >. Shp., $6.50 re [1872-1879], J. W. Johnson. Ki. Sullivan. Callaghan. SI. ISSe |S Deen Oso Olas cca ales oo Pinkerton, A. Carleton. Missouri. Commonwealth of Missouri: hist. of the state from the earliest Spanish discoveries down to the present time, with descriptions of its physi- cal geography, natural resources, ete. ill. 8°. mor., S10. Mississippi outlaws and the detectives. 1.50 Bie) oie eist ieheleeyereiai aie a ¢ [°78.]°2° $63 hf. mor., $8.50; full Bryan, B. Vv Co. — General Assembly. Annotated pocket ed. of the rev. statutes of 1879; arr. by C: A. Winslow. iGO FiO aN An rere co cieicrs) ciel clu) nalcver(el F. HT. Thomas. — Laws, 380th-382d session, 1879-1883. o Vi 8°. Ue tS veiain 6 afereraie 6 5 ; aa osleserepN COLE? acturing cor- So [Pb] FES Gilbert Bk. J: A. Hoch- rel. to business and manuf porations, comp. by M. F. Watts. same, Revised statutes; aday [and others]. 2v. 8°. ’79. Supplement to Wagner’s statutes cont. the laws opi. 1878-75; also laws of 1877, comp. by W: G. Mien, So. win Ae rs ciete & . Galbert. — St. Louis Court of Appeals. Keports: l-l2 Cii— So bys Ae Mig Berita (oo: aii Oueeoma ele, SlDsy RD) ecclesia G. I. Jones; F. H. Thomas. — Supreme Cowrt. Reports. v. 62-77 6 Va) (ols 27 G6 —'84., 261-837 oe Gulbert ° Ramsay. 77-83) ea., shp., #4 Cont.: v. 62-64 (’76-’77), by T. A. Post. —v. 65-77 ( T: KK, Skinker. ’ byMISSOURI 266 MITCHELL Missouri, continued. — — Digest of reports, v. 50-67 inclusive, [1872-1878 }, by E. W. Pattison. 8°. ’79. shp., $7.50 . Gilbert. Mistakes. Trowbridge, C. M. $1.....- Cong. Pub. Mr. and Mrs. Morton. Williams, H. $1.25 -.Cupples. Mr. and Mrs. Spoopendyke. Huntley, S. 20c. : W. B. Smith. Mr. Bodley abroad. Scudder, H. Hs 61-50: Houghton, M. § Co. Mr. Ghim’s dream. 12°. [’78.]°? $1.50... Carleton. Mr. Gilfil’s love story. Sce Eliot, G: ( pseud.) Mr. Grantley’s idea. Cooke, J: E. 25c. «--- Harper. Mister Horn and his friends. See Pearse, M. G. Mr. Isaacs. Crawford, F. M. $1.....--. Macmillan. Mr. Jacobs. Bates, A. 30c. ........-- W: B. Clarke. Mr. Leslie of Underwood. Patrick, M. 15c... Harper. Mr. Midshipman Easy. Marryat, F: 10c...-- Munro. Mr. Nightingale’s diary: a farce. Dickens, C: 50c. Osgood. Mr. Nobody. See Spender, Js. Js Ke Mr. Oliver Penrose. ill. 18°. [’77.] pap., 50c. Crowell. Mr. Perkins’ daughter. Lanza, Marchioness C. $1; GO CE ieieicr a vi eierels Arai eiafelace isis 's ERULUILQUINs Mr. Peter Crewitt. Denison, vs. M. L. $1; 50c. Lee & S. Mr. Phillips’ goneness. Bailey, J. M. $1; 50c. Lee & S. Mr. Pisistratus Brown. See Black, W: Mr. Scarborough’s family. See Trollope, A. Mr. Shum’s property. Fenn, G: M. 10c..... Ogilvie. Mr. Smith. Walford, Is. L. B. 10c....-... Munro. Myr. Stubbs* brother: Otis; J. $l.-...-..... Harper. Mr. Woosey’s great trouble. Robinson, F: W: 10ce. Munro. Mistletoe bough. Sce Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. Mistress and maid. Craik, Mrs. D. M. 10c..Munvo. Mrs. Arthur. Oliphant, Jlrs. M. O. W. 50c.. Harper. Mrs. Austin. See Veley, M. Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. Austin, Js. J.G. $1. Roberts. Mrs. Brown series. See Rose, G: Mrs. Carr’s companion. See Wightman, M. Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lectures. See Jerrold, D. Mrs. Darling’s letters. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.574 Paps, 2OC ic. ceo. Bee creie oleic cle efiarevoveie J: W. Lovell. Mrs. Dobbs’ dull boy. Lyster, A. $1.25.. Pott, Y. § Co. Mrs. Fizzlebury’s new girl. De Cordova, —. 40c. Carleton. Mrs. Gainsborough’s diamonds. Hawthorne, J. 20c. Appleton. Mrs. Geoffrey. See Argles, Mrs. M. Mrs. Gilpin’s frugalities. Brown, S. A. $1. Scribner's Sons. Mrs. Halliburton’s troubles. Wood, Js. E. P. 10e. Munro. Mrs. Harry Harper’s awakening. Alden, Ms. I. M. Siler een eteVovelsp nic aielieieisrcic ele siivielelasureuevelcas Lothrop. Mrs. Jack. Trollope, Ms. F. BE. 20c......Appleton. Mrs. Knollys. Stimson, F: J. See Stories by Ameri- can authors. Mrs. Lirriper’s lodgings. See Dickens, C: Mrs. Lorimer. Sce Malet, L. Mrs. Mainwaring’s journal. Marshall, Js. FE. 10e. Munro. Mrs. Masserene; by author of A great mistake. (Sea- side libs) 40) 283.822) naps, 20cr es. <1 Wunro. | Mrs. Mayburn’s twins. Habberton, J: $1; 50c. Peterson. Mrs. Merriam’s scholars. Hale, E: E. $1...Roberts. Mistress of Ibichstein. Henkel, F. $1; 30c. .. Holt. Mistress of the house. Chamberlain, P. B. $1.25. Crowell. Mistress of the manse. See Holland, J. G. Mrs. Overtheway’s remembrances. Ewing, J. H. $1.25. Roberts. Mrs. Raven’s temptation, by the author of Dr. Hardy’s marriage. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°7? pap., 20c. Munro. Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. Alden, Mrs. I. M. SIL Oevere cers) oereleleis 0 ereleic) eyexe a} (elpiieiolejs) ofc 0ye Lothrop. Mrs. Stretton’sfriend. Macquoid, Mrs. K.S.10c.. Munro. Misunderstood. Montgomery, F. 50c...Randolph. Mitchell, Alex. F. The Westminster Assembly: its list. and standard. 8°. 783.994 $4.20. Scribner &§ W. Mitchell, Arth. The past in the present: what is civ- jlizgationi: dll; 8° “Sis Soe. o. . Harper. Mitchell, Clifford. Practitioners’ guide to urinalysis. ill. Dor BS Seeth RIED OK cine oiee seis fe alerers sincere Gross. Mitchell, Donald G. [‘‘ Ik. Marvel.”] About old story tellers: how and when they lived, and what stories they told: =2e) [eaire 307 $2... Scribner, A. & Co. — Same. New ede ile 0! 428i SiIeo5 — Bound together: sheaf of papers. 12°. *84.*8° $1.25. Scribner’s Sons. 784 #634 S125 Scribner’s Sons. — Dream life: a fable of the seasons. New ed. 12°. ’84 5. Sertbner’s Sons. — Doctor Johns. Newed. 12°. . 8 [83 82 La) GooDoS adoo0 G0 CK Scribner’s Sons. — Out-of-town places ;with hints for their improvement. (Reissue of Rural studies.] 12°. ’84.*°9 $1.25. Scribner's Sons. — Reveries of a bachelor; or, a book of the heart. New rev.ed. 12° ’84 [’83].*8!9 $1.25. Scribner's Sons. — Seven stories, with basement and attic. New rey. ed. 20. 784 (283i Mell" SU 2d cre res Scribner’s Sons. — Wet days at Edgwood with old farmers, old garden- ers and old pastorals. New ed. 12°. ’84 [’83].°% SD Dic wie ie oe oe ne a ce aoe wieln)s) ele ele A Scribner's Sons. Mitchell, E. Coppee. Contracts for the sale of land before conveyance. 8°. [’77.]?8° $1.25.. Welsh. Mitchell, E: C. The critical hand-book: guide to the study of the authenticity, canon and text of the Greek New Testament. map and diagrams. 12°. 80, «487 SD Lisl Dicicaie 6) eleleiele (je es sv) <'e)eieleccle Draper. Same. ill. and map. 12°. 780.4% $1.50 ..Welson. — Principles of Hebrew grammar. 8°. [’80.] ldc. Draper. Mitchell, G.W. X + Y = Z; or, the sleeping preach- er of North Alabama: cont. account of most won- derful, mysterious mental phenomena, fully au- thenticated by living witnesses. 16° [777.]*” ID CS eveletels| (apaioieisle olele sis) <\.< shee seve» ere Srenveics GOALS: Mitchell, J. A. The summer school of philosophy at Mt. Desert. ill. 4°. ’81.*9! $3.50....%. Holt. Mitchell, Lucy M. A history of ancient sculpture. ill. and pl. 4°. °83.*8?! $12.50; hf. mor., $18; full Disrievetoierelslero eleven cierercione’ cle ae) elotete .. Dodd. mor., > es |— Selections from ane. sculpture: 20 phototype pl. made for Mrs. Mitchell, illustrative of her work | on anc. sculpture. In portfolio; with descriptive | text. £0, 283. 425 4c. a eere evel Braver OAM: 9 a Mitchell, Nathan J. Reminiscences and incidents in the life of a pioneer preacher of the ancient Gos- pel; app. a few characteristic discourses. 12°. (PAT en eer BD ciaierc. ccs miele) « siele «'0) 0 elelnieiee ..-. Chase. | Mitchell, S: S. The true man, and other practical | sermons. 12°. [/'76.]24° $1.50.....-..Carter. | Mitchell, S: Weir. Diseases of the nervous system, | especially inwomen. pl. 12°. ’81.4°° $1.75. .Lea. — Fat and blood, and how to make them. 12°. [?77. ]?% $1.25. Same. 3d ed., rev. with add. 12°. 784.6! lH Goodcn Be iolerciaieleiere ere ersieie eicieie aisle Lippincott. | — Hephzibah Guiness; Thee and you; and A draft on the Bank of Spain. 12°. ’80.44! $1.75. Lippincott. — Hill of stones, and other poems. 16°. 783 [’82].°7 BAe icicle sai siorciee tis ihe Sees . Houghton, M. § Co.MITCHELL Mitchell, S: Weir, continued. — Nurse and paca ts: and camp cure. 18°, [?77.]?% DU) CEy ie eicicicle @vlcie) eves elec ci cicre siede(eiatelieie ie Lippincott. Mitchell, Stanford (comp.) Good-will songs: tion of hymns and tunes. sq. 12°. ’83. Universalist. science and art unlock compila- 50Oc. Mitchell, T: Key to ghostism ; jis: mystenies: [207 7805224 Sb 05... Wells. Mitchell’s new general atlas of the woul a for 1884. 409, 7S 4 646 $10 COCO OOOOG Sioicie'uj.uisielatele EL: Bradle y. Mitford, J: ‘Treatise on the pleadings in suits in the Courts of Chancery ; with the notes of G: Jeremy and J. W. Smith; suppl. by S: Tyler. 8°. [’76. ]?°2 BGR Ol ee ee OOK Monies Sic os Gs sis oe Baker, V. & Cc Mitford, Ma. Russell. Children of Our village. ill. Sq. ] 2°. 27.9) Se) Ole eine a ataloretercicieisie Routledge. — Our village. ill. 4°. 783.9% $4; tky. mor., $8. Belford, C. & Co. 290 79.378 pap., 25c. Harper. — Same. o2°. (Half-hour ser.) — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. pap., 10¢c.. Munro. — Selections from Our village; with eng. on wood. sm. AON Grou SoeD Oe cere svelclcie iene sie Lippincott. — Rienzi: tragedy. See New York drama. Mitslav. Milman, R. net, $1.( _L. § J. B. Young. Mittendorf, W. Ff. Manual of diseases of the eye and ear. -ill. and col. pl. 8°. 781.8% $4.. Putnam. Mivart, St. G: The cat: introd. to the study of back- boned animals, especially mammals. ill. 8°. AMES GBM. oaodicno cooKdononDO! Scrtbner’s Sons. — Contemporary evolution: essay on some recent social changes: = 208 (e7iGize2 1 bO! serereicr. Appleton. Miz-maze; or. the Winkworth puzzle. Awdry, F., and others. PIO. sce a cemasre ce ce MIACIIVLIAN: Mizpah, by the author of The wedding-bells. (Peo- | pleisMibs))) 40% 262008ks nape. loCrene. Ogilvie. Mnemonics. Begg, E. W: $1.50 . Chase. | Moak, Nathl. C. Reports of reports. See England. Moale, A. W. See Martin, Model father. Sce Murray, Moderate drinking. [also } Digest of Cases; H. N. IDE (Cy Richardson, , and Moale, Be We 200: Nat. om Dr Crosby 28478)" pap, ZC: Nat. Temp. heathenism. See Moderation versus total abstinence; and his reviewers. 12°. Modern Christianity a civilized Pullen, H: W: Modern classics. 383 v. cl., 75c. ; set, $20 flex. f Co. Favorite Beauty ; ’81-"82. ea., Viowanions M. Courtship of Miles Standish; poems; ae H: W. Lon; efellow. —2. Culture, Behaviour, Be Books, Art, Eloquence; Power, Wealth, Illusions; by R. W. Emerson. — 3. Nature; Love, Friendship, Greatness, Immortality; by R. W. bound; Tent on the be: Beli, Favorite poems; by J: G. Whit- | tier. — 5. Vision of Sir Launfal; Cathedral; Favorite poems; by J. R. Lowell. — 6. In an out-of-doors, with C: Dickens, by | J. VT. Kields; A Christmas carol, Dy: C: Dickens ; Barry Corn- | wall and some of his friends, by J. T. Fie ware The ancient | mariner; Favorite poems, by S: T. ¢ ‘ole ridg Favorite poems, Undine, and Bintrar by HB: Hy Ks de Cont. 1. Evangeline; Domestic life; Suce- tTmerson. — 4. Snow- cess, by W: Wordsworth, — 8. La Motte Fouqué; Paul and Virginia, by J. H: B. de St. | Pierre. — 9. Rab and his friends, and Marjorie Fleming; Thack- | eray; John Leech; by J: Brown. —10. Enoch Arden; In me- | | | | moriam; Favorite poems; by A. Tennyson. — 11. Princess; Maud; Locksley Hall; by A. Tennyson. — 12. Elizabeth B. Browning, by E. C. Stedman; Lady Geraldine’s courtship, by Mrs. E. B. Browning; Favorite poems, by R. Browning. — 13. Goethe, by T: Carlyle; The tale, and Favorite poems, by J: W. Goethe. — 14. Schiller, by T: Carlyle; Lay of the bell and | Fridolin, and Favorite poems, by J: F: Schiller. — 15. Burns, by T: Carlyle; Favorite poems, by R. Burns; Favorite poems, by | W. Scott. — 16. Byron, by T: B. Macaulay; Favorite poems, by G: Byron; Favorite poems, by T:; Hood. — 17. Milton, by T: B. Macaulay; L’Allegro, I] Penseroso, by J: Milton; Elegy in a country churehyard, by T’: Gray. — 18. Deserted village, by O. Goldsmith; Favorite poems, by F. D. Hemans. — 19. ite poems, by P. B. Keats. — 20. Essay on Favorite poems, by T: T: Carlyle; Essays by W: Cowper; Favorite Characteristics, by ’: Carlyle; Favor- Shelley; Eve of St. Agnes, etc., by J: man, and Favorite poems, by A. Pope; Moore, — 21. On the choice of books, by from Elia, by C: Lamb; Favorite poems, by poems, | 267 AG Wi. Temp. | Mogridge, G: Mohammed. M Mohr, C: IM — Manual of sacred Moinaux, Jules MOINAUX Modern ale ussics, contin es R. Southey. — 22. Seasons, by J. Thomson. — 23. Pleasures of hope, and Favorite poems, by T: Campbell; Pleasures of mem- ory, by 8S: Rogers. — 24. Sonne ts and songs, by W: Shakespeare; Favorite poems, by L. Hunt. ). ltavorite poems, by G: Her- bert, W: Collins, J: Dryden, _ A. Marvell, R. Herrick. — 26. Lays of ancient Rome, and other poems, by T: B. Macaulay ; Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, by Aytoun. — 27. Favorite poems, by C: Kingsley, Owen Meredith, E. C. Stedman. — 28. Hawthorne, by J. T. Fields; Tales of the White Hills, and Legends of New England, by N. Hawthorne. — 29. Cromwell, by T: Carlyle; A virtuoso’s collection, and Legends of the Prov- ince House, by N. Hawthorne. — 30. Slory of Iris, and Favorite poems, by O. W. Holmes; Health, by J: Brown. — 31. My gar- den acquaintance, and A Moosehead journal, py: J. R. Lowell; The farmer’s boy, by R. Bloomfield. — 32. A day’s pleasure; Buying a horse; Flitting; The mouse; A year in a Venetian pal- ace; by W: D. Howells. — 33. Selections from the Breakfast- table series, and Pages from an old volume of life, by O. W. Holmes. Modern fishers of men among the various sexes, sects and sets of Chartville church and community. GO 7.9 SSSte apes DO Crier seietesis ete ore Appleton. Modern Frenchmen. Hamerton, P. G. $2-. Roberts. Modern Hagar. See Clarke, Mrs. C. M. Modern instance. Howells, W: D. $1.50.... Osgood. Modern magic. Hoffmann, Prof. $2.50; $1.50. Routledge. Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott, L. M. $1..Roberts. Modern minis ter. 2v. (Lib. of sel. novels.) ill. 89°. UA .1, pap., 35¢e 40c. Harper. — Same. (Se: aside lib ) 40 277.. pap., 20c.. Munro. Modern Proteus. W niin Je be foc. Leypoldt ; [ Pub. Weekly. ] Modern Scottish pulpit: sermons. Ist ser. ae 28). #450 Spe Oss se cies einfolats oleversicierciere: stele s crcieci ss -- Carter. Modern society. Howe, Mis. J. W. 50c...- Roberts. Modern sphinx and some of her riddles. Savage, M. elope tap Leiter es ein ciel (elie) oo ele olecyeneYel oc) Sicse\aye/s cies ere Ellis Modern surface ornament; original designs. In 6 pts. pind. 40) [eiiolecs pap. Ol -. a. Sabin. Modern symposium. Subjects: The soul and future life, by F. Harrison, Prof. Huxley, and others, and The influence upon morality of a decline in religious belief, by Sir J. F. Stephen, Dr. Mar- tineau and others. 16° ([°78.]%°? $1.25. Rose-Be lford. | Modern thinkers. Denslow, V. B. $1.50. Belford, C. § Co. Moffat, Ja. C. Church in Scotland: hist. of its an- tecedents, its conflicts and its advocates, to the first assembly of the Ref. Church. maps. 12°. (283.1) 8228 SRD era ciei ele varcreienc eecla scolar Presb. Bd. | Moffat J: Life and lectures: ed. by R. L. Abernethy. WP, (Po EY (oe Dho Wes cocose a6 Authors’ | Moffat, Ma. E. Back to her own. Seeasic e lib.) 4°. 28h Pap:, 2OC. -ceeer -veceeececcnr «= MUNIO. | Moffit, W. O. (ed.) Nation: 1 eennper rance songster 16° 779.418 pap., lOc. .- 2-5-6... Vat. Temp. [‘*Old Humphrey.”’] Old Humphrey stories. lO v. 24° [°77.]*8 $2.50..Lothrop. Cont. : Lucie and her pony. — Robert Price. — May day. — Better than clever. — Jenny. — The missionary box. — Emma, — Pleasure and profit. — Daisy. — Little red book. Speeches and table-talk of the prophet; chosen and tr., with introd. and notes, by S. Lane- Roole: 169; 782.538 . Macmillan. ohicansof Paris. Dumas,A. 4pts. ea., 20c.. Munro. Incompatible remedies of the homceopathie materia medica. 8° [’80.] 10c..Boericke § T. ohr, Jos. Cantiones sacre: coll. of hymns and de- votional chants for the different seasons of the year, etc. 12° 78.59 SIl25... 2.5. Pustet. chant. cont. the ordinary of uhe mass, the psalins, etc., with notes. 24° ’78.° $1 Pustet. comédie. Nouv. *84.637 pap., 25c. W: R. Jenkins. °7Q en ee sourds: 12°. Les deux éd. (Théatre contemp. )4 nies Bie {a Pomel? ? : j } Pipers i ; ioe fl hey Ri st | i ‘ { I : ' E 5 eat ee heey i DOE errrnerns ga om, ———— nest lity a LO ITT NE 6 A BD le f MOIR 268 MONGREDIEN Moir, HW: C. Manual of the practice of medicine; le- signed for students and the general practitioner. TOO: BOT AS ROU (Vice ce seleleie © lela «\- [ Mov. | Moister, W Africa past an present: concise account of the country. map and ill. 12 80 foe $1.50 eicl ale el piieie; siee sale e« SO rnAcOoOS CODO MV OtO Am. Tr. Molesworth, Guildford L. Metrical tables. 32 28 (S488 naps. O0 CHa cic 10 aie aie sc clsiereis © NS DOND- Ps “eee . . LO. — Pocket-book of useful formule and memoranda for civil and mechanical engineers. 21st ed., enl. OOM) UNG) el, KPa ongc0 006s ONDOOOG OO) Spon. — and Hurst, J: T: The pocket-book of pocket-books. New, ed:, enl. 32° 782-95! rus.,$5.....) Spon. — See also Mackesy, W: H., and Molesworth, G. L. Molesworth, Mis. Ma ‘Ennis Graham.” ] Advent- ures of Herr Baby; ill. by W. Crane. sq. 8 8] SE MOR ae see siciee cio oo cicero IU ACMALLAN — Carrots: just a little boy: ill. by W. Crane. 129. Ge eoh) ST bOe oes coe e.. te Macmillan — ©uckoo clock; ill. by W. Crane. 16°. aT Aloe OSD (Ve cis aroun Bee te pepe cose Vacmillan. — Grandmother dear: book for boys and girls; ill. by W. Crane.: 169°. "78. 63 $1.50... Macmillan. — Hathercourt Leis. hour se 16 ETS. je" pl Holi — Sane. (Seaside lib. ) 4.0, LS: pap., 20c.. Munro. — Hermy: story ofa littlé girl. ill. 12° *81 [’80].*4 SLED) crarercierc Sreielsiiiv el eleie! chevoveleliatercvetoreluis Routle dg ; — Miss Bouverie: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib. { 80 3 pap., ldc.. aie /si 7p eiellalic(ajiaiererenete Harpe — same. Seaside lib. $9, OU. pap., 10 Wi vO == Rosyvs wl. by W. Crane. 169, <82)5588 sion: : z Macmillan — Summer stories for boys and girls. 12° ’82.°4 SIE DC) cya ake Vel'clle aleve erereioe vereieistere Stoieiore exe VWacmillan. — The m: a child’s romance; ill. by W. ED sakU | SNE Oicce ie sifstciere Macmallan. Til. by (W Crane: 169" 283382) cocceneeseceace sieiale le clers Macmillan. Moliére, J: Bapt. P. de. Dramatic works: rendered into Ene. by H: Van Laun. Né@weed. 3vy. ill. rors 9 fo} (Us 510.50 A COoOoDODODE me.» Gebbr — Same. New ed., with mem., introd. notices, notes. 3v. ill. 8% °79.974)%877 $6.75..R. Worthington. — Same ; tr. into Eng. prose, with short life, by C. H. Will Sive 199 4792414 Sd 50) 3.25 PUtnam. — L’avare: comédie; introd., notes and indices, by L: M. Moriarty. $9. 78252 net. 50ce. -- Macm illan. — Same, ed. with explanatory notes for students by E: S. Joynes. (Students’ coll. of classical French plays. 1205 WO2 ee DA. DUC! Seay cic cere LLOLE: — Le bourgeois gentilhomme; introd., notes and in- dices by L: M. Moriarty. For. school classics. L695 2845034. flex. cl., net. 40Gi <2... Macmillan. — Le médecin malgré lui: comédie; introd., notes, ete.. by G. E. Fasnacht. 32°. 783.89 flex. el., net, DO Gareiscscisicisuc cies cis soils 6 ec ete nee ---- Macmillan. — e misanthrope : comédie; with' life of Moliéere, notes, etc., systematically ; Fasnacht. 16°. 280.028 flex: el:. netas0e uo Macmllan. — Les précieuses ridicules; ed., with introd. and notes, by A. Lang. (Clarendon press ser.) 16°. ’84.64% Nex. cle net. 40Gy scien eee ee os Macmillan. — See also Gombert, A. (ed.) French classics. Molinos, Miguel. Golden thoughts from the Spiritual guide; pref. by J. H: Shorthouse. 12°. 783.623 a bd — 1] 97 Y.*7 ey wpilicZDivite «eveere Mise a0 ¢ 0) a\0 vie's «ce 0 e NCTLUINCT.S SONS: | art and archeolovy. ill. sm. 49 782.57! 5. Houghton, We. & Co. Mollett, J: W. Illustrated dictionary of words used in — Meissonier. (Ill. biog. of great artists.) 12°. ’82.529 | Dilla Diieielee sal cyniereie ereicie) cose sceee- SCMUONED & W. — Modern etchings of celebrated paintings. ill. 4° 783 [’82].* ee Deo Oise aise < hk. Worthington. — Rembrandt. Ill. biog. of great artists. ri 120; ERO BNO accor ices io reus evo rsicncl ao eualeks Scawbner & W. — Sir David Wilkie. (Ill. biog. of great artists.) ill. W205 sileeel flex. cll. 7) HitlaPocoa cui ribner & W. Mollett, J: W., continued =—— Watteau. (lll; biog Of oreat antists)) awl, 190 : Te Silicc ccm oes F500 000 COIN AMINA ROP Ie Molloy, J. Fitzgerald. \ (Franklin Sq. lib.) Molloy, J. L. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. HBO, ARE SILOS Soon cGoonds wa ee vo 0's LLOUCTTES: Molly Bawn. See Argles, Js. M. Molly Maguires. Dewees, F. P. $1.50..Zippincott. Molly Maguires. Pinkerton, A. $1.50 ....€@arleton. Molly Moriarty: Irish-musical sketch. Sedgwick, A. BB DCs bi cccee oe eee ee ke cia) sow cee De Watt. Molly’s Bible; (Chellis; Mo Ds S125 .... Ward & D: Mombert, J. I. Faith victorious: account of the venerable Dr. Johann Ebel, late Archdeacon of the Old Town Church of Konigsberg, in Prussia. Oo 28234 SEDO 846277 eI : Vhat hast thoudone? a novel. 602 105 28 3a pap., l5c.. Harper. Wane eee reine gs ete .----- Randolph. — Hand-book of the Ene. versions of the Bible; with copious examples illustrating the ancestry and re- lationship of the several versions, and comparative tables. ] 2°. 283 sees, SOB O) cece a Randolph. Moment of madness. Lean, J/rs. F. 10c.... Munro. Mona the vestal. Dorsey, IMs. H. H. $1.25. Lippincott. Monaghan, Ja., and Jones, R. Chester county reports. M ghan, J L J R. Chest ty report See Pennsylvania, Sup. Court and other cowrts. Monarch of Mincing Lane. See Black, W: Monarchs retired from business. Doran, J: 2 vy. $3.50 Zieieioleieles ecoeeceewoe en ee seew sees Armstrong. Monastery. See Scott, Sir W. 2 Monck,W.H.S. Sir William Hamilton. (Eng. philos.) 12°, Bia! ISD Dyeve area cee stove) siclecetse oc LCULL7LAMe. Monckton, Ja. H. Practical geometry. ill. 12°. y . ]- Sieliaiel shatckvvelsielclalc eietee(s\! $1.50. Lockwood, B. & Co. —— Saye, TOVUSRS. WAS ree! SE Dicin es « - TToyt. — Same, for 1880, 1881. 5th, 6th ser. 20, u7g= 28 (ral ealeanseO ea OIenO cee. Anca... OVOWelL — Same, for 1882-1884. 7th-9th ser. oe. 2S — (ESAS oon) eceme CA's ile DO veteretere’a elelelelele CONG. HULU: Note. Lessons for 1883. 8th ser. out of print. Monell, Gilbert Chichester. Creation and the Seripture : the revelation of God. 8°. ’82.°4! $1.50.. Putnam. Money. See Tardieu, J. de. Money makes the man. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] Papen WOCr crane «creer wieiwcie os Raiser rere Roorbach. Money-makingforladies. Church, E.R. 90c.. Harper. Mongredien, A: Free trade and Eng. commerce. (Pop. lib.) 16°. [’80.]4%? pap., 25¢.. Cassell, P., G. § Co. — History of the free trade movement in England. (Lib. of pop. information.) 16°. ’81.*#8° 50c. Putnam. — Western farmer of America. 12°. ’80.*45! pap., 10c. Cassell, P.,G. & Co. — Wealth-creation; introd. by S. Sterne. 16°. [’83.]*°8% TB LOD wiciete Giclciret a sare en ccc Gassell, P:.G. & Co.MONGRELS Mongrels. Wilton, T. rOOOG OC Harper. BVO Shoo n00K Monica. See Argles, Aas. M. WMonikins. Cooper, Je ne A) Ck cate bye es se ee Munro. | Monkhouse, Cosmo. Turner. (Ill. biog. of great | artists Wl. 129 7°79. $1.25 ..Scabner & W. | Monk's pardon. Navery, M. de S. Monks of Thelema. Se Monmouth, J/rs. L. H. S1 OD o- Benzig« Pr Besant, W., Living on half a dime a day. and Rice, J. 8°. 780.2°9 Nig MBs Gods 0500 c06KC J: M. Davis: Monnier, M: Miss Hurricane; tr. from the French by M. C. Brown. (Seaside lib. 40 See pap., [QCA cee ek cee ee eas Winro. y a 59 Monogram and alphabet album. New ed. 8 18522 Se laveretarela) sleicis (ellere ete c s/c) eei cic) cc) ckel 1c cies cvercierd Sabin. Monon ou. Matthews, B. (pseud.) $1.25; $1..Hal Monro, D. B. Grammar of the Homeric dialect: 8°. IB ees ON Gt (Die eisisr a cyoteieie oie a7 >) eve ere Macmillan. Monroe, L: B. together, charts bound per set, DO. Cowperthwatt. Young folks’ readings, for social and public Vocal gymnastic charts : 25 x 30 1G Lees. in. IW Pe — (ed entertainments. 129°. (eaiGie oY SD OR eeu Ss | Monroe, Mrs. L: B. The story of our country. ill. sq. 16°. [776.]747 $1.50....Lockwood, B. § Co. Monsanto, H. M. French student’s assistant: or, five minutes in the class-room. 16°. ’79.%" bds,. DOS cre cusheve (sc biaccielcavelle rere aace Cleve nveva mus svovotune [vison. — Manual of commercial correspondence in French. | [202 28 i]) kage Shili covert orevane nie) oie: wo lel’cl oisier cre Appleton. Monser, J. W. (ed.) Anencyclopedia on the evidences. 8°. 780.474 $3: $3.50: hf. mor., $d..J2 Burns. Monsieur Jack. Engelbach, A. H. 50c... Pott, Y. & Co. Monsieur Lecog. See Gaboriau, FE. Monsieur le ministre. See Claretie, J. Monsieur, Madame andthe baby. Droz,G. $1; 75dc. : Peterson. 1.50. fiol Moncrieff, W:'T: Se Monsieur Sylvestre. Sand, G: ( pseud.) eris. Monsieur Tonson: farce. New York drama. Montague, Clinton. Old Tiger Eye. (Champion | novels.) 18% [%76.9]2° “pap., l0c.-.«-. De Watt. — Silver Hair. (Champion novels.) 18°. ([’76.]?° Dap lO Cheetos re eres ernile eens cicrac, icr- De Witt Montague, J.C. Marion Fay : burlesque comedy. (Act- ing drama.) 12°. [’83.]%° pap., Montague, W: L: and others (eds.) ord of the alumni of Amherst College, 1821-1871; introd. by We Ss Dyler ; [ also | Biog. record of the non-graduate members. 8°. Boer inde 1l5c...ltoorbach. 209 596 Oo. [ Amh. Col. ] | Montaigne, Michael de. Complete works; compr. his essays, letters and journey through Germany and Italy; [also] Life, side and foot-notes from all commentators, explanatory of the text; biog. notices, ete., by W: Hazlitt. New ed., with eng. (Ill. Hazlitt ed:) 8° [779.]*87 $3.50; $4.50; NT MOTs Dewi « reveee ce ieciael aoe eerste Ames. Montalembert, C: Forbes (Comte) de. Life of St. Klizabeth of Hungary, Duchess of Thuringia; tr. from the French by M. Hackett; introd. by Mrs. Sadlier. (Householdlib.) 16°. [’78.]34° pap., | OCS esc « docodqD00 SdooaoDno Gododn DOO Sadlier. Montalto; or, the Vaudois martyrs of Calabria. Bates, Li. $1.25 eevee ces eeosee ese a picievorecce coe AN. Bapt. Montana, Legislatwwe Assembly. Laws, resolutions and memorials, 9th—13th regular session and extra session of 11th Legislative Assembly, 1876-1883. Give. 39 76-8350 ea. tS .D0: Boos a 3 Rokker 7 TORQ Boh arSilk sho oe on COMI and permanent in force $7.50 nature Biographical ree- | State. | — Revised statutes enacted at regular session of the 12th | Legislative Assembly, embr. the laws of a general | MOODY Montana, continued. Court. 84,287, 645 Reports. v.2 l : | — Supreme | 30 > ea., Shp., $6. Callaghan ; Weed ; S. Whitney. Cont. 2 Wa2 , by H: N. Blake and C. Hedges. —y. 4 (81-’83), by ¢ Montana Historical Soe. Contributions. vy. 1 8° AGE ESBS cooaco oe coohoacodnac coc -- Clarke. Monte Madrona. Monte Rosa. Monteith, Ja. Schwartz, W: B. Nichols, S. H. NOY, aac Ogilvie. Houghton, M. A Co. Hasy lessons in pop. science; Dil a. and hand- book to pictorial chart. 12°. ’79.*898 $1.. Barnes. — Popular science reader; lessons and sel. in natural ; with black- [| For inter- bds:, oi Barnes. Montesquieu, C: de Secondat (Baron). Considerations on the causes of the grandeur and decadence of the Romans; new tr., with introd., notes and in- dex, by J. Baker. ]i30: $2. : - Appleton. — The spirit of laws; with d’Alembert’s analysis of the nd natural hist. board drawing and written exercises. mediate classes. i hE Ok Sileeoes philosophy, botany a 2Q9 556 work; tr. from the French by T: Nugent. New ed., rev., with add. notes, and new mem. from the Jatest French ed., by J. V. Pritchard. 2v. 120°. | APA RERE CYA OO an aieiieloveluteleia ers) so) Scribner & W. Montgomery, F. Mywalk with God. (Heart chords.) PH, Ae AO. oaancac 500000000 9006 Cassell Montgomery, Flo. Misunderstood. sq. 16°. [?77.]?% DAP iy OO Cs cise as we eisls cle cle (ele cies so) Randolph. — Seaforth. 129. [’78. a pl.25 »eeee- Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 780. pap., 10¢.. Juno. — Thrown together: a story. Cheap ed. 12°. ’81.486 pap., NWO, BGaocavudec Beleheielcele(a\si-wieieie miele L upprincott. — Same. (Seaside lib. ) 40, 78] 494 pap., 20c... Munro. Montgomery, Hu. Experiences of an Irish minister and temperance reformer; with sermons and ad- dresses. 12°, 83,582 Sil Okeercvercce Ph illips x Le Montgomery, J. V. Normalunion system of drawing. 8 bks. "78. | Cee Oeiec ci scene sien oe ee SNOWED: | — Teacher’s manual of drawing. $1.50. [’'79.] ( r 40, sower. °80.] $2.50. is HL. Potter. sells of Dumbarton. 16°. I. Bradley, Montgomery, Ja. Poetical works. Montgomery, Lucy L. raz ess $1.25 Montgomery, Wa. (ed.) Boys of the Sierras; or, the | young gold-hunters: story of California in 749. le 808 284 [783 [es DSi ile? ee Estes. Month of May. Debussi, Father. 50c....Cath. Pub. Monti, L: ‘S: Sampleton.” ] Adventures of a . Lee J S. 551 Sl - Osgood. I. consul'abroad. 6°. (778. ]351. — Leone. (Raqund-robin ser.) 16°. $1.50 82 2 Monumental Christianity. Lundy, J: Q BlieoOe Bouton. Moodie, Mrs. Susanna. Roughing it in the bush; or, life in Canada. J. 8°. (77.72! pap., ol. De Wrtt. | Moods. See Alcott, L. M. Moody, Dwight Lyman. Anecdotes; ed. by J. B. Mc- Clure. Rev. ed. ill. 8° [°77.]? $1; pap., 50ce. Rhodes. $1; pap., 50c. W.: G. Holmes. Same. odled. Ilh So ieee sy — Same, and incidents, as delivered in sermons; with ‘ 6 roe 7294 temperance talks, by A. C. Morrow. 12°. [’77.]*°* HOCHy Pape, GOCe cic «cre cre cininicic oe sical Trbbals. Arrows and anecdotes: with sketch of his early life, and the story of the great revival, by J: Lobb. por Zoe Patten Bo ESD are oe wie ane ~ -- Gurley. — Best thoughts and discourses: work of Moody and Sankey, with sketch of their lives, by A. C. Mor- row. New enl. ed. por. 12°. [’76.]7®° $1; $1.50; pap-, 60c. SRP e 6 oS 6 Sere shai rere LL ODGUESS | — Fifty evenings with Moody. 12°. [’77.]*7! $1.50. | W: G. Holmes.glee rie j ar 4 f ike 2h Eth i et 1 | ‘ 1 t j mia 2 oe we \ F MOODY 270 MOORE Moody, Dwight Lyman, continued. — Great joy: comprising sermons and prayer-meeting talks; 120 9 [277.22 (S25 pap., Sl -.-.- Treat. — Heaven: where it is, its inhabitants, and how to get there. 129°. 780.45 60c.; pap., 30c...-. Revell. — New sermons, addresses, and prayers. ill. 8°. [’77. ]?® $9.50; leath., $3.50..---+.+22+-+00 Mound City. ; Pe: See enon ate oy — Second coming of Christ. sq. 18°. [’77.]°’* pap., l5c. Revell. — Secret power; or, the secret of success in Christian life and Christian work. 12°. °81.49° 60c.- Revell. — Talks on temperance, with anecdotes and incidents in Moore, G: F.,; connection with the Tabernacle temperance work in Boston; ed. and comp. by J. B. Dunn. 12°. | Moore, G: R. Ventilation in our homes. 24°. (eitelee pile. eerste icicles sia cier Vat. Temp. | Moore, F. C. Fires: their causes, prevention and ex- tinction, also guide to agents respecting insurance, and information as to the construction of build- ings, [ete. ]. 16°. (Rae al ete $2.... Kingsland. Moore, Fk. (comp.) Anecdotes, poetry and incidents of the war, North and South, 1860-65. 8°. ’82.°26 BT Olt mor Olea sles eieciviela @ <1 Sievers eier? Arundel. Moore, Fk. Frankfort. Daireen: a novel. (Frank- lin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.*4#% pap., l5c.... Harper. Moore,G: F. Reports. See Alabama, Sup. Cowrt. and Walker, R: §S. Reports. See Texas, Sup. Cowrt. 799 550 pap., IWWescaa ooo Sieieis| ciel a ccc s a’ ola eles ole Harris. Pads) | . — To all people: sermons, Bible readings, temperance | Moore, Mrs. H. J Over the way; or, Ned Harris’s addresses, and prayer-meeting talks. Rev. and corr: ; introd. by J. Cook. 16°. ([/°77.)78 $2); $2.50; pap., Sl «--+ 222 ce cece cer vcn cece Treat. — Way and the word. 16°. (evreeai ees 40c.; pap., 2dc. Revell. — Way to God, and how to find it. 16° ’84.6 5 G60c.; Pap., BOC. -- 02 cee wecececccccevecs cocee Revell. —and Plumer, W:S. ‘Three colloquies on vital mat- ters inreligion. 24°. [’76. ]?89 pap., 10¢c.. Am. Tr. Moody, W: Godwin. Labor difficulties; the cause and the way out: practical solution of the labor prob- lem: Sos [She paps) Zoe. eer Williams. — Land and laborin the U. S. 12° °83.*594 $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Moon, G: Washington. The revisers’ English: ser. of resolve; [also] Brave, by Mrs. T. H. Griffith, NG = AOE 665 g6000a05 00 nua IAA), Moore, J. S. Friendly sermons to the protectionist manufacturers. (Economic monographs.) 12°. (78 313 PAP., 2OC. +... eee ree eiaeim ec ers LUCIAN. Moore, Jennie. See Macarthur, B., and Moore, J. Moore, J: M. Reports. See Arkansas, Sup. Court. Moore, J: W. Hist. of N. Carolina, from earliest dis- coveries to present time. 2y. 8° ’80.*479 $5. Alfr. Williams. — School hist. of N. Carolina. 12°. 779.4% $i: bds., 10c. Same: 2dired:enl. 90. 282.922) (S125); ht. mor., $1.50. (School ed.) bds., net., 85c. Alfr. Williams. criticisms, showing the revisers’ violations of the Moore, Jos., jx. Outlying Europe and the nearer laws of thelanguage. 12°. ’82.*°5° 75c.; pap., 20c. Funk. Moonbeam tangle. Shadbolt, S. $1.25..... Cassell. Moondyne. Sce O'Reilly, J: B. Moonshine and marguerites. See Argles, Mis. M. Moonstone. See Collins, W: W. Moore, Alfr. Criminal practice. 8° [’79.] $6. Callaghan. — Treatise on practice in criminal cases in courts of rec- | ord, before justices of the peace and in mayors’ | courts in Indiana; with coll. of forms. 8°. 779.387 | Ais, Welt, {Joaooc0e voan0000d0 b000 OF Callaghan. | | — Sentimental song book. 18°. [? Orient; cr! 82) 280'84) 32°00) o..- Lippincott. Moore, Jos. West. Picturesque Washington: pen and pencil sketches of its scenery, hist., traditions, public and social life. ill. and map. 8°. ’84.*8# SUDS:, O53 o-D0% hf: ef., hf: mor., or shp:,, $5) full mor., $8. (id. deluxe.) 4°. full mor., $10. Reid. Moore, Julia A. [‘‘Sweet singer of Michigan.’’] Later poems; with reviews, commendatory no- tices, etc., of her Sentimental song book. 24°. (PTB o 284 Paps, LOC. sci $6.50; shp., $7.50; hf. tky., $9; full tky., $10..Amies. Same; withmemoir. (Riversideed.) 6 3. 8°. (BSE ese SOU 2D ereel werciincre: Houghton, O. § Co. — Prose and verse: humorous, satirical, and sentimen- tal; with suppressed passages from the memoirs of Lord Byron: chiefly from author’s ms., with notes, ed. by R. H. Shepherd, and pref. by R: H: Stoddard. por. 12° [778.)]3!8 $2.50: Scribner, A. & Co. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. [°77.]?% XO, cocaGG 000000 Rie cisicce Gl eece rere eioreclerars Osgood.MOORE il MORLEY Moore, T: , continued. — Epicurean: atale; ill. by J. M. W. Turner; and Alci- porons a poems 129% [e76hee. 2 tree ch. SAO Oeiccteci cl ccreieieic sicie cere Cla wlaile (els eels nicicie Bouton. — Fire-worshippers (Lalla Rookh. Sel. from pts. 1, 2); with sketch of author’s life, notes, ete. (Ene. classic ser.) 16° ’81. pap., 12c...Clark & M. — Lalla Rookh. (HLovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 20e. J: W. Lovell. — Moore birthday book. 16°. [79.] $1.. Routledge. | See also Modern classics. Moore’s forge. Robbins, Jfs. S. S. $1.25... Carter. | Moorish chronicles. Irving, W. 10c....J: W. Lovell. Moosehead journal. Lowell, J. R. 50c...-. Osgood. | Mooted question. Scott, L. W. $1........ J: Burns. | Morais, H: S$: The Daggatouns; a tribe of Jewish origin in the Desert of Sahara: review. 120°, 89,537 DUD ss) LDCs ater eieici- le isin ois sleiele 6 cisia.c «1s Stern. — Eminent Israelites of the 19th century : biog. sketches. | 8°. 283 HR ASos Ss Oferete eters) wk cleione cus iets edicts Stern. | Moral emblems. Cats, J., and Farlie, R. $20. Appleton. | Moral pirates. Alden; W: lb. $1........... Harper. Moral uses of dark things. Bushnell, H. $1.50. Scribner's Sons. | Morals and religion in history. Marshall, J: D. $8. Scribner, W. ay vA! Moran, C: Government: an essay. WOO 27,9 e808 pap., 1ldc........-.. cle sic) eicisie el sis s ele wees Butts. | Moran, Michael. Zozimus papers: ser. of comic and sentimental stories and legends; edited, unedited, and pilfered works of Michael Moran, the blind story-teller of Dublin. ill. 12°. [778.3% $1.50. McGee. Moras, Ferdinand. Gedichte und Randzeichnungen. fo; (82. eo20 SOle ecicin sue 6 ative apis loveve ete [ Moras. | Moravians. Liturgy and hymns of the Am. province of the Unitas Fratrum; or, the Moravian Church. | NGO; [iiian|ec2 pla OOM sce aie MOT. U0: — Text-book for 1877; with app. (In Eng., Germ., | French, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Esquimaux, and Negro Eng.) 18° [776.]?8° ea., 35c.: in- terleaved, 75c.; $1; pap., 25c......Morav. Pub. Morawetz, V: ‘Treatise on the law of private cor- porations. 8° ’82.°7 shp., $6. .Little, B. § Co. Mordecai’s tenants. Walker, A. D. 75c. Phillips & H. More, Mrs. Ha. Ccoelebs in search of a wife. (Seaside libs) 49. 7825842 mans, 2O0Ci< ciel «2 rm mm MUNN; O. — Letters to young ladies. 32°. [’80.] 50c..J: 2. Potter. More bitter than death. Clay, B. M. 10c....Munro. | More blunders than one. Rodwell, T. G. 15e. Roorbach. More classics of babyland. Bates, Mis. C.D. 50e. Lothrop. | More thanikins Be, Min 20 Ciccone cele cre aie Munro. | More ways than one. Perry, A. $1.50..... Lothrop. Morecamp, Arthur (pseud.) See Pilgrim, T: Morehouse, C. B. The kindergarten: its aims, methods and results: practical expl. of the system of Froebel. 12°. 780.4% pap., 2c. Steiger. Morford, H. Going to Paris: handbook for 1878. 16° (278.882 75c.; pap., b0c. -... Dilngham. — Short trip guide to Am., U.S. and Dominion of @anada. ill; 129 A77298 Sl.... Dullungham. — Short trip guide to Europe (1877). ill. 12°. [’77.]?%° pleDOs Same. (loro. map. Woo leone SITE'S Oe oy erepore) orctere: slel> Gadno DONG OO OOaD Dillingham. Morgan, H: The fallen priest: story founded on fact; key and sequel to Boston inside out. 3d ed. 12°, [784.]*> $1.50 .........---.- Shawmut. Morgan, Horace H. Literary studies from the great British authors. 8°. ’80.*449 $1.50.G. J. Jones. — Representative names in the hist. of Eng. literature. sm. 4° (76.248 Sl. ine ose sees Appleton. | Morgan, Horace H., continued. — Topical Shakespeariana; coll. of Eng. Shakes- peariana (exclusive of editions) arr. under head- ings to facilitate ref. to special subjects. 8°. 79.*998 interleaved, $2...-:.... --«- G. I. Jones. Morgan, Ja. Appleton. Anglo-Am. international copy- right: open letter to W: M. Evarts. 12°. ’79.*382 pap., 20C. -+-- eee see. we wees eee A: Brentano. — English version of legal maxims, with the original forms, alphabetically arr. and index of subjects. | 12°, [778.]®8 $2. Same. 2d ed., rev. and corr. YQ U7 QuSoS! RO ARO (ene ee cere cree Clarke. — International copyright: address. 8°. ’78.%49 pap. Cockcroft. | — Shakespearean myth: William Shakespeare and circumstantial evidence. 12°. ’81.*°?! $2. Clarke. |— Some Shakespearean commentators. 12°. ’82.*570 DADs DCs wcrc siere ie aisie) stale soeieiecicr ---- Clarke. Morgan, L: H. Ancient society; researches in the lines of human progress from savagery to civiliza- | tion. 8°. eres a elere cincve ie BYaolevera ce LL OLE: Morgan, Louisa. 3aron Bruno; the unbelieving philosopher, and other fairy stories; ill. by R. Caldecott. cr. 8°. [’76.]?*> $1.50.. Macmillan. Morgan, Mis. M. Keeping the vow: story. 12°. ’82.*588 SMILED OFS tictcieis cco crore ciere ere ciere Gifcielatelavaye crete Dutton. Morgan; or, the knight of the black flag. Judson, E. LAGS (2b Cisge oc oieisisioe oO siete sisi ec cis De Witt. Moriarty, Ja. J. All for love; or, from the manger to the cross. 12° ’82.*°31 net, $1.25.. Cath. Pub. Mystic key to Ireland’s hist.: lecture del. St. Patrick’s day, 188; 89 281.49? pap: 5c... .Benzigen: — Stumbling-blocks made stepping-stones on the road to the Catholic faith. 12° 780.449 net, $1.25; pap., 30c...... SoO0b000 00 GGC ererereisn since OCLs leu Os Morier, J. Hajji Baba. 12°. [’80.] $175 .J: L.. Potter. | Morison, Ja. Cotter. Edward Gibbon. (Eng. men of letters), 12°" [(wiSulk WbCean-c ec Harper. |— Same. (MLovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.]® pap., 10c. J: W. Lovell. |— Macaulay. (Eng. menof letters.) 12°. ’83 [’82].*°89 | WOO ey ele\oia cia lereyore steve cicrers io) ore oie aeete ieleseiciste Harper. | Morley, H: Chicken market, and other fairy tales; ill. by C: He Bennetts. crise ama e2iiib. Same. Newed. 12°. ([778.]3° $1.75. Cassell, P., G. & Co. | — First sketch of Eng. literature; adpt. for colleges and high schools. Newed. cr. 8°. 779.8% $2. Cassell, P., G. & Co. — Manual of Eng. literature; rev., with rearrangement, retrenchments and add., by M. C. Tyler. 8°. TAGES OPED a goacnooc Rieke cieies cis eieleio Sheldon. |— On Eng. literature in the reign of Victoria, with a glance at the past. Reprinted, by arrangement, from the Tauchnitz coll. of Brit. authors. 12°. 90 3528 DST SRDS cya siccaveis overs sooo anadadOd Putnam. | — Palissy, the potter. Newed. cr. 8°. ’78. $2. Cassell, P., G. § Co. — (ed.) Library of English literature. New ed. Sv. ’ BOe F8Be Seta cnilseo Olerciciateiel oi) eleie cies) ocleiu ce Cassell. Cont.: Shorter Eng. poems.—TIllustrations of Eng. religion. — Eng. plays. — Shorter prose works. — Longer works in Eng. verse and prose. Morley, J: Works. (New lib. ed.) 4 v. 12%. [°78.]*48 Scribner § W. Cont. : Critical miscellanies: Ist ser. $1.75.— Diderotand the encyclopeedists. $2.50.— Rousseau. $2.50.— Voltaire. $1.79. — Burke. (Eng. men of letters.) 12° 779.*999 5c. | Harper. |— Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 10c..J: W. Lovell. | — Life of Richard Cobden. por. 8° 781.*°* $3. Roberts. |— Same. 4°. 782.5 80c.; pap., 40c...Scrbner 5 W. |— Ralph Waldo Emerson: an essay. 16°. ’84.°% | pap., 20c. -... .eoeeseeerceens setnis aie Macmillan. —(ed.) English men of letters.........-+--Harper. | Note. Entered under authors and subjects. S setae enMORLEY Zi Morley, Susan. Margaret Chetwynd: a novel. 12°. [arse ss $1.50 caoeceeoeeesees ee eee ee ee Lippincott. — Throstlethwaite. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 20c. Munro. Mormon metropolis: ill. guide to Salt Lake City and its environs. map and ill. 12°. ’83.*8°! pap., alate eleiee es ele a) 0 e/e)e1e1e (0:461ee) >) .ee)ee Parry. Morning bells. Havergal, F. R. 25c.; 10c.. Randolph. Morning by morning. Spurgeon, C: H. $1.. Carter. Morning glory stories. Harrison, J. 12v. $3.60. Dodd. Morning hour. Earle, A. B. $2; $3; $5.... Hare. Morning, noon and night. Garbett, E: 60c. Whittaker. Morning songs of American freedom. Orne,C.F. $1. Williams. Morning star: apoem. Ryder, E: $1..... Putnam. Morning stars. Havergal, F. R. 25c.; 10c. Randolph. Morning thoughts. Reaney, Js. GS. 50c.; 75e. Am. Ty. Morrill, Arth. B. Outlines of ashort elementary course in gen. chemistry. 12°. ’79.*4} $1. Same. Pded. 12° 784 [(783].*8" $l..Long, S. gb A. Morris, ©: Manual of classical literature; biog. and critical notices of Greek and Roman authors; with extracts from their works. 12°. ’80.*#95 GRIND) cha sic aiciais sic iele cere ais aici eenic ere) clases cere is G VU YS. Morris, C: (Commodore. Autobiography ; with por. andexpl. notes. 8°. ’80.47? pap., $1 - Williams. Morris, D. L. Dutch justice: very laughable sketch, arr. by C: White. 16°. [’76. ]?°° pap., l5c.. De Witt. Morris, D: Class-book hist. of England; ill. with woodcuts and hist. maps. sth thous. 129. 2779), #418 $1.25 Reese nvctascaveovcecece Appleton. See also Stevens, E. T., and Morris, D: Morris, Edm. Farming for boys: what they have done, and what others may do. New issue. ill. 120°, [Sib 1822 SSD Drsrecistsvexel ees cece an Lothrop. Morris, E:E. Age of Anne. (Epochs of mod. hist.) maps and plans. 16°. [’77.]7% $1. Scrvbnen 3 A. & Co. Morris, G: S. British thought and thinkers: introd. studies, critical, biographical and philosophical. HQOR ZS (uesoo EAT Diao oe are cies ices Griggs. — Kant’s Critique of pure reason: critical exposition. (Germ. philos. classics.) 16°. ’82.*°43 $1.95 Griggs. — Philosophy and Christianity: ser. of lectures. 12°. 783, x610 SOP evevevere s picic cl cai sleietioceve Gieroier Carter. Morris, Herb. W. Celestial symbol interpreted; natu- ral wonders and spiritual teachings of the sun, as revealed by the triumphs of mod. science. 8°. 783.°°° $3.50; leath., $4.50; tky. mor., $5.50. McCurdy. — Testimony of the ages; or, confirmations of the Scriptures, from a variety of sources. 8°. ’8].472 | mono nfs they MOL, pO.2d). cece ae McCurdy. — Work days of God; or, science and the Bible. Rey. andsenlaced= lee So lifes so-p0i- leath.. SpeCO OE KW. MOM MO vO Oscars e «cielo sie ce McCurdy. Morris, I. J. Grammar of the Eng. language. New CC 24 eer On shies sepsis eee: Holman. Morris, J: G. Journeys of Luther: their relation to the work of the reformation. 12°. ’80.4°9 $1.50. Luth. Pub. 289 560 Sl. Luth. Pub. Morris, lL: Epic of Hades. 16°. [’76.]?87 $1.50. Lippincott. —— Names Wbhveds G69 279) 879) Si FO. oe Roberts. —— Gwen: drama. 16°. 79.3973 7.50 .....-. Roberts. — Oe oflifes, NGS. %80iessi ey soe sce Roberts. Songs unsung [poems]. 16°, 784.6% $1.50. : Roberts. Morris, M. E. Heavenly dawn. 16°. [’79.] $1.25. ) — Luther at Wartburg and Coburg. 16° Claxton, R. & H. | 2 “MORTIMER Morris, Malcolm. Skin diseases, incl. their definition, symptoms, diagnosis, morbid anatomy and treat- mient. il WO 780 43o Sileiiececoa woe. Lea. —— (éed.) 300k of health. ill. 89°. 784.843 $5..Cassell. Morris, P. P. Practical treatise on the law of re- plevinmain) Wiss; od reve cds So a70mo slip., OD ec circles 6 clclere csc bie a eisiaie Gielaverelelet Sse Kay. Morris, R: Elementary lessons in hist. Eng. grammar, cont. accidence and word formation. 12°. 779.389 Shi lime aireieletarslicic elceieitekeceteta Giie Sicl sia ie) «ele s) Spi DOverernes'. oe Iippincott.MORTIMER * 23 MOTHER Mortimer, Mrs. M. Apostles preaching to Jews and | Moses and the prophets. Green, W: H: Sl; 50c. Gentiles; or, The Acts explained to children. e Carter. Gore Ope COC ce cena ee -Am. Tr.|Mosheim, J: Lorenz v. Institutes of ecclesiastical —— Biblestomes. wl; 918% wre 60c. .....). Am. Tr. hist. anc. and mod. ; new and literal tr., with notes — Peep of day; ser. of earliest religious instruction. by J. Murdock. 3 v. in 1. 8°, °81 [°80).%452 With verses. New ill. ed. 169. giOri gecko: BOS eee hoa ee Sieve clnea < . Carter. Scie. e Newiseue. dll 240. 94.644 go e Ee Moss, i: L. Shores of the Polar sea: narrative of the oo Skee aCe eu ee Aretie expedition of 1875-76. With chromo- = A a ea a lee oes Wileieen. | lithos., eng., and map showing routes of ships and aurea brary. 9 Vv. 16°. [77.] S¢ In box, | sleighing parties.) imp. f°. ’78.35! $30..M. Ward. ne a ee er ee eee Whattaker. | Moss, Lemuel (ed.) The Baptists and the national Cont. : Peep of day.— Line upon line. — Precept upon | centenary: record of church work, 1776-1877. precept. 8°. emitienjz22 Spi LeviDicieleie! sie cyererernic sete Am. Bapt. Mosses [poems]. Bridgman, M. F. $1.50.. Williams. eR. Mosses from an old manse. See Hawthorne, N. Judah. — Captivity of Judah. — Story of the apostles. Mostellaria: Plantus, 2M: Si054..-..-J- Allyn. Morton, A. Stanford. Refraction of the eye, its diag- Mother Carey’s chicken. Lefavor,Capt. 80c. nosis and the correction of its errors, with chap- | ss Wagenseller. ter on keratoscopy. 16°. ’81.°)8 $1..Blakiston. | Mother Goose; or, the old nursery rhymes; ill. by Sa me, enl. 8 v. 18°. (Peteife a] ze 94250) a2 Ca rter. Cont. : Peep of day. — Sequel to Peep of day. — Line upon line. — Precept upon precept. — Kings of Morton, E. J. ©. Heroes of science: astronomers. Ee Dee ee on i a ou ed.) bds., 12°, (°83.]*57 net, $1.20....H. & J. B. Young, le Ging: ed.) aes fullct.; 33.-Routledge. Morton, Ja. System of calculating diameter, circum- HAO ANSs 008e for SAOTEE WOE De aus 2 Ye ference, area, and squaring. the circle. 12°. aoe seed Ale Sees eu Boog gee Spi Le site vey ose are si crore oe) cieie ar Claxton, R. J H. Mother Goose goslings. Palbot, Be iV / pa f + : : Cassell, P., G. & Co. eae ac ee ee 783.]8) hap, Mother Goose in white: Mother Goose rhymes, with fo ee eee hoor bacn| suo ue te Ue PY Jo es Goode: ecb ee — My precious Betsy: farce. Acting drama.) 12°. ae Pc eae Poe see ee S gan (egonjeee pap. loc: seek oe . Happy. Mother Goose masquerades. Kendall, Js. Ke D. — Poor Pillicoddy : furce. 16°. les: 333 pap., Ube. (iD Civeveejatalalelclerclcia) clelciare wie ciciercicia A clare slerers Lee § ». s De Witt.| Mother Goose melodies. ill. sm. 4°. ’79.497 bds., — Regular fix: farce. See New York drama. 50c. Same, on linen, flex., 60c...... Lippincott. — and Williams, T: J. Change partners: comedietta. | — See also Old-fashioned Mother Goose; also Parkman, (Acting drama.) 12°. [783.]®! pap., lbc. A. Slices of Mother Goose. Roorbach. | Mother Goose melodies, with chimes, rhymes and jin- Morton, Nathl. New England’s memorial: with mar- gles; with pictures designed by Billings and eng. ginal notes and app. Newed. 12°. [’78.]3!7_ $2. | by Hartwell. New issue. sq. 16°. [’78.]38" 75c. Cong. Pub. J. Miller. Morton, T: New England Canaan; with introd. mat-| Mother Goose melodies, with silhouette ill. by J. BF. ter and notes, by C: F. Adams, jr. sm. 4°. ’83.% | Goodridge: obl. 12°. “77. fdc.3 ‘bds., 50c. PAP.) BOr seen weve se eeee eeeeee sense. Prince Soe. | Lee & S. Morton, T: Pretty piece of business: comedy. See | Mother Goose set to music. New ed. ill. 8°. [?77.]?” New York drama. : DBP 5 OU Ciaran cles are lec elale cle y= cie McLoughlin. Morton, T: G. Transfusion of blood. See Seguin, E. | Mother Goose’s Christmas : original and sel. holiday C., Ser. of Am. clinical lect. entertainment by Kris Kringle ; covers designed See also Hunt, W:, and Morton, T: G. | by W. Satterlee. Ul 283-89 pap: ribbon-tied Morton House. Fisher, F.C. $1.50; $2...Sadlier. ROEIE, HN yamneed: +) te eee i pee Morwood, Vernon S. Facts and phases of animal | Mother Goose’s fairy tales: ill. by eminent artists. a : : Ses : Oo, (777.1785 $2 bds., $1.25. Same. New ed. life, with amusing and original anecdotes. — ill. | om. ‘i 1 Sacebs 61 = as 1 a - es R 3 1 m i . aa a . Ss? St *OO Ss ol . S Ss PT avaielta ( e / oe IO: OCR PALE CLIN) 65 oo ou so0dn . Appleton. | Sd Deed eae poe : 8 . ther Goose’s library. 4 v. ill. sq. 8% [’82.]559 $4; Mosaic era. Gibson, J: M. IDO! Secs Randolph. Mother Goose li a) ‘ Wl L Gis £5 . ; nn a Dash BA4OyV eh oe cris ees steer Routledge. Mosaic record and modern science. Townsend, L. T. 5 : : ; : gus 7T5e Gannett Cont. : Mother Goose’s melodies. — Mother Goose’s jingles. — UUs sis)0 €one a 6)0).*) (4.68, 6 666 0) 6 wie asia. 6 e 8 0 ee 6 TU C . Mother Goose at home. — Mother Goose telling stories. Mosaics. Doane; Wa. Si7b) «06. ont. Dutton. Mosaics of life in poetry and prose. Thurston, E. SILO) ere erevataiain © sferslercie « cjele eral cisisicyereiaye Lippincott. Moseley, H. N. Notes by a naturalist on the Chal- lenger: obs. during the voyage round the world in 1872-76. col. ill. and maps. 8° 779.373 $7.50. Macmillan. Mother Goose’s melodies; or, songs for the nursery; il. in color by A. Kappes. sq. 8°. 779.*88! $3. Houghton, O. § Co. Mother Goose’s nursery rhymes: coll. of alphabets, rhymes, tales, and jingles; ill. by Sir J: Gilbert, | J: Tenniel, H. Weir, W. Crane, and others. sq. 120; [76.1252 bdst, silis2o. Same. New eds il: Moseley, Julia Daniels. Little Zee. ill. sq. 12°. sq. 8°. [’82.]*5® $1.50; bds., $1-..- Routledge. SL ['BO]. #4 Blows eee eee eee eee. Sumner. | — Same. ill. sq. 12° [?77.]?8° $1.50.. McLoughlin. Mosenthal, Solomon H. Deborah, or, the Jewish | Mother Goose’s nursery rhymes and fairy tales. ill. maiden’s wrong: drama. See New York drama. | sm. 4°, (77. 295° @3 50 : ] SPOeO lahore encire) ac) icra) - Routledge. Moser, G. vy. Der Schimmel: Lustspiel; with table of | Wother Herring’s chicken. Smith, J@s. L. T. $1. difficulties by S. M. Stern. (Sel. Germ. ecome- Carter. dies.) 12°. [783.]**10 pap., 30¢....-+... Holt. | Mother Hubbard’s cupboard for the amusement of the Moses, Adolf. Luser, the watchmaker: episode of the young of all ages. ill. 8°. ’80.*4% bds., $1.50. Polish revolution; from the Germ. by Mrs. A. de | R. Worthington. V.Chandron. 8°. [7’83.]*58? pap., 50c... Bloch. | Mother-in-law. Southworth, Ms. E. D. EB. N. $1.75. Moses, Raphael, 77. (ed.) Compilation of laws on in- : oe s Peterson. solvency of U. S. and Canada, in force Nov. 1, | Mother Michaud; or, Paris since 1871. 12°. [’84. [See 1878; with indexes. 8°, 779.389 shp., net, $4. | HID Chaetee oyeiee ae inrerys sore Roletiaee scr cect Am. Tr. Baker, V. § Co.| Mother Molly. See Peard, F. M. 35. (Oct. 84.) Sees ee eee Ree RTRE abe 74 MOTHER-PLAY x Frobel, P: $2. Mother- ee ands nursery song Lee & Se | Mountain boy of Wildhaus. Van Horne, D: $1. Mother Truth’s melodies. Miller, Js. E. P. $1. Carleton. Motherhood. Hopkins, ee Ie. BE Sle50)-wee 5S: Motherless; tr. by Mrs. D. M. Craik. (Seaside lib.) A0r 2479" pap, LOC...) - coe tenes Munro. Mother’s and kunderganuers frie shal Carpenter, H. $1.25 pieies)s eiete] olele ~ ele ele) «sie sie a Cupples. Mother’s boy s on gir is: Alden, Mfrs. I. M. $1.75; OOD So cece eee oie cle la oon cle eis wel Lothrop. Mother's se in the management and feeding of in- fants. Keating, J: M. $1 ---------+: . Lea. Mother’s recompense. Aguilar, G. 50c. - eo Mother’s record of the physical, mental and moral growth of her child, On the first fifteen years, by a mother. sq. 12°. [’82.]*°#° flex. cl., $1- Lothrop. Mother's secret. Barrett, M. D0 Cr cnics = 21 - LUNTO- Mothers and daughters. Verdi, T.S. $1.50-.VYords. Mothers and fathers. (Amateur stage.) 18°. pap., 15c. | Happy. Mothers in council., 16°. ’84.*844 90c. .--. l/arper. | Mothers of great men. Holloway, LC: SUDS:. O32 Gri ROI eli anicic isicle © ele tele) oie) © aie)e/s) ole elerere Funk. Motherwell, W: P oetic al works: pean mem. ( Ce indy- v= eds), 82° (776-1) Aa FOOD es cierersterercies ote Willer. Moths. See La Rame, L. de. Motives of life. Swing, D: $1 .--+-+-++--+5 Jansen. Motley, J: Lothrop. History of the United Nether- lands: from death of William the Silent to the | twelve years’ truce, 1609. New issue. 4 v. por. ANG View. G0: %W7Oese2L SS ene ae ele Harper. — Life and death of John of Barneveld; with a vie w of the thirty years’ war. 2v. ill. 8°. *79.’ = ee — Peter the Great. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. [’77.]?°? pap., 95e aioim eels. ee 16020) A) ® 6).0. 8 0 | 01001016616) (0\0\.0 0 (0,800 ‘Harper. | — Rise of the Dutch rep DNC a history. 3 ve por. Sor 779.883) SG . - Harper. | Mountain ail prairie. Gordon! Di ME. Sb: Mountain day, Smith Coll Dawson. Ref. Ch. Pub. ege. Sanborn, K. 2dc. Bridgman. Mountain home library. 6v. 16°. [777.]?°° set, in DOXs S360) sce oe rec cio etersloiee cieerere Whittaker. Cont. : Paul’s mountain home. — Lizzie’s visitto New York. — David Hewson and Magdalen. — Archie Gray; or, do it heart- ily. — What good can I do? — Two Christmas gifts. Mountain, lake, and river. QO 7~ WOO ieicieile e+) celcleree ele Mountain of miseries Tele COC .-6 55 hls |e Willis, N. P., and others. s cisie occ sis/ei) eturele) =: wrerers Estes. (Boys’ pocket lib.) 24°. SO) sie oe sislevs ec) crore Velson § P. Mountain scouting. Farrow, E: S. $38; $2. Metropolttan. Mountains (The); poems. 16° [’78.] $1.. Roberts. Mountford, W: Euthana the end of life. 9th Sy 3 Or: hap} yy talk towards ed: 80. 7825882) S2. Houghton, M. § Co. Moutonnier, C. Les premiers pas dans }’étude du francais par la métl $1.25 | Moy O’Brien. Melusine ( Mozarabic liturgy for the first Sunday in Advent; tr. with notes, by S: Hart. 16°. [’ hile = pap., 25c. | | Mozley, Ja. B. Review « Sdied. 199. 28B.%5s! 10de naturelle. 12°. ’82.58! pseud.) VOCE awees Harper. Whittaker. f the baptismal controversy. Sn reiete ohekelerore © siete Dutton. — Ruling ideas in early ages and en relation to the Old Testament fai GR OED Olele ecicicne st s761o6 > |— Sermons. 12°. [(’76.]?* ‘| Mozley, T: Reminiscence th; Jectures: 8°> = [iv#7.a|75% Bic Teva yeieve'sleieisieleleie ic sie Dutton. einieeleieerceicic = LJULLOM: es, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford movement. 2 v. 12°. ’82.%*54 $3 seew ee eee e see ene Mozoomdar, B.C) aAhe SND) «oe el wie ais ee wicie | Much ae see nothing. — Motley: prose passages from ‘the W works. oe John Loth- | Mucklow, W: B. Under rop Motley; for homes, libraries and schools; | comp. by J. E. Hodgdon. (Leaflets from stand- | Mudfog papers. ard authors.) ill. and por. 12°. ’83.*®! pap., 60c. Harper. | Motor bellows: comedy. Courtright,W: 15c. De Witt. | Mott, E. H. Pike county folks; ill. by F. Opper. (iovellés lib;)) 129; (78395 pap. 20c: W. Lovell. Mott, H: A., 77. Air we breathe and ventilation. ill. NGOs Sa eteeO) BN vere arere cre suieeuitels sea Wiley. — Chemists’ manual: practical treatise on chemistry. SOs [iil eat epOlnreieiteinie e) | alle lolejsiel a oe cialapeyese olcrarere els cre cierere Pustet. | bds., $1.50 — Prince and Saviour: the story of Jesus simply told for the young. 16°. [’77.]7®! $1.25..-.. Cath. Pub. | Same, with title: Story of Jesus simply told for the , young; pref. by R: Brennan. ill. sq. 16°. ’80.423 Spilitercvcrerclele) 6 = 6 = ales Randolph & E. Murphy, J: Mortimer. American game-bird shooting. ill. 12°. 789951 Gh Jickoicialatsie nVeisviavalale cierete stele Judd. — Sporting adventures in the far West. 12°. ’80. $1.50 eee ee ew weaee e- eotsteeseeeecocoesn en ee Harper. Murphy, Jos. J: the laws of life and mind. 2ded., rey. ill. 8° 277 9 369 AD ciao cisie ois ole oo sic oe elect e ciele Macmillan. essays on ed. Our homes, and how hive, alle =89. FSdesss eh s Classe 71. Duties of the church member to the Murphy, Shirley Forste to make them heal Murphy, T: church: 240% ig8.\ce5 paps, (DC. =). - Presh. Bd. — Pastoral theology: the pastor in the various duties of his office. 8°. FWY SBaoacsc Presb. Bd. Murray, Alex. S. History of Greek sculpture, from the earliest times down to the age of Phidias ill. 3°. ?8] 484 SOT Dien as sala) eles - Scaibne vee W. Aptera. ill. Murray, And. Economie entomology: 9 Z Scribner, W. & A. 2o | tio eee Spe Orsinie wcie seis Murray, C. O. Mustard andcress. ill. 4° ’79. $1. Nelson. Murray, C: A: The prairie bird. 2 pts. (Seaside lib. AON 760.2557237, ea pap, 20C. sicies.: -. Munro. Murray, C: Tf. Sub-rosa: a novel. 12°. ’80.484 $1.50. Carleton Murray, D: Manual of land surveying. 12°. [’77. NOUS SHA rere. ec vevsie: cisicic cise) ag iele cic © sicies Sheldon. Murray, D: Christie. By the gate of the sea: a novel. @irankliny Sqs dibs) 40: 7835%80% snaps. 15c:. Same. (Duodecimo ed.) 12°. pap., 15c.. Harper. — Same. (ovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.° pap:, 15c. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.%2 pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 120. J: W. Lovell. | Otc paps, OCR erate tare Scien h o.oo eee Melee eee: Munro. — Coals of fire, and other stories. (Seaside lib.) 40°, | BEL WAith, ANescoccdac Beieie eile woes Munro. — Hearts: anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° ’83.*613 276 MURRAY | Murray, J: Fisher. Murray, D: Christie, continued. — Way of the world: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 784 «641 Pap., ZUC. -+ +e eee cece ee eeeee, Harper. =—— Same. (Seaside libs) 49: [2841S ipap:, 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [’84.]&4 pap., LIED Grate ste rcletele sielei ale talc (ov)is a ciate oi creioreiare Munro. Murray, Eliz. Story of a strike: scenes in city life. Satchelser.) sq. 12°. [°78. ]°4% pap.,30c. Authors’. — Why don’t Fido eat candy; (sq. digo: [evict fe. Wh ebs CIs oc odo00 boGnad D000 UOUDDodonG . Authors’. Murray, Eustace Clare Grenville. fess Trois-Etoiles.’’] Boudoir cabal: a novel. Ist Am.ed. 8°. [’77.]? PAP., TOC... seer vere score. Lovell. Ad. We & Go: — Same. 2pts. (Seasidelib.) 4°. *81.48° ea., pap., WMG GeOGs Oo Ou DOUG OO Doub Oooo oC oo onDbCUS Munro — Five years in a convent; [also] Weighed in the bal- 782.588 pap., 10c. Ogilvie. ance. People’s lib.) 4°. — Same, with title: Natty; or, five years inaconvent. Seaside lib. fo. °82.537 pap., 10c.... Munro. — Leaders of France; men of the third republic. 12°. 4AM nile lecrsieicts S dis eislsieic cists Sievers Porter & C. — Member for Paris. (Lib. of pop. novels.) 8° 778. PAp., 50C.. 222 ee cece creer evens Rk. Worthington. — pame. Seaside lib.) 4° °79. pap., 20c..Munvro. — Round about France. 12°. [7’78.]*4° $2. Macmillan. — Russians of to-day. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. pap., LO Giri ree pinlodarerelniistavelel cel sre ---- Harper. — Side lights on Eng. society; sketches from life, so- cial ‘and satinical, 28° \. ill. 80) esiye0s ‘eo. Same. 2d ed. ill. 8°. ’82.°° $4 --- scribner & W. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.°°° pap., 20c... Munro. — Strange tales. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°°7 pap., 10c. Munro. — That artful vicar: story of what a clergyman tried to do for others and did for himself. (Franklin Sq. lib:)) 40 7791"82 pap. lbce...- =... Hasper- 3rown. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’82. pap., 20c. Munro. 7 8,337 — Same. — Young] Murray, J. Clark. Vindication of theology: address. go Iery 1275 late | pap., LOC. «--- ecreccces Dawson. Murray, Ja. A. H. (ed.) New Eng. dictionary on hist. principles, founded on materials coll. by the Philological Soe. pt. 1: A-Ant. 4°. 784,68 pap., net, $38.25.-.......2 222s weoeee Macmillan. Murray, Ja. R. (comp.) Heavenward: [songs] for the Sunday-school; with new and old favorites by P. P. Bliss and others. ob]. 12°. (Bette | 28 bds., 35c. Brainard. — Songs for Sunday-schools and gospel meetings. obl. 8°, f "7G: eae Dds. ODGs ccc con. White, S rt Co. Songs of P. P. Bliss: coll. of favorite and popular sacred and secular songs, duets, and quartettes. Ine 27 One, | laltlies | acce [ 50c.; 75e.; bds., 30c... Brainard. ane J Murray, J: Hand-book for England and Wales. map. } 20 OSs Ae ce a eictare siete ee cre Scribner § W. Father Tom and the pope; or, a night at the Vatican. New issue. ill. sq. 16°. PAI Cats jeri, Ge oo cagdec eyerelajeis Peterson. Murray, J: O’Kane. Catholic pioneers of America. MGS: 782 :51Ae Bb Crs) ells pile edie e cree oc Kenedy. |— Popular hist. of the Catholic Church in the U.S. Dawe 0 Cietete cierto nie wien ore cree Harper. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°° pap., 20c. .. Munro. — Joseph’s coat. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.5! pap., 20c. Munro. — Same. (Transatlantic novels.) ill. sq. 16°. ’81.*5!9 ol; Dap OO CE erercicieinicia sierslererciclects icc Putnam. — Life’s atonement: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. EO oee Ups, 2UCiers« oe cee ce an er — Model father: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° Oe Paps LOCka eas. as oes es ee Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.551 pap., 10c. .. Munro. — Val Strange: story of the Primrose Way. lS es) 408 282! ane 20 can. Harper. 3 Harper. | | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°72 pap., 20c... Munro. | 8°, [°76.]798:787 $2.50; $3.50.- Pilot. Sadler. — Prose and poetry of Ireland; choice coll. of literary gems, from the masterpieces of the great Irish writers; with biog. sketches. 2d ed. 8° [’77.]7%° SBR) ce cace. sels sees ware ere Sisrelae as «oe» Collier. Murray, N: [‘‘Kirwan.”] Letters to the Rt. Rev. J: Hughes, R. C. Bishop of N. Y.; lst ser. New issue: 1169) 77.9. 482% 9 (COC ree occ nl reSO. Ba. Murray, T: Chalmers. Lectures on the origin and erowth of the Psalms. 12° 780.*49! $1.50. Scervbner’s Sons. Murray, W: H. H. Adirondack tales; ill. by Darley and Merrill. 12°. [’77.]*78 $1.50.. Golden Rule. (Frank- | — Adventures in the wilderness; or, camp life in the Adirondacks. New ed. ill. 12° [’77.]?78 $1.50. Lee & S.MURRAY Murray, Williamson & Phelps, (comps.) of Adams County, Il]. ill. 89. bo ae History | My emotional life. Chadwick, G: A. MY 40c.... Cassell. 27Q, 404 ~ oR] y 2 m re (9.°™ hf. rus., | My faith looks up to Thee. Palmer, R. $1.75; $1.50. SD iLis OU iniaraie)iwlininisiosn (ei sj 01 e/a oli eicle/« cis Murray, W.-& P. | Lee & S Murrey, T: J. Valuable cooking receipts. 16°. ’80.*469 | Miy father and I. March, K. M. $1 ...... Randolph. DAD as eo Gaecricinasie Sic ts sicie erocerohelel cicicre over Harlan. | My first communion. Buchmann, J. N. 75e. Muscle-beating. Klemm, C. 30c......... Holbrook. | Benziger. Muse (The) as I have found her; incl. sundry occa-| My first holiday. Dall, dfs. C. H. $1.50... Roberts. sional poems, and The rebel, by himself. 8°. | My first offer. See Hay, M. C. 77Q «376 vg aT 5 > Py | . Pen ae 18." hf ishp:; $50... 3... LA: Brentano. } | My first story-book. ill. sm. 4° 779.404 $1; hds., Musical Cinderella. Crane, W. 50c...... Routledge. | LDC) ctor ciassiovs syereeainis Gisie c ofctee sie eect sees Nelson. Musical Festival at Cincinnati: 5th biennial, May 16-| My friend Moses. See Habberton, J: Bowsham puzzle. ¢ 6 ™ha “ea TD ac sins ‘raotar. | 7 ‘ . i ne 1882, ! a odore I noes > Mu ee Director. | My friend, the murderer. Doyle, A. C. 10c... Ogilvie. Wl 68o 2. |*o2! yap., 40C..... fest. Assoc. | | : : 5 ). : [ rae! Pa ae ASSOC My garden acquaintance. Lowell, J. R. 50c.. Osgood. Musical Red Riding Hood. Routledge, W: 50c. : : ; lan ‘ : | My girls. Churchill, L.A. $1.25..........Lothrop. Routledge. | : : é a es ‘ Musical union of popular songs and pieces, by favor- | My guardian. Cambridge, A. 60c........- Appleton. ite composers. f°. [’76.]*° $38; $4; bds., $2.50. | My heart’s in the highlands. See Grant, M. M. Church. | My hereafter. Bickersteth, E: 40c......-... Cassell. .: oD yey « eap . 90 729 7>%622 - Musick, Ji R. Banker of Bedford. ill. 12° [ 83. ] My hero. See Forrester, Mrs. TDL) ones eis! helatelele) o|'sie)e/ oials elaleie/ol(sjcieia) sia's) 6 Lothrop. , ~s . Hee ee : : ; i My hodge-podge picture-book. Findlay, P. $1.50; Mussestunden: Geschichten und Bilder zur Unter- | a9 K : Est = haltung und Belehrung im hauslichen Kreise. | SRS Se repre ad eeianese Chae oc ae ill. Musset, Paul de. by EL W Breston: sq. 2°. [777-4] Mustard and cress. Murray, C. O. Muter, J: chemistry. Mutineers (The). Mutiny on board Sil iaveleystelerc sielefeieisteieis Mutter und Sohn. Godin, A. Mutualcriticism. 16°. [’76. ]*°* pap.,25c.. Muzzey, A. B. Battle of Lexington; with | recollections of men engaged in it. 8°. pap., 25c. 8°, »7 9 A283 $1 30 ae f vu NDIai Te Robe TTS. New ed. Verne, J. the 8°, 10c. Witch ; ‘¢ Leander.” N.Y. News. } Heldmann, Crowell. dro njehers LU UILIO® - Oneida Com. yersonal id. — Reminiscenees and memorials of men of the Revo- lution and their families. por. and ill. 89. IQ SUeSIS, ROU | cscbidia ecco aie oe lu cee Estes. My ain countree, and other verses. Shite Yoelo celal ticlisie oie a cie\ele rete oie elie) ei cies a ore Randolph. My aspirations. Matheson, G: 40c.....-.....Cassell. My awful dad. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., NE Gee reretercioieis cin sycueva aie) si ayeransicrere) eimai rats) COO TUGCID: My beautiful picture book. ill. 49° [777.]8° pap., PO Crate ee sielete aicielells a)siciciieeicie ries teclarre Lothrop. My bonnie lass. Hamilton, Is. C. V. 50c....Hstes My book-shelf. 4v. ill. Cont.: My own picture book. — Pictures and stories for pets. — Pictures for my pet. — Pictures for sunshine. My books. Sce Uncle Herbert (pseud.) My boyhood. Barkley, H.C. $1.50 ........ Dutton. My boy’s picture story album; ill. from designs by the bestrantists; 169. (ieee “oc: «1-1 Routledge. My brother Jack. My brother’s wife. My cave life in V Daudet, A. $2.50 .... Lippincott. Edwards, A. B. 10c. icksburg. Loughborough, Jfs. J. H. Kellogg Pr. «eee Munro. My Christmas album. ill. sq. 8°. ’83 [’82].*°5° 75c. Dutton. My college days: Tomes; R: $l... .5...- Harper. My Connaught cousins. See Jay, H. ee Burghe um. | Biography of Alfred de Musset; tr. | My household pets. . . . | Introduction to pharmaceutical and medical | 80.447 86... Blakiston. | My indestructible primer. D: Clapp. My Lady Demarest, M. L. | 18°. °79.4"7 $1.60.. Nelson. | My marriage. My house. Bunce, O. B. 50c..... Gautier, T. .- Scribner’s Sons. $1.25......Roberts. IMfy husband’s friend. See Adams, Mis. L. Lady Deane. Nelson. | My indestructible A B C book. (printed on linen.) ill. Sry 408 27 OAC flex. VOCs rrecicteie oie [ippincott. (printed on linen.) ill. 4°. 40-20 Hex. 60 Css sec eclee ee cre ce eiele LID DUNCOLL. p. | My intimate enemy: a story. sq. 16% [’78.]**4 $1. Claxton, R. X H. My intimate friend. Duncan, F. I. $1.50..Z7ppincott. | My King. Havergal, F. R. 50c. -...-....Randolph. | My Lady Clare. Liloart, Mrs. C.J. 20c..... Munyvo. 1300 | My lady coquette. Booth, Mrs. O. 20c....../ Vunro. Green Sleeves. Mathers, H. B. 10c.. Munro. My Lady Ludlow. Gaskell, Ms. E. C. 10c... My Lady May. See Married and deserted. My lady’s money. See Collins, W: W. Munro. My life’s ransom. Craik, Irs. D. M. 10c..- Ogilvie. My little gentleman, and other stories; by popular Am. authors: 6° [27i7.)78° S-50 .~ 5.6 Lothrop. My little lady. See Poynter, BE. F. My lonely lassie. Lyster, A. $1.20.... Pott, Y. § Co. My lord and my lady. See Forrester, dfs. My love. See Linton, Ms. BH. L. HOON 78 Roberts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°%4 pap., 20c..M/unz'o. My mother and I. See Craik, Mrs. D. M. My mother-in-law. 16°. [’77.]?%° (, #161 eal vleleiely nie wl ele — Same. $15; pap., 50c. Lockwood, B. & Co. My mother’s manuscript. Lamartine, A. de. $1.25. Lippincott. My neighbor. James, T: D. $1....... Stee fo OMI LET. | My neighbor’s wife: farce. Bunn, A. 15c...De Witt. x My novel. See Bulwer-Lytton, Sz E: G: E. L. My nursery medley of pictures, rhymes and stories. sq. 8°. (781. )5!S $1.75; bds.) $1.25..... Estes. My object in life. Farrar, F: W: 40c....... Cassell. IMMy old letters. Bonar, H. $2............-. Carter. | My only novel. See Russell, E. E. Died young. My cook in print: receipts for soups, breads, puddings, | My own child. See Lean, Mrs. ¥. = cakes, etc. sq. 18°. [77 ers. ill. sq. 8°. [/’83.]*9* bds., $1.25. ..2otha:op. My darling’s ransom. My daughter Susan. See Dowling, R: Wiydesines Wanner Ss li beccmicie «cine c- Carter. | My ducats and my daughter: a novel. bls) GH, HERES am, AO cocou dane Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84. pap., 20c...Mun20.| My Peter. Alden, Mrs. I. M. 50c..Lothvop. | | | | | | | 7. |9° pap., 25¢e. Randolph. | My own dolly. My curiosity shop: picturesandstories for youngestread- My own library. 6 v. (Franklin Sq. | My own pet’s book of birds. Dutton. in box, $3. Nelson. Blanchard, A. E. Te Go: p1.25 (°78.] a 34 Cont.: Warrie. — Norah and her cow. — Nurse Seagraye’s story. — Ruth Bloom.— The Rutherford frown. — Tim Peglar’s secret. ll. 4° ([°79.] $1.25. R. Worthington. See Arnold, MY 278 NABOB My picture story book. Uncle Herbert (pseud.) $1.25. | Lippincott. | -- Scribner’s Sons. | My portfolio. Phelps, A. $1.50 .- My precious Betsy. Morton, J:M. ldc...--- Happy. | My queen. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10c.-. Munro. | My queen. Sandette (pseud.) $1.50...-- - Carleton. | My queen. Walsh, M. A. 25c...-.-- Breteler {ppleton. | My red cross knight. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°°° pap., DO Chacictercis: & croiere« eierelolcisic oieie si oiererel aieiere ered WVunro. My sailor boy. See Mayo, I. F. Tom Yorke’s legacy. | My Saint John. Ludlow, J. M. 10c...-....-- Funk. | My school-fellow Val. Bownser; or, sunshine after | storm; by the author of Tales of heroes and great men of old. 16°. 781.47" $1.25../. Bradley. My sister Kitty. Bates, F. D. 50c.....-..-- Lee & S. My sister Nellie. See Her ugly friend. My sister, the actress. Lean, Mrs. F. 20c... Munro. My sister’s confession. Maxwell, Mrs. M.E. 50c. R. Worthington. My sister’s keeper. See Lane, L. M. My son, give me thine heart. Waughan, C:J. $1.50. Macmillan. My son’s wife. Jolly, E. $1.....-........ Peterson. My sources of strength. Jenkins, EB. E. 40c... Cassell. My storybox. 12v. ill. 18° ’79.4°7 $2.40..elson. | Cont.: All stories. — A splendid time. — At the sea-side. — For mamma’s pet.— For papa’s pet. — Happy days. — My birthday present. — My pretty present. — Saturday afternoons. | Stories for a good boy. — Stories fora good girl. — The picture lesson book. Dorf, ©. $125; 75e. Co-op. Print. | My three conversations with Miss Chester. Perkins, | MBS 2bCejecse occ cle Sine) Cejeyeisie siete ciel Putnam. | My trivial life and misfortune: a gossip with no plot | . . . | in particular, by a plain woman. 2 v. 199 x5 My summer in Porkopolis. sq. 16°. | BBIteee P25 PAP.» PL -s06 2. foa: Mysteries of Paris. Sue, E. 2 pts. ea., 20c.. Munro. Mysteries of the head and heart explained. Grimes, ee Tle Dicwieteincicere crete cro sreutel > coco SUMNEL. 5c.... Peterson. Mysteries of time and space. Proctor, R: A. $2.25. Rk. Worthington. Mysterious castle: tale of the Middle Ages; tr. from the French by Mrs. K. E. Hughes. 12°. [?78. ]%97 GiIG0 oes ome eels. Seniesa Kelly, P. § Co. Mysterious island. See Verne, J. Mysterious rhymes and poems. Terpening, C. W. SOLID O)) cyahoua cre) wiolescisis) siclel ec] sso (eleii ciel ciaicic Terpening. Mystery (The). See Wood, Mrs. E. P. Mystery, and other stories. Thomas, A. 10c... I/unro. Mystery in Palace Gardens. Riddell, Is. J. H. 20c. Munvo. Mystery of Allanwold. Van Loon, Mrs. E. $1.50. Peterson. Mystery of anomnibus. Du Boisgobey, F. 20c. Munro. Mystery of Cedar Court. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781. PAP, LOCE cic verre cise ce ile ekele sictee cjerore « Ogilvie. Mystery of creation and of man. Baker, L. C. $l. Lippincott. Mystery of Edwin Drood. See Dickens, C: Mystery of life. Parsons, T., 77. Mystery of living. Dodge, E.S. 35c....... Dodge. Mystery of Metropolisville. Eggleston, BE: $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Mystery of Orcival. See Gaboriau, E. Mystery of suffering. Baring-Gould, S. $1.25. Rott, Y 3 Co. net, $1.2o. Cath. Pub. $1.25..Lappincott. Mystery solved. Griffith, M. J. Mystic key. Riggs, H.W. 15@. sc c0. «- ele 2 Authors’. Mystic spell. White, CC. Wbc..;.. 30. 3... .- Happy. Mythe of life. Stubbs; ©: W: $1 <<... - Macmillan. | Myths and idyls. Winchell, E. $1.50 .... Williams. Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature. Harrison, ye Sh OuiDicieeys o sie¥e) crete « aiererereys - Scribner & W. Myths of the Rhine. Saintine, X. B. $6. Scribner, A. § Co. N.,B. The Jesuits; theirfoundation and history. 2v. SJ (POL GRIN G aoc0d0 osnc ou sees es Benziger. |N., L. M. Family of the Black Forest: tale of the peasants’ war. ill. and map. 16°. (84. ]*6® Will DO reves eyejce rs) oe, wei eselei a o{et eicicas re eieiereieierels Am. Bapt. — Old Bristol: story of the early Eng. Baptists. ill. NGS (Ele CLG) O05 ocho con bocoohiln Matyas Nabob. See Daudet, A.NACHTRAGLICHE 279 Nachtragliche authentische Aufschliisse iiber die Ba- dische Revolution von 1849, deren Entstehune, politischen und militérischen. 16°. [?76.]?49 Ei, Wes sconce us50 Gacg GoD0DK OGOKC -- Zickel. | Nadal, E S. Essays at home and elsewhere. 16°. PO odo SD Oleic oc oases reisinnl caves Sievers Macmillan. Nadine. Praed, Mis. C. NOY; Ggandcdauccoon Munro. Nagelsbach, C. W. E. On Isaiah. See Lange, J: P: Commentary. Wala and Damayanti. See Story of Nala and Dama- yanti. Nall, fs. S. Walk into my parlor: gift of love to baby lites ill= iby J: Brown: sq: 169: 783:788 flex. fringed, nbbon-tied leaflets, $1.50. R. Worthington. Sliecce Am. Lr: In the holi- Cutler, S: M. C. Nanie above every name. Name cut on the gate. days. See Hay, Name of Jesus, and other poems. Noel, C. M. $1. Randolph. Nameless nobleman. Austin, Mrs. J.G. $1.. Osgood. | Wameless wait. 169°) [aSilieee S0Ch cemen-eAg. 27: Nan; Hallowell. Mrs/S: Ge Siis 50) se cece Lothrop. Nan: Willie, Masih. ©. Bloc. ccm wece ics Harper. Wan Darrell; Pickering, He 20c: 32-3... 20. Munro. Wana: Zola, Ws Cds DO Ck cance wisie cin Peterson. Wana’s daughter Sibyen; A., and Leverdier, H. $1; (oc: Ses ; Si dig (cic ie deseloie sis eee Peterson. Nancy Hi sftshorn at Cc hautauqua. Hartshorn, J/s. N. (Gage) ESNLS Ne, socooagocoo nda 0000 Ogilvie. | Nanon= Dumas: AN OCs seme cee yet cas Munro. | Wan’s thanksgiving. Harris, Is.F.McC. 35c..Am. Tr. NAVERY | Nash, Wallis. Oregon—there and back in 1877. 12°. | ieiSa] BAS) G2 ere cre ule oe orsiccrere 00 . ollie. | — Two years in Oregon. ill. 12°. 3. te 50. Appleton. Nasmyth, Ja. James Nasmyth, engineer: an autobi- ography ; ed. by S: Smiles. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40° 7855808) “paps. 20¢. Bersleforsyoieo y ciate < Harper. Nason: Elias. Life and public services of Henry Wil- son. (Famous Am. ser.) por. 12°. [7’81.]*5!? Spi DO} cia crore clorciel since saree SOO00060 G0000C Lothrop. evangelists, D. L. Moody and I. D: Sankey, with account of their labors in | | | — Lives of the eminent Am. Great Britain and Am.; also Sketches of the lives of P. P. Bliss and E. Tourjee. 12°. [’77.]°™ $1.50. Lothrop ; Russell. |— "Originality. 12°: 782.*884 50c....- «52 -. Lothrop. | Nassau, R. H. Mawedo, the palm-land maiden. ill. | Noes (Peale! We coccens sarc siete 3/0 Am. Tr. : | Nat Foster, the Boston detective. Rockwood, H: 25c. ; DO Oe erereeye eile co seiceue ears cece secre - Ogilvie. | Natalie Narischkin. Craven, Mme. P. $1.25. Benziger. | National Academy notes. See Kurtz, C: M. 50e. Cassell. National budget. Wilson, A. J. $l.-... Macmillan. National centennial commemoration: proceedings on the 100th anniversary of the introd. and adoption | . . | of the Resolutions respecting Independence, | Philas, W876: royeco. [iiGl2 paps, ole F: D. Stone. National Civil Service Reform League. Proceedings at the annual meeting, at Newport, R. I., Aug. 1, 1883, with address of the President, G: W: Curtis. 162s 783-832" papi. LOC. care Nat. Cw. Serv. Ref. | National Croquet Convention. Spalding’s official cro- : . : +t manual. lagrams. 24°, 780.498 pap., 15c. Nantucket scraps. Austin, Mrs. J. G. $1.50.. Osgood. | quet manual. diagram 4 pap., loc . a : : ee | Spalding. Naomi (pseud.) Story of the beacon fire ; or, trust In | Wational hymn and tune book. Mason, L. W. 70c. God and do the right: tale of the Cornish coast. | Ginn 90 89 *526 Oe Pali | “ : ; pra sy : Hae. Oe. Oe eel --+++WVelson. | National nursery album. ill. 18° [’78.] $1..elson. Wapheys, G: H. Modern surgical therapeutics: com-| yfational ode. See Taylor, B. vend. of current formule, approved dressings | . I . 2 ae sd 38! . > | National portrait gallery ; chromo-lith. por. of celebri- fietec= (6th eds, reve 825 77,9: $4; leath., ea; = 255 Gr Brenton | ties, with mem. 4 y. extra er. 4°. (oe 192 Navi te Se] f ee ee 1. | Cay cnOs) epic D Ojeinlere cielelcrelsiever Cassell, P., G. & Co. apiler, Macvey. elect ions rom correspondence 3 e¢ . . Plus y ) 7K : a National Temperance Convention. Proceedings of the by his son. 892. Qe e pains) iste OMGeH allan : ‘ oe Rais Goetine poles Pee es 5 9th Nat. Temp. pone on Saratoga Springs, Napier, Six W: F. P. History of the war in the Penin- N. Y., June 21, 22, 1881. 8°. ’81.*498 pap., 25c. sula and in the south of France, 1807-1814. a Nat. Temp. Cp ee) A oe NT ans 90 99 534 = (Standard ed.) 5 vy. por. and maps. i - “82. Natty, Murray. be CG. L0Ce sccm sce! Munro. Seb Olen cisisrcieice aaie ce Si lacalnvateave Olas Armstrong. : z ‘ s Z N 1 a hi mie one ao os -4 "9 Watural cure. Page, CC. bh. $l..... .>--- Howler & W. on and his campaign ll. 2°. 50. pl. 7d. A ; : a; roe soe I [ : ] >, | Natural history of the ancients. 8°. [’79.] $2.50. J: H. Potter. = Yassell. P.. A. & CG Wapoleon and Josephine: tragedy. Dement, R. S. i ‘ : : Cassell, 2 SOs hy F aS r Natural history series. 3yv. ill. 16°. 783. ea., 35c. DOVisies bowie Seilesiieig OO aieie ells -.--- Legal News. - Neyo, Yar - W.B. $1.50... Pott, ¥. & Co. gee Narcissus. G i Bs aa 1 eee a ged J Cont. : Domestic animals. — Wild animals. — The birds we see. Wares, Six G: S. Seamanship: incl. names of princi- j . 7 aw | > spiritual world. Drummond, H: pal parts of a ship. New (6th) ed., enl., with es ay in the spiritual world Pott woodcuts and pl. of national and signal flags, also Ts Gage inte Sisiore * ee aes ake ieee te a tee light and fog signals. 8°. 782.599 $6 ....Spon. Naturalists’ directory for 1880. Cassino, S: E. $1; : als > . BieDO! wis cevole cbcie sei ie xeleloieteielei si sicisie - Cassino. Narjoux, Felix. Notes and sketches of an architect, p1.50 Caseig during a journey in the northwest of Europe; tr. | Nature, addresses, and lectures. See Emerson, R. Ww. from the Wrench by J: Peto. 8° ([77.]°°° $8. |Nature and art. Estes, L. R. $8; $13 .......Hstes. a ee e | Ospeee Nature and life. Collyer, R. $1.50 ......-. Lee § S. nsett idyll; by < arvard graduate of ’7! : ae : NER Bae on. ae On esac > |INaturelstudies, ‘broctor, Rs A. 2hc) 4 Funk. Sq 6c VSO5R2 paps, ZO ia -r-1- Cushings & B. N cae Dell. J. H. $7.50 Pesnicok : > x 1X pictures. Cll, Jd. WH. O/.00.-.- Leppricolt. Narrative of a blockade-runner. Wilkinson, J. H. anole Lewy of Be eee PL GIb2b eee cna reee. eerie cers oe ae .- Sheldon. | Naughty girl's diary. Gray, W.T. $1; ae let . , ' arleton. Narrative of A. Gordon Pym. Poe, E. A. 1c. N ht Oats vi F.C. Blis I Waiouell: aughty man. Octavius (pseud.) 25¢ re Narrative poetry for the young. ill. 16°. [°77.] $1.|Nautz family. Shelly, S. 20c......--. J: W. Lovell. Routledge. | Naval encyclopedia. Hamersly, L: R. $9; $10 Narrow way (The): manual of devotion for the young; Hamersly. with guide to confirmation and communion. 16°. | Naval engagements: farce. Dance, C: 15c..aDe Witt. 79 7322 FA, Y 3 AS as [778.0 50C.. eee e eee eee ee eee Pott, Y. § Co. Navery, Marie de Saffrou, now Lady David. [‘' Raoul WNasby, eo aun V. Gad) See Locke, D: R. de Navery.”] Idols; or, the secret of the rue Wash, L. Table-book and introductory arithmetic. Chaussée @ Autin; from the French by A. Le 16°. ('78.]847 bds., 20c....---..--.. Benzuger. Sadlier. 12°. 782.944 $1.25 ......6- Benziger.NAVERY 280 Navery, Marie de Saffrou, continued. — Monk’s pardon: hist. romance of the time of Philip tv. of Spain; from the French by A. T. Sadlier. 12°. WOVE SN OWS. 5450 6000 v000 So 00 Benzig¢ . — Straw-cutter’s daughter [also] The portrait in my uncle’s dining room; ed by Lady G. Fullerton. (Household lib.) 16°. [’78.]*° pap., 1l5c. Sadlier. Navery, Raoul de (pseud.) See Navery, M. de S. WNaville, Ernest. Modern physics: studies, hist. and philos.; from the French by H: Downton. 12°. 8.4. 627 $2. Die elelele eicee aa @10 ee. oe\n 0) Scribner a W. Wazarene (The). Calvert,G: H. $1.....-. Lee & S. Wead, B. M. Guide to county officers: compend. of laws governing the assessment and coll. of taxes, ae, BO [Pde Siccacas 0500000000 Patriot. Neale, J: Mason. The celestialcountry. 4°. [’76.]?°? PAp., 20C. «oeeee sores eens coecceceeces Dutton. — Triumphs of the cross; Ist ser.: Tales of Christian heroism. Ist Am. ed. (The Living ChurchS.S. libs); 24°: 2B Le CS2 DOCe celein. ceisieia /Z2UEGGske Neally, A. R. Children’s Bible story-book. New ed. rik 12, PRIS 8s) ococ oadeadace Dutton. | Wt Neander, J: A: W: General hist. of the Christian re- | ligion and church; tr. from the Germ. by J. Tor- TOV (Ove, Of 402. Ze... Houghton, MM. & Co. — Same. Index. 8°. 81/008 Doce Houghton, M. § Co. Near and the heavenly horizons. Gasparin, V. B. ( Comtesse) de. $1.50 eeee teense ss eves Carter. Wear to nature’s heart. Roe, E: P. $1.75..... Dodd. Wearer, my God, to Thee. Adams, S. F. $1.75. Lee & S. Nearer to Jesus. Fergus, Mrs. M. 75c...... Carter. Nearly lost. See Reade, C: Jack of all trades. Nebraska, Legislature. Compiled statutes, compris- ing all laws of a general nature in force July 1, 1881, by G. A. Brown. 8° 781. $7.50. Hl: Gibson. — — Appendix to compiled statutes, cont. amendments and new laws passed at the called session, 1882, and regular session of 1883, by G. A. Brown. 8°. 83.586 pap., ole Ober si wis: «)o1are) ster oierer ere Journal Co. — Laws, joint resolutions and memorials, 14th-17th ses- sion, 1877-1883. 4v. 8°. ’77-’83..Journal Co. — Supreme Court. Reports. v. 8-14 (75-83), by G. Aj Brown. Wy. 8°. 76—183.2%se* ean ship: SPE Ne (se ciel oilererekeie H: Gibson; Journal Co.; Mills. — — Same. Index of reports, v. 1-12 inelusive, [1871- 1882], by G. A. Brown. 16°. 782.5% shp., $1.50. H: Gibson. — — Digest of decisions, by S: Maxwell. 8°. °77. shp., GE Gieieters ete siecle sia veciale eens s Sie sae Sie cic Sica ices Mills. Wecklace of Princess Fiorimonde. De Morgan, M. SD ED Obeiclatciel ckslcieiclciarsvels) cicjaicrciei cis) ofavors) « Macmallan. Ned and his engine; [also] Willand John. 16°. [’77. ]26 ede ee eRe oe a Lothrop. Wed Harwood’s delight. Knight, Js. S. G. $1. Cong. Pub. Wed in the block-house. Ellis, E:S. $1.25. Porter & C. Ned in the woods. Ellis, HE: S. $1.25 ... Porter & C. Needell, Mrs. J: Hodder. Julian Karslake’s secret: a novels 1/297 782) (781].*572 S125... - Lappincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.59! pap., 20c... Munro. Needham, G: C. Recollections of Henry Moorhouse, evangelist; ‘por 169; 2848! Si. .5... Revell: — The true tabernacle: lectures on the Jewish taber- TAC) Copal) ea Ones Mian carat Spiltate orssattc late oy Grant. a Same. ill. 16°. 78.0).427 TID Cu iveicicieis)s exerecicre Revell. — (comp.) Life and labors of Charles H. Spurgeon. NELSON’S | Neely, T. B. Church lyceum; its organization and management. 12°. 783.57? $1...Phillips & I. | — Parliamentary practice. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 32°. 783. pap., LOC. ......2.eece rece ce Phillips & H. — Young workers in the church; training and organ- ization of young people for Christian activity ; introd. by M. Simpson. 16°. 781.4% $1. Phillips §& H. Neighborhood talks. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. 25c.. Peace. Neighborly love. Colter, Mrs. J. J. $1.25.-Lothrop. Neighborly love library. 6v. 16°. [’77.]?% set, in DOXs bo) eee nie c\sierrs Siet cre siavei ic leieteversia one Whittaker. Cont. : Neighborly love. — The cottage on the shore. — Christ- mas at Fern Lodge. — A Christmas journey. — Ruloff and Ernes- tine. — Christmas :it sea. Neil, Ja. Palestine explored, with view to its present natural features, and to throw light on the Bible. WL, IO Pe BIL) caga- ...--handolph. Neill, E: D. Founders of Maryland as portrayed in manuscripts, provincial records, and early docu- ments: 8° (iGajet Bor cers un tsieteral! Munsell. Neilson, Jos. Memories of Rufus Choate; his studies, methods and opinions, and his style as a speaker and writer. por, 8°: 784.4899) "$5: Houghton, M. & Co. Well — on and off the stage. Buxton, B. H. 1dc. Harper. .--Putnam. Nellie. Bryan, is. J.M. G1......... Wellie: Wee Me 20¢C vcs ssacccece sete. o- .-. Munro. Wellie Arundel. Shaw, CC: $1.20 .......... Carter. Nellie Channel. Doudney, S. $1.25 ....-L Bradley. Nellie Grey; or, ups and downs of every-day life. (Robert Raikes Jib.) 16°. [’83.]°°° pap., 10c. Am. S. SS. Nellie, the clockmaker’s daughter. W.,F.M.C. 7adc.: NO Gh rs eho reieieiiers cle sieuciets iret; cicic eis) clelese) oleic Ogilvie. Wellie’s memories. Carey, R.N. $1.25; Tic. | Lippincott. | Nellie’s new home. sutts, Mas. M. F. $1..Am. Pr. Nellie’s New Year. Rand, E: A. $1.10..... Am. Tr. Wellie’s secret. Pollard, M. M. $1......... Carter. WNell’s story. Whyte, V. 20c. ......---.+.-- Munro. Nelly Kinnard’s kingdom. Douglas, A. M. $1.50. Lees S. Nelly’s mistake. See Wood, Is. E. P. Anne. WNelly’s silver mine. Jackson, Mrs. H. $1.50.. Roberts. Nelly’s teachers, and what they learned. ‘Thorne, K. CS) 5 Gondo onnodnonoG 060d DGonnb Oooo od!. Nelson. Welson, C: A. Waltham [Mass.], past and present, and its industries; with sketch of Watertown from), 1630) to WSs. ile sq. 120 4Oteit S35) Same, large pap., with steel por., $6.. 7: Lewrs. Welson, Edm. The moon and the condition and con- figurations of its surface. maps and pl. roy. 3 (IY ND sseaocadés nace Van Nostrand. Nelson, H: A. Sin and salvation. 12°: 78)i499 Si. Randolph. Nelson, Julia. Two years at Hillsboro’. 12° ’84 (SB 7 BSS) 2b eo cerxte terse wis wie = 0) a) Iippincott. Nelson, R. W. Clinical assistant: reliable gleanings | from practice. 16°. ’79.4° mor. tucks, $1. | Duncan. | Nelson, W: Josiah Hornblower and the first steam- engine in America, with some notices of the Schuyler copper mines at Second River, N. J., and a geneal. of the Hornblower family. 8°. Bowe PAD DC rrerarere) lerciay sc eyereletese sie a [ Nash. | Summary of the law of New Jersey in rel. to public BD, BSR OE Saae oooneuodds ooace - Guernsey. | bridges, as cont. in the statutes and laid down by Needham, Mrs. G: C. Woman’s ministry. 16°. 780.427 | the Counts; 895 4824850 nap. cence Press Pr. MD Cos terstayoisleleleke scioi cies | ° ¢ ~ Neubauer, C., and Vogel, J. G. Guide to qualitative | New England by-gones. Rollins, Mrs. E. H. $1.25; ane aoa aS San vals ae Poe Pa R. Gor G0. cakes cae eee Lippincott. ‘resenlus; tr. from 7th enl. Germ. ed. by E awe 5 x \ : Te any au. mates Ne warin land C: iunaan. Morton, T: $5..Prince Soc. Cutler, rev. by E: S. Wood. col. pl. 8°, 779,385 | “NE & ‘ ; = a SGe Leathe Gi create: ee an Wood. | | New England mee ae al S Sok nous me- \ . morial fund; va I 2 Memoria lographies Neuestes Cakes Buch enthaltend Anweisung fir | 1845-55. 2v. 8°. ’80-89.485.550 on FeOIne 5 . si . : ; 49-00. 2YV. d., 2-20. Backer, Cakes-Backer u. Confectioners. 18°. | ; tee ee [78 1328 yan 20c Tamsen | ING Ee: Hist. Gen. : Ape) LOCH wicperatalerseiee yecis flere nsen. 4 sede ahaa soo 377| New England legends and folk-lore. Drake, S: A. Neutral territory of Moresnet. map. 12°. ’82.577| GSIRQ ee ee ee WRoherie printed for private distribution......- Riverside. | Nevada, Legislature. Statutes, 8th—-11th session, 1877- NSS3r 7 div. 89.) Wit—83522s (ea. shp:, 2:50: New England Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Insti- tute. Catalogue of the art department of the Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Inst., Boston, ) tf « . O : 109 «62 he PONGOLG, Coe Mass., 1883. ill. 4°. ’83.*8° $3 .... Cupples. — Su Cou teports. v. 11-17 (76—83), by C: : : = une ‘alk ae a i AT PH Sais a 2 J go | New England story-book: stories by famous New . 2 Aan¢ : . ‘ 2¥ « ( . . = : a ; “4B cc es 31 yer cs fee s me England authors. ill. 8° [7’80.]**8! $9. UM ODte tia (COs. SOD eoeleseieele selaye Bancroft. S : : Lothrop. — — Digest of reports, v. 1-12 inclusive, [1865-1878], | Aaah ice and Sawyer’s Circuit Court reports, v. 1-4, by | | New England’s memorial. Morton, N. $2.. Cong. Pub. ee Hawley. (So 278) shpw aor. . Bancroft. | New gallery of British art; cont. 121 eng. on steel, — — Index to reports, v. 1-11 inclusive, [1868- 1877], from the works of distinguished British paint- by Bs Hunter: 16° 477. .S9550: ers, Ziv. Ps 483: subs: hi mors, o32)) ‘full Wever) “Wentor(iseva») Voce sees ~ Carleton. MOL., POO+-+ ++ +e Go cioees Selo sicicie Pchele in Appleton. Never say die. Prout. S: G 85c Am. Tr | New Germancrusade. Collyer, R. 10c..... Putnam. Sad) . » > e OIC. eeeeves eee i. - | Neville, Constance Maud. Behind thearras: a novel. | New girl. Gellie, M. E. $1.25 Pott, Y. § Co OOF irl pe sD AD es eb ere srercietciern «cee -1s Bancroft.| New Godiva. See Hope, S. Neville, G: Horses and riding. ill. cr. 8°. [’78.]®44) New gospel of peace according to St. Benjamin. White, Gh Dire eleva eieleisiere tee ce race esas cones SCrUbner & W. REL GW ooa6 s00aa000K0 ven0C «22 00-Am. News Neville, G: F. The little vixens: comedietta. See| New graft on the family tree. Alden, dfs. I. M. $1.50. New York drama. | ; . Loth OR: Neville, Ralph. Lloyd Pennant: tale of the West. 12°. | New eae aes See Court. Laws, 1877-1883. P78]! SON sss ne Kelly, Pg Co. OCs Gils alae eee pacer, Nevin: ane pie Book opened. ae es 4 — Supreme Court. Yeportes | ve O=b9N | 8) ven 6es : pne sible. 2 : o2Z. a Dil. oa: Sagat 277283314, 637 ea., shp., EY BW aooodé B. Sanborn. — Notes onthe shorter catechism. 12°. [77 8.) ee 7 Cont. : v.51 (16), by D. Hall. —v. 58 (7679) by E: A. Jenks. mere ne =P —y. 59 (?79-’83), by W:S. Ladd. — Parables of Jesus. 12°. ['81.]*°° $1.50. . Presb. Bd. Bat — Prayer-meeting annual. 16°. ’80.4% pap., 10c. New Hampshire register, farmer’s almanac and busi- Garrett. ness directory. [Annual.] map. 24°. °82.°°* pap. . 7 Thate Rayer P 297 — Triumph of truth; or, Jesus the light and life of the White Riven Paper. world. 12° ’81.18 $2; $2.50.....Presb. Bd. | New history of Sandford and Merton. BORN i e i j 50e alcleleis) sialerele tole’ cis (slain teloieinieiejiviny< » Roberts. Nevin, Alice (ed.) Hymns and carols for church and DOC. ++. Sunday-schools; with music. cr. 8°. ’79.°89| New homes of ATMeNCa; or, American mansions and j Fans “Tate 299 58 "th Mee. Hy 80c.; bds., 50c..........>.+46. - ++. Luppincott. villas. f°. ’83.°8! mor., $10..Col. of Hlec. Hing.= sie roth nae anne 282 NEW YORK Wew index rerum, for students and ners omnia men; arr. to minimize the labor of indexing, and to New York, Ge City out reports: cont. decisions of the Marine Court, and occasionally of the othex : . 909 5 an - ee were oan . ryy > — < classify all indexed subjects. 4°. 783.588 $3.25. | city courts of re cord, by 1D)5 Ake tobertson. v. 1 i J. A. Miner. | [1864-1882]. B30 Sb yeveies sic sickest ie sere LOU tees New indexed family atlas of the U. S., with maps of| — Lien laws applicable to New York City. Wo. 479.428 7 Yep We SA the world; compend. of geog. knowledge, show- PAP., BSC. ---- ee voce cece ee recee Baker, V. & Co. 537 - rt ing in detail the railway system. 4°. 782.°°" | — Manual of the school laws of New York, by C. T. E75 So PN esol clicis iclatore sis & sisie G. Watson | Pooler. 16°. ’84.°#! flex. c ie 2D Cris ciere Kellogg. stevee | gi! | — Mechanics’ lien law; with the statutes applicable to the counties of Kings and Queens, and the cities act of 1880; ann. by J:S. Derby. 8°. ‘83.99 New Jersey, Court of Chancery, Prerogative Court, | etc. Reports. Vv. 27-37. ll v He Okc CAes|| shp., $4...-MacCrellsh ; Jv L. Murphy.) Sharp: | BdSe 5, Gl cicvorere oe ree cme orev sa000 Jbtlnan, WW cy (GO: Cont. : v.27 (77), by CG. E. Green. — v. 28-37'(?77-’83), by J: | __ Same ; comp. by W: I. Snyder, 129; 7822582) pap:, H. Stewart. : | DO GH cieteisteie cicreie cielere ds Se ereve ce ererete Baker, V. & Co. — Legislature. Abridgment of rev. statutes, and of| — Superior Court. Reports. v. 41-49 (76-83), by S: “the amended constitution, by A. V. D. Honey- Jones and J. C. Spencer. 9v. 8°. 1 842 MAD. Ube ZiSeec!) 3) wee Bake eae Honeyman. ea., shp., $6.50.. Diossy ; W. C. Little ; Ward § P. — — Act cone. corporations; with all the amendments, | New York, City and County, Court of Common Pleas. notes and forms. 38d ed., by W:H. Corbin. 8°. Reports. v. 6-9 (77-82), by C: BP. Daly. @4 v. 783.601 pap., Gl ..-+ eeeern eres cccces sree Linn. 8°. °78—82.569 ea., shp., $6. — — Acts, 102d-107th Legis]: arare: and 34th-39th Leg- Baker, V. & Co. ; Banks. islature under the new constitution, 1878-1883. | New York, State, Constitution. Constitution, adopted Gv. 80: 2782283) cae ces ccclelsicies eisae oe sO LALE. | Nov. 3d, 1846, as amended and in force, Jan. Ist, — — Revision of the statutes. 2v. 8° ’77. “89. 1877. (Stereotyped ed.) 16°. (eile pap: Sey: Murphy. | OD OH aisicte cre cle niare cKals) cceielejecs (es Boise steeeD AT OeemN. — Supreme Court. Reports. v. 38-44 (75-82), by G.| — Same. sq. 18°. [’78. 22 ao aoe ANOs saGoGo UD Weed. D. W. Vroom. 7v. 8°. 7’76-’83.76! ea., shp., | — Court of Appeals. Reports. v. 11-14 (5456), by SS Gite oe elulere e/eve\eleisve'sie 0 clelecee ME ihe Murphy y Sharp. F. Kernan. 2d ed., with add. notes by FE: C: — — Digest of de > isions, 1790-1876, by J: H. Stewart. | Brightly: 4. 8% 282.6008 eas, shp., $2.50. 2v. 8° [778.]%! shp., $15 ....d: L. Murphy. | Banks. New Long Island: hi: mndbook of summer travel for use | — Same. v. 63-94 (76-84), by H. E. Sickels. 8°, °7 784.775 544 ea., shp., $1.50; $2.50. and information of visitors to Long Island and its | 32 V. B. Banks ; Weed. watering places. ill. 8°. 780.’ «442 pap., 25c. Rogers. |__ — Condensed digest of reports [1875-1881], by C: New Magdalen. See Collins, W: W. H. Mills. 8° 782.56 shp., $6....W. C.D ttle. New man and eternal life. Jukes, A. $1. — — Condensed reports, 1831-1882. a -1. 8°. 82. Whittaker Shp., GD oso2-+ seer ecseccoel . Y. Weekly Digest. New Mexico, Legislative Assembly. Acts, 22d-25th | Court of Chancery. Reports. 1814~23, by W: PESTON ISTOnIRR2. Biv. 82) 276-80... State: | Johnson. 3d ede, rey. and ann. by S. Rapalje. | Ziv. 8°. 783.99%810 ea. shp., o2-+-----.DaNkKs. — General laws, 25th session, 1882, comp. under the : 3 ; : bs —_ —. Same. 1823-26, by S: M. Hopkins. 3ded., with direction of L. B:. Prince. 8°. °82.°°2 shp.,.$6: tbe es PS 2 aba ref. by A. Lansing, ann. by S. Rapalje. 8°. C. Little. 5 : : : . a 1) G10 2 3 yaa i Supreme Court. Reports. v. 1, 2 (52-’83), Ge ‘83. 1 Spa elas Saar fee oer Tee DATES. vs , ra Hae : == Same. 82845, by A. ©. RBaipe. v. 1, 10; H. Gildersleeve. 8°. ’81—83.%! ea., shp., v. 1, | 2ded. v. 2-9 "3d ed., with notes and ref. by BGs Ve Oe Sian oecisaccc cae Bancroft; Callaghan. | ap ee, ee i Bln a nee Ls ; I: W. Waterman, ann. by S. Rapalje. 11 v. New nobility. Forney, J: W., and Baker, W: M. $1.50. | Ror eeorbgsI-610) =v 10) eas G9) oy 110) DI, eas. oe Appleton. SHP., GO - 2c eee cece cece ccc cece sec eceee Banks New Paul and Virginia. See Mallock, W: H. |_.__. Same. 1831-50, by C: Edwards. 3d ed., ann. by IN Gye elitarchnciccie cleric «cele eleieves Deacnccecee PUImame S: tapalje. dy. 8°, 789,601,610 ea., shp., S92. Note. Entered under authors and subjects. Banks. New Puritan. Pike,J.S. $1..........-... Harper.|— Same. 1839-41, by C: L. Clarke. 4th edo ress Ri? Exe, ieee, C4 SiBaceon: Mippancott | com: and ann. by 8S. Rapalje. 8°. 783. ship ae | BOP eyeeele ea cle eke eieren Se ciate) cis eles oe nOOCGe Banks. Wew republic. Mallock, W:H. 25c. (l2=== Same. 8438-47, by lu: He Sandford: y. 1, 2d : : Ltch ; (WV. Y. News. | | ed., v. 2-4, 3d ed., with notes and ref. by D. New revelation for the instruction and elevation of | Ketchum, ann. by S. Rapalje. 4v. 8°. 89 607 eae mortals: indited by the spirits. 8°. | Cae chp hone eee ile i. Banks Gr PZ occ ne cece ce te ee ee wees O.J. Rand.|__ ___ Same. 1845-48, by O. L. Barbour. 2d ed., ann. New eine am; or, a summer in North Sparta. | by S. Rapalje. Biv 60, 785.098,:601) ea chp: (Hub lib.) 4°. 779.*899 pap., loc. .... Loring. OO ones ieie Series sele Bieta ci elei eliciesielicre(ais eles Banks New Shakespeare, and other travesties. Criswell, R. Note. Price for a complete set of the above reports, $48, in DWVie, Se DOC iyere cre visicie crascie a) e\e v cic) clere Am. News. complete sets only. SEES ede aac i a ee pec dos ae Courts. Case annotations, New York decisions: Wew songs for little people: Anderson, Mfrs. M. E.| Rapalje’s Annotation pad; or New York case BE Cosette cde leone hercdclcd esel eV tclereicrs Lee § S. | annotator, embr. 14,000 cases cont. in 500 vy. of New Swiss family Robinson: Wister, O. 50c..-Sever. reports [1794-1881], by S. Rapalje. pl. 8°. Wew tea-things, and other stories for the young, sel. fe 82. JOO Boe eee cece eee cu vewer sees Tinn. from The prattler. ill. sm. 4°. 97) 407 bds., | — — Same. Sec onal ann. suppl. to Ra palje’s N. Y. anno- BOGE cece cil. s Sais oo SOS te eine wsie w nterele Lippincott. tation pad, cont. all the Bee sens of previous cases to be found in the opinions pub. during New Testament on baptism. 18°. [’77.] 65c..Am. Bapt. at, ie c 1883, by S. Rapalje. 8° 84.7 pap., $1.50. New, Timothy. Baker; W:M. 25c......... Harper aap New way to pay old debts: comedy. Massinger, P.|— — Civil procedure reports. v. 1-4 (782-84), by H: See New York drama. H. Browne. 8°. ’83-’84.542,643 “ea., shp., $4. Wew Year’s eve adventure. Zschokke, H: 10c. Peloubet. es Munro. | - — Same, v. 1, 2 (’80-83), by G: D. McCarty. 8°. New Year’s tangles. Alden, Mrs. I. M. $1..Lothrop. 782-83,560,618 ea. shp., $4.. W.C. Little ; Peloubet.NEW YORK New York, Courts, continued. 283 NEW YORK — — Digest of decisions to July, 1878, with table of | — — cases, by S. Rapalje. roy. 89°. Same. 1878-1881, by S. Rapalje. KA ohio oona5 oc VisZz. (02% tere oerrres 78.386 net, $6.50. | 81. | rece vee Lenn. | — — Same, with table of over-ruled and reversed cases, | by F: C: Brightly. v. 83. 2ded. 8°. ’84.°47 shp., SUDO eee Sih te esses Dec CB AIER: — — Digest of reports, 1872-1876; 2d ‘suppl. to Clin- ton & Wait’s digest, by W: Wait. v. 5. 8°. AiG tpO OO cits clone seis < cteisie) GOULG! — — Same. 1876-1881; 3d suppl. to Clinton & Wait’s digest, by J. Simmons, y.6. 8° 82.55 shp., SS G5 (feapyeieiey sieie cl ofe.s/e) sis] e/ 0) al ejersin «intaie/elo QOL: — — Digest of statutes and reports from earliest period — Same. Y. — Same. — Gould’s annual digest of New — New — Reports of decisions in criminal cases. — Same; — Rules of all Legislature. to 1873; with addenda to 1876, by B: V. and A. Abbott. Reveied; 6y. roy. 8° [eile shp:s $33. Baker, V.& Co. 1873-1884, with tables of statutes, constitutional provisions, rules of court, and cases cited, by A. Abbott. 2y. 89. 2G dC oe858! en Slips. Mi-00'. «=i 0s Bakes Pe aos Digest of New York statutes and reports from July, 1882, to July, 1884, with tables of stat- utes, constitutional provisions, rules of court, and cases cited, by A. Abbott. 8° 784.58 shp., $4. 28s Diossy. | Note. This is first of an annual series. York reports for 1881-1883: digest of all the cases decided by all the courts, by C: T. Boone. [Annual. ] 8°. 782-83.584;584 ea. shp., O4....--..- Gould. New cases, with notes by A. Abbott. 13 y. "778 4.276 820 ea... shp., $6... Diossy ; Ward & P. court rules, with annotations and index. 8°. [(’78. ]°?8 pap., $1. Same, comp. by G: Bliss. 8°. S122 pleOOk pap., pliers). Baker, Ve & Go: Same; with notes and annotations by G: Bliss. New ed., ann. by G: A. Clement. 8°. 784.637 Bi DOR DADS.) ill ier wiele co cleatore) ere 1s > icems Ve a Oo- Vie go. 82,569,629 eye cieie ei DQLILICS: with notes and ref. by T. Connoly and H. L. Vilas. v. 1, [1878-1884]. 8°. 784.638 SnD Ole eisisiel: << oe cle WE Of initle: the courts of records; with notes, ref. and index, 1884, by M. T. Hun. 8°. 784.68 pap., $2; shp., $2.50 . Banks. J. Parker. oe ee wm www ere eee ewes [1823-1856], “by A. shp., $5.50 — Treatise on the criminal law and criminal courts, Ove 8°. | shp., | and upon the jurisdiction, duty and authority of | justices of the peace and other magistrates, ete., | in criminal cases. 3d ed., rev. codes, with forms, by O. L. Barbour. 8°, 783 597,598 9 Vale porations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical, chemical, agricultural, horticultural, mercantile or commercial purposes, passed Feb. 17, 1848; with amendments passed 1851-80, notes, forms and index. 12°. 782.5 pap., 50c.. Baker, V. § Co. Act to provide for the organization and regula- tion of certain business corporations, passed June 21,1875, with all the amendments; with forms and notes of decisions, by R. B. McMaster. 12°. IB Arcets Nap D0Ce cece acitie le DAKE Veg OO: Amendments to the code of civil procedure made in 1881. 8°. ’81.°% pap., 50c.-Baker, V. & Co. Same, 1882. 8°. 782.°° pap., 35c.. Baker, V. § Co. - Same ; [also] Amendments to the code of criminal procedure and penal code, 1883. 8°. ’83.°97 pap., DO Civevesetexrere) ata «165i «10)') 016 eYolni eviews aia Cen a Ge CO: Amendments to the code of civil procedure, 1884. 89 784.5 paps, 25C. <.... 2605-9 baker, Vi Co. Annotated code of civil procedure, by G: Bliss. roy. 8°. [’78.]*9 shp., $9....... Baker, V. § Co. Same, as in force Jan. 1, 1883; with notes, cont. the adjudications to Jan. 1, 1883. 8°. 783.58 AN, Oil Woon000 n00000 900508 sree ie BANKS. and adpt. to the | EN. SNPs, POlee 0s esos oe BANKS. | Act authorizing the formation of cor- | — — General — — Laws, 99th-106th session, 1876-1883. | New York, Legislature, continued. Annotated code of criminal procedure, as amended in 1882; with forms and notes of judicial decisions on pleading, practice, and evidence, with index; eds by G: Ra Donnan: 789s 1821699) slip. S22 Parsons. Same, and penal code, as amended in 1882; with forms and notes of judicial decisions on pleading, practice, and evidence, with index; ed. by G:R. Donnan. 2) vin 1. 8°. °82.58° shp., net, $6.50: Same. 2d ed., rev., re-arranged and enl.; ed. by G@:R. Donnan. 2v.inl. 8° 783.5% shp., $6.50. Parsons. Annotated penal code, as amended in 1882; with notes of all- judicial decisions, with index; ed. by G: R. Donnan. 82. shp., $2. Parsons. Annotated pocket code: revised code of civil pro- cedure, as amended in 1877-1883, with notes and ref. to decisions bearing thereon down to June 1, 18835. 8thied. 16° 783°8°h flex: mor, $5. Parsons. Calman’s code time-table: cont. alphabetical arr. of the various periods of time required by the laws of practice in all actions and proceedings in the courts of the State of N. Y., as regulated by the-Code of civil procedure, etc., by D: Calman. NY, ARMED El ooG Sine el ieeie SUMOUSE® Code of civil procedure, as amended by the laws of 1877-84. [Annual.] 8°. [’77]-’84.?84:285 shp., $3; $2.50. Banks ; Ward § P. Same, with notes by M.H. Throop. 8°. [’77. ]?°° shp., $6....------e--> peee ccc cc ec coce Weed. Same; with those portions of the former code of procedure, which are not repealed, and the Tem- porary act, the Suspension act, and the Repeal- ing act, with notes and ref. 12°. [’77.]?%? $4. Ward § P. Same; as in force on Sept. 1, 1880, and all subse- quent amendments and enactments affecting the same. 8° 782.562 SUD:, DD acc c oe wenn BANKS: Same, as amended to 1883, inel., with notes show- ing the changes introduced thereby, with notes of judicial decisions on pleading, practice, and evi- dence, by G: Bliss. v. 1,2. chapters 1-22. 2d ed. 8 283.8871625) feats shpzpu00. Baker, V. & Co. Same; with the different amendments as in force Sept. Le VS83e Se: 83, 621 shp., $7 50.. Banks. Code of criminal procedure; with notes of deci- sions, table of sources, complete set of forms, and index. 2d rev. eds 80: 2822580) 50) Shp.) G2 secre cecccs ces -» Banks. Corporation code. Laws rel. to private corpora- tions, joint-stock companies, and associations. (Laws in force Jan. Ist, 1884), ed. by a mem- ber of the N. Y. bar. 8°. 784.8 shp., $6. Strouse. 229 560 82.°° — — Pixcise laws, incl. rights, duties, and liabilities of hotel-keepers, by C. H. Graham and O. F: Lane. So, 785.620" shpi, Poneman Wer. Japeile: — — General insurance statutes, incl. alterations and amendments 1882, and such of the general statutes of the state rel. to corporations and joint-stock companies, as are applicable to insurance com- panies, ref. to judicial decisions, expl. notes, and table of statutes and index; comp. under the di- rection of C:G. Fairman. 8°. hf. shp., BSE Oleie alee oclele slo evel) nie) Cel ele evele!l eialale) 1es 20 27Q «384 ch aD) o Newell, Rob. H: [‘‘Orpheus C. Kerr.”] There was G: Ang Hoe Cea or : Ie pea Walicams.- once aman: a story. (Our continent lib.) ill.| — ye oe ae Sea beac ts tot Chudne 1 ae Ne wacd ipo: 704x643) “RQ ayers Fords oo SOG age See ae eLearn : é : ae ‘| — Interpreter’s house: sermons to children. ill. 16°. Newell, W: Discourses and poems: memorial volume. 80). «425 1 95 Garter ; Beh scene Cehes ae 3A BL25- eee eee ee ee ee reeeeeees Ca : por, 12% °82. P1L.O0- +++. e eee eee. Bilis. | — Legend of St. Telemachus. 12°. °82.*564 — ribbon- Newell, W: W. Revivals; how and when? por. 120°. | tied leaflets, pap., 50c.........J. B. Harrison. FO eto oe Fon 2D) ayeie sfevsie s Sigisis cs a leleleie ere Armstrong. | — Little and wise: sermons to children. 16°. Pe Newell, W: Wells (ed.) Games and songs of American | DL. 20. eee ee eee eee eine (elele/s\eieisieinie ic eje0) «\01e(~ Carter. children. ill. sq. 8°. ’83.*58 $1.50.. Harper. eae Palace beautiful : sermons to children. ill. 16°. Newfoundland to Manitoba. Rae, W: F. $1.25. | BLA BL25 seek eee eee we eee -+-- Carter. ; | — The priest and the man; or, Abelard and Heloisa: a Putnam. | Newhall, Ja. R. Lin; or, jewels of the third planta- | S novel. : ill. 16°. ’83.*995 $1.50. sees Gunn les: Fee Sia ei oom esas ad BON. Colesworthy. | — Voice of St. John, and other poems. 12°. il S25 e232 — Same. Newed. 8° ’83.597 $9....J. R. Newhall. | ee vel. pap. covers, 80c.. . See ey aoe Laer aa Randolph. — See also Lewis, A., and Newhall, J. RB. a Vi icket-gate : sermons to children. ill. 16°. °79.*974 | SpileaDieieieeicvecle nucle cs cle 6 aO0obGdoNn CO wie afe OUILCT. Newman, Fs. W: Supernatural religion: inquiry into 5 : : ul ‘ © ey AM Newton Forster. Marryat, PF: 10c........-. Munro. the reality of divine revelation, to which is added Y the author's pref. to the 6th ed. Sy. 8°, [77.150 Niagara, and other poems. Boca S ae a oughton, WM. & Co. Le Oereteletoro clecternie cycrciccs cilelarouelelole ei cieroiete Roberts . > 39 c "| Niana. Gréville, H: ( pseud. Wecooo00e SC 7 — Same. 1. 8° ’83. $4: leath., $5; mor., Ni ii xe ' e, H Eee ) 10c. ine: PE eaEeoO ee. ee Druth Seeker, | Niccolls, S: J. Eastern question in prophecy : lectures Wewman, J: H: Calista: a tale of the 3d century. (Household lib.) 16°. [’78. ]3* pap., lic. . Sadlier. St. John. 12°. [°77.]?87 75c. ; pap.,50c. .. Lemoine — Echoes from the oratory: poems. 16°. [’84. ]*®8| Nich 1 \. By me iE J ; f ; e ae : aad : ae or parch. pap., 50¢. «.../..2.--.---..--- Randolph. 1chol,. : syron. (ing. men of letters.) 12°. Con — Lead, kindly light. pl. 12°. ’84 [°83].*62 $1.50: | 5 75¢c. agen qugeee eke eee Seiee Harper. illum. cover, fringed, $1.75; tree cf. and flex. Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. [’84.]™ Pap, 10c. mor., $4. Same. roy. 8°. $3; ant. mor. and eens ee Pa . J VE Hoe ENCCNCE. Ole crsciee slo era ere eicrereire sie) ee oe oberts. | aan English composition. (Lit. primers.) ie, ee Newman,J: P. Christianity triumphant; its defensive Nicholas NETH. See Holland. iG ee HED e eet and aggressive victories. Standard lib. 12°. 3 : 3 / ‘ \ ) Wicholas Nickleby. Sce Dickens, C: | on the rise and decline of Mahometanism, and the events to follow, as presented in the prophecies of | 2S 3 RGIS 7D One eieis le isie Seale lal avolcieieciercvevelacere isis Funk. a : : : N Mace Wav Wientworthe J Stoansuil I Nichols, G: Ward. Arteducation applied to industry : eG. a6 Se) 5H Wore cee Ow eT iD) with descriptions of industrial art in the Middle ee f tb a a Ae wees 6 i" ia ‘b ce f : } aa aay || Ages; art education in Europe, and the U.S.; a eas 78 120 pa : Bee sy Agel DDOR SE se ie S) | and industrial art at the Centennial Exhibition. O°. LOD | Bs PAP., ZOC. + 2c ween re ee ee arper. : y, - 37 7983 : ae =~ : eee ee IS: 7802 : Bae Rae Secs -.-. Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c..dMunvo. | - Ge f — Pottery: how it is made, its shape and decoration: 15 / H | practical instructions for painting on porcelain Dee ie daca ie BOGIR pu eros arta oe age nae acc) and all kinds of pottery; with bibliog. ill. 12°. — With costs: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 781.*5 | Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781. pap., 20c.. Munro. | "78, |3!9 $1.25 .. aie ab lcleieialnis GARE Putnam Wewport, D: Pleasures of home, and other poems. | — (ed.) The Cincinnatiorgan; with description of the 120, 784.40 BL eee e vee e ee eee es Lippincott. | Cincinnati music hall. ill. 16°. ([’78.]88* pap., Wewport, W: Two days. (Hammock ser.) 16°. | DD Craieteieres olicleserelers 100000 0000 caoda0 coon Olin ARa "82.9% — HOC. ose e ee renee O00 00000 1 +--+ Fords. | Nichols, Ja. R. Fireside science. 12°. [’79.] $1.25. Newport. Lathrop, G:P. $1.25.... Scribner's Sons. | R. Worthington. Newport aquarelle. Howe, M. $1.......-- Roberts. | — Science at OS Dona polenlilie oanye uponisub . . -cts connected with every-day Ife. Live Denn: Wewspaper and bank directory of the world. Hub- JS US CDATNSIEUG Yee) B8 ce : » 9) e Of. OF > re SIL D Ole tie sioreierareiare areloisie, sje) miere)s R. Worthington. bard,H. P. 2v. $10; $20; $25..H.P. Hubbard. | ‘ell’s lil Gol. Cel Tan Wewton, C: T: Essays on art and archeology Sol aa Same. (ovell's lib.) 1G ea ZN od8 [Ado HOLA 80). Vit { mien ; : : : Ml o» all °"- | — Whence, what, where? view of the origin, nature °80.% Pe ccsccresccce soccer eeseee Macmillan. 586 : se and destiny of man. 38d ed., rev. 16°. 783.°°° Wewton, Reginald Heber. Book of the beginnings: Oi. eee ce Ge Ee aus Williams. study of Genesis; introd. to the Pentateuch. 16°. | Nichols, Laura D. See Moore, A., and Nichols, L. D. ¢ *643 on 2 . 7 M a f ee ue Te! ye 19° ae De. 7249, ee Nichols, Starr H. Monte Rosa: the epic of an Alp. — Morals 0 rade: lectures. as [ ( ). | Whittal | 16°. ’83 (°82).*570 pap., wiles Houghton, M. & Co. t vicer. | ° Nichols, T. L. The diet cure: essay on the relations of — Right and wrong uses of the Bible. 16°. ’83.°%° , : x “ ; food and drink to health, disease and cure. 12°. 15¢.3; pap., 20c. Same. (ovell’s lib.) 16°. te Sera > 5 r *AS4 z » Ba 0/010 6).01'ne%e 6 eereccece ) b f Ce (RBBHIES? pape; 20Grss corn tes feces ot JT: W. Lovell. 81.* : 50c:) Deas Holbrook — Studies of Jesus: sermons. 16°. ’80.478 $1. Nichol W. A. The wise woman as builder; or, Whittaker. | strength and beauty in the formation of, female — Womanhood: lectures on woman’s workin the world. | character. sq. 16°. “89. BOCs cae fer eld OR SAIC sored ie arcini te eterareerereeie oie ors Putnam. | Nichols, W. S. New digest of insurance decisions. Newton, R: Covenant names and privileges. por. | See Hine, C. C., and Nichols, W. 8. ; [Os Raho sl | INT (aereie cies sircioecia Carter. | Nichols, W: Ripley. Filtration of potable water. ill. — King in his beauty. 16°. [’78.]8?° $1.25.. Carter. | SOF eso: RD Ok eciels Ge etelec aii eie Van Nostrand. — King’s highway; or, illustrations of the command-|— Water supply, from a chemical and sanitary stand- : = ao & le r j . ) € “6 he ~ re Zs ments: eng. 189 [i’76:2*4 gl... Nelsoz. | point. 8° 783.*89! $2.50...........- .- Wiley. a = ne ees x3 MGs aaaha! NICHOLSON 286 NOBLE WHEE} Da Ee io ee eee —————————————————————————— | i Nicholson, H: Alleyne. Ancient life-hist. of the earth: | Nineteen Christian centuries in outline. Thompson, f MH tf ¥ outline of paleontological science. ills ‘sme: | Ibe OL, Silooosoocod conc afc ciivelerorelehclelois Craig. fe ae (WAS es esp porn lol ete loletelernieelniorclcroreic ears Appleton. | Ninety and nine. Clephane, E. $2......-.Lothrop. ‘al A Wick Putzel. Koehler, G: -.-.-.--+-+--- .. Hubbard. Ninety-nine choice readings and recitations. Ogilvie, eh iy Nick Whiffles. Robinson, J. H. $1.50 ..-- Carleton. J. S. Tnos. ea.,50c.; 25c.; 10c. ..-- Ogilvie. ke ia Nicolay, J: G. Abraham Lincoln. 12°. ’82.*°47 pap., | Ninety-nine days. Sush.G@; Re SbCS cee sere 2 Authors’. dl DBC. we cece cee eceececes sececece Little, B. § Co. | Nisbet, E. Resurrection of the body: does the Bible if fhe | — The outbreak of rebellion. (Campaigns of the civil | teach it? introd. by G. W. Samson. 12°. (°77. 9287 ie { ig ' war.) maps. 12°. 81.%512 $1.. Scribner's Sons. GR ]e aveieis’s eee se lee KR nisicie «eA ULROT Sic , 1 a Nicoll, H: J. Great movements, and those who achieved Nisson, J. Erzahlungen aus den vier Evangelien. 18°. | | Heit, them. por. 12°. 782.*9°6 -B1.50..-. ---- Harper. [eat ete Ey (Ge ieverste ial cvelclelelcversial cicie e clercics AML on: ee H pe — Landmarks of English literature. 12°. ’83.* 2 $).75. | __ Gleichnisse des Herrn. 18°. (°77.]28 50c.-.Am. Tr. Be fiat _ Appleton. | ‘Wunder Jesu. 18°. [?77.]? 50c.......-2 Am. Tr. Be bi Nicoll, W. Robertson. The incarnate Saviour: life of Nita and Freddy’s library. 6 y. 18° [’78.] $1.50 bili Jesus Christ. 12°. 782 Estes $1.25. ‘ Carter. : ys ary. : 39, 8. Aor Ba — The Lamb of God: expositions in the writings of SE Nixdorff, G. A. Scenes in the life of Christ, adpt. to I John, (Household hb. of exposition.) 267./"°"%he. comprehension of children designed. fo wae ees]! | : ose ee nee Os Seep Sabbath-schools. ill. 16°. [°77.]°°° 90c. 1 Hei —(ed.) Songs of rest. 4thed. 32°. [’82. 75¢. Guth. Pub: ‘ Bai \ : : Ped : fi andotph. Nixon, J. E. Few notes on Latin rhetoric. tables Beh Nicolls, W: J. tailway builder: hand-book for esti- and ill. 12% (°77.]2 75c.......- Macmillan. Bit Hil manne dats Cost Cn Ey construction and Nixon, J. Howard. Qualifications for membership in Bred equipment. il. He Ti oo leath:; woe Boas the Presbyterian Church. 32°. [’84.]®47 pap., ape li Wicols, Arth. Geological history : chapters from the per 100, QOM Ne ae Bes. Presb. Bd. Hi Re Epes bist. Cf itheseanh aie No cards, no cake. Wright, Jfrs. J. MeN. 20c.. Ogilvte. tit . Oy seria iso's eis loin cusiplersle wl otsieie Seicere eucke er. aN nee Smee eee: Bik Niebuhr, Barthold G: Greek hero-stories; tr. by B: No danger: Hedges: ee ee Nee De ee ae Hoppin; ill. by A: Hoppin. sq. 16°. ’79.*977 No gentlemen. Burnham, Ms. C. L. $1...Sumner. Pit Es earccidc we Beas Bi a ra ec cic aie ss Dodd; \3INountentions: Wean: Wis) HB: Och. 25-32). ot Munro. Niembsch, N: [‘‘ Nikolaus Lenau.”] Grossere Epische No laggards we. Raymond, R. $1; 50c...-.Harlan. Dichtungen: Savonarola; Die Albigenser; Faust. | No man’s friend. Robinson, F:W: 20c...... Munro. WS Leal eillesnccop os rt ee Int. News. | No mother like mine. Denison, Mis. M. A. $1.25. Niemeyer, Felix v. Text book of practical medicine; I. Bradley. from the 8th Germ. ed. by G: H. Humphreys,|No name. Collins, W: W. 20c. .-.....-.--. Munro. and C: E. Hackley. New rev. ed., with add. Wo name series : oe Roberts Dy. 8% “8.482 $9 shp., Sll...... Appleton: ; WNieriker, Mrs. May Alcott. Studying art abroad, and how to doitcheaply. 16°. ’79.*4° 50c...Roberts. Note. Entered under authors and titles. No new thing. See Norris, W: E. « . ~~ rym ¥ ® re , ‘ < 2 ¥ ern ee ee seen naneee wh Wieritz, Gustave. The crown prince and his scapegoat; No proof. O'Hanlon, A. 20c. Harper. Plat or, truth and falsehood; from the Germ. by E. | No relations. Malot, H. $1 25; 7dc. ...-Lippincott. Wh Me Gittord: (@livyiser,)) 1So: [78-25 80c: |INo room for Jesus. Deems, C: F. 40c....-. Crowell. : : : J. A. Moore. | No surrender. Werner, E. (pseud.) 20c. ... Munro. ithe — The little miner; or, honesty rewarded; tr. by E. M. N Cuees Tw. Fe pees Hab ie } Gifford. (Ivy ser.) 18°. [’78. ]®*° 80c..J. A. Moore. Oo talent. eo) Be de LOC oViniainie)cielers res M.D. a l Wight and a day; also Appletree court, and The worth No thoroughfare. See Dickens, : :, and Collins, W: W. } of ababy. Smith, H. 80c............4 4m. Ty. | Noble, Annette Lucille. Eunice Lathrop, spinster. ie z ~ ois i lntnizo ‘ker rals . 0 2729 %524 Sy]. | Wight and morning. See Bulwer-Lytton, Siw E: G: (Knickerbocke1 novels. ) Sth We A: 605 31; a one : pap., 60c. Same. (Hudson lib.) 4°. ’83.°° pap., H : ; . . . at 7 Sais T WAG eretcvclicralclicre Slelelejereie ee eietate ce Soyo bile: oiels Putnam. Night at Notting Hill. Yates, E., and Warrington, N.| _ Wom hilly #entun inthe wonldetos tecbors: 16° H. See New York drama. Pats ay al : Stor) ra a ; s : : OOe trae DilieWOie « cele! dew wie a n0.e) = see 0s Nat. Lemp. before Christmas. Moore, C. C. $1.50; $3.50; . : , SaRneAaT | le ; meu t peteres hristmas. Moore, C. C. Se oe = QOutottheway. ill. 16% ([7805j*42% $i. Am. Pr. pe ei : eee MUGEN eo PCS a a gO Cue gi -|— Queer home in Rugby court. 16°. [’78.]%8° $1.50. ai i Night before Christmas, and Annie’s and Willie’s Nat. Temp. nae prayer. 4° [’76.]™* pap., 20c...-.- Dutton. | — Silas Gower’s daughters. 16°. [’78.]*3 $1.25. ane Night express. McCabe, J. D. 25c....J. M. Stoddart. Presb. Bd. Pigif Night of terror. Fleming, Mis. M. A. 10c... Ogilvie. | — Tarryport school-girls. ill. 16°. [82.}*°°S $1.10. ee | Wight sides of city life. Talmage, T: De W. 50c. is Am. Pr. a S z a r.O a 5 |— Uncle Jack’s executors. (Knickerbocker novels.) Re . . 4 ILO. A 4127 i : : : | 50 20) #437] (95. ny ‘Oe. San : i ye Nightingale, A. F. (ed.) WHand-book of requirements | ts i re 194 ee 2 ona EUG. RAME Cae flips for admission to the colleges of the U. S.; with | U ‘2 1 es “ail yee pene ial 81 8 hex. Gs | fia miscel. addenda. 8° 779.999 $1 ....Appleton. | Ge ae ee ; an BR Hs re 7. L Se a — NE Ss 2eney Ye. DD. JU INC e@, A, Lu. il Nights at the play. Cook, D. 2v. $6..Scribner& W. | REY ace i : uh ee ts witl se 1 R m Ween : i: oe Ee | Noble, C: Compendium and comparative view of the | | eat Leas wou JED DOO IS EEY J.C. $2.. Osgood. thirty-eight state laws of marriage and divorce in | : Wihilist princess. Gagneur, M. L. $1.25....Jansen. the U. S. (in 1882): the conflict and the remedy. alee | Nile days. Bates, E.K. $1; 50c........Lippincott. WALD GILWs000 oc wee ees Baker, V. & Co. Wile novel. Fletcher, J. $1..........-. Macmillan. | Noble, F. A. Law and the liquor traffic. 16°. 783.8%? ale Nimport. See Bynner, EB. L. DAPss LOCsecieee ricci scien sielsiers) eons eeVAts Lemp. a. aa Nimpo’s trouble. Miller, 0. T. $1.25...... Dutton. Noble, Lucretia. Areverendidol: a novel. 12°. ’82.*° bal i i i Wina. Comfort, Ul. R. 20c. ..-.. Srejeiie cies -- Munro. Nobl oe ; = Pa a ¢ at ae 4 : . Osgocd: eee Up : alae : ; oe oble, W. F. P. Century of Gospel work: hist. of th Brie i Wina \ ivian’s choice ; [also] Bell’s confession. (Peo- oe wthofevi te 1 a Bc a 4 U a . a . ei ae ple’s lib.) 4°. 82.582 pap., 10c....... Onin gro evangelical religion in the U. S.; cont. t i i NineiveaTa Olde Giahor E. & : < ha full descriptions of the great revivals of the cen- i t i Sen abor, HW. $1......-..- Macmillan. | tury, personal sketches of eminent clergymen, etc. | j Nineteen beautiful years. Willard, F. E. $1.. Harper. | ill. 8°. [’76. ]?34 $3.50; $4.25; mor., $5.50.. Watts. | 4NOBLE 287 NORTH Noble boys. Martin, W: $1.25.......... Routledge. | Norman, C. B. Armenia, and the campaign of 1877. INoblevlife. Craik; Wiis; DiMe l0chs..... -»- Munro. Noble lives library. 6v. 16° [’76.]*44 $3..Nelson. Cont. : Audubon. —Cyrus Field. — Dr. Scoresby. — Howard. _ 1 — J: Smeaton. — Palissy. Noble name. Giltimer, GC. v. $1.50...... Lippincott. Noble wife. See Saunders, J: Nobleman’s wife. Wood, Mrs. E. P. 10c. .. Munro. Noblesse oblige. See Roberts, M. INobody= Warner, S: SU o5. <3... cnc Carter. Nobody asked you, sir, she said. See Holmes, M.N. Won for a wager. Nobody loves me. See Walton, Ms. O. F. Nobody’s business. Walworth, Is. D. 30c.. Authors’. | Nobody’s husband. Cozzens, S: W. $1; 50c..Lee gS. Nobody’s Ide Welth= a5 (lb) seer socie oe Carter. Nobody’s neighbor. Smith, Is.L. T. 10c.. Munro. Noctes ambrosianz. See Wilson, J: Noel, Lady Augusta. From generation to generation : anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.*4% pap., IBY, Ganacnnsacdoo boDGGdUOnDODOGOG Cand Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.489 pap., 20c... Munro. — Owen Gwynne’s great work: a novel. (Seaside lib.) AO 78M apy MO Cecietete sre ceteris 6 Wunro. | Noel, Caro. M. The name of Jesus, and other poems. 24°, (Reno a| ees Shilteseyeheleie sisiclelnis/sisralele Randolph. Noethen, Thdr. History of the Catholic Church from | the commencement of the Christian era to the Eeumenical Council of the Vatican; with app. Athrenl: ed: 189 [777 jF2! S.25 .--. 7 Murphy. Noggs, C: A desperate game; or, his noble sacrifice : story of Am. life in the present day. (People’s lib) 4c; 72822524 pap:, 10co. 1... oeeee- Ogilvie. | Nohl, L: Biographies of musicians. 5 784. *444-x64l Og $1.25; set, 6.255 hf. cf., $13.75; tree cf., $22.50 ........ DOdOOCOGODDE oe Jansen. Cont. : Life of Beethoven. — Life of Haydn. — Life of Liszt. — Life of Mozart. — Life of Wagner. Nolan, T: ‘The telescope: principles involved in the | construction of refracting and reflecting telescopes @Scisers)) il 160% Sees bds-,)50c: Van Nostrand. | WNomisma. Cernuschi, H: $1.25 .+-+- Appleton. Non-Christian religious systems. 6 vy. maps. 8°. 19 alee Caen cpl Zoe, slareieie winless Pott, ¥. & Co. Cont.: Buddhism, by T. W. R. Davids. — Buddhism in China, by S: Beal. — Hinduism, by M. Williams. — Islam and _ its founder, by J. W. H. Stobart. — The Coran; its comparison and the testimony it bears to Holy Scripture, by Sir W: Muir. — } Confucianism and ‘laouism, by R. K. Douglas. Nonsense songs. Lear, E: $1.25 ......... Roberts. Nora Brady’s vow. Dorsey, Mrs. A. H. $1.25. Lippincott. Nora Clinton. Brodie, BE. $1.25............Carter. Nora Crenas Smithy Wiss seks Sliec... -.- Carter. | Nora’s love test. See Hay, M. C. Nordenskiold, Baryon A. B. vy. Voyage of the Vega | round Asia and Europe. ill. and por. 8°. 782.°%°| Sh Ofeielniels eyeaie cine cise cle cle sil Syccrs oe cia Vacmillan. Nordheim, Josias. Drei Ehestandsgeschichten. 16°. [Eee peee hl arte ee reer pee era e Am. Tr. | WNordhoff, C: California for health, pleasure and resi- dence: book for travellers and settlers. New ed., rev. maps andill. 8° 782.5% §2.... Harper. — Cape Cod and all along the shore: stories. (Frank- lin Sq: lib:)) 4°. “80°*44 pap:, loc... Harper. — God and the future life; the reasonableness of Chris- tianity. 16°. 783.7819 Gl <3. 2... 8 Harper. — Man-of-war life: boy’s experience in the U. 8S. navy during a voyage around the world in a ship of the line. New ed. ill. 8°. [’83. ]*®!8 bds., $1.50. . Dodd. — Sailor lifeser. 3v. ill. 16°. [’77.] ea., $1...Dodd. Cont. : Man-of-war life. — Merchant vessel. — Whaling and | fishing. v. por. 12°. ’80-| maps and plans. 8° [778.828 $4. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Norman, R. W. Considerations on the revised ed. of the New Testament, in part delivered at a confer- ence of clergy of the diocese of Montreal, Nov., 1881. 8°. ’81.°°° pap., 25c...Montreal Gazette. Worman Stanly’s crusade. Moore, A. W. 20c. Dawson. Wormans in Europe. Johnson, A. H. $1. Scribner’s Sons. Norodom, King of Cambodia. McGloin, F. $1.50. Appleton. Norris, A. W. Reports. See Pennsylvania, Sup. Court. Norris, J: Pilkington. Commentary on the New Testa- ment. 2v, 8% -s0—scletstts net. ho: EL. § J. B. Young. | Cont.: 1. The four Gospels with introd., and notes. — 2. Acts, Epistles and Revelation. — See also Hanna, W:, and Norris, J: P. Norris, P. W. Calumet of the Coteau, and other poet- ical legends ofthe border. ill. 12°. 84 [’83].*6?8 STH) cic ciicia cletere ce cela cee ieee Gee .- Lippincott. Norris, W:E. Heapsofmoney. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. PRIMO, Ee yeirevere oi cieice) ol) isiohexel-ke elsie ae <)0 oie LTolt. — Same. (nib. ofsel: novels.) 8% ([777.)227 pap., 25c. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 8°. [782.]55® pap., 15c...-.+..----- sic eee ce is care Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 10c..Munzo. — Mademoiselle de Mersac: a novel. (Franklin Sq. libs) 49) 80:82 pape MOCr cnr. ce Harper. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 780. pap., 20c.. Munro. —— Matrimony. (leis. hour ser), 162% (Sit Si. Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) 16°. pap., 30c..- Holt. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4° ’81.4%° pap., 20c... Munro. — No newthing. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° °83.°°9 pap., DCs ae wleleiwiuierecin ele eens eetele too) clei! ote ls lee QnD el — Same. (Leis. hourser.) 16° ’83.*°59 $1) .. Holt. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [783.]5®? pap-, 20c: J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4° 783. pap., 20c.. Munro. — Thirlby Hall; ill. by W. Small. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40% 184,824" aps, 2OC: ciecierle sesiece .- Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 784.8! pap.,20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 7’84.°° pap., Oe ccisl ele alee a eiere Acie feel eyein ia ciel ne ele el eve) Y Pe Y | ao . 7 en me . S nee nd $3.50 +++ ist vince cele ree GORE iPS. re g ' 0. | — King’s ferryboat. 12°. [ 16:3|p02 *7.50.. Whittaker. — Same. Ne ed., wat numl ret) diagrams anc ne ) ce | erSHorteermonsnllthied: mo. wanes) @be where te 2° ; 4 BHI OG560 eile ovelniicieseie SSE r : . 7 : ete. 12°. 84. po -OU vassell. | _ Warning and teaching: course of sermons for the ‘ ( \ ™ . . ¢ I7OQ ‘ . . = ne r . Northend, C: (ed.) Choice thoughts. 12°. [’78.] 20c. | Christian year. 8°. [?78.]3*3 $2... Whittaker. ) | * xs ~ . . aha Bunk salva peE eee te | Norton, Sidney A. Elements of chemistry. 16°. arena i “ . > “é r 2 eC . Skete Ss } = 7394" &h r. F Elihu Burritt: memorial volume cont. sketch of his | [ 78. 334 CTO ee Van Antwerp. life and labors, with sel. from writings and lect- | : ae s ures. por. and ill. 12°. [’80.]*4?S $1.75. . Appleton. | Nouwood. : Beecher, W922 Re Ao Fords. Same. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 32°. ’82. pap., 10c..| Not a day without a line. Taylor, Mrs.G.H. $1. Phillips & H. | R.S. Davis. (P.) — Gems of thought: coll. of choice sel. or aphorisms | Not a fool’s errand. Ingraham, J. H. $1.50. . Carleton. from different authors, and on different subjects. | Not for him. Holt, E. S. Sila Dictevelercreretercia/s - Carter. 90 27Q «409 7a yn 2 j a CY ‘: a 2ON 27'9: : re aVievsieieicte He re ee anne | Not forsaken. See Giberne, A. — Memory gems for the young. 6°. 78. |* 20GR | an : ms yea : 2 ee) Anpleton | Notif I know it. Trollope, A. J0c.-...... - Munro. LoL, O.| . . + re > A, Northern and Asiatic defences of Turkey; with ac- | Not like other girls. See Carey, R. N. count-of the military forces and the armament of | Not my way. Browne, T. M. $1l....... - Whittaker. the belligerents in the present Eastern war; with | Notaries’ and commissioners’ handbook; with forms, col: mayor Durkey 1n/Asia and of Turkey in Eu- | fees allowed, ete., also practical suggestions and ye ee (Tilio les We sooo Godb ood! Appleton. ref., by a member of the N. Y. bar. 8°. (77. ]?78 Northern tier. Jenkins, E. J. $1..G: W. Martin. (C.) | hf bdss Sil, Same: 8°. 781-255 bds:. Si- Worthern tourist’s book of summer travel. Bonsall, J. | : Baker, V. § Co. Oi ROGL ec oc ee J: BE. Pottery. | Notary’s daughter; tr. by Lady G. Fullerton. 12°. | (’78.]®4® $1.50; gilt, $2.... epee Sadlien. Northrop, Birdsey Grant. High schools. 8°. ’80.*4%9 | . - 4 ; s at P, : : : Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c..-Munro. DADs 2OCi co le oo wcicie ew cin cies oie Davis, B. § Co. | . 7 . ’ - To 1 ~ , — Lessons from European schools and the Am. Centen- | Notary’s manual: treatise on the duties and powers of nial. ill. 8° [°77.]?82 pap., 50c..... Barnes. | Notaries Public in the different states of the — Rural improvement. 8°, 780. *457 pap.- Tuttle, M. & T. | Union; with app. of forms. 12°. [’77. jez 75C. — Tree-planting; forestry in Europe; and other papers. | Richmond. ANE Nine sounds secpacwer Tuttle, M. & T. Note-book of an elderly lady. Sewell, E. M. $2. Northrup, A. Judd. Camps and tramps in the Adiron- | X : : Dutton. dacks, and grayling fishing in Northern Mich. : Notelrac (pseud.) See Carleton, F. E. record of summer vacations in the wilderness. | Notes from sunland. Upham, S$: C. 25c....Clazton. 16°. ’80.*#9? G1.25.-......-. Davis, B. § Co. | Notes of a pianist. Gottschalk, L: M. $2.50. — ’Sconset cottage life: summer on Nantucket island. Lippincott. 16°. 781.*# pap., 50c.....-.-Baker, P. § Co. | Notes on building construction. 3 v. ill. 8°. [’76-’79. ]24 Worthward ho! Markham, A.H. $2.... Macmillan. Vai le 25 Galen HoeOUs VA Se BOcici cee ele Lippincott. Northwest coast of Am.: results of recent ethnologi- | Notes taken in sixty years. Elliott, R: S. $2. cal researches from the coll. of the Royal Mus. at | Brentano Bros. serlin, pub. by the directors of the Ethnol. Dept. ; | Nothing but leaves. Doudney, Mrs. S. $1.75.. Dutton. tr. from the Germ. pl. f°. ’83.°? hf. mor., $20. | Nothing new. Craik, Ms. D. M. 10c ...-.. Munro. Dodd. iW 2 I > ss / 7 .~ : Shae ie renda ( pseud. OCue er 1 Northwestern song book; with descriptive and hist. | Othing 00 ody % Wb, A> co00 0049000 einie mieieln ek iciesc - Fowler & W. Nugent, A. J. Counting-house arithmetic. W.H., and Nugent, A. J. Nuggets of gold. Heermans. Nuller, D. F. Rhetoric as an art of persuasion from the standpoint of a lawyer. 8°. $1.50. Mills. See Sadler, Heermans, J: $1 2805268 Numa Roumestan. No. See Daudet, A. 40: romance of Fortress Monroe and the Hygeia. 16°, 84.823 pap., 50c. .-..-...« a No. 13 Rue Marlot. Pont-Jost, R. 50e. Lee § S. 10c. Munro. Nun of Kenmare (pseud.) See Cusack, M. F. Nuna, the Bramingirl. French, H: W. $1.25..Lee& S. Nurse; or, hints on the cure of the sick, incl. mothers and infants; [also] Digest of domestic medicine. Sl; No. 3 Grove Road. Oliphant, Ms. M. O. W. NAS Ee (Yeo 6 aaon60 5000 000dd00 oo PIMA De Wursery A BC. ill’ ‘sm: 8°) ([[777.))?8" linen, 2oc. McLoughlin. Nursery favorite. ill. sm. 4° [’76.]*44 $2.. Nelson. Nurseny: tiles: Bates, ©: DD: 50c... came. -. Lothrop. Nutritive cure. Walter, R. lic. SO00C - Funk. Nuts for Christmas cracking. Hall, T. O. $1.25. Whittaker. Nye, Bill (pseud.) Bill Nye and Boomerang; or, the tale of a meek-eyed muel. ill. 12°. ’81.47 $1; DA&Des, DOCS cir cic cieicteie nic) 6ie/eloieicle Belford, C. § Co. Nystrom, J: W. New treatise on steam engineering, physical properties of permanent gases, and of dif- ferent kinds of permanent gases. 8°. [’76. ]?37 $2.50. ehapAielere(elerclaeieiole Lippincott. — Steam engineering: physical properties of permanent gases and of different kinds of vapor. New ed. hh (oR EPWoosoac --- Putnam. Oahspe; new Bible in the words of Jehovih and his angel embassadors: sacred hist. of the dominions of the higher and lower heavens on the earth for | - McCarthy. | the past twenty-four thousand years. 4°. 782.*°78 SIs pe DOls eiere eiere« elciele) ere 6 elec fe calesele Wie) Oahspe. Oakey, Mrs. —. From attic to cellar; for young house- keepers. 2died. 62 “79:44 fie... Putnam. Oakey, Alex. F. Building a home. (Home books.) | Ve Or 784938) | flexn Cle GOGias a Appleton. — Home grounds. (Home books.) ill. 12°. 781.*4% ikebe, Olin (NG, cocaac 3000 C908 00900 Cogn ay Miaionuc Oakey, Emily S. At the foot of Parnassus. 12° EB Serres sailed le craree eietercina cin esis cere ere areata? Viver — Dialogues and MGS: 47,9878 Oakey, M. R. See Dewing, Is. T. W. Oakum, Jolin (pseud.) See Phillips, W. P. Oakum pickings. Phillips, W. P. $1.50. W. J. Johnston. (N. Y.) ( sonversations; designed for schools. | wee BANNES. | | Odd, or even? Oath-keeper of Forano. Wright, Mrs. J. McN. $1.50. | Am. S. Ss Oats, Sergeant (pseud.) See Vawter, J. B. ODE Ober, F: A., continued. — Silver city: story of adventure in Mexico. ill. 8°. BB.) pone SpilecD Owicicic: wrore os oc cree eee ore Lothrop. — Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans. maps. 8° 784.*654 subs.. $3.75; $4.25: leath., $4.75: hf. tky. MOK DOrDO c 5 s mievaliel eivaveke - Hstes. — Young folks’ hist. of Mexico. (Young folks’ hist.) map andill. 16°. °’83 (’82].*57) $1.50... Estes. Oberholtzer, Mis. Sa. Louisa. other wildbloom [poems]. PGGb0000 ° Come for arbutus, and por: 69" (82) (28.822 Bicvelsle ce @cietistt Nec eee Lippincott. Obliging a friend: farce. Reeve, W. See New York drama. O’Brien, Ctte. G. Light and shade: anovel. (Frank- lin"Sq: lib:)) 49° ~779:*38" " pap., 0c... Wanper: O’Brien, Dillon. Frank Blake. 12°. [’76.]?88 $1.50. Pion e€eT. O'Brien, Fitz-James. Poems and stories: coll. and ed., with sketch of the author by W: Winter. por. andill. 120. *8.*476 $9......-. Osgood. O’Brien, J: History of the mass and its ceremonies in the Eastern and Western Church. ill. 129°. Wessel SiO; care cc Sierecetereciciere el eieie Cath. Pub. O’Brine, D: The practical laboratory guide in chem- isthy., 82 (So sets Se bOne ee sce »+e-- Smythe. Occult world: ‘Sinnett- Ay Rs Silos. oe ccc - Colby. Ocean free-lance. See Russell, W. C. Ocean gardens and palaces. Dyer, S. $1.50..Am. Bapt. @cean' notes for ladies; Ws. Ke Re 35@.4-.. Putnam. Ocean to ocean. Grant,G: M. $1.75..2. Worthington. Damon, W: E. Catholicity in the Carolinas and Geor- Ocean wonders. O’Connell, J. J. MEO cs 6 sa Appleton. ~-2Q gia: leaves of its hist. A. p. 1820-78. 8°. ’79.387 Bye DU eccieicce aia oy oie ciel cielo eae re eiciayelaciel Sadlier. — Conferences on the Blessed Trinity. 12°. ’82.*58 net, $1.25 sie) aia) viejelel(e eo. sjelele.e)u)< ve al elovsiore Cath. Pub. O’Connor, J. D. History of Turkey: and geneal. of the existing Osmanli dynasty. col. maps and chant; 29% Terie 2oC yaa «0 M. Warren. O’Connor, Ja. Works of the deaf poet; with biog. sketch [by A. B. Douglas]. por. 8°. ’79.373 $1.50. Tibbals. Letters to his Eminence Cardinal McCloskey, Abp. of New York. 3ded., enl. sq. NEO, (Sot sees) maps, 2c Trbbals. O’Conor, C: Address. (Commemoration of the 100th anniv. of the adoption of the Constitution of the State of New York, April 20,1777.) 8° [?77.]78' O’Connor, Ja. A. pap:, DOC... <<. nce Beer ILanOUp i — Democracy: elaborate digest of the principles of democratic reform. (Sunnyside tracts.) por. GOle [CMa\ekes apse COCs reli) clare) felcfar aoe - Lane. Octagon; or, the old ferry. Berry, Is. M. E. 10c. Ogilvie. Octagon Club. He. Hs. Me b0Ci i. o0. .cni Putnam. Octavius (pseud.) The naughty man; or, Sir Thomas 3rown: love, courtship, and marriage in high life ; poetical satire. sq. 18°. [’78.]*°! pap., 25c. Fr. C. Bliss. Octoroon (The). See Maxwell, Is. M. E. Odd couple. Oliphant, Is. M. O. W. 10c...dlunro. Odd folks at home. See Matéaux, C. L. Odd moments of the Willoughby boys. E. 90e Hartley, Js. Wiebevelsreiaie 6 sels) s) 010 eeys evene Am. S. S. Whitney, Ams. A. D. T. $1.50. Houghton, O. § Co. Oddest of courtships. De Forest, J: W. 50c.- Appleton. Oddities in Southern life and character. Watterson, H: $1.50 avaielolelel es Houghton, M. § Co. | Oddments of Andean diplomacy, and other oddments. - sIper g SID Obs ei eisenr creer W. S. Bryan. Ober, F: A. Camps inthe Caribbees: the adventures | Helper, H. ee ee . ee of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. ill. 9°,| Odds and ends. Beers, H:A...--.Houghton, O. § Co. ISO) (ON ESAS sich. D Oki aictererereecrs «.-+--. Lee g S. | Ode of life. Morris, L: $1........... +.» roberts. 37. (Noy. 84.)O'DEA 290 OHIO O’Dea, Ja. J. Suicide: its philosophy, causes and Pal WANG Gs teehee Eilicoos caacdc Putnam. Odell,—. System of short-hand. (Taylor improved.) | 40, 780.484 pap., 25C.---+-s-eee ee eee oo -- Dick. | Odeneal, T. B. Reports. See Oregon, Sup. Court. Odenheimer, W: H: Sermons; with introductory mem. | ed. by his wife. por. 12°. 781. *499 $1.75... Dutton. | — (ed.) Songs of the spirit. New ed. 4° [’77.]?% $4; jap. leath., $6; mor., S8.--.--.- wees Lothrop. | Odette’s marriage. Delpit, A. Sl.--.------ Sumner. | Odgers, W: Blake. On the law of libel and slander. | Ist Am. ed., with notes by M. M. Bigelow. 8°. 339.024) slips, GU cc sec cio UAULle, 1B. 1G0.| | : ee O’Donnells of Glen cottage. Conyngham, D. P. 25c. | Sadlier. O’Donoghue, Ms Power. Miss Honor Bright. (Sea- sideilib:); 49: 783:822 pap:.; 20c....- < --- Munro. O’Donogue, Alfr. H. ‘Theology and mythology: in- quiry into the claims of Biblical inspiration, and the supernatural element in religion. 12°. (ear 1992 $1.50. Same. 12°. 82.*992 $1.. Somerby. O’Donovan, Edm. Merv: story of adventures and cap- tivity; epitomized from The Mery oasis. (Stand- ard lib.) 12°. ’64.*®9 $1; pap., 25c...-... Hunk. — The Merv oasis: travels and adventures east of the Caspian, 1879, ’80, 781; incl. five months’ resi- dence among the Tekkés of Merv. 2 v. por. and maps. 12°. 23 e008 ie alosaiclcrors\ecielacere Putnan. Odyssey. Sce Homer. C&dipus Tyrannus. See Sophocles. Oehme,I*. Gust. Therapeutics of diphtheritis : compi- lation and critical review of the Germ. and Am. homeeopathie literature. 8°. [’76.]?°° pap., 50c. Same. 2denl.ed. 8° [7’77.]?8° pap., 60c. Boericke & T. Oelher, Gustav F: Theology of the Old Testament: a rey. of the tr. in Clark’s Foreign theological lib., with add. of the 2d Germ. ed., introd. and notes by Gls Daye 82) (8554822) Sore. ec. « Funk. Oemler, A. Truck farming at the South: guide to the raising of vegetables for Northern markets. ill. WH, Vee CSG Os aopooGoooGd 0005 omUor Judd. Oesterreicher,—, and Erdl,—. Atlas of human anat- omy; cont. 180 pl., designs from nature ; text by J. A.Jeancon. 45 pts. f° ’80.4%4 ea., pap., 75c. A. HE. Wilde. Of high degree. See Gibbon, C: Of thorns, grapes? D., A. 10c....... woes Munro. O’Farrell, Michael Jos. Christian education: pastoral letter. 2ded. 8°. ’83.°% pap., 10c.. Benziger. Off on acomet. Verne, J. $1.50....Clazton, R. & H. Off; the rocks: ‘Hox, Miss Sle. sa. os Sumner. Off the Skelligs. See Ingelow, J. Off to the wilds. Fenn, G:M. $1.75.......Cvowell. Offenbach, Jacques. Offenbach in America: notes of a| travelling musician ; with biog. pref. by A. Wolff. | 12°. ligiterren coe Splice DO niches were elec ce Oaleton. | Office of the Holy week, according to the Roman wis- | sal, breviary and pontifical, in Latin and Eng. | 240, Wiehe (OO Career ere ciara eres) Benziger. | O’Flanagan, J. Roderick. Irish bar; anecdotes, bon- | mots and biog. sketches of the bench and bar of Ireland. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. [’78.]6 pap., UbYO5 665 RONDO OG 61016 «ee wie lalelcts Clee ele) ele alee e llarper. — Munster circuit: tales, trials and traditions. (Frank- | lin Sq. lib.) 4° *79:+418 pap., loc... . Harper. | Ogden, H: Dr. Barringford’s school; or, the long holi- | any, IG, BY Silo sano gGu0000 up ac Putnam. | Ogden, J: Science of education; or, philosophy of hu- man culture. 12°, ’80.477 $1.17.. Van Antwerp. Ogden, W. A. (ed.) Joy bells for the Sunday-school. : 12°. US IRA! BOs cocu00000¢ -- WW. W. Whitney. — New joy bells for the Sunday-school. 12°. ’82.553 BNO. 000% Reece secre W. W. Whitney. Ogilvie, J. S. Life and death of Ja. A. Garfield, from the towpath to the White House; with account of his assassination; hist. of C: J. Guiteau. por. and il, 120 28-815 “S150: Same: (eeople’s lib:) AO; | Si e490) nap ZO Crater <6 > oleic) « --. Ogilvie. | — (ed.) Album writer’s friend: choice sel. of poetry and prose, suitable for writing in autograph albums, valentines, etc. 16°. [’81.]48! 30c.; pap., V5 Gs oe cis wieceo Ciooe cere sie el cdeisieloreisi ec eieanievare Ogilvie. — American temperance speaker, no. 1: coll. of dia- logues, prose and poetry. 12°. ’79.%°° 60c.; pap., ZDCNe cleie ec slisioie clelen evel er= cio e- eierisl ec oeroe? Am. Temp. — Ninety-nine choice readings and recitations. 7 nos. 12°. [782-’83. ]®44-940 ea.,50c.; pap., 25¢. Same. 7 nos. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81—’83.590°599 ea., pap., 10c. Same. 7 nos. (Sunday lib.) 4°. 280 42 (ea. DADE, LOC icine s cecccie oc: Ogilvie. — One thousand popular quotations; with selections suitable for autograph albums. 12°. [’84. ]®47 BOGE PaPss ZOCree © ciclcveeleicleaivies jsteieeie)eie Ogilvie. Ogilvie, J: Imperial dictionary of the Eng. language. New ed., augmented; ed. by C: Annandale; ill. by eng. printed in the text. 4yv. 4° [/’83.]*5°? BOP WE: TUSs spo Ose c ec esis acicve ».+- Century Co. Ogilvies. Craik, M7vs. D. M. 10c.....- ----. Munro. Ogla Moga. Lloyd, D: D. See Stories by American authors. Ogle, Annie. [‘‘ Ashford Owen.”] Her second love. Sq. 1169: (783.1620 $1; pap., 50c...... Peterson. Oh, my uncle. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., VOCr cic .6 eiels! oielais lel sleleye) 51-16 eieieleieysielersis Roorbach. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Knox, Wis SBD cierevaters) stesesei alee icles ere eieicie sfo1s «16 Lee § S. O’Halloran, S. History of Ireland. ill. 8° [’79.] CF38 cali LINO nocaocosescac ...--R. Worthington. O’Hanlon, Alice. A costly heritage: anovel. (Frank- lin Sq. lib.) 4° 7’81.*49% pap., 20c.... Harper. — Horace McLean: story of a search in a strange place. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.*484 pap., 15c.. Harper. — No proof: anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 782.5% DAP es 2OCE cicisiswic'e © cle 0's) 01) 6 eiejeicie «icicle oe eie Harper. — Robert Reid, cotton-spinner: anovel. (Franklin Sq. libs) 4o:, 2838005" naps, 20C. cece ee ..- Harper. O’Hart, J: Irish pedigrees; or, the origin and stem of the Irish nation: 169° (777.78! net, $3... Prlot. Ohio, General Assembly. Civil code; with index, by G: Bo Okey. 8°: %78:55* hf. shp:, $1.50); pap... Clarke. — Criminal code, with forms and precedents for indict- ments, informations, and affidavits ; forms for writs, docket, and journal entries, and digest of deci- sions, by M. F. Wilson. 8°. [’78.]#!® shp., net, $5. Clarke. — General and local laws and joint resolutions, 62d General Assembly, 1st session, 1876; adjourned session, 1877. 63d, 1st session, 1878; adjourned session, 1879. 64th, Ist session, 1880; adjourned session, 1881. 65th, Ist session, 1882; adjourned session, 1883. 8 v. 8°. 76-83. ea., hf.shp.,$2.50. Brand ; State. — Journal entries under the codes of civil, probate and criminal procedure. 2ded., enl., by E: N. Wild. Son 285.084 Sh pve Meuse eyelets oar -.-- Clarke. — Law of municipal corporations, with forms and notes, by H. D. Peck. 2d ed., enl. and rewritten. 8°. eB S119 ish pn etaugso) sleek cre Selec: Clarke. — Laws rel. to guardians and trustees, their appoint- ment, powers and duties. Rev. ed. 8° 782.569 PADS COCR ie cre wicins oc Srerele ere sal (olereie o>. Stebert. — Powers and duties of county commissioners, and the incidental duties of probate judges, prosecuting attorneys, auditors, etec., with forms, ete., by J. C. Wells. 8°. 783.86 shp., net, $3.50.. Clarke. — Practice and precedents in the probate courts in civil and criminal proceedings, with forms, notes of decisions, and practical suggestions, by J. A. Gil- MOnes) 1827 Sd ess sh psi cin eer Clarke.— re OLD Ohio, continued. Old Colony Historical Soe. Collections: papers read — Revised laws; with suppl. cont. all general laws of before the Society during the years 1878, 1879 and general character and app. of ref. to all the sec- | 1880. 8°. ’79—80.*994)*474 ea. pap., 25c... Hack. ons of > rev. statutes ec in Sw: © Critch- } X ; tions of the re tatutes cont. in Swan & Critch-| O14 Contrairy. Jnean. Mrs. E. 0c: ....:- ...- Munro. field and Swan & Sayler; [also] full annotations ee als : : eee : : ~ | Old country (The): its scenery and associations ; of v. 35-38, Ohio state reports; ed. and ann. by | aX ) s scenery and associations. pts. | O. W. Aldrich. 8°. ’83.8 shp., $3.50. 1-10"; (chromo -liths, ill) 40s 77.9 *288 eas nap:: AO CSc ercicleye sie aiciciec Societe cio onc ----o UM. War Bowman. | x : ‘ : M Ward. — Revised statutes and other acts; ed. and ann. by M. | Old court-house. Carter, A.G. W. $2.50. A. Daugherty [and others}. 2drey.ed. 2yv. 8° P: G@. Thomson. we eczsse3e Shpse mets oleic mere aforeralce fds We Derby. | Old Creole days. See Cable, G: W. — Supplement to revised statutes, with miscellaneous | Old Crummels: his tale; ill. by D. Wheeler. sq. 8°. acts in force Jan. 1, 1884, by J. M. Williams. 8°. | PHO WE NE Gococa scd00g 9000000 og DMM, 84. $4...... zs syeroiere etcler=: ici ee ioie .H. W. Derby. | Old curiosity shop. See Dickens, C: — Supreme Court. ports, 1831-1834; taken f ay. . > upreme Court. Kkeport : 1831-1834; taken from | Old David’s lassie. Gretchen (pseud.) 60c... Carter. original minutes by J: C. Wright. 2d ed., anno- : ae: E pee S tated. 8°. 784.63 shp., net ar a es Ginnie | Old Drury Lane. Stirling, E: 2v. $6. - Scribner & W. — — Same. v. 26-38 (’75-’83), by E. L. De Witt. 13] Old faith and the new. Strauss, D: F. $1.50. We 00h A= Gorrceres eae. Slips Sos00: Truth Seeker. Banks ; Clarke; H. W. Derby. | Old faiths in new light. Smyth, N. $1.50. — — Digest of decisions, v. 24-36 inclusive, [1875- Seribner’s Sons. 1881], by A. H. McVey. v.3. Supplement. go, | Old farmer’s almanack; established in 1793 by R. B. POONER ee oe ..-+« Ingham. | Thomas. [Annual.] 12° ’80.*5 pap., 10c. . } r —-— Supplement to Ohio digest, v. 25-29 inclusive, | ae Ware. [1875-1878], by C. Bates. roy. 8°. °78.323 hf, | Old farmgate. Geikie, E.C. 50c......... Routledge. Slips. NEts sp2- 00ers secre <0 steer eeeeee Clarke. | Old-fashioned fairy tales; the original Munroe and — — Same, 1875-1882, by C. Bates. vy. 3. 8° 783.5% Francis ed. New ed. ill. sq. 16°. ’82.°4 $1.50. SNPs MCh Occ cise wr cieiciee « Sie) eieveisicreieie OLLIE: Roberts. — — Supreme Court practice; cont. the law, decisions, | Old-fashioned Mother Goose melodies, complete with forms [ete.], by A. Green. 8° ([/77.]%! shp., magic colored pictures. (Star ser.) 6 bks. sq. net; po. Same: 2d ede 8% 78 ‘gshp:, net. 120% 27 9*208" (ea. pap., 2Zoc.; onan Ll ve Silb0! Oi cvasile ore 6 Siete sc sis ae ele tere eiateielar ieererete LUG GIES || Carleton. Ohio Poland-China record; pub. by the Ohio Poland- | Old Folly and its inhabitants. Denison, Mis. M. A. China Record Assoc. ill. 8°. ’80.*432 $3. | DL ADicvcccececisesisisiccc:sececesseco AM. Dapt. P: G. Thomson. | Old forts taken. Miner, A. A. 50c. ...- Universalist. Ohl, J. F. (comp.) The Christ-child: service of song| Old French chateau near Toulouse. 8°. [’79.]*398 for the festival of Christmas. [With music.] 12°. DADs; BOC ce sees cage cosees ne ces ..... Loring. i Besse Naps WlOCs sie sere ereleyeiet ei eletnieve aiealeeLS HOUSES 5 : L SP eee 4 Old friends and new. Jewett, S.O. $1.25. a Ohnet, G: Master of the forges; from the French by Houghton, O. § Co. il J.Y.P. (Seaside lib.) 4% (['84.]°* pap., 20c.| Old Grimes. Jackson, A.R. 25c......--.... Dexter. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [’84.]§# a Old Grips. See Aim high series. DADes OCS reise vce wie cleislcin oi sivine os scjele «ies 1011907;0+ “ ae — Serge Panine; fromthe French by R. Russell. (Sea- | Old guard: drama. See New York drama. side libs)! 40: | {830082 paps, LOC. cme cd Vunro.| Old house altered. Mason, G: C. $2.50.... Putnam. Oinos: Wield’ iy. Ty Sil sec secs. ..-+ Phillips § H.| Old Humphrey (psewd.) See Mogridge, G: Ojibbeway Joe. Llewellynn, H: 10c......De Witt. | Old Humphrey stories. Mogridge, G: $2.50.. Lothrop. O’Kane, Ja. Notes on the rubrics of the Roman ritual, | Old Ike’s memories. McClelland, M.G. 25c._ . regarding the sacraments; with app. on penance West, J. & Co. and matrimony. Newed. 8° [’78.]*48 $2.50. | Old judge. Haliburton, T: C. 20c...--...---1 Wunro. O’ Shea. | Old Kensington. Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. 20c.....Munro. ae : Lives OH pu enone neice ad poencs Old Lady Mary. See Oliphant, Jfs. M. O. W. f lea. 8°. 780.24" $3.50) ¢ S4...Sheehy. : ; ; r ; S : sien 2 Use ae lone tee"Y- | Old Lieutenant and his son. See Macleod, N. O’Kane, T. C. Jasper and gold: coll. of song gems Ola lehinouse. | Walt ie OK. 106 Ogilvi for Sunday schools, social meetings,.ete. obl. 8°. SOUS: GON AE US Brea a [°77.]274 bds., 35c..............- Mitchcock § W. | Old log house. Blake, T. C. 75c....... Cumberland. O’Keeffe, J: Wild oats: comedy. See New York | Old looking-glass. Charlesworth, M. L. $1..Carter. drama. Old love is the best. See La Rame, L. de. Withered Okey, G:B. Civil code. See Ohio, General Assembly. leaf. Olander, Edm. New method of graphic statics applied | Old love letters. Richardson, Mrs. A.S. $1.25.. Osgood. in the construction of wrought-iron girders. pl. | Old love or the new. Whyte, V. 20c...-....Munro. £0. 780.499 B10 «ee ee eee eee cence ee eee Spon. | Old Mamselle’s secret. John, E. 10c......--» Munro. Old age of Monsieur Lecog. Du Boisgobey, F. 2 pts. | Old man’s love. See Trollope, A. ON Z0C: UR ene oe eee oe ee aes Munro. | O14 Mark Langston. Johnston, R:M. $1...Harper. Old and new friends. Oliver, M. $1.50.....Zothrop. Old Martin Boscawen’s jest. Rodney, Mrs. M. R. L. Old and New London. See Thornbury, W., and Wal- BOG be oe Reece ie cer DP LeLOl. ford, KH. Old Maryland manors. Johnson, J: 30c. Old arm-chair series. 6v. ill. 8°. [’83.]®% ea., bds., Johns Hopkins Umv. DO Cer cietareyelel slole raters) clela teers e cecccerers se. Cassell. | Old Merry (pseud.) See Hodder, E. Cont. : Stories told inthe old arm-chair. — Among the snow- eee . : ; = 3 12). so g 0 SO ep a ae 90 3991937 ~. 50c flakes. — Wee baby stories. — Christmas bells, and other stories. Old m’sieur’s secret: anovel. 12° °82. pap., 50c. — Daisy Bright-eyes. — The cat’s nursery. Carleton. Old) Bristol; Ne, lo, Me Sl-b0). er... -1- -Am. Bapt. Old Mortality. See Scott, Sir W. Old caravan days. Catherwood, M. H. $1.25. Old Myddelton’s money. Hay, M. C. 20c....Munro. ; Lothrop. | Old Noll. Robinson, PF: W: 20c....«-.... ... Munro. Old Christmas. Irving, W. 20c........+ Macmillan. | Old oak chest. Jumes, G:P. R. 20c..-+---- . Munro. Old Church. Hughes, T: $1.75 .......-Macmillan. | Old oaken bucket. Woodworth, S: $1.60 . . Lothrop.fe tt : Wes alt fees |! eh NE Old, oldstory. Hankey, Miss. 50c.; 25c... Randolph. Old patroon. Maitland, J. A. $1....------ Peterson. Old portmanteau. Hamilton, K. W. $1 .. Presb. Bd. Old probabilities. Shaw, H:W. $1.50...-. Carleton. Old proverbs with new pictures by L. Lawson. Ma-| téaux, C. L. GS ED Oinierer cle sceks Cassell, P., G. & Co. Old régime. See Jackson, Lady C. C. Old Shekarry (pseud.) See Leveson, H: A. Old slip warehouse. Denison, Mrs.M.A. 60c.. Harper. Old Stunfield house. Guernsey, L.E. $1.25..Am.S.S. Old swimmin’-hole, and “leven more poems. Riley, J. WV Ce ck oie eel siele helen oe eles cle cclelceyeicle = Htte. Old tales retold. Larned; A. $2.......-WNelson & P. Old tavern. - Chellis, M. D. J0c......... Vat. Temp. Old Tiger Eye. Montague, C. 10c....-..-.- De Witt. Old-time child-life. Rollins, ds. E. H. $1.25. Lippincott. Old times in the colonies. Coffin, C:C. $3.. Harper. Old woman who lived in a shoe. Douglas, A. M. Sil Olena s ciclo) Ar siereieiehe cine wie clereve ln « s\e/eKer= Lee & S. Oldberg, Oscar. Metric prescription-book: aid in metric prescription writing. 12°, ’81.*°° $1.50. Blakiston. — Unofficial pharmacopeia: useful suppl. to the phar- macopeeia of U. S. 12°. ’81.4°° hf. mor., $3.50. Blakaston. Oldboy, Oliver (pseud.) George Bailey: tale of N. Y. mercantile life. 69; 78Orks Ol coe. Harper. Oldbury, Keary, A. 20c......-5..--..-.--- Munso- Oldenberg, Hermann. Buddha: his life, his doctrine, his order: tr. by W: Hoey. 829. “83.852 $7. Scribner & W. Oldport days. Higginson, T: W. $1.50....Lee gS. Oldroyd, Osborn H. (ed.) The Lincoln memorial- album immortelles; contributions from the hands and hearts of eminent Americans and Europeans; introd. by M. Simpson; sketch of Lincoln’s life by I: N. Arnold; extracts from the speeches and recollected sayings of Lincoln, chronologically arr. from 1832 until his death. por. andill. 8°. (2382.5 subs., $3.75; shp., $5......-.- Carleton. Oleay Wmnaults ie: 10Cie sc se eo wo ele elet Vunro. Oliphant, Laurence. Altiora Peto: anovel. (Frank- lin Sq. lib.) 4°, 1So.74 pap., 20c. Same: Duodecimo ed.) - pap., 20c. ...-...... Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.6? pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.6? pap., 20c. Same. @easide libs; Pocket, ed.) 12°! %83284' pan., Z) Ortenelietovelsjisiclo wi ais) siaiclele ] ciciale efs) clei eisi o> Munvyvo. — Lady Huckleberry enlarges on her husband’s follies : continuation of The tender recollections of Irene Macgillicuddy. 32°. ’78.°8° pap., 25c.. Carleton. — Land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon. maps and ill, 80% 7S Kee Oe ee oie Appleton. — Piccadilly: fragment of contemporary biog. 16°. 0 die teenies DUD wow 2D. Cores clei ia o/are wierayaic oiele ts Harper. — Tender recollections of Irene Macgillicuddy. (Half- hour ser.) 982° -(778.]97) pap., ldc... Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’78. pap., 10c.. Munro. Oliphant, Ms. Marg.O. W. Beleaguered city: story of the seen and unseen. 12°. 780.429 $1.75. — Macmillan. — Same; [also] The awakening; by Mrs. K. S. Mac- quoid. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10c.. Munvo. — Brownlows: a novel. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’82.5%? pap. > 20c. Riche Toialer cis oi ieoicielele ere isieos sjsu cece eel Munro. — Carita : a novel. (Lib. of sel. novels.) ill. 8°. (AEs leone PAP DUC Hees seine cei Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.4°9 pap., 20c... Junro. — Cervantes. (For. classics for Eng. readers.) 16°. [’81.]*475 1 — Dante. (For. classics for Eng. readers.) 16°. 777. Wlaana pooac preteens trees eee eseee- Lupprncott. Senate SVolelpletel see 6 cv: --+-- Lippincott. | 992 OLIPHANT Oliphant, Ms. Marg. O. W., continued. — Dress: (Art at home'ser:) ill. 12°: 279.4977 flex , $i. Porter § C. — Earthbound. (Seaside lib.) 4° 780. pap., 10c. Munro. — For love and life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’?79. pap., 20c. Munro. — Fugitives: a story. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’79,*412 pap., VO GNee cee ace) cielo icveneleie <) oieie cree Harper. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.' pap., 10c. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10c...AMunzo. — Greatest heiress in England: a novel. (Franklin Sq: dibs) 40. SO sRat paps, clioCaa. er Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 780. pap., 20c.. Munro. — Harry Joscelyn: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 409. Ol eee pap. 20c: voce ew ce sees vee. Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’81. pap., 20c... Munro. — He that will not when he may. Newed. 16°. 783.69 Oe cu aeaCou a ei a ei Ghel cin ie ie a Scae oie Uovele ue wcieiaine Macmillan. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’80.*484 pap., 15c. Ila Vper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) .4°. 780.4% pap., 20c.. Munzo. — Heart and cross. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10e. Munro. — Hester: a story of contemporary life. 12°. ’83.66 SSiliven oleh ovomaycl citialoteiiets cle ieleieie cir) s/n cleric one Macmallan. — Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’84.9?7 pap., 20c. Harper. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’84.5% pap., 20c. . Munro. — In trust: the story of a lady and her lover. (Seaside libe)y 495) 7S Fo Ap 2OC. crereres ore ele sore Munro. — It was a lover and his lass: a novel. (Franklin Sq. libs) ac. 83.812 paps. 20 Ce meee occa Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°°7 pap., 20c... Munro. — Katie Stewart. (Seaside libs) 49. 2 iii. pap., 10c. Munro. — [jadies Lindores: anovel. 16°. ’83.59° $1. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° 783.59! pap., 20c. Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° pap., 20c...J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.9%? pap., 20c.. Munro. — Lady Jane: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 782.547 pap., LO Creiivete ce ein sir etoile cee nue ovareia eee rele Harper. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.54 pap., 10c. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°4° pap., 10c..Munzo. — Lady’s walk. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.894 pap., 10c. Munro. Seaside lib.) 4°. 784.6 pap., 20c. Munro. — Literary hist. of Englandin the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. 3v. 12°. ’82.*54 Mio dCO 0000 00 “a 50DEdt COOD O0dUun DOUG OK Macmillan. —— Wittle pilerinmy: 169 782.°82 750. 2... 0... Roberts. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.8!! pap., 10c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib., Pocketed.) 42°. ’83.°4 pap., — Laird of Norlaw. ( \ NOC ereceisieiciere se ee cholo erelelerslrare sisrole ooee- Munro. — Same; [also] The black poodle, by F. A. Guthrie. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.989 pap., 10c.... 4 Wunro. |— Madonna Mary. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c. Munro. — Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city; with por. of Savonarola and ill. by Prof. Delamotte. 8°. [’77.]7®° $8. Same. 3d ed. AOE OW eee RO) aiaae ce ee aco ee Macmillan. |— May: anovel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 81.474 pap., 20c. Munro. — Minister’s wife. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 49. 783.596 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) NOS |PLIPS jeje, eles con caccagccuds! VWunro. — Miss Marjoribanks: anovel. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. AM) GIGS Ibn ANG, cap coc50a ga0ccc ou! Wunvro. — Mrs. Arthur. (ib. of sel. novels.) 8% [/’7/7. ]?8° PAP=s, DOC ice eiavers cisiels oes ore cies «ne -.-- Harper. — No. 2 Grove Road: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 28. Me ss DADs NO Cnc crs sora sicierels eee Munro. — Oddcouple. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’78. pap.,10c... Munro.OLIPHANT 293 ON Oliphant, Mrs. Marg. O. W., continued. — Old Lady Mary: story of the seen and the unseen. Go, HE filers, Aha are Roberts. Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. [’84.]843 pap., 10c. J: W. Lovell. — Orphans. (People’s lib.) 4% 782.548 pap., 10c. : Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’80. pap., 10c...Munro. Pheebe, junior: last chronicle of Carlingford. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. [’76.]?4? pap., 50c... Harper. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 80. pap., 20c...MJunvo. Primrose path: chapter in the annals of the kingdom of Fife. (Lib. of sel. novels). 8°. [’78.]32 Nb, WYO o559 606n GuG050 Goon eiekera yaa e Harper. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4° ’78. pap., 20c..Munro. — Queen (The). (Franklin Sq. lib.) ill. 49°. ’80.*442 DED en LOC eee lle) fclelescieie ciel clea erat oie Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 780. pap., 10c.. Munro. — Rose in June. (Seaside lib.) 4° 783.58 pap., LO Gieterere «cafe eh avelelsye aielarels clleleleieicialelc oicistere Munro. — Salem chapel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.598 pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 724 635 Paps 5; COGS = cies, sinicieres wee sie ae) ecicis Munro. — Sheridan. (Eng. men of letters.) 12° Boe 7Tde. Ole las) \9 =) Ula ae) ae 2 ee ae: ew/e.8 ss eave 6 0c e eae Harper. — Sir Tom: anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’83.%603 DUD ss) LO CS orci eie alee tnliei eae ne vele mie aie ete aisreterate Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 783.81! pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °83.8! pap., 20 Munro. Son of the soil. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.6%° pap., Mu N70. | Squire Arden. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’79. pap., 20c. Munro. Story of Valentine and his brother. (Seaside lib.) AOn 270) D&D sis 2OGE einisie 1c oid eyerwim aisle sin)0 Munro. — Whiteladies. (Leis. mom. ser.) 16°. pap., 30c. Holt. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 782.9% pap., 20c. Munro. Within the precinets: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) TOs paps. VOC: 12°. AK TAS) EI yy. IGYe, Goou odo 006 - Wizard’s son: a novel. 784 646 Sy, . Macmillan. — Same. (Franklin Sq.'lib.) 4°. ’84.6% pap. 25c. llarper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. 784.6! pap., 20ce. J: W. Lovell. — Young Musgrave. (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. [’78.]"4 PAp., LOC. 6 20 cece cons ene voce wens vee llarper. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4° ’78. pap., 20c.. Munro. — (ed.) Foreign classics for Eng. readers. 17 v. 16°. (Sa. | Bese es eA SM cersrac cis cies ale Lippincott. Cont.: Dante, by Mrs. Oliphant. — Voltaire, by E: B. Ham- ley. — Pascal, by J: Tulloch. — Goethe, by A. Hayward. — Petrarch, by H. Reeve. — Montaigne, by W: L. Collins. — Moliére, by Mrs. Oliphant and F. Tarver. — Rabelais, by W. Besant. — Cervantes, by Mrs. Oliphant. — Calderon, by E. J. Hasell. St. Sinfon, by C. W. Collins. — Corneille and Racine, by H. M. Trollope. — Madame de Sévigné, by Mrs. A. I. Ritchie. — La Fontaine, ete., by W: L. Collins. — Schiller, by J. Sime. Tasso, by E. J. Hasell. — Rousseau, by H: G. Graham. Moliére. 79, *373 — and Tarver, F. readers.) 169. Olive. Craik, Ifs.D.M. Olive Blake’s good work. (For. classics for Eng. SIoaoooaKs Lippincott. NOs odooonos 0000 col Wunro. Jeaffreson, J: C. 20c. Munro. Olive library. 40 v. 16°. ’81. in case, net, $25. Carter. Cont.: Aimee. — Alick Baillee. — Ashcliffe Hall. — Aunt Mildred’s legacy. — Battles worth fighting. — Bending willow. — Brightside. — Christie’s organ, ete. — Claude, the colporteur. — Coulyng Castle. — Cripple of Antioch. — Curate’s home. — Floss Silverthorn. — Had you been. — Highland parish. — Isoult Barry, Life studies. — Martyrs of Spain. — Odd one. — Our Fatherin Heaven. — Peep behind the scenes. — Post of honor. — The reef. — Rhoda’s corner.— Rockbourne. —School and home. — y of Martin Luther. — Tales and sketches. — ‘Vales from Alsace. — ‘l'ales from English history. — ‘Tales of Sweden. — ‘Tales of travellers. — ‘lwo yocations. — Wandering over Bible lands. — Wars of the Huguenots. — Was I right? — Weaver boy. — Well in the desert. — Woodcutter and exiles. — The Wycliffites. 20c. | Harper. | | Olive tree. Young, E. H. 40c.....-..Un. Presb. Bd. | Olive Varcoe. Notley, Jhs. F. BE. M. 20c.... dino. Oliver, B:L. Conveyancing. 4th ed., aS i1LEE09 Shipss 4-0 Olelere/e cineie sie) ie Wieieicis ee (leis ere eye Dresser. Oliver, Mrs. Grace A. Study of Maria Edgeworth, with notices of her father and friends. por. and Ue 12e8 $2.25.. seveee Williams. Oliver, J: E:, and others. Treatise on trigonometry. Sb Coie Shaan wee Wiley. Old and new friends; or, the story of enl. 80°. 82. *Ob5 sees Oliver, Marie. Ruby’s daughters. ill. 12°. ([?81.]*477 $1.50. | Lothrop. — Seba’s discipline. 12° [783.]*58 $1.50..Zothrop. | Oliver Twist. See Dickens, C: | Oliver’s oath. Doudney, Ms. S. $1...... »» Nelson. | Olive’s story. See Walton, Ifrs. O. F. | Olivia Raleigh. See Synge, W: W. F. Ollier, Edm. History of the Russo-Turkish war. 2 v. Ill. 895, [7799821804 eas 4: Cassell, PG. &Co: — and Chester, Jos. L. History ofthe U.S. 3v. 89. (BT 7ePee ss ene. GL50e eee Cassell, P., G. § Co. Olmsted, Denison, and Snell, E. S. natural philosophy: text-book. 3d rev. ed., by R. G. Kimball. ill. 8°. [’82.]*? $3.12.. Collins. Olney, E: Practical arithmetic for intermediate, gram- Introduction to mar and common schools. (Two-book ser.) 12°. ORS) DS DSC. ol uicieele eo) sicieislivic ole «10 OLELAONS Olsen, Neils (comp.) American yacht-list for 1882. Obl. .24°. 782.*°46 flex. el., coleiple oble 249; 2 col. pl. for 1883. $2.50. 83 596 Same, | flex. cl., $3. | Olsen. | Olssen, W: W. Personality ; human and divine. 16°. G2 eos) | OCS csielere weieicierleicyers (eon ciersss Whittaker. O’Mahony, chief of the Commeraghs. Conyngham, Ds Sle DOR ce clers ekelsieicialeie wie lelelnie) sieeve SS LOLULET: | Omar Khayy4m. Rabayat; rendered into Eng. verse. NOX |[erGolJPY Milosoasascoce 2 -+«+-«++ Osgood. O’Meara, Barry E: Napoleon in exile; or, a voice from St. Helena: opinions and reflections of Na- poleon; (New -edi= 2) ve por, W230, y7gy%sel Bede Nhs Glo. co) waters ei eieleieres smictes ILA Letom. O’Meara, Kathleen. [‘‘Grace Ramsay.”] Frederick Ozanam: his life and writings. 12°. [/78.]38 STEED Oe efoto rieicinicta eieyetoe 1s (coe ----+- Cath. Pub. — One of God’s heroines: biog. sketch of Mother Mary Kelly, foundress of the Convent of Mercy, Wex- ford. [aSee22) SOCK. o..- Cath. Pub. — Pearl. ieee - Cath. Pub. On Hall, S. 40c «ie Otts, Yao Co. | On Korbes, J; Hi. (5c.; $25. .iCassell, On a pincushion. De Morgan, M. $1.50 Dutton. On a raft and through the desert. Ellis, T. J. 2 v. $20. Scribner & W. 10c. ..- Ogilvie. oe oue: 8°. GOOd0 a candlestick. Hall, S. 40c..... a coral reef. On her wedding-morn. Clay, B. M. On holy ground. Hodder, E. $1.50...... Whittaker. On London bridge. Wright, Ws. J. MeN. 40c. __ Nat. Temp. GO [RS iey eo” eS. : Am. Bapt. borderland. Keyser, H. A. «Putnam. Field, H: M. $2.... edge of the storm. Roberts, M. edge of winter. Markham, R: $1.50 .. Dodd. Aunt Ella (pseud.) Dutton. plains. Dartt, M. $1; 50c....Claxton, R. § H. Rhine and other sketches of European travel. $3 ..Lupprncott. On ill. the border-land. On On On On On On On the the the the the the the Murphy, Lady B., and others. the road to riches. Maher, W: H. On the threshold. Munger, T.T. $1..//oughton, M. § Co. On the Shirley, P. $1.00 ...-. Bancroft. On the wave, and other poems. Conklin, B. Mab: Scribner’s Sons. $1.25.. Holt. desert. lawn. DOCH secs On $1.50.. Waggoner. verge. Am. News.RETA Bier | Wag Hh a Pht Pi} t i Te hap by tae hia ih Pe Tae 1A ANTS Bap i ip) tee) ot tht ae vi bite CA ti r | We are ae Ae eee tf bine \ ( A ae ie a a | i sentence TUE tr te mie wrSRSR NAR ON 294 OREGON On the way home; by the author of Through the winter. | Onkel Karl. Doerflinger, C: $1.50; $2..Doerflinger. ill. 120. [782.]7° $1-50..----.--.- Am.8S.S.| Only a cat. See Paull, Mis. H: H. B. On the wing. Blake, M. EB. $1 --------+--: Lee § S.| Only aclod. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. 20c...... Munro. On viol and flute. Gosse, E. W. $1.75 ..-.--- -Holt.| Only a cousin. Shaw, C. $1.25....--...---. Carter. Once. Hageman, S.M. $1.---..-.--. W. B. Smith. | Only adog. Brown, M. 20c....+-+++---+--- Ogilvie. Once and forever. Grant, M. M. $1.50; $1. Carleton. | Only a dog; by the author of Hetty’s resolve. 12°. Once upon atime. Brown, I $1.25; 75c.. Lothrop. [’76.]?° $1.50...-- Sie 6 eciele aie clelel clele wieie LDULLLO I. 7. E Once uponatime. Craigie, M. E. $1..--.-. Putnam. | Only a flirtation: comedietta. Hervey, A. See New York drama. Only agirl. Jones, C. A. $1.25...4.§J. B. Young. | : f ~ One among many. Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. $1. Cupples. One-and-twenty. Robinson, F:W: 20c. ..- Munro. One-eyed Saul. Robinson, J. H. 10c...-- Ogilvie. | Only a love story. Hardy, Lady I. D. 20c... Munro. One false, both fair. See Harwood, J: B. | Only arosebud. Findlay, C. $1.25-.-..-+-- - Carter. One happy winter. Robbins, Mrs. S.S. $1.25. | Only a tramp. Oxeanda Kescud) O0C. +--+. UOT Lockwood, B. & Co.| Only atramp. Stebbing, G. $1.......-. - Whrttaker. One houraweek. Miller, Mrs. J. A. 75c..-Am. Tr.| Only a woman. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. 20c... Munro. One hour’s reading. Tegg, W: $1.50. Scribner, W. § A. | Only an incident. Litchfield, G. D. 75c.... Putnam. 119 Great Porter square. Farjeon, B. L. 20c..Munro.| Only Mattie Garland. Comfort, L. R. 20c..- Munro. One hundred years ago. ill. 4° ’81.*°!" pap., 25¢. | Only me, an autobiography; by the author of Up to [R. Worthington. | fiftecns, tlle 12°. [7Ga|2 Ble ... Nelson. One little Indian. Maitland, R. 2dc....... Authors’. Only sister. See Witt, Mme. H. de. One May day. See Grant, M. M. Only temper. Newby, dfs. C. J. 10c.-----+1 Wunro. One must marry. Wilhelma, A. 1l5c...-... Roorbach. Only the burden of others. See Farjeon, B. L. Bread- One night in a medical college: Ethiop. sketch. Du- and-cheese and kisses. OE Cac ay pesca uke Only way out. Willing, Ms. J. F. $1.50... Lothrop. One one covey by te Soa Fee a ou uw PY |lOnti-Ora. Toland, Mrs. M. B. M. ~d. A. 1 2S ae Ov. |r : : E. & J. B. Young. Ontology. Day, H: N. $1.75 .....-...... Putnam. $2.50. Lippincott. One of Cleopatra’s nights. Gautier, T. $1.75. Onward. Helffenstein, J. 50c.; 25c...... «Am. Tr. Rk. Worthington. | Onward to the heights of life. L., F. M. $1.25. One of God’s heroines. ©O’Meara, K. 380c.-. Cath. Pub. Lothrop. One of many. 16°. ’79.*** tied with ribbon, pap., 75c. | Oort, H. [and others]. The Bible for learners, from Paul. the Dutch, by P. H. Wicksteed. v. 1,2. 129. One of the family. Payn, J. 20c. ........... Munro. [BAB ioe Car RO ceinieleln @ sleieiei el ein eeieioine Roberts. — Same. v. 3: Thenarratives of the New Testament; prepared by D. I. Hooykass. Auth. tr. maps. UDO A FOy RAIN ROU Dig cies uss cieteusrpiever wie ele Roberts. One of the thirty pieces. Bishop, W: H: See Stories | by American authors. One ofthem. Lever, C: 2pts. ea., 20c....., VWunro. d ; : Oosterzee, J. J. van. Practical theology; manual, tr. One of three. See Fothergill, J. a S and adpt. to the use of Eng. readers by M. J. ralici lnvd wary . Q2 Nn zs ‘ x So SEC z is se A i = One religion. Wordsworth, J: $3.50....... Dutton. Evans. 8°. [°79.]*371 $8.50. . Scrtbner’s Sons. ms av “i > r OQ K ss a = os ’ One summer. Howard, B. W. $3.50....... Osgood. | Open sesame. Lean, Mis. F. 25¢. .eeeeaeeees Estes. One summer month. See Fleming, Js. M. A. Three Open verdict. Maxwell, Jfs. M. E. _35c.... Harper. cousins. : : = | Opening of a chestnut burr. Roe, E: P. 25c...Dodd. | Opening plain paths. Henry, IMs. M. H. $1.25. Am. Tr. peration in money. Webster, A. See Stories by One summer night. See Reade, C: Clouds and sun- shine. One syllable book. Brown, E. E. 50c...... Lothrop. | oO One syllable books. 5. ill. sq. 12°. °79. $2.50. | American authors. Routledge. Oppenheim, J. Personal immortality, and other pa- __ Cont. : Robinson Crusoe. — Swiss family Robinson. — Evyen- ers WPS PRY SDlogod 5606 6c --- Somerby. Reman ee Poets aislory of therobine, | Oppert, Ernest. A forbidden land: voyages to the 1861 vs. 1882. Watkins, S: R. $1.25: 75c. | Corea; with account of its geog., hist., produc- [S: R. Watkins.] tions and commercial capabilities, ete. charts LOST Hartshorne. i: 20C cece hei. - - Claxton. | and ill. 8°. 780.*8° $3..++ ese. +-- Putnam. 1794: tale of the Terror. Héricault, C: D. d@’. 20c. | Optic, Oliver (pseud.) See Adams, W: T. Munro. | Orange blossoms, fresh and faded. Arthur, T. S One too many: farce. Ryan, D. L. See New York | $1.50..... teens ooh eielelejiatere\(e woe vee Porter & C. drama. | Orange lily. Crommelin, M. 10c. ......... Harper. raar « ¢ ror 2 T oh OR 7 “oO . ys Ao = A 6 One year abroad. Howard, B. W - $1.25 ...Osgood.| Ord, G: F. Life of Alex. Wilson. 8°. Qs) GB One year at St. Margaret’s; or, Grace Dabney’s experi- Porter § C. Ment, 120% 2808573 ere ces sic -- Whittaker. | Ordronaux, J: Commentaries on lunacy laws ot New Oneida (pseud.) See Dugan, J. O'Neill, F. W., and Williams, H. L. (eds.) American farmer’s hand-book; with tables of weights and York, and on judicial aspects of insanity at com- measures by an association of practical agricult- | Parsons. mon law and in equity, incl. procedure, as ex- pounded in Eng. and U. S. 8°. ’78.%8 shp., $5. urists. New ed., with add. ill. 8°, °’80.*434 Oregon, Legislative Assembly. Laws, resolutions and 2 5 7 ‘ > a 5 ¢ _19 Sweat 7R_1AR6 - SUN coun ne in ane ..+..R. Worthington. Bt rey RTE ee nee eee O'Neill, T. Warren. Refutation of Darwinism, and|_ Su ee Cm Re Gta owen 10. ieee g go. the converse theory of development; based ex- | : ater 640 oe ie eae ae ee = Se VW, Ne oes clusively upon Darwin’s facts. 120, *g¢). 420 | ete. ea., shp., $5.75.. Bancroft; Warte § B. 29 50. . ; Brot Cont. : v. 6-8 (’76-’80), by C. B. Bellinger. — vy. 9, 10 (’80-"82 : 5 ¥ 00 CC a er et eee scene Lippincott. | by qB Odeneal. » VY 5 ( ) nesimus: “Abbott, WH. A. SBil60......... : : i Onesie neni 0 ; -- Koberts. leer — Digest of reports and statutes, 1852-1883, by C. : enillet (OF 100k cae... siete yererercterserer Wunro. de Curtiss 89 283 20 oc cence eee cele ---- State.O’REILLY 295 OSMUN O'Reilly, A. i Alvira; or, the heroine of Vesuvius; romantic sensation of the 17th century, founded on facts recorded in the acts of canonization of St. Francis of Jerome. 120°. 077.380 S1.: C 3 Sy crelovers eieve jaiejeie ele) viajeiaieic) oe) ele) o/s ete) ciere ee O’Reilly, Bern: ‘rds Heroic women of the Bible and the Church, [isi Sle b0 ae. oeeees Lords. — Leo x11. and his probable policy. por. 16°. (78. 12) DiPs5 2OC™ cleieiere cic ciel = ele aieifsiaisic) ele s winters Collier. — Life of Pius 1x. dow. n to the Episcopal jubilee of OMe sce Mille Olle mtecicc ocr © i Collier. — True men as we need them. " 80, ers oes7 $2.50; | Pili poles cine 6 eioleteie ereleielnla cievereiciete cic Collier. — Two brides: atale. 12°. 79.382 $1.50.. Carleton. O’Reilly, J: Boyle. Moondyne: story from the under- world: 3d ed: 12°, °79.*4094 $1.50. Same. INew- ed’ 162, “2837805 Sy). ...... eis eve lee Roberts. — Songs, legends, and ballads. 16°. 78.355 $1.50. LI lot. — Statues in the block, and other poems. 16°. 781. *482 | Sl Biejujsejaie'siele (ele lale: biu s\ eles) e)e)le/nilevolee elle cl eiorc Roberts. O’Reilly, Myles. Lives of the Irish martyrs and con- fessors; with add. incl. hist. of the penal laws by R: Brennan. 6°. [7’78.]*48 gilt, $3.75..Shechy. O’Rell, Max (pseud.) John Bull and his island; tr. irom) the) “Wrench: b20s 784 (783). *522) pap. 50c. @) 0018) (ea) © ele eliuleie!n «weiss ace lcicsete Scribner ’s Sons. — Same. (Lovell’slib.) 12°. *84.5 pap., 25c. > W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 784.6%! pap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [’84.]®? pap., IMM oon donasdgono00 nO OOGoOOKOKC Sdodcod VWunro. Orel C. V. Durch’s Heilige Land: Tagebuch-blitter. Aufl. ill. and map of Palestine. 129. [’81. ]466 | ae DO eeicre wc etoceie acne cin ea eels crores clas ie 4m. Tr. Orient sunbeams. Cox, S:S. $2.........- Putnam. | Oriental records. Rule, W:HT. $2.......... Miley Oriental religions and their relation to universal relig- jon. Johnson, 8: $5....-.......-+-+ Osgood. Origin of nations. See Rawlinson, G: Origin of the world. Dawson, J: W. $2....Harper. Original album verses. Dick, W:B. 75c.;50c.. Dick. Original Chatterbox album of animals. ill. roy. 8°. (SOS Ue Dye Dd see spills Dicteys setae sete cereia i Estes. Original Chatterbox picture gallery: ill. roy. 8°. [’80. ] ol. 7: poe oar Sees Se tes. Original Chatterbox stories. p19. ] nds $1.. Hstes. Original etchings, by Am. artists; [with ae by S. R. Koehler]. pl. f 783.5 $20; (id. de luxe, limited to 200'copies), $125 «3... ...6-. Cassell. Original Robinson Crusoe. Adams, H. C. 75c. Routledge. Originality. Nason, E. 50c..... HOOD A0000E Lothrop. Orion: poem. Horne, R:H, $1-50-..-..... Roberts. Orion, and other poems. Roberts, C:G. D. $1. Lippincott. Orleanian (pseud.) See Wharton, G:F. Orley Farm. ‘Trollope, A. 2pts. ea., 20c... Munro. Ormsby, Rob. McK. Darwin; or, God in nature. ZO ede sQe LOC. [tGalcas DC. cleeretere . Masonic. Ormulum (The), with the notes and glossary of R. M. | | Osler, W: Pathological report for year ending May 1, Wiltites eds by Re Holt. Bly, 120) 279878) var Macmillan. Orne, Caro. F. Morning songs of American freedom. NG [PCG Re Gl esac oanc00 noodccor Williams Orphan of Alsace: tale of the crusades. 18°. [’78. ]°*8 GO Cr an cterers ever once crecceceeeee- Kelly, P. § Co. Orphans. See Oliphant, Jfs. M. O. W. Orred, Meta. Honor’s worth; or, the cost of a vow. (Branklin Sq. dibs) 4°: 478.889 paps, Toc. Harper. — Long time ago. (Lib. ofsel.novels.) 8°. [’76.]?5° DUPs; OOCEwcnre «016 ) baaSe ae Pe cane —s SSS ree ee ee PO Ac geb se eed SR ve OUTWITTED Our girls’ Nerina library. Sv. ill. 16°. ['83.]88 ea., On village. Sce “Mitford, M. M. a : , Yee Rin A £0C. eens rene eee eee cece e eee eens Cassell. | Qur wedding gifts. Douglas, A. M. $1...., Authors’. Cont. : Algy’s lesson. — Flora Selw yn, or, how to behave. — aXe 5 ARIS Na ee r. 2 ’ Granny's spectacles, and what she saw tHrough them. — Little Our winter Eden. Cazneau, Mrs. W: L. 30c.. Authors’. red shoes, and other tales. — The hop garden. Our young folks abroad. McCabe, J. D. $2.25: $1.75 Our girls’ own stories. Uncle John (pseud.) $1. . c Lippincott. {m. News. | QUY young folks at home: illustrated prose stories by . . . Loe ce we. a Sat antiehe — » [221 7>*d11 Our gold mine. Chaplin, Mis. A.C. $1.25... Corthell. aeeeat Ca ee and artists. sq. 8%. | a : : < e 3% S ms »¢ SILC D OO erete revere) ciclo ole occas ai=alistmtabarais vothron. Our heiress. McCarty, W.P. 25c. .... West. J. & Qo. O ; f ‘ Mri MeCal 1] Lothrop ayes Q 1 7 a ur young folks in Africa. McCabe, J. D. $2.50: $1.75 Our home physician. Beard, G: M. $6 ...... Treat. : Ses a, a ve . : : = ae BS sipprncott. Our homes. Chellis, M. D. $1.50.......2 Nat. Temp. | Our young folks’ Plutarch. Kaufman, R. $3. Our homes. Hartshorne, H: 50c.:; 30c...Blakiston. Lippincott. Our homes, and how to make them healthy. Murphy, Ours: comedy. Robertson, T: W: See New York SoS ESD Sacer ee eee eee oc ae Cassell. drama. Our Indian cousin. See Dickens, C: Chimes. Out-door papers. Higginson, T: W. $1.50.. Lee § S. Our lifesdaye saphiny Ae | Slane Carter. | Out doors at Long Look. Abbott, E: $1.25. ae a : loyes, S. & C Our little folks’ picture album. ill. 4°. EUS ESM ED, : s ee Noyes, S. § Co. Ais Nowe Outinthe storm. Shaw, C. 50c.......:.... Carter. Our little ones. Blackall, ©. R. 75c...... Am. Bapt. | Out in the streets. See Cook, S. N. Our little onesin Heaven. Simonds, W: 75c.. Ward & D. Out-of-door friends. Potter, F. S. 75c.. Pott, Y. 5 Co. Our little ones in Paradise. Cutler, S:........4m.7). | Out of his reckoning. See Lean, Mrs. F. Our little Sunbeam’s picture book. Garrett, Jos. B.S. | Out of sight. Patterson, Mrs. J. L. $1.. Universalist. L Spill creieiel elowicin cys cle sievelols (ee ielcisisinis “cieie te Routledge. | Out of the cage. Owen, G:W. $1.50...... Carleton. Our Mabel. Mason, Mrs. E. R. $1.. Cushing, 7. § Co. | Out of the depths. Baker, Ifs. H. N. W. $1.25. Our marriage vow. Irish, W: N. 75c..... Whittaker. I. Bradley. ¢ =] a 5 Bri : + 5 . sees Our merchant marine. Hill, C: S. 50c..... Appleton. Cut OE theidepths. McBride, Har. Mee : DEY Our merchant marine. Wells, D: A. $1... Putnam. | OU of ae ac bene : err ee a oman’s life. ae : ; ser. 2. lee BDiliayofoteisis Clearer ee eterson. Our mutual friend. See Dickens, C: ; er : a, eae : . = OQutofthe fold) Wore. Sao Siac... a. -Am. Tr. Our national centennial jubilee. Saunders, F: $3.50: 5 : j Sea Ss a 4 m,. Out of the mouth of the lion. Leslie, BE. $1.25 PAU S6Ga 7 noGann coos cogduec cone cose ae Treat. I. Bradley. Our nationalities. Bonwick, J. $2..... Scribner § W. | Out of the question. Howells, W:D. $1.25.. Osgood. Cus ne ey round the world. Coffin, \C: C: 1.50); Out of the shadow. eae J.B. $l.... Lippincott. NOOs ewrcloiatcis cieletcicie seveieeiesicls ¢ Lovell, Ad., W. & Co Qutrotthe way. Noble An Ws Sil see. oe tm. Tr. Out of the way. Taylor, o L. $1.25... § J. B. Young. Out of the wilderness. Chaplin, Is. J. D. $1.25. Ward & D. by Harr igan and Hart, G. Williams, and T. Pastor. Out of the world. Hsop, G: W. (pseud.) 50e. 16°. [? CO e32 DAD es ZO Ci ererciers ciciers vece De Witt. | The World. Our own country [England], descriptive, niet . and pic- | Out of the world. Ritchie, Is. A. I. 10c. .. Munro. torial. 6yv. ill. demy 4°. °79~’83.4°° ae » 33. | Out of town. See Doctor’s patient. Cassell, P. Jf Co. : . : . He -Ot- aces. I SDC De Gr il Our parks to be or not to be; bya eee 12°, Cut-of townplack Mitchell DAG ee g od x c Scribner's Sons. WS ieee DADs LOCH ereieeie cic 16 cole : Bre ‘ . ae Die lee beds ke : ‘ et A TLELON Orton tiie pampas. Henty, G.A. $1.50.. Pott, ¥. § Co. Our patent case: layman’s report, from the com] ylain- Our old country towns. Rimmer, A. $4.. Scribner & W. Our old home. See Hawthorne, N. Our own boys’ songster: cont. the best sones as sung ; ° . | Out West. oe Wii es lle DOR 33 ese cies Lee & &. ant’s stand-point, of the suit of the S aeneeille | R See P 1 : J Manufacturing Co. vs. the Standwell Manufaetur- | Omer Cee: A. A. Reports. See Pennsylvania, Su- Ingo. 120 283,621 pap., 20c...... Putnam. preme Court. : T. Taerl s Y. t Qur Rerottiess Shelton, ke Oc .. 62. 5. Authors’, | Qutermost rim and beyond. Van Norden, a oe f vandolph. un Ret; Wyman. Me Be Sil ace -e eercee vothr = . Our Bet Ty B | Lothrop. Outlaw brothers, Frank and Jesse James: lives and 5 TAIRA - 7 : ar AC STP OO Ths Sn 2 . . Cus picturejseries; 4, il. squcr. 8% [7 ol Cals adventures of the scourges of the plains. ill. 8°. OO Catal efeveroretetetelarary sietele esier Cassell, P., G. § Co. (S25 628" paps, 2bc.~-10- sifeietece.c oi cite cts siste Fox. Cont; Simple rhymes for happy times. — Tuneful lays for | Qytlines for little ones to color. Pym, B. Lf. $1: 50e merry days. — Cheerful songs for young folks. — Pretty poems 2 2p ie) ag 5 >, . for little people. art ae Dutton. . Outlines for little painters. Miles, H. J. A. 50c. oe A : RTT 9 27 , : Our professor. (Acting drama.) 12% [ 9.) pap., | eRe voung: MD Ce eielcreiateaieleie oc clere cc cie se sicice ac cic sie ce Roorbach. : Aedes ; ~ : : : : Outlines of Pernille belief among the Indo-E uuropean Our professor. See Linton, Mrs. EB. L. races. MKeary, C: F. $2.50... Scribner’s Sons. Ourriver. Leslie, G: D. $10.... ‘ Sertbner § | Outlines of sermons on the miracles and parables of Our Romeo, and other stories for ee young, sel. oa the Old Testament, original and sel. by a London (he prattler. ill. sm. 4°. 79.497 bds., 50c. | clergyman. 12° [7’78.]%3 $2..... Whittaker. Lippincott. | Outlines of sermons on the Old Testament. (The Our Sabbath evenings. Hopkins, A. A. $1.25. . Lothrop. clerical lib.) 129. ’83.*575 $1.50... Armstrong. Our saints. Porter, R. $1.25............kandolph. Outlines of sermons to children; with anecdotes. (The Our set. See Thomas, A. clerical lib.) 8°. ’84 [’83].*®!® $1.50. - Armstrong. Our smoking husbands. Fowler, H. P. 10c.. Authors’. Outre-mer. See Longfellow, H: W. Our street. Clark, As. S. R. G. $1.50.... Lothrop. | Outside the gate. 12° [(/°78.]8%) $1.25...Presb. Bd. Our theological century. Hurst, J: F. 75c... Randolph. | Outside the walls Payne, Mfrs. A. M. M. $1.50. Our trip to Blunderland. Jambon, J. $3.25. | ne a Carter. Scribner, W. & A. | Outstretched hands. Williamson, A. 35c. Our Utopia; its rise and fall: an esthetic comedietta in | LE. § J. B. Young. twoyactss 160° 2825538 napy. lbcacasn Roorbach. | Outwitted at last. Gardner, S. A. $1.50.. Carleton. 38. (Noy. 84.)OVER 298 PAINE Over seas; or, here, there and everywhere, by popu- Pacchiarotto. 3rowning, R. $1.50........ Osgood. lar authors. iil. 12°. [’81.]*#4 $1--Lothrop. | Pacha of many tales. Marryat, F: 10c.....-- Munro. Over the border. Chase, E. B. $1.50..----- Osgood. | Pacific tourist. See Williams, H: T. Over the Rocky Mountains. Kingston, W: H. G. 50c.| Pack-mule and packing. Farrow, E: S. $1; 50c. E Cassell, P., G. § Co. | Metropolitan. Over the sea with the sailor. See Besant, W., and| Packard, Alpheus Spring, yr. Our common insects. Rice, J. New ed. ill. 12° [777.]8% $1.50..... Hstes. Over the seas and faraway. lLushington, C. $1. — Zoblogy. (Am. sci. ser., briefer course.) 12°. 783. ; Dutton. IRAQ) ccc iets cele cielo oc icles icles eleiere » LLOLL- Over the summer sea. Harrison, J., and Compton, | Packard, Ctte. M. Helen Grey: what she sought and VE 20 Cree ces creas aire iminrele wcceeed: W. Lovell. | whatshe found. ill. 16% ([779.]*5 80c: Over the way. Moore, Mrs. H. J. $1.--- Nat. Temp. | Am. Tr. , Sey Oy ; . F. (ed.) Chautauqua lectures. (Sunday oO me. 6. = < - Holt. raz 7264 1 OE y 1 , Scag res [’77. Ble DU) iio wieieie c[einieie reine «ieee om Carleton. Page, C. E. Horses: their feed and their feet; manual Owen Gwynne’s great work. Noel, LadyA. 10e. of horse hygiene; [also] Treatise and notes on Munro. shoeing, by Sir G: Cox and M. C. Wells. ill. Owen’s hobby. See Burleigh, E. 12°) [83-128 foes: paps, b0c. (7. Fowler & W. Owens, J: Algernon. Sword and pen; ventures and | — How we fed the baby to make her healthy and adventures of Willard Glazier. ill. 12°. ’80.479| happy; with health hints. 12°. [’81.]*°™° 7c. ; We Octo crverererelai sesie sje eicieiecie el yet croreisiare Ziegler. | Pap-, OVC. seers ee ee secre rete eee Fowler § W. ; J * ‘re agp < 1 , stinati I< Xo Oxenden, Ashton. Counsels to the confirmed; or, now | — Natural cure of consumption, constipation, sright 8 meg 732! al disease, neuralgia, rheumatism, colds, fevers z > ? is the time to serve Christ. 32°. [’78.]°**’ flex., | B05 00 0000C so0D000U0ND Rereeie aie eioele ere Randolph. | — Thoughts for Lent. 16° [77.]°°° 75c.-..Duiton. | ete. ; how sickness originates, and how to prevent it: health manual for the people. 12°. ’83.*996 z 4 : illncrevereveieke Sielelcre Scie cis sie Siecle elciciciee MOWLEIIOY We Oxenham, E. B. What is the truth as to everlasting | P WA as Weary AH punishment ? reply to Dr. Pusey. 12°. 7S ii90) | eee (pseud. ) REE CAE) os ae ‘ GTS Ve cise seme ale cies eislovclel eres ..... Dutton. | Page, Herb. W. Injuries of the spine and spinal cord . OOF without apparent mechanical lesion, and nervous Oxford sermons. Abbott, E. A. $2.25..Macmillan. it] De) ; = : mS u shock, in their surgical and medico-legal aspects. | | Oxley. Bright, M. $1l.-..-----.-.+----- Ward & D. | UB © PY Good Code ae Stelereieie siete Blakiston. Oxygen: a Mt. Desert pastoral. Grant, R. 50c... Sever. | Page, J: R. History, symptoms, diagnosis and treat- Oyster epicure: collation of authorities on the gas- | ment of glanders and farcy in horses. 8° [?77. ]?68 | tronomy and dietetics of the oyster. 16°. | PAP., 25C.- oe eee ce rece cece oes West, J. & Co. 222 7%613 ‘ 200 hite& S . a ; ‘i [’83. |] pap. 80C..-+--- Sete oe Si White § S. | Page of the Duke of Savoy. Dumas, A. 10c.. Munro. : : | Page, squire and knight. Adams, W: H. D. $1.75. P.,G. W. American or standard whist. 12°. ’80.**°| alae ; : ities Spe sje sce peasy g Osea S oacaie yas Osgood. | Pageant, and other poems. Rossetti, C.G. $1.25. P.,J. Good manners: hints about behavior. (Chau- Roberts Ee Ns 3 290 229 631 ; : | : a tauqua text-bks.) 32°. 83. Ey 1 HT |eaees from an old volume of life. -Holmes, O. W. WLLUpS g LT. Gh OF aiereterss cieiclalc eich a eieicie cre eieienld OL OILLOMs I OO P.,M. More thankin: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. oe ese : oa S 89.596 nap., 20c inno Pagliardini, T. Le petit grammairien; or, first steps 32. AD LOCsetsein sais pieleeere Beciee : 3 : RpeNeieY ts i : : : ei to French reading. 16°. [’76.]745 75c. . Barnes. P.,M.E. John Holbrook’s lessons. ill. 12°. [’80.]*46 | eee 8 ae i AD On Roe ee close weelce sc sonoo leap ite 8 | Pahlavi texts. See Miller, FP: M. Sacred books of Pabke, Ms. A. One hundred recipes for dishes both | the Kast. wholesome and palatable. 12° 83.*577 pap., | Paige, A: C. Reports. See New York, State, Court of DiC aeeteerore yelled eio Bre cele eeVSLEDDUNS: Chancery. Pabke, Marie, and Pitman, Mrs. Marie J. (eds.) | Paige, Lucius R. History of Cambridge, Mass., 1630- W onder-world stories from the Chinese, French, | US (82. (Mee 6 cece. --+-+- Houghton. Germ., Hebrew, Hindoostanee, Hungarian, Irish, a History of Hardwick, Mass. ; with geneal. register. Italian, Japanese, Russian, Swedish and Turkish. 8°, 783.984 G5 we cee ec eeee Houghton, M. & Co. BON [Miaiiehl ed sp Dintarcte) ore siete cle opaielele Putnam. | Paine, E., 77. Reports. See United States, Circuit Pabor, W: E. Colorado as an agricultural state: its and District Courts. farms, fields, and garden lands. ill. 12°. ’83| Paine, Ht. KE. Bird-songs of New England. 8°. 289.546 QE %572 Dr re = yi [S23] Seater TE 5 Oyereetetete crore er -teletoloteinicreiel= ie Judd. | TDCe sie) foeiclojoestere recy: airslewieermnme) WAUanes.eae ne ae ae PAINE 299 PAPACY Paine, Rob. Treat, 77. Immediate preparation and | Palliser’s useful details. v. 1. pl. 20 X 26 in. ’83.*631 early resumption: open letter respectfully ad- dressed to the President of the U. S. 8°. [’76.]?°> DADs) OCS arerctctete cleo) mis: create vc ele, «ei Williams. Paine, IT: Works; withlife of Paine. por. 8°. ’83. $3; leath., $4; mor. gilt, $4.50 .. Truth Seeker. — Complete political works. 12°. ’80.423 $1.50. Belford, C. & Co. — Same; incl. Common-sense, The crisis, and Rights of man, ete. 12°. ’83. $1.50 ... Truth Seeker. | — Complete theological works; with biog. sketch by C. Blanchard. 12°. ’80.4?° $1.50.. Belford, C. § Co. — Same; incl. Age of reason, ete., with life of Paine. | por. 12°. . 83. $1.50; pap., $1 ..Lruth Seeker. -— Age of reason: an investigation of true and fabu- lous theology. 12°. ’83. 50c.; pap., 25c. Truth Seeker — Same; [also] Examination of the prophecies. 12°. oe MOCes| DADs, AOC ciate wiais ao) 3 6) Truth Seeker. | — Common-sense. 12°. ’83. pap., lic.- Truth Seeker. — Crisis. 12°. 7°83. 75c.; pap., 40c... Truth Seeker. — Rights of man: an answer to Burke’s attack on the | French revolution. 12°. ’83. 75c.; pap., 40c. Truth Seeker. Painter's apprentice: Ethiop. farce. Dumont, F. J5e. De Witt. Pair of blue eyes. Hardy, T: 20c....... ---- Munro. Palace beautiful. Newton, W: W. $1.25.... Carter. Palaceofisone: Root, G: i (oChs.sss. 1 Church. Palace of the king. Randolph, A. D. F. 75c. Randolph. Palace-prison (A); or, the past and the present. GO: (SA OSS O cre wicca sn «cision cas . Fords. Paladin and Saracen. Calthrop, H.C. H. $1.75. Macmillan. Paladin of finance. See Jenkins, E: Paley, W: Hore Pauline; with introd. by W: Binnie. WO De OCs wie eke clare: sisi sicieiei(6 staloieiey Gye era Velson. Palfrey, Fs. Winthrop. Antietamand Fredericksburg. (Campaigns of the civil war.) maps. 12°. JRE OLE SON eyeyere: serene) cere e) oie ore Scribner’s Sons. — Memoirs of William Francis Bartlett. por. 16°. iBei eee Billo sere cle arc erarcrorels Houghton, O. § Co. Palfrey, J: Gorham. Compendious hist. of New Eng- Tame Aiavics 20% 2S Coo eS Oieyaerelete -kalete Osgood. Palfrey, Sa. H. [‘°E. Foxton.”] The chapel and other poems. sq. 16°. 780.4 $1.25.. Putnam. Palgrave, Fs. Turner (ed.) Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the Eng. language; sel. and arr. with notes. Newissue. ill. 16°. [’?77.]3!° $1.25. (Red-line ed.) $3 -.Lothrop. — Same; with continuation, sel. from the works of recent and living Eng. poets; ed. by J: F. Kirk. WS (82: 64, [eS83ize-" 13:50" mor. on tree Ch, Pp Gieferareiioley (eleveieisie) .-- Munro. — Married beneath him. (Seaside lib.) 4° 779. pap. LOC. .- 22 0.ces ve ec nec ces ceccee seen Munvo. — One of the family. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 20c. Munro. — Thicker than water: a novel. 16°. ’83.*6°7 $1. Same. (Franklin oa lib’) 40.) «Cos ncne apape BWOs,000000¢ isola cteievlere loll euros) cicie) sn eerare eee — Same. (Lovell’s lib. 16°. pap-, 20e. :W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°!' ps Why aon Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 78 33,024 pap., ZO Cricineitere cicisie rel oe cisicie =iaiele Ayala cei ce cieiesle DINLIUNO. | Payn, Ja., continued. — Two delicate cases. (People’s lib.) 4°. 781.5? pap., KO, oaacea Sie Sino se eis wicis Sen ee ---- Ogilvie. — Under one aeoit Pepicode in a family history: a novel. Care Sa: LDS) 4s asc nape: LD Cis star ecio ai avenetelciciclelieicicic cn eiarc menos Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) ill. 40, "79. pap., 20c.. Munro. — What he cost her. u ib: onsel; novels: So [P77 8° PAPsy L0G cicicin vc eiccie sl sc cians ooeeee Harper Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’77. pap., 10c...J/unzo. — Woman’s vengeance. (Seaside eD 4°, ’83. pap., DOC esis cleidiee eck scenes 50000 0000 - Munro. Payne, A. G. [‘‘ Phillis Browne.”] C hots arenes at small cost. 2ded. 24°. ’83. flex. cl., $1.25 Cassell. — Common sense papers on cooking.’ fep. 8°. [’77. ]?%8 Aon scocaono0D dood ecveces Casse il, Lee G. § Co. — Field friends and forest foes: descriptions of do- mestic and wild animals. ill. cer. 4°. ee Ne GOLOK wereeeeeees Cassell, P., G. & Co. — What girls can AGE book for mothers and nts hters. NO FEO CPG) aooodec Cassell, P., G. § Co. — Year’s cookery: anes for breakfast, faneneon and dinner for every day in the year. 2d ed. 120°. 28 Nass. SO ereeie crarcreciee crore Cassell, P.,G. § Co. Payne, Ms. Annie M. M. Outside the walls. 12°. 2B F481 BGO wee ewes ssee cece ces »oee- Carter. | Payne, C. H. Guides and guards to character-build- Ing. 120 7B Siete SID Ol crate cree = Phillips & H. Payne, E. J. History of European colonies. maps. W803) [Sees SeDO) cree ice Macmillan. — Same. See Cotton, J. S., and Payne, E. J. Payne, J: Howard. Home, sweet home; designs by B: Humphrey. sy: 129: 781 [180j]/-*784 Sil50: Same. sq. 12°. ’83 [’82].°° Golden floral style, OUD is tevcieisie elelele wis leiaveiens Ri oietaisesioiele socees Lee S NS. Payne, Jos. Lectures on the science and art of edu- cation. 16° ‘84.540 Si. pap., 50c.... Kellogg. Payne, W: H. Outlines of educational doctrine. 8°. ASPEEO | Teehe, (HGS ob0cq00 000s d0nacd Humphrey. | — Syllabus of a course of lectures on the science and art of teaching. 89 «79.*8*7 pap., 35c. Tumphrey. —(ed.) Short hist. of education; ed. with introd., bibliography, notes and ref. (School bul. pub. ) DAK 28 i188) HO Gis cicicisieie sie ole Scleie ie cle DOM CLeen Paynter, Ma. Moncure. Caleb, the irrepressible. (Hammock ser.) 12° 783.*595 $1 ... Sumner Payson, iH: Doctor Lom. 12°. iiieipes oe Dresser; Lee & S. Payson, G. S. (ed.) All for Christ: sketch of the life and labors of Rev. C: H. Payson. 12°. Titel eau, ale Occ Bees noe cre Am. Tr. | Peabody, And. P. Conny Conversation; its faults and its graces. Newed. ill. 24°. ’82.*533 50c. Lee & S. | Peabody, Eliz. Palmer. Reminiscences of W: Ellery Channines Deby 60. 2805s8so Sor. Roberts. —and Mann, Ma. After kindergarten, what? primer of reading and writing. 8pts. 12° [’78.]%4> Ddst 4G eerie seme eecicr 50006 000000 Steiger. — — Guide to the kindergarten and intermediate class ; [also] Moral culture of infancy, with music for the plays. Rev. ed. 12% [77.]8% $1.25. Sterger. | Peabody, G: L. (ed.) Supplement to Ziemssen’s Cy- clopedia of the practice of medicine. 8°. 781.488 $6; leath., $75 hf. mor, $8..... dad000d - Wood. Peabody, Selim H. Cecil’s books of natural history. U1 Os OES SUD) veri- OLA ALOIs Le 1G) LL — (comp.) American. patriotism: speeches, letters and other papers which illustrate the foundation, de- velopment, and preservation of the U.S. 162. 1S On AABOI 15 Cn retavcleroioletey aiereraveretel ele) everet Am. Bk. Exe. | Peace: the quiet hour. 48°. [’83.]*°?! 35c.. Randolph. | Peace parliament. See Quilibet (pseud.) ee Op oe shueeigtenees oat iPEACE Peace pelican. Gath, BY 100) eeiste a cielo ~ Carleton. Peacemaker aaa Leavitt, S: 25c...S: Leavitt. Peacock, R. £ Motive-power in volcanoes and earth- peaes: yi akat importance of electricity : suppl. 299 596 to 2d ed. of Saturated steam. 8° 783.°°° | Di aie (vohosel aici sofas sis) aie Ai uisiovere o/s cierekel vlejelerere Spon. ANNO, cooo0e i — What is, and what is not the cause of activity in | earthquakes and voleanoes? 8°. [?77.]?8!_ pap. peace Sereiadelol sislielisieietalste(6.<1ece Spon. Peacock, T: Brower. The signe of ; the border war hist. ae of Kansas-Missouri guerilla war be- fore and during the late rebellion. 12°. 780.4 SBD ietciets cleo) ol aieteloie mis oreienere mialiclelo aie -. Carleton. Peak in Darien. Cobbe, F. P. $1.50......---- Ellis. Pearce, S. Austen. Columbia College Chapel music. | ei7|RA pap.» 0c: Poti, ¥: § Co. History of India. (Ser. of school (eg 76.]7°> $1l....--.- Putnam. pt. 1: f and 82. Pearce, W. G. hist.) ills 169. Peard, Fes. Ma. Castle and town. IOs 282 eae ea CIE DD) srorciel 6 oleie'e ae . weeeee Lippincott. | — Same. (Seaside lib. ) ‘40, 825888 | pap., 20c... Munro. — Mother Molly. (Seaside Ib.) A0F 78 )Ree2 pap:, NO Ceieres siete cio eicre) ove eloie/elersielr eve 30 OGO0 oO 000k Munro. — Same. (Transatlantic novels.) ill. 16°. ’80.*47 $1.25; pap., 60c. Same. (Hudson lib.) 4°. 783, 605 pap., 20c...-- Einieva cclevsi aisle sicfeiers Putnam. — Rose-garden. Newed. 12°. 783. $1.50... Roberts. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.5°% pap., 20c... Munro. — Thorpe Regis. New ed. 12°. 83. $1.50... Roberts. — Unawares: story of an old French town. New ed. WOO 283s lOO eicicic cis win oie) eee @ cle sie aiciele Roberts. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 82.53! pap., 10c.. Munro. — Winter story. (Town and country ser.) 16°. [’77.]?” Snilesterelsicl alesis eco «el sioinie) © sicieieit pin efaleleetelera Roberts. Pearl. O’Meara, K. $1.50..-.........-- «Cath. Pub. Francillon, R. E. 10c...Munro. De Doss, B. A. Sl: 75c: Pearl and Emerald. Pearl among the virtues. Murphy. | Pearl fountain. Kavanagh, B. and J. $3.50; $1.50. Holt. Pearl of Lima. Verne,J. 10c......... stele ce! VWunro. Pearl series. Baker, M7s. H. N. W. 12 ¥v. $4.80. Ward § D. Pearla. Pearls from the casket. See Edwards, M. B Alacoque, M. M. 75dc. Benziger. Pearls from the East. Newton, R: $1.25..Am.S. S. Pearls of prayer. 16°. 780.454 40c........ Benziger. Pearls of the faith. Arnold, E. $1........ - Roberts. Pearls of thought. Ballou, M. M. $1.25. Houghton, M. & Co. Pearls of wisdom. Jones, P. B. 50c... Kansas City Bk Pearly portals. Hakes, D.S. 35c....G@. D. Russell. Pearse, J: B. ern) sto; thespresent time: all. N20) (ii. eeen Olea s alerciere 0000000 CORGDO G000 000K Allen, L. & S. Pearse, M: Guy. Daniel Quorm. 2dser. 12°. [’79. ROM ee ek ot ous bees Phillips § H. — John Tregenoweth: his mark. ill. sq. 16°. [°77.]8? 60c.; pap., 30c..... Siler clolote leis sae Velson § P. — Mister Hoes and his friends; or, givers and giving. ie Oe (eVOr eee Slee «es ce Nelson & P. — Same. (Standardser.) 4°. ’80.*4%4 pap., 15c. Punk. Pearson, C: H. English hist. in the 14th century. (Hist. handbks.) 16°. [’77.]?® $1.25.. Putnam. Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg and the ant ou punuing. 3d ed. ill. 12°. (780.]*429 $1.25.... Lothrop. Pearson, J: J. Decisions of Hon. J: J. Beacon Judge of 12th judicial district, counties of Dauphin and Lebanon (Pa.), rep. by his son W: Pearson. 2v. V.1: 1850-60. 8°. ’79.3°7 shp., $6.. Welsh. pap., | Concise hist. of the iron manufacture of the Am. colonies up to the Revolution, and of| 304 PEEP aeercryn, ron , and others. History of fie Schenectady patent in the Dutch and Eng. times; contrib. toward a hist. of the Lower Mohawk Valley; ed. by J. W. MacMurray. por., pl. and maps. | 4°, 783.588 $5. (ed. limited to 300 copies.) Munsell. | Pearson, S: Week-day living: book for young men and womens 12° 782404" SIN50%. cc cc . Dutton. Peaslee, J:B. Trees and tree-planting; a exercises and directions for the celebration of Arbor Day; pref. by W. Higley. 8°. *84.*842 pap. | Ohio St. For. |— (ed.) Graded selections for memorizing. sq. 16°. | [°80.] *498 BOC! sciiecie ccc lee vices VAN ANLWenp: | Pebbles from the brook. Newton, R: $1.25.. Carter Pebbles pom the path of a pilgrim. Hastings, H. B. CWP coonag oobeodUr wales (cle! Seleiaiels) stale LT SLUGS: | Pebbles, pearls and gems of the Orient. Mills, C: D. B. Sie Overmieia) cre sie Si cievete were aoc - Ellis. Pebody, C: E ee souen alia aiid hen men at have made it; (oop: libs) 249. “827*594" bOc:.: pap., IDCs eee Slee eerciae sate Cassell, P.,G. & Co. Peccavi. Wendler, EH. $1.50............<. Carleton. Peck, F: M., and Earl, H: H. Fall River and its indus- tries: hist. andstatistical record, with family gene- alogies, ete. ill. 4° [’78.]%!© $5; mor., $10. Atlantic; B. Earle. Peck, G: Groceryman and Peck’s bad boy: con- tinuation of Peck’s bad boy and his Pa ill. ae 285 G10 Se Pap:, OUCH ©5666 DEL OId, Co oC — Peck’s bad boy and his Pa. ill. 12°. 783.58 81, pap-., 50c...-- Se rere ersicie oe eis Belford, C. § Co. — Peck’s compendium of fun. 8°. ’83.°°4 $2.75; shp., Sep Onesie nes ePaicteisieie bes .-... Belford, C. § Co. Peck, Hiram D. Law of municipal corporations. See Ohio, General Assembly. — Township officers’ guide: manual of law rel. to rights and duties of township officers in Ohio. 2d ed., many UD, OU Eo 6c codas ooo 00000 Clarke. Peck, Jesse T. The great republic; from the discovery of Am. to the Centennial, July 4th, 1876. por. 8°. [’°76.]7°? $4; shp., $4.50; hf. mor., $5. Nelson & P. | Peck, J: B. See Jackson, H: A., and Peck, J: B. Peck, J: Lord. Political economy of democracy, with statement of the law of justice between capital and labor. 12° 779.2% pap., 25c..-.--- Stern. Peck, W: G. Complete arithmetic. 12°. [77.3% Sho LD: Teieicrel cus eloiale le O000 0c ell e[= sie) vie eie Barnes. | — Elementary arithinetien oral and written. 16°. “Utsh IPY- G0Ge ee Stel eYererciere in eee DOIILES: *622 — Text-book of popular astronomy. ill. 12°. 783.’ NEU DLE ZO Kier «) cloieiiele wise) ce ss clas «1 oe SCONES: Peckham, S. F. Elementary chemistry: text-book, introd. to Parker’s chemistry. 12° [’77.]?8% $1. Morton. Peck’s bad boy and his Pa. Peck, G: W. $1; 50c. Belford, C. § Co. | Peculiar people. Balch, W: S. $1.25 .....Swmner. | Pedantic versicles. Flagg, I. T75c. ......---- Ginn. | Pedder, H: C. Garfield's place in history: essay. por. | BOL VOOROSD TOD eletorwe os ie oielene cere -- Putnam. Peebles, Ja. M. Conflict between Darwinism and spiritualism. 12° [’76.]?4° pap., 20c... Colby. — Immortality, and our employments hereafter; what a hundred spirits, good and evil, say of their dwelling-places. 8° ’80.477 $1.50 ...-. Colby. Peebles, Mrs. Ma. L. [‘‘ Lynde Palmer.” ] Jeannette’s cisterns: a story. 12° 781.0" $125... ./ Vims. — Little captain; [also] The old lighthouse, [by Mrs O. F. Walton]. (Sunday libs) 4°: 2805222) pap:, NO Ce akerere eysvote nciets sie. evevetslelele toler elo aicis -- Ogilvie. Peeler, A. J. Treatise on ae and equity as distin- guished and enforced in the courts of the U.S. Soe 7858022) Ships, GO) ceiee cine -.--- Swindells’ Pr. Peep behind the scenes. See Walton, Mrs. O. F.PEEP 3 Peep of day. See Mortimer, Mrs. M. Peep of day: astory. ill. 12° 60c Peep of day library. See Mortimer, Js. M. Peep show. ill. 4°. [’78.] $2; bds., $1.25 Rue kes Routledge. O5 PENNSYLVANIA | Pen and pencil series. See Manning, S:, and Green, 5. W. S. Pen pictures from life: coll. of striking incidents and | anecdotes illustrating real life. ill. 1209. [PSQe#eee R. Worthington. | pl eneeceeecesece se fds : ese : © eee peers « eee A 7. Tr. Peep show: amusement and instruction for the young. | Pen pictures of earlier Victorian authors. Shepard, iH. 4°. °76.248 bds., $1.25.- Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. | Wis ROD sec cc cee ce ce ee Putnam. Peer in Cupid’s realm. Fenn, G: M. 10c...... Ogilvie. | Pen pictures of modern authors. Shepard, W: $1.25. : > Feeress and player. Dean, Mrs. EF. 20c. ..:- Munro. | : Putnam. : eae Pe ee ae es | Rencilledifiy-leaves; ‘Piatt, ds J. Slasscscc: Clarke. Peerless (ihe), Perkins; We. ©: 75c. os... Ditson. | Rpts s ‘ S : Pendennis. See Thackeray, W: M. Peerless Cathleen. Agnew, C. $1.50..-... Carleton. | Pendlet TMT Chri x 1 ‘ 1j : . a endleton, J. M. iristian doctrines: compendium Peerless praise. Kurzenknabe, J. H. 35c..... [Tood. | : Peet, Ste. D. The Ashtabula disaster. ill. 120. tee 228 J pile Dlerersrni ei eierevern oyste sie ciets Goodman ; L: Lloyd. Peg Woffington. See Reade, C: Pegasus resaddled. Pennell, H. C. $2.50. . Lippincott. Pehe-nu-e, the tiger whale. Barnacle, Capt. ( pseud.) Sp Leis) sic iaisp tints ctu ciein ave oe yeas ee eae Lothrop. Peile, J: Notes on the Nalopakhyanam; or, tale of of theology. 12°. ([778.]45 $1.50 ..Am. Bapt. | — Christianity susceptible of legal proof. 18°. [?77.]26 | : Lele PDs OC sieiereiaserat ai oletanera rs cri) orersiets -+--» Am. Bapt. | — Distinctive principles of Baptists. 129°. [’82.]*538 l J Side crayons 5 Sistsleieieie skein tenes Am. Bapt. — Fatherhood of God in its relation to the atonement of Christ. 18% ([/77.]?®! pap., 5¢c...Am. Bapt. | — Why don’t you invite us? 12° [’77.] $1..Am. Bapt. : : : ; Pendleton, W. K. Connection between baptism and Nala, for classical students; ed. for the syndies | i : Sasa I of: the University Press. 8°. ’81.499 $3. Macmillan. | — Philology. (it. primers.) 180. eines: abe: Appleton. Peirce, B: Ideality in the physical sciences. por. | OKO, SELES: ON TS aon -----Lnttle, B. § Co. Peirce, C. S. Linear associative algebra. New ed., with notes: 40) 2697553" ine Van Nostrand. Peirce, Ebenzer W. (ed.) Civil, military and profes- sional lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island colo- | I> 7990 the remission of sins. 8° [’77.] pap., 10c. Chase. Pendower. Willeuls Me S050 c955.45- 6.0060 Nelson. Penick, C: Clifton. More than a prophet: ser. of expository chapters of the life of St. John the Bee Bo ce secrete Wenittaicen: | Penley, Aaron. A system of water-color painting. From 38th Lond. ed. (Art hand-books.) sq. 16°. videceue (DOS. DUCE occa ee ciee -.--- Putnam. | saptist. 12°. | Penn, Arthur (pseud.) See Matthews, J. B. nies; with extracts from colonial laws defining | Penn, W: Passages from the life and writings of Wil- their duties, 1621-1700. 8°. ’8] [SO esses Gor Williams. Peirce, Melusina Fay. Co-operative house-keeping; how not to do it, and how to do it: study in soci- OlOS YA Sq4 2408 sed O28) se ee oe Osgood. Pelham. See Bulwer-Lytton, Stir E: G: E. L. Pelican, A. (pseud.) The Pelican papers. 129. Ufa er Me CS ORS TNE oon ance es ioleaiceveiers Patterson. Pelican papers. Pelican, A. (pseud.) $1.25; 75e. Patterson. Pellew, G: Jane Austen’s novels: Bowdoin prize dis- | sertdtions 895 78de%o28) HOG acc scans Cupples. Pellico, Silvio. Duties of young men; added sel. from Lacordaire’s Letters to young men. (House- hold lib.) 169. [(P78e 348" pap dbers-.- Sadlier. Peloubet, F. N. International question book, 1877. piss 3. 6o dO Dds) WoC... ode. liam Penn; coll. from his published works and correspondence and from the biog. of Clarkson, Lewis, and Janney. [Anon.] 12°. ’82.*°60 Friends’ Bk. St. Fennant tumily. Beale; A. Wie <2... ..- Harper. Pennell, H. Cholmondeley. New books on angling. Biv. UG [476.245 “eax, bds,, 50c: - Routledge. Cont.: Fly fishing. — Bottom fishing.—Trolling, or pike fishing. — Pegasus resaddled; ill. by Du Maurier. 4°. [°77. ]8% SpeD Ove ele stare « oeiotia eo /cielel nieve c/cte An ? ) — The penal code, by I: H. Shields. 2y. 6°. 83- 18% ['77.] 8.22.2 ee renews e scons 4m. Bapt. 784,637,638 ea., shp., $6; $6.50....------ Welsh. | — Baptist views and doctrinal soundness. 18°. [778.] — Supreme Court. Reports. 1835-41, by T: I. Whar- Beene ne cieieie oicle crelerie sie Bieleneie © ceeee-Am. Bapt. ton. New ed., with ref. by J. Sword, continued Pepper, W: See Meigs, J: F., and Pepper, W: alee ris. Gv. 8°. 84,629,548 shp., $15. ane: < o by Tes. Worriss Gv oe: - tJ ey : | Pepys, Cc; Diary from 1659 to 1669; with mem. ; ed. Sa 5 ON al nein ate by Lord Braybrooke. ,(Chandos classics.) 129. —_ Same. 1840, by F. Watts. 8ded., rev. and corr. by | 9 *382 0c aorinnoion : ete 3Q 563 LQ r id. e eee eee ees ee tees ‘ ( i A W.W. Wister, jr- 8° 782.5% shp., $6-.Kay. — = Same. Penn. reports, v- 78-101. 24 v. 8°. *76- °84.208-644 eg., shp., $3.50; $5...Banks ; Kay. — Same, and correspondence, from his Ms. cypher in the Pepysian library; with life and notes by y. 58-81 (7677), by P. F. Smith. — v. 82-96 °’76-’80) Lord Braybrooke, decyphered, with add. notes, Norris. —v. 97-101 (’80-’82), by A. A. Outerbridge. | by M. Bright. 10 v. 8°. 84.” : (limited ed. : 15 copies on Japan pap., at $7.50 perv. 150 — — Same; containing cases not designated to be report- copies on Holland pap., $5 perv.)-++-+++- Dodd. ed by the state reporter, by S: W. Pennypacker. VoD) Soi Oes seive) Son. 82/84. 560;680, ship, Cont. : y A. W. _ a | Perch, Philemon (pseud.) See Johnston, R: M. | Percival Keene. Marryat, F: 10c..-.-....-. Munro. | Percy, Clara. Barbara’s lovers. (Seaside lib.) 4°. RAG ERED (ice asic Sete Sine c creletete's cle ee PELSA — — Alphabetical- and analytical index to reports, by Re Be Waieht wee. Son | Redon shp., $6. (784. ]® pap., 20c.---+---------- cece eel Munro. Welsh. | Percy, Florence ( pseud.) See Allen, Mrs. KE. A. — Supreme Court and other courts. Chester county| perey, G: Robin, and other poems. 12°. [’77.]*& * y; I reports, by J. and R. J. Monaghan. vy. 1. 8°. ; : aes : pap., 50c...-..+-- Sicie Gass soem < LIOCKW00R, D.i& COs 83.006 shp., SS Ft) (etc te levels io elcleiels(crel vilsiels/ajeie Welsh. Percy, H. C. Cashier’s scrap-book: portfolio of bank anecdotes and incidents. 12° ’79.41° $2. Carleton. Percy, T: The boy’s Perey: old ballads of war, ad- venture and love, from Perey’s Reliques of anc. Eng. poetry; with two ballads from the Percy folio ms.; ed. with introd. by S. Lanier; ill. by Is Be Bensell: 80: 82545%" ($2.50: Scribner's Sons. Percy, Townsend (comp.) Appletons’ dictionary of — — Delaware county reports, decided prior to Nov., S83 vy. d..ed- by Wi. Ro Bliss: 89) 284.42°° shp: — — Digest of decisions of the courts, 1754-1877, by F: G3Bughtly. 2v. (89. [etl shp., $15. Same, 1877-1882, by F: C: Brightly. 8°. 783.°°* shp., 298 POOR casei yee es Bee eee oe Kay. — — keports of cases ruled and adjudged in the courts of Penn., before and since the Revolution. v.1| [1754-1789], by A. J. Dallas. 4th ed., with notes ; “at a iene (Rrra 2 oO 729 560 an eo es ‘ : : . : eee! ‘ ; - " se Pe : peabe N. Y. [ City ] and miCinity, > with maps. [ Annual. ] — — Same, in the several courts of the U.S. and of SoCo eee 83-2 eae CA DAD SOC ramp leon: Penn. ¥. 2, 3 [1781-1799], by A. J. Dallas. |— Pocket dictionary of Coney Island; with app. on 2d ed.. with notes and ref., by F: C: Brightly. 8°. | bathing, swimming and the summer stars. Sea- 789,560,561 ea. shp., net, CC epics | son of 1880. maps andill. 24°. ’80.*44° pap., — — Same. v. 4 [1788-1806], by A. J. Dallas. 3d 10c..----+- see sree See ee ie re [Am. News. | ed., with notes and ref., by F: C: Brightly. 8°. | Percy and the prophet. See Collins, W: W. 782.582 shp., net, $5 ........ Bielereyere) setae Banks. | Pereira, Jona. The physician’s prescription-book, cont. — — Luzerne legal register reports, ed. by G: B. lists of the terms, phrases, contractions and abb. Kulp. v. 1, 2. 8% 8284.00 shp., $35 $5. used in prescriptions, with explanatory notes; to Welsh. which is added a key. 16th ed. 32°. 782.554 —— Weekly notes of cases, by members of the bar, | &1: leath., tucks, $1.25-...........- Blakiston. 1876-1883. oe Z-lo. booves DY. (G=8o | Peres, Jac. J. Child’s arithmetical example book and C2 SUD co ph Ons teicic eae ciciera ciclo h cared ed ciclo Kay. | teacher’s key combined. 2d ed. 18° [’77.]?79 Pennsylvania Dutch. Gibbons,P.E. $2..Zippincott. | bds:, 5c: . Ct ee eens A. F. Dod. Pennsylvania second geological survey. Reports of| Perfect day and other poems. Coolbrith, I. D. $1.50. progress; by W: H. Fontaine and I. C. White. ; [ Am. News. ] Pl. 8% "80.97 0s eee eevee cece eee eens State. | Perfect etiquette; or, how to behave in society. (Peo- Pennypacker, S: W. Reports. See Pennsylvania, | ple’s lib.) 4°. (782. ]63 pap., 10c..--- Ogilvie. Sup. Court. | Perfection. Bayley, T: H. 1ldc..-.-..... Roorbach. Penruddocke. Aide, If. 50c....-. k. Worthington. | Perfection school speaker. 16°. ’82.°°° pap., 10c. Pension Beaurepas. See James, H:, 77. Siege of| De Witt. London. |Pergmayr, J. Truths of salvation; tr. fromthe Germ. Pentecost, G: F. Angelinthe marble. 2ded. 16°. by a father of the S. J. Soe. 16°. [’82.]°™ 75e. eiiTea| 2e8 Shillicvavat eels) sieveleles letewetcisisieere Cong. Pub. Benziger. — In the volume of the book; or, profit and pleasure | Pericles. See Shakespeare, W: of Bible study; introd. by J: H. Vincent. 3d ed. | Perilous secret. Reade, C: 20c........d: W. Lovell. pore oem SOM e227) Sil Ward & D.| Perine, C: E. Cast upon the world. (People’s lib.) People of Turkey. 4° [778.] pap., 15c... Harper. | AO 281002" naps. MOGs: < «101 oreieie os eeeceee Ognloie: People who haven’t time and can’t afford it. Alden, | Perine, Evalyne T: Wayside gleanings. 16°. [’80. |**% Wipe iy Nile E38 WW oacgoonsaccc ..-- Lothrop. | S1;- gilt, $1.25°.--- 2.0% Be eioeie sieereleersel OGUlure’ People’s church. Hamilton, J. W. 25c....-- Magee. | Period of the Plantagenets. (Chautauqua lib. of Eng. histaandilits). 120) 7Sike72) bce. pap.,fooc: People’s dictionary and every day encyclopedia. Bale ary é é elopeedia. Balch, ‘llins & : y d ] ; Phillips & H. aR. (leb0% $9- S250). =. « T’ 2m Beets cae ee pean Fee fice ie 515 si Be Perkins, C: C. Historical hand-book of Italian sculpt- Spi eee = IO ORR | ures ills +80 #835%920 Sara. . Scribner's Sons. AY, 1058 Webs GU, cance acoocor ---- Ogilvtre. | ae : oes : Peon sete ee ees lee History of the Handel and Haydn Society (founded i : Up neaee cued foc eo age cise Smee ci Guerre. A.D. 1815); prefaced with account of Puritan Note. Entered under authors and titles. psalmody in Old and New England. vy. 1. no. 1. Pepacton. Burroughs, J: $1.50.. Houghton, M. § Co. Bo, 2835622) naps, O0C isc. cee es cee ..» Cupples. Pepper, A: J. Elements of surgical pathology. (Stu-| — Raphael and Michelangelo. ill. er. 8°. [77.]°"" dent’s ser. of manuals.) ill. 12°. 784.646 flex. PO wee cece eee e nee e cere eres wseeesees Osgood. Cl GO eerie sins os ciclo s cli cicisseser cs onc Lea.|\ Perkins, Eli (pseud.) See Landon, M. D.Perkins, F: Beecher. Congressional district vote map | of U.S. 2EX 38in. 780:*455 in cl. case. 50c. Osgood. | — Devil puzzlers. (with frontispiece depicting the unanswerable question.) 6% -[°77.]7° $1; Elen Dl 5 DEP i5 DOC wie wicca eel sie) winie) ajc Yost. Pfrimmer, S: (comp.) Brief outline of governments, with notes on their constitutions. 2ded. 329°. 781.507 ihe Wes Aogdon bo00 5550 nboGKo! Normal. Phedo. See Plato. Phedrus. Select fables; ed., for schools, by A. S. Walpole, with notes, exercises, and vocab. (Klemen. classics.) 24°. 784.847 flex. cl., net, AQGS cicero eo wielctels bos pele ele cle sievelas oc -- Macmillan. Phaeton Rogers. Johnson, R. $1.50..Scribner’s Sons. Phantom fortune. See Maxwell, Jh-s. M. E. Phantom ship; Marnryat, B: U0c. os... 0.0. .: Munvo. Phantom wedding, and other stories. Southworth, Mrs. i. D. E. N., and Baden, As. F. H. $1.75. Peterson. Phantom wife. Myrtle, M. 10c............ Ogilvie. Phantoms of life [poems]. Waterman, L.D. $1.25. Putnam. Pharmacopeceia Germanica, editio altera. (The Ger- man Pharmacopeeia), 2d ed., which by the Fed- eral Council of the German Empire replaces the Ist ed. of Jan., 1883; tr. by C. L. Lochman. 8°. aR A SAS RDO ()irepcrcicis: cute ere Goce stan aislelslere Vail. Pharmacopeeia of the U.S. of Am. 6th decennial re- vision. 8°. 782.564 $4: Jeath., $5> leath., in- Cerleaved SG cee. cciclc ce ce eee eee Wood. Phear, Six J: B. International trade, and the relation between exports and imports. 16°. ’81.°!7 90c. Macmillan. Phelps, Austin. English-style in public discourse, with ref. to the usages of the pulpit. 12°. ’83.*590 SD) elcicipla oc iclalclc sie oa cles! sicle sre aelers Scribner’s Sons. — Men and books; or, studies in homiletics: lectures introductory to the theory of preaching. 8°. SD RROS Tg ND ee eerie els aie ---. Scatbner’s Sons. — My portfolio: coll. of essays. J2°. ’82.*559 $1 50. Scribner's Sons. | — New birth; or the work of the Holy Spirit. 160°. Petrie, Helen. The little pilgrim. Rev. and ill. 8°. | TO Oe Bb aaa cago Hae oo oe cess Dutton. | Petronel. Tecan siiass tlie LOC hse cee ee ce! WVunyro. Pet's Christmas honor. Sawtelle, Js. BE. W. 50c. Lothrop. | : ae Cee ||| == Wiork of the Holy Spirit; or, the new birth. 12°. Pet’s posy of pictures andstories. Heild, Is. $1. Cassell, P:, G. & Co. | Pettengill, S: M. Newspaper directory and adver- tiser’s hand-book for 1877-78. ill. 8° [’77- 279 7278,33 S , i | RSs css Caeercapiliralerava ci eieie erclelerei ste -» Pettengill. Pettibone name. Lothrop, H. M. $1.25... Lothrop. | Pettingell, J. H. Bible terminology rel. to the future | life: meaning of scriptural terms touching the nature and destiny of man. 12°. 781.499 90c. ; | DAP DC yen eccis o ie crc --+e+- Bible Ban. Assoc. — Homiletical index: hand-book of texts, themes, and authors, for preachers and Bible scholars; in- trod. by G. E. Day. 8°. [’78.]#38 $5.. Appleton. | | 78. | GR ie a cate ore che sie wis csle lois! wroverel sisters Draper. — Stillhour. New ed. sq. 16°. [’76.]”° $1..ZLothrop. — Studies on the Old Testament. 12°. - ’79.*86? $1.95. Cong. Pub. — Theory of preaching: lectures on homiletics. 8°. CO Hoo) BSED ieee cicie cine «16 oars Scribner’s Sons. | — Women’s prayer-meetings. 24°. [’77.]?9% pap., 5c. Cong. Pub. [BB 2 a Reel) Oe eee eiieke tales -.-.- Lothrop. Phelps, Eliz. Stuart. Beyond the gates. 12°. ’83.*61§ Snilee2 Darel loiaye = <)e\6 eon ior paps, LOC. «wince 6 einieieiem cise Phillips 5 H. Phemie Keller. Riddell, IMs. J. H. 20c..... Munro. Phil and his friends. Trowbridge, J: T. $1.25..Lee§ S. Phil, Rob, and Louis. Deering, M.S. $1..Dresser. Phil Scott. Taylor, J. R. 60c. 5 20C.++-¢ «+. Ogulute. Phil, the fiddler. Alger, H., 77. $1.25.... Porter § C. Philadelphia, City. Digest Oe laws and ordinances | governing the city of Phila., in force Jan. Ist, 1882; with index, compiled by W: N.West. 8°. 782-783.9972594 shp., $4; cf., $6. W: J. Campbell ; Nicholson. — Courts. Reports: decisions put in the Legal intelli- | gencer, 1873-1881; comp. by H:C. Brown. vy. 10 —14. 8° ’79—’84.°8?:630 ea... shp., . Wallace. Philbrick, E:S. American sanitary engineering. 4°. PGE ALe UD cere a cists el sie cieles cre wee ees San. Eng. | Philbrook, H. B. Astronomy corrected; old theories concerning creation, and the motions of the solar system shown to be error. 12°. ’82.*°8 50c. Polhemus. Philip Augustus. James, G:P. R. 20c......1 Wunro. Philip Earnscliffe. Udwards, Mis. A. 20c..... Munro. Philip Gainsford. Sargent,G: E. $1..../. Bradley. Philip Nolan’s friends. Hale, E: B. $1.75. Scribner, A. S Gok Philip Vandeleur’s victory. Eden, C:H. $1.25. | Rott. Yau Gok | Philips, G.M. See Sharpless I: , and Philips, G. M. Philkins, Ike ( pséud.) Chained lightning. ill. 16°. [BSSen eas DAP. ZOC: cc ccice ee cree ss miele Ogilvie. — (comp.) Chunks of fun. Cconle's libs) all: 40: Ba-082) pap. 0c: Seley else ets = “iste re Ogilvve. | Phillimore, C.M. Fra Angelico and the early painters of Florence. (Ill. biog. of great artists.) ill. | IY, hile SSP ooonco p00 ave one Scribner § W. Phillimore, Lucy. Sir Christopher Wren: his family and his times; with letters and a discourse on architecture. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 781.°}° DED OC era sleclee a epi lots . Llarper. Phillipps, J. O. Halliwell. Onunes! of fle life of Shakespeare. 2d ed. [the first privately printed, not published.] 8°. 7’82.°% $3... Scribner § W. 309 PHILOSOPHICAL Philips, A A. W. (ed. ) The Couns scticut almanac, 1884. | Ue en 2b oocee paps LOCkenle a cee Peck. — and Beebe, W. Graphic algebra; or, geometrical 3 : : z 5 ; interpretation of the theory of equations of one unknown quantity. ill. 8%. ’82.°5! $9.. Holt. Phillips, Barnet. Burning their ships. (Half-hour Oe) Ge, "AY ee, BNC aq00500- Harper. — A struggle: story. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. (78. ]337 pap., ce waite e, piaie\niels/oinl Routledge. Picture gallery of modern art: photos. from original 2 . bd . - . I ~ . © paintings, with biog. notices of thevantists: vw. 2. enls £0) 488 SO cise see Lippincott. Picture gift-book series. 20 v. [2sets of 10 v. ea.] We 329% 7 9e Ddse, ODO) a cae were LVCLSON: Cont.: Wee bits of stories.— Little Try Again’s album. — Wee Willie Winkey. — Little Merry Heart. — Little Miss Prim. — For a dear little rogue.— Little Curly Pow.— Little Peek-a- boo. — Bed-time stories. — Kitty’s album. | Picture history of England for the young. 4°. [’78.] SiLvOls IDGSS+) op lle) = ererearelere Scie chess ere Routledge. Picture landseries. See Pratt, L. M. Pictureoflife, Miller, J; @: $1 72... ...-Rainbow. Picture-page library. 10 v. [2sets of 5 v. ea.] ill. 18°. Uitte 2 DO wrclelete face pO00 On00 Dodd. Cont. ; Dick and Grace. — Bobby Shafto. — The fisher. boy. — Jack Greene. — A long day.PICTURE iil PILLSBURY Picture stories for boys. Higham, Jfrs.M.R. $1. | Pierce, Gilbert A., continued. oe H; A. Young. | — Zachariah, the Congressman. 16°. $1. Picture stories for girls. Higham, Is. M. R. $1. : : H: A. Young. Picture-story album for boys. ill. 12°. [’77.] 80c. Routledge. Picture-story album for children. ill. 12°. [°77.}?9° SpileO Ole cise cierstera'e oc clsiie sin .ciele) «/elnislaje L20U L. Pierce, EK: L.. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. So hs PIP 85 c0c000c sin oles © 46 LLOUCIIES: — Treatise on the law of railroads. 8°. ’81.47 shp., $6. Tittle, B. § Co. Pierce, Gilbert A. Dangerous woman: experiences of | the Hon. John Billings, M.C, ill. 12°. ’83.%4 SpiteO UO) wiiclere eicrereieia oi lolairi ole nie foie) oleiele) sisters Sumner. Donnelley, G. § L. — and Wheeler, W: A. Dickens dictionary. New ed. ill 120. (78:8 $2 --- -. Houghton, O: § Co. Pierce, Helen Corwin. Curse of Everleigh: a novel. NEY, Wreekly’sers)) 1208) sie yece spil-bO: Carleton. Pierce, H: Niles. The agnostic: poems. 12°. ’84 [RS Be eres Sie ererrererto resi ere cioc cer Whittaker. Pierce, Ja. O. Fraudulent mortgages on merchandise: commentary on the Am. phases of Twyne’s case. Bor 64 S07 Shp por DO) erie «cles Fl. H. Thomas. Pierre and his family: story of the Waldenses. (Rob- ert Raikes lib.) 16°. [’83.]® pap., 10¢c...A4m. S.S. 4 | Pierrepont, E: Fifth Avenue to Alaska; with maps by L. F. Beckwith. 12°. ’84.*842 $1.75.. Putnam. Pierson, Hamilton W. Inthe brush; or, old-time social, political and religious life in the Southwest; ill. by Wr uc Sheppard: 129: 28.510 (Sie50: Appleton. Pierson, J/rs. Helen W. History of the U. S. in words of one syllable. ill. 8% (283-]§8 bds., Si. Routledge. Pierson, Leslie C. Directory of the bar of New Jersey. iGo Gee BRE OR Googddcoal YacCrellish. Piffard, H. G., and Fox, G. H. Cutaneous and vene- real memoranda. 32° [777.]°°° $1. Same. 2d edi Bdor 2R(iAe ec ere a. sinieieceroneeteccs\< . Wood. Pike, Ja. Philadelphia shipping manual. 8°. ’80.47! pap., Blo... seers eee sicleiovetnle. a saieens « Bapaee Riggs. Pike, Ja. S. First blows of the civil war: ten years of preliminary conflict in U. S., 1856-60. 8°. ’79.387 Sh rcioie) eral eiereiois ereloieinenc shorn sie ekeieia ---- Am. News. — The new Puritan: acct. of Rob. Pike, who defended the Quakers, resisted clerical domination, and op- posed the witchcraft prosecution. 12°. ’79.977 $1. Harper. Pike county folks. Mott, E.H. 20c.....J: W. Lovell. Pilcher, L: S. Treatment of wounds: its principles and practice. (Lib. of stand. med. authors.) ill. 12°; (P83.]822, subs:, Sl2di cna «1 Wood. | Pilgrim, Ja. Limerick boy. (Acting drama.) 12°. [’79.] pap., 15e. ..--..... ein olajelicrseve\ielclerei sialic. Roorbach. Pilgrim, IT: [‘* Arthur Morecamp.”] Live boys; Charley and Nasho in Texas. ill. 16°. 779.35 Sill aie cis) clalalevelelele: slclele eleieleje) slelsie cls)nie/cln)eleiein Lee & S. — Live boys in the Black Hills; or, the young Texan gold-hunters. 16°. ’80.*#% $1.25..... Lee § 8S. | Pilgrim series: [1880.] no. 1: Commentary for teach- ers and older scholars: notes on the International lessons for 1880. pt. 1: New Testament by M. B. Riddle; pt. 2: Old Testament by J: E. Todd. maps. 8%. [/79.j*#1° $1.25......-. Cong. Pub. — Same: no. 2: Hand-book on the International lessons for 1880, with questions for older scholars, by D. IN: Beach= ‘maps: 240 47i9e* bdsy ibe: Cong. Pub. — Same: no.8: for younger scholars, by Mrs. W: Bar- rows. maps. 24° ’79.4!3 bds., 15c.. Cong. Pub. — Same: [1881.] no. 1: for older scholars: hand-book on the International lessons for 1881, with ques- tions, by A. F. Schauffler. maps. 24°. [’80.]*4°7 Dr See 1D Ce cereroree eiercpare ster eles efeleio cYeieiol ole o1- Cong. Pub. — Same: no. 2: for younger scholars, by Mrs. W: Barrows. map. 24°. [’80. ]*97 bds.,lic. Cong. Pub. | Pilgrim Sorrow: tales. Pauline Eliz. Ottilie Louise, Queen of Roumania. $1.50......-+--+--- Holt. Pilgrim Street. Smith, H. 10c. -.-...... LANE. Se Os Pilgrim’s progress. See Bunyan, J: Pilgrims of the Rhine. Bulwer-Lytton, Six E: G: E. Wr MO Cnet cree eteerm cite aes emer aOuell. Pillone. See Bergsoe, W. Pillsbury, Parker. Acts of the anti-slavery apostles. TOO. SBA SSOM TED OM aiele wre eaeeiternite win (els ee Cupples. MeNt , Rie ! i A mt i \ | os Fi of i) net Z y 4 it i poh} ‘ | Bik it PILON a Pilon, M. R. What is demonetization? 8°. [778. ]°%° pap., TOC. ++-eeseere BA Seis cs AULILONS © Pilot (The). Cooper, J. F. 20c...-------+--- Munro. Pinafore. See Gilbert, W: S. Pinafore days. Thorn, I. (pseud.?) 75c.---- Carter. | Pindar [ Jat. Pindarus]. Nemean and Isthmian odes; with notes and introd. essays, by C. A. M. I’en- mells 20° 783.599 net, $2.50.-..... Macmillan. — Selected odes [Gk. text], with notes and introd. by i: D. Seymour. 12° ’82.*°34 $1.40...- Gunn. — See also Collins, W: L. (ed.) Ane. classics. Pine Grove picture library. 6 v. ill. 16°. [’78.] ROA (Dic cers orcvereicie. ole) s)n ele) Q()_ «438 law as applied to the liquor traffic. 12°. (’77.]?%* Srille D Oiepeisia:toxs' ols Sie! nae clei e/e/ elm! sieleiel © seele - Nat. Temp. Piton, Camille. Practical treatise on china painting in Am., with suggestions as to decorative art; with album of pl. sm. 4° 778.*°8° $1.50 ... Wiley. — Same. pt. 2: Practice, grounding, flowers, land- seape, figure; [also] pt. 3: Underglaze painting, erand feu; with album of pl. sm. 4°. ’80.*417 Sie atete a pretevoral oi sieves Gein Rar eles eke oie ecoee Wiley. Pittenger, W: Capturing alocomotive: hist. of secret service in the late war. ill. 12°. ’82.*°' $1.50. L ippincott. — Extempore speech: how to acquire and practise it. NWA, BLE CHO) 6500 qdas 6c - Nat. Sch. Eloc. Pitty: Battyis library. 2 vy. all. 120) 279. Fl-20° Routledge. Cont.: Merry rhymes for dull times. — Lively lays for dreary days. — Mignonette for my little pet. — Work and play for every day. — Little words about little birds. — Furze and heather for rainy weather. — Little kisses for little misses. — 4 book of joy for mamma’s boy. — ‘Lit-bits for tiny wits. — Little mites for tiny sprites. — Little jokes for little folks. — A wel- come guest from robin’s nest. Pitzer, A. W. Christ, the teacher of men. 12°. eee calc ode s5o0u conan »oeee Lippincott. — The new life not the higher life; or, the believers’ holiness personal and progressive. 18°. [’78. ]3%° Alex: S0Gs same aie ce ecicice > cleccierclelereierothe;eSOt ba Pitzer, G:C. Electricity in medicine and surgery. 2d Cob Gr, RIO, RAGE OIL G Sou onde 508 Pitzer. Plague-stone of Aberford. Saunders, J: 10c.. Munro. Plagues. Talmage, T: DeW. 10c...-..--J Vat. Temp. Plain facts about Arkansas and Texas. diagrams. 24°. ['84. #889 pap. .-s eesees see Rand, McN. § Co. Plain facts for old and young. Kellogg, J: H. $4.50. Segner. Plain speaking. See Craik, Mis. D. M. Plain talks onavoided subjects. Guernsey, H. N. $1. F. A. Davis. Plain talks on familiar subjects. Holland, J. G. $1.25. Scribner's Sons. Plaisted, H. M., and Appleton, F: H. Digest of de- cisions. See Maine, Sup. Judicial Court. Planché, Ja. Robinson. Captain of the watch: comedi- ebta; 16°: [276-288 paps, bcs. sa... -De Witt. — Cyclopedia of costume; from the earliest period in England to the reign of George mr., incl. notices of fashions on the continent, and costumes of the principal countries of Europe. col. pl. 4°. [°76.]?>> $20; hf. mor., $25; full mor., $37.50. Bouton. Plassmann, E. Designs for furniture and interior house decoration; cont. drawings after the latest modern style: pts: 1; 25 pl. £5 [Pn7.28? ea-; pap: ol-60- Lindemann.PLATFORM Platform papers. Curry, D: $1.50. Hitchcock; Phillips & H. Plato. Apology of Socrates, and Crito; with notes Silt PLUS | Plays for private acting; tr. from the French and Italian by members of the Bellevue dramatic club of Newport. (Leis. hour. ser.) 160. and anal. of the Apology, by W. Wagner. Ist | BeiSea Bees pl re erere a ears freee cceeees +++» Holt. Am. rev. from 3d Eng. ed. 16°. [’77.]?9% $1.25. J: Allyn. — Eng. (Wisdom ser.) 24°, 82.581 50c. . Roberts. — — Same, and parts of the Phedo; introd. by W: W. Goodwin. New ed. por. 16°. ’83.575 pap., DO Chercraiciciare wiciereeioleveiete aaleeycrcreiei- Scribner's Sons. — Dialogi vi. ex recensione C. F. Hermanni. (Greek and Latin texts.) 18° [778.]®4 65c.; pap., ADO Nercleloieicls siaic ae yeni cie ieee oe --+- Harper. — Phedo; ed., with introd., notes and app., by R. D. Archer-Hind. 8°. ’83.94 net, $2.25.. Macmillan. — Eng. (Wisdom ser.) 24° 782.51 50c... Roberts. | — Protagoras; with introd. and notes, by E. G. Sihler?| (Classical ser.) 12° ’81.*°17 75e. ... Harper. — Republic; tr. into Eng., analysis and introd. by B. Jowett. 2ded., rev. 8°. 782.535 net S4.- Macmillan. — Theaetutus; rev. text and Eng. notes by L: Camp- bell. 2ded. 8°. 783.599 net, $2.75.. Macmillan. — Best thoughts, comp. from Prof. Jowett’s tr. of the dialogues of Plato, by C. H. A. Bulkley. New ed. 12° 783.94 $1°50'....... Scerzbner’s Sons. — Day in Athens with Socrates: translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato. 16°. BBE Tn [Neg conouane coos Scribner's Sons. — Selections from the dialogues of Plato; introd. and notes by J. Purves, and pref. by B. Jowett. 16°. SBE Tat, FILS coopac Leite be - Macmillan. Platonism vs. Christianity. Pettingell, J. H. 30c. Bible Ban. Assoc. Platt, Mrs. Jeanette H. Life and letters; comp. by hemhusband: 120% *8385"7 Sor 5... 3. Claxton. | Platt, S. H. Heredity: responsibility in parentage. | (Sci. tracts:)) 12°. [ivw232" pap:. 10c... Wells: Platt, W. H. After death —what? or, hell and salva- tion in the light of science and philosophy. 2d ed., enl. 120°. PALO ea Rees SRO Di ereterer- Bancroft. — God out and man in; or, replies to R. G. Ingersoll. 120-3 28 5eosb ee SF eo aress 0 S60 sie elersie STEELE: — Influence of religion in the development of jurispru- Plautus, Titus Maccius. Miles gloriosus; rev. text with notes by Y. Tyrrell. 16°. ’81.479 $1.25. Macmillan. — Mostellaria; with expl. notes, by E. P. Morris. 16°. OO Eaee Fhe Dreareteic erie ce cies 6s eoeede Allyn. — Trinummus; with notes and introd., by C. E. Free- man and A. Sloman. (Clarendon press ser.) 16os, 830024 net. G0es e.. ane sis sidlese - Macmillan. Play and study series. Baker, Mrs. H.N. W. 4-v.| DA avrciete cic. ssaerei Sis & oereeave ce eccnie ae ck Ward & D. Play-day poems. Johnson, R. $1....... see L20lt: Play-day ser. 6 v. 48°. [’79.]4!! pap., 75c...Lothrop. Cont.: Baby Dido, and other stories. — Family cares. — Flutterby. — Brave Kit. — Little Gyp. — Velvet coat. Plays for young people. See Barmby, J. |Playtor, E. Elementary anatomy, physiology and hygiene. ill. 8° 79.98 90c....... Hart & R. Plea for spoken language. Murdoch, J: E. 90c. Van Antwerp. Pleas for books: sel. for lovers of books. 24°. ’80.*420 tied with ribbon, 40c. Same, hand painted, 70c. Hart & R. | Pleasantihours; [%S80"]) 20Cs sence. + .. Benziger. | Pleasure and profit series. 10 v. 24°. [°78.]363 WIND O! ccc nce a cree, cies Kets erctek setae cies Loth rop. Cont. : Pleasure and profit. — Crown jewels. — Robert Price. — May day.—Old bridge. —Two fawns. — Young fisherman. Little red book. — The missionary box. — The lost knife. Pleasures of home. Newport, D: $1....Z¢ppincott. Pleasures of hope. Campbell, T: 12¢....Clark § M. Pleasures of house-building. Mackenzie, J. F. 50c. Routledge. Pleasures of memory. Rogers, S: 50c. .... Osgood. Pledge and the cross. Henry, Mis. S. M. I. $1; BOG emesis os she eyes slelel sielcloreiey crore avevor! Vat. Temp. Pletsch, Oscar. Picture-book. ill. 49°. ’79. $1.50; Dass sl 25) 5 cicieie reier oral eietsisie cate oe Routledge. Pliny. [Caius Plinius Cecilius Secundus.] Selections from the letters of Pliny; ed. with notes and index by G: O. Holbrooke. 16°. °83.572 $1. J: Allyn. Plish and Plum. Busch, W: $1 ..........- Roberts. Ploetz, C: Epitome of ancient, mediaval and modern hist. ; tr., with add., by W: H. Tillinghast. 120°. QMO RO a Recerca - Houghton, M. &§ Co. |Plotinus. Two books on the essence of soul, and one on the descent of soul; from the orig. Greek, by Me Johnsons 789) (eSOs| 55 pap. 2c: T': M. Johnson. Ploughed under. Harsha, Judge. $1........ Fords. Plowed by moments. Hay, M.C. 10c. .... Ogilvie. gia ea atk Sa Pluie et le beau temps. Gozlan, L. 25c. dence) 895 (7785]225 pape, ToC... «cs S. Whitney. | : W: R. Jenkins. | Plum, W: R. The military telegraph during the Civil war in the U. S.; with an exposition of ane. and mod. means of communication, and Federal and Confederate cipher systems; also running ac- count of the war. 2y. ill., por. and maps. 8°. ZO aeODe| OS Dinara cievereieveloeicreie eee cere + eee Jansen. Plumbers of Philadelphia: proposed ordinance and rules and regulations. 12°. 783.5% pap., 10c. Blakwiston. Plumbing: text-book to the practice of the art of the plumber. 129°. ([7°76.]2*® $1.20. Van Nostrand. = | Plumer, W: S. The beatific vision. 18°. 78.357 VRP OD. Cs sieters) lo LaLa: — Gellivor: Christmas legend of the North land; ill. by W. Satterlee. sq. 16°. ’82.*°88 yibbon-tied Ventletss 40 Ch. sti scrcie clecicisice cee ce Randolph. — Other gypsy. ill. 16° [’77.]?6! 90c..Nelson & P. — Piece of silver. 18°. (['76.]48 50c...Nat. Temp. Pollard, M. M. His grandchild. 16° (['77.]?%% $1. ~ Carter. — Nellie’s secret; or, Brown’s Alley and Sunnyside. GO Ee eee plete re teers crocs acre Curter. Pollock, Lady —. Story of Marie Dumont; written to her married sister, Louise Cottin. (People’s lib. AoW ZS DreSB ane, LOCiec cm ccielen ccs ce - Ogilvie. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82. pap., 10c.. Munro. — See also Pollock, W. H. Pollock, F: Digest of the law of partnership. 18°. | 78.555 leatherette, $1.25........”. H. Thomas. | — Essays in jurisprudence and ethics. 8° ’82.°49 $3. Macmillan. — History of the science of politics. (Humboldt lib.) Oo oe paps locs scece ecco Fitzgerald. — Principles of contract at law and in equity. Ist Am. from 2d Eng. ed.; with notes and ref. by G. H. Wards 80) 7S)es82 oshps, GGeccccc cece: Clarke. Pollock, Mrs. Louise. National kindergarten songs and plays. 12°. ’81.*7° bds., 50c. .. H: A. Young. Pollock, Wa. Herries, and Pollock, Lady—. Ama- teur theatricals; ill. by K. Greenaway. (Art at home ser.) 12°. 779.*42° 7dc..-..- Macmillan. Polly Cologne. Diaz, A. M. $1....-......Lothrop. Polly’s scheme. Corydon ( pseud.) $1;40c. .. Lothrop. Pomeroy, Brick (pseud.) See Pomeroy, M: M. Pomeroy, J: Norton. Introduction to municipal law for general readers and students. 2d ed. 89°. Soros SNPs bed) eeeiesie ae oe) cleo 54 ea., $5. Poor. — Money and its laws: embr. a hist. of monetary theories and currencies of the U.S. 89. URS Si, Poor. Poor, Laura Eliz. Sanskrit and its kindred literatures : studies in comparative mythology. 16°. ’80.*47! SR OI eyarerals oversee a oreo eyes ei ecen lacie ele fe ocavelorerave ILODETLS= Poor Aunt Barbara. See Southworth, E. S. Wife’s ordeal. Poor boy and merchant prince. Thayer, W:M. $1.25. Crowell. | Poor children’s picnic. Hill, K. N. 45c. ..4m.Bapt. | Poor clerk and his crooked sixpence. Sargent, G: E. Ne, casdopacccan0nocaona ele A ioleleiclo gue. cuatere Ogilvie. Pooreirl: Wean, Eb. 20c. --.-..- Reta aal a cise - Munro. Poor Henry. Barth, C.G. 40c............1 Am. S.S. Poor Jack. Marryat, F: 19c........... «+--+. Munro. | Poor man’s gospel. Jacobson, J. L. $1.. Chic. Leg. News. Poor Miss Finch. Collins, W: W. 20c.-.....Munvo. | Poor papa. Porter, Mfrs. M. W. 50¢.......Lothrop. Poor Pillicoddy: farce. Morton, J: M. 1ldc.. De Witt. Poor Roger. Macquoid, Jfrs. K.S. 10c...-- Munro. | Poor scholar. Carleton, W: ldc..... Sele coc Sadlier. Poor squire. Barr, He 20C8.. <1 sieves Aeleejcte LMALTLIO. | Poor Theophilus, and the city of Fin. (Satchel ser.) sq; L6% 79.234" paps Zoek eiecielew WOecccceccoce Popular songs for all people. 12°. [’81.]*4%° pap., iW, a560 0004 o4¢ Biro oie ole ore ecicie oe oeicie oie Ogilvie. Porch, Hester Edwards. An ideal fanatic. 12° ’83.*°'! | SHIEADY nic siclete ie wicls)sis) visicic ela calc cvelt, eielcialsic| Sumner. Porter, Alb. G. Reports. See Indiana, Sup. Court of Judicature. Porter, Ws. Ann E. Cousin Polly’s gold mine: a novel. | (Lib. of Am. fiction.) 8° ’78.%? pap., 40c. Harper. = Millie Isee: New ed: ill: 160)- 279.555 ‘$1250: Lothrop. | Porter, Ja. Helps to official members of the M. E. Church, indicating their powers, duties, privileges [ete. ]. 16°. PoP SQG@ioR .<- + « Velson & P. — Revivals of religion. 12°. [77.]9° $1.75. Same. Rev. andenl. ed; 1295 "[278i]728 si25- Nelson & P. Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs. (Excelsior ed.) ill. 129. sD eileaoe Shiliteseiejaiclcireeerelare\ eel si Am. News. = Same. 2 pts: (Guovellis lib.) 160. %83°822 ea: Pap-, 20C.-. eee ceeereceess covcece J: W. Lovell. | — Same. 2pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.554 ea., pap., | Dac orcs reac ee wy Oriel Sad als eielie ote .a eile le lela Munro. — Same. (Starser.) ill. 12° ’80.17° $1.. Cogswell. — Thaddeus of Warsaw. (Altaed.) ill. 12°. 7’81.487 (ity Ciireleeraliclevelaielclcis| ole cicieicle rei stale istelel clo) eis Porter & C. — Same. (Excelsiored.) ill. 12 PAIS ball Am. News — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° pap., 20c..J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 81.499 pap., 20c..Munzo. Porter, Jos. W. Genealogy of the descendants of P: Porter, who settled at Weymouth, Mass., 1635. 8°. $3 oJ: W. Porter. Porter, Luther H: Outlines of the constitutional hist. 79,382 Olathe WES | 120) f8Sreeee) DOs cise LLOLE. Porter, Mrs. Ma. W. Five little southerners. ill. 16°. | Veg rea eat Sil yore sreretebela aye rsraereiyerctetarat- Lothrop. | — Poor papa. (Idle hour ser.) ill. 16°. [’79.]*#9° pap:, 50c. ...... Oc sees ceeccce sees LOUTOD. Porter, Noah. Agnosticism, baccalaureate sermon. a doctrine of despair: 169%) 281e422" pan: 6c: Am. Tr. — American colleges and the Am. public. New ed., with afterthoughts on college and school educa- tion. 12°. [778.]*%3 $1.50... Scr2bner’s Sons. — Booksand reading; or, what books shall I read and how shall Tread them? with app. cont. sel. cata- logue of books. Newed. 8° ’81.%513 9. Scribner's Sons. — Evangeline: the place, the story, and the poem; ill. by F. Dicksee. f°. price on applica- TION ces hoi ce eee erevele Cassell, Re Geko: — Science and sentiment, with other papers, chiefly philosophica]. 12°. ’82.*583 9°50. Scribner’s Sons. The West, from the cen- of the states and territories, and diagrams. 8°. ’82.%535 Rand, McN. § Co. 82, *568 Porter, Rob. P., and others. sus of 1880: hist. 1800-1880. maps | Post, Alfr. C., POTTER Porter, Rose. Charity, sweet charity. 16°. [°80. ]*497 BPD Diaie cecil oe oie lee mais) s sleisla ciate s\n oloLCLILLOUD IU. — Christmas evergreens. sq. 16°. 76. 255 ~cardhd. Chri g 1 3 tICC! WALL MID DOME DCs eieves ccvciors ees re -- Randolph. In themist. 16°. [’°79.]**75 $1.25......Randolph. In the shadow of His hand: thoughts for lonely hours. 12° [782.]*°7! white vel., $1. Randolph. — Qur saints: a family story. 16°. [/781.)*25 $1.25. Randolph. Song andasigh. 12° [’77.]%°? $1.25..Randolph. — Story of a flower and other fragments twice gath- ered. 16° [/783.]*82 $1.95......... Randolph. — Winged songs: an Easter jubilee. sq. 16°. [’83. ]*° ribbon-tied leaflets, 50c..... seeeeee- Randolph. — (comp.) Comfort for the mothers of angels. 16°. [’81.]*4°8 ribbon-tied leaflets, 50c..-. Randolph. — Flower songs for flower lovers. sq. 16°. ['80. ]*#4° BR) ie cce cc oycicc ocers ol eitel isi oileraieleseis) ereisre «oops Randolph. — Gift of gifts; loving kindness in the morning, faith- fulness every night: a text-book. ill. 48°. (283: #822 40C. oi. oe ecw sin eeeee- --Landolph. | — Green pastures for the Shepherd’s lambs. sq. 48°. [SAREE BBCE os on nielafe stnivwis ovins «cos Randolph. — Heart’s-ease. 18°. [’78.]*° ribbon-bound, pap., BYIG; 500c aie (viototele!syeraiers sforeleleisiecieroe\eie cic Randolph. Porter & Coates’s interest tables. See Coffin, J: E. | Portfolio of proof impressions sel. from Scribner’s Monthly and St. Nicholas. f°. [779.]*4!® $10. Scribner. Portia. See Argles, Ms. M. Portrait in my uncle’s dining room. de S. Straw-cutter’s daughter. Portrait of a lady. See Navary, M. $2. Houghton, M. & Co. Portraits of places. James, H:, 77. $1.50... Osgood. Possibility of not dying. Kirk, H. C. James, H:, 77. 75c.-. Putnam. and othe? Medical ethics and medical etiquette. 12°. 783.8! $1.25 Putnam. Hoyt. Reports; [also] Revised rules. See Michi- gan, Sup. Court. Jz 3. Old streets; roads: wharves of New York; “S. »9 do. Post, Post, lanes, piers and showing the former and present names. 8° 782.*°87 $5.50; shp., $6. R. D. Cooke. Post, Truman A. Reports. See Missouri, Sup. Court. Post haste. Ballantyne,R. M. $1.25........ Nelson. Posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club. See Dick- ens, C Posy ring. See Hunt, Jfs. A. W. Pot-bouille. Zola, E. Dl. 20s OCs... cece Peterson. Potter, Elisha R. Memoir concerning French settle- ments in the colony of Rhode Island. (R. I. hist, tracts»)) sm 40, 279-408 Si 2b) Arden: —and Rider, S. S. Some accountof the bills of credit or paper money of Rhode Island, 1710-1786. (R. I. hist. tracts.) fac-simile ill. sm. 4° 780. $2.50 Biel ciehele)'s cleo eis «1 ULE): Potter, F. jon friends. ill 16°: [’76. ] ieleiererselOlts Ye Ge OO: — Princess Myra and her adventures among the fairy- folk. Wl. ‘sq: 129 [780i] Dies Ott, Ye) CO. Potter, H: C. Gates of the East: a winter in Egypt and Syria. sq. 18°. [ 208) EOD. « « ULLON: Sermons of thecity. 12°. $1.75.. Dutton. Potter, Ja. Revivals of religion. (795i) spill; Phillips & H. Compend of materia medica and thera- (Quiz-compends.) 16°. [’82.] $1. Blakiston. — Compend of visceral anatomy; adpt. to medical stu- sect weee Searlett. Out-of-d« 237 -eeee ee ef T5C; vcieie *455 7 76. | 78], *471 PA Potter, S:O. L. peutics. dents. (Quiz-compends.) ill. 16° 783.6 $1; interleaveds Silie2D) eo acteen lerseceree- .-- Blakiston. — Index of comparative therapeutics; with full ac- counts of homeopathic pharmacology and no- menclature. 2ded. 12° 782.54 $9.... Gross.POTTER SLi PRATT Potter, S: O. L., continued. | Power of the invisible. Thompson, H. A. $1.35. — Questions on human anatomy. (Quiz-compends. ) Un. B. Pub. TS GOs Ogee ee nicicyersisverere'e oi) cS LQK1SLON- Powers, F: Perry. Labor-making machinery: essay. — Speech and its defects: considered physiologically, (Economic monographs.) 12°. ’79.*414 pap., 20c. | pathologically, historically and remedially. 12°. | Putnam. 1O QUOC ees cs SVoieteiar's ohstesaauersis Gisveiues Blakiston. | Powers, Horatio Nelson. Poems: early and late. 120°. ~ Nee | 7A 7257 @ Potter, Ste. H. Complete compend of principles and | [76.7 Bl. +. eee eee eee oho Jansen. practice of medicines. 2d ed., enl. 8°. 79.397 | — and others. Homes and haunts of our elder poets. Blip-+ Gocb0b see sc, techs: Seas ss Soe Potter. | sq. 8°. [’81.]*°° $5; full mor., $10.. Appleton. Potter, T: J. Two victories : a Catholic tale. (House- | Powers, L. L. See Silloway, T: W., and Powers hold lib:) 169: [78.34 pap., lbc.... Sadler. Potts, Alex. W. Latin version of passages for tr. into| Powers, M. R. Accountant for public schools and ; = . a0 Tec 20 303 . OF < Latin prose. 16°. ’81.5!° flex. cl., 60c. Macmillan. | academies. 8% [777.]*°° $1.25 ...... Barnes. : oI aunon OT 5 ; Potts, J. H. Golden dawn; or, ah on the great| Powers, Ms. S. D. gen eeS Or, ze on chil- > is Las PAP., 2OC. ce cwce cscs cave ceceseee .--+-Lothrop. ; — Cooking club of Tu-Whit Hollow. New issue. Power, D’Arcy. See H arris, v. ; abi poe er, D’A. ill. 4°, (78.88 bds., 76c. .....-...Lothrop. Power, F: B. See Hoffmann, F:, and Power! BP: BG: [- Good-for-nothing Polly. (Seaside ser.) ill. 169. future. ill) |8o) e280 Gueesen0L: 2.60 Ziegler | dren’s etiquette. 16°. [’77.]8° $1...ZLothrop. — Pastor and people; or, Methodism in the field. 12°.| Poynter, E. Fes. Among the hills. Leis. hour ser. ~ 9 I ~ . 7 | 7 Sac " ~ UOetea iol Dicieieree ceicicre oc oveceeseLhillips & H. | NGO 26 eee) ice ore slicer) oie seceee HOU. Pouchet, Felix A. The universe; or, the infinitely| — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 1,409 | pan., oUeaIna great and the infinitely little; from the French. | — Ersilia. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°87 pap., 20c.. Munro. New cheap ed. ill. 8°. ’§2.°°° $3.75.. Putnam. | — My little lady. (Leis. mom. ser.) 16°. 83. pap., Pouchet, Leon. Steam injectors: their theory and| LOC. 0 ve cice sete wicieieie soci Shee oreieheieieis +--+ Holt. use; tr. from the French. (Sci. ser.) 18°.| — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.5° pap., 20c...Munvo. 7s FO! Wiilee5 BOG cocoon sanoce Van Nostrand. | Prachensky, Jos. Church of the parables and true Pouvillon, Emile. Césette: Moe of peasant life in the spouse of the suffering Saviour. 16°. 780.44 $1. south of France; auth. from the French by C: | Cath. Pub. W: Woolsey. 16°. 189, #965 $1....... Putnam. | Practical floriculture: guide to the successful cultiva- Poverina. Cantacuzene-Altieri, Princesse O. 25c. | tion of florist’s plants, for the amateur and pro- Appleton. | fessional florist; 120 778rs8t B50)... 33. das Powell, Mrs. —. Prairie missionary. (Robert Race? | Practical hints on rifle practice with military arms. iD) LOoe eo aies paps LO Gr cleat: Am. 8S. S. | DAOr 283e%294" flex Clas DOC! « wie sie cn cree cle ce Judd. Powell, Arran M. Beer question. i2°. ’81.*5°7 pap., | Practical life. Wright, J. McN. $2.25; $2.75; $3.25. NO Gerster te cera oie ercrcveri ei eierel isn cyercieers 7 Nat. Temp. | Mc Curdy- — National government land the liquor traffic. 16°. | Practical receipts of experienced housekeepers ; comp. *BD., 939 Dips. LOC oceanic se ee Vat. Temp. | by the ladies of the $ Seucnil Presb. Ch. of Cin- ms ae ¢ ( 1322 a] 9x (7 ,,.7- regulation of vice. 12°. [’78. 316 S1.. Wood § H. cinnati. 2d rev. ed. 12°. [’78.]** $1.25.. Clarke. Powell, F: York. Early England to the Norman con- | Practical reflections on ever ry verse of the Holy Gos- quest. ee pochs of Eng. hist., Half-hour ser.) | pels, by a clergyman; with oe by H. P. Liddon. maps: 20% [valet pap.) 2bc...-- -- Harper. 120) | ee PO ee . -: - Dutton. Powell, G: T te ae and foundation walls, for | Praed, Ms. Campbell. Ni adine: the stay ofA wonian. buildings; [also] Treatise on foundations, with | (Seaside lib.) 4° 7’83.°°7 pap., 10c. .. Munro. prac tical illustrations of isolated piers as followed | Prairie (The). Cooper, J. F. 20c.-..--..-.. Munro. a y ee ae ee ea Mo Wye ue P ae | Prairie bird. Murray, ©: A: 20c. ..........Munvro. WE 69 sh. Spi lara) chore ovele ain ore ais sicknell. we: sure > . "304 6 1 rair ays. Sleig ME BE lb 0) a0. ac .-- Dutton. =—— Same. nis - ilk 80 284icse On ak. Comstock, | Prairie days See I ie 1.50 eS ton ; eck : | Pr sy Bennett: E il 75c......- Lerson. Powell, H: J. The principles of glass-making; [also] Prairie flower. Bennett, I Is Foc a oot . ~ ears ‘ — ee “ > 9Q9 *545 ch Treatise on crown and sheetglass, by H: Chance; Prairie idyl, and other poems. sq. 16°. ’82. Sl. [also] Treatise on plate-glass, by H. G. Harris. Si oe Jansen. 190, SSels ERO) 5 oe. oe A ee ele Batj-d. | Prairie missionary. Powell, MMs. 10c. .--.Am. S.S. Powell, J. W. Outlines of sociology: lecture. (Sat-| Prantl, K. Elementary text-book of POrRny 3 tr. from ~ ovis ° \< =f ~ ' . > 0 2 urday lect.) 8°. 82.549 pap., 10c...Judd & D. the Germ.; rev. by S. H. Vines. ill. 8°. °80.*? ‘ a . : Se DO) cicieie) eieleie ayeterny eer oe ees Lp pincott. Powell, J: J. The Golden State and its resources. | ae PI 0 oes Sls 0 ek Bacon. | Pratt, C: BE. American bicvelen: sual for the ob- a a yy ihe ae SA Denar : arvior Ie »xpe i : 270) 383 — Nevada: the land of silver. 8°. [’76.]”? $3.. Bacon. | server, learner and expert. v ioe Os a mM. WW : ac r MDCs) oie 0iu 5.6) s)0 01) 006) aie co «se cece oughton, O. § Co. Powell, T: W. Analysis of American law. Newed. Hoe rol OR daAl oe > Ten’ 5 eisa |— Same. 2ded. 16°. ’80.*4!. pap., 50c.....-. Pope. Bo Seas Or SD Des area ere crore . Lippincott. = ; . © en : -e ok r . . ratt, Dan. J. (ed. egents’ questions. pt. 5: Key Powell, W. B. How to talk; or, primary lessons in ‘na Gy, 16°. [°77 i275 flex a i the Eng. language. (Language ser.) ill. 12°. eee oe tu ee Burden (2835) Sete. Dds: net. 420) caries ne ee ; aq 27) Baas f ‘s. Ella Farman. : yrothea A. Shepherd. — How to write; or, secondary lessons in the Eng. lan- | Pratt, MM s. Hilla k rman. [** Dot é ee I ae dl ¢ 2 7 4592 ‘| Baby’s object-lesson book. ill. sq. 8°. [’79.] guage. Cs age ce) ily W20r P83. eee net . : } | (LOO, sAdgaon oc : ae - Cor operthwatt. Power, H: Elements of human physiology. (Student’s [Zeid] ote So erererekcceleteeate cela ee rereiet= -++-.-Lothrop. ser. of manuals.) ill. 8°. ’84.69 flex. cl., $1.50. | — How two girls tried farming. (Idle hour ser.) ill. Lea. sq. 16% [79.1 #82" “pap., b0C. «...=.--0CkT op: Power, Philip Bennett. I will: determinations of the | — Prue’s pocket book. See Hamilton, K. W., and_ Man of God, as found in some of the I wills of Pratt, Jirs. bh. EF the Psalms. Newed. 12°. 781.48 $1..Carter.| — Sugar plums ileaby@e A Northam’ 40, 9 [e/(.\|$0 — I wills of Christ: thoughts upon passages in which | Gila ieiates sishatere pap=; Vi Gere is cle vits wlelal «> clas ss SHO CO00 BOOOY, Am. Tr. See Gaboriau, E. Proper pride. Croker, B. M. 20c.........-. Munro. Propertius, Petronius Arbiter. See “Collins, Wiss: (ed.) Ane. classics. Select elegies; ed. with introd., notes and app., by J. P. Postgate. 16°. 2 ae SSG ()is cveieteveleral cvelere aie Savelousvare jul Macmillan. X Prophecy of Dante. Byron, G: G. N. (Lord). 12c. Clark & Southworth, E. S. 10c...Ogilvie. Pros and cons of woman suffrage; review of a legisla- tive report, by one of the sex. 16°. ’82.*°® pap., Little, B. § Co. WDC cin isiciewie wile ecole siicin reel - WeeB: Char ke. Proctor, L. B. Lawyer and client; or, the trials and | Prose and poetry of Europe and America. 8°. 782.574 the triumphs of the bar; illustrated by scenes and $3; gilt, $3.50.. Kenety the ‘ : ewes ey siete cle = 5 16°. 83.]*94 $3.75; $4.50 ...... -- Putnam. Proctor, R: Ant. Easy star lessons. ill. and star Dee. | ad ao maps. 12°. 782.541,580 $9.50. Protagoras (The). Plato. 75c...-.---+-+++- Harper. Putnam; Scribner & W. — Familiar science studies. 12°. ’82.%°?7 $9.95. R. Worthington. — lowers of the sky. ill. 16° [779.]*4° $1. Armstrong. — Great pyramid: observatory, tomb and temple. ill. | 1D, WB ED) OY 5B cco nonoor R. Worthington. — Hereditary traits, and other essays. (Humboldt lib.) EY EW, Mb ococoog oGadnc Intzgerald. — Light science for leisure hours: ser. of familiar essays on scientific subjects, natural phenomena, ete. (Elumboldt lib.) 4°. ’79.495 pap., 15c. Litzgerald. | | | | | — The moon: her motions, aspect, scenery and physical | conditions. New ed. ill. 12°. ’79.36 $3.50. Appleton. — Mysteries of time and space. ill. 12°. ’83,%590 OD Die ereie ia cio Giei ciel clare) reise sia) sieves hk. Worthington. — Myths and marvels of astronomy. 8°. [’77.]?°4 $4. Putnam. SIME SOs BOO EAEE RO creel alec cie.e R. Wenn gion: — Pleasant ways in science. 12°. 78.38 .50. Te ent — Poetry of astronomy: ser. of familiar essays on the heavenly bodies. 8°. 781.47 $3.50..Lippincott. | Protestant Episcopal almanac and church directory. ona Ni W8o% [Gi = Saat ees2" eas bds., ccs DADs 2DCo sinie a iccs clay siecle Sia cisoleteiscie Whittaker. Protestant Episcopal Church. Hymnal according to the use of the Prot. Epise. Church in U.S Rew, ede 19% Sikes! mor, 9oc4 im. Tus... $1.65; tky. mor., $2.30; cf., $2.40; red _ tky., $2 50s seal-skin, G7.5D.. «i 0c0- .c0ece vee LVELSOM. — Proper lessons for the forty days of Lent and for the Sundays in Lent. 24°. ['84.]*®°® 50c. & J. B. Young. |— Proper lessons for the Sundays and holy days throughout the year as set forth by the General Convention of 1883. 24°. [’84. ]®8 50c. EH. § J. B. Young. Proudfit, D. L. [‘‘ Peleg Arkwright.” ] Love among the gamins, and other poems. sm. 4°. [?’77.]%° GHD Oerarciacietcicieie siel ete ella) ate aielera(celisrey een. rele. k with old Prout, S: Gillespie. Never say die: tal friends. 16°. [/’83.]*5°8 flex. cl. 35c...Am. Zr. |Prouty, L. Fish: their habits and haunts. 8°. 783. G5 O! cccreleire o's revelers eiejaieyo. Cisis curs siniereiere Cupples. | Proverb stories. Alcott, L. M. (SOS 6 coal . Roberts. Proverbial philosophy. See Tupper, M. F.PROVERBS 32] PUTNAM Proverbs in porcelain and other verses. Dobson, A. Pupiliof Aurelius; Black Ws: 0c.......... Munro. SDE) ole © elele) gigielalei) wiv ale (ele) <\sfalel «inloie Scribner, W. § A-| Purcell, F. Alb. On cancer: its allies and other Prudence, Jhillie ahs. Ir ©. 90¢.5.6...- -- Harper. tumors, with special ref. to treatment. 8°. 81,541 Prue’s pocket-book. Hamilton, K. W., and Pratt, ITD «oe ee cece ee eee eens a] ciekekexcs<(o\ Blakiston. Moss We We DCs cede Sie milo esis cleleyaie. Lothrop. | Purdy, Alfr. E. M. Medical register of New York. Prusias. Hekstein W. Biv. Blo... --- Gottsberger. | New Jersey, and Connecticut. 16°, [?77.]?” Prussian vase. Edgeworth, M. 40c....Ph ullips & H. Pruyn, Mrs. Ma. Grandmama’s letters from Japan. Wl KB PRY a caasan anon dacoor Earle. Pryde, D: The highways of literature: or, what to read and how to read. (Standard lib.) por. Ws PRE IRE pat, NEC, coon cas0 conc on ING. Pryde, Ja. (ed.) Chambers’ mathematical tables. 12°. 79,871 Sn LeeiD \arcceta sleieia ola ees An Sano Tee Worthington. Psyche of to-day. Jenkin, IMs. C. 10c. .... Munro. | Psycho-physiological sciences and their assailants. Wrallaces Aw Ri ardiothes. pOC:........ Colby. Public Health Association. See American Public Health Association. Publicans and sinners. Maxwell, Js. M. E. 20c. Munro. Publishers’ trade list annual: embr. the full trade-lists of Am. publishers, with indexes of publishing firms and other specialties, Am. edue. catalocue, ete. [Annual.] 1876-84. roy. 8°. [’76]—84.24!-611 Clea Ne tate le DO be cielo oars Leypoldt; Pub. Weekly. Puchner, Rudolph. linge aus dem Westen: Poems. | Bor [noel plc sete reverie oi cya ape Doerflinger. Puck. Wa Rame, inde; 20Cjc..c 2c a. --. Munro. Puck on wheels. [Annual.] ill. 8 78084. #445, *546 Cae DADS. LOC cis cere cle\s cicero SocuooOS Keppler. Puck’s annual for 1880-84. ill. 8°. ’80-’84,*469-584 CAPA Peco Care oe erie cleies mcrae sac ere Keppler. Puck’s Volks-Kalender, 1878-84; ed. by L. Schenck; | ill. by J. Keppler, and others. [Annual.] 8°. MSaOk wows ON DAD, 2OChas 10 stele cis « Men pler: Puddleford papers. Riley, H:H. $1.50....ZLee& S. Pullen, Clarenee, and Chandler, C: C. (eds.) Civil en- | gineer’s excavation and embankment tables. 8°. [RSQ ree SD) eee cee see ere J. M. W. Jones. Pullen, H: W: Dame Europa’s remonstrance and her ultimatum: 020 [wie pap. 25c: Craig & T. | — Modern Christianity a civilized heathenism. 129, | (ROS She cere ce eye ntetcis oie ae Rk. Worthington. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. (84.845 pap., 15e. J: W. Lovell. Pulling, F. S. Sir Joshua Reynolds. (Ill. biog. Of preatantists.) ilk 120; 28 son: Scribner & W. Pulpit and grave. Wheeler, E. J. $1.50..... Funk. Pulpit commentary. See Spence, H. D. M., and Exell, J. A. Pulpit prayers, by eminent preachers. (Clerical lib.) i Gye tee SND cconadoonboZ Armstrong. Pulpit table-talk. Ramsay, B: B. 10c. ....... Funk. Pulpit talks on topics of the time. Rylance, J. H. 2D Craters clers olelei: eects aie ciel Teicea cee cre Funk. Pulpit themes and preacher’s assistant: outlines of ser- mons; app. The art of preaching practically de- veloped in the confessions of Francis Volkmar Reinhard Newissue, 120) [783.]83) so) Tibbals. Pulsifer, Josiah D. Reports. See Maine, Sup. Judi- cial Court. Punch and Judy: serio-comical tragedy. (Acting Granias)) 120%. [ionic naps, Vocus. en Happy. Punch, brothers, punch! Clemens, S:L. 50c. | 25c, Slote. Punchard, G. History of Congregationalism from about A. DD. 250 to the present time. v. 4: Con- gregationalism in America. 12°. ’80.*478 9, SDL DU cvclovernreteleis cia e Cosh oe Se ee Putnam. Purdy, W: London banking life: papers on trade anditinance: U205) [ivG2| 245 Silene Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. — Same. 8° [779.] $1.25.........2. Worthington. Purgatory and Paradise. Dante Alighieri. $6; $10. Cassell. Puritan and the Quaker. B., R.G. $1.50.. Putnam. Puritan’s guest. Holland, J. G. $1.25. Scribner’s Sons. Purkis, H. W. Students’ cuide to Smith on contracts. ep Caso oo soogen T. & J. W. Johnson. — Students’ guide to Williams on personal property : questions and answers. 12°. 782.526 $1. I’. § J. W. Johnson. — Students’ guide to Williams on real property. 12°. 2B bee aie oe cee cee oe T. § J. W. Johnson. Purple and gold. Sanborn, K. $1.25....... Osgood. Purse @Lhe): Balzacy We des LOtesees osc Munro. Purton, W. O. (ed.) The communicant: a manual of devotions for Holy Communion. 24°. ’82.**28 PUD es OC revere cece oinion aia a isieucye 6 TOY. 80% [02 ak, Goce ene Hitchcock & W. | Raymond, Ross. No laggards we. 16°. ’81.*499 $1; pap., DU Gaevereiei cleieraicielaverelere Oooo ooo aha Harlan. Raymond, Rossiter W. [‘‘ Robertson Gray.” ] Camp and cabin: sketches of life and travel in the West. 24°. ’80.*42! $1. Same. New ed. 16°. 2882) Sil DAs DOC ere iam 60 orn slat ne ols Fords. |— The merry-go-round: stories for boys and girls. | New edsenls alle sq iv [NS Aos sSili50t Fords. |— and Lippincott, Ms. Sa. J. [‘*‘ Grace Greenwood.”’] Treasures from fairy-land. (Excelsiored.) 2 vy. in de ie 120s (Oe ece pile. ie Am. News. Raymonde. Theuriet, A. 30c..... -eeee-e Appleton. Rayne, Jfrs. M. Louise. Fallen among thieves: a summer tour. 12°. 779.389 $1.50.... Carleton. Rays of light in the valley of sorrow. Wheeler, H: ahiMeeiersrarere Micverctare: Wepre lesa ol) sinie/s)els) s/eicie: “leper Zregler. | Reach, Angus B. Leonard Lindsay. (Railway lib.) | 169, TSS WAS SOCK as + $3575)... Schuberth. | Reaney, Mrs. G. S. Daisy Snowflake’s secret: story of Eng. home life. ill. 12°. ’83.*812 $1.95. Am. Tr. | — Little Glory’s mission; {also] Found at last. ill. 16°. | BOM Ole) 75 Oeeye migis occiers cis Se a iol steers eee Am. T7. | — Morning thoughts for our daughters. 24°. [’83.]*®1° HOC IDO. eicicvs tes erecta es sicneierciccihewice «Ams 2: — QOur brothers and sons. 12°. RSs] te 81. --Am. T7. | — Our daughters: their lives here and pereanels 12°. | PERL TOO ecoosd Selo sere tec aace Am. Tr. | Reaping the whirlwind. See Hay, M. C. Reardon, G: Evett. Forms of acknowledgments for deeds and other instruments used in the U.S. Hh CPE Ape GI accoca0- 5S boob J: Cox. | Reason and infidelity considered. MeDermott EL. oH: PEO GOGH 00 G0 Cadu6 SOCOOH00 0000 D000 LS JANAATATEDOC | Reason, faith and duty. W aigee Be dhe a .- ++ Roberts. | Reason in rhymes: truth in rhymes. Wl roy bo [’76. 255 TD Oe cicris exe a0) Wien creie oe -.-- McLoughlin. |Reata. See Gerard, EB. D. Cpseud: ) Reavis, L. U. Life and military services of Gen. William Selby Harney; introd. by C. M. Clay. L208 [en8se42 S250) dabsieds)) ssnelt mors SDL tolaevelele) elie fasaile/sucfousoieiesecieielerene sels Byran, B. & Co.REAVIS » Reavis, lL. U., continued. — St. Louis, the future great city of the world; with biog. sketches of the representative men and| Redeemed by love. women of St. Louis and Missouri. (Centennial ed:)) (8° [6:48 stor hfenior. 67-50.. barnns. Rebecca: Corbin; Ms: ©: b $l. Si-50..... Jansen. Rebecca and Rowena. See Thackeray, W: M. Rebecca and Rowena: tragic burlesque. (Acting drama.) 1205 2830683) naps loca Roorbach. Rebecca’s journal. Lansing, Mrs. M. $1.50. McCalla. Rebel of the family. Linton, Ms. E. Rebel’s recollections. Reber, C: T. excitation by high solar heat, long-continued and suddenly withdrawn, ete. So-called malaria: etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and treatment. Son 27, esce ies] Rumbold. Reber, Franz yv. History of ancient art; rev. by the author; tr. and augumented by J. T. Clarke. ill. Bo. 262 .eSee 1350 Harper. Recent polar voyages. ill. (’77.] $2.50.. Nelson. Reclus, Elisée. The history of a mountain; from the French by B. Ness and J: Lillie; ill. by L. Ben- L. 20c... Harper. 5°. nett. [DON Sisco! (ROD ce cae os Harper. Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer. Bur- Neth eH tpllemDirce sees ene oe Appleton. Recollections of a drummer-boy. Kieffer, H. M. Spilta2 Dis) inielatcleveter siete cinta siecle sec enc. cys. Osgood. Recollections of an octogenarian. Hill, H: Tic. Lothrop. Hoppin, A: $1.25. Houghton, M. & Co. Kingsley, H: $1. Dodd. Hill, R. and F. D. $4.50. Macmillan. A. $2.50. Holt. $2.50 . Holt. Hartley, Jfrs. Am. S. S. C. Recollections of Auton House. Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. Recorder of Bermingham. Records of a girlhood. Kemble, Jfrs. F. Records of later life. Kemble, Ifrs. F. A. Records of the Do-without Society. Be 7S Recreations in ancient fields. Lawrence, E. $1. Bardeen. | Recreations of a literary man. Fitzgerald, P. $6. Scribner & W. Shelton, EF. W. $1.25. Whittaker. Rector of St. Bardolph’s. Rectoris wife; Stretton, J. $l :..... Recueil de lectures, a ]’usage des écoles; dest; Josephs 1097 aiiGme4s “Sone. | Reed, S:B o +2» Peterson. | par une Seeur | -Sadlier. | o20 foegleston, G:C. $1.P n. | : . J ggleston re < l £ uinam. | Redford, G: Manualof sculpture: Paresis of sympathetic centers from over- | its | REESE Redcliff, Reb. Fergus. Freckles. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. Oreos Paps. 20Cs 5 orc. ereforelereetee J: W. Lovell. See Clay, B. M. Redfield, Amasa A. Law and practice of Surrogate’s Courts; [also] Reports. See New York, State, Surrvogate’s Court. — See also Shearman, T: G., and Redfield, A. A. Redfield, H. V. Homicide, North and South: com- parative view of crime against the person in sev« eral parts of the U. S. 12° ’80.*43 $1.95, Lippincott. Redford, Christian. The kingdom. 12° ’80. $1.25. Carter. Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, map of anc. Greece, and chrono- log. list of ane. sculptors and their works. (ill. text-bks. of art education.) ill. 12°. 782.537 9. Scribner & W. Redgauntlet. Reed, Alonzo. °R4 %*642 —and Kellogg, See Scott, Sir W. W ord lessons: bds., 2 Brainard. complete speller. 120°, ..-- Clark § M. Higher lessons in Eng.: work on Eng. grammar and composition. 16°. RAY Oe ohacoooe efleleenereteererer-Tele Clark & M. Reed, And. Ida Vane: tale of the restoration. 120°. eM eee EMSHD= oo co5 a000e sieleisla ele tafelate GOMLEM: — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’81.4°4 pap., 20c.. Munro. Reed, C: E. B. Memoir of Sir Charles Reed. por. 20s 28Se8 GIES O)s saree os ce ee. Macmillan. Reed, F. R. Experience of a New York clerk. 16°. 177 7286 fd. [ FP. R. Reed. Reed, F: A. Boy-Lollard ; tale of the readers of Tyn- dale’s New Testament in the times of Henry yur. I 128 | (eSkai eee Sb... Cong. Pub. Reed, Hiram F. How to and vocal culture. bds., 50¢e sicpeienaicrcigee read: manual of elocution Ue Lore a (RG Se oes Sor Garner. Iirring, yet noble: story of a woman’s Reed) I: G., 47. lites @New issue: sq 120) [S45 eet Ss 25) DADs MO Cu elelerstere Grete steleyete sciele elle «ie -«- Peterson. Reed, Ja. Swedenborg and the New Church. 12°. AND EY BN cabo odooa acne Houghton, O. § Co. Reed, J: C. American law studies; or, self-preparation for practice in the U. S. 8°. °82.559 shp., $6. Little, B. § Co. Cottage houses for village and country homes; with complete plans and specifications. LO Soe TO oiaceree eerste cree Judd. — House plans foreverybody. ill. 12°. [’78.]#43 $1.50. Judd. Reed, S: Rockwell. Vicksburg campaign and the battles about Chattanooga under the command of Gen. U.S" Grant in 1862-35 8% *82.5659 S750: Clarke. Reed, W. L. 3ee-keeping of to-day. 18°. [’78.]%?8 pap., 25e eseve anevcecsveece FOOOCO COOK W. Ti Reed. | Reemelin, C: Critical review of American politics. 89. pe | ORs ooedc srovaial gle misue ee srejeleldie avers Clarke. | — Historical sketch of Greene Township, Hamilton Co., ON, GS CRY jh, Bixchoooo oacocd Clarke. Red acorn. MeBlroy, J: $l «............. Summer. Red and white. Holt, E.S. $1.50.......... Cgrter. Red-bird. Holmes, Ms. M. J. 50c..-..-- Carleton. Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux. See Butler, W: F. Fed Court farm. Wood, Ms. H. P. 10c..... Munro. | Red:dragon. Talmage, T: De W. O5bc....J Vat. Temp. Red Eagle. Eggleston, G:C. $1.25........+» Dodd. | Red Eric. Sce Ballantyne, R. M. | Rees, Ja. [‘‘ Colley Cibber.”] | | | | | Red Hill tragedy. Southworth, Jfs. E.1). E.N. $1; DOCH tae saicic asic « Go90N0d D000 OdO00C Peterson. Red-letter day, and other poems. Foote, L. H. $1.50. | Willams. Red-letter days. Havergal, F. R. 85c.; $2.50. Randolph. Red-letter days abroad. Stoddard, J:L. $5; $10. | Osgood. Red lights of Rockby. See Man with red hair. Redonioe WJeplison, eM (2004 cafees amines Munro. | Red Riding-Hood [a novel]. See Notley, F. E. M. Red rose and the white. Adams, W: H.D. $1. Routledge. Red Mover. Coopers Wa 20Cy cee mes sen Munro. Rees, Janet IX. Ruutz. Life of Edwin Forrest; with reminiscences and personal recollections. (Dollar'ser:) 12° [777-]°! $l-..... Peterson. Home decoration ; (Home books.) 12°. flex. cl., 60c. ...... Appleton. — Home occupations. (Home bookss) wll” 120: ABN Seal eae | exe ClES CO Geperecia aie ater) Appleton. — Vernet and Delaroche. (Ill. biog. of great artists.) WR 1208 Si a brace avers ale CIO CI GH Rees, L. L. and what we saw in Europe. p1.25. Lippincott. Treatise on the law of executors, ad- 8°. 780.599 $45 shp., acondh Ire Jeter RON oe with de- . X. (X: +7 518 signs by G: Gibson. 2GiiasG2° We four; where we went 129, 80 [’79].*4" Reese, W: M. ministrators and guardians. oOoa Sace ry : > ~y : SL; pap., gue orsinisi cis seisie 2 ticle nhs Putnam. Scrabner’s Sons. Renée and Franz. Haller, G. (oc. 3; 50c..- Appleton. | Revisers and the Greek text of the New Testament; by Renouf, P. Le Page. Origin and growth of religion | two members of the N. T. Co. 8°. 782.943 pap., as illustrated by the religion of anc. Egy pt. 12°. | DOCH were cece. coe cceeees Macmillan. 7Q K437 , © « . . aoe + SOU P1L.50. 22.20 sere ee eee Servbner’s Sons. Revisers’ English. Mook Ww. LOCH scsale «UIC. Rentin theclouds Wever; ©: VO) s.4-6- Munro. R oan aeie: ‘ee Cl BM | Revolt of man. See Besant, a epented atleisure. See Clay, B. M. oe : R P Sees : ae : | Rex, B: F. Notaries’ manual, their powers, duties [ete. ] epel ores orn oue an i oo of sermons for | under Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Federal laws: all the sunt a S Pe 10 ee t 1€ Ec rcoe tice | with forms. go. 99 565 shp., $2.50.. Gilbert Bk. year; comp. from the works of eminent preachers R a ae : rire ex and Regina. Marshall, Ms. BE. $1.50... Carter. of various ages and nations. 4 v. 8°. ’78,355 we 2 : p1.50 Carter S10 Se ak ota ae, eg i Pustet. | Re Ringgold’s school. Boyd, P. S. $1.25.. Nat. Temp. Heply i A fool’s errand, by one of the fools. Royall, | Reybaud, Mme. C: Goldsmith’s wife. (Handy-v. ser.) SR 00a. Ober ee ae ee . Hale. | No, (PIES prin, BRE 0000 coascoanZ Appleton. eee to Roswell D. Hite Hoel kK on soci: ion ay a so-| — Thorough Bohemienne. (Handy-y. ser.) 16°. ’79,*376 cialist. 12°. °79.367 flex. cl., 50c.; pap., 25c. ae 30C.. - 6 FOG doaDOO0D O00 sfatereiale2 Appleton. Somerby. | — Uncle César. oe undy-y. per) GOs alone paps. Representative men. See Emerson, R. W. | AD CE c\njelollarereloieie) °)e)+\ aie silos! sl elelviele les c\cieicie Appleton. Republic Gihe). lato; met. Sie... sc. Macmillan. Reynard the fox. Bulw eT, ytton, Se HK: G: E. L. Republic of God. Mulford, K. $2.. Houghton, M. § Co. DO Cheyecsraeisi cere e cere shelelstereleieln) << eye ciel ci - Burnz. Republicofrepublics. Sage, B. J. $3.50. . Little, B.§ Co. | Reynaud, Fs. Léonce. Memoir upon the illumination Republican National C onvention: proceedings, C hi- and beaconage of the coasts of France; tr. by P: cago, June, 1880; comp. from the official report. CS Hains; UsSs Aj 39) pls 405. fierce ht 120% 28 ihses) COR mor. Shia cece eee Jeffery. | NMS 6H scano000do00C o+veeeee Van Nostrand. Republican or Democrat? Retrospect, with its lesson | Reynolds, ipeninice The match-maker. (Dollar ser.) for the citizen of 1880. (Half-hour ser.) 32°, | oF (a 8.23 EWE Goopdn D00b000K0 9000 JAAR ic (SOT eee DAD lO Cres rele aininleie ose 15 OM ey Reynolds, G: W.M. Pickwick abroad; companion Repudiation. Green, G: W. 20c...... Soc. Pol. Ed. to C: Dickens’ Pickwick papers; with Cruik- Rescue the drunkard. Davis, J. A. 15c...Nat. Temp. | shank’s ill. of Mr. Pickwick’s tourin France. New Rescue the perishing. Bryson, J: 50c...... Tibbals, | ede So: [Pyaien|al2) hl pape Tors se eerenson. Reseda. Randolph, Mrs. 20c...... --.+..+» Harper. | Reynolds, Grindall. Story of a Concord farm. 8°. 783. Respectable family. Thompson, R. $1.25. Nh, i ooo g0se conod eile ela) eicje «i=! sieieis Cupples: Donnelley, L. § G.| Reynolds, H. R. John the Baptist: contribution to Rest: the tranquil hour. 48°. [’83.]*®! 85c.. Randolph. Christian evidences. 8° ['76.]*4° $4.. Barnes. Restitution of all things. Millet, W. H. $1.50.. Hart. Reynolds, J: My own times; embr. also the hist. of Retcliffe, Si J: Nena Sahib; oder, die Empérung in my lifes, por; 89) Onset Gree. -..Mergus. Indien: histor. polit. Roman. 3 pts. Ws utsche | Reynolds, J: H. Memorial. por. 8° [’76.]248 Lib.) 49. 782.9°7:582 ea. pap., 20c. .... Munro. DADs; DOC eerie ne oe Gc ctlciers oie svcc eee Munsell. Retrospect. Jones, J:ApT. $1....... L ippincott.| | Reynolds, J: Russell Gai ) System of medicine. Retrospect of a long life from 1815 to 1883. Hall, S: v. 4,5. 8% [77795274137 0 ea., $6; shp., $7. Co ND O) ratateraelelovela erste aio arecetecys sie oe Anpleton. Lippincott. Return of the native. WHar ay 408 flLognanoudon Mitt Cont.:; 4. Diseases of the heart. — 5. Local diseases. Return of the princess. See Vv incent, J. — Same. 2ded. 5v. 8% ’79-'82.599 in sets,. $25. Returned to life. Burre, G. 10c........... Ogilvie. Macmillan. Retzsch, Moritz (7/.) Fight with the dragon; and| Reynolds, Jos. W. My growth in divine life. (Heart Fridolin; from the Germ. of Schiller, by J. P. Chords.) 240) 831*60 40a. .8 02. .2+~ Cassell. Collier. 26 outline steel ill. obl. 4°. [’76.]*°7| Reynolds, W: ‘Theory of the law of evidence as SOl i cic ere ccieieiiet ceiccGl «cles ele a cleieiele nie wie LISTE: established in the U. S., and of the examination — Outlines to Goethe’s Faust; with sel. from the trans- of witnesses. 2-49, nat 620 shp., $2..Callaghan. lation of B, Taylor. 26 steel pl. obl. 4°. [’76.]?57 Rhees, W: J. Catalogue of publications of the Smith- $6 cere ee sr ese ceece syavelete) aie! arelols/alal efayele ete LU SLOS: sonian Inst. (1846-1882) ; with index of articles. Reuben Davidger. Greenwood, J. l5c..... Harper. (Smithsonian miscell. coll.) 8° 782.97? pap. Reuben Kent at school. Sce Smith,H. Jessica’s first Smith. Inst. prayer. — Visitors’ guide to Smithsonian Inst. and Nat. Mu- Reuben Kent in the city. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. seum, Washington, D. C. por. and TL So Sora Bois re LOCH maleic a clersiaraiarere -Am. S. 8S. "84 [’83)].8! pap., 25¢..+-...+..--+s- Judd § D. 42. (Nov. 84.) Ri heeRHINE 33 Rhine, from its source to the sea; from the Germ. of | K: Stieler, H. Wachenhusen, and P. W. Hack- | linder; tr. by G. C. Mo anus) eng. imp. 4°. eaten eee $18; tky., $25; $30...-.-- Lippincott. Rhine roamings. Hill, L. A. CN EWoogoud0o Lee & S. Rhoda Lyle. 16°. P78. 8 BCS cine cro ele Lothrop. Rhode Island, General Assembly. Acts and resolves, of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Dec., 1876; Jan., 1877; Jan., Apr., May, June, 1878: Jan., May., Nov., 1879; Jan., June, 1880; Jan., May, 1881. 8°. ’77-’81.-. Freeman > State. | — Public laws, 1873-1878. go, [Bic ccc arc Fyeeman. — Supreme Court. Reports. v. 11-13 ee , by A. Green. 3.y. 8° ’78—83.°°° ea., shp., $6. Houghton M. & Co. General index, v. 1-10 inclusive, [1828-1874], by Ho Glapp. 88 ita pater V. B. Williams. —. Index A-T: index to decisions, by A. Green. 290 v. 8°. °%74-’84.55% 619 ea., pap., $1--Mreeman. Rhode Island hist. tracts. 19 Vv. sm. 4°. ’77-’83. Rider. Cont. : Capture of Gen. R: Prescott by Lt.-Col. W. Barton, by J: L “Dim: in. $1. — Visit of the] Northmen to a I.,-by A. Farnum. 40c.— Hist. of the Wanton family, by J. R. Bartlett. $1.— William Coddington in R. I. colonial eee by H: E. Turner. 60c.— Memoir cone. French seu lemcnte Teles DY; E.R. Potter. $1.25.— Centennial celebration of the battle of R.I., by 8.8. Rider. $1. Journal of a brigade chaplain in the campaign of 1879 agains Btithe Six Nations, under Maj. Gen. J: Sullivan, by W: Rogers. $1. 5.—Some account of the bills of credit or p iper money of R. I., 1710-1786, by E. R. Potter and S.S. Rider. $2.50.— True representation of ‘the plan formed at Albany, 1754, for uniting the British northern colonies, .by S. Hopkins. 8Uc. — Hist. inquiry cone. thea Lempe ‘oraise a regi- ment of slaves by R. I. during the Revolution, by 8.8. Aiog ‘r. $l. — Bibliographical memoir of three R. I. RU TROR ided Nine lawyers’ opinion on the right of the people of R. I. to 0 rm acon- ! stitution, by S. S. Rider. $1.—The medical school formerly existing in Brown University, its profe ssors and graduates, by C: W. Parsons. 50c.—Diary ofa loyalist banished from New- port by the R. I. Gen. See mbly, 1776, by T: Vernon, notes and | introd. by 8.8. Rider; « led The Vernon family and arms, and genealogy of R: Greener $1.50. — Christenings make not Chris- tians, 1°45, followed by lottais by kK. Williams not hitherto printed. $1.50. — Planting and growth of Providence; the gr: Aqua accumulation of materials for domestic comfort, means of inte nal c¢ muni canon and the development of local industries, By H: G. Dorr. $2.50. — Looking glass for the times, or the former spirit of New X ngland renewed in this generation, by P: Folger. 50c. — Defence of S: Gorton and the settlers of Shawomet, by G: A. Brayton. $1.25.— Gleanings from the judicial history of R. J., by T: Durfee. $1.50.— Stephen Hopkins a KR. I. states- man, by W: E. Foster. $9. Rhode Island Institute of Instruction. Three papers on reading and Ene. lit. in schools. 12°. ’80.*431 pap., ry ON oeiaioielavelielelolele\ else! siclel ole) .c/ eles ele Inst. Instr. Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors’ Hist. Assoc. Personal narratives of events in the war of the rebellion. 2d ser. nos. 1-20. sq. oe "80-83 .477-544 CAs DADs) O0C «ccc crecice css se NE BV ES. Cont. : 1. First cruise of the Montauk, by S: T. Browne. — 2. Country boy’s first three months in the army, by C. H: Bar- ney. — 8. Organization and service of Battery F Ist R. I. Light Artillery, to Jan. 1, 1863, by P. 8. Chase. —4. The Maine artil- lery with the Burnside expediti ion, and the Battle of Camden, Ciby7 We 1B: Avery. — 9. Battle of Roanoke Island and Elizabeth C ity, by L. Traver. — 6. The Burnside expedition, by A. E. Burnside. —7. Reminiscences of two years with the colored troops, by Rok M. Bdgeman: —8. A recruit before Petersburg, by G: B. Peck, jr. — 9. Personal experiences of the Chancellorville emus i H. Rogers. — 10. Battle of Cedar Mountain, by F. Denison. — 11. Reminiscences of the warof the rebellion of 1861-5, by J. A. Monroe.— 12. A cruise along the blockade, by F. B. Butts. — 13. The high-school boys of the 10th R. I. Regiment, by W. A. Spicer.— 14. Service of the cavalry in the army of the Potomac, by E. P. Tobie. — 15. Prison life of Licut. James M. Fales, by G. N. Bliss. —16. Last tour of duty at the siege of Charleston, by C. H. Willi: ims. 17. Ambrose Everett Burnside, by A: Woodbury. — 18. dents of service with the llth Re: giment, R. I. Vols., by GC. TL. Parkhurst. —19. Battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864, by J. K 3ucklyn. — 20. Incidents of cavalry experiences during Gen. Pope’s campaign, by W. Gardiner. : Rhodes, A. L. Digest. See California, Sup. Court. Rhodes, Dudley Ward. Creed and greed: lectures. MOR iO) eA0se OOD cvevsie ne cree ae P: G.Thomson. | — Dangers and duties: talks to men and women. 12°. | pS S8) S50 nee ane 2 Se acreage .... Lippincott. | Life Phouenits for young men. 12°. 781. Rhymes in reason. Rhymes of science. | Rice, Willard M. RICH 494 saye lovey wlore reaver aie Stacie SUtIy Les — Life thoughts for young women. 12°. 784 .*630 S195 Luth. ute — Recognition in beaver: 30. [781.]47? 50c.Luth. Pub. Caxton. > Caxton’s book: poems, 12°. (776.]?5 $3... Bancroft. Mrs. Practice and process in the Orphans’ Courts of Pennsylvania, embr. laws rel. to the settlement of estates of decedents [ete.], in the Courts of Common Pleas and Equity. 2v. 8° 183.591,6 a., Shp., G6 -----ceeees eevee Welsh. Rhyme ? and reason : Dodgson, C: L. $1.50. Macmillan. Rhyme of the border war. Peacock, T: B. $1.50. Carleton. 16°. [’77.]*87 75¢e.. McLoughlin. Holmes, O. W., and others. 50c. Indust. of memory; from the French (Internat. sci. ser.) 12°. ’82.*°43 ODO teicic aie ciel e) oie el slelelcilele wigicieleleyerele .-- Appleton. 2: from the French by J. Fitzgerald. (Humboldt Ss: 804 “pap:, lide: .. Fitzgerald. will; from the French by J. Fitz- (Humboldt lib.) 8° (['84.]®7 pap., Di eieieloteioiria/ejcicier< aiele aval ereverele s)' oie ciel Inizgerald. Italian principia: pt. 1: First Italian RK sOS Gee ccisiers e---. Harper. Thorndike (ed.) Essays from North emenican Review. 8°. ’79.*99! $2.. Appleton. table, incl. all officinal and fre- “que ntly em} aaioved unofficinal preparations. 16°. OL eral aie! clove eieleral oiaie intl feyayoie aelera inraiale Wood. Organization nna classification of (Teacher’s primer.) 12°. ’81.*°}8 ; pap., 15c.- ++ ees eseees Am. S. 8S. — Scholar’s handl 00k on the Internat. lessons. pts. 7— 7-93 257-337 eg. bds., 10c..Am. S.S. J 35th years, 1882-84. maps and 940, 781—’83.520-822\ ea. bds., ldc.-Am. S. S- Pictorial comment. on the Gospel according toMark. mapsandill. 12°. [’82.]*°? $1..Am.8.S. } Incidents of pioneer life in the early settlement of the Connecticut western reserve. 25 evoeecoese teen et core eee Cobb. Pioneers of the western reserve. PBL ERS Cog. cqac0oa00K0r Lee & S. _ Ver non, , and select poems. Pan Eda) 1207 2807875 _ po tne lavclovo dieleieisie:ielele sieve! nicle\clele sie.e a aia elsieix Lee f S 78, *360 $1.50. Same. 2d ed. (Os 415 DL D0. ce acce occ Lee § S. Hee pcsinetHonl lines have their counter- 190% 2801820" pap. 2oCse~. BuLes: Seo W: W. Elementary trea- ifferential calculus founded on the or fluctions. (Abr. ed.) 129. sieioeie e aieis aval eieisoleraierecietera Aled W., and Rice, J. Immortality of the soul, and the destiny 18° “[egsis* ‘C0ePresb. bda- Orations and poems. por. 8°. 83.94 Sferclone rele cteere «fel -R. Worthington. fdgar Allen Poe: memorial sms 40: [enGalee 2-D05) mor. Berrie oie cle eicie ele eile - Turnbull. Prac tic al booleke »eping. 2ded.,enl. 8°. avoilores eiosetcrcleleye) maroins silane ele eee VICE: W estminster question book. Internat. maps andill. 24°. [’76-’83. ]?°?" ©? Dore ees eee enone ciiseca oan Presb. Bd. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiqui- of the industrial arts and social Greeks and Romans. 8% 781. Brae ciel sieieiel cre ela alerts ye eoleliaieeleie eA DDLECLON- 501RICH 331 RICHMOND Rich, Shebnah. Truro, Cape Cod; or, land- marks | Hichardson: B: W ial soniolucd. - . Q c eon and sea-marks. por. and ill. 8°. ([783.]*599| Twenty-one historic landmarks. 12°, ’82.*526 pap. Spe crcisle ls odd o ave te sisieie bros: AEN LE Biren. Gok: L oe Op. ee NOCH aie eiel circ ciccic © cieicie ss cee ne Nat. Temp. Richard; or, devotion to the Stuarts: from the French by Lady B. Murphy. 12°. 782.553 $1. paar | Richar dson, C: F. Choice of books. 16°. ’81.473 ZC. PAPs OGr es ee cieiel- cls ecieis-AM. Bic. Mac: Richard Edney and the governor’s family. Judd, S Mhetcross’. G5 1(Oest0) (G0C creme cee Lipptncott. GER Os ice os ck ee Panecre. pane of American literature. 18°. (a8-5t= 50c: Richard Hunne. Sargent, G: E. $1... J. Bradley. Seite eee i Houghton, O. § Co. Richard Hurdis. Simms, W: G. $1.50. Armstrong. — Same. New rev. ed., with por. of Am. authors. 2Ist thous. 24°. ’84 [’83].!! 30c. Richards, E. L. Elements of plane and spherical Houghton, M. & Co. = atry ‘ [>7¢ 5 x my =O 36 at trigonometry. 12°. [’79. ] oF sete Appleton. —and Clark, H: A. The college book. 49°. ’78.36! eso > . ~ " > Oo stpruw 90 I=Q 332 . rT a > ulements ot plane trigonometry. 12°. [ ee ae Ses ce oie cists ce Seieieeee eie Houghton, O. § Co. ) Crvaron elolove! ciaraie cisiercicloneicvsrene aiciersracre --- Appleton. . : r waiie ; : eee DEES: he ppion. | Richardson, H. W. National banks. (Half-hour ser.) ichards, Ellen a f housek of eet and Cea B20. SOM ANC paps, 20Cie senses Harper Ing: lanua O 1ousekeepers. O°: Oreo o P79 7 ~ 7 an n BOSE IAS) ae — Paper money. 12°. [/°79.] pap., l5c.... Appteton. NWO DO AOOGOGOO dS ODO USOO OOOO GOO OGO4 4000 USUES. ~ . 2 : : s ‘ | Richardson, Hellena. Every-day doings. ill. 12°. Richards, J: W 5 ae conversion by machinery. cr. 8°. 139 #526 G1 95 yi : r Nelson Ree 3 v ¢ r eee ['83].* $l eee Richardson, W: A. Reports. See United § states, Crr- — Familiar talks on Eng. literature 149-18. : 12° . . . 1 1B] K473 5 ? ay out curt and District Courts. 81.7 D4) nie! ol s/eleier a aVele) Right-hand record and newspaper directory. Hubbard, HPs $2250 s Seb aceck «cm sends ie Hubbard. Right tothe point. Cuyler,T. i. $i...... Lothrop. Right word in the right place: dictionary of synonyms. 2A0% oles pape LOC aeeer Seen --- Jenkins. Righted at last. 8°. [’76.] $1.50; pap., $1.. Appleton. — Same; [also] Major Ashton’s mistake. (People’s libs) Acre 387.038) nape, LOCs sen ecooec Ogilvie. Righteous apostate. Lanza, Marchioness C. $1.25. Putnam. Rights of man. Paine, T: 75c.; 40c... Truth Seeker. Rights of men and women — natural, civil, political; with replies to popular speakers and writers; by the author of Pros and cons of woman suffrage. 1208 483. Papi, 2OCi eer s ee .«-»-+ Cupples. Rights of the body. Calthrop, S. R. 8c. ... Putnam. Riley, C: V. Little-known facts about well-known animals: lecture. (Saturday lectures.) 8°. ’82.°4° | DAD a5 LOCH ecto tenctem aiele eveyone yelere) cveteieiat: Judd §& D. | — Locust plague in the U. S.: treatise on the Rocky Mountain locust, with practical reeommendations | for its destruction: il) 16° [777.8 Si.25: Wb tllocoogscac Sia eles Siete oe Rand, McN. & Co. | — Potato pests; Colorado potato beetle and other in- | sect foes in N. Am.; with suggestions for their destruction. ill. 12°. [’76. ]?°® 7dc. ; pap.,50c. Judd. Riley, H: Hopkins. The Puddleford papers; or, humors of the West. Newed. ill. 16° 782.554 $1.50. | Lee & S. | Riley, Ja. Whitcomb. [‘‘B: F. Johnson of Boone.” ] | The old swimmin’-hole, and ’leven more poems. Ao, CERES) jain, Gero saccosnoannac sie ate: Rimmer, Alfr. Ancient streets and homesteads of England; introd. by J. S. Howson. ill. 8°. alleen face Spi D Oleteveiore cei sicierele rood dd6G Macmillan. — Our old country towns. ill. 8° 781.48 $4, Scribner & W. | Oo — Pleasant spots around Oxford. ill. 89° ’78.°8 $6; tky. mor., $12 ............. Cassell, P.,G. § Co. Rimmer, W: Art anatomy; designs on heliotype pl. with descriptive text. obl. 4° [’77.]?8° hf. mor., $50. [Only 50 copies.]...... -.. Little, B. § Co. Rindfleisch, E. Elements of pathology; tr. by W: H. Merecur: rev. and ed: by J. Iyson. 8°: GAcc22) Tends: SND), spOle aie) eis eiccicic) «5 e/- SLQICUSTON: Riner,J.A. Reports. See Wyoming Territory, Sup. Ct. Ring of amethyst. Rollins, Ms. A.W. $1.25. .Puinam. Ring out, wild bells. Tennyson, A. $1.75...Lee§S. Ringer, Sidney. Hand-book of therapeutics. 7th ed. 8°. 7797887 $4.50. Same. 10th ed., enl. 80: Baas pr leathyaimpaiDisserecre « sistotais cee Wood. Riola, H: Graduated Russian readers, with vocab. U2ON BRO Meee eho ers iiere ere erm ete Houghton, O. § Co. — How to learn Russian: manual based on the Ollen- dorffian system; with pref. by W. R. S. Ralston. Ch Sg aOseee | oleic ---- Houghton, O. § Co. — Same. Key. 8°. ’78.%! $1.25..Houghton,O. § Co. Riordan, Roger. Score of etchings; examples by cel. Ting. etchers, with critical and descrip. text. f°. OD eoee! Bill yerereye rete ev eis efaicr?! DADs; 20C. eee co J: W. Lovell. 7 — Same. (Wayside ser.) ill. sq. 16°. [777.]°4 $1.25. Lockwood, B. & Co. Roberts, W. H. Hints and helps for national guards- MEM. (QO cceis cece ciesce oi Ss aeicce, VM INOSLTANG- Robertson, C. F. The churchman’s answer as to the | hist. and claims of the Prot. Epise. Ch.: lecture. 8°. (778. ]824 pap., 20c. ..........- Chittenden. | Robertson, D. T. City Courtreports. See New York, City. Robertson, Eric S. English poetesses: critical biog. with extracts. 12°. ’838.*89 $1.50 .... Cassell. Robertson, F: W: Human race, and other sermons. | [bth ser) W208 oy Ae Sb Olea vice - Harper. | — Noteson Genesis. 12° [777.]?7* $1.50... Dutton. — Sermons preached at Brighton. New ed. 12°. } | [Ei eee eo eree rte eee eee ect Dutton. | — Bits of precious ore. [Selections.] 48°. ’83.*°? 35c. Randolph. | — Living thoughts: a thesaurus, by K. B. Tupper; introd. by W: ©. Richards. 12° 781.*48! $1.25. Griggs. Robertson, Marg. M. David Fleming’s forgiveness. (Spare-hour ser.) 16° [779.]*88° $1.25. Randolph. — Frederica and her guardians. 12°. 780.484 $1.50. Lothrop. — The two Miss Jean Dawsons. 12°. [’80.]*4°9 $1.50. Randolph. Robertson, P. Manual of elocution and philosophy of expression. 12°. ’80.*48 90c...Un. B. Pub. Robertson,T: W: Ours: comedy. SeeNew York drama. | Robertson, W: Life and times of the Right Hon. J: Bright. por. 8° ([’84.]*°° $2.50.... Cassell. Robin. See Parr, Mrs. L. Robin, and other poems. Percy, G: 50c. Lockwood, B. § Co.Robin Grays Gibbon; ©: Oc! 365. --. 6.5. uno: Robin Hoodseries. Gy. 16°. [Persie2® bds:,,$2- 10: Lothrop. Cont.: Drop’s dog. — Jack’s first contract. — Robin Hood’s miracle. — Bunch and Joker.— Tyrant Tom. — What Johnny found. Robin Hood’s miracle. 3utterworth, H. H., and OWNS BHO Goocos coho o600 pbo0 DoDKcE Lothrop. Robin series. 4 v. ill. 16° ’79.4°7 $9..... Nelson. Cont.: Old Robin. and his proverb.— Spare well, spend well. — The olive branch. — Upwards and onwards. Robinson, A. Ma. F. Arden: a novel. (Franklin Sg: libs); 40; 7858s" naps. LbCe ac ecee Harper. —_ Same. (Hovellésilib:)) 16: = 7835829 pap: pe IC. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.5%° pap., ees — Emily Bronté. (Famous women ser.) 16°. ’83.*588 $1 Sele, 4) (ea) ee) (eaie\\ (ea 1¢)s) (pie! e/s\eis (ele)! 0 onieiel sieves Roberts. — New Arcadia and other poems. 16°. ’84.*641 $1.50. Roberts. Robinson, Beverley. Practical treatise on nasal Catanrbs alls (Soh @SNR sis) Sid) ieee cs Wood. Robinson, C:S. Studies in the New Testame nt. 1209, AKO EES OL) noaaga nono nooKKKl Scribner's Sons: — Studies of neglected texts. 12°. [783.]*5% $1. Am. Py —(ed.) Laudes domini: selection of spiritual songs, ancient and modern. 8°. [’84.]*®> Jleath., De) wie orae a ororeiele ele (eis wees - Century Co. — Selection of spiritual songs, mth music for the church’ and the choirs 89: [i79h A882 S150) flex. SiebOss Silk: SOX) 555 cues c ,2 +. Scribnen. | — Same, for use in social meetings. 8°. eng 17 | [iD Oe elotaia eielalolele sists fo clelm in career e Une ae Scribner. — Same, with music for the Sunday-school. sq. 12°: JOU) eR 8o* DOCH oa Sites occas oi et os ee Scrabner. — Same, without music for the S. S. 24°. °81.5% TOKO) a Chee he ae sc A eee Centura y Gol — Selections for responsive readings for use in public worship. 8° | DOC! cies cs Century Co. | — and MacArthur, R. S. Calvary sel. of spiritual | songs, with music, for Baptist churches. 8°. ’79. SIS DOSS He sasics toca ease eh cee occ Scribner. Robinson, Conway. History of the High Court of Chancery and other institutions of England, from the time of Caius Julius Cesar until the accession of William and Mary (in 1688-9). v. 1: To the death of Henry viir. (1546-7). 8°. ’82.%542-565 shp., net, $7.50.. Little, B. § Co.; Randolph § EL. Sane EK. Dictionary of the Bible. ill. 129. Gioeal| tpl wroletersra clare le ete ato) ee ofeyers R. Worthington. pou K.G. Lectures on preaching: delivered to the students of theology at Yale College. 12°. 1e ) «504 ote ed) wares oer aralare ele atelsiele cere Holt. | Robinson, Ef: A., and Wall, G: A. The disk: tale of LWOMpASSIONS: 120% 7845 eGstT ey) eee. Cupples. Robinson, F: W: As long as she lived. (Lib. of sel. NOVels:)) Sos enGuleses. paps doce. 6 cae Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 82.58? pap., 20c..Munzo. — Bar-maid at Battleton. (Half-hour ser.) 329. HO eBee apes MDC sais elec cila sii sereis ois ...» Harper. — Bickers, the blower. easige lib: 49: 753: paps, NO Core creterereay cre eICineiclo eke acicte) alec Wunro. — Black speck: tempers ance tale. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Aor 781008 WEY Obs MWS 666550094000 G00 Harper — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’ a 604 pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 56 pap., 10c.. Munro. — Bridge of glass. (Seaside ib.) 408 (Obs | Pape. ZN) OetetstotoKoin) ciel sisi alot elelelci) wcieye s)ain «ea oin oe Munro. — Carry’s confession: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. soho tee Dena Chemie icicle siesterein alee oy Munro. — Coward conscience: a novell (Fr: anki Sq. lib.) BOT iO neuen awa LC heyelelerain cle ois ciel fale pois — Hight for him. (People’s lib:) 4°. ’81.5 ‘pap. OCS tte orctere siete cies eri eienyore sone cs ueuOgulnre — Girl’s romance; [also] Jenny Merton. (2 eople’s IDS) ao 262048 pap. LOCe mica so OGALucer ROBIN 335 ROBINSON Robeon FF: W: , continued. — Grandmother’s money. (Seaside lib.) 4°. go. pap., 20¢ EieWelolerelej ee slots ee etcic ernie --- Munro. — Hands of justice: anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 40, | PBoepees | DADs DO CHeiere losis een. oie cee ce Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’83.°88 pap., 20c... Munro. — Head waiter. (People’s lib.) 4° 782.5% pap., 10c. Ogilvie. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.474 pap., 10c.- Munro. — Her face was her fortune. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. WEliby Aeron onosocbona0 cod dHScoonuodce Munro. — Little Kate Kirby. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10ce. Munro. — Man she cared for: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. | 784 *640 pap: » DO Crepes aeicia ser ererseier Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. [’84.]®? pap., 10c.. Munzo. — Milly’s hero. (seaside Libs) e405 284.022) pane 0c: Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784,631 DAD en COCr a clesereim selec ie cies cijaicia «ec ae! VWunvro. — Mr. Woosey’s great trouble; [also] Dr. Todd’s Christmas-box, by F. E. Trollope; [a ilso | Milly Mellachin’s borrowed plumes, by C. J. Hamilton. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.573 pap., 10c....dfunzo. — No man’s friend: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.548 JAD ss ZC esc cicccsclccea «cacicic ees coos ee MUNTO. — Old Noll; or, the days of ne Ironsides. (Seaside libs) 40) 28Siece) nape. 20Cr msec os Munna: | — One-and-twenty:a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’81.*472 PAP se ZO Crete cee ee certo ete a sie) oe aie creer Munro. |— Othello the Second. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. 780.422 DADs LOC wrote cle eteleleiolel ot cle¥srcieie eevee ajo cic Harper — Same. (Pop. lib.) 16°. 780.447 pap., 15c. Fitch ; (N.Y. News. ] — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 780. pap., 10c.. Munzo. — Poor Zeph. (Half-hour ser.) 32° [/'78.]3!4 pap., DA) Ce occlcta) o\m ieisierc) svete ecaver aia clerels ail cicisie aio es llarper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c. ..Munzo. — Romance ofa back street. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. MiSeeee | DU UD Cher ere cle seria cis soe llarper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 49° ’79. pap., 10c...jMunvro. — Second cousin Sarah. (Seaside libs); 495 280! paps, NWO caococedo : aieinieieislaleieisicjaie elaleie sal 6 Munro. — Stern necessity. (Seaside lib. ,) 40, 782.47 pap., 20c. Munio. — Sweet nineteen. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap., 20c. Munro. — Under the spell. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83. pap., 20c. Munro. — Wildflower. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.5°° pap., 20c. . Munro. — Woman who saved him; [al a Miss Hurricane; tr. from the French of M: Monnier, by M. C. Brown. (Seaside lib.) 4° 781.58 pap., lOc... . Afunzo. — Women are strange. (People’s lib.) 49. 782.°4° pap., YE, on oo0d coon BOO OdRONS COCO COGONDO DONS Ogilvie. — Same. (Se: se lib.) 4°. 781.498 pap., 10c... Munzo. Robinson, H. Man in the image of God, and other sermons. "190, (776.737 $2.50... 4 Vacmaillan. Robinson, H. M. Great fur land; or, sketches of life in Hudson’s Bay Territory; ill. by C: Gashe. PION Qe ee iiDiciere eekemee «ic cece es LULNAM. Robinson, J/7s. Ht. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement: gen., political, legal and leg- islative hist., 1774-1881. 16°. ’81.¥5}3 $1.95. Roberts. Robinson, H: Sewage disposal. cr. 8° 780.477 $1.50. Spon. Robinson, H: Crabb. Diary, reminiscences, and cor- respondence; sel. and ed. by T: Sadler. 2 v. in I. crs 8% [P06.)%" $2:50).. ~~. Lead g He Robinson, J. Forbes. Great painters of Christendom.’ Ws roy. 4:2: 71.1225 $20. Same. New ed. i foh [eS Ou ee Oe hk mon, sibs tull TNO Ley she Olniate ciel eiciererenenn terse Cassell, P., G. & Co. Robinson, J. H. Good-for-nothing Dick; or, a hero of humble life. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’82.°% pap., DP () Oe aera ared ereieieyey elarelera ciclo ieteie eleleieicreeueyai-0 Ogilvie. — Maid of the ranche: story of life on the Texan border. Soy ied DADE COCs see ee rec: De Witt. — RS aeROBINSON _ 336 ROE Robinson, J. H., continued. a — Nick Whiffles; or, the trapper guide. 12°. [?77.]?” DL.DO. cece ccees SD O008 0Obb SUDO s00C Carleton. — One-eyed Saul; « Ane tory le ague a seven. (Peo- ple’s lib.) 40, * 939 542 pap., 10c. ..--- Ogilvie. Robinson, J. L. Treatise on marine sarees pre- pared for younger naval officers. 16°. °82.° MOE Boies slociolse le os clierel= Sede Joie MACNILLLOI: Robinson, Jane. Dorothy Firebrace. (Railway lib.) LGO (are 7395 bds., 80c. ..+-------- Routledge. — Whitefriars; or, the times and days of Charles 1. New ed. 89 (77. ]?8 $1; pap., 7dc.-- Peterson. Robinson, J: Ferns in their homes and ours. (Am. nat. hist. ser.) ill. 12°. ’78.%° $1.50..Cassino. — Ornamental trees for Massachusetts plantations. 8°. WNSFZ2 fI coooeo ca00c Lore 6 CEP Rand. Robinson, Leora Bettison. House with spectacles. 16°. ines ZOD. RYO Dr wie ais Woleveyoielel ete iekere Putnam. — Patsy. 16°. Ain | SOs BSD Bere or snces LULLONM. Robinson, Ma. S. The American ba nnieee House hor story: 3 Vv. ill; 16° “80: #457 33... Phillips § Robinson, Nugent. Collier’s cyclopedia of commer- cial and socialinformation. 49. ’82.°74 $4. Collier. Robinson, Phil. Sinners and saints: tour across the | States and around them; with three months among the Mormons. 12° — Under the sun; pref. by E. Arnold. 12°. 782. Occ cisic cl tie cieicinic(c $90.... Macmillan. — Manual of political economy. 3d ed., rey. 12°. RGIS OP icosuoaasocccoonanenc Vacmallan. — Six centuries of work and wages: hist. of English labors 80% 284x638.) no - Putnam. — (comp.) History of agriculture and prices in Eng- land, 1259-1793. v. 1-4. 8°. ’78—82.536 v.1, 2. EOE 7% Gh 6h, GUELOS Gasca Gone oc -.-- Macmillan. Rogers, May. The Waverley dictionary : alphabet. arr. of all the characters in Sir Walter Scott’s Waver- ley novels; with descriptive analysis. 12°. ’79,35° ~ 3 SS SSS RS Re ee event catlainenesinte f By ROMAUNT ] = x 5 ie | Rolfus, Hermann, and Braendle, F. J. Die Glaubens- und Sitten- lehre der Kathol. Kirche. ill. 4o. | Cosa > ° (7. | SOLD0=S20) wae cee ee Benziger. | Roll of the drum: ili 129 279. Sikv5-. Routledge. Rollin, C: Ancient hist. of Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians; tr. from the French. | New ed, rev. 4 vy. WQS. 47. 9NS78 Ge Crowell. |— Same. Newed. 2y. 42, Wao.) $6... -- Dodd: |= Same! Av. 190, 879.) 86). ceeds We Dovel: = NONE. 2.N. Soh (erG | Shptaimonc.cs. Porter & C. Rollin, Horace J. Studio, f ield, and gallery: manual Of painting. 12° [7 33 §.]°8° $1.50... Appleton. Rolling stone. Sand, G: (pseud.) 50c.-R. Worth ington. Rollins, Mrs. Alice W. The rine of amethyst. 8°. TSE ese) Obs erence AH DOGOOO OC GOGOC Putnam. | Rollins, Dan. (ed.) The Englishman’s right: dialogue | in rel. to trial by jury; reprinted from ed. of W712: MQ08 {BB Ree ee com eer Soule & B. | Rollins, Ms. Ellen H. | [‘'E. OH. Arr.”] New Eng- Jand bygones. 12°. 780.44! $1.25. Same. New ed., enl. and ill.; introd. by G. Hamilton. 89. i 3>; mor. ant. ortree cf., $9. 83 (7827.55 $ | ie Lippincott. | — Old-time child-life. 16°. 81 [’80].*48 $1.25. Lippincott. Rollo books; Abbott, J; Vv. Sides... ...- Crowell. Rollo’s journey to Cambridge. Stimson, F: J., and Gtinemss (JOC ceccne nee eee cee ts Williams. Roman, Alfr. Military operations of Gen. Beauregard, 1861-1865; incl. brief personal sketch and a nar- rative of his services in the war with Mexico, 1846-48. 2v. 8°. ’83.88 subs., $3.50; shp., $4.50; hf. mor., $5.50; full mor., $7.50.. Harper. Roman Catholicism in the U. S. 12°. ’79.*99° $1.25. Authors’. | Roman days. Rydberg, Vie B2iscc.-. 0. Putnam. | Roman poets. Sellar, W. Y. $5; $2.25.. Macmillan. | Roman singer. Crawford, F. M. $1.25. Houghton, M. § Co. | Roman traitor. Herbert, IH: W: $1.75.... Peterson. ee ea ee ae sss+++++G7U99S. | Romance of aback street. See Robinson, F: W: Rogers, me \ Shon: ees drinkers and Cn LeS |Romance ofa black veil. See Clay, B. M. or, the law an¢ story of intoxicatine liquors. 5 : « Mm 1 oF . a 120, ’8].527 ag E Par ons, | ROmance of amummy. Gautier, T. $1.25. .Lippincott. Lime OL ODL) aiisiicisin es ale eles slle/sie s eee ¢ Ss Ss. : Se! ° : s oy «man. FHeuillet, O. 0c. — Law of hotel life; or, the wrongs and richts of host | Romance of a poor young man. Fe € ee . 3 Senn MU) . and guest. (Legal recreations.) 16°. ’79.*396 IR ariel Andrews. F. $1.25: ~ . ¥ ~ rps | ¢ "1¢ , o f % L 2WsS Nie D oa Soares eicreialers IToughton, O. § Co.; S. Whitney. omance of a rich young man DOO Sy ee Reson R < P aaa J N : aT ms || GOGH wesc cca mere esas So OU naononac Lippincott. ogers, S: oetical works. New issue. Whe (82s | : fone : ‘ eae E 79 406 $3 75 TE Maller. |Romance of Darkecliffe Hall. (Seaside lib.) 4°. id. Ge) «1 Oeielernie/@) sis) es) is ale)(eie) aia) sees ie vices) | oy". : ; /Xr ar ’S0. DMD ali) Ge are ce stacie ec cracicn cre crcrs Hicoanw Wunvro. — Pleasuresof memory. (Vest-pocket ser.) ill. 329. | ° pap-, 101 (eer eeo BOC hae, Gece ces es -++++ Osgood. Romance of the harem. Leonowens. Mis. A. H. — Sce also Modern classics. Rogers, W: Journal of a brigade chaplain in the cam- paign of 1779, against the Six Nations, under | Maj.-Gen. J: Sullivan; introd. and: notes by S.S. Rider. (R. I. hist. tracts.) maps. sm: 4° | HOBIE OVD Directs ree cies coi desis ee face Rider. | Roget, P: M: Thesaurus of Eng. words and phrases. New ed., enl. from the author’s notes, with index by J: L: Roget. 129. °81.*51! ¢9. J: R. Anderson. (N. ¥.) — Same. Newed. 12°, 783.824 #9... PR. Worthington. Rogue's dictionary. Matsell, G: W. $1.50. : Rk. Worthington. Rogue’s life. See Collins, W: W. Rohner, B. Das leben yon Maria und St. Joseph. ill. | CAOn TDs DORI. cece saciaece sone cece. Benziger. Roland @ashels ever, ©; 20cs 6:.5 cn ecn Munro. Roland, Story of. Baldwin, J. $2 ..Scribner’s Sons. Roland Yorke. Wood, Ms. EB. P. 10c......1 Wunvro. Rolando: Bowman Am (leopiccer ocr: Routledge. Rolfe, W. Ja. See Gillet, J. A., and Rolfe, W. J.; also Shakespeare, W: 43, (Novy. 84. ) STOR ke hee oie eee ae ee Porter § C. Romance of the nineteenth century. See Mallock, Wes) EL. Romance of the streets; by a London rambler. 5th ede Go [inOc| pao UT Occ cca Am. Tr. Romances and extravaganzas. De Quincey, T: 20e. Setliff. Romances of the East. Gobineau, J. A. (Comte) de. wot) (OU Ce: eleratare ere ers eraeia cist telel cio (ea efei= - Appleton. Romanes, G: J. Animal intelligence. (Internat. sci. ete) PD, BRE EAT coca uasooos {ppleton. — Mental evolution in animals; with posthumous essay. on instinct by ©: Darwin. 12°. 784.*0%" 92. Appleton. — Scientific evidence of organic evolution. (Hum- boldt lib.) 8° ’88.5% pap., 15¢c...Mitzgerald. — Same. (Nature ser.) 12°. 783.587 50c.. Macmillan. 7 , . . r mm. Romantic adventures of a milkmaid. See Hardy, T: Romantic school. Heine, H: -$1.50.....---+- Holt. Romany rye. Borrow, G: 20c. ........--:- Munro. Romaunt of Lady Helen Clyde. Smith, A. L. Dillingham. RoeROMEFAHRT Romefahrt der Epigonen. Meding, O. Romeo and Juliet. See Shakespeare, W: 290c.. Munro. } Romeo and Juliet: a new travesty. Soule, Gs: CG: NO, oon ooo 0o0 5H OOO 0 000000 9000 GONG GE Jones: Romeo and Julict: dramatic symphony. Berlioz, H. ON ee ee) Fie e)oi ci ieleieieleiesel> sveie(e aiciole) a eiele Church. Romola. Sce Eliot, G: ( pseud.) Catalogue of books and papers rel. | to electricity, magnetism, electric telegraph, etc., incl. the Ronalds library; with biog. mem. ; ed. bw As oF hrost. 6°. ?Q(), 440 pap., $5.50. - Spon. Ronayne, Maurice. Religion and science: historically considered. 8°. ’79.°°’ Rood, Ogden N Modern Ronalds, Six Fs. their unions S1.. Collier. applica- chromaties, with tions to art and industry. (Internat. sci. ser. TR TO ieee not wicisicieis clei Appleton. Room atthe top. Craig, A. $1 S ofsieiwic sei) Sumner. Room for one more. Higginson, Mrs. M. LT. $1.25. | Lee& S. | Linkages: the different forms and Roos, J. D. C. de. uses of articulated links; tr. from Revue uni- verselle des mines. Sci. ser) ple 2408 a9 necy PDS OO sieve ie oleiei cits ele) ole) sic iokaicre Van Nostrand. Roosa, Dan. B. St. J: A doctor’s suggestions to the community: ser. of papers upon Various sub- jects from a physician’s standpoint. 12°. °80.**° CRs crepe ee elec ci cici ciarere woe uicies, es yep ILOILO Ue — Same. 12°. 284 1625 SLED Ole etabeloireierers Vail. — Vest-pocket medical lexicon: dictionary of the words, terms and symbols of med. science; with app. New rev. ed. 48°. ’84.69 roan, 75c.; with tucks, GT orc cre eiforcie ore eel cim wero) (visrols w¥ejs\ei siciele mn >\eys Wood. —and Ely, &. T. Ophthalmic and optic memoranda. Rev. ed. Ae 80.476 Gears er ave teloicrcieravcte Wood. Roosevelt, Blanche. Longfellow’s home-life. 12°. | POS RO AOE SE YI Uz) (av evelo elisiele) Cioiele (versie sles: - -.-.- Vaz7leton. — Marked ‘‘In haste:” story of to-day. 12 GB O86 ile UOictercccie ets) cero cece ----[ Dillingham o] Trow. — Stage-struck; or, she would be an opera-singer. 12°. PRA KOIG! ACR (ies ciceiccieleiclcie (oi s1s ciclcre cls apolei Fords. Roosevelt, Rob. Barnwell. Florida and the game water-birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes onthe Urs: ileandipor. 12° tots. a2. Judd. — Game fish of the northern states and British prov- inces: with account of the salmon and sea-trout fisheries of Canada and New Brunswick. 12°. 284.827 $2. Same. Newed. por. andill. 12°. Fe RE CSD) ag OOO bOd DO OC UCOO DOOOOC - Judd. — Superior fishing; or, the striped bass, trout, black bass, and blue-fish of the Northern states. ill. 10; 7S 4 *643 WAG Goon ooanGdD0 6 ba eas —and Green, Seth. Fish hatching and fish catching. LO real aniline Oerciste titeve oie) 6 si e0. 6 Darly Un 10On. Roosevelt, Thdr. The naval war of 1812; or, the hist. of the U. S. Navy during the last war with Great Britains (6°. 7825224 Sor50) Putnam. Root, G: F: First years in song-land: singing-book for day schools and juvenile singing classes. HOO 7 Onaeee dst DOC cae coe nec Church. — Prlace of sone. obi. 8°. 79-3 6 bds., 75c.. Church. Root, L. C. Quinby’s new bee-keeping; combining results of fifty years’ experience with latest dis- coveries and inventions. ill. and por. 12°. | nO Msoesstmmtcpilie) (eine tarelaters| sieve) ars) eceve ia) Y ROSE Roquette, Otto. Conrad Hagen’s mistake: a novel, from the Germ. by Mrs. S. A. Crozer. 129. ASA) {CRD oiare oie cetereie cieiele) Holt. Rosenthal,R: S. The Meisterschaft system: enabling any one to learn to speak French, German, Span- | ish) and) Utalian’! each in) Jb) pts; 729 (Pere) 798,]#°32618. Ga., pap., Gd--.---c..Hstes ; Funk. Rioseny folk: Wenn G: Me l0ci os. --2 2. 46. Munro. Roses and myrtles [poems]. Cornwall, S. J. $1.50. Appleton. Rosewater, Fk. No more free rides on this jackass; or, protection forever andeverywhere. ill. 16°. POW BAA | es OUCH arte cointe sates cisiels Rosewater. Rosine. See Melville, G: J: W. Roskoten, Rob. Carlotta: tragedy in five acts. 8 a8 (ese hs RD Oles oe hee ie oe ea ‘: [ Roskoten. | Rosmini, Antonio. Of the five wounds of the holy chureh; ed., with introd. by H. P. Liddon. 12° TBE ELI) sagas coc elrareisiel isla ciel a ciciapere Dutton. Ross, And. ‘The microscope. ill. 12°. [’78.]38 75c. Indust. Ross, C: H. The pretty widow. 8°. [’77.]?6' pap., Ce) talchey alee) sfaloiote: Aiske/ sine: cielo 1e) acca ae De Witt. Ross, Denman W. The early hist. of land-holding among the Germans. 8°. ’83.*8% net, $3. Soule & B. Ross, Mrs. Ellen. Dora’s boy. ill. 16°. 81. ]*4°? SIME cololetol ateitwirel a) efolo) 1883. Gy. 82: 778—83. ea.;, $2.50. Rourtle dge. $1.50. Roberts. Routledge, Ja. Popular progress in England: free- | § I I dom of the press and trial by jury, 1660-1820. 5°. [ieniren eco SS Gicieieieciereteiesiersiaierieieinic Macmillan. Routledge, Rob. Popular hist. of science. ill., por. and pl. 12°. 781 [’80].*48! $3.50-...- Routledge. —(ed.) Science in sport made philosophy in earnest. j ill. 12°. (761252 Se () aaretaceloneterer Routledge Routledge, W: Musical Red Riding Hood; ill. by W. @rane. S& 779: DU) Cb oreinvctaterein ec cte Routle dge. — Singing quadrille, music by M. B. Foster; [also] Children’s singing lancers; music by lL. W. Parker; ill. by Mrs. Staples [and others]. 4°. | _|Royalbounty. See Havergal, F. R. Royal command- (780. ]* AGT HdSe ile Dias oo oecere ee Routledge Routledge’s picture book of birds. ill. sm. 4°. [’77.]? bds.. $1.25; col. frontispiece, $2..... Routledge. | Routledge’s threepenny toy books, in colors. sq. 16°. | [(’76.] ea., 124c.; linen, 25c....-... Routledge. Cont. :; Jack, the giant-killer. — Blue Beard. —- Aladdin. — Forty thieves. — Tom Thumb. — Sleeping beauty. Routledge’s young people’s library........ Routledge. | Note. Entered under authors and titles. Rover, Winnie. Lessons in practical science; or, gen. knowledge regarding things in daily use. 12°. TiO Motes Silt ic ereparcte msiieetevere acl tele) evcie crore O’ Shea. — Neptune at the Golden Horn. (Neptune ser.) 12°. | CO ee Ay SND) iso cree ne efeielevnielere ors cere O’ Shea. Row, C. A. Historical evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Books forthe times.) 16°. [’83. ]*>% | Pap. , LOC. cccccc veers n cess encens cece e= Am. 7%. — Reasons for believing in Christianity, addressed to busy people: lectures. 12°. 7’81.°°%° 75c. Whittaker. — Revelation and mod. theology contrasted; or, the simplicity of the apostolic gospel demonstrated. Bor SOs ADO cee: cn es 6 siciae es OCTLOILEI2 a WV: Rowan, F. J. On boiler incrustation and corrosion. Sona [g(Gallee DADs AOC etsy ee secre cll. Spon. — Same. (Sci. ser.) 18° [777.]?8 bds., 50c. Van Nostrand. Rowan, T: Disease and putrescent air: principles which must govern the ventilation of sewers, and the treatment of sewer-gas. 8°. ’83.59° pap., | SOC h acccclre cnc cio ccs Onde Spon. | | | — The ‘*‘ Doterel” explosion: examination of the origin | of the loss of H. M. S. ‘‘ Doterel.” 8°. 783.573 DAUD ea OO Coicveirey ei eic) crcl e clove) licle cyoie eleicie clale cl sicre Spon. — Spontaneous combustion and explosion in coal car- goes: their treatmentand prevention. 8°. °82.°°! DL eieielel tev /elo) ch sieiercietes is cls ais G cyeisis a) sy ciaicrs Spon. | | Rowbotham, T: Art of sketching from nature; rev. by S. N. Carter. (Art hand-books.) ill. 16°. feiSen es Wisk, WN Go000u0 d00dddd0 Onc Putnam. Rowe, A. D. Every-day life in India. ill. 12°. (781. J#90 GB L.50.--- eee eee eee be sect AM. Ls. Rowell, E: N. People of the State of New York against E: N. Rowell: trial upon an indictment for manslaughter for killing Johnson Livingston Lynch, of Utica, Oct. 30, 1883. por. 8°. [’84.]%** hf. shp., $1.50.....-. ays felevele cilcvevelenorere seta Diossy. Rowell, G: P. & Co. (pubs.) American newspaper , 7 ] directory. [Annual.] 8°. [’77]-’84.27°-*98 ea., $d. Rowell. Rowell, J: W. Reports. See Vermont, Sup. Court. Rowley, Ja. Rise of the people and growth of parlia- ment from the Great Charter to the accession of Henry vu, 1215-1485. (Epochs of Eng. hist., Half-hour ser.) 16°. [’77.]?5! pap., 25c.. Harper. — Settlement of the constitution, 1689-1784. (Kpochs of Eng. hist., Half-hour ser.) maps. 32°, [’78. \334 PAP-, ZOC. - eee ee cece ce srecee Harper. Rowson, Jf-s. Susanna. Charlotte Temple. (Lovell’s lib;) 16% pap:, lOc: -.-. 6 <<. -c J: W. Lovell. == Same. (People’s lib.) 4% <8: pap., 10c. Ogilvie. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780. pap.,10c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.°°9 pap., 10c. Munro. Woasnocd -- scribner’s Sons. Roxy. lTggleston, E: $1.: Roy, Ja. Catholicity and Methodism; or, the relation of John Wesley to modern thought. 8°. [’77. ]?”7 pap., 50C.. 2.2 eee ee cere eee ee rece ress Dawson. Roy and Viola. See Forrester, Mrs. Royal Academy album. Jennings, L. $25. Cassell, P., G. § Co. Royal banner. Clare, A. $1.25.......Dott, Y. § Co. Royal banner; or, gold and rubies: story for the yaoi WL UP Ae Biles ose oc .- Nelson. ments. Royal chatterbox. ill. imp. 4°. ’81.*°'® bds., $1.50. R. Worthington. Royal commandments. See Havergal, F. R. Royal dukes and princesses of the family of George m1. Fitzgerald, P. 2v. $9. .--- Scribner § W. Royal grace and loyal gifts. Havergal, F. R. $1. Randolph. Royal invitation. Havergal, F. R. $1..-Randolph. Royal Lowrie. Talbot, C:R. $1.25.-....-Lothrop. Royal natural history readers: no. 1: The animals around us; for Standard 1. (Royal school ser.) TIN G02 2B A88 Tb Cree cre ciererav ole sie! Velson. Royall, W: L. Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the U. S.; hist. of paper money in the U. S. anddiscus- sion of the currency question. (Hconomic mono- graphs.) 12°. ’80[’79].*4"4 pap., 25c... Putnam. — President’s relations with Senator Mahone and repu- diation. 12°. 782.57 pap., 25c...-.-.--- Hale. — Reply to A fool’s errand, by one of the fools. 12°. 780. *489 pap., 25c. Same. 3ded. 12°. ’81.*! Pap-, 40C.0 2.6. - eeeecccwewee vecsscees .-- fale. Royce, A. P. Collections of scrolls and ornaments, suitable for painters, ornamenters, designers, en- gravers, lithographers, etc. pl. obl. 8°. [78.]?” DAD spisiliaiers cleie! elslailaeiele ele) om tele rohe wseee Walliams. Royce, S: Deterioration and race education: practical application to the conditions of the people and industry. 12% [’77.]8° $2.50... Berendsohn. Royse, N. K. Manual of Eng. literature; for schools of advanced grades. 12°. ’82.*°9?9 $1.75. Cowperthwart. — Some ancient melodies, and other experiments. 12°. ZO Oees seein ea cienecie ce cece we eo CLANK. Rubin, T. A. Sphinx Americana: Rathsel. 24°. 778.364 bds., 20c.; pap., ldc. wore aces Doerplungen.Ruby. Ruby a Rucker a 9 RUBY 341 RUSSELL Wianino Giis7) LOGS sacmcs cee ce sOsneon: Rosin: , continued. nd pearl. Marshall, Is. BE. $1.25... Carter. | — Same, with title: Letters to workmen and laborers. : " : ; ‘ | (Fors claviger: 2 Ss ti ar ser c tE: Wisdom of the Brahmin: didactic poem; | ( Bors clavigera. ) a pts. (Standard ser.) 409. ‘ ‘om . oUF a. AD so UCH re averetel oi sieie) ovcreve nce “unt om the Germ. by C: T. Brooks. bks. 1-6. Sq. | cee DaDerons -- funk. fr 1( 30, 789563 $1.25 Rudder, W: Sermons. 12° ’81,.*489 $1.75. Porter § C. Rudder Grange. Stockton, F. R. $1.25; 60c. Ruffini, Rufus a ’ Scribner’s Sons. Ruddock, E. Harris. Essentials of diet: or, hints on food, in health and disease; rev. by E. B. Shuld- ham. 18°. [(276.]° $150... ... Boemcke & 7. Rue’s helps. Conklin, ne. Wo GHIIGOS G00 coor Carter. Giovanni. Dr. Antonio. (Seaside lib.) 4°. toy pap., 20e g/(61@)@10)\0/0 0/8) ee e)s) e/0e\s scale. see 6 Munyro. nd Rose. Alger, H., 77. $1.25... Porter & C. Rugg, H. W. See Universalist Pecikter: Rugg do Ca., TOO eee IR OID aac ek ccs soca oer ce Lee & S. Ruined by rum: tale of facts: poem. 32°. [77. ]304 pap., LO Ci ecteisiercesiesciscis sec eras Brown & G., Rule, W: Harris. Oriental records; monumental: con- firmatory of the Old Testament scriptures. 12°. eae 282 Wei cfeteis ele sisiarsiee ciovele ies eee Wiley. Ruling ideas in early ages and their relation to the > >. Old Testament faith. Mozley, J. I $2.50. Dutton. Rumbold, T: F. The hygiene and treatment of ca-| tarrh. ill. 12°. CO eee SA eee cer Rumbold. Rumplestiltskin. Barmby, J. ldc. . - Roorbach. Runkel, cuments. Ist-5thser. Clara Augusta ( psewd.) KOYes RASa GSoc Goon oUn one oa ee oe Ogilvie. Ruggles, H: Germany seen without spectacles. 8°. W:M. The mint of the U. S.: he Ane book of information as to how our coins are made. [’78. lee pap., DY Cums ceisieie Cate eee ee Runnels, J:S. Reports. See Iowa, Sup. Court. Runnels, M. T. History of Sanbornton, New Hamp- shines “2ve vii; Amnals: (60, 28887: a7 5 () ye thercomplete works)! severe cm ajo cing oo Mudge. (f Running the blockade. Thomes, W: H. $1.50. Sumner. Runnine the gauntlet. Wates, h. Si......... Dodd. Rupert Godwin. Maxwell, Ms. M. BE. 20c... dunao. Rupert Hall. See Wood, Mis. EB. H. Ruppricht, 8. Der ArztalsHausfreund. 9thed. 8°. [ieee Sole ee ee a Rural church architecture: ser. of designs for churches; by Upjohn, Renwick [and others]. New rev. ed. 40, (B 76. leet SbOP 6c cterevelorete clave som ob on sina Judd. Rural essays. Downing, A. J. $3 ..R. Worthington. Rural improvement. Northrop, B. G...Zuttle, M. & 7. Rush, E: W. fF. Moulton. 16°. ’79.373 60c... Macmillan. Rush, Ja. Philosophy of the human voice. 7th ed., | GEVe (GOs “Ole otra oc Sec es Rusk, J: W. Core: ) Rusk’s model selections, no. 1:20. Ruskin, J: Arrows of the chace: coll. ee scattered Synthetic Latin delectus: first Latin con- struing book, with notes and vocab. 3 pret. by letters, 1840-1880; ed. by an Oxford pupil; pref. by the author. 1. 8% 781.*473 9°50 Wiley. — Art of England: lectures. . 12°. ’83.*6°3 bds., 50c. Wiley. — Beautiful in nature; with biog. sketch, notes, etc. (ing. classic ser.) 16°. ’84. pap., 12c. — Deucal Clark §& M. ion; studies of the 1: apse of waves and life of stones. pts. 3,4. 12°. [777.]°°? $1.25..... Wiley. — Fors clavigera: le ie to the workmen Anal tahoe Ts of ( xreat Britain. Newser. 4pts. 12°. 784.606, «627 ea.,pap.,10c. Same. 4pts.inlv. bds.,50c.. Weley. Cont.: Ashestiel. — Dust of gold. — Lost jewels. — Retrospect. | (ee) @) (00) 0.0 0)e) 0 «0 0) sa 0)e Robe rts. | — Frondes agrestes: headings in Modern painters. (Standard ser.) 4°. ’80.*447 pap., 15c.... Funk. — King of the Golden River; or, the black brothers: egend of Stiria. Newed. 12°. 782.56 75e. Wiley. drawing and painting as determined by the Tus- can masters, arr. for schools. v.1. ill. 190. AD ee BO a crete ois < Sisieisis) = elec ese ho ee ee Wiley. — Modern painters. 5v. 12°. [’82.]*532 $5... iley. | — Same. yv.2: Of ideas of beauty and of the i imagi- native faculty. Re-arr. and rev. by the author. 12°. °§3.*598 $1; $1.50: $2. Same. 8°. subs., $3. Wiley. — Poems; with an etched frontispiece. 12°, 782.568 Spe DO) covolcfe wi oieites sac. -l lee ee excneucrereie on cys ----- Weley. — Proserpina: studies of wayside flowers. pts. 3, 4. | 120: [vet Slob samen vee GI Woo SO RsCG) RONDO cca 6 cree aoe eee «oe. Waley. — St. Mar i s rest: hist. of Venice. (People’s ed.) 12°. 84 , 82 MOGs coGoncouaD ooddoG doo0 GaoGds Wiley. — Same. pts. 1,2. and, Laws of Fésole, arr. for schools. pt- 1. 12° [77-89 $1.25... ° Waley. |—— Sesame and lilies: lectures. New cheap ed. 12°. 782.944 ~=$1. Same. (People’s ed.) 12°, °84.627 DOGS Sac. day alee a ciziGuls ois ee we lnc ee as Wiley. even lamps of architecture. New cheap ed. 12°. ee 28 eoss oe SSille ara cars eye cere rae eels cloreter orci Wiley. lGeotones OfVentces ave ls salle) 1295 (80.68) Sob: Same. Newcheaped. 3yv. 12°. ’81.*533 $3. Wiley. |— Letters and advice to young girls; sel. from the ; writings of J: Ruskin. 12°. 779.99 40c... Wiley. | — Pearls for young ladies from [his] later works; ed. by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. 12°. *79.*351 go.. Warley. | — Ruskin birthday-book; coll. and arr. by M. and G. A. por. sq. 12% 784.*839 $9:50.. Wiley — Ruskin on painting; with biog. sketch. (Handy-y. ser.) 16°. 779:*38 60c.; pap., 30c:-.-Appleton- Rusling, Ja. F. The great West and Pacific coast. New ed: ‘col: map and eng. cr. 8 [ieee po-D0s hf Teath=. Sovak «ccc. « Weel eee Sheldon. | Russell, A. J. On Champlain’s astrolabe, lost June 7, Lows; found Aug., 186% maps. 82. 79.378 DA Pes DOC. ceererernretersiclns wicieels erie «eines Dawson. | Russell, Addison P. Giaractenistibe: sketches and essays. 120. 84 [/783)).*822 B2. | Houghton, M. & Co. | — Library notes. Newed., enl. 129. 779.*382 9. | Houghton, O. § Co. | — Thomas Corwin: a sketch. por. 12° ’81.*°19 §]. | Clarke. fae ussell, C: New views on Ireland; or, Irish land grievances andremedies. 12° ’80.47 $1. Macmillan. | Russell, C: Wells. The fall of Damascus: hist. novel WOK TKSei| ped epic Omereielers sieterateniere ene Lees 8S. Russell, Dora. Crosus’ widow. (Seaside lib) 4°. 783, 994 DPap., 25C.1< 6 Miele ave ce peas | 782 556 Dey 20 Chikeckete cielo ie cies cia craysie Munro. — Footprintsin the snow. 16°. [’78.]%*8 pap., 50c. Loring. — Quite true: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 49. 781).*486 DAD oy) ZO CS ever misrolel tee lela) wsla sin iersic's seein! Wunro. — Rose Fleming. (senate lib) 4057 {8a5c24) pap: 10e. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. SOAR OSN DAD sy aU Cree eran e Aictciete sce - Munro. Russell, Elmer kk. Died young ; alegn My on novel. (People’s lib.) 4° ’81.92° pap., IOken6 6 Ogilvi ve. Russell, I's. T. Use of the voice in reading and speak- ing: manual for clergymen and candidates for holy orders. 12° ’83.*575 $1.50 .... Appleton. Russell, H. Rutherfurd. Hidden workings. 120, (RYH Re ote tl vereterctere = & Biaiw Sie e ones Pott, ¥. & Co. — Laws of Fésole: elemen. principles and practice ofRUSSELL Half a hundred songs for the 16%. ’79.*4)5 bds., 3dc. ; Seana isle ev eie eis Davis, B. & Co. Amberley, Viscount. Russell, Hattie Sanford. school-room and home. Pap-, 2OC. sesee vere Russell, J: Fs. Stanley. See Russell, Sol Smith. Jeremy jolly boy comic songster. 16°. [’76.]?° pap., 20C..+--+- eee ..» De Witt. Russell, W. Clark. Auld lang syne. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 49. ’78.°° pap., 10c. ..--- 2-00 HAMpel. Jack’s courtship: sailor’s yarn of love and shipwreck. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’84.*9°7 pap., 25c.. Harper. (Seaside lib.) 4°. [’S4.]® pap., 10c.. Munro. John Holdsworth, chief mate: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 49. ‘84.*844 pap., 20c. Harper. The ‘Lady Maud,” schooner yacht: from the ac- count of a guest on board. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Same. 4°, 78D, «548 pap., DUCE acc cles aim aes Brea Hlarper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°° pap, 20c...Munzo. — Little Loo: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. 284-6628 Pap., 20C..- 2.2. veer ceeeer sees eres eees TTarper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °83.°4 pap., 20c. Same. 12°, 7S 631 (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) pap., Munro. watch below; or, yarns spun when off duty. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 49. ’82.*°°? pap., 20c.. Harper. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°° pap., 20c.. Munro. Ocean free-lance; from a privateersman’s log, 1812: (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. °82.*4° pap., eee ewe eestor eese Harper. 781.495 pap., 20c.. Munro. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. Harper. My a novel. DO Oi eyelciorere) ciclel er eicinsere Same. (Seaside lib.) Round the galley fire. [eS3aleoce paps, 15c Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.°! pap., 10c. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784. pap., WO Carcrsveteleis eve aie: vie alec oc 0) siclale) «.elciel sissies 2 0Js Munro. — Sailor’s sweetheart. (Hranklin Sq. lib.) 4°. (780. ]*#°° pap., 15C..-+-.--- eee eee ees Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 80. pap., 20c..-. Munro. = Sea queen: a novel. I6°. *38dI*°5 Sl. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. pap., 20c.....- Harper. — Same. (lovell’s lib.) 12°. [’83.]°° pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’83.5°° pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. ’84.° pap., | D() Giicieracc se Steraie: alisvoie) cfetie cisieiels ole) piei~ clsicelw = Wunro Wreck of the ‘‘ Grosvenor.” (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8°. (’78.]?! pap.,30c. Same. (Franklin Sq. lib.) BOY 2832023) Paps, VOC! cee cee rieiccicices - Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.°°° pap., 20c.. Munro. for different dis- 79,#39 $1... Clarke. Scientific horseshoeing eases of thefoot. ill. 8°. Russell, W: (comp.) Orthophony; or, vocal cult- ure: founded upon J. Rush’s Philosophy of the human voice; re-ed. by F. T. Russell. New ed. THE WYOr 2B2Rec60 Sb... Hougnton, IM. &Go. Russell, W: Howard. Hesperothen; notes from the West: ramblein the U. S.and Canada. (Frank- lin Sq: lib.) 4°. 782.*929 pap., 20c.... Harper. — Prince of Wales’ tour: diary in India; ill. by S. P. Hall. 8° [°77.}?82 $3-...Lovell, Ad., W — Same. Newed 12°. [’78.]°° $3..R. Worthington. Russell, W: Oldnall. ‘Treatise on crimes and misde- meanors; 4th Lond. ed., by C: S. Graves. 9th Am. ed. enl., with notes and ref. of D. Davis and T. Metcalf, add. notes and ref. by G: Shars- wood. 3v. roy. 8°. [777.]27 ea., shp., $6.50. T. & J. W. Johnson. Russell: tale of the reign of Charles 11. James, G: 1B IR, AW. anno Goo0dd oo elie oe Munro. Russia before and after the war; by the author of So- clety in St. Petersburg; from the Germ. (with later add. by author), by E: F. Taylor. (Franklin Sq. Russell, W: Jibs), 403 200 sted nan. WoC) ccc cle Llarper. Russian folk-tales. Sce Ralston, W. R. S. Russian gypsy. Dumas, A. 10c............ Munro. Russian princess. Gonzales, Bf. $1; 75e... Peterson. Russo-Turkish War; with map. (Christian Union extrasr 02°) [iiSjceo pap., bcs sa... Ohi. Un: 342 Same. | W. & Co. | S | Rustlings in the Rockies. Shields, G.O. $1. Belford, C. § Co. GI.95 ... eed S. ll. [79.1] 25c. Cassell, P., G. & Co. | Ruth Lee; or, the true secret of cheerfulness. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. [’83.]®°% pap., 10c...Am. S. S. Rutherford, W: Experimental research on physiologi- cal actions of drugs on the secretion of bile. ...--- Blakiston. Ruth Eliot’s dream. Lakeman, M. Ruth gleaning, and other stories. ROK PR (AT ioe eioreierene siete |— Outlines of practical histology. 2d ed., enl. eng. 8°, [°76.]78°) $2. --.6 wee. Lindsay & Blakiston. | Ruth’s rescue. Brodie is. DOCe ences ccs ce Carter Rutly, Fk. Study of rocks: elemen. text-book in petrol- ogy. (Sci. ser.) ill. 16°. ’79.377 $1.75.. Appleton. |Ruutz-Rees, J. E. See Rees, J. E. R. |Ryan, Abram J. [Father Ryan.] Poems: patriotic, religious, miscellaneous. por. and ill. 4°. ’80.*47 S4- mor., $6; ant. mor., $8. Same. 12°. $2; alt, OED sicie wie cls cl viciereic s cfsleleciele eis sieieterers Piet. Same. por. 8°. 780.4% $2.50..--..--- .- Rapier. | — Crownforourqueen. 12°. ’82.573 $1.50: gilt, $2. . Piet. Ryan, Desmond L. One too many: farce. See New York drama. Ryan, Ja. E. Standard business. nos. 1, 2. arithmetic for schools and ea., Toc. 295 [beciellee lath. Pub. Ryan, S. V. Claims of a Prot. Epise. bishop to apos- tolical succession and valid orders disproved; with © misstatements of Catholic faith refuted. 2 pts. 8°, 7’80:*45! $1.25; gilt, $1.75...-.- Cath. Pub. Rydberg, V: Last Athenian; fromthe Swedish by W: W. Thomas, jr. New issue. 12°. [’79.]*°°° $1.75. Peterson. from the Swedish by A: an OO 00 On TTolt. A. C@. Clark; W. Lindehn. — Magic of the Middle Ages; Hi. Eideren. 120 279.5298 “Si fo — Roman days; from the Swedish, by with sketch of Rydberg by H. A. WL, iON, PG LGKEW Eg 56 ac oad op odnd tN Ie Ryder, E: The morning star: apoem. 12°. ’78.%8! ’ g Gai] dereve, etis ein clcles cre ciel eliclcl eleleley er cielelonelenetelv/erere Putnam. \ — (comp.) life and labors; comp. from Elizabeth Fry: Ryle, J: C: Boys and girls playing, and other addresses to children. ill. 169. ’81.*#°% 75c. ...Carter-. — Christian leaders of the last century; or, England 100 years ago. Newed. 8° 779.98 $2.25. Nelson. |— (comp.) Hymns for the church on earth. New ed., | with add. of hymns sel. by an Am. ed. 24°. [783.18 $1.25 .-- Randolph. |Ryman, A. Julius the M6 (7G 522" pap:, voc: her journal and other sources. por. 8°. °83.*°° SE aye ey ioe wpoyeie isin asveverele wickewileelewso\ i olele Walker. |Ryder, H.I.D. Catholic controversy: reply to Dr. | Littledale’s Plain reasons. Ist Am. ed., with | app. 16°. ‘82.*°43 60c.; pap., 30c..Cath. Pub. Ryerson, Martin. Individual rights. 12°. ’80.*#° | Min, AO cansccancsqn000q00000 «57 AUTOS: |Rylance, J. H. Lectures on social questions. 12°. | °g0.*431 75c.; pap., B0c. «+--+. .. 22. Whittaker. |— Pulpit talks on topics of the time. 12°. ’82.*°9° | PAP, 2OC.. Goo e cece nce cow cen tnte vocene Funk. | er snoozer: Ethiop. burlesque. ayer ieipiereciee Wate 1S.,C. See Shaw, C. S.,C. B. Glimpses of the celestial country for young pilgrims. 16°. 784.6% G0c. ......-..Presb. Bd. S.,E. B. Once a year; or, the doctor’s puzzle. 12°. SSN aoe TG rerereserb(eicy cistoreste Wiel olel stele shud Clarke. S.,E.L. Belt and spur: stories of the knights of the Middle Ages, from the old chroniclers. col. ill. AOR | 2B 002 ey veverare Bi eree(leveletarers Scribner & W. | — City in the sea: stories of the deeds of the old Vene- | tians from the chronicles. ill. 12°. 783. $2. Scribner & W.S 043 S.,E&.S. G. Made for it; or, the wild flower trans- planteds «sq: 18°) (eiGaje UChr ... Nelson. S.,H. W. See Smith, Ah-s. H. W. S.,J., of Dale (pseud.) See Stimson, F: J. S.,M. T. Home lessons on the old paths; or, conver- sations on the shorter catechism. ‘ill. 16°. ’79.%48 Mille Disicieciciais svcisicie oe cen one sloraiereiae) sic e ore COOLED Sabbath essays. Wood, W: C. $2...... Cong. Pub. Sabbath home readings. Cornelius, J. W. $1.50; CHEV/GIE doco codon oseoo CB odor Mvee srs Lippincott. Sabbath month. Houghton, L. S. 50c.... Presb. Bd. Sabin, Jos. Bibliography of bibliography ; or, a handy book about books which relate to books. 8°. (Maines Spied Oleral leis esere les Brel clelicie ease ot Sabin. — (ed.) rel. to America. 1 6—82..249-978 pts. 45-82. 8°. CMe UD esonorerene tel elelta eters cree reir cies ceric Sabin. Sabine’s falsehood. Cantacuzene-Altieri, Princesse QD Ov crcle oe nie nisine oe cieieiel = clever ci Peterson. Sacher-Masoch, Leopold vy. Zeitgemalde. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. ’81.5%° pap., MOG iiatevateterescvareta ev) sietere\olel olevcie ic vietcicveia vice Munro. | Sachs, Julius. Text-book of botany, morphological and physiological; ed. with app. by S. H. Vines. 20 eds alle 400 28 2ec8o net Bice. Vacmillan. Sacra privata. Wilson, 2: 60c. .-.....- Whittaker. Sacred anthology. Conway, M.D. $2........ [Tolt. Sacred books of China: texts of Confucianism. See Miller, F: M. Sacred books of the East. Sacred books of the East. See Miiller, F: M. Sacred laws of Aryas. See Miiller, F: M. Sacred books of the East. Sacred nugget. Farjeon, B. L. 20c......... Munro. Sacred rhetoric; or, the art of rhetoric as applied to the preaching of the word of God; with pl., illus- trating asystemof gesticulation. 12°. 82.5% $1.25. Benziger. Sacred streams. Gosse, RP. HW. Sil.75.....- Am. Tr. Sacristan’s household. Trollope, Mrs. F. E. 20e. Munro. Sad fortunes of Rev. Amos Barton. See Eliot, G: (pseud.) Amos Barton. Saddest of all is loving. Sale, IMs. L. M. $l. W. B. Smith. Saddharma-Pund-arika. See Miller, F: M. Sacred books of the Kast. Saddle-horse (The): complete guide for riding and training: = alls 190) 2ee502 Sadler, S. Whitehurch. Flag-lieutenant : the slave squadron. ill. 12° [°78.]°5 $1.75. Estes. — Slavers and cruisers: tale of the west coast. ill. 12 0F SEs Ue eile Obie ie yeok Ba ousigE Sadler, W. H., and Nugent, A. J. arithmetic: 8°: 78)-508 hf roan, $2.25. Fortescue. Sadlier, Agnes L. Barbara Leigh: a Christmas sketch. 16°. (Sree (XO, 8 fills SSN) cocooae Sadlier. — Gretchen’s gift; or, a noble sacrifice. 169°. [’78.]%# 75c.; gilt, $1.25......5-. aioe .---- Sadlrer. Sadlier, AnnaT. Ethel Hamiiton; or, lights and shad- ows of the war of American independence. 16° ieee. oes) IR2 Drea erie «aie Sadlier, legend of the Moorish wars in Spain, NG PPA Re be. ¢ — King’s page: and other Spanish stories. Dili LO ss aces aieiaieierey ns Statore overs — Names that live in Catholic hearts. 12°. ’82.°44 $1. Benziger. — Seven years and mair. (Half-hourser.) 32°. [’78. ]*° PAP., ZOC. 22 ees we roes woeeer eens vecens larper. Sadlier, Ws. Ma. Anne. The Blakes and the Flana- vans) (Household libs) Woe (ic7S]*2 nap:, DOCS cis ciieeiiecere gicievatens 6 oie NO ORCO COGS Sadlver. 3ibliotheca Americana: dictionary of books | Zur Ehre Gottes: ein | RT erevere cicusrele Judd. | story of | Counting-house | Siete sieicine Sadlier. | SAINTE-BEUVE | Sadlier’s Catholic directory, almanac, and ordo. [An- nual.] 12°. ’83.°9! net, pap., $1.50; $2..Sadlier. | Sadlier’s household WOM, Ga5d00 bono p00n ONC Sadlier. Note. Entered under authors and titles. Sadtler, S. P. Chemical experimentation; hand-book of lecture experiments in inorganic chemistry. Cor TNS ge p22 O) eerie create os ae Morton. Safford, Ma. J., and Allen, Ma. Health and strength for girls. 16°. [’84.]*®7 60c... Lothrop. | Sage, Bernard J. [‘‘ P. C. Centz.”] Republic of re- publics; or, American federal liberty. 4th ed. Silees SBE Oe ace ee sisie eels LIUCLLEs Bs OOO: Nordhoff, C: 3 v. ea., $1..Dodd. Qualtrough, E. F. $3.50. Scribner's Sons. | Sailor’s sweetheart. See Russell, W. C. Saint and his Saviour. Spurgeon, C: H. §$1.. Carter. St. André, Gabrielle de. Madame Pompadour’s ear- ter: romance of the reign of Louis xy. sq. 16°. (Sasser paps, O0C ec ieeeeme ee cr aon St. Aspenquid of Mt. Agamenticus. | 8°, Sailor life series. | Sailor’s handy-book. eterson. Albee, J: 30c. Brewster. Macdonald, G: 20c. Munro. Saint-Germain, J. 'T. de (pseud.) See Tardieu, J. de. Saint Indefatigable. Davis, W: F. 7ic..... Lothrop. St. John, Maj. —., and others. commission. St. John, C: H: poems. 16°. St. Johny J: KKansas: addresses. St. George and St. Michael. See Persian boundary Country love and city life, and other PSO. et cco5 acco ano oc Williams. P., and Colquitt, A. H. P20) 28250: Prohibition in pap., 10c. Nat. Temp. Gentle Elsie Moore. (Seaside PADS, LOCK ie. cca ne ----. Munro. Camping ‘among the cannibals. NWO, ABE” CNL Noooo c eievaye niece cies »- Macmillan. St. Jure, J: Bapt. The religious: treatise on the vows and virtues of the religious state; from the French | bya sister of Mercy. 2ive 1205 780ret7 de | O'Shea. [se The spiritual man; or, the spiritual life reduced to | its first principles; tr. from the French by a member of the Order of Mercy. | St. John, Katie Maud. libs), 40: 280! St. Johnston, Alfr. eo ieee GU BO oe sade ces disses ae oe cnae en ONSHean St. Kames (pseud.) See ‘Townshend, S. N. | St. Louis Academy of Science. archeology of Missouri. Contributions to the pt. 1: Pottery. pl. and | MAPS) | 10) VOORRA AD tno ee a-tt Bates. | Sti; Marks mest. Ruskiny di 0G ce ner Wiley. (St. Martinisveve: Wood, As: WP. 20¢.- 7. Munro. St Maur (Camollyds "iC. ees leo eezensone St: Olave’s. Dabor) be 20¢. 25. oa 900000 D0OOs Wunro. ---- Munro. $1.25. Scribner’s Sons. St. Paul’s vision. Bersier, E. $1.50...-. - Randolph. St. Peter’s bride. Harper, Jhrs. St. J: $1.50... Carleton. | Saint-Pierre, J. H: B. de. Indian cottage. ill. 169. U9 DOCi ee «ici eueistet el creleie sie tener are cle Routledge. — Paul and Virginia. 12°. ['79.] $2.50..Routledge. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 10c..J: W. Lovell. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. ([/78.]5? 50c. Houghton, O. § Co. St. Patrick’s eve. St. Paul at Athens. Lever, C: 10c. Shakespeare, C: — Same. — Same. | — See also Modern classics. See Scott, Si W. | St. Ronan’s well. |St. Ulrich, We., B.A. 76c.---.-.-.+-.---- Am. S.S. |St. Winifred. Farrar, F: W: $1.25........ . Dutton. Sainte-Beuve, C: A: Monday chats; sel. and tr. from the Causeries du lundi, with introd. essay on the life and writings of Sainte-Beuve, by W: Mathews. 169. [/77/7.}8°! $2.......... Griggs. ving knees tae:44 SAND | Saltillo boys. Stoddard, W: O. 31. . Scribner’s Sons. Saltus, Edgar Evertson. Balzac. por. 12°. 784 *634 QTE HY rare oa folelel= <1 e mieie eels aioe Houghton, M. & Co. Salvage. (No name ser.) 1GSs *80nes29 - Roberts. Salvator. Dumas, A. dpts. ea., 20c. .-.-- Munro. Salvator mundi. Cox, 8: $1.2 Beers - Dutton. Sam Hobart. Fulton,sJ. D. 25¢. ..cccesereee Funk Sam Lawson’s Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe, Mrs. Ee Be Stl 00) cee cre cere e er Houghton, M. § Co. Sam Slick. -Haliburton, T: C. 10c........-. Munro. Sam Slick in search of a wife. Haliburton, T:C. 20e. SAINTINE 3 Saintine, Xavier Boniface. Gr andpapa’s stories. 12°. TQ. 1) Cipibacoe nacoco eae cne apo. Lippincott. | — Myths of the Rhine; from the French; ill. by G. “ Doré. New and cheaper ed. 4°. (?76.]75° $6 Scribner, A. § Co. — Picciola. (The library.) 8°. [’82.]°*° pap., 20c. Am. News; [ Setliff ] — Same. (Pitt press ser.) map. 16°. ’83.°°7 net, 50c. Macmillan. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 82.944 pap., 10c.. Munro. Saints and sinners. Cherbuliez, V: 50c.-..Appleton. | Sauls DULY: G: Dryden. (Eng. men of letters.) 12° 2Qi AS2! DC. cic ce sie) sr vie wees sev siesices Harper. — Primer of French literature. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. 781 [’80].*48 pap., 25C. ---+--seeeeees Harper. — Short history of French literature. (Clarendon press ser.) 12°. ’82.*58 net, $2.25.. Macmillan. — (ed.) eras lyrics. [French text.] (Parchment lib.) 16°. ’83.*°91 parch. ant., $l. Appleton. — Specimens of French literature from V ‘lon to Hugo. ee ee DOS Soocboe < . Macmillan. Sala, G: America revisited. 2 v. ill. Sor 7895008 aoe een velo sini s) olelel eo eisieleiis ieee (sfolaye Scribner & W. — Same. (Standard ser.) 4°. 780.49 pap., 20c.. Funk. | — Living London: Echoes re-echoed. ill. 8°. ’83.°°% RR ecic cise sey cise ee roigie ben ere Rindvoverere Scribner & W. — Paris herself again, in 1878-9; _ ill. by Bertall, Gham: etcs 6th ed. 80. *825*58" 2025 Se ) “al l JNLECTY & W. Salad for the solitary and the social. Saunders, F: en ag ROMO (Jie ein cue ciel slersin Wielsie)© /~) e's) «/a)le Whittaker. Salamanca, Felix de. The philosophy of handwriting; Munro. > Meding, O Y ee Samarow, Gregor ( pseud.) Sambo (pseud.) End-men’s minstrels gags. 16°. ’80.*°4 bds., 50c.3; pap., 30C..--+ ..22-seeee -eeees Dick Samos and Samian coins. Gardner, P. $38.. Macmillan. Sampleton, S: (pseud.) See Monti, L: | Sam’ s chance. Alger, H., 77 Ri 2Dic = o.cee ONLET Ae Os Sam’s sweetheart. Mathers, H. B. OCR creek Munro. Samson, G. W. The atonement: viewed as assumed divine responsibility. 16°. [°78 le 43 S1.. Lippincott. —_ Divine law as to wines. 12°. ’80.*12°9 $1..Nat. Temp. — Enelish revisers’ Greek text shown to be unauthor- ized except by Egyptian copies discarded by Greeks. 16°. [7’82.]°8° pap., 50c. ...... King. Samuel Brohl and Co. See Cherbuliez, V: Samuels, Adelaide F. Daisy Travers; or, the girls of Hive Hall. 16°. eAGe zee SHED) sare oie) ele Lee & 8S. Samuels, BE: A. Our northern and eastern birds: de- with fae-similes of autographs of statesmen, au- | ). 434 LeSQreicen Scribner & W. ‘ Croly,G: Peterson. Saddest of all is lov-| thors, etc. 16°. 78 80 Salathiel (the wandering Jew Sale, Jfrs. TOCx. Louise Montgomery. ino, WOO 28S IB ie cave sieves oo W.B. Smith. Salem chapel. See Oliphant, Jfs. M. O. W. Salisbury, Alb. Phonology and orthoépy: elemen. 79), 408 bds. - Park. 12°. H. Silver treatise on pronunciation. 50c. Sallada, W: sheaves, gathered ne clouds and sunshine [autobiography, and sel. « essays and poems]. ill. 16° ’80.%° $1.75; ratte, CHD 610) aooaacca0d ake .Sallada. Sallust [ Lat. Suilnstive), | Crispus Caius. Catiline; with notes by Warkness. 12° [79°] $1.05. : Appleton. — Catiline and Jugurtha; tr. by A. W. Pollard. 12°. | a ROADIE I eer ete te isin) ciouerel of ele ee sclarc\ cic Macmillan. Sally Cavanagh. Kirkham, C: J. $1.-...... O’ Shea Salm-Salm, Princess Agnes. Ten years of my life. Os leeds ple D OP ents eros = R. Worthington. Salmagundi. Irving, W., and others. 20c...J: W. Lovell. Salmagundi birthday-book. Wood, A., and Perkins, scriptions of birds of the northern and eastern states and British provinees; with suppl. from Holden’s American fauna. ill. and col. pl. 8°. 253 0607s Sis ercsle) vere oar SA OGOOL R. Worthington. | Samuelson, Ja. History of drink: review, social, sci- entific and political. 8°, [778.248 $5.25 Scribner & W. | San Rosario ranch. Howe, M. $1.25.....--Roberts. ‘| Sanatsugatfya. Sce Miller, F: M. Sacred books of the East. Sanborn, A. L., and Berryman, J. R. Supplement to rey. statutes. See Wisconsin, Legislature. Sanborn, F. B. Henry D. Thoreau. (Am. men of letters) por, 1205 182.ces se ple2b- Houghton, M. & Co. — and Channing, W: Ellery. Memoirs of John Brown. por 8% (7s Ol eee ce cee MWAlliams: | Sanborn, J: W. Legends, customs, and social life of the Seneca Indians of western New York. 8°. [’78.]888 pap., B0C..--22 er ee coer cece. Horton. — Method of teaching the Greek language tabulated. 12°, °83.*°74 40c.; bds., 35c.; pap:, 30c. [ Sanborn. ] Sanborn, Kate (comp.) Grandma’s garden, with many Rand Aad Gs BE wctecs co cies S. W. Green. | original poems; ill. by W. Satterlee. 8° 83 Salmon, G: Non-miraculous Christianity, and other | [’82].*°5! leaflets tied with silk cord, $1.2 SEGMONS4 HOON eBillme ects sere ie Macmillan. | paca — and others. Future punishment : the present sti ate | — Mountain day, Smith College: sel. made by first of the question considered in Canon Farrar’s | class in Eng. literature. 16°. 7§2.*972 ribbon- Eternal hope. (Int. religio-sci.ser.) 16°. [’78. }% | tied, 20C...-s 2c. where oxelicke olcr siell . Worthington. Sands, Alex. Hi: patient: History of a suit in equity, as prosecuted and defended in the Virginia State aes Burnand, Roberts. See Day, of). THT Ceu Gol of art: New ed. history of art in Ile Aes 28otee "83. courts and in the U. S. Circuit courts. 2d ed Sor 782552) slips, net, oy interleaved, net, SB ORD Oleren eceie cis veiate oine ats ere sic . Randolph & E. Sandy’s faith. Rouse, IMs. L. L. “700 a ole ayer? fim. T9:. Sane lunatic. Burnham, Mrs. C. L. $l.-.. Sumner. Sanford, Is. 1D). P. Captain’s children. ill. sq. 8°. 10) Pe set 615556000000 G060 0000 doc Dutton. —— risk and this flock, Stitthouss . ‘paps, D()Gie orcicre eral eisicleeicleimiote 500 00 000000 COsUNINOD |Sansum, O. B. Digest of ce the fire, life, marine, accident, and guarantee insurance cases decided in England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the U. S. to 1876. 8°. [°76.]?° shp., $8.. Callaghan. | Santa Claus land. Douglas, A.M. $1..-.--- Lee § § Santa Claus souvenir. Dorr, J. C. R. 50c.. Tuttle § Co. Santa Claus stories and tales of every-day life. Scott, NErG, Os WW, S8)leodu 0606 co60 Goadc . Walden. | Saphir, Adolph. Christ and the church: thoughts on | the apostolic commission. New rev. ed. 12°. | OH Rese RL Dierctncies © 50C . Nelson. | — Our life-day : ‘NoughEs on “John i ix. “4. 190 (RO nee" Os ee Geers or elciote eelolareie) @ieini~ sia) = oie Rive erccier Carter. Saphir, Philip. Hidden life or, thoughts on com- | munion with God. 12°. [’77.]?% $1.50.. Carter. |Sappho. Grillparzer, F. @l..----+-+-++---- Roberts. | Sapphire cross. Darrell, J. 10c. --.--- .... Munro. | Sarah Barnum. Colombier, M. 50c. S. W. Gree. .- Dutton. | | Sarah de Berenger. See Ingelow, J. | Saratoga: Indian tale of frontier life: true story of 1787. (Dollar ser.) 12°. [’77. |?87 $1. . Peterson. | Saratoga illustrated: visitor’s guide to Saratoga Springs. New ed. ill. and maps. 16°. 782.548 DADs, LDCs eee leis mateo o nietetelali: el aici 151° - Taintor. | Sarcasm of destiny. Sherwood, Jfrs. M. E. W. $1.50. Appleton. | Sarcey, Francisque. Miseries of Fo Hi, a celestial functionary; from the French by A. R. He Go | PEGE OZ ie e wierald zie exer wee Reece evereiel ess axe Jansen. |Sardou, Alfr. French language self-taught: manual of French idiomatic phr aseology. 12°. ’*81.*°° hf. LOAN, B20. cao ce cece cece tee sacice Appleton. Sargent, E. F. The lost battle; [also] # he gloved hand. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782.9389 pap., 10c.-- Ogrlvre. Sargent, Epes (ed.) Harper’s eyerpas of British and American poetry. 8° ’81.*#° $4.50. Ha rper.SARGENT 346 SA W-MILL Sargent, G: E. History of athreepenny bit. See Smith, lssenaer F: Salad for the solitary fn the social; ill. H. Lord’s pursebearers. ee | by emine nue CURL. New issue. (Pop. ed.) — Same; [also] Frank Spencer’s rule of life. New 8°, 783.79" $25 $2.50 ---.---...-- hittaker issue. (Sunday lib.) 4°. 79.44 pap., 10c. — (ed.) Our national centennial jubilee: orations, ad- : : Ogilvie. | dresses, and poems del. 4th of July, 1876, in the *7)° | a Z : > SHAS 0 7 1963 2 EN. — Lillian: tale of three hundred years ago. ill. 12°. several states of the Union. 8°. [’77.]?® $3.50; BT Aad 1D Crrctekelelole cleo ioiclelols) «1 sieloiescici(e eee « Nelson. hf. tky. mor., $4.50..... ereleieie 6 Weise eccees 17:¢at. — Philip Gainsford. 16°. °81.*% $1...../. Bradley. | Saunders, J: Israel Mort, overman: story of the mine. — Poor clerk and his crooked sixpence. New issue. | (Lib. of sel. novels.) 8° [’76.}*8 pap., 7dc. (Sunday lib.) 4°. ’80.4°° pap., 10c... Ogzlvie. | Harper. = . . 70 479 ~ a . . 30 — Richard Hunne: story of old London. 16° ’81.% Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap.,20c...Munro. Plecs--- elelereieleinre cies lec sera sites ee I. Bradley. | Noble wife: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. — Young Cumbrian, and other stories of school-boys. TBP (ehh, Aes occa nda0 cade noo Tlarper. ? _ Pal sieteier Z Gee Oe, le asicic.e teens I. Bradley. Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°4 pap.,20c. Same. — See also Walsh, E. H., and Sarge ati, G ‘E. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 12°. 784.631 pap., Sargent, J. Y. Easy passages for tr. into Latin. 5th WANs oonoog poDOGe danD bd aKa Biel clots nieer Munro. eds G0, 2808) COC cece ~ ccc ee oc cn Macmillan. |— Plague-stone of Aberford. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 780,48? m 7 \ a .s | : OG eter calc alco cle cicrecloits Bejeleiri is 0 leis! “0. Sargent, Mrs. J:T. (ed.) Sketches and reminiscences ‘ Pee J eh ; Saale Gre ata: seas o of the padi al Club of Chestnut street, Boston. | — RonpIn Ze Peter Lo. pay 1 au (Seaside lib.) 4°. 1205 280 F16r GO eee ee cs. (Osgood. 84.0" pap., 20c..---... ttt eee e ee eens Hugio: ZA es ; ) | — Sherlocks: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’79.*378 Sargent, Lucius M. Temperance tales. (Pop. ser.) “ : le t \ : | Harper: ory MAUD. DO Caicteters oiciee eieislcla slorerer ccatpie cies Dye iN: 6°. [784.189 UDis, Dilio2pDickec ee AML. Laie tee : C ue : Oey eal : Oe 1" a - Tempter bebind: tales 1s 190) °80.] 67 S12 ‘ont. ; Yemperance meeting in ‘Tattertown. — The li e-pre- server and other tales. — ‘Ihe stage-coach, 2 pts. — As a medi- ‘ eo, co. 3 Lothrop. aor Kitty Grafton. — Too fast and too far. — Well enough for | Saunders, W: Insects injurious to fruit. ill. er. 8°. the vulgar, and A word in season. — An Irish heart. + Fritz OB ONS OS ee oe cis Seco re eee Linpincott. Harelianavotber ry Harl 1 Rather opposite. — Pl Hazel Ne as cee TRBey i eee — Tea culture. See Walsh, J. M. A cup of tea. i olber’s ge d £, anc } 5. r . ro ; Through the light continent; or, the U. S. in 1877-78. Saroni,H.S. Analytical theory gihermony, a and m usical SOl = 27.0) 40d errors Cassell, P., G: & Co. , ( S] ] ¢ ys Te 282 Bn) 95. . Ss » . . OMEN ee tis | $1.25 - Ditson. Sause, M. Judson. The art of dancing; embr. descrip- Sartor resartus. See Carlyle, T: tion of the dances of the present day. 16°. Sartoris, Mrs. Adelaide K. A week ina French coun- CIEE GO, poooac Sat So -. Sause. try-house. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 82.54 pap., 10c. | Sauveur, Lambert. Introduction to the teaching of Munro. anc ient languages. (The natural method.) 120°. Sartorius, Ernest. Doctrine of divine love; or, out- eaiSs|e" pap D0 Ceca 1 . . . 7 Ps — Reliefs « ‘ 90 799 *529 . yy oe Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe, for Beliefs about m: any 12°. eee Z 51 Wgeae ae Lillis 1877. maps. 16° [’77.]?8? flex. roan, $2. — Beliefs about the Bible. 12°. ’83.*65 $1 .... Ellis. - Hurd & H. |— Bluffton: story of to-day. 12°. [’78.]%84 $1.50. — Same. Rev. ed. for 1878~-’80. maps. 62° (27s= us : ee Lee § S. 80. ]°?°-494 ea., flex. roan, $2.. Houghton, O. & Co. |— Life questions. 12°. ’79.*57. $1.. Lockwood, B. § Co. — Same, for 188184. maps. 16°. [’81-’s4 484-643 g, |— Light on the cloud; or, hints of comfort for hours of Hex. TOAN, 2 SiO! ces acc. Houghton, M. & Gor sorrow. 18°. ['76.]?4° $1.25..Lockwood, B. § Co. : > 6&4 | — Man, woman, and child. 12° °84,*647 @].. Bllis Satcheliseries:-.ccc cs. 5 , Authors’ > W. B. Smit} ‘ - lls. tw lors’ ; B. Smith. | __ Modern sphinx and some of her riddles. 12°. ’83.*588 Note. Entered under authors and titles. SIA eee ee : Ellis sabished: rowbridee, ©. Ma (90c: «-s5504mn= T. |aMomle olevolution: 120% 29Qa*s4s8" ye a. Ellis. Satterthwaite, T: E. (ed.) Manual of histology. | — Roems. por. 24°: #82.*571 $1.50...---26.. Lillis. Same. New ed., rev., and app. added. ill. 8°, | — Religion of evolution. sq. 12°. [°76. je $1.50. Oe VeleiClee h4h()inc a e seis sens Wood. | Lockwood, B.-& Co. = 6 - : Bee a ais SIS 90 ’ %*447 : ie Sattler, Eric B. History of tuberculosis from thé time | Talks about Jesus. 12°. 80. Tel: i Urs. of Sylvius to the present d: ay, in parta translation, | Save the boys. Winslow, M. E. $1.25.. Nat. Temp. with notes and add. from the Germ. of A. Spina; | Saved at sea. See Walton, Ais. O. F. EE Account of the researches and discoveries Saved by love. Southworth, E. S. 10c....- Ogilvie. of R. Koch and other recent investigators. 120, S hen ee yes : a *g3.x610 ay 95 Olnnie aved by sympathetic kindness and the grace of God. . ; ee Ss Winslow Mic Ts GO eee cece aa Nat. Temp. Saturday afternoons. ill. 4°. iT cop DOL a Dodds | es : 8 Der. Saved from death. Alcott, J.S. 20c....... Ogilvie. Saturday lectures, inthe U.S. Nat. Museum, under the S W? Beeler Grévill Te (apse 50 auspices of the Anthropol. and Biolog. Societies | Vga 2 AP MUONS Greuilley He @escu a.) OES: . of Washington. 8°. ’82,*542 pap., 75ce. elersc ? Judd § D.; (Lothrop. } Saville, es: W. A. Social etiquette. 12°, aoc Saul: dramatic poem. Logan, A. S. $1. -Lippincott. ame cule ON Cis tib ealc: Pepe Sault, R. O. ae See Swain, C: F. Saviour’s converts. Scribner, W: $1. at Saunders, AS We 7 Amendments to code. See Vir- Scribner’s Sons. ginia, Coun Assembly. Savonarola:a tragedy. Austin, A. $2.. Macmillan. Penner E. pa ee Ene lover. (People’s lib.) 4°. | Saw-mill science, by Stub pens 249, [iS 2.q)£522 nan,, Yo, ORNS WOO, coo0ge np ba0005 bo0C veeeee Ogilvie. OC errojereis)sis\sialsicueisiaie tine wie ere sees --+--Am. Bapt.SAWTELLE Sawtelle, Mrs. E. W. [** Tracy Towne.’ 7 ment. Newed. ill. 160. [’78. ]3% ee orna- 50e. » ol.50 Lothrop. — Best way series. 3y. 40, 78334" pds: Cont.: Best way. — Best ornament. — Pet?s Christmas honor. — Penand pencil pictures. 4°. (78. ]*8 $1.. Lothrop. — Pet’s Christmas honor. New ed. HOO [P4851823| 50c: Lothrop. | Sawyer, H: Words and numbers: lesson book for primary schools. 16°. 80.437 bds , 18e. H: Al Young. Sawyer, Leicester A. Final theol Oy.c Va i: to the New Testament; historic. Criticalke. 120) 779.5402) (GD ee « Sawyer. Sawyer, Lorenzo S. B. Re ports. See United States, Circuit and District Courts. Sawyer, T: J. Endless Raa in the very words Introd. theologic, and of its advocates. 16°. [’80 ] $1.. Universalist. Sawyer, Wesley C. P Pctical German grammar for high schools and colleges. 12°, ?g 7,558 Sl. Griggs. Sawyer, W:E: Electric lighting by incandesence and its application to interior illumination. ill. 8°. 7S tae OO) ererciciciel «aren ciciere --» Van Nostrand. Saxby, Mrs. —. Breakers ahe ad; or, Uncle Jack’s stories of great shipw recks of recent times, 1869 COMS SOFT lle 0h 28 OReRb26) Gas. oe Vi learn, Saxby. Iheslies M.- SIe504. 2... ---+- Phillips § H. Saxe, J: Godfrey. Poetical works. ue ouscliold ed, ) 12°., 782.599 $2. hf. cf., $4: tree cf. | Houten WW. 5 Co. Saxon, Van (pseud.) See Simpson, Jf-s. BE. M. mayen, Wi. H: (ed.) «Grand: Intermat Centennial | Chess Congress, held in Phila.. Aug., 1876; ann. by J. Elson [and others]. 120. Eta R | 62, Claxton, Sy e.|| Sayler, J. R. American form book: cont. ne most | improved legal forms and instruments for the | use of professional and business men. &°. EiacR ee Ee coeeeee» Clarke. | Sayles, J: Constitution. See Tex xas, Constitution. —Reports. See Texas, Sup. Court. — Treatise on the civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace, with compilation of the statute presc ribing the mode of procedure in justices courts in crim- inal cases in Texas, incl. forms. 2d ed. Sos (EonSiu2s2 shyt, SGcce ce ane --- Lf. I. Cushing. Sayre, L. E. Conspectus of organic materia medica | and pharmacal botany. 120°, PS RES Ge | Brinton. | Sayre, L: A. Lectures on orthopedic surgery and | diseases of the joints. New ed., enl. ill. 8°, | 783 586 DOD 5 shp., DOeeyec cece. oe ee Apple ton. | — Practical manual on the treatment af clubsfoot. 4th ik Goll WW IY, BR ESR o ue o- Appleton. | Spins il disease and Spinal GuEvatEG treatment by | Suspension and the use of the plaster-of-Paris Lothrop. _ 3847 SCHEFFEL | Scenery of the Pacific Talk ays and Colorado; map and ill. by J. D. Woodward. sm. SG {PA EY ple2DEapaApe, (oC. see fie 4. slaiete® eee Appleton. | Scenes in my life. Trafton, M: $1.50... Nelson & -P. | Scenes with the hunter and trapper in many lands. ik 12o: nel AS leo ee he es Nelson. | Sceptre and ring. See/Buxton, B. H. | Schabiade. Miurllen (We “ce... 4 2 7 Doerflinger Schafer, E: Alb. Coursé of practical histology: in- trod. to the use of the mic roscope- ill. roy. 12°, (2G ail ?82 GOR eer sc cee ee Lea. Schaff, Philip. Bibliotheca symbolica ecclesiz wniver- salis: creeds of Christe »ndom, With history and criti- -—— ox cal notes. 3 v. 809. U77.J*? $ld.... Harper Cont.: 1. History of creeds. — 2. Greek and Cats creeds, With translations.— 3 Evangelical Protestant creeds, with trans- lations. | — Companion to. the Greek .Testament and the Ene. version; with fac-simile ill. of uss. and standard ed. of the New Testament. 12°, °83.*611 $2.75. : Harper. — Harmony of the reformed confessions, as rel. to the present state of Seca rcH theology. 16°, eden fe GOGH sic os 6 Sieve dei reicderel ore -. Dodd. — History of the Christian C irene New ed., enl. map. 8°. 82-84. *361-*626 on a4. OVE - Scribner’s Sons. Cont.: 1. ‘Apostolic Christianity, Sean 1-100. — 2. Ante-Ni- cene Christianity, A.D. 100-325.—3. Nicene and Post-Nicene Christianity, A.D. 311-6900. — Person of Christ: the perfection of His humanity viewed as a proof of His diy inity. 16° ’8u.*473 Spill Sisvesraeiom eerie eis ee ie 6 aejel clove st Lay Ca the bell, and F ndolini; tr. by Bulwer. (Vest-pocket ser. y ill, Bho! oh lo DOC] chela) nlernia Rintavoye ceiel ot 6 nin loralevniicleleiel etevols Osgood. — Wilhelm Tell: a drama, tr. into Eng. verse by E: Massie, 60 4iSer 82 sacar noe a lacmillan. — See also Modern classics; also Retzsch, M. Schimmel: Lustspiel. Moser, G.v. 30c...... Holt. | Schindler, Sol. (ed.) Illustrated Hebrew almanac for the year 5641 [Sep., 1880, to Aug., 1881]. 8°. | 28 (rea) Map. 2DC.« ~~ -- ~~ « Schleiden,M.J. Sciences among the Jews before and | during the Middle Ages; from the 4th Germ. ed. DAO eS outers Ox Clos Piles «ue «iene Binswanger. (Germ. classics, Clarendon press | ser.) 16°. 778.962 G1..+.+seee sees Macmillan. | *065 1.500); full tree cf., | Schmidt, M. Johannisnacht: Dorfgeschichte aus den bayerischen Vorbergen. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. 782,529 pap., LOC. ..--2++--+ eee ace ateyel! Vunro. Schmitt, J. Instructions for first communicants; tr. from the Germ. 12°. ’81.49° 60c. ..Benziger. | Schmitz, Leonhard. Ancienthistory. 12°. [’79.] $1.26 W. Lovell. | — History of E ngl land. (Ser. of school hist.) maps. 16°. [°76.]7*4° Bl... e sree ree ne --...Putnam. | — History of Ge ece. (Ser. of ‘school hist.) maps. 169 [iGa|242 <(oc.-ace7-- a ole siafevsia eo eIHULILANl. — History of Latin literature. 16°. [ethciod es Cle Putnam. — History of Rome. (Ser. of school hist.) maps. 16°. | [BMG ME TDC celaia cleo ninte elcheln a eiier ices Putnam. — Manual ofancient history. 12°. [779.] $1.25. Crowell. Schoenhof, Jac. Destructive influence of the tariff upon manufacture and commerce, and the figures and facts rel. thereto. 12°. ’83.*8?! pap., 40c.; 75c. Putnam. | Ueber die volkswirthschaftlichen Fragen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Rev. Ausg. 8°. Greco pap., 35C. +++ eeeeee se cielo) eiousieiere) aickeloine Steiger. — Wages and fade. in ne wcturing industries in America andin Europe; introd. by R: R. Bowker. 120, ’84.*643 pap., ldc..-.-. theta. ares Putnam. Scholar ina republic. Phillips, W. 20c....Leeg S. Scholastic annual for 1884. Lyons, J. A. 25ce. Univ. of Notre Dame. Schone Frauen. Hahn, R. E. 10c.-.-- oes. Munro. | Schonen Amerikanerinnen. Spielhagen, Hs L0ce Munro. School and the family. Kennedy, J: $1---- Harper School at Beechwood. Janvier, Ms. E. N. 65c. Phillips § H. . Funk ; (Sterger.|| School boy. Holmes, O. W. $33 $7.50. Houghton, O. § Co. School bulletin year-book for 1880. Bardeen, C. W. DBO ec ns ee ors Gisie araterere @rerete .. Davis, B. &§ Co.i Ne a SCHOOL-DAYS 849 SCHWEIGER-LERCHENFELD Senne days at Chocorna. Josselyn, Mfrs. C. R. Si. Schiickine, Levin. Der Doppelganger : Roman. I. Bradley. | (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. °81.513 pap., 10c... Munro. School festival songs: coll. of favorite En g. and Germ. | — Fire and flame: a novel; tr. by E. M. Johnson. 8°, trios and choruses. obl. 8°. ’79.39° 75c.. Fischer. eAGe ess, aps, TOG: sects. wa. -- Appleton. School for scandal. Sheridan, R: B. 25c. .. | cue, H. Leitfaden u. Wennnecnacis neve deut- School-girls. Carey, A. $1.25.. Cassell, P..G. & Co. | schen Sprachunterrichte in Elementarschulen. 2°, °F 9,355 s Cal ase o).o) «nel elnics=iatale = 6.) fe 2 School life and boyhood libr: ary, by popular authors. Gy. ie Sm A bds., 25¢ a ee Pustet. ill. cr. 8°. °83. ea., $1.25; set, $7.50... Cassell. | Schuh, K: G. Die Macht des glaubigen Gebets. 16°. 784.83 ST]. oj DLZO) eae sac clo .Y. Bk 2 Cont.: At the south pole. — The three homes. — The story | : a gilt, Ps : . ee Ble: Oe of Captain life and boyhood. — Soldier and|Schuld und Suhne. Konig, EB. A: 20c...-. Munro. patriot (W aSHingee — The young man in the battle of life. Schultz, F. Latin exercises adpt. to the aan gram- School of good manners, by the author of Good girls’ mar for schools and colleges. 8°. °78.355 hf. soliloquy. New ed., from the original of 18292. | ROADS pile wicca yeeee e ae en Pustet. (More for good than glitter ser.) ill. Sq. 12°. |— Latin grammar adpt. for colleges. 12°, ’78.353 hf. CbH! TWs Biencod oss oncoc --- Esperanza. | MOAI, pl D Os aveeeenieterctens sn ay a Pustet. School of Shakespere. Simpson, R: $6 .... Bouton. | Schultz, F.W. UEsther;—Ezra. See Lange, J: P: School of the Master. Johnston, J. H. 60c.. Randolph. | Commentary. School-room chorus. De Graff, E. V. 35c. | Schumacher, Hermann A. Petrus Martyr, der Ge- Davis, B. & Co. schichtsschreiber des Weltmeers : eine Studie, Little, B. § Co. — Treatise on the law of domestic relations. 3d ed = : a = =e | ¥ Tanta gee ve Ti Y =.) «371 ; School-room guide. De Graff, BE. V. $1.50. mit Karte a. d. Jahre 1510. 8°. 779. _ Pap. Davis, B. & Co. | wu-2077 flex, Slefios ht mor. Go... .-c. Steiger. School sermons. Everett, W: $1......-... Roberts. | Schumann, ¥. Manual of heating and ventilation in i 90 > a1 OR - TEATS their practical application. 12°. Oe. full Chool story. 12°, COE Sele eerie. [rppincott. : ey . . > ey nay ROADS epic! erates calcts 2 WwW Shpeonelitact pode ee. W.H. § O. H. fe tag mapsandill. 8°. [’76.]?49 ea., $3.75. Same. New — Treatise on the law of bailments, incl. carrie rs, inn- P76 cheaper ed. 2yv. maps and ill. cr. 0°. keepers and pledge. 8°. ’80.441 shp., $6. (eH COTE TGS Di rerc ora orem eee eee Scribner, A. § Co. | latharee L: Sandford. Memorial of Louis Sandford Sonny, ler, priest. [Anon.] por. 8°. 779. ¥*409 Coro 2eee shpin oOnec ae ae Iitile, B. & Co. $l. siete: oialal(aveleletevey elev creters eoce+ LOU, ¥. & Co: ee Ts aa ue ae of Sa a ae BED eee nae | Schuyler M. The pioneer church or, the story ona C slp e DU +s ee wave AOULE « >. | > . j » Tas € > 90 28 a — Treatise on the law of husband and wife. 8°. ’82,569 eat a ee i we ee : a Lg Sek ae Gar Sn ee eee of personal bropery ue Aa go oe Schwab, Erasmus. The school garden : contribution 8°, *84.,622,643 og shp., $6.50... Little, B. § Co. to subject of education; from 4th Germ. ed., by Mrs. H. Mann. 12°. 779.984 pap., 50c.. Holbrook. Schoyen, D: Monrad (ed.) Torben for Hvermand: Schwartz, W: B. Monte madrona. (People’s lib.) en Oversigt over den amerikanske Civil- og Pri- f 5 r 4057 Si nape LOC. a Setar (ciets Ogilvie. WER NP PRE SSL Ooch coc J: Anderson. ; pee x , Z5 : ae Schwartze, Hermann. Pathological anatomy of the Schriber, Fritz. Complete carriage and wagon painter X, =) 30.978 386 ay ill. 120, °83,*625 Rachon ear; tr. by J. O. Green. ill. _ §°. 8. $2 ; 4, 4eksh DIL orteyeletereuac referer: vichardson. Houghign O. § Co. Schroeder, F. W. J. Deuteronomy ;— Ezekiel. See Schwarzwalder Dorfgeschichten. “Auerbach, B. Lange, J: P: Commentary. 2 GDS cea 5 20 Gi. ctia ye cree cterc ohve eevercicreIULII7 0: Schwatka’s search. Gilder, W: H. $3. Scribner's Sons. Schroeder, J: F: Life and times of Washington, with acct. of men and events connected with Am. | Revolution; rev. and enl. by B. J. ne oee? eng. Poo celce Alb. History of phlosephy in epitome; by A. Cha ppel. 52, pts. 80.) 77 9:82 eae, pap, . from Ist Germ. ed. by J. H. Seelye; rev. from BOGe ase sehe ae rei tsa ane -H: J. poner th Germ. ed., with aD: by B: BE. Smith. 120°. Schroeter, F: Eromeepathie poultry physician, 16°. CEE GG oe Syste tetteieial Appleton. [78] 50c..-....---. 20. Sais - Boericke § T. Schweig, G: M. b iegtric b: fn its medical uses, Schuckey, J. W. Currency conflict : wae »w of some effects, and appliances. 16° [77.]?& $1. portions of Gen. Garfield’s speech on specie pay- Putnam. ments, with ref. to resumption in Great Britain Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. v. Woman in all lands; in 1819- 22, in a letter to W. D. Kelley. 8°. from the Germ. by A. S. ee cate, Zzbepts. ile insta e22 pap., LOG. sess eeeeeeee eee Baird. | ZF [POO aks (Ge. Panwa Cr cic cian ac ses z SCHWEIGGER 350 SCOTT Schweigger, K: Ernst Thdr. Handbook of ophthal- mology; tr. by P. Farley ieee SOOF [Geil pes BAD Ose ciecisicia wie oie Sie Gis slots) clevere 1709) PUILCOLL- Science and culture. sdusley Tv: H: $1.50.. Appleton. Science and sentiment. porter N. $2.50. Scribner’s Sons Science lectures at So. Kensington. ..---- Note. Entered under authors and subjects. Science of a new life. Cowan, J: $3; $3.50; $4. Ogilvie. Science papers. Hanbury, D. $6....-.- - Macmillan. Science primers.------+-++++e+seeeee -e- «+++ Appleton. Note. Entered under authors and subjects. Scientific sophisms. Wainwright, S: 2dc...-- Funk. Scintille juris. 12°. [°77.]3? dc. ....S. Whitney. 'Sconset cottage life. Northrup, A. J. 50c. Baker, P. & Co. Scoones, W. Baptiste (ed.) Four centuries of KEng- lish letters: sel. from Paston letters to present a | Scott, Rob. Greek-Eng. lexicon. See Liddell, H:G., | Scott, Six Wa. Waverley novels; with authors Macmillan. | ditvs, 8% PSOE Boia econ ci cicreie siete . Harper. | Scot in New France. Le Moine, J. M. 50c..- Dawson. | Scotch pebbles. Macleod, N. 1dc. .-+--+--- Milton. Scotch sermons, 1880. 2ded. 8° 780.4% $3. Macmillan. Seni es 08 VB eee STD aioe cis rele - Appleton. Scots’ Charitable Soc. of Boston. Constitution and by-laws; list of members and officers, and ex- tracts from records. 8°. [’78.]*%4 $1.50; pap., SEDO: sicietels Sata wein cleiiovora clale: ols orst A Scots’ Char. Soc. Scott, Ms. Clara I. foyal anthem-book. 783.°7* $1. Hi lm ick. Scott, Clement W. (ed.) Stage-door. por. 4°. [779.] OO CR arereevercilc: ele! eves Rr elalcialclelclnisia’ cle teicralcticle Routledge. Scott, D: B., 77. Short outline hist. of the U. S. 12°. r/R LOST (sles os syevare i cfeleveis crs/ sero aie aielelere Collins. Scott, Eben Greenough. The development of consti- tutional liberty in the Eng. colonies of America. 89, 782,998 $2.50. Rie seit crea oils cleicisiel POUCILOUNID: Scott, G: Gilbert. hee on the hist. of Eng. chureh architecture prior to the separation of England from the Roman obedience. ill. 4°. 781.49 $12. Scribner & W. Scott, Lady Jane. The pride of life. (Dollar ser.) 12°, nse es2 Silt eeieie rere 600 00000 0 0G MATION Lc Scott, J: The land of sojourn; or, ene of patri- archal life and times; introd. by A. Clarke. 12°. aBOma Sieben eee Bee sienec Os An Scolt. Scott, Laurence W. Hand-book of Christian evidence. 12°. 780.44 $1.50. Same. Rev. ed. 12°. ’84.*9! and Scott, R. Scott, Rob. H. Elementary meteorology. ill. 12°, PEE CD) 6 nan oo bac co UDd000 aO0t Scribner § W, > notes, and ill. by J. M. W. Turner, G: Cruikshank, and others. 25 v. ill. a (aGe42) ear Sil 25); set, $31.25; hf. cf., $63.75.......... Routledge. Cont.: Abbot. — Anne of Geierstein. — Antiquary. — Be- trothed. — Black dwarf; Legend of Montrose. — Bride of Lam- mermoor. — Count Robert of Paris. — Fair maid of Perth. — Fortunes of Nigel. — Guy Mannering. — Heart of Mid-Lothian. Ivanhoe. — Kenilworth. — Monastery. — Old Mortality. — Peveril of the Peak. — et ate. — Quentin Durw: urd. — Red- gauntlet. — Rob Roy. Ronan’s well. — Surgeon’s daughter ; Castle Dangerous; "Gloseary: — ‘Yalisman. — Waverley. — Woodstock. _— Same. Newed. 25v. ill. 12°. 779.988. $95..AL. Wand. Same. (Holyrooded.) 48 v. ill. 12°. [’80.] ea., TDG. SC Us tan Ole steps aie: e cle piece oe ayers .. Harper. Cont. > Waverley. 2v. — Guy Mannering. 2 vy. — Antiquary. 2 y. — Rob Roy. 2v.— Old Mortality. 2v. — Heart ot Mid- Lothian. 2 v.—Ivanhoe. 2y.— Monastery. 2v.— Abbot. 2 v.— Ke nilworth. 2 v. — Pirate. 2 v. — Fortunes of Nigel. 2v.— Quentin Durward. 2 v. — St. Ronan’s well. 2 v. — Kedgauntlet. 2v.— Fair maid of Perth. 2v.— Anne of Geierstein. 2 v. — Woodstock. 2 v.— Peveril of the Peak. 3v. — Legend of Montrose. — Betrothed. Talisman. — Bride of Lammermoor; Black dwarf. 2 v. — Count Robert of Paris. 2 v. — Chronicles of the Canongate; Highland widow. — Surgeon’s daughter; Glossary. =Same. (Quibrary ed:) .2b'v. ill) 8% [e7G=siee*s Cae DOLD) o cic cial cieieiel afc wie leielale sisielaicie cio Avpletor Cont.: Abbot. — Anne of Geierstein. — Antiquary. — Be- trothed; Highland widow. — Black dwarf; Legend of Montrose. — Bride of Lammermoor. — Count ktobert of Paris. — F air maid of Perth. — Fortunes of Nigel. Guy Mannering. — Heart of Mid-Lothian. — Ivanhoe. — Kenilworth. — Monastery. — Old Mortality. — Peveril of the Peak. — Pirate — Quentin Durward. -—— Redgauntlet. — Rob Roy. —St. Ronan’s well. — Surgeon’s daughter; Castle Dangerous. — Talisman. — Waverley. — Woodstock. Same, (kop.eds) 24 ve Alls) “120! | us0n| ea, Bore Ste life MOL se gO cise 0c /0 ac. e\e el aie Harper. Same. (@khistlered))) 48iv. “ill 129%" > [780°] “ea;; Sills Sets spihal ms are sicie a) ei cieierciciererel ecicierars Harper. Same. (Walter Scott ed.) 25 v. ill. er. 8°. ['78. lees $25)s lif. cf, 362550). 210. iaieieress . Lippincott. — Poetical works; with memoir. (Riv eraide ed.) 10 v. Ino. 020 (rSeilted ipo: - Hurd § H. a |— Same. Newcheaped. 12°. [777.]° $1; $1.20. Crowell. {— Poems. ill. 89. LG $3.50; leatherette, 34; DOO. siers/e piclevelers)« siatal o)cvetaiole sj clelenieleiois -J: Burns. | — The mooted question, and other ie mes. ill. 120. 28 (Saeed = Sill reysisyeiiere cic) sve rcvove siete) ate(elel ore eie'e J: Burns. Scott, Leader. Fra Bartolommeo, Albertinelli, and Andrea del Sarto. (Ill. biog. of great artists.) ill. TO 20s plone ss J DO00G0O OF -- Scribner & W. — Ghiberti and Donatello, with other sculptors. (Ill. biog: ‘of great artists.) il]. 12° 782.544 1. Scribner & — Luca della Robbia, with other Italian sculptors. (Ill. biog: of great artists.) ill. 12°. 7’83.9°9° $1.25 Scribner & W. — Renaissance of art in Italy: an illustrated history. 40, 783.*818 $10.50; smooth mor., $22.50 : Scribner & W. Scott, Ma. E. Keith; or, rightedatlast. 12°. ’81.*48° CLO oo66 coor Rielevereie ovelel eta erere .-.+ Lippincott. Scott, Michael. Cruise of the ‘ Midee ” 2 pts. (Sea- side lib.) 4°. 782.9°9:°89 ea., pap., 20c.... Munzo. — Tom Cringle’s log. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’83.6!! pap 2A) Ce erel oie clei ciel sfelclel oe nie (eve afar sieioiee eoed: W. Lovell. ’ Scott, Michael. Occasional papers. v.1: Civil en- | gincenmnes pls 1807 Sikes hoi «eee. SPON. EKYs MOLT pS aie ccielene + «leiele aielcicln ole ase Porter § C. — Same. 2v. 8°. ip 76. al ea., $1... Little, B. & Co. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. [’77.]?% BOC cere mrolaie oysialole< sloreleyete « (oleicr- = eiala) 1s) «726 «1 OSG OO. — Abbot: sequel to ‘The monaste ry. (Seaside lib.) 4°, 783. pap., 20c. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 160) (Stes. pape, 2O0C. wiicmn cet Munro. Ko — Antiquary. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.55? pap., 20c. Munro. | — Betrothed: tale of the Crusaders, and the chronicles of the Canongate; with key to all the Waverley novels, in chronological sequence, RY H: Grey. (Seaside libs), 49. 2822572 “pap. 20¢ . Munro. — Bride of Lammermoor. (Cheap ed.) 80. re é 83.]0 pap., ldc........ Bia) verve reiiciel a sieroceratelte levels Peterson. | — Count Robert of Panis: (Cheap ed.) 8° [’8 3.1819 Scott, Mrs. O. W. Santa Claus stories and tales of} — | every-day life. ill. 16°. °84.*8> $1.. Walden. } Pap: VOC. W. Lovell. Scribner, C:H. ‘Treatise on the law of aie with add. notes and ref. by A. I. Phillips. 2d ed. s 9 + oO 399 624 ~ Bp Oy; fae ~ : Ide WO. Socago cpacosoaoomec vecess Clark & M. Ba Sao: shp., pe ae Ee W. Johnson — Same; [a lso] Marmion; The lady of the lake. (Clas- | Scribner, G. Hilton. Where did life begin? 12°. SICTSET))) W162. Z8Buke0d) Ve ee ---- Roberts. gy eos NLD Die ere aie eye lisveleisre Scribner's Sons. — Same, with title: Song of the last minstrel, and Scribner, J. M. Engineers’ and mechanics’ Lady of the lake; with introd. and notes by F. | cy pelgnave: (Globe readings.) 16°. 783,589 DOCS aaiie wcieleisieias < ccieein uae 8k ea) VWacmillan. — Marmion: ti le. of Flodden Field: poem in six cantos. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. ’79.3%4 pap., 25c... Harper — Same (sel. from canto 6); with sketch of author’s Scribner, W: life, notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser.) 695 28ilr | compan- ion. 18thed.,rev. 16°. aS s22) non, Sile50! Van Nostrand. — Engineers’, contractors’ and surveyors’ pocket table ‘book. 10thed., rev. 16°. aiSaeo, MON eleb0: Van Nostrand. Love for souls. 12°. ’82.*562 g]. | Scribner’s Sons. pape. W2esn..-. bse clade esis cite eeee-- Clark § M.| — Same. (Books for the times. ) 16°. [’83 » [EEE — Same ; [also] The lord of the isles; with introd. and DUP LOC r wienclercraeeiersterei cio cease ore erecle a » Am. 19. notes by F. T. Palgrave. (Globe readings.) | — The Saviour’s converts; what we owe to ener! and HS bE RS Ganboc consodan bone Macmillan. | how we may aid them. 12°. ’80.*43! $1, Monastery. (Seaside lib.) 40, 83; pap, 20c)| Scribner's Sons. Same. (Seaside lib., Pocket ed.) 16°. [RSA E2 | — These little ones; what God has commanded touch- Dap ZOCh ce nace ee Blolofe\inisl vie) cia efclieisisie 7 Vunro. ing their church membership ; and their salvation. — Old Mortality. (Seaside ID) = 40 82522 nape | KAY IPT? GEG coccncodaae eeees Presb. Bd. Be oe Ga ee oe eho eit iete | reve sees Munro. | Scribner's geographical reader and primer: ser. of — Pirate. (Seaside lib.) 40. (02. ee pap., 20 Munro. | journeys round the world (based upon Guyot’s — Quentin Durward. (Seaside Ee) 4°. oe | introd.). ill. 12° 782.*°87 G0c...Scrtbner’s Sons. BO CN creteleiois)eieisiaiee aren ne Ae ene UNDO. \ eee e we a : : 940 0 %637 : Same; ed. by C. M. Yonge; mith historical introd. | Scripture pancliday bool atta 252 eed ie (Classias for childra ) 640 || 2 Rsericsforiehidrens)) cc) 18a ME ae: Scripture club of Valley Rest. Habberton, J: $1; Roe DOCS veeriarcie eer Deesiecavceccsscces ULNA. — Redgauntlet: tale of the 18th century. (Seaside| : eg : NU)) RE EBL itt, Bes conndsocuoa ach evan. | Scudder, Horace E. Bodley Bera a ond their — Rob Roy. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °81.47 pap. 20c... Munro. Journey in Holland. ill. sq. 8°. 782.*960 bds., — St. Ronan’s well: a romance. (Seaside lib.) 4°. P1.50.....- se a crelel cacy eo*) © eer Houghton, M. oo IPS jet, 20 ercacsacos sereceee sees Munro. | — Bodleys afoot. ill. sq. 8°. ’80 [’79].*4™ bds., $1.50. — Surgeon’s daughter; [also] Castle Dangerous. | : _ Ltoughton, O. § Co. (Cheap ed.) 8° [’83.]®" pap., ldc... Peterson. | — Bodleys on wheels. ill. sq. 8° °79.%5! bds., $1.50. — Tales of a grandfather: stories taken from Scottish Houghton, O. § Co. j : : seethaers eos ‘ : ae San : history. Newed. ill. 12°, ’81.58 1.95 — Bodleys telling stories. ill. sq. 8°. ([/°77.]*° bds., Routledge. | $1.50... tebe e eee eter eee e cece eens Hurd § H. — Talisman: tale of the Crusaders. New issue. = Boston town. ill. 8° ?’81.*59°§ $1.50. a (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’79.4°4 pap., 5c... Harper. Houghton, 1 5 Co. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’79. pap., 20c... Munro. | — English Bodley family. ill. sq. 8°. ’84 [°83]. “oi bds., — Waverley. (Cheap ed.) 8° [’83.]®!! pap., l5c. | EeWencaas oad sesececeeess Houghton, 0. § Co. ; Peterson. | — Mr. Bodley abroad. ill. sq. 8°. ’81 eSOi S22" bdsk. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80.459 pap., 20c.. Munvo. Silt O letra el seketel cic clesieiel cle ciclo Houghton, M. § Co. — Royal characters from the works of Sir Walter Scott: | — Noah Webster. (Am. men of letters.) por. 12°. historical and romantic; sel. and arr. Dy Wie Ot ONES San au oanacdo Houghton, M. § Co. Dobson; with ill. from celebrated paintings. | — Seven little people and their friends. New ed. ill. Oo Oe Oeics ave ore efey elevate - Scrabner & W. Gores Oe eters erevere cers sere Houghton, M. § Co. — See also Modern classics; also Rogers, M. Waverley | — Stories and romances. 12° %80.*757 (S120. dictionary. Houghton, M. & Co. oe oa URS Se ‘ esSCUDDER Scudder, Horace E., continued. — (ed.) Children’s book: coll. of the best and most famous stories and poems in the Eng. language ; col. frontispiece by R. Emmett. ill. sq. 8°. iL eeu OUR ()) science wclslsiefeieneese Houghton, M. § Co. — Recolleetions of Samuel Breck; with passages from his note books (1771-1862). 12°. (77.)?" $2. Porter & C. Scudder, M. L., 77. Almost an Englishman. 16°. DF QUSKE) ONT ien wie clelisiais wee wie viele sieleiele eres Putnam. — Congested prices. 12°. ’83.*°°% 50c. ---+ + Jansen. — Labor-value fallacy. 12°. ’84.*8 50c...-Jansen. — National banking: discussion of merits of present system. (Economic monographs. ) DAD, 2OCe ccleieisieleici~ oiciesicln snicini vee --- Putnam. Scudder, S: H. Butterflies: their structure, changes and life-histories, with ref. to Am. forms. ill. 8°. SON) AGAS (GR rac e\cieloie o) ie efole) ele ele) ole eaieeie ies [Tolt. — Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries ; incl. transactions of learned societies, 1633-1876 (Lib. of Harvard Univ., special pub.) 8°. ’79.*4°% $4; printed on one side of leaf, $5-- Harv. Univ. Inb. Scudder, Vida D. [‘‘ Davida Coit.”] How the rain sprites were freed. ill. sq. 8°. (783: ]*8* bds:, Mil SG oooandOonUD ODOC eleletsiele scl =) cc siels) sie ele Lothrop. Scull, S. A. Greek mythology systematized. ill. 12°. [’80. |* a5 SUDO cece ai clalajesels\ ele) clelele Porter & G. Sea and shore: poems. 3d ed., enl. 189 79.8% Sil. Roberts. Sea fights. (Boys’ pocket lib.) 24°. [’77.]*°° 60c. Nelson & P. Sea gift. Fuller, E. W. 50c....... Gc cect - Hale. Seagull. Arrom, C. B. de F. $1.50....... Peterson. Seaking. Marryat, F: 10c. ----+--+-++.---- Munro. Sea pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Macaulay, J. DOLD) oc wercie Sicicisieiele) «i claieiorele\nis)nue, sie e\e)ela.eln Nelson. Sea queen. See Russell, W. C. Sea tales. Cooper, J. F. 5 v. $5..Houghton, M. § Co. Sea-wiait. Hocking: S: K. $l ...-2-. 1. Ward § D. Seaboard parish. Macdonald, G: 20c. ..-.. Munro. Seaforth. See Montgomery, F. Sealed lips. Du Boisgobey, F. 20c. .......-1 Wunro. Sealed orders. Phelps, E. S. $1.50. . Houghton, O. § Co. Seamy side. Besant, W., and Rice, J. 50c.. Appleton. Searcy, W: E. H. Lessons in phonography. 12°. ZKOWSEG | RDF ars crevals) «iol el © cisiersl s¥aieie/eieve oie Lippincott. Searing, Mrs. Laura C. [‘‘ Howard Glyndon.’’] Brother and sister. 16°. [’79.] $1.25.....LZippincott. Searle, G. M. Elements of geometry; with app. cont. problems. 8° ([7’77.]77* $1.50... ...... Wiley. Searle, W: S. New form of nervous disease; [also] Essay on erythroxylon coca. 12°. ’81.*4 $1. Fords. Searles, W: H. Field engineering: hand-book of the theory and practice of railway surveying, loca- tion and construction. 4th ed. 12°, ’83.°74 mor. LUC Kea sisciele) selec cleeie esc 5 cakois) ¢ elarareiietecs - Wiley. — The railroad spiral; with complete tables of deflec- tions and ordinates for spirals. 12°. ’83.°74 mor. TUCK: le DO es ci. «re Misistel oGsicle sie t la leiisicneciele te. Wiley. Sears, Edm. H. Christ in the life: sermons and po- ems. 12° ([776.]?°8 $1.75..Lockwood, B. § Co. — That glorious song of old; ill. by A. Fredericks; eng. under the supervision of G. T. Andrew. sq. QroO OS sant \ 12°. 279 «375 | 12°, 783 [’82].*564 $1.50. Same. 8°. [°83.]*6}5 | Golden floral style, $1.75; $1.50 ....... Lee & S. Seashore and prairie. Thacher, M. P. $1 -- Osgood. Seaside library. Also (Pocket ed.) ........./ Munro. Note. Entered under authors and titles. Seasideyseriesss Diva [willl vice ate ae ote Lothrop. Cont. : Pehe nu-e. — Good-for-nothing Polly. — Nan, the new- fashioned girl.— The children’s year.— The sister’s Italian journey SEE-SAW Season: record of N. Y. and Brooklyn society. Cran- Gall @: He Bb sess cteeee (oes ec White § S. Seasons. See Thomson, J. Seaton, A. BE. Manual of marine engineering, com- prising the designing, construction and working of marine machinery. ill. 8°. 784.8? $6. Van Nostrand. Seaton, Six T: From cadet to colonel: record of a life of active service. ill. -12°. [’76.]*°?- $1.75. Routledge. Seaver, Edn. P., and Walton, G: A: (comps.) Frank- lin mathematical series. 8°. [’80-’84. ] Ware ; J. H. Butler. (P.) Cont.: Franklin primary arithmetic. 20c. — Franklin element- ary arithmetic. 35c. — Franklin written arithmetic. Tac. — Metric system. 15c.— Logarithmic and trigonometric tables ; with brief explanations of their use. flex. cl., 60c. Seaver, Emily. Poems. 16°. [’78.]**! 75c.. Williams. Seba’s discipline. Oliver, M. $1.50...... .. Lothrop. Sebastian Strome. Hawthorne, J. 75c..-..Appleton. Seccombe, R. A. Army and navy birthday-book ; with ill. for every day and month. obl. 48°. [’81.]*°?% TE DO DOSss pic ea clelele ccc s o.6 wiaiereeiaiere Routledge. — The good old story of Cinderella retold in rhyme; with ill. inel. pl. printed in colors by Emrik and Zinger. sq. 8% 782.*°°4 $2.50 .... Armstrong. Second cousin Sarah. Robinson, F: W: 10c...Junro. Second thoughts. See Broughton, Rh. Second wife. Jolin, EK. 20c...... eioiciorcie ee nicl MAUIUI.O- Secondthoughts, Sol ( pseud.) See Kennedy, J: P. Secret despatch. Grant, J. 50c........d: W. Lovell. Secret drawer; by the author of Alice Middleton. (Sunday-hour ser.) 32° [778.]*47 pap., 25ce. Randolph. Secret of a clear head. Granville, J. M. 50c.. Cassino. Secret of power. Maclaren, A. $1.25 .- Macmillan. Secret of success in Wall street; ill. by Tumbridge & @o;, 80: EnGs ese Ke 6 ogoo pie) alalole Tumbridge. Secret of the Andes. Hassaurek, F. $1.50..Clarke. Secret of the Bast. Oswald, F. L. $1-.-lndex Assoc. Secret of victory. Winslow, M. E. 75c.. Nat. Temp. Secret power. Moody, D. L. 60c. .---..- .-- Revell. Secret sorrow. Fleming, Mrs. M. A. 20c... Ogilvie. Secrets of the stage; or, play-house mysteries un- veiled, by anoldactor. ill. 8° ['82.]°°° pap., DOCH sielereiele a 01e) ofelele) s1e/s (eld) eieele ele are» aie « nooo Ilr Section cutting. Marsh, S. 75c......-.----Jndust. Sedarté, N. M. The life of a love in songs and son- nets. ‘sm. 40 “820047 Ri. ca sf ciserere cre {m. News. Sedgwick, Alfr. B. Estranged: operetta. 16°. [’76. ]?** PaAp., LOC. eee ees ecccerecccevceres woe DE Wate. Molly Moriarty: Irish musical sketch. 16°. [’76. ]?* pap., 15c....-.++6. oo olele (ores eisl«) o\slalsioror.= De Witt. — Twin sisters: comic operetta. 16°. [’76.]?%8° pap., VOC sere cies sale cieiers Sas slsie el cites oie De Watt: Sedgwick, Arth. G:, and Wait, F: S. Treatise on the principles and practice governing trial of title toland. 8°. ’82.58 shp., $6.25..Baker, V. § Co. Sedgwick, H: Suppl. to the lst ed. of the methods of ethics; cont. important add. and alterations in the 2ded. 8°. [’78.]%!® pap., 75c... Macmillan, Sedgwick, H: D. Selection of Am. and Eng. cases on the measure of damages. 8° 778.%°° shp., GEO) secre erie sche ice cece cle DO KCIy VAKGnCO. Sedgwick, Thdr. Treatise on the measure of dam- ages. 7th ed., by A. G. Sedgwick and G. W. Van Nest. 2iv. 8° 80:43) shp:, $13: Baker, V. § Co. See, Ja. W. [‘*Chordal.”] Extracts from Chordal’s letters; ill. by C: F. Taylor. por. 12°. ’81.*#7 CMO soo g000 46 Bech cee oe Ala aCe — Same. Enl. ed. por. 12°. 783.*58? $2... Wiley. See-saw Marjorie Daw. See Holt, Mos.M. A. Foiled.SEEBOHM 353 SEMPSTRESS Seebohm, B: Life of Stephen Grellet. 2v. 8°. |Ségur, L: Gaston de. Little saint of nine years: biog. TREE ES} caso ondd unog g0can0500r Longstreth. | notice; from the French by M. McMahon. 16°. — Life of William Forster. 2v. 8° 78.225 De. 2 Oi eee (VCH aiciee ore einem clea < oslo Benziger. Longstreth. | — Once every week: treatise on weekly communion. Seebohm, F: Era of the Protestant revolution. 390, 7791887 pap:, 1l0c.2<.-.2-<- ieee Ons hen: (pochs of mod. hist.) 16°. (76. ] Sl. Seiler, C: Handbook of diagnosis and treatment of Sceribner’s Sons. diseases of throat and nasal cavities. ill. 12°. Seeburg, Franz v. Joseph Haydn: story of his life; | 79 38 &1 Same. 2ded.,enl. ill. 12°. ’83.5% from the*Germ. by J. M. Toohey. 12°. ’84.*°°? GTO scion eee cic cis eee eaisie cre siete AA sooodce Lea. ole See Gat ae pie ek me ae eA ae Lyons: Seiss, Jos. A. Golden altar: forms of living faith. Seed of the Church. Dickinson, H. M. $1.25-. Carter. | Se 2dOe | (C2 Re MOC e accents miele acl Randolph. Seed-time and harvest. Reuter, F. $1.25; 75c. — Gospel in the stars; or, primeval astronomy. ill. Lippincott. and map. 12°. ’82.%°?? $1.50....- --- Claxton. Seeing and thinking. Clifford, W: K. $1.-M/aemdllan. | — Last times; or, thoughts on momentous themes. New Seekers after God. Farrar, F: W: $1; 50c. enl. ed. 12% ([/78.]** $1-00-..-.- - Lippincott. J: W. Lovell. |\— Life after death; or, post-mortem accountability. Seeketh not her own. Sitwell, S. M. $1.25... Carter. 16°. 78. °°7 DePat 15C.+--0s poe eke Luth. Bk. St. Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues. Alcen: E:. | ae Luther and the REO AO nS life-springs of Our jr., and Cheney, O. A. DON ioe cheiaieie Ward & D. ; liberties 12°. Slee Dos s Porter gC: cS ki Newpoldenticece.) Guillin: ID.B. 33 Lee Miracle in stone; or, the reat pyramid of Egypt. eeking the goiden heece. tlilman, vd. - es Do. 120. S77 \SO0M (CRT eles cee a ole fe Porter & C. LOAN. Toices . 2% , . r e records . 1Q \ sel. foreign proverbs; with ref. and expl. 9 pts. : ~ a 5 : a. 190 7800K3l Gn, pap). 7). - eee ed Seelhach: Seitz, J. A. \ esper service : order of evening wor- ship for Universalist churches, 12° | iGOwlese > Seeley, J: R. Ecce homo: survey of the life -and | : ens : ro MOE, cooad BS ee eee cieic emit cicin eile J. Miller. works of Jesus Christ. New ed. 16° <8l.%- ; Selborne, Lord. [Sir Roundell Palmer.] (ed.) Book Ye ee oe oy cree cle ie (efeieiole a) vivicfelis a) clei ofe) me(eneieie Roberts. | : : ; . . — Expansion of England: lectures 120 192 «620 of praise; from the best Eng. hymn writers. S175 - Rahenis New issue. ill. 16°. cheno Sie2os (Red- e Sui) aim eles 6 00 e\0) 8) a\e) ns 6) 8010\e (00) 6.6) .0/0)(6)/0) 19 \e)/010 rove Ss. 5 - = . 7 ; 70 7 2 e Se acialclcie’ oie ete ersiel's'+ e:e/el>: (s/e.e/s/n/e vothrop. — Life and adventures of E. M. Arndt. 8° [779.] line ed.) $3 Lothrop ROD Ne one ce uins wise mielora ele eee es Roberts. | Selden, J: The fabulous eods denounced in the Bible; — Life and times of Stein; or, Germany and Prussia in | tr. from [Selden’s] Syrian deities, by W. A. the Napoleonic age. 2 v. por. 8°. 79 _*371 Hauser, 120% 280:42) WSe2b). - le ce Macmillan. Co hi: C. ee a one eel oN! Sa | Roman poets of the Republic. New ed., enl. 8°. spe paralysis in adult and child. 8°. b fel Fae. ate, ERDance doancocdaocua Macmillan. SOPHO) «cis mic ce ole ojo! cinlele! (o/ia/.6/e/e)o) nieiuia)ole)ie/alele utnam. = : é : smi nog : Fy Oremacle ac J: W. Lovell. — Opera minora: coll. of essays, articles, lectures and | Selma. Smith, Mrs. J. es mk : : addresses, 1866-1882. 8°. ’84.9° $5.. Putnam. Semi-attached couple. Iden, WH. 20¢....-<. Munro. . nos. |Semper, K: Animal life as affected by the natural conditions of existence. (Internat. sci. ser.) maps and ill. 12°. 81 BSS SD cre ere) «1 Appleton. Semple, C. E. Armand. Aids to chemistry. 3 pts. (Student’s aid ser.) 16°. 780.445 ea., 50C.5 pap., ZION we ie ere = ale ana oancoo aooauOOCaGNdON Putnam. — Aids to medicine; pt. 1: The general diseases : dis- eases of the lungs, blood-vessels, and liver. —(ed.) Series of Am. clinical lectures. v. 2 8-12. $°. [’76—77. ]**° ea., pap., 380c... Putnam. Cont.: The hypertrophied prostate, by R. F. Weir. — Points in the surgery of childhood, by J. H. Pooley. — Spinal irritation, by W: A. Hammond.—On the treatment of eczema, by R. W. ‘Taylor. — Peripheral paralysis, by I’. J. Miles. | | == Sane, vie nose les. So) lbiiele Ga pape,oc: . ad > > Putnam. 1 Cont.: Transfusion of blood, by T: G. Morton. —Hydrocele, ; * aid ser.) 16°. 783.587 60c.; pap by D. H. Agnew. — Philosophy of menstruation, conception, (Student's aid ser. ) Veet OU OMe pap:, and sterility, by M. A. Pallen. DOr eieieiets Roevays wlisiere os ciele eG el ciel eyaia’s Putnam. — Aids to therapeutics and materia medica. 2 pts. Seguin, L. G. Picturesque tour in picturesque lands. 1 1€q) b ill. (Student’s:aid ser.) 16°. (Ary - Chis (OKC, F FO ZOD URDIZE AGRI () Te ove cle cin apetetolatels Armstrong. < ee . ‘ 25¢e Bes epee iaiievole/aliaaisielel ale) oie sis Putnam. Séeur, Comtesse Hugénie de. Adventures of a donkey ; Oe Oe aes yet aq Teo Pin : from the French by P. S, ill. 12°. ’81.*47* $1.50. | Diseases of children. 12°. 84. pl.75.. Putnam. Piet. |Sempstress’ story. Droz,G. 20c..--- West, J. § Co. 45. (Nov. 84.) : aw BS RSSENECA 354 SEWARD Seneca, Lucius Anneus. Treatises on Providence; | Seton, W: meeps fate, and other tales. NPAs depp ke Tranquillity of mind; Shortness of life; Happy | MG@ts ile DOr ee ceeieresre cna Rah onoodG Cath. Pub. life; with sel. epistles, epigrammata, introd., notes Settlers ( na Kingston, W: H. G. $1.50. and Se ane parallelisms, by J: F. Hurst and H: Pott, ¥. & Co. - C. Whitney. 12°. [’77.]78) $1.30..... Harper. Settlers in Canada. Marnyat HW: 100: cs 66 6. Miuziro. Senior partner. See Riddell, Mrs 5 oly Jel Seven ages. Sce Shakespeare, W: Senior songman. See Tabor, E. Seven American classics. Swinton, W:, and Catheart, Sensation and pain. Taylor, C: FB. 75c - Putnam. Gi Ree Sls cen cee ei dea) aes ers -- vison. Sense and sensibility. See Austen, J. Seven birthdays. Knox, K. Or so ee ¥. § Co. Sensier, Alfr. Jean Francois Millet, peasant and|Seven British classics. Swinton, W:, and Catheart, painter; t oD the French by H. de Kay. ill. Gr Gi See ccs ace case ee .- Ivison. Sq. 5°. 81. Boeeeeer eee hej a ako is crea Osgood. | Seven brothers of Wyoming: story of the Am. Revolu- B ontmently hiner dietician ce and Italy. Sterne, tion; by the author of Kit Clayton. (People’s USB wise cee oe oer ee ES: Scribner & W. | lib. ) 40, = 7897045 pap., lOCr wen ee Sleloie Ogilvie. Sentimental song book. Moore, J. A. 25c. -- Ryder. | Seven days ina Pullman car. Towner, A. $1 ; 50c.; Seolay 16% Joe” Sl bOs eee cee AoE Lee § 8. ZOC. core ceeeceeeee er tee t ec eee e nee Ogilvie. Sepher Hachayim; or, the book of life: complete for- | Seven golden eandleatio ks. Hill, H: F. $1.25.. Ballou. mula of service and family devotion at the death- | Seven last words. Baring-Gould, S._ net, 75e. bed, -burial-ground, and house of mourning. EL. § J. B. Young. (He brew and Eng.) Elaborated by H. Vidaver. | Seven little people and their friends. Scudder, H. BE. WW, [PP IRY EBI8 itor, Sicosncano0cs Frank. NDIL, ehwlwiuiaicieielals cic aici levee Wicie cs - Loughton, M. § Co. Sepher Yezirah: (book on creation; or, the Jewish | Seven little sisters who live on the round ball. metaphysics of remote antiquity) ; with pref., Eng. ANGTEWS iis) plicmiese eos e esse. ce Lee § S. tr., notes, glossary, and sketch of the Palmud, by | Seven Spanish cities and the w: ay to them. Hale, E: Ialischs oom 27euses le oe Frank. iD. LOR. i ag ae Roberts. Sequel to Me yee s Bible stories. ill. sq. 24° 80 | Seven stories, with baceineat and attic. Mitchell, D. 79). DOs e sieaie ons aie eieis/ elvis) ois s/c) coin) Carter. Ge ROR ee Dek Scribner”: e Sans Serge Panine. Ohnets Gs 10c: ems eee Munro. | Seven voices of sympathy. Longfellow, H: W. $1.25 Sergeant, Adeline. Beyond recall: a novel. (Leis. Houghton, M. & Co hour ser.) 16°. ’83.*589 ¢]. Same. (Leis. | Seven words from the cross. Ad ams; Wer He Si- NON MI) HY AHO, sooo dcaasocescacac Holt. Lothrop. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.592 pap., 20c... Munro. | Seven years and mair. Sadlier, A. T. 20c... Harper. sergeant, L: New Greece; with maps specially pre- | Sevenoaks. Holland, J.G. $1.25.- Scribner’s Sons ared for this work. 8° [’78.1385 a» 5, : : : pared for this work. or ft pais we sous a | Seventeen and twice seventeen. Raffensperger, Mrs. cs eal ether Fh Ge ae il AAW | gS. 2D tel ciotere cay reeneaie sh ed an Nae, ergeants legacy. eCnuneu ny, Z0Cr. 6 ce x - Lovell. es i Ses ae c ‘s Seventh Church C ongress, 1881: authorized report of Sermons for the new life. Bushnell, H. ee the congress held in Providence, R.I., Oct, 1881. . } 24° ~ (1, | its : 5 ‘ : Servoner, A. § Co. 8°, 782.526 $1.50; pap., ee Whittaker. Sermons of the city. Potter, H: C. $1.75.. Dutton j : ; : : ae s : oe Seventh great Oriental monarchy. Rawlinson, G: 2v. Sermons on living subjects. Bushnell. H. ae ae ee oe ete Doda scribner, A. & Co. . > n “ Y E50 “ 2 - 0 r-]) rs ‘ 1s ( >) Sermons out of church. See Craik, Mrs. D. M. Seventy Blx- cook ook by the ladic o e ly mom Gee Sl L.1 ae Church, Des Moines, Iowa. 5thed. 8°, 80.° ermons to students. evan, L. D. 51.25. i OHO Gace cere ae ee ee Wills. scrzbner’s Sons. : ; se ee : S ; See Hartner, E Serpent and the tiger., Farrar, F: W: 10c.. Nat. Toye pao be : = Sales oe S . M: Sibley. ‘ rsmith: his arvar Serpent-charmer. Rousselet, L: $2.50. Sc) HEE SOE: Severance, M: | ibley ‘ H ummersmith: his Hary rd ae M ; Gays 20.) [RSin| pes ee) ere Houghton, O. § Co. Serrano, wt J. eh and other poems. sq. 16°. Same. Newed. 12°, 89.546 @) 50. 78: 3: 5s D> -n%tN 0 ry pl eeeee- Putnam. Houghton, M. & Co. Servant-girl question. Spofford, Ms. H. P. 81. Severed hand. Du Boisgobey, F. 20e. : ee Houghton, M. § Co. Severne, Harleigh. Chums: tale for the youngsters ; Servants of Christ; |} ry the author of Basket of barle y ’ Temp. eosee- Munro. ae ill. by H. Furniss. 12°. [?79.]*398 ($1.50 loaves. 18° ([i’7 (eee 2O0C ssn. . Carter. ; a Pott. Y. & Co | # Service, J: Salvation, here and hereafter: se sermons and} Sewall, Alb. C. Life of Prof. Albert Hopkins. ~ Lv, Beer td # fel essays. 2ded. 12°. [’77.]?72 $1.50.. Macmillan. Gos ee8e SI DO sere cine ce cee ee ee Randolph. is a | . Service and hymns for Sunday-schools; pub. for the | Sewall, Fk. Angelo and Ariel. 16°. [’79.] Sl. i ' ra Gen. Synod of the Evang. Lutheran Ch. South. | Lippincott. Pa) WOR ego seal eeed bdsie Ob. een ea. Luth. Pub. | — Angelo, the circus boy. 12°. ’79,*361 -- Lippincott. heirs 1 Service and reward. Hamlin. F. E. T5C.* 35c. | — Latin speaker, easy dialogues, and other selections. : A \ ij Frysinger. 120, ania] $1 ejevaier cvsrel sie tioreiene -+--- Appleton. Wi i Services for the chapel and the family ; compilation — New ethics; or, the moral law of use. SQeOre) sO! Merits at | by alayman. New ed., enl. 12°, 89. *547 $1.50. B15 PAP., TOC. eee serene eee vees ceeees Putnam. Vel |G ii | Porter § C. | Seward, G: }. C ineee immigration in its social and aot} ii if Services for the days of the Christian year; arr. by the economical aspects. 8°. ’81.*474 $9.50, / Bit Ch. of the Rede emer, Chelsea, Mace 16°. | Scribner’s Sons. al | fh i "USL IPS BG Socoun cen ee ee Universalist. | Seward, Thdr. F., and Unseld, B. C. . Tonie sol-fa Behe i iil Sesame and lilies. MNGi, dB GINS Wa oc anc Waley. music reader; instruction with coll. of music. i Sessions, Alex. J. The Lord’s day rescued; introd. Ole SOC ee eee pee gua: by H. M. Dexter and G. B. Jewett. 16°, 3.625 | Seward, Wes ETC omplete works; ed. by G: E. Baker; We, o6edoéonenoouaao Ganon note oe sO OD: | with Dem oy. DOE: soe 83.0% ea., $3 » Seu Seth Treadwell. Bates lee 75s sc nase. 1m. Bapt. $15; shp., $20; hf. ef., $30. - Houghton, M. § Co. Setma,the Turkish maiden. Barth, ¢ } or. 40e. Am. S. S. Qs Nioeeeeee Se piel memo sua Sue SNH tie = Seton, Rob. Essays on various ee jects, chie fly Ro- e Orations, discourses, addresses, and correspondence. — 4. man. 1920, %g9.*538 TL OR es ae Calh Pi. | eee ee speeches, ete. —5. Diplomatic history of the7 QF] a -Rapy ~ SEWARD Or SHAKESPEARE Seward, W: H:, continued. | Shakespeare, W: Works; ed. with notes by W: J. — Autobiography (1801-1834) ; with mem. of his life, Rolfer 40 vw. ilk Go" [Gast ete! ea. and sel. from his letters. 1831-1846, by F: W. NKCS & {Me CLO. conc acoo0o cacdoua005 Harper. Seward. ill. 8° Ville tel bes Sd.2)D : y XT ani 1. . urd a eed ol $4.25; shp., $5.25; Cont.: Merchant of Venice. — Tempest. — Hamlet. — Henry hf. tky., $6.25; tky., $8.25........+.. Appleton. vit. — Henry tv., pt. 1. — Henry tv., pt. 2. — Julius Cesar. Sewell, Eliz. M. Note-book of an elderly lady. 12° — King Lear. — Comedy of errors. — Merry wives of Windsor. 12) 495 39 . . cae — Twelfth night. — Richard tr. — King John.— All’s well ol. Spel onere se ponere ele le eanienere ene © leiercy heloielele Dutton. that ends well. — Romeo and Juliet. — Cymbeline. — Richard — (comp.) Private devotions for young persons. 24°. wr. — Taming of the shrew. — Macbeth. — Midsummer- POieRAS GOGE eeicic aces 5 ES ies Dutton. night’s dream. — Measure for measure. — Winter’s tale. — : : ; f : Coriolanus. — Antony and Cleopatra. — Othello. — Henry vy. Sewill, H: kK. Student’s guide to dental anatomy and —aAs you like it. — Much ado about nothing. — Love’s surgery. eng. 12°. (277. }296 Sy 50. labor's lost. — I'wo gentlemen of Verona. — Timon of Athens. et S = . ; . — Troilus and Cressida. — Henry vi., pt. 1.— Henry v1 . Se? ane A ’ ane . ” 2s b : Lindsay § Blakiston. pt. 2. — Henry vi., pt. 3. — Pericles. — Two noble kinsmen. Seyffarth, Gustave. Egyptian theology according to — Venus and Adonis. — Sonnets. — Titus Andronicus. a Paris mummy-coffin. photo. and pl. 8°. ’79.%9? | DOCH a cperin a ciarcvely ocieteiel = bieve acre 1 xe Westermann. Seymour, —. Humorous sketches. ill. 8° [?77.] BGi cere s «ies fe nrelerot oitial alicis ciniays efolss oie loecie Routledge. Seymour, Arth. See Leffingwell, C.W.,and Seymour, A. Seymour, C: W. College widow: Story. U2o 78s? (s1ro0 Seymour, F: H. Canoe trip; or, a lark on the water: cruise of the Ulysses from Lake Huron to Lake improbable Carleton. an Erie; ill. from sketches by the author. 24°. 2805482 pap:, d0C. «a... .---- Detroit Free Press. Seymour, G: EK. Elementary arithmetic, oral and written: LG 280:2) IbdseopCi.. «.- G. I. Jones. Seymour, H. Aunt Dinah’s pledge. (Acting drama.) 120) paps, LDC. « BL.20 ew ncccn snes one cace voce Dutton. Seymour, S. (ed.) Compend of short whist. 12°. AUS Re DC areeciete ces ctareiere slate eto imcniey i, ¥. News. Shackleford, J: > 0 Life, letters, and addresses of Dr. L. L. Pinkerton. 12°. [’76. ]?4° $1.50..Chase § H. Shadbolt, Sydney. A moonbeam tangle; ill. by J. Blich; 120 783. 1:25 Cassell. Shadow inthe house. Dupuy, E. A. 10c... Ogilvie. Shadow of asin. Clay, B. M. 10c.>... Shadow of Ashlydyat. Wood, Mrs. E. P. 20c.. Munro. Shadow of Hampton Mead. Van Loon, Jfs. EK. $1.50. Peterson. sisce MQLNTO- Shadow of the sword. Shadow on the threshold. Shadowed by three. See Buchanan, R. See Hay, M. C. $1.50. Donnelley, G. § L. Shadowed love. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°°° pap., 20c. Munro. Lynch, l. L. Shadowless man. Chamisso, A. v. 25c.. Routledge. Shadows of Shasta. Miller, J. $l.--....- . Jansen. | Shadows on the snow. See Farjeon, B. L. Shadowvale. Griffith, Ms. T. H. $1-.-Am. Bapt. Schaffer, Newton M. Hysterical element in orthopedic surgery. 8°. 780:44 $1 «- Putnam. — Pott’s disease: its pathology and mechanical treat- ment; with remarks on rotary lateral curvature. Woke ances. Si) -- Putnam. Shairp, J: Campbell. Aspects of poetry: Ri, ASN ES) o GO 00 ..-- Macmillan. Same. 12°. 782.*524 $1.50.... Houghton, M. § Co. Culture and religion, in some of their relations. (Standard ser.) 8°. [’81.]477 pap., 15c.. unk. On poetic interpretation of nature. 12°. [777.]?* $3. Scribner, W. & A. ss eeen — Same. 16° ['77.]28 $1.25.........-. Hurd ds H. — Robert Burns. (Eng. men of letters.) 12°. Oy hens DOs cela Ke Sie eerie lelele ey c\eieis\ «ie Rcleye enero Harper. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. ’84.°! pap, 10c. J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 10c...Munro. Shakespeare, C: St. Paul at Athens: spiritual Chris- tianity in rel. to modern thought: sermons; with pref. by Canon Farrar. 12°. [779.]°°° $1.20. lectures. | Scribner’s Sons. | Same ; ed. by C: Knight; ill. by Sir J: Gilbert. 3v. 16°. 783[752].*°8° $3.75-.....-. ..-- Routledge. — Same; ed. from the authentic folio, with various readings, notes [ete.], by R: G. White. 12 v. NGOS 183% Slides csc cisiele <6) here R. Worthington. Same ; with life by A. Dyce. P 2S ees sont. $3.50; shp., $4; tky. mor.,$8.... 2. Worthington. collated and compared with eds. of Knight, Halliwell, Collier, and others; with life by C: Knight. 2'v. ill. 8% (78. ]%? $13; shp., $155 hf. tky., $18; full tky., $20. Same. (America’s stand- ard ed.) ill. 4°. ['°79.]?8% $d; shp., #6; hf. tky., $7.50; full tky., $8.50--...-.. «.. Amies. I7Q 390 192 Same ; fesece — Same. 56 pts. (Am. ed.) 8°. @a., pap., Zoe. H: J. Johnson. — Same; from the text of Clark and Wright, with glossary, to which is added an index to familiar passages, and an index to the characters in each play. New ed. (Am. ed.) 16°. [’78.]* $1.50; gilt, $1.75. Same. 8°. $2.50; gilt, $3.. Crowell. Same; ed. by W: G: Clark and W: A. Wright; in- trod. to each play by Prof. Dowden; ill. by J: Gilbert. (Arundel ed.) 12°. 79. gilt, $2.50. (Kureka ed.) ill, 12°. DL. R. Worthington. S. Hart, glossary, index of D2 Same. 89. Same; with life by J. characters, ete. (Avon ed.) ill. 8% [’79.]°° Goes Same, 2Zive Il 82. eon) posto— $4.25. Same. Fine ed. incl. the Droeshout por. 8°. [779.] 5-99.50 Claxton, R. § H. Same; ed. by G: L. Duyckinck; with photo-lith. from steel pl. after Northcote, Wigfall and others. | (Fireside ed.) 8°. [’76.]?84 shp., $8; hf. mor., | $9; full mor., $12. Same. In 20 pts. ea., pap., B5Ge dees esse Yolcro lea eiclerev sisi cele C: H. Davis. Same; ed. by H. Staunton; ill. by Sir J: Gilbert. (Gilbert ed.) 10 nos. (Young people’slib.) ill. | Ao, 7825443989 “eas, pap:, 20. ce ee Routledge. |— Same; ill. by H. C. Selous. (Handy diamond ed.) Sv. 16°. 783. $6; fullrus., $15... Worthington. — Same. (Handy-Valpy ed.) 15 v. in 8. ill. 24°. (780. ]*48° $7.50; hf. cf., $15 ..#. Worthington. — Same. (Handy-v.ed.) I3v. 24°. ’80.%° $7.50; MOTs. GUD LUSh, 20le wecicie cleanness Cogswell. Same ; with life, notes and glossarial index, by H: N. Hudson. (Harvard ed.) 20 v. 12°. ’80-81.*47°-*9) Ca, S125. set. Seb ht ch. Hb0. Samer so: $40; hf. mor., $80. Same, in 10 v., $20; hick. S40) carerere wcfeleleiaicrereis Ginn. Same ; from the text of Prof. Delius; introd. by FP. . Furnival. (Leopold ed.) ill. sm. 4° [?77.]?77 $3.50; hf. ef., $6; full mor., $9; tree ef., S10. Cassell, P.,G. § Co. o> oH ’ |— Same. (Parchmentser.) 12v. 16°. °83.°°° ea., | vel., $1.25; set, hf. cf., $30; full cf., $40. | Appleton. — Same; ed. by R: G. White. (Riverside ed.) 3 Vv. 793 584,613 en., (0: set, $7.50: hf. ef., vocadoo non JEG LOU Dy Lb OF Co. by W: M. Rossetti. 2B Kool 3.00. $2.9 cr. 8°. BLD .ecceess Same; ed. with critical biog., (Rossetti Shakespeare.) ill. 8°. seen Lothrop. Same; notes by Collier. (Royal Shakespeare.) Sv. in 4. ill. 8° ([P8l.] $1435) gilt, $205 tky. Atlbe; MOG owen 3 a nanan dh lop THOM:SHAKESPEARE 856 SHARSWOOD _* SS, Shakespeare W: continued. Bhabespeare: Ww: , continued. ed; by, HZ He Rurness, €Viariorumied:)) v.. | 22 Shakspere reading-book: Shakspere’s plays, abridged 3-5. roy. 8°. ea \?77 ea., $4.. Lippincott. for schools and public readings, by H. C. Bowen, Cont. : vy. 3-4. Hamlet. —5. King Lear. We 129 82 *525 S195... Cassell. P.. G. & Co. — Dramatic works; with biog. introd. by H: G. Bell. |— Young people of Shakespeare’s dramas, for “youth- By 16 78,1351 S6- hf. cf. @19- mor.. S15. | ful readers, by AjoW: Barr. wh ZO =2Be%009 ‘ , Bakep RiaGo. DO cess icine aie eos aisle © LL eins - Appleton. — Same: ed. by W: G: Clark and W: A. Wright. 3v. See also Lamb, C:and M. T ales from Shakespeare ; : 16° rs] 1472 S150 1m Bk Exc also, Modern classics; also V alentine, Mrs. x of] °° DleDU «ee ee eeee eves L . » LUC. = is g 8 L J Ghakeneart: sles rTerse — Same; with notes, ete. (Annotated household ed Shakspearian tales in verse. WS ene Ooo [ei So." cult, 5:50) o.5.7 Nelson. | Shakespeare water-cure: burlesque. (Acting drama.) Plays; introd. and notes by H: N. Hudson. (New 100 Saale pap, Loe. .ec.> t=... Roorbach. school ed.) 23 vy. ill. sq. 16°. ’79-’81.**°°°°* | Shakespeare’s dream. Lei liton, W: $1.50. ea., 450.2: DAP, COC. cnn, << wie -femee mesic’ » + = Ginn. Lippincott. Cont.: Antony and Cleopatra. — As you likeit.—Coriolanus.| Shakespeare’s home; from Irving, Fairholt, and — Cymbeline. — Hamlet. — Henry ty., pt. 1.— Henry tv., pt. 2. others; ill by etchings by J. F. and W. W. Sa- — Henry v.— Henry vir. —Julius Cesar. — King John.— King ; eo as 60 Oe ie en : Lear. — Macbeth. — Merchant of Venice. — Midsunimer- nis eht’s bins 120. ah: J $3; large pap , India proofs, dream. — Much ado about nothing. — Othello. — Richard u.— MD] ati afer eleleiereiceieiererers sleliciehsinieieliuielucelclavels: (nel sce Sabin. Richard 111.— Romeo and Juliet. — Tempest. — Twelfth night. Shaler BEA tHE TE Nathl. Southgate. On the fossil brachiopods Poems Rencinecdoy) 115 ron] TO). tres of the Obio Valley. (Geol. survey of Kentucky.) a ms. (Red-line ed.) 2°. 81. 1.255 »e , : Sy ae ehgte Crowell. pl. 4°. *83.°° pap., $2 ----+.+....--. Clarke. S).0016. a) ©. 8'e'e 0.00 0 es ~ 10 01m 6 eee 4 06-8 aa ( € mn S d ML. ail iV k ee 390) | aa Thoughts on the nature of intellectual rons rty and — Songs; 1 : Gilbert. (Vest-pocket ser.) : is © ‘tance to the stat Bo 279 7312 7K (°77.] 302 AUG coon de epee Gane Sites Osgood. Sareea eee rare ACO eae OC: a J cae ee Os 7. — Songs and sonnets; ed. by F. T. Palgrave. (Golden ‘ s d : : he iroastiser) Go) 704 “ailon MAGILL |e and Davis, W:M. Glaciers. (Ill. of the earth’s sur- as. Ser. , . iJ. MWleZO cece acn . . . . 901 493 ; q < pa Sogn 5 ace. ) : 5 tollort’ ESM Goa aoc eisis ce OS — ponnets. (\ est-pocket ser.) 32°. [?77. ]?9° 50c. Osgood. : BCs ill ; : 1 : : O good. — Same; ed. by BE: Dowden. por. 24°. °31.5% g1,|Sham house. See Reade, C: Knightsbridge mystery. Appleton. |\Shamrock. Henn, G:M:. J5e:.......;:..... Happy. — As you like it; ed. by W: A. Wright. (Clarendon | Shand, Rob. W. Reports. See South Carolina, Sup. press ser. ) LOS leavfele= Tbe) 3... Macmillan. Court. — Same(selections) ; with biog sketch, notes, etc. (Eng. Shandon bells. See Black, W: classie’ser:)) 169. 281- pap), 12ers. Clark 5 MM. = R ee ee : — Hamlet, as presented by Edwin Booth. Prompt Shapcott, Reuben. Autobiography of Mark Ruther- book, ed. by W: Winter. 16°. 78.83 pap., ford, AGES nting minister, ed. by his friend. 16°. ODCH ee ele a were isie Hele Secu eee es bee Hart. ‘81.* oie aie sie) eases eetoialen cae iaie Putnam. — King Henry 1y., King Henry y., King Henry yr. | Shapley, Rufus E. Solid for Mulhooly: sketch of (selections) ; with biog. sketch, notes, ete. (Eng. municipal poms under es leaders, the ring and . classic ser.) Go, Ast pap., 12c... Clark & WV. the boss. 12 7S]. «476 SI - ; pap., 50c... Carleton. — King Henry vin. and Julius Cesar (selections) ; | Sharing her crime. Fleming, ot M.A. $1.50. with biog. sketch, notes, ete. (Eng. classic ser. Carleton. } HOY tell ig WAG ouason soau0quK00 Clark § M.| Sharkey, T. K. Mate to mate: novel. 12°. ’79.419 — King John and King Richard 1. (selections) ; with Shi O) cio icre aie « e1efcioie) cicls ore eens cece nes FULNAM. biog. sketch, notes, etc. (Eng. classic ser.) | Sharp, W: Dante Gabriel Rossetti: record and study. = 16°. Sle jess WO ocaan bonnoo occ Clark & M. [00 280u0Ih: ao. - +++» Macmillan — King Richard 1., as presented by E. Booth. Shar H +9 Ae ae (Prompt book, a by W: Winter.) 16°. [°78, 13% larp anc Alleman (comps. ) Lawyers’ and bankers Toe ne ee ee Bayt. directory for 1884; names of attorneys and banks — King Richard m1, as presented by E. Be oth. or bankers, a digest of the collection laws, a diary, (Prompt book, ed. by W: Winter.) 16°, [78,1221 a cipher code for telegraphing, and other matter. ky h5 BBG ACo> BOGOF : Ba WE Aen oa ee ee Hart. (Attorney's ed., with law docket. ) Zins ee liege E=iiercliantok wenice, (Classes for childcon. 16°. "Onn tuck, subs., $3. Same. (Mercantile ed.) ROuueen DAS 2OCsee ec as lca els cece sc ck Ginn. RUS amLo Wonca aisei st 2s nep an OTD eG 2 — Same (sel. from acts 1, 3 and 4); with biog. sketch, | _ List of correspondents andvattomeys| tor 1883); (cont. notes, etc. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°. ‘81. pap.. the name of a capable and trustworthy attorney Cee So: es Gla in nearly all eee in the | . S. and Canada. — Othello, ed. by J: M. Kingdom. 12, [?76.1255 pap.. (Attorney’s ed.) 129. °83.° flex. leath., $3. ip ee eer a, Witt. Same. (Mercantile ed.) SDSS eo a SG TD ie — Séven ages; ill. with photogr iphs from life, by J. Sharpe, W: Cause of color among races, and the Wanda isms4o (R762) Sb 5.6 ee Olarie. | evolution of physical beauty. New ed., enl. — Tempest. See Paton, Sir J. N. Pore W6ln VSueAts bes ier. a: pleloheleiare » Putnam. — Flowers of Shakespeare e Viola (pseud.) — Conqueror’s dream, and other poems. 16°. 781.478 — Medical thoughts of Slakeepenes comp. by B. R. TBC. veseeecerece recess ce sereeee ++ ++. Putnam. BCTGE S98 164090 Mann ec ae eeh Free Press, | Sharpe, W: C. (comp.) peymnouy and vicinity: his- — Sh: ukspeare birthday text- pools ill. 18°, 781.489 | torical collections. 8°. °78.*88 $1.50.. Record. 75c. 3 gilt, 90c. : hf. cf, $2: tky. mor., $3. Lothrop. | — Vital statistics of seymour, Ct. 8% 783.5587 $1.60. — Same ; ed. by M. F. P. eae 240, 279, *405 750. Record. Whittaker,|Sharpless, I: Elementary plane geometry. 120°, — Shakespeare for the young: sel. lay s abridged by S: | AMOS) DO Crete, ole ate \eieei a) atte leriere a satatere Porter & C. Brandram. .8°. °’8].493 aon . . Lippincott. | — Elements of plane and solid geometry. 12°. [?79.] — Shakespeare for the young folk: A ca eeae night’s Seo Vie arenes in (eo) eiujra) wl eleleleie) aisle ctele aicisis Porter fa i dream; As you like it: Julius Cesa ww: ed. by R. |— and Philips, G. M. Astronomy for schoc's and gen. R. taymond. ill. sq. 8% [?81. 1*518 $2.50; | readers: all) W209) ([2g2u) ee! U@IUObr ippincott. : OU se eee oe ee Fords, | — — Natural philosophy. ill. 12°. ’83. @1 95. Lippincott. — Shake apeare puiase book, by J: Bartlett. 12°, | Sharswood,G:, 77. Table of cases. See Connecticut, Oil 5 HB) 7005.00 9050 0000 Gogo aa ey § Co. Sup. Court of Hrrors. — Shakespeare spe salkcer ; introd. and notes by A. F. |— and Budd, H: Leading cases in the law ofreal proper- Blaisdell. (Eng. classic ser.) 16°, 784.642 pap., ty decided in the Am. courts; with notes. vy. 1: Zire sveieynre 2 cinta Biefolerele ole) oelcia eins oye Clark & M. | 1785-1860. 18°. ’83.*°8 shp., $7.50..M. Murphy.SHATTERED 357 SHELTON 2 ] Shattered idol. Clay, B.M. 10c...........Ogulvrte. Shaw, Alb. Local government in Illinois; [also] Local government in Pennsylvania, by E. R. L. Gould; read before the Pennsylvania Hist. Soc., May 1, ’82. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.) 8°. | 783.578 pap., B0C. -.-..- 6 Johns Hopkins Uni. Shaw, Cath. Alick’s hero. ill. 12° [’83.]*8% $1.25. Carter. — Hilda; or, seeketh not her own. 12°. [’81.]*°'® SHED Dc cc cle ererciele col clelele alors cielc cicrele] sisiela cle Carter. — In the sunlight and out of it: a year of my life-story. 12°. [’8 ). [secs CALna pa cooda nooo SoondK Carter. — Nellie Arundel: tale of home life. il. 12°. [’80.]*44| Shin Sysveiar= arnloiaiere\s scl cia/clel sieleleh ele. ey ateiajeiciee Carter. — Only a cousin. ill. 12°. [782.]*°79 $1.25. . Carter. — QOutin the storm; or, little messengers. ill. 16°. [OBS kee: DOCH nacec.ccscso sue sere Carter. | Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair: story of youthful days. UGS Geo ee ilies creat ah cierer Roberts. | SSilic ic. Roberts. i $1... Roberts. Shaw, Fes. A. Eastern question: hist. of Russia, with accounts of the successive dynasties. maps. 18°. 50c., pap., 25C..-.---- eee eens Osgood. | — Hector: astory. ill. — Phyllis Browne. 16°. eatin. leew Shaw, H. W. [‘‘Josh Billings.”] Old probabilities ; cont. inl vy. Farmers’ alminax, 1870-1880. ill. | 8°, >7 9 Al6 ey Oi accra cmc a) 2c ole 6 ce oe Carleton. | — Trump kards. ill. 12°. [’77.]?*’ pap., 25c. .- Carleton. — (ed.) Josh Billings’ spice-box, crammed with droll yarns. (People’s lib.) ill. 4°. *81.°°° pap., 10c. Ogilvie. Shaw, Knowles. Morning star: S. S. music. 8°. | nse |e WYK, BUS 50000 00 0000C ee ORASE St Le Shaw, Mis. O. M. Receipt book and young house- keeper’s assistant. 12°. [’78.]? $1.26. Loring, S. S 7. | Shaw, T. Vero. Illustrated book of the dog; ill. with | col. pl. and other eng. drawn from life. demy 4°. | 27.9407 = $12.50; hf. mor., $17.50: Cassell, P., G. 5 Co. Shaw, T: B. New hist. of Eng. literature; [also] A hist. of Eng. literature in Am., by T. J. Backus. Rev. ed: 1205 1S anes e G2 D) wee cone Sheldon. Shaw, W. J. Solomon’s story: a novel; ill. by H. F. Farny. 12°. ’80.*#4 $1.75...P: G@. Thomson. Shawnee prisoner. Guernsey, C.F. $ S.S. She loved him. ‘Thomas, A. 10c.........-- . Munro. | She stoops to conquer. See Goldsmith, O. She would be a lady, by the author of Bridged by | his love; [also] A great feast, by Mrs. E. P. Wood. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81.°% pap., 10c. Ogilvie. | — Same; [also] Wedded and parted; [also] Love in | idleness. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.°° pap., 10c. Munro. | Shea, G: Life and epoch of Alex. Hamilton: hist. study. por., map and fac-similes. 8°. 7 | aed lea ereieiel@ wicie'se) = 010 «leleiesel< Houghton, Ol & Go. — Nature and form of the American government founded in the Christian religion. 16°. ’82.*°° 7dc. Houghton, M. § Co. | Shea, J: Gilmary. Catholic churches of N. Y. city, | with sketches of hist. and lives of present pastors | [ete.]. sm. 4° ’79.°°7 mor., $10-.-. Goulding. | — Life of Pius rx. and the great events in the hist. of Shedd, Mrs. Julia A. Famous painters and paintings Sdieds,enl:, alle, di20% 7eiscs a3 hk cf. Sp ECCT G hen co lacie aie cle oo cele seleicitei wroiaa: Siniotercte Osgood. — Famous sculptors and sculpture; ill. with heliotypes from many famous works of sculpture. 12°. Gy *o12) Gs hf. cf., $5; tree cf.. S7 .. - Osgood. — Raphael: his Madonnas and holy families ; ill. with heliotypes. 4° 783.8 $7.50 .....--. Osgood. Shedd, W: G. T. Critical and doctrinal commentary upon the Epistle of St. Paul tothe Romans. 8°. [Pe Ree GS eee ewe mio cee: Scribner’s Sons. | —-Literary essays. por. 8°. [/'78.]°# $2.50. Scribner’s Sons. Sermons to the spiritual man. 8° 784.*°4) $2.50. Scribner’s Sons. — Theological essays. 12° ([7°77.]8% $2.50: Scribner, A. S Co. Shedlock, Emmal. Trip to music land: fairy tale forming an allegorical and pictorial exposition of the elements of music. ill. 4° [776. ]?°° RED Ole a eieiciciier creole eile ay eleaaia evaiels Lippincott. Sheely, Aaron (ed.) Anecdotes and humors of school life: teachers and scholars in ancient and modern times. 12° [7’77.)]22° $1.50..Clanxton, R. § 7. Sheer off. Tucker, Mis. C. 75c.; ldc.--.---- Ogilvie. Sheffield, W: P. Historical address: the city of Newport; with app. 8°. [7’77.]?& pap. J. P. Sanborn. — Historical sketch of Block Island. 8°. [’77.]?® PAP: «=< eforeis eis ieteeien ererelate efeis osetia Las NQMLOOIIUs Sheil, R: Evadne; or, the statue: play. See New York drama. Sheldon, E. S. Short German grammar for high schools and colleges. 12°. °79.*4°% 80c.. Ginn. Sheldon, G: W. American painters. 4°. [’79.] $7; MOTE spilio) ciaieleie ceiciele ecu ietere wie alel sais wate Appleton. — Hours with art and artists. ill. f. 782.*°8° $7.50: Appleton. — Story of the volunteer fire department of the city of New York. alli squSeh 1622559% 4-50: Harper. Sheldon, Mrs. Georgie. Brownie’s triumph. 12°. 780.4% GML D Overeie ten eel aie ea) sierole clelel) ci ein/ eis! s(e}>) cinini Carleton. — Barl Wayne’s nobility. 12°. ’82.°°° $1.50.. Carleton. —. Worsaken bride. 129 781.5% $1.50..... Carleton. Sheldon, H: N. ‘Treatise on the law of subrogation. 8°, 782.54! shp., net, $3.50 .--.-.--- Soule § B. Sheldon, J.P. Dairy farming; ill. with col. pl. drawn from life. 49. [’79-’81.]*°7 $12.50; hf. mor., Cen OE cael mies sie erin cl fe os OC USSELL, less (Gi. CO: Shelley, Ma. Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein; or, a modern Prometheus. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°, 82.°% 50c.; pap., 10c........ Bree cielenaevels J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.°%? pap., 10c.. Munro. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical works. 8°. 283,024 $4.50; shp., $8.50; tky. mor., $8...Porter § C. — Same; with mem. by J. R. Lowell. 2 Vv. * 18°. eae te Oe One seine steerer: J. Miller. — Same. (Riverside ed.) 4 v. in 2. 8°. [?78. ]313 $3.50. Hurd § I. — Poems: sel. and arr. by S. A. Brooke. (Golden treas. ser.) 16°. 80.8441 $1.95.... Macmillan. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. Nites zo NW, noace sinfekouetiata eles einieiaie aiejeters eee eraien Osgood. = Minor poems: 162) 78a" Si7b; lites (Chee, soos the church during his pontificate. ill. 12°. | tree Ch, BO see cree ee cece teens Latile, B. § Co. (778.1825 $1.50; G2. ...2. een ccc ve wens T. Kelly. | —. Prometheus unbound. See Paton, Sir J. N. Sheafer, P. W Anthracite coal-fields of Pa., and| = Select letters; ed., with introd., by R: Garnett. sleeker é ‘ s Bas an cae! See oe es their exhaustion. 8° 7’81.4% pap..--.-- Hart. | (Parchment ser.) 16°. 80. vel., ve is ae Se kee : eo oe| Appleton. Sheals, J: OTe, Correct et ob the Lope aaa DS secalco Modem classics: cigar manufacturers’in the city and county ¢ : ae ; Nar NRE con ONE CS antl eee Nee Sitcals® | Shelly, Sherwood. Nautz family. (Lovell’s lib.) epee a ae 1208 7G5ne= Maps, BOC. ca ner cree J: W. Lovell. Shearman, T: G., and Redfield, A. A. Law of negligence; with notes-and addenda of cases. New [4th] ed. 8°. 780.4” shp., $6.50. Baker, V. § Co. Sheltered stranger. Barnard, H. P. $1.50.Am. Bapt. |Shelton, F. W. ‘The rector of St. Bardolph’s; or, | superannuated. 12°. ’82.°° $1 25.. Wh ittaker.SHELTON 358 SHIPP Shelton, Kesiah. Our Pegotties. (Satchel ser.) 16°. |Sherwood,J: D. C omic history of the | & New ed. TBM es ZA ocogco aonc0b 0K n0GGer {uthors’. | TE OR tS Oes. Oe ees MDa. M. § Co. St AD LOC recta ones ark boas | ce ! : Shenston, T: S. (comp.) Thesinnerand his Saviour. | Sherwood, dfs. Ma. BE. W. Amenities of home. (Home 2d enl.ed. 12°. (780. ]*482 Mo ooogoor Am. Tr. books:))) “1200 Se) COCs Ge em Appleton. . ml. PR 1); se nie ’ — Home amusements. (Home books.) 12°. ’81,*518 Shepard, C: E. and T: R. Digest of reports. See : \ y é x 0 Gs dicisvcretcmners ke ee > Wisconsin, Sup. Court. flex. cl., 60c... Appleton. | — Manners and social usages. 16°. ’84.*84? $1. . Harper. - 7 TS rork of a soci: sacher : >mo- ‘ . . oe . BY Shepard, E. M. The work of a social teacher: memo- | __ Sarcasm of destiny; or, Nina’s experience. 120°. rial of R: L. Dugdale. (Economic tracts.) 12°. 229 10 Sareea): er PitoleY SEDO) sictete nies hayes +++++--Appleton. oe: eee oie ee se en es >. «a, |— Lransplanted rose: story of New Y Bale society. 16°. Shepard, W: (ed.) Theliterary lifeseries. 3 v. 16°. TOO MSO Oc nee oe Lo c idaen (ODEO ta oese eel toon [yc so) selece sore Putnam. Sherwood, Mrs. Ma. Martha. Flowers of the forest, Cont.: 1. Authors and authorship.—2. Pen pictures of and other stories. ill. 12°. [°76.]28 $1.. Carter. modern authors. — 38. Pen pictures of earlier ictorian — Little woodman, and other stories. ill. 120. (76. ) 246 autbors, J | Slice etere cio ciretcvererecie Gee Rlalc ape leierarsie eo ielave Carter - aS aes \ alle 160." (i an] Boe By Le 1] Routledc =. MDL: 0: e! el ureleerel.eisteleliesiele) alslalel vce os ercceces ge. . ae Ma pon eis IR AT rea aes : : Shepherd, Mrs. K. R. For girls: special phy lology. Shew, Joel. Letters to women, on midw ifer ry and the Hl. 129, 782.992 G1... eee eee ee Fowler § W. diseases of women. Newed. ill. 12°. [°77.]3% Shepherd, H: E. Elementary grammar of the Eng. lan- S50) cae soca. ecereiet itn laf elore/eiaievere vies nets Wells. ave, IAD, ASL EES ikon cles ceabcucouc Piet. | : hicl Shield of faith. Hawley, B. 25c.......Ph illips & H. —— ELT ICs reader for acade »s, high se Ss an ee : < ee i Snot Ona pert ee aoe } ; Shields, C: Woodruff. Final philosophy; or, system grammar schools. 12°. ’82.*927 $1.25 ).. Appleton. . . — History of the Eng. language from the Teutonic in- go pom cuule BuO lelee oeaae pom ue bats aes ee me Om se ie Sree ee eu is mony of science and religion. 8°. (’77.]3°4 $3. vasion of Britain to the close of the Georgian era. . Servier: Aue G Nieweeds. rev, 1:20) 2S(0ik425 TSR O) ae. Tale. | : eres ge Cr ane s Be eee seus : |— Same. 2d ed., rev. 8°. ’79.*373 $3. .Soribne’s Sons. Shepherd, J: W. Reports. See Alabama, Sup. lie Liturgia expurgata; or, the prayer-book as amended Court. by the Westminster divines: essay on the litur- Shepherd, P: — First aid to the injured: rev. and | gical questions in the American churches. 4th added to, by B. Morton. sq. 24°. ’82.*532 50c. | ed: 16% (esate) 60cr e- eee ie Randolph. Putnam. | — Order of the sciences: ess: iy on the philosophical Shepherd, R: Herne. sibliography of Ruskin: list of classification and organization of human knowl- [his] published writings 1834-1878. 8°. °78.363 | edge. oe BY PE Osco cdcor Scribner’s Sons. TD Ca cere nin ci sic Vel aicvel cieveusielers seseeeseeeee Wiley. | Shields, G. [*‘ Coquina.”] Rustlings in the Rock- — and Williamson, C: N. (eds.) Memoirs of the life ies: rt and fishing by mountain and stream. and writings of Thomas Carlyle; with personal Te 10 BR SeeOSG ee eee - Belford, C. & Co. reminiscences and sel. from his private letters. 2V. por. and ill. 8°. 781.59? $6.. Scribner & W. Shepherd, S. Tragedy of Calvary: illustrated sacred poem dedicated to the children. ill. sq. 24°. > (Sos DOGraR ee Miele laieleieluileyc himself. oer a. S1.5 -- Porter & C shepherd calls: Balgarnie, Ra 75c. ......-. Nelson. Shifting for him elf. Alget pes? ‘ 31.50... Porter 5 C. Shih King. See Miiller, F:M. Sacred books of the Shepherds all and maidens fair. Besant, W., and : >; Ox zi Kast. GO; Us PHO aovodocgcocodasr sfelelere) eeiers Harper. hie ap Cpa 1 Ike P vs on ae 7A shi ke a ledass bartinaton ss, ce Partinetc Sheppard, Eliz. S. [‘‘E. Berger.”] Charles Auches- Shilla ce e [ el = 29 pe Bs ‘ey ore e : 7 . aN i eG stories. 3v. ill. 16°. ’79—81.*360-*516 o9 oy 95 ter: amemorial. (Seaside Jib.) 4°, ’82°52 pap., ees: Q0C reece oie cs kes hts sels cite gees Munro. s Eh i ce eee ‘ y ah fe : 3970 248 Cont. : ruises with aptain Bob on sea and Jand. — ouble- sparta ; 1A ) 348 — Counterparts: a novel. New issue: 8% =|; 78. | unnen sea =" Ike Partington. Dap 20 Cramialae 3 Sieis 6fe) sesiel cielo nic/0.6 6) 6 eyore sc Lstes ee : : oe cee S Fee : ae eee . ae Shilling’s-worth of sherry. Hughes, W. H. 50c. Clarke. Sheridan, R: Brinsley. The rivals; [also] The school | >. IL ee Meta iSeeeea i] 3 ek for scandal: comedies. (Half-hour ser.) 390, | Shinn, Kar - Ld: otrahan. ] Art Gallery of the | Cen- 79.394 nap., 25e Harper | tennial] Exhibition: sel. from the paintings and Mb, 2G odcoc ele hclis sye/svel Sree wie urper. tae po Sane oe 3 sculpture exhibited; with introd. and descriptive Sherley, Douglass (ed.) The valley of unrest: book | | | é g ; aN text; ill. with eng. India proofs, and eng.on wood. without a woman: anold oddity paper. 4°. ’83.¥*82 pap.; 2 fete. eh ere Manton, | * 40, le 76. |F ob p12. 50; levant mor. EDs Gebbre. : — Ktudes in modern French art; ill. with pl., India Sherlock, P. T. (comp.) The case of Ireland stated proofs and fac-similes of original drawings. f°. Ae eealls from the earliest times; with a gazet- APP Cia coooo podans v. Worthington. teer. 12°. [EW IY los so osodocone Sherlock. | — and others. Highways and ae of American Sherlocks. ees VE BOs o recone coos Harper. travels all (895 [eiieleon. 2). --- Lippincott. Sherman, J: Selected speeches and reports on finance | Shinn, G: W. Questions about our Chure h; or, infor- and taxation, 1859-1878. 8°. 79.969 g9 59, mation concerning the Episcopal C hure h: 180. Appleton. | [7 8:))822 paps: L0Gus ssn tose ea ee. Whittaker. Sherrerd, J. M. Iron analysis record; with complete | — Questions that trouble beginners in religion. 16°. table of atomic weights, their cle ments and sym- Oa meee: DUG A 5G Hr b0C sean oe - Whittaker. bols, with the old and new system. 12° ’83.5 ope the happy days of Christmas time. 12°, DIED ae ce eVsiivkelpiele/deversteveicye eeee W: 7. Young. | 80 Po Lee Sees ee ee - Whittaker. Sherwin, W: F. (ed.) Heart and voice : Sunday-school | Shipley, Ma. E. Jessie’smyork. Rover Raikes lib. 3 Inymiss “Si ee7e hdss Sh0.e. 5s «ee Church. | OS RBI jee, dc ob60 caqoonehin 1B Sherwood, Ja. M. The lamb in the midst of the | Shipman, Herb. A. Reports. cee American el throne; or, the ustory of the cross. 8°, ’83.*599 reports. 29 ") ‘i a5. . 7 . . Fact ere fee ele M elo gee yeast ofolo Punk. Shipp, Alb. M. History of Methodism in South Caro- Sherwood, Ms. J: See Shere dad Mis. Ma. BE. W. linta 120. 288 5684 ino ek ee So. Meth.SHIPP 309 SIGNOR Shipp, Bernard. History of Hernando de Soto and| Shorthouse, J. H., continued. Florida; 1512-1568. 8° 781.5% $6. — Little schoolmaster Mark: spiritual romance. 16° R. M. Lindsay. 4B BeC2N IDCs) DADs, DOC siieccie vo ccicsia UICCTULLLGI. Shippen, E. Thirty years at sea: story of a sailor’s|— Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.°* pap., 10c. Same. lifes ill. 1205 49Re8s S50 - argaret (pseud.) See Lothrop, HW. M. 6a SON roan GS. cece oc cere ...-- Harper. Sidney, Si Philip. Life and times of Sir Philip ‘ ae : : ena a 7 : Tow yow. a ' 90 Q 171 —Qhio: sketch of industrial progress. 16°. ’82.°°*| Sidne y- | Anon. ] New rev. ed. ill. -12°. [°80. ] pap., 25¢e Smythe $1.50. (Holiday ed.) $4......... a ce MONS: A May AOs Gooac eyeiiew ence eile e ois ej cic san) ythe. | , Sidney Martin’s Christmas. Alden, Mrs. I. M. $1.50. Short comings and long goings. Eastman, J. A. 31.25. Lothrop. Lothrop.) _.. ; : Short hist. of the Eng. Bible, with brief notices of the Sidonie. See Daudet, A. translators. (Normal outline ser.) 12°. ’79.9%4| Sie hat ihr Herz entdeckt. Konigswinter, W. M. Hex Clie O0CS coc. <== So000 CncO DONG Phillips § LH. A.) Cite cin ete Bee ieee ch > cle cies ner Holt. Short papers for family reading. Hamilton, J., and| Siege of Calais. Frisbie, A. lL. $1.50........1 Wills. ONG WY aoacoaoccaccc AoODagkOOU00NO Carter. | Siege of London. James, H:, 77. $1.50..-- Osgood. Short sayings of great men. Bent, S: A. $3.. Osgood. | Siegfried, Story of. Baldwin, J. $2..Sceribner’s Sons. Short story series. 12. ill. 32°. ’79.4* bds., $1 80. | Siegvolk, Paul (pseud.) See Mathews, A. Nelson. | Sigler, C: Compendium of microscopical technology. _Cont.; All stories. — A splendid time. — At the seaside, — We Go. GSO AI es a Brinton. For mamma’s pet. — For papa’s pet. — Happy days. — My] _, ‘ ‘ : ; : é birthday present. — My pretty present. — Saturday afternoons. — Siemens, C. W: Conservation of solar energy. ill. Stories for a good boy. — Stories for a good girl. — The picture BOR Br Ok Oe ED ieree cielaletete tain elere tee Vaemillan. lesson book. : . . m . . . tp. Sievelking, E: H: The medical adviser in life insur- Short studies of American authors. Higginson, T: W. ai. Sul eu Ge, 28D Fwy adda Blakiston. DOW areiereiciel cn mirheiercloraish cycieie/olel sie vereiaKensscle)™ Lees S ia g Short li b; Soe eg 2 Signa. See La Rame, L. de. nort studies on great subjects. See Froude, J. A. : 5 en ~ : ee tee a é | Signal boys. Eggleston, G: C. $1.50....-- Putnam. Shorthouse, J. H. John Inglesant: a romance. New Gienal-fla Hocking 1 Te "90: De ’ 58 pe ¥ ’ ‘ io! . ( Ss . . ‘ t, ee ee ee we ee AL. . edi W60) 28024 3.508 Same. Whenp eds W200) 1S : 8 Pee g ne gS ot (errr Pele ee cta hake Wacmillan.| Signing the contract. Finley, M. F. $1..----Dodd. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.534 pap., 20c.. Munro. | Signor Monaldini’s niece. Tincker, M.A. $1-. Roberts. SN ee Ree tSSIGURD 360 SIMPLE Sigurd the Volsung, and the fall of the Niblungs. Morris, W: $33;-$2.50 ...... Sieheqercte crcl Roberts. Sikes, Wirt. British goblins: Welsh folk-lore, fairy mythology, legends and traditions. ill. 8°. ’81.47° Nera crelelert: nielelele! 10 ejsjiejelaie) s/e/e)« sees) 000) Osgood. Silas Gower’s daughters. Noble, A. L. $1.25. Presb. Bd. Silas letters: complete love and business: autographic | eorr. of Silas Long and Maria Jane Wilson. 330" “pap:, Loc: Long. (papyrographed.) sq. 12°. [’78.]* Silas Marner. See Eliot, G Silence. See Hageman, S. M. Silence and the voice of God. Farrar, F: W: $1.25 i ( pseud. ) Macmillan. Silent andtrue. Fleming, Js. M. A. $1.75.. Carleton. Silent comforter. f. [77.] 75c..... ace AM. S. Ss Silent love: a poem. Ist Am. from 4th Eng. ed. sq. ON Mea poe ise wcreier es cl ese R. H. Ball. Sill, J. M. B. Practical lessons in Eng. made brief by the omission of non-essentials. (Independent school ser:) ill. 16°. ’80.*447 $1....Banrmnes. | Silliman, A: E. A gallop among American scenery ; or, sketches of American scenes and military ad- venture. Newed. 8°. 781.5% $2.50.. Barnes. Sillingsby, Maurice. Buckskin Joe; or, the trapper artes ASO BL io anon eacoac Ogilvie. Silloway, T: W., and Powers, Lee L. Cathedral towns and intervening places of England, Ire- land and Scotland. 12°. 7’83.*°9° $2..Cupples. Silver and gold. Horton, S. D. $1.50...... Clarke. Silver chalice. Buckingham, E. M. $1...... Wells. silver city. Ober, Hh: A. 1-00)... 26. .--- Lothrop. Silver cord series. 4 v. ill. 18°. [’76. 1744 $3..Nelson. Cont.: Tinsel and gold. — Christian principle in little things. — The golden rule. — Woodruff. Silver Hair, Montague, ©. 10c...... 3.0... De Witt. Silver medal. Trowbridge, J: T. $1.25....LeegS. Silver penny series: stories for the little ones. 6 vy. TU GO 2835) Soins cieision sins hk. Worthington. Cont.: Child life in India.—Nobody’s child. — Patty Wil- liams’ voyage. — Princess Narina. — Sunny-eyed Jim. — Theda and the mountain. Silver question: essay on the proposed remonetization ofsilverinithe We S: 8° (776.24 paps, 30c. Jansen. Silver sheaves. Sallada, W: H. $1.75; $2.50. | Sallada. | Silver ship. See Leon, L: Silver store. Baring-Gould, S. $1.50. EL. & J. B. Young. | Silver treasury of poetry. Brackett, A. L., and Eliot, ol Rectan ano aon poner aban cos coeos Putnam. Silver wings and golden scales: description of birds los andunsheseesills erg 4e) 7 pe2 p2eeo: | Cassell, P., G. & Co. | Silverado squatters. See Stevenson, R. L: Silverpen (pseud.) See Meteyard, E. silvia. Kavanagh, Js $50); &2..-...+ 52. Sadlser | Simcox, Edith. Episodes in the lives of men, women | and) lovers: 120. 2891840 ROTO Saceccs Osgood. | — Naturallaw: essayin ethics. (Eng. and for. philos. lib:)) ‘er. 82: oe SBE) 6 oso00 - +. Osgood. | Simcox, G: A: History of Latin literature from En- | nius to Boethius. 2v. 12°. 783.*°79 $4.. Harper. Sime, Ja. Lessing: his life and writings. ( Ene. and LOX Philoss lib) er, 89. [277 >" ~$7.- Osgood. — Schiller. (For. classics for Eng. readers.) 16°. | S29] 6832 Shilievere tots eckete b sieere isne eas Ty ipp tncott. Sime, W: King Capital. (Seaside lib.) 4°, 783,592 | DADs LO Cs crc cterwleroieioie icin ois \eicial secs <\oe or Munro. — Same. (Transatlantic ser.) sq. 16°. ’83.*589 1. EN GE: 0000 cog an do0bo00G DU 506 «++. Putnam. |Simmonds, P: L. Animal products: their prepara- tion, commercial uses, and value. (Sci. hand- books®)) all; 120! [niece S2°50! Scribner, W. & A. — Commercial products of the sea; or, marine contri- | butions to food, industry, and art. ill. 120°. ee SCOT Oa aes is croisyeis era ee ce - Appleton. — Dictionary of useful animals and their products. NGOs WOO s Re orere cre revels sielelc cies eine Spon. | — Hops: their cultivation, commerce, and uses. cr. 8°. | PAGelcoe DB Diicws cciwes cele eee osm ee. Spon. | — Tropical agriculture: treatise on the principal prod- ucts of the vegetable kingdom. 8°. [’77.]?8* $8. Spon. -|Simmons, J. F. The welded link, and other poems. | WD, ARNO SILO) Go50 bsop on -----Lippincott. | Simmons, Ja. Digest of reports. See New York, State, Courts: also Wisconsin, Sup. Court. Simmons, Ja. P. Peace on earth: the brief and plain system of religion which is revealed in the Bible. 12°. (278.]°5 $1.50; pap., $1 ...... Williams. Simms, F: Wa. Practical tunnelling. 3d ed., rev., with chapters showing work done at Mt. Cenis, St. Gothard, and other modern work, by D. K. Clark. all. 49. [7rG-)=22 “$12750) -- «3. Weley. Simms, Jos. Nature’s revelations of character: or, physiognomy illustrated: the individual traits. ill, 8° ’83. $3; leath., $4; mor. gilt, $4.50. Truth Seeker. Simms, W: Gilmore. [‘‘ Fk. Cooper.” ] Works. New eds ive, “ills l2or [ie7o | eae. «le bOr set EVATAOR ING Oty Caosooe ceecseeeee- Armstrong. Cont. :; 1. Partisan. —2. Mellichampe. — 3. Katherine “Wal- ton. —4. The scout. — 5. Woodcraft. — 6. The forayers. — 7. Eutaw. — 8. Guy Rivers. —9. Richard Hurdis. — 10. Border beagles. — 11. Charlemont. — 12. Beauchampe. — 13. Confes- sion. —14. The Yemassee. —15. Vasconselos.—16. Southward ho!—17. The wigwam and the cabin. — Same. (New lib. edz) 10 v. ill. 169 789.562 $12.50; hf. cf., $30. (sold in sets only.) Armstrong. Cont.: Partisan and Mellichampe. — 2. Katherine Walton and The scout. —3. Woodcraft and The forayers. — 4. Eutaw. — 5. Guy Rivers and Richard Hurdis. — 6. Border beagles and Char- lemont. — 7. Beauchampe and Confession. — 8. ‘he Yemassee and Southward ho! —9. ‘The wigwam and the cabin. — 10. Vasconselos. Simon, Jules. Government of M. Thiers, from Feb. 8, 1871, to May 24, 1873; from the Frénch. 2v. SOr QUESTO: SAO ics ceisie oie SCIUONETIS SONS. Simon Christianus. Fidel, I. N., and Hook, A. 25c. Bennett. Simonds, W: [‘‘ Walter Aimwell.”] (ed.) Ourlittle ones in heaven. Newissue. 24° ’83.57° 75e. Ward & D. Simonds, W: Edgar. Summary of the law of patents for useful inventions, with forms. 12°. ’83.82° SI Pusyop oleae clei oe) afore) cis omrniei cisioiei eisrer sicies si NULOUSE: Simonin, L: Laurent. French view of the grand Inter- national exposition of 1876; tr. by S: H. Needles. Son (Gas paps. DOs emcee - Claxton, R. § H. Simons, M. Laird. Gospel awakening: sermons, ad- dresses [ete.], of the meetings conducted by Moody and Sankey,in Phila., N. Y., Chicago, and Boston; [also] Lives of I. L. Moody, I. D. Sankey, P. P. Bliss, D. W. Whittle, and F: BE. Wallande: Wl Boy [ieee 250K) soy shps, DOeZO PAD 5 sou O lemme eels oclcieleic/s L.T. Palmer. Simple lessons for home use. Miller, Mrs. F., and OlNenss HED dis ce sieeic ce 6 cic mere eens ce Whittaker. Simple records. Ashworth, J: $1...... Longstreth. Simple rhymes for happy times. ill. cr. 8° [’77. DOGE sisiecseis cee cerns Cassell, P., G. § Co. | Simple stories for the little ones. ill. 12° [?77.] Ddsin 2OCr a cei e csc Cassell, P., G. § Co. Simple Susan, and other stories. Edgeworth, M. $1. J. Miller. Simple truth. Collyer, R. $1; $1.25......Lecg S.SIMPLETON 361 SIX Simpleton, Major (pseud.) Civil-service reform; or, the postmaster’s revenge; written for the half- breeds at the request of some stalwarts. 24°. 782.*552 G60c.; pap., 40c. ......... Metropolitan. Simpleton: Reade, C: cisco... ---acoas- Munro. Simplicity and fascination. Beale, A. 20c... Munro. Simpson,Adam L. Story of Sir David Wilkie: his life and works. ill. 12°. ([?79.]| 80c:..elsom. Simpson, Jfrs. Evangeline M. [‘* Van Saxon.” ] Mar- plot Cupid. 24°. °83.*8!9 $1.25..W: B. Clarke. Simpson, J. Palgrave. Haunted hearts. (Lovell’s lib.) 16° pap., 10e......--..--..d2 We Lovell. — Prison and palace. (Acting drama.) 12°. 779. PUP: LOC. see civicicicis cise elolel iaiefere)e -»---lroorbach. Simpson, Ja. H. Coronado’s march in search of the seven cities of Cibola, and discussion of their probable location. (Smithsonian coll.) 8°. BW Nez 2. DAD sy LDCs ietere) creieier« siete ete Smith. Inst. Simpson, M. C. M. Geraldine and her suitors: a} novel. (tranklin Sq. lib:) 49 782:544 pap:, | 15¢e =) 6) a(e €) ep «6.010 00 010 ese Bale sjin oe eal ala) asics Harper. | Simpson, Matthew. Hundred years of Methodism. 120 BIG es) BILD toe bee ee co Nelson & P. — Lectures on preaching. 12°. ’79.37! $1.50. Nelson & P. Simpson, R: (ed.) School of Shakspere; with introd. by EH: J: Hurnivall: 2. 88. “(772202 (So: Bouton. | Simpson, W: Meeting the sun: journey all round the world, through Egypt, China, Japan, and Califor- | nia, incl. account of the marriage ceremonies of the Emperor of China. heliotypes and ill. 8°. 762288 SR AWD OW viee cle oie co aievcisiotsisie sie eins Estes. Simrall, G. H. See Harris, G. E., and Simrall, G. H. Sims, C: N. Life of T: M. Eddy, D.D., introd. by Bp. Simpson. 12°. .”79.37° $1.75.. Phillips & LH. | Sims, G: R. How the poor live; ill. by F. Barnard. | 40K 283.922) PAP. DOC. cer a nice aie ele ISCTLOIEIL GS; We Simson, Ja. Contributions to natural hist. and papers on other subjects. 8°. [’78.]4° $1.25..J. Miller. Simson, Wa. History ofthe gipsies; with specimens | of the gipsy language; ed., with notes, by J. Sim- son. 2dved. 120 ([278jete Boi... -ce Malley: Simson und Delila: Lustspiel. Claar, E. 30c... Holt. Sin ofa lifetime. Clay, B. M. 20c.......... Munro. Since first I saw your face. Lee, M. 20c....1 Vunro. Sincere repentance. See Bachelor Brown. Sinclair, Cath. Flirtations in fashionable life. (Dol- lar ser.) 12°. [ uO |pas Spi lee al cvelereneres Peterson. — Holiday House. (Holiday ed.) ill. 16°. [’76:]?4° Spe Dy tekerela lelsite eieiolalel(s lees) siulnyeie leleicials|icle/aisiele Carter. — Woman in black: novelof Eng. society, in highand low life. sq.12°. [’81.]*48° $1; pap., 75c.... Peterson. Sinclair, J. S. Division-court acts [of Canada]: anno- tation of division-court acts, rules and tariff, with instructions to clerks and bailiffs. 8°. ’79.%%° o4; hf. ef. or shp:, $d .-«.. 500000 0000 JEMIMAL OP Ikke Sing-song: pictures and rhymes for little folks. ill. sq. 169} 28548 pds: 40c. 3... -..-Plullips & #. Singer, Edgar A. Model practical arithmetic. 12°. | MES) See) 2 ep el) ci etermte creletaele ote avalieisitcrale - Eldredge. Singing quadrille. Routledge, W: $1.25.. Routledge. Singing onthe way. Jewett, Is. B. M., and Hol- DrOO]s et OD Cece aielelereis eiele er ecrereie - Carroll. Single famous poems. Johnson, R. $2........- Holt. Single heart and double face. See Reade, C: Singleton, Js. Cecil. [‘* Violet Fane.” ] Constance fate : story in verse of Denzil Place. 12°. [’76. ]?47 Sink orswim. Alger, H.,77. $1.50..... Porter & C. Sinless secret. OOM, MA (Oo He.c000 5000 Munro. Sinner and saint. Hopkins, A.A. $1.25...ZLothrop. Sinners and saints. Robinson, P. $1.50.... Roberts. Sinnett, A. P. Wsoteric Buddhism. 8°. ’83.°99 $92.50. 7 Houghton, M. & Co. =(OCCulLt world. 120) 2B DeRosa NT oe eisie el ss ere Colby. Sinnickson, Rob. Excelsior songs and poems. 24°. AOE eM, WO o-acccosoncade o--eeAlpaugh. Sintram and his companions. See La Motte Fouqué, F: H: KX: (Frethers) de. Sir Brook Fossbrooke. Lever, C: 2 pts. ea., 20c. Munvo. Sir Dagobert and the dragon. Burnand, F.C. 15c. : Happy. Sir Gibbie. See Macdonald, G: Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. Trollope, A. A) Gieeierat ote er cated clalere clcretcv- rel cra ones Sv elele‘c ste sie Munro. Sir Jasper Carew, Knight. Lever, C: 20c.... Munro. Sir Jasper’s tenant. Maxwell, Is. M. E. 20c.. Munro. Sir John; by the author of Anne Dysart. (Franklin Sq. lib. AON TORRES Naa lo Crce oi) cc Tarper. Sir Rae. Toland, Jfs. M. B. M. $3.50.. Lippincott. Sir Roger de Coverley. See Addison, J. Sir Thomas More. Craon, Princess de. $1.50. Cath. Pub. Sir Thomas Upmore. See Blackmore, R. D. Remark- able hist. of Sir Thomas Upmore. Sir Tom. See Oliphant, Jfs. M. O. W. Sirven, A., and Leverdier, H. Nana’s daughter: contin. of and sequel to Zola’s Nana; from the French by J: Stirling. sq. 12°. ([’81.]*#° $1; | | . pap., Ti) slo wior el ele, cievoucie Be hinisl cieieie cele a CLETSON: Sister Aloysia (pseud.) Maplewood; or, Bessie, Cora, and Otto at home [a story]. 12°. 783.848 DO Gkacinicrnie arercia cise cic el clcicietels siecle eects Murphy. Sister and saint. Weitzel, S. W. $1.50..Randolph. Sister Dora. See Lonsdale, M. Sister Louise. Melville, G: J: W. 20c.......Munzo. Sister Ridnour’s sacrifice. Wilder, Ms. C. F. $l. Phillips § H. Sister Rose. Collins, W: W. 10c...........Mergus. | Sister Silvia. Tineker, M. A. See Stories by Amert- can authors. Sister’s sacrifice. Hay, its 5. Ale cocadcar Ogilvie. Sisters (The). See bers, G: Sisters at service. Baker, Jfs. H. N. W. $1.25. I. Bradley. Sisters of Glencoe. Wynn, E. $1.50..... - Lothrop. Sitwell, Sidney Ma. Lizzie Andrews’ first place. 16°. [’80.] A007 (Grn cele Mie Gece -- Pott, ¥. & Co. — Seeketh not her own; or; the workers of La Grange. 12°, (BS zene2ae SRTESD Dy aera caieraisiarercrel rae) Carter. Sivewright, J. See Preece, W. H., and Sivewright, J. Six centuries of work and wages. Rogers, J. E. T. $8. Putnam. Six girls. See Irving, F. B. Six hundred Robinson Crusoes. Mortimer, G. $1.50. Lippincott. Six little cooks. Kirkland, E.S. $1........Jansen. Six little girls. Alden, Mrs. I. M. Tdc...-. Lothrop. Six little rebels. Woods, Ms. K. T. $1.50... Lothrop. | Six months at Mrs. Prior’s. Adams, E. $1.25.. Lothrop. | Six months on aslaver. Manning, E: 20c...Harper. Six sinners. Wheaton, C. $1.25 .--....-.. Putnam. Six sunny months. Tineker, M. A. $1.50..Cath. Pub. 5 v : “ or Qe Le a Aa , ‘ke , Ls By: oc. ; 40c. CL Mooagac ehtee ees Ava te 5s oloievel 0a Cicraiel syasei® Carleton. | Six to one: a Nantucket idyl. Bellamy, I 'P ee = So pe OD aie ulnam. — From dawn to noon: poems. 12°. [’77.]? $1.50.| _. 9 ] aes Carleton. | Six years later. Dumas, A. 20c. ..--..-.--. Munro. (QO 7 . . } > 7c 2 2 a — Sophy; or, the adventures of a savage. 2 pts. (Sea- | Six years on the border. Rideout, Is. J. B. 85c. side lib.) 4°. ’82.°71524 en., pap., 20c... Munro. | 46. (Noy. 84.) hy 0 resb. Bd. SSNS reo tea)SIZER 362 SMART Sizer, Nelson. Choice of pursuits; or, what to do and why; with por. and biog. of many successful thinkers and workers. 12°. [’77. ]°° $1.75.. Wells. — Forty years in phrenology; embr. recollections of hist., anecdote and experience. ill. and por. 12°. ZR OOd a Sil fely (\) arorepes ec) ey e\tslieis/eievs)@ wi olece ie Fowler & W. — How to teach according to temperament and mental development; or, phrenology in the school-room ard the family. 12° [777.]?7° $1.50 ... Wells. Skeat, Wa.W. Concise etymological dictionary of the Eno. language. 12°. ’82.*54! $1.25 .. Harper. — Etymological dictionary of the Eng. language. »s " 7g2,982-540 $11; or, in 4 pts. ea., $2.50. Same. Sq: 6% 7O2k3D BID) «ween se cic en ce Macmillan. — List of Eng. words, the etymology of which is illus- trated by comparison with Icelandic; app. to Cleasby and Vigusson’s Icelandic- Eng. dictionary. AO Melle PAD ss MOCemtc intel riele a -)5, J Macmillan. Skelding, Susie B. Easter flowers; with illustrations of Easter lilies, violets, trailing arbutus, azaleas. ill. sq. 8% ’84.*°% ribbon-tied and fringed, Sole D Ol cieicretetelsspeisis <1l o/s) elallale oie) ole ore cla late White § S. — Flower-songs series. 3v. ill. sq. 8° ’83.*8!? ea., illum. covers, fringed, $1.50 ........ White & S. Cont.: Songs of flowers. — Handful of blossoms. — Maple leaves and cojde n rod. — Flowers from hilland dale: poems. ill. sq. 8°. ’83.*6!? OED Ol sic ciniciais cele os s\eier sia) sicisi> Cicieieiccre White § S. Skeletim Hause. Spielhagen, F: 10c...... Munro. Skeleton in armor. Longfellow,H: W. $5.. Osgood. Skeleton in the house. Spielhagen, F: 25c..Hazlan. Skelly, Ja. P. Charge of the hash brigade: musieal Irishisketch: 12° [[76.i|?°? pap., loc: .. De Watt. Skene, Alex. J. C. Diseases of the bladder and ure- thrainiswomen. il]; 89 778.329" ($3 -... Wood. Sketch-book. See Irving, W. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. Darley, F. 0. C. Spies) sep 4s 0) Oley dapilise Oe eiclers) elec: ole wic)cicisis © cies Estes Sketches and anecdotes of American Methodists of the days that are no more; for boys and girls. WW G9, eRe! SSiog Ho00 000c Phillips §& H. Sketches and scraps. Richards, L. EB. $2.... Estes. Sketches and studies. Hawthorne, N. $1. Houghton, M. & Co. Sketches by Boz. See Dickens, C: Sketches of young couples. See Dickens, C: Sketchley, Arthur (pseud.) See Rose, G: Skidmore, Ht. M. Beside the western sea: poems; in- trod. by J.S. Alemany. 12°. [’77.]?82 $2.. O'Shea. Skin and its troubles. (Health primers.) sq. 24°. 7 9 406 40c. eeccce Se\eee|s) 8 ele se 0s) ae. e Appl ton. Skinflint. SATO We UD Cn soci sce c- Roorbach. Skinker, T: K. Reports. See Missouri, Sup. Court. Skinner, Ms.C, L. F. See Universalist register. Skinner, J. O. Sce Universalist register. Skinner, J. Ralston. Criticism on the Legendre mode of the rectification of the curve of the circle. 8°, Silo! fee). 5 BO, c000 oF slaiels ceo yciciars ors cic Clarke. Skizzen zur Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, nebst einer Kinleitung zur Geog. und Geschichte des deutschen Reichs. 16°. ’82.°32 bds., 40c... Steiger. Sky-rockets: poems. Mead, L.G. $l.... Whiting. Slade, Dan. Denison. [‘‘Medicus.”] Twelve days in the saddle: journey on horseback in New Eng. during the autumn of 1883. 16°. ’84.645 DANCHDADy ROUCs aici. «sills or Atle. aa Cor Slade, H. P. Short practical treatise on dew ponds, the farmer’s summer water suppliers. folding pl. and diagram. 8° [’77.]*? pap., 80c....Spon. Slade, Is. Ma. B. C. Children’s hour: dialogues, speeches, motion songs, juvenile comedies and other entertainments. 16°, 80.426 bds., 50c. H: A. Young. Slade, Mrs. Ma. B. C., continued. — Exhibition days; cont. dialogues, recitations, cha- rades, tableaux, original blackboard exercises, pantomimes and plays. 16°. [’80.]*® bds., 50c. H: A. Young. — Sunday-school entertainments: exercises for Christ- mas and New Year, Palm Sunday, Easter [ete.]. 169 280282) bdss. 2oCs- ee ne HH]: A. Young. Slagge, C: Sanitary work in the smaller towns and vil- Jages. 18° [°76.]*49 $2.50.... Van Nostrand. Slater, J: See Smith, T. R., and Slater, J: Slaughter, Philip. Brief sketch of the life of William Green, LL.D., jurist and scholar; [also] A his- torical tract by Judge Green, and letters upon the origin of the proverb, Vox populi, vox Dei. 8°. o0.-~ net, pl.255 Df. mon, net, Si. 75; pap., net. Sl... Scie tels Gis oefeeie wre Randolph & LE. — History of Bristol parish, Va., with genealogies of families: 12° 79s Slb0-..- Mandouplus, L. — Memoir of Col. Joshua Fry, professor in William and Mary College, Va., and Washington’s senior in command of Va. forces, 1754; with autobiog. of hisison; Rey. Es Bry. 69: i804°2 s.25: Ra ndolph S HB. Slaver’s adventures. Thomes, W:H. $1.50..Sumner. Slavers and cruisers. Sadler, S. W. $1.05. Lb. & J. B. Young. Slaves of Paris. See Gaboriau, E. Slavs (The). Maclear, G:F. 75c. ...- Pott, Y: & Co. Sleeper, W: T. The rejected King and hymns of Je- sus: book for devotion. ill. 32°, ’§3.58 $1. Lee & S. Sleeping-car. Howells, W:D. 80c. ....... Osgood. Sleight, Ma. B. Osego chronicles; or, the Kuylers and their friends. (Spare-hour ser.) sq. 12°. (RRO: RAIS OOo. ccc cme oe ca: Randolph. — Prairie days; or, the girls and boys of Osego. ill. 120) 49 S80 Sil oO ganceohin a cteese oe Dutton. Slices of Mother Goose. Parkman, A. $1.25; 75ce. Lockwood, B. § Co. Slick, Sam ( pseud.) See Haliburton, T: C. Slight mistake. Souvestre, BD. ldc.......... Happy. Slighted treasures. (Amateur stage.) 18° [777.]9!° Papas LOCH ste oleic ciate s clejers creates crs cree lappy. Slim Jack; or, the hist. of a circus boy. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16° ([783.]°7 pap., 10c... Am. S. S. Sloane, C: W. Landlords and tenants: their legal rights and duties, with ref. to the law of N. Y. 16°. [78 \e22 Bl SNPs ple «cies wens LIAVEM. — Same. 8°. ’84.%*683 Wes seioobc ooonacce Peloubet. Slosson, Annie I’. China hunter’s club. sq. 16°. [’78.] Ho fDo0nN0o 6 C0000 GeGc wroheisteyoleinlcievereveree Harper. Slow and sure. Alger, H., 77. $1.25..... Porter & C. | Sluter, G: (ed.) Acta Pilati: important testimony of Pontius Pilate, concerning the crucifixion of @hnists WG. ee ere seine Robins. Sly ballades in Harvard china. Martin, E: S... Williams. Small, A. E. ‘Treatise on the decline of manhood. 2d dl; NP, AI Sil opouo oO bODnan one Duncan. Small, G: G. [‘‘ Bricktop.”] Hell. 4°. [’78.]827 pap., DOCH were ct ee Saree Crlerel so ereyave oie < serene ere Tousey. Small house at Allington. Trollope, A. 2pts. ea., 20c. Munro. Small things. Rockwell, R. 85c. ..... Phillips § H. Smalley, Eug. V. History of the Northern Pacifie > Railroad. ill. and map. 8°. ’83.*6!! $3.. Putnam. Smart, Hawley. At fault. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’83.586 DAP LOG. eciacree « sbalaicte elo tele telnet evalerercis Mino. — Belles and ringers: anovelette. 16°. ’81.*47° $1; PUD. DOCH rere: cle cre wlerersars reir re wyavererae Lippincott. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 781.477 pap., 10c... Jfun7o. — Courtship in 1720 and 1860: a romance. (Star ser.) LOSE [iieteu| 280 Sil Same. (GDounistissed)) 116% Le8ei] = paps, HOCK nile elaine osu one Mapprncote.SMART 363 SMITH Smart, Hawley, continued. — Race for a wife. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82. pap., 10c. Munyro. — Two kisses. sq. 16°. [’77.]?9! pap., 50c. . Loring. — Same. sq. 16°. [’83.]***? $1; pap., 50c... Peterson. Smart, Ja. H. (comp.) Books and reading for the young. 89) 78082" paps seme eee «ee SIGE. Smeaton, W: New system of Eng. etymology. 12°. POI Ges nocd cand op coon Maa, Alo de (Glo Smedley, Menella Bute. Linnet’s trial. (Dollar | Smith, Edgar F. See Marshall, J:, and Smith, E. F. novels) 129% 7835 ol occ el eicla’ 7 466 > / Tr ne ; ( (ith Oey enonaeoeocsa 3 Suey Sane eR Am. lr. | __ Faith and philosophy; or, discourses and essays; ed. — Bede’s charity. New issue. 12°. 780.4% 75c. Same. with introd. by G: L. Prentiss. 8°, [°77.]9%4 (Sunday lib.) 4°. °79.%° pap., 15c... Ogalvre. | B50 6 creel « HE, lnd eects Scribner, A. § Co. V ll. r oa eee) 90 709 hs nei < < . = a — Same. (Dollar novels.) 12°. °83. $1.---- Dodd. | __ History of the church of Christ, in chronological — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. i, pap., 10c... Munvo. tables New ed. £2: [P7icij282 5 y . [ % 38 ] ae = : : “al . — Carola. 16°. | 84. le NO Dic eieiciee crc ceieiers Dodd. Scribner, A. & Co. y 3s re » ) 329 #499 : ~ . : — Cobwebs and cables. (Dollar novels. ) 12 - [81.] — Introduction to Christian theology: comp.,1: A gen- Spare elclodes Fe pecere sie Kotcrn orci cieastaneiane alm lecer chicas Dodd. eral introduction; 2: The special introduction ; es DO Oi aals) LOR ena Oo S 5 5 — Same. ill. 129. [| 81. 91.25. Same. 2 pts. or. the prolegomena of systematic theology; / sear o ? 503,516 y. : 290e TS - SA HIRERTS : (People’s lib. 407 781i. ea., pap., sues, ed. by W: S. Karr. 12° ’83.*573 $1. Ogirlvre don sto: . ATMNSTVONG. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’81.° pap., 10... Munro. | __ System of Christian theology; ed. by W:S. Karr. — Collier boy ; ; Story of Fern’s : Hollow. (Robert Raikes 980, 2844085" BS FOLK. oo ee cniceaeee Armstrong. lib. 16°. Sa CZ IEe NAD LOCha seis AM Oa Ss lw . es = : eee Del setae et ; Smith, Js. H: Boynton (ed.) Henry Boynton Smith: — Crew of thet Dolphin, OSE eis $1..-Dodd. meee ee SCL iene ek ee eae his life and his work. 8° °’80.47 $2.50. — Doctor’s dilemma. 8°. [ THER LD Che tereiso Apple 70n. Hester Morley’ romise. Dollar novels.) 12° Armstrong. — ester Morleys yromise. ( ollar ovels. a. “ . . y 299 = : I Bett) Smith, Herb. H. Brazil: the Amazons and the coast; a ODiLicics tc) <0 a'e 016 01010 0e.bis's aes ¢\v ee) ble o = is oad, = y \ 7 we Sc an (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 20: Maine ill. by J. W. Champney and others. 8°. ’79.*414 — ACTLE. (Seasid She ‘ . iF army id ere enut (717°0. se - = ~~ “ ; ~ = aca x SS revo levele/e: s\n sere PR ICCC O CEE ~---- Scribner's Sons. — Im Sturm ee Lebens; uebers. von A. Bocler. 3. : : af Aus all. - 169: AXON (Moe code Am. Tr. Smith, Heywood. Practical lessons in gynecology: . 7 i > . ro Vic ~ oO, 77Q 316 fecal In prison and out. (Dollar novels. ) 12°. [ 79. > hand-book for physic 1ans. ill. 12 | id. $2. Siliescices BS pAays to) foes marvin ee istey clei leis cree is Dodd. L indsay § Blakiston. — Same. New issue. 12°. ’80.4°1 75c. Same. (People’s|— Same. ill. 12°. °82.0 pap., 7dc....-- Blakaston. lib.) 4°. ’81. pap., 10e. Same. (Sunday lib.) | Smith, Horace W. Life and correspondence of the HO, TODAY pines We oo00 boandonaddoc Ogilvie. | Rey. Wesmith:.D 3D. 20 pts; por. So [uvr|zs® — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’79. pap., 10c. CAs PAP:, OUC «cise cece J. Hammond; Penington. eA 8 Munro. | Smith, I. F. Baptist missionary sketches. 12°. ’79.9% — Jessica’s first prayer. por. 12°. ’82.°° 75c. Same. SRD) omic cic erereieisre i feieicieisie © a/euke ois eceees Conthell: (Beople?s lib.) 4° 7 782.928 pap., 10c... Ogilvie. whee. 7 ee ss : a Sain GRonunec alle eqnode ren 961) 15 Smith) J. Ha A. [is Godtre. y Greylock.” ] History of — A yp. ser. ) SO. 240. Si Ss 5e ae ; , pecan San / 1 bee bas. 7, paper. 8° 782.57 &1- hf. mor., $2; leath., $3. Wl. } r 7 z : C. W. Bryan — Same; [also] Reuben Kent at schoo (Rober in . : : : “Rei eae fi ae mee Du a chool. Robert | __ Pashconic: romance and beauty of the hills. 12°. Ki US 1D. ) b ‘ L < A eae Db. aD. 970) «397 eh Oe ee oe ee ee Lee & S. — King’s servants. eople’s lib. 40, $l. aps. | / . » 1: . . ‘ 10¢ Sa Ss : iil wi 201) 438 Pap-, | __ (ed.) History of Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Mass., Uc. née. (3 day lib. on OUTS ap. : > a0 , mae 72 b> .% > eam akong se Pee 1800-1876. 2v. 8°. [°76.]*44 $5; hf.rus., $6. VU. seca sees eesee eevee s see seeeesreseos eee Grier 1é. C. W. Bryan. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 81.5!” pap., 10c... Munro. : Sas L Smith, J. F: Banker’s secret; or, sowing and reaping. — Germ. Des hochsten Koénigs Diener: uebers. von : : (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.5%? pap., 20c...- Munro. Bocler. 2. Aufl. 16°. [’80.]48° 60c...Am 1m . ne : 3 meee J am Am. Tr.|__ Bella Trelawney ; or, time works wonders. (Seaside — Little Meg’s children. (Pop. ser.) ill. sq. 24°. “1h ) a9 538 ; rs: ain Bak 507 \ / \ Ty | libs); 4°: 782-025 pap:, 20cy «26. eicie crete! Wunro. 83. JUSS. IZ Chveiteie) eiielcie a elec di clele © cicle / 5 a \ ‘ r ‘ . , ai *"-)— Charles Vavasseur; or, he outeast heir. 2 pts. — Germ. Vie kleine Maggy und ihre Kinder; frei nach dem Eng. von. M. K.-G. 4. Aufl. ill. 16°. | OOS ee DOCH ssiccie cc. oe ec : Tr. | ~ ‘ os : I ie Jo Pees a Sight ppm) 14544 Am. Tr.|__ Wilen de \ ere; or, the way of the will. (Seaside lib.) — Lord’s pursebearers. 12°. [’82.]*° $1.2 Beton 40. 999 629° na 06 Mine ' Lor : . ‘ P ac | . OZ. ‘ Siena genesis (bey (bie eleiece — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.°8 pap., 10¢. -- Munro. | 7h Te Ti 78 2 Se Ale anes Aes: : sate . ay |— Fred Vernon. (Seasidelib.) 4°. 78. yy oe 20c. — Same; [also] History of a threepenny bit, by G: E. | : WUunro ie ~ y ‘ : 4 7 . Sargent. por. 12°. 782.553 75ce. Same (People’s | é : © Aes : ‘ . ~s « . A . MN nea ai Ss ( Ws . E Seg si > . ‘ J oO, 80. ‘ se 92 ) , Wa,)) 2%,” WOO so, Me, scscbu cece Onna Gus Howard. (Seaside lib.) 4 80. pap., 20c t (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.574 ea., pap., 20c. Munro. — Man of his word. 16°. [’78.]382 50c¢ / Tr + ONTO. NUSHECANG a ake: get [78. ] dCs cisiers se Am. Tr. — Harold Tracy; or, phases of life. Gee aside lib.) 4°. — Night and a day; also Apple-tree Court and The | 209 540 1 ) rth ofan oe Sete Fh §2.° Dien) 2OCS rersierecvoelsicicl clot chejeieiains Munro. worth ofa baby. ill. 16°. [’76.]?48 80c...Am. Tr i Pilerim Street: NT a : *|— Harry Ashton; or, the will and the way. (Seaside — fugrim Street; story of Manchester life. (Robert | . 299 529 Fj Beaeeeni a nS aera argedu'| We) 25 Pe fis Ale, Gooeso6 oc0c Munro. valkes lib.) 16° [7’84.]®7 pap., 10c...Am. S. S, | Henri de la Tour: tl les in arms: s l — Stretton library. 6y. 16°. ’82.5° set. $6..Tibbals. | e de la Tour; or, the comrades in arms ; see Fees. as ; eel to Charles Vavasseur. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °83.° ont. Bede’s charity.—In prison and out.— Sheer off. — | 20c. M The young apprentice.— Not forsaken.— Nellie, the clock. | Pap ae Say ata si Soe 1 eee maker's daughter. = Dicey) ene CLOCKS Say dy, Ashle igh; or, the rejected inheritance. (Sea- TI ina sidelib.) 4°: 783.999’ pap., 20¢....-..-.J Vunro. seas < , fe 9 ; ir . . ‘ ‘ ° . 7 30 ‘horny pat ) ill. 16 a ighOn a 80c....Am. Tr. | — Minnie Grey. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’80. pap., 20c. — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. 81, pap. 10e. Same. Munro. (S av - \ 0 70 93 ny ete =r) ° ~ ~ ° nk unday lib. ) eg rolls pap., 10c. -- Ogilvie. | — Virgin queen; or, the romance of royalty. (Seaside — Same. (Seaside libs), 49, 28i1'. pap., 10c...Munvzo. | labs)? ox 789,588 pap., 20. ...-- ces - Munro. = ae Ein pupmenpiads Uencrs: von A. Bocler. |— Woman and her master. (eemide iby), 4c. 8: AUsl etl e208 (803) 50c, ...-.Am. Ly. | Daves) OCH emai ce Sein SEG ho Gane Munro.SMITH 365 SMITH . ~ e . | . . Smith, Mrs. J. Gregory. From dawn to sunrise : review, | Smith, Mrs. Lucy T., continued. hist. and philos., of the religious ideas of man- | — Water gipsies: story of canal life in England. ill. kind: — 129: (eGuleee Sh Alsiaiererete Lovell, Ad. & Co. | GO, eres Cjlisg ogo sooo Uboo noe 3 o> Carter. — Selma. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. ’83.°87 pap., lic. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10c. ... Munro. J: We Lovell. \— Whitelilies. 162 [779.]| 60e;...-....--.. Carter. Smith, J. L. Complete practical treatise on diseases Smith, M. W. Studies in Eng. literature; sel. from ofchildren. 5thed.,enl. ill. 8°. ’81.°?? $4.50; | Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Bacon and leath., $5.50; hf. rus., $6..-.+..----- -2--- Led. Milton, and a hist. of Eng. literature to the Smith, J. Moyr. Prince of Argolis. 12°. [°77.]8%7 death of Dryden, in 1700. 12°. °82.*°4 net, GO a. Ree eee Se eic s shin See aes seh Holes || $1.20 -- 2-2 - ee cece ee eee seeeeee- Van Antwerp. —(ed.) Talesofold Thulé. ill. 12° MO $1.25. | Smith, Mas: Ma. PB. Wells. [<° PR Thorne.”] Jolly Lippincott. | good times; or, child life on a farm. New issue. Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield. Buried millions: | SquslGoh [ites pap. DUCe ce cee. Roberts. where do the gold and silver go? (Atlas ser.) | — Jolly good times at school; also some times not quite Smith, J: ion aee Dictionary of pop. names of the plants pap., 10c......... 0 which furnish the natural and acquired wants of Barnes. | 229 551 | man: their hist., products and uses. 8°. BUH Oils serecis! « aPcpeia cla oter ele’ cians Siarsious cise Macmillan. — Domestic botany. ill. 12°. ’83.°%3 $3.50.. Macmillan. — Ferns: British and foreign. New enl.ed. 12°. | 294 (eeteti. Smith, J: Alden. resources of Colorado, 1881 and 1882. 8°. 783 pap., 35c. Smith, J: Brown. First fonakigraphik teacher: guide to practical acquaintance with the literary style of the art of phonachygraphy, ete. i $e. ---- scrubner, W. & A. teport on the development of the PAP=5 2LOC. reve vac cone tovcincncenn ce J: B. Smith. | Smith, J: Cotton. Briar-Hill lectures: certain aspects of the Church. 12°. 81 [’80].*4®° 90¢c.. Whittaker. — The Church’s mission of reconciliation: sermon. NY, AOE the Wiis Soccosccaccc Whittaker. Smith, J: Talbot. Woman of culture. 8° 783.586 SOILED Dy iesewattn) eifcitever aveinial ol si ee) sfeueeveie fa’ atele afaraie Cath. Pub. Smith, J: W: Law of contracts. 6th Am. from 6th Lond. ed., by J. G. Malcolm; with notes and ref. to Eng. and Am. cases, by W: H: Rawle; add. | Smith, Philip H. (2785247 shp., 5.50: T. & J. W. Johnson. [‘* Widow Goldsmith.” ] Blos- notes by G: Sharswood. 8°. Smith, Jf-s. Julie P. som Bud: a novel. 12°. °83.594 $1.50. . Carleton. — His young wife. 12°. [’76.]° $1.75..-Carleton. — Kiss and be friends. 12°. ’78.%64 $1.50.. Carleton. Smith, Justin. consultation with J. Smith, Lloyd P. On the Gaureo® Net. spileao Smith, Lucien H. R. ill. 8°, gSAe Res? Joise. ai ve ece)ele eee 0) .cic se = AND: Bapt. classification of books. Lib. L Historical and chronological atlas > du. Of the Wi. Se fF 28824 bdse al 7. He Smt Smith, Mrs. Lucy IT. [formerly L. T. Meade]. Andrew Harvey’s wife. ill. 16°. ’80.**7 $1. Carter. | — Band of three. (People’s lib.) 4°. 782:°22 pap:, NOCH reciccrerecreccre evel siaraicrere Sccesc sess Ognirite. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°° pap., 10c.. Munro. — Bel-Marjory. 12°. (’79.]*8 $1.50 ...... Carter. — Children’s kingdom: story of a great endeavor. ill. 12° [780.]*422 $1.50... 22... ne eiaynier: Carter. — David's littlelad. ill. 12°. [°78.]3!° $1.25. . Carter. — Same. (Half-hour ser.) 32° ([778.]°?* pap., 25c. Tlavper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° 778. pap., 10c. -Jfunro. Dot andher treasures. ill. 12°. [’79.]**° $1. Carter. 89. eimGrileee | 2 580 Chain. | Commentary on the Revelation, in| 8°. | Smith, Rob. H. SOmjOllivs LG [titel oe ---.-Ltoberts. Smith, Ma. R. D. Recollections of two distinguished persons : La marquise de Boissy and the Count de Waldeck. ill, 12° [778.]84 $2..Luppincott. Smith, Ma. Stuart (comp.) Virginia cookery-book. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 7 49 [784.*8%© pap-, 25c. Harper. Smith, Matthew Hale. [‘‘ Burleigh.’ ] Marvels of prayer illustrated by the Fulton-St. prayer-meet- D120... ine; with leaves from the tree of life. cr. 8°. titel ee $2; shp., $2.50 ........... -- Tibbals. Smith, May Riley. Gift of gentians, and other verses; ill. by W. St. J: Harper and IT. Robinson; eng. by E. Heinemann. sq. 8°. 782.*°88 $2.50. Randolph. Smith, Persifor Frazer. See Pennsylvania, Sup. Court. Smith, Philip. Reports. History of the world; from the earliest records to the fall of the western empire. New ol. Bas EO ASE Roa sadoduod Appleton. — Student’s ecclesiastical hist: the Christian church during the first ten centuries. ill. 12°. [’78.]%4° SSileiDisicies sie pate diate viet s ois Be eichayal clele s Fovelare Harper. Acadia: lost chapter in Am. hist. Wk: 8% (S47 R42 GWOT ovals aie-piaieie woce ee Vash. Life of Lord Lawrence. 20 7Q2 %*5§2 5°. So. Smith, Reginald Bosworth. 2yv. por. and maps. $d. Scribner's Sons. — Rome and Carthage: the Punic wars. (Epochs of anc. hist.) maps and plans. 16°. [’81.]*#° @1. Seribner’s Sons. (Fathers for Ting. read- «+ Lott, ¥. § Co. s worked by hand and Saint Basil. ion wbe Cutting-toc 208 28s Smith) Re ©. ers.) 12°: l ) machine. ill. e088) So Os Cassell, P., G. § Co. Smith, S. B. Elements of ecclesiastical law; with ref. to the syllabus, the Const. apostolice Sedis of Pope Pius 1x., the Council of the Vatican, and the latest decisions on the Roman congrega- tions. 8°. (ijo2 met, po. Same. New issue. 8°. 780.784 net, $3 -..26- cee Benziger. Same. v.2: Ecclesiastical trials. 8°. 7’82.°°° net, Sho wieis ie cocin el epareie Wajers eel eielsis| cles cinle DENZeG El. Smith, S. Theyre. Cut off witha shilling: comedietta. See New York drama. Smith, S: Fs. America: our national hymn. ill. sq. 40, [780.]*47 $25; gilt, $3.-...-- .--- Lothrop. — History of Newton, Mass., town and city from its earliest settlement to the present time, 1630-1880. por., ill. and map. 8% 780.*#° $4.50; leath., ' es e . ‘ / ys ye * 90 IQ: 631 pare i x es _ ae F oo ie Sones CO Ce ee a ay $5.50; hf. cf., $6.50 ..-.....------[ Willrams. ] VAP, BOC. +. ener rece vecere rece od: W. Lovell. : Be : % oat Se os >, a >] x0 . 20 2Q4 632 &1 OF — How Nora Crena saved her own. ill. 12° ’80.*48° | — Rambles in mission fields. 16°. 784. 1.25. by OK is Corthell. STD aires se) liel eel oy eiterte (el es (els s. New ed. is i “ — Knight of to-day: atale. ill. 12° 78. |3!8 $1.50. Rock of 2 ES CO aG DO OS ie. GlunG C77.) Garten | $1. Same. (Red-line ed.) $1.50... . Lothrop. Nobody’s neighbor. LOG... 222. Scamp and I: (ie aces step ll2 by Celaiateranay= 16°. (Seaside lib. ) AO} 2835/2 nap, story of city by-ways. eiaiaveyntey sve LALTUNO: ill. Your brother and mine. eeiclee CATLEU|| (’79.] $1..Carter. | Mother Herring’s chicken. 12°. ’81.*4° $1.. Carter. | Smith, Ste. | 12°,| Smith, T. Roger, and Slater, J: Manual of the principles and practice of 8°, [?78.] $45; roan, $4.00. Houghton, O. § Co. Architecture, clas- Til 20. "SQieASy pe. Scribner & W. operative surgery. sic and early Christian.SMITH 366 SNYDER Smith, T: L. Elements of the laws; or, outlines of | the system of civil and criminal laws in force in the U. S. Rev. ed. 12°. [?77.]9% $1.50. Same. New rev. ed. 12°. 782.5% $1.50...Luppincott. Smith, W. T. (comp.) Missionary concerts for the S. S.; coll. of declamations, select readings, and dialogues. 169: 781.4 ‘oc. .... Phillips & ZH. I Smith, Wa. Examples of household taste. ill. 4°. (SOE RES BCE as oe wee vers .-- . Worthington. — Industrial art education, considered economically. 8°. 77. ]?*8 pap., 20¢c. .-.. Lockwood, B. § Co. Smith, Wilder. Extempore preaching. 12°. ’84. 7de. Brown & G. Smith, W: Bible dictionary. 8°. [’79.] $2..Crowell. — German principia. pt. 2: First Germ. reading book. ] 29°, 77) *399 94e ie a elaiels. tie lsle els 6) cture viel cre Harper. — Initia Greca. pt.1: A first Greek course, compre- hending grammar, delectus and exercise-book with vocab. 12th ed., rev. 12°. ’81.*°° G60c. Harper. — Same. Initia Greea. pt. 1: Additional ex- ercises with examination papers; with introd. to Initia Greea. pt. 2: Easy reading lessons. BOL OR oh AC iare sinvel wialeiel sicieieseie ole o1eis Harper. — Student’s classical dictionary ill. 12°. [’76.]?>7 $2. Hlarper. — and Cheetham, 8: (eds.) Dictionary of Christian antiquities; contin. of The dictionary of the Bibles ve 2. rll: 8 78055429) S3ro0 leath.., Sts Nee theye MOL. spo crac: ore eics rosie DOO adc sees Burr. —and Wace, H: Dictionary of Christian biography. Wedd. (8%) [aif s2e|cie® -ea., So.b0. Iuttle, B. § Co. Smith, W: A. Whoisresponsible? story of American biG, ID, (PB A SSN BIs 05 oo oc onc Lothrop. Smith, W: H: (ed.) The St. Clair papers: life and public services of Arthur St. Clair, soldier of the Revolutionary war [etc.]. 2v. por. and map. SO FBI Fe MGs ccisicic erst oe ciel wees eaee ec OLQTice: Smith, W: Leland. Practice in proceedings in the > probate courts. 4th ed. 8°. 784.6 shp., $3.50. | Titile, B. & Co. Smith, W: Robertson. The Old Testament in the Jewish church: lectures on Biblical criticism. MOE 2B Rao IR eye oe ces cle ask cic Appleton. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’81. pap., 20c... Munro. — The prophets of Israel and their place in hist. to the close of the 8th century B.c.: lectures. 12°. worn CUA cangdoad 00 win aids vce). evs 6 Appleton. Smithson, Ja. Scientific writings ed. by W: J. Rhees. (Smithsonian miscell. coll.) por. 8°. ’79.423 pap. Smith. Inst. Smithsonian Institution. Annual report of board of regents, ete. 1877-81. 5 v. “8° ’78’—83.361 Gov. Pr. — Documents rel. to its origin and hist., ed. by W. J. Rhees. (Smithsonian miscell. coll.) 8°. ’79.5%9 Smith. Inst. — Journals of the board of regents, reports of commit- tees, statistics, etc., ed. by W: J. Rhees. (Smith- sonian miscell. coll.) 8°. 779.423... Smith. Inst. — Price list of publications of the Smithsonian Inst. (Smithsonian miscell. coll.) 8°. ’84.64! pap. Smith. Inst. Smoker's guide, philosopher, and friend; by a veteran of smokedom: roy. 32°. [°77.]?% 50c. Scribner, W. & A. Smollett, Tobias. Works. Newed. ill. 89. as) PN Waaqun ac eiolie ole eievnve. niece ave Ada OODO Routledge. Smucker, S: M. Daniel Webster: life. speeches, 12 and memorials. por. 12°. llel|ece plead: Lippincott. — Same. 2pts. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. ea., pap., léc. J: W. Lovell. Smuggler (The). James, G: P. R. 20c..... Munro. Smyth, G: H. Little Bessie. por. 16°. ’81.*18! 75¢. | Carter. Smyth, Newman. Old faiths in new light. 12°. ’79.*407 SID (ic vctctc\ «(cle ce c claleie os cle sie olsre - Scrtbner’s Sons. — Orthodox theology of to-day. 12°. ’81.*9°6 $1.25. Same. Newed. 12° 783.*984 $1.25. Scribner's Sons. — Religious feeling: a study for faith. 12°. [?77.]?% SLE Dies creole) avo eis alavevelSiotsyr als sieve Scribner, A: S (Ofn\; Smyth, W: H: Cycle of celestial objects; rev., con- densed and enl. by G: F. Chambers. 2d ed. Ws ~8 2 2B Aes BH Oy, coe ctcre oro oe I ACTULLLON. Smythe, Gonzalvo C. Medical heresies historically considered; sketch and review of hommopathy past and present. 12°. 780.4% $1.25.. Blakiston. smythe, J. Lawn tennis. ill. 6° ([(778.]537 bds., B() eg eteofelere) wim clare eile ciel eis ye oe veeeee--s ltoutledge. Snarleyow, the dog fiend. Marryat, F: 10c... MJunzo. Snell, E.S. See Olmstead, D., and Snell, E. S. Sneyd, Pamela. Jack Urquhart’s daughter: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 782.549 pap., 20c....Munso. Snider, Denton J. Delphic days. 8°. ’80.*437 $1. Roeslein. System of Shakespeare’s dramas. 2 v. 12°. (77. ]329 Shae) ()invovelocivielaiele ave: cereie: cya clears eiaies terete G. I. Jones. — Walk in Hellas; or, the old in the new. 12° ’8{1.*7 SD ieteiaiciebe kere ciavereifore ovoue oc) ulc ciome 6 oveveseye -{ Roeslein. | Same. 82: 2830022) R905 0) wae eres Seis sre eveneis Osgood. Snip and Whip, and some other boys. Davis, E. A. Sea De Sele ae! (c/o) elo s/0i eicrele oldie «tia vio ome) che lolerelo LIC ELAT Ss Snively, J: H. Tables for systematic qualitative chemical analysis. 8° ['76.]?7® $1. Van Nostrand. [emi}ee2) Dds iehill <1. re On We Snath: — Treatise on the manufacture of perfumes and toilet articles; So: [iat (Borris 15 - C: W. Smith. Snow, Edn. M. Alphabetical index of births, marriages and deaths recorded in Providence 1836-1850. SOR 7 DANG SSO! cistevevers caress ein cle ors Rider. Snow, Herman (ed.) Visions of the beyond, by a seer to-day; or, symbolic teachings from the higher life. 12° [7r7.j?° $1.20%\ $150... Colby. Snow and sunshine. Lamb, Jfrs. M. J. $1.25; $1.50; SO ee ciscrc Cie eisieie ve sine siciaieinice coeeees White § S. Snow-bound. Whittier, J: G. l5ce. Houghton, M. § Co. — Same. 8°. Snow family. See Lyman, M. B. Snow man. Sand, G: (pseud.) $150......Roberts. Snow queen. Andersen, H. C. $1.50. EL. § J. B. Young. | Snow-shoes and canoes. Kingston, W: H. G. $2.50. Lrppincott. |Snowed up. Fosdick, C@: A. $1.25...... Porter § C. | Snowflake series for boys. Newed. 10v. sq. 24°. (eacenzce Siler) ()iteteirel aiaiie) sie o\elk'clc iets cain) oe --- Lothrop. Cont.: Westminster boys. — Brown pony. — George’s aqua- rium. — Little Carl. — The patient blind boy. — ‘loo late. — | The lame beggar. — Little Bertie. — The blacksmith. — Greg- ory Gold. Snowflake series for girls. Newed. 10v. sq. 24°. [Betis] CBS OED Ov elereretere cia « Bialcvola eis cFasevel ie Lothrop. Cont.: Such a smart girl. — Rhoda and her rose bud. — Graudpa’s birthday. — Minna’s proud heart.— A Sunday talk. — My idols. — Truthful Jenny. — Wilful waste. — Little Nora. — Waiting. Snowflake’s pleasure-book. Addie (pseud.) 50c. Am. News. | Snowflakes and sunbeams from the far North. Bal- | lantynes va Mi) 200k cre cee ace occ ciry Munro. | Snowflakes from Santa’s land. Pratt, L. M. $1.25. | Crowell. | Snow’s handbook of Franconia pleasure travel to the White Mts., St. Lawrence, Northern Jakes frete.i]|- 02°. [ik7iG. 128" pap:, o0c.. -.V. Y Qmbune. snuueihanbors Adams, Wi Gm) Sll2be ce ccemmee wus. Snyder, W: L. (comp.) Great opinions by great judges: coll. of important judicial opinions. 8°. O3.08: shyt, Omaha. aera emeadicern Ve & Co.Snyder, W: L., continued. — Great speeches of great lawyers: coll. of arguments and speeches before courts and juries. 8°, 781.527 $4.50; shp., $5.50; hf. ef., $6.50. . Baker, V. & Co. — Laws authorizing the incorporation of clubs. societies and associations. °82.°°7 pap.,50c.. Baker, V. & Co. — Mechanics’ lien laws. See New York, City, Cowrts. — Notary’s and commissioner’s manual. 8° 781.5 Giese ee Rlolnisieie iets cisie cae Baker, V. & Co. So as by fire. Lothrop. H. M. $).25..... -- Lothrop. So dear adream:. Grant, Mi Me $1 .:...... Carleton. So near and yet so far. See Alison ( pseud.) So they were married. Sce Besant, W., and Rice, J. Sociable, the entertainment and the bazar. Myers, A. NO Cie evel cieeietofcvarsrs Sislels (oieiele (aie ale) (e/alelekoinic Presb. Bd. Social law of God. Washburn, E: A., $1.50. Whittaker. Social problems. Coan, T. M.- 25c. ...... - Putnam. Social sovereign. Haswell, J. B. 20c....... Ogilvie. Société Francaise d’Hygieéne. Hygiene and education of infants; or, how to take care of babies, by the society committee; tr. by G: EK. Walton. 24°. BOER s2S) MAD SO Ci cls clei crecn creer aicrslele a) oe Clarke. Society and solitude. Emerson, R. W. $1.75. Houghton, M. & Co. Society for doing good but saying bad: comedy. (Act- ing drama.) 12°. [’79.]°°° pap., ldc. . Happy. Society novelettes. Burnand, F. C., and others. 2 v. Sh yisiclaiaiicl oieieiiey trailer ate) clamor creel cieiers ree SerUbNer & OW. Society of Telegraph Engineers. Journal; incl. com- munications on telegraphy and electrical science. HN. 82. [47682-72888 ea. pap., S25 Bee. po7. — Same. Index tothe journal. v. 1-10, 1872-1882; comp. by A. J. Frost. 8°. ’§3.° pap., $1-..Spon. — Report on Birmingham wire gauge; with papers by C. V. Walker; [also] On Birmingham wire gauge, by lu. Clark. 12°: 780.479 pap., 40c.. Spon. — Rules and regulations for the the prevention of fire- risks from electrie lighting. $% 782285" nap-, MOR ie ciclelo al sicletel vie oleiciaraicl elas eee eee toes ese Spon. Society small talk; or, what to say, and when to say it; by amember of the aristocracy. 12°. °80.434 $1. Scribner & W. | Society the redeemed form of man. James, H: $2. | Houghton, O. § Co. Sohn des Leuchtthurmwiarters; aus dem Engl. 18°. [PIR IP 2bYesc050 releyeile L Songs of seven. Ingelow, J. $2..........-. Songs of sunshine and shadow. Moore, M. Songs of the soul. Prime, S.I. $2.. Songs of the spirit. Odenheimer, W: Sones of the spring-tides. Swinburne, / Songs of three centuries. Whittier, J: G. Songs of toil and triumph. McCreery, . Songs unsung. Morris, L: $1.50.. Sonia. See Gréville, H: (pseud.) Sons of Godwin. Leighton, W: $1.25 Sons or sheaves? Southgate, C. M. Soper, H. M. (comp.) Scrap-book NOs de 10 279.224" 50cs) Same A3IL AO Ib, WO> co oscnc A eee eae Sophocles. ‘Tragedies: new tr., with biog. app. of rhymed choral odes and lyrical dialogues, by E. H. Plumptre. New ed. Geeta Cees ee cee ccn — Single plays for schools; ed., with introd. : notes, by L: Campbell and BE. 4 don press ser.) 7v. 12°. [’76-’80. ] Cont. : C&dipus Coloneus. — Gédipus tyrannus. — Antigone.— Ajax. — Electra. — Trachinie. — Philoctetes. — Electra; tr. from the Greek by N: MSM SIO GWG (OY Merce ce eee cic 6 ec ( — Gidipus tyrannus; tr. into Eng. Morsey, 825 780-23" foc. paps..d — Same; rendered into Eng. verse by Sqa 20s 25280) paps. DOC as cies ; — Same. Plays and fragments, with criti com. and tr. in Eng. prose, by R. C Gidipus tyrannus. 8°. ’83.®4 net, $4., Sophy. Singleton, Mrs. C. 20c...... Sorcerer, Gilbert; Wes: L0G. access coe) Sorenson, Al. Hands up; or, the the Union Pacific Express robbery, S Sqe Gos [iS ei] e2 ae a Sorrow ofasecret. See Ll: M. Sorry her lot who loves too oo cee Sorry maid, by the author of Sweet i [also] Madame’s governess. AOR OU ee DUDE 4 OCs ierscies tree we : Sothern, £. A. Birds of a feather flock together ; talks with Sothern; ed. by F. ee goles pl.o0. pap. ol. Soucy. Mwellss ws: Je Ge Sil50).. ase. Sought and saved. See Paull, M Soul thirst, and other sermons. eWashburo, Spe Detarayel sieefeniceh eloioloy a\ie)re/ oie Soul-winner. James, Mrs. M. D. '80c.. aii .B B. Smith. | Soule, : C. South Sea sketches. South Sea whaler. Josselyn, Mis. C. R. $1... Bradley. lSoutherar ad ho! Sonate cl Alb. ome revamped, modernized and set 803*2 pap: 00C. asGe Js Jones: manual of law-books and citations. hf. ef. or shp., net, $4..Soule & B. tance: a Mew, travesty. 89 fiviees Sfoliaievckel eiovotcrs\c e erelenctes crete G.I. Jones. (comp.) U.S. blue book; register of clerkships, [ete.] under the U.S. goy., 16°, Des 2 Pap» d0c. Same. eicisie le) aiereleievterae eles crsietsre cierciere -- Soulé. eee! of Rie: synonymes. 12°. ’82.*546 SOUR RE esc ok Fee - Soule & B. een odie s for our boys and girls. Blaikie, W: wee eee twee ee te eee eos - Harper. Henrie: Ei. d’. _25c..-.-. W: R. Jenkins South Carolina, General Assembly. Acts and joint ions, 1875-’°76; extra sess., 1877; regular 1877-78; regular sess., 1878; regular 1880; extra sess., 1880; regular sess., rer edie re Count sess., 1882. Sv. 8°. ’*76—783.8!1 BP) ()) ors cwicje Sowteieo sjeiss clsic cis - Calvo. | Gene al statutes and the code ow civil procedure adopted 1881-’82; cont. the constitutions of U. S and south Carolina. 49 7825 S8°50)...:. State. eports: ive G9!" 4 ye 80: hike Nios f18 Gooocec Iinn ; State. (76-79), by J. S. G@. Richardson. —v. 11-19 ’, Shand. —— snaecdieest of reports, v. 1-14 inclusive, [1783+ L B. Chisolm and S. Hyde, jr. 2 v. Spry lOc cacc - Walker, EL. & C. Museum art and science hand- Sra OOOO DOOUOO oT OOOO Scribner, W. & A. Entered under authors and subjects. South Mountain magic. Dane Mys. M. V. $1.50. Osgood. Dahlgren, Avs. M. V. $1.50 Osgood. Kingston, W:H. G. 10c... Munro. Epoch of the mammoth, and the apparition oe man upon the earth. ill. er. 8°. 7 AD svete ooie eters ciela: siccae se lcter Lippincott. review on The recent origin of man. DAaDen 2OC ics crerercis - West, J. & Co. household companion. Edgeworth, Js. Die nleccceve Several ss Sees Rosie os Lippincott. | Southern literature. Southern rambles. Stevenson, R. R. $3; $4; $5. Wardlaw, J. B., 97. 25c.. Burke. WOR Ob WO; cao6 600 - Williams. Turnbull. Southern woman’s story. Pember, P. Y. 75c. Carleton. Favorite poems. So est-pocket ser.) ete? Gye, 6500 cand 2500 -- Osgood. with biog. notice of the author. and por, 12088 483r8ls) sib. Lippincott. Ae CS EWo goon ances Lothrop. Foster. (Classic ser.) 16°. 783.58 Airs roueleteier were o) 10 afavel cus levere(e/are ciel cieverererexICO OU CTLS: |— See also ae classics. Sons or sheaves? a word to fathers DUpPtn LOCH b cieteretersrare -.-Am. S. 8 “Many thoughts about our Lord. 12°. Wetere ial cote) averse Cassell, P., G. & Co. De anecdiye thoughts on religious subjects: of quotations and sel. passages. 8°. eis crei eve srcgevayels .. Routledge. Cross above the crescent: ro- mance of Constantinople. 12°. [777.]8 $1.50. [ipprncott. Simms, W:G. $1.50 .. Armstrong. Advanced question-book. (Dime 3,588 Seba wn acces BAT deen-SOUTHWICK Southwick, Alb. P., continued. — Dime question-books, with answers, notes, queries, efe) Woy. 169 7S2=—"83.08 easel ea. pap... lOc: Bardeen. _Cont.: Algebra. — Arithmetic. — Botany. — Chemistry. — General history. — Geography. — Geology and mineralogy. — Grammar. — Literature. — Mythology. — Physiology. — Khet- oric and composition. — Theory and practice. — U. 8. history and civil government. — Zodlogy. — Short studies in literature for schools. 16°. 783.823 GO0Gl2 Se seen slevesevieraiele tats chelets/erecieve « -.-+ Eldredge. Southworth, E: W., and Jones, Dwight A. Treatise on the manufacturing corporation act. See New York, State, Legislature. Southworth, Jfrs. Emma D. E. N. Bridal eve; or, Rose Elmer. sq. 16°. SUE ioe pap., 7dce. Same. New issue. sq. 16°. [’83.]°°° pap., 75c.. Peterson. — Fatal marriage; or, Orville Deville. Newed. sq. 9 WY (PR Pe = etn. 4 (ees adcoon co aoc Peterson. — Ishmael; or, in the depths. Newissue. 12°. [’83.]*§8 DADs MOC cicieree cae a ajeicisleehelciaicice oi wieiele IG CLEP SOIL: — Mother-in-law; or, married in haste. New issue. 12°. (e722 SILA ee atote: Sera ooo eienc ins ois icslare Peterson. — Red Hilltragedy. sq. 16°. [’77.]*° $1; pap., 50c. Peterson. — Sybil Brotherton: anovel. sq. 16° [/’79.]*873 $1; pap., HO Cia Se cicin ccc Seles «ciel ect atsiaie o ELETSOTD: —and Baden, Ms. F. H. Fatal seeret, and other stones, U2. [ii |2e5 ilo pap, lebO- Peterson. — — Phantom wedding; or, the fall of the House of Flint; and other stories. New issue. 12°.[°78. ]?!7 SO ee fiiy ve eve rove veCie sey ece) cielalel sve aia sieee prs devarorsiere as Peterson. Southworth, EmmaS. Bride for a king. (People’s libs); do; 2897887 Wh, Ware asocc0o dar - Ogilvie. — Flaw in the marriage chain. (People’s lib.) 49. 2B 2088 Pap., ZOC.. oeees 20s ces vecesece Ogilvie. — His love and fortune; [also] Far too clever. Peo- ple’s'lib.)) 49; 7825982" pap, lOc... .. 5. Ogelure. — Proposing to her [and other stories]. (People’s lib.) 40, - ?8] 509 Paps, LOC cs Sse c cles e = ie Oguiure. — Saved by love; [also] Concerning a plebeian. (Peo- ple’s lib.) 4°. 782.528 pap., lOc... ... Ogzelure. — Wedded and parted. 129. [’84.]®° $1; pap., 50c. | Ogilvie. — Wife’s ordeal; [also] Poor Aunt Barbara. (People’s | ibs) 40. BOISE apes WOCh ee am near OGUlute: Southworth, S. S. California for fruit-growers and consumptives. ill.and map. 8°. ’83.9° pap., | Dlacccce-nceceeecesees W. A. & C. S. Houghton. Souvenir of Boston. photographs folded. obl. 32°. | ZS REP OA. 7D (VCE crererel sletereicier iets. ei els a) ersten VILECLONILQIUIN: Souvestre, Emile. An attic philosopher in Paris; from | the French. New issue. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. WD tee | COC. PAD 20Cs« «erence 1 AD LELOIe — Same. 8°. [’82.]°*8 pap., 20c...[ Am. News ;] Setiuff. — Slight mistake. -(Acting drama.) 12°. [79.]#8° PAp., LOC... cece vescce saoe see aisisrele) cisie . Happy. | Sower (The). Wilson, R. 7dc.; 35c..... Whittake-. ‘ ‘ mm | Sowerby, J. G., and Crane, T. At home. sq. 8°. | ASP tOIB! DdSse, sresO Ome sam ec cies cet M. Ward. —and Emmerson, H. H. Afternoon tea: rhymes for children. 4°. 780.48 bds., $1.50. [ R. Worthington. } | Sowers not reapers. Martineau, H. ldc..J: W. Lovell. | Sozinskey, T:S. Care and culture of children. 12°. | SSO ae SOD Oar a ajere sve crerate cle ate) ci arse -»« Watts. | — Personal appearance and the culture of beauty ; with | hints! as) to character, 169) [?772|2* S)-50) SPE Dicreverel ere alej rs aiesiele oiclel nai LOTULIILE Ie. 47. (Nov. 84.) 369 SPECHT Spalding, J. L. Essays and reviews. 12°. [’77.]28! SSD Oi yeres sereieyereiele oe el a's) Gieela) iene) 5205 COLI UO — [lectures and discourses. 12°. ’82.*5338 $1.50. Cath. Pub. — Religious mission of the Irish people, and Catholic colonization. 12°. ’80.449 $1.50.... Cath. Pub. —(ed.) Illustrated school-books: Arithmetics. 8°. [GSN ete cteteleteveiets wfere clei ele wielere ole me ciclo COLIL IRD: Cont.: Illustrated table-book; or, first lessons in numbers. 20c. — Staudard arithmetic, no. 1. 75c.— Standard arithmetic, no; 2. (oc: Same: Readers. 8°. [776.].--....-..-Cath. Pub. Cont.: Young Catholic’s illus. primer. 20c. — First reader. 25¢e.— Second reader. 40e.— Third reader. 50c. — Fourth reader. 75c. — Fifth reader. $1.25.— Sixth reader. $1.50. — Young ladies’ illustrated reader. $1.25. Same: Spellers. 8°. [’76.] .....---.-- Cath. Pub. Cont.: Young Catholic’s illus. speller. 25c. — Grammar- school speller and definer. 75c. Spalding, T: Alfr. Elizabethan demonology; with especial ref. to Shakespere and his works. 12°. BO etee OE eee e slot gece eo se SCTUUNEN & We Spalding’s official croquet manual. See National Cro- quet Convention. Spang, H: W. Practical treatise on lightning protection. 12°, tenlese spl b Olea: « -----eClazton, R. & H. Spanish fairy tales. Arrom, C. B. de F. $1.20. Lippincott. Spanish gypsy. See Eliot, G: (pseud.) Spare hours. Brown, J: $1.50..Houghton, M. § Co. Sparhawk, Fes. Campbell. Lazy man’s work: a novel. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. ’81.*** $1.. Holt. Sparkes, J:C. L. Hand-book to the practice of pot- reso tery painting. (Half-hour ser.) 32°. (778. ]%* Pap., 2OC..-- cece vececerececve -ceove MAMPEr. — Hints to china and tiledecorators. ill. 16°. [?77. ]**! Gr ieieeis ooh sietelieieis) © (s10 le =) exe saavodnco 000 LUMO Sparkles for bright eyes. Alcott, L. M., and others. RTD Oererase cya vei cvelevels slele: e/eleier na) s/ela a) wiclela aims GOO 1UECLs Sparkling stream. 50c...-..--.-....-.----:- Sparks, JMrs.. Ma. Crowninshield. [‘ Hymns, home, Harvard. 12°. OPO) Gooncaccdd0dacndo Sieh vere ecevciwiet | Sparks from my forge. Kendig, A. B. $1 .- Russell. Sparrow, W: Select discourses. 8°. [’77.]?*? $2.50. Whittaker. Spath, A. Christtags-Andacht f. d. Sonntagschule. B20, (78. ]82 pap., bc. -. «- -- 26.6 ++ BIOS. — Jugendfreund-Lieder: Gesammelt. 16°. [’78.]%° “pap., MG Orieiniere. ok) or eicreclcresiclel cio s/o a ioeiey tele ,00St- Spaulding, Jos. Whitman. Practice in civil actions and proceedings at law in courts where the com- mon law practice is in vogue; with amendments necessary to incorporate the provisions of the statutes of Maine and Mass. 8°. ’81.°*8 shp., eee — Same ; and index. G. & Co. | Spectre of the Vatican; or, the efforts of Rome in | England since the reformation. 12°. 24.6. 242 CL tNo505 to55 000005 OODC Siorelais/ shove vsieis Whittaker. Spedding, Ja. Account of the fe and times of Fran- cisuBacons 2ive 120) w7Sersee Shi ht cle. mo: Houghton, O. § Co. — Evenings with | are viewer; or, Macaulay and Bacon. | Diya 80: 2808938 S75... 3. Houguion, MM. § Co. | : ES | Speech and manners for home and school. Kirkland, | By S: Sl peeeseceos eestee Fee e tees . - Jansen. Speen Tt. W. For himself alone. (Seaside lib.) 40, 784.829 nap., 10c. Same. (Seaside lib., P ocket ed.) 12°. 784.8! pap., 10c. -.- Munro. Spell-bound. Dumas, A. 7dc..-.- seri cle ss OUTLELON. | Spell-bound fiddler. Janson, K. $1.---..-- Griggs. | Spence, H. D. M., and Exell, Jos. S. (eds.) Pulpit commentary. 13 vy. 8°. *88—84. 8 *S ea., $2. | Randolph. Cont.: Acts; exposition and homiletics, by A. C. Hervey, homilies by var. auth. 2yv.—I Corinthians; exposition by Archdn. Farrar, homiletics by D. ‘Thomas, homilies by var. auth. — Deuteronomy; exposition by W. L. Alexander, homiletics by C. Clemance, homilies by var. auth. — Exodus; « x position and homiletics by G: Rs iwlinson, homilies by var. auth. 2 vy. — Gen- esis; introd. by W: Farrar [and othe exposition and homiletics by 7: W hitelaw, homilies by var. auth. — Jeremiah; exposition by ‘l. K. Cheyne, homiletics by W. F. Adney, homi- lies by var. auth. y.1.— Joshua; introd. by A. Plummer and J.J. Lias, homilies by var. auth. — Levitic Ue introd. by R. Col- lins and A. Cave, exposition and homiletics by Ff. Meyrick, homi- lies by var. auth.— St. Mark; exposition by E. Bickersteth, homiletics by J. R. Thompson, homilies by var. auth. 2 v.— TSamuel; exposition by R. P. Smith, homiletics by C. Chapman, homilies by var. auth. — and others (eds.) Thirty thousand thoughts: ex- tracts of religious and allied topics Yo Jlg) Christian evidences, ete.; introd. by J. S. How- son. OU we; { _*683 Shep he) Olcuerelerelctste) ereletericreiane Funk. | Spencer, B.H. Sunday-school normal class guide, no. i, WS ERLE jap, ANG coco coco code So. Meth. Spencer, C: Edgar. The Vv iking, Guy, legend of the Moxahala, and other poems. 12°. [’78. ]®?° $1.75 L ipprncott. Spencer, Dwight. Thehousethatrumbuilt. ill. 16°. (ATE ess MW cone Go coco acone Nat. Temp. Outline of the public life and services of Spencer, Re T: F. Bayard, Senator of U.S. from Delaware, Cee te with extracts from his speeches and the debates of Congress. 12°. ’80.*44° $1; pap., D() Onfereraleite cole te <12 101 <) coir oleic) cleras) siciais Appleton. Spencer, Herb. Ceremonial institutions: pt. 4 of The | principles of sociology. 12°. 780.*46 $1.75 Appleton. — Dataof ethics. 12° ’79.*997 $1.50. Same. New cheap ed: 1120) 783.994" pap., 50¢: Appleton. | — Same. (Wumboldt lib.) 4°. 780.49 pap., 1dc. Fitzgerald. — Descriptive sociology. nos. 4-8. f°. [’77—’83. ]269-986 MPS SDASE ccc 3 n1 ayeyeiiolecie! efe\a\ol sci s)e) (pre toie) eters Appleton. Cont. : African races, comp. and abstract. by D. Duncan. $4. — Asiatic races, comp. and abstract. by D. Duncan. $4.— North and South Am. races, comp. andabstract, by D. Duncan. $4. — Hebrews and Phoenicians, comp. and abstract. by R. Scheppig. | $4. — Social history of France. $7. | — Education, intellectual, moral and physical. New cheapreds 1/295 7805459" “ans, 50c: Appleton. | SPIELHAGEN Spencer, Herb., continued. — Same. (Humboldt lib.) 49° ’80.43° pap., 15c. Fitzgerald. — Manners and fashion. (Humboldt lib.) 8° 782. PAp., 15C.-- 22+ cece ee cee cece eceens Fitzgerald. — Philosophy of style; [also] The mother tongue, by (Humboldt lib.) 8°. ’82.°°° pap , ldc. ff itzgerald. A. Bain. — Political institutions: pt. 5 of T He principles of soci- ology. 120. 782.*°59° (S50) ~~. 2 Appleton. — Principles of sociology. v. 1. “10 (207. 244 $2.50. Appleton. — Progress: its Jaw and cause; [also] Physiology of Origin and function of music; Social Use and beauty; Use of anthropo- morphism. (Humboldt lib.) 4° 781.47" pap., VDC: Geloiors wicsars o1eie |e cielcle’ + clais c/eitje elm ive 6s itz gerald. — Herbert Spencer on the Americ ans and the Americans laughter ; organism 3 Ce on Herbert Spencer. 12° 783 [782].°72 pap., UO Circe oe coe eicicaw eles si nieicilele: olei> ile cre cic = Aeon — Readings from Herbert Spencer on education; sel. by J. B. Young. (Chautauqua text-bks.) 24°. 835019" nape, LOCice «oe cers sien Phillips § H. — See also Meyer, B. Aids to family government. Spencer, Ja. ( See Jones, S:, and Spencer, J. C. Spencer, Jesse Ames, and Lossing, Benson J. Com- plete hist. of the U.S. 2y. ilk roy. 8°. [778.]%%4 $13; shp., $15; hf. tky., $18; full tky., $20. Am 1eS. storehouse of | A treasury new and old: Fulle Things pref. by T: or, Spencer, J: illustrations ; r; [also of similes, by R. Cawdray; both carefully ed. with introd. by J: G. Pilkington. Newissue. 4°. BR RGo I 8S a sees Seine ee teiaisliic eictevere cus el care Funk. Spencer, L. P. New Spencerian compendium of pen- I manship. pts. 1-38. [’76.] ea., 50c. ...Jrtson. Spencer, W:G: Inventional geometry. (Sci. primers.) 18°. Udall. DO Crrerersternisciorerercin erniste ore 1 ppleton. Spender, Emily. ‘True marriage :anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib. sq: 49. “719.7°%? Paps, loc... Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 780.*°° pap., 20c....Munvyo. Spender, Js. J: Kent. Gabrielle de Bourdaine: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4° 783.7% pap., DOCH iswestee cree ee Wie wlateiel crete) bicleleicia cisiieie oe Harper. — Same. (Seasidelib.) 49°. ’83.°%* pap., 20c. .. Iunro. — Mr. Nobody: anovel. (Franklin Sq. lib. Vidor 48a re2e Pap., 20C. -.. 22 cece cece necacceee . llarper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4° [’84.]®? pz cane 10c. Munyvo. Till death us do part: a novel. ae Sq. lib.) 40, 782,*832" “pnap., 20c. . Harper. — Same. (Se aside lib.) 49. 782.949 pap., 20¢. - Munro. Spenser, Edm. Poems. ‘(Globe ed=) 169 7765] Silezor bt. Ch, moczbs MOM. ae «6s a Appleton. — Same. (Riversideed.) 3v. cr. 8° 778.9! $5.25. Houghton, O- & Co. — Same; ed. from the best ed., with mem., notes and glossary. ail; 120, [Pezesese Sievon. Cnowele: — Faerie queene (cantos 1 and 2); with biog. sketch, notes, ete. aus: classic ser) 1169: 782. pap, 12c. sis suidlaw aisle cctee Clark § M See also Mowry, M. H. Spenser. Ma. C lare. senefit of the doubt. 16°. ’82.°7° ENIt Go00dG 66 er alofel eie)-a\ciels olalolarerel register Ss 0 : so Re Y ’ f bch oo and autographie regis er f sq. a [Gor COUNeseL Pole ee Sarr Bier aie 79.! Oe reis iol slors/e esi sie setae cis ea crabner & W.} .. “ : : f — Gems from the discourses of [Spurgeon]. 12°. °83. Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of mod. physics. @] ee ee ae ee ee ear (Internat. sci. ser.) 12°. ’82.*°?4 $1.75... Appleton. Spurr, G:G. Landof gold: tale of 749. ill. 12°. 781.5” Standard library; [also] Standard series.-.... Funk. piled Oper ceretstccera) te sisveral aieiaio <\ci nie seis ey ote Williams. Nole. Entered under authors, subjects and titles. Spy (The). See Cooper, J. F. Standing in others’ way. Hoyt, Ms. G. 8S. $1.25. Square of life. Tyng, S. H., 97. 40c. -....- Mucklow. Gannett. Squatter sovereign. Humphrey, Js. M. A. $1.50. Stanfield, Clarkson. Coast scenery of England. ill. ae =| 4° P79 R 4] SnOle ol ofa ere ose lelcicic crane cl erersyerare , Coburn & N. go, Lid ) Bouton. Squibb, E: R. Proposed legislation on adulteration of | Stanford, C: ‘The Lord’s praver. (Household lib. of food and medicine. (Heonomic monographs.) exposition.) 169 7’83.°°° $1.25 oo Macmillan. DO A OS80F ain DOC. ee cece en reje ae ete ~ntnam. |— Philip Doddridge, D.D. (Heroes of Christian hist.) ~ Pap. I ) Squier, Eph. G: Peru: incidents of travel and explo- 12°, 780." TDC. + eee wee ee een we Armstrong. ration in the land of the Incas. ill. 8° [’77.]?7°| Stanford's compendium of geography and travel, based Sb) orale si wlors eiele) creole oie)cle)vleiele (siave(e «14 elal en <)- Harper. on Hellwald’s Die Erde u. ihre Volker; ed. and Squire Arden. Oliphant, fs. M. O. W. 20c...Munro. extended by H. W. Bates; with ethnol. app. by s c e : = ee : yy er o 7 7348 - . FR Squire Baul; Warring, H. 25c)-.-.... «-.- Harper. A, H. Keane. 2v. 8° [°78.] Saas eee A zr : : - = Scribner & W. Squire Trevlyn’sheir. Wood, Jis. BE. P. 10c.. Munro. | ee pao er , ee 5 : ~ ey eal Cont.: 1. Africa; ed. and extended by K. Johnston; with Squire’s darling. Clay, B. M. 10c. ........ Ogilvie. | maps andill.—2. Central America, West Indies, and South Squire’s legacy. Hay, M.C. 20c........... Munro. America; with maps and ill. Squire’s secret [and other stories], by the author of A| Stang, W: (comp.) Life of Martin Luther. 12°. °84.°7 year out of my life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °81.°7 PAP-» 2OC. seer ee cece ere rene ceeeeeeveees Pustet. DADs LOC! cieyejerorciacletn cio wivinie) oe esis se 61s --- Munro. | Stanger, G. H. House sanitation. ill. 8°. ’82.558 Staats (pseud.) See Staets, W: Pap., 40C. 22-2 oe cn cen e cece ck cern ews ce Spon. Stabler, Ja. P. Certain evidences of practical religion. | Stanley, Arth. Penrhyn. Addresses and sermons. 32°, 78.4632 Pap., OC.- +e see. Iviends’ Bk. Assoc. 12°. [Petites | 228 SSD race cis) several ote cre Macmillan. Stables) Gordons. Cmliccot ther Snowbirds: silly 12))|| ge accbcsscsud scumons inl Snenca) 17S enon *84 (F83i}.*s2? $1.50 we 01a bivielc ee: 6 sis elves Armstrong. l (9. Jr D1 s te poe elace hi eemmties ea lg a yey eee £ Macmillan. — Dogs in their rel. to the public (social, sanitary, and | — Christian LS ULL D Sac S sty on ecclesiastical sub- legal). 16°. [’78.]®27 75c.. Cassell, P.,G. § Co. jects. 8°. °81.*#80 $2.50. Same. (Cheap ed.) , é = . , me . 4 39 AIS GO, S056 5400 500nG0) Scrtbner’s S ; — Jungle, peak, and plain: boys’ book of hunting and Loe ae ain Gada © te CONES EONS. adventure. ill. 4° (777.787 $1.50. — Same. 12% 81." ONC. +2 serene ven ees Harper. : Cassell, P..G. & Co. | — Hast and the West: sermon preached in Trinity Ch., ; : ; pteiaa eer een iy 30S Ye 22, 1878 OF ioe) ps 25¢ — Practical kennel guide. ill. cr. 8°. [’77.]?67 $1.50. Boston, Sept. 22, 1878. 8°. °78. Pape mC: Cassell P GQ ¢- Co Wiliams. — Wild adventures in wild places. 3d ed. cr. 8°. ’83. | Historical memorials ot Westminster Abbey. oth ed. $1.95: 9 Cassell ill. 8°. 82.543 UDUla ec se ce sees cc Scribner & W. ED Diy ep ete ohecslares sie ers ers e:cicin ai sielsl arene Cassell. f i aed e — See also Shaw. V.. and Stables. G — Lectures on the hist. of the Chureh of Scotland. : New and cheapered. cr. 8°. [’77.]?7! $1.50. Stack, E: Six monthsin Persia. 2y. 8° ’82.5§ $4.50. Putnam. Stacy, J. S. Code of civil procedure. See Lowa, General Assembly. Staél-Holstein, Mme. A. L. G. N. (Baronne) de. Corinne: story of Italy. 20 books in 1. 89°. Scribner, A. § Co. — Lectures on the hist. of the Eastern church; with introd. on the study of ecclesiastical history. Newied. map. 12° 784.9 $9; hf. cf., $4. Scertbner’s Sons. — Lectures on the hist. of the Jewish Church (Lib. ed.) : ['76. ]?°° 31; Pape TOC. eee ne FOOD DOOC Peterson. 3v. maps. 8° ([/76.]24° ea., $4. Same. New — Same; from the French by I. Hill; with metrical and cheapered. 3 vy. maps; ‘cr. 8° [277.1284 versions Of the odes by L. E. Landon. sq 168: ea., $2.50. whe eeee Feet Scribner, A § Co. wee Ui Co" revcieiei0) (8) oininie «)(e/ cj eisieleelexere S. W. Green. | — Same. (Westminster ed.) 3 vy. 8° 778.38 $9: Staets, W: ([‘‘Staats.”] A tight squeeze; or, advent- Scribner’s Sons. ures of a gentleman who undertook to go from |— Same. 1st ser. From Abraham to Samuel. New N. Y. to New Orleans in three weeks, without ed. maps, plansandpor. 12°. 784.6 $2. money, asaprofessionaltramp. ill. 16°. ’79.%*999 | Scribner’s Sons. SDL DAD ee OC. eres clone « HOAddOQG00 --+--- Lee § S. | — Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D., Stafford, H. N. Slate tables; for slaters, quarrymen, | Jate Head Master of Rugby school. New ed. 2 v. architects and dealers. 4th ed. ill. 12°, ’80.*455 | in lS por, Soh [ign |264 $2.50. ae 22 Y "7 v Y leath., Shedie) sie! ole fe) cis aYa'allele/ orelalalelclicueye etsis trie cic Pratt. Scrtbner, A. &§ Go:STANLEY Penrhyn, continued. Sq. 240) | (HS ON eh Stanley, Arth. — On baptism. 25¢e.; pap., 10c. Ward & D. — Sinai and Palestine; in connection with their history. | | Starr, Merritt. New rev. ed., with new maps and other ill. 8°. ?8B O80 BO OOM eee = eee Ae eee Armstrong. — Westminster sermons: sermons on special occasions preached in Westminster Abbey. 12°. ’82.*944 OPIN 5c CGGdK0 adc edo ole cei cneierers Scribner’s Sons. — Same. (Franklin §q. lib.) 4 782. *542, nap., 20c. Harper. | — Thoughts that breathe; from the writings of Dean Stanley, sel. by E. KE. Brown; Brooks. (Spare minute ser.) 12°. [’80.]*4!7 $1. Lothrop. Stanley, Edn. J. Rambles in wonderland; or, up the Yellowstone, and among the curiosities of the Na- tional Park. map andill. 12°. (78. ]8° $1.25; DADs DCs wrclers ei eiereinl= clelevsielels elefelair elects Appleton. Stanley, H: M. Through the dark continent: Africa. | 2v. mapsandill: (8 [778-842 SOs shp:., p12’ hf. mor., SILI Diss Bterereveterreiecon asin acca ever are Harpe a”. Stanley, Ma. Measure for measure: a novel. 12°. 789570 SUD OSes cle siete a ae ace Cark ton. tanley, Maud A. Work about the Five Dials. 12°. eis: 82° OM UD occ ecsic wis RNa oo ele crehiay elas Macmillan. Stanley, W: Ford. Experimental researches into the properties and motions of fluids. ill. 8°. °82.°74 S6 Spon. — Treatise on mathematical drawing instruments; with hints upon drawing and coloring. 5th ed. ill. er: 825 [s: See eel uate oie si ciclo ever ho sien Spon. Stanley Brereton. Ainsworth, W: H. 20c...Jfunro. Stanton, Eliz. Cady, and others (eds.) woman suffrage. 3v. v. 1: [848-1861]. v. 2: V8GI=1ST6: § 82. 7ZSl— 82 ~4901mobs: Sh Fil cfs. CYS Ane oa poo moot GOO orp Gascac Fowler & W. Stanton, R. H. New digest of decisions. See tucky, Stanton, Thdr. (ed.) The woman question in Europe: ser. of orig. essays; with introd. by F. P. Cobbe. Court of Appeals. SOF BO de Os ane (ie cveceis eal wiciele celine icinisie Putnam. Stanza and sequel. Greene, A...-..... Whitney § A. Staples, R. G. Gospel echoes: coll. of songs. 16°. eMSal222 = paps, oc: Seca en Cental bic Star andaheart. Sec Lean, Ms. F. Star and the cloud. Hobart, Irs. C: 75c...Randolph. Star book for ministers. Hiscox, E:T. $1. UO. D. Ward. Star by star; or, Theodore: a novel. Cheaped. 12°. Ooo APs OUCH wire iis aejein) es Lippincott. Star chamber cases; showing what cases properly be- | long to the cognizance of that court: reprinted from the ed. of 1630; introd. by F. F. Heard. | sm. 49; 782.582 bds.. net, mo; full Ene: cf., net, Sh OVI eeay ai ccai ai cue) elev aie iter cisieleleiisl <\eisicie) wie) eyalere Soule Jy B. Star flowers. Bailey, U. L. $1.25......... Putnam. star singer. Straub; S:. W. G60c: <3. .<-- s<-+c Jansen. Star-spangled banner. Appleton, N. 25c. Lockwood, B. & Co. Starboard andport. Hepworth, G: H. $1.75.. Harper. Stark, Caleb. General John Stark ; Officers of the Revolution. with notices of several other go Pee 292 2 DOoO- Hastman. Stark, Ja. H. Illustrated hist. of Boston harbor. ill. and map, 16% 779.429 pap. doc. ..- Walliams: — (comp.) Antique views of ye towne of Boston. 8°. ? naoc Gen ODURaCA 00NC Photo-Llec. Starlight stories. Lablache, Ff. $1.25.. Pott, Y. § Co. Starlight through the shadows, and other gleams from 83.579 subs., $6 the King’s word. Havergal, F. R. 25c.; 50c. Dutton. Starling (The). Macleod, N. 20c.; 10c...-- Munro. | Starr, W. H. INthods. Dive | History of Ken- | Stearns, H: Putnam. Memoir and official correspondence of STEBBINS | Starr, Eliza Allen. Patron saints. 2d ser. 8°. ’81.488 SDOWO Ulelkere eieiee (ola aici ’aie/alci ciel «ois sie cieverovsi es siciey so oie Piet | Starr, F. Ratchford. Farmechoes. ill. 12°. ’81.*486 Oi Ae wibiers ceo mi ris os ieee Sccee ere a ore ane Judd. Index-digest of reports. See Wiscon- sin, Sup. Court. Centennial hist. sketch of the town of New London. 8°. ’79.379 75c.; pap., 50c.- Allyn. Stars and the earth; or, thoughts upon space, time and eternity. Rev. and enl., with notes by R: A. Proctor; repr. from last Lond. ed. sq. 16°. ’80.*4% BOC. wie eta violate a/cie's) Cle ie cisrcie eisisle Oe c.clets G. I. Jones. — Same ; introd. by T: Hill. New ed. 782.944 50c. Lee & 8. Stately homes of England. , and Hall, S.C Statesman’s year book: statistical and hist. annual of the states of the civilized world, 1877-1884. 8 v. 12°. - Macmillan. Note. Statham, F. Reginald. three-cornered problem. 8°. See Jewitt, L. Pr Ae on eeE ns Mane e iO a ae Tele. soe OU ty ho 1877-83 ed. by F: Martin; 1884 by J. S. Keltie. British: a D2. Macmillan. Stationers’ price-book and illustrated and descrip. cata- logue, embr. comprehensive finding and discount- Blacks, Boers and 8] 190 list. sqi it) ([2803j*2% $2. <...-- H. Lockwood. Statues in the block, and other poems. O’Reilly, J: B. SHI (eralora alee sie siete «ieteie gi ais\icie eel sie ej) os sees Roberts. Stauffer, Fk. H. The queer, the quaint, the quizzical : cabinet for the curious. 8° ’ 82.*853 $2.50. Tripple. Same. 8°. 783 OU Oba as cree. R. Worthington. Staunton, Sidney A. The war in Tong-King: why the French are in Tong-King, and what they are doing tenes Wily Soe TS8te shes" pap... 2oc: Steam house. See Verne, J. 2Q9 590 Y ~~ --- Cupples, Steam towing on rivers and canals. Meyer, F. J., and WernTOnns Wie = br asses cin ele ieleiciacleccrireteres Spon. | Steamer-book. Helmuth, W: T. $l..---- Carleton. Stearns, BE: J. Archbishop’s champion brought to books =G° -6less) pap. 20cs = -..- Whittaker. |— Faith of our forefathers. 12°. ’79.4°7 $1. Same. 5th rev. ed. 12°. 781.488 SJ; pap., 60c... Whittaker. Insanity : its causes and preven- tion. 2, BBE ON Maccandodcddd Putnam. | Stearns, J.G.D. Meaning and power of baptism. WA, (eS! biile2h) Cooa cach cob gounca Tribbals. Stearns, J. N. (ed.) National temperance almanac and teetotaler’s year book, 1877-84. 16°. [’76- Bou ereey eA, Napes LOC wae « remieee Nat. Temp. — National temperance hymn and song-book: new coll. 16°. 80.*44° pap... 10c........20. 04 J Nat. Temp. |— Prohibition does prohibit; or, prohibition not a failure. Rev.andenl. 12°. ’82.°%° pap., 10c. Nat. Temp. — Water spouts. sao Shi rere seed! Nat. Temp. Stearns, Jona. F. 3edford sesquicentennial celebra- tion, Aug. 27, 1879: historical discourse ; [also] A sketch of the celebration. Wiese DADs BB Gy cee seeeieieeier cme | sleistare Be eet wires Suess Stearns, Winfrid A., and Coues, Elliott. New England bird-life: manual of N. E. ornithology; rev. and ed. by 8. Coues. pt. 1: Oscines. ill} 8% 7Sil.*90° Lees S. of prey, 92.50. Lee & S. Only a tramp; or, the golden links. 1805 (ar Ole passeres, birds — Same. pt. 2: Nonoscine 12° 783 590 game and water-birds. Stebbing, Grace : OR GU bc ON NOM le crejelsielere ress nteleiel steers Whittaker. Stebbing, W. Analysis of Mill’s Logic. 12°. [77.] NTT ESE (i) tavciinve) aiielal eimialieiie ei] ¢)e/elisis ee jeleluinipin ime ere Appl ton. Stebbins, Emma (ed.) Charlotte Cushman: her let- : . : 6 2=Q 7332 ters and memories of her life. por. 8°. [778.] GRD (evel etal one eres (ota waren eleiee)o = Houghton, O. § Co. S ifag i Sot reor STE 3BINS Stebbins, Giles By After abomane Peon what? Materialism, or a spiritual philosophy and natural Oo religion? 12°. 780.439 75c.; pap., 50c... Colby. = Same. odeds 120 784.52 60ci...-- ... Nourse. — American protectionist’s manual: protection to home industry essential. 4th ed. 12°. ’83.°° 75c.; Pap., 400... 202 veces cece ee ree teen Nourse. —(comp.) Chapters from the Bible of the ages. 6th CU Oe ERM Rese Po Oise coe «cle cicicve sfel Vourse. Stebbins, Rufus P. reading: inquiry ows of Moses. Study of the Pentateuch for popular into the of the so-called POF Sil $1.25 -Hllis. age 920 Stebbins, S sridges. Annals of a baby. sq. 16°. [eens] 264" PAPes DOC Lac oe oe oe creases - Carleton. — Same. sq. 16°. [’82.]°! $1; pap., 50c... Peterson. —— He and I; or, was ithe? 16°. [777.]?°! pap:, o0c. } Carleton. Stedman, Edm. C. Edgar Allan Poe. por. 16°. 781 [780].*4°* pap., with vel. cover, $1. Houghton, M. & Co. — Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (Vest-pocket ser.) BUD, PiticlR? Wes cce0 5960 voc do go0c Osgood. — Favorite poems. (Vest-pocket ser.) 32°. tiles} DGS oie cle acts cies 6 © aie) vic aici nie cl pic © sje al als oie 0 Osgood. — Hawthorne, and other poems. 16°. [’77.]? $1.28. Osgood. — Octavius Brooks Frothingham and the new faith. por. G2, IP AGI WEG. casd6o6n0c0 Putnam. See also Modern classics. Stedman,S. 0. Allen Bay: astory. 16° [°76.]?%? SPR Dec crccccolianve oie! claveleie clarekeicvcis etelelelereys L upprncott. Steel, Ja. Selections of the practical points of malting and brewing, and strictures thereon; for brew- ery proprietors. pl. 4°. ’81.4°° $12....Spon. Steel necklace. Du Boisgobey, F. 20c..... Munro. Steele, Dan. Milestone papers, doctrinal, ethical, and experimental, on Christian progress. 160 Seas sale Sai lliateirelai ofelicuare: lls) site cleieicieis oc ciel se) weciele Nelson & P. Steele, Mis. L. A. B. Rev. Adonijah and his wife’s relations. 12°. ’80.47° $1.25....-...1 Authors’. Steele, Ja. Cuban sketches. 12°. ’81.*°!7 $1.50. Putnam. » - Jansen. ). *5 120% 73° $1.50 Abridgment of the hygienic f. to alcoholic drinks and nar- — Frontier army sketches. 8 Steele, Joel physiology, Dorman. with re cotics; for junior classes and common schools. WG ESE OS cos00caK0s bod ae — Fourteen weeks in physics. ill. 12°. ’79.%°4 $1.2 Ba eS. — Fourteen weeks’ course in zoology OOF [eile PO Ws pile Oe ors crs cpericie tore! «) aloe) olor « Barnes — See also Wood, A., and Steele, J. D. Steele, J: Treatise on the diseases of the ox ill. SOs Sion tos Seana rsacre E., and Mann, H. P.| Omics; Wh GBB EBooasqoosod Osgood. | Sterndale, Rob. Armitage. The Afghan’s knife: a novel. (Hranklin Sq: lib.)) 4°. 779.7588 pap., ND Circo oteleveve neice eleven eviorerels 6 AGOGO AOE .- Harper Sterne, Laurence. A _ sentimental journey through France and Italy; [also] Tale of a tub, by J. Swift, with etchings and por. by Hedouin. (Old Eng. romances.) 12°. 782.9% $3..Scrbner & W. terne, Sim. opment of the WU. S: 12° ([r Same. 4th rev. ed. 2. | WERE! OA. Cassell, P., G. & Co. — Hindrances to prosperity; or, causes which retard financial and political reformsin U.S. (Economie monographs.) 12°. 779.*87 pap., 25c.. Putnam. — Suffrage in cities. (Economic monograplis.) 16°. (7Seieed paps, 2OC. wn «6 «1 aR etare ---- Putnam. Sterne, Stuart (pseud.) See Bloede, G. Stetson, G: R. ‘The Liberian republic as itis. 8°. 2Bilstes DADss LOCs creer cle sie cis mie ofaier Williams. — Problem of negro education. 8°. ’84.*°45 pap., 10e. Constitutional hist. and political devel- | Dy RE ESL 2B, | Stevens, J: Art of house-painting. 18°. [777.]3°9 ° = TD. Oe teloretare oi ere\aieleiei oleic cists cre se voce seccee es Weley. Stevens, J: Austin. Albert Gallatin. men.) 129 784 [783i]-r814 Si 2b: Houghton, M. & Co. — Burgoyne campaign: address. 8°. [’77.]°% 50c. Randolph. — Yorktown centennial hand-book: hist. and topog. guide to Yorktown Peninsula, Richmond, James Raver and Nowolks, all os 2822s | naps, (Am. states- DD Ohicrecic eiciiolorseieten ier crete Bieis ts sles ive ae [ Am. News. | Stevens, W: Bacon. Sermons. 12° ’79.*878 $1.75. Dutton. Stevenson, Alex. F. Battle of Stone’s River, near Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1862—-Jan. 3, 1863. maps and plans. 8° 784.° $3....... Osgood. Stevenson, Dan. Elements of Methodism. 169. -’83.597 TD Cacia se ves cise cee wee aes wmicreiscicie a) WQLae7ru. Stevenson, D: Life of Robert Stevenson, civil engi- meer pls 40 (eS eee Sole cc we Spon. Stevenson, J. J. Housearchitecture. 2 vy. 8° 780.477 Soil ieiaterere staiele wi viohsis e ouevereas ooece osoeee Macmillan. Cont. : 1. Architecture. — 2. House-planning. Stevenson, Ja. H. Boots and saddles: hist. of the first volunteer cavalry of the war, known as the Kirst N.Y. (Gincoln) Cavalry. ikl 89) 779.222 EL) oo oo aGboGR Gado Gu0C ei sxetwais ciamerers ee Patriot. Stevenson, R. Randolph (ed.) The Southern side; or, Andersonville prison; with app. ill. 89. [?76. ]?49 $35; shp., $4; hf. cf., $5.-.. Turnbull. Stevenson, Rob. L: Familiar studies of men and books: 120 7ggrass — Inland voyage. 16°. — New Arabian nights. (Leis. hour ser.) 16°. °82.*°84 $1. Same. (Leis. mom. ser.) pap., 25c... Holt. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.°8° pap.. 20c... Munro. — Silverado squatters. ill. 12° ’84.*66 $1.. Roberts. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’84.6° pap., 10c... Munro. — Travels witha donkey in the Cévennes. 16°. ’79.*%89 ShilW a averb steerer ste) eteiere) BAO donb Oooo NOSOU OGO - Roberts. — Treasure Island. ill. 12°. ’84.*89 $1.25..Roberts. Stevenson, Js. Sa. Hackett. Physiology of women. Odi ed. [YU0, 28re82 Sib) s Cushing; L. § Co: Fh Neroc. WOO, FRE STL no o0 6 Fairbanks, P. § Co. Cupples. Steven Lawrence. Edwards, Mrs. A. 20c.-. Munvo. Stevens, Abel. Character sketches. [20% 28 e0cd SilieD Oleversie ere aioie\e isl criss consis «slots oleae Phillips & I. — Christian work and consolation; the problem of an effective and happy life. 12°. ’82.°° $1. Phillips § H. — Madame de Staél: study of her life and times. 2 v. | ore, AS OR Ga boo oden conn oo Harper. | Stevens, C: Wistar. Fly-fishing in Maine lakes; camp-life in the, wilderness. 24°. ’81 [’80].* Sie = Same, New eds wil ‘sq- (om tse) GOB see He eee, ee aS eee ere Williams. | — Revelations of a Boston physician. 12° 781.*47 Spills oyeroustsieic.< aie eene rexel oi ererotere a) ele eueisie cick Walliams. Stevens, EK. T., and Morris, D. (eds.) Annotated poems of Eng. authors. 5v.:in l. 16° ‘78- FY) ESE ION Tepe, (AL, Giilooso ooagnae . Lippincott. Cont.: Elegy in a country churchyard, by T: Gray. 20c.— The deserted village, by O. Goldsmith. 20c.— The traveller; or, a prospect of society, by O. Goldsmith. 25e.—'The lady of the lake; first canto, by Sir W. Scott. 25c.— The task, bk. I., by W: Cowper. 25c. Stevens, Eh. W. The Watseka wonder: startling and instructive psychological study, and instance of angelic visitation; case of M. L. Vennum. por. SOF Sse Naps LOCK tele cweisle scocod ah IE Stevens, Halsey R. Faith and reason: heart, soul, and hand work: concise account of the Christian religion, and of all the prominent religions before and since Christianity. 12°.’79.*973 $1.50. . Somerby. | Stevenson, T: Lighthouse construction and illumina- tions, Si pla tOoe 7O es OO e ra osee-- SPON, Stevenson, W: F. Praying and working. New ed. 16% [777.J27 Gl.----- «1-2 ew ene eee Carter. Steward (The). Cockton, H: $1; T5c. ..Peterson. Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy; with app. by A. Bain, on the correlation of nervous and | mental forces. (Humboldt lib.) 4°. ’80.**' pap., UO Cxrsi= cleretore eiielelaieiiatel eis elorelelicrsievatater sche Fitzgerald. | Stewart, D: Law of marriage and divorce, in Eng. | and the U.S. 169.’83.%4 flex. shp.,$3..S. Whitney. —and Carey, Fs. K. Digest of the law of husband and wife as establishedin Maryland. 12°. ’81.*47° Jenthenettes 3) orcs see gee seme = = Pr Wurphy. | Stewart, G. T. Christianity against the liquor crime: address. 12°, ’80.4°* pap., 5c...-..Nat. Temp. | Stewart, G:, 77. Story of the great fire in St. John, | N. B., June 20,1877. map. 12° [?77.]?* $1.00. [ Belford Bros.;| Lockwood, B. § Co. Stewart, H: Irrigation for the farm, garden, and Orchard: qs) L208 ([7qeja plleb0 Judd. — Shepherd’s manual: practical treatise on sheep, de- signed for Am. shepherds. New ed., enl. 12°. | Ui SacGd FeRie O) cette lereteleree eleya eis ele cia eceinrel-re Judd. | | Stewatt J. GC. Blopement:; farce. 16% [j7G.|e° pap:, 15c....+..+---s- Selon elo sie reier +++ De Witt. —8A.M.: sketch. 16°. [°76.]*° pap., lic...De Writ. — Three chiefs: sketch. 16°, [’76.]?*° pap., loc. De Wrtt. — Wrong woman in the right place: negro sketch. 16% [°76.]%48 pap., 15c..---.----»--.De eit = 6 STEWART Or od Stewart, J: H. Digest of decisions. See New Jersey 6 STODDARD Stirewalt, J. P. Grades in the ministry ; with remarks Sup. Court. on the ministerial office and ordination. 8°. — Reports. See New Jersey, Court of Chancery, Pre- ZOO MTDC: seekers oieiavel sto oie) clelcrsie eketncio rec Stirewalt. rogative Court, ete. Stirling, A. (pseud.) At daybreak: a novel. 169°. Stewart, L. Wave and battlefield. ill. 12° [7’79.] ZOE EAST RAO Dera oye ciate ame oh cio eral cla »+«+++ Osgood. BL50-- 0. ee ee ee cee eee seer cece enee Routledge. Stirling, E: Family pictures. (Acting drama.) 12°, Stewart, Morse. Pocket therapeutics and dose-book. [(°79.] pap., loc... -.6...20..6e06+es- LOOrbach. 3died., enl. 32° 782.*278 Si; mor, $00: — Old Drury Lane: fifty years’ recollections of author, Stewart. actor and manager. 2v. 12% ’81.4% 6. Stewart, S: J. The gospel ©f law: discourses on Scribner & W. fundamental chureh doctrines. 12: 82.941 | Stirling, Ja. Hutchinson. Text-book to Kant: The 91.25 Stewart, T. G. Memoirs of Mrs. Rebecca Stewart 16°. (ts AY GOChK ees cc ect African Mon Ch Stick tothe raft. Gladstone, Is. G: 75c...Cong. Pub Stickney, Alb. A true republic. 12°. ’79.*8% $1. Ha Vper. Stickney, J. H. Child’s book of language. 4 pts (7380. ] Can LOG? seek nc ee ae eee Appleton — Letters and lessons in language. pts. 1-4. 783 esthetic, categories, commentary, index; 43}) [UU Putnam. critique of pure reason; schematism, translation, with biog. sketch. 8°. Stirling, M. C. Grahams of Invermoy. (Franklin Sq. lib. £0, OAS, aps, WoC. oe cree cciee 1 IDEN — Minister’s son: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 429. 789593 pap., Oke oss occ cle 'c wie nis Mieletese oo TTarper. — True man See Craik, G. Stirling, Viola M., and Stirling, M. C. The Henry Irving birthday- comp. ) ea 20C Same pt. 5 83. AD GS «cic {ppleton book; composed of quotations from some of the : = ap She : ae tharacters which Mr. Irvine has acted, ete. por. Stigand, W: Life, work and opinions of Heinrich pectin : o I di ri 12° SBERSIS SOD cick a ce ce ones Routledge. Heine. 2). por. 8° 780i $3.75..Bouton. Stob Ee I w.u Is] 1G : = : : : : os : 7 >t rh; J: fe ; slam and its founder. (Non- Stiles, E: H. Digest of decisions. See Iowa, Sup. Oey oo E sea an S Guint | Christian relig. systems.) 8° [’77.] $1.28. ae ott, Y..§ Co. Still, W: Underground railroad records. New rev. Stocken, Ja. Elements of dental materia medica and ed., with life of the author. ill. 8°. ’83.°4 therapeutics ; with pharmacopeia. 12°. [?77. ]3°% me SUDS EE OO ioe cicte c= wlmicimieicis err 0s o.0'ele vie sie Still Pile DO eae ae eee see Lindsay & Blakiston. Still hour. Phelps, A. Spill tctarsvcleve icc (o vstelofe Lothrop. — and Gaddes, Et: Same. 9thed. 16°. 782.95 $29.50. stil-hunter Wan Dyke, Si 2icc cece: « Fords. Blakiston. Still waters run deep: comedy. Taylor, T: 15ce. Stockett, J: S. Reports. See Maryland, Court of De Witt. Appeals. Stillé, Alfr., and Maisch, J: M. National dispensatory ; cont. nat. hist., chemistry, pharmacy, actions and uses of medicines. ill. 8°. 779.359 $6.75; leath., DHT OU) er wie sie toieyoieic| eo sieterere site) cieree cece ese ia oe Lea. Stilié, C: J. Studies in medieval history. 12°. ’82.528 Spire) cies eiereiere aii rele alae elete a evellaisit a Lippincott. Stillé, Moreton. See Wharton, F., and Stillé, M. Stillman, C: F. See Delafield, F., and Stillman, Ca hy Stillman, J. D. B. The horse in motion, as shown by instantaneous photography ; executed and pub. under the auspices of L. Stanford. 4°. 82.53 Spi lieve micye os ciavevelo ccs cla teie se choice cpavssoe eer ere ere Osgood. — Seeking the golden fleece: record of the pioneer life ee 3 in California. Stillman, J. M. Good will. Stillman, J. M. — and Straub, S. W. > . Roman. pl. 8°. Anthem treasures. ’85 Sy. Straub. 2%). Stillwater tragedy. Aldrich, T: B. $1.50. Houghton, M. & Co. Stillwell, W: H. Notes on the descendants of Nicolas Stillwell, the ancestor of the Stillwell family in Amienca: “por, 82. 783.28 nap), Sic... Vash. Stimson, F: J. [‘‘J.S. of Dale.” ] Crime of Henry Vane: a story with a moral. N68 264x827 Si Scribner’s Sons. Glossary of technical terms, phrases and maxims of the common Jaw. 12° 81.527 shp., net, $3; leatherette, net, $2.50 .........-. [nttle, B. § Co. — Guerndale: an old story. 16°. ’82.*541 $1.95. Scribner's Sons. — Mrs. Knollys. See Stories by American authors. and others. illum. cover by F. G. Attwood. ill. 8° ’80.*437 | Ison OS 466566 Sanco ooeD oe cere reese Williams. Stimson, L: A. Operative surgery. ill. 12°. 79.385 MoO erekericiele cis eieielcis ce se curs cote etic es Lea — Practical treatise on fractures. ill, 8°. °83.577 DANKO LEAL DeIDIs ceils sise G criece on oe ack Lea Stimulants and narcotics. Howie, J. M. 5c Nat. Temp. Rollo’s journey to Cambridge; ill. and ‘| Stoddard, Seneca Stockton, Fk. R. ill. sq. | — Jolly fellowship. Floating prince, and other fairy tales. 79] K513 - ill. 8°, $2.50 29: - Scribner’s Sons. ?80.%*454 S150. Scribner's Sons. — Lady, or the tiger? and other stories. 16°. ’84.*648 Shilesvarste ster eces winieys eiete\ ciel eieleieveler cle acc) f Scribner's Sons. — Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. New ed: ill; 80 28895 pds. Si.50: Scribne rs Sons. — Rudder Grange. 16°. ’79.*98° $1.25. Same. New enlieds 1G. | (280484 Silva pap-;, 60c: Scribner's Sons. — Tales out of school. Newed. ill. 8° ’81.5°8 bds., Sri PU) eaateloie ol cicicretcrcre cla vciercisic sic eet Scrtbner’s Sons. — Ting-a-ling tales; ill. by E. B. Bensell. New ed. (SY, AOE ON oS Ao aoc ef ssi eieels Scribner's Sons. — Transferred ghost. See Stories by American au- thors. Stockwell, Mrs. M. J. What shall we name it? dictionary of baptismal names for children. 20% (2849882 pap: 2c: .-- Stockwell. | Stoddard, C: Warren. Mashallah: a flight into Egypt. (Handy-veser:)) G25 23) [280i] 8457 60e:s pas, (comp. ) ceeeeeos 5 () CO eiereterese ciel: si eicre\cyes cise e) clclin) oiele) sie) , sy 1. Niencous WVunro. e an 1¢ : oO! 1 poe : Stories of Jew is h life Kompert, 1 2 | paste el eee Hoon Co. Stories of paumousn od devoulonsi 70) eaten =a — Ode on the ‘anniv. of the fifth half century of the from the French by Mrs. B. T. Speed. i : 16°. landing of Gov. J: Endicott. sq. 8°. 78.32 pap., (Same 0) ier etrctccccceccccce cece Walden. B0cs «ce mintelle opsioes oieiey eyo elel< cio ciel cep een LAINO Stories of the cate ore cities of England. Mean | Story after story. ill. 4° [’78.] $1.25.... Nelson. ae ID RBIs coco oobo on booco0D sec e CATtEr. | x me : Q : es ve : oe aa | Story after story in words easy to read. ill. sq. 8°. Stories of the dog and his cousins, the wolf, jackal, [PSQuias2) abdss. focte eeee ence a ehoutledae: and hyena. Miller, Ms. L. F. 7dc......- Nelson. = 4 Story box. Tucker; Mrs. C. 8yv. $Y ......Nelson. Story ofa bad boy. Aldrich, T: B. 50c..-... Osgood. Story of acat. La Bédolliére, E. de. $1. Harper. Houghton, O. § Co. Stories of the old world. Church, A. J. 40c..- Ginn. Story ofa Concord farm. Reynolds, G. 25c...Cupples. E. 31 Story of acountry town. Howe, E. W. $1.25. Stories of the East from Herodotus. Church, A. J. $1.50... intatele elvicrelal creel civic els. eis picleielip ele le! ciel s Dodd. + Stories of the Old Dominion. Cooke, J: E. $1.50. Stories of the sea, told by sailors. Hale, E: Rokents. - Howe § Co. Stories of Vinegar Ilill. Warner, A. B. 3v. ea., $1. Story of a dog. Bell, N.R. EB. o1.-..-. Lappincoit. : Carter. | Story of a feather. Jerrold, D. 20c...... Routledge. Stories of war told by soldiers. Hale, E: E. $1. Story of a flower and other fragments twice gathered. Roberts. Pontes ite Silene clio a ie pelos sere Randolph. Stories toldin the old arm chair. ill. 83. 25c..- Cassell. Story ofahappy home. Howitt, IMs. M. $1.25.. Nelson. Storm driven. Healy, M. $1; 50c.....-.Lzppincott. Story of a Hessian. Guernsey, L. BE. 75c...Am. S. S. Stormonth, Ja. Etymological and pronouncing dic- Story of amine. Harte, F. B. tionary of the Eng. language; incl. sel. of scien- tifie terms; pronunciation rey. by P. H. Phelp. $1......--«» Osgood. Story ofapoodle: book for boys. ill. 16°. EiGanzs3 $1. - ae ; : Routledge. Cl Son aD $3.75. Same. Gth ed., rev. A . ; =e cere > | Story ofashell. Macduff, J: R. $1.50...... Carter. 120°. Silesss wR ees slalislale clisiclsis SCTLDILEN & W. z ¥.° . ; 5 ee artes stony, of a shower: ‘Drury, A. WH. lOc... Munro. Storr, Fs., and Turner, Hawes. Canterbury chimes; ! > : ; or, Chaucer tales retold for children; with ill. | Story of asin. Mathers, H. B. 20c...-..--. Munro. from the Ellesmere ms. 16°. 79.971 $1... Roberts. | Story of a story. Lee, M. $1.25....... Ward § D. Storrs, R: Salter. Declaration of Independence, and} Story of astrike. Murray. E. 30c......... Luthor’. the effects of it: oration, July 4th, 1876. ~- 8°. | Story of a wedding ring. Clay, B. M. 10c.-. Munro. M (°76.]°° pap.) 7d. - 2+ ee ee- eee +» ftandolph. Story of a woodenhorse; tr. from the French by Mrs. — Early American spirit, and the genesis of it; the Qeiparker call aco (°77. 3% 75c... Routledge. Declaration of Independence and the effects of} . : nk fee oe T7888, G25508 soe ae ee Randolph. Story ofan honest man. About, E. 50c... Appleton. — John Wycliffe and the first Eng. Bible: oration. 8°. | Story of Annette. Wood, Mrs. J. A. 50c..--.. Pret. qSO beats MADE DOCH e «wisi os els) cis aicie Randolph. | Story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. Anderson, IMs. G. $1. — Manliness in thescholar. 16°. [’83.]*8 vel., 35c. Jansen. Randolph. | Story of Avis. shelps; Hi. S. $1.50)... .<./. Osgood: — Psalter, with form of service adopted by the Church Story of Benvenuto Cellini. Kirby, M. and E. 50c of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn. 8°. ’83.5°4 limp cl. ae Nelson and leath., Wl ooan code cecac tenet ee eee Barnes. Story of Bobinette. Keddie, H. $1.25.. Scribner & W. — Recognition of the supernatural in letters and in life: StorobRoonea coc: Tnekeou. i i. 35 Ronee > 30 7% 494 1 » ) 0 mie Oe « JACKSO 4 ‘S. - OVC. °FUS. oration. 8° [781.]*#9* pap., 50c..-.Randolph. S y f ae ‘ se ne a : 9 eae eee : ee ; : tory of carnival. See Hoppus, M. A. M. Story, Jean. Substantialism; or, philosophy of know]l- y eae e ppoe? oe edge. 12°. °79.*4°3 97.50 Williams. | >tory of Cecil and his dog; or. the reward of virtue. OME ein ae GIRO, ST ee Se ee Jew issue. i 90 279 36] 61 OF Sans — Same, with title: Summary of substantialism; or, New issue. ill. 12% 778. $1.25..J. Miller. philosophy of knowledge. ill. 781.479 35¢... Rand. | Story of Elizabeth. See Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. Story, Jos. Commentaries on equity jurisprudence as | Story of four acorns. Engle, A. B. $1.... Lothrop. administered in Eng. and Am. 12th ed., rey., | Story of Helen Troy. Harrison, Ms. C. C. $1.. Harper. with notes and new cases added by J. W. Perry. Story of Ida Cer Alexander. F DeveOoe ieee ishprn lo. cattle. Bak Oo. |e sae C Sree meee ee — Commentaries on equity pleadings and_ incidents Story of Iris. Holmes, 0. W. 50c....--.-.-+ Osgood. thereto, according to practice of courts of equity Story of Jesus simply told for the young. Mulholland, of England and Am. Rey. and enl. by J: M. Re Sleeee rece eee cece eee sees --- Benziger. Gould. 8°. °80.*” shp., $6.... Little, B. § Co. | Story of Joseph and his grandfather. 18°. [780.] 50c. — Commentaries on the conflict of laws, in regard to Am. 8.8. contracts, rights, and remedies, and especially in| Story of liberty. Coffin, C: C. $3......... Harper. regard to marriages, divorces, wills, successions Story of little Flora. See Charley’s lessons about » and Somer 8th ed., . by oe M. Bigelow. animals. : 8°, °83. SL Dea op Ole cavers erer- «e+. little, B. & Co. “ > . y ae ee a ee ees 5 C0 Story of Marie Dumont. See Pollock, Lady. commercial and maritime jurisprudence. 9th ed., Story of Martin Luther. New ed. 16°. [777.]*” 1.20. rev., with add. by C: P. Greenough. 8°. ’89,524 : Carter. Sipe 66. ses oe: veces ener seers s Little, B. § Co.| Story of Melicent. See Madoc, F. — Commentaries on the law of bailments, with illustra- | Story of my heart. Jefferies, R: 75c....... Roberts. tions from civil and for. law. 9th ed., rev. and Story of Nala and Damayanti: Indian legend, pre- enl.“*by J. Schouler. 8°. 778.385 shp., $6. served in the archives of Hindostan; tr. from @ Inttle, B. § Co. the Sanskrit into Eng. prose, added expl. notes — Commentaries on the law of promissory notes and by PanditaJaganatha. 12°. [’84.]®7 pap., 25c. guarantees of notes and checks on banks and| c J: Burns. bankers. 7th ed., rev. and enl., by J: L. Thorn-| Story of our country. Monroe, Mrs. L. B. $1.50. Oi PB hyn, GBS donc Inttle, B. § Co. | Lockwood, B. & Co.STORY Story of Puff. Livingston, Wis. C. M. 7 Story of religion in England. Herford, dc... Lothrop. Be Sile75: Jansen. | Story of Roland. Story of Siegfried. Story of Sigurd Niblungs. Baldwin, J. Baldwin, J. $2...Scribner’s Sons. $2... Scribner's Sons. the Volsung, and the fall of the Morris, W: $3; $2.50..... Roberts. Story of Sir David Wilkie. Simpson, A. L. 80c.. Nelson. Story of Sir Humphrey Davy and the invention of the safety lamp. 16°. [’78.] Story of the beacon-fire. Naomi (pseud.) 60c... Nelson. Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. Yonge, C. M. Story of the coup d’état. D0C. 2. See Maupas, M. de. $1.75. Appleton. Story of the diamond necklace. Vizetelly, H: 20c. Munro. Story of the Gospel; or, our Saviour’s life on earth, told in words easy to read and understand, by the author of The story of the Bible. ill. 16°. [Sipe WD Ce entre cle tile eter siclelsicie« OSLEI: Story of the Latin quarter. Burnett, IMs. F. H. Sce Stories by American authors. Story ofthe manuscripts. Merrill, G: E. $1..Zothrop. Story of three sisters. Maxwell, C. 20c..... Munro. | Story of Valentine and his brother. ME OL OW: 20GE cabbie ceee acces seme con VWunro. Story of young Margaret. Fellows, L. G. $1.25. Phillips & I. Lowell, R. J. Roberts. French and Spanish painters: critical account of the most noted artists of the and Spanish schools. etchings. 4°. $10; hf. levant, $15. » ees Coates. W orthies of science. RS ON Ree Story or two from an old Dutch town. S-. $1.25. Stothert, Ja. and biog. French Gs222 Stoughton, G: pl.50., 12°. Stoughton, J: opening of the Long Parliament to the end of the 18th century. New rev; ed: Gy. 120: 78/7623 SILO) colejele cele) } | Strauss, D: F: The old faith and the new: a confes- Sions 1298 878355. lob Omen ec 5 cis Truth Seeker. : : : Shas orttonsdacchtem | Navan. ML des. be Strong arm and a mother’s blessing. Kellogg, E. = a ; Canker | GRD Sica ccciete ieloldin ovale W eevee eele al eterereie cvelei aie Lee & 8S. Stray arrows. Cuyler, T. L. G60c. ......---+ Carter. | Struggle. Phillips, B. 25¢..--.-...-..---4 Appleton. Stray chords. Anagnos, IMs. J. R. $1.25-.Cupples. | Struggle fora ring. Clay, B. M. $1.50... Carleton. Stray leaves from a passing life, and other stories. 8°. | Struggle for fame. See Riddell, Mrs. J. H. femS-e-2 SleDO-- .. 2-3 -- seen wie Cath. Pub. | Struggle of Brown, Jones & Robinson. ‘Trollope, A. Stray melodies. Ketchum, J: B.....2 Am. Lit. Agency. | LUC. v6 oo me oe ene esos eens ween se ween - Munro. Stray pearls. See Yonge, C. M. Struggling upward. Jones, 8. J. $1.25...Am. S. 8S. Stray sheep. (People’s lib.) 4°. 82. pap., 10c.. Ogilvie. Stuart, E. Little brown girl. 16°. [’79.] 80c...Dodd. Strecker, Adolph. Short text-book of organic chemis- | Stuart, Esme. Belfry of St. Jude: a story. ill. 12°. try, by J: Wislicenus; tr. and ed. with extensive [’80. #487 $1.25..-. 2.2 eee eee - Pott, Y. & Co. add. by W. H. Hodgkinson and A. J. Greenaway. | Stuart, G: Latin book. 16°. 782.5% $1.. Eldredge. BON See Sh ittere «wis cieielei cisils) asi cye le ore Appleton. | — Latin reader; with notes and lexicon. 16°, 782.558 Streckfuss, Adolph. Castle Hohenwald: a romance; | De cere cree cece ee ee eens cee e ee we eeee Eldredge. after the Germ., by Mrs. A. L. Wister. 12°} Stuart, J. A chapter of science; or, what is a law of "T9Y*ST— BL.50. we eee ee eee ee eee Lippincott. nature: lectures to workingmen. (People’s lib.) — Quicksands; from the Germ., by Mrs. A. L. Wister. 12°, [°84.]*64 net, 45c...... E.§ J. B. Young. - ee ote DUR acs es Lippincott. Stuart, Kenneth Moody. Brownlow North: records —— 100 rich 2) romance ; eaten the Germ., by Mrs. A. Iu. and recollections. por. 8% °78.*872 g3. Wasters 6 lis(Salee pileo0) cn. [rppincott. [ Randolph. ] Street singer. See Addison, D. C. | Stuart, Moses. Exegetical essays on several words Streeter, Edn. W. Great diamonds of the world; their rel. to future punishment. 16°. [’78.]*48 70c. hist. and romance; ed. and ann. by J. Hatton Presb. Bd. and A. H. Keane. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’82.5%] Stubbs, C: W: The mythe of life: sermons; with DADs OCs eestor rayere etotelare er ieter) seller ne sieres- Harper. introd. on the social mission of the Church. — sq. : we Aes ner 90 79] 482 & oye — Precious stones and gems: their hist. and distin- 12°. “81. Dl ee se eae c ees eee ee wed Macmillan. guishing characteristics. ill. 8°. [’78.]*44 $9.| Stubbs, W: Constitutional hist. of England in its Scribner & W. origin and development. 3v. 12°. [’78.]%?! ea., Strength of her youth. Doudney, S. 10c.... Munro. | $3-50' set, S10..... bi shcuorevclenecete(el cretei: Macmillan. Strength of men and stability of nations. Chad- | —The early Plantagenets. (Epochs of mod. hist.) bourne. bs As Wbe.....- ie eve ees Putnam. maps. 12° [776.]?? $1...- Scribner, A. § Co. Stretton, Hesba (pseud.) Smith, Ha. 6v. $6.. Tibbals, | Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Christian sociology. 12°. Stretton, Julia. Margaret and her bridesmaids. (Loy- Bis SOR 31.50. Rae Pr ae ay Punk. ell’s lib.) 16°. "999 587 pap., 20c...J: W. onc \ aa Life of Immanuel Kant. 8°. ’82.°4% $4.. Macmillan. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 40, ?83,578 pap., 20c... Munro. Student life at Harvard. Tripp, Gib alibi; Silt: — Queen of the county. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. 783,587 Lockwood, B. § Co. | DADs OC Neiercrrare ef ofeieyeiereicie =e eis crojarce J: W. Lovell. | Studentis' dream. Perrin, R:. SS: Sill ...2--.. Jansen. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 49. 782.549 pap., 20c... Munvo. | Student's French grammar. 12°. [’80.] $1.25. — Rector’s wife; or, the valley of a hundred fires. | Harper. @Dollarisers), 120) s[e78ie39 pil ec. Peterson. | Student's life insong. $1.50 .......-+--e-e- Ditson. Stretton library, Smith, Ha: 6 vy. G6... .. Tibbals. | Students’ commonplace book. Fox, H: J. $4.50. Strickland, Agnes. Queens of England; abridged | Barnes. and adpt. from Strickland’s Queens of England, | Studer, Jac. H. (ed.) Popular ornithology: the birds by R. Kaufman. (Young folks’ hist.) 3. ill. of North Am.; drawn and col. from nature by sq. 16°. ’83.*579,*622 ea. $1.50; set, $4.50. Estes. T. Jasper. 119 pl. f°. 783.°74 satin, $50; rus. Strictly tied up. Hope, A.J. B.B. 20c..... Miinro leath., $45; full tky. mor., $40; hf. tky. mor., : Ta : : : ; ; TROORDL)! wtererelele 6) ce ei al eiose ilies: slelorein.e secs Studer. Strike at Tivoli Mills, and what came of it. Arthur, Se iC mu ‘ ~ pee Sf SE IGE 500 eG. es cee weeees Garrigues Studia scenica. Margoliouth, D:S. 90c... Macmillan. Strikers, communists, trainps, ete. Pinkerton, A, | Studien und Plaudereien. Stern, S. M. $1.35.. Holt. Se 5 Oieciee aie cle cieroins eee coe sie Gisele cee Carleton. | Studies from life. Craik, Ms. D. M. 10c...Munro. Strive andsucceed. Alger, H., 47. $1.50. . Porter & C. Stroke of diplomacy. Cherbuliez, V: 20c.. Appleton. Strome, G: Select Germ. stories, with notes: practi- ne . cal method of learning the Germ. language. 5th] . Ae ee , ain Hie Onn Gon Ain. ed., rev. andenl. 16°. 82.963 }ds., GOc, | Studies in verse. Noyes, EB. $1........L¢ppincott. Enterprise Pub. | Studio arts. Johnson, E. W. 60c. .-......... Holt. Strong, A: H. 3aptism of Jesus. 24°. [’80.]*435 | Studley, Ma. J. What our girls ought to know. 12°. Studies in logic, by members of the Johns Hopkins Univ; 120° 283088 G2 we crs MLLLe, B- by CO. ‘ Studies in song. Swinburne, A. C: $1.75. DAD elOCs ee. whe side Sess eae oR Ward & D. PIS EAA) Soaccape cus cace sand Wood & H. Strong, Bessie. Conquered: anovel. 120°. [?78. ]938 | — Same: Newrzed:, 120. 789.036 Be oe cre cn UMS Spur atareralatallafelelellctalie\reiel>/) o\els (a) <\.eio/« ---- Carleton. | Study and stimulants. Reade, A. A. $1.50.. Lippincott.STUMBLING-BLOCKS Stumbling-blocks made stepping-stones to the Catholic faith. Moriarty, J. J. net, Blo, SUCH ceiemeerccine cieinn cries wie oe Cath. Pub. Stumbling stones. Aitken, W. H. M.H. $1. Randolph. | Sullivan. M. F sieie sia Am. Tr. | Sturgis, Julian. An accomplished gentleman. (Handy- | Sully, Ja. Stumme Jacob. ‘Tonna, C. E. 20 CSicie' VW. SCL.) 230 *9543 — Dick’s wandering. 12°. S $1.50. oo | on the road | Sullivan, Christina. Explanation and application of 16°. ’79.*°8? 60c.; pap., 30c... Appleton. | Houghton, M. § Co. | — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’82.5° pap., 20c.-.Munre. | Summer at Peace Cottage. | Summer boarders. — John-a-dreams: a tale. (Handy-v. ser.) 16°. ’78.%°” DADE BOCs ere crcvele oie arele etelao s/erslcretale, Melai Appleton. | — Little comedies. (Handy-y. ser.) 16°. ’80.*4* PAP-, BOC. 0 2 oe cece wens core cevcce ene Appleton. — Picking up the pieces: comedy. (Acting drama.) P20% 2832883 Maps, WoC: ceisie isi SOOtC — See also New York drama. Sturgis, Reb. Forbes. The price of a life: a novel. - Roorbach. | SUNDERLAND WE 1007 G. Thomson. elements and rules of perspective. 782.526 QOc.. P: y See Mississippi, de Table of cases. Sup. Court. Illusions: psychological study. (Internat. Scl-sser.)) 208 ZO SOOL | RSE (creer eccreie Appleton. |— Same. 2 pts. (Humboldt lib.) 8° 784. ea., pap., 30c...-... a lelolicialeiaiaisiiieieis (nicl a\cier Fitzgerald. | Summer. Thoreau, H: D. $1.50.. Houghton, M. 5 Co. Pratt, S: Wis $1250: Randolph. 31 Garrigues, Js. A.M. § Authors’. Summer-book. Sce Appleton’s Summer-book. Summer days down East. Sweetser, M. F. $1.50. Chisholm. Summer idyl. Fisher, F.C. 30c. ........2 {ppleton. We ASIEN SID ooc6 sagen cocoons cod Carleton. Sturgis, T: Common sense view of the Sioux war. | 8°. [iron] ze pap., 25c. .....-. : Williams. | Sturmhexe. Keyserling, M. 10c...... ooo ee Munro. | Sturtevant, Julian M. Economics; or, science of wealth: treatise on pol. economy. 12°. [’77.]%° SDiL(D) relies eiieie oc)m s\cileye (sls, 2) : — The keys of sect; or, the church of the New Testa- ment compared with the sects of modern Chris- tendom. 12° 780 {779]).*4!© Si7d..-. Lee gi S- Stwin, Adam (pseud.) Sce Richardson, J. Stylus ( pseud.) American publishers and Ting. au- | 370 ake 8°, 779.% Murray, C: oo ee Didier. -»-» Carleton. thors. Sub-rosa. pap., 30c SED Ole. Subdued Southern nobility: a Southern ideal, by one | Ofthe mobility. 20: 7 [seuea|eeee Subjection of Ilamlet. Leighton, W: Substance and show. See King, T: Substantialism. Story, J. $1.50 Williams. Successful failure: an outline. 12°. ’84.°® pap., 25c. Sl... Sharps. 75c.. Lippincott. Putnam. | | — Lectures on the hist. of protection in the U. S. | Summer-savory. Summer school of philosophy Taylor, B: F. $1-......- Griggs. it Mt. Desert. Mitchell, ‘ < eA = OED Ole aio ocereiois ine clei bleale e/a jocels Baca siete Holt. Summer stories for boys and girls. Molesworth, Jfvs. Wl Salt) Gaoas Peo de Bie sineie clsveseul Macmillan. Summerdale (pseud.) Why we live. 12°. 780.476 Boa crave raucle voles Gib Wik aueiel Steeles Geren: ---- Colby. 31 | Summerland sketches. Oswald, F. L. $3..Z2ppincott. Sumner, C: [78.338 Vv. 895 } ory Nis Cle, Complete works. $5 Lee oy S. — Personal relations with the President and Secretary of State. 16°. [777.]9° 30c. .......--LeegS. Sumner, S: B. and C: A. Poems. por. 12°. [’77.]?% REDO MaiiO\ cle «ioieis\sie(eie ore ae 65000 pono ZW Nac Andrew Jackson as a public D208 282 keae 2b: Houghton, M. § Co. | Sumner, W: Graham. man. (Am. statesmen ser.) 5°. eh 722 7Td¢. pessieoemeviavee So60 S000 OJ FITA NINO | — Problems in political economy. 16°. ’84.84° flex. Cli, DL 2D. cece rece vecccnne stare) efoveloteiay setae tL OLE: West, J. § Co. | 25c... Hunk. (Sea- Munro. 79] 498 Wunro. 20e. Munro. Successful men of to-day. Crafts, W. F. Sue, Eug. Arthur: a novel; from the French. sidenlibs)) 40. 78052" paps, 2 — Commander of Malta. (Seaside li pap., 20c. ..-- De Rohan. (Seaside lib.) pap., 40, — Martin, the foundling; or, adventures of a valet de chambre. 3 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 783.58?,587 CH, PAP., ZOC. aoccccccceccsescsecverce Munro. — Mysteries of Paris. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4° 778. €a., Pap., 20C. ocvews cereceicevesccaccees VWunro. — Pride; or, the duchess. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. Bowe TON DUP. AOCe ele sierele le ein eyelers «roi Wunro. — Wandering Jew. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4° 777. €Q., PAP, 2OC. ccivcce es ac scisicicicce = siemierst VWunro. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. Lives of the twelve @zsars;; the attr. of Ay, abomsons alls sos 783 [282].*°°° $3.75; $4.50.......- R. Worthington. Suffern, J. W. -The galaxy: coll. of music. 16°. (cS 249 Bl... e .... bia slarereuchers co) ele Brainard. Suffrage in cities. Sterne, S. 25c. ........ Putnam. Sugar and spice and all that’s nice: pictures and r r ay I thymes: K., J., and B:, V. $2. [ Rk. Worthington. | Sugar plums. Pratt, Is. E.F. $1..... .. Lothrop. ’ wp LE Suggestions in punctuation and capitalization; for type-writer operators. 24°. ’84.°? pap., 25c. Hall Type- Writer Ag. Suggestive thoughts on religious subjects. Southgate, H: $3 .----- Routledge. Suggestive thoughts on the purpose and process of all things: 140) @80ieo pcr. .. Butts. Sullivan, A. M. NewlIreland. 12°. [’77.]8°7 $2.50. Lippincott. eee e we wee ee we eo wee eee | | | | | — Protection and revenue in 1877: lecture. (Economic monographs.) 16°. [’78.\** pap., 25c.. Putnam. 16°. ’83.*606 ( — What social classes owe to each other. 60c. — and others (comps.) Political economy and political science. (Hconomic tracts.) 12°. °81.*49° pap., D5Ge ne. 5 COQ DOIN, IM, INE Sun maid. Se Sunbeam book. Sunday Chatterbox. Harper. 7 VEL 40, . ]8°7 $1.50.. Presb. Bd. [SOl S22) bdseel2d: R. Worthington. sm. 4°, ill. Sunday echoes. Brock, Ms. C. $1.50...-- Dutton. Sunday evening hour. Sanford, Mrs. D. P. $1.50; $2. Dutton. Sunday evenings with my children. Waugh, B: $2.50. Randolph. Sunday musings. Carpenter, W. B. $7.50.. Cassell. Sunday stories. Brown, H. N. $1.-Lockwood, B. § Co. Sunday pictures for our pets. v.1: The Old Testa- 2: The New Testament. ill. 4°. [’76. ]?*4 Same,in lv. $1.75....Nelson. ment. V. ea., bds., 90c. Sunday-school concert: coll. of concert exercises and dialogues for use of Sunday-schools, ete. 16°. °81.522, 50c.; pap., 25¢. ..-.-.-..---- War. Lemp. Sunday-school teacher’s biblical dictionary. ill. 8° 782,04 TODO Ins cm cies clei prey error cle Whittaker. Sundberg, J: C. Health hints for travellers. 12°. 28 dek0AS) 1 () Css sielcisie sisieiel nie miele eictcles eferere Brinton. Sunderland, J. T. Orthodoxy and revivalism. 12°. [EqGue Aleph. ee weaeds Miller. — What is the Bible? attempt to answer the question in the light of the best scholarship, and in the most reverent and catholic spirit. 16°. $1. Putnam. eceves seer ee > 7 Se 350SUNKEN 382 SW EDENBORG Sunken rock. (Cupples, G: Wdc. <..2.. 2... Harper. Sunlight and shade: poems and pictures of life and nature; ill. by EF: Barnard [and others]. 4°. IBBROlS, eB Tulle mors Mile a0 n1 © © So000 CAN. Sunlight and shadow. Gough, J: B. $3.25. A. D. Worthington. Sunny days for little people: short stories. ill. 4°. iO eoOt, AShe iD Chics cles «asic Cassell, P., G. & Co. Sunny hours. Raffensperger, Mrs. A. F. 25c..Am. Tr. Sunny life. Broomfield, R. $1........ W. B. Smith. Sunny Madge, the light of the household. (Robert Raikes lib.) 16°. [783.]8°7 pap., 10c..Am. S_S. Sunny-side. Phelps, Ms. B.S. 10c...... Am. S.S. Sunnyside tracts; lstser. por. 8°: [i7G.)242 ea., pap., DD Oe aioisleslercio ss cisvele ese) eieicie Gis ene Lane. Cont.: 1. Democracy, by C: O’Conor. —2. Finance, taxa- tion and reform, by S:J. Tilden. Sunrise. See Black, W: Sunset on Mt. Blane. Martin, Is. M. F. $1.50. Nat. Temp. Sunsets on the Hebrew mountains. Macduff, J: R. $1. Carter. Sunshade, muff and glove. Uzanne, O. $10. Iippincott. Sunshine among the clouds. Hedden, W: D. $1.50. U. D. Ward. Sunshine and shadow. Newby, Js. C.J. 10c... Munro. Sunshine and storm in the East. Brassey, Mrs. A. SDE ersleievarercrersis! cue terelew elcieiniere olerel cre cies srerels Holt. Sunshine for dull days. Addie (pseud.) 50c. Am. News. Sunshine in the shady place. Milner, E. $1.50. L ipprncott. Sunshine inthe soul. Tileston, IMs. M. F. 50c. Roberts. Sunshine library. 4 v. ill. 18°. [’76.]*44 $2.. Nelson. Cont. : Sunshine after rain. — The lost found. — Going to sea. — Nobody cares. Sunshine Mary. Graves, A. W. $1.15...Presb. Bd. Sunshine of song: coll. of songs. 4°. IPE GBs OUT ey DGS. le OOe vce eels ewe cc eels Ditson. Supernatural religion. See Newman, F. W: Supernatural revelation. Birks, T: R. $3.. Macmillan. Superstition and force. Lea, H:C. $2.50..... Lea. Suplée, sD: Hand-book of civil government under the constitution of the U. S. 12°. 783.59 $1. Eldredge. "78. ]9)2 $1.50. Widdleton. Suppressed sensations; or, leaves from the note-book of a Chicago reporter. eng. 12°. 780.429 $1. Rand, McN. & Co. [ — Onthe study of words: lectures. 12°. rc Sure foundation. Boys, E. 50c..... relererels Randolph. Sure guide for little footsteps. Jackson, BE. A. 20c.; aXe, Snood sfalelofolaoieralnieleiotn e(eioieie 1p cye ale rey2 tm. SoS Sure mercies of David. Shipton, A. 75c.; 25c.. Crowell. sure/shot. MeKeens Capt, 0c. -«.c.s56-.- De Witt. ae, ANaratt, Be Ee Ale, booaccaocco node Fords. Surf and wave. Ward, A. Ll. $2; $2.50.... Crowell. Surfaceman (pseud.) See Anderson, Alex. Surgeon’s daughter. See Scott, Six W. Surgeon’s stories. Topelius, Z. 6y. ea.. $1.25. Jansen. Surly Tim. Burnett, is. ¥. H. $1.25. Scribner, A. & Co. | Surprising adventures of Paul Blake. Elwes, A. $1.25. Lippincott. | Surr, Eliz. Sea birds and the stories of their lives. ill. | NO, (PAR FPA GL a coos cacoan ocean Nelson. Surry of Eagle’s Nest. Cooke, J: E. $1.. Huntington. Sursum corda. Tileston, M/s. M. F. $1.25.. Roberts. Survivors of the ‘‘ Chancellor.” See Verne, J. Susan Drummond. See Riddell, Mis. J. H. Susan Fielding. Edwards, Mis. A. 20c....... Munro. Susie’s opinions. Foster, If-s.I. H. 60c... Nat. Temp. Sussex idyl. Bigcke (Gy 3200. a. nee Harper. Suter, W: IX. A quiet family: farce. See New York drama. Sutherland, J.G. Treatise on the law of damages. DV (O28: 162-83. once (ene. Slips. $6..Callaghan. Sutro-Schucking, Kathinka. Die Erlebnisse einer Schutzlosen. (Deutsche Lib.) 4°. ’82.529 pap., NN agoo Sy ieiein Wehale aise *6 pap., 2) Crs ss Routledge. — Same; introd. and notes by R. Mackenzie. ill. and MAPS WO Ode wl DO lrerarererereraciererelanis Nelson. — Same; with etchings and por. by Lalanze. (Old Eng. romances.) 12° °82.543 $3... Serbner & W. — Tale of atub. (Old Eng. romances.) 12°. ’82: $3. Scribner § W. — Same. See Sterne, L. Sentimental journey. — Swim out for glory songster. 16°. ’82.555 pap., 10e. | | | on | De Witt. | Swinburne, Algernon C: Poetical works, inel. the | 83 Me (2.795) GOCHoe s wees LVelson: | SWITZLER Swinburne, Algernon C:, continued. — Poems and ballads. 2d ser. 12°. [’78.]33 $1.75 v. Worthington. — Atalanta in Calydon: tragedy. New issue. 160. Air 277 Shilo Dice sicleletcclecree c Siels.c sic sc coc Holt. — Century of roundels, and other poems. 12°. °83.%597 B1.75 vee cece cece e eee eee e+e. R. Worthington. —— ausivenenis. Newseds 312°. [i/isnsss Seb: Carleton. — Mary Stuart: tragedy. 12° 7’8].*52! $1.75. Rk. Worthington. — Note on Charlotte Bronté. 12°. - [?77.]3° $1.50. Scribner, W. § A. SOF lefo: Rk. Worthington. — Studies insong. 12°. ’80.*479 $1.75..R. Worthington. — Study of Shakespeare. 12°. 780.*419 $1.75. R. Worthington. — Tristram of Lyonesse, and other poems. 12%, °82.574 SED: Seco = Saree oricie vias ae eee Rk. Worthington. Swinburne, Ja. Practical electrical units popularly explained ill UGos) soot 60cr 49. Spon: ’ — Songs of the spring-tides. 12°. Swing, D: Club essays. 16°. ’81 [’80}.*48 $1.. Jansen. — Motives of life. 16° 79.4878) Si..... .-.- Jansen. — Sermons. 12°, 84 [7833]; #8}9 Sle DO n aeeace Jansen. Swinton, Alan A. Campbell. Principles and practice of electric lighting. = all; 120, 2845630 st 5, Van Nostrand. Swinton, J: Current views and notes of forty days in France and England. 16°. ’80.*4§ pap., 25c. Carleton. Swinton, W: Campaigns of the army of the Potomac: critical hist. of the operations in Virginia, Mary- land and Pennsylvania, 1861-1865. Rev. and Yeissue. por. and maps. 8°. ’89.*98 ¢3, Scribner’s Sons. — Condensed hist. of the U. S. Rev. ed. 12°. ’78,357 NWO pods donssocoodG se ties bic sols cuit . Ivison. — Introductory geography, in readings and recitations. ill. and maps. sq. 8°. ’82.*548 net, 55¢...Jvison. —— (Xkeaderse))) 120), “8978308 oe ater cre 2 -e JUUSON- Cont.: Primer and first reader. net, 25c.—Second reider. net, 35¢c.— Third reader. net, 50e. — Fourth reader. net, 65c. — Fifth reader and speaker. net, 90c. |— (ed.) Masterpieces of Eng. literature; typical sel. of sritish and Am. authorship, from Shakespeare to the present time. por. 8° 780.*48! $1.75. Harper. —and Catheart, G: R. (eds.) Book of tales, school readings; suppl. to Third reader. (Suppl. meaders) bee; (oleae! | b0C sae cic. Ivison. — — Easy steps for little feet : school readings; suppl. to First reader. (Suppl. readers.) ill. 12°. [’81.]*479 AD Crs eiaiew career Serres eee releiorerer ates Ivison. — — Golden book of choice reading; suppl. to Second readem-- (Supplireaderss) ills = 20, [sil s428 SOCK caiciw ser aie (ateGewyavelevatace aremerecoh em bie alee «+ vison. — — Golden book of tales: holiday readings in the legendary lore of.all nations. ill. sq.8% ’*82 [781 JE ete OND Ole ercrearererneisisaeucce ac Ivison. — — Readings in nature’s book; suppl. to Fourth reader. (Suppl. readers.) ill. 12°. [/’81.]*47? Gdc. - Juison. Seven Am. classics; suppl. to Fifth reader. (Suppl. EKKO) UI, |G IHS Slo oooasoo se Ivison. — — Seven British classics; suppl. to Sixth reader. (Suppl readers.) 120) [eS Re le Jorson: Swiss family Robinson Crusoe. See Wyss, J: R., and Montolieu, J. I. P. de B. (Barvonne) de. Swisshelm, Jane Grey. Halfa century. [Reminis- Cencessy| 120% 7801688) BI DOs nce -SUUSsiLEli. —— Name. 2d ed, W209 SOetteS TN b0) 2. cee. Jansen. Switzerland andthe Swiss: sketches of the country and its famous men, by the author of Knights of thepinozeny Seay -elcs = ills 20. [iifen|oe spill oe Dutton. most celebrated of his dramas. Complete ed.| Switzler, W. F., and others. Illustrated history of BO, VEE CN onoacoaceacaacadlh JO Winans. — Poems. (Lovell’s lib.) 16°. pap., 20c...J: W. Lovell. Missouni from 541 to 1877. ill; 80 79)*4°4 $2;50)* Jeath., Souvos Of, Ch. to.00%e. «1 Barns. ee - seam S > se 5FETE Toren ieee cata we SWORD 3 Sword and gown. Lawrence, G: A. 10c..--- Munro. Sword and pen. Owens, J: A. $2 -----+-+-: Ziegler. Sword of Damocles. Green, A. K. $1.50..Putnam. Sword of De Bardwell. Phipps, C. M. K. $1-.. Carter. Sword of the spirit. Fuller, T. $1.25; $2..7vbéals. Sworn to avenge herself. Haynes, N. F. 10c.- Ogilvie. Sybil. Disraeli, B: 20c...---.--.--- a cieieeiee Munro. Sybil Brotherton. Southworth, Js. E. D. EH. N. Sl ; yO) Ciakevovelololiciictelciole! cle) viainie) cre pielcie! « «ele Peterson. Sybil Grey. Perring, Mrs. 4dc...----+.-- Routledge. Sydney, Jos. American L’assommoir: parody on Zola’s L?assommoir. sq. 16°. [’80.]*4?! pap., BOGe a cieietl sc ereieieeic © olalc slejsie «view visi e1si = Peterson. Sydney. Craik, G M. lodc........ occ ce ss LAMpEr. Sydney the knight. Disosway, E. T. $1-.Am.S8.S. Sylva, Carmen (pseud.) See Pauline Eliz. Ottilie Louise, Queen of Roumania. Sylvan city; or, quaint corners in Philadelphia. (Our cominent lib.) ill. 12°. 7%83.*8&5 $2... Fonds. Sylvan Holt’s daughter. Parr,H. 20c....... Munro. Sylvan queen: a novel, by the author of Rachel’s secret. ((Mranklin Sq. libs) 495 780:*%24 pap... ID Ceeetetnr ec we eee wwe tere eee eee eee eee reece Harper. Sylvester, Nathl. B. Historical sketches of northern New York and the Adirondack wilderness. por. BO Re Ge cee eee ce-- We Ls YOUNG: — Saratoga and Kay-ad-ros-se-ra: historical address. SOF Ome | DADs) Zo Cree cia) cies W: H. Young. Sylvester, W. A. Modern house-carpenter’s companion and builder’s guide. pl. 16° 782.5% $1.25; DOSSs fonilicre crore ates ate) wi ciseieieolersie ele cle 11a Williams. — Same. 3d thous. enl. pl. 12°. 783.8% $2..Cupples. Sylvester night’s adventure. Zschokke, H: 75c.. Clarke. Sylvester Sound. Cockton, H: $1; 75c... Peterson. Sylvestres; or, the outcasts. Edwards, M. B. 20c. Munro. Sylvia’s choice. Craik, G@ M. 10c.......... Munro. Sylvia’s new home. Firth, J. B. F. $1.25....Hoyt. Sylvie’s betrothed. See Gréville, H: ( pseud.) Sylvin, E:, and others. French celebrities. pts. 1, 2. @Gtandard) libs)) U29% 1835e8lar 82 eae 7c. DADs) LOCcciccic cco wivic ae oleic s Sereuetevstel sicverc ote Funk. Symbolic parables of the church, the world and the antichrist: predictions of the Apocalypse, viewed in rel. to the general truths of Scripture. 12°. illel\pu Spay cre ciclo cic nieicioem cieie 6 Scribner, W. & A. Syme, D: Outlines of an industrial science. 120. [Beta el eee tan ieketorelore! «ciel sicley siecle c)cie) sei ei6 -. Baird. Symington, A. M. Story of Esther. 12°. [’78.] OMG ooann- oondog coo6 Siclole sieves cic o +2» WVelson. Symington, And. Ja. Hints to our boys, introd. by le Abbott. 16s (VSsc tee Woche. Crowell. Samuel Lover: biog. sketch, with sel. from his writings and correspondence. por. 16°. ’80.*443 MD Oat evels ale olniki ool ofo 1a) 0) smsic ae Randolph. Tabor, Eliza. Blue ribbon: a novel. (Seaside lib.) 40, °8(¢,461 pap:, 20c. .. 3... asic oureicretole cis Munvo. — Hope Meredith. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10c. Munro. — Jeanie’s quiet life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20e. Munro. — Lastofherline. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 4°. ’79.3” pap., DO Ca eiaccieeipielo len uaicieye sieleleie: « Siateyel sicia wets cere Harper. — Little Miss Primrose: a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) AOR OAS! aps OCs = seciereciae ce sale - Harper. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c..... Munro. — Nine years old; ill. by L. Frolich. New ed. 16°. 2B poze icpilennte vee) «lo ] > adh Witze u. witziger Juden. 19. ¢ [/ é | ait ue aian recientes toon Glecesa cc Bloch. — Lng. Witty Jews and Jewish wits. (i MoXe | ; 5 [ Am. News. ]! See also Talmud. — Same. Ist ser. Newed. ’84. $2. Scribner's Sons. Ten Commandments, and thirteen cree Is: or, chief fl: (Mar: 85:1] Joan of Arc. Dare See Jeanne. John the Baptist. Penick, C: C. More than a prophet: ser. of exposi- tory chapters of the life of St. John the Baptist SON fo oe ares sie moieties Whittaker. Reynolds, H. k John the Baptist: contribution to Christian evidences [°76 | Sai evaieickeievs . Barnes. John the Fvangelist. Culross, J. John, whom Jesus loved. 78 $1.25 Carter Macdonald, J. M. Life and writings of St. John 17 ite SOD Olseiccicsi coe oleic Scribner, A. & Co — Same New e¢ SQ. S33 eee. a Scribner’s Sons Johns Hopkins University. Jacobi. A. Die Johns Hopkins Universitat: vortrag gehalten yor dem Deutschen Gt sellig- W iss¢ nseh Vereine von N. 8] DOC: Sade cicc vec sLe1G 7's Johnson, Si7 J: De Peyster, J. W. Life and misfortunes and thi military career of Brig.-Gen. Sir J: Johnson, Bart Be ee ere eiore al savers oreleia p's Ludwig Johnson, D7. 8: Joswell. J. Life of Samuel Johnson, incl. the tour to the Hebrides. 78 BOF rate toccie co oileiel sexe ise TTolt — Same New ed., with notes and app. by A. Napi inven 84's. RODEN (OI: SSO! crevsie cca e is o's: ciere Li ott Macaulay, T: B ] Samuel Johnson. 78. OD sae cinch wis io iieie eicicisiclc siniele Bisic ieieversccisie [Te [. Samuel Johnson: his words nd his Oa SH () cvcrarcccrousiecaie vovsiereiele\eicievouers 1d ( J Samuel Johnson. "78 TDC... LH KF. Boswell and Johnson: their eompan- 1ons and contemporaries o ){ ; Zoc. ( S / G. & ( Johnson, W: S: Beardsley, E. IE. Lif nd times of William Samuel Johnson, first senator in Cong. for Ct. and Pres. of Columbia College, N. Y i S$9.50..Hurd & A Johnston, A. § Johnston, W: P. Life of Gen. A. S. Johnston 79 SD =—Ghilecieierelia eveiaelersccsevelele cre. cvs eieievs wceseees Anpleto Joints. Sayre, A. diseases of the joints. Lectures on du. Jokes. 8 See Anecdota ;— Wit and humor. Jones, J: Paul. Life of John Paul Jones. An 84 20 JI: Wil ; Joseph (Nez Perce Indian) Howard, ©. O Nez Peres Josep Journalism Bardeen, \ C. W. Educational journalism : address be fore the N. Ve state I< ers \ssoc mia toma Aug. 7, 1881 Si: ZO Cstelelaiciiaiate evel eietiote B leen Goddard, D. A. Newspapers and newspaper-writers in New Eng., 1787 1815. S80. 380 Bee liams. Pebody, ¢ Inelish journalism and the men who have made it: O25 DOCH 2D Cw ot aeneacen Cassell Reid, W. some newspaper tendencies: address. 279. BOC: See ccs vc Biche ate aie oleieeistelerae tree es Holt Warner, C: D. [he American newspaper: essay 28 2D Chcrsccicte steels Salovale! cicle a siecle s cieve cs cieee Osgood See also Periodicals Journals. Kloek, D., 77. Practical and systematic form for keeping a recc ofl } rd of a day, week, month, or -year. : : ; W: H. ¥, fd. Pets Ante) wisiieveveie’ sisieiece es eecer OuUNG. Joyce, J: A. Joyce, J: ‘heekered life. 783. BSA 0.. Rounds. | Jubilee sin Marsh, J. a A saa Che story of the jubilee singers, with their songs. Rev. ed. ’80. $1.. Houghton, O. & Co. | f KANSAS Judas Maccabeus. Conder, C. R. Judas war of independence. the Jewish Putnam. Maccabzeus, and ] TDs ep Judges. Heard, F. F. duties of trial pal courts in criminal cases; with forms [ete. ]. Practical treatise on authority and justices, district, police, and munici- 7 Qs OG paccreyeieucioreue SiS Siw sets Bie Littie, B. & Co. Miller, S: F. The Supreme Court of the UES. 2 Ser: of biog. 77.) $d-$8 die cnicieieie eee LLODLNSOTYs Judgments. Freeman, A.C. Treatise on the law of judgments. en). 2Bilie SOs exc s wtoves overs wi wlejopere - Bancroft. 3d ed., Judson, Adoniram. ye elite ife of Adoniram Judson by his son. Judson, I: > winieiecs Randolph. Oo Jurisprudence. See Law. Jury. Rollins, D. The Englishman’s right: dialogue in rel. to trial by jury; repr. from ed. of 1772. 88. OV cre ave ealele aleve eve loveietiole eiiwie re sieleceielsie) isieie oer) Soule & B. Thompson, 8. D. Charging the Jury. ’80. $2. Stevenson. — and Merriam, E. G Treatise on juries, incl. oy] ind juries. ’82. 86 DQ. 2c care eae ccf cle LEVENSON. Justices of the peace. Benedict, J. New York civil and crim. justice : juris- ction, powers and duties of justices of the peace in the State of N. Y., adapted to the new code. vy. 1. Sthed: 2835 S7.50es..- Lcieierote W. C. Lrttle. Clarke, S: R. Magistrate’s manual; supplemented by a complete digest of the criminal law alphabeti- cally ari 78 Scie cocci. Sto ere aint Hart & R. Cowen, E. ‘Treatise on the civil jurisdiction of jus- tices of the peace in the State of New York. 7th ed.. rey 83 SR Giciaciev eo seerersieine che ierevers suave vets Banks. Haines, E. M Practical treatise on justices of the peace, police magistrates, [etc.]in Illinois. 7th ed., rev. TG. Gain av sisveteieiarctene Sracarololavetetaleievelsie Myers. Ivlehart, A. Indiana treatis¢ treatise on the law rel. to justices of the peace and constables in Indi- ana. hil. NC. BOis ecu ce sieie ceca sine CLIC: Maxwell, S: Treatise on the powers and duties of justices of the peace, sheriffs and constables in Nebraska: with forms. 3ded. ’82. $5..Lancoln. Say 1@S, J: tices of the pe: Treatise on the civil jurisdiction of jus- >, with mode of procedure in justices in Texas, incl. forms. cee Le He Cush ing. eatise on law arising before justices in business transactions, as ad- courts of record in Ohio under rev. {th ed. net, $6. Clarke. New York justices’ manual. 3d ed. Parsons. Lee in criminal 2d ed "78. vated. Rs ALY OT the peace courts Cases SO) siete ciere Sy and stered mini in statutes of 1880; with forms. 80. T) M. H. S+4.. Iroop, ~*) ae ee eee eer emer er ee eet ee we ee reese ee Justification. Davies, R. N. Treatise on justification. ’78. $1. ITitchcock. Kadesh-Barnea. T H. Trumbull, C. Kadesh-Barnea: its importance and probable site. S3c]) So eae. Scribner's Sons. Kansas. Adams, F. G. Jist by counties of newspapers and periodicals published in Kansas, March 1, 1884. BA cies bine cle coe Cole ee ee Kansas Pub. Dickman, F. F. Kansas medical directory. ’81. ODA eleisieisletete a sunclececs 5 fel claveie sees cislcia sis ee LOCC. Hale, EB: E. Emigration to Kansas. ’?79. 10c...Hlls. Jenkins, E. J. The northern tier; or, life among the homestead settlers. ’80. $1. G: W. Martin. (C.) Kelley, H. S. Treatise onthe law rel. to executors, administrators and guardians: adpt. to the laws of Missouri and Kansas. 2d ed... enk 7484. inet, sd: St. Joseph Steam Py.KANSAS lt Kansas, continued. St. John, J: P., and Colquitt, A. H. Prohibition in Kansas: addresses. ’82. 106.....::-« Naj Tem) See also Leavenworth; — Wyandotte. Note. For laws and othe publications by the state see Kan sas, author alphabet, p. 210. Kansas City, Mo. Wricht, H. T. Map and guide-book to Kansas City. Mio: 280; b0c.- O5c: 2.0... cceveee A. LT. Wright. — New map and guide for Kansas City, Mo.. and Wyandotte, Kansas. 80. 50c....H. 7. Wright. Kant, Im. Caird, E: Critical account of the philosophy of Kant; with hist. introd. (@.} $6.50.... ... Macmillan Jackson, W. T. Seneca and Kant: stoic and ration- alistie ethies FSi: Spi ewrerwlec weve © siiw (rele oil) Ibs Dy. Pu Morris, G: S. Kant’s Critique of pure reason: criti- calvexposition®: “882. SUO5 sce cence eco Griggs Stirling, J. H. Text-book to Kant: The « tique of pure reason; esthetic, categories, schematism, translation, commentary, index: with bio 721. 6 6SG. sketch. Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Life of Immanuel Kant GO RL Se cs ieletereclerclevs nilla Wallace: We Kant: 2829: S.95:...0.<- Linpin Watson, J: Kant and his Eng. eritics: of critical and empirical philosophy. 781. $4. Keary, Annie. Keary, E. Memoir of SOT ales Annie Keary, by her sister eielasietelelets oie. sicteleiiatercro te ate ; - Macmillan. Keese, J: Keese, W:L. John Keese, wit and littérateur: biog. MEMi2 2OOu. DIED O Rc erciees Kelly, Mother Ma. O’Meara, K. One of God’s heroines: blog. sketch of Mother Mary Kelly, foundress of the Convent of Mercy, Wexford. 18%.) DOCK sis siete e Cathy Pub. Kemble, Mis. Fes. Ann. Kemble, Ms. F. A. Records of a girlhood. ’79. Sree reunve oie cieiercleircie1etele cio c/% cio. ofes1ei svar ee cose ue a : - Fiche ai a i 7 ae Lamartine, Alphonse de. rie ae eat! Mie Shs Laeretelle, H: de. Lamartine and his friends. 80. Koran. SOD es ccws died ears ai wleverdlsi es suelele oto ee LULL: Muir. Star W. The Coran: its comparison and the o Lamb, | testimony it bears to Holy Scripture. 79. |] $1.2: : : See ae - . : \inger, A. Charles Lamb. ’82. 75c....-.. Harper. Wherry. E:M. Comprehensive commentary on thi i ones ; : A ° ; . rv ‘ IOS . ? “$e Qui LD comprising Sales’ tr. with add. vel >Q9 Gilchrist, Avs. A. Mary Lamb. So. $1.. Roberts. GRAD (ie Site sioicieie 6 cisicis cle tele iorele e's Houghton, A. & ( Lambeth Conference. A I s ci ilphabet, p. 218. Bedell, G. T. Canterbury pilgrimage, to and from ; the Lambeth Conference and the Sheffield Con- es aoe 9- 5 ae él I MM 7 . oe : Qn 9 oress (od. 2D ateisieis| eiele elslcrereis cle .-- Randolph. hy viel ) S OF ly Exile. U. pte. pp le : P ‘ : : : EO os Same coor Hall, A. C. A. Confession, and the Lambeth Con- SR ee pri OR ein ae ference. “19. Q5@sjeccs cece ccc e esses Williams. Ku-Klnx-Klan. L : , ry +7 r 1 1 1 ana. Beard, J. M. K. K. K. sketches, humorot and ae didactic. [’76. QO eee ee ae Ol See Land laws;— Land tenure; Real property. Labor and laboring classes Baxter, W. E. Our land laws of the past. [’80.] 20 3. Cassell, Pi. G. oC Brown, E. E. Child toilers of Boston streets. [’78. CO Ce wie chris) i sicirieie arene einiereiers Uo. PCN: eg eae ee fe en Gothen Harlow, B. F. Delinquent and forfeited lands: acts Cook. J. Labor. ’80. $1.50..-Houghton, O. & C of Virginia and West Virginia respecting same. Hale, E: E. Working-men’s homes. [’78.] $1. Re ts. id Poe vecsrsccees secoesecece LANGOMU GE. t Hopkins, E. English woman’s work among workin Hobby, E. ‘Treatise on Texas land law. 783. $7.50. ) 270 . EY Galbe rt Bk. men 76 OD Oyarcielei eiclete eievevore(e, cieleistele A SS -- On the early training. of cirlsand boys. 8: 10 United States, Congress. Public land laws; with in- B.M. Hammett structions of the Commissioner of the General Land Hughes, T:, and others. Working classes in Eu- ©fiice: 779. 50C. 42 ADCIOOO OD OUOUODUOOO Talbot. ropes Mee Ble omices oes oe ee Burnes: — Same, passed March 4, 1875, to April 1, 1882, with Improved diwellines for lab ring classes: the need, decisions of the Secretary of the Interior and Com- anduway topmeetit, 9. 80Ci ; L : wie ‘ — and Greenoueh, J. B. Latin grammar founded on Dwight, B. W. Modern philology. Newed. 2-y. ate ‘ pee a Se ices . ae comparative grammar. Rey. ed. (A: ay 19: | 60:31 Sp Eis) cic cibialeteisjeie.eleslevaieles Scribner, A. & C = = ie Farrar, F: W Langua nd Jangua aT Ginn. tarrar, sie ° zanguage ane anguages. 1d we 5 . ; : ‘ ae ‘ — — Manual of instruction in Latin on the basis of a S2UDO wccc cies es aieie(sie.«!e)e)si es! si0/a)6)\0 in ,0:8),0),0,0.¢ Dutton. Lati } | I / 1+ S H | \ Cas f lay oy xg 4zatin method. ib. SHILO Ueve ava svelc aye ctaicisie Ginn. Felac a, tae OCI 2 O anguage. i e oie . i eye Ov CC gus Clence OF Aang Uass 7 ee Allen, W: F. Introd. to Latin composition; enl., : s ae Ue DUC Les with introd. exercises on elementary constructions. McCurdy, J. F. Aryo-Semitic speech: study in lin- 2. 21.05 : Oh ; ve y : » : UD~ecce Cio ee a, 0e(aie ss (010. 0, 01.070) siwit exeie) bje.e' s ri. o » archeolog 8 Sh Ove svaieior okay scene yaner ar . . i guistic archeology. L. o u Lotus Ammen, S. Z. Latin grammar for beginners. 76. Marcel, C. Study of languages brought back to its oy Holi. eR ne Sha RCE ie eae Eee, peace cere teerre rte: Sete eees care sons tace lt. a tbus principl . Lde. I 2 J uld. Andrews, EA. Latin lessons. ov and enl. ed. Papillon, I. L. Manual of comparauve philology as 78. RCE crc aici lolersieis =alelelene Houghton, O. & Co. < » ireek ; < -CctLIONS 2 ( ; ° . 1: . : lor applied topGreeksand atin: invection 1 2d ed., Latin reader, with dictionary and notes. [’78. | ae 72 .2 lacmillan - MOLT ni rev. 8. ] PI-cee- see once lacmillan. QO Ba ce ace Cie ee sileets Houghton, O. § Co. Peile, J: Philology. ['77. EOC: svelereie Gisjielaieis eieleje) sto vie =e JU ACIULLLAN. Potts, A. W. Latin versions of passages for tr. into Latin prose. ‘81. G0c..---....-+ 06> Vacmillan. Roby, H: J: Latin grammar for schools. ’80. $1.40. Vac miuilian. Roth, E. Short Latin grammar; pts. 1-8: The de- clensions. | 76—77. ea., 0UC. 5 Zoc. Clacton, R. & H. Rush, E: Synthetic Latin delectus: first Latin con- Struine books: 9h 160 Crain cc cisco cree Vacmillan. Sargent, J. Y. Tasy passages for translating into ittins. vothveds 78032. G0Gs Sacre 3: se ciccc Vacmillan. Sauveur, L. Vade mecum of the Latinist. [’79. 2G. aise << Syste e io: avorcrs einicieleve 6 sjeleleverencis/s s1aretas oc OLE: Schultz, F. Latin exercises adpt. to the Latin gram- mar for schools andcolleges. ’78. 5.. Pustet. — Latin grammar adpt. for colleges. 7S: 50. Pustet. -asy dialogues and other selections. FS: S|! Ss elecwe Ollvvelele! eleieleiels Lp plet nN Stuart, G: Latin book. ’82. $] Sewall, F. Latin speaker; — Latin reader; with notes and lexicon. ’8%. SI]. Tafel, L. Analytical manual for learning the Latin language. 7°78. $1.20 <...........» Boemcke & 7 Tetlow, J: Progressive series of inductive lessons in Watins 84. (SW Ob occas cr ce oe cucsos Ginn. Weegmann, C. H. Cujus generis? or, the Latin gender rules from Zumpt’s Grammar in cheerful Ene. rhymes. 78:1: WO Cee Satelene coi sversis eens etelaie Ginn. Wilkinson, W: C. Preparatory Latin course in Eng. Toe ile DD ie cress: sie isiowWe siciieie soaceiccie Phillins & FH. Wright, J. Complete Latin course, comprising rules with examples, exercises, both Latin and Ene., on each rule, and vocabularies. [’78 | $1.50. Macmillan. Yenni, D. Grammar of the Latin language. [’78. SDit2 Ovehovelovateleie- Appleton. Clark, E. C. Practical jurisprudence. ’83. net, 2D isc esis Ge Sqq0 cou0dGGanS o--- eee. Macmillan. Cohen, M. M. Essay on the growth of law. ’82 PL.50. oes eee. Coe ee cceres sees vees Callaghan. Cook, A. S. Extracts from the Anglo-Saxon laws. ou. DO Ciena cee eee eee © (elalwiel aie Stereo LL OLte Cowdery, J. IF. Citizens’ law-book and_ officers SBF S60 kin caus eer. ---- Bancroft. Cox, W. S. Questions for students in the Junior Law Class of Columbia Univ. [?77.] $2.50. W. H. § O. H. Morrison. Croke, J. G. (pseud.) Lyries of the law; songs and verses pertinent to the law and the legal profession. (Ose = GID ORGS. tacicets oe ee S. Whitney. , guide.Law, continued. Crosby, ¥. Ky y and book of New € L Dane Demiets cede DE Davis, C. Kee The law in Shakespea: al $2.50 Desty, lawyer erybody’s forms Potter. *S4. alo ii Ke tic al D2 5 West. table of R. Federal citation King. and Am. cases cited in the opinions of the courts ofthe U.S. (P78) $7.50...5 ., S. Whitney. Dowley, M. F. The law in a nutshell: concise and lucid answers to 500 leading legal questions. [’78. 9 at ee Weis raioticl wis) aicloveneisicelsvers vse - Ward & P. Ewell, D. Essentials of Ane law yeve. 189383: ea., S2 rine THe elevoloyalol cts cieite o cieinrcls: o" ay evevey ei Soule & B Field,G: W. F detence V. L; : eat ‘lions and - Banks. ield’s lawyers’ bri — Chattel mortgages. Ford, M.-H. Students’ legal analysis. $2 $1.50 Sy Dickereiniers siavava’ cleiuleeie eal e(pie saieeinlele eletciceisie sieve Myers Gaston, H. A. The ready lawyer 83. subs RADice Gh D lO merere: w cleie eiclcres islets Kaa anks, P. & Co Gould, W. R lawn rs’ diary for 1888. ’83. $1 W. R. Gould. Hastings, T. Law for the masses. [’77 $1.25. Sc! ide 7: Heard, F. F. Oddities of the law. 81. $1.50 — Shakespeare asa lawyer. ’83. Heron, D. C. On jurisprudence and its rel. to the social sciences. Tif. DIED OMe vtec xcte sie Hurd & H. — Same. Eevee $1.50 sicvs ewe Oe Whitney: Ihering, R. v. Struggle for law. 779. $1.50 Callaghan. Lieber, F. Legal and political hermeneutics ciples of interpretation and construction in | politics. SO. NCP ORS cs cinisierei si sreey Ede prin- and Phomas. aw Lightwood, J: M. Nature of positive law. 83. ROM ()ierereVeWousiciele, cisiclc lo ain 6 lersveleicievs cle elsiegs Macmillan. Maine, Sa H:S. Diese rtation on early law and cus- TOMI 2 OO Oe D ee ce wel ee cseuesocvelleie/eissjeeeapjerele Holt. Miller, J. B. Das Englische Recht ue das Romische Recht als Erzeugnisse Indo-Germanischer Volker. 7325 30c. sale? elevaia(wiele ele ofele it) 0 6.016) 010 0 01.e0.e,e700:) Ste 1qe7v. Minor, J: B. Institutes of common and statute law. Dae ives Nile $15. Randolph O&O West. J: & Co: — Same. 3ded. 2y. ’82. $15...Randolph & L. Note. yv.3not yet published. Same. Vv. 4: Practice of law in civil cases incl. nice! of pleading. 779. $14. Randolph x H.: West, If S Go: Sl4. Ra ndolph & L Spi it of — Same. v.4in2pts. 2ded. 783. de me Baron ). laws: Montesquieu, C: with d’Alembert’s analysis of the work. New ed. Deve (MUS) (Ro COs Cero oie Scribner & W. Morgan, J. A. English version of legal maxims, with the original forms, alphabetically arr ad index of subjects. [’78.] $2. Same. 2d ed., TQ CD 0 Macous asomadan s docudaue og co (OUI Ia Pearson, J: J. Decisions of Hon. J: J. Pearson, | Judge of 12th judicial district, counties of Dau- | by his son, W: (Ra), rep. |p} 79, $6.. 1850-60. Lebanon Ine 2ive Vv. 1: phin and Pearson. Peloubet, S. S. ollection of legal maxims in law and equity, with Eng. translations. 80. $2; BOBS Obese as 7s oe cle 0 Baie oe wnic eran s ee TOSS). religion in he Platt, W. H. Influence of ment of Jurisprudence. [’78. | dey elop- Whitney. (e500 Pollock, F: Essays in jurisprudence Snateiae 82. RO ccc Bee na Wa aig) fais) o/s ail sic) ee ersleyele(e Vacmillan. Powell, T: W. Analysis of Am. law. New ed. |’78. Riel aie sue ats a ee Lipprncott. Rapalje, S., and ate connate L Table of Am. and Eng. cases in reported decisions of the An)., Eng., Canadian and Nova Scotian courts. v.1. 782 net, $6.50... Reed, J: GC. American law studies ; or for practice in the U.S. 782. $6. self-preparation . Little, B. & Co. 119 Welsh. | LAWSON Law, continued. 3 ae = Ritter, A. Juristischer Rathgeber fiir den Geschiifts- mann in Amerika. [778 $2.50; in 15 pts. ea CRs, 11D Ca Biases: eletaicrte sieletolciticic pinole ie eee ZArickel. Robinson W: C. Elementary law. ’82. net, $2.50; Ove s clever ee lee esa saree eicielercierel Little, B. & Co. Scintille juris Sted (dC e000 70) 10/16 S. Whitney. Snyder W: L. Great opinions by great judges. ’83. SOvccs cere cece wie lelefers sik _Baker, V. & Co. Soule, C: C. Lawyers’ ref. manu: fal of law-books and citations. 83. net, S4 Gleleieleicisierecis eo). Soule & B. Spalding, H. M. Statute forms and precedents. BO (SOC sere eek cece sec ca eee eS Mortimer. Story, J. Commentaries on the conflict of laws, in regard to contracts, rights [ete. Sthi ‘ed. 283. SSG) aes wise soe Se eee eee oc eee Inttle, B. & Co. Thornton, A W. . he universal cyclopedia of law. e eie oaleieis eieieiele ev siviels ¢ ce eis Thompson. and construction $4.75..2. H. Tho Wade: W: >. of retroactive Treatise on operation laws. ’80. net, Mas. Wait, W: ‘Treatise upon some of the general princi- ples of the law. -7 y (-77—79.] ea., $6... Gould. — NAME General ndext O2 $3 7s ce ee ee Gould. Wallace, J: W. The reporters, arr. and character- ized with incidental remarks. 4th ed. 782. net, HED) Ss cicccc conre aialclel se sicle ce shel Gisele cise -7 « poule cd B. Wehle, ( Der Geist unserer Gesetze. 781. 380c. Steiger. V\ ¢ lls, Je @. I reatise on the doctrines of res adjudi- cata and stare decisis. [’78.] $6...-..ee0. Mills. Wharton, F. Commentaries on law. ’84. $6...Kay. Wharton, G: F. Legal maxims. [’78. $3.50. Bak Yr, J a Co See also Actions at law; Agents;— Agriculture; \ver- age: - Bailments; — Bankruptcy Banks and banking; — Building associations ; — Carriers ; — Children, Law; —Ul Ss Commercial law; Common law ;— Con 1 Cc ona Ns a COUUaCTs) Conveyancing ;—( wehbe Coroners; Corporat a Courts martial} Onninallawe = Damaves;} Deb Divorce; —Dower ; —Ecclesiastical law ; — Eleetions Equity ;— Estoppel; Evidence Executions ; — Executors;: Fees Fixtures ; Forms (in law); — Fraud; — Game laws;— Guaranties } Husband and wife; — Injunctions; _ pene ince; — International law; — Judgments; — Jury; — Land laws; Land tenure; Lawyers; — Libel; — Liberty ; — Li ~ Limitations; — Maritime law;— Marriage; — Master and servant; — Mechanics’ liens; — Medical jurisprudence ; — Military law ;— Mines; Al nisters; — Municipal law;— Mur- der; Negligence; — Negotiable instruments; Notice; — Nuisances; P arliamentary. law -assengers ;-— Patents; — Pers bal propel Wa ere *—Pew case;— Pleading and practice ; — Poor; —Pu ;— Real prop- erty; Registration ; Religious corporations: — Remainders ; Remedics ; Replevin Sale: — Stock-brokers; — Subro- gation Suicide Summons ; Temperance; — ‘Vorts; — Lrade-marks Trials; — Trusts; Usages; — Voluntary assignments; — Wills;— also names of states and countries. Lawn tennis. Lawn tennis rules, as a nis clubs of Phila. 780. lopted by the cricket and ten- 20c.....-+--+- Lippincott. Playing rules of archery and lawn tennis, by an ex- pert. ['78.] 25C.--- +--+ -2 es seeeee cers Peck & S. Smythe, J. Lawn tennis. [’78.] 40c...Routledge. United States National Lawn Tennis Neon! Playing rules of lawn tennis adopted by the Beet "84. woe ec eer eee ee Cem ees Ve News 10c. — Same. Rule S of 1: uwn tennis; with aecaucnee and plans of the game. "Sl. Dt) Ol erene late cies Lipprncott. Lawrence, Amos. Thayer, W: M. Poor boy and merchant Yee or, elements of success drawn from the life of Amos Lawrence and other similar characters. [7 SL 25 Bi aterers aie Eee OOW ELL Lawrence, J: L. M. ( Baron.) Smith, R. I Life of Lord Lawrence. Sc ul ob S. 92ers Sons. Lawrence, Sir T: Lord R. 182. ol. wwrence. Sertbner & W. Gower, Romney and I Lawson, G:, D.D. Macfarlane, J: Life and times of G: Lawson, D.D., yf Selkirk; [also] Glimpses of Scottish character, 1720-1820. 781. Carter.LAWYERS L220 Lawyers. ee W.V.N. Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Missouri. ’78. $d-+-+-+-seeees IF. HW. Thomas. | Ty A rr y re (y ly Jond & Weigley. The legal, bank and reporting a : rc i ? » a? ) 7 rectory 895 ‘$25: sam 83. $95 .. Bond. Browne, I. Short studies of great lawyers. 18. L {lhany Law Jour. C.G. Burgoyene’s directory of lawyers prac- SOP ess Burgoyne, tising in New York City, 1550. 83.].. Burgoyne. Campbell, y-. & Sons. list of the practising mem- t. 10, 1879. °79.. Zoc. bers of the Philadelphia bar, ¢ ; J: Campbell & Sons. Chicago Bar Association. Lectures. 89, S1..Kerqus. Cogeeshall, C. H. Legal directory for lawyers and business men, 1882-’3. 82. $9.... Coggeshall. Cowley, C. Leaves from a law yer’s life. $1.20. Penhallow. Hubbell. J. H. Legal directory for lawyers and busi- ness men; [also List of banks and _ bankers throughout the U.S. {nnual ea.. $5... Hubbell. Legal mercantile union of lawyers and business men. We Nb GSO onoo COOm OOUDDUDUOU DOOG T’. H. Niles. Lynch, J. D. Bench and bar of Mississippi. 781. LETTER-WRITING Leech, J: 3rown, J: John Leech. [’77.] 50c...-.... Osgood. efferts family. : —s Bergen, I. G. Genealogy of the Lefferts family, 1650-1878. 10- OOO OGUOOO OD OD OOO a? Vunsell. egal tender. S Money. Legends. Jaring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the Middle Ages. ; Se ste rate) Slotie ec Giacinto oe cists cre seLUODERES: - Legends of the patriarchs and prophets, and other Old Testament characters. *82. $1.....-. Tibbals. — Silverstore: coll. from medieval Christian and Jew- ish mines. 2d ed. ’82. net, $1.50... §J. B. Young. Busk. R. H. Roman legends: fables and folk-lore of Rome. "76. KOE (icicieve we ercle ve crcis eis ee cree Estes. Clement, Mrs. C. E. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. 138th ed. ’81. $2.50. Houghton, M. & Co. Cox, Sir G: W., and Jones, E.H. Popular romances of the Middle Ages. Ist Am. ed. 780. $2.25.. Holt. Dippold, G: IT. Great epics of medieval Germany : 20 S1.50 c 36 Hale outline of their contents and history. ’82. $1.50. Brick BOivsicverc alee icles siaieie\ crea ie) ee ¢ «ele 0.68 00.000 al 4 ae. 5 | bar of PI lelphia; witl Roberts. Martin, J: H. Bench and bar oft Philadelphia ; with / . M ay lan Drake, S:A. New England legends and folk-lore, in lists of persons app yinted to administer the laws. A , es I t. sd }I h pl SE wd poe V. 83. WO SOU ere a ejte oo cee oOUeTtS: 8 net, 3d sic etr, : M is 1a] oR IJ. S. law directory 79 Greey, Id Golden lotus, and other legends of Japan. artinds ae > j V ( 12. + : s me Varti : 83 [782 BT DOs a orcs: vi elei.e (orem «rove referer LU Ceranis Moncrieff, F. C Wit and \ lom of th ench and Waener, W. Epics and romances of the Middle on¢ eu : . VISdO ( ench anc au a bai 82 DOC sek 2D Crpessievsis 5 '=is Cass PP. Gakil Noes. 988: $3 x nce aoc Ricis eVolielcteiovere Lippincott. See also Arthur, King; — Ballads; — Fairy tales; — Folk-lore; ( J. e Irish ba inecdotes, bon- \ A : 1k-lore ; Y’Flana Ww J R | Haroes- His Indians: Mythology; — Nalopak- mots and biog. sketches of the bench ind bar of hyanam; Nibe cvenlied 5 Roland. — i Ireland. 78. [it). Ch lotete te: eletatatereiie; sire fe veies/ Ta) er. e ; Ww Osgoodby., M. H Attorn¢ ys’ and vankers’ directory Leibnitz, es ttried Vs : Punters mid Canada, [831 3 Y'| Merz, J:T. Leibniz. ’84. $1.25----.-- Lippincott. Traders & Man. Com. Un. | Lent. Parker, C. Suggestions to young lawyers. 781 Cook-bookfor Lent. 3ded. ’80. 25c....Benzzger. Tow. Gillespie, G:D. Season of Lent: companion for the Pierson, L. C. Directory of the bar of New Jersey. closet. ls LOGE eiecrcicie Sicvcleisteccicusieccoers Dutton. Qed. *"82.cccceseeeseresvereee ees MacCrellrsh Lenten mosaics. "78 iD Oh eae correo ciere. ciorere Paul. Proctor, L. B. I iwyer and client; or, he trials and triumphs of the bar: 783: $2.25i0......%. Pe Sharp & Alleman. Lawyers’ and bankers’ directory for 1884. [’83. $3. Same Mereantile ed. subs., QU : Sharp ¥ q — Lists of correspondents and attorneys for 1883. 788. $3. Same. Mercantile ed subs., $1od. Snyder, W: L. Great speeches of great lawyers. ’81. Weeks, i: P. Treatise on attorn ys and counsellors atvlaws 210s Gs ] Billy Le ] Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Sime, J. Lessing: his life and writings. [’77.] $7. Osgood. Letter-writing. Carroll, G: D. Usages of the art of correspondence and polite society. 780: S2ij ccc csc Dempsey. De Witt’s handy letter writer. [’77.] 10c...De Witt. Gentleman’s perfect letter writer. [?77.] 30c. Cogswell. Silas letters ; complete love and business : autographie corr. of Silas Long and Maria Jane Wilson. [’78.] DOCS Ne 0 se 9 svoinie ele’ + cicleieie.s i cicicisie a ’oee) eieatoisen cis Long. Worcester letter-writer and book of business forms for ladies and gentlemen. ’79. 50c........--Dick. 9LETTERING Lettering. Alphabets ; Letters. Richardson, Ms. Nee Mechanical). — Painting A.S. Old love letters: or, letters of sentiment, written by persons eminent in Ene. literature and hist. 7°83 [’82 $1.25 Osgo AL Scoones, W. B. Four centuries of sel. from Paston letters to present day. ’80. $2.. Harpe Levant. See Orient. Lever, C: Fitzpatrick, W.J. Life of C: Lewis, Fs. and Morgan. Delafield, J. Biographies of Francis Lewis and Mor- gan Lewis. 2 vy. 27.9: SO) cece ces RAanGOlDh: 15e.. Lever. ’79. Lexington, Mass. Muzzey, A. B. sattle of Lexington; with personal recollections of men engaged in it. aft fa 25 Liabilities. See Corporations ; — Master and servant. Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Walls that talk: transcript of names, [ete.] on the walls, doors, and windows of the Libby prison at Richmond by the prisoners of 1861-65. 784. 2c Randolph & EH. Libel and slander. Odgers, W: B. On the law of libel and slander. Ist Am. ed., with notes by M. M. Bigelow. 782. $6. Inttle, B. & Co. Townshend, J: Treatise on the wrongs called slander and libel; with chapter on malicious prosecution. 3d ed. (eit $6.50 wees Baker, Vik Co. Liberia. Stetson, G:R. The Liberian republic as it is. 781. WOOF ee reais A oisioo sav clcisiecciicc viene Waleiams: Liberty. Aiken, J: F. ~—wA 7 ib. | =Q id. History of liberty. S1l.. Barnes. Coffin, C:C. Story of liberty. .- Harper. Paterson, J. Commentaries on the liberty of the sub- ject, and laws of England rel. to the security of the person, 2 v. ([?77. Vacmillan. — Liberty of the press, speech and public worship: ») DoO- ] BLO. nc erence commentaries on liberty of the subject and laws of Eneland. 780. $4.....2.cccocscrses Macmillan. See also Democracy ; — Personal rights. Liberty of conscience. Bailey, G. S. in America. 776. 8. ,ccccccresccccces Am. Bapt. Libraries. Adams, C: F., 77. The public library and the com- mon schools: papers on educational topics. 779. Oy Oi aie ciel cvalaie clolcic ecle cl elc cle aisveiciee s cccleie « sie rere LUSECS. Cutter, C: A. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. Pa ARO DOOUOG DOOD UCOOD Deena efejcielaveelels - Gov. Pr. Dewey, M. Classification and subject-index for cata- loguing and arranging the books and pamphlets of alibrary. (’76.] $1 ---..----- aroiel ley oveieioi (CGU2UIUs Foster, W:E. Libraries and readers. 7838. d0c. Leypoldt. Green, S:S. Libraries and schools. 83. 50c. Le ypoldt. . Apple ton. literature a library. & Go: Matthews, J. B. Home library. 783. 60c..- Perkins, F: B. Rational classification for shelving and cataloguing books in of Revoecd) (82. 50C nacccs rec. tances, Ve Poole, W: F: Remarks on library construction; ap- pended examination of J. L. Smithmeyer’s pam- phlet Si foreign. 784. 40C. ..c.cesscerececes’ Smith, L. P. On the classification otf books. NEG, BY.2D .2ccvescccsoecers- Inb. Bu. See also Bibliography ; — Book-binding ; — Sunday-schools. ge ) "82. License law. See Liquors ; — Prohibition ; — Temperance. 72. (Mar: 85:) 121 Trials and victories of religious liberty iseestions on library architecture, Am. and | ~e- Jansen. | | | | LINCOLN Lieber, F's. Perry, T:S. Life and letters of Francis Lieber. ’82. $3 Osgood Liebig, J: Just. v. d Hofmann, A: W: Life work of Liebig in experimental and philosophic chemistry. [ 7A 7 (0. J . ori Macmillan. Liens. New York, City. Lien laws applicable to New York City. 19. BOC. vecececcvecrccceee Dake? V. & Co. Overton, D. Y. Treatise on the law of liens at com- mon law, equity, statutory and maritime. ’83. $6. : Banks. See Life. See Biology: also Mechanics’ liens. — Christian life; — Conduct of life; — Hygiene; — Longevity ;— Philosophy. Life-boats. See Life-saving. Life insurance. How is your man? or, the sharks of Sharkville: reali- ties of the graveyard insurance system. ’82 [’81]}. Bey sodgd es ae se eee ee ee tr Se Sieveking, E: H: Medical adviser in life insurance. 9d ed. 782 OO Rie aielele wists eUarevelovelelels) sie eo DLQICUSEOM: Smith, G. W. Notes on life insurance. 3d ed., enl tata] SHO csraelcie rece ce seoccscce Van Nostrand. — sam Life insurance. "78. DCs sie Van Nostrand. Stratagems and conspiracies t fraud life insurance 2 » de companies. [’78.] $2 : .. ee Carleton. Warren, G: W. 2d ed. 84. Wright, E. the matter with life insurance? | : Review of life insurance investments. DO Coe raiete aetna clclioielcler crevele ters Cupples. orphans; or, what is ii Traps baited with 75¢c... Osgood. Life-saving. Forbes, R. B. tions. 780. Light. See Lighting ; — Optics. Life-boat, and other life-saving inven- DO Chace --e- Williams. Lighthouses. Reynaud, F. L. Memoir upon the illumination and of the coasts of France. [’76.] 5 Van Nostrand. Lighthouse construction and illumina- ig +--+. Spon. beaconage $25. Stevenson, T: tion: 7S Lighting. Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges : Apparatus of heating, lighting, ventilation, ete. Me TDC. hee cisco ler cia'siele ear Oi IQD_9Q Nicolay, J: G. Abraham Lincoln. 782. 20c. Shepard, W: The literary life series. 3v. ’82-84. : Little, B. & Co. CA., B1.25 . cece cocece cece ec ccec cesess Putnam. Oldroyd, O. H. The Lincoln memorial-album im- Southwick, A. P. Question-book of literature. 782. mortelles: contributions from the hands and hearts WOCHase ccc. ster eeeees rece e see eeee Bardeen. of eminent Americans and Europeans. 289. BBD — Short studies in literature for schools. 83. 60e. GN i cayarn ais sloleieovelaislelekelele\els.e(esc|e/e\ejs se\e\e)7 Carleton. Lidredge. Tanks Stevenson. R. L: Familiar studies of men and books. ngs : «oe 20 Ors IROEA (ia. ciere cise eiocietels a are oter slsyers Scribner & W. Roos, J. D.C. de. Linkages: the different forms and cee 92.40 ' : crvbnes c W. uses of articulated links. ’79. 50c... Van Nostrand. liffany, O. H. Gems for the fireside: library in prose : : and verse. [’81. RA TD) cic so ciclcre B.A. Fowler. pea One L. W Cy rar “at Ke Nor Wesson, W:H. Calais morale; or, fifty years’ glean- Jacon, L. . rime agains society: speech, iNOr- 5 pine: ‘ ; ae Ch Che . ye oS > Ses readings. ’82. $1; 75c. wich, Conn., Jan. 19, 1880. ’80. 10c...Am. Temp. Ings) in| the sea,0 2 Hae - B . ’ ‘ . . t / } < . Blair, H: W. Constitutional amendment, manutact- Williams. Mrs. A. L. Treasures new and oldifiisel - ° « ° . . « Sy J Pode k . d* PAS a > «< . Sel, » sale of cating liquors: speech in the ay eee rn ae ae ure ind ile of intox! ling Lqui pes M ¢ prose and poetry.] ’83. $6; $10.. Belford, C. § Co. Ho. of Rep., Dec. 27th, 1876. [’77. ] 10c..- Nat. Lemp. a Johnson, H. New and improved bartender’s manual. Hee also uth rs ; — Ballads ; — Bibliography 3 — 6 hap- San K Oe Int. News books ; — Children ; — ¢ lassi al literature ; — Copyright; — [ O295| 2 DU Csi she cise) oie ce ReGen eae Bereta = Bb LNCS» Criticism; — Essays; — Fables; — Fairy tales; — Fiction; — Joyce, C: H. Alcoholic liquor traffic: its effects Journalism ; — Libraries; — Middle Ages; — Poetry ;— Quota- upon the industries and business of the country. tions ; — Readers; — Reading ; — Speakers; — also names of *SO. VOCE stetcie viciic.cic.cle\s (0/n\e 0/\ (0,210.0 «10 1e 0,070) Nat. Tt Mp. various nations. Leamet, S., 49. Limited license in its relation to the Lithology. liquor traffic. ‘sO. VOCs cc wise cisters icicle ATs LCNUp.. See Geology. Powell, A. M. The national government and the Lithotomy i > traffic. 782 O05 eo Siececiesicierere © at. T : Ww.) may . ‘ liquor Eee ‘s ae ] Hi 3 ee: NG, Temp Helmuth, W: T. Suprapubic lithotomy : the high op- 1,.ogers \- e rinks, drinkers and drinking; or, ar : = aT . . > hia gry : 29 ration for stone. “82. $4.........- Boericke & T. the law and hist. of intoxicating liquors. ‘81. 2. mM) Y. ) . : OC Ceo C 5 Pay Thompson, Sir H: Practical lithotomy and lithotrity. QOS » 2d ed. 280: BB50sccc cece ce sce oes Blakiston. Thompson, Ms. E. Figures of hell; or, the temples of Bacchus: dedicated to the licensers and manu- Little family. Little, G: TT: The descendants of G: Little, who came facturers of beer and whiskey. 7°82. $1.-Oahspe. New M : aes : y ‘ ee : ; : eS y ass. 640. ’82. $3.. - 2 United States, Congress. Liquor laws of the U.S. BUEN ADL Ee » In 164 Se : L rT: Little. ] Ae | 25¢ igi eie/0).eis) 01e'e 0) @.eele ls 0010.00 .0 010.00 2h Nat. 1 Wp. Liturgies. : : a cins, S. reneral liturgy ¢ 300k of ec See also Alcohol; — Beer: — Brewing ; — Distillation ; —Tem- Hop! ae M. ene! ul liturgy und Book of common perance , — Wines and wine-making. | prayer. Ov. D120 we eee reece ce cere cece Barnes. Tasch arane | Mozarabic liturgy for the first Sunday in Advent; tr. Bu A Co ar E ve | with notes, by S: Hart. [’?77.] 25c...-. Whittaker. Nohl, L: Life of Liszt. °84. $1.25.....-.+ Jansen. | pel ie Wee yes ; Shields, C: W. Liturgia expurgata; or, the prayer- Literature. | book as amended by the Westminster divines. 4th Albee, J: Literary art: conversation between a poet, ed. [’83.] 60c..... eigicis slots clewisie se cic LAN QOLDIL al Ts Josopher 8 Rioters >t ‘ 1, . . . «oe painter ind phil SC) her. l. ol ---- Putnam. See also Responsive worship;—and names of religious de- Allibone, S: A. Great authors of all ages: sel. from nominations. prose works of eminent writers. ’80 Lad $5-$10. | Jive stock. supprncort. Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges: Brewer, E. C. veader’s handbook of allusions, refer- Live stock. TS WC. cack Mesusieciere Lippincott erent plo tsa DOis tonics: oe p9.00 $5 +L ipprncott. Live stock journal almanac. [Annual.] ea., 50c. ifton’s Pooks of selections from the good and wise. ONE BR. 4G §Co eee [. uM. ie is literature: aay Bee ~ Te Miles, M. Stock-breeding oe applications of the laws — Studies in literature. ’83. 25c.; 60c.... Putnam. of development and heredity. 79. 31.50... Appleton. Craig, A. Casketof literary gems: tales and sketches, See also Cattle; — Horse ; — Poultry; — Sheep ; — Veterinary anecdotes, witand humor. 779. $1: 50e...Crazq. ee ——Same, %ithed. 780; $l.......-. We G. Holmes. Liver. Misraclile @uriosities of literature. 4 v. "20.7 Frerichs, F. T. Clinical treatise on diseases of the SSeS sie ever, siaicveveveWeters cieis)s steve where iorere 14 msiiond: liver. 3v. v.1,2. 79. Cao 1p eleiniei« ote Wood. eis Literary character. (?79. $9.95 - 4... Armstrong. Harley, G: Diseases of the liver. 82. SD; S6. Emerson, R. W. Books, art, eloquence. [’77.] eae Blakaston. DO Oba iateve oiaversievoie ereveiesc cies eieieilelere: oleiseavereionele Osnood: Livingstone, D: Golden thoughts on mother, home and heaven: from Adams, H.G. The weaver boy. who became a mis- poetic and prose literature. Rey. and enl. [’82.] Sionary : story of David Livingstone. Ezirfo 1.25. ALN Neb CO 6.606 6 oc oneronho nation -aEeue Treat Tbbals. Good company for every day in the year: essays, ete., Blaikie, W: G. Personal life of David Livingstone ; by J: G. Whittier, J. R. Lowell. Bavandeaclor chiefly from his journals and correspondence. 81 eOterceCOOt eo Seer [BS80}) 2 2BS8250N ccc cer a one ayer coneee LHAIper. Green, J: R. Literature primers. 10 y. (°77~79.] — Same. "81. 20C..... see seeeeee sinreiniese es LUQL70. _ ea., AD CO arelolerer are clelslore sVcls) oie e's cioit overs o ie mie Appleton. Chambliss, J. E. Lives and travels of Livingstone Hazeltine, M. W. Chats about books: poets and and Stanley. [’81.] $2.00. cece ee eens Crawford. Novelists. 63. | @le0 sees. 3. -. 3) SHORES ais. Roberts, J: S. Life and explorations of D: Living- Heine, H: The romantic school. ’82. $1.50.. Holt. stone; incl. extracts from [his] last journal, by E. Knight, C: Half hours with the best authors. New A. ‘Manning: - [2810 $050. eye cre . Lothrop. ed. Cave SIL GIES Aor cee. ccc. Porter & GC, | Locke, J: Me. Bs A: Essay contributing to a philosophy of lit- Bourne, H. R. F. Life of John Locke. 2v. [’76.] erature. New enl. ed. [’76.] $1.50.. Claxton, R. & H. SDD) elale eile ele eves eisieisva ctete ucts ie clevatcenevereiarerels Harper. Mauiens W: Jours with men and books. (°77.] Fowler, “Ls Locke. SO 1D Che rciciavers s1 y ° i. , : ; Powers, F: P. Labor-making machinery. ’79. 0c. Putnam. Rose, J. Complete practical machinist. [’76.] $2.50. Baird. — Pattern-maker’s assistant. [’78.] $2.50. wee Van Nostrand. Smith, F: J: New forms of work-measuring machines as applied to dynamos and electro-motors. ’84. AOC. eee eee ee eee sisleleisisieleleisis cinco --.- Spon. CThomas, J: J. Farmimplements and farm machinery, and principles of construction and use. New ed., enl. 1D SEDO) We rcicie siete cierls sie tists eee Judd. Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electriec machinery. ’83. DCE crevcie clei ee oe ein ccsisielc oteieiec eicisie ier Van Nostrand. Unwin, W. C. Elements of machine-design. [’77.] $1.50. eee Apple ton. Webber, S: Manual of power for machines, shafts and belts; [also] History of cotton manufacture in the U.S. Rev.ed. ’79. $3.50........ Appleton. See also Belting; — Dynamics; — Engineering; — Friction ; — Hydraulics; — Kinematics; — Links; — Marine engineering ;— Mechanical drawing ; — Mechanics ; — Mills; — Pumps; — Stcam- engines 5; — Time keepers. McIlvaine, Bp. C: P. Carns, W: Memorials of the Rey. C: P. McIlvaine, Bp. of Ohio. ’81. $3.....-.-...00.. Whittaker. Macinac Island. Whiteomb, C. D. Lake tour to picturesque Macinac ; historical and descriptive. ’84. 25c...{ Whitcomb. } Macleod, Norman, D.?). Gladstone, W: E. Macleod and Macaulay: essays. eRe) 2b Ces css cece Q3. $1.75 FOO AO ROODODMODOUODO COD00G Scrabne rx W. Hoffmann, Prof. —. Modern magic: practical trea- tise on the art of conjuring. [’76.] $2.50. Routle dge. _— Same; with app. cont. expl. of some of the best know n spécialities of Messrs. Maskelyne and Cooke. New ed. [’81.] CIPD Or cies «se asic Routledge. Houdin, R. Science of conjuring. [’77.] $2.50. Routledge. — Tricks of the Greeks unveiled ; the art of winning at every game. 782. 20C..--+- +--+ JT: W. Lovell. Rydberg, V: Magic of the Middle Ages. 79. $1.79. ; Holt. See also Cards; — Fortune tellers; — Houdin, R.; — Super- stition. ae Shem ROL VaR Ct yeaes = MAGNA Magna Charta. Wells, J.C. Magna Char of constitutional civil > America. ’80. $3.50-$5.---.e0--eeee eens Magnetism. CHARTA ta; or, the liberty 126 rise and progress in England and -- Mills. | Mammoth. Gordon, J. E. H. Physical tre: itise on electricity and magnetism. 2v. ’8l. eoore . Apple tON. Maxwell. J. C. Treatise on electricity aril magnetism. 9ded. 2v. 728. met; Oe. eves sieleiere Vacmillan. | Malay. Bird, I. L. Golden Chersonese, and the way thither. 83, OO Di win leleivic clereielels sie sie wi orecere civiereie - Putnam. MacLean, J. P. Mastodon, mammoth, and man. ’78. BOC. cicceree boc sce cleleislio. slejeleje's elalcielin\cye's Williamson. Southall, J. C. E poe h of the mammoth, and the ap- parition of man upon the earth. [7’78.] | $2.50. Lippincott. Rogers, F. Magnetism of iron vessels; with short Man. treatise on terrestrial m: 1gnetism Stone. J. B. Maenctic variations in vations made in Am. from 1640 to the present dat tabulated and arr. for surveyors. 50c. | fd. Van Nostrand. the U.S.: obser- [’78. ] $1.50. Van Nostrand. Thomas, Siz W: Reprint of papers on electrostatic and magnetism. 2d ed. 84. net, $5..Macmillan Tyndall, J: Elementary lecture on magnetism. ‘81. Die eles Gicleisiels cel ercine See also Animal magnetism ; Mahomet: See Mohammed and Mohamr Maine. — Electricit nedanism. Description. Farrar, C: A. J. L[llustrat Richardson, Kennebago, chenee Lakes, Dixville and vicinity. 2d ed. [ Hoyt, E. S. Maine state ed guide cnorcieta Fitzgera ld. y. book to Rangeley, Umbagog, and Parma- Notch, and Andover, Me., Liisi piles 50c..-- Lee & S. year book and annual reg- ister lOni—WS.] eas, S100 + 6+. Hubbard, L. L. Woods and lakes siete LLOUE, Hage D: of Maine; from Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a birch-bark 2 CANOES, “283% ORO ic cise a seis cjelecers) oleic elaie Osgood. Steele, T: S. Canoe an 1 camera: through the Maine forests. 80. — Same. New ed. 89. OL! 200 mile tour SD Overs cicreie Judd. — Paddle and portage from RiGee head Lake to the foe Ebon oaoc Estes. Aroostook River, Maine Stevens, C: W. Fly-f Renee life in the wile ler arness. ’8 ed. 281. Si.2 rin Maine 1 [’80}. lakes; or, camp- Sil. Same. New Williams. Sweetser, M. F. Saas r Nai ay cone n Ey = 2835 Si 50: Varney, G: J. Gazetteer o See also Bangor; — Belfast — Sagadahoc; — Waterford. f Maine. History. Knight, E. New story of 25e. W eaten G: A: and H: W a Topsham, and Harpswel ritory known as Pejepsc La Spaulding, J. W. Practi ceedings at law in cou the state o l, Maine, ite 78h] L U. ’e In civil rts where Year LF ( hishol Wl. 781. $2.50-$3.50. Russell. ; — Magalloway River; — Moose- head Lake; — Mount Desert; — Portland ; — Rangeley Lakes; f Maine. ([’76.] . Dresser. History of Brunswick, incl. the ane. ter $4... Williams. actions and pro- the common law practice is in vogue; with amendments necessary to ns of the statutes of Maine incorporate the provisio and Mass. “81. net. $ Virgin, W: W. Maine ci and with new matter by Giavcieiele clei vil officer. aie aletorets . Dresser. {th ed., rev., B.D. Verrill. ’79. $3.50. Loring, S. & LH. Note. Yor laws and other publications by the state see Maine, author alphabet, p. 248 Majolica. See Ceramics, Malaria. Edwards, J. F. Malaria: avoided. ’81. T5ce. erolde ys +8. sais Reber Ly Paresis of sympathetic cente ers tiilowen: excitation by high solar what it heat, lor suddenly withdrawn, ete. So-ca etiology, pathogenesis, 219). or... ee pathology See also Air; — Germ theory. means and how - Blakiston. 1 continued and lled malaria: its and treatment. Adams, C: C. Anthroposophy. ’81. 40c... W.B. Smith. au AecndlOE rieal Soe. of Washington. Transactions. Dy QOe STi eres clo cls o sleio eicicio Clave ove Smith. Inst. B rinkle y, Mrs. H. L. Woman's thoughts about men. 79. pee Heat tava Perea e Tele leiieieleves eletetvistiele sielsicieiciets Derby. ‘lode i »: Childhood “Of the world: account of man in ay times. [’84.] 10c..........J¢W. Lovell. Divine Ges of degrees in man, exemplified in the order of the four gospels. [’77.] 50c...Putnam. Fletcher, R. P aul Broea, and the French school of Senne ORY 825 WO Cis ss cisie ec oy o1s7= .. Judd & D. Hazard, R. G. Matt a creative first cause. ’83. 7dc. Houghton, M. & Co. Hopkins, M: Scriptural ideaofman. °83. $1. Scribner’s Sons. Huxley, T: H: Evidence as to man’s place in nature. 28 ()h iy Cue cisicisieters eiobevoieiecatsveletelererousisiers itz gerald. Joly, N. Man before metals. ’83. $1.75..Appleton. Lesley, J. P. Man’s origin and destiny, sketched from the platform of the physical sciences. 2d ed., Ons, Sle GOs ve recclapcsaveke wx clos ofa oncreBiouaieycrsre LHllas. MacLean, J. P.. Manual of the antiquity of man. Sthved= 279.5 -Silc scisicrcve cies ste eicieinye rei erersi= are Clarke. — Mastodon, mammoth, and man. ’78. 50e. Williamson. Nichols, J. R. Whence, what, where? view of the origin, nature and destiny of man. 3d ed., rev. 783. Dil cvelerinioiejafe sista(selale steve, cise ae ler eteyeperetoe Williams. Quatrefages de Bréau, J: L: A. de. The human species. 79, GS Doe later ai oloto(eleiielsiclsltecctoreteran {ppleton. Rau, C: Articles on anthropologic al subjects contrib. to the ann. reports of the Smithsonian Inst., 1863- WS (ils BBs cis eee eee eco eee Smith. Inst. Rawlinson, G: Antiquity of man historically con- sidered. (783. ] LOGE ae Disielelels se e.e.° Am. Tr. Savage, M. J. Beliefs about man. ’82. $1... H#llis. Small, A. E. Treatise on the decline of manhood. Q2dveds 785 Bilis. Ges ccrcicvore cose ore cree cic. Duncan. Southall, J. C. Epoch of the mammoth, and the ap- parition of man upon the earth. [’78.] $2.50. Lippincott. — Westminster review on The recent origin of man. ET) DCs a see cisl cielal eieceracicrercicioeie cle West, J. & Co. Terry, M.S. Man’s antiquity and language. ’81. 10c. Phillips § I. Thomas, H. W. Origin and destiny of man. [’77.] Wie (Dinis cio vec clcc cs 6 tice csc clcie cin Care reerora. - Pierce. Topinard, P. Anthropology. [?78.] $2.. bapeuncet® Tylor, E: B. Anthropology. ’81l. . $2...- Appleton. — Researches into the early hist. of mankind and the development of civilization# ’78. $8.50..... Holt. Ward, L. F. Haeckel’s Genesis of man; or, hist. of the development of the human race. ’79. 30c... Stern. Westbrook, R: B. Man, whenceand whither? ’84. $1. Lippincott. Wilson, D. Prehistoric man. 3ded., rev. [’76.] $12. ott, Y. § Co. Wilson, J. Practical life and ine study of man. ’83. BIBS Oiierercyeres ciere eee ne .eeed: Wilson. (Newark. ) Winchell, A. Preadamites: demonstration of the existence of men before Adam. 780. $3.50.. Griggs. See also Anatomy ;— Archeology ; — Civilization ; — Ethics; — Ethnology; — History. Manliness. Hughes, T: True manliness. [’80.] $1..Zothrop. Storrs, R: S. Manliness in the scholar. [’88.] 35c. Randolph. @iaielieveiave Rumbold. Mann, Horace. Phelps,W: F. Horace Mann. ’79. 10c... Phillips § H.Manners and customs. Farrer, J. Primitive manners and customs. ’79. $1.75 GOOCO OODOOOUC Cleiviciioisiis cs elcie cicieiele tere sya Holt. — sane. i9 SPOsieielelaiaisv'e sicielersn e vel ‘ T; o 74 f . ; Bowden, H: S. Miniature life of Mary, virgin and mother, for every day of the month. ’80. 30c. Benziger. Whitefield, E. Homes of our forefathers: sel. of the oldest and most interesting buildings; hist. houses and noted places in Mass. 3ded. 780. 0. > : . a ; Businger, L. C. Das Leben unsers Herrn und seiner rey Junefrau Mutter Maria. [’79. $6.50; $20. en - Beneinen See also Amesbury ;— Andover; — Bedford; — Billerica; — EB : CUO CY Boston; — Bradford; — Cambridge; — C Ann; — Charl —Hng. Life of Jesus Christ and of his virgin mother Rei Conard | Dot hesten = DEUS Enh Sa Ten Y < S 5 Ler town ;—Concord ;— Dorchester ; — Douglas ;— sk 29) sae Mary. In 38 pts. ’79 Onn Eee ee Sia anna Eo Y ronestea ous last paUelaDles i AA © ps. (J. @a., 2OC. ~eee-. Benziger. Fall River ; — Groton ;— Hardwick ; — Hubbardston ; — Lex- Concilio, J. de. The knowledge of Mary. [278.1 ington; — Lynn; — Marblehead ; — Merrimac River ;— Middlesex S150... yy 7 Co.;— Nantucket; — Newburyport; — Newton; —Norfolk Co.; CR GIT EN Tortie ad ig aa eae Cath. Pub. — Oxford; — Pittsfield; - Roxbury : — Springfield; — Sutton; — 78.) YF. . Mary the modeland mother of Christians. Truro; —Wakefield ; — Waltham ; — Worcester. id. UD: Ciekerelel els lelclel sisVeie\c\sleie clejelein/s AW tle + ifa . aan : wick | : Leh Gres | (0. | e coco ssace eG: Db. 1veed. 0 ns title: Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Crocker, U. H. Notes on common forms: book of rs is : are totter teres eee cetees Munro. Mass. law. 8d ed., enl., inel. statutes of 1883, and ARS) fe of Mary, Queen of Scots. [°78.] | Mass. reports, v. 133. ’83. $6 Inttle, B. & C OR Ge es ee q ae | | ae ‘7 Se S5Vi- ie 83. o6....-.L2ttle, b. & Co. Tonge. O Wer neebnT Be oe Nera Me no chetaese BOUVET» | falrbanks, L. $8. Jivorce laws of Massachusetts. Yonge, C. M. Unknown to history: story of the cap- | [ur $i L. S. Fairbanks J ol DPheccces seve ceceeeceen eels. O- Us. 220 “ aes a = . . . see ener - 982. $1.75... Macmillan. — Laws of Mass. rel. to marriage and divorce. 2ded. SMMC. 982, 20C.+..00+ eeeeees Harper; Munro. 2825. Net. Bil ncicwrc ce cece © ce ai aietoleciorere Soule § BMASSACHUSETTS 1 Massachusetts, continued. Grinnell, C: E. Study of the poor debtor law of Mass. 83. DOs $2°50% $3.50: oo 0 OO O0O0 CODGOG OOD DODO OO Dao Inttle, B. & Co. Thomas, A. A. Mechanics’ lien law of Ohio. ’79. On, WY) Lo) Onieieicie eieiie elaiclevciisiice Sie ilovioiereaicleiie sicie sc) ET Thomas. Loubat, J. F. Medallic hist. of the Wi SS of Am.. 1776-1876. 2v. [78.] $30 | [ a ciereistey seesvere - Bouton. | See also Freemasons ; — Miracles. MEDICINE Medical botany. Sce Pharmacy. Medical electricity. Bartholow, Rk. Medical electricity. 2d ed. 782. BO) ccrace rec ciavaroue erevaue levers esi aioe weenie Sie oie sul4CQs Beard, G: M., and Rockwell, A. D. Practical trea- tise on the med. and surg. uses of electricity. 781. $5.50; $6.50. Same. 4thed. 783. $5.50; $6.50. Wood. Bennett, A. H. Practical treatise on electro-diagno- sis in diseases of the nervous system. 782. $2.25. Vail. Butler, J: Text book of electro-therapeutics and electro-surgery. 778. $2........-.Boericke §& T. De Wattville, A. Practical introd. to medical elec- tricity. Oded: 7842 'SBiiae ceca ee cheers eres LOE. $2. Erb, W: Hand-book of electro-therapeutics. 783. SUDS se ile Dia ccelcisielicve. creKeloie'e SR edie ieis) cisenein cee IWOOGL French, E. J. New path in electrical therapeutics. Newed. [7’77.] $2-.----.2---------. TIippincott. Hayes, J. Electro-thermal bath. [’77.] $1.25. ; Jansen. Pitzer, G: C. Electricity in medicine and surgery. Sdted:enl., 783. Silica... AG OObD TOC sis eieleLtZ CIt Rae, J. H. On the application of electricity as a therapeutic agent. [’77.] $1l...... Boericke § T. Rockwell, A. D. Lectures on electricity in its rel. to medicine and surgery. ’79. $1. Same. ’81. STD eres clei, «ale leieiecierelcVete Seis Ridlele bie 6 sinicticins Oe WVOOa: Schweig, G: M. Electric bath: its medical uses, effects and appliances. [’77.] $1l...-...Putnam. See also Animal magne tism ; — Surgery. Medical jurisprudence. Chaillé, S. E. Origin and progress of medical juris- prudence, 1776-1876. [’77.] 30c...A: Brentano. Elwell, J: J. Medico-legal treatise on malpractice, medical evidence and insanity. 4thed. 781. net, Gio ekevslinielelstaiacleis akeletolensisvore Sravexeueits Baker, V. & Co. Hamilton, A. MeL. Manual of medical jurispru- dence, with ref. to diseases and injuries of the ner- vous system. ’84. net, $2.25.....Bermingham. Hemming, W. D. Aids to forensic medicine and tox- 19% (DOC! s3 200s ware c icc yee eis, wis ee POUCILOIN McClelland, M. A. Civil malpractice: treatise on surgical jurisprudence. [°77.] $5; $6.. Turd & H. Taylor, A. S. Manual of medical jurisprudence. 8th Atm:.ed: 280. -So=S6950nio eee ee een ea. SO. icolocy. - — Principles and practice of medical jurisprudence. 2 v. °83. $10; $12. Same. 3ded., by T: Steven- sone 25y.. 783s SilOe Slo. 2 efalelel ele eter sveicrs(= 1 7€ (0s Taylor, J: A. Exonerating insanity: addresses in cases of Burroughs and Fuchs. ’82. $2..Peloubet. Tidy, C: M. Legal medicine. 2. ’82-’84. $6: Wiaorndn BOOOUGDOOU OODG HOOD Gd hoDnaS Bee ees — Same. v.11. 782 SUDSi.. S125. 36. -.- Wood. Wharton, F., and Stillé, M. Medical jurisprudence. 4thved:: v.2.-3. 284. ea. SG... isin niaisicis cpl). Woodman, W. B., and Tidy, C: M. Forensic medi- cine and toxicology. [’77.] $7.50; $8.50. Lindsay &§& Blakiston. See also Insanity ; — Poisons ;— Post mortem examinations. Medicine. Aitken, W: Complete hand-book of treatment. ’83. Do reece cere cece ee cee eee cence eens Bery-mingham. — Science and practice of medicine. 7th ed. 2-v. B3y BO Sa es ae eae eee --» Blakiston. Bartholow, R. Treatise on the practice of medicine. 80. $5; $6. Same. 8ded.,enl. ‘83. $5; $6. Appleton. Begbie, J. W. Book of medical information and advice. [P7%.]) “BlQhiv-. dais cies - os eiereerVelson: Billings, J: S. Medical bibliography. ’83. Friedenwald. Bristowe, J: S. Treatise on the theory and practice of medicine. [’76. | $5.50 $6°50% cee ro Lea. Brown, F. H. Indexes to medical literature. ’81. Riverside.MEDICINE Medicine. continued. Carpenter, W. M. Index of the practice of medi- cine. 783. subs., $2.50: $8.50. veeeces sense Wood Carter, A. H. Elements of practical medicine. 81. Shijh celeteierwies ia clcle) scie\c cies sieve: © sseees EC Rinkestan: Centennial EB slit ‘Offici ‘lal re ports ot the judges : Instruments of medicine, surgery, ete. ’77. Sl. = : L ippine tt. Charteris, M. Hand-book of the practice of medi- cine. [’78.] $2...........Lindsay & Blakiston. Clarke, E: H. Century of Am. medicine, 1776-1876. | 76. | Spar Dicietesicie ee elaisie efeje nie eieleys cic viele evcicve 170s Clarke, R., & Co. Bibliotheca medica: cat. of Am and Brit. books, ete., rel. to medicine, surgery, dentistry, ete., classified by subjects, with index by | authors. [’78. 2d5e. Same. 2d ed. 27,9). 995. Clarke College of Physicians of Phila. Transactions. 3d ser. Wy tent on) Sone evcseess Hlakiston. Curtis, E: Manual of gene Sali medicinal technology, incl. prescription writing. 7°83. $l...2.... Wood. Cutter, G. R. Dictionary of German terms used in medicine. [e; 78. | SN Ois sich tciciere siidic cis ce LCULILQIM: Dalton, J: C. Experiment Ll me iba in medical sci- ence. LOE DISA D cieisis ci cissieisls) < aes slotele tare Putnam. Dunglison, R: J. Practitioner’s reference book. (7 lc RS ionic ciel cS2 SED (ls cco lel oc cl cle oeluie clatehe ete oes Harper. Harper, T: Metaphysics of the school. vy. 1, 2. FOB s (EC Ai.4 SpO erin @: s cieteleiniosey ~1a wale, alee) Macmillan. Lotze, H. Metaphysic, in three books, ontology, cos- > mw mology, and psychology. 784. net, $3.25. Macmillan. See also Ethics; — Logic; — Mind; — Philosophy ; — Psy- chology ; — Theology. eteorology. Bassler, S. S. The weather: a practical guide to its changes, showing signal service system and how to foretell local weather. ’83. 25c.........- Clarke. Caswell, A. Results of meteorological observations made at Providence, R. I., from Dec., 1831, to Dec., USUG! AB 2 ceiersle mn clerevecreleree cle eelose cle si Smith. Inst. Davis, W: M. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and tornadoes. SO4S | DO Cicecccicvc e cie cre crore cicic croleinicraersieiene Lee & S. Mann, R. I., and others. Modern meteorology. ’79. GMD veces ccise ete «cere s eucieielee ss eieree Van Nostrand. Mansill, R: Almanac of planetary meteorology. ’80. DO Civc csr cic ole cic ws cjeicisicl cieicierere a cicrone eke ciel Crampton. Noyes, I: P. How to be weatherwise: new view of our weather system. [7’82.] 25c. .... Fowler § W. Scott, R. H. Elementary meteorology. 783. $2. Scribner & W. See also A€ronautics; — Air; — Aurora borealis ; — Barome- ters; — Climate; — Earthquakes; — Electricity; — Heat; — Lightning ; — Snow. Methodism. Archibald, F. A. Methodism and literature. 783. SDI] O)sretere fous sie cues eelsiel «ia isiel srelecrerelin ofevere o «re1eKe Walden. Barrows, L. D. Distinctive feature of Methodism. TET D Ciclersveisici cir emieteretsiele) ore eelersioterate Nelson vy Jee, Davis, A. Ke Wesley and early Methodism. 784. A HOG co enone aan aouGHons Philips & H. DePuy, W: H. Methodist centennial year-book for 384.7 *84. Sileo0n5 sie @ir oe cistern co ULLUD Sta LL — Methodist year-book. [Annual.] ea., ]0c. Phillips & H. Flanigen, J. R. Methodism, old and new; with sketches of early preachers. ’80[’79]. $1.50. 30c. Iippincott. Gorrie, P. D. History of the M. E. Church in U. S. and@anada, 4S 9SO5)-2.0G.-- R. Worthington. — Lives of eminent Methodist preachers. ’81. $1.25. R. Worthington. Kidder, D. P. Ministerial education and training in the M. Is. Church. [i76.]) 25¢.-..- se eees Draper.METHODISM ie Methodion continued. M’Gee, J. Outlines of Methodism. ’83. 10c. Phillips & H. Methodist Episcopal Church. Formal fraternity ; proceedings of the Gen. Conference of the M. E. @h: and of the M. Ey Ch: South. 1879. 274. °76: ant] To5e.: 50e. o Sieiatets — Minutes of the annual conferences, 1876-’83. 11 v. "7784. ea., 7T5c. .---- Nelson & P.: Phillins & H. Moore, M. H. Sketches of the pioneers of Methodism in North Carolina and Virginia. 784. $1..So. Meth. Porter, J. Helps to official members of the M. HE. Ch., indicating their powers, duties, and priv ileges etCnle leva, 0C.. 5... + nes WVelson SP. Potts, J. H. Pastor and people; or, “Meth hodism in the field: 279. SleQbriec. ce nec. --. Phillips & H Roy, J. Catholicity and Methodism; or, the rel. of J: Wesley to modern thoug rht. helic 50c..- Dawson Shipp, A. M. History of Met lism in South Caro- lina 3835 (S226. See nes eth. Simpson, M. undred: years of Methodism. "76. OT Be ose. cede on oe eee Nelson: B: Sketches and anecdotes of Am. Methodists of the days that are no more; for boys and girls. ’83. SS P2 Dy cvchs (a siaiicie!o16)e eile) eles eejoleiele.c) oie asic. Phillips § Hf. Stevenson, D. Elements of Methodism. 83. 75¢. Wald Nn. Whitley, J. T. Mottoes of Methodism from the writings of J: Wesley and C: Wesley, with Scripture texts for every day in the year. 783. 80c. Same. ee ee te edie eae = ok oe = Phillips § H. Wise, D. Heroic . ‘thodists of the olden times: sketches of nob! le nen and women of early Me ua l- ISIN Se SED) ciao nie wie ce 8 eleysie eye Phill ips & H. See also Elders; — PMiscione and missionaries ; —Wesley, ¢ — Wesley, J: Metric system. Barnard, F: A. P. Metric system of weights and measures. led. -?79. $1.50....Am. Metric Bu Colin, A. Universal metric system. 76.] d0c. Appleton. Landreth, ve Metical tables tor engineers. (Stu- dent’s ba. 283% GOC; Engineer’s ed.) 7d5c. For tesc we. Metric primer : text-book for beginners. [’78. ) 10e. Same. 1st rev. 2d ed. [’78.] 40c...Am. Metric Bu. Molesworth, G. L. Metrical tables. ’80. 60c..-Spon. Oldberg, O. Metric prescription-book: aid in met- ric prescription writing. 781. $1.00 . . Blakiston. Putnam, J.P. Metricsystem of weights and measures. 2ded.,enl. (777. SIl Goouauoodc Am. Metric Bu. Seaver, E. P., and Walton, G: A: Metric system. [’80. ] MB Oooo tic orci is cies Ari ole sie leloleceieraicic ce Ware. See also Mensuration; — Weights and measures. Metropolitan Museum of Art, JN. Y. Cesnola. L: P. di. Metropolitan ie cum of Art. POOR IR GS aicicicicie ele oie) ce aleie(a/evcie:e) oe 601010070) {ppleton. See also Cesnola, L: P. di. Metternich, Pyi70¢e. Metternich, Prince. Memoirs, 1773-1835 ; ed. by Prince R: Metternich; the papers classified and arr. by M. A. de Klinkowstrom. 5v. ’80-’82. v. 1-4, CHRON B OM Vin Deo Uics Gel vicre cine ee Scribner's Sons. == nme, Ov. 28l, ear. ol. Same. bd pts. 781 189. ea., DD Civaieicleloteileveiole. e/elkeiaie)lejacece eonccerecccs THlarpe V. — Same. 4pts. 781. ea., YWos coco signers se ofa Wunro. Mexico. Anderson, A. D. Mexico from the material stand- point. 984. 75C....screeees sorceress - Brentano. — Silver country; or, the great South-west: review | of the mineral and other wealth of the former king- | dom of New Spain. [?77.] $1.75----+-- Putnan. Bancroft, H. H. Mexico. v. 1-3. [v. 4-6 of his Hist. of the Pacific States.] 3v. 83. ea., B4.50- | GBI) eieiaie evel cis 7 oi s's)siee/s\leie) eunje niin Bicte(a(cuasiste ots Bancroft. — North Mexican States and Texas. v.1. [v. 10 of his Hist. of the Pacific States.] 784. $4.50-510. Bancroft. 3 MICROSCOPE Mexico, continued. Bishop, W: H: Old Mexico and her lost provinces: Mexico, southern California, and Arizona by way ofe@ubay 2635 aS. ceectoee eo ca Harper. Brocklehurst, T: U. me to-day: a country with a great future, and a glance at the prehist. remains and antiq. of the eae zumas. 783. $7.50. Scribner & W. Conkling, A. R. Appletons’ guide to Mexico, incl. Guatemala; and Eng.-Spanish vocab. ’84 [’83]. $2. Appleton. Conkling, H. Mexico and the Mexicans: notes of travel. 83. Mei L oly ()ireusvaraicweveretouedvareuevenerevore Taintor. Ferguson’s anecdotal guide to Mexico, with map of railways... [76:]| $l... .0.-:-. Claxton; Ri Gite Frost, J: History of Mexico Sito, irs. 782. S486. Hawkins. Gray, A. Z. Mexico asitis. ['77.] $1.... Dutton. Lester, C: E. The Mexican republic: hist. study. ey {Xo 8 (Yeh nodgoas occa dbornso dc6ude Am. News. Ober, F: A. Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans. 734. SIIDS. oO DOL DO mec. cee Estes. — Young folks’ hist. of Mexico. ’83 [782]. $1.50. Estes. Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches; or, rambles in the backwoods of Mexico and Central America. 80. QO SBi a ieccce es eversiolelalivieiaievaceiereliclelielejelcieleiic/s)evstex Lippincott. Prescott, W: H. History of the conquest of Mexico. 8v. [In his Works. Pop. ed.] °82. ea., $1.00. Lippincott. Rankin, M. Twenty years among the Mexicans: narr. of missionary labor. “81. $1.25....Cen. Bk See also Coronado, V. de; — Montezuma;— United States, History. Michael Angelo. See Buonarroti, Michael Angelo. ) Michigan. Bemis. E: W. Local government in Michigan and the north-west. ’83. 2dc....Johns Ho pkins Uni. Fee euide of Michigan, and law blanks and law-book italogue. [’79.] 0c. ...---++-++---- Richmond. Tiffany, A. R. Treatise onc riminal law of Michigan, with precedents of indictments and forms. 3d ed. [’76. $7.50. Ms ws vee wees LLUMDLTEY. See also Detroit; — Fort Mackinac; — Macinac Island. Note. For laws and other publications by the state see Michi- gan, author alphabet, p. 261. Michigan University. Chase, I. R. Michigan University book. 780. $2. Richmond. Microscope. Babcock, J: Vignettes from invisible life: [micro- scopic studies]. “84. $1.25..--> ~ een Gassell Seale. L. S. How to work with a ee {th ed. 780. S7.DO.- 22 ec eces ceeee . ee Blakiston. Belfield, W: T. On the relations of! micro-organisms to disease. 83. REDS WD Cusicisielereie aisKelet ie Carpenter, W: B: Microscope and its revelations. Gth ed. 781. Bd.bO -ccceesccecesevcer Blakiston. = Same. G6thede Val2. 783s subs: eax, plz. Wood. Frey, H: Microscope and microscopical technology Ddied: WSOK WHGic sree: Mercere) were celine wiereie secre Wood. Harrington, M: W. Microscopical examination of erude drugs and other vegetable products. [etefical AG wi, y NOOO OU DODO0G SONG OOO 00000 COUN Sheehan. Heitzmann, Cc : “Mic roscopical morphology of ree ani- mal body in health and disease. 82. $7; $8... Val. Herrick, §. B. Wonders of plant-life under the micro- scope. 783. BODO! cesisisreleiere cisieleleisre.e ciacele Putnam. Marsh, S. Section cutting: guide to preparation and mounting of sections for microscope. MQ’. + TOC: Indust. Phin, J: Practical hints on use of microscope, abridged for beginners. 779. B30 Gi «sree ei Indust. Ross, A. The microscope. (78. ] TD Gaon Indust. Sieler, C: Compendium of microscopical tec ‘hnology. 200) Wiles asc ccc wscienee eaee oroierer uieievsrens Brinton. Shee Ror varaMICROSCOPE IWlicroscope, continue 2 Stowell, C: H. and L. Microscopical diagnosis. 289% $3 BAS UO ROOD ODO0 OUOGUS aOuuGO G: S. Davis. Wythe, J. H. The microscopist: manual of micro- ») e | SCOPy and compe ndium of the microsc opie sciences. $4.50. 8d ed., enl. ites . Lindsay § Blakiston. See also Photography. Middle Ages. Adams, G: B. Medieval civilization. 783. 45c. Appleton. Baring-Gould,S. Curious myths of the Middle Ages. 2), «1.50. CO Beis ie iclete Ae Bis aia oi oe Roberts. Church, R: W. Beginning of the Middle Ages. IAN) Tillis cieveieleie) cvele)e\ic/eieicie s)eveleierd Scribner, A. & Co: Cox, Sir G: W., and Jones, E.H Popular romances of the Middle Ages. tAm. ed. 280: $2225: «Holz. Fort, G: F. Medical economy during the Middle Ages. “8B. $3.00. 26. vc ver cen ccee secece Bouton. Gazeau, Fs. History of the Middle Ages. ’78. $1. Cath. Pub. Lacroix, P. Science and literature in the Middle Ages. (Biri SDD isic ele cielee cleiscielaivie Appleton. Lawrence, E. Primer of mediey ral literature. die] DA ee ae eas Harper. Menzies, S. The Middle Ages. [’77 S1L.. Putnam. S., E. L. Belt and spur: stories of the knights of the Middle Ages, from the old chroniclers. ’82. $2. : Scribner & W. Stillé, C: J. Studies in medieval history. ’82. $2. lf Up prin ott. Wagner, W. Epics and romances of the Middle Ages. ’83. Dojlete cre ecisieiec.s aeieee cele eso LUD DUNCOL- See also Architecture ;— Christian art; — Ecclesiastical his- tory ; — Fine arts; — History. Middlesex Co., Mass. Drake, S: A. History of Middlesex Co., Mass. [’79.] $2 re ee vee ve ecee cece erecceces Roberts. Middlesex county manual: hist. skete oh of the county from its incorporation, 1642, to the present time. [e795] GS I] suarerts taveveihsy areola evecare eoeecees Penhallow. Midwifery. Atkinson, W: B. Hints in obstetric procedure. ’79. Spilicrhcicie sia nisvetslelbicls © sieves s dic ees cic wh ae ee es Brinton. Barnes, I Manual of midwifery for midwives. ’79. ILE Otero Geltenecetctes cis isvoloveiare lo ravolelle’ Sroleretele iets eisieercee Lea Clay Complete handbook of obstetric surge ry a eal 32, sielolouerevevctere ._Lindsau & Blakiston. Corr, Jfrs.-S. H. Obstet rics re edue ed to questions and answerss WPS, BILLS) wicicretse sce ocie sei ove Cooke. Engelmann, G: J. Labor among primitive peoples: development of obstetric science of to-day from cus- MILTON | Miawifer y; ¢ contin oe Shew, Je diseases of women. Verrier, and the - Wells. 4th ed., women, on midwifery New ed. [ett] $1.50 E. Practical manual of obstetrics. Letters to enl. with the four obstetric maples of Prof. Payot. list Am. ed; 78. subsSi, SU25%0 cence - Wood. Milan. See Brera Gallery. Military art and science. Arnold, F. S. Discipline and drill of the militia. (Rte Bo erctee Ste econ oie iat nie - Van Nostrand. Farrow, E: S. Mountain scouting: hand-book for otticvers and soldiers on the frontier. 782. $3; $2. Metropolitan. Livermore, W. R. American Kriegsspiel: game for practising the art of war upon a topographical map manual. ’82. $2; tablesand pl., $3; together, $5. Houghton, M. & Co. Otter, W. D. The guide: manual for the Canadian militia infantry. 780. 75C...-s.eecsees -. Willing. Phisterer, F: Natural guardsman on guard and kindred duties: 279% TDG@s setae oc Ciacci ce Clarke — Statistical record of the armies of the U.S. aS: $1. Scribner's Sons. Regan, J. Manuals of guard duty and kindred sub- jects for the regular army, volunteers and militia of the U. S. SD Dime cio nie eletavete: s/c etete --- Harper. Totten, C: A. L. Strategos: ser. of Am. games of war, based upon military principles. 2 v. ’80. $3. Appleton. Wheeler, J. B. Course of instruction in elements of art and science of war, for cadets in U.S. Mil. Acad: 719. Si.7b Same: 7825 S175 Van Nostrand. - Text-book of military engineering. 3 pts. 83. pt. 1, Be OM RO eave oy cieie cle ; Sitters ee - Wiley. Wilhelm, T: Military aie tionary and gazetteer: com- prising ane. and mod. military technical terms. Reveceds. “Sil (Sb S6iscecteren oc cisco eters Hamersly. — Same. Rev. ed. 783. $5..-....- Van Nostrand. See also Battles; — Brevets; — Fire arms; — Fortifications; — Gunnery; — Military law; — Military medicine and hygiene. Military law. Ives, R See al A. Military law. -. Van Nostrand. so Courts martial. ['79.] $4 Military medicine and hygiene. Forster, E: J. Manual for medical officers of the me of the U. [PUG] Slee cece Hd & A. Mill, a A. James Mill: a biography. ’82. - Holt. Bower, G. S. Hartley and James Mill. ’81. $1.25. Putnam. | Mill, J: toms of all races. 2ded., enl. ’83. $2.50.. Chambers. Glisan, R. Modern midwifery: text-book of Am. practice: eS, $4: $5 <4... Saskonosinnr: Blakiston. | King, A. F. A. Manual of obstetrics. ’82. $9. mers Ded 2805 SO ge se oe a Lea. Landis, H. G How to use the forceps. ’80. $1.50 Treat Leavitt, S. Science and art of obstetrics 83 [82] DOE isilieerciolexe vier wie} “ereieislaiseele alersialeilere. 6 (o sisieis Gross Lusk, W: T. The science and art of midwife ry. 82 [8] $05 B65... . Appleton. Marsden, J Hand- book of practic all midwife Ty, incl. instructions for home op ithic treatment. 779. +6) OF $2.23 Oleidisye: ORs) oreieeicrelel ss isle a - Boericke Si Li: Martin, ie Atl: as of obstetrics ands gynecology. 2d | ed. 780. aie DO UO OOO OG ROO CAA A ee Blakiston. Meadows, A. Manual of midwife ry. 2d Aim: ed. I~ ? OF [’76.] BBO Rr cisracrescie .. Lindsay § Blakiston. Y 9 — Same. 3d Are ed., ol 2g9. $2.... Blakiston — and Venn, A. J. Manual of midwifery. 4th ed., ene 2 IROUR OK ce ctevscusorstercycrers Meee wRutnne > nO an T Playfair, W.S. Science and practice of midwife ry. 9 f > IT Q 2 DO ANede, 27S G4 Ion oe Lea. Richardson, W: pathic principles. toberts, D. L. Syste mM on obste as ic s on homeo- B74] WW: Practice of Tduitee y. . RR ichardson. 18'2 7dc. LBlakiston. Bain, Stuart. A. recollections. John Stuart Mill: a criticism, $1.25 with personal Holt. "82 Millais, J: Everett. Millais gallery: ser. of heliotype engs. with biog. | sketch and descriptions. [’77.] $10....-. Osgood. | Miller, Hugh. Miller, H. Autobiography: my schools and school- maste ae (Ga BIRSO er de nceiseiels sie Canter: | Millett, J J: Ks: Sensier, A. Jean ehencols Millett, peasant and painter: 78). G3 coe scss cece eon +e+-+- Osgood. | Mills. Thwaite, B. H. Our factories, workshops and ware- houses: their sanitary and fire-resisting arrange- ments; i825 | SBD 1c cia cyererercio) cnieieie ee Spon. Woodbury, C. J. struc columns. Milton, Brooke, Hines, H. Fire protec tion of mills and con- tion of mill-floors: tests of full size wood mill- 269. 8250) eer ee eecees Wiley. J: S.A. John Milton. ’79. 60c...Appleton. J: A. Study of Milton’s Paradise lost. [’78.] . Lippincott.MILTON 135 MINISTERS Milton, J:, continued. Macaulay, T: B. (Lord). John Milton and Lord Byron: ([278.]) 25... ..%.. ste cece eens Harper. | ae Same. (77 | 50¢c ef eet @orese eee eesecens Osgood | Mineralogy, con a nued. Masson, D: Life of J: Milton : in connection with the political, eccles. and lit. hist. of his times | S. | v.4-6: 1660-1674. ’78-’80. v.4,5, ea., $5; v.6,| BO seeeee srepesceieiese sie oe Seer ee ee ee tees Macmillan. — Same. New rev.ed. v 1: 1608-89. ’81. &6. Macmillan. Pattison, M: Milton. ’80 [’79]. 75c....... Harper. SAME. LOCE caics cic minisle; sforciciciei civic’ crere J: W. Lovell. —— Same. BOS LOC: ciceccec ic 8 cere sioic Sielauewine Munro. Milwaukee, Js. Dupré, J. V. Quarter-sectional atlas of the city of Milwaukee. 2drev.ed. ’84. $15...... Caspar. Mind. Hamerton, P. G. Intellectual life. Author’s ed. | New cheaped. 784. $1.50; 50c......... Roberts. Locke, J: Conduct of the understanding. ’81. 50c. Macmillan. Murphy, J.J: Habit and intelligence: essays on the laws of life and mind. 2ded.,rey. ’79. $5. Wacm illan. See also Biology; — Brain; Delusions; — Emotions; Energy ;— Faculty ;— Feeble-minded ; — Heredity ; — Illusions — Insanity ; — Instinet ; — Intellectual property ; — Knowledge; — Logic; — Man; — Materialism ; — Memory; — Metaphysics; — Mind and body; — P mal sophy ; — Psychology ; — Science; — Senses; — Soul; — Wi Mind oe body ‘. Bain, A. Mind and body: theories of their relation. 80. ae B (aliciaunte) oreieisy a olere wisterelaleelateretaeicis Fitzgerald. Calderwood, H: Relations of mind and brain. ’79. Gnd pias tolelaln siole!cioleiclis's s\n 1e)sle o/s « «/s\6 6 eieleie! eke Macmillan. Granville, J. M. Common mind troubles. ’79. 50c. Cassino. — Same. [’81.] DO Charen cine is eiciete orereyelerclnca ere Estes. — How to make the best of life. ’82. 50c...Cassino. —_— Secret of al clear head. 9: DO Carcinvorcreiers Cassino. Griesinger, W. Mental pathology and therapeutics. POOR SUD Se ile Dic civic wie'eieieiele oe a viteie via cisiveieles Wood. Hammond, W: Cerebral hyperemia the result of mental strain or emotional disturbance. [’78.] $1. Putnam. Mann, E: C. Manual of psychological medicine and | allied nervous diseases. 783. $5.....-. slakiston. | Maudsley, H: Pathology of mind: 3d ed. of the 2d part of the Physiology and pathology of mind, re- cast, enl. and rewritten. 780. $2......- Appleton. — Physiology of mind: Ist part of 3d ed., enl. of the Physiology and pathology of mind. [’77.] $2. Appleton. Tuke, D. H. Illustrations of the influence of the mind upon the body in health and disease. 2d Am. el, Kb) Bop qceaGoocoec Sere inve nisi steve sis pueceyers Lea. Wallace, A. R., and others. Psycho-physiological sciences and their assailants : response to the attack of W. B. Carpenter and others. [’78.] 50c..- Colby. J L | Wood, H. C. Brain-work and over-work. ’80. 50c. | Blak iston. See Nervous system ; — also references under Mind. | Mineralogy. | Bartlett, F. L. Minerals of New England, where and | how to find them. [’77.] 50c.; 25c..--- Dresser. Bauerman, H: ‘Text-book of eee mineralogy. 78, $2250) Bee clei cieies olaraleielerclers . Appleton. Brush, G: J. Mi: anual of de terminative mineralogy ; with introd. on blow-pipe analysis (¢ onstituting the determinative part of Dana’s Mineralogy). 3d ed., tr. into the new system. 778. $3.50---+-++- Weoley. Centennial Exhibition. Official re ports of the judges: Minerals, mining and metallurgy. 7’78. $2. _ Linpincott. Collins, J. H. Mineralogy. 2v. [’78-’84.] $2.50. | Putnam. | | | | | Dana, E: S. Text-book of mineralogy; after the | plan and with the co- operation of J. x Dana. 17..| $5. Same. 10th ed. ’83. $3.50... Wiley. HD — Third appendix to the 5th ed. of Dana’s Miner- alogy : completing the work to 1882. 782. $1.50; ovapp: complete in Ti wig Gc os cic cise sioss Wiley. Dana, J. D. Manual of mineralogy and lithology. odieds. rev. 2785 S9..k on. ce Sielcleicicvel stevie st Wiley. Foye, J.C. Tables for the determination, descrip- tion and classification of minerals. 2d ed., rey. 82. $1 Frazer; P., 77. Tables for the determination of min- erals; based on the tables of Wiesbach. New rey. ed. E Mim Ve BRD ieiereaere lve less noerere era eae Lippincott. Orton, J. Underground treasures; how and where to aoe them : key for minerals within the U.S. New ed; withsadd: 281) SU5b0saccccs. veces. Baird. Wireclow. C. G. Elementary eards to determinative mineralogy ; Weisbach’s Tabellen; applied to Am. species: 780) (SY sce eeerec cerseee ois Wheeler. — Outlines of determinative mineralogy for high schools, academies, ete. “84. $1l....... Wheeler. See also Blow-pipe analysis; — Chemistry, Analysis ; — Coal; — Diamonds, diatoms ; — Geology; — Mines and min- ing; — Paleontology; — Precious metals; =n recious stones. Mines and mining. Andre, G: G. Mining machinery: descriptive trea- tise on mining machinery, tools and other appliances used in mining. 2v. [’77.] $28.......... Spon. Blanchard, G: A., and Weeks, E: P. Law of mines, minerals and mining water rights. [’77.] $7.50. S. Whitney. Copp, H: N. American mining code: U.S., state and territorial mining laws, land-office regulations, and digest of decisions; [aso] forms; Dr. Ray- mond’s glossary, and a list of pate nted claims. ’82. S12 bs SOC ~ s@ icici aialaveye cic cise le lele) uieie ecevecens Copp. — U.S. mineral lands, laws, fori instructions and decisions: “Sie (S450 8 Baie. cucieve rere eye cierei oie Copp. Morrison, R. S. Mining reports: cases on the law of mines found inthe Am. and Eng. Fanon arr. al- phabetically by sub jects, with notes and ref. 4 v. OB =I84, (Can. De LO misteien. ceoeiee cess Callaghan. — Mining rights in Color ade. 5d ed. °79. $2.25. — and Fillius, J. Same. Odth ed., enl. 781. $2:25. Chain. Sickels, D. K. U.S. mining laws; forms for estab- lishing proof of claims [etc.]. "81. $6.. Bancroft. Smith, F: H. Rocks, minerals and stocks. ’82. B50 MCs sew © See eisleiiele lreteleyoyeisier-\ Rway Rev. Wade, W: P. ‘Manual of American mining law as practised in the western states and territories. 782. NCt, GB.c ce reve veces vesesecceeces FEF. H. Thomas. Wilson, C: S. Mining laws of U. S., Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. 781. Sl...------ Lawrence. See also Coal; — Metals and metallurgy ; — Mineralogy. Ministers (of the Gospel). Bather, Archdeacon. On some ministerial duties ; catechising, preaching, ete. [’77.] $1.50. | Macmillan. Bedell, G. T. The pastor: pastor al theology. 780. RO ere evore ciel vielelslerene:e eR eietelerelaie stele: e tele L upprncott. Chambliss, A. W. God’s ministry. S1. S1.. Ramsey. Sa 1S: : Pastor’s companion and register. 783. DOGS Ce aay Baler - Tibbals. Fisher, R. Re Green W jllingwood:; ; ‘life among the clergy. Pr7. |] GL.25.... ee ceee eee Authors’. _ Same, with title: Life among the clergy. 3d ed. [(’'78.] 1. Diya everclear sieiererenieiel: ee repateren tuthors’. Hudson, S. A. Law for the clergy; with notes and practical forms. [(°77.] Bl. -seeee ec reeees Griggs: Liepsner, B. F. The young pastor and his people: advice to young clergymen. [’78.] $1.25.- Tibbals. Littlejohn, A. N. Conciones ad clerum, 1879-1850. 81 [°80]. $1-50.----- Kohe is Cae coe Whittaker. Miller, J: C. Letters to a young clergyman. [?78. GRE TB) ye ie cis cise cir oe oie (6) serosa ericteie: more Dutton. Murphy, T: Pastoral theology. [77. ] . Presb. Bd. Ramsay, E: B. Pulpit table-talk. 30. Oo: nea RO Vansant. feaMINISTERS ] Ministers, continued. Schieffelin, S: B. students for the ministry. Word to Christian teachers and (77. L8e.: 6c: Ref. Ch. Pub. ministry; with re- 81. Grades in the ministerial office and ordination. Stirewalt. Stirewalt, J. P. marks on the Missions and missionaries; — work; — 7 — Priesthood; — See also Preaching; Ministers’ Institute, Providence, Rk. Ee Institute essays, 1879. ’80. $1.25: Sl. Minnesota. Booth, W. 58. Minnesota. L fé. Rand, McNally & Co. map of Minnesota. sermons. Vlas aie/olele oc LV LLUSs Constable’s manual for the State of , wy ornare ele co ors taro etl OOTNs Indexed county and township 60ec.: 50c. Rand, McN. & Co. Minnesota: geography, hist., "76 SQ Wis cxc-0 o's: eleveie eajeis Meroarll (OC. - r9Q2 7 Oo. J Wheeler, KE. A. and resources. W oodman, PR: M. Court almanac and lawyers’ diary for Minnesota, 1883-84. [82 83. | GA. cop lvo0!s GR a tevaiG colle eivieies0\e (ee aie a/s\a.00je,ee 0 eee, 00:0 ¢.0\° Bausman. Not For laws and other } plications by the state see Min- nesota, author Miracle plays. Hase, Ki: A: survey. Miracles. Aladel, M. culation, results. Beckett, Sir Ti. Review sacred dramas: hist. Miracle plays and RO. Sd iciateeleecisteursiace Houghton, M & Oo. its origin, hist., cir- 2 rere Eevets and Huxley on medal : Seb Okiemiere« of Hume Miraculous SO. miracles. 83. NCU: VO Caeser cre HE. f J. B. Young. Macmillan, H. The marriage in Cana of Galilee. ’82. SLi Diora cieveile (ol aieieserc els) sioivic)leis-cleleic «+e ele.ers Vacmillan. Medizval and modern saints and miracles. Not ab uno e Societate Jesu. 116% SLD Olsiecevere Harpe ,. Taylor, W: M. Gospel miracles in their rel. to Christ and Christianity. [’80.] $1.50.....-.. Randolph. Trench, R: C. Notes on the miracles of our Lord 7H SEY Devcies cic tayerereteveress . Syckelmoore = Came. INewled:: 7808 (Ril 2d: csi wcoc= Appleton. Mishnah. Hahn, A: The rabbinical di: hist. of dialecticians and dialectics of the Mishnah and mud: 281: Si Missing-Link Bible Mission. Ranyard, Mrs. KE. the homes of the London poor. ’79. $1.25.. Carter. Missions and missionaries. Bainbridge, W: F. Self-giving: ileeties : 5 Missine-link; or, Bible-women in story of Christian missions. 33 |] $1.50....2.06---s .»- Lothrop Carpenter, C. H. Self-support; illustrated in hist. of the Bassein Karen Mission, 1840-1880. ’84. $1.50. Rand. Carroll, H: K. World of missions. ’81. 10c. Phillips & H. story of Ameri- missions in India. [’78.] $1.25. Chaplin, Mrs. A. C. can Baptist Our gold mine: Sa 7Ué. 2 OO Dy. cpreyesers ei eb a ioe inc Sooo eck Corthell Christlieb, T. Protestant foreign missions, their present state. (Auth. Am. ed.) [’80. 75C Cong. Pub. From darkness to light: story of Te- lugu awakening. ye wy Doocdcoc ... Am. Bant. Daggett, Is. L. H. Historical sketches of woman’s missionary societies in Am. and Ene. New rev. ed. ] iD Qheetaele onsite ae eee ee Stove Dagqaett. Duff, A. chief end of the Christian church. 80. | Same. New cheap ed. eiraleveleliare visite On. Presb. Bd. Ellis, H. W. Our eastern sisters and their missionary NEIPENS A8Ge © ilk vorrercisiers Q 6 83 Missions the New ed. 13252 DCs. o0c. | 90, Un. B. Pub. . : ‘ oe : Black and white: mission stories. Slelele is sicicvelsraisc oye uc c Be & dk iB: Young. Forde, H. A. (’81.] $1.05 36 MISSISSIPPI Randolph. | Missions and missionaries, continued. Hawley, C Early chapters of Cayuga list.: Jesuit missions in Goi-o-gouen, 1656-1684; also, Sulpitian among Cayugas about Quinte Bay, 1668. lvison & P. missions 19. GSill claiete oie «alu [6 « wlelea) a's) 10 *)6 210: 816 Horton, F. A. Progress of Christian missions : hand- book arr. with questions and answers. ‘82. 5c. Presb. Bd. Japp, A. H. Master missionaries. 781. $1.50.. Carter. Jessup, H:H. ‘The Mohammedan missionary prob- lem: 279; fd Presb, Bd. Laurie, T: volume; or, the contributions Ely of foreign missions to science and human well- being. 281° $3 eleva epeiccers sareversr i COTLQs Pub. Lowrie. J: C. Missionary papers. *81. $1.50... Carter. Maes, C. P. Life of Rev. C. Nerinckx; with chapter on the early Catholic missions of Ky., notes on Catholicity in the U. S., 1800-1825 [ete.]. 780. GD) 5 \ireke <0 ersiols choice wisicvesere| sve) SO. PMs oor OY Am. Bapt. Tupper, H. A. Baptist Conyention. Vaughan, C: J. Forget thine own people: appeal to the home church for foreign missions. [7’77.] $1 Macmillan. Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field. ’79. GRO ee eave mice cre cielo a leteyee telclerelorsielelars Whittaker. Modern heroes of the mission-field. 782. $1.50. Whittaker. Wheeler, M. S. First decade of the Women’s For- eign Missionary Soc. of the M. E. Ch. ; with sketches of its missionaries. ’81l. $1 50 Phillips & H. Young, R. Light in the lands of darkness: mission- ary labor among Greenlanders, Eskimos, Patagoni- Cassell. ANS. CtC. “B44. (Boece wie oo cefere ee wlo1ns nteliarevey Modern missions: their trials and triumphs. Ist Am. ed.,-enl. [7°83.] $2)...5 0c 2-0 -- 0. oe Cassell. See also District visitors ;—Indians;— McAuley Mission ;— Missing-Link Bible Mission; —a@/so names of missionaries as: Baldwin, M. B.; — McAll, R. W.; — Martyn, H:; — Moffat, R. ; — Paxson, 8. Mississippi. Baldwin, J. G. sippl. [’?79.] Flush times of Alabama and Missis- SC Oke. ce ene -. S. Whitney. Lynch, J. D. Bench and bar of Mississippi. 781. DOM RO steers ee cc ee een ccc en aie Omer Tale. Rand, McNally & Co. Indexed county and township map of Mississippi. [’83. | 60ec.; 50c. Rand, McN. § Co. See also Kemper @ox _ Note. For laws and other publications by the state see Missis- sippi, author alphabet, p. 265. Vicksburg.Miscissippi River. Clemens, S: L. Life on the Mississi Ppt ’83. subs. $3.50-$8 . Siete oie Bicrelalel sielerencrerere Osgood. Eads, J. B. Re view of Humphre y’s and Abbot’s report on the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi DIVER AON 20 Ciecictcleie eiaicieersjers cicve Van Nostrand. | Greene, F. V. The Mississippi. ’82. $1. Scrvbner’s Sons. Griffin, A. P. C. Discovery of the Mississippi: liographical account, with fac-simile of the map of as Joliet. V6. 4835 (oes eae ecw ceccc Barnes, Mississippi valley. Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. 779. $150............ Barns. See also Mounds and mound-builders. Missouri. Bay, W. V.1 Reminiscences of the bench and bar Of MASSOUTIE Se BS). ccm. ve siciecie F. H. Thomas. Bevier, R. S. History of the Ist and 2d Missouri confederate brigades, 1861-1865; From Wakarusa to Appomattox: $2.50 Gobel, G. Reminiscence s of an old settler in Missouri. SRL eisveierc cles Kelley, H: administrators Missouri and Kansas. [also } military anagraph. ’79. . . Bryan, B. & Co. lancer als ein Mensche ale yen in Missouri. nite sie ere ciorele WULler: rel. to executors, adpt. to the laws of enl. 784. net, St. Joseph Steam Pr. Treatise on wii ie LW and guardians ; 2d ed., $5. St. Louis Academy of Science. Contrib. to the archeol. of Missouri. pt. 1: Pottery. 80. $3.. Bates. Switzler, W. F., and others. Illustrated hist. of Mis- sourl, from 1541 to 1877. ’79. $2.50—$5.50.. Barns. See also Kansas City ; — St. Louis. Note. For laws and other publications by the state see Missouri, author alphabet, p. 265. Mitchell, Nathan Ji: Mitchell, N. J. Reminiscences and incidents in the life of a er preacher. ([’77.] Mitford, Ma. Russell. L’Estrange, A.G. Friendships of Mary Russell Mit- ford. 7°82. $2: 2e..ceccccceccccescces Harper. Mobile Bay. Parker, F. A. The battle of Mobile Bay, and capture of Forts Powell, Gaines, and Morgan, by forces of the U.S., under Farragut and Granger, Aug., 1864. SOU Gor OU ecraclelerscictnie/aerls -- we seee Williams. | Model farms. See Agriculture. Modelling. Vago, A. L. Instructions in the art of modelling in | clay; with app. on modelling foliage, ete., by B. Pitman. ’80!° $1....-.-. Siecle S ieretavetsiers Clarke See also Wax flowers. Modern history. See History. Modjeska, Mme. Helena. Altemus, J. I. Helena Modjeska. [’83.] $1; 25¢. OE Moffat, J: Moffat, J: Life and lectures. [’77.] 50c...Authors’. Moffat, Rob., D.D. Walters, W. Life and labors of Rob. Moffat, D.D., missionary in South Africa. [’83. ] $1.25..Carter. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. Eastern question; or, an outline of Mohanmmedanism. bib- | $2...-- Chase. | MONEY intonammea aa Mohoinedoniees isin ied: Stephens, W. R.W. Christianity and Islam: the Bible and the Koran. [’77.] $1.25...Scmbner, W. & Stobart, J.W.H. Islam and its founder. [°79.] $ Rott. ¥: See also Koran. | Moliére, J: Oliphant, 79. are | Molinos, Michel d« J: Molinos, 3apt. P. de. Mrs. M. O. W., and T Molieére. Lippincott. arver, $1 | sigelow, the Quictist. ’82. $1.25 Scribner’s Sons. | Mollusca. Hyatt, A. lusks. ; [he oyster, clam and other common mol- 0. XO Ginn. 2Q 2 o DIU. ee we eee reer eeerereereereres seve See also Conchology ; — Oyster. Molly Maguires. Dewees, F. P. The Molly Maguires and character of their organization. : origin BLOW EDS ete 31.50. [appv edt (’78.] $1. Gian Pinkerton, A. Molly Maguires. Monarchs. Doran, J: Monarchs ed. = 2iv. 780. Lamb, Lady C. retired from business. New 50 - Armstrong. W arrior kings from C h: Stern: Lene to $3. eeereeesseve Frederick the Great. 783 [’82]. >2 ale outledge. See also Queens. Monasticism. Curzon, R. A visit to monasteries in the Levant. | Newed. [’83.] $1.50..... we thisodeae ser Dodd. | St. Jure, J: B. The religious: treatise on the vows and virtues of the religious state. 2v. 782. St. O’ Shea. See also Jesus (Society of) ; — Sisters of Mercy. Money. Baird, H: C. Money and its substitutes. Commerceand its instruments of adjustment. [’76.] 10c...Baird. 3arnum, P. T. Art of money-getting. [°83.] 0c. | Ogilv 1é. | Bartley, T.W. Review of the currency question, with ref, to the a money doctrine. '81. 25c.-.Am. Reg. | Berkey, W: Money ques ston : legal-tender paper monetary system of the U. (’?76.] $1.50; $1. Baird; Berkey. — Same. 2ded.,enl. [’78.] 40c.-$l..---- Berkey. Cernuschi, H: Bi-metallic money. [776.] 20c. | : S. Homans. —Nomisma; or, legal tender. [’77.] $1.25 Appleton. | Coigne, G. Money, - the way to make it. "(World ed.) } P77.) a coo: TORKOD OO0D00 VDOCOUG UCDO World Pub. | Dickson, W:M. Some aspects of the money question. | fete a ene eee iets sicreleisrercersheisiese Clarke. | Dillaye, S. D. Money and finance of the French | revolution of 1789, incl. an examination of A. D. White’s Paper-money inflation in France. [’76.] SO Oe ce eee oes cletelsioreiel ore rere njereerenencielel es Soho} Baird. Ford, \ The standard silver dollar and the coin- age ie ee 1878. °84. 20c...2-+-seees Soc. Pol. Ed. Gantt. T: T. Demonetization of silver unconstitu- tionnle (Vila) 20C roi ernlaye crereialorene cles: G. I. Jones. Groesbeck, W.S. Gold and silver. [’77. ] 95c.. Clarke. Hamilton, R. Money and its value. [’78.] $4.50. Macm vllan. civilization. _W. & A. 7 7 - Clarke. Jie ally. . D. Monetary situation. P78. ] 50c and gold and their rel. to the proble m of re- New ed., enl. ] $l. i. « Glanke: Common sense, mk ithematics and meta- 9], S29 .. Houghton, M. & Vo. Paper money the money of . Scrvbner Harvey, GrEGnES — Silver sumption. Ue Howe, J: B De phy sies of money. 1825 DOC. ince +s ccs bel see ores WLULLanTes. Irving, W. Life of Mahomet. 2 pts. ‘BH. ea., 15e J We Lovell. Jessup, H: H. The Mohammedan missionary prob- lem. “09. TDC: .ccces covecccees Peclea IeveS0s 0. Muir, Six W: ‘The rise and decline of Islam. [784. ] | eee Bioiete ev eloielaite/skele sieieeli ete Am. Tr. | Niccolls, S: J. Eastern question in prophecy : lect- | ures on nits rise and decline of Mahometanism and | the events to follow, presented in the prope cies of St; John: [77%] 75ce>5 ole . Lemoine. 74. (Mar. 85.) industrial fallacies : a dialogue. [’78. |] #l. 50 Houghton, O. Co. — Mono-metalism and bi- metalism. | 79. J aN Houghton, LS cae ( ¢ U.S. and fn rance in . Houghton, 0. § Co. — Monetary and y 0. — Political economy of P Gt. Brit., the use of money. li? 78. ] $3.50.MONEY | Money, continued. Hughes, R. W. Popular treatise on the currency question, written from a southern point of view. 79, BD Die vc1e.clelc) 0/0 0's ele, 0 aaie/s0 0.0) 0/e,0,81.010)0;8 Putnam. Jevons,W.S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 2pts. [’83-’84. On. LOC: scieriae sie ere Fitzgerald. Juilliard vs. Greenman. Legal tender case, cont the opinion of the court. 84. iD Gere aie eeeteee Banks. Lavaleye, Bi-metallic money. (| 30C. Banke rs Maq. Lindermann, H. R. Money and legal tender in the Wiss: [eg] Sie 2 Dveiecisl celal e cele b aietelersire I CUtN Qn. McCulloch, H. Bi-metallism. ’79. 25c...... Putnam. Nourse, B. F., and Jevons, W. 8S. ‘The silver ques- tion. ABE ZLOCs wisiele «1s evcicie! «icles bcos Wiliams. Pilon, M. R. What is demonetization? [’78.] 7dc. Authors’. Poor, H: V. Money and its laws: embr. a hist. of monetary theories and currencies of the U.S. [’77. | SS De revevele BS ee ets cial ec eis is eieiclelle «ie oleic Poe Richardson, H.W. Paper money. ’79. 15c.-- A? pleton. Schucky, J. W. Currency conflict: review of some portions of Gen. Garfield’s speech on specie pay- ments, with ref. to resumption in Gt. Brit. in 1819- 22. in aletterto W. J). Kelley. [’78.] 10c... Bard. 9 Schurz, C: Honest money and labor. ’79. 25c. Putnam. Silver question: essay on the proposed remonetization of silverin the U.S: [27621 80. 6c cece we Jansen. Smith, J. V. C. Buried millions: where do the gold and silver go? [’79. LO Giie 5 cys eicis cvereroiniere Barnes. Toppan, R. N. Historical summary of metallic money. Ode WB0C sec eee er eee Little, B. & Co. Walker, F. A. Money. MBs) (pa s00c-s cie ce FHolt. — Money in its rel. to trade and industry. ’79. $1.25. é 5 Holt. Walker, J. H. Few facts and suggestions on money, trade and banking. ’82 [’S1] 7T5ec. Houghton, M. & Oo. Warren, A.J. Appreciation of money: its effects on debts, industry, and national wealth. [7’78.] 30c. Baird. Wells, D: A. The silver question: the dollar of the fathers vs. the dollar of the sons. [’78.] 25c. Putnam. Weston, G: M. The silver question. ’78. $1.25. I: S. Homans. Whipple, J: Free trade in money, the g fraud, poverty and ruin: answer to Jeremy Ben- tham. §[’78.] 25C..c..2.eceeseesseeee Williams. — Same; [also] Letters from N. Capen to R. H. Gillet and E. Burke; articles on interest, weights and measures, usury laws. 4thed. ’80. 25ce. J. Miller; Williams. White, A. D. Paper money inflation in France. [°76.4]| 5OC. wecccerese eisieleleic aie ele veces Appleton. NOGOO OD OOGOOODOOUDS Soc. Pol. Kd. White, H. Money and its substitutes. ’82. 10c. — Same. 782. 25c Putnam. Willson, H. B. Currency; or, the fundamental prin- ciples of monetary science. ’82. $1.50.... Putnam. Whiston; G: Mi Moneys ‘82. $2........ B. Homans. See also Banks and banking; — Capital and labor;— Coins and coinage; — Exchange; — Finance; — Gold; — Interest; — Usury. Mongolia. Gilmour, J. Among the Mongols. [’83.] $1.50. Am. Ty. Monograms. See Alphabets. Monotheism. Rawlinson, G: Early prevalence of monotheistic be- liefs. [’84.] 10e. Monroe, Ja. Gilman, D. C. James Monroe in his relations to the public service, 1776-1826. ’83. $1.25. See also Monroe doctrine. 38 MORAVIANS ‘eat cause of Houghton, M. § Co. | i Monroe Co., N.Y. Lamb, J. H. Monroe Co., N. Y., directory. ’80. $3. Darrow. Monroe doctrine. Inter-oceanie canal and the Monroe doctrine. ’80. Siliviete cicievialeleletelel alee eialeleinisieis alee} acelcletelieievore Putnam. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Collins, W: L. Montaigne. [’79.] $1..Z¢ppincott. Montana. Rand, McNally & Co. Indexed county and township map of Montana. | ’°83.] 60c. :50c... Rand, McN. & Co. Note. For laws and other publications by the territory see Montana, author alphabet, p. 269. Montenegro. Towle, G:M. The Eastern question: hist. of Monte- negro, added account of Bulgaria. [’77.] 50c.; 25c. Osgood. Montezuma. Eggleston, E:, and Seelye, Mrs. L E. Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. ’80. $1.25....Dodd. Montgomery, Hugh. Montgomery, H. Experiences of an Irish minister and temperance reformer. 83. $1.50.. Phillips § H. Monumental Church. See Richmond, Va. Monuments. Banzer,J. Designs formonuments. [’77.] $8.. Bicknell. Rule, W: H. Oriental records: monumental: con- firmatory of the Old Testament. [?77.] $2.. Wiley. See also Inscriptions ;— Obelisks. Moody, Dwight Lyman. Daniels, W. H. Moody: his words, work and work- a ET, °: 1D Die ceca cic een ele oie Nelson & P. Earnest appeal to Moody: a satire. [’78.] 10c. Authors’. Nason, E. Lives of the eminent Am. evangelists, D. L. Moody and I. ID: Sankey, with account of their labors in Gt. Brit. and Am.; also sketches of the lives of P. P. Bliss and E. Tourjee. [’77.] $1.50. Lothrop ; Russell. Simons, M. L. Gospel awakening: sermons, ad- V6) ers. i ms dresses, [ etc. ] of the meetings conducted by Moody and Sankey in Phila., N. Y., Chicago and Boston; [also] Lives of D. L. Moody, I. D. Sankey, P. P. Bliss, D. W. Whittle, and F. E. Willard. [’77.] $1.50-$3.... Sie eietale lsjeveietele Grevcte Cavers dye Lt Raumer. Walsh, J: 2. Moody vs. Christ and the apostles. ’80. 5Oc. ; DCE ieveieie oc ereleta nic) (eicl overs i pin (ei wleeelataleie J: Burns. IMoon. Nelson, E. The moon, andthe condition and configu- rations of its surface. [’76.] $15.. Van Nostrand. Moore, G: Smiles, S: Life of George Moore. [’79.] $3. “Routledge. Moore, T: Symington, A. J. Thomas Moore, the poet: his life andiworks: 380: %5Cscce.- aioe ieleieve cere Harper. Moorhouse, H: Needham, G: C. Recollections of Henry Moorhouse, evangelist: Zoli: Slioc.... 2. eile tie Sales aibie ee ILCUCLE: Moors in Spain. See Spain, /7istory. | Moosehead Lake. Hubbard, L. L. Summer vacations at Moosehead Lake and vicinity : practical guide-book for tourists. 19> SUS O Rese ce coo eee cen ce -.. Walliams. Moral philosophy. See Ethics. Moravians. Moravians. Liturgy and hymns ofthe Am. province of the Unitas Fratrum. [’77.] $1-$4.50..Morav. Pub. — Text-book for 1877; with app. (In Eng., Germ., French, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Esquimaux and Neoro Eng.) 7165 eas. 25@2Slec 6. Movrav. Pub. Thompson, A: C. Moravian missions. ’82. $2. Scribner’s Sons. See also Holy week; — Hymns, Moravian.| MORGAN Morgan, Gen. Dan. McConkey, Miss —. Hero of Cowpens. Morison family. See Morrison family. Mormons. Apples of Sodom: story of Mormon life. W: 7830S] W. Williams. Dunn, B.S. How to solve the Mormon problem. ’79. DD) Oia eval siniieiels (ole 316.500 sc cha oie eres Bi clcsere --- Am. News. Froiseth, J. A. The women of Mormonism. ’82. SUS eu poh icieisicis cisicias cic eer: W. HZ. Thompson. Handbook of Mormonism. ’82. 25c...Hand-Bk. Pub. Jepson, R. (pseud.) Among the Mormons: how an American and an Englishman went to Salt Lake City. "79. Diy Clete otc ne ovctate a ava Scalcateteue on San F. News. Lee, J: D. Mormonism unveiled; or, life and con- fessions of John I). Lee; [also] True hist. of the Mountain Meadows massacre. [’7 D220 Zs B.& across io. > y. Y Co Robinson, P. and saints: tour tl States and around them; with three months among the Mormons. ’83. Brya iL, Sinners e SHILED Omeiarciet a occurence creys Roberts. See also Salt Lake City. Morocco. Amicis, E. de. Morocco: its.people and places. ’82. Snir ain! crelateraibi cvaleleire(elave s\cie'e: sje ics (dicate «s/o. s eiele Putnam. Hooker, J. I)., and Ball, J: Journal of a tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas. ’78. $6.50. Macmillan. See also Wazan. Morphology. See Physiology. Morris, C: Morris, C: Autobiography. ’80. $1.... Williams. Morrison family. Morrison, L. A. History of the Morrison or Morison fumilive 4805 Goccesc cccwlc cele ac Pee ecicts Williams Mortgages. Herman, H: M. Treatise on chattel mortgages. |’78. $7.50 alcielelelste alc re (e\s/ eve! oe 6.010 60 010, 0 e t10 0/8 ( lockcroft. Jones, L. A: Treatise on the law of mortgages of per- sonal property. ’81. $6.50. Same. 2d ed., enl. 45% EIR Woanoa -..--- Houghton, M. &§ Co. law of morte — Treatise on the ages of real property. Nis 2 Dn $13 Houghton, VW. & Co. Pierce, J.O. Fraudulent mortgages on merchandise ; commentary on the Am. phases of Twyne’s case. 2dr REED (ies ne oa cs RA isiciachee cic eisiele F. H. Thomas. Thomas, A. C. Treatise on the law of mortgages of ‘real and personal property in the state of New York. eet SS Oictavare eeleie rioele cise ej): eee eee Baker, V. & Oo. Morton, Ol. Re Walker, C:M. Sketch of the life of Oliver P. Morton. Reta) Sill eiclelercie) sieicje «e eoree ‘ ..- Indianap. Jour. | Moses. Stories about Moses and his times; for the little people. 781, 40C..---.0. seer ceeee Ph vllips & HH. Wise, I: M. Moses, the man and statesman. [783. | DI Cras ce miele Siacy tereie ter ate boo cibiete ete areiateielese's Bloch. See also Bible, Pentatewch. MMosses. Manual of the mosses of North America. 784. Cassino. | Mother Goose. 9 oe D0. $3.50. ) MOUTH ! | Mothers, continued. | — Maternal management of children in health and disease. New rev. ed. [ear] Wiley. Chavassé, P. H: Advice and counsel to a mother on the management of her children; [also] Advice to a wife on her own health. $1.... Lippincott. — Womanasawifeand mother. [’78.] § Coles, W. The nurse and mother. | 80. .o0.. Souder. $1.50. Chambers. Cramer, W. The Christian mother: education of her children and her prayer. -- Benziger. Edmunds, J. Diet for mothers, incl. the question of aleoholie drinks. DChiccisieisi oe isverep! Vat. Temp. Golden thoughts on mother, home and heaven; from a4) 299 SO. TDC we 82. c poetic and prose literature. Rev. and enl. "82. ] SUD Sess 2 — ep Dies siaieiatene, vis iske) ever crsveyolefercie eve oieas Treat. Verdi, T. S. Maternity. (8.] $2..Boericke & T. — Mothers and daughters. [’76 $1.50.... Fords. — same. 78. | LN WooodgopnG6ooo e .. Boericke & TE See also Children; — Parents. Moths. See Butterflies. Motley, J: Lothrop. Holmes, O. W. John Lothrop Motley: a memoir. “ie Motors. Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges : Motors, hydraulic and pneumatie apparatus, ete. uy. Sy Disiavelesieleielcliieloielcjelevercievela (cele e laterete Lipprncott. ie DL.50. scceee cecesevecss- Houghton, O. & Co. oO. See al Air; — Dynamics; in¢ é So — Electricity ; — Machinery; — votary | Mott, Ja. and Lucretia. J motion; — Steam-eng Hallowell, A. D. James and Lucretia Mott: life and letters: ?S45 S2e..202. ace 0. Houghton, M. § Co. Mould. Darwin, C: R. Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. 782 [81]. $1.50.. Appleton. Mounds and mound-builders. Carrs | Mounds of the Mississippi valley, histori- cally considered. 783. $1.50..... Be eiasie Clarke. Force. M. F. Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio. To what race did the mound-builders be- long? “aD. Fy (Oa orn clncicreleteretele wi e\elin/ejeiciese Clarke Greenwell, W: British barrows: record of the ex- amination of sepulchral mounds in England. [’78. ] CWNNaacoacao do onOUOO UOOU UU DOOD 0 400000 Macmillan. MacLean, J. P. Mound-builders: with investigation | into the archeology of Butler Co., O. °79. 31.90. Clarke. See also America, Archeology ; — Indians. | Mount Desert, Me. Hand-book of Mount routes thither. [77 of Maine, with Desert coast 8.] 50c... Whittaker; MV illaams. Martin, Jas. C. M. Guide to Mount Desert Island, Maine. 5thed. ’80. 75c....---- Loring, S. § H. Mitchell, J. A. The summer school of philosophy at Mt. Desert. “81. $3.50....-++eeees etal efeietete Holt. Mt. Vernon, Va. Rice, H. Mt. Vernon, and select poems. Mountains. Headley, J. T. Mountain adventures ; note-books of distinguished travellers. Scribner, Reclus, E. History ofamountain. 781. $1.20. r comp. from [°76.] $1.50. A. & Co. Harper. 3ordman, Mrs. G. N. Kingdom of Mother Goose: | qouth. : new Lainy play. [77 7.]) O0C. wei «cei - Bordman. Coles, O. Deformities of the mouth. New ed., enl. >. “ “ ‘ : : ae sas ? S 2] ]- ¢ ‘ Kendall. Ji:s. E. D. Mother Goose masquerades: rr) BAUD cio wires ci selene ; .B aki ae the Lawrence Mother Goose. [’78.] 75c.--Lee ss. | Garretson, J. E. System of oral surgery. New ed., Mothers rev., with add. ’81. $8; $9. Same. 4th ed., rev., r “199 - 1.95 ays 2g ERO ee cere c cic crate . Lippincott. Blake, M. Twenty-six hours a day. ['83.] $1.20. | with add. St. DO 5 Nadesreresecelosele ZL PP ee : Lothrop. Kingsley, N. W. ‘Treatise on oral deformities as a \ . = r . aE “yer Q S5 : So. Bull, T: Hints to mothers for the management ot branch of mechanical surgery. “80. 92 ) their own health, etc., with hints on nursing, infant’s New rev. ed. "77. | Bleseceee Wiley. | health, ete. Apple ton. See also Teeth. |MOZARABIC Mozarabic. Mozarabic liturgy for the first Sunday in Advent; tr. with notes by S: Hart. [?77.] .- Whittaker. Mozart, J: Chrystomus Sigismund Wolfgang Amadeus. 25¢c.- Gehring, F. Mozart. 783. $1]......- Scribner & W. Nohl, L: Lite of Mozart. ’80. $1.25.....«« Jansen. Muff. Uzanne, 0. The sunshade, muff and glove; with | Eng. text. ’83. $10..... Miaierolaliataieiotalous Lippincott. Muhlenberg, H: Melchoir. Miihlenberg, H: M. Selbstbiographie, 1711-1743; mit Zusitzen u. Erlauterungen von W. Germann. 28} 90¢ eee ere eh wm twee see ee eeee eee eosese Brobst. Muhlenberg, W: A:, D.D. Ayres, A. Life and work of W: A: Muhlenberg. 2Q()ie ARB ea 7 oratc oo syere) clereiele ¢1 elleiole/iciele sls o)e'=' ese Harper. New cheaped. [’8+.] $1.50..Randolph. and Wildes, G: D. In memory of W: A: 5c... Whittaker. — Same. Harwood, E., Muhlenberg, D.D., LL.D. [’77.] 2 140 | Music. Washburn, E: A. Sermons in memorial of W: A: Muhlenberg, D.D. (['77.] 25c....-.. Whittaker. Mule. Farrow, E: S. Pack-mules and packing. ’82. $1; | 50c..- Miiller, G: -ee-+- Metropolitan. | | Miller, G: Life of trust; narrative of the Lord’s | dealings with George Miiller. New ed. [’77.] | SiO) vevere cove LUVelaVeVaveleleveielerelielelelelaievecie elele Sheldon. — Same. Newed. ’83 G5 Olver seccee Crowell. Mumford, T: J. Mumford, T: J. Life and letters; with memorial | tributes: 2795 Biles ciccicie core wo revs cee se vicinc Ellis. | Mummies. Seyffarth, G. Egyptian theology according to a Paris mummy-coffin. ’79. 50c...-... ---- Westermann. Municipal bonds. Dillon, J: F. Law of municipal bonds. [’77.] $1 LDCs osicistereleieis einietove Minlerelpisicleleielolslevelelete G. J. Jones Municipal corporations. Dillon, J: F. Commentaries on the law of municipal corporations. 3ded.,enl. 2v. 781. net, $11. Municipal engineering. Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Inttle, B. § Co. Surveyors. Proceedings. vy. 2-8. 76—83. ea. GA OB. oir eetcaia) cielo ievelalicte. cicls cuisve oisteccusvsversllevevnl eds Spon. Boulnois, H. P. Dirty dust-bins and sloppy streets : treatise on the scavenging and cleaning of cities | and towns: 781. S1-40)0..- — Municipal and sanitary engineer’s hand-book. ’83. SW Dis\evere ers vele clelic(e vlc .elsle cle wis) c/o oe ele siejelere v vie «ics es!) Spon Slagg, C: Sanitary work in the smaller towns and villages. [’76. | 2D Ojaveistesieereiorec Van Nostrand. Municipal law. Haines, E. M. Laws of Illinois rel. to cities and vil- lages, with notes and forms; added principles of parliamentary Jaw adpt. to the use of city councils and boards of trustees. ’79. ; Pomeroy, J: N. Introduction general readers and students. DMO. OD Uierecrcteic to municipal law for 2ded. ’83. $4.50. Bancroft. See also Municipal bonds; — Municipal corporations. Murder. Redfield, H. V. Homicide, North parative view of crime eral parts of the U.S. Murillo, Bartolomeo Esteven. and South: com- against the person in sey- 80. $1.25.... Lippincott. Minor, #. E. Murillo. ’82. $1.25...Scribner & W. Sweetser, M. F. Murillo. ite] 50. cc... Osgood. | Muscles. Flint, A., jv. On the source of muscular power. See OM cies scree chee oes Appleton. Carehaw yee Ds : Ke rs haw ,J. M. Progressiy emuscularatrophy, Cruveil- hier s disease, wasting palsy. [’78.] l5c... Kershaw. | y ‘ ens 2 . > Wight, J. S. Principles of myodynamies. ’81. $1.50. | Lei MAUNGhamM. { sie Spon. | MUSIC Collections. Burnap, U. C., and Wetmore, W. J. collection of music. [777.] $1.25-...... Barnes. Gems of the dance. [777.] $4......-Drtson. Musical union of pop. songs and pieces by favorite composers. [’76.] $2.50-$4.... Church. Parlor musical album: coll. of vocal and instrumental music. 208. Sl-d0 ci ccc ; .- Carleton. Suffern, J. W. The galaxy: coll. of music. [’78.] Bile eeese Brainard. Polytechnic Dictionaries. Grove, Siz G: Dictionary of music and musicians. vy. 1=3. [278=88.)] eas, BGR c-.- e- ei oie Macmillan. Mathews, W.S.B. Dictionary of musicand musicians. QV TRA ae creas oi olela eleisiciele (eleleinicroye se oretoiaiel Vathews. General and miscellaneous works. Challoner, R. Tistory of the science and art of music. 3 (Se SI 5 Olas ceicievcicie eee) co eiercie Steele acreioie cy! Newhall. Chorley, H. F. National music of the world. 780. $3. Scribner & W. Book of musical anecdote. from every W. & A. Crowest, F: available source. 2v. [’77.] $5-.Scrtbner, Ella, Prof. —. Musical sketches abroad and at home. igvSu) @ eoerby ee ouidawelsecne cen ceee Schuberth. Elson, L: C. Curiosities of music of ane. and savage nations: USile GR scce coc ere ce crete Ditson. Fay, A. Music-study in Germany. 81. $1.25..Jansen. Goodrich, A. J. Music as a language: ill. with ex- amples from the works of Bach, Gluck, Haydn, and others. 781. AD Chic sieieicie loclelsielelociereiersiers Schirmer. Haweis, H. R. My musical memories. 784. $1; 25c. Funk. Hullah, J: Music in the house. [777. 75¢c. Porter & C. Hunt, H: G. B. Concise hist. of music. [’78.] $1. Same. 2d ed.,rev. [’78.] $1.-.Scrzbner’s Sons. Koelle, L. L. C. Musie in song from Chaucer to Tennyson: sel. of extracts descriptive of music. 283% Sill 2 Dra teloreiel het ezexe Sy eieicie ce ekoteic ciok- oo es Dutton. Musical Festival of Cincinnati: 5th biennial. May 16-19, 1882, Theodore Thomas, musical director. [782.] [ Fest. Assoc. ] Pole, W: $3.50. Houghton, O. & Co. How the geometrical lines have their 25c. Butts. musician: art-study. ->-e- Schuberth. $2. Philosophy of music. Rice; Ly I: counterparts in music. 780. Ritter, . Rk: W oman a MT 2D. row cee cmc wivisies clee Sa Ritter, F: Music in America. 783. Scribner's Sons. — Music in England. $1.50... Scribner’s Sons. Schumann, R. Music and musicians. [’77.] $2.75. Same. 2dser:; 780. S2iDicecc ccc vce ChuUvertit. Shedlock, E.L. Trip to music land: fairy tale form- ing an allegorical and pictorial exposition of the elements of music. {’76.] $2.50 Lippincott. Stone, W. H. Sound and music. 25¢e. Macmillan. (27S. Bila. Lothrop. $2.. Osgood. as 3Q9 Oo. Tourjée, E. Music for our darlings. Upton, G: P. Woman in music. 780. See also Anthems; — Church music Musical instruments; — Musicians; Voice. ;— Harmony; — Hymns; — Operas; — Songs; Theory and wstruction. Bach, A. B. On musical education and voeal culture. Ssdzedsvenle 283). <4 Scribner & W. Bosanquet, H. M. Temperament: elementary trea- tise on musical] intervals and temperament. [’77. ] Oo re erotere satel SO0a0C .«-+ Macmillan. Challoner, R. First twenty hours in music; intended as the first twenty lessons for a beginner on the piano or parlor organ. [780.] 75c..---- Newhall. — Music made easy: rudiments of music expl. in a concise and novel manner. 779. 50c. ...Newhall.MUSIC Music, continued. Cobb, J. P. Pocket manual and music reader. [’80.] | : 25e. tee tee se eeee teste cess ete ceed. Vv. Russell. | Couppez Valphabet: études: op. 17. $1.50.. Gordon. | Dow, 8S. H. Artistic singing. 783 [’82]. Sl..Lee& S Eichberg, J. Girls’ high-school music reader. 79. | SRIEA'D ys cinicseje elarsis)<16) <161 0 [s/a\ie oialo[ala e/eisisie(ele ercteisis CUUILIN: Johnson, A. N. Chorus choir instruction book. [’77.] SoS 6 Ditson. | eeeeewr ee oeere Tralian Kofler, L. The lal school of singing. 783. ODER Ce ee ee Werner: Loomis, G: B. The progressive glee and chorus book; sel. from Germ., Eng. aun [tal. authors; desi igned to follow Loomis’ Progressive music lesson ser. | ORE ASA Ore a ck te oe Ok oe Gass scene. JOUSOTES| Mason, L. W., and Holt, H. E. Teacher’s manual to accompany the 2d and 3d ser. of National music charts; with appendices on French time-names and management of the voice. 779. ooeeee GINN. Mathews, W. S. B. How tounderstand music: con- cise course in musical intelligence and taste. 780. Sh DD Disiete clere e)cieietais a\e/ 07 ... Mathews. Same; [also] Pronouncing dictionary and con- densed encyclo pe dia of musical terms, ete. 4th ed. PRCT Gp Oneioreelele Poreeaes pe vane Palmer, W. R. Theory of music; practical guide to the study of thorough- bass, harmony, and compo- 50e. oe eee eee eee eee sition. [’76. ] GR aoresen oie ois) cleiole clare - Church. Perkins, H.S. Graded music reader. ps ts. (ea ea., 3dC.3 FOC. oe ee cece cece ee eens . Russell. Robyn, H: Singers’ handbook: cae instruc- | tion in singing. New rey. ed. [’77.] 30c... Witter. Seward, T. F., and Unseld, B.C. Tonic sol-fa music reader; with coll. of music. ’81. 35c. - Biglow. Tilden, S. Musical guide: practic ale manual for instruction in vocal music in Hes schools. [’79.] GOT Ci ers cleic «| wile a) cleclc eicccies cele Thompson, iB x Co. Tretbar, C: F. Analytical reviews of classical and modern compositions, for amateurs at musical en- tertainments; a guide for the better appreciation of music. [’78.]-----eece-seecees cence Trethar Tufts, J: W., and Holt, Manual for teachers to accompany the re ree ani charts of the normal | music course. 783. S0C.+..+-++++eeee- Appleton. — The normal music course: First reader. ’83. 40c. | Same: Secondreader. 783. 75c..--+- .. Appleton. Weitzman, C:F: Manual of musical theory. [’77.] RIED iecccicis sleicc vec cleececvlnecacriee sic pocme ec LOnd. Musical instruments. Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges: Musical instruments, etc. ’77. $1----Lapprncott. | Stainer, J: Music of the Bible, with acct. of mod. musical instruments from ane. types. 779. $1.50. Cassell, P., G. § Co. ¢ . . yr: . See also Organ; — Parlor organ; — Piano-forte ; — Violin. Musicians. Butterworth, H. [’84.] $1. | Lothrop. | short memoirs of the | Pe ees Ghiuachs|| The great composers. Crowest, F: Great tone poets: greater composers. [777.] $1.00- | Ferris, G: T. Great German composers. 79. 60¢.; | RIV a ene cion e cciseleia sleet AD DICLON.| — Great Italian and French composers. 779. 60e. ; | se cece se AMpleton. | 60c.; 40c. | Appleton. Gallery of greatcomposers ; incl. he lioty pepory aitsand 380c. — Great violinists and pianists. $1. «eee eres eeerereeee sketches. Newandsmallered. [’76.] % . Osgood. | Hueffer, F. Great musicians. 10 v. 139? 84. ea.., $1; set, $25-540- a SCION CI AT Ke Ritter, Hu) Whe realm of tones: por. of European | musicians, with biog. notices; app. of Am. music ians. 83. $3.75 . Schuberth. See also Singers; Musset, Alfr. de. Musset, P. de. $2 yc) 0.00! 8) 0/00 #08; 0010 06) 010 90 6(e%6 and names of celebrated musicians. | | | | | Biography of Alfred de Musset. [’77. ] sisveleie sLLODENES | mieioloval eleleie/. ee) 41616016616) 0).0,.0. 8.8) \0/)0) 46) 0) 0.8 NAMES | Mycene. Discoveries and researches and Wiryns. (ive S12: Scribner, A. & Co. researches and discoveries New ed., with add. ’80. See oe Scribner’s Sons. Schliemann, H: sites of anc. Mycene on the — Mycene: narrative of at Mycene and Tiryns. STE D Ole crcrererelwrcleiniareloneiete ae eae » Muscles. vee Berens, E. M. Hand- legends of anc. book of mythology : Greece and Rome. ’82 myths and 90e. Clark & M. and their parallels in other religions. seceee BOUTON. , beauties of mythology. Bible myths, Bey biitcGduoo0 Bulfinch, T: Age of fable; or eeee se eeeee Enl:, il. ed, “82. $2:50......... bee 5 Ss; Tatton. Clarke, H., and Wake, C. S. Serpent and Siva Africa, [eee] Bouton. worship and mythology, in Central America, and Asia, and the origin of serpent worship. 50e. Clement, Mrs. C. E. Hand-book of legendary and mythological art; with descriptive ill. 13th ed. ’81. SDD Oa cvelercicicieis vie cvelei sie’ erie) eielere Houghton, M. & Co. Cloda, E: Birth and growth ofmyth. 784. 15e. Fitzgerald. simple account of the birth 7832 be; Fitzgerald. Introduction to the science of com- parative mythology and folk-lore. 81. $1.75.. Holt. — Mythology of the Aryan nations. New rev. ed. 82. $4.5 Suieicielcne ciate ciel sieicie > CTO Claas Ws Ww ccces Craigie, M. I Once upon atime: stories of the anc. — Childhood of religions : and growth of myths and legends. Cox, Sir G: W. re gods and heroes. [7’76.] Gl.---+e+eee- Putnam. Dictionary of mythology. °82. 50c.---- Lippincott. Edwards, S. A. Hand-book of mythology. ’83. $1.15. g Eldredge. Harrison, J. E. Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature. PROUT BO ee Larned, A. in talks around the fire. [?77. | J Sl. o2---- Scrtbner & W. Old tales retold from Grecian mythology .. Nelson & P. Scull, S. A. Greek mythology systematized. [’80.] RTE (Vince citele wyel ohaversiieie ae Ee Gus a POntel: J GG Seemann, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome with ref. to its use in art. lu 77.] 60c.......-. Harper. — Same. [’77.] $1.50..--.----- Scribner, W. & A. Selden, ye The fabulous gods denounced in ok Bible; tr. from [Selden’s] Syrian deities, by W. Hudece. 80. $I. SEE aE ee aera Southwick, A. P. Question-book ot mythology. ’82. ee eleleielee On ss Bea Bardeen: 82. $1.50.. Appleton. of myths. [’76. ] non HOB dd IMAL compendium of Persian, Hin- Myth and science. DeW. Solar theory eneee 10e. Vignoli, T. Warner, J: ZOC. cwceceve White, C. A. Student’s mythology : Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Assyrian, doo, Chinese, Thibetian, Scandinavian, Celtic, Aztec and Peruvian mythologies. New ed., rev. 7 OL PI Dodiccieisiseoleicmie asin ereelsiesersie Widdleton. Witt, C. Classic mythology; tr. of Griechische Gétter und Heldensgeschichten ; suppl. with glossary of etymologies and related myths. "83. $1.25.. Holt. See also Astronomy; — Fairy tales ;— Heroes ; — Indians ; — Legends; — Scandinavia. | Naaman. Mackay, A. B. ‘he story of Naaman. 782. 50c. Dreysdale. | Nalopalenyanany Peile, J: Notes on the Nalopakhyanam; or, tale of Nin, ail, GBicdeqqacctocdseods 5. Macmillan. | Names. | 3ardsley, C: W. Curiosities of Puritan nomencla- 80. $2.25....> Scien «oul Ue Worthington. ture. Dictionary of Scripture prope r names, with their pro- nunciations and explanations. ['77.] 25c. Fairbanks & Co.a ae aah Bs NAMES Wames, Saher Proper names in the O. and N meaning and pronunciation. lm. 1 Stockwell, Ms. M. J. What shall we name it? dic- tionary of baptismal names for children. [’84.] 20c. Testaments, with their Stockwell. | Nantucket. aie Austin, Ms. J. G. Nantucket scraps. 783 [’82]. Rip Oia cisicisiw cleieloscinisieieicie e/e.e ©. 6/0) «else jac o/eis Osgood. Godfrey, H: K. T ie island of Nantucket: what it was and whatitis. ’82. $1. Same. New ed. ’84. Sle! DOGS ccicciere cc crcccce ss cle - Geeks: ’Seonset cottage ie summer on Baker, P. & Co. Northrup, A. J. Nantucketisland. 781. 50c....... Wapoleon I. Abrantés, (Duchesse) d’. Memoirs. 3v. 783. $12. Scribner & W. — Same, with ae : Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family. Newed. 2v. ’80. $3.-... Horne, R: H: Lif ‘eof Ni: wpoleon. alate] $3.50. Routle lge Jung, T. Bonaparte and his times, 1769-1799. COR Ad YO Cr ecee 6 clcic co sitive oe ciclo ee sere Winvro. Lanfrey, P. Hist. of Napoleonr. v. 3. [’76.] $3.50 Macmillan Las Cases, M. J. E. D. (Comte) de. Memoirs of the Emperor Napoleon. New ed. indy. ’79. $5; $10. Widdleton. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. New COG Oo OG eisleiniolersleneicleielsl cic siacien Scribner & W. Napoleon and his campaigns. [780.] $1.75. aS HL. Potter. a voice from {ppleton. O’Meara, B. i. Na pole On ine xile “nO Te Helena. New a DV 2 SONS CGY Widdileton. Watson, H: ¢ Camp fires of Napoleon. hi Sis Porter & C. See also Belgium. Napoleon III. Whitehurst, F. M. Court and social life in France under Napoleon II. 2 pts. 83. ea., 20c... Munro. Narcotics. See Stimulants and narcotics. Warragansett Bay Denison, F: The past and the prese Seavandishores -Ai9e “BO0k. cee vere ce sic Narrow : Narragansett “Re id. gauge railroads. See Railroads. Wasal passages. 3osworth, F. H. Manual of diseases of the throat and NOSC@S Olle LOLI Da = wa Celois cine Sb esc ee seek Wood. Cohen, J. S. Diseases of throat and nasal passages. 2d ed.,. rev. 79, DDE DOM BO: Dbiccsc ccc co os Wood. Kitchen, J. M.W. Student’s manual of diseases of the OSS Mined, BBE EWocsosouncueonsc Putnam. Michel, ¢ Diseases of the nasal cavity and the vault of the pharynx. [’77.] 75c Westermann. Seiler, C: Hand-book of dinenosis and treat throat and nasal cavities. ’79. Same. 2d ed.. enl. 83. pile Distet ere Gis taretcis ie sicioie ais's'e Sicisoke 5 oct ce Lea. See also Catarrh; — Throat. Nasmyth, Ja. Nasmyth, J. raphy. 783. Nassau. Ives, C: Islesof Summer or, piassau and the Baha- mass ill eds) 780: Sil.75...... [ Dillingham. } National weaaecs of ester, New York. ; Academy sketches: the artists, James Nasmyth, engineer: autobiog- hd J, Conexare¢sviejeis: cielelai sic ic leloieie lc cit Harper. reproductions from drawings by of, pictures in the ann. Notes by ‘‘ Nemo” [R. F. Coffin]. Ueitel) Woe. : Putnam. Kurtz, C: M. American Academy notes, eee 81. Q~ WO Ce Totekcicis ole sieves ere National: Cassell, Riv — Same. Ae aren my notes. 84, 50c. 1 42 National Guard: ['77.] 10c..-Am. Tr. | ment of exhib. 1877. | r. § Co. | | Natural philosophy. Cassell. | NATURAL Phisterer, F: National guardsman on guard and kindred duties: 2.9% 7 (OCu ici sre sicieis elojeiciciore Clarke. National Liberal League. Herbold, C: J. The National Liberal League, what itis and what itis not. ’80. 10c.......A. Warven. Nationalities. r, who are the [rish, - Scribner & W. Bonwick, J. Our nationalities; o Seotch, Welsh and English? ’81. $2. Natural history. Animal life throughout the globe Adams, W: H. D. 5 -- Nelson. ] @9 95 Tidal BDO ys eis claie aicjsiele wicl ee otoiocle Sie eycters Avassiz, Mos. E. C. First lesson in nat. hist. New ed. V7. (QR Gio cis coce eiotevee elela cassie oreo sie ieee aele Ginn. Allen, G. Vignettes from nature. 782 15e Iitzgerald. Picture nat. hist. [’83.] $1. Cassell. Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. -»- Scribner & W. Locusts cana wild honey. ’79. $1.50. Houghton, O. & Co. — Pepacton. ’81. $1.50.......Houghton, M. & Co. Calkins, N. A., and Diaz, Mis. A. M. Prang’s nat. hist. ser. for children. nos. 1-6. ’78. ea., 50c...Prang. Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges: Animal and vegetable products. ’77. $1.50. Inppincott. Child’s book of nat. hist. [765] $1 50......7 Velson. Dartt, M. On the plains, andamong the peaks; how Mrs. Maxwell made her nat. hist. coll. ’79. $1: BO Gia Sen icin 6 ce Beare ee Claxton, R. & H. Darwin, C:R. What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship ‘* Beagle.” ’80 [77 79) Sh: io cove! eb sis ve loueislere)te Gere. Miohent cee iio ee Cae Harper Boutell, M. E. C. Buckland, F. 83. $2 (eee ewes ee coereeeees Burroughs, J: Gunning, W: D. Life-history of our p ‘Lance. [76] $2. Keen. —— SIME» 7S, (Sle D Oe cicers ccc oreo R. Worthington Hinton, J. Life in nature. [’83.] .. Fitzgerald. Houghton, W. Gleanings from the nat. hist. of the ancients. 19-4) Sle75 Imperial nat. hist Gassell. Ps. GG &@o: 19.) $2.50): Sil. 75 Routledge. . reader. 783. - Appleton. Chapters in popular natural history. . picture book. Johonnot, J. Natural hist Lubbock, Sir J: S45 COCR vise cites sci oon lee - Whittaker. Maunder,S: ‘Freasury of nat. hist. (776.] $33 $4. Apaistont Natural. hist. series. 3 v. 788: ea... 35¢:..¢7 Nelson. Peabody, S. H. Cecil’s books of nat. hist. [’79.] CDILMED = ties cis ols «secereeee ne eee Claxton, R. & H. Royal nat. hist. readers: no. 1: The animals around US: 78. (TOCi cece se coe sic cle ee eee Velson. Simson, J. Contributions to nat. hist. and papers on other subjects. 185A) SDD ereretes ts ce eeed. Maller. Thomson, Sir C: W. The voyage of the ‘‘ Challenger ;” the Atlantic. 2 v. [TS a] OR rere oe crsre Harper. Tiny’s natural a tory. [795] de: - Routledge. Will liamson, W. Succession of lifer on the earth. ere |i ZOO rete ata cle oe oer ieee cciei ce Macmillan. Wood, J: G. Illustrated nat. hist. for young people. Newed:* [7823] Sil-vor wletone. ce -- Routledge. — Natural hist. for boys. ’82. 20c...... Routledge. — New illustrated nat. hist. [’81.] $4-$8.. Routledge. — Popular nat. hist. New ed. (’?80.] $1.75. Porter & C. Field naturalist’s hand-book. ’80. $2. Cassell, P., G. & Co. ; Or, marvels in animate and inani- —and T. World of wonders mate natures 28]. {SOW ee Weitic iis Appleton. See also Agricultural chemis stry; — Agriculture; — Bible, Natural history ; — Birds; — Bot: any ; — Chemistry ; — Conchol- ogy ;— Creation ;— Evolution; — Fish and fis hing; — Geology ;— Insects; — Man; — Mic ECBCODE ;— Mineralogy; — Mollusca; — Nature); — Pa leontolos gy Physiology; — Projection; — Rep- tiles ;— Taxidermy — 7 odlogy : — also author alphabet, p. 45, Boston’ Society of Ni atural History. See Phy 5ics,NATURAL Natural theology. Bascom, J: Natural theology. ’81. $1.50. ‘ s : Putnam. Burr, E.F. Ecce terra; or, the hand of God in the Canths (S44) Sib ce deisel sce Eresh. ba. Cunningham, W: Iheological lectures on natural theology, evidences of Christianity, ete. ’78. $3. a0 Carter. Hicks, L. B. Critique of design-arguments : review and examination of methods of reasoning in nat. theology. 9995) inciccieree ccc SS CIO NensS Sons. Preston, T. S: God and reason: lectures upon the primary truths of natural religion. ’84. net. $1. Coddington. Wilson, W. D. Foundations of religious belief: methods of natural theology vindicated against modern objections. 783: SI.50i........ {ppleton “ creat ok fe See also Christianity (Evidences) ; — Religion; — The ology. Nature. Argyll, Duke of. The unity of nature. Auth. Am. ed. 84. SDD ie shela tole efeicle |e a. ere cicve aie hevelc LELLEN GUI. Deming, C. Byways of nature and life. °’84. $2.50. Putnam. Lectures. io. W. Nature, W orks. Emerson, I. [v. lof his [v. Syl oDie «1 ae Addresses, and Little classic ed. ] $1.4 Houghton. QO. & Co. 1 of his Works. Riverside ed.] ’ eialeleleisicre Gioee Houghton, ME &ACo: 0), — Same. 83. — Same. [°76. ] DO Cre sicis eres cise +--+ Osgood. Gill, IT. Scientific and pupular views of nature con- trasted. 782%. VOCS cre Ceres cores siercrel ncn NOU SLD: Huxley, T: H: Physiography: introd. to the study of mature. [’78.] $2.50...............Appleton. Shairp, J: C. [ — Sane. On poetic interpretation of nature. SHO si slaielaveicicicle « siceieisss' ec se NCLUONCIA We GLA: eure 2.» Hurd § H. | See also Earth; — Natural history ;— Physics ;— Seasons. Inn Siler D aileleies sc Nautical surveying. Robinson, J. L. Treatise on marine surveying. i Net; ae cca aia televeln) ever Vacmillan. Text-book on surveying projections and portable in- struments for cadet midshipmen at the U. S. Naval Acad. [776.] $2 Van Nostrand. Naval history. 789 King, J. W. War-ships-and navies of the world. ’80. | i BY Seale rode cca to eisle bioleveluirere sien MALLLGMSs: for students in siete Shillington. Text-book of facts [ .| 40c.... See also Fleets; — Spanish Armada; — United States, Navy. Thompson, J: naval hist. ‘a eeenees Naval medicine, Wilson, J. Naval hygiene, human health and the nfeans of preventing disease. 2ded. 779. Lindsay § Blakiston. S3. See also Sea-sickness ; — Yellow fever. Navigation. Hall, H: American navigation: causes of its former | prosperity and present decline. [’78.] 50c. Appleton. | McNevin, E. Guide to practical navigation. [’78. } SN Dilehel ctavele arercreloiaiela(elele's siclela o/c. s\e0e ..+---Bancroft. Marshall, H: daily assistant and self-instructor. Navigation made easy ; or, the mariner’s efile] $1.50. Van Nostrand. | Seamanship: incl. names of prin- | New (6th) ed., enl. ’82. $6. | Spon. and yachts- Nares, Sv G: S. cipal parts of aship. Qualtrough, E. F. Sailor’s handy-book man’s manual. ’81. $3.50.......Scribner’s Sons. See also Canals; — Fleets; — Latitude; — Marine engineer- ing; — Nautical surveying; — Nayal history ;— Ocean; —Sea- | men; — Steamboats. Neale, Rollin Heber, D.D. Hague, W: Christian greatness in the minister: dis- course on the life of Rollin Heber Neale, D.D. ’81. 50c.3 25c.....-- | | | | | seceee Gannelt. | et 14¢é 9 ) NEGROES Nebraska. Maxwell, S: Treatise on the powers and duties of justices of the peace, sheriffs and constables in Nebraska. 3ded. ’82. $5. Note. For braska, author Necker, Iie. L umcoln. Jaws and other publications by the state see Ne- alphabet, p. 280. Suzanne Curchod de Nasse. Haussonville, O. d’. Salon of Madame Necker. pts. l=6:, “8O=38ile (eae Voc. cesses ec ce .- Funk. Needlework. C., &. M. Lady’s crewel embroidery book. 2d ed., rev eile Biliatecrapecn <0 evereesiarcec GTO Randolph. instructions in branches of needlework. [’80. ] ---» Adams § Bishop. GO CK se cicrslclers Church, E. R. Artistic embroidery ; the ornamental Sl cee. ee a ee sean — Home needle. ’82. ceece - Appleton. Krost; 3. As Ladies’ guide to needle work, embroi- dery, knitting, ete. Po--7 ide | { | $1; 50c.... Williams. Glaister, E. Needlework. ’80. 90c.... Macmillan. Hale, L. P. Artneedlework. [’78.] 50c..... Tilton. — More sketches in decorative embroidery. "79. 5O0e. Tilion. [’78. ] 50e Tilton. Kirkwood, L. J. Illustrated sewing primer with songs and music. 781. 30¢...[, Lockwood, M.S., and Glaister, E. A GOR accaoc Williams, H: T. OUCH occ cris — Plain needle-work. Schermerhorn ; | Wynkoop. Art embroidery. weeee- SCTIONEY & W. Designs for needlework. ; Mel Cclale eiciniel siecle cicioie aieevA GUUS J Bishop. 3.V. ea. See also Lace. Negligence. Shearman, T: G., and Redfield, A. A. Law of negli- gence. New [ {thi | ed. ’80. $6.50.. Baker, V. x Co. Thompson, 8S. D. Law of negligence in relations not resting in contract. 2yv. ’80. net, $Ll. F. Hf. Thomas. On the law ofnegligence. 2d ed. =] eeicleisieie) oeleln isreiele CQ s rox ie) Wharton, F. DOLD ce cre Negotiable instruments. Ames, J. B. Selection of cases on the law of bills and notes and other negotiable paper. 2 v. ’81. $12. Soule § B. Bigelow, M. M. Law of bills, notes and checks, illustrated by leading cases. 2ded. ’80. $6. Inttle, B. & Co. Byles, Sir J: B. Treatise on the law of bills of ex- ‘change, promissory notes, bank-notes and checks. 7th Am. ed. 783. $6.50..-... 27. & J. W: Johnson. Daniel, J: W. Treatise on the law of negotiable in- struments. Newrev.ed. 2v. ’82. $18. Baker, V. x Co. Edwards, I: Treatise on bills of exchange, promis- sory notes, and other negotiable instruments. 3d ed., enki. Qa. 282. net, oii2 .-- Banks. Story. J. Commentaries on the law of promissory notes and euarantees of notes and checks on banks and bankers. 7thed., enl. ’78. $6..JZttle, B. § Co. See also Exchange; — Interest; — Mortgages; — Stocks ; — Usury. Negroes. Civis (pseud.) negro. (77/7. Harrison, 8: citizens of a fairer hue in the U.S. The public school: its relations to the ] 15c..2+.-.-0+ eee eee West, J. & Co. Appeal of a colored man to his fellow- [ ] 25¢. Chickering. Our brother in black: his freedom 28 il woeee Fiallups ¢ H. Marshall, C. K. The colored race weighed in the balance: reply to the speech of J. L. Tucker. 2d ..-- 80. Meth. "84. —- 1-7 de Hay good, Ae G. and his future. OBE DD Cw wieiciies cle calcls o1s)e sioieleie G: R. Problem of negro education. OOS So oie ete cle relorclic eieret oc clelsie) elexeleyeiels . Cupples. Williams, G: W. History of the negro race in Am. from 1619-1880: negroes as slaves, as soldiers and 9v. °82. ea., $3.50.......Puinam. ed. Stetson, as citizens. See also Jubilee singers ; — Liberia; —Slavery.NELSON Nelson, Horatio (Lord). ; Southey, R. Life of Nelson; with biog. notice of the Q ..-- Lippincott. author. 783. $1.25-+-+++-++eeeees gun — Same. 283% Rilviccs coe 0 avec e sees Ba ere CUCOUETUS: — Sane ,’84. ] BiH ictec s ceicee sicieueiete LIOLILTOD. k eC. [ Weophonography. See Stenography. Nepaul. Inglis, J. 8. §3.00..eccre- Sport and work on the Nepaul frontier. wee» Macmillan. cee Harper. i —_— Same. AQ VO Girere ciece vise ejcjiene evececse Werincks, fev. C: Sas Maes, C. P.. Life of Rev. C: Nerinckx; with chapter on the early Catholic missions of Ky., notes on Catholicity in the U. S., 1800-1825 [etc.. CY 0) po Gnac DOA0 CU0000 0G00 000d 0000 D00C Clarke. Nervous system. Althaus, J. Diseases of the nervous system. [ 78. | CBW (ie otere. ieee coos e LuUtNAM. Beard, G:M. American nervousness: its causes and consequences : suppl. to Nervous exhaustion (Neu- rasthenia "Sl. coos LULNAM. 7 SO. BDO ic sic 0 eteee ce cic 144 Wetherlands. NEW ENGLAND Motley, J: L. History of the United Netherlands; from death of William the Silent to the twelve years’ truce, 1609. 4v. “79. G8-.-+ee. Harper. Life and death of John of Barneveld; with a view aly $4 .. Harper. of the thirty years’ war. 2v. “79. 79. $6.. Harper. — Rise of the Dutch republic. 3 v. See also Belgium; — Holland ; — William the Silent. Neuralgia. Neuralgia. ’83. $1...Bermingham. Neuralgia: its nature and curative treat- BOED DY. ciereieve evel stele os 6 LAULNONDs Femoro-popliteal neuralgia. Neu- [’78.] 30c.-.. Kershaw. the land of silver. [’76.] $3. Bacon. Anstie, F. E. Dowse, T: ment. ‘80. Kershaw, J. M. raleia ischiadica sciatica. Nevada. Powell, J: J. Nevada: Note. For laws and other publications by the state see Ne- yada, author alphabet, p. 281. New Brunswick. 3d ed. [’78.] $6. Van Nostrand. Dawson, J: W: Acadian geology. Sce also St. Johns. — srbert Spencer American nervousness: scien- i Herbert Spencer on Am¢ Now Church. aie sjesre LEULTLAMN: its symp- $1.50. Wood. exhaustion); its SZ. tific coincidence. 783. d0C..-+6.++- — Practical treatise on nervous exhaustion : toms, nature, sequences, treatment. 80. — Sexual neurasthenia (nervous hygiene, causes, symptoms and reatment. 784. Treat. Clinical lectures on diseases of the ner- vous System. 782. Gdecee reese soveree DIAKIStON. Erichsen. J: E. Concussion of the spine, nervous | shock, and other obscure injuries of the nervous 3uzzard, T: system. New rev. ed. ’82. $2.20 Same. 10c.. NAO FOOOOD OOOO Goa Dono OOOO silcic leva cualevere NS UILEL OO ap litciets eis RE Soto silisiivees ofele Berm Ingham. Flower, W: H: Diagrams of the nerves of the hu- man body. leuk sil, tba nooo OoDOuSC Blakiston. Nerve-vibration and excitation as functional disorder and Blakiston. Granville, J. M. agents in the treatment of organic disease. 783. $2...«e6- Hamilton, A. McL. Nervous diseases: their descrip- tion and treatment. ’78. $3.50. Same. 2d ed. ON BAe eerie Bisco we 6 olyeGs Hammond, W:A. Certain forms of nervous derange- ment; with Spiritualism and other forms of mental SREY iy tetera rc sy ele a eters) s - Putnam. system. derangement. ’8l. — Treatise on the diseases of the ftheedss enl= 26h Soe BO... «0c Hart€: PB: nervous AOOG Apple ton. Diseases of the nervous system. 81. $3. Boericke Sf Te: Holbrook, M. L. Hygiene of the brain and nerves and the cure of nervousness. 778. $1.50.. Holbrook. 84, RVs cooonoocKnno Gielpicleveveve T: W. Lovell. Kershaw, J. M. Diseases of the brain and nervous system. pt. 1: Facial neuralgia and the visceral- giz, their diagnosis and treatment. [’78. ] Kershaw. Diseases of the nervous system, SOs tS 7D isreic\ tis cieeieren 7 CQ) 4 Cicreie.e socees eee. Appleton. Systematic treatment of nerve pros- | — Same. 50c. Mitchell, S: W. : especially in women. Nervous system. ’82. Playfair, W. S. tration and! hysteria. °83. Si.........<......vea. | Ross, J. Treatise on diseases of the nervous system. | Veh Dag 3S Benen ee acne ..» Wood. | Searle, W: S. New form of nervous disease: [also] | Kssay on erythroxylon coca. ’81. $1..... Fords. Taylor, ©: HB. 78. TDC: os ‘i Putnam. Wilkes, S: Lectures on diseases of the nervous sys- | tem: (E78) Bd cc... .--Lindsay § Blakiston. same. 2d'ed. 783. S6 o rsece « DLAKUSLON. | See also Energy ; — Insanity ; —Mind; — Neuralgia; — Spine; | — Sympathetic nerve. | Nests. | | Sensation and pain. See Birds. 83. Wood. | New England. — Same. S. Assoe. Manuals of re- ligious instruction. Bible ser. no. 1: Bible stories for voungest classes. 783. 50c. eee Vew Ch. Barrett, B: F. New Church: its nature and where- about. [’76.] $1 sioierd « eyeleieie| OLOLLON- Beaman, E. A. Swedenborg and the new age; or, the Holy City, New Jerusalem. ’81. $1.50-.L7ppincott. Swedenborg, E. True Christian religion: cont. the universal theology of the New Church. 3 v. [’78. ] Se ele wsisiieei are Sie cicicie is cols sore sje MED DUN COLE. Words for the New Church. v. 1. 780. $3..Z¢ppincott. American New Chureh S. DUH = MO.(0 «-« General and miscellaneous works. Jartlett, F. L. Minerals of New Eng., where and how to find them. [’77.] 50c.; 25c. .... Dresser. Brown, F. H. Medical register for New Eng. [’76.] TEE) cio isue love clave reine) scl c eiek ciate creronche cielo sm LL ALT CwueEde $2.50.....-.--- Houghton, M. § Co. dove srs Tok ey ceicleraler el siciereteuciele os OLLI) DLCSs Drake, S: A. New England legends and folk-lore, in prose and poetry. 783. $3.50.......-+Roberts. Fellows, H: P. Boating trips on New Eng. rivers. IBM LOG, cscs crecic sce selmi ciel «ioe roele OMDILES: Gibson, W: H. Highways and byways; or, saunter- ings in New Eng. ’83 [’82]. $7.50..-..... Harper. 80. — Same. ‘8t. $2 — Pastoral days; or, memories of a New Eng. year. s pisie (6 sel) slelele[e eicioe sett IDET ite lls (0C: "81 [’80]. $7.50.... Hawthorne, N. Legends of New Eng. Osgood. Little, A. Early New Eng. interiors: sketches in Salem, Marblehead, Portsmouth, and Kittery. [ates] Oi siereieeie ene ciel ercierclsieloeic ie er cies VULLLATNS: Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places, America: New England. 2v. ’79. $2...... Houghton, M. § Co. Mason, J. Practice in civil actions and proceedings at law in the common law courts of New Eng. States: “SO “S86 sccscice siccc cleo elile, Budi CO. Northern New England and Canada resorts. [Jn Taintor’s route and city guides.] 25c....- Taantor. Slade, D. D. Twelve days in the saddle: journey on horseback in New Eng. during the autumn of 1883. 84. Geisie cio cisisle ae ALLELES Bs (an COs Stearns, W. A., and Coues, E. New England bird- life: manual of N. E. ornithology. pt. 1: Oscines. 8 (BO 5O ics csc os os sci ste ol clcincicis ere es LTCC AION pt. 2: Non-oscine passeres, birds of prey, game and water-birds. 738. $2.50......Lee g S. Tlistory. Documents rel. to New Eng. federalism, I800=1815: [P78.] $4.22. .0 5.2... Bottle, Big iCo: Adams, H. B. Germanic origin of New Eng. towns; with notes on co-operation in university work. 782. BOCs seicieie vecsieicecisic en ciciee JONNS HOpkins Uni. (Oo 50e. — Same. Adams, H:EW ENGLAND New England, continued. Clarke, ago, and the historical results: address before the N. Eng. Hist.-Geneal. Soe. ’79. 50c.; l5e... Lee & S. Hawthorne, N. ‘True stories from New Eng. hist., 1620-1803. Grandfather’s chair, pts. 1-3; with questions. ’83. ea., ldc.. - Houghton, M. & Co. Morton, N. New England’s memorial. New ed. [?78.] CW) Rod oor Ba ch SST Ske ares Siaieve long. Pul Morton, T: Nes Ww an igland Canaan. ’83. $5. > v Prince Soc. Palfrey, J: G. gompendous hist. of New England fra Ry | St Gime ccc ia sis ce. sicieversieis aieie irene - Osgood. Rollins, Af-s. BE. H. ONcwe England bygones. ’80. $1.25. Same. Newed.,enl. 783 [82]. $5; $9. Lippincott. — Unit 1d States, /Zisto? See also Genealogy; New England Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Institute. Catalogue of the art department of t and Mechanics’ Inst., Bost., he Man Lui ‘acturers’ Mass., 1883. ’83. $3. New Guinea. Albertis, L. 1 New Guint what I did and whatI saw. 2v. ’8I1. $10 ..Houghton, M. § Co. Stone, O. C. A few months in New Guinea. 779. LO Ge eecce iota cic oc cle" vise claves cleioicje cs 0 sisvaa ccoise J Harper. See also Oceanica. New Hampshire. Chapin, b. Boets) of New Hampshire : specimen poems. ee SUDS se BO Sp eDO« vise Oc He Hiteheock, C. H. On stratigraphical New Hampshire register. Adams. Geology of New Hampshire: Views eeolocy. UR S10. . Has Lynuan. Annual. | White River Paper. ~Sanbornton; — White Mountains. ys by the state se New See alyo Peterborough; Note. For laws and other publicati Hampshire, author alphabet, p. 251. New Haven, Conn. Townshend, C: H. British invasion of New Haven Ct., with account of burning of Fairfield and Nor- walk, July, 1779. °79. TOC... e202 eee: Townshend. See also Yale College. New Haven Colony. Atwater, BE: E. History of the colony of New Haven to its absorption into Conn. 781. $4... H. T. Clarke. New Jersey. Dickinson, S. M. Practice of the New Jersey. BA ERD DO. wicversiercansie wi cjele cie ae Lann. Nelson, W: Summary of the law of i rel. to public bridyves. “82.ececerscevace Press Pr. Pierson, L. ¢ Directory of the bar of New Jersey. DU Cde Oo, cicvcrerslclels) cleicie) © oc eu aie) oes MacCrellish. Pe J: O. History of New Jersey. 2 V. (80. ] Fee ainda ie elai ie sisieraislale « ascielelee J: H. Potter. W nae E. S. Scheyichbe and the Strand; or, early days along the Delaware. [’76.] $1.20. Lippincott. Je. and oi ats . Dennis. Wickes, S. Hist. of medicine in N. medical men, to 1800. ’79. $3.50..-.-- See also Bordentown;— Burlington; — Central Railroad of N. J.: — Hunterdon Co. : — Newark ; — Princeton. publications by the state see New Note. For lawsand other Jersey, author alphabet, p. 282. New London, Conn. Allyn, C: Battle of Groton Heights: of the storming of Fort Griswold and the burning of New London, by British troops. 782. D narratives, ete. $3.95; St. Align. Starr, W. H. Centennial hist. sketeh of the town of New London. ’79. 75c.3 50C..++--++-ee- Allyn. New Mexico. Note. For laws and other publications by the state se New Mexico, author alphabet, p. 282. Wew Orleans, La. Parton, J. Gen. Butler ed. 782. $2.50... -.-0c+ cose Houghton, in New Orleans in 1862. New M. & Co. _ ‘145 CO? | New York, City Saying the catechism seveuty-five years | probate courts of NEW YORK Charittes. of N. Y. Classified and directory to the charitable and beneficent soc. and inst. of the city. 783 — Hand-book for 83. 50c - Putnam. Handbook of charities of N. Y. ity for 1877; comp. for Board of United oteecee Patil 50s: 25e. Whittaker. Charity Organization Soc., descriptive TOC. -eeeee Putnam. friendly visitors among the poor. Description. Dangerous classes of N. Y., among them. sraces Cr Ti. years’ work and Wy enty 8died= 780: “Sili.2 if ae Bradley, D: L. Water-front directory and car route guide of N. Y. City and vicinity. “81. 2dc. D: L. Bradley. Broadway in 1851; reprinted from Daggett’s N. Y. City street directory, for 1851. [’78.] 25¢e... Worden. Brown, W. Civil-service reform in the New York G@ustom House. 3822. DChcscjcicicteseicice« - Putnam. Burgoyne, C. G. 3urgoyne’s directory of practising in N. Y. City, ) lawyers 1883. 18 Si Vouk. 783: , 2OQie sine ccc cic ccie es eeae o- enue Mm. Hawkins, D. A. Roman Cath. Ch. inN. Y. Cit , pub- lic land and public money. ’80. 5c - Phillips § H. Hazeltine, M. W. soe ciety. 79, 5O0c. Am. News. Lippincott’s guide te » New York, Hudson River, ete. New ed., rev. [’76.] 50c..--- eeeeeee Lippincott. Longstreet, Mrs. A. B. Social etiquette of New York. Keys to NE Ye 79. S1. Same. New enl. ed. ’81. $1.-Appleton. McCabe, J. D. Ne sw York by sunlight and gaslight. 199). BOUT BOS2D) cere ‘ ce eae ce Douglass. Man-traps of New \ rote what they are and how they are worked. 782. ] DD Cacia civicievereielc piss evelelee . Fou. Medical student’s guide to the city of New York. 783: DO re er ere ieinrel Vicielelie cic eoielsierele olen sioleleresoxre Vail. Metelli, Fratelli. Guida manuale ad uso dell’ Italiano in New York per Vanno 1882. 29, 75c..- Metellr. Minton, M. ‘The list: visiting and shopping directory, 187984. 5 v. 779-84. e: . List Pub. Misehke, H., and Francis, R. P. New-Yorker Bade- ker: Fiihrer durch New York u. Umeegend. 780. .- Steger. 4.. $1.50: $3 7) Ga hes eieisvels orelaloeieialere 5 Cisie isis slayer Mysteries of New York. 39, VEY no On OG UOOCO . Fox. New York illustrated. ’81. 7dc. Same New ed. 82. TD Cc ccc a sa wie cele oeles 0.00 nines alecie.e.e eS Percy, I. Appleton’s dictionary of N. Y., and vicinity. (79188. eas, BOC. 222 - oe sees esse cess {ppleton. Post, J: J. Old streets, roads, lanes, piers and wharves of New York; showing the former and present names. 729 «645 50: S6.....h. D. Cooke Sheldon, G: W. Story of the galanteer fire ene ment of the city of New York. °82. $4.50.. Hamper. Trumble, A. Néw York by day and night. [’81.] DGC. Roe icln oe wletere clerolerere) were eceeie sie eheiie) elects Fox —New York ‘Tombs: its hist. and its mysteries | Ss] ] DDC. AACIN OO DOD OOOO 0 COCOUO GOOD WO OOD Fox. V isitors’ and boarders’ guide to New York Ci Sl OR Ge siecicicie ce ols eleleis: 010 «le)ele sioress wiwiee, s.csis. 4 N. Y. News History. Booth, M L. Hist. of the city of N. Y New ed. IG BA ome cee loco ec oseiee cons . Dutton Dayton, A. C. Last ave of See Oe rer life in New York. 782. $1.20.--2++++sese2 0 . Harlan.NEW YORK 146 NICOLET New York, (ily, continued. New York, State, continued. Johnston, H: P. Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. ’78. $4.----L. I. Hist. Soc. Lamb, Js. M. J. History of the city of New York. YN AQT (SD). ic cvs n.0) cle 0 0 6c el pie\os ¢ 010.0000) 018 Bavnes. — Wall street in history. ’83. $2 .....----- Hunk. See also Brooklyn bridge; — Chur h of the H« ly Commun jon; — Fulton St. praye1 meeting; — Metropolitan Museum ot Art:— National Academy Note. For laws publi : city see author alphabet, p. 252. New York, State. De scription. Rand, McNally & Co. Indexed map of N.Y. [°81.] 75c.-$2.50. a6 eet eee per e ee eee Rand, Me N. wig See also Adirondack Mountains; \Ibany;— Buffal — Catskill Mountains;— Cayuga; — ‘ ( ( hoes; — Coney nd; I itl sI Hi son JRiver; Ithaca; Long Isla Cit Niagara Falls ;— OnondagaCo.;—Sa Schen tady patent; — Seneca Uo.; — state! int 17 jl Education. Jardeen. C. W. Preliminary educational dire ‘tory of the State of New York, 1878. |} °/0. 25e. Davrrs, B. & Co. — School bulletin year-book : educ. directory of N. Y. otate. ISO ZO Ciicieicie cieleieisiaiisveieieccis Davis, B. §& Co. — The 250 Regents’ schools of the State of N. Y., Riddle, D. S. Law and practice in proceedings sup- o executions; under the N. Y. code. plementary Oded; 282. net, Sbvb0 seas 6-1-1 nece os SLIOUSE. Sloane. C: W. Landlords and tenants; with ref. to the law of N. Y.- (778. ] $2; $2.50....... Tlaven. — same. ’S4. BOG ae selec pielicl sie cies felntetelene Peloubet. Thomas. A. C. Treatise on the law of mortgages of real and personal property in the State. of N. Y. AT al SB Gis a eevee is aicic s'm\e.o) uote) olejie/als 6 Baker, V. & Co. Throop, M. H. New York justices’ manual; laws of the State rel. to the official tenure and duties of a justice of the peace. 38ded. 782. $4...Parsons. Wait, W: Law and practice in civil actions and pro- ceedings in justices’ courts and on appeals to the county courts in the State of New York. 5th ed. Sy. 782-’88. ea., $5.50; set, $16.50..... Gould. Militia. Davenport, A. Camp and field life of the 5th N. Y. Vol. Infantry. ’79. $2.50 ............226. Dick. Kreutzer, W: Notes and observations during four years of service with the 98th N. Y. Vols. in the warof I8Gl: 278 (279]. Gocceeeen eee Grant. Stevenson. J. H. Boots and saddles: hist. of the first volunteer cavalry of the war, known as the First N. Y. (Lincoln) Cavalry. ’79. $1.50.... Patriot. Vote. For laws and other publications by the state see New York, author alphabet, p. 282. ames of principals ’ ’81. 25c... Bardeen. . with names of principals, ete. Le Pb Cnc DG New York Tribune. New York examination questions: questions given at all examinations for state certificates. “81. 25c. History. Beach, A. C. Centennial celebration of the State of New York. 1878. 79 S2 eovcco reste eeovees Weed. Chadbourne, P. A., and Moore, W. B. Public ser- vice of the State of New York. 3 -v. *82-’83. $400 Tribuneindex. [Annual.] ea., 50c...N. Y. Tribune. Wew Zealand. Barker, M. A. (Lady). Station life in New Zealand. New ed. "83. SB ce cravcieeicle ocuse ee Macmillan. Green, W:S. The high Alps of New Zealand; or, ip to the glaciers of the antipodes with an as- cent of Mt. Cook. 783. $2:25 >.....- Macmillan. Verne, J. New Zealand. [v. 30f his Voyage round the world. 78. BDO erento cicrereuere cre Routledge. Fernow, B. Documents rel. to the hist. and settle- | Newark. N. J/. ments of towns along the Hudson ancl Mohawk Rivers (with the exception of Albany 1630-1684 Irving, W. History of N. Y See author alphabet, p. 201. Jones, T: History of N. Y. during the revolutionary Atkinson, J. History of Newark. [’78.] $2.50- Ti Diveielcic © cele toietsio ¢ crete leis) sinie Gtayerercle orale alciehere Guild. Newburyport, Mass. Kmery,S.A. Ould Newberry and Newburyport : remi- niscences of a nonagenarian. [’81.] $2..Lttlefield. war, and of leading events in the other colonies. Newfoundland. ov = ( 15 2V. iv. UD vinievsreit) eheilelplelviveverevolseveliede leteccle {opleton. Kollock, H: History of New York State. 783. $1.50. Hatton, J.,and Harvey, M. Newfoundland: its hist., present condition and future. ’83. $2.50...- Doyle. Kollock. | Newport, R. J. O’Conor, C: Address. (Commemoration of the 100th anniv. of the adoption of the Constitution of the State, April 20, 1777. elite OO Cric 6 oe Rand sylvester, N. B. Historical sketches of northern N.Y. and the Adirondack wilderness. [’77.] $2 Sheffield, W: P. Historical address of the city of Newport. [2772] « Coles, The nurse and mother. 782. Chambers. medical and Cullingworth, C. J. Manual of nursing, surgical. ’83. $1 Domville, E: J. others engaged in attending on the sick. SOO DO OID OO OD OO U0DOOL Blakiston. Manual for hospital nurses and New ed. Blakiston. FOE TID Ck cis bie mia bis seo w eicleie cle ai sisiae sees. Handbook of nursing; for families and general use. 79: EDD aelele.e clelele ote\s siciy ie) sin iw/tie ees .e\+ Lippincott. Mitchell, S: W. Nurse and patient, and camp cure. [277.1] BOC.2 wee ceascces coccsen corse: Lippincott. Nurse: or, hints on the care of the sick, incl. mothers and infants: falso] Digest of domestic medicine. Ot COG ee le Ao ite eres a alates eieiw oie acisie’s Duncan. Thompson, W. G. Training-schools for nurses; with notes on twenty-two schools. 783. 60c.-- Putnam. White, V. Manual of nursing. [’78.] $1-. Putnam. Woolsey, A. H. Century of nursing. 76. 50C See also Fevers; — Hospitals; — Medicine. Obedience. Seelye, J. H. Growth through obedience. 7°83. 25c. a Ginn. Obelisks. Gorringe, H: H. Egyptian obelisks. °82. $15 Putnam. Weisse, J: A. The obelisk and Freemasonry, ac- cording to discoveries of Belzoni and Com. Gor- ringe; [also Egyptian symbols compared with those discovered in Am. mounds. 780. $2; $1.. Bouton. See also Inscriptions. Object teaching. Calkins, N. A. Manual of object-teaching; with il- lustrative lessons in methods and the science of education. 7’82 [781] ] SOD EE sicwic Cece Harper. Crafts, W. F. Plain uses of the blackboard and slate, and visible and verbal ill. in the S. S. and home; also] Illustrative teaching in the primary school, by Mrs. W. F. Crafts. 7°81. $1.25.... Ward ¢ D. De Graff, E. V., and Smith, M. K. Deve lopment lessons for the senses; on size, form, place, plants ANGHNSCCHSs = zoos. ple DO savicierc cia crcieie cers A. Lovell. Kantner, W.C. Illustrated book of objects: system- atically arranged. [’78 CPE Wog Gacnoc Kantner Lessons on objects, as given in a Pestalozzian school, at Cheam, Surrey. [776.] $1.75........ Roman. Walker, J. Handy-book of object-lessons. ’84 [783] Miler) cieicreleier ie eis sie siete wisi clereecicle cis eieleleiovs Lippincott. See also Kindergarten; — Kitchen-garden. Obstetrics. See Midwifery. Ocean. Benjamin, 8. G. W. Multitudinous seas. ’79. 25e. Appleton. Durant, G. Sea bathing: its use and abuse. [’78. ZOCs cre ereinie/ 6's ee 018), siele eo COOSULELL. great deep. | Gosse, Wonders of eae POR SDiltss2 DO Metetoleicc cl ctelelaic sicia eievelcieicis 6 « cv creieic e Lippincott. Ingersoll; h: “Oldocean. (783. $1....... Lothrop. Little, D: M. Instantaneous marine studies [photo- Eeslaphic Viewsi|s 76d. (Boece. sc secs ate Cupple S. Macaulay, J. Sea pictures drawn with pen and mewot PERE ESL esos cbcnnondoocacodss Velson Michelet, J. The sea. New ed. ’83. 8] 50.. Nelson. Packard, J: H. Sea-air and sea-bathing. ’80. 50c. Blakiston. Parsons, C: Sea-air and sea-bathing. on health. [777.1] lindsay & Blakiston. Simmonds, P: L. Commercial products of the sea: or, marine contributions to food, industry. and art. "79, $1.75. ; & Ulyat, W: their ay ppleton. Life at the seashore. [? nie McGinness. 148 influence | OHIO | ° Ocean, continued. Ward. A. L. Surf and wave: the sea as sung by the poets. PQS | BOs SOHO scsi cre civ ool win tee Crowell. Whymper, F: ‘The sea: its stirring story Of advent- ure, peril, and heroism. [778.] $3. Cassell, PR, 5 G. & Co. Wilson. W: S. The ocean as a health resort: infor- as to sea voyages for tourists and invalids, mation AQ ()e BOI OE is cre vc 0 wicle cleo vleleielleici eee eis ieyoie Blakiston, Oceanica. Adams, W: H. D. Eastern archipelago: description of the life and wonders of the islands in the Eastern seas. *R()o | BO ic ale 0: eke) oie re lelele ‘olviel een erelelcts Nelson. Gill. W: W. Life in the southern isles; or, scenes incidents inthe South Pacific and New Guinea. and 8 ROS: no be feiaibis) Gisls 5! vele 6 sie cis ww ero A VELSOND Longfellow, H: W Poems of plaees. Oceanica: \ustralasia, Polynesia and miscellaneous seas and islands. 7.9. 3) Syole (ai velofevaverere Houghton, M: & Co: See also New Guinea. > 3ernardino. Bernardino Ochino, of Siena; contrib. Ochino, | Benrath, K: towards the hist. of the reformation. [’77.] $2.50. Carter. O’Connell, Dan. Phillips, W. Daniel O’Connell. ’84. 2dc...Lee 5 S. Odd Fellows. slanchard, J. Revised Odd Fellowship illustrated. 781. Bili DOC is ces ce «tc ccc 6 Siccmminth wre clic cl «- Cook. Lander, E. F. Exposé of Odd F¢ llowship. [’76.] 25c. Dick. Offenbach, Jacques. Offenbach, J. Offenbach in America: notes of a travelling musician. [’77. BDO w creer Carleton. Officer, Rev. Morris. Imhoff, A. J. Life of Rev. Morris Officer. [?77.] RIO 5O! vecc.c cic crs ccic sie oueis cisisiciclerele ote creiere Un. B. Pub. Ohio. Description and history. Hunt, T: S. Coal and iron in southern Ohio: mineral resources of the Hocking valley. ’81. $1.50; 75c. Cassino. Forty-Second Ohio Infantry: hist. of [?77..] $2. Mason, F. H: the regiment in the war of the rebellion. Cobb. Short, J: T. Obio: sketch of industrial progress. 782. DD Ci wie cjejelecie cle etelel siecle) oleic ciel BOOoUdGoOORKC Smythe. Thomson, P: G. Bibliography of Ohio: catalogue of books and pamphlets. ’80. $8;$10 .P: G. Thomson. See also Ashtabula; — Cincinnati; — Connecticut Western Reserve ; — Dayton ;— Greene Township ; — Mounds and mound- builders ; — Washington Co. Law. Laws of elections in Ohio: comp. of all laws S. and of Ohio rel. to election. ’79. SiO! sock bo ch wee calc it wisre los Ci siete ierev Clarke. McDougall, T:, The liquor question in the Ohio campaign of 1883: the Scott law and its principles vs. the second or prohibition amendment. : 25e Clarke. administrators in 6th ed., enl., by Giauque, F. of U $1 and others. S35 Zo0( Raff, G: Guide to executors and settlement of estates within Ohio. I’. Giauque. ['80.] Clarke. Swan, J. R. Treatise on law arising before justices of the peace and in business transactions, as adminis- tered in courts of record in Ohio under rev. statutes net, $2; $2. of 1880; with forms. 4th ed. ’80. net, $6... Clarke. Thomas, A. A. Mechanies’ lien law of Ohio. ’79. DOCS ccislovetelcie ei eysia ora (cleters oreieie sisyoeoievelers J: H. Thomas. Note. Jor laws and other publications by the state see Ohio, author alphabet, p. 290. Ohio valley. Piatt,J: J. Idylls and lyrics of the Ohio valley. ’81. BileD Olsen eect crea ee Sisieisiolice sec cieicieierorsic Dibble. Shaler, N.S. On the fossil brachiopods of the Ohio valley. 783. (Q2siccc scene cee wooo Clarke.OIL 149 ORIENT oa ce eee Oranee: : Se eee) e [’76. ] $38..Spon. Days is, G: We Treatise on orange culture and other : : citrus fruits: #83h b0Chs ccc. cee Ashmead Bros. Old age. Manville, A. Practical orange culture. 783. $1; 75e. Cicero, M. T De senectute [on old with Be EEE BT OS: AUSSH ES Un. Peabody. °’84. 75ce. Little, B. & introd. and notes by Pp. See also Longevity. Old Point Comfort, Va. Dalby, J. A. History of Old Point Comfort and For- tress Monroe, Va., 1608-1881. 81. 30c...W. ¥. News. Old South Church. See hes. Boston, Chur Onondaga Co., NV. Y. Bardeen, C. W. Brief geography of Onondaga Co. (ENE Yas for public schools.’79. 25e... Davis, B. & Co. Ontario. Boys, W. F. A. Practical ee on the office and duties of coroners in Ontario; with app. of forms. 2d ed., enl. [’78. ] SIGH OHOGCODODOGDOT . Hart & R. Operas. Carleton, F. E. Operas: their writers and their plots. BONN DCs ees ofc ccs s ce oo Lippincott. Ophthalmology. See Eye. Ophthalmoscope. Brown, E. A. How to use the ophthalmoscope: ele- Hea instructions in ophthalmoscopy. — [’77.] Spilis Svarslicta vavelerm wisi (els cleleie w/oleise ne cise @s e000 0 Lea Daguenet, —. “Ma inual of ophthalmoscopy for stu- Ont. OOh DO cn crcic oie cicie ew i6 6 ese Blakiston. Gowers, W.R Manual and atlas of medical ophthal- moscopy 2d ed. 82. RG log ere ee sie ole slakiston. Vilas, C. H. The ophthalmoscope: its theory and practical uses. 82: Sbilvavateteieteleovctevee. vicieis Duncan. Opium. Hubbard, F:H. Opium habit and alcoholism. [’81.] SDs) cic cinia s olc/ele cleleidiels 0 0cecle ss sie 8000 et eieie Barnes. Kane, H. H. Drugs that enslave: the opium, morphine, chloral and hashiseh habits. “81. $1.50..Llakiston. — Opium-smoking in America "82. $l. Putnam. policy and and China. Liggins, J: Opium: England’s coercive its diastrous results in China and India; the spread of opium-smoking in America. ’82. 10c...-. Munk. Meylert, A. P. Notes on the opium habit. “84. 25c. Putnam. Self-cure of love of liquor and the opium habit ; added notes on the abuse of chloral, ether and other drugs. HIiGs UO Crise +101 «60 Riaiel cicicioleie|e isle cle) cieieisicle sic si Haney. Optics. Awdry, Mfrs. W. Easy lessons in light. ’80. 70c. Macmillan. Babbitt, E. D. Principles of light aoe color. [’78. ] GRAN a yole is cid nicielelelolelovain) ei ia's) . Outline of AND | structure of the pipe- organ. fe Vlis MD Oi cre «cereres oe W: H. Clarke & Co. Nichols, G:W. The Cincinnati organ. [778.] 295c. Clarke. See also Parlor organ. Orient. Alger, W: 788. S150 Roberts. R. the Orient. Poetry of Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Orient; the Adriatic to the Baltic. 782 [’81]. $2.25; Si. 7d. Estes , from the Porte to $2.. Putnam. Cos S: S. Orient sunbeams; < e Pyr: amids by way of Palestine. A visit to the monasteries inthe Levant. 82. Curzon, R. New ed. ’83. $1. FS ()i cic lclevotslolioreiele eee ele exejexes Dodd. Eddy. D. C. Walter’s tour in the East. 6, 83 27.50 cro le: oie) cierte eb erp rere ..- Crowell Harper’s hand HOOK for travellers and Canada. 1dth- 7684. ea. V., Gd. Harper. Travels and observations in the Ori- countries of Kurope. Fetridge, W. P. i in Europe and the East, I - S. 93d year. 3 v. [each year. | Harriman, W. ent, and a hasty flight in the 83. GROG ()evsicie! icleselein wialese exvrorerelsisrene exe) ce 01 Lee & Se Houghton, R. ¢ Women of the Orient: account of the condition of women in Japan, China, India, ‘ . ry e . 27Q 7 1) Syria, and Turkey. [| (5-J 4: Egypt, : - a Hitchcock & W.nt ec ge i iti i x i, nef We 4 o. [k i age Ay a il ear if if ORIENT 150 OXFORD Orient, continued. In the far East: narrative of exploration and advent- ure in Cochin-China, Cambodia, Laos and Siam. FQ SCs civicie: civic wlelve siecle AOAC O CIDO OO DOU .-- Nelson. Keating, J: M. With General Grant in the Kast. 79. $1.50. Same. (Cheap ed.) ’80. 7dc..-. Lippincott. Kinglake, A. W: Eothen: or, traces of travel brought home from the East. ’79. 1l0c... Harper. Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems, illustrating old truths. ’81. $3.50.....--.- Houghton, M. & Co. — Same. 89 Ge Siiareiiis cielorclatale aicisre lalajele (oie Funk. Mills, C: D. B. Pebbles, pearls and gems of the Orient. 7822 BilebOs se cies eeye cies G wimete cists ee IULLUS: Moore, J., 77. Outlying Europe and the nearer Orient. "SOs Boa cise oie vielee: es 6) oe ce LIU DUNCOUW. Roberts, Siz R. H. Eastern question: Asia Minor and the Caucasus. [777.] 50c.; 25c...-- Osgood. Tweedie, W. K. Eastern manners and customs. New ed. “her MID Ga cic cio cic eisielc ce sie cain i ay The independent movement in N. Y. as an element in the next elections, ete. ’80. 50c. Putnam. tepublican or Democrat? Retrospect, with its lessons for the citizen of 1880. L5e. .. Tefft, B: F. Our political parties. so Unit Politics. SO. ocveee Harper. 25c..Lee § S. 80. S¢ ed States, Parties to actions. S Actions at law. Partnership. Parsons, T., 77. Treatise on the law of partnerships. 3d ed., enl. "78.] $6........-.--Little, B. § Co. Pollock, F: ’ the law of partnership. ODIs ieie clone pe erereusreie sian icretcieic ciicicie He LE LROMaS: Commentary (5. Tyler, 8: y on the law of partnership ; with app. of forms. [’78.] $1.50. W. H.& 0. H. Morrison. S tlso Agents; — Corporations. Pascal, Blaise. Tulloch, J: Pascal. [’78.] $1....-... Lippincott. Pascal, Jacqueline. Weitzel, S. W. Sister and saint: sketch of the life of Jacqueline Pascal. [’80.] $1.50 ... Randolph. Passengers. Angell, J. K. Treatise on the law of carriers of goods and passengers by land and by water. 5th ed., enl. by J: Lathrop. 77.| $6..Little, B. & Co. See also Railroads. Pastors. S Ministers (of the Gospe Patagonia. : Beerbohm, J. Wanderinzs in Patagonia; or, life 5b G0 GOGO Holt. 00. 21.95... Dodd. "Si. R. Worthington. among the ostrich hunters. 779: 31 Coan. T. Adventures in Patagonia. Dixie, Lady F. Across Patagonia. $1.75. Patents. Bump, O. F. Law of patents, trade-marks, and copyrights, with notes ref. to the decisions of the Courts and the Commissioner of Patents, with rules S. Patent Office, and forms. = toe Baker, Via Co: d0c. of practice in the | S6 EB: Legal status of patents. ‘82. A. W. Fairbanks. ( Ol. Patent law in brief. $l. Baker, V. & Co. H: @. The patentability of inventions. 783. AO OO OLEOODO Be arse 7ULELes B. & Co. Our patent case : layman’s report, from the complain- ant’s stand-point, of the suit of the Saggeville Manu- rs. the Standwell Manufacturing Co. .. Putnam. fd. Hall, Kook Sd. ’ 0 . » Merw SSG crcicve eee facturing Co. 183 290C; Parker, G: Synopsis of the new patents, designs, and trade-marks act, 1883. 20C. . 222+ Spon. Perkins, J. McC. Letters-patent for inventions — why they are so often worthless. 95ce... Rand. Preble, W.P.. 77. Patent case index; lists of cases reported in ‘State and Federal reports, Robb’s patent cases, and Patent Office Gazette ; 84. 83. with sy- 5 : ; = a ee nopsis of law points. SO. Gy Dveie alee Little, B. a Co. Simonds, W: . Summary of the law of patents for useful inventions, with forms. 2793 «63, Strouse. Walker, A. H. Text-book of the patent laws of the WS: of Am: See also Trade-marks. Sy. Jenle, L. 8. treatment. Sli 25)8 83. $6.90 sraisiA their nature and 9ded.,enl. 782. .. Blakiston. On slight ailments: ’S0. $1.50. same. Toe.eee ne Se ie = ee ae em ae =a : = se PATHOLOGY 154 Pathology, continued. | Belfield, W: TIT. On the relations of micro-organisnis | to diseases 783: Sle2a TOC: cece ccc .- Keene Billings, F. S Relation of animal diseases to th public health, and their prevention. “84. $4. Coats, J. Manual of pathology. 783. $5.50; $6.50 Gibbes, H. Practical histology and pathology. 81. ei. Same. Yded:., enl. 783: $1-50.=.Blakeston. Gilliam, D. T. Essentials of pathology. 783. $2. ei Blakiston. Green, T. H: Introduction to pathology and morbid anatomy. 4th Anived. “Sil. $2625) ccs a CA Hunter. Rk. Practical observations on affections o the throat, lungs, and heart; their causes, preven tion and proper treatment. fs DOGS. «Cool New York Pathological Soe. Transactions. v. | (Hie CREATION OU A relelclc dieicicic wise leieleie lersie cee Wood Osler, W: Patholovical report for year ¢ nding M Ly 1, 1877. (Montreal Gen. Hospital. Viole ‘78 Raue, C. G. Special pathology and diagnostics, with therape utic hints. 2d ed., en] SY ISI “Si. / 1 ya: Richardson, B: W Diseases of modern 83 GnilE arcieielievs tetetoiele cite ciate aUeielelotcioles siete clever b l AG — Nd New cheap ec SO U¢ | i — Fiel of diseas¢ book of pre ventive medicin BAS RAS SH DOs cveioccis cic a selec s6 clelcicis ei ceie a 6 steal Lea Rindfleisch, J Elements of pat og 84 S5 Sempl C. EH. A. Aids to medicine pt. 1: Gen- eral diseases. "83. HO Os) Cherie eels nee Putnam. Maocent ©; Hs -v. siliary calculi: perineorraphy ; hospital gangrene and its kindred diseases; with their respective treatments. SSO eSil225: Boericke & T. Tanner, T: H. Index of diseases and their treat- ment. 2d ed. ele o4..-Lindsay & Bi ohan, V: C. Chemical physiology and ] vathology 3d ed.. en] 100. Do's ceases ccc ee Ann Arbor Luo: — Lecture notes on chemical physiology and pathol- ogy. 2ded.,enl. ’80. $2.......Ann Arbor Pub. W oodhe ad, G. S. Practical] path« logy "84. $6..Lea. Q men — \n eel 5 A I s diseases Brain; Brig} seas I ichitis ; — Calculus; — Canc ( re < Ca Chest Cl drer D a Chole1 Constipati Consul Cc us diseases ( ahs Diag sis Dia ra; — Dit ria: — Dvys te) — Dyspe Ls I Kel sla — Enteric fever; — Eye; Fever; — Generative organs: Germ theory;— Gout; Head ; — Heart Hip; — Hydropho bia; — Hysteria: — Insanity: [Intermittent fever; Liver Lungs; — Mal M Ine; Nasal ] s N s system; Net oa Ovarics Pa 1 I Q Pneumonia; — Pott’s disease Prostate; Rheumatisn Scrofula ; — Sea-sicknes Ski Small-y 3] Stomach ;— Summe! Sunstroke ; Surgery Sympathetic nerve;- Syphilis: Teeth; - Phi lum s [ il and urinary organs; — Uterine Diseases: — Vaccination: \ la — Venereal diseases; — Woman, Diseases: — Yellow fever: Zymosis. Patience. Dick, W: B. Games of patience: or, solitaire with cards. [’83.] $I] Patriarchs. Hanna, W:, and Norris, J: P. The patriarchs. ’79. ane Ol siete roto Soren ar. Cassell. PLGA Go. Scott, J: The land of sojourn; or, sketches of patri- archal life anditinies. 7°80. $1.50..... C: A. Scott Patron saints. See Saints. Pattison, Dorothy Wyndlow. Lonsdale, M. Sister Dora: a biog.; from 6th Eng. ed. *R(), SB 2D) eperiee sce ee Roberts. OMNES = OU OCH eon. oe ce ne - Munro. — Same. ’81. 10c Paul, St. Clarke, J. F. Ideas of the apostle Paul, tr. into their | modern equivalents: °84. $1.50......... Osgood. | el9! els (0) sl e\e/sl sje: eferels ei cle canes Ogilvie. Paul, St., continued. Conybeare, W:J:,and Howson, J.S. Life and epistles of the Apostle Paul. nT $1.20...Syckelmoore. — Same. [79 | SD) vise epics semi. Crowell. - Same. 2 pts. 80. C2020) Chale isiaveiciecucrvere Munro. Davies, G. S. St. Paul in Greece. [19.1] 75¢e. Farrar, F: W: Life and work of St. Paul. 2 vy. 279), $6. Same. Complete inl v. ’80. $3.... Dutton. Same 2 pts. SOf (Cae ZoCh pei acisie cn moan Funk. — Same. 2 pts. WO Chk Ale codaceooouas Munro. Knox, C: E. c oe , Ni : . a ; ; Buckalew, C: R. Examination of the constitution of Pennsylvania, exhibiting the derivation and hist. of its;severaliprovisions. 783. $3i..:2....-... Ka McMurray, J: Pennsylvania state-book and people’s manual: complete state and county official register. 79. CHIL OU eicic aicteue cs ele ne Bon ss ailvieveve Tes: Hart. Rand, MeNally & Co. Indexed county and township map of Pennsylvania. [’82.] $1.. Rand. McN. & Co. Shaw, A. Local government in Illinois; [also] Local government in po coney ivan, by E.R. L. Gould. 283. Cr crereee wieie) (ble a'a\te efeieie Johns Hopkins Univ. Sheafer, P. W. Antie vite coal-fields of Pa., and their exhaustion. “Sl. csc... -- -2 0s ly. Se Hart: Wilson, W. H. Notes on internal improvements of Pennsylvania; [also] Reminiscences of. first rail- road over Allegheny Mountain, by S. W. Roberts HS) Wie. c6ocoo gadu con boonopunoGoGl ia IiGvaih See also Chester ; — Danville; — Gettysburg ; — Philadelphia; —Warwick. ’ 7 , Geological Survey. Pennsylvania second geological survey. Reports of progress; by W: H. Fontaine and I. C. White. 780. Stat History. Cornell, W: M. History of Pennsylvania, from the earliest discovery to 187 7S OF]'s §. $3.50-$4.50 Vu aker Carty. Doddridge, J. Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsyl- vania, 1763-1783; with mem. of author, by his daughter. (76. eR ee certs ee rere ALLS ELE. Lambing, A. A. Hist. of the Catholic Ch. in the dio- CS eerie! yurg and Allegheny. ’80. $3. Benziger. W oodward, M. The hist. of the 8d Regt. Penn. Reserve. See SEO (isieicle ve olciele cre EH. M. Woodward. Husbands, C. M. Law of married women in Penn., with view of law of trusts in that state. ’78. $5.50. T. & J. W. Johnson. Jackson, T. Landlord and tenant in Penn.; with forms. [778.] SO..cceese ee cece ececerees Welsh. Rhone, D. L. Practice and process in the Orphans’ Courts of Penn., embr. laws rel. to the settlement of estates of decedents [fete.], in the Courts of > Common Pleas and Equity. 2v. 783. ea., 56. Vi ( lsh ° Note. For laws and other publications by the state se Pennsylvania, author alphabet, p. 809. Pennsylvania Dutch. Gibbons, P. E. Pennsylvania Dutch, and other essays. Sdiedsenli 2825 Bolin ce iscsi . Lippincott. Rauch, Ek. H. Pennsylvania | Date h instructor. [’77. } STEED levevareicie ctelele cites) eicltale 614) +1.4\e sloielencielecet - Rauch. Percentage. Bradford, W. H. Thirty possible problems of per- centage. [777.] 50s a saic ce cise « scsie 6 DANCECI- Percussion. See Auscultation and percussion. Perfumery. Christiani, R. S. Comprehensive treatise on per- fumery : hist. of perfumes, materials and apparatus used. ledacees| $5. sim osie (0 1ele/e) «0 6/4) 0/0) 0) 0 \e18)194) 01° Baird. Snively, J: H. ‘Treatise on the manufacture of per- fumes and toilet articles. [’77.] $3..C: W. Smith. Perinchief, Octavius. Lanman, C: Octavius Perinchief: his life of trial and supreme faith. 79. B2.+-+ seer eees Anglim. PERU Periodicals. Adams, FEF. G. List by counties of newspay ers and periodicals published in Kansas, March 1, 18x84. Ob cee acre si sielelelejete wi sislela (te oveee clei ec: - Kansas Pub. Ayer, N. W.,& Son. American newspaper annual. 7S) le Dolce secre eevee 50 0UcD0dUN O000 HOOO Za Cook;.@. A= & Cot UWS: newspay yer directory. [’76.] 250 Same. RWeveeds csc EULROM: Muter, J: Introduction to pharmaceutical and medi- eal ch mistry. New ed. ’80. $6......Blakiston. Metrie preseri I Oldberg, O. ption-book: aid in metric prescripuion wi .--- Blakiston. — Unofficial pharmacopeeia: useful suppl. to the phar- iting: “Sl: S1/50;...- macopoela OL-UE 8: 281, Sep levers cisions Blakiston. Parrish, Ee: [Treatise on pharmacy. 5th ed., enl. g4 GR oS Gieca ce sic - lene Steel a sicis Aaveiorsivenes orerens etLes Pereira, J: Physician’s prescription-book, cont. contractions and abb. used 16th ed. terms, phr in prescriptions, with notes; added a key. lists of ises, POE eM DD ie sic ciereic. lelets oie) ele a scoisiarere DD LQICUSLON: Pharmacopoeia Germanica, editio altera. German pharmacopoeia. Odied= 4845 sone ous cere Vail. Pharmacopeia of the U. 5. 6th decennial revision. 782. DAES Oise oie evelsiclejeca leleraiciatelelate eit Wood. Prescriber’s memoranda. ’81l. $l.-. -. Wood. Proctor, B. S. Lectures on practical pharmacy. 2d ed., with add. and corr. 783. $4.50...Blakziston. Rice, ¢ Posological table, inel. all officinal and frequently employed unc fficinal preparations. 779. We Ganoc ws 0 0 00/8 6.6 wort Reisen cee as Wood: Sayre, L. E. Conspectus of organic materia medica and pharmacal botany. “UM bo Gad ..- Brinton. Tuson, R: V. Pharmacopeia, incl. materia medica medicine. 3d ed. BVI () tersren nar eve Heloee Blakiston. Whitney, W: F., and Clark, F. H. Compendium of the most important drugs with doses according to and therapeutics for veterinary R() SY.5 ahellaieleiolsisiere (elere the metricsystem. “79. 25¢......-+--. Williams. Wood. G: B., and Bache, F. Dispensatory of the U.S. 14thed., enl. [’77.] $10..... Lippincott. Wood, H. C and others. Uke: dispensatory. New ed. (i5thi] enls <635 iS8iecen Appleton. Few steps in philosophy. 180; HOCH. ccc cc Putnam. Fitzgerald, P. F. Essay on the philosophy of self- consciousness: cont. analysis of reason and. the | rationale of love. 788. OD Oi sievesiee wieree re.” Clarke. Hamilton, E: J: The human mind: treatise in mental philosophy. 788 [#82)]: BRO en iarevatcteteieei ar Carter. Hartmann, E: v. Philosophy of the unconscious. 3 V. | POA TO es cra el slisiolere’ (o eiayejielerereiteiamexe! ees Vacmillan. | Heine, H: Religion and philosophy in Germany: a 12 Philosophy, continued. PHONOGRAPH Krauth, C: P. Vocabulary of the philosophical sci- ences. [ied (. | SOTO Jercieis ee ce clelelcicvee cine cis Sheldon. Lefevre, A. Philosophy, hist. and critical. 779. $1.75. Lippincott. Lewes, G: H: Problems of life and mind. 2dser.: Physical basis of mind. [eters] $3..-...- Osgood. — Same. 38d ser.: Study of psy chology. P79. $2. Same. 3dser. pt. 2. 80. $3.-. Houghton, Oe Co: Lorimer, G:C. Isms old andnew. ’81. $1.50... Griggs. Louage, A. Course of philosophy, embr. logic, meta- physics and ethics. 2ded., enl. ’83. 75c..- Pret. Mahan, A. Critical hist. of philosophy. 2 vy. 7838. Ales wal er cio lole siinisieleieich eiclatele oleic (roles: clelele Ph illips Oe Te — System of mental philosophy. *82. $1.50..Gr7gqs. Masson, D: Recent British philosophy : review, with criticisms. 8ded. [’77.] $2........ Vacmillan. Mayor, J. B. Sketch of anc. philosophy from Thales to @reero: “Silis GOC. esccleccsies «1c cee Macmillan. Morris, G:S. British thought and thinkers. 780. $1.75. Griggs. — Philosophy and Christianity. 7°83. 81.75.. Carter. Schopenhauer, A. The world as willandidea. v. 1. 84. SS ysjaievereleielc wielstclWalelelsielel ce) cvelcverst cretsvel efelere Osgood. Schwegler, A. History of philosophy in epitome. 80. RO Se ccrsiela ator alcieloieie eis sia teieis cicielclers Appleton. Shields, C: W. Final philosophy ; or, system ot per- fectible knowledge issuing from the harmony of science and religion. [°77.] $3..Scr1bner, A. & Co. — Same. 9d ed., rev. 79 S8...- Scaabner’s Sons. Sinnett. A. P. The occult world. ’82. $1.-Coldby. Stephens, L. History of Eng. thought in the 18th century. 2v. [776.] $8.----+---+-+-- Putnam. Stirling, J. H. Text-book to Kant: The critique of pure reason; esthetic, categories, schematism, translation, commentary, index; with biog. sketch. OMe | SRG cece oie rois) bie lae cloves © wrepnis)n s efese(e nyse Putnam. Story, J. Substantialism; or, philosophy of knowl- Edoe, 209%, BICSO) ciecie cere cin cle oe ni meiere Williams. —_ Same, with title: Summary of substantialism ; or, philosophy of knowledge. 781. 35C.-.---- Rand. Tait. P: G.. and Stewart, B. Paradoxical philosophy. FF ESN T.D cet sei ovelalele’s ciate ir sic\eic.e0/eeie crn Vacmaillan. Townsend, C: E. Essays on mind, matter, forces, theology, etc. (76.1 Sh 'Jicove sole eieie\s)e .- Somerby. — Sequel to Essays. 78. $1. Same. 2d ed., with add. 27. ASR ie oie) ei sinicelee\eiele/e\ele nsjele syeiecuA Somerby. Tulloch, J: Modern theories in philosophy and re- ligion. 784. GO.--- cece esececcceecs Scribner sf W. Tyler, S: Discourse of the Baconian philosophy. 3d ed. [777.1] $1.25... W: 1. g 0: H. Morrison; Murphy. Wright, C. Philosophical discussions; biog. sketch by GC: E: Norton. |'(f. BO Oicie vvelsleieis © ees Holt. See also sthetics; - Antagonism ; — Belief; — Biology ; — Brain: — Concord Summer School of Philosophy ; — Delusions ; — Emotions ;— Energy ; — Ethics ; Final causes ;— Future life: — Illusions; — Imagination ; — Instinet ;— Knowledge; — Logic: — Man; — Materialism; — Memory ; — Metaphysics; — Mind; — Pantheism ;— Physics; Positivism ; — Psychology; — Rationalism ;— Religion; — Scepticism; — Science, — Senses; — Soul; — Space; —Stoics ;— Theology ;— Transcendentalism ; — Utilitarianism ;— Will. ¢ Oo’. « . : 5d Pheenicia. Bovet, fF. Egypt, Palestine and Pheenicia. *83. $2.50. Dutton. Spencer, H. Descriptive sociology: Hebrews and Phoenicians, comp. and abstract by R: Scheppig. SO) RAE ES claret cleln! oles lessai were eye ernie wer Apple 1on. Phonetic system. American educ. phonic charts: 4 in set. Att, Ges nacosn 9900 co0g yan 090s SoC UND Sweet. H. Handbook of phonetics. [’78. } Macmallan. Vickroy, [. R. Fonetic furst redur. Peel} Nae Van Antwerp. 80.] 25c..- Besser. Witmer,'T. Phonetic orthography. | Sce also Spelling reform. | fragment. 782. GB.--+-+--ee> Houghton, M. & Co Phonograph. Hofmann, A: W: ‘The question of a division of the | philosophical faculty. 2d ed. 783. 25c..-.: Ginn. | Du Moncel, Count T. Telephone, microphone and OD ry eieis re issn: Harper. phonograph. 79. $1.2PHONOGRA PHY Phonography. See Stenography. Photography. ee Abney. W. De W. [’78. Treatise on photography. $1.50 --- Appleton. — Same. eal Dy Ui teicielelcloie wie Vacmillan. Ayres, G: B. How to paint photographs in water- ‘colors and in oil. [78 CRO ec cioilerefete is Appleton. | Instantaneous marine studies | photo- Little, D: M. graphic views | Price, H: C How 783: RR ve crepe crane ee CLLDDLES: to make pictures. 7s 5Oc. Scovill manual for Roche, T. C. How to make photographs : amateurs. 783. 7dC.: BOG. +. .eseee see Anthony. Sternberg, G: M. Photo-micrographs, and how to make then [Ooo (oie crises Soreie erie) se Osgood. Amateur photography : practical in- Sl: 50c... arederereno sty Tapley, De J: structor. ’84. Tissandier, G. sis icles! eilave Green. History and handbook of photography. [ate RO () sere eros ele See alee ON COUTEL Wallace, E., 77. Amateur photographer. [’84.] $1. Porter & CG: Phrenology. Drayton, H: S. How to study phrenology. ’80 [’79]. NW codqoocdco sievaiclsiVelelavaie evelele: ecejeleveleie cle elsiviace We ls. — Indications of character, in the form and propor- the head. Sie] be Fowler & W. Neill, J. Brain and mind: ment li in with the SileD Oise ics arctare tions of _— and. M« consi jere al science principle s of Wells. accordance 720 phrenology. Grimes, J.S. Mysteries of the head and heart ex- plained ; inel. an improved system of phrenology etc. 3ded. 781. DIED O Rc ares eis tclete S71 , Harmony of phrenology and the Bible 78. ] 2ac. 5 10c. . eee Wells. almanac Wells. character; or, Illustrated annual of phrenology and health f Annual CA OO ees ee eee see ee lac Simms, J. Nature’s physiognomy illusti revelations of ated: the individual traits. ’83. ODA 5 (isre ais oreteter ei oisteia ce cieeieb Gievecm Tyuth Seeker. Sizer, N. embr. reco lections of hist. anecdote and experience. ’82. k Fowler & W — How to teach aceording to temperament and mental Forty years in phrenology: yas I development; or, phrenology in the school-room and the family. "77 Sil Oisteyererere ec sieiore oie) IVELLS: Turner, T: Phrenology: its hist. and most impor- tant principles. "78 OCS cree steve cia ers Wells. See also Combe, G: ; —Spurzheim, J: G. ¢ a Phthisis. See Consumption, Physical geography. sell, N. R. . Forms of land and water. ’82. $1.50: OO Cra ce neisien 6 eaiete ace eee cn a Onis e) en Putnam. Geikie, A. Klementary lessons in physical geography. eTiT ee ile sissies omens e woes oes Vacmillan. Martineau, C. A. Earth, air and water: or. the storv of the world we live in. ’81. 50c...... Routledge. Maury, M. F. Physical geography, rev. by M. Maury, Kev. ed: ’83) $1.90056 5... Universtiy. Wallace, A. ve Ge R. Geographical distribution of animals. ] SLO. Harp q —— Island life; or, the phenomena and causes of in- Sular faunas and floras. °’81. $4......... Tarper See also Ancient geography; — Atlases: — Caves: — Cli- mate; — Earth; — Geography ; — Geology; — Glaciers: — Me teorology ; — Mountains; — Nature; — Ocean: — Rivers; — Volcanoes. : cS, Physicians. grown, F. H. Medical register for New Eng. [’76 Spl 0, everarenelarelaisvelecefiecrsiycis os acces. Hurd x /7. Lae 20 QO rn g same. 80 WDITOO ave stele sic sc Houghton, M. & Co. — pame. St. Bo. : . Cupples. and what he "82. Cathell, D. W. The physician himself, should add to the strictly scientifie. 1.25 : Cushings § B. Kansas medical directory. 2B = RO} Dickman. Dickman, F. F. 158 PHYSICS | Physicians, continued. Hoppin, S: B. Medical directory of Philadelphia for USSSA 28d BI SOK ce cee cecleceleii= sierere Blakiston. Hyde, J. N. Early medigal Chicago: sketch of the first practitioners of medicine. 779. 50c... Fergus. Medical register directory of the practitioners of the city and county of Philadelphia. 782. $1..Blakiston. Purdy, A. E. M. Medical register of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. v. fiz 15. [’77.] $2.50. Putna 71. Tiffany, F. B. Physicians’ and surgeons’ office rec- ord. MRile ISNT elevate areieleiiel stele we cleicisiels W. #. Scott. See also Medicine. Physics. Arnott, N. Elements of physics; or, natural philoso- phy. Tth ed. 76. GhOlelalals, elele cies (eieiei Appleton. Avery, fk. M. Elements of natural philosophy. [’78. RISO csi eee oe eee eeieilev sia ciciete) cies at ieve (1S JLELOLOTDs — Teacher’s hand-book to accompany Avery’s Natu- ral phil ysophy. 2 Ali BTID Ca scare eo erererercloreres Sheldon. Baker, T: R. Elements of natural philosophy based $1.50. Porter & C. text-book of physical Cassell. Energy in nature: of forces of nature and their mutual Sp | co Diciersislove cere sicreyelere oleltiers Cassell. Core, T. H: Questions on Stewart’s lessons in ele- mentary phy S1cs. - Macmillan. Daniell, A. Text-book of the principles of physics. TOR MCh SD issreioreic clei eisic ous elo ieteeiare Vacmillan. Frick, J. ‘al technics; instructions for experi- ments in physics. New ed. $2.50. on the experimental method. 781. Bowman, F. H. Intermediate science. 83. Carpenter, W: L. lectures upon the substance ions. Oo relat Oli DOC se ae cee e 7a Lippincott. Text-book on the elements of physics. IBD. BOF oavecsis certo use cic Ao eee Ginn. Ganot, A. Elementary treatise on physics. llthed., enl 783. (BD ew chs ccs cate erecere Ser cleieini asreccie) WVOOG: — Introductory course of natural philosophy. Rev. ed. 28D: SIL OO! ccctie cise ceistcisince Goel Barnes. Giberne, A. ‘Twilight talks; or, easy lessons on things around us. 83 82]. Ohne s SoODOC Carter. Gillet, J: A., and Rolfe, W. J. First book in natural philosophy. "82 Nets spl OS) x... Potter, A. & Co. Guillemin, A. Application of physical forces. Pit] DODO soca creer s ave cloterewcicvere Geis eireree eae Macmillan. ).. Macmillan. molecular physics Holt. pt. $1. Harper. Hotze, C. L. Questions and problems in elementary physics. [778. UD Osten arayere cre - Cen. Pub. (St. L.) Houston, E. J. Easy lessons in nat. philosophy for young children. ’79. 50c Hldredge. — Iilements of nat. philosophy. ’79. $1.25.. Hidredge. — Intermediate lessons in nat. philosophy. ’81. 90c. Eldredge. philosophy, for young children. Claxton, R. & H. Questions and notes in physics, cover- ing pts. 1, 2 of Arnott’s Elements. ’79. 50c... Sever. Kiddle, H: Text-book on physics: based upon the larger work of Ganot. 83. Spe D ine rael ererevers Wood. Lind, G. D. Easy experiments in chemistry and nat. — Forces of nature. 2d ed. Guthrie, F: Practical and sound. 309: ove Savers aiaifalelicle (clare Hooker, W. Science for the school and family. 1: Natural philosophy. 2d ed., enl. "17. | $6.5 physics : OUCH oces tsae [’78. fol — Outlines of nat eeeee rons Keith, M. S. philosophy. 280 40 Cie ee tece aesicee 1 ee Normal. Naville, E. Modern physics: studies, hist. and phi- losophicals, - 784. $0)25.- Gisele eholeieters Scribner & W. Olmsted, D., and Snell, E. S. Introduction to nat. philosophy. 3d rey. ed. [’82.] $3.12...Collins. Rogers, H: R. New and original theories of the great physical forces. ’78. $1.25; GOc..... Abel. Sharpless, I:, and Philips, G. M. Natural philoso- . phy. BOE Oc a oo ceicieesone .-- Lippincott. Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of mod. physies. 1Oi2s UD LID s. cists) oe cae eeRo nn ee ee ee. Appleton.PHYSICS 159 Physics, continued. Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in physies. ’79. $1.25 Baa nes. Marit: BG: physical Lectures sclence: on some recent advances in special ctures on foree. 24d ede: enl:. Mle Dae Ohiarererncrs oer Macmillan. Thomson, St W: Mathematical and physical papers. Vole 399) nets Boiss cies cc ae neo Macmallan — and weait.. ie: G: Treatise on nit. philosophy. Newed. v.11. pla]: 779: $4.50: Ce New edi we ly pts 2. 7835 netasba......- Ma Todhunter, I. Natural philosophy for pt. : Properties of solid and flui bodies, $1.50). Wells, D: A. cmillan. beginn ers. Natur ‘al philosopl v. PA S1.15. “Aollner, J: Ke F: Tr: inscendental phy sics. 780. 31.50. Colby See also Acoustics ;— Air; — Atoms Chemistry ;— Dynam ics ; — Electricity ; Fluids; Friction; Gravitation :— Heat — Hydraulics; — Ice; Magnetism ; Mechanics ;— Meteoro ogy; — Motors; — Optics; Physical e¢ graphy; - Pneu- matics; — Pri a ctions ;— Statics; — Steam W ate Physiology. Allen, G. Physiological esthetics. 78% $1.50. 3rubaker, A. P. Physiology. ’83. $1.. Calthrop, S. R. Rights of the body. ’79. 8c... Clum, F. D. Men and women: their structure and function. [’83. GD Otowinis e ciecicls) ole ele ene es LUOLTOD. Waltons a: C: Treatise on human phvsiology. 7th ed. a8 Di. Sd SSO creel e evoisiel eis evete ae slicitev eveie SS elved Dunglison, R: J. Elementary physiology TY ry reece Dye cicisinierurel biel (vies e\'eies nie ce esr ee) etc ciel ays) wie leveloterlelerele: ore erereainisusiel sie Lea. tosenthal, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. “81. $1.50. .----. Appleton. ereer eo eewee Physiology, continued. PINKERTON Sanderson, J: B. Syllabus of a course on physiology. ’80. $1.5 of lectures Blakiston. —and Brunton, T. L. apparatus IE ils ZV CHeileielore ie avole ve ; Macmillan. ] 4] . y,. . . : . . — and others. Practical exercises in physiolo: gy. S25 lel Ds ccc esis erccce. . . Blakiston. Shepherd, Jf-s. I. R. For girls pe cial physiolony. Orsay api lita avaveierasereie s eicire eure ete ioe reer Fowler & W. Southwick, A. P. Question-book of physiology. 229 10e F ? Di: UU) Cave) eilonie ole ia\ivie)olletai el sie cicieleloiel(cickalsialciae Bardeen. Steele, J. D. Abridgment of the hygienic physiol- ogy, with ref. to aleoholie drinks and narcotics; for Junior classes and common schools. 784. $1.25. Ba mnes Physiology of women. 2d HD OO UONO DODO A00h CUSRG, BEG ---. Lairbank P: & Co. Stevenson. MMos. se He ed. "81. $1.50 — ame. Jivveiwieic's Vaughan, V: C. C ite mical physiology and p: mibolgey: with lectures upon norn al and abnormal urine. Ssded:=enle: 2808 “Saree Ann Arbor Pub. — Lecture notes on chemical physiology ogy. 2died:, enl. 779: Arbor Pub. Whittaker, J. T. Physiology preliminary course lectures. 79. SHED oe eck ee oo Olanice:: Wurry. Yeo, G. F. Manual of physiology for students of medicine. ’84. $4: $5.... and pathol- Ann >) Tan slakaston. Se also Anatomy: — é Animal Blood; Brain; - magnetism; — Biology; — Breathing ; — Chemistry ; — Chest; — Color; — Deformities ; — CD ae Embryology; - Eye; — Food; — Gen- eration; — Generative organs; Hair; — Head;— Heart; — Heredity; — Eietoloeys Hygiens — Liver — Longevity ; — Lungs; Lymph; a ane — Magen ; — Medicine; — Mind and body: Mouth: — Muscles; Nasal passapee me Nervous system ; Pancreas: Pathology; — Sex; — Skin; — Spine; — Stomach; — ‘Throat; — Woman, Diseases. Piano-forte. Z Cluster of gems: coll. of piano-forte pieces. rte) BOS SRA cs oe cid sie sce cicinle cc elelersyolele. e cjare Ditson. Fillmore, J: C Piano-forte music: its hist. with biog. sketches of its masters. ’°83. $1.50.. Mac Coun. Golden hours: coll. of piano music. [’78. $2.50-— Sn GS crete clin evntelis Pes ee ars A DT QUN ONG: Martin, H. T EB very woman her own piano-tuner ; hints and aids to piano-tuning. ’S1. d50e. H. T. Marton. 78. Taylor, F. Primer of forte playing. [77 piano- 45¢ ge vrei eeeace pieiuielals: wiles ¢ieseveleleie els ----+. Appleton. Wieck, F. Piano and song. 27iO. |) mieoD Lockwood, B. & Co. ~Piano studieS. B38C.ccccescesyeccceseccces Gordon. Wolfsheim, S. M. Child’s piano instructor for class and private teaching. [’77.] $1.00.--++: Schirmer. See also Music; — Musicians. Pickett, Jos. W. Salter, W: Memoirs of Jos. W. Pickett, missionary. BON Silieysienierse alaetale elevators : sete eravere aieieis LIOVEs Piedmont. Butler, S: Alps and sanctuaries ot Piedmont and the Canton Ticino. 782. $7.50 -.---+++4 Scribner § W. Pierce, B: ; King, M. Benjamin Pierce: memorial collection. QE HO Cacicise s bisjevole aie oe clacieejeeieime cine oc sna KING. Pig. See Swine. Pigeons $1.50. Practical pigeon keeper. [’79.] f Co. W right a: Cassell, P., G. Pike, Rob. ee . Pike, J. S. The new Puritan: acct. of Rob. Pike, who defended the Quakers, and oe the witch- arp ce? . craft prosecution. oF TSS wre] sin) evceie Pilgrim’s progress. Nourse, RK. Plain lectures on the Pilgrim’s » rogress. Tey Sl. NA RGOUOKOOO0C0 A 000000 DO0G0 . Rokker. Pinkerton, L. Li. ie Shackleford, J:, 77. Life, letters, and addresses of Pinkerton. [’76.] $1.50...Chase & H. Dr: ; i:Benedict, E. Cast-iron pipes. ’78. Pitt, W: | Earl of Chatham |. Sce Chatham, Lari of. Pittsfield, Mass. Smith, J. E. A. C1 I Ui Mass., from 1800 to 1876. 2v. [76.] 05 @O. C.W. Bryan. Pius IX., Pope. Brennan, R: Popular life of Pope Pius Ix. 77. 2b Benzvger. Hassard, J: R. G. Life of Pope Piusrx. ['78. ] SI Cath. Pub. The providential mission of Pius Ix. 78 ] DCs siclevete FOOOO DOOO O COOG COODOROOU Murphy. l 7) = d ss Lives of Pope Pius Ix. and Pope Leo x11. 78 DO Oh sieieie cinicnwicie/ciuercicleys ainicicisteleicle oilers eie/aisisie Mc Gee. Maguire, J: F. Pius Ix. down to the accession of Pope Leo xIill., by Mser Patterson. [’78. S368 - Scribner & jubilee of 1877. eli Shea, J: G. Life of the hist. of the church during his pon 78. BiB Obes Geoiere cietae cic slevslciciers(s sels laikic T: Kelly. Trollope, T: A. Story of the life of Pope Pio Nono. aT GN TE [)2)i- eee ovelc (alee eteyelevells'e) se en een Oat AoLe Piutes. Hopkins, S. W. Life among the Piutes: their wrongs and claims. 83 Si esfepecialste cieve Cupyples Pizarro, Francisco. Towle, G: M. quests. Pe Qe lie DD) avaeic ole! 600i) vicllcleleie/e\eceje Lee& S. Plague. *De Foe, D. Journal of the plague in London. 19 LOGS eee 2 ae Sol icicie cieie eri icle | eects ci oteje or Harpe Plantagenets. Period of the Plantagenets. ’81. 50c.; 30c. : Stubbs, W: The early Plantagenets (76. $l. Plants. See Botany. Plasterers. Cameron, K —_— Sane. Plate. > ry Cripps, W. J. Old English plate: its makers and with improved tables of the date marks ; (TEE. BIOMED Oleic cette seiteierclelciera sis spsisvel OS CIOL ETI Oe Ve Platt, Mrs. Jeannette H Platt, Mis. J. Hh. Playright. See Copyright. Pleading and practice. Abbott, A. BOA saci cicietevelcicic aietsoils sos avleie se olavevs Baker, V. x Co. — New forms of practice and pleading under the code of civil procedure. [?77. $4.50.. Baker, V. & Co. Barton, R. T. cases, founded on Robinson’s Practice. [778.1] Randolph & LH. Pleadings, parties and forms under the | code; adpt. to the statutes of Ohio in force July. Bates, C. 1881, with full authorities from all States’ using code, and Ve le 2, 781-82, ea., $6 ing the Norman period. [’80 Bishop, J. P. For civil practice : 160 Pleading and practice, continued. 2O0Crcccek Spon. History of Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., New ed., rev. and brought Bye neaic teiercieeh W’. O’Reilly, B. Life of Pius 1x. down to the Ipiscopal Pius 1x. and the great events in tificate. Pizarro: his adventures and con- Plasterer’s manual. ’79. 75c. Bicknell. Reweed.s 783° (OC. cc. ci. 2 ere Comstock. letters. Life and letters: comp. by her husband’ 283" Soe esse oscke veins lucien Claxton. Collection of forms of practice and plead- ing especially adpt. to the code of procedure of the State of N. Y.; with notes and authorities. ’81. Practice in the courts of law in civil mb. lecisions from the common law practice. v. 2: VECe SS Oisvevete ites sie oeevate mene Clarke. Bigelow, M. M. History of procedure in England dur- $5..Little, B. § Co. ) commentaries on | the written laws and their interpretation. ’82. $4, | Inttle, B. & Co. — Hand-book for civil causes. ’82. $4..7, ttle, B. & Co. | POE Treatise upon the law of pleading. ’79. Re cic telsl sie lee ee) 0001 :™) 00010 .6.010.0) 0..8),07 015 F. H. Thomas. Buswell, H: F:, and Waleott, C: H. Practice and pleading in personal actions in the courts of Mass. 9d ed., enl.: 783. net, GO----+-+-eees .G: B. Reed. Estee, M. M. Pleadings, practice, and forms in ac- tions, both legal and equitable. 2d ed., rev. 3v 78. RG DUie «ccc viciwieee .) 5 : Re tUugious. Calvert, W: Wife’s manual; or, prayers, thoughts s on several occasions of a matron’s life. NOMAD OB Aiea iat coka bee oh eee Roberts Craig \ Guests of the heart book of religious poems. 80. GO eeisciscwe se ccs, Wi G. Holmes: — same. 81. Sl: $2 PO OOOO UO OODOM.Or OU Craird. Foster, E. Cyclopedia of poetry. 2d ser. : poems of scenes of the Bible; [also] Indexes to Foster’s Cy- clopedias. Si eos Olcieiers ls averse eoceee UV OWELL. Gilmore, J. H. He leadeth me, and other religious poenis. Tea Silas? Dark ispaverereieirelelie\eis ’e ----Lothrop. Hobart, Jirs. C: Uplands of God, and other religious poems. 83. SHIBDD) Rice corecisles cerereta Randolph. Holy songs, carols and sacred ballads. ’80 [’79 $1 Roberts Johnston, J. H. The school of the Master, and other religious verses. 7°80. 60c......-..-...Randolph. Nicoll, W. R. Songs of rest. 4th ed. 82. 75. Randolph. Odenheimer, W: H: Songs of the spirit. New ed. U1.) 4 — Gis che Shetercic eevee Sic ciel le eiaretets LFOLATOD: Oneotemany., 1.9. WSC ccs s across ose. once LOU. Peace: the quiet hour. 83. | 3B5C.+.--.Ltandolph. Prime, S.I. Songs of the soul gathered out of manv lands and ages. Newed. ’80 [779 }. $2.3 Carte .. Randolph, A. D. F. At the beautiful gate, and othe religious poems. 780 [’79 70C. «ee--. Randolph. — Palace of the king, and other religious poems. ’80 des oF 17 | 79). UD CR siatereisis ele sisicic elele e\ cic v6.0 c 61s 's's Randolph. — Unto the desired haven, and other religious poems . r I ( 1 ry ~ . 50 | Dols (OC. we eesecs Pees es cess © jee Randolph. Rest: the tranquil hour. [’83. d0C. +++. Randolph. Schaff, P., and Gilman, A. Library o poetry. 82 [’81]. $5-$10 Smith, S: F. Rock of ages: coll. of poems. New ed. [EC Tei] SL; 1.50. eee eeeeee eee Lothrop. religious eee ess eeeeer eee Dodd. | +o) POLITICAL | Poetry, continued. ris . 1e r ® > > » xr Tileston, Jirs. M. F. Quiet hours: poems. 2d ser. 78] Siig ieielw eine) 0) 0/0) epi iz.e)ipie icte stelle s leieiwlanetnieteress Robe rts. —_ Sunshine in the soul: poems. [(°76.] 50c. Same. od ser 7R3 | »RY. |. BOCs tierce sieloie elelais - .--- Rober ts. Yee also Hymns; — Sunday schools, Singing books. Poets. Dennis, J: Heroes of literature: Eng. poets. 783. net. BI: 90 s..2 2-s Sale vet seeisincis ls Gide bs NOUN. Deshler, C: D. Afternoons with the poets. *79. $1.75. Harper. Gilman. A., and others. Poets’ homes: pen and pen- 7 Am. poets and their homes. [7’79.] cil sketches of Din BOUB() cas 6 os ds weiss cleo einieie.eic etn sie LZOLULTOD Johnson, S Lives of the most eminent Eng. poets, ith obs. on their we rks: also | notes by PR: Ciun- d life of the author by T: B. Macaulay. ningham, and 1) New ed. Zi Ve 83. — Same. Chief lives of the poets; app. Macanlay’s and Carlyle’s essays Boswell’s life of Johnson. 73. Qo, LE ieasde Le eee See HOLE ac 2 oc nj ble aleve eae Cassino. Powers. H. N., and othevs. Homes and haunts of our elder poets. 1. $5; $10.......-Amnpleton. Robertson, B.S. English poetesses: critical biog. with extricts. 783. CWO Ga5ac Sees ccvae atepere nO OSSELEA Se lso Poetry; Troubadours. Poisons. Canner, T: H. Memoranda on poisons. 4th Am. ed. 27. Ci cia sine cio sfolas Bisietoeiers Lindsay § Blakiston. S also Medical risprudence; — Pharmacy. Abbott. J: Treatise on Jack pot poker, with the game of Sancho Pedro when played for stakes. ’81. Bh () Ci ain tare cls eke veleleleicss.eiejcie\elaie avel wleieleicletainielovate By rich. e, J: Complete poker player. 780. $1; 50c. Dick. Proctor, R: A. Poker principles and chance laws. 83. LDCs sc aie celesa ce ac sints Ge cle) cieins areibyetetee mn DOACICs Schenck, R. C. Laws and practice of euchre; by a Le member of the Washington Euchre Club. Re-issue ; added rules for draw poker. "17.| $1.. Peterson. Uncle George ( pseud. Talk of Uncle George to his nephew about draw poker. 783. JOC ese cee LUC. Polar regions. See Arctic regions. Polaris U. S. Steamer). Davis, C: H: Narrative of the North Polar expedi- tion. Ud: ship ‘¢ Polaris.” Eide We sieiciete Gov. Pr. Polariscope. Landolt, H. Hand-book of the polariscope. ’82. $3.75. Macmillan. Police. See Detectives. Politeness. DEL Ktique tte. Political economy. Alden, J. First principles of political economy. (?79. ] TOC. pre eu @ @ pe 0100 010 0.6.0 < 016; 0,0) 0 0 2,0 eooe Da vis, B. f Co. Bastiat, F: Essays on polit.econ. [’77.] $1.25.. Putnam. Blanqui, J.-A. History of political economy in Eu- rope. 780. $3.50.....-...2.- eeeee- eos es PUtNAN. Bowker, R: R. Of work and wealth: summary of economics. ’83. 50c.: Bdu......--- Soc. Pol. Ed. Bryce, T.'f. Economic crumbs: plain talks for the people about labor, capital, money, tariff, ete. 779. DOCH cawicw cles cis cote ene cee cc eee Aw BIeENtano. Chapin, A. L. First principles of political economy for high schools and academies. ’80. 60c... Sheldon. Cossa, L. Guide to the study of political economy. 2B\ae BIRDS 4 oc ss cr ee cere Serer Macmillan. Courtois, A. Political economy in one lesson. 82. LO Griciercie cere rerenetercrerere S loleleiste) siaretelals sie) 1NOCs LOU LLU. Disturnell, J: Political economy; or, interest, usury and taxation. [(777.] l0eC. +... 0.0 ec cee = Waley: Elder, W: Conversations on the principal subjects of political economy. 782. $2.50......... Bard.POLITICAL Political economy, continued. Ely, R: T. Past and present of political economy. : QA SD Oe sinielcr several ol) elerovctel < Moran, ¢ Miller, W. Government: Political hist. of 1875, with special f. to Germany}; rev. 1876 Northam, recent times, 1816- and enl., ¢ 2Q¢ L2 7 1881. S2 Do coucrvececee , Harper. He. Civil government for common instruction in the state schools: manual for public of N.Y. 77. rasy ame. 2d ed., with corr. and add. [’78. 1D Cijacie sevens .-- Davis, B. & Co. Pfrimmer, S: Brief outline of governments, with notes on their constitutions. Y%ded. 781 10 Van al Pollock, F: History of the science of politics. 783 [DCs c00© cc ee Rlalac chs erence aoe Re ite l Spencer, fH. Political institutions : pt. 5 of The prin- f sociology. OOF SOU sw eine ~A ton ciples o Traill, H. D. Central government. 81. $1.. Macmillan. Walpole, S. Foreign relations. Macmillan. Wheeler, C: G. The course ot outlines of the chief political changes in the h arr. by centuries. 782 ; Woolsey, I. D. Political science ; retically and practically considered. Dive [Wel eve, IO Oe alee. empire : ist. of the world; Osgood. or, the state, theo- B88, GB. cewvsccessee » Scribner, A. & Co. Young, A. W. youth’s manual of principles of constitutional government New ed., rev. 780. $1.20--! Yark & M. S3.50.ccccaseee and law. +m Yee also Citizenship } _ Democracy; — Elections; Parties; Political economy ; United States, Politics. — Civil service; — onstitutional law}; — Wederal government; — Law;— Liberty Republics; — T'axa- tion; Ul Ly Political songs. Ss pongs. Polo, Marco. Towle, G: M. Marco Polo: his travels and advent- D5 ee cre ie a ICO OT DS. ures. 80. SL.2D «se ceeeces Polynesia. See Oce anica. Polyps. See Corals.POMPEI L( Pompeii. Fairmount Park Comm. [ Phila. ] Description of Pompeian ruins, ete., exhibited at the Pompeian Museun), Fairmount Park. Rev.ed. ’79. 10c. tern. Gell, Sv W:. and Gandy, J. R: Pompeii: its destruc- tion and re-discovery. [’80.] $8... Worthington. Pomroy, J/7s. Reb. h. Boyden, A. L. Echoes from hospital and White Hous : record ot Mrs. Rebecea R. Pomroy’s e@X- perience in war-times. “84. $1.25...... Lothrop. Poncas. Zylyff. The Ponea chiefs: an Indian’s attempt to ap- | peal from the tomahaw k; introd. by Inshtatheam- ba.(Bright Eyes), and dedication by W. Phillips. *SO. By (VO iernieienisio s: elcielerecl ele cele ¢ Lockwood. B. ¥ Co. Pontius Pilate. Sluter, G: The Acta Pilati: important testimony of #Pontius Pilate, concerning the crucifixion of Christ PQ oN liste reies oieieya sions ictulcsavo (ov sie ofercis cele can ILOUUNS. Pontresina. Arnold, H. P. Gleanings from Pontresina and the Upper Engadin "80. $1.25.. Houghton, M. & Co. Poor (‘Thi Campbell, H. Problem of the poor: record of quiet 1 work in unquiet places. ’82. 90c.......... Fords. Fields, Js. A. How to help the poor. ’83. 60c. llough nm. MM & Ov Fowle, T: W. The poor law. ’Sl. $1..Macmillan. Handbook for visitors to the poor-house. [’77.] 50c.; Di) Ch erel oie cicero evarernietelerelcia wie lele ele iors pica e eeie Putnam Sims, G: R How the poor live 8 50 Scr r& W. S Charities Labor a1 ring classes I up Pope, Alex Steph Nn, 1 Alexander Pops OU 73( .- Harpe) — Sam LOCH seize Sie Vehare eile sl pines wicreie I; W. Lovell Pope, J Ropes, J: ¢ The army under Pop 8] le CIV s So71s. Popes. Creighton, M. History of the papacy during the ref- ormation. 2y. 782. $10.... Houghton, M. & Co. Earle, J: C: Manual of the lives of the popes from St. Peter to Pius 1x. "AS p1.50..... 7: Kelly. S lso Apostolic succession ; — Catholic Church Gregory I.; — Infallibility ; — Leo 1.;— Leo xu1.; — Pius 1 p Population. it Besant, Jf-s. A. Law of population. Osi: ToChe OU Cvercini SE according to the census of 1880. 82. 25 Chereicieveie Am. News Porcelain. See Ceramics Porter, Fitz-John. Cox, J. D. Second battle of Bull Run, as connec cted 1e Fitz-John Porter case, Feb. 28. 1882. 782. Sajoreire: cietelcre sie tres cccceesrecee Ll: G. Thomson. Porter family. Porter, J. W. Genealogy of the descendants of P: Porter, who settled at Weymouth, Mass., 1635. Me pOn eee. ce T.W. Porter. ad Elwell, E: H: Portland and vicinity. athe 75¢. ‘Loring, S.&¢ 7 — Same; with sketch of Old Orchard Beach and other Maine resorts. Rey. ed. 7811. Sl: 50c... Reid. Portland cement, See Cements. Portraits. Bates, W: Maclise portrait-gallery : illustrious liter- ary characters. 783. $3 : Peewee CUCM) NOU»: | UNO le isieyr wie! ee, 016)

< - Scribner's Sons. Patton, W: W. Prayer and its remarkable answers : 81. a2: $2.50. e sie Onenevereravuceisleisla wieleveelajeveisie Be tts Prayer and promise for days of holy communion. [BSBe SoG cscs ee neces occ. at as ...-Randolph. Prayers of the ages. [’78.] $2.50 Toughton, O. & Oo. Pulpit prayers, by eminent preachers. ’84 [’83 Sil n cisioieiisleiels cis ciee ees ee ae --+-. Avymstrondg. Sehuh, K: G. Die Macht des gliubigen Gebets. 784. Geil eae RULED Opie cies Siar sie Mioveie. Sielsd Sie OR Sites N.Y. Bk. Den. Watters, P. Prayers of the Bible: showing how to pray, W hat to pray for, and how God answers prayer. ZO ESD RU ees ees ieee oo hs iene eis ee SE os P] ili s& HZ. Williams, H: T. Wonders of prayer; record of well- authenticated answers to prayer. 17 $1.50. i: T. Walliams. See also Catholic Church, 7 ) Children, veligion ; — Devotional exercises ( s Family re- ligion ; — Lord’s prayer; — Prayer-meetings : Preaching. Baring-Gould, S. Village preaching for a year. 2d SOY 764. MCbe apo Oe crcie 6 010 wel ore EL. & J. B. Young. Beecher, H: W. Yale lectures on preaching lst 2dand3dser. 3v.inl. Newed. 781. $2.. Mods Broadus, J: A. Lectures on the history of preaching [’76. ] SILT Goon sono so om ose ooo ones Sheldon. Brooks, P. Lectures on preaching. 77 $1.50. Dutton Crosby, H. The Christian preacher. "80. $1.50. Rand /) Dale, R. W. Nine lectures on preaching. 77 RHO ee ce re: Reyes Hare ici wa eka Barnes. Dows, H: A. Essay on preaching without notes. 780. PAU) Cea ayeinle (oislinie elec a) sis ictal nie terereiene Whattakeo Emerson, R. W. The preacher. ’80. 1l5c... “lls. Etter, J: W. The preacher and his sermon. 7&3 BN OO Py eaniara sietaie < crevele) «oleic o s(s)s oieiei elieiereie Un. B. Put Layman’s thoughts upon preaching. 8. 10e. Chr. On. Mahaffy, J: P. Decay of modern preaching. 782. OO Ge ctelavevelcietcicis Ont OOOO On OOOO O NDC Vacmillan. Phelps, A. Men and books; or, studies in homiletics. | BES ie SN ea aie cays cs evaleieve ears Scribner’ s Sons — Theory of preaching. 81. $2.50..Scrrbne7"s Sons Robinson, E.G. Lectures on preaching. 783. $1.25. Holt. Simpson, M. Lectures on preaching. ’79. 31.50. Ve ls Hh X PB Smith, Ww. Extempore preaching. 84. (de. Brown & G. Vincent, M. R. ‘The expositor in the pulpit. [’84. DU Cis eiaieiers sietaveliny Vateicieic scecsicle ele e ere avele Randolph See also Lilustrations; — Rhetoric; — Sermons. Precious metals. See Gold; — Money ; — Silver. Precious stones. Streeter, E. W. Precious hist. and distinguishing characterisulcs. | SO? rbne Ve W. their S9. | stones and gems: (oo. See also Diamonds; — Gems; — Jewelry. | Prehistoric times. | — Ethnok — Man. Prentiss, J/s. Eliz. Prentiss, Mrs. Ih. See Archeology ; ZV; 2.2 Rand Life and letters. [’82.] Prentiss, Seargent Smith. Prentiss, G: L. Memoir of S.S. Prentiss. GR PATS (Pia neta ale ciniati wale el uileleleiin.0) elnisielal elas Scaaibner’s Sons. | Shields, J. D. Life and times of Seargent Smith | Prentiss. *84., SR Det) ave 0 elore 0l0l* 0 ele eleine Lippincott. Presbyterian Church. Beecher, W. J. and M. A. ministers inthe U.S, 788. of Presbyterian | Pe Phesty Bae | Tndex Wee we PRIMERS \ Presbyterian Church, continued. Blaikie, A. History land. ’81. subs., Council papers. ot Presbyterianism in New Eng- Sp yesolen 2 10 nos. |’8 d. lalmage vindicated by Pres- Edgar.) Historical sketch Synod of Central Presbyterian element in our nationa life and history. “fel tile(iacco: soosoc Curttss. : Hodge, A. A. of forms; conformed to the doctrine and discipline of the Presb. Ch. New ed. Edgar, G ee RE enryand Synod: 780) ~25¢s4c cei: Fowler, P. H., Mears, J. W. of Presbyterianism within the New York. ve IDI: by 1 and ) fi. Seer Manual OO. HOC asc o'ele 00) s sa.cie gle cis sisi s Giese oie IORESOS Bd. Hodge, J. A. What is Presbyterian law as defined by the church courts? ’82. $1.75...-. Presb. Bd. — Same. 3d ed., with app. cont. decisions of gen. assemblies, 1882. 1883. ] $4. Sl.75... Presb. Bd. R. P. Presbyterianism for the people. a Pres e Bd. Kerr, C4 <0); McCoc yk, H: C. Historie decorations at the Pan- Presbyterian Council. ’81. $1; $1.50..P7esb. Bd Nixon, J. H. Qualifications for membership in the Presbyterian Ch. [’84.] per 100, $2.40.. Presb. Bd. Paxton, W: M. Mission of the Presbyterian Ch. 81. | Randolph. MQ) Givexcietevers visiele ciclete cerca nis: eo creteiers T oeceedings of S Presbyterian alliance: report of } ond Gen. Council, Phila., Sept., 1880; ed. by J: 1 Dale and R. M. Pattersor : .. Presh. Bd. Presbyterian Church. Book of common prayer and yr Cc > >. 9 St Ss administration in of the sacraments; agreement with the directory for public worship of the Presb. Chain WU. Ss: IQUE ROL Sc cie tee screech: Randolph. Reid, W:J. United Presbyterianism. ’82. 60c. Un. Presb. Bd. Ce > Church of Scotland: —¢ venanters : — Cumberland Pres erian Churel Dayton, Ohio Warwick, /’a. Prescott, Gen. Ri: Diman, J. L: Capture of Gen. R: Prescott by Lt.- Col. W: Barton. "78 Be een erate a ie ess Rider Prescriptions S Pharmacy Presidents. See L ted States, Presidents. Pretender. See Stuart, C: E: Prices. Benner, S: Prophecies of future ups and downs in prices. 83d ed. 184. SMe cietelav ever ofa) shel aistel> is Clark See also Finance. Pride. True and false pride. 279). STD Discus erat eve _J. Bradley. Priesthood. Manning, H:E: Eternal priesthood. ’83. $1.25. Mu rph ue. Priesthood in the light of the New Testa- =p > ib. } B Mellor, iC. Ii. GR ei saslelisieelonelelsie)afoje elivicless arnes. nel ] See Canon law ; — Ministers. SO Primers. ie Pe 3aby’s own primer. [’77.]. 40c. ....-Lothrop. Bellew, F. Thatcomic primer. [’77.] 50c..-Carteton. Benjamin Franklin primer. 780. 10c..- +++ NV. Y. News. Anglo-American primer; deziend tu nd pronunciashon ov the 5e Burnz. Burnz, E. B. teech a proper speling a Ine. langwe}. fo] ij Illustrated primer. Newed. [’77.] 40c.; 2c... Loth rop. Large picture primer. Se OCs OK . Routledge. Linen primer. [’79.] 60c. a aveols cielo unre ets Lothrop. Little Birdie’s picture primer. 83. 25c..-Routledge. Zoe . Routledge. Little prattler’s picture primer. [’83. | rout ; My indestructible primer. 779. ; Lippincott. Peabody, EB. P., and Mann, drs. After ku rarte n, what? primer of reading and writing. 3 pts. 1der- L fo Sawyer, H: {5e. Words and numbers. See also Readers.PRINCE Prince Edward Island. Dawson, J: W: Acadian geology. mo 7 7321) “$6: 8d ed. | Van Nostrand. Princeton, J. J. Hageman, J: F. tutions. 2 Vv. Princeton College. See College of New Jersey. History of Princeton and its insti- whD': Lippincott. SSG tc cic 6 cieclelel sae Printing. ee Bruce, G:, Son & Co. Specimens of printing-types. 289° Si Opevererere crete s (cl cvelcle (se) slejerciessjenvicis serene Bruce. De Vinne, T. L. The invention of printing. 2d ed. (78.1 SBGie BSivcce. ccc cre enine te seee Hart. Drew, B: Hints and helps for those who write, print orread. Newed. 782. 50C...+-+++seees Lec § S. Hart. M. C. Amateur printer; or, type-setting at home. [°8B.] 25C.-.-00 .-20 sscccecercecere Dick. Kerr, R. W. Hist. of the Goy. Printing Office at with brief record of the public print- Inquire Ve Wash., D.C. ; ing, 1789-1881. 781. $1 ----++-s-0-se- Lockwood, H. Directory of the paper, stationery, and printing trades. [Annual. | 5th-10th ed. ea., IT. Lockwood. Oils pil Mackellar, T: American printer: manual of typog- raphy. Rev. ed. 778. $2. 2.2. .,00e MackKellan: Paper and printing recipes. 83. $1; 75c..- cd, S. Hord. See also Gutenberg, J Prisons. Wines, E. C. State of prisons and of child-saving institutions in the civilized world. 780. $5. J: Wilson. Camb. See also Andersonville, Ga.;— Libby Prison;— also Fry, E.; — Howard, J: Prize fighting. Harding, W:E. Champions of the American priz ring. SOE BOCs cctereerc icicle chcisic ste . Kou History of the prize-ring. IRI; (250. < «cio - Foa Miles, H. D. Pugilistica. 20 pts 80. ea., 40¢ [ Int News. Probate. See Wills. Probation. Emerson, G:H. The to current discussions. ’83 Knox, L. L. Evangelical rationalism: c tion of truths rel. to man’s probation. 779. Hitchcock & W.; Nelson & P. doctrine of probation with ref. 50c...- Unwersalist. ynsidera- $1.25. Procter, Bryan Waller. Procter, B. W. Autobiographical fragment and biog. notes; with personal sketches of contempo- yaries. [?77.] B2..cese cece cece cececeeed Roberts Produce Exchange. Bisbee, L. H., and Simonds, J: C. soard of Trade and the Produce Exchange: their hist., methods andelawe 2845. 405 co osc co weyers are Callaghan. Prohibition. Adams, S. Prohibition; a calm view in rhyme: the license system roughly handled. 781. 10c. Bushnell. Andrew, J: A. Errors of prohibition. 10th ed. ’80. HO Che sree orerciclc oicicre ie (eveie. cis cic aereveiareis os rerecs Williams. Bascom, J: Philosophy of prohibition. ’82. 10c. Nat. Te mp. | Chubbuck, O. J. 7825, De Collins, A. Prohibition ws. Ethics and policy of prohibition. Nat. Temp. personal liberty. mSoele DOCH BbChaccs co occu cue ce Gon. J: Burns. Dingley, N., jv. Prohibition and the amendment. [’83. ] Kiss ro sosac atoyeuatey elev clersie = ine IVALES Temp. Mason, O. P. Constitutionality of prohibition. ’81. ; MO CH erica siete cic sickens Nat. Temp. St. John, J: P., and Colquitt, A. H. Prohibition in Wansass. 2629 0Ch Scenes seen eee Nat. Temp. Stearns, J. N. Prohibition does prohibit; or, prohi- 282. LOC. Nat. Temp. bition not a failure. Rev. and enl. See also Temperance. 166 PROTESTANT Projection. Dolbeare, A. E. Art of projection; manual of ex- perimentation in physies, chemistry, and nat. hist., with porte lumiere and magic lantern. [’77.] $1.50. Lee & 8. Promissory notes. See Negotiable instruments. Pronunciation. De Graff, E. V. Pocket pronunciation-book. ’81. PDOs Grovele) 1s oe) ice o)scaleis sleneiel sic ieiere a inieiefal sel ele Bardeen. — Practical phonics: comprehensive study of pro- nunciation. 781. T5c.--.-«-ees. Sees este rere Bardeen. Osmun, T: E. Orthoépist: pronouncing manual. 780. Si. Same. 12th ed., enl. School ed.) 782. 50c. Appleton. Pooler, C. T. Hints on teaching orthoépy. 81. 10c. Bardeen. Salisbury, A. -honology and orthoépy. ’79. 50c. Park. See also English language; — Names; — Primers; — Read- ers; — Spellers;— and names of various languages. Property. Baylies, E. L., Coll. of important Eng- lish statutes, showing the principal changes in the law of property, with other enactments of common and others. ref. SO. Sl DF isic, cio\a aw evnie (alelevellevbioletstelele)ececcjer) Sever Gray, J: C. Restraints on the alienation of property. IB OT Neb. G2. DO mole. cic cleieles ole) sicle) ei. wicvaiejath Soule & B. [°78.] $4.50. Macmillan. Hints to women on the care of property. Laveleye, E. de. Primitive property. Walker, A. PS, DO Ci aiee caeic.e oie lojwieiola! olarwyeje ies) elise) eloee Harper. See also Conveyancing; Dower; — Executors; — Intel- lectual property ; Personal property; — Reai property; — Sale: — Taxation; — Wealth; — Wills; — Woman, Law. Prophecy. Ederen, E. J. Epiphainia: study in prophecy. ’81. TOL clecsicielc sicSos Tio Sie ore Sin ele On ere emmicteleio olevore Revell. Fall i: I Seven golden candlesticks; fulfilment of the prophetic epistles of Christ to the seven churehes verified. [’77.] $1.25 .-.+-.--- Ballou. prophecy; or, the re- coes Colby. light of Sill aievere) en evelnre Holbrook, Hy. A. The ligion of the future. Oswald, U. H. Some assumptions concerning the geog., polit., social and religious changes expected Ss] Wilson & J. 82. in 1882. ’81. to. occur in L882: 2 2S Sie ace ser See's Smith, W: R. The prophets of Israel and their place in hist. to the close of the 8th century B. c. 209) ONT Mecca te cco s erciel eimmeve eleva ocee--++ Appleton. Walsh, J: T. Looking down the ages from a pro- phetic standpoint. 781. GD Disieucicrs 5 coals NIV Watson, P. S. G. Prophetic interpretation: inde- pendent exposition of important prophecies of both Testaments. Bapt. Pub. West, N. Preliminary essays of the Prophetic Con- ference: added critical testimonies from the first scholars of Europe. ’79. $2 ..-...---+.-- Revell. TR) EROLD ()eiecicrererlajeveleiale « See also Bible, Prophets; — Jews. Proportion. Atwood, D. T. Revised rules of proportion, adpt. to mod. practice. 2ded. 779. $1........ Bicknell. See also Anatomy for artists. Prostate. Thompson, Six H: Diseases of the prostate: their pathology and treatment. 783. $1.25; 75c. Blakiston. Protection. See Free trade. Protestant Episcopal Church. General works. Altar cloths and flowers. [’80.] 15c...Randolph § E. Andrews, J: W. Church law: suggestions on the law of the Prot. Epise. Ch. in the U. S.: its sources and seope. 783. $1.25 Whittaker. Barton, W.S. Diocese of Virginia: remarks on some of the proposed canons. [’81.] 25c...Randolph § E.PROTESTANT L( Protestant Episcopal Church, continued. 3aum, H: M. Rights and duties of rectors, clare | wardens and vestrymen in the Am. church. ’79. | $1.50 gate cleod cel oisiae eines note Clanton, R. & H. Butler, C. M. History of the Book of common prayer. ‘80. $150... -Clazton, R. & Hf Churchmanship: what itis, and is not. ’81. 1lde. Ev. Knowl. Soc. Dart, J: Companion to the prayer-book psalter. IQA (SSN he Sail icrenciereissore «/cleic/e1) nimi eicre ie ave Whittaker. Dix, M. Lectures on the first prayer-book of King Edward Vt. Sil net. SDC a. u6. B.& J. B. Young. Doane, W: Mosaics; or, the harmony of collect, epistle and gospel for the Christian year. "82 [781]. O17 M AUste:(e/ sere) ere) oY Bisiievoloie! sieicielelevere cieiele siciee Dutton. Even-song: service of song to be used on Lord’s day when the morning and evening prayers have bi en said. bey LDCS tereforsi clare O16 aie Bieve aie . Whittaker. Go burn, E: M. Collects of the day Oey 28): BO ereciero ooo /oiene eveialee (6; ove ; eieceve res Pott. ¥2 & Co. "thoughts upon fhe liturgical gospels for the Sun- Cae one for each day in the hee Deve 283): BAD (liaisieveve oleic sere « -- B.& J. B. Youna. Hoffman, C: F. Sunday-school Bote of common prayer. New ed. 18. 20c..---Am. Ch. Press. Huntington, F: D. Common things of divine service. (fer OOS elatce 6 wie ciple wisleie vie, wis wiuiisie 0/6) wisicie Dutton. Large system book of Christian worship, rites, disci- pline, and doctrine. [’77.] 50c......- Whittaker. Leffingwell, C. W., and Seymour, A. The Living Church annual for 1882. 81, 95¢... Hod. B. VaunG — Same, for 1884. Pded. 784. 2dc...S8. A. Maxwe il. McCalla and Stavely’s illustrated Church annual 784. | RO) Gi x crore cic c cc picislc c/s a0 cle. McCalla. Protestant Episcopal almanac and eniee h directory. (Annual. | CM TO Cn oD Cec wie cs 6c elersi- Whittaker. Richey, T: C hure hman’s hi indi ook: practical guide on rights and duties of rectors, w ardens, vestrymen, ete. ’79. Shilee SPS cleve aie Boke ewe MeAtttaker: Ridgely, G. W. The federal re aT itions of the Prot. Epise. Ch. ; letters to a Virginia Churchman. [778 BOCs cee es Be ei asts ees Claxton, R. & H. Shinn, G: W. Questions AOU our Church. 285 NO Ge ites isc ofate ici) els = SUSE) A uaverelieieteite ave Whittaker. Smith, J: C. iar Hill iecturess: certain aspects of the Church. 781 [’80]. 0c.....-- Whittaker. The Church’s mission of reconciliation. 780. 1de. Whittaker. Valk oe. Lhe compreh¢ nsive Chureh; or, Chris- tian unity and ecclesiastical union in the Prot. Epise. Ghurch. ?79. $1.25 .--s secees cece : Lap nleton. INstory. Batchelder, C. R. History of the eastern diocese. OV [°76. | R350: S4.2d-. cern es Claremont Ufg. | Batterson, H. ¢ Sketeh-book of the American episco- pate. 78.] G2.-c+e--- bie sie ietleve .... Lippincott. Beardsley, E. E. Hist. of the Bpise. Ch. in Connec- ticut. 4thed. 2v. ’83. $06.. Houghton, M. § Co. Perry, W:S. Handbook of the general convention of the Prot. Epise. Ch.. ceiving its hist. and constl- tution, 1785-1877. ee $1. Same, 1785-1880. 2H SD). etait Bi eU es iericiuerrieie VHILULLQICCT: Robertson, C. E. € Wine arn in’sansweras to the hist. and claimsof the Prot.Epise.Ch. [’78.] 20c... Chatt nden. White, W: Memoirs of the Prot. Epise. Church in | Aim. “Silica cccccc secre ecu sonans 0000 JOAA | See also Apostles’ creed ; — Apostolic succession ; — ¢ ‘ate- | chisms;— Church music; — ¢ hureh of England ;—Confirma- tion; — Ecclesiastical fi ists and feasts; — Holy week; —Hynns; | — Lent; — Lord’s supper; — Ritualism ; — Sacraments, Protestantism. Dale, R. W. Protestantism its ultimate principle. [’78. ] GO Ciiecrern sie ce) clore net ane are ear Tere | Lota (pseud.) Adventures in search of a religion. | aT 28 oa Be ac aes s cis oe A ULET. McKim, Re I Vindication of Protestant principles 79, G60c..--- Whittaker and the Bible. 780. | . Coddington. | against a te attack. Preston, T: S. Protestantism eosueseor seen? af PSYCHOLOGY lpeOtesten tic. heen pe N. Difference between a Protestant and a toman Catholic. [’76. SGie seis cies occ Tr W ylic A. Hist. of Beene Vin oe See peae Olin cnDivisrevcle cisics ce ereelc weee Cassell, Po. Gok. Co. See also Catholic Church; — Reformation ;— Sects. : Proverbs. Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems illustrating old-truths: 78t., $3:50) --.. re Houghton, M. g Co — same. 289 Slee oe er cicials Be . Funk Mateaux, C. L. Old proverbs with new Sans oe L. ee Bile S2. 506-3. Cassell P- (Ge & Co. Seelbach, ( Proyerbial treasury: Eng. and sel. for- elon proverbs 9 pts. 780. ea., 75c....Seelbach. See also Aphorisms; — Epigrams ;— Quotations. Providence. Hastings, H. B. Pebbles from the path of a pilgrim. OT BI OR ec clo calc sictere acicuie cists «cis LLQSZOUILGS: Hastings, H. L. The guiding hand; or, providential direction: 781: 2. oe. Sorp. Lriact: Swedenborg, E. Divi ine providence. totch ed.) Gd. | Providence, f./ SLD Ricteloeierene - Lrppincott. King, M. Pocket-book of Providence, R. I. 783. OC awen cece Sic clelstens oiciaiels . King; { Mbbttts. | Snow, E. M. Alphabetical i inden of nethssmaruaces and deaths recorded in Providence, 1836-1850. 19). SOLO) cc ccc wells sos SOCIOnUOON ddco woodHON .. Rider. Province House. Hawthorne, N. Legends of the Province House. ike |) DUGE cscs G picie ciereis als : . -. Osgood. Pruning. Des Cars, A. Treatise on pruning forest and orna- mental trees. “Sl. TOC. «eeees-see cece Williams. Prussia. Abbott, J: S. GC. Prussia. [788.] $2 .. Dodd. Tuttle, H. History of Prussia, to the accession of Frederick the Great, 1134-1740. ’84 [’83]. $2.20. Houghton, M. & Co. See also Frederick the Great; — Louise, Queen of Prussia. Psalmody. Carson, J. G. Communion, Secret societies and Psalmody. 82 DICH auc s sie cacaes Om. breso: Da. See also Hymns. Pseudonyms. Halkett, S:, and Laing, J: Dictionary of the anony- mous and pseudonymous literature of Gt. Brit. ; incl. works of foreigners written in or tr. into the Eng. language. Vv. 19. 7289-84. ea:, $1000: Lockwood, B. Y Co. seudonyms of authors; incl. anonyms P lon) f author nel. a yl Haynes, J: i: 89. l.2d . Haynes. and initialism Psychology. Aristotle. Psychology ; in Greek and Eng., with introd. and notes, by E.W allace. Macmillan. 789. net, S6.. Azarias, Brother (pseud.) Culture of the spiritual sense. ’S4. 30¢.----- siaie A aiet sie aie sisi eieere IN LEUG CNss Bascom, J: Comparative psychology ; or, growth and erades of intelligence. hed BT MOI «ase ex utnam. — Principles of psychology ly nl. ed. (77. $1.7 Bina Beck, J. T. Outline of biblical psychology. “il. Da Scerzbner, W. & A. observations by two tr avellers. . Lovell. Sean human $1.30... Ginn. soul and its Sl. . Colby. psy chology Beyond the sunrise Saale DCH cake Hickok, L. PR. Empirical psychology ; wind as given in conse iousness. 7d. Kidd, A. bay che re-incarnation, relations; or, laws of being. [’78.] Schuyler, A Paaeranienl and rational (782. ] net, Bl.40 - eee ce cee vecnece Van Antwerp. Wilson, W: D. Lectures on the psychology of thought and action. 2ded., enl. 60 79]. -$2 Andrus. life; — Heredity ; — See also Brain; — Delusions ; — Future ; Tllusions; — Insanity; — Ins tinct; — Metaphysics; — Mind; — Philosophy ;— Rationalism ; — Soul; — Spiritualism ; — W ill.PUBLIC Public health. See Hy gic ne. Public schools. Bardeen, C. W. school teachers. law for common- .. Bardeen. Common-school 29d rev. ed. [’76.] d0c. —_ Same. 4th ed., rewritten. ’78. 90c. . , Y Davis, B. & Co. — Some facts about our public school system. |775. Davis, B. & Co. SL... Barnes. Dry oie cle cibieys: jsleleie\e ewe e.0 010.0 0,.070) 0) e/e.0 Law of public schools. [’80. ud.) The publie school: its rel. to the ne- surke, F. Civis (ps oro. (277.] 15C.-2+.--00 cee ceeeee West, J. & Co. Cooke, ». G. Politics and schools. SO. ZO; Davis, B. & Co Dodee, M. A. Our common school system. 780. GRE ie oe aieie is cierele wicis cl slslele) eisiese e/e) ee) oie eerexel=ie Hstes. Gamble, Manual of the common schools of Fayette Co., Ind., sketches. ile LOC P: G. Thomson. Gereke. H. Das Oeffentliche Schulwesen der Stadt New York. ’ ’ qs Green, S: S. +] with hist. 82 > () On vareneislaletic\c sietere cceleleials Led jbraries and schools. 783. 50c. Ilecker, I. T. C atholies and Protestants agreeing on the school question. 78l.« J0c....- ...- Benzuger. Keves. BE. W. Laws of N. Y. rel. to common schools, Withcomments. 779) SBeccecssscc-s eae Weed: Northrop, B? G: High schools. ‘SO. 2dc. Davis, B. & Co Ramage, B. J. Loeal government and free schools in So. Carolina. ’83. 40c...Johns Hopkins Univ Spear, S: T. Religion and the state; or, the Bible and the publie schools. AROS 4epileOcts «cre Dodd. Straight, H. H. Aim of industrial education in th public schools, and its proper rel. to the regula studies. 83. KOO asGoanonunobo> Ginn Tweed, B: F. The public-school system a failure reply to R: G. White. Sirs lO Chtavere ects; Lee § 8S. Report of examinations of Mass. 4510 INWeovoaon agouonoc Morality In pubiic schools, religion. 28 De DV ONieteicie se lakers « eI MACTUULLQN: — England, 2Lducation; —New York, Walton, G: A: Norfolk Co., Wilson, J. M. rel. to See also Education; tet 7 vf State, Hducatic Public worship. See Hymns; f various denominations. — Liturgies; — Rites and ceremonies; — and names ¢ Publishers. Farley, A. C. book-publishers, etc., Directory of the stationers, book-sell- 1880281. 280: so: Farley & B. — Reference-list of the book-sellers, printers and paper dealers in the U. S., 1882. [’82. NEUE 2D ic ciclceccinic sso ae ans 1. CO. Farle yf Co 1 st annual: ers, stationers, subs.. Publishers’ trade ] embr. full trade-lists of Am. publishers. [Annual.] ea., S1.50. Pub. Putnam, G: H. Authors and publishers : for beginners in literature. Puerperal fever. See Eclampsia. Puget Sound. Leighton, C. C. Life at Puget Sound: with sketches of travel in Washington Ter., Brit. Columbia. Ore- gon, and California, 1865-1881. ’84. $1.25..Lee& § Pugilism. See Boxing; Pumps. Appleby, C. J. > sec. 0: y 7J , = Leypotat ; Weekly. Ssugeestions 2B E pl...-.-£utnam — Prize fighting. Illustrated hand-book of machinery. Pumping machinery. (Oa SledSO-E ; Spon. l Colyer, F: Pumps and pumping machinery. 783. “Divicvelis\eileislaiels\4ieje) 0/0) eis (sie losses sl exe) cere sisiercheicrc co. spon. Punctuation. Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation and other ty pographi- eal matters. ’81, 50c ae, vr Butterfield, C.W. System of punctuation, for schools. PSs TAO Okereh esc cet WiaYoe)d (ells toy etiove vavaveirs accuse cae Parh 168 Pr QUOTATIONS Punctuation, continued. Cocker, W. J. Handbook of punctuation. [’78.] Ge bre Siero le clsic)(olala| oe; elsinlel atclivicic/0 © eleietwieteisisie Barnes. Hill, A. S. Principles of rhetoric and their applica- tion; with rules for punctuation. [| °75. Sl. Harper. Suggestions in punctuation and capitalization, for the 74. Hall Ty pe- Writer Aq. Hand-book of punctuation. Rev. ed. sie eile elmie «6 Lippincott. 2 C, use of type-writer operators. Turner, J. A. ae Ti (Se ae ie ovcial cio iever a eleret sienere ii Punishment. See Futui — Prisons; — Retribution. Purcell, H: Cummings, W.H. Purcell. [Jn musicians. Aste tid) Purcell, Adp. J. B. Gilmour, R: Funeral oration on Abp. Purcell: with 283- 1OCk..« Benziger. punishment; Hueffer, F. Great plese Scribner x W. account of funeral obsequies. rgatory. 2 y dal 1 Barrows, W: doctrinally, practically and Purgatory historically opened. BY. Wee oobo occu Am. Tr. Townsend, L. ‘T. The intermediate world. [’78.] BOM eae « Sic oc 6 ete orice le aim in clerer ciel elcee sc eraiete Lee S Se Puritans. Puritan nomencla- ile oe oles R. Worthington. “164 Sil. ocrrvoner s Sons. Bardsley, C. W. Curt ture. 230% (92225 Gardiner, S: Puritan revolution. Goodwin, J: \. Puritan conspiracy against the Pil- grim fathers and the Cong dC Che 6245" 2835 Woe: Cupples. Pursuits. 5 Vocation. Pyramids. Ballard, R. Solution of the pyramid problem. 782. S150... a otececes vee ee Waley. Barnard, F: A. P. Imaginary metrological system of the great pyramid of Gizeh. 784. $1.50.. Wiley. Proctor, R: A. Great pyramid: observatory, tomb and temple. SSDED Disze evevvioverate LU Sod. a6 Worth ington. Miracle in stone: Seiss; J. A. great pyramid of Eigypt. [’77. Sil cisie oboe iste crorne Porter & C. Wilson, W: Hl. Scientific and religious discoveries in the great pyramids. [’78.] 25c......... Revell. Quakers. See Friends (Soc. of Quaternions. Hardy, A. S. Elements of quaternions. ’81. $2.30. Ginn. Queens Strickland, A. Queens of England; abridged’ and adpt. from Strickland’s Queens of England, by R KKuufman. 3v. ’83. ea., , o+.00'.. Lstes. Questioning. Fitch, J. G. SL.50: set Art of questioning. ’79. lac. Davis, B. & Co. Quinet, Edgar. Heath, R: Edgar Quinet; his early life and writings. ig ot aUeondionoooe bs ood nood Houghton, M. & Co. Quinine. Manson, O. F: Quinine: treatise on the physiological and therapeutic action of the sulphate of quinine. 7O2, SII oeceee Lippincott. Quotations. Ballou, M. M. Sie Houghton, M. & Co. Familiar quotations. 8th ed., enl. ’82. sfaj sie a slorersia erePalevsie ie sore arene Inttle, B. & Co. Bent, S: A. Short sayings of great men; with notes. 82 ABO) ZOC. vs 205 ai cyaictelalnte (eehoie ls ctelcfereterci coves RR. Gaz. \ es [rol yng. and Am. poets, American and English railroad cases; Le by: -E based upon Bohn’s ed., enl. *83 S950: $3.5 TN 2 504” eS cue vars l -| 92.003 $3.50. Ehompson. we J=9. 2SI83: ear. $4750 Gilbert, J. H. Burning wo1 ene: A ud : EH: Thompson ilbert, J. H. Burning words of brilliant writers : quo- —. Same- ed. bv lL. Lewis. ir. v. 10-18. °83— eee tations from religious lit.of all ages. ’?83 Viuer Y. US : Tegra ee Ree ones } ¥ Pes. Viver. SHE COU! nein elela tec o olelellclale) « ALIA TOPO ANOS. 1 Nod \ ere Weer a ui : 2 , Raphael engravings : heliotypes. (Small red.) L/@é.] tirmatinge the cost ol Am. railway construction and » . Osgood. | 27.0 7 COG ae ees dicate toes .. Baird. equipment. 78. ] $2. -cee cece Re ee yep nvofonie Wieicle| sieisiosee tains Shedd, dirs. J. A. Raphael: his Madonnas and holy Pennsylvania, General Assembly. General railroad families. ’83. 97.00.--«---s-0s wore eeee Osgood. laws of Pennsylvania; comp. 1820-187 toby Gs We Sweetser, M. F. Raphael. [’77.] 50c.--- Osgood. | I. Ball. 2ded., by H: S. Drinker. ’84. $8. Raikes, Rob. Allen, L. & S: Gregory, A. Robert Raikes, journalist and philan- Pierce, E: L. of Sunday-schools. GR Gores ere Sc ele civic oiclerinestc os r Manual of the railroads of the U.S. aie LOO? new Treatise on the law of railroads. "81. thropist; hist. of the origin Tittle, B. & Go: ea) BL eee eeiaie sina vical oe On aoupll. Poor, H: \ Railroads. | [Annual.] ea., ORR ie ee ee oie sarees siecets Adams, C: F., 77. Federation of the railroad system. Rapier, R: G: Remunerative railw Lys for 0). Olle; dooo voor pisicieieiewieisie wee Sates siorers LISLES countries; with acct. of the first railway in China. —— Notes on railroad accidents. ’79. $1.25-. Putnam. [?7 » Spon. — Railroads: their origin and problems. [’78. ] $1.25. Robinson, S. W. Railway economics. Putnam. 82, 50e. Van Nostrand. Qe WhObriceta ern we ce eyeyere 78. (Mar. 85.)RAILROADS 170 Railroads, continued. Searles,W: H. Therailroad spiral ; with tables of deflec- tions and ordinates for spirals. 783. $1.50... Warley. Spooner, C. E. Narrow-gauge railroads. 2d ed. Te CG = Cee een eee ene cee eee Spon. Wellington, A. M. Economic theory of the location of railways. eaters Se cic teeverere aye siete ito lt. Gaz. See also Eurthworks; — Electricity; - Engineering ; — Fric- tion: — Steam-engines; — Tunnels; — a/so names of various railroads as: Baltimore and Obio R.R.;— Billerica and Bedford R.R.: — Central Railroad of N. Y.; — Northern Pacitic R.R. Raleigh, Sir Wa. Towle, G: M. Raleigh: his exploits and voyages. SO nse GD Ee cialere claleleielelci sic leleie eve silele sie Lee & SS. True. C: K. Life and times of Sir Walter Raleigh. [pesfe(Pa lie Geil tea Oieyeielove c coleleio! \veleleielc eles) cis Tlitchcock & W. Randolph, J: Bouldin, P. Home reminiscences of J: Randolph, of Roanoke. [’78. $2.50 Randolph YX EH ee We SU, Af av Co. Rangeley Lakes. Guide to Rangeley Lakes. ’79. 25c...Loring, S. § H. Raphael. See Raffaello. Rationalism. sraun, H: A. Age of urreason: reply to T: Paine, R. Ingersoll, F. Adler, O. B. Frothingham and other Am. rationalists. ’81. 25c...... Cath. Pub. Fisher, G: P. Faith and rationalism, with essays on related topics. 7°79. $1.25......., Scatbner’s Sons. Raymond, J: Howard. Lloyd, Js. H.R. Life and letters of J: Howard Raymondse 18, (Ok 0s oicc sis oes ecieie< Fords. Readers. Appleton’s school readers; by W. T. Harris, A. J. Rickoff, M. Bailey. Ves eis leases - Appleton. Cont.: First reader. 23c. — Second reader. 37c. — Third reader. 48c. — Fourth reader. 64c. — Fifth reader. $1.15. Barnes’ new national readers. 3 y. ’82~’83.. Barnes. Cont. : New national fiist reader. 20c.— New national second reader. 35c. — New national third reader. 50c. Butler’s series [of readers OVE [eSoelecd: OL. Butler: Phird Ci t.: First reader. 20c. — Second reader. ot reader. 40c. — Fourth reader. 50c. — Fifth reader. 60c. Diehl, Ws. A. R. Popular reading. 78. $1.50. Same. 2dksers, 62828 Sebi soe c Carleton Basy readines iS) 2oCxccmccn secs cs cs Lothrop Gilmour, R: Catholic national ser. : the fifth reader. Letitia] Sila 2 Dye ciissts si clereieias wie sie Sine ees Be NzrUWgG« 1p Hudson, H: N. Classical Ene. reader. 0% $1.25. j Ginn Inshituvemeardeny: SOs O5c: =40 5. 2 Ivison Leffingwell, C. W. Reading book of Ene. classics Lonyouns pupils: 4195 SiesO0\..2-. 2. Putnam. Little folks’ reader. 80), Oil. Same. 783.) Sl. Loth VOD). Mc Guffey, W: H. Bel ctic readers. Rey. ed. 5 J vo Vv. P70 7 s L 19. | Oraelereieleieicleleva\els ate ciciais clerics erelos VON Antwerp. Cont.: First reader. 16c, — & cond reader. 380c. — Tj ird reader. 42c. — Fourth reader. £0c. — Fifth read r. 72c. Div . my T . Parker, F. W., and Marvel, L: H. Supplementary reading for primary schools. First book. Rey. ed. [782.] net, 30c.; or, in 2 pts. ea., net, 18e. R.S. Davis. (B. Same. second book. Rey. ed. [’82.] 30c.* Or, In 2 pts. ea., net, 18c. ..R. S. Yaris. B > T y . ¢ "06 oY Ny 97 7 > Y Raub, A. N. Normal readers. 5 v. ['78.]-. Porter & C. Cont. ; Normal first reader. 22¢,.—Noyma] sec ‘ , 388ce.— Normal third reade A2¢e Tor "i ne cond pander, z : urd reader. 4c. — Normal fourth reader. 70c. — Normal fifth reader. 96c. Shakespeare, W: Shakspere readine-book. 82. $1.25. Cassell, P., G. & Go. | Spalding, J. L. Wlustrated school-books : Readers. (76. | ODOR OO SO OCOO COO OOOO GOOODONDOAAT Cath. Pub. y Oni : Young Catholic’s illus. primer. 20c.— First reader 1c. — Second reader, 40¢. — Third reader. 50c. — Fourth reader. 1c. — Fifth reader ». — Sixth reader. $1.5 k i fo . : 2 adaer. § 00.— Young ls 9? iJlustrated reader, $1,25, mnetedice ~1to net, | READING Readers, continued. Stories for language lessons: reading pastime for little beginners. [’80.] 50c........ ----- Lothrop. Swinton. W: [| Readers. Setacoco ontndc Ivison. Cont.: Primer and first reader. net, 25c.—Second reader. net, Bfec.— Third reader. net, 40c.— Fourth reader. net, 65c. — Filth reader and speaker. net, 9Uc. —and Catheart, G: R. Book of tales, school read- ings. [’S1. ] HOG esas els oleic e chee eerie. ---. vison. — Busy steps for little feet: school readings. [’81.] Dy Oh ocnnieunroretetcinieleic(s cl dlele cic sfaleloiielcle Sons. ¢ g ck X Una vit, I lr atise on the $1 Balen Cusver ieterey Ginbcws sive eis'c oe SCTUUMET. S SONS: principles and practice governing trial of title to Swaine, S. A. The religious revolution in the 16th : 229 POF ) . Y ; = ; land. 52. OED iiecic co ere eee +» Baker, V. § Co. | century. So... b0t.: 25¢:.. Cassell, B:. G.&-Co Sharswood, G:, and Budd, H: Leading cases in the ence] I See RON Epes See ee : See alxo Ecclesiastical history ;:— England, Eccles. hist. + — law of real property decided in the Am. courts; Hus, J; ;— Luther, M.;— Lutheran Church; — Ochino, B.;— with notes. v. 1: 1785-1860. O3. o7.D0: Protestantism; — Reformers; — Sweden; — Waldenses; — M. Murphy.\ Avast, U. ryy: 1 ’ ‘ . Tiedeman, C. G. Elementary treatise on the Am. | Reformed Church. law of real property. 783. $6.50..4. 1. Thomas. Centennial discourses: sermons delivered in 1876 by Warvelle, G: W. Practical treatise on abstracts and order of the Gen. Synod of the Ref. Dutch Church examinations of title to real property. ’83. $5. in America. Mili = ore stasis eel -- Ref. Ch. Pub Callaghan. Churechmembers’ hand-book: doctrines, government Williams, J. Principles of law of real property. 5th ete. |, of the Ref. Ch. in the U. S.’82. 50c... Good. Aimed: 1805 somos. ¢ sucicose ds: Gods We Jonson. Hansen, M. G. The Reformed Ch. in the Nether- See also Conveyancing; — Damages; — Eminent domain; — lands. 1340-1840: ’84. $1L50....-.-Ref Ch. Pub. Fixtures ; — Insurance; — Land laws; — Land tenure; — nd- Z : : lord and tenant; — Mortgages; — Property; Reminders: Reformers. ; : Sale ; -- Taxation. Mears, J: W. Heroes of Bohemia: Huss, Jerome and -Zisea. 2495 Slane... HOO OOOACGO »esh. Bd Reason. and Zisca $1.25 Presb. Bd. Regeneration. See Logic. 5 : Ryu = Jaldwin, M.S. Life in a look. 79. 50c... Dawson. Receipts. N : a 3 Bushnell, H. Sermons for the new life. [’76.] $1.50. ( ase, Ng We NeW recipe-b yok. | 82 Sl: of c. | Sean dive r, A. & Gor Ogilvie. | See also Holy Spirit. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopedia of practical receipts. 6th : i aun cson en lnpleton, | Registration. . ~ . ¢ . Du ew we ew ese eeoee a; w 0.0, @)e10' 24 PPtetcolt. 7 rm * . ’ . Seuss XE or. : JUWS exas now in force touch- Haldane, R. Workshop receipts. 2d ser., mainly Alexander W d LW of I as no in fo Stone Q6 yeu o conveyancing and registration. 8.1] Sas $4. chemistry. 83. ROG et ae ea Spon. Ing con ey wneinYs an registration et | ‘ ; ) | D i P) Nagle. See also Cookery ; — Domestic economy ; — Pharmacy. “ “ye mS : : rae a: aga | Reis, Philip. Receivers. Thompson, S. P. Philip Reis, inventor of the tele- Kerr, W: W. Treatise on the law and practice, as to phone. 783. $B. ....e2 vereee ere seee tees Spon. receivers appointed by the Court of Chancery. 2d = ot ed. [77.] $4.50 oe Religion. . ae a . dd. e et aievele!) (ae e000 0c a eee cooerteeere 4 /. Alden, J. [Thoughts on the religious life. 79. Ae Recitations. | : Putnam. See Elocution; — Readers ; — Speakers. | Amberley, Viscount. Analysis of r¢ ligious belief. See aii eh S3—S) SOO GD0O G0 Oc OU BIAOUAA UC Rectum. QNVEAM le, | 7. S3—-$9 - - .. Benn | — Same. 83. GORA Ricca seers > Lully Weelce?: See Anus and rectum. aoe Sine church and_ religion. Arnold, M. Late essays on Red Bagle. : : : | Re Bile DO nreie s 0 n1-1s, cee es igs ms s/cvevainne Vacmilian. Eggleston, G: C. Red Bagle, and the war's with the Bacon, L. W. Church papers: Sunday essays on Creek Indians of Alabami. 779. $1.25....Dodd. subjects rel. to the church and Christian society. Red Jacket. mal al enero cei io ein ae roe .. Putnam. Eevleston, E:, and Seelye, Mrs. L. E. Brant and Saldwin, A. C. Pastor’s counsels to young Chris- Red Jacket. 27.9) SERA) oecoel olel uclevelee) cieiells .. Dodd. tians. S80). Ghilicvevsrc ele) sa ale! es ve Sreerisic i CONG Pub. | Barine-Gould, S. Origin and development of re- Ae wn In . s [9-9 2 > ff Tass Oa | livious belief. 8d ed. 2 v. [’78.] $3-- ott, Y. § Co. | Blauvelt, A: Present religious crisis. “52. Sl. Redemption. See Salvation. Reed, Sir C: Putnam. Reed, C: E. B. Memoir of Sir C: Reed. 783. $1.50. | pe : nae a ee Vacmillan Bushnell, H. Building eras in religion. 81. $1.50. Reed NCR oe Scribner's Sons. eed organ. f Soe ans e Gaird. J: Introduction to the philosophy of religion. See Organ. YO) GRAS cee e/s)/010 elejeln) eine ie aele:siee/e),0,050.0 Wacmillan. Reformation: | Chadwick, J: W. Faith of reason: discourses o2 Aubiené, J. H. M. a’. History of the reformation in | leading topics of r¢ ligion. (9. Hl maa + gies : 7 AS y . 10n | 1 le 7 ‘ssentials § n-esse als 1n re- Hurope in the time of Calvin. New ed. 8v. 780 Clarke, J. Br. _Liss¢ nials and non-é ony Fi UON Se Biee ae steerer <3) Bec cdeicenea cet. ne CATLEM | ligion. [778.] o00c.; 20C.- +206 ei cteielolenere Lee | 1 , oO . mM: ° » Ao? [?76. SeSames the by We i. Ra Gates, v.72. Geneva, < obbe, F. P. Religious demands of the age. i os Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Bo- | QOC. «+ ee- eae : oo) Ta eR ee hemia, Netherlands. [’76.] $2..-.-0-+-+> Carter. Connelly, P. Reason and religion, nee 1er sé . . : ° : > if, ; EO neha cintereiet LU DEICCO Ulce — History of the reformation of the 16th century. mons. | (7. | pi. - ae ne 1. ried Conway, M. D. Sucred anthology. Newed. [| éé-] ove din We) 282 RS] spline arejar sonco0 GUAR | — Martyrs of the reformation. ’83. $1.75 .- Presb. Bd. | Pa secee ‘ eate eiiy7e 016 OA 8).8.0:0)6 e880So a wa a GES RELIGION i Religion, continued. a: . Cotterill, H. Revealed religion expounded by its rel. to the moral being of God. 84. $1..Putnam. Dorchester, D. The probl m of religious progress. FORO ee ete ee neo voice veoec Phillips § H Dudley, I: U. A wise discrimin: tion the Church’s need. ON Nete splice wie or aieteicccis cece Wintiaken: Fairbairn, A. M City of God: discussions 1n re- ligion. 783. $2.75....-- ores r ceeees cece Velson. — Studies in the philosophy oi religion and history 717 IE TID fo sie wslels clues s Lo. 1d W. & ( nny Sam "79, SEDO) wicca ciel ce ee I. Worthingte Fowle, T: W. New analogy b« tween rey eal d re- ligion and the course and constitution of nature 2 OMe CRON ere ci oie cie eraiaie/i) ele) s'siwinice efera/eret Vacmillan. Gospel for the nineteenth century: leaving us an example: is it living, and why? _ Enquiry suggest by passages in J. S. Mill’s Essays on religion. [°76. Saisie ccis ce ciolciw is « boc ee OGSSELUE EE Gag OC Gross, J. B. Truth in religion; honesty 1 r faith and worship. 781. $1.25..------ Lippincott Halstead. W: R. Future religious policy of Amer iT $1.50 Sao STaie rol sic leveieis) o7e) 6/6) Tiichee Wi Hart, W: R [ nity of the faith. 282. 10e. L1 cot He YZOP2, J oe and S¢ I P R« ous encyCclo- pedia based on the hea neyclopadie of Herzog and others 3) 89°84. ea., subs., 56-512 fh i Hurst, J: i. Bibliotheca theologica: sel. ant Classi fied bibliography of theol and 2 religious literature. ’83 Gh tecaoteyo leis oleteisle <0 Scribn s Sons Jouin, J Evidences of religion. 17 S ) (J Sf 1 VI oody D I ana Pli er, W S Thre colloquies on vital matters In religior 76.] 10¢ Am. 7 Parker, [ee Discourse on matters ] rtaining to re- ligion. New ed. 27:0: ST bOs so cos LUuLnam. Parkhurst. C: H. What would the world be without religion? 282); LN Oeisia nie eveleieiee a elaveiaie Rand Le Platt, W. H. Influence of religion in the d velop- ment of jurisprudence. [’78.] 75c.....: S. Whitney Religion in society. [’78.] 25c. ......-... Sadlier. Seeley. J: R. Natural religion. °82. $1.25...Roberts. Shairp, J: C. Culture and religion, in some of their relations ‘Ol. [DOR e hisctecis eet cieee see i Smith, drs. J. G From dawn to sunris review jist ind ph los., of the religious 1deas ¢ mankl | 7 ( Miele eieiel sis) sieiaiere - : Lovel id. & Co Smyth, N. Religious feeling (7. $1.25 Scr Loa Southgate, H: Suggestive thoughts on religious sub- jects : dict. of quotatiol s and sel. passages. Sl. UDO cles's10\ls mlb ioje)* «© | « vieleve'e\\e See melecis) ee «is fio. ag Stabler, dee ( ertain ¢ 1dences I practical rello- TOM 204 SO Ca ric reincel sole uo star Friends’ ] {ss Stebbins, G. B. Chapte rs from the Bible of the ag¢ S: 6th ed. *s TpiltacdO}evete ciel creterc elevere sleieieversiels You Tiele, C. P. Outlines of the hist. of religion. 17 HOD eeieiinia wislcletcnin es crocs ain. ° ° Osgood. Tulloch, J: Modern theories in philos. and religion. RA NNSA cadaos eitraileieic Sicinie ale ee eseer DCKIOHEY & W. Van Norden, C patience, reverence, silence, and spirituality in the The outermost rim and beyond: I study of nature and of God. [’82.] $1..Randolnh. Vaughan, C: J. Solidity of true religion. wl mpi Uerlioledelorelalaleitelsieleiaic sietole col elm aie) scleie (ciel Macmillan. See also Atheism: Belief: Bible; Children, Religi 1. — Christian life; — Christianity ; — Conscience: — Consolation: — Death; — Devotional exe} ises; — Kcclesiastical: —— Ethics: - Faith; — Family religion; — Future life; — God; — Heaven: — Hymns; — Idolatry; — Jesus Christ; — Mythology: Natural theology ; — Pantheism; - Philosophy ; Poetry, Religious + — Prayer ;— Religion and science ; — Religions ; — Religious orders: — Revivals; — Rites and ce: remonies ; — Ritualism: - Sabbath; — Sacrifice: Saints ; — Sc¢ puicism ;— Social science; — Spiritu- alism ; — Superstition ; — Symbolism; — Theology. Religion and science. Bacon, T: S. Reign of God not the reign of law. I~ 18. Sie DORs cc. m 7 Sivielajeie) vis ‘erevara vevcees LUMrnOULL. | =) RELIGIOUS Religion and science, continued. Calderwood, H: Relations of science and religion. IO]. SILTB. scnccn wesc ct cruceecewer oe omGanten: Christ and modern thought; with lecture on methods of meeting modern unbelief, by J. Cook. 781. QNTCIB (igtaio cele ale (ove ieielala sie s\clererere Sa iorerers Soteieis s LROUCHLS: Cool J. P. Religion and chemistry: re-statement of an old argument. New rev. ed. ’80. $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Dawson, J: W: Facts and fancies in mod. science: rel. of science to prevalent speculations and re- Cl “ ligious bel . 782. G2 secs avec es AM. DApr. Didon, H. Science without God. 782. $1.25. Whittaker. Froude, J. A., and others. Theological unrest: dis- cussions in science and religion. ’80. 25c... Barnes. Grav. A. Natural science and religion. ’80. $1.50. : Scribner's Sons. Hill, T: Geometry and faith: suppl. to the 9th Bridgewatel treatise. 3d-ed:., enl:. 782. Sil25: Lee & 8S. — Statement of the natural sources of theology; added cle on the Ist chapter of Genesis. (ileal Spilee (OCi evertoanrevscoe-aecvece eoesres ee eere tees Draper. Lewis, T. Church and science 1 $1.50.. Draper. MecCosh, J. Certitude, providence and prayer. 83. AO ee ea 6:7 10 16 .0\e)s ere ewe © eevee SC) LOVE rs Sons. Peirce, B: Ideality in the physical sciences. ’81. BRT acc ccs oss © bole 5 cioe siete elereie eee LIQCLLene Deano. Religion and science : psychological basis of religion considered from the standpoint of phrenology. ue DOCH sictepaielers terete’ OC wie alee ce) eisiers Wells. Ronayne, M. Religion and science: their union his- torically considered “9.9 SO lisie einai. ea ee I GOLLLOM: Strong, J. Irenics: ser. of essays showing the vir- tual agreement between science and the Bible. ’83. Wpilerelw eo: ule 6 si0 (e100 lp cleie «00.06/61 ee sie] es) eielele s Phillips & H. Winchell, A. Reconciliation of science and religion. 27. GO) wises o/c sa cieisiclore cielo ciecic oleleisteie «LL ONss Wright, G: F: Studies in science and religion. ’82. PH Oiscre Soto elcas er eleie wie oreterers coc cees DANE. See also Bible; — Creation ; — Scepticism. Religions. vA ‘ > r OR nee 838. ea., $38: 2 v.,$5-$8.. Truth Seeker. times Burder, W: Bennett, D. M. Gods and religions of anc. and mod. ZV. . oO \ History of all religions. fea Seb Os Harding. Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. pt. 2: Compari- son of all religions. 783. Doe Houghton, M. & Co. Everett, C. C. Religions before Christianity : manual Tor Sunday -schools. "83. Zit) @ietcivisi aise Unita. S. S. Faiths of the world: St. Giles’ lectures. 782. $1.50. Scribner’s Sons. Illustrated hand-book to all religions, from the earliest ages to the present time. [’77. $2..d: H. Potter. Inman, T: Ancient faiths and modern. 776. $5 Bouton. Kuenen, A National religions and universal re- lisions: #825 (Sle5b0rss.- Maurice, F: D . Scribner’s Sons. Religions of the world, and their rel. to Christianity. dthed. [°77.] $1.75..Mocmillan. Non-Christian religious systems. 6. "77-79. | io SnilGWs} Soon cuncccus cocdc Sees ee Pott, Y. & Co. Plumptre, E:H. Movements in religious thought. apse — fitlac Si alsin ovelbsieve/ 6) eke] o caetiivepeleyercicle mie Macmallan. Rawlinson, G: Religions of the anc. world. ’°88. $1. Scribner's Sons. Reid, J. M. Doomed religions: essays on great relig- ions of the world. ’84. $1.50......Phallips § H. Stevens, H. R. Faith and reason: account of the Christian religion, and of religions before and since. 41s ENINVassoosoe Selsisicieics sieieir «crsin eielet MONLEIOY. See also Bear worshippers ; — Buddhism ; — China; — Chris- tianity ; — Egypt; — Hinduism; — Idolatry ; — Indians; — Mo- hammed and Mohammedanism;— Mormons; — Mythology ; — Oriental religions; — Parsees ;— Serpent worship. Religious biography. } See Ecclesiastical biography.RELIGIOUS Religious corporations. Brown, T. E. Some reasons for the exemption of church property from taxation. 781. 25¢ So ranton, W. A Co. Hunt, S. Laws rel. to religious corporations. tev. ed., with address on laws of N. Y., by E. L. Fan- cher. 5 Phillins & H. Religious education. See tee, ARLYN Soca GoocraconeUC Christian life school. >— Sunday Religious liberty. See Free religion; — Liberty of conse 1enec¢ Religious orders. Woodhouse, F. C Military religious orders of th Middle Ages. aE Sallis Ohare cic cies. Pott, Y. & Co See Jesus (Society of) ; — Monasticism Sisters Mercy Religious poetry. See Poetry, Religious. Remainders. Coleman, W:M. Epitome of Fearne remainders and executory devises. on contingent id. Wa $1.50. oS ML7LSOTL. See also Executors. Rembrandt van Rbyn, Paul. Haden, i S: The Newed= 2792 S1-50) .o6. 3c. Sweetser, M. F. Rembrandt. ws: Vosmaer, C. Rembrandt. ’79. $1.25..Seribner & W. Remedies (17 law High, J. L. Treatise on extraordinary legalremedies. Rembrandt. . Macm -- (/sqood. etched t“Ltiav. 2d ed. 784, GH (eraeint ocrelo uvelcielelclclevels Callaghan. Pomeroy, J: N. Remedies and rem dial rights by the Civileachion. wZaed; 783: S6)-..<- Little, B. & Co. Throop, M. H. 7 Code of remedial justice oll Remedies (an medicine See Therapeutics. Rémusat, Mme. Claire Eliz. J. G. de V. (Comtesse) de. Rémusat, J/me. Memoirs, 1802-1808 ; ed. by P. de Rémusat. OV. 80 [779 . ea., 50c...-- Appleton. — Same. 3 pts. 79-’80 One, LOC: «ace e010 LOC: — Same. 3 pts. 780 ea iQ) erence siwia ccoxete Munro. Renaissance. See Fine arts. Rénan, Ernest. Rénan, E. Recollections of my youth. ABR Biles DU) Gr nie cicteie cielcvcie se «sien - Putnam. Renee (Duchess of Ferrara). Weitzel, S. W. Renée of France. [’83.] $1.25. Randolph. Rent. See Landlord and tenant. Repentance. See Penitence. Replevin. Morris, P. P. rev. ed. in Uns, od Wells, H. W. Onreplevin. [’79. | Representative government. Sce Democracy ;— Republics. Practical treatise on the law of replevin ahs Yevaieeiers SnooUOUCAIE wo e 3.00.-Callaghan. Reproduction. See Generation. Reproductive organs. See Generative organs. Reptiles. Garman, 8S: 83. 1 batrachians of North Amer- Reptiles an¢ eveee Clarke. Ra wc cece ica. Republics. Townsend, L. T. 780, $1.50 Hstes. Politics. Fate of republics. See also Federal government; — United States, Repudiation. See United States, /inance. AD) (eo REVIVALS Requiems. Landenberger, G. F. sange fiir gemischte Chore. QO Osceesvsrvsercacvesecres Funfundzwanzig T rauer-Ge- 35C. 3 per doz., : sles es Sees . Kohler. Verdi, G. Requiem composed in memory of Alles- sandro Manzoni. 779. $1.60 3 2 Saehoo oC Church. Reservoirs. Krantz, J. B. Study ofreservoir walls. 783. S ¢ LLSO Wat er supply Resistance of materials. See Strength of materials. Respiration. See Breathing. Responsive worship. Robinson, C: Selections for responsive readings for use in public worship. [’81.] 50c.. Century Co. Salter, W: Words of the Lord Jesus, arr. f S LG I sive readings. 783 dl . yr respon- Ones LU Ciaeis Revell. ‘the chapel and the family. $1.50 Resurrection. Cooke, hy: J the doctrine of rec biblical, hist. and scientific. Outlines of the *S4. resur- $1.50. Phillips § H. tion, Faunce, W. Resurres LD. ‘tion in nature and in reve- lation. S+. SHED (ietetcvara eciccicleselalererers Rand ph. Foxcroft, F. Resurgit: coll. of hymns with notes. tO ey aeist cick al ciloicl ae isiellefersia (cle ele) a\alekeleie exelale Lee XS. Kellocg, J: H. The soul and the resurrection. 779. TDC. SOOOONOOC OOO OO ab aileveraleiafelisievets R vv. a id H rald. Nisbet, I Resurrection of the body: does the Bible teach it? TV CO a eyay aero iain aces sions Authors’. Westcott, B. F Revelation of the risen Lord. ’81 Time) biclcl © ciielriels EN eUAre ral ielveicie less seteie als Macmillan Whiton, J. M. The gospel of the resurre¢ tion. 781 2D ee ais : es - Houghton, M. § Co See also Death; — Easter; — Future life Resurrection of Christ. See Jesus Christ. Retribution. Bec cher, KE: doctrine « Vineent, M. L5e History of opinions on the scriptural if retribution. ati D Rt. | (0. $1.50 .. Appleton. f sowing and reaping. | | . Randolph. Law 78. | Revivals. Bennett, W: W. Narrative of the great revival in the southern armies during the civil war. (tlc SieDO lisse allel wie me pie cvasaje « miejeiee!s e.e.0. 6 Claxton, R. Yy H. Doe, W.P. Revivals: 84, $1.50 wees efe 00.0 66.8 60.0 a) 2 coaeeee at. Gospel invitation: sermons rel. to the Boston revival ol 1877. | ehilec | $1.50 ve ee eee Loch wood, B.& OL Hervey, G: W. Manual of revivals: practical hints and suggestions. PRO Wee aado Beet iate core Funk. Hood, BE. P. The great revival of the 18th century ; vith suppl. on the revival in America. (782. ] DD erties oir oie or eke noo DONO USO A00L se eAMs Sere Johns; J: whe Hippodrome revival. [’76.] loc. Tibbals. Newell, W:W. Revivals; how and when? 782. S1.25 ; . Sees 20 60 ANMSLLONG. Century of Gospel religion HA of work: hist. of in the Ws S., Watts. Noble, W. the growth evangelical &2 50—-$5.50..- ereat revivals, etc. [?76. | Parker, O. The fire and the hammer; Or, revivals and how to promote them. [’76.] Pre cees Harle. Porter, J. Revivals of religion. Fal $1.75. Same. Rev. and enl. ed. (78. S20. « Nelson & PB: — same. (779. | Silica ieieiele em ecaieisie tie ole Philerps J H. Sunderland, J. L. Orthodoxy and revivalism. ['70. | SEDs wo eres Bes ae Siciviniene sie eiers eisieie vein Maller. Teasdale, T:C. Revival discourses. [778.] 91-20 Claaton, R. § H. hist. of Am. L. Tes Palmer. Times of refreshing: $2-$3.00 Thompson, Gs revivals.= — Toor = ~ acme a eee > mms i Sees 2 SR nage hole Oe = Biagrasw: - = ~~ a NONRRARSN, REVIVALS 174 RIVERS Revivals, continued. Po Townsend, L. I. Supernatural factor In religious revivals. [77-] $1-50..-2----+ +20 -00: Lee & S. Trabert, G. H. Genuine vs. spurious revivals. [776. } 10e. o aoOnO OOOU Da ODODU aici eleisialaiaisielesele Luth. Bk.-St. Vincent, J: H. The revival and after the revival. 783. LOS ina iaiel ie faites ole) olcleie7e).0, 0/0014) 10)e\ele Phillips § EE. See also Camp-meetings ; — Moody, D. L,;— Prayer-meetings. Revolution. See United States, Wistory. Reynolds, J: : Reynolds, J: My owntimes. °79. $6-..--- Fergus. Reynolds, Si7 Joshua. Pulling, F. S. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 781. $1.20. Scribner & W. Sweetser, M. F. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 78. 50c. Houghton, 0. & Co. Rhetoric. Bardeen, C. W. System of rhetoric. *84. net, $1.50. Bares De Mille, J. Elements of rhetoric. [’78.] $1.40. Harpe ,. Hill, A. S. Principles of rhetoric and their applica- tion; with rules for punctuation. 18.4). pl- Harpe .. Hill, D: J. Elements of rhetoric and composition. New ed. S84. SS le euavalolareletevaie) evarclelcuctelacclelerh Sheldon. — Science of rhetoric: introd. to the laws of effec- 7 tive discourse. lea Spilvsieteleliciciele icra ocellsiey) Sheldon. Hunt, T. W. Principles of written discourse. 784. TE Dewy lie earetaten (el ciereoiec cloves) cielvirl upaleycleicicra.c Armstro 1. Jameson, H: W. Rhetorical method. ’79. 7dc. Bai Les “ G. i Jones. Nuller, D. F. Rhetoric as an art of persuasion from the standpoint of a lawyer. 780. $1.50--... Jills Phelps, A. English style in publie discourse, with ref. to the usages of the pulpit. 7°33. $2. Scribner's Sons Sacred rhetoric; or, the art of rhetoric as applied to the preaching of the word of God. 782. $1.25. Bi NZUG vr. Southwick, A. P. Question-book of rhetoric and composition: 7825 LOC. soos. cs 6 eee Bardeen. Spencer, H. Philosophy of style; [also] The mother tongue: by A: Win; 7822 Wde.).. 3. <<. Intzg rald. See also Composition; —Criticism;— English language; — Illustrations ; — Latin language; — Punctuation. Rheumatism. Hood, P. ‘Treatise on gout, rheumatism and allied affections. 2ded. 779. $3.50.. Lindsay & Blakiston. Longstreth, M. Rheumatism, gout and some allied disorders: 282% subs: Sil.25). 2. 4... 065.6. Wood. Rhine River. mhine (The), from its source to the sea; from the Germ. of K: Stieler, H. Wachenhusen, and F. W. Hacklander. [’77.] $18-$30........ [ippincott. Rhinoscopy. See Laryngoscopy. Rhizopods. Hitchcock, R. Synopsis of the fresh-water rhizo- pods: founded upon J. Lei ly’s Fresh-water rhizo- pods of North America. ’81. 75c...... Ilitchcock. Rhode Island. Description. | Munro, W.H. Picturesque Rhode Island: pen and | pencil sketches. ’81. $1-$3.50 eid. | Whitefield, BE. Homes of our forefathers: sel. of the | oldest and most interesting buildings, hist. houses, | | and noted places in Rhode Island and Connecticut. | 7 | | 9 or 2QYO : f j 2d ser. eb IN oboon< Donn dG coon on Ee: Williams. See also Block Island; — Bristol: — Narragansett Bay: — | Newport; — Portsmouth; — Providence; — Westerly. oe | Tistory. Greene, G: W. Short history of Rhode Island. [?77.] $225 : DODO OG OONWO FOO DOCOOO ODOD OUOG GOGO O Revd. | Rhode Island, continued. Peirce, E. W. Civil, military and professional lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island colonies; with ex- tracts from colonial laws, 1621-1700. ’81[’80]. $2. Williams. Potter, E.R. Memoir concerning French settlements in the colony of Rhode Island. ’79. $1.25.. Rider. Rhode Island historical tracts. 19 v. ’77-383..Rider. Note. Four coutents see author alphabet, p. 330. Note. For laws and other publications by the state see Rhode Island, author alphabet, p. 330. Rhymes. Barnum, S: W. Vocabulary of English rhymes. 76. sec ere ete ve seces wens ANpleton. Hood, I: (the younger). The rhymester; or, the rules of rhyme; with add., by A. Penn. [J. B. Matthews. } "389. (Sl ees cee - Appleton. 6 SDD (i veievere Richmond, Allen. Richmond, A. First twenty years of my life: auto- ecese -Am. S. S. biography. [’83. Wes 6 aooadoKc Richmond, Va. Brock, R. A. Richmond as a manufacturing and trading eentre. [’80.] 50c...... -- Randolph § LE. Fisher, G: D. History and reminiscences of the Monumental Ch., Richmond, Va. 1814-1878. ’80. SHO ie levete a lnletecelclanwietierelelevial atcha curs Siclotere Randolph & #. Murphy, D. Richmond, Va.: guide. 781. 35c. Randolph & E. Richmond Howitzer Battalion. Contributions to a history of the battalion. nos.1,2. ‘83. no.l, $1; 2, $2. c,oiaisle| ovelnlleicinte (o/s) o)a ete]! VUcCarthy. Tupper, H. A. First century of the First Baptist Ch., Richmond, Va., 1780-1880. ’80. $2.50.. McCarthy. no: 2: $2505; oeewre See also Libby Prison. Riddles. Greenaway, N. One thousand and one riddles, enig- mas, charades, etc. [’84.] 30c.; lic..-.Ogulvie. Rubin, Lf. A. Sphinx-Americana: Rathsel. ’78. 20c.; I5Co aes sie abi ssis te wie ioisloral ©\< sfelaicyele ceisler Doerflinger. Rifle. Laidley, T. T. S. Instructions in rifle firing; prep. by command of Brig. Gen. S. V. Benet. ’79. $1.50. same. New rev.ed. 80: Sla0l3. 0. Lippincott. Practical hints on rifle practice with military arms. 183.) (DOC ealeisic cloicrarele cele con cote oi eie ete LOO Weston, A. H. Rifle club and range. ’79. $1.. Harper. Ringworm. Suiith, A Ringworm: its diagnosis and treatment. 78 Silene acre eigisig aes boRiee eet .---« Blakiston. | Rio de Janeiro. Carpenter, F. D. Y. Round about Rio. ’84 [’83]. BO) Siete cisvele sci chee eles ia sicj ie: sleiern sie ele eictetaryee) CLILSETU- | Ripley, G: Frothingham, O. B. George Ripley. ’82. $1.25. Houghton, M. & Co. Rites and ceremonies. Everts, W. W. Pastor’s hand-book: ritual of scriptu- ral and poetical sel. and studies for weddings, funerals; ete. Rev. ed. 7885 TSC. ac. cic Sheldon. Truth seeker coll. of forms, hymns, and recitations. 835 MDGs 006 ecw secs Co eec ela e - Truth Seeker. Vincent, M. R. Minister’s hand-book. [’82.] 7dc. . Randolph. See also Baptism ; — Confirmation; — Funerals ; — Liturgies; — Marriage; — Mass; — Responsive worship; — Sacraments; — Secret societies. Ritualism. Bradley, A. J. D. A gentle remonstrance: letter to F: C. Ewer, on the subject ofritualism. ’79. $1.25. Pustet. Hobart, J: H: Medieval, papal, and ritual principles stated and contrasted. Eth 16X56 900¢ Whittaker. See also Church of England; —Symbolism. Rivers. Gosse, P. H. Sacred streams: anc. and mod. hist. of the rivers of the Bible. New ed., rev. [?77. Dil UD 2ie ore) sie elore/ailaia cic siciusveine «Rei IEG oe Am. Tr.RIVERS 1 Rivers, continued. Vernon-Harcourt, L. BF. Treatise on rivers and canals. Vv; lb: Dext. vy: 2° Plates: 82. net Dice cre C10 Bleeieliepieciesjepic a cecesves esses Macmillan. See also Hydraulics ;>— Wate) Roads. Booth, W.S. Law of Highway manual for Dakota: cuide for overseers of highways and county road super- Visors. 2d ed. 84 [783 DOCNeicieie ce oe sce BOOLR Codrington, T: Maintenance of macadanized roads. "79 9.5 ids mLZe0Ueecess - *- . eeee-- OPON. treatise on the Prog 7 de}. | Gillmore, Q. A. Practical of roads and pavements Stager, W. construction Van Ne strand. id. xo Road and bridge laws. $2.50-S3 Callaghan. Wheeler, W. H. Hints to highway surveyors on the repair of main roads. ’80. 20c.. Nn0; pon. See also Payements;— Surveying. Robbers. See Brigands ;— Union Pacific Express. R obbia, Luca della. Scott, L. Luca della Robbia, with other Italian sculptors. 783. $1.25......: 6.2... Scribner & W. Robin Hood. See Hood, Robin. Rocky Mountains. Bickham, W: D. From Ohio to the Rocky Mountains. Oe nll ae araekayelereicten 6 os) Gievelersieiste eaieaicis Bickham Bird, I. L. Lady’s lifein the Rocky Mountains. ’80 Hillis vatevola cic dies stele sinus cla) sioeieveta Smits - Putnam. Denison, C: Rocky Mountain health resorts. ’80. $1.50; Ril oie lacie eee Ml cle iejs (els 0eie)s Houghton, O. & Co. Grobman, W:A. count of the $1.75. Same. Ingersoll, EE. ao Camps in the Rockies; with ac- cattle ranches of the West. New ed. ’84. $1.25.. Scribner’ Knocking round the Rockies. 299 Ss Sons. "83 [782]. Harper. hunting Sl. § Co. Shields, G. O. and fishing by mountain and stream. Belford, C. 83 Roland. Baldwin, J. Story of Roland. °83. $2.. Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic Church. Sc710707"S SONS. Roman law. See Civil law. Roman literature. Sce Latin literature. Romance. See Fables; — Fairy tales; — Fiction; — Legends. Rome. Antiquitr S. Rich, A. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities. 45 Gio od Wilkins, A. S. Roman antiquiti Appl Zon. f5¢. Appleton. es. Description. 3urn, R. Old Rome: hand-book to the ruins of the city and the Campagna. ’80. $3.70-.-Sc tbner & W. 3usk, R. H. Roman legends: Rome. [7’76.] $2.50.....--cs0+ seeveecere Estes. Falke, J. v. Greece and Rome: their life and art. SOMES: Glo nce ssc. scioseec oe ce sae Holt. Forbes, S. R. Rambles in Rome: archeological and hist: guide. “82. $1.50)..-.... ees eee Nelson. Formby, H. Little book of martyrs of the city of Rone, (Vil) GilDecaceagces c00007- Cath. Pub. Freeman, J. E. Gatherings from an artist’s portfolio inRome. [’77.] $1.25..---. eiaieeiae) ekars Appleton. — Same. 783 SoileD Oise 2 Bee < Bult sienevole eels Roberts. Herbermann, C: G. Business life in anc. Rome. 280: 20Ci- «1 beers eh eines ic atare eter el Tlarper. Kuhn, A. Roma: Denkmale des christl. u. heidni- schen Rom, in Wortu. Bild. ’79. $9.60..Benzager. fables and folk-lore of ovo ROSE i a Rome, continued. Nevin, R. J. St. Paul’s within the walls: Am. chapel at Rome; with sermons. ike) © CEN Dac lppleton . ° =O ji fies ie Renan, E. Rome and Christianity. 1 280: : conferences. Roman days; | [In his Eng. | } LOC, eae Sreveeceseanse Osgood. Rydberg, V: with sketch of Rydberg by Hi. A. W. Eindehn: 779. $9... ...-;.. Luinam. Seton, Rk. Essays on various subjects, chiefly Roman. OI ple Zia cic oie cio sieimicieieicre cole seen ee 3 OULD: Wells, C. S. Amphitheatres of ancient Rome. ’83. DAC DUIS Syd) a wrercrcha levers cieic cise eee ete -.--Cupples. See also Ancient geography ; — Civil law ; — Classical diction- aries ;— Classical literature;— Latin language; — Latin litera- ture;— Tiber River;—and also Italy and names of places in Italy. Tlistory. Arnold; W. iL: Roman system of provincial admin- istration, to accession of Constantine the Great. AQ SED ee ace ticles Coca ee Macmillan. Beesly, Mrs. — Stories from the hist. of Rome. 78, Sl eee aver nare ed ouareeis auc 3 ~s-e-s Macmillan. Cesar, C. J. Civil war; ed., with introd., notes, and maps by C. E. Moberly. [’77.] $1.50.. Macmillan. Capes, W. W. Ageof the Antonines; or, the Roman empire of the 2d century. ’79. $1..Scribner’s Sons. — Early Roman empire, from the assassination of Julius Cesar tothe assassination of Domitian. [°76.] Slee ec coe eee a Scribner, A: & Co. Dyer, T: H. History of the city of Rome. [’77.] $5. R. Worthington. Gazeau, F. Roman history. | 40c... Cath. Pub. Gibbon, E: History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with notes by H: H. Milman. New 70 7 10. ed. 5 v. SO. BS rereretsnccotnieval cletever cle icinvers Porter & C. —— Same. dD ve 730 DOM en Oireyevlece «is Am. Bk. Lae. — Same; with notes by H: H. Milman, M. Guizot and. Wis Smiths G:vz 780) (Sil2e sek Harper. Ihne, W. Early Rome from the foundation of the city to its destruction by the Gauls. 18.) $l. Scribner’s Sons. Livius Patavinus, T. See author alphabet, p. 23 Merivale, C: General hist. of Rome to the fall of Augustulus, B.c. 753—a.p. 476. [’76. ] $2.. Harper. — History of the Romans under the empire. New ed 7 ime On Ae wee eae es AMMleton. — Romantriumvirates. [’77. ] — School hist. of Rome; abridgec Rome, by C. Puller. iSed| ao Montesquieu, C: de S. (Baron). the causes of the grandeur and decadence of the Asp, Ze Appl ton. Architectural hist. of Rome; abridged Sl a6 Scribne Viva A. oo Co. 1 from Gen. hist. of weoctees Harper. Considerations on i. ( iO. oc.» Romans. p2 Parker, J: H: from Archeology of Rome. 782. $2...--Dutton. ‘ “. . ar =e 7 Pennell, R. F. History of Rome to 476 a.p. [| (6. | ity Ou Feyeicia cieleieieleelalele wie aloteie wiejels) «Kerelelol” Woes Allyn. Schmitz, L. History of Rome. [’76.] 75c.-- Putnam. the Punie wars. Scribner's Sons. Rome and Carthage: B. $1 Smith, Rh. 81. ] ve Vincent, Jpg H. Roma Yonee, C. M. Stories of Roman hist. nhistory. ’80. 10c... Phillips § H. [P77. | $2.50. Hstes. — Young folks’ hist. of Rome. [’79.] $1.50.. Lothrop. See also Ancient history. Romney, G: Gower, Lord Rh. $l. Romney and Lawrence. 289% Scribner J W. Roofs. Walmisley, A. F. with working drawings. examples of design; ose ee Spon. Tron roofs Sd. Slate; — Trusses. $21 See also Arches ; — Rose. Ellwanger, H. I tion, hist., ete., $1.25 Hole, S. R. Parsons, S: B. Parsons on the culture and hist. of the rose. New enl 2 3. treatise on the cultiva- [782. ] sO wIONCC . Dodd. ees Gottsberger. rose: propagation, ed. 783 [782]. Jeena: The rose: of various groups of roses.ROSICRUCIANS Rosicrucians. Jennings, H. teries. 2d ed. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. ; Gane. 2b. Hi: Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Rosiecrucians: theirrites and mys- al 7 Bouton id. $2.50 oe eee eee ,OUTOIL. 782 $3 Be eee cisveisiels sie erence oiereie eine Roberts. Sharp, W: Dante Gabriel Rossetti: record and study. 782 48) ar pou OoDOO GO00cd0 her ee atta verelai® Macmatlan. Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio. Edwards, H: S. Gioacchino Zolli Antonio Rossini and his school. OIE GOO OO U0OTO00 DOOGOO0L, Roumania. Towle, G: M. The Eastern question. Pri of the Danube: servia and Roumania. 77 250 ° eae Usd d Z0C. eeoeneerre8 Oreo O10) 4) 6) 810: 6 0.¥y 30, 2. 0Le . Rousseau, J: Jacques. Graham, H: G. Rousseau. ’83. $1....Lippincott. Morley, J. Rousseau. [v. 1 of hes W orks. 78. $2.90 eseevoeeve +e eee *- oeeeover ee NCVUONEY & VW Rowing. James, E: The modern oarsinan. | /6 25 James S. 1iso Boating. Rowlandson, T: Grego. J. Thomas Rowlandson, the caricaturlst: s¢ J. from his works, with ant edotal des¢ ript Ons= ZV: QE TOOQE RL) circie cic ee cie efoleje a1 « siclereisl ee Ale Bouton Roxbury, Wass. Drake. F. S. Townof Roxbury: its memor ible per- sons and places. 778 HOUR Ocoee «cc MUULAMIS Royal Academy, London. Blackburn, H: Academy notes, 1877-1888 7-8 ea. L () Ccviais\ ciel lelw lela) (ele\eee) oeye).0) 0) ofe'a/s) is) .00, 0h Serthner & Vi Jennings, L. Royal Academy album. 17 $25 Cassell, P.,G.& C Rubens, P: Paul. Calvert, G: H: Life of Rubens. 7( $1.50 7 J Q Ke Cc. W. Rubens 7%) Eis. code Sor > & VW Rugby, Zen Hughes, ‘J Rugby, Tennessee: some ‘ount of th settlement, ete. 81 > Macmillan. — pam S | iQ Gaiaereies EES Ne ecto nie eee ALILLILI Rupture. Heaton. G: The cure of rupture, reducible and irre- ducible; also of variococele and hydrocele, by New methods. = eee! sill - c5 oc: 0:6) 0 ... Hurd & H, Rural architecture. See Architecture ; — Cottages; — Landscape gardening Rural life. Allen, G. Colin Clout’s calendat th ecord of a summer, April—October. 83. DOC eee c Funk. Goodale, E. Journal of a farmer’s daughter. SL. ShilGcte) ateleei siciate) sisleis cy cic «cys ele cs nic so ciel elsiers Putnam. Milner, G: Country pleasures: chronicle of a year chieflyjin'avcarden. 781. $1550 4. 3..2... Roberts. See also Agriculture; Out-door life. Ruskin, J: Shepherd, R: H. Bibliography of Ruskin, 1834-1878 (8. Tis 0000n0 0 wlie:.piele) © 0) 0\'8\.0:0'.010) «004 \¢ 9 we ein 0.8 Russia. Abbott, J: S. C Russia {epi oy ogodand Rok Boulton, S. B. Russian empire: its origin and de- velopment. ’82 5OG.s 25... . Cassell BP: 4 & Co. Destiny of Russia, as foretold inthe Scriptures. [’78. T': Wilson. 8] Gz, OO: Dole. N. EH. Young folks’ history of Russia. SRL ie scare ee rare Seneca ier ieee Ustes Geddie, J: The Russian empire — hist. and descrip- tive “82; NDEM oko tale) et i whe slinie shae6 ooh ceo ecceeys Ve lson Greene, F. V. Russian army and its campaigns in m . =) ty I ‘ 2 Turkey in 1877-78. OE fo Gicserere aero rorere - Appleto? — Sketches of army life in Russia. $1.50. Scribner’ s Sons. Holland, I. E. Lecture on the treaty relations of Rus- sia and Turkey, 1774-1853. [’77.] $1.. Macmillan. 176 Russia, continued. SAILORS D. Russia, past LE. & J. B. Young. Poems of places : Russia. [’78. ] - Houghton, M. & Co. 10e. Harper. and Oelnitz, L. v. net, S1.50....- Lankenau, H. v., and present. "82. Lonefellow, H: W. iT sas cin c.cie ermrehetatovelsjevelenmias.e7¢ Murray, I. © Russians of to-day. ’78. Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folk tales. [?77.]] S1.50: Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. —— SAM Ee: 79. | iT 50) @ cieieiclareicierenl Ue Worthington. Popular history of Russia. 3 v. 2ambaud, ee 27 A BHO DO eo cnicles wreisie LUSLES: Russia before and after war; by the author of in St. Petersburg. 15c...---. Harper. A. Eastern question: hist. of Russia, with $5.50—-87.50 Syalcieveiejeye iv ea Society °80. Shaw, F. accounts of the successive dynasties. = DOGS Stepniak Underg ary profiles and sketches from life. WEA ACO DOC CUO OU ee -- Osgood. nseud. round Russia: revolution- 2 1 OF Ov. $1.25. Scribner's Sons. cece: We Tovell: = Same. SS. : Wallace, D. M Russia 77 $4 Same. New ed Qe Sea. Sotou Dodd odnas Sea ere eres OLE. == Some, 718; ZUCr < scsi vier Sic dein ee aioe .- Munro. C ; rimea: — Pet he G t; — Transcaucasus; — Volga Rive1 Russian Church See Greek ( h. Russian language. Riola, H: Graduated readers, with vocab. ROE ediac: BR he cour . Houghton, O. § Co. — How tol : manual on the Ollendorffian fem: 1S: ho Houghton, O. § Co. Russian Same. Wey. 18. $1.25.... Houghton, O:% Co. Russo-Turkish war. S Turkey, History. Sabbath. | Bacon, and G: B. and Sunday laws. B Christian Sabbath chronology and history. W. L. observan rs): ocripture, Sabbath question; Sunday .25.-.Putnan. riewed in the light >80. 75¢c. 289. Si] of Schneider. L. The Christian Sabbath. [’82.] 50c. Presb. Bd. .. Selden. Dabney, R. Earle, A. God’s seventh day rest. ’81. 75c. r shall we keep Sunday? answer in 4 pts. Veelite a ceveje eleteleleeeneers = cocie Gus eiah Sin eres nie ee CeNICELEO® Is there a Christian Sabbath?: reprint of A scripture f the Sabbath. ’8l. 60c....--- Brown & D. Sessions, A. J. The Lord’s day rescued. 783. 60c. Lothrop. $2..Cong. Pub. Wood, W: C. Sachs, Hans. Wildenhahn, A: told. Sacraments. Stanley, A. P. Christian ecclesiastical subjects. Sie D250: Sabbath essays. [’80. ] Sachs: family tradition re- Waictelereese Las th. Hans Sl. HOR: crctste/ciareie aie Sl. instructions: on Same. (Cheap es Says ed. Ollie: UO Cri wicielale oie) eislees ere ».- Scrvbner’s Sons. — Same. ’Sl. DUC. ce cces cee coe pes secs we Harper. See also Baptism; — Confirmation; — Lord’s supper. Sacred music. See Church music. Sacred poetry. See Poetry, Religious. Sacrifice. Cave, A. Scriptural doctrine of sacrifice. [’77.] $6. Scravbne ass W. & A. Sagadahoc, Me. : Relation of a fold) to Sagadahoc; ed. by B: F. De Costa: 280k eniecirc acre oes cei ..J: Wilson. ( Camb.) Sailing. See Boating ; — Navigation. Sailors. See Seamen.ST. AUGUSTINE St. Augustine, Fila. Dewhurst, W. W. "81. $1.25. St. Clair, Arth. Smith, W: H: The St. Clair papers: life an Arthur St. Clair, soldier of the History of St. Augustine, Florida. ASOLO OOO Ooo D > peree I utnan. l public I services of . : Jevolu- tionary war [iete.]. 2v. 782. S6.... Clark St. Johns, NV. B. Stewart, G:, 77. Story of the great fire in St. Johns N. B., June 20, 1877. Peale sSili-n: [ Belford Bros.;| Lockwood, B. & Co. St. Joseph’s Academy, Flushing, L. I. Gems of biography. sketches; by the gradu- ating class of St. Joseph’s Academy, Flushing, L. I. figieen) 1.25 St. Lawrence River. | ic oS ne 9102. Welaislersiasisitie ccs Sveievee OILED. See Thousand Is St. Louis, Wo. Reavis, L. l St. Louis, the future great city of the world; with biog. sketches. [’76. $5; $7.50 Barns St. Paul’s Church, Rom Nevin, R. J. St. Paul’s within the walls; Am. chapel at Rome; with sermons. 78.] $1.50.-Appleton. St. Simon, Claude H: (Comte) de. Collins, C. W. St.Simon. ’80. $1....-Dappincott. Saints. Bowden, H: S. Miniature lives of the saints. 2 v. (BI Geese e cee we csv woos seeees Benziger Chenoweth, Js. C. Van D. Stories of the saints. 25S ()it esp eva siete) aye lalein’e clmisiciel eis) ic (sie) ejneln/eiei cia) or Osgood. Communion of saints. [’79. BHT, soo0¢ Randolph. Medizval and modern saints and miracles. Not ab uno e Societate Jesu. Hell Gale We poonas ana Pictorial lives of saints. 30.1 $3.50 ... Benziger. Rosetti, C. G. Called to be saints. 81. $1.50. H.& J. B. Young. Starr, E. A. Patron saints. 2d ser. ’81. $2.50.. Pret. Sale. Benjamin, J. B. Treatise on the law of sale of per- sonal property; with ref. to the Am. decisions and to the French code and civil law; ed. by Je C Perkins, from 2d Eng. ed. 2d Am. ed. te eyarelere (el elelclars. = ocen LLU SLAs ed. by E. H. Ben- ee Houghton, VW. XY Co. with author’s revision, by A. ROD jaa ca ccnisice se. 3d Am. ed., Ll. $6.50. 3d Eng. ed., — Same. nett. 78 Same. ¢ B. Pearson and H. F. Boyd. 4th Am. ed., by ©: L. @orbin. 2 Vv. “Oo. GTO eee ee cl selelenetn GUIs — Same. 4th Am. from latest Eng. ed., by E. H. Bennett. ’84 [83]. &6.50...- Houghton, M. § Co. Treatise on the law of warranties in the siddle, A. sale of chattels. ’84. @3.---.e-+ceeces ware eC QY Rorer, D: Treatise on the law of judicial and execu- tion sales. 2d ed., enl end. $5.50..Callaghan. See also Auctions; — Mortgages ; — Real property. Salem, Jass. Adams, H. B. and Salem. Salisbury, Jass. Village communities of Cape Ann 28 50c...----- Johns Hopkins Unie. See Amesbury, Mass. Salm-Salm, Agnes ( Pruncess). Salm-Salm, A. (Princess). ('77.] Gl.50.. cece creer veces Salt Lake City. Ten years of my life. LM .R. Worthington. SANITARY le ; Salvation, continued. Edwards, J. Obs. concerning the Scripture economy £4] (Tt . : . of the Trinity and covenant of redemption. ’80. $1 Se How to build a church. MS 847 = : : : Cong. Pub. Bible proofs of universal salvation. {Oc. .- Hanson. ruone TUS. Goodell, C. L. 50e. Hanson, J: fal 60c. : Lindesie, A. Reconciliation; or, peace with God through the blood of Christ, as developed by his- One tee tM Gosaaaqdcr owes OUSSCLL. Pee G. & Co. Nelson, H: A. Sin and salvation. ’81. Sl..Randolpl. Parker, J. Ingersoll answered: What must I do to be saved? "81. LDCR erciepevs ers eae aisle a stoVILIVICe Pergmayr, J. Truths of salvation. ’82. T75c. Benziger. Reid, W: ‘The blood of Jesus. New ed. ’82. 40c.; VOCE cee See oe ees Cease CAM: Bapt.; Funk. Seribner,.W: Lovefor souls. 782. $1-..Scribner’s Sons. Same. 783. L5e.. oie tail oeike okereieiereWeletaters Am. Tr. Service, J: Salvation, here and hereafter. 2d ed. hi. SEDO sere 4 adoo DOC a etereevcrepl Macmillan. Shenston, T: S. The sinner and his Saviour. 2d enlied: E800) Biles esiseice~ -rsicie ete erate oils Am. Tr. Spurgeon, C: H Your own salvation. Tl 8c I Am. Tr. Weaver, J. Doctrine of universal restoration care- fully examined. [778.] $1.20 ...-.--- Un. B. Pub. Wilkinson, G: H. Instructions on the way of salva- tions leliol Onc. seen ee ee a em DD ULLON: Wvinan, Ef. A. Acquaintance with God; or, salva- tion and character. 176. Bld... OC: We Bryan. See also Future life; Future punishment ; — Soul; — U versallsts. Samos. Gardner, P. Samos and Samian coins. 783. $3. M cin tllan. Sams, I: Doggett, H: vices of Isaac Sams. N. H. S. Sketch of life and professional ser- 20). S].... P: G&G. Lhomson. Sanbornton, Runnels, M. ‘I. History of Sanbornton, IN EE 2 vi v.1: Annals. ’82. $7.50 (for the complete work). Mudge. Sancho Pedro. See Poker. Sand G: [ Wme. Ae L. AY D. Du levant. | Thomas, B. George Sand. 783. Bi = a cieis es LLOUCLES« Sandwich Islands. sailey, E. H uwaiian ferns. °82 TC. ccee Lhoeum. 3ird, I. L. Hawaiian archipelago : six months among I the Sandwich Islands. 4th ed. 2ST hoe Scribner & W. — Same New cheap ed. %S8l. S2b0ncc: Putnam. Chaney, G: L. Alo’ha! a Hawaiian salutation. 780 1°79). Ril (ier ser elenere SAHOO DOOO COR UOd Roberts. Coan, T. Life in Hawaii: autobiographic sketch of 1835-1881). [82.] $1.50-- Randolph. Honolulu: sketches of life in the Ha- 1828-1861; with suppl. to the pres- ore Randolph. mission life Judd, L. F. waiian islands, ['80-] $1.25 n almanac and annual. [An- sve ou LUM. evene Thrum. ent time. Mhrum, CL: G. Hawaiia nual.] ea., 20C. 5 Tributes of Hawaiian verse. San Francisco, Cal. Behr, H. H. Synopsis of the gene plants in the vicinity of San Francisco. HWe,anqnbe cag aco0 ») ra of the vascular { Silie 2D Payot. > 5 Mormon metropolis : guide to Salt Lake City and Q : i Cea AA a INCI: environs. ’83. 25C...-+- Se eerero inicio a CU Iiafc Hittell, J: S. History of san Francisco, and, Salvati dentally, of California. as OH ce ie DOILENO jiu. alvation. > OT Lichts : hades in San Francisco. . Oy q. jights and shades in San Er Breed, D: R. Plain progressive talks upon the way Moye i a eo ee Tee BancroTt of salvation. ['78.]/ S5c.----ss+28e+-s20- m. Lr. pds peat i . ’ ° . } . > 2 1 e % Q Brookes, J. H. From death unto life; or, the sinner | Sanitary engineering. ee a : 77.| $10... Spon. pee eee LOW S al., 10c. AN: Se hist. of redemption. saved. ‘80. 2dc. — Way made plain. 2 pts. Delitzseh, F. Old Testament 2S MOO) efor i 79. (Mar. “399 | Oo. 8D.) / Scribner & W. | Denton, J.B. Sanitary engineering. | oH 81. Philbrick, E: 5. American sanitary engineering. S2 anno. 0CnnnO ODOR ONGdd0C ee wiaveve CUIUS Eng. See also Architecture , — Municipal engineering ; — Sewage.ere SANITATION Sanitation. Architecture; Sankey, Ira D: Nason, E. Lives of the eminent Am. evangelists, D. L. Moody and I. D: Sankey, with account of their labors in Gt. Brit. and Am.; the lives of P. P. Bliss and Tourjee. [’77. othre p 3 Russell See — Hygiene. also sketches of $1.50. Sanskrit language. Poor, L. E. Sanskrit studies in comparative and its kindred literatures: mythology. ’80. $2. Whitney, W: D. Sanskrit inel. both the classical language and the older dialects of Veda and Brahmana. 779. Williams, M. Practical grammar of the Sanskrit lan- 1 = Py grammar, S3.70....e.+- Westermann guage. 2d cheaper ed., enl. file S6. Macmilla 7 Sanson family. Sanson, H: Memoirs of the Sansons; or, erations of executioners, 1688-1847. ’ Santi, Raffaello. See Raffaello Santi. Saracens. Freeman, E: A. 2d ed. Arabia; 1 History and conquest of the TG. S] Sara- cens. Diets eevee bine MU ACNVILIATL. Oee ¢ — Crusades. Saratoga Springs, JV. Y. Saratoga. In ‘Taintor’s route and city guides PTT On Cds es ees c cic ceunr ce ccc .» LTaintor. Saratoga illustrated visitor’s guide to Saratoga springs. New ed: °82. 25¢....... -. Tarintor. Stone, W: L., Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ballston. ’80 SHLD Olreteis ets eter e's R. Worthington. Sylvester, N. B Saratoga and Kay-ad-ros-se-ra : historical address. 163.) 25¢..<-2- Ws H. Young. Walworth, Jfs. B. H. Saratoga: the battle, battle ground, visitors guide. Te 75c... Am. News Sarle, Amarancy Paine. Davis, W: EF. Saint Indefatigable: sketch of the lif of Amarancy Paine Sarle. ’83. 75c.....Loth rop. Sarto, Andrea del. Scott, L. Fra Bartoli del Sarto. ; Satan. See Devil. Savage, Ja. Dall, Mrs. C. H. Genealogical and errata to Savage’s Genealogical dictionary, ete. ’S] Sl. Elliott ymmeo, Albertinelli, and Andrea Oe OD ccc s «a cee SCIMDNCT OOH: notes Savonarola, Girolamo Mar. Fs. Matteo. Clark.W: R. Savonarola. [’79. Dinwiddie, W: 1.50. » Rott. Ys & Co. Times before the reformation: wit account of Fra Girolamo Savonarola. ’80 [’79 BDULMCD OR elejetereieve sis) o)cie ain bic Seisic cine ce Gee Ge ac Carter. Oliphant, Was. M. O. W. Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city. arf Ss. Same. 3d ed. 81. HO! tere wis ere oo. Macmillan Savoy. Longfellow, H: W. places: France and Savoy. Ee) Ole sec ose Houghton. M. & Co. Saws. Grimshaw, R. History of saws. 80. $2.50 Clazton, R. & H. — Saw-filing: practical treatise in popular form. ’83 Sl ar Hodgson, i: “1, Scandinavia. Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun: Swe- den, Norway, Lapland and Northern Finland. 2 y. 82 [’81]. $7.50 Ilarper. Horn, F: W. History of the literature of the Scan- dinavian North; A bibliog. of King. lang. rel. to Scandinavian countries T. Solberg. 784 [’83)]. $3750. ..- Hand-saws. 78; [also ; prep. by Griggs. 178 books in the | SCHUYLER Scandinavia, continued. Larned, A. “Lales from the Norse grandmother. 781. GUI OB, oc sccorsicin ta olete Gites te Stel wa ere etic Phillips & IH. i » stories retold from the Eddas. Roberts. comparison of Anglo-Saxon and old Norse litera- J p same. “Sl. $4.50. Goths: ture SO. $4.50. : -Lothvop. Taylor, I: Greeks and study on the runes. 79 $3. Bolle ee chee vers cueierel slot ecrel eis Macmillan. Tyler, K. . Story of a Seandinavian summer. 781. iE} ciroilcla co lovelble eeihieyeldin eleie creel staleleisixet ete - Putnam. . 7 , and Powell, F. Y. Corpus poeticum he poetry of the old northern toneue. 2 v. sO Net. BLO DO ies crores ici) wie cloinie\ ohare sien ek Vacmaillan. Vincent, F., Norsk, Lapp, and Finn; or, travel tracings from the far north of Europe. ’81. $1.50. Putnam. — Sweden. See also Nortt — Norway; men; Scepticism. A.J. Defence of philosophic doubt. 779. cig Bical s btve 6 Sls eS re ee Vacmillan. : i lezos Am. Ty. Cairns, J: Unbelief in the 18th century as contrasted with its earli¢ "81. 60c.; 20c. Harper. he Church: summary of the arguments Balfour, $3.50 r and later history. Case against igainst Christianity. [°76. TD Cusic sce ss Somerby. Fordyce, S. Aspects of scepticism, with ref. to the resent. tinkes 76a. oleDOR cia ere ctseve W hittakes. Hastings, H. L. Friendly hints to candid inquirers who disbelieve the Bible. 5 cialieie Hastings. — Infidel testimony concerning the truth of the Bible. 799 Oo. oc. tse IKUOs Gooe noon bobo bane Sooo Connooe Hastings. Humphrey, G. H., and Bennett, D. M. Christianity and infidelity. a fral ee (SRI revevsve catorsyepece »--- Bennett. Jacobson, A: Why I do not believe. ’81. $1. é Belford, C. & Co. Duty of the clergy in rel. to modern LO Greece ere ee) slotee OLOUTICE: Reason and infidelity considered. (8s (QDCs So clos a cisine wclee 6 lee olsinicie A: Brentano. McIlvaine, J. H. wisdom of Holy Scripture, R with ref. to sceptical objections. 3 Jaggar, T: A: scepticism. 783. McDermott, H. F. oe SLD: Scrtbner’s Sons. Smith, H: B. Apologetics: lectures. ’82. $1. Armstrong. Spurgeon, C: H. Clew of the maze, and The spare half-hour. 7842 (be. VD Ce me crest sje cers - Funk. Whately, E. J. How to answer objections to revealed religion. 80. STO) scnono Go06 Gone pooc Am. Tr. See also Atheism ;— Free Religion; — Materialism ; — Radical Club ;— Rationalism. Schenectady patent. Pearson, J:, and otliers. History of the Schenectady patent in the Dutch and Eng. times; contrib. toward a hist. of the Lower Mohawk Valley. 783. Dede Munsell. Schiller, J: F: v. Goethe and Schiller: a comment. on Goethe’s Faust. Boyesen, H. H. works, inel. their lives and HUD oa Scribner’s Sons. @ay ly le, aL Diuntzer, H: Schiller. Life eae I] @Oeoaocanaoe Osgood. of Schiller. 1835 S2550: Macmillan. Schiller u. seine Zeit. ’79. $1.50.. Kohler. Schiller and his times. ’80. $2-$3. Kohler. Inppincott. Scherr, J: — Eng. Sime, J. Schiller, (U825) Glk-cseeane Schools. See Education ; — Kindergarten; — Kitchen garden ;— Public schools. Schubert, Franz. Frost, H. F. Franz Schubert. ’81. $1..Scribner & W. Schuyler, L: Sandford. Memorial of Louis Sandford Schuyler, priest. [ Anon. ] "19. 1.25 s eiecie sis seis LrOLts Ye oy GO. eee ee eee ew ee eeSchuyler copper mines. See Hornblower, J. Schuylerville, NV. Y. See Burgoyne, J: Science. Baird, S. F Annual record of science and industry for 1876-78. 3v. ['77-79.] ea., $2... Harper. Bell, N. R. E. Science ladders. ’84. $1.50; 50c. Putnam. suckley, A. B. Fairy-land ofscience. ’79. $1.50. cl} valet 71 Caithness, Harl of. Lectures on popular ind scien- tific subjects. 2d enl. ed. 19% SL... Lippine tl Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges: Education and science. 778. $1.7 Lippincott. Champlin, J: D., 77. Child’s catec } things Oe GO CHee sie ciate eo Cooke, J. P. Scientific culture 81. Riles cee al cele cinzadalels siti oi Ae o ais) Sic etwas } Corey, A. Properties and powers in ev ry-day mat- ters; illustrated for children. Ut $2.. Dennis Dale, IT. N. Outskirts of physical science: essays philosophical and religious "84. S1.2n..Leek& § De Leon, N. P. Diecionario tecnolégico, Inglés-Ks- panol y Espanol-Inglés. pts.1, 2. 783. ea., 50 De Leon. Draper, J: W. Scientific memoirs: experimental contrib. to a knowledge of radiant energy. *78. $3. larpea Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in popular scien 2dser. [’79.] $2.00...-...- evaserbichero see eleie Estes Note. For contents see author alphabet, p. 122. Gibson, J: Science gleanings in many fields. ’84 GTO ee eee ois eisai tuseiss cee See Nelson Guthrie, F: The first book of enous dy 895° SI Putnam. Helmholtz, H. Popular lectures on scientific sub- jects; 2dser. ‘Sl. EMEELO) GS oco6 . --- Appleton. — Same. eo iLic TS ice cicieie e siecle cles) 6 cvorsia litzagerald. Herbert, T: M. ‘The realistic assumption of modern science examined. ’79. $8...---++6- Vacmillan. Huxley, T: H: Eutogactory to Science primer series 80. eh Sieve . cialereio elem safe eee A DD LELOM« -Science and ealnure 5 aad other essay 82. M1.50. Applet i. Illustrated science for boys and girls. ([?8l.] “$l. Lothrop. Jevons, W. S. Principles of science: treatise of logie and scientific method. [’77.] $4-. Macmillan. Lubbock, Sir J: Fifty years of science: addresses. 782. TO acin ie leienaleleaieis) e\eleve le!) sc10)0 .-- Macmillan. — Scientific lectures. 779. 9.50. ..0ecee Macmillan. Maunder, S: Scientific and literary treasury. es] Gn eS Keh an Gn Auer nralata\ ei clelele el elieliniewrepete elewiela)eiele) .0V0),0) © Appleton. Monteith, J. Easy lessons in popular science. 779. Sl SrA OO NOOO ODO Sabo poo anoaooD Bie hieloie eek QUES — Popular science peter: lessons and sel. in nat. philosophy, botany and nat. list 81. S1.. Barnes. Nichols, J. R. Fireside science. [779.] $1.20. R. Worthington. — Science at home. SH Ole siete fts a sae bia 20e. Sietat oie . Lovell. Seience And ie DEM ent W th ie r Di apers, chiefly philosophical. 20224. .50..Scrtbner’s Sons. Proctor, R: A. Familiar science Pedic oe (8s he. Worthington. . Fitzgerald. 79. — Same. Porter, N. $2.25. — Liehtscienceforleisurehours. 79. — Nature studies. [’83.] 20 — Pleasantways inscience.’78 78. $3.6 iu“ Worthington. Rankine, W:J. M. Scientific papers; with mem. of author. by Ec. G. Tait. Sl. $10... Van Nostrand. Rossiter, W: Illustrated dictionary of scientific terms. be ele cia ce LULUIUAN. [(780.] BL.75.2eeee se reee sees Routledge, R. Popular hist. of science 81 [780]. GR RE) (i cietebaiale)io celal ele) pieleje: scaler 0918/2 5/¢ . Routledge. —Science in sport made philosophy in . earnest. [’76. } $2.00 Pee ees Sie aiontied ge: SCHUYLER GE Funk. | 9 SCOTLAND Science, continued. : ee ; ; Rover, W. Lessons in practical science. ’79. $1.25 O Shi a. Scudder, S: H. Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries, incl. transactions of learned societies 1633-1876 479, S44 es. o wiclels 1 LLATU UIT: tae Shields, C: W. Order of the sciences: essay on the philosophical classification and organization of human knowledge. ’82. 7dc. ~Scribners Sons. Smithson, J. Scientific writings. ’79....; Smith. Inst. Stuart, J. A chapter of science; or, what Is a law of nature. S+. net, ¢dc.......H. § J. B. Young. Things in-doors and things out-of-doors. [°81.] $1.50. ) 4 ] 5 i outledge. White, A. D. Warfare of science. lite Ses 50c: Appleton. Williams, W. M. Discussion in current science. 9O3 tae adoenen geen: . Worthington. Carter, A., and Watt Pp. Pi icture sue Se otland; ro- mantic scenes and bist: associations. 782. $2.50. Wiley. Green, S:G. Scottish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. [°83. ] $3.50... cece see ee sees . Nelson. Hood, E.P. Scot we characteristics. [’83.] 25 . Funk. Longfellow, H: \ Poems of places: Susan, Den- mark, eat Norway, Sweden. 3 v. [776.] $3. Houghton, M. § ‘anada and of Scot- EOE Dawson. Memories of ( Marquis of. 84 [783]. $l speeches and verses. Lorne, land Modern Scottish pulpit Istser. 780. $1.50.. Carter. Ramsay, HE: B. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. New ed. ab 17.] Ql a-esee Whittaker. — Same. [-78.] gl. cic e wereilee Wonehengtom. Rand, MeNally & Co. eThabeell map of Scotland. EST Dh mc crele« cleleisiviare ese vie Rand, McN. & Co. Art rs aAmbIe s in tine Highlands and isl: ands of Scotland. ’77. $10.-..---- Pe one MOULLEAG Svotech sermons, 1850. Oded: “780: Oo. Macmillan. ‘Sampe, “Sle BIG DY seen ce sce syereein AP DLCLOIS Silloway, TC: W., Cathedral towns Reid, J: I. and Powers, L. L. and intervening places of ne len’s Ireland and Seaotland. 783. G2... seer soccer enere . Cupples. Victoria, Queen. More leave S fro! n the journal of a life in the Highlands from 1862 to 1882. 8d. Se. Seribne Tr S W. — Same. ’84. 2d¢ 1d5¢ Sic evala roves ouake .. Harper. | — Same. ‘St. ee hance cane ce snes LLOUELE. == Same. Joo. Loe: eerie ele dcdie7i0s Wilson, J. G Poets and poetry of Scotland. 2 VY. [’76. ] S1O—B1I8...2 +6 ea ee ats epeleterace Harper. ¥ “VW , \ hs } See also Covenanters ; — England; — Mary, Queen of Scots.SCOT Scots’ Charitable Society. S’ 180 SELBORNE Scots’ Charitable Soc. of Boston. Constitution and by-laws: list of membe? $1.50; $1.25...... 00. ve Scott, Si Wa. Hutton, R: H. Sir Walter FO) DOr ciecic aie seis s nisin — Same feS4axae | NOCicercc Rogers, M. Waverley dictionary: alphabet. arr. of all the characters in Scott descriptive analysis. 779. Ruskin, J: Fors clavigera IQA LO Chasis) sleccince ee Note. Many editions of his w« sketches, see author alphabet, p. 3: Scrap-books. Gurley, E. W. Scrap-bor them. [780.] 40c..-.... Screw-propellers. See Ships and ship-building ; — Scrofula. Treves, F: Serofula and Shilo icrelcicicioic sisieleis bres civics Sculptors. Clark, W: J., 77. Great Ar Spi OWeravetcislo\clcie so) -< olera) 0) clove s, officers, ete. [’78. | ea lacielsisi™s Scots’ Char. Soc. Scott. [’78.] 7ac. Same. corte reneseeveen Harp Vis nist creiele eye leleto ole J: W. Lovell. 2S Waverley novels; with DD Lielpiciielsareteisietele Gr1daqds. . New ser.: Ashestiel. KOONOO OOOO GDUODE Wiley. rks and poems contain biog. U ks, and how to make eee voces boc. Authors’. Steam boats. its gland diseases. 783. eoee sso ae Be PUL gham. nerican sculptors. [777. Riel revere aici olercrsozareic ( Gebbre Doremus, S$. D. Great lights in sculpture and paint- Ino 280: Bismscces cee Scott, L. Ghiberti and Do Ws a ENMadaoobocudc — Juuca della Robbia, with Se Millers orcce cisicietclsteisvcre Shedd, As. J. A. Famous Sculpture. Mey e, H., and Schmidt, J. Copan and Quirigua. 783. Michaelis, A. Ancient marb Nets Hii. sercc.ce eleleierelelelers Mitchell, L. M. History of $12.50-$25 — Selections from anc. scul with descriptive text. 783. Murray, A. S. History of the earliest times down to aa) e/e\eiece ecee lppleton. natello, with other sculp- sleleleielelsieceios Scribner & W. other Italian sculptors. Bieininiicicietelercs Scribner & W. sculptors and sculpture. The stone sculptures of cece eee r)8 ces Dodd. les in Great Britain. ’82. ejisiieis eleieln sve . Macmillan. ancient sculpture. ’83. sue o:-| « sipis! s'eie e e.sje Dodd. pture: 20 phototype pl. ; Sp Avevovle cisteeeereaic Dodd. ' Greek sculpture, from the age of Phidias. ’81. cece Scribner & W. Perkins, C: C. Historical hand-book of Italian sculpt- ure; 783: ESO OOO TIOOGOD Perry, W. C. Greek and Sp UZisteverc ieee ele cieiel clere cree Redford, G: Manual of s< sietetelc eiwsel Scrabner’s Sons. Roman sculpture. ’82 gic) ia ieje-ei e aieie scovz_bner & W. ulpture: Egyptian, As- syrian, Greek, Roman, map of anc. Greece. and chronolog. hist. of ane. sculptors and their works. OZs Spee woc.s Sicjielolelejelersve See also Fine arts; — Modelling Sea. See Ocean. Sea-mosses. See Algex. Sea-sickness. seard, G: M. Practical treatise on sea-sickness : symptoms, nature and trea Enis ed: 728i. 34 Hudson, W: H. Sea-sickness : prevention. 788. $1.25 Seabury, Bp. S: Beardsley, E. E. Life and S: Seabury, first bishop « » Scribner & W. ;— Monuments. its tment. “80. 50c. Same. Ria eicvoren aie cere --- Treat. its Cause, nature and ciel sielale: al cfevelip clete Cassino. correspondence of Rey. ¥ Ct. and of the Epise. Chr in UW: S, 81. $4 Ceeee veer Houghton, M. f Co. Seamanship. See Navigation. Seamen. Fishbourne, E. G. Stability, the seamen’s safeguard. P2785) LO Civic cle aiste7y ieleleteleyra pieVeve aid (slelclalinleteres 7. Spon. Forbes, R. B. Seamen: past and present. [’78.] BOCs Sivas ce wie aii cie @ cisrereieicievexciois crete s cle lors Walliams. Seashore. See Ocean; — Summer resorts. Seasons. Gannett, W:C. =< Y } ~ — pane. 84. (OC. eves seccceecrstvccsos toes ( upptles. Seymour, Conn. Sharpe, W:C. Seymour and vicinity: hist. collec- tions. 778. $1.50 Sots iela cae suave Cleves seis Record. — Vital statistics of Seymour, Ct. 783. $1.60. Record. Shadow pantomimes. sursill, H: Hand shadows to be thrown upon the wall. ~ 2 ser. inv. [780: {0c: =. -» Dutton. Chase, F. E. Ballads in black: Griginallehadey pan- fomimiess: (RS Gl cas. cece ce we Lec & 8S. Denier, T. Shadow pantomimes. 780. 25c...//1ch. Hand shadows on the wall. [’80.] 25c....fastime. Shaftesbury, Havlof. [A. A. Cooper. Fowler, IT: Lord Shaftesbury and Francis Hutche- Yl ten Golly. sogocn corodcuoonbon coos Putnam. Shakers. BHads. H. li. Shaker’ sermons. 779. $1.....Clarvke. Shakespeare, W: Browne, G: H. Notes on Shakspere’s versification; upp. on the verse tests, and short bibliografy. 784. YOO CE sisicis cis he carers Re Perea recs Patera, (ate cuel CRD ILIE: Calvert, G: H: hakespea re: biographic esthetic tudy,., 719: si. DO) Grexevorevain's eieleloiel cle lee ele) oi Lees S Clarke, C: and M. . Shakespeare key. ’79. $9 Criswell, R. W. The new Shakespeare, and other travesties. 82. Biles DOCH <7 ae seee- Am. News. Davis, C. K. The law in Shakespeare. ’84 $2: BOER (ee ee eRe auc eine We cs West: Dowden, E: Shakespeare. "78. d0c. - Appleton. — Shakspere: critical study of his mind and art. TOE MG eNiD re een craios cle elem a rai cl Sick etare cicic se Harpe Dyer Te we a: Rollelore) of Sh: ikespeare. ’84 [783]. "$9.50 skalayeiicKcialel lc) cle ieyavel chevelnieier tisvelcnsiels eicreneic cle Harper. Ellacombe, H. N. Shakespeare as an angler. ’83. SNe rete ciara (eet overeln' Oke ote oie si@is bea oo are rc AD) Scribner & W. Gervinus, G. C. pps pear commentaries. New edi, reve (iies|| Sd2506.. - oe oon Scribner, W.& A. riles, H: Human lifer in Shakespeare. New ed. EOD aa pil) ()icreraveuetere ei sociereie tc sy cis be iiours eee Lee & S. Gilman, A. Shakespeare’s morals: sel. with brief collateral readings and scriptural references. ’80 (249 Spl O Mera eroperareKelofeieve ore crecy ctr eveerel si cieieys Dodd. Heard, F. F. Shakespeare asalawyer. ’83. $1.50. Tittle, B. & Co. Hudson, H: N. Te art and characters of Shake- speare. 4th ed., ZV 403d. H4—Ml Ion Gon. Kemble, Ms. F. ee Note S upon some of Shake- speare’s plays. 782. $3 - Scribner & W. Leighton, W:,77. SketchofS§ shake speare. *79. 75c. Stanton. Morgan, H. H. Topical Shakespeariana; coll. of ling. Shakespeariana (exclusive of ed.) arr. under headings to facilitate ref. to special subjects. ’79. SOR alee. pie okebe eit io Cie sia ei Sesbaiees See ee G.I. Jones. Morgan, J. A. Shakespearean myth: William Shakespeare and circumstantial evidence. ’8]. $2. Olarke. — Some Shakespearean commentators. ’82. 75c. é a : oF Cla he ° Paton, Six J. N. Compositions from Shakespe: ois ; ire’s Tempest; eng. in outline: [also] Compositions from Shelley’s Prometheus unbound; ene. in out- liners [VS3hi Oe asses ee Yassell Phillipps, J. O. H. Outline of the life of Shake- _Speare dred 2898 Ro Scribner & W. Simpson, R: School of Shakspere. 2 v. [Bateau] SG" Bouton. 1é 82 SHERMAN Shakespeare, W:, continued. Snider, D. J. System of Shakespeare’s d WT A) R40 ss csee suas cisle eres oe eG. Spalding, T: A. Elizabethan demonology ; cial ref. to Shakespere and his works. Sc Stokes, H. P. An attempt to determine t order of Shakespeare’s plays. [’78. ] Swinburne, A. C: Study of Shakespeare. R. We ramas. 2 Vv. 7 Le Jones. with espe- EOE st ribner x W’, he chronol. piles Macmillan. 80. (Sill. 75: orthington. Thom, W: T. Two Shakespeare examinations; with remarks on the class-room study of Shakespeare. Weiss, J: Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. Wilkes, G: Shakespeare from Am poi incl. inquiry as to his religious faith, anc edee of law, with the Baconian theory ane csie Ginn. [?76.] $2. Roberts it of view; 1 his knowl- considered. Tle SS Sisce roves oveioie oie . ee Appleton. Wyman, W. H. Bibliograp i of the Bacon Shakes- pi are controversy. St. let -P: G. Thomson. See also Hamlet. Note. Fory wi us editions of Shakespeare’s works with notes, etc, see author alphabet, p. 309. Sharpe, S$: Clayden, P. W. Samuel Sharpe, Egyptologist and translator of the Bible. 758 ile Ole crciees Roberts. Shaubena. Matson, N Memories of Shaubena; with incidents rel. to the early settlement of the W Shaw, H: W. est. [as] eeees ( looke Smith, F. S. Life and adventures of Josh Billings; with sketch of the humorist; also, illustrated aphor- ISMS:, -O5: 5) ON factors ceoie voles cvelouel oleierclerece Sheep. Stewart, H: Shepherd’s manual. New ed., Mili D Oiler ere Shelburne, W:, Haz/ Fitzmaurice, Lord BE. Life of William, burne, afterwards first Marq. of ae extrac ts from his papers aan corre spon dence. v.93. if. S4 Shelley, Perey Bysshe. Calvert, G: H: Coleridge, Shelley, G« graphic, esthetic studies. [780 ] $1.0 Paton, Siz J. N. Compositions ‘ony Sh: Tempest; [also ]Compositions from Shell ; eng. in outline. [’83. theus unbount -- Carleton. enls 4785 Judd. l of Shel- woe; with > - Macmillan. ethe: bio- 0.. Lee f S. ikespeare’s ey’s Prome- is Cassell. Stoddard. R: H: Anecdote biog. of Percy Bysshe Shelley. l 76. | OWN) waco Gonos Scribner, A. X or Symonds, J: A. Shelley. Ms | MOC vies cole Harper, —Same. [734. ] NOY, Sonor ae cee oct OWE LO DELL: Shells. See Conchology. Shenandoah valley. Pond, G: E. The Shenandoah valley in 1864. 783. Beak aus orste esas ec Sica scicio as SCULONEIS NOMS: See also Jackson, T: J. Sheridan, R: B. B. Oliphant, ios. M.O. W. Sheridan. 783. Sheriffs. : Binmore, H: Instructions for sheriffs, co constables, with forms. ’82. $2.50... Murfree, W. L. Treatise on the law of other ministerial officers. 784. $5.85. (0C. Harper. roners, and -oee Myers. sheriffs and : Fl. H. Thomas. Winship, R: C. Manual for the guidauce of deputy sheriffs. 83. $1.50............. W. KF. Murphy. Sherman, J: | Bronson, S. A, John Sherman: what |} andidone: 280. $1 4... ie has said W. Derby.SHIPPING Le Shipping. Hunter, T., and Patten, J. ments on vessels Port charges and require- in the various ports of the world. New rey. ed. incl. suppl., with index. ’S4. $10: SUPDIE SCDALALG Goss ca cee wicr-< ac Wiley. — Telegraphic codex; to accompany the Port charees of the world. tions of the U Kelley, J. D. J. The question of ships: the merchant marine. 95. 2d ed., rev. Ds and adpt. to the regula- companies: {8450 S57... Wiley. the navy and 84, Sl. . So Lt ners Sons. See also Maritime law ; — Navigation ; — Ships and ship-build ing;— Shipwrecks. ; Ships and ship-building. Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges: Vessels and apparatus of transportation, ’77. 25e. Lippincott. Currier, J: J. Historical sketch of ship-building on the Merrimac River. 77 50c....--- Walliams. Griffiths, J: W. ‘The progressive ship-builder. 2 v. (CER er cee eer aoe: Bicknell. History of a ship from her cradle to her grave; with short account of modern steaniships and torpedoes. New eds 2S27IrSit Sono cc ese: Routledge. Varney, —. Ship builder’s manual; with atlas. 78. S Glee siecle cei’ siete qa oe wieye ciclo ccs ld OUNRGN: See also Armored vessels; — Steamboats. Shipwrecks. Great shipwrecks, 1544-1877. 77.) $2.50.. Nelson Saxby, Mrs. —. Breakers ahead; or, Uncle Jack’s stories of great shipwrecks of recent times, 1869 TOLUSSOE W825 COCs cies cic cic) sie sc om ee ove ..«- Nelson. Shoemakers. Winks, W: E: Lives of illustrious shoemakers. [’83. ] 25 ape mieele ee elec le Sisioie) clots creraiavelsisysisio el cies Ce ULI Te Shorthand. See Stenography. Siam. Leonowens, A7s. A. H. English governess at the Siamese court. [’77. NU isc eens Porter & GC. Taylor, B. Siam. ‘81. $1.25.-...1 Servbner’s Sons Siberia. Dostoyeffsky, EF. Buried alive; or, ten years of pe- nal servitude in Siberia. “81. $1.50.....-.. Holt. Lansdell, H: Through Siberia. 2 v. 782. $8. Same. New ed.,inlv. °82. $3..... Houghton, M. § Co. Siegfried. saldwin, J. Story of Siegfried.’82. $2..Scrzbner’sSons. Sierra Mountains. Lewis, D. Gypsies; or, why we went gypsying in the Sierras. DCs ec <0 oe sees 9 a ue es Llolbrook. Sight. See Kye. 729 Sign language. Mallery, G. Introd. to study of sign language among N. Am. Indians, as illustrating gesture speech of mankind. ’80 2 sieleiete GOUs Los Signals. Griffin, S. P. System of marine sign ws: ([P7G325¢. Van Nostrand. Paterson, E. Electric signals. 780. 20c.---. Spon. | See also Flags. Silhouettes. Church, F. T. Silhouettes: ser. of humorous and characteristic sketches. Ist and 2d ser. [’77.] ea., Ye, saoo000c Listes. Silk. Brockett, L. P. Silk industry in America: hist. pre- pared for the Centennial Exposition. [’76. ] [ Van Nostrand. pie ome 0 £000 6 8 8 0a 8 6 5 00:0 6 0 6 pian $1.50. Wyckoff, W: CG. Silk goods of America: account of recent improvements and advances of silk manu- facture in the U.S. ’79. $1... -. Van Nostrand. | Crozier, L. S. Treatise on the culture and raising | Of sillke worms. (80) 50Cia- cere wee ee Buyvich. | Johnson, Wis. 1. B. Silk-culture in Louisiana and in the southern states. 7°82. 50C..-++-+--: Lyrich. | ye 83 Skin. Silliman, B: Fisher, G: $2.50 Pe Life of B: Silliman. New ed. [°77 ~--- Porter & (Of a Silver. Aaron, C: W H. --: +> Mena re cleats Fox, [. Atlas of skin diseases: ser. of col. pl., with text and notes on treatment. 18 pts. (77.] ea, DOM e ere vie Lindsay § Blakiston. 229 Oo. ea., $2.50; complete, $20.---+- O-%. S6. Same.Skin, continued. == ONG) wa ee with formu- Epitome of skin diseases ; 3d Am. ed. pane. le. 2ded.,enl. 779. $1.38. FORE ARTO A cleyersieieiewiciaisiersinerelnieresieler ele ce Lea. Hyde, J. N. Practical treatise on diseases of the skin. 293, GUO Hie RH ED Dc rckele eleieielaarnelen eieia 5) cx Lea. Handbook of skin diseases and their Kippax, J: kh. i 9d ed., enl. homeopathic treatinent. 84. 92. Duncan Leo, —. Preservation of beauty : treatise on the face and skin. His: Spilled Oleraciersieisrs © steisi- De Colange. Lilienthal, S: Treatise on diseases of the skin. (i276; GROUR (CE cisiererereicleo eroelcwre: w\eleeveis Boericke & T' Liveing, R. Notes on the treatment of skin diseases. Ath ed., enl. °78. G1---.eecesccccercccre Wood. Morris. M. Skin diseases. ‘80. $1 MD's ns coins eC Qs Piffard. H. G., and Fox, G: H: Cutaneous and vene- real memoranda. all op Same. 2d ed. ’80. ll ee sc cin Gio rercie wl slelelnieie cievelel o1essiwieia wi eie\sinie asele Wood. Skin and its troubles. 7’79. 40cC...+++++-- Appleton Wilson, E. Healthy skin: treatise on the skin and hair. 8threv.ed. [’76.] $1.20. L inidsay ral Blakiston. See also Ringworm; — Scrofula; — Small pox. Skull. Parker, W. K., and Bettany, G. T. Morphology of the skull fetid. BBEDOL cc cee + 0a cle cle Macmillan. Slander. See Libel. Slate. Stafford. H. N. Slate tables; for slaters, quarrymen, architects and dealers. 4thed. ’80. $3...Pratt. Slavery. Clarke, J. F. Anti-slavery days: sketch of the struggle which ended in the abolition of slavery in LO) eS TO Lele cicicre areinieiove R. Worthington. —— Same. 83: Wieasoodnoogcvoco0p oco0dKG J: W. Lovell. Manning, E: Six months onaslaver: true narrative. 29s DA) GCE Rete cc cisteveiu eal visieie eldrciejejeieic ticictereia Tlarper. Mattack. L. C. Anti-slavery struggle and triumph in the M. I. Church. ’81. $1.50..... Phillips § LH. Pillsbury, P. Acts of the anti-slavery apostles. 784. PIERO Gaanoc Romie) cia eiatele sige ielemicici ois ve «rine CUD DLES. Still, W: Underground railroad records. New rev. ed., with life of the author. ’83. subs., $4.50. Still. Washburne,-E. B. Sketch of Edward Coles, second geovernor of Ill., and the slavery struggle of 1823-4. 82 $1.75 (EOE Sp ESD iwelsie wis eicieieie were Wilson, H: History of the rise and s ya power in America. v. 3. — Negroes. HD ici eeclers Osgood. See also Liberia; Slavonic race. Maclear, G: F: Slide rule. Hannyngton, Maj or- Gen. —. The Slavs. 09. T5C.. «bot. Xe Slide rule extended. DOA aA () Civ eee UN racine sy ou ois ea haalteiete an Spon. | Hodgson, F: T. Mechanics’ slide rule, and how to use it. Sl. DD Ca evotevete ele suede ersten ue aeoes Indust. Riddell, R. The slide-rule, simplified, explained and ) illustrated. Ot creverarcie sie Slide-valve. Bilgram, H. [’83. ] --+--- Lippincott. Slide-valve gears. ’78. $I. Claaton, R. & H. | Slide valve practically explained. ’80. $1. Baird. 0 Rose, J. Small-pox. 2 Y. ‘ r 1 } T 3otte, C: Small-pox and vaccination. New cheap CU 282) DOC hie ce oS a ce +++ Moore See also Vaccination; — Variola. Smith, Adam. Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith, 1723-1790. °81. $1.95. ae Putnam. | Smith, Gerrit. | Frothingham, (’78.] $2.25 © 3B: Smith : Gerrit a biography. | Putnam. 184 SOCIAL Smith, H: Boynton, DD: Smith, Jos. H: B. Uenry work. $2.8 3oynton Smith: his life D - Armstrong. 80. and his Smith, Capt. J: Ashton, J: Adventures and discoveries of Captain J: Smith, some time president of Virginia and ad- miral of New England. ’8f. $1.25....-. - Cassell. True, C:K. Life of Capt. J: Smith. 782. 91. Phillips § Co. Warner, C: D. Captain J: Smith (1579-1631) : study of his life and writings. 81 Bile 2D aininiovere Putnam. Smith, Jos. Brooks, W: H: Strong staffand beautiful rod broken: sermon commem. of Joseph Smith, late Rear-Adm. i: 9 aS like DOn ules cinicie Sie cle sie slvielelleinic «sees Wallazams. Smith, Rev. Sydney. Holland, Lady S. Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith; with sel. from his letters. ’80. lic... Harper. Smith, Rev. W: Smith. H. W. Life and correspondence of the Rev. W:Smith, D.D. 20 pts. [’77.] ea., 50c. Hammond ; Penington. Smithsonian Institution. G: H. History of the Smithsonian from the Smithsonian report for 1881. ’82. Smith. Inst. Catalogue of publications of the Smith- Boehmer, eX- changes; W: J. Rhees, sonian Inst. (1846-1882 with index of articles. IQ) ne cave caidiatar eis cele icine sieve) gic ce se MILL. Inst: — Visitor’s guide to Smithsonian Inst. and Nat. Museum, Washington, D. C. ’84 [783]. 25c. Judd x BY. Annual report of board of regents, Biv. 718 -- Gow. Pr. — Pocuments rel. toits origin and hist., ed. by W: J. Rhees. Qiks cio elerealcle) si si cjelea\e ns erereisjiorecesh Smith. Inst. - Journals of the board of regents, reports of com- mittees, statistics, ete., ed. by W: J. Rhees. Ar fs). Smith. Inst. Price list of publications of the Smithsonian Inst. Institution. iva Smithsonian 18 Sil AS — SO « cs 9 [TIoO¢ a ¢ ~ ° . ~ SOUSA ep 2lesicleretele ei) yeiei clon ore covcee Whites S. Institute song budget: ) coll. of songs and music for schools. [’77.] 50c.; 15c... Bardeen. — School-room chorus. [’78.] 35c..- Davis, B. § Co. Elliott, J. W., and others. Little folks’ album of music: [P8l.l) Slk2n..00-<1. Cassell PG. gC: Elson, L: € Home and school: song-book for ehil- Gbecins, [tsils]] EB 6 aGaounedd0 s0ag oduD Gaoc Lothrop. Fairbank, H. W. School songs [with music], no. 1: Primary. 825" VOC oni. 0 esc Warten elle Franz, Rk. Album of songs old and new. New sel. ed., with Germ. and Eng. words and notes by Germ. CLINICS: (Rl, eho SO ey ee ee . Ditson. Garfield and Arthur campaign songster. 780. 10c. Church. Gems of American song. wecese GQOTdON. Giffe, W. T. The song clarion. ’79. 50c... Newhall. Hancock and English campaign songster. ’80. 10c. Church. Hayes and Wheeler campaign songster. [?76.] 10c. Church. Hayes illustrated campaign song and joke book. [’76. ] WO cago obo s0aGo00GO0006 aie cleveh cis Hae es ee Haney: Home songs and melodies. Newed. [’77.] $2.25. Cassell, P., G. & Co. (’77.] 90c...J. Maller. Song-land. 782. $1.50. Routledge. (’78. ] $1. D2 cecescce Home songs for little people. Hutchinson, W: M. Illustrated book of songs for children. New issue. [779.] Johnson, H. K. Our familiar songs and those who S ume. 7T5e. eseee made them: ZS (BO cies oc cacie cree) crete aveiuiieie: Holt. Leslie, C. E:, and Randall, R. H. Song champion. fee titre] 7T5e 50006 saD0 OG ond TAIN Institute glee book. [’78.] 20c.; 29c. Sower. Lyte, BE. O. — Institute songs. [’78.] 20c.; 29c......+2 Sower. — School-room songs. [’79.] 12c..--+--++-Sower. McCaskey, J: P. Franklin Square song collection: songs and hymns. nos. 1, 2: ’81-[’84]. ea., $1; no. 1, 50c.; 40c.; no. 2, 60c.; 50c. ...-- . Harper. Merry songs for merry singers. [’79.] 51. Rk. Worthington. Moore, J. A. Sentimental song book. [’78.] 25c. Ryder. coll. of favorite songs. [77.] ..e. Brainard. . coe Gordon. and tunes. ’8l. Mreteisielieyeiolelovs) sleiels)e- .- Ditson. Our children’s songs. [?77.] $1.50......-- Harper. Our own boys’ songster: cont. the best sone’s as sung by Harrigan and Hart, G. Williams, and T. Pastor. [°76.] 25c.-.--2. +2000 ... De Witt. Palgrave, F. T. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the Eng. language ; sel. and (exter S102); (Red-line ed®)) “So: Lothrop. — Same; with continuation, sel. from the works ot recent and living Eng. poets. 84 [83]. $3.50: RI aioln clearer elelelele oieleiarevereiels weeeee Lippincott. Perkins, H.S., and others. Song wave; for schools. 232); RO Ghee cicrcie 1c a cle ole cle «= sare eee ..---- Appleton. Perkins, T. E. The golden mean: new songs for the meetings of the Business Men’s Soc. for the Encouragement of Moderation, and the home circle. (782.] 10c.. : ++ Anderson. — andMann,H.P. Sterling gems. 780. 50c... Biglow. Sones of P. P. Bliss: sacred and secular Murray, J. R. and popular DG ATOG wiewie) s clsie acl ciei s/c iefaloile) sie esexels DO Cb ieisversecierra clevelels Book of rhymes New song. Releetarsdce Osgood, M. P. SD Op emicterer sone weee eeoeereeene® arr. with notes. eoeaeSONGS 186 SPAIN Songs, continued. ce Perkins, W.O. The peerless: anew singing-school and convention book. ’81. 7dc. ------+---Dutson. Phelps, E. C., and Lewis, Ee ne song sheaf: vocal music, cont. elementary course for sch¢ ols [ete. }. Eve ly ACh cece vinleieeierecleisicle seeecr tees Parntor. Popular songs for all p ople. [’81.] _10c.-- Ogilvie. Ricord, F. W. English songs from foreign tongues. Dennis. 59, $2.50.---- Silo cisieleierclere ci a piclelelecieicls Root, G: F. First years in song-land: singing-book for day schools and juvenile singing classes. 779. 50c. - SHA O COO DO aus RB Taraioietidl ai clei eerele ~-- Church. — Palace of song. 779. TdC.--++++-++. wecee Church. Russell, H. S. Half a hundred songs for the school- room ‘and home. 779. 385c.3 2dc.-. Davis, B. & Co. Russell, S: 8: Jeremy 1olly boy comic songster. [?76. | Re ec islamic els ctote wort cele sislstere dC Witt. ras 1 4 ee 9/7 ( 7 Leash, School festival songs. 779. 70C.--++++-+-- Fischer. Sinnickson, R. Excelsior songs and poems. *89. 10c. Alpaugh. path, A. Jugendfreund-Lieder. [’78. |] 15c... Lvodst. taples, Ry: G. Gospel echos Si: coll. oft songs. fined CO Gere rreyonuicicle clots crele wisioisisicis ss ES Picictsietel sisters ef U7 — Star singer. 79. GR teers c cco cia sle wiels ce vie Jansen. — Woodland echoes: coll. of vocal music. |°78 50e. Sunshine ofsong: coll.ofsongs. Swim out for glory songster. ’82. 10c...-.-- De Witt. Tennyson, A. Songs: set to music by various com- posers. IR) eR Direc « creicim cichonntolacsss Bia ele ere Harper. Tilden illustrated campaign song and joke book. 1°76. Mex soda aca eiel ciatoisl els efelnilel sVelels ot) cvare Haney. Tillinghast, W: Diadem of schoolsongs. [’77.] 50c. Da Vis, B. Co. — Same. 78 Oe DO Ci cee kie cis bisls lee cos cisicic Bardeen. Tucker, S. W. Golden melodies. [’77.] 30c... Colby. — Spiritual echoes. ’80. 365c.; D5 Ole cies elas Colby. Tufts, J: W. Rotesongs of the Normal music course ; with accompaniments for the piano-forte. ’84. 75c L {pple ton. Universal songster; or, museum of mirth. 3 \ 278.4) Ga (ere aicieie oie. ret crelcralole vole) alele ele icicis cs .-- Routledge. World of song: songs, ballads, and duets. "76. ROO (MESA cscvccovcle bie lcle cle olnlclcicieisteleGc wc ces ces Ditson. See also Anthems ;— Ballads; — Christmas; — Church music; — College songs; — Hymns; — Kindergarten ; — Kitchen-garden ; — Sunday school, Singing books ; — Vemperance; — \ e. Sonnets. Caine, T. H. Sonnets of three centuries. 82. $4.50. W: B. Clarke. Hunt, L. Bookofthesonnet. 2v. in 1. $2..Roberts. Main, D: M. ‘Treasury of Eng. sonnets; with notes. GSU eee Oe crcicveisers cies sere -e---- Lt. Worthington. Sophocles. Campbell, L: Sophocles. ’80. 60c......Appleton. Margoliouth, D: S. Studia scenica. pt. 1, sect. 1: Introd. study on the text of text of Sophocles’ Trachinie, he Greek dramas — t 1-300. 788. net, 90c. Macm rllan. Sorghum. Collier, P: Sorghum: its culture and manufacture economically considered as source of sugar, syrup ANd f0dders G42 Howceeienoo. 4c. ee Olorice: Soto, Hernando de. Shipp, B. History of Hernando de Soto and Florida, PHIQ—lo68e 28 S6e viens eect. Ms bIndsa y. Soudan. James, F. L. Wild tribes of the Soudan: account of travel and sport, chiefly in the Basé country. (Room Soiree cco. phere oo ee ae Dodd. Soul. Brann, H: A. Spirituality and immortality of the SOUL (02>) WC oe oe Sviscine sees Cath. Pub, Ives, C: L. Bible doctrine of the soul: or, man’s nature and destiny, as revealed. [’78.] T5c.: fe ¥ J sin) DU Cry ee afk alels is sotavettre oruraid ee ee oe Claxton. R. ao Al, | Soul, continued. Mead, C: M. The soul, here and hereafter: a bibli- eal study. [°79.] $1.50..--..--- 20s. Cong. Pub. Plotinus. Two books on the essence of soul, and one on the descent of soul; from the orig. Greek, by fT: M. Johnson. [’80.] 27c.... 7: HM. Johnson. Woodhouse, F. C. The life of the soul in the world. PB1E SSI Ode « ceiesicicicl se cieles) fewietelo Lin quedls 1 NOUMNG. See also Future life; — Man; — Psychology. Sound. See Acoustics. South America. Dahlgren, J/rs. M. V. South Sea sketches: a nar- mative. 28. SUDO sc en: sere ccmi emis se - OSQOOd. Helper, H. R. Oddments of Andean diplomacy and other oddments. ’79. $1.50....--.- W.S. Bryan. Taylor, W: Our South American cousins. [’78.] Ss] duardic Wicterelevelstcle Bere auai dravaber clei ave leleiere bie -. Nelson & P. See also Brazil ;— Chili;—Panama canal ;—Patagonia;—Veru. South Carolina. Leland, J: A. A voice from South Carolina: twelve chapters before Hampton, two chapters after Hamp- ton; with journal of a reputed Ku-Klux, and app. 7. Qt We2Doo soodado SOOO OOK OOUL Walker, E. § (OL Ramage, B. J. Local government and free schools in So. Carolina. 783. 40c...Johns Hopkins Univ. Shipp, A. M. History of Methodism in South Caro- lina: 283: S2ec. eer sc hieote Ere SO. WEL: Note. For laws and other publications by the state see South Carolina, author a phabe t, p. 368. South Kensington. Conway, M. D. ‘Travels in South Kensington; with notes on decorative art and architecture in England. 18D. SED ()erarcieles ware pieie eisiel a: cienats viecie se oe o « LIME Southey, Rob. Dowden, E: Southey. ’80. 7dc.......... Harper. = Same. l0Ccseecece ooo eece seieis sieleinich WelGOveul. Southold, L. J. Whitaker, E. History of Southold, L. I.; its first century. “81. ~ $2-.:--.++scccenceovve WhUaAker. Space. Walter, J. E. The perception of space and matter. 27 BO) ie cle eloleicie.< (clsielel ol eleloie/a)cicielciela s¥elsie aiecraelU SLES. Spain. Art. Stothert, J. French and Spanish painters: critical and biog. account of the most noted artists of the French and Spanish schools. [’76.] $10; $15. Coats. Washburn, E. W. The Spanish masters: outline of the hist. of painting in Spain. 784. $2..Putnam. Description. Amicis; EH. de; Spain. “8h. $2. ..5.. Putnam. Carleton, G: W. Our artist in Cuba, Spain, Peru and Algiers. (2%) Sls COC ci. Carleton. Downes, W: H. Spanish ways and by-ways; with a glimpse of the Pyrenees. ’83. $1; 50c...Cupples. Hale, E: E. Seven Spanish cities and the way to them: 7835 S1i20n. 62. ec seisie are Roberts. —and §. A family flight through Spain. [’83.] DDO eirereiwlei cic e)sisisloveoiei- cer cece vere see LOLA Op. Harrison, J. A. Spain in profile: summer among the olives and aloes. ’79. $1.50.. Houghton, O. & Co. Lathrop, G: P. Spanish vistas. ’83. $3..Harper. Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places: Spain, Portu- gal, Holland, and Belgium. 2v. [7’77.] $2. Houghton, M. § Co. Types of Spanish story; or, the manners and cus- toms of old Castile. ’88. $10..-.R. Worthington. Vincent, M. R. In the shadow of the Pyrenees from Jasque-land to Carcasonne. 783. $2. Sceribner’s Sons. See also Cuba; — Gibraltar ; — Granada. Mistory. Coppée, H: History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors. 781. $b......0.... Jttle, Bag Co.SPAIN 18 Spain, continued. Day, H: From the Pyrenees to the Pillars of Her- cules: Spain, its hist. and its people. 7°83. $1.50. Putnam. Harrison, J. A. Spain. [’81.] $1.50.... Lothrop. Irving, W. Conquest of Spain. ’84. 10¢c...J: W. Lovell. Yonge, C. M. Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. “8 LEI Din ceil ais craic cielo elec ss MM ACTILULLAN: — Same. "78. 10C.....22.scccessccee rcs Harper. See also Peninsular war; — Spanish Armada. Language and literature. See Spanish language; —Spanish literature. Spanish Armada. Guernsey, A. H. The Spanish Armada for the inva- sion of England, 1587-88. [’78.] 25c.... Harper. Spanish language. De Leon, N. P. Diecionario teenologieco, Inglés- Espanol y Espanol-Inglés. pts. 1,2. 783. ea., FOU cieleie aie) civic) sie:e) bic/aie\iejnie Bi cipifaiievavel lel eias cllct aie De Leon. Knapp, W: I. Grammar of the modern Spanish lanouagces 789% PU Coe ccc cece cc co ce weer Ginn. Rosenthal, R: S. The Meisterschaft system: Span- ish language. 15pts. [’83.] $5.. sa vere, Wishes: Villegas, A. R. D. de. Practical method for learn- ing Spanish. 782. 75c..-.- wseee reese Gotisherger Worman, J. H., and Monsanto, H. M. First Spanish book: Pestalozzian method. [’84.] 40c... Barnes. Spanish literature. Conant, H. S. Primer of Spanish literature. 779. WO. a Kono cdAnOOUO UOC AOD OOOO OD @ ersle eo les 'e Harper. Knapp, W: I. Lecturasdeclase: Escojidas de auctores Espanolesquehoy viven. ’80. 50c... Christern; Peck. — Eng. Modern Spanish readings, embr. text, notes, and an etymological vocabulary. *83. $1.50... Gunn. See also Ballads. Sparring. See Boxing. Sparrows. Gentry, T: @. House sparrow at home and abroad. [’78. ] HD) nao onpecd cod vod 000 OMANI. lite as H. Speakers. Arnold, A. Dutch recitations and readings. loc. Happy. Baker, G: M. Handy speaker: in prose, humorous, pathetic, patriotic. nos. 1-4. [’76.] $1..Lee gS. — Prize speaker: sel. in poetry and prose, humorous, pathetic, patriotic. *80. $l------- Se icists TEC AUIS — Reading club and handy speaker: sel. serious, hu- morous, pathetic, “patriotic, and: dramatic. nos. 4-13. [?76-’84.] ea., 50c.; Joc...-..-- ~ Leex S. sallard, H. H. Pieces to speak and how to speak them: [27951] (20C. a. --ce eens vclnciee Appleton. Branch, 0. E. Hamilton speaker: coll. of new and original extracts. [’78 ] @l---.-+++es2--- Dick. Burdett, J. S. New coll. of comic recitations and humorous readings. [7’83.] 25c. .-----Moorbach. — New coll. of Irish dialect recitations and readings. 83. DICH Heres ciclc asleieie) elclsls,are s.eKee .--- Roorbach. | Chase, W. I. ‘he Gladstone speaker. 784. 30c. W. J. Chase. | Cooke, C. A. Young folks’ speaker. ’82. $1-- Lothrop. | Cumnock, R. MeL. Choice readings for public and. | private entertainment. [778 | $1.75..---Jansen. | School speaker: rhetorical recitations for boys and | girls. 84 [783]. Gl.---+-eereesrece ...- Jansen. Dick, W: B. Dutch, French, and Yankee dialect recitations. 779. 50c.3 30C. «--++seseeescee Dick. — Ethiopian scenes, variety sketches and stump speeches. [779.] 50c.; 30c. ..----- Bee LCi — Trish dialect recitations. [’79.] 50c.; 30c..- Dick. — Recitations and readings, nos. 1-14. ’76-S2. ea., BOCs" B0Cs «becies esie lke erin ircleiesinio ae Dick. Dickens, C: Dickens’ dramatic readings; arr. for | his readings in Am. [’76.] $1.50...---+ Lee & S. | — Dickens’ reader: character readings. “82. 25c. | Harper. \ SPEECH Speakers, continued. Eliot, G: Character readings. ’83. 2dc... Harper. Elino’s model speaker. 783. $1.25.. Belford, C. & Fenno, F. H. Fenno’s favorites; choice pieces for reading and speaking. [’84. 25¢..-J: H. Potter. Fletcher, A. B. Advanced readings and recitations. Sie Bile Oicicrerece oie wig) eee) ciciel oleleiereieieieielciisroie« Lee & 8S. Frobisher, J. Kk. Good selections, no. 2; with app. on elocution, ete. [’77.] 40c.; 25c. Davis, B. & Co. — Index of the best readings and recitations. 782. 10ce. College of Or. Garrett, P. One hundred choice selections. " nos. 13-18. [’77—-80.] 75dc.; 30c...-...----- Garrett. Gilmore, J. H. Academic speaker. 783. $1.25. Scrantom, W. & Co. — Intermediate speaker. 782. Tdc..-.- H: A. Young. — Primary school speaker. ’81. 50c...H: A. Young. Kavanaugh, Mrs. R. Exhibition reciter, for very little children, “Sih = 50Cs- 30C. sone eee roles — Juvenile speaker, for very little boys and girls. aires | BON Gr BOCs siete ei nc ciclnteicie se olelokoiciatc ie MDUCIC® Little gems of literature for memorizing. 732. net, OGCr rercratelelet si cisjeje Sh aiciolsie oule'e cielere els LRObLEIzs Ae GOs McBride, H. E. Comic speeches and recitations. [?79.] SOG. 22-2 ve cce cree cvcce eciece ce ODD Y- are. SIL b0C BO Cee ae cence oo eC McCaskey, J: P. Butler’s literary selections. nos. 1—4.. (’?77—80. ] €a., ToC. 3 dDC. « ee EE BR ULLLEDD McDougall, W. H. Classical elocutionist: collection of gems in poetry and prose. 779. $1.20. A: Brentano. Monroe. L: B. Young folks’ readings, for social and public entertainments. 76.] $1.50....Leeg S. Ogilvie, J. S. Ninety-nine choice readings and reci- tations. 7nos. ’81-’83. ea., L0c.—50c..- Ogilvie. Peaslee, J: B. Graded selections for memorizing. SON HO Ge cisicccicwevelcleleto.= ceccccce Van Antwerp. Penney, L. Readings and recitations. nos. 1-5. [?77—84.] ea., GOc.; 25C. -.--0e ss eeee Nat. Temp. Perfection school speaker. 782. 10c...--«- De Witt. Rusk, J: W. Rusk’s model selections. 783. 20c. Burrows. Shoemaker, Js. J. W. 3est things from best au- thors. v.3. 281. $1.50—$2.50 ..Nat. Sch. Hlocu. — Blocutionist’s annual, nos. 9-11. ’81-’83. 35¢.-S1. Nat. Sch. Elocu. Soper, H. M. Scrap-book recitation ser. no. l. ’79. 50c. Same. no. 2. “81. 2dC..+-+++-0> Denison. Very little children’s speaker and dialogue-book, now PRAGE DO Ch asic cle De aie oe eel OT CLL: Webster’s progressive speaker. (evita) Moe. 5Vo0c: De Witt. See also Dialogues; — Elocution; —Orators and oratory ;—Sun - day school; — Wit and humor. Spectacles. Vilas, C. H. Spectacles, and how to choose them: elementary monograph. ‘82. Sliese eee Duncan. Spectroscope. MacMunn, C: A. The spectroscope in medicine. 780. GRE ies ne ereiey mieloves si ererer creole exe sien wiesel siereie Blakaston. Rosenberg, E. Use of the spectroscope in its appl. to medicine. [°76.] $1.20 .----2+-++-- Putnam. Spectrum analysis. : . Lockyer, J. N. Studies in spectrum analysis. Sea] BOUR() ocicie cielo sl cele om eloree cieie™ sieieclei ...- Appleton. Speculation. See Stocks. Speech. Bell, A. M. Faults of speech: a self-corrector and GOc. Same. New ed. 84. teachers’ manual. 780. Le clone LOUIE. GOCE c cicie oie) crsieie e101 ele c/o) si elu 's10) 0) eleiererere — Sounds and their relations: manual of universal alphabetics; ill. by means of visible speech. ’81. GO GTI ()) cielele elcleiel a wi eielere) sjelereherennrorct™ micisis Burbank. — Visible speech reader for the nursery and primary Burbank. esevevece school. 788. DOG. «-csscee-eeSPEECH continued. Speech, ; The organs of speech and their appli- Meyer, G: H. v. cation in the formation of articulate sounds. 784 OSs eS Disic sis: oslele oleic Beate isle cisisiesioieiZ Appleton. Potter, S:O. L. Speech and its defects. °*82. $l. Blakiston. See also Conversation ; — Elocution ; — Language ; — Voice. Spellers. : ee Beecher, A. G. Primary normal speller. [’78.] 20c. Clark § M. 3uckwalter, G. Comprehensive spelling. ’79. 30c. Porter § C. —Primary spelling-book. 779. 22c....- Porter & C. Complete word speller. PO a OCs cemencc |OLOIACIL: De Graff, E.V. School-room exercise-book for written spelling: primary department. ’81. Farrell, E. D. Grammar school speller and definer. 15e. ee Apple Zon. [ ele HOC seiclecicre ve clsiailulcleve areferelsieienkerevere Cath. Pub. Gilbert, J. H. Graded test spelling-book; added sentences for analysis and parsing. [’77.] 25c. R. S. Davis. (B.) — Introductory spelling-book. [’78.] 20e. R: S: Datzs: (B.) Gilmour, R: Speller and word book. Wits 25c. 188 Benziger. Harrington, H. F. tv. 28 (280s 20c. ce we Hazen, M. W. Complete s] of publie and private schools. Hunt, J. N., and Gourley, H. I. Graded spelling-book. 80 | Harper. k for all gr 30e. 84. oe Ginn. Modern spelling- DOOKe Yoke ZN Ge ciacicicciciciels cleie cs) © ciejlel olcleie Taintor. Phillips, J. E. Independent writing speller. 3 books. a Oe OAS DOL as aie cle csio cisivi= clelele ele cris siete -- Barnes. Reed, A. Word lessons: complete speller. ’84. 25c. Clark & M. Spalding, J. L. Illustrated school-books: Spellers. [76 ]- Bal elavel oc] cleteoveeiclevelevelelatelelc? (=\clle,s)(sleials Cath. Pub. Cont. : Young Catholic’s illustrated speller. 25¢.— Grammar- schoo] speller and deiner. 7dc. Universal spelling-book for primary schools, with ex- ercises in elementary arithmetic. | lnc... Pret. Watson, J. M. Watson’s complete speller, oral and written; “8; 2 8]. Weeleveiels sreielsie cielo cin oie (oi eierr Barnes. See also Phonetic system; — Primers ;— Spelling reform. Spelling reform. Vaile, O. E. Pro and con of spelling reform. ‘ Burnz. LDC vere aie — Same: ed. by I. B. Burnz. ’82. 10c....3Burnz Watson, Id. H. Spelling reform question discussed [780 ] Dy iis toicrcis elev eisiieveig ose ce velaicre ers ure ere Authors’. Spencer, Herb. seard, G: M. ness: scientifie coincidence. Putnam. Spencer, H. Herbert Spencer on the Americans and the Americans on Herbert Spencer. ’83 [’82]. 10c. Appleton. Herbert Spencer on American nervous- $835 DOC. ws Spenser, Edm. Chureh, R. W. Spermatorrhea. Bartholow, k. Spermatorrhcea: its causes, symptoms, results and treatment. 4th ed.,rev. ’79. $1... Wood. Spiders. Spenser. 7195 15C:..6...Ha rper. Emerton, J. H. Structure and habits of spiders. [’78. ] SHileO OMererateiaieiaiatee siocio ceherte nee eres Cassino. Spine. Bramwell, B. Diseases of the spinal cord. ’82. $5. Wood. Charcot, J. M. the nervous system: Sil Sil ib Gowers, W. cord. 8d ed. diseases of the spinal cord. aleve toler sit creielaieicyctcrs P: "84. $1.50... Leuf, A. H. P. The spinal nerves. ’82. $1..0’ Connor. Page, H. W. Injuries of the spine and spinal cord without apparent mechanical lesion, and nervous shock, in their surgical and medico-legal aspects. "83. 4 Lectures on the pathol. anatomy of | G.Thomson. | Diagnosis of diseases of the spinal | --- Blakiston. | --»--- Blakiston. | 2 pts. in | ades SPONGES | Spine, continued. Sayre, L: A. Spinal disease and spinal curvature: treatment by suspension and the use of the plaster- of-Paris bandage. [’78.] $4...-..... Lippincott. Seguin, E:C. Myelitis of the anterior horns; or, spinal paralysis in adult and child. [’77.] $1.75. Putnam. See also Nervous system. Spinning. See Cotton; — Wool. Spinoza, Benedict de. Martineau, J. Study of Spinoza. Spiritualism. Beecher, C 82. $2.. Macmillan. “19, Si-503 Lee g S. 3attle-ground of the spiritual refor- $2 . Colby. Spiritual manifestations. Brittan, S. B. 120 — Rational spiritualism: views and opinions of the American spiritualists. te 5C.++++++-+ Colby. Britten, E. Ghost land: researches into the mysteries of occultism; autobiographical sketches. TG. BB cis ia ca eile sie cic oe oie wt eielcloteisie nicicier Williams. Carpenter, W: B. Mesmerism, spiritualism, ete. (AGT. lS 2 bieterere wicicis sector wisn eile cite eiele sae Appleton. Confessions of a medium. 782. $1.25 ......Dutton. Drummond, H: Natural law in the spiritual world. 83. $2. Same. Cheaped. 784. $1.50... Pott. Fletcher, S. W. Twelve months in an English prison. 784. Seb One caieisieies cece reese cence eee Lee § Sz Hall, T: B. Modern spiritualism; or, the opening Way. (8d. GOCi cece sees cmc Walliams. Helleberg, C.G. Book written by the spirits of the so-called dead; through Mrs. L: S. Green and others, as mediums. 783. $1.50 ...-....; Clarke. Home, D. D. Lights and shadows of spiritualism. Tilial|) SBD) oreo 6 oe exer wlclercusiorare ciesele (etaiole Ciniere Carleton. Hugurim, H: M. Spirit-possession. [’78.] 15c. Baker § A. Inquiry into the teaching of Holy Seripture concern- ing communication between man and spirits. [’77.] 75¢c. Same. | 81. ] TCs Xelnidisns cis ciel ee ares Cox. Irving, K. Clear light from the spirit world. 784. ili. Die carota 6 oleic orsres ie oho cia e le eveloienctedelavere Carleton. Kiddle, H: Spiritual communications: presenting a revelation of the future life. °79. $1.50..Authors’. Lawrence, Mi7s. C. W. Do they love us yet? °’78. S150) 6 6Same. 79> Sibo0meo.cs. oe J. Maller. Mahan, A. Phenomena of spiritualism scientifically explained and exposed. [°76.] $2.50.... Barnes. Mitchell, T: Key to ghostism: science and art un- lock its niysteries. $1.50 Wells. New revelation for the instruction and elevation of spirits and mortals: indited by the spirits. [’76.] gO O. J. Rand. SO. Peebles. Ju Me Conflict between Darwinism and spiritualism. (276. 2008 sie ce cre siren eieice Colby. Pinkerton, A. Spiritualists and the detectives. [’77. SUDO Goes ee eee eeceee a clevelovs Sleislessinile laters Cazleton. Richmond, Mrs. C. L. V. Voices from life’s thither side. Is materialization true? with other lectures. feMBel ibCss D0 Cece ccc miei seers eae Colby. Ripon, W. Spiritomania: lively serio-comic satire on the deflections of spiritualism. 781. 5c. Jordan. Snow, H. Visions of the beyond, by a seer of to- day; or, symbolic teaching from the higher life. (ite Mres]| epee 2 Dis cGhl eb Olerereraraya tote Spurgeon, C: H. Needham, G: C. Life and labors of Charles H. Spur- weon. "82. $4. .--06 cee secece recs -oe Guernsey. Yarrow, W:H. L ife and work of C: H. Spurgeon. ’80. DO CH cicisici ciciainyaicie Reve aie oie oieliels)cievelalcisisisieis) siere - Funk. | Spurzheim, J: G. Capen, N. Reminiscences of J: G. Spurzheim and G: Combe: review of the science of phrenology. 81. $1.50 -..-...-. .. Fowler § W.; Wallrams. Staél-Holstein, L. G. N. (Baronne) de. Stevens, A. Madame de Staél: study of her life anal times. 2v. “81. G3... sielorel clei shee ele Harper. | Stampa, Gaspara. Benson, E. Gaspara; with sel. from her sonnets. | Qe alley siete oe eis clelicicie lee efereicinss| «isle «eee -- Loberts. Stanley, Arth. Penrhyn. Bradley, G: G. Recollections of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, late Dean of Westminster. 783. $1. Scribner’s Sons. Stanley, H: M. Chambliss, J. E. Lives and travels of Livingstone and Stanley, covering their entire career in south- ern and central Africa. [’81.] $2.50-. Com 2) Ghat Stanley. [278-]] eee AGE Rin Starch. Wagener, L. v. 25c.. of starch, glucose, starch-sugar and dextrine. ’81. | SS Se Ojete eve ele\ciova «1 aie eiaWavevelene SE oeieya Cislsie before OL: Stark, Gen. J: Stark, C. Memoir and official correspondence of | Gen. John Stark; with notices of several other officers of the Revolution. [?77.] $3...Hastman. Staten Island. Clute, J.J. Annals of Staten Island. [’77. ] Statics. Clarke, G:S. Principles of graphic statics. $3.. Vogt. ’80. $5.50. Spon. Elements of graphical statics, and etc.: text Du Bois, A. J. their application to framed structures, 189 Crawford. | Practical treatise on the manufacture | STEAMBOATS | Stationery, Cae. Farley, A.C. Directory of the stationers, booksellers, book publishers, etc., 1880-’81. ’80. $2.. Farley & B. — Reference-list of the Sta uonels ss book-sellers, printers and paper dealersin the U.S., 1882. [782 “J Ssubs., net, $25.....-... wens a ra Farley & ( Geyer, A. Stationers’ vilustrated cat: ilogue. 779. $1.50. Geyer. Lockwood, H. Directory of the paper, printing trades. [ Annu: il. ] ea., Statistics. McCarty, stationery and $2..H. Lockwood. L. P. Annual statistician, 1882. ’82. $4. [| Brentano’s Lat. Emp. } Statesman’s year-book: statistical and hist. annual of the states of the civilized world, 1877-1884. 8 v. TIO a | (CAIs DOis Bouse cicvelcisionietacre aM ACIIAULLON. Note. 1877-83 ed. by F: Martin; 1884 by J. S. Keltie. See also Almanacs. | Steam. Briggs, H: Steam-heating: can practice of varie exposition of the Ameri- buildings by steam. ’83. POS oo eee sce ccs leveicle ssc olv ere ciel cic se Van Nostrand. Graham, J. C. Elementary ite atise on steam, and the use of the indicator. [’78.] $3.50........- Spon. Pouchet, L. Steam Tmectotel their theory and use. [R77] BOC. ..-- 5. oes ceneee wcceees Van Nostrand. Steam-boilers. See 3oilers. Steam-engines. | Bacon, F. W. Treatise on Porter-Richard’s steam indicator; with notes. 3d ed., enl. $1; $1.50. Van Nostrand. [Rate 25e: Macmillan. locomotive engines. 783. Sleielare . Baird. — Practical steam engineer’s guide i in the design, con- struction and management of Am. stationary, port- able and steam fire-engines. 82. $2.50... Bawrd. Fell, J: Some notes on the ndvantaees len using steam expansively in steam engines. [’76.] 60c. Spon. 3ramwell, F. J. The steam-engine. Edwards, Modern Am. DI ose vein see coccervs eeeee eee Fletcher, W. The abuse of the sean jacket practi- cally considered. [778.]. $1.20---.-- oeee ee SPON. | Gallow ay, R. L. Steam engine on its inventors. “81. GR SE ()ievererei ise Bicteiciate eerie Macmillan. | Goodeve, T. Niel ment: Hoole on . the steam engine. 779. OUD Oicine ceicie ceieie i cielensielere cial see Van Nostrand. Head, J: A few notes on the portable steam engine. | [RUTEN eS OCH ercreretelolateeteln= ston ion loses olorcserecrors Spon. | Marks, W:D. The relative proportions of the steam | engine. [’78.] $1.50-...++--.++%s-- Lippincott. Northcott, W. H. ‘Theory and action of the steam engine. [’77.] $3.50..--.--; Cassell, P., G. § Co. — Same. New ed. ’84. $3.50.-.--+----- Cassell. Nystrom, J: W. New treatise on steam engineering. uenG: ) $2.50..-.6% eeuererer aiorerereere . Lippincott. — Steam engineering: physical properties of perma- nent gases and of different kinds of vapor. New ed. (’7%7.] $2.50 ...2-.--- het nielaiele wine Putnam. | Rico Aw ractical eas on the steam engine; cont. ans and details. pts. 1-8. [’77.] ea., $1.20. Spon. | Thurston, R. H. History of the steam- engine. 778. $2.50 a Seay MTnIe) oe eiel@ el oveiel sirelole efele) eyererenncei Appleton. Uhland, W.H. Corliss engines and allied steam motors. 2v. 80. $38; $32. . Spon. Weisbach, J. Theory of the ste am e ngine ; iit add. , showing the latest Am. practice. [’78.] $6.- Wiley. and plates. 2ded.,rev. 2v. [’77.] $5.. Wiley. Eddy, H: I. New constructions in graphical statics. [(?77.] $1.50.-..-.--- Bien cle sice Van Nostrand. Ott, K: v. Elements of graphic statics. [’76.] $2. Spon. Stationery. : Burkhardt, C: A. Engraving and stationery etiquette. ARSE DOCS ciate cieleve sieleeiee Baie oie aleva\e cooe es PULNAM. See also Boilers; — Engineering ; — Marine engineering ;— Slide valve; — also Hornblower, J. Steamboats. Bury, W: Power and speed of steam vessels: calcu- lated by rules adpt. for vessels of all types. (0. B1.40 se ccercecces Re cis cis cercle cielo Ole — Resistance and the proportions of screw propellers. OBE ROMs reiee ieee ini ee eer reins OntSTEAMBOATS Steamboats, continued. Preble, G: H: Chronological hist. of steam naviga- tion 1543 to 1882. 83. S5..... Hamersly. Wilson, R. The screw propeller: invented it. 2dieds 40. Spon. See also Marine engineering ; — $3.50: who Tow-boats :— also Fitch, J: Steedman, Gen. Ja. B. Wood, J. T. Steedman and his men at Chickamauga. nee RVs Calne eine See sealg eee Brown § F. Steel. a Blake, W: P. Iron and steel at the Vienna Exhibi- tion. [776.] $1. ; be tueaie 6 «eC OSe: Greenwood, W.H. Steel andiron. ’84. $2.. Cassell. Jeans. J. S. Steel: its hist., manufacture and uses. "80, BI4.50. cnc ccversacrccscpececcencces Spon Jeans, W. JT. Creators of the age of steel. ’84 TR) aerie cic ere ecole isis cieieio os eeioie mini Scribner's Sons Stein, Ctte. v. Calvert, G: H: Charlotte von Stein: memoir. [’77. ] GS LU () ee ovciel eile aliniece) sicllelaiele\clri eles cl cis Lek Yo Stein, H: F: K: v Seeley, J: R. Life and times of Stein; or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age. 779. $7.50. Roberts. Stenography. Allen, G. G. Universal phonography ; or, shorthand by the Allen method. ’83. 50c.......... Lee &S§ History of shorthand, with review 789. Anderson, T: its condition in Europe and Ameriea, a4.50. Scribner & W. Baker, A. M. How to learn short-hand: the steno- graphic instructor. ’80 [779]. 25c.........- Wells. Burnz, E. B. Help for young reporters. ’8] 50e. I q J Burnz. — Phonic. shorthand; on the basis of I: Pitman’s | Bhonography. (82) (Silke ese ccc ecm Burnz. — Selections for the practice of students in the re- porting style of Burnz’ Phonic short hand. [’78.] () Ceceehste reverse Se Sea pieveaneiiois Go Gin eee avinlien: Burnz. Craddock, I. C. Primary phonography: introd. to Pitman’s system of phonetic shorthand. °82. $1.50. Lanpincott. P1 Cross, J.G: Jiclectie shorthand: new system. ’79. $2. same. 3d ede rev: 782: COE Ne Griggs. Eclectic shorthand primer. ’83. 25c...... Griggs. Hames, R, L. Light-line shorthand: practical pho- Neha Sb 8 Coo danpno ob cacpannnec Barnes. Graham, A. J. Synopsis of standard phonography. New ed. [’80. DO Ciitsierersiorverccus) cynics «ie Graham. Haven,C. Practical phonography ; adpt. toself-instruc- tion and schools and colleges. ’83. $2..Jnt. Short. Kimmel, M. G. Long-hand short-hand: of brief long-hand for general use. Sl... Kimmel. Longley, E. American phonographic dictionary. ’82. ped ()isvcrere pieHes110i8)ieisile w olptelcleipielpic: e\svelaicre Clarke. — Compend of phonography, table of all alphabetic combinations, ete. 25 System 783% 783. Zi) Ccvevevsiercivvere --. Clarke. — Eclectic manual of phonography ; complete guide to the acquisition of Pitman’s Phonetic shorthand. 82 75 Clarke. — [very reporter’s own short-hand dictionary: in which blank lines Opposite all the words in the ine. BO Caveiyieieiee) eve eyaie! ciciicla sielg nielovelcieve le cielcre language are provided. ’82. $2.50....... Clarke. — Reporter’s guide, designed for students in anv Style of phonograpliysa 288s. $2s.0005 + ae Clarke. Marsh, A. J. New manual of reformed phonetic short-hand New revied. °84. $9.... Bancroft. Munson, J. E. The phrase book of practical phonog- raplive 379: ahr ---- Munson. | Odell, —. System of short-hand. Pitman, B., and Howard, J. B. dictionary. 783) G00. B84 8 Richardson, J. Neophonography : swift, scientific and easy DOO alae s co chs ee sKahehalcvallsv el ctere Scott-Browne, D. L. and Mrs. D. L. phonography. 2 pts pt, I: pts., $2 25c... Dick. phonographic Phonograph. method alphabetie writing. short, 9), .e.-- d/arroun. 4 Text-book of 282; Cae Sl or 2 -.--.. Scolt- Browne. of 190 of STOICS | Stenography, continued. Scovil, W. E. Short-hand legible as the plainest writing. 10th Am. ed. [’82.] $1.50..H. Campbell. Searcy, W: KE. H. Lessons in phonography. ’79. FD) cing ydGdu GOUDOU Gn ooGn odaueD cou .-- Lippincott. Smith, J: B. First fonakigraphik teacher. ([’76.] DO, sc cicse) <0. divi bic c\ cjelce 0 s:0 165/601 vs ee)t J: B. Smith. Upham, W: P. Brief hist. of the art of stenography, with a proposed new system of phonetic shorthand. (°77 NPD Hie el cscs «crew ipieleieic eo steve c Essex Inst. ((. | See also Abbreviations ; — Spelling reform. Stephens, Alex. H. Joblnston, R: H., and Browne, W: > H. Life of Alex- ander H. Stephens. [’78.] $3. Same. New ed. OB. SlIDS.. Baie sees Hace clelea es teciuacee Mp DUN COL. Sterility. 784. §2. Blakiston. Practical treatise on impotence, sterility male sexual organs. ’81. Vie E83" Lea. Duncan, J. M. On sterility in women. Gross, S: W. and allied disorders of the 2ded., re OSS S150: Same. Sterne, Laurence. Trail. H.Ds Sterne. 782. Woes... Stevens, Thaddeus. Callender, E. B. Thaddeus -- eee. Harper. Stevens: commoner. - Williams. 82. 1.25 Stevenson, Rob. Stevenson, D: Life of Robert Stevenson, civil engi- i Spon. neer. |’78. Stewart, Mis. Reb. Stewart, T. G. Memoirs of OU Ce s.4 a 01ccc cleles sieic Mrs. Rebecca Stewart. 7] ...-- African M. H. Ch. Stillwell family. Stillwell, W: H. Notes on the descendants of Nico- las Stillwell, the ancestor of the Stillwell family in America; 3835 Si 222... ccc ce cee SoocodM~A Is Stimulants and narcotics. Howie, J. M. Stimulants and nareoties. 782. 5c. Nat. Temp. Reade, A. A. Study and stimulants; or, the use of intoxicants and narcotics in rel. to intellectual life ; personal communications from men of letters and of science. 7°83. $1.50.............../aippincott. See also Alcohol; — Coca; — Coffee; — Tea; — Temperance; — Tobacco. Stock brokers. Biddle, A. and G: Treatise on the law of stock Drokerss "S25 Shi ccc cm cieersiccies 6 aiclere Lippincott. Treatise on the law of stock bro- $7.50... Harper. Dos Passos. J: R. kers and stock exchanges. ’82. Stock companies. See Corpo. Stocks. Chappell, P. E. Bond, stock and note values; at any rate of interest, 6 mos. to 20 years. ’79. $3. I. S. Homans. W. ‘Twenty years of inside life in Wall 1.50... tions. Fowler, W: St. cle ctein ts How to win in Wall street. Lantz, F. W. Stock tables. ’?83. $2.50..Homans Pub. Lewis, I. A., 77. Law relating to stocks, bonds and other securities in U.S. ’81. $2; $2.50... Welsh. S80). eee Carleton. Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall St. ESN SB 2e aie spare ors iors ote ana -R. Worthington. Pinto, i. Ye outside fools! glimpses inside the Lon- don stock exchange. [ Deb: ec. Secret of success in Wall street. "76. ] Same. Cheap Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. [eGo Och Tumbridge. ii re] (i. (DOC. we rw an ence nee See also Negotiable instruments; — Stock brokers. Stoddard, C: Johnson, M. S. Memorials of Charles Stoddard. Weweeds (iititell (hliccsiccias crane ----- Cong. Pub. Stoics. Holland, F: M. Reign of the Stoies: hist., religion, maxims of self-control [ete. ]. ’79. $1.25.. Somerby.STOMACH Stomach. Habershon, S: ©; Diseases of the stomach and va- rieties of dyspepsia: diagnosis and treatment. 3d ed. (Oe Siliioe «6 ccwct ces LANASAY & Blakaston. See also Diet; — Indigestion ; — Sea-sickness. Stone (in medicine See Calculus. Stone’s River, Jenn. Stevenson, A. F. Battle of Stone’s River, near Mur- freesboro’, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863. ’S84. DO leepelerera © aiwioloya) sel e(eseisl aie) aj) cis) oie) = - +++ Osgood Storms. See Meteorology. Strains and girders. Du Bois, A. J. Strains in framed structures, with applications. “83. $10.......-... Wiley. Hatfield, R. G. Theory of transverse strains and its applieation to the construction of buildings. “Thecooee socn anne eee Se ieee sare. sul Boe Wiley. Olander, E. New method of graphic statics applied in the construction of wrought-iron girders. ’80. Sei Omicree ciswieiec wictea%s! 6 sialonare creraislemeate ot eees eee OPON. See also Arches; — Bridges Roofs Trusses Strategy. See Military art and science. Stratford-on-Avon. Shakespeare's home; from Irving, Fairholt and others, ill. by etchings by J. F. and W. W. Sabin. [’77. | Ol cpOleie ee wawis vies = we a iailaaivetoioicnelelets feceiataieiare Sabin. Streets. See Roads. Strength of materials. 30x, IT: Practical treatise on the strength of mate- rials; incl. elasticity and resistance to impact. 783. REDO MER ei ee care cieck wee ce UeA sof nies SHm tS DON, Burr, W: H. Elasticity and resistance of the mate- rials of engineering. "83. $5....-....s.6- Wiley. Kent, W: Strength of materials. ’79. 50c. Van Nostrand. Weyrauch, P. J. J. Strength and determination of the dimensions of structures of iron and steel, with ref. to latest investigations. [?77.] $2..-. Wiley. eri -». Van Nostrand. 4] 51 Treatise on the resistance of materials, — Same. | UL Wood, De Ve and app. on the preservation of timber. 3d ed., rev. ['77.] Gd-..-2----- aves icicle) arelese woes Wrley. See also Iron; — Steel; — Strains and girders Strikes. Beecher, H: W. The strike and its. lessons Gisei| EXO e rele oeleleie soo oreteiel elec ol lei 5000 Ai in Dacus, J. A. Annals of the great strikes V1.) SRDS ap wie ee wet =) 56 on ac ccet ceo, Ls Raine. Pinkerton, A. Strikers, communists, tramps, etc. '78.| Bl.50..------- Be ciereve le saodado GUKAIGINOs See also Capital and labor; — Labor and laboring classes. Stuart, C: E:, Count of Albany. Ewald, A. C. Life and times of Prince Stuart, Count of Albany, called the Young Pre- tender; from the state papers and other sources. | New ed. ’83. $2.20..-- Sunday-school. : : Nelson § P. ; TS Vrme fOMURSA. 28d. WdChecccrece. Phillips & H. General works. apron, M. J., and Peloubet, M. A. L ittle learner’s Albrook, J. B. Assembly of the North-west: outline | question-book on Internat. ae for 1878: | [ieiieal sketches of 2d Sunday-school Assembly of the WH Oe occ cis ole eincvcie ia cclois wroletouwi tr epeleierel oho eters - Hoyt. North-west. [’78.] 75c.; 50c...Hatrbanks § Co. Crafts, W. F. Illustrations and helpful hints on the Alden, Ms. I. M. ‘Teacher’s helper. 780. $1. Internat. lessoas of 1878. bis. 2) [eioesle wen Same. [782.] $1.25..--..- see cece cees Lothrop. (Cums ciclo, = vicars wicleiereiel vere soe cc ce MOUZOANKS A Co: Beard, F. Blackboard in the Sunday-school; prac ti-| Cratts, Jas. W. F. The lesson hand-book for pri- eal guide for supts. and teachers. [’77.] b15 : mary and ie teachers, incl. Internat. les- Haney. sons for 1884. "B4.] Dl --ecee sconce Cong. Pub. Bullard, A. Fifty years with the Sabbath-schools. Everett, C. C. Religions before Christianity : man- (P°76.] GUTS... 27-0. eee 000 Lockwood, B. & Co. ual for Sunday-schools. 788. 25c...-- Unita. S.S. Butterworth, H. Sunday-school concert book. ’82. Half hours with the lessons of 1883, B 4. in conn. BOOS ayerccrerslisierclotieve accie\ elect estore onic aye H]: A. Young. with the Internat. lesson ser. [’82—'83.] ea., 31.50. Calthrop, G. Flowers from the garden of God, and Brest Bd. other addresses to children. [’78.] $1.28. Hughes, D. C. Sunday-schoo] lesson commentary Cassell, P., G. § Co. for 1882: Studies in the book of Mark. [’81.] $1; — Laborers together with God. 781. 40c. BO Ciccb crocis cs icis oc lclererreievaleic cle cio cle cio oie renal Funk. Whittaker.| Hurlbut, J. L. Lesson compen and forlsiids, WSs 92. Ww. Cheney, O. A. Sunday-school speaker. New ed. ('76—77.] ea., 60c..-.-..0- eiciatio eVoleteie Nelson & P. "BL. DOC. seen eee cree ee eee eees --- Ward § D. Kennedy, Mrs. M. G. Primary que stion-book on the Collins, C: Precept and praise: coll. for the Sunday- Internat. Bible lessons, 1877-79. 3v. [?77-79.] school. (te 82. ] DO Oa iicreie nieisis) siecle) s/o) cre sie 6 - Barnes. Oe VO Ciro iercrs clo iets rele! ere wie iisinrelavcrets -.---Am. Bapt. Duncan, R. S. History of Sunday-se pe Levit) Meredith, R. R. Notes on the Internat. S. S. lessons Pls B2-.---- +22 se oe cette ete ee sees Bapt. | for 1881: pt. 1: Jan; to Aprile 815 30c: Gerok, K: Album fiir Sonntagschiiler : eneeaa che. Gannett. [’78.] OU) Caricicre cla staleveele: Ginie © cic ia eiavcie core OMLET: for 1883, April-June. >83. 30c. Gilbert, S. The lesson system. ’79. 60c. Cong. Pub. Phillips & H. Monday Club. Sermons on the Internat. S. 5. lessons Gilmore, J. H. Declamations and dialogues for the for 1877. [°76. lOO nc cre Lockwood, B. & Co. Sunday-school. 18 OR ID OCs ceiciieles ec ca Sumner. | — same. for [88s leita Billbrccisie ane 3 . Hoyt. Hardin, J. H. Sunday-school helper. ’80. 50c. — Same, for 1880, 1881. 5th, Gth ser. [79- 80. | J: Burns. Ca SH DSO cc crcceics cic ce ccicie : crcrere el crenele ae Hoffman, C: F. Sunday-school Book of common — Same, for 1882-1884. 7th-9thser. ’8 Le Dray Cr New ed. 78. ] Z20C....- Am. Ch. Press. BDO). sow care ctecsieve sie lars leie tal eles levoiere) erie Cong. Pub Hosmer, F: on Way of life: service book for Sunday- Peloubet, F N. Internation: il question book, 1877. schools. [ (7. ] TOC. ess eee eee ce eeee Putnam. pts. 1-3. “76. ir ens Voce cere mrsieyerereie -- Hoyt. Hoyt, Mrs. G. S. Sunday-school concert book. ’82. — Same, 1878, for children and youth. Same, for 50¢ Wii eweyiers tt ete cc tere eee ee (tees HI: A. Young. older a parsel es | Gee 15¢ LicVeie eine oie --- Hoyt. eae: J. L. The teacher before his_class 83. — and Capron, M. J. Question-books for older, in- ve atte i Phillips § H. | termediate and younger scholars. ’83. ea., L5e. Johnson, W:S. The guide: service-book for Sun-| c : W. Al Wale eee Soe: ee ee ce: eee ninersalist. | —and M. A. Select notes on the Internat. Sabbath- ox, Mh A. ; rimary teacher’s manual for | school lessons, 1877-84. 8 v. ’76—84. en., $1.25. Sunday-school workerss) [ixdives| LOC crac. Am. S.S. Hoyt; W. A Wilde. ee ea a Saree i00) ieee sus Pilgrim series: [1880] no. 1: Commentary for teach- lyouse An. he Sanitecchocl ananats eee cls and older scholars : notes on the Internat. les- 185. OM Bow accat ties ss WEG oe So. Meth, | Rddle. oe oni ‘ Nee ma a a eveleteys 1 ai Sai ( Ste > 7 ye Missionary exercises for Sunday-schools and mission- | EN OF. : ee 8 = : one 5 oe ee Cane ee bunts ehonelvs ane oS, dialogue Ss} ete., arn: | Samer novo: Hand boollontiboulntennnilecaans oman’s Hor Migeion: ary Soc. of the Presb. for 1880, with questions for older scholars, by D. N. ca ['83. ] 80c. .......--. ee eee. Presb. Bd. \ Jeach. ’79. dc Cong. Pub teade, LI. C. Complete Sunday-school concerts. | Sys GS co berets io Ik eee ee (°77.] 75e ay aS — Same: no. 3: for younger scholars, by Mrs. W: 78) 9 O10. G101@'0)'0, 0) 0)0) se apae ee ¢ es lVéelson & j Barrows. 79) oct. ss sale «oleic eles se CONGE LeU:SUNDAY-SCHOOL Sunday-school, continued. — Same: [1881.] no. 1: for older scholars: hand- book on fie Internat. lessons for 1881, with ques- tions, by A. F. Schauffler. [’80.] 15c..- Cong. su — Same: no. 2: for younger scholars, by Mrs. Y Barrows: |esOnl Toth. c..6ce.s -s. .» Cond. a Rice, E. W. Scholar’s han (heal: on the Internat. lessons. pts. 7-10. [’76—78.] ea., 10c...Am. SS. —<—S@Me, 2aiser, od—pth years, 1882-84. ’81-’83. Cae. DGS wisisccies pire) cial 6 «ieee SG c0ddC -Am. S.S. Rice, W. M. Westminster question book. Internat. ser. for 1877-1884: manual for teachers and old o1der scholars. [’76—83. C2. OCH snc. . Preso. Ba: Smith, G: G. Old ‘Testament lessons for infant Classesy) aol PewUOZ- O0Gs wciec cs © cciac 01 Burke. Todd, J: E., and Riddle, M. B. National q nestion book onthe S. 8. lessons for 1878-79. TAY TAS ONG Wo Carcicisiciess nics 1c sic cicleAi ec nies aicieveee ACONO: IEULO: — Notes on the Internat. S.S. lessons for 1877-1879. pt. 1: Old Test.; pt. 2: New Test. [’76—’78.] -ea., GilEZO) cicinis) «010 A o0b0bDE . ‘ Cong. Pu Note. For continuation see above Pilgrim series. United Presbyterian lesson notes: Internat. lessons for 1881; help for teachers and scholars. Sil. NOL etaieielale: ciciete Wiatalelalic wate .e/oleieralele eee Gn. Pr sh. Bd. Vincent, J: H. Chautauqua normal guide: lessons for S. S. normal and training classes. ’80. 50c. — Chautauqua §. 8. teacher’s union normal | lessons. [(°78.] 40c...-. sUaveve cia) sitipio| sloveial oa @ aie) e etl VELSO IDIQe Le: — Guide to Chautauqua S.S. aasenibl lessons for ISi8e eel GUC sic. poe Nelson te paced to Chautauqua S. S. normal lessons. "78. WYO capa GoOm oor : Pes 00 hs ee .. Nelson & P. sere minary © hautanqua course; or, S.S. lessons for students. | 71O. | oDC: A pioielc ele wince LVELSOM AE — Ihe Sunday-schoo l aerial class. ’83 10e. —and Hurlbut,J.L. Lesson commentary on the Inter- nat. ser. of lessons for1881. ’81. $1.50../. Bradley. — Same, for 1882-1883. ’81—82. ea., 31.25. Phillips & H. Willmarth, J. W. Baptist que stion-book on the In-| ternat. Bible lessons, 1883. [’82.] 15c...Am. Bapt. Wilson, EB. N. International Sabl th-se hool lessons for 1884; with golden text and Bil yle gems. [783. per 100, $2 ....---+->- AOE OCOD CODCOD ODOC Ward & D. Witherspoon, O. Complete system of Sunday-school instruction: no. 7. pt. 1: Teachings of our Lord on doctrine and morals. pt. 2: Studies prepara- tory to confirmation. 76.) 40c. ..-.M. Taylor. Worden, J. A. Westminster normal class outlines: Juniorcourse. [’79.] 60c...... ears Presb. Bd. — Same: Middle course. [’81.] $1; 50c... Presb. Bd. See also Christmas ; — Temperance. L bra) Le Ss. Dunning, A. E. The Sunday-school lil a Uy. ahh GO Ge ee aie plewlcleis ticle ce Pee Gong: Pub.; Leypoldt. Peononical Sunday-sc hool library. (ae 5Oy. (707. ] SEO) (nee reteievelciereteislal sicleiel cle ers Pe OA: me Same. “ibas OOlv. (iuis SOO ce sie .- Dodd. == Same. “C.2 40v. (778. Pls-50-..- . Dodd. — Same. “D.” 50v.- [782.] $24.50....- - Dodd Lothrop’s select Sunday-school library. 90 v. "S84. IS (\ieveWolclaleiovelalsialal(eicleis ois) oe)ee)e(e)e) 2 (06.0.0 wae « LOLLNOD. Singing books. Abbey, A. J., and Munger, M. J. White robes. 80c. per doz., $3 ..-.-2-+++ eee Selene 5 . Ditson. Bailey, N. E. Little folks’ song service for Sunday- schools. ’79. 50c-..-.-- Bafavere eetelon to sieis Revell. Bischoff, J. W ., and Pre Srey ys 0. FE. Crystal songs: for Sunday-schools, ete. [’77. 3 W. Whitney. —and others. Bells of gladness. ’82. 10c. West. S. S. Pub. Briggs, H. P. Sacred songs for little singers. 784. Ward & D. SO Gracies ce sieis ince) a nisin lors nl A aitversieleusietereicks Q2 3) SUNSHADE Sundae Benen continued. Bunn, J. H., and Merry, J:F. Minnetouka songs for Sunday-schools. ’79. 25c. ee ee Church Cline, C. C., and others. Popular hymns for Sun- day-school and church. [°77.] l5dc. 195 (Pi & PR: Go. Dulles, J: W., and Seward, T. FE. Westminster Sab- bath-school hymnal. [’83.] 35c. ..... Presb. Bd Ellenberger, S. B. Bright gems. ’82. 35 9c... Crider. i illmore. 7. H. Songs of gratitude. [°77 7 Le 35e. Fillmore. Giffe, W. T., and Rosecrans, J. H. The helping eo HAS GRY, saGsu0 ooan sd00 conooKadl MN aN. Hakes, D.S. Pearly portals. ’82: 35c...G4.D. Russell. Hoffman, Ii. A. Happy songs for the Sunday-school. 16 OD Ciao cles er hse eee OS CIEL eT —Mhebeacon licht: °82. "80... «<2... ess atson. Molden, A. J. Songs of faith, hope and love. 783. SHGE siarsreciiecls : : sialei vie sess sities ee ONG Hudson, R. E. Shiva ation onlioas: 82. 30c... Hudson. Hugg, G: C., and Armstrong, F. L. Crowning tri- umph: new coll. of sacredsongs. 779. 35c... North. — Exalted praise. 783. OD Meee. Fono0 0G0C Lee & W. Hull, A. Garlands of praise. [’77.] 30c... Lothrop. — same. aS BETO Gobo Gee TOO - Hull: Knowles. — Wreath of praises 29: SdC35 25C. es wer Church Hutchins, C: L. Sunday-school hymnal. ’82. 75c. Cong. diab: Jewett, Mrs. B. M., and EOI Dr OOK , J.P. Singing on the way; hymns and tunes. 782 35¢c.... Car a Johnson, E. H. Songs of praise. [°82. 25e. Am. Bapt. Kinsey, J. F. Golden shore. [’78.] 30c...Helmick. Kurzenknabe, J. H. Peerless praise. 783. 35c... Hood. Linton, G. W. ‘Twilight zephyrs: coll. of hymns and tunes. 781. 25c. Same. ’82. 20c...J: Burns. Lorenz, E. S., and Baltzell, I. Holy voices. 83. SO CH icc tis cle ere eicicicieieve Rioltelolelaceselereiiore ae) cisiee LUCY: Lowry, R., and Doane: W: H. Good as gold. ’80. SD Cr wielere avolsterel che leleccievcisratsicheleletaceucrs SOUD MOOS Biglow. ———— ur glad Hocann anon the service eloneone in the Sey gsetl00 82. OD Ch icheraveie avavelatetete Biglow. McIntosh, R. Good news; or, songs and tunes for Sunda a cools! ita). 8be- aisle ietsle einvelate cL ELSON» Murray, J. R. Heavenward: [songs] for the Sunday- school. Wien BIO, 000 pilevelele|s AOC Cro . Brainard. — Sones for Sunday-schools and Gosnel méetings. 1?76. | BNOn 5 an DOOD 0000 F Seisisis eo cia, WAIALe. an GOs Ovden, W. A. Joy bells for the Sind) y-school. Hie) OO: reac lata lavelevcieieuel slelsze _ W.W. Whatney. - New joy hell s for the Sunday-se Nool: @ 35¢e. W. W. WEE Y. O’Kane, T. C. Jasper and gold: coll. a song gems. eavifen| 35ce. Sida .e eiee.e.e,e Lane W. Parker, E. P. “Sunday-se -hool hymnal. [ 80. ] 35( Barnes Perkins, H. S:, and Bentley, W. W. Glorious tidings Cont (on seca esc. Mite. sa, CO. Perkins, W. O:, and Condo, A. B. The tree of life. "78. OO Ome BAO OFOdOUDOODO OU ~2G. D: Russett: Robinson, C: S. Selection of spiritual songs, with music for the Sunday-school. 780. 50c... Scribner. —_ Same. without music for the $. S. 781. 25¢c. Century Co. Shaw. K. Morning star. [’78.] 305c.- -Chase & H. Sherwin, W: EF. Heartand voice. ’81. 35¢...Church. Sweney, J:R., and Kirkpatrick, W: J. Wells of salvation. Oi Go Cre ce wiclsicien ee aise Bee LOOG: Thain, R. S. Welcome songs for Sabbath-schools, NOw 2 iW TO Ce ec ercisrciereterere: sieleielaleeie axe ~--- hevell. Towne, I. M., and Stillman, J. M. Good will. nos Da a sme oie ociein: Sete eer CCe.Cul. — Same. 778.| 80C..--.- Be nriceeie aie OLIUNOD SATE: | 89 OO OW cisicreieialntereleielsks seeeee Straub. Trowbridge, J. E. Our Sunday-school. ee 25e. M. Russell. | Sunshade. | WUzanne, O. The sunshade, muff and glove; with Ene. text. “83: DlO. .2 2. eee cena eee Lippincott. 38 Od aN aSUNSTROKE 194 SWEDEN 5 surgery, continued. Sunstroke. Las Surgery, continuec 2eber, C: T. Paresis of sympathetic centers tron Ke CG. 13; Index of surgery : concise classifica- over-excitation by high solar heat, long conti f the main facts and theories of surgery. 782. and suddenly ¥ ithdrawn, ete. So-called malaria: 5 ADS ORAS Sane ---- Wood. its etl logy, } athogenesis, pathology and treal i Kinig rgery for 1883. ’84. 79, Oi ee Pe eee ces cee Tt s eee Putnam. ; life-saving opera- Superior (Lake). . = . ; Re velt R B Superior fishing; or ne sirmpeaq LIOUSs: O%e - pill sisiaiete.4es Pee 66 5081s Ber Miungnuam. pUUSTCYVCIL, \- ID. i } 1iVUt it sii sy 5 i : 5 : ue 2 : : a NJ Woe! > ‘tical surgery R Sy b rout. blac bass, and ue-fish of the north- Mi s, J. H. Practical surgery. 78. i bass yut, Diz ass, al t 84 DZ Jud Lindsay & Blakiston. ern states SZ ee , Napheys, G: H. Modern surgical therapeutics. 6th Supernatural. Bee oe hE 19: $4: Shick see ee Brinton. Storrs, Ae 2-7 BNE EY SOT COE EO metas Pepper, A: J. Elements of surgical pathology. ’84. 1detters ang In 1M e ey re in eee $0 cm cece teers ee sa sinh cemleet a < Sen ed. Superstition. Ranney, A. I Practical treatise on surgical diagno- Dorman, R. M. Origin of primitive superstivions, sis. 779. $3. Same. 2d ed., enl. ’80. $3... Wood. nd tl s24P of spirits among the a 01 eines oF Smith, S. Manual of the principles and practice of Lmerica S| Divicisisie(s bh < ale ieleles ees s 6.6 Lippwen il. : surcery. 27.8 G4 @ x0 5 ; i ly DM 2 we . an Houghton, O. & Co. = : S SO] A. Operative surgery. ’79. $2.50..Lea. DI Civsle as co acln wiclele s s¥.0 wise sieies IST CILLOMOIS. J LM vn WP ee ol] emeromencies: wi h directi . 3 : , ~ | oo i surgical emergencies; With adirections Lea | Superstition and force. vd rev. ed . Is 7 “6 aed H: pa Bethe 7 to mediate treatment. [of DZ s NZ cae wile «lass (6.0 ee lewis L e ie il Feces ie ANE PEs 7 Lindsay { Blakiston. S DTI EN) ee Divit 5 ace . Toland, H. H. Lectures on practical surgery. fie $4.50; Sd. Same. 2d ed. 19.7 B4-50s, Sb; = 7 mae : ° 7 yogis BS : Lindsay & Blakiston. Wyeth, J: A. Essays in surgical anatomy and sur- ace Guarantecs a surevies very. 9. SO cece nie rece ee els eens ee cre YOO Surgery 5 s:—A 1tisep- \onew, D. H Principles ar pract of surgel 5 — gus nes formi- 2 781-81. ea., $7.50; $8.50-. Lippincott gnosis Sse C res; — 7 4 s } — | sLricity ; — AM n su ASSOC i ransat S in a ma aa _ Military Q oO Ass ] d y J I] M irs *s M Na e n exami- aos eee anes et a ee ee Ge ks OES LILAESLON Ss Spine; — Teeth; V cterinary m licine and surgery ; , y 1 WY 8 \shhurst, J:, 72. International encyclopa of sur- : gery. 6v. v. 1-4. ’82-83. ea., $6-$8.-- Wood. | Surinam — Principles and practice of surgery. 2d = Palgrave,W: G. Dutch Guiana. [’76.] $3..Macmillan. 79. $6; 37. Same. 3d rey. ed. 82. $6-37.00..Lea. | Surnames. Billroth, T. General surgical pathology and thera- ios Narion peutics as SpEyi7 en Ole etelc ico srelcaie «case sleet ( l. . : ; ; re : ‘ | | Surrogates. > 8 | ) il I ] ratly surgery. sf S4. ~ S W Ss Bryant; 2: Pract f surgery. 2d Am. from 3d | Surveying. Eno! ed. 22785 VSG Se ee Lea Carpenter, F. I). Y. Geographical surveying. [778. ] Sante 7 An). ed: fron) nl. Ene a DOCS see aes mis ns ole cio eis = sie sie ---- Van Nostrand. SOURCE RS ee ee Ce ee eae a SE. Davies, C: Elements of surveying and levelling. k. G. Contributions to reparative surgery 76 83. SL MD cisie +) a aie) eiavsin (e)eteya 6's) cio) orotate) eiepaye Barnes. ee ee ee ie Aye atone Deville, E. Examples of astronomie and geodetic cal- Butler, J: Electricity in surgery "R29 Sl. culations for land surveyors. ’79. $1.50... Delisle. Boeri ‘7 Leaning, J. Quantity surveying: for surveyors, archi- — Text book of electro-therapeuties and electro-sur- tects, engincers and builders. 781. $3.50..Spon. L [ net, sietetsie ane sje sjateie 5S LELQOTL: eeeesve ad OO Os lap Olea ales cies cusiote Boericke & T Murray, D: Manual of land surveying. 8 nts. 77933 pts. 1, 2 togeth r Sl: pee, Ra Specht, G: J., and others. Topographical survey- pts. 4, 5 together $1; pts. 6-8, ea., 75c.... Harper. ing; [also] New methods of tepographical survey- Erichson, J: EK. Science and art of surgerv: from ing, by A. S$. Hardy; [also] Geometry of position 6th Ene. ed., enl: 2 v. [’78.] $8.50- $10.50. - Lea. applied to surveying, by J: B. McMaster; [also] Gross, S: D. System of surgery. 6thed. 2y. ’82. Co-ordinate surveying, by H: F. Walling. 784. 50e. SDL Oleiareaveieasisieiele ce cis batbehc cee ce ecco Lea. Van Nostrand. Heath, C. Course of operative surgery. pt. 4. [777 Stone, J. B. Magnetic variations in the U. S., com- DIDO) esas siclsi dietela sk vicice oc LINUSAU A Blais pilation of observations made in Am. from 1640 to — Manual of minor surgery and bandaging. [’77 S92. the present date: tabulated and arr. for surveyors. Same. 6th ed... enl. ’80. $2..Linds wy & Biukisto; "78 SL DOs cave ects sce onc vee. Van Nostrand. Helmuth, W : IT. System of sur; ry. 3d ed., rev ee also Nautical surveying; — Roads; — Topography. 19% Sen Oe. : : i Hill; B. Essentials of bandaging: with di , | Sutton, Mass. managing fractures and dislocations, for admi eer Benedict, W: A., and Vracy, H. A. History of Sut- } ing ether and chloroforn). and for using surgical] ap- ton, Mass., 1704-1876. "78. Syaieisie ic ries Sanford. paratuse. othiedsenl 2835 Slivieceso. coke Vail. | Suvarof (Germ. Suworow) Rymnikski, P: Alex. V. Holmes, [. System of surgery, theoretical and prac- De Peyster,, J. Wi.. Sitworow. 783%. 5 Hamersly. tical. Any ed: rev. 3y. “Sil. Si8=9$49.50\. 27, Sweden. — and ulke, J.W S > de 2 x 729 277 ( 4 7 : 4 id Hulke, J.W. ame: ad ed: Biv. 783 87-29 Akerman. R. On the present state of the iron manu- Wood facture in Swed 7 Horwitz, O. Compend of surgery { 1. &1 o-~ és 5 e a 5 Pa eg UIBer, a 2 Ua tie 2 Butler, C. M. Reformation in Sweden; and its tri- : DlakKASton. umph under Charles 1x. [’83.] $1.25..Randolph. Hunt, W:, and Morton, T: G. Sureery in Penn. Hos- Lor lloy : T > \ ihe : pital : epitor f ti Fc songfellow, H: W. Poems of places: Scotland, Den- ital: epitome of practice sine 56: [als nar | ; : seas 6 at: ‘ ) DY ce since 11005 also)| Papers mark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. 3v. [’76.] $3. by J: B. Roberts and F. Woodbury. ’80. 84 Houghton, M & Co : InN, i. « ® also Charles xu1.; — Scandinavia; — Swedish language. iG | Sp DO cate cel eres ie 9 D070. Ly PLNCOTTL. Co,SWEDENBORG e Swedenborg, Em. Barrett, B: F. Swedenborg and Channing: the many and remarkal yle arguments in the beliefs and teach- ings of these writers. ’78. $1...Clavion, R. & . iv. « Clapp, O. Rev. Jos. Cookvs. Emanuel Swedenborg “AY UNO Soocacococcane sue: eee OL CHE Carter: Reed, J. Swedenborge and the New Church. ’80. CLP) 50.0600 00OD00 00 6006 GdbOuE Houghton, O. & Co. Worcester, B: J.ife and mission of Emanuel Sweden- DOGO soos shee ca tase Siereis eae ---. Roberts Swedenborgianism. See New Church. Swedish language Berglund, C: A. Directions for Swedish servants and phrases tr. to Swedish. Rev. ed., with add. 410, Phys Gaon cone nooopsaueas Kdioou coor Williams Sweet-potato. Fitz, J. Sweet-potato culture: with chapter on the Ghinesenyam: 625 40C we. ees cs ence Judd. Swift, Jona. Stephen, Iu. Swift. 782. [Blinn Gn oodanoKe Ha e7". Swimming. Farrow, E: S. Military system of gymn Si : exer- cises, and swimming; prepared for U. lil. Acad. 4305 Soe tlle cdoscoo6 oe es a tronolitan. Hartelius, IT. J. Home eynnasties ; with the art of swimming: “85. GOCic. 6. .s.6 econ «eee Lippincott. Swine. Coburn, F. D. Swine husbandry. [’77.] $1.75..Judd. Ohio Poland-China record; pub. by the Ohio Poland- China Record Assoc. ’80. $3...-P:G. Thomson. Switzerland. Allbut, R. ‘Tourist’s hand-book to Switzerland. ’84 SED Oe vere cite wicieeleolnic elovelc! vi se cisvere icles sce s Nelson. Burrage, H: S. History of the Anabaptists in Switzer- land. [ 782. | SMilicc eral susie! exe cee ewoececveseces Am. Tr. Havergal, F. R. Swiss letters and Alpine poems. Fri Spit D) ie) eel sl ache fevers Beiaren & oicic) cis cic wire LD ULLOMN. — same. (F 5c: cy cidinve) clove he clevsrer: Randolph. ) Longfellow, Il: W. Poems of places: Switzerland and Austria (oll lives. Loughton, MU. § Co. Mackenzie, H. D. S. Switzerland. [’81. $1.50. Lothrop. Raden, W. Switzerland: its mountains and valleys. RTI) NT Ove OT es osc ccics cc urcicle SOMUUILET Gt Vs Switzerland and the Swiss: sketches of the country and its famous men, by the author of Knights of the frozen sea, etc. [ene GOED aie) cfs) eici s olcfevieys Dutton. See also Alps; — Engadine; — Pontresina. Sword. Burton, R: F. 300k of the sword: hist. of the sword and its use in all countries. “84. $10.50. Scribner & W. Symbolism. Inman, T: Ancient Pagan and modern Christian symbolism, rev. and enl.; [also] Essay on Baal worship, the Assyrian sacred grove and other allied symbols by J: Newton. 3d ed. "80 [°79]. 2. Bouton. Tappan, Jfrs. C. L. V. Symbol series of lectures. Pitfel LO Oereieinicrcveieinvercl sieleiaiie cle AO dod ODDO Sa -. Colby. See also Freemasons; — Rites and ceremonies; — Ritualism. Sympathetic nerve. Chapin, C. V. Sympathetic nerve: its relations to ikea, Bil, EX Scanocenocos cobnoe nonoGd NIMs Sympathy. Parker, J. Job’s comforters; or, scientilic sympathy. ZR MMLC ie sy cle ce nic 5 oi esrcls[ore) eicieisleie= screen qleltice Synonomy. See English language, Synonomy. Syphilis. Cornil, V. Syphilis. ’82. $3.70.-+++2+ +--+. Lea. Diday, P. Treatise on syphilis in ne each ch |dren. 783. SUD Sera loa leccvels: aie Pe ees 00d. | UP > a AS VENTS OTL 5) TATTOOING Syphilis, continued. Dowse, D: Syphilis of the brain and spinal cord. Lids IOC OO Tr : eeeee Cnenrecee - Putnam. Fourrier, 1, Syphilis and marriage. ’Sl. $2.5 () 2.0U, Fox, G. H. { posoe tannic illustrations of cutaneous syonilis. oie Gus ae eG : J | : ins "ef ©e ee ee reese oe / €¢ Keyes, E. L: Tonic treatment of syphilis. [?77.] $1 Appleton Otis, F. Clinical lectures on the physiologic al path- ology and treatment of syphilis: 2813 $1550: : ; fe Putnam. — Practical clinical lessons on syphilis and the genito- urinary diseases. 783. $4.50....... Be Syria. lale, E: E. and S$. A family flight over Egypt and rmingham. Syria. (8D) $2.50: wie ee Sai p evevaie ss aves LIOLTILT-OD: Phillip , J. S. Paper on discoveries conc. re-settle- ment of the seed of Abraham in Syria and Arabia Qh I DGl tinea ee ee hoe Te Walson. porter H: C. Gates of the East: a winter in Keypt ind Syria. | 76. | Orile2O) arses cee . Dutton. See also Arameeans. Tabernacle. See Jews, FR igion. pee aae Denier, T. Parlor tableaux: or, living pictures. AO) | WYO sno Good oo ae sie tolaiiele ovevereters sieiei DIC: Harrison, C: Theatricals and tableaux vivants. ’82. eislavciete rare -- Roorbach. Prichard, J. V. Tableaux vivants, arr. for private OU CN ereleiatere scene reese es eee seee representation. Uslol| Peso poocccoddac .lrench. See also Amusements. Tactics. Tait, Cath. and Craufurd. Benham, W: Catharine and Craufurd Tait: a me- See Military art and science. molm 2098 Sones. aicieleVal clei crete verelorcleyors Macmillan. Talmag : De Witt ae G: Rey. Dn Talmage vindicated by Pres- bytery and Synod. ’80. 25c...... Bi igar. | Liobbi J: Isifevot LG: De Witt Mniacee D De with hist. of Brooklyn Tabernacle. ’80. 7d5ce.; 5c. Ogilvie. Talmud Hahn, A: The rabbinical dialectics: hist. of the dia- lecticians and dialectics of the Mishnah and Tal- mud. 28 ily. SN) cieieley fp aiclovelessieeke siclie)s cle/u’s ialwlais Bloch. Hershon, PB. I. Talmudic recall ny; or, a thou- sand and one extracts from the Talmud, the Mid- rashim and the Kabbalah. 781. $4.50. Houghton, M. § Co. Kalisch, I. Sketch of the Talmud, the world re- nowned coll. of Jewish traditions; and, Sephir Yezirah: a book on creation; with Eng. tr., pref., notes and glossary. Hla billaose ooanc .-Lrank. Luzzatto, S. D. Grammar of the Bi ilies il Chaldaic lancuage and the Talmud Bible idioms. [’76. ] iE ieee wis eke siere Eibicle ecu oisisi sissies cis a ele «ces Waler/. Taouism. Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. ene] Dich reieioleleusileteiate 5 Ee POLE en uOOe Legge, J. Religions inne Chinn: Confucianism and TAouism described and compared with ¢ Christianity. sill ONS Ole oe oc eierie cieleie Gs ae ele S CRU ILEIES > Sons. Tapeworms. Cobbold, I’. S. Tapeworms: their sources, and treatment. 4thed. ‘83. G2.....++++. Blakiston. Tariff. See Free trade, Tasso, Torquato Hassell, ode YEasso. [82] pli... Lipprnecott. Tattooing. 2 Fletcher, R. ‘Tattooing among civilized dineon's: 83 Gd aie © else) rleln me sieyeinin a) 601° savers .Judd & D.TAXATION = Taxation. a i Adams, H: C. Taxation in the U. S., 1789-1816. 2 OA (Cho cicieis o vecte cin so ciejeleisie Tohns Hopk ins Un nw. Ames, J: H. ‘Taxation of personal property. [i/-} BOOt minciccs cele cicecicnic siercle Beer cleleroteiess melee Mills. Brown, T. E. Some reasons for the exemption ot 81. 25c¢c. Scrantom, W. the law of taxation as exercised by the government of the U.S., par- ticularly in the customs and internal revenue. eid: “$6.50 Risicle: cilevevelelel foie sieis thie Daker: Via Co: of decided be- 1883. 5 church property from taxation. & Co. Burroughs, W. H. ‘Treatise on — cases digest vans 1; Supplement: 1877, and Same. tween Aug., SSe shou (): Baker, V. & Co. Taxation: plain talk for p lain peo- Canfield, J. H. ple. ae 25¢e. atclateloleialelie oj) et) pimiele)ayee.6:) Soc. Px 1: Ke 1s Howe, M. Equital le taxation or. the debtor’ S lien. [?78. | Dy Oi eroleis: eleisie se slaieia es elea|vjelsicjie seis Wrliams. Minot, IWEE ) Local taxation and publi extrava- gance. [’78. ORC oe ea ciclelet selects sis Williams. — Taxation in Massac huse tts: [Pani | . Williams. Sherman, i: Selected speeches and reports on finance and taxation, 1859-1875. 79. §2.50. Appleton. local and state taxation, surplus. 783. lief of of the Thompson, R. E. Re through distribution national 25¢ . . eicisiclels nieve ciensivlele e wiletnleeelee*ielesiaie Stern. W Bitmore: W: H. Unjust taxes: criticism of the Massachusetts system of local taxation. [’77.] 10c. Williams. officers ; — Free trade; — Railroads. See also County Taxidermy. Batty, J. H. Practical taxidermy, and home decora- tion; with general information for sportsmen. 79 [’80 SRLS OR crerasn inievore sinieieie ae el eiei tere cise Judd Brown. T: Taxidermist’s manual. 28th ed. ’79 ED scecidic cists evelero civielei laisse m s sialeicic eleieis Putnam. Manton, W. P. Taxidermy without a icher 2d ed., enl. ’82 BG sce siete aroictereye eietetoiats Lee & S Maynard, C. J. Manual of taxidermy. 783. $1 : : Of » “4/10. — Naturalists’ guide in coll. and preserving objects of nat. hist., with ec ati los vue of the birds of Eastern Mass. Rev. ed. | Tilt SA Zieloka ot eliaioiolarerd Vat 1g Y Taylor, Bayard. Clarke, I: E: Tribute to Bayard Taylor: essay and poen. 80. HO Chercisicicic © e sieiee eisics Vohun Bros. Conwell, R. H. Life, travels and literary career of Bayard Taylor. °79. $1.50; §2........ Russell — Sane. [81] Ole a cxeyeieis ADODON DOUG Lothi« p Tea. Alcott, W:A Tea and coffee: their effects on the human system. ’84. 25c....-...+.-- Howler & W. Walsh, J. M. A cup of tea: hist. of the plant from its discovery to the present time; [also] W: Saun- ders’ pamphlet on Tea-culture a probable Am. industry. 784. Bl o.c. i. cs. oee- (Jd. M. Walsh. | Teaching. See Education. Technical education. Straight, H. Aim of industrial education in the public schools, and its proper rel. to the regular Studies “Sor N0Cies scree eset cre cere elciee Ginn. — Some practical aspects of industrial education. 792%. WO CRarerercieicrs alolelelerslevatcle acetaveters Bardeen. See also Arts (Useful) ; Tecumseh. Eggleston, E:, and Seelye, L. E. Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. ’78. $1.25......... Dodd. Teeth. Arthur, R. Treatment and prevention of decay of thesteeth. 7Newed) 479: S1.05-54-. 07, ippincott. Coles, O. Dental student’s note-book. 2ded. ’80. SpiLt aver ote: ei evere SOocaoc Siro eneicleis) reveicisio seen Blakiston. Flagg, J. F. Plastic and plastic fillings in teeth. Rolls CBG oooso nooo bode Coupee ooaes eae Blakiston. 196 TELESCOPES Teeth, continucd. Gorgas, F. J. S. Dentalmedicine: teria medica and therapeutics. manual ofdental ma- ’S4 - Blakiston. $3. Leeras, C:, and Magitat, E. Origin and formation of the dental follicles. ’79. $2.50.......Jansen. Magitot, Pp. i reatise on dental caries. [’79.] $3.50; BAG i ph oi ae ilo smele 6 '. a Houghton. O. & Co. Meredith, L. Ba The pectb and how to save them. Rev. ed. [peat] DZD gave c <« 5 .. Lippincott. Kichardson, J. Bee treatise on mechanical dentistry Sdied:, enl. 780: (S42 s4575: Lindsay § Blakiston. Sewill, H: E. uide to dental anatomy and surgery. ere . Lindsay x Blakiston. Stoeken. J. Elements of dental materia medica and Student’s 2 $1.50 therapeutics; with pharmacopmia. [’77.] $1.50. Lindsay & Blak ‘aston. — and Gaddes, T: Same. 9th ed. 282: $2.50. Blakiston. Taft, J. Practical treatise on ope rative dentistry. 3d ed., enl. [’77. ] $4.25; $5.. Lindsay & Blakiston. — Same. 1th ed., rev. 782. Dee ce ae « Blakiston. Tomes, C: S. Manual of dental anatomy, human and comparative. °76.] $3.50..Lindsay § Blakiston. — Same. 2died. 7825 S422d sec vc Blakiston. and the teeth. ’79. 50c. Lindsay § Blakiston. White, J. W. The mouth Teles elaeD ye. Beechey, 60c. Spon. 76. | Electro-telegraphy. [’ Fahie, J. J. History of electric telegraphy to the year 1837. 84. Nantes ele oe eee se eteiele 2 - Spon. Garsin, E. Globe telegraph code; speci: ‘lly compiled to meet the requirements of all branches of the mercantile p yrofession. 83. SD) eie\oera he Cumming. Hoskier, V. Laying and repairing of electric tele- graph cables. TSE Dose sicietcieveieicis olerere - Spon. Lightning flashes and electric dashes: choice tele- graphic literature, humor, fun, wit and wisdom. ae Leo Oke ace e cree s W. J. Johnston. (LN. Ne) Lorin A. E. Hand-book of the electro-magnetic te leg or raph. FEB DO Ciercccre siecle axelerote Van Nostrand. Newall, Rk. S. Facts and observations rel. to the in- vention of the submarine cable, and laying of the first cable between Dover and Calais, 1851. 782. DO Ce eicicie cot) oie ei aiclae biolereusiel cieielorocieretelel eicicvsre ere Spon. Plum, W:R. Military telegraph during the civil war inthe U. S.; with an exposition of anc. and mod. means of communication, and of Federal and Con- federate cipher systems; also running account of threswwar, 2 Vy. 2822 Role esse. octet ore recite Jansen. Preece, W. H., and Sivewright, J Telegraphy. (76 BY Oe ic ere aie oie ate sieve lexevore) creueree Appleton. Reid, J. D. The telegraph in America: its promo- ters and noted men. 7*79. $G...... 2... Derby. Society of Telegraph Engineers. Journal. 7 v. (G3895)|) CAs. A HO wise cine ce cielsicucneerereren pee — Same. Index to the journal. y. 1-10, 1872-1882. 2835. Shilieies ccs a) aa lejvis ales (alelel s/c) «ie ols) (sakolereiouelerere '. Spon. —Report on the Birmingham wire gauge; with papers by C. V. Walker; [also] On Birmingham wire gauge, by L. Clark. 780. 40c.......,.«0.. Spon. See also Electricity. Telephone. / Dolbeare, A. E. Telephone; with directions for making a speaking telephone. [’77.] 75c...Leeg S Du Moncel, Count T. Rel phone, mierophone and phonograph. ’79. $1.2 eagle ela (aieve - Harper. Lockwood, T: D. aeemteal ‘information| for tele- phonists; 482: Si). - sec. J. Johnston. (N. Y.) Prescott, G: B. The spe SH teleph lone, talking phonogrs ap yh, and other novelties. e 18. ] $3. Same. New ed: 419. S4es.ncccn. Bicieterciotcyste sere Appleton. See also Reis, Philip. Telescopes. Nolan, 'T: The telescope: principles involved in the construction of refracting and reflecting telescopes. IB D0Ck se ecisio race roe aac eeeees Van Nostrand.TELUGUS Telugus. See Missions and missionaries. Temperaments. Jacques, H. The temperaments; or, varieties of physical constitution of man. 779. $1.50... Wells. See also Nervous system. Temperance. General works. Babcock, D. C. Church vs. the liquor system. ’78. UO CRaierc se aioe wicivovo. lecos wie \elcic io ei olclelclavensterete slVQL- Temp. 84. 10c. Stearns. — Philosophy of the temperance movement. Beardsall, F. Trial of John Barleycorn alias strong drink. S)5 We, seoono occ picicis ew cisisclVat. Lemp: Bridgett, TE. Discipline of drink: hist. inquiry into the principle and practice of the Cath. Ch., evard- ing alcoholic drinks. [’76.] $1.50.. Kelly, P. & Co. Bucecknill, J: C: Habitual drunkenness, and insane GnUNKATGS( 4ISo Siliecieie «ace cc veeeee Macmillan. Bungay, G: W. Pen portraits of illustrious abstainers. eeilt $1.50 ee ee she @ule Gee ero ce ouVae Temp. Carswell, E: Mempert ance stories and sketches. ’79 PGi eile cievaluieisieccle « ie ele Bra is cis sicieleleraiele aie Nat. Temp. Centennial temperance volume; memorial of the Internat. ‘Temp. Conference, Phila., June, 1876. [? Ghee ccs alee . Nat. Temp. J. Temperance and republican institutions ] LC) ease ie tavieleo claieielecelelciare) rele Nat. Temp. $s Vil: FE. Two chains; or, the twenty-nine arti- cles of temperance. VG.) BC. oe VG. Lemp. Crafts, Is. W. F. Bik ackboard temperance pessons 783. KY, Gascon aUnleiavaleisn blelaieiereteicis bee Temp. Crosby, H. True te emper: ance reform. ae 10c. Randolph. Cuyler, T. L. Buoying the channel; or, ous or false lights on temperance. ‘81. 5c......--Nat. Temp. Davis, N. Intemperance and crime. 79, 10e. Vat. T'e mp. Dean, B: A. sible temperance catechism: temper- ance concert exercise for Sunday Choos ete. (782. ] IYO aisicle « er veaccee Nat. Temp. Dodge, W:E. The church and. temperance. 780. 10c. Nat. 7 mp. Everts, O. What shall we do for the drunkard? a rational view of the use of brain stimulants. 783. Orc ice cce ese cles ce) ere Sec eiecielie teers Clarke. Farrar, F: blessing aan acurse. 784. dc. Nee Te Wp. — Duty of the church. TO MO CE sicre = Vat. Tt mp. — Fallacies about total abstinence considered 80. VOGE ie ccc @ lc els eee mlicvct eioieieretalieecese 6.0,)= Nat. Temp. — Rescue the children. 781. 5CL. es. e Nat. Temp. — Serpent and the tiger : address at a great temperance vathering, Aberdeen, Scotland. [’78.] 10e. ; ; i Vat. Temp. — Temperance and legislation. ’80. 16c.-.Nat. Temp. — Total abstinence for the sake of ourse ys and others [?78. ] LO Cirare is co els) ciclejereie! is tern Nat. Temp. Foster, J. E. Constitutional amendment manual: gen. directions for organized work for constitu- Aonal prohibition. 4298 ROCs LOC ie ciel Vat. Temp. Foster, S.C. The temperance telescope. 783. 25C. | Nat. Temp. Fowler, H. P. Vegetarianism, the radical cure for intemperance. “79. 30C..--+----seece: Holbrook Gough, J: B. Temperance lectures. °79. 25c. Am. T'¢ mp. Guthrie, J. pe MBeTAnCe physiology. 782. 60c. ; FOr oo cyovcrelelsiels\ ci) ONiare cloth ater loienalo ele! afcisletalel clevaleie.e sre e Nat. T Wp. Poems and Songs. Driver, J. M. Bible temperance hymns. 779. 30¢. 7 1 Church. Fountain of song: hymns and songs for Gospel tem- perance meetings, ete. [’78.] 3d0c...+-.-- Biglow. Kinzie, R. A., and Gabriel, C: H. Gospel and tem- perance songs for temperance societies. 19. d0c. Church. Lorenz, E. S., and Rankin, J. E. Francis Murphy’s Gospel temperance hymnal. 7°78. 50c..... Barnes. Moffitt, W.O. National temperance songster. 779. VO Ciieieiesrercicic.c cc © cclelctotalelsiolcinl ein/eic ebaie.s Nat. Temp. Phillips, P., and others. Gospel temperance songs. Beil OO Gilera oie os cciers elelele Glove isle oiovevarciessinie Int. Mus. Stearns, J. N. National temperance hymn and song- book: new coll. 780. LQ Ce aac cei ciciere Nat. Tt mp. Temperance rem. | °SO. | LO Ceerereev eerie foin. Pub. ‘reloar; W.M. Crystalrill; 278° 30c.-.... Church. White, J. E. Temperance and gospel songs. ’82. OU Crores © ee 6 01e.0.0 © € 0: a0lu v0 0 010 ec eisiaise ce 0 ace f Vat. Temp. Temple, Six W: Macaulay, T: B. (Lord). Sir William Temple. [’78.] DBC tooo ston ores Se ichaisirsioieisisis vast ewe « d- Harper. Temples. 3urr, C:H. Plans of 27 Doric temples, taken from best authorities and drawn on uniform scale. [| 19. | Shy wleveielplenece ole(clolcicieicicle stelcleis eitcrsinie oe sievels Trtus See also Ephesus; —Jews, Re ligion. Ten commandments. See Decalogue. Tennessee. Watkins, S: R. 186] Co. Aytch, Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment; or, a side-show vs. 1882: of the big show. 782. $1.25: 75c.. -[S: Rk. Watkins. | See also Chattanooga; — Lookout Mountain; — Rugby; — Stone’s River. Note. For laws and other publications by the state see Ten- nessee, author alphabet, p. 388. Tennyson, Alfr. (Lord). Dawson, S. E. A study; with crit. and expl. notes of Tennyson’s poem, The princess. ’82. $1.25. SwiBGs ~~ Aiken RH ESL eso aoa eisuevenere Dawson. Genung, J: F. Tennyson’s In memoriam: its pur- pose andits structure. ’84. $1.25. OUDNTC } ° y esc IToughton, M. & Co. Liguori, A. M. de, St. with instructions, ete. Vaccari, Mgr. (SQ A0C. Vice ee. Pret. Wonders of the heart of St. Teresa of Jesus; those first observed and also those of more recent date. 82. net, 75c. Pret. 198 | Theatre. Novena in honor of St. Teresa, | THEISM Testament (New o7 Old). See Bible. Testimony. See Evidence. Teutons. Merivale, 19: 5c: Pott, Yi & Co. ‘he continental T’eutons. — (e: Texas. Alexander, W: Laws of Texas now in force touching conveyancing and registration. [’78.] .$5; $4. Nagle. Bancroft, H. H. North Mexican States and Texas. vl. [v. 10 of Azs Hist. of the Pacific States.] 84. CVE RESTO) aco nuda0s onDa Hoan éiatele sie Bancroft. Greenleaf, A. B. Ten yearsin Texas. ‘81. 50c. Boyd. 9990 Treatise on Texas land law. ’83. $7.50. Gilbert Bk. McDanield, H. F., Taylor, N. A. The coming empire; or, two thousand miles in Texas on horse- back. [’78. Plain facts about Arkansas and T Hobby, i. and. S1.50 [84] Rand, McN. & Co. Indexed county and township Barnes. Rand, MeNally & Co. map of Texas. 782. WDikieieic awe Rand, McN. & Co. Sayles, J: Treatise on the civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace, with mode of procedure in justices courts in criminal cases in Texas, inel. forms. 2d ed. TO. Sp Uke eiels (o elolera aver ek iets once Ei: Hi. Cushing. Smith, A. Reminiscences of the Texas republic. 7 ey Se DOs crn cree wren acter pee BOLE Cushing. Sweet, A. E., and Knox, J. A.. Ona Mexican mus- tang through Texas from the Gulf to the Rio Grande. SBE EBS bY EGG a6 cgcc sono od coon - +--+. Scranton. Thrall; H.S: . Pictorial hist. of Lexas. 79% “$4275)- SDOUD cia ciclcis « FOOCODCOOUDC nmODOnNOmoOCdKOO Thompson. — School hist. of Texas. 76.] $1... Universalist. Vote. Forlaws and other publications by the state see Texas, author alphabet, p. 389. Textile fabrics. Ashenhurst, T: R. Design in textile fabrics. ’83. $2. Cassell. Awards and claims of exhibitors of the Internat. Ex- hibition 1876; with reports of the judges on the de- partments of textile materials and machinery. [’78. BOB iecic csvere sie) cele siecie sic orkears - lV. A. of Wool Man. Kastner, C: Textile designs. nos. 1-6. (78. ] nos. =—4'-e9.. 300.2 NOS: 'b. 6. 6a. 40C coueecs Appleton. Spitzli, A. Manual for managers, designers, weavers and all connected with the manufacture of textile fabrics. oo. same: Oothed-.enls. 78le sb: W: H. Young._ See also Cotton ; — Silk; — Weaving; — Woollen goods. Thackeray, W: M. Brown, J: 81. Thackeray: his literary career. (eaten NYO; Good coos Gad efalelejal(a orale errs liciciclointareial © cele Osgood. Trollope, A. Thackeray. ’79. 75c. Same. ’80. 15c. Harper. ED UMNLES 140 LOCoi6 sical ceseseed: W. Lovell. Thames River. Dickens, C:,77. Dictionary of the Thames, from Ox- ford to the Nore, 1880. [’80.] 50c..... Macmillan. Tiber and the Thames; their associations, past and present. [776.] $1.75 Lippincott. See Drama and dramatists. Theatres, Jeffery, J: B. Guide and directory to the opera-houses, theatres and halls of America. 6th rey. ed. ’84. Ol ce celle cin alee eie/e eclerere cos cceed CH Tey. Matthews, J. B. 280% BIR Qb. Scribner's Sons. Theatres of Paris. Theism. Bowne, B. P. Studies in theism. ~’79. $1.75. Phillips § H.Theiara: continued. THEISM Braden, C. Problem of problems, and its various solutions ; or, atheism, Darwinism and theism. [’76.] $2. Same. New rev. ed. [’78.] $2.. Chase Diman, J. L: Theistic argument as affected by re- cent theories. ’81. S90. wietcees Hough nm. Me Flint, R. Theism. 7 $3.75.-.Scambner, W. & A. Harris, S: Philosophical basis of theism. Bo. $3.50. Scribner’s Sons Physicus (pseud.) Candid examination of theism. US. SED (isrcicic eine cicie es ciceieicls Houghton. O. & Co. | Wilson, J: G. Atheism and theisin. 83. $1.. Lippincott. See also Atheism ;— God; — Theology. Themistocles. Plutarch. Life of Themistokles; notes by H. A. Holdens Sle net SI-1O s. <3 Putnam. Crooks, G: R., and Hurst, J: F. Theological ency- clopedia and Methodology, on the basis of Hagen- bach 284. S3:b0....--.-.-- wee Phallaps & H. Ecce regnum; or, an inquiry into the nature and a revelation of the glory of the kingdom of God, ac- cording to the Scriptures. [’77.] $1.25 .. VWucklow. | Elam, C: Winds of doctrine. [’77.] $2 -.Putnam. | Faber, F: W: Thoughts on ereat mysteries; sel. from [his] works. 780. $1.25. Same. 2d ed. BO STUD! a sieras aie elec) is ¢ aie eieiolsie sialerciwiers Whittaker. Finney, C: G. Systematic theology. [’78.] $d. Goodrich. and theology. SO. s Sons. | Fisher, G: P. Discussions in hist SNe wie ialel ele) sveler= — Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. ’83. Scrrbne ar Knowledge and faith, and other sODOn DOaO O0OddW OOUL Scribner’ Sv..50. s Sons. | Frothingham, O. B. > discourses. [’7( Gh ee cictcteicie ees aierele Putnam. — Rising and the setting faith, and other discourses. | GR Gre eyes, wielelsl cle) sieis/o!= = eof Putnam. [’78.] , [('77.] Bl.seees Putnam. theology and — Spirit of ihe new fai ith. Fuller, T. The sword of the spirit; or, orthodoxy made plain. 783. $1. 95: $2..bbals. | Gunsaulus, F. W. Metamorphoses of a creed: essay in present-day theology. 21.50..Gould § K. Hamilton, J: Above and around: thoughts on God ( fide andman. Sl. Q90C. ccs. decceneccie! Macmillan. Haynes, E. J. Are these ‘lines so? ’80 [’79]. $1.29. Tibbals. Hodge, A. A. Outlines of theology, re-written and ON Oe nals a cleo cele oie cpeierecetnjeecssi* ells Cae Hovey, A. Manual of systemat ic theology and Chr tian ethics. [’77.] 29.50. oa LL oAr Voung. do with Vacmillan. - contribution to Old Church: what iehall we a heoeee Hughes, T: (eS pled Eunst. sl. the hist. of theol. De evens Our theological century in the | ji a A Se ea 199 it? .Randolph.! THEOLOGY Theology, continued. Institute essays; read before the Ministers’ Providence, R.I., Oct. 1879; with introd. Bellows. 280. ‘$1-25- Sl.-:.- Lacordaire, J: B. H: Jesus Christ; man. New ed. McComas, E. W. Rational view of ion. [’80.] 1.75 Masters in Eng. theology: 1877; ed., with hist. p pus tint; by H: W. Ulis. God and Whittaker. God: "84. Jesus and relig- scenes ovell: Kings College ee tures for . pref. by A: Barry. [?78.] Dutton. Questions awakened by the Bible. [’77.] elele) a.evelstieleletel cl «ole efeisl ele ofs veluleie sisee Lippincott. Modern sy niposium. Ss)" pile2o - Rose- Belford. Moody, D. L. The way and the wor a. (i= 40c8 AVS Coe eine siciee cise viele s/s creer aie slaje Secale ec LCLCLLs — Way to end and how to find it. 80 -* eee sere eee. 9 Miller, J S1L.50 80e. Revell. their ref. tite. . Dutton. an institute of theol- Houghton, Me & Co. theology. [’77.] 10c. Dawson. 60e Mozley,J.B. Ruling i to the Old Testament faith. Mulford, E. Republic of God: a9 ages and $2.50 leas in early Murray, JE Vindication of words of Bible in the Oalhispe; new Jehovih and his angel embassadors: sacred hist. of the dominions of the higher and lower heavens on the earth for the past twenty-four thousand years. 782. $7.50. Oahspe. Olssen, W: W. Peron} human and divine. ’82. 7T5e. . Be clas) efor alors eeceee Whittaker. Palmer, 1 mints on the formation of religious opin- [ M1 e2d) - Bt Oe ee AUS evnisee ee QNILES « ions (ie) Pendleton, J. M. Christi: in doctrines: compendium [’78.] $1.50-. Bapt. f theology. 2 Pope, W: B. C snipe ndium of Christian the ology. 3y. “ BOLO Ole ie ove y 81. eee ue Raymond, M. Se theology. Javea ltd’. Han EB Goad rs te gietelels eialeeliciele Hitchcock & W. Reid, J: Packet system of theology for Sabbath- school teachers and church-members. ey.b “Presb. 3d. Row, CG. A. Revelation and mod. theology contrasted. 109). RHO), «ccc © ses cswiece cinia eles eee) Scribner & W. Sartorius, ©. Doctrine of divine love; or, outlines of the moral theology of the evangelical? church. ‘ Scribner & W. QA Slee Savage, M. J. examination of some Am. $8.25 Sl. relienin God: fundamental theistic problems ; also] Address on the intellectual basis of faith. Oia) aS licve crete Alla Sehaff, P. Harmony of the reformed confessions, as rel. to the present state of evangelical theology. ra OOo arama JON GOSCOC .... Dodd. Shedd, W: T. Theological essays. 17 ] $2.50. Scribner, A. \ Co. Simmons, J- P. Peace on earth: the brief and plain system of religion which is reve aled in the Bible. (’78.] 21.50: $1. a nseree ses -eoeees Walhams Smith, H: B. Faith nd philosophy. [’77. | $3.50 Scribner, A. sy Co — Introduction to Christian theology. 1: A gen. in- trod.: 2: The special introd. ; or, the prolegomena of syste matic theology. OO SN liacaiare eel famstrong. — System of C hristian the ology. ’84. $3.50. Armstrong. Oto ee OTe leo Scribner’s Sons. [((76.] $2.50. Macmillan. dogmas theology, what? philosop hy and natural e Colby. Smyth, N. Orthodox Econo Same. Newed. ‘88. Bi Dia crsicieun Some reasons for our C hristian hope. B. After Stebbins, G. or a spiritual Materialism, religion? 780. 75¢e.:; 50C.----> RR avevers — Same. 38ded. IQA GO Cr. «er we Nourse. Stewart, S:J. The gospel of law : discourses on fun- RD Dvec ele Ellts. incarnation, redemption 229. seca chureh doctrines. 6 Gwedenborg, I. Crea ition, mpt and the divine trinity. “81. 50c..- Claxton, Rh. § He Thébaud, A: J- The Chureh and the moral world. 80 33 eB CN aUg ele ¢ . odenreeretTHEOLOGY Theology, continued. Townsend, L. I. Bible theology and modern thought. 298) S150 .-- Cong. Pub.; Lee § S. — Elements of general Christian theology. 79. 40ce. Nelson x RP; — Outlines of Christian theology. [’77.] 40c “Nelson x Pes Vita (pseud.) Links and clues. ’81. $2.-Macmillan. Watts, R. the faith: reply to lectures by W. R. Smith, on the Old Testament in the Jewish Church. 38ded. ’82. CTO De eavetalcreei Wisin’ sols Belaay sie siniesi sic 4 -- Whittaker. Weiss, B. Biblical theology of theN.T. 2v. 782 PORN FAQ IO aie cicleve eevee o's sie siclaalisioiet Scribner & W. See also Atonement; — Baptism: — Belief; — Bible; — Canon law: — Catechisms; — Christian life; — Christianity Evidences of) :—Confirmation ; —Creation ; —Creeds ; —D: vil; —Devotional exercises; — Ecclesiastical history ; — Ecclesiastical law ; — Eecle- siastical polity ; — Eschatology ; — Faith; — Futur« life ; — God; — Heaven; — Holy Spirit; — Jesus Christ; — Monotheism; — Natural theology ; — Orthodoxy ; — Probation ; — Proph cies; — Religion : — Religions ; — Retribution ; —Sacraments ; — Sacri- fice : — Salvation ; — Sects; — Sin; — Theism ; — ‘Trauscen- dentalism; — Trinity. Therapeutics. Aitken, W: Complete hand-book of treatment: al- phabetical index of diseases. 782. $2.. Bermingham. Amidon, R. W. Year-book of therapeutics for 1883. 84. 1-50 Putnam. Bartholow, R. On theantagonism between medicines and between remedies and diseases. Ole DpileZo: Appleton. medica and thera- Fe IS DIS SSO: 5th ed. ’83 Appleton. 3inz, C. Elements of therapeutics. [’78.] $2.. Wood. Farquharson, R. Guide to therapeutics and materia medica; with add. embr. the U. S. pharmacopeeia. — Practical treatise on materia peutics. [’77.] $5; $6. Same. [ete ves $2. Same. saed= 4822 922508 asc. ea. Fothergill, J. M. Aids to rational therapeutics. ’82. OCH 5 Cr creer cic cei ow nieve wfercueie ates pioleveorcrete Putnam. — Practitioner’s hand-book of treatment; or, principles of therapeutics. WTA fieA 2 SpA ereve onialicio oreileie ole «cet Lea. Gordon, A. J. Ministry of healing in all ages. 82. Sil Ol sree ic rersatarevetnt sielelo ib as ce teins Sines iwc Gannett. Gubler, A. Principles and methods of therapeutics. 2B REA Sa copes ere ailolicletoveielel cleleiets sccee BIUNtON. Hall, E:D. The metric dose-book, minimum and maximum doses of old and new drugs by the grammesystem: 79. 2dC. acc. .550e AT Bliss: Hart, C:P. Repertory of the new remedies; based upon Hale’s Special therapeutics and tology. (’76. ] $1.50 Boeriche Xx Harvey, A. First lines of therapeutics. ’79. Symptoma- $1.50. Appl ton. Pathogenetic outlines of homeopathic ’80. $3.50 -«« Boericke & T. Qo Sie Heinigke, C: drugs. Kidd, W: Laws of therapeutics. 77 Lindsay & Blakiston. Leonard, C. H: Multum in parvo ref. and dose book. dded. [’77.] 75c Daily Post. $1.25. ~@eeeecee . eeeeee — Physician’s dose and day book. (7. | Leonard. 92.50. (elicdl — Physician’s multum in parvo ledger. [ Leonard. Lilienthal, S: Homeopathic therapeutics. ’78. $4.50 ; $0.50. Same. 2ded., rev. ’79. $5: $6. Boericke & T. On the therapeutic forces. [’78.] $1.25. Lindsay § Blakiston. 78.) $2. : é Lindsay & Blakiston. Palmer, B. W. Favorite prescriptions of distinguished practitioners, with notes on treatment. ’81. Mays, T: J. Ott, I: Action of medicines. $l. ie 3 Berminghamn. I hillips, C:D. F. Materia medica and therapeutics : Inorganic substances. 2y. 82. ea.,; 1.25. Wood. subs., Potter, S:O. L. with full account of homeopathic pharmacology and nomenclature. 2d ed. ’82. $$ D2. sceees GLOSS. 200 The newer criticism and the analogy of Index of comparative therapeutics; | THROAT Therapeutics, continued. Ringer, S. Hand-book of therapeutics. 7th ed. 79, $4.50. Same. 10th ed., enl. ’83. $5; $).75. Wood. Experimental research on physio- the secretion of bile. Oo ic. g oie on icicle Cimiein oie ieloiereerelo ESLCLICUSLO TUS A. Aids to therapeutics and materia Rutherford, W: logical actions of drugs on 80. Semple, C. medica. 2pts. ’79. ea., 50c.; 25c. ..-. Putnam. Stewart, M. Pocket therapeutics and dose-book. Sded..enl 782: Ble BUR ccc > ie LEWart- Stillé, A., and Maisch, J: M. National dispensatory ; cont. nat. hist., chemistry, pharmacy, actions and of medicines. 779. SRD Olciasie ice COs Walter, R. The nutritive cure: its principles and 56.75; uses methods: 728i. LoCo ercie wi cie aie ercvele cicree efel siete ls LULUIUIG: Wood, H. C. ‘Treatise on therapeutics, compr. ma- terica medica and toxicology. 8d ed., enl. ’79. $6: $6.50. Same. dthed., rev. ’83. $6-$7. Lippincott. See also Antiseptics; — Auscultation and percussion; — 3aths and bathing: — Blue glass; — Color; — Gymnastics; — Homeopathy ; — Hypodermic injections ; — Massage; — Materia medica; — Medical electricily; — Medicine; — Pathology ; — Pharmacy ; — Surgery ; — Water. Thiers, L: Adolphe. Le Goff, F. Life of Louis Adolphe Thiers. ’79. OED Di. ee claieiciciclecicte olaisvecs aioe ele) cote oie esses FUINAM. Simon, J. Government of M. Thiers, from Feb. 8, 1871, to May 24, 1873. 79. $4.50. Scribner's Sons. 2 Vie Thirty years’ war. Gardiner, S:R. Thirty years’ war, 1618-1648. [’76.] STE picareiere ares S cioisie = G aote eae Fe SCILDILCTISUSOTES: Gindely, A. History of the thirty years’ war. 2 v. Bde | BA cece = cleiele viele Welsielni/s/eicie weeee Putnam. Thomas a Becket. Froude, J. A. 179 7 @1 5 times of Thomas Becket. Scribner, A. § Co. and Life Thomas a Kempts. Kettlewell, S. Thomas a Kempis and the brothers of common life. 2v. 782. weeeee Putnam. Thomas, Gen. G: H. Johnson, R: W. Memoir of Maj.-Gen. G: H. Thomas. HSi.0 - 2Qile Sh2icie cisls ep siecle a treatment. 3ded. [’78. S2..DLindsay & Blakiston incl. the connection the throat and other diseases. affections of 22.20 between 4th ed. iS ; Tandsay XY Blakiston. — Same ; SO. — Same. 4th ed., enl. ’82. 75c. Same. ’83. $1.25: ~~ Eat & q UO Carwieicie, cic cleisia s\eleie a crete’ oe os eosece .---. Blakiston. Student’s manual of diseases of throat. Sl eioe eh eLle Pharmacopoeia of the hospital 3d ed. 76. onan oy Tandsay x Blak ~ston. Kitchen, J. the nose and Mackenzie, M. diseases of the throat. 209 Oo. Lam. for $1.25. ——Sanie, 4th eds. enl: 283i. Sile2d... .- Blakiston. Seiler, C: Hand-book of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of throat and nasal cavities. ’79 Sl. > Dd-ed:. enl. 78a: prac ercroul Tt The throat in its relation to singing. ’82. © seveee Bre ntano’s lt. Hmyp. — Diphtheria; Trache- Same. SS aie . Ward, W. Dy Oe ears OL a. See also Breathing; — Bronchitis; otomy ;— Voice. Thurston, Jfrs. Lucy G. Thurston, dfs. L. G. G. Thurston; from letters and journals. CTs S. C0. Andrews. Life and times of Mrs. Lucy 182; seeeee ser ener eeeeeek Thurston family. Thurston genealogies, 1635-1880. ’80. Hoyt, Hk PD: Thurston, B. SH Oln ce cielere Tiber River. their associations, past and Tiber and the Thames: present. ([’76.] $1.75 ..-- Lippincott. Tilden, S: J. Cook, T. P. Life and public services of S: J. Til- den: added a sketch of T: A. Hendricks. [/76. | Bee SDA ()) ein atc << lo SVolaial eile eles aitveiaisaceue --- Appleton. Tilghman, Tench. Tileohman, T. Memoir. [76.] $2.50...--- Munsell Timber. Jousfield, G: Timber merchant and builders’ mecum. 2ded.,enl. [’78.] 60c...-...---Spon. 3yrne, G. Timber and log book, ready reckoner, and price book. [’78 |] 25c...++-- +++: Am. News Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges: Timber, lumber, ete. ’?77. 20C..---+--- Lippincott. timbers of Hale, ee M. W oods and ASB EMP ocg seacos cod Hale. Time-keepers. 300th. M. L. New and complete clock and watch makers’ manual; with hist. of clock and watch making in America. New ed. [?77.] $2-- Wiley. Tin. »o Tinman’s manual. ’83 . $1.25..Cupples. Tin mining in Larut. [’79.] $1.50..Spon, Butts, I: R. Doyle, P. Tintoretto [Jacopo Robusti]. Osler, W: R. ‘TLintoretto; from recent investigations AE VIONICED 270% il Qdie wa cleleielere: ws ein|-SCIUOTLEI= Oy W. Saxon tithing-men in America. 83. Adams, H. B. Johns Hopkins Una. DOCicislsieacee Titian [Tiziano Vicellio]. Heath, R: F. ‘Titian, from most recent authorities. OR evveee . «4 oon eene eer se 0.9, gplieZ ; Titian. [77.] 50c. Sweetser, M. Book of toasts, speeches, and re- pralelaice Osgood. Toasts. Dick, W: B. sponses. [’83.] 50c.; 30C.------- beers cates UCC. Tobacco. Aleott, W: A. Tobacco: its effects on the human system. Newed. 783. 20€.--++++-- Fowler & W. Chase, B. W. . : TI; 7, } ~ social influences. Tibbals. (’78. ] 50c..- Mucklow ; 82. (Mar. 85.) vade | North Carolina. | Tobacco : its physical, mental, moral and 201 TOW N-OFFICERS Tobacco, continued. s Seribne r & W. | | | Fowler. H. P. Our smoking husbands. ’79. 10e. Authors’. lecture on the use of 50c...... Roberts. its place and power; [also of tobacco, by J: Lizars. 2 v. Livermore, A.A. Anti-tobacco; [also tobacco, by R. L. Carpenter; [also] tobacco, by G. F. Witter. 783. Miller, J. Aleohol: The use and abuse ]A On in le, 28iF Spills ic ctetcie eo c0cie --. Lindsa y & Blakiston. pick. a . : iS aN Parton. J. Smoking and drinking. New ed. ’82. Spl DO Can cictererl ere weet cereee Houghton, M. & Co. Sheals, J: Correct list of the tobacco and cigar manufacturers in the city and county of N. Y. ’81. SI evoteuciate : see Sheals. Smoker’s guide, philosopher, and friend; by a vet- eran of smokedom. [’77.] 50c...Serzbn 9, W. & A. Thwing, E: P. Facts about tobacco. [’79.] 25c. Rel. News. ae)0.0: |e; see 2 ele eoeenee 7 ee « — Same. ISOQR (Dd Cicrcverereieero cioccis'@ cy cisionace Wells Tobacco-question: essays. 782 60c. ..Un. B. Pub. Tokio. The wonderful city of Tokio. 783 [782]. Greey, E: $1.75 cece vehececcce coces oes «eee CCG Os $2.50; $ Tong-King. Town-officers. Staunton, S. A. The war in Tong-King: why the French are in Tong-King, and what they are doing theres 2842 250. .--. eevee aieltc ese le lalalete ete - Cupples. Tools. Smith, R. H. Cutting-tools worked by hand and ma- chine. 233: SND) eiciciel ore) aie ac Cassell, BP: G2] & Co: Whitaker, C. Wood-working tools, how to use them. AML RNS agdac Bere o sina cic nice (cic leiel e ereialciaialexerel eU i010. See also Saws; — Slide rule. Topography. Haupt, L: M. The topographer: his methods and instruments. 784. G4.-.-.------. Van Nostrand. See also Engineering; — Geography; — Map drawing; — Surveying. Tories. Address before the Hist. Soc. of §3..... Ludwig. De Peyster, J. W. New Brunswick, Aug. See also United States, History. 28, 1883. Revolution. Torts. Elements of the law of torts. 78. ni ereiore ays Ses ee ILL. Day 00: Treatise upon wrongs and their reme- dies. v. 1: Principles of the law of torts. 78. net. $6.00)... : syeisielcie “civic le eI OAUAGRAT. Evans, W: ‘Lreatise upon law of principal and agent Bigelow, M. M. $2.50; Cooley, SRR a i a in contract and tort. ’79. $d--.-- Chic. Leg. News. — Same; with notes and ref. to Am. cases; by M. De Hwells 7.9% SO.DO. «ce cvcceccce ..< Callaghan. and Plumptre, C. C. M. Principles [st Am. from 2d Eng. ed., with ee CCOULEA Underhill, A., of the law of torts. Am. cases, by N. C. Moak. ’81. $4.25. Tosino, Guido Santi. i ee Angelico, Fra. Total abstinence. Sec Temperance. Tow-boats. J.. and Wernigh, W. Steam towing on by means of a submerged cable. sjaicievee le DOT Meyer, F. rivers and canals, UiMTedl), (h2ilelsiealere clon wcsene™ a crokccicle Adkinson, F. ‘Township and town officers’ guide: summary of the law governing towns and town- rf ; i) a Y ae ships in Indiana. [’77.] aN ee a eyaievons cea lan be. Booth, W.S. Township manual for Dakota. *84 [89 | Booth. township officers. Burford. cseeal Law governing Wt ood Clarke, "82. acy Me SL.50.6ee sees Herrick, W: A. Powers. and parish officers in Mass.; with mentary rules. 780. S950; Do-- Peck, H. D. ‘Township officers’ guide: Ui law, rights and duties of township officers iny Ohio. 2d ed., rev. 280. 2. Be eee OLiices duties and liabilities of town forms and parlia- .. Little, B. & Co. manual ofTOW N-OFFICERS Town-officers, continued. Virgin, W: W. Maine civil officer. {th ed., rey. and with new matter by B. D. Verrill. ’79. $3.90. Loving, 9: 5 H. See also Constables; — Coroners ; — She riffs ; — Taxation. Towne, W: Blanchard. Dean, J: W. Sketch of the life of W: Blanchard Towne. [7’78.] 25C.----++++ +++: N. #. Mist. Gen. Towns. i are Adams, H. B. Germanic origin of New Eng. towns. 189. AN Cisne cic - cicciee sieieisee eAONNS Hoph uns Uni. Freeman, E: A. English towns and districts: ad- dresses and sketches. 783. $4 Northrop, B. G. Rural improvement. 680. Tuttle, M. & T. See also Town-oflicers ; — Villages. Toxicology. See Poisons. Tracheotomy. Thornton, W. P. the larynx and trachea. eve) Sle75. Lindsay & Blakiston. Trade. See Commerce; — Free Trade. Trade-marks. Coddington, C: E. 6 Digest of the law of trade-marks. . Ward & P. Manual of trade-mark cases: comprising $6.50. [78 ] Cox; R. Sebastian’s digest with notes and ref. 781. Houghton, M. § Co. See also Patents. Trade unions. 202 Macmillan. On tracheotomy in the diseases of Somers, R. Trade union: appeal to the working classes and their friends. [’77.] $2.40. SC) rbner, W. & A. | Tiafton, M: Trafton, M: Scenes in my life. [’77.] $1.50. Nelson & P. Tramps. Bellew, F. The tramp: his tricks, tallies, and tell- tales. [ 3 Dick. WS: DO Cae) tereiwicre os ere eiclaiiel hi sicreie ale oi See also Gypsies. Tramways. See Railroads. Transcaucasus. Bryce, J. ‘Transcaucasus and Ararat; notes of a va- cation tour, 1876. [P77%.] $2.50...... Macmillan. Transcendentalism. Cook, J. Transcendentalism. [°77.] $1.50. Osgood. Watson, J: Schelling’s transcendental idealism: critical exposition. 782. $1.25..... w+ee. Griggs. Transportation. See Carricrs ; —Commerce; — Exportation ; — Railroads, Trapping. Gibson, W: H. Complete Am. trapper. [’76.] $1.75. J. Miller. Travels. See Voyages and travels. Treaties. See Russia; — Turkey ;— United States: Commerce. Trees. 300t, W. H. J. Trees and how to paint them in ener Golench th), GPLENS. naooon sana ano Cassell Emerson, G: B. ‘Trees and shrubs. 3d ed. D Wo, | [’81.] CHe (BGs esos siclele os) va craters Lattle, B. & Co. Robinson, J: Ornamental trees for Massachusetts plantations’. 28 ceca ee Rand See also Forests; — Fruit; — Grafting; — Pruning. Trepanning. Fletcher, R. On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets; from contrib. to N. A. ethnology. ’89. Gov. Pr. TROUT Trials. Browne, G:L. Narratives of state trials in the 19th century. 2v. “82. $D.-«+.- Houghton, M. § Co. Donovan, J. W. ‘Trial practice and trial lawyers. 493: Ge arayerciaie(e e/diami < (eleuelel alot as «ee LEV EI SOT. Examination of witnesses; or, how to conduct a law- mt, (eh) Gs no oc Goan 050 ond odo nar Mills. Fuller, H. W. Noted French trials: impostors and adventurers. 782. @1l......--- swe eiake Soule & B. Hayne, R. Y. Treatise on new trial and appeal and other proceedings for review in civil cases, 2 v. OY ON Owes arereacsteie i alias Seayoueecits 2-2... 9. Whitney. Remarkable trials of all countries; comp. from offi- cinl sources. 2825, S48 dQ esi casege ce eee Peloubet. Willis-Bund, J. W. Selection of cases from the state trials. v. 2, pt. 1: Trials for treason (1660-1678) ; pt. 2: The popish plot (1678-1681). 2 v. ’82. $7.50. Macmillan. See also Actions at law ;— Evidence ;— Pleading and practice. Trigonometry. Brooks, E: Key to geometry and trigonometry. aA anil ook svevdu wie ieluvellatevelanereinl 6 Biclolelsiicrevetereic Sower. Lock, J. B. ‘Treatise on elementary trigonometry. AO in Eni) cag congdgonoga0000 0oaC Macmillan. Newcomb, S. Elements of plane and spherical trigo- nometry. *82. $150...............s-006- Holt. — Same; with logarithmic and other mathematical fables, “S82. SO .cccec wee Feces cise nce oer Holt. — Elements of plane geometry and trigonometry, with four-place logarithmic and trigonometric tables. 2B Di S40) oie os ein ee © wel eyeiers =) sini sinjore) rieiaia, wickets Holt. Oliver, J: E:.and others. ‘Treatise on trigonometry. 235 SOD. . cists 4c secon ee cei eiererete oe lore tore Wiley. Richards, E. L. Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry. 79. i aie aces ---- Appleton. — Elements of plane trigonometry. [’78.] 75c. Appleton. Seaver, E. P., trigonometric tables; and Walton, G: A: Logarithmic and with brief explanations of their use, [84:1] G0Cho-c- cece pase J. H. Butler. Smith, E: B. Elements of plane trigonometry. 781. TDGs Gia c cs isle bio wel cclevs ee) sien bie cieine ce mlerarenmh Starke. Welsh, A. H lane trigonometry and functional analysis. 778. 226 DTANG: Wheeler, H. N. Elements of plane tri gonometry. | 16. | ROD ce cals beech cs esl oo ee eee Ginn. Wilson, J. and S. R. Graduated exercises in plane trigonometry. “81. $1 ..4,-..2.---- J Macmillan. See also Geometry ;— Logarithms ; — Mensuration ;— Navi- gavion ;— Surveying. Trinity. Edwards, J. Obs. concerning the Scripture economy of the Trinity and covenant of redemption. ’80. $1. Scribner's Sons. O’Connell, J. J. the Blessed Trin- ity. “825 net, oe ++ Gath. Pub. Vital questions and Scripture answers concerning the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. [’77.] 12¢...Am. 7. Weeks, R. D. Jehovah-Jesus: the oneness of God: the true Trinity. [76.] $1. .-- Dodd. See also God; — Holy Spirit; — Jesus Christ. Conferences on S1.25 Trinity Church, Boston. See Boston, Churches. Trollope, Anthony. Trollope,A. Autobiography. ’83. $1.25; 20c... Harper. J: W. Lovell; Munro. ——pame. 783. 20C. .0--.ccaee Troubadours. Hueffer, F. The troubadours: hist. of Provencal life and lit. in the Middle Ages. [’78.] $5. Scribner & W. Preston, H. W. Troubadours and trouvéres, new and old. eziGea| SpA tein) cle ailarnvevere eters Erveletersier LLOOCRLS= Trout. King, J: L. Trouting on the Brulé river; a lawyer’s summer wayfaring. ’79. $1.50..Chic. Leg. News. Stone, L, Domesticated trout: how to breed and grow them. 3ded.,enl. [’77.] $2.50..2. Stone.TROY Sai Ne an : Benjamin, 8.G. W. ‘Troy: its legend, hist. and lit. : with sketch of the topog. of the Troad in the light of recent investigation. S1..Scribner’s Sons Schliemann, H: Ilios, the city and country of the 80.7 Tl). 1< ~ * . s . Trojans: results of researches and discov. 1871-— Sabir OlGr Sonne 1273-78-79. “81 [80]. $12; $15 .... Harper — Troja: results of the latest fesearches and discov- eries onthe site of Homer’s Troy. ’84. $7.50. Harper. Truro, Mass. : Rich, S. Truro, Cape Cod: marks. [’ Trusses. Burr, W:H. Course on the n bridge and roof trusses, arched ribs and suspension bridges. ks and sea- or, land-mar O35] GS coc. cere ee. I, as - Lothi Op. stresses : SOR mos Olsersicis wlctidielc« Walbie dis) 6c scic isa ot Wiley. Greene, C: E. Graphical analysis of roof trusses, for engineers, architects, and builders. Mitel iledoe Van Nostrand. — Trusses and arches, analyzed and discussed by graphical methods. 3 pts. 779 ...-.-+..s. Wiley. Gonte2 1k Roof trusses. $1.25. —2. Bri Lo trusses $2.50. —3. Arches in wood and stone. $2.50. Trusts. Perry, J. W: Treatise on the law of trusts and trus- tees, sded. 2v. 782; $12..:.. ttle, B. & Co. Tuberculosis. See Consumption. Tumors. Gross, S: W. Practical treatise on tumors of the mammary gland. 780. $2.50......-.-.. Appleton. Hay, T: History of a case of recurring sarcoma- tous tumor of the orbit ina child. [7’77 50e. Lindsay § Blakiston. Liicke, A. Surgical diagnosis of tumors. 780. 25c. Williams. Fibroid tumors of the uterus and ova- Merkel, G H. ries. [’Sl.] 50C...cceeeccerecccceecess Lynde. Stein, Av, W.- Study of the tumors of the bladder. AL SOLD Spo u50 pUnobe OodoON Od unouuO Wood. Wells, IT. S:. diagnosis and treatment. Tunis. Hesse-W artegg On ovarian and uterine tumors: their Oe > »7 ) fee SY: BT cee « DLAKUSLON. I., Tunis: the land and | Ire therr Vv. the people. ['82.] $1.75...6..+++seee eee: Dodd. Tunnels. Drinker, H: S. Tunneling, explosive compounds and rock-drills. [°78.] $25. Same. 2d ed., enl. Oo SND yee evelaieie sere o\aicreusi ai cle) slei eis) (oleinie) efeieini oie Wiley. Gripper, C: F. Railway tunnelling in heavy eround. i | (yobicte cis ola) vinie/s oes #0 c] ele tren» a bie Sil aie breja sO OTU. rev., St. Simms, F: W. Practical tu 3d ed., with chapters showing work done at Mt. Cenis, Gothard, and other mod. work, by DD. KX. Clark: [°76.] G12.50.---.s0e veeeee reece ya oe Weledy: See also Blasting; — Excavations; — Explosives. Turkey. Description. Baker, J. Turkey. [’77.] $4------+++++--+ Holt. Campbell, D. Turks and Greeks: notes on a recent eee Macmillan. Turkey. ’83. $2 Ee LOG: Turkish life in war-time. ’81. Scribner's Sons. On araft and through the desert. 2 Y. . Scribner ¥ W. | 78. loc Harper. Among the Turks. [’77.] $1.50-- Carter. | [’78. ] LOC... = .. Larper. | excursion. [’77.] $l.--+-+-:+++- Clark, E. L. Dwight, H: O. 1.50. Ellis, T. J. 81. Geary, G. Through Asiatic Turkey. Hamlin, C. People of Turkey. oeeevere Sce also Bosphorus ; — Constantinople; — Crimea; — Monte- | negro; — Syria. TNistory. Eastern and the western questions. | Baird, H: C. (247. || L0cw. = 1-0. Baird. | Turkey and the U.S. 203 | Turkey, continued. ) UNDERSTANDING Wate , } sarnwell, R. G. History of the Russo-Turkish war Mon oD Or es ID Bloel R a5 ieee or eeeren tier weees sree ed: E.. Potter. slochwitz, J: Eastern question: brief hist: of Tur- race mses ORAL Onn key. [0% Hi BOS 8 PES 600 Gacacdc --» Osqood. Russia and Turkey: Eastern lite Races of European ‘Turkey. 77 question Bugbee, J. h Osgood. istorically considered. Clark. 3 17 50e. 3 25e... Si $3. Dodd. ( reasy, Sir Ei: S. Ottoman Turks; _from the new rev. Hing. ed. ([’77.] $2.50... Holz. Forbes, A. War correspondence of the London Daily News, 1877-1878: hist. of the war between Russia and Turkey. 2v. ([778.] Vacmillan. Freeman, E: A. Ottoman power in Europe: its nature, History of the G25, 92.00). growth, and decline. [’77.] $2...-.. Macmillan. — Turks in Europe. [’77.] 25c...Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. -— Same. HIN. LS Checeme satel neice Senet Tarper. Gladstone, W: E. ‘Tureo-Servian war, sulgarian horrors, and the question of the Eust. [°7G6.] 25c. Lovell, Ad > W. x Co. Greene, F. V. The Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78. ’79. $6-..-.... Appleton. Holland, T. I. Lecture on the treaty relations of Russia and Turkey, 1774-1853. [’77. SIE Macmillan. MacColl, M. Three years of the Eastern question. TB.) BQ. ce eee eee cece eee cerned Scribner & W. Milner, T: The Turkish Empire: the sultans, the territory and the people. [’77.] $1.50...Nelson. Northern and Asiatie defences of Turkey; with ac- count of the military forces in the Eastern war. Peete] Appleton. O’Connor, J. D. History of Turkey; and veneal. of the existing Osmanli dynasty. [?77.] 20 HO Chie acres 25C M. Warren. ii. Ollier, E. History of the Russo-Turkish war. 2 v 79 ea Sh de avetale cfaleic) acm OOOO Cassell, P., G. & Co. Russo-Turkish war. (8: loes. ess Bc Oho Unt: Turkistan. Schuyler, E. Turkistan: notes of a journey, in 1873, in the Russian province of Turkistan, the Khanates of Khokan and Bokhara, the provinces of Kuldja. 2ever [nO 3.75. Same. Newand clieaper @a., Do. ed. 2 Vs . Scribner, A. S Co. (76. ] SO reve bie sie ole Seeé also Merv. Turner, Jos. Mallord W: Hamerton. P. G. Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Qu BONO Oiaceinide ice wee RTS ee o elo sore eicioo LOU CIES’ Monkhouse, C. ‘Turner. 779. &1.25..Sceribner & W. Rawlinson, W. G. ‘Turner’s Liber studiorum: de- scription and catalogue. 778. $4.50... Maemillan. Sweetser, M. F. ‘Turner. [778.] 50¢. Houghton, O. & Vo. Thornbury, W. Life of J. M. W. Turnen: ett] 75 ie ieee econ CeLL OLE SO Th. ccvsve «secvtsecesve - Turner gallery. 2 "79. ] $32; $36... Appleton. Tuscany. 1: The story of pt. aa see Waleys Roadside songs of Tuscany. Lucia. 784. 20C.-70C.+-++ sseeees es Twenty questions. Walworth, M. T. onthe game; added rules and Twenty questions: short treatise specimen games. ninecies ULOLK. JO) ONG: oo cle recici a isinlereleremiarsie< sleje/e'= Tyrol. Dale, T. N., 97: Study of the rhaetic strata of the Val di Lerdo in the southern Tyrol. [°76.] $1.75. Westermann. Gaddings with a primitive peo- . and customs. [778. ] Holt. Grohman, W: A. B. g ple: sketches of Tyrolese life BL: BOC. -cceceer sess Saree iejejere mle sen nitucasioren Waring, G: E., 91". Tyrol and the skirt of the Alps. 80 (’79] GO ie wees a a crarele cielo eee agp Coie See also Alps. Understanding. See Mind.UNION Union Pacific Express. Sorenson, A. Hands up; or, the hist. the Union Pacific Express robbery, Sept., 1877. [’78. ] of a crime: Carleton. DO Greece cece sce Rtsicl eieccisiorere aie cle iaicielelotets Unitarians. Allen, J. H: Our liberal movement in theology : shown in the hist. of Unitarianism in New England. sara CORN ees eters sees ca ace Roberts Clarke, J. F. Manual of Unitarian be alice 84. 25c.; DOCs ce wis seis weleis ales acele eo 0 095) « sioiate sip IS Se Unitarian affirmations: discourses by Unitarian minis- ters. 779. 50c. ; 200. Biche icieieiclotsy waee- AM ON. Year-book of the Unitarian Cc ongregational Churches for 1877-84. pater gale le ene wO0Ce. 6 eve Unit United Brethren. See Moravians. United States. Army. Army register of the U.S. 100 years. 2ded. ’81. SOE Bil cccicis ceo emcle © a sei oS HT. Hlamersly. Fry, J. B. Army sacrifices; or, briefs from official pigeon- holes. 79. Shiki ccs ose ssa Van Nostrand. Greene, D. M. Ladies and officers of U.S. army. PS (a es oe cca ooo ai aie omic s) sie, vis wicieis) os 0\« Cen. Pub. ( C. Hewitt, E. W., and Coleman, W. E. Index of gen- eral orders and circulars affecting the quarter-mas- ter’s oe Wi Se Ace S65 sae "78. Sl. Same. 2d ed., 79. nent rO))roreielar ere ste creie ene Hewitt Register of Fle non-commissioned staff, U.S. army, corr, to March, 188]. ’81. 2b5c..... Army & N. J. — Brevets; and science Art. — Painters See also Artillery ; Military art See Fine arts; — Music; ; — Sculptors. B 10g raphy y. r lives and times “* Ha per. Carroll, H. Twelve Americans: thei Ab, batletinandasaoe Gane Goce peoGooDor . Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars: biog. sketches of soldiers of the war of the Revolution, war with Mexico and the war for the Union, ete. ’80. $2 Hubbard Lossing, B. J. Eminent Americans: brief. biog. of leading men and women who have made American | history, #Sils ils DOO see ciecus acre Am. Bk. Pac. New England Historic Genealogital Soc. Towne memorial fund. v. 1, 2: Memorial biog raphies, W84b—li8d05 ive 7S0="82. “eae. SOs NB. Hist. Gen. nen; prefaced Perry, B: F. Reminiscences of pul Cc by life of the author, | by H. M. Pe Vic a S2..Ardvil. See also Anecdotes; — Chief Justice Cee s;— Woman, Biography ; —also below, Declaratios of Independence ; —Hix tory: Revolution ; — Presie lents. Commerce. Godwin, P. [and others France and the U. S.:} their present commercial relations with ref. to a treaty of reciprocity. [’78. LOC ce 2 ---» Putnam. See also Commerce; — Free trade. Congress. Blaine, J. G. Twenty years of Congress, from Lin- coln to Garfield. v.1. ’84. subs., $3.75... Bll. Maclay, Sketches of debate in the first senate of there Se. SI —90—29: 28or eae oe, Brown & D. Poore, B: P. Congressional GUECIOLY, with plans. 44th-47th Congress. [°77—82. »eccee-. GOV. Pr. — Political register and congression: il directory. ’78. SHO) nie tere SOO SieVelciers -Jersyerea « Houghton, O. & Co. W STrOrtin a C ongressional reminiscences: with | notes and app. OD HID Owe nse seca eee. LErQus. Constitution. Bancroft, G: History of the formation of the stitution of the U. S. Bump, O. F. of the judicial in of the U. Oy 20: sy Vv. 52 pO ++. Appleton. terpretations of the S., as contained in Constitution the various federal | and state reports. Newed. [’78.] $5. Baker, V. § Co. | 204 Con- Notes of constitutional dec isions, divest | UNITED STATES United States, continued. Champlin, J. T. Constitution of the U. S., with com- ments on the constitutions of England and France. cities aueietolcrel olereeie J: Allyn. of the U. S., with alpha- the continvntal ZS (ill wea cs etayecc coveiciste Hickey, W: Constitution betical analysis; proceedings of Congress; Declaration of Tadependence: etc. New enl. ed. “ESe eco: 3. eer. See dels Murphy. Porter, L. H: Outlines of the iconetitdtion dl hist. of the U. S Aey SU oacasc0dc sioieleaiacae s\ci-eld OUL- Schlief, E. Die Verfassune der nordamerikanis- chen Union. SO: $3:30-- = ----0.---> [pseergen=i| Sterne, S. Constitutional hist. and polit. develop- mentof the U.S. [782.] $1.25. Same. 4threv. CA 48oe | MlecDecccicien eee Cassell, P.. G. & Go. and the Con- sities cicieis SOQIVICS. Throop, M. H. Constitution of the U.S. stitution of New York. 783. 50c. The text of the Constitution is given in many of the Declaration of Indepe ndence. Liv es of the Dwight, N. signers of the Declaration of Independence. New ed. [?76. $1.50 .. Barnes. Martin, J. H. Declaration of Independence: a poem. 76 SS Ge cornice ster sielee ws cette CLAZLOMN. Leo Le Storrs, R:S. Declaration of Independence, and the . . ——p > Tin effects of it. anOs [DG. a0 oe ccee aces - LANQOLDN. See also above, Constitution. Note. The text of the Declaration is given in many of the histories. Desc Appleton’s general guide-book 1879-1883. Rev. ed. v. 1: raption. to UW. S:; New and Canada, England, Middle States, and Canada. v. 2: Western and Southern States. °79—83. ea., $1.25; or, in 1 v. eca., $2.50. Appleton. Appleton’s illustrated hand-book of Am. cities, 1877- 1881. New rev. ed. [ "76-780. || Fhe. 50c: « - Appleton. Atkinson, E: Our national domain: graphical presen- tation of the comp. areas of the States and Ter. of 2ded. ’80. 50c. Williams. U. S. and countries of Europe Beecher, H: W. Cireuit of the continent: account of atour through the West and South. 784. 10c. Fords. Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak-box: beat voyage of 2600 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi and along the Gulf of Mexico. ’79. $2.50. Lee & 8. a geographical journey of 2500 miles, from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico, 1874-5. ['76.] Lee & S. Bodenstedt, F: Vom Atlantischen zum Stillen Ocean. SP, Sto iOs EPI) onooc Steiger. Bromfield, E:T. Picturesque journeys in America of the Junior United Tourist Club. ’83 [782]. $3.50; Spl MDa severe oie 2) eieie srelepatern eiormale Ome tate cle Campbell, S27 G: WwW hite and black : visiGto WE Si AO. SID carvers tu Dale, R. W. Impressions of America. 2D Cre eis aaa eefelsic ,++- Appleton. Fetridge, W. P. capes hand-book for travellers in Europe and the East, U. S. and Canada. 15th- Rivers, — Voyage of the paper canoe: Sh 22D Ojeiclaielc wlisielers)cis) clcieferers ee Ot geo" outcome of Worth a las New ed. 779. 23d year. 3v. [each year.] °76-84. ea. v., $3. Harper. Freeman, E: A. Some impressions of the U. S. ’83. BDO kears ckesu ste wears sles eee oc Seem aoe Be gre PL OU: Fremont, Mrs. J. B. Year of Am. travel. [’78.] 25c. Harper. Grant, Mrs. A. Memoirs of an American lady: sketches of manners and scenes previous to the Revolution. [776.] $3...... siete Gielen mee I MAUNUS eles Gunnison, A. Rambles overland: continent. ’84. $1. Halstead, W: Wilt Oserererm erovelcicr srein aici ciere sree Hardy, Lady I.D. 281 BU Din «sci sence Hatton, J. To-day world and the a trip across the deisicieie cles) siejora rie UIUULENSLUUSE. R. Future religious policy of Am. [’77.] .--- Hitchcock J ; Through cities and prairie lands. secceeeese Lt. Worthington. in America: studies for the old new. Ol. 2OCe cee ces. Ose.UNITED STATES 205 United States, continued. Holyoake, G: J. Among the Americans, and a stranger in America. ’81. $1.50.. Belford, C. § Co. Jackson, Jf-s. H. Bits of travel at home. ([’78.] | Sp DU a cle ele oie a ae cle) cielo clls se cfc aye e's oa erey ac Roberts. | Korner, G. Das deutsche Element in den Vereinigten Staaten, 1818-48. 780. $2.50...... A. EB. Wilde Same. 2. Ausg. S84. med ine ste 2 smi iie -. Ste1ger Lester, C: E. America’s advancement: progress of the U.S. GUEOE their first century. Ov vel 2; | SU wicieie 0 © p16) 0 n100)p 4) =e) 2:0. ..-, R. Worthington. ippincstt s gen. ionidespook to the U.S. and Canada: app. describing the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876. 3d ed. (76. We sop DO} Sisters ware: were. ete Lippincott. Lippincott’s gen. guide for settlers in the Ue Se 2d ed. (iG: CHUN Ms oon oo coooon soon cds Lippincott. Longfellow. H: W. Poems of places. America: | Middle States; 279: (ple... ci... Houghton, M. & Co. } Palmer. J. E. International pocket guide to Europe andee Su VSO) Voc: soe coe ee ns ee LANE): Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the U. S. 779. } ACs acac cie elalaipisd winie pl wise cc ealcie iv 50 ee Appleton. | Rand, MeNally & Co. New commercial map of the U.S. and Canada. 783. $2-83.: Rand. McN. & Co. Sala, G: A: America re ee 9 Vi SU) ale Scribner & W. | names IROk QO Crees cece wee wore acre ores Funk. | Saunders, W: Through the light continent; or, the Ye Sein ISS: 00. Gee. Cassell. ReiGe oCo. Shinn, E., and others. Highways and byways of American tr: as iii D2 eos. ccvcce Lippincott. Silliman, A: E. or, sketches of American scenes and military ad- venture. Newed. 781. $2.50....--+.+--- Barnes. Smith, L. H. Historical and Ginn OE al atlas of therWe Ss won Dace wee aan . 1. Smith. | Soulé. J. oH. U. S. blue book; oa of weTRCES clerkships [ete.], under the U. S. goy., 1876-’77. iis) BOe) Same: Sle Tb Gkecrcies ce see Soulé. \ gallop among American scenery ; | Steiner, H. Kiinstlerfahrten vom Atlantischen bis zum Stillen Ocean : Reisesisizzen, »83, 50c...lnt. News. Stone, J. B M: agnetic variations in the U. S., com- pilation of observations “made in Am. from 1640 to rs present date: t ibulated and arr. for surveyors. uo ] GT yO sere c es wel ce @ see ievei slates Van Nostrand. aurick s guide-book to the U. 5. and Canada, 1883. BBS ee 50 PS ies nie Wyerwayele ilo a) ple elieverelellefs Putnam. Wells, J.C. E pluribus unum. 780. 50c...- Mills. Seealso America; — Centennial Exhibition ; — New England; | — North America; — Pacific Coast; and names of states, cities, lakes, mountains and rivers, etc. Description: South. Brown, W: W. My southern home; or, the South and its people. “80. $1.20 ------es-2--: Brown. Chapman, A. W. Flora of the southern U.S. 2d ed., enl. 83. po ods bor croNG 0000 GOOUOS Ivison. Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. America: Southern States. ’79. $l---- Houghton, M. § Co. Pierson, H. W. In the brush; or, old-time social, political and religious life in the Southwest. ‘81. $1.50 en Evers ater ai-iisenereeve tw! simierereiany \sie8)*)(0) >A {ppleton. Watterson, H: Oddities in southern life and char- | acter. 783 [782 |. Sil ble sere: lloughton, M. & Co. Year of wreck: true story bya victim. 780. $1.28 Harper. Description « West. Allen, W: Five years in the West. ’84. $1.-So. Meth. Beadle, J. H. Western wilds, and the men who re- deem them. [’78.] $3; $3.50------+-« Jones Bros. Beecher, H: W. Inthe West: notes by the way. 78. | 15¢ Weveie ie) vi aie eae) 0.) .0:10).0) 2) .6 1° NAOCOO DOOD Chr. Un. Blanchard, R. Discovery and conquests of the north- west; incl. the early hist. of Chicago, Detroit, ete. 80. $3.25-$5.50------ Doct GUSING, Li Co. Burnett, P: H. ee and Goons of an old pioneer. AO, GIMDoonv on coGGG0590 Appleton. Sutterfield, C. W. Histon of the Aiscoveny of the northwest by J: Nicolet in 1634; with ske tch of his life. 781. $1. SAA OROOD 0G 00 0000 (000 06 Clarke. United States, continued. UNITED STATES Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Oecident, the Atlantic to the Pacific. 83 [’82]. $2.25; $1.75 : : Estes. Campion, J. S. Onthe frontier. [’78.] $3.75. Scribner, W. & A. Carrineton, H. B. Ab-sa-ra-ka (land of massacre) ; experiences of an officer’s wife on the plains. 3d ed., enl. [?78. WW ecocs coooomDoaC Lippincott. Codman, J: Round trip by way of Panama, through California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Colo- TVAGOs 2EOe Billed Okie rasta cis ci ere eke ciel oretere Putnam. Crofutt, G: A. Overland tourist. °79. $1; 7dc. Overland. Dall, Js. C. H. My first holiday: letters from Colo- rado, Utah and California., 781. $1.50....- Roberts. Dodge, R: I. Plains of the great West, and their in- habitantss = [ei Sk sere epee ie win otedelein Putnam. Gleed. CG: S. From river to sea: tourists’ and miners’ suide, from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean. OORT ike O Cu ayerstevclei sic) cies e (cls nie Rand, McN. & Co. — Same, with title: Overland guide from the Mis- souri River to the Pacific Ocean. Rev. ed. 783. 50c. Rand, MeN. & Co. Keeler, B. Cy. Where to Zo To hecome rich: guide to Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. {’80. ] DH Oi sisleleicloteloiereietsilelelefelilereie Belford, Cc. & Co. Leslie, Mas. F. From Gotham to the Golden Gate. (Patt) Oe rere ceive rehtele) (Die ere c oraires viel cleievers 0 vie) bib) 0) Grae) nian eee Lee S ise Hildreth, R: History of the U. S: Rev. ed. 6v. 280s BL Dae crera se a Boise ere lets ore nere) s eforsiccl = ci Tlarper. Holbrook, R. H. Outlines of U. S. liistory. ’80. TAY Ge hale die o wie'tese coke 6 OW Sel eI eet Scie woes LVOUNLAL. IIolst, H. v. Constitutional and political hist. of U.S. v. 2: 1828-46. ’79. $4-$6..-... ..» Callaghan. — Same. v.8: 184650. ’81. $3.50-$5.. Callaghan. Hopkins, L. Comic hist. of the U.S. 80. 50c. Am. Bk. Exc. Newed. ’82:. 75c.<: Cassell, B., Gi & Co. Hurlbut, J.L. American bist. 80. 10c... Phillips § 1. Introductory hist. of the U. S.; arr. on the catecheti- cal plan. | “4B. AON Cixiins arate/cie 50000 d00c Cath. Pub. Leeds, J. W. History of the U.S., incl. some impor- tant facts,omittedin the Smaller history. [’77. ] $1.75. — pame. Same. New rev. ed. [’78. | spletid) 3.0 ippincott. — Smaller hist. of the U. S. 782. $1... Lippincott. Lester, C: E. Our first hundred years. (University ed. Wvein le (iia) BaD Oe sceterrcee UG. S. Pub. Lodge, H: C. Studies in history. ’84. $1.50. Houghton, M. & Co. Lossing, B. J. American centenary: hist. of the progress of the republic of the U. S. (’76. ] S15; BB sivas 6 wrsieieiers diate 6 eiclaiverelc: eiwie si) rng eee OT eria On — Harper’s pop. cyclopedia of U.S. hist. from the aboriginal period to 1876. 2 vy. 81. $12.. Harper. McMaster, J: B. History of the people of the U. S., from the Revolution to the civil war. In5v. v. 1. IBB3= BQEDO) carers creole ators) ecsver sie icles enya ee Appleton. Monroe, Js. L: B. Thestory of our country. [’76. ] GED) sires cic eicusioke oles = arte yarere Lockwood, B. & Co. National centennial commemoration. [’76.] $1. F. D. Stone. Northam, H: ©. Fixing the facts of American his- tory, “825 TOCiecc Ne neue cieie oi ciciere sine Bardeen. Ollier, E., and Chester, J. L. History of U. S. 3 v. lee ea., S47508 occ ~ +--+ Cassell, P., G. § Co. One hundred years ago. ’81. 25c...[R. Worthington. | Peck, J.T. The great republic; from the discovery of Am. to the Centennial, July 4th, 1876. [’76.] Rt) ae occ srs oie Sik dG Hee We oe cere Nelson & P. Pierson, Mrs. H. W. History of the U. S. in words ofone syllable, [83] $l coe... scc- Routledge. Quackenbos, G. P. American hist. for schools. (’77. | WL OZD sacs. cee eas oe cetis seca cee ee Appleton. Ridpath, J: C. History of the U.S. for schools; embr. the features of Lyman’s hist. chart. Rev. ed. [’78.] $1.75. Same. (Grammar sch.ed.) $1.25..Jones Bros. — Popular hist. of the U.S. Rev. ed. ([?78.] $3; POCO O's os. weverowierc arte weenters sc coe ay eee Jones Bros. Rosenthal, L: Americaand France: the influence of the U.S. on France in the 18th cent. ’82. $1.75... Holt. Saunders, F: Our national centennial jubilee: ora- tions, addresses, and poems, del. 4th of July, 1876, in the several states of the Union. [’77. $3.50; 45 OO ea rete ei wie a rearwire ener sce s oie e ee cee LEAs Schouler, J. History of the U. S. of Am. under the constitution, 1783-1817. 2v. ’81. ea., $2.50-$4. W. Il. §& O. H. Morrison. outline hist. of the U.S. Scott, D: B., 77. Short 198 HOG: aes Acie 6 eee 4onete cee ect -- Collins. Sherwood, J: D. Comic hist. of the U.S. New ed. IOs ADD Ohio Sodan costs See Houghton, M. § Co. Southwick, A. P. U.S. history and civil govern- ments 48255 NOChwsra cen snk c Ae ie Bardeen. Spencer, J. A., and Lossing, B. J. Complete hist. of thie-U..S; 2 v. (78.1) $l3—S20% « oak - Ames. Stephens, A. H. Compendium of the hist. of the U. S. to 1883. Newoed., enl. 783: ($1502. ... -. Hale. Storrs, R: S. Larly American spirit, and the genesis of it; the Declaration of Independence and the ef- LeCtsio£ its MiSsi|) 2-50 cosas eer Randolph.JNITED STATES 207 UNITED STATES United States, continued. Unitea States. Lentini. Swinton, W: Condensed hist. of the U. S. “IGE Ge coon ceed oo ere Reveal History : War of 1812. = ers steer Gee lison. alleyrand-Périgord, C: M. de (Prince). Etude sur Cullum, G: W. Campaigns of war of 181215 against la Republique des Etats Unis d Amerique. [°76 Great Britain, sk tched and criticised; with brief G2. aD FA) bios: of Aim: enoineers: = 27.9) (Snee. oy: Willer _ $35 $2.50...+.... sees gant cis Aen ene Hird & Tour Re PRR e GP eRe eomae seis Dba DeI ey M. E. Eclectic history of the WES: Lea De None eee 12— Be between [esi ca ie Wein the U. S. and Great Britain. [°82.] $1.25... Dodd. Uni Lam olemiieie ala) eisiajel eve aie sie vere - Qa) ntwerp. ) E | vax i 7 ‘ ae ‘ sevelt, L. >naval war S12; or > hist. o BL GHinsOn, J.P. The U. S. asa nation: Te tisecon He es a 7 ot na al y : oF lv: or, the bi t. of : nt ie U.S. navy during > last war w “eat the centennial of Am. independence. 77.) 50. i: y during the last war with Great t J Brita: 2825 S285 Os aecccc cco: ccee cces PUINAM. es Uncle Ned psevd.) Pictures and stories from Ameri- Ilistory: Mexican war. . 299 7 @ - = can history. | Os | 31 reves sees neee M. Bradley. Ladd, H. O. History of the war with Mexico. [’83.] Woolsey, T. D., and others. First century of the re- PROBS ects eie¥olelatie co siereveity: SHOR cons cee Doda public: review of American progress. [’76.] $5- g Iso Mexi - : See also exico. SeOiarelelel aie gin eis wipipis (ice ell cl areiarets) crevele «/piciare - Harpe) : See also Medals. Tistory : Ciwil war. History : Coiontes. eee ea aes Spa 83. 31 : - Scribner's Sons. try x Se : . : : 3 : Anderson, ‘I’: M. tical conspiracies preceding Coffin, C: C. Old times in the colonies. ’81 [’80). ’ s ohuiea Nspiracies pl ceding the a3 “Ha rebellion; or, true stories of Sumter and Pickens. UO eres eecececes Peeneertecee =O eee arper. ; . : 2s, wapilictarer crates sletaieipc acelsiela cl clei Stele mpir cies Putnam. Doyle, J. A. English eqlonie s in INGE rics ay irginia ee N : : Dor ine Annals of the war, written by leading participants Maryland, and the Carolinas. 89. are gee : ; 7 Ce pee S Hater On Our carly cncerant a North and South. ’79. $4 .......... Times Pub. 5 AR (Oe > emigrant ancestors: ‘jol- : : , : . Stic : ee ; : YEESLONS 3 OFS) Bailey, G: W. Private chapter of the war (1861-4) nal lists of persons who went from Great Britain to 80. 3] G. I. Jone 2 a ( e Dike ele ee m cc 66 © a ene ce € 5 00 60 6 tie eee ~ he JONES. the Am. plantations, 1G00-1700. 2 81) 1°79 5 : 2 ie a : : ar. ae I 00, 2d ed. a Bevier, R. S. History of the Ist and 2d Missouri nN Cdiniien Uiielereveelaie!elsin ee elas e «i wialeie! sata ciciclarciere oc uULO . . : » VL» 7, I d re H: C. Short hist. of E jes Be ULD Mt confederate brigades, 1861-1865; [also] From odge, : ; oho} 11ST. ¢ th or, CO! »S ]] r : wre = = 1. a3 yt the ing: colonies in Am. Wakarusa to Appomattox: military anagraph. 779. ne ' SPecteue scien Ey ehh sen S'S) 9197 8 $58) 016-6 iS Shara -. Harper. ROD yes ccaic culsiersinele ce cn pie eeic ec AQ baer, OO; Scott, E. G. The de Gell pment of constitutional lib- erty in the Eng. colonies of America. ’82. $2.50. > I uULTLAND. Boyden, A. L. Echoes from hospital and White House: Mrs. Rebecca R. Pomroy’s experience in Y ; ae : : : war-times. 784. 1.25.0. 250 352s cee ee LvOtlsop. peccsce Liymouth ;_- khode Island. 3ritton, W. Memoirs of the rebellion on the border, Ihistory ; Indian wars. 18639 (SO) Sonne enemas OUuSHing, TGC: Doddridge, J. Notes on the settlement and Indian Sia lin, J: D., 99° voune folks’ history of the w: wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsyl- for the Union. ?Sl. $2.75....-+..-+-- a hekelarciai Holt. Vania Od lnSo; [216.1] BA eiccc cas « «re .« Munsell. Cheney, Jfrs. C. E. Young folks’ history of the civil Markham, R. Narrative hist. of King Philip’s war, war. “84 [783]. $1.50-.-..--- a clefel alee e)eie LUSUCS: and the Indian troubles in New Eng. 8351 SL Qo: Cist, H: M. Army of the ¢ Jumberla nd. 82. Sl. ~ Dodd. Scrrbner’s Sons. See also Indians ;— New England, //istory. Coffin, C:C. Boys of ’61; or, four years of fighting. ie : AQ QOS ec oe ice Sees rice eet ors ee SES: History : Revolution. ‘ox, J. D. March to the sea: Franklin and Nash- Abbott, E: Revolutionary times: sketches of our TANK 22) Sitlonocoaagde ar . Scribner's Sons. country one hundred years ago. 776. $1.. Roberts. Darling, Jfs. EF. A. Nise Da irling’s letters; or, Carrington, H. B. Battle-maps and charts of the memories of the civil war. [’84.] ete American Revolution. [’81.] $1.25..... Barnes. : W. Lovell. — Battles of the Revolution; with topog. ill. and Davenport, A. Camp and field life of ae 5th N.Y. military and popular criticisms. [’76. $6-$12. Vol. Infantry. °79. $2.50....-.2+.-seeee . Dick. Same. 3d ed. |’°78. iL EBaGad.gooc . Barnes. Dodge, T. A. Bird’s eye view of our civil war. 783. Coffin, C:C. Boysof’76. Hist. ofthe attles ok the GROVE ae oie eisicialeeiereleiniealcle Seen are aianes - Osgood. REVOlIpions | [eiG:]) Go-e.cce as. -56 10 1Q1pen. Drake, : M. Fe ast and loose in Dixie: unpre mo ced De Peyster, J. W. Burgoyne campaign of July— narr. of personal experience as a prisoner at Libby, October. [Sie 7BSier ecco ccc see Rees Hamersly. MRCOR: Savannah and Charleston. [’80.] $1.50. Johnson, Six J: Orderly book during the Oriskany Authors’. campaign against Fort Stanwix in 1777; annotated Eggleston, G: C. A rebel’s recollections. 2d ed. from ms. letters by W: L. Stone: introd. incl. The | 27 OL. ONT aracisrewerwiele cle) ofa cvernlerere) oieleln ai - Putnam. battle of Oriskany and the life of Sir J: Johnson, by} Force, M. F. Bron Fort Henry to C artiitihy ist oy ou Ie W. De Reyster, “983. $4:....---- . s+. Munsell. Scribner's Sons. Johnston, H: P. Observation on Judge Jones’ Loyal- Gordon, G: H. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain in ist hist. of the Am. Revolution. ’80. $1..Appleton. the war of the great rebellion, 1861-"62. “80. So. Lowell, E: J. The Hessians and the other German _ Osgood. auxiliaries of Gt. Brit. in the revolutionary war.| — Pe of the campaign of the Army ot Va. under pare pilD Olererericicsic\sivieue, aia sie) islcienl=) ve erste) LLG Clla| J: Pope, Brig.-Gen. U.S. A. , from Cedar Mountain to Marshall, C. Extracts from [his] diary, Philadelphia Alexandria, 1862. 780 | 79). 3 t.. Houghton, O. § Go: and Laneaster, during the Am. Revolution, 1774—| — War-diary of events in the war ot the great ee 1781. [777.] G2.- 2-2-2 eee eeeeee coon ee Munsell. bellion, 1863-65. 782. $3.--- Se nace Muzzey, A.B. Reminiscences andmemorials of men of Hale, E: E. Stories of war told by soldiers. ie an the Revolution and their families. ’83. $2.50..Pstes. | ee Ron ayLs: Stone, E. M. Onur French allies: their fleets in the Am. Harris, A. Review of the politica il conflict in America Revolution, 1778-1782. ’83. $5.. Prov. Press Co. to the close of the southern reconstruction; also Winsor. J. Reader’s hand-book of the Am. Revolution, career of IT. Stevens. | ‘70. J $3.50.. : Se alloule: 1761-1783. ’80 [(?79]. $1.25... Houghton, 0. & Co. Higginson, T: W. Army life in a black ee Woodman. C: H. Boys and girls of the Revolution New ed. 782. $1.50.---+--:> AF ee a 3. (Ge) BL 25% wees scale Guster ciepae ais: atete Ld an Hoffman, W. Camp, court, and siege. | / ae Yee 0 Ar 3 :-— Bure J: — Canada; S0. EINE) y eis Deeds of daring by both blue and ,oray. S38 Subs. DIDO wpolec cc ne ; N a bs G ° 4 tobinson, M. S. The American conflict: household MOS BW Fi, o8oc0n gqonno due Phillips & HH Rogers, E. H. the 3d Ropes, J: Reminiscences of military service in teot. Mass. ) Infantry. 783. -- Rand. The army under Pope. ’81. $1. I S1.85 C Scribner's Sons. Soley, J. R. The blockade and the cruisers. ’83. Dl. s Sons. Stevenson, J. H. Boots and saddles: hist. of the first volunteer cavalry of the war, known as the First N. Y- (luincoln) Cavalry. 79. -+>- Patriot Swinton, W: Campaigns of the army of the Potomac: critical hist. of the operations in land and Pennsylvania, 1861-1865. SC) bne 7 $1.50 LO Iie Shae Scribner’s Sons. 208 Virginia, Mary- UNITED STATES United States, continued. Tavlor, R: Destruction and reconstruction: personal experiences of the late war. ’79. $2...Appleton. Thayer, W: M. Youth's history of the rebellion. 4 v. Oe Ri ce iece Gie 1s aos ee eenen ones Maller Todd, A. The campaigns of the rebellion. ’8+4. $1.25. Chapman. R. Historv of the war with the South. 3 v. $20: $26 ...- weeecele. Worthington. Anecdotes of the civil war in the we --+e Appleton. Tomes, Ya Townsend, Ii. D. WS: 284 CT) conc Underwood, aA. B. The three Thirty-third Mass. Infantry 81 [80 Vawter, J. treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities. ’80. 7Q2)] sialaielie years’ service of the Regiment, 1862-1865. 2 aisheeiais -ee«e Williams. B. Prison life in Dixie: short hist. of the S3 ailsieials Y >]. eo eee Gen. Bi. Lo AaagG oc BOOO OODOdO d0DO CUO0DO +4 Waleott, C: ] History of the 21st Regt. Mass. Vol- unteers: with statistics of the war and of rebel prisons. 782. $4..--+0+-+---- Houghton, M. § Co. reminiscences of the civil and western waters. [’77.] $38: extra ed., weisics weeded. eed. Watkins, S: R. Co. Aytch, Maury First Tennessee Regiment; or, a side-show show. ’82. $1.25; 7ae..-[S: & Watkins. ] S. The peninsula: McClellan’s campaign and southern Walke, H. Scenes war on the Saw wei cs ee 6 1861 vs. 1882 Grays, of the bi Webb, A. ayn UE AH, ~ Gilloobo cogoodagacc Scribner’s Sons. Williams. G: F. Bullet and shell; war as the soldier saw it. 83. SUDS:. S2UTO® Oslo «© cs wie oe Fords. Wilson. J: A. Adventures: episode of the dark days of the rebellion. "80 Siler eee sielere Blade Pr. Co. Wood. J. T. Steedman and his men at Chickamauga. Th. SI ACO OM Ooo U Or elslalep iss ee eleeis Brown ¥ F. Woodward, E. M. Hist. of the 3d Regt. Penn. Re- serve. 28h. (S200 sec. cocci: M. Woodward: See also Andersonville; — Atlanta; —Bull Run; — Chancel- lorsville; — Chattanoo — Confederate States of America; — Gettysburg; Grant. Gen. U. 8.; — Guerillas; — Jackson, T: J.: —Lee, Gen. R. E.; — Libby Prison, Richmond Va.; — Lin- ecoln, A.: — Lookout Mountain; — Meade, Gen. G: G.; — Missis- sippi River; — Mobile Bay; — Shena idoah valley; — Stone’s Rive Industrie Si Bolles, A. S. Industrial hist. of U scription of Canadian industries. ’78. de- 5-99.25. Bill. Lossing, B. J. History of American industries. [’78. ] $10: S15 SOOO MOOD DOGO ODDDG Melee ietece ele cel O UCT: Gi Thurston, R. H. Reports of the commissioners of the , with oy QF mo. f U. S. to the Internat. Exhibition, Vienna, 1873. 4y. [%6.]| $lo.:--.-( Gov. Pr.;] Van Nostrand. See also Arts (Useful) and references under that subject; — Centennial Exhibition; — Commerce; — Free trade; — Statistics. Language. See Americanisms ; — English language. Law. Abbott, A. New forms of practice and pleading under the code of civil procedure. [‘77.] $4.50. Baker, V. & Co. explanation of 2 Abbott, B: V. Judge and jury: leading topics in the law of the land. 80. Harper. — Treatise upon the U.S. courts and their practice. 8ded. 2v. [’76—77.] ea., $7.50. Diossy ; Ward & I. American decisions: cont. all cases of general value and authority decided in the courts of the several states. v. 1-54. °78—84. ea., $3...... Bancroft. Cont. : v. 1-11, by J: 12-54, by A. C. — Index to Am. decisions cases re-reported, by A. C. 1837-46. oratis American law digest and Proffat. — v. Freeman. and notes. with table of Freeman. vy. 31-45, ae .. Bancroft. legal directory, 1882-3, ed. hy W: ¥: Wernse. 2 v. [’82-’83.]ea., $6.- Wernse. American reports: cont. all decisions of general in- terest. v. 16-45. 20 v. ’76-’84. ea., $6.. Parsons. 16-25, by I: G@. Thompson. — vy. 29-45, by I. Browne. 783; COMSIDS: scicicre Cont.: v.UNITED STATES 209 UNITED STATES United States, continued Uni , CO nued. United States, continued. — Digest of Am. reports, v. 1-2 T(t : ‘ 79. ne ee ee Eom eon. Heese Us F Records of livine officers of the eS — Same. v. 25-36, by I. Browne. ’82. gratis pe tae eter marine ae COD: from official a BULD Sey a claicenic le) sictaiel bieic sisve = cleve eis) « clasetave lcisics th arsons = Ree as os See Nee eee Neo. Secure: Lippincott. eee of Am. reports, Ist—3sth imelieivel i W: ES ioe ae Dee ee 90. A LrAMMel: “Sp. HOw «<5 Se Randalls Beet ap eco ee an NOSTTANG. Bateman Wi. Politi BA AP Onc timaalne ; L oe a es Je he story of the U.S. navy, for boys. the U.S. "76. ROE ROA oe ca Oe Ee Jones piecoe eee I iS Seas svete scecceens +e Harpe Bradley, W:H. Rules of practice and gen. ndererc of ges, vee Gh. ections of a naval offi er, 1841 the Circuit and District Courts of the U. S. for the ae ne a cn gereh i cleieie nem LILI OLS. Northern District of Illinois, with rules of the Sup. pai i H she eager a nited States Naval Academy; — Court of the U. S.; also rules in equity and a Imi- oe : z ralty. 4% tllodgonoan dp0000 cedo Chic. Leg. News. Patent Offic Bump, O. F.. Federal proc ‘dure: the title judiciary Account of the destruction by fire of the N. and W in the rev. statutes of U. S.; and rules promulgated Halls of the Model Room in the U. S. Patent Office by Supreme Court and forms, with notes ref. to all ildi Sept. 24, 1877, with hist. of the Patent decisions reported to Jan. 1, 1881. ’81. net, $6.50. Office, 1790-1877. [’78.] 50c. ........ Williams. Cushings & B Bundy, Cc: S. U.S. commissioner, cont. forms, et Politics and government. att structions, and the st tute law concerning the com- Baird, H: C. Eastern and the western questions i eae mate of the U. S. Circuit courts. 2d ed., enl. Turkey and theU.S. [77.] 10c...-.-.-. Baird. 83. 9.50. teense eee creer tse eee eres Bundy. | Bell, F. Original stump-speech book. ’S1. 10c. Curtis, B: R. Jurisdiction, practice and peculiar ju- : N. Y. News. risprudence of the courts of U.S. 780. 82 50; $3. Campaign primer. SHOE Web oooonG coc . Harrison. Inttle,.B. & Co. Clark, C:C. P. Commonwealth reconstructed. [’78. ] Desty, R. Manual of practice in the courts of the Gia ieteisiel aisle ee sleie a aveicUsiete) Je Sisters araie siete Baynes! Ds . S.: with notes of decisions. 6th ed., rev. "84, Cooper, T: V., and Fenton, H. T. American politics ee revel ie fal iar cio cipiier ciel alee slsiels) sis/ele wieieie;A S. Whitney. non-partisan). I89e | SUDS =D ee ee — Removal of causes from state to federal courts, with Diman, J: L: ae nation of the educated classes from a chapter on jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the politics. ‘76 DCs wie ci ciclo) sieiels elerelesere . Rider. U. BO ROE crete crc cloinieiel so eels) « el e\elaie Sy. Wiad Ley. Ford, W. C. Ks uerican citizen’s manual. pts. 1, 2. Dillon, J: F. Removal of causes from state to federal 8283. (ed., SiC de ee Ae Oe pain: @ourts: [Avia 50c... <2. re erere CCT: eo a Hamilton, BE: A federal union not a nation: exam, with forms adpt. to acts of Congress on the into our systems of government. ’80. 25c...Lee g S. subject. 8ded.,enl. “81. $25; $2.00..Slevenson. Hodgson, J. Cradle of the Confederacy; times of Field, G: W. ‘Treatise on the constitution and juris- ptouD Quitn van and Y: : sketch of southwestern diction of the courts of the U. S. 783. $6.50. political hist. to 18 1. $2.50.... Hodgson. Tr, Y de W. Johnson. — same. SO. $1.50 SOO DOO HOOO ODOC OO sf el White. Hilliard, F. American law: comprehensive summary Hurd, J: C. ‘Theory of our national existence, as of the law in its various departments. °78. $7.50. shown by the action of the government of the U.S. Ward & P. since L8G. 7°83: S350 2-26-20 Little, B. & Co. Peeler, A. J. Treatise on law and equity as dis-| Johnston, A. History of Am. politics. 779. oc. tinguished and enforced in the courts of the U. S. | Same. 2ded.,enl. ’82. GL .----- ieee coma LOLGs TOR ice cei oaicicielee ciele aie SAU TILL ELS Late Julian, G: W. Political recollections, 1840-1872. Reed, J: C. American law studies ; or, self-preparation OUTRO | eb Olenns cise cieicciee ae wlcine seers CLIUSCIU. for practice in the U.S. 29, &6..Little, B. & Co. Lalor, J: J. Cyclopedia ofp lit. science, polit. Rorer, D: Oninter-statelaw. [’79.] $5.. Cal aghan. | economy and polit. hist. of the Wk Set ive. = oil— 3 Schoyen, D:M. Lovbog t or Hvermand: en Oversigt 24 ea.. subs., $6-$10.. Cary; Rand, I N. & Co. over den amerikanske Civilog Privatret. ’78. 31.20. Lamphere, G:N. U.S. government: its organization ih Anderson. and practical workings. ’80. $3.....- Lippincott. Smith, T:L. Elements of the laws: or, outlines of McPherson, E: Handbook of politics for 1876. 776. the system Oe Mang) CHI De al laws in force in the @2.50. Same, 1878. [’78. BI a ccecced Solomons. WES: Rev. ed. leadites| Sl. : Same. New rev. — Same, 1850, 1882. "SO 82. | ea., $2..Chapman. | ed. 2822 BUDO. sav sec ee «lee . Lippincott. Parton, J. The beginning of the spoils system in the | Spear, S. T. Law of the federal audi’ jary. 783. $6.50. national government, 1829-30. 781. 10c... Putnam. Baker, V. & Co. Poore, B: P. Political register and Congressional Walker, A. American law. 7th ed, "78. ] $6. directory. [’79.] $6.-.-.++-: Houghton, 0. § C Little, B. & Co. Reemelin, C: Critical. review of American politics. Walker, I. Introduction to Am. law. 8th ed., rev. ZN ADO! ersiess) sureienobeererareie cfate weceecveree Clarke. 2 OO Nes Gievevare eieieic aie Mitchell, C. Practitioner's guide to urinalysis. 783. SiligDO)! io aca evciere ote te cursus everoileioreiee corte Siaieieveona or GOSS* Neubauer, C., and Vogel, J. G. Guide to qui alitative and quantitative analysis of urine. ’79. $6; $7. Wood. Otis, F. N: Stricture of the male urethra: its medi- cal cure. [(?78.] O3>-... Bieler elersie pieces < LCUCTLON Ralfe, C: H: On the morbid condition of the urine dependent upon derangement of digestion. ’82. Be cea e ‘ pilejsie|s) «s\n tlie sl cio Vail. Tompsehe Si: H: ‘Clinic eal ee tures on diseases of the inary organs. Gthed. °82. $1.25; 75c. Blakaston. Thudichum, J: L: W: Pathology of the urine; incl. complete guide to its analysis. 2d ed. [’77.] $5. Lindsay &§& Blakiston. Tyson, J. Guide to the practical examination of urine. 3ded., rey. ’80. $1.50.. Lindsay § Blakiston. See also Bright’s disease ; — Calculus ; —Generative organs. Ursuline Convent, Chavlestown, Mass. Whitney, Js. L. G. Burning of the convent: narr. of the destruction, by a mob, of the Ursuline school on Mount Benedict, Charlestown. [’77. \ SNL! eroictereccite ie reves aucie ce rani erste «ses eres Osgood. Usages. Lawson, J: D. The law ofusages and customs. ’82. WA, GIs Goo Gdoe Sonccoodcoosocca nds JEL WMiGOOS Useful arts. See Arts (Useful). Usury. Usury laws: opinions of Jeremy Bentham and J: Calvin, with rev. of the existing situation and recent experience of the U. S., by R: H. Dana, jr., D: A. Wells; andothers: “Sie Voce-5.-- 4 Soc. Pol. Hd. Utah. See Mormons; — Salt Lake City. Note. For laws and other publications by the territory see Utah, author alphabet, p. 409. Uterine diseases. Byford, W: H. On the chronic inflammation and displacement of the unimpregnated uterus. New enlSed: 7S SO n0... .. .. Lindsay & Blakiston. Courty, A. Practical treatise on the diseases of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. ’82. $6; $7. Blakiston.UTERINE Uterine diseases, continued. Cutter, E. Contributions to the treatment of uterine versions and flexions. 2d ed., re-written. [’76.] RD OR Gs He oe tos 6 cic desinn se eens ode Campbell: Kegert, W. Homeopathic therapeuties of uterine and vaginal discharges. ’78. $3.50... Boericke & T. Wing, C. BH. Use of supporters. ] U5 Cree crcl s eres wo cele cicic ole cts ---- Walliams. Sc uterine (aliea| OC. eevee e also Tumors. Utilitarianism. Daly, G. D. Theory of art and some objections to Utilitarianism. lee 2oev ce. 5 wie Appleton. Mill, J: S. Socialisin; uso] Utilitarianism. 79. Sle2D Dae ej wie)a7e (a) ele le ele) se « 0\\0fe (ae sie ee Be lford, ( Mi x Co. Vaccination. Edwards, J. F. Vaccination: arguments pro and con. 182% ieee ccc crclal cies oie cioieio coors) levers se Blakiston. Hardaway, W. A. Essentials of vaccination. ’82. Geile re cravat cic crera Gi a slevarajene/ sic s/olevalleleccielere ciaielelars Jansen. Spinzig, C. Variola: its causes, nature, and prophy- laxis, and the dangers of vaccination. [?78.] 50c St. L. Bk. and News ;| Westermann. Valley City, Da. : Valley City, Dakota: its commerce, manufactures, and progress. POE Bicvaretarel oiclnis clere cc elevate VV. W. Pub. Valley Forge, Pa. Bean, T. W. Washington at Valley Forge one hun- dred years ago; or, footprints of the Revolution, 1776-1876. [?77.] 5Oc. -.--se weeeess eens Bean. Valve gearing. See Slide valve. VAmbéry, Arminius. Vambéry, A. His life and adventures, written by himself. (Pop. ed.) ell. Van Artevelde, Ja. and Philip. 2 Dae aesis'e C 84] Ashley, W. J. James and Philip Van Artevelde. 433, $2) cooceods aielereyclelele 00009 D0G00c Macmillan. James and Philip Van Arteveld: episodes Hutton, J. in the hist. of the 14th century. 783. 20c... Harper. Taylor, H: Philip Van Artevelde. [’76.] $1.20. Lippincott. Van Dyck, Anthonie. Head, P. R. Van Dyck and Hals. 7°79. $1.25. Scribner Sf W. Sweetser, M. F. Van Dyck. ’78. 50c. Houghton, O. § Co. Varicocele. Henry, M. H. of redundant scrotum. excision coe Vail Treatment of varicocele by 1G DOCK ceisieicce Variola. Spinzig, C. Variola: laxis. and the dangers of vaccination. | [St. L. Bk. and News ;] 478° ]| 50c; Westermann. Varnishes. Brannt, W: T. Practical treatise lacquers, siccatives, and sealing waxes. varnishes, 1892 on $2.50. 211 its causes, nature, and prophy- VETERINARY Vegetables, continued. Simmonds, P: L. Tropical agriculture: products of the vegetable kingdom. [’77.] $8.........Spon. See also Beet; —Sweet potato. Velasquez, Diego R. de Silva y. Stowe, EH. . Velasquez. 781. $1.25..... Scribner & W. Venereal diseases. Bumstead, F. J., and Tavlor, R. W. Pathology and treatment of venereal diseases. 5th ed. 783. St.75; SR yt cic maicloie eicleierel @ cicrel els 0 cle cxe(oliede co cielcretoys Franklin, E. C. Manual of venereal diseases: homeeopathic treatment. Hill, B:, and Cooper, A. their sae See S3e IEDs crccisie GilOSS- Student’s manual of vene- real diseases. Ydied. %82: 10c.......-.-.. Wood: Howe, J. W. Jxcessive venery, masturbation and continence. “84. $3......-....--. Bermingham. See also Generative organs. Venice. Freeman, BE: A. Sketches from the subject and neigh- bor lands of Venice. 781. $2.50..... Macmillan. Ruskin, J: St. Mark’s rest: hist. of Venice. Peo- ple’s ed.) S84 DOCk. ec cene ee en coe eoeee Wiley. — Same. pts. 1, 2. and Laws of Wésole. pt. Is (Tea SUR Dre cen ctererereseetereleic «ernie iniatercrsiere Wiley. — Stones of Venice. v. 1. ’80. $1.25. Same. New cheapreds By. 28 (Gose-e = acces «= om WULEY. S., E. l. City in the sea: stories of the deeds of the Ros (we Scribner § W. industries and Scribner § W. old Venetians from the chronicles. its! hist-. $18.. Venice: 70 de Yriarte, C: modern life. Ventilation. Centennial Exhibition. Official reports of the judges : Apparatus of heating, lighting, ventilation, etc. DFA Qi TTI Oh pete laielercicleleneiciele lelelel oer woecveee Lippincott. Fairley, W. Ventilation of coal mines. ‘82. Van Nostrand. 8c...+. Putnam. 50e. ‘ Kingsley, C: The two breaths. 779. Moore, G: R. Ventilation in our homes. 782. 10c. Harris. Mott. H: A., 77. The air we breathe and ventilation. 1 OS re race Boy i ctara aie oraiote aia eisie lars aie ev elete Wiley. Murgue, D. The theories and practice of centrifugal ventilating machines. 783. $2 ..2+se-eees - Spon. Rafter, G: W. Mechanics of ventilation. [’77.] 50c. Van Nostrand. Manual of heating and ventilation in $1.50. Van Nostrand. Schumann, F. their practical application. [778. ] Vermont. Green Mountain poets: coll. of poems from the best talent in the Green Mountain State. [’81.] | Lee § S. Note. For laws and other publications by the state see Ver- mont, author alphabet, p. 411. 92. Vernet, J: Emile Horace. Baird. Rees, J. E. R. Vernet and Delaroche. ’81. $1.25. Vasco da Gama. Scribner & W. See Gama, Vasco da. Vertebrata. Vassar. J: Buckley, A. B. Winners in life’s race; or, the great Vine ae T E. Uncle John Vassar; or, the fight of backboned family. 783 [’82]. $1.50.... Appleton. itl : 70) 7 es eT Jordan, D: S. Manual of the vertebrates of the north- < l. Ue e ciele e (ele (8 cl vle/ain ee ee evecee All. ° sa ss ‘ is Seen way fe 2 ern United States. Newed.,enl. [’78.] $2.90. Vatican Council. Smith, S. B. The Council of the Vatican. [Jn his Elements of ecclesiastical law.] 777. net, $3. Same. New issue. "80. @d..--es-eeees Benziger. | Vaudois. See Waldenses. Vegetables. ; Fowler, H. P. Vegetarianism, the radical cure for Rae ee eye OvUnook. eal 50c.; 30e. Dick. Truck-farming at the South. 783. $1.50. Judd. intemperance. 779. 30c. Hogg, J. The vegetable garden. Oemler, A. Jansen. Macalister, Zoology of the vertebrate animals, rev. for Am. students by A. S. Packard, jr. “78. spoon coco Jlals A. | GOCE riccciac | Vessels. | See Ships and ship-building. Veterinary medicine and surgery. Armatage, G: Every man his own cattle doctor: the veterinary cyclopadia, 782. $7.50--++++- -Judd. _ Every man his own horse doctor; with Blaine’s Veterinary art, and numerous recipes New ed. 82. $7.50VETERINARY medicine and surgery, continued. Veterinary medicine. 7’81. $8.50. W: R. Jt nkins. Veterinary Dun, F. F., W. Simple ailments of horses; their nature and treatment 2S Oe SED) sc sie 6 Cassell, P., G. & Co. ‘ : 2 . G. § C Fleming, G: T’ext-book of veterinary obstetrics. °79. S6 Be ee eaters clave sie Ct gswell. t Pp weerveee tee eoeoe*reoervreer et eee i d — Same. lg ol aan e eon Wie Jenkins. nary medicine and surgery 1n *85 Veter Kirby, K. O. injuries of the horse. and ye SUuDS., Wood. {- dds Z20C, West, J. & Co. and their most diseases $1.25 Page, J: R. ment of glanders and farcy in horses. History, symptoms, diagnosis and trea 9 Diseases of live stock, Tellor, L. V. efficient remedies. 7°79. $2.50; $3.-... ves Watts. Tuson, R: V. Pharmacopoeia; incl. materia wedica and therapeutics of veterinary medicine. 3d ed. "80 ROD i veisiccveis cleisiciel © Sais enetaeistele’s Blakaiston. Williams, W. Principles and practice of veterinary ° ° ’ ; 9 » y 7 medicine. list Am. ed., enl. 783. $d. ..... Wood. See also Cattle: — Domestic animals;—TJ.ive s k; a also the names of animals as Cow; — Dog; — Hors ~Ox Vice. See Crime. Vicksburg, Miss. Reed, S: R. Vicksburg campaign and the battles about Chattanooga under the command of Gen. U Ss] Grantun L862=55 482 (Sl D0 eecc ccc «. Clarke. Victor Emmanuel II. of /taly. Dicey, E: Victor Emmanuel. ’82. $1....Putnag. Godkin, G. S. Life of of Italy. New e Victoria, Queen of England. Chegwidden, T. C. Victoria Britannia; or, celebrate the reign: plan for celebrating the reign of Queen Victoria by the inauguration of political changes in the B 1D , first king Vacmillan. Victor Emanuel 11. Gs 401k ritish constitution. ’79. 7 DCs cclce os DAIIES: Lippincott, Hrs. S. J. Queen Victoria: her girlhood and womanhood. 788. $1.50; $2. dhs R. Anderson ov Allen. Victoria, Queen. More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands, 1862-1882. ’84 $4. Scraibn , & V — Same. 84. 25e. > 15¢ Ha per J: W. Lovell. — SAME. Oo% WG cms cones se cmcs Coes te ks Wunro Vienna Exhibition, 1873. Blake, W: P. Iron and steel at the Vienna Exhibhi- tion. eatate Wdilvcvees) leis cio 6 cere Sia eieieteters Pease. Thurston, R. H. Reports of the commissioners of the U.S. to the Internat. Exhibition, Vienna, 1873 Aevig (iO-1]) tepid. cc: [ Gov. Pr.;| Van Nostrand. Villages. Egleston, N. H. Villages and village life. (781. ] USIP ME NS ic eee ees hice Sohne ea: Harper Waring, G: E., 77. Village improvements and farm villages. [exiifeal DOM ste a a hie be ee Osgood. { Vincent de Paul, St. Meir, G. Der heilige Vincenz von Paul in seinem Mebenvus Warken: 280: 75c0<.:.5... 4. Benziger. Vinci, Leonardo da. Richter, J: PR: Leonardo da Vinci. ’79. $1.95. Scribner & W. sweetser, M. F. Leonardo da Vincj. ’78. 50c. Houghton, O. & Co. Vinton, Alex. Hamilton. Brooks, P. Alexander Hamilton Vinton: memoria SCQHMUONS Olly ODCu ee eee Williams. Vinton, Rev. Justus H. and Calista H. Luther, M7s. C. V. The Vintons and the Karens. [’81.] GD Liereiarsjeisie'm ele ere mie eyelie)(wiec cic lois ie oferere Corthell. | — Same. Tie 3. | MDSL wie ciereverehereret Ns aie eele aye AN. Bapt. Violin. Kichberg, J. 32. White, S. § Co. See also Musicians. Complete method for violin. [’76.] $2 + is howd SB Lat VOICE Virgil [ Lat. Virgilius] Maro, Publius. | Church, A.J. Stories from Virgil. ’79. 25c... Harper. Clough, J. W. Study of the hexameter of Virgil. 270). wale aie elIttles bag OO. vocabulary to Virgil, cov- Q~, ODOC. ve ewer eeaes "@eeees Greenough, J. B. Special ering his complete works. 783. net, $1.... Ginn. Nettleship, H. Vergil. 780. 60c......-.. Appleton. Sellar, W. Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age: Virgil. [77.] $5. Same. 2d ed. 783. net, $2.25. Macmillan. Virginia. Boyd, C. R. Resources of southwestern Virginia. POU De er srareicicrawe (olatelole cleieiiens sis cpm ciel iencietee Wiley. Cooke, J: E. Stories of the Old Dominion. ’79. $1.50. Harper. a hist. of the people. 783. $1.25. Houghton, M. & Co. — Virginia: Harlow, B. F. Delinquent and forfeited lands; acts of Virginia and West Virginia respecting same. ete le SN cre tele els lelelelekalons! cleialnl a teleleie) oie Randolph Sf E. Hoge, P. H., and Bayne, H. R. Travels of Ego and Alter: atramp through the Old Dominion. ’79. O50. ss sisouwesic ae cece eee aoe eee West, J. & Co. Maury, M. F. Physical survey of Virginia: her re- climate and productions. Preliminary repoxt. No.2. [4Ks.i| Sl.... Randolph § FH. Sands, A. H. History of a suit in equity as prose- cuted and defended in the Virginia State courts and in the U. 8. Cireuit Courts. 2d ed. net, $7; sources, » | Q |] 30c.; 82. 89.50 a\aiele ee elelee 016166 ue bef 0)n\one eles aie Randolph Oo Li. Virginia, Board of Immigration. Geographical and political summary, embr. description of the state, its geology, soils, minerals [etce.]. [’76.] $1.25. West, J. & Co. See also Augusta Co.; Bristol, Va. ;— Fredericksburg; — James River; — Jamestown; — Mount Vernon; — Old Point Comfort; — Pocahontas ; — Richmond ; — Yorktown. Military History. Doddridge, J. Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsyl- vania, 7638=L783: Gs) 32) cas ee ciao «re Munsell. Jones, J. W. Army of northern Va. Memorial voluine: <80) S2=hb 250.4. ------Landolph § E. McCarthy, C. Detailed minutie of soldier life in the army of northern Virginia, 1861-1865. 782. $1.50. McCarthy. ea lTistory ¢ Civil iso Nottaway Grays; — United States, Vote. Tor laws and other publications by the state see Vir- ginia, author alphabet, p. 414. Visconti, Marco. Grossi, T. Marco Visconti. 81. $1.40.. Scribner & W. Vision. See Eye. Visions. See Illusions. Vivisection. Physiological cruelty; or, vivisection. ’83. $1.25. Waley. Vocal music. See Church music ;— Music; — Songs; — Voice. Vocation. Hale, i: E. What career? papers on the choice of a vocation and the use of time. [’78.] $1.25.- Roberts. Richardson, B: W. Health and occupation. ’79. 40e. Pott, Y. &§ Co. Choice of pursuits; or, what to do and ett, land Wells. See also Business ; — Conduct of life; — Success. Sizer, N. why. Voice. Bassini, C. Education of the voice. $1.50.. Gordon. Browne, L. Medical hints on the production and management of the singing voice. 8th ed., enl. [’80. } .----- Holbrook. — and Behnke, E. Voice, song and speech: practi- cal guide for singers and speakers. ’83. $4.50. Putnam. DD Gri ejeierei oie exe cio cie cial 6s ReneFQ) Th 6 sy) VOICE 213 Voice, continued. Ciccolina, S. M. A. Deep breathing, as a means of promoting the art of song, and of curing weaknesses of the throat and lungs. [’83.] &0c....Holbrook. Daniell, W. H. How to sine: or, the voice. and how (OWS THs | Os]| BW SooesooncaGsouusoec Wells. Davis, C:H. 8S. The voice as a musical instrument: WAH MeGicdl Nintss woo. 40C64. 45.40 Ditson. Durant, G. Hygiene of the voice. Rev. ed. ’79. EN cob aGos000 dnd004 bO0OUr Cassell. P.. @. & Go. Farrar, J. The human voice and connected parts. Oil SHAM cretere cree 6 c's wiasels oles cles se Scribner & W. Federlein, G. Practical school of vocal culture. ’S80. REO ()iepieec cies acre isin ricci wee come Cee Schirmer. Guilmette, C: A. Vocal physiology. eis) pilis50: Pea SO?. Guttmann, O. Gymnastics of the voice: system of correct breathing in singing and speaking. 282: 120. Same. Yd ed., enl. ’S4 Le ZO We 7ne?. Holmes, G. Science of voice production and voice preservation. 780: $1 ........- R. Worthington. — Vocal physiology and hygiene. ’80. $2.. Blakiston. Howard, J: Respiratory control for vocal purposes : Inspiration — expiration. 783. 60c....... Werner. > Monroe, L:B. Vocal gymnastic charts. ’81. per SOD nOisiaieie sie. os eYoilele eivicici esis slele/ elec le Cowpe rthwart. Patton, A. A. Art of voice-production, with special ref. to the methods of correct breathing. 782. $1. Putnam. — The voice as an instrument. [’78.] 50c...Schuberth. Rush, J. Philosophy of the human voice. 7th ed., rev. "79. SHOR OD) ec) cn wie oi clei eicvalele) pie elelere Lippincott. See also Elocution ; — Music; — Songs ; — Speech; — Throat. Volcanoes. Judd, J: W. Volcanoes: what they are and what they teach. Ze Lb. Gh ists ciel vicieis iclolc sl clalelecein Appl ton. | Peacock, R. A. Motive-power in volcanoes and earth- | quakes; great importance of electricity: suppl. to | 2d ed. of Saturated steam. 783. 40c.-..-...Spon. — What is, and what is not, the cause of activity in earthquakes and volcanoes? [’77.] 20c...-.: Spon. | Volga River. Butler-Johnstone, H. A. M. Trip up the Volga, to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod. [’78.] $1.25.. Porter & C. Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de. Gastineau, M. Voltaire, in exile: unpublished me- moirs of Voltaire. ’83. $1; 75c...-. Truth Seeker. Hamley, Ei: B. Voltaire. ae Sl...-Lipprncott. Morley, J: Voltaire. [v. 2 of his Works. [’78. SpilleviiDiciei cle (eis (e1kl w e\lelel s/volelieilele] fella 0:00 isin) ein Scribner & W. Parton, J. Lifeof Voltaire. 2v. “81. $6; $11. Houghton, M. § Co. Voluntary assignments. | 3urrill, A. M. ‘Treatise on the law and practice of voluntary assignments for the benefit of creditors. bd ed., enl. (’77.] $7.50. Same. 4th ed. ’82. Shyer One ecielcicicis (oie siniele's\ ie wreleaseiee Baker, V. & Co. See also Bankruptcy. Voyages and travels. Across the Atlantic. 782. Sl .---.-++-.+- Randolph. | Adams, N. Under the mizzenmast: voyage round | the worlds 295 7S co. sc ce once ee eee oni Lothrop. | Adams, S. B. Amy and Marion’s voyage around the | world. [’78.] ORO cys foie 5 coi eer Lothrop. | All the way round; or, what a boy saw and heard on ] his way round,the world. [’76.] $1.50-.Appleton. Andrews, W: A... Daring voyage across the Atlantic, by the brothers Andrews. 80. Shiva cree ayers Dutton. 3ainbridge, L.S. Round-the-world letters. ‘82 [781]. GS IEIE) ()) Aleveie 16) 01 a/el ojo) «in sinjelai aie clenni sles ei 4 clr .. Lothrop. Ballou. M. M. Due wést; or, round the world in ten months. ’84. $1.50 ..--+----- Houghton, M. § Co. Barritt, L. All the world over, by rail, sail, saddle, paddle and on foot, by famous Am. authors. [’82. ] Gy ee ara el ole niaiate oie) oe seie elel) wevsle | eiskel sain Lothrop. Brassey, J/rs. A. Around the world in the yacht Sunbeam.” [/'78.] $8 50---+++-++s¢+00- Holt. Voyages and travels, continued. VOYAGES Campbell, Lord G: Log letters from the ‘ Chal- lenger.” ete o¢4. Same. 2d ed., rev. Patol 2) DON ee ee seis cere fore ala me sities oc Macmillan. Campbell, J. F. My circular notes: written while travelling westwards: round the world. New ed. 2V-In Ve 85 Bbc secs eee Macmillan. Carnegie, A. Round the world. 784. $2.50. Scribner’s Sons. Champlain, S: de. Voyages; with hist. ill. and mem. by HH. BE. Slafter. ve 1, 2 [(781.] (Sold only to MmemMbpersiomthe SOCce ase ee eee Prince Soc. Coffin, C: C. Our new way round the world; where to go and what to see. (Pop.ed.) [777.] : $1.50; Dee aa tosieielcecemict ats Ae ..-- Lovell, Ad., W. & Co. Curtis, B: R., 2d. Dottings round the circle. ['76.] SOE ae cicero oe etic oreie oi sea once cnc eee Osgood. Field, H: M. From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn: [i206.])) $2.-.-..-5 Scrthner, A. & Co. Gillmore, P. ‘Travel, war and shipwreck. [’79.] SS TD a ie (oval nin aver eielelo aie elstiniaiv sierevn) wievos Sens Dutton. Hale, E: E. Stories of the sea, told by sailors. 780. SS ESevatoc a oles crolevercverarerern Cre teiaets lerokclicle cio vepaiicietels Roberts Hall, E. H. Picturesque tourist: handy guide round the world. [77.)' 50c..=. ... Am. News: Helmuth, W:T. Steamer book: daily life of a trans- atlantic seeker after health, recreation and rest. PBS eShilic cw e o1n ce aleverieleieesaielcieis eis co «) c1e Yeu Carleton. In the temperate regions; nature and natural hist. in the temperate zones; with anecdotes and stories of adventure and travel. ’82. $1.25........ Nelson. James, H:, 77. Portraits of places. *84. $1.50. Osgood. Kingston, W: H. G. Notable voyages. ’79. $2. Routledge. Kirby, M.andE. The world by the fireside; or, pict- > ures and scenes from far-off lands. ’83. $1.75. Knox, T: W. How to travel: hints to travellers by land and sea all over the globe. 781. $l. Dillingham. L., 1K. R. Ocean notes for ladies: hints to ladies pro- ee wee posing asea trip. [’77.] 35C...+-++--:: Putnam. Lambert, C. and S. The voyage of the ‘* Wanderer.” 1D Nath (irate cra Sale niet hae wh eroreinn es ole tels Macmillan. Library of travel and adventure. 6yv. 779. $4.80. ‘ Nelson. MecCollester, S. H. After-thoughts of foreign travel. Ath edz 7S4. eSlebO) cc sonics 3 - Lothrop. MacMichael, M. Landlubber’s log of his voyage around Cape Horn. 783 [782]. S1l.... Lippincott. Marvin, BE. M. ‘To the East by the way of the West. Peal BPseqacao ac sosoognoc OuDe Bryan, B. § Co. Minturn, R. B. From New York to Delhi, by way of Rio de Janeiro, Australia, and China. [’79.] $1.79. Appleton. Moseley, H. N. Notes bya naturalist on the ‘‘ Chal- lenger;” obs. during the voyage round the world in 187976. 7219. BT.b0 wecicen ec eewen Macmillan. Nordenskidld, Baron A. E.v. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. 782. $6---+-JMacmatlan. Over seas; or, here, there and everywhere, by popu- lar authors. [’81.] “Bl---ce+es-es es eeee Lothrop. Phillips, P. Song pilgrimage around and throughout the world. ’80. $2-$8.50 ...... . Fairbanks § Co. Pictorial tour of the world: pen and pencil sketches of travel. [’80.] 4------- Cassell, P., G. § Co. Simpson, W: Meeting the sun; journey all round the world, incl. aceount of the marriage ceremonies of the Emperor of China. [776.] $4.50..-- Listes. Spry, W. J.J. Cruise of Her Majesty’s ship ‘* Chal- Vemperess = [ie Zire cite ersiere emis Harper. Taylor, B. Library of travel. New al, (BW “ellla . u ~y “7 ; y e ea., $1.25; set, BO. -.--- sess see HErUoner Ss Sons. Aa Mle2dIe Ss Thomson, Sw C: W. The voyage of the ‘‘ Chal- : > * ju 7Q 219 lenger”: the Atlantic. 2v. [ 78.] $12. Harper. Travels and adventures on the land, on the sea, and in the air. “81. 10c..-«++-+++- Beep a= sicle UURTO.VOYAGES Voyages and travels, contin ued. Verne, J. Exploration of the wo1 C2... SO.DOa~ oe cece ote — Same, with title: Great voyag« entors. JAY, Chon Mess oc 3 pts. Walworth, dfs. E young eyes: 20 Ss H. Anold wo travels around the (Bante sees: Wanderings in four continents. | Warner, C: D. Roundabout jour — Sane. i{ “ne Houghton, M. 5 Co. 214 WASHINGTON Ward, Genevieve. ld. 3v. “1981. Gustafson, Z. B. Genevieve Ward: biog. sketch. . Scribner’s Sons. 289 128i. Sill werelepevevevleiete leis) clelelslelslee\eielel sy sie Osgood. ss and great navi-| Warwick, Pa. ainele: ie Wunro. Turner, D. K. History of Neshaminy Presbyterian rldas seen through Church of Warwick, Hartsville, Bucks Co., Pa., world. [777.] $2; 2Ga1S76, (PUGul Geese oeoe sete Presb. Bd. Sadlier. Washburn, Ichabod. : lppleton Cheever, H: T. Autobiography and memorials of .] 38..Lippincott. Ichabod Washburn. [779.] $1l.-....... Lothrop. y. 784 1°83]. $1.90 Same. 32. | MOOS ADO DCOOOO OC AUUDD OOnKG ~ Am. Tr. Washington, G: Waterton, C: Wanderings in South America, the N BatennwaS. Engraved portraits of Washington; W. of U. S. and the Antilles, in 1812, 1816, 1520 with notices of the originals, and biog. sketches of and 1824, with instruction for preservation Of birds, the painters. “80. S4......---- Lindsay & Baker. ete. Newed. 7°79. $2. Same. ‘82. 20c. Bean, T. W. Washington at Valley Forge. (777. Macmalla ie 50c sisi =" biel ele o.01e) 016.010. nis «ie ace bean COM: Wonderland library. 6v. 783. ea., Dl 2 - Casse ll. Brown, E. E. Young folks’ life of Washington, Young, Ne Re Around the world with Gen Grant, 299. OW CB) cic ceca cee eee : Lothrop. 1877-79. 20 pts. “td: ea., DUC. -2-+ +. Lm News. Butterfield, C. W. Washington-Crawford letters. See also Adventure; — Arctic regions; Dis ries ; - Ix WmGvealisl. lant. ROG seer ee Clarke. phos Leos pean eae oF ee SATE crea — Washington-Irvine correspondence: military affairs Mountains ; — Ocean; — Summe esorts; — inter resorts : ; 2 ser as re oes wie and also names of voyagers and y rious parts of the world. in the West, 1780-1783. S2 $3.50...-. Atwood. Guernsey, L. E. and C.F. Washington and Seventy- Waener, W: R: SIX. 1776. DilsZ0 sacce et wieleies) vinlsle) «eine Am. S. S. me : T ine : | ‘ a y 1+" “ 7) ¢ 1Q Gautier. J. Richard Wagner and his poetical work, Habberton, J: George Washington (17382-1799). 784. from Rienzi to Parsifal. ’83. $l...... Walliams. SRI EIS) Fy ete c cuevel el crete’ eunis Soe etele: eke areas nate FLOLG: Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner. ’80. $1..Scribner & W. Hyde, Mrs. A. M American boys’ life of George Nohl. L: Life of Wagener. ’84 [83 $1.25..Jansen. Washington. ’79. Silico Sleie elole eicuicincele WIAllen Wakefield, Mass. Irving, W. Life of Washington. See author alpha- y rn ‘ . ‘ 7 Le 9 Bliss: C2 RR: Wakefield Congregational Church: bet, p. 201. : > Washi we Dr eB hnste ). B. Original portraits s commemorative sketch. 1644-1877. ['77.] 60c.; Jobnston, KE. B. Original portraits of Washington 9 Oe, Ale EMM asacGas coe nos oor sists) cleiels) syaraleyetauels Osgood. DT On eleleisiioie oie « mie clolelre olde evel eloleleal ce evwlelsletels (ererare Katon. Le ens : , 1. Life of George Washington; with hist. introd., giv- W = J: Ms de: : Eo : a as glace es . : moe . ing account of the discovery of Am. by Columbus. Smith, M. R. D. Recolletions of two distinguished . ap 6 . . ec . x . ‘ | non. oO. I te Pe reese erence vawee Lisl. Ide De versons: La marquise de Boissy and the Count de Se ares fei a uN Pere <9 A ; : . Lossing, B. J. Home of Washington. 19) os VW\ aldeck. | (0. WDLisiceleiels evel nielaieelele.e L1)} pincolt. f ; se NXT : = 2a St) Olelelevelaloidie) ej alcleieic( el sloisls -.--R. Worthington. Ww aldenses: - Vv 10} Ce : — Washington and the American republic. 3yv. 779. Bates, L Montalto ; On) the audois martyrs of RCRD) ae ces a eee eee eee .R. Worthington. x alabria. ol Dien nee ae s im BIH Schroeder, J: F. Life and times of Washington, riyje StTOrv ¢ e ‘ enses., SU pile: . ie Wlen dee Gistonyios We Wa gen - DP | ( with acct. of men and events connected with Am. Cassel > r & ON : Des pa = a : A 29d) ie! 0s Revolution. 52 pts. ’79. ea., 25e... Hf: J. Johnson. Waldron, Jnd é Opn Tue J D eae : PleReecines Washington, G: Last will and testament of Wash- Hall, a ae ene of ae Mi | a ‘a DOSS! : om ington; embr. schedule of his real estate, notes Uh Epas ate AOR AULO na Poe y As etc. 2d ed. “Ge Sled: NVO, ad000c Newton. Ww 1 Munsell Weems, M L. Life of George Washington. 83. Vales. 5 : i : DO Cie we sie Seed oS eevee cc we eisic cs i eee ce Vunro. Murray, J: and-b * Eneland and Wales 78 7 ~ : : ‘ as ; Murray, J: Hand-book for England and EES: : Wharton, C: H: Poetical epistle to Geo. Washington; m4 SCVUON YX: Wi c “lla Hee ge ae ae ee ee ee ee ee ps dees. from the original manuscript. ’81. 50¢...[ Williams. Rand, NeNally & Co. Indexed map of England an hiner D.C : Wraless = (ESI Wes. 1. ee acer Rand, McN. & C Nie S oy Se OW) GRE UCtene ae r 1 17 11] : ahlgren, Js. M. . Etiquette of social Jife in Sikes, W. British goblins: Welsh folk-lore, fairy Bre ue LUC UC : : inythology, legends and traditions. See W alls. Krantz, J. also Welsh language. >» >. J See also Earthworks; —Embankments Walpole, Horace. Macaulay, T: B. (Lord). Walpole. [’7 250e Walpole, H. Horace Walpole and passages from his letters. ’84. $2 Waltham, Mass. Nelson, C: A. industries ; LBSe 279° Wampanoags Miller, W: Notes coneerninge Wa Indians, with account of a rock-p s Waltham, past an with sketch of Water Dow Omics ces cies 5 Study of reservoir walls. ;— Foundations. Machiavelli; and Horace .00.. Scribner & V Washington. oth ed. 81. 75c.; 50c... Lippincott. Elmes, W. Executive departments of the U. S. at Washington. S4...W.H. & O. H. Morrison. Gemmill, J. W. Notes on Washington; or, six years at the national capital. ’84. $1.25.. - Claxton. Moore, J. W. Picturesque Washington: pen and pencil sketches. ’84. $3-$8. (Ed. de fuxe.) BIOs cteie sie ore bie eis © are ae ee Ke eee Reid. Pocket-guide to Washington: strangers’ companion at the national capital. ’81. 23 Soulé. his world: select | Washington Co., Ohio. f Andrews, I.W. Washington County andthe early set- tlement of Ohio. [’78.] $1.25; 75c...P:G@. Thomson. Washington family. Welles, A. Pedigree and hist. family, 7795 bie. Washington Territory. Choir, M. Pioneer directory of the 81. ay ees Osgood. 80. 285) (Oe Wiley. subs., eeccee sees Harper. 1 present, and its town from 1630 to | of the Washington T’: Lewis. Lotsa stores -- A. Welles. ee ey mpanoag tribe of : city of Seattle icture on shore of ; Mt. Hope Bay, Bristol. R. I. 80 a and King Co., and immigrant’s guide to and i ° C bay, Hristol, < Le ds Sle ee oh" yr e mm. ° : wteyjsue a ae aD - 9 Rider. throughout Washington ‘Territory and _ vicinity. Wanton family. 279, oy ; Choir re } ; : : 9: IST. cee ahed ceca aes S000 Dnd0 couD 0000 CIOOOR. a > Jv: Ss “V7 > ‘ “¢ Teri as rT > NY . r ° > ee He x | Me History is the Wanton family in Rand, McNally &Co. Indexed county mapof Washing- VOU ERIS lands 4/95 Oe ee sree den aera | Tag) SAN CoP (ye ATA es 1 War. i ton Territory. [’82.] 60c.;50c...Rand, McN. § Co. Amos, 8. Political and legal remedies for war. ’80. | : Gisgr ugey Pound: SR ee : : Note. For laws and other publications by the territory see eee ee rene llarper. Washington Territory, author alphabet, p. mM ATCHES 215 WEISER ees Wazan. Sce Time-keepers. Watson, R.S. Visit to Wazan, the sacred city ot Water. Mioroecos 280) S3iea-c cee. « eS elefers cicrs Macmillan. Austin, G: L. Water-analysis: hand-book for water- Wealth. Hrinicerse coos h0G ee Sie kas Race for wealth considered, in a ser. of letters by a Denton, E. F. B. Domestic filtration of water. ’83 brother and sister. [’77.] 50c.......-.. Authors’. ONG, Gascor Be nh Cran Wyckoff, J. F. Contest for wealth. [779.] 8c. Folkard, GC: W. Potable water and methods of de- 7 ~ : Am. Bapt. tecting impurities. GOL ROG. ok. Van NOREned See also Finance; — Money ; — Political economy ; — Property. Meigs, J: F. On the internal use of water for the sick, Wicepone: and on thirst. 80. 25c..-.Lindsay & Blak ene See Fire-arms ; — Sword. Nichols, W: R. Filtration of potable water. ’79 Weather. OG Once sic oo cle Css eens ours ees Van Nostrand. See Meteorology. Parry, J. Water: its composition, collection and Weaving. _ distribution. ION IN eee ae Soombner & W. Barlow, A. History and principles of weaving by Tyndall, J: Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice hand and power. iS) to 0 nese eee Baird and elaciers. *S0. DO Ce oc clercicielcletes/er Fitzgerald. See also Textile fabrics. e W hite, Re Microscopic organisms in Cochituate | Weber, C: Mar. vy. Wiatel HOs (2D Cre ceicicc icleiw cfeiere vis cieieie eviars Moore. Benedict, Sir J. Maria v. Weber. 781. $1. Water (Law of). Angell, elie Treatise the law of watercourses, with app. cont. statutes of flowing and forms of on declarations. 7th ed., enl. Vs S6. Little, B. & Co. Gould. J: M. Treatise on the law of waters incl. ripa- rian rights, and public and private rights in waters Haaland minnds 783: $6:50).........- Callaghan. See also Mines and mining; — W ater-colors. See Painting. Water supply. Bell, T: J. History of the water supply of the world. PS Oe HO Ce DUCE «cic 6 cl csieiccle scsic ce P: G@. Thomson. Fanning, J. T. Practical treatise on water supply engineering. [777 CYSoq000 .»-- Van Nostrand. Humber, W: Water supply of cities and towns. | [’76. ] SS Cy Ujiaceteicrevciliwcele |e cleluls\ sieejaislcic.e Van Nostrand. Macassey, L. L. Hints on the water supply of small towns and villages. [777 Seb Ol ccc et eccle sree MON. Mcllroy, 8. Hempstead storage reservolr. 79.) S10, Oo goon OnOA DOOnO> DODO O0dGn Gon0 Van Ni sty and. Nichols, W: R. Water supply, from a chemical and sanitary stand-point. 7°83. $2.50..---.+--- Wiley. Paterson, M. M. the open trenches, with description of the Ossett Water-works. 779. Syo QOuwicks Jey water-works, and the principles of compensation in the transfer of water undertakings from private to public authorities. ’80. $1 Testing of pipes and pipe-joints in OUCwc.c cc ve une es cee cls a) 7. lize — Reservoirs. See also Cincinnati; — Hydraulics ; — Pumps; Waterford, We. Warren, H: P., and others. History of Waterford, Ox- ford Go., Me., compr. hist. address, by H: P. Warren; record of families. by W: Warren; c« ntennial pro- ceedings by S. Warren. “79. $4--: Hoyt, F. § D. Waters, Wilburn Coale, C: B. Life and adventures of Wilburn Waters, hunter and trapper of White Top wountain. |’78. | SileZo Randolph § L. Watertown, JJass. See Waltham, J/ass. Watson, Ellen. Buckland, A. 84. Macmillan. Record of Ellen Watson. Watteau, Antoine. Mollett, J: W. Watteau. Wave theory. Michie, P: 8. sound and light: Acad., West Point. Wax flowers. a1... Scribner § W. "84. Elements of wave motion relating to text-book prepared for U. S. Mil. |} 82. Van Nostrand. | | Bh wee Duncan, Mrs. F. 1. Wax flowers; lessons in model- ling. Peet | ST wee crc cece s spn U00UD Lippincott. Remarks on the rating of gas and | $1.75. | : Scribner f W. Webster, Dan. Curtis, G: T. Last years of Daniel Webster. [’78.] £) () Civavereiczcie « clciele elerelelelpialcraltels oiele7 {npleton. Harvey, P Reminiscences and anecdotes of Daniel Webster. [’77.] $8..-.-.......-- Little, B. & Co. Hudson, H: N. Webster: a discourse. 782. 2oc. Ginn. Lodge, H: C Daniel Webster. ’83. $1.20. Toughton, M. § Co. Smucker, S: M. Daniel Webster: life, speeches and memorials. ial pwleesy aoocd soonac Lippincott. MTefit. B: BH. dite of Daniel Webster. 80). LZ Porter & C. Wilkinson, W: C Webster: anode. ’82. $2 Webster, Noah. Scudder, H. FE. J 2Q¢ Noah Webster. F : ‘ Houghton, M. & Co. Dl Webster family. Webster, N. Webster genealogy: notes and correc- tions by his great-grandson, P. L. Ford. [’76.] $3. P. L. Ford. Weddings. Carroll. G: D. Wedding etiquette, and usages of polite society. Qe Sled Oleeierere etal ei sieiee Dempsey. book Miller, D. H:, and Hedden,W. D. Bridal days: for the bridal, and all the weddings celebrated. 783. ROD (iis cae veine e/ciee elceinjee 000,08 sim 000 816.6 Ward & D. Weed, Thurlow. Weed, T. Life; incl. his autobiography. 2v. *83- 224. «subs... &7.50-S16 ..-.--- Houghton, M. & Co. Weights and measures. Barnard, F: A. P. Imaginary metrological system of the great pyramid of Gizeh; from the pro- ceedings of the Am. Metrological Soc. *84. $1.50. Wiley. On the science of weighing and weight. Chisholm, H. W. measuring, and standards of measure and ivell SSL 0)co0a cous ob00 0000 dood coc Macmillan. Jackson, L. D’A. Simplified weights and measures. 76.) Dl .-- Spon. Jordan, G: H. ‘Tabulated weights of angle T, bulb, round, square, and flat iron and steel, and other in- formation for naval architects and ship-builders. Bdved:. enls Oe toplliq craic ni - aie) sinensis cre ~ e+ Spon. Thurston, R. H. Conversion tables of the metric, British, and U. S. weights and measures. "83. Sl. Wiley. Wurtele, A. S. G. Standard measures of Ws 3.5 and actual com- 2O DE bOC. Spon. Great Britain and France: hist. parisons; app. on introd. of the metre. See also Commensuration ; — Mensuration; — Metrie system ; — Wire Weiser, J: Conrad. oo Weiser, GC. Z. Life of [John] Conrad Weiser, the Germ. pioneer, patriot, and patron of two races. [’76. ] $3 ..D. Miller. grauge, S2 CEI Sire coveielelelerere) emus e ernie ee) 8 258 einsWELLINGTON Wellington, Duke of. [Arth. Wellesley. ] Adams, W: H. D. Wellington’s victories. , 79), pl. Routledge. | Maxwell, W: H. Life of Wellington. New ed. ’82. GR Te ie Soc voleleval wie/elé) lini) ee vice Siete tinic Scribner & W. Wells, E. M. P. oS es Francis, S: W. Memoir of E. M. P. Wells, of St. | Stephen’s, Boston, Mass. ’78. 50c...C: 2. Hammett. Welsh language. Griffith, E. T. Hymns and tunes in Welsh and Eng., for praise and worship. 784. $1.50.....---Sower. Wesley, C: Bird, F. M. Charles Wesley as seen in his less and finer poems. [778.] $1.20-.-.-.-+- R. Worthington. Davis, A. K. Wesley and early Methodism. 784. Sgn ee Vas cee. Phillips & H. Whitehead, J: Life of Rev. J: Wesley; with ac- count of his ancestors and relations; and the life of Rev. C: Wesley. ’81.. $1.50..R. Worthington. See also Methodism. Wesley, J: Clarke, Ji. 81. Wesley memorial volume. Phillips § H. Green, R. Jolin Wesley. POs 50c. 3; 25c. Cassell. P:. @. & Go. Whitehead, J: Life of Rev. J. Wesley; with ac- relations; and the life $1.50..R. Worthington. count of his ancestors and of Rev. C: Wesley. ‘81. See also Methodism. West Church. See Boston, Churches. West Jersey Game Protective Soc. See Game laws. West Point. Autobituary of a West Pointer; written at the request of George Washington, Gen. Chewflicket and some foreign gentlemen, by Captain Dum John of the late U. S. Army. 782. 75c.; 50c... Metropolitan. Cullum, G: W. Biographical register of officers and ates of U. S. Military Academy, from 1802- oradu 7 186 Rev. ed, with suppl. register of graduates torsade SOs snOe ISON occ e soe eo ee ellen. Dane, H. C. West Point centennial: hist. oration. [’78. ] DE) OG oesiaticte ite Meera releleinicke bie cleiwieus Carleton. Farrow, E: $8. West Point and the Military Acade- MVe eZOnedas TEV coll tile O Dior sierra s ce > Wiley. West Virginia. Harlow, B. F. Delinquent and forfeited lands; acts of Virginia and West Virginia respecting same. ecto Sinaia Golan cis is te cc ieieleiel Randolph x fe Maury, M. F., and Fontaine, W: M. Resources of West Virginia. “U1.| net, $1..... West, J. & Co. Note. For laws and other publications by the state sce West Virginia, author alphabet, p. 424. Westboro’ State Reform School. See Massachusetts, State Reform School. Westerly, PR. J. Denison, F: Westerly, (R. I.) and its witnesses, for two hundred and fifty years, 1626-1876. ’78. $2.50: $5. Reid. Western Reserve. See Connecticut Western Reserve. Westminster Abbey. Stanley, A. P. Historical ster Abbey. 5thed. ’82. Westminster Assembly. Mitchell, A. F. The Westminster Assembly : its memorials of Westmin- o6...... Scabner o We hist. and standard. ’83. $4.90.....Scrdbner & IW. Wetzel, L: Meyers, R. ©. V. Life and adventures of Lewis Wetzel, Virginia ranger and scout. [’83.] $1.50. J: L. Potter. Whale fisheries. Faulkner, J. P. Eighteen months on a Greenland | Tes rice 79 ht ox WAL TPB] il ascoos boob) Gad ... Barnes. W HITMAN Wheat. Curtiss, D. S. Wheat culture: how to double the yield and increase the profits. ’80. 50c.....Judd. See also Grain. Wheeler, W: A. Conwell, R. H. Life and public services of Gov. Rh. B. Hayes; with sketch of W: A. Wheeler. ([’76.] CT De nice! cis Sia (elmo eis) n o)cioveie) ielelniisie 6.4 .-. Russell. Howells, W: D Sketch of the life and character of R. B. Hayes: also a biog. sketch of W: A. Wheeler. 76 Oi 76G. eee eee ee Siac Hurd § H. Wheeling. See Cycling. Wheelwright, W: Alberdi, —. Life and industrial labors of W: Wheel- wright in So. America. [’77.] $1.50... Williams. Whist. Ames, F. Modern whist; with laws of the game. Qi D()Ci aie ore aie oleic: sie cle c.clefel e/ellsicl cle = atereiere Harper. Drayson, A. W. Artof practical whist. 7’79. $1. Routledge. Jones, H: Laws and principles of whist stated and explained. l14thed. ’84. $2..-... Scribner & W. P., G. W. Anmierican or standard whist. ’80. $1. Osgood. Pembridge (pseud.) Whist, or bumblepuppy? 2d eond. ed: 2283: DCs seecetace - corce ee Roberts. SE TSAMLES 1OOR UO Cie ecco ee ele ee enlace We LLOUELL. Pole, W: Philosophy of whist: scientific and intel- lectual aspects of the modern game. 2 pts. 784. SIA Oi sc cece: seiclecee oe as era eee seep Scribner & W. — Theory of the modern scientific game of whist. New ed. | QM TN cas cise s Bice ate eer cin ote See Carleton. — Sane. Ld¢ leialieisl piano ele) + aieiele(s (eis s/e)sie ad W. Lovell. Seymour, S. Compend of short whist. [’78.] 75c. N. ¥: News. Trump (A), jr. (pseud.) Laws and regulations of short whist; with maxims and advice for beginners. S05 MO Cn ce ma omcmionals ets sie « seoe os HAMpET. Walker, A. C. The. correet card; or, how to play at whist. [’76.] $l. Same. New ed., with add. i) See os eee wp eccccc en nei c/a sei eis CU LELOM Whist for beginners and the famous whist rhymes. Sa V2D Cie a Sinve oins cin slelis sleliele smi oeleistetshers Carleton. Whist score-book: simple method of keeping tally. [’81. ] SD Ciarevera' os 0 (eels oie aie 06, wiayelelis\ eiele clan mS LELLENM « White Mountains. Ball, B. L. Three days on the White Mountains. (Gti) 2D Ceres cicyastere cic .-. Lockwood, B. & Co. Drake, S: A. Heart of the White Mountains. ’82 [781]. $7.50. Same. (Tourist’s ed.) “82. $2. Harper. Eastman, S: C. White Mountains guide. 13th ed., rey. for 1876. [?76. | S1l..--- Hastman ; Lee & S. Gems of Am. scenery, stereoscopic views among the White Mountains; with descrip. text. [’78.] $3. Harroun. Tales of the White Hills. [’77.] 50c. Osgood. Hills: their legends, land- w ed. [’76.] $3.. W: F. Gall. Hawthorne, N. White Ne 33 $ Kino: is Ss. whe scapes, and poetry. — Same. [778.] $ Ore euch oiscrel Oleinis seis nn OLIVLON« Pickering, W: H. Guide to the Mt. Washington Tange: 202. MOCy wcisicwe c o- eee. Nallams. Snow’s handbook of Franconia pleasure travel to the White Mts., St. Lawrence, Northern lakes [ete. ]. PPOs BGs ndc00050000 eoon0G aoscodl NV. ¥. Tribune. Sweetser, M. F. White Mountains: hand-book for travellers. 4thed.,enl. ’82. $1.50 Osgood. White Mountain guide book. 13th-16th ed. ’76-’81. ea., $1; -.-.-- Hastman; | Lee § S.] 50ec. e Whitefield, Rev. G: Tyerman, lL. Life of the 4M \Ullol) &3lbao coc Whitman, Walt. Bucke, R: M. eV. J eer ew wee George Whitefield. seeeeees Randolph. Walt Whitman. ’83. Die McKay.W HITTEMORE DA. VISCONSIN Whittemore, T: Wilson, H: Adams, J: G. Memoir of Thomas Whittemore. [°77.] Nason, EB $1.50: $1.75 ; E Life and public services of Henry Wilson. SOCHUG On «4 eveccccce scene Unwersalist. S14] SD OP iersre te cycreinie cele siersice otha *e serve ee 4 i A p)« Whittier, J: Greenleaf one a nee ee es See Windham, J. //. Kennedy, W: 8. John Greenleaf Whittier: his life, Morrison, lL. A. History of Windham, N. H 83 eenius and writings. 32 Sep Olea. Cassin | . s s See as : UD:k) 00 ee s/a ele 016) 0) selec eos ele) eis) aes welcome GULDDLeSs Underwood, F. H. John Greenleaf Whittier. ’83. Wines : : aes ipples. &1 50 a g VV ines and wine-making. DU seen Ce ee ee eerereeee Uo L \ ’ = eee : Anstie, F. E. On the uses of wine i ealth ¢ dis Whittingham, Bp. W: R. Rl es ort 4 ems ; on a and dis- \ : : 3 : i - fiz) CG e600 ltl pie w 618 © 40/0! 2 9) 0 tc / 1 Brand, W: F. Life of W: R. Whittingham, fourth Bi Dea Vi 280: 5 wan a sr é hitting , fourtl srunot, E.R. Wine and truth. ’80. 5c... Nat. Temn Bishop of Maryland. 2 vy. 783. $5..#.& J. B. Young ¢ \ Wine i | myconceunineatiie I . B. Young. oles, A. Wuine in the word: inquiry concerning the Whittington, Siz h: wine Christ made, ete. WANN Oe acu h Nelson Besant, W., and Rice, J. Sir Richard Whittington, Wield, L. C. Oinos: discussion of the Bible-wine Lord Mayor of London. ” Sl.....--. Putnam. question. “83. $2.03. 2.2... roe Lnillips & H. Wiclif, J: Fowler, C. H. Wines of the Bible. "78. | 10c. ee Wycliffe, J Nat. Temp. J. f J ¢ Hazel, H. Wine: temperance concert exercise for Widows. Qi aats oOunaaYy 1 ) 7 : : ar ps a SCHOOLS, retor! -lubs te 7 RO > Gale. Mrs. M. r. Bho widows trust =O 1 OF rerorm Cluvds, ete. | Ds. o . ca ees Vat. Temp. James, J: A. The widow directed to the widow’s pe reny oy ma Rint +s : ; s z three port flove thr 29: God. New ed. WS HOC: koe oe he oe ee Carter - d f . Ura W ight Isle of. Kerr, N. Unfermented wine. New rey. ed. ’S81. See Isle of Wight Li) OS isve rare ove laia viaicin) ahelnielw alle lelerelane sues SO. S Wilkie, Siz D: Mollett;, J: W. Sir David Wilkie. ’81. $1.25. - \ \ y ly} t . . ] Hopkins, L. Comic history of the I 5 5 50) 1 [ / — Same. Newed. ’82. ‘Tdc:..Gassell. P.. G. & CO Jennem ( pseud. Wie haisst? 4 Versammlung jti- discher Witze u. witziger Jiiden. ’79. 20 i . \ Se — Hng. Witty Jews and Jewish wits. ’79. 15e. ton. News Landon, M. D. Eli Perkins’s wit, humor and pathos. 9 - Sie pl OO Ci ws cnici een ; aleiecers - Belford. C. & Co. Lemon, M: 7 he jest-book. "79, 50c.. V. H. News. Lukens, H: ( Jets and flashes. 2792. 90e. Wit and wisdom of the bench and Moncrieff, F. C bar. O25 DUCHY 2O0Cic ewe ee Cassell, P..G. & Co. Peck, G: W Peek’s compendium of run, : 83. DOD (DoeD leis eterevelcusierc-c ie Biaieroe DSCLIOROR. GO: & Co. Philkins, Ie ( pse ud. Chained lichtnine. 83. 25c. Ongirlia ———AONUNKSOtehlille Goon LOC. ocs nes Ogilvie. Puck onwheels. f Annual. ea., 20c....-.. Keppler Riley, H: H. $1.50. Sambo (pseud.) OO Ca eierctelerate aiereae . sieve / sielele ors Aisieje pia ss Drcl Puddleford papers. New ed. ’82. pieleters: Slaie elsis Siales sie eis sees oa or ipo we LiClO AUN: Iind-men’s minstrel gags, ’80. 5c. : Seymour, —. Humorous sketches, Shaw, H: W. Josh Billings with droll yarns. {tls Ms addaasoacnous Obi — Old probabilities; cont. in 1 v. Farmers’ almi- nax from 1870-1880. ’79. $1.50....... Carleton — Trunp kards. EGtoll PX acanossocoon Chana Sp1ct -box, cranimed Witchcraft. Witherspoon, J: WOMAN 7it and humor, continued. Some funny things: sel. of funny sketches. ’80. 10c. j liarvison. Thackeray, English humorists. 2v. [’79.] ‘AN VAY Om GOOOO ODCOUR G000 CO coe ese ceces- LAT per. SQM: 704s (20 Cae a cies eoele ccusisicrerench; WAUSOUCLE: Very funny, not too funny, just funny enough: sel. of the freshest and best sketches of well-known funny men. 80). WW aoanscao0de eo cee HATIUSON. Weber, K: J Demokritos: oder, hinterlassene Pa- piere eines lachenden-Philosophen : Auswahl. [’82. ] MOG, Saou Spi eierele minteveleic@ elsisc svc ce cle me ce L1G IVES: Weiss. J: Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. [’76.] $2. ~ Roberts. W oolever, A Treasury of wisdom, wit, and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs. (776. 2.50: Claxton, R. & H. Seec Anecdota; \ phorisms ; — Dialogues; Epigrams; Beard, G:M. Psychology Salem witchcraft excitement of 1692, and its practical application to our own time. 82. Sh ili aie elaire/eieuel sve) aisle cists Putnam. Putnam, A. Witchcraft of New England explained ode spiritualism aS): Sle bo Oiswac cu: Colby. \\ “Pe 7 Broce rner-stone B edings and addresses at the lay- and at the unveiling of the statue of John Witherspoon, Fairmount Park, Nien ao nnge okodon oncaoc Presb. Bd. Witnesses. g Woman. Adams, W: H. Sunshine of domestic life: stories the lives of noble women. New ed. [°76. 1 Si bO: Nelson. Women worth emulating. [’79.] 80c. Am. Tr. arles, Sketches of the women of Chris- tendom. 80. GQ ee coe oie aero ee OO: Darton, J. M Heroism of Christian women of our Own time. lS2 (28s Si bOse cc ose eees -. Carter. Fowler, W: W Woman on the American frontier. Fe ESTAS EBS ASG Gono 0500 GoD OUD Oo INA ACTON book of Wise words and lovine deeds: r] sie eee OONLET: bios: for cinis; 728i. SIl-50) 2... 1... Haverfield, Mrs. EB. W. Enlightened women. ’82. OT Oia ccc ences Oe se cle cit ele See URDOQILIGS. EO: Heroines of charity. WS DOCH « Holloway, L. C. Mothers of great men and women, ; subs., $3-—$7. Funk. women of the Bible and the Se ces ce sie ee LOUGS. Sad lier. and some wives of great men. 783. Church. 4 Gs Me apie and life-work of thirty twenty distinguished Our famous women: life, hist., eminent Am. women; by authors. 283; subs., $38.50: $4. ART): Worthington. Pictures of Christian heroines. [’78.] 25c... Sadlter. Underwood, S. A. Heroines of free thought. [’76.] GED Olesya. e ere rnitete ere a= gi sicrercieieieioe erevele) siento SIS OMLENOY. White, Js. W. H. Some women of“to-day. ’82. o1.50.- ane iene eiefore leis eieie) 1s ee OQUILELONU. Wilson, W: Heroines of the household. [’79.] $1.50. ~ Routledge. Wister, Ms. O. J., and Irwin, A. Worthy women of our first century. [’77. $2 ......Lippincott. Biography ; — England, Biography ; —Mis- onaries. Diseases. American Gynecological Soc. Transactions, 1876— 1880; by. Wi—8li vol, B=b. ca, GbR v2, G6.00s Houghton, M. § Co. kinson, W:B. Therapeutics of gynecology and obstetrics. ’80. $3: $8.50. Same. 2d ed., enl. SOs = bait ND) eeererere wae cles aa on eoe> BIUNLON. AWOMAN 219 VW Oman, contrite d. Atthill, L. _Clinical lectures on diseases peculiar to women. 5th ed. 779. $2.95..Lindsay & Blakisi Barnes, R. Clinical exposition of medical and surgi- cal diseases of women. 2d Am.ed. ’78,. $4.50: SDC OR taiecvcio este ovciel sl cies ] Diary . y . » oa is : Byford, W: H. Practice of medicine and surgery ap- plied to diseases and accidents incident to wom Mn. 3q ed., rewritten. ’8l. $d: 86.. Lindsay & Blakas ) @Glark-s Av 1. lreatise on the medical and surgical diseases of women. 79. SL.c.... .. Jansen Donaldson, S. J. Contributions to practical gyne- cology. $1.50: $1.2 : Eaton, M. M. ‘Treat diseases of women, with their homceopathie treat- Dee eeesevevrevarene ee } ise on the medical and surgical ment. SO. Wh oD) (ics diaiciel cic sic move a cre sin dD 1 ex 7 Edis, A. W. Diseases of women. ’82. $3: $4..Z Emmet, [: A. Principles and practice of gynecology. 19. Gp epee Olanelcieiinte tara ee oe creo te S Lea Fritsch, H: ‘The diseases of woinen. 783 subs.. Leta Asano onm san ns oongabDOOoO nM oDo OO OODLE Wood Galabin, A. L: Student’s guide to the diseases of WOE On ccs eee 6 Inasay un. blakist ne; Y “3 : ~ LS / i? i o Jil. Garbit, F: J. [The woman’s medical companion. ’80. CIA) Bond ooo5 cane Sie siclelelcielvile c/s1 nn . r Johnson, F. Crue womanhood: hints on the forma- tion of womanly character. 782. $1.......King — Same 2S Ar : ' nt me. S4. 90c... Seecesccee AML Bat: Needham, Jfs. G:C. Woman’s ministry. 780. 7dc. Revell. Ni wton, R. H. Womanhood: lecture on woman’s work in the world. SO. SNIISD >) occreip clas erereve LOLLLILQUIN Nichols, W. A. [The wise woman as builder. 83. ) esis ws vee mie wel efielial allele e aleinieeicie a ie)'sic .-. Revell. : : ae itt Kh: OR Woman as a musician: art-study { ZO Givieiciel afae le ale\ule a) sa Sip ciciel ciciclcis\e DCILILOVEHEIL: Sehweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. v. Woman in all lands. 25 pts. 80. CA-, SDC) acces eerie (ete se wciccn LUODEN Upton, G: P Woman in music. 780. $2..Osqood. Yonge, C. M. Womankind. [’77.] $1.75.. Wacmillan. S tlso Cl - Education; — Family; — Ma \{ 3 Sex —\" ing womel — § Ip, Em Em) Y (LEMGS urch, E. R. Money-making for ladies. 782. 90c. Harper. Manson. G: J. Work forwomen. 783. 60c... Putnam. See also Domestic economy ;— Fancy work; — Needle work Almy, C:,77., and Fuller, H. W. Law of married 47 Gill ace a ajsisrerel Ge be reece. Husbands, C. M. law of married women in Penn. with view of law of trusts in that state. ’78. $5.50. Lis J W. Johitson. Walker, A. Hints to women on the care of property. Mise DCs sic ate ie a slehereteiaia mralcYolpie tie stevelele ° Harper. Wells, J. © Treatise on the separate property of married women under the recent enabling acts. [278 “@ Same. 2ded., rev. 779. net, $6. ( Va rhe. S 19 Divorce; — Dower;— Husband and wif ; — Mar- Ylag Suffrage and rvugitts. Munger, G:G. Shall women vote? argument in favor of woman suffrage. 82. OGe crc cerelen amie ILIOUSE. Pros and cons of woman suffrage ; review of a legis- lative report, by one o! thesex. 782: Joc: W: B. Clarke. Richts of men and women — natural, civil, political ; with replies to popular speakers and writers. 783. ( Upp le Ss: Robinson, Jh:s. H. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrave movement: oen., political, legal anc legis- lative hist., 1774-L881. ol. &1.95,.+.-- oberts. Stanton, BE. C., and others. History of woman suf- trace. Viv eas 2Qi— "89. Cas, S5: $6.50. ; Fowler & W. Stanton, T. The woman question in Europe. 784. eceeese Putnam. GRD () sc ccw wale we) sem ec meeee sis. f) Willard, F. E. Home protection manual: argument for women. 779. Loc. for the temperance ballot Independent. r : . rove 7 Wood conversion by machinery. [°76. | Spon. See also ‘Timber Wood carving. See Carvings. W ood engraving. See Engraving. Clark, S. D. Memoir of John Woodbridge. [| //. | OTA Ee en La ome poses —— range tame terra eeWOODS 220 Woods, Leonard, D.D. Park, B. A.- Life and character o1 DoD. W ool. McLaren, W.S. Bb. ZR () OV Ca sw oie) e seleiaclse)se 010) esie's) sip 2° practical treatise for persons engaged in these 5 nt f 7°38 trades. S4. ROT gcc 06 eas sie vee a6 67a) o> 0\8 See also Angora goat. Woollen goods. : Bramwell, W. © W ool-earder’s vade mecun rand- book of the woolen industry. 76. S Van Nosi Centennial Exbibition. Official reports of | judges : ‘Wool and silk fabrics, etc. 777. $ ] Worcester, Mass. Rice KE. jz: | he W orcester O kx al r note- worthy events, 1657 to 1883 84 21.50 ; / D Wall. G. A Reminiscences of Worcester, hist. and Nese, IIT Or. or T>>,4 7D een logical ld. MO. Ds.OU. wc eet 7 J Words. S English language, Z W ordsworth, W: Calvert, G: Hi: W ords\ th oraphi stheti study 78 SSID (Vice cisic es sare) oie : rs Myers I W H. W ordswo | ’S] 15 se Ld —— St ( LO Ch aces NUOOD OU TOOAO OOOO J: W. Lov Syminetol \ J William W ordsworth biog. sketeh with sel from his writil in poet nd prose Sl. M2 «6c . . Li ts W orking classes. See Labor and lat 0 sses W orms Darwin, C: R. Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms 82 178] 31.50 | ton Hyatt, A. Worms and crustacea. ’82. 35c... 2 Wounds. Gamegee, S. On the treatment of wounds and fract res Za et 5 SED ie edoneie tolciel a (clelel oil B S ) Pilcher, L: 5 reatment of wounds > Dl.Z HW / Prince, D: Management of wounds. ’81l. $l. M Tourn Wren, S77 Christopher Phillimore, L. Sir Christopher Wren: his Lmily and his times; with letters and discourse on archi- tectur Oe, 20... Ly Wyandotte, Kansas. Wright, H. IT. New map and guide for Kansas City and Wyandotte, Kansas. [’80.] 50c...H.7. Wirg: Wycliffe, J: Buddensieg, R Life and writings of J: Wiclif, patriot and reforme} Quincentenary e 84 75¢. ibner & Vi ner &V n Bible Randolph Vot For Jaws a her publications he territory « i Wyoming rritory, autho Yachting. Olsen, N. American yacht-list for 1882. ’82. $2.50 Same, for 1883. IOO SS e erctece ney ier sscus wares Ols Ll. See also Boating. Yale Colleg Decrow, W. E. Yale, and the city of elms. 82 91.50 @ieleimie lee) ee eiaa\ y\ 0 «mt 0 0/6 ¢6 6.6 eee W% liams Kingsley, Ws 1: Yale Colles QV 1°79 wo DO) UW ieiattaie nvleya ele seismerevereua ce crehe craic Eien ee Holt examination papers; coll. and arr. by FEF. B. stevens. $3. Soc Yard, Edm. J. James, Mrs. M. D The Edmund J. Yard. ’83. soul-winner: sketch of ‘ Phillips Oe ELE OU Osea a ce: enc Yellowstone National Park T ] I Young men. bere wT Yellow fever. Dromeoole, J. P., a id others. Yellow fever heroes, honors and horrors of 1S78. ios 5O0c...» Morton. Gameee, J: Yellow fever a nautical disease. 779. Rit By (ise sere leleteeinie leer (0) e\e) stale ol ela apenci ate Appleton. and its homeoso- treatment; origin, and end of Mississippl valley ; ‘Treatise on ase by A. O. H. Hardenstein. 779. Hardenstein. Ie] idemie of 1878 jg) progress ALSO 50c. Hargis, R. B.S Yellow fever: its ship origin .and prevention. 81. Snilvereteinimneiel< a we eees .-- Bointon. Ho coml W: H On the treatment, diet and nurs- ing of yellow fever. teed) 38e. ...Boericke & TF. Schn tHe Dp Pathology and treatment of yellow ev 82 S$ cigs bls Wales ae Wed. Press. Spinzig, ( Yellow fever. ’81. $1.50.. Med. Jowrn. ark and the Colorado and stone [ayden, F. V. Yellow in r 1 f Idaho, Nevada, \ es (cree ciel ele bis ein nay @ telceeeiars Prang. Stank E. J. Rambles in wonderland; or, up the Y ellowston¢ d among the curiosities of the Na- ional Park. 78 Seon re ( --- Appleton. Win ie di, BN Y ellowston jal Park: manual { tourists; app. cont lines and ites and othergnformation. 83. . Putnam: York Co., M History of Congregational churches in York Co.3 by their several pastors 76 15¢c..- Hoyt, Ff. § D. Yorktown, | J ston; E:) Re The Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. 7°81. $2.-//arper. Patt eel ) ktow) account of the campaign of th d French a Am. forces, the surrrender the close of the Am. Revolution. Fords. Stevens J: A. Yorktown centennial hand-book: hist. and topog. guide t orktown peninsula, Rich- { ) mes River and Norfolk. 781. 2d5c. Yo Semite Valley, Cal. Bruce, W. YoSemite: poem. 779. $1.50..Lee & S. en; W. H. M. young men. [Qe en H: W: Twelve various important subjects. Rev. ed. 219) Appleton. H. Whatis your life? addresses Rate oUsusveaveuene ienemoe ae Carter. to young men on ( $1.50. leetures Everett, W: School sermons preached to the boys at Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass. Roberts. FE: W: In the days of thy youth: sermons on Oil cniluarciere Farrar, ractical subjects. Af Ou |! (eis ccc mcccienne Dutton. Same. Tle SRO Eee a a ey ores, ia aie Macmallan. Guest, W: the age OC Kent, C. H. New commentary: manual for young men: 280% Silt as wees a eieeci OE Kent: Munger, J’. T. Onthe threshold. ’81 [’80]. $1. Houghton, M. & Co. Duties of young men; added sel. from A young man’s safeguard in the perils of Ti Once voei eerie tele sic) faite sisfsi sie Abe I d's e, OU, Pellico, S. Lacordaire’s Letters to young men. [’78.] 1dc. Sadlier. Pratt, W. Physician’s sermon to young men. 783. OS) Caeys ie) tne ioral cyarn = loralae tie wie eleiere stea 20 LUMOOK Reaney, M/s. G. S. Our brothers and sons. [’83. Gaile! ovals ca leValietacctokeloie avereneteve cele lullerelicravey te Ne ee AIG Le Rhodes, M. Life thoughts for young men. ’81. $1.50. Luth. Pub. Helpful thoughts for young men: WeAWas oaac Woolsey, T. D. discourses. 82. resis oe a LOULNOD. See also Character; — Christian life; — Conduct of life; — — Vocation. Culture ; Individualism ; — Success; Young people. Holland, J. G. married. Young in ourchurches. [’77.] 5c. Am. Bapt. Titcomb’s letters to young people, single and Sie smith, KE. W. $1.25..Scrzbner’s Sons.Young women. Farrar, Jfs. E. W. Young lady’s friend. ’80. $1.50 é Porter & C. Kent, C. H. Manual for young ladies, with hints o love, courtship, marriage and the true objects Of htew. 2Sile Bhi uavareie sie crsivelers(eicis) ley mieieten |e Lee TONLE Livermore, Jfrs. M. A. What shall we do with our Chyler sey | Skil a adco odcadodoapdc Lee&S Payne, A. G. What girls can do: book for moth ae and daughters. [’81.] $1.50..Cassell, P., G. & Co Keaney, dvs. G. S. Our di ; and hereafter. *83. Ho wonpooocoooUd doa, Ey, Rhodes, M. Life thoughts for young women. B4. 1 OF Sl Py atais er oidlaveis) opie le ea eieisla/elece eibleie aleiec LALLUIL: Pu L t. Ruskin, J: Fors clavigera. New ser.: Dust of Ola: 84. MO aicrsie cheno ee clelersie) a) sie Sie cain wiciele cavetare Wii — Letters and advice to young oirls sel. from the writines of J: Ruskin. 779. 40c........... Wal Sangster, Mos. M. FE. Hours with girls. [’81.] 7dc. Studley, M. J. What our cirls oucht to know. [’78 SND Wier Wes INOWCGE 2O00 Spilerccic c cisters js cic Funk. Werdi, D. S Mothers and daughters: studies for the conservation of the health of girls. 76 SSE) cite: mo eleie) = Pee Mond. Same. ui: Wao oobo Goo »--- Hoericke « Pi Virtues and defects of a young girl at school and at home. "78. eos ohne epee conooccoccs: Sadlien Zoology. Adams, W: H.D. Animal life throughout the globe. ete 52 25 seers aie 0 9% 410 awe 8 ¢).0) 08 0 0),0: 0/016 0:8 Nelson. Anecdotes of animals. hile Gil srerevey eh cverers by Animal picture book. "76. SL ae etna sterol Routl Animals. et dis DION eile ie « Sraleielbictcrecc/aleielsss Li tha Buckley, A. B. Life and her children: glimpses of animal life from the ameeba to insects. * | Burnham, A. F. Stories and pictures of wild ani- malss (79: YO oae ee aibel « crelcieiaieersisi> Chats with the animals. Tl Ty Onsen ee : Coues, E., and Kingsley, J.S. The standar hist. by the leading Am. authorities. ) ea., subs., $6-510. Issued in pts. ready, @a., ROCs c cise svclcle le ete) (ale) elalsiezele Cupples, Jirs. A. J. Talks with Uncle Richard about wild animals. 76. Ti On saeiciaieavere feels sieve Nelsoi Emerton, J. H. Life on the seashore; or, animals of our coasts and bays. 780. BDO} verwicrernis Bates. Evermann, B. W. Animal analysis, for use inschools and colleges. 782. 7OC.+-+++++s ea fava entevote ate Jansen Firth, A. Voices for the speechless : sel. for schools and private reading. °89. 75c. Houghton, M. & ¢ 0. Huxley, T: H: Animal automatism, and other essays. 5 Fitzgerald. [784.] lde..--- Be ae arc ieie oi ceive siereie sie Ingersoll, E. Friends worth knowing. ’81 [’80]. 31. I Ti ) Jackson, T: Stories about animals. Teles) : Cassell, Pee G@. & Life and habits of wild animals. Teil 2s Lothvop. McAlpine, D. Zoological atlas (inel. comp. anat- with practical directions and explanatory omy sy Century Co. text. 2 Ni. 83. SS) ireiw sreceve Maskell, Ms. A. E. A. Four feet, wings and fins. 1.25 aiiailec alls Lothrop. ato eI OTD e Bld «02 cece see see Matéaux, C. L. Odd folks at home. [(’78.] $2.20. Casse LIRR Gio} Co. ~- Cassi LS — Same. 3ded. [783.] 4; BL 2D. w2ce 221 | Zoology, continued. ee en ee ZYMOSIS Miller, O. T. Little folks in feather and fur, and othversiin) neithers AiO Silas... cc et. LI UTLON Morwood, V. 8. Facts and phases of animal life with amusing and original anecdotes. 783 [’82 wsecvece veces Rae cis © cle rielele clave «ela AUD DLCLOMN. Moseley, H. N. Notes by a naturalist on the Chal- lenger ; obs, during the voyage round the world in 1872-76. id. i WeaWacoaccocc0 c00005 Vacmillan Original Chatterbox album of animals | OO. | $1.25 7 Hy} Zs s e.0 baie e1e el) a 8\.0 ee) ele aia atekelpierelal ofecelelie eceee LYSLTES. Orton, J. Comparative zoology : structural and sys- tematic, for usein schools and colleges. Rev. ed. Sie | neo veces» Harper. Oswald. F. L. Zoological sketches: contribution to the outdoor study of natural history. *83 2823]; (2: Lippincott. Pana 222 . Zoology. S82 S40 e ss Hole ean pets; or, chats about our ani- Natal: with sketch of Kaffir life. - Dutton. Payne, A. G. Field friends and forest foes: descrip- tions of domestic and wild animals. itis SOA2 0% Cassell, P., G. & Co. Pictures and stories of nat. hist.: domestic animals. "83. Dy Cucleleleicie: ebercielleiate piele ee ie(alelsje.e)e sieielyin Ne son. —. Same: wildanimals. °83. 25c.....-...-JVelsom. Riley, C: V. Little-known facts about well-known animals: lecture. 782. LOC. .--«.s.ees. Judd & D. Royal nat. hist. readers: no. 1: The animals around us. 8] 75¢c.. oe Ne lson. Semper, K: Animal natural conditions of existence. 781. $2.-....-.- Appleton. Southwick, A. P. Question-book of zoolo ‘y. 783. VOC aere et oe in oie) ores wie sin, oes oie avernre ele sie a,0016 2ardeen. Steele. J. D. Fourteen weeks’ course in zoology. eal OIA Ole ns ie cles cielo ee ciere . Barnes Tiny workers; or, man’s little rivals in the animal world. 79 ( OUC hc wice Mctcle(ersisve ata aivivelorevetsveul Uncle Herbert (pseud. Feet and wings. [’89.] 2D is coo cie eens caine) sees) ene, s1e 6 9).0 aie ieee Lippt Valentine, Js. R. The zoological gardens. SCV Weir, H. Pictures of animals. Pel S9.50.. Nelson. Whipple, E. Animal analysis: method of teaching eT 75¢e Ec cue leiciereicle) LIUSCMUs Wilson, A. Facts and fiction of zoology. 282. Woe: Fitzgerald. __ Wild animals and birds: their haunts and habits. i 3 wwe Cassell, bas Gag Co: 8? ede eneseoeoeee022e2 08 #4 Wright, BE. P. Animal life described and illustrated. ZOOLOGY. ii (OC. cesee alee au @aGeee ec Act. 7s. es be Gt — Same. °§3. WOR i, ccc oe cicle. ale colon ail ssell Cee also Anatomy (Comparativ Animal products; — Aquatic animals; — Bible, Natural history ; — Birds ; — Cell formation ; — Concholo »— Crustacea ; — Domestic animals; —_ Embryology ;— Evolution ; — Fish and fishing ;— Insects ; — Instinct ;— Invertebrata ; Live stock ; — Menageries; — Mol- 17: — Physical geography ; — Radiata ; — Vertebrata; — Whale fisheries; — and names ot the various animals. Zoophytes. See Radiata; — Sponges. Zulu war. ous i Lucas, I: J: The Zulus and the British frontiers. ar A)y LOec. Rano DoOCO.COoDn Bee esis 2 O00. Zwingli, Ulric. J. Life of Ulric 7wingli. 783. 95c... Funk. D: The mountain boy of Wildhaus: * Gh. Pub. Grob, e Van Horne, life of Ulric Zwingli. °84. On a ecole eis Zymosis. Merkel, G. H. Zy mosis : diseases incident to putrefac the blood. [’83. ] FOYehoo00 onK erevawerelene soos LYNG. outline of the theory of tive disorganization of a == Se == — i a aa lar nnecner na anes non nttnerseemme ewragperetnans neeip seer Sire = : Sey oT Ty S. .APRPENIDIOES: Se COVERNUEANE RUBE UCATIEON S.. IL IEIEIRAIRG AIST SCIUBINIIUENE SOCIETIES: BOOKS JEWIBILNSIZVRID WN SIBIKINES OUESSTONS BROM GHEE GHAR. IB Akg Se {i} ah mi, hy SN ET shiasisnee. coil gears eeeNOTE ON GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Tur list of Government publications given in this Appendix to the AMeRIcAN CATALOGUE Is an endeavor to present as complete a record as possible of the publications of all the departments of the Government (except the Courts, which are given in the author-alphabet of tl 1881. to June 30, 1884; and to give them in such a way as to reports of 1e AMERICAN CATALOGUE), and the issues of the Smithsonian Institution, from January 1, indicate the relations of the various documents and periodicals to each other, so that the list may serve as akey to Government publications past and future, as well as present. ‘The first date is approximately that of the end of the Catalogeue of Government publications edited for the Government by B: Perley Poore, which is a strictly the United States, so far as titles could be chronological arrangement of all volumes, pamphlets, etc., issued by sathered by the editor, through the Forty-sixth Congress (March, 1881), containing probably over a hundred SAUILE C A C I 3 I ) ve I A) O N thousand titles, with a full subject-index, but with no division by departments and bureaus. ‘The body of this it usc A ’ i a i A \ " iS work is finished and ready to print. The basis of the present list was a transcript of the record of books received at the Smithsonian Institu- TOI - distribution through the International Bureau of Exchanges. The Public printer is required by law to tion send to that bureau fifty copies of each document of any kind issued by him; but, as a matter of fact, the receipts and records. notwithstanding the carefulness of administration, are very imperfect. In endeavoring ‘to com- nlete the information from this source, the Catalogue and yearly Appendixes of the Massachusetts State Library, those of the Brooklyn Library, the reports of the Public Printer, and the Government lists from the several departments and bureaus which issue lists, have been carefully gleaned. Finally, two visits have been made to Washington by the editor, for the purpose of planning and perfecting the list, and most of the bureaus issuing publications have been visited for personal consultation. The great difficulty in cataloguing Government publications is a difficulty inherent in the publications themselves. The existence of bureaus in several departments doing similar work; the occasional transfer of 1 1 + such a bureau or its work from one department to another; the issue of the same ‘‘document” in different shapes, series, or combinations (some in as many as five different ways); the general duplication of depart- ment reports in Congressional series; the fact that the title-page dates of ( ongressional volumes have no relation to the actual date of printing or binding of the several parts or to their imprint dates; the inclusion as one num- ber of aseries with a single volume-number, of a set of volumes issued at intervals of years; the gaps in the numbering of supposedly continuous series, — these are a few of the dilemmas that baffle any attempt to catalogue Government publications with any standard of bibliographical accuracy in mind. But the fact that no satis- factory list of current Government publications is in existence made even an approximately satisfactory list e more necessary in connection with the AMERICAN CATALOGUE. The principle of bibliography for Government publications set forth by Mr. Cutter, in his Rules, is to give the separate bureaus in their alphabetical order, and to give the titles within those divisions in their alphabetical order. This list departs from that plan, for the practical purpose of showing the relations of the several lines of publication to each other. The divisions of the executive departments have, therefore, been retained as } general heads, the several bureaus or other subdivisions placed under them, and the titles arranged as far as ry sly] j y +} ay a f ] 1] ) t . ] r } } possible to group the same kinds of documents together, the general order observed being: first, the annual reports; second, the laws and decisions; third, the periodical issues; and, finally, the miscellaneous, arranged as far as practical by date of issue. But the date of issue is often not to be ascertained, because of the confusion of dates already mentioned, and, when the date of the text of a reportis cited, the imprint date is not usually given. In many cases, also, it has not been practical to obtain other bibliographical data, even as regards size, without still further delays which could not be permitted. Periodicals and sets which are virtually serials are distiuguished by entry of their general heading in italics. In many of the sets of volumes and periodicals entered, volumes are given which are only nominally issued, and which may not be actually bound and delivered for some years to come. On the other hand, some books are included within the limitations of this list, although they seem to belong in sets of volumes of earlier date; and a few books, issued previous to the period of this Catalogue, are also included, because of their standard character or bibliographcal importance. Mere office blanks, and minor sheets of administrative instructions, it has not been attempted to include. Several attempts have been made by the Government to catalogue its own publications, and in pursuance o a Senate resolution of March 24, 1881, most of the executive departments reported lists of their issues. These were, however, very imperfect. Such catalogues or lists as are issued bv the departments or bureaus are mentioned at the head of the entries. Their data v ill, however, be found conflicting and confusing and there is great need for some system of record which shall give the data periodically in proper shape. The PUBLISHERS’ WEEKLY is endeavoring to do this in the second number of each monet Mr. J. H. Hickox, in Washington, D. C., is giving a more detailed record, including the titles of individual Congressional reports, of his admirable monthly Catalogue of United States Publications; Messrs. 7 : J. Anglim & Co., of Washington, also send out a monthly bulletin, priced, of the leading 3 government issues. If the present list serves a practical purpose, and proves to be of use in bringi ab ‘ tter Gover ibliog hy } eo J ( s@ In bringing about a better Government bibliography in the future, the work will not be in vain.UNITED SPATS Chemical Division, Division of EB logy, Division of Statistics, ntomo GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. JAN. 1, 1881, TO JUNE 30, 1884, WITH A FEW PRECEDING STANDARD PUBLICATIONS. Agricultural Department. | Miscellaneous, continued. = |— No. 2. Proceedings of a conven f agricul S Note. The Agricultural Report forms usually the last of the | al a Sain acer Se cae Ho. Ex. Docs. of each session (see CONGRESS), analeineludes held at Ue Depts Or Ber eU Ure) OARS Zea as reports from — | [amel. address on necessity of agricul. educ., by | A. J. Smith. ] | and other bureaus. The Agricultural Department is not subor- dinate to any of the Cabinet Executive Departments. | Annual reports. ill. 8°. el. Preliminary report of Comr., 1883. 8° Special Reports. 1881: nos. 32-3$ 1882: nos. 40-54. 1883: nos. 54-65. 8°. pap. Note. This series was commenced 1877. — Area, condition and yield of crops [wheat and| other cereals, cotton, tobacco, potatoes, fruit, etc. ], live stock, rates of transportation, etc. No. 32 Apr., 81. No. 37: June and July, *81. No. 38 Aug., 81. No. 39: Sept., 81. : — Same. No. 42. [also number and condition of farm | animals in U. S.]: Apr., ’82. No. 48. [also rates of wages and labor; results of tile draining] : May, 189. No. 44: June, ’82. No. 4d: July, 782. No. 46: Aug., 82. No. 49: Sept., 82. No. 51: Oct., No. 52. [also comparative product of fruits]: Nov., 82. No. 53. [zncl. product and price of principal crops of 1882.] Dec., ’82. — Same. No. 56. [incl. numbers and values of farm values of American and rates of transportation animals; comparative European farm implements ; in Europe and the U.S.] Feb., ’83. No. 57. [wnel. distribution and consumption of corn and wheat. ] Mar., 83. No. 58: AES 83. No. 59. [also es- timates of cereals of 82]: May, ’83. No. 60. [also | if uropean gr: ain prospects]: June, 83. No. 61: — No. 3. Mississippi, its climate, soil, productions, and agricultural capabilities, by A. B. Hunt. No. 4. Maine, its climate, soil, physical resources and agric altural capabilities, by S: L. Boardman. Apportionment under the 10th Census. 8°. ’81l. pap. Co-operative experimenting as a means of studying effects of fertilizers, and feeding capacities of plants, by W. Atwater. 8°. ’81. pap Artesian wells upon the great plain maps: 89.) 484: pap- Investigations of sorghum as a sugar-producing plant, season of 1882, by P: Collier. 8° 782. pap. Climatie and agricultural features, ete., of the arid region ns of oe Pacific slope, with notes on Arizona and New Mexico, by E. Hilgard, I. C. Jones, and R. W. Pa eK Gs RL | Report on forestry, by F. B. Hough. 8° 782. Preliminary report on the forestry of the Mississippi valley, and tree-planting on the plains, by F. P. Baker and R. W. Furnas. 8°. 783. pap. Results of field experiments with various fertilizers, by Prof: H. O. Atwater. 8°. “83. pap: Jute-culture, by Prof. Waterhouse. 8°. 783. pap. Culture of the date, by W. G. Klee. 8°. °83. pup. Eneouragement to the sorghum and beet-sugar indus- 99x) Bre Js July, 83. No. 64. [also ‘ ‘Ame rican competition Aue, 288: INo- 6d! Sept., ¢ Note. A new series was started, Oct., ’82, under Division of Statistics, see below. — No. 33. Experiments in sorghum and corn-stalks. — No. 34. Diseases of domestie animals. —No. 35. Insects injurious to sugar-cane, — No. 36. Grape and wine statistics. — No. 40. Condition and needs of spring wheat culture in the North-west, by ©. C. Andrews, of Minn. —No. 41. Estimated production of cereals in the U. for 1881. — No. 47. Climate, soil and agricultural ca pabilities of So. Car. and Ga., by J. G. Hemphill. — No. 48. Silos andensilage: record of practical tests in several states and Canada. No. 50. Dissemination of Tex how to control i cas fever of cattle, and address of Cone — No. 54. Si Bees sugar industry G: B. Loring, Bere the Mississippi Valley Cane- Growers’ Assoc., St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 14, A — No. 55. The Grange — its origin, progress, and edu- | — cational purposes. — No. 62. Soils and products of Florida, by W: Saunders. __No. 63. Grasses of the U.S., by G: Vasey. Miscellaneous. (New series.) 1883 Nos. 1-2. 1884: nos. 3-4. 8°. pap. —No. 1. Forestry in the U.S: address of Comr. G: B. Loring, before the American forestry congress, St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 8, ’81. 85. (Apr. 85.) | try: record of practical experiments conducted under the direction of the Comr. of Agriculture. 8°. | 83. pap. Contagious diseases of domesticated animals. 8°. 83. pap | P rocecdines of < ers and Bile rs called by Comr. G: . Loring. eases of domestic animals. national convention of cattle breed- in Chicago, Nov. 15, 16, 83, to consider contagious dis- 84. pap. Ome DIVISION. ») CHEMICAL 1883: no. 1. 1884: no. pap. Investigation of the composition of American and corn, by Clifford Richardson, asst. Bulletins. 8°. — No. wheat chemist. No. 2. Diffusion, its application to sugar-cane, and record of experiments with sorghum in 1883, by H. W. Wiley, chemist. DIVISION oF ENTOMOLOGY. [Succeeding the Entomological Commission, Interior Depart- ment, which see. | Bulletins. 1883: nos. 1-3. 1884: no. 4. 8°. pap. —No. 1. Experiments, chiefly with kerosene, upon the insects injuriously affecting the orange tree and the cotton plant. — No. 2. Observations on the and the chinch bug, [also] No. 3. Reports of obse srvations and the or actical work of the division, under direction aot ‘ 1e Entomologist, ’83. Same. 784 2ocky Mountain locust miscellaneous insects. experiments in | oe DIVISION OF STATISTICS. Condition and yield of crops, rates of trans- continuing from Special above |. 1883: nos. 8°. pap. R | eports. portation, ete. [mew serves, Report No. 65, Sept., 8. l- 1884: nos. 4-8, ef seq. 2 dy 9 es oh aS a 226 U. S. Government Publications. x } D ary __ No. 1: Oct., °83. No. 2. [also, progress of sorghum growing; crops of Europe]: Nov., 783. No. 3. [imel. crops of the year; cereal production 1n Ku- rope]: Dec., 783. —No. 4. [ancl. number and value of farm animals; ’S4. Reports, continued. causes affecting wages of farm labor]: Feb., No. 5. incl. distribution and consumption of corn and wheat]: Mar., 784. No. 6: Apr., ‘4. No. 7: May, 784. No. 8: June, 84. Civil Service Commission. First annual report, yr. ending Jan. 16, 1884. Ist ed Same. 2ded. 8°. ’84. pap. Civil Service act, rulesand regulations. 8°. 783. pap. Amended Givil Service rules. 8°. ’83. pap. Civil Service act, amended rules and regulations. 3d ed. Same. 4thed. 8°. °*84. pap. Coneress. Note. The period of this record covers the following ses- S10OnNS : — 7 ° 92 ° ra VT > y Forty-sixth Congress : 8d session, Dec. 6, S0-Mar. 5, 1 ’ i OT May 20,’ 81. — Special sessi Oct. 10-29, °S1. / * : : —_ Ist session, Dec. 6,’ S1—Aug. 8,82: — 2d session, Dec. 4,’82-Mar. 3 , apna yy Y j . Toa 22 2.09 Tn itta Forty-ciqhth Congress : 1st session, Dec. 8,’838-July 7, 84. The Ho. Exec. Docs. are the chief series of Gov. Pubs., and witli the Ho. J/isc. Docs. give a né arly compl te series of the issues of the de partments and spe¢ cial commissions, the various issues of which are duplicated under the lists of department publications. A ‘‘ List of Congressional Documents, 20th to 46th Congress {18 7 ” 40, was issuect DY the Interior Dept., in 1882. There is a necessary confusion as to dates of issue, from the fact that the title-pages have a uniform date tor each Cone 71ess, though, for instan¢ e, seen. Misc. Doc a. {6th Cone.: 3d SeSs., V. 8, dated 1881, was not bound and issued until 1883. Each volume of each series contains an index to the volumes of the series, though this index is not always absolutely complete. The government year is usually the fiscal year, i.¢., July, ’83-June, *84, is quoted as 1884. Congressional Directory. 8°. pap. — 46th Cong.: 3d sess., corr. to Dec. 10, ’80. ’80. Same. 2ded., corr. to Jan. 21, ’81. 781. — 47th Cong.: Ist sess., corr. to Dec. 21, ’81. ’81. Same. 2d ed., corr. to Feb. 1, 782. ’82. Same. 3d ed., corr. to June 28, 82. 782. — 47th Cong.: 2d sess., corr. to Dee. 11, 82. 782. Same. 2d ed., corr. to Feb. 3, 83. 783. — 47th Cong.: Special sess. of the Senate, corr. to May 25578. 2811. — 48th Cong.: lst sess., corr. to Dec. 24, ’838. 783. same. 2d ed., corr. to Feb. 15, ’84. ’84. Same. 3d ed., corr. to June 30, ’84. 784. Congressional Record. 4°. hf. rus. —— 46th Cong.: 8d sess. v.11, pts. 1-3 and index. 4 y. 81. — 47th Cong.: Special sessions of the Senate (Mar. 4. ’81—May 20, 81, and Oct. 10-29, 81.) y. 12,1 vy. 28: -— 47th Cong.: lst sess. v. 13, pts. 1-7 andindex. 8 v. 782. — 47th Cong. : 2d sess. y. 14, pts. 1-4 and index. 5 v. 83. — 48th Cong.: Ist sess. v.15, pts. 1-6 and index. 7 y. 84. Messages from the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress, with the reports of the heads of departments and selections from accom- panying documents. Ed. by B: Perley Poore [Abridgment.] 8° cl. ; — 46th Cong.: 3d sess. ly. ’80, — 47th Cong.: Istsess. lv. ’8]. Do Messages, ete., continued. =— 47th Gone: + 2d sess; liv. 132: Van 00% — A8th Cong. : Ist-sess: 1 8 Statutes and recent treaties and executive proclama- tions. Ed., printed, and published under the authority of an act of Congress, and under the direction of the Secretary of State. 8°. pap. -_. 46th Gong.: 3d sess. Iv. 78] == 47th Gongs: lst sess. 1 = 47th Cones: 2d sess. lv. 83: evs 294: V. OZ. — 48th Cong.: Istsess. emorial addresses. port. large 8°. cl. - Rush Clark, Jan. 31, 80. 781. — Alfred Morrison Lay, Feb. 23-4, ’80. 780. . — George D. Houston, Feb. 26 and March 3, ’80. ’81. — Fivarts W. Farr, Feb. 8 and 18, 8l. 781. — Fernando Wood, Feb. 28, ’81. 82. — Ambrose E. Burnside, Jan. 23 — Matthew H. Carpenter, Jan. 26, °82. °82. — Michael P. O’Connor, Feb. 8 and 9, 782. ’82. - Thomas Allen, June 23, 7 Benj. Harvey Hill, Jan. : -Godlove S. Orth, Jan. 31, : =< Wm Mi. owe. Heb. 3: 7835 So: — Jonathan T’.. Updegraff, Feb. 6, 83. "83. — John W. Shackelford, Feb. 17, 83. 783. — Robert M. A. Hawk, Feb. 26, ’838. 783. — Dudley Chase Haskell, Feb. 28 and March 3, ’84. 784. Thomas H. Herndon, April 12 and 18, ’84. 784. a = 28D: URE co DENATE. Compilation of questions of order and decisions thereon, by W: J. McDonald, for the use of the Senate. So) 483i. pap: Standing rules for conducting business in the Senate of the U. S., reported by the Com. on Rules, Jan. 11, (O42. (Oc: Oee. IDAD: — Same; with amendments to Mar. 24, 1884. 8°. pap. Rules for the regulation of the Senate wing of the U. S. Capitol, adopted by the Com. on Rules, Mar. 15, 1S45; 62. "84. pap. Senate Journal. 8°. shp. — 46th Cong.: 3d sess. [and 47th Cong. : Special sess., Mar, (Sltl, i ve. {80 [ssi — 47th Cong.: Special sess., Oct., 81, and Ist sess. lv. 81 [782]. — 47th Cong.: 2d sess. 1 v. 782 [’83]. Q — 48th Cong.: Ist sess. Leaves "S84. Senate | Hxecutive| Documents. — 46th Cong.: 3d sess., and 47th Cong.: Special sess., Mar., 781. 3v. 8° (except v. 2, 4°). 81-82. v. 1. Nos. 1-80, except No. 12. v. 2. No. 12. Coast and geodetic survey, 1880. 4°. vy. 3. Nos. 31-68, and Nos. 1-5, Spec. sess., Mar., 81. — 47th Cong.: Special sess., Oct., 81. Iv. 8° 782. shp. Note. Chiefly proceedings of Internat. Sanitary Conference, Wash., 81, in English and French. — 47th Cong.:Istsess. 7v. 8° (except v. 3, 4°). 782. shp. Zi Nos. 1-36. 2. Nos. 37-70, except No. 49. 3. No. 49. Coast and geodetic survey, 1881. 4°. Z, Nos. 71-88. Nos. 89-158. Nos. 159-197, except No. 196. No. 196. Expenditure for rivers and harbors, 1789-1882. Ou 7 'e 4444 <4 < < — 47th Cong.: 2d sess. 5 v. in 9 v. 8° (except v. 4,40) 7805 ‘Slip: 4. No. 77. Coast and geodetic survey, 1882. 4°. . 5 [5-9]. No. 84. List of pensioners on the roll, Jan. 1, 1883, pts. 1-5. iii 4 pts. 2 oO. 1882. ill. 784. 8°. ev < 84. shp. 1. Nos. 1-27. 2. Nos. 28-127, except No. 110. of Sciences. Senate Reports [of Committees}. — 4¢ V. Vv. sth Cong.: 3dsess., and 47th Cong.: Special sess. Mares oie 92) ve 8o sol) Sip: sess. 9, No. 916. Election frauds. — 47th Cong.: Ist sess. 4v. 8°. 82. shp. v. 1. Nos. 1-343, except No. 265. vy. 2. No. 265, pts. 1 and 2, Inves. of contingent ex- x 7 — 47 . Vi. penses of executive departments. . 3. Nos. 344-588. . 4. Nos. 589-878. th Cong. : 2d sess. 2v. 8° ’83. shp. ,_ 1. Nos. 879-980. 9. Nos. 981-1031. 1” 72 -=Asth Gong.: Ist sess. 6 v. 8°. ‘84. shp. v. 1. Nos. 3-147. v. 2. Nos. 148-348. vy. 3. Nos. 344-490. vy. 4. Nos. 491-550. v. 5. Nos. 551-578. vy. 6. No. 579. Investigation of the Danville, Va., massacre. Note. No.1 was not printed, and of No. 2 only 200 copies for use of the Senate. Constitutional manual, and digest and manual of House or REPRESENTATIVES. 3. No. 110. Memoirs of the National Academy | 1. Nos. 726-935, except 916, and No. 1, Spec. | the | Constitutional manual, continued. Congress. — 47th Cong.: Ist sess. 5thed. ’81. 47th Cons — 48th Con: o.:2d sess. Gthed. ’83. o:ilistisess: @thed. 784. y Questions of order decided in and proceedings touching the organization of the Ho. of Rep. from the Lst to 46th Cong. inel., comp. by H: H. Smith. 8°. 781. pap. House Journal. 8°. shp. — 46th Cong.: 3dsess. Ly. ’80 [81]. — 47th Cong.: Ist sess. Lv. 781 [’82]. 47th Cong.: 2d sess. Lv. ’82 [83]. 48th Cong.: Istsess. ly. 783 [’8+]. rules and practice of the Ho. of Rep., comp. by H: | He Smith. 8° hr nus: use Executwe Documents. 46th Cong.: 3dsess. 30v. in 35 v. 8° (except v. 15, < < vi 2. N 2 3— Aor Silk shp: .1. No. 1, pt. 1. Foreign relations, 1880, with President’s message. Yo. 1, pt. 2. War, 1880, v. 1 (Secy’s rept.). 5. No. I, pt. 2. War; 1880; v. 2, pts. 1-3 Cin- gvineers ). . 6. No. 1, pt. 2. War, 1880, v. 3 (Ordnance). 7. No: I, pt. 2; War, 1880) v. 4 (Signal Officer). 8. No. 1, pt. 3. Navy, 1880, pt. 4, Postmaster- General, 1880. .9. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1880, v. 1 (Indian and Land Offices). 10. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1880, v. 2 (R. R. ac- counts, Geol. survey, Pensions, etc.). v. 11. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1880, v. 3 (Education). Vin U2 Now Je pts 10: District of Columbia, 1880. v. 13. No. 2. Treasury, 1880 (Rep. on the finances). vy. 14. No. 38. Compt. of Currency, 1580 (Nat. banks). No.4. Comr. of Int. Rey., 1880. 15. Nos. 5 (Estimates), 6 (Indian disburse- ments), 67 (Comr. of Patents), and Ho. Mise. Doe. No. 5 (Estimates for Dist. of Col.) 4°. li6s Noe 7’ Bureau of Statistics (Commerce and Navigation, 1880): pt. 1. Foreign commerce. pt. 2. Internal commerce. 17. No. 8. Nat. Board of Health, 1880. 18. Nos. 9 (Attorney-General)—66, except 12, 13, 42. 47 and 5d. 19. No. 12. First Comptroller, 1880. No. 13. P. O. Dept. accounts, 1880. r, 20-24. No. 42, pts. 1-5; Paris exposiuon (1878) report, v. 1-5. 95. No. 47. Public land comn., pt. 1. The exist- ing [land] laws. pt. 4. The public domain. 96. No. 47. Public land comn., pts. 2,3. Local [land] laws. 27. No. 55. Mail contracts, 1880. vy. 28. Nos. 68-99, except 81 and 98. < — ‘ < ced < 99. No. 81. Decisions of First Compt. of Treas. Vis le L880. 2d ed. . 30. No. 98. Commercial relations, 1880. 7th Cong.: Ist sess. 26 v. 8° (except v. 16, 4°). °82. shp. 1. No. 1, pt. 1. Foreign relations, 1881, with President’s message. 2) No: 1, pt-2. War, 13h) v- 1 (Secy’s rept. ). . 8-5. Nos. 1, pt. 2. War, 1851, v. 2, pts. 1-3 (En- eineers ). ) SG. Nos 1, pic 2 War, ISShy wee (Ordnance). 7. %. No. 1, pt. 2; War, 18s, v- 4 (Signal Officer). r, 8. No. 1, pt. 3. Navy, 1881, pt. 4; Postmaster- General, 1881. r,9. No. 1,pt.5. Interior, 1881, v. 1 (Land Office). 10. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1881, v. 2 (Indian Office, ete. ). re 11. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1881, v. o (Geological Survey). ne 12. No. 1, pt.5. Interior, 1881, v. 4 (Education). ; os Noe ty pts.o4 Dist: of Columbia, 1881, and Nos. 8-12. 14. No.2. Treasury, 1881 (ep. on the finances). 15. No. 3. Compt. of Currency, 1881 (Nat. banks). No. 4. Comr. of Int. Rev., 1881.¢ bo ad 8 Hc Wie nuse Executive Documents, 47th Cong., continued. 7 v. 16. Nos. 5 (Estimates), 6 (Indian disbursements ), and 62 (Comr. of Patents) 4°. v.17. No. 7. Bureau of Statistics (Commerce and | Navigation, 1881). vy. 18. Nos. 13-19. (Nat. Board of Health, 1881, etc.) | vy. 19. Nos. 20-86, except No. 62. vy. 20. Nos. 87-116. We Ml, INOS; bP 22. Nos. 122-192. | vy. 23. Nos. 198-227, except Nos. 219 and 226. “| v. 24. No. 219. Decisions of First Compt. of Treas. We 24 188]. v. 25. No. 226. Mail contracts, 1881. v./26. No. 228. Agricultural Report, 1881 and 1882. | "82. 47th Cong.: 2dsess. 25 Vv §° (except v. 17, 4°). 85. shp. v. 1. No. 1, pt. 1. Foreign relations, 1882, with President’s message. v; 2. No. L, pt. 2: Wiar, 1882; v. 1 (ecy’s rept.) vy. 8-0. No. 1, pt. 2. War, 1882, v. 2, pts. 1-3 (En- gineers). v. 6. No. 1, pt. 2. War, 1882, v. 3 (Ordnance). | v. 7. No. 1, pt. 2. War, 1882, v. 4 (Signal Officer). | v. §. No. 1, pt. 3. Navy, 1882, v. 1-3. | vy. 9. No. 1, pt. 4. Postmaster-General, 1882. | v. 10. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1882, v. 1 (Land Office). vo Jl No. Ui pt. 5.9 Intertor; 19825 v. 2 (Indian) Office, &e.). v. 12. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1882, v. 3 (Geological | Survey | v. 13. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1882, v. 4(Education). v. 14. No. 1, pt. 6. Dist. of Columbia, 1882, and Nos. 8-34. v.15. No. 2. Treasury, 1882 (Rep. on the finan- ces). v. 16. No. 3: Compt. of Currency, 1882 (Nat. | banks No. 4. Comr. of Int. Rey., 1882. v. 17. Nos. 5 (stimates), 6 (Indian disbursements), and Ho. Mise. Doc. No. 9 (Estimates for Dist. of Col.) 49. v. 18. No. 7. Bureau of statistics (Commerce and navigation, 1882). v2 19: Nos: 35-72: except No: 71. v. 20. No. 71. Comr. of Patents, 1882. v. 21. Nos. 738-104, exce pt No. 93. vy. 22. No. 93. Mail contracts, 1882. v. 23. Nos. 105 (Notes on Alaska), and 107 Report | of Lieut. Sullivan on Interoceanic communication). | v. 24. Nos. 106 (Production of precious metals), and | 108 (Jeannette inquiry). vy. 25. No. 109. Agricultural Report, 1883. 48th Cong.: Ist sess. 32 v. 8° and 4°, ’83. shp. | v. 1. No. 1, pt. 1. Foreign relations, 1883, with | President’s message. Ve 2. Nos apt. 2: Wear, 1883, v1 (Secy’s rept.). | v. 3-0; INo: J, pt. 2; War, 1883; vy. 2, pts. 1-3 | (Engineers). v. 6. No. 1, pt. 2. War, 1883, v. 3 (Ordnance). | v. 7. No. 1, pt. 2. War, 1883. v. 4 (Signal Officer). | vy. 8. No. 1, pt. 3. Navy, 1883, pts. J and 2. ; v. 9. No. 1, pt. 4. Postmaster-General. 1883. v. 10. No. 1,pt. 5. Interior, 1883, v. 1 (Land Office, ete Ve v. ll. No. 1, pt. 5.. Interior, 1883, v. 2 (Indian | Office). v. 12. No. 1, pt. 5. Interior, 1883, v. 3 (Geological | Survey). | v. 13. No. 1, pt. 6. Dist. of Columbia, 1883, and Nos. | 6-18, incl., except No. 7. 14. No. 2. Treasury, 188 ces). | J ay y ) V. 3 (Rep. on the finan- No. 3. Compt. of Curreney, 1883 (Nat. banks). No. 4. Comr. of Int. Rev., 1883. v. 16. Nos. 5, 31, 35, 64, 82 (Bstimates. ete.). 4° v. 17. No.7. Bureau of Statistics (Commerce and navigation, 1883). 18. Nos. 19-386, except Nos. 31 and 35. | TTo1 Ve U. S. Government Publications. ise Executive Documents, 48th Cong., continued. 19. No. 37. Report Mississippi River Commis- sion, 1883 De 20. Nos, 38-92, except Nos. 43, 64, 78, 82 and 84. 21. No. 43. Nat. Board of Health, 1883. . 22. No. 73. Comr. of Patents, 1883. 23. No. 84. Mail contracts, 1883. 24. Nos. 93-99. 25. Nos. 100-103. 26. Nos. 104-128. 27. Nos. 129-175, except No. 172. 23: No. 172: Investigation irregular practice Pension Attorneys, etc. 2. Commercial relations. vi. 29; 00; No. 7G; pts: 1. v. 31. No. 177. Director of Mint. y. 32. No. 178. Agricultural Report, 1884. House Miscellaneous Documents. — 46th Cong.: 3dsess. Iv. 8° ‘81. shp: Cont.: Nos. 1-19, except No. 5, which is in Ho. Ex. Dec. Vids AS — 47th Cong.: Ist sess. 27 v. in [?]v. 8° and 40 "82. ship. v. 1. Nos. 1-18, except Nos. 8 and 11. v. 2. Nos. 8 and 58. eve oO. INO: Ll *v. 4, Nos. 14 and 15, pts. 1, 2. Kv D>. Nos: 16. 17. 1S\ 21 *v. 6. Nos. 19 and 20. Vai. No. 225 pts. 1—b: 8. Nos. 23-26. Note. No. 24 is Report of Home for Disabled Soldiers. Av. 9, 10; 11: No. 27, pts: 152.3: *Note. Wholly or chiefly contested election cases. v. 12. Nos. 28-46. v. 13. Nos. 47 (Rep. Live-saving service, 81); 49, 55 (Interstate commerce); 56 (Mississippi-river because the cc improvements) ; 58 ete. (Appropriations, New offices, Note. No. 49, Husbandry of the angora goat, was not printed ypy was not furnished in time for the volume. v. 14. No. 48. Flags of maritime nations. 49. v.15. No. 50. Geol. Survey. Monograph, no. 5. Irving’s Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. v. 16. No. 51. Geol. Survey. Monograph, no. 4, Lord’s Hist. of the Comstock lode. vy. 17. No. 52. Geol. Survey. Monograph, no. 8. Becker’s Geology of the Comstock lode. With atlas. vy. 18. No. 54. War of the Rebellion, series 1, v. 5. v. 19. Nos. 59 (Bulogies on Michael P. O’Connor) and 60 (Additional time-stars). v. 20. No. 61. Bureau of Ethnology. 2d annual report. vy. 21, 22. No. 62. U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surveys of Territories. (12th ann. report: F. V. Hayden. Explorations in Wyoming and Idaho, 1878. pts. 1, 2 —Yellowstone Nat. Park.) vy. 23. No. 64. War of the Rebellion, series 1, v. 6. v. 24. No. 64. Compendium of Tenth Census. 2 v. v. 25. No. 65. Consular reports on cotton and woolen mills of Europe. v. 26. No. 66. Reports of Bureau of Ethnology, v. 5. v. 27. No. 67. War of the Rebellion, series 1, v. 7. — 47th Cong.: 2d sess. 19 [?]v. 8° (except v.13, 4°), 783. shp. v. 1. Nos. 1-18, except Nos. 6 and 9. Note. No. 12is Report rel. to publ. and dist. of public docs. by Ames, Spofford, and Baird. v. 2, 3. No. 6. Report of Tariff Commission, pts. 1, 2. v. 4. Nos. 19-38, except Nos. 26-28, 30-35, 37. v. 5. No. 26. Report of Smithsonian Institution. v. 6. No. 27. War of the Rebellion, series 1, v. 8. v. 7. No. 28. Am. ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1886. v. 8. Nos. 30-34. Eulogies upon Messrs. Lowe, Up- degraff, Orth, Hawk, Shackelford.House Miscellancous > nts. 47 pon ie = er p a Miscelle nee, Documents, 47th Cong., continued. | House Reports of Committees. ees » ste >t} aceaCc , . e igest of contested election cases, | 46th Cong.: 3d sess. 2v. 8°. ’8 vi. 9: INO. ob: 1880-82. Vv. LOW No: oe V0. LUss2Z: v. 11. No: 39 and 40 (Fish vies 12: Nos 41. vy. 13. No. 42 Decisions of First Compt. of Treas. | (Consular reports, Jan.—May, ’83), Commission, Bulletin, v. 2, 1882). | War of the Rebellion, series 1, v.9.. | Reports of the Tenth Census, v. 1 | 1. . ‘ > . | (Population), v. 2 (Manufactures), v. 3 (Agri- | culture), v. production : western states: pt. 2, Eastern Gulf, Atlantic, and Pacific states), v. 7 (Valuation, taxation, and pub- lic indebtedness), v. 8 (Newspapers; Alaska; ship- building), v. elusive of Mexico), v. 10 (Petroleum; Coke; Building stones). l0v. ea. 4°. Note. The other volumes of the Census reports, as issued, will count as of volume 13 of this series. v: 14. No..43. ( v. Ids No. 44. annual report. v. 16, 17, 18, 19. The existing 4 (Transportation), v. 5, 6 (Cotton | pt. 1, Mississippi Valley and south- 9 (Forests of North America, ex- reological Survey. Monograph, No. 6. | ( Entomological Commission. 3d | [land] laws, ete. 4v. 2d ed. — 48th Cong.: lst sess. 40 [?] v. 8° and 4°. ’83- 84. shp. Note. Some of these vols. are not yet bound up by Gov. Pr. Office, and the schedule is taken from index in vols. v. 1. Nos. 1-15, except Nos. 4 and 12. Note. No. 1lis F No. 4, pts. 1-2. Official register of the = Hy} vy, 2-3 ish Commission Bulletin, v. 3, 1883. U.S., June 30, 1883. Vi 4-7. No: 12° *vy, 8. No. 16. pts. 1-4. Consular reports. *y, 9. Nos. 17-19. *7. 10. Nos. 20-24. *v. 11-12. No. 25, pts. 1-3 vy. 13. No: 26: 10; pt. L. *y, 14-15. No. 2 Note. Wholly or De War of the Rebellion, series 1, vy. fis Dus. lino. chiefly contested election cases. vy. 16. Nos. 28-31. V7. life INO} OZ: 10, pt. 2. ve oo INO oo: Weeks. v. 19. Nos. 34- 49. v. 20. Nos. 35 (Am. coaster War of the Rebellion, series 1, v. | Report upon wages, by Joseph D. 50, except Nos. 35, 38, 41, 46, 47 and (Am. ephemeris for 1887), and 41 ’s nautical almanac, Ist ed. for 1884). v. 21-22. No. 38, pts. 1-3. Department of Justice expenditures : 47 and 53. Eulogieson Thomas Allen, Dudley C. Haskell, and Thomas H. Herndon. vy. 23. Nos.46, vy. 24. No. 49. star-route case, Ottman case, etc. Imports and Duties, 1867-83. v. 25. Nos. 51-64, except Nos. 53, 56 and 60. v. 26. No. 56. Decisions of First Compt. of Treas- ury, v. 4, 1883. Note. Decisions of First Compt. of Treasury, v. 5, 1884, pub. 84, will form Ho. Misc. Doc. No. 22, 2d sess.: 48th Cong. Ve ita NO: (60: Territories: v. 28-30. No. vy. 31. No. 66. Veo INO. OF eries, 1883. v. 33. No. 68. eries, 1884. v. 84, No. 69. v. 385. No. 70. Territories : Vie 56. Nos TL. wee, NON Wien veesss Non wos v. 39. No. 74 v. 40. No. 75. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surveys of Report by Hayden. pt. I. +5 War of the Rebellion, series 1, v. lil, pts. 1-3: Jeannette Inquiry. Report of Comr. of Fish and Fish- Report of Comr. of Fish and Fish- Report of Smithsonian Inst., 1883. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of Report by Hayden. pt. 2. Bulletins of the Geol. Survey. Geol. Survey. Monograph, no. 7. Geol. Survey. Monograph, no. 8. Geol. Survey. Monograph, no. 9. Mineral resources of U. S., 1884. Congress. — Courts. | | No. 45, pts. 1-4. Public Jand comn. | v. l. Nos. 1-348. v. 2. Nos. 344-400. — 47th Cong.: Ist sess. 6v. 8°. ’82. shp. Vv. L. Nose 1—392. v. 2. Nos. 393-653. 3. Nos. 654-993. 4. Nos. 994-1276. v. 5: Nos: 1277-1617. v. 6. Nos. 1618-1811. — 47th Cong.: 2d sess. 2v. 8°. ’83. shp. vy. l. Nos. 1812-1958. v. 2. Nos. 1959-2044. — 48th Cong.: Ist sess. 7 v ) 3 Ocs, 54 ishp v. 1. Nos. 1-342, except No. 11. v. 2. Nos. 343-636, except No. 371. v. 3. Nos. 637-979. v. 4. Nos. 980-1175. v. 5. Nos. 1176-1519. v. 6. Nos. 1520-1862, except No. 1732. v. 7. Nos. 1863-2165, except Nos 1976, 2019. Note. Nos. 11, 871, 1732, 1976, 2019 were not printed. The following are single vols. or pamphlets issued under authority of Congress, and not belonging to any of the execu- tive departments : — ; ; Librarian of Congress. Annual report. 8°. pap. Alphabetical catalogue of the Library of Congress. v. 1, 2) 89 278—80: hf mor. v. 1. A—Braidwood. vy. 2. Brailsford—Cragin. Public printer. Annual report. 8°. pap. Laws and resolutions governing the public printing and binding. 8° ’83. pap |Comrs. of the World’s Indust. and Cotton Exposition. Proceedings of conference of Comrs., May 7-9, 1884. 8° 784. Exercises at the ceremony of unveiling the statue of John Marshall, chief-justice of the U. S., in front of the Capitol, Wash., May 10, 1884; with the address of C. J. Waite, and the oration of W. H. Yawle [iete.]. ill. 8° °84. . pap. House bill no. 5893. To reduce import duties and war- tariff taxes, with table of rates and estimated duties on imports under the same, prepared by request of the committee on ways and means, from customs returns, by C. H. Evans. 4°. ’84. pap. Memoranda concerning the rise and decline of the lottery system in the U. S. 8°. 783. pap. Zeport of the commission created in accordance with a joint resolution of Congress, approved March 38, ’$1, providing for the erection of a monument at Yorktown, Va., commemorative of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. 8°. *84. pap. Report of the gun foundery board organized by the president in accordance with act of Congress ap- proved March 3, 83. 8% 784. Report (to accompany Dill s. 133) of the committee on civil service and retrenchment. 8°. 782. pap. Courts. Note. The Reports of the U.S. Supreme, Circuit [First to Ninth Circuits] and District Courts are usually published by individual law publishers, even though printed by the Govern- ment Printing Office. See author alphabet of AMERICAN CATALOGUE, United States, p. 407, Which gives also the various digests. Court of Claims. Reports. v. 16-18. 9 83. ea., shp., $6. Note. — v. 16-17 (76-82), by C: C. Nott and A. Hopkins. — v. 18 (782-83), by W: A. Richardson. a »Q 0 |Supreme Court. Rules, adopted Jan. 7, 1884. 8°. 784,628 nap. Rules of practice of U. S. Courts in equity and admiralty 20 29 621 ¢ Ne cases. Rev. andcorr. 8° 7°83. pap:, 50¢.230 U. Department of Justice. Note. The Annual report of the Attorney-General, with reports of subordinate offices, is also given in Ho. Hauec. Docs. see CONGRESS. Annual report of the Attorney-General. 8°. pap. Official opinions of the Attorneys General; ed. by A. J. Jentleys vi lb, 1G, Yv. 82 280-1. bad Register of the Department of Justice and the judicial officers of the U. S S. Government Publicatons. including instructions to mar- | — 9, BuREAU OF EDUCATION. Annual report of Comr. of Educ. 8° cl. Circulars of information. 8°. pap. Note. These Circulars were started in 1870, as occasional publications; beginning with 1873, they have been numbered to make yearly volumes. No Circulars were issued in 1876, the vecial report on libraries exhausting the appropriation. 1SS1. Nos. 1-6. — 1. Construction of library buildings, by T. M. Clark. Technical training in Amer. schools. SZ shals, district attorneys, and clerks of the U.S. |— 3. Proceedings of Nat. Educ. Assoc., Dept. of Super- Courts. 6th ed., corr. to July 1, 1883. 8°. pap. intendence, 81. Letter from the Attorney-General, transmitting a list |— 4. Education in France. embracing all the publications of that department, | 5. Causes of deafness among school-children, by S. in compliance with senate resolution of March 24 Sexton. : 1881. 8°. 82. pap. — 6. Effects of student life upon the eyesight, by A. W. Report of the General Agent to the Attorney-General, "82-83. 8°. pap. Fish Commission. Annual report of the Commissioner. 8°. Report of the Commission on Food-fishes and fisheries OL UE Se (shy. So) 782: Laws and regulations. 8°. 83 Bulletin. v. 1-3. ill. 8°. 781-83 > Great International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883. U.S. [Exhibits]. v. A-F. Form of quarterly return of property. 83. pap. OF Vz = Oce RO Interior Department. The Secy. of the Interior transmits (see CONGRESS, Docs.) reports from the following, subordinate to the Note . lo. Lx. Interior Department: Lb B LPECAU of Education. Census Office. i ntomoloqical Commission. General Land Office . Ge ologica l Surve Y- Office of Indian 7 Indian Sch 0ls Vis Patent Off ension. Office. lS. National Museum (s Bureau of Ethno logy. ae s 7 y Ane Architect of the ( apiuol. Ce. ce Smithsonian Inst. Nie Comr. of Railroads ( formerly Auditor of R. R. Accounts). Columbia Inst. for Deat and Dumb. Govt. Hospital for Insane ; Frecdmen’s Hospita l and Asylum. GE SE Ins; vector of Gas Meters (Wash ington is Supt. of Hot Springs [ ) Supt. of Yellowstone National teservation. ark. Utah Commission. Some of these are distinct vols., others are usually issued in pamphlet form as well as in the bound Congressional vols. Annual report of Secretary of Interior. el. Official Register of the U. S. 2v. vy. 1. Legislative, executive, and judicial. vy. 2. P.O. Dept. and postal service. 4°. ’8]. [ Biennial. Same, 83. ister of the Interior Dept., Aug., ’80. to Oct. 10,81. Same, corr. to April 2 > O°. el. Same, corr. Re; ae OE ¥ 0,783. Same, corr. to July 15, 83. 8°. pap. Catalogue of the Library of the Interior Dept. 4°. ’81. pap. Suppl. catalogue of books added, Feb., ’81—June 30, 783. 4°. pap. List of Congressional documents, 20th to 46th Congress, incl. [1827-1881.] 4°. pap Hot springs of Arkansas, by Alonzo Bell. 8°. ’83. pap. Laws, regulations, ete., relating to the Hot Springs res- ervation of Arkansas. 8°. ’83. pap. Commissioner of Railroads ( formerly Auditor of R. R. accounts). Annual report. Note. roads. 799 Qo Report for *$3 cont. laws of U. 8. affecting Pacific rail- Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park. report. o% pap. Architect of the Capitol. Utah Comunission. Annual Annual report. ill. Report, 1883. 8°. pap. pap. 6°. {ffairs (Comr., Board, and Inspector of Calhoun. Nos. 1-6. —]. Training schools for nurses. 2. Proceedings of Nat. Educ. Assoc., Dept. of Super- 21-23, 1882. 1882. intendence, Mar. — 3. University of Bonn, by E. Dreyfus-Brisac. — 4. Industrial art in schools, by C:G. Leland. — 5. Maternal schools in France. — 6. Technical instruction in France [1st Rep. of Roy. Com. on Technical instruction }. Nos. 1-4. —J. Legal provisions respecting examination and li- censing of teachers. Co-edueation of sexes in public schools of U. S. Proceedings of Nat. Educ. Assoc., Dept. of Super- Feb. 1883. _9 — 3. 7 € se 709 intendence, 20-22, 783. — 4. Recent school-law decisions, comp. by L. A. Smith. 1884. Nos. 1, 2, 3. — |]. International prison congress at Rome, Oct., 783. — 2. Teaching, practice and literature of shorthand, by J. E. Rockwell. » a ee Cc. War- Je da. Me Illiteracy in the U.S. in 1870-80, by ren; app. on national aid to education, by Curry. ill. Special reports. — Public libraries in their history, condition, management. pt. | 76. pap. Same. pt. 2: Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue, by C: A. Cutter. 162 pap: — Industrial education in U.S. pap. Comparative statistics of elementary education in fifty principal countries. ’81. Same, new ed. (sixty countries). 782. broadside. Fifty years of freedom in Belgium; education in Malta. 81. pap. U.S: RO oY. 8°; 783: 5° Library aids, by S: S. Green. 16° 781. pap. Recognized medical colleges in U. S. New ed 8°. "81. pap. | The discipline of the school. Newed. 8°. ’81. pap. Education and crime, by J. P. Wickersham. 8°. ’81. pap. Instruction in morals and civil government. 8°. 782. pap. National pedagogic congress of Spain. 8°. 782. Natural science in secondary schools. 8°. 782. High schools for girls in Sweden. 8°. Answers to inquiries about the U.S. by ©. Warren. ill “80. 783: pap: Note. This is a revision to date of the History of, the Bureau of Educ., prepared by Dr. Shiras. pap. pap. pap. Bur. of Educ., 82. 2Q The Bufalini prize. 8°. ’83. pap. Planting trees in school-grounds. 8° ’83. pap. Education in Italy and Greece, 1883. 8° ’88. pap. Report of the Director of the American school for classical studies in Athens, Greece, 1882-83. 8°. "84. pap. Building for the children of the South, by A. D. Mayo. 8° ’84. pap. Prelim. circular resp. exhibition of education at the World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposi- tion: So) 484. pap: | Hist. sketches of the universities and colleges of the U.S. 1. Univ. of Missouri, by F.B. Hough. 8°. 83. pap.Interior Department. Articles ex ehibited in ne setivenn E eiibs ition of 83, |} Third report on the tree ky Mountain locust, Western at Louisville, Ky., from the Museum of U. S. Bur. | cricket, ete. ill. 8° 783 of Educ. 16°. ’83. pap. | Bulletin. 8°. pap. Note. A few pamphlets emanating from this Bureau, as | No. 6. Gen. index and supplement to nine reports Beetonnos the Phila. Normal School for Girls,” ‘ Are the on insects of Missouri, by C. V. Riley. ill. ’81 ndians dying out?” etc., are printed, but not published, being | __ 7 0 4 Tak vate ‘ ee printed as proof for examples to collaborators on the volumes in Ny esaces Teas lou sium onesu and ishadec WEeeS which they will ultimately be published. by AS. Backard) yrs ile “Silt Some of the 8° publications entered above are commonly cited Circulars. 8°. pap. as Bullet tion on ti a of the Bureau, though they have no such desigua-| — No, 12. Bibliography of Amer. economic entomol- e-page. a J : E ) : ogy, by A. S. Packard, jr. 781 CENSUS OFFICE. | GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Note. Many of the various monographs and tables in the Annual report of Comr. 89. el. census reports were Alao separa ely printed in advance of the is- > a % 7 say . Wea A sue of the reports. #zulletins (to No. 296), 4°, were also issued Public Land Commission: Existing laws of general during the progress of the work, giving titles, ete., in advance, | and Dea character rel. to survey and disposi- as also Forestry Bulletins (to No. 25). The final reports are ex- tion of the public domain, Dee. 1, 1880; embr. cita- pected to muke twenty or more volumes. tions of decisions from Federal and State Courts, Compendium of the tenth census, 1880. ly. 8°. Also ) comp. by A. T. Britton. ’82. Same, with suppl. to In Save piss land 2. 82: 283° cl: | Aug., 782. 8°. 84. Reports of tenth census, 1880. 4°. cl. — Existing laws of local or temporary character, ete. a . lee * >] 9 x ) Y 3 =. 1O6 —y. 1. Population, with summary tables rel. to news- [as above]. 2v. 782. Same, with suppl. to 1882. papers and periodicals; public schools and illit- ee cae ee : : we eracy; the dependent, defective and delinquent | — Phe public domain, its history, with statistics, by classes. ete. Thos. Ronaldson. ’82. Same, rey. to Dec. Il, . . ae 0 ? —y. 2. Manufactures, with monographs. on power 1883. 8°. “54. oe used; the factory system; interchangeable inechan- | ¢— Preliminary report. 9! OU. ae ism: hardware. cutlery, ete.: iron and steel: silk Swamp land laws, regulations and decisions thereunder. cotton, woolen manufacturers, chemical products and salt; glass. —y. 3. Agriculture, with monographs on cereal pro- duction, flour milling, tobacco culture, manuf. and | move — y. 4. Transportation, including statistics of railroads, stean (also foreig —— Vv. 5, 6. Hilgard; with agricultural and physico- geographi- April 18, ’°82. 8°. pap. Coal-land law and regulations thereunder. July 31, 262. (89. “pap. Restoration of lost and obliterated corners. Mar. 13, 80. Oo. pap: Mining laws and regulations thereunder. Oct. 31, ’81. Same, with circulars to Jan., ’84. 8°. pap. Decisions of the Dept. and Gen. Land Office, in cases relating to lands and land claims. July, ’$1-June, 283i §2. 7283. paps: bf. 'shp: Same. Vv. 2. 63 784. shp. Rules of practice, approved Dec. 28, ’82. 8°. 783. pap. ment of tobacco, meat production. 1 navigation, canals, telegraphs, and telephones ; ] Report on the postal telegraph service in m countries by Rob. B. Lines. | Cotton production in the U. S., by E. W. eal descriptions of the cotton States and of Califor- : ) : peta tee. nia Instructions to Surveyors General in rel. to survey of sR : : et ic lands : rivate landclaims. 8°. 781. pap —vy.7. Valuation, taxation, and public indebtedness, public land nee h ae Ve : j 20 ES ? vty. tin . FAO ys MELE oe Sod MELE OS's by R. P. Porter. Instructions [general] to Special Agents, June 20, ¢ —y. 8. The Newspaper and periodical press, by S. N. 8°. pap. | Instructions to Special Agents appointed to prevent D. North. Alaska: its population, industries and : 3 resources, by as P sent ; The Seal Islands of timber depredations from government lands, and 7 ew TAT Wileat sachs eeiewitea gs nme mine Ae ‘otec » public timber. 8°. 783. pap. lass by H. W. Elliott. Ship-building in the COO eC the pu lic ae 4 ean P Rede We Seby, We Hall: : | Instructions for final proof on timber culture entries, Reb. de 7825 8° pap: Listor aa resent condition of the fishing industries, ee! ‘ 0 Doe Bins : Ce ae ‘aC ae S. F. Baird, by G. B. Goode an Letter from the Comr., Jan. 8, ’84, rel. to excess of in- other M co . a i Sect. 10. The oyster-indus demnity lands certified to the State of Kansas for rs. Monograph; Sect. 10. » oyster- S- ete aie t hw Tae : rr ie 0: <3 . the benefit of the Atchison, T’opeka, and Santa Ke ry, by 2erso 81. Pee Directory’ of the glass-works of U. S., by J. D. Weeks. bees Railroad. 8°. “84. pap. : Fe 40 0 | Circular: How to obtain title to public lands under the 40% 73 (); Ap. = . e sie cee eon List of ch: re i institutions of the Roman Cath homestead, preémption, and timber-¢ Wass laws, a h 1 in U § { pay | ae | 89 Same, Mar. 20, 783. Same, Mar. 1,84. 9°. church in U.S. 4°. pap. : ; Pee Vay; Ap. ton ee at A ony pap: List of cotton factories in U.S. 4°. ro Bee — Fencing of public lands, showing manner of proceed- List of institutions of beneficence, charity, reform and correction in U. S. 4° 780. pap. List of pap. comy ing. 8° pap. | x ~ 799 Q0 — Deposits on account of surveys, Sept. 15, So. O°. woolen factories in the U. S. 405 780i ii | < e | G ICAL SURVEY sO IGICAL t yh e Preliminary list of fire, fire-marine and marine insurance | rEOLOGIC x yanies. 4°. 780. pa p- | Note. The Geological Survey now anclyge 8 all aa oe i | of life ye Se vt., except Coast Survey (se reasury Dep anc - Tabulated statement of life insurance business in U. | by the go ce] See Teen cLTaN alot drographic Office (See Navy Dept ‘80. : 7 General Land Office. By act of 1879 the survey of ue Hexrle Social statistics of cities: New Orleans, La., and Aus- | tories, F. V. Hayden, director: the survey of aie Roe sy i ) y ] j f , rc j y 1 1e@ Survey Ne 0 1¢e Texas 7 (ers; 3H aring. ir., and G: W. Cable. |} region, J. W. Poweil, director ; anc tin, Pexas, by G. EK. Waring, Jr., = : | meridian, under Lt. Wheeler (see War Dept., Bure: au of ngi- lls. Ng . neers), were discontinued, and their “final reports” are ra Skete h of list. f 3oston, by ie M. Bugbe e. 89, completes or in process of complet ion. Lhe SU of wee th Ss > g, sals mpletec ie first direc- Power and mac wine ry FuRIoe ed in manufactures, under parall I King, Ictn . . alee SIE Ce direct. of Prof. W. P. ‘Trowbridge. Water-power tor ore ag geologic Mae ee ORES Mae rare sores of Southern ee water-shed, by J. F. Swain. times quoted by names of dikectors The Survey prints a “€ ir. ill 4° 8] cular concerning publications,” giving prices. First annual report of the Director, ©. King, 1880. ill. EnrTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. or clk ce isi Lan j “ r coliminary report describing plan of organization | Now succeeded by Division of Entomology, Agricultural Ca Spiele report des¢ mer 3 é lications. Department. | ind publica a 1 ome " i 3 Zeport of irector, Jd. =; owe 880—sl. . Second report on the Rocky Mountain locust, etc. 8°. | Report of we Director, J ) oh (OL 81. pap.A Gs ak Sn cancge cnn 935 U. S. Government Publications. bo Third annual report of U. S. Geol. Survey, 1881-2. — Same. Fourth, 1882-3. ill. 8°. | Note. The papers included in the annual reports are usually printed separately, also, for their authors. | Regulations of the Geol. Survey, ’82. : Monographs. v. 2. Tertiary history of the Grand Canon | district. by C. E. Dutton. ill. 4°. With atlas in folio. ’82. cl. $10.12. —y.3. Geology of the Comstock lode and Washoe | district, by G:F. 3ecker. ill. 4°. With atlas in| folio, 783. «cli (SLl. —y. 4. Comstock mining and mines, by Elliot Lord. ile 40) 838" cle iSileo0: ay Bs Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior, by | R. D. Irvine. ill. .4°. 7°83. cl. $1.80. —y. 6. Contributions to the knowledge of the oldez Mesozoic flora of Virginia, by W. M. Fontaine. | TL Ack 2832, che ple Ode —y.7. Silver-lead deposits of Eureka, Nevada, Jews Curtis. ill 49" 764. Bulletins. == "Vv, 1 » Nos: 1-6. 89) (84. — No.7. Mapoteca Geologica Americana. A _ cata-| logue of geological maps of America (North and | South), 1752-1881, by Jules Marcou and John| 3elknap Marcou. 8° ’84. 10c. Mineral resources of U.S., by A. Williams. 8°. 783. | el. — 50e. New method of measuring heights by means of the ba- rometer, by G. K. Gilbert. 4°. 782. pap. Qo | O~. | VY [Groy. SuRVEY OF THE TERRITORIES. | | | Twelfth annual report, 1878. 2v. ill. 8°. With maps in case. 783. Note. Completes the annual reports of this survey. Final report. v.12. Fresh-water rhizopods of N. A., by-ds Leidy. ill! 49; “8ilr. Miscellaneous publications. —No. 12. Hist. of North Am. pinnipeds, by J. A. | Allen. 8°. ’*80.. pap. | Bulletin. | ——Vii0; Nos: lvand2: 781; INo: 35 782. 89 pap: | Note. Completes the series of bulletins. Atlas of Colorado. folio. 782. [Greoa. AND Greox. SuRVvEY oF THE Rocky Mr. REGION. | Geology of the high plateaus of Utah, by C. E. Dutton. 40°. With atlasin folio. ’80. Geology and resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, by H: Newtonand W. P. Jenney. 4°. With atlas in folio. 780. Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 4. Houses and house-life of Am. aborigines, by L: H. Morgan. ill. 4° 781. ; — Same. v. 5. [Papers] by C: Rau, R. Fletcher, C. Ghomas: all. 49% 289. Geology of the Henry Mts., by G. K. Gilbert. 2d ed.|__ game 1883-1884. 40° ly, silo. Ok OrricEe oF INDIAN AFFAIRS. Annual reports of Comr. 8° cl. | Annual report of Board of Indian Comrs. 8°. pap. or ce}. | Annual report of Supt. [formerly Inspector] of Indian | schools. 8°. pap. | Note. The Board and the Supt. of Schools report direct, and | technically are not part of the Indian Office. Laws rel. to Indian affairs, to Mar. 4 acts and lists of all ratified treaties. 3d ed. 8°, | ’84. pap. or cl. Laws and regulations regulating trade with Indian tribes, Jan. 1, 82. Same, Nov. 1,’83. 8°. pap. Rules governing the Court of Indian offences. 8°. ’83. pap. \ | Instructions to Indian agents, revised Oct. 1, ’80. 8°. ap. eee A revised edition, ‘‘ Regulations of the Indian Dept., 1884,” is in preparation. Condition and needs of Mission Indians of Cal., by Special Agents Helen Jackson and Abbot Kinney. 8°. 783. pap. Peace ratified in Creek nation, Report of Comrs. 8°. 83. pap. Description and valuation of portion of the Omaha Indian reservation in Nebraska, 4°. pap. PATENT OFFICE. Note. The old annual reports, including *‘ descriptions and claims of patents,’ illustrated, 8°, 1837-71, are now replaced by the Oficial Gazette, issued weekly since 1872, with yearly index volume, 4°. From May 31, 1871, there have also been issued monthly volumes of specifications and drawings. The Decisions of the Commissioner and the decisions of U.S. Courts in patent cases, have been published in annual volumes, 8°, since 1869. The General Index, 1790-1873, gives a complete list of inven- tions, and a similar index to patentees, 1790-1873, is in ms., lacking authority to print. This index is supplemented by the Annual Indexes, 1872 to date, to the Gazette, which is embodied in the present annual report of the Comr. in 4°, shp. (also in Ho. Ex. Docs.). The annual report is also issued without the index, in 8° pamphlet (about 16 p.). The drawings and specifi- cations of individual patents, if printed, are supplied by the Pat- ent Office, in quantities of twenty or more, at 10 cts. each, or twenty coupons can be bought at 10 cts. each, and used for single y copies. Annual report of Comr. 8°. pap. gratis. Same ; with index to patents for the year. 4°. pap., $1; shp., $2. Patent laws, Feb., 81. 8°. ’81. pap. gratis. Statutes concerning the registration of trade-marks and labels; with rules of Patent-Office relating thereto. ed. of Oct. 1, 782. 8° pap. gratis. Note. There will be a revised edition of Jan. 1, ’85. Decisions of the Comr. and of U. 8. Courts in patent cases. [Annual.] 8° pap., $1; shp., $2. | Specifications and drawings of patents. [Monthly.] 4°, per monthly volume, ea. hf. shp., $10; shp., $12. Official: Gazette. [Weekly.] 4°. Prior to July 1, 1883, 2 vol. per year; ea., shp., $4; now in quar- terly vols., ea., shp., $2.75. — Quarterly index [to patentees and inventions]. 4°. pap., 50c. | — Annual index [to patentees and inventions]. 4°. pap., $1; shp., $2. Note. ‘This is the index also printed with Comr.’s annual re- port. > General index, list of inventions, 1790-1873. 3v. 4°. 75. shp., per set, $10. Index, 1790-18386, list of inventions photo-lithographed from Patent reports. 8°. °’72. shp., $5. Classification of patents. [Annual.] pap. gratis. Patents rel. to electricity. 16 v. 4°. 81. set, about $400. Index to patents rel. to electricity, prior to June 30, 1882. 4°. pap., $d. — Appendix, June 30, 1882-June 30, 1883. 4°. pap., $3. pap., $1.50. Index of patents for inventions in France (subject- matter). 1791-1876. 4°. ’84. pap., $7.50; cl., $10. Note. A similar index to Italian patents, 4 v., to 1882, is in preparation. pap., $5; shp., $7.50. (% Rules of practice, revised to Mar. 1, ’84. 8° pap. gratis. Reports of the Examiners, showing the condition of their respective divisions, Mar., 82. §°. pap. Names and addresses of attorneys practising before the U.S. Patent Office. 8°. ’83. pap. gratis. 729 : — $ | x . 6 > 1 , 83; also special | — Supplemental list. Aug. 1, ’83. 8°. pap. gratis. Catalogue of scientific library of U. S. Patent Office, 88; 49° pape. go; — Catalogue of additions to the scientific library of the U. S. Patent Office, from May 1, ’78—May 1, ’83. 4°, pap., $4. Catalogue of law library of Patent Office. 8°. ’83. pap.PENSION OFFICE. | Annual reports of the Comr. 8°. pap. Digest of the laws of the U.S., eovernine the granting of Army and Navy pensions and bounty land war- rants; decisions of the Secy. of Interior, and rul- ings and orders of the Comr. of Pensions there- under; comp. by C. B. Walker. 8° 782. pap. Treatise on the practice of the Pension Bureau, govern- ing the adjudication of Army and Navy pensions, being the unwritten practice formulated by C. B. Walker. 89: 782: pap: : Irregular practices of certain attorneys: letter from ( Secy. of Interior. 8°. ’84. pap. Instructions to Examining Surgeons of Pensions. 8°. 2825 pap: Roster of Examining Surgeons, revised to 1883. 8° pap. General instructions to Special Examiners, rev. Dec. 1. 5 Soe cli: List of Special Examiners. May 14, ’83. 8°. pap. List of pensioners on roll, Jan. 1, ’83. 5v. 8° 83. pap. and shp. Navy Department. } The Secretary of the Navy transmits (see CoNGREss, Ho. fx. Docs.) reports from the following, subordinate to the Navy Department : — Admiral of the Navy 7 ° "Ty Advisory boa 1 Vaval Arctic Hapeditions. / > 7 tin . , Bureau of Construction a rd Re DAL ‘ and Recruiting. «é , y , y ? 1d OUTGerTy. ce ce T3 ; t~ng 6c 6c Ch lé rf Sid na ) (h) Di tailed Move 12/108 of Vess Ms. D 1 Pay. Hudroqrapher of the Navy. + ston SCVITLALTES G71 Light-house Board. Marin Corps, COMmMEaA dant of. Naval Acad my, Supt. of. fe ‘“ " Board of Visitors of. Naval Obse revatory, Supt. of. Navy-yards. Revenu Marine. Some of these are usually issued in pamphlet form as well as in the bound Congressional vols. Annual report of Secretary of the Navy. 8°. cl. Official Navy Register. [Semi-annual.] ea. 8°. pap. Compilation of laws rel. to the Navy, Marine Corps, ete., to March 38, 1883; prepared by J: W. Hogg. 8°. ’83. pap. Acts and resolutions relating chiefly to the N: Department, and Marine C d Session, 47th Congress. ’83. Same, lst session, 48th Congress. “St. 8°. pap. List of all books, reports, documents, and pamphlets issued, printed, and published by the Navy Dept. 8°. 782. pap. Papers connected with the naval appropriation bill. 8° > vy, Navy ) at the 2d Orps, passe 82. pap. Statement of the Sec. of the Navy in reply to the reso- Intions of both houses of Cong. for the appointment of committees on ordnance and naval construction, July 12. 1884. 8° 784. pap. Regulations relating to the uniform of the officers of the ti. S. Navy. Jan. 22, 1883: ill; 8° pap; Statisties relating to the navies of the world. 8° ‘82. AD. Affairs in Alaska, and operations of ‘¢ Jamestown.” 129 maps. 6°. o2. ce) ‘etical researches he effects of gunpowder and “heoretical researches on the eflects ofr gunps er % other explosives, by M. E. Sarrau; tr. dy Lt. Meics, Ui S. N. 8°. 783. pap. 86. (CAlprs ob») Navy Department. Probability of hitting an object ofany form, by P. Bréger; tr. by Lt: ©: A: Stone, ete. 8°. 783. ‘pap. Navy yard commission. Special report of A. B. Mul- lett, civil commissioner. 8°. 784. pap. Comn. on the transit of Venus. Instruc. for observing the transit of Venus, Dec. 6, 1882. map. 4°. 782. . . . ‘ 2 — Instruc. respecting time-signals. 4°. 782. Recent improvements in astronomical instruments in Kurope, by S. Newcomb. 8°. ’84. ‘Proteus ” Court of Inquiry on Greely Relief expedi- tion oF S83. azlle 80: 7845 Admiral’s office. Annual report. 8°. Bureau of Construction and Repairs. Allowances of articles for vessels of U.S. N. 4°. ’81. pap. Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. Pay-tables of the US: Navy, S°; Sf pap: Bureau of Yards and Docks. Annual report. AD SORY YOARD Apvisory B Specifications for a three-cylinder, horizontal, back- acting, compound screw engine for each of the U.S. Steamers ‘* Boston” and ‘‘ Atlanta.” 8°. °83. pap. Specifications fortwo direct-acting, compound twin-screw I beam engines, of 5,000 horse-power, for the U. S. Steamer ‘* Chicago.” 8°. *S3. pap. Specifications for steam machinery of U.S. despatch > > boat (1,500) tons): 89: 783° pap. BuREAU OF EQUIPMENT AND RECRUITING. Allowances established under the bureau. 4°. ’80. pap. Instructions relating to enlistments, discharges, etc., Wiss Nawy. 8 782. pap. Regulations for the enlistment, government, and in- struction of naval apprentices. 8% 784. pap. BuREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Annual report. 8°. cl. Sanitary and statistical report of the Surgeon-General of the Navy. [Annual.] ill. 8°. shp. Instructions for medical officers of the U. S. Navy. 8°. 81. pap. Sanitary suggestions for the information and guidance of Jeannette search expedition. 8° 781. pap. Hygienic and medical reports by medical officers of the U. S. N., ed. by Jos. B. Parker. 8% 783. ship. BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. New American practical navigator, being an epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy, by Nath. Bowditch. Rev. ed., 1881; corr. to 1884. 8°. shp. S220. Useful tables from the American practical navigator. Rev. ed., with add. tables. 8°. 782. hf mor. $1.20. Note. A portion of the Navigator. Navy scientific papers. 5° pap. — No. 7. Turning powers of ships, by W. H. White. ’82. —_ No. 8. Observations for dip, by J. A. Howell. °82. —_ No. 9. Determination of the length of a nautical mile, by J. E. Hilgard. = No. 10s Tronvships. all 2Soe — No. 11. Steel for ship-building. 83 — No. 12. Screw propulsion. le Sor Navy professional papers. 8°. pap. Note. A continuation of the Vavy scientific papers. _ No. 13. Magnetism: its general principles and special application to ships and compasses. Boo, 2835 paps — No. 14. Experiments with steel. 733. — No. 15. Ships, guns and armor. ill. 8°. 783. pap. International code of signals. Corr.ed. 8°. 84. ship. $2.60. Flavs of maritime nations. 5thed. 4°. 82. Cl. Sil: Treaties and conventions between the United States and other countries, 1873-1881. 8°. 782. hf. leath. Report of historical and technical information relating | to interoceanic communication by Amer. Isthmus, by J. T. Sullivan. maps. al, tehak oess ’ x 70h . : 234 O. >. Governnient Publications. The maritime canal of Suez, 1500 1884, by Prof. Se OF Inforn ation fi om abroad, continued. : Nourse. ill. 8° 784. pap. — No. 3. Wxanples, ce nclusions, and maxinis of modern Telegraphic determination of differences it longitud naval tactics, by We 186 lois. So: 84. inthe West Indies and Central America, by Lt.-| Jnformation from abroad: War series, nos. 1-3. 8°. Comr. F. M. Green. 4° 783. pap. 83. pap. ( by Lt.-Comrs. | __ No. 1. Operations of the French navy during the re- EF. M. Green and ¢ WU. S. N., in 781-782. — Same. Bast Indies, Chi d D J. A. Norris, cent war with Tunis, tr. by M. F. Wright. — No. 2. The war on the Pacifie coast of South Amer- List of geographical positions, comp. )} Lt.-Comr. F. ica. tween Chili and the allied republics of Peru and M. Green. 4°. 783. d.1d 187 l T. B. M. Mason. aN ritish naval and military opera- t by ©: & Goodrich. pt 1; HypDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Oy : FA division of the Bureau of Navigation. Catalogue of charts, plans, and sailing di ections publ. NauricAL ALMANAC OFFICE. by the U. S. Hydrographi office, Jt y S84. DG ne : 5 os eet apnea PTO ne. plans, ete.], publ. and can- A division of the Bureau of Navigation. | celled [quarterly, for quarters ending Mar. 31, ({merican ephemeris and nautical almanac. [ Annual. | June 30, Sept. 80, Dec. 3] ]. 8°. pap. grat. go Sa], S1.00. NN hol phic office, which is a su vision < he \ Issued usually three years in advance of date, as for Bi iu of Na N ) Ss Ss R8 QR eae a | ao mA Scar ol . ( \ a ae eri tl Ge Sais — same. Su] pl ment, 1881-84. 5°. pap. fic geographical Wl indexes), with s size and) American utical almanac. Annual. ] 8°. pap. 50c. price at vhich Un af De et a ee See Ee \ . This is the first portion of the Amer. ephemeris and ne e SCADONCS: inging | Y a Fe s rie ts g s, 4 sheet; also} Astronomical papers of the American ephemeris. 4°. eco OE LCA F Cai ahee Wier ace Ie GS eed ae eee ved pts) 126: Jse) Cla ae ROL MGN Gece Survey azunts Part 4 is catalogue of 1098 standard stars, by Prof. ~ WMydroa \ Os erg S e June 1, A 5 N nb. LP son Gauss’s method of computing secular ; s 5 ( > G.W. Hil Be eee elena aa ueer pa eau rom bodied “manent| — Y- 2- pt. 1. Coefficients for connecting planetary ele- publications ments, by S. Newcomb. _ The Catalogue dso Bee Oe ane ayigatons: | — pt. 2. Not s of corrections to Greenwich planetary ve NASeSbOuI GS RIRSHGOLB Wait Bini “1880 ene gees ene observations, by T. H. Safford. : : os vy. 3. pt. 1. Development of the perturbation func- Sailing directions for the Kattegat Sound, and the G1 tion. by S. Newcomb and Little Belts of the Baltic Sea, comp. by Comr. | _ — pt. 2. Determination of inequalities of the moon’s W:Gibson. 8°. “81. pap. 7oc. ~ motion, by G. W. Hill. Coast of South America. pt. 1. Brazil, from French | Atlantic coaster’s nautical almanac, 1884. Ist ed. 8°. Guiana to Rio Janeiro, comp. VD) Lt.-Comr. H. H. "84. Same, 1885. 784. pap. 25C. Gorringe. Suppl. from Ri » Janeiro to Rio de la) pacific coaster’s nautical almanac, 1885. 8°. ’84. 25c. PI ita, comp. by Lt. S. Schroeder. 6°. “81. $2.60.) Apparent right ascension of additional time-stars, with Arctic Azimuth tabl s, for parallels bet. 70° and 80°, ~~ mean places, 1881-4. 8°. ’82. by Lts. S. Schroeder and R. Wainwright. °81. 12°. | Gataloeue of nautical almanac library. 8°. 788. cl. OU « Azimuth tables for parallels bet. 61°°-N. and 61° S., by : Lt. W. H. H. Southerland. ’83. $4.25. | NAVAL OB SE SVEN OR List of lights. 7 nos. 8°. [Corrected from tame to Connected with the Nautical Almanac Service. ] t7me ‘ : : . ae Astronomical and meteorological observations in 1877. _ Note. The same seri¢s 1s pu ished by Light-house Board, v. 24. [with six appendixes.] 4° 780. cl. prgaciy, Department: Same, 1878. ve 2b: 40, 4828 ch 1. N. and S. Amer. (EB. and W. coasts) incl. W. In-| — — Appendix 1, 1878: Monograph of the central parts dies: ete; 7dc of the Nebulez of Orion le 495-82. pap: 29. S. and E. coasts of Africa, and Ei. Indies, incl — — Appendix Z, L878: Longitude of the Observatory ot China, Japan, ete. 60c. the John C. Green School of Science, Princeton. 8. W. coast of Afri and Mediterranean sea. 70c. N.J. 4°. %82. pap. 4. Atlantic coastof Europe. 40c. = Same, (Sts Vaon 22) 788: cl 5. North, Baltic and White seas. 50c. — — Appendix 1, 1879: Parallax of a Lyre and 61 Cygni. 6. British islands. 60c. £0: 262. 7. Northern lakes andrivers of U.S. and Canada. 40c. | - Appendix 2, 1879: A determination of the semi- Pilot chart of the North Atlantic ocean. Chart. diameter of the moon. 4°. 782. Not Tesitedl antheeciei 6 — Same, Appendix 1, 1880: Observations of the great LVOLE. ssued, With revisions, on the frst of each month. ~ y \ rey . y yoO6 Pe nae comet of 1882, by W. C. Winlock. iH. 4°. “83. Nautical Monographs. No. 4: The North Atlantic cyclones of Aug., 83, by Lieut. W. H. H. South- BUREAU OF STEAM IENGINEERING. erland. 4°. pap. un Annual report of Chief. 8°. pap. Steam-engineering papers, New series. 89. 783. ( . OR ~ T Avy = - a 4 . . 5 . JFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. — No. 1]. Air-refrigeratine machine for supplying cold, he Bureau of Navigation. ] dry air to vessels, hospitals, etc., Apr. 6, 83. 8°. pap. Experiments on relative merits of serew propellers. 8°. ~ : cs i i AD. _— No. 1. Observations upon the Korean coast, Japanese Hom Wes Korean ports, and Siberia, by B. H. Buckingham and others. [A division of 1 Information from abroad: General information series, nos, W525 all; 82 783-284. pap: system of motive machinery, as applied to steam-yacht ‘* Leila.” ill. 8° 7’81. pap. Then | Reports of the officers of the Navy on ventilating and — WO. «. epon on exhibits at the Crystal Palace Elec cooling the executive mansion during the illness of TOs 4 2QY . ‘ . ; 7 trical Exhibition, 1882, by F. J. Sprague. | President Garfield. 8° ’82. pap.Ia . Sie ° . T ‘ 7 Report of a board of U.S. naval engineers of experi- ments made on the Fish Commission’s steamer ‘* Lookout” for testing screw propellers, made Nov. 24 78()5 ale So 782 pap. Mallory steering and propelling screw as applied to the U. 8S. torpedo-boat ‘‘ Alarm.” 8°. 782. Vedette boats constructed for British and French navies by Herreshoff Mfz. Co., by B. F. Isherwood, Aug. Qeiscon illsecoeeico 2 On the hull, engine, and boiler of the steam yacht ‘< Siesta,” by B. F. Isherwood, Mar. 3, 1883. ill. O08 Zoos Pape Improvements in naval engineering in Great Britain, by . Je A= stobins all, 80s 283: : NAavaL ACADEMY. Annual register. 8°. pap Report of Board of visitors, June, ’e4. 8°. ’84. pap. > , : ee . 1 . . Regulations governing admission. [Annual.] 8°. pap. Examination papers, 1831-82. 8°. 783. pap. mn tao : Theory of the construction of ordnance, with special reference to the resistance of guns to tangential strain. 89. 783. (pap. Notes on navigation and the determination of meridian distances, for the use of naval cadets. ill. 8°. 782. pap. Catalogue of specimens added to the cabinet. 8°. 781. pap. Post-Office Department. The Postmaster-General transmits (see Coneress, Ho. Va. Docs.) veports from the following, subordinate to the Post- office Department: First Assista ut ,ostmas fer-(yenera ] Second A ssistant Postm 1ster-Genera Third Assistant Postmaster-Gene? tie Auditor of the Treas. for the P. O. Dept. ( hief Post-offic Inspector. 5 Foreign Mail Service, Supt. of. Postal Money Order System, Supt. of. Railway Mail Servi in 7 > at : LTopographe r of the Post-office Dept. rvice, Gen. Supt. of. The ‘ Official postal guide” is published, monthly ($1.50 per year), the number for Jan. cont. inclexes of post-otlices, etc., by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, under authority of the P.O. Dept, Annual report of Postmaster-General. 8° Annual report of First Assistant Postmaster-General. 8°. List of post-offices of the United States. 5°. pap. Street directory of the principal cities of the We Ss; comp. by E. J. Dallas. Ist eds sole Ydied) 784. 6°. pap. Post-route maps of U. S., showing post-offices with in- termediate distances and mail routes, prep. under direction of C. Roeser, jr., topographer. In 63 sheets. ‘84. Note. ‘Che setis now complete. The scale varies from 6 to 15 miles to the inch. Regulations and instructions for postal-note business, to take effect Sept. 3, 783. 8°. pap. Schedules of the railway post-offices on principal through mail-routes of U.S. 5°. pap. Instructions to railway postal elerks, Oct. 5, 1883. 6°. pap. Departmental quarterly, monthly, and daily salary pay tables, by R: T. Bryan, showing salaries from $1 to #25,000 per annum. 40, ’84. pap. Pr af ) aie = . . ; : Post- Office Department. — Smithsonian Institution. Regulations for international money-order business be- | tween U.S. and [other countries]. 5°. pap. Note. Issued for each country as a convention is made, Letter of the Postmaster-General transmitting to the President a letter of special counsel, and the report of Post-office Inspectors ‘Tidball and Shalleross upon fraudulent bonds accompanying certain bids and contracts for carrying U. S. mails. 6°. pap. Smithsonian Institution. Note. The Smithsonian Institution, though a private foun- dation and not a government department, reports to the vov- ernment, and many of its issues are covernment publications. It has the supervision of the National Museum and of the Bureau of Ethnology, which are government offices. For full bibliographical information, see Catalogue of publications, 1846-82, by W. J. Rhees, chief clerk; Hist. of Smith. Inst, by G. H. Boehmer; Check-list of publications, Dec., ’81—Mar. ’$4; Price-list of publications, Mar., ’84. Smithsonian Contributions to knowledge. 4°. el. Note. ‘This series, commenced in 1848, in 4°, chiefly embraces memoirs of original investigations and researches. 3. Lucernariz; Geology of lower Louisiana; In- ternal structure of the earth; Trochilide; Fever. We 2S08 cle ile Smithsonian Miscellaneous collections. 8°. cl. Note. ‘Chis series, commenced in 1852, in 8°, chiefly embraces reports on present state of knowledge in special branches, in- structions, bibliographies, ete he distinction between this series and Contributions depends, however, largely upon con- venience of size. —y. 20. Bulletins of Philos. Soc. of Wash. v. 1-3, Mar j=June 9s 280: 7S —v.21. [Jas. Smithson and Jos. Henry.] ill. 781. — vy. 22. Proceedings of Nat. Museum. we oe 4) il aoe S4.50. —y. 23. Bulletins of Nat. Museum, nos. 11-ld. 782. $4.50. —y. 24. Bulletin of Nat. Museum, no. 16: Synopsis of fishes of N. A., by D: S. Jordan. 782. $2.50. —vy. 25. Bulletins of Philos. Soc. of Wash., vy. 4, 5; Proceedinys of Biological Soc. of Wash., v. 1 80-782): Transactions of Anthropological Soc. of Wich ove 7635 p00 —y. 26. Sanitary drainage of Wash. ; Lists of foreign correspondents; Classification of coleoptera. 83. $4.50. —y. 27. Constants of nature, pts. 4,5: Atomic weight determinations; Check-list of Smith. Inst. publi- eations to Dec., ’81; Catalogue of Smith. Inst. pub- lications to July, 782, with indexes. 783. 94. Annual report of Board of Regents. ile (Oo: cle Note. T gents: additions to the collections; list of p ‘riodicals received 5 records of scientific progress for the year, in Astronomy, Ge- ology, Physics, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Botany, Zodlogy, An- ese contain Secretary’s report; proceedings of Re- thropology, etc.; reports of astronomical observations, and a number of miscellaneous papers, also issued sep ivately. — 1880. [d4th.]. 7ol-. — 1881. [3oth. IO. — 1S52. 36th. "83. == 1S83~ [omthai! os: Note. The following are publications of the Smithsonian Inst. not bound up in any of the series : — No. 466. Directory of officers and employees. 82. No. 537. Archeological map of Dist. of Columbia. 783. de. No. 560. Report on pharmacopeeias of all nations, by J. M. Flint. 7°83. Qc. : No. 571. Check-list of Smithsonian publications. 84. NarionaL MusrEoum. Bulletins. 8°. Vote. ‘his series, commenced in 1875, embraces monographs. I. 8. National Museum, of which the Smiths. Inst. is the custodian. They are issued in separate pamphlets, in volumes, and in the Smiths. Misc. Colls. =O Wee Wels, WM, BRL Gl beh _. No. 11. Bibliography of fishes of the Pacifie coast of U. S. to the end of 1879, by Theodore Gill. 782. in connection with the work of the U. pan. 50c. Note. Nos. 12-15 were published previous to 1880. _ y.3. No. 16: Synopsis of the fishes of North Amer- ica, by D: S. Jordan and C: EF. Gilbert. 783. cl. | S2.00U.U. 236 Bulletins, continued. Note. The following are not yet bound up :— — No. 17. Zoological position of Texas, by A. D. Cope. 780. pap. 90c. Exhibition, pap. 50e. HLH. Seudder. =—— No. 18) Wxhibit of 3erlin. 1880, by G: — No. 19. Nomenclator zoologicus, by S: U. S: at Fishery B. Goode. 80. 702% Of pap ; ve — No. 20. The published writings of 5. F. Baird, ’43- ’82. by G: B. Goode. 783. pap. — No “Nomenclature of North American birds, by Sie 25e. I ee tidgway. pap. 29. Guide to the floraof Washington and vicinity. $1. pap. e — No. 24. Check-list of North American reptilia and batrachia, with catalogue of specimens in the U. 8. Nat. Museum, by F. C. Yarrow. ’84. pap. — No. Bermuda fits natural history]. pts. 84. — No. 26. Avifauna Columbiana ; tained to inhabit the District Coues and D. W. Prentiss. ’83. — No. Exhibit of U. S. at Fisheries Exhibition, Lon- don. ov. ASH. 784: Proceedings. 8°. 50ce. 1-7. 25)? of birds ascer- Columbia, by E. or ale Note. Thisisa series of brief ‘riptive notes, ete in sigi volumes. issued itures, and afterward bound into == Varo HOMO. ZO. 82 — y. 4, for Appendix 1881. includes Circulars Nat. Museum, nos. 1-18. ——v) 5. for Ios2., 704. BuREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. First annual report, 1879-80, by J. W. 81. Second annual report, by J. W. Powell. lle Bo. 284. SCIENCES. cl. Bell’s paper on Formatic1 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF Memoirs: vv. 2; 1883. 40 “84; Note. Includes Prof. A. G variety of the h uman race. proceedings: veils “ii. we le pt. 25 734. 89. pap: Report for year 1883. 8°. 784 pap. Includes Report on glucose. See TREASURY DEPT., Comr. of Int. Rev. State Department. Vote. Tl J e Secretary of State makes no separate his department, but transmits the foreign relati the President’s Message. See ( report of with ONGRESS. ) MNS papers 7 L/0CS8., Ve 1 Ho. Lt Xv. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, transmitted to Congress with the annual the President, preceded by a list of followed message of papers and by an index of persons and subjects. {Annual.] 8%. cl. Register of the Department of. State, corrected to December, 1880. same.| Corr. to Aug. 15, 782. [Same.] Corr. to Oct. 1, ’83. Och ae 784. 8 pap. ote. | Same. Gorr. to N The last includes alphabetical list of printed issues regarding foreign relations. Revised statutes of the U. S. passed at the 1st sess. of the 43d Congress, 1578-74; embr. the statutes, gen- eral and permanent in their nature, in force Dee., 1874, as rey. and corr. by Commissioners appointed under an act of Congress amendments, under withiapps 49° 78° Suppl., embr. the statutes, general and per- manent, with references connecting provisions on same subject, expl. notes and general index. y. 1: Legislation of the 43d—46th Congresses 81], ed. by W: A. Richardson. 4 ¢ Revised statutes of the U.S. rel. to District of bia and post-road, and public treaties. 4° $3.58. ‘ and { auth. of act shp., $2.90. Ss reprinted with Of Mar J8i7 - — Same. [1873 Sis slips $2. Colum- shp., S. Government Publications. Statutes at large of the United States of America, from April, 1879, to March, 1881, and recent trea- ties, postal conyentions, and executive proclama- tions. Edited, printed and published under the authority of an act of Congress, and under the direction of the Secretary of State. v.21. (Acts of the 46th Congress.) imp. 8°. 781. shp., $2.50. — Same. From December, 1881, to March, 1883. v. 22. (Acts of the 47th Congress.) imp. 8°. 783. shp., $2.30. Note. Originally published in parts, one for each session of each Conegrcss, of which the latest, supplementing the above, is: Statutes of the United States of America, passed at the first session of the 48th Congress, 1883-84, and recent treaties and executive proclamations. Ed- imp. 8°: 764. pap: 6dc; Note. The State Dept. also prints each law as passed by Cons as above. ited as above. erwards collected Qa the United States. CWE S: Consular Reports. Reports from the consuls of the United States on the commerce, manufactures, ete., of their consular districts. 8°. ’80—84. pap. Vote. These issued usually monthly, special reports being numbered They bind as follows : — v. l. (Nios: lh 2: — vy. 2. Nos. 3-8. Vi. o. INOS: 9-1. — y. 4. Nos. 12-14. No. 12 is “Cotton g U.S. the — V. 5. Nos. 15 =1V-.0: NOS: —y.7. Nos. 23, 24, No. 23 is ** Cotton and ress, alt Commercial relations of are as part of the series. (Oct., Nov., 780.) Jan.—June, 781. (July—Sept., 781.) Oect.—Dee., ods trade of the w eS) orld and the share of Jan.—Apr., ’ May—Aug., ’ ( Sept.—( CHezoz.) 82.) $2 woolen mills of Europe;” no. 243 is © Ostrich farming.”’ — y. 8. Nos. 25, 254, 26, 268. Nov.—Dec., 82.) No. 254 is ‘* Cc Jurope, India and Algeria; ’”? no. 263 is “ Tariffs of Spain ly, Norway, Hawaii, and British Guiana.”’ —v. 9. Nos. 27-30. (Jan.—Apr., ’83.) No. 29 is ‘‘ Glass manufacture in Europe.” — vy. 10. Nos. 3]—34. (July—Oct., 83. — vy, 1]. Nos. 35-38: (Nov.. ’83—Feb.. 84.) No, 37 is ‘*‘ Petroleum in the Orient.” 12. Nos. 39-415. (Mar., ’84—May, ’84.) No. 41} is *‘ Fruit culture in foreign countries.” — No. 42. NAME ; (June, 1884.) > — Reports (Nos. 1, 2, and 8, 1880 and 1881) published according to act of Congress. 8°. 781. cl. Vote. A reprint in 1 vy. of reports nos, 1-3. Report upon the commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries for the years 1880 and WSS Bo. 283" el — Same. Forthe years 1882 and 1883. 2y. 8° ‘84. el. Labor in foreign countries. Reports of consuls of the United States, in answer to Department circular. OVE Oo. Yost: 1 and 2. Labor in Europe. v 3. Only v. lis yet issued. Vote. Vv. Labor in other countries, American pork. Result of an investigation made under authority of the Department of State of the United States’ = 80s “oil pap: Regulations prescribed for the use of the consular ser- vice of the United States: 89 Si: ck Sik Catalogue of the works rel. to the law of nations and diplomacy, in the Library of the Dept., May 138, 1695. ¢Sile Printed, but not published. 1881. Note. International Bureau of Exchanges: message from the President, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State rel. to the establishment of an Internat. Bureau of Exchanges. 8°. ’82. pap. Contains an [imperfect] list of official publications issued by Congress and most of the executive departments from 1867 to 1831.American Assoc. of the Red Cross. Constitution for state and associate societies of the Red Cross of the eeneral convention; with notes. 8° 783. pap. — History of the Red Cross. 8°. ’83. pap. Note. he two titles above are of pamphlets issued appar" ently under authority of the State Department. Treasury Department. Note. The Report of the Secy. of the Treasury (sce Con- GRESS: Ho. Mx. Docs.), usually quoted as the ‘ Finance re- ports,” transmits also the following reports : — Auditors of the Treasury, First to Siath. Commissione Tr of Cust ms. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Comptroll rs, First and Second. Comptroller of the Currency. (Report on National Banks.) Re gister of the Tr GASUTY. Treasure 7 of Ue De Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Bureau of Navigation meal Oraqanized L884.) Bureau of Statistics. : Coast and Geodetic Survey. Dire aor of the Mint. : Liaght-house Board. L ift -savine Service. Marine -Hospital Dé? VICE. Steamboat Inspection Office. Supe rvising A 17% ji ite ct. y Liabilities to Indian Tribes. Several of these make independent volumes in the /o. Hx. Docs., and most of the others are issued separately as pamphlets. The Treasury Dept. has in preparation an Index of documents issued by it since July 1, 1880, in 8° pamphlet. Annual report of Secretary on the state of the finances. oon Cl Annual report of Auditors of Treasury. First to Sixth. Caen Oc, Dili]): Report on foreign and domestie postal accounting. (Sixth Auditor’s office), by Jas. T. Smith. 69°. "84, pap. Annual report of First Comptroller. 8°. pap. Decisions of First Comptroller. v. 1-5. [Annual.] 8°. 780-84. shp. Note. Volume 1 contains a very valuable appendix giving the organization and duties of the accounting officers in the de- partment of the treasury, and of the accounting division in the General Land Office, with forms of official bonds, ete., pp. 399- 726. Hebe20h8pe ese «So0 pap: Operations of the tariff act of March 3, 1883, for six months, to Dec. 31, ’83. Ist and 2dy. 8° ’g4. pap. Reciprocity of transportation facilities between the U. S. and the Dominion of Canada, and the Canadian Pacific Railway. 8° 784. pap. 9 Oo». Oo. Note. Part of Report on Internal commerce for 1884. Commerce between the U. S. and Mexico. submitted Reb: 7; 1884. map. 8° 84. pap. Production of swine in the United States, and the transportation, consumption and exportation of hoe products with especial reference to the interdiction | of American hog products from France and Ger- many, by Joseph Ninimo, Ji 1605) She pap. Improvement of harbor of Galveston. 89°. 84. pap 238 U. S. Government Publications. BuREAU OF THE MINT. Annual report of Director. 8°. pap. Report upon the production of precious metals in U. S., by the Director of the Mint. [Annual.] 8°. pap. General instructions and regulations to the transaction of business at the mints and assay offices of the Wes: Soh ol pap: Statement rel. to silver bullion certificates. 783. pap. Melting charges on deposits. 781. pap. Proceedings of Assay Comn.; also laws of U. S. rela- tive to the annual assay, ete. [Annual.] 8°. pap. CoASsT AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Note. The Coast Survey prints a catalogue of charts, also two lists of publications, as below. Annual report of Superintendent. 4°. cl. Methods and results. 4°. pap. Note. A series of scientific papers, mostly separate reprints of appendixes to the annual report. Among them are:— — General index of scientific papers in annual reports. 81. — Descriptive catalogue of publications. 783. — General properties of the equations of steady motion, by J. Craic. 2 Note. Commenced June 28, 1879; discontinued July 1, 1852. Treasury Department. — War Department. 209 REGISTER’S OFFICE. List of ports of U. S. at which marine documents are issued. 783. | REVENUE MARINE. Report of operations. goles Cruise of revenue str. ‘‘ Corwin” in Alaskan waters. 49; 268i. | Notes and observations on glaciation, natural hist., ete., of Northwestern America, on cruise of str. cOCOLWIN«: Od: List of officers of the Revenue Marine Service. [An- nual.] 8°. pap. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE. Annual report of Supervising Inspector-General of steam vessels. Steamboat inspectors’ manual. 12°. °82-83. Same, 784. leath. Laws governing steamboat inspection service. [An- 1 nual. 89. | Laws governing the inspection of foreign passenger steam vessels, andrules and regulations. 8°. 83. pap. List of supervising inspectors of steam vessels. 782. Proceedines of annual meetings Board of Supervis- ing Inspectors of steam vessels. { Annual. 8°. aa : Proceedings of special meeting, May, 1850. 98°. pap. Rules prescribed by supervising inspectors, 1882. Same, 1884. 8°. TREASURER’S OFFICE. Annual report of Treasurer of U. S. to Secy. of Treas. One pap. Annual report of Treasurer of U. S. on sinking-fund and funded debt of District of Columbia. 8°. pap. Statements of liabilities and assets of U. S. [Monthly. ] broadside. War Department. The Seeretary of War transmits (see CONGRESS, Ho. Hx. Docs.) reports from the following, subordinate to the War Department : ] CTAL. { djutant-Ge Chief of E nNOINCETS. Chief of Ordnance. Chief Siqnal Officer. Commiussary-G ener 11 of Subsistence. , } x ] t Officers General oj thie Lrmy (and Department Officer's). , 4 . 1 61 / ' es Inspector-G ener of the Army. Judqe-Advocate-General. Mi tary Acad my, Board of Visitors. Paymast 7-General. Quad rtermaster-Genera /. Soldiers’ ITome, Board 0 - Commissioners of. State, War, and Navy De pt. Bui ding, Bngine r Of. , Surgeon-General. Some of these are distinct vols., others are usually issued in pamphlet form as well as in the bound Congressional vols. Annual report of Secretary of Wiars; oo. cl: | Report of Board of officers to consider an expedition for the relief of Lieut. Greely and party. 9°. 83. pap. | Catalogue of the War Department Library (ineluding | Law Library), authors and subjects. 4°. pap. 2g. |__ List of additions made from Aone, ee, est 4. | pap. : ‘ Mississippi River Commission. Annual report. ill. 8°. sort of an expedition from Fort Colville to Puget Cound. W. <., Aug.—Sept., 62, by AH. EL. Bierce: ile, (os sous | The War of the Rebellion, a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies. [1-11 (pts. 1, ON ein Ons eT —wBs. Cle | Ke] | Series 1, v. | Note. Itis estimated that this will extend to 96 v.eS 240 Wes: ADJUTANT-—GENERAL’S OFFICE. 8°. [Annual.] 8° pap. Army ofthe U. S., and General Orders 17, ’81, with appendix cont. all milt- Annual report. Army register. Regulations of the in force, Feb. 3 , we ny tary laws in force, Feb. 17, 81. 8°. ’81. pap. or cl. Note. Contains Articles of war, etc. General Orders. 12.05 pap. Vote. These are issued from time to time and bound up in yearly volumes, with index. War De- comp. by Jere- » the General Orders of the ‘OL= Wee. ole 705 Subject-index t partment, Jan. 1, mivh C. Allen. 8°. ‘82. pap. General Court-Martial Orders. 12 pap. Note. These are issued from time to time and bound up in yearly volumes, WI jndex. Yenena Ae f decisi ] Circulars | OF adecisions }. Note. hese are issued monthly and bound up with General orders. Laws, rulings, and decisions governing desertion, comp. by es Be Walson. 69: 782° pap. (Mirirary ACADEMY, West PoIN 1 Annual report of Board of visitors. 169. pap. Official register. {| Annua 16°. pap. Reculations. 8°. °’83. pap. Blasting or military mining. 8° 781. pap. ARTILLERY ScHoot, Forrress Monroe. | in fortification, Ja Course temporary by mes Chester. $0, ’84. pap. Course of artillery, part 1, section 4. Ballistics, by James M. Ingalls. sm. 4 783. pap. Course of sciences applied to military art. 4°. 784 -— Pa iL Geology, by A. W. Vodges. 84, — Pt. 6. Metallurgy of iron, by C. Chase. ’83. — Pt. ?. Chemical lipulations, by J: P. Wisser. ’83. Mal Course of topography. Pt. 1. The practica S. — surveying instruments, by James Chester. sm. 4 200 Course on military communications. Pt. 1, Military bridges, by James Chester. sm. 4°. ’82. Report of an inspection of the Artillery School, Fort Monroe, 229 Va., May, 1882, by J. ©. Tidball. 8° ENGINEER BuREAU. Annual report of Chief. 8 y. pap. AT VOLE. maps. Contains numerous appendixes of reports on local im- provements in the several military departments. Laws of U. S. rel. to public works for the improvement of rivers and harbors, Aug. 11, 1790—-Aug. 14. °76. comp. by Lieut.-Col. J: G. Parke. 8°. ’77. shp. Laws of U. S. rel. to the construction of bridges over the navigable waters of the U. S.. Mar. 2. 1805-Mar. 3, 81, comp. by Lieut.-Col. J: G. Parke. Ro 729 Compilation of opinions of Attorneys-General relative to acquisition of lands, bridges. contracts, ete., v. 1-16, comp. by Lieut.-Col. J: G. Parke. 12. cl. Decisions of the Supreme Court of U gable waters, riparian proprietors, comp. by Lieut.-Col. J: G. Parke. 40, Leport of the geological exploration of the 40th parallel, by C. Kine. v. 7. Odontothornites, by C. Marsh. 4% 80. cl, oe Note. The entire series of these import numbered as No. 18 of Profe ssional pay 8°, S., cone. navi- bridges, etc., Oo; 482 shp. Pyofessional papers. — 18: ant reports, 7 vols., is JETS. 23: Experiments and iny estigations to develoy tem of submarine mines, by Lieut.-Col. H. bott.= 40. 28ip pap. JASYS- L. Ab- Government Publications. Professional papers, continued. — 24: Primary triangulation of U. S. Lake Survey, by Lieut.-Col. C. B. Comstock. ill. Zoe 782) Cl: — 25: Practice in Europe with the heavy Armstrong, Woolwich and Krupp rifled guns. ill. 4°. ’83. pap. Catalogue of the library of the Engineer Dept. 8°. ’82. yap. List oy maps, ete., sent to the Geographical Congress at Venice 83. pap. Improvement of the Danube at Vienna. Notes on the Pointe de Grave, Gironde Q0 ov O°: Jap. River, France. pap. The water jet as an ald to engineering. 8°. Notes illustrating the 1 Ov pap. Fortifications of to-day; Fire against models of coast batteries; Horizontal and curved fire in defence of ill. {0 pap. Contributions to the theory of blasting or military min- ing, tr. by Capt. C. W. Raymond. 4° cl. Decrease of water in springs, creeks and rivers, Gustave Wex, tr. by Major G. Weitzel. 8°. pap. Upper Columbia river and vicinity, Sept.-Oct., 1881, pap. nilitary geography of the U. S. coasts. by by 2. W. Symons: wilt 80 780: Report on the International exhibit of electricity at Paris, 1881, by D: PB. Heap: ilk 8. 7sa: Report of Board for testing iron, steel, and other metals. Vid. DN 780 2SirE SuRVEYS WEST OF THE 100TH MERIDIAN. | Annual reports [to 1884 8° Final report, v. 3, pap. Sup] ! plement: Report upon geological examination in Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico. { 81. —y.7. Archeology, by F: el, Geograpnhl Cl. W. Putnam and others. ) “al Report,” is not yet printed. It is -count of topographical and geological surveys and of all explorations under i complete history Lists of reports and maps of U. S. geographical surveys west of the one-hundredth meridian. 2d ed. 89. Sil. pap. Topographical atlas. in sheets. Vv The Geological maps and the Land classification maps ivotle. e same, differently colored. ar ffe GENERAL OF THE ARMY. Annual report of the General of the Army. 8°. Map illustrating the defence of Savannah, Ga., and the operations resulting in its capture by the army com- manded by Maj. Gen. W: TI’. Sherman. Map illustrating the operations of the army under coin- mand of Gen. W: T. Sherman, in Georgia, from May 5, to Sept. 4, 1864. Record of engagements with hostile Indians within mili- tary division of the Missouri, 1868-82. 8°. 784. Report of Lieut.-Gen. P. H. Sheridan, of his expedition through the Big Horn Mountains, the Yellowstone National Park, ete. ill. 8° pap. JUDGE-ADVOCATE-GENERAL. Annual report. Digest of opinions, witl d°. 1notes. 8°. pap. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Annual report of Chief. ill. 8°. Ordnance Notes. 4° 18— to 1884. Note. ) oF 7 r > PP ae Albany Institute. Albany, JV. Y. Annual reports. 129, -e0., S1.75\.0.00.ecaccvecees R.R. Gaz. Proceedings. v.2. 8° 778. American Social Science Association. Boston, Mass. Transactions. y.9, 10. 8°. 19-83. Journal of social science. nos. 9-19. 8°. ’78-’84. ea., $1. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston, | American Society of Civil Engineers. New York, N. Y. Mass. Transactions. [Annual.] 8°. $8-$10. i Tew ser. vv; 10; pt. 2. v- pt. 40. 282-2 SOs Sz: ; y oe ei a Memoirs: ew er. 5 aid a ey) ] aes = Appalachian Mountain Club. Boston, Mass. -roceedings New ser. vy. 4-ll. V. ov. Vi 3 2.5, So. I : | Appalachia. v. 1-38. 8°. i688. ea., $2: rican Academy of Dental Science. Loston, iass. : : ae amen ze Arkansas State Medical Society. Little Rock, Ark. Annual address. 10th-16th. 8°. 777 History of dentaland oral science. 776. : : E are ye ag Boston Society for Medical Improvement. Boston, American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, Mass. ee : >roceedings. 1876-80. 10v. 8% °76-’80. ca., 50c.-$ ze : : = ; z Proce Wamilton. mxtracts from the records of the SOCIcLY. V.14,5. OY. 80-’83. S New ser. v. 1. 1880-’81. 8°. ’°82. $5: 4 pts. 1-3 Not for sale. Houghton, M. & Co. DUTILE. Jd y BCI Ve . ° . Se ‘ 3 Ve & ? e . L NOC Atel LO OU cee? A relaeg Boston Society of Natural History. Boston, Mass. ABU CUS OAS GosnhosonocoAdonnaToNooacnagcsoulr [T ilton. Zane Sot g . a: Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Buffalo, N. Y. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Salem, Wass. (6 alifornia Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Cal. enraaning Vy Oo 0 Im _ IQ . 21 50 yw >», e . i , 1° 1 . e 7 - Proceedings. v. 15-22. 8°. ’77 $. ea., $1.50... WE am.) California State Medical Society. Sacramento, Cal. American Berkshire Association. Springfield, Ill. Chicago Historical Society. Chicago, Ill. American Berkshire record [of swine]. vy. 1-6. €a., $3-$5. Collections. v.1-3. 8°. ’82-—’84. American Entomological Society. Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Service Reform Association. Mew York, WN. Y. 1a) 80) ca ae College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Tans ns Annu 1 1 P : ins l 8 A nr ] Ss American Ethnological Society. New York, N.Y. NT ~ . ‘ 1 ° oO 1: } ‘i . . r Not for sale. American Geographical and Statistical Society. New . - York. N.Y. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. New American Institute of Architects. New York, N. Y. Haven, Conn. Ty actions. v.4—-11. 8°. °76~84. $5-S6. Transactions. y.3, pt. 2; v.6, pt. 1. 8°. °78—84. ea., $2.50- Same. Index tov. 1-10. 8% ’84. $1; $2. $3.00 Memorial to Alexander Lyman Holley. § 84, $2, 1 : ,e : : see 7 ee : : : Connecticut Medical Society. Z/artford, Conn. A rican ystitute of Ins tio 08t07 “ss , S ; ; American Institute of Instruction. Boston, Mass. Proceedings. v. 1, nos. 1-4; v. 2, nos. 1-4. 98, °76-'83. Lectures and journal of proceedings. Annual.] 89, ea. no., $l. American Institute of Mining Engineers. Philadelphia, : ; : Cre Pan Delaware Historical Society. Wilmington, Del. Transacti Annual. §0, Papers. v.1-4. 89. 79-82. Note. yv.5 has a general index to vy. 1-5. c ee Ba Essex Agricultural Society Sale USS Steel Association: Philadelphia, Agr tural Society. Salem, Mass. American Jron and Pa. | Transactions. [Annual.] 8°. Tariff Tracts. Essex Institute. Salem, Mass. 4 ‘ gules ie i oe 7. 8-15 ITA 395 7 1-50 American Medical Association. Philadelphia, Px Bulletin. v. 8-15. 89. 76-83. ea., $1.50. u Historical collections. v. 18-20. 8°. ’76-’83. ea., $3. Pepe Ail pec , Es k j Pransactions. Annual, ea., Sd. |Aéso many reprints of contributions to the above. | American Numismatic and Archeological Society of New York. New York, N. Y. : Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Phila- Proceedings. Annual.] 89, delphia, Pa. Journal. vy. 102-118. 8°, *76~’84. ea., $1.50. American Oriental Society. New Haven, Conn. Journal. y.10, pt.2. 8 >80. $3.50: 1] 20. boa, | : } ° ’ U. 2. . ASOLO We BN te al “ 83 Ni eae ai cs : ‘ S $2.50; y.12. 8. ‘81. $4. pt.1. 8. °83.! Georgia Historical Society. Savannah, Ga. Collections. yv.4. 8°. °78. $9. ae Pharmaceutical Association. Philadelphia, *0. = . | Harvard College Astronomical Observatory. Cam- Proceedings. [Annual.] 8°. ea., $6.50-$7.50. { bridge Wass See hela ee «4s r ‘ 7 American Philological Association. Hanover, N.H. Annals. v.4,pt. 2; v. 8-13, pt. 1. 4°. 76-'82. ea. v., $5. Proceedings. fAnnual. Annual report of director. 8°, ’77—84. Transactions. [Annual.] ea., $1.50 | Also various reprints from Annals. } Nerins Whale ’ 7 \ S y "7 . arvar ‘ . . . . American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia, Pa. Harvard College. Bussey Institution. Jamaica Plain, Proceedings. y. 16-21. 89, ea.. $2.50-$3.50 Mass. See New ser. v.15, 16, pt.1. ea. v., $5: complete Bulletin. yv.2, pts. 1-4. 80. 7784. ea., T5c......d? Allyn. American Public Health Association. Boston, Mass. Public health reports. y. 3-7. 8°. °77~83. Harvard College. Library. Cambridge, Mass. Bibliographical contributions. nos. 1-6, 8-16, 18. 89. °78-’84. | [Not for sale. Nos. 7, 17,19 not completed. | Special publications. Ly. 8% 7 SI. ea., $4-S5 Houghton, M. & Co. 79. >Warvard College. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cambridge, Mass. Bulletin. v.4-11. 8°. ’78-’83 Memoirs. yY.0o-9,no.1; v.10,no. 1. 4°. °77-’83. Harvard College. Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology. Cambridg , Jlass. : Annual reports [l0th-lith]. v.2,3. 8. ’77-84. ea., $1.50 Illinois State Horticultural Society. Varsaw, Hancock Cos. TU: {Annual volume.] 8° ea., $1. Illinois State Medical Society. Chicago, Jil. Indiana State Medical Society. Jndianapolis, Ind. Transactions. [Annual. 8° ea., Sl. Iowa State Medical Society. Davenport, Iowa. Transactions. [Biennial.] . 8°. ’76-’82. ca.,$ Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science, ]Ist-2d ser. ea., 12 nos. 8% °’83—84. $5; $3.50 Kansas Academy of Society. Topeka, Kansas. Kansas Medical Society. Lawrence, Kansas. Kentucky State Medical Society. Z putsville, Ky. Long Island Historical Society. Brooklyn, N. Y. Maine Historical Society. Portland, Me. Gollections. Ist ser. v.8. 8°. ‘SI. Same. 2d ser. Documentary history. Vrian. (Blo ized: OBIS iene walcicuicieisisiv cleiciaisiesieia) sie wiefeiersiele'sia . Hoyt, F. & D Maine Medical Association. Portland, Me. Maryland Historical Society. Baltimore, Md. Fund publications. nos. 7-20; 89. *77—S8f. ea., SI-S$3- Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, Mass. Collections. 5th ser. vy. 199 9 Proceedings. v. 14-22. 8. ’76-’84. ea., $3. rer > S580) A778 $3; $5. Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston, Mass. Medical communications. v. 12, nos. 2-75 v. 13, nos. 1-3. 89, ea., 2dc.—d0e. Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society. Caml ridge, Mass Medical Association of the State of Alabama. Selma, Ala. Transactions. [Annual.] 8°. ea., $1.50-$2.50. Medical Society of North Carolina. Wilmington, N. ¢ - Transactions. [Annual.] 8°. [Not for sale. | Medical Society of the State of New York. Albany, HVE Ye Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Phlula- delphia, Pa. fAnnual volume.}] 8°. Medical Society of Virginia. Richmond, Va. Transactions. [Annual.}] 8”. ea., Tdc. Medico-Legzal Society of New York. New York, N: Y. Papers read before the Society. 2d ser. 8°. 782. Michigan State Agricultural Society. Lansing, Mich. Michigan State Medical Society. Lansing, Mich. Transactions. [Annual.] 89. ea., 90¢. Minnesota Historical Society. Minneapolis, Minn. Biennial report. 8°. Minnesota State Medical Society. St. Paul, Munn. Transactions. [Annual.] 8°. ea., $l. Mississippi State Medical Association. Jackson, Mass. Missouri Medical Association. S¢@. Louts, Mo. Narragansett Club. rovidence, Tels National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Loston, Mass. Bulletin. [Annual.] 8°. National Education Association. Peoria, Ll. Nebraska State Medical Society. Lincoln, Neb. Literary and Scientific Socielies. 243 New England Agricultural Society. Boston, Mass New England Historie Genealogical Society. Boston Mass. f Register. Annual. | 33) aeaOs Memorial biographies. v.1-3. 8°. ’80-’83. ea New Hampshire Antiquarian Society. Contoocook, N.H. New H umpshire Historical Society. Concord, N. H. New Hampshire Medical Society. Concord, N. I. Transactions. [Annual.] 8°. [Not for sale.] New Haven Colony Historical Society. New Haven Conn : Papers. v.2,3. 8%. “77-82. ea., $d. New Jersey Ilistorical Society. Newark, N. J. Proceedings. v. 5-7; v. 8, nos. 1-3. 8). ea So Documents rel, tothe colonial hist. of N. J. v. 1-7. 8%. ’80- ERY, oC $1.50. , et s New York Academy of Medicine. New York, N. Y. Transactions. Newser. v.3. 89 $1.50. New York Academy of Sciences. New York, N.Y. New York Free Trade Club. New York, NV. ¥. Bastiat. Sopl ‘ protectionists. 16°, 450c. Sumner. His tection m U.S. 8%. 25c. Karl IR¢ n and the clvil service. 1295 20c: Moore | is to protectionist manufacturers. 1202 20¢: White. Lh ivi ff | stion. 12 Ld Wells. Why we trade and how we trade. 12°. 2dc. Codman. Free ships. 12°. 25c. Schoenhof. Destructive influence of the tariff upon mauufact- ure and commerce. 12°, 40c. Wages andtrade. 129. 2dc. Donnell. The impending crisis. 8°. 10c. Slavery and p ytection. 8. 10c. Wages and tariffs. 8. 10c. Wells. Primer of tariff reform. 16°. 2c. ree trade o LUC. — “ Foreign pauper labor” argument. 8%. 5c. Bowker. Free trade the best protection. 12%. 5c. Shearman. Does protection protect? 12°. dc. — Free trade the only road to manufacturing prosperity and high wages Le dC 19 — Free trade the roa 1 to temperance and pr ysperity. 129. 5c. MeAdam. ‘he protective system : what it costs the American farmer. 12°. C} | New York Historical Society. New York, N.Y. Collections. v. 10-14. 8°. 778-82. New York State Agricultural Society. Albany, N. ie Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa. Report of the yperations of the society, 1878, | Report of the proceedings of the society, 1880-83. 4 v. 8°. 79% 808 280! ’ §1-"$4. [ Also various papers read before the society, not for sale. ] Nuttall Ornithological Club. Cambridge, Mass. Bulletin. yv.1-S. 8°. ’7683. $2a year. {Now continued as The Auk: a quarterly journal of orni- thology. Ohio State Horticultural Society. Delaware, Ohio. Annual report. 9’. Oregon State Medical Society. Portland, Oregon. Transactions. v. 3-10. 9”. Peabody Academy of Science. Salem, Mass. Memoirs. Nos. 5,6. 4° 781. ea.) (oC. Peace Association of Friends in America. New Vienna, Clinton Co., Oharo. Pennsylvania Medical Society. Philadelphia, Pa. Poughkeepsie Society of Natural Science. [Now Vassar Brothers Institute. | | Rhode Island Historical Society. Providence, R. I. | Proceedings. [Annual.] 8°. ea., (oc. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC | Contributions to knowledge. Vv. 99.93. 49 779-1 | Miscellaneous collections. Vv. 14-2 $0, ?7§-’83.———ae ee Society for Political 244 Education. New York, WN. Y. Economic Tracts.— J]. Atkinson, E. Whatis a bank? 10c. —2. Political economy and political science. A priced anc classified bibliography, by Sumner, Wells, Foster, Dugdale and Putnam. 25c.—8. Present political and economic issues, W ith suggestions of subjects for debate and for « ssays. 10c.— 4. The usury question, by Calvin, Bentham, Dana, and Wells, with bibliography. 25c.—5. Courtois (Alphonse). Political econo- my in one lesson. 10c.— 6. White, Horace. Money and its sub- stitutes. 25c. —7. White, A. D. Paper-money inflation in France. 5c. —8. Whitridge, F. W. The caucus system. 10c.— 9. Can- field, J.H. Taxation. 15c.—10. Bowker, R.R. Of work and wealth; a summary of economics. 25c.—11. Green, G. W. KRe- pudiation. 20c.— 12. Shepard, E. M.- The work of a social teacher: Memorial of Richard L. Dugdale. 10c.—138. Ford, W.C. The standard silver dollar and the coinage law of 1878. 20c. Librhry of Political Education. First series. 4 v. 12°. $3 25. Contents. — Nordhoff, Charles. Politics for Young Ameri- History of American Politics Perry, cans— Johnston, Alex. Graham. A.L. Introduction to Political Ee nomy — MeAdam, An Alphabet in Finance. Second series. 3y. 8% $5. Contents. —Blanqui, J. A. Hist. of Political Economy in and the Mechanism of Exchange Europe — Jevons, J.S. Money — Mills, J.S. On Liberty. Third series. 4y. 12% $3: Contents. — Brassey, Thomas. Work and Wages— Wells, David A. Our Merchant Marine — Sterne, tional Hist. of the United States — Spencer, Herbert. On Edu Simon. Constitu- cation. Literary and Scientific Societies. | South Carolina Medical Association. Charleston, S.C. Southern Historical Society. Richmond, Va. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. Collections. v. 7-9. 8° 7’76-’82. [Not for sale; ] Tennessee Medical Society. Nashville. Tenn. Texas State Medical Association. Austin, Tex. Transactions. 9th-16th sessions. 8°. °76—84. [Not for sale.] Torrey Botanical Club. New York, Ne OYA Bulletin. [Monthly.]. 8°. $1 a year. Turf, Field and Farm Association. New York, N. ¥. Vassar Brothers Institute. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Transactions. v.1,2. 8°. ’83-’84. [Not for sale.] Vermont Historical Society. Montpelier, Vt. Vermont Medical Society. St. Albans, Vt. Weymouth Historical Society. Weymouth, Mass. {Publications. NO. 1. CON 251s ol. Wisconsin State Medical Society. Appleton, Wis. Worcester Society of Antiquity. Worcester, Mass. 3 $o-Ss. Collections. vy. 1-6. seal ea., Note. These comprise nos. 1-20 of Proceedings and other (— So. publications.BOOKS PUBLISHED IN SERIES. Note. For individual entries, see main alphabets; for lists of volumes, see the publishers’ catalogue in ‘* Pub- lishers’ Trade List Annuals. Chis list is intended to cover only series in which volumes have been issued since June 30, 1876. It does not include sets of juveniles, ete., under general titles, which will usually be found entered in author-and-title alphabet. ‘The number of volumes is given to June 30, 1884, only. Acting drama. nos. 51-190. 12°. ea., l5c....Happy. Advanced science series. 16 yv. 12° ea., $1.25. ” Putnam. Amateur series. Sv. 12°. ea., $1.50-S2..... Holt Amateur stage. nos. 48-67. 16°. ea., lic...Happy. American actor series. 6v.in3. 12°. ea., $1.50. ; Osgood. American commonwealths. 38v. 16% ea., $1.25. Houghton, M. & Co. American health primers. nos. 1-12. 16°. ea., 30c.— BOCs aecies Gas os Oe cis mre Siclac reel cle seh LAICUSLOT: American novel series. 5yv. 16°. ea., $1...-LHolt American science series. 4v. 12°. ea., $2-$2.40.. Holt. — Same: Briefer course. 4y. 12°. ea., $1.08-$1.20. Holt. American statesmen series. 10v. 16° ea., $1.25- American worthies. 4v. 16! CDs Hilde ies = LLOLE Ancient classics for English readers. 27 vy. 16°. ea., | 25e.:12c. Same. il. ea., 50c. 3 60c- Alden. — Same. 28v. 12°. ea., b0c.; in l4 v. set, $12.50. Lippincott. Anti-infidel library. nos. 1-9. 16°. ea., 5¢.—20c. Hastings. Art at home series. 5v. 12° ea., 75c.—$1.50. Maem illan. Art hand-books. 8v. 16°. ea., 50c.......-. Putnam. Art text-books. 6v. 12% ea., $2..Scribner, W. F Co. | Barnes’ new mathematics. 7y. 16°. ea., net, 27¢.— ID Gh Giaio o cicie 6b aie ela oly ayeilol oie ve l(oleiel sie ells ..- Barnes. 1SyzVeDEI GOeGon00 coud ncn pono pcan no oc JMS ay dale Note. Question books and leaflets for Sunday school use. Bohn’s libraries. Lupprncott Little, B. 5 Co. , Scribner § W. Namely :— Antiquarian library. 35v. 12°. $70. Artists’ library. 5v. 12% $11.40. Cheap library. 5v. Classical library. 96 v. Collegiate library. 10 v. Ecclesiastical library. Economic library. 2v. Historical library. 21 v. Tilustrated library. 84 v. Novelists’ library. 9 v. Philosophical library. 138 y. teference library. 21 y. 12°. $59.20. Scientific library. 56v. 12°. $118.40. Standard library. 253 vy. 12°. $3808.80. Books for the times. nos. 1-13. 12°. ea., 10c.—ldc. Am. Tr. Boston Monday lectures. 10 vy. 12° ea., $1.00; Set, BID. - sscceceseces ,«.--- Houghton, M. § Co. | Brief biographies. 4v. 16°. ea., $1.25...- Putnam. British poets. Riverside ed. 68v. 8°. e€a., $1.75; set, $100-$238.. Hurd § H.; Houghton, M. § Co. Campaigns of the civilwar. I3yv. 12°. ea., $1; set, Oe Oiever eiellele o\sials) acl e\s ponooo COON Scribner’s Sons. Chandos classics. 110 v. 8°. ea., 80c... 2. Worthington. piadalaichoveialisieielel sie eie aiararelcie aie Houghton, M. & Co. | | Chautauqua library of English history and literature. Bive S0n ean SoC. SUC nonce ccc ns Phillips § H. Chautauqua text-books. nos. 1-47. 32° ea., 10¢.- (Ca ieieverere) o sists eiere) eevee ater cicis: tes Phillips § H. Clarendon press series... ..-...--.--+«0-- Macmillan. Note. A comprehensive series of works, chiefly educational, published in various sizes and at different prices. Clark’s foreign theological library. ll5 Vv. 8° ea., Reeve cre eae terclel meio Niercle eilete oicle oiciereun Scribner & W. Classic series. 10 v. 16°. Cay cpiles sietsieierciare Roberts. Classical library. ol NV. [8o. Can DCre eee Harper. Classical series. LV. 75C..+--++ssesees-s- Harper. Classical writers. 6v. IJ16°. ea., 60c..... Appleton. Clerical library. 5y. 12° ea., $1.50...Armstrong. Cobweb series. °4v. 12°. ea., 40c.-$1.50....Hstes. Collection of foreign authors. 17 Vv. 16°. ea., 25¢c.- GO Cee ieiel cloaie ei nieiolioral sites) sie) slither elelielnlal'siedlimre lppleton College series of German plays. dy. 1 ea., 25¢.— | Genero ee cu cen. Seat Holt Condensed classics. 4v. 18% ea., $l Holt Dollar novels. 34 v. 12° ea., $1....--.-----Dodd. ‘Dollar novels. 5yv. 12°. ea., $l.....-: Macmillan. Dollar series. 5lv. 12°. ea., $1.75-$2 ... Peterson. Douglass series. 5v. 12°. ea., $1.30------ Harper. Eiclectic educational series...----+----- Van Antwerp. Note. A general designation for the educational books pub- lished by this firm. : A an | Economic monographs. nos. 1-19. 5°. ea., 25¢c. Putnam. Economic tracts. nos. 1-13. 12°. 10c.—20¢. Soc. Pol. Ed. { Putnam. | Economical primary class library. nos. 1-2. ea AOiv. S80. Cas NOw, DUO) caine mw wiei~ isin nen Dodd. Economical Sunday-school librany. o¢ Ace oO wy. 16°. OAH ( eiareesciel eaterelole eiece Beas cia sie) wie oioneieiels Dodd. — Same. Bez 60 V 16° SR) Oe veliclotalteielelin rend Dodd — Same. $@.» 40 Vv. 16° $18.50..------. Dodd. Same, “Dae DOW 16°. S94. DO «ence secre Dodd. | Blementary classics. 10 y. 18°. ea., 40c..-Macmillan. | 1 ] YS vy 30 ré Tha . Blementary science series. 98 vy. 16°. ea., 75c.—sl. Putnam. Elzevir classics.- 4v. 16°. ea., BR On ce cere eee Lei. | Hoglish and foreign philosophical library. ldv. 8°. | ea., B2.50-B7.- 2-2 ec ceee sees Houghton, O. & Co. | English citizen series. % V. 16°, ea., Sl..Maemillan. J | English classic series. 47 Vv. 16°. ea., 12c.... Clark § M. Enelish men of letters. 309 V. 12°. ea., 75c..- Harper. Same. 19v. 169. -ea., 10c.; complete m oV. BO ROMA serene sre ee) nie eiskeeneleelncrercisnsi Alden. A ‘ ~ 20 A 1 OF > English philosophers. 5v. 9°. ¢a., $1.25... Putnam. ee of ancient history. llv. 16°. ea., $1. Estes ; Seribner’s Sons. Gow. WGln Teak, Dill. 14 Yen . - ft Estes: Scribner, A. § Co. ea., pl. | Epochs of modern history. Experimental science series. Davin lize: 1. Appleton.246 Books Published in Serves. Famous American series. 12 v. 12° $18.- Lothrop. ; 7 *9 , Tonk c Famous women series. 7v. 16°. ea., $1-- Roberts. Fatherland series. no. NOD De Dave NGO) ne cic ss wicies Luth. Pub. Fathers for English readers. 8v. 16°. ea., T5C. Pott, Y. & Co Fergus’ historical series. 16 Vv. 5°% €a., 25¢.—(dC. Fergus. Fergus’ popular library. 12 Vv. 8°. ea., 10c..- Fergus. Foreign classics for English readers. 17 v. 16° ea., GO ee ee Siw eicicie) citer = nine wee vie rere Db ipprncott. Foreign countries and British colonies s« ries. 13 Vv. BOM) fea i Dy racic (ol elarelcioks wlelleleleies a0, Scribner & W. Foreign school classics. 4v. 16°. net, 35¢.-65¢e. Macmillan. Franklin Square library. 385 v. 4°. ea., 10c.—25¢. Same. Tv. 8° ca., 15¢ Harper. Globe readings. 7 v. 16°. ea., 30c.-60c... Macmillan. ¥. se os Macmillan. Globe series. 13 v. 12°. ea., $1.2 Golden treasury series. 36v. 18° ea., $1.20. Great lesson series. 6 Vv. 49, Ca., > Great musicia 1S. Greek and Latin texts. 19 v. 18°. ea., pap., 32c.; cl., te ODN G0 S63 same: | Sv. 19° ea., 1... Scribner & W. Lakeside library. 202 nos. 4! ea., 10c. Donnelley, L. § Co. Note. Now absorbed by Seaside library, J/unro. 4 a J) Language series. 2v 12°. ea., 24c....Cowperthwat. Law student’s series. 5v. 12°. ea., $2 50. Inttle, B. & Co. Leaflets from standard authors. ly. 16°. 60e. Appleton. Note. Only Bryant was issued. Legal recreations. 6v. 12°. ea., $1.5 )..S. Whitney. Leisure moment series. 32 v. 16°. ea., 20c.—35¢c... Holt. Library (The). 12°. ea., 10c...Setliff; [Am. News. ] Note. The Am. News Co. sold the books to the trade; only a few numbers were published. Library of aboriginal American literature. 3 v. 8°. ON. BO=MD ia ac alaletsl © siete oie) aicloislicle’ sis = alclpiela Brinton Library of American fiction. 1fyv. 8° ea., 40c.—75c. ITarper. Library of Anglo-Saxon poetry. 2 v. 12°. v. 1, TOD Vin 2: ODCs cole sie «cis = -s)0/ 6) plese siecle) victas Ginn. Library of choice fiction. I7 v. 12°. ea., 3d¢e.—60c. Alden. Library of choice novels. 60 v. 8° ea., $1.20. Appieton. BV ie iis ie clue srceieye ole Harper. | Library of entertaining history. 6v. 12°. set, $9. ; . 5 : ~ ae Estes; Lothrop Guides for science teaching. 6v. 16°. ea., loc.—39oc. : : : eee as bee i : : ne Library of poetry. 45 v. 12°. 40c.—7dc..-.- Alden. . Half-hour series. 145 v. 32°. ea., l5c....-. Hlarper. Hammock series. 6y. 12° ea., $1.20...) Sumner. Hampton tracts. 7 nos. 16°. ea., 8c..---- Putnam. Hand-books for students and general readers. 9 y WG: Cae 428C.—80C icc cece tere wesc cescvnes Holt. Handy book series. 28v. 12°. 20¢c.-$1.50.. Putnam. Handy-volume series. 70v. 18°. ea., 60c. App Health primers. 9v. 16°. e@a., 40c...---- A ] Heart chords. 13 v. 24° -ea., 40c. ..-....-+ Cassell. Heroes of Christian history. 10 v. 12% ea., 7dc. Armstrong. Historical biography. 5v. 18°. ea., S1---- Dutton. Historical handbooks. 2 v. 16°. ea., $1.50.. Putnam. History primers. 7v. 18° ea., 4oc..... Appleton. Home books: = ll ve 129 eas 6OCi acc << Appleton. Home library. 16 v. 12°. ea., $1.05... § J. B. Young. )* Household library of exposition. 9 v. 16°. ea., 31.25. Macmillan. Hub library. 12°. ea., 50C.....06.eeo-0 s0e- Loving. Efiudason library. Give 495 “ea, 200) vcnc.. Putnam. Humboldt library. 59 v. 4°, 8°. ea., lic... Fitzgerald. e1on. yy DpPletoi. Library of political education. 3ser. 12° ea., $3- Ge yee eleiteic vie; severe se isi sie) sleleclejveaialsisielorn Soc. Pol. Ed. Library of science. 4v. 8° ea., $1.50--.. . Alden. Library of select novels. 615 v. 12°. ea., 20e Harper. Library of standard medical authors. 12 vy. a year. 8°, subs., $15 a year ..---esereccencee . Wood. Library of witand humor. dy. 12°. ea., 50c.—60c. Alden. Literature manuals. 4y. 189°. ea., 40c. Fairbanks, P. & Co. Literature primers. 10 y. 18°. ea., 45c...Appleton. Lovell’s library. 426 nos. 12°. ea., 10c.—25c. J: W. Lovell. Manchester scienee lectures. 3v. 12° ea., 25c. Macmillan. Manuals for students. 4v. 12°. ea., 60¢.—$2.25. Macnullan. Manuals for teachers. 5 y. 16°. ea., 50c...Mldredge. Martha’s Vineyard series. lv. 12°. net, $1-..Ginn. Medical students’ aid series. 15 v. 16°. ea., 25¢e.-50e. Putnam. Minor wars of the U. S. series. 2 v. 12°. ea., $1.25. Dodd. Munro’s [Pocket] library. nos. 1-182. 12°. ea., 10c.— Wes Gounod d< SAPO HO OCO Coon Oc! N. LD. Munro. Idle hour series. 7 vy NG, Chg Shao cocolbMdHe On | Illustrated biographies of the great artists. 25 vy. 12°. eae Sla2bs Same. Niew series: jv. 120 ear. Gi vay eeere se suey cue) cieia cieseliovel o siele aie sieve Scribner & W. Tllustrated library of travel. Gv. 12° ea., $1.25. Scribner, A. & Co.; Scribner’s Sons. Illustrated library of wonders. 30 v. 12°. ea., $1.25 ShileeDe ai erepercis Scribner, A. & Co.; Scribner’s Sons. Independent series. 11 v. 16°. ea., 18c.-$1.. Barnes International science series. 47 v. 12°. ea., $1.50- She eveteteeversiats ais tevavel stole akevets cdtoreleuneaiere Appleton irvine wibrany. 88 Ve Cas, oC:-—20Ci.. co sce os Alden Kaatersixill series. 3:v. 129 ea. SI-..... Harlan Kingdoms of the world. 7y. 8° ea., $2...Dodd Knickerbocker novels. 12 vy. 16°. ea., $1.. Putnam Lake Champlain press series. 1 y. 12°. $1.50 ShleD Ope ares Cieccre exekoiey oietieic eels Lovell, Ad., W. & Co Natural history series. 3v. 4% $3....-. .-- Lothrop. Waturesenies. Wbv. 199% (Can Silence Macmallan. Needlework series. 6v. 8°, 12°. ea., 50c.-$2. Tilton. New classical library. 22v. 12° ea., $1... Harper. New Plutarch series. Il v. 16°. ea., $1...- Putnam. New York Weekly series. 12 v. 12°. ea., $1.50. Carleton. _|No name series. 32 v. 16° ea., $1.......-Moberts. _| Normal outline series. 8yv. 12° ea., 40c.—50c. | Mitchcock § W.; Nelson § P. | '| Old English romances. 12v. 8° ea., $3. | Scribner & W. = Our continent library. 6v. 12°, 16° ea., $1—91-50- Fords. ; | Out of the world series. 2y. 12°. ea., 20c. N.Y. World.Books Parchment-paper series. 5y. 18° ea., 30c.—50e. Appleton. Fen and pencil series. Sv. 8°. ea., $3 People’s library. 359 vy. 4°. ea., 10c.-20c... Ogilvie. Peter Parley’s annual. 8°. ea., $2.50. Cassell, P., G. & Go. Philosophical classics. Sy. 16°. ea., $1.25. 1G ippincott. Philosophical series. 4y. 8° ea., 50c. Scribner’s Sons. Pitt press series. 16 vy. 16°. ea., 50¢.—75c... Macmillan. Popular library. 15 v. 24°. ea., 50c. Cassell, P., G. & Co. Popular poets series. 20 v. 8° ea., $2.50 .. Crowell. Popular series. 46v. 12°, 24°. ea.,5c.-lic...-Am. Tr. Primers for the people. 16°. eas; LOci.. People’s Pub. Putnam ’s library of travel. 12 v. 12°. in sets only, S16 Published in Serves. -o0 ..Nelson. | STei lars oie Crile w Siti sible co Gc aieicieiule ole e vers Putnam. bo 47 sSchool-room classics. 16°.......... Davis, B. § Co. | Note. A series of books on educational topics, at different prices. Science series. 73 y. 18°. ea., 50c... Van Nostrand. Seaside library. 1845 v. 4°. ea., 10c.; 20c... Munro. Seaside library, Pocket ed. 208 v. 12°. ea., 10c.- ye Sa 0e eesene veage CEO COCO CIO OrcicicG Munro. Selected German comedies. 7y. 12°. ea., 25¢.—35c. | Holt. Series of science manuals. 31 v. 8°, 16°, 18°. ea., DOG HDv DO) crereresigcieree cic entero cane Macmallan. Spare minute series. 6v. 12°. ea., $1....Lothrop. Sparkling series. 6 v. 16° ea., $1....... Lee & 8S. Standard series, continued as Standard library. 117 v. 4° §°, 129, LOCH SSD iw eee ecco oe ccs cs ee Funk. Standard supplementary readers. 6 v. 12°. ea., DOCv=OD On em cle cw arcieie cre eiciein cnn cnie)= siclerele sys Ivison. Star series. Gv. 160 Cat. Silocacm. oe Lippincott Putnam’s popular manuals. 16v. 4°,16°. ea., 75¢.- Sterling series. 3lv. 8° ea., 50c.-Sl... Peterson. Shea) Oiinia aie oral oi onere oleie raise 6) e/elalvis/o\e wiclalaie re Putnam. Putnam’s series of manuals of history. 6 v. 16° ea., WHOA sooono nosd0 oDaGeoSs Donn Conn 00 nO IEUIA Os Questions of the day. llv. 8°, 12°. ea., 40c.—$1. Putnam. Quiz-compends. 8y. 16° ea., Sl...-.- Blakiston. ea., 40c.—$1.60. Routledge Red-line poets series. 59 v. 12°. ea., S1---. Crowell Railway library. 180 vy. 16°. Rhode Island historical tracts. 19 v. 4°. ea., 40c.— $2.50 oleu ele eee 0.6 .%(e.6 nm) 00). 0 190) 0 8) 0) (0 6.0)8 6 8 «0 6.¢ Rid r Riverside literature series. 12v. 16°. ea., 15c. Houghton, M. § Co Round-robin series. 16 v. 16°. ea., $1... Osgood. Royal school series..----.+ssee seer eee veeees Nelson Note. A series of educational publications. Sadlier’s household library. 31 v. 16°. ea., 15c.-| yD) Onesie wa clnvel (eisiins/siei clicloisivia) co aleinieierore «.-- Sadlier: Sans souci series. 4y. 12° ea., $1.50. Scribner, A. & Co.; Scribner's Sons Satchel series. 20 nos. 16°. ea., 10¢c.—50c... Author's’. School’bulletin publications ..-----+.+-+++- Bardeen. Note. A designation for the publications of this firm. Stories by American authors. 5y. 16°. ea., 50c. Scrvbner’s Sons. Students’ aid series. See Medical students’ aid series. Students’ seriesof manuals 6 v. 12°. ea. ) Lea. Sunday library. Nos. 1-20. 4°. ea., 10¢.—20c... Ogilvie. Sunnyside tracts. 2v. 8°. e€a., 25¢....--... Lane. Tales of the day. 8°. 50c.-$l.......-.-----Lomng. Text-books of science. 20v. 12° ea., $1.50-$2.25. Appl ton. Théatre contemporain. 13 nos. 12°. ea., 2dc. W: R. Jenkins. Topics of the time. 6v.. 16°. ea., 25c.—60c. Putnam. Town and country series. 6v. 16°. ea., $1-. Roberts. Transatlantic series. 15 v. 16°. ea., $1...Puinam. Vest-pocket series. 64 v. Wayside series. 2y. 16° ea., $1.25. Lockwood, B. & Co. | Wisdom series. 6v. 18°. ea., 50c...-.---: Roberts. | Work manuals. 5 v. 12% e€8., 20C. +--+ +++: Indust. $1.50-$2. 2°, ea., 50c.-- Osgood.| “at i | Ae } a i th ae ati | tiof 4 4 ‘| Ale } Pee. | eat f FY rf | i ; i uh Hii + | | Hale Vi | as Lei i I HM li} lA | ey ' { i] | H 14) Wi \ ie Lau ei hi ot an } i ih Wi 1 1 thie OMISSIONS FROM Note. The following are titles of issues in the cheap seri le L¢ abet, particularly in t] | omitted from the author-alp mostly novels, and as the few remaining boo thus entered in the subject-alphabe ks are all CHEAP WIBRARIES: ies, including the publications of J: B. Alden, early letters, as explained in preface. As they are nost without exception published in other editions and t, subject-entries are nof given in this list, except in the case of literary ; j : Dee cae Ge ae biographies, which are entered with an author’s works. Mu 70. Abbot The). Scott, Sir W. Wiessnca N. G. Abbott, Alice I. Circumstantial ey idence. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 10c..-. L. Munro. Abbott, Jac. Florence stories. 6Y. THe GOs os {lden. — Rollo books. LOnve. alle 16°. ea., 50c.: set, S4.50 ‘ake’s wife Sat ese GIS Iles aco nocd Munvro Abel Drake’s wife. Saunders, J: 10c. | About, Edmond. Captain Bitterlin. Seaside lib. {0 Si nan. DOCH cre ee ete eens ccs LUIL70'- — Man with a broken ear. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °80. pap., Wes SondoD On OOUC OU OOUOUO DOOdu GC OOOO GUD VWunro. — New lease of life: [also] Saving a daughter’s dowry Lovell’s lib. 12°. pap., 20c. «- ed: W. Love 1. — Romance of a brave man. Seaside lib. { Pap., 20C. «ee se revere ceccer rnceen sere Wunro. Above suspicion. Riddell, Mis. J. H. 20c..- Munro. Accord and discord. Stanley, C. M. 20c...N. 0. Munro. Adam Bede. See Eliot, G: (pseud. Adams, Mrs. Leith. Madelon Lemoine. (Seaside lib. 49, 79, pap., AA) Oni cicrsielel sie) min: sj eieiv) cio) e Munro — My land of Beulah. (Seaside lib. Lo 7. paps Ml0csssee ok Reh ics hai Mun — Winstowe. Seaside lib. Ac’ 6-8; pap; 20c: Adrift with a vengeance. Cornwallis, K. 25c. J: W. Lovell dventure in Thule. Black, W: 10c. JS W. Love li iv Munro. Adventures of a marquis. Dumas, A. 2 pts. ea., 20c. Wunro. Adventures of Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, Wh, ole, (Wes soon anoaondo adc aie elnfareeiete ni Alden Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. Bradley, E: 20c. Adventures of Philip. Thackeray, W: M. 2 pts. CBee () Oitareicpeietale elleiacisl cleliclsl cle) eisiele] aielle(s/in isin io Munro. Zasop, and others. Book of fables. ill. 12°. 45¢... Alden. ‘After dark, Collins, We W. ° lOc). .-........ Vunvro. Agatha. Evergreen, BE. (pseud.) 20c...N. L. Munro. Agatha’s husband. Craik, Ms. D. M. 20c...Munvro. Ainsworth, W: Harrison. Beau Nash; or Bath in the 18th century. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 20c. Munro. — Mysteries of the court of the Stuarts. (Seaside lib. A0F P7785 PADS, LOC ce ae occ crc wn eee 6 MUNDO. — Old St. Paul’s. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 20c. Munro. — Tower of London. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., OA) Cea ates ielericrctelacwoveleiieteyeisis sells 6 Sis scaleieiere (Gauss Munro. — Windsor Castle. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c. Munro. Airy fairy Lilian. Argles, Mas. M. 20c...N.D.Munyro. Alec Forbes of Howglen. Macdonald, G: 20c...Munvzo. Alexander, Mrs. Sce Hector, Mis. A. F. Alexander, T: Fish and fishing. Seaside lib.) 4°. 79), DAD en LO Ci isicre , L. de. 20¢....--+..-»- Munro. Armadale. Collins, W: W. 20c..........-- Munro. Arnold, Edn. Complete poetical works. 12°. 50c. Alden. — Indian song of songs: a Sanscrit idyl. 25c.; hf. rus., D> BHCe vescces cae FOE cle see women ee Nap oode Alden. oe e Munro. — Diohtof Asia. 6% 2b5c.* Shee cose on -weenc Alem. — Same; [also] On self-culture, by J: S. Blackie. (Seasidelib.) 4° ’80. pap., 20c....... .1 Munro. — Pearls of the faith; or, Islam’s rosary. 25c.; hf. TIS OD Oe pel cicieie ccs rie ce el ore syeteinierenern ate ---. Alden. Arthur Oilbeary. Wever, (©: 20 ne ce. see em Il7:0 | Artiste. Grants Wie Mee N0Ch ean ee cars bie wiereal Munro. | Arundel motto. Hay, M. C. 20c.......N. L. Munro. | As fate would have it. Gray, BE. 20c...N. Z. Munro. | As he comes up the stair. Mathers, H. B. 10c...Munvo. Ascanio; Dumas, A UOCi sec ce cee <1 cio we teense 7;0-Omissions from Atahermenrcy., Fey Je 2O0Ci ccc see sce ccs Munro. At odds. Tautphceus, J. M. (Baronin) v. 20ce. Munro. At the sign of the silver flagon. Farjeon, B. L. 10c. : = Munro. At the world’s mercy. Warden, F. 10c...N. L. Munro. At war with herself. Clay, B. M. 0c....... Munro. Attaché (The). Haliburton, T: C. 20c..... Munro. Aubigné, J. H. Merle d’. History of the reformation. (ill. ed.) 40, SHILED O ieverere ao /cneca.ctevelenercrcrore tlden. Auerbach, Berthold. Little barefoot. (Seaside lib.) fOr ios paps, 200. wa. mleteleioiste) “iol eiriicteieie Munro. — On the heights. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 30c. Munro. Auld langisyne. Russell; W- ©: 0c. ......21 Wunro. Aunt Charlotte (pseud.) See Yonge, Ctte. M. Aurora Floyd. See Maxwell, Mfrs. M. E. Aurora Leigh. Browning, Ms. E. B. 20c. J: W. Lovell. Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice. (Seaside lib.) fOF {B02 DADsy LOC. cic cies 2 wm cirieie vcieivclat Wunro. Australian aunt. Hector, Mrs. A. F. 10c... Munro. Avillion. Craik, Mrs. D. M. LO Cie secre cierel exe Munro. Awakening (The). Macquoid, Mfrs. K. 8S. 10e. Munro. Aytoun, W: E., and Macaulay, T: Bibington (Lord Complete poetical works. 12°. 50c.....Alden. Bab ballads. Gilbert, W: St 20c¢... 20. «0.6 Munro. Baby. Argles, Mrs. M. 10c. save aecibveicieiaraie a MULT O- Back to theoldhome. Hay, M.C. 10c...N. ZL. Munro. Bacon, Fs. (Lord). Essays. 25¢c.; pap., loc... Alden. — Same; [also] Conduct of the understanding, by J: Ibori, ne mR, CY, scoop cosddGoanKGUKT Alden. Bad boy’s diary. Gray, W. T. 20c..---.---- Ogilvie. Balestier, C: W. Life of J. G. Blaine. ‘Lovell’s lib. ) 12°. pap., 20C.-.+--2 2+ cecee cece: J: W. Lovell Balzac, Honoré de. Eugenia Grandet. (Seaside lib.) 40, 778. pap., LOC. ..--.02seeneosernce Munro. Banim, J: Peep-o’-day. (Seaside lib.) 4°. Vite DADs NC) Seiten ie ee ai cieiel sielelels me richeVel pieereletele Snood MWS | Banker’s daughter. Barrett, M. 20c......--Munro. Banting, W: A letter on corpulence. (Seaside lib.) 49, 779. pap., 10c.. .--.-- 2+ seeeens- 22d Wunro,. Barbara's history. Edwards, A. B. 20c.. _N. L. Munro. Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious myths of the Middle INOGSh DDC n cle oe ciclo erect ae) siate bore evar’ Alden. — Legends of the patriarchs and prophets. New ed 129% AQc. -..-- mioicholeiel ouminielcleiei (ele) eee yA LEM. Barmaid of Battleton. Robinson, F: W: 10c... Munro. Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, C: 20c.-.<-N. L. Munro. Barnum, P. I’. Life of P. T. Barnum: his strugeles and triumphs; or, forty years’ recollections. (Sea- side lib.) 4°. 7’79. pap., 20C.--..«-+e- - Munro. Baron Miinchausen. See Raspé, R. E. Barren honour. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 779. pap., 20c. Munro. | Barrett, Magdalen. Banker’s daughter. (Seaside lib.) | 40, 778. pap-, 20C. «2 sccccessrosececs .- Munro. — Lester Ashland’s wife. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., OCs cranial stele ose alin isin ey ; tr: by. J. Weroce S& Silo... - Alden. (Choice! prose: ‘80% 260Ci6- ees e- aia eia tee ALCLeTs Christie Johnstone. Reade, C: l0c.......... Munro. | Christie’s old organ. Walton, Mrs.O. F. 10c. Ogilvte. Christmas stories. Dickens, C: 20c....N. L. Munro. Christy Carew. laffan, M. 20c............. Munro. Chronicles of St. Mary’s. N.,S. D. 20c.....1 Wunro. Circe: Write; BS (20¢s sacs macs se ccs ----- Munro. Circumstantial evidence. Abbott, A. I- 10e. N. LI. Munro. Claire’s love-life. Comfort, . R. 10c.-..... Munro. Clara Vaughan. Blackmore, R. D. 20c. .... Munro. Classic poems. 40G: wc can cei ccm win mes Alden. Clay, Bertha M. At war with herself. (Seaside lib.) | d 81. pap., lOc. ...---...... ental ore Munro. |— Beyond pardon. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20C. ..- ++ seer ee eceee -ceeee N. L. Munro. — Broken wedding ring. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. |— Dora Thorne. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., YU) Ge wre ciel vice a ele son cG00IN, Mig 1 HOO | Her mother’s sin. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. Wehbe Wes sadoocannc sialelcteee 1 Ventre LQIN17505 — Madolin’s lover. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. eeee hb ANG. oc Gcoocdsacod coe cee lV. Ly. Muniio- — Queen amongst women; [also] Between two sins. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. N. L. Munro. | — Repented at leisure. (Lovell’s lib.) 12°. pap., 20c. J: W. Lovell. — Romance of a black veil. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.): 12° pap., l0c..-.<...0..M Bb. Munro. — Thorns and orange blossoms. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 10c...... : -N. L. Munro. Clique of gold. Gaboriau, BE. 20¢. ---./ V. DL. Munvo. Cloister and the hearth. Reade, C: 20c. ....-Munro. Clyffards of Clyffe. Payn, J. 20c...-.----- Munro. |Coachman’s love. Bernard, H. 20c...N. L. Munro. Coleridge, S: Taylor. Complete poetical works. 12°. GOGH mecre cicleictee ole eiele) yee eal opeiei cicie clone (lolere Alden. — Biographia literaria: biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. 12°. 75c...--: Alden. Clollensie, Beatrice. Double marriage. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. SVE Tae DLL TO- | Collins, W: Lucas (ed.) Ancient classics for English readers. 27 v. 16°. ea., 25¢.; pap., 12c...Alden. | Collins, W: Wilkie. After dark. (Seaside lib.) 40, 78. pap., LOG. .--.--srcccce-secse rece Munro. — Antonina. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’77. pap., 20c. Munvro. ‘ D)e pap., 20e. Munvo. — Armadale: (Seaside lib.) 4°. ‘77. —. Moonstone. 169. 35C..-.2-cesrseceees sees Alden. — Same; [also] East Lynne, by Mrs. E. P. Wood. 16°. GOc.; hf rus., 7dC.-- -2--seeeee -- 22s Alden. — New Magedalen.- (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 10c...-----++-- Soa addD ARC .. NV. Lb. Munro. Colombier, Marie. Life and memoirs of Sarah Bar- num. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. ) 12°. pap-, | TOG. ee ree alee cleo ed NV. LE. Munro. | JC |Comet of a season. McCarthy, J. 20c..---:- Munro. Cometh up as a flower. Broughton, R. 10c... Munro. Comfort, Lucy Randall. Black bell. (Seaside lib.) AO = BS0), din Yes oocacocosonD 9G .. Munro. | — Claire’s love-life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap-, 10c. | Munro. | — Love and jealousy. (Seaside lib.) ill. 4°. 783. pap., D (Ver ce cnc clcielein nin cletsie arora brerormzayareini) sain Wunro. | Comin’ thro’ the rye. Mathers, H. Be 20e: | N. L. Munro. |Gon Cregan. Lever, C: 20c.----.----: Munvo.4 1} f | lis i Seu. of | epee RATEaeeeEenneEEEE eee a ay in nae il rv litt i | ce Wilh be Hh hl ha bet | a a ie EAR Fi Aol i ay aah 252 Onrvissions from Cheap Libraries. Ganieenionnl ofan Ee eater. De Quincey, I: 25c.; Curtis,G: W: Wendell Phillips: memorial oration. MOG eres Son ee oe oie ia cle olote lel ere sere)nreinre Alden. DOCe aie srsiet Cece AiR ade scone em coeur , Alden. Conybeare, W: he and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 12°. 70c.; hf. rus:, doc. Cooper, Ja. Fenimore. Complete works. (Globe ed. ) Give le 29) SOR errr certo cium wersle 0 Alden. — Heidenmauer. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. 120. PAP-> 2OC. eevee ee cer ce cecr cece) N. LD. Munro. —— The spy. 169. 85. 00... 22 e0e- cee see ee net {/den ‘ [also] Green Mountain boys, by D. RB: Thompson. 16°. G60c.; hf. rus., 75c....-Alden. Two admirals. | Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c. i Vunro. Corinne. See Staél-Holstein, Mme. A. L. G. N. (Baronne) de. Cornwallis, Kinahan. Adrift witha vengeance. (Lov- elits libs)!" 12° pap., 20C- <6... -- J: W. Lovell. Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas, A. 2pts. ea., 2Uc. N. L. Munro. Count of Talavera. Van Lennep, J. 20c...-dJlunro. Count Robert of Paris. Scott, Sa W. 20c... Iunvro. Counterparts. Sheppard, E.S. 2pts. ea., 20c. — same; Munro. Countess (pseud.) Passion flower. aio Ors) Jib.; Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c...-N. L. Munro. — Set in diamonds. (Munro’s lib., Paar Fo witb) 1eae. pps DD) Gere tea cicicic ciel eieveisisiel sieve cls N. a Mi NTO. — World between them. ave inro’s lib., Pocket form. ) 12°, ooRoe DO) Cie ievenicin cit velate oh crete N. LL. Munro. Countess Vera. Miller, Ms. A. McV. 20c. N. L. Munro. Count’s secret. Gaboriau, E. 2 pts..ea., 20c... Munro. Cousin Phillis. Gaskell, divs. E. C. 10c. ..- Munro. Cousins. Walford, Ms. L. B. 20c.......--. Munro. Coward conscience. Robinson, F: W: 20c... Munzo. Cowper, W: Complete poetical works. 12°. 60c. 4 7 Alden — smith, G@ Cowper: 70C:.; 8d¢.-- 622... -«-- Alden. Cozzens, F: S. Sayings, wise and otherwise; with an autobiographie sketch, and an introductory note by D. G. Mi tchell. 16°. SOC) see nes ene Alden. Crabbe, G: Complete poetical works. 12°. 50c. Craik, Mis. Dinah Mar. [. formerl y Miss Mulock). Aga- tha’s husband. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °77. pap., 20¢. Munro. — Avillion; cr, the happy isles. Seaside lib. 40, De DADs LO Cierra aw icicieleis) s\< safes 6 ose Mun — Brave lady. (Seaside lib.) 4° it. pap-, 20 Munre — Bride’s tragedy. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 10c. Munro. ——SONM balitaxe U6 A0C ao acces ee « o- Alden. — Same. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. N. L. Munro. — Same. See also Bronté, C. Jane Eyre. Dale, Mis. —. Behind the silver veil. — dite fora life. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 77. pap., 20c. Munro. | Cricket on the hearth. Dickens, C: 25c.....Alden. Cripps, the carrier. Blackmore, R. D. 20c... Munro. | Crockett, D: Life and adventures of Davy Crockett: an autobiography. (Seaside lib.), 4°. ’82. pap. LA) Croletore/olsiolele: afolsicionelsiaic\cis) reieye) rei tie oi ---.Junro. Crommelin, May. Jewelof a girl. (Seaside lib.) 40. Usk Wain AVOs coco acacuboocc S660 GuGs or Munro. Cross, Mrs. J: W. See Eliot, George (pseud.) ’| Doubly wronged. Howard, A. M. 20c.. Cyrilla. Tautpheeus, J. M. (Baronin) v. 20¢... Munro. (Munyro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. ae 20c...-NV. L. Munvo. — Fair and false. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. PAP., 2ZOC.- + cece eecoce sercccrces N. i. Munro. Dangerous game. Girard, I. i, 10c... NV. L. Munro. Daniel Deronda. Eliot,G: ( pseud.) 20c...-N L. Munro. Dante Alighieri. Complete poetical works. 12°. 50c. Alden. Daphne. Booth, Avs. O: 20C..-..--+++---- -. Munro. Dark inheritance. Hay, M. C. 10c......--..4 Wunro. Dark marriage morn. oe ston, O. 20c...N. LZ. Munro. Daughter of Italy. Carlton, C. 10c......... Munro. Daughters of Eve. Meritt, P. 20c....4 N. I. Munro. David Copperfield. See Dickens, C: Death-bed marriage. Stanley, C. M. 20c. N. LL. Munro. ~ Deceivers ever. Cameron, Mrs. H. L. 10c...Munzo. Defoe, Dan. Robinson Crusoe. ill. 12°. 45¢...Alden. — Minto, W: Defoe. 70c.; 85c aa Sieeen oes Sree ere Alden. Delicia. Butt, B. ZU Cis crclere ere a avela nia cieie sh LIU. Dempster, Ctte. cs ‘i. Blue roses. (Seaside lib.) Bor 9: Hh Aes oacoacooc Sicietn © sicle eLUTLTOs Dennery, Adolphe Philippe. T’woorphans. (Munro’s ib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 10c...N. ZL. Munro. De Quincey, JJ Complete works. (Globe ed.) 6y. Nl, 1S SA o050 dodnad co SoGodo a6 cnc Alden. — Confessions of an opium-eater. 25c.; pap., 10c. Alden. Detlef, KX: (pseud.) See Bauer, C. Dickens, C: Complete works. (Caxton ed.) 15 vy. We 120 ene. Ghoew sete GSacrecicc cee eA Ler: — Barnaby Rudge. (Munro’s ee Pocket form.) 12°. pap., ZACs wie ce Sioleiekaicia cle Ve lan UarhOS — Child’s history of E ng Pie an a 120. AG. cane. ALE. — Christmas stories. Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. PAP., ZOC. -. cee ee cceseeeces N. LZ. Munro. — Cricket on the hearth; ill. by J: Leech. 16°. 2d5c. Alden. — David Copperfield. 16°. 60c.; hf. rus., 75¢c...Adden. — Same. Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. N. LL. Munro. — Dickens’s little folks. 4 v. ill. ea., 50c.; set, $1.75. > Alden. — Nicholas Nickleby. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) AO Daeg SCS wen oc ciriole tn olelere sin cya N. LL. Munro. — Old curiosity shop. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) W298 PAP ss LUC neem eree ci rere acre einera! V. LL. Munro. Don Quixote. See Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Dora @horne: (Clay, B: Me 20h... -..2 V. L. Munro. Doré Bible gallery of illustrationsand stories. ill. 4°. WDierereie ore crac aig sles te cuersveleee steer ieleto is suerere . Alden. Dorothy Forster. Besant, W., and Rice, J. 20c. J: W. Lovell. Dostoyeffsky, Fedor. Buried alive; or, ten years of penal servitude in Siberia. (Seaside lib.) 4°. AOWe DAD 2UCHarcyecrcjoa create cretion. Munro. Double marriage. Collensie, B. 20c...N. L. Munro. -NV. L. Munro. Dreadful temptation. Miller, fs. A. McV. 20c. NV. in Munoo. | Dregs and froth. Wall, A. H. 20c.....N. LZ. Munro. Crown of wild olive. Ruskin, J: 25c.......-Alden. | | Duchess | pseud.) See A rgles, Mis. M. Cudlip, Ms. Pender. See Thomas, Annie. Cupples, G: The sunken rock. (Seaside lib.) 49, afi) pap., 10c. oka\.oe (a) e\ le 8\a)6e)9 (sie Al ola nies aiele Munro. Curious myths of the Middle Ages. Baring-Gould, S DOCH vereieisicisc alc ; Cielilelelaieierssicvsya ooieiel staves aewate Alden. Curse of Dangerfield. Snow, Eh. 20c...N. LZ. Munro. | Dumas, Alex. | — Black tulip. Dryden, J: Complete poetical works. 12°. 50c...Alden. Adventures of a marquis. 2 pts. (Sea- side libe))) 40. 2785 en pap., 20c..-..-. J Wunro. — Andree de Taverney. 49°. °’79. pap., 20c... Munro. — Ascanio. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c..-Munso. @easidedib:)) 4°. 777, “paps, 10c: Munro.Omission Ss Deen Alex., conbeaed: — Count of Monte Cristo. 2 pts. Pocket form.) 12°. ea., pap., 20c...V. L — Three guardsmen. (Munro’s lib., Pocket 2, Aisha FAW. coogaavonoor syevereicions Noe: — Twenty years after. (Munro’s lib., Pocket nie om ee Libraries. 253 | Byrie «fhe; (also) The mystery of a young girl. (Munro’s lib., (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. : Munro. Ne le ‘Mun ro. form. ) Munro. | Fair and false. Dale, Mrs. 20c. sooo Ve L. Munro. form.) | False. Fleming, G. 20c. 120 er ON) MET eieielel aie) ajo) alaiaieioe Vs els. INO’ 2°, Dae 2 Cileterorete ic cicle civieie acid 0. | : : S D \] pet fil : \ M a Famous biography. 12 bks.inly. G5c...... Alden. umias, Alex. (fils). Annette. (Munro’s li . ‘ + : q Rae 130 anon 2 se r eee Farjeon, B. L. . At the sign of the silver flagon. (Sea- -) =". ap. teehee eeee UNTO . AF = . tens Ly te ; lil 0 : ap. )Cuinie mone eleiool) 0. — Camille. (Munro’s lib., Pocket ren m:)) 2° paps, | SS eas ea DED y x arn Munro xR | — Bells of Penraven. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 280. pap., WOG@r cisco ercclke ee ees 6 wiaeicete clonal V. DL. Munro. | 10¢ 4 f Mineo re De BU Ce rereve in nin (eee ines) oy oper e+ eis) die 01 e, (e levelea euvicl cis NY Dupuy, Eliza A. Husband fora lover. (Seaside lib.) | __ Bread-and- cheese and kisses. (Seasid e lib.) 4°. 278. Aor 780% pap:. lOc... sieKeslelete) wialelsters/ayaleie Munro. pap:, LOC «ce. 6: er a oe ee Munro. Durand, Mme. Alice. See Gréville, ie (pseud.) Farrar, F:W: Seekers after God. 12°..35¢...Alden. Durfee, C: A. (comp.) Concise poetical coneordance | — Same; [also] The hermits, by C: Kingsley. 12°. to the principal poets of the world; embr. titles, SUES SUG MINS GOs ooconcaoodca6 eiefera(e aterate Alden. ae ae Seca subjects and quotations. Fatal wooing, Libbey, L. J. 20c...... N. L. Munro. (Lib. ed. ) Mio tek OLB BSN) Gos ooo Alden. | : Oa D > a Ae Rest 1 : [25 cae ell. | Pavorite poems. | AD Che ones 4 Lee ete Alden. urwar Mostyn. For better eworse. ~ @ ‘0’s . +] ai 7 \ Gy - Sea cee gra tten, tor worse. (Munro/s Felix Holt. Eliot, G: (pseud.) 20c.....N. L. Munro. lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c...NV. LZ. Munro. ‘ 5 ; — Sweet as a rose. (Munro’ s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. Feuillet, Octave. Romance of a oage young man. Ns ANOs zacccs gq0caDuone nO OOOO ~NV.L. Munro. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 10c. Bast Lynne. See Wood, Ws. E. P. i Lays ine qs > ( “(2a Alps Edwards, Amelia B. Barbara’s history. (Munro’s | Fleming, Geraldine. False. (Munro’s lib., Pocket N. L. Munro. Fior d’Aliza. Lamartine, A. de. 25c.; 30c.,.... Alden. lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c...M. L. Munro. | form. ) : 12 - pap., 20 unin e ea WN. L. Munro. sae : oe : . . |— Leola Dale’s fortune. (Me inro’s lib., Pocket form.) Edwards, is. Annie. ee Lovell. (Seaside lib.) Bt : 5 a \ | 12°, pap., 4 Chi atetelelelscicce iiiclclcveitaipiejece N. L. Munro. 40. “79. pap-, 20¢ Munro. ee ee ee eT : — Only agirl’s love. (Munro’s lib., Pocket ne Ny 120% Bliot, George ( pseud. ) Las. J: W. Cross. i Comple te pap 900 Cs Be aes eee ees ced N. L. Muno. works. (Caxtoned.) 6yv. 12°. set, $3.75..Alden. | __ Sinless crime. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. oe Complete poetical works. 129. AOC. atevereie Aa: nN. pap., 20C...+.--- sees cence sinc cade Ls: Munro. — Adam Bede. 16°. 40c.. sieieie enehees Alden. | __ Wh\o was the heir? (Munro’s lib., oc ket form. ) — Same. (Munro’s lib., Boe ket or ye pap., POO pape eOCaseieclaee nee ciees oelVa rz 719,06 DCs eee eee ce elem Sinica snr ersrses N. DL. Munro. Fli Antes ie j Nya Gp r < j os int Cile). Greys Was; ©. 200. Ve Le. Miunzo: — Same; [also] Hypatia, by C: Kingsley. 16°. 70c.; Flor ; a : a oN : bye Ge ta3 iden He TUS So Ck ee oe ee Ce eee {/den. orence stories. sae 312.0. Leah ‘ 7 (Spe ielesclsexere 4 : — Brother Jacob. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. Fool's revenge. Taylor, T: 10c........... -» Munro. pap., lOc. «2.2.2... svaisiavecs mioiee cre LVE Uy. SHALTURO® | For adream’s sake. Martin, Js. H. 20c...N. LZ. Munro. — Daniel pon (Munro’s lib., P a ore | For better, for worse. Durward, M. 20c...N. L. Munro. 12°, PAP., ZOC.- ee ees cece eee eeed - Lr. UMUNTO. | — Helix Holt. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 129. pap., 20¢ PS VATRMAOF earcl Laura C. Enemiesborn. (Munro’s lib., Pocket RE aan Bh nae gee een eee mare | 90 Nance anous N. L. Munro. — Impressions of Theophr: istus Sue An "(Munro s lib., form. ) 12 : BLD 20c. n9 Rocket form.) 12°. pap:, 1l0c.-...1 Vi Ia: Minne’ | Foul play. See Reade, C: — Janet’s repentance. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) | | Four MacNicols. Black: Wi LOGHen csc eee Munro. 12°, pap., LOC... +. s20- sees ee cere NV. L. Munro. |Fragoletta. Booth, Mrs.O: 20c..--+---+-++: . Munro. ; are ( “—)’s ' > ‘or ) 20 ° NEE x . * ) Tad mee Bcd rem arc (Munro’s lib., Pocket aE aa eee, Ernst. Chain of fate. (Seaside lib.) ee 79. Darn AUCs eiake wie cl srieie ciole hie ok Bolen Senet ee SAV lO Oi evetaie: clea) elelereie ci eicinielonerelaie) ctejeieie . Munro. — Mi . Ss: @ unro’s lib., P er st form: )) 12°. | ep ae : eS = an ue ace (M e ee aa NT. 7 Munro. |Froissart, Si J: Chronicles of England, : rance, ADT Ce eietete caer veeeeees WV. LD. M - | iat S Basen Go wntetne: Giese. — Mr. Gilfil’s love story. “@tunro! s lib., Pocket form. ) | Sens and the adjoining cc ‘ en W205 paps, LOC cewie se cn. erences NV, L. Munso. | ee \ : Br eee 706. - B50. ee ee — Romola. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., | Froude, Ue eke MOUDY UN UC) OO ssale Saat DCS ars oe crelete c cvereveroles efieinreiayrare s\ovelelavor/ N. DL. Munvo. | |For herdearsake. Hay,M.C. 20c.---. N. LL. Munro. 2s ]i ci dmile. Captain Contanceau; or, the volun- — Sad fortunes of Rev. Amos Barton. (Munro’s lib., | @aboriau, Emile. Captain Contangeau ; Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 10c....N. L. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c. — Silas Marner. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. Munvro. | teers of 1792. (Seaside lib. ) 40, 80. pap., 10c Munro. | Nae. ) 12°. | — Clique of gold. Cronies s lib., Pocket form.) 12 | pap., 10c. ...+-.+ +e Sererlere toe V. DL. Munro. Rape UC tea ae ee poe — Spanish gypsy. anole lib., Pocket form.) 12°. |— Count’ssecret. < 2 pts. (Seaside lib. ) Bee ie ake pap., 20e.. Bre torael ei ele eee ee eielteleKel yinie sol V. L. Munro. pap., ste week cee ee ee ees : Bode tor v0. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. ssays. 12°. 84. 40c... Alden. | —In peril of his life. (Munro’s lib., I ng a Jone) E : =e : r oe 12°, pap. D (\Oieierc vivetelarersielerele)e) sis cera unvro. Enemies born. Ford, L. E. 20c..------ N. L. Munro. eacneuite eG : ‘le ZnS ‘ oO ney Ji | ‘ 5 a ee : . *y): x : . Se aU i. ce Moly j ier EF | Gaskell, IMs. Eliz. C. Cousin Phillis. (Seaside lib.) Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, Alex. Brigadier Fred- | ie a7 wap a eee eS iinro. erick. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c... Munro. | eae ae eee we nGe Brema. Blackmore, R. D. 20C..--+--++++++++4 Iunro. | Gertrude the governess. urner, W: I N 7 oe eae N. DL. Munro. mes altravers. Bulwer-Lytton, Siz E: G: BE. L. : oo teas u eae ne oe ee am be JT: W. Lovell. | Giant’s robe. Guthrie, F. A. 20c..--. . Lovell. Ethics of the ne tuskin, Ji 2dC.i.- 0 -. een oe Alden. | Gibbon, Bi: History of flte ei and aa of the Ro- Bugenia Grandet. Balzac, H. de. 10c:.««- “OT Wye f mop ) os Rs \ 0’S rc . . 7 ° Evergreen, Eva (pseud.) Agatha ( PO Ses | Gilbert, W:S. Bab ballads. (Seaside libs) we 49% Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c...-. L. — Ten years of his life. ue. s lib., Pocket 12°, pap., 20C.++++++e-- NGC Executor. Hector, Mrs. A. F. 20c...+ ‘x i 166: Munro. € 90 Sie vsi pine en 6c eh ee H . Munro. man empire. 2v. 12' 70--- Alden. lib., | — Morison, J. C. Gibbon. 70¢. ; "850. veeeeee- Alden. “9 79. Pap., NYO, aaas on 0ac0 0 7009 0000 9000 Munro. form. ) ae Munro. | Girard, Ida Linn. Dangerous game. (Munro's hb., | Pucket form.) 12% pap., 10c.--.N. L. Munro. SAME 3254 Onissions from God andthe man. Buchanan, R. 20c. ..-.--: Munro. Goethe, J: Wolfg. v. Complete poetical works. 12°. TO Cie wiaieicioy eipicle = cici) Nielelel sic lalnr= sleinieiele/eje)0)~\eis Alden. Golden butterfly. Besant, W., and Rice, J. 20c. Munro. Golden mask. Stanley, C. M. 20c....N. LZ. Munro. Goldsmith, 0]. Complete poetical works. 12°. 50c. Alden. Rasselas. Qn Gans ciey ons A Coes lOeks. ? Hawthorne, N. 35c....Alden. See Johnson, 8: 70c.; — Vicar of Wakefield. — Black, W: Goldsmith. Good-bye sweetheart. Broughton, Rh. Grandfather’s chair. Munro. Grant, Ja. Captain of the guard. (Seaside lib.) 4°. "78. pap., LOC. .--- ee ee ee ree cece ee eees Munro. Grant, Mar. M. Artiste. (Seaside lib.) 4 "78. pap., WO Geierecicro ise cin clisisie oleic ee) cles icisiei maleic Munro. — Bright morning; or, once and forever. Seaside libs) 49: 278. pap., 2C.~- veccce scene Munro. — Sunmaid. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. 12°. pap., YN, coco nndons 0000 YO UO0O GOGO NOOL N. LL. Munro. Gray, Annabel. What love will do. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 10c...... N. LL. Munro. Gray, Evelyn. As fate would have it. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. .pap., 20c....N. L. Munro. — Woman’s fault. . (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. 12°. DAP, ZOC, cwcccccaseracecscvccinea ts ly. MuUnT0- Gray, Wa. T. Bad boy’s diary. People’s lib. f0. 782. pap., 20c.- Fete Scinierel wiejeie Ogilvie. Great fontines iomart He 2O0CG ieee cece. Munro. Green, J:R: Larger history of the English people. Pave = (SCt ili(Dicyers sreleic cic eke sie cicie, sraeinie oe {lden. Green Mountain boys. Greenwood, Grace ( pseud. See Thompson, D. P. See Lippincott, Mis. 8. J. Greenwood juveniles. Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. 8 y. Wan BOs 6 CO Sa Woucscao occa cd0G cc Alden. Gréville, H: (pseud.) [JMme. Alice Durand.] Anton Malissof. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 10c. Munvo. — Ariadne. (Seasidelib.) 4°. ’78. pap., 10c...Munzo. Grey, Irs. E. C. ‘The flirt. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. ) 29. pap., 20C.---- w2c<. N. LL. Munro. Grimm, Jac. L: and W: C. Fairy tales. 0c... Alden. Grote, G: History of Greece. 4v. 12°. $2.70; hf. Eb. bl) sooonas0dc00 Co000DKd OC coos -- Alden. Guizot, Fs. P: G: History of civilization. 12°. 50c. : Alden — History of France. 8yv. ill. 8°. ea, 75c.; set, $6. Alden. Gullivers'travels. Swaitt. J. 45¢.........+..: Alden. Guthrie, F. Anstey. [‘‘F. Anstey.”] Giant's robe. (Gosellts lib’) W295 paps. 20¢:.. «Js We Lovell: Guy Kenmore’s wife. Miller, Ios. A. McV. 20c. N. IL. Munro. Hacklander, F: W: Behind the counter. (Seaside libs) 40; wk DeVoe ater teres cyeneley cree Munro. Haliburton, T: Chandler. The attaché: or Sam Slick in England. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., ZU) Chr eveveiniaye ererstens eierarsn ee bic cera sien Cea Munro. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Intellectual life. 50c. Alden. Hamlet. Slrakespeares Wie 20C)cc.s.. 546. - Alden: Hardy, Lady Iza Duffus. Broken faith. Mie) eee oe 9. nae QC. 8 see ee Munro. Hardy, ‘I: Romantic adventures of a milkmaid. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 120. pap., 10e. NN. L. Munvo. ewer ~ ~. = Joan. Broughton, R. 20c..----...++.+++ +++. Munro. Theila. Reynolds, G: W.M. 20c........N. L. Munro. Wea cn Aye 39 dati ff ae Ve = — A X r John, Bug ne L H. Marlitt. J Bailiff’s maid. (Sea Leola Dale’s fortune. Fleming, G. 20c..-N. LZ. Munvo. Sideé libs), 40) 287. papi 20Ci eres cece 70-0: on an a Rare ani M : — Countess of Gisela. (Seaside lib.) 49. ’79. pap., Leonie, yy _the aut LON. OU sass So tes 20n : ¢ lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c...N. L. Munzo. ZA) Chieiaiolalaie) ¥ ele) oe (oe BOODdN doDC Cn OGKHOOOO Munro. a : : : - C: Bdwards ife ¢ achievements es John Brown’s legs. Philp, K. 20c. .....N. L. Munro. Lester, C: Edwards. Life and achiev¢ m« nts of Sam Houston, hero and statesman. por. 30c... Alden. John: Bull’and' his island. O/Rell, M. CZs! ud.) 0c.) __ Vife of Peter Cooper. ill. 25c.; hf. rus., 35c...Alden. N. L. Munro. : avn . John Halifax. See Craik, Ms. D. M nag Lester Ashland’s wife. Barrett, M. 10c....../ Munro. ey Bierce he a Sse a iXe “4 7 GlLoany Gane ae hy 0 178 John Holdsworth. Russell, W. C. 20c...d: W. Lovell. | Lever C: ey O'Leary. (Seaside lib.) a : e ; . VAUD Ss Ge oleiatel caine aletsliplci iss) clclis/aleein ooo Munro. Johnson, 8: Rasselas; [also] Vicar of Wakefield, by |__ Bree (Seaside lib.) 4°. °79. pap., 20e. O. Goldsmith; [also] Paul and Virginia, by J. H: | = > é Munro. B. de Saint-Pierre. 12°. 45¢ Se Sosa Alden. | __ Charles O'Malley. 2 pts. (Munro’s lib., Pocket —, Stephen, L. Johnson. 70c.; 8dc..-.-.......2 A/den. | nati) LD) Gon Aen W8lOs noone RT Josephus, Flavius. Works; tr. by W: Whiston, with |— Con Cregan. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 777. pap., 20e. notesandindexs 2% GUA 0 secs. eee Alden. Munro. Juliet’s guardian. Cameron, Ms. H. L. 10c..- Munro. |— Harry Lorrequer. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 120° pap, LOG. .. <2... eee eed N. LE. Muna-o. ey 7 1 ae 3urke, of Ours. 2 pts. (I ‘o’s lib., Pocket Karaman. Reynolds, G: W.M. 20c...N. LZ. Munro. fom Burke, of Ours. = pt : (Minnrois/ ade, 239k K h. J li Beatri < ide lib.) 4 Te form.) 2° en,, pap:, 20c.-...-- WV. LZ. Munzio- avanaegn, Julla. eatrice. (seaside 1b. 4°, 10. i ; z ae 20¢ ve ..... Munro. | Lewis, Helen M. Led astray. (Munro’s lib., Pocket Pepe Se ee en ge ; ea saree || forny.) 12° pap:, 20¢)....-. «ie. / V. LL. Munro. Keary, Annie. Castle Daly. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’80.]_. Z : : ae ee pap:, 20c......-. Rae ee “occ cc cece Munro. | Libbey, Laura J. Fatal wooing. (Munro’s lib., Pocket es s : FOLIO) | ees A Den LOU CHeeciecen er N. L. Munro. Keats, J: Complete poetical works. 12°. 40c...Alden. Lib : £ ; t Poke Wen Whi CY." ~\ n x |} £1 OTrar O VO CURVY verein\o) au lainiaie) a) 9i0)0\ 0/0) alsie/elie)s)e/e) e102 . Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton, Si E:G: Ei. L. Vor} ; OO CS is aha iss Soe Cre bib Bisel Saige eo ee Munro. Note. Entered under authors. Kennedy, J: Pendleton. [‘' Sol Secondthoughts.” ] | Library of science. 4v. ill. 8°. ea., hf. rus., $1.50. Horse-Shoe Robinson. 16°. 40c........ Alden. Alden. — See also Mayo, W:S. Berber. Library of wonders and curiosities. Platt, J. $1.20. Kenrick, J: Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2y. Alden. inl. ill. 12° $1; hf. rus., $1.25....-.Alden. | Life for a life. Craik, Mrs. D. M. 20c..-..-. Munro. Kerr, Orpheus C. (pseud.) See Newell, R. H. Life's joys. Zola, E. 20c..--.---+- seeelVs Le Mumia: Kingsley, C: The hermits. 12°. 35c...-..-.- Alden. Light of Asia. See A rnold, E. — See also Farrar, F: W: Seekers after God. Lippincott, Mrs. Sa. J. [Grace Greenwood.” sae AV DML ae G2. AOC Se eC eae ee - Alden. Greenwood juveniles. 8y. ill. ea., 35¢.5; set, See also Eliot, G: (pseud.) Adam Bede. &O-RO see eg eee oe Aveen. Kingston, Was He Gr Mark Seaworth. (Munro’s lib., — Victoria, Queen of England. ill. sq. 16°, 85c.- ._ Alden. Pocket form.) 12° pap., 20c...-.-V. L. Munro. — Midshipman, Marmaduke Merry. (Munro’s_lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 2Uc..-.- N. L. Munzo. Kirk, Jfs. Ellen Olney. Love in idleness. (People’s ae oe aes lib.) Aone Sie panes 1OCseeeta cee .. Ogilvie. | Little Golden’s daughter. Miller, Jfrs. a ae Kats Paynd. 20Ciee. ries 66 900 6000 N. DL. Munro. | hing AL LER Little barefoot. Auerbach, B. 20c..---+----:: Wunro. 1 x n. Miller, dfs. A. MeV. 20ce. Little Golden c Ce 20c, xe<, Ke 5 pi a SY MA RO vassOmissions from 256 Little Mr. Bouncer and his friend Verdant Green. Bradley, H: 0c. -..----++++-+22-+ =r Munyro. Locke, J: Conduct of the understanding. 20¢.; pap., WO Cherie cree eee ole) eielain! pielereieine «= sie) c)rieie Alden. — See also Bacon, F. (Lord Essays — Fowler, T: Locke. 70c.; 80C.-.-+2++sees: Alden. Long estrangement. Brent, EH. 10c..... «220+ Ogulrre. Longfellow, H: Wadsworth. Hyperion. 16°. ses LALOETL. _— Same ; [also] Princess of Thule, by W: Black. 16°. ANG, 8 We Rb. {hee noo dodo concden 70D Oo NMLAe Lorna Doone. Blackmore, R. D. 20c..------ Munro. Love and jdalousy. Comfort, L. R. 20c.---- +4 Munro. Love inidleness. Kirk, Mys. E. O. 10c...-- Ogilvie. Love the debt. Basil ( pseud. y Wie raaccscb0a Munro. Lover and husband. Marston, O. 20c.--V. L. Munro. Lucas, T: J: Camp life in Zululand. (Seaside lib. ) AOL 2795 Naps, LOC sc wcice <0 vine ona Munro. Lucile. Bulwer-Lytton, E: R. 20c....-- N. L. Munro. Luther, Martin. Luther’s table talk; [also] Luther anecdotes; coll. and arr. by Dr. Macaulay. 25c. {/den. Lytton, Lord. See Bulwer-Lytton, Siz E: G: E. L. Lytton, Lord. ) See Bulwer-Lytton, E: Rh. Macaulay, T: Babington ( Lord). Complete poetical works. See Aytoun, W: E., and Macaulay, T: B (Lord). — Critical, historical poems. 3y. miscellaneous $2 and 90 essays and Borate: satus cusreiacc aise a ALOLET: (Seaside lib. ) : — History of England. pt. 10. f0% 25116 pap., 20C. -- vereerecseers cece aveiela-sielai opens Munro. — Trevelyan, G: O: Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. (HOO, Gooac Rese ole cisiniciaie Hie © ciel cleiel eele © jersiels Alden. McCarthy, Justin. Cometofaseason. (Seaside lib. 40. 781. paps, 20C....--+-seeceeeccces Munro. — History of ourowntimes. 2. 12°. $1.00. Alden. McCarthy, Louise. Gabrielle. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 129°, pap:, 20¢..---....-.4 NV. L. Munro. Macdonald, G: Alec Forbes of Howglen. (Seaside lib.) 4° ’80. pap., 20c.............. Munro. — Annals of a quiet neighborhood. (Seaside lib.) 4°. "19. pap., 20C..-++-e eeeeeene 500000 nono AYO: Mackenzie, Rob. Shelton. Bits of blarney: legends DOCre as seice ALLEN. 50c. .- Alden. Awakening. (Seaside lib. and stories of Ireland. 169°. Macpherson, Ja. Poems of Ossian. 12°. Macquoid, Mrs. Kath. S. AO HOE Paps, LOC Erie otrciciccls win ole so nee Munro. Madelon J.emoine. Adams, Mrs. L. 20c..... Munro. Mademoiselle Saint-Maur’s lover. Cherbuliez, V: NO Os seterte es oie ciclo siciecieiaieiccciste eivciele selec Munro. Madolin’s lover. Clay, B. M. 20c..... N. L. Munro. Mageie. Turner, W: M. 20c......... N. L. Munro. Maid of Killeena. Fergus. Maid, wife or widow? See Black, W: Marriage of Moira Hector, Ms. A. F. 10c. N.L. Munro. Man with the broken ear. About, BE. 10c.... Munro. Marjorie’s child, by the author of Only a school girl. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. N. LL. Munro. Mark Seaworth. Kingston, W: H.G. 20c...N. LZ. Munro. Marlitt, E. ( pseud.) See John, E. Marnell, Garnett. Merit versus money. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c...N. L. Munro. Marriage of Moira Fergus. Black, W: 10c... Marryat, Florence. See Lean, Mrs. F. Marryat, F: Children of Wunro. the new forest. (Seaside ID) AON Gs Papin LOCH cece so ceeece Munro. Marsh, Ms. —. Castle Avon. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. Dalene .Ceerleriiers Rulolatereneistere cits, s vcccee Munro. ( Cheap Libraries. Q Marston, Owen. 3eauty’s marriage. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. ...N. L. Munro. — Dark marriage morn. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap.,; (Ge nce cw 0) cele: om alo aim os ere N. LI. Munro. — Lover and husband. (Munro's lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20C...eeee seers seeene N. I. Munro. Martin, Js. Herb. Bonnie Lesley. (Seaside lib.) 40, ?78. pap., LOC. ..---- +--+. +sece ene Munro. — For a dream’s sake. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20C...--.-seeeereees - WV. L. Munro. Martyrdom of Madeline. Buchanan, R. 20c...Munro. Mary Annerly. Blackmore, R. D. 20c...--- Munro. Mathers, Helen B. As he comes up the stair. (Sea- side lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., lOc...-..-... Munro. — Comin’ thro’ the rye. Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°, pap., 20c. .-.----- sn oo00 IM Ihe Whoa Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. [ formerly Miss Braddon]. Aurora Floyd. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c..---...-- Sieieaiet ooo Ve Lf. Munro: — Same. (People’s lib.) 4°. ’81. pap., 20c.-- Ogilvie. — Birds of prey. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 78. pap., 20c. Munro. — Bound to John Company; or, Robert Ainsleigh. (Seaside lib. 49. ?79. pap., 20c..-.-.Munro. — Jady Audley’s secret. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. ) 12°. pap., 20C....6e- see rece ves N. LL. Munro. — Octoroon. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., LOG’ cece cone Soisie. «cles ereerereie sod00d NV. L. Munvro. — Vixen. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c. N. LZ. Munro. Mayo, W: Starbuck. Berber. 16°. 35c...-- Alden. — Same, [also] Horse-Shoe Robinson, by J: P. Ken- nedy. 16° 60c.; hf. rus., 7dc..-.-- ie ALCLenU Mell, Patrick H. Parliamentary practice: rules for conducting business in deliberative assemblies. Rev. 16°. .- sie os ei ALOE Memoirs of a veteran detective; tr. from the French by H. P. Curtis. (Seaside lib.) 4° 782. pap., orm (etauveta/evere ei a)elo ais) mieyerotelel olecise1<) tel sierate Munro. Meredith, Owen Merimée, Prosper. Carmen: the power of love. (Sea- side lib.) 4°. pap., 1Uc...-....-- Munro. Merit versus money. Marnell, G. NV. L. Munro. Meritt, Paul. Danghters of Eve. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., Munro. Middlemarch. Eliot, G: (pseud.) 20c...N. LD. ed. PO) Oi eiecnie, Se aiereter aciele (pseud.) See Bulwer-Lytton, E: Rob. 80. ZCe. Munro. Midshipman, Marmaduke Merry. Kingston, Wi ie (Me 90 Gs cbs eh ee oe eee oe NV. DL. Munro. Mill, J: Stuart. On liberty. 25c.; pap., 12c. .. Alden. Mill on the floss. Eliot, G: ( pseud.) 20c...N. L. Munro. Miller, Jfs. Alex. McVeigh. Bonnie Dora. (Munro's lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c... MV. L. Munro. — Bride of the tomb. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. PAD: 5 2NCr eee se eee) cee wee nein ame Os. UNTO: — Countess Vera. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. DAD OCs erent: apoio = aielonale sSoo0cdGING Mh MAID, — Dreadful temptation. (Munro’s hb., Pocket form.) 120% paps 2OCH ci erect aie siersiererel Vs ize MUNGO. — Guy Kenmore’s wife. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) WP, Wits AWesncacoo canosacqncd NV. L. Munro. — Jaquelina. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., DOCH aeacee ie) y ciel e\(oe) sila eiate/nie nierateree/ Viewty s SILUQLI Os —lLaurel Vane; or, the girl’s conspiracy. (Seaside libs)! 493 “S35 " paps; 20 Cree mieiersies aires . Munro. — Little Golden. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 129°. pap., 20c. «2+. + ee ssesee ejelevoluicre elsif N.L. Munro. —Little Golden’s daughter. (Munro’s lib., Pocket forms) Woh pape 20cChee te -N. Lb. Munro. — Old man’s darling. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap-, 20c. ...-- Riccio unin wistere wee cele on Mino: —Queenie’s terrible secret. (Munro’s lib., Pocket fornts) W297 paps. 2O0C ea eo NV. L. Munro. — Rose and the lily. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. Dips, 2OCE mrcrereleteic 7c clateiel a clerelete re tar: N. L. Munro. Milman, H: Hart. Notes to Gibbon’s Rome. 12°. 70c. Alden.Omissions from Milton, J: Complete poetical works. 1 9°, 5O0e...Alden — Prose works. 16°." 5Oec. «........ {iden — Paradise lost; ill. by Doré. 4° ?8t. $2...... {iden. ———yisoun Wie Milton. 0eo4 SpC. a. see cee. tld Minister's wife. Oliphant, Js. M. O. W. 20c. : N. LL. Munro. Wiss) Molly. Butt BiM. 20c. cece vcs Wunro. Mr. Gilfil’s love story. Eliot, G: (pseud.) 0c N. L. Miso Mrs. Jack. Molly Bawn. i LOGs fees cs J . Munro. Trollope, Afirs. ¥. Argel Ma-s..M. 235 eeee On eap Libraries. Tunro. 207 (Seaside Oliphant, Mrs. Mare. O. W. Caleb Field. Inte On 279 Dapen MO Ckerreratesiacretsrcless Wunvro. — Minister’s wife. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. 12°. pap., 20. .--- «eee eens wees eens ~N. L. Munro. — Wiizard’s son. Seaside lib.) f0. 83 pap., 2Z0C. Munro. Caer e ele ela a -- Munro. oe TZ. and [2° On the Only a girl’s love. O’Rell, (Munro’s \ heiehts. Auerbach, B: 3 Fleming, G. Max (pseud.) lib., Poe Munro. his island. pap., lOc. N. LE. Munro. Jolin Bull ket form.) IK Ouida (pseud.) See La Rame, L de. Paradise lost. Milton, die B2iece «cece cterere wlcrcie Alden. Parisian sultana, Belot, Ay 20e;-3-- =... Munro. Parton, Ja. Achievements of celebrated men. 8°? Monastery. Scott, Si: W. 20¢.......1 V. L. Munro. Money. Bulwer-Lytton, Si E:G:E.L. 10c. J: W. Lowell. Montolieu, J. Il. P. de B. (Baronne) a See Wyss, eet : Moonshine and marguerites. Argles, Mis. M. 10¢ J: W. Lovell Moonstone. See Collins, W: W. Moore, T: Complete poetical works. 12°. 60 Alden Morley, J: (ed. Eng men of letters. “10. 12° Gale 0 Gos Nits LUS ts GOUs oe ee cre wees oie Alden Mortimer, Grace. American princess. Seaside lib $9 "32 pap., 20¢c : . Munro. — Charity Bland; or the village foundling. Seaside lib. {o te, | (Wh, Ale, cooadgconggd00! Wana Mother aundson. Barrett. Me [0c 3... -.....1 Wunro Moths. liaRame. li. de 20c...--....N) 2. Mum Miiller, G: Life of trust: narr. of the Lord's dealings with George Miiller; introd. by EF. Wayland. New ed. 1209. GOG: sean eee oo as Se LONE: Miiller, Ji-s. G: Life of George Miller. por. 25c. Alden. Mulock, Wiss. See Craik, Mis. D. M My guardian. Cambridge, A. 10c...-.-.---- VWiunre My land of Beulah. Adams, dfs. I 10« Vina Mysteries of Paris. Sue, E. 2 pts. ea., 20c N. LL. Munro. Mysteries of the court of the Stuarts. Ainsworth, W: MOG ivevere oi crevereuee sie) ele c)ejerels: » el elecieietpin Munro. Mystery of a young girl. See Kyrie (The -N.,S. D. Chronicles of St. Mary’s Seaside lib. AO 2805 PAP BOGS wre cle wale elsie cele sore Wiunro Nancy. Broughton, R. 20¢....---+------+++4 VWunro WNellie’s memories. Carey, R. N. 20c. .-..-- Vunro. New Abelard. See Buchanan, lh. New lease of life. About, BE. 20c.....-Jd: W. Lovell. New Maedalen. Collins, W: W. 10c...N. L. Munro. Newell, Rob. H. [‘‘ Orpheus C. Kerr.” ] Studies in SEANIZAS. life MUS*. DOC meee aeons secs =. Alden. Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens, C: 20c...N. Z. Munro. Night and morning sulwer-Lytton, Sir Ei: G: Bi. 1. OD () Ge aie eye) o atebe ole alnlctelate (eller a) efelniteim i>) ein minke Ogilvie No thoroughfare. Dickens, C:, and Collins, W: W. NO Cectaiateeleveveheleslet cle elerelee «ciao eexetere J: W- Lovell. Woctes ambrosiane. Wilson, J: 50c..-. Alden. See Wilson, J: I. Stephens. 2c. .-. N. 20e. North, Christopher ( pseud. ) Norton, Fk. H. Life of Alex. Wot like other girls. Wot to be won. ell, Mos. Vu. Not wisely but too well. Broughton, | I (iden. Carey, K. 20c. - N. ve BOC L,. Munro. .- Junro. Mrs. M. E. Dickens, C: Miller, Mis. Octoroon. Maxwell, 10c. Old curiosity shop. Old man’s darling. .-V. L. Munro. AL Mev, 20c% N. DT. Munro. Trollope, A. 10c. .-+.« N. L. Munro. Hay, M. ©. ZAG.» Old man’s love. Old Myddelton’s money. 20c. Old St. Paul’s. Ainsworth, W: H. 89. (Apr. 85.) ii ah + i ee ee | Phillips. W atts. Munvro. | JN. . Munro. | S1.40 .- ataietdersler« eee sia wcinisPALQLe?L- Decas 1 ; : Passion flower. Countess (pseud.) 20c...N. L. Munro. Paul and Virginia. Saint-Pierre, J. H: B. de. See Johnson, 8: Rasselas. Pauline, by the author of Leonnette’s secret. (Mun- ro’s lib., Pocket form. 208 paps, 20: N. le Munro. Payn, Ja. At her merey. (Seasid tbe) 408 1.9: pap., 20c. -.-..... Se ey Munro. — Begour on horseback. Seaside lib.) 4°. 78. pap., [lO Oise cre oc in re etcuniots we oie oie wieiaro sree rere LILTUNOs — By proxy Seaside lib is: pap:, 20c: Miniro. — Clyffards of Clyffe Seaside lib. fOr {Si papss DG ele gies Sibi Ciine orereic someones Munro. — Kit: a memory Munro’s lil Pocket form.) 12°. PAP-, ZOC. ce e> ee eee cere ceecee vee- N. ZL. Munro. Peabody, S. H. Cecil’s natural history. 3 pts. ill. ] 20 Sac . Alden. Cont.: B — Insects. sasts. — Birds Peard, Fes. Ma. Cartouche. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 779. Pap., 2OC. .- 2s 22 eee een cette es cone Munro. Pearls of the faith. Arnold, BE. 25c.; 3oc....- Alden. Peep-o’-day. Banim, J: 10c.-.----+--2+++ -e4 Wunro. Phelps, J. W. Island of Madagascar: sketch, de- scriptive and historical. 12°. 20¢.; pap., 10c. Alden. (Munro’s lib., it. L. Munro. Munro’s lib., N. L. Munro. N. L. Munto. LY. Wentworth mystery. Pocket form.) 12°. Philp, Kenward. John Pocket form.) 1 Phyllis. irs. Pilgrim’s progress. Se line. Bulwer-Lytton, Sur Ei: pap., 20c..-- leg 2°, pap, DV Ce avers M. e Bunyan, J: PR > browns S. Areles, G9 1B, Us Pilgrims of the Rl i. Munro. Library of wonders and curiosities, in na- Platt, I. ture and art, science and literature. New rev. CU lls Soke ale cin win! sinveteire« ~ine| <1 aie s ALN; Plot and counterplot, by the author of Quadroona. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20: N. LL. Munro. Poe, dear Allan. Complete poetical works. 12°. y. fide 1. {/den. FOC. Poetry of flowers. | Pope, Alex. Complete poetical works. 12°. 50¢ Alden. | — Stephen, L. Pope. 70c.; 85c.-<-. -<+-++---4 {/den. Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs. 16°. 60c...--- Alden. = Thaddeus of Warsaw. 169 O60¢.-+-<---:--- Alden. “rane (CvMunros lb.. kockel form.) 12° pap-, NOY, cacao Seeeas NV. lL. Munro. ve N. Lo. Munro. | N. L. Munzo. | Procter, Adelaide Anne. 90 Portia. Sce Argles, Ms. M. Pride and prejudice. Austen, Jo BWesboocacs WMO. Princess of Thule. sce Black, W: Private secretary. Chesney, (Ao iO, co ucacun Vunro. Complete poetical works. eeeee Alden.W 258 Omissions Jrom Pryde, D: Highways of literature; or, whs and how to read. Put yourselfin his place. Reade, C: 20c... N. DL. Munro. Queen amongst women. Clay, B. M. 20c.-. N.L. Munro. Queenie’s terrible secret. Miller, ds. A. Queen’s book. Victoria, Queen. 10e...4V. Quisisana. Spielhagen, Raspé, Rudolph Er. Baron Miinchausen; ill. by A. Crowquill. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 779. pap., 10c. Munro — Same. See also Swift, J. Gulliver’s travels. ‘ = Aah Rasselas. Johnson, S: 45¢.-..---.-cesceceses {] Rawlinson, G: Historical evidences of the truth of 2 : the Seriptures. New Gln OO Canin ci ccters ot 11 — Seyen great monarchies of the ancient Eastern ? “ 9 ( 0" ea., SUC WOLLGs orve, Me 1 Reade, C: Christie Johnstone. (Seaside lib. 10; ao. PAp., LOC. vse eer eeeees rercer eens eee Mui — (Cloister and the hearth. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’78. pap., (on ieiicreiaiele:« allajeiteeifale! 0/0 si(eiale/e is ec ie.e/ sisi 0 ue eee M — Foul play. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form 12 pal DF (\) Girateiniel siete ch elalininio eval cisielsisiclaisl'e) viclele VES. TUL — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’77. pap., 20c...-. Mu — It is never too late to mend. Munro’s lib., P: t torm. L2o5 pap... i Wn O — Put yourself in his Pocket form. 224 paps, 2 VWunre — Terrible temptation. form ] 2° pap. Z0¢ VoL. Mu — Very hard cash. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. 12°. PAP., 2ZOC. cece ce serves sceees cues N. i. Mun Ready-money Mortiboy. Besant, W., and Rice, J. oD) ORFs enn rc rele) o oleleiain sindelele eile) (ele eueleral ceisic Wino. Red as a rose is she. Broughton, R. 20c. ...- Munzo. Redcliff, Reb. Fergus. Brierfield tragedy. Lovell’s lib. ZO PAP ZU Ciiere oie n) ne) clanelo nce EME TL / Reed, And. Alice Bridge of Norwich. Seaside lib. {or Si Pape 2 Crecee acre sess eye ce Munvro. Regimental legends. Winter, J.S. 20c...N.L. Munro. Repented at leisure. Clay, B. M. 20c...J: W. Lovell. Reynolds, G: W. M. Karaman; sequel to Leila. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. 12° - pap.,, 20e. iM — Leila. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c iV Ly. [ — Woman in red. Munro’s lib., Pocket form. 20. Dae Covers tee olteiel ws seiel o) sicle/ciein sieve N. LL. Munz:o. Rice, Ja. See Besant, W., and Rice, J. Richardson, C: F. Choice of books. Acme ed. QC. 6 os ce efaila stale] Glelecs ecb oi tiels sss Ce oe Sc Alden. Riddell, M Ss Oe Ee (ass I, G. Traff Tiles Al ove SUs- picion. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., 20c...Munzo. — Susan Drummond. Munro’s lib., Pocket form. Ba ADD is COC vias cicc ces screen cere V. DL. Munro. Ride to Khiva. Buna hy WO Ck os sec eyes Munzo. Rita ( pseud.) See Booth, Mrs. O: Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Saunders, J: 20c. N. i. Munro. Robinson, A. Ma. F. Arden. (Seaside lib.) 4°. °83. DAU 20) Ce ratn ere aiereisielelee ae Stelere pistes Be Vunvro. Robinson, F: W: Barmaid of Battleton. (Seaside lib.) 4 p>. 79, pap., NO Ceerariecare se ce uIn0: — Coward conscience. (Seaside lib.) 4°, 79. pap., 2) Cry kevsicrctn vicysisisieeiey siccs cea. eee ee MUNI. Robinson, Jane. Which wins. love or money? (Sea- SIC ERD) AOn Boe ADT DOG c eee ein: RobinsonsCrusces Detoe, Ds 450.5. Alden. Roche, Regina Mar. Children of the Abbey. 169. GO Cre ecto crete ss cia eens oe cu. Alden. — Same. (Lovell’s lib.) 129, pap., d0c...J: W. Lovell. — Same. (Seaside lib. ) 105 28 pap. Oo. 25¢. Alden. He, DOC Rete ce Munro. » 20c... Munro. | Cheap Libraries. Rogers,S: Complete poetical works. 12° 40c...Alden. Roget, P: M: and J: L: Cyclopedia of expression: words classified according to their meaning. New Cds OR Wyte mse) Che ote eters micro emreyererate Alden. Rollin, C: Ancient history of the Egyptians, Cartha- vinians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Per- sians, Grecians and Macedonians. 4 vy. 12°. $2.70; hf. rus.. SEDO) Ae sic roa oie loleneipinia creme canes Sie wae ALLeIIs Rollo books. Abbott, J. J0Ov. ea., 50¢.; set, $4.50. Alden. Romance of a black veil. Clay, B. M. 10ce. N. L. Munro. Romance of abrave man. About, EH. 20c...Munro. Romance of a poor young man. Feuillet, O. 10c. N. LL. Munzso. Romantic adventures of a milkmaid. Hardy, T: 10c. N. L. Munro. Romola. Eliot, G:.(pseud.) 20c.......N. LZ. Munro. Rose and the lily. Miller, Js. A. MeV. 20ce. NV. L. Munro. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Complete poetical works. 129. B) (VS ei crc sale 0 1e)ta os eree aye ecrat nie ererenare nooo “ANA. Rowson, Jfrs. Susanna. Charlotte Temple. (Munro’s l Pocket form.) 12°. pap-, lOc. «WV. L. Munro. Ruskin, J: Crown of wild olive. 25c.........Alden. LID., —— Wthies Of the Gust. 2oOCrsccicies walewine cee cae Alden. —— SUSAINE ANG WES: BoC@hccecicn cee sce see oe Alden. Same; [also] Crown of wild olive; [also] Ethics of the dust; Sveum Ll liters: 50Gs. 4-5 4. Aleem Russell, W. Clark. Auld lang syne. Seaside lib.) $9, 1O2. pap., LO Greene cis hia Sac eecere cuore Munro. Jack’s courtship. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. DAD oy) ZU CR ereinicinie whol etorete eels aieteia states N.L. Munro. - John Holdsworth. Lovell’s lib.) 12° pap, 20c:. J: W. Lovell. Sad fortunes of Rev. Amos Barton. See Eliot, G: Saint-Pierre, J. H: B. de. Paul and Virginia. See Johnson, S: tasselas. Sarah Barnum’s answer. Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) AO aes MO Ci crete ose ere rere N. L.. Munro. Saunders, J: -Abel Drake’s wife. (Seaside lib. 4.0 OU Wap ep LO Cece acters screener eer Munro. — Bound to the wheel. seaside Jib.) 4° 780: pap.; 2A) Oise Se ieaseke calc aia salevoret oo alae ain eee Munvo. — Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Munro’s lib., Poeket form. ] 29, Nig AUG cacces none N. L. Munro. Savage, J: 798 and 48: modern revolutionary history and literature of Ireland. 16°. 50c......Alden. Saving a daughter’s dowry. See About, E. New lease of life Schiller, J: F: v. Complete poetical works. 12°. 40c. Alden. — History of the thirty years’ war; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison: 40035. <6 .ens eee ee ee Alden. Schmitz, Leonhard. Manual of ancient history.. 12°. GOCE hf must 750) seen ee aoe ee ALLeme Schmucker, S: History of all religions. ill. 12°. DOCH ance. eyo) ofa ole ecaneic) accustererare eens arereccieiare Alden. Scott, Sir Wa. Waverley novels. (Caxton ed.) 12 v. il. QOS VS SOLS 7 icine ces here ee ee Alden. — Complete poetical works. 12°, 50c.....<..- Alden. — Abbot; sequel to The monastery. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 20c...-N. L. Munvo. — Count Robert of Paris. (Seaside Jib.) 4°. 78. DAs ZU Crs wictere ao cleleie elelaicie ciao ele ante eye Munro. ——tvanhoes IG0) AOC) 0. ee ee eA ere — same. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., PUR Sodda: Hooddd onanoooodoUna4KG! V. L. Munro. — Same; [also] Last days of Pompeii, by Bulwer. 16°. 6005: shh MUS:. TDC. seen cece ooo ean ene — Monastery. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12° pap, AY OS se wialeieciateie cloister sje ee ce Ot) V. L. Munro. == Hutton; Ri He Scott. 10c.. Sheu seeseeweeldentScottish chiefs. Porter, J. -60c. Seamy side. Besant, W., and Rice, J. Secondthoughts, Sol (pseud.) Second thoughts. Broughton, R. 20c...J: W. Lovell. Secret of a birth. Stanley, C. M. 20c...N. L. Munro. Seekers after God. See Farrar, F: W: Seneca, Lucius Anneus. Morals ofa happy life, bene- fits, anger, clemency; tr. by Sir R. L’Estrange. HIGRE AO Cac cee eee Alden. Sesame and lilies. Ruskin, J: Alden. Set in diamonds. Countess (pseud.) See Kennedy, J: P. NV. Es. Munro. N. L.. Munvo. 20e...Munro. Shadow of asin. Stanley, C. M. 20c... Shadow of the sword. Buchanan, R. Shakespeare, W: Complete poetical works. 12°. 7T5e. aetels! 9s «6 ue #6 4/8 AOC GOOD oO elejele!s| (saves Alde Nd. —= lslainen 2 conc ancacaec eiave/arsl clover sie ain eer Alden. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Complete poetical works. 120°. PiU) OR racy eveierel sine oie) elaraleioiel Were onter ciara ae ..- Alden. — Symonds, J. A. Shelley. 70c.; 85c......... Alden. Sheppard, Eliz. S. ['‘ E. Berger.”] Charles Auches- ter. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) [20° pap:, AWE, oooooc eioveie cle @ siclesleisie: csi --e- WV. L. Munro. — Counterparts. 2 pts. (Seaside lib:) 4°. 781. ea., Dap. 20 Crerercie cs aieforel sfere) cin eieneiev ora eieierere ais Munro. slinleyn Brontey@s 20Ch rece ee ce NV. LL. Munro. Silas Marner. Eliot, G: (pseud.) 10c...N.L. Munro. Sinless crime. Fleming, G. 20c. ..... N. L. Munro. | Smart, Hawley. Great Tontine. (Seaside lib.) 4°. | ROL Dp tet Ce irate wfetoyetleyatareinretete) Glorsye) olctere Munro. Smiles, S: Brief biographies. (Acme ed.) 25c. Same. (Aldus ed Nios MUSes LOGE ea creters es {/den — Character: book of noble characteristics. 16°. 40¢ Alde 2. — Duty; with illustrations of courage, patience, and | endumaince, 169 A0Gr Se ne caine oe siete © ALAM: — Self-help; with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance. 16°. 40c............/ {7den — Thrift: book of domestic counsel. 16°. 40c...Alden. Smith, Ha. [‘‘Hesba Stretton.”] Bede’s charity. (People’s lib:) 4° “82. pap., Ic. ..--Ogrlete. Smith; W: Bible dictionary, b50c¢s...05...- Alden. | Snow, Elsie. Curse of Dangerfield. (Munro’s lib., Rocket form); 129 paps, 20¢.-. «J V. I. Munro. Spaiurish gypsy. Eliot, G: (pseud.) 20c...N. L. Munro. Spencer, Herb. Education. 40c..........-.. Alden. Spenser, Edm. Complete poetical works. 12°. 70c. Alden. | — Church, R. W. Spenser. 70c.; 85c.....-.. Alden. | Spielhagen, F: Quisisana; or, rest at last. (Sea- side lib.) 4°. 7’82. pap., 20c...--....-J Munro. | Spy (The). See Cooper, J. F. Staél-Holstein, Mme. A. L. G. N. (Baronne) de. Conmnes 68s SoeCk cence Sie aie Slee cia Alden. — Same. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’80. pap., 20c...Munro. Stanley, Ctte. M. Accord and discord. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. — Death-bed marriage. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 120% paps, Z0C sm LG eters N. LL. Munvo. — Golden mask. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. PAP.» 2OC. 2 cece cere reece ceae veces V. L. Munro. — Hearts and gold. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. | pap., AWOs pongaada0 aan Ber aeve siteicters (Viel Lre UM QLIUT Os — Huntsford fortune. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°, pap., 20c. ..----+---0s-2--e- WV. L. Munro. | — Jessie Deane. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. | PAP-, 20C.« a. as veer ene vere vevnned V. LL. Mun‘o. | — Secret of a birth. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., 200... eee rece sees cues N. DL. Munvo. — Shadow of asin. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. PAP~, 2OC. 2+ ee ee cence ere cee cers N. L. Munro. — Waif of the sea. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. Pap.) 2OC. - eee cvecee sees ceeeseeed V. L. Munro. Onussions from Oheap Libraries. etsless clas Alden. 20c... Munro. | pap., 20c...V. L. Munzo. | 259 Stirling, M. C. A true man. (Seaside lib.) 4°. Mss jek, NOC; ocosor eis sielotelsiele oisicusey ec ne Munro. | Storrs, R: S. See Hewitt, A. S., and Storrs, R: S. Strange story. See Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E: G: B. L. Stretton, Hesba (pseud.) See Smith, H. Studies in stanzas. Newell, R. H. 35c....... Alden. Sue, Eug. Mysteries of Paris. 2 pts. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. ea., pap., 20c...NV. DL. Munro. — Wandering Jew. 2 pts. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form. ) Py Caley Pape OCs meee cies cee UF. Mtunno Sundered hearts. Howard, A. M. 20c...N. L. Munro. sunken rock. Cupples, G: J0c....... wrele crete SUNLTUNOR Sunmaid. (Grant. MoM. 20c: -...... ~N. LD. Munro. Susan Drummond. Riddell, Js. J. H. 20c. N. L. Munro. BUSSexaidvle = Blacks Os 0Cseemmc cree ace --- Munro. Sweet asarose. Durward, M. 20c....N. LZ. Munro. Sweet Nelly my heart’s delight. Besant, W., and Rice; 2 MOGs eck ccm eeu qe see ee Munro. Swift, Jona. Works, in prose and verse. 12°. 60c. Alden. — Gulliver’s travels; [also] Baron Miinchausen, by R. Be Waspe. 29 Ab Ge sete nee ceca Alden. Swiss family Robinson. Wyss, J: R., and Montolieu, ve : Rede Bt (Banonne dex 45Cssa.5-5 Alden. Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem delivered; tr. into Eng. verse, by J. H. Whiffen. (Acme ed.) Same. (Aldus ed.) 60e¢.; hf. rus., Tautphceus, Jemima Montgomery (Baronin) v. odds. (Seaside lib.) 4°. ’79. pap., — Cyrilla. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 779. pap., Taylor, G: H. Paralysis, and other affections of the their cure by transmitted energy and 3d. 60ec...Alden. At 20e... Munro: 20c... Munro. nerves: special movements. New ed. 12°. 40c...Alden. Taylor, H. Complete poetical works. 12°. 40c...Alden. Taylor, T: Fool’s revenge. (Seaside lib.) 4° 783. Papers, LOC a ercie ecintere) sale cllelsi= sip ca) eis) cle) cielel Munro. Teaching of the twelve apostles; ed. and tr. with introd. and notes, by J. Fitzgerald. 25c...Alden. Evergreen, HE. (pseud.) 20c. N. LL. Munro. works. | Ten years of his life. Tennyson, Alfr. ( Lord). WP, (HYG oaoonadoagnAcoOC see | Terrible temptation. Reade, C: Thackeray, W: Makepeace. | fomeds) lve als 120: Alden. 20¢e....-N. &. Munro. Complete works. ea., bac. ; (Cax- Do. (oO. Alden. Set, — Adventures of Philip. 2 pts. (Seaside lib.) 4°. 7805 (Gas, PAP:, 20C. cece se es: cn wind Wunro. (== Vanity faim, 6o (0c. bt. nus. S>Ce..-.- Alden. |— Trollope, A. Thackeray. 70c.; 85c¢. ..-.--2 Alden. See Porter, J. Log cabin to White House: Thaddeus of Warsaw. Thayer, W: Makepeace. young people’s life of James A. Garfield. por. | epavel HL, =D, SBE Oiesoonn ance cog acca {2den. | — Pioneer boy : young people’s life of Abraham Lincoln. por anda: | 20: 7e85 G5c: secon Alden. — Surveyor boy and president: young people’s life of George Washington. ill, 12° 783. 50c.; 65e. Alden. Thomas, Annie [now Mrs. Pender Cudlip]. Called to account. (Munro’s lib., Pocket form.) 12°. pap., ZW) Oe cinieye) octet sie) ele Bre ere ie) ole creates N. L. Munro. Thompson, Dan. Pierce. Green Mountain boys. 16°. BR Gas poe hem ek eons Or sore Sena eele ler c er Alden. — See also Cooper, J. F. The spy. 45¢. | Thomson, Ja. Complete poetical works. 12°. ee Alen. | Thorns and orange blossoms. Clay, B. M. 10e. | N. L. Munro. | - . |Three guardsmen. Dumas, A. 20c...--NV. L. Munro. | Thrift: book of domestic counsel. Smiles, S: 40c. .- Alden.Cheap Libravies. author of Love.or; Wesley, C:. Complete poetical works.- 12°. 45e. louds to sunshine, by the a lands Seaside lib | oS 3 pap ZV ; Alden. Vunro. | What love willdo. Gray, Ay. OG. ees, « Nee Fe VatioO. Huches, Lf: 30c...-.-- Alden. | What will-he do with it? Bulwer-lytton, Sa-ErG: ii. 3 ; , ‘ Inn 9nts ad. Oc : Tom Burke of Ourse Lever, -C:2 pt me 20) i. 2 pts: GH, 20C a or sneer wile ees .-- Munro. When the ship comes home. See Besant, W:;. and rth, W: H. 20c¢-:.-dlunro. Rice, J. = Sy G. (nseud.) See Riddell, Mrs. J. 1: Which wins, love or money? Robinson, J. 20c. ; of Lord Macaulay. Munro. (iden. | White, Babington. Circe; or, three Aets in tlie life of an artist. (Seaside Lil, yeeros 782% pap:,; 20e. ae 90 ae 15 Mi TI. Nano Munro. ee re Gees tae ae Ss Ae Re ' | White, H: Kirke. Complete poetical works, 12°. 50c. lope, Ant. Old man’s love. Munro’s libs, Pocket ; Mleanol Nirs Lek peasiae e Wars es. Mmieanor. Vi . Jac As 2 Alden. 10 IFS ay ti) terete acta: e »ae ee Wh invO. 7 “4 OY c ‘ . € ks org ptp-; 4 Ce = = : White fields of France. Bonar, H. 0G... 26. Muito. man. Stirling, ML. C. MU) Ceveetcie tes Giants le cwiat es Wunro. White wings. Black, W: 90. ssade ned Lee Matnko: I WW Mason: Gertrude the goyerness. (Munro's. Who was the heir? Fleming, G. 20c...¥. 2. Munro. SO ee ai nah se oy apt os | WWake-or slayer -Bellediins: Tus - 20 ct. N. I. Munro. \asiiesor, theloomeirl of Lowell. (Mfunro's lib., | Willis, Nathl. Parker. “Complete poetical-wouly 125. DNC... ve Wunro. | 1) Ga Hetero” ho cietcretd ee al dict se sia mia@sl als eh Satane) Nie --Alden. Radant: W.. and. Riee: Jz Willy Reilly. Carleton, Wee DUG eric so eee Munro. Pisin cee aise sw Teese se o ets sie s/s « a] Ung eel ; r 0 a Aes -'| Wooed and married. Carew. WieeNs Q0C. - ee MUUTO, Voyage of the ‘* Sunbeam.’ srassey, Mrs 65e 1. TR] . ; i A Be ‘ = Te ate: fegpee all Wordsworth, W: Complete poetical works. 12°. 60c. PU eien|| Alden. |— Myers, J. Wordsworth. 70¢.3 85¢.....--.. Alden. as EMD ee ec in ae See also Collins, W: W. Moonstone. SET eli otra tholy ‘ a Wome Walford. M | B @ousii Sonsid “4 World between them. Countess (pseud.) 20c. Walford, Mrs. lu. B: Cousins. seaside lib.) 409. N. LL. Munro We 5. ak “ 25 rs IDs Z re ‘ sr EPvgiw nse “are. Kee e eeconets Wiunro. Wyss, J: Rod. an Montolieu. J. l. P.deB. ( Baronne) Wall, A.II.. Dregs.and froth. (Munro’s lib., Pocket | de. Swiss family Robinson. 45c..-...-.Alden Walton, ‘Ss ye I : Christi old organ. People’s | Yesterday, to-day, and forever: poem. Bieckersteth, om) ASE Spiel Oc: -te..c tee. . . Ogilvie. | OF die ) ieee os Se o Pees eee ee ees ona « DEILINO. Wandering Jew. Sue, i. 2pts. en., 20ce. molande. Blickew: 2OC eee. =e oe WN. L. Munro Yonge, Ctte. M. ‘““Aunt Charlotte.” ] Child’s history ) 9 of France. HE Ong oes Sei fate teeters ¢ « SEA LELEMUe 129. funro..| — Child’s history of Germany. 12°. .45¢.......Alden. Watson, IR Visi 0 Paine ve tson s Olosy Ol he Bible. in® letters Wp aaies 5 7 Fe oT Cone a ‘I » inv] u I"; Paine; introd. by J: | Zanoni, Bulwer-Lytton, Sz: EB: G: BE. lL. 20c...Munro. 8 Seaside i 10, 282 ame