Bese Biaes thy Secesteg coo ae pe Hee ai Leeieesreeneaeaed yee ee neeeay Soe ee Spee SS Sarasota STS arsine Hise arvana pean Comme ormopeeete es E. Senasent ita vex sonra Piscectis paren eenseivanas estas: pie tatee ante snestietect so Riarnmaties Paget eerste ee Seana Sitar yet paper eer = SSaseaet eeboereweuetratsrses Septet Bearetsese whites Semindriensticatenrase se scbobrecbaeeetectees Sore ompeaa ren Seas Sees Srieteee tes Rarer terer ter: etekpre aronaws REM ter ots jae eaeul yo fere eens alicia ae ee nr coe fess seis pen nyt emer Peveas as Ee pers See Pitesti eer Fp em are Kaori te een err enee iy redone eo apes Sraetier Leones geben Fe eae rope oh oo epe irre ee as eT ie ye mat tea ers i avery} 4 pa 4 aat+» SEVEN NATIONAL DIRECTORIES. DEED FORMS. EXEMPTION LAWS. HOTELS, ABSTRACTERS LAWYERS, BANKERS, OF TITLES. NOTARIES PUBLIC, AND AND REAL ESTATE FOR U S MORTGAGE LOAN AGTS. & DEALERS. a 1 | AGTS. & INVESTORS. The SEVEN Directories are represented by Seven distinct and separate Departments under He adings as follows: Hotel (Travyeler’s Guide) Department, General Law and Collection Department, Real Estate Agents’ and Dealers’ Department, Notaries Public (Protest and Conveyancing) Departmn’t Bank and Bankers’ Department, Mortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department, Abstracters of Titles’ Department. The first SIX Departments are represented alphabetically,—First, as to States; second, in the order above shown, and—third, in alphabetical order by Towns and Cities. The last Department (Abstracters of Titles’ Department), will be found following all the States and Territories (next after Wyoming Territory), which are represented by the said foregomg Six Departments. ‘The Abstract Department is arranged alphabetically by Counties, and any particular State found by reference to Index. EXxpLANATION. Each Department taken for all the States and Territories represents a Directory for class named. As for instance—the ‘“‘Horrn (TRAVELERS’ GUIDE) DEPARTMENT” for all the States and Territories, comprises a National Hotel Directory. The “Rean Estate AGrEnTs’ AND DEALERS’ DEPARTMENT,”’ for all the States and Territories, a National Real Estate Agents’ and Dealers’ Directory, and the same would be the result, if united, for all Seven Departments. Following all the Business Directory Departments are found arranged alphabetically by States, Bhanxk Forms or WARRANTY DeEDs which are in general use in all—except Wyoming Territory. Also, in same connection, forms of Acknowledgments; who are authorized to take Acknowledgments of Deeds; where Witnesses are required; where Seals or Scrolls are required.and where Husband and Wife should be examined separately and apart from each other. The Recorpine i eEs are also shown ina majority of the States and Territories. These forms and instructions are given for the use and information of parties conveying or receiving Deeds of Real Estate in other States, and who desire the same to be executed in accordance with the Laws and Customs in State where the land lies. The InrEREst Laws, the Legal and Allowable Rates, the Penalties for Usury, also, when Notes, Accounts, Judgments, and Real Estate actions become barred or outlawed for all the States and Territories, are shown by table on last page of Deed Forms, ete. The Exemption Laws for all the States and Territories, are given by Chapter, arranged alphabetically by States. FARMERS ADDRESSES. The names and proper addresses of over 90,000 farmers are given as an appendix. , 0 5 ay nee) Gs aye NV Ist. The most Complete National Hotel Directory. 2d. The only National Real Estate Agents’ and Dealers’ Directory representing this business fairly in all the States and Territories. 7th. The most complete National Abstracters of Titles’ Directory, representing par- ties particularily identified in this business in their respective Counties in all except less than 100 Counties in the entire U. S. '3d. A very complete National Bank and Bankers? Directory. 8th. Blank forms of Deeds for largest number of States and Territories with suitable 4th. The most Complete National Lawyers’ Directory, representing this profession and practical instructions to Conveyancers. eee equally for all the States and Territories. 9th. The latest compilation of the Exemption Laws for all the States and Territories. 5th. The first and only National Notaries Public Directory. 10th. The Cheapest Business Work Published of its class. Price, only $3.50. 6th. The first and only National Mortgage Loan Agents? and Investors’ Directory. llth. Every Business Office can afford a copy at the price. jo JOE. C. JOHNSON, Author and Designer. ALL RIGHTS ASSIGNED TO J. T. JAMES, B mt he ehuson “Meilidiy Confldiy, (INCORPORATED.) JOE. C. JOHNSON, SECY. AND GEN’L MNGR. COMPILERS AND PUBLISHERS, 402 Court Avenue, DES MOINES, TOW AS Entered according to Act of Congreas, and Copyrighted Ootober 12th, 1885, by Joe, 0. Johnson, January 6th, 1886,and October, 1886, by The Johnson Directory Co., Des Moines, Iowa,ews] NTRODUCTOR Y bat ——_———$<< > ———————_ i i iness Di i 1 j f not only serving the SEVEN classes i i i ational Business Directory has been compiled with a view OF n g as Se ee Cea teeta Co ae J The more the work is used and the greater the number throughout the United States and Territories. sented, but the general business public thr ¢ moet a Bie : Be ceca that do use the same, in that proportion Representative subscribers are profited, and, the parties In general who are represented become Ae a , tercourse as between the different parts of the country. We have made every reason ive ed in better known and their localities more abcess lble to Duss ae i ae wan ais at i * persis repre ery count) in some cases almost unreasonable in our persistence to represent ever ; : eto and except less than fifty counties. However much we regret omitting to represent this small number of counties we are consoled by the fact that no individual, or company, have ever come so near representing the entire United States and Territories as does this volume by its Seven Depart- ual, or ¢ ments—being Seven National Classified Directories in one volume. HOTEL TRAVELERS GUIDE DEPART- NT. This department of Tue Every Orrice Fa- voritE, taken for all the States and Territories, will be found the most complete NATIONAL Hotel Directory that has ever been published, and we believe will merit the Hotel Proprietors ap- yoval and support. That every Hotel. should ave a Hotel Directory there is no question, for it is a facility the traveling public will always ap- preciate. The more and better conveniences and accommodations a Hotel has, the more its cus- tomers feel at home. The expense of this COM- BINED work is about as cheap as a single Direct- ory of your class is furnished, and accommodates your patrons much more. the entire Union, and our efforts have been reward necessary to all safe investments in Real Estate, be they mortgage loans or purchases. The Ab- stracters of Titles Department of this Directory will be found on pages by itself, following the States and Territories represented by the other SIX Departments, or Directories, and any particular State may be found by reference to Index. It will show representations for every County in the Union except less than 100 counties. The parties whose names are entered therein are those partic- ularly identified in making Abstracts in their re- spective counties. Owners of Abstracts have had the preference and where no particular identifica- cation was noted on reports furnished by contrib- utor we have entered the namesof Attorneys. The arrangement of this Department is alphabet- ically by COUNTIES, all other Departments be- ing alphabetical as to towns or cities. EXEMPTION LAWS. The Exemption Laws will be found following the Directory Departments and have been com- piled with special care and accuracy by E. E. Clark, Esq.. a painstaking and able Attorney of this city. The plain, brief, definite wording and the large type used will commend this chapter to the use of a large number of business men and concerns. will be too well understood by you to need further mentioning. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CON- VEYANCING DEPARTMENT. You, as aclass, sofar as we are able to learn, have never had a National Directory of any kind, and this department of Tare Every OFFICE FAvorItrE gives this line of business the most wide spread representation of any department of the work, on account of the fact that, Notaries Public are found in thousands of small villages, where nothing is done, and no representation whatever in the other lines of business represented by this work. The purpose has been to give the name of at least one well qualified Notary Public in the largest number of Counties, and in the sreatest number of Towns and Cities in the United States and Territories of any Directory published for any class; examination of this de- partment for ALL the States will, we think, dem- onstrate that we have succeeded in that purpose. That such a Directory for you as Notaries Public and, for the general business public of the United States, will prove of much value, cannot be doubted. MORTGAGE LOAN ACENTS AND INVES- TORS DEPARTMENT. Weare the first to publish a National Direct- ory of this line of business, which business is erowing and extending each year; and, facilities to expedite, and safely transact the same are needed. In some parts of the country, particu- larly the EasTEeRN States, money is plentiful and demands very low rates if loaned at home. In other parts of the country, particularly the West and SourH, money is not so plentiful and conse- quently higher rates are obtainable. A Directory therefore of parties and eoncerns identified in making and negotiating First Mortgage Loans throughout the entire United States, will, it is believed, be of important value to them. It places the capitalists, money lenders, and their home agents in the east in direct communication with the borrowers and THEIR home negotia- tors in the WresreRN dnd SouTHpern States. The convenience and merits of this department we regard too apparent to need much mention- ing, but simply predict that every money lender or negotiator who utilizes the same in an honest and honorable businésseway «will be benefited a hundred fold the exfex'se of this Directory in a very short time. The extraordinary large advance subseripton by this class of business men from EVERY State and Territory demonstrates more certainly to our mind the want of such a Direct- ory than any theorizing we may do. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT. This Department of Tne Every Orrice Fa- VORITE, taken for all the States and Territories comprises the most extended and complete Direc- tory of your class you have ever had. More than 9550 counties of the total number—2600 in the entire United States and ‘Verritories are repre- sented. We acknowledge omissions and errors, but as a whole we claim to represent your business WELL by this department, and if utilized. every one of you can greatly increase the possibilities of your business; to say the least it will prove of much convenience, which means time, and time in most cases is money. The Real Estate business can be made an active and an EVERY DAY bus- iness in any State, County or Town. If you are active and enterprising, prosperity will reign in your neighborhood, and this means money to you | also. Asan advertising facility you could not procure a better one; in addition to your own Di- rectory you have in this volume SIX OTHER NATIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Also the names and proper addresses of over 50,000 farmers. If you wish to send circulars, land lists, special offers to exchange property, etc., you have the right parties and classes to address in ANY DESIRED LOCALITY. BANK AND BANKERS DEPARTMENT. To you, THe Every Orrice Favortre offers nothing new, so far as a National Bank Directory is concerned, for other Bank Directories have as- sumed such a degree of perfection that we do not claim superiority in THIS department. The special inducement of the work to you must necessarilly be the OTHER SIX DEPARTMENTS: War- yanty Deed Forms, Exemption Laws, Interest and Limitation of Action Laws for all the States and Territories; as a COMBINED ready reference facility in your office you will find it of great con- venience. WARRANTY DEED FORMS. In this feature it is believed we are the first to show a blank form of Deed for every State and Territory in the United States, except one Ter- ritory only; who are authorized to take ac- knowledgements; where seals, scrolls and wit- nesses are required, and: where not; where hus- band and wife acknowledge separately; and the recording’ fees necessary to remit with deed for record in any particular State or Territory. INTEREST LAWS. On the last page of Deep Forms will be found in tabular form the legal and allowable rates of interest for every State and Territory. Also the penalties for usury in each State where usury laws now exist. Insame table is shown when accounts outlaw; when notes outlaw; when judgements outlaw; and when real estate actions outlaw. This table will be found of great advantage as a quick and ready reference to business men in general. FARMERS ADDRESSES. As anappendix to Tue Every Orrice Favor- rrg the names and proper addresses of over 50,000 farmers are shown. These Lists are recent and obtained direct from each county, anda List will be found for EveRY State and Territory. The same accuracy is not claimed for them as the bus- iness portions of the work, for the parties furnish- ing were much more liable to make error in their names, than that of business men whose names are constantly before the public. But as a whole- they will be found as accurate as such CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DE- ‘ _ PARTMENT. Law Directories have been published and many are in general use, but we claim that this de- ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPART- MENT. The Abstract of Titles business is growing and extending as a profession of itself, and facilities partment of Tar Evpry Orrice Favorite taken for the ENTIRE United States, represents your profession at least three times as complete as any Law Directory heretofore published; comparison is invited to prove this assertion. This Directory gives you the names and proper addresses of from ONE to TWENTY lawyers and law firms in from ONE to TEN towns or cities in over 2550 counties of the total number—2600, in the ENTIRE United States. It gives you correspondents in your pro- fession in hundreds of counties and thousands of towns that no Directory has heretofore provided you. The use of sucha Directory in your practice are also gaining ground to do this work more speedily and accurately. A few years ago separate Abstract books from the County records were com- paratively unknown, while to-day they are found in almost half the entire number counties in the United States and Territories. It is well that such is the case, for in every county where they are found, there is increased confidence in the Titles of that county. They not only preserve a copy of the records, should an accident happen the records which destroyed them, but also, a check or re- minder to owners of errors in their Titles which are constantly being corrected. Perfect titles are Lists are obtained. This feature is for the ad- vantage of circular or catalogue advertisers and intended for that purpose only, not being ar- ranged in alphabetical order except by States. THE PRICE. The price of Taz Every Orrick FAvoRITE combined Srven class business Directory, em- bracing all claimed for it by the foregoing In- troductory is only $3.50, same binding as this volume. Solicitors are not authorized to charge more, nor to collect pay before delivering the book. 4 Vv. eges > RuEPRy aT AO = Te » . . - .. . ae ees os ot a Even h 2 : sos ie RITE is reminded that this work is made to use; when you wish to form a new business acquaint- identified in whatever business aa ae out ae he means before you, and the only introduction necessary is to say you found their address as Horounrouke welliandinlencon bat AYR RE Le Department heading over their name. If errors are found, be charitable; we have tried hard to y and please, but infallibility is not claimed. With kindest regards to Contributors and Patrons, and best wishes for all—now for a rest from the cares and perplexities of preparing copy— Adieu for this volume. figuring out difficult names, reading and comparing proofs, etc., incident and necessary to this work. Se SESEAll Directory Departments of the work except the Assrracrers or. Tittus DeparrmeEnr are arranged alphabeti 2 > x . / . . 5 z cally by States—commencing at Alabama and concluding at Wyoming Territory, in the following order: First Department, each State, HOTEL (TRAVELER’S GUIDE) DEPARTMENT. NOTARIES PUBLIC (PROTEST & CONVEYANCING) DEPARTMENT. Florida, Kentucky, Maine, and Rhode Island. Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia. Abstracters Department Concluded. R. R. Advertisements. Des Moines Advertisement. The Every Office Favorite Advertisement. Blank Forms Warranty Deeds, etc. Second : “ REAL ESTATE AGENTS’ AND DEALERS’ DEPARTMENT. Third 2 ‘ “ BANK AND BANKERS’ DEPARTMENT. Fourth ‘ : “ GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. Fifth . f Sixth = MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS’ AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT. co PSO Gee ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT. PAGED AS FOLLOWS: 293. Iowa and Minnesota. 304. 294. Indiana and California. 305. 295. Michigan and Colorado. North Carolina. 296. Illinois, Mississippi. and New Hampshire. 306. Texas. 297. New Jersey and Missouri. 307. 292. New Mexico, Montana, Kansas, and Nevada. 308. 299. Nebraska and Georgia. 309. 300. Washington Ter., Ohio, and Wisconsin. 310. 301. Wyoming Territory, West Va,and Arkansas, oli. 302. Louisiana, Oregon, Utah, and Pennsylvania. 312. 303. Alabama, Arizona, Conn., Delaware, & Dakota, EXEMPTION LAWS follow Deed Forms and arranged Alphabetically by States. FARMERS ADDRESSES, Last Chapter, arranged Alphabetically by States. EXPLANATION. The original intentions were to Folio each page and Index every State, Department, and Chapter of the work; but the Abstracters of Titles Department was printed before it was concluded to arrange all Departments Alphabetically by States. We regard the arrangement alphabetically much more convenient than a voluminous Index, and with the exception of the Department named, this plan has been adopted. In future Kditions, the Abstracters Department will appear alphabetically by States also, and the whole Book paged with an Advertisers Index only. PUBLISHERS.WHO THEY ARE. EXPLANATION. The following chapter shows the names and proper addresses, (arranged alphabetically by States and Counties,) of near 2,500 CONTRIBU- Tors to this volume; there are about 2,600 counties in the entire United States and Terri- tories, and it will be noticed that the name of one person, usually the County Clerk or Clerk of Courts, appears for each of about 2,500 counties, lacking less than 100 counties of being all. We have been obliged to leave out the names of a small number of these parties who have so kindly assisted us, on account of their overlooking to fill in their name in proper blank on veport furnished. There were also a few whose signature was hardly legible enough to warrant even a guess; this last trouble may be excused by the fact, that many excellent} business men write their name the least legible of any other writing. We are sorry to omit for any cause a single name from these lists, being partly as a mark of our appreciation, at the same time furnishing them a Directory of their class, viz: Clerk of Courts and County Clerks of the United Siates—with a few exceptions.|Apache, Saint John’s. We fully realize that the reports furnished by,Cochise, Tombstone. them, giving us the advantage of their acquaint- Gila, Globe. ‘ ance in their respective counties, has made it) Graham, Solomonsville, Maricopa, Phoenix. ‘ . possible in this number of THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, to represent the largest number of counties and towns, of any business Directory published. An explanation is due to contributors on our part, in view of the fact that the names of some individuals or firms engaged in one or more of the lines of business represented, may not in every instance appear, and on this ac- count feel slighted by the Contributor from their county. To such parties we would state that such omission was not the fault of the Contributor. The plan of compiling, publish- ing and selling this work has made it necessary on our part as compilers to have some omis- sions, or in other words lessen the number represented in various towns and cities in all Mohave, Mineral Park. Pima, Tucson. Pinal, Florence. Yavapai, Prescott. Yuma, Yuma. Arkansas, De Witt. Ashley, Hamburgh. Baxter, Mountain Home. C. A. Eastman, Benton, Bentonville. Boone, Harrison, Bradley, Warren. ALABAMA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Name. i d Marengo, Linden. Cc. B. Clevelan i Marion, Hamilton. L. J. Clark. Jno. D. Taylor. Jno. F. Powers. Jno. W. Leslie. Arrington & Graham Jno. R. Fowler. J. B. Shivers. W. G. Robertson. ©. Worthy. O. H. Perryman, P. A. Greene. E. J. Robinson, Marshall, Guntersyille. Mobile, Mobile. onroe, Monroeville. Montgomery, Montg’ery. Morgan, Somerville. Perry, Marion. Pickens, Carrollton. Pike, Troy. Randolph, Wedowee. Russell, Seale. Saint Clair, Ashville. Shelby, Columbiana. A. M. Elliott. Sumter, Livingston. J. M. Henegan. Talladega, Talladeza. J. A. Huey. Tallapoosa, Dadeville. Wm. C. Rouk. Walker, Jasper. J. B. Hughes. Washington, St. Stephens.J. O. Sims. Wilcox, Camden. W. J. Bonner, ARIZONA. County. Co. Seat. Name. Alfred Ruiz. B. A. Fickas. Chas. T. Martin. Geo. H. Stevens. Geo. Hoadley. Philip K. Hickey. H. Bucksbaum, Chas. H, Meyer. W. BR. Stone. Eugene Pannenberg Geo. M. Knight, ARKANSAS, Co. Seat. Names, B. N. Wood. E. L. Thompson. County. C. C. Huffman. W. W. Watkins. H. B. Van Valken- ‘of any heretofore published, granting an excep- Departments. The primary and business pur- poses of this work were to represent, first, as|Garrol] Berryville many counties as possible, and second, as many|CGhicot, Lake Villase. towns aud cities as possible in each county, atl Olark ’ Arkadelphia. the same time having in view not to make the Clay Corning. work so large as to be cumbersome; a suflicient Cleburne Heber representation in each line of business was all!Qjeyeland. Toledo that was contemplated, but we enlarged upon Golanabin® Magnolia this plan, until, in a majority of the counties Conway Morrillton. the representation is almost or quite complete. oY : The principal exceptions being the larger cities and old settled counties, particularly noticeable in the /aw, hotel and notaries public Depart- ments. ADVANOE Subscribers were promised also, and entitled to the only and sole repre. sentation in lines of business subscribed to, in towns having 10,000 or less population accord- ing to census of 1880; this rule has been adhered to with very few exceptions, In short from an abundance of names favorably reported, we have entered all we could consistently, and as| a whole each department (or Directory, ) will be| foand the most complete, for the class named Calhoun, Hampton. Crawford, Van Buren. Crittenden, Marion. Cross, Vanndale. Dallas, Princeton. Desha, Arkansas City. Faulkner, Conway. Franklin, Ozark. Fulton, Salem. Garland, Hot Springs. Grant, Sheridan. Greene, Paragould. Hempstead, Washington. Hot Spring, Malvern. Howard, Centre Point. Independence, Batesville. Izard, Melbourne. Jackson, Jacksonport. Jefferson, Pine Bluff. Johnson, Clarksville. La Fayette, Lewisville. Lawrence, Powhatan. Lee, Marianna, Lincoln, Star City. Little River, Richmond, Logan, Paris. Lonoke, Lonoke. Madison, Auntsville. Marion, Yellville. Miller, Texarkana, Mississippi, Osceola. Monroe, Clarendon. Montgomery, Mount Ida. tion only to the bank department, and ¢hat equally complete so far as representing the largest number of towns in the United States and Territories is concerned. ALABAMA, Co. Seat, Autauga, Prattville, Baldwin, Stockton. Barbour, Clayton. Bibb, Centreville, Blount, Blountsville, Bullock, Union Springs. Butler, Greenville, Calhoun, Jacksonville, Chambers, La Fayette, Cherokee, Centre, County. Name. Mac. A. Smith. G. W. Robinson. Henry Bradley, Jas. W. Owen, J. W. Ellis. Fleming Law. Powell & Uabaniss, H. L. Stevenson. Henry M. Meadows. P. H. Chisolm. Chilton, Clanton, W. H. Foshee, Nevada, Prescott. Choctaw, Butler, J.O. Chapman, Ouachita, Oamden. Clarke, Grove Hill, W. W. Daflin. Perry, Perryville, Olay, Ashland, Thos. J. Birckhead, Cleburne, Edwardsville, Phillips, Helena. J. P. Yarbrough, Pike, Murfreesborough, Coffee, Elba, J. M. Beard. Poinsett, Harrisb h Colbert, Tuscumbia, Win. H. Sawtelle, Polk, AIES vier Conecuh, Evergreen, Wm. Beard. Pope, Dover. Coosa, Rockford. Wash. L, Smith. Prairie, Des Arc. Craighead, Jonesbcrough. Covington, Andalusia, Crenshaw, Rutledge, Cullman, Cullman, Dale, Ozark, Dallas, Selma, De Kalb, Fort Payne, Elmore, Wetumpka. Escambia, Brewton. Etowah, Gadsden. Jno, EK, Stanley, Gamble, Richardson & Brecken. Geo, H. Parker. Jos, A. Adams, J. B. Evans, G. W. Webb. Wm. 5S. Penick, dno. Rupert. J. R. Hughes, Pulaski, Little Rock. Randolph, Pocahontas. St. Francis, Forest Oity. Saline, Benton. Scott, Waldron, Searcy, Marshall. Sebastian, Fort Smith. Sevier, Lockesburgh., Sharp, Evening Shade, Stone, Mountain View. Union, Eldorado. Van Buren, Clinton. Fayette, Fayette, C. H, Franklin, Bel Green, Geneva, Geneva. Green, Eutavy, Hale, Greensborough, Henry, Abbeville, Jackson, Scottsborough, Jefferson, Birmingham, Jno. W. Miles, Amos L, Moody, S. F. Latimer, E. 'T. O’Connor, V. Gayle Snedecor, T. A, Trawick. Lawson ©. Coulson, R. 0. Bradley. White, Searcy. Woodruff, Augusta. Yell, Dardanelle. Lamar, Vernon, Alex. Cobb, Teneo ee LOFEnCS. Simpson & Jones, County, Co. Seat, wrence, Moulton, J. M. Doss. Alameda, Oakland. Lee, Opelika, Orrin Brown. Alpine, aie Limestone, Athens, J. A. Moore. Amador, Jackson Lowndes, Hayneville, Ben-de-Lemos, Butte Oroville : Macon, Tuskegee, A, 8. Harper. Calaveras, San Andreas. Madison, Huntsville, J. B, Oabaniss, ‘Colusa, Colusa, burgh. H. A. Pickett, H. H. Moose, Geo. T. Wilkinson. W. W. Heard. Rob’t Liddell. T. J. Andrews. N. D. Holmes. Dave Dixon. M. L. Asbury. Jacob Sharp. Bryan & Cooper. David Ferguson. J. M. Levesque. M. M. Duffie. J. PR. Jones. J. V. Mitchell. Jno. Gilmore. 5. Pe Kay. Edward Heid. T. B. Morton. R. H. Gardner. Jno. C, Dugger. J. E. Chamberlain. Jno. M. Somervell. M. A. Wycough. K. Estes. P. P. Nowdy. W. T. Roberts. Q. B. Poyner. B. P. Wheat. Jas. P. Coffin. W. T. Derrick. B. D. Cross. R. S. Clayton. H. G. Sadler. Wim. Goodsum. J. H. Bohanan. Neal Dodd. Wm. R. Kelley. Hugh R. McVeigh. W.S. Dunlap. G. D. Goodner. Geo. W. Terry. Tom. D, Thompson. J. A. McBath. Whitley Jarman. G. R. Manney. W. G. Godby. W. J. Davis Jas. Potts, W.L. Willeford. A. D. Beach. M. F. Collier. Jas. M. Stewart. Jno, EF. Shoemaker. J. O. Gilbreath. M. Dampf. J.C. Staleup. J. H. Denson. R. E. Huddleston. Win. H. H.Oyler. McCain & Pinson. W. H. Norman. Washington, Fayetteville. J. B. Shannon. L. G. Canfield. A. W. Jones, W. HH. Gee. CALIFORNEI:. Names, Chas. T. Boardman. W. W. Harvey. L. J. Fontenrose. W. M. Bowers. A. L. Wyllie. John H, Liening. “SGONTRIBUTORS CALIFORNIA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Contra Casta, Martinez. El Dorado, Placerville. Fresno, Fresno City. Humboldt, Eureka. Inyo, Independence. Kern, Bakersfield. Lake, Lakeport. Lassen, Susanville, Los Angeles, Los Angeles. “ce ‘ Marin, San Rafael. Mariposa, Mariposa. Mendocino, Ukiah. Merced, Merced. Modoc, Alturas. Mono, Bridgeport. Monterey, Salinas. Napa, Napa City. Nevada, Navada City, Placer, Auburn. Plumas, Quincy. Sacramento, Sacramento. San Benito, Hollister. San Bernardino, San Ber- nardino. San Diego, San Diego. San Francisco, San Fran- cisco. San Joaquin, Stockton. San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo. Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara. Santa Clara, San Jose. Santa Cruz, Santa Oruz. Sierra, Downieville. Siskiyou, Yreka, Sonoma, Santa Rosa. Stanislaus, Modesto. Sutter, Yuba City. Tehama, Red Bluff. Trinity, Weaverville. Tulare, Visalia. Tuclumne, Sonora. Ventura, San Buenaven- tura. Yolo, Woodland. Arapahoe, Denver. Boulder, Boulder. Chaffee, Buena Vista. Dolores, Rico. Douglas, (astle Rock, Eagle, Red Cliff. Elbert, Kiowa. Fremont, Canon City. Gilpin, Central City. Grand, Grand Lake. Gunnison, Gunnison. Hinsdale, Lake City. Huerfano, Walsenburgh. c Lake, Leadville. La Plata, Durango. Larimer, Fort Collins. Las Animas, Trinidad. Mesa, Grand Junction. Montrose, Montrose. Ouray, Ouray. Park, Fair Play. Pitkin, Aspen. Pueblo, Pueblo. Rio Grande, Del Norte. Routt, Hahn’s Peak. Saguache, Saguache, San Juan, Silverton. Fairfield, Bridgeport. Hartford, Hartford. Litchfield, Litchfield. Middlesex, Middletown. ‘ “ce New Haven, New Haven. ee orwich, Tolland, Tolland. Windham, Danielsonville, County. Co. Seat. Aurora, Plankinton, Barnes, Valley City. Beadle, Huron. Benson, Minnewaukon. Billings, Medora, Bon Homme, Tyndall. Boreman, It. Yates. Bottineau, Bottineau. Brookings, Brookings, L. C. Wittenmyer. Del Norte, Crescent City. L. F. Coburn. E. W. Witmer. A. C. Williams, Denver Sevier. N. R. Packard. Orlando McOrarey. W. T. Masten. C. H. Dunsmoor. John Shelton. Thos. S. Bonneau. Jarvis Streeter. W. W. Cunningham. Jno. H. Simonson. John Madden. Ben H. Miller. M. L. Dexter. Garret McEnnerry. F. G. Beatty. Sam/’] J. Pullen. James A. Orr. Wm. B. Hamilton. Thos. F. McMahon. W. F. Holcomb. Jno. M. Dodge. Jos T. Kingwell. C. W. Yolland. Chas. W. Dana. F. L. Kellogg. J. H. Russell. Horace Wanzer. H. Strange. J. F. Mulgrew C. A. Stonesifer. W. H. Lee. Chas. T. Alvord. Champ W. Smith, Julius Levy. Joseph Fitzgerald. C, B. McKeeby. ~ Jas. C. Harlan, Yuba, Marysville. J. K. Hare. COLORADO. County. Co. Seat. Names. Archuleta, Pagosa Spr’gs. Tully Kemp. Eugene Wilder. P. S. Conover. Clear Creek, Georgetown. H. H. Atkins. Conejos, Conejos. R. K. Brown. Costilla, San Luis. Chas. John, Custer, Rosita. J. W. Milsom, Delta, Delta. E. L. Kellogg. A. H. Mundee, Harry Jones. C. M. White. E. P. Clark. E] Paso, Colorado Spr’gs. J. W. D. Stovell. O, A. Morrison. Garfield, Glenwood Spr’s. J. 8. Swan. C. W. Deems. J. R. Godrush, E. F. Colborn, Thos. Shanly. Chas. O. Ufug. B.S. Greathouse, Geo. P. Brown. Jno. Knowles. E. W. Garbutt. Robt. F. Yeaman, V. B. Crawford. Wm. A. Eckerly. Jas. W. Abbott. Jno. L. Gray. Jas. W. Tanfield. T. A. Sloane. Che. D. Van Liew. R. G. Wallace. Chas. B. Phillips. Jas. H. Robin. San Miguel, Telluride. O. S. Watson. Summit, Breckenridge. Jas. H. Robin. Weld, Greeley. J. B. Phillips, CONNECTICUT. County. Co. Seat. Name. Joseph L. Barbour. Waterbury. E.G. Kilduff, cs Meriden. 8S. A. Hull. New London, N. London. John A. Tibbits, E. O. Dimock. Arthur G, Bill. DAKOTA. Jno. W. Bennett, Name, W. L. Hunter. J. M. Davidson. Elias T. Dunlevy. Sam’l B. Sumner. Jno. T. Hubbard, M. Eugene Culver. D. W. Northrop. 8. Harrison Wagner Lucius Brown. Names, W. M. Smith. Alex. McConnell. Geo. W. Woodbury. J. S. Richmond. A. T. Packard. C. H. Stillwell. 8. A. Faulkner. DAK OTA—Continued. County. Co, Seat. Brown, Columbia. Brule, Chamberlain. Buford, Ft. Buford. Name, Jno. R. James. D. W. Spalding. Thos. R. Forbes, Burdick, Camp Crook. Geo. W. Cone, Burleigh, Bismarck. E. N. Corey. Butte, Minnesela. F. T. West. Frank E. Devan, . E. R. Wiswell. J. A. Breckenridge. Campbell, LaGrace. Cass, Fargo. Charles Mix, Wheeler. Clark, Clark. A. F. Mattice. Clay, Vermillion. Leonard W. Bell. Codington, Watertown. J. Nicholson. Custer, Custer. F. J. V. Rutkowski. Davison, Mitchell. W. C. Metcalf. Duel, Gary. W. G. Eakins. Dickey, Ellendale. T. M. Evans. Douglas, Grand View. K. G. Foster. Eddy, New Rockford. F. A. Sebring. Edmunds, Ipswich. OC. H. Barron. Emmons, Williamsport. E. T. Herrick, Fall River, Hot Springs. C. E. Sawyer. Faulk, La Foon. F. S. Humes. Foster, Carrington. T. J. C. Wych. Grand Forks, Grand Forks. G. F. Schutt. Grant, Millbank. A. J. Bleser. Glass & McLaren. Griggs, Cooperstown. Edward C, Webber. Hamlin, Castlewood. Hand, Miller. E. H. Aplin. Hanson, Alexandria. F. B. Smith. Hughes, Pierre. Dell Coy. Hutchinson, Olivet. J. O. Boyles. Hyde, Highmore. E. S. Martin. Jerauld, Wessington Spr. C. W. McDonald. Kidder, Steele. Cc. G. D. Watkins Kingsbury, De Smet. Jas. A. Smith. Lake, Madison. H. O. Curtis. LaMoure, Grand Rapids. H. B. Wilkinson. Lawrence, Deadwood. A. R. Z. Dawson. Lincoln, Canton, J. W. Carter. McCook, Salem. J. E. Rutan. McLean, Washburn. W. M. Garrette. McPherson, Leola. F. E. Beach. Miner, Howard. C. A. Currey. Minnehaha, Sioux Falls. Cyrus Wates. Moody, Flandrau. Morton, Mandan. Nelson, La Kota. Oliver, Sanger. Pembina, Pembina. Potter, Gettysburgh. Ransom, Lisbon. Richland, Wahpeton. Roberts, Wilmot. ee Rolette, St. Johns. Sargent, Milnor. Spink, Ashton. Stanton, Tappan. Stark, Dickinson. Steele, Hope. Sully, Clifton. Todd, Fort Randall. Traill, Caledonia. Turver. Parker. Union, Elk Point. Walch, Grafton. Walworth, Bangor, Ward, Burlington. Wells, Sykeston. Yankton, Yankton. County. Co. Seat. Kent, Dover. Sussex, Georgetown. Columbia, Lake City. Dade, Miami. Duval, Jacksonville. Sanborn, Woonsocket. Stutsman, Jamestown. Calhoun, West Wynnton. Clay, Green Cove Springs. Jas. Wilson. M. B. Doyle. W.S. Tallont. Rob’. Hutchinson. co. M. Tuohy. Pennington, Rapid City. J.S. Gantz. I. J. Eales. W. K. Smith. J. H, Miller. W. D. Lane. J. A. Munroe. Ad. Tanguay. J. B. Estel. Walsh & Newman. H, Beecher. Byron Andrus. C. D. Briggs. Chas. Neills. H. W. Edgerton. D. L. Pratt, Jr. W. D. Baker. Val, P. Thielman. J. W. Ellis. M. K. Marrinan, W. R. Green. F. W. Spear. C. V. Brown. E. G. Edgerton. DELAWARE. Names. James Pennewill. New Castle, Wilmington. O. Rk. Cochran. R. E. Wheatly. DISTRICT COLUMBIA. Washington. Walter G. Cooksey FLORIDA. County. Co, Seat. Name, Alachua, Gainesville, O D. Morris. Baker, Sanderson. F. B. Smith. Bradford, Lake Butler. . H. F. York. Brevard, Titusville. A. A. Stewart. oO. P. & J, 8. Fannin Geo. N. Bardin. Jno. Vinzant, jr. T. W. Falkner. Wim. C. West. F. E. dela Rua, Escambia, Pensacola. Franklin, Apalachicola. Gadsden, Quincy. Hamilton, Jasper. Hernando, Brooksville, Hillsborough, Tampa, Holmes, Cerro Gordo. Jackson, Marianna. Jefferson, Monticello. La Fayette, New Troy. R. L. Harrison. Angus Nicholson, Jno, M. Caldwell. Jno. C. Law. D. B. Given. T, H. Pitman. Frank Phillips. T. M. Puleston. Neal N. McAlpin. Leon, Tallahassee, Levy, Bronson. Liberty, Bristol. Madison, Madison. Manatee, Pine Level. Marion, Ocala, Monroe, Key West. Orange, Orlando, Polk, Bartow. Santa Rosa, Milton. Sumter, Sumteryville. Suwannee, Live Oak, Taylor, Perry. Volusia, Enterprise. P, O, Murphy. Wakulla, Crawfordville. Walton, De Funiak Spr’gs.D. G. McLeod. Washington, Chipley, E. M. West. J. M. Barco. A. J. Wooldridge. J. Porter Perry. Robt. S. Gruffett, W. W. Clyatt, jr. E, O. Locke. T. J. Shine. W. H. Johnsen, John Chaise, C. M, Knott. J. H. T. Bynum, Jno. C. Calhoun, H. J, Faulkner, Nat, R. Walker, D, D. Melvin.THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, CONTRIBUTORS— Continued. GEORGIA. County. Co. Seat. Appling, Baxley. Baker, Newton. Baldwin, Milledgeville. Banks, Homer. Bartow, Cartersville, Berrien, Nashville, Bibb, Macon. Brooks, Quitman. Bryan, Bryan. Burke, Waynesborough, Butts, Jackson. Calhoun, Morgan. Camden, Saint Marys. Campbell, Fairburn. Carroll, Carrollton, Catoosa, Ringgold, Charlton, Trader’s Hill. Chatham, Savannah. Chattahoochee, Cusseta. Chattooga, Summerville. Cherokee. Canton: Clarke, Athens. Clay, Fort Gaines. Clayton, Jonesborough, Clinch, Homerville. Cobb, Marietta. Colquit, Moultrie. Columbia, Appling. Coweta, Newnan. Crawford, Knoxville. Dade, Trenton. Dawson, Dawsonville. Decatur, Bainbridge. De Kalb, Decatur. Dodge, Eastman. Douglas, Douglasville. Early, Blakely. Echols, Statenville. Effingham, Springfield. Elbert, Elberton. Emanuel, Swainsborough. Fannin, Morganton. Fayette, Fayetteville. Floyd, Rome. Forsyth, Cumming. Franblin, Carnesville, Fulton, Atlanta, Gilmer, Ellijay. Glascock, Gibson. Glynn, Brunswick. Gordon, Calhoun. Greene, Greensborough. Gwinnett, Lawrenceville. Habersham, Clarkesville. Hall, Gainesville. Hancock, Sparta. Haralson, Buchanan, Harris, Hamilton. Hart, Hartwell. Heard, Franklin. Henry, McDonough. Houston, Perry. Irwin, Irwinville. Jackson, Jefferson. Jasper, Monticello. Jefferson, Louisville. Johnson, Wrightsville, Laurens, Dublin. Lee, Leesburgh. Liberty, Hinesville. Lincoln, Lincolnton. Lowndes, Valdosta. Lumpkin, Dahlonega. “ec “ce McDuffie, Thomson. McIntosh, Darien. Macon, Oglethorpe. Madison, Danielsville. Marion, Buena Vista. Meriwether, Greenviile. Miller, Colquitt. Milton, Alpharetta. Mitchell, Camilla. Monroe, Forsyth. Montgomery, Mt. Vernon, Morgan, Madison. Murray, Spring Place. Muscogee, Columbus. Newton, Covington. Oconee, Watkinsville. Oglethorpe, Lexington. Paulding. Dallas. Pickens, Jasper. Pierce, Blackshear. Pike, Barnesville. Polk, Cedartown. Pulaski, Hawkinsville. Putnam, Eatonton. Quitman, Georgetown. Rabun, Clayton. Richmond, Augusta. Rockdale, Conyers. Screven, Sylvania. Spalding, Griffin. Stewart, Lumpkin. Sumter, Americus. Talbot, Talbotton. Taliaferro, Crawfordville, Tattnall, Reidsville, Taylor, Butler. Telfair, McRae. Terrell, Dawson. Towns, Hiawassee. Troup, LaGrange. Twiggs, Jeffersonville, Union, Blairsville. Upson, Thomaston. Walker, LaFayette. Ware, Way Cross. Warren, Warrenton. Names. W. W. Graham. B. F. Hudspeth. Walter Baine. Lucas N, Turk. F.P. Durham. A, W. Patterson. E]liott Estes. J. H. Coram. dno. J. Rudulph, dv E. Cantrell. Wm. H. Griffies. W.H. H. Clark. Benj. J. Edwards. H. H. King. das, Castleberry. Geo, D. Holliss. Jas L. Jordon. 8. M. Harrington. A. P. Ingraham. W. T. Kimsey. W. A. Ecord. W. R. Montgomery. E. A. Milligan. Frank D. Gray. J. H, Shelnutt. J. W. Jack, G. W. Thurman. D. J. Burt. O. W. Wimberly. J. R. Russell. J. C. Rawlins. S. N. Dorsett. J. W. Alexander. J. P. Prescot. Amos F.. Rahn. H. A. Robuck. B. F. Coleman, L. G. Cutcher. A. E. Stokes. A. E. Ross. Sam’! B. Patterson. A. J. Neal. King & Spalding. T. W. Craigo. B. F. Walker. Eugene A. Nelson. J. O. Harkins. Jesse P. Wilson. D. T. Oain. J. H. Addison. A. R. Smith, Jd. T. Riley. C. W. Ault. A. T. Truett. M. M. Richardson. W. T. Wood. H. C. Turner. E. S. Wellous. R. W. Clements, W. T. Bennett W. FEF. Jordon. Pp. J. Stratford. J. M. Mason. Julius A, Burney. Jas. Morgan. J. 8. Ashmore. T. B. Hollinshead. R. T. Midelton. J. P. Parker. R. H. Webb. R. H. Pearce. W. R. Barclay. R. L. Greer. John J. Strickland, Butt & Lumpkin. A. G. Floyd. J. W. Loving. P D. McCluskey. Jno. W. Pearce. CO. H, Sharp. H. W. Carswell. J. H. Holland. C. N. King. Geo. Y. Pond. J. B. Davis. Rob’t F. Miller. Geo. H. Lester. W. I. Fain. E. Hood. A. M. Moore. J. L. Driver. W. C. Knight. Jno. W. Lancaster. C. F. Simonton. G. A. Whitaker. L. ©. Hollifield. J. B. Keener. J. R. M. Cora. R. L. Singleton. Wm. M. Thomas. B. F. Hawes. J. B. Pisbery. Nat Rains. M. F. Andrews. H. dis Lee, J. B. Fowler. Jno. F. McRae. F, W,. Clark. W. L. Sutton. J. E. Toole. ¥F. M, Johnston. S. ¥. Jarrett. J. B. F. Matthews. R. N. Dickerson. W. A. Wright, H. H. Fitzpatrick. Washington, Sandersville. A. M. Mayo. ‘Monroe, Waterloo. GHOR GIA—Continued. Co. Seat. Wayne, Jesup. Webster, Preston, White, Cleveland, Whitfield, Dalton, Wilcox, Abbeville. Wilkes, Washington, Wilkinson, Irwinton, County. Name. O. F. Littlefield. Geo. E. Thornton, Isaac Oakes, A. C. Hamilton, Jno. M, Warren. J. A. Dyson. Jno. T. Hughs. IDAHO TERRITORY. County. Co. Seat. Ada, Boise City. Alturas, Hailey. Bear Lake, Paris, Boise, Idaho City. Cassia, Albion. Frank Riblett. Idaho, Mount Idaho. T. J, Rhoads. Kootenai, Coeur-d’Alene. Geo. B. Wonnacott. Lemhi, Salmon City. Thos, Elder. Nez Perces, Lewiston. A. Quackenbush, Owyhee, Silver City. R, Euler. Shoshone, Murray. J. C. Harkness, Washington, Weiser. Thos, M. Jeffreys. Name, B, S. Prickett. EB, E. Richards, J. U. Stucki. W. S. Galbraith. ILLINOIS. County. Co. Seat. Name. Adams, Quincy. A. F. Pool & Co, Bond, Greenville, D. B, Evans. A. C, Fassett, Frank Orr. M. H. Peterson, J. C. Harvison, G, F. Bucher, J. F. Robinson. Milton S. Parks, Chas. Whitmer, W. B. Hodge, jr. W. R. Whitman. H. A. Nichoff, W. T. Avery. Thos. F. Tighe. Jno. Collins. W. L. Bruster. Jno. B. Whalen. F. L. Harpster. Jno, N. Outcelt, Thos. M. Hull. C. E. Carpenter. Wr. B. Tribe. Jas, L. Gilmore, J. D. Perrine. Merton Dunlap. T, P. Harrison. M. D. Cummings. Silas Cook. Ed, Miner. Jno, Jones, J. H. Pettit. J. J. Buck, Boone, Belvidere. Brown, Mount Sterling. Bureau, Princeton. Calhoun, Hardin. Carroll, Mount Carroll. |Case, Virginia, |Champaign, Urbana, |Christian, Taylorville. |Clark, Marshall. \Clay, Louisville. Clinton, Carlyle. |Coles, Charleston. |Cook, Chicago, |Crawford, Robinson. |Cumberland, Toledo, De Kalb, Sycamore. |De Witt, Clinton. | Douglas, Tuscola. |Du Page, Wheaton. |Edgar, Paris. Edwards, Albion. |Effiugham, Effingham. |\Fayette, Vandalia. |Ford, Paxton. |Franklin, Benton. \Fulton, Lewistown. |Gallatin, Shawneetown. Greene, Carrolltown. ae ac Grundy, Morris. Hamilton, McLeansboro’, /Hancock, Carthage. Jas, Mayer. |Hardin, Elizabethtown, J. H. B. Renfro. Henderson, Oquawka, G. F, W. Frackleich Henry, Cambridge. Ss. W. Neely. |Iroquois, Watseka. C. W. Raymond. |Jackson, Murphysboro’, Jno, R. Kane, |Jasper, Newton. J. B. Harris, Jefferson, Mount Vernon, Jno. S. Bogan. | Jersey, Jerseyville. E. 0. Dicmunsch, \Jo. Daviess, Galena, Geo. S. Avery. |Johnson, Vienna. Jas, S. Francis, Kane, Geneva. Thos. Meredith. Kankakee, Kankakee, J. Frank Leonard, Kendall, Yorkville. A. N. Beebe. |Knox, Galesburgh. E. W. Welch. A oe M, D. Cook. Dewitt L. Jones, Jno. F. Madden. J. W. Calvert. CO, H. Gardner. Oscar F’. Avery. O. W. Dines. Emil Arnold. O. W. Atkinson. E. McClellan. O. Westermeier, jr. W. H. Hall. CO. F. Lender. Barnes & Barnes. H. A. Wright. Sam/’l Atwell. Theo. C. Bennett. Alex. McArthur, Paul O. Brey. Henry H. Keitliley. B. R. Upham. Walt. Eder. Ralph J. Lensor. Jas, E. Walsh. Chas. H. Roe. A. L. Rogers. CO. I. Swan. H. Clanahan. W. F. Freeze. Jeff, Durley. Lake, Waukegan, La Salle, Ottawa. Lawrence, Lawrenceville, Lee, Dixon, Livingston, Pontiac. McDonough, Macomb. McHenry, Woodstock, McLean, Bloomington. Macon, Decatur. Macoupin, Carlinville. Madison, Edwardsville, Marion, Salem. Marshall, Lacon. Mason, Havana. Massac, Metropolis City. Menard, Petersburgh. Mercer, Aledo, Montgomery, Hillsboro’. Morgan, Jacksonville, Moultrie, Sullivan. Ogle, Oregon. Peoria, Peoria, Perry, Pinckneyville, Piatt, Monticello. Pike, Pittsfield Pope, Golconda. Pulaski, Mound City. Putnam, Hennepin. Randolph, Chester. Louis Doudenbostel Richland, Olney. Thos, Tippit. Rock Island, Rock Island.H. Kohler. St. Clair, Belleville. D. J. Cantry. Saline, Harrisburgh. W. E. Burnett. Sangamon, Springfield. E. R. Roberts. Schuyler, Rushville. Mark Bogue. Scott, Winchester. F. M. McGlasson. Sheiby, Shelbyville. T, J. Graybill. Starke, Toulon. Jno. M. Brown. Stephenson, Freeport. H. Poffenberger. Tazewell, Pekin. Jobn Fitzgerald. Union, Jonesborough. E. M. Barnwell. Vermilion, Danville. A. 8. W. Hawes. ILLINOIS—Continued, County. Co. Seat. Name, Wabash, Mount Carmel. I. F. Price, Warren, Monmouth. W.H, Sexton. Washington, Nashville. H.C. Boucher. Wayne, Fairfield. E White, Carmi. Whiteside, Morrison. Will, Joliet. Williamson, Marion. Winnebago, Rockford. Woodford, Metamora, . R. Kuykendall. L. E. Tuttle. Jos. Little, J. O. Irving. INDIANA. County. Co. Seat. Adams, Decatur. Jno. D. Hale. Allen, Fort Wayne. Willis D. Maier. Bartholomew, Columbus. W. J. Beck. Benton, Fowler. Wim. W. Cooper. Blackford, Hartford City. Isiah Cartright. Boone, Lebanon. Israel Curry. Brown, Nashville. Geo. W. Allison. Carroll, De! phi. Ed. G. Holt. Cass, Logansport. 7. Markley. Clark, Jeffersonville. W. B. Vearsey. Clay, Brazil. A. W. Turner. Clinton, Frankfort. Elwood Avery. Crawford, Leavenworth. W. S. Ross. Daviess, Washington. Jos. J. Lacy. Dearborn, Lawrence- burgh. Decatur, Greensburgh. DeKalb, Auburn. Delaware, Muncie. Dubois, Jasper. Elkhart, Goshen. Fayette, Connersville. Floyd, New Albany. Fountain, Covington. Franklin, Brookville. Fulton, Rochester. Gibson, Princeton. Grant, Marion. Greene, Bloomfield. Hamilton, Noblesville. Hancock, Greenfield. Harrison, Corydon. Hendricks, Danville. Henry, New Castle. A. Rogers. Howard, Kokomo. H. M. Sailors. Huntington, Huntington. Sam’1 Buchannan. Jackson, Brownstown. I. F. Applewhite. Jasper, Rensselaer. Jas. F, Irwin. Jay, Portland. W.S. Fleming. Jefferson, Madison. L. V. Cravens. Jennings, Vernon. Lloyd G. Hudson. Johnson, Franklin. Sam’! Harris. Knox, Vincennes. Geo. R. Alsop. Kosciusko, Warsaw. Jos. H. Taylor. Lagrange, Lagrange. Jacob Neuman. Lake, Crown Point. Geo. I. Maillet. La Porte, La Porte. Chas. S. McClung. Lawrence, Bedford, Madison, Anderson. Marion, Indianapolis. Marshall, Plymouth. Martin, Shoals. Miami, Peru. Monroe, Bloomington. Montgomery, Crawfords- ville. Morgan, Martinsville. Newton, Kentland. Noble, Albion. Name. Warren Tebbs. D. Y. Husselman. Thos. M. Little. H. R. W. Meyer. L. C. Allen. Wm. H. Bracken. M, O. Rees. J. R. McCoy. W. N. Evans. Chas. Downing. D. F. Lemmon. Allen Richwine. A. J. Joyce. O. P. Klinger. R. C. Stephens. Chas. A. Parsons. D. W. Browning. W. E. McCord. Jno. G, Davis. M. C. Skinner, Ohio, Rising Sun. Geo. B. Hall. Orange, Paoli. W. T. Hicks. Owen, Spencer. Jas. King. Frank White. Dan. C. Ashby. J. R. Drapier. O. N. Fretageor. Jno. H. Kelly. R. A. Leavell. Jas. B. Loyd. Camborn & New- Parke, Rockville. Pike, Petersburgh. Porter, Valparaiso. Posey, Mount Vernon. Pulaski, Winamac. Randolph, Winchester. Ripley, Versailles. Rush, Rushville. 2 Kink: St. Joseph, South Bend. Geo. H. Alward. Scott, Scottsburgh. Shelby, Shelbyville. Spencer, Rockport. Steuben, Angola. Sullivan, Sullivan. Thos, J. Mann. Switzerland, Vevay. Jas. P. Orem. Tippecanoe, LaFayette. D. E. Studebaker. Tipton, Tipton. L. T. Bunch. Union, Liberty. W. O. Keffer. O. F. Howard. H. L. Hutson. A. R. Hopkins. M. N. Smith. Cc. W. Weesner. Henry C. Johnson. R. D. O. Moore. Jas. M. Taylor. Vermillion, Newport. Vigo, Terre Haute. Wabash, Wabash. Warren, Williamsport. Warrick, Boonville. Washington, Salem. Wells, Bluffton. ¥F, M. McFadden. White, Monticello. J. Brearly. _ Whitley, Columbia City. Jas. M. Harrison. 1OW A. Names. D. A. Hites. County. Co. Seat. Adair, Greenfield. Adams, Corning. Allamakee, Waukon. L. M. Bearce. L. L. Taylor. R. J. Hunter. A. Thompson. A. J, Edwards. R. J. Hopkins. Appanoose, Centerville. Audubon, Audubon. Benton, Vinton. Black Hawk, Waterloo. Boone, Boonesborough. pk Bremer, Waverly. §. P. Phillips, Buchanan, Independence. O. M. Gillett. Buena Vista, Storm Lake. E, E. Mack. Jno. Q. A. Garrison. Geo. F. McCulloch. J. I. Schuhmacher. Otis D. Thompsom. Chas. A. Lillibridge.|Jones, Anamosa. David S. Whittaker. |Keokuk, Sigourney. Jno. S. Armstrong.|Lucas, Chariton. Thos. V. Thornton. Austin R. Reynolds. Charlie A. Manker. Chas. J. Fastlaben. Vanderburgh, Evansville. Sebastian Henrich. W. B. McLaughlin. IOW A—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Butler, Allison. Calhoun,Rockwell Oity. Carroll, Carroll. Cass, Atlantic. Cedar, Tipton. Cerro Gordo, Mason City. Cherokee, Cherokee, Chickasaw,New Hampton. Clarke, Osceola, Clay, Spencer. Clayton, Elkader. Ciinton, Clinton. Crawford, Denison. ac “ Names, W.S. Montgomery. fe C. Gregg. J.S, Harlan. J. D. Shearer. Duncan Rule, J. H. Butts. J. M. Lynch. R. S. Findlay, H. Chamberlain. Jas. E. Corlett. A. L. Schuyler, P. O. Wheeler. N. J. Wheeler. Lea Thornton. J. Boyer. Millard F. Stookey. H. C, Jackson. C. P. De Hass. W.F. Pillsbury. Jas. J. Dunn. S. H. Mattson. H. M. Neff. C. D. Merrriam, J.S. Raymond. W. W. Morgan. Jas. A. Henderson. N. Cunningham, F. N. Hopkins. G. H. Daniels. C. C. Doolittle. J. K. Milner. J- E. Massie. M. L. Andrews. Wm. Theophilus. G. A. Griswold. W. J. Scott. E. D. Baird. B. W. Seaward, jr. B. W. Brown. Cnas. P. Sippel. Steph. Bradley. J. H. C>omman, Hi. Gilt 3 Wise Da eereye Geo L. Stearns. G. W. Thomas. W.S. Long. Chan. H. Smith. W.&. Whedon. H. P. Weaver. E, H. Gamble. J. EB. Robinson. W. E. Owen. C. H. Aldridge. Ed. [. Ramsay. Thos. H. Lee. Hart J. Fitzgerald. C. H. Winterble. W. H. Kimberly. J. R. Leslie. J. E. King. T, M, Zink. J. W. Wallace. Dallas, Adel. Davis, Bloomfield. Decatur, Leon. Delaware, Manchester. Des Moines, Burlington. Dickinson, Spirit Lake. Dubuque, Dubuque. Emmett, Estherville. Fayette, West Union. Floyd, Charles City. Franklin, Hampton, Fremont, Sidney. Greene, Jefferson. Grundy, Grundy Centre. Guthrie, Guthrie Centre. Hamilton, Webster City. Hancock, Concord. Hardin, Eldora, Harrison, Logan. Henry, Mount Pleasant. | Howard, Cresco. Humboldt, Dakotah. Ida, Ida Grove. Iowa, Marengo. Jackson, Maquoketa, Jasper, Newton. Jefferson, Fairfield. Johnson, Iowa City. Lee, Fort Madison. Linn, Marion. Louisa, Wapello. Lyon, Rock Rapids. Madison, Winterset. Mahaska, Oskaloosa. Marion, Knoxville, Mills, Glenwood. Mitchell, Osage. Monona, Onawa. Monroe, Albia. Montgomery, Red Oak. Muscatine, Muscatine. O’Brien, Primghar. Osceola, Sibley. Page, Clarinda. Palo Alto, Emmetsburgh. Plymouth, LeMars. Pocahontas, Pocahontas. Pottawattamie, Council Bluffs. Poweshiek. Montezuma. Ringgold, Mount Ayr. Sac, Sac City. Scott, Davenport. Shelby, Harlan. Sioux, Orange City. Story, Nevada. Tama, Toledo, J. J. Shea, L. W. Wilson. James H. Burke. W. J. Davis. Jelle Pelmulder. Smith & Son. S. C. Leland. Taylor, Bedford. T H. Hull. Union, Afton. Bons Nix. J. T. Perdue. T. T. Anderson. B. N. Foster. W. C. Browning. M. H. Bliss. Simon Sogard. N. H. Nelson. J. H. Bolton. BE. G. Mellem. B. P, Entrikin. Wapello, Ottumwa. Warren, Indianola. Washington, Washington. Wayne, Corydon. Webster, Fort Dodge. Winnebago, Forest City. Winneshiek, Decorab. Woodbury, Sioux City. Worth, Northwood. Wright, Clarion. KANSAS. County. Co. Seat, Allen, Iola. Anderson, Garnett. Atchison, Atchison. Barber, Medicine Lodge. Barton, Great Bend, Bourbon, Fort Scott. oe Name, M. P. Jacoby. Edgar Spangle. Jno. Moore. G. W. Fort. A. C. Schermerhorm S. P. Mosher. J. D. McCleverty. Sam/’1 Wilson. Vol. P. Mooney. EB, A. Kinnie. E. W. Holloway. J. A. Whitcraft, H, C. Ewing. Cummins & Son. W. M. Grove. GC. P. Allen. Jackson, Thornton & Co. Ea. Pate. L. H. Kidder. J. B. Callen. B. D. Babcock. A. S, Davidson. BE. R. Westfalle, M. Summerfield. J. J. Reeder. Keenan Hurst. Henry O’Shant. A. R. Hepperly. BR. G. Bates. Brown, Hiawatha. Butler, El Dorado. Chase, Cottonwood Falls. Chautauqua, Sedan. Cherokee, Columbus. Cheyenne, Wano. Clark, Ashland. Clay, Clay Centre. Coffey, Burlington. Comanche, Cold Water. Cowley, Winfield. Grawford, Girard. Davis, Junction City. Decatur, Oberlin. Dickinson, Abilene. Doniphan, Troy. Douglas, Lawrence, Edwards, Kinsley. Elk, Howard. Ellis, Hays City. Ellsworth, Ellsworth. Finney, Garden City. eCounty, Co, Seat, Ford, Dodge City. Franklin, Ottawa. Gove, Grainfield. Graham, Millbrook. Greenwood, Eureka, Harper, Anthony. Harvey, Newton. Hodgeman, Jetmore. Jackson, Holton. Jefferson, Oskaloosa. Jewell, Mankato. Johnson, Olathe. Kingman, Kingman. Labette, Oswego. Lane, Alamota, Lincoln, Lincoln. Linn, Mound City. Lyon, Emporia, McPherson, McPherson. Marion, Marion. Marshall, Marysville. te a“ Miami, Paola. Mitchell, Beloit, Morris, Council Grove. Nemaha, Seneca. Neosho, Erie. Noss, Ness City. Norton, Norton. Osage, Lyndon. Osborne, Osborne. Ottawa, Minneapolis. Pawnee, Larned. Phillips, Phillipsburgh. Pratt, Iuka. Rawlins, Atwood. Reno, Hutchinson. Republic, Belleville. Rice, Sterling Riley, Manhattan, Rush, La Crosse, Russell, Russell. Saint John, Oakley. Saline, Saline. Sedgwick, Wichita. Shawnee, Topeka. Sheridan, Kenneth. Smith, Smith Centre. Stafford, Saint John. Sumner, Wellington. Thomas, Colby. Trego, Wa Keeney. ‘ “ce Wabaunsee, Alma, Washington, Washington, Wilson, Fredonia. Woodson, Yates Center, Wyandotte, Wyandotte. Co. Seat. Adair, Columbia, Allen, Scottsville. Anderson. Lawrenceburg. Ballard, Blandvile. Barren, Glasgow. Bath, Owingsville, Bell, Pineville. Boone, Burlington. Bourbon, Paris. Boyd, Catlettsburgh. Boyle, Danville. Bracken, Brookville. preokiaee, Hardins- h County, urh. Bullitt, Shepherdsville. Butler, Morgantown. Caldwell, Princeton. Calloway, Murray. Carroll, Carrollton. Carter, Grayson. Casey, Liberty. Christian, Hopkinsville, Clark, Winchester. Clay, Manchester. Clinton, Albany. Crittenden, Marion. Edmonson, Brownsville. Elliott, Sandy Hook. Estill, Irvine. Fayette, Lexington. Floyd, Prestonburgh. Fulton, Hickman. Gallatin, Warsaw. Garrard, Lancaster. Grant, Williamston. Graves, Mayfield, Grayson, Leitchfield. Green, Greensburgh. Greenup, Greenup. Hancock, Hawesville. Hardin, Elizabethtown. Harlan, Harlan. Harrison, Cynthiana. Hart, Munfordville. Henderson, Henderson. Henry, Mew Castle. Hickman, Clinton. Hopkins, Madisonville. Jackson, McKee. Jefferson, Louisville. Jessamine, Nicholasville Johnson, Paintsville. Kenton, Covington. Knox, Barboursyille. KENTUCKY. Fleming, Flemingsburgh. KAN SAS—Oontinued. Name, L. E. McGarry. D. O. Young. E. M. Burr. H, J. Harwi. W. S. Robertson. J. W. Clendeuin. Greene & Shaver, D. W. Larned. Oyrus F. Hurrell. Geo, A. Patterson. T, S, Kirkpatrick, EB. L. Caress. BE. H. Andrus. E. B. Baldwin. M.S. Ketch. Leavenworth, Leavenw’th.John Ruhr. Lon. A, Minx. W. Ackerman. J. G. Taylor. H, E. Pyle. C. F. Brooker. Geo. Thomas. J. S. Magell. D, M. Ferguson. John Mehl, Montgomery,Indpendence.S. V. Mathews. R. M. Armstrong. Jas, H. Gleason. Estella Redman. D. E. McDowell. Ames & Boys. GC. P, Felch. J. K. Mitchell. A. W. Wakefield. D. M, Rose. J. M. Sallee. A. S, Fay. Henry Gieske. Jno. B. Vincent. J. H. Long. S. J. Smith. R, J. Harper. KENTUCKY—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Name: La Rue, Hodgensyille. W. H. Hamilton. Laurel, London. A. B. Brown. G. F. Johnson. Cc. B. Hill. S. G. Lewis. W. G. Candill. 20b°t D. Wilson. J. P. Bailey. Jno. L. Vick. Jno. G. Orndorff. M. P. Malloy. Ashbrook & Powell. A. I. Moore. Ambrose I’. Dudley. J. W. Crooke, Jr. Lawrence, Louisa. Lee, Beattyville. Leslie, Hyden. Letcher, Whitesburgh. Lewis, Vanceburgh. Lincoln, Stanford. Livingston, Smithland. Logan, Russellville. Lyon, Eddyville. McCracken, Paducah. McLean, Calhoun. Madison, Richmond. ve bb THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE; CONTRIBUTORS— Continued. LOUOISTAN A—Continued. Parish. Parish Seat. Name. Webster, Minden. G. W. Warren. West Carroll, Floyd. W. A. Hedrick. West Feliciana, Bayou L. W. Brandon.: Sara, Winn, Winnfield, R. C, Jones. WAINE. Co. Seat, Name. County. Androscoggin, Lewiston. F. X. Bellian. Aroostook, Hoalton. A. L. Lumbert. Cumbe: lund, Portland. Locke & Locke. Franklin, Farmington. J. H. Tompson. H. W. Atkeson, Wim. Severance. W.dJ. Wilson. Geo. W. Hale. W. W. Ball. Z. T. Herndon. J.J. Byrne. Magoffin, Salyersville, Marion, Lebanon. Marshall, Benton. Martin, Inez. Mason, Maysville. Meade, Brandenburgh. Menifee, Frenchburg. : Mercer, Harrodsburgh. Ben. ©. Allin. Metcalfe, Edmonton. Jno. U. Young. iMonroe, Tompkinsville. Theo. Tooley. Montgomery, Mount Ster- ling. W.B. O. Connell. Morgan, West Liberty. W. C. Kendall. Muhlenberg, Greenville. W. T. Stiles. Nelson, Bardstown. W. H. Rowan. Nicholas, Carlisle. Jno. A. Campbell. Ohio, Hartford. T. J. Smith. Oldham, La Grange. D.H. French. Owen, Owenton. E. M. Salin. Owsley, Boonville. S. V. Nigh. : Pendleton, Falmouth. Applegate & Smith. Perry, Hazard. Ira J. Davidson. Pike, Pikeville. W. Mayo Connolly.) Powell, Stanton. J.S. Rice. Pulaski, Somerset. J. A, McGee. Robertson, Mount Olivet. W. T. Rigg. Rockcastle, Mt. Vernon. W. M. Fisk. towan, Morehead. J. M. Carey. J. Younger. ©, M, Lewis. A. S. Beyner. C. J. Fredrickson. | Frank F. Ford. | Webb & Spencer. G. W. © yrane. - D. W. Relihan. Wm, Dixon. | 8. S. Kincaid. | W. Willcoxon. E, F. Porter. Monroe & Henkel. Theo. Spielman, A. W. Maxwell. H. M. Keesling. I, M. Jewett. Alfred H. Cobb. Name, J. Hancock. E. Scott Brown. W. E. Bell. Ben. Flent. W. M. Cockrill, O. 8. Riggen. M. F. North. /Russell, Jamestown. 'Taylor, Campbellsville. A.C. Wells. J. Henry Wolfe. James M. Logan. S. N. Forline. Chas. B. Stilwell. Thos. E. Green. Jno. G. Jefferson. Trimble, Bedford. J. W. Lee. Union, Morganfield. Jno. H. Warr. Warren, Bowling Green. P. C. Moss. Washington, Springfield. W. F. Booker. Wayne, Monticello. I, N. Shepperd. Webster, Dixon. C. A. Doris. Whitley, Williamsburgh. L. D. Denham. Wolfe, Campton. David Hogg. Woodford, Versailles. Jno. S. Moore. Scott, Georgetown. Shelby, Shelbyville. Simpson, Franklin. Spencer, Taylorsville. Trigg, Cadiz. or) Frederick, Frederick. Harford, Bel Air. Howard, Ellicott City. Kent, Chestertown. Montgomery, Rockville, Prince George’s, Upper Wicomico, Salisbury. Worcester, Snow Hill. Barnstable, Barnstable. Berkshire, Pittsfield. Bristol, Fall River. Dukes, Edgartown. Hancock, Elsworth. H. B. Saunders. Kennebeck, Augusta. A. C. Otis. Knox, Rockland. L. F. Starrett I, W. Sewall. A. S. Austin, Henry B. Flint. Geo. E. Hughes. L. H. Webb. Wm. H. Folger. C. B. Donworth. E. A. Hubbard. MARYLAND. Co. Seat. Lincoln, Wiscasset. Oxford, Paris. Piscataquis, Dover. Sagadahoc, Bath. Somerset, Skowhegan. Waldo, Belfast. Washington, Nachias. York, Biddeford. Name, Theo. Lemon, County, Alleghany, Cumberland. Calvert, Prince Frederick- town, Carolina, Denton. Carroll, Westminister. Cecil, E)kton. Charles, Port Tobacco. Dorchester, Cambridge. John Sedwick. L. H. Gadd. Geo, A. Miller. W. K. Reckefas. I. Sam’! Turner, Charles Lake. W. Irving Parsons, W. H. Tower. Wm. 8S. Forwood, jr. L. J. Watkins. H. C. Chase, James Anderson, Garrett, Oakland. Marlborough, Jno. W. Belt, Queen Anne’s, Centreville.S. C. Dudly. Somerset, Princess Anne. H. F. Lankford. Talbott, Easton. R. T. Martin. Washington, Hagerstown.Geo. B. Oswald. J. C. Bell. Juno. W. Staton. MASSACHUSETTS. County. Co. Seat. Name. F. H. Lathrop. Jno. F. VanDensen. Arthur B. Brayton. J. T. Peare. Essex, Haverhill. F. H. Pearle. LOUISANA. ‘* Gloucester. Jno. J. Somers. “cc ; = Parish. Parish Seat. Name, Linn. C. E. Parsons. ¥ : Franklin, Greenfield. Edward E. Lyman. pecenslon) Donalgsony ile. ae Hampden, Springfield. Rob’t O. Morris. Bee ee COD Ve CS Aa UE aSe ‘ Holyoke. W. E. Kendall. Jas. H Ducote. Avoyelles, Marksville. A. J. Moore, Bienville, Sparta. Hampshire,Northampton.Wm. H. Clapp. Bossier, Bellevue. A. R. Thompson. Middlesex, Malberouen: oh Ee J Oblerson: ea GEeSeenan 3. H. Shepherd Woburn. M. S. Seeley. addo, eveport. othe SHEL : 6 Cambridge- Calcasieu, Lake Charles. Thad. Mayo. Caldwell, Columbia. Ruffin 8. Walker. M. T. Garnett. Jas. M. Hughes. John H. Mason, Reed S. Nichols. J. A. McCane, Will Miller. E. W. Hall. W.S. Taylor. F, Ww. Darby. R, F. Hamlin. R. EF. Harrison. Frank Prater, G. A. Prewitt. Jno. W. Breathitt. G. W. Strother, J. 8S. M. Dickinson. C. B. Parrigin. H. A. Haynes. Cumberland, Burkesyille. rs W. Williams. T. J. Woorley. J. B. Hannah. Sam?] L. Tudor. Jas. A. Headley. A. H. Evans. R. S. Friend. R. S. Murrell. O. L. Abbett. Tom Whenitt. Jas. P. Webb. Gus. G. Coulter. Ed. O. Brown. A. J. Perkins. Geo. A. Cerum. N. B. Chambers. OC. M. Fraize. W.C. L. Huff, R. M. Collier. J. M. Brents. R. H. Cunningham W. W. Turner. J. L. Moss. Jno. T. Adams. Jno. Farmer. Chas. S. Grubbs. - O. H. Perry. J. W. Walker. John B. Ewan. A. Y. Culton. Cameron, Cameron. T. E. Gee. Catahoula, Hafrisonburgh.John Dosher. Olaiborne, Horner. Drew Ferguson. Concordia, Vidalia. A. J. Chaze. De Soto, Mansfield, H, R. Jones, Kast Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, R. J. Hummel. E.CQarrol, LakeProvidence.Wm. Rous. East Feliciana, Clinton. Jno, S. Lanier. Franklin, Winnsborough, H.,'l’. Earle. Grant, Colfax. James B. Tucker. Iberia, New Iberia. H. De Valcourt. iberville, Plaquemine. Jno. L. Dardenne. Jackson, Vernen. J. Mack Smith. Jefferson, Kenner. Jas. C. Baumann, La Fayette, La Fayytte. James D. Caffery. La Fayette, La Fayette. Knobloch, Moore & 3adeaux. Lincoln, Vienna. J. W. Williams. Livingston, Benton’s Ferry. Madison, Tallulah, Morehouse, lastrop. Natchitoches, Natchito- ches. Orleans, New Orleans, Ouachita, Monroe. Plaquemines, Pointe a la Hache, D. A. Thibant. Plaquemines, Nicholls, PAO Joseph H, Allen, EF. M. Dawson, Geo. W. Naff. H. M. Hyams. Ed. A. Peyaux, Austin Green, T. H. Hewes. Geo. O. Watts. F. B. Williams. Rapides, Alexandria, Red River, Coushatta, Richland, Rayvil'e. Jno. S. Summerlin, Sabine, Many. W. W. McNeely. St. Bernard, St. Bernard. C. M, Gardanne, Saint Charles, Hahnville. J. B. Martin. St. Helena, Greensburgh. A. C. Dean. Norfolk, Dedham. Fred J. Davis. Albert F. Sargent. J. F. Kingsburg. Jno. F. Brown. * Erastus Worthing- ton. John. A. Raymond. Wm. S. Danforth. Geo. B. Gurney. T. S. Johnson. port. Malden. W. Newton. Nantucket. its 6 Nantucket, 6 E. Weymouth. Plymouth, Plymouth. Suffolk, Chelsea, Worcester, Worcester. WICHIGAN. County. Co. Seat. Alcona, Harrisville. Alger, Munising. Allegan, Allegan. Alpena, Alpena. Antrim, Bellaire. Arenac, Omer, Baraga, L’Anse. Barry, Hastings. Bay, Bay City. Benzie, Benzonia. Berrien, Berrien Springs. Branch, Coldwater. Calhoun, Marshall, Cass, Cassopolis. Charlevoix, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Cheboygan. Chippewa, Sault De Saint Marie, Clare, Harrison. Clinton, Saint John’s, Crawford, Grayling. Eaton, Charlotte. Emmet, Harbor Springs. Genesee, Flint. Gladwin, Gladwin. Name. C. E. Jameson. J. A. Steinlein. Gilbert Mahum. Michael O’Brien. Jno. A. Harriman. FI. E. Carscallen. M. Mauger. Geo. W. Abbey. Wm. Gaffney. Lot. Nevins. Thos. O’Hara. Jas. R. Dickey. H. A. Whitney. S. W. Breece. S. B. Thatcher. Chas. J. Hunt. Geo. W. Brown, W. E. Aldrich. L. C. Kellogg. O. J. Bell. Geo. A. Perry. Albert L. Hathaway. D. D. Aitkin. D. H. Servoss. Saint James, Convent, Emile J. Laiche. Saint Landry, Opelousas, Jas. O. Chachire. St. Mary’s, Franklin. ¥F. P. Perrett. St. Martin, Martinsville. A. W. Faurnes, St. Tammany, Covington.Wm. CG. Morgan. Tangipahoa, Amite City. V. Castainy. Tensas, Saint Joseph, Joseph Curry. Terre Bonne, Houma. E. W. Condon, Union, Farmersville. W. W. Heard. Vermillion, Abbeville, Lastie Broussard. Washington. Franklinton.S. P. Richardson, Grand Traverse, Traverse City. Gratiot, Ithaca, Hillsdale, Hillsdale. Houghton, Houghton. O. P. Carver. J. T. Swigart. S. W. Yeagley. Thos. D. Meads. Huron, Bad Axe. Jobn Ryan Ingham, Mason, E. B. Wood Ionia, Ionia. L. P. Brock fosco, Tawaw City. Iron, Lron River. S. D. Hollister. Isabella, Mount Pleasant. E.S, Bowen. _|McLeod, Glencoe. MICHIGAN—Continued. County. Co, Seat. Jackson, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo. Kalkaska, Kalkaska. Kent, Grand Rapids. Keweenaw, Eagle River. Lake, Baldwin. Lapeer, Lapeer. Leelanaw, Leland. A. John, Lenawee, Adrian. David A. Bixby. Mackinac, Saint Ignace. John Biddle. Macomb, Mount Clemens. W. W. Lyons. Manistee, Manistee. B. M. Cutcheon, Manitou, Saint James. John Dunlevey. Marquette, Marquette. Gad. Smith. Mason, Ludington, L. E. Hawley. \Vecosta, Big Rapids. Lewis Toan. Menominee, Menominee. Jas, C. Sherman, Midland, Midland. Wm, Davidson, Missaukee, Lake City. A. C. Lewis. Monroe, Monroe. P. H. Mathews. Montcalm, Stanton, F. A. Lamb. Montmorency, Hillman, John C. Adams. ss ec C. N. Mack. Nellie Conklin. Seth S. Watrous. F. Yen Hoven. H. D. Richniond. T. W. Ballantine, M. A. Powers. O. L. Millard, S. H. Hagaman, Otsego, Gaylord, A, A. Crane. Ottawa, Grand Haven. Geo. D. Turner. Presque Isle, Rogers City.Otto Goerick. Roscommon, Roscommon Frank Conveese. Saginaw, Saginav. F. A. King. St. Claire, Port Huron. Fred A. Baker. St. Joseph, Centreville. L. B. Hess. Sanilac, Sandusky. A. W. O’Ketfe. Schoolcraft, Manistique. Jno. Costello. Shiawassee, Corunna, F. E. Welch. Tuscola, Caro. E. R. Cookingham, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Jas. A. Robison. Weyne, Detroit. William May. Wexford, Caddilac. Geo. A. Cummins. Name. Sanford Hunt. T, I. Giddings, Jas. M. Flagg. C. L. Harvey. Wm. H. Bennetts. A. U. Smith, J. Bentley. Muskegon, Muskegon. Newaygo, Newaygo. Oakland, Pontiac. Oceana, Hart. Ogemaw, West Branch. Ontonagon, Ontonagon, Osceola, Hersey. Oscoda, Mio. MINNESOTA. County. Co. Seat. Aitkin, Aitkin. Anoka, Anoka. Becker, Detroit City. Benton, Sauk Rapids. Big Stone, Ortonville. Blue Earth, Mankato. Brown, New Ulm. Carlton, Thomson. Carver, Chaska. Chippewa, Montevideo. Chisago, Centre City. Clay. Moorhead. sb ‘ Name. Frank E. Seavey. L. G. Browning. Chas. G. Sturtevant. S. P. Carpenter. Bernhard Dassell. Wm. B. Torrey. Albert Blanchard. H. H. Hawkins. G. Krayenbubl. Eric L. Winje. Peter Shaleen. Chas. D. Fox. H. Rasmusson. Orrin Nason. A. W. Frater. E. Dean. Wm.H.K.McMartin, H. K. White. Cottonwood, Windom. srow Wing. Brainerd. Dakota, Hastings. Dodge, Kasson. Douglas, Alexander. Faribault, Blue Earth Cit Fillmore, Preston. Freeborn, Albert Lea. Goodhue, Red Wing. sc ‘ Smith T. Barnes. A. W. Thompson. Geo. T. Gardner, Albert Johnson, Hans Johnson. Jas. E. Williams. C. B. Terrell. BE. K. Roverud. J. S. Huntsinger. O. A. Hallin. C. H, Duggin. Geo. R. Moore. S.D. Leavey. J. W. Landquist. Grant, Herman. Hennepin, Minneapolis. Houston, Caledonia. Hubbard, Park Rapids. Isanti, Cambridge, Itasca, Grand Rapids. Jackson, Jackson, Kanabec, Mora. Kandiyohi, Wilmar. Kittson, Hallock. W. F. Wallace. Lake, Beaver Bay. G. A. Schulze. LeSueur, LeSueur Centre. F. W. Kolars. Lincoln, Lake Benton. A. E. Woodford. Lyon, Marshall. C. E. Patterson. John Jinten. A. B. Nelson. Edward EF. Wade. J. E. Upham. D. A. Caley. S. Seveningsen. Neil] Currie. Chas. A. Johnson. L. B. Bennett. Marshall, Warren. . Martin, Fairmont. Meeker, Litchfield. Mille Lacs, Princeton. Mower, Austin. Murray, Currie. Nicollet, Saint Peter. Nobles, Worthington. Norman, Ada. J. C. Norby. Olmsted, Rochester. C. H. Heffron. Otter Tail, Fergus Falls. C. J. Wright. Pine, Pine City. Jas. Hurley. Pipe Stone, Pipe Stone. J. H. Nichols. Polk, Crookston, Thos. C. Shapleigh. Pope, Glenwood. Frank M. Eddy. Ramsey, Saint Paul. S. V. Hanft. Redwood, Redwood Falls. F. Ensign. Renville, Beaver Falls. §. R. Miller. Rice, Faribault. C. Y. Palmer. Rock, Luverne. J. O. Helgeson. Scott, Shakopee. Julius A. Colle. Sherburne, Elk River. Henry Castle. Sibley, Henderson. M. R. Wilcox. Steele, Owatonna. J. A. Cotter. Stevens, Morris. Sam’! Larson. Swift. Benson. Jos. Moore. Todd, Long Prairie. Jacob Fisher. Traverse, Brown’sValley. 8. W. Frasier. Wabasha, Wabasha. C. J. Stauff. Wadena, Wadena. T. F. Ostrander, Waseca, Waseca, M. B. Keeley. Washington, Stillwater. H. C. Whittlesey.THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, CONTRIBUTORS— Continued. MINN ESOT A~—Continued. County. . Co. Seat. Watonwan, St. James. Wilkin, Breckenridge. Winona, Winona. Wright, Buffalo. Name, Geo, P. Johnston. Ezra G. Valentine. M. B. Webber. O. J. Steward. Yellow Medicine, Granite Falls. K. T, Hazelberg. MISSISSIPPI. County. Co. Seat. Name, Adams, Natchez. Alcorn, Corinth. Amite, Liberty. Benton, Ashland. Boliver, Rosedale. Calhoun, Pittsborough. Carroll, Carrollton. Chickasaw, Flouston. Choctaw, Chester. Claiborae, Port Gibson. Clarke, Quitman. Clay, West Point. Coahoma, Friar’s Point. Copiah, Hazelhurst Allison K. Foster. J. M. Martin. J. R, Galtney. Jvo. H. Morgan. T. R. McGuire. G. W. Miller Jno. P. Marshall. EH, F. Medlin, J. B. Dunn. A. K. Jones. W. W. Wier. J. W. Brady. R. N. Harris. W. W. Norman. Covington, Williamsburgh. Evans Hull. De Soto, Hernando. Franklin, Meadville. Greene, Leakesvlle, Grenada, Grenada. A. M. Lauderdale. EK. C. Adams. Daniel McLeod. L. R. Turner. Hancock, Bay Saint Louis. E, H. Hoffman. Harrison, Pass Christian. F. S. Hewes. Hinds, Jackson. Holmes, Lexington. Issaquena, Duncansby, Itawamba, Fulton. Jackson, Scranton. Jasper, Paulding. Jefferson, Fayette. Jones, Ellisville. Kemper, De Kalb, La Fayette, Oxford. - Lauderdale, Meridian. Lawrence, Monticello. Leake, Carthage. Lee, Tupelo. Lincoln, Brookhaven. Lowndes, Columbus, Madison, Canton. Marion, Columbia. Marshall, Holly Springs. Monroe, Aberdeen, Montgomery, Winona. Neshoba, Philadelphia. Newton, Decatur. Noxubee, Macon. Panola, Sardis. Perry, Augusta. Pike, Maguolia. Pontotoc, Pontotoc. Prentiss, Booneville. Quitman, Belen. Rankin, Brandon. Scott, Forest. Sharkey, Rolling Fork. Simpson, Westville. Smith, Raleigh. Sun Flower, Indianola. W. T. Brown, jr. Jno. H. McBee. W. E. Mollison. J. M. Walker. H. B. Everitt. N. J. Sheely. O. H. McGinty. Jno. H,. Bynum. J. B. Oden. W. E. Andrews. W. D. Cameron. C. E. Watts. R. L. Wallace. W. OC. Bessonette. I. Warren. Jos. H, Stevens. Wim. O. Baldwin. A. G. Webb, Geo. C. Myers, J. B. Dowd. J. S. Cameron. S. H. Stribling. S. M. Adams. Thos. J. O'Neill. J. A. Scott. A. H. McSwain. W. C. Vaught, J. 3. Roberson. W. H. Rees. J. A. Cooper. J. S. Melvin. R. T. M. Simmons. N. T. Baggett. A. Q. May. Nelson M, Myer. J. Y. Walton. Tallahatchee, Charleston. T. E. Simmons. Tate, Senatobia, Tippah, Rippley. Tishomingo, Luka, Tunica, Austin. Union, New Albany. Warren, Vicksburg. Washington, Greenville, Sam. J. House. T. A. Hunt. H. O. Erwin. W. G. Jaquess. A. J. Smith. H I. Hardy C. M. Johnson. Wayne, Waynesborough. W.S. Davis. Webster, Walthall. Wilkinson, Woodville. Winston, Louisville. Yalobusha, Coffeeville, Yazoo, Yazoo City. Tom. M. Gore. R. W. P. Huff. Thos. Stevens. A. Seymore. R, A. Pickett. MISSOURI. County. Co, Seat. Adair, Kirksville. Andrew, Savannah. Atchison, Rockport, Audrain, Mexico. Barry, Cassville. Barton, Lamar. Bates, Butler. Benton, Warsaw. Bollinger, Marble Hill. Buchanan, St. Joseph. Butler, Poplar Bluff. Caldwell, Kingston. Calloway, Fulton. Camden, Linn Creek. Cape Girardeau, Jackson. Oarroll, Carrollton. Oarter, Van Buren. Cass, Harrisonville. Cedar, Stockton. Chariton, Keytesville. Christiap, Ozark, Clark, Kahoka. Clay, Liberty. Clinton, Plattsburgh. Cole, Jefferson City. Cooper, Boonville. Orawford, Steelville. Dade, Greenfield, Dallas, Buffalo. Daviess, Gallatin. DeKalb, Maysville. Dent, Salem. Douglas, Ava. Name, 8. S. McLaughlin. W.S. Kirtley. John W. Smith. Ben. C. Johnson. T. S. Frost. C. C. Daubin. R. J. Starke. das. H. Lay. J. M. Snider. H. E. Mooers. T. D. Ferguson. Wm. H, B. Carter. Jas, D. Henderson. M. F. Ellis. G, C. Pepper. W.S. Shirley. Jas. M. McGhee. J. H. Kyle. G, S. Jones. J. A, Eagan. Jno. C. Rogers. J. W. Townsend. S. G. Sandusky. Geo. R. Riley- Arthur P, Grimshaw Franklin Swap. Thos. R. Gibson, E. T. Kennedy. J. P. O’Bannon. O. A. Smalley. Geo. H. Roberts. Wallace McDonald. L. O, Hailey. MISSOURI— County. Co. Seat. Dunklin, Kennett. Franklin, Union, Gasconade, Hermann. Gentry, Albany. Greene, Springfield. Grundy, Trenton. Harrison. Bethany. Henry, Clinton, Hickory, Hermitage. Holt, Oregon, Howard, Fayette. Howell, West Plains. Tron, Ironton. Jackson, Kansas City. Jasper, Carthage, Jefferson, Hillsborough. Johnson, Warrensburgh. Knox, Edina. Laclede, Lebanon. La Fayette, Lexington. Lawrence, Mount Vernon. Lewis, Monticello. Lincoln, Troy. Linn, Linneus. Livingston, Chillicothe. McDonald, Pineville. Macon, Macon City. ae “ec Madison, Fredericktown. Maries, Vienna. Marion, Palmyra. Mercer, Princeton. Miller, Tuscumbia. Mississippi, Charleston. Monroe, Paris. Montgomery, Danville. Morgan, Versailles. New Madrid, N. Madrid. Newton, Neosho. Nodaway, Marysville, Oregon, Alton. Osage, Linn, Ozark, Gainesville. Pemiscot, Gayoso. Perry, Perryville. Pettis, Sedalia. Phelps, Rolla. Pike, Bowling Green, Platte, Platte Ci'y. Polk, Bolivar. Pulaski, Waynesville. Putnum. Unionville, Ralls, New London. |Randolph, Huntsville, |Ray, Richmond. |Reynolds, Centreville, Ripley, Doniphan. St. Charles, St, Charles. St. Clair, Osceola. Sainte Genevieve, Sainte Genevieve. St. Louis, Clayton. Saline, Marshall. Schuyler, Lancaster. Scotland, Memphis. Scott, Benton. Shannon, Eminence, Shelby, Shelbyville. Stoddard, Bloomfield. Stone, Galena. Sullivan, Milan. Taney, Forsyth. Texas, Houston. Vernon, Nevada. Warren, Warrington, Washington, Potosi. Wayne, Greenville. Webster, Marshfield. Worth, Grant City. Wright, Hartville. County. Co. Seat. Beaver Head, Dillon. Choteau, Fort Renton. Custer, Miles City. Dawson, Glendive. Deer Lodge, Deer Lodge City. Fergus, Lewiston. Gallatin, Bozeman. Jefferson, BoulderValley. Meagher, White Sulphur Springs. Missoula, Missoula. Silver Bow, Butte City. Adams, Hastings. Antelope, Neligh. Blaine, Brewster. Boone, Albion. Brown, Long Pine. Buffalo, Kearney. Burt, Tekamah. Butler, David City. Cass, Plattsmouth. Cedar, Hartington. Cherry, Valertine. Cheyenne, Sidney. Clay, Clay Oenter. Continued. Name, D, B. Pankey. H. Wiesel. Conrad Klinge. G, D. Patton. James Anthony, . W, Cline, . R, Durham. . L. Quarles. H. Childers. S. Alkire. . G. Krans, L. Van Wormer, . B. Nall. . C. Bishop, 812 Main St., Room 3, I. C. Hodson. C. T. Horine, G. W. Lemon, J. M, Hardman. Jno. K. Kellerman. David Callahan. Jo, P. Porter. das, M. Miller. Wi. Colbert. F. W. Powers. T. B. Brooksheir, M.R. De Groff. J. L. Martin. Jas. G. Howe. Robt. A. Anthony. Sat. Rowden. Jas. W. Proctor, J. M. Alley. J. B. Clark, W. A. Bush, Wm. 8S. Reed. A, B. Hunter. Jas. McNair. 0. L. Mitchell, Jas. E, Hinton. Geo. P. Bellows. M. G. Norman, E. T. Bantzer. Robt, Q, Gilliland. Hina C. Schult. Henry T. Burns, J. H. Looney. Granville / Tra B, Kirkland. T. F. Warner. W. U. Townsend. S. A. Davis. Peter Gregger, Geo. D. Biggs. J. W. Wright. Jno, R. Green, Josiah Sutton. A. J. McCollum, J. R. McDearmon. Thos. D. Hicks. axsxPooniee b> St. Francois, Farmington.J. J. Brady. Emile P. Vogt. Geo. W. Wolf. G. W. Lankford. De. N. Jewett. CG. F. Sanders. Jas. McPheeters. J. Sholar. Joe. Doyle. 0. H. Barham. J. Frank Seaman, N. J. Winters. Thos. A. Layton. Thos. FE’. Nichols, W. PB. McDaniel. Jno. H. Keelling. Andrew Casey. R. E. Buehler. J. W. Thompson, W, FI. Osman. T. J, Montgomery. MONTANA TERRITORY. Name. W. Bernstein. Chas. L. Spencer. L. C. Dear. H. J. Haskell. R. L. Davis. Rudolf Von Tobel,jr J. J- Davis, A. E. Wells. Lewis and Clarke, Helena.W. E. Frederick, L,. Rotwitt. Geo. W. Reeves. Chas. S. Warren. Yellowstone, Billings. F. W. Leo. NEBRASKA. County. Co. Seat. Name. R, B, Tussey. H, BE. Kryger. M. C. Lyons. Jno. Peters. W. L. Whittemore, Geo, D. Aspinwall. Jno. Palinquist. W. J. Koon. W. C. Showalter. T. C. Grimes. tobt. O. Fink. J.J. McIntosh. L, F. Fryar. NEBRASK A—Oontinued. County. Co. Seat. Colfax, Schuyler, Cuming, West Point. Custer, Broken Bow. Dakota, Dakota. Dawes, Chadron. Dawson, Plum Creek. Dixon, Ponca. Dodge, Fremont. Douglas, Omaha. ‘ri se Name. T. W. Whitman. Julius Thiele. J. J. Brown. M. M. Ream. J. A. Wilson, Thos. J. Hewitt. E. M. Bisbee, Geo. M. Forney. Wm. H. Ijams. C. E. Mayne, V. Dworak. Wm. A. Cole, L. Westgate, W. H. Phelps. A. V. S. Saunders, J. A. Brownell, H. A. Willard. Lewis Herbert H. E. Clifford. L. W. Shuman, Jetry Billings. A. A. Hatch. R. L. Perry. Jno, McBride; J. A. Haggard, A. W. Matthews. L. C. Chapman. doe. 8. Dickman, M. M. Neeves. C. E. Lear, S. Draper. J.C. McBride, C, C, Hawkins. F, H. Sawyer. Evans. Bros. F, H. L. Willis, S. E. Hostetter, H. A. Cross. O. A. Cecil. V.P. Britts. M. S, Campbell. R. H. Pollock. P. O. Hullund. Wm. B. Chilvers. G. B. Speice. I. F. Kelly C. D. Cramer. Chas. Loree Chas, W. Meeker. Louis Lesieur. B. R. B. Weber. Geo. A. Merriam, R. J. Graham, W. R. Mellor. A, A, Kearney, A, F. Clemons, A. H. Schaefer, I, C. Eller. Thos. J. Steele. Jno E. Bennett. J. N. Rukards. R, L. Staples. A, J. Newman. Fillmore, Fairmount. Franklin, Bloomington. Frontier, Stockville. Furnas, Beayer City. Gage, Beatrice. Garfield, Willow Springs, Gosper, Homeryille. Greeley, Scotia. Hall, Grand Island, Hamilton, Aurora. Harlan, Alma. Hayes, Hayes Centre. Hitchvock, Culbertson. Holt, O’Neil. Howard, Saint Paul. Jefferson, Fairbury. Johnson, Tecumseh. Kearney, Minden. |Keith, Ogallala. Keya Paha, Springview. Knox, Niobrara. Lancaster, Lincoln. Lincoln, North Platte. Loup, Taylor, “cc ‘e Madison, Norfolk. Merrick, Central City. Nance, Fullerton. Nemaha, Auburn Nuckolls, Nelson. Otoe, Nebraska City. Pawnee, Pawnee City. Phelps, Holdridge. Pierce, Pierce. Platte, Columbus. Polk, Osceola. Red Willow, Indianola. Richardson, Falls City. Saline, Wilber. Sarpy, Papillion. Saunders, Wahoo. Seward, Seward. Sheridan, Gordon. Sherman, Loup City. Stanton, Stanton. Thayer, Hebron. Valley, Ord. Washington, Blair. Wayne, Wayne. “ss ‘<é Webster, Red Cloud. Wheeler, Harrington, York, York. NEVADA. County. Co, Seat: Churchill, Stillwater. Douglas, Genoa. Elko, Elko. Esmeralda, Hawthorne. Eureka, Eureka. Humboldt, Winnemucca. Lincoln, Pioche. Lyon, Dayton. Nye, Belmont. Ormsby, Carson City. Story, Virginia City. Washoe, Reno. White Pine, Hamilton. Name, L. 8. Bridges. N. Harris. A. G. Dawley. I, N. Farwell. E. D. Vanderleith. A. T. Gilson. H. F. Gear. J. ©. Dallas. W.S. Bryden. M. D. Hatch. T. H. Crane. T. V. Julien. Jno. McKernan. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Name. E. P. Thompson. W. A. Heard. E, Farron. M. A. Hastings. Chas. B. Griswold. G. A. Ramsdalle. A. J. Shurtleff. Chas. G. Conner. Geo. E. Dingin. Geo. BE. Dame. County. Co. Seat. Belknap, Laconia. Carroll Centre,Sandwich. Cheshire, Keene. Coos, Lancaster. Grafton, Haverhill. Hillsborough, Nashua, Merrimack, Concord. Rockingham, Exeter. Strafford, Dover. Sullivan, Newport, NEW JERSEY. Name. Lewis Evans. Wm. S. Doremus,. Levi French. E. Burrough. Morgan Hand, County. Co. Seat. Atlantic, Atlantic City. Bergen, Hackensack. Burlington, Mount Holly. Camden, Camden. Cape May, Cape May, c. h. Cumberland, Bridgeton. Thos. W.Trenchard. Essex, Newark. S. A. Smith. Gloucester, Woodbury. H.C. Loudenslager. Hudson, Jersey City. Edward H.Strother. Hunterdon, Flemington. Peter Vorhees. Middlesex, New Bruns- wick. Morris, Morristown. Ocean, Tom’s River. Passaic, Patterson. Salem, Salem. Somerset, Somerville. Sussex, Newton. CG. M. Slack. M. S. Condit. Chas. R. James. Wesley Buckley. CG. D. Ccies, Gaston & Bergin. Jno. H. Nelden. Union, Elizabeth. Jno. L. Crowell. County. Co. Seat. Colfax, Springer. Grant, Silver City. Lincoln, Lincoln. Mora, Mora. Santa Fe, Santa Fe. Sierra, Hillsborough. Socorro, Socorro. Valencia, Los Lunas. County. Co, Seat, Albany, Albany, Albany, Cohoes, Allegany, Belmont, Cayuga, Auburn. Chautauqua, Mayville. Chemung, Elmira, Chenango, Norwich. Columbia, Hudson. Delaware, Delhi. Erie, Buffalo, ce ‘fe Fulton, Gloversville. Genesee, Batavia, Greene, Catskill. Hamilton, Wells. Herkimer, Herkimer, Jefferson, Watertown. Kings, Brooklyn. Lewis, Lowville. Livingston, Geneseo. Madison, Morrisville, Monroe, Rochester. New York, New York. Niagara, Lockport. Onedia, Utica. ream ODNCs Onondaga, Syracuse. Ontario, Canandaigua. Orange, Newburgh, Orleaus, Albion. Oswego, Oswego. Otsego, Cooperstown. Putnam, Carmel. Rensselaer, Troy. Richmond, Port Rich- mond. tockland, New City. St. Lawrence, Canton. Saratoga, Ballston. dy. Schuyler, Watkins. Seneca, Waterloo. Steuben, Corning. Suffolk, Riverhead. Tioga, Oswego. Tompkins, Ithica. Ulster, Kingston, Washington, Argyle. Wayne, Lyons. Wyoming, Warsaw. Yates, Penn Yan. County. Co. Seat. Alamance, Graham. Alleghany, Sparta, Ansov, Wadesborough, Beaufort, Washington, Bladen, Elizabethtown. Brunswick, Smithville. Buncombe, Asheyille. Burke, Morgantown. Cabarrus, Concord. Caldwell, Lenoir, Carteret, Beaufort. Caswell, Yanceyville. Catawba, Newton. Cherokee, Murphy. Chowan, Edenton. Clay, Hayesville. Cleveland, Shelby. Columbus, Whiteville. Craven, New Berne. Dare, Manteo. Davie, Mocksville. Durham, Durham. Forsyth, Winston. Franklin, Louisburgh. Gaston, Dallas. Gates, Gatesville. Graham, Robbinsville. Granville, Oxford. Greene, Snow Hill. [lalifax, Halifax. Harnett, Lillington. Haywood, Waynesville. Hertford, Winton. Hyde, Swan Quarter. Iredell, Statesville. Jackson, Webster. Johnston, Smithfield. Lenoir, Kinston. Lincoln, Lincolnton. Broome, Binghampton, Cattaraugus, Little Valley.E. N. Yates, Dutchess, Poughkeepsie Schenectady, Schenecta- Alexander, Taylorsville. Camden, Camden, OC. H. Chatham, Pittsborough. Cumberland, Fayetteville. Currituck, Currituck,C. H.H. B. Ansell. NEW MEXICO. Name, Bernalillo, Albuquerque. L. Miller. M. M. Salazer. Edmond Stine, Jones Taliaferro. H, H. Green. Jno. Gray. J. M. Webster. J. IF. Towle. H, H. Streeter. NEW YORK. Name. T. J. Dolan. Michael Powers. Wm. E. Smith. C. F. Tupper. S. J. Westfall. Y. A. Albro. A. E, Baxter. Albert F. Gladding, Wm. S. Hallenbeck, Geo. ‘f. Warner, W. A. Fanning. Los. B. Wheeler. Em/’l. C. Baer, D. F. Young. F.S. Wood. Geo. L. Nichols, Carl L. Fry. A. T. Smith, F. H. Waddingham. G. G. Barnard. Chas. E. Mitchell. M. J. Bunnell. Mary L. Huut. Adelbert Cronise. Jas, D. F, Smith, dno. A, Merritt, Fred D. Haak, I. D. MeMahon. Geo. G. Cotton. M. H. Smith, Grant B. Taylor. W. F. Ross. J. H. Oliphant. Lee B. Cruttenden. E. C. Weeks. E. W. Greenman, Cornelius A. Hart, ~ Cyrus M. Crune. Jas, E. Johnson. Seth Whalen. Thos. Telverton. Arthur E. Woodward Chas. D. Gecker. T. H. Thompson. Holmer W. Swezey. J. J. Vai Kleeck. P. J. Partenheimer. Jacob D. Wurts. E. J. Richards. Byron Thomas, Westchester, White PlainsI’. Couch. Chas. J. Gardner. Edward Kendall. NORTH CAROLINA. Name. A. Tate. J. T. McIntosh. R. S. Carson. Jno, C. McLauchlin. G. Wilkens. G. F. Melvin. Thos. M. Williams. J. M. Israel. Sam’) T. Pearson, das. C. Gibson. M. EE. Shell. P. G. Morrisett. Jno. D. Davis. Johnston& ohnston P. A. Hoyle. J. A. Womack. Jas. OC. Ashley. Jno. C, Bond. G. W. Sanderson. T. D. Lattimore. * W.M. Baldwin. E. W. Carpenter. T. S. Lutterloh. Jno. W. Evans. V. B. Bailey. W. J. Christian, Edgecombe, Tarborough. H. L. Staton, jr. Cc. S. Hauser. Thos, B. Wlider. J. B. White. R, B. G. Cowper. Jno. G. Tatham. Frank B. Hays. D. W. Patrick. Geo. T, Simmons. I. W. Atkins. J. K. Boone, Henderson, Hendersony’le.C. M. Pace. P. B. Picot. Alex. Berry. S. L. Parks. J. W. Wisher. L. R. Waddell. W. W. Dunn. Jones Taliaferro.THE EVERY O FFICE FAVORITE, CONTRIBUTORS— Continued, Continued. Name, A. R, Johnson. NORTH CAROLINA— County. Co. Seat. McDowell, Marion. Macon, Franklin, Sam. L. Rogers. Madison, Marshall. J.J. White. Martin, Williamston. U. T. Crawford. Mecklenburgh, Charlotte. Jno. R. Erwin. Mitchell, Bakersville. D. A. Bownian. Montgomery, Troy. C. C. Wade. Moore, Carthage. A. H. McNeill. Nash, Nashville. J.B. Boddie. N. Hanover, Wilmington. S. Van Amripge. Northampton, Jackson. Robt. Bruce Peebles Onslow, Jacksonville A.C. Huggins. Orange, Hillsborough. Pride Jones. Pamlico, Bayboroug oh. Festus Miller. Pasquotank, Elizabeth City. Jno: P. Overman, Pender, Bergaw. . IT. Baunerman. Perquimans, Hertford. ue Q. A. Wood. Person, Roxborough. Jno. C. Pass, Pitt, Greenville. E. A. Moye. Polk, Columbus. W. H. McFarland. Randolph, Ashborough. Geo. A. Bradshaw. Richmond, hk ockinglam. Z. T. Long. Robeson, Lumberton. C. B. Tow send. Rockingham, Wentworth, J. T. Pannill. Rowan, Salisbury. Jno. M. Hors ah. Rutherford, RatherfordtonL. P. Erwin. Sampson, Clinton. Jas. S. Bizzell. Stanly, Albemarle. D. H. Milton. Surry, Dobson. R. 8. Folger. Swain, Charleston. W. A. Gibson. Transylvania, Brevard. J. H. Duckworth. Tyrrell, Columbia. T. L. Jones. Union, Monroe. Geo. C. McLarty. Vance, Henderson. J. R. Young. Wake, Raleigh. D. R. Upchurch. Warren, Warrington. Wm. A. White. Washington, Plymouth. W.S. Davenport. Watauga, Boone. Joe. B. Toud. Wayne, Goldsborough. A. P. Grody. Wilkes, Wilkesborough. E.O. Maston. Wilson, Wilson. A. B. Deans, N. H. Vestal. S. B. Briggs. Yadkin, Yadkinville. Yancy, Burnsville. OHIO. County. Co. Seat. Name. Adams, West Union. Geo. W. Pettit. Allen, Lima. Geo. H. Meily. H. A, Mykrantz. C. H. Simonds. S. E. Hedges. J. A. Nichols. N. K. Kennon. .C. Blair. R. B. Millikin. James 1. Gregg. Louis D. Johuson. E. M. Campbell. A. B. Shaw. F. D. Dakin. Ashland, Ashland. Ashtabula, Jetferson, Athens, Athens. Auglaise, Wapakoneta. Belmont, St. Clairsville. Brown, ‘reorgetown. Butler, Hamilton. Carroll, Carrollton. Champaign, Urbana. Clarke, Springfield. Clermont, Batavia. Clinton, Wilmington. Columbiana, New Lis- bon. R. Arter. Coshocton, Coshocton, J. W. Murphy. Crawford, Bucyrus. Alex. A. Ruhl, Henry W.ixetchum| Cayahoga, Cleveland. John a Martin Dar e, Greenville. Defiance, Defiance. M. E. Orcutt. es sf Harris & Cameron. Delaware, Delaware. Chas. M. Jaynes. M. H, Quinlan. W. #H. Wolfe. E. W. Welsheimer Joha H. Sharp. A. B. Smith. A. R. Bradbury. B. D, Ames. A.S. Buck. James RK. Barr. Eugene Wam- baugh, 64 West Third St. Presley E. Huy. James C. [lowe. Erie, Sandusky. Fairfield, Lancaster. Fayette, Washington. Franklin, Columbus. Fulton, Wauseon. Gallia, G: illipolis. Geauga, Chardon, Greene, Xenia. Guernsey, Cambridge. Hamilton, Cincinnati. Hancock, Findlay. Hardin, Kenton. Harris n, Cates E. B. Me Namie. Henry, Napoleo James Donevan, Highland, Hillsborough, Ed. L. Warsaw. Hocking, Logan. B. Butin. Holmes, Millersburgh. Jackson, Jackson. Frank Crumit. Jefferson, Steubenville. P. P. Lewis. Knox, Mount Vernon. Wm. A. Silcott. Lake, Painsville. J.C. Ward. Licking. Newark. W. P. Young. Logan, Bellefontaine. James A. Odor. ts x eee Brown & est Geo. C. Jefferies, aS Hone. Lorain, Elyria. Lucas, Toledo. Madison, London. . N. Blair. Mahoning, Youngstown. E * @uthman. Marion, Marion. Young. Thos. Turner. Jno. A. McKenzie. Edward Landfair. Medina, Medina. Meigs, Pomeroy. Mercer, Celina. Miami, "Troy. John B. Fonts. Monroe, Woodsfield. Asher Okey. Montgomery, Dayton. Jos. A. Wootman. Morgan, McConnels- ville. A. Brown. Monrow? Mount Gilead. S. P. Gaze, Muskineum, Zanesville. eo A. Green. Noble, Caldwell. H. Barry. Ottawa, Port Clinton. We. A. E senhour. Paulding, Paulding. G. I. Chatterton. Pickaway, Circleville. Geo. H. Pontius, Pike, Waverly. W. Facer. Portage. Ravenna, John Porter, Preble, Katon. J. R. Cook. Putnam, Ottawa. R. J. Spelman, County. Co. Seat. Richland, Mansfield. Ross, Chillicothe. Seneca, Tiffin. Shelby, Sidney. Stark, Canton. Summit, Akron. Trumbull, Warren. delphia. Union, Marysville. Van W ert, Van Wert. Vinton, McArthur. Warren, Lebanon. Washington, Marietta. Wayne, “Wooster. Williams, Bryan. Wood, Bowling Green. Wyandot, Upper San- dusky. County. Co, Seat. Baker, Baker City. Benton, Corvallis. Clatsop, Astoria. Ooos, Empire City, Crook, Princeville. Curry, Ellensburgh. Douglas, Roseburgh. Gilliam, Arlington. Grant, Canyon City. Jackson, Jacksonyille. Klamath, Linkville. Lake, Lakeview. ee ‘ Lane, Eugene City. Linn, Albany. Marion, Salem. Morrow, Heppner. Multnomah, Portland. Polk, Dallas. Tillamook, Tillamook. Umatilla, Pendleton. Wasco, The Dalles. Washington, Hillsborough Yam Hill, La Fayette. County, Co. Seat. Beaver, Beaver. Bedford, Bedford. Berks, Reading. Blair, Hollidaysburgh. Bradford, Towanda. se 6b Bucks, Doyleston. Butler, Butler. Cambria, Ebensburgh. Cameron, Emporium. Carbon, Mauch Chunk. Centre, Bellefonte. Chester, West Chester. Samuel Anderson. Clarion, Clarion. Clearfield, Clearfield. Clinton, Lock Haven. Columbia, Bloomsburgh. Crawford, Meadville. Cumberland, Carlisle. Dauphin, Harrisburg. Delaware, Chester. sf Media. Elk, Ridgway. Erie, Erie. Fayette, Uniontown. Forest, Tionesta. Franklin, Chambersburg. Fulton, McConnellsburg. Greene, Waynesburgh. Huntingdon, Huntingdon. Indiana, Indiana. Jefferson, Brookville. Juniata, Mifflintown. Lackawana, Scranton. Lancaster, Lancaster. Lawrence, New (Oastle. Lebanon, Lebanon. Lehigh, Allenton. Lycoming, Williamsport. McKean, Smethport. Mercer, Mercer. Mifflin, Lewistown. Monroe, Stroudsburgh. Montour, Danville. Northampton, Easton. Northumberland, Sun- | bury. |Perry, New Bloomfield. Pike. Milford. \Potter, Coudersport. Schuylkill, Pottsville. Spyder, Middleburgh, Somerset, Somerset. Sullivan, Laporte. Susquehanna, Montrose. Tioga, Wellsborough. Union, Lewisbur ch. Venango, Franklin. Warren, Warren. OH10—Continued. Name. Cummings & Mc- Tide. Sam’| J. Briggs. J. V. Magers. 3: J. Hatfield. Wann & Bow. O. W. Hale A. B. Camp. Tuscarawas, New Phila- J. H. Booth. John Q. Burgner.|}+* J. O. Browder. E. McGrath. Geo. W. Carey. J. M. Mitchell. Jno. Van Nostran. W. W. Darby. R. M. Donnelly. Anslem Martin. OREGON. Name. M. D. Wisdom. J. H. Wilson. ©. J, Trenehara. J.J. Lamb, A. C. Palmer. Wm. Gauntlett. Cc. B. Wilcox. Jay P. Lucas. H, C. Jarrell. W. H. Parker. W. C. Hale. A. F. Snelling. W. T. Boyd. Joel Ware. D. M. N. Chapman. Andrews. S. P. Garrigues. Chas. G. Schramm, D. W. Sears, H, F. Goodspeed. Jno, H. Sawrey. Thos, G. Condor. J. W. Morgan, F, W. Fenton, PENNSYLVANIA. Name, Adams, Gettysburgh. C. W. Stoner. Allegheny, Pittsburgh. D. K. McGunnegle. us Allegheny City. Chas. R. Weiter- shausen. Armstrong. Kittanning. H. J. Hays. Jno. M. Scott. Josiah Amos, Morris H. Schaffer. Chas. Geesey. Jno. G. Culver. J.J. Spaulding. Henry Lear. Reuben McAlvin. H. H. Myers. T. B. Lloyd. Geo. W. Esser. R. G. Brett. Wu. I’. Barber, W. J. Collner. James Kerr. Jno. F. Brown. Win. H. Snyder. Jas. Graham. Jno. Zim. E. B. Mitchell. M. Levis. Elwood Wilson, jr. W. S. Iforton. R.S. Moorhead. T. B. Searight. Curlis M. Shawkey. D. M. Funk W. H. Nelson. J. C. Garard. Jas. Kelly. W. S. Deugherty. Scott McClelland. Theo.H. Meminger., A. D. Dean. Geo. W. Eaby. D. I. Campbell. Jno. H. Thomas. Dan’1 S. Gift. H. G. Troxell. J.M. McElroy. R. G. Madge. © M. P. Wakefield. Stewart S. Shafer. W. M. Gearhart. RK, H. Tract. S. P. Fansold. A. B. Grosh. Jno. ©, Wm. A. Crosby. E. W. Frehafer. W. W. Wittermyer.| Lauderdale, Ripley. N. B. Critchfield. H. T. Downs. D. A. Titsworth. Henry C. Cox. W. O. Shaffer. cen P. Anderson.|McMinn, Athens, - H. Briggs. Washington, Washington. Fag L. Gow. Wayne, “Honesdale, Jas. B. Eldred. PE NNSYLVANIA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Name. West Morelen” Greens- Hugh W. Walken- burg shaw Woneine: York, York. Tunkhannock. J08. W. TFasset. , EF. Ramsey. —_— RHODE ISLAND. County. Co. Seat. Name. Bristol, Bristol. Chas. As Waldron. Newport, Newport. Thos. W - Wood, Providence, Providence. A. W. Soler, Washington, Kingston. C. H. Aldrich. SOULRM CAROLIVA, County, Co. Seat. Name, Abbeville, Abbeville. M. G. Zeigler. Aiken, Aiken. W. M. Jordon. Anderson, Anderson. C. C. Featherston, Barnwell, Barnwell, C. H. W. Vimrus. Beaufort, Beaufort. Ss. J. Bampfield. Berkeley, Mt. Pleasant. J.J. Williams. Gharleston, Charleston. Wm. H. Gray. Chester, Chester, C.H. Jno. OC. McFadden. Chesterfield, Chesterfield, W. J. Hanna. Westbrook. C..H. Qlarendon, Manning. Jas. E. Davis. Colleton, Walterborough. R. L. Frazer, jr. Darlington, Darlington, C. H. J. N. Garner. Edgefield, Edgefield, 0. H.W. D. Ramey. Fairfield, ‘Winpsborough. Wei Kerr: Georgetown, Georgetown D, H. Smith. Greer ville, Greenville,O.H.A. J. Mosely. Hampton, ’Hampton,C. H. E. F. Warren. Horry, Conway. Jno. M. Oliver. Kershaw, Camden. 8. C. Clyburne. Lancaster, Lancaster,C.H.D. A. Williams. Laurens, Laurens, 0. H. G. W. Shell. Lexington, Lexington,O.H.Wm. J. Assmann, Marion, Marion, O. H. Jno. Wilcox, jr. Marlborough, Bennetts- ville. C. M. Weatherly. Newberry, Newberry, O.H.Jno. M, Kinard. Oconee, Walhalla. Jas, Seaborn, Orangeburgh, Orange- burgh, C. H. Pickens, Pickens, C. H. Richland, Columbia, Spartanbure gh, Spartan- burgh i. L. H. Wannamaker. J. J. Lewis. E. R. Arthur. Geo. W. Nicholls, Sumter ‘Sumter, C.H. W. H. Cuttins. Union, Union. E.R. Wallace. Williamsburgh, Kingstree.H. Z. Graham. York, Yorkville. Jos. F. Wallace, TENNESSEE. County. Co, Seat. Anderson, Clinton. Bedford, Shelbyville. Benton, Ca amden. Bledsoe, Pikeville. Blount, Maryville. ve oe Name. 8S. M. Leath. Will J. Muse. O. McRae. Jno. C. Myers. W. O. Churniea. Ben. Cunningham. Bradley, Cleveland, F. A. Frazier. Campbell, Jacksborough. Lewis Wilson, Cannon, Woodbury. W. W. Gray. J.C. BR. McCall J. R. Burrow. R. 8S. Turner. H. D. Franklin, Harvey Ritchie. D. W. Cullom. J. T. Jones. Simeon Ashley. . A. Johnson, H. G. Dunbar. O. H. Eastman, Carroll, Huntingdon. Carter, Elizabethton. Cheatham, Ashland City. Chester, Henderson, Claiborne Tazewell, Clay, Celina. Cocke, Newport. Coffee. Manchester. Crockett, Alamo. Cumberland, Crossville. Davidson, Nashville. Decatur, Decaturville. J. EK. Dees. De Kalb, Smithville, D. G. Lee. Dickson, Charlotte. F. O. Morris. Dyer, Dyersburg). S. R. Latta. O. O. Conatser. H. T. Taylor. dno. D. Carne. W. B. Smithson. @. McHenderson. W. H. Pifer. M. L. Nearn. H. Willlams. Fentress, Jamestown. Franklin, Winchester, Gibson, Trenton, Giles, Pulaski. Grainger, Rutledge. Greene, Greeneville. Grundy, Altamont, Hamblen, Morristown. Hamilton, Chattanooga, Hancock, Sneedville. Hardeman, Bolivar. Hardin, Savannah. Hawkins, Rogersville. Henry Tyler. Geo, G. Adams, J. D. McDougal. J, R. Armstrong. Haywood, Brownsvills. M. Boyd. Henderson, Lexington. C.R. Scott. Henry, Paris. Geo. W. Conway. Hickman, Centerville. H. Nixon. Houston, Erin J.S. Lee. Humphreys, Waverly. W. H. Meadow. Jackson, Gainesborough, James, Ooltewah. Jefferson, Dandridge. Johnson, Mountain. City. W.M. Gailbreath. J. ©. Heaton. G. W. Holtsmeyer. R. E. Berry. Lake, Tiptonville. Jno. D, Avnett. Wm. H. Jackson, Lawrence, Lawrenceburghd. M. Gilmore. Lewis, Newburgh. S. Q. Wetherly. J. W. Stockard. E. 8S. Wilson, M. L. Mourfield. Gaston & Robeson, f. F. Huddleston, Thos. J. Gregory. E. A. Clark, Lincoln, Fayetteville. Loudon, Loudon, McNairy, Purdy. Macon, La Fayette, Madison, Jackson. Jas. Hodge McLean, Richard 8S. Bradford County. Co. Seat. Marion, Jasper. Marshall, Lewisburgh. Maury Columbia, Meigs, Decatur. Monroe, Madisonville. Moore, Lynchburgh. Obion, Troy. Overton, Livingston, Perry, Linden. Pickett, Byrdstown, Polk, Benton. Putnam, Cookville. Rhea, Washington. Roane, Kingston. ough. Scott, Huntsville. Sequatchie, Dunlap. Sevier, Sevierville. Shelby, Memphis, Smith, Carthage. Stewart, Dover. Sullivan, Blountville. Sumner, Gallatin. Tipton, Covington. Trousdale, Hartsville. Unicoi, Erwin. Van Buren, Spencer. Warren, McMinnville. ough. Weakley, Dresden. White, Sparta. Wulson, Lebanon. County, Co. Seat. Anderson, Palestine. Angelina, Homer, Aransas, Rockport. Archer, Archer. Atascosa, Pleasanton. Austin, Bellville. Bandera; Bandera. Bastrop, Bastrop. Baylor, Seymour, Bee, Beeville. Bell, Belton. Blanco, Blanco, Bosque, Meridian. Bowrie, Texarkana. Brazoria, Brazoria. Brazos, Bryan. Brown, Brownwood. Burleson, Caldwell. Burnet, Burnet. Caldwell, Lockhart. Callahan, Baird. Cameron, Brownsville. Camp, Pittsburgh. Cass, Linden. Chambers, Wallisville. Cherokee, Rusk. Clay, Henrietta. Coleman, Coleman. Collin, McKinney. Colorado, Columbus, Concho, Paint Rock. Cooke, Gainesville. Coryell, Gatesville. Dallas, Dallas. Delta, Cooper. Denton, Denton. DeWitt, Cuero. Donley, Clarendon. Duval, San Diego. Eastland, Eastland. Ekwards, Leaky. Ellis, Waxahachie, El Paso, E] Paso. Erath, Stephenville. Falls, Marlin, Fannin, Bonham, Fayette, La Grange. Fisher, Fisher. Franklin, Mt. Vernon. F reestone, Fairfield. Frio, Pearsall. Galveston, Galveston. Goliad, Goliad, Gonzales, Gonzales, Grayson, Sherman, Gregg, Longview. Grimes, Anderson. Gaudalupe, Seguin. Hamilton, Hamilton. Hardeman, Margaret. Hardin, Hardin. Harris, Houston, Harrison, Marshall, Haskell, Haskell. Hays, San Marcos, Henderson, Athens, Hidalgo, Hidalgo. Hill, Hillsborough. Tood, Granbury. Montgomery, Clarksville. Robertson, Springfield. Rutherford, Murfreesbor- Washington, Jonesbor- Williamson, Franklin. Comal, New Braunfels. Comanche, Comanche, Dickens, Dockum Ranch. Dimmit, Carrizo Springs. Fort Bend, Richmond. Gillespie, Fredricksburgh. TENNESSHE—Continued. Nance. W. EF. Lewis. Jo. McBride. H. N. Aiken. Almon Robeson. D. E. Harris. A. R. Gholson. Jas, W. Byron. U. K. Moore. J. A. Barnes. C. L. Pearson. W. 8. Grimsley. W. W. Dodd. W.J. Isbell. R. W. Colville. I. F. Cormany. Jno. Y. Hutchison, J. W. Sparks, ir. Jas. Lay. J. H. Heard. D. H. Emert. Hugh B. Cullen. Will A. Jordan. E. G. Sexton. Geo T. Hammer. O. H. Foster. S. E. Stephenson. D. L. Goodall. J. C. Roberts. O. H. Clark. A. H. Grass. a E. A. Shipley. Wayne, Waynesborough. H. A. Helton. T. I. Little. J. D. Goff. P. A. House, W. M. Harkreader. TEXAS. Name, Z. A. McReynolds, J. C. Everitt. L. F. Bailey. W..W. Duren, A. G. Martin. Z. W. Matthews. Chas. Montague, jr. W. i. Jenkins. Jo. Woodyear. R. C. Eeds. W. W. Upsham, Hammond, Timber- lake & Hardy. @. W. Randal. J.J. King. Jno. G. McNeel, S. C. Martin, jr. J. F. Mayo. W. N. Heslep. Wim. M. Spitler. b, ‘TL. Palmer. I. N. Jackson. Adolphus Glaevecke T. E. Russell. Eb. Frazier. Jno. Rk. Wooten, S. B. Barron. G. W. Ford, H, P. Andrews. J. V7. Waddill. Henry Wagenfuhr, R. Bodemann. J. D. Bonner. Jas. I. Howze. Eddlemann & Carter R. B. Wells. W. M. C. Hill. Geo. W. Jones. dno, R. Edwards. J. P. Baker: W. C. Dokcum. M. C, Kelly. Ralph Jefferson. W. H. Simmons, S. R. Dickey. W. J. Hobbs. B. F. Kawkins. F. S. Clark. GC. J. Shapard. see G, Slater. . Noble. In 'P. Ehlinger. . D. Strang. i J. Dickerson. R. W. Holbrook, W.R. Boyd. R. W. Hudson. PP. S. Wren. H. Bierschwals. Jas. A. Burke. B. R. Abernethey. M. J. Chapin. R. B. Levy. Geo. W. Dodd. P.S. Sowell. Tom. C,. Pierson. Jno. Wesley. E. H. Collins. J. A. Cameron, Alex. 8, Feild. Arthur C. Foster, J. G. Burleson. VW. R. Dickerson. Albert Nicholls, W. W. Wight. J. H. Hiner, Hopkins, Sulphur Spr’gs. A. P. Landers,THE EVE RY OFFICE THX AS—Continued. County. Co, Seat. Name, Houston, Crockett. W. A. Champion. Howard, Big Spring. A. O. Walker. Hunt, Greenville. T. BE. Byrd. Jack, Jacksborough, D. B. Mizell. Jasper, Jasper. A.J. Rigsby Jefferson, Beaumont. rsidore Bordages. Johnson, Cleburne. F. Adams. y Jones, Anson. Kishy, Bros. & Fer- guson. Karnes, Helena. Kaufman, Kaufman. Kendall, Boerne. Kerr, Kerrville. Kimble, Junction City. Kinney, Brackettville. A. Maley. A. L, Self. Henry Theis. A. McFarland. A. J. Wilson W. 4H. Ragin. Knox, Benjamin. Jno. J. Brentz. Lamar, Paris, Austin Pollard. Lampasas, Lampasas. M. V. B. Sparks. LaSalle, Cotulla. J. H. Reese. Lavaca, Hallettsville. Juno. Buchannan. Leon, Centreville. Walter A. Patrick. Liberty, Liberty. Geo. Ricks. Limestone, Groesbeck. W. P. Brown. Live Oak, Oakville. F. H. Church. M. M. Hargis. W. McShan. Z. F. Beasley. W. A. Lowe. Jas. B. Lee. W. F. Jones. Adam Kong. Wilson Hey W.. E. Austin . Edw: rds Llano, Llano. McCulloch, Brady. McLennan, Waco. McMullen, Tilden. Madison, Madisonville. Marion, Jefferson. Martin, Marienfeld. Mason, Mason. Matagorda, Matagorda. Maverick, Eagle Pass, Jie Medina, Castroville. Menard, Menardadville. Midland, Midland. Montague, Montague. Montgomery, MontgomeryB. Rountree, . Williams. D. Griffin. » . et Morris, Daingerfield. G. W. Ragland Nacogdoches, NagodochesG. B. Crain, Navarro, Corsicana, ‘, S, Kerr. Newton, Newton. C. H. Nemits. R. A. Ragland. P. McDonough Vivian & Ryland. C. L. Goodman, “ H. Bz rker, H. Pollard. T. A. Wythe. Geo. H. Lewis. A, B. Green WwW. S. Lempert A, Fitzgerald A. P. Corley. Nolan, Sweet Water. Nueces, Corpus Christi. Oldham, Tascosa. Orange, Orange. Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto. Panola, Carthage Parker, Weatherford. Pecos, Fort Stockton. Polk, Livingston. Presidio, Mé rfa, Rains, Emory Red River, Glarkeville, Reeves, Pecos. N. Van Horn. Refugio, Refugio. Geo. Howard. Robertson, Franklin. Cc. S. Brigance. Rockwall, Rockwall. W. D. Barringer. Runnells, Runnells, W. L. Touner. B. C. Dickinson W. T. Arnold. Rusk, Henderson. Sabine, Hemphill. San Agustine, San Augus- tine. 1. D. Polk, San Jacinto, Cold Spring.J. M. Hansbro. San Patricio, San Patricio.Steve Lewis. San Saba, San Saba. Ww. A. Wilson. Shackelford, Albany. Sam/’l Spears. Shelby, Center. Y. W. Rogers. Smith, Tyler. V.S. Smith. Somerville, Glen Rose. J. W. Kincaid. Stephens, Breckenridge. W.W. Webb. Tarrant, Fort Worth. J. F. Prosser. Taylor, Abilene. David J. Red. Throckmorton, morton. Titus, Mt, Pleasant. Tom ‘Green, San Angelo. Throck- J. B. Massie. D. G. Williams. Jno. Lackey. Travis, Austin. Trinity, Groveton. Tyler, Woodville. Upshur, Gilmer, Uvalde, Uvalde. Val Verde, Del Rio. Van Zandt, Canton. Victoria, Victoria. Walker, Huntsville. Waller, Hempstead. Brenham. R, CO. Walker. J. K.P Stokes. W. TL. Hyde. N. M. Harrison. A. J. Spencer. Archibald Bogle. J. H. Wilhite. Thurmond & Co. W. B. Rome. W. F. Harper. H. M. Lewis. Washington, Webb, Laredo. Showalter & Nich- olson. Wharton, Wharton. J. A- Hamilton, Wheeler, Mobeetie. N. IT. Locke. Wichita, Wichita Falls. Rob’t Etloff. Wilbarger, Vernon, C. Wheeler. Williamson, Georgetown. F. I. Fisher. Wilson, Floresville. L. P. Hughes. C. V. Terrell. Jno. T. Craddock. A. T. Gray. Jno. F. H. W. Stephenson. Wise, Decatur. Wood, Quitman. Young, Graham. Zapata, Carrizo. ‘ec ‘ UTAH TERRITORY. County. Co. Seat. Name Beaver, Beaver Henry Emmerson. Box Elder, Br igham City- J: M. Jenson. Cache, Logan. W. Maughan. Davis, Tar mington. ve Barton. Emery, Castle Dale. oO. J. Anderson. Garfield, Panguitch. Jno. Houston. Iron, Parowan. Thos. Adams. Juab, Nephi. Alenry Adams. Kane, Kanab. W. 4H. Clayton. Millard, Fillmore. J. L. Robinson. MeDermott. FAVORITE , CONTRIBU TORS— Continued. TTAH THRRITOR Y—Continued. County, Co. Seat Name, Morgan, Morgan. Pi Ute, Junction. Rich, Randolph. S. Francis. Jno. Morrill. Jno. M. Baxter. | Sz ult Lake, Salt Lake City. H. G. MeMullun. jSan Pete, Manti. Jno. Reid. Sevier, Richfield. Jno. A. Hellstrom. Summit, Coalville, Thos. Alston. Tooele, Tooele. Jno. W. Tate. Uintah, Ashley. Phil. Stringham. Utah, Provo Oity. 3. Bachman. Wasatch, Heber. Washington, St. George. | Weber, Ugden City. Thos. H. Giles Jos. Bentley. CG. C. Richards. VER VONT, County, Co. Seat, Addison, Mi Name, iddlebury. Henry L. Sheldon. Benningt« on, Bennington. Jno. VY. Hall hittenden, Burlington. O.P % ; Guil {hall. @ EB. North Hero. took Essex Grand Isle, Hathaway. L amore. Eye) Park. W. H. H. Kenfield. r1else C.S. Emery. eans, Te aiite ch H. B. Cushman. und. Newfane. Henry H. Smith. Royall Tyler. Rutland, Rutle Windham, VERGINTIA. County. Co. Seat. Name, Accomack, Accomack. Cer Samuel T. Ross. Alexandria, Alexandria. Herbert H. Alleghany, Covington. J.J. Hobbs. Amelia, Amelia. C. H. E.H. Coleman. REIS: Amherst. Chas. L. Ellis. Appomi AbtOx, Appomat- tox, i ECO: F. Peers. Augusta, Staunton. Jos. B. Woodward 3ath, Warm Springs. Geo. H. Mayse. Bedford. De ahy: Bland, Bland. C, H. Be ytetourt, Fincastle. Brunswick, Lawrence- ville. R. Turnbull. Buchanan, Grundy. Joseph Hibbitts. Buckingham, Bucking- ham. C. H. ; Campbell, Rustburgh. poo M. Bpeece: Ps woe Win, B. Bimnons P. A. Forbes. R. W. Withers. C aroline,Bowling Green.Robt. Hudgin. Carroll, Hillsville. W. H. SutherJand Charlotte, Smithville. D. Q. Eggleston. Chesterfieid, Chester- field. M. A. Cogbill. Clarke, Berryville. Geo. Glass. Craig, New Castle. T. B. McCartney.| Culpeper, Cul paver. C. B. Payne. Cumberland, Cumber- land. C. John S. Taylor. Dickenson, Ginewood. Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie. Gar A. M. Orgain. Jas. Roy. Weaver. Essex, Tappahannock. I. F. W, Richardson. Fairfax, Fairfax. C. Fauquier, Warrenton. R. H. Downman. Floyd, Floyd. C. H. B. P. Elliott. |E luvanna, Palmyra. James K, Galt. James P. Riely. B. P. Watts. |\Frederick, Winchester. |Giles, Pearisburgh. G Cesar, Glouc- | ester. C. H. Goochland, Goochland. John S. Cooke. P. G. Miller. .E. J. Lundy. Z, K. Page. Trew ay & Bar- Grayson, Independence Greene, Stanardsville. Greenville, Hicksford. ha Halifax, Halifax. C. H. E. HL Vv guenaus Hanover, Hanover. C. H.John R. Taylor. Henry, Martinsville. J. H. Matthews. Highiand, Monterey. J.C. Matheny. Isle of Wight, Isle of Wight. N. P. Young. King and Queen, ene and Queen. C. H. B. T. Taylor. King George, icing g George. C. H W.S. Brown. King William, pine William. C. QO. M. Winston. Lancaster, LancasterC HA. A. Moody. Lee, Jonesville. Jonn R. Gibson. Loudoun, L eesburgh, J. EB. Carruthers. Louisa, Louisa. G. BH. §. H. Parsons. Lunenburgh, Lunen- burgh. H. John L. Yates. Madison. Maa ison. C. H. Hill & Jeffries. Mecklenburgh, Chase City. J. M. Sloan. Middlesex, Saluda. P. T. Woodward. Montgomery, Christians- burgh. John GC. Wade. Nansemond, Suffolk. Peter B. Hrentle. Nelson, Livingston. W. M. New Kent, Talleyville, ©. R. Ble Seon Norfolk, Portsmouth. Samuel Kimberly.| Northampton, Eastville.L. J. Goffigon. Northumberland, Heath- a m. Wm. H. Mann. W. P. Dillard. S. Cralle. NOtLaTwAy: Notto- way. Bl, Orange, Orange. C: H. Page, Luray. GC. T. Hoetzman. Patrick, Stuart. Wm. W. Moir. Pittsylvania, Chatham. J. H. Shepherd. Henry Columbus Phipps.} VIR GINTA— Co. Seat, Powha- oH County. |Powhatan, tan. C¢ | Prince Edward, Farm- ville. Prince George, Prince _ George. C. H. | Princes Anne, Princess | Anne. C. H jenincee ville. |Pulaski, Newbern. |Rapp ahannock, Wash- ington. 'Riebmond, Warsaw. |/Roanoke, Salem. [Rock bridge, Lexington. |Rockingham, burgh. |Russell, web panon. IScott, Estillville Shen: ae ah, Wood- Cn stock. iSmyth, Marion. |\Spottsylv ani: 1, Spott- sylvania. C. H. Stafford, Stafford. C, H. iSurry, Surry. C. Ht |Sussex, Sussex. C. H. Villiam, Warren, Front Royal. | Warwick, New port News. 3rents- Harrison- Tazewell, Tazewell. C.H. Continued. VEST Co. Name. |Monroe, Union. A. A. Nickell. Morgan, Berkeley Sp’gs W. H. Webster. Cn Oa, Nicholas. G. H.John A. Hamilton |Ohio, ¥ Nheeling. John W. Mitchell. Pe ndleton, Franklin. Preston Boggs, Pleasants, St. Marys, J. L. Knight. Pocah ontas, Hunters- VIR GINIA—C Seat. Continued. Name. County. A. S. Mayo _ I. R. Hooper Chas. Conner. ‘m. J. White- vilie. John J. Beard. hurst. |Preston, Kingwood. Smith Crane. 3 }Putnam, Winfield. H. L. Judge. John H. Nelson. |Raleigh, Raleigh. C. H. John Beckley. R, D. Gardner. |Rand olph . Beverly. W. H. Wilson. C. A. Macateo. County. Co. Seat. Name, Ritchie, Ritehie. C. H. Will A. Stickler. a a ee wane, Spencer. G. W. ErUndiees eee Sun mers: Hinton. W. H. Boude. y Pa cCal uey. |Taylor, Seaton Chas. H. Rector. J. P. Moore. Tucker, George. Alex Bennifield. Me Tyler, an ialel ourne. SS. B. Ankrom. ae SNE Upshur, Buck Oye () . ww A RIZON A... 4 TRAVELERY’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR ARIZONA. Place. County. Ash Fork, Yavapai. Casa Grande, Pinal. Clifton, Graham. ae 4 Flagstaff, Yarayat. Florence, Pinal. Ft. Grant, Graham. Fort Thomas, Graham. Globe, Gila. ee “ce Hacksberry, Mohave. Holbrook, Apache. Name. Cottage Hotel. Fryer Hotel. Clifton Hotel. U.S Hotel: Hawks Hotel. Silver King Hotel. Ft. Grant House. Thomas Hotel. Ramsdell House. Pascoe House. Nolbman House. Holbrook Hotel. Place.: County. Kingman, Mohave. Maricopa, Pinal. Mineral Park, Mohave. Pheenix, Maricopa. ee ce ce oe Pinal, Pinal. Final, Pinal, Prescott, Yavapai. ee “é ce ce Name. Palace Hotel. Maricopa House. Palace Hotel. Hotel Lemon. Phenix Hotel. Grand Hotel. Capital Hotel. Palace Hotel. Pinal Hotel. Prescott House. Johnson House, Williams House. Place. County. Saint John’s, Apacha. ee ee Signal, Mohave. Silver King, Pinal. Solomonsville, Graham. “ec es ee ce Tombstone, Cochise. Tucson, Pima. 6é ce cc ce Williams, Yavapai. Name. Lapes Hotel. McCormick House. Eureka House. Willams Hotel. Gila Hotei. Solomons Hotel. Detroit Hotel. Occidental Hotel. - Palace Hotel. Grand Central Hotel Cosmopolitan Hotel. Railroad Hotel. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR ARIZONA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Ash Fork, Yavapai. Dunean, Graham. Flagstaff, Yavapai. Florence, Pinal. ee ace Globe, Gila. Holbrook, Apache. A. G. Olliver. Thurman & Parks. P. J. Brannen. Geo. Thurston. J. J. Devine. G. A. Swasey. I. M. Zuck. Mineral Park, Phoenix, Maricopa. Prescott, Yavapai. Saint John’s, A pache. Solomonsville, Graham. Tombstone, Cochise. H. Bucksbaum. Philip K. Hickey. Pannenberg& Mitchell Harris Baldwin. C. L. Gutterson. P. M. Thurman. J. V. Vickers, Tombstone, Cochise. Tucson, Pima. sé es Wilcox, Cochise. Williams, Yavapai. Yuma, Yuma. Taylor & Kenny. Richard Starr. T. L. Shoultz. Geo. R. King. F. R. Nellis. Geo. M. Knight. GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR ARIZONA. Place. County. Benson, Cochise. Clifton, Graham. Flagstaff, Yavapal. “ ee te ee Florence, Pinal. 6é ce 6é ce Globe, Gila. ee ae cs 6é Holbrook, Apache. Mineral Park, Mohave. Mineral Park, Mohave. Mineral Park, Mohave. Mineral Park, Mohave. Phoenix, Maricopa. Name. Ja Beetracy: Ae i Patterson. Chas. G. W. French. H. fr Miller. T. C. S. Norris. A. W, Blair. John Miller. W. 8. Stone. Lemon & McCabe. W. H. Griffin. G. A. Swasey. Thos. S. Bunch. W.L. Van Horn. J. W. Blakely. EB. Williams. J. W. Stephenson. Wm. G. Blakely. A. C. Baker. = Place. County. Phoenix, Maricopa. 66 ef Phoenix, Maricopa. ee ee ce ce sé ‘é Pinal, Pinal. sé ce Prescott, Yavapai. sé ee Saint John’s, Apache. Name. Edwards & Chalmers. Tweed & Hancock. H. N. Alexander. Cox & Campbell. Ford & Cox. J. W. Crenshaw. Millay & Hine. John T. Alsap. Porter & Baxter. J. De N. Reymert. W.H. Benson. Herndon & Hawkins. Sumner Howard. Eugene Pannenburg. L. F. Eggers. Wm. H. McGrew. E. M. Sanford. M. V. Howard. Place. County. Saint John’s, Apache. 46 “ec é ecé Solomonsville, Tombstone, Cochise. Tombstone, Cochise. ‘é ee se ce se 66 “ce ce Tucson, Pima. “ec se ce se “ec ‘ce ce e Wilcox, Cochise. Yuma, Yuma. Graham. Name. John B. Millner. Harris Baldwin. C. L. Gutterson. P. M. Thurman. Goodrich & Smith. A. R. English. Chas. G. Johnston. W.4H. Stillwell. Thomas Mitchell. Webster Street. J. 5. Robinson. Earl & Campbell. Haynes & Stiles. Thos. H. Wilson. Dungan & King. R. D. Ferguson. R. F. Hughson. Geo. M. Knight. BANKS AND BANKERS pzrarruent vor ARIZONA. Place. County. Globe, Gila. Phoenix, Maricopa. Name. E. F. Kelner & Co. Alonzo Bailey. Valley B’nk of Phoenix Place. County. Phenix, Maricopa. Prescott, Yavapai. ce Name. Kales & Lewis. Bank of Arizona. Bank of Prescott. Place. County. Tombstone, Cochise. Tucson, Pima. Tuscon, Pima, Name. Cochise Co. Bank. D. Henderson. Bank of Tucson. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR ARIZONA. Place. County. Ash Fork, Yavapai. Benson, Cochise. Casa Grande, Pinal. Clifton, Graham. Flagstaff, Yavapai. Florence, Pinal. Fort Apache, Apache. Globe, Gila. Hacksberry, Mohave. Name. A.G, Olliver. R. L. Miller. John ©. Loss. James Sias. P. J. Brannan. W. R. Stone. Hinson Thomas. K. W. Cowles. Charles T. Martin. Warren HE. Day. Place. County. Holbrook, Apache. Mineral Park, Mohave. Mineral Park, Mohave. Pheenix, Maricopa. Pinal, Pinal. Prescott, Yavapai. Saint John’s, Apache. Signal, Mohave. Silver King, Pinal. Name. F. M. Zuck. BH. F. Thompson. J. W. Blakely. Geo. W. Hoadley. J. D.N. Reymert. W. H. Benson. Eugene Pannenburg. M. V. Howard. Moses Levy. Perry Wildman. Place. County. Solomonsville, Graham. ee 6é ce 46 Tombstone, Cochise. Tucson, Pima. Wilcox, Cochise! Williams, Yavapai. Yuma, Yuma. Name. P. M. Thurman. P. J. Bolan. R.A. Allred. Geo. W. Swain. W. 1. Osborn. W. A. Scott. W. R. Nichols. FR. R. Nellis. George M. Knight. M O RTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR A R RI ZO ZONA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Clifton, Graham. Florence, Pinal. o ee Globe, Gila. Chas. Royce. Geo. Thurston. J. J. Devine. E. F. Kelner & Co. G. A. Swasey. Phoenix, Maricopa. ce ce ce 66 “cs ee Prescott, Yavapai. Millay & Hine. Philip K. Hickey. Hiller & Joleen. Porter & Baxt Place. County. Saint John’s, Apache. Tombstone, Cochise. Tucson, Pima. BeeenGnrEeaMntchell Wilcox, Cochise. Name. Carlos Noller. Taylor & Kenny. J. V. Vickers. T. S. Schultz. Geo. R. King.D. A. MCPHERSON, President. O, J. SALISBURY, Salt Lake City, Vice-Prest. Vfostern Hakota foam ind Prost fh. DEADVV OOD, DAKOTA: JouN R. WILSON, Treasurer. S. M. HOUHTON, Secretary. VAN GISE & WILSON, Attorneys. ~>Capital, 290,000. Imcorporated under the Laws of Dakota. 3S Negoiate Loans Secured by ee First Mortgage on Improved Farms. GOOD INTEREST, S€-ABSOLUTE SECURITY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, NATIONAL ADVERTISERS. V. H. ABBOTT, REALESTATE AGENT, WINCHESTER, KY. Special attention given to Purchasing, Selling and Ex- changing tucky and adjourning states. Real Estate throughout the state of Ken- Large bound- aries of Timber and Mineral Lands always on hand. REDUCED RAILROAD RATES ON APPLICATION. REDUCED MOTEL RATES AT WINCHESTER. Free Conveyances to examine Home Properties. McCOOK COUNTY COLLECTION AGENCY AT MONTROSE. McCOOK COUNTY, DAK, M.A. BUTTEREIELD, (Manager,) Atty-at-Law. Cemmercial or other collections promptly made at Montrose, Salem, Canistota, Bridgewater and Martford, or other ac- cessable points. Team to start in any direction ata moments notice. An officer connected with the office will promply serve any necessary papers. REFERENCE: Sloux Falls Nat. Bank, Citizens Bank, Salem; Murray, Warner & Co., Minneapolis; Berkley, Talmadge & Co., St. Paul; Ault- man, Miller & Cas, Ackron,O ; St. Paul Harvester Co-, St. Paul. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. S) EA IS SiS}, SIOUX FALLS, DAK. Publishers of the Sioux Falls Real Estate ulletin. Dakota Real Estate! Bought and sold on commission. Col- lections promptly made, and taxes paid for non-residents. Special attention given to loaning money for capitalists, secured by first mortgage on farm and city property, on long time and at highest current rates. 500 business and resi- dence lots for sale. 25,000 acres of im- proved and unimproved lands for sale. Copies of the Bulletin, list of property and references sent on application, JAS. M. MeCARTY, REAL ESTATE, Loan, Insurance and General Agent, BAND NOTARY PUBLIC. Has unusual facilities for the purchase and sale of LANDS, in large or small tracts, all over the State of California, but particularly in the GREAT SAN JOAQUIN AND SACRAMENTO VALLEYS, Has now for sale a great many farms adapted to the production of wheat, fruit, vines, olives and oranges, and a few dairy farms, Pays special at- tention to the wants of Eastern capitalists desiring investmentsin Caiifornia. Loans Eastern money on mortgages on lands in California realizing seven per cent net to the loaner. References furnished and all business transactions guaranteed. OFFICE: 201 MAIN STREET. STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA. BANKING HOUSE ——: OF :——_ HENRY CLEWS & UO 13 & 15 Hroad St. NEW YORK. Interest Paid on Deposit Balances. Orders executed on all the Exchanges for Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions, COTTON AND PETROLEUM FOR CASH OR ON MARGIN. JOHN C. MAUGER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate and Collection All Business entrusted to me will be attended to with neat- ness and dispatch. —— DXN—+- The Sunbeam was the first journal in the United States to nominate Grover Cleveland for President, Nov. 4, 1882, while he was mayor of Buffalo, N. Y. ea SELIGMAN, BARRY COUNTY, MISSOURI. Orange Groves, erty in Sumpter, Hernando, Groves planted and cared for absentees. for. «THE ;, LEESB Passe ESTATE *« ASSOCIA Tia: LEESBURGH SUMPTER COUNTY, FLA. J. FE. JAMEs, 2 = = = = = Improved and Unimproved Lands, with Lake Fronts, Town Lots, Orange, Polk and Marion Counties, Florida, for sale. Titles investigated and Abstracts furnished. Properties inspected and reported on, in any part of the State. General Manager. Building Sites, and Improved City Prop- A general Land Agency conducted. Taxes paid, and the Agency of Estates undertaken Orange BRANCH OFFICES:—Jacksonville, Fla.; Louisville, Ky.; Chicago, Ill.; Chariton, Iowa; New York. Foreign Agencies in sole charge of our London Office. JNO. G. BRADY, Attorney at Law. LEESBURGH, FLORIDA. GUSTAV A. SCHNEIDER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. vertisement is noticed, National advertisers can refer, and more promptly and espondence.—Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” ; REMINDER.—If it is stated where ad Satisfactorialy answer your inquiry or corrDRS MOINAEAS, IGA CAPPFAL Chia SOME OF IS ClLAMs: 1. Itis the metropolis, as well as the capitol of Iowa. | 29. 2. The fifth city in the State in 1870, it became the first in 1880. 3. State and government census returns show, that it grew from 12,000 in 1870 to 16,000 in 1875, 22,696 | 39 in 1880, 40,000 (including suburbs,) in 1885, and| to-day has not less than 44,000. 31 It builds from 1,000 to 1,200 residences, and from| 30 to 50 business blocks each year. 39 It expends over $3,000,000 annually in new improve- | ~~” ments. In 1885, though a year of universal depression, it 83. expended $3,101,000 for this purpose. of, The city will grow as rapidly in the futtre as in the past, because It is the center of one of the most fertile regions in | 39. the world, and Far removed from any overshadowing city—3858 miles | 36. west of Chicago, and 366 miles northwest of St. Louis. 37. OED Rb ED ae This business is yet in its infancy, but our inexhaust- ible mines, located at the entrance of the coal-less regions of the great northwest, must ultimately support an industry of stupendous proportions. Property for investment can be bought at reasonable rates. The wonderful and continuous growth of the city insures a rapid increase in values. In ten years real estate has advanced from two to ten times in value. The sanitary record is excellent. Flowing artesian wells may be obtained, yielding pure, soft water with agreeable, health-civing mineral properties. The State fair grounds permanently located at Des Moines, form a beautiful park of over 300 acres. The State Capitol is the finest public building west of Albany. The State Law-Library ranks fifth in the Union. 10. There is no other city, even ap- proaching it in size, or commer- cial importance within 150 miles, di. It is the greatest railroad center west of Chicago, having 12. More railroads than any other city of its size in the Union. 13. They connect it directly with every county-seat in the State but one. 14. They enable it to command the best retail trade of the most fer- tile region in the State, for more 38. Its public schools are renowned for their excellence. 39. It has two universities, one ladies’ college, one law and three med- ical colleges. : 40. It has a most efficient fire depart- ment. 41, Morr THAN ALL ELSE IT HAS THE MEN—the kind of men to build a city—bold, energetic and en- terprising. Indicative of the progressive spirit and business than 100 miles around. enterprise of her people, we 15. They enable it to compete with the STATE HOUSE, point out that 42. Des Moines has an Improvement great cities, as a wholesale and manufacturing center. 16. Its wholesale business for 1885, amounted to $33,- 975,604. 43 17. It has unusual facilities for manufacturing. : 18. Its tworivers furnish ample water-power. 44, 19. Its coal mines furnish an unlimited supply of cheap ie fuel. : 20. Coal for manufacturing purposes, costs from 45 cents © 46. to $1.50 per ton. 91. It has over 150 manufacturing establishments, many yet in their infancy, but rapidly growing. AT. 99. Its manufactured products in 1885, amounted to $15, 596, 891. 48. 98. Its Distilleries the largest in the world, have a capacity 49. of 5,000 bushels of corn per day. 50. 94. Its starch works have a capacity of 3,500 bushels per day. 53. 95. It has unlimited deposits of brick, fire and potter’s BA clay. 5D. 96. It has extensive deposits of glass sand, adapted to the | 56, manufacture of the best grade of glass. 57. 27. It has twenty-five coal companies, employing over | 58. 2,000 men. 59 98. The coal product for 1885 amounted to $2,000,000. | 60. NOTICE.—The Names of Des Moines Real Estate men organization with an authorized capital of a quarter of a million dollars, to aid and encourage Manu- factures. It has a Board of Trade and Real Estate Dealers Asso- ciation for the same purpose. It has 850 telephones in use, more than any other city of its size in the world. Its post-office did more business in 1885, than the two next largest cities in the State combined. The net receipts of its post-office were $67,837.54, more than $26,000 in excess of the combined receipts of the two next largest cities. : Des Moines has five daily newspapers, and twenty-six weekly and monthly publications. Has twenty-six hotels. Has four opera houses and theatres. _ Has ten home fire insurance companies. Has six home life insurance companies. Has three electric light companies. Has nearly thirty miles of water mains. Has miles of paved streets. Has twenty miles of street railway. Has fourteen banks. Has forty-four churches. Has a determination to win. Has a hearty welcome for all new comers. Has A Boom. Come Soon. are given in Iowa, “Real Estate Agents and Dealers Department.” They solicit correspondence ‘and answer inquires with pleasure.—MBNTION THE RVERY OFFICE FAVORITE,VORITE NATIONAL ADVERTISERS. THE EVERY OFFICE FA ee | ADVERTISERS! ne advertisement in One Million issues of leading This is at the rate of only one-fifth pear in but a single issue of any For a check for $20 we will print a ten-li te the work within ten days. The advertisment will ap e Million different newspaper purchasers ;—or tated, that every newspaper is looked at by Address with copy of American Newspapers and comple of a cent a line, for 1,000 Circulation! and consequently will be placed before On as it ig sometimes Ss will accommodate about 75 words. paper, Frve Mirz1on Reapers, if it is true, five persons on an average. Ten: lines for book of 176 pages. Ady. and check, or send 80 cents tor book 0 pag GEO. P, ROWELL & CO. 10 Spruce Street, New York. ath) Pr ur Book called “ Newspaper Advertising.” It We have just issued a new edition (the 161st) of o he following Lists and Catalogues of News- has 176 pages, and among its contents may be named t papers:— DAILY NEWSPAPERS IN NEW YORK CITY, with their Advertising Rates. DAILY NEWSPAPERS IN CITIES HAVING more than 150,000 population, omitting all but the best. DAILY NEWSPAPERS IN CITIES HAVING more than 20,000 population, omitting all but the best. | A SMALL LIST OF NEWSPAPERS IN which to advertise every section of the country: being a, choice selection made up with great care, guided by long experience. ONE NEWSPAPER IN A STATE. The best one for an advertiser to use if he will use but one. BARGAINS IN ADVERTISING IN DAILY NEWSPAPERS in many principal cities and towns. A List which offers peculiar inducements to some advertisers. LARGEST CIRCULATIONS. A complete list of all American papers issuing regularly more than 29,000 copies. THE BEST LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, covering every town of over 5,000 population and every important county seat. SELECT LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, in which advertisements are inserted at half price. 5,493 VILLAGE NEWSPAPERS in which adver- tisements are inserted at $41 a line and appear in the whole lot—one-half of all the American Weeklies. Sent to any address for THIRTY CENTS. eT ree eee a Ba wt Aina Rate IR 9 a eae 1D REQUEST.—Always Mention “‘The Every Office Favorite.”ARKANSAS. &— HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR COLORADO. Place County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Alamosa, Conejos. Alma, Park. Alpine, Chaffee. ee ec Animas Forks, San Juan. Antonito, Conejos. Aspen, Pitkin. Black Hawk, Gilpin. Bonanza, Saguache. Boulder, Boulder. ee “ce Breckenridge, Summit. Buena Vista, Chaffee. ee ce Canon City, Fremont. “é ce Caribou, Boulder. Castle Rock, Douglas. Central City, Gilpin. Coal Creek, Fremont. Colorado Springs, El Paso. “¢ cé Como, Park. Conejos, Conejos. Crested Butte, Gunnison. é ee Del Norte, Rio Grande. Delta, Delta. Denver, Arapahoe. ae ee ce ce ae ee 6c“ ce ee cc ée ¢ ee «é Durango, La Plata. El Mora, Las Animas. Erie, Weld. Estes Park, Larimer. Evans, Weld. Perry House. St. Nicholas Hotel. Arcade Hotel. Gibbs House. Kalamazoo Hotel. Raymond House. Clarendon Hotel. Mountain House. Tremont House. Wathen House. Brainard House. American House. Denver Hotel. Lake House. El Paso House. St. Cloud Hotel. McClure House. Sherman House. Owens House. Telier House. Washington House. Coa] Creek House. Jolorado Springs Hotel. Antlers Hotel. Como Hotel. Deming House. Elk Mountain House. Crested Butte House. Windsor Hotel. Commercial House. Zeigler House. Windsor Hotel. St. James Hotel. Albany Hotel. Brunswick Hotel. American Hotel. Chapiot Hotel. Markham Hotel. Red Lyon Inn Hotel. Grand Centval. Exchange Hotel. City Hotel. Estes Park Hotel. Gerry House. Fair Play, Park. Fort Collins, Larimer. Garfield, Chaffee. Georgetown, Clear Creek. 6c ce Glenwood Springs, Garfield. Golden, Jefferson. 6é sé Gothic, Gunnison. Grand Lake, Grand. Greeley, Weld. Gunnison, Gunnison. Hahn’s Peak, Routt. Hancock, Chaffee. Horse Shoe, Park. Bergh House. Tedmon House. Shibley House. Junction Hotel. Webb’s Hotel. Boston House. Hotel De Paris. Hotel Glenwood. Glenwood Ave. Hotel. St. Bernard Hotel. Burgess House. Gothic House. Fairview Hotel. Greeley Hotel. Oasis Hotel. La Veta House. Placer House. Hancock House. Palmer House. Hot Sulphur Springs,Grand.Kinney House. Idaho Springs, Clear Creek. Sparr Hotel. Irwin, Gunnison. Kiowa, Elbert. Kokomo, Summit. La Junta, Brent. Lake City, Hinsdale. La Veta, Huerfano. Leadville, Lake. ee “e Longmont, Boulder. Loveland, Larimer. Manitou Springs, El Paso. ee 6é Maysville, Chaffee. Meeker, Garfield. Montrose, Montrose. Morrison, Jefferson. Ophir, San Miguel. Ouray, Ouray. Pitkin. Gunnison. Pueblo, Pueblo. Belle Monte Hotel. Kiowa House. St. Nicholas Hotel. La Junta Hotel. Delmonico Hotel. Wilmer House. Tabor Grand Hotel. Clarendon Hotel. Kendrick House. Zweek Hotel. Loveland House. Cliff House. Baker House. Maysville Hotel. Feather Hotel. Meeker Hotel. American House. Lindell Hotel. Grand Central Hotel. Ophir House. Hotel Lewis. Commercial Hotel. Numa Hotel. Fifth Avenue Hotel. Pueblo, Pueblo, (south). Red Cliff, Eagle. Rico, Dolores. Rosita, Custer. Saguache, Saguache. St. Elmo, Chaffee. Salida, Chaffee. Sedgwick, Saguache. Silver Cliff, Custer. Silver Plum, Clear Creek. Silverton, San Juan. Telluride, San Miguel. Tin Cup, Gunnison Trinidad, Las Animas. Villa Grove, Saguache. Walsenburgh, Huerfano. West Las Animas, Bent. Victoria Hotel. Eagle Hotel. St. James Hotel. Pioneer Hotel. Windsor House. Exchange Hotel. Commercial Hotel. American House. Monte Christo House. Junction House. American House. St. Cloud Hotel. Dobson House. Grand Hotel. Watson House. Grand Central Hotel. Grand Union Hotel. Western Hotel. Arnold House. Carpenter’s Hotel. UTILITY .—The practical utility of this Depart- ment will be apparent and appreciable to a large num- ber of the traveling public, and those persons who are going on a journey where they are unacquainted. By using this guide a hotel can be selected and made known to friends and postmaster before leaving, so that telegrams, mail. or other important matters may be forwarded without waiting directions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. LApIEs who are unaccustomed to traveling without escorts, can be greatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forwarding baggage checks, together with any special instructions as to taking care of them. Bustness MEN of various avocations will often find this Department a conye- nient reference in their business affairs when it is desired to meet parties at a distance, in the larger cities; an under- standing as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunting, etc., etc., which are usually attended with extra expenses. TRAVELING TROUPES or parties going in extra numbers can arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by correspondence in advance. In writing any of these houses please mention that nome was taken from the ‘‘ Hotel Travelers’ Guide Department” of “* THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.’?’REAL ESTATE acenrs anp DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR COLORADO. Place. County. Name. Wm. Sabine. John F. Ash. Thos. W. Duffy. W. R. Bowman. kh. C. Wilson. The Aspen R.E. Agcy. Jas. M. Denny. Jobn A. Elhott. Atamosa, Conejos. Alma, Park. Animas Forks, San Juan. Aspen, Pitkin. Bonanza, Saquache. Boulder, Boulder. J. W. Day. i * T. J. Graham. Breckenridge, Summit. B. M. Newcomb. Hill & Wood. Friedenthal & Lind- binger Wm. H. McClure. Wm. Dillon. A. G. Webster. W.C. Fullerton. Judge Berry. Potter & De Coursey. A. L. Lawton. Buena Vista, Chaffee. &é 6s Canon City, Fremont. Castle Rock, Douglas. Central City, Gilpin. Coal Creek, Fremont. Colorado Springs, El Paso. re ee C. H. Mills. ss es J. L. Miller. a fs ¥. B. Wells. Como, Park. W. L. Malpus. Conejos, Conejos. R. K. Brown. Alden Bassett. Standish & Blair. W.H. Crotser. Carmichael & Malcom A. M. Ghost & Co. Del Norte, Rio Grande. Delta, Delta. Denver, Arapahoe. “6 “ce " * J. M. Berkey & Co. ss es Morgan, French & Co. iG ef . Evans, ss es A.S. Pettit & Co. 5 ee Donald & Fletcher. ce 6 Whitehead Bros. Place. County. Denver, Arapahoe. 6é 6s Durango, La Plata. Fair Play, Park. Ft. Collins, Larimer. Georgetown, Clear Creek. Glenwood Springs, Garfield. Glenwood Golden, Jefferson. be “e Gunnison, Gunnison. ee ce Grand Junction, Mesa. ee “ec “cc 66 Grand Lake, Grand. Greeley, Weld. 66 ee ee 66 ce ce Hahn’s Peak, Routt, Idaho Springs, Clear Creek. Kiowa, Elbert. Kiowa, Elbert. Lake City, Hinesdale. Leadville, Lake. 66 “c sé ‘ce 6c ce Longmont, Boulder. Montezuma, Summit. Montrose, Montrose, Name. Chamberlain, Packard & Wilson. Hicks & Bailey. Knowls & Klinkcoles. Bailey & Walkin. J. N. Thomas. J. A. C. Kassack. H. H. Atkins. H. Seiford. Land & Trust Co. Al Townsend. B. G. Greathouse. Geo. W. Pettitt. M. M. Jones. M. L. Allison. J. FE. McFarland. C. C. Hammond. J. N. Pittingall. Burton D. Sank born. Benedict & Mansfield. Hale & Hotchkiss. T. C. Morley & Co. Eugene R. Thayer. F. M. Jones, Robert ‘Tarne. Lee Ramsey. Philip Bernhard. John B. King. Adams & Easton. Powell & Brooks. Brisbane & Old. Killan & Curtis. O. P. Bassett. R: Lu. Carr: J. W. Swisher. Jones & Thornton. Place. County. Ouray, Ouray. 66 ce Pueblo, Pueblo. sb 6e Pueblo, (South), Red Cliff, Hagle. Pueblo Rico, Dolores. &6 66 Rifle, Garfield. Rositi, Custer. se LG Saguache, Saguache. 6e 6s Salida, Chaffee. San Luis, Costilla. Silver Cliff, Custer. “ ce Silverton, San Juan. &é “6 ee ce Telluride, San Miguel. et ee Tin Cup, Gunnison. Trinidad, Las Animas. 6é 6é 6e 66 Villa Grove, Saguache. Walsenburgh, Huerfano. 66 6s Yampa, Routt. Name. W. A. Sherman. Abbott Bros. Pachon & Morris. Castle & Strait. C. H. Small. Mays & Squire. C. M. White. J. P. Norton. A.H. Mundee. EK. F. Campbell. M. M. Kellogg. James A. Melvin. L. B. Sechwenbeck. L. D. Curtis. W. W. Roller. Chas. John. John R. Smith. Ed Casady. Jas. H. Robin. Montgomery Bros. Reese & Clemens. Nunn & Kinney. C. F. Painter. W.S. Uhyen. Eugene B. Stoddard. Brigham & Wootton. J. W. Shryock. F. P. Bertschy. Chas. O. Unfug. J. kK. Burton. J. RK. Harding. EXPLANATION AND REQUEST. — The parties whose addresses are here given are, in nearly every instance, actively and attentively engaged in the real estate business. In openivg correspondence with any of them, please mention that their name was taken from the ‘ Real Estate Agents and Dealers Department”? of ‘THe EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.’’ GENERAL LAW ann cottection pEParRTMENT FOR COLORADO. Place. Name. Place. John L. Horine. W. R&R. Bowman. Aaron Himes. Alma, Park. Animas Forks, San Juan. Aspen, Pitkin. Berthoud, Larimer. J. H. Wells. Bonanza, Saquache. ae M. Denny. Boulder, Boulder. S. A. Giffin. R. H. Whiteley. S. H. Ballard. Alpheus Wright, Jones & Riddell. A. B. Huff. W.H. Miller. Watson & Libby. Waldo & Baker. Backburn & Daly. A. Macon. C. D. Bradley. John W. Farrel. W. C. Fullerton. i. W. Hulburt. J. 1). MeLinezay. Judge Berry. JE ie Williams. Wm. O’Brien. cs ss T. A. MeMorris. Campbell & McIntyre. Jehu Pields. Webster Ballinger, Hughes & Eneley. M.F. Stiles, Geo. C. Berlin. A. E. Amsburg, S. 8. Sherman, Steele & Malone., R. D. Thompson. Brechedridge, Summit. 6é 6e Buena Vista, Chaffee. 66 ee Canon City, Fremont. “e “sé 66 66 cs 66 Castle Rock, Douglas. Centr al City, Gilpin. 6s “e Coal Creek, Fremont. Colorado Springs, El] Paso. ee “e Como, Park. Conejos, Conejos. Crested Butte, Gunnison. Del Norte, Rio Grande. Delta, Delta. Denver, Arapahoe. te “ce : s R. M. & C.J. Hughes. ‘ i J. W. Homer. ‘ Patterson & Thomas. 5 : Markham & Dillon. Wells, Macon & Mc- Neil. 6e se ce 6 66 bE Durango, La Plata. Fair Play, Park. Ft. Collins, ce ce Georgetown, Clear Creek. Larimer, Bartel & Blood. L. C. Rockwell. Rogers & McCord. Geo. T. Sumner. W.C. Davidson. M. J. Bartley. Bailey & Wilkin. Ballard, Robinson & Love. L. J. Hilton. R. 8S. Morrison. . Shepard. L. Glenwood Springs, Garfield. Nims R. i erguson. Golden, Jetferson. ee e Gunnison, Gunnison. “ec &¢ Grand Junction, Mesa. 6c G6 Grand Lake, Grand. Greeley, Weld. oe ee “6 66 66 6s Idaho Springs, Clear Creek. Irwin, Gunnison. Kiowa, Elbert. Lake City, Hinsdale. Leadville, Tale. oc “cc cc ee 66 6c cc 66 “ec Lomgmont, Boulder. es ee De France. CU. C. Carpenter. A. D. Jameson. Thomas & Thomas. F.C. Gandy. W.J. Miller. C. W. Burris. Geo. W. Bailey. Haynes, Dunning & Annis. Freeman & Barrett. J.& J. EK. McCreary. A. P. Rittenhouse. I. N. Smith. M.F. Stiles. W. H. H. Waggoner. Henry & Henry. J. F. Trueauff, Wm. Kellogs. Maxwell & Phelps. Rucker & K wing. Taylo lor, Ashton & Ts ay- Darel KE. Parks. geo pson & Sayer. Walling. F. P. Secor. Way & Kinne. Montrose, Montrose. 66 66 6e 66 Ouray, Ouray. 46 et 66 66 Pueblo, Pueblo. Pueblo, (South) Pueblo. Red Cliff, Eagle. Rico, Dolores. Rifle, Garfield. Rosita, Custer. Saguache, Sagauche. Salida, Chaffee. Silver Cliff, tee Silverton, San Juan. 6eé 6 ce 6e Telluride, San Miguel. Tin Cup, Gunnison, Tnnidad, Las Animas. 6c oe Walsenburgh. 66 46 Yampa, Routt. Huerfana. County. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Atamosa, Conejos. C. C. Holbrook. Denver, Arapahoe, E. O. Walcott. Montevida, Rio Grande. Ira J. Bloomfield. a er C. A. Johnson. as i: L. P. Marsh. Montezuma, Summit. J. W. Swisher. Bell & Gondy. N. G. Clark. S. H. Baker. Storey & Stevens. Alfred Say re. W.M. Stewart. John M. Waldron, Pitkin & Richmond. Patten & Unmney. Chas C. Stein. N. B. Wescott. W. J. Kerr. M. J. Galligan, Richards & Hartman. Lrown & Glenn. Julius Thompson. |. Wyman. Frank P. Warner. Horace A. Arthur. R. K. Hagan. Frank Garrison. Rising & Hartzell. Hudson & Shaymaker. Taylor & Ingersoll. Montague & FE itch. W. H. Gabbert. W.S. Uhren. James M. John. J. C. Gunter. Robt. T. Yeoman. R. A. Quillian. D. M. Caskill. Breeze & Breeze, REQUEST. — In opening a business correspondence with parties whose addresses are here given, kindly mention that name was taken from the “General Law and Collection Department” of “Tue Every Orrick FAVORITE,” Ly so doing you confer a favor to the publishers, and at the same time obtain extra assurance of your business meeting with prompt and careful attention,BANKS AND BANKERS peprarrment ror COLORADO. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. Atamosa, Conejos. Alma, Park. Aspen, Pitkin. Berthoud, Larimer. Boulder, Boulder. “ec “e ee “cc Breckenridge, Summit. Buena Vista, Chaffee. Canon City, Fremont. ee “e Central City, Gilpin. Colorado Springs, E] Paso. se ee 6 “ Conejos, Conejos. Crested Butte, Gunnison. Del Norte, Rio Grande. e “es Delta, Delta. Denver, Arapahoe. “ec ce «s “é ee ee First National Bank. Bank of Alma. J.B. Wheeler & Co. Bank of Bethoud. First National Bank. National State Bank. Boulder Nat’] Bank. Chas. Levey (collector) Lincoln Hockaday & Co. Fremont Co. Bank. Exchange Bank. First National-Bank. Rocky Mt. Nat’l Bk. First National Bank. E] Paso Co. Bank. The People’s Bank. J.M. Archulela & Sons Bank of Crested Butte Rio Grande Co. Bank. Bank of Del Norte. Delta Co. Bank. German Nat'l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Colorado Nat'l Bank. State National Bank. Denver Nat’! Bank. Durango, La Plata. Fair Play, Park. Ft. Collins, Larimer. ee ee Georgetown, Clear Creek. se 6s First National Bank. Hathaway’s Bank. Poudre Valley Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Georgetown. Clear Creek Co. Bank. Glenwood Springs, Garfield. Arthur Rice & Co. Golden, Jetterson. Gunnison, Gunnison. Grand Junction, Mesa. “ec «6 Greeley, Weld. Jefferson Co. Bank. First National Bank. Commercial Bank. Mesa Co. Bank. Union Bank. First National Bank. Idaho Springs, Clear Creek.First Nat’] Bank. Irwin, Gunnison. La Junta, Bent. Lake City, Hinsdale. Leadville, Lake. Longmont, Boulder. “cc “ec Loveland, Larimer. Montrose, Montrose. Bank of Irwin. Bank of La Junta. Miners & Merchants Bank. Carbonate Bank. Trimble & Hunter. C. G. Buckingham. First Nat'l Bank. Bank of Longmont. Bank of Loveland. Uncompahgre Valley Bank. Ouray, Ouray. Pitkin, Gunnison. Pueblo, Pueblo. * (South) “ ce 66 Saquache, Saquache. Salida, Chaffee. Silver Cliff. Custer. Silverton, San Juan. Telluride, San Miguel. Tin Cup, Gunnison. Trinidad, Las Animas. +6 66 West Las Animas, Bent. Miners and Merchants Bank. Bank of Pitkin. First Nat’] Bank. Stock Growers Nat’ Bank. Bank of Pueblo. Western Nat'l] Bank. South Pueblo Nat’l Bank. Saquache Co. Bank. L. H. Decker. Chaffee Co. Bank. Continental Bank. Morton E. Post & Co. First Nat’l Bank. San Miguel Valley Bank. Bank of Tin Cup. First Nat'l Bank. Bank of Southern Cal- ifornia. Bent Co. Bank. REQUEST.-— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that the address was taken from the ‘‘ Bank and Bankers Depart: ment’? of ‘THE EvERY OFFICE FAVORITE,” NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR COLORADO. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name, _ Place. County. Name. Atamosa, Conejos. Wi. Sabine. Denver, Arapahoe. Gustave Opitz. Pueblo, Pueblo. R. F. Lyke. ‘e sé Alma, Park. Animas Forks, San Juan. Aspen, Pitkin. “ at Bonanza, Saquache. Boulder, Boulder. “é oe Breckenridge, Summit. “ “eé Buena Vista, Chaffee. ae “ce Canon City, Fremont. Castle Rock, Douglas. Central City, Gilpin. Coal Creek, Fremont. Colorado Springs, El Paso. ac “ce Como, Park. _ Conejos, Conejos. Crested Butte, Gunnison. Deer Trail, Arapahoe. Del Norte, Rio Grande. Delta, Delta. Denver, Arapahoe. sé és Thos. W. Duffy. §. W. Raymond. Jas. W. Tanfield. J.B. Brooks. J. W. Decker. C. M. Campbell. David Bartlett. HK. W. Fryer. John McNamara. CaS. uuu: Geo. D. Merriam. C. A. Morrison. Wim. Dillon. Harry Lake. hk. E. Smith. F.S. Griswold. J. H. Barlow. W. L. Malpus. Gerard Austin. J. M. Ruketts. R. L. Lackey. EK. P. Jones. Samuel Wade. Andrew W. Gillette. Frank H. Dunlevy. Samuel Milton. Durango, La Plata. “ ae Fair Play, Park. e “é Ft. Collins, Laramie. “ce ee C. D. Wright. W.N. Rohrer. GC. A. Wilkin. I. S. Smith. L. E. Hinkley. Chas. H. Sheldon. Glenwood Springs, Garfield. Nims R. Ferguson. Golden, Jefferson. Gunnison, Gunnison. Grand Junction, Mesa. ce se Grand Lake, Grand. Greely, Weld. B.S. Greathouse. Hibs lae oan i ne en W.S. Sullivan. B.S. Cohen. EF. P. Frost. Axthur Hotchkiss. Idaho Springs, Clear Creek. I. N. Smith. Kiowa, Hlbert. Lake City, Hinsdale. Leadville, Lake. Longmont, Boulder. Meeker, Garfield. Montevida, Rio Grande. Montezuma, Summit. Montrose, Montrose. Ouray, Ouray. W.H. H. Waggoner. J.J. Abbott. John W. Christy. Francis Rose. Geo. S. Phelps. John H. Wells. George 8. Hazen. Tra J. Bloomfield, J. W. Swisher. George B. Jones. James M. Abbott. ‘cs “sé Pueblo, (South) Pueblo. Red Cliff, Eagle. Rico. Dolores. ee ee Rosita, Custer. Saguache, Suguache. Salida, Chaffee. Silver Chiff, Custer. Silverton, San Juan. Telluride, San Miguel. Tin Cup, Gunnison. Trinidad, Las Animas. Villa Grove, Saguache. Walsenburgh, Huerfano. é ‘ce N. F. Bradford. W. J. Barndollar. Delos L. Holden. P. ¥.. Quinn. J. FE. Wannamaker. A. H. Mundee. R. N. Daniels. L H. Decker. W. W.._ Roller. JeeRaomcos R. McCloud. J. P. Redick: W.S. Uhren. Ed Bright. A. M. Hawley. W.R. Bradley. D. M. Caskill. Chas. O. Unfug. REQUEST. -— In sending matters to Notaries whose addresses are here given, you will confer a favor to the publishers and obtain extra assurance of promptness in attending to your business by mentioning that address was taken from the ‘‘Notaries Public (Protest and Conveyancing) Department”? of ‘‘ Tax EyERy OFFIcr FayoRive.” M. ORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR COLO RADO. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Atamosa, Conejos. Alma, Park. Aspen, Pitkin. ee “eé 6é “ec Boulder, Boulder. Breckenridge, Summit. ee ee Buena Vista, Chaffee. Canon City, Fremont. Central City, Gilpin. e “sé Colorado Springs, El Paso. Orested Butte, Gunnison. Del Norte, Rio Grande. Delta, Delta. Denver, Arapahoe. ce 66 sé ce 14 be Wm. Sabine. Bank of Alma. Aspen R. BK. Agency. J. Bransford. Jas. Lyons. Maxwell & Oliver. J. W. Day. Hiram Johnson. L. F. Hilliard. John 8. Halsev. W.H. McClure. James Burrnell. J.J. Riley. Wills & Beebe. Bank of Crested Butte. H. Schiffer & Bro. A. E. Amsbury. H. A. Bailey. Col. Mort. Invest. Co. Hayden & Dickinson. McMann & Kittridge. Rollins & Young. Denver, Arapahoe. ‘sé “e Durango, La Plata. Fair Play, Park. Ft. Collins, Larimer. “é te Golden, Jefferson. Gunnison, Gunnison. Greeley, Weld. Hahn’s Park, Routt. Lake City, Hinsdale. Leadville, Lake. Longmont, Boulder. Montrose, Montrose. Ouray, Ouray. ce ae Pueblo, Pueblo. Idaho Springs, Clear Creek. Montevida, Rio Grande. Tho. W. Herr & Co. Bennett & Myers. John Knowles. Hathaway’s Bank. Col. Loan & Trust Co. Col. Mort. Invest. Co. Georgetown, Clear Creek. C. R. Fish. : Gzlenwood Springs, Gare eae Arthur Rice 10. B. G. Greathouse. M. M. Jones. Freeman & Barrett. Cody & Hinman, I. N. Smith. Thatcher Bros. Geo. W. Bittinger, Carr & Secor. Tra J. Bloomfield. Jones & Thornton. Abbott Bros. Story & Stearns. J. B. Walburn. Pueblo, Pueblo. Pueblo, (South) Pueblo. Red Chiff, Eagle. Saguache, Saguache. Salida, Chaffee. Silver Cliff, Custer. Silverton, San Juan. Telluride, San Miguel. Trinidad, Las Animas. e <6 Walsenburgh, Huerrano. C. C. Stein. Geo. A. Newton. Henry Richardson. James Ferguson. Morton E. Post & Co. Robt. Roberts. Montgomery Bros. G. N. Hyde. Edward Henry. Robert T. Yeoman. F. D. Wight. Chas. O. Unfug. > EXPLANA TLION,—The parties whose addresses are given here are identified in th GAGE loan business, and throu e REAL EstaTe First Mori gh them such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and the current rates of interest obtained in their localities. To ascer- tain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that name was taken from the “Mortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department” of “Pup EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”seeb! SoS rae Resa, st 3 vantages offered to BOTH SEXES. No. 439 Minnesota Avenue, - - THOROUGH and PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION given in BOOKKEEPING, BUSINESS ARITHMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, PENMANSHIP, SHORT-HAND, TYPE-WRITING, ete. STENOGRAPHIC MACHINE. All the preparatory English branches taught. EXPERIENCED teachers employed, who have had actual experience in keeping books. [@8"Be sure and write for circular, THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, NATIONAL ADVERTISERS, 4 ATTEND THE == Myandilde Hbyywwntdd College WYANDOTTE, KANSAS. INSTRUCTION given on None but PRACTICAL and SUPERIOR ad- Cheapest and best business school west of the Mississippi River. WE INSIST UPON INVESTICATION. Address, WILLIAM TISDALE, Principal. BG JS, SOL WOowt ATTORNEY AT LAW, 812 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo. B. M. BRAKE & CO. Real Estate and Loan Brokers, 534 DELAWARE STREET, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City Real Estate, Kansas and Missouri Farms, and Unimproyed Lands a Specialty. Also Stock Ranches. We Negotiate Exchanges in Kansas City Property, Lands, and Stocks of Merchandise. TW GIR aE GacOr Real Estate €& Mdse. Brokers, 902 Main Street, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Vice President R. E Association. Secretary Mo. Real Estate Ass’n. Commissioner for State of Missouri to the World's Fair at New Orleans. UMAS. W. CLARK, ATTORNEY, INO A Ry, PiUiisiskS- Room 21, Sheidley Building, S. E. Corner 9th. & Main. KANSAS, CITY, MO. ». MANN & C0, General Real Estate Agents. NEWTON, KAN. MANN, STOKES & SEBRELL, HEAL ESTATE BROKERS GARDEN CITY, KAN. C. W. BAKER. R. W. TUREMAN. BAKER & TUREMAN, Real Estate and Loan Brokers, INVESTMENT AND COLLECTING AGENTS, Office 525 Delaware Street, Corner Missouri Avenue, KANSAS CITY, MO. Refers to Citizens National Bank of Kansas City. J.S. FISHER, S. A. WEBBER. PISHER & 0, hodl Estate, Business Chances City and Country Exchanges, SS2 Delaware Street, KANSAS CITY, MO. JG, WER é (cel Real Estate & Exchange BROKERS, ROOM 21 SHEIDLEY BUILDING, KANSAS CITY, - ° - - MO. We make a specialty of Exchanges and have at all times a large list ofall kinds of proper- ties to select from. Wersolicit your correspondence. G. H. WHEELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 812 MAIN STREE, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. R. W. DENNY, E. 3. SMIT DENNY & SMITH. WAL ESTATE Loan and Insurance Agt’s, 503 1-2 Main St., NEWTON, KAS., H. LELAND J. WEBB. CHAS, F. SPENCER, WEBB & SPENCER, ttorneys at haw, Rooms 4 and d, No. 121 Kansas Avenue, TOPEKA, KANSAS. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Daily oo Emel ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS, 800 WYANDOTT STREET, izansas City, Io. : REMINDER.-If it is stated w Satisfactorialy answer your inquiry here advertisement is noticed, National or correspondence.—Do not forget to m advertisers ention “TH can refer, and more promptly and E EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”CON NECTIC ae HOTEL, Place. County. Name. Andover, Polland. Ansonia, New Haven. ee ee Ashford, Windham. Clark’s Hotel. Baltic, New London. 3altic Hotel. Barkhamstead, Litchfield. Riverton Hotel. Berlin, Hartford. Berlin Hotel. Bethany, New Haven. Bethany Hotel. Bethel, Fairfield. Fox Hotel. Birmingham,New Hay en. Bassett House. Birmingham Hotel. Bolton, Tolland. Webster Hotel. Ansonia House. Dayton House. Hunt’s Hotel. Notch Hotel. Double Beach Hotel Branfort Pt. Hotel. Dot Island Hotel. Pine Orchard Hotel. Atlantie House. Elm House. Sterling House. Gridley Hotel. Bristol Hotel. Brookfield Hotel. Brooklyn Hotel. Mont Lake Hotel. Burlington, Hartford. Woodland Hotel. Canaan, Litchfield, Warner House. Central Vill’e, Windham.Central House. Cheshire, New Haven. Wallace Hotel. Payne’s Hotel. Chester, Middlesex. Chester Hotel. Clinton, Middlesex. Bacon Hotel. Colchester, New London. Hooker House. Colbrook, Litchfield. Thompson House. Collinsville, Hartford. Valley House. Cornwall, Litchfield. Mansion House. Danbury, Fairfield. New England Hotel uf a Gilbert \Lotel. Turner Hotel. Danielsonville, W indham. Attawangan House Olive Branch Hotel. Darien, Hotel. Branford, New Haven. << ae sé ce Bridgeport, Fairfield. Bristol, Hartford. Brookfield, Fairtield. Brooklyn, Windham. ce ce Darien, Fairfield, Deep River, Middlesex. Deep River Hotel. Derby, New Haven. Mansion House, Hast Haddam, Middlesex.Champion House. East-Hampton,Middlesex.Buells Hotel. East Hartford, Hartford. EastHart/ord Hotel East Lyme, New London. Morton House. Howard Hotel. Ellington, Tolland. Franklin Hotel. East Windsor, Hartford. Windsor Hotel. American Hotel. Enfield, Hartford. Abbey’s House. Essex, Middlesex. Essex Hotel. Fairfield, Fairfield. Fairfiela House. Fair Haven, New Haven.Forbes House. Falls Village, Litchfield. Dudley’s Hotel. FE: irmington Hartford. Elm Tree Inn. Franklin, New London. Franklin Hotel. REAL ESTATE op —=<—O Place. County. Name. Gildersleeve, Middlesex. Glastonburg, Hartford. Granby, Hartford. Greenwich, Fairfield. Griswold, New London. Groton, New London, Guilford, New Haven. Haddam, Middlesex. Hamden, New Haven, Hartford, Hartford. Union Hotel. Gaines’ Hotel. Center Hotel. Lenox House. Jewett City Hotel. Groton House. Guitford Pt. Hotel. Brooks’ Hotel. Centreville Hotel. Allyn Iouse. United States Hotel City Hotel. Park Central Hotel. Hebron, Tolland. American Hotel. Huntsville, Litehfield. Sedgwick House. Jewett City, New London. Jewett City Hotel. Kent, Litchfield. Elmore Hotel. Lakeville, Litchfield. Woonsco House. Litehfield, Litchfield. Mansion House. cf ee United States House Lake View House. Bacon Hotel. Cowles House. Knox Hotel. Meriden, New Haven. Meriden House. Middletow n, Middlesex. McDonough Louse. Kilbourn House. Milford, New Haven, Milford Hotel. Nangatuck, New Hav en. Nangatuck Hotel. New Britain, Hartford. Hump! irey House. New Canaan, Fairfield. Birdsall Hotel. New Hartford, Litchfield.New Hartford Ho- se “ec “c“ “ce ce ee Lyme, New London, Manchester, Elartford, “eé ae te New Haven, New Hay en. New Haven House. Elliott House. New London, N. London.Crocker House. wt Metropolitan House New Milford, Litehfield. New England Hotel Newton, Fairfield. Grand Cent’! Hotel. Norfolk, Litchfield. Steven’s Hotel. No. Manchester, Hartford.Cowles House, Norwalk, Fairfield. Norwalk House. Norwich, New London. Wauregan Hotel. as Union Square H. American House. Plainfield, Windham. Douglas Hotel. Plantsville, Hartford. Aldridge Hotel. Portland, Middlesex. Edwards Hotel. oe s Union House. Bugbee House. Elm Street House. Osborne Hotel. Ridgefield House. Rockville House. Hotel de Ryer. Barnard Hotel. Fenwick Hotel. Seymour House. Thurston Hotel. Putnam, Windham. oe se Redding, Fairfield. Ridgefield, Fairfield. Rockville, Tolland. Rocky Hill, Hartford. Salisbury, Litchfield. Saybrook, Middlesex. Seymour, New Haven. Simsbury, Hartford. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR CONNECTICUT. Place. County. Name. Southberry, New Haven. Oatman House. Southington, Hartford. Bradley Hotel. South Norw: alk, Fairfield.City Hotel. Southport, Fair “field. Palace Hotel. South Windsor, Hartford.Gilmore Hotel. Stafford, Tolland. Furnace Hollow H. Stafford Springs, Tolland. Union Hotel. Stafford Sp’gs Hotel Stamford, Fairfield. Stamford House. Stonington, New London. Ocean Hotel. Faxey Hotel. Suffield, Hartford. Knox Hotel, “s “ Suffield Hotel. Thompson, Windham. Thompson Hotel. Thomaston, Litchfield. Thomaston Hotel, Thom psonville, Hartford. Thompsonville H. Tolland, Tolland. Tolland Hotel. Torrington, Litchfield. Allen House. Unionville, Hartford. Tunixs Hotel. Vernon, Tolland. Rockville Hotel. Voluntown, New London.Union Hotel. Wallingford, New Haven.Wallingford Hotel. Waterbury, New Haven. Scoville House. Watertown, Litchfield. Warren Hotel. Westbrook, Middlesex. Westbrook Hotel. West Haven, New Haven.Beach House. oe a Iinman Fffotel. Westport, Fairfield. Westport House. W illimantic, Windham. Brainard House. Commercial Hotel. Winchester Centre, Litch- field. Beardsley Hotel. Windsor, Hartford. Alford House. Windsor Locks, Hartford. Center Hotel. Charter Oak Hotel. Winsted, Litchfield. Clark Hotel. Woodbury, Litchfield. Central Hotel. Woodbury House. Woolcott, New Haven. Woodstock, Windham. Park Hotel. Elmwood Hotel. LIT Y-.—tThe practical utility of this Department will be apparent and appreciable to a large number of the traveling public, and those persons who are going ona journey where they are unacquamted. By using this guide a hotel can be selected and made known to friends and postmaster before leaving, so that telegrams, mail or other important matters may be forwarded without waiting direc- tions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. Lapries who are unaccustomed to traveling without escorts, can be greatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forw arding baggage checks, together with any special instructions as to taking care of them. BUSINEssS MEN of various avoca- tions will often find this Department a convenient reference in their business affairs when it is desired to meet parties at a distance, in the larger cities; an understanding as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunt- ing, ete., etc.. which are usually attended with extra ex- penses. TRAVELING TROUPES or parties going in extra numbers can arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by correspondence in advance. In writing any of these houses please mention that name was taken from the ‘*‘ Hotel Travelers Guide Department” of ‘t THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR Connecticut. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Andrew E. Nash. Jas. Staples & Co. af eS Chas. S. Canfield. Canaan, Litchfield. A. T. Roraback. Central Vill’e, Windham.Edgar M. Warner. Bridgeport, Fairfield. Colchester, New London. Erastus Day. Collinsville, Hartford. W. W. Bidwell. Cornwall, Litchfield. Sa ea rOllive Danbury, F airfield. A. T. Bates. Arthur H. Averill. Danielsonville, Windham.Palmer & Crofut. eo. Llovd. Deep River, Middlesex. W.T. Wilcox. East Haddam, Middlesex. Julius Athwood. Essex, Middlesex. J. L. Phelps. Falls Village, Litchfield. L. P. Dean. Granby, Hartford. Theo. M. Maltbie. Greenwieb, Fairfield. Hartford, Hartford. J.C. Wasserbach. - S. J. Bestor. Edward Shelton. C. A. Atkins. ce se ce ce Mason & Hubbard. R. S. Cruttenden. Dwight C. Kilbourn Seth. Pratt. James P. Platt. Geo. A. Fay. F. E. Camp. G. F. Collins. Higganum, Middlesex. Litchfield, Litchfield. Meriden, New Haven. ce “ec Middletown, Middlesex. Ke sc N. V. Fagan. « se F. A. Guild. A. M. Colgron. Mystic River, N. London. Lemuel Clift. Nangatuck, New Haven. Wm. Kennedy. New Britain, Hartford. Chas. Vortherd. New Hartford, Litchfield. J. B. Foster. New Haven, New Haven. John F. Sloan. L. F. Comstock. W.H. HH. Hewitt. H. P. Hoadley. ce 46 ‘6 6e New London, New Lon- don. Ralph Wheeler. “f Starr & Peters. if ss Lester H. Phillips. Name. Roger Wells. J. B. Hurlburt. Alfred E. Austin. Jacob M. Layton. H. F. Palmer. N. H. Tarrant. Brown & Perkins. J. M. Murdock. C: H. Chesebro. Q. H. Fuller. C. H. Osgood. Willard Baker. Place. County, Newington, Hartford. Norwalk, Fairfield, ce 4c és cc Norwich, New London. ce ee ce ce Portland, Middlesex. Putnam, Windham. oe ce Sharon, Litchfield. ; South Norwalk, Fairfield. J. UJ. Light. Stamford, Fairfield. A. R. Turkington. Stonington. New London.Nathaniel Hancock Wallingford, New Haven.L. M. Hubbard. Waterbury, New Haven. Holmes & Parsons. West Winsted,Litchfield. Chas. A. Hayden. Willimantic, Windham. A. b. Adams & Co. se re S. F, Loomis. G. B. Pomeroy. RD ivlen: sc se Winsted, Litchfield.BANKS AND BANKERS pverartMent For See aa se Se Place. County. Name. Ansonia, New Haven. Birmingham,New Haven Bridgeport, Fairfield. Bristol, Hartford. Brooklyn, Windham. Canaan, Litchfield. Chester, Middlesex. Clinton, Middlesex. Ansonia Nat’l Bank Birmingham Nat’l ank. Com’! Nat'l Bank. Bridgeport Nat'l Bk First Nat?1] Bank. City Nat'l Bank. Bristol Nat?) Bank. Windham Co. Nati Bank. Canaan Svgs Bank. Chester Svgs Bank. Clinton Nat'l Bank. Colchester, New London. Colchester Svgs Bk. Collinsville, Hartford. Cromwell, Middlesex. Danbury, Fairfield. CollinsvilleSvgs Bk H. S. Collins & Co. Cromwell Svgs Bk. Danbury Nat’! Bk. Nat’l]PahquioqueBk Danielsonville, Windham.First Nat'l Bank. Deep River, Middlesex. Deep River Nat'l Bk Fast Haddam, Middlesex.Nat’l Bank of New Essex, Middlesex. Falls Village, Litchfield Farmington, Hartford. Greenwich, Fairfield. Guilford, New Haven. Hartford, Hartford. ce ce ce éé ce “ce ee cc és ce 46 ss cc ce ce ce ce be Higganum, Middlesex. England. Saybrook Bank. Natl Iron Bank. Farmington Svgs B. Greenwich Svgs Bk. Guilford Svgs Bk. itna Nat'l Bank. American Nat] Bk. Charter Oak Bank. City Bk of Hartford Conn. R. B’king Co. Farmers & Mechan- ics Nat'l Bank. First Nat] Bank. Hartford Nat’l Bk. Pheenix Nat’! Bank. State Bank. United States Bank. Higganum Svgs Bk. Jewett City, New London.Jewett City Svgs Bk Place. County. Name. CONNECTICUT. Name. Place. County. Salisbury Svgs So. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Home Nat’! Bank. Central Nat’] Bank. Middlesex Bkg Co. First Nat’] Bank. Farmers & Mechan- ics Svgs Bank. Middlesex Co. Bk. Middletown Natl B Milford, New Haven. Milford Svgs Bank. Moodus, Middlesex. Moodus Sygs Bank. Mystic Bridge, N. London.First Nat’] Bank. Nangatuck, New Haven. Nangatuck Nat’! B. New Britian, Hartford. New Britian Na- tional Bank. New Britian ings Bank. New Canaan, Fairfield. First Nat'l Bank. New Haven, New Haven.First Nat'l Bank. cf a Second Nat’! Bank. City Bank. Yale Nat’] Bank. Tradesmans’ Nat’l Bank. és a Mechanics’ Nat'l Bk New London, N. London. Bank of Commerce. New Milford, Litchfield. First Nat'l] Bank. Norfolk, Litchfield. Norfolk Sv’gs Bank Norwalk, Fairfield. Norwalk Nat’l Bk, « ge Fairfield Co,. Nat'l Lakeville, Litchfield. Litchfield, Litchfield. Meriden New Haven. Middletown, Middlesex. ‘c ce “c ¢é ce ce “ce ce 6c ce Sav- 6c ‘ce «c 6 ec 66 Bank. Norwich, New London. Merchants’ Nat'l Bank. Thames Nat’] Bank. Unecas Nat'l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Second ‘Nat’?! Bank. First Nat'l Bank. First Nat] Bank. ee ce ce ee oe ee ee ce Portland, Middlesex. Putnam, Windham. Ridgefield, Fairfield. First Nat’] Bank. Rockville Nat'l Bk. Southington Natl Rockville, Tolland. Southington, Hartford. Bank. South Norwalk, Fairfield.City National Bank Ws oe First Nat’l Bank. Southport, Fairfield. Southport Nat’] Bk Stafford Springs, Tolland.Stafford Nat'l Bank Stamford, Fairfield. Stanford Nat Bank et as National Bank of Stanford. Stonington, New London. First Nat'l Bank. Suffield, Hartford. First Natl Bank. Thompson, Windham. Thompson Nat’! Bk Thomaston, Litchfield. Thomaston Savings Bank. Thompsonville, Hart- ford. Thompsonville Trust Co. Tolland Svg’s Bank. Brooks Bro’s. TorringtonSve’sBk. Wallingford, New Haven.First Nat’l Bank. Waterbury, New Haven. Citizens’ Nat'l Bk. ce as Mfegrs’ Nat'l Bank. a ct Waterbury Nat’! Bk Westport, Fairfield. National Bank of Westport. West Winsted, Litchfield. Hurlburt Nat’! Bk. Willimantic, Windham. First Nat’] Bank. “ as Windham Nat’! BE. Windsor Locks, Hartford.Windsor Locks Savings Bank. Winsted, Litchfield. First Natl Bank. ef fs Winsted Nat'l] Bank Woodbury, Litchfield. Woodbury Svg’s Bk REQUEST.—Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers De- partment” of ‘*TaE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” Tolland, Tolland. Torrington, Litchfield. Ridgefield Sv’gs Bk GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR CONNECTICUT. Birmingham, N. Haven. Edwin B. Gager. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. R. Vinal. Putnam, Windham. Chas. E Searles. 6 4 Bridgeport, Fairfield. Bristol, Hartford. Canaan, Litchfield. Clinton, Middlesex. E. Stewart Sumner. N. E. Pierce. A. T. Roraback. - D. L. Peck. Colchester, New London. Erastus Day. Collinsville, Hartford. Cornwall, Litchfield. Danbury, Fairfield. W. W. Bidwell. L. J. Nickerson. James E. Walsh. Danielsonville, Windham. E. Martin. és 66 66 «e 13 “ce Deep River, Middlesex. T. KE. Graves. Arthur G. Bill. Milton A. Shumway James H. Potter. W.T. Wilcox. East Haddam, Middlesex.Julius Athwood. Essex, Middlesex. Ve Falls Village, Litchfield. L. Granby, Hartford. Greenwich, I airfield. Guilford, New Haven. Hartford, Hartford. ce 6e “ec 6 6 6c ee cs Harwinton, Litchfield. Lakeville, Litchfield. Litchfield, Litchfield. Meriden, New Haven. oe ce Middletown, Middlesex. 66 “c & 6“ ‘c 6c “ “ “ “ec ce 6c “ec “cc S. Phelps. P. Dean. - W.C. Case. Mason & Hubbard. E. C. Woodruff. Joseph L. Barbour. Wm. Ff. Henry, Chas. T. Cole. Hyde & Joslyn. © H. C. Robinson. J. C. Parsons. Abijah Catlin. D. T. Warner. Henry B. Graves. James P. Platt. Geo. A. Fay. Arthur W. Bacon. C. E. Bacon. Eldin B. Birdsey. Calef & Northrup. D. J. Donahoe. M. EB. Culver. Lovell Hall, W. M. Pearne, S. A. Robinson. Middletown, Middlesex. C.G. Milford, New Haven. Geo. M. Gurm. Mystic Bridge,N. London. Albert Dennison. Mystic River, N. London. Lemuel Clift. Nangatuck, New Haven. Wm. Kennedy. ord. New Canaan, Fairfield, Russell L. Hall. New Hartford, Litchfield.J. B. Foster. Ws a F, A .Jewell. New Haven, New Haven:Harry W. Asher. a sf S. Harrison. Wright, Robinson & Hotchkiss. Aug. Brandezee, A. P. Farmer. Ralph Wheeler. Waller, Tibbits & Waller. Samuel Park. J. H. McMahon. J. T. Addis. J. S. Turrill. New London, N. London. ce ce 3 ee c6 ef New Milford, Litchfield. Newington, Hartford. Roger Wells. Newtown, Fairfield. C. H. Northrop, No. Manchester, HartfordOlin R. Wood. ee ¢¢ Jahn T. Waits. Portland, Middlesex. oGl J.M. Murdock. Putnam, Windham. L. & H. Warner. New Britian, Hartford. Mitenelt & Hunger- ce us Wagner, Townsend & Watrous, ce ae Oliver S. White. - 3 Doolittle & Bennett .|Suffield, Hartford. Tenny & Congaon. J. M. Lyon. Walter Bennett. A. MeMathewson. Samuel H. Seward. KE. H. Johnson. R. H. Chandler. Dwight Marcy. B. T. Warner. Willard Baker. Chas. Palmer. Southington, Hartford. M.H. Holcomb. South Norwalk, Fairfield. J. H. Light. Stafford Springs, Tolland.W. A. King. Stamford, Fairfield. Sam’l C. Fessenden. Stonington, New London.H. A. Hull. L. N. Austin, Thomaston, Litehfield. EF. W. Ethridge. Thompsonville, Hartford.John Hawkins. Torrington, Litchfield. W.A. Rosabock. oe Castalia, Charles Mix. Castlewood, Hamlin. ae sé Central City, Lawrence. aé 46 Centreville, Turner. Chamberlain, Brule. “ec “é “e “é €lark, Clark. sc ec e 6é Clear Lake, Duel. Clearwater, Hughes. Coal Harbor, McLeon. Columbia, Brown. Cooperstown, Griggs. ae 6é Custer, Custer. “e ae Dawson, Kidder. Deadwood, Lawrence. ae “ec De Smet, Kingsbury. Dexter, Coddington. Diana, Sanborn. DA KOT A. Name, Sherman House. Park Place House. Artesian House. Alexandria House. Lawler House, Altamont House, Phenix House. Nolin House. St. Matthews House. Hersey House. Bowman House. Ackley House. Purcell House. Aurora House. Bangor Restaurant. Grand Union Hotel. Walker House. Riverside Hotel. Beresford House. Commercial House. St. Charles Hotel. Sheridan House. Custer Hotel. Western Hotel. Pacific House. Dickover House. Metropolitan House. Eagle Hotel. Home Hotel. Headquarters Hotel. McBrayen Hotel. Commercial House. Brokaw House. Bishop House. Summit House. Brookings House. Commercial House. Buttalo House. Flynns Hotel. Palmer House. Burlington House. Buxton House. Commercial House. American House. Jackson House. Canova House. Merchants Hotel. Harlan House. Thompson House. Halfway House. Kirkwood House. Park Hotel. Palmer House. Commercial Hotel. Occidental Hotei. Castalia House. Martin House, Bendex House. Denver House. Occidental Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Brule House. Wright House. Merchants Hotel. Clark House. Northwestern House. Robinson Hotel. Clear Lake House. Merchants Hotel. Clearwater Hotel. Coal Harbor House. Grand Hotel. Palace Hotel. Union Hotel. Kleemann House. Vienna Hotel. Kidder House. Merchants Hotel. Wentworth House. Exchange Hotel. Swan House. Thaxter House. o—<

—0- HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR DAKOTA. Place. County. Dickinson, Stark. ae 46 Doland, Spink. Dunseith, Rolette. “ce oe Eden, Lincoln. Edgerton, Charles Mix. Egan, Moody. Elk Point, Union. Elkton, Brookings. Ellendale, Dickey. Ellisville, Faulk. Mstelline, Hamlin. Fairbank, Sully. Fargo, Cass. Faulkton, Faulk. Flandreau, Moody. Forestburgh, Sanborn. Fort Buford, Buford. Fort Randal), Todd. Fort Yates, Boreman. Frankfort, Spink. Frederick, Brown. Galena, Lawrence. Gary, Deuel. Geneva, Roberts. Gettysburgh, Potter. Goodwin, Deuel. Grafton, Walsh. Grand Forks, Grand Forks. “ec “é ‘ce ae Grand Rapids, Le Moure. Grand View, Douglas. be se «6 «“ Groton, Brown. ‘ ‘ Hamilton, Pembina. Harold, Hughes. Harrisburgh, Nelson, Harrison, Douglas. Highland, Minnehaha. Highmore, Hyde. sé sé ‘é “cc Hensler, Oliver. Hillsboro, Traill. Hope, Steele. Hot Springs, Fall River. ce ée Howard, Miner. ee sé Howell, Hand. Huron, Beadle. “ce “cc ae ce Tpswick, Edmunds. “e a4 $s “eé 66 ee ce ce ce ce Iroquois, Kingsbury. “e “e Name. Kidder Hotel. Villard House. Fargo House. Dunseith House. Riverside Hotel. Turtle Mountain H. Farley House. Hdgerton House. Taylor House. R. R. House. Merchants Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Holbrook House. Garfield House. White House. Ellis House. Estelline House. Fairbank House. Headguarters Hotel. Sherman House. Faulkton House. Flandrau House. Central House. Valley House. Staegel House. Randall House. Randall House. Howard House. Prior House. American House. Galena Hotel. Herrick House. Wells House. McLyman House, Lake House. National Hotel. Buffalo House. Kelsey House. Exchange Hotel. Ottawa House. Griggs House, Richardson House. Ingalls House. Pievre House. Central House. Keeton House. Perkins House. Brunswick House. Belding House. Norton Hotel. McGruer House. Cox House. Sheldon House. Lake House. Harrisburgh Hotel. Vanderlinden House. Commercial House. National House. Oliver House. Central House. Hensler House. Hanson House. Hope House. Ontario House. Minnekahta Hotel. Ferguson House. Star Restanrant. Wheeler House. Occidental House. Howell House. Dakota House. Depot Hotel. Windsor House. Wright House. Prior House. Western House. Central House. Warner House. Artesian Hotel. Milwaukee House. Northwestern Hotel. Slater House. Place County. Jamestown, Stutsman. “cc “e Keystone, Dickey. Kimball, Brule. La Foon, Faulk. La Grace, Campbell. Lake Preston, Kingsbury. Lakota, Nelson. La Moure, La Moure. «ec “ce 66 ae Larimore, Grand Forks. T4 “ec Lead City, Lawrence. Le Beau, Walworth. Leola, McPherson. Lisbon, Ransom. oe 4é “ec ce“ “<é 4é Lodi, Clay. Madison, Lake. “6 ae se oe Mandan, Morton. ee ae te ec sé ae Marion, Turner. Mayville, Traill. Medora, Billings. “ec se Menno, Hutchinson. Mechigan City, Nelson. Millbank, Grant. Miller, Hand. Milnor, Sargent. ae sé Minnesela, Butte. Minnewaukon, Benson. ee ae <é “és Minto, Walsh. Mitchell, Davison. Montrose. McCook. Mound City, Campbell. Mt. Vernon, Davison. Neche, Pembina. New Rockford, Eddy. Northville, Spink. Oelrichs. Fall River. Onida, Sully. Ordway, Brown. Oriska, Barnes. Parker, Turner. Park River, Walsh. Pembina, Pembina, Pierre, Hughes. Plankinton, Aurora. 6 ae Pukwana, Brule. ae ee Rapid City, Pennington. ae oe Raymond, Clark. Redfield, Spink. Ree Heights, Hand. Rochford, Pennington. Roscoe, Edmunds. ee e¢ Name. Metropolitan Hotel. Klaus House. Keystone House. Kimball House. Taft House. La Foon House, Sheridan House. Starling House. Palace Hotel. Union House. Lelano Hotel. Windsor Hotel. ¥lint’s Hotel. Swain House. Springer House. Cottage Home Hotel. McEown House. Headquarters Hotel. Robinson House. Grand Pacific House. Lacell House. Lodi House. Madison House. Commercial House. City Hotel. Interocean House. Mandan House. Merchants’ Hotel. Northwestern Hotel. Marion House. Mayville House. North’n Pacific Hotel Western House. Pyramid Park House. Metropolitan House. Findley House. Manitoba House. Grand Centyal Hotel. Vanderbilt House. Emmons House. Central House. Union House. Minnesela House. Arlington Hotel. Trafton House. Pacific House. McGuire House. Prices House. Mitchell House. Olin House. Vroman House. Mt. Vernon House. Cleveland House. Comfort House. Merchants Hotel. Farmers Hotel. Michigan House. Moses Hotel. Onida House. Occidental Hotel. Bloss Hotel. Wentworth House. Central House. Winchester House. Chapman House. Wells House. Northwestern House. Grand Pacific Hotel. Plankinton House. Hotel Clark. Taft House. Nelson House. American House. McCarthy House. Cemmercial House. Foster House. Jarvis House. Brayton House. Myers House. Rochford House. Sutley House. Roscoe Hotel.HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ CUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR Place. County. Name. Roscoe, Edmunds. Hotel Ripley. Running Water,Bon Homme Wilcox House. St. Johns, Rolette. St. Lawrence, Hand. Salem, McCook. Sanborn, Barnes. Sanger, Oliver. Scotland, Bon Homme. Sheldon, Ransom. Sioux Falls, Minnehaha. ce sé 66 ‘é oe ce 6¢é Spearfish, Lawrence. Springfield, Bon Homme. Steele, Kidder. Sterling, Burleigh. Sturgis, Lawrence. Sykeston, Wells. ‘Taylor, Stark. Tower City, Cass. Travare, Roberts. Tyndall, Bon Homme. Valley City, Barnes. Valley Springs, Minnehaha. American House. Pioneers Rest. St. Lawrence House. Lewis House. Sanborn Hotel. Thurston Hotel. Campbell House. Sheldon House. Cataract House. Commercial House. Sherman House. Central House. Phillips House. Rogers Hotel. Mead House. Lone House. Park Hotel. Sterling House. Overland House. International House. Taylor Hotel. Tower City Hotel. Travare House. Grand Central Hotel. Park House. Kindred Hotel. Northern Pacific H. Park Avenue House. REAL ESTATE Place. County. Name. Vermillion, Clay. Volga, Brookings. Wahpeton, Richland. Walcott, Richland. Washburo, McLean. Watertown, Codington. Webster, Day. Wentworth, Lake. Wessington, Beadle. Wheatland, Cass. Wheeler, Charles Mix. White Lake, Aurora. Williamsport, Emmons. ce ee Wilmot, Roberts. 6e oe Winfred, Lake. Winona, Emmons. Woonsocket, Sanborn. ¢é ee oe ce 66 “ce Yankton, Yankton. Chandler House. Dakota House. Central House. Rich House. Head Quarters H. Exchange Hotel. River View House. Washburn House. Central House. Kampeska House. Belzer House. Prairie House. Curtis House. Commercial Hotel. Northern Pacific H. Wheeler Hotel. Baker House. White Swan House. Emmons House. Koker House. Union House. Dakota House. Winfred House. Merchants Hotel. Dumont House. Merchants Hotel. Excelsior Hotel. Delavan Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Morrison Hotel. Place. County. DAKOTA.—Continued. Name. Yankton, Yankton. 6e “ce 6 6¢ as to taking care of them. pondence in advance. FICE FAVORITE.” Commercial Hotel. Madison House. Raymond House. Central House. U FELIU Y.—The practical utility of this Depart- ment will be apparent and appreciable to a large num- ber of the traveling public, and those persons who are going on a journey where they are unacquainted. By using this guide a hotel can be selected and made known to friends and postmaster before leaving, so that telegrams, mail, or other important matters may be forwarded without waiting directions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. unaccustomed to traveling without escorts, can be greatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forwarding baggage checks, together with any special instructions BUSINESS MEN of various avocations will often find this Department a convenient reference in their business affairs when it is desired to meet parties at a distance, in the larger cities; an un- derstanding as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunting, ete., etc., which are usually attended with extra expenses. or parties going in extra numbers ean arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by corres- In writing any of these houses please mention that name was taken from the “ Hotel Travelers Guide Department” of ‘‘THE EVERY OF- LADIES who are TRAVELING TROUPES AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR DAKOTA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Aberdeen, Brown. 6e 6e ce “ce Agate, Sully. Alexandria, Hanson. sé ee ee 66 ce <é Alpena, Jerauld. Altoona, Beadle. Andover, Day. Appomattox, Potter. Ardoch, Scott. Arlington, Kingsbury. Ashton, Spink. Athol, Spink. Aurora, Brookings. Bangor, Walworth. 66 66 “ec 6c Bathgate, Pembina. Beresford, Union. Big Stone City, Grant. Bismarck, Burleigh. ee ee “6 “ “c “ “6 sc Bloomington, Charles Mix. Blunt, Hughes. «6 66 66 6 “ “cc Bramhall, Hyde. Bridgewater, McCook. Britton, Marshall. Brookings, Brookings. 6c “6 66 6c Ge “cc ce “cc Buffalo Gap, Custer, Burlington, Ward. ‘ sé Skillman & Mott. Knight & Dean. Coe & Howard. Bussey & Dewell. James Baynes. A. J. Parshal. L. ©. Taylor. E. B. Foster. L. H. McCarger. C. G. Woodruff. H. S. Mouser. John C. Douglas. Willis McDowell. W. T. Shephard. EK. W. Smith. Ole Quain. Donohoe & Paine. A. E. Dearborn. S. D. Griffith. Bank of Aurora. Isaac Pearson. B. F. Elhott. W. R. Green. C. L. Parker. Jerome Mangen. BH. M. Bennett. Richards & Corey. Alex McKenzie. Harvey Harris. K. C. Ford. C. N. Hunt. M. T. Post. Blunt Town Site Co. Henry Hoffman. H. J. Stebbins. F. J. Ryan. L. D. Dana. Virgil B. Noble. John W. Bennett. J. W. D. Simrall. A. Thompson. H.C. Shober. Nation & Parris. H. R. Turner, Skinner & Davis. Deamon & Lien. J. O. Andrews. Matthews & Scobey. P. C. Murphy. Horace Fishback. J. H. King. Wright & Fay. Jas. Johnson. Jas. D. Bell, Buxton, Traill. Caledonia, Traill. Campbell, Campbell. Canning, Hughes. Canova, Miner. Canton, Lincoln. Carrington, Foster. Carthage, Miner. ee ce Casselton, Cass. Castalia, Charles Mix. Castlewood, Hamlin. Cavour, Beadle. Centreville, Turner. Chamberlain, Brule. “ec “ce => “ec “cs “ oe Clark, Clark. “ec 66 6é ce ce 66 cc ce ce 6e Clear Lake, Deuel, Clifton, Sully. Coal Harbor, McLeon. Columbia, Brown. 66 “ ’ 6c be Cooperstown, Griggs. 1 d Copp, Potter. Crow Lake, Jerauld. Custer, Custer. Dawson, Kidder. Deadwood, Lawrence. “ce 6s De Smet, Kingsbury. ee ce oe ‘ ce ce 6é Devils Lake, Ramsey. Diana, Sanborn. Dickinson, Stark, “ce ee Doland, Spink. Drayton, Pembina. Dell Rapids, Minnehaha, Hanson & Davis. Lewis John. W.-H. Skinner. Edward Rigele. Welch & Wilson. Thos. Thorson & Co. Heber McHue. C. E. Gregory. H. A. Holiday. Quinby & Quinby. Bruce Warring. Thos. McConnell. Bank of Carthage. R. M. Pollock. McLay & Hoppaugh. H. P. Horswill. P. J. Sweeney. Blaids & Coulter. C. C. Marrow. J. A. Strube. R. J. Andrews. J. KE. Jenkins. S. H. Elrod. H. E. Johnson. F. G. Bohei. J. W. Wright. C. Z. Sherwood. F. A. Brown. Marquis & Sanborn. Orr. W. Lee. John J. Robinson. Geo. L. Gilbert. J. W. Hayes. Coe & Howard. Geo. M. Lyon. Wm. Glass. : C. H. Van Hosen. S. H. Melcher. Buel R. Ward. Thos. Neill. John A. Gaston. M. R. Kenefick. Albion Thorne. O. H. Smith. Barnes & Thomas. J. A. Owen. Thomas Bros. A. N. Waters, Prescott & Burnett. Whiting & Church. N.C. Lawrence. Wm. Gibson. Munger & Culver. Ki. A. Healy. Dunseith, Rolette. Eden, Lincoln. Egan, Moody. 6e 6é ce 66 Elk Point, Union. Elkton, Brookings. Ellendale, Dickey. 6é &¢ 6¢ 6G “6 6é e 66 Ellisville, Faulk. Estelline, Hamlin. Fargo, Cass. “ ec ce “ 6é 6s ce 66 Faulkton, Faulk. Flandreau, Moody. ce 6é 66 ee Forestburgh, Sanborn. Forest City, Potter. ton. Fort Buford, Buford. Fort Randall, Todd. Fort Yates. Boreman. KF rankfort, Spink. Frederick, Brown. Gary, Deuel. Geneva, Roberts. Gettysburgh, Potter, “ce ee Gladstone, Stark. Glen Ullin, Morton. Grafton, Walsh. 6 cé Edgerton, Charles Mix. Grand Forks, Grand Forks. “ec ce Win. H. Crow. Wim. H. Makee. Moise Labonte. A. B. Wheelock. Pratt & Tucker. Brennan & Parliman. G. M. Smith. Alfred Brown. Henry Mitchell. Citizens Bank. F. J. Monroe & Co. J. H. Boyle. DeCoster & Fleming- ton. Henry Dickie. Security Bank. Frank Jerabek, C. H. Elis. Parsons & Parsons. Brown, Bronson & Shoenfelt. Morton & Co. J. B. Folsom. Darling & Benton. White & Dickson. Francis & Francis. Pangburn & Turner. Rice Brothers. A. H. Brown. F. W. Pettigrew. A. J. Smith. A. McGilloray. J. F. Whitlock. R. M. Springer. Ft. Abraham Lincoln, Mor- Wm. Cannon. Thos. R. Forbes. Dan D. Pratt. S. A. Faulkner. J. B. Wallbridge. A. F. Sabin. J. C. Richards. W.G. Eakins. G. W. Lewis. Todd & Pruitt. W.H. Heaton. A. G. Williams. Se S. Letts. W.S. Barrett. F. C. Walker & Co. Cleland & Santer. John Zarfass, jr. J. M. Cochran. A. Curris, jr.REAL ESTATE ACENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR DAKOTA-—Continued. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Grand Forks, Grand Forks. Alex. C. Mather. Milnor, Sargent. T. W. Waterston Sioux Falls, Minnehah: Grand Rapids, La Moure. EH. M. Whitman. 7 Bishop & Babcock. : demerger eerie McMartin Grand View, Douglas. Peter Hospers. Minnesela, Butte. EK. M. Bowman. sf e . Henry. Groton, Brown. Erwin & Agnew. Minnewaxkon, Benson. Richmond& Campbell . 3 S. L. Tate. Hamilton, Pembina. Harold, Hughes. Harrison. Douglas. Highmore, Hyde. Hillsboro, Traill. Holabird, Hyde. Hope, Steele. Hot Springs, Fall River. Howard, Miner. Howell, Hand. Hurley, Turner. Huron, Beadle. ac éé sé ce Ipswich, Edmunds. ce ce Troquois, Kingsbury. Jamestown, Stutsman. ce ec “é ee ce ce ce cs sé sé Kellie, Edmunds. Keystone, Dickey. Kimball, Brule. “ce ce Kranzburgh, Codington. La Foon, Faulk. La Grace, Campbell. Lake Preston, Kingsbury. Lakota, Nelson. ee ae se ee La Moure, La Moure. Larimore, Grand Forks. Lead City, Lawrence. Le Beau, Walworth. Lennox, Lincoln. Leola, McPherson. “ec ee ce ee Letcher, Sanborn. Lisbon, Ransom. Madison, Lake. Mandan, Morton. Marion, Turner. Mayville, Traill. Medora, Billings. Mellette, Spink. Michigan City, Nelson. Millard, Faulk. Milbank, Grant. cé ae “ce e Miller, Hand. Milnor, Sargent. W.J. Moore. Randall & Norton. H. O. Besancor. y Le Coeq, jr. & Blake- Van Camp & more. Geo L. F. Robinson. Price & Price. D. A. W. Perkins. L. E. Whitcher. J. F. Goudy. Francis & Francis. Plummer & Hanson. Falde & Murphy. McMahon & Mac- Laren. C. E. Sawyer. Kendall Banking Co. W.S. Howell. C. H. Goddard. Nash Brothers. Bair & Kerr. Love & Love. Haskryn & Randolph. Evans & Jones. Chester L. Pratt. P. M. Bridle. H. BE. Rich. E. A. Mears. J. Finly. O. 8. Drake. J. R. Smith. Mills & Steele. White & Hewitt. K. P. Wells D. L. Wilbur. I. C. Wade. Wm. Lloyd. John S. Watson. A. B. Henderson. W. A. Caldwell. A.S. Steever. J. B. Long. C.N. Walker. John Hanton. Bottum & Johnston. C. F. Hardy. J. E. Horton. M. G. Alexander. Geo. W. Fifield. Jas. W. Wallace. H. D. Frink. Myers & Kelly. W.S. Gallant. N. B. Wilkinson. Robt. Bruen. Lead City Bank. Bank of Le Beau. P: I’. Haas. E. H. Best. W. W. Cornwall. Fred. Junge. C. N. Herreid. H. E. Mayhew. Wm. K. Smith. C. B. Kennedy. A. W. McCready. C.S. Raymond. Fitts & Ballard. W. F. Smith & Co. Jas. Law. Jacob Brothers. V. R. Wadden. Thos. J. Mitchell. E. Reiff. Ames & Stamner. Griswold & Paulson. A. T. Packard. Porter & Vanduiesche F. McElhern. Nathan F. Webb. Morgan G. Millard. Sargent & Diggs. Hawes & Gibson. A. J. Bleser. G. L. Wood. J. KF. Martin. Walsh & Newman. P. M. Chandler. Minto, Walsh. Mitchell, Davison. Montrose, MecOook. Mound City, Campbell. Mountain, Pembina. Mt. Vernon, Davison. Neche, Pembina. New Holland, Douglas. New Rockford, Eddy. New Salem, Morton. Niagara, Grand Fork. Northville, Spink. Okobojo, Sully. Olivet, Hutchinson. Onida, Sully. Ordway, Brown. Parker, Turner. “cc ‘ce Park River, Walsh. “ec ee Pembina, Pembina. 74 “e “ce “ce “ ‘ce Pierre, Hughes. 6é “ce Portland, Traill. Pukwana, Brule. Rapid City, Pennington. Raymond, Clark. Redfield, Spink. Ree Heights, Hand. Richardton, Stark. Roscoe, Edmunds. oe 66 iT 4 ce Roswell, Miner. St. Johns, Rollette. ce cs St. Lawrence, Hand. St. Thomas, Pembina. Salem, McCook. cé te Sanborn, Barnes. ce ce Sanger, Oliver. Scotland, Bon Homme. Sedgwick, Hyde. Sheldon, Ransom, Shenford, Ransom. Sherbrooke, Steele. Sims, Morton. Sioux Falls, Minnehaha. Phelps & Daily. Jas. Garbutt. M. M. Hitchcock. M. A. Butterfield. W. B. Phelps. E. C. MelIntosh. J. EK. Horton. H. Thorlaxon. Davison Co. Bank. Judson La Moure. W. P. Van-der-Zalm. Chancy T. Canfield. Gregory & Cleary. Frank Sebring. J. M. Watkins. L. E. Nohl. Max Schultz. J. A. Rose. Thos. Sterling. D. F. Sweetland. Frank Bem. Danforth Q. Jordan. Geo. L. Farnham. Vale P. Thielman. C. E. Gorham. C. D. Cone. Geo. La Vyea. John McCullough. F, D. Hartson. H. R. Vaughn. Pembina Co. Bank. W.J.S. Fraill. S. C. Yarnell. C. L. Wright. Northwestern Land Association. V.&E. Prentice. Frank ee Leslie. BEC: Jase-we eBeae. C. C. Bennett. i Jones. Clark. . Holmes. . Ayers. McCor aise Francis. Levisee & Levisee. Edwin Green. Kellogg & Bailey. Stillson & Roudebush. A. G@. McShane. Wright & Fay. Seribber & Burton. J. H. Vallette. Wm. McZann. Hunt & Bosford. Assell & Myers. H.C. & J. T. Walsh. W. W. Taylor. S. V. Ghrist. T. V. Hoggatt. A. Nordberg. Jobn Rudd. Christianson & Norby W.F. Drury. J. W. Pamley. W. Ackerman. J. Ullman. Frank F. Phillips. Ed. Tanguay. Pale Youngblood. H. H. George. Jens Headley. Sibley & Biernatzki. Wm. Mielke. EK. H. Wilson. C. A. Van Wormer. di, Yes Wo Shoah Robert Hutchinson. Maxwell’s Land & Loan Agency. Als ING Sedgewick. Wise: Jacques. S. N. Santord. W. F. Bascom. R. W. Berry. Burr & Kauffman. Wilkes & Wells. M. Grigsby. 2 I O¢ eae Spearfish, Lawrence. Springfield, Bon Homme. Steele, Kidder, Stock, Jerauld. Sturgis, Lawrence, Sykeston, Wells. Tappan, Stanton. Taylor, Stark. Templeton, Jerauld. Tiffany, Eddy. Tower City, Cass. Travare, Roberts. Tyndall, Bon Homme. Valley Springs, Minnehaha. Vermillion, Clay. Vilas, Miner. Volga, Brookings. Wabpeton, Richland. Walhalla, Pembina. Walkertown, McLeon. Warner, Brown. Washburn, McLean. Waterbury, Jerauld. “ec “ Watertown, Codington. sé sé Waverly, Codington. Webster, Day. Wentworth, Lake. Wessington, Beadle. Jacob Schaitzel. Stebbins, Fox & Co. Geo. W. Snow & Co. John C. Klemmer. Henry W. Taylor. Wu. A. Fridley. Price & Barlow. Geo. H. Cook. Wilber F. Steele. Albert J. Clark. Russell & Parker. C. W. Hill. Chas. C. Polk. P. H. Woodard. A.S. Covell. C. V. Brown. F. J. Cravath. A. B. Chess. Byron Andrews. John M. Tracey. John Cross. D. Mitchell. H. E. Gardner. Kimball & Sherman. W. P. Filbert. Day & Elliott. James Van Sommer. C. H. Stillwill. W.T. Williams. Albright, Smith & Co. Geo. K. Andrus. John W. Scott. B. W. Benson. F. H. Remington. M.D. Hills. W. H. Riddell. Z. R. Biggs. S. J. Lewis. BE. M. Kelsey. C. F. Maner. Henry Newton. C. M. Lind. Jared Rungan. Bank of Vilas. Cady & Wright. P. C. Truman. Pyatt & Purcell. C. W. Andrews. Edmund T. Winston. Green McLeod & Co. Brobeck & Co. Chas. F. Garrett. Thos. H. Null. C. V. Martin. EK. S. Waterbury. John Brock. Deming & Nicholson. Warner & Vanliew. G. R. Williams. B. F. Reed. Thomas & Godard. J. FE. Harkness. John F. Blake. Geo. W. Wright. C. A. Blake. Wessington Springs, J erauldBateman & McDonald oe 66 66 sé Wheeler, Charles Mix, Willow Lake, Clark. Williamsport, Emmons. Wilmot, Roberts. Winfred, Lake. Winona, Emmons. Woonsocket, Sanborn. 66 66 Yankton, Yankton. 66 oe 66 ce 66 os . EH. Thayer. Hackett & Gunderson T. Drake. Adam Grimes. S. M. Lindley. F. M. Leitch. H. A. Armstrong. Munro & Cable. Kirk Bros. W. J. Speer. Ingersoll & Lang. K. "Pi Xe Day i; Homer A. B. Allen. D. R. Jones. Nave & Carpenter. F. C. Buten. J. B. Estel. Geo. W. Roberts. Bllerman &Peermiller Paul C. Harmann. KB. M. O’Brien. Dewey & Matheson.Place. County. Aberdeen, Brown. “ce o6 “é ce Alexandria, Hanson. ae ae Altoona, Beadle. Andover, Day. ‘Arlington, Kingsbury. Ashton, Spink. Athol. Spink. Aurora, Brookings. Bangor, Walworth. Bathgate, Pembina. Berestord, Union. Big Stone City, Grant. Bijou Hills, Brule. Bismarck, Burleigh. ee oe Bloomington, Charles Mix. Blunt, Hughes. ee ce Bridgewater, McCook. Britton, Marshall. Brookings, Brookings. oe ce Buffalo Gap, Custer. Buxton, Traill. Caledonia, Traill. Canning, Hughes. Canton, Lincoln. ce ce Carrington, Foster. Carthage, Miner. Casselton, Cass. Castalia, Charles Mix. Castlewood, Hamlin. Central City, Law) ence. Centreville, Turner. Chamberlain, Brule. Clark, Clark. Clear Lake, Deuel. Coal Harbor, McLeon. Columbia, Brown. “ce oe oe “ \ a de Cooperstown, Griggs. Custer, Custer. Dawson, Kidder. Deadwood, Lawrence. 6¢ “ce Dell Rapids, Minnehaha. De Smet, Kingsbury. Devils Lake, Ramsey. “ce 66 6eé 6é Diana, Sanborn. Dickinson, Stark. Doland, Spink. Eden, Lincoln. Edgerton, Charles Mix. ean, Moody. Elk Point, Union. Elkton, Brookings. Bllendale, Dickey. ee ce Estelline, Hamlin. Fargo, Cass. se ce “c ce Faulkton, Faulk. Flandreau, Moody. BANKS AND BANKERS pzprarruent ror DAKOTA. Name, First Nat'l Bank. Aberdeen Nat’! Bank. Hagerty & Marble. Farmers Bank. Hanson Co. Bank. Bank of Altoona. Bank of Andover. Central Dakota Bank First Nat’] Bank. James Valley Bank. Bank of Athol. Bank of Aurora. Walworth Co. Bank. W.R. Green. Bathgate Dakota Bk. Union Banking Co. Bank of Beresford. Grant Co. Bank. Bank of Bijou Hills. Bismarck Nat’! Bk. Capital Nat’] Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Farmers Bank. Citizens Bank. Hughes Co. Bank, Ban! k of Blunt. Nation & Parris. Bank of Britton. First Nat’l Bank. Merchants Nat’l Bk. Bank of Brookings. Exchange Bank. Bank of Buxton. Bank of Caledonia. Canning City Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Lincoln Co. Bank. Dakota Loan & Trust Company. Carrington Bkg. Co. Bank of Carthage. First Nat'l Bank. Charles Mix Co. Bk. Hamlin Co. Bank. Stebbins, Mund & Fox Bank of Centreville. Brule Co. Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Clark County Bank. Bank of Clark. Bank of Clear Lake. John J. Robinson. Bank of Columbia. Loomis & Corry. First National Bank. Bank of Cooperstown. Bank of Custer. Dawson Bank. First National Bank. Merchants’ Nat. Bk. Peoples’ Bank. Dell Rapids Bank. Kingsbury Bank. Bank of De Smet. First National Bank. Bank of Devils Lake, North Shore Bank. Bank of Diana. Stark Co. Bank. Bank of Doland. Citizens’ Bank. Bank of Eden. I. H. Weltch. Bank of Egan. Union Co. Bank. Citizens’ Bank. Security Bank. Bank of Ellendale. Gannon, Smith & Co. Bank of Estelline. First National Bank. Red River Valley Bk. Bank of Fargo. OAH Gardner. Bank of Flandreau. Place. County. Name. Flandreau, Moody. Frankfort, Spink. Frederick, Brown. Gary, Deuel. Gettysburgh, Potter. Gettysburgh, Potter. Grafton, Walsh. Grand Forks, Grand Forks. 4 és Grand View, Douglas. éé ee Groton, Brown. sé ce Hamilton, Pembina. Harold, Hughes. Henry, Codington. Highmore, Hyde. Hillsboro, Trail. Hope. Steele. Hot Springs, Fall River. Howard, Miner. “e 6c Hurley, Turner. Huron, Beadle. 6 é Ipswick, Edmunds. ee oe Troquois, Kingsbury. ‘ Jamestown, Stutsman. “ce 6 6e 3 Keystone, Dickey. Kimball, Brule. oe 66 La Foon, Faulk. Lake Preston, Kingsbury. Lakota, Nelson. La Moure, La Moure. Larimore, Grand Forks. 6é sé Lead City, Lawrence. Le Beau, Walworth. Lennox, Lincoln. Leola, McPherson. Lisbon, Ransom. sé ee Madison, Lake. Mandan, Morton. Marion, Turner. Mayville, Traill. Medora, Billings, Mellette, Spink. Milbank, Grant, Miller, Hand. Milnor, Sargent. Minnewaukon, Benson. Mento, Walsh. Mitchell, Davison. Moody Co. Bank. James River Bank. Bank of Frederick. Bank of Gary. Deuel Co. Bank. Potter Co. Bank. Bank of Gettysburgh. First National Bank. Grafton Bank. Grand Forks Nat. Bk Citizens’ Nat. Bk. Merchants’ Bank. Douglas Co. Bank. Citizens’ Bank. Farmers Bank. Bank of Groton. Bank of Hamilton. Bk. of South Dakota. Bank of Henry. Hyde County Bank. Bank of Highmore. First Nat'l Bank. Second Nat’?l Bank. Steele County Bank. Exchange Bank. Bank of Howard. Security Bk. of Dak. Kendall Banking Co. Turner County Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Huron Nat’l Bank. Beadle Co. Nat’! Bk. American Investment Company. Traders Bank. Edmunds Co. Bank. Bank of Ipswich. Bank of Iroquois. Marchants & Farm- ers Bank. North Dakota Bank. James River Nat’] Bank. Jamestown Nat’l Bk. Lloyds, Bankers. Bank of Keystone. Farmers & Traders Bank. Henry & Orcut. Faulk County Bank. Merchants Exchange Bank. Nelson County Bank. Bank of Lamoure. Lloyd’s Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Elk Valley Bank. Lead City Bank. Bank of Le Beau. Exchange Bank. McPherson Co. Bk. Ransom Co. Bank. Bank of Lisbon. Citizens Nat’] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Madison Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Northern Pacific-Bk. German-American Bank. Manon Loan & Trust Goose River Bank. Bank of Mayville. Porter & Van Driesche. Bank of Mellette. Bank of Milbank. Hand County Bank. Citizens Bank. Sargent Co. Bank. Bk. of Minnewaukon. Bank of Mento. First Nat'l Bank. Security Bank. Place. County. Name. American Investment 0. McCook Co.Coll.Agy. Davison Co. Bank. ° Eddy Co. B’k’g Co. Bank of Northville. Hutchinson Co. Bk. Citizens Bank. Geo. W. Stone & Co. Park River Bank. Pembina Co. Bank. First Nee 1 Bank of Pierr Bank of Plankinton. Masons Bank Farmers & Merchants Bank. Bank of Portland. Bank of Pukwana. First National Bank. Black Hills Nat'l E&. First National Bk. Spink Co, Bank. Jiank of Redfield. Ree Valley Bank. Ree Heights Bark. Bank of Roscoe. Bk. of St. Lawrence. Bk. of St. Thomas. Salem Bank. Citizens Bank. Barnes Co. Bank. Bank of Scotland. Bon Homme Co. Bk. Bank of Sheldon. Mitchell, Davison. Montrose, McCook. - Mount Vernon. Davison. New Rockford, Eddy. Northville, Spink. Olivet, Hutchinson. Parker, Turner. Park River, Walsh. Pembina, Pembina. Pierre, Hughes. Plankinton, Aurora. ee se sé ee Portland, Traill. Pukwana, Brule. | Rapid City, Pennington. Redfield, Spink. Ree Heights, Hand. ee “ec Roscoe, Edmunds. St. Lawrence, Hand. St. Thomas, Pembina. Salem, McCook. ee ce Sanborn, Barnes. Scotland, Bon Homme. ce sé Sheldon, Ransom. Sims, Morton. Bank of Sims. Sioux Falls, Minnehaha. Dakota National Bk. BS és First National Bk. Citizens Nat’] Bk. Sioux Falls Nat’l Bk. Minnehaha Nat’l Bk. Stebbins, Fox & Co. Bk of Springfield. Kidder Co. Bank. Lawrence Co. Bank. Tower City Bank. Bank of Tyndall. First National Bank. Farmers & Merchants National Bk. Minnehaha Co. Bk. Bk of Vermillion. Clay Co. Bank. Bank of Vilas. Merchants Bank. Bank of Volga. Bank of Wahpeton. First National Bank. Northwestern Bank. Brobeck & Co. Merchants Bank. First National Bank. Citfzens Nat'l Bk. Watertown Nat'l Bk. ce ce 6c ce ce ot Spearfish, Lawrence. Springfield, Bon Homme. Steele, Kidder. Sturgis, Lawrence. Tower City, Cass. ‘T'yndall, Bon Homme. Valley City, Barnes. Valley Springs, Minnehaha. Vermillion, Clay. Vilas, Miner. Volga, Brookings. ‘ce 6s Wahpeton, Richland. ee 6e Washburn, McLean. Watertown, Codington. ce oe 66 6é Webster, Day. Day Co. Bk. Wessington, Beadle. Bk of Wessington. Wessington Springs, JerauldJerauld Co. Bank. ss ‘* Bk. of Wessington Springs. Bank of Westport. White Lake Bank. Aurora Co. Bank. Bank of Wilmot. Bank of Winfred. Bank of Wolsey. Bk. of Woonsocket. Sanborn Co. Bank. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. Yankton Bank. McKinney & Scougal. REQU EST.-— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘Banks and Bankers Depart- ment’? of ‘THE Every OFFICE FAVORITE,”’ Westport, Brown. White Lake, Aurora. Wilmot, Roberts. Winfred, Lake. Wolsey, Beadle. Woonsocket, Sanborn. ce 6é Yankton, Yankton. 6 ée ce 6cGENERAL LAW anpcottsction pEPaRtMENT FOR DAKOTA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Aberdeen, Brown. ce ee ét se Agate, Sulley. -Alexandria, Hanson. ee sé Alpena, Jerauld. Altoona, Beadle. Appomattox, Potter. Ardoch, Walsh. Arlington, Kingsbury. ee sé Ashton, Spink. Bangor, Walworth. Bathgate, Pembina. Big Stone City, Grant. “ec 19 ac “cc Bismarck, Burleigh. & &é ac “ 6c “ “ce ae it 3 “cc 6“ sé “ “6 Ci Grasrard . ep - R. F, Pettigrew. 66 6c Ti B Tike, ; « e C. EB. Deland. — «“ «“ Herbert T. Root. S 2 Had: Garantell 6s ‘ A. W. Johnson sé “6 Chas. A. Rounds. 3 Geo ‘H Ha d i re | : a V.A. Fs ee te ci 1, pavage. ts OG ie 3 6c ‘ John F. Hashes 66 “ Geo. J. Skinner. ES < eee Pl . ; Harry Ernest ; “ “ Samuel L. Tate. 2 BS PI il K Teall ankinton, Aurora. B. H: Sullivan “ ‘ Curtis H. Winsor. ss os E.G S ‘th : t (i H. F. Fellows. « a Wm. A. Wilkes. Sgt Os : * H. Ce: A “S, : ‘ fc ollen J. V ells, RE UES aia eo . prs HC: Ayers. < «ine Wom, | cotaepdadenes in Nea Of seeders are ete i SS. Cull. - és W.S. Wynn. ee kindly mention that address was taken from the ‘General “ S. H. Bakewell “ Ge Jackson B. Youne. Be en cee Department ” of ““THE EVERY OFFICE . " F.H. Clark. . Sutton EK. Young. tion for ron aaaae ORB UTA ae ; Steele, Kidder. Joseph W. Walker Publishess’or pais mires time confers a favor to theNotaries Public, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPARTWw? ror Dakota. Place. County. Name. Aberdeen, Brown. Agate, Sulley. Alexandria, Hanson. Alpena, Jerauld. Altoona, Beadle. Andover, Day. Appomattox, Potter. Ardoch, Walsh. Arlington, Kingsbury. Ashton, Spink. Athol, Spink. Aurora, Brookings. Bangor, Walworth. Bath, Brown. Bathgate, Pembina. Beresford, Union. Big Stone City. Grant. Bijou Hills, Brule. Bismarck, Burleigh. Bloomington, Charles Mix. Blunt, Hughes. Bottineau, Bottineau. Bramhall, Hyde. Bridgewater, McCook. Britton, Marshall. Brookings; Brookings. Buffalo Gap, Custer. Burlington, Ward. Caledonia, Traull. Camp Cook, Burdick. Canova, Miner. Canton, Lincoln. Carrington, Foster. ee “eé Carthage, Miner, ae se Casselton, Cass. Castalia, Charles Mix. Castlewood, Hamlin. Cavour, Beadle. Centreville, Turner. Chamberlain, Brule. “ce 74 Clark, Clark. Clear Lake, Deuel. Clifton, Sully. Coal Harbor, McLeon. Columbia, Brown. Cooperstown, Griggs. Copp, Potter. Crow Lake, Jerauld. Custer, Custer. Deadwood, Lawrence. Dell Rapids, Minnehaha. De Smet, Kingsbury. Detroit. Brown. Devils Lake, Ramsey. Diana, Sanborn. Dickinson, Stark. Doland, Spink. Dunseith, Rolette. 6é 6c Eden, Lincoln. Edgerton, Charles Mix. Egan, Moody. Elk Point, Union. Elkton, Brookings. Ellendale, Dickey. Estelline, Hamlin. sé “ Fargo, Cass. se ‘ ce oe Faulkton, Faulk, Flandrau, Moody. John H. Perry. P. F. Bussey. M. C. Whitney. FE. B. Smith. O. H. Woodruff. EF. L. Irish. Ed Bryant. Willis McDowell. W. T. Sheppard. Chas.'S. } NOHLBTOD- J. J. Cushing. A.K. Dearborn. S. D. Griffith. H. 8. Murphy. W. B. Burr, Thos. Edwards. R. D. Haskins. Jerome Mangan. DEW Fountain. J.R. Lowe. F. W. McKinney. C. N. Hunt. Jacob Wilber. R. M. Bube. L. D. Dana. A. Thompson. H. C. Shober. tT. J. Ryan. Zimri Parris. H. R. Luvuer. RS. Lyon. A. T. Van Devort. G. C. Boland. Frank W. Spear. Lewis John. KE. Y. Sarles. Geo. W. Cone. J. M. Welch. Chas. Judd. Bruce Warring. Heber McHue. Thos. McConnell. W. L. Palmer. R. M. Pollock. C.S. Robins. G. J. liffany. Edward C. Webber. P. J. Sweeney. E. D. Benson. H. T. Sweet. J. T. Williams. J. E. Jenkins. C. G. Sherwood. J. W. Wright. H. D. Williams. J. H. Gropengieser. Geo. L. Gilbert. John J. Robinson. D. C. McKenzie. C. M. Maclaren. Wun. Porter. J. T. McGlashan. D. W. Webster. S. M. Houghton. Jas. A. Hall. Albion Thorne. J. He Carroll: Win. W. Wilson, A.B. Leach. John M. Schwartz. F. W. Thaxter. W. Gibson. E. B. Korns. Wun. H. Makee. \ EOroOws Moise Labonte. A. B. Wheelock. J. H. Weltch. G. M. Smith. G. M. De Groff. Henry Mitchell. Alonzo Hasson. E. F. Onstine. A. D. Flemington. E. N. Smith. A. A. Brown. ¢@. P. Parsons. FE. A. Webb. C. E. Joslin. J. E. Robinson. J. A. Pickler. Fred. L. Rice. Phillip Clark. ¢ Place. County. Name, Place County. Name. Flandrau, Moody. @> Di Pratt: Okobojo, Sully. D. F. Sweetland. Horestburgh, Sanborn, Forest City, Potter. Ft. ton. Fort Buford, Buford. Fort Randall, Todd. Fort Yates, Boreman. Frankfort, Spink. Frederick, Brown. Gary, Deuel. Geneva, Roberts. Gettysburgh, Potter. Gladstone, Stark. Glen Ullin, Morton. Grafton, Walsh. Grand Forks, Grand Forks. Grand Rapids, La Moure. Grand View, Douglas. Geoter Brown. Harold, Hughes. Harrison, Douglas. Highmore, Hyde. Hillsboro, Traill. Holabird, Hyde. Hope, Steele. Hot Springs, Fall River. Howard, Miner. Howell, Hand. Hurley, Turner. Huron, Beadle. = Ipswich, Edmunds. Iroquois, Kingsbury. Jamestown, Stutsman. ae ee Kellie, Edmunds. Keystone, Dickey. Kimball, Brule. Kranzburgh, Codington. La Foon, Faulk. La Grace, Campbell. Lakota, Nelson. oe 77 “ce “cc La Moure, La Moure. Larimore, Grand Forks. Lead City, Lawrence. Le Beau, Walworth. Lennox, Lincoln. Leola, McPherson. “eé “oe Letcher, Sanborn. Lisbon, Ransom. “re Lodi, Clay. Madison, Lake. Mandan, Morton. ce «t “ec ce 6c ce 6 ce ce ce Marion, Turner. Mayville, Traill. Medora, Billings. Mellette, Spink. Michigan City, Nelson. Millbank, Grant. Miller, Hand. Milnor, Sargent. Minnewaukon, Benson. Mento, Walsh. Mitchell, Davison. ce ee Montrose, McCook. Mound City, Campbell. Neche, Pembina. New Holland, Douglas. New Rockford, Eddy. New Salem, Morton. Northville, Spink. O. H. Jones. W. B. Meikle. Abraham Lincoln, Mor- Wim. Cannon. Thos. R. Forbes. Dan D. Pratt. S. A. Faulkner, H. I. Fisher. John A, Kelley. W. G. Eakins. G. W. Lewis. J. R. Hughes. I. J. Hales: J.G. Campbell. A. E. Boray. C. A. M. Spencer. T. B. Cole. 7. M. Whitman. W. E. Tipton. Geo. W. Lumley. G. M. L. Erwin. H. O. Besancor. F. Le Coeaq, jr. L. E. Whitcher. J. F. Selby. Geo. M. Clark. E. J. McMahon. C. J. Paul. A.S. Stewart. F. A. Kendall. W.S. Howell. C. H. Goddard. Geo. J. Love. C. H. Barron. C. Fred. Zimmerman. Wm. C. W. White. J. D. Mills. A.B. Henderson. W. H. Rowe. H. L. Dunlap. John Hanton. J. W. Johnston. C.F. Hardy. W. G. Horton. H. W. Alexander. J. H. McLaughlin. W.S. Tallant. H. L. Lloyd. W.H. Fellows. W. A. Rinehart. W.H. Burns. J. V. Conklin. E. C. Dunning. Chas. Turner. H. E. Mayhew. G. B. Green. W. K. Smith. Geo. F. Goodwin. J.J. Rogers. H. BE. France. Wm. McGrath. Thos. J. Mitchell. Henry H. Harmon. F. A. Briggs. Henry W. Coe. E. C. Rice. Henry Van Vlick, jr. B. W. Shaw. E. Reiff. EK. M. Paulson. A. T. Packard. F. McElhern. Nathan F. Webb. D. W. Diggs. B. D. Milam. C. H. Gardner. J. A. Walsh. C. C. Newman. J. L. Richmond. Ed. Dailey. M. M. Hitchcock. H. C. Preston. O. T. Letcher. M. A. Butterfield. W.M. Brown. E. C. McIntosh. W. RB. Goodfellow. Me P. Vander-Zalm. . A. Sebring. i EK. Nobl. Max. Shultz. Thos. Sterling. Olivet, Hutchinson. Onida, Sully. Ordway, Brown. Parker, Turner. “ “cs sc “6 Park River, Walsh. Pembina, Pembina, Pierre, Hughes, &¢ 6é Plankinton, Aurora. “ec ce «e ce Portland, Traill. Pukwana, Brule. _ Rapid City, Pennington. 6c it se “6 Raymond, Clark. Redfield, Spink. Ree Heights, Hand. Roscoe, Edmunds. Roswell, Miner. St. Johns, Rolette. St. Lawrence, Hand. St. Thomas, Pembina. Salem, McCook. “cc ce Sanborn, Barnes. Sanger, Oliver. Scotland, Bon Homme. Sedgwick, Hyde. Sheldon, Ransom. Sims, Morton. “ec sc Sioux Falls, Minnehaha. Spearfish, Lawrence. Springfield, Bon Homme. Steele, Kidder. sé ee Stock, Jerauld. Sturgis, Lawrence. Sykeston, Wells. Tappan, Stanton. Taylor, Stark. Templeton, Jerauld. Tiffany, Eddy. Tower City, Cass. Travare, Roberts. Tyndall, Bon Homme. Volga City, Barnes. “sé “se Valley Springs, Minnehaha. Vermillion, Clay. ce ee ce ce Vilas, Miner. Volga, Brookings. W alhalla, Pembina. Walkertown, McLeon. Warner, Brown. Washbura, McLean. Waterbury, Jerauld. Watertown, Codington. Waubay, Day. Waverly, Codington. Webster, Day Wentworth, aes Wessington, Beadle. Frank Bem. Danforth Q. Jordan. Geo. L. Farnham. I, Clisby. ¢: D: Cone: Vale P. Thielman. John McCullough. F. D. Hartson. Geo. F. Schneider. TW Bratt Frank A. Leslie. J. F. Kinsey. S. D. Brown. F.S. Stevens. A.H. Birch. Edwin Green. H. S: Hall. Zach Taylor. J. H. Lewis. Chas. I. Seip. Wm. McZann. C. T. Howard. D. N. Hunt. S, V. Christ. Lyman Curtis. W. Ackerman. Ad. Tanguay. -P. T. Youngblood. John McMillan. H. H. Pierce. Wun. Mielke Chas. W. Pulford. Ne Yen Ve Oaiwe Robt. Hutchinson. Lee Hicher. J. A. Sedgwick. W. I. Jacques. A. H. Burr. Theo. Schinkenberg. S. L. Tate. M. Grigsby. W. W. Bradley. Geo. W. Snow. Albert J. Clark. Chas. H. Stanley. OPAWaeetrlte Max Hoehn. H. B. Chess. Te Cowacch: Byron Andrews. John M. Tracey. John Cross. H. E. Gardner. W. B. Locklin. W. P. Filbert. L. I. Smith. Jas. D. Elliott. J. S. Weiser. Joseph W. Barclay. Zane R. Biggs. D. M. Inman. M. D. Thompson. M. J. Lewis. Abe Cohn. P. PB. Cady. CG. W. Andrews. Edmund FP. Winston. Ww. P. Kingston. John S. Veeder. C. H. Howell. Thos. H. Null. John Nicholson. A. ©. Tucker. J. F. Harkness. John F. Blake. Geo. W. Wright. Cc. A. Blake. W essington Springs, Jer auld @. EH. Thayer. “é ce Wheeler, Charles Mix. Williamsport, Emmons. Wilmot, Roberts. Winfred, Lake. Winona, Emmons. Woonsocket, Sanborn. 6c sé Yankton, Yankton. ‘T4 oe A. B. Smart. L. N. Loomis. Adam Grimes. BR. T. Herrick. H. A. Armstrong. John A. Munro. R. K. Hall. A. B. Allen. D. R. Jones. L. L. Stevens. J. E. Carpenter. Ff. C. Buten. EK. TT. White. John T. Crennan. Ee IR errPlace. County. Name. Aberdeen, Brown. 6e ‘ Agate, Sully. Alexandria, Hanson. a4 sé Alpena, Jerauld. Altoona, Beadle. Andover, Day. Ardoch, Walsh. Arlington, Kingsbury. Ashton, Spink, Athol, Spink. Aurora, Brookings. Bangor, Walworth. Bathgate, Pembina. Beresford, Union. Big Stone City, Grant. Bismarck, Burleigh. Bloomington, Charles Mix. Blunt, Hughes. Bottineau, Bottineau. “é 6 Bridgewater, McCook. Brookings, Brookings. ce 66 Buffalo Gap, Custer. Burlington, Ward. Buxton, Traill. Caledonia, Traill. Campbell, Campbell. Canova, Miner. Canton, Lincoln. &6 ce Carrington, Foster. Carthage, Miner. Castalia, Charles Mix. Castlewood, Hamlin. Cavour, Beadle. Centreville, Turner. Chamberlain, Brule. Clark, Clark. ee &é ce oe Clear Lake, Deuel. Clifton, Sully. Coal Harbor, McLeon. Columbia, Brown. Cooperstown, Griggs. Custer, Custer. Dawson, Kidder, Deadwood, Lawrence, Dell Rapids, Minnehaha. De Smet, Kingsbury. Devils Lake, Ramsey. Diana, Sanborn. Dickinson, Stark, ce eG Doland, Spink. Drayton, Pembina. Dunseith, Rolette. Eden, Lincoln, Edgerton, Charles Mix. Egan, Moody. Elk Point, Union. 66 46 se ‘c Elkton, Brookings, Ellendale, Dickey. “cc «“ W.F.& M. N. Holmes Knight & Dean. Bussey & Dewell. Foster & Smith. R. M. Dott. Farmers Bank. L. H. McCarger. H. S. Mouser. John ©. Dove'as. W. T. Shep; ad. Ole Quain. Donohoe & Paine. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Athol. Bank of Aurora. Tsaac Pearson. B. F. Ejliott. W. R. Green. C. L. Parker. Union Banking Co. Grant Co. Bank. Missouri Valley Land Mortgage Co. Farmers Bank. Henry Hoffman. J. W. G. Simrall. Jobn W. Bennett. L. D. Dana. Nation & Parris. Skinner & Davis. Diamond & Lien. Horace Fishback. Wright & Fay. Jas. Johnson. Jas. D. Bell. Bank of Buxton. Bank of Caledonia. W.H. Skinner. Welch & Wilson. Dakota Loan & T. Co. Thos. Thorson & Co. Kennedy Bros. Quinby & Quinby. C. E. Gregory. Bank of Carthage. Thos. McConnell. A. B. Lucas. H. P. Horswill. E. D. Benson. Blaids & Coulter. J. T. Stearns. Dakota Loan & Security Co, S. H. Elrod. C. Z. Sherwood. Marquis & Sanborn. Orr. W. Lee. J. H. Gropengieser. John J. Robinson. Coe & Howard. Willard & McCoy. Glass & Maclaren. Buel R. Wood. Thos. Weill. West’n Dakota Loan and Trust Co. M. R. Kenefick. Peoples’ Bank. Thomas Brothers. A. N. Waters. Prescott & Burnett. Whiting & Church. H. J. Whitley. A. Hilliard, “< Wm. Gibson. Munger & Culver. K. A, Healy. W.H. Makee. Bank of Eden. Pratt & Tucker. Brennan & Parliman. G. M. Smith. K. W. Miller. Ira L. Nicols. Henry Mitchell. K. C. Errieson. A. D. Keller. Citizens’ Bank. F. J. Monroe & Co. Security Bank. Henry Dickie, MORTGAGE LOAN acznrs axp Place. County. INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR DAKOTA. Name. Ellendale, Dickey. Ellisville, Faulk. Estelline, Hamlin, Fargo, Cass, ce 46 ee é6 Faulkton, Faulk. Flandreau, Moody. ce ce Forestburgh, Sanborn. Forest City, Potter. Frankfort, Spink. Frederick, Brown. Gary, Deuel. Gettysburgh, Potter. sé 66 66 éb Gladstone, Stark. Grafton, Walsh. Grand View, Douglas. Groton, Brown. ce ae Hamilton, Pembina. Harold, Hughes. Harrison, Douglas. Highmore, Hyde. ce 46 ce 6¢ Hillsboro, Traill. Holabird, Hyde. Hope, Steele. Howard, Miner. 66 66 Howell, Hand. Hurley, Turner. 6c 66 Huron, Beadle. Ipswich, Edmunds. 6“ 6é 66 “ 6 eé Troquois, Kingsbury. Jamestown, Stutsman. Keystone, Dickey. Kimball, Brule. La Foon, Faulk. La Grace, Campbell. Lakota, Nelson. La Moure, La Moure. ee “é Lead City, Lawrence. Lennox, Lincoln. Leola, McPherson. ce ce Lisbon, Ransom. «ee ec 6c “cc ce cc 66 66 Madison, Lake. “cc es Mandan, Morton. “ “ee 66 “cc Grand Forks, Grand Forks. Hot Springs, Fall River. Larimore, Grand Forks. DeCoster & Fleming- ton. J. H. Ellis. C. BE. Ellis. Parsons & Parsons. Bank of Estelline. _ Northwest’n Trust Co White & Dickson. Eddy & Smith. Horace Hance. GC. T. Clement. GC. H. Gardner. T. H. McConnell. Rice Brothers. A. H. Brown. F. W. Pettigrew. A. McGilloray. J. F. Whitlock. A. F. Sabin. J. B. Richards. W.G. Eakins. A. G. Williams. Todd & Pruitt. W.H. Heaton. I. J. Eales. J. G. Campbell. C. B. Walker & Co. M. K. Marrinan. J. M. Cochran. Dakota Mortgage & Trust Co. W.J. Moore. Erwin & Agnew. Randall & Norton. Lichtenwallner & Erdman. F. Le Cocq, jr. J. F. Gondy. Haight, Sinon & Greer. E. S. Martin. Plummer & Hanson. Falde & Murphy. McMahon & Mac- Laren. C. E. Sawyer. F. L. Mumford. Kendall Banking Co. Farmer & Wells. Blackman & Rad- cliffe. D. D. Holdridge. W.S. Howell. Turner Co. Bank. C. H. Goddard. Love & Love. C. H. Barron. Mears & Drake. Duggan & Wayne, Evans & Jones. A. P. Schenian. Roderick Rose. North Dakota Loan & Trust Co. iloyd's Loan & Trust 0. Mills & Steele. White & Hewitt. W. A. Caldwell. Mark Ward. C. F. Hardy. J. KE. Horton. W.G. Alexander. H. W. Alexander. Nelson Co. Bank. Button & Moore. N. B. Wilkinson. W. #4. Fellows. Lead City Bank. Jaas. W. W. Cornwall. McPherson Co.Bank. C. D. Austin. A.H. Laughlin & Co. J.J. Rogers. Ransom Co. Bank. Wm. K. Smith. A..W. McCready. C. B. Kennedy. Meech & Cook. T. Dwight Merwin. J... Patte: Place. County, Name. Mandan, Morton. bs 6c Marion, Turner. 6c 6c Mayville, Traill. Medora, Billings. Mellette, Spink. Michigan City, Nelson. Millbank, Grant. Miller, Hand. éé 4c 6c oe Milnor, Sargent. 66 = 166 6e 6“ &é 6é Minnewaukon, Benson. Mento, Walsh. Mitchell, Davison. 66 “es 6é “cc Montrose, MeCook. Mound City, Campbell. Mt. Vernon, Davison. Mountain, Pembina. Neche, Pembina, New Holland, Douglas. New Rockford, Eddy. Niagara, Grand Forks. Northville, Spink. Okobojo, Sully. Olivet, Hutchinson. Onida, Sully. Parker, Turner. Park River, Walsh. Pembina, Pembina. Pierre, Hughes. Plankinton, Aurora. és és 6é ce £6 &e Portland, Traill. _ Rapid City, Pennington. ce &é Redfield, Spink. Ree Heights, Hand. Roscoe, Edmunds. 66 o€ &6 “cc Roswell, Miner. St. Johns, Rolette. ~ St. Lawrence, Hand. St. Thomas, Pembina. Salem, McCook. ce “cc Sanger, Oliver. Scotland, Bon Homme. Sheldon, Ransom. Sherbrooke, Steele. Sims, Morton. Sioux Falls, Minnehaha. Spearfish, Lawrence. Springfield, Bon Homme. Thos. J. Mitchell. German-American Bank. E. Reiff. Marion Loan & Trust Co. Ames & Stamner. Porter & Van Driesche. Bank of Mellette. D. J. Tallant. N. EF. Webb. Sargent & Diggs. J. EF. Martin. J; HE Carrollk D. D. Milam. E. H. Alpin. Walsh & Newman. E. M. Chandler. Bishop & Babcock. T. W. Waterston. Richmond & Camp- bell. Phelps & Daily. R. D. Prescott. American Investment O. M. McHitchcock. F. H. Winsor. KE. Devy. W.C. Metcalfe. M. A. Butterfield. J. E. Horton. E. C. McIntosh. Davison Co. Bank. H. Thorlaxon. Judson La Moure. W.P. Vander-Zalm. Sebring & Watkins. Gregory & Cleary. J. A. Rose. Bank of Northville. D. F. Sweetland. Frank Bem. Danforth Q. Jordan. Geo. W. Stone & Co. Vale P. Thielman. John McCullough. Pembina Co. Bank. F. D. Hartson. Security Mortgage & Investment Co. Clark & McCormick. Bk. of Plankinton. W.M. Smith. J. F. Kinsey. Bank of Portland. Henry E. Bailey. J. H. Vallette. F. R. Davis. Hunt & Bosford. D. R. Miller. W. W. Taylor. T. V. Hoggatt. M. Arnold. John Rudd. W. F. Drury. Harrington & Me- Koan. W. Ackerman. J.J. Ullman. Ad. Tanguay. P. T, Youngblood. H. H. George. E. H. Wilson. J. C. Headlec. J. H. Brown. Robt. Hutchinson. Maxwell Land & Loan Agency. W. I. Jacques. R. W. Berry. Burr & Kauffman. German Loan & In- vestment Co. Coughran & Me- fartin. S. L. Tate. Wilkes & Wells. L. D. Henry. Stebbins Fox & Co. Geo. W. Snow & Co.MORTGACE LOAN ACENTS Place. County. Steele, Kidder. “ “ce cs ce Sturgis, Law--nce. Sykeston, Wenis. Tappan, Stanton. Tower City, Cass. Travare, Roberts. Tyndall, Bon Homme. Valley City, Barnes. Valley Springs, Minnehaha. Vermillion, Clay. te ce Name. Albert J. Clark. Geo. H. Cook. Joseph W. Walker. Kidder Co. Bank. Chas C. Polk. P. H. Woodard. H. B. Chess. Byron Andrews. Kimball & Sherman. W. P. Filbert. C. H. Stillwill. Jas. Von Sommer, B. W. Benson. M. D. Hills. W.M. Barton. Herbert Root. Hertig & Hertig. W. H. Riddell. Minnehaha Co. Bk. D. M. Inman & Co. Jolley & Shuke Downing & Lumley. AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR DAKOTA—Continued. Place. County. Name. Vermillion, Clay. Volga, Brookings. Wahpeton, Richland. Walhalla, Pembina. Warner, Brown. Washburn, McLean. K. M. Kelsey. Cady & Wright. Pyatt & Purcell. C. W. Andrews. Brobeck & Co. Chas. F. Garrett. Waterbury, Jerauld. Thos. H. Null. Watertown, Codington. 5 s Kemp Bros. Barnard & Wood. C. G. Church. J.J. Chiton. Webster, Day. John F. Blake. Wessington, Beadle. Wessington Springs,J erauldL. N. Loomis. ‘* Bateman & McDonald af “¢ C. E. Thayer. Wheeler, Charles Mix. Adam Grimes. Williamsport, Emmons. H. A. Armstrong. Wilmot, Roberts. Kirk Bros. e fs HS Pave Daye Green, McLeod & Co. Deming & Nicholson. Bank of Wessington. Place. County. Name. Wilmot, Roberts. Munro & Cable. Wedo 4 Winfred, Lake. A. B. mee Winona, Emmons. H. F. Douglas. a af John McEniry. Woonsocket, Sanborn. Ji B. EMclae “f F. C. Butin. 66 6c Nave & Carpenter. J. L. Pennington. Gamble Bros. Geo. W. Roberts. John T. Crennan. Yankton, Yankton. “ce wf 66 66 EX PLAN ATIQN,—The parties whose a here given are identified in the nak EsTATE eer Mee GAGE loan business on their own account or for other investors, and _through whom such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respective localities To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was taken from the ‘*‘Tortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department” of “Tao EVERY OFFICE Favorite.’ Rubber Stamps Greatest variety, quickest THALMAN MFG CO., Printing Presses, Type, Visiting Oards, etc. § Stencils, shipments, best made. Lowest Prices. Live agents wanted in every town. A sample rubber stamp with your name in fancy tpye, 25 visiting cards, and India ink to mark linen, only 25 cents (stamps.) Book 2,000 styles free with each order. Agents wanted. Big pay. THALMAN M’'FG CO,, Baltimore, Md. MONEY! —FroR— Hotel-keepers, Manufacturers and Tradesmen. INS GV LlSrS. SAMPLES AND PARTICULARS MAILED FREE FOR 10 CTS. Address, J.A. BARRON, Box 101. Priceburg, Lack’a Go., Pa, THE COONSE FORCE PUMP, WORKS EASY. Is adapte! t) Wells of any depth and WILL NOT FREEZE. ‘ rom NEE OOO‘OSe C2ElrA© COMSTOCK & COONSE, MANUFACTURERS OF Porcelain Lined Wood Pumps, Common Wood Pumps, Wooden Force Pumps, Chain Pumps, — AND DEALERS IN—— IRON PUMPS, IRON PIPE,|© To Handle Our Goods, Drill Well Points, Rubber Hose, Etc. WRITE FOR OUR SPECIAL TERMS. IT WILL PAY CONTRACTORS and REAL ESTATE DEALERS OOOrEINS US ———anD—— SPECIFY THEM In their contracts. OVER 350 Gate City Stone Filter Co., MANUFACTORY AND DEPOT AT——— UNION PORCELAIN WORKS, Greenpoint, N. Y., Salesroom: 839 Broadway and 63 East 13th St., N.Y. City. Don’t Drink Impure Water ! Best Filter ever Invented ! At Low Prices! Artistically formed China Fil- ters for $12.50 to $37.50. Hard Burned Brown Stoneware Fil- ters for $4.00 to $22.00. All as easily cleaned as a pail or tea kettle. No metal used to con- struct this Filter; zinc, galvan- ized iron, and all common met- als generate active poisons when in constant contact with water. These Filters last a life time. No part to fix or change. Those who know of our Travelers Filter never leave : home without one in their Cut showing Filter traveling bag or trunk. Disc and ice cham- The UNION PORCELAIN WORKS ae Nee ae call attention to their china the melted ice does table ware for Hotels and fam- not mingle with the ilies. water. PRN \(\\ CLAIMANTS Whose claims have been rejected, should apply to F. RECISTER, Attorney, 324 South Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. SUCCESS OR NO PAY, TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. JOHN WHITELY, CALDWELL, KANSAS, Improved Farms and Wild Lands FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Correspondence Promptly Answered. Greene & Thurston, Real Estate Loan Brokers, JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. T. W. GILRUTH & CO., 902 Main Street, Room 4, [KANSAS CITY, MO. Fecal Dstate AND MEROHANDISE BROKERS. REMINDER. —If it is stated where advertisement i correspondence.— satisfactorialy answer your inquiry or s noticed, National advertisers can refer, and more promptly and Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, NATIONAL ADVERTISERS. R. W. KIP, Cold aud Silver Neck Chains Gold and Silver Medals. College Fraternity Badges. Monograms Engraved. School Medals. 63 Fulton Street, ~ NEW YORK. STRANGE BUT TRUE THE ONLY ELECTRIC APPLAINCES TELEGPAPHIC PRINCIPLE; The most novel and practical in their application to any part of the body, including the only PILE BATTERY ever invented. DR. J. CHARLES, Richmond, Ind. For Illustrated Catalogues, giving strange cures where medicines had utterly failed, ot Nervous Prostration, Insomnia, Rheumatism, Piles, Kidney Complaint, Female Weakness and Genital derange- Prices most reasonable. Address, ments of both sexes. Mendenhall Greenhouses, All Kinds of Green and Hot House Plants. Cut Flowers, Designs, Baskets, Bouquets, etc., made up on Short Notice. All Orders by Mail promptly filled. GREEN Hovusrt; Ist Ave. S. & 18th St. Crry Store: No. 15 Fourth Street s. MINNEAPOLIS, - - MINN. U. L. Washburn, WEST SIDE WIRE WORKS, Manufacturer of all kinds of Useful and Ornamantal W LIRIK W ORK, Bank and Office Railings, Window Guards and Screens, Nursery Fenders, Fire Guards, Etce., No.878 EIGHTH AVENUE, INT EW WW @ Ee KS. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. PREMIUM COIN BOOK, 13 CENTS. ~'< $133 in Confederate Money, 206, 10 Foreign Coins, all different, 25cts.; Indian Arrow Heads, each 10 cents, U. S. COINS AND CONFEDERATE NOTES A SPECIALTY. See ce AO @ eee West Winsted, Ct. TURBINE WINDMILL, GRINDING GRAIN, TC. IRON SOLD. PLANS FURNISHED. —— = as ORS % The Turbine is the only really convenient Windmill for Grinding Feed, Sawing Wood, Running a Cutting Box, Turning a Grindstone, or for running machinery of any kind. You can place the mill on the barn or other building. A. HH. SOUTHWICK, 604 East Locust St., DES MOINES, IA. A WINTERLESS, NEMI-TROPICAL = CLUMATE, ORANGES, FIGS, RAISINS, GRAPES, Amd Cther Fruits. Send six cents in stamps and find out all about it. aE. cees IVES ee, Newcastle, Placer Co., Cai. m CURES DRUNKENNESS iy and intemperance, not in stantly but effectually. The only remedy that dares to send trial bot- tles. Highly endorsed by the medi- = Eri = cal profession and prepared by well Eri = known New York physicians. Send stamps for circulars and references. Address, ““SALVO REMEDY,”’ No. 2 West 14th St., New York. Cheap Homes ———iat—— S. E. MISSOURI! WHY PAY RENT, WHEN WE CAN SELL YOU A SNUG FARM ON EASY TERMS. PER AORE. 120 acres, with log house, orchard, water, etc...... $2 25 40 66 cs 6c sh es vc 2 50 80 be &6 6 .14 ve eee eee 3 Bo 0 zs pooderazineilandiats. (40s aan 1 25 PERFECT TITLES, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, Price Lists for one cent stamp. We loan money for eastern capitalists and obtain unquestioned securities. BORAM & DENNIS, Fredericktown, Madison Co., Mo. (Office opposite the R. R. Station.) CRAWFORD'S BAKING POWDER! FIRST IN EVERY. RESPECCE MANUFACTURED BY LEAS Cotfee, Tea and Spice Co, HOUSTON, TEXAS. a } T Full, ~ - Suck UNIVERSAL cm Vapor and Water— 2eF Mi fresh, salt, Mineral oa > 2 net y= rai 23 = Ere 2, n 2S Ye 23 3 =~ Ue ay eon = > Centennial Award, Nesp Pa as w te Medaland Pinlomss a = s3 = > against the world. Se = Wholesale & Retail, Old Baths Renewed. = Send for Circulars. E. J, KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. {2$>This Bath, supplies a long-felt want, it is szmple, strong and durable yet MARVELOUS ADJUSTABLE. An adjunct of the common kitchen chair, and by various simple combinations therewith, if becomes practically an efficient vapor bath, a foot, spine, sponge, sitz and full bath for adults, and small bath for children—aLL IN THE ONE PLIABLE VESSEL, REQUIRING VERY LITTLE WATER. Salt,-Sulpher, Medicated and Mineral well waters, ruinous to a metalic bath, never injure this—and with it, those powerful, and heretofore costly remedies now so eagerly sought by the afflicted everywhere, can be prudently and cheaply applied aT ANY HOME. [ft furnishes conveniences for bathing which cannot be ob- tained in a common bath-room with fixtures that cost ten times as much. Circulars giving full particulars, illustrations and indisputable testimonials, mailed free on application. —o- Hotel, Travelers’ Guide Department. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. National Hotel. Delaware City Htl. Hotel Richardson. Bayard House. Capital Hotel. Fountain Hotel. Delaware House. Frankford House. Brick Hotel. Eagle Satterfield House. Camden, Kent. Delaware City, New Cas- tle. Dover, Kent. Felton, Kent. Frederica, Kent. Frankford, Sussex. Georgetown, Sussex. “ce ee Harrington, Kent. Laurel, Sussex. Cannon House. “f s Laurel oC Virdon Hotel. National Hotel. Middleton “ Stein House. Powder Hotel. Delaware House. Washington “ Jefferson House. Odessa Hotel. Lewis, Sussex. Middleton, New Castle. Milford, Kent. Milton, Sussex. New Ark, New Castle. New Castle, New Castle. Odessa, New Castle. Rehoboth, Sussex. Bright House. Place. County. Name. Henlopen Hotel. Douglas House. St. George’s Hotel. Coulburn House. Delaware House. Clayton House. Kirkwood House. European Hotel. Delaware ss Gibson Grand Union ‘‘ Wyoming Hotel. Rehoboth, Sussex. St. George, New Castle. Seaford, Sussex. Smyrna, Kent. Wilmington, New Castle. 6 Wyoming, Kent. Real Estate Agents and Dealers Department. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Bridgeville, Sussex. J. W. Raughley. Milford, Kent. Richards, Hynson &| Wilmington, New Castle. Carpenter & Chand- Af f W.J. Ridgeway. Davis. ler. Dover, Kent. Thos. S. Clark. Millsborough, Sussex. D. B. Morris. os Phillip R. Clarke & £6 ee McGonigal & Hop-| Milton, as R. J. Betts. Co kins. B. FE. Wagoman. H. T. Downing. Amos Cole. B. F. Fooks. L. W. Maples. G. W. Ingram. Georgetown, Sussex. ee ce Harrington, Kent. Laurel, Sussex, Lewis, Sussex. Middletown, New Castle. S. M. Donnell. T. R, Harper. A. Price Griffith. E. H. Beck. Sam’! Culbert. Geo. W. Bright. New Ark, New Castle. Seaford, Sussex. Smyrna, Kent. Wilmington, New Castle. EK. H. Gregg. J.J. Pierce. Arthur. W. Brown. Arthur H. Smith. Heald & Co. Thos. R. Sally. Banks and Bankers Department. Place. County. Name, | Place. County. Name. Delaware City. ank. Dover, Kent. First Nat] Bank. ss a Farmer’s Bank. Farmer’s Bank. People’s Nat] Bk. First Nat’! Bank. Georgetown, Sussex. Middletown, New Castle. Milford, Kent. Dan City Nat’l| New Ark, New Castle. Nat’l Bank of New| Smyrna, Kent. oe ° New Castle, New Castle. Farmer’s Bank. Newport, New Castle. Odessa, New Castle. New Castle County National Bank. Seaford, Sussex. First Nat’l Bank. Newport Nat'l Bk. | Wilmington, New Castle. | Place. County. Name. Fruit Growers’ Na- tional Bank. Nat] Bk of Smyrna, First Natv’] Bank. Bank of Delaware. Union Nat’] Bank. Farmers’ Nat'l Bk. Central Nat’! Bank. 6é “é General Law and Collection Department. Place. County. Name. Name. Place. County. Dover, Kent, N. B. Smithers. rk i Geo. V. Massey. Edward Ridgely. C. H. B. Day. J.B. Pennington. James L. Wolcott. J. Alex Fulton. Win. T. Smithers. John P, Dunning. Geo. P. Fisher. J. P. Saulsbury. N. B. Smithers, jr. Henry R. Johnson. John A. Nicholson, John R. Nicholson. E. T. Cooper. R. R. Kenny. Jas. Penewill. Jacob Moore. CG. M. Cullen. Alfred P. Robinson. Chas. F. Richards. John R. McFee. Chas. W. McFee. Chas. L. Moore. Robt. C. White. John R. Painter. E. R. Hearn. D. T. Marvil. Dover, Kent. ce sé ce ce Georgetown, Sussex. ee cs ‘sé sé “ 66 ‘6 6s 66 sé cs ce ‘6 6é 66 +6 (Notaries and Mortgage Loan Departments Next Page.) —$—$>—_— Place, County. Name. New Castle. Wm. Green. Milford, Kent. W. F. Causey. Seaford, ease een a i Martin. ilmi n, New Castle. G. Gray. ee z eS John H. Rodney. Bradford & Vande- orift. Harry Sharpley. Henry Turner. Johnson & Hayes. Victor DuPont. Willard Saulsbury. John Biggs. | Walter Cummins. Middletown, 66 66 66 66 ss ee oe 66 (00 oSNOTARIES PUBLIG, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR Delaware. Place. County. Name. Place. County, Name. Place. County. Name. Wm. B. Recordes. |New Castle, New Castle. R. G. Cooper. _ Bridgeville, Sussex. doin ae Fe ue John H. Elliot. Newport, New Castle. a We Pale Wats. Beane yon 8 aeseee Lewis, Sussex. I. W. Maples. Odessa, New Castle. of Ae, Os. ss join Brown [Lowel X Rgds, Sussex. J°S. Jonge, || Seaford See. Joh Dukes F : Tic 5 ; ‘ 1 : HIS ° e . Georee oy) Sues One ee Na Oe cee . Robt. J . Beswick. | Smyrna, Kent. Henry G. ac s tt OK yaaa Oe ama: Ozel Stevens. Wilmington, New Castle. Arthur H. Say o as Geo Jones. Millsborough, Sussex. D. B. MOnLS: : ete W. Vande- Harrington, Kent. Joseph Ward. Milton, 5 LG ve : Pe Frankford, Sussex. Samuel Layton. New Ark, New Castle. rove oT. MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR DELA W ARE Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. 1 i S . L. Moore. Smyrna, Kent. A. Price Griffith. Bee me ne Way Rey Core ee 7. a NIGOTE: Wilmington, New Castle. Comenton & Chand- Dover, Kent. N. B. Smithers. Harrington, Kent. Amos Cole. e : eae G6 ae areGenieal Sr TN Castle Bee oe ait is ef G. R Townsend . igal & -| Mj mn, New ‘le. . Ww. am. < pelts S : ees aa Milford, Kent. Richards, Hynson : aD R. Clark & 2 ce Thos. S. Clark. & Davis. i Z es Georgetown, Sussex. R. W. D. Albury. | Seaford, Sussex. T. R. Harper. Siete ; “i at C. F. Richards. THE C. E. MAYNE KANSAS N. W. RO4ZHLLE, AND INTELLIGENOE OFFICE, Headquarters for employment of Labor. Real Estate and Trust Co,, First Mortgage Loan fecal Sstate S. W. Cor. 15th and Farman, Omaha, Neb. Property of every description for sale in all parts of a=p sae “B 48 LE alt HB S e mp the city. Lands for sale in every county in Nebraska. S C Collections promptly attended te, A complete set of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County ADDRESS, kept. Maps of the city, state or county, or any other THE TOPEKA LOAN AND INVESTMENT C0., Offiee, No. 425 East Walnut Street, information desired, furnished free of charge upon ap- plication. TOPEKA, KANSAS. DES MOINES, IOWA. THE OLDEST, BEST AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED BANK PUBLICATION IN AMERICA. A. Bi-Monthiy and Weekly Publication for $4.00 a Year. THOMPSON’S AMERICAN BANK REPORT, Formerly Thompson’s Bank Note and Commercial Reporter. The recognized authority of American Bankers; now endorsed by all the leading Bankers throughout the United States and Canada, and the United States Treasury Department. We call your attention to THOMPSON’S AMERICAN BANK REPORT, which has been published without interruption for fifty one years, and still leads. Its special features are: BI-MONTHLY ISSUE. We KRLY ISSUE. : Alphabetical list of ALL BANKS, whether National, State, Savings or Private, arrang- Contains latest Financial News from special correspondents in New York. Boston, ed in States, showing the names of Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Cashiers and Assistant Philadelphia, Chicago, and all the large cities. | B ; Cashiers—the correspondence in New York, Chicago, Boston and other harge citigs, to- Reports of the New York, Boston and Philadelphia Banks, Clearing Houses, and gether with the charter number of each National Bank, with Capital, Surplus and Stock Exchanges. Profits, and the principal Stock Brokers of New York City. Official Treasury Reports. New Counterfits reported by Secret Service Bureau. Also reliable Attorneys, Loan and Collection Agents; Banks and Bankers of Canada Latest quotations of Stocks, Bonds, Railroad and other Securites, and of the principal cities of Europe, Mexico, Central and South America, the East Bank Stock quotations of the principal cities in the United States and Canada. and West Indies, and other countries. Changes in Banks, new, failed and closed banks corrected each week. > General and complete epitome of the week’s bank and financial news. THOMPSON’S AMERICAN BANK REPORT is beyond doubt the most complete and reliable compilation of its kind, and has a reputation established during fifty one years of faith- ful work. The Bi-Monrsty appears on or about the Ist of January, March, May, July, September and November, corrected to date of issue, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per Year Monthly (Counterfit Card,) $1.00; Weekly, $2.00; Week! i- ’ Weekly and Bi-Monthiy (large type,) $5.00. : us ee NGI ATRL OLIN a5 18 JCA ETVG Og i) jabap Glasba Aen Noa), THE ST. JOSEPH DAILY HERALD. A MORNING NEWSPAPER. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS. THE BEST PAPER FOR THE LEAST MONEY. By Mail, Postpaid, $6.00 a Year, or 50 Cts. per Month. A Daily Summary of News from all par i all parts of the Globe. Reliable and Complete Market Reports: Able editorial al adi i of the times—Politics, Religion and Home Affairs, Ee eee ara \= > a > = DEW, WHB x1 ww ESE ER ATW), ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY, A Great Eight Page Family Paper i i i per, Replete with News and Choice Literature, selected especially for the Firesi i i send in your subseripions. One Dollar a Year, ingariable in Advance: Se ee eee eal HERALD PUBLISHINC COMPANY, - : St. Joseph, Mo.WASHINGTON. O<—O- Hotel, Travelers’ Guide Department. Dis. COs Wiel A Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No. American House. Cor., 7th and Pa.,| St. Mare - Cor. 7th and Pa.,| Willards Hotel. = . : Ave., INE Wk : Ave., N. W. Metropolitan. remon or, Rowers Ind.,; Wormley’s ‘‘ oot lang 15th Sts. | National Hotel. : 7e., N. W. . Wi Arli St. James Hotel. Cor., 6th and Pa.,| Riggs House. aay Ave.,N. W. Real Estate Agents and Dealers Department. Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No. 442 416 St., S. W. Chas. E. Banes. S10 Hest. Now. TANT Hats Gye Sti) 1505 Pa., Ave. 1125 7th St., N. W. | W..C. Duvall. Chas. H. Parker. John T.*Arms. John Sherman & Co. Ryon & Tracy. Jesse V. N.Huyck. B. H. Warner & Co. 916 X St., N. W. Walker & Wilson. L006 Sts, = A.S. Barber & Co. SO2sHyeS ty ss D. Anenhower & Son. 1226: Shs os North Washington Real Estate Co. Tyler & Rutherford. 508 and 510 F. St., | Chas. S. Shreve. Swormstead & Bradley. Thos. J. Fisher & Co. Fiteb, Fox & Brown. 804 EB Sty N= We 927 FSt., ss 15220 E Ste ee 1996 BUSt., — 1437 Pa., Ave., “* PRINS» N. W. Thos. E. Waggaman. 917 F St., sf Parker, Townsend & Law- O. C. Green. Cor., 7th and La., | John Waggaman. 804-806 F St. “ rence. 1334 ¥ St., ss Ave., N. W. Abstracters of Titles Department. Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No, 486 La. Ave., N.W.| Gordon & Gordon. 410 5th St., Jesse H. Wilson. A72 a. Ave:, “ Hillyer & Ralston. AT? Tha. Ave: = Real Estate Title Ins. Co. 472 La. Ave., “ : Nathaniel Carnsi. M. Ashford. 472 La, Ave., N. W.: A. A. Brooke. Jeo Cuille 342 DSt., ss Thomas H. Callen. Ferdinand Schmidt. 511 7th St., : John Ridout. n 330 446 St., N. W. 472. Toa, AVG; 1326 F St., ‘ Notaries Public, Protest and Conveyancing Department. Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No. Name. Place and Street No. 613 15th St., N. W.| Rutledge Wilson. 902 Pa. Ave... “ Jas. A. Tait. Central Nat’l Bank. | J. 8. Rider. 921 F St., N. W 342 D St., s¢ 617 La. Ave., “ Wm. G. Moore. O. T. Thompson. Ae Bs Rete Simon Wolf. Charles Walter. Samuel C. Mills. Fred. W. Jones. Wm. F. Mattingly. Biddle, Davis & Padgett. Hagnor & Maddox. Dorsey Clagett. Oscar M. Ball. 819 Market Space. 519 9th St., N. W. Banks and Bankers Department. Name of Banks and Bankers. Name of Banks and Bankers. Farmer’s and Mechanics’ National Bank. National Metropolitan Bank. Central National Bank. Second National Bank. Citizens’ National Bank. Riggs & Co. National Bank of Washington. Lewis, Johnson & Co. Wm. Mayse & Co. Bateman & Co. 1437 Pa. Ave., N. W. J. Fenwick Young. Edward D. Easton. Isaac L. Pankhurst. oie aloo Otis Bigelow & Co. Corson & McCartney. 408 5th St., N. W. 221 Pa. Ave., “ 472 La. Ave., “ 706 D St., © 472 La. Ave., Wash. Name of Banks and Bankers. 605 7th St,, N. W. 516 9th St., s {41902 EE Stee 14 tiehGSts mee National Bank of the Republic. Bell & Co. (Attorneys’ Department Next Page.)GENERAL LAW Name. J. Walter Cooksey. J.J. Yeates. Nath. C. Wilson. WwW. W. Wittshire. L. Gabell Williamson. A, A. Thomas. eG Ene. S. T. Thomas. BR. H. Thomas. Chas. Thompson, jr. D.S. Walker. H. H. Wells. H. H. Wells, ir. Walter IL. Smith. Green B. Raum. John Selden. Warren C. Stone. Chas. S. Whitman. A. B. Williams. Westel Willoughby. John A. Sibbald Wom. E. Earle. Ww. K. Duhamel. Jas. M. Johnston. Benj. F. Butler. Campbell Carrington. ©. M. Carter, G. C. Cole. Place and No. 42 juae-Avvies Ne We 529 TthsSt., N. W. sé 530 9th St., 452 DSt., 452 D St., ss 916 F St., . ce 36 Corcoran b’lding. 472 La. Ave., N. W. 472 La. Ave. N. W. 472 La. Ave., N. W. 627 ESt., N. W. 1226 EF St., “ 1505 Pa. Ave., N. W, 629 F St, N. W. 802 F St., & 229 416 St., « 456 La. Ave,, S 626 F St., f 12 Coreoran b’lding. 460 La., Ave., N. W. 505 DsSt., N. W. 202 S. Cap. 490 Li. Ave. N. W. Corcoran building. 402 6th St., N. W. AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR Dist. of Columbia. Name, Place and No. Jno. W. Koss. Mills Dean. FEF. W. Hackett. EK dward Lander. Benj. G. Lovejoy. Jf ymes Lowndes. IF. J. Mackey. Ts: H. Manderville. E. M. Marble. C. M. Matthews. R. E. Pairo. Thos. F: Miller. E. D. Wright. Miller & Forrest. J.C. DePutron. Appleby & Edmonston. Filmore Beall. Charies H. Armes. J. Hubley Ashton. 470 La. Ave., “ 486 La. Ave., 482 La. Ave., “ 325 446 St., “ 1505 Pa. Ave, cs 505 D Sb.. es Gli tilth sb, 4 501 F St., 1208 31st St., “ 482 La. Ave., “ 319 41% St., ~~“ S19 4A Sh 460 a. Ave., “ Aj2 ba. Ave., < 42) 5th St., s 323. 456-5b., = 927 F St., ef 635 F' SE., os Samuel Yorke AtLee. eS N. Y., Avye., W. Wm. Yorke AtL2e. Wm. T. Bailey. Baldwin, Hopkins & Pey- ton. 25 Grant Place “ O. D. Barrett. 02S Caprotv, W. W. Belknap. 410 5th St., N. W. 1420 N. Y., Ave., N. W. 490 La. Ave., N. W. 1420 a Ne “Ave., Name. Place and No. E. C. Blunt. W. W. Boarman. 1411 GSt., Samuel R. Bond. Sal 40g St., = Bradley & Duvall. 452 D St., $s M. D. Brainard. 802 EF St., § Britton & Gray. Pacific building. Wm. Henry Browne. 472 La. Ave., N. W Frank T. Browning. 416 5th St., “s R. A. Burton. 1427 N.Y. Ave., “ Walter D. Davidge. 1 Corcoran b’lding. R. D. Mussey. 508 5th St. N. W. Wm. B. Webb. 406 5th St. ‘ B. F. Leighton. 482 Ta. Ave., “ H. O & R. Claughton. 480 La. Ave., “ Leon Tobriner. 322 446 St. “ Chapin Brown. 323 416 Ste. oe J. D. Coughlan. S2D ae Ste Carnse & Miller. 486 Lia. Ave., “ Win. Stone Albert. A0S > bn is bese Albert & Warner. 482 a. Ave:, “ Worthington & Heald. 5v1F St., es Birney & Birney. 456 La. Ave., * Andrew C. Bradley. A(2 Jaa. Ave: = J. J. Darlington. AlOD tn Ste Hunton & Chandler. 38 Corcoran b’lding. M. F. Morris. 1306 F St., N. W. Julian & Meloy. AN 2) IGawANVier, a: Edwards & Barnard. 412 5th St. 416 5th St. N. W. 466 Lia. Ave., ° N. V John E. Norris. 223 We ‘St., N.W. |Shellabarger & Wilson. 93 Corcoran b’ lding. | Conway Robinson, jr. 50344 DSt., N..W. | Leigh Robinson. 39 Corcoran b’lding. | Enoch Totten. 4026th St.. “ 458 La. Ave., “ 416 sth St. “ 505 D St., © 472 Lua. Ave., “ Sopa eaS tin = Win. A. Cook. F. P. Cunpy. Henry Wise Garnet. C. D. Fowler. Crittenden & Mackey. Reginald Fendall. 23 Corcoran b’Iding. 416 5th St., N. W. 406 5th Sb., ss 416 5th St., s Wm. Pierce Ball. Chas. F. Benjamin. J. G. Bigelow. Woodbury Blair. J. WALTER COOKSEY, Attorney © Counsellor-at-Law. Roum 382, Gunton Building, Fs) Bown With High Prices ! 30 TO 70 PER CENT, OFF QNE THOUSAND DIFFERENT ARTICLES Sold Direct to Consumers. Tho “Little Detective,” $3.00 L. D, Postal gives Postage in CENTS, Weighs from 4 oz. to 25 lbs. FAMILY SCALES, 240 lhs., $5. Platform Scales, $Sif{to $20. FONgES and Blacksmiths’ Tools, Farmers’ Forge, $10. ea UIFMGE FURNITURE orge an it of Goole, 825. andl moneys avis vise gay ag ime AND FITTINGS. WAGON SCALES. Only manufacturers in America nets nothing but the best of English teel for bearingsof all Scales: , 2°Ton (6x12) $40. 3-Ton (7x13) $50. 4-Ton (8x14) $60. 4 Beam Box and Brass Beam with = €ach Scale. 300 other varieties. Also, Z =k = Trucks, Wheelbarrows, Corn Shell- Ces—— ers, Feed Mills, Copy Presses, Mon- eer ey Drawers, Clothes Wringers and = = HE Stenographers’ Steel Pens are the best in the world for businessmen. They haye fine, medium and broad nibs, numbered 41, 42 and 43. Every writer will find one of them just whe it he wants. Sold by all Stationers. $1.60 per gross. Send seven two cent stamps Jor sample dozen to Phonographic Headquarters, Mention The Hvery Office Favorite. Washington, D. C. No. 472 La. Avenue, WASHINGTON, D.C: Practices in Supreme Court of the U.S. Court of Claims, U. S. Circuit and District Courts, and Courts of District of Columbia. Special attention given to collections and to claims against the U.S. FRUIT Bowel § S BOXRS, all Hardware Specialties. SAFES OF ALL SIZES. No. 4, weight 1,100 lbs., SEWING MACHINES, PRICES REDUCED aa 665 TO $18. eautiful Machine, per fectly finished, improy arene onthe Singer pattern, Black Walnut Furniture, contain- ing a full set of latest im- proved Attachments. War- ranted perfect. Save money. Send for Circulars. Chicago Scale Co., ~ 151 S. Jefferson St..Chicago, IU, SEND FOR CATALOCUE. Address, WILLIAM HAYDEN, CHORTHAND Writing chor onc MeN ail or personally jtuations procured all on as competent. § end for circular, “We Ge CHAFFEE, Osweeo N.Y 193 Wabash Ave., - CHICAGO, ILL. Mention The Hvery Office Favorite. Mention The Bvery Office Favorite. @— oy EP LORID A. wae HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR FLORIDA. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Acton, Polk. Altamont, Orange. Altoona, Orange. Anclote, Hillsborough. Apalachicola, Franklin. Apopka, Orange. Argyle, Walton. Auburndale, Polk. Baldwin, Duval. Bartow, Polk. Braiden Town, Manatee. Branford, Suwannee. Bristel, Liberty. Bronson, Levy. af se Brooksville, Hernando. oe ce ec cé ce “cc Carrabelle, Franklin. Cedar Key, Levy. “ce sé ec ce ce oe Centre Hill, Sumter. Cerro Gordo, Holmes. Chipley, Washington. Citra, Marion. City Point, Brevard. Acton House. Altamont House. Altoona House. Marks House. Southern Hotel. Fuller House. Morgan House. McDonald House. Hampton House, Coy House. Central Hotel. Webster Hotel. Buckwell House. Branford House. Revell House. Oak Grove House. Adams House. Hernando House. Grand View House. Trammell House. Lanier House. Island House. Suwannee House. Bettilini House. Gulf House. Grand View Hotel. Riverside House. Pillar House. City Hotel. Citra Hotel. Sharpe House. Clearwater Harbor, Hills- borough. Conant, Sumter. Crescent City, Putnam. Dade City, Hernando. Daytona, Volusia. DeFuniak Sp’gs, Walton. DeLand, Volusia. Eden, Brevard. Emporia, Volusia. Enterprise, Volusia. Eustis, Orange. “ec ce Fernandina, Nassau. ee “ce ce ce Floral City, Hernando. Fort George, Duval. Fort Mason, Orange. Fort Ogden, Manatee. Fort Meade, Polk. Fruitland, Putman. Gainesville, Alachua. ce ee sé ce Glen St. Mary, Baker. Green Cove Sp’gs, Clay. sé 6 6e ee ee oe oe 6c ce ce ce oe ce ee ce sé Haines City, Polk. Orange Bluff House Hotel Conant. Lakeside Hotel. Potter House. Kentucky House. Palmetto House. Ocean View Hotel. Hotel Chautauqua. Lake View Hotel. Carrollton House. Eden Grove House. Lake Hester Hotel. Brock House. Eustis House. Henderson Hotel. Egmont Hotel. Mansion House. Florida House. Floral City Hotel. Fort George Hotel. Lake View Hotel. Prairie View House French Hotel. Adams Hotel. Fruitland House. Roachmont House. Oliver House. Arlington House. Varnum ELouse. Clarendon House. Oakland House. St. Clair House. Riverside House. Morganza House. Pine Grove House. Hibernia, Clay. Highland, Clay. Jacksonville, Duval. ce és cc 6c “e ec Jasper, Hamilton. Key West, Monroe. Kissimmee, Orange. Kismet, Orange. Lake Butler, Bradford. Lake City, Columbia. ce ee Take Helen, Volusia. Lakeland, Polk. Lake Worth, Dade. Lawtey, Bradford. Leesburgh, Sumter. se ee be 6c ee sé“ se 6c Live Oak, Suwannee. ae ce 6c ‘ec Maclenny, Baker. Madison, Madison. ae “ec Magnolia, Clay. Manatee, Manatee. Marianna, Jackson. ce sé Mayport, Duval. Melbourne, Brevard. Micanopy, Alachua. Milton, Santa Rosa. sé ce Monticello, Jefferson. Myers, Monroe. New Berlin, Duval. New Smyrna, Volusia. Norwalk, Putnam. Oak Hill, Volusia. Ocala, Marion. ce ce Orange City, Volusia. Orlando, Orange. 6é ce sc oe ce 6s Ormand, Volusia. Palatka, Putnam. Palma Sola, Manatee. Pensacola, Escambia. ce sc ae ce ce sé Perry, Taylor. Pinecastle, Orange. Ponce de Leon, Holmes. Port Orange, Volusia, Fleming Hotel. Highland Park H. St. James Hotel. Windsor Hotel. Carleton Hotel. Hotel Togui. New Duval Hotel. Conil House. Cocoanut Hotel. Tropical Hotel. Kismet Hotel. Epperson House. Thrasher House. Borum House. Chicago House. Harlan Hotel. Tremont House. Cocoanut Grove H. Burrin House. Leesburgh House. Union Hotel. Kentucky House. Lake Citv Hotel. Adams House. Grand Central H. Ethel House. Suwannee Hotel. McClellan House. Maclenny House. Tralugh House. Depot House. Magnolia House. Gales House. Richardson House. Central House. Atlantie Hotel. Corbin House. Knox House. Florida House. Santa Rosa Hotel. Johnson House. Madden House. Frierson House. New Berlin Hotel. Ocean House. Gore House. Atlantie Hotel. Ocala House. Magnolia House. Montezuma House. DeYorman House. Charleston House. Magnolia House. Simmerlin House. Central House. Dix Hotel. Graham House. Hotel Palatka. Palma Sola Hotel. Continental Hotel. City Hotel. Merchants’ Hotel. Covil Hotel. Peacock House. St. John’s Hotel. Hughes’ House. Port Orange Hotel. Place. County. Name. Quincy, Gadsden. 4c ce Rock Ledge, Brevard. ec ce S.t Augustine, St. Johns. ce c és ce Sanford, Orange. San Meteo, Putnam. Sarasota, Manatee. Seville, Volusia. Silver Springs, Marion. Spring Garden, Volusia. Starke, Bradford, ce “ae South Lake Weir, Marion. Sumterville, Sumter. ce “ce Tallahassee, Leon. ce “ec s Tampa, Hillsborough. be ce sé “ec ce , ce ee Tangerine, Orange. Tavares, Orange. Titusville, Brevard. ae ce Umatilla, Orange. Vernon, Washington. Volusia, Volusia, Waldo, Alachua. Warrington, Escambia. Welatka, Putnam. Westville, Holmes. WhiteSprings, Hamilton. Wildwood, Sumter. Winter Park, Orange. Yallaha, Sumter. Quincey House. Stark House. Indian River House Tropical House. Edwards House. Cleveland House. Florida House. Ocean View Hotel. Sanford House. Kirkland House, New Sarasota H. Grand View House. Silver Springs H. Highland Park H. Kentucky House. Covil House. Lakeside Hotel. Hamilton House. Branch House. St. James Hotel. Leon Hotel. Plant House. Palmetto House. Orange Grove H. St. James House. Collins House. Wachesett House. Peninsular Hotel. Titus House. Lund House. Umatilla House. Vernon House. Volusia House. Waldo House. Warrington Hotel. McClure House. Westville House. White Springs H. Wildwood Hotel. Seminole Hotel. Eubank House. UTEILECY.—The practical utility of this Depart- ment.will be apparent and appreciable to a large num- ber of the traveling public, and those persons who are going on a journey where they are unacquainted. By usipg this guide a hotel can be selected and made known to friends and postmaster before leaving, so that telegrams, mail, or other important matters may be forwarded without waiting directions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. LADIES who are unaceustomed to traveling without escorts, can be greatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forwarding baggage checks, together with any special instructions as to taking care of them. BUSINESS MEN of various avocations will often find this Department a convenient reference in their business affairs when it is desired ° to meet parties at a distance, inthe larger cities; an un- derstanding as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunting, ete., etc., which are usually attended with extra expenses. TRAVELING TROUPES or parties going in extra numbers can arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by corres- pondence in advance. In writing any of these houses please mention that name was taken from the “ Hotel Travelers Guide Department” of ‘‘THE EVERY OF- FICE FAVORITE.”REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS pEPARTMENT FoR FLORIDA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Abe’s Spring, Calhoun. Wm. Clark. Jacksonville, Duval. G. B. Griffin. ‘ rang KOG)ARS : Acton, Polk. Florida Mortgage ci “ J. 'f. Talbott. Orlando, Orange. Sea Giles & and Investm’t Co. i James H. Payne. i 6 S 0G, ae Apalachicola, Franklin. W. T. Arman. se «“ Tropical Land Co. 6 “ 7M arrett_ & Co «John G. Ruge. Jasper, Hamilton. John M. Caldwell. «“ ‘ eee ee Apopka, Orange. E. C. Morgan. ss oi James H. Ancrum.| Ormond, Volusia Tah I ANAMLOre. Auburndale, Polk. Joe P. Wilson. Jennings, Hamilton. John H. Lee. Otter Creek Levy James vannell Barton, Polk. Geo. W. Land. Key West, Monroe. F. J. Cunningham. ! Palatka aerate SC rant : nL eae Bae ee aa a + ae Cohen. Palma Sola, Manatee EF Nm @aener ; + 7a ( W oO ad- : ce “ce sam’l Tyler. Pe 1 a 2 e E ° ‘< Z Bronson, Levy Teta, canter, |emuce Or ee ong a Seen: , Levy. aJ. Ws. L. rter. | Kissimmee, Orange. mois ; oS ae axe Brooksville, Hernando. Hernando Real Es-| Lady Lake, Suniter ew Teacue. Bory ae At Samuel A. Wilcox. | ‘6 «“ FeO Take Bue Bradford: W. H. Edwards. Pinellas ARIGDOCOuER YM Hy ‘ida Land & Or- | Lake City, Columbia. Edwin L. Snowden. | Pi yt Swe ; WY ; | RRC ag [take Belén, Wolusis. HL Wight Hinongant Sneaes e V. J. Barnett. akeland, Polk. Torrence & Bristow AT Sta fews: a i Lundis & White. | Lake Weir, Marion. 8. ©. ae a Bat Port ( - oO eee Ean Carrabelle, Franklin. _M. C. Pickett. fum. ron Orange, Volusia. Eugene Marule. Cedar Key Levys, 3° Blackman. | Lav’ Worth, Dade, Allen H Heyser. eee B. 5, Stockton G , Holmes. . E. Blackman. awtey, Bradford, omni! “ BS SAP cton, Chipley, Washington y Goanetsy ee ee ee bare ALS Rock Ledge, Brevard Willams, aia &% ley, hington. . C. Langley. sburg Real Es- ee E NEON City Point, Brevard. WE Peat, i Liverpool, Manat iy ne ABS Rosewood, Levy. OM Jacobs Covton Plant, Marion. 1. W. Long & Son. | Live Oak, eee Witelevnit St. Augustine, St. Johns. B. F. Oliveras. Gawd caine Wakulla. Duval & Walker. CC Reece J.H.T Byrn Se Cranes R. H. Marks. ade City, Hernando. E. A. Hall. a fe W.L. Whitheld. arasota, Manatee. Florida Land and y f Le . L. Whitfield. an DE é R. M. Wilson. !ll. W.C. McLeon. G. W. Church. C. H. Edwards. H. J. Baker. TD. M. Hammond. E. B. Carleton. GC. C. Wilson. Hampton & Hamp- ton. Guss & Dunson, Ashley & Thrasher. C. F. Law. P. C. Fisher. Edward Croft. Fleming & Daniel. Randall, Walker & Foster. C. P. & J. C. Cooper Hartridge & Young Daggett & Buck- man. A.W. Cockrell & Son. Fletcher & Wurts. Call & Jones. M. ©. Jordan. H. Bisbee. Notaries Public, Jacksonville, Duval. ee ee 6c ae Jasper, Hamilton. oe ce ce 6c as “ce Key West, Monroe. Kissimmee, Orange. Lake Butler, Bradford. Lake City, Columbia, 6c 66 Lakeland, Polk. Lake Worth, Dade. Leesburgh, Sumter. Live Oak, Suwannee. oe ee Maclenny, Baker. ec“ se Madison, Madison. ce ce os oe ce Manatee, Manatee. Marianna, Jackson. Milton, Santa Rosa. Monticello, Jefferson. ae 6é ee “ec Myers New Troy, La Fayette. Ocala, ce Orang Orang , Monroe. Marion. sé e City, Volusia, ee “e ce ae e Park, Clay. Orlando, Orange. é “ec oe &é ee 6c ce R. B. Archebald. J. W. Archebald. A. R. Meek. Henry J. Stewart. Geo. T. Hammond. D. B. Johnson. EK. Wakely. B. B. Blackwell. E. O. Lock. A.J. Rose. Lemuel B. Rhodes. A. B. Hagen. L. Harrison. W. M. Ives. Frank D. Furo. S. French. C. R. King. B. H. Palmer. A.J. Henry. L. L. Bristow. Allen E. Heyser. John G. Brady. B. B. Blackwell. White & White. Wm. Bryson. J. ©. Gallaher. W.S. Hamby. R. W. Phillips. W. 2B. Taylor. ©. F. Shuey. J. D. Merritt. Angus Peterson. H. J. McCall. W. R. Boyd. L. Vann. C. W. Stevens. J. N. Shipling. E.-J. Vann. E. M. Graham. Mean non & Lang- ey. John Chain. S. Pasco. TS: Clark: W. B. Lamar. D. A. Finlayson. F. M. Puleston. Audrew Denham. Peter O. Knight. John Miller. xeo. W. Brease. Gory & Anderson. Curry & Ingram. John G. Reardon. 2. W. Couch. Hodge, Bullock & Burford. C. M. Tyson. W.D. Tumley. R. D. Coulter. F.C. Austin. A. Crenshaw. J. Copeland. J.D. Beggs. Andrew Johnson. E. R. Gunby. C. G. Butt. Geo. R. Newell. Jones & Murphy. H. C. Harrison. W.R. Armo. Place. County. Orlando, Orange. 46 6e sec ‘ec se ce Palatka, Putnam. Palma Sola, Manatee. Pensacola, Escambia. 6eé cc “ce 6c oe 6c ce 6c“ 6e 9 ce sé “ec &6 ce 66 cc “ce 66 “cc 6e “ce ‘cé 4c 6e 66 Perry, Taylor. 6 “ec Pine Level, Manatee. Plant City, Hillsborough. Quincy, Gadsden. «¢ 6c “ec 66 66 “sé 6c “ec 6e “ce Rock Ledge, Brevard. St. Augustine, St. John’s. Sanford, Orange. Stanton, Marion. Starke, Bradford. “ce 66 se “e Sumterville, Sumter. ce “c “ce ae Tallahassee, Leon. “ec “ee sé “ce sé 6e be «6 “ce “ec ce “6 oe ‘é iT 9 “ec ec 66 6c sé ce ee Tampa, Hillsborough. Titusville, Brevard. “eé 73 Tropic, Brevard. Waldo, Alachua. Name. Julius Drew. D. D. Porter. J. H. Allen. C. F. Rogers. M. Silver. S. C. Chandler. J. M. Phipps. R. L. Campbell. C. C. Younger. Maxwell & Mullony J. P. Jones. John C. Avery. Yonge & Brown. ' William Fisher. C. B. Parkhill. R. H. Friss. Hayes & Egan. A.C. Blont, jr. Tucker & Johnson. Benj. Robinson. Samuel A. Wilcox. John R. Kimbrew. Z. T. Crawford. C. Calhoun. T. A. Bivens. John W. Malone. P. B. Stockton. A. K. Allison. E. C. Love. Edward Owens. T. H. Sharron. C. E. L. Allison. Arthur F. 8S. Wil- liams. C. L. Collins. A.J. Corbitt. A. M. Thrasher. Mabrey & Hacker. T. E. Briggs. C. L. Peek. R. M. Smith. R. Keith. A.C. Clark. P. N. Hickman. J. M. Davis. David S. Walker. Robt. W. Williams. Jesse T. Bernard. EdwardM. Hopkins John Mitchell. John L. Beard. Edward M. West. Robt. B. Hilton. Richard C. Long. Le Roy D. Ball. Geo. W. Walker. John Wallace. Joseph B. Wall. 8S. M. & G. B. Spark- man. Jones & Allen. D. Howard. D. L. Gaulden. J. B. Johnson. West Wynnton, Calhoun. O. P. Fannin. REQU EST. — When sending business to, or in opening correspondence with Atttorneys whose addresses are here giv- en, kindly mention that address was taken from the ‘General Law and Collection Department ” of ‘THe EvERY OFFICE FAVORITE,’’ By so doing, it provides a business introduc- tion for you. and at the same time confers a fayor to the Publishers of this Directory. PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPARTMW’T FOR Florida. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Apalachicola, Franklin. “ce “e Auburndale, Polk. Bartow, Polk. Branford, Suwannee. Bronson, Levy. Brooksville, Ilernando, ee ee Carrabelle, Franklin. Cedar Key, Levy. Cocoa, Brevard. J. E. Grady. A. J. Murat. Joe P. Wilson. J. W. Boyd. J. H. Thomas. J. H. Humphries. J. A. Ivey. A. B. Coulter. A.M. C. Russell. G. C. Martin. O. H. Kelly. A. B. Coulter. Wi. B. Smith. Cotton Plant, Marion. Crawfordsville. Wakulla. Dade City, Hernando. Daytona, Volusia. DeFuniak Sp’gs, Walton. DeLand, Volusia. Enterprise, Volusia. Euchee Anna, Walton. Eustis, Orange. Fernandina, Nassau. ce 66 6e H. W. Long. R. S. Smith. W. A. Giles. I. M. Wilson. J.C. Grace. LL. W. Plank. A. W. Hamlin. Jee enice: D. Campbell. Benj. F. Adams. CG. Y. Hillyer. J. W. Harvell. Chas. H. Leggett. Fort Ogden, Manatee. Fort Meade, Polk. Gainesville, Alachua. Grahamsville, Marion. Green Cove Sp’gs, Clay. oe es ce ce 66 ee sé se Hamilton, Hamilton. Haulover, Brevard. Hernando, Hernando. Jacksonville, Duval. K. B. Carleton. W. H. Simmons. F. A. Whitehead. C. C. Wilson. Watson Porter. W. H. Howard. Geo. C. Bemis. LP. C. Fisher. C. F. Law. C. W. Downing. C. H. Nauman. Edward Croft. Wm. C. West.NOTARIES PUB Name. Place. County. Chas. W. Dalesta. L. M. Jones. John S. Drozgs. W. H. Green. John H. H. Lee. E. O. Lock. G. B. Patterson. L. W. Bethel. Jacksonville, Duval. se te ce te Jasper, Hamilton. Jennings, Hamilton. Key West, Monroe. ct “ec < ss A. De Lono. Kingsley, Clay. W. H. Weaford. Kissimmee, Orange. A. J wose: Samuel W. Teague. T. J. Cockshutt. J. H. Walters. L. B. Rhodes. S. French. L. Harrison. A. B. Hagen. Lady Lake, Sumter. La Grange, Brevard. Lake Butler, Bradford. Lake City, Columbia. ce ce cs og F. D. Fano. Lakeland, Polk. L. L. Bristow Lawtey, Bradford. E. G. Hill. John G. Brady. John Cross. M. M. Blackburn. J.D. Merritt. Leesburgh, Sumter. Liverpool, Manatee. Live Oak, Suwannee. Maclenny, Baker. Place. County. NT for FLORIDA—Continued. LIC, PROTEST and CONVEYANCING DEPARTME Name. Madison, Madison. Malabar, Brevard. Marianna, Jackson. Micanopy,. Alachua. Milton, Santa Rosa. 6G 6 Monticello, Jefferson. Myers, Monroe. New Smyrna, Volusia. Ocala, Marion. Old Town, La Fayette. Olustee, Baker. Orlando, Orange. Otter Creek, Levy. Palma Sola, Manatee. Pensacola, Escambia. 66 “cs Pinemount, Manatee. Plant City, Hillsborough. Rock Ledge, Brevard. Rosewood, Levy. St. Augustine, St. Johns. Sarasota, Manatee. ie Wiens tT. T. Ellison. R. A. Ward. Frank Phillips. J. W. Smith. John Chain. Geo. Marques, sr. Andrew Denham. Peter O. Knight. GC. R. Dilzer. W. W. Clyatt, jr. AdelbertS. Ackley J. F. B. McKinney. A.N. Harrington. T. L. Porter. F. M. Cooper. J. R. McGaughfy. Ed. Gale Quino. Wi. Fisher. J. M. N. Peacock. Cc. W. Andrews. Arthur FEF. Williams GC. M. Jacobs. W. W. Dewhart. F.C. Whitaker. Place. County. Name. Sopchoppy. Wakulla. J. R. Roberts. SE EntOn: MARION! F. C. Buffum. Starke, Bradford. J. N. Jones. cs SS J. T. Wells. gs ‘ C. L. Peek. Sumterville, Sumter. A. C. Clark. Edward M. West. J. H. Fessenden. James Pritchard. S. W. Gary. John Neal. O. P. Fannin. J. W. Peacock. A. Buford. J. C. Stovin. Tallahassee, Leon. Tampa, Hillsborough. Titusville, Brevard. \Wellborn, Suwannee. Westville, Holmes. West Wynnton, Calhoun. Wewahitchka, Calhoun. Winter Park, Orange. REQUEST. — In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘* Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department”? of the ‘EVERY OFFICE FAvoRITE.’? By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- tion. MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR FLORIDA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Acton, Polk. Apalachicola, Franklin. Auburndale, Polk. Bartow, Polk. Branford, Suwannee. Bristol, Liberty. Bronson, Levy. Brookville, Hernando. ee ce Carrabelle, Franklin. Cedar Key, Levy. Cerro Gordo, Holmes. City Point, Brevard. Cotton Plant, Marion. Florida Mortgage and Investm’t Co. John G. Ruge. Joe. P. Wilson. Polk Co., Bank. R. A. Ivey. Solomon & Wool- dridge. Ira J. &S. L. Carter Hernando Real Es- tate Agency. Florida Land and Orange Co. M. C. Pickett. Jackson & Burke. J. E. Blackman. W. FE. Kidder. H. W. Long & Son. Crawfordsville, Wakulla. Duval & Walker. Dade City, Hernando. E. A. Hall. rf 5 Ri. M. Wilson. Daytona, Volusia. Douglas & Jones. De Funiak Sp’gs, Walton.Hutchinson & McElwain. L. W. Plank & Co. S. B. Wright. E oUlEReE, Weir & 0. Bank of Eustis. Samuel A. Swann. C. W. Lewis. C. C. Wilson. Whitehead & Skip- 6c¢ ee De Land, Volusia. Enterprise, Volusia. Eustis, Orange. Fernandina, Nassau. ce ee Fort Meade, Polk. : : per. Gainesville, Alachua. Coachman & Coach- man. Geo. N. Bardin. Green Cove Sp’gs, Clay. ss M * P. C. Fisher. Hawthorne, Alachua. Jacksonville, Duval. ce ce ce ee Jasper, Hamilton. Key West, Monroe. Lake Butler, Bradford. Lake City, Columbia. Lakeland, Polk. Lake Weir, Marion. Lawtey, Bradford. Leesburgh, Sumter. Liverpool, Manatee. Live Oak, Suwannee. ce ce e ce Maclenny, Baker. Madison, Madison. ce ce Marianna, Jackson. Micanopy, Alachua. Middleburg, Clay. Milton, Santa Rosa. Monticello, Jefferson. ce 6 Myers, Monroe. New Troy, La Fayette. Ocala, Marion. Orange City, Volusia. Orange Park, Clay. G. R. Moose. Diston Land Co. E. H. Buckman. W. T. Forbes & Co. John M. Caldwell. Chas. Cohen. F. J. Cunningham. W. H. Edwards. Edwin L. Snowder. Torrence & Bristow S.C.& E.H.Buffum. EK. G. Hill. John G. Brady. John Cross. White & White. M. M. Blackburn. H. M. Wood. KE. E. Mussey. C. F. Shuey. C. W. Stevens. J. L. Inglish. McKinnon & Lang- ley. J .W. Smith. Geo. E. Haskell. John Chain. T.S. Clark. T. M. Puleston. D. A. Finlayson. Huelsenkamp & Crawford. N. A. McAlpin. C. G. B. W. Parker. Bacon & Adams. asin, Nelson & 0. W. 4H. Crocker. J. T. Copeland. Place. County. Name. Orange Co. Bank. Bank of Orlando. Thos. C. Watson. ©. W. Andrews. J. E. Hughes. E. P. Dismukes. A. S. Wilson & Co. J. R. Harris. Williams, Erwin & Fowler. B. F. Oliveras. Lyman Bank. Miller & Burton. F.C. & BE. H. Buf- fum. Lake & Livingston. J. H. Slater. B. C. Lewis & Sons. Orlando, Oxange. ee 6eé Pensacola, Escambia. Plant City, Hillsborough. Ponce de Leon, Holmes. Quincy, Gadsden. és “ec Rock Ledge, Brevard. St. Augustine, St. Johns. Sanford, Orange. Seville, Volusia. Stanton, Marion. Starke, Bradford. Sumterville, Sumter. Tallahassee, Leon. sf ss Alfred A. Andrews G. T. Chamberlain. F. A. Salomonson. Florida M’tg’ge and Investment Co. Titusville, Brevard. James Pritchard & Co. Waldo, Alachua. W. E: Forrell. West Wynnton,Calhoun, O. P. & J. S. Fan- nin. Tampa, Hillsborough. ce 6c EX PLANATION,—tThe parties whose addresses are here given are identified in the REAL Estate First Mort- GAGE loan business on their own account or for other investors, and through, whom such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respective locafities. To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was taken from the ‘‘Mortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department”? of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’GRrORGIA. I< HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE Dette FOR GEORGIA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name, Acworth, Cobb. Adairsville, Bartow. Albany, Daugherty. Allapaha, Berrien. Alpharette, Milton. Americus, Sumter. Appling, Columbia. Arlington, Calhoun. Atkens, Clarke. Atlanta, Fulton. ce ce Augusta, Richmond. se “c ce se se ee Bainbridge, Decatur. ee ce Ball Ground, Cherokee. Barnesville, Pike. Baxley, Appling. Bellton, Hall. Blackshear, Pierce. Blairsville, Union. Blakely, Early. Bowdon, Carroll. Bowersville, Hart. Bremen, Haralson. Brunswick, Glynn. ee sc Bryan, Bryan. » 6 ce cc e Buchanan, Haralson. Buena Vista, Marion. ce ce Buford, Gwinnett. Butler, Taylor. oe cc“ Calhoun, Gordon. Camilla, Mitchell. Canton, Cherokee. Carnesville, Franklin. Carrollton, Carroll. Cartersville, Bartow. ce ce Cave Spring, Floyd. Cedartown, Polk. Chauncy, Dodge. Chipley, Harris. Clarksville, Habersham. Clayton, Rabun. Cleveland, White. Columbus, Muscogee. “ 6 Conyers, Rockdale. Covington, Newton. Crawford, Oglethrope. Crawfordsville, Taliaferro. ““é “é Cumming, Forsyth. Cusseta, Chattahoochee. Cuthbert, Randolph. Dahlonega, Lumpkin. Dallas; Paulding. 46 66 Litchfield House. Adairsville Hotel. Artesian House. Bogen House. O’Quinn Hotel. Dodd’s House. Allen House. Hankins House. Appling House. Arlington Hotel. Commercial Hotel, Clinard Hotel. Kimball House. Markham House, National Hotel. Cannon House. Grant House. Planters’ Hotel. Globe [fotel. Central Hotel. Augusta Hotel. Oakland House. Ennis House. Pickett House. Matthews House. Blalock House. Centennial Hotel. Richmond House. Brown House. Butt House. Livingston House. Blakeley Hotel, Shelinut House. Weaver House, Bremen Hotel. Nelson House. Central House. Olive House. Cox House. Valley House. Travelers House. Buena Vista House. Commercial Hotel. Buford House. Canon House. Bonner House. Commercial House. Hurst House. McAfee House. Carnesville House. Franklin House. Chambers House. Commercial House. St. James Hotel. Bartow House. Tennesse House. Tilly House. Cedartown Hotel. Booze Hotel. Laslie House. Chipley Hotel. Habersham House. Blue Ridge Hotel. Cleveland House. Bell’s Hotel. Bankin House. Perry Hotel. Central Hotel. Whitehead House. Covington House. Stephenson House. Arnold House. Crawfordsville Hotel. Kent House. Sims House. Howard House. Carver House. Fagle House. Burnside House. Foéte House. Spinks House. Lawrence Hotel. Dalton, Whitfield. Danielsville, Madison. Darien, MelIntosh. Dawson, Terrell. sc“ ec Dawsonville, Dawson. Decatur, De Kelb. 6é ce Douglasville, Douglas. ee 6é Dublin, Laurens. Duluth, Gwinnett. Hastman, Dodge ee ec Eatonton, Putnam. Elberton, Elbert. Ellijay, Gilmer. Fairburn, Campbell. Fayetteville, Fayette. Flowery Branch, Hall. Forsyth, Monroe. Fort Gaines, Clay. Fort Valley, Houston. Franklin, Heard. Gainesville, Halk Georgetown, Quitman. Gibson, Glascock. Graham, Appling. Grantville, Coweta. Greenville, Meriwether. Greensborough, Greene. it “ee Griffin, Spaulding. ee ce ce ee Hamilton, Harris. Hampton, Henry. Harlem, Columbia. Harmony Grove, Jackson. “cc sé Hartwell, Hart. ; Hawkinsville, Pulaski. Hazelhurst, Appling. Hiawassee, Towns. Hinesville, Liberty. Hogansville, Troup. Homer, Banks. Hornerville, Clinch. Howard, Taylor. Indian Springs, Butts. Irwinton, Wilkinson. Jackson. Butts. Jasper, Pickens. Jefferson, Jackson. 4c sé Jeffersonville, Twiggs. Jesup, Wayne. 66 66 sé be Jonesborough, Clayton. ce “6 Kingston, Bartow. Knoxville, Crawford. ce 66 La Fayette, Walker. La Grange, Troup. Lavonia, Franklin. Lawrenceville, Gwinnett. ce 6é Leary’s, Calhoun. Leesburgh, Lee. National Hotel. Lewis House. Rudd House. Mattox House. Magnolia Hotel. Farnum House. Robinson House. Howser House. Jossey House, Galloway House. McLarty House. Watson House. Troup House. Duluth House. Upland Hotel. Ashburn House. Eatonton House. Globe House. Central House. Hightower House. Fairburn Hotel. Redwine House. Porter House. Proctor House. Howard Hotel. Harris House. Franklin House. Arlington House. Hudson House. Garden City Hotel. Williams House. Patterson House. Sewell Hotel. Greenville Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Mapp House. Nelson House. Curtis House. Godard House. Hamilton House. Henderson House. Harlem House. Butler House. Bohanan House. Bobo House. Jones House. Pulaski House. Dyches House. Tuten House. MeConnell House. Kimsey House. Miller Hotel. Whitaker House. Globe Hotel. Sky House. Hornerville House. Sealy House. Indian Springs Hotel. Baun House. Hatfield House. Benton House. Pickett House. Howard House. Harrison House. Floyd House. Altamaha House. Jesup House. Massey House. Story House. Johnson House. Cloud House. Harris House. Knoxville House. Goree House. Phipp House. La Grange House. Brady House. Lavonia House. Globe House. Borne House. Griftin House. Lindsey House. Leesburgh, Lee. Lexington, Oglethorpe. Linco!nton, Lincoln. Lithonia, De Kalb. Locust Grove, Henry. Louisville, Jefferson. Lula, Hall. Lumpkin, Stewart. McDonough, Henry. Macon, Bibb. 6 6c Madison, Morgan. Marietta, Cobb. Marshallville, Macon. Maysville, Banks. Milledgeville, Baldwin. Millen, Screven. Milner, Pike. Monroe, Walton. Montezuma, Macon. Monticello, Jasper. Morgan, Calhoun. Morganton, Fannin. ee 66 Mouftt Airy, Habersham. Mt. Vernon, Montgomery. Newman, Coweta. oe sé se cé Newton, Baker. ae ee Norcross, Gwinnett. Oglethorpe, Macon. Palmetto, Campbell. Perry, Houston. Porter Springs, Lumpkin. Preston, Webber. Quitman, Brooks. Red Clay, Whitfield. Reidsville, Tattnall. Resaca, Gordon. Reynolds, Taylor. Ringgold, Catoosa. Rising Fawn, Dade. Rock Mart, Polk. Rome, Floyd. Royston, Franklin. Saint Marys, Camden. St. Simons Mills, Glynn. Salt Springs, Douglas. Sandersville, Washington. Savannah, Chatham. 6é ee 66 ae sé sé “es ‘6 Senoia, Coweta. Smithville, Lee. oe ts Social Circle, Walton. Sparta, Hancock. Springfield, Efingham. Bunkley House. Roane House. Bacon House. Murray House. Lithonia Hotel. Cleveland House. Central Hotel. Lula Hotel. Lumpkin Hotel. Corbett House. Brown House. Crook House. Brown House. Edgerton House. Commercial Hotel. Southern Hotel. Welburn Hotel. Stubblefield Hotel. Madison House. Morrison House. Kennsaw Hotel. Hillock House. Afileck House. Hale House. Oconee House. Edwards House. Millen House. Verden House. Walton Hotel. Carter House. Minor House. Meriwether Hotel. Clayton House. Bell House. Slate House. Powell House. Mount Airy House. McGregor House. Loud House. Yancey House. Robinson House. Commercial Hotel. Livingston Hotel. Johnson House. Norcross Hotel. Gilmore House. Palmetto Hotel. Perry Hotel. Porter Springs H. Chappell House. Stapleton House. Commercial Hotel. Mills House. Williams House. Our House. Barnett Hotel. Paris House. Whitsill House. Cross House. Presley House. Central House. Rome Hotel. Sargent House. Cunningham House. Spencer House. Ocean View Hotel. Watson House. Sandersville Hotel. Gilmore House. Screven House. Pulaski House. Marshall House. liarnett House. Sawyer House. Barnes House. McAffee House. Johnson House. Eckler House. Spencer House. Edwards House. Lamar House. Hinely House.HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ CUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR e Place. County. ———————— Spring Place, Murray. Stapleton, Jefferson. Statenville, Echols. Stellaville, Jefferson. Stockbridge, Henry. Stone Mount’n, DeKalb. Summerville, Chattanooga. cs be Suwannee, Gwinnett. Swainsborough, Emanuel. oe 6c 6c Sylvania, Screven. Taccoa. Habersham. Talapoosa, Haralson. Talbotton, Talbot. Tazewell, Marion. Thomaston, Upson. ee Thomasville, Thomas. sé sé Thomson, McDuffie. ee ee 66 “é Taccoa, Habersham. Name. Temple Hotel. Kelley House. Register House. Hudson Hotel. Gilbert House. King House. Stone Mt. Hotel. Henry House. Reynolds House. Suwannee House. Farmers’ Hotel. Moring House. Swainsborough Hotel Brown Hotel. Davenport House. Talapoosa House. Thornton House. Owens House. Cheney House. Webb House. Mitchell House. Piney Woods Hotel. Knox House. Wilson House. Shields House. Davenport Hotel. Toomsborough, Wilkinson. Baunn House. REAL ESTATE Place. County. Name. - Place. Towns, Telfair. Trenton, Dade. Tunnel Hill, Whitfield. Turnerville, Habersham. Union Point, Greene. Valdosta, Lowndes. Villa Rica, Carroll. Wadley, Jefferson. Warm Springs, Meriwether. Warrenton, Warren. Washington, Wilkes. 4é 6e Watkinsvilie, Oconee. Waverly Hall, Harris. Way Cross, Ware. Waynesborough, Burke. West Point, Troup. Whitesburg, Carroll. Wightsville, Johnson. County. Name. CGCECRGIA.—Continued. Place. County. Name. Miller House. Williams Hotel. Pace Hotel. Bowman House. Turnerville Hotel. Terrace House. Steward’s Hotel. Prescott House. Velvin House. Stone House. Donovan House. Cottage Hotel. Warm Springs Hotel arrenton Hotel. Washington Hotel. Arnold House. Eagle Hotel. Satilla House. Grand Central Hotel. Park House. Satilla House. Grand Central Hotel. Arlington Hotel. Chattahooche House. Harris House. Central House. Outlaw House. Gaitor House. Williamsburgh, Calhoun. Zebulor Hotel. Zebulon, Pike. UWTILITY.—tThe practical utility of this Depart- ment will be apparent and appreciable to a large num- ber of the traveling public, and those persons who are going on a journey where they are unacquainted. By using this guide a hotel can be selected and made known to friends and postmaster before leaving, so that telegrams, mail. or other important matters may be forwarded without waiting directions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. LaDIEs who are unaccustomed to traveling without escorts, can be greatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forwarding baggage checks, together with any special instructions as to taking care of them. BUSINESS MEN of various avocations will often find this Department a conve- nient reference in their business affairs when it is desired to meet parties at a distance, in the larger cities; an under- standing as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunting, etc., etc., which are usually attended with extra expenses. TRAVELING TROUPES or parties going in extra numbers can arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by correspondence in adyance. In writing any of these houses please mention that nome was taken from the ‘‘ Hotel Travelers’ Guide Department” of ‘“‘ THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR GEORGIA. Place. County. Name. Abbeville, Wilcox, Acworth, Cobb. Adairsville, Bartow. Adel, Berrien. Afton, Berrien. Allapaha, Berrien. Alpharetta, Milton. Alto, Banks. Americus, Sumter. ee ee Appling, Columbia. Arcola, Bullock. Argo, Wilcox. Arlington, Calhoun. Ashley, Wilcox. Athens, Clarke. Atkinson. Wayne. Atlanta, Fulton. “ 6 66 66 6s 6 €¢ 66 “ 66 6 6c 66 ee ce 66 “ 6e Augusta, Richmond. Austell, Cobb. Avalon, Franklin. Bainbridge, Decatur. « ‘< Ball Ground, Cherokee. Barnesville, Pike. oe sé Bartow, Jefferson. Battle Ground, Johnson, Baxley, Appling. Big Creek, Forsyth. Big Sandy, Twiggs. Blackshear, Pierce. Blairsville, Union. Blakely, Early. Blitch, Bullock. Bowersville, Hart, Brantley, Marion. Brass, l'iowns. Bremen, Haralson. Brookfield, Berrien. Brownsville, Paulding. Brunswick, Glynn. G. W. Johnson. J, L. Bankston. W.(. Dorham. B. F. Bibb. Wiley Mathis. D. G. Hutchinson. T. A. Baker. J. A. Slater. B. T. Simpson. John W. Robertson. B. H. Wilkerson. W. L. Glesser. D.C. N. Burkhalter. Frank D. Gray. * D. R. Groover. Jide Ray. H. C. Sheffield. J. D. Taylor. John 8. Williford. John Calvin Johnson. James F King. Geo. W. Adair. S. W. Goode. J. C. Hendrix. Harvey Crouse. Leak & Lyle. A. J. West. N. R. Fowler. G.H.Eddleman & Co. R. H. Knapp. Frierson & Scott. M. Hyams & Son. N. A. Morse. RDF Mowe C. W. Wimberley. John E. Donalson. Maston O'Neal. Jas. Price. W.S. Whitaker. J. J. Rogers. J. C. MeMicheal, J.R.L. Allen. J. L. Hatcher. W. W. Graham. W.B. Brannan. Freeman L. Stokes. J. P. Hughes. Nicholls & Brantly. S. Y. Jarrett. R. H. Powell. W. P. Donaldson. Moses A. Duncan. C. W. Epps. C. T. Wooding. S. L. Craven. T. B. Young. A.L. Bartlett. W. B. Burroughs. Brunswick, Glynn. ee é Bryan, Bryan. Buchanan, Haralson. 6é be Buena Vista, Marion. ee 4eé Buford, Gwinnett. Bullard’s, Twiggs. Butler, ‘Taylor. ee e¢ Calhoun, Gordon. ce es Camilla, Mitchell. Campbellton, Campbell. Canton, Cherokee. Carnesville, Franklin. ee ce c¢ cc Carrollton, Carroll. ee ce Cartersville, Bartow. 66 ae ce éé Cason, Wilcox. Cave Spring, Floyd. Cedartown, Polk. Ceres, Crawford. Chauncey, Dodge. Cheevertown, Baker. Chipley, Harris. Chokee, Lee. Clarks Mill, Crawford. Clarksville, Habersham. Clay Hill, Lincoln. Clayton, Rabun. Cleveland, White. Cloverdale, Dade. Clyattville, Lowndes. Cochran, Pulaski. Cole City, Dade. Colquitt, Miller. Columbus, Muscogee. 73 “ce 6 ce ee 6é « 6 “c “ “ ‘6s Conyers, Rockdale. “cc 6c Cooktown, Wilcox. Covington, Newton. ae Commissioner, Wilkinson. J. M. Dexter. H. A. Kendrick. A. P. Smith. GC. W. Ault. M. J. Head & Son. Butt & Lumpkin. J. S. McCorkle. W. W. Wilson. Daniel Bullard. Albert A. Carson. James 0. Mangham. O. M. Colbert. Rankin & Milner. W.J.Cantrill & Sons. Spence & Twitty. R. J. Tugele. Newman & Attaway. C. D. Maddox. Tabor & Bros. W. M. Bampley. M. A. Herndon. Seaborn N. Jones. Samuel E. Grow. G. H. Aubray. D. W. K. Peacock. T. M. Smith. John Demard. Thomas J. Davis. S. M. H. Byrd. J. L. Harrison. James Mullin. G. O. Lofton. H. A. Goodman. E. S. Ferguson. A. T. Williams. H.S. West. J. E.Strather. J. H. Pitchford. F. A. Bleckley. Wm. F. Sears. W. K. Williams. W. J. Taylor. M. M. Caswell. James A. Thomas. Martin Rennow. J. W. Loving. M. N. Murphy. John Blackman. Toombs Crawford. LL. H. Chappell. Young & Grimes. W.S. Green, J.C. Reedy. Banks & Estes. A. M. Helm. James C. Barton. W. I. Brown. Winfield Scott. W.C. Clark & Co. Place. County. Name. S. H. Stokeley. J.B Poyner. W. O. Mitchell. James F.. Reid. J.C. Aubrey, H. L. Patterson. Geo. L. Bell. Z. A. Littlejohn. W. J. Morley. R. H. Webb. R.. H. Moore. James L,. Hight. Henry Bone. Henry Broswell. McCutchen & Shu- mate. McCarny & Walker. H.C. Hamilton. John J. Strickland. Ji. Winn. D. S. Sinclair. Roberts & Marshall. Tsaac H. Johnson. Jas. P. Crockett. E. M. Word. Deveraux Station, Hancock. M. Arnold. Dowdy, Madison. J. W. Seymour. Douglasville, Douglas. Je Nerd AIMeSs oe w M. M. Smith. N. H. Tullis. R.. A. Stanley. T. B. Felder. Marion Roberts. W. B. Gibbs. W. B. Whiddon. Roberts & Smith. A. N. Sexton. W. 4H. Hearn. Robert F. C. Smith. J. A. Graham. Henry A. Roebuck. Alfred S. Oliver. T. J. Bowman. W. P. Dedmyler. J.C. Allen. M. M. Sessions. T. W. Craigo. N.N. Beall. James L. Coleman. W. J. Burgess. N. 1. Oliff. W.B. McDaniel. J.T. Longino. J. H. Longino. L. F. Blalock. ©. E. Bennett. E. H. Blunt. Wm F. Smith. O. 1. B. Bloodworth. Crawford, Oglethorpe. Crawfordville, Taliaferro. ce ae Culverton, Hancock. Cumming. Forsyth. “ee “ec Cusseta, Chattahoochee. Dahlonega, Lumpkin. “cc cc Dallas, Paulding. ee éé 66 6s Dalton, Whitfield. te cé ce ésé Danielsville. Madison. Darien, McIntosh. Dawson, Terrell. Dawsonville, Dawson. Decatur, De Kalb. ee oe Dranesville, Marion. Dublin, Laurens. ‘ce ee Duluth, Gwinnett. Du Pont, Clinch. Kastman, Dodge. Eatonton, Putnam. Eden, Effingham. Egypt, Effingham. Elberton, Elbert. 6e “6 66 6c Ellijay, Gilmer. ae ae ce ee Embry, Paulding. Enal, Bullock. Erastus, Banks. Excelsior, Bullock. Faceville, Decatur. Fairburn, Campbell. Fayetteville, Fayette. Fleming, Liberty. Flovilla, Butts. Forsyth, Monroe.REAL ESTATE ACENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR CEORC!A—Continued. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Forsyth, Monroe. “ec ae ce ce Ft. Gaines, Clay. Ft. Lamar, Madison. Ft. Valley, Houston. Franklin, Heard. oe ae Freemansville, Milton. Gainesville, Hall. Garden Valley, Macon. Gardi, Wayne. Georgetown, Quitman. Gibson, Glascock. Gillsville, Hall. Gladesville, Jasper. Grangersville, Macon. Grantville, Coweta. Graysv ille, Catoosa. Greenville, Meriwether. ee oe Greensborough, Greene. Green's Cut, Burke. Griffin, Spalding. “e “é Grove Level, Banks. Grovetown, Columbia. Halcyon Dale, Screven. Hamilton, Harris. se “é Hampton, Henry. Harlem, Columbia. Harmony Grove, Jackson. Hartwell, Hart. Haslum, Way ne. Hatcher's Station, Quitman. J Hawkinsville, Pulaski. ce ce Hawpond, Tattnall. Hazelhurst, Appling. Hiawassee, ‘Towns. Hickory Grove, Crawford. High Tower, Forsyth. Hinesville, Liberty. Hoboken, Pierce. Hogansville, Troup. Howards Mill, Baker. Holley Springs, Chetokee. Hollingsworth, Banks. Homer, Banks. Homerville, Clinch. Horn’s House Creek, Wilcox. Howard, Taylor. Irwinton, Wilkinson. “e cs Irwinville, Irwin. Ivy Log, Union. Jackson, Butts. “eé ce“ Jacksonville, Telfair. Jasper, Pickens. Jefferson, Jackson. ‘6 se Jeffersonville, Twiggs. oe Jesup, Wayne. Jewellville. Banks. Johnston Station, Liberty. Jonesborough, Clayton. Jag Tavern, Walton. Kennesaw, Cobb. Knoxville, Crawford. La Fayette, Walker. La Grange, Troup. 66 ce é ee Lawrenceville, Gwinnett. oe 6c Leary’s, Calhoun. Leesburgh, Lee. Leverett, Lincoln. Lexington, Oglethorpe. | Lincolnton, Lincoln. Cross Roads, Miller. Joseph R. Banks. B. M. Hathorn. Jos. R. Blunt. 3. A. McLendon. i}. HH. Goss: S. B. Burr. Duncan & Miller. W. 1’. Wood. W.H. Daniel. W. D. Devon. Redwine & Dorsey. Theo. Moreno. John C. Hoge. D. C. Richardson. W.. A. Jordan. B. F. Walker. J. I’. Evans. Tilman Niblett. J. A.J. Kimble. \W.. A. Bost. Th BeiCarrol: H.W. dill. A. H. Freeman. B. F. McLaughlin. J. Conklin Brown. J. RK. Thomas. B. W. Beck. G. A. Cunningham. W.A. Watson. @ J: Clittord: A.S. Erwin. B. H. Walton. Henry C. Cameron. Geo. Bivins. Ed. T. Williams. W. H. Simpkins. Tra C. Van Duzer. W. H. Aspinwall. . . Smith. mn B. Mitchell. Jordan & Watson. Martin & Cochran. J. A. Callaway. kK. P. Padgett. W. R. McConnell. J. T. Cockran. J. L. Heard. J.S. Ashmore. James P. Jones. J. W. Hardaway. L. J. Mathis. Henry Miller. A. P. Wofford. P. M. Edwards. Wm. L. ‘Telford. B. A. Whittington. Hardy Strickland. H. A. Barrett. P. C. Caldwell. John W. Lindsay. H. F. Carswell. Thos. B. Young. Larkin Lewis. Henry O. Benton. Wright & Beck. J. O. Wilcox. John W. Henley. Tsaac Grant. R. S. Howard. H. L. Brock. J. D. Jones. J. K. Stokes. T. P. Littlefield. EK. W. Pool. W. C. Prise. Hutchison & Balock. A. H. Fisher. Hiram N. Rainey. Joseph Lacy. O. P. Wright. H. P. Lumpkin. F, W. Copeland. J. BY. Cool: Thos. H. Whittaker. F. M. Longley. Peeples & Borne. S, J. Winn & Son. F. P. Griffin. Kimbrough & Long. W. H. Green. Wm. M. Howard. J. T. Olive. J. D. Colley. Lincolnton, Lincoln. Locust Grove, Henry. Logansville, Walton. Lombardy, McDuffee. Long Pond, Lowndes. Lothair, Montgomery. Louisville, Jefferson. sé ee Ludville, Pickens. Lumpkin, Stewart. McArthur, Montgomery. McDonough. Henry. Melntosh, Liberty. McRae, Telfair. McVille, Telfair. Macon, Bibb. ce ce ce ce “ce se Madison, Morgan. “ce “ce Malden Branch, Bryan. Marietta, Cobb. ce ee Marlow, Effingham. Marshallvilie, Macon. Matlock, Tattnall. Maysville, Banks. Maxeys, Oglethorpe. Midville, Burke. Milledgeville, Baldwin. Millen, Screven. Milltown, Berrien. Milner, Pike. Monroe, Walton. se “ec “ee “cc Montezuma, Macon. Monticello, Jasper. Morgan, Calhoun. 66 “i Morganton, Fannin. Mossy Creek, White. Moultrie, Colquitt. Mount Airy, Habersham. Mt. Vernon, Montgomery. ee ee ce ce Mount Zion, Carroll. Nashville, Berrien. Newman, Coweta. cs “es 6é ce Newton, Baker. Norcross, Gwinnett. Oglethorpe, Macon. Ohoopee, Tattnall. Pal metto, Cam bell. Paloa, Madison. Pendergrass, Jackson. Perkins Junction, Burke. Perry, Houston. Perrys Mills, Tattnall. Pierceville, Fannin. Powder Springs, Cobb. Preston, Webster. Pruit, Banks. Quitman, Brooks. Ramsey, Murray. Red Clay, Whitfield. Reidsville, Tattnall. Resaca, Gordon. Reynolds, Taylor. Ringgold, Catoosa. Rising Fawn, Dade. Rock Mart, Polk. Rocky Ford, Screven. Rome, Fl oyd. Royston, Franklin. Rutledge, Morgan. T. H. Remson. A. Brown. E. S. V. Briant: E. 'T. Moon. J. U, Jones. R. J. Hinely. W. J. Daley. W..L. Phillips. J. W. White. B. F. Ellis. E. H. Beall. T. Uv. Hightower. W. TT. McArthur. Speer & Turner. Newton J. M. Frizzell. A. L. Ryals. Elliott Estes. Henry Horne. Sherrill & Hodges. Turpin & Ogden. W. A. Hu W. LL. High. Jeoku. Holland. P. W. Williams. Kh. Faw. W. FE. Groves. H. M. Hammett. A. C. Wright. J. A. Kdwards. Wm. Dubberley. James Merrett. A. T. Brightwell. J. W. Sandeford. Frank Wilson. Walter Paine. J. H. Daniel & Son. James Burks. S. J. Hale. D. H. Walker. J. W. Arnold. Roy & Walker. Chas. Z. Blalock. J. M. Du Pree. Tl. M. Preston. J. H. Coram. J. J. Beck. L. G. Cucher. T. R. ‘Trammell. D. M. Davidson. Hardon Hancock. M. ©. Wilcox. H. W. Carswell. D. C. Sutton. Alex McArthur. J. P. Bledsoe. A. W. Patterson. McClendon &F ree- man. W. A. Turner. P.S. Whatley. B. F. Hudspeth. J. A. Hunt. T. F. Snead. W. 4H. Fish. D. W. Coleman. Levi Ballard. J. F. Ellington. D. P. Moon. P. F. Hinton. John H. Perkins. Duncan & Miller. J. W. Meadows & Co. James T. McCoy, Uriah Matthews. Geo. E. Thornton. R. L. Hooper. A. P. Perham. N. B. Ousley. Ira Griffith. J. G. W. Mills. J. W. Meadows & Co. R..P. Hill. B. W. Brand. Morris & Jones. W. E. Maur. J. A. Moreland. Wiley C. Barber. H. C. Kittles. G. W. F. Lamkin. W. T. Barbour. BSB: Cunningham. D. Campbell. Norman, Place. County. Name. Saint Marys, Camden. St. Simons Mills, Glynn. Sandersville, Washington. Savannah, Chatham. “cs &é 66 rT; 6é se 66 66 Scarborough, Screven. Screven, Wayne. Senoia, Coweta. Shady Dale, Jasper. Sharon, Taliaferro. Sheltonville, Forsyth. Smithborough, Jasper. Smithville, Lee. Social Circle, Walton. Sparta, Hancock. Springfield, Kffingham. Spring Place, Murray. Stark, Butts. Statenville, Echols. Statesborough, Bullock. Stellaville, Jefferson. Sterling Station, Glynn. Stone Mountain, DeKalb. Sugar Valley, Gordon. Summerville, Chattanooga. ° “cc “ Summertown, Emanuel. Sunny Side, Spalding. Swainsborough, Emanuel. Sylvania, Screven. Taccoa, Habersham. Talapoosa, Haralson. Talbotton, Talbot. “ce ee Tate, Pickens. Taylor, Crawford. Tazewell, Marion. Vhomason, Upson. Thomson, McDuffie. “ ee Tilton, Whitfield. Toomsborough, Wilkinson. Towaliga, Butts. Trenton, Dade. ss as Tunnel Hill, Whitfield. Turnerville, Habersham. Tusculum, Effingham. Union Point, Greene. Valdosta, Lowndes. Villa Rica, Carroll. Wadley, Jefferson. Walthourville, Liberty. Warrenton, Warren. Washington, Wilkes. iT 3 ce Watkinsville, Oconee. Waverly Hall, Harris. Ways Sinton Bryan. Way mesborough, Burke. Waynesville, WwW ayne. Westlake, Twiggs. Weston, Webster. West Point, Troup. Whigham, Decatur. White Plains, Greene. Whitesburg, Carroll. Wichtsville, Johnson. Withers, Clinch. Woodbury, Meriwether. Woodlawn, Murray. Woodstock, Cherokee. Zebulon, Pike. EXPLANATION AND REQUEST. J. M. Arnow. James D. Gould. Wm. R. Thigpen. Hines & Rogers. C. H. Dorsett. E. T. Newfoille. Henry Blun. John Sullivan. Rufus 8. Claghorn. A. D. Dutton. James W. Poppell. J. EF. Methvin. Wm. Spearman. J. M. Triplet. T. B. Rogers. E. B. Smith. G. W. Warmick. Toombs Spearman. Reese & Little. S. 8. Pitman. Kermer & Hix. James ©. Maddox. John G. Thompson. J. P. Prescott. T. H. Potter. R. S. Rogers. H. N. Pennick. W. M. Ragsdale. Je Wie Holle Maddox & Shrop- shire. W. M. Henry. T. B. Felder. J. D. Brewster. John C. Coleman. Black, Dell & Wade. Edward Schaeffer. Walker Brock. Willis & Parsons. Martin & Worrill, Steven Tate. J. F. Hartley. C. C. Owens. J. E. F. Matthews. Preston B, Johnson. Thos. E. Watson. FE. M. FE. Moore. T. F. Fountain. Thos. P. Bell. Ben. T’. Brock. W. N. Jackoway. G. W. Head. John Rumsey. J.G. & D. H. Clark. John C. Hart. R. A. Peeples. W. C. Hodnett. A. H. Martin. John L. Hardin. James Whitehead. Levi Fowler. Hardeman & Irvin. Sims & Shurbuck. W.M.&M. P. Reese Barton E. Thrasher. John C. McDonald. Leon A. Wilson. Phillip Guilmartin. John D. Munnerlyn. S. Mumford. M. E. Slappy. F. M. MeLinden. W.C. & L. Lanier. Matt. Smith. W. J. Howell. A. J. Richards. V. B. Robinson. Jeedmauay lor R. A. Chunn. BR. iW. Bond. W.G. Du Pre. E. F. Dupree. — The parties whose addresses are given in this Department are, in nearly every instance, actively and attentively engaged in the Real Estate, sale and exchange business. In opening corres- pondence with any of them, please mention that their address was taken from the ‘‘ Real Estate Agents and Dealers Depart- ment” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.’’ By so doing, it furnishes you an introduction and gives extra assurance of their prompt attention.Place. County. BANKS AND BANKERS vzrarrment For GEORGIA. Name. Americus, Sumter. ce é “ 6é 6c 66 Athens, Clarke. Atlanta, Fulton. 66 66 “ 66 66 “6 “ce ce Augusta, Richmond. a“ “ec 6 ce Barnesville, Pike. Brunswick, Glynn. “e ce Carrollton, Carroll. Cartersville, Bartow. Cedartown, Polk. Columbus, Muscogee. Peoples Nat’! Bank. Bank of Americus. J. W.Wheatley & Co. Georgia Loan & ‘Trust Co. Nat’! Bk. of Athens.- University Bank. Atlanta Nat’] Bank. Gate City Nat’l Bank. Merchants Bank. W.M. & R. J. Lowry. Bank of the State of Georgia. J. H. James & Co. Nat’! Exchange Bk. Nat’l Bk. of Augusta. Commercial Bank. Barnesville Svgs. Bk. First National Bank. J. M. Dexter. J. M. Madden. BE. G. Kramer. Baker & Hall. Hardwick & Co. Nat’] Bk.of Columbus Merchants &Mechan- ics Bank. Chattahoochee Nat'l Bank. Eagle & Phenix Sav- ings Bank. Place. County. Covington, Newton. oe x Dalton, Whitfield. Dawson, Terrell. bk be Eatonton, Putnam. Elberton, Elbert. Forsyth, Monroe. Ft. Gaines, Clay. Ft. Valley, Houston. Gainesville, Hall. Greensborough, Greene. Griffin, Spalding. Hawkinsville, Pulaski. 6¢ 66 La Grange, Troup. es 6 Macon, Bibb. 66 66 Name. T. J.Shepherd & Son. W. OC. Clark & Co. C. L. Hardwick & Co. Wm. Wooten. J.B. Perry. J. RK. Mercer & Co. E. M. Brown & Co. Kk. M. Ezell & Co. Swift Bros. Turner, Brewer & Co. Wn. H. Head, Son & 0. Exchange Bank. Peterson & Co. H. C. Harris. W.2&. Brown. Banks & Bro. Palmer & Tedford. Copelan, Seals & Armor. Griffin Banking Co. City National Bank. Hawkinsville Bank & Trust Co. Lewis Leonard & Co. First Nat'l Bank. La Grange Bk’g & Trust Co. Exchange Bank. First Nat’] Bank. I. C. Plant & Co. Place. County. Name. Macon, Bibb. ce 6é 6é ce Madison, Morgan. Marietta, Cobb. Milledgeville, Baldwin. Monticello, Jasper. Newman, Coweta. ee ae Quitman, Brooks. Reidsville, Tattnall. Rome, Floyd. Savannah, Chatham. o6 66 6 6 “é 66 6é 66 Sparta, Hancock. Summerville, Chattooga. Valdosta, Lowndes. West Point, Troup. R. FE. Lawton. Capital Bank. Central Georgia Bk. G. B. Stovall. W. L. High. G, C. Burnap. W.P. Anderson & Son Milledgeville Bkg Co. T. T. Windsor. Jno. F. Lewis & Son. First Nat’! Bank. Newman Nat’l Bk. Clayton Grover & Co. J. J. Easterling. First National Bank. Printup Bros. & Co. Merchants’ Nat. Bk. Savannah Nat. Bk. Savannah Bank and Trust Co. Southern Bk. of Ga. C. H. Olmstead & Co. J.C. Simmons. T. Hiles & Co. R. ¥. Lane & Co. R. G. & J. F. Lewis. W.C. & L. Lanier. REQUEST,—Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers De- partment” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”? GENERAL LAW anp contection pEpaRrTMENT FoR GEHORGIA. Place. County. Name. Abbeville, Wilcox. Allapaha, Berrien. Alpharetta, Milton. “ce ce “es “cc “ce 66 6 6&6 “ 66 ce 4 “cc ‘ as 66 “ee “ce 6 6e « oe 6 6s Appling, Columbia. Arcola, Bullock. Arlington, Calhoun. Athens, Clarke. ce ce ee cc ce ce ae “e iT 4 ee 6é cs & “ce 6 é Atlanta, Fulton. &e¢ ee 66 “ 66 ce té ac €¢ 66 66 ee ec 66 ce ce ce €é 6é ce 66 a3 6e ¢ 6¢ 6 “ec ce &é 6e Augusta, Richmond. it) 66 J. L. Bankston. W. L. Lastinger. TJ. L. Lewis. B. F. Simpson. W.S. Paris. J. A. Dadgen. J. P. Brooke. Hawkins & Hawkins. B. P. Hollis. James Dodson & Son. L. J. Blalock. B. B. & E. 8. Henton. Ss. C. Elam. Guerry & Son. K. G. Simons. W. C. Simons. D. H. Wilkerson. J.C. Matthews. . N. A. Smith. . C. Moore. . R. Groover. . C. Sheffield. . P. Thurmond. ope & Barrow. . & H. Cobb. A. J. Cobb. Geo. D. Thomas. Geo. C. Thomas. T.. W. Rucker. S. Morris. Brown & Mell. HK. K. Lumpkin. Candler, Thompson & Candler. J. A. Anderson. R. Walter Brown. J. D. Cunningham. R. T. Dorsey. Hulsey & Bateman. John B. Goodwin. L. Z. Rosser. Cox & Cox. Abbott & Smith. Jackson & King, Patrick Calhoun. Bigby & Dorsey. moos rin Hoke,Burton&Smith. Hopkins & Glenn. King & Spaulding. Frank H. Miller. Foster & Lamar. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Augusta, Richmond. “6 ee “ “ce “ss 66 6c a6 oe 66 Bainbridge, Decatur. ce ée ee 66 ae 6¢ ce Ge &é 66 Barnesville, Pike. ee & 66 e 6“ 6¢ 6 és C4 & &¢ 6 Bartow, Jefferson. Baxley, Appling. Blackshear, Pierce. 66 ee ce ce Blairsville, Union. sé “e ce “ce Blakely, Early. Bremen, Haralson. Brownsville, Paulding. Brunswick, Glynn ce ee é< «6 “ce 46 “ec cc Bryan, Bryan. Buchanan, Haralson. ee 4c ee ce Buena Vista, Marion. Butler, Taylor. é¢ 66 ce ce cs 6c ee a4 «¢ ce 3 “ 46 ce J. C. C. Black. Harper Bros. J. B. Cummings. J.S.& W.T. Davison. C. C. Jones, jr. C. H. Cohen. W. H. Fieming. Donalson & Hawes. D. A. Russell. Townsend & Harrell. Gurley & Talbot. Maston O’ Neill. B. B. Bower. J. A. Hunt. A. A. Murphy. J. J. Rogers. W.R. Taylor. J. F. Redding. T. E. Murphey. W.S. Whitaker. J. R.L. Allen. V.E. McLendon. Nicholls & Brantly. S. W. Hitch. Wm. R. Phillips. Andrew B. Estes. James A. Butt. W. E. Candler. C. J. Wellburn. E. C. Bower. R. H. Powell. S. L. Craven. A. L. Bartlett. S. R. Atkinson. Goodyear & Kay. Symmes & Johnson. Frank H. Harris. Crovatt & Whitfield. A. P. Smith. S. P. Edwards. W. P. Robinson. M. J. Head & Son. Butt & Lumpkin. Wm. M. Cheney. Wm. P. Edwards. Albert A. Carson. Wi.S. Wallace. John T. Wallace. O. M. Colbert. Chas. C. West. James D. Russ. Calhoun, Gordon. ce 6 ce e ce ce ce ee Camilla, Mitchell. 5 ee ce “ce 6c ce ae cc ce Campbellton, Campbell. Canton, Cherokee. é ee ce ce 6 oe Carnesville, Franklin. ce ee 66 ee 46 ce sé ce 66 “e¢ Carrollton, Carroll. & 66 &< 66 6s “e ce “e 6 6c “ 6 ee ee 66 66 a6 ce 6e é¢ ¢ 66 ce ee “6 uc ce ce 66 ec ee ee ce 6c ce ce Cedartown, Polk. 66 ee se oe W.J.Cantrell & Sons. Rankin & Milner. J. L. Jervis. J. C. Harkins. O. M. Starr. EK. J. Kiker & Son. C. O. Davis. F. T. Cullen. J. A. Bush. L. G. Collins. Geo. Gurley. R. J. Tugegle. Newman & Attaway. W. A.& G.I. Teasley. C. D. Maddox. Geo. R. Brown. Pa ee DuseRres W.R. Little. J. 8S. Dortch. RoR SBrotite J. B. Parks. A. N. King. B. F. Camp. Robt. L. Richards. Oscar L. Reese. Cobb & Cobb. G. W. Austin. Gordon & Brown. John W. Akin. T. M. Akin. J. B. Congers. Graham & Graham, Douglas & Wikle. M. R. Stansell. J. W. Harris, jr. W. J. Neel. T. W. Milner. John HB. Wikle. Shelby Attaway. M. L. Johnson. R. W. Murphy. J. A. Baker. A.S. Johnson. J. J. Conner. eke Thompson. Blance & Noyes. Jewell King. W.F. Turner.Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Clarksville, Habersham. “sé rT9 6c “ce 6 “ Clay Hill, Lincoln. Clayton, Rabun. Cleveland, White. ee ee ee e Cochran, Pulaski. Colquitt, Miller. ce ee Comnniissioner, Wilkinson. Columbus, Muscogee. ee ee “ec ce e “e ee “é 66 “ce ce 6c “ec “cc 6e 6 ee ity if] “ 66 6e “fe se ee “cc te ee ity iT] sé Cookstown, Wilcox. Covington, Newton. sé ae ‘c ec 6s se “ec “ce “ec ec cc ce Crawford, Oglethorpe. Crawtordville, Taliaferro. 6 6é ee “cc ce “ce 6 Cumming, Forsyth. 66 6e “ee se “ “é Cusseta, Chattahoochee. ce cs Dahlonega, Lumpkin. 6 ee ‘ ‘“ “é 6 6 “e 66 ‘6 “ “i “c ‘6 «6 6 e ée ce 6c ce “cc Dalton, Whitfield. ec ‘eé “ce 6c ee 4é 6c ce be ce cé “ce “ce ce ce ce Danielsville, Madison. Darien, McIntosh. “ee “ce Dawson, Terrell. 66 6é ee te 6e ce Dawsonville, Dawson. “eé eé sé “ce Decatur, De Kalb. ce be W. L.. Crane. C. H. Sutton. W.S. Irwin. H. S. West. J. KE. Strather. J. H. Pitchford. H. D. Kimsey. I. W.H. Underwood. I. I. Kimsey. A. F. Underwood. James A. Thomas. W.F. Kelsey. Baughn & Williams. Bush & Bush. D. G. Sheffield. M. N. Murphy. Peabody, Brannon & Battle. McNeill & Levy. Gostchnins & Chap- pell. McLester & Shipp. Thomas & Chandler. J. M. Smith. L. F. Girrard. B. H. Crawford. C. J. Thornton. W. A. Tigner. A. A. Dozier. W.A. Little. James C. Barton. J. N. Glenn. A.C. McCalla. Geo. W. Greaton. A. M. Helm. ]. R. Irwin. W. I. Brown. Simms & Simms. Widdlebrooks & Hd- ward. J. M. Pace. C. Dixon. J. G. Lester. J. F. Rogers. W. T. Stone. J. B. Poyner. Marshall Z. Andrews. W. O. Mitchell. James F. Reid. John W. Nixon. Horace M. Holden. Geo. N. & D.P.Iester. H. L. Patterson. He RaBelle Geo. L. Bell. K. J. Wynn. Z. A. Littlejohn. A. A. Moore. Wier Boyd. We Re Price. M. G. Boyd. R. H. Baker. W. A. Charters. W.J. Worley. W.S. Bassinger. Joseph Boyd. W. E. Spinks. W. K. Feilder. Roberts & McGregor. J. M. Spinks. Calvin Henderson. W. K. Moore. T. R. Jones. B. Z. Herndon. S. P. Maddox. W.C. Glenn. J. A. Glenn. J. A. R. Hanks. McCutchen & Shu- mate. McCarney & Walker. Jokn J. Strickland. L. E. De Forne. C. L. Livingston. Hoyt & Parks. J. M. Griggs. Jealas Janes. Simmons & Guerry. James M. Bishop. Henry C. Johnson. Isaac H. Johnson. Decatur, De Kalb. Douglasville, Douglas. “ ce “ “cc ee “cc 66 “ec 6é “ce € ce “ sé 6é “cc “cc 6eé “é Eastman, Dodge. sé ec ee ce oe ce cc ‘6 Eatonton, Putnam. ec ee ee 66 ce 6é Eden, Effingham. Elberton, Elbert. 79 6eé ce cé ‘cs ce “ce 4c ec “ec ce ‘sé ee oe es sé te 6e 6c se 6a “ee 66 “cc ‘ce “ “cc Embry, Paulding. Fairburn, Campbell. ce 4c “ce ce ec 6é ce cs ce ec Fayetteville, Fayette. Forsyth, Monvoe. e ee ee ee ae se 6é Ft. Gaines, Cl: ay. ee ce 6 ce ce 6c éé ce 6 a ce ee se Ft. Valley, Houston. ee ce 6é ce oe ce Franklin, Heard. os ae 6é ‘ce ce ec Gainesville, Hall. Georgetown, Quitman. ec ee “eé ce Gibson, Glascock. Gillsville, Hall. Grantville, Coweta. 6 6c 66 ee 6 ce 6c ce 6c 66 6é ce oe ec 6e 66 66 Greenville, Meriwether. ‘ 6e Greensborough, Greene. 6é ce J. B. Steward. R. A. Massey. W. A. James. M. M. Smith. J.S. James. W. T. Roberts. G. B. Griggs. Jia Ets McLarty. John M. Stubbs. R. A. Stanley. David Ware, jr. Robert R. Ea Mercer Haynes. T. B. Felder. Delacy & Bishop. B. R. Calhoun. L. A. Hall. Wim. McRae. Roberts & Smith. W.2B. Winefield. W.F. & H.A.Jenkins. J.S. Turner J. D. Sparks. Robert F. C. Smith, Henry A. Roebuck. Joseph N. Worley. Tnos. C. Carleton. John P. Shannon. Geo. C. Grogan. John T. Osborne. Philo W. Davis. H. J. Brewer. Wu. M. Harris. S. N. Carpenter. H. R. Foote. T. FE. Green. M. M. Sessions. EK. W. Coleman. N. N. Beall, Thos. W. Latham. L. S. Roan. H. M. Reid. J. H. Longino. Geo. Latham. S. R. Freeman. J. EF. Golightly. T. V. Lester. Col. A. D.Hammond. T. B. Cabaniss. Berner & Turner. Wm. D. Stone. R. G. Anderson. T. C. Battle. C. Wills. A. NeLendon. . Lark. =D) Rambo. . Wilson. R. R. Blocker. Aeeke iperaham: A.C. Riley. W. E. Collier. W. C. Winslow. H. A. Matthews. S. F. Loftin. J. B. Merrill. J. E. Cooley. W. . Daniel. Thos. J. Rickman. Wim. Harrison. J. W. Lee. W. A. Jordan. B. A. Lane. EK. B. Rogers. Jn Pe Bivans: G. A. Carter. Weeds Bost: John W. Park. H. W. Hill. B. F. McLaughlin. T. A. Atkinson. J. M. Terrell. A. H. Freeman. G. Ll. Peavy. ONAAAD j = ws AOR WS ct b et H. T. & H. G. Lewis. Wm. H. Branch. Je beearkes|t: Columbus Heard. J. L. Brown. H. B. Bloodworth. CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR CEORCIA—Continued. Place. County. Name. Nive ye Griffin, Spalding. ce ce &« ce 6« «6 fe ce ce ‘ cc sé 46 “e Halcyon Dale, Screven. Hamilton, Harris. Hampton, Henry. Harmony Grove, Jackson. “ec “e Hartwell, Hart. Hawkinsville, Pulaski. “cc ‘< 7; sce “e ‘ “ 66 ‘e ‘6 ‘6 sé te. 66 “ Hiawassee, Towns. Hollingsworth, Banks. Homer, Banks, « és Homerville, Clinch. ‘ a Irwinton, Wilkinson. ‘ ce 6c“ ce Jackson, Butts. “e sé ee ‘ce “ce aé Jasper, Pickens. se ce «e te cc ac Jefferson, Jackson. sc ee ee eé ce se sé ac ce ‘ 4eé ee se sé ce ce ce 6é Jeffersonville, Twiggs. Jesup, Wayne. 6c “cc 6c ce Jewellville, Banks. Jonesborough, Clayton. Jug Tavern, Walton. Knoxville, Crawford. La Fayette, Walker. ce se La Grange, Troup. “ec ce ce oe ce ce 6c ce cs ac Lawrenceville, Gwinnett. ee ee ce ce a ee ce ae “cc ce Leary’s, Calhoun. Leesburgh, Lee. oe ce ee ce ce ce Lexington, Oglethorpe. a sé és oe ce ce ‘Lincolnton, Lincoln. John D. Stewart. red D. Dismuke. Thos. R. Mills. C. R. Judkin. Hall & Hammond. K. W. Beck. Frank Flynt. Lloyd Cleveland. Robert T. Daniel. A. 8. Erwin. Henry C. Cameron. Geo. Bivins. P. G. Thompson. Wm. H. Simpkins. Hodges & Van Duzer. John H. Skelton. McCurry & Proffitt. Thos. W. Teasley. Jordan & Watson. H. C. Pate. J. B. Mitchell. L. B. Jordan. Martin & Cochrane. W. P. Grice. C. C. Kabbee. BK. P. Padgett. R. T. Williams. Wm. G. Blackwell. H. C. Standridge. A. P. Wofford. P. M. Edwards. AS @ Moss. Wm. L. Telford. J. L. Sweat. James P. Mattox. B. A. Whittington. John W. Lindsay. F, Chambers. H. J. Gilbert. H. F. Carswell. Win. W. Anderson. Wright & Beck. Martin V. McKibben. KE. P. Catchings. W.T. Day John W. Henleys W. H. Simmons. Tsaac Grant. Joseph W. Hill. J. A. B. Mahofey. J. B. Silman. W:. T.. Pike: M. M. Pitman, H. L. Brock. C. Wordlaw. R. S. Howard. W. C. Howard. John L. Asbury. J. D. Jones. S. R. Harris. S. J. Clark. G. M. T. Ware. E. W. Pool. James T’. Spence. A. H. Fisher. O. P. Wright. Copeland & Hunt. . P. Lampkin. R. M. W. Green. B. H. Bigham. W. W. Arnold. H. E. Ware. F. M. Longley. Thos. H. Whitaker. D. J. Goffney. J. He Pitman: W. E. Simmons. S. J. Winn & Son. T. M. Peeples. FR. F. Johan. Je CS Smiths C. H. Brand. A. I, Monroe. C. A. Davis. C. W. Bass. W. H. Buldy. Kimbrough & Long. Hamilton Me- W horter. W. G. Johnson. Sam’] Lumpkin. J. T. Olive. Henry J. Lang.Place. County. Logansville, Walton. se ee Louisville, Jefferson. ce ce 6c cc cc ce 6c cc cc ce Lumpkin, Stewart. sé e “ce ee 6c ee ee 6e oe se McArthur, Montgomery. McDonovgh, Henry. &e ‘e 6é 6e cc ee “ ee McRae, Telfair. Macon, Bibb. “ “cc “cc ee 6é ce 6 “ee “ “ 66 se “ 6b os “ce ce “ce 6c ““c Madison, Morgan. ec ae 6é ce ce 6e Malden Branch, Bryan. Marietta, Cobb. ce 6c ce oe ce ce 6e ce ce ce ce ce cs sé 6e ‘ “ec ce ce ce ce sé Marlow, Effingham. Maysville, Banks. Maxeys, Oglethorpe. Milledgeville, Baldwin. ee ce 66 ce “é 6c 6 6 Millen, Screven. Milltown, Berrien. Milner, Pike. Monroe, Walton. Montezuma, Macon. rf) ee oe se Monticello, Jasper. 66 6e Morgan, Calhoun. rT “ “cc ee “ 66 se 6e ce “ee Morgantown, Fannin. ee ce 6c “cc ee cs se “6 te 73 Moultrie, Colquitt. Mt. Vernon, Montgomery. Nashville, Berrien. Newman, Coweta. Name. BE. T. Moon. kh. S. V. Briant. Cain & Palhill. Gamble & Hunter. W.L. Phillips. Whigham & Hudson. D. J. Alexander. J. W. White. J. L. Wimberly. O. J. Wimberly. R F. Watts. . D. Hightower. .H. Beall. .F. Harrell. males i ms Der Harrison. Smith. om Eason. . C. McLennan. ohn L. Tye. E. J. Reagan. J. E. Walls. G. W. Bryan. W. T. Dickens. M. Frizzell. Hill & Harris. Gustin & Hall. Lanien & Anderson. Hardeman & Davis. Mishbet, Edge & Mishbet. Lyons & Greskam. Bacon & Rutherford. Ross & Blount. Dessau & Bartlett. Riley & Richardson. C. P. Steed. Thos. Willingham. McHenry & McHenry J. H. Holland. Calvin George. Gillups & Mustin. P. W. Williams. Will J. Winn. A. 5S. Clay. D. W. Blair. H. M. Hammett. J. Z. Foster. C=D: Phillips. W.M. Sessions. J. O. Gartnell. W.J. McClatchey. J. K. Mazley. W.R. Power. Geo. F. Gobee. Joe Alexander. A.C. Wright. James Merrett. John T: Hurt. Daniel B. Sandford. Robb Whitfield. John T. Allen. W. L. Jackson. 46) Bell: Col. M. Grieve. Mathews & Lawrence A. L. Lanier. James Burks. 8. J. Hale. Benj. J. Edwards. J. M. DuPree. J. W. Haygood. R. G. Orzier. Ehas Herrman. F. Jordan. Key & Preston. Robt. J. Warren. J. J. Beck. D. B. Jay. L. D. Cartledge. L. D. Monroe. Jas. Keel. J. L. Boynton. O. R. Dupree. M. J. Jerman. J. R. Chastain. T. A. Brown. J. E. Alsebrook. T. R. Trammell. HE. A. Mulligan. H. W. Carswell, H. B. Peeples. Hugh Buchanan. QH rc S04 Place. County. Newman, Coweta. 6c ce ee se “ce sc “ce ce ce sc ce “6 ec sé ee ee Norcross, Gwinnett. Oglethorpe, Macon. Palmetto, Campbell. ¢ ee Pendergrass, Jackson. Perry, Houston. Ce ee ce ce ce ce ce Ge cb ce ce “ec ¢ ce Preston, Webster. Pruit, Banks. Quitman, Brooks. &é ce ce ee ce ee ce 6é ce ce ce ce ce 66 be ee Reidsville, Tattnall. Reynolds, Taylor. Ringgold, Catoosa. 66 cc 6 “6 ce 6 “ec 66 Rock Mart, Polk. Rock Ford, Screven. Rome, Floyd. 66 ce ce 66 “é ce “ce ce “ “ 6é 6é ce se 6 “cc Rutledge, Morgan. Saint Marys, Camden. Sandersville, Washington. “cc 6é 66 “ “ “ “ “<6 6e 66 66 “c ce “cc ce Cc 6e ‘6 ce “cc ce “c ee “c ce be ce 6c ee bc ee ‘ec Senoia, Coweta. ee ce Smithville, Lee. «“ “e Social Circle, Walton. Sparta, Hancock. 6c 6c cc éé Name. McClendon & Free- man. J. W. Parnell. J. S. Bigby. P. H. Brewster. W. A. Turner. W. Y. Atkinson. P.S. Whatley. B. T. Thompson. J.S. Powell. J. P. Simmons. J. A. Hunt: W.H. Fish. F. T. Snead. C. S. Reid. J. F. Ellington. R. M. Halley. P. F. Hinton. Duncan & Miller. H. M. Holtzclaw. W. P. Nottingham. R. N. Holtzclaw. Wm. Brunson, jr. W.C. Davis. J. P. Duncan. A.S. Giles. J. B. Hudson. D. B. Harrell. M. M. Wilson. R. L. Hooper. H. G. Turner. W.B. Bennett. W. A. Kemp. D. W. Rountree. E. P. 8. Denmark. J. D. Wade. W.S. Humphreys. J.G. McCall. W.C. McCall. Isaiah Beasley. Henry J. McGee. John P. Moore. B. W. Brand. Albert T. Hackett. Wm. H. Payne. James H. Anderson. Wm. C. Mann. James Hunt. A. T. Williamson. Chas. Carpenter. H. C. Kittles. Alexander & Wright Dean & Ewing. Forsyth & Hoskinson Wm. D. Elam. Dabney & Fouchi. Jas. F. Hillyer. R. D. Harney & Son. H. Hamilton. C. N. Featherton. Henry Walker. D. Campbell. J. M. Arnow. B. D. Evans, jr. B. D. Evans, sr. Hines & Rogers. H. F. Safford. K.S. Langmade. Harris & Anderson. J. A. Robson. Ganard & Mildrim. Chisholm & Erwin. Demark & Adams. Lawton & Cunning- ham. Geo. A. Mercer. C. N. West. Richards & Heguard. Lester & Ravenel. Robt. Falligant. Isaac Beckett. J. R. Saussey. T’.. M. Norwood. J. F. Methoin. WereWarllardy: J.T. Watson. G. W. Warmick. Toombs Spearman. Reese & Little. C. W. Du Bose. James A. Harley. T. M. Hunt. ae CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR GEORCIA—Continued. Place, County. Name. Sparta, Hancock. ee ““c Springfield, Effingham. Spring Place, Murray. Statenville, Echols. Statesborough, Bullock. Stellaville, Jefferson. Stone Mountain, De Kalb. Summertown, Emanuel. Summerville, Chattanooga. e ce ce 6é “e ee Swainsborough, Emanuel. ee ce ¢e¢ ce Sylvania, Screven. 6eé ce 6é ce ce ce Taccoa, Habersham. “e ee “ce ec ce ae Talapoosa, Haralson. ¢é 6é Talbotton, Talbot. oe ee 6e ce 6e¢ ce 66 cs Thomaston, Upson. Thomson, McDutie. ce 6é sc “ec ce ce ee cc ce 66 Tompkins, Camden. Toomsborough, Wilkinson. Trenton, Dade. ee ee ce ce Tunnel Hill, Whitfield. Tusculum, Effingham. Union Point, Greene. Valdosta, Lowndes. ce ce cc ce Villa Rica, Carroll. Wadley, Jefferson. Walthourville, Liberty. Warrenton, Warren. ee sé ee cs Washington, Wilkes. ee 6 66 oe 6c 6 ce ce ce ce Watkinsville, Oconee. “ec “ce Waverly Hall, Harris. “ é &é ce Waynesborough, Burke. 6é 66 66 6c “ “ee ee 6e ee ee ee ce 6s 6c ce “cc Whitesburg, Carroll. iT 4 66 Wightsville, Johnson. Zebulon, Pike. sé a6 Jordan & Lewis. R. B. Hurley. S. 8. Pitman. FB. Starr. W. C. Martin. EK. Wakeley. T’. H. Potter. R. 8. Rogers. W. M. Ragsdale. L. A. Sirman. T. B. Felder. Maddox & Shrop- shire. W. M. Henry. Taylor & Taylor. J. M. Billah. J. D. Ashton. Livingston & Hering- ton. Williams & Brannen. Black, Dell & Wade. John H. Hull. Hobby & Mathews. Oliver & Humphries. L. Davis. J. W. Haris. S. M. Smith. J. W. Owens. I. N Mercier. Walker Brock. J. M. Matthews. Martin & Worrill. Willis & Parsons. Wm. Betham. Joseph A. Cotten. Benj. M. Gros. Thos. E. Watson. Preston B. Johnson. John I’. West. B. A. Lane. Hercules Johnson. W. H. McGown. T. F. Fountain. W.N. Jackoway. T. J. Lumpkin. J. P. Jackoway. G. W. Head. JaGen OM He Clark John C. Hart. Smith & Slater. Whittington&Griffin. Wilkinson & Ashley. W.S. West. W. C. Hodnett. A. H. Martin. John S. Hardin. A.S. Morgan. James Whitehead. E. P. Davis. J. L.@ross: F. H. Colley. W. H. Toombs. W.M.& M.P. Reese. Sims & Sherbuck. Hardeman & Irwin. Wm. Wynn. Dudley Du Bose. John T. Anderson. J. R. Lyle. R. M. Jackson. H. P. Bremer. John C. McDonald. W. A. Wright. J. J. Jones & Son. . M. Rogers. . H. Perry. . O. Lovett. . KF, Lawson. . L. Brinson. . P. Johnston. . M. Berrien. .H. Callaway. . J. Richards. Sidney Holderness. A. F, Daley. W. KR. Daley. V.B Robinson. J.S. Pope. Ky. F. Dupree. W. I. Iverson. Srrsta dadeNOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPT For GEORGIA Place. County. Abbeville, Wilcox. Aeworth, Cobb. Adairsville, Bartow. Afton, Berrien. Allapaha, Berrien. Alpharetta, Milton. Americus, Sumter, Appling, Columbia. Argo, Wilcox. Arlington, Calhoun. Ashley, Wilcox. Athens, Clarke. Atkinson, Wayne. Atlanta, Fulton. ‘“ ‘< “ce se “cs ““é oe 6é Augusta, Richmond. e “cc ce ce Avalon, Franklin. Bainbridge, Decatur. ae “ee Ball Ground, Cherokee. Barnesville, Pike. Bartow, Jefferson. Battle Ground, Johnson. Baxley, Appling. Big Oreek, Forsyth. Big Sandy, Twiggs. Blackshear, Pierce. Blairsville, Union. Blakely, Early. Blitch, Bullock. Bowersville, Hart Brantley, Marion. Brass, lowns. Brunswick, Glynn. Buchanan, Haralson. Buena Vista, Marion. Buford, Gwinnett. Butler, Taylor. Calhoun, Gordon. Camilla, Mitchell. “ce ae Campbellton, Campbell. Canton, Cherokee. Carnesville, Franklin. Carrollton, Carroll. Cartersville, Bartow. Cave Spring, Floyd. Cedartown, Polk. Ceres. Crawford. Chauncey, Dodge. Cheevertown, Baker. Chipley, Harns. Chokee, Lee. Clarks Mill, Crawford. Clarksville, Habersham. é 66 Clay Hill, Lincoln. Clayton, Rabun. Cleveland, White. Cloverdale, Dale. Clyattville, Lowndes. Cochran, Pulaski. Cole City, Dade. Colquit, Miller. Columbus, Muscogee. “ee ab “ee “ec e “ee ‘ec “e se 66 6e “ee Conyers, Rockdale. Name. J. L. Bankston. W.C. Dorham. B. F. Bibb. T. A. Baker. J. A. Slater. S. L. Rucker. J. A. Stubbs. J. W. Black, jr. T. N. Hankes. C. EF. Starfield. S. F. Kendrick. D. C. Moore. J. T. Ray. L. H. Smith. J. D. Taylor. J.G. Evans. W. 4H. Fuller. Jas. F. King. C. C. Nelson. W.F. Maury. N. R. Fowler. Frank M. Myers. Joseph H. Jones. Lewis Redwine. John W. Talliaferro. Geo. A. Hookey. W. J. Sullivan. W. L. McBath. John E. Donelson. Maston’ O’Neal. Jas. Price. W.H. H. Tutrell. G. C. Cornell D. A. Stroud. L. A. Tarver. J. L. Hatcher. H. B. Royall. W. B. Brannon. Freeman L. Stokes. J. P. Hughes. EK. W. Butt. J. M. Rich. R. H. Powell. W. P. Donaldson. Moses A. Duncan. C. W. Epps. C. T. Wooding. James E. Lampright. C. W. Ault. J.J. Dunham: W. W. Wilson. Wm. M. Cheney. J. M. Stewart. John D. Tinsley. RK. H. Shackelford. J. F. Hartsfield. M. Cameron. W. D. Stubbs. John D. Attaway. S. M. Ayres. E. B. Merrell. S. E. Grow. Shelby Attaway. Thomas J. Davis. L. S. Ledbetter. J. L. Harrison. James Mullin. G. O. Lofton. H. A. Goodman. E. S. Ferguson. A. T.-Williams. R. M. West. J. W. James. Jeo. McConnell. H. C. Kennedy. J. B. Derrick. F, A. Bleckley. G. B. Jerrold. W.J. Taylor. M. M. Caswell. W. F. Kelsey. Martin Rennow. G. H. Montgomery. Z.. Cheshire. Geo. W. Dillingham. Charles B. Woodruff. R. M. Mulford. B. H. Crawford. J. M. Foley. L. C. Levy, jr. L. F. Girrard. C. V. Sanford. Place. County. Conyers, Rockdale. “ce “e “e ce Cookstown, Wilcox. Covington, Newton. Crawfordville, Taliaferro. Culverton, Hancock. Cumming, iF orsyth, Cusseta, Chattahoochee. Dahlone ga, Lum pkin. Dallas, Paulding. Dalton, Whitfield. Danielsville, Madison. Darien, McIntosh. Dawson, Terrell. Dawsonville, Dawson. Decatur, De Kalb. Deveraux Station, Hancock. Douglasville, Douglas. Dranesville, Marion. Dublin, Laurens. Duluth, Gwinnett. DuPont, Clinch. Eastman, Dodge. Eatonton, Putnam. Egypt, Effingham. Elberton, Elbert. Ellijay, Gilmer. Enal, Bullock. Erastus, Banks. Excelsior, Bullock. Faceyillle, Decatur. Fairburn, Campbell. Fayetteville, Fayette. Fleming, Liberty. Flovilla, Butts. Forsyth, Monroe. sé sc “ce ee “ec cé ee 6 6é sé ce ee Ft. Gaines, Clay. Kt. Valley, Houston. Frank}in, Heard. ee “é Freemansville, Milton. Gainesville, Hall. Garden Valley, Macon. Gardi, Wayne. _ Georgetown, Quitman. oe ee ce ee Gibson, Glascock. Gladesville, Jasper. Graham, Appling. Graysville, Catoosa. Greenville, Meriwether. Greensborough, Greene. Green’s Cut, “Burke. Griffin, Spalding. Grove Level, Banks. Grovetown, Columbia. Haleyon Dale, Screven. Hamilton, Harris. Hampton, Henry. Harmony Grove, Jackson. Hartwell, Hart. Haslum, Wayne. Hatcher’s Station, Quitman. Hawkinsville, Pulaski. ce ce ee ce Hawpond, Tattnall. Hazelhurst, Appling. Hickory Grove. Crawford. High Tower, Forsyth. Hinesville, Liberty. Hoboken, Pierce. Hogansville, Troup. Hogards Mill, Baker. Holley Springs, Cherokee. Name. J. W. Jones. I. J. Langford. A. M. Helm. B. F. Blosengame. John P. Harris. J. W. Roberts. J.C. Anbrey. Geo. E. Sims. S. T. Wallace. B. J. Wyatte. Joseph Allen. A. C. Johnson. W. C. Spinks. J. A. R. Hanks. David W. Meadow. Wm. Me W. Young. KF. W. Clark. Virgil D. Monroe. -E. M. Word. H. J. Williams. M. Arnold. W. H. Cash. N. H. Tullis. Julius A. Burney. Marion Roberts. W.B. Gibbs. O. H. Briggs. -W.B. Whidden. C. F. Simonton. Angus P. Moore. Jobn P. Shannon. G. H. Randell. James L. Coleman. W. J. Burgess. INGoLe Ollith: W.B. McDaniel. S. R. Freeman. W. D. Busbin. E. H. Blunt. Wm. F. Douglass. R. G. Anderson. S. B. Head. J. GH. Smith. J. A. Huddleston. W.C. Lockett. W. A. Page. H. G. Gibson. B.S. Willingham. J. L. Burnett. J. D. Marshall. W. E. Brown. W. B. Chapkin. H. R. Jackson. W. D. Deron. Lester D. Prickett. W. B. Smith. John C. Hogg D. C. Richardson. John Atwell. J. A. Majors. Wm. Graddy. Z. T. Thigben. Tilman Niblett. Lafayette Johnson. Te Be Carrol: M. hk. Faver. Joel F. Thornton. J. R. Thomas. J. D. Sherrill. GC. R. Judkins. W. A. Watson. C. J. Clifford. G. D. Thorpe. J. R. Livingston. JeAe Morris. W. W. Jordan. Hi Je Goss: W. H. Aspinwall. J. E. Smith. T. J. Holder. G. W. Jordan. John W. Evans. F. H. Bozeman. J. A. Callaway. J. N. Miller. J. I. Cockran. J. Li. Heard. Benj. Dorsey. James P. Jones. J. W. Hardaway. L. J. Mathis. Henry Miller. Place. County. Homer, Banks, Homerville, Clinch. Horns Cross Roads, Miller. House Creek,” Wilcox. Howard, Taylor. Irwinton, Wilkinson. Irwinville, Irwin. Ivy Log, Union. Jacksonville, Telfair. Jasper, Pickens. Jefferson, Jackson. e ee Jeffersonville, Twiggs ae cs Jesup, Wayne. f oe Johnston Station, Liberty. Jonesborough, Clayton. Jug Tavern, Walton. Kennesaw, Cobb. Kingston, Bartow. Knoxville, Crawford. La Grange, Troup. Lawrenceville, Gwinnett. Leary’s, Calhoun. Leesburgh, Lee. sé “cc Leverett, Lincoln. Lexington, Oglethorpe. Lincolnton, Lincoln. Locust Grove, Henry. Logansville, Walton. Lombardy, McDuffie. Long Pond, Lowndes. Lothair, Montgomery. Louisville, Jefferson. Ludville, Pickens. Lumpkin, Stewart. McArthur, Montgomery. McDonough, Henry. McIntosh, Liberty. McRae, Telfair. MeVille, Telfair. Macon, Bibb. “cc “cc os 6é ce 6e Madison, Morgan. Malden, Branch. Marietta, Cobb. Marshallville, Macon. Matlock, Tattnall. Maysville, Banks. Midville, Burke. Milledgeville, Baldwin. Millen, Screven. Milltown, Berrien. Monroe, Walton. Montezuma, Maxwell. Monticello, Jasper. Morgan, Calhoun. Morgantown, Fannin. Massy Creek, White. Mount Airy, Habersham. Mt. Vernon, Montgomery. Mount Zion, Carroll. Newman, Coweta. Newton, Baker. Norcross, Gwinnett. Oglethorpe, Macon. Ohoopee, Tattnall. Palmetto, Campbell. Paosa, Madison. Pendergrass, Jackson. Perkins Junction, Burke. Perry, Houston. Perrys Mills, Tattnall. Pierceville, Fannin. Name. Win. M. Ash. J. C. Korkland. Hardy Strickland. H. A. Barrett. P. C. Caldwell. J. T. Dupree. Thos. B. Young. Larkin Lewis. J. O. Wilcox. James Shayer. Steven Griffith. John A. Worley. P. J. Roberts. John L. Asbury. J. E. Stokes. J. T. Horne. John Massey. S. R. Harris. Thos. J. Chapman. Geo. S. Hanes. W. A. Copeland. Joseph Lacy. A. Y. Sheats. A. J. Danielby. J. T. Johnson. E. B. Clark. W. L. Adair. F. P. Griffin. J. A. Walden. A. J. Fleetwood. W.H. Green. Arthur Haire. J. W. Martin. A. Brown. T. M. Brand. J. EF. Jones. R. I. Hinely. W.. J. Daley. J. W. White. W.S. Alexander. B. F. Ellis. H. G. Feagin. K. F. Kirksey. W. T. McArthur. W. A. Turner. Newton J. Norman. L. P. Jones. A. L. Ryals. Washington Poe. W.R. Williams. Hugh M. Willett. WW. M. Hodgkins. Matt. R. Freeman. J. H. Holland. James T. Williams R. Earl. J. W. Frederick. Wm. Dubberley. W.H. Newton. J. W. Sandeford. J. F. Hale. 7’. T. Windsor. G. W. Caraker. L. W. Compton. IF’. G. Grieve. W.S. Scott. S. W. Palmer. R. S. Halzendorf. J. O. Lawrence. We PR: Maxwell. F. Jordan. John Hasty. R. B. Richards. D..M. Davidson. M. GC. Wilcox. M. D. Hughes. H. W. Carswell. J. P. Bledsoe. Wn. Wells. S. G. Allen. T. H. Caskie. A. A. Martin. A. H. Greer. D. W. Coleman. C, T. Lyndon. D. P. Moon. J. N. Ross. John H. Perkins. R. N. Holtzclaw. A. L. Maller. See Smith. James ‘x’. McCay.Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST and CONVEYANCING DEPARTMENT for GEORCIA—Continued. Place. County. Name. Powder Springs, Cobb. Preston, Webster. Quitman, Brooks. 6é ae 6e 66 ‘cs 6e Ramsey, Murray. Red Clay, Whitfield. Reidsville, Tattnall. Reynolds, Taylor. Ringgold, Catoosa. ae ce Rising Fawn, Dade. Rock Mart, Polk. Rome, Floyd. ce ce Royston, Franklin. St. Simons Mills, Glynn. Sandersville, Washington. ee ee Savannah, Chatham, ce ce ee 6e ce ce ce ce Scarborough, Screven. Senoia, Coweta. Shady Dale, Jasper. Sharon, Talaferro. Sheltonville, Forsyth. Smithborough, Jasper. Smithville, Lee. Uriah Mathews. W.S. Stokes. John H. Cantral. F. L. Jones. Lewis L. Joiner. John S. Harris. J. G. Me Call. Tra Gritith. J.G. W. Mills. T. J. Williams. A. L. Calhoun. J.S. Searcy. G. E. Broyles. J. H. McLain. J. A. Moreland.} Wm. Hubbard. J. W. Ewing. R. A. Denny. Max Myerhardt. F. B. Cunningham. James D. Gould. Wm. Duggan. J. ©. Harman. Isaac Beckett. W. W. Wilkinson. Davis Freeman. Jee Carn John H. Deveraux. A. D. Dutton. J. C. Braswell. Wm. Spearman. J. M. Triplet. T. B. Rogers. E. B. Smith. J. D. Snellgrove. Social Circle, Walton. Sparta, Hancock. Springfield, Effingham. Spring Place, Murray. Stapleton, Jefferson. Stark, Butts. Statenville, Echols. Stellaville, Jefferson. Stone Mountain, De Kalb. Summerville, Chattanooga. Sunny Side, Spalding. Swainsborough, Emanuel. Sylvania, Screven. Taccoa, Habersham. Talapoosa, Haralson. Talbotton, Talbot. “sé . ce ae Taylor, Crawford. Tarborough, Camden. Tazewell, Marion. Thomaston, Upson. Thomson, McDufhe. ce ‘ ‘ec 66 oe sé Tilton, Whitfield. Toomsborough, Wilkinson. “ec 6e¢ Towaliga. Butts. Trenton, Dade. Tunnel Hill, Whitfield. Turnerville, Habersham. Valdosta, Lowndes. Villa Rica, Carroll. A. M. Colton. J. C. Simmons. Thos. H. Hineley. H. Heartsell. S. H. Culpeper. Jas. C. Maddox. John C. Thompson. R. P. Wrenn. L. A. Sirman. John Taylor. J. D. Brewster. W. C. Livingston. E. P. Singleton. J.T. Mulkey. A. J. Farmer. W. P. Watts. G. W. Stollings. Je oe Bulle J. F. Hartley. Robert Lang. C. C. Owens. S. W. D. Carraway. Ed. 8. Harrison, sr. Clifford C. Ivey. W. E. Shields. G. W. Halzendorf. F. M. F. Moore. B. J. Brown. J. M. Shepherd. Thos. P. Bell. Tr. Hi BiCole, W.N. Russell. John Rumsey. W.S. West. A. J. Camp. Wadley, Jefferson. Warrenton, Warren. Washington, Wilkes. ce ‘6 ce ee Watkinsville, Oconee. 6é oe 6c 6c Waverly Hall, Harris. Ways Station, Bryan. Waynesborough, Burke. Westlake, Twiggs. Weston, Webster. West Point, Troup. Whigham, Decatur. White Plains, Greene. Whitesburg, Carroll. Wightsville, Johnson. Winterville, Oglethorpe. Withers, Clinch. Woodbury, Meriwether. Woodland, Murray. W oodstock, Cherokee. tion. B.S. Carswell. Leyi Fowler. W. W. Richards. Ve Smiths W.S. Lane. John T. Irvin. Z.'T. Willams. G. H. McRee. James EK. Murray. Wm. A. Wright. Burrel Sweat. Phillip Guilmartin. R. Ridgley. W.S. Goodbee. M. E. Slappy. F. M. MchLinden. L. Lanier. Matt. Smith. W. J. Howell. J. T. Davenport. J. W. Flanders. Aquilla Pittard. J.J. Taylor. R. A. Chunn. E. W. Bond. W.G. Du Pre. REQUEST. — In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that. their address was taken from the ‘*sNotaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department’? of the ‘‘ EVERY OFFICE FavoRITE.’? By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR GEORGIA. Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. Abbeville, Wilcox. Adel, Berrien. Ajlapaha, Berrien. Alpharetta, Milton. Americus, Sumter. Apphng, Columbia. Arcola, Bullock. Argo, Wilcox. Athens, Clarke. Atlanta, Fulton. 6e¢ “ec “ce ce 6s 6é ee ce Augusta, Richmond. ce 6c 66 6s 6 3 66 66 sé 6s Austell, Cobb. Avalon, Franklin. Bainbridge, Decatur. Barnesville, Pike. Baxley, Appling. Blakely, Early. Brookfield, Berrien. Brunswick, Glynn. Buchanan, Haralson. Buena Vista, Marion. Bullard’s, Twiggs. Butler, Taylor. Calhoun, Gordon. Camilla, Mitchell. Campbellton, Campbell. Canton, Cherokee. Carnesville, Franklin. ce oe G. W. Johnson. Wiley Mathis. D. G. Hutchinson. W. L. Lastinger. B. T. Simpson. Georgia Loan & Trust Co. Frank D. Gray. D. R. Groover. Thos. Warren. L. Morris. C. P. N. Baker. L. B. Nelson. Alfred Gregory. L. Snider. S. W. Goode. C. P. Dorland. Tutt & Lockhart. W. H. Fieming. E. T. Williams. M. Hyams & Son. C. V. Walker & Co. J.S. Maxwell. N. A. Morse. R. D. Tow. Donalson & Howes. Maston O'Neal. Wm. S. Whitaker. W. W. Graham. EK. C. Bower. T. B. Young. W.B. Burroughs. J. M. Dexter. G. M. Roberts. C. W. Ault. Miller & Butt. Butt & Lumpkin. Daniel Bullard. O. M. Colbert. Albert A. Carson. James O. Mangham. . starr. EK... Kiker & Son. Isaac A. Bush. L. G. Collins. R. J. Tugegle. G. I. Teasley. Tabor & Bros. R. H. Burruss, J. R. Tucker. Carnesville, Franklin. Carrollton, Carroll. Cartersville, Bartow. ce 6 Cason, Wilcox. Cave Spring, Floyd. Cedartown, Polk. Clarksville, Habersham. Clayton, Rabun. Cleveland, White. Colquitt, Miller. Columbus, Muscogee. ee ee Conyers, Rockdale. Covington, Newton. ee ce Crawford, Oglethorpe. Crawfordville, Taliaferro. Cumming, Forsyth Cusseta, Chattahoochee. Dahlonega, Lumpkin. 6 oe Dallas, Paulding. 66 6e “ce Dalton, Whitfield. Danielsville, Madison. be ee Darien, McIntosh. Dawson, Terrell. Dawsonville, Dawson. Decatur, De Kalb. Dowdy, Madison. Douglasyille, Douglas. Eastman, Dodge. ee 6c Eatonton, Putnam. Eden, Effingham. Elberton, Elbert. be “ec ce 4c 66 “cc W. M. Rampley. Merrell & Cole. G. H. Aubrey. Baker & Hall. John Dennard. Thomas J. Davis. James & Richardson. . B. Jones. J. H. Pitchford. Wn. F. Sears. Baughn & Williams. J.C. Reedy. John Blackman. Young & Grimes. A. C. McCalla. J. F. Rogers. Winfield Scott. J. G. Lester. S. H. Stokeley. Marshall Z. Andrews. W.. O. Mitchell, Geo. L. Bell. Z. A. | ittlejohn. Frank W. Hall. G. Hughes. W. K. Feilder. W. E. Spinks. James L. Hight. C. L. Hardwich & Co. H. C. Hamilton. David W. Meadow. W. W. Scott. D. 8. Sinclair. Jas. L. Foster. Simmons & Guerry. Roberts & Marshall. . C. Johnson. James P. Crockett. W. Seymour. J.S. James. W.B. Whiddon. Allen N. Sixton. B. F. Adams, sr. W. 4H. Hearn. Robert F. CG. Smith. John P. Shannon. Geo, C. Grogan. A.S. Oliver. Gardiner & Arnold. M. P. Deaduegler. Place. County. Name. Ellijay, Gilmer. J.C. Allen. Fairburn, Campbell. L. 8. Roan. ss EE J. E. Cantrell. ae sf J. T. Longino. Fayetteville, Fayette. 6é ‘ce Flovilla, Butts. Forsyth, Monroe. «6 ce sé oe ce 6e té ce 6 cé Ft. Gaines, Clay. Ft. Lamar, Madison. Ft. Valley, Houston. Gainesville, Hall. ee ce Georgetown, Quitman. Gibson, Glascock. willsville, Hall. Grantville, Coweta. Greenville, Meriwether. Greensborough, Greene. oe oe ee 6 Griffin, Spalding. ce 66 é cc ce c¢ Hamilton, Harris. Harlem, Columbia. Harmony Grove, Jackson. ce 66 cs 66 Hartwell, Hart. Hawkinsville, Pulaski. ce ce Hazelhurst, Appling. Hiawassee, Towns. Hollingsworth, Banks, Homer, Banks. ee ee Homerville, Clinch. Irwinton, Wilkinson. Jackson, Butts. W. T. Glower. C. E. Bennett. L. F. Blalock. W. F. Smith. Berner & Turner. O. H. B. Bloodworth. B.S. Willingham, W. W. Anderson. John O. Ponder. A. A, Turner. W. T'. Lawson. Peterson & Co. T. H. Goss. H. A. Matthews. J.T. & C.Lh.Halleman. R. P. Lattner. G. A. Whitaker. B. F. Walker. J. ‘I’. Evans. G. A. Carter. A.G. Floyd. B F. McLaughlin. J. Conklin Brown. J. B. Y. Warner. Wm. Whitaker. Stewart & Son. E. W. Beck. Lloyd Cleveland. W.C. Beck. Henry C. Cameron. Ed. 7’. Williams. W..H. Simpkins. W. B. Hardman. C. W. Hood. Jra C. Van Duzer. Jordan & Watson. O. T. Lathrop. J. B. Mitchell. R. T. Williams. W.R. McConnell. A. P. Wofford. P. M. Edwards. Wn. L. Telford. J. L. Sweat. John T.. Hughes. Martin V. McKibben.MORTGACE LOAN ACENTS Place. County. Name. Jasper, Pickens. Jefferson, Jackson. se “ce Jeffersonville, Twiggs. Jesup, Wayne. Jewellville, Banks. Johnston Station, Liberty. Jonesborough, Clayton. “cc oe Jug Tavern, Walton. Knoxville, Crawford. La Fayette, Walker. Steven Kirby. T’. B.. Holder. T. J. Roberts. J. D. Jones. T. P. Littlefield. E. W. Pool. W. C. Price. E. M. Blalock. E. Barber. Hiram N. Rainey. O. P. Wright. La Grange, Troup. ee ce Lawrenceville, “ce Leary’s, valnoun: Leesburgh, Lee. iesnigion: Oglethorpe. Lincolnton, Lincoln. ee “e “c Logansville, Walton. Louisville, Jefferson. Lumpkin, Stewart. McArthur, Montgomery. McDonough, Henry. Macon, Bibb. Madison, Morgan. Malden Branch, Marietta, Cobb. Marshallville, Macan. Maysville, Banks. Maxeys, Milledgeville, Millen, Screven. Gwinnett. ee Bryan. Oglethorpe. Baldwin. H. P. Lumpkin. JE aloo: La Grange B’k’g & Trust Co. W:. 5: Simmons. Peeples & Borne. A. I. Monroe. J. A. Walden. ue L. Olive: Benj. Fortson. T. B. Hollinshead. Z. 8. Willingham. E. M. Brand. W. L. Phillips. R. F. Watts. W. T. McArthur. G. W. Bryan. Spear & Turner. Elliott Estes. W. L. High. A. A. Bell. P. W. Williams. A. J. Cheney. E.. Faw. Dr. A. Reynolds. J.R. Winters. J. A. Edwards. James Merrett. A. T. Brightwell. Walter Paine. J. H. Daniel & Son. AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR CEORC!A—Continued. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Milner, Pike. Monroe, Walton. Montezuma, Macon. Monticello, Jasper. Morgan, Calhoun. Mt. V ernon, Montgomery. Nashville, Berrien. N 77D Y ¢ Newman, Coweta. “ee “ce Mewton, Baker. Norcross, Gwinnett. Oglethorpe, Macon. Palmetto, Campbell. Perry, Houston. ee te Preston, Webster. Pruit, Banks. Quitman, Brooks. Reidsville, Tattnall. Resaca, Gordon. Reynolds, Taylor. Ringgold, Catoosa. Rock Mart, Polk. Rome, Floyd. Saint Marys, Camden. Sandersyille, Washington. Savannah, Chatham. Senoia, Coweta. Social Circle, Walton. Sparta, Hancock. 6é “e Springfield, Effingham. Spring Place, Murray. S. J. Hale. Geo. C. Selman. S. C. Burson. J. W. Haygood. Hcy ail J.J. Beck. D. C. Sutton. Alex McArthur. H. B. Peebles. H. M. Smith. Pas S. Whatley. Statenville, Echols. Statesborough, Sugar V alley, Gordont Summerville, Chattooga. Swainsborough, Emanuel. Sylvania. Screven Taccoa, Habersham. Talbotton, Talbot. ‘Tate, Pickens. “sé “ee J. P. Prescott. T. H. Potter. J. W. Hill. T. Hiles & Co. J. C. Coleman. Bullock, Spencer M. Smith. O. D. Gorman. N. P. Carrekes. Wn. Tate. Steven Tate. Black, Dell & Wade. B. i Hudspeth. J A® Hunt. W. H. Fish. Levi Ballard. B. W. Cochrane. Duncan & Miller. A.S. Giles. J. B. Hudson. ht. L. Hooper. Clayton, Gareee Co J. W. Meadows & Co J. P. Moore. Ree Balle B. W. Brand. Belle Thompson. Wiley C. Barber. Forsyth & Hoskinson Dean & Ewing. J. F. Hillyer. Wm. T. & O. H. Mc- Williams. J. M. Arnow. Wm. R. Thigpen. Isaac C. Bickett. W. W. Hardy. Wm. Akridge. T. R. Lamar. T. M. Hunt. T. L. Little. 8S. S. Pitman. F, Starr. Thomaston, Upson. Thomson, McDuffie. Trenton, Dade. Valdosta, Lowndes. Villa Rica, Carroll. Wadley, Jefferson. Walthourville, Liberty. Warrenton, Warren. Washington, Wilkes. “6 .14 sé 6 Watkinsville, Oconee. Waverly Hall, Harris. Waynesborough, Burke. Waynesville, ‘Wayne. West Point, Troup. Whitesburg, Carroll. Wightsville, Johnson. EX PLANATION.—The parties whose addresses are here given are identified in the REAL EsTaTe First Monrt- GAGE loan business on their own account or for other investors, and through whom such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respective locali- ties. To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was taken from the * Mortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department” of ‘‘ THe EVERY OFFICE Fayor- ITE,” J. E. F. Matthews. Thos. E. Watson. Preston B. Johnson. Benj. T. Brock, Wilkinson & Ashley W.C. Hodnett. W. L. Phillips. John L. Hardin. E. P. Davis. James Whitehead. Sims & Shubuck. Hardeman & Irvin. C. E. Smith. F. H. Cally. T. & R. Booth & Co. Wm. A. Wright. Jno. D. Munnerlyn. S. Mumford. W.C. & L. Lanier. Sidney Holderness. W. R. Daley. Cutsh owing Filter Dise and ice cham- ber, whereby the water is cooled, yet the melted ice does not mingle with the water. Gate City Stone Fi MANUFACTORY AND DEPOT aT——— UNION PORCELAIN WORKS, Greenpoint, N. Y., Salesroom;: 839 Broadway and 63 East 13th St., N.Y. City. ter Co., Don't Drink Impure Water ! Best Filter ever Invented ! At Low Prices! Artistically formed China Fil- ters for $12.50 to $87.50. Hard Burned Brown Stoneware Fil- ters for $4.00 to $22.00. All as easily cleaned as a pail or tea kettle. No metal used to con- struct this Filter; zinc, galvan- ized iron, and all common met- als generate active poisons when in constant contact with water. These Filters last a life time. No part to fix or change. Those who know of our Travelers Filter never leave home without one in their traveling bag or trunk, The UNION PORCELAIN WORKS call attention to their china table ware for Hotels and fam- ilies. end for circular THORTHAND wrt or erkonaly a situations ProcureccHA ll pupils when competent. 1 EFEE. Oswego, N. Yu OG For the relief and for the **Man Hons Wm, P o.W., Nixon, M. =~ nm LX EO has coveted 23 yes . Lung Dis nes erie Wondestat reiedy,used by Inhal Hay Feyer, Caray rh, Nervous, at, an Sos Sting’ book of 120 pages, Four Colored. Plates. Address DR. PEIRO, Chicago Opera Ho We refer by permission to a few of our patrons: [Washington Sis. . enn Nixon, Ed. Inter Ocean, SS H. Tubbs, Esq,, Manager W. U. Te a Co : Gant Ci H. Howard, Mrs. T. B. eat e,. = = Wess D., Rev. Wm. aweett, D. D.» RASS Henry R. Stiles s,M —Oniy Oayjaen is safelu sent ananvhere ases, fou nder of the 3 to the special treatment of Cata rns Oxygen Co., for the oe ation,so widely known asthe OXYGEN TREATMENT cure of Consumption, Bronchitis; Asthm = a4 ae MANUFACTURERS OF THE COONSE FORCE PUMP, WORKS EASY. Is adapted to Wells of any depth and WILL NOT FREEZE. pire —aa)e eINGele © @ OOS So) HEHE @ Drill Well Points, rostration Etc. Send aa dkGor1 and So SGRICAGO, LLL. = = Shicags: in the Uunieg ictatee Canada vith eaeh treatment. MSTOCK & COONSE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Porcelain Lined Wood Pumps, Common Wood Pumps, Wooden Force Pumps, Chain Pumps, ——AND DEALERS IN—— IRON PUMPS, IRON PIPE, Rubber Hose, Etc. WRITE FOR OUR SPEGIAL TERMS. OWE ry SS OJ000 ZN iwsS Wa eay CONTRACTORS and REAL ESTATE DEALERS To Handle Our Goods, AND SPECIFY THEM In their contracts, REMINDER.—If it is stated where advertisement is noticed, National adver catisfactorialy answer your incuiry or corresponcence.— Bo not forget to mention tisers can refer, and more promptly and ‘THE EVERY OFFICE. FAVORITE.”Place. County. Name. Albion, Cassia. “6 “e Belllevue, Alturas. Boise City, Ada. Bonanza City, Custer. Bullion, Alturas. Caldwell, Ada. Centreville, Boise. Challis, Custer. Albion Hotel. Cassia Hotel. International H. Overland Hotel. Central Hotel. Western Hotel. Dodge’s Hotel. Murphy’s Hotel. Pacific House. Meffert House. Challis House. Couer a? Alene, Kootenai.Lake Side Hotel. Cottonwood, Idaho. Cottonwood House. Place. County. HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR IDAHO Name. Place. County. Name. Eagle, Shoshone. Emmettsville, Ada. Hailey, Alturas. Idaho City, Boise. Ketchum, Alturas. Lewiston, Nez Perces. Montpelier, Bear Lake. Moscow, Nez Perces. ce sé Mount Idado, Idaho. Fish Haven, Bear Lake. Prichard House. Murray’s Hotel. Fish Haven House. Nevada House. Merchants’ Hotel. Luna House. Palace Hotel. Raymond House. Hotel De France. Montpelier Hotel. Barton House. Johnson House. Mount Idaho Hotel. Murray, Shoshone. ce sé“ ce ese Nicholia, Lemhi, ce se Oxford, Oneida. Paris, Bear Lake. Placerville, Boise. Rathdrum, Kootenai. Salmon City, Lemhi. Shoshone, Alturas. Silver City, Owyhee. Weiser, Washington. Louisville House. Palace Hotel. Merchant's Hotel. Nicholia Hotel. Violia Hotel. Phelan’s Hotel. Paris Restaurant. International Hotel Masterson House. International Hotel Dewey House. Tdaho Hotel. Weiser Hotel. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR IDAHO. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Albion, Cassia. ee 6e Bellevue, Alturas. Bloomington, Bear Lake. Boise City, Ada. Caldwell, Ada. Couer d’ Alene, Kootenia. Delta, Shoshone. Eagle Rock, Bingham, Gibbonsville, Lemhi. Grangeville, Idaho. Hailey, Alturas. Frank Riblett. J. C. Rodgers. S. B. Dilley. Joseph H. Hart. Wood & Wilson. Brumback & Lamb Chas. H. Reed. Isaac 8. Daly. Jas. 8. Mullaly. Stull & Winters. Chas. J. Barclay. A. H. Gordon. W. T: Riley. Hailey, Alturas. Idaho City, Boise. ce ce Ketchum, Alturas. Lewiston, Nez Perces. Moscow, Nez Perces. Mount Idaho, Idaho. Murray, Shoshone. Nicholia, Lemhi. Oakley, Cassia. W. T. Hall. A. Strauss. James McIntyre. John Suhleson. Hindman & Butler. R. J. Monroe. KE. O’Neil. W. D. Robbins. J. H. Forney. J. ©. Harkness. Palph Nichols. W. R. Owens. Paris, Bear Lake. Pierce City, Shoshone. Placerville, Boise. Quartzburg, Boise. Rathdrum, Kootenai. Salmon City, Lemhi. Silver City, Owyhee. Wordner, Shoshone. Weiser, Washington. ee ee R.S. Spencer. KE. Hammond. John lI. Meyers. J. Wagner. D. E. Conghanour. Holleman & Mus- grove. Chas. A. Wood. Edward Nugent. Thos. Mullen. Frank Harris. G. W. Adams. BANKS AND BANKERS pzeprarrmenr ror IDAHQ. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Bellevue, Alturas. First Nat’] Bank. McCormick & Co. First Nat] Bank. John 8. Atchinson. Boise Co. Bank. First Nat'l Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Moscow, Nez Perces. Murray, Shoshone. Placerville, Boise. Idaho. Boise. LDoise City, Ada. Ketchum, Alturas. Bank of Murray. Delta, Shoshone. Myers & Smith. Eagle, Rock, Bingham. Hailey, Alturas. Bank of Eagle Rock Anderson Bros. McCormick & Co. Lewiston, Nez Perces. ¢é be ee Malad City, Oneida. Lewiston Nat] Bk Bank of Lewiston. Malad City Bank. Shosbone, Alturas. Weiser, Washington. Bank of Shoshone. Isadore Fuchs. GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR IDAHO. Place. County. Albion, Cassia. se cc ““ oe oe “, Editor and Proprietor St. Joseph Real Estate Bulletia, Best Real Estate Paper in the West. Devoted to Real Estate, Manufactu ring and Merchandise Interests. Subscription only One Dollar Per Year IN ADVANCE. Send for advertising rates. Largest eir- culation in the newest states. GAN TLIS = SC) sz NaS KELLER'S BANKING LAWS. A work that every business man in the United States should famil- larize himself with. This work contains the Banking Laws of every State in the Union. How to organize banks in every State ; the capital required; restrictions imposed by State laws; laws of Grace on Sight Drafts for every State, and Damages on Protested Bills of Exchange; Interest and Penalty, etc., etc. This is a book that every bank should have for consultation. Young men who intend to open a Bank in any state should consultit: President, Cashiers, Assistant Cashiers, Attorneys and bank em- ployees who wish to perfect themselves in the banking business and Banking Laws should study this work carefully. Here is an opportunity for every banker to familiarize himself with the Banking Laws of each State in the Union. Sent postpaid to any address in the United States or Canada upon receipt of 50 cents. Underwoods Bank Reporter, P, 0. Box 2626. 18 Spruce Street. NEW YORK CITY. NIXON ELLIOTT. W. A. McNEES. ELLIOTT & McNEES, Real Estate aud Loan Brokers, ELDIOTIT BLOCE, COR. DOUGLAS AND LAWRENCE AV,, WICHITA, KANSAS. SO 3 Us [ANUPACTURIMG 309 WALNUT STREET, DES MOINES, - = IOWA. 3 st QO, Au JQ = n 2 o n re w vo a as Le) pa) a Q, m an ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. OF ALL DISCRIPTIONS. In connection with Factory. variety of type to select from. Stamps. Address or call on the, Butis Manufacturing Co., 309 Walnut St., DES MOINES, IA. NOTARIAL AND CORPORATION, $3.50 RUBBER STAMPS JOB PRINTING OFFICE Splendid SEND FOR CATALOGUE And keep it on hand to order as you neeg National advertisers can refer, ticed, REMINDER.—I? it is stated where advertisement is notic eign “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” orialy answer your inquiry or correspondence. —Do not forget to m and more promptly and satisfact-H. E. COLYIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, 812 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo. CHAS, W. CLARK, ATTORNEY, ING@ EA TEe ys USC, Room 21, Sheidley Building, S. E. Corner 9th, & Main. KANSAS, CITY, MO. 9. MANN & 00. General Real Estate Agents. NEWTON, KAN. MANN, STOKES & SEBRELL, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, CARDEN CITY, KAN. THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, NATION AL ADVERTISERS, B. M. BRAKE & CO. Real Estate and Loan Brokers, 534 DELAWARE STREET, Kansas City, Mo. and Unimproved Lands a Specialty. . Also Stock Ranches. We Negotiate Exchanges in Kansas City Property, Lands, and Stocks of Merchandise. Kansas City Real Estate, Kansas and Missouri Farms; T, W. GILRUTH & CO, | Real Estate Mdse. Brokers, 902 Main Street, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Vice President R. E Association. Secretary Mo, Real Estate Ass’n. Commissioner for State of Missouri to the World’s Fair at New Orleans, Cc. W. BAKER, R. W. TUREMAN. BAKER & TUREMAN, Real Estate and Loan Brokers, INVESTMENT AND COLLECTING AGENTS, Office 525 Delaware Street, Corner Missouri Avenue, KANSAS CITY, MO. Refers to Citizens National Bank of Kansas City. J. S. FISHER. Ss. A. WEBBER. FISHER & CO, Red! Estate, Business Chances, City and Country Exchanges, SS2 Delaware Street, KANSAS CITY, MO. J.C. HOOPER & 0. Real Estate & Exchange BROKERS, ROOM 21 SHEIDLEY BUILDING, KANSAS CITY, - - - - MO. We make a specialty of Exchanges and have at all times a large list ofall kinds of proper- ties to select from. We solicit your correspondence. Co eee Wile eILIEN. ATOR NG Ale cei 812 MAIN STREE, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. R. W. DENNY. E. 8. SMITH. DENNY & SMITH, fae, Bol aT, Loan and Insurance Agt’s, 503 1-2 Main St., NEWTON, KAS., LELAND J. WEBB. CHAS. F. SPENCER. | WEBB & SPENCER, Attorneys at Law, Rooms 4 and 5, No. 121 Kansas Avenue, TOPEKA, KANSAS. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Baily ven Simei; ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS, 800 WYANDOTT STREET, izansas City, Io. 4+} ATTEND THE === NV yanitilte bynes Cle, No. 439 Minnesota. Avenue, ° = WYANDOTTE, KANSAS. THOROUGH and PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION 03 aREN : i given in BOOKKEEPING, BUSINESS ARITHMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, PENMANSHIP, SHORT-HAND, TYPE-WRITING, etc. Instruction given on STENOGRAPHIC MACHINE. All the KXPERIENCED teachers em _ REMINDER.-If i Satisfactorialy an t is stated where advertisement i Sswer your inquiry or correspondence. preparatory English branches taught. None but PRACTICAL and loyed ; es Shonda ROE ak , who have had actual experience in keeping books. SUPERIOR ad- Cheapest and best business school west of the Mississippi River. Z WE INSIST UPON INVESTICATION. [a°"Be sure and write for circular, Address, WILLIAM TISDALE, Principal. Ss noticed, National advertisers can r = : efer, and more promptly and Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” if BSTLIINOrIS ww HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR ILLINOIS. Place, County. Albion, Edwards. Aledo, Mercer. Alexis, Warren. Alhambra, Madison. Allendale, Wabasb. Alta Pass, Union. Altamont, Effingham. Alton, Madison. Altona, Knox. Anna, Union. Annapollis, Crawford. Apple River, Jo Daviess. Arcola, Douglas. se “e Ashley, Washington. Ashton, Lee. Astoria, Fulton. Athens, Menard. Atlanta, Logan. Augusta, Hancock. Aurora, Kane. Ava, Jackson. Barry, Pike. ee ee Batavia, Kane. Batchtown, Calhoun. Beardstown, Cass. ce 6 Belknap, Johnson. Belleville, St. Clair. oc ‘ec Belvidere, Boone. ee oe ec ce ce &c¢ ee ‘ce Bement, Piatt. Benton, Franklin. “e ce “cc cc 3 Biggsville, Henderson. Bloomington, McLean. “ce al se se ce 66 “cc ee Bradford, Stark. Braidwood, Will. Brighton, Macoupin. Browning, Schuyler. Brussels, Calhoun. Buda, Bureau. Bunker Hill, Macoupin. Bushnell, McDonough. Byron, Ogle. Cairo, Alexander. “ec 6s ce 6c Cambridge, Henry. Canton, Fulton. Carbondale, Jackson. ce ce Carlinville, Macoupin. 4 ae ce 4é Carlyle, Clinton. ee 6é “c“ oe Carmi, White. ee ee Carrollton, Greene. ee ce Carterville, Williamson, Carthage, Hancock. Casey, Clark. 6é ee Centralia, Marion. Name. Bowman House. Woods House. Button House. Aledo House. Crozier House. Blayney House. Hotel Ottenad. Payne House. Alta House. Boyer House. Madison House. Wyley House. Otrich House. Baker House. Charlton House. Franklin House. Dearmond House. Palace Hotel. American House. Commercial House. Hurts House. Atlanta House. Crosby House. Hotel Evans. Fremont Housé. St. James Hotel. Dexter House. Kellogg House. Hotel Curtis. Bachtown Hotel. Park House. Central House. Oglesby House. Thomas House. National House. Belleville House. Julien House. Harding House. American House. Doty House. Woodruff House. Bement House. Hudson House. Stein House. Benton House. American House. Ashley House. Pheenix House. Wait House. New Wait House. Roberts House. Bradford Hotel. Bradburt House. El] Dorado House. Campbell House. Brussels House. Wilson Hotel. Cottage Hotel. Monument House. Hindee House. Bushneil House. Commercial House. Hotiday House. Bowers European Htl. Waverly House. Cambridge House. Churchill House. Gager House. Newell House. St. George Hotel. Wright House. Clark House. Truesdail House. Commercial House. Carlyle House. Dawson House. Erie House. Hinton House. Walker House. Pribble House. Stevens House. Dale House. National House. Commercial House. R. R. House. 1 Place. County. Centralia, Marion. Champaign, Champaign. ‘ ee “cc ‘ce Chandlerville, Cass. Charleston, Coles. Chatsworth, Livingston. Cherry Valley, Winnebago. Chesterfield, Macoupin. Chicago, Cook. ¢¢ 6c 66 66 ce se Claremont, Richland. Clay City, Clay. Clinton, De Witt. Cobden, Union. Colchester McDonough. Collinsville, Madison. Columbia, Monroe. 46 ce Creal Springs, Williamson. 6 ‘ec Cuba, Fulton. Dallas City, Hancock. Danville, Vermillion. 6é ce sé ce Davis Junction, Ogle. Decatur, Macon. “ 6 “ ce “ ee De Kalb, De Kalb. Delavan, Tazewell. Dixon, Lee. “ce ec Dongola, Mnion. Duquoin, Perry. ce ce Dwight, Livingston. Harlville, La Salle. East St. Louis, St. Clair. Edinburgh, Christian. Edwardsville. Madison. Effingham, Effingham. 46 «sé ec oe ce ee El Dorado, Saline. Elgin, Kane. te cc Elizabethtown, Hardin. Elkhart, Logan. Bl Paso, Woodford. Elsah, Jersey. Enfield, White. Equality, Gallatin. Eureka, Woodford. Ewing, Franklin. Fairbury, Livingston. Fairfield, Wayne. Farmer City, De Witt. Flora, Clay. Forrest, Livingston. Forreston, Ogle. Fox Lake, Lake. Frankfort, Franklin. Franklin Grove,.Lee. Fredericksville, Schuyler. Freeport, Stephenson. Fulton, Whiteside. Galena, Jo Daviess. ee oe Nannie. Belts House. Doane House. Carter House. Matheney House. City Hotel. Charleston House, Maple Hotel. Cottage House. Cherry Valley House. Wabash House. Palmer House, State & Monroe Sts. Grand Pacific Hotel, Clark&Jackson Sts. Sherman House,Clark & Randolph Sts. Briggs House. Cor. Randolph & 5th Ay. Tremont House. Jones House. Mound House. Magill House. Phillips House. Chester House. Berry House. St. Louis Hotel. St. Charles Hotel. Columbia Hotel. Brown House. Chambers House. Sterrett Hotel. Seott House. Etna House. Arlington House. Tremont House. St. James Hotel. Junction House. St. Nicholas Hotel. New Deming Hotel. Palace Hotel. Central House. Glidden House. Delavan House. Nashua House. Washington House. Keystone House. The Home House. City Hotel. St. Nicholas Hotel. McPherson House. Wallace House. Martell House. Edinburgh House. St. James Hotel. * Pacific House. Fleming House. St. Louis House. Western House. Excelsior Hotel. Jennings House. Nolting House. MeFarlan House. Lichtenberger House. Elkhart House. Campbell House. Cosmos House. Roony House. Equality House. Littell House. Neff House. Fairbury House. Lang Hotel. Commercial House. Major House. Cottage Hotel. Central House. Sayles House. Dimmick House. Franklin House. Dean House. Brewster House. Robinson House. Soda House. European Hotel. City Hotel. Place. County. Galena, Jo Daviess, Galesburgh, Knox. “ec cc Galva, Henry. Garden Prairie, Boone. Geneseo, Henry. Geneva, Kane. Gibson City, Ford. “6 ce Gilman, Iroquois. Girard, Maconpin. Gladstone, Henderson. Golconda, Pope. “c ce se ee Grafton, Jersey. Grayville, White. Greénfield, Greene. Greenview, Menard. Greenville, Bond. “ec 66 “e ec ‘cc cc Griggsville, Pike. Hamburgh, Calhoun. Hardin, Calhoun. ec sé sé sc Harrisburgh, Saline. ce “ ec “cc Harvard, McHenry. Havana, Mason. ce oe Hecker, Monroe. Hennepin, Putnam. ec sé Highland, Madison. Highland Park, Lake. Hillsborough, Montgomery. Hinsdale, Du Page. Hunts City, Jasper. Huntsville, Schuyler. Hutsonville, Crawford. Irving, Montgomery. Jacksonville, Morgan. ee ee ce te Jerseyville, Jersey. Joliet, Will. Jonesborough, Union. Kankakee, Kankakee. ce “se 66 “ce Keithsburgh, Mercer. Kenney, De Witt. Kinmundy, Marion. Kirkwood, Warren. Knoxville, Knox. Lacon, Marshall. ee ce oe se La Fayette, Stark. La Harpe, Hancock. Lake Forrest, Lake. Lanark, Carroll. La Salle, La Salle. Lawrenceville, Lawrence. ce “ec Leroy, McLean. Lewistown, Fulton. 4c ce Libertyville, Lake. Lincoln, Logan. Litchfield, Montgomery. Louisville, Clay. Lovington, Moultrie. McHenry, McHenry. Name. Lawrence House. Union Hotel. Browns Hotel. Baker House. Eagle House. Geneseo House. Hotel Harris. St. Nicholas Hotel. Du Bois House. Redfield House. Enterprise House. Star House. Fields House. Washington Hotel. Waters Hotel. Valley House. Grayville House. Butler House. Basham House. Wilkinson House. Thomas Hotel. Commercial Hotel. R. House. Eureka House. Cree House. Hamburg Hotel. Planters’ House. Hardin House. Farmers Exchange. Norman House. Parker House. Excelsior House. Walker House. Taylor House. American House. Freedom Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Hennepin House. Hotel Zimmerman. Highland Park H. City Hotel. Hinsdale Honse. Hunts City Hotel. Miller House. Adams House. Irving House. Dunlap House. Pacific Hotel. Southern Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Erie Hotel. Shurts Hotel. St. Nicholas Hotel. Roberts House. Bartlett House. Commercial Hotel. Central House. Commercial Hotel. Kenney Hotel. Squires House. Fremont House. Hebbard House. Taggort House. Rose House. Paskell House. La Fayette House. Tremont House. Lake City Hotel. Germania House. Detrick House. Harrison House. Union House. Watts House. Heenan House. Standard House. Commercial House. Fisher House. Lincoln House. Commercial House. Palace Hotel. Griffin House. Louisville House. Central House. Riverside House. McLeansborough, Hamilton. Sharp House.HOTEL, TR So Place. County. Name. McLeansborough, Hamilton. Jones House. Macomb, McDonougk. ee «eé 6c ce Malta, De Kalb. Manchester, Scott. Marengo, McHenry. Marine, Madison. Marion, Williamson. Marshall, Clark. ee te ce té Mason City, Mason. Mattoon, Coles. Mazon, Grundy. Mendota, La Salle. Metamora, Woodford. 6é ce Metropolis City, Massac. Milford, Iroquois. Millbrook, Kendall. Millington, Kendall. Minier, Tazewell. Minonk, Woodford. Moline, Rock Island. Momence, Kankakee. Monmouth, Warren. ée be Monticello, Piatt. Morris, Grundy. ce ce Morrison, Whiteside. Mound City, Pulaski. Mt. Carmel, Washington. ra3 ce Mount Carroll, Carroll. Mount Erie, Wayne. Mount Morris, Ogle. Mount Pulaski, Logan. Mount Stearling, Brown. Mount Vernon, Jefferson. oe se ce 6c 4 ce Moweaqua, Shelby. Murphysborough, Jackson. ce oe Naperville, Du Page. Nashville, Washington. Neponset, Bureau. Newark, Kendall. New Burnside, Johnson. New Hebron, Crawford. Newman, Douglas. Newton, Jasper. Noble, Richland. Nokomis. Montgomery. Nunda, McHenry. Oakford, Menard. Oblong, Crawford. Odell, Livingston. Odin, Marion. Olney, Richland. 6e ee c¢ ee Omaha, Gallatin. Onarga, Jroquois. Oneida, Knox. Oquawka, Henderson. Oregon, Ogle. Randolph House. Park House. Williams House. Orient House. City Hotel. Ryder House. Elbring House. Simmons House. Cline House. Holland Honse. Reynolds House. Sherman House. St. James House. Pacific House. St. Nichol House. Sherman House. Essex House. Dole House. Huston House. St. James Hotel. Metamora House. Clifton House. McCawley House. Allen House. Greens Hotel. Van Tryon House. Larson House. Austin House. Union Hotel. Webber House. Keator House. Peal House. Central House. Commercial Hotel. Baldwin House, Commercial Hotel. Tremont Hotel. Hotel Hopkins. Carson House. Clifton House. Wagner House. Reviere House. Mound City Hotel. Stoltze House. Grand Central Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Mt. Carmel House. Hostetter House. Baird House. Holmes House. Webb House. Scroggins House. Tinnen House. Lambert House. Commercial Hotel. Continental House. Central House. R. R. House. Potter House. Hotel Bastin. Commercial Hotel. Acme Hotel. American House. Buckeye House. Balcomb House. Newark Exchange Ht Cale House. Kaley House. Commercial House. American House. Johnson House. Nokomis Hotel. Hyatt House. Roberts House. Oblong House. City Hotel Hartley House. Olney House. National Hotel. Gossick House. Commercial House. Omaha House. Roney House. Travelers Retreat H. Smith House. Central House. Sinisippi House. Place. County. Name. Oswego, Kendall. Ottawa, La Salle. Palestine, Crawford. Pana, Christian. ce oe ce 6é 6c ce Parkersburgh, Richland. Paw Paw, Lee. Paxton, Ford. _ Pecatonica, Winnebago, Pekin, Tazewell. 66 “e 6é at Peoria, Peoria. “e sé ce ce sc oe Peru, La Salle. Petersburgh, Menard. Pinckneyville, Perry. Piper City, Ford. Pittsfield, Pike. Plano, Kendall. Plattville, Kendall. Polo, Ogle. Pontiac, Livingston. ce ce Princeton, Bureau. ce “e Prophetstown, Whiteside. Quincy, Adams. 66 ‘ ce 6 ee ce Raymond, Montgomery. Renault, Monroe. Richmond, McBenry. Richview, Washington. Ridgway, Gallatin. Roberts, Ford. Robinson, Crawford. Rochelle, Ogle. Rocktord, Winnebago. 6é ce Rock Island, Rock Island. Roodhouse, Greene. “e ce Roseville, Warren. Rushville, Schuyler. se ce Sailor Springs, Ray. St. Marie, Jasper. Salem, Marion. Sandwich, De Kalb. ~ ce 4 Savanna, Carroll. é ce Shannon, Carroll. Shawneetown, Gallatin. 6c ee “e 6e Sheffield, Bureau. Shelbyville, Shelby. be ce ce be Springfield, Sangamon. ¢ ce ce sé ‘ce é Sterling, Whiteside. Stillman Valley, Ogle. Stone Fort, Saline. Streator, La Salle. Sullivan, Moultrie. Sumner, Lawrence. Sycamore, DeKalb. Exchange Hotel. Clifton House. White House. Garrard House. St. James Hotel. Central Hotel. Harrison House. Hall House. Parker House. Ditamore House. Paxton Hotel. Transit House. Woodard House. Bemis House. Planters House. National Hotel. Peoria. House. City Hotel. White’s House. ‘Chambers House. Crosby House. Menard House. Sullivan House. Bishop Hotel. Piper City House. Pittsfield House. Oregon House. Plano House. Platte House. Exchange Hotel. Phenix House. Commercial House. American House. American House. City Hotel. Seeley House. New Windsor Hotel. Tremont Hotel. Occidental House. Pacific House. Raymond House. Glasgow City Hotel. Richmond House. American House. Ridgway House. Glencoe House. Robinson Hotel. St. Charles Hotel. Brackett House. Hotel Holland. Griggs House. Commercial House. Harper House. Rock Island House, Phoenix House. Globe House. Roseville House. Fey House. City Hotel. Evans House. Glenn Hotel. Langel House. Park Hotel. Sandwich House. Park House. Bunker House. American House. Shelby House. Riverside Hotel. Germania Hotel. Conner House. Shefheld House. Baldwin House. Clifton Hotel. Ellington House. Logan House. Leland House. St. Nicholas Hotel. Palace Hotel. Revere Hotel. Galt House. Dickerman House. Tucker House. Plumb House. Eden House. Empire House. Commercial House. Wards Hotel. AVELERS CUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR ILLINOIS—Continued. Place. County. Name. Tallula, Menard. Tamavoa, Perry. | Taylorville, Christian. 6 6é ce 6é ce of Thomson, Carroll. Toulon, Stark. Trenton, Clinton. Troy, Madison. Tunnel Hill, Johnson. Tuscola, Douglas. Ullin, Pulaski. Urbana, Champaign. sé se Vandalia, Fayette. sb 6é “e 66 Varna, Marshall. $e be Vermont, Fulton. Versailles, Brown. Vienna, Johnson. ee 6s Villa Ridge, Pulaski. Virden, Macoupin. Virginia, Cass. “sé of Wapello, DeWitt. Warren, Jo Daviess. Warsaw, Hancock. Washburn, Woodford. Washington, Tazewell. Wataga, Knox. Waterloo, Monroe. se be Watseka, Troquois. 6é ce Waukegon, Lake. 66 6é Wayne City, Wayne. Welden DeWitt. Wenona, Marshall. Westfield, Clark. West Liberty, Jasper. West Salem, Edwards. Wheaton, Du Page. White Hall, Greene, Willow Hill, Jasper. Wilmington, Will. Winchester, Scott. Windsor, Shelby. Woodhull, Henry. Woodstock, McHenry. Wyanet, Bureau. Wyoming, Stark. Xenia, Clay. York, Clark. Yorkville, Kendall. FICE FAVORITR.”’ Thompsonville Franklin. Winnebago, Winnebago. as to taking care of them. Cox Hotel. Adams House. Globe Hotel. Long House. Brown Hotel. Central House. Thomson House. Hamilton House. Follett House. Trenton House. American House. White House. Smith House. Beach House. Central House. Ullin Hotel. Griggs House. St. Nicholas House. Deickman House. Onmer House. Washburn House. Reeds. Hotel. Allens Hotel. Kirksbride House. Edmondson House. St. James Hotel. Perkins House. Stodart House. Buckels Hotel. Cottage Hotel. Virginia House. Mann House. Wapello House. Barton House. New Burnett House. Adams House. Central House. Sherman House. Wataga House. Cleveland House. Southern House. City llouse, Williams House. Maple House. Baldwin House. Waukegon House. Sherman House. City Hotel. Knowles House. Weldon Hotel. W oods House. Parcell House. Home Beauty Hotel. Central House. Central House. The Brunswick House Central Hotel. Stewart House. Cheseldine House. Trancient House. Windsor Llotel. Winnebago House. Tnion House. Waverly House. Ellsworth House. Clifton House. Moody House. Hadding House. Fox River House. UVILELT Y.—The practical utility of this Depart- ment wiil be apparent and appreciable to a large num- ber of the traveling public, and those persons who are going on a journey where they are unacquainted. By using this guide a hotel can be selected and made known to friends and postmaster before leaving, so that telegrams, mail, or other important matters May be forwarded without waiting directions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. LADIES who are unaccustomed to traveling without escorts, can be reatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forwarding aggzage checks, together with any special instructions BUSINESS MEN of various avocations will often find this Department a convenient reference in their business affairs when it is desired to meet parties at a distance, in the larger cities; an un- derstanding as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunting, ete., ete., which are usually attended with extra expenses. ‘TRAVELING TROUPES or parties going in extra numbers can arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by corres- pondence in advance. In writing any of these houses please mention that name was taken from the “ Hotel Travelers Guide Department” of ‘THE EVERY OF-REAL ESTATE acenrs ne DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR ILLINOIS. Place. County. Albion, Hdwards. Aledo, Mercer. ae ae Alton, Madison. Aycola, Douglas. Ashley, Washington. Atlanta, Logan. Augusta, Hancock. Aurora, Kane. «cc ee Beardstown, Cass. ce ee Belleville, St. Clair. Belvidere, Boone. ee “é &e “cc ee “cc Benton, Franklin. ‘é “ec Bloomington, McLean, ac «6 ce «6 “ec ‘é Bunker Hill, Macoupin. Byron, Ogle. Cairo, Alexander. Cambridge, Henry. . Canton, Fulton. Carbondale, Jackson. Carlinville, Macoupin. ce “ce Carlyle, Clinton. 6s c oé oe ce “cs Carmi, White ce “e Carrollton, Greene. “e ce Carthage, Hancock. “sé 6s &c ce “cc ce Casey, Clark. Centralia, Marion. Champaign, Champaign. “ “cs “é sé « “ “cc ce 6 “cc sé “ “ “6 ee Charleston, Coles. cé ce “ec 66 Chebanse, Iroquois. Chester, Randolph j Chicago, Cook. “ ‘6 “ 6c 6 “é « 6 Name. Halbert J. Strawn. J. H. Connell. H. Bigelow. Whipple & Smiley. Rudershausen & Son- ag. Curtis Rook, Diamond Co. Pace Bros. J. L. Bevan. B. P. Hewitt. Warren Tyler. _ McWethy & Nobles. H. H. Evans & Co. G. A. Pfrangle. EK. A. Alschuler. C. H. Cummings. Hewitt & Thacker. Needles & Noetling. Kietsam & Tindale. Boneau Bruzman. S. J. Dreher. W. C. Rowan. W.W. Wood. F. B. Smiley. Oliver Beckington. M. C. Marean. Barr & Freece. Ross & Layman. A. L. Viney. Swann & Ellis. O. B. Harris. ’ A. McCaughey. D. H. Pingery. Maxilhardt. C. C. Campbell. J.R. Sensor. M. Fasterday & Co. M. J. Hawley. Dr. G. A. Vawter. Abbott & Shipley. C. N. Henkle. CG, W. Williams. Keplinger & Steward. J. L. Plain & Co. CG. Westermier, jr. Van Hoorebeke & Ford. Ramsay & Corcoran. Buxton & White. P. W. Brown. J. I. McClintock. R. L. Organ. Roberts & Larevy. Withers & Montgom- ery. O’Harra & Scofield. Sharp & Berry Bros. Mack & Baird. Hooker & Edmonds. Manir & Miller. J. C. Kelley. B. L. Adams. W. & E.L. Stoker. Frank Wileox & Co. Willis & Sherby. J.B. & W. B. McKin- ley. Burnham, Trevett & Mattis. H. T. Sperry & Son. Rayburn Bros. Geo. F. Beardsley. Geo. W. Harwood. Hodgen & Took. W. M. Briggs. G. H. Jeffries. Geo. C. Mathes. J. P. H. Trescott. Robert H. Mann. Geo. Nelson. O. M. Wells & Co., 162 La Salle St. Turner & Bond, 102 Washington St. Kimbull Vose & Co., 86 La Salle St. T. J. Kinsella, 154 La Salle St. Kinney & Hartigan, Cor. Madison & Union Sts. Place. County. Chicago, Cook. sé ‘e 66 66 46 be Sd 66 “¢ 66 iT 3 ce “ce ce 6 6e “6 66 Chrisman, Edgar. Clinton, De Witt. Columbia, Monroe. Cooperstown, Brown. Crescent City, Iroquois. Cuba, Fulton. Danville, Vermillion. ‘c sc “ sé “ “ec “ce ec ee ce sc be “cc ee Downer’s Grove, Du Page. Duquoin, Perry. 6é 46 Earlville, La Salle. East St. Louis, St. Clair. “ec ce ce “ec Edwardsville, Madison. Effingham, Effingham, “ce ae Elizabethtown, Hardin. Elmhurst, Du Page. Evansville, Randolph. Fairbury, Livingston. sé “ce “ec (é Fairfield, Wayne. ee 6c ec 6s 6 ée Farmer City, De Witt. Flora, Clay. Freeport, Stephenson. Galena, Jo Daviess. cs 66 6c «c 66 “cc cs 66 cs “cé Galesburgh, Knox. ce ce ce “ec 66 cs Geneseo, Henry. 46 os Gibson City, Ford. e ce Gilman, Iroquois. Golconda, Pope. “e ‘é ce 6c 6é ce Grayville, White. Greenview, Menard. Name. A. Stark, 332 West Ind. St. O. M. Brady, cor. Lin- coln & Lake Sts. Griffin & Dwight, cor. Halstead& Wash.St W. D. Kerfoot, 94 Washington St. Baird & Bradley, 90 La Salle St. M. L. Pearie, 95 Dear- born St. . A. Cummings, 97 Washington St. J. N. Clark, 97 Wash- ington St. Isham & Prentice, 54 Dearborn St. J.R. Kesler,84 1 ’ash- ington St. Staniford Bros. C. J. Carle. S. F. Lewis. Chris Niemeir. Sylvester De Witt. A. J. Harwood. Snively Bros. F. M. Sherfy. O. F. Maxon. L. T. Palmer. C. J. Palmer. W.J. Davis. Jesse Leforgee. Frank Leforgee. Randolph & Gher. Montgomery & Shull. Waggoner & Scott. Warren & Durfee. Odar & Pritchett. J. A. Ayres. A. C. Warner. John Hess. J. F. Palmer. J. W. Rogers & Co. H. P. Scott. T. T. Fountain. H. O. Chase. T. L. Fekete. H. D. Sexton. J. W. Renshaw. E. J. Eggmann. Leverett & Hall. W.C. Wright & Co. Lecrone & Worman. L. F. Plater. Henry L. Glas. Samuel T. Crozier. Taylor & Weaver. A. G. Phelps. Salmon Allen. W. T. Stackpole. Robinson & Johns. Adam Rinard. Hanna & Adams. KE. C. Kramer. Geo. W. Herrick. W.S. Young. G. A. Gillaspey. M. H. Presley. Taylor & Pommer. Spensley & Chambers. Jacob Fawcett. Baume & Leekley. John J. Jones. W.R. & L.A. Rowley. Hodson Bros. Post & Taylor. A. P. Pichereau. A.C. Mason. Comstock Martin&Co. F. H. McArthur. H. Harrington. Mathneon, Wilson & 0. H. C. McClure & Son. A.J. De Long. W. V. Eldredge. Harrington Clanahan D. G. Thompson. J.P. Hodge. W. W. Gray. A. P. Blane. Place. Oounty. Greenville, Bond. Hardin, Calhoun. Harrisburgh, Saline. ce ‘cé Havana, Mason. ce sé Hennepin, Putnam. Hillsborough, Montgomery. ce sc ee ae se ee Hinsdale, Du Page. Huey, Clinton. Jacksonville, Morgan. se 6é Jerseyville, Jersey. Joliet, Will. “ec oe ec cé Jonesborough, Union. Kankakee, Kankakee. ee ae ce sé Kansas, Edgar. Keithsburgh, Mercer. Kinmundy, Marion. Knoxville, Knox. Lacon, Marshall. ee ae Lanark, Carroll. La Salle, La Salle. Lawrenceville, Lawrence. Lewistown, Fulton. Lincoln, Logan. “é ce “d 6eé Litchfield, Montgomery. Lombard, Du Page. Louisville, Clay. McLeansborough,Hamilton. Macomb, McDonough. ce ce ce ‘ Makanda, Jackson. Marion, Williamson. 4eé sé ee ce sc “ee éé ee Marseilles, La Salle. Marshall, Clark. Martinsville, Clark. Mascoutah, St. Clair. Mason City, Mason. Mattoon, Coles. 66 3 66 sé “6 “ce Mendota, La Salle. Metamora, Woodford. Metropolis City, Massac. Milford, Jroquois. Milton, Pike. Minonk, Woodford. Moline, Rock Island. “ ee Momence, Kankakee. Monmouth, Warren. ce ac 6G “ce ae ac 6c 66 ec ce ‘é 6c “ec ce ‘ ce ce “e ee te 6eé 6eé ce ce 6é “ce ee 6s 6¢ Joliet, Will ee 6e ce 6¢ ce 66 ce ee 6e 6é ce 66 ce 66 te “ce ee 6c ce 6é ce ee “ec 66 ce ce 6é &e 6é ce 6e 6 ‘ 6s “ ee ee ee 6é 6é ee ce ce 6e ee Kansas, Edgar. Keithsburgh, Mercer. Kewanee, Henry. oe 66 ce 66 oe “ce bce €¢ Kinmundy, Marion. Kirkwood, Warren. Knoxville, Knox. Lacon, Marshall. La Fox, Kane. : La Harpe, Hancock. Lanark, Carroll. La Salle, La Salle. Lawrenceville, Lawrence. Lebanon, St. Clair. Lewiston, Fulton. é se 3 ee ce €6 sé ce Lexington, McLean. Lincoln, Logan. cs “ei 66 €é ee 6 és 6e 6c 66 Litchfield, Montgomery. 6s 66 &s 6 cc “eg 66 Louisville, Clay. Lovington, Moultrie. McHenry, McHenry. Name. S. B. Bowman. F. A. Smith. Brown & Kirby. C. H. Drummer. O. P. Thompson. W.J. Bryan. J. PB. Lippincott. W. A. Crawley. J. A. Bellatti. W.H.&C. A. Barnes Morrison & Whitlock. C. L. Draper. H. O. Cassell. H. W. Pogue. Thos. S. Ferns. A. A. Goodrich. Geo. E. Warren. Hamilton .& Slaten. Joseph 8. Carr. Jas. F. Greathouse. T. S. Chapman. O. A. Snedeker. Jobn B. Fithian. J. H. Hutchins. John T. Donahoe. Fred Bennett. ©. 7A. Elle Gurnsey & Knox. Olin & Phelps. Flanders & Shutts. H. M. Knapp. Haley & O'Donnell. D. F. Higgins. C. M. Heussgen. Crawford & Bussey. Wm. G. Day Jessie Ware. Jas. Lingle. N. B. Maxey. Philetus Hileman, David W. Karraker. T. P. Bondfield. D. H. Paddock. H. K. Werle Jas. N. O O. G. Sea Wm. Potter. GC. R. Starr. Harrison Loring. E. G. Rose, T. W. Bassett. C. C. Wilson. C. K. Ladd. J. K. Blish. F. S. Roseter. Levi North. J. F. Donovan. A. Kidder, P. H. Sanford. Barnes & Barnes. F. G. Garfield. C. C. Preston. S. W. Kine. C. Cogswell. Woda Duncan. Snyder & Barnes. Zerwick & . Brinker- hoff. Gray & Waggoner. H. W.M: asters. C. G. Whitney. W.S. Edwards. A. M. Barnett. J.S. Winter. J. W. Bantz. Joseph Weakley. Blinn & Hoblit. S. G. Allen. Hartz & Cochran. Beach & Harnett. R. C. Maxwell. S. L. Wallace. K. Lynch. R. McWilliams. G. L. Zink. EK. Southworth. J. M. Atteberry. L. Allen. B. D. Monroe. W.G. Cochran, H. M. Minor. Richard Bishop. McLeansborough, Hamilton... B. Steele. CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR ILLINOIS—Continued. Place. County. Name. McLeansborough, Hamilton. L. Walker. se ce 66 ce 46 é¢ «sé 66 66 sé “ce cs “ee ce te te ce 6é ce cs ce cc Macon, Macon. Malta, DeKalb. Maquon, Knox. Marengo, McHenry. Marion, Williamson. Marissa, St. Clair. Marseilles, La Salle. Marshall, Clark. “ee ‘ ‘“ “c : oe ce ce “ec “e a4 oe ce 6é 6é Martinsville, Clark. Mascoutah, St. Clair. Mason City, Mason. Mattoon, Coles. € éé ce ce eé ce ce “eé ee Mendota, La Salle. Metamora, Woodford. Metropolis City, Massac. c6 “cc 6é é ce 66 ce CT ce 6s be ee Milford, Iroquois. Millbrook, Kendall. Minonk, Woodford. ee ee Moline, Rock Island. ee ee &é ee ee “6c Momence, Kankakee. Monmouth, Warren. oe be ce ce cc ce ee ec ee ee ee 6¢ Monticello, Piatt ‘ ee ce ce é ce “ec T7 ¢ ¢¢ ce 6c be ee 6 ce “eé cc ce ce ee ce 6c Morrison, Whiteside. oe 6é ce é¢ ce 66 “ec cc ce «6 Morrisonville, Christian. Nilson & Leslie. Hall & Hogan. aM Eckley. Edwards, Webb & Lane. J. N. Meadoe. Hamil! & McHlvain. J.S. Sneed. J. W. Jones. L.J. Hale. James M. Blazer. C. FE. Wheat. Vose & Sherman. W. H. Twaddle. Byron Pontieres. Prentiss & Bailey. J. D. Hemphill. J. V. Willett. T. L. Maquire. Tra D. Curtiss. A. B.Coon & Sons. W. W. Duncan. M. McMurdo. Bird Bickford. T. J. Golden. L. Mitchell. Price Griffith. Whitehead & Jones. T. R. Orndorff. R. E. Harrell AJ Its [Mb Frank Perrin. Thos. N. Mehan. Geo. W. Ellsberry. H.S. Clark. M. F. Phipps. Craig & Craig. Jas. T. McDuffie. T. L. MeGraph. W.B. Leitch. F. P. Snyder. W. L. Ellwood. ‘ John W. Peter. J. C. Coultney: . O. Jones. R. N. Smith. J. KF. McCartney. T. B. Hicks. R. W. McCartney. Douglas W. Helm. F. R. Moore. L. P. Woodworth. G.M. Hollenbeck. J. A. Riley. J. M. Fort. M. L. Newell. Wnm. R. Moore. Wri. A. Meese. Eugene Lewis. Browning & Entrikin. B. F. Gray. Robt. J. Adcock. Kirkpatrick & Alex- ander. Grier & Dryden. Almond Kidder. D.D. Parry, H. Tubbs. W.C. Norcross. Samuel R. Reed. David McWilliams. Lodge & Huston. A. 1. Ripher. Chas. Hughes. Frank Pitman. W. R. Davidson. J. H. Fowler. . H. Sampson. R Jordan. Sanford. “A. Armstrong. N. Carter. M. Wing. J A Ki. Be O. R. RSD: Ramsay. °O. EF. Woodruff. J.D. Andrews. W..J. McCoy. Win. Lane. L. 'T. Stocking. D. F. Murray.Place. County. Morrisonville, Christian. Mound City, Pulaski. ce se Mt. Carmel, Washington. ae ee “e se ¢é cé sé ae Mount Carroll, Carroll. ss sé ce “ce «e “c ce e Mount: Mortis, Ogle. Mount Olive, Macoupin. Mount Pulaski, Logan. Mount Sterling, Brown. sc “é ce sé ee cc oe ce 6é c “e 6 “e ee “ ee sc oe Mulberry Grove, Bond. Murphysborough, Jackson. ae 6 * ec 46 ee “ec ee « ce 66 ce 6c € “cc oe 6c ce Nashville, Washington “ce “ec 6é ac ‘sé ‘ec ee oe ee “ce se “cc ce Nanvoo, Hancock. Neoga, Cumberland. Neponset, Bureau. Newark, Kendall. New Boston, Mercer. Newman, Douglas. “ec 7) Newton, Jasper. ‘ “sé ‘ “ce “ce ee sé “ be “6 “e “ ee “6 4c Nokomis, Montgomery. Oakland, Coles. Odell, Livingston. Odin, Marion. Oglesby, La Salle. Olney, Richland. “ee “cc ee cé é 66 se “ce 66 6c “ec 6s 46 ‘cc 6é 6 ce 6 “ce “ce 6c “ce ee oe Onarga, Iroquois. Oneida, Knox. Onnates Henderson. “6 “cc 66 6s Oregon, Ogle. Name. E.S “Coffin: Roberts & Bradley. Crendall & Linegar. W. T. Freeze. S. L. Landes. Putnam & Great- house. Bell & Green. M. H. Mundy, M. F. Hoskinson. J.M. Hunter. Jas. Shaw. G. L. Hoffman. B.S. Patch. Henry Mackey. G. C. Mastin. Robert 1. Hitt. Robt. Q. Allen. John Homer. A. G.Jones. John J. McDonald. W. L. Vandeventer. A. K. Lowry. John J. Teetey. Nelson Lovett. Henry Grunder. C. H. Patton. Albert Watson. Chas. H. Burton. Webb & Piercy. G. B. Leonard. J. M. Pollock & Sons. C. A. Ragland. J. A. Combs. Smith & Stevens. M. C. White. R. J. McHlvain. John H. Bain. S. E Albright. Hill & Martin. J. B. Mayham. John H. Batten, jr. H. H. Cody & Son. H.H. Goodrich. John Haight. Jas. M. Rountree. Chas. Rose. C. T. Moore. W. H. Moore. W.H. Way. W.S. Forman. Je AV. Watts: T. Miller. M. M. Morrill. . W. Whitney. . G. Lyford. A.M. Sweetland. ({, W. Brass. R. B. Moffit. J. R. Burres. Gibson & Johnson. Geo. W. Fithian. J. H. Halley. Honey & Hizey. D. Trexler. Harrah & Jack. W. E. Barrett. C. FE. Dandson. Wm. B. Blue. Joe H. Winkler. M. EK. Wright. Wm. Farthing. F. M. Green. F. D. Preston. Wm. Mattoon. John H. Packark. Wilson & Hutchinson John P. Heat. J. M. Wilson. Aaron Shaw- R. S. Canby. John M. Hord. Rk. B. Witcher. McCauley & Montray. A. V. Miller. Allen & Fritchey. D. A. Preston. A. S. Palmer. O. P. Cooley. J. Simpson. R. Cooper. Win. ©. Rice. H. A. Smith. J CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT Place. County. Orien, Henry. “ ce Oswego, Kendall. “ce “ce Ottawa, La Salle. “é “ec sc “c “ce 6é te “ Palmyra, Macoupin. Pana, Christian. ‘ce 6c 4c 6c e 4c Paris, Edgar ‘ «e ee “ éé “ec ee “6 &¢ sé ee ‘ec éé sé ac ‘cc sé “ 6c “é ce “ ‘sé “ce 6c “é 66 cc «é Paxton, Ford ae ‘ sé 6é sé 6é “cc 66 Pekin, Tazewell. “ce 66 ““ 6e “é 66 6é cé “<< 66 “ec ce sé ce ae 6é 66 “cc 66 “ce se se ce 6 is 4c cé ts tc “ec 66 “cc 66 ce ee Peru, La Salle. Petersburgh, Menard. 6s “ce “ oe ee “ec sc 66 ce “cc 6c ce Pinckneyville Perry “cc “ce sé ce “cc 66 “ce “ “ ¢é «c ce “c Piper City, Ford. Pittsfield, Pike. 6c ‘“ “ “ec 6e “ce 6e 6c “6 Ls ce & “c &“ se 66 sé 6e “é ee Plano, Kendall. Polo, Ogle. Pecatonica, Winnebago. Name. Wm. Smith. C. H. McGovern. A. B. Smith. P. G. Hawley. W. H. Stead. Th Wi. Crane: Cullen & Hitt. N. W. Cummings. a W. Kitchel. J.C. Essick. J.C. MeQuigg. EK. A. Humphrey. Jas. H. Tarnell. R. L. McKinley. Sellars, Dale & Bacon. ¥’. P. Hardy. J.C. Ficklin. H. 8S. Tanner. R.S. Cusick. C. V. Jaquith. A. J. Hunter. Jas. A. Eads. Joseph E. Dyas. Kd Snyder. TC. Wi Sale: J. W. Howell. E. B. Munsell. W.L. Faulk. A. Y. Trogdon. Milton H. “Cloud. Cook & Moffett. C. H. Frew. EK. C Gray. Alfred Sample. GuG: plephens. Wn. D. Maus. Wu. R. Curran. Theo, N. Green. B.S. Prettyman. Wm. L. Prettyman. W. H. McLaughlin. Abial B. Sawyer. W. B. Cooney. Geo. C. Rider. Cratty Bros. & Fuller. Moses N. Gish. Stevens, Lee & Horton. Nicholas Ulrich, M. O’Shaughnessey. Muckle & W hiting. Puterbangh & Puter- baugh. Starr & Starr. Dan F. Raum. John M. Tennevy. McCulloch & McCul- loch. J. A. Brady. H. M. Gailagher. Edward Laning. N. W. Branson. T. W. McNeely. S. H. Blane. L. A. Whipp. Chas. Nusbaum. S. S. Knoles. J. M. Smoot. R. M. Davis. Lewis Hammack. W. K. Murphy. KB. H. Lemon. Ww. M. Breese. John Boyd. J. K. P. Ragland. BE. B. Rushing. Hugh P. Beach. J.S. Irwin. A. ©. Matthews. Griggsby & Griggsby. Wike & Higbee. W.E. Williams. Edward Dossey. Orr & Crawford. W. A. Grimshaw. Thos. Worthington,jr. W.R. Archer. J. W. Johnson. W. H. Crow. T. J. Beebe. J. D. Campbell. | | FOR ILLINOIS—Continued. Place. County. Polo, Ogle, 6e “es Pontiac, Livingston. 6c ‘e ce “c ‘6 ““ 66 (73 66 “c 6c 6c“ “c 6c 66 66 66 6c sc se 6c ‘6 ‘cs 3 Princeton, Bureau. ‘ 66 6 “ce ss “ec 6é “6 ce ‘6 “eé 4&6 “ce Pullman Cook. Quincy, Adams. “ 6 6 “c “ce 66 oe it «6 sé “ec se Raleigh, Saline. Rantoul, Champaign. ted Bud, Randolph. Ridgway, Gallatin. Robinson, Crawford. Rochelle, Ogle. Rock Falls, Whiteside. Rockford, Winnebago. “ sé “cc ss “6 se sé 6é “6 sé “cc 6é &“ sé 66 “cc 66 &< “ 66 “sc 66 6c it 4 66 «6 &é “6 se “cc 6c ‘ec “cc “ 6é oe 66 “ce ‘cc 66 “ “6 “ec “ce 66 oe “é oe 66 “é “ “cc “cc «cc “ “sc “ “6 “cc 6 “ec ce ‘ 9 sc“ 6 <6 66 “6 és 66 se 66 ce sé 6c és 46 és ‘cé sc be ss “é sé ce 66 Port Byron, Rock Island. Prophetstown, Whiteside. Raymond, Montgomery. Name. M D. Smith. W. Allaben. Ae Ji L. Jee tee N. Q. Tanquary. A.C. Norton. Strawn & Patton. Wm. T. Ament. R. R. Wallace. N. J. Pillsbury. O. F. Avery. Mellduft & Torrance. H. H. McDowell. A. E. Harding. E. H. Johnston. Kekels & Kyle. Kendall & Lovejoy. Skinner Bros. Henderson & Trimble Robt. Farewell. John Scott. W. A. Johnson. P. K. Marfleet. W. W. Stewart. Carter & Grant, A. Wheat, jr. Emmons & Wells. Geo. Anderson. Marsh & McFadden. McMurry & McMurry. &. H. Buckley. Berry & Epler. John M. Burnett. Thos. J. Roth. L. A. Smmpres. C. E. Cook.. W. B. Sparp. Geo. L. Reiss. W.S. Phillips. Parker & Crowley. . O. Rogers. D. W. Baxter. Geo. O’Brien. M. D. Hathaway. W. H. Caldwell. C. W. Allen. L. L. Morrison. C. A. Works. Marshall & Taggart. R. C. Bailey. E. H. Baker. EB. W. Blaisdell. Geo. M. Blake. C. M. Brazee. R. F. Crawford. M.S. Douglass. . Lathrop. A. D. Early. G.: O. Williams. S. W. Treat. A. H. Frost. C. W. Ferguson. J. P. Jones. W. Lathrop. J. G. Manlove. C. F. Miller: J. C. Garver. BL, IP etollbrngd E. H. Marsh. Robt. Reed. W. D. Staplin. C. W. Sheldon. A. EK. Holt. H. H. Hamilton. E. B. Sumner. H. W. Taylor. Li. F. Warner. = W.R. Weld. H, C. Connelly. W. M. Sergeon. Tra O. Wilkinson. Wn. H. Gest. E. W. Hurst. J. L. Hass. Guyer & Sweeney. Oliver Olson. Sweeney & Walker. Wm. Jackson. Henry Curtis. Patrick O’Mara. J. T. Kenworthy. J. M. Beardsley...GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR iILLIN©isS—Continued. Place. County. Name. Rock Island, Rock Island. Rockton, Winnebago. Roodhouse, Greene. Roseville, Warren. Rossville, Vermillion. Rushville, Schuyler. ce é 6é se éé sé St. Charles, Kane. ee ee ce 6eé cb ce Saint Francis, Lawrence. Saint Joseph, Champaign. Saint Mane, Jasper. Salem, Marion. «sé ee ee ce ée ee &é «ce ee Sandwich, De Kalb. ce 6é 6é cé Sannemin, Livingston. Savanna, Carroll. ee as Saybrook, McLean. _ Shawneetown, Gallation. 6s 66 se 64 rT; 46 73 és ee be bc cc 66 ee ce cs be 6c Shelbyville, Shelby. Sheldon, Iroquois. Sparta, Randolph. Springfield, Sangamon. ce ce 66 é¢ 66 be ee rT oe sé ce ce ée ce “ce 66 Spring Valley, Kane. Sterling, Whiteside. «6 ce 6 ec &¢ sc 66 ce (6 ce E. E. Parmenter. Packs & Pleasants. Caleb Bently. Patterson & Starkey. Leroy 8. Scott. G. W. Salmons. ' John C. Bagby. E. J. Pemberton. Montgomery & Glass. Lewis A. Jarman. Phillip E. Mann. Geo. F. Ross. W. D. Barry. S. J. Gee. C. H. Kiengle. Chas. Barnes. C. E. Jennings. H. C. Goodnow. J. B. Kagey. T. E. Merritt. J. E. Bryan. M. Shafter. J. I. Montgomery. C.8. Faxon. S. B. Stinson. J. G. Drask. Chas. Kellogg. D.S. Berry. Geo. M. Nelson. W.G. Bowman. W.T. Crinshaw. R. W. Townsend. EK. D. Youngblood. D. M. Kinsall. Geo. W. Pillow. Milton Bartley. Sam Bartley. Jessie E. Bartley. E. R. Sisson. Carl Roedell. J. Wm. Loyd. A.S. Dunyre. R. J. Goodard. Thos. F. Alexander. John Misham. Patton & Hamilton. McGuire & Colley. Palmers, Robinson & Shute. Orendorff & Patton. Bradley & Bradley. Green, Burnett & Humphrey. Sanders & Haynes. Matheny & Matheny. Connelly & Mather. McClernand & Keyes. . H. Turner. A. R. Greenwood. J. & J. Dinsmore. J. E. McPherran. C. J. Johnson. Bennett & Green. V. 8. Ferguson. C. L. Sheldon. Manahan & Ward. Place. County. Sterling, Whiteside. ee 6é Streator, La Salle. Sullivan, Moultrie. Sumner, Lawrence. Sycamore, DeKalb. 6c“ 6 66 66 Gb “e Tamaroa, Perry. | Tampico, Whiteside. Taylorville, Christian. 66 “ec “é 66 ‘ “ ce 66 6é “ec ‘c “6 “ce cb 6c ac Tolono, Champaign. Tonica, La Salle. Toulon, Stark. &é cé ““ 66 &éc ce 6¢ ce “6 6 66 ée ee 4 ee 6e¢ 66 66 “6 66 6 ce “cc 6s 66 66 6é ac 66 66 “ 66 ce cé “é ¢é “cc te Vermont, Fulton. Versailles, Brown. Vienna, Johnson. ee be ee ce 6é ee ee 6 ¢ te Villa Ridge, Pulaski. Virden, Macoupin. Name, A. A. Wolferspeger. J. W. Alexander. O. B. Ryon. | Mouser & Epitler. J. W. Stanley. John L. Pratt. Carnes & Denton. Jones & Bishop. J.J. Flannery. Geo. Brown. Henry Clay. J. W. White. A. McCaskill. J. M. Taylor. H. M. Vandiveer. W.-M. Provine. John G. Drennan. Jas. C. McBride. J. C. Creighton. Vincent E. Foy. Henry Lenders. W.T. Vandiveer, Levi W. Drewer. H. L. Seranton. Thos. Warner. Sam’] C. Maller. Green & Wood. W.S. Everhart. W. A. Perkins. Henry Gunn. Jas. H. Miller. Miles A. Fuller. Martin Shallenberger. Bradford EF. ‘Vhomp- son. Allen P. Miller. Wm. W. Wright. 8. D. Stevenson. L. G. McPherson. T. D. Minturn. C. W. Woolverton. C. G. Eckhard. J. O. Cunningham. M. W. Mathews. John J. Rea. F. M. Wright. B. A. Dunlap. M. B. Thompson. J. W. Simm. W. B. Webber. S. F. White. James Dunlap. R. W. Henry. Webb & Cox. Aschraff & Stillman. Samuel Prater. Farmer & Brown. Kinsey Thomas. B. L. Rowland. Vickers & Gillespie. G. W. Ballance. P.T. Chapman. Spanner & Hight. R. M. Fisher. H. M. Ridenhower. J. F. Parker, B. Cowen. Mahlon Ross. Place. County. Name. Virginia, Cass. Henry Phillips. 66 6c “é 6e “ oe “cc 6é 66 6é Walnut, Bureau. Warren, Jo Daviess. Warsaw, Hancock. 6e “e 66 6e Washburn, Woodford. Washington, Tazewell. Waterloo, Monroe. ce 6e ce 6eé ce ce “6 66 cc oe 66 $6 ce 6¢ € 66 Waukegon, Lake. &eé 6s 6 ee ce 6 sé ce és “ce Waverly, Morgan. Wenona, Marshall. West Liberty, Jasper. Wheaton, Du Page. oe “ce ee v6 White Hall, Greene, Willow Hill, Jasper. Wiimington, Will. Winchester, Scott. 6 ee 66 sé ce 66 ce 66 Woodstock, McHenry. Wool, Pope. Wyanet, Bureau. Wyoming, Stark. Xenia, Clay. Yorkville, Kendall. ‘6 ec Rk. W. Mills. Ketcham & Gridley. Leeper & Thacker. G. L. Marlow. Martin Bros. K. R. Carr. John W. Marsh. W.N. Grover. Geo. J. Rogers. G. P. Gill. John W. Dougherty. David T. Tripple. Spencer Tompkins. Chas. Morrison. Joseph W. Rickert. Henry Talbott. Wm. H. Horine, jr. W.S. Kay. YT. B. Harris. Robt. Doyle. F. P. Morris. M. Evans. Alex L. Whitehall. Frank Pierson. Chas. Whitney. D. L. Jones. F. E. Clark. C. T. Backus. N. A. Lough. C. T. Heydecker. H. M. Maller. J. H. Jackson. Geo. W. Ewalt. Thos. Cahill. E. H. & N. E. Gary. Wm. G. Smith. L. E. DeWolfe. J. F. Snyder. Thos. A. Henshaw. Edmond Flynn. J. W. Johnson. John W. Merrill. Jas. M. Riggs. Jas. B. Warren. Jas. Callans. Peter P. Clarkson. T. H. Devine. Chas. H. Donnelly. B. N. Smith. Geo. A. Crow. T. G. Brainard. John KE. Decker. Frank Thomas. Geo. P. Ramsey. B. F. Harrington. John Fitzgerald. J. Everetts. H. 8. Hudson. REQUEST. — When sending business to, or in open ing correspondence with Atttorneys whose addresses are here given, kindly mention that same was taken from the ‘‘General Law and Collection Department ” of “Tue EvERY OFFICE Favorite,” By so doing, it provides a business introduc- tion for you, and at the same time confers a favor to the Publishers of this Directory. NOTARIES PUBLIC ») PROTEST AND Place. County. Name. Albion, Edwards. se 6é Aledo, Mercer. ee “e ce ee Allendale, Wabash. Alton, Madison, Amboy, Lee. Anna, Union. Arcola, Douglas. Arenzville, Cass. Ashland, Cass. Wm. B. Tribe. J. M. Campbell. Lee Woods. S. D. C. Hayes. B. B. Taliaferro. J. M. Brock. pen De Witt. - W. Coppinger, JH Tene: P.M. James. Wm. C. Rich, jr. Hugh Andrews, Geo. Diamond. C. H. Conditt. W.S. Reavick. Place. County. CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR ILLINOIS. Name. Ashland, Cass. Ashmore, Coles, Ashton, Lee. Athens, Menard, Atlanta, Logan. Atwater, Macoupin. Aurora, Kane, té 6c ee ce Baders, Schuyler. Bay City, Pope. Beardstown, Cass. a3 66 66 « Samuel A. Shortt. A. T. Robertson. P. O. Sproul. Thos. S. Knoles, . L. Bevin. E. H. Wilson. Geo. E. Burton. Jas. Kugler. Henry L. Krahl. Peter Klein. Wm. Bader. Wilson F. Rose. Thos. K. Conditt. Milton McClure. R. R. Hewitt. Place. County. Name. Beecher City, Effingham. H. L. Beecher. Belknap, Johnson. Belle Prairie, Hamilton. Belle Rive, Jefferson. Belleview, Calhoun. Belleville, St. Clair. Bellmont, Wabash. Belvidere, Boone. Bement, Piatt. Benton, Franklin. Biggsville, Henderson. Birmingham, Schuyler. R. A. Martin. Chas. S. Todd. Edward Price. John F. Rugle. J. W. Thomas. Wm. Snyder. J. H. Crow. W. W. Wood. C. T. Spackman. Wm. G. Cloyd. Henry Hudson. T. S. Browning. J. E. Barnes. John W. Howell.NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST Place. County. Name. Blandinsville, McDonough. C. R. Hume. Bloomington, McLean, &e 46 6c ee Bradford, Stark. Brighton, Macoupin. Bristol, Kendall. Browns, Edwards. Browning, Schuyler. Brussels, Calhoun. Broughton, Hamilton. Buda, Bureau. Bunker Hill, Macoupin. ce cs Bushnell, McDonough. Cairo, Alexander. Calhoun, Richland. Cambridge, Henry. Campbell Hill, Jackson. Canton, F ulton. Capron, Boone. Carbondale, Jackson. Carlinville, Macoupin. Carlyle, Clinton. ee 4e Carmi, White. ae e Carrollton, Greene. ee ce Carterville, Williamson. Carthage, Hancock. Casey, Clark. Centralia, Marion. Champaign, Champaign. be. se ee sé “ce “ Chandlerville, Cass. Charleston, Coles. os a4 Chauncy, Lawrence. Cherry Valley, : Chester, Randolph. Ches terfield, Macoupin. Chicago, Cook. “cs ce 66 “6 ce cc ce . Chrisman, Edgar. Olay City, Clay. Clinton, De Witt. Collinsville, Madison. Cooperstown, Brown. Corinth, Williamson. ‘Cowling, Wabash. Creal Springs, Williamson. Cross Roads, Johnson. Cutler, Perry. | Danville, Vermillion. “ee ee ee “oe “é ee “ “ec Decatur, Macon. ? 7 wf “cc “ec De Kalb, De Kalb. De Soto, Jackson. Dixon, Lee. ‘ ce “c ce se Dorchester, Macoupin. Downer’s Grove, Du Page. Duquoin, Perry. ae ee Earlville, La Salle. Hast St. Louis, St. Clair. Eddyville, Pope. Kdgewood, Effingham. Edwardsville, Madison. Winnebago. E. M. Hamilton. R. B. Porter. J. E. Pollock. F. Y. Hamilton. H. J. Baldwin. D. 1). Goodell. I. K. Young. Jee Kingsbury. Sherman B. Dray. George P. Graff. S. B. “Allen. B. F. Waite. E. C. Winchester. H. R. Budd. John A. Delano. T. J. Sparks. H. H. Candee. Thomas Lewis. W. F. Berry. Ira D. Marston. G. A. Gordon. F. W. Hulit. H. B. Stevenson. W. A. Sewartz. J. L. Plain. P. W. Brown. G. Van Hoorebeke. P. A. Pearce. C. E. McDowell. H. H. Montgomery. Ornan Pierson. Rk. H. H. Hampton. J» M. Browning. J. C. Kelly. ‘Balin Sane Geo. F. Beardsley. W. H. Carnahan. Wm. A. Day. R. BR. Mattis. W. K. Mertz. Geo. C. Mathes. W. M. Briggs. He Pe Smith. J. M. Vandercook. Robt. H. Mann. John F. Baumann. Geo. W. Smith. John C. Peeples. Henry Biehl, County Clerks Office. Alex.White, {00m 21, County Building. Gussie Tighe, 427 Austin Avenue. W. C. Neihoff, Board of ExchangeRooms. Thos. Dwyer, County Clerks Office, D. B. Dechert. E. McGilton. F. M. Burrough. Jas. M. Lawrence. Sylvester De Witt. J. L. Roberts. J. H. Compton. Allen Clark. B. F. Williams. Wm. T. White. W.J. Wolford. L. D. Gass. S. W. Denny. A. R. Samuel. B. E. Bandy. F. R. Shull. Seymour Campbell. J. H. Durfee. W.L. Pond. THe Cully: A.C. Bardwell. J. F. Sanford. Eugene Pinckney. J. B. Charters. Wm. T. Keas. Gardner Paige. H. P. Scott. S. G. Parks. Chas. Hoss. H. D. Sexton. John W. Renshaw. Columbus Wilson. J. O. P. Vandervort. Wim. H. Hall. AND CONVEYANCE DEPARTMENT FOR ILLINOIS—Continued. Place. County. Name. Effingham, Effingham. Eleo, Alexander. oe sé El Dorado, Saline. Elizabeth, Jo Daviess. Ehzabethtown, Hardin. Elkhart, Logan. Elkville, Jackson. Elmhurst, Du Page. El] Paso, Woodford. Enfield, White. Eureka, Woodford. Kwing, Franklin. F airbury , Livingston. Fairfield, Wayne. Fairview, Fulton. Farmer City, De Witt. «c “ec Flora, Clay. Forrest, Livingston. Forreston, Ogle. Fredericksville, Schuyler. Freeport, Stephenson. Friendsville, Wabash. Fulton, Whiteside. Galena, Jo Daviess. Galesburgh, Knox. Galatin, Saline. Galva, Henry. Gardner, Grundy. Geneseo, Henry. Gibson City, Ford. Gifford, Champaign. Gillespie, Macoupin. Gilman, Iroquois. Girard, ‘Macoupin. ce ce Golconda, Pope. Goreville, Johnson. Grafton, Jersey. cs 6é Grand Tower, Jackson. Granville, Putnam. Grayville, White. Greenup, Cumberland. Greenview, Menard. Greenville, Bond. ee te sc ee Hamletsburgh, Pope. Hardin, Calhoun. Harrisburgh, Saline. Harvard, McHenry. Havana, Mason. Hennepin, Putnam. Henry, Marshall. Highland, Madison. Highland Park, Lake. Hillsborough, Montgomery. Hinsdale, Du Page. Homer, Champaign. ce oe. ce oe Huey, Clinton. Humboldt, Coles. Huntsville, Schuyle r 46 6 Irving, Montgomery. J acksonville, Morgan. Jerseyville, Jersey. Joliet, Will. Jonesborough, Union. ae “ce Kane, Greene. Kankakee, Kankakee. ce sé Kansas, Edgar. Keitnsburgh, Mercer. Kewanee, Henry. Kinmundy, Marion. Kirkwood, Warren. Knoxville, Knox. N. D. Clutter. Samuel Briley. J. Rk. F. Standard. Geo. B. Parsons. Wm. M. Parry. R. F. Taylor. J.Q. A. Ludbetter, Wm. H. Davis. E W. Knouff. Henry L. Glas. Walter Bennett. M. H. Cassell. John M. Wilson. B. D. Meek. J. B. Turner. D. L. Murdock. John Keen, jr. C. E. Sibley. R. Coburn. W.S. Young. Geo. W. Herrick. M. H. Presley. Joseph B. Albert. C. M. Haller. H. M. Dean. O. E. Heard. Wm. H. Penn. Jas. McCoy. Walter Ford. M. D. Cooke. F. &. Cooke. J. F. Ferguson. T. E Milchrist. I. B. M. Ginnis. E. C. Graves. MED: Worrell. J. M. Morse. Robert Brown. John C. Pentzer. ]). L. Parker. Geo. L. Tipton. Henry C. Hamilton. James S. W. Connell. Fred Newrath. T. H. Taylor. Geo. N. Slaten. C. PB. Stattord: M. T. Swortzcope. Levi L. Shepard. F. M. Charles. E. L. Doyal. A. P. Blane. R. K. Dewey. Ward Reid. D. B. Evans. Jas. A. Simpson. John F. Nolte. TN: ee Je By ivons E. B. Wrickt. H. R. Nortrup. Wm. H. Casson. F. 8. Potter. E. J. Riley. John Blattner. D. M. Erskine, jr. J. D. Maddox. A. in Pearsallé @. M. C. Bilder: H. D. Gillman. K. [. Fisher. Samuel Johnson. Geo. W. Woods. Will O. Watts. H. T’.. Robinson. D. T. Miller. Harvey M. Kelley. John G.’Loomis. J. A. Bellati. Thos. F. Ferns. A.C. Ciement. Thos. H. Hutchins. N. B. Maxey. Joseph H. Samson. F. E. Fetter. E. B. Warriner. D.H. Paddock. Ky. G. Rose. C. O'Leary. J. K. Blish. J. . Donovan. Cyrus Bute. Z. Cooley. Place. County. Name, Lacon, Marshall. ee ae se 6c La t'ayette, Stark. La Salle, La Salle. Lawrenceville, Lawrence. Lewistown, Fulton. 6e ce Libertyville, Lake. Lincoln, Logan. se “cc sc ‘< Little Rock, Kendall. Litchfield, Montgomery. Louisville, Clay. Lovington, Moultrie. Low Point, Woodford. McHenry, McHenry. McLeansborough,Hamilton. Macomb, McDonough. 66 “ec Macon, Macon. Magnolia, Putnam. Makanda, Jackson. Malta, DeKalb. Marengo, McHenry. Marine, Madison. Marion, Williamson. Maroa, Macon. Marshall, Clark. Martinsville, Clark. Mason City, Mason. Mattoon, Coles. Mendota, La Salle. Metamora, Woodford. Metropolis City, Massac. Millburn, Lake. Milford, Iroquois. Milton, Pike. Minonk, Woodford. Minooka, Grundy. Moline, Rock Island. ce “es Momence, Kankakee. Monmouth, Warren. sc 4eé ee é Monticello, Piatt. Morris, Grundy. “ce «ce Morrison, Whiteside, Morrisonville, Christian. Mound City, Pulaski Mount Carmel, Washi’ eton. Mount Carroll, Carroll. Mount Olive, Macoupin. Mount Pulaski, Logan. Mount Sterling, Brown. Mount Vernon, Moweaqua, Shelby. Murphysborough, « Naperville, Du Page. Nashville, Washington. Nebo, Pike. Neoga, Cumberland. Newark, Kendall. New Burnside, Newman, Douglas. Newton, Jasper. “a ee Nokomis, Montgomery. Nunda, McHenry. Oakland, Coles. Odin, Marion. Ogden, Champaign. Olena, Henderson. Olmstead, Pulaski. Olney, Richland. ce ese Onarga, [roquois. Jefferson. ae Jackson. Johnson. Willis Ford. KE. D. Richmond. J. 8. Thompson. Jas. F. Thompson. P. N, Haskins. J. W. Douglas. John A. Gray. FP. P. Paull. Frank -Fisk. S. L. Wallace. Henry Abbey. L. F. Wood. R. J. Burns. L. H. Pollard. W. G. Cochran. Thos. Drennen. Richard Bishop. J. M. Leslie. W. H. Twaddle. James M. Blazer. k. H. Woodcock. Daniel McNabb. Theo W. Thompson. C. W. Haish. A. B. Coon. Phillip Valk. J. R. Little. John 8. Sargent. John Crocker. R. E. Harrell. BE. D. Jones. H. C. Harrell. Geo. W. Hllsberry. Jas. Beatty. J]. B. Craig. Geo H. Madden. W. LL. Ellwood. Robt. A. Davisson. J. K. Pollock. Jas. A. Laird. John C. Mitchell. J. A. Riley. J. M. Fort. Wm. Bedford. Wu. A. Meese. W.R. Moore. Eugene Lewis. B: iE. Gray. C. C. Seerist. L. W..Case. DoD. Parry. David Me Williams. H. B. Gould. E. Sanford. R. M. Wing. O.F. Woodruff. Wim. Lane. D. F. Murry. W. T. Freeze. Robt. T. Wilkinson. Lewis Christman. John Homer. A. G. Jones. A. K. Lowry. John J. Teefey. Bartley Scarlett. Geo. W. Hill. H. H. Goodrich. T. Miller. T. J. Bernor. David Hollis. W. W. Whitney. N. P. Barnard, jr. D. E. Sheerer. Harvey Bane. Jas. P. Jack. Daniel Prichard. Win. P. Blue. John Brink. Joe. H. Winkler. D. Somersicle. T. J. Carpenter. John W. Brock. Sarah A. Smith. John Wolf. KB. H. Allison. G. D. Slanker. Emma i. Palmer.NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEY Place. County. Oneida, Knox. Oquawka, Henderson. Oregon, Ogle. Orion, Henry. Ottawa, La Salle. Palmyra, Macoupin. Pana, Christian. Paris, Edgar. ee ei Parkville, Champaign. Paw Paw, Lee. Paxton, Ford. Pecatonica, Winnebago. Pekin, Tazew ell. ee ce Peoria, Peoria. a “eé Perry, Pike. Petersburg gh, Menard. ¢¢ cé Philo, Champaign. ‘ec we Pinckneyville, Perry. Piper City, Ford. Pittsfield, Pike. te 6é Plano, Kendall. olo, Ogle. 66 ee Pomona, Jackson. Pontiac, Livingston. “é 6c Poplar Grove, Boone. Princeton, Bureau. 6 ce te ee Pyatt, Perry. Quincy, Adams. ce ee Raleigh, Saline. Rantoul, Champaign. ‘ce ee Ray, Schuyler. Raymond, Montgomery. Raritan, Henderson. Red Bud, Randolph. Richmond, WicHenty. Roberts, Ford. Robinson, Crawford. Rochelle, Ogle. Rockford, Winnebago, Rock Island, Rock Island. sé ce Name. QO. P. Cooley. G. F. W. Frachlich. H. A. Smith. C. H. McGovern. Horace Hull. BE. C. Swift. Chas. I’. Hanshaw. R. M. Henderson. J.C. Palmer. Ed HE. Gregg. Isaac M. Darr. Chas. F, Preston. F. L. Cook. ©. C. Stevens. Wm. D. Moss. Geo. C. Rider. Moses N. Gish. Dan F. Raum. Nicholas Ulrich. John EK. Morton. Chas. Nusbaum. S. 8S. Knoles. L. B. Whipp. L. C. Lovell. J.G. Lawrence. Frank. M. Roe. Friend Smith. J. A. Monteluis. Jason Rider. Harry Higbee. C. W..Patterson. J. H, Jenks. J. W. Allaben. M. D. Swift. Arthur M. Lee. A. W. Cowan. C. A. Pillsbury. Chas. E. Fenton. H. B. Peterson. N.C. Roberts. Jacob Miller. Jas. M. Pyatt. Henry Root. Geo. Anderson. Wi. H. Govert. H. KH. Epler. John M. Burnett. Thos. J. Roth, L. A. Smyers. W.H. Baxter. D. P. Potts. Blenry D. Voorhees. ohn Stochr. i Y, Aldrich. C. Anderson. G. N. Parker. J. O. McC onoughy. H. M. Baker Thos. Ferguson. S. Johnston. Henry Curtis. KK. KE. Parmenter. Place. County. Name. Rockton, Winnebago. Roodhouse, Greene. ee ce Rose Bud, Pope. Roseville, Warren. Rushville, Schuyler. St. Joseph, Champaign. Salem, Mavion. Sandusky, Alexander. Sandwich, De Kalb. Savanna, Carroll. Scottsville, Macoupin. Secor. Woodford. Shabbona, De Kalb. Shannon, Carroll. Shawneetown, Gallatin. Shelbyville, Shelby. Sheldon, Iroquois. Shipman, Macoupin. ce ee Smithfield, Fulton. Spar: and, M arsh all. Sparta, Randolph. Springfield, Sangamon. ce ce cé ce Staunton, Macoupin. ce ee Sterling, Whiteside. cc 6é Stone Fort, Saline. Streator, La Salle. Sullivan, Mouitrie. sé +e 6é ce Sumner, Lawrence. Sycamore, DeKalb. ¢c sé se “ec Tamaroa, Perry. Taylorville, Christian. 66 ee Thebes, Alexander. Thomasboro, Champaign. Toledo, Cumberland. oe ee Tolono, Champaign. ee ee Toulon, Stark. ee ee Tower Hill, Shelby. Trenton, Clinton. Tunnel Hill, Johnson. Tuscola, Douglas. Ullin, Pulaski. J. P. Smalling. J. A. Jobnson. Caleb Bently. D. F. King. J. W. Starkey. Isaac F. Baker. John A. Gordon. S. B. Montgomery. John C. Bagby C. H. Kiengle. J. M. Simonson. J. 1. Montgomery. C. S. Faxon. D.S. Berry. S. Gobble. D. C. Enyart. M. V. Allen. R. M. Cook. D. F. Norton. E. D. Youngblood. T. EB. Ames. A.B. Caldwell. H.C. Schultz. Elias Waldron. Robt. Matyard. Aes bane J. 8S. Brassfield. Jas. A. Mcllvwain. N. H. Turner. J. E. Dowling. W. B. Killner. T. S. Mather. J. R. Ripley. Amos Oller. C. C. Johnson. (©. L. Sheldon. B. D. Grace. O. B. Ryon. A.C. Mouser. F. M. Harbraugh. W.A. Steele. David ‘J’. Clark. C. A. Bishop. G. H. Denton. J.B. Whalen. Henry Clay. A. Kt. Peck. F. P. Drennan. Thomas A. Brown. Chas. H. Lilly. W.S. Everhart. D. B. Green. Wn. T. Bower. W. F. Hill. Miles A. Fuller. Bradford T. ‘Thomp- son. Geo. Corley. Jas. Hanke. S. Whitehead. ANCE DEPARTMENT FOR |LLINO!S—Continued. Place. County. Name. Urbana, Champaign. 6é cé 6c 66 ce ce Vandalia, Fayette. Varna, Marshall. “e “ce Versailles, Brown. Vienna, Johnson. Villa Ridge, Pulaski. Virden, Macoupin. Virginia, Cass. 6“ 6s ce “ce ce 66 Walshville, Montgomery. Wapello, De Witt. Warren, Jo Daviess. Warsaw, Hancock. Wataga, Knox. Watson, Effingham. Waterloo, Monroe. 6é “eé 6eé 66 Watseka, Iroquois. Waukegan, Lake. Wauconda, Lake. Waverly, Morgan. Wellington, Lroquois. Wenona, Marshall. Westfield, Clark. West Salem, Edwards. Wetaug, Pulaski. Wheaton, Du Page. White Hall, Greene. Willow Hill, Jasper. Winchester, Scott. Windsor, Shelby. Woodburn, Macoupin. Woodhull, Henry. Woodstock, McHenry. Wyanet, Bureau. Wyoming, Stark, Xenia, Clay. York, Clark. Yorkville, Kendall. M. W. Clark: B. A. Dunlap. J. W.Sim. ¥. M. Wright. Carl Deickman. Benj. Warren. S. W. McCullough. Thos. J. Russell. R. T. Chapman. Geo. B. Gillespie. J. F. Parker. Geo. J. Patterson. Henry C, Simons. Thos. V. Finney. Henry Phillips. R. W. Mills. J. N. Gridley. Wm. Towell. W. KR. Carle. Jas. Bane: Gas K. ‘Gill land. A. S. SJater. T. B. Humes. Chas. Morrison. Spencer Tompkins. Joseph W. Rickert. W. T. Pierson. Dewitt L. Jones. H. B. Burrett. Win. W. Brown. R. M. Hamilton. J. H. Jackson. .§.J. Richards. Henry A. Tietze. J. @. Lentz. Wm. L. Gary. H. P. Lowenstein. Henry kidson. W. W. Chapin. T. H. Devine. Jas. Moberly. Ree Wieotl J. B. Ridenour. Emil Arnold, B. N. Sinith. vames P. Hall. A. G@. Hammond. Me Coxe Wm. B. Hodge. J. A. Goodard. John Fitzgerald. REQUEST. — In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., ete., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspendence that their address was {aken from the ‘‘ Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department”? of the ‘*EvERY OFFICE Favorirs.’? By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and carefu. atten- tention. eee Hudson. MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR ILLINOIS. Place. County, Name. Albion, Edwards. ee ee Aledo, Mercer. éé “ec ee “ac Alton, Madison. Amboy, Lee. Arcola, Douglas. Ashland, Cass, Ashton, Lee. Athens, Menard. Batavia, Kane. ee ce Beardstown, Cass. se ee 6é “ec Belleville, St. Clair. Albert J. Strawn. Wm. F. Foster. W.T. Brown. A.M. Byers. John McKinney, sr. Whipple & Smiley. Rudershausen & ae ag. Josiah Little. W.E. Ives & Son. Diamond & Co. W.S. Rearick. Mills & Petrie. Chas. C. Scott. McClellan & Gold- thwaite. F. K. George. ew & Thacker. J. H. Cummings. tice K. Conditt. Needles & Noetlin g, Joseph Penn. Place. County. Belleville, St. Clair. Belvidere, Boone. Benton, Franklin. Bloomington, McLean. Bradford, Stark. Bushnell, McDonough. Byron, Ogle. Cairo, Alexander. Cambridge, Henry. Canton, I ulton. Car bondale, J Jackson. Carlinville, Macoupin, «ce ce Carlyle, Clinton. Carmi, White Carrollton, Greene, Carthage, Hancock, “ec se se 66 Name. Jeff Rainey. W.C. Rowan. Henry Hudson. Compton, Barnard & Co. Wm. Leet. T. J. Sparks. I. A. Wheelock. Alex. H. Irvin. Amos Gould. Murphy & Miller. C. W. Williams. J. L. Plain & Co. Keplinger & Steward. Westermier, jr. Ramsay & Corcoran. A. Blakely. es & Montgom- Shave & Berry Bros. Hooker & Kdmonds. O’Harra & Scofield, Place. County. Name. Casey, Clark. Centralia, Marion. 6c se 6é sé ce 6 “c “cc “ce ee Chandlerville, Cass. Charleston, Coles. ee “ce ce ee Chester, Randolph. Chicago, Cook. ‘ { Champaign, Champaign. J.C. Kelly. . F, Huff. . B. Marshall. Burnham, ‘Trevett & Mattis. J.B. & W. B. Me- Kenley. Willis & Sherfy. Frank Wilcox & Co. Geo. W. Harwood. W.K. Mertz. G. J. Hibbard. W. M. Briggs. Hodgen & ‘Look. B. J. M urphy. N. W. Harris & Co., 113 Monroe St. Ill. Trust & Sves Bk., 145 Randolph St. Carne & Drury, 84 La Salle St. JPlace. County. MORTCACE LOAN ACENTS Name. Chicago, Cook. “ce 6c “cc 66 ée 66 66 6é se te 6 6c Clinton, De Witt. Colchester, Corinth, Williamson. Danville, Verniullion. ‘ ce ace “ec “cc “ce ce Decatur, Macon. ee ee ee te “ce 4 Delavan, Tazewell. Dixon, Lee. “ce iad Duquoin, Perry. sé ce ce ce Dwight, Livingston. Edwardsville, Madison. Effingham, Effingham, Elgin, Kane. ce ‘sé Elizabethtown, Hardin. “cc “ec Fairbury, Livingston. Fairfield, Wayne. ee ee 66 6é Farmer City, De Witt. Flora, Clay. Freeport, Stephenson. ee “cc Galena, Jo Daviess. «se ‘ce ee “6 Galesburgh, Knox. “ ce Geneseo, Henry. Gibson City, Ford. Gifford, Champaign. Gizard, Macoupin. Goleonda, Pope. Greenup. Cumberland. Greenville, Bond. ce 6eé Hardin, Calhoun. Harrisburgh, Saline. Havana, Mason. Hennepin, Putnam. Henry, I Marshall. Highland Park, Lake. Hillsborough, Montgomery. ee ce sé ce Homer, Champaign. A) acksonville, Morgan. 46 ee Jerseyville, Jersey. 6sé 6e 6 66 “ce ec a ce 6¢ ce Joliet, Will. se ee ce 6 66 e ce ce 6s ee cs ce ce ce Kankakee, Kankakee. 6é 6 McDonough. Henry-F. Donovan, Postoffice Building. J. & Dolan, 97 Claxk Street. Peterson & Bay, Met- ropolitan Block. Thomas Moran, 84 Randolph St. Emil Hoechster, 85 Clark St. P. KE. Stanley, 69 Dearborn St. Hamilton & Stanley, 96 Washington St. Cue Carle: S. F. Lewis. Stephens Bros. Frank Roberts. S. J. McKee. A. Martin. LT. & C. J. Palmer. O. F. Maxon. F. M. Sherfy. W. A. Barnes. Mills Bros. Albert Barnes. A. C. Waterhouse. Wm. R. Baldwin. A.C. Warmer. Eugene Pinckney. Scott & Parks. Horn & Pope. G. S. Smith & Co. J. W. Watkins. Leverett & Hall. S. }'. Gilmore. John W. Ranstead. Wm. Grote. Thos.. Price. W.N. Worford. Taylor & Weaver. George & Bunch. Hanna & Adams. Robinson & Johns. W.S. Young. M. H. Preeley. G. A. Gillaspy. W.N. Cronkute. Taylor & Pommer. W.R.& L. A.Rowley. Spensley & Chambers. - Sheran & McHugh. Martin W. Gay. Albert Webster. E. C. Maderwell. H. G. McClure & Sons, J. M. Morse. Henry C. Hamilton. F. M. Clanahan. Wm. Wyld. Wm. M. Evans. Northeott & Harris. Selby & Davis. Marsh & Scott. T. N. Metchell. H. A. Smith. Hennepin Bank. F.S. Potter. D. M. Erskine, jr. Eli Miller. Sawyer & Waggoner. Lane & Cooper. bugene N. Raynor. Solomon Plant. Doan, King & Upham. ©. A. Barnes. J. A. Bellatti. Eads Bros. A. W. Cross. T. S. Chapman. M. Eb. Bagley. Bowman & Ware. Ty. &. Herns: H. N. Marsh & Co. A.B. Cagwin & Co. Geo. L. Tipton. Henry & Seward. John O'Connor. Clement & Oliver. Donahoe & Bishman. Geo. J. Monroe. Noel Broesseau. W.R. Hickox. AND Place. County. INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR Name. Place. County. ILLINOIS—Continued. Name. Kankakee, Kankakee. Keithsburgh, Mercer. Kewanee, Henry. Kinmundy, Marion. Lacon, Marshall. ce “é ee “se Lanark, Carroll. La Salle, La Salle. Lewistown, Fulton. Lincoln, Logan. Loda, Iroquois. Louisville, Clay. Lovington, Moultrie. Macomb, McDonough. Manchester, Scott. Marengo, McHenry. Marion, Williamson. “ec oe Marshall, Clark. Mason City, Mason. Mattoon, Coles. ce se Mendota, La Salle. Metamora, Woodford. Minonk, Woodford. Minooka, Grundy. Moline, Rock Island. Momence, Kankakee. Monmouth, Warren. Monticello, Piatt. Morris, Grundy. sé “ec ce ce Morrison, Whiteside. “6 ée “ oe Mount Carroll, Carroll. Mount Sterling, Brown. ce 6c Naperville, Du Page. Nashville, Washington. Newark, Kendall. Newman, Douglas. Newton, Jasper, Olney, Richland. Oquawka, Hende rson. Oregon, Ogle. Orion, Henry. Ottawa, LaSalle. if “cc Pana, Christian. Paris, Edgar. ee es ee ee Paxton, Ford. ee ee Pekin, Tazewell. “ “ Peoria, Peoria. ‘ oe ‘ 6c 6c 6c ce sé ce Peru, La Salle. Petersburgh, Menard. 66 ee 66 ce Philo, Champaign. Pinckneyville, Perry. 6b “ae Lake Creek, Williamson. Lawrenceville, Lawrence. Mount Vernon, Jefferson. cc “ee E. B. Warriner. F. P. Burgett. Frank S$. Roseter. J. M. Rotan. G. W. Bane. J.S.Thompson & Son. L. C. McMurtrie. W. L. Goddard. Exchange Bank. W. T. Mason. Alfred 1. Judy. J. W. Bantz. Gray & Waggoner. S. L. Wallace. Addison Goodell. Hawkins & Black. Cochran & Pollard. MeLeansborough, Hamilton.Hall & Hogan. Wm. Richards. James M. Blazer. J.C. Andrews. B.S. Parkhurst. J. W. Westrock & Bro. Goodall & Burkhart. Golden & Cole. F. N. Smith & Co. Dunlap & Wilson. Lewis L. Lehman. Clark & Glenn. Madden & Gardtneyr. W. L. Ellwood. Jenkins, Dunn & Co. C. R. Dantorth & Co. Wn. Bedford. Eugene Lewis. B. F. Gray. Huey & Case. Wu. F. Smith. John Brown. Lodge & Huston. Tatman Bros. Geo. W. Bartlett & Co. C. H. Goold. E. Sanford. E. B. Warren. A.J. Jackson. J. F. Hecker. Mount Carmel, Washington.Robt. T. Wilkinson. Lewis Christman & Co G. F. Bucher. H. Ashway. John S. Anderson. A. K. Lowry. Albert Watson. W:. UT: Pace. J. M. Pollock & Sons. Willard Scott & Co. Hisey & Barcher. N. P. Barnard, jr. Burgett & Covert. Shuck, Johnson & Co. Honey. Hizey & Co R N. Stotler & Co. Henry T'. McAllister. Robert Hodson. Wadsworth Etnyre & Co. C. H. McGovern. B. F. Lincoln. Geo. W. Ravens. H. R. Henderson. J. ©. Palmer. Lycon & Hamilton. H. F. Nelson. Day Bros. Chas. Bogardus. I. E. Rupert. Abial ae Sawyer. John C. Proctor. Lydia Bradley. John Cor merci Callunder, Ayers & Co. CG. E. & C. M.Anthony. Geo. D. Ladd. QO. B. Carter. J. M. Robbins. L. A. Whipp. Chas. Nusbaum. C, BE. Parker. Hincke & Bro. Murphy, Wall & Co. Piper City, Ford. Pittsfield, Pike. Plano, Kendall, Polo, Ogle. Pontiae, Livingston. Prairie City, McDonough. IP rinceton, Bureau. ee cc Quincy, Adams. 4¢ ee Rantoul, Champaign. “sé ce Robinson, Crawford. 6e 66 Rochelle, Ogle. Rockford, Winnebago. sé ce Rock Island, Rock Island. Roodhouse, Greene. Roseville, Warren. “ee ee Rushville, Schuyler. 66 ee Salem, Marion. Sandwich, DeKalb. Shannon, Carroll. Shawneetown, Gallatin. Shelbyville, Shelby. as ce Sparta, Randolph. Springfield, Sangamon. ce “ce Sterling, Whiteside. Stillman Valley, Ogle. Streator, La Salle. Sullivan, Moultrie. Sumner, Lawrence. Sycamore, DeKalb. Taylorville, Christian. sé ce ¢é “ce Toledo, Cumberland. Tolono, Champaign. Toulon, Stark. ce ee Tuscola, Douglas, “ec ae 6s 6é Urbana, Champaign. “ce ee cc ce Vandalia, Fayette. ‘ec se Varna, Marshall. Versailles, Brown. Vienna, Jolnson. Virden, Macoupin. Virginia, Cass. «es ce Warren, Jo Daviess. Warsaw, Hancock. ec ee Washburn, Woodford. Wataga, Knox. Waterloo, Monroe. ee “se Watseka, Iroquois. Waukegan, Lake. ve “ec Wenona, Marshall. Wheaton, DuPage. ee ee Winchester, Scott. Windsor, Shelby. Woodstock. McHenry. Wyoming, Stark. Xenia, Clay. Yorkville, Kendall. Geo. Campbell. Chamberlain Bros. J. K. Turpin. Barber Bros. & Co. R. M. John. H. W. Kreider. Bates & Smith. Geo. W. Stone. Jacob Miller. T. T. Powling. A. ¥. Pool & Co. E. H. Osborne. Berry & Wpler. T. W. Chamberlain. L A. Smyers. Callahan & Jones. Maxwell & Allen. J.O. McConoughy. Dickerman& Mclnnis. S. F. Penfield. Crawford & Reville. Guyer & Sweeney. Mitchell & Lyde. Patterson & Starkey. John A. Gordon. Leroy S. Scott. Montgomery & Glass. Bagley & Son. John B. Metz. T..S. Marshall. S. B. Stinson. Sherwood & Cook. John R. Boyd. T. BE. Ames. Hess & Shelton. Emma Harnett. Jas. A. Mecllwain. E.S. Walker. G M. Brinkerhoff. Wn. Cowgill. E.G. Baum. Bennett & Green. King & Wilbur, H.N. Ryon & Son. T. H. Scott. W. B. Smith. John B. Whalen. N. D. Ricks. H. D. Davis. F, P. Drennen. N. P. Peck. Everhart & Bruster. R. A. Bower. Burge & Dewey. Allen P. Miller. Sloan & McKee. John N. Outsett. C. Garrett. T. S. Hubbard. First National Bank. Alex Wallace. Fred Emmel. Gochenour & Deick- man S. W. McCull ough. Jas. Brady. Cohn, Roor & Chap- man. Henry C. Simons. Martin & Martin. J. EF. Robinson. R. W. Mills. Henry Phillips. Clark & Richardson. Geo. J. Rogers. W.N. Grover. F. N. /reland. H. P. Wood & Co. Demint & Hardy. Spencer Tompkins. Sherrin Watson & Swintord. Dewitt L. Jones. O. S. Lincoln. T. J. Rawlston. E. H. & N. B. Gary. Thos. M. Hull. J. V. Carpenter. Mrs. Smysev. Richards & Arnold. Scott Wrigley. 7: Mi. Cox A. N. Beebe.NATIONAL ADVERTISERS. Absolutely the Best Organ ever Offered for the Money. BOOK an STOOL. Worth $125 as sold by Agents. (New Style, 110). Dimensions: Height, 70 in. Depth, 23 in. Length, 42 in. Weight, boxed, 350 lbs. 5.Octayes, containing four sets of Reeds: viz: One Diapason, of 2 Oc- taves. one Dulciand, of 3 Octaves, one Ce- lestc, of 3 Octaves, and one Swb-Lass of 1 Octave. 12 useful stops as follows: Diapa- son, Dilciana, Celeste, Lulcet, Ncho, Vio- pr ias lina, Prin, Fort, Dia. Forte, Vor Hum- : ana, Sub-Bass, Treble and Brass Voup- Pree lers, Improved Knee Swell, and Grand #8 ie we i/o ; a Organ Swell. The Octaye-Coupler is made Vie of tempered steel, and cannot warp or get = out of order. The case is of Walnut, ve- x neered panels, Lamp Stands, Handles on the ends, and Rollers underneath for con- venience ofmoving. The bellows are made of the best rubber cloth. Our patent Stop action is of the latest design, and the tone unsurpassed for SWEETNESS, VOLUME AND VARIETY. Each Organ will be ac- companied by a WRITTEN WARRANTY OF SIX YEARS; and FIFTEEN DAYS’ TEST TRIAL allowed at the home of the purchaser before payment is re- quired. an unquestionable assurance of the confidence we have in their merits. Such an Organ is usually Catalogued by =Dealers at from $250 to $300, and sold by == them at from $125 to $150. EP OUR FACTORY CASH P=1CX with STOOL and BOOK, boxed and delivered on cars here | B65. i advertisement. Remit by draft, money-order or express. ments if found satisfactory at the end of fifteen days test trial, and we will promptly shi A SELF-PLAYING. CA SINE rr One Alt PRICE ONLY $75. Ki i ; fra the | | Niji) Si Frei wil] Fu Mlle al }y Ei _ aN Mi ag pallies! |i Fl | 7 | Otenestrone) ee Acie mul TO tis ff: ai i YY i} ae instrument. It is so easily operated Li ML Wis yf Api han that a child can play it. Hy Tee ee Ol STN Heats In Parlor, Chapel, Church, Sun- rik ain seme Messin st day School or Lodge Room it will Lp alll Hails more than meet all requirements. UF = a 5 The music is autimatically pro el ital ac eeeoiveae duced, but does not sound in the ea NT Lig i iil rialta sete least mechanical. It is of full or< eG | | aii Hilt il tia gan range and not only the notes, CERRUTI | Fedral but the complete expression, is Ae N44 i HD Palins fat fi ne . uo Ree is \ tall NY @'illtueaea rendered automatical by the music ai pea iG Dias ; nen sheet, in artistic style and with sur3 Fe min ey 11 Is ‘of Wf ik ile passing effect. Small spools vf [ip gly ee =. paper, only 8 inches wide, having EC Or AL Bn = perforations but a little larger thani : = UK oat a pin-head, constitute the music UN A sheets and govern the mechanism We want one of these beautiful instruments introduced in every new locality, as when once introduced other sales are sure to follow. his (Money sent will be refunded if instrument is not satisfactory) or if you do not wish to send cash with order, send with your order a letter of endorsement from some Bank or merchant of your acqaintance to the effect that you are responsible and will pay for the instru- p you one for examination. Rone automatic Cabinet Organ ever put! upon the market, of a quality that, could be endorsed by musicians, and musical people, It is well! em made, as durable, and has a good’ Fai quality of tone as the very best or-' Rit gan manufactured. | Ue remarkable, and resembles more ij that of a pipe organ than a reed - of the instrument by which thé music is made. Dimensions: Height 70 in. Depth, 22 in. Width, 40‘in. The ‘‘Orchestrone”’ is the first; The tone is Order direct from this Address, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Pye J tes NS ert ~annual sales, NEW CHAMPION SEEDER, WONDER OK THE AGE. Saves % labor, % seed. Cheap, most durable; Handsome; Light; three pounds; easiest operated. . Sows perfectly even all kinds of ‘grain and seeds. 1qt. to4 bu. as Se =desired to an acre. 60 acres a day. #15 years’ experience. Largest an- Highest recommendations of all farmers proves its ‘superiority. Big pay; Trial seeder at half price. ‘Be sure to write for terms. AddressS.S.SPELCHER <& CO., Urbana, Ind., Sole Manufacturers. Mention THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE. For15 years at 37 Court Place, now at poe Market Street, Louisville j 4 Bet. Third and Fourth, A regularly educated and legally qualified physician and the ‘most successful, as his practice will prove. Cures all forms gt PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL DIS=« EASES e Spermatorrhea and Impotency, as the result of self-abuse in youth, sexual excesses in mae turer years, or other causes, and producing someof the fol- lowing effects: Nervousness, Seminal I:missions, (night emig- sions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Memory, Phy- sicalDecay, Pimpleson I’ace, Aversicn to Socicty of Females, Confusion of Ideas, oss of Sexual Power, &c., rendering ‘Marriage improper or unhappy, are thoroughly and perma- ently cured. YPHIL TS positively cured and en- jarely eradicated from the system; ovorrhea Ke » Stricture, Orchitis, Hernia, (or Rupture)? “iles and other private diseases quickly cured, : It is self-evident that a phy sician who pays special attention ta certain class of diseases, and treating thousands annu- Avy, acquires great skill, Physicians knowing this fact often ‘commend persons to my care. When itis inconyenicnt to Bsit the city for treatment,, medicines can be sent privately 6nd safely by mail or express anywhere, Cures Guaranteed in all Cases undertaken, Consultations personally or by letter free and invited, harges reasonable and correspondence strictly confidential, PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 200 pages, sent to any address, secure} g SS, Y sealed, for t 30) cents. Should be read by all, Address oy ‘Office hours from § A, M. too P. M, Sundays, 2to4 P.M ; REMINDER.—If it is sta Satisfactorialy answer.your i A ba PERKIN’S Wind Mill and Ax Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Wind Mills, Pomps, Water Tanks, 3 CHAMPION Ton an hour. Loads 10 to 15 tonsin car. le in 2 minutes, EDGE TOOLS, MATTOCKS STONE HAMMERS, MILL PICKS, &c. ee aT | BEFORE — AND — AF TE Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days? Trial, Ld HO are suffering from NErrvous DEBILITY, OTUER CAUSES. Specdy relief and complete resto- soul raticn of Hrattn, Vicon and MANNOOD GUARANTEED, cheer The grandest discovery of tho Nineteenth Century. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlictfree. Address ted where ad nqulry or correspondence.—Do not for |_\_VOLTAIG BELT 60., MARSHALL, MICH, BRI I intro: 7 a ECHN SETI by registered mail for $5.50, or, MER ONLY, YOUNG GR OLD, if so desired, will send by express. - with privilego »D to inspect beforo paying for {-. Sond Beets P.O. stamps to 2 defray Express charges or satisfactory refere 2S 1 ERVO EBL) J } nces to sho atch mee voetay ITALITY » LACK OF NERVE FORCE AND is orlered in good faith, The above cut fo GH SE eee aeT Gor, | ASTING | VEAKNESSES, and all those diseases is full j-weled, lever Movement, seconds hand, imit. stem of a PERSONAL Natur” resulting from ABUSES and 5 cura 1 ~vinder, handsome gold plated cases. Keeps accurato time, Ef or plain caser, Ladies’ or Gents’ size, from advertisement, nothing saved bY writing for further particu Cine 6 our Watches and obtain Agents, wo Will are dissatisficd after 2O days’ trial wo will fully refund money. Mention whether you want engraved] We mail no circulars ,order No discount on above price, *Agents wanted everywhere, vertisement is noticed, N Set to mention ‘TUE EVE STOL:AI7F’°G COQ., 249 FultonSt., Brooklyn, N.Ye peas ational adverti sers can refer, and more promptly ED “OG*SS TWAS IWINVLON -—ALSO MANUFACTURER OF—— Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Checks, Steel Stamps, WAX SEALS, DATERS, NOVELTIES, ETC., ETC. Send for circulars and Prices. W MI. Gr. IPA G IK, 411 Walnut Street, DES MOINES, TA, fos~-Please say you saw ad in Johnson’s Directory. Geo. W. Bywater, Chief. L.H, Bradshaw, Ass’t Chief. THE DES MOINES Netective and Collective Bureau, (Incorporated April 1st, 1886.) | Rooms 2 and 8, Mills’ Block, over 222 Fourth Street. Telephone 521. DES MOINES, IA. Detective work in all its branches, and Collections promptly attended to. All communications strictly con- fidential. Best of references furnished on application. Correspondence Solicited. The above Association are old police captains and relia- ble men, and business sent to them will be taken care of. B ENNETT & co., Live Stock 2Ganeral Auctioueers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Sales conductedin any partof the state. Prompt attention given to allbusiness. Settlements prompt. TERMS MODERATE. REFERENCES GOOD. OFFICE: 501 W. Walnut Street, DES MOINES, IOWA. MRS. C. F. WESTON, Magnetic Physician, 423 Cor. E, Sixth and Sycamore, DES MOINES, - IOWA. Office Hours from 1 tog P. M. FORENOONS DEVOTED TO PROFESSIONAL VISITS. AND SKIRT }! SUPPORTER. fA\ \ The Madame Griswold Patent Skirt Sup- porting Corsets and Skirt Supporters. All who desire Health, Comfort and Blegance of form should wear this Corset. Made in various styles and lenghts. Suited to all forms. Dressmakers delight in fitting over them. Shoulder Brace Corsets for Ladies Misses and Children. Abdominal Corsets, with or with- out Abdominal Supporter, for stout ladies and ladies in delicate health. Eminent physician highly recom- mend them. Prices to suit all. A large variety of French Coutille Corsets. Extra long Waist Corsets in various styles. JENNIE EMERY, Agent, Cor. 6th and Sycamore Sts - DES MOINES, LOWA. _ REMINDER.—If it is s orialy answer your inquiry THE BOSS EATING HOUSE THE EUROPEAN HOTEL, OVER 222 WEST FOURTH STREET. Meais, the Best in the City, 25 Cents, Order what you wish and pay for what you get. MEALS AT ANY TIME, DAY OR NIGHT. MRS. MARY ERVIN, - Proprietor. W. C. GARRETSON, PATTERN & MODEL MAKER, FINE WORK A SPECIALTY, Orders from Abroad Promptly Attented to. W. C. GARRETSON, 611 West Second St., DES MOINES. J. CUNNINGTON, DES MOINES, IOWA; Turner and Wood Carver. 5 Years on the Iowa Capital Building. The Only Manufacturer of Capital Relics, —— CONSISTING OF —— Tooth-picks, Match Holders, Indian Clubs, Cake and Pio Plates, Fruit Dishes, Cups and Saucers; Rolling Pins. Boxes of all sizes, Churns, Vases, Potato Mashers. All inlaid with different kinds of wood of which the building is made. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Orders by Mail promptly attended to and sent to all parts of the states and territories. Address, J. CUNNINGTON, EAST DES MOINES, IOWA tated where advertisement is noticed, advertisers can refer or correspondence.—Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.» SE NS Sa el sa Millinery & Dress Making Parlors, . The Largest and most Fashionable in the City. Jackson’s Paterns used. Misses M. J. Peuse and Kirkum, Managers of the Dress Making Department. Mrs. H. BE. Uross, of New York City, Manager of Millinery Department. Give us a Vall. No trouble to show Customers. 6038 EAST LOCUST STREET. DeWeese Il Gre nee. 802 WALNUT STREET, (fice with B.D. Wiley, M.D., over Alf Hammer's Drug Store. Residence, 1104 Park Street, Office Hours,9 A.M. to4 P.M. At Residence, 5 to 8 P.M. DES MOINES, IOWA. Chronic and Malignant Diseases treated according to the 1nost through and scientific methods. Examination and Consultation reasonable. We recommend the Doctor to do just what he agrees. , and more promptly and satisfact-REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR IOW A. Place. County. Abingdon, Jefferson. Ackley, Hardin. ce “ce Adair, Adair. Adel. Dallas. Afton, Union. Ainsworth, Washington. Akron, Plymouth. Albia, Monroe. ee ee Alden, Hardin. ‘ ee ce se Algona, Kossuth. Allerton, Wayne. Allison, Butler. Alta, Buena Vista. Alton, Sioux. Ames, Story. Anamosa, Jones. Angus, Boone. Anita, Cass. Areadia, Carroll. Ashton, Osceola. Atlantic, Cass. sé 4 ce ce sc ce Audubon, Audubon. ce ae ee cc ce ee cc sc “ce ce cé ce Aurelia, Cherokee. Avoca, Pottawattamie. Bagley, Guthrie. Bancroft, Kossuth. Bassett, Chickasaw. Battle Greek, Ida. Bayard, Guthrie. Beaman, Grundy. Bedford, Taylor. Belle Plaine, Benton. Bellevue, Jackson. Belmond, Wright. Bentonsport, Van Buren. Bernard. Dubuque. Birmingham, Van Buren. Blairstown, Benton. Blanchara, Page. Bloomfield, Davis. se 6é Boone, Boone. ‘ sé Boonesborough, Boone. Braddyville, Page. Brayton, Audubon. Breda, Carroll. Britt, Hancock. 3 ce Brooklyn, Poweshiek. Brush Creek, [ayette. Burlington, Des Moines. ce ce ce ce ce oe Calliope, Sioux. Calmar, Winneshiek. Cambridge, Story. Cantril, Van Buren. Carroll, Carroll. Name. C. H. Baxter. Lusch, Carton & Co. John Rath. Geo. Wetmore. W. A. Pryor. E. S. Ketchum. J. P. McKenzie. Bank of Akron. Henry McCahan. J. EF. Jack. Ed I. Ramsay. Birdsall & Son. Furry Bros. E. W. Crockett. J. B. Jones. E. L. Hart. Craig & Smith. Lathrop & Levis. Parker & Fincknell. Pitts & Kersey. M. Hemstreet. J.S. Stacy. S. O. C. Moffett. M. W. Chrisman. H. Carpenter. J. F. Glover. Dickerson & Wood. I. N. Hammond. Burke & Meighan. J. KE. Gillespie. Pressnall & Wallace. Freeman& Armstrong H. W. Hanna. Love J. Mack. Holmes, Nash & Phelps. H. F. Andrews. Wm. F. Stotts. Chas. Van Gorder. Thos. H. Chapman. J. R. Atwood. W.O. Stryker. N: J. Trotter. John Ledwich. E. Fitch. John Epperly. W. E. Morrison. C. H. Dillenbeck. Baird & Cheney. H. D. Ocheltree. H. H. Beaman. Barngrover Bros. Long & Jones. Walker & Cochrane. J. J: Mosnot. Collins & Evans. B. W. Seaward. John Jamison. H. P. Ripley. Greef,Pergrin &Greef, John Phillips. Pitkin & Skinner. A. ¥. Allen. T. F. Willis. _M. B. Horne. Amos Steckel. J. R. Wallace. Regan & Crooks. Watt Webb. Chas. Knight. A. J. Barclay. C. G. Moberg. Crain, Jeffers & Co. D. W. Powers. C. Bruning. Joseph Osborne. J. D. Mabin. C. C. Way & Co. J. i. Talbott. O. F. Dorrance. James Cooney. J. M. Gelatt. Tick & Parr. P. G. Cattell. Geo H. Lane. ©. B: Jack Mass & Gearhart. John B. Kaye. D. W. C. Beck. Wiley A. Jones. W. L. Culbertson. H. EF. Russell. Place. County. Carroll, Carroll. ee ce ee ts Carson, Pottawattamie. Cascade, Dubuque. Casey, Guthri ie. Castalia, Winneshiek. Cedar Falls, Blackhawk. Cedar Rapids, Linn, oe ac se és sc ee sec sé cc sé ce é6 ce 66 66 ‘ce sc ce ce ce Centerville, Appanoose. “ce “ce “ ‘ec Chariton, Lucas. sé ““ ‘ec «e ce ‘é Charles City, Floyd. Cherokee, Cherokee. ‘ “cc 6 “ec “ sc ce “6 se Clarence, Cedar. “e ‘é Clarinda, Page. sé “6 ce “ Clarion, Wright. te “ce rt 4 ee “ce “ec ce e ‘ec “ce “ce “cc Clarksville, Butler. Clearfield, Taylor | Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo. “ “ec Clinton, Clinton. 6“ 66 “ ““ “cc 6 “e se “ 66 Coin, Page. Colfax, Jasper. Columbus Junction, Louisa. Concord, Hancock. Conrad Grove, Grundy. Conway, Taylor. Coon Rapids, Carroll. Corning, Adams. «é oe cc 6s 6c “é ce “cc 6c “ce Correctionville, Woodbury. Corwith, Hancock. Corydon, Wayne. “sé 66 ‘se ‘ec 6“ ce 6é ‘< 66 Council Bluffs, Pottawat- tamie. 6é “ ci “ss ce “6c “6 “cc 66 rt “ee “e¢ “ “cc Nanie. P. M. Guthrie. Geo. W. Paine. H. 8. Fisher. Beach & Hoyt. Booth & Layton. J.S. White. H. L. Dehner. C.A.& J. G. Berry. Spahr & Williams. A. K. ‘Treadwell. J.T. Knapp & Co. A. Snyder. Hes Bradley & Co. N. D. Pope. J.C. Young. F. A. Simmons. Green Bros. J. W. Weyand. T. M. Giberson. T. J. Cairns & Co. Wn. B. Leach. W. K. Wisner. L. C. Stark & Co. - H. H. Wright. Dewey & Clark. Wm. M. Peetman. Dungan & Leech. Woodard & Dorsey. H. D. Copeland. Thorpe & Son. . W. W. Dennis. Corbett & Whitmore. James O’Donnell. Orson Gage. Joseph H. Jones. H.1L Robie. T.S. Steel & Son. Jee Berguson: Hecht & Polley. J. Q. Gaston. We S Henderson. Loranz Bros. Nagle & Birdsall. N. F. Webber. W. F. Gibbs. F. M. Smith. Ladd & Whipple. G. A. McKay. W. C. Tyrrell. C. A. L Roszell. J. K. Hamilton. Geo. E. Frost. Bush & Hurn. D.S. Ryder. F. Thornburg. R. R. Baldwin. F. P. Wilcox. Walliker Bros. A. P. Parker. John F. McGuire, A. G. Bacon. Cragan Bros. Gray & Tucker. Brockway & Elder. Bailey & Doolittle. D: ©. Kerr: N. P. Nelson. Reid & Morgan. Holliday & Harris. Maxwell & Dale. Davis & Wells. W.S. Hefling. Towner & Riddle. R. A. Crippen & Son. Chubb & Granger. A. S. Ellis: J. T. Standring. W. F. Howell. Freeland & Miles. W. M. Little. W. W. Thomas. C. G. Nelson. J. A. White. Swan & Walker. Cook & Ball. J. H. Burrough. Kimball & Champ. J. W. & E. L. Squire. Hart & Evans. Nelson & Munger. Horace Everett. Place. County. Council Bluffs, Pattawat- tamie. Cresco, Howard. Creston, Union. it% ce 66 66 “6 66 ‘6 6“ Dakotah, Humboldt. Davenport, Scott. “ eé “ee “é “ 6c “ec “6 “cc ‘ “ “ Davis City, Decatur. Dayton, Webster. Decorah, Winneshiek. sé 6 Defiance, Shelby. Delhi, Delaware. Denison, Crawford. 6s ce 66 66 «6 ‘ ‘sé ce Des Moines, Polk. ‘ cs ce ce oe ‘é cs cs ce ‘ce 66 ce 6c 6s ‘sé cs ce 6é 66 ‘ ce ce ‘ec “cc oe és sé cc ce cs “é ‘é sé “ec sé ce 6s 66 “ce ce ce cs ce sé “6 ce ces ce ce ce sé 66 se “é sé 66 cc 66 9 = 66 “ec cs ce 6s te s6 ‘6 sc ce 6c sé 66 ce éé 66 eé 6é sé ee a6 6c se ‘6 sé ‘ce 66 6c sé “6 se tc 66 és 6s a6 66 6e sé ‘6 ce cc 66 ‘6 6s ““ ce sé ce <6 66 46 6c ‘66 66 Name. Pa aS AneMic= Mahon. C. K. Berg. J. B. Harsh Land Co. J. L. Haverick. Lyman Waterman, jr. H. Farley. A. J. Bivins. A. W. McFarland. D. F. Coyle. August Rolff. J. C. McHart. C. H. Kent. FF. B. he Claire. J. M. Eldridge. J. J. Dahons. J. Goldsbury. H. C. Fulton. John N. Gates. J. C. Lindberg. KE. M. Farnsworth. C. W. Burdick. Willett & Willett. A.S. Riley. E, C. Perkins. W. J. Wagoner. Shaw & Krehule. Wright & Leachey. J. Fred Myers. T. J. Garrison. W. A. McHenry Bk. Adams & Hastie. Walter Atkins. Win. Beezeley. P. T. Benson & Co. Gid Brandon. Isaae Brandt. J. W. Brown. D. F. Butin. Wheeler Carpenter. f. Case. Thomas Cavanaugh. E. J. Cooper & Son. S. J. Cope. S. R. Dawson. J. L. De Vine. Davisson & Roberts. Wm. Douglass. S. F. Dowdel. R. G. English. Fairall & Boyle. Finch & Sines. Goode & Likes. Rk. A. Griffith & Co. R. O. Gray. A. W. Guthrie & Co: John W. Hayes. Geo. F. Hill. Enos B. Hunt. F. Ince. Jenkins, McCully & Salm. Johnson’s National Exchange. Geo. W. Jones & Co. L. J. Kasson. Keeler & Howland. Kennedy & Vandever. J. H. Koons. R. W. Lee. Wu. H. Leas. Lord & Cutler. L. M. Mann. J. W. McCiure. R. W. Marquis. A.J. Mathis & Son. Wm. Montgomery. L. O. Montgomery. Morrell & Son. M. M. Murphy. National ExchangeCo. Nicholas & Dearinger. Norris & Cully. Levi Patterson. fh. C. Pease. John Penn & Son. Percival & Hatton. L. Perkins. Polk & Hubbell. Geo. & H. H. Read. G. P. Redstrom.Place. County. Des Moines, Polk. “ec ce 6c ce ‘cc ee 6c 6c 6c 6 6c 6c ‘ce ee 66 66 ‘c te ee é¢ ‘ec ce 6c e 66 sé 66 6 éé é< & i De Witt, Clinton. Dexter, Dallas. Dow City, Crawford. Dows, Wright. Dubuque, Dubuque. ee 6¢ ce ce ce “ ee ce ce “ec Dunlap, Harrison. ee “e se ce Dyersville, Dubuque. Dysart, Tama. Eagle Grove, Wright. “ec sé ee “cc Earlham, Madison. Earling, Shelby. Earlville, Deleware. Early, Sac. Eddyvil lle, Wapello. Eldon, Wapello. Eldora, Hardin. Elkader, Clayton. ce 6¢ Elkport, Clayton. Ellington, Hancock. Elliott, Montgomery. Emerson, Mills. Emmetsbur ch, Palo Alto. ee ce 6¢ «ec &é “ ce “es “ “ 13 66 Essex, Page. Estherville, Emmet. ee ee ts 6< ce «6 Exira, Audubon. oe ae ce Fairfield, Jefferson. Farmington, Van Buren. Fayette, Fayette. Fonda, Pocahontas. Fontanelle, Adair. Forest City, Winnebago. Fort Dodge, Webster. Fort Madison, Lee. Fredericksburg, Chickasaw. Garden Grove, Decatur. Garnavillo, Clayton. Gar ner, Hancock, Geneva, Franklin. Gilmore City, Pocahontas. Name. T. S. Roe. H. N. Ross. L. M. Sanford & Co. S. Saucerman. John Sherman & Co. E. O. Stone. Melvin Stone. J. Stover & Co. Talbott & Snyder. L. Twining. Towne & McFarland. T. M. Walker. A. K. Wells. Ira Wetmore. A.S. Wilcoxen. Williams & Garver. Robert Wilson. W. W. Wise. D. Whitney. C.M. Nye. S. O. Simonds. EK. H. Swasey. Ladd & Whipple. W.S. Wright. Geo. Salot. Duncan & Waller. W. 4H. Thrift. Peter Kiene & Son. Walker & Rhomberg. Wm. G. Waters. Dunlap Bank. H. B. Lyman. Amsden & W1Imott. John D. Alsop. Wood & Pierce. Moats & Moats. D. C. Filkins. M. T. Heath. Hill & Thomas. H. W. Byers. J. H. Trewin. J. C. Graham. J. F. Oliver. Seneca Cornell. Bowdle Newcomer. C. Burling. L. F. Wisner. R. E. Price. J. E. Corlett. J. M. Leach. E. W. Adams. Garber & Adams. G. W. Gullitt. L. D. Powell. B. P. Griffith. L. W. Tubbs. Brown & Robbins. C. E. Cohoon. K. J. Heartshorne. McCarty & Linder- man. Alex Pedie. American Invest Co. D. Rutledge. Harrison & Jenswold. Webster & Foskett. Soper & Allen. Ladd & Binford. Hinman & Crim. Wood, Atkins & Co. Graves, Burdick & Co. Matt Matthews. A. B. Houston. I. L. Statzell. J. Harper. W. D. McCormack. Hoyt & Duncan. J C. Stevens. H. Simmons. uae Bros. & Law. Thompson Bros. J. E. Anderson & Co. John H. T. Ambrose. Booth & Thomas. Davis, Dodd & Co. Boies Case. : S. H. Amos. ( S. Stearns & Bro. J.O. Crosby. Bush & Wichman. Levi Garlack. REAL ESTATE ACENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMET Place. County. Name. Gladbrook, Tama. Glenwood, Mills. “ce ce sé ée ce ce Glidden, Carroll. Goldfield, Wright. Gowrie, Webster. Grand Junction, Greene. Gravity, Jaylor. Greene, Butler. Greenfield, Adair. ~3 ee se ce se ce ef Osceola, Clarke. oe ce 6c te sé sc 66 se se “6 6c sc Oskaloosa, Mahaska. se ee ce ‘ec “ce 6 se ‘6 6 te Ossian, Winneshiek. Otranto, Mitchell Ottumwa, Wapello. Oxford Junction, Jones. Pacific Junction, Mills. Panora, Guthrie. “c ce Parkersburgh, Butler. Pattersonville, Sioux. é se Name. Jackson & Lewis. Wilson & Ligh. J. R. Stillman. Washington Galland. C. J. Stevens. Wm Marshall. Morris & Allyn. Scott & Everett. Brackett & Bevis. F. |’. Leuthers. H. C. Saunders. Cowles & Rilev. Richmond & Titus Smith & Monroe. Tallant & Hayes. Martin Havercamp. W.H. Woodward. B. H. Eversmeyer. S. H. Whicher. W. M. Kennedy. EK. U. Cook. L. C. Crossman. Wm. B. Perrin. A. G. Lawrence. J. P: Organ: Clark & Co. Cy avici@rll: Harris & Parker. G. L. Dobson. L. H. Gordon. P. J. Anderson. M. W. Cumniings. .Rod Ronayne. Smith & Darrow. D. B. Sneeden. J. kK. Bane. J. H. Powers. A.H. Wright. I. W. Abbott. Stahl Bros. Cook & Clements. J. B. Carnes. Merideth & Ogg. EK. EB. Lyday & Co. A. J. Hoefer. E. S. Wheeler. B. K. Walker. W. T. Wilcox. Thayer & Oliver. W.A. Helsell. Long & Cobb. G. M. Daggart. Wr. Sampson. G. H. Phillips. Ear! Billings. B. H. Miller. Wheeler & Buffington Holbrook & Bro. McMillan & Kindall. Maughlin & Co. Lewis & Dodge. Sawyer & Woodard. Cyrus Foreman. Sweeney Bros. Johnson & Arnnis. EK. F. Riley. A.S. Johnson. J. V. Banta. Fowler & Ball. Harper & Rice. He le Karr A.C. Johnson & Co. Searle & Scott. Cowan & Hambleton. A. J.. Villars. J. M. Hiatt. M. E. Bennett. Chas. Hutchinson. M. J. Carter. Abijah Mack. W. B. Wycoff. W.S. Christie. D. T. Miller. W. J. Anson. Carter Bros. F.M. Miller. J. R. Powell. Thos. Matteson. R. G. Hoge. Courtright &Edwards Bell & Palmer. Davidson Bros. REAL ESTATE ACENTS AND DEALERS Place. County. Paullina, O’Brien. Pella, Marion. ee Perry, Dallas. se se ac “sé cc é¢ ee ce Persia, Harrison. Peterson, Clay. Plymouth, Cerro Gordo. Pocahontas, Pocahontas. Pomeroy, Calhoun. Portsmouth, Shelby. Postville, Allamakee. Prairie City. Jasper. Prescott, Adams. Preston, Jackson. Primghar, O’Brien. Pulaski, Davis. Radcliffe, Hardin. Red Oak, Montgomery. Reinbeck, Grundy. Remsen, Plymouth. Richland, Keokuk. Rockford, Floyd. 2) oc Rock Rapids, Lyon. Rock Valley, Sioux. Rockwell, Cerro Gordo, Rockwell City, Calhoun. se &é ee ae ee écé sé ce Rolfe, Pocahontas. Ruthven, Palo Alto. Sabula, Jackson. ae ae Sac City, Sac. ae ce ac ce ae ee Saint Ansgar, Mitchell. Saint Charles, Madison. Sanborn, O’Brien. oe se Schaller, Sac. Seranton City. Seymour, Wayne. Sheffield, Franklin. Shelby, Suelby. Sheldahl, Story. Sheldon, O’Brien. Shell Rock, Butler. Shellsburgh, Benton. Shenandoah, Page. se ee 6 ce Sibley, Osceola. sc 6c 6c ce “6 “é Sidney, Fremont. ee oe Sigourney, Keokuk. Sioux City, Woodbury. ‘s 66 ‘cc 66 6s 66 ‘6 éc é &“ a3 ‘6 ‘6 66 6c 6c 66 ‘““ 6“ 66 Sioux Rapids, Buena Vista. sé se South English, Keokuk. Spencer, Clay. » 6 sc 66 66 sé ac ce ce Name. Hakeman & Harris. J.G. Thomassee. 3osquet & Karle. Harlan & Rude. Cardell Bros. J. H. Willis. Jas. Maxwell. W. L. Campbell. A.C. Freeman. C. W. Fillmore. ©. W. Tenney. J.F. Harlan. Brownell & Gould. D. F. Paul. L. M. Powers. Clements & Ward. BH. Clark. A. L. Bartholomew. Geo. W. Schee. J. E. Reed. Finn & Drake. H. White & Son. N. R. Pierce. F. M. Rosebury. Charlton & Stalker. S. W. Woodhouse. kK. P. Andrews. Daley Bros. James TI’. L. Harris. Geo. H. Felthouse. Smith, Jack & Bradt. J. H. Ballagh. M. W. Frick. Palmer & Searight. Geo. L. Brower. Bruce & Ralston. EB. C. Rowell. J.T. Goldsworthy. J. Hilsinger. Early & Co. 1D), (Ohya. Mason & Thomas. John M. Zane. Shaller & Early. Frank Forbes. Brown, Beane & Anderson. Warren Walker. Parker & Green. Edson & Tait. DD. G. Cromwell. I). H, Kerby. H. D. Abrams. C. H. Fincher. M. P. Webb. Empire Loan & In- vestment. Co. Geo. A. McIntyre. C. L. Summers. Webster & Foskett. W.C. Mathers. A. S. Lake. Towa Land Co. (Lmt’d McCallum & McCaus- land. Moore & Gates. BK. Huff. Emmert & Hall. James H. McDonala. J. C. Shockley. Wn. H. Hankins. Clark Bros. R. G. Burkham. EF. C. Thompson. N. R. McFall. R. Buchanan, Y. A. Mead. S. T.. Davis. HK. W. Skinner. G. RK. Badgrow. John Hornick. J. P. Blood. R. A. Sackett & Co. Sioux Rapids Bank. D. D. Brown & Co. J. F. White’ & Sons. Guifin & Adams. J.B. Edmunds. GC. S. Penfield. Clay Co Bank. Lyons & Clopper. Snow Bros. Place. County. Spirit Lake, Dickinson. Stanton, Montgomery. State Centre, Marshall. Steamboat Rock. Hardin. Storm Lake, Buena, Vista. ce ee ce ce se 4 Story City, Story. Stratford, Hamilton. Strawberry Point, Clayton. Stuart, Guthrie. Sumner, Bremer. Sutherland, O’Brien. Tama City, Tama. Templeton, Carroll. Tipton, Cedar. e 6é se 46 ce ef Toledo, Tama. lraer, Tama. Urbanna, Benton. Vail, Crawford. Van Horn, Benton. Van Meter, Dallas. Victor, lowa. Villisca, Montgomery. sé ae Vinton, Benton. ace ce ue «ec 6e ‘ec ce te sé e “ec ce Wall Lake, Sac. Walnut, Pottawattamie. oe 6é Wapello, Louisa. se ee Washington, Washington. Waterloo, Black Hawk. “ce sé ce ee se ce Waukon, Allamakee. “cc “ee Waverly, Bremer. sé 6c “6 “<< 66 “ec 6e 6é Webster City, Hamilton. West Bend, Palo Alto. West Liberty, Muscatine. Westside, Crawford. West Union, Fayette. “ ‘ec “ 6s What Cheer, Keokuk. Wheatland, Clinton. Whittemore, Kossuth. Williams, Hamilton. Williamsburgh, Iowa. Wilton Junction, Musca’ne. Winfield, Henry. Winterset, Madison. 6 “ “ec 66 “ sc “cc ce Woodbine, Harrison. “e “ “ec 66 Woodward, Dallas. Wyoming, Jones. EXPLANATION AND parties whose addresses are gl nearly every instance, actively { Real Estate sale and exchange business. DEPARTMENT FOR IOWA-—Continued. Name, B. B. Van Steenbure. P. J. Larmon & Co. J. W. Dobbin & Co. HL. Koch. Sampson & French. Farmers Loan & Trust Co. H.S. Bollon & Co. John R. Lemon. L. J. Tjernagel. . F. Tucker. . W. Newberry. R. Dosh. . ». Cass. B. Dunn. . 2. stam. . M. Wilson. » Pritchard. Wolfe & Landt. Piatt & Carr. K. M. Brink. Jas. A. Merritt. W.H. Bowen. J. D. Burrell. Wright & Leachy. Chas. I. Vail. Paul Graybill. Isa S$. Richards. W.A. Woodward. H. A. Kufus. A. B. Dowell. W. P. Whipple. J. P. Johnson. Traer & Voris. Ray Billingsley. Gece. Newton. Knapp & Wentz. R. M. Hunter. Don Cramer. J. B. Johnson. J. B. Wilson. Hurley & Hale. John Huff. ureo. W. Howe & Co. Leavitt & Johnson. Geo. W. Miller. Alford & Gates. E. T.. Cowin. H.D. Allen. D. W. Reed. A. G. Stewart. Morse & McCracken E. L. Smalley. Henry Kasemeir. H. S. Hoover. Abram Skinner. Chase & Chase. Lacy & Morris. Warner & Hedgwood. F. Mullin. Truman Knowles. Zeigler & Weed. Thos. L. Green. J. W. Rogers & Son. Hobson & Cowle. Edmund Jackson. J. Stine. Anthony Schmitt. vobn Crockett. John Hughes, jr. Pentzer & Butter- field. B. B. Lindley. Farmers Loan & Trust Co. W.C. Newlon. Graham & McCall. Leonard & Thomp- son. J.B. W. Westfall. J. V. Malory. H. M. Bostwich. J. D. DeTar. Samuel O. Conger. W. I. Chamberlain. REQUEST. — The bef b> they SE =) ¥en in this Department are, in and attentively engaged in the In opening corres- pondence with any of them, please mention that their name was taken from the “‘ Real Estate Agents and Dealers Depart- ment”? of ‘* THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” by so stating, it furnishes you an introduction and gives extra assurance of their prompt attention.Place. County. Name. ce Sa Ackley, Hardin. Adair, Adair. Adel, Dallas. Afton, Union. Akron, Plymouth. Albia, Monroe. Alden, Hardin. Algona, Kossuth. Allerton, Wayne. Allison, Butler. Alta, Buena Vista. Alton, Sioux. Altoona, Polk. Ames, Story. Anamosa, Jones. te ce Angus, Boone. Anita, Cass. Aplington, Butler. Ashton, Osceola. Atlantic, Cass. ee “e ce ee Audubon, Audubon. Aurelia, Cherokee: “eé ce Avoea, Pottawattamie. Bancroft, Kossuth. Battle Creek, Ida. Baxter, Jasper. Bayard, Guthrie. Bedford, Taylor. Belle Plaine, Benton. Bellevue, Jackson. Belmond, Wright. Bentonsport, Van Buren. Birmingham, Van Buren. Blairstown, Benton. Blanchard, Page. Bloomfield, Davis. ee ee ce ee Bonaparte, Van Buren. Boone, Boone. ee be ee “ec ce ec Boonesborough, Boone. Braddyville, Page. Brighton, Washington. Britt, Hancock. “ce 6“ Brooklyn, Poweshiek. 66 “ Brush Creek, Fayette. Burlington, Des Moines. sé ee 6c «sc 6 6c ee ¢ cs 6c Calliope, Sioux. Calmar, Winneshiek, Cambridge, Story. Carroll, Carroll. ee se ee “e Carson, Pottawattamie, ee oe Casey, Guthrie. Cedar Falls, Blackhawk. ee “es Cedar Rapids, Linn. gt ae oe ce ¢¢ Centerville, Appanoose. i ; Centre Point, Linn. Chariton, Lucas. Exchange Bank. Bank of Ackley. Bank of Adair. Adel Bank. Dallas Co. Bank. Afton Bank. Bank of Akron. First National Bank. Bank of Alden. First National Bank. Kossuth Co. Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Allison. Bank of Alta. Bank of Northwestern lowa. Altoona Ex. Bank. Union National Bk. Shaw, Schoonover & Co. Niles & Waters. Exchange Bank. Bank of Anita. Exchange Bank. Bank of Ashton. Bank of Atlantic. Cass Co. Bank. Atlantic National Bk. Audubon Co. Bank. Citizens Bank. Merchants & Farmers Bank. Bank of Aurelia. Bank of Avoca. Bank of Bancroft. A. Bassett. Bank of Baxter. Bayard Bank. Citizen’s Bank. Bedford Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Bellevue. Iowa Valley Bank. Bank of Belmond. Greef, Pergrin & Greef. Pitkin & Skinner. Benton Co. Bank. Blanchard Bank. Davis Co. Bank. Bradley’s Bank. Exchange Bank. Farmers & ‘Traders Bk City Bank. Boone Co. Bank. National Bk of Boone. J. A. McFarland. Exchange Bank. Braddyville Bank, Citizens Bank. Farmers Bank. Taylor & Osborne. First National Bank. Poweskiek Co. Bank. Brush Creek Bank. First National Bank. National State Bank. Merchants Nat’! Bk. Commercial Bank. German American Savings Bank. Iowa State Svg’s Bk. Bank of Calliope. Bank of Calmar. Citizens Bank. Carroll Co. Bank. Bank of Carroll. Farmers Bank. Traders Bank, Bank of Carson. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. J. T. Knapp & Co. City National Bank. Merchants Nat'l Bk. First National Bank. Cedar Rapids Svgs Bk First National Bank. Centerville Nat'l Bk. Campbell Bk’g Co. Linn County Bank. Chariton Bank. Place. County. BANKS AND BANKERS bzrasquens ror LOW A. Name. Chariton, Lucas. Charles City, Floyd. ce ce Cherokee, Cherokee. “e “é Clarence, Cedar. ee e Clarinda, Page. ““e eé ce “ec Clarion, Wright. se “ Clarksville, Butler. Clearfield, ‘Taylor. Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo. Clermont, Fayette. Clinton, Clinton. Coin, Page. Colfax, Jasper. Columbus Junction, Louisa. Conrad Grove, Grundy. Conway, J'aylor. Coon Rapids, Carroll. ce “ Corning, Adams. “e ce Correctionville, Woodbury. Corwith, Hancock. Corydon, Wayne. be 6s Council Bluffs, Pottawat- tamie. 66 6é «sc ee 6s sé Cresco, Howard. ee se Creston, Union. ce ee Cumberland, Cass. Dallas Centre, Dallas. Danbury. Woodbury. Davenport, Scott. 6é “cc 66 6e ee “ Davis City, Decatur. Dayton, Webster. Decorah, Winneshiek, oe «6 ec 66 ce 6e Defiance, Shelby. sé se Denison, Crawford. ee ee Des Moines, Polk. «eé 66 ce “ce e ee 66 ce ce 6é 66 ce ce 6c De Witt, Clinton. Dexter, Dallas. Dow City, Crawford. Dows, Wright. Dubuque, Dubuque. 66 “ce 66 ee 66 “cc “ec ce «¢ ‘ Dunlap, Harrison. ee “é Dysart, Tama. Kagle Grove, Wright. First National Bank. First National Bank. Charles City Nat’l Bk. Floyd Co. Svg’s Bk. First National Bank. T. S. Steel & Son. W. D. G. Cottrell. Hecht & Polley. Page County Bank. Clarinda National Bk. Towa State Bank. Wright Co. Bank. Bank of Clarion. Butler Co. Bank. }'xchange Bank. Clear Lake Bank. Cerro Gordo Co. Bk. Wim. Larrabee. Clinton National Bk. City National Bank. Farmers & Citizens Bk G. Haywood & Son. Bank of Coin. Bank of Colfax. Louisa Co. Nat'l Bk. Bank of Conrad. Conway Bank. Coon Rapids Bank. City Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Corning. Sioux Valley Bank. Bank of Corwith. Wayne Co Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Citizens Bank. Officer & Pusey. Council Bluffs Nat’l Bank. Council Bluffs Svg’s Bank. First National Bank. Howard Co. Bank. Bank of Cresco. Bank of Creston. Creston National Bk. First National Bank, Towa Savings Bank. Bank of Cumberland. Dallas Centre Bank. Danbury Bank. First National Bank. Citizens Nat’] Bank. Davenport Nat’] Bk. German Svg’s Bk. Scott Co. Sve’s Bank. Citizens Bank. Bank of Dayton. First National Bank. Winneshiek Co. Bk. Citizens Bank. Sioux Bk of Decorah. Citizens Bank. Bank of Defiance. Crawford Co. Bank. W. A. McHenry Bk. Valley Nat’! Bank. Iowa National Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bk. Des Moines Nat’! Bk. Merchants Nat'l Bk. Capital City Bank. Polk Co. Sve’s Bk. Des Moines Sve’s Bk. American Svg’s Bk. First National Bank. Dexter Bank. Dow City Bank. Exchange Bank. Dubuque Nat?! Bk. German Bank. Place. County. Name. Earlham, Madison. Earlville, Delaware. Early, Sac. Eddyville, Wapello. Eldora, Hardin. Elgin, Fayette. Elkader, Clayton. Elliott, Montgomery. Emerson, Mills. Emmetsbargh, Palo Alto. Essex, Page. Estherville, Emmet. Exira, Audubon. Fairfield, Jefferson. cc ce Farmington, Van Buren. Farragut. Fremont. Fayette, Fayette. Floyd, Floyd. Fonda, Pocahontas. Fontanelle, Adair. é 6 Forest City, Winnebago. ‘6 ce ee Fort Dodge, Webster. ce 6c ‘eo Fort Madison, Lee. ac ee 6 Garden Grove, Decatur. 6é ae ce Garner, Hancock. ee ce Garrison, Benton. Gilman, Marshall. Gladbrook, Tania. Glenwood, Mills. Glidden, Carroll. Gowrie, Webster. Grand Junction, Greene. Gravity, Taylor. Greene, Butler. Greenfield, Adair. Grinnell, Poweshiek. ¢¢ ce Griswold, Cass. Grundy Centre, Grundy. Guthrie Centre, Guthrie. Hamburgh, Fremont. Hampton, Franklin. Harlan, Shelby. Hartly, O’Brien. Hastings, Mills. Hawarden, Sioux. Hedrick, Keokuk. Holstein, Ida. Hopkinton, Delaware. Hubbard, Hardin. Humboldt, Humboldt. Humeston, Wayne. Ida Grove, Ida. Imogene, Fremont. Independence, Buchanan, 6 ee Indianola, Warren. 6é ee Tonia, Chickasaw. Dubuque Co. Bank. Commercial Nat'l Bk. lowa Trust & Sve’sBk First National Bank. Second National Bk. Exchange Bank. Dunlap Bank. Citizens Bank. Bank of Eagle Grove. Lowa City, Johnson. ee 6s ce ce Iowa Falls, Hardin. ee ae Ireton, Sioux. Irwin, Shelby. Jefferson, Greene. ae es Jesup, Buchanan. Exchange Bank. Congar Bros. Bank of Karly. Manning & Epperson City Bank. Hardin Co. Bank. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Elbott. M. Chase. First National Bank. Palo Alto Co. Bank. Bank of B.M. Webster Bank of Estherville. Bank of Exira. First National Bank. Wells & Garretson. Van Buren Co. Bank. Exchange Bank. Bank of Fayette. Exchange Bank. Pocahontas Co Bank. Farmers Bank. Exchange Bank. Winnebago Co. Bank City Bank. Merchants Nat. Bank First National Bank.« Ft. Dodge Nat. Bank Bank of Ft. Madison. German Amer. Bank. Garden Grove Bank. C.S. Stearns & Bro. Hancock Co. Bank. City Bank. Bank of Garrison. Bank of Gilman. Bank of Gladbrook. Mills Co. Nat. Bank. Joseph V. Hinchman. Bank of Glidden. Glidden Bank. Webster Co. Bank. @.-Be Bark: Stouder & Son. First National Bank. Adair County Bank. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. Merchants Nat. Bank Citizens Bank. Grinnell Sv’gs Bank. First National Bank. First National Bank. Grundy Co. Nat. B’k. Centre Bank. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. Far. & Mer. Bank. Franklin Co. Bank. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. Harlan Bank. Shelby County Bank. Peoples Bank. Exchange Bank. Bank of Hawarden. Bank of Hedrick. Holstein Bank. Farmers Ex. Bank. Bank of Hubbard. Peoples Bank. Humboldt Co. Bank. Home Bank. Ida County Bank. Baxter, Reed &Co. Bank of Imogene. Peoples Nat. Bank. First National Bank. First National Bank. Warren Co. Bank. Exchange Bank. Johnson Co. 8’v'g Bk Iowa City Nat. Bank. First National Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Iowa Falls. Bank of [reton. Bank of Irwin. Greene County Bank. City Bank. First National Bank.BANKS AND BANKERS DEPARTMENT FOR !OWA-—Continued. Place. County. Jewell, Hamilton. Jolley, Calhoun. Kellerton, Ringgold. Keilcgg Jasper. S35)? Keok uk, Lee. sé “cc oe aé Keosauqua, Van Buren. Keota, Keokuk. Kingsley, Plymouth. Knoxville, Marion. “cs ee Lake City, Calhoun. Lake Mills, Lansing, Allamakee. Lapor te C ity, Blackhawk, Laurens, Pocahontas. Lawler, Chickasaw. Lehigh, Webster. LeMars, Plymouth. ee ee ce sé Lenox, Taylor. Leon, Decatur. es se Lewis, Cass. Lineville, Wayne. Lisbon, Linn. Livermore, Humboldt. Logan, Harrison. Lohrville, Calhoun. Lowden, Cedar. Lueas, Lucas. Luverne, sossuth. Lynnville, Jasper. Lyons, Clinton. McGregor, Clayton. Macedonia, Pottawattamie. Madrid, Boone. Magnolia, Harrison. Malcom, Poweshiek. Malvern, Mills. Manchester, Delaware. 73 “e ae ee “ now the property of a Kansas City Syndicate, is being platted out in Resi- surrounding country. ‘The Extension of the Elevated Road running through This Beautiful Tract of 110 Acres adjoins the Western Highlands, and fronts on the Acres, which will be the great attraction to the Kansas citizens, All particulars respecting OLR AGHRNTS. REMIN DER.—If it is stated where advertise answer your inquiry or correspondence —Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE mentis noticed, advertisers can refer, and more promptly and satisfactorily FAVORITE.”BANKS AND BANKERS pzparrmenr ror KANSAS. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Abilene, Dickinson. “cc 4s ce ee cé ce Alma, Wabaunsee. “ee ec Almena, Norton. Ames, Cloud. Altoona, Wilson. Anthony, Harper. ee ee Argonia, Sumner. Arkansas City, Cowley. Ashland, Clark. Atchison, Atchison. ‘ec “ec 66 és oe ec Atwood, Rawlins. Attica, Harper. Augusta, Butler. Axtell, Marshall. Baldwin City, Douglas. Baxter Springs, Cherokee. Beattie, Marshall. Belle Plaine, Sumner. Belleville, Republic. Beloit, Mitchell. Bennington, Ottawa. Bird City, Cheyenne. Blue Mounds, Linn. Blue Rapids, Marshall. Brainard, Butler. Bronson, Bourbon. Brookville, Saline. Burden, Cowley. Burlingame, Osage, Burlington, Coffey. Burr Oak, Jewell. Burrton, Harvey. se ce Caldwell, Sumner. Canada, Marion. Canton, McPherson. Carbondale, Osage. Cawker City, Mitchell. Cedar Vale, Chautauqua. Centralia, Nemaha. Chanute, Neosho. Chapman’ Dickinson. Chase, Rice. Cheney, Sedgwick. Cherokee, Crawford. Cherry Vale, Montgomery. Chetopa, Lebette. Cimmaron, Eord. ée¢ fj Circleville, Jackson. Clay Centre, Clay. Clear Water, Sedgwick. Clifton, Washington. Clyde, Clou Colby, Thomas. Coffeyville, Montgomery. Colony, Anderson. Coldwater, Comanche. Columbus, Cherokee. Concordia, Cloud. 6c sé Conway Springs, Sumner. 66 se Libold, Fisher & Co. First National Bank. Citizens Bank. Thos. Kirby. Bk of Wabaunsee Co. F. Limerick & Co. Bank of Almena. Ames Bank, J. R. Loomis & Co. Harper Co. Nat 1 Bk. Anthony Nat'l Bank. First National Bank. Argonia Bank. First National Bank. State Bk. of Ashland. Clark County Bank. Exchange Nat’l Bk. First National Bank. Atchison Nat’l'\Bank. Atchison Savings Bk. German Savings Bk. Rawlins Co. Bank. Bank of Atwood. Peoples Bank. Jobes Bank. Brown Bros. Exchange Bank. Baldwin City Bank. Farmers & Drovers Bk Baxter Bank. Bank of Beattie. Peoples Bank. Davis Stéele & Co. Belleville Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Beloit. First National Bank Bank of Bennington. Cheyenne County Bk. Blue Mounds Bank. Bk. of Blue Rapids. Bank of Brainard. Pinnell & Smith. Brookville Bank. State Bk of Burden. Burlingame Syvgs Bk. Traders Bank. Burlington Nat’l Bk. Peoples Nat'l Bank. Bank of Burr Oak. Wilbur & Co’s Bank. Merchants & Farmers ank. Bank of Burrton. Stock Exchange Bk. Canada Bank, Bank of Canton. Commercial Bank. First National Bank. Cedar Vale Bke Co. Centralia State Bank. Chanute Bank. M. Railey. Chapman Bank. Bank of Chase. Bank of Cheney. Cherokee Bank. First National Bank. Clark & Bates. Cimmaron Bank. Dixon & Co. Ouslers Bank. People’s Nat’l Bank. First National Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Clay Co. Bank. Clear Water Bank. Bank of Clifton. Bank of Clyde. First National Bank. Bank of Colby. First National Bank. Bank of Colony. Coldwater Bank. Comanche Co. Bank. Bk. of Columbus. Ritter & Doubleday. Cloud Co. Bank. First National Bank. Bk of Conway Springs Sumner County BE. 0 Cottonwood Falls, Chase. Council Grove, Morris. Crisfield, Harper. Cuba, Republic. Delphos, Ottawa. Dighton, Lane. Dodge City, Ford. Douglas, Butler. Downs, Osborne Dunlap, Morris. Earlton, Neosho. Edmond, Norton. El Dorado, Butler. Elk City, Montgome Elk Falls, Elk. a Ellinwood, Barton. Ellis, Ellis. Ellsworth,’ -Ellsworth. ec sé cs &eé Elmdale, Chase. Emporia, Lyon. Englewood, Clark. Enterprise, Dickinson. Erie, Neosho. Eskridge, Wabaunee. ‘ce “ ‘6 6 Eustis, Sherman. Eureka, Greenwood. “ce “s Everest, Brown. Fall River, Greenwood. Florence, Marion. Fostoria, Pottawatomie. Fort Scott, Bourbon. se 6é Frankfort, Miami. Fredonia, Wilson. te se Fulton, Bourbon. Galena, Cherokee. Galesburgh, Neosha. Garden City, Finney. ‘6 sé ¢ Gardner, Johnson. Garnett, Anderson. 6 “ce Gaylord, Smith. Girard, Crawford. Glasco, Cloud. Glen Elder, Mitchell, Grainfield, Gove. Great Bend, Barton. ce 66 “se “cc Greenleaf, Washington. Greensburgh, Edwards. Grenola, Elk. Haddam, Washington. Halstead, Harvey. Hanover, Washingtsn. Harper, Harper. Hartford, Lyon. Havensville, Pottawatomie. Hays City, Bllis. Hazleton, Barber. Herington, Dickinson. Hiawatha, Brown. Highland, Doniphan. Hillsboro, Marion. Chase Co. Nat’] Bk. Farmers&Dyrovers Bk. Morris Co. State Bk. Bank of Crisfield. Bank of Cuba. Bank of Delphos. Frazer & Sawyer. J. F. Andrews & Co. Bank of Dodge City. Merchants Bank. W. P. Knote. N. Wilke. Bank of Downs. Farmers Bank. Band of Earlton. Bank of Edmond. Exchange Nat’] Bk Bank of El Dorado. Elk City Bank. Blakes Bank. Bank of Ellinwood. Merchants Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. State Savings Bank. First National Bank. Stotts Bank. Emporia Savings Bk. First National Bank. Emporia Nat’l Bk. Citizens Bank. State Bk of Southern Kansas. Enterprise Bank. Allen & Allen. Farmers & Traders Bank. Bank of Eskridge. Security Bank. Sherman Co. Bank. Eureka Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Exchange Bank. Bank of Fall River. Bank of Marion. Fostoria Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank, Bank of Fort Scott. First Nat’l Bank. Fredonia Bank. Wilson Co. Bank. Bank of Fulton. Bank of Galena. Galesburg Ex. Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Finney Co. Bank. Bank of Western Kansas. Exchange Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Garnett. Bank of Gaylord. G. R. Parker. First Nat’] Bank. Citizens Bank. Bank of Glasco. Bank of Glen Elder. First Bank of Grain- eld. Farmers & Merchants Bank, First Nat'l Bauk. J. B. Brinkmen & Co. Bank of Greenleaf. Greensburgh Bank, Grenola Bank. Haddam State Bank. Halstead Nat’l Bank. Bank of Hanover. First Nat’l Bank. Harper Nat’! Bank. Hartford Bank. Havensville Bank. Bank of Ellis Co. Bank of Hays City. Bank of Hazleton. Bank of Herington. First Nat’l Bank. Morrill & Janes. J. P. Johnson. German Bank. Holton, Jackson. 6é “cc ce ‘“c Hope, Dickinson. Howard, Elk. Humboldt, Allen. Hunnewell, Sumner. Hutchinson, Reno. ‘ce sc Tola, Allen. Irving, Marshall. Iuka, Pratt. Jamestown, Claid. Jewell, Jewell. Junction City, Davis. Kenneth, Sheridan. Kingman, Kingman. ce ‘ce ce «sé Kinsley, Edwards. Kirwin, Phillips. La Crosse, Rush. La Cygne, Linn. Lakin, Finney. Larned, Pawnee. Lawrence, Douglas. se sé ‘ec sé Lebo, Coffey. Lehigh, Marion. Lenora, Norton. Leon, Butler. Leonardsville, Riley. Liberty, Montgomery. Lincoln, Lincoln. Lindsborg, McPherson. Little River, Rice. Logan, Phelp Ss. Long Island, ; Phillips. Longton, Elk. Louisburgh, Miami. Lyndon, Osage. Lyons, Rice. McCune, Crawford. McPherson, McPherson. 6s sé ce “6 Madison, Greenwood. Manhattan, Riley. Mankato, J ewell. Marion, Marion. & 6s ee Marysville, Marshall. Medicine Lodge, Barbour. Melvern, Osage. Meriden, Jefferson. Millbrook, Graham. Miltonyale, Cloud. Kansas City, (west) Wyan- dotte. Holton City Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Linscotts Bank. Hope Farmers Bank. Elk Co. Bank. First .Nat’l Bank. Humboldt Bank. Hamilton Bank. First Nat*l Bank. Hutchinson Nat’l Bk. James F. Redhead & Co. Independence, Montgomery. Commercial Bank. Citizens Bank. Bank of Allen Co. L. L. Northrop. Bank of Irving. Pratt Co. Bank. Bank of Jamestown. Citizens Bank. Jewell Bank. Central Kansas Bank. W. B. Clarke’s Bank. Savings Bank of Kan- sas. Sheridan Co. Bank. Bank cf Kingman. DD. B. Cook & Co. Farmers & Drovers Bank. Edwards Co. Bank. Kinsley Exchange Bk. Kirwin Bank. Traders Bank. Bank of La Crosse. Linn Co. Bank. Bank of Lakin. First Nat'l Bank. Larned State Bank. Natl Bank of Law- rence. Merchants Bank. Douglas Co. Bank. Leavenworth, Leavenworth. First Nat'l Bank. Insley, Shire & Co. German Bank. Metropolitan Nat'l ank. Leavenworth Nat'l Bank. Bank of Lebo. Lehigh Bank. Bank of Lenora. Leon Bank. Leonardsville Bank. Bank of Liberty. Lincoln Bank. Saline Valley Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Lindsborg. ~ Bank of Little River. Bank of Logan. Peoples Bank. Long Island Bank. Longton Bank. M. Reed & Co. Lyndon Savings bk. Bank of Lyons. Kansas State Cent. Bk McCune Bank. McPherson Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Central Bank. Citizens Bank. Madison Bank. Manhattan Bank. Blue Valley Bank. Bank of Mankato. Case, Bishop & Co. Cottonwood Valley Bavk. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Exchange Bank. First Nat’l Bank. McNeal Bkg Co. Melvern Bank. Bank of Meriden. Graham Co. Bank. Citizens Bank.BANKS Place. County. Name. Minneapolis, Ottawa. ce 6é Moline, Elk. Morganville, Clay. Mound City, Linn. Mound Valley, Labette. Mount Hope, Sedgwick. Mulvane, Sumner. Muscotah, Atchison. Neodesha, Wilson. sé ce Neosha Falls, Woodson. Ness City, Ness. New Kiowa, Barber. Newton, Harvey. €é ce é¢ éé 6eé 6 ce ce Nickerson, Reno. Norton, Norton. ee +t ee ee Nortonville, Jefferson. Norwich, Kingman. Oberlin, Decatur. éé 6c ee 6¢ Olathe, Johnson. &e “cc Olesburgh, Pottawatomie. Onaga, Pottawatomie. Oneida, Nemaha. Osage City, Osage. ce “e Osage Mission, Neosho. ee 66 Osborne, Osborne. at ee Oskaloosa, Jefferson. 56 “ce Oswego, Labette. <4 “é e “ce Ottawa, Franklin. “ce 66 ce ce 6é “é Ottawa Co. Bank. First Nat'l Bank. J. W. Smith. Exchange Bank. Morganville Bank. Mound City Bank. Hood & Kincaids. Condon & Gandy. Farmers & Drovers Bank. Bank of Mulvane. Exchange Bank. Nepdesha Sv’gs Bk. Condon & Carpenter. Neosha Falls Bank. Ness Co. Bank. Ness City Bank. Bank of New. Kiowa. Newton Nat'l Bank. International Bank. r Banking Co. First Nat’] Bank. German Nat’l Bank. Commercial Bank. Bank of Nickerson. State Bk. of Norton. Norton Co. Bank. Farmers Ex. Bank. Bank of Nortonville. Norwich Bank. Bank of Oberlin. Nat’] Bk. of Oberlin. Citizens Bank. Johnson Co. Bank. Patrons Co-operative Bank. Bank of Olathe. Olesburgh Bank. Onaga Exchange Bk. Exchange Bank. Osage Co. Bank. Citizens Bank. Bk, of Osage Mission. City Bank. First National Bank. Exchange Bank. Oskaloosa Bank. Jefferson Co. Ex. Bk. C. M. Condon. First National Bank. Marley & Marley. Peoples Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Goodwin Bank. Bank of Ottawa. Place. County. AND BANKERS DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS—Continued. Name. Oxford, Sumner. Paola, Miami. Parsons, Labette. Peabody, Marion. Phillipsburgh, Phillips. Pittsburgh, Crawford. Pleasanton, Linn. Portis, Osborne. Pratt, Pratt. Quenemo, Osage. Randolph, Riley. Republic, Republic. Richfield, Morton. Rush Centre, Rush. Russell, Russell. Sabetha, Nemaha. Saint John, Stafford. Saint Marys, Pottawatomie. Salem, Jewell. Salina, Saline. ce ee te ce Saratoga, Pratt. «6 6s Scandia, Republic. Sedan, Chautauqua. Sedgwick, Harvey. 6e ce Seneca, Nemaha. 6 ae ee ce Severance, Doniphan. Severy, Greenwood. Simpson, Mitchell. Smith Centre, Smith. ee ce Solomon City, Dickinson. ce ce Spearville, Ford. Stafford, Stafford. Sterling, Rice. Stockton, Rooks. ce ce Strong, Chase. Thayer, Neosho. Oxford Bank. Miami Co. Nat’l Bk. Bank of Poala. Commercial Bank. First National Bank. Peabody Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Citizens Bank. Phillips Co. Bank. Pittsburgh Bank. Hood & Kincaids. Portis Bank. Bank of Pratt. Quenemo Bank. Randolph Bank. Republic Co. Bank. Hamilton Co. Bank. Rush Co. Bank. Russell Bank. Blair & Haskett. Sabetha State Bank. Peoples Bank. State Bk. of St. John. First Nat’] Bank. Salem Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Salina Bank. John Sherrins. Geo. A. Lewis & Co. Aeon: Weaver & 0 Bank of Scandia. Chautauqua Co. Turners Bank. Citizens Bank. Sedgewick City Bank. Nemaha Co. Bank. First National Bank. State Bank of Kansas. J. L. Kirwan. Bank of Severy. Simpson & Disney. Smith Co. Bank. Peoples Bank. Solomon City Bank. Citizens Bank. J. Ferrier & Co. Stafford Bank. First National Bank. Rice Co. Bank. Rooks Co. Bank. T. E. Baldwin & Co. Bank of Stockton. Bank of Strong. Ewings Bank. Bk. | White Cloud, Doniphan. Place. County. Name. Bank of Topeka. First National Bank. Central National Bk. Topeka State Bank. J. D. Knox & Co. Citizens Bank. Toronto Bank. Border Bros. Bank of Commerce. Bk. of Valley Centre. Valley Falls Bank of Deposit. Hicks & Gephart. Trego Co. Bank. Wilson, Murry & Co. Walnut Bank. Bank of Walton. First National Bank. Wamego Bank. Bank of Wano. Washington Nat’! Bk First National Bank. Stackpole & ‘Tobey. Bank of Waterville. Fisher & Senivo. Bank of Wayne. Wellington Nat] Bk. First Nat'l Bank of Wellington. Wellsville, Franklin. Wellsville Bank. Westmoreland, Pottawat’ie. First National Bank. Wetmore, Nemaha. Wetmore State Bk. A. Poulett. Whiting Ex. Bank. Kansas Nat’] Bank. Kansas State Bank. Wichita Nat'l Bk. Bank of Wichita. Citizens Bank. Williamsburgh Bk. Exchange Bank. Bank of Wilson. Windom Bank. Winfield Nat’l Bk. Farmers Bank. First National Bank. Northrup & Son. Bank of Wyandotte. © Yates Center Bank. Woodson Nat’l Bk. Topeka, Shawnee. ee 66 6c ce 66 66 cé ce Topeka, (North) Shawnee. Toronto, Woodson. Troy, Doniphan. Udall, Cowley. Valley Centre, Sedgwick. Valley Falls, Jefferson. 66 6c Wa Keeney, Trego. Walnut, Crawford. Walton, Harvey. i Wamego, Pottawatomie. Wano, Cheyenne. | Washington, Washington. ce “cc Waterville, Marshall. Waverly, Coffey. Wayne, Republic. Wellington, Sumner. Whiting, Jackson. Wichita, Sedgwick. a4 ae oc és ‘6 66 ce ce Williamsburgh, Frankln. Willis, Brown. Wilson, Ellsworth. Windom, McPherson. Winfield, Cowley. se 3 Wyandotte, Wyandotte. Yates Center, Woodson. REQUEST.— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers Depart- ment” of ‘THe EvERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.” GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Abilene, Dickinson. Stambaugh, Hurd & Asherville, Mitchell. S. W. Brandon. Avilla, Comanche. J. L. Osborne. - s Gee s - 5 C. P. Woodbury. Baldwin City, Douglas. J. A. De Valley. - es i n 3 ahan. Ss i W. R. Payne. Baxter Springs, Cherokee. W.H. Horner. m : Benton Crawford. i ‘ Ayers & Thomas. ‘ es W.M. Matheny. - . On 1Oore 2 s B. E. Paige. Beattie, Marshall. C. S. Garrison. — i S : spouthwor i . - S. A. Parshley. Belle Plaine, Sumner. J. W. Forney. iy . ae ue OUg a. : : Frank Exline. Belleville, Republic. T. M. Noble. Nees Rede Atchison, Atchison. Everest & Waggener. es ie Van Natta & Close. i y ee . ae x. a i Tomlinson & Eaton. - cs Hogin & Dillon. - : Q Bronce Mead. 7 < Martin & Orr. ce ce Hes Lacey fe 2 TR - ae y _ Jackson & Royce. - ss E. B. Towle. “i GC 7 Gane bell. : z Gilbert & Walker. S A. E. Towle. Rleendee Ruch: a key oo 5 i Sat & Solomon. Beloit, Mitchell. Horace Cooper. TEE Lane. M. S. Ketch. “ “ i. See eee b: . Holt & Hicks. ma, Wabaunsee. Geo. G. Cornell. ce ‘6 Ch ith iBotetaral “ ‘ Hewat’ cooper: ee Jas, Casvol ce Rcee eOe e J Antoabss IMiaeone aie etts a Ae soet + se Graff & Allensworth. ss es r Gen re aapeltes . F. Godfrey. “ Mills & Wells “ « CG aNre eae Anthony, Harper. ror Shepard. & «“ TARVER I ee + 7 Cade ohnston & Naltzger. 6 ‘ eat : : J. Kni WBE cent altzger a e Adams & Crawford. | Bird City, Cheyenne. A Be Towers Arkansas City, Cowley. 6é “cc ee ““ Asherville, Mitchell. C. L. Swarts. Wm. M. Jenkins. Col. Sumner. Price & Smith. McCartney &. Harris. Atwood, Rawlins. Attica, Harper. Augusta, Butler. 66 ‘ Elliston & Heath. O. C, R. Randall. M. B. Smith. T. O. Shinn. ¥. L. Jones. H. A. White. Blaine, Pottawatomie. Blue Mounds, Linn. Blue Rapids, Marshall. Brenhan, Edwards. Bronson. Bourbon. Brookville, Saline.GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS—Continued. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Place. County, Name, Buckner, Hodgeman. G. W. Todd. Derby, Sedgwick. S. W. McCoy. Fort Scott, Bourbon. W.C. Perry. : 5 G. W. Hovey. Dighton, Lanes Grimstead Bros. Mf s J.S. West. é A. T. Reiley. Wamock & Sutton. sf . C. BE. Corey. urden, Cowley. Samuel J. Day. Dodge City, Ford. Sutton & Soper. s ‘ J. M. ne hre Burlingame, Osage. Thompson & Heizer. “ H. McGarry. ce = John M. Gallows HK. G. Russell. ef se W. E. Hendricks. s ee John H. Crider. ai Burlington, Coffey. Redmond & Jenkins, ‘f ss T.S. Jones. ‘s F. Scovill ‘ i Manchester & Davis, ‘sf es W. C. Shinn. s§ Ye W W. Martin é é Silas Fearl. cs s F. T. M. Wenie. ce ‘ ©. M. Van Peet é ; Geo. M. Dixon. te « D. M. Frost. « c W.J. Bowden. : : ete rea 7 $s “e Finley & Milton. a s H. J. Butler. : CEN Grows ouglas, Butler. EK. H. Hutchins. i : B. J. Waters. Burr Oak, Jewell. Burrton, Harvey. Caldwell, Sumner. ee “ce Canton, McPherson. Carbondale, Osage, 66 oe Cawker City, Mitchell. Cedar Vale, Chautauqua. Cedarville, Smith. Centralia, Nemaha, Chanute, Neosho. 66 “c 66 6s Chapman, Dickinson. Cheney, Sedgwick. Cherokee, Crawford. Cherry Vale, Montgomery. és sé Chetopa, Lebette. Cimarron, Ford. Clay Centre, Clay. sé sé 6c os ce 66 «é 66 66 66 Clifton, Washington. ‘é Clyde, Cloud. Coffeyville, Montgomery. Colby, Thomas. Coldwater, Comanche. Colony, Anderson. Columbus, Cherokee. “cc “ 46 “ 6s 66 66 “ “cc 65 ‘6 “ Concordia, Cloud. Cottonwood Falls, Chase. ée 6 Council Grove, Morris. 6 “cc 66 66 66 “ 66 ce 66 66 66 6 66 ‘“c “c ‘“ Coyville, Wilson. G. N. McConnell. Orson Kent. A. W. Edgerly. Ira F. Hodson. J. E. Howard. S. P. G. Lewis. Geo. R. Snelling. Cass Burris. re radford & Grego J.S. Callen. ae C. M. Higley. Trank Aley. WV. P. Lynch. J. R. Newell. A. L. Coleman. C. W. Edgar. Amos F. Lapham. McClelland & Brown. S. E.- Carter. R. N. Allen. J. oe Carpenter. W.S. McCray. M. Warsentt KE. A. Perry. C. A. Montgomery. Gifford & Begun. TAY ie Wilson. A. G. Drake. F. M. Smith. Leroy Neal. G. H. Goodwin. Harkness & Godard. F. B. Dawes. C. M. Anthony. W. E. Demaway. Jeo: F, Skipton. T. A. Cordry. C. C. Coleman. R. O. Woody. Chadwick & Hamilton W. D. Hilton. Thos. G. Ayers. D. Stewart Elliott. Wilcoxen & Hovey. Cook & Miles. Lobaugh & Blake. J. D. F. Jennings. W.T. Willis. G. W. Vickers. M. A. Carmichael, Ritter & Skidmore. Cowles & Wiswell. Anderson & Trace- well. Ba Som & Wright. J. W. Moore. J. R. Hallowell. Bennett, Lewis & Bennett. C. D. Nichols. J. Railsback. R. M. Cheshire. M. M. Edmiston. C. O. Stackslayer. Brown & Pulsifer, Madden Bros. Young & Kelly. Thos. H Grisham. J. M. Miller. M. L. Ritchie. John §. Provine. B.S. Bertram. Maloy & Kelly. J. K. Owens. P.S. Roberts. A. Moser, Jr. Tsaac Sharp. Peter Durham. Downs, Osborne. Dunlap, Morris. El Dorado, Butler. 66 6s ce ‘6 oo 66 ce 6c 6c 6s ‘ec 66 Elk City, Montgomery. Elk Falls, Elk. Ellinwood, Barton. Ellis, Ellis. Ellsworth, Ellsworth. Emerson, Stafford. Emporia, Ly on. 6 sé 66 és 66 sc 6é 6é ée 66 66 6&6 66 cc 66 66 &é 66 &é sé ‘6 sé sé és 66 be 66 “6 sé“ sé Enterprise, Dickinson. Erie, Neosho. 66 6c ‘é 66 Eskridge, Wabaunsee. “ec 66 “ “ce Eudora, Douglas. cs 46 Eureka, Greenwood. “se “ss Fall River, Greenwood. Finney, Woodson. Florence, Marion. ce 19 oc 19 Fort Scott, Bourbon. 66 66 “e ‘66 6c éc¢ «é 46 es 66 “ 6é a 6c é¢ A. H. Simpson. Huff & Mellen. F. M. Bentley. H. W. Sahai ee C. A. Leland. . N. Smith, . L. Redden. . L. L. Hamilton. . R. Finney. . A. Cameron. . C. Turner. . T. Cameron. . E. Lobdell. ¢ eeee ee Geo. Gardner. Knowles & Stratford. G. P. Aikman. W. E. Kilcore. Samuel Weston. F. A. Stoddard. M. M. Fuller. Llovd & Evans. R. W. Carter. J. W. Brooks. L. H. Seaver. EK. FP. Clark. C. F. McGrew. Ee Dixe Buck & Feighan. Kellogg & Sedgwick. I. E. Lambert. W. A. Randolph. Cunningham & Mc- Carty. Peyton, Sanders & Pey Gr a CRo wer’ Sad- er. C. N. Sterry. C. B. Batchelor. A. M. Florey. T. E. Johnson. R. M. & A. P. Mills. F. A. Brogan. Chas. Fletcher. . W. Scott. Ha arvey Frith. P. P. Hillerman. Ed B. Blaich. C, A. Cox. J. W. Sharock. . L. Davis. .G. Jones. . D. Tillotson. _W. C. Shutter. Je D. McCleverty. KE. F. Ware. A. A. Harris. J. M. Limbocker. F, L. McDermott. Je DS Elle C. L. Ware. E. M. Hulett. Frankfort, Miami. 66 cs Fredonia, Butler. Fredonia, Wilson. 6é “6 6c é Frisco, Morton. 6s 66 Fulton, Bourbon. Galena, Cherokee. 6s “cc “ Garden City, Finney. Garnett, Anderson. 46 sé 6s sé 66 sé ‘6 és 6c 6s ‘cc sé ‘6 6c sé ‘6 “6 ce ce sc 66 Gaylord, Smith. Girard, Crawford. ec “ce Glen Elder, Mitchell. Grainfield, Gove. Great Bend, Barton. Greensburgh, Edwards. Greenleaf, Washington. Grenola, Elk. Hallowell, Cherokee. Halstead, Harvey. Hanover, Washington. ée 6c 66 ce Harper, Harper. Hartford, Lyon. Hays City, Ellis. sé 6 Hazelton, Barber. Hiawatha, Brown. ee “e W. W. Padgett. 66 “ O. A. Cheney. eTown & Gregg. S. D. McKee. T. J. Hudson. Kirkpatrick & Vestal. Hudson & Reed. Chase & White. B. M. Short. Cass Burns. D. B. Jackman. J. F. St. Clair G. W. Webb. Sapp & s app. Gibson Bros. Morse & Sutton. Morgan & Davis. Hopkins & Hahn. Milton Brown. Abbott & Lawrence. Grant Stanley. Auttenhouse & Cham- ers. Jobnson, Poplin & Johnson. J. G. Lindsay. Manford Schoonover. Kish & Hall. T. H. Harder. E. A. Ford. J.J. Hotfman. J. W. Hall. D. W. Houston. Webb MeNall. Wells & Wells. Sayrs & Gaitskill. Jas. T. Bridgens. John Q. Voss. Van Sykel & Bella- ney. Widby & Fuller. M. F. Russell. Jas. Brown. Frank Playter. P. I. B. King. Jas. I. Smith. Myron A. Wood. John A. Rankin. Austin Hawley. C. H. Yeoman. J. C. McMerney. E. A. McMath. Day os Dodge. Cole Bros. Clayton & Clayton. Detfenbacher& Banta. Nimock & Bro. Maher & Osmond. H. H. Patton. Wnm.. McK. Milligan. W. P. Mudgett. FR. L. Joslyn. J. 9S. Deal. C. A. Gibbs. M. V. Sweesey. FR. A. Meckel. Sam S. Sisson. J. J. Evans. David Lathbone. W. P. Montgomery. A. D. Gilkeson. Frank Danford. Jas. Reeder. Chas. Reeder. Chas. Howard. E. L. Rooks. Frank Howe. Jas. Talloon. S. F. Newlon. A. R. May.CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION ieee ne Place. County. Se a Hiawatha, Brown. &é “ 66 & 6 6c 6 «t “ “é ce Highland, Doniphan. Hodgeman, Hodgeman. Holton, Jackson. Hope, Dickinson. Howard, os 6eé « 66 ce 66 ce 66 6é 66 6c ce Humboldt, Allen. “et &e sé 6“ Hutchinson, Reno. Independence, Montgomer ce ‘ 6e “cc 66 “6 oe 6 éeé 6 Jola, Allen. Towa Point, Doniphan. Irving, Marshall. Iuka, Pratt. Jetmore, Hodgeman. ce ee 66 ce 6é c¢ «6 6e Jewell, Jewell. Junction City, Davis. Kenneth, Sheridan. ee ce ce « Keroma, Hodgeman. Kingman, Kingman. 6e te éé 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 é¢ 66 ce 6¢ 6é 6 oe ce Kinsley, Edwards. ¢ &eé ce 66 66 “6 «ec 6e 6 ce Kirwin, Phillips. ee “é “ec “ La Crosse, Rush. é ce La Cygne, Linn. ée oe Lakin, Finney. Lane, Franklin. Larned, Pawnee. be cc “c & 6 6 ce “ 66 “ce 66 “ 66 (49 66 “ 66 “ @ C} Name. B. F. Kaller. R. GC. Jones. Ira J. Lacock. E., E. Brierer. Cc. W. Johnson. C. Brierer. B. A. Seaver. T. C. Bowie. Keller & Noble. G. Teats. L. Scott. B. L. Brush. J. A. McHenry. White & Marshall. Carr & Oberlinder. Nichols & Jackson. D. W. Dunnett. A. M. Bowen. G. A. Amos. E. P. Smith. Eli Gilbert. J. B. Ferguson. (, V. Ricksecker. y.Joseph Chandler. J. D. McCue. Wm. Dunkin. T. H. Stanford. S.C. Elliott. E. E. Matthews. . B. Zeigler. SBe@lark. .H. Harris. .J. Williamson. iltner & Buchanan. . C. Lewis. Baker & F ay. W.S. Kenyon. N. L. Peck. P.S. Ham. Alice H. Pratt. H. Innis. . L. Palmer. M. F. Knappenberger C. H. Purinton. . A. Chambers. . Urgerhart. . McCracken. OQaet pS St Zur Paces Ho: A. B. Gilbert. Gillett & Whitelaw. E. M. Wisner. Steck & Ashbaugh. C. W. Fairchild. H. L. Strohm. Lydecker & Leslie. W. H. Barnes. D. R. Kinsey. John C. Foley. L. M. Conklin & Son. Jas. P. Meads. R. P. Bolles. J. W. Crawford. Vandervert & Mc- Corse. W. 4H. French. W.H. Kow. M. Moore. Wilson & Mauck. McBride Bros. W.T.S. May. T. H. Bradley. Don Carlos & Son. John Hargrove. Wm. Tweedy. James D. Snoddy. S. Douglas. Ve Wo Donaldson. M. F. Leasure. Frank P. Lindsay. P. D. Myers. Place. County. Larned, Pawnee. Lawrence, Douglas. 6 “ ‘6 6 &c “6 &6 6c “ 66 “ce se “ 66 “ é6 6é 6c 66 66 6 66 “ 66 & 66 6 6 17 ee “ce 6c “ Lenora, Norton. Leon, Butler. Leonardsville, Riley. Liberty, Monteontery. Lincoln, Lincol n. ce 6 Lindsborg, McPherson. Logan, Phelps. Long Island, Phillips. Louisburgh, Miami. Louisville, Pottawatomie. Lyndon, Osage. te “ce Lyons, Rice. McCune, Crawford. McPherson, McPherson. 66 “é 6é «e Manh attan, Riley. Mankato, Jewell. “ec 66 &é éc ée cc Marion, Marion. iT4 &e M arysville, Marshall. 79 6c 66 66 6 “ 66 “ 66 ce “6 ce 66 6 ce “ €6 73 66 6 66 <3 6c ‘“c 66 66 Melvern, Osage. Van Winkle & Brown | Milford, ‘Davis. P. H. Forbes. Nelson Adams. G. P. Kline. J. P. Morrell. Freeland & Doughty. V.D. Metcalf. J. M. Miller, W.C. Edwards. Morris & Morris. Henry Booth. Millbrook, Graham. Miltonvale, Cloud. Minneapolis, Ottawa. ce 66 66 «sé 66 «6 66 “6 66 66 6 G Leavenworth, Leavenworth. ee ee Medicine Lodge, Barbour. DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS—Continued. ee Name. Place. County. Name. P. H. Hughes. Mound City, Linn. H. T. Smith. Peter Bell. a . Wm. Rich. bs c John C. Cannon. E. Wheat. | Mount Hope, Sedgwick. W. A, Dailey Stillings & Stillings. | Mulvane, Sumner. E. J. Kuhn H. T. Green. Muscotah, Atchison, G. W. White. J. D. Shafer. Neodesha, Wilson. J. W. Sutherland. Thos. P. Fenlon. ss =f J. K. De Moss. ; Wm. Dill. Neosha Falls, Woodson. H.D. Denon W. W. Black. os % J.H. Sticher. T. A. Hurd. - s J. W. Dickson. John CG. Douglas. Nescatunga, Comanche. 8%. P. Duncan. H. Miles Moore. Ness City, Ness. A. K. Mead. Cc, F. W. Dassler. a sf Geo. S. Redd. H. W. Ide. a S S. A. Smith. J. H. Gillpatrick. re rf John F. Wood. J H. Atwood. ve S H. A. McLean. W. C. Hook. New Kiowa, Barber. D. G. Flinn. C. P. Rutherford. Porter & Hunter. Nathan A. Mann. F. M. Jeffreys. D. W. Poe. J.H. Jenkins D. B. Campbell. K. F. Coad. Muix & Bussick. BE. A. McFarland. J. H. Smith. Hardesty & Dunham. W.S. Tidball. McPhail & Robson. R. T. Shearer. J. B. Bodwell. A.C. Hayes. W. R. Chaplin. Chas. E. Johnson. J. W. Lord. L. T. Wilson. Pleasant & Pleasant. Thompson & Powell. H. Gaddis. D. K. Cunningham. W. J. Travis. G. W, Allison. Dean & Robson. R. B. Spilman. Geo. 8. Green. John E. Hessier. H. W. Starkpole. Geo. C. Wilder. A. H. Browns, D. Hungerford. Sam Kimble. C. Angerine. W. A. Patterson. J. H. Mechem. R.S. Hanley. J.B. Rea. L. F. Keller. Doster & Bogle. C. W. Keller. R. L. King. Mann & Patterson. J. A. Broughton. W.A. Calderhead. Chas. Brown. W.S. Glass. Theo H. Polack. A. E. Park. Ellis & Ellis. Martin & Overstreet. Burney & McDonald. Chester I. Long. Orner & Sample. A. J. Jones. Frank Shannon. J. W. Stout. A. L. Noble. W.H McCague Tsaac Farley. A. C. Baker. H. J. Harwi. A.J. Blackwood. R. F. Thompson. Chipman & Painter. W. &. Richards. C. W. Stephenson. A. V. Truman. D. W. Huntley. Thos. Midgley. oe Cummins, Newton, Harvey. Nickerson, Reno. Norton, Norton. Oakley, St. John. Oberlin, Decatur. t ‘ ce ce ce éé ce ee Olathe, J ohnson. ee ¢ ee 6 6 66 «ce ce 66 éé ce 66 6é éé ce cé ce ce ce &é te ce 66 te Omio, Jewell. Onaga, Pottawatomie. Orwell, Hodgeman. Osage City, Osage. ¢e 66 &¢ ce Osage Missione Neosho. a6 66 ce ce 66 6é Osawatomie, Miami. oe ce Osborne, Osborne. rt e Oskaloosa, Jefferson. Oswego, Labette. G Oxford, Sumner. Ozawkie, Jefferson. Paola, Miami. ee 6¢ 6e 6s é a6 W. A. Hopkins. Greene & Shaver. L. C. Brown. Ames & Boys. Dodge & Goodier. Wilson & Aderlman. G. W. Burtrum. Decker & Carterline. J. R. Chase. W.C. McElroy. F. R. Oge John TT. srattle. H. L. Bureress. W.A - Ocheltree. Vo We ‘Parker. J. T. Burris. I. O. Pickering. . M. Hamilton. . P. St. John. Thos. Slaughter. A. 8. Derenney. othe Ut tley & Martin. H. B. Hughbanks. Ellis ‘(ewis. H. K. McConnell. C. F. Hutchings. . L. Dennison. Cogswell & Kennedy. Geo. Hill Thos. Roberts. H. B. Smith. A. Saxey & Son. TWalconce Mitchell & Heren. Hayes & Pitts. M. E.Smith. E. T. Robinson. H. T. Hillebrandt. cy ess Brockway. D. Condeman. S. L. Coulter. Wilson Case. . B. Glasse. A. Gates. W. Littick. H. Morrison. W. Marley. W. H. Caen cy 4 by ¢ Perkins. ater ‘rue. G. Webb. - W. Littlefield. John W. Deford. C. B. Mason. H. P. Welsh. Mechem & Smart. A. Franklin. Clark & Wilkinson. C. W. Boyd. Chas. Smith. W.R. Wagstaff. Beeson & Baker. Brayman & Shelden. John C. Sheridan. W J. G. J. J. B. T. L. H.Moninger & Kelly. H CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS—Continued. Place. County. Name. Place, Gounts se Name. Place. County. Name. Paola, Miami. W. T. Johnston. es a L. C. Whitne W Pottawatomi " ss T. M. Carroll. Sedgwick, Harvey. D. E. Paige. Geers L iG eee : a J. A. Hoag. Seneca, Nemaha, Connell & Wells. a es oni i i “ W. H. Brown. i ° Taylor & Barrett. Wano, Cheyenne. . G. ‘Lhurman. s 2 J. E. Wright. yh ‘ John F. Curran. oe fs H. C. Ewing. ; 5 Kingsley & Stephens. ; sf John P. Campbell. sf Jens Finley. Wills & Crosson. cs R. M. Emey. és es C. C. Donald Parsons, Labette. C. P. Cone. a G swe mitt Peabody, Marion. be ce “ec é¢ Perry, Jefferson. Peru, Chautauqua. Phillipsburgh, Phillips. “e 6c “ “6 & “ Pittsburgh, Crawford. ae ce sé ce Plainville, Rooks. Pleasanton, Linn. “ec ae ce ce Pratt, Pratt. Protection, Comanche. Quenemo, Osage. Randolph, Riley. Republic, Republic. Richfield, Morton. Rush Centre, Rush. Russell, Russell. sé sé ce ce “6 66 Sabetha, Nemaha. St. John, Stafford. Saint Marys, Pottawatomie. Salem, Jewell. Salina, Saline. Saratoga, Pratt. te 6c Scandia, Republic. ce sé Scranton, Osage. Sedan, Chautauqua. ““ se “6 66 é 6c 66 écé 66 66 Dean & Hess. J, Hudson Morse. L. M. Knowles. D. T. Mitchell. W. A. Price. W. H. Pratt. Geo. W. Stinson. Geo. A. Spaulding. Elihu Davis. McKay & McCarmick. Ed Van Gundy. A. A. Fletcher. O. T. Boaz. H. R. Thurston. 8. G. Hopkins. Stephen H. Allen. W.R. Biddle. Daniel Rich. R. W. Blue. J. H. Martin. Ellis & Oliphant. Noffsinger & Warren. E. P. Hickok. G. Rogers. R. C. Waters. G. R. Archer. Phil Grigsby. J.C. Price. Jesse Northeut. G. P. Hale. Henry Feine. W. G. Eastland, Harry L. Pestana. H, C. Hibbard. A. L. Voorhis. J. H. Franklin. Wm. W. S. Roome. John A. McCaul. J. W. Rose. EK. H. Kearney. A. H. Gates. Kerns & Anderson. Bowman & Byers. Closson & Miller. N. B. Carskadon. A. D. Wilson. A. B. Wilder. John McCroch. W. B. Light, sr. McBrian & Pile. Peckham & Hender- son. M. Clabaugh. A. Buck. Lemmon & Shartell. Severance, Doniphan. ee se cc 6 Severy, Greenwood. Sharon, Barber. Sidney, Ness. Smith Centre, Smith. oe se oe sé 66 «ec Spearville, Ford. Stafford, Stafford. éé 6e Sterling, Rice. Stockton, Rooks. 6c sé ‘Taloga, Morton. Thayer, Neosho. Topeka, Shawnee. “ec “ “ “é se 6c 6é “ 6c “6 ce “ sé se “é “ ‘< “6 “ 6c Toronto, Woodson. 6é sc Towanda, Butler. Troy, Voniphan. “ 66 “cc 66 if “6 66 “cc 6é ce Voltair, Sherman. Wa Keeney, Trego. Solomon City, Dickinson. Tonganoxie, Leavenworth. Topeka, (North) Shawnee. Valley Falls, J efferson. ©. C. K. Scoville. S. L. Ryan. W. I. Stuart. W.H. H. Curtis. James Shultz. J. G. Whitker. N. H. Stidger. Uhl & Pickler. Corn & Myers. John Q. Royce, F. J. Pattee, E. M. Burr. C. W. Blair. J. 5S. Hall. R. E. Burns. T. F. Halverson. EK. S. Hadlock. Frank Guernsey. QO. C. Cowgill. Smith & Ham. Barnes, Reville & Selby. McNulty & Johnson. Brobst & Haynes. Chas. U. Woods. W.B. Webster. J. H. Stanton. J. W. Dunsmore. Chas. Thalen. Nellis & Seabrook. Baker & Mathis. G. A. Hernon.’ S. S. Lawrence. Webb & Spencer. Overmeyer & Safford. Vance & Campbell. J. B. Johnson, . KE. Sowers. Foster & Haywood. J. B. Larimer. Bishop Crumrine. E. N. Gunn. B. F. McVey. J. M. Dickerson. I. Mooney. Frank Babcock. Albert Perry. Fred J. Close. Robt. Wilkinson. L. A. Myers. Geo. W. McCanon. 8. T. Lloyd. Monroe & Henkel. Washington, Washington. 6é 66 Waterville, Marshall, sé 6 6c sé Waverly, Coffey. Weir, Cherokee. Wellington, Sumner. Wendell, Edwards. Westmoreland, Pottawat’ie. sé «e¢ ce éeé Wetmore, Nemaha. White Cloud, Doniphan. Wichita, Sedgwick. «6 “ “ss “cs & iT 3 se 6 66 sé Wilson, Ellsworth. Windom, McPherson. Winfield, Cowley. sc &e ce 66 ‘cé “cc Wonsevu, Chase. . Wyandotte, Wyandotte. 6c se ‘¢ sc 4eé 6é 66 6c ‘e &é Yates Center, Woodson. ‘ 6é “ee be ce 46 66 c te “ce Lowe & Smith. Birch & Fisher. A. 8S. Wilson. J. W. Rector, HK. A. Berry. J. M. Searles. W. W. Smith. A. B. Hutchison. J. R. Ashlefield. C. H. Coan. Collins & Beck. W.N. Beezley. T. A: Fairchild. M.S. Beal. Baker & Hutton. EK. Campfield. R. M. Williams. A. 8S. Brewster. Morse & Keenan. Adams & Adams. H. B. Corn. Dale & Reed. Collins & Piatt. Sluss & Stanley. Harris, Harris & Ver- million. Lafferty & Moore. H. BE. Shaffer. M. A. Thompson. Jennings & ‘Troup. -Hackney & Asp. McDonald & Webb. S. D. Pryor. McDermatt & John- son. Henry A. Ewing. Alden & McGrew. John B. Scroggs. J. O. Fite. Hale & Miller. Hutchins & Keplinger Alfred H. Cobb. W. 4H. Littick. A. Stewart. W. H. Slavens. J. KE. Pickett. J. P. Shively. W. dH. Thurber. C. N. Warner. REQUEST. — When sending business to, or in open- ing correspondence with Atttorneys whose addresses are hera given, kindly mentionthat same was taken from the ‘‘General Law and Collection Department ” of “‘THe Every OFFIOE FAVORITE.’”’ By so doing, it pro vides a business introduc- tion for you, and at the same time confers a favor to the Publishers of this Directory. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR KANSAS. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Abilene, Dickinson. Alexander, Rush. Alamota, Lane. Alma, Wabaunsee. Almena, Norton. Altamont, Labette. Altoona, Wilson. Americus, [:yon. Anthony, Harper. Appleton, Clark. Arkansas City, Cowley. Arlington, Keno. Ashland, Clark. Atchison, Atchison. cc “ee o6 iT] 66 oe Atwood, Rawlins. Augusta, Butler. J. C. Bender. W.R. Walker. M.S. Ketch. N. Nicholson. G. Moeler. J. C. Murphy. S. 8. Williams. W. 4H. Anderson. J. W. Clendemin. C. M. Cross. Frank J. Hess. A. B. Caldwell. S. H. Cummins. J. P. Adams. Chas. H. Krebs. Patrick Hayes. Geo. H. Lotton. Chas. W. Rust. Albert Hemming. W. A. Shannon. Avilla, Comanche. Axtell, Marshall. Baxter Springs, Cherokee, “cc se Belle Plaine, Sumner. Belleville, Repubhe. Beloit, Mitchell. Beverly, Lincoln. Bird City, Cheyenne, Blaine, Pottawatomie. 6é 66 Blue Mounds, Linn. Brenham, Edwards. Bronson, Bourbon. Brookville, Saline. Buckner, Hodgeman. Buffalo, Wilson. Burden, Cowley. L. B. Andrews. A. M. Billingsley. E. B. Coose. H. R. Crowell. J. W. Forney. A. A. Hamilton. EH. A. Hallowell. Levi Cooper. A. G. Mead. V. Ball. A. P. Lowery. N F Graves. - B. li. Jennings. S. D. Roberett. W. H. Donoho. W. 4H. Bishop. G. W. Hovey. M.C Cowdery. S. S. Moore. Burlingame, Osage. Burlington, Coftey. Burr Oak, Jewell. se ee Burrton, Harvey. Caldwell, Sumner. Caney, Montgomery. Carbondale, Osage. Cawker City, Mitchell. Cedar Vale, Chautauqua. Cedarville, Smith. Cedar Point, Chase. Centralia, Nemaha. Chanute, Neosho. Chapman, Dickinson. Chase, Rice. Cherokee, Crawford. Cherry Vale, Montgomery. Chetopa, Labette. S. H. Newman. S. C. Jenkins. Iva I’. Hodson. A. J. Godfrey. J. BH. Howard. S. P. G. Lewis. J. HE. Stone. R. F. Playford. L. 8S. Tueker. C. M. Higley. Frank Aley. J. R. Newell. O. H. Drinkwater. A.L Coleman. G. P. Wilder. J. G. Carpenter. F. C. Shaw. T. L. Terry. ¢. J... Corbin. J. W. Bridenthal.NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST Place. County. Cimarron, Ford. Clay Centre, Clay. «ec ¢ Clear Water, Sedgwick. Clements, Chase. Clinton, Douglas. Coffeyville, Montgomery. Colby, Thomas. Coldwater, Comanche. Colony, Anderson. Columbus, Cherokee. Concordia, Cloud. ce “ce Corbitt, Ford. Cottonwood Falls, Chase. Council Grove, Morris. Coyville, Wilson. Crestline, Cherokee. Cullison, Pratt. Dighton, Lane. ce «ee Dodge City, Ford. Douglas, Butler. Downs, Osborne. Dunlap, Mors. Edmond, Norton. FE] Dorado, Butler. Elk City, Montgomery. Elk Falls, Elk. Ellinwood, Barton. Ellis, Ellis. Ellsworth, Ellsworth, Elmdale, Chase. Emporia, Ly on. Englewood, Clark. Erie, Neosho. Eskridge, Wabaunsee. e 6é Eudora, Douglas. Kureka, Greenwood. (a3 “ éc 6s Florence, Marion. Ford, Ford. Fort Scott, Bourbon. Fostoria, Pottawatomie. Frankfort, Miami. Freedom, Butler. Frisco, Morton. Galena, Cherokee. Garden City, Finney. Garnett, Anderson. Gaylord, Smith. Girard, Crawford. Grainfield, Gove. ce “ce Great Bend, Barton. Greeley, Anderson. Greensburgh, Edwards. Greenleaf, Washington. Grenola, Elk. Haddam, Washington. Hallowell, Cherokee. Halstead, Harvey. Hampton, Rush. Hanover, Washington. Harper, Harper. Hartford, Lyon. Havensville, Pottawatomie. “ec ee $e 66 Hays City, Ellis. Herington, Dickinson. Hiawatha, Brown, Highland, Doniphan. Hillsboro, Marion. Hodgeman, Hodgeman. Holton, Jackson. AND CONVEYANCE DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS—Continued. Name. E. M. Ratcliffe. Miss Mina Hosmer. P. M. Wickstrum. Ben L. Bear. Clay Shaft. Jas. Brooks. W. A. Pepper, jr: Ww.S. Wilcoxen. J. A. Pennington. S. W. McClure. @ PP. Wa Iker. NG F. B. Apperson. W. H. Holsinger. S. P. Young. A. B. Spencer. Peter Durham. J.C. Clayburn. John H. Wilson. Chas. J. Yates. F. H. Kurtz. G. T. Sutton. V. H. Grimstead. H. McGarry. D. F. Owens. E. H. Hutchins. S. Rk. Young. IF. M. Bentley. Jas. Labsit. T. A. Kramer. M.D. Wright. Joseph K. Jones. Geo. F. Hansen. M. M. Fuller. C. J. Evans: L. H. Seaver. Frank Johnson. J. IT. Burton. EK. W. Cunningham. G. M. Magill. John H: ll: J. J. Mitchell. Henry Rickel. T. C. Darling. Tra P. Nye. G. W. Kidd. W.C. Wood. Samuel W. Howe. A. B. Shaw. S. P. Masher. Tra 8. Taber. W. J. Gregg. G.S. Clark. J. M. Haines. A. Arnold. Wm. H. Hahn. Milton Brown. M. L. White. G. R. Parker. Webb McNall. J. H. McClure. T. Hindman. F, W. Martin. EB. ©. Cole. Wm. Osmond. J. A. Moore. W.E. Bolton. W. P. Mudgett. John Reid. R. Vincent. KH. R. Whipple. M. V. Sweesy. T. R Brook. Je AS ols: Sam S. Sisson. W. J. Brogan. J. J. Evans. M. C. Coats. L. D. Hart. FE. M. Wilson. Martin Allen. Frank Van Doyen. W. D. Harington. S,-F. Newton. B. F. Killey. B. A. Seaver. Jobn J. Voers. T. C Bowie. Gec Barker. Place. County. Hope, Hee How ard, E | Humboldt, fallen Hutchinson, Reno. ce Tola, Allen. Iowa Point, Doniphan. Iuka, Pratt. Ivanhoe, Finney. Jetmore, Hodgeman. Jewell, Jewell. Kansas Center, Rice. Junction City, Davis. Kenneth, Sheridan. Kingman, Kin gman. Kinsley, Edwards. Kir win, Philips. La Crosse, Rush. La Cygne, Linn. Lakin, Finney. Lane, Fr anklin. Larned, Pawnee. Lawrence, Douglas. 66 ee ce cé Lecompton, Douglas. Lenora, Norton. Leon, Butler. Leonardsville, Riley. LeRoy, Coffey. Lebo, Coffey. Lincoln, Lincoln. Little River, Rice. Logan, Phelps. Long Island, Phillips. Louisburgh, Miami. Louisville, Pottawatomie. Lyndon, Osage. Lyons, Rice. McCune, Crawford. McPherson, McPherson. ce 6e Manhattan, Riley. Mankato, Jewell. ‘Marion, Marion. Marquette, McPherson. ce ce Marysville, Marshall. Matfield Green, Chase. Medicine Lodge, Barbour. ce 66 Melrose, Cherokee. Milford, Davis. Millbrook, Graham, Minneapolis, Ottawa. cc ee Monument, St. John. Morantown, Allen. Mound City, Linn. Mound Valley, Labette. Mulberry Grove, Crawford. Neodesha, Wilson. Neosha Falls, Woodson. Nescatunga, Comanche. Ness City, Ness. New Kiowa, Barber. Newton, Harvey. Nickerson, Reno. Norton, Norton. ee ee ce 66 Oakley, St. John, Oberlin, Decatur. Name. Martin Pease. T, P. Campbell. L. Scott. J. Andrews. Thos. Burtch. G. V. Ricksecker. Independence, Montgomeny J. E. Cribbs. S. Stoner. Chas. E. Clark. A. A. Fay. C. A. Nafziger. H. L. Peck. J. C. Postlethwaite. Jacob Knupp. A. L. Barnes. G. W. Crane. Tsaac Mulholland. Wm. Gesford. S. P. Davidson. G. M. Brooks. E. M. Misner. Albert Watkins. W. I. Nichols. W.T.5. May. C. E. Monell. BE. L. Patrick. Jas. D. Snoddy. B.C. Parcells. S. W. Devoe. James F. Whitney. Peter Bell. C. Chadwick. D.S. Alvord. L. S. Steele. Leavenworth, Leavenworth. Henry Janson. Martin Schmidt. J. H. Bonebrake. K. T. Jeffreys. Frank fockle. W.R. Dillon. Lou A. Muix. J. U. Crawford. R. T. Shearer. A. C. Hayes. T. W. Goebel. R. Wright. Chas. E. Johnson. John R. Poe. W. T. Nicholas. F. T. Overman. M. Carey. Hein A. Myers. K. Cunningham. D. Hungerford. H. P. Dow. Wm. M. Snow. J. W. McRoberts, jr. W. T. Watson. F. O. Rodell. Chas. . Koester. H.S. Lincoln. G. M. Martin. Ed. Sample. G. W. Brigham. J. C. Kennett. H. J. Harwi. . E. Richards. . C. Buchanan. Ww. Crosby. . 5. Beymer. . H. Goerell. F. P. Lee. ee M. C. Kelley. Je We Satine J. W. Dickson. John D. Bronson. D. E. McDowell. G. H. Smith. J. W. Flinn. W. M. Shaver. L. C. Brown. EK. E. Ames. EK. M. Speer. W. W. Miller. J. J. Sears. J. E. Dodge. J.C. Wilson. Osborne, Osborne. 6e 6 “ 6c ce ee Oskaloosa, Jefferson. ‘ce 66 66 “cc Oswego, Labette. Ottawa, r ranklin. a9 «6 Ozawkie. Jefferson. Paola, Miami. ee ee Parkersville, Morris. Parsons, Labette. Peabody, Marion. Phillipsburgh, Phillips. Pierceville, Finney. Piqua, Woodson. Pittsburgh, Crawford. Plainville, Rooks. Pleasanton, Linn. Pratt, Pratt. Prescott. Linn. Protection, Comanche. Republic, Republic. Richfield, Morton. Rosedale, Wyandotte. Rush Centre, Rush. Russell, Russell, éeé ¢ Sabetha, Nemaha. Saint John, Stafford. ee 6é ee 6e ¢¢ ce St. Marys, Pottawatomie. 66 ce &6 66 Salem, Jewell. Salina, Saline. Saratoga, Pratt. 66 6é Scandia, Republic. Sedan, Chautauqua. Seneca, Nemaha. Severance, Doniphan. Severy, Greenwood. Simpson, Mitchell. Smith Centre, Smith. Solomon City, Dickinson. Spearville, Ford. Stafford, Stafford. Sterling, Rice. ee ce éé ee Stockton, Rooks. ce ce ce ce Strong, Chase. Taloga, Morton. Thayer, Neosho. Topeka, Shawneo. 66 ce ce <é Toronto, Woodson. Troy, Doniphan. Uniontown, Barbour. Valley F alls, Jefferson. Vesper, Lincoln. Wabaunsee, Wabaunsee. Wa Keeney, Trego. ‘Tonganoxie, Leavenworth. Topeka, (North) Shawnee. Place. County. Name. Oberlin, Decatur. S. D. Decker. Olathe, Johnson. S. D. Scott. ss ‘ D. Hubbard. s rf H. A. Taylor. Onaga, Pottawatomie. W. F. Challis. € ss Geo. W. Shedden. Orwell. Hodgeman. S. A. Sheldon. Osage City, Osage. E. L. Marshall. Osage Mission, ‘Neosho. Geo. Hill. Osawatomia, Maimi. H. H. Williams. W. H. Mize. Frank Knox. J. K. Mitchell. C. Heren. H. J. Graves. M. L. Critchfield. Eli W. Metzger. Chas. T. Carpenter. C. C. Minton. S. L. Patrick. B. C. McQueston. Chas. Smith. J.S. Beeson. J. C. Sheridan. C. H. Shaffer. W.H. Porter. J. T. Morse. Geo. W. Stinson. G. W. Wright. J. M. Carpenter. Ed Van Gundy. S. G. Hopkins. D. S. Conkle. Je Me Dumenil. E. P. Hickok. Phil Grigsby. A. W. Burrows. B. T. Stone. Herman ‘J'eator. C. W. Root. H. A. Ellis. John A. McCaul. Wm. W. Watson. C. B. Weeks. Chas. H. Wilbur. J. B. Balby. J. W. lose. John A. Mass. A.J. Beakey. W. L. Child. W.H. True. A. H. Gates. ©. W. Lynn. Joseph Moore. C. A. Hiller. J.O. Wilson. Chas. F. Miller. J. M. Bowman. A. B. Wilder. J. BE. Lewis. BK. W. Holloway. G. R. Benedict. J. A. Campbell. James Shultz. J. W. Shanks. Ih. Cc Uhl. Henry Whitley. H. M. Clark. T. F. Halverson. W. H. Page. Wn. N. Quigby. W.P. Fulton. Lloyd Shelby. W.B. Ham. CG. W. Smith. F. M. Jones. J. H. Stanton. T. D. Edwards. Chas. Tholen. L. J. Webb. C. F. Spencer. W.H. Johnson. E. N. Gunn. J. B. Stockton. B. EF. McVey. E. R. Westfall. C. S. Steele. Richard D. Simpson J. P. Harman. Samuel R. Reed. Lee Monroe.NOTARIES PUB LIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCE DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS—Continued. Place. County, Name. Place, County. Wa Keeney, Trego. Walker, Ellis. amego, Pottawatomie. ac 66 6e ‘cc 6c ‘é W ano, Cheyenne. Washington, Washington. ee “ce Waterville, Marshall. Waverly, Coffey. Webster, Rooks. Weir, Cherokee, Wellington, Sumner. S. R. Hogan, John Nelson. W.L. Fuller. Sylvanus Fee, C. Ewing. Chas. Smith. . O. Young, EK. A. Berry. J. L. Senior. J. Francis Mullaney. L. W. Blaisdell. J. W. Fisher. Wendell, Edwards. “ “ ce 6c 66 6s Whiting, Jackson. Wichita, Sedgwick. Wilburn, Ford. Wilsey, Morris. Wilson, Ellsworth. Winfield, Cowley. Wonsevu, Chase. Westmoreland, Pottawat’ Westphalia, Anderson, Name. W. N. Beezley. ie. M. S. Beal. J.S. Mitchell. Geo. Parry. A. B. Pomeroy. J.S. Codding. W. H. Norman. H. Kampmeier, L. C. Hamilton. R. C. Dean. G. R. Cochrane. G. W. Cotfin. H. Ey Shaffer, J. D. Pryor. Henry A. Ewing. Place. County. Name, 6c sé 6 “ce Wyandotte, Wyandotte. Yates Center, Woodson. Alfred H. Cobb. J. O. Fife. Henry McGrue. G. R. Stephenson. W. H. Thurber. N. F. Follett. REQUEST.— In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspendence that their address wag taken from the ‘‘ Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department” of the “Every OFFICE Favorite.” By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- tention, MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS. Place, County. Name. Abilene, Dickinson. «6 66 Alamota, Lane. Alma, Wabaunsee. Anthony, Harper. 66 ‘“ 66 66 66 a Appleton, Clark. Argentine, Wyandotte. Arkansas City, Cowley. Ashland, Clark. 66 ‘<é 46 ce éé “cc Atchison, Atchison. 66 ‘cc 66 “cs 66 ‘ec 6s “ce Atwood, Rawlins. Augusta, Butler. Avilla, Comanche. Axtell, Marshall. Baxter Springs, Cherokee. Belle Plaine, Sumner. Belleville, Republic. Beloit, Mitchell. “6 66 Bird City, Cheyenne Blue Mounds, Linn. Blaine, Pott’me. Brookville, saline. Lsurden, Cowley. Burlingame, Osage, Burlington, Cottey. 6c ‘cc 6a 6é mae g ‘“ Burr Oak, Jewell. 66 te Burrton, Harvey. Caldwell, Sumner. Carbondale, Osage. Cawker City, Mitchell. Cedar Point, Chase. Centralia, Nemaha. Chanute, Neosho. Chapman, Dickinson. Cherokee, Crawford. The Kansas Farm Mortgage Co. Kansas Central Land @ 0. M.S. Ketch. Licht & Lingfelter. S. H. Fairchild & Co. Lockwood Lana & Mortgage Co. Farmers Loan & Trust Co. Kansas Mortgage & Investment Co. Darrough Land & Loan Co. Wendling & Cross. G. W. Gulley. Johnson Loan & Trust Co. S. F. Woolard. C. P. Woodbury. Ayres & Thies. Arnold & Carson. S. W. Brandon. Bansas Loan & Trust 0. J. Hd. Talbotts. John Moore. R. M. Manley. L. F. Bird. Lloyd, Harwood & Martin. W. A. Shannon. J. W. Kerr. L. B, Andrews. A. M. Billingsley. H. R. Crowell, J. W. Forney. J. HK. Caswell. J.T. Hicks & Co. Young & Antrobus. A. G. Mead. Cheyenne Co. Bank. T. J. Robbins. Graves & Bell. Denton & Cable. Moore Bros. J. M. Chambers. Lane & Kent. Kingsbury & Chan- dler. Spears Bros, J. E. Howard. S. P. G. Lewis. John Y. Urie. L. S. Tucker. C. M. Higley. O. H. Drinkwater. Coleman & Slater. Hurt & Eaton. McClelland Bros. Chapman Bank. Place. County. Name. Chetopa, Lebette. Cimarron, Ford. Clay Centre, Clay. Colby, Thomas. Coldwater, Comanche. se “ec 66 66 66 ce Colony, Anderson. Columbus, Cherokee. Concordia, Cloud. 6s «ce 6é sé Council Grove, Morris. 66 sé 66 66 Coyville, Wilson. Dighton, Lane. Dodge City, Ford. 6e ac Douglas, Butler. sé “eé Downs, Osborne ee ‘6 El Dorado, Butler. 66 “ce 6c 66 Elk City, Montgomery. Elk Falls, Elk. be ‘6 Ellinwood, Barton. Ellsworth, Ellsworth. sé 66 66 ac Elmdale, Chase. Emporia, Lyon. Englewood, Clark. ‘| Enterprise, Dickinson. Erie, Neosho. Eskridge, Wabaunee. Eureka, Greenwood. 66 cs “cc “cc Everest, Brown. Fort Scott, Bourbon. 66 ‘6 be 66 66 66 Cogshall & Pye. Cherry Vale, Montgomery. J. W. Willis & Co. Coffeyville, Montgomery. Cottonwood Falls, Chase. Fall River, Greenwood. C. J. Corbin. J. B. Cook & Co. Shoup, Ratcliffe & Reeve. Stratton & Morgan. H. L. Strough & Co. Wilcoxen & Hovey. H. E. Weld & Bro. Jackson, Thornton & 0. R. W. Doig. Wm. A. Templeman. T. D. Moffett. J. W. Bush sr. A.S. Dennison. Brown & Pulsifer, Brecse & Crawford. C. C. Whitson. V/. H. Holsinger. Jas. McKee. Provine & Reeves, R. M. Armstrong. L. Mead & Co. Neosho Land & Loan 0. P.S. Roberts. Peter Durham. J. F. Andrews & Co. Frazier & Sawyer. L, E. McGarry & Co. Crumbaugh & Fitz- gerald. Finley & Milton. K. H. Hutchins. C. J. Durham. S. R. Young. Bank of Downs. D. Boyden. C. C. Jones. J.R. Smith & Co. C. C. Turner. Elk City Bank. Oley Rickolson. Joseph K. Jones. Geo. F. Hanser. N. H. McCoy. Harris & Peale. Lloyd & Evans. L. H. Seaver. Gonne& Robinson. W.M. Tomlinson. H. H. Buckwalter. G. M. Magill. J. H. Brady & Co. Hurt & Eaton. Henry Rickel & Co. W.C. Wood & Co. P.M Moore & Co. H. F. Rizer. Clemenger Bros. Howard & Fedrich. Ft. Scott Land & Loan Co. Gunn & Marr. Webb & Myers. Van Fossen & Wilcox Place. County, Name. Fort Scott, Bourbon. ‘6 6s ‘6 ss ‘6 sé Frankfort. Miami. Fredonia, Wilson. 66 ‘6 «sé ac Garden City, Finney. éé ‘s 66 Garnett, Anderson. 6 sé cé 6c cé 66 Gaylord, Smith. Girard, Crawford. Grainfield, Gove. Great Bend, Barton. 66 sé cs ce 6c 66 “e ‘6 ce sé Greeley, Anderson. Grenola, Elk. Halstead, Marvey. Hanover, Washington. Harper, Harper. Havana, Montgomery. Hays City, Ellis. Hiawatha, Brown. ce ee Higlhand, Doniphan. Holton, Jackson. Howard, Elk. Hoxie, Sheridan. ‘| Humboldt, Allen. Hutchinson, Reno. ee ae 6e oe lola, Allen. Iowa Point, Doniphan. luka, Pratt. Investment Co. Jetmore, Hodgeman. sé se Greenleaf, Washington. Haddam, Washington. Ft. Scott Building & Loan Associotion. Osbun Land & Loan Co Steen & Armstrong. A. J. Butler. Central Land & Loan 0. T. F. Rhodes. : Lee & Alexander. Winner & Wyland. Gray & McCracken. Jenner & Torpin. E. A. Bagby. Lloyd Selby. Gibson Bros. I. R. Holmes & Co. Joseph Slater. M. L. White. Geo. W. Iler. Hawkins & Cissna. W. #H. Miller. Bank of Gaylord. G. R. Parker. Geo. C. Ward. EK. A. MceMath. Campbell& Carraway. J. F. Lewis & Co. Odell & Gunnell. J. W. Brown. A. J. Buckland. O. B. Wilson. D. N. Heizer. Moore & Welsh. FL. Joslyn. FP. FR, Weed. Vincent & Morrow. J.H. McNair. John Buenting. Southwestern gage Co, J. C. Ross. Eldridge, Beach & Co. Leroy Judd. H. P. Wilson. S. C. Ramey. Union, Loan & Trust C 0. Wellcome, Moon & Davis. J. P. Johnson. Rafter & Robinson. Osborn Bros. Elk Co. Immigra- tion Co. Isaac Mulholland. . Andrews. Burtch & Price. Brown & Bigger. Vincent Bros. A. J. Higley. Mort- Independence, Montgomery. Watson Stewart. Win. Thrasher. Cummings & Jones. T. J. Williams. Baker & Fay. TS: Ham. D. W. Larned.Place. County. ilo Jewell, Jewell. é Junction City, Davis. “ec 6 Kenneth, Sheridan. ce ce Kingman, Kingman. Kinsley, Edwards. sé ac Kirwin, Phillips. La Crosse, Rush. ce 6eé cé 6 La Cygne, Linn. Lakin, Finney. Larned, Pawnee. ce 66 Lawrence, Douglas. Lenora, Norton. Leon, Butler. : Leonardsville, Riley. LeRoy, Coffey. Lebo, Coffee. Lincoln, Lincoln. Logan, Phelps. Louisburgh, Miami. Lyndon, Osage. 66 6“ Lyons, Rice. McCune, Crawford. McPherson, McPherson. 6 66 } } } | ‘6 66 | } | I «e 66 | Manhattan, Riley. 6é 6e Mankato, Jewell. ee 66 | 66 ce Marion, Marion. ce ce ée & : Marysville, Marshall. | te e te 6e Matanzas, Chautauqua. 66 6s ‘cé ee Millbrook, Graham. ce 6e ce “ee Minneapolis, Ottawa. Monument, St. John. Mound City, Sinn. Mound Valley, Labette. Neodosha, Wilson, : Neosha Falls, Woodson. Nescatunga, Comanche. Ness City, Ness. “ce «eé Newton, Harvey. 66 & pee Leavenworth, Leavenworth. Inter-State Medicine Lodge, Barbour. 66 ce Name. J. C. Postlethwaite. A. G. Pierce. Greene & Thurston. Tsaac Mulholland. J. BE. Stevenson. M. L. Mock & Co. L. W. Higgins. Nichols & Piburn. S. H. Bradley. Scranton & Brown. Wm. Burrell. Hargrave &McCormie J. V. Donaldson. Parcells & Boylan. V. D. Metcalf. D. M. Rose. D. H. Scott. Preston & McClintock Wu. B. Smith. Bell & Co. Loan & Trust Co. Lenora Loan Co. D. W. Poe. J. H. Jenkins. Leedy & Fockle. Dillon & Blue. Lou A. Muix & Co. Banner & Co. Henry Ferrett. M. Reed & Co. W. A. Madaris. J. H. Staveley. Pettyjohn & Co. Clark & Overman. Thompson & Moore. Cc. A. Waller & Co. Dean & Robson. Myers & Mayes. KE. B. Purcell. Crump & Hungerford Dow & Van Valken- burg. G. A. Colton. J. W. McRoberts, jr. Rea & Jones. Morris & Brewerton. Case & Billings. Callender & Craig. Schmidt & Koester. Chas. Brown. Glass & Polack. J.C. Ross. Shannon & Shannon. McNeal, Little & Thompson Bk’g Co. Wm. J. Estill & Co. O. C. Howe. J. M. Harwi. Jas. Gordon. H. J. Harwi. C.C. Olney & Co. The Beymer Land Co. John C. Cannon & Co Condon & Gandy. Condon & Carpenter. A. P. Maginnis. Searcy & Bronson. Beymer & Miner. R. Alexander. S. Mann & Co. Denny & Smith. Kans. Investment & Guarantee Co. Place. County. Nickerson, Reno. Norton, Norton. Oberlin, Decatur. Olathe, Johnson. cc ce Onaga, Pottawatomie. Osage City, Osage. ce 6eé e ce Osawatomie, Miami. Osborne, Osborne. Oskaloosa, Jefferson. ce cs Oswego, Labette. Ottawa, Franklin. ce 66 66 66 ce cs ce ce Paola, Miami. “6 66 ce eé Parkersville, Morris. Parsons, Labette. Peabody, Marion. Piqua, Woodson. Pittsburgh, Crawford. Pleasanton, Linn. Pratt, Pratt. Prescott, Linn. Protection, Comanche. Randolph, Riley. Republic, Republic. Richfield, Morton. Rosedale, Wyandotte. Rush Centre, Rush. Russell, Russell. 66 66 Sabetha, Nemaha. Saint John, Stafford. 66 66 66 66 66 66 Salem, Jewell. Salina, Saline. Saratoga, Pratt. “cc “a te 66 Scandia, Republic. Sedan, Chautauqua. Sedgewick, Harvey. (73 6c 6é 6 Seneca, Nemaha. — N Sharon, Barber. Smith Centre, Smith. cc be Osage Mission, Neosho. Phillipsburgh, Phillips. Name. Si oe ee D. S. Dill. Thompson, James & Steas. Case & McCreedy. Ames & Boys. J. L. Miller & Co. Groves Investm’t Co. G. F. Bogue. Nat’l Bk. of Oberlin. J. L. Pettyjohn & Co. J. M. Hull. J. W. Parker. Geo. W. Shedden. G. F.&S.G. Soxman. J. H. Jones. Smith & Cutterman. Shaw & Ross. Woods & Patton. H. B. Smith. Walrond, Mitchell & Heren. Graves & Stanley. Metzger & Insley. Winton & Dunning. Sumner & Young. R. J. Waddel & Co. Western Security Co. Chamberlain& Fulton Brant & Beachy. Mathews & Elstun. J. F. Chandler & Son. Jones & Maxwell. Beeson & Baker. H.S. Day. Matthewson & Co. Shupe, Tresler '& Lark. T. N. Jones. J. M. Carpenter. Maxwell & Carleton. Blue & Rich. Wilson & Toms. Clay & Lane. E. P. Hickok. F. W. Peterson. J.C. Price. Simmons & Northcut. A. W. Burrows. B. T. Stone. Hale & Teator. Central Kansas Loan. & Trust Co. H. GC. Hibbard. John A. McCaul. L. H. Fisher. C. H. Wilbur. F. B. Gilmore. Wm. Dixon. J.B. Baldy. J. A. Wright & Co. Crippen, Lawrence & { 0. Closson & Miller. Geo. A. Lewis & Co. Wilson, Weaver & Co. Will G. King. Kilmer & Merrill. MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR KANSAS— Continued. MORTGAGE eT ee ee Place. County. me Stafford, Stafford. Sterling, Rice. Stockton, Rooks. ce 66 Taloga, Morton. Thayer, Neosho. Topeka, Shawnee. 6c 66 66 6é 66 éé ee &é6 ce 6¢ Topeka, (North) Shawnee. Troy, Doniphan. 6c “é Valley Falls, Jefferson. Victoria, Ellis. Voltair, Sherman. Wa Keeney, Trego. ee “se 66 6eé Walnut, Crawford. Wamego, Pottawatomie. Wano, Cheyenne. 6é “cc Washington, Washington. 66 6é Waverly, Coffey. Webster, Rooks. Wellington, Sumner. ce 66 Westphalia, Anderson. Wichita, Sedgwick. 66 6c ce 66 Wilson, Ellsworth. Winfield, Cowley. sé 6e Wyandotte, Wyandotte. Yates Center, Woodson. oe 6é pecenice City Bank. és “ ‘ Kanavil. Haas & Hatfield. Benedict & Gleason. QO. E. Davis. Uhl & Peckler. 66 ce the here given are identified in their GAGE loan business, on D. W. Relihan. Westmoreland, Pottawat’le. Name. Walker & Webb. W. T. Fulton. W. H. Page. Smith & Ham. Brobst & Haynes. I. N. Pepper. Stanton &Shillinglaw T. D. Edwards. Topeka Investment & Loan Co. Currier L. Tyler. National Loan & Trust Co. Kansas Loan & Trust Co. Hodges & Knox. Watson & Thrapp. Scott & Brier. A. D. Robbins & Co. Wm. Hall Jenkins & on. Patrick Bros. W. W. Garrett B. F. McVey. A. Parry. X. K. Stout. Cyrus Leland, jr. Hicks & Gephart. F. G. White. Lloyd Harwood & Martin. J. H. March & Co. Wilson Murry & Co. C.M. McClaren. — Jones & Conklin. Chilcott & Parry. Bank of Wano. W. W. McKay. J. A. Hoffman. D. J. McHugh. Willis & Smith. Geo. H. Theile. Jule ale: Cc. J. Aldrich. Fisher & Senior. J. Francis Mullaney & Co. Showalter Mortgage Co. John T. Stewart. M.S. Beal. Baker & Hutton. Norman & Bennett. M. L. McBee. Elliott & McNees. S. E. Jocelyn. E. T. Brown. Lafferty & Moore. Curns & Manser. P. A. Albright & Co. Pryor & Young. H. G. Fuller. Ne YS he & ivCo) Jas. D. Husted. R. A. Hurt. Jo Baby. I. 8. Jones. Dickerson & Opdyke. EX PLANATION,—The parties whose addresses are REAL Estate First Mort- own account or for other investors, and through whom such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respectivo localities. To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of and Investors’ “ «“c Western Higa Solomon City, Dickinson. 0. F’. Searl. this class, add th nd mention that their name was Nickerson, Reno. L. GaBioan seated. 8 : or Fee taken from the “Mortgage Loan Agents? : Stafford, Stafford. G. W. Oliver. Department” of “Tae Every Orrick FAVORITE.” : REQUEST, always mention ‘‘The Every Office Favorite’ when-opening correspondence with parties whose addresses are given by this Directory.KENTUCKY. a, wow ww HOTE L, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR KE NTUCKY. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Adairville, Logan. Beauchamp House. | Dawson, Hopkins. Dawson House Junction City, Boyl Tribbl Allendale, Green. Mears House. Denton, Carter. Denton Sti Katies Tone es ae Allensville, Todd. Alton, Anderson. Annville, Jackson. Ashland, Boyd. Athertonville, La Rue. Auburn, Logan. Augusta, Bracken. Barboursville, Knox. ‘é ee Bardstown, Nelson. ee a9 Beattyville, Lee. Bedford, Trimble. Benton, Marshall. Birmingham, Marshall. Blue Lick Springs, Nicholas. sé “ec Booneville, Ousley. Boston, Nelson. Bowling Green, Warren. te 66 6 “ec se 6s Brandenburgh, Meade. Broadhead, Rockcastle. Brookville, Bracken. Brownsville, Edmonson. ‘ce ee Burkesville, Cumberland. Burlington, Boone. Cadiz, Trigg. Calhoun, McLean. Campbellsville, Taylor. Campton, Wolfe. Canmer, Hart. Canton, Trigg. Carlisle, Nicholas. Carrollton, Carroll. “sé 6c Carrsville, Livingston. Caseyville, Union. Catlettsburgh, Boyd. iT] 66 Centra] City, Muhlenberg. Clay, Webster. Clinton, Hickman. Cloverport, Breckinridge. Columbia, Adair. 6s sé “ “ec Columbus, Hickman. Concord, Lewis. Cornwell, Menifee. Covington, Kent. “ee “cc “ce se Crab Orchard, Lincoln. 6e sé Crittenden, Grant. Crofton, Christian. Danville, Boyle. Dawson, Hopkins. Allensyville Hotel. Alton Hotel. Riley House. Aldin Hotel. Broadway Hotel. Ratiiffe House. Crewdson House. Taylor House. Gibson House. Eve House. Anderson Hotel. Newman House. Central Hotel. Old Dominion House. Pryse House. Reed House. Kclipse House. Bee Hive House. Farmers Hotel. Western. Hotel. Love’s Hotel. Arlington Hotel. La Rue House. Green Bush Hotel. Ousley House. Boston Hotel. Morehead House. Park City Hotel. Ritter House. Mitchell House. St. Cloud Hotel. Howard House. Albright House. Finn Hotel. Hackell House. Smith House. York House. Frank House. Cheek House. Boone House. Cadiz House. Beckham House. Grigsby House. Borders Hotel. Webster Hotel. Campton House. Jackson House. Canton House. Kimbrough House. St. Cloud House. Southern Hotel. National Hotel. Houghton House. Bridges House. Harroway House. Alger House. Crisis Hotel. Crow House. . Sandusky House. Commercial House. Vaughn House. Drummers House. Cloverport Hotel. Fisher Hotel. Page Hotel. Columbia Hotel. Bradshaw Hotel. Water Street Hotel. Central Hotel. Hisey House. Wills House. Arrington Hotel. Ashbrook Hotel. Central Hotel. National Hotel. Springs Hotel. Harris House. Harding House. Lichvest House. Crofton Hotel Gilcher House. Clemens House. Arcadia House. Pp Dixon, ‘Webster. “ec Ts Dycusburgh, Crittenden. East Bernstadt, Laurel. Eddyville, Lyon. oe se Edmonton, Metcalfe. Elizabethtown, Hardin. Elizaville, Fleming. Elkton, Todd. Elliston, Grant. Eminence, Henry. Ezel, Morgan. Falmouth, Pendleton. Farmers, Rowan. a3 ce Flat Gap, Johnson. Flemingsburg, Fleming. Florence, Boone. Fordsville, Ohio. Foster, Bracken. Fountain Run, Monroe. Franklin, Simpson. eé ee oe ‘ce Frenchburgh, Menifee. 6é <6 Fulton, Fulton. 6é ce Gainesville, Allen. Georgetown, Scott. “ ee “ sé ee ¢é Germantown, Mason. Glasgow, Barren. os ee ce 6é Glenco, Gallatin. Grayson, Carter. Greensburgh, Green. se ces Greenup, Greenup. ce ce Greenville, Muhlenberg. Guthrie, Todd. Hadensville, Todd. Duncan House. Cobb House. Clifton House. Yancy House. Pitman House. Brasswell House. Cassady House. Commercial Louse. Doheney House. Pedigo House. Showers House. Elizaville Hotel. Kennedy House. Ford House. Moody House. Pieratt House. Lightfoot House. Clark House. Brain House. Royce House. Brown House. Holliday House. City Hotel. Southern Hotel. Fordsville House. Smith House. National Hotel. Boisseau House. Commercial Hotel. Paris House. Greenwave House. Palace Hotel. Fleming House. Murrell House. Moore Hotel. Lancaster Hotel. Wells House. Central House. Southern Hotel. Stiles House. Murrell’s Hotel. Shirley House. Paul House. Clements Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Bagley House. Toomey House. Green River Kouns House. Andes House. Greenville Hotel. Reno House. Grant House. Hadensville House. Hardinsburgh, Breckinridge Elder House. Harrodsburgh, Mercer. 6é ce 66 és ce “cc Hartford, Ohio. Hawesville, Hancock. Hazard, Perry. Hazelgreen, Wolfe. ce ce Henderson, Henderson. 6s “es Hickman, Fulton. ee ce Hillsborough, Fleming. Hodgensville, La Rue. Hopkinsville, Christian. Horse Cave, Hart. Hustonville. Lincoln Hyden, Lee. Irvine, Estill. Inez, Martin. Jamestown, Russell. Hambleton House. Commercial House. National Hotel. Hansford House. James House. Hartford House. Commercial House. Casleton House. Hayden House. Combs Hotel. Peeratt House. Duff House. Barrett House. Commercial House. Laclede Hotel. Hickman House. lark’s Hotel. Hays House. Pheenix Hotel. Lewis House. Burbridge House. Allen House. Weatherford House. Lewis House. Shepard House. Cassady House. St. James House. Patterson House. House. La Fayette, Christian. La Grange, Oldham. Lamasco, Lyon. Lancaster, Garrard. se es Lawrenceburgh, Anderson. 66 ee Lebanon, Marion. te ce ee cc“ Liberty, Casey. Leitchfield, Grayson. Lexington, Fayette. ‘6 6é London, Laurel. Louisa, Laurel. Louisville, Jefferson. ae sé Lowe’s, Graves. McKee, Jackson. 6c ce McKinney, Lincoln. Madisonville, Hopkins. Manchester, Clay. Marion, Crittenden. Martinsburgh, Monroe. Mayfield, Graves. ae 6s May’s Lick, Mason. Maysville, Mason. Millersburgh, Bourbon. Milton, Trimble. Monticello, Wayne. Moorehead, Rowan. Morganfield, Union. ee 6é cs ce Morgantown, Butler. oe ae “cs “ce Moscow, Hickman. Mount Olivet, Robertson. La. Fayette Hotel. Hotel Maud. Central House. Kentucky House. Eagle Hotel. Lancaster Hotel. Hamilton House. Galt House. Central House. Norris House. New Veranda House. Campbell House. Exchange Hotel. Heyser House. Phenix Hotel. Ashland House. Alexander House. Jackson House. Lovelace House. Chattaroi Hotel. Galt House. Louisville Hotel. Alexander Hotel. Haynes House. Hays House. Carter House. Varanda House. Belmont Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Lucus Hotel. Coldiron Hotel. Hill House. Crittenden House. Williams Hotel. Southern Hotel. Stonewall House. Bullock House. Jackson House. Central House. European House. Bancroft House. Johnson House. Purnell House. Kingston House. Virginia Hotele Harden House. Galt House. Parsons House. Waggoner House. Payne House. Richmond House. Farmers House. Marrowbone House. Hall House. Paul House. Wallingford House. Mount ‘Sterling. MontgomeryNational Hotel. Mount Vernon, Rockcastle. Mount Washington, Bullitt. Munfordville, Hart. Murray, Calloway. oe ce New Castle, Henry. New Concord, Calloway. Newfoundland, Eiliott. New Haven, Nelson. New Hope, Nelson. New Liberty, Owen. Nicholasville, Jessamine. ee ec Olive Hill, Carter. Owensborough, Daviess. : “ec Owenton, Owen. * “ec Owingsville, Bath. Turner House. Joplin House. Newecum House, Settle House. Rickets House. Willis House. Walton House. Cherry Corner House. Rayburn House. Gray House. Knight House. King House. Folger House. Davison House. Gale House. Sparks House. Denman House. Palace Hotel. St. James Hotel. Planters House. Southern Hotel. Palmer House. Exchange Hotel. Farmers Hotel. ‘andy House. Owings House.CUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR KENTUCKY—Continued. HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ ee J < Place County Name. Place. County. Name. ae Couns foe o . ee 3 ee orset, Pulaski. Brinkley House. West Liberty, Morgan. Morgan Hotel. | Owingsville, Bath. Seo ee House Somerset, t ulasi eoelevell House. | White Oak, Morgan. Travelers Rest Htl. Paducah, McCracken. see RTE GTSS “ Tr Hicks House. Whitesburgh, Letcher. Bohannon House. cs arsha . ‘6 ct Nickels House. sue ee . i Sparta Hotel. Paintsville, Johnson. Chatarooh House. Sparta, Gallatin. z gee oe 3 UW , 2 ‘“ ‘6 amuels House, Williamsburgh, Whitley. Sutton House. Bourbon House. “ “ Williamsburgh Htl. € is, 5 *bon. 5 : ° Fane pour Thurston House. Springfield, Washington. Springfield House. sa Tucker’s House. ~ Stamping Ground, Scott. Haner House. Williamstown, Grant. Johnson House. s a ef Gogue House. Perryville, Boyle. : ikeville, Pil yi Hatcher House. Stanford, Lincoln. Myers House. Pikeville, Pike. « ce ‘ Butler H eas 2 Monroe House cs St. Asaph House. utler House. Pineville, Bell. NO er ts \ Winchester, Clarl Central H ‘< 66 Bringham House. $ Carpenter House. imches er, lar K. ae Pn ouse. : A « «6 ‘Cit ; eese House. Prestonville, Carroll. Nye’s Hotel. Commercial House %. e eee er Dy : 76 anza Hotel Stanton, Powell. Combs House. urbon House. Prestonburgh, Floyd Bonanza Hotel. . 5; Fa See im “Shade. Metcalfe. Witty House Wingo. Graves Tartt House Princeton, Caldwell. Bank Hotel. Summer Shade, Metcalte. VV ibty . W go. we : a se. Proctor, Lee. Hammons House. Sulphur Well, Metcalfe. Morris House. Woodbine, Whitley. Sutton Hotel. ‘shmond. Madi Jarnett House. Taylorville, Spencer. Bennett Hotel. Woodville, McCracken. Settle Hotel. Richmond, Madison. yarne y ; ‘6 «( Willis House. ce es Spencer House. Wyoming, Bath. Huff House. bin - Rochester, Butler. Woods Hotel. Tolesborough, Lewis. Perkins House. «6 si mercial House. | Tompkinsville Monroe. Smith House. UPULIT Y.—The practical utility of this Depart- or e a Courts H t will 1 parent and appreciable to a large num aE 1 Wc Jorkins gf rts House. ment will be appa é é ‘ (0 a le - ms . Rocky Hill St n, Edmonson. LE ee ee «“ Halak House ber of the peareling public, and those persons who are ee eae : oing on a journey where they are unacquainted. y Russellville, Logan. Forest House. Trenton, Todd. Arnold House. ae this guide a hotel can be selected and made O6 ue (rand Central House. | Uniontown, Union. Commercial Hotel. known to friends and postmaster before leaving, So 6 6 -evier House ce Of Grande Hotel. that telegrams, mail, or other important matters may | Ete Brevier House. T . ‘Ch ‘Jes H be forwarded without waiting directions after arrival Sadieville, Scott. Bates House. Nanceburgh, Lewis. St. Charles House. pe ‘topping off place, or destination. LADrms who are Salem, Livingston. Roney House. “6 sf Carter House. unaccustomed to traveling without escorts: ean’ be Salyersville, Magoffin. Adams House. Versailles, Woodford. Versailles House. greatly assisted by selecting 2 Hotel an omens of eS Hanons House. oo s Woodtord House. ba eee reine care of them. BUStNESS MEN of various Sanders, Carroll. Blue Lick Spg’s Hil. Wadesborough, Colloway. Brooks House. avocations will often find this Department a convenient eS es Walker’s Ex. Hotel. | Walton, Boone. Stamler House. reference in their busitiess afialrs ayeR STIS! desued ; : Sha aa Mart Nine to meet parties at a distance, in the larger cite: oie = Scottsville, aulen. Be eS ue eptel. Warfield, a an Mawel derstanding as to the Hotel to stop at vould often save | - nggs Hotel. rewer House. much anxiety, hunting, etc., ete., which are usualy te rf Walker House. Warsaw, Gallatin. Browns Hotel. attended with extra expenses. TRAVELING OS . Vebster udv 0 6 “ inde or parties going in extra numbers can arrahs Sebree, Nie vsere RndygEloUuse: 66 A Lindell Hotel. ample accommodations and special rates by corres- Roark House. Eagle Hotel. pondence in advance. In writing any of these houses Sharpsburgh, Bath. Hill House. Water Valley, Graves. Campbell House. please mention that name was taken from anne s Hotel Shelbyville, Shelby. Armstrong House. Weston, Crittenden. Western Hotel. Buenos Ee Department of “THE EVERY OF- Shepherdsville, Bullitt. Shepherdsville House Ue oe Heath House. ; : P AY Ser ‘ Smithland, Livingston. Seyster House. West Liberty, Morgan. Kendall House. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR KENTUCKY. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. : Adairville, Logan. Ernest Fasy. Brownsville, Edmonson. Sturgeon & Sturgeon. | Covington, Kenton. L. W. Winston. _ Albany, Clinton. D. W. Proctor. Brushy, Taylor. Potect & Bloyd. és s John R. Casper. fe © S. C. Hardin. Burkesville, Cumberland. Wm. F. Owsley. 2 S W. R. Dulaney & Co. : Allendile, Green. John Coakley. e “ M. O. Allen. cs ce Frank Levis. | Allensville, lodd. R. F. Allenworth. Burlington, Boone. Riddell & Stephens. a ce Thos. Kennedy. | Annville, Jackson. IA Re Settle. Butler, Pendleton. Wesley Rarden. Crab Orchard, Lincoln. J. H. Higgins. Ashland, Boyd. B. W. Singer. Butlersville, Allen. Dr. G. W. Samuel. a M. J. Harris. : Athertonviile, La Rue. A.S8. Cagle. Cadiz, Trigg. Rob’t Crinshaw. Crittenden, Grant. S. D. Poor. . Auburn, Logan. W. N. Crewdson. : ne E. F. Dabney. Cromwell, Ohio. F. M. Gillstrop. Augusta, Bracken. a i Marshall Calhoun, McLean. J. C. Johnson. cs es Ww. H. Porter. W. V. Weldon. : = W. B. Noe. Crofton, Christian. W. H. Cato. Barboursville, Knox. Tinsley & Dishman. Campbellville, Taylor. C. H. Bennett & Co. | Cuba, Graves. B. C. Usber. ' aie een James D, Black. Campton, Wolfe. Joseph C. Lylkins. a a B. S, Thurmond. ! ardstown, Nelson.. J. D. Elhott & Co. Cane Spring, Bullitt. J. V. Crenshaw. Cupio, Bullitt. J. W. Crone. Barren, Allen. 5. E. Hudson. Caney, Morgan. Win. Lykens. Cynthiana, Harrison. West & Perrin. ) Beattyville, Lee. G. W. Gourley. Canmer, Hart. G. W. Hunter. a sf Foreman & Cason. : ss is ee Mahan. Carlisle, Nicholas. J. A. Campbell. ce < Orie Lebus f “ Re 7 ve pees f rs Hanson i ennedy: Danville, Boyle. yams Re Marrs. eerie: eee: . 1. Buckler. ee yy . M. Linney. | Bedford, Timble. a Wales Carrollton, Carroll. James ‘I’. Fisher. Dixon, Webster. Givens & Hill. beet ; “ i; W R nis S Carrsville, Livingston. James N. Clemens. |Dycusburgh, Crittenden. J. H. Clifton. (3 . R. Logan. Caseyville, Union. H. X. Morton. Eddyville, Lyon. S. J. Watkins. | Benton, Marshall Weieed’ Catletisburgh, Boyd. John H. Mason. eee F. A. Wilson. | cae ee 7M Pek i . L. T. Everett. Edmonton, Metcalfe. R. B. Doheney. | &s 66 yw Dyaua: 5 a T. J. Ewing. aes ce J. W. Compton. = 6 RMD Cen ; James Trimble. Elizabethtown, Hardin. James Montgomery. ee MN a Wane Ree: Central City, Muhlenberg. Daniel Fitzgibbon. ‘i ce R. L. Stith. | Bethel, Bath. D, 8. Tams Centre Point, Mo AK. Boal . : Dee 1, bath, -d. Lrumbo. entre Point, \V r0e. mie : : n | ) Birmingham, Marshall. HH. M. Heath. Chapel Hil, Aili, @ i Hee ee ae One ee | Bae aeons J We Boland: Chaplin, Nelson. TS, Rowland. Elliston, Grant. John Cames. : PATH aNTel Se . W. Skaggs. | Chicago, Marion. J. H. Mattingly. Emi Tolland Bloomnc a Nelson: Muir, Wilson & Muir, | Clinton, Hickman White & Bite Eminence aay Wee oI aos : oonville, Owsley. B.C. Duff. Cara sete GE TeNKOnte “mpire, Christian. . W. Crabtree. Bowling Green, Warren. Cool fee ne “ «« E. O. Reed. Ezel, Morgan. W. B. Lykens. g , 200k & Payne. W. W. Subl 6s 6c jee Eloheon Cl bot settee ub ett. Falmouth, Pendleton. R. H. Dudley. a * Stallard & Drak overbottom, Jackson. C. 8. Martin. e sf John H. Barker. «6 «“ Thos. Pollard e. Cloverport, Breckinridge. B. L. Newsom. ss Hf Peck & Williams. : « D.T Ha mill : Reet David R. Murray. Farmers, Rowan. J. 8S. MeMillen. 6 «“ Geran Rl Ge Coldwater, Calloway. a a Helland. Fearis, Lewis. A. 8. Cole. Brafford’s Store, Knox. WAR hatte \ . , »» W. Nix. Flat Gap, Johnson. D. H. Hanilton. Brandenburgh, Meade. _-D. W. peace eg columbias dar. _ Hancock. Flemingsburgh, Fleming. M. M. Teagar. Broadhead, Rockcastle. J. G. & L. B. Carter. “ &< M y Hart. i Florence, Boone. S. Conner Yager. Brookville, Bracken. Ted aban. Gennes nicl Montgomery & Jones. | Fordsville, Ohio. S. P. Roby. us ss John Black & So C Pea eae K. 'l’. Bullock. Fountain Run, Monroe. Henry C. Franklin. Br Keno IE Son. oncord, Lewiss L. T. Pollock Pr: Sea noe . : rowns X Roads, Clinton. John H. Parngin. Conway, Rockcastl A Car Samuel N. Porkine. 2 ; NO CaS. R. D. Cook. ss us J. A. McGoodwin : &, Brownsville, Edmonson. S¢éttle Lay & Bro. Covington, Kenton Joseph Harlin C : s ‘ 0.REAL ESTATE ACENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR KENTUCKY_ Continued. Place. County. Frenchburgh, Menifee. ‘6 ce Fulton, Fulton. “ce ce Gamaliel, Monroe. Gainesville, Allen. Garrettsburgh, Christian. Georgetown, Scott. ce ce Ghent, Carroll. Glasgow, Barren. 6é ee és ce “ce ce Golden Pond, Trigg. Grayson, Carter. ce ae Greensburgh, Green. oe 6c éé sé Greenup, Greenup. 66 sé ce ‘sé Greenville, Muhlenburgh. Name. ae Van Arsdell. Abraham Jenkins. John W. Stark. L. N. Lowry. Nat 8S. Offutt. Gaines & Johnson. J. O. Bershot. BK. Y. Kilgore. W. S. Porter. Gee Dutt Ce bull Frank Oakley. R. D. Davis. B. W. Penick. Towles & Hudson. Jeff Henry. W.A. J. Rarden. Jacob Fisher. Roe & Roe. M. C. Hay. Hardinsburgh, BreckinridgeWm. K. Barnes. Harlan, Harlan. se oe Harrodsbureh, Mercer, Hartford, Ohio. “ce sé 6é ee ce cc Harvey, Marshall. Hawesville, Hancock. Hazle Green, Wolfe. Headquarters, Nicholas. Hazard, Perry. Henderson, Henderson. éé éé ce “ec Hickman, Fulton. Hill Grove, Meade. Hinkleville, Ballard. Hodgensville, La Rue. Hopkinsville, Christian. 6é éeé cs ‘cc ce 66 Horse Cave, Hart. Hustonville, Lincoln. Hyden, Lee. Irvine, Estill. ae ec Independence, Kenton: Inez, Martin. Jamestown, Russell. “se ee Kirksey, Calloway. Knob Lick, Metcalfe. Kuttawa, Lyon. La Grange, Oldham. Lancaster, Garrard. Lawrenceburgh, Anderson. Laurel Creek, Crittenden. Lebanon, Marion. Lebinon Junction, Bullitt. Leslie, Cumberland. Liberty, Casey. sé ce Leitchfield, Grayson. Lewisport, Hancock. Lexington, Fayette. sc 6é 6c sé 6s és ee 66 sé ée ce ce London, Laurel. Lone Star, Taylor. Louisa, Lawrence. se ee ‘sé ce ¢é ee Louisville, Jefferson. os 66 James E. Stone. H. L. Howard. W. F. Hall. T. M. Cardwell. A. B. Baird. McHenry & Hill. H. P. Taylor. J. H. Weller. G. E. Walker. G. D. Chambers. Miller & Morrison. J. M. Kash. John C. Hardy. J. H. Combs. W.S. Alves. N. Jorgenson. Clay & Banks. R.S. Merrell. Tyler & Tyler. R. J. Patterson. John Bishop. I. W. Twyman. J. W. Gore. Callis & Hays. John W. Payne. Winfrey & Kelly. Campbell & Campbell Thos. H. Mustain. J. W. Hockler. T.G. Lewis. Riddle & Flutz. Lilly & Son. Weslev B. Wilson. J.S. Patten. J. L. Phelps. S. A. Simpson. J. M. Radford. F. N. Grinstead. J. H. Cruson. J. E. Alsop. L. F. Hubble. Real Estate & Loan Association. Allen Baker. C. M. Phillips & Co. F. A. Barnett, P. W. Barron. A. R. Clark. J. B. Stone. John E. Stone. John C. Graham. G. A. McCall. Dodge & Shade. W oodruff& Campbell W.F. White & Co. D. T. Ambrose, J. M. Tanner. G. W. Muir. 8. G. Sharp. Boyd & Boreing. E. H. Kirtley. John M. Rice. R. F. Vinson. F. T. D. Wallace. Geo. F. Johnson. Hale & Bro. Buchanan & Bro. Place, County. Name. Place. County, Name. Louisville, Jefferson. McKee, Jackson. Madisonville, Hopkins. Manchester, Clay. Marion, Crittenden. Mayfield, Graves. 6s “ee Maysville, Mason. “ 6c 6 “6 Middle Fork, Jackson. Midway, Woodford. Millersburgh, Bourbon, Milton, Trimble. Monterey, Owen. Monticello, Wayne. Moorehead, Rowan. Morganfield, Union. 6 ‘6 Morgantown, Butler. Moscow, Hickman. Mt. Olivet, Robertson. «ce 6eé Mt. Vernon, Rockcastle. Munfordville, Hart. Murray, Calloway. &e ee “ce ec Napoleon, Gallatin. New Castle, Henry. New Haven, Nelson. ‘| New Hope, Nelson. New Liberty, Owen. New Roe, Allen. Normandy, Spencer. Olive Hill, Carter. Orr, Anderson. Osceola, Green. Owensborough, Daviess. 6c 6é 66 cc 66 66 oe 6c Owenton, Owen. 6c sé Owingsville, Bath. Paducah, McCracken, ‘ 7 Paintsville, Johnson. = ce Paris, Bourbon . Petersville, Lewis. Pikeville, Pike. éé sé Pineville, Bell. ce ce ce 6¢ Pomeroyton, Menifee. Pottsville, Graves. Prestonburgh, Floyd. Princeton, Caldwell. Raywick, Marion. Providence, Webster. Richardson, Lawrence. Richmond, Madison. Rock Ridge, Monroe. Rockvale, Breckinridge. Marrowbone, Cumberland. Mt. Sterling, Montgomery. Mount Washington, Bullitt. New Concord, Calloway. Nicholasville, Jessamine. cs 66 D. W. Durham. W.L. Gordon & Sons. David Lyttle. C. B. Lyttle. D. K. Rawlins. Walker & Rochester. Wm. Barton. W. A. Beadles. B. A. Neale. E. S. Beaumont. W.L. Landrum. G.S. Judd. M. C. Hutchins. Campbell & Thomas. W. W. Ball. Isaac J. Fanbus. Richard Godson. G. W. Bryan. Surlls & Strother. T. J Hardin. John W. Tuttle. J.C. Saufley. W. L. Thurber. Geiger & Haynes. Hughes & Hughes. B. L. D. Guffy. J.T. Drew. Buckler & Bayne. Settle & Word. Miller & Wilson. Patterson & Hazel- rige. L. B. Carter. W.S. McFarland. W. J. Macy. Tt PY Cook: L. C. Linn. G. C. Dingind. G. G. Oury. Clay Turley. J. V. Pearce. J. N. Caplinger. F. M. Mallory. Sylvester Johnson. C. C. Corbett. J. Blackwell. A. H. Gravelstead. C. W. Metcalfe. Kk. B. Hoover. S. R. Norman. Allen W. Kozee. C. B. Butner. J. B. Russell. O. H. Haynes. J. H. McHenry. G. W. Jolley. R. H. & EB. P. Taylor. W. N. Sweeney & Son James Forsee. Montgomery, Lindsey tt otts. R. Gudgell & Son. A. L. Wright. Ashbrook & Powell. Q. C. Quigley. L. B. Caldwell. Hawes & Hawes. J. W. Walker. J. F. Stewart. Frank Kennedy. Peter D. Lykins. W. Mayo Connally. J. Lee Ferguson. Moss & Purcifull. M. F. North. E. Hurst. W. Catron. Farthing Coleman. W.S. Harkins. R. 8. Friend. Wm. Marble. J. R. Hewlett. G. W. Dewall. T. K. Carter. Flem Gordon. M. F. Garred. J. Speed Smith. James W. Strode. Henry C. Matthews. Rocky Hill St’n, Edmonson. T. G. McIntire. Rosine, Ohio. Rowena, Russell. Rowletts, Hart. Russellville, Logan. ce ce Salem, Livingston. Salt Trace, Harlan. Salyersville, Magoffin. Sanders, Carroll. Sandy Hook, Elliott. Serabble, Shelby. Scottsville, Allen. ce ce ce ce ce oe ce Sebree, Webster. Sharpsburgh, Bath. Shelbyville, Shelby. Shepherdsville, Bullitt, «eé ee Smithfield, Henry. Smithland, Livingston. (6 ce Smiths Grove, Warren. Smoky Valley, Carter. Somerset, Pulaski. sc ee Springfield, Washington. Spurlington, ‘Taylor. Stantord, Lincoln. “ce “ec Stanton, Powell. Sulphur Lick, Monroe. Sulphur Well, Metcalfe. Summer Shade, Metcalfe. Summersville, Green. Taylorville, Spencer. ce ce Tolesborough, Lewis. Tompkinsville, Monroe. ee «6 Travellers Rest, Owsley. Trenton, Todd. Union, Boone. Uniontown, Union. Vanceburgh, Lewis. ce ce Versailles, Woodford. sé ‘ec Warfield, Martin. Wallins Creek, Harlan. Warsaw, Gallatin. Wesleyville, Carter. West Liberty, Morgan. ‘¢ ce ce se Whitesburgh, Letcher. White Sulphur, Scott. Wickliffe, Ballard. Willard, Carter. Williamsburgh, Whitley. Williamstown, Grant. és ee ce cé “ce ac Winchester, Clark. Wolfe Creek, Meade. Woodsonville, Hart. Wyoming, Bath. Youngs Creek, Whitley. of theix prompt attention. 4 Union Star, Breckinridge. Wactesborough, Calloway. ment” of “THe Every OFFIOE Favorite.” it furnishes you an introduction and gives extra assurance R. R. Wedding. W.S. Stone. A. S. Snoddy. Geo. S. Hardy. C. H. Ryan. T. A. Frazer. Isaac W. McCollum. Grant Forester. D. D. Sublett. J. W. Howard. L. F. Sanders. J. B. Hannah. M. M. Redwine. Harrod. John H. Collins. EK. G. Walker. R. 9. Mulligan. M. A. Alexander. K. Seott Brown. P. E. Hampton. J. W. Allen. John C. Cooper. P. B. Thompson. N. J. Weller. W.C. Powers. John W. Bush & Son Bennett & Cruce. John K. Hendricks. W. W. Hazelip. G. Morris. Wm. Harvey. Curd & Stone. W. H. Sweeney. Bowles & Freeman. W. H. Miller. H. S. Withers. J.S. Murphy. R. M. Jones. Peter Kingory. H. H. Beaucamp. W. P. Hunnally. W. A. Vaughn. J. W. Crutcher. Jonn G. Offutt. Vincent H. Perkins. Wm. 8. Maxey. John R. Leslie. W. W. Brewer. James D. Rutherford. R. B. Reed. W.F. Berry. C. M. McGlothlan: Thomas & Pugh. Parker & Halbert. Leroy H. Parrish. Richard B. George. S. B. Starks. A. lee Barrett. J. J. C. Howard. D. B. Wallace. John H. Burchett. W.C. Kendall. E. F. Lemester. John P. Salyer. J. W. Kendall. Wn. H. Nickles. J. P. Marrs. S. E. Thomas. Frank France. Bugg & Son. J. D. White. J. M. Nichols. J. M. Riffe. N. A. Richardson. G. A. Dunham. M. Harrison. Rel Grams W. W. Dickinson. EH. Smith. V. H. Abbott. John W. Owings. Ji. i Brice: Jesse Atchison. EXPLANATION AND REQUEST. — The parties whose addresses are given in this Department are, in nearly every instance, actively and attentively engaged in the Real Estate, sale and exchange business. In openi ig corres- pondence with any of them, please mention that their address was taken from the ** Real Estate Agents and Dealers Depart- By so doing,BANKS AND BANKERS DEPARTMENT F pe ie ee Place. County. Adairville, Logan. Ashland, Boyd. Auburn, Logan. Augusta, Bracken. Bardstown, Nelson. Bloomfield, Nelson. Bowling Green, Warren. Brandenburgh, Meade. Burlington, Boone. Carlisle, Nicholas. Carrollton, Carroll. 6 “6 Caseyville, Union. Catlettsburgh, Boyd. Cloverport, Breckinridge. Columbia, Adair. Covington, Kent. ce 66 Cynthiana, Harrison. a 66 ‘é Danville, Boyle. ee ¢ Eddyville, Lyon. Elizabethtown, Hardin. Elkton, Todd. Eminence, Henry. Falmouth, Pendleton. Flemingsburgh, Fleming. 66 66 Frankfort, Franklin. 66 ¢ i? 4 (14 Franklin, Simpson. 66 ee Fulton, Fulton. Georgetown, Scott. 46 66 Glasgow, Barren. 6é 6e Grayson, Carter. Greenup, Greenup. Greenville, Muhlenberg. Harrodsburgh, Mercer. Harrodsburgh, Mercer. Hartford, Ohio. Henderson, Henderson. GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT Name. a ee Bank of Adairville. W. K. Rayburn & Co. Ashland National Bk. G. W. Davidson. Allen Harbeson & Co. Wilson & Muir. Muir, Wilson & Muir. Warren Deposit Bk. P. J. Potter & Co. Meade Go. Deposit Bk. Boone Co.Deposit Bk. Deposit Bank. Farmers Bank. Carrollton Nat'l Bk. First National Bank. W. W. Pierson. Catlettsburgh Nat'l Bank. Breckinridge Bank. Bank of Columbia. Farmers & Traders National Bank. Northern Bk of Ken- tucky. Covington City Nat'l Bank ank. German National Bk. First National Bank. Nat’] Bk.of Cynthiana Farmers Nat’] Bk. Boyle National Bk. Citizens Nat'l Bk. Farmers Nat’! Bk. Eddyville Bank. First National Bk. Bk of Elizabethtown. Bank of Elkton. Deposit Bank. Falmouth Deposit Bk. Exchange Bank. Fleming Co.Nat’l Bk. Fleming Co. Farmers Bank. Bank of Kentucky. Deposit Bank. Farmers Bk of Ky. J. A. McGoodwin & 0. McElwain, Meguiar & Co Fulton Bank. Farmers Bank. First National Bank. Deposit Bank. Deposit Bank. Trigg & Co. Grayson Bk’g Co. J. M. Sowards. Bank of Greenville. Mercer National Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Hartford Bank. Farmers Bank. Place. County. Henderson, Henderson. “é “cc Hopkinsville, Christian. “cc cs Horse Cave, Hart. Hustonville, Lincoln. La Grange, Oldham. Lancaster, Garrard. &e ce Lawrenceburgh, Anderson. é 66 Lebanon, Marion. “ce ce Lexington, Fayette. ee ee ce ce sé ce “sé ce ce ée ce ée Louisville, Jefferson. cc “ Madisonville, Hopkins. Mayfield, Graves. Maysville, Mason. ce ee be 6c“ Middletown, Jefferson. Midway, Woodford. Millersburgh, Bourbon. Morganfield, Union. Morgantown, Butler. ce és “cc 6c Mt. Vernon, Rockcastle. Murray, Calloway. New Castle, Henry. New Haven, Nelson. New Liberty, Owen. Mt. Sterling, Montgomery. Mt. Vernon, Rockcastle. Name. Henderson Nat’! Bk. Planter’s Nat’l Bk. Bank of Hopkinsville. Planters Bank. City Bank. Merchants Bk’g Co. Hustonville Nat'l Bk. Oldham Bank. Nat’l Bank of Lan- caster. Citizens National Bk. Anderson Co. Deposit Bank. Lawrenceburgh Bk. Marion Nat’! Bank. Nat’l Bk. of Lebanon. First Nat’] Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. Third Nat’] Bank. Lexington City Bk. Northern Bankof Ky. Fayette Nat'l Bank. Nat’l Exchange Bk. Merchants Nat’l Bk. Bank of Commerce. Falls City Bank. Bank of Kentucky. Bank of Louisville. Farmer’s & Drover’s Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Second Nat’! Bank. Third Nat’l Bank. Masonic Svg’s Bank. German Security Bk. John G. Morton. Bank of Mayfield. First Nat'l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. State Nat’l Bank. Bank of Maysville. Deposit Bk. of Mid- dletown. Citizens Bank. Deposit Bank. Millersburgh Deposit Bank. Nat’l Bk. of Union Co. Morgantown Deposit Bk Exchange Bk of Ky. Mt. Sterling Nat’l Bank. Farmers National Bk. Traders Deposit Bk. J.J. Williams. Jack Adams, jr. Murray Bank. Nat'l Bk. of New Castle. Sylvester Johnson. Alex Wilson & Co. on KENTUCKY. Place. County. Name. Newport, Campbell. Nicholasville, Jessamine. ce “6 North Middletown,Bourbon. Owensborough, Daviess. ce ce «6 66 ee ce 6c 66 Owenton, Owen. é “ec Owingsville, Bath, Paducah, McCracken. ce “cc Paris, Bourbon. ce “se ce “ec e “ec Princeton, Caldwell. Providence, Webster. Richmond, Madison. 66 ee 6é “cr Russellville, Logan. “ee “6 ce 6é Scottsville, Allen. Sharpsburgh, Bath. Shelbyville, Shelby. ce “ Smith’s Grove, Warren. Somerset, Pulaski. Springfield, Washington. Stanford, Lincoln. Taylorsville, Spencer. Uniontown, Union. Versailles, Woodford. Warsaw, Gallatin. Williamstown, Grant. Winchester, Clark. €é “ec Williamsburgh, Whitley. German Nat’] Bank. First Nat’] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Noland Wilmore & Co. Deposit Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Deposit Bank. Owensboro Bank. Citizens Svg’s Bank. Farmers & ‘lraders Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. Goodpaster Bank. Exchange & Deposit Bank. First Nat'l Bank. City Nat’] Bank. American German National Bank. Northern Bank of Ky. Agricultural Bank. Citizens Bk. of Paris. Deposit Bk. of Paris. First Nat’l Bank. Providence Bk’g Co. First Nat'l Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. Madison Nat'l Bank. Bank of Russellville. Logan Co. Bank. N. Long & Co. Bank of Allen Co, Exchange Bank. Farmers & Traders Bank. Bank of Shelbyville. Deposit Bank. The Nat’! Bank. First National Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. First National Bank. Bk. of Taylorsville. Bank of Uniontown. Bank of Woodford. Bk. of J. Amsden & Co. Warsaw Deposit Bk. Bk. of Williams- burgh. Bk. of Williamstown. (rant Co. Deposit Bk. Winchester Nat'l Bk. Clark Co. Nat’l Bk. Citizens Nat’] Bank. REQU EST.— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers Depart- ment”? of (‘THe EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” ror KENTUCKY. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Alba j 7 . any, Clinton. e & Hardin. Barboursville, Knox. T. J. Culton. Benton, Marshall. J. M. Fisher. « «é Gow Ae * SS A. Y. Culton. ss < W. P. Lee. llenenilecnodd RE aioe or. ef Jas. D. Mayhew. e * T. F. Palmer Naneite! qeebcon aa Seo Bardstown, Nelson. J. W. Thomas. Bethel, Bath. D. 8S. Trumbo ‘“ 5 pe Seti st. Z . J. S. Kelley. Birmingham, Marshall. J. W. Holland Ashland, Boyd. Tobn F-. H, os ‘ N. W. Halstead. Ss s H. M. Heath «< ts W.C Teleaae % y John A. Fulton. Blaine, Lawrence. G. W. Skaggs ‘6 «s a Gagan: fe : C.T. Atkinson. Booneville, Owsley. S. P. Hoge. « ‘6 PH ee s t A. V. McKay. J. M. Sebantran. Auburn, Logan. S. Amblet ea PCa LLyalle, vee Baie Rayman i i A. H. Clark. Augusta, Bracken, 2 : a pinor. «6 eo aes : fe H a Hoge: ae ( c :, . W. ‘ ‘ . W. Needham i He Bonde, i 2 ohn po uiahan: Bowling Green, Warren. Sims & Wilkins. i : £ f atty. «6 66 : “ “ eet Me Neuen: Bedford, Trimble. Bartlett & McCain. uO se CRE ae Barbourville, Knox. 4 } 2 oa Dishman. «“ ‘“ Wo he - é Wale ae Ceres John Ewa la as J. A. Trout. : “Galloway & Potter 6 ‘ J G i son. Benton, Marshall. J. W. Dycus. fe “ D. T. Hamill eer | 2 We. Seat ok BSS" oU. 2 . M. Reed. Heynolde: M. “Cockill. . Bohanan. Oakley. es R. Botts. R. D. Davis. . D. Jones. hos. W. Mitchell. J. M. Summers. J. R. Ward. E. B. Wilhoit. Thos. D. Theobald. D. A. Caldwell. Towles & Hudson. J. W. Williams. Jeff Henry. W. H. Milby. W. Pennick. N. Foster. F. Dulin. H. Painter. F, Bennett. B. ee cae Sea oi eo ae KB Qi: to , “DB bss Bar Bes: ie B. W. E. ARS B. ie Trussell. Ro Worthington. ie Areas Davidson. M. Allison. Wm. H. Yost. M. C. Hay. W. B. McCoun. Joun T. Young. Jobn Allison. W. D. J. F,a Place. County. Name. Se Greenville, Muhlenburg. “é «é “ “é Hardinsburgh, Breckin- ridge. Harlan, Harlan. cé ce Harrodsburgh, M ercer. ee ée ce éé ee £6 &e éeé 66 6é éeé 6é ce éé ¢e ce cé éé ce 6e¢ &é Hartford, Ohio. ce “ee ce oe “cc ce ce ‘ce “ “ce 6é ce 6e 66 ce “ce 6¢ ée ce “ce «“ Ts &e “cc ce ce Hazard, Perry. ee ce Hazelgreen, Wolfe. Henderson, Henderson. 66 66 “cc 73 be “cs 66 cc ee “<< “c & 66 6c Hickman, Fulton. ee é¢ ee ce ce ce Hodgensville, La Rue. ‘sé ee ce se ce 6c ce ce sé ce €é 46 Hopkinsville, Christian. 66 ce 66 ee ce «¢ ce &¢ Horse Cave, Hart. “e ee Hyden, Leslie. Irvine, Estill. ee ee Independence, Kenton. “ce ce Inez, Martin. ee ce ee 66 se cc ce “é Jamestown, Russell. se 46 6e se “ 6 “ 66 66 “6 ce “cc Kelly, Christian. King’s Creek, Letcher. Knob Lick, Metcalfe. Chas. Eaves. W. A. Wackliffe. P. L. Townes. James E. Stone. S_ N. French. J. K. Bailey. W.F. Hall. Thompson & Roach. O’Kyle & Posten. Bell & Wilson. B. H. Gaither. Wn. B. Allen. Ben. L. Hardin. Chas. A. Hardin, sr. Thos. H. Hardin. John W. Hughes. Wn. W. Stephenson. John B. Thompson. James Van Arsdall. Walker & Hubbard. J. KE. Fogle. H. B. Kinsolim. H. P. Taylor. J.S. Glenn. Chas. M. Pendleton. C. W. Massie. Wun. F. Gregory. McHenry & Hill. J. P. Sanderfer. Geo. C. Wedding. M. A. Mason. G. D. Chambers. Miller & Morrison. 7. S. Roberts. Ris is Bush: B. F. French. J. H. Combs. J. M. Kash. Turner & Cunning- ham. Yeoman & Lockett. Brown & Merritt. Clay & Banks. Ball & Dorsey. W. P. McClain. C. F. Suge. R. D. Vance. A. D. Kingman. C. L. Randle. Tyler & Tyler. R. 8. Murrell. G. W. Thurman. J.C. 'Uhurman. James E. Wright. H.S. Johnson. I, W. Twyman. J. W. Gore. D. H. Smith. Phelps & Son. Landes & Clark. Breathett & Stites. Petree & Downer. Henry & Payne. C. H. Bush. Wm. Beard. G. A. Taylor. G. S. Green. Preston Bond, jr. W. P. Bentley. Tally & Son. R. W. Smith. Riddell & Flutz. Jobn M. Riddell. J. B. White. O. F. Rankin. Geo. W. Carlisle. J. M. Kirk. John S. Patton. J. W. Hobson. Allen Copley. ames Crumm. S. P. Collins. J. L. Phelps. J. A. Williams. Wi. Hays. A. Simpson. J. Williams. N R elson. M. Fields. A S. iN A. L. R. Salmon. Je Me I. M. Grinstead. Place. County. Name. La Grange, Oldham. Lancaster, Garrard. 6c 66 ce sé ce 4c 73 6c c6 «ec Lebanon, Marion. ee ee ce c¢ Leslie, Cumberland. Liberty, Casey. Leitchfield, Grayson. 6é “ce 6é 66 6 6¢ ce &cé “ec « «“ 6é 66 66 té é¢ ce ce ce ce 6c 66 &é ce ce «ec ce &é 66 ce “6 66 té ee London, Laurel. ce ce ce ée oe cs 6e c6 Lone Star, Taylor. Louisa, Laurel. ee ee 6 6e 6G 66 6é 66 6c ce 6eé ce cé 66 &6 é¢ «6 ee o6 66 66 sé 66 6 66 &é 4¢ 6 «6 ce 66 ce 6c éé 6c ce 66 ce McKee, Jackson. 66 cé 66 66 ef ce 66 cc 66 66 66 66 Manchester, Clay. Marion, Crittenden. c e ce 66 66 79 ce 66 Lawrenceburgh, Anderson. ee ce ce ce ce ce ce Laurel Creek, Crittenden. Madisonville, Hopkins. D. H. French. J. H. Brown. R. R. West. Burdett & Walton. R. H. Tomlinson. W. O. Bradley. W. McC. Johnston. H. C. Kauffman. Anderson & Herndon. Felix & Feland. Geo. C. Cohen. W.H. Morgan. James M. Posey. L. W. McKee. W. H. McKee. A. M. Postwood. G. W. Baker. Allen Baker. W.E. Russell. Roundtree & Lisle. Harrison & Beldar. P. W. Barron. J. B. Stone. A. R. Clark. J. W. Bozorth. T. R. McBeath. G. W. Stone. J.S. Worthan. J. M. McClure. W.R. Haynes. John C. Graham. H. W. Stoy. Breckenridge & Shel- b Hunt & Darnall. Buckner, Beauchamp & Allen. W. Parker. H. M. Buford. A. W. Marshall. M. C. Alford. J. H. Milligan. J.S. Smith. Z. Gibbons. D. G. Falconer. Judge M. Walton. Brown & Jones. _ Boyd & Craft. E. H. Kirtley. - James E. Stewart. R. T. Burns. R. F. Vinson. John M. Rice. W. M. Fulkerson. G. W. Castle. F. T. D. Wallace. W. W. Marcum. Alex. Lackey. J. W. Rice. Chas. S. Grubbs. W.0.&4J. L. Dodd. John B. Baskin. Isaac T. Woodson. J.S. Kline. Helen & Bruce. K. E. McKay. Wn. Mix. Garvin Bell. Rodman & Brown. N.G. Rogers. C. B. Seymour. D. W. Durham. W. H. Clark. Waddill & Pratt. A. K. Bradley. G. W. Ramsey. J. F. Dempsey. . D. Orr: Polk Loffron. Jabs Hall: W.L. Gordon & Sons. David G. Lyttle. Nunn & Cruse. Blue & Blue. L. H. James. 8. Hodge. J.G. Rochester. CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR KENTUCKY—Continued. Place. County. Name. Mayfield, Graves. ce ee ce 66 ce ee ee ce ce sec ce 4 “ce ce ce ‘ce 6 ce «6 cs ce ce 66 é6 6 66 6c ce ce ce ce 66 ce “6 ¢e 66 ce ‘é &é ce ce ce Middle Fork, Jackson. Midway, Woodford. Millersburgh, Bourbon. Monterey, Owen. Monticello, Wayne. 6eé ce ce ce « 6c &c “ 66 ee Moorehead, Rowan. “ce oe sé ee 66 €¢ Morganfield, Union. “ee ce 6é 66 «“ 73 66 “ce & “ 66 6c &“c ce cé cm 66 ce Morgantown, Butler. Moscow, Hickman. Mount Olivet, Robertson. és 66 “ “é 6 “ Mt. Sterling, Montgomery. cc 6é 66 66 6c 6 “6 “c ce “6 66 66 66 6c 66 “6 66 66 ce ce 66 “6 éé 6é ce &é 6“ 6é 6é 66 66 «6 6 ce “ce “ce ee 66 ce 6 66 “ Mount Washington, Bullitt. Munfordville, Hart. “ce “< 6 66 «ce iT Robertson, Smith & Robinson. — W. W. Tice. D. G. Park. D. B. Stanfield. James ‘I’. Webb. S. H. Crossland. H. J. Moormon. R. M. Anderson. L. B. Anderson. Lee Elmere. Woodworth & Son. Cochran & Son. Wall & Worthington. Whitaker & Robert- son. G. W. Adair. L. W. Galbruth. W. P. Coons. Geo. R. Gill. Galen & Galen. Woodworth & Bro. T. C. Campbell. John G. Hickman. E. C. Phister. T. R. Phister. Tsaac J. Faubus. Richard Godson. J. M. Hoge. G. W. Bryan. T. J. Hardin. James A. Phillips. J. C. Sanfley. J. Knox Frazier. John W. Tuttle. W. R. Hays. J. L. Sallie. J. Berry. D. Ellis Conner. W. J. Rice. Z. T. Young. A. W. Young. Hughes & Hughes. - Spaulding & Adair. 8. C. Hughes. Ken Chapere. H. D. Allen. J. W. Taylor. J. W. Marshall. Gieger & Haynes. Geo. A. Prentice. H. M. Davis. Long & Long. B. L. D. Guffy. J.T. Drew. O. 8. Deming. W. W. Kimbrough. Buckler & Bayne. Settle & Wood. C. Brock. Turner & Son. Beckner & Elliott. C. R. Brooks. Peters & Tyler. Comelisen & Mitch- ] ell, John G. Winn. I. Halsey. W. A. De Haven. H.C. McKee. Young & White. W. A. Wilson. John M. Elliott. A. G. Lockridge. J. P. Cassidy. S.H. Kash. Wood & Day. Patterson & Hazel- rigg. J. L. Ellerton. J. K. McClary. McClure & Williams. J. W. Brown. I’. H. Reppert. Davison & Smith. Je Babish: W.S. McFarland. H. © Martin. J. A. Kdwards. H. A. Watkins. DIN. Cull: S. M. Payton.CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR KENTUCKY— Continued. Place. County, Name. Place, County. Name. Place. County. Name. Munfordville, Hart. W. J. Macy. Paris, Bourbon. Emmett M. Dixon. | Shepherdsville, Bullitt. F. P. Straus. . John Donan. ae im E J . Lucas. es “f Chas. Carroll. ‘ a D. J. Wood. Pikeville, Pike. Ausier & Ferguson. ‘s ee N. J. Weller. Murray, Calloway. G. A. C. Holt. ee James M. York. af et Be Deron: “ 6 James H. Coleman. ss és J. M. Robinson, cf ef CXC: 6 66 eae Cook: Pineville, Bell. Dishman & Hurst. “ es eae i ne . s3 J. R. Schroader. oe Z John Goodwin. Smifhland, Livingston. James C. Hodge. W.B. Keyes. cs ce Wn. M. Bingham. ce ee Alvin F. Trail. ss “ W. W. Weathers. ss ‘ M. J. Moss. cc 8 Henry H. Hibbs. ss “s O. Holt. “ ss W. G. Calson. ce se John W. Bush & Son “ - G. G. Oury i o BE. G. Wilson. i ‘ Bennett & Cruce. “ Ge @ Euneind plummers ae gi lemming: Wesley B. Evans. sé < Chas. H. Webb ‘ <6 }, Linn. omeroyton, Menifee NV. Catron. cs ss lew Napoleon, Gallatin. Clay Turley. i ss ne Te ae New Castle, Henry. 6 ce 6 “ce ‘e “ “ “ “c New Liberty, Owen. Newport, Campbell. Nicholasville, J essamine. “6 “ oe “e “ “cc “ ‘é 66 6s cs “6 46 ‘“ iti “e ‘c ‘cc ‘“ ‘6 N. Middletown, Bourbon. Olive Hill, Carter. Orr, Anderson. Osceola, Green. Owensborough, Daviess. 66 6c 66 66 a6 sé 66 66 66 ‘6 sc sé 46 66 a6 é¢ &% 66 a6 é6b “6é 6 sé ‘6 Owingsville, Bath 6 «sé 66 6 sé 66 6c a¢ éé é6 73 Paducah, McCracken rt} «é 66 i% 6é “ce “ 66 rT ee “ec 6 6“ “ce “ “ 46 66 6¢ “ce 6 « 66 « “ce 4“ «se 66 “ “ 66 “ & « 66 “ & “ “6 6s if} 6s 46 Carroll & Barbour, Masterson & Carroll. W.B. Moody. O. H. Pollard. Wm Cravens. W. Monfort. J. Blackwell. O. W. Root. Wm. Brown. Bronaugh & Bron- auch. W. H. Crow. Benj. A. Crutcher. L. D. Baldwin. K. V. Hoover. Geo. R. Pryor. S. H. Welch. N. D. Miles. Ben P. Campbell. GL. H. Willis. M. 1. Lowry. McMillen & Talbot. Allen W. Kozee. C. B. Butner. J. B. Russell. R. S. Todd. W. WN. Sweeney & Son. G. W. Williams & Son. Weir, Weir & Walker. Haycraft & Slack. W. L. Burton. R. H. & E. P. Taylor. Jobn Orr. E. E. Settle. J. W. Green. J. Dorman. Montgomery, Lindsey Boots. W. Perry. E. M. Salin. W. L. Slaughter. J. J. Nesbitt. J.S. Hurt. R. D. Lacy. Alex Conner. R. Grudgell & Son. C. W. Goodpaster. J. M. Nesbitt. Henry Burnett. Bigger & Gardner, C. K. Wheeler. W. F. Bradshaw. Thos. E. Moss. J. W. Edens. L. D. Husbands. J. W. Walker. G. W. Haines. J. F. Stewart. J.H. Mallett. J. P. Wells. S. G. Preston. G. C. Lockhart. John 8S. Smith. Chas. S. Offutt. Wm. C. Lyle. P.S. Ford. Chas. S. Hanson. Wn. Purnell. Benj. G. Paton. L. Kc. Elliott. J. Harry Brent. MeMillen & Talbott. Turney & Cunning- ham. Kelley Brent. Prestonburgh, Floyd. 66 sé ce sc 6c éé ce ce ‘ce be se Princeton, Caldwell. Providence, Webster. Richmond, Madison. . 66 ‘ és «¢ 66 sec ‘6 66 66 66 sé sé 46 éc 66 sé sé te éc sé “se “cc Rockvale, Breckinridge. F. A. Hopkins. T. Z. Fitzpatrick. R. S. Booton. R. H. Weddington. John W. Langley. Wm. Prent. James H. Hereford. H. Harris. F. W. Darby. Flem Gordon. John M. Hamilton. C. F. Burnam. A. R. Burnam. John Bennett. J. W. Cooperton. W. B. Smith. F. J. Scott. J. C. Chewant. A. D. Parish. R. H. Crook. J. A. Sullivan. A. J. Reed. J. R. Burnham. C. H. Brick. Henry C. Matthews. Rocky Hill St’ n, Edmonson. de G. McIntire. Rosine, Ohio. “ec ec Rowena, Russell. Russellviile, Logan. ‘ 6eé 6 “ec 66 66 66 66 6s “ 65 6 $$ it 4 $5 66 “6 < sé 6 6 “< 66 Salem, Livingston. cc se Salt Trace, Harlan. Salyersville, Magoftin. 6eé 66 66 66 66 66 se 66 Sanders, Carroll. Sandy Hook, Elliott. 6 66 és 66 oe 66 66 66 66 Scrabble, Shelby. Scottsville, Allen. é sé 66 66 ce 6s Sharpsburgh, Bath. Shelbyville, Shelby. “ “ ‘6 “6 ““ “6 66 “ “ 6 66 8. D. Morgan. R. R. Wedding. W.S. Stone. Browder & Edwards. W . W. Frazier. John 8. Rhea. S. R. Crewdson. Theo. B. Blakey. Geo. S. Hardy. T. A. Frazer. J. B. Coffman. M. Bowden. J. G. Coke. J. H. Bowden. John M. Caldwell. Isaac Linley. Isaac W. McCollum. Grant Forester. A. P. Cooper. W. W. Howe. A. Howard. J. W. Howard. D. D. Sublett. A. T. Patrick. G. B. Gardner. John A. Adams. Augustus Arnett. L. F. Sanders. T. T. Mobley. J. W. Hannah. M. M. Redwine. J. G. Whitt. W. W. Clark. J. B. Hannah. J. R. Harrod. » J. H. Walker. M. A. Alexander. B. W. Bradburn. J. J. Gatewood. R. O. Mulligan. C. P. Johnson. E. Seott Brown. J. 8. Carpenter. B. H. Colegrove. Bullock & Beckham. L. A. Weakly. J. W. Head. Foree & Foree. E, Frazier. G. N. Robinson. L. C. Willis. J,S. Morris. J. C. Cooper. Smoky Valley, Carter. Somerset, Pulaski. 6 66 “e 66 “ec 66 6é “ “ 6é 66 66 “cc se 66 “ec ce 66 “e 6c “ sé 66 Stanford, Lincoln 6“ it) “ “cs ‘6 sé “ 6 6 sé iT 7 oe “c «cc 6é sé “é Stanton, Powell. ac ee Sulphur Well, Metcalfe. Summersville, Green. Taylorsville, Spencer. 6c 66 ce oe sc $ 6é 66 te cc sé ‘cé ee Tolesborough, Lewis. sé 66 Tompkinsville, Monroe. ce ee e be 66 6é se 66 Union, Boone. Uniontown, Union. Vanceburgh, Lewis. “é 6c “cc “ce 6c “cc ce 66 “ce sé “cc 6 ‘c «ce Versailles, Woodford 6 sé se 6 “é ac sé “ec “c 6c “ “cc “ec Warfield, Martin. Wallins Creek, Harlan. Warsaw, Gallatin. Wesleyville, Carter. Weston, Crittenden. West Liberty, Morgan. Whitesburgh, Letcher. James K. Huey. G. Morris. O. H. Waddle. F. Z. Marrow. Colyer & Colyer. Curd & Stone. Petus & Petus. J. T. May. Joseph Jenton. Sam M. Boone. J. T. Tartar. n. J. W. Lewis. eas Curry: W.S. Clements. We H. Sweeney. Simpson Renee McChord & McChord. Hill & Alcorn. Welch & Sarefley. Varnon & Varnon. H. T. Harris. J. M. Phillips. W. 4H. Miller. M. Peyton. J. B. Paxton. PeMe McRoberts. eee Ela leey i J. D. Atkinson. C. F. Knowlton. J. H. Scholl. H. H. Beauchamp. T, J. Blevins. R. L. Foster. AveRs Harcourt. Thos. J. Barker. G. G. Gilbert. Thos. S. Cutcher. Robt. S: Campbell. Wm. H. Anderson. John W. Reason. Alfred W. Farrar. Vincent H. Perkins. M. P. Flippin. John M. Barham. Geo. M. Mifler. Wm. S. Maxey. James Green, John R. Leslie. R. B. Reed. W. F. Berry. James R. Garland. A. W. Eaton. Thomas & Pugh, Parker & Halbert. Will L. Fitch. E. H. Fitch. Geo. T. Halbert. Thos. P. Porter. H. C. MeLeod. David L. Thornton. Ed. M. Wallace. _ Wm. &. Barbour: Wm. O. Davis. D. T. Edwards. John W. Gillespie. J. L. F. Bronson. A. Lee Barrett. J.S. C. Howard. R. B. Brown. Ben S. Lindsay. R. Perry. L. L. Tiller. H. J. Abbett. J.J. Landram. John H. Burchett. W.C. M. Travis. John P. Salyer. James lH). Larner,GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTIO Place. County. Whitesburg, Letcher. ce ce White Sulphur, Scott. Wickliffe, Ballard. 6é ce ccc ce “cc ce 6c ce ‘é 66 66 6é 66 66 kc ce 66 ee és se Williamsburgh, Whitley. ce ce ‘ce ce NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FO N DEPARTMENT FOR KENTUCKY-—Continued. Place. County. Name. Name. Place. County. Name. ili i 1 2 Haggard & Benton. James B. ata Williamsburgh, Data: H. B. Re Winchester, Clark a \s82 eee arse ee “6 “ c W. Lester. ss es L. H. Jones. ASE « cs J. R. Sampson. G és V. H. Abbott. Se enae ss . John Smith. sf *s Hathoway & French. i D. oie ss. os J. F. Snyder. mM rs G. B. Nelson. 5 M. Nichols. is en N. A. Richardson. : J. D. Mitchell. B. ‘S. Bailey es af ae Haman. . : ae tuner er. 1mre Sih i Fuad ee Williamstown, Grant. Cram & Menefee. ‘ se ; Calls Lees J. B. Wickliffe. KE. H. Smith. Wolf Creek, Meade. IS n iO wines, E, H. Smith. se D A. G. Diornette. Youngs Creek, Whitley. . R. Wilson. J. D. Wilds. e si M. D. Gray. REQUEST. — When sending business to, or in opening S. H. Jenkins. ‘ : W. P. Simmons. correspondence with Atttorneys whose addresses are here giv- W. I. Hawes. ‘ 4 We eee en, kindly mention that address was taken from the ‘‘General a i Denham: C se H. C. White. Law and Collection Department ” of “THE EVERY OFFIOH ae aed i } 'M > FAvoRITE.”? By so doing, it provides a business introduc- ee rk Winerene Cee Se ee eee, tion for you, waa at the ae time confers a favor to the i D. peeing, : y & J. T. Tucker. Publishers of this Directory. n Kentucky. Place. County. Name. Adairville, Logan. Annville, Jackson. Arlington, Ballard. Ashland, Boyd. Athertonville, La Rue. Auburn, Logan. Augusta, Bracken. “ce se Barboursville, Knox. Bardstown, Nelson. Beattyville, Lee. Bergen, Mercer. Blaine, Lawrence. Booneville, Ousley. “ec “ee Bowling Green, Warren. 6s 6é ce 6 ce ce Brandenburgh, Meade. Burkesyille, Cumberland. Burlington, Boone. Cadiz, Trigg. Calhoun, McLean. Campbellsville, Taylor. Carlisle, Nicholas. Carrollton, Carroll. 6 ce Carrsville, Livingston. Caseyville, Union. Catlettsburgh, Boyd. Centra] City, Muhlenberg. Centre, Metcalfe. Chaplin, Nelson. Chicago, Marion. Clinton, Hickman. Cloverport, Breckinridge. Columbia, Adair. “e (74 6s “se se “c Columbus, Hickman. Covington, Kent. Crab Orchard, Lincoln. Creelsborough, Russell. Crittenden, Grant. Cromwell, Ohio. Cynthiana, Harrison. Danville, Boyle. 6é “ Denmark, Russell. Dover, Mason. Dycusburgh, Crittenden. Ernest Fasy. W.B. Johnson. T. W. McConnell. W. J. Layton. W. GC. Richardson. John Russell, jx Crayton Brubaker. A.S. Cagle. W. N. Crewdson. John M. Harbeson. W. V. Weldon. A. Y. Culton. J. D. Elliott. Thos. Pryse. R. C. Nevins. C. M. Holbrook. S. J. Faris. Hiram Hogg. D. T. Hamill. W. J. Potter. W. Q. Burnan. J. T. Beauchamp. D. W. Fairleigh. Scott Walker. F. Riddell. John G. Jefferson. G. W. Gates. J.C. Johnson. R. H. Martin. D. N. Vance. W. 3B. Winslow. J. A. Donaldson. Jas. N. Clemens. John W. Gregory. H. X. Morton. John H. Mason. Daniel Fitzgibbon. J.B. Lane. F.S. Rowland. J. H. Mattingly. W. W. Sublett. Chas. B. Skillman. J. D. Gregory. W. A. Coffey. Kim Bradshaw. J. K. A. Strange. J. O. Russell. J. 5S. Davis. John B. Ewan. M. J. Harris. B. Holt. 8S. D. Poor. F. M. Gillstrop. Orie Lebus. H. G. Sandifer. J. W. Yerkes. Chas. H. Rodes. J. W. Durham. W. P. Payne. Arthur I. pares. J *H=2Clifton Place. County. Name. Eddyville, Lyon. D. B. Cassady. Elizabethtown, Hardin. S. H. Bush. W.F. Bell. cs SS aD J. P. Hobson ee es J. M. Polk. ‘ a D. C. Haycroft Elkton, Todd. John-C. Street Elliston, Grant. J. M. Thompson. Eminence, Henry. Wm. P. Thorne. se ef Gid. King Falmouth, Pendleton. John B. Golsin: R. W. Holland. Fearis, Lewis. A.S. Cole. Flemin gsburg, Fleming. Fountain Run, Monroe. Frankfort, Franklin. Franklin, Simpson. Fulton, Fulton. Gamalicl, Monroe. Georgetown, Scott. “ “c ce 66 6 ce Ghent, Carroll. Glasgow, Barren. 6e 66 Golden Pond, Trigg. Grayson, Carter. Greensburgh, Green. Ge e Greenup, Greenup. Greenville, Muhlenberg. Harrodsburgh, Mercer. Hartford, Ohio. Hawesville, Hancock. Hazard, Perry. Hazle-Green, Wolfe. Hickman, Fulton. Hodgensville, La Rue. “e 66 oe 6é Horse Cave, Hart. Hustonville, Lincoln. Independence, Kenton. Inez, Martin. Jamestown, Russell. Kirksey, Calloway. Kuttawa, Lyon. La Grange, Oldham. Lancaster, Garrard. iaeepeteas Anderson. Henderson, Henderson. Hopkinsville, Christian. “ee 6é David Wilson. Thos. S. Andrews. Henry C. Franklin. H. H. Watson. © Samuel N. Forline. B. H. Freeman. Abraham Jenkins. Robt. H. Gayle. Eugene Yates. John Chapman. W. Clayton. R. E. Roberts. J. O. Bershot. J. T. Hankins. Elisha Dickey. D. Allen. C. J. Virginia Spencer. J. Davidson. Hardinsburgh, yee Cisse E. Stone. . Curry. Jers McHenry. > . Chambers. . Combs. . Lacy. . Thomas. . Tyler. . Twyman. er Kelley. . Littell. . Bush. . Landes. Saml. Martin, J. W. Hockler. Wesley B. Wilson. T. W. Newberry. G. W. Flannagan. W.H. Hunt. H. ‘ T. Wilson. C. b Ae Q Sane! sas > so 2) obt. Kinnaird. Jee do H. R L. P. McBrayer. as. M. Pendleton. . Cunningham. Place. County. Name. Lawrenceburgh, Anderson. Lebanon, Marion. Lebanon Junction, Bullitt. Lewisport, Hancock. Lexington, Fayette. London, Laurel. ee 6é Tt 7 ‘cc Louisa, Lawrence. Louisville, Jefferson. 6e 66 6é “ec 6 66 Madisonville, Hopkins. Marion, Crittenden. Mayfield, Graves. Maysville, Mason. Midway, Woodford. Millersburgh, Bourbon. Milton, Trimble. Monticello, Wayne. Morganfield, Union. Morgantown, Butler. 6e “ce 6e “6 Munfordville, Hart. Murray, Calloway. New Castle, Henry. New Hope, Nelson. Newport, Campbell. Normandy, Spencer. Osceola, Green. Owensborough, Daviess. ee ¢ 46 ce 66 ee Owingsville, Bath. Paducah, McCracken. Paintsville, Johnson. Paris, Bourbon. Petersville, Lewis. Pikeville, Pike, Pineville, Bell. Pleasant View, Whitley. Prestonburgh, Floyd. Princeton, Caldwell. 66 sé on dmonds. = o S ~ a Oo . Gall. ne Wallace. . Irwin. . Truman. . RB. Johnson. . Anderson. Morton. . Bacon. James. u pre nbngny Burnsoh Hert BoD eaee se. W. W. Ball. Chas. W. Stone. A. G. Stitt. E. L. Saulman. Joseph W. Sallie. I. A. Spalding. D. H. Hughes. J. B. Moore. J Marrowbone, Gactiyeriind Wm. Barton. Mount Sterling,Montgomery H. R. French. Leslie Thompson. W. W. Thompson. John O. Miller. Mount Vernon, Rockeastle. Jack Adams, jr. Mount Washington, Bullitt. W.H. Ellaby. W. P. Barnes. W.J. Macy. L. C. Linn. John Matthews. T. J. Miller. R. Masterson. W’.. Overton. S. R. Norman. J. B. Russell. Austin Berry. J. N. Courtney. BK. G. Buckner. J. Thomas. Ben F. Perry. W. W. Powell. Daniel Hays. J. F. Stewart. John M. Hughes. John R. Sweeney. Peter D. Lykins. J. Lee Ferguson. J. R. Rice. Sampson Davenport. W.S. Hawkins. Wm. Marble. FR. W. Darby. John G Miller.Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Raywick, Marion. Providence, Webster. Richardson, Lawrence. Richmond, Madison. Russellville, Logan. a4 ee Salyersville, Magoffin. Scottsville, Allen. Sebree, Webster. Sharpsburgh, Bath. Shelbyville, Shelby. ee ce Shepherdsville, Bullitt. Smithfield, Henry. Smithland, Livingston. Somerset, Pulaski. Springfield, Washington. ie ke Canter: lis AG Doris. M. F. Garved. John W. Crook, jr. H. W. Walters. H. B. Caldwell. D. M. Atkeson. John J. Gatewood. R.S. Evans. Pas Hurapeon. J. W. Allen. John T. Middleton. Be Vannata. . L. Willis. e P. Straus. W.C. Powers. Chas. H. Webb. J. A. McGee. C. C. McChord. Springfield, Madison. Stanford, Lincoln. Sulphur Lick, Monroe. Summer Shade, Taylorsville, Spencer. Three Springs, Hart. Trenton, Todd. Uniontown, Union. Union Star, Breckinridge. V anceburgh » Lewis. W oodford. ce ee Warfield, Martin, Warsaw, Gallatin. Versailles, Whitesburgh, Letcher. Wickliffe, Ballard. Metcalfe. J.J. McHlroy. J. J. Me Roberts. W. M. Bright. Peter Kingory. W. P. Hunnally. Ae B. C: use. A. A. Pointer. James D. Rutherford. J. W. Jenkins. C. M. McGlathlan. A. H. Parker. Alfred Harrison. D. S. Cotton. James W. Smith. W.S. Barbour. A. Lee Barrett. L. L. Tiller. Wm. H. Nickels. W. TT. White. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST and CONVEYANCING DEPARTMENT for KENTUCKY—Continued Place. County. Name. Williamsburgh, Whitley. Williamsburgh, Whitley. WwW illiamstown, Grant. Winel ester, Clark. s 6s Woodsonville, Hart. G. D. Moore. J. R. Sampson. John Dickinson. H. D. Stratton. L. Needham. JY. J. Quisenberry. J. W. Poynter. Webb Johnson. EK. M. Angel. REQUEST. — In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘‘ Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department”? of the ‘‘EveRY OFFICE FAVORITE.” By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- tion. MORTGAGE LOAN acewnts ann investors DEPARTMENT FOR Kentucky. Place. County. Name. Adairville, Logan. W. K. Haybunn & Co. Allendale, Green. Ashland, Boyd. ‘Auburn, Logan. Augusta, Bracken. a7 Barboursyille, Knox. Bardstown, Nelson. Barren, Allen. Beattyville, Lee. Bedford, Trimble. ce ce es ee Benton, Marshall, ee ce Bloomfield, Nelson. Booneville, Owsley. “ee rt% “ce 6c Bowling Green, Warren. ce ee cc ce Brandenburgh, Meade. ee “ce Brookville, Bracken. Brownsville, Edmonson. - Brushy, Taylor. Burkesyille, Cumberland. se ee Burlington, Boone. Butlersville, Allen. Cadiz, Trigg. “ec ee Calhoun, McLean. ee es Campbellsville, Taylor Canmer, Hart. Carlisle, Nicholas. ce ce ee ce ce ce Carrollton, Carroll, Caseyville, Union. Catlettsburgh, Boyd. ec ee Central City, Muhlenberg. Centre Point, Monroe. Chapel Hill, Allen. Clinton, Hickman. Cloverport, Breckinridge. Coldwater, Calloway. Columbia, Adair. Columbus, Hickman. Covington, Kent. ce ee ce 66 John Coakley. John T. Hager. B. W. Singer. G. W. Davidson. T. F. Marshall. J.B. Ryon. Tinsley & Dishman. J. D. Elliott & Co. S. EK. Hudson. G. W. Gourley. John S. Mahan. W.F. Peak & Bro. C. W.. Clifford. 3urris, jr. mt A. Adams. J. W. Dycus. Straw Bros. Muir, Wilson & Muir. R. W. Rose. Ske Hore: Be OD ute Cook & Payne. B. F. Proctor. J. V. Hobson. W. H. Richardson. J. W. Lewis. Ed. Daum. Settle Lay & Bro. Poteet & Bloyd. Chas. Alexander. W. F. Owsley. Riddell & Stephens. P. W. Justice. Thos. H. Gunter. J. W. Chappell. J. M. Nichols. G. W. Gates. C. H. Bennett & Co. G. W. Hunter. S. G. Rogers. P.S. Adair. W.T. Buckler. W. T. Henry. JV. Conn: Jas. T. Fisher. W. W. Pierson. John H. Mason. L. T. Everett. T. J. Ewing. Wi. 8. Humphrey. Jesse Moore. H. K. Bedford. G. F. Martin. W. W. Sublett. B. L. Newsom. David R. Murray. G. M. Holland. Rees Nox: i Beart: J Hancock. ea Columbus Bld’g Assn. W.R. Dulanay & Co. Thos. Kennedy. Joseph Harlin. q Cuba, Graves. “e ae Cynthiana, Harrison. ee cc ce cc ce ce Danville, Boyle. “ce ce Dixon, Webster. Eddyville, Lyon. Edmonton, Metcalfe. Elkton, Todd. Eminence, Henry. Empire, Christian. Falmouth, Pendleton. Flemingsburgh, Franklin, Simpson. ce ‘6 Frenchburgh, se Fulton, Fulton. Gainesville, Allen. Georgetown, Scott Glasgow, Barren. ‘se ee ce “se Grayson, Carter. ee at Greensburgh, Green. of ee Greenup, Greenup. ce ee ce ae ce te ae ee “cc “ec Harlan Harlan. Hartford, Ohio. Harvey, Marshall. Hawesville, Hancock. Hazard, Perry. Headquarters, Henderson, Hickman, Fulton. Hill Grove, Meade. ce oe ce ce Elizabethtown, Hardin. ee ce Fleming. Menifee. Greenville, Muhlenburgh. ee se Hanodeonters Mercer. se “ec Nicholas. Hen der son.* Hodgensville, La Rue. Hopkinsville, Christian. ce ¢é B.S. Thurmon. K. C. Usber. Lewis Lebus. John G. Montgomery. West & Perrin. Forman & Cason. Jas. R. Marrs. H. M. Linney. Givens & Hill. F. A. Wilson. J.C. Muncie. R. B. Doher ey. James Montgomery. Brown & Haycroft. John O. Street. J. O. McReynolds. W. A. Holland. B. W. Crabtree. R. H. Dudley. C. Hi: lee: M. M. Teagar. McElwain, Meguiar & Co. Samuel N. Forline. IT. M. Van Arsdell. S. A. D. Steele. B. H. Freeman, John W. Stark. Nat. S. Offutt. Deposit Bank. Trigg & Co. EK. Y. Kilgore. Cai Ell R. D. Davis. J. D. Jones. B. W. Pennick. D. A. Caldwell. J. W. H. Warnock. E. J. llockaday. J. M. Swords. Jacob Fisher. W.A.J. Rarden. Wm. Y. Newman. M. W. Newman. M. C. Hay. Hardinsburgh, Breckinridge James KH. Stone. BI. L. Howard. Thos. M. Caldwell. Wm. W. Stephenson. A. B. Baird. McHenrv & Cox. G. E. Walker. Miller & Morrison. W. J. Combs. John C. Hardy. W.S. Alves. Yeoman & Lockett. Tyler & Tyler. R. J. Patterson. AVES hint: James Roaman. C. H. Bush. Callis & Hays. Winfree & Kelly. Horse Cave, Hart. Hyden, Leslie. Irvine, Kstill. Independence, Kenton. Inez, Martin. ‘ec “cs Jamestown, Russell. La Grange, Oldham. Lancaster, Garrard. ce Lawrenceburgh, Ancerson. Lebanon, Marion. Leitchfield, Grayson. sé ae Lexington, Fayette. ec ee sc se 6c 66 4e «ce ‘6 6s Liberty, Casey. London, Laurel. Louisa, Lawrence. ce ce Louisville, Jefferson. os ee «ey ee ce ee ce ce sé ce Madisonville, Hopkins. “ec “ec Manchester, Clay. Marion, Crittenden. Mayfield, Graves. 6c “ce cc ce Maysville, Mason Midway, Woodford. Millersburgh, Bourbon. Monticello, Wayne. Morehead, Rowan. Morganfield, Union. Morgantown, Butler. Mt. Olivet, Robertson. Mt. Sterling, Montgomery. Mt. Vernon, Rockcastle. Munfordville, Hart. Murray, Calloway. ‘ ee Mount Washington, Bullitt. a Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Crab Orchard, Lincoln. M. J. Harris. Covington, Kent. L. W. Winston. Thos. H. Mustain. T. &. Lewis: Riddell & Flutz. Liliy & Son. Geo. W. Carlisle. John 8. Patten. T. W. Newberry. J. L. Phelps. J. A. Williams. J. E. Alsop. Juildine& Loan Asso. L. F. Hubbell. Keal Estate & Loan Asso. C. M. Phillips & Co. H. W. Stoy. John E. Stone. Dodge & Shade. J. M. Tanner. I. A. Sayer & Co. R. H. Courtney. R. R. Stone. S. G. Sharp ACR Clarke Boyd & Boreing. Rk. F. Vinson. Geo. F. Johnson. Fidelity Trust & Safe- ty Vault Co. Louisville Safety Vault & Trust Co. Win. E. Almstedt. J. W. & D.S. Green. Theo. Schwartz & Co. Thos. & Wm. Maize. W.L. Gordon & Sons. John G. Morton. David Y. Lyttle. Walker & Rochester. S.B. Wright. W. a Beadles. Aye Beaumont. Wal aa Ball. Ky. Female Orphan School. Millersburgh Doposit Bank. H. M. Sallie. W. L. Thurber. Warren Alderson. Gieger & Haynes. Spalding & Adair. J. H. Guffy. Buckler & Bayne. FIGs Tremble. Traders’ Deposit Bk. Jack Adams, sr. L. Bs Carter. W.S. McFarland. ie “Walton. Jerry Dawson. A. J. Barnett. Lilburn Linn. W. B. Winchester. A. li. Barber.MORTGAGE LOAN ACE SEN iy eran warmest, Tht Place. County. ee Murray, Calloway. New Castle, Henry. New Ganesnd: Calloway. New Haven, Nelson. New Liberty, Owen. New Roe, Allen. Nicholasville, Jessamine. Osceola, Green. Owensborough, Daviess. ce e 6c oe Owenton, Owen. 74 ee Owingsville, Bath. ae ae ce oe Paducah, McCracken. “ce “e Paintsville, Johnson. 46 ee “ce cc Paris, Bourbon es ce Pikeville, Pike. Pineville, Bell. Pottsville, Graves. Prestonburgh, Floyd. Princeton, Caldwell. Providence, Webster. Richmond, Madison. ce ce using not} A Li wn With High Prices | 30 TO 70 PER CENT, OFF QNE THOUSAND DIFFERENT ARTICLES Sold Direct to Consumers. CG The “Little Detective,” L. D, Postal gives Postage in CENTS, Weighs from 4 02. to lbs. FAMILY SOALES, 240 Ibs., $5. Platform Scales, ${1to $20. Fags aud Blast Tos Farmers’ Forge, $10. Forge and Kit of Tools, Farmers can do odd jobs, sa Vv Ing fine andmoney, Anyils, vi WACON SCALES. Only Tee in America ulng but the best of English Steel for bearings of all Scales: : 2°Ton (6x12) $40. 3-Ton(7x13) $50. 4=-Ton (8x14) $60. 4 Beam Box and Brass Beam with = eac nec ale.300 other varieties. Also, ks, Wheelbarrows, Gorn Shell- oan eed es Copy Presse s, Mon- y Drawers, Clothes Wringer all Hardware Specia cialties, Bere ane SAFES OF ALL SIZES, ey Tr ucks Name. T. P. Cook. L. M. Sanford. W. i. Chubb. , M. ee Sylvester Jobnson. Alex Wilson & Co. A. H. Gravelstead. Oliver Huggins. Noland, Wilmore & 10. P. Chandoin. G. W. Jolly. QO. H. Haynes. J. H. McHenry. James Forsee. Montgomery, Lindsey & Botts. T, H. Brown A. J. Ewing. Wright. Ashbrook & Powell. Q. C. Quigley. J. W. Walker. Hawes & Hawes. J. F. Stewart. Northern bk. of Ky. Citizens Bk. of Paris. W. Mayo Connally. Moss & Pulcifull. Farthing Coleman. R.S. Friend. F. W. Darby. Providence Bk’g Co. A. R. Burnham. J. Speed Smith. Heath & Evans. $3.00 ses, &., No. 4, weight 1,100 lbs., $50. | SEWING MACHINES PRICES REDUCED FROM $65 TO $18. A beautiful Machine: per- fectly finished, improvement onthe Singer pattern, Black Walnut Furniture, contain- ing a full sect of latest im- proved Aliachments. War- ranted perfect. Saye money. Send for Circulars. Chicago Scale Co., 151 S.Jefferson St..Chicago, ll, Mention The Hvery Office Favorite. Place. County. Rock Ridge, Monroe. Rowena, Russell. Russellville, Logan. oe sé Russellville, Logan. Salyersville, Magoffin. Sandy Hook, K}hott. Scottsville, Allen Sharpsburgh, Bath. Shelbyville, Shelby. ee ee ce ce cc cc Shepherdsville, Bullitt. Smithland, Livingston. ce ee Somerset, Pulaski. Springfield, Washington. Spurlington, Taylor. Stanford, Lincoln. “ec ce ce ce ce ce Stanton, Powell. Sulpher Lick, Monroe. Summersville, Green. Stationers. $1.00 per HE Stenographers’ Steel Pens are the best in the world for business men. and broad nibs, numbered 41, 42 and 43. will find one of them just what he wants. gross. stamps Jor sample dozen to Phonographic Headquarters, Mention The Hvery Office Favorite. NTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR KENTUCKY—Continued. Name. James W. Strode. A. T. Snoddy. Geo. S. Hardy. W. F. Barclay. C. H. Ryan. N. Long & Co. D. D. Sublett. J. B. Hannah. M. M. Redwine. T. R. Hughes. W. R. Shephard. R. A. Reed. R. L. Brown. Exchange Bank. John C. Cooper. John I. Ballard & Son. Ann Miller. S. M. Long. Jesse Vannatta. Chas. Carroll. P, B. Straus. Bennett & Cruce. Alvin L. Trail. Win. Harvey. Joseph Denton. W.H. Sweeney. Bowles & Freeman. Ht S. Withers. . W. Miller. sale Baughman. J.S. Murphy. W. P. Tate. R. M. Jones. R.. Payne. W A. Vaughn. | investors, Place. County. Name, Taylorsville, Spencer. Tompkinsville, Monroe. Traveler’s Rest, Owsley. Uniontown, Union. Vanceburgh, Lewis. Versailles, Woodford. Wadesborough, Calloway. Warfield, Martin. Warsaw, Gallatin. West Liberty, Morgan. Whitesburegh, Letcher. Wickliffe, Ballard. Williamsburgh, Whitley. Williamstown, Grant. Winchester, Clark. Woodsonville, Hart. Wyoming, Bath. John G. Offutt. A. W. Crutcher. James Haplin. Wim. S. Maxey. John T. Brewer. Bk. of Uniontown. Geo. M. Thomas. Parker & Halbert. Cleveland Orphan In- stitution. S. B. Starks. A. Lee Barrett. D. D. Wallace. Warsaw av cuoe Bk. John P. Salyer W.M. Kendall Wm. H. Nickels. Bugg & Son. N. A. Richardson. G. A. Denham. M. Harrison. Cram & Menefee. V.#H. Abbott. Beckner & Stuart. Jigs Brice: Jesse Atchison. HX PLAN ATLON,—tThe parties whose addresses are here given are identified in the REAL EsTarE First Mort- GAGE loan business on their own account or for other and through whom such investments may | be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the currentrates of interest obtained in their respective localities. | To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was | taken from the ‘‘Mortgage Loan gents’ and Investors’ | Department” of ‘THe Every OFFICE FaVORITE.” They have fine, medium Ievery writer Send seven two cent Washington, D. C. Cee URN AND FITTINGS SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Address, WILLIAM HAYDEN, 193 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. Mention The Every Office Favorite. Sold by all | CHORTHAN a3 ‘wat end for circular, Writing thoroughly taught by mail or personally “on x rocured all pupils when competent. * E Ws Go CHAFFEE, Osweso, N. Xe WANTED for the AGENTS 24> missouRIE Wa she Fr Active honest Berson: call 11 over the tea JOHN C. EVANS, Srovttann, Mo., writes: All that HOE sold tare well pleased with the Washer; and a: 3 close as money matters are, you mw take $25.00 and go to every family that has bought a Washer and offer it to tho lady, ani tho re ply would be, invariably, “I would not sell my Washer at all, for any reasonable amount of money.” J stand up and affirm that in Washor saves more hard labor and money in a large family than any Rea and Mower that ever was put on any farm with less than 100 acres in cu tie vation, and I do this without fear of successful canted ietions If you will get up any instriment that will take as much labor off of men as this ‘Vasher kee off the women, and savo s3 much money as jt does and cost no more, I could sell one at every house, if they had to take the feathers from under their wife and babics to pay for it, and I would not blame them. The Washer is a phenomenal success wherever introduced, and pays capable agents bigmoney. I will ship a sample to ano ose desiring an agency on a weeks’ trial on liberal terms, rite Ge pareloniacel J. WORTH, Box 5016, Sts OQ, uls;THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, NATIONAL ADVERTISERS. MARSH & BARTLETT, Room 10, Boston Burocx, MINNEAPOLIS, - MINI. Real Estate, Loans £ Insurance. LARGE LISTS of property in our hands; TEN YEARS experience.—Have seen this City grow from 25,000 to 140,000 people. . LOANS on rst Mortgage—security ample. INVESTMENTS safely made. Better than loans. NON-RESIDENT owners of Minneapolis property, wishing to sell, or, of farm property in the Northwest, and wish- ing to exchange for Minneapolis prop- erty, and parties having money to loan are especially invited to write us. REFERENCES. HENNEPIN Co. SAVINGS BANE, - Minneapolis, Minn. Nationa Bank oF DERBY Linz, Derby Line, Vermont. DWELLING HousE INSURANCE Co., - Boston, Mass. Hinman & Co., 78 Commercial Street, - Boston, Mass. F. H. RockweE tn, - . - Warren, Penn. $250,000 26 per cent on sums of $100 to $500, 20 per cent on sums of $500 to $1,000, /5 per cent on sums of $1,000 to $3,000, /2 per cent on sums of over $3,000, / can negotiate loans on First Mort- gage on first class improved property in this State at the above rates of Interest, net to investors, #I// those seeking a secure and paying invest- ment for their money will do well to write me, Full explanatory maps and abstract of title furnished in every application, Investigation solicited. JOHN G, BRADY, Leesburg, Florida WILL. R. GAYLORD, ATTORNEY ATLAW AND NEGOTIATOR OF First Mortgage Farm Loans & Municipal Bonds (Established 1874.) FAIRMONT, NEB. Proprietor of the Fillmore County Abstract Offices. FAIRMONT AND GENEVA, Only complete,Scientific Title Abstract books in the Co. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. I loan money direct for Eastern Capitalists and obtain unquestionable mortgage securities. The fast development of the country pro- duces demand for money at high rates. I fur- nish satisfactory references to parties who wish to loan or invest through me. Loans payable at investor’s home bank if preferred, in New York exchange. 5 ISAniD Aerie xs FOR SALE IN MIDDLE AND WEST- ERN NEBRASKA. 500,000 ACRES CHOICE FARMING AND STOCK LANDS RANGING FROM $2.50 to $15 PER AORE. —PRINCIPALLY SITUATED IN— Gosper, Frontier, Lincoln, Dawson, Custer, Keith and Cheyenne counties. For further pariculars call on or address E. D. JOHNSON, PLUM CREEK, NEBRASKA. LANCASTER, THOMAS & LACY, Attorneys and Counselors at Law 216) Erancis Sty oi) JOSeen a MO: CoMMERCIAL LAW AND COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Have correspondents, both Attorneys and Banks, in every town and village in the United States. Having made a specialty of Commercial Law and Collections for ten years, and_ being thoroughly acquainted with the trade collection laws, banks and attorneys throughout the Western States, we feel that our facilities for the transaction of business satisfactorily are as great as those of any firm in the west. We do not seek to learn business methods at the expense of our clients. but rather to offer them the benefit of years of practical exper- ience. H. 0, BRADLEY & CO. Real Estate and Loans. WIE LAND=2 AND Improved Farms. IN ALL PARTS OF THE NORTH-WEST, Office: No. 8, North Second Street, Cb ities ieee Attorey ¢ats Law, “LOAN & REAL ESTATE: BE. © kB Ee Complete Set of Abstracts to all Real Estate in Buchanan County, Opera House Block, 504 Francis St. ST JOSEPH, MO. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. _ REMIINDER.-If it is stated where advertisement is noticed, National advertisers can refer, and more promptly and i i « 3 ‘RICE FAVORITE.” satisfactorialy answer your inquiry or correspondence.—Do not forget to mention ‘THE EVERY OFFICE RAVORILOUIS =m 0—~>_ > Omball, Long Meadow, Hampden. James Bliss. G «< Henry M. Puffer. : echo W.H. Anderson. Somerville, Middlesex. Roger L. Wentworth. : | W. W.. McClench. te “cs Geo. M. Stearns. Concoran & Parker. L. N. Cushing. C. H. Wolcott. A. P. White. Frederick D. Ely. Clinton, Worcester. Cohasset, Norfolk. Concord, Middlesex. Danvers, Essex. Dedham, Norfolk. cé ce ce ce ce Malden, Middlesex. Niles & Carr. dlesex. Joseph F. Hannan. N. M. Hawkes. Tra B. Keith. R. KE. Harman. John W. Pettingill. Spencer, Worcester. Springfield, Hampden. South Weymouth, Norfolk. F. M. Esty. Geo. L. Wentworth. Lewis A, Cook. A. W. Curtis. E. H. Lathrop. T. M. Brown. | | ae «6 «s Sage Co Macsntosly : Fs Geo. D. Ayers. sf os D. KE. Webster. ' ae i ann opawientworth s rf iE . ae re ts Gals Done | East Bridgewater,Plymouth Benj wine W. Harris « Pe Weal ee ies: &< “ naeaae a eeelinan ; tI 5 ne 6 “c ‘ c c . iiaynardad ®@ope . | Hast Cambridge, Middlesex. ¢ Hae: Faves ce “ Hany parte: xs es Edward Mortis. He “ a J : . 4 ; arcelus Coggan. cf of Allen Webster. A Meeiearition, Hampden one 3 ‘ Sam’l M. Fairfield. f « Bosworth & Barrows. i uf 4 NIGGA ETO Races. me a Orin H. Carpenter. — | Stockbridge, Berkshire. John Branning. | East Weymouth, Norfolk. N.H. Pratt. — ' * . R.J. McGuire. Stoneham, Middlesex. W. B. Stevens. ct MdeaneBeckcnell ee ps James L. Powers. Stoughton, Norfolk. Osear A. Maiden. x Arthur H. Wellman. | Taunton, Bristol. S..M. Thomas.GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MASSACHUSETTS— Place. County. Name, Taunton, Bristol. Turner’s Falls, Franklin. Wakefield, Middlesex. Waltham, Middlesex. Wareham, Plymouth. Warren, Worcester. Watertown, Middlesex, Webster, Worcester. Wellfleet, Barnstable. Westborough, Worcester. Westfield, Hampden. West Newton, Middlesex. W.E. Fuller. m. 8. Dana. John Mcllvene. S. K. Hamilton. F. M. Stone. C. F. Stone. John C. Sullivan. W. H. Kelley. John B. Goodrich. Chas. B. Kendrich. H. P. Harriman. L. E. Penfield. Whitney & Dunbar. Ely Bros. F.B.& W.C. Tiffany. C. EB. Washburn, West Stockbridge,Berkshire.Wm. C. Spaulding. Weymouth, Norfolk. Notaries Public, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPT Place. County. James L. Flint. Name. Abington, Plymouth. Adams, Berkshire. Amesbury, Essex. Amherst, Hampshire. Andover, Essex. Arlington, Middlesex. Ashburmham, Worcester. Ashland, Middlesex. Athol, Worcester. Ayer, Middlesex, Baldwinsville, Worcester. Barnstable, Barnstable. Barre, Worcester. Beverly, Essex. Boston, Suffolk. Bradford, Essex. Bridgewater, Plymouth. Brockton, Plymouth. Brookfield, Worcester. Brookline, Norfolk. Cambridge, Middlesex. Cambridgeport, Middlesex. oe “6 Canton, Norfolk. Charlestown, Suffolk. Chatham, Barnstable. Chelsea, Suffolk. Chicopee, Hampden. és oe ce se Clinton, Worcester. Cohasset, Norfolk. Concord, Middlesex. Cottage City, Dukes. Conway, Franklin. Danvers, Essex. Dedham, Norfolk. East Bridgewater, Plymouth. East Cambridge, Middlesex. East Hampton, Hampden. East Weymouth, Norfolk. “é $6 Edgartown, Dukes. ee se Essex, Essex. at te Fairhaven, Bristol. Fall River, Bristol. 66 ce Falmouth, Barnstable. Fitchburg, Worcester. Florence, Hampshire. Foxborough, Norfolk. Framingham, Middlesex. Franklin, Norfolk. Gardner, Worcester. Georgetown, Essex. John F. Simmons. H. H. Wellington. Geo. W. Cate. 8. C. Carter. Geo. H. Poor. A. R. Proctor. G. F. Stevens. Geo T. Higly. C. A. Chapman. A. Harding. H. E. Spaulding. A. Hosmer. Freeman H. Lathrop. F. A. Rich. R. G. Bennett. B. B. Johnson, 28 School St. Francis H. Pearl. Hosea Kingman. Chas. W. Sumner. H. P. Gerald. W. E. Lincoln. Joseph Fox. 5S. W. McDaniel. L. M. Hannum. Place. County, Name. Weymouth, Norfolk. Winchendon, Worcester. Winchester, Middlesex. Woburn, Middlesex. “ce 6é ‘é 6s 6e &é “ee “ce Edward Burnham. E. H. Jare. Thos. E. Grover. Samuel T. Harris. Duncan Crawford. Warren Rogers. Walter Whittlesey. Eben Hutchinson. Luther White. W,. W. McClench. Sidney Sanders. If. C. Forester. Caleb Lathrop. Geo. Heywood. H. Norris. H. W. Billings. J. H. Putnam. Frederick J. Baker. Wm. H. Osborne. Geo. A. Lloyd. Alburn J. Fargo. Edwin Becknell. N. H. Pratt. C. H. Pease. R. L. Pease. Dudley P. Bonley. Geo. E. Smith. R. Nye. A. N. Lincoln. M. G. B. Swift. Henry T. Buffington. Geo. E. Clark. Geo. E. Clifford. H. A. Willis. H. W. Bond. Robt. W. Carpenter. Walter Adams. C. W. Stewart. V. W. Howe. O. B. Tenney. Place. County. Williamstown, Berkshire. Place. County. Samuel W. Reed. F’. B. Spalter. Geo. S. Littlefield. John G. Maguire. John W. Johnson. M. T. Allen. Benj. F. Bond. Edward Johnson. G. W. Morris. Chas. D. Adams. Bacon, Hopkins & Bacon. W. A. Gile. Chas. R. Johnson. Geo. F. Hoar. H. F. Harris. Worcester, Worcester. 6é ce “e & “6 &“ 6 6 ‘“é “ Wrentham, Norfolk. Yarmouth, Barnstable. -TO THE ment of ‘* THE that there are in all about ties) of this number are towns or cilies in each; observed, also, that the Name. Gloucester, Essex. ec “ec Grafton, Worcester. Cyrus Story. James Davis. D. B. Hubbard. Great Barrington, Berkshire.Justin Dewey. Greenfield, Franklin. 77 oe oe ae “6 “6 Harwich, Barnstable. Haverhill, Essex. Haydenville, Hampshire. Hingham, Plymouth. Holliston, Middlesex. Holyoke, Hampden. ce se Hopkinton, Middlesex. Hudson, Middlesex, Huntington, Hampshire. Hyannis, Barnstable. Hyde Park, Norfolk. Ipswich, Essex. Lawrence, Essex. Lee, Berkshire. Leicester, Worcester. Leominster, W ovrcester. Lexington, Middlesex. Lowell, Middlesex. ce ee Lynn, Essex. ce ce ec cc Malden, Middlesex. Marblehead, Essex. Marlborough, Middlesex. Medford, Middlesex. Medway, Norfolk. Merrimac, Essex. Methuen, Essex. Wm. H. Allen. Francis M.'Thompson. EK. E. Lyman. G. D, Williams. A. C. Snow. Francis H. Pearl. B. S. Johnson. H. C. Harding. W. A. Kingsbury. EK. W. Chapin. R. B. Johnson. W.S. Loomis. E. D. Bliss. C. D. Brigham. Schuyler Clark. Alyon S. Hallett. Henry 8S. Bunton. Theo. F. Cogswell. W. Fisk Gile. Chas. E. Hibbard. Geo. H. Sprague. A. L. Burditt. B. C. Whitcher. W. W. Johnson. A. A. Coburn. W.M. Sawyer. R. E. Harmon. Ezra Baker. Geo. J. Carr. Albert F. Sargent. Chas. Merrill. Wn. Gilley. F. L. Claflin. Wnm. Burnes. Chas. B. Buss. O. A. Mason. Thos. H. Hoyt. Jacob Emerson. Middleborough, Plymouth, Everett Robinson. Milford, Worcester. Millbury, Worcester. Milton, Notfolk. Monson, Hampden. Nantucket, Nantucket. Natick, Middlesex. New Bedford, Bristol. Newburyport, Essex. 6e ‘ce Newton, Middlesex. J. KE. Walker. N. B. Johnson. David Atwood. S. J. Willis. Edward F. Morris. Thaddeus C. Defrieze. Geo. W. Macy. Chas. Q. Tirrell. Chas. H. Pierce. W. P. Windsor. J. A. Maynard. F. O. Woods. W. P. Ellison. Continued. $$. Name. a ee Frank P. Golding. Kent & Dewey. John Hopkins. Rockwood Hoar. Geo. M. Woodward. M. H. Cowden. Samuel Warren. Fred. C. Swift. BAR OF THE UW. S,—This Depart. EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE”? (taken for all the States and Territories) presents to you the nearest com- plete NATIONAL LAWYERS’ DrrEoTORY published. Publishers invite comparison; and, toillustrate would state As proof { 3 are 2,600 Counties in the entire U. 9. and Territories, and it will be found that over 2,550 (ecoun- represented by from one to ten in a majority of cases it will be : greater number of each County Bar are given and their proper addresses, For Massachusetts. Place. County. Name, North Cambridge,Middlesex.Ed win A. Alger. North Easton, Bristol. Orange, Franklin. Palmer, Hampden. Peabody, Essex. Pittsfield, Berkshire, ‘ ce ¢é ce Plymouth, Plymouth. Provincetown, Barnstable. Quincy, Norfolk. Randolph, Norfolk. Rockport, Essex. Salem, Hssex. Shelburne Falls, Franklin. Somerville, Middlesex. Southbridge, Worcester. South Framington, Mid- dlesex. P. A. Gifford. R. D. Chase. C. L. Gardner. Henry Wardwell. John F. Van Deusen. I. D. Terry. Ralph B. Bardwell. Wm. S. Danforth. Arthur Lord. Reuben W. Swift. R. F. Claflin. J. V. Beal. Geo. W. Tatts. Chas. Odell, Henry M. Puffer. Joseph J. Giles. J. M. Cochran. F. M. Esty. South Weymouth, Norfolk. A. EB. Vining. Spencer, Worcester. Springfield, Hampden. “ec “ Stockbridge, Berkshire. Stoneham, Middlesex. Taunton, Bristol. Townsend, Middlesex. Turner’s Falls, Franklin. Uxbridge, Worcester. Vineyard Haven, Dukes. Wakefield, Middlesex. Waltham, Middlesex. Ware, Hampshire. Wareham, Flymouth. Warren, Woreester. Watertown, Middlesex. Webster, Worcester. Westborough, Worcester. Westfield, Hampden. Westminster, Worcester. West Newton, Middlesex. Weymouth, Norfolk. W hitinsville, Worcester. Williamstown, Berkshire. Winchendon, Worcester, Winchester, Middlesex. Woburn, Middlesex. Worcester, Worcester. ee 77 cc “ce Wrentham, Norfolk. Yarmouth, Barnstable. A. T. Jones. Edward Morris. D. E. Chapin. C. L. Long. John Branning. O. Gilmore. S. M. Thomas. Henry A. Hill. W.S. Dana. Chas. A. Taft. John Holmes. H. A. McFarland. Joseph F. Gibbs. W.S. Hyde. John C. Sullivan. Samuel E. Blair. Geo. E. Priest. Chas. B. Kendrick. Geo. O. Brigham. J. R. Dunbar. Wm. Mayo. J. F. Kingsbury. John J. Loud. H. A. Goodell. Chas. L. Cole. Chas. L. Beals. Horace D. Bradbury. Thos. H. Hill. Chas. R. Johnson. Fred. J. Barnard. Alfred S. Pinkerton. J. Henry Hill. Samuel Warren. Wm. J. Davis. Newton Highlands, Middle- Kk. J. Hyde. Ezra 8. Farnsworth. Edward S. Wilkinson. John C. Hammond. Arthur Watson. Wn. H. Clapp. North Attleborough, Bristol.Joseph E. Pond, jr. Northborough, Worcester. A. W. Weaver. sex. Newtonville, Middlesex. North Adams, Berkshire. Northampton, Hampshire. ce ce REQUEST. — In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘‘ Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department”? of the ‘EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” By so- doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- tion,MORTGAG Place. County. Abington, Plymouth. Amesbury, Essex. Amherst, Hampshire. Andover, Essex. Arlington, Middlesex. Ashland, Middlesex. Athol, Worcester. Baldwinsville, W orcester. Barnstable, Barnstable. Barre, Worcester. Belchertown, Hampshire. Beverly, Essex. Boston, Suffolk. 66 6é 46 ce 66 66 ce 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 és cé Brewster, Barnstable. Bridgewater, Plymouth. Brockton, Plymouth. Brookfield, Worcester. Brookline, Norfolk. Cambridge, Middlesex. ac ee Cambridgeport, Middlesex. “ce ce ce ce ee be ce ee Canton, Norfolk. Charleston, Suffolk. ce ce Chelsea, Suffolk. Chicopee, Hampden. Chicopee Falls, Hampden. Clinton. Worcester. Cohasset, Norfolk. Concord, Middlesex. Cottage City, Dukes. Conway. Franklin. Danvers, l’ssex. Dedham, Norfolk. Name. Place. County. EB LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FO Name. fe Le eee Abington Svg’s Bk. Provident Inst’n for Savings Amherst Svg’s Bk. Andover Svg’s Bk. Avlington,5¢Sg’s Bk. Geo. ‘I’. Higly. Athol Svg’s Bank. Templeton Sve’s Bk. Freeman H. Lathrop. Barre Svg’s Bank. Robt. W. Lyman. Beverly Svg’s Bank. Lombard Investment Co. American Loan and Trust Co. Boston 5c Svg’s Bk. Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. Boston Svg’s Bank. Elliott 5¢ Svg’s Bk. International Trst Co Mass. Loan& Trust Co Provident Inst’n for Sayings. Warren Inst’n for Savings. Geo. W. Ballou & Co. Geo. C. Brooks. Tully Crosby, jr. Bridgewatez Svg’s Bk Brockton Svg’s Bk. Brookfield Svg’s Bk. Brookline Svg’s Bk. Cambridge Svg’s Bk. North Ave. Svg’s Bk. 8. F. Rugg. Edward Burnham. L. M. Hannum. John 8. Sawyer. John Lennon. J. Winnett & Co. Canton Inst’n for Savings. Charleston 5¢e Svg’s Bank. Warren Inst’n for Savings. Chelsea Svg’s Bank. James A. McCaun. I. W. Loring. Chicopee Svg’s Bk. C. C. Abbey. Chicopee Sve’s Bk. Clinton Sve’s Bank. Cohasset Svg’s Bank. Middlesex Inst’n of Savings. Smith & Norton. H. W. Billings. Danvers Svg’s Bank. Dedham Ins’t for Savings. East Bridgewater, PlymouthKast Bridgewater Savines Bank. Kast Cambridge, Middlesex. J. W. Coveney ‘ ‘6 ve East Hampton, Hampden. East Weymouth, Norfolk. ce 6c ce ee Edgartown, Dukes. Essex, Essex. sé ee Fairhaven, Bristol. Fall River, Bristol. ce ‘cc Fitchburg. Worcester. Florence, Hampshire. Foxborough, Norfolk. Franklin, Norfolk. Kast Cambridge 5¢ Savings Bank. East Hampton Svg’ Bank. Bank. Joseph Lotman. J. Saulisbury. Martha’s Vineyard Kast WeymouthSveg’s Gardner, Worcester. Georgetown, Essex. Gloucester, Essex. ee ce Grafton, Worcester. Great Barrington, Greenfield, Franklin. ce ce ce ce ce ce Groveland, Essex. Harwich. Barnstable. Haverhill, Essex. ce 6e cc ee Haydenville. Hampshire. Hingham, Plymouth. Holliston. Middlesex. Holyoke, Hampden. Hopkinton, Middlesex. Hudson, Middlesex. Huntington, Hampshire. Hyannis, Barnstable. Hyde Park, Norfolk. Tpswich, Essex. Lawrence, Essex. cc ce Lee, Berkshire. Leicester, Worcester. Leominster, Worcester. Lexington, Middlesex. Lowell, Middlesex. ce ¢ & « 6c 66 “ ce 66 it Lynn, Essex. ce 6e ce ce ce 66 Malden, Middlesex. ee 66 ‘“ 6c “ “ce Marblehead, Essex. ec 6 Medfield, Norfolk. Medford, Middlesex. Medway, Norfolk. Melrose, Middlesex. Merrimac, Essex. Middleborough, Plymouth. Milford, Worcester. Millbury, Worcester. Monson, Hampden. s| Nantucket, Nantucket. ce 6c oe ee Natick, Middlesex. New Bedford, Bristol. Nat. Bank. ss m Henderson Bros. Cannell Bros. oe ss Fairhaven Inst’n for ss avings. Fall River 5¢ Svg Bk | Newburyport, Essex. Union Syg’s Bank. Citizens Svg’s Bank. sf Buffington & Hood. G. M. Haffords & Co. Durfee & Chase. Fitchburg Svg’s Bk. Florence Sveg’s Bank. Foxborough Syg's Bk Benj. Franklin Svg’s Bank. Newton, Middlesex. 66 “ce Marlborough, Middlesex. Gardner Sg’s Bank. Georgetown Svg’s Bk Cape Ann Syvg’s Bk. Geo. Steel. Grafton Sve’s Bank. Berkshire.Great Barrington Savings Bank. Franklin Svg’s Bk. Greenfield Svg’s Bk. ¥. M. Thompson. F. H. Hartison. Groveland Svg’s Bk. Cape Cod 5c Svg s Bk City 5ct. Svg’s Bk. Geo. A. Kimball. Chas. T. Pearl. Haydenville Svg’s Bk Hingham Inst n for Savings. Holleston Svg’s Bk. Holyoke Svg’s Bk. Mechanics Svg’s BE. Peoples Svg’s Bk. B. F. Lincoin. J. G. McIntosh & Co. Hopkinton Svg’s Bk. Hudson Svg’s Bk. Geo. Kress. Franklin Crocker. Hyde Park Svg’s Bk. Ipswich Svg’s Bank. Thos. Bevington. A.M. Fay. Lawrence Svg’s Bk. Lee Sve’s Bank. Leicester Svg’s Bank. Leominster Svg’s Bk. Lexington Svg’s Bk. Central Sve’s Bank. Merrimac River Svgs ank. City Inst’n for Svg’s. Geo. W. Cummings. Lowell dct. Sve’s Bk Mechanics Svg’s Bk. Lynn dct. Svg’s Bk. Lynn Inst’n for Svg’s Silsbee & Geer. Ezra Baker. Malden Svg’s Bk. CG. C. Horner & Co. Geo. G. Hill. John B. Faulkner. Chas. B. Shedd. Marblehead Sve’s Bk | Turnev’s Falls, Franklin. Marlborough Svgs Bk | Uxbridge, Worcester. Alley & Holyoke. Wm. Burns. Medfield Svg’s Bank. Medfield Svg’s Bk. W. W. Fifield. Medford Svg’s Bk. Melrose Svg’s Bk. Merrimac Svg’s Bk. Middleborough Svg’s Bank. Milford Svg’s Bk. Millbury Svg’s Bk. Monson Sve'’s Bk. Nantucket Inst’n for Savings. Almon T. Mowry. John F. Brown. Natick 5c Svg’s Bk. New Bedford 5c Svg’s Bank. New Bedford Inst’n for Savings. Sanford & Kelley. Crapo, Clifford & Clifford. Newburyport 5e Svg’s ank. Institution for Svg’s. Newton Savings Bk. F. G. Barnes & Son. James W. French. Newton Centre, Middlesex. BE. H. Mason. Newton Highlands, Middle- sex. Newtonville, Middlesex. Dwight Chester. J. F.C. Hyde. kzra S. Farnsworth. 2 Massachusetts Place. County. Name. : BE. D. Tyler & Co. Hoosac Svg’s Bk. North Adams Svg B. Northampton, Hampshire. Hampshire Svg’s Bix. ss ef Northampton Inst’n for Savings. North Attleborough, Bristol. N.Attleborough Syvg’s North Adams, Berkshire. cc &é Bank. North Brookfield, W orcester.N.Brookfield Sxe’s B. North Cambridge, Middle- M. L. Walton. North Easton Svg’sB. Orange Sxe’s Bk. Jonathan Higgins. Palmer Svg’s Bk. Berkshire Co. Svg’sB. Plymouth 5c Svg's B. Plymouth Svg’s Bk. Moses N. Gifford. Seamans Svg’s Bk. Quincy Svg’s Bk. Randolph Svg’s Bk. Rockland Sve’s Bk. Salem he Svg’s Bk. Salem Svg’s BK. Shawnee Svg’s BE. Wm. A. Wickes. Shelburne Falls Svgs. Bank. Edward Cox. Oren S. Knapp. Joseph J. Giles. Braintree Svs. Bank. Southbridge Svg. Bk. Sex. North Easton, Bristol. Orange, franklin. Orleans, Barnstable. Palmer, Hampden. Pittstield, Berkshire. Plymouth, Plymouth. Provincetown, Barnstable. ce ee Quincy, Norfolk. Randolph, Norfolk. Rockland, Plymouth. Salem, Essex. 6s ce Sandwich, Barnstable. Sharon, Norfolk. . Shelburne Falls, Franklin. W omerville, Middlesex. ce ce be ee South Braintree, Norfolk. Southbridge, Worcester. South Framingham, Mid- dlesex. Farmers & Mechanics Svgs. Bank. South Scituate, Plymouth. Scituate Svgs. Bank. South Weymouth, Norfolk. S. Weymouth Sv. Bk. s ss Fogg Bros. South Yarmouth, Barn- stable. Spencer, Worcester. Springfield, Hampden. Bass River Svgs. Bk. Spencer Svgs. Bank. Springfield 5c Sygs. Bank. . a Savings Bank. a s Springfield Insten, for Svgs, ~ % Geo. O. Kingsbury. Stockbridge Svgs.Bk. Stoneham dcSvsg.Bk. Horace G. Green. Bristol. Co. Svgs. Bk. Taunton Svgs. Bank. Crocker Svgs. Bk. Uxbridge Svgs. Bk. Wakefield Svgs. Bk. Wales Svgs. Bank. Waltham Sves. Bk. B.S. Talman. Ware Svgs. Bank. Wareham Svgs. Bk. Warren Svgs. Bank. Watertown Svegs. Bk. Webster 5c Svgs. Bk. Wellfleet Svgs. Bank. Westborough Svgs. Bank. Westfield Svgs. Bk. Woronoco Svgs. Bk. F.B.& W.C. Tiffany. Exchange Bkg. Co. Stockbridge, Berkshire. Stoneham, Middlesex. ’ Taunton, Bristol. ce ce Wakefield, Middlesex. Wales, Hampden. Waltham, Middlesex. Ware, Hampshire. Wareham, Plymouth. Warren, Worcester. Watertown, Middlesex. Webster, Worcester. Wellfleet, Barnstable. Westborough, Worcester. Westfield, Hampden. West Newton, Middlesex. ¢e ce West Stockbridge, Berk- shire. Weymouth, Norfolk. Whitinsville, Worcester. Williamstown, Berkshire. Miners Svgs. Bank. Weymouth Sygs. Bk. WhitinsvilleSvgs. Bk. Williamstown Nat’l Bank. Winchenden Svgs. Bank. Winchester Sves. Bik. Woburn 5c Svgs. Bk. Thos. H. Hill & Co. E. Pryor. Rice & Bartlett. Worcester Co. Insten. for Savings. Winchendon, Worcester. Winchester, Middlesex. Woburn, Middlesex. Worcester, Worcester. se 6¢ - = Worcester 5c Svgs. Bank. s us Worcester Safe, De- posit & Trust Co. Yarmouth, Barnstable. Frank Thacher.Place. County. HOTEL, Name. Adrian, Lenawee. ee es 66 ee 6c ic Albion, Calhoun. Allegan, Allegan. Alma, Gratiot. Almont, Lapeer. Alpena, Alpena. ee ee «es ee Ann Arbor, Washtenaw. Atlanta, Montmorency. Au Gres, eyenas: Au Sable, I osco. Bad Axe, Huron. Baldwin, Lake. Bancroft, Shiawassee. Bangor, Van Buren. Battle Creek, Calhoun. se “e Bay City, Bay. Bay City, (West) Bay. Bear Lake, Manistee. Bellaire, Antrim. Benton Harbor, Berrien. Benzonia, Benzie. Berrien Springs, Berrien. “ 73 Big Rapids, Mecosta. DS ’ ce c ce te Birmingham, Oakland. Black River, Alcona. Blissfield, Lenawee. Boyne, Charlevoix. Brighton, Livingston. Brockway Centre, Bronson, Branch. Byron, Shiawassee. Cadillac, Wexford. Calumet, Houghton. ee ee Caro, Tuscola. “e ee “cc 6 Cass City, Tuscola. Cassopolis, Cass. Central Lake, Antrim. Centreville, St. Joseph. Charlevoix, Charlevoix. Charlotte, Eaton. sé ce “6 ‘es Chase, Lake. e te Cheboygan, Cheboygan. et ‘ ee ec Chelsea, Washtenaw. Chesaning, Saginaw. Clare, Clare. Clifford, Lapeer. Coldwater, Branch. ee ‘es 6e ce Coleman, Midland. Coopersville, Ottawa. Corunna, Shiawassee. ‘e ee Croswell, Sanilac. Crystal Falls, Iron. Dansvyule, Ingham. Decatur, Van Buren. Detroit, Wayne. 66 6é St. Clair. Lawrence House. Central House. Gibson House. Commercial House. Commercial House. Albion House. Sherman House. Chaffee House. Wright House.. Harrington House. Galling House. Alpena Lfouse. Union House. Eagle House. Cook House. Powell House. Hannah House. National Hotel. Irwin House. Central House. Baldwin Exe. Occidental Hotel. Arlington Hotel. Townsend House. Phillips Hotel. Sebring House. Williams House. Lewis House. Fraser House. Campbell House. Tarkey House. Bear Lake House. Interlake House. Gartley House. Bailey House. Reeds House. Orinoko Hotel. Northern Hotel. Western Hotel. Allen Hotel. National House. Lakeview House. Drews Hotel. U.S. Hotel. Commercial House. Rapley House. Clark House. Byron Hotel. Hotel McKinnon. American Hotel. Calumet Hotel. Burges Hotel. Carroll House Exchange Hotel. Medler House. Cass City Hotel. Bonine Hotel. Central Lake House. Metzgan House. Fountain City House. Bridge St. House. Sherwood House. Baird House. Phoenix House. Metropolitan Hotel. Rysdall House. Grand Central Hotel. Michigan Ex. Hotel. Spencer House. McCune Hotel. Central House. Alyer House. Clifford House. Southern Mich. St. James House. Balster House. Duel House, Maxfield House, Central House. Jackson House. Franklin House. Lockwood House. Union Hotel. Duncomb House. Russell House. Biddle House. Hotel. Htl. Michigan Ex. Hotel. Place. County. Name. Detroit, Wayne. De Witt. Clinton. Dexter, Washtenaw. Dowagiac, Cass. Eagle River, Keweenaw. East Jordan, Charlevoix. Kast Saginaw, Saginaw. ce ae se ce Hast Tawas, Tosco. Eaton Rapids, Eaton. Elk Rapids, Escani aba, Delta. Eyart, Osceola. lint, Genesee. ee ee Fowlerville, Livingston. ee Frankfort, Benzie. se “c “ce ce Fremont, Newaygo. se ce Gaylord, Otsego. ee 6 Gladwin, ee Gladwin. Gobleville, VanBuren. Grand Haven. Ottawa. Grand Ledge, Eaton. Grand Rapids, Kent. se sé ae ee “ec oe oe ce Grass Lake, Jackson. Grayling, Crawford. Greenland, Ontonagon. Greenville, Montcalm. Hancock, Houghton. é ce Harbor Springs, Emmet. e “ce Harrison, Clare. Harrisville, Alcona. ce “ec Hart, Oceana. ee ee Hartford, Van Buren. 6 oe Hastings, Barry. Henry, Osceola. ee se Hesperia, Oceana. Hillman, Montmorency. Hillsdale, Hillsdale. Holland, Ottawa. Holly, Oak land. Homer, Calhoun. Houghton, Houghton. Howard City, Montcalm. Howe UL, Livingston. 66 “e Hudson, Lenawee. Imlay City, Lapeer. Tonia, Tonia. “ec Iron River, Iron. Ishpenning, Marquette. Ithaca, Gratiot. Jackson, Jackson. ce ee “ec te 6c te Jonesville, Hillsdale. Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo. 6e ce 66 ce Kalkaska, Kalkaska. Brunswick Hotel, Antisdel House. Clinton House. Stebbins House. Continental Hotel. Phoenix House. Jordan River House, Bancroft House. Sherman House. Everett House. Miner House. Strong House. Anderson Hotel. Huges House. Oliver House. Luddington House. Evart House. Bryant House. Dayton THouse. Commercial House. Corbit House. Park House. Forest Avenue Hotel. Frankfort House. Commercial House. St. Charles House. Mansard House. Forest City House. Central Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Union Hotel. Cutler House. City Hotel. Island Hotel. Bridge St. House. Clarendon Hotel, New Hage Hotel. Sweets Hotel. Morton House. Lake House. Grayling House. Maniste Hotel. Greenland House. Webster House. Lakeview House. N. W. Hotel. Globe Hotel. Emmet House. Northern House. Nevens House. McClelland House. Wigdon House. Moors Hotel. Richmond House. Basset House. Hastings House. Husey House. Richmond House. Forest City House. Hillman House. Smith House. Keefer House. City Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Richardson House. Douglas House. Butterfield House. Coburns Commercial Hotel. National Hotel. Rupert House. Comstock House. Bancroft House. Bailey House. Commercial House. Boyington House. Nelson House. Commercial House. Hurd House. Hibbard House. Stowell House. Commercial Hotel. Masher House. Burdick House. Kalamazoo House. American Hotel. Manning House. Exe. Hotel. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR M IC H I GAN. Place. County. Name. Kalkaska, Kalkaska. Lal ke City, Missaukee, 6 Pontiac National Bk. Concord, Jackson. H. A. Wetmore & Co. Jonesville, Hillsdale. Exchange Bank. Port Austin, Huron. Winsor & Snover. i « Ke First National Bank. | Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo. Citizens Nat’] Bank. ‘e af Port Austin Bank. ty Constantine, St. Joseph. First National Bank. sé es First Nat'l Bank. Port Huron, St. Clair. First National Bank we cs Farmers’ Nat’l Bank. és sf Michigan Nat'l B’k. ce e Port Huron Sv’gs Bk. Coopersville, Ottawa. Watsons’ Bank. en fe Kalamazoo. Nat’] B’k. 66 “ Commercial Bank. Corunna, Shiawassee. First National Bank. | Kalkaska, Kalkaska. Arthur A. Bleazby. sc ce -J. J. Boyce & Co. Maynard, Allen & Co. W. H. Card’s Ex. B’k | Portland, Ionia. Croswell, Sanilac. J. M. Graig & Co. Lainsburgh, Shiwassee. | Crystal Falls, Iron. J. L. Kimball & Co. Lake Linden, Houghton. D. W. Sutter. J. A. Webber & Co. Decatur, Van Buren. First National Bank. | Lakeview, Montcalm. A. W. Mather. ge es W. CG. Page & Co. Detroit, Wayne. A. Ives & Son. es &s Exchange Bank. Port Sanilac, Sanilac. M. N. Mugn. | és 6 Preston Bk. of Dtrt. | Lansmg, Ingham. E. Longyears Bank. | Quincy, Branch. First National Bank. | a Ks Detroit National Bk. es Lansing Nat'l Bank. | Reading, Hillsdale. Reading Bank. : &6 « Citizens Savings Bk. es ss Central Michigan | Reed City, Osceola. Exchange Bank. : ce es First National Bank. Savings Bank. Richmond, Macomb. Win. H. Acker. Dexter, Washtenaw. Exchange Bank. us sf North Lansing Ex.| Rockford, Kent. Hydes Exchange Bk. Dowagiac, Cass. Dowagiac City Bank. Bank. Romeo, Macomb. First National Bank. Dundee, Monroe. | Bank of Dundee. Lapeer, Lapeer. First National Bank. sé ‘ Citizens National Bk. 8 East Saginaw, Saginaw. Home National Banker les ns J.M. Wattles & Co. | Roscommon, Roscommon. C. S. Converse. 2 | ke es Seligmans Bank of _| Leslie, Ingham. First National Bank. | Saginaw, Saginaw. Citizens National Bk. Commerce. Lexington, Sanilac. D. R. Noble & Co. e ae Geo. L. Burrows & Co. ‘e - See eae | Hite Hiulsane a s apoE St ea Senne pane oO: ae ea st Sagina at’l. | Lowell, Kent. ational Bank. St. Clair, St. Clair. irst National Bank. Bank. | Ludington, Mason. First National Bank. | St. lenace, Mackinac. W.A. Burt & com Kast Tawas, losco. V. Richardson & Co. | Lyons, Ionia. Exchange Bank. St. Johns, Clinton. St. Johns Nat’l Bank. Eaton Rapids, Eaton. Michigan State Bk. Mancelona, Antrim. Adolph, Young &Co.| “ es State Bk of St. Johns. - ss First National Bank. | Manchester, Washtenaw. Peoples Bank. St. Joseph, Berrien. Union Banking Co. Edmore, Montcalm. The Exchange Bank. | Manistee, Manistee. Manistee Nat’l Bank-| St. Louis, Gratiot. First National Bank Elsie, Clinton. Exchange Bank. ce 6 First National Bank. és sé Harrington, Saviers & Escanaba, Delta. Exchange Bank. Manton, Wexford. McFarlan & White. 0. eee Evart, Osceola. Bank of Evart. Maple Rabids, Clinton. R.S. Vanscoy. Saline, Washtenaw. Citizens Bank Fentonville, Genesee. Bank of Fentonville. Marcellus, Cass. Geo. W. Jones Ex- }Sand Beach, Huron. Huron Co. Bank. hint, Genesse. Flint National ank.| change Bank. Saranac, Ionia. Lee & Brown. 5 : Citizens National Bk. Marine City, St. Clair. Exchange Bank. sf ef Mercer & Son. ee ee Genesee Co. Svgs Bk. | Marlette, Sanilac. John McGill & Co. Sault de St.Marie,Chippewa.Mead & Fowle. Frat une. Livingston. vena Ellsworth. Marquette, Marquette. First National Bank. | Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo. P. D. Miller. Bemale ana : Se cer matte Marshall, Calhoun. Nee City Bane one Oceana. Churchill, Oaks & Co. Aen Vee Heo eee S. irst Nat’l Bank. neridan, Montcalm. J. EH. Gardner. Galesburgh, Kalamazoo. Olmsted & Storms. | Bank of Michigan. Sherwood, Branch. Farmers & Merchants eas lord TGeO Gaysord Exe. Bank. Mason, Ingham. First National Bank. Bank. a ac vine adwin, Me Scrafford & Co. ec 7 . Farmers Nat'l] Bank. | South Haven, Van Baren. First National Bank. gene Haven, ray ae First Nat'l Bank. Mecosta, Mecosta. Exchange Bank. Sparta, Kent. Cheneys Ex. Bank aeee Heaee uatOn cea Menominee Menominee: vie Nasional Bank: Stanton, Montcalm. First National Bank. ) : e é sSayings | Middleville, barry. i & S. 5 ido , re] Bs Bank. Midland, Midland aenlenson Bacal : ee rere ae oe pe 5 - PCR ML: Ee nders S. Sturgis, * t. Joseph. National Bank. 2 - coe ae avings B’k.| Milan, Washtenaw. Farmers Bank. Tecumseh, Lenawee. Bank of Tecumseh. | ‘ «6 Old Natl ee Milford Oakland. Milford Bank. Tekonsha, Calhoun. xchange Bank. | se he aay Rand oe Minden City, aula, ve MesmOree alee Gals, Been Chamberlain & Co. ae we 2, Monroe. first Nat'l Bank. Mhree Rivers, St. Joseph. First National Bank i Bank. 66 6 B. D : , es ’ p u a . G f Oe ae eee . Dansard_ & Sons. s Three Rivers Natl Bk. } Gases. Jack Fourth Nat | Bank. Montague, Muskegon. Muskegon Co. Bank. | Traverse City, Grand Tra- | e, Jackson. Grass Lake Savings | Moscow, Hillsdale Exchi x 1 W Banik. g en ree é - : ee nange Bank. — verse. First National Bank. v4 Greenville, Montcalm. The City Nat’lBank.| ae Mikergaray, ile Olesaein) SEMA | esta, (Be «Hannah Lay & Co. a H f ic, lel nt et National Bank. e 4 Ulixich & Crocker Deeps oe foe aN, oe 1 Be a ancock, Houghton. Tirst Natione e 2aS% Ci sees ae : See ES ; id Bl nceer Tekeon. Pie Nab coal B an: Mount Pleasant, Isabella, First Nat’l Bank. Vandalie , Cass. Exchange Bank. i Harbor'Sprives| Emmet, A. J. Southard ‘ i = Commercial Nat’] B’k | Vassar, Tuscola. First National Bank. "a ea Sol Clare. L. Saviers & Co. a ae Duserbow « Vv a Q] = va See Be 1 art, Oceana. Citizens Ex. Bank. Aaate . a fernon, shlawassee. xchange Bank. i{ Hartford, Van Buren. Dechanee Benes Meee Tne eee Ne i ra Wackstureny Eanes Exchange Bank Hf Hastings, Barry. , Hastings Nat'l Bank Foe Oa i Uskes on at’ B’k. West Branch, Ogemaw. Ellis & French. I) Pilicdal oaeilledale: TREN ELBank 4 Terchants Nat | B’k. Wnite Hall, Muskegon. First National Bank. . eh ie Qe A AINT ALT Bale Lumberman’s Nat’l | White Pigeon, St. Joseph. T. E. Clapp. | Holland Onvawar Holland City Bank. _ | Nashville, Barr See Deen Williamston, Ingham. Exchange Bank Holly, Oakland. Holly National Bank. Nees ee 1 San & Downing. Wyandotte, Wayne. Wyandotte Ex. Bk. Homer, Calhoun. Parks & Pratt. | Newaygo Newaves : Wobteee Hat an Tee Coe eee 2 ‘ Homer Exchange B’k. | Niles, Berrien. Ae Reena eee Bank. = Houghton, Houghton. National Bank of ee oe Citi nea a ; a Bint Nation a Hi le Honaitont Narn GaiaaHnieal ui ene Nat'l Bank. | Zeeland, Ottawa. Den Herders Bank. Howard City, Montcalm. N. W. Mather North B acl Se vow soe Bank. y s Hawall Tse aston MePhors er. rth Branch, Lapeer. Pioneer Bank. REQUEST.— Please to always mention, when opening ‘ ? S : Wy caecte ate Northville, Wayne. Exchanse Bank conrespoudende mun any bank or banker here given, that ister & " 7 7). Beet : ress V 4 P “ x art- 1&0 "Hem. | Olivet, Eaton, ceePlace. County. Name, Addison, Lenawee. ee ee “ec ce 6c 6é 66 “c 66 ee A€lrian, Lenawee. Alba, Antrim. Albion, Calhoun. Allegan, Allegan. ee ee oe “ce be “6 cs te Alma, Gratiot, ee ee Almont, Lapeer. Alpena, Alpena. Ann Arbor, Washtenaw. Au Sable, Iosco. Bad Axe, Huron. se 6s “ce ae ec se “ce 66 ce ‘“ Baldwin, Lake. Battle Creek, Calhoun. Bay City, Bay. 6c ee 66 éeé ce cs ce ‘ec Bay City, (West) Bay. 66 ee ce “e ce “ Bellaire, Antrim. ee “ec e “ec Belleville, Wayne. Bellevue, Eaton. Benton Harbor, Berrian. “ ee Benzonia, Benzie. Berrien Springs, Berrien. “ee ee Bessemer, Ontonagan. Big Rapids, Mecosta. ce ec ce ‘6 6 ee «cs 66 “ce ce 6e ce Birmingham, Oakland. Blissfield, Lenawee. Boyne, Charlevoix. 33 ee Branson, Branch. Brooklyn, Jackson. Buchanan, Berrien. 6c 6é ee ce Burr Oak, St. Joseph. Cadillac, Wexford. sé 6c 6c 66 66 66 66 66 Caro, Tuscola. 6eé ee 66 66. 6s «6 66 6 66 “ Carrollton, Saginaw. Caseville, Huron. Cass City, Tuscola. 66 66 Casopolis, Cass. se 6é Central Lake, Antrim. Centreville, St Joseph. Millard & Weaver. Watts & Smith. Bean & Lane. C. R. Miller. Thos. M. Hunter. Lamb & Pratt. Geo. W. Ayres. Ele Cooke A. M. Culver. M. D. Weeks. W.B. Williams. C. D. Pritchard. H. H. Pope. C. R. Wilkes. Jas. L. Clark. Francis Palmer. Thos. C. Taylor. Josiah C. Newton. Henry Clotbier. Kugene K. Frueauff. W. H. Simpson. H. M. Elliot. W. P. Bope. Jno. F. Welsh. Jas. L. Skinner. H. L. Chipman. Wm. Patter. Geo. A. Maywood. F. E. Withey. E. E. Blakeslee. Hopkins & Crosby. Hatch & Cooley. John L. Stoddard. Simonson, Gillett & Courtright. A. Mc Donnell. McMath & Cobb. Shepard & Lyon. Francis. John Brigham, Jr. S. P. Flynn. Sam’! Brigham. Chas. Densmore. Chas. S. Guile. Roswell Leavett. Sam'l W. Burrough. J. M. Powers. C. H. Walker. (seo. M. Valentine. A. Plummer. Frank B. Case. Thomas O'Hare. Re Ds Die J. T. Seanlin. Andrew Hanson. H. 8. Jennings. F. A. Mann. G. R. Malone. Palmer & Palmer. C. H. Thrall. J. B. Upton. A. Partridge. Joel Carpenter. Will A. Norton. R. L. Corbett. W. H. Compton. Nathan G. King. Van Riper & Worth- ington, A. C. Roe. A. M. Graham. Dunham & Thorp. Sawyer & Bishop. Fred Aldrich, S. J. Wall. T. E. Haskins. J. M. Rice. H. P. Atwood. W.C. Buchanan. W.N. West. T. C. Quinn. H. H. Markham. G. W. Davis. E. J. Demorest. Thos. B. Woodworth. T. P. Zander. H. Butler. Howell & Carr. H. D. Smith. J. BE. Mills. H. P. Stewart. GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTME Place. County, Centreville, St. Joseph. Charlevoix, Charlevoix. sé ec Charlotte, Eaton. iT 3 oe ee “ce 6s ée Chase, Lake. e se Cheboygan, Cheboygan. ee a4 e “ec “cc “ce sé ce se “ec Chelsea, Washtenaw. “ec ee Chesaning, Saginaw. Clare, Clare. ee es Clifford, Lapeer. Coldwater, Branch. “ 6é “cc oe “ec ce Coleman, Midland. Colon, St. Joseph. Constantine, St. Joseph. ae “ ce ee Coopersville, Ottawa. ee “e Corunna, Shiawassee. be ee *e ce ee oe “eé “ec Crystal Falls, Iron. Damon, Ogemaw. Dansville, Ingham. Decatur, Van Buren. ee “ce 6 se Detroit, Wayne. ‘ce 6e ‘ce 6c 6e 66 é “e Dexter, Washtenaw. “ec ee Dowagiac, Cass. ee ee “e ‘ce ce ce Downington, Sanilac. Eagle, Clinton. East Jordan, Charlevoix. 66 66 ‘6 “ Hast Saginaw, Saginaw. oe “eé 6s 66 ‘6 “é 66 cs 66 6“ 66 66 cs 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 6c East Tawas, losco. Eaton Rapids, Eaton. oe 6c 6 “ “é 6 “cc 6e Elk Rapids, Antrim. Escanaba, Delta. oe 4é Evart, Osceola. Evart, Osceola. Farwell, Clare. Name. ee Paul Eaton. EK. H. Green. J. Milo. Eaton. A. D. Crinkshank. Fred W. Mayne. Foote & McCall. . P. Segendorph. Guggett & Smith. M C. Dodge. P. S. De Graff. A. J. Campbell. John Gibberson. Geo. E. Frost. Bell & Adams. Humphrey & Perkins, Frank Shepherd. J. P. Sutton. H. W. McArthur. M. J. Lehmann. Geo. W. Turnbull. Byron A. Snow. C. W. Perry. E. D. Wheaton. R. V. Langdon. Frank L. Skeels. Barlow & Loveridge. L. T. N. Wilson. John R. Champion. Legg & Newberry. Floyd L. Post. David Lakey. H. H. Riley. K. W. Keightley. F. W. Knowles. S. C. Coffinberry. J. U. B. Goodrich. Jas. Cilley. A. R. McBride. S.S. Miner. Hugh McCurdy. Jas. M. Goodell. R. E. Kelsey. Cyrus T. Crandall. Maynard Butts. M. M. Atwood. A. L. Moulton. J. G. Parkhurst. W. H. Tucker. Dickinson, Thurber & Hosmer. Douglas, Bowen & Whiting. Brennen & Donnelly. Middaugh, Driggs & Harmon. Walker & Walker, Alex D. Crane. Jas. T. Honey. J. B. Clark. F. J. Atwell. C. W. Hendryx. John Wooster. Fred S. Viets. L. W. Hill. Will N. Moore. Jas. A. Keat. Frank E. Fogg. Camp & Brooks. Chancy H. Gage. Holden & Harris. W.J. Loveland. Wilber & Brucker. W. L. Webber. Wheeler& McKnight, . Hoyt. 8. G. Higgins. Gage & Gage. H. & C. BE. Miller. K. L. Beach. Robert White. H. A. Shaw. J. M. Corbin. M. Kenney. H. 8. Maynard. C. 8. Cobb. FH 2 F. R. Williams. Frank D. Mead. Alonzo R. Northup. Eli P. Royce. John Powers. C. H. Rose. Sayles & Trumbull. Geo. Gallup. Place. County. Flat Rock, Wayne. Flint, Genesee. 6 “cc se 6c “ce ‘“>_ B. Follitt. Chas. S. Marr. Wm. N. Cook. J. C. Monroe. Heath & Maynard. M. C. Palmer. F, A. Lyon. N. O. Griswold. W. A. Briggs. Wn. B. Gildart. T. C. Carpenter. W. W. Clark. J. W. Flanders. A. B. Dunning. B. E. Williams. S. G. Taylor. Webb W. Frazer. S. C. Stacy. Place. County. Name. Tecumseh, Lenawee. Three Rivers, St. Joseph. Traverse City, Grand Tra- verse. sc “ce «6 6c 46 ce ec ce ce ce sé ce Tuston, Osceola. Union City, Branch. Unionville, Tuscola. Vassar, Tuscola. “ee ce se ce ee cs Vermontville, Eaton. Wayland, Allegan. F. B. Wood. W. O. Pealer. O. F. Bean. Pratt, Hatch & Davis. Moffett & Roberts. Je Re Adsits Thos. W. Brown. L. H. Gage. J. L. Richardson. Mare A. Merrifield. D. E. Dozer. B. W. Huston. FE. L. Faler. H. S. Hadsall. Geo. Saylor. R. E. Stevens. John A. Turner. 2 GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MICHIGAN—Continued. Place. County. Name. Hamilton Balus. S. V. Thomas. W. A. Weeks. Markey & Hall. ;\ 1 : - i te Snodgrass. Yelson Sharp. White Hall, Muskegon. Edwin J. Smith. White Pigeon, St. Joseph. 8. M. Gurney. Wilhamston, Ingham. Smith & York 6 - : 8 E. D. Lewis. Herbert Norris. 7 K. P. Allen. Chas. R. Whitman. REQUEST, —In opening a business correspondence with parties whose addresses are here given, kindly mention that name was taken from the ‘‘ General Law and Collection Department” of “THe EVERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.”? By 80 doing you conter a favor to the publishers, and at the same obtain extra assurance of your busines i i prompt and careful attention. z Se Wayne, Wayne. West Branch, Ogemaw. cs ‘6 66 c Wyandotte, Wayne. Ypsilanti, Washtenaw. NOTARIES PUBLIC, rzorzsr anp Place. County. Name. Adrian, Lenawee. “e ee Albion, Calhoun. Allegan, Allegan. Alma, Gratiot. Almont, Lapeer. Alpena, Alpena. ac ce Ann Arbor, Washtenaw. Atlanta, Montmorency. Au Gres, Arenac. Augusta, Kalamazoo. Bad Axe, Huron. Baldwin, Lake. ee ee Bancroft, Shiawassee. Battle Creek, Calhoun. Bay City, Bay. ce ce Bear Lake, Manistee. Bellaire, Antrim. ee “ Benton Harbor, Berrien. Berlin, Ottawa. Berrien Springs, Berrien. Bessamer, Ontonagan. Big Rapids, Mecosta. Birmingham, Oakland. Blissfield, Lenawee. Boyne, Charlevoix. Victor H. Lane. L. H. Salsburgh. O. L. Davis. David Stockdale. Jas. L. Clark. Thomas C. Taylor. Jas. McNamara. Jas. Collins. Wm. T. Sleaten. Wm. G. Doty. W. McNaughton. M. L. Maxon. Wm. E. Cock. Robt. Winterbottom. F. KE. Withey. Augustus Town. R. H. Hollister. Ww. E. Watson. Il. H. Hubbard. Floyd R. Mechen. _Geo. P. Cobb. A. P. Lyon. H. Gillett. Leo. F. Hale. J. A. Harrimen. Roswell Leavett. A, Plummer. A. E. McCulloch. Thomas O’ Hara. F. EF. Jeffres. Frank Duncon. A. Partridge. J. M. Robertson. R. L. Corbett. Brockway Centre, St. Clair. Wm. Gowan. Bronson, Branch. Burr Oak, St. Joseph. Cadillac, Wexford. eé ce Calumet, Houghton. Caro, Tuscola. “e ee “cc ce Cass City, Tuscola. Cassopolis, Cass. Centreville, St. Joseph. Charlevoix, Charlevo1x. Charlotte, Haton. Cheboygan, Cheboygan. Chelsea, Washtenaw. Chesaning, Saginaw. Clare, Clare. Clinton, Lenawee. Coldwater, Branch. ce 4c ee “ce Coleman, Midland. Constantine, St. Joseph. 3 ce Coopersville, Ottawa. Corunna, Shiawassee. 6s 6é Croswell, Sanilac. Crystal Falls, Iron. W. H. Compton. A. M. Graham. Jas. Croly. Henry Knowlton. D. T. McDonnell. Ww. N. West. N. M. Richardson. Jas. W. Spencer. L. A. De Witt. Joel Cowgill. L. B. Hess. H. S. Harsha. BE. McArthur. Geo. A. Perry. A. F. Watson. Jas. L. Gilbert. Byron A. Snow. BE. D. Wheaton. Wm. W. Kimball. Agnes Gibson. P. T. Nichols. 7,. G. Osborne. John L. Bugle. QO. P. Coffinberry. a ell Arthur Lowell. A. T. Nichols. @aJE Gale: Will Aitkin. F. G. Clark. CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR MICHIGAN ° Place. County. Name. Damon, Ogemaw. Denver, Newaygo. Detroit, Wayne. ec ‘sé cs sé Dexter, Washtenaw. Dorr, Allegan. Dowagiae, Cass. Eagle River, Keweenaw. a4 ce East Saginaw, Saginaw. 6 “ee ce “ Baton Rapids, Eaton. Elk Rapids, Antrim. Escanaba, Delta. cc 6s Evart, Osceola. Farwell, Clare. Flint, Genesee. ce “ec ce ce Frankfort, Benzie. Fremont, Newaygo. Galesburgh, Kalamazoo. Gaylord, Otsego. ce ce Gladwin, Gladwin. ee ec Gobleville, VanBuren. Grand Haven, Ottawa. Grand Ledge, Eaton. Grand Rapids, Kent. sé ce Grass Lake, Jackson. Grayling, Crawford. “ce “e Greenville, Montcalm. Hancock, Houghton. Harbor Springs, Emmet. Harrison, Clare. ce Harrisville, Alcona. cs “ce Hart, Oceana. Hartford, Van Buren. Hastings, Barry. “cc ae cc 6é Hersey, Osceola. Hillman, Montmorency. ce 66 ce Hillsdale, Hillsdale. Holland, Ottawa. Holly, Oakland. Houghton, Houghton. Howard City, Montcalm. Howell, Livingston, 66 ‘ Maynard Butts. G. H. McGhan. Wm. May. John Marshall. F. W. Whiting. F. C. Harvey. Alonzo Olsaber. John A. Beamer. B. W. Schemerhorn. Wn. P. Raley. Kirby Blakley. Gurdon Uorning. Augustus Schupp. J. H. Milbourn. F. R. Williams. B. Glasser. Chas. H. Scott. Joe Sayles. Geo. Gallop. Geo. E. Taylor. Edward S, Lee. Geo. M. Walker. Ww.aA : W. H. H. Cooper. A. D. Marshall. F. L. Prindle. Cc. H. Pierson. Jacob Baar. S. Chadwick. Horton H. Drury. Alfred Walcott. F. P. Carpenter. D. Li Ball. O. J. Bell. A. Taylor. D. A. Elliott. M. Finn. B. T. Halstead. Ww. W. Green. A. M. Tinker. C!, E. Jamison. Geo. Rutson. B. D. Richmond. T. W. Warren. Chas. Hotchkiss. Wm. D. Hayes. R. D. Cook. Frank Beardsley. Cc. W. Mack. John C. Adams. John H. Stevens. CG. Dunton. John C. Post. P. H. McBride. Chas. Collier. Allen F. Rees. N. W. Mather. Homer M. Beach. John Ryans. Place. County. Name. F. O. Burt. R.H. Person. Levi R. Pierson. Reuben A. Beach. EF. D. M. Davis. Young & Campbell. EL G. Sé.. Claire. D. CG. Johnson. J.T. Swigart. Chas. A. Blair. A. E. Hewitt. A. EF. Freeman. Walter Johnson. J.C. Hammond. Witter J. Baxter. O. M. Giddings. B.S. Ellis. F. O. Gaffney. H. N. Melntyre. A. C. Lewis. H. D. Wilson. John Q. McKernon John L. Campbell. H. W. Pickard. #. B. Wood. Frank Robson. C. F. Hammond. J. R. Johnson. Win. Hitchcock. A. John. J. J. Calkins. F. C. Woodworth. Warren Jackson. Geo. N. Stray. F. J. Dowland. C.G. Wing. Albert K. Roof. J. A. McMahon. W.S. Mesick. Cc. M. Fellows. QS. Conover. A. V. McAlvoy. M. H. Quick. W. F. Riggs. A. Beebe. H. C. McFarlan. H. I. Auten. D. S. McClure. F, O. Clark. BE. J. Mapes. H. E. Winslow. C. J. Raynor. C. C. Fitch. A. V. Haynes. Jno. GC. Squires. Joseph Flesheim. M. P. Anderson. B. B. Ball. Byron Burch. E. J. Bissell. TD. C. Fuller. Q. C. Bell. John Randall. R. H. Fosdick. @y hee: Howell, Livingston. ce oe Hudson, Lenawee. ce «ec Ionia, Ionia. {tron River, Iron. Ishpenning, Marquette. Ithaca, Gratiot. Jackson, Jackson. 6c ce Jonesville, Hillsdale. Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo. Kalkaska, Kalkaska. Lake City, Missaukee. ce 66 Lake Linden, Houghton. L’ Anse, Baraga. ce“ “cc Lansing, Ingham. ‘ ‘cs tc sé b> Lapeer, Lapeer. Leland, Leelanaw. Leslie, Ingham. 6é “ce Litchfield, Hillsdale. Ludington, Mason. 6é ce se 6c Lyons, Ionia. Luzerne, Oscoda. Mancelona, Antrim. Manchester, Washtenaw, Manistee, Manistee. ce ce Manistique, Schoolcraft. Manton, Wexford. Maple Rapids, Clinton. Marlette, Sanilac. Marquette, Marquette. Marshall, Calhoun. Mason, Ingham. ce “ce ce es Menominee, Menominee. Midland, Midland. ¢é ce Milford, Oakland. Milbrook, Mecosta. Minden City, Sanilac. Mio, Oscoda, Monroe, Monroe.Place. County. Name. Monroe, Monroe. e “cc ee «ec Morenci, Lenawee. Mount Clemens, Macomb. Mount Pleasant, Isabella. Muir, lonia. Muskegon, Muskegon. 66 “ ce ce Newago, Newago. New Baltimore, Macomb. New Haven, Macomb. Niles, Berrien. North Branch, Lapeer. Northport, Leelanaw. Omer, Arenac. Ontonagon, Ontonagon. ce Otter Lake, Lapeer. Owosso, Shiawassee. Oxford, Oakland. Pentwater, Oceana. Petoskey, Emmet. e ce Plainwell, Allegan. Pontiac, Oakland. Port Austin, Huron. Port Hope, Huron. Port Huron, St. Clair. J. E. Landon. C. A. Golden. T,. E. Wing. James Blair. W. W. Lyons. H. V. Staley. Geo. Duram. Cassius Dowling. Nellie Conklin. E. O. Shaw. Christian Shlesser. Adam Bennett. Geo. A. Lambert. V. J. Miiler. C. B. Kehl. J. H. Belknap. L. J. Longpree. M. A. Powers. EK. J. Tanner, G. R. Lyon. C. E. Stanton. Wn. f. Ambler. D. C. Page. C. J. Pailthorp. Daniel Earle. Fred Ven Hoven. Geo. H. Gregory. Chas. Clark. Horace Baker. Place. County. Name. Port Huron, St. Clair. Portland, Ionia. _ Port Sanilac, Sanilac. Presque Isle, Presque Isle. Reed City, Osceola. Rockland, Ontonagon. Roger City, Presque Isle. Romeo, Macomb. Roscommon, Roscommon. “eé ‘ Saginaw, Saginaw. St. Charles, Saginaw. St. [gnace, Mackinac. 6c 66 St. James, Manitou. St. Joseph, Berrien. St. Louis, Gratiot. Saline, Washtenaw. Salt River, Isabella. Saranac, lonia. Saugutuck, Allegan. F. T. Wolcott. J. W. Bailey. M. N. Mugn. David Kowell. L. B. Winsor. L. Stanard. Wm. E. Bennett. W.L. Dicken. Kugene W. Gray. John Mason. EK. Schenneberg. EK. A. Snow. Michael Chambers. Chas. Conner. John Levey. J. A. Watson. L. T. Wright. F. E. Jones. F. E. Hibbard. P. T. Williams. Alfred B. Taylor. Sault deSt.Marie, Chippewa. Wm. B. Cady. “cc ce Schooleraft, Kalamazoo. Sherman, Wexford. South Haven, Van Buren. Stambaugh, Iron. Stanton, Montcalm. Sterling, Arenac. Jas. T’. Moore. Geo. W. Brown. John A. Dix. H. B. Sturtevant. J. H. Johnson. W. T. Carpenter. L. C. Moore. K. B. Morehouse. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCE DEPARTMENT FOR MICHIGAN—Continued. Place. County. Name. Stittsville, Missaukee. Sturgis, St. Joseph. Summit City, Grand Tra- verse. Tecumseh, Lenawee. ce “é Three Rivers, St. Joseph. Traverse City, Grand Tra- verse. Union City, Branch. Utica, Macomb. Vassar, ‘luscola. Vicksburgh, Kalamazoo. Wayland, Allegan. West Branch, Ogemaw. White Cloud, Newaygo. White Hall, Muskegon. White Pigeon, St. Joseph. Williamston, Ingham. Wyandotte, Wayne. Ypsilanti, Washtenaw. REQUEST.—In sending Department”? of ‘Tue Every John T. Stitt. John J. Beck. J.J. Stanton. John P. Tillotson. Fred W. Wood. G. D. Perry. J.P. McKey. B. E. Andrews. Jas. R. Adsit. Mare A. Merrifield. Geo. E. Adair. C. Q. Tappan. B. W. Huston. Chas, A. Baldwin. John A. ‘Turner. W. Foster. E. A. Grovenor. C. W. Redfern. H. D. Johnston. S. M. Gurney. BSD: Work. John J. Tillman. E. P. Goodrich. matters to Notaries whose addresses are here given, you will confer a favor to the publishers and obtain extra assurance of promptness in attending to your business by mentioning that address was takén from the ‘Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing OFFIOE FAVORITE,”’ MORTGA GE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR M ICH I GA N. Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. Adrian, Lenawee. Anson Backus. Corunna, Shiawassee. J.B. Wheeler. Ae ts A. L. Bliss. «¢ és Chas.-Halman. of oe R. W. Lakin. Crystal Falls, Iron. J. L. Kimball & Co. sf a W.H. Waldby. Detroit, Wayne. John Ward. Albion, Calhoun. O. L. Davis. is ss Wm. A. Moore. Allegan, Allegan. Alma, Gratiot. Alpena, Alpena, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw. Bad Axe, Huron. Baldwin, Lake. Battle Creek, Calhoun. 66 6c Bay City, Bay. “cc ee Bear Lake, Manistee, Bellaire, Antrim. Benton Harbor, Berrien. Benzonia, Benzie, Berrien Springs, Berrien. Big Rapids, Mecosta. ee ce éé 6 Brimingham, Oakland. Bronson, Branch. Buchanan, Berrien. Cadillac, Wexford. ee ce Caro, Tuscola. iT ce Cass City, Tuscola. Cassopolis, Cass. Centreville, St. Joseph, Charlotte, Eaton. cc e Chase, Lake, Cheboygan, Cheboygan. Chesaning, Saginaw. Clare, Clare. Coldwater, Branch. “ “ Colon, St. Joseph. Constantine, St. Joseph. J.B. Street & Son. Geo, E. Dunn. W. W. Warner. Marcus Polaskey. Henry Clothier. Luther James. Walker & Seeley. Geo. W. Carpenter. A. J. Bandall. H.C. Winslow. Chas. EK. Lyman. H. H. Hubbard. Shearer Bros. Emile Anneke. Leo. F. Hale. _Leavett & Guile. Thos. N. Terry. Jno. B. Betts. Dix & Wilkinson, Robin & Bennett. Glidden & Marsh. G. R. Malone. A. Partridge. F. M. Rudd. McIntyre & Dunham. Fred Aldrich. F. Seeley. A. T. Slacht & Co. Chas. Montague. N. M. Richardson. H. Butler. a Puen. - A. Clapp. U.S. Lacey. F. 8. Belcher. - D. Green. John Gibberson. Bell & Adams. Geo. E. Frost. Chesaning Bank,. C. W. Perry. Thos. W. Dickinson & Co a eustus S. Glessner, ill & Sons. Milo Powell. A. Hagenbuck, 6c 66 Ge 6 ce 66 Dowagiac, Cass. Kast J ordan,Charlevoix. Kast Saginaw, Saginaw. 66 €e Eaton Rapids, Eaton. Elk Rapids, Antrim. Escanaba. Delta. Evart, Osceola. Flint, Genesee. ce it Fowlerville, Livingston. Frankfort, Benzie. Fremont, Newaygo. Galesburgh, Kalamazoo. Gaylord, Otsego. 66 ce ce «¢ Gladwin, Gladwin, Grand Rapids, Kent. ¢¢ ee ce 66 Harbor Springs, Emmet. Harrison, Clare. 66 66 Harrisville, Alcona. “ce é Hart, Oceana. Hartford, Van Buren. Hastings, Barry. Hersey, Osceola. Hillman, Montmorency. Hillsdale, Hillsdale. Holly, Oakland. Homer, Calhoun. Howard City, Montcalm. Howell, Livingston, 66 Collins B. Hubbard. Walker & Walker. Dealt F. & M. Ins. 0. Mills Real Estate Se- curity Bank. B. W. Schemerhorn. Meech & Thatcher. Wheeler & McKnight Holden & Harris, C. S. Cobb. J. Ward Davis. H. C. Spencer. Geo. E. Taylor. Benj. Cothian. John Ellsworth. Wm. H. Francis. W.D.-. Leonardson. W. A. Blake. Cooper & Crane. F. A. Baldwin. A.J. Taylor. A.D. Marshall. M.C. Scrafford & Co. Holden & Hyde, Chas. W. Blake. John C. Fitzgerald. L. 8. Provine. Burbeck & Rollins. Brown & Cummins. W. W. Green. Geo. Rutson, C. E. Jameson. Oceana Loan & Se- curity Co. B. A. Olney. Martin V. Baker. C. M. Beardsley. C. W. Mack. Mitchell & Barre. L. H. Ripley. Parks & Pratt. C. W. Perry. S. W. Twitchell. McPherson & Co. Place. County. Name. Howell, Livingston. Ionia, Ionia. Ithaca, Gratiot. J ackson, J ackson. ce << Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo. Kalkaska, Kalkaska. « « Lake City, Missaukee. L’ Anse, Baraga. Lansing, Ingham. “eg “c Lapeer, Lapeer. 6é se Leland, Leelanaw. Leslie, Ingham. Lexington, Sanilac. Ludington, Mason. “ é Luther, Lake. Lyons, Ionia. Mancelona, Mackinac. Manchester, Washtenaw. 6 “ Manistee, Manistee. ‘e ce “ec 6¢ Manistique, Schooleraft. Manton, Wexford. Marcellus, Cass. Marshall, Calhoun. Mason, Inghan. 66 ee Maple Ridge, Arenac. Midland, Midland. Monroe, Monroe. ce 6c ce 66 Montague, Muskegon. Weimeister & O’Hern L.S: Le F. D. M. Davis. S. W. Ambler. N- Church. N. B. Hall & Son. W.B. Webb. Gould & Pease. B. F. Parker. Arthur A. Bleazby. Perkins & Ellis. Chancy C. Jenks. Abraham Stout. M. Manger. Jas. M. Turner. E. Cahill. E. B. Wood. H. B. Carpenter. Myron Green. A. EK. Cowles. John Abbott. — W. H. Bailey. Geo. A. Cutler. M. E. Rumsey. D.R. Noble & Co. Chas. T. Sawyer. Wheeler, Bishop & Blodgett. C. D. Borghorn. Albert K. Roof. J. R. Savage. W.S. Mesick. J. . Corey. L. D. Watkins. Hart & Sibben. K. E. Danville. S. S. Conover. John D. Merserean. W. P. Smith. Geo. W. Jones. D.S. Beach. Chas. T. Gorham. J. M. Dresser, C. J. Raynor. Lucian Reed. Abel Scott. Anderson Bros. Gordon & Fales. David Reed. Luce & Landon. C. G. Johnson. J. R. Ranch. Muskegon Co. Bank.Place. County. Name. Mount Clemens, Macomb. “se ‘ “ce ‘ Mount Pleasant, Isabella. Muskegon, Muskegon. ae ee Newaygo, Newaygo. “e ce Niles, Berrien. Omer, Arenac. Ontonagon, Ontonagon. se ‘és “ce “ Otsego, Allegan. Oxford, Oakland. Paw Paw, Van Buren. ce ee Pentwater, Oceana. Pontiac, Oakland. ot “ce Port Austin, Huron. ““ ‘eé Port Huron, St. Clair. Portland, Ionia. Wn. Cottrell. Oliver Chapaton. Paul Ullrich. Hance & Devereaux. Louis C. Gilbert. Wesley F. Wood. Daniel E. Soper. I, N. Robinson. O. W. Coolidge. F. E. Carscallan. Chas. W. Butler. J. K. Rodgers. M. A. Powers. W. OC. Edsell & Son. Wm. Timstead. W.R. Hawkins. I, W. Selleck. Wm. E£. Ambler. David L. Davis. A. V. West. Winsor & Snover. F. T. Sinclair. J. J. Boyce & Co. J. W. Bailey. Place. County. MORTCACE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTERS DEPARTMENT FOR Name. Quincy, Branch. Reed City, Osceola Romeo, Macomb. Saginaw, Saginaw. “c“ ce St. Ignace, Mackinac. St. Johns, Clinton. St. Louis, Gratiot. Salt River, Isabella. Sarinac, Ionia. Schooleraft, Kalamazoo, Sherman, Wexford. verse. Tawas City, Iosco. Three Oaks, Berrien. verse. South Haven, Van Buren. Summit City, Grand Tra- Three Rivers, St. Joseph. “se ce Traverse City, Grand Tra- John H. Jones. Holden & Withey. Cooper & Winsor. Burt C. Preston. J. K. Stevens. I’, Lawrence & Co. EK. B. Chamberlain. Walker & White. James Paddock. F. BE. Hibbard. P. T. Williams. Sault de St.Marie,Chippewa.Meade & Fowle. Geo. W. Brown. R. Barney. Santord Gasser. J.C. Monroe. John P. Tillotson. Kk. E. Williams. Wm. Chamberlain. Cyrus Roberts. John A. Throp. Hannah Lay & Co. Ypsilanti, Washtenaw. MiCHIGAN—Continued, County. Place. Name. Traverse City, Grand Tra- verse. Moffett & Roberts. sé Steele & Titus. ce iz 4 cs cc sé Union City, Branch. H. JT. Carpenter. 5s ~ J. W. McUausey. Geo. W. Townsend. KE. H. Taylor. H.S. Hadsall. John A. Turner. Klhis & French. F. L. Snodgrass. Markey & Hall. J. B. Dakin. Jo a Hox. KX PLAN AT&LON.—The parties whose addresses are Vandalia, Cass. Vassar, Tuscola. ce oe Wayland, Allegan. West Branch, Ogemaw. of ““ ce Williamston, Ingham. here given are identified in the REAL Estate First Monrr- GAGE loan busipess, on their own account or for other myestors, and through whom _ such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and the current rates of interest obtained in their respective localities. To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was taken from the “Mortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department” of “THe Every OFFICE FAVORITE.” GENERAL REQUEST :—In writing parties whose address is taken from this Directory, always mention that same was obtained from ‘‘The Every Office Favorite.” By so doing your business will, in almost every instance receive more prompt attention, and at the same time you confer a favor to Publishers. bes al aF tN SR A haps > Oh, Peas Pratt, Hatch & Davis,MID NE SOTA. Climate Healthful Because it is Even and not Subject to Sudden Changes. The Bost Farming State in the U. = = = = SS A Spa VeNe COUNTY, 4 good place to buy a Farm because you can buy it reasonable, Minnesota has the reputation of being the GREAT WHEAT STATE, the largest Mills in the World, and well deserves that credit, but Wheat is not all the crop raised; Corn, Oats and Grasses;—In fact all crops do well. Minneapolis and St. Paul Offer Fine Markets, - We make Safe Loans and Profitable [nvestments for Eastern Capitalists. CUARANTEED RECISTEREDG per cent. Loans ASPECIALTY. References Furnished. Correspondence Solicited. The Stevens County Abstract & Real Estate Agency, Lock Box 1/46. MORRIS, MINN. Ses) avi ES, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. —BROKER IN— Mines. Real Estate, Live Stock, IMPROVED RANCHES AND MUNICIPAL BONDS, County Warrants and Land Script, Soldiers’ Additional Homestead, Sioux Half-breed Script and Bounty Land Warrants. LAS VECAS, = NEW MEXICO. Office on Bridge Street, Near Post Office. Transacts a,Real Estate business in all its branches. Has Ranches for sale which will support from 1,000 to 40,000 head of cattle, in Old Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, at very low prices. Will attend promptly to Buy- ing and Selling Lands and Property in any part of New Mexico; Renting, Mak- ing Collections, Drawing Deeds, Mortgages and Legal Papers of all kinds.— Dealer in Territorial and County Bonds and Warrants, Can at all times furnish such Securities at prices that will pay the INVESTOR from Eight to.Twelve per cent per annum on their investment. We guarantee all Securities sold by us legally and regularly issued, and a valid claim against the corporation issuing them. Taxes paid in any part of the Territory. Property Leased on reasonable terms. Loans Negotiated on Improved Property. Buys, Sells and Locates for others. Soldiers’ Additional Homesteads, Sioux Half-breed Script and Bounty Land Warrants. Buys and Sells Property only on Commis:ion, and thus gives both buyer and sellerthe benefit of our judgment after years of experience in our line of business. Address, T. B. MILLS, LAS VEGAS, - NEW MEXICO. eee ee THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE, NATIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, a a es eo O. F. DAVIS. T. A. CREIGH. O. F. DAVIS & CO., ->Nebraska Land and koan Agency, Have for sale 100,000 acres well selected lands in Eastern Nebraska, at low prices and on easy terms. Money loaned on Improved Farms and City Property. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, 1505 Farnham St., = OMAHA, NEB. Cc. E. MAYNE, | SR HAL» HST fie Southwest Corner 15th and Farnham Streets, OMAHA, NEB. Property in every part of Omaha. Improved and Unimpreved Land in every county in Nebraska. Money loaned for Capitalists. Send for Catalogues and Circulars. SYWAN & VW ARs Counce BUG iS elOWsGe Real Estate and Merchandise EXCHANGE BROKERS. If you have a stock of goods of any kind you wish to turn into a good farm or wild land, let us hear from you. If you haye a good farm or sheep land to sell or trade, let us hearfrom you. In our twelve years experience in this city we have accumulated a large list of Sproran BarGatns. Parties seeking investments in Iowa, Kansas, Ne- braska, Colorado, or in fact almost any State in the Union, will do well to consult our register. Correspondence solicited. ISAAC MULHOLLAND, LAND, LOAN AND INVESTMENT BROKER, Makes investments in selected lands for eastern capitalists, or on joint account, and guarantee profits. Loan money, pay taxes, etc. KENNETH, SHERIDAN COUNTY, KANSAS. REMINDER.~—If it is stated where advertisement is noticed, National advertisers can refer, and more promptly and satisfactorialy answer your inquiry or correspondence.—Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR MINNESOTA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Ada, Norman. Adrian, Nobles. Aitkin, Aitkin. Albert Lea, Freeborn. “6 66 “se “ce Alden, Freeborn. Alexandria, Douglas. Anoka, Anoka. Appleton, Swift. ce sc Argyle, Marshall. Ashby, Grant. Atwater, Kandiyohi. Audubon, Becker. Austin, Mower. Avoca, Murray. Balaton, Lyon. Barnesville, Clay. Battle Lake, Otter Tail. Becker, Sherburne. Beaver Falls, Renville. Belle Plaine, Scott. Benson, Swift. Bigelow, Nobles. Big Lake, Sherburne. Bird Island, Renville. Blue Earth City, Faribault. Brainerd, Crow Wing. Breckenridge, Wilkin. ce “ee Bridgeman, Mille Lac. Brownsdale, Mower. Brown’s Valley, Traverse. “ec “ee Brownsville, Houston. Brownston, McLeod. ee ee Buffalo, Wright. Caledonia, Houston. ee “cc “ “cc ce 6e Cambridge, Isanti. Campbell, Wilkin. Canby, Yellow Medicine. Cannon River Falls, Good- hue. oe “cc Canton, Fillmore. Carman, Polk. Carver, Carver. Centre City, Chisago. Chaska, Carver. e ‘ “cc coy Chatfield, Fillmore. Claremont, Dodge. Clear Water. Wright. Clear Lake, Sherburne. Cokato, Wright. Cold Spring City, Stearns. Concord, Dodge. Crookston, Polk. ee “c Currie, Murray. Cyrus, Pope. Dassel, Meeker. Dawson, Lac-qui Parle. De Graffe, Swift. Ada House. Northwestern House. Commercial House. Douglas Hotel. Wiilard House. Winslow House. Hall House. Gilbert House. National House. Alden House. Letson House. City Hotel. Reader House. International Hotel. Jackson’s Hotel. Basserb’s Hotel. Syndicate Hotel. St. James Hotel. Appleton House. Stone House. Hotel Kittson. Atwater House. Audubon Hotel. Fleck House. Mansfield House. Temperance Hotel. Lake Avenue Hotel. Balaton House. West House. Lake View House. Becker House. Syndicate House. Belle Plaine House. Aldrich House. Merchants Hotel. Pacific House. Browns Hotel. Bird Island House. City Hotel. The Villard Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Hyser House. Minnesota House. Travelers House. Brownsdale House. Matteson House. Traverse House. Minnesota House. Brown’s Hotel. Schillings Hotel. Windsor Hotel. Barnes House. City Hotel. Northwestern House. New York House. Weber House. Cambridge House. Pacific Hotel. Lesuer Honse. Ellsworth House. Platt House. Pulver House. Montreal House. Planters House. Central City Hotel. Sargent House. Commercial Hotel. National Hotel. Hicks House. Medary House. Cleveland House. Morrison House. Potter House. Runious House. Cold Spring House. Concord House. Sherman House. Commercial House. Linton House. Flings House. Farmers Hotel. Dessel House. Commercial Hotel. N. W. Hotel. Delano, Wright. Delavan, Faribault. Detroit City, Becker. ee é cc sé Dodge Centre, Dodge. Dover Centre, Olmstead. Duluth, St. Louis. 66 6 “cc ‘ce “ec “cc “e ce Dundas, Rice. Youngs Hotel. Danforth’s Hotel. Delavan House. American House. Wilson House. N. P. Hotel. Randall House, Fargo .House. Kenney House. Hotel St. Louis. Merchants Hotel. Bayview Hotel. Clark Hotel. St. Nicholas Hotel. Windsor Hotel. Merchants Hotel. East Granite Falls,ChippewaSt. Paul House. Edgerton, Pipe Stone. Elbow Lake, Grant. Elizabeth, Otter Tail. Elk River, Sherburne. Elysian, Le Sueur. Evansville, Douglas. Excelsior, Hennepin. ““é sc“ Eyota, Olmsted. Fairfax, Renville. Fairmont, Martin. sc a6 ac ce Faribault, Rice. 6 ec cc cc ce se Farmington, Dakota. Fergus Falls, Otter Tail. Fisher, Polk. Forest Lake, Washington. Fountain, Fillmore. Franklin, Renville. Frazee City, Becker. Fontenac, Goodhue. Fulda, Murray. Garden City, Blue Earth. Gaylord, Sibley. Georgetown. Clay. Glencoe, McLeod. ce ce Glenwood, Pope. Glyndon, Clay. Good Thunder, Blue Earth. Graceville, Big Stone. Grand Meadow, Mower. Grand Rapids, Itasca. Granite Falls, Yellow Med- icine. Grove City, Meeker. Hallock, Kittson. Hancock, Stevens. Hastings, Dakota. Hawley, Clay. Hector, Renville. Henderson, Sibley. Herman, Grant. “cc “ Heron Lake, Jackson. High Forest, Olmstead. Hinckley, Pine. Hokah, Houston. Houston, Houston. 66 ee Howard, Wright. Hubbard, Hubbard. Hutchinson, McLeod. Edgerton House. Commercial Hotel. Northwestern Hotel. Sherburne House. Elk River House. Hotel Dilley. Meeker House. Excelsior House. Hotel La Fayette. Everett House. Fairfax House. R. R. Eating House. Fairmount House. Occidental House. Brunswick Hotel. United States Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Allen House. Arlington House. Niskern House. Bell Hotel. Northern Tier House. Gourney’s Hotel. Marsh’s Hotel. Fountain Hotel. Franklin House. Frazee House. Lakeside Hotel. Fulda House. Mansion House. Garden City Hotel. Renier House. West House. American House. City Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Minnewaska Hotel. Glenwood Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Graham House. Graceville House. Brown House. Grand Rapids Hotel. Central House. Commercial House. Grove House. Hallock Hotel. Central House. Gardner House. St. Joe Hotel. St. John Hotel: Hawley House. Hector House. Keller House. Schveska Hotel. Pullman House. Commercial House. Chapman House. Hooneywell House. Morrison Hotel. Hokah Hotel. Brunswick Hotel. Sherman House. Minnesota: House. Jones House. Allen House. Juergeus Hotel. Isinour’s; Fillmore. Jackson, Jackson. “eé “sé Janesville, Waseca. Jordan, Scott. sé 66 Junction, Carlton. 66 6c it 3 66 6 66 Kasson, Dodge. ce 6c Kellogg, Wabasha. Kennedy, Kittson. Kalkenny#La Sueur. Lac qui Parle, Lac qui Parle. La Cresent, Houston. Lake Benton, Lincoln. Lake City, Wabasha. Lake Crystal, Blue Earth. 66 sé ce 6c Lake Elmo, Washington. Lakefield, Jackson. Lake Park, Becker. Lanesboro, Fillmore. Le Roy, Mower. Le Sueur Centre, Le Sueur. ce ce Litchfield, Meeker. ce os Little Falls, Morrison. Long Prairie, Todd. Luverne, Rock. se sé Mabel, Fillmore. McCauleyville, Wilkin. Madelia, Watonwan. Madison, Lac qui Parle. Mankato, Blue Earth. ce iT Mantorville, Dodge. Mapleton St’n, Blue Earth. Marshall, Lyon. Mazeppa, Wabasha. Melrose, Stearns. Milan, Chippewa. Minneapolis, Hennepin. 66 cc 66 6c 6é ee 6é 6 66 cé cé 6e6 Minneiska, Wabasha. Minnesota, Lyon. Minnesota Lake, Faribault. Montevideo, Chippewa. ce «6 sé ce Montgomery, Le Sueur. Monticello, Wright. Moorhead, Clay. ee oe Moose Lake, Carlton. Mora, Kanebec. Morris, Stevens, ee ce ce ce Morristown, Rice. Mountain Lake, Cottonwood MountainLake Hotel. New London, Kandiyohi. New Prague, Scott. Tsinour Hotel. Ashley House. Gilbert House. Johnson House. Mercharts Hotel. American House. Reidle House. Commercial Hotel. Minnesota Hotel. Marshall House. Walker House. Eureka House. Hunley House. American House. Commercial Hotel. Oakland House. Merchants Hotel. Brown Hotel. La Crescent House. Hosley House. Benton House. Merchants Hotel. Murphy House. Lake House. National Hotel. Northern Hotel. Elmo Lodge Hotel. Lakefield House. Lake. Park Hotel. Lanesboro House. Caswell House. Higgins House. Centre House. Minnesota House. Howard House. Litchfield House. Lake Ripley House. Madam Burtels Htl. Gross Hotel. Long Prairie House. Luverne House. Merchants Hotel. Mabel House. Nolands Hotel. Flanders Hotel. Delling House. Munger House. Mankato House. Clifton House. Commercial House. Hubbell House. Mapleton House. Merchants Ex. Hotel. Johnson House. Franklin House. Central House. Milan House. West Hotel. Nicollet House. Bellevue House. Merrill House. St. James Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Clark House. Pauly House. Natl Hotel. Tremont House. Lake House. Dunn Hotel. Montevideo House. Excelsior House. Scandinavian House. Railroad House. Merchants’ Hotel. Grand Pacific Hotel. Jay Cooke House. Conger House. Conger Elouse. Metropolitan Hotel. Central House. Perkins House. Centennial Hotel. New London Hotel. International Hotel. SPAR I CE SN ENE ETH ITHOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR MINNESOTA—Continued. SSS Nagios Saat se ember beet TE Place County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Nee ii : : 8 : nnes rr shall. ‘cial House i ‘ : American House. Saint Cloud, Stearns. Minnesota House. Warren, Marshall Commercia : SR Eee | Dakota House Saint Hilaire, Polk. St. James Hotel. Ellsworth Hotel. ONE rice me Union House. Saint James, Watonwan. St. James Hotel. Warren, Marshall. Warren House. “ rm Washington House. es cs Union House. Waseca, Waseca. Grant House. “ i Northwestern House. | Saint Paul, Ramsey. Hotel Ryan. Ks a Sheridan House. “ “ “s ss Waseca House. Nicollet, Nicollet. Northfield, Rice. Norwood, Carver. Ortonville, Big Stone. ee oe ce ce Osakis, Douglas. ce ce Owatonna, Steele. ee ce ‘ Park Rapids, Hubbard. Pelican Rapids, Otter Tail. Perham, Otter Tail. Pine City, Pine. Pine Island, Goodhue. Piper Stone, Piper Stone. Plainview, Wabasha. Preston, Fillmore. ee ae ee 4eé Princeton, Mille Lacs. Priors Lake, Scott. Red Lake Falls, Polk. Red Wing, Goodhue. ce ce ce ee Redwood Falls, Redwood. Renville, Renville. Rice’s, Benton. Richwood, Beeker. Rochester, Olmsted. ce “c ce ce és ce Rosemount, Dakota. Rothsay, Wilkin. Rush City, Chisago. Rushford, Fillmore. Rushmore, Nobles, Saint Charles, Winona. Saint Cloud, Stearns. State Seal House. Archer’s Hotel. Central House. Efferth House. Lake House. Merchants’ Hotel. Jones House. Lake House. Fair View House. Arnold House. Commercial House. Winthrop House. Colvin House. Central House. Blodgett House, Grand Pacifie Hotel. Merchants’ Hotel. Lake View House. Fowler House. Calumet House. Cutting Hagase. Plainview Hotel. Tibbetts House. Benedict House. Farmers’ House. American House. North Star House. American House. Grainwood Hotel. National Hotel. Hotel De Batlo. St. James Hotel. Newton House. Merchants’ House. Exchange Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Dodge House. Parmeter House. Richwood House. Cook House. Norton House. Commercial House. Merchants’ Hotel. Minnesota House. Hynes’ House. Northwestern House. Grant House. Globe Hotel. Adams House. Northwestern House. Rushmore Hotel. Kelly House. Grand Central Hotel. “e ce 6c 66 ' co «6 ce cé ‘6 6c C6 66 ce ce 6e 6 ce sc ce ce Saint Peter, Nicollet. Saint Vincent, Kittson. Sauk Centre, Stearns. Sauk Rapids, Benton. Shakopee, Scott. Sherburn, Martin. Slayton, Murray. Sleepy Eye, Brown. Springfield, Brown. Spring Grove, Houston. Spring Valley, Fillmore. Starbuck, Pope. Stevens, Marshall. Stewart, McLeod. Stillwater, Washington. 6é «6 ¢ 6c Sunrise City, Chisago. te ae Taylor’s Falls, Chisago. Thomson, Carlton. ee ce Tracy, Lyon. ae ce Two Harbors, Lake. Tyler, Lincoln. Verndale, Wadena. Villard, Pope. Wabasha, Wabasha. Waconia, Carver. Wadena, Wadena. ee ee Merchants’ Hotel. Merritt Hotel. Windsor Hotel. St. James Hotel. American Hotel. Metropolitan Hotel. Baugh’s European Hotel. Grand Central Hotel. Sherman Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Clarendon Hotel. Northwestern Hotel. Nicollet House. Adams Hotel. Sauk Centre House. Central Hotel. City Hotel. Davis House. Occidental House. United States House. St. Paul House. Sherburn Hotel. Slayton Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Spring Grove Hotel. Commercial House. Starbuck House. De Cord House. Stewart House. Sawyer House. Elliott House. Pitman House. Dallas House. City Hotel. Wyoming House. Dallas House. Leland House. Stickney House. Ashley House. Commercial Hotel. Exchange Hotel. City Hotel. Agate Bay Hotel. Lake View Hotel. Bolton House. Villard House. Merchants Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Lake House. Merchants Hotel. King’s Hotel. Waterville, Le Sueur. Watson, Chippewa. Waverly Mills, Wright. Welcome, Martin. Wells, Faribault. West Concord, Dodge. Westford, Martin. Wheaton, Traverse. White Bear Lake, Ramsey. sé ee White Earth, Becker. Willmar, Kandiyohi. Windom, Cottonwood. “ce «“é 6s ee «“ 4“ Winnebago City, Faribault. s ce Winona, WwW inona. y ce “ce “ Worthington, Nobles. Wykoff, Fillmore. Zumbrota, Goodhue. Arlington House. Commercial House. Watson House. Waverly House. Montgomery House. Wells House. American House. Walker House. Westford House. Occidental Hotel. Hotel Chautaqua. Leip House. Cottage Home. H’ de-Ires. Spottswood House. Marlow House. Pacific House. Clark House. Widdom Hotel. Hyatt House. City Hotel. Lake House. Kimball House. Doud House. Huff House. Jewell House. Ludwig Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Worthington Hotel. Wykoff Hotel. Midland House. Zumbrota Hotel. UTIL Y.—The practical utility of this Depart- ment will be apparent and appreciable to a large num- ber of the traveling public, and those persons who are going on a journey where they are unacquainted. uide a hotel can be selected and made riends and postmaster before leaving, so using this known to i thattelegrams, mail, or other By important matters may be forwarded without waiting directions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. LADIES who are unaccustomed to traveling without escorts, can be reatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forwarding aggage checks, together with any special instructions as to taking care 0 them. BUSINESS MEN of various avyocations will often find this Department a convenient reference in their business affairs when it is desired to meet arties at a distance, inthe larger cities; an un- derstanding as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunting, etc., attended with extra expenses. ete., which are usually TRAVELING TROUPES or parties going in extra numbers can arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by corres- pondence in adyance. In writing any of these houses please mention that name was taken from the “ Hotel Travelers Guide Department” of “THE EVERY OF- FICE FAVORITE.” REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR MIN NESOTA. Place. County. Name. Ada, Norman. “é 6 Adrian, Nobles. Aitkin, Aitkin. Albert. Lea, Freeborn. ss ee é ee Alden, Freeborn. Aldrich, Waudena. Alexandria, Douglas. Amboy, Blue Earth. Anoka, Anoka. ‘ ee Appleton, Swift. Argyle, Marshall. Ashby, Grant. Atwater, Kandiyohi. Audubon, Becker. Kjeldson & Norby. D. H. Fisk. H. H. Phelps. John M. Martin. L. S. Nelson & Co. Mylius Bros. 8. S. Luther. O. D. J. King. W. A. Rogers. Geo. T. Gardner. W. Buell. 5.8. Edwards. H. B. Collins. R. H. Armstrong. John A. McCay. H. B. Perrin. James T. Rogers, James U. Woods. HK. King. S. H. Johnson. Bank of Appleton. Lane & Richardson. O. P. Hawkins. Samuel Porter. T. W. Dunlap. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Austin, Mower. Avoca, Murray. Balaton, Lyon. Barnesville, Clay. ae ee Becker, Sherburne. Beaver Creek, Rock. Beaver Falls, Renville. ce ee Belcher, Pope, Belle Plaine, Scott. Benson, Swift. &e ee Bigelow, Nobles. Bird Island, Renyille. Blooming Prairie, Steele. Blue Earth City, Faribault. Brainerd, Crow Wing. Brandon, Douglas. Breckenridge, Wilkin. Richardson & Day. T. O'Leary. J. B. Gibbons. Philippi & Lemley. E. Thompson. Frank Fridley. Daley Bros. & Wal- lace. H. Bounerud. S. R. Miller. John 8. Winston. Wm. H. Weibeler. Hodgson & Kundson. Baron Land & Loan 0 R. R. Johnson. John De Boss. Donohue & Paine. A. D. Ingersoll. H. J. Neal. Geo. W. Buswell. Keene, Nevers & Spaulding. A. P. Riggs. Halvor Engemven. Breckenridge, Wilkin. Brown’s Valley, Traverse. Buffalo, Wright. ce ce Byron, Olmsted. Caledonia, Houston. Cambridge, Isanti. Campbell, Wilkin. Canby, Yellow Medicine. hue. Carver, Carver. Centre City, Chisago. Chaska, Carver. oe “é Chatfield, Fillmore. se oe Cherry Grove, Fillmore. Claremont, Dodge. ee te Clear Water, Wright. Nelson & Co. Clear Lake, Sherburne. Cannon River Falls, Good- Clarkfield, Yellow Medicine. Andrew Brandrup. Sam J. Brown. D. Cochran. J. H. Wendell. A. Y¥. Eaton. J. B. Kendall. P.J. & E.H. Smalley. James O’Brien. Peter Magnus. E. Bolintine. John Swenson. J. C. Michael. Anton Knoblauch. A. Wallmark. Frederick Greiner. Peter Weego. Kingsley & Shepherd. Oustine & Doud. P. McCracken. H.C. Rand. John Edmond. John C. Dahl. W.H. Crowell. W. V. Davee.REAL ESTATE ACCENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR MINNESOTA—Continued. Place. County. Cokato, Wright. Crookston, Polk. Currie, Murray. Dassel, Meeker. Dawson, Lac-qui- Parle. Delano, Wright. Delavan, Faribault. Detroit City, Becker. ce ce Dodge Centre, Dodge. Dover Centre, Olmsted. Duluth, St. Louis. East Chain Lakes, Martin. East Grand Forks, Polk. Easton, Faribault. Edgarton, Pipe Stone. Elk River, Sherburne. “ce “ec Ellsworth, Nobles. Evansville, Douglas. Hyota, Olmsted. Fairmont, Martin. sc “se “ec « ‘ce 6e 66 ce Faribault, Rice. Farraington, Dakota. Fergus Falls, Otter Tail. Fisher, Polk. Forest City, Meeker. Fulda, Murray. “ec 6é Gaylord, Sibley. Glencoe, McLeod. Glenwood, Pope. Glyndon, Clay. Graceville, Big Stone. Grand Medow, Mower. Grand Rapids, Itasca. Granite Falls, Yellow Med- icine. 66 ‘6 oe sé Grove City, Meeker. Grove Lake, Pope. Hallock, Kittson. Hancock, Stevens. Hastings, Dakota. Hawley, Clay. Hazelwood, Rice. Hector, Renville. Henderson, Sibley. Hendrum, Norman. Herman, Grant. Heron Lake, Jackson. Hinckley, Pi ine. Hokah, Huston. Huston, Huston. Howard, Wright. ot “ee “ce sé Hutchinson, McLeod. Jackson, Jackson. “e 66 ee ce & ce Janesville, Waseca. Janesville, Waseca. J ordan, Scott. Kandiyohi Station, Kan- diyohi. u Name. H. @. Bull. A. D. Stephens. B. H. Whitney. J. A. Maxwell. John Sweetman. Neil Currie. Douglas Martin. Peter Johnson. C. M. Anderson. I. H. Lindsley. M. A. O’Hair. John Alvey. W. W. Bossman. Bank of Detroit. Becker Co. Bank. B. F. Latta. Dover Centre Bank. Richardson, Day & 0 A. W. Young. A. D. Stephens. Jas. EH. Williams. Wn. Lockwood. Chas. S. Wheaton. Henry Castle. E. A. Thomas J. P. Peterson & Co. Bank of Evansville. C. S. “Andrews. Bullard & Peterson. Visselman & McCad- den. J. W. Gould. J. L. Higgins. Edward F. Wade. C. L. Lowell. Samuel Longee. R. Judson. F. H. Lake. De Morse & Thomp- son. EK. Kimball. Taylor & Woolsten- croft. Dickson Bros. Bank of Gaylord. G. K. Gilbert. Knight & Dean. W. J. Carson. Ole Rigg. W.H. Bangs. M. F. Noonan. H. B. Sheldon. C. H. Duggin. Hall Bros. Foss & Burton. Wellcome & Pearsall. A. Dersch. H. H. Velie. W. FEF. Wallace. L. N. Eklund. Bk. of Hancock. R. Clagett. ely Chamberlain. John Costain. James McCabe. W.C. White. S. & O. Kipp. A. L. Gordon. O. C. Eaton. K. D. Briggs. Thos. Brennan. H. H. Scott. Jobn FE. Russell. John F. Russell. F. kK. Latham. J.T’. Alley. H. E. Jones. J. V. V. Lewis. David A. Adams. John K. Brown. Geo. R. Moore. Thos. J. Knox. D. M. Devore. L. D. Rogers. A. J. O’Drady. J. W. Callander. Ww. H. Baier. D. C. O’Brien. Place County. Kasson, Dodge. Kennedy, Kittson. Kingston, Meeker. Koikenny, Le Sueur. Lac-qui- -Parle, Lae-qui- Parle. se “ce Lake Benton, Lincoln. cc “ee ee se es ee. Lake City, Wabasha. Lake Crystal, Blue Earth. Lake Park, Becker. Lamberton, Redwood. Lanesboro, Fillmore. Le Roy, Mower. Lester, Rice. Le Sueur Centre, Le Sueur. “cc 6c Litchfield, Meeker. Little Falls, Morrison. Long Prairie, Todd. “sé sc Luverne, Rock. McCauleyville, Wilkin. Madelia, Watonwan. Madison, Lac-qui-Parle. Mankato. Blue Earth. Mantorville, Dodge. 4s ‘ec ac ce Marshall, Lyon. ce se oe ec Melrose, Stearns. Minneapolis, Hennepin. a 66 sé 66 se 66 sé 6s oe 66 “ce cs “ec 66 sé cc “sé 66 $6 “é ce Minne ota, Lyon. Minneota, Lyon. Montevideo, Chippewa. Montgomery, Le Sueur. Monticello, Wright. Moorhead, Clay. “ec ac Mora, Kanebec. Morris, Stevens. Mountain Lake,Cottonwood. Nashville Centre, Martin. New Lendon, Kandiyohi. New Prague, Scott New Ulm, Brown. : North Branch Station, Chi- sago. : Northfield, Rice. Norwood, Carver. Odessa, Big Stone: Ortonville, Big Stone. 6&6 “ee Name. Robt. Taylor. Geo. B. Arnold, Kennedy Land & Loan Co. Hi. A. Briggs. 12, Kaimery. Himle & Nettleton. Peter A. Olson. A. C. Matthews. A. E. Woodford. Ruel A. Dore. C. W. Stiles. W. E. Dean. R. H. Moore. A. Wells. A. J. Stackpole. Bk. of Lake Park. M. M. Madigan. B. A. Man. J. EB. Trask. J. W. Thompson. Le Quackenbush. kK. Dresher. Tete Taylor. K. R. Smith. F. W. Callers. W. Boricht. Meeker County Bk. A. Hamilton. N. Richardson. Levi M. Davis. Chas. Harens. W. E. Lee. Kniss Bros. & Gray. Halbert & Helm. R. W. Mortimer. Joseph Flanders. H. B. Wadsworth. Chas. Cooley. H.L. Hayden & Co, W. W. Rhodes. Geo. A. Clarke. Melvin G. Peters. A. La Due. Geo. A. Norton. Geo. W. Sawyer. A.C. Forbes & Co. Drew Bros. R. R. Bumford. Bk. of Melrose. John R. Walcott. A. J. Condit & Co. Marsh & Bartlett. Lauderdale & Co. J. Gouldsbury. Gale & Co A. A. Camp. E. S. Corser & Co. W.A. Barnes & Co. L. Franklin. N. W. Land Invest- ment Co A. D. Davidson. Forbes & Davidson. Buda & Moyer. Gustave Eliason. Thos. Nagle. Edwin B. Preble. A. A. White. H. A. Bruns. Comstock & White. F. E. Briggs. Daniel Titus. Dans forth & De Wolf. The Stevens Co. Ab- stract & R. E.Ag’y. Henry P. Goertz. H. Moorman. Harold Swenson. Frank N. Hays. J. Newhart. C. W. Kent. Frank Colter. Coon & Donaldson. Perkins & Drake. James Slocum, jr. Henry Walters. Chiff & Cuddy. John McCallum, B. Bassell. Place. County. Osakis, Douglas. Oslo, Dodge. Owatonna, Steele. oe sé es ce 66 “e é ¢ Oxford, Isanti. Park Rapids, Hubbard. Pelican Rapids, Otter Tail. Pine City; Pine. oe és se ce “ce “c“ «6 ce 4c ce Pine Island, Goodhue. Pipe Stone, Pipe Stone. ¢c ce sé ce se ee Plainview, Wabasha. Preston, Fillmore. Princeton, Mille Lacs. ae 6c Red Lake Falls, Polk. Red Wing, Goodhue. Redwood Falls, Redwood. Renville, Renville. Rice’s, Benton. Rochester, Olmsted. ce ce Rothsay, Wilkin. Rush City, Chisago. Rushford, Fillmore. Sacred Heart, Renville. Saint Charles, Winona. Saint Cloud, Stearns. Saint James, Watonwan. ce ee Saint Paul, Ramsey. “eé sé oe cs Saint Peter, Nicollet. ce ce Saint Vincent, Kittson. Sauk Centre, Stearns. Sauk Rapids, Benton. Shakopee, Scott. Sherburne, Martin. Slayton, Murray. Sleepy Eye, Brown. Smith Lake, Wright. Springfield, Brown. Spring Valley, Fillmore. Stevens, Marshall. Stillwater, Washington, 66 ce 6c ee 6c sc cs oe 66 66 Name. Henry Steel. M. Stevens. Tremont J.Thoe. J. B. Soper. B.S. Cook. Lord Bros. H. Schmidt. Wm. H. Kelley. S. & E. Johnson. Wheelock & Sperry. Sawyer & Sawyer. C. W. Hadley. Steven Hewson. James Billings. Henry Dressler. Fred. A. Hodge. Levi H. McKusick. Richard G. Robinson. A. G. Perkins. Oliver Wilcox. Alfred H. Lambert. James Hurley. J. B. Fowler. C. R. White. Swett & Mann. J. H. Nichols. Walbridge & Moore. . K. Sweet. D. M. Stuart. J. F. Pope. Thompson Bros. D. A. Caley. Chas. Keith. John M. Boyle. Hall & Warner. Hoard & Boynton. Pierce & Simons. Werner & Hall. Goodhue Co.Svgs.Bk. Bowers & Robinson. Dunnington & War- ner. G. T. Christianson. G.-T. Rice. O. O. Baldwin. T. H. Bliss. C. H. Heffron. H. G. Stordeck. P. B. Smith. L. F. Christianson. Colburn & Son. Bruce Brown. E. Hill. Jas. R. Bennett, jr. M. K. Armstrong. Ss. Ce Glark Geo. P. Johnston, John M. Lynch. R. W. Jobnson. H. S. Fairchild & Son. Cochran & Walsh. Wn. F. Davidson. H. H. Rothschilds. Campbell & Thorne. A. K. Barnum. Geo. H. Hazard. A. R. Keifer. A. A. Stone. A. J. Lamberton. T’. A. Donahower. R. R: Hedenberg. Morse & Lamb. Wn, A. Fletcher, E. Southworth & Co, D. L. Howe. C. McCabe. Alfred Terry. S. G. Morse. Isaac Gallagher. F. H. Dyckman. J. Z. Cochran. Isaac Gallagher. A. R. Holman. John P. Linden. QO. Syverson. TJ. Yorks: R. M. Coies. Prince & Harper. Myron Shepard. John Freeman. Chester McKusick. @. B. Jack.REAL ESTATE ACENTS Place. County. Sunrise City, Chisago. Terrace, Pope. - Thompson, Carlton. Tracey, Lyon. ae ‘ Two Harbors, Lake. Tyler, Lincoln. Verndale, Wadena. Villard, Polk. Wabasha, Wabasha. Waconia, Carver. Wadena, Wadena. “6 a6 Walnut Grove, Redwood. Warren, Marshall. AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR MINNESOTA—Continued. Name. Place. County. Name. Place County. Name. i i Winona, Winona. J. E. Prentise. . Roos. Warsaw, Rice. Edward Hollister. ona, 0 oe C. H Baldwin. Waseca, Waseca. Geo. R. Buckman. Senate ce Wnts ee Hawkins. ne ef A. C. Rainey. Woodstock, Pipe Stone. sank 0 oodstock. ae Ee “s ce B. S. Lewis. Worthington, Nobles. Frederickson & Co. G. H, Jessup & Co. Chas. W. Main. Edgar Brown. W. E. Dean. S. M. Chandler. C. A. Barrows. J. N. Murdock. J. W, Steel. A. J. Steidel. Field & Ostrander. Wilson & Stearns. C. L. Webber. Thos. F. Stevens. G. A. Lane. Waterville, Le Sueur. Wells, Faribault. Wheatland, Rice. Wheaton, J'raverse. White Earth, Becker. Willmar, Kandiyohi. “ “ Windom, Cottonwood. Winnebago City, Faribault. Winona, Winona. ce ce M. R. Everett. F. E. Watson. Phillip Plaisance. KE. W. Lee. H. D. McArthur. Central Land Co. J. W. Landquist. P. M. Quish. Nason & Espey. Chas. H. Patten. D. E. Vance. W.H. Yale. C. A. Pierce & Co. ce ce é¢ “e Zumbrota, Goodhue. Schell & Smith. J.P. Moulton. Peter ! kompson. I. C. Sterns. EXPLANATION AND REQUEST. —The parties whose addresses are given in this Department are, in nearly every instance, actively and attentively engaged in the Real Estate, sale and exchange business. In openicg corres- pondence with any of them, please mention that their address was taken from the ‘‘ Real Estate Agents and Dealers Depart- ment” of ‘* THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ By so doing, it furnishes you an introduction and gives extra assurance of their prompt attention. BANKS AND BANKERS perarruent ron MINNESOTA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Ada, Norman. Adrian, Nobles. ee ce Albert Lea, Freeborn. Alexandria, Douglas. Anoka, Anoka. Appleton, Swift. ce ae Ashby, Grant. Atwater, Kandiyohi. Austin, Mower. Battle Lake, Otter Tail. Beaver Creek, Rock. Beaver Falls, Renville. Belle Plaine, Scott. Benson, Swift. Bird Island, Renville. Blooming Prairie, Steele. Blue Earth City, Faribault. Brainerd, Crow Wing. “ “ce Breckenridge, Wilkin. Brown’s Valley, Traverse. te é Caledonia, Houston. Canby, Yellow Medicine. ce 66 Cannon R. Falls, Goodhue. Carver, Carver. Chaska, Carver. Chatfield, Fillmore. “ec ce Crookston, Polk. ce “es Currie, Murray. Dawscn, Lac-qui-Parle. Delano, Wright. Detroit City, Becker. “ee oe Dodge Centre, Dodge. Dover Centre, Olmsted. Duluth, St. Louis. Elk River, Sherburne. Evansville, Douglas. Eyota, Olmsted. Fairmont, Martin. Faribault, Rice. ce se Farmington, Dakota. Fergus Falls, Otter Tail. Fisher, Polk. Fulda, Murray. Gaylord, Sibley. Glencoe, McLeod. Glenwood, Pope. Bank of Ada. Bank of Adrian. Mylins Bros. H. D. Brown & Co. Freeborn Co. Bank. City Bank. First National Bank. Douglas Co. Bank. Anoka Nat'l Bk. First National Bank. Bank of Appleton. Farmers & Mere. Bk. 3ank of Ashby. Bank of Atwater. First National Bank. Mower Co. Bank. Bank of Battle Lake. Beaver Creek Bank. Farmers Bank. Bank of Belle Plaine. Bank of Benson. Swift Co. Bank. Bird Island Bank. Bank of Blooming Prairie. City Bank. First National Bank. Lumberman’s Ex. Bk. Wilkin Co. Bank. Brown’s Valley Bk. Traverse Co. Bank. Bank of Caledonia. Bank of Canby. Ex. Bk. of Canby. Bk. of Cannon Falls. Citizens Bank. Bank of Carver. Carver Co. Bank. Chatfield Bank. Root River Bank. First National Bank. Merchants Nat’l Bk. Murray Co. Bank. Bank of Dawson. Wright Co. Bank. Bank of Detroit. Becker Co. Bank. Parsons Bros. Dover Centre Bk. Duluth Nat’] Bank. American Ex. Bank. Bank of Elk River. Bank of Evansville. Exchange Bank. Martin Co. Bank. First Nat’l] Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. Exchange Bank. First National Bank. Citizen’s Nat'l Bk. Fergus Falls Nat’] Bk Bank of Fisher. Dickson Bros. Bank of Gaylord. Bank of Glencoe. McLeod Co. Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Glenwood. Graceville, Big Stone. Grand Meadow, Mower. Granite Falls, Y. Medicine. Hancock, Stevens. Hastings, Dakota. “e ee se ce Henderson, Sibley. Herman, Grant. Howard, Wright. Hubbard, Hubbard. Jackson. Jackson. Janesville, Waseca. Jordan, Scott. Kasson, Dodge. Kenvon, Goodhue. Kerkhoven, Swift. Lake Benton, Lincoln. Lake City, Wabasha. ec ec Lake Park, Becker. Lamberton, Redwood. Lanesboro, Fillmore. Le Koy, Mower. Le Sueur Centre, Le Sueur. oe ee Litchfield, Meeker. Little Falls, Morrison. Long Prairie, Todd, Luverne, Rock. Madelia, Watonwan. Madison, Lac-qui-Parle. Mankato, Blue Earth. ce ce Mapleton St’n, Biue Earth. Marshall, Lyon. Melrose, Stearns. Minneapolis, Hennepin. ce ee ce 4c 66 ce 6 Ee 66 é ce 6c 66 ‘6 66 66 “6 “6 ‘6 cc ce ‘cc Minneiska, Wabasha. Minnesota, Lyon. Minneota, Lyon. Montevideo, Chippewa. ee cc ee cc Moorhead, Clay. Morris, Stevens. ac ce Bank of Graceville. Exchange Bank. Granite Falls Bank. Yellow Med. Co. Bk. Bank of Hancock. German American Bk Farmers & Traders Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Sibley Co. Bank.. Grant Co. Bank. Bank of Howard. Hubbard Co. Bank. Bank of Jackson. Bank of Janesville. Scott Co. Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Kenyon. Bank of Kerkhoven. Lincoln Co. Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Lake City Bank. Bank of Lake Park. Deposit Bank. Bank of Lanesboro. Bank of Le Roy. Le Roy Bank. Bank of Le Sueur. Le Sueur Co. Bank. Meeker Co. Bank. Morrison Co. Bank. Bank of Long Prairie Bank of Luverne. Rock Co. Bank. Watonwan Co. Bank. Lac-qui-Parle Co. Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Citizens Nat’] Bank. City Bank. Mapleton Bank. Lyon Co. Bank. Bank of Marshall. Bank of Melrose. Union Nat’] Bank. Security Bk. of Minn. City Bank. Nat’l Bk. of Com ’rce Citizens Bank, First Nat’] Bank. Bank of Minneapolis. Nicollet Nat’?] Bank. Hennepin Co. Syg’s ank, N. W. Nat'l Bank. State Bank of Min- neapolis. Scandia Bank of Min- neapolis. Exchange Bank. Bank of Minnesota. Minneota Bank. Citizens’ Bank. Chippewa Co. Bank. Bank of Montevideo. Merchants Bank. First Nat'l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Stevens Co. Bank. New Prague, Scott. New Ulm, Brown. “ec és Northfield, Rice. Norwood, Carver. Ortonville, Big Stone. oe 66 Osakis, Douglas. Owatonna, Steele. “es “ Pelican Rapids, Otter Tail. Perham, Otter Tail. Pine Island, Goodhue. Pipe Stone, Pipe Stone. Plainview, Wabasha. Preston, Fillmore. Princeton, Mille Lacs. ted Lake Falls, Polk. Red Wing, Goodhue. ce 6c ee 6 Redwood Falls, Redwood. Rochester, Olmsted. Rush City, Chisago. Rushford, Fillmore. Sacred Heart, Renville. St. Charles, Winona. St. Cloud, Stearns. St. Hilaire, Polk. St. James, Watonwan. St. Paul, Ramsay. ce 6é sc 6c ac 6s 6c 6c 6c “c “ee é ce «c 66 6 6c 66 be “cc 6e oe St. Peter, Nicollet. ee oe Sauk Centre, Stearns. ae ee Sauk Rapids, Benton. Shakopee, Scott. Slayton, Murray. Sleepy Eye, Brown. Spring Valley, Fillmore. Stillwater, Washington. ee 6 6é sé ce 66 Tracey, Lyon. Verndale. Wadena. Bk. of New Prague. Citizens Bank. Brown Co. Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Citizens Bank. Norwood Bank. Bank of Ortonville. Orton’s Bank. Bank of Osakis. First National Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bk. Bk.of Pelican Rapids. Bank of Perham. Bank of Pine Island. Pipe Stone Co. Bank. Plain View Bank. Bank of Preston. C. H. Rines. Bk of Red Lake Falls. First National Bank. Pierce, Simmons & 0. Goodhue Co. Bank. Goodhue Co. Svg’s B. Bk.of Redwood Falls. Redwood Co. Bank. First National Bank. Rochester Nat’l Bk. Union National Bk. Bank of Rush City. Bank of Rushford. Bk of Sacred Heart. Bk. of St. Charles. First National Bank. German American Nat’l Bank. Bk. of St Hilaire. St. James Bank. First National Bank. Second Nat'l Bk. Third Nat'l Bank. Capital Bank. Bank of Minnesota, A. M. Peabody. Nat'l Ger. Am. BE. People’s Bank. St. Paul Natl Bk. Merchants Nat'l Bk. Germania Bank. Svg’s Bk. of St. Paul First National Bk. Nicollet Co. Bank. Bk of Sauk Centre. First National Bank. Benton Co. Bank. First National Bank. Stale Bk. of Slayton. Bank of Sleepy Eye. Merchants Bank. Bk of Spring Valley. Lumberman’s Nat’) Rank. First Nat'l Bk. St Crols Valley Svg’s ank. Stillwater Svg’s Bk. Bank of Tracey. Wadena Co. Bank.Place. County. Name. Verndale, Wadena. Villard, Pope. Wabasha, Wabasha. Waconia, Carver. Wadena, Wadena. Warren, Marshall. Waseca, Waseca. se ee Waterville, Le Sueur. Wells, Faribault. GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT Bk. of Verndale. Farmers Bank. First National Bank, Farmers Bank. Wadena Ex. Bank. Bank of Warren. Bank of Waseca. Peoples Bank. Bank of Waterville. Wells Bank. Place. County, Name. Willmar, Kandiyohi. Windom, Cottonwood. Winona, Winona. ce ec “ec ce sé sé “cc ce Place. County. Name. Ada, Norman. “ 6 Adrian, Nobles. Aitkin, Aitkin. Albert Lea, Freeborn. “c “ 6 “6 66 “ec “ & ts J 6“ «6 “ 6 “ “ “ Alexandria, Douglas. 6 6e ce sé 6c oe Anoka, Anoka. ce 6c cs «6 cs é6 cc se Appleton, Swift. Argyle, Marshall 6e ce be ae Ashby, Grant. Atwater, Kandiyohi. Austin, Mower. Avoca, Murray. barnesville, Clay. ce ce Battle Lake, Otter Tail. Beaver Falls, Renville. Belle Plaine, Scott. Benson, Swift. «f ce ae “ec Bird Island, Renville. Blooming Prairie, Steele. Blue Earth City, Faribault. ce ce &é ce sc 6c “ec 66 be éé “ec 6é ce 66 6c 6c ce ce 6c 66 ‘ec Brainerd, Crow Wing. “ 66 6s “cc ce ‘ & « rf 4 6 Breckenridge, Wilkin. 74 ee rt 3 “ce Brown’s Valley, Traverse. sé sé Brownton, McLeod. Buffalo, Wright. ‘6 oe Caledonia, Houston. John M. Martin. H. H. Phelps. D. H. Fisk. Gabriel Bjornson. L. 8. Nelson. C. O. Dailey. A. Y. Merrill. Lovely, Morgan & Mayan. Whytock & Todd. J. H. Parker. W.C. McAdam. A. G. Wedge. John Anderson. KE. C. Stacy. Herman Blackmer. D. R. P. Hibbs. H. Jenkins. Wm. H. Hutchinson. A.J. Ames. Nelson, Reynolds & Treat. Hammons & Ham- mons Morrill & Niles. Lord & Wyman. K. P. Hughes. ° D. L. Bugbee. E. T. Young. A. 1). Countryman. H. W. Brown. Peter Kirsch. L. 8. Bayrell. Lane & Richardson. W.S. King: Samuel Porter. Richardson & Day. . O'Leary. Geo. W. Lemley. C. J. Cahaley. J. H. Irish. S. R. Miller. R. A. Irwin. J. F. Russell. Hodgson & Young. Foland & McCune. Sanford S. Hodson. J. F. Fowler. A. D. Ingersoll. Daniel F’. Goodrich. S. W. Graham. J. H. Sprout. Jas. B. Wakefield. S. J. Abbott. Geo. W. Buswell. J. A. Kuster. Geo. B. Kingsley. G.S. Fernald. A. W. Trater. Holland & McClen- ehan. C. B. Sleeper. J. B. Douglas. W. A. Fleming. A.B. Matthews. Geo. F Cook. Ezra G. Valentine. John §. Noble. Crawford & Cassfield. A. Y. Eaton. David Cochran. J. H. Wendell. James O’Brien. Place. County. Kandiyohi Co. Bank. Bank of Willmar. Farmers Bank. Bank of Windom. Winnebago City, Faribault. Winnebago City Bk. Merchants Bank. Second National Bk. First National Bank. Winona Deposit Bk. Winona Svg'’s Bk. Name, Caledonia, Huston. Cambridpe, Isanti. Campbell, Wilkin. Canby, Yellow Medicine. Cannon River Falls, Good- hue. ‘e¢ “ce “ce Carver, Carver. Chaska, Carver. 6e “ce Chatfield, Fillmore. Cherry Grove, Fillmore. Clear Water, Wright. Crookston, Polk. Currie, Murray. Dawson, Lac-qui-Parle. Delano, Wright. ce sé ‘6 écé Detroit City, Becker. ‘é sé 3 ‘ce sé sé Dodge Centre, Dodge. Duluth, St. Louis. East Chain Lakes, Martin. Elk River, Sherburne. Evansville, Douglas. Eyota, Olmsted. Fairmont, Martin. sc iT7 “c “ cs se sc “a Faribault, Rice “ ce “ “ “ “ “ce és rtf 6“ ce “ce “eé 6c “ec “ Farmington, Dakota. Fergus Falls, Otter Tail. 66 66 6c «6 66 6s Fisher, Polk. Fulda, Murray. Glencoe, McLeod. “ce “cc “ce 66 Glenwood, Pope. 66 66 W. #H. Harris. P. J. & E. A. Smalley. C. S. Trask. Dwight A. Buell. Edward Scofield. Peter Magnus. E. Bolintine. John P. Arnott. O. E. Maxson. J.C. Michael. C. Parks. Frank Warner. W.C. Odell. Edwin T. Smith. J. A. Roemer. N. Kingsley. R. E. Shepherd. J. R. Jones. P. McCracken. W.4H. Crowell. H. M. Pierce. Henry C. Grass. Byron H. Whitney. Peter P. Smith. J.J. Botterson. F. F. O’Hair. F. H. Lindsley. M. A. O’ Hair. John T. Brown. S.J. Offord. W. W. Rossman. B.S. Bennett. C. M. Johnson. C. H. Benton. B. F. Latta. Frank A. Day. A. W. Young. Chas. S. Wheaton. N. P. Burrell. Howard M Atkins. H. Jenkins. C.S. Andrews. Shanks & Voreis. A. L. Ward. J. L. Higgins. H. M. Blaisdell. Chas. Platt. Edward F. Wade. Baxter, Townley & Gale. G. W. Batchelder. E.S. Bassett. John H. Case. A. D. Keyes. Anson L. Keyes. M. H. Keeley. Mott & Gipson. Thos. H. Quinn. R. Judson. Clapp, Woodard & Currie. Chas. L. Lewis. Jonn W. Mason. John P., Williams. Samuel Cooke. De Forest. Bucklen. Wilson Borst. A Pe hitchs Geo. M. Nelson. W. F. Schoregge. Little & Allen. Chas. P. Reeves. BANKS AND BANKERS DEPARTMENT FOR MINNESOTA—Continued. Place. County. Name. Woodstock, Pipe Stone. Worthington, Nobles. W ykoff, Fillmore. Zumbrota, Goodhue. Bk. of Woodstock. Bk. of Worthington. Nobles Co. Bank. Exchange Bank. Zumbrota Bank. REQUEST.— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken fromthe “‘Banks and Bankers Depart- ment”? of ‘‘THe Every OFFICE FAVORITE.’ ror MINNESOTA. Plave. County, Name. Glenwood, Pope. Graceville, Big Stone. icine, te 6e Hallock, Kittson. “ce ce Hastings, Dakota. 6s cs ce se ce ce sé ee 66 sé se 66 6c ‘é sé se cc ec Hawley, Clay. Hector, Renville. Henderson, Sibley. ce ce Herman, Grant. oe ‘sé ce ee Heron Lake, Jackson. Houston, Houston. Howard, Wright. ce 6s “ce “ce Hutchinson, McLeod. Jackson, Jackson. Janesville, Waseca. sé 6e cs 66 Jordan, Scott. Junction, Carlton. Kasson, Dodge. sé 6c“ ce ce ce ce Kennedy, Kittson. Kenyon, Goodhue. Lac-qui-Parle, Lac-qui- Parle. ce Lake Benton, Lincoln. ec ee te ce ce oe Lake City, Wabasha. ce “ce o6 cs ce ce Lake Crystal, Blue Earth. Lakefield, Jackson. Lake Park, Becker. Lamberton, Redwood. Lanesboro, Fillmore. sé ce ee “ce Le Roy, Mower. oe “e 6é 6 ‘“ “ E. M. Webster. T. T. Ofsthun. Wm. H. Perry. M. F. Noonan. Granite Falls, Yellow Medi- Shannon & McLarty. Gorham Powers. M. M. Rathbone. G. U. Holcomb. P. H. Konzen. Wm. Alley. J. R. Clagett. D. T. Chamberlain. L. T. Chamberlain. M. V. Seymore. Albert Shaller. Wn. Hodgson. K. C. Stringer. W.D. Pringle. W. H. De Kay. Geo. Barburas. kK. A. Whitford. Edwin Adams. W.C. White. W. H. Leeman. S. & O. Kipp. C. M. Stevens. Geo. Ketcham. J. W. Reynolds. K. D. Briggs. S. B. McIntire. J.T. Alley. F, E. Latham. Thos. R. Briggs. J. V. V. Lewis. Thos. J. Knox, D. M. Devore. Crump & Young. A. J. O'Grady. L. D. Rogers. R. A. McClelland. M. M. Shields. F. A. Watkins. Geo. B. Edgerton. Robt. Taylor. Geo. H. Cooley. Sam’l Lord. Chas. 8. Grason. W. J. Smalledge. Volstead & Sorley. K. O. Jude. HK. E. Sterling. C. W. Andrews. C W. Stiles. Tra Smith. W. E. Dean. H. D. Stocker. A. J. Greer. A. Wells. R. H. Moore. P. Brown. L. Craig. A. J. Stackpole. L. W. Seeley. OQ. L. Larson. M. M. Madigan. B. A. Man. W. B. Anderson. A. G. Chapman. Joseph McKnight. eek alias ke J.S. Bishop. J. P. Taylor. Le Sueur Centre, Le Sueur. Cadwell & Parker.CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MINNESOTA-—Continued | } Place. County. Name. Place. 7 , SS Can . Sa ae ae Cory Name. Le Sueur Centre, Le Sueur. Thos Hessian Ortonville, Bi 7 Mr : : s. Hessian. e, Big Grove. T, M. Grant i it : “6 W. Boright. ‘ ar erate ant. St. Peter, Nicollett. | Litchfield, Meeker. Chas. H. Strobeck. Osakis, Douglas. i Pome St. Vincent, Kittson. eae a | «“ : S. A. Plumley. es cs M. P. Stevens Sauk Centre, Stearns. Burte & Bete | a ss eatin eee Oren atin w Bh: Crandall. ‘ yy Sony u nee ees «“ r P.O : fe s M. B. Chadwick. Sauk Rapi aes elsey. | ae | Little Falls, Morrison. B. H. fain & s Amos Coggswell. Rapids, Benton. Jas. R. Bennett, jr. a | x 2 C. Lamb « « J. M. Burlingame. ue « Senn & Bell. ; | s & C. anneal G e A.C. Hickman. bs 6“ a. Q. A. Wood. | ee SR chardcor. c ° CAE Cds. Shakopee, Scott. Gee Nae eee | Long Prairie, Todd. J. D. Jones ‘6 « . Hazen. ue cs ME rOMD: | ; : HB, Wood aoe H. Johnson. a James McHall | ‘: s A. M. Cromwell «« H. E. Johnson. «< Fe L. H. Hawkins. i : = Levi M. Davis : “ ‘6 E. W. Richter. “ “ F. V. Brown. | Luverne, Rock. Martin Webber « és W. A. Sperry. cs « R. H. Scott. | % . Knox & Mead. « &« Sawyer & Sawyer. “6 ‘ H. J. Peck. | ‘ EEL Canfield. Sent L. L. Wheelock. ShachnenaNart Eh Southworth. | : ze P. E. Brown Peli On H Hubbard. . A. Vanderpool. Sleepy E ‘ 'B ; ae C. McCabe. | é « Se aa eae ae a Otter Lail. J. P. Wallace. Dyas a Ma ome | 66 Alb ‘ ; € a, er all. GC. H. Tuesley. 2 Ve Somerville. | i i ay 8 re See G.D.O'BHen, | Wingna, Wingna, MB Webliens ‘ ‘i ween pee cestetn, Bee ON, Flandreau ‘s “ wae wee bc dc b andall. “ * a : “ . re . North Branch Sn, Chisago, O: W: Ket ge fun & Ryan S45 Bony Morey rthfield, Rice. ens oa ss “ . H. Comfort Th Wi : ce cs . E. Bour « te ss “ nos. Wilson. «“ : Pattee & Cutl it Young & Leightner. “ ‘ Thos. Simpson “ Co & utler. «“ ‘“ O’Brien & O’Brien “ Wm. (ral ; 3 ‘6 on Donalson. St. P { : John W. Willi . “ce yj . Grale. a &« . Perkins & Drak . Peter, Nicollett. G ese “ «“ J. W. Dyckson. Ht Grony Ohara ‘ “ pea vcs “ D. B. Va H rtonville, Big Stone. Clit & ye. ce « - J. V.Q. Dodd Worthi x Tawne “& Ri: ] yr Cuddy. a S C. R. Dae ; orthington, Nobles. jb, 1M y Randall. A.A. Stone. A gRod, Bulmer: WE, Baker, nbrote . iu. aker, a, Goodhue. jf C, English.Notaries Public, Place. County. Name. Ada, Norman. oc “cc Adrian, Nobles. Aitkin, Aitkin. Albert Lea, Freeborn. “c «se Alden, Freeborn. Aldrich, Waudena. Alexandria, Douglas. Amboy, Blue Earth. Anoka, Anoka. “ae “e Appleton, Swift. Argyle, Marshall. eye Grant. Atwater, Kandiyohi. Audubon, Becker. Austin, Mower. Balaton, Lyon. Barnesville, Clay. Battle Lake, Otter Tail. Becker, Sberburne. Beaver Creek, Rock. Beavy er Falls, Renv ille. Belle Plaine, Scott. Benson, Swift. Bigelow, Nobles. Bird Is land. Renville. Biooming Prairie. Steele. Blue Earth City, Faribault. Brainerd, Crow Wa ing. ee Brandon, Doulas Breckenndge, Wilkin. “ce “ee Brown’s Valley, Traverse. ce se Brownsville, Houston. Buffalo, Wright Byron, Olmsted. Caledonia, Houston. Cambridge, Isant1. Canby, Yellow Medicine. Cannon R. Falls, Goodhue. Carver, Carver. ee ce Chaska, Carver. Chatfield, Fillmore. Claremont, Dodge. Chatfield, Yellow Medicine. Sherburne. Clear Lake, § Cokato, Wioht. Crookston, Polk. Currie, Murray. Dassel, Meeker. Dawson, Lac-qui-Parle. Delano, Wright. Delavan, Faribault. Detroit City, Becker. Dodge Centre, Dodge. Duluth, St. _Louis. Edgerton, ree Stone. Elk River, Sherburne. Ellsworth, Nobles. Evansville, Douglas. Byota, Olmsted. Fairmont, Martin. ee oe et ce Faribault, Rice. “ ee ce ee Farmington, Dakota. Fergus Falls, Otter Tail. Pisher,> Polk. Forest City, Meeker. Fulda, Murray. Gaylord, Sibley. Glencoe, McLeod. Glencoe, McLeod. Glenwood, Pope. Jesse Barnes. FE. H. Flatan. Levi. Rue. S. S. Luther. Edwin F. Barrett. Geo. F. Williams. C. B. Keller. S. H. Cady. D. W. Dwyer. C. BE. Booth. R. H. Armstrong. G. B. Ward. H. B. Perrin: Everett Hammons. D. L. Bugbee. J. H. Niles. C. F. Ireland. K. T. Young. Tra C. Richardson. O. P. Hawkins. Samuel Porter. T. W. Dunlap.” L. A. Pierce. J. M. Greeman. J. B. Gibbons. P. Philippi. W. L. Winslow. Frank Fridley. H. White. Geo. F. Miller. punOeny Keefe. R. A. Irwin. Jacob Brodell. John De Boos. J. F. Fowler. J.C. Brainard. H. J. Neal. N. P. Spaulding. Wm. Paine, sr. Geo. A. Keene. Halvor Engemoen. Ransom Phelps. Chas. R. Ohver. EB. F. Crawford. We Elodd: John H. Rippe. W. H. Cochran. J. H. Wendell. J.B. Kendall. Eugene Marshall. Peter Magnus. Chas. O. Norton. J.C. Michael. John Sundine. Anton Knoblauch. Geo. A. Du Toit. J. R. Jones. T. J. Dansingburg. John C. Dahl. W. VY. Davee. HC Bull: A. D. Stephens. H. M. Pierce. Henry C. Grass. L. W. Leighton. C. M. Anderson. M. A. O’ Hair. John Alvey. L. M. Stevens. S. C. Peters. B. FE. Latta. I. W. Payne. Henry H. Bell. GC. P. Marshall. Henry Castle. J. P. Peterson. O. Kron. C. S. Andrews. J. L. Higgins. Ae Us Me ~ Decker. . W. Sinclair. L. Lowell. M. Frink. . A; Davis. t. Judson. EH. Lake. O. O. Whited. E. Kimball. J. M. Dixon. W. G. Comnick. R. R. Allen. Geo. M. Nelson. C. P. Reeves. cl I PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPARTWT FOR Minnesota Place. County. Glenwood, Pope. pager: Clay. Golden Gate, Brown. Graceville, Big Stone. Grand Rapids, Itasca. Grove City, Meeker. Hallock, Kuttson. Halstead, Morman. Hastings, Dakota. Hawley, Clay. Hazelwood, Rice. Hector, Renville. Hende son, Sibley ; Hendrum, Norman. Her man, Gr ant. Heron Lake. Jackson. Hinckley, Pine. Hokah, Houston. Houston, Houston. Howard, Wright. Hubbard, Hubbard. Hutchinson, McLeod. Jackson, Jackson. Janesville, Waseca. Jordan, Scott. Junetion, Carlton. | Kandiyohi St’n, Kandiyohi. hoe Dodge. | Kenyon, Goodhue. | Kerk hoven, Swift. Lac-qui- Parle, Lac-qui- | Parle: | Lake Benton. Lincoln. | Lake City, Wabasha. | Kingston, Meeker. | Lake Crystal, Blue Earth. Lake Park, Becker. Lanesboro, Fillmore. Le Roy, Mower. Lester, Rice. ce Litchfield, Meeker. Long Prairie, Todd. cc ee Luverne, Rock. eé “ec Madelia, Watonwan. te se 6s ee Mantorville, Dodge. Mar shall, Lyon. Melrose, Stearns. ce ‘é Minnesota, Lyon. Minneota, Lyon. ce ee Monticello, Wright. Moorehead, Clay. Mora, Kanabec. Morris, Stevens. New Prague, Scott. New Ulm, Brown. 66 cé “ec Grand Meadow, Mower. Granite Falls, Yellow Med. Tiamibertons Redwood. Le Sueur Centre, Le Sueur. ae Little Falls, Morrison. Madison, Lac-qui-Parle. ee 6 Mankato, Blue Harth. Mapleton St'n, Blue Earth. Minneapolis, Hennepin. ee oe Minnesota Lake, Faribault. Montevideo, Chippewa. Montgomery, Le Sueur. Name. W. J. Carson. W.4H. Bangs. Horatio Werring. M. J. McDonnell. M. K. O'Neill. H. B. Sheldon. C. H. Duggin. D. A. McLarty. A. Dersch. P. H. Kozen. A.C. T'vedt. J. R. Clagett. Kk. A. Whitford. Edwin Adams. James McCabe. W.C. White. E. L. Wetch. O. Kipp. A. L. Gordon. O. C. Eaton. C. M. Stevens. EK. D. Briggs. M. J. Durkan. David House. i A. Horner. M. Buck. ae Billings. David A. Adams. J. Knox. Geo. R. Moore. L. D. Rogers. R. H. McClelland. H. Oldenburgh. D. O’Brien. Geo. B. Edgerton. Robt. Taylor. W. L. Luce. F. M. Thornton. J. F. Jacobson. Ruel A. Dore. H. D. Focker. ¥ A. Briggs. . Craig. 6: U Berg . J. 8. Letford: W.. B. Anderson. J. F. Trask. A, YW. Thompson. a rancis Cadwell. J. U. Chapman. Hamlet Stevens. K}. B. Benson. R. J. Richardson. E. H. Farnham. J. D. Jones. S. C. Warner. W m. Jackson. R. B. Hinkley. D. C. Hopkins. Joseph Flanders. John B. Oadson. W. W. Rhodes. Geo, T. Barr. Ww. P. Coffin. Moreen E. Berry. Geo. A. Norton. Wm. M. Plymat. Morgan E. Berry. M. M. Hoagland. M. B. Drew. C. D. Lord. B.S. Gaylord. Walter B. Kellogg. C. C. Joslyn. A. N. Daniels. A.D. Davidson. C. W. Apley. W. C. Bellows. Peter J. Hilder. L. L. Clark Thos. G. Hovorka. J. ©. Tarbox. Geo. i. Perley. Frank Davenport. J. C. Pope. P. A. McCarthy. S. A. Flaherty. Mountain Lake,Cottonwood.Henry P. Goertz. New London, Kandiyohi. Harold Swenson. W.S. Broz. James McKitrick. Frank L. Randall. | Place. County. Northfield. Rice. ee ce Norwood, Carver. ce Ortonville, Big Stone. ( vc Osakis, Douglas. Oslo, Dodge. Owatonna, Steele. Oxford, Isanti. Park Rapids, Hubbard. Pelican Rapids, Otter Tail. Pine City, Pine. Pine Is Jand, Goodhue. Pipe Stone, Pipe Stone. Plainview, Wabasha. Preston, Fillmore. Princeton, Malle Lacs. oe ae Red Wing, Goodhue. | Redw ood Falls, , Redwood. | Renvville, Renvyille. | Rochester, Olmsted. Rothsay, Wilkin. Rush City, Chisago. Sacred Heart, Renville. Saint Charles, Winona. Saint Cloud, Stearns. Saint Hilaire, Polk. | Saint James. Watonwan. | Saint Paul, Ramsey. sé ce ce ce Saint Peter, Nicollet. Saint Vincent, Kittson. Sauk Centre, Stearns. ee ee Sauk Rapids, Benton. se ‘ce Shakopee, Scott. ae ce Shera Martin. Slayton, Murray. Sleepy Hye, Brown. Smith Lake, Wright. Springfield, Brown. Spring Grove, Houston. Spring Valley, Fillmore. Stevens, Marshall. Stillwater, Washington. ce a6 Sunrise City, Chisago. Terrace, Pope. Tracy. Lyon. Two Harbors, Lake. Tyler, Lincoln. V ‘erndale, Wadena. Villard. Pope. Wabasha, Wabasha. Waconia, Carver. Wadena, Wadena. Walnut Grove, Redwood. Warren, Marshall. ce +e Warsaw, Rice. Waseca, Waseca. “ “cc Watertown, Carver. iT “ce Waterville, Le Sueur. Wells, Faribault. Wheatland, Rice. Wheaton, Traverse. White Earth, Becker. Willmar, Kandiyohi. Windom, Cottonwood. “ “ee ‘cc “se Winnebago City, Faribault. Winona, Winona. ce ce Woodstock, Pipe Stone. W orehie gto, Nobles. Wykoff, Fillmore. Zumbrota, Goodhue. Name. F. O. Rice. S. A. Siverts. H. B. Dersmeger. James Slocum, jr. Byes he Clift: J.P. Cuddy. Henry Steel. Tremont J. Thoe. A. C. Hickman.. H. Schmidt. Steven Howard. F. A. Vandupool. Frank ©. Rice. J. P. Wallace. L. H. McKusick. J. B. Fowler. Riley French. D. E. Sweet. EK. L. Sylvester. Chas Webb. Robert Blayden. J. C. Patterson. T. I. Anderson. M. E. Powell. John H Powers. J. T. Brooks. Burt W. Eaton. F. A. Gooding. H. G. Stordock. Jobn C. Carlson. pence Brown. James R. Bennett, jr. J. C. Davis. J. W. Seager. S. V. Hauft. J. J. Mullen. M. F. Propping. G. R. Davis: A. A. Stone. R. R. Hedenberg. L. T. Story. A. G. Whitney. Roger J. Bell. Henry Fox. E. Southworth. F. V. Brown. C. McCabe. Alfred Terry. Isaac Gallagher. J. Z. Cochran. Jee Haye Lars Budahl. A. R. Holman. AY UL Clarke H. R. Murdock. Thos. Leeky. O. Roos. Geo. W. Seymour. C. H. Baldwin. C. W. Main. Edgar Brown. W. EH. Dean. S. M. Chandler. W.H. Perry. L. Whitmore. A. ©. Kaeder. T. I’. Ostrander. C. L. Webber. A. G. Murray. Geo. Weatherby. Edward Hollister. C. E. Leshie. E. L. Maddox. A. J. Brown. Chas. G. Halgren. M. R. Everett. C. N. Andrews. Phillip Plaisance. EK. W. Lee. Chas. C. Hoyt. G. BE. Q. Vale. Geo. S. Collins. S. S. Johnson. E. C. Huntington. Andrew ©. Dunn. M. B. Webber. Thos. Simpson. Thos. Wilson. Geo. Eyland. W. A. Peterson. L. G. Kilburn. E. V. Canfield.MORTGAGE LOAN ascents anp Place. County. Name. Ada, Norman. Adrian, Nobles. Albert Lea, Freeborn. ‘ _ Alexandria, Douglas. Anoka, Anoka. ee a Appleton, Swift. Argyle, Marshall. Ashby, Grant. Atwater, Kandiyohi. Austin, Mower. Barnesville, Clay. Beaver Creek, Rock. Beaver Falls, Renville. Belcher, Pope. Belle Plaine, Scott. Benson, Swift. ce ce Bird Island, Renville. Blooming Prairie, Steele. Kjeldson & Norby. L. S. Nelson & Co. Mylins Bros. H. D. Brown & Co. Thos. H. Armstrong. Geo. T. Gardner. Jobn A. McCay. Moorill & Niles. Jas. T. Rogers. P. BE. Pratt. S. H. Johnson. Bank of Appleton. Lane & Richardson. Bank of Ashby. Samuel Porter. Lyman D. Baird. Philippi & Lemley. Dailey Bros. & Wal- lace. 8. R. Miller. John S. Winstow. Wm. H. Weibeler. R. R. Johnson. Hodgson & Young. Benson Land & Loan Co. Donohue & Paine. Bk. of Blooming Pr. Blue Earth City, Faribault. Chadbun Bros. & Co. ce ce ce Brainerd, Crow Wing. ace 6s Breckenridge, Wilkin. ce ée e 66 Brown’s Valley, Traverse. ce ce Buffalo, Wright. «6 e¢ Caledonia, Houston. oe ee ce ce Cambridge, Isanti. Campbell, Wilkin. Canby, Yellow Medicine. Cannon R. Falls, Goodhu Carver, Carver. Chaska, Carver. Chatfield, Fillmore. Claremont, Dodge. Clear Lake, Sherburne. Cokato, Wright. Crookston, Polk. Currie, Murray. ce ce Dassel, Meeker. Dawson, Lac-qui-Parle. ee “se Delano, Wright. Detroit City, Becker. Dodge Centre, Dodge. Duluth, St. Louis. East Grand Forks, Polk. Edgerton, Pipe Stone. Elk River, Sherburne, “ «s Ellsworth, Nobles. Evansville, Douglas. Kyota, Olmsted. Fairmont, Martin. “e “c “ce “ 6 “ i) “ce Farmington, Dakota, Farmington, Dakota. Fergus Falls, Otter Tail. Fulda, Murray. Alex. Anderson. D. F. Goodrich. 8S. F. Aldeman & Co. Lumberman’s Ex. Bk. Wilkin Co. Bank. Ransom Phelps. D. Wilmot Smith. Samuel J. Brown. C. H. Colyer. F. W. Gorman. S. W. Junken. W.H. Cochran. A. D. Sprague. Sprague Bros. W. D. Gibbs. H. F. Barker. Peter Magnus. FE. Bolentine. Jobn Swenson. e. Bk. of Cannon Falls. Anton Knoblauch. Geo. A. Du Toit. Kingsley & Shepherd. John Edmond. H. C. Rand. Milton Stewart. . ©; Bull. A. D. Stephens. B. H.. Whitney. J. A. Maxwell. John Sweetman. Peter Johnson. C. M. Anderson. John W. McAllister. Wright Co. Bank. Becker Co. Bank. Bank of Detroit. Parsons Bros, Richardson,Day & Co. A. D. Stephens. Wm. Lockwood. W. H. Houlton. kK. A. Thonias. Arno & Holton. J. P. Peterson & Co. Bank of Evansville. A. L. Ward. Bullard & Peterson. Visselman & McCaa- den. J. L. Higgins. F. A. Berry. L. R. Webb. W.B. Brown. Jewett & Weston. C. L. Lowell. H. 8. Gipson. F. C. Davis. R. Judson. F. H. Jake. Dixon Bros. Place. County. INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR Name. Fulda, Murray. Gaylord, Sibley. Glencoe, McLeod. Glenwood, Pope. é “ec ee ee Graceville, Big Stone. Grand Meadow, Mower. Granite Falls, Y. Medicine. Grove Lake, Pope. Hallock, Kittson. Hancock, Stevens. Hastings, Dakota. ee ce ce ce Hector, Renville. Henderson, Sibley. Herman, Grant. ce ce Heron Lake, Jackson. Hokah, Huston. Howard, Wright. Hutchinson, McLeod. Jackson, Jackson. Janesville, Waseca. 6¢ ce Jordan. Scott. Kasson, Dodge. Kukenny, Le Sueur. Lac-qui-Parle, Lac-qui- Parle. 6c 6e Lake Benton. Lincoln. Lake City, Wabasha. Lake Park, Becker. Lanesboro, Fillmore. Le Roy, Mower. Le Sueur Centre, Le Sueur. ee ce ce cc 6 66 66 6c Litchfield, Meeker. Little Falls, Morrison. Long Prairie, Todd. Luverne, Rock. Madelia, Watonwan. Madison, Lac-qui-Parle. Mankato. Blue Earth. Mantorville, Dodge. Marshall, Lyon. ce ce Minneapolis, Hennepin. ce ee “ce ce ce ce ce “se ce ce ee a ‘s ‘co Minneota, Lyon. Montevideo, Chippewa. Montgomery, Le Sueur, Monticello, Wright. Moorhead, Clay. ce 6c ce aq Moorhead, Clay. Mora, Kanabec. Morris, Stevens, New Ulm, Brown. ae 6 Northfield, Rice. Kandiyohi St’n, Kandiyohi. Taylor & Woolsten- croft. Bank of Gaylord. G. K. Gilbert. Knight & Dean. W. J. Carson. Bank of Glenwood. C. P. Reeves. Bank of Graceville. C. F. Greening. Hall Bros. H. H Velie. L. N. Eklund. Bank of Hancock. J. R. Clagett. C. Norton. L. T. Chamberlain. W.C. White. Sibley Co. Bank. O. C. Eaton. H. Thoreson. E. D Briggs. John F. Russell. C. EK. Oakley. David A. Adams. Geo. R. Moore. A. C. Rainey. B.S. Lewis. Geo. R. Buckman. J. W. Callender. D. O’Brien. L. S. Peck. Geo. B. Arnold. P. Kinnery. Peter A. Olson. Himle & Nettleton. A.C. Matthews. Lake City Bank. Bank of Lake Park. Bank of Lanesboro. Strong & Farmer. Doram & Smith. lL. Quackenbush. John Taylor. Thos. Duffy. F. W. Kolars. Peter E. Hanson. Stevens & Co. Meeker Co. Bank. N. Richardson. A. Hamilton. Levi M. Davis. W.. BE. Lee. Chas. Harkens. Kniss Bros. & Gray. K. H. Canfield. J. O. Helgeson. Halbert & Helm. Joseph Flanders. Chas. Cooley. H. L. Hayden & Co. Geo. A. Clarke. Geo. W. Sawyer. Tennis S. Slingerland Forbes & Davidson. Drew Bros. R. R. Bumford. A.T. & L. EB. Kelley. Min. Loan & Trust Co A. J. Condit & Co. Bank of Noxascotia. Gates & Co. Corser & Co. S. H. Baker. Blake & Co. Minneota Bank. (x. Eliason. Thos. Nagle. James C. Tarbox. Burnham, Mills & Tillotson. Wellcome & Perley. L. VonBornstedt. H. A. Burns. Danforth & DeWolf. The Stevens Co. Ab- stract and Real Ks- tate Agency. William Pfaender. J. Newhart. Place. County. Minnesota. Name. Ortonville, Big Stone. Osakis, Douglas. Owatonna, Steele. ce “ce ‘ec “ec Park Rapids, Hubbard. Pine City, Pine. Pipe Stone, Pipe Stone. ce¢ ce Plain View, Wabasha. Preston, Fillmore. Princeton, Mille Laces. Red Wing, Goodhue. ee ce Redwood Falls, Redwood. ce “ce ée “ce Renville, Renville. Rochester, Olmsted. ce «ec oe “6 Rothsay, Wilkin. Rush City, Chisago. Rushford, Fillmore. Sacred Heart, Renville. Saint Cloud, Stearns. ce ce Saint James, Watonwan. ce ee Saint Paul, Ramsey. e ¢¢ ce ce ce 6e Saint Peter, Nicollet. ee te ce ee “ ce Sauk Centre, Stearns. ee ce Sauk Rapids, Benton. Shakopee, Scott. Slayton, Murray. Sleepy Eye, Brown. Smith Lake, Wright. Spring Valley. Fillmore. Stevens, Marshall. Stillwater, Washington. ce ce 6 6c 6c “6 Thomson. Carlton. Tracev, Lyon. Two Harbors, Lake. Verndale, Wadena. Villard, Pope. Wabasha, Wabasha. Waconia, Carver. Wadena, Wadena. Warren, Marshall. oe ce Waseca, Waseca. ce ee Waterville, Le Sueur. Wells, Faribault. Wheaton, Traverse. Willmar, Kandyohi. ‘ oe Windom, Cottonwood. Winnebago City, Faribault. Winona, Winona. ee &é ‘ec oe Woodstock, Pipe Stone. Worthington, Nobles. First National Bank. ae ce Chiff & Cuddy. Henry Steel. Bank of Osakis. Lord Brothers. S. B. Clark. Wheelock & Sperry. J. B. Soper. James Billings. Vanderpoel & Ross- man. Fred A. Hodge. Henry H. Wilson. J. H. Nichols. EK. C. Dean. Walbridge & Moore. Plainview Bank. Thompson Brothers. D. A. Caley. Werner & Hall. Hoard & Boynton. C. Williston. Dunnington & War- ner. Bowers & Robinson. H. D. Collier. J. T. Brooks. C. H. Heffron. John Edgar. T. H. Bliss. H. A. Eckholdt. A. B. Matthews. E. Balentine. L. F. Christianson. P. B. Smith. Colburn & Son. Bk. of Sacred Heart. B. KF. & F. E. Leach. Clark & McClure. Jas. R. Bennett, jr. M. K. Armstrong. S. C. Clark. Minn. Loan and Trust Co. Graves & Vinton. Cochran & Walsh. A. R. Keifer. Z.S. Gault. J. N. Treadwell. A. A. Stone. G. S. Ives. A. G. Whitney. Morse & Lamb. J. Q. A. Wood. EB. Southworth & Co, D. L. Howe. State Bk. of Slayton. ¥F. H. Dyckman. J. Z. Cochran, A. R. Holman. John P. Linden. C. M. McClure. Prince & Harper. Chas. H. Bristol. TJs eouKS: Chester McKusick. H. H. Hawkins. G. H. Jessup & Co, Edgar Brown. Law & Bullard. Farmers’ Bank. First Nat. Bank. Farmers’ Bank. Field & Ostrander. F. O. Lustab. H. C. Mentzer. A.C. Rainey. B.S. Lewis. Everett & Doran. F. EK. Watson. E. W. Lee. L. O. Thorpe. Geo. Muller. Janes 8. Ingalls. Redding & Laing. Andrew C. Dunn. M. B. Webber. W. 4H. Yale. C. A. Bierce & Co. Bank of Woodstock. Minn. Loan and In- vestment Co. Frederickson & Co.Place. County. HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR MISSISSIPPI. Name, Aberdeen, Monroe. Anguilla, Sharkey. Ashland, Benton. Austin, Tunica. Baldwyn, Lee. Banner, Calhoun. Batesville, Panola. Bay Saint Louis, Hancock. ce ee Belen, Quitman. se ec Biloxi, Harrison. Booneville, Prentiss. Brandon, Rankin. Brookhaven, Lincoln. Buceatunna, Wayne. Canton, Madison, Carrollton, Washington. Charleston, Tallahatchee. Chester, Choctaw. Clarksdale, Coahoma, Coffeeville, Yalobusha. Columbia, Marion. ce ee Columbus, Lowndes. ce ce ee ce Coopers Wells, Hinds. Corinth, Alcorn. Crystal Springs, Copiah. Decatur, Newton. DeKalb, AEE Duncans! dy, Issaquena. Durant, Holmes. Ellisville, Jones. Enterprise, Clarke. Fayette, Jefferson, Forest, Scott. Friars: Point, Coahoma. (soodman, Holmes. Greenville, Washington. “ec se se ee Greenwood, LeF lore. Grenada, Grenada. ce 6 Hattiesburgh, Perry. Hazelhurst, Copiah. cc ec Heidelberg, Jasper. Gordon House. City Hotel. Anguilla House. Reese House. Austin House. Forest House. Webb House. Fletcher House. Crescent Hotel. Noys Hotel. Blackburn Hotel. Cottrell House. Montross House. Robinson House. Shelton House. St. Mareo Hotel. Hooge House. European Hotel. Walker House. Planters Hotel. Saunders House. Charleston House. Chester Hotel. Foster House. Lombard House. Carris Hotel. Morrison House. Columbia Hotel. Gilmer House. Dowsing House. West House. Coopers Wells House. Sanford House. May House. Williams House. DeKalb Hotel. Roots House. West House. Windsor Hotel. McInnis Hotel. Gaston House. Planters Hotel. Pevy Hotel. Womack Hotel. Stewart House. Pickens House, Isenberg Hotel. Garey House. Delmonico Hotel. Allen Hotel. Chamberlain House. Pass House. Johuson House. Thornton House. Hazelhurst Hotel. Robertson House. Shields House. Place. County, Name. Heidelberg, Jasper. Hernando, DeSoto. Hickory, Newton, Holly Springs, Marshall. Houston, Chickasaw. Indianola, Sun Flower. luka, 'Tiskomingo. Jackson, Hinds. sé oe Johnsonville, Sun Flower. Kosciusko, Attala. Leakesville, Greene. Lexington, Holmes. Liberty, Amite. Louisville, Winston. ee se Macon, Noxubee. Magnolia, Pike. Mayersville, Issaquena. “ec “ce Meadville, Franklin. Meridian, Lauderdale. é 6 ce 6s Mississippi City, Harrison. Monticello, Lawrence. “ec ee “sé ‘< Morton, Scott. Mt. Carmel, Covington. Natchez, Adams. ie 3 “e Newton, Newton." Okolona, Chickasaw. Oxford, La Fayette. Pass Christian, Harrison, Paulding, Jasper. Philadelphia, Neshoba. Pittsborough, Calhoun. Pontotoc, Pontotoc. Poplarville, Marion. Port Gibson, Claiborne. ee 6eé Quitman, Clarke. Raleigh, Smith. 6é ee Raymond, Hinds. 66 66 Byrd House. Rollins House. Pinkston House. Waverly House. Lyon House. Burkett House. Schawbloski House. Iuka Sprlngs Hotel. Edwards House. Lawrence House. Spengler House. Parker House. City Hotel. Kosciusko Hotel. MclIrwin House. Baker House. Ratcliffe House. Warring Hotel. Phoenix House. Foster House. Dillard House. Magnolia Grove Hotel Blands House. Spiars House. Franklin Hotel. Raysdale House. St. Charles House. St. Elmo House. International Hotel. Gulf View Hotel. Wilson House. Carlisle House. Beal House. Bonds House. Pope House. Foster House. Miller House. Central House. Brown House. St. Elmo Hotel. McKie House. Thompson House. Mexican Gulf Hotel. St. James Hotel. Burton House. Wilson House. Yates House. Great Southern Hotel. Roberson House. Marion House. Bank Hotel. Gibson House. Sanders House. Center Hotel. North End Hotel, Hunter House. Charlton House. Place, County. Name. Hines House. Rolling Fork Hotel. Kent House. Ricaiale Bolivar. Rosedale Hotel. Saltillo, Lee. Saltillo House. Sardis, Panola. R. R. House. Scooba, Kemper. Lee House. os ss McCalibb House. Hayes Hotel. Greeley House. French House. Floyd House. St. Peters Hotel. Fulton House. Vaiden Hotel. East Side Hotel. Turner House. Washington House. Pacific House. Ripley, Tippah. Rolling F Geka Sharkey. Scranton, Jackson. Senatobia, Tate. ‘ce Shubuta, Clarke. Summit, Pike. Tupelo, Lee. Vaiden, Carroll. Verona, Lee. Vicksburg, Warren. 6é ce se 6c Vosburgh, Jasper. Walthall, ‘Webster. Verandah House. Voss Hotel. Walthall House. Tims House. Water Valley, Yalobusha. Oak Hall House. Waynesborough, Wayne. Jones House. «f = O’ Donnell House. Richardson House. Central Hotel. Jackson House. Westville, Simpson. Patterson House. Williamsburgh, Covington. City Hotel. Winona, Montgomery. City Hotel. Moore House. Woodville, Wilkinson. écé ec Wesson, Copiah. West Point, Clay. Cohen House. Beaumont House. McLaurin House. Blankinship House. White House. U¥ILET Y.—tThe practical utility of this Depart- ment will be apparent and appreciable to a large num- ber of the traveling public, and those persons who are going on a journey where they are unacquainted. By using this guide a hotel ean be selected and made known to friends and postmaster before leaving, so that telegrams, mail, or other important matters may be forw: irded Without waiting directions after arrival at stopping off place, or destination. LADIES who are unaccustomed to traveling without escorts, can be greatly assisted by selecting a Hotel and forw arding Daggage checks, together with any special instructions as to taking care of them. BUSINESS MEN of various avocations will often find this Department a convenient reference in their business affairs when it is desired to meet parties at a distance, in the larger cities; an un- derstanding as to the Hotel to stop at would often save much anxiety, hunting, ete., ete., which are usually attended with extra expenses, TRAVELING TROUPES or parties going in extra numbers can arrange for ample accommodations and special rates by corres- pondence in advance. In writing any of these houses please mention that name was taken from the “ Hotel Travelers Guide Department” of “THE EVERY OF- FICE FAVORITE. Yazoo City, Yazoo. “e ce ee ceREAL ESTATE «¢ pee eee Place. County. Aberdeen, Monroe. oe “ce ‘ec ce Ashland, Benton. Augusta, Perry. ‘ec ee Austin, Tunica. Baldwyn, Lee. Batesville, Panola. Bay St. Louis, Hancock. 66 66 ee «e Beauregard, Copiah. ee “ce Belen, Quitman. Blue Mountain, Tippah. Booneville, Prentiss. Brandon, Rankin. se ce ce ec Brookhaven, Lincoln. ce ee Bucatunna, Wayne. Byhalia, Marshall. Canton, Madison. Carrollton, Washington. «sé ee Carthage, Leake. “sc ee Charleston, Tallahatchee. Chester, Choctaw. Coffeeville, Yalobusha. Columbia, Marion. Columbus, Lowndes. “ se “ce “cc Corinth, Alcorn. DeKalb, Kemper. Durant, Holmes. Edinburgh, Leake. Ellisville, Jones. it “ce ce ee Fayette, Jefferson. Name. O. O. Eckford. J. W. Lee. Murphy & Walker. McDonald & Kimbro’. J. J. Bradford. B. Stevens. Waddell & Montgom- ery. P. M. Savery. S. L. Harmon. Delery & Iver. E. CG. Gardebled. J. V. Touline. H. Moody. L. O. Bridewell. F. M. Hamblet. M. B. Lowry. W.H. Rees. Cole & White. Henry & Enocks. Melvin & Martin. Sessions & Cassedy. W.R. Spencer. R. W. Jackson. T. M. Kump. G. W. Thomas & Co. Somerville & Askew. Helen & Estes. B. N. Ward. G. R. Edwards. Spencer Bailey. Hughston & Hughston Ross & Goladay. J. Iva Ford. Humphreys & Sykes. Toby W. Johnson. Landrum & Landrum. Juge & Juge. J. A. Currie. Outlaw & Johnson. C. J. Hooper. W. L. Lee. J. M. Bradley. E. M. Devall. O. H. McGinty. Place. County. Forest, Scott, ce oe ee “eé Friar’s Point, Coahoma. Greenville, Washington. Greenwood, Le Flore. Grenada, Grenada. ee ce Hattiesburgh, Perry. Hazelhurst, Copiah. Hernando, De Soto. Hillsboro, Scott. Holly Springs, Marshall. - Houston, Chickasaw. Indianola, Sun Flower. Jackson, Hinds. ee ee te ce Johnsonville, Sun Flower. Kosciusko, Attala. Lexington, Holmes. ce ee Liberty, Amite. Louisville, Winston. Macon, Noxubee. Magnolia, Pike. Mark, Quitman. Meadville, Franklin. Meridian, Lauderdale. Mississippi City, Harrison. Monticello, Lawrence. «6 ‘ Morton, Scott. G << Natchez, Adams. New Albany, Union. Okolona, Chickasaw. Oxford, La Fayette. ENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR MISSISSIPPI. Name. M. D. Graham & Co. J. B. Blackwell. J. K. PB. Palmer. Maynard & Yerger. Wm. Griffin. L. P. Yerger. Slack & Longstreet. Geo. Lake & Co. J. P. Carter. Conn & Norman. Harris & Dodds. White & Morgan. Thomas B. Johnson. Adison Craft. John Calhoun. Martin & Bates. J. Y. Walton. R. K. Jayne. H. R. Ware. W.J. Brown, Jr. J. W.S. Curr. Allen & McCool. (twin & Noel. Hooker & Wilson. J. R. Galtney. W. B. Shumaker. Chas. Richardson. UNS dig IROREE Lamkin & Lamkin. P. Marks. Cassedy & Proby. W. A. Brown. Calvit Roberts. W.G. Evans, Jr. A. E. Weathersby. A. H. Longino. Benj. King. CO. W. Taylor & Son. McGough & Moore. Maj. John Rowley. E. Geo. De Lap & Co. Stephens & Frederick. Orr, Lacey & Orr. Lamar, Mayes & Bran- ham. Place. County. Name. Paulding, Jasper. Pittsborough, Calhoun. Pontotoc, Pontotoc. Port Gibson, Claiborne. Quitman, Clarke. Raleigh, Smith. Raymond, Hinds. Ripley, Tippah. Rolling Forks, Sharkey. Rosedale, Bolivar. Sardis, Panola. Scooba, Kemper. Seranton, Jackson. Senatobia, ‘l'ate. Strayhorn, Tate. Tupelo, Lee. Vaiden, Carroll. Vicksburgh, Warren. 6é ce Walthall, Webster. Waterford, Marshall. Water Valley, Yalobusha. Waynesborough, Wayne. West Point, Clay. Westville, Simpson. Williamsburgh, Covington. Winona, Montgomery. Woodville, Wilkinson. Yazoo City, Yazoo. ee ee B. W. Sharborough. S. M. Roane. James H. Barr. Berry & Thrasher. Owen & Crissler. Stuart L. Wier. . C. Myer. J. F. Jones. D.S. Fearing. Spight & Marmon. S. W. Langford. McGuire & Johnson. Sillers & Scott. Miller & Rainwater. Thos. W. Brame. H. B. Everett. Shans & Johnson. Chas. F. Pace. F. M. Goor. Anderson & Stewart. J. H. D. Bowman & Sons. Speed, Marshall & Kent. J. E. Bridges. Jee Alvis: W.S. Chapman. M. L. McRae. Gerdine & McClellan. M. A. Banks. : J.E.N. Huddleston jr. Evans Hull. L. A. Weissinger. W. W. Lanehart. EXPLANATION AND REQUEST. —The parties whose addresses are here given, are, in nearly every instance, actively and attentively business. please mention that their name Estate Agents and Dealers Dep OFFIOE FAVORITE.”’ engaged in the real estate In opening correspondence with any of them, was taken from the ‘ Real artment’”? of ‘‘ THE EVERY MORTGAGE LOAN acents anv investors DEPARTMENT FOR Mississippi ° Place. County. Aberdeen, Monroe. e ee ae «ec Ashland, Benton. Austin, Tunica. Name. W.B. Walker. Stern Bros. Roy Bros. H. F. Lipford. J. A. Shone. Waddell & Montgom- ery. Bay Saint Louis, Hancock. Delery & Ivor. Brandon, Kankin. Canton, Madison. Carrollton, Washington. 66 ee Carthage, Leake. “e ce Charleston, Tallahatchee. \ E “ 7: Coffeeville, Yalobusha. Columbus, Lowndes. ce ee Corinth, Alcorn. DeKalb, Kemper. Durant, Holmes. Edenburgh, Leake. Forest, Scott. Friar’s Point, Coahoma. Greenville, Washington. Grenada, Grenada. 66 66 Cole & White. G. W. Thomas & Co Jas. Tillman. J.S. Kent. B.N. Ward. J. D. Kaks. W. 58. Eskridge. A. A. Bryant. HK. B. Kirksey. L. H. Snell. Green & Boone. J. H. Currie. Dr. H. P. Davis. W. W. Mayfield. C. J. Hooper. M.D.Graham & Co. D. A. Scott. Joshua Skinner. Slack & Longstreet. Horton & Adams; Place. County. Grenada, Grenada, Hazelhurst, Copiah. luka, Tishomingo. 6c ee Jackson, Hinds. “ce ee 66 ce Kosciusko, Attala. Lexington, Holmes. ‘6 ce Liberty, Amite. Louisville, Winston. | Macon, Noxubee. Mayersville, Issaquena. Meadville, Franklin. Meridian, Lauderdale. Monticello, Lawrence. Morton, Scott. Natchez, Adams. se 6e New Albany, Union. Okolona, Chickasaw. Oxford, La Fayette. ce “ Quitman, Clarke. Port Gibson, Claiborne. Name. Geo. Lake & Co. J.S. Sexton. J. N. Brown. J. B. Bullard. Capital State Bank. J. Greens Bank. First National Bank. Allen & McCool. Wm. Thomas. W. Jenkins. Robert T. Rice. J. M. Boswell. *. J. Ross. Farish & Scudder. M. C. Johnson. Builders Loan Ass'n. Will C. Cannon. C. KE. Watts. C. W. Taylor & Son. John Rowley. Britton & Koontz. Z. M. Stevens, Orr, Lacey & Orr. C. B. Howry. Bank of Oxford. John H. Kimmons. I. D. Vertner. Stuart L. Wier. Place. County. Raleigh, Smith. Ripley, ‘Tippah. Rolling Forks, Sharkey. Rosedale, Bolivar. Sardis, Panola. Senatobia, Tate. Vaiden, Carroll. Vicksburg, Warren. ae 6 ‘ce ce West Point, Clay. Westville, Simpson. Woodville, Wilkinson. Yazoo City, Yazoo. Name. J. F. Jones. Falkner & Frederick. Dr. T. T. Orendorf. McGuire & Johnson. Bank of Sardis. Oglesby & Taylor.. A. A. Kaigler. Francis Smith & Co. J. H. D. Bowman & Sons. Speed, Marshall & Kent. Water Valley, Yalobusha. Bank of Water Valley White & Fox. Gerdine & McClellan. M. A. Banks. A. G. Shannon. Hudson, Hudson & Holt. EX PLANATEON,—The parties whose addresses are here given are identified in the ReaL Estate FIRST Mort- GAGE loan business, and through whom such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance, and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respective localities. To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and taken from the ‘Mortgage mention that their name was Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department”? of “THE Every OFFICE FAVORITE.”Place. County. Aberdeen, Monroe. é “cs ce ce ce ce ce “e Acherman, Choctaw. ee ce Anguilla, Sharkey. Ashland, Benton. Augusta, Perry. Austin, Tunica. ‘ ce Baldwyn, Lee. Batesville, Panola. Bay St. Louis, Hancock. Beaureguard, Copiah. Belen, Quitman. Biloxi, Harrison. Blackhawk, Carroll. Blue Mountain, Tippah. Bolivar, Bolivar. Bolton’s Depot, Hinds. Booneville, Prentiss. ce ‘ 6e ce sé se “ce “ec ‘ “ce ce “ce ce éé cc ‘ 66 sc ee 6é 66 ‘6 66 se Byhalia, Marshall. Canton, Madison. “ce 6é ce ce “se ¢e Carrollton, Washington. 6s “ce Carthage, Leake. ee ce ce 6e ce ac Centreville, Wilkinson. Charleston, Tallahatchee. 6e ce Chester, Choctaw. ee ee be “ce Chulahoma, Marshall Coffeeville, Yalobusha. ee ce Columbia, Marion. 6e 6 Columbus, Lowndes. ee 6é ‘ce 66 66 66 6c 66 Concordia, Bolliver. Corinth, Alcorn. Crystal Springs, Copiah. Decatur, Newton. DeKalb, Kemper. 66 ee «6 oe Duncansby, Issaquena, Durant, Holmes. ce 66 Edwards, Hinds. Name. Sykes & Bristow. Houston & Reynolds. Clifton & Eckford. Davis & Acker. G. J. Buchanan. J. W. Barron. Hughston & Hughston D. McCreery. Stith & McDonald. McDonald & Kimbro’. J.J. Bradford. J. B. Perkins. T. J. Woodson. ’'T. F. Powell. Waddell & gomery. W. M. Cox. Standifer & Stone. S. C. Cook. D. B. Seal. Pasey & Bowers. Benj. Deblieux. L. O. Bridwell. H. Moody. F. M. ‘Hamblet. Joseph R, Davis. J. B. Martin. M. B. Lowrey. W. B. Roberts. B. H. Wells. H. Peyton. B. A. P. Gilman. Boone & Lacy. S. P. Allen. J. P. Carraway. B. H.P. Selman. McLaurin & McLaurin Cole & White. Henry & Enocks. Wm. McCannon. W. H. Clark. A.C. McNair. R. H. Thompson. Chas. Chrisman. Sessions & Cassady. J.B. Deason. W. R. Spencer. P. N. Stranback. John Hundy. J. W. Downs. kB: Pratt. BR: ©. Smith; (0), Ne Luckett. T. H. Somerville. Helm & Estes. O. A. Luckett. D. C. Beauchamp. T. C. Spencer, Raymond Reid. H. C. Capell. W. B. Marshall. W.S. Eskridge. Spencer Bailey. W.: J. Daniel. J. W. Pinson. Hughston & Hughston R. P. Bowen. Ross & Goladay. W. A. Roane. Geo. H. Lester. Ty. Hord: D. M. Watkins. Orr & Sims. Jas, E. Leigh. S.M.& N. C. Meek. Evans & Baldwin. Landrum & Landrum. Fountain Jones. Young & Stanley. R. T. Williams. J. H. Kilpatrick. G. A. Newton. Thomas Keith. T. B. McCune. Thos. P. Bell. J. H. Currie. Wm. P. Evans. A.J. Wilkinson. Anderson & Weiner. W.M. Smith. R. H. Montgomery. J. B. Graves. Mont- Place. County. Name. Ellisville, Jones. “ec 6s Enterprise, Clarke. 6eé ce Fayette, Jefferson. te. “ss ce “cc Forest, Scott. Free Run, Yazoo. Friar’ 's Point. Fulton, Itawamba. “ec ee ce cc Gloster, Amite. oe ee Goodman, Holmes. Greenville, Washington. oe ee ce 66 66 éé ce sé ‘ 66 ee “ce Greenwood, LeF lore. 6c 6c ce ‘c sc te Grenada, Grenada. ‘é ce ce 6e Hattiesburgh, Perry. Hazelhurst, Copiah. Heidelberg, Jasper. Hernando, DeSoto. 66 be 6 66 6é se Hickory, Newton. Hillsboro, Scott. Holly Springs, Marshall. 66 66 te cs Houston, Chickasaw. 6eé és se e Indianola, Sun Flower. ce 6 ce ee ce é Iuka, Tishomingo. Jackson, Hinds. se 6e oe 66 “e ce ce éeé se e 66 ‘é 6eé &eé Kosciusko, Attala 6eé 66 6é 6é 66 ‘“c“ 6c ec “ce Lexington, Holmes. 6b e ce “6 Liberty, Amite. ce 6é 6c 6c 6c“ ée Longtown, Panola. Louisville, Winston. ee ee “cc ce 6c oe Macon, Noxubee. T. J. Hardy. NeChe Enlil A. F. McGee. Robt. George. J.J. Whitney. Toney & Truley. J.S. Hicks. J. K. P. Palmer. T. B. Graham. S. H. Kirkland. D. C. Warren. Huddleton & Nichols. B. Richardson. D. A. Scott. Geo. F. Maynard. George Winston. R. Yerger. N. Cayce. J: Herbert. F. J. Johnson. Cassidy & Ratcliffe. A. J. Bolls. D. Mitchell. Perey, Yerger & Percy Robt. B. Campbell. J. M. Jayne. W.R. Trege JoshuaS. Skinner. Wn». Griffin. W.H. Smith. A. McKimbrough. L. P. Yerger. J. M. Liddell. Coleman & Gardner. Horton & Adams. Slack & Longstreet. W.C. McLean. K. Melnnis. T. B. Wilkins. J. S. Sexton. Harris & Dodds. Miller & Conn. H. B. Mayes. J. L. Meade. R. S. Morrison. Richard Dunn. Powell & Buchanan. D. M. McKinzie. C. R. Boyce. White & Morgan. A. M. Lauderdale. yi. M. Gage. Thos. B. Johnson. Watson & Smith. R. 8. Stich. Fant & Fant. Harris & Gholson. J. B. Gladney. A. White. Martin & Bates. C.S. McKinzie. Baird & Baker. M. F. Colvin. EK. C. Orrick, J. B. Reynolds. Nugent & McWillie. Calhoun & Green. D. Shelton. Brown & Wafford. Hemingway & George Brame & Parker. F. Johnston. W.P.& J. B. Harris. Allen & McCool. Anderson & Davis. Butt & Butt. Brantley & Smith. Haden & Dodd. C. M. Brook. C. V. Gwin. Hooker & Wilson. Gwin & Noel. B. F. Johns. Theo. McKnight. J. R. Galtney. Geo. F.. Webb. W. J. Hast. Wm. Price. R. C. Jones. Chas. Richardson. W. B. Shumaker. MN da LaYOREE GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MISSISSIPPI. Place. County. Magnolia, Pike. Mayersville, Issaquena. “cc 6c Meadville, Franklin. ee “ce 6c - 66 Meridian, Lauderdale. ce 6c ‘ce ce oe “ce Michigan City, Benton. Mississippi City, Harrison. «6 “ec ce oe Monticello, Lawrence. 6c ce ée ee Natchez, Adams. “cc sc sc ce oe ee New Albany, Union. Newton, Newton. Okolona, Chickasaw. ec ce Oxford, La Fayette. se “cc ce “ce Pass Christian, Harrison. “ce ‘ce Paulding, Jasper. Pheenix, Yazoo. Pittsborough, Calhoun. ec 6é Pontotoc, Pontotoc. ei 5 Poplarville, Marion. Port Gibson, Claiborne. Quitman, Clarke. Raleigh, Smith. Raymond, Hinds. Ripley, Tippah. 6e ce 6e 6c ce 66 Rolling Forks, Sharkey. sé ce ce 6é Rosedale, Bolivar. ee 4é 6a 4c ce éé sé rT] Saltillo, Lee. Sardis, Panola. oe 6 ee ce Satartia, Yazoo. Scooba, Kemper. ce “ce ce ce Scranton, Jackson, oe “ce Senatobia, Tate. Shubuta, Clarke. Name, Lamkin & Lamkin. Farish & Scudder. O. EK. Mayer. J. R. Yerger, jr. Keane Webb. Cassedy & Proby. T. H. Webb. W. 4H. Whitaker. Fewell, Watkins & Broham. Woods & McIntosh. Walker & Hall. Dial & Weitherspoon. P. W. Hamm. Roderick Seal. Calvit Roberts. W. G. Evans, jr. A. H. Weathersby. Benj. King. /X, Jal, Longino. T. Otis Baker. Martin & Lanneay. J.S. Morris. Carson, Shields & Car- son. R E. Connor. F. K. Winchester. J. G. Leach. Reed & Reed. J. H. Dalton. L. R. Kennedy. J. F. Moore. Huston & Williams. Harper & Baskin. Orr, Lacey & Orr. H. Bae Lamar, Mayes & Bran- ham. Sullivan & Sullivan. C. B. Howry. Elliott Taaesone Jee Cunytis: L. H. Champlin. S. T. Street. B. W. Sharborough. W. W. Coody. J. L. Lyon. Tho. P. Gibbs. J. I. Ballenger. Fontaine & Mitchell. O. C. Caxr. Jas. H. Barr. G. W. Ellis. E. 8S. Drake. I. D. Vertner. L. N. Baldwin. J. C. MeMartin. E. H. Stiles. O. B. Collins. Currie & Thomas. Wells & Williamson. J. & J. M. Shelton. Watson, Thurman & Harris. Falkner & Frederick. Speight & Marman. B. F. Worsham. W. D. Brown. McLaurin & McLaurin A. L. Niel. W. H. Downs. ~ Moore & Clark. ~ J. J. Montgomery. OwUF McGuire. Chas. Scott. Sellers & Scott. Je DF Barton: Taylor & Kyle. Boothe & Lowry. Miller & Rainwater. Jas. R. Chalmers. A. G. Nornell. J. H. Neville. Thos. W. Brame. Jas. Watts. Seal & Bloomficld. Posey & Chidsey. Oglesby & Taylor. McClenden & Deen. Shands & Johnson. J. C. Roseborough. D. W. Heidelberg.CENERAL LAW AND COLL Place. County. Steens Creek, Rankin. Strayhorn, Tate Summit, Pike. Perry, Hinds. ce se Tupelo, Lee. ‘c 66 ce ce 66 66 6é ‘ce Vaiden, Carroll. ‘ Vernal, Greene. Verona, Lee. 6s 66 Vicksburg, Warren. ce eé ‘4 66 66 66 66 of 6 «6 66 ce Name. W.O. Norrell. Chas. F. Pace. _. Lamkin & Lamkin. Leon St. Leon. D. Nicholson. LA lai W. D. Anderson. H. C. Medford J. L. Finley. J. M. Allen. J. Q. Robbins. Somerville & McClurg Anderson & Stewart. John C. McInnis. A. J. Russell. S. M. Taylor. Patrick Henry. Birchett & Guland. Miller, Smith & Hirsh. Alf B. Pittman. McCabe & Anderson. W. Bruce Banks. O.S. Robbins. Place. County. Vicksburg, Warren. Vosburgh, Jasper. Walthall, Webster. ‘cc ee “cr ee Waynesborough, Wayne. te “eé West Point, Clay. 6c 6 cc “6 ce 66 Westville, Simpson. 6 cc “ce &eé Williamsburgh, Covington. 66 se 6é 6eé ce 66 Cutchings & Dabney. k. A. Hamlin. J. H. Clark. J. M. Leverett. S. L. Cook. A.T. Smith. Water Valley, Yalobusha. Sullivan & Sullivan. s % Fly & Martin. J. L. Morris. D. M. Taylor. Barry & Beckett. Beall & Bradshaw. White & Fox. Gerdine & McClellan. G. R. Rasberry. ECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MISSISSIPPI—Continued. Name. T, L. Mendenhall. T. A. Dickson. M. A. Banks. T. R. Gowan. John Leggett. W. L. Moore. Jel: with p that name was Department” of Place, County. Name. Winona, Montgomery. ce 66 ce 66 ce ce Woodville, Wilkinson. e ce 66 “ec “a 6é Yazoo City, Yazoo. iT 9 ce 66 66 66 ce cé 66 6é 66 Sweatman, Trotter & Trotter. G. A. McLean. H. R. McInnis. W.T. Knox. D. C. Bramlett. GC. P. Nielson. A. G. Shannon. H. L. Davis. W. A. Elder. D. R. Barnett. Hudsen, Hudson & olt. Williams & Williams. Bowman & Bowman. Henry & Campbell. E. Drenning. REQUEST.—In opening a business correspondence oS arties whose addresses are here given, kindly mention taken from the ‘‘ General Law and Collection “Tae EVERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.”’ doing you confer a favor to the publishers, and at the same By so = Finley C Z time obtain extra assurance of your business meeting with J.F. N. Huddleston jr. | prompt and careful attention. NOTARIES PUBLIC, vrorzst anp coNVEYANCING DEPT FOR Mississippi. Place. County. Abbeville, LaFayette. Aberdeen, Monroe. Ashland, Benton. Augusta, Perry. Austin, Tunica. Bay Saint Louis. ae ec Beauregard, Copiah. Belen, Quitman. Booneville, Prentiss. Brandon, Rankin. Brookhaven, Lincoln. ee «é Bucatunna, Wayne. Byhalia, Marshall. Canton, Madison. Carrollton, Washington. Carthage, Leake. ce ee Charleston, Tallahatchie. Chester, Choctaw. “es ce Coffeeville, Yalobusha. Columbia, Marion. ee oe Columbus, Lowndes. “e ee Corinth, Alcorn. ce 4e¢ Crystal Springs, Copiah. Decatur, Newton. ee se DeKalb, Kemper. Durant, Holmes. Enterprise, Clarke. Fayette, Jefferson. 6 és Forest, Scott. Name. R.S. McGowan. B.C. Sims. John H. Morgan. M. M. Clark. A. J. Sylvester. W. G. Jaquess. E. J. Bowers. W. A. Brown. E. F. Pierce. J. A. Cooper. W. H. Rees. E. Jack. G. S. Millan. I. Warren. B. W. Jackson, S. W. Benson. Wu. O. Baldwin. Jobn P. Marshall. R. L. Wallace. K. H. Bailey. H. A. Simmons. J. B. Dunn. J. D. Fulcher. A.C. Moore. I, M. Fortenberry. J.C. Ryals. Joseph H. Stevens. C. H. Ayers. J.T. Humphreys. J. M. Martin. G. A. Newton. Eugene Carleton. S. M. Adams. J.B. Oden. L. A. West. B. M. A. Smith. C.C. Coffey. O. H. McGinty. R. T. M. Simmons. Place. County. Friar’s Point, Coahoma. Fulton, Itawamba. Goodman, Holmes. Greenville, Washington. 66 “e ce ce Grenada, Grenada. ee “ee Hazelhurst, Copiah. ce 66 Hillsboro, Scott. Holly Springs, Marshall. Indianola, Sun Flower. Iuka, Tishomingo, Jackson, Hinds. ce ce Kosciusko, Attala. Leakesville, Greene. Lexington, Holmes. Liberty, Amite. Louisville, Winston. Macon, Noxubee. Magnolia, Pike. Mayersville, Issaquena. Meadville, Frankln. Meridian, Lauderdale. Michigan City, Benton. Mississippi City, Harrison. Monticello, Lawrence. Morton, Scott. Mount Carmel, Covington. Natchez, Adams. New Albany, Union. Newton, Warren. Okolona, Chickasaw. Oxford, La Fayette. Pass Christian, Harrison. Name. R. N. Harris. J. M. Walker. R. J. Moody. J. Alexander. C. M. Johnson. J. G. Marshall. L. R. Turner. J. P. Thomas. 8. D. Ramsey. G. D. Lowe. M.H. Lack. Geo. C. Myers. Jas. B. Walthall. J. Y. Walton. H. O. Irwin. W.H. Potter. W. J. Ratliff. John Riley. Daniel McLeod. W. I. Dyer. Chas. Carroll. J. EF. Sharp. R. C. Paltry. J. R. Dinsmore. W.C. Vaught. W. Ei. Mallison. Place. County. Name. Paulding, Jasper. Poplarville, Marion. Port Gibson, Claiborne. Quitman, Clarke. Raleigh, Smith. Ripley, Tippah. Rolling Forks, Sharkey. 66 6s Rosedale, Bolivar. Sardis, Panola. Scooba, Kemper. Scranton, Jackson. Senatobia, Tate. ee ce Taylor, La Fayette. Tupelo, Lee. Vaiden, Carroll. Vicksburg, Warren. e sé Walthall, Webster. Waterford, Marshall. Waynesborough, Wayne. “cc ce Wesson, Copiah. i. C. Adams. W. D. Cameron. R. H. Parkham. F.S. Hewes. C. E. Watts. G. W.S. Liles. Thos. Pope. Addison H. Foster. A. J. Smith. John H. Thompson. E. F. Medlin. W.E. Andrews. J.J. Curtis. West Point, Clay. ee ee Westville, Simpson. Winona, Montgomery. Woodville, Wilkinson. Yazoo City, Yazoo. N. J. Sheeley. P. J. Harvey. A. K. Jones. C. R. Bailey. Nelson M. Myer. T. A. Hunt. J. H. Cortwright. N. T. Baggett. T, R. McGuire. W.H. Wall. Pat McCalib. W. M. Denny. | Sam J. House. W. B. Sloan. A. Henderson. R. D. Porter. W.C. Bessonette. W. A. McCandless. J. uy. Cain. Laz Lindsey. Jas. T. Strather. Tom M. Gore. J. P. Cherry. R. S. Burk. T. J. Marley. D. J. Patterson. John A. Stevens. J. W. Brady. A. Q. May. Williamsburgh, Covington. Evans Hull. J.S. Cameron. L. C. Johnson. R. A. Pickett. NOTICE.—Clerks of the Courts, Mayors of incorpor- ated Towns and Cities, also Justices of the Peace, act as ev- officio Notaries Public in this State, whose names comprise a majority of thislist. In writing them, please mention that name was taken from the ‘‘Notaries Public, Protest and Con- yeyancing Department ” of ‘* THE Every OFFICE FAVORITE.” BANKS AND BANKERS peprarrwent ror MISSISSIPPI. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Aberdeen, Monroe. ce te Canton, Madison. ee 6e Columbus, Lowndes. ee ce Corinth, Alcorn. “cc ce Greenville, Washington. Grenada, Grenada. 6 ee Gattman & Co. Jinkins Bros. Canton Exchange B’k. Foote & Cage. First Nat] Bank. Columbus Ins., Banking Co. Tishomingo Savings Bank. Sekels & Ruhel. Bank of Greenville. Negus, Ireys & Co. Bank of Grenada. Geo. Lake & Co. & Hazelhurst, Copiah. Holly Springs, Marshall. Jackson, Hinds. «ce 6é ee “ce Kosciusko, Attala. Meridian, Lauderdale. Natchez, Adams, ce ce Okolona, Chickasaw. Oxford, La Fayette. Merchants & Planters Bank. Bank of Holly Springs. Sam Frank. Capital State Bank. First National Bank. J. Greens Bank. C. C. Kelly. First National Bank. Meridian Nat'l Bank. Britton & Koontz. Bank of Natchez. Bank of Okolona. Bank of Oxford. Place. County. Name. Sardis, Panola. Starkville, Oktibbeha. Verona, Lee. Vicksburg, Warren. oe ee 6c ee Wesson, Copiah. West Point, Clay. Winona, Montgomery. Yazoo City, Yazoo. Water Valley, Yalobusha. Bank of Sardis. Bank of Starkville. Lee County Bank. Vicksburg Bank. First National Bank. Merchants’ Nat’l Bk. Bank of Water Valley Mississippi Mills. First National Bank. Bank of Winona. Bank of Yazoo City. REQUEST.— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the “Banks and Bankers Depart- ment”? of ‘Tus Every Orriog FAVORITE.”HOTEL, See Be o> * TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR MISSOURI. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Adrian, Bates. Advance, Stoddard. Albany, Gentry. Alexandria, Clarke. Allendale, Worth. Altenburgh, Perry. Alton, Oregon. Annapolis, Iron. Appleton City, St. Clair. ce Arbela, Seot aoe Archie, Cas Atlanta, Mat acon. Aurora Spr 128, Miller. Ava, Douglas. 3arnard, Nodaway. Belmont, Mississippi. Benton, Sco tt. Bertrand, Mississippi. Bet thany, Harrison. iT) ce 6é Billings, Christian. Blackburn, Saline. Bloomfield, Stoddard. ““ ee Boleckow, Andrew. ~ se be Bolivar, Polk. ce ce Booneville, Cooper. ec se Bowling Green, Pike. 6 cc Breckenridge, Caldwell. Brookfield, Linn. ce ee ee ce Browning, Linn. 3rownsville, Saline. Brunswick, Chariton. “ce ce cé Buftal L O, Dallas. Farris House. Whitewell House. Evans House. Albany House. Palmer House. Ohio House. Wagener Hotel. Ohio House. Alton House. Annapolis House. Prier House. Commercial House. Wabash House. Merchants Hotel. Porter House. Virginia Hotel. Hoover House. Singleton House. Hailey House. Western House. Belmont Hotel. Benton House. De Reign House. Lone House. Poynter House. Ramer House. Anderson House. Stowe House. City Hotel. Holderness Hotel. Jones House. Carson House. Valley House. Cummings House. Franklin House. City Hotel. Mansion House. Mansion House. Hotel Humphrey. Neft House. Clark House. Tremont House. Central House. Browning House. City Hotel. Andes House. Broon House. Grand Central House. Buffalo House. Burlington June. ,Nodaway. Sifkie House. oe Butler, Bates. se “ec “ce ‘ce Cabool, Texas. “sé “s California, Moniteau. sé te ee ce Cameron, Clinton. ‘ et Canton, Lewis. Commercial House. Palace House. Arlington House. Laclede Hotel. Cabool House. VanSlyke House. City Hotel. Occidental Hotel. California Hotel. Cameron House. Combs House. Canton House. Cape ( Girarde au,C. Girardeaust. Charles Hotel. “ec 66 Carrollton, C: arroll. Carthage, Jasper. ‘ce sé ce oe Caruthersville, Pemiscot. Cassville, Barry. “ee ce Cedar City, Callaway. Centre, Rolls. Centretown, Cole. Centreville, Reynolds. ce ee ce ce Chadwick, Christian. ec + Ge Chamois, Osage. 66 ce Charleston, Mississippi. 66 6 Marble City Hotel. Prescott House. Florence Hotel. Jacobs Hotel. Harrington House. Karr House. City Hotel. Tinsley House. Hotel de Pharis. Cassville House. yity Hotel. Mason Hotel. City Hotel. Barnes House. Larkin House. Parks House. Chadwick House. City Hotel. Merchants Hotel. St. Louis House. Woodbine House. Commercial House. Charleston, Mississippi. Chillicothe, Livingston, ce 6c - 6c sé Clarence, ce Clarksville, Pike. Clarkton, Dunkin. Shelby. Clayton, St. Louis. Climax Springs, Camden. Clinton, Henry. Commerce, Scott. Concordia, La Fayette. Conway, Laclede. Cottonwood Pt. Craig, Holt. Creve Coeur, St. Louis. ‘ oe Crocker, Pulaski. Cross Timbers, Hickory. Cuba, Crawford. Danville, Montgomery. cc “e Darlington, Gentry. Dauphine, Osage. Denver, Worth. De Soto, Jefferson. ce ‘ ce cs De Witt, Carroll. Dexter City, Stoddard. Dixon, Pulaski. Downing, Schuyler. Doniphan, Ripley. Edegarton, Platte. Edina, Knox. Eldorado Springs » Ce dar. Elkton, Hickory. Excelsior Springs, Clay. Exeter, Barry. Fairfax, Atchison. Farmington, St. Francois. «é ‘ Fayette, Howard. oe ee Florisant, St. Louis. Forest City, Holt. Forsyth, ‘Taney. Foster, Bates. Fredericktown, Madison. “ce ce oe 6c Fulton, Callaway. ee ee Gainsyille, Ozark. Galena, Stone. Gallatin, Daviess. Galt, Grundy. Gayoso, Pemiscot. Glasgow, Howard. Glenwood, Schuyler. Golden City, Barton. Gower, Clinton. Granby, Newton. Grant City, Worth. 66 a3 Green Castle, Sullivan. Greenfield, Dade. Greenville, Wayne. sé Hale, Carroll. Hamilton, Caldwell. , Pemiscot. Metcalfe House. Leeper House. Browning House. Henry House. Wabash House. Clarence House. Olive Hotel. Carroll House. Dixie House. Cottage House. Autenrich House. Climax Springs Hotel. Heckler House. Allen House. Woodward House. Nenas House. Pare House. McAlister House. Riverside Hotel. Creve Coeur Hotel. Fortins Hotel. Williams House. Williams House. Cuba Hotel. Parks Hotel. Woodruff House. Jennings House. McCully House. Dauphine Hotel. Commercial Hotel. De Soto Hotel. De Soto House. Abbineton House. City Hotel. Powell House. Jeffers House. Dixon Hotel. Downing Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Lindell House. Kelley House. Victor House. Grand Central Hotel. Palace Hotel. Occidental House. Excelsior House. Exeter House. Windsor House. Dalton & M. House. Rudy House. Hotel Howard. Commercial Hotel. Butler House. Bellville House. National House. Parish House. Berry Hotel. Booth House. Madison House. White House. Allens Hotel. Palace Hotel. Central Hotel. Transient House. Carrs House, Winsor Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Galt House. Star Hotel. Glasgow Hotel. St. Nicholas Hotel. Mansion House. Hinkson House. Miller House. Oriental House. Harding House. City Hotel. Ritch House. Wells House. Sullivan Hotel. Greenville Hotel. Atkins Hotel. Irwin House. Rhodes House. Harry House, Place, County. Name. Hannibal, Marion, 6é cc Hardin, Ray. Harrisonville, Cass. “ «e “ sé Hartville, Wright. Helena, Andrew. Hermann, Gasconade! Hermitage, Hickory. Higbee, Randolph. Higginsville, La Fayette. Hillsborough, Jefferson. Holden, Johnson. “ec 6c“ Holt, Clay. Hopkins, Nodaway. Houston, Texas. Humphreys, Sullivan. Huntsville, Randolph. Isadora, Worth. Ironton, Iron. ce ‘ce Jackson. Cape Girardeau. “ss te Jacksonville, Randolph. Jameson, Daviess. Jamesport, Daviess. “ce “ce Jasper, Jasper. Jefferson City, Cole. ce oe ce ce se ce Joplin, Jasper. sé “es Kahoka, Clarke. “é “e 6s 6s Kansas City, Jackson. be oe “cc 66 “cc se 6s 66 “ce “ec se sé ce 66 Kennett, Dunkin. Kearney, Clay. Key ole. Chariton. Kidder, Caldwell. Kimmswick, Jefferson. King City, Gentry. te ee Kingston, Caldwell. Kirksville, Adair. ce ce Kirkwood, St. Louis. Knobnoster, Jounson. Knoxville, Ray. La Belle, Lewis. Laddonia, Andrain. La Grange, Lewis. Lamar, Barton. 6c ‘ sé ce Lancaster, Schuyler. ce es 6 “é Park Hotel. Hotel Kitterine. Ridgell House. Hotel Harrisonville. Schnell Hotel. Higgins House. Forest House. Young House. Coy House, White House. Central Hotel. Wilson Hotel. ' Hughes House. Arcade House. Clark House. Volmar Hotel. Bell House. Talmage House. Hall House. Valley House. Hopkins House. Texas House. Grand Central Hotel. Rutherford House. Vanderbeck House. West House. American House. Kesling House. Jackson House. McCombs House. Rice House. o Hubbard House. Jones House. Sherman House. Turner House. Madison House. City Hotel. Monroe House. McCarty House. Joplin House. Pacific House. Martin House. Tremont House. Webster House. Hotel Brunswick. 11th & Broadway. Lindell . Hotel, Cor. Vitth & Wyandotte. St. James Hotel, Cor. 6th & Mo. Ave. Union Depot Hotel. Union Depot Centrop- olis Hotel, 5th & Grand Ave. Coates House, 10th & Broadway. Morgan House,l16 W. Fifth Street. Nivison House. Bailey House. Naper House. Netherton House. Wheeler House. National Hotel. Montesan Springs House. Commercial House. Globe House. Kingston House. Commercial House. Parcells House. Pools Hotel. Deering House. Kirkwood Hotel. St. Laurence Hotel. Stover House. La Belle House. Laddonia House. Tremont House. Lamar House. Greyson House. Commercial House. Royer House. Lancaster House. Kentucky House.GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR MISSOURI—Continued. HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ | Ht Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name Ia : La Plata, Macon. La Plata House. Oran, Scott. Nichols Hotel. Sili s Lathrop, Clinton. Lathrop House. Oregon, Holt. Howell Hous iligman, Barty: Seligman House. } gon, e. Seneca, Newton. Chandler H ft Lawson, Ray. Bertin House. City Hotel. Shelbina, Shelb See ler House. 7 Lebanan, Laclede. Laclede Hotel. Orrick, Ray. Pigg House. ae ean C avery ou wy ; =. . seth van Hotel Osage City, ‘Cole. City Hotel. es «“ Nee a exington, La Fayette. aclede House. sborn, De Kalb. Osborn Hotel. Shelbyvi v5 . ; | Lil 7 Cl : Commerae House. Osceola, St. Clair. Osceola House. ae Coo Dee Base } iberty, Clay. rthur House. Linney House. Sheld : 3 1 iu &< Ready House. Otterville, ae Bell House sikeston, potion. Weld Hotel. “| Licking, Texas. Swalley House. Ozark, Christian. Ozark House. Smithville, Clay ry pote if oe Benton. Petts Hotel sf - Finney House Southwest ey McDo ld. a ‘avel “a Rest Hotel 1 inn, Osage. Linn Hotel. “ «“ Tay ; q ne oruni 1 OUSE. H TReweenes anit: Commercial House. | Palmyra, Mari ave House. Spickardsville, Grundy. Groff House. | eet DIAN a SEOs nyra, Marion. otel De Rice. Springfield, Greene. Soutbern Hotel IH Louisiana, Pike Hiotelivomner Paris, M ee Bouse Central Hotel. ie siana, ; wner. aris, Monroe. lenn House & & ' Palmer House. < ct aS EAToeeS ‘ Metropolitan Hotel. ao y House. «“ ens | pow ge rine Clair. EET Bevonae Daviess. Wench House. Stanberry, Gentry. So An Ouse i; ee Bollinger. Commercial Hotel. Gees aes Hole St Cra Ore, piece Hotel, i cFall, Gentry. Central Hotel. Perryville, P ; ey Hotel. Peer ie saat yville, Derry. Hoos Hotel. Stewartsville, De Kal radfor Macon City, Macon. Palace Hotel. ges ‘“ Doerr Hotel. Stockton aes alb. Bradford House. W , Cedar. Tenessee Hous | & ‘ M ahaa fs Hot IL Piedmont, Wayne. Commercial Hotel. a of DavieHo at erchan. s Hote 6 “ gs pica c USE. | sadion, Nowe. Mow Hau hes omnes ot eae eee faitland, Holt. C D3 ; ‘ Lacks; 4cChison. ylifton House. | Havas SC” Gamat, owt, Caron, sate Rte Mica, Hote } ce 1 = . alt. : © | WaltarBe Sali Spooner House. Pilot Grove, Cooper. Joyce House. ac Pe ane House. | Mans Neate City Hotel. Pilot Knob, Iron. Pilot Knob House Tracy, Platt S tea eOuis Ouse: | ansfield, Wright. Young House. “ 66 T : aes ‘p ate Chinn House. | renee cael ses New Hall House. Trenton, Grundy. Pear Ho Marble Hill, Bollinge, Hotel D Scholl Pineville, McDonald. Pineville House. ke ee AmencavEls | fill, ger. otel De Scholl. Platte City, Platte. Virginia Hotel. Troy, Li Tee Mavonville Lawrence. Neff House. « ‘“ Sims Hotel tee? Lincoln. Laclede House. arquand, Madison. Commercial Ho 2 : i i ‘ ‘ Colbert Hotel. | Marshall, Saline, MESO use: use. | Plattsburg, Clinton. beglede Eee Tuscumbia, Miller. City Hotel. Comme =p : ~ Home H Marshfield, Webster. Chittey Paes Pleas Cas: pacile Houee. Umi c F F Tiguan beeen 3 : : nters House. nion, Lre in. ae ‘“ Ki uiose House. Point Ple’snt, New Madrid. Williams House. am panieln Hem House. Martville. Nod Mountain House. Pollock, Sullivan. Capito House. Unionville iB ti fot Montes, yville, Nodaway. Linville House. Poplar Bluff, Butler R Sean Barnum House. Melimoconievonse a , Butler. Hiversiee Hotel. 7 Staples House ‘ « : : orris House. I ; ‘: s eens Portland, Callaway. Crockett House. On ti teaton, pea eee Maysville, DeKalb. Lytle ce Poko Washington: Bea Bote Man Buren, Carter. Waranl EIGtel “ec “ec Nicancy ° ; OUvOs1l otel. Cc alis “y ‘ als es Meadville, Linn. Moves ous, Princeton, Mercer. Princeton House. eee (anaes House: Medora, Osage. M Hes H meet . City Hotel. Versailles, Morgan a coven House. | , Osag edora House. Puxico, § , gan. Martins Hotel. . x toddard. 66 < Memphis, Scotland. Central Hotel Pyrmont, Morga Pitcher souse: : City Hotel sf cs : : gan. etrords , i ari x : ese e Star House. Queen City, Schuyler. nee ‘ o; ouse Vienna, Maries. Reedy Hotel. exico, Audrain. Central House. Renick, Randolph. Boyd aa House. Walker. V Smith House : : Windsor Hotel. ee yd House. alker, Vernoe. Gates House. { Middlet Ferris House. “ me ates. Tamale: House. Warrensburgh, Johnson. Eads Fnac lddletown, Montgomery. Kelley H ‘ i erchants House. ce ‘6 aD Middlciowny Monte Ke evacuees Richlan4l, Pulaski. Central Hotel Warrent Hotel tet: an, Sullvan. tanley House. « «“ an . arrenton, Warren. Central Hotel. ‘ c Pacific House. Richmond, Ra michand Hotel. i : Rapp Hotel | Mineral Poi fees Penn House. eet asson House. Warsaw, Benton. Campbell House. | Metal I gine Wasneton Wie House ‘ “ ge ius House. Washburn, Barry. Washburn House . 1 Ine vne. : f oyd : ; : . i : Sus Milleite. Fe ayne oe Pouce: Ridgeway, Harrison. Bean es, Washington, Franklin, Commercial Hotel. Mirabile, Caldwell. Morris House. 3 Central Hotel. « « Washington House. Missouri City, Clay. Henshaw Hees Rockport, Atchison. Rockport House. Waynesville, Pulaski arene Hotel. Moberly, Randolph. Merchants Hotel. Rockville, B ti Valley House. WellespillelsMestenmery Acheter ee he ee fekesrarit Glial geal evan Pholee es. Commarea, Hotel. wen St. Charles. Deron Hotel : g ; ont- ers cane . y ouse. estboro, Atchison. , ‘ gomery. Spinsby House. St. Charles, St. Charles. Gault House. Wiestont Platte! Lytle, House: ‘ai Monticello, Lewi aa pole. «“ ee Cabtornie House. Wee Osage. Westohalia Hone Des Ae WSs outhern Hotel. = x ; entral Louse. est Plains, Howell. RT ; Morley, § Lindell Hotel. por aencie ye ou Genie Myers Hones. West Plains Hous Ae eae Boyce Hotel. Sie james) Phat Southern House. > < Wilso Wot Bee COSY olt. Smallwood House. “ Fee Conmey ea Hotel. Wheatland, Hickory. Gente alk. AIGT Ri Geece Wisialit Eat House. St. Joseph, Buchanan. P Wek Hotel. Z Ss Davidson House. a » Wright. Hensley House. ce ge Bes e House. z McCaslin House ji arker House. “ a acon House. Williamstown, Lewi ‘ Mount Vernon, L Commercial House. ss “ St. Charles Hotel. | Williamsville, Warne! Conde Eone : v » Lawrence. American House. 6 “6 Commercial Hotel. Windsor, Henry. Wandeorill ee i) NEGEROEN GET Overton House. “ ee Atlantic Hotel. Wittenberg, Perry N 7 4 H sea ES AIO McElhaney Ho . é Union Depot Hotel. | Wright Ci ui re otel. Hh Nevada, Vernon. Race od: ee St. Louis, St. Louis. Southern Protea aan pe ae Cente ore ie se 66 ; se. & she W.—The practical r i big Mitchell House ro ; Lindell Hotel ment will be app: rene rae 2 : utility of this Depart- t ¢ 5 © 6 £ £ € c b 3 r « Newburgh, Phelps rene “ Ge Planters Houses Her ot the traveling publ, ad thoso persis ho at i Tees randle House. «“ ‘ . James Hotel. using this 1 rere they are unacquainted. By a . New Cambria, M Borwell House. ‘“ ‘“ Beers Hotel. known to Pronastantae nostmeste na nerore! and viene a N , Macon. Wallace House St. M é Laclede Hotel that telegrams, mail, or other efore leaving, so i ew Florence, Montgomery.City Hotel. : . Marys, St. Genevieve. Anchor House be forwarded without waiting ION ten matters may } lex [Blane sont i e Salem. Dent r House. at stopping off pla g directions after arrival N I arrison. Carson House gerd are Salem Hotel anaes ROTACCIACOm TaN destination. LADIES who are ew London, Ralls. Park Hotel. — aeiisbniee Gian City Hotel : greatly one en arenes ‘A Hotel escorts cane le . . "Vv ay : S rorQe & ¢ Otel ¢ New Madrid, New Madrid emit Hotel. Sarannan Wana Robinson House. Rants ihe cats bepeten: with any special instructions & , “6 ‘ ae oust “ Lae , pu c hares Hotel. ayocallens “will often find! is Departmen caconwenient ‘ E n 0 @ ° riek i erence in tl es ‘ yenien. tone, |Sacg re ae See ee eae a cena 5 7, Dt. UNarles. « x e 9 j anding as to the H s e Niaious Wrabste : Clippels House. ca Pots Sicher House. derstanding as a t totel to stop at w vould often save Norborne, C ae Chrestean House. “ ce Kaizer Hotel. attended with extr: Ver R ones tera te usually arroll Commercial Ho i “ Central Hote or parties going in extra RAV REIN GURUS ia Norwood, Wright. Grav H oe Uni tel ample aceommodat numbers can arrange for i ies Gea Gray ouse. ie ms nion Hotel poitdencaih Og an On sHan de special rates by corres- \ aclede Hotel. ee City Hotel. please mention that name TASER eae Tora otses Peyton Hotel. Fe ae OE OE CGH THE NSE OePlace. County. REAL ESTATE Name. AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR MISSOURI. Place, County. Name. Adrian, Bates. Albany, Gentry. oe ce Allendale, Worth. Alton, Oregon. Appleton City, St. Clair. Archie, Cass. Arrow Rock, Saline. Aurora Springs, Miller. Ava, Douglas. Ballwin, St. Louis. Belton, Cass. Belleview, Iron. Bem, Gasconade. Benton, Scott. Bertrand, Mississippi. Bethany, Harrison. Billings, Christian. Bismarck, St. Francois. Bloomington, Henry. Bolivar, Po lic, Bonne Terre, St. Francois. Booneville, Cooper. ee sé Bowling Green, Pike. ot “e Breckenridge, Caldwell. Brookfield, Linn. Browning. Linn. Brownsville, Saline. Brunswick, Chariton. Buffalo, Dallas. oe oe ac se Burlington Junc.,Nodaway. Butler, Bates. ee oe Cabool, Texas. sé ee ¢ cs California, Moniteau. ee “6 Cameron, Clinton. sé ce Canton, Lewis. A. J. Smith. Peery & Witten. Hubbard & Hubbard. G. C. Holden. @. ©} Cloud: L. P. & J.C. Norman. G. Whitelaw Shield. Richie Bros. Wm. T. Pattison. Wm. M. Lumpkin. Hailey & Hailey. Lewis Kessler. Williams & Strothers. cue Wie “Hunter. J. H. Moore. W. L. Gaty. Joseph F. Bryant. Frisby & Winslow. Wanamaker & Barlow Kinlock & Grammer. Mo. Land & Iron Bureau. D. L. Rivers. Taylor Richards & Co. Rexinger & Sperry. Leonar d& fen water, McCabe & C J. M. Elgine J. L. O’Brien. Whitlon & Pendleton. Jackson Monroe. I. W. Basye. JH. Blaizx: Oliver J. Chapman. G. W. Martin. W.P Taylor. W. 4H. Revis. John Knappenberger. Engle & Scott. Porter & Burns. Geo. T. Edmison. I. B. Chrissinger. Walton & Tucker. Ben B. Canterbury. T. T. Moore. J. L. Goldsbury. J. C. Berry. Hazell & Pash. D. P. Moore. L. C. Lazear. Zac Pronult. J.P. Lewis. Cape Girardeau, C. Girardeau. Beck & Reid. Carrollton, Carroll. 6cé “es Carthage, Jasper. ce ee 6e ce Caruthersville, Pemiscot. oe ee Centreville, Reynolds. 66 ce 46 66 66 66 ee 6 Chamois, Osage. Charleston, Mississippl. se ce 6s 6c ce 66 66 66 66 6c 66 66 66 “eé 6c 66 6 66 46 66 é6 ce 66 Cla rence, Shelby. Clayton, St. Louis. Climax Springs, Camden. Clinton, Henry. College Mound, Macon. Commerce, Scott. m. Bonney. Tuley & Perkins. John M. Blankenship. W.S. Tower. Payne & Bottenfield. Geo. P. Cunningham. Will A. Ward. Manley & Frost. E. Harrison. A.J. Parks: Wn. C. Brooks. Joe 8. Carty. Josiah Sutton. J. M. Pickens. Henry Marquand. J. M. Brown. Geo. E. Whitcomb. H. J. Deal. J. H. Bethuna. W. T. Marshall. J. J. Russell. B. K. Hobbs. Geo. W. Kendrick. J. C. Moore. John N. Boyd. John M. Voris. C. R. J. MclInturff. John TIT’. Moss. C. W. Asper. Palmer & Acuff. Frost & Chambers. E. P. Cloud. A. R. Jackson. W. F. Simpson. Brinkerhoff & Faris. Rufus Y. Powell. J. H. Moore. Commerce, Scott. Conway, Laclede. Crystal City, Jefferson. Danville, Montgomery. ee ee De Soto, Jefferson. Doniphan, Ripley. cs ee 66 ce «ec ee ‘ 4 ce “cs se é Edina, Knox. El Dorado Springs, Cedar. Elsberry, Lincoln. Emerson, Marin. nl * a Eminence, Shannon. Farmington, St. Francois. Fayette, Howard. Forsyth, Taney. Foster, Bates. K redericktow ao, Madison. Fulton, Callaway. Gainesville, Ozark. Galena, Stone. Gallatin, Daviess. sé “cc ee ce 6c ce Garfield, Oregon. Gayoso, ‘Pemiscot. G lasgow, Howard. Glen: wood, Schuyler. Grant City, Worth. Greenfield, Dade. 6c ‘6 «e cc“ Greenville, Wayne. Hamilton, Caldwell. Hannibal, Marion. ce Ce ee sé Harrisonville, Cass. sé ee sé 6é 6s 6c Hartville, Wright. iT se Hatfield, Harrison. Hermann, Gasconade. Hermitage, Hickory. 6c Higginsville, La Fayette. ee ee Hillsborough, Jefferson. Holden, Johnson. “ec se ce se Holt’s Summit, Callaway. Hopkins, Nodaway. 6s ae Houston, Texas. ee “ce é6 ee ce ee Humansville, Polk. Hume, Bates. Huntsville, Randolph. Ironton, Iron. 6c 66 66 66 of cs Jackson, Cape Gir ar dea. Jamesport, Daviess. Jasper, Jasper. Jefferson City, Cole. oe se 6é 66 Jericho, Cedar. Joplin, Jasper. Kahoka, Clax ke. 66 “ce Ee We B. B. Gaither. J. M. Ragland. J: J. Wilson. C. G. Warne. John M. Barker. EK. M. Hughes. D. D. Goff. Jesse C. Sheppard. Thos. Mabrey. W.H. Righter. J. A. Gregory. Thos. A. Jenkins. Neve McCullum. J. K. Langford. Levi C. D Bogs I. W. Fo Ward & Dee J. W. Powell. W. M. Phillips. L. L. Munsell. Samuel L. Asberry. A. J. Furr & Co. Chas. H. Groom & Co. Gipson Bros. Boram & Dennis. I’. S. Poston. McClendon & Janney. Robt. Q Gilliland. Albert Hodges. Dudley Ewing & Co. Gillihan & Brosins. John Cooper. Oscar Saylor. J.J. Sitton. Hina C. Schult. Ww. H. Tatum. J. B. Glaze. Charles L. Wheeler. Mann & TJalbutt. peynons Hoyt. W. Shafer. E. P. Settle. Markham. Boswell & Clayton. Gamaway & Allin. Adam Theis. Sellers & Kyle. E. P. Whalen. Glenn & Christopher. Conger Bros. N. B. Garner. John T. Pope. BaGe Lowell: J.G. Allen. Fred L. Wensel. Selvidge & Essex. J. H. Childers. E. Winsor & Son. ” W. P. Mayfield. W. H. H. Thomas. T. B. Haines. Hewes & Jewell. S. 1. Workman. M. D. L. Dunn. J. W. Burke. Joseph H. Saylor. Geo. H. Fleming. G. A. Leavitt. V, M. Hines. J. T. Lynch. Thos. F. Nichols. Hudson os Browning. D. H. Hill Hammett & Samuel. Franz Dingeyr. B. Zwart. WwW. W. Nall. W.R. Edgar. @) Re Beck. James EF. Brooks. McGuire & Wilson. A. P. Shomer. L. Barker. S. W. Cox. H. W. Long. Cdk Gundelfinger. N. ©. Burch. C. E. Whitsett. Claycomb & Staples. J. M. Hiller. R. J. Wood. W. H. Robinson. Place, County. Name. Kansas City, Jackson Co. Chadwick & Woodworth, S.W. Cor. 7th & Del. Sts. M. F. Simmons, 119 West 6th St. W. H. Craig & Co., 127 West 6th St. Ed. H. Webster, 605 Main St. 9 Theo. Henry B. Pain, S. Case, 127 West 6th St. 721 Delaware St. J. A. Trost, 21 Times Building. Inter-State Investment Co., 6, 7 & 8 Bunker Bld’g EK. L. Browne & Co., 12,13 Henry N. Smith, jr., and 14 Security Bld’g. & Co., 810 Delaware St. Hayward & Walizer, 10 East 10th St. Dyer & Bishop, 812 Main St. Bankart & Henderson, 122 West 6th St. J. F. Baird & C 3 & 14 Underwriters Exe. Walter Harwood & Stevens, 125 West 6th St. Marty, Arnold & Co., 109 West 6th St. S. F. Scott & Co., 5 West 9th St. T. W. Gilruth & Co., 902 Main St. Fisher & Co., 532 Delaware St. W.. H. Craddock & Co., Kennett, Dunklin. Keytesville, Chariton. Kingston, Caldwell. Kirksville, Adair. sé 6é se sé se cc Knobnoster, Johnson. La Belle, Lewis. Laddonia, Audrain. La Grange, Lewis. Lamar, Barton. ee ‘ ‘ sé “6 ce oe ce 6é ce ‘6 6s 66 ce se Lamonte, Pettis. Lancaster, Schuyler. se “se “ce ‘ce La Plata, Macon. Lathrop, Clinton. Lawn Ridge, Scotland. Lebanan, Laclede. ee ec “ec te? 6é “ce ‘eé 6c 66 6< Lesterville, Reynolds. Lexington, La Fayette. 6é sé Liberty, Clay. 6“ 6é “6 “cc Licking, Texas. Lindley, Grundy. Linn, Osage. 66 6&6 Linn Creek, Camden. “ce Lithium Perry. Linneus, Linn. Louisburgh, Dallas. Louisiana, Pike. sé 66 Shiedley Bld’g. W.G. Bragg, jr. T. E. Baldwin. Te Elrotts William A. Wood. A. M. Smith. John Richey. R. L. Darrow. S. I. Workman. E. A. Dowell. E. C. Kennan. J. T. Muir. Brown & Smith. Geo. E. Bowling. Hall & Emery. W.N. Wills. Cole & Cox. Daubin & Douglas. Work & Burton. Walter J. Mitchell & Co. J.J. West. Wm. M. Hunter. C. C. Fogle. S. A. Dysart. Ratheniond & Mitch- ] ell. Bohart & Barring. John R. Green. Jobn T, Martin. J. L. Pinkerton & Co. E. B. Kellerman. Geo. H. Greenleaf. B. H. Cowgill. 0), IP, McMillan. G. J. Bradfield. John 8. Jordan. Taylor & Lesueur. EK. Winsor & Son. Woodson & Frame. Burris & Stepp. J. H. Lloyd. VT. N. Bradford. John 'T. Cowhick. E. EF. Bantzer. S, Mosby. L. J. Roach. W.N. Todd. @. F. Lawrence. EF. W. Powers & Co. Fountain Hale, W.J. Dougherty. John W.: Watson.a REAL ESTATE A Place. County. Name. Soe pee a. eae ee Lutesville, Bollinger. 46 66 Macon City, Macon. ‘ce ee Malden, Dunklin. Manchester, St. Louis. Mansfield, Wright. Marble Hill, Bollinger. Marionville, Lawrence. Wiarshall, Saline. ee ce cs ce ce ee Marshfield, Webster. Maxville, Jefferson. Maryville, Nodaway. “< é 66 ce ¢é ee “ “cs ce ee 6 ce Maysville, De Kalb. Memphis, Scotland. 6s se 6e és 66 ce 66 “6 6é ce 6“ cc 66 ee ce ce oe 6 6 ee Milan, Sullivan. “ ee 66 6 “ec 6 Milo, Vernon. Moberly, Randolph. ce 6s sé ce ee ce ce 6é Monroe City, Monroe. ee ‘es O. J. Snyder. Martin & Caruthers. Walker & Gilstrop.. Stean, Loudon & Wil- lis. W.P. Beach. Henry N. Phillips. Chas. W. Caines. Thos. Ridgeway. Lindsay Murdock. John S. Coleman. N. B. Noble. Vendyke & Rainey. H. G. Allen. Boatright, Francisco & Co. Frederick King. Pardee & Owen. Wm. J. Kirk. Brown & Montgom- ery. Craig & Collins. W. GC. Frank. Morehouse & Sisson, L. Taylor. A. Thompson. W. H. Hawkins. Henry E. Glazier. Robt. A. Hewitt, jr. Wm. H. Riggs. C. 8S. Baker. T. H. Wagner. J. M. Jayne. E. R. Bartlett. EK. Scofield. N. VY. Leslie. H. G. Pitkin. Lakeman & Barnes. Bassford & Tucker. Kilgore & Howell. Woodard & Son. Steele & Offut. D. E. Shea. J. Q. Boner. Owen Wilson. Geo. W. Butler. N: J. Winters. T. J. Gunter. Wm. B. Stewart. Hunn & Jennings. Hannah & Davis. John Gravely. L. C. Brand. Win. Oak. Davenport & Johnson Bristow & Lighter. Faulconer & Bethel, H. C. Lewis. 8. 8. Nowlin. Montgomery City, Mont- gomery. 74 te “ce ee cs “e Monticello, Lewis. “ec ee Mound City, Holt. Mountain Grove, Wright. Mount Vernon, Lawrence. “ec “ Neosho, Nevrton. e “e ce ce Nevada, Vernon. es ee 66 ce F. M. Hayden. J. EH. Thompson. Clay & Kay. Porter & Kennish. A..Cox & Co. Landrum & Davis. Arch L. Sims. Sherwood & Wills. R. M. Randle. L. D. Bell & Co. Prewitt & Son. John 1’. Birdseye. Profitt & Dunn. Place. County. oe ie Se Nevada, Vernon. New Cambria, Macon. New Florence, Montgomery. New London, Ralls. : New Madrid, New Madrid. ee ee ce ce Norborne, Carroll. Norwood, Wright. North Springfield, Greene. “ce 66 Odessa, La Fayette. Oregon, Holt. Osborn, De Kalb. Osceola, St. Clair. Ozark, Christian. ee “eé Palmyra, Marion. ce ee Paris, Monroe. ce ee Pattonsburgh, Daviess. Perryville, Perry. Philadelphia, Marion. Piedmont, Wayne. Pierce City, Lawrence. ee 74 ee ce Pineville, McDonald. Platte City, Platte. Plattsburgh, Clinton. Pleasant Hiil, Cass. Poplar Bluff, Butler. Potosi, Washington. Princeton, Mercer. Rich Hill, Bates. Richland, Pulaski. Richmond, Ray. Rockport, Atchison. Rockville, Bates. Rolla, Phelps. St. Charles, St. Charles. St. Genevieve, St. Gen’eve. af ce cc 3 St. James, Phelps. St. Joseph, Buchanan. 66 74 ¢ 66 6e &é ce ce 66 “cc “6 ce ce ce ce ee &e 66 66 66 6c 66 és 66 oe 66 oe ee 6é 66 ce ce Salem, Dent. Savannah, Andrew. “c 66 66 ee Name. Davis & Davis. J. O. Jones. Thos. J. Powell. Roy & Baxter. Henry C. Riley. Chas. A. Laforge. Albert J. Moore. A. O. Allen. H. H. Franken. J.J. Mitchell: L. M. Hill. Sanders & Haswell. H. J. McHatton. Hoffman & Allure. Fred. H. Austin. John H. Lucas. J. A. Hammond & Co. Brown & Logan. W.H. Winchell. John W. Boulward. Mc Gee & Burgess. T. T. Rodes. Chas. E. Hill. Jas. Burgee. Mason Yates. en A. Hamilton. Libbey & Sinclair. Geo. A. Purdy. A. Mc Kinney. M. R. De Groff. Wn. M. Paxton. Ww. Forman. Hughes & Atchison. David R. Walden. Davison & Metcalfe. Frederick Will. M. F. Robinson. C. A. Denton. Snyder & Davis. J. S. De Masters. Doff & Rains. W.R. Gray. W. W. Graves. Dowd Bros. Harrison & Harrison. L. H. Breker. Chas. C. Rozier. J. B. Guignon. Emile P. Vogt. J. R. Bowman. John F. Tyler. Donovan & Son. J. H. Lewis. H. A. Owen. Read & Hall. J.& J. Williams. J.T. Wilson. J. F. Pylec TT’. E. Roberts. A. Saltzman. J. BE. Knine & Bro. Delos. R.. Haynes. M. A. Wolfe & Co. E. S. Warner’s Real Estate Co. Liffnewell & Swan. S. V. Papin & Bro. Leon L. Hull & Co. Meagher & Nagle. Rutledge & Horton. Jas. M. Orchard. CENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR MISSOURI Continued. Place. County. Name. Schell City, Vernon. Sedalia, Petts. ee ee sé “6 &é ce Seligman, Barry. Shelbina, Shelby. ee “e Shelbyville, Shelby. Sheldon, Vernon. Sikeston, Scott. Slater, Saline. ee ee Springfield, Greene. ee ee ee ce 6s ce Stanberry, Geniry. Steelville, Crawford. Stewartsville, De Kalb. Stockton, Cedar. ee sé ce (6 ee ee Thayer, Oregon. Taylor, Marion. Trenton, Grundy. ee ce ce ce ce ce oe ce Thornfield, Ozark. Troy, Lincoln. Tuscumbia, Miller. Union, Franklin. Union Star, De Kalb. Unionville, Putnam. Urbana, Dallas. Van Buren, Carter. Vandalia, Audrian. Versailles, Morgan. ee te Vienna, Maries. Warren, Marion. Warrensburgh, Johnson Warrenton, Warren. Warsaw, Benton. ee ce Waynesville, Pulaski. Webster Groves, St. Louis. 6 ce Wellesville, Montgomery. Wentzville, St. Charles. Weston, Platte. West Plains, Howell. ¢ “ce Wheatland, Hickory. EXPLANATION instance, actively and attentively the ‘Real Estate Agents and De I. R. Williams. W. W. Caldwell. Caldwell & Allen. EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ attention. AND parties whose addresses are here given, are, in nearly every F. Childs. W.H. Ross. J. H. Looney. W. L. Porter. J. M. Byler. Chas. Allen. J. G. Ma ueger. Townson & Combs. Hopkins & Taylor. Dines & Tanehill. Lloyd & Lloyd. . B. Harris. Ben EF. & Stephen B Hunter. Rich & Rector. Brightwell & Burkes. Chas. Hl. Goffe. A. M. Lapham. Drew & Jackson. Jas. R. Milner. G. W. Shoemaker. W. 4H. Ferguson. Tn Hey Elenirya D. M. Turney. W.-C. Hastin. ie sys Ove Jas. IT’. Farris. Clement Hall. Tribble & Tribble. J. S. Connell. W. E. Clark. A. H. Burkeholder. Luther Collier. W. H. McGrath. Geo. Hall. W. I. cs Tne eae M. RB. Smith. Sa M. Pinkerton. eee eee) \Maueaio, = ES | Cre ee al Rutherford & Mitch- ae , Saline. Samuel Boyd. «6 ooo Jas, D, Barnett. Lathrop, Clint ent ‘ us SE Lebree: s ‘s $8 ee rop, Ulinton. Jobn Cross. Be i _ H. Letch Tk : .S. Nowlin. : ; ~ a Os és : D.D. Dasa as M onticello, Lewis. Blatt & Marcha’ a F. M. Lowe. 66 ‘G F.P. Lebree. ‘6 “ 3 eae ompson. | PN Ray. G. W. Montgomery 66 a Samuel Davis. “ A J. F. Thompson. | ares Laclede. J. W. Farris. — f «< oi isl? Orean. « ‘ a R. pug a A - J.T. Moore. & hi as. Cooney. meee ay & Ray. | ‘6 y J. P. Nixon. “ “ Jas. Wingfield. tae ee ea Geom Webunn: | | sf “ Be Kellerman. “cc “c Ms W. Scott. cc a on ven ere ¢ s V.1. Wallace. 66 i T. J. Gerley. . ; ‘ ohn Kennish. . é - R. A. Holt. «< OG John R. Vanes Moonee zone: Wright. A. Cox & Co. | ‘ ‘ie d: Heemian : ce fe Toni Strother. icin on Trae ce Sear Guts | «“ ‘s x. W. Bradfield. . R. Letcher. « ‘s an ‘Tr. Teel. a , : Jas. Moran. See MRR Kha “ fe Henry Brumback. “ Rc ae Herndon. “ ee J lis Rush. 5 6c <6 ees & Davis. | Lesterville, Reynolds. TaSaore 7 Pe Phelo Neosho, Newton. , John a Wilson Lexington, LaFayette. Wm. T. es se J. Stuart. pS. Nevada, Vernon. Stratton & Stone: a i Burden & Son. “ ; J. W. Thompson. 6 % Scott & Hass. « Na, une: % a de N. Foster. « = area January. © i ‘“ Ne xEe0, rice, «cc Samuel Dickey ‘6 ‘ . ea ight. oo Wallace & Chil : z R. W. Fyan. : J. B. Joh | 6 ‘ e & Chiles. Mar ; : V. Fyan. “ ee . B. Johnson. I “ as J.D. Shewalter. Moeeale Nee Calvin F. Mason. a6 «< John T. Birdseye. Ht | é es A. J. Hall. aysville, DeKalb. Samuel G. Loring «“ a T. J. Myer. “ e Wm. B. Wilson. “ D6, Daniel Perry. 2 & a COLT. Davis: és oe A. ¥. Alexander. ‘< a Robt. A. Hewitt, Sr « Ce Gordon & Hass. ee ‘ Walker & Phetzing. “ ye Frank B. Miller. ‘“< re N. E. Jones. Z D. Callahan. : A Frank Dinsmore «“ L. M. Kennedy « 4 Grayes & Aull. « ies JF. Harwood. fe fe A. J. Smith. Liberal, Barton. reas iG «“ enry K. Glazier. ‘6 &< . C. Gregory. Liberty, Clay. ‘i y ee « ee eeeeandel ene « Py Ue Ry: ems “6 “ »U. on. “ ‘6 - ti. aos “ % Ye € ie ma moe! Fe: «6 «“ F e Giemsa! rr J J. See Zi 3 Simrall & Sandusky. ti 2 ohn F. Clark. SQ Childs. : x : y wy Newman. 4 McFall, Gentry Cookley & Moe Nee BE aoulss Alex Melilheinney. Ga . W. Fraten. Meadville, Li y- J. M. Shultz. New Fi SOR A. E. Vent. | 3 a Taracthe eee ae sion. BE. D. Harvey a lorence,Montgomery.Thos. J. Powell i paced J. Cet \phis, Scotland. Smoot & Pettingill. NY London, Ralls. RUREROS ; ea Wi tee oodson. ane B. R. Bartlett. : : Jas. P. Word. i Licking, Texas. Welw 15) gael ers “ “ Made & Wagner. “ - John Megown. iH . Barnes. «< v : o Cowan. rc W.L. Baxter. Albert Walker. ¢ 3 A. D. Bell. J. L. Ladd.Place. County. New London, Ral Is. Name. Geo. W. Whitecotton. Geo. &. Mayhall. New Madrid, New Madrid. J. H. Bishop. oe ee ce ce Norborne, Carroll. ee “ec Oak Grove, Jackson. Odessa, La Fayette. O’Lallon, St. Charles. Oregon, Holt. ce “cc ce &é oe “ec éé sé 6c“ ce 66 ce cc ee ee ce Orlinda, Linn. Orrick, R ay. Osborn, De Kalb. Osceola, St. Clair. “ec ee “c sc 66 ce 66 66 6c 66 6é 6é 46 66 6s ts ce ce 3 sc 6c 6é cé 66 66 66 sé 66 6c 66 «6 66 6 6 “cs ce ee 79 “ec 6é 6c “cc “ “ec Pattonsburgh, Daviess. Pendleton. Warren. Perryville, Perry. “ec ce cs 6c 6é éé 66 ce ec 6c 66 46 Pierce City, Lawrence. ee ce » oe ce oe cé ce ce 6 és Pilot Grove, Cooper. Pineville, McDonald. “cc ce 6e “eg “cc cc Plato, Texas. Platte City, Platte. ce “eg Plattsburgh, Clinton. 66 “cc ee 66 és “ Henry C. Riley. Chas. A. Laforge. A. J. Moore. Andrew King. Martin Jourdan. T. M. Vermillion. H. J. McHatton. O. A. Keithly. Clark Irvine. H. T. Alkire. L. R. Knowles. T. C. Dungan. #. Van Buskirk. Henry Shutts. L. C. Irvine. W.R. Hoffman. Sam. F. O’Fallon. P. B. Malloy. John Mason. Philo M. Hatch. Fred H. Austin. W. O. Mead. G. A. Neal. S. A. Warden. W. BR. Sheldon. O. Q. McNeal. C. J. Harrison. A. E. Ross. Geo. L. Mann. Thos. M. Johnson. John H. Lucas. J.J. Brown. J. J. Gideon. D. M. Payne. G. A. Watson. J. A. Hammond. R. T. Sloan. A. Harrington. Wn. M. Boulward. Thos. C. Cocke. H. J. Drummond. M. T. Muldron. W.R. Anderson. Matthew Fletcher. H. H. Winchell. Edward McCabe. John W. J. H. Rhodes. R. N. Bodine. Hugh E. McGee. A. M. Alexander. Thos. P. Bashaw. R. A. Bodine. Temple B. Bobinson. P. T. Rodes. Thos. A. Gains. Jas. W. McFaden. John V. Noell. Ed. Robb. Win. Robb. John H. Nicholson. Chas. J. Killian. J. J. Seibel. John B. Holmes. Jas. C. Noell. Chas. D. Yancy. W.N. Nalle. S. R. Durham. J. N. Morrison. W. H. Dugdale. F. C. Johnston. Washington Cloud. Joseph French. Joseph N. Davis. L. W. White. Ross Griffin. W. G. Pendleton. H. C. Pepper. J. €. Cole. Jen Barns J.C. Lamson. T. M. Lingo. Wm. Forman. Byron Woodson. John T. McRuer. Thos. J. Porter. Jas. M. Riley. Chas. Ingles. KE. C. Hall. Boulward. Place. County. Plattsburgh, Clinton. Pleasant Hill, Cass. Poplar Bluff, Butler. 66 “ 66 6c 66 “6 6c “6 ce “ 6c “c “é sé ‘6 “ Potosi, Washington. 6c cc “ec ce Princeton, Mercer. Queen City, Schuyler. Ravanna, Mercer. Rich Hill, Bates. “ 6é “ éeé sé 66 “ce sé ce ‘ec ce é Richmond, Ray “ec ‘cc “cc ‘“ “ce ‘ec “cc se ce se ii “cc ce Roanoke, Howard. Rockport, Atchison. ‘sé ée «sé 6é se 6é Rockville, Bates. Rolla, Phelps. ce sc cs 66 ‘é ‘és ‘6 66 sé 66 és ‘6 ‘sé se ee oe 6s 66 St. Charles, St. Charles. _ ce sé “ce “ec 66 sé 6é se “6 66 “cc “cs “ce ““c “é sé ‘ce ce | x. Genevieve, St. Gene’ve. se sé 6 és a6 ee St. Joseph, Buchanan. 6 os 66 sé 66 sé é6 66 6é 66 66 46 66 6c 66 66 66 66 «sé 66 66 ce St. Louis, St. Louis. 6 66 “ “ce 6é “c 66 “6 66 Name, Roland Hughes. EK. W. Turner. Clay on Vanhoy. T. ©. Cloud: Gio, ia Benton. I. M. Davidson. Lentz & Register. S. M. Chapman. G. A. Standard. W, T. League. L. D. Grove. Joseph T. Davison. John F. Lane. H. E. Johnson. Deming & Byrns. Frank Harris. J. W. Pipkin. G.I. Van Allen. H. G. Orton. L. Sanderson. V. EF. Rowley. Templeton & Denton. W. T. Marsh. Crockett & Smith. W. O. Atkeson. GC. A. Clark. S. W. Dooley. Vo AN Bradshaw: C. H. Davis. Jobn R. Hamilton. Jas. E. Ball. John F. Morton. Jas, L. Farris. Jas. W. Black. Joseph E. Black. J. W. Shotwell. C. T. Garner & Son. R. J. Bagby. Durfee & Miles. Lewis & Ramsay. McKillop & Peck. Osborn Dopf & Rains. John D. Campbell. W.R. Gay. W. W. Graves. L. F. Parker. A. Corse. (O}, 1D). Tamuison: H. E. Baker. J. B. Harrison. Elijah Perry. Chas. C. Bland. EB. Y. Mitchell. Wu. C. Kelley. W. W. Southgate. Robt. Merewether. Theo. Bruere, Chas. Dantel. O. F. McDearmon. O. J. Mudd. H. C. Lackland. L. H. Breker. H. J. Schveneich. Wm. A. Alexander. C. W. Wilson. A. H. Edwards. P. S. Cunningham. Henry 8S. Shaw. Chas. C. Rozier. F. A. Rozier. Thos. B. Whitledge. Crosby, Rusk & Craig. Lancaster, Thomas & Doniphan & Reed. Green & Burnes. Judson & Matter. C. C. McDonald. Thos. W. Harl. Barney & Brown. Thos. F. Ryan. J. Morton. J. Ha bitt Smith P. Galt. Andrew M. Sullivan. Boyle Adams & Mc- Keighen. Melville M. Gray. Chas. M. Davis. G. Blair, GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MISSOURI—Continued. Place. County, St. Louis, St. Louis. “e “ “ “cc St. Marys, St. Genevieve. Salem, Dent. 66 ‘sé 6s ee 66 66 ‘sé ce ce ‘6 Salisbury, Chariton. ce ce 66 66 ce 6c ce “ce Schell City, Vernon. Sedalia, Pettis 6c “eé cs 6e ce “ce iT 3 T3 ‘e¢ cc se 66 “cc sc se sc ee ‘e Sedgwickville, Ballinger. Siligman, Barry. Seneca, Newton. Seymour, Webster. Shelbina, Shelby. Shelbyville, Shelby. “é &é sé “cc Sheldon, Vernon. Slater, Saline. ce ‘é Southwest City, McDonald. Springfield, Greene. Stanberry, Gentry. Steelville, Crawford. Stewartsville, De Kalb. “e ce Stockton, Cedar. “é ce “cc ce “c 6s Sturgeon, Boone. Tarkio, Atchison. Thayer, Oregon. te ics Tipton, Moniteau. ‘é ce cé se Trenton, Grundy. “ 66 ‘6 ‘sé “6 sé “ ‘é “ 66 “ “ce “ 3 “6 6c “ec 6 “ 6c Thornfield, Ozark. Troy, Lincoln. Name. Henry Laughlin. Johnson Lodge & Johnson. Collins & Jamison. Thos. we Whitledge HK. T. Wingo. J. M. ee Ki. A. Seay. eB Tyee! L. Judson. P. L. Lyles. J. R. Callahan. A. W. Johnson. W.S. Stockwell. J. B. Ellington. W. H. Bradley. . David Rea. Wm. Heren. P. Mercer. W. W. Caldwell. C. F. Booker. J. A. Sanders. I. R. Williams. F, Childs. James IT’. Mont- gomery. Sangree & Lamne. Shirk & Portis. H. C. Sennett. R. C. Sneed. W. D. Steele. Wilkerson & Mont- PF, (0) Schlattitz. C: Erost. . B. Rutledge. FE, Kendrick. . M. King & Son. ae ea, Cy eer © © Rich & Rector. S. B. Burks. Sidney Denham. J. E. McArthur. J.P. McCammon. E. E. Alishire. J. H: McCarty. G. W. Shoemaker. E. A. Pinnell. Thos. R. Gibson. B. F. Russell. H. W. Haynes. W.S. Herndon. D. M. Turney. Stratton Hall & Stone. Loy & Butler. Clement Hall. W. C. Hastin. J. E. Stephens. Jas. Masters. J. J. Fartis. M. M. Jesse. Cr We pigecn. A. Har Tribble & Tribble. W. P. Johnson. J.F. Taylor. W. M. Johnson. R. A. De Bolt. Geo. Hall. J. H. Shanklin. E. M. Harber. T. A. Witten. Steven Peery. M. A. Low. Luther Collier: A. G. Knecht. A. H. Burkeholder. M. Bingham. ©. G. Baine. W. A. Love. Geo. W. Colbert. Geo. T. Dunn.Place. County. Troy, Lincoln. ce oe ce “e cc ce Tuscumbia, Miller. cc ee ee «ft Union, Franklin. Union Star, De Kalb. Unionville, Patnam. ce “e 66 ‘6 te ce Urbana, Dallas. Utica, Livingston. ee “ce Van Buren, Carter. ce ce Vandalia, Audrian. “cc “é Versailles, Morgan. ee “é cc 66 66 66 66 sé 6é 66 Name. Martin & Avery. J. B. Allen. Norton & Dryden. Josiah Cruch. BE. C. Swalen. T, B. Robinson. Chas. EH. Jones. Gallenkamp & Wood. Henry Boone. Thos. Berry. Fred Hyde. B. H. Bonfoey. J. E. Burnham. A. D. Mathews. James M. Davis. R. 'R. Kitt. Jove Kantz O. L. Smith. C. G. Daniel. C.G. White. J. A. Spurlock. J. D. Neilson. A. W. Anthony. D. E. Wray. A, L. Ross. John D. Bohling. Name. Place. County. ping ce “e be cc ce ce Vienna, Maries. ce ce 66 a4 Waddill, Newton. Warrensburgh, Johnson. Warrenton, Warren. ce 66 ce ce ce ce Warsaw, Benton. Washburn, Barry. Washington, Franklin. és ce Waverly, La Fayette. Wayland, Clark. Waynesville, Pulaski. “cc “ec 6c 6 Webb City, Jasper. Webster Groves, St. Louis. Geo. W. Monteith. J. D. McGuffin. B. R. Richardson. Jas. A. Wray. John D. Crozier. Joseph Maoby. Warren M. Barr. T, R. Freeman. Samuel P. Sparks. Peers & Morsey. L. J.’ Dryden. P. P. Stewart. J. ls. Lant. Jas. H. Lay. W. B. Adcock. Jas. W. Owen. Chas. Gallenkamp. J.C. Kiskaddon. EK. M. Edwards. Geo. K. Bates. VaeBy Balle J. L. Johnson. J. B. Rackliffe. J. McGregor. J. J. Nelson. W. L. Murfree. CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MISSOURI—Continued. Place. County. Name. Wellesville, Montgomery. “ce sé “c ce Wellington, La Fayette. Wentzvil le, St. Charles. Weston, Platte. West Plains, Howell. bé ce ce “ ce 66 66 6e ce cc ce “ec ce ce ce « Wheatland, Hickory. Windsor, Henry. Winston, Daviess. Wright City, Warren. Barker & Shachel- ford. Sol Hughlett. Joseph Stotler. J. M. Callahan. Chas. I. Walker. J. W. Coburn. J. L. Van Wormer. Olden & Green. A. Van Wormer. J. F. Hale. W.N. Evans. K. F. Hynes. J. H. Maxey. Livingston & Pitts. Thomas Drew. J. H. Winningham. J. H. Davidson. J.D. Lindsay. J. E. Allen. G. A. Chapman. J. V. Hayes. REQU ES‘. — When sending business to, or in open- ing correspondence with Atttorneys whose addresses are here given, kindly mention that same was taken from the ‘‘General Law and Collection Department ” of ‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAvonits.”? By so doing, it provides a business introduc- tion for you, and at the same time confers a favor to the Publishers of this Directory. ~ NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR MISSOURI. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Acme, Clay. Adrian, Bates. Afton, St. Louis. Akinsville, Morgan. Albany, Gentry. Alexandria, Clarke. Alton, Oregon. Amizonia, Andrew. Appleton City, St. Clair. Axno, Douglas. Arrow Rock, Saline. Atlanta, Macon. Aurora Springs, Miller. Ava, Douglas. Ayalon, Livingston. ce “es Avon, St. Genevieve. Bakersfield, Ozark. Bay, Gasconade. Belton, Cass. Belleview, Iron. Benton, Scott. Bertrand, Mississippi. Bethany, Harrison. Billings, Christian. Blackburn, Saline. Bland, Gasconade. Bloomfield, Stoddard. Bloomington, Henry. Bolivar, Polk. Booneville, Cooper. ce ce Bowers Mills, Bowling Green. Pike. Breckenridge, Caldwell. Brookfield, Linn. Brownsville, Saline. Brownwood, Stoddard. Bromley, Miller. Brunswick, Chariton. Bucklin, Linn. Buffalo, Dallas. Lawrence. W. L. Thompson. A. J. Smith. John H. Pipkin. Wm. Wendleton. FE. M. Dorsey. N. T. Cherry. Lewis P. Norman. M. Scudder. J. A. Galbraith. Sam Turner. Wm. T. Pattison. G. W. Dodson. Wm. M. Lumpkin. L. O. Hailey. S. H. Skinner. A. W. Kapp. N.C. Sebastian. Jra Stout. K. Bushman. Chas. Williams. W.R. Read. J. M. Leftwich. L. C. Gaty. Oscar Butler. W. H. Skinner. W. W. aKenlgele C. W. Banks. Chas. F. Pope. Geo. Houck. C. L. Keaton. W.R. Jeffries. W. U. Townsend. Jonn W. Ross. W.S. Stephens. W.1. Pigegett. W.M. Weaver. Ira B. Kirkland. W. LL. Trosper. John T. Bottom. Geo. W. Martin. Pope Higgins. John Foley. J. M. Hawkins. C. Hammond. Thos. Whittaker. O. H. Scott. J.S. Burns. Burlington Junc., Nodaway. M. T. Banta. Butler, Bates. Cabool, Texas. Caledonia, Washington. California, Moniteau. ce 6b Callao, Macon. Ben B. Canterbury. J. M. Tucker. Thos. P. Moore. Frank P. Marrow. W.G. Howard. L. F. Wood. L. EF. Hart. C. J. Marmaduke. Camden Point, Platte. Cameron, Clinton. Canton, Lewis. Carrollton, Carroll. Carthage, Jasper. ce ee Caruthersville, Pemiscot. Cassville, Barry. Centreville, Reynolds. ce ce Chamois, Osage. Charleston, Mississippi. ce “ec ce “ee Chillicothe, Livingston. Clarence, Shelby. Clarkton, Dunklin. Clifton Hill, Randolph. Climax Springs, Camden. Clinton, Henry. Clyde, Nodaway. Coatsville, Schuyler. Coffeysburgh, Daviess. College Mound, Macon. Colony, Knox. Commerce, Scott. Craig, Holt. Cuba, Crawford. Danville, Montgomery. Denver, Worth. Dexter City, Stoddard. Doniphan, Ripley. Drake, Gasconade. Eagleville, Harrison. Edgarton, Platte. dina, Knox. Eminence, shannon. Excelsior Springs, Clay. Wxeter, Barry. Fair fax, Atchison. Fairmont, Clark. ; Fay ette, Hows ard. Fereuson, St. Louis. Florida, Monroe. Florisant, St. Louis. Foristell, St. Charles. Forsyth, Taney. E] Dorado Springs, Cedar. Farmington, St. Francois. Wn. F. Perrin. A. J. Althouse. J. P. Lewis. Cape Girardeau, C. Girardeau David C. Hope. Frank Burrough. O. J. Kerby. Thos. Garland. Daniel W. Brown. Jas. D. Tinsley. Thos. M. Allen. A. P. Shriver. Joe S. Carty. Henry Marquand. Geo. H. Bridges. Robt. Waide. John C. Russell. C. H. Mansur. C. W. Asper. C.S. Brown. Jas. M. Waltrip. W.C. Rayburn. D. J. Stanifer. A. R. Jackson. Cus: Rol yinson. A. Haynie. Jacob Winter. E. J, Eidson. John W. Coffee. Rufus Y. Powell. T. P. McMurry. Win. Ballentine. J. L. Johnston. A. U. Farrow. Hi. M. Hughes. J. N. Semands. C. H. Stokes. Thos. Mabrey. Wm. Berger. Joseph F. Ward. C. C. Kemper. Louis H. Parsons. M. L. Ward. L. L. Munsell. R. Y. Thompson. B. F. McCary. Wiley K. Shooler. M. J. Morris. J. P. Webb. L. K. Pierce. R. C. Clark. A. J. Herndon. Jas. E. Hereford. J. Ht. Car’. Chas. Castello. EK. M. Pringle. E..E. Patterson. Fredericktown, Madison. “c “6 Fulton, Callaway. ee ee Gainesville, Ozark. Galena, Stone. Gallatin, Daviess. é 66 6é ce Gayoso, Pemiscot. Gentryville, Gentry. Glasgow, Howard. Glenwood, Schuyler. Grant City, Worth. Greenfield, Dade. 6c 6 Greenville, Wayne. Guthrie, Callaway. Hamilton, Caldwell. ee ee Hannibal, Marion. oe ee Harrisonville, Cass. oe ee ce cs Hartville, Wright. Henderson, Webster. Hermann, Gasconade. Termitage, Hickory. ilickory Hill, Cole. Hillsborough, Jefferson. ce (a4 ce ce Hopkins, Nodaway. oe “ce Houston, Texas. ce ee Hume, Bates. Humphreys, Sullivan. Huntsville, Randolph. Hurdland, ‘Knox. Irondale, Washington. Ironton, Iron. : Jackson, Cape Girardeau. Jacksonville, Randolph. Jameson, Daviess. Jamesport. Daviess. Jefferson City, Cole. “ce cc “ce &e “6 “eé J oplin, Jasper. Kahoka, Clarke. Higginsville, La Fayette. D. B. Cahoon. J. E. Edwards. S. T. Harrison. J.C. Renshaw. Geo, E. Janney. Moses R. Andre. Milt Ewing. Thos. BR. § Shaw. Wank CF Gailinant Hina C. Schult. E. E. Enis. H. W. Cockerill. J. B. Glaze. Charles L. Wheeler C. W. Griffith. Seymour Hoyt. E. P. Settle. J. W. Bruton. S. W. Young. H. W. Markham. Geo. D. Clayton. J. C. Helm. H.C. Daniel. R. M. Kyle. J. H. Kyle. N. B. Garner. C. R. Huehes. Fred L. Wensel. C..S. Essex. G. C. Fowler. W. P. Mayfield. J. F. Green. R. W. McMullen. J. Ed Walker. R. H. Wilfley. Chas. F. Nessley. V. M. Hines. G. Ae Leavitt. 1D Ele eins D. F. Crouch. T. B. Kimbrough. M. B. Crawford. Indiana Springs, McDonald.R. W. Williams. J. R. Arnold. H. M. Bradley. Jas. T. Brooks. J. Q. McCanne. R. H. Robertson. R. H. Robertson. T. BE. Luckett. H. W. Long. Francis Roer. Sam Eneles. _ Clark Craycroft. W. B. MclIntire. J. A. Whiteside.Place. County. Name. Kansas City, Jackson Co. H. N. Smith, jr., 804 Delaware St. A. C. Bishop, 812 Main St. Ed. H. Webster, 605 Main St. James G. Young, N. W. Cor. 9th & Walnut Sts. S. L. C. Hasson, Room 35, Sheidley Building. B. M. Brake, 534 Delaware St. J. M. Gregory, 17 Wales Building. Fred W. Perkins, S. E. Cor. 9th & Walnut Sts. W. V. Lippincott, jr., 129 West 6th St. Charles W. Clarke, S. W. Cor. 9th & Main Sts. Kennett, Dunklin. R. F. Sanders. Kearney, Clay. J. Y. Rucker. W. J. Courtney. Kelso, Scott. Chas. B. Messmer. Keytesville, Chariton. C. B. Crowley. Kingston, Caldwell. Te EOE William A. Wood. Kirksville, Adair. W.H. D. France. J. W. Johnston. Henry Shultz. Knox City, Knox. me if R. Rhoades. La Belle, Lewis. E. A. Dowell. Laddonia, Audrain. D. C. Kennan. La Grange, Lewis. J.T. Muir. Geo. E. Bowling. J. H. Harkless. R. H. Scofield. J. L. Baker. 1. C. Tadlock. J. F.Mitchell. B. J. Burk T. B. Burley. C. C. Draper. Lesterville, Reynolds. John S. Jordan. Lexington, La # ayette. Wr. Aull. Miss M. E. Hollis Liberty, Clay. Jey Ee Sandusky. ee es BS Be Carpint J. A. Craven. Fred Petts. John Stege. Lindley, Grundy. H.C. Flage. Linn, Osage. S. Mosby. Linneus, Linn. Thos. Crampton, ss es Geo. W. Stephens. John P. Davis. Lewis Dickson. Riley Draper. O. J. Snider. J. W. Hou. Robt. G. Mitchell. E. J. Newton. Madisonville, Ralls. David Wallace. Maitland, Holt. Hh. F. Weller Malta Bend, Saline. lise Ele ammyr. Manchester, St. Louis. D. C. Tayloé. Mansfield, Wright. Thos. Ridgeway. Marble Hill, Bollinger. W. K. Clfandler, ss M. R. Smith. John S. Coleman. N. T. Whitenes. N. B. Noble. G. M. Lebree. : Jas. Wingfield. Marshfield, Webster. Wm. Smith. ts «6 Jl kushe W.. J. Kirk P. L. Growney. Lamar, Barton. ec se ‘é se Lancaster, Schuyler. ce “e La Plata, Macon. Lathrop, Clinton. Lebanan, Laclede. Licking, Texas. Lincoln, Benton. “ec “e Ce Lithium, Perry. Longtown, Perry. Luray, Clarke. Lutesville, Bollinger. McCredie, Callaway. Macon City, Macon. “é ee Marionville, Lawrence. Marduand, Madison. Marsh all, Saline. ce ce Maxville, Jefferson. Maryville, Nodaway. Maysville, De Kalb. ]. F. Atterberry. Medleys, Mississippi. Chas. H. Ho glan. Memphis, Scotland. N. M. Pett ngill. be oi E. R. Bartlett. ie rs EK. H Wagner. H. C. Smith. I’. V. Gentry. N. Harty. Geo. W. Butler. Wm. B. Stewart. Mexies, Audrain. ae “e Milan, Sullivan. 6e ee Moberly, Randolph. Js Place. County. Monroe City, Monroe. Montevallo, Vernon. Name. J. T. Lighter. Thos. Van Smearen- oer Montgomery City, Mont- gomery. Monticello, Lewis. Moody, Howell. Mound City, Holt. Mountain Grove, Wright. Mount Vernon, Lawrence. 6c ae ce ec Neosho, Newton. Nevada, Vernon. “é ae ce ce Newark, Knox. New Cambria, Macon. Jas. D. Barnett. je Thompson. J. T. Holeman. J. Foster Marshall. A. Cox &Co. Wm. N. Davis. R. M. Randall. J. A. Lovell. C. O. Graves. Chester Maltby. Jabes Barnes. J. O. Jones. New Florence, Montgomery.Thos. J. Powell. New London, Ralls. W. L.- Baxter. New Madrid, New Madrid. H. C. Riley. Niangua, Webster. Norwood, Wright. Odessa, La Fayette. O’Fallon, St. Charles. Oran, Scott. Oregon, Holt. Osborn, De Kalb. Osceola, St. Clair. Ozark, Christian. Palmyra, Marion. Paris, Monroe. Patterson, Wayne. Pattonsburgh, Daviess. Peachland, Osage. Perry, Ralls. Perryville, Perry. Piedmont, W ayne. Pierce City, Lawrence. Pineville, McDonald. Platte City, Platte. Plattsburgh, Clinton. Pleasant Hill, Cass. Point Ple’ Poplar Bluff, Butler. Portageville, New Madrid. Portland, Callaway. Potosi, Washington, ae ee . ce ce Princeton, Mercer. “éc eé Protem, Tracy. Purdy, Barry. Puxico, Stoddard. Pyrmont, Morgan. Quéen City, Schuyler. Ravanna, Mercer. Relfe, Phelps. Renick, Randolph. Rich Hill, Bates, Richland, Pulaski. Richmond, Ray. Rockport, Atchison. Rockville, Bates. Rolla, Phelps. (79 ce St. Charles, St. Charles. St. Francisville, Clark. J.J. Redmond. J.J. Mitchell. H. J. McHatton. i Bs lee: J... Evale. W. H. Richards. W.R. Hoffman. Philo M. Hatch. Leslie Rodgers. J.J. Brown. J. A. Hammond. H. H. Winchell. Joe M Mass. D. C. Bugg. . Chas. E. Hill. W.J. Wright. John W. Tayler. J. J. Seibel. G. W. Creath. F. C. Johnston. M. R. De Groff. Wm. Forman. J. M. Craig. M. B. Riley. Clayton Vanhoy. s’nt, New Madrid. W. W. Farmer. Oli lve De lisle. W. A. Spencer. Joseph Q. Davison. Alphonse Delisle. H. G. Orddadt. Frederick Will. C. V. F. Hostetter. Jas. A. Shields. M. F. Robinson. H. G. Orton. OL OL Owen, = H. R. Williams. J. W. Fristoe. Anthony E. Ehlers. L. Sanderson. V. F. Rowley. Jas. M. Freeman. G. O. Powell. C. A. Denton. F. M. Henry. John F. Morton. C. T. Garner, sr. J. P. Lewis. J. W. Peck. W. W. Graves. F. M. Jones. F. E. Doud. John P. Harrison. R. EF. Luckett. H. C. Campbell. St. Genevieve, St. Gen’ eve. Emile P. Vogt. St. James, Phelps. St. Joseph, Buchanan. 6eé 6eé “ “cc “ee ce ‘St. Louis, St. Louis. 6c 6é 66 66 Chas. C: Rozier. G. A. Lett. Thos. Culligan. J. W. Lancaster. J. G. Schneider. A. Saltzman. Chas. R. Wolfe. C. D. Green. C. L. Charlotte. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCE DEPARTMENT FOR MISSOURI-—Continued. Place. County. St. Louis, St. Louis. St. Marys, St. Genevieve. Salem, Dent. Salisbury, Chariton. Saratoga, McDonald. Savannah, Andrew. Schell City, Vernon. Sedalia, Pettis. ce ce ee ce Seligman, Barry. Shamrock, Callaway. Shelbina, SoM Shelbyville, § Shelby. Sikeston, Scott. Skidmore, Nodaway. Smithville, Clay. _| Southwest City, McDonald. Sparta, Christian. Springfield, Greene. Stanberry, Gentry. Steelville, Crawford. Steens Prairie, Maries. Stewartsville, De Kalb. Stockton, Cedar. Stoutland, Camden. Summersville, Texas. Taberville, St. Clair. Tarkio, Atchison. ce “ Tiff City, McDonald. Trenton, Grundy. ce ce Troy, Lincoln. Tuscumbia, Miller. Union, Frank lin. Union Star, De Kalb. Unionville, Putnam. Urbana, Dallas. Utica, Livingston. Van Buren, Carter. Van Cleve, ‘Maries. Vandalia, Audrian. Versailles, Morgan. ce ce Vichy, Maries. Vienna, Maries. Warrensburgh, Johnson, “ce se &e ac “cc “sé Warrenton, Warren. te ec Warsaw, Benton. Washington, Franklin. Watson, ‘Atel hison. Wayland, Clark. Waynesville, Pulaski. Webster Grov es, St. Louis. Wellesville, Montgomery. Westboro, Atchinson. Weston, Platte. Westphalia, Osage. West Plains, Howell. Wheatland, Hickory. “ “ce Williamsburgh, Callaway. Williamsville, Wayne. Windsor, Henry. Wittenberg, Perry. Wricht City, Warren. Name, — Paul Castle. Thos. B. Whitledge. J. M. Orchard. J. B. Ellington. Jeawe Shields. W. W. Caldwell. J. A. Sanders. B. F. Herrick. J. G. Mauger. B. D. Brown. C. M. King. J. I. Lloyd. P. B. Dunn. Green B. Grier. Miles McNeal. K. M. Woods. D. E. Havens. John M. Adams. J. P. McCameron. V. T. Williams. E. A. Pinnell. Thos. R. Gibson. George Hughes. W.. S. Herndon. Clement Hall. J. W. Burham. Preston Baskett. J. H. Purington. Vis AN Hendricks. G. F. Harwood. D. Huckins. W. 4H. McGrath. A. H. Burkeholder. O. G. Baine. Chas. Martin. David Marshall. T. H. Pugh. N. Zink. J. H. Carroll. B. H. Bonfoey. Edgar Gee. ea Kotte John C. Brown. Wm. Krone. C. G. White. B. R. Richardson. John D. Bohling. Robt. A. King. G. D. Underwood. Wm, E. Crissey. G. W. Raybill. J. W. Suddath. L. W. Jack. R. Rummons. Wn. Hartmann. J. J. Donald. H. H. Tompkins. eee Digs: Stephen South. Geo. K. Bates. J. McGregor. Shadrack A. Moody, S. P. Baily. J. W. Coburn. J. Radmaker. J. F. Hale. H. D. Green. J. H. Davidson. Geo. Moore. Thos. Fletcher. Geo. Yates. A.C. Graves. J. D. Lindsay. J. G. Weinhold. J. V. Hayes. REQUEST. — In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspendence that their “address was taken from the ‘‘ Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department”? of the ‘‘EvErY OrricE FAvorITE.” By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- tention.MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR Place. County. Albany, Gentry. Appleton City, St. Clair. Archie, Cass. Ava, Douglas. “ ce Ballwin, St. Louis. Barnard, Nodaway. Belton, Cass. ce ‘ Bethany, Harrison. ‘ec ‘6 “cc 6s oe “6 sé 66 Billings, Christian. Bloomfield, Stoddard. Bloomington, Henry. ce ee Bolivar, Polk. ee ee Booneville, Cooper. Bowling Green, Pike. Breckenridge, Caldwell. Brookfield, Linn. Browning. Linn. Brownsville, Saline. Brunswick, Chariton. Buffalo, Dallas. cc ce Burlington Junc.,Nodaway. te ee ce ce Butler, Bates. California, Moniteau. Callao, Macon. Cameron, Clinton. Canton, Lewis. Name. G. C. Holden. Hubbard & Hubbard. Peery & Witten. H. W. Grantley. Richie Bros. Williams & Payne. Hailey & Hailey. Lewis Kessler. P. J. Hainey. Chas. Williams. Scott Bros. Joseph F. Bryant. Alvord & Woodruff. Frisby & Winslow. W. H. Skinner. Wanamaker& Barlow W. W. Kinlock. D.S. Crumb. Joseph J. Miller. k. J. Jackson. Jobn L. Buck. Rexinger & Sperry. McCabe & Co. Whiton & Pendleton. Jackson Monroe. J. W. Basye. Oliver J Chapman. Geo. W. Martin. W. P. Taylor. W. H. Reavis. John Knappenberger. Thos. M. Brown. W. 4. Morrow. M. 1. Banta. J. M. Martin. I. B. Chrissinger: Walton & Tucker. Land Mortgage Co. Ben B. Canterbury. J. K. Brugler. W.M. Mize. Hazell & Pash. Dr. T. F. Owen. A.J. Althouse. J.P. Lewis. Cape Girardeau, C. Girardeau, Beck & Reid. Carrollton, Carroll. ce ee se 66 Carthage, Jasper. Cassville, Barry. ef ee Centre, Rolls. Centreville, Reynolds. oe ee ‘ce ce Charleston, Mississippi. ce ce 6h ec ee ce Chillicothe, Livingston. ee ce Clarksville, Pike. Clinton, Henry. Commerce, Scott. Conway, Laclede. Downing, Schuyler. Doniphan, Ripley. Kast Lynne, Cass. Edina, Knox. oe ce El Dorado Springs, Cedar. Fairfax, Atchison. Farmington, St. Francois. es se Fayette, Howard. Florisant, St. Louis. Forest City, Holt. Forsyth, Taney. Fredericktown, Madison. Fulton, Callaway. Gainesville, Ozark. zallatin, Daviess. “ec ce é¢ cc Glenwood, Schuyler. Vm. Bonney. Tuley & Perkins. Pattison & Timmons. J. M. Blankenship. Geo. W. Crow. Allen & Bayless. Manley & Frost. F. P. Sever. Joe 8. Carty. R.1. January. Josiah Sutton. Chas. Beckwith. Dodd & Flunk. J.C. Moore. J. C. Russell. John H. Ware. Chas. W. Asper. »C. R. J. MeInturff. Clifford Banking Co. Brinkerhoff & Faris. Benj. B. Gaither. J. M. Ragland. John Morgan. A. J. Ponder. D. M. Beers. Randolph & Cottey. W. C. Hollister. BY. EP) Hall. Ward & Draw. Farmers Bank. Mrs. Jennie Forster. L. D. Walker. Geo. W. Williams. J. R. McCormick. A. J. Furr & Co. _ Chas. Castello. Frazier & McDonald. Chas. H. Groom & Co. Cahoon & Cahoon. Robt. A. Aaionve F. S. Poston. McClendon & Jenney. Dudley & Ewing. Adam Ballin ger, Gillihan & Brosins. Wm. Logan. Place. County. Name. Place. Oounty. MISSOURI. * Name. Grant City, Worth. Greenfield, Dade. Greenville, Wayne. Hamilton, Caldwell. Hannibal, Marion. ce cc Harrisonville, Cass. “cc ce ec r be ce ec Hermann, Gasconade. Hermitage, Hickory. Higginsville, La Fayette. Hil lisborough, Jefferson. Holden, Johnson. Hopkins, Nodaway. Houston, Texas. Huntsville, Randolph. Ironton, Iron. ce ce Jackson, Cape Girardeau. Jamesport, Daviess. Jetferson City, Cole. Joplin, Jasper. Kahoka, Clark. Kansas City, Jackson Co. American Trust Co., 12, 13 and 14 Security Bld’g. Inter-State Investment Co., 6,7 Jarvis Conklin Mortgage Co., 118 West 6th St. Lombard Investment Co., Times Building. The Kansas City Investment Co., Security Bld’g. Chas. L. Wheeler. J. W. Eldridge. Jas. F. Hatten. H. W. Markham. 30swell & Clayton. Gannaway & Allin. Adam Theis. Kyle Mort., [nvest- ment Agency. Congor Bros. . P. Whalen. D. Dale. Mutual Saving Fund Association. Geo. S. Selvidge. J. H. Childers. EK. Winsor & Son. Thornton Jarvis. Hewes & Jewell. Semans & Nessley. J. H. Sayler. John D. Young. Hammett & Samuel. W.R. Edgar. J. W. Emerson. W. W. Nall. B. Zwart. McGuire & Wilson. S. W. Buzard. J.S. Flemming. S.-W. Cox. Claycomb & Staples. Matlock G Hiller. Wood & Montgomery & 8 Bunker Bld’g Winner Investment Co., 123 West 6th St. Western Mortgage and Invest. Co., Alamo Bld’g. Austin & Co., 111 West 9th St. Keytesville, Chariton. Kingston, Caldwell. Kirksville, Adair. Knobnoster, Johnson. La Belle, Lewis. Laddonia, Audrain. La Grange, Lewis. Lamar, Earton. ce 6e ce ce ee rs) Lancaster, Schuyler. oe 6 La Plata, Macon. Lathrop, Clinton. Lebanon, Laclede. ce ee ce 6c Lexington, La Fayette. é ‘<6 66 “ “ “c ‘ “ Liberty, Clay. Linneus, Linn. ce ce Louisburgh, Dallas. Louisiana, Pike. Macon City, Macon. ce “ce Manchester, St. Louis. Marble Hill, Bolinger. Marionyille, Marshall, Saline. Marshfield, Webster. Maryville, Nodaway. May sville, DeKalb. Memphis, Scotland. Mexico, Audrain. Lawrence. J. P. Phillips. William A. Wood. A. M. Smith & Co. S. I. Workman. E. A. Dowell. Moore & Kennan. T. Muir. War V. Hay. Geo. E. Bowling. Daubin & Douglas. Cole & Cox. S. A. Dysart. K. L. French. Rutherford & Mitchell John R. Green. J. L. Pinkerton & Co. C. Keck. W. I. Wallace. Geo. H. Greenleaf. E. Winsor & Son. Taylor & Lesueur. A. F. Alexander. W.4H. Chiles. Jas. Peak. Wm. H. Woodson. Geo. W. Stephens. D. J. Northcott. Fountain Hale. John W. Matson. Webb M. Rubey. plea, Loudon & Wil- is. C. W. ‘Caines. Lindsay Murdock. John S$. Coleman. Vandyke & Rainey. N. B. Noble. Frederick King. H. T. Osborne. srown & Montgomery J. F. Atterberry.. E. R. Bartlett. Kilgore & Howell. Woodward & Son. Milan, Sullivan. Moberly, Randolph. Montgomery City, gomery. ce Monticello, Lewis. Mound City, Holt. Mountain Grove, Wright. S. M. Grigsby. Winters & Butler. Hannah & Davis. Wu. B. Stewart. Mont- S. S. Nowlin. Frank M. Hayden. J. E. Thompson. Blair & Marchand. J. Foster Marshall. A. Cox & Company. Mount Vernon, Lawrence. Arch L. Sims. Neosho, Newton. N evada, Vernon. 6é ¢ “c ce ce ce ec ce ce 6 ce te New London, Ralls. R. M. Randle. Kimbell & January. Brewitt & Son. Davis & Bro. Maltby & Fisher. J. C. Murray. J. H. Donley. J.C. Birdseye. Roy & Baxter. New Madrid, New Madrid. J. AL Robins. ce 66 Oregon, Holt 6eé ce ce ee Osborn, De Kalb. Osceola, St. Clair. Ozark, Christian. Palmyra, Marion. Paris, Monroe. Pattonsburgh, Daviess. Perryville, Perry. Piedmont, Wayne. Pierce City, Lawrence. ce ce Plato, Texas. | Platte City, Platte. Plattsburgh, Clinton. Pleasant Hill, Cass. Poplar Grove, Butler. Potosi, Washington. Princeton, Mercer. ce ce ce¢ ce Rich Hill, Bates. tichmond, Ray. “ce be Rockport, Atchison. Rolla, Phelps. ee ce St. Tames Phelps. ce ce ce ce ce ée St. Louis, St. Louis. ce sc ce “ce Salem, Dent. Salisbury, Chariton. Savannah, Andrew. Sedalia, Pettis. «c ee “cc 6e ee 66 és ce 6c ce “ce “ce Shelbina, Shelby. Shelbyville, Shelby. Sikeston, Scott. Springfield, Green. Stanberry, Gentry. Steelville, Crawford. Stewartsville, De Kalb. St. Charles, St. Charles. St. Genevieve, St. Genevieve. Chas. C. Rozier. St. Joseph, Buchanan. 6 ee Cook & Weigle. Joseph Hunter. Daniel Zook. _W.R. Hoffman. Rk. H. Russell. Fred H. Austin. Jno. H. Lucas. I.N. & J.C. Rogers J. A. Hammond & Co. J. L. Weaver. G. W. Taylor. H. H. Winchell. John W. Boulward. McGee & Burgess. Chas. E. Hill. Jas. Burgee. Ben A. Hamilton. Libbey & Sinclair. L. L. Allen. R. B. Lynch. Pack & McRuer. Anderson & Carmack. Paul & O’Brien. David R. Walden. J. M. Davidson. S. M. Chapman. Frederick Will. H. G. Orton _M. F. Robinson. J. B. Evans. C. A. Denton. Esteb & Esteb. Lovelock & Lovelock R. Gay. Dopf & Rains. S. V. W. Scott. he CoBlint Edward Lusler. Jas. P. McElhiney. J.B. Gwignon. J. R. Craig. ~ Bartlett Bros. T. J. Chew. H. A. Owen. Donovan & Son. A. Saltzman. John F. Tyler, G. W. Towns & Co. Farrar & Co. ~ J.E. Kaine & Bro. A.S. Rowse. Jas. M. Orchard. D.R. Patterson. W. W. Caldwell. Morey & Crawford. F. Houston. Wi. A. Bast: J. M. Byler. J. H. Looney. W.H. Ross. Geo. F. Longan. Cowson & Combs. P. Dimmitt. Dines & Tanehill. Green B. Grier. Jas. R. Milner. V.7. Williams. Thos. R. Gibson. L. F. Henry.MiORTCGACE Place. County, LOAN ACENTS Name. AND Place. County. INVESTORS DEPARTMENT Name, FOR MISSOURI—Continued. Place. County. Name. Stockton, Cedar. Tarkio, Atchison. Trenton, Grundy. Troy, Lincoln. Tuscumbia, Miller. Union, Hranklin. Vandalia, Audrain. Versailles, Morgan. Vienna, Maries. Warrensburgh, Johnson. W.C. Hastin. Loy & Butler. R. M. Stevenson. A. H. Burkeholder. Martin & Avery. T. B. Robinson. Gallenkamp & Wood. Daniels Bank. L. E. Green. J.B. McGuffin. W.M.&A. J. Barr. John U. Gaty. Warrenton, Warren. Warsaw, Benton. ce 66 Westboro, Atchison. Weston, Platte. West Plains, Howell. Webster Groves, St. Louis. Wellesville, Montgomery. Peers Morsey & Dryden. H. T. Patten. T. B. Wheeler. N. D. Allen. Benj. F. Webster tT. J. Wright. J. W. Coburn. Halstead & Perkins. Powells & Foster. Moore & Co. J. H. Davidson. EX PLANATEON,—The parties whose addresses are here given are identified in the REAL EstaTE First Morr- GAGE loan business, on their own account or for other investors, and through whom such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respective localities. To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was taken from the “Mortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department” of ‘‘THm Every OFFICE FavoRITE.’’ Wheatland, Hickory. MISSOURI.—The State of Missouri has in all one hundred and fourteen counties; from one to ten towns, or cities, in every county, are represented by.the foregoing Srx Departments. Directory has been produced than “Tar Every Orricr Favorrrn.” Kindly always mention this Directory when opening correspondence with parties whose addresses are obtained from same. No better or more practical business correspondentsHOTEL, rraveters’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR MONTANA. | Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. h : sf < Pacific Hotel. Stevensville, Missoula. Stevensville Hotel. ‘| Baars, Bee Hodes: Soe aus t i Overland Hotel. Stillwater, Yellowstone. Stillwater House. mi) | Billings, Yellowstone. Headquarters Hotel. | Glendale, Beaver Head. Glendale House. Sun River, Lewis & Clarke. Sargent House. Nd ee “ Merchants Hotel. Glendive, Dawson. Merrill House. Townsend, Meagher. Reynolds House. Hi | « «“ Park Hotel. S Merchants Hotel. Twin Bridges, Madison. Twin Bridge Hotel. i | Boulder Valley, Jefferson. Boulder House. Helena, Lewis & Clarke. Grand Central Hotel. | Ubet, Faugus. Barrows House. ay “6 ee Grand Central. ee By Cosmopolitan. Virginia City, Madison. Madison House. cs cs Boulder Hot Springs oe = International. White Sulphur Springs, House. Laurin, Madison. R. Valley House. Meagher. Higgins House. Bozeman, Gallatin. Laclede Hotel. Junction, Yellowstone. Sunetien House. ‘6 6 “ WSL SO Hotell és es Northern Pacific. Lew iston, Fergus. By. OUSe: CONVENIENCE. —The very great convenience Hortop House. of this department cannot help but be appreciated by Butte City, Silver Bow. Windsor House. a : os ee Metropolitan House. ; Livingston, Gallatin. Merchants Hotel. the traveling public or those who are going ona Wt F. R. Bill. ss ¢ J. W. McFarland. | Basin, Jefferson. Joseph B. Brien. Dillon, Beaver Head. « OC. Y. Reeder. Missoula, Missoula. Reeves & Wheeler. ee Billings, Yellowstone. a Boney. Fort Benton, Choteau. T, A. Cummings. s = Stephens & Bickiord: | « «“ Amest he Goss! cs e Woody & Marshall. es at / Or KF. (Goddard. Phillipsburgh, Deer Lodge. H. F. ‘iting: es a John Tinkler. Fort Benton, Choteeu, Benton Building Assn. | Park City, Yellowstone. Li. Peavy. | Boulder Valley, Jefferson. Geo. ¥. Cowan. Fort Macginnis, Fergus. TT. A. Marlow. Stanford, Fergus. J. E. Morgan. Bozeman, Gallatin. Thomas B. Quaw. Glendale, Beaver Head. Chas. Turner, Twin Bridges, Madison. J. M. Page. ES of J. V. Bogart. Bs be H. Avery. Utica, Fergus. F. E. Wricht. uk és g Wm. A. Imes. Glendive, Dawson. James G. Ramsey. Virginia City, Madison. Theo. Muffey. hal ie ae J. M. Lindley. Great Falls, Choteau. Great Falls Town Site} White Sulphur Springs, ' Butte City, Silver Bow, Mantle & Warren. Co. Meagher. : J. E. Sprague & Co. | : gopbans’ Real Estate Helena, Lewis & Clarke. Me Lockey. Willow Glen, Deer Lodge. John R. Eardley. ney. ‘ 73 4 my fe “ 6 Rata Bese: “ 6 EM Hose EXPLANATION AND. REQUEST. — The { “ 6 FE. W. Patten. ‘ce ‘“ TS Cron parties whose addresses are here given are, in nearly every { ‘ 6c Murphy & Fitzeibb % ) ory ea Ae ae instance, actively and attentively engaged in the real estate | ee urphy w& Pitzgippon. Lewiston, Fergus. Rudolf Von Tobel. business. In opening correspondence with any of them, a s W. C. Shippen. Livingston, Gallatin. Henry & Joy please mention that their name was taken from the ‘Real | Choteau, Choteau, A. B. Hamilton. 66 “< Savace & Elder Estale A genteend Dealers Department” of ‘‘THE EVERY ee 5 . A TE.” M ORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR M ONTANA. a | Place County 1B . ounty. Namo, He ame, Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. 7) | : aes | Anaconda, Deer Lodge Ho : i | na, d : ge, Brownlee & Co. : Se see 5 mi) | Billings, Yellowstone, H. W. Rowley SCO Oe Dawis on Merchants Bank. Virginia City, Madison. N. Parker. «“ “ To Gee Hsien alowis’@ Glace Gene Bank. ss ss Hall Harrington & Co. Bozeman, Gallatin. Robt, Baxton. Gs na Sapna SOE eon: eee e OOTY ie | cs PG Deaernalon S Bullard & Barbour. | White Sulphur Springs, i “ “ Dania Maer: ie cs Pa Te Meagher. First National Bank. a . J.P. Morrill Laurin, Madi a EX PLAN Butte it 5 2 P aurin, Madison. J.B. Laurn, en ANATELON,—The parties whose addresses are e City, Silver Bow, Cobbans Real Estate Lewiston, Fergus. Rudolf Von Tobel given here are identified in the Rean Estate First Mort- : gency. ee 6 m : GAGE loan business, and through th h investment | DESeTTieaGe eee es. John Toombs. 1ess, and through them such investments may | | Dillon eeu pene ae abie. Miles City, Custer. H. F. Bachelor. be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and the Ge as : B P Wi ee : 66 E. A. Kreidler & Bro, | Cuxrent rates of interest obtained in their localities. To ascer- ~ & " N A Stile e. : c : 66 Wm. Courtney. tain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, Fort Benton Choteau: 7” Rats &C Missoula, Missoula. Reeves & Wheeler. address them and mention that name was taken from the a - a te\o ngs 0 ss Woody & Marshall. “‘Mortgage Loan Agents’? and Investors’ Department’? of Colli r & C lins, Duer & Co, 5 g Stephens & Bickford, | “f#® Every Orrico Favorrrz.”2 BANKS AND BANKERS pzrarruznr vor MONTANA. Jace. County. Anaconda, Deer Lodge. Name. Hoge, Brownlee & Co. Bannack City, Beaver Head.Roe Bros. Billings, Yellowstone. Bozeman, Gallatin. Butte City, Silver Bow. Deer Lodge City. Dillon, Beaver Head. NOTARIES PUBLIC, pnrorzsr anp First Nat'l Bank of Billings. Gallatin Valley Nat'l Bank. Bozeman Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Clark & Larabie. Hoge, Brownlee & Co. Clark & Larabie. First Nat’l Bank. | Place. County. Fort Benton, Choteau. “e “ce Glendive, Dawson. se ce 6c “ “ce “é Glendale, Beaver Head. Helena, Lewis & Clarke. Name, Dillon Nat’l Bank. Bank of Northern Montana. First Nat'l Bank, Ft. Benton. N. Armstrong & Co. Merchants Bank. Glendive Bank First Nat’l Bank. Second Nat’! Bank, Merchants Nat’! B’k. Montana Nat’! B’k. Place. County. Name. Livingston, Gallatin. Livingston Bank. Mifes City, Custer. First National Bank. Stock Grower’s Nat’] Bank. Missoula Natl Bank. Hall Harrington & Co. Henry Elling. Missoula, Missoula. Virginia City, Madison. “ “ . White Sulphur Springs, Meagher. First National Bank REQUES'T.— Please to always-mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that the address was taken from the “ Bank and Bankers Depart- ment” of ‘THE EvERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR M O NTA NA. Place. County. Name. Anaconda, Deer Lodge. i : Basin, Jefferson. Billings, Yellowstone. “ec ce Black Foot City, D. Lodge. Bozeman, Gallatin. “c “ce 6c“ “ sé sé cc ce Butte City, Silver Bow. ‘e se 6 “ “cc ‘e Choteau, Choteau. Cottonwood, Fergus. Deer Lodge City, Deer L’. ts «6 Dillon, Beaver Head. “ec ce Elkhorn, Jefferson. Forsyth, Custer. A.S. Higgins.. F. W. Knight. M. J. Fitzpatrick. Jos. B. Brien. Walter Matheson. E. N. Harwood. John McGinness. J. R. Quigley. J. ds Davis: Geo. Budd. F. K. Armstrong. Geo. A. Shelton. A. D. McPherson. Jas. W. Forbes. H.S. Clark. T. B. Thomas. Chas. S. Warren. E. C. Garrett. John Ponnels. J. C. Robinson. O. B. O. Bannan. W.H. Trippet. R. T. Wing. P. McGough. Theo. Fuhzken. H. R. Marcyes. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name, Fort Benton, Choteau. ‘ec “ec “é “ Fort Macginnis, Glendale, Beaver Head. Glendive, Dawson. “ce 66 sé ee cé “eé Helena, Lewis & Clarke. ce ce 6c se Laurin, Madison. Lewiston, Fergus. Livingston, Gallatin. ee sé Maiden, Meagher. 66 “cs Miles City, Custer. ce be «sé ce Missoula, Missoula. Geo. W. Crane. H. B. Hil. Arthur B. Keeler. Herbert P. Rolfe. T. A. Marlow. H. Avery. Chas. Turner. A. L. Smith. P. D. Mickee. W.S. Hurst. Jas. G. Ramsey. David Marks. O. B. Totten. A. J. Steele. Sam’! A. Balliett. Lomer Lahaise. Rudolf Von Tobel. J. A. Savage. A. R.Joy. L. Roberts. Frank Martin. EK. A. Kridler. Wm. Courtney. J. W. Strevell. H. I’. Bachelor. T. C. Marshall. W. M. Bickford. Geo. W. Reeves. Neihart, Meagher. R. H. Finley. New Chicago, Deer Lodge. R. M. Ferguson. Phillipsburgh, Deer Lodge. David M. Durfee. Park City, Yellowstone. L. Peavy. Red Bluff, Madison. Chas. H. Peck. Stamford, Fergus. J. H. Morgan. Stevensville, Missoula. Gus Masier. o Anderson Buker. Sun River, Lewis & Clarke. John T. Athey. Townsend, Meagher. James EK. Kanouse. Twin Bridges, Madison. W. H. Lott. Utica, Fereus. FE. E. Wright. Virginia City, Madison. Wm. Morris. es F. C. Deimling. R. G. Wright. Missoula, Missoula. ee 79 White Sulphur Springs, Meagher. REQUEST.—In sending matters to Notaries whose addresses are here given, you will confer a favor to the publishers and obtain™extra assurance of promptness in attending to your business by mentioning that address was taken from the ‘‘Notaries Public (Protest and Conveyancing) Department”? of “THE EyERY OFFICE FavoriITE.” GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR MONTANA. Place. County. Name, Place. County. eName. Place. County. Name. Anaconda, Deer Lodge. ‘ce “e te “é Billings, Yellowstone. se 6s 66 66 sé écé «6 6c Boulder Valley, Jefferson. Bozeman, Gallatin. 6 cé se “6 6s 66 6é ee 6e “6 “cc 66 66 66 iT) 6e 66 6 73 66 66 66 6&6 66 66 66 ac 66 66 66 66 &6 it) 66 66 66 6c 3 F. W. Knight. A.S. Higgins. Geo. B. Winston. E. N. Harwood. Samuel H. Wilde. Jno. McGinness. O. F. Goddard. Jas. R. Goss. FE, M. Proctor. Geo. F. Cowan. Luce & Armstrong. Vivion & Shelton. J.J. Davis. W.EF. Davis. Wim. A. Imes. D.C. Campbell. Knowles & Forbes. Sharp & Napton. G. W. Stapleton. W. W. Dixon, S. D. Wolfe. F. W. Cole. H. B. Smith. A. J. McHatton. J. RK. Bourman. Pemberton & Scallon. W. O. Speer. W. H. DeWitt. F.T. McBride. J. H. Curtis. Patrick Tallent. J. H. Duffy. Geo. T. Borie. T. C. Robinson. Butte City, Silver Bow, 66 it} ce ce “ce “cc 6c c6 6 ‘é Dillon, Beaver Head. ec 6c ce te Fort Benton, Choteau. se ée «se 6é “é ac “ce 6é ce se Glendale, Beaver Head. Glendive, Dawson. 6é ‘eé “e ‘6 “6 “cc “é oe 66 ‘ce “ce 46 Lewiston, Fergus. oe se Livingston, Gallatin. sé 6s Maiden, Meagher. Deer Lodge City, D. Lodge. Helena, Lewis & Clarke. Thompson & Camp- bell. J. W. Forbes. C. J. Walsh. T. C. Bach. Robinson & Staple- ton. H. R. Whitehill. W. H. Trippet. Smith & Melton. Galbraith & Burleigh. W.S. Barbour. Buck & Hunt. H. G. McIntire. Willis F. Parker. Jno. J. Donnelly. Herbert P. Rolfe. Mark J. Leaming. Chas. Turner. R. D. Mickee. H. J. Haskell. John Trumbell. Toole’s & Wallace. Bullard & Barbour. Sanders, Cullen & Sanders. Carter & Clayberg. F. KE. Sterling. J. A. Johnston. S. W. Darling. Rudolph Von Tobel. Henry & Joy.~ . Savage & Elder. J. E. Wasson. A. F. Burleigh. Miles City, Custer. o BS W. A. Burleigh. ae ss W. 4H. Ross. se ce Strevell & Garlock. A... O'Conner. C. R. Middleton, Geo. W. Reeves. Wm. Sanders. Stephens & Bickford. Woody & Marshall. Jas. Fowlie. Geo. R. Choate. Phillipsburgh, Deer Lodge. David M. Durfee. ss ss Eke titus: M. F. Meyer. L. Peavy. M. H. Parker. James E. Kanouse. J. M. Page. Jas. E. Callaway. H.N. Blake. ‘6 sé Missoula, Missoula. ee eé 6c 66 sé “ee Neihart, Meagher. 6é “6 Park City, Yellowstone. Townsend, Meagher. Twin Bridges, Madison. Virginia City, Madison. sé 66 a ie EK. J. Conger. White Sulphur Springs Weare! Smith & Maddox. Max Waterman. Wicks, Jefferson. Geo. D. Green. “ os Geo. W. Lutton. REQUEST. —In opening a business correspondence with parties whose addresses are here given, kindly mention that name was taken from the ‘‘ General Law and Collection Department’’-of ‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.’? By so doing you confer a favor to the publishers, and at the same time obtain extra assurance of your business meeting with prompt and careful attention.THE COMING C HALL COUNTY. ITY OF NEBRASKA. CENTRALLY LOCATED. This is a rapidly growing town of seven thousand five hundred inhabitants, on the Union Pacific Railway, one hundred and fifty-three miles west of Omaha. It_is the first division west of Omaha on that line, and the company have extensive shops, round house, hotel and other acces- sories to the great railway. ‘There is also the extension of the B. & M. railway into the coal fields of Wyoming, called the Grand Island & Wyoming railway ; the B. & M. from Lincoln ; the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railway ; the Omaha & Re- publican Valley Railway ; two branches and two prospective lines, making the Grand Island is the best hotel town in Nebraska, owing to the central location and railway exit. In 1880, Grand Island had but 2,900 inhabitants. In 1883 it had 4.000. In 1885, a little over 5,000, and the unprecedented growth of the last year has raised it to nearly 8,000. There is paid outin this city, $250,000 to railway employes alone annually, and this with a splendid farming country gives substantial and permanent growth to the town. Street railways are needed and the want is to be supplied by the Grand Island Street Railway Company, that will commence laying track in April of next year. This town arailway center, and, being centrally located in the state is now called the “ Tndianapolis of Nebraska.” The town is supplied with extensive water works, the water being pure and soft, and is taken from thirty-six drive wells, driven to a depth. of fifty feet, by two powerful engines, and forced into a water tower, one hundred and ten feet high, and with seven miles of mains is earried to all parts of the city. Illumination is furnished by the Sperry system of electric light and extensive gas works. Hotel facilities are being perfected by the erection of a new one, sixty-six by one hundred and thirty-two feet, four stories high. This, with the seven hotels company was organized recently and is backed by two of the wealthiest men in Grand Island. It is now two and one- half miles across the city, and it will be profitable and convenient. A company for the manufacture of barb wire has just been organized and will commence business in the spring. Grand Island has a school population of eighteen hundred, and to accomodate these, fine school buildings have been erected. An immense brick building on and one nearly as large on the North 7 now 1n operation, will give the traveling | to do the work. public the very best of accommodations. Correspondence is solicited from generally, IDLY A new Hospital costing $35,000 has been erected this year, andis just opened for patients. The city has several handsome parks. It also has five artificial lakes, the out- growth of individual enterprise, to sup- ply the city with ice. Much ice is also shipped from this to adjacent towns. During the past year some twenty-five or thirty new brick blocks, two and three stories high, have been erected, and the plans and specifications are out for double the number next year, when Grand Island will have its greatest boom. Owing to the reasonable prices of real estate, this city offers good mducements for investment, and with its educational facilities, church and social privileges, it is a pleasant place for a home, and many people from the eastern states are adopt- ing it. There is plenty of room, as some five or six new additions will be made to thé young city the coming season. The right hand of fellowship is ex- the south side of the Union Pacific track Side, and a large two room brick Ward school at the West End, and other ward schools afford the educational facilities. A corps of twenty-five teachers are required There are also six churches in the city. tended to those wishing « home in the west, by the citizens of Grand Island, and they are doubly welcome. Grand Island is one of the most health- ful localities in the state of Nebraska. Grand Island has much wealth, and is It has three banking houses, an opera house, built mainly on home capital. commercial college, etc. Space will not permit further details of the present and prospective future of this city. : parties in the East who contemplate coming West, by the citi j citizens of Grand Isiand especially the Business Classes represented by the seven departments of this Directory.—“THE FAVORITE.”’Place. County. Adams, Gage. Ainsworth, Brown. “6 ce Albion, Boone. ce oe éc ae cc Alexandria, Thayer. Alma, Harlan. ee ee Almeria, Loup. Arapahoe, Furnas. Arlington, Washington. Ashland, Saunders. Atkinson, Holt. ts es Auburn, Nemaha. sé ee Aurora, Hamilton. ce cc Avoca, Cass. Axtell, Kearney. Bancroft, Cuming. ee éé Bartlett, Wheeler. Bassett, Brown. Battle Creek, Madison. Bazile Mills, Knox. Beatrice, Gage. Beaver City, Furnas, Bellwood, Butler. Belvidere, Thayer. Bennett, Lancaster. Bertrand, Phelps. Blair, Washington. ee ce Bloomington, Franklin. ce e Blue Hill, Webster. Blue Springs, Gage. Bradshaw, York. Brewster, Blair. Broken Bow, Custer. ee se Brownville, Nemaha. Burchard, Pawnee. ee ce Burwell, Loup. Cambridge, Furnace. ce ee Carleton, Thayer. Cedar Rapids, Boone. Co ‘sé Central City, Merrick. “es se ce a4 ‘é ce Chadron, Dawes. ee ee Chapman, Merrick. Chester, Thayer. ee ee Clarks, Merrick. Clay Center, Clay. Clear Water, Antelope. Coleridge, Cedar. Columbus, Platte. ee sé és cs ce ce Courtland, Gage. Covington, Dakota. 6c ce Cozad, Dawson. ee se ce 6s Crab Orchard, Johnson. Creighton, Knox. 6é ce Crete, Saline. Culbertson, Hitchcock. 66 ‘ Name. Howard House. Burns House. Ainsworth House. Albion House. Commercial Hotel. Central Hotel. Beaver Valley Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Shafter House. Windsor Hotel. Almeria Hotel. Arapahoe Houge. *"Commercial House. Arlington House. Ashland House. Commercial House. Aborn House. Holdridge House. Talmage House. Aurora House. Tuttle House. Central House. Fairman House. Bancroft House. Depot House. Bartlett House. Bassett House. Battle Creek House. Brooks House. Randal House. Commercial House. Bellwood House. Naylor House. Commercial House. Price Hotel. Bertrand House. Commercial Hotel. City Hotel. Maher’s Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Tremont House. City Hotel. : City Hotel. Bradshaw Hotel. Brewster House. Commercial House. Marble Top House. Marsh House. Avenue House. European Hotel. Cornell Bdg. House. Cambridge House. Picklé House. Commercial Mouse. Commercial House. Guard House. Central City House. Vockes House. City Hotel. Grand Central Hotel. Danielson House. Chapin House. Chapman House. American House. Commercial House. West Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Kelsey House. City Hotel. Clother House. Grand Pacific House. Lindel House. Nebraska House. Courtland House. Ferry House. Farmers House. Maryott House. Bundy House. Hendee House. Commercial House. Creighton House. Brown Hotel. Cosmopolitan Hotel. Culbertson House. Grand Central House. Place. County. Culbertson, Hitchcock. Cumminsville, Wheeler. Dakota, Dakota. Dannebrog, Howard. Davenport, Thayer. ce oe David City, Butler. Dawson, Richardson. Decatur, Burt. De Witt, Saline. Dorchester, Saline. Dunbar, Otoe. Edgar, Clay. Elba, Howard. Elk Creek, Johnson. Elwood, Gosper. Emerson, Dixon. Endicott, Jefferson. ae ee Ewing, Holt. Exeter, Fillmore. Fairbury, Jefferson. sé ae ‘é ce Fairfield, Clay. Fairmont, Fillmore. Falls City, Richardson. oe sé Firth, Lancaster. HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR Name. Farmers Hotel. Diffenderfer House. Farmers Hotel. Hart’s Hotel. American Elouse. Central Hotel. Commercial Hotel. David City Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Decatur House. De Witt House. Dorchester House. Cox House. Commercial House. Vogt House. Commercial House. Commercial House. Elwood House. Commercial House. Campbell House. Central House. Ewing House. City Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Pacific Hotel. Great Western Hotel. Fairfield House. City Hotel. Pacific Hotel. Union House. Centropolis House. Central Hotel. Firth House. Fort Calhoun, Washington. Rixe’s Hotel. Ft. Omaha, Douglas. Franklin, Franklin. ae ee Fremont, Dodge. a3 ce ce éeé Friend, Saline. Fullerton, Nance. ee ee Geneva, Fillmore. Genoa, Nance. Gibbon, Buffalo. Glenville, Clay. Gothenburg, Dawson. Grafton, Fillmore. Grand Island, Hall. ‘e ‘ ce 66 ce ce ce ee ee ce Greenwood, Cass. Guide Rock, Webster. Haigler, Donahoe. 6e ec Hampton, Hamilton. Hardy, Nuckolls. Hartington, Cedar. sé ts Harvard, Clay. ‘ 66 ee Hastings, Adams. 6é cs ee ce Hayes Centre, Hayes. Hebron, Thayer. 66 ce 66 sé Herman, Washington. Holdrege, Phelps. ‘ 6 ce 66 ce 6s Homer, Dakota. Hooper, Dodge. Hubbard, Dakota. “ Hubbell, Thayer. Humboldt, Richardson. Humphrey, Platte. Ft. Omaha House. Grand Central Hotel. Commercial Hotel. New York House. City Hotel. Eno Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Commercial Hotel, City Hotel. Fillmore Hotel. Genoa House. Pacific House. Keystone House. Hotel Gothenberg. Laclede Hotel. Pacific Hotel. Clarndon Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Estes House. Jordan House. Jameson House. Central House. Morgan House. Haigler House. Central Hotel. Commercial House. Commercial Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Central House. Whitney House. -Metropolitan House. Bostwick House. Lepin House. Arlington House. Hicks Hotel. Central House. Sherman House. Hebron House. Conlee House. Arlington Hotel. Hampton House. Holdrege House. City Hotel. Pilgram House. Wickwie House. Merchants Hotel. Franklin House. Hubbell House. Filson House. Tiaskotte House. _ Grandville House. NEBRASKA. Place. County. Indianola, Red Willow. ee ce Jackson, Dakota. ce cs Johnson, Nemaha. Juniata, Adams. Kearney, Buffalo. ee 6 ce “sé e ce se sé Kenesaw, Adams. Kennard, Washington. Kent, Loup. Kimball, Cheyenne. Liberty, Gage. ee ee Lincoln, Lancaster. ee ee 6s sé sé se ce Se Lodge Pole, Cheyenne. Long Pine, Brown. Louisville, Cass. Loup City, Sherman. Lyons, Bu rt. McCook, Red Willow. Madison, Madison. ‘sé oe Marquette, Hamilton. Mead, Saunders. Milford, Seward. Millard, Douglas. Minden, Kearney. Naponee, Franklin. Nebraska City, Otoe. es se ce 6s Neligh, Antelope. Nelson, Nuckolls. Nemaha City, Nehama. Niobrara, Knox. oe ce ce ee Norfolk, Madison. North Auburn, Nemaha. North I}end, Dodge. North Loup, Valley. North Platte, Lincoln. iT) 66 Oakdale, Antelope. Oakland, Burt. Odell, Gage. Ogallala, Keith. Omaha, Douglas. ee se 6é 6s “ 6 “< “ “ “é 66 “6 cé “cc it “ec ce 66 6 “ce O'Neill, Holt. Ord, Valley. Orleans, Harlan. oe te Osceola, Polk. Name. Indianola House. Sargent House. . Merchants Hotel. Franklin House. Central House. Commercial Hotel. Grand Central House Aitken House. United States Hotel. American Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Metropolitan Hotel. Johnson Hotel. Woods House. Martha House. Commercial Hotel. City Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Windsor Hotel. Arlington Hotel. Tremont House. St. Charles House. Nash Hotel. Dwinell Hotel. Hall House. Massasoit House. Rosseter House. Logan House. Commercial House. McCook House. McEntee House. Prince House. Madison House. Marquette House. Mead House. Saratogo Hotel. Millard Hotel. Minden House. Arlington Hotel. Gage House. Morton House. Grand Central House. Cincinnati House. Atlantic House. Commercial House. Keystone House. Park House. Draper House. Hubbard House. Farmers Hotel. Pacific House. Tillenbure House. Auburn House. Seivers “House. Arlington House. Metropolitan House. Hinman House. R. R. House. Hawley House. Nebraska House. Central House. St. Paul Hotel. Central House. Girard Hotel. Blakesley House. Ogallala House. Paxton Hotel. American House. Areade Hotel. Atlantic Hotel. Cozzeus Hotel. Metropolitan Hotel. Millard Hotel. Tremont House. National Hotel. Occidental Hotel. Omaha House. Evans House. Commercial House. Hotel America. Chapman Transit H. Ord City Hotel. Orleans House. Commercial House. Commercial House.HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ Place. County. Osceola, Polk. Overton, Dawson. te 6é Oxford, Furnas. “e “e Palisade, Hitchcock. Palmyra, Otoe. Papillion, Sarpy. ‘ ‘é “ Pawnee City, Pawnee. ee ce Pender, Dakota. Peru, Nemaha. Phillips Station, Hamilton. Pierce, Pierce. Pilger, Stanton. Plainview, Pierce. Platte Centre, Platte. Plattsmouth, Cass. “ee “eé 66 Plum Creek, Dawson. ce ee “ce ce ce cé Ponca, Dixon. ce “ce “ “6 Red Cloud, Webster. Republican City, Harlan. Reynolds, Jetterson. Rising City, Butler. ci3 oe Riverton, Franklin. Roca, Lancaster. Rulo, Richardson. St. Edward, Boone. St. Helena, Cedar. St. James, Cedar. St. Paul, Howard. Name. feo Osceola House. Overton House. Carr House. Commercial House. B. & M. Eating H. Palisade Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Papillion House. Sarp House. Wilcox House. Aylington Hotel. Hazel House. Bonney House. City Hotel. Phillips House. Commercial House. Parker House. Pilger House. Plainview House. Field House. Perkins House. City Hotel. Stadelman House. Grand Central Hotel. Albion Hotel. Gessner House. Ogden House. Central House. Merchants Hotel. Valley House. Holland House. Gardner House. Gage House. Florence Hotel. Arlington House. Farmers House. Exchange Hotel. Roca House. Forney House. Hardy House. St. Helena House. City Hotel. Commercial House. Collins House. CUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR (ee enone Place. County. Salem, Richardson. Sargent, Custer. Schuyler, Colfax. 7 ‘ Scotia, Greeley. Scribner, Dodge. Seward, Seward. ce ‘ “c “cc ce “cc Shelby, Polk. Shelton, Buffalo. Sidney, Cheyenne. Silver Creek, Merrick. South Bend, Cass. Springfield, Sarpy. ce ce Spring view, Keya Paha. Stanton, Stanton. Staplehurst, Seward. Steele City, Jefferson. Stella, Richardson. Sterling, Johnson. Stockville, Frontier. Stratton, Hitchcock. Stromsburgh, Polk. Stuart, Holt. Superior, Nuckolls. Sutton, Clay. Syracuse, Otoe. Table Rock, Pawnee. Talmage, Otoe. Taylor, Loup. Tecumseh, Johnson. sé “es ee «6 ce 6e Tekamah, Burt. Name. NEBRASKA—Continued. Place. County. Name. City Hotel. Windsor Hotel. City Hotel. Fogg House. Tyler House. Windsor Hotel. Winsor Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Grand Central Hotel. Park House. Shelby Hotel. Shelton House. Pacific Hotel. Metropolitan Hotel. Silver Creek House. American House. Rogers House. Springfield House. Starr House. Spring House. Commercial House. Nebraska House. Stanton House. Eagle Hotel. Thompson Hotel. Florence Hotel. Moore House: Galland House. Howe House. Wilcox House. Commercial House. Stuart House. Superior House. Union Hotel. Occidental Hotel. Hill House. Lindsley House. Talmage House. Taylor House. Sherman House. Commercial House. Centennial House. Cottage House. Merchants Hotel. Tekamah, Burt. Trenton, Hitchcock. Ulysses, Butler. Unadilia, Otoe. Utica, Seward. -Valentine, Cherry. Valparaiso, Saunders. 6 ee cé sé Verdon, Richardson. Waco, York. Wahoo, Saunders. 6e ce 6“ 6c “ 6é Wakefield, Dixon. Waterloo, Douglas. Waverly, Lancaster. Wayne, Wayne. se “ee Weeping Water, Cass. “cc 6é Western, Saline. Westerville, Custer. West Point, Cuming. West Union, Custer. Wilber, Saline. Willow Springs, Garfield. Wisner, Cuming. Wood River, Hall. Wymore, Gage. York, York. Astor House. Duncan House. Rean House. Union Hotel. Western Hotel. Valentine House. Ray House. Brick House. Commercial House. Exchange House. Grand Central Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Riddle House. Dunlap House. Commercial Hotel. Farmers Hotel. Occidental Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Waterloo House. Waverly House. Wayne House. Bond Hotel. Gibbon House. Hubbard House. Weston House. Eureka House. Neligh House. Orvis House. Wilber House. McClemens House. Elkhorn Valley H. Commercial House. Wood River House. Potter House. Central House. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC.—tThis De. partment of ‘‘ THe Every Orrice Favorirr’’ (taken for all the States and Territories in the U. S.) will be found the most COMPLETE and RECENT NATIONAL HOTEL DIRECTORY published. In proof of this statement Publishers in. vite comparison. It will be observed that atu Hotels in each town or city are not shown, but selections made from amone the best where there are more than one in a place. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR NEBRASKA. Place. County. Name. Ainsworth, Brown. Albion, Boone. +e “ce Alexandria, Thayer. Alma, Harlan. ee “ Almeria, Loup. Arapahoe, Furnace. “ ee «cc ee aed Arlington, Washington. a Ashland, Saunders. | 6e « Atkinson, Holt. 6s ue “ “ec Auburn, Nemaha. ce ce Aurora, Hamilton. Axtel, Kearney. Bancroft, Cuming. Bartlett, Wheeler. Battle Creek, Madison. Beatrice, Gage. “ee “ 6s 66 66 se 66 6s C13 “ 66 ee “6 “ce “cc “ 6e “cc Bellwood, Butler. Belvidere, Thayer. Bertrand, Phelps. Big Spring, Cheyenne, Blair, Washington. 4“ “6 A. Allschuler. John Peters. Friend & Needham. Proctor & Wirt. J. B. Billings. Jay Adams. G. W. Strohl. A.J. McPeak. E.S. Child A. Y. Wright. S. G. Glover. Doon Bros. A. H. Chapman. M. F. Herrington. G. W. Fablinger. Stowell & Kelligar. Spanogle & Co. Thos. Delebone. Ward & Barber. Staple Bros. Farmers & Drovers Bank. A. VY. 8S. Saunders. Ellis & Knapp. Grable & Tait. I. N. McConnell. Thos.Yule & Son. A. L. Green & Co. W. B. Packard. L. Kinsman. ‘J. A. Anness. C. S. Anderson. W. Howard Phelps. Platte Valley Bank. Rewich Bros. & Co. H. L. E. Lincoln. C. E. Thompson. Alex. Reed. W.H. Eller. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Blair, Washin gton. ci i 6s 6e Bloomington, Franklin, ‘< «< Blue Hill, Webster. Blue Springs, Gage. Brainard, Butler. Brewster, Blair. Broken Bow, Custer. (74 “ee Brownville, Nemaha. Buffalo, Wheeler. Burchard, Pawnee. Burwell, Loup. ce 6eé Cambridge, Furnas. Carleton, Thayer. Cedar Rapids, Boone. ee 66 Central City, Merrick. ee ce ce é¢ &é ee Chadron, Dawes. 6é 6eé ee ce é oe Chappell, Cheyenne. Chester, Thayer. Clarks, Merrick. Clay Center, Clay. Mann & Morgan. J. W. Boggs. C. McMenemy. V.‘G. Lantry. J.P. A. Black & Co. John R. Hart. W. O. Robinson. Watkins Bros. J. W. Farley. J. H. Clapp. J.T. McKnight. M. C. Lyons. Trefrew & Hewitt. Kirkpatrick & Hol- comb. L. J. Jewett. Hutchinson & Good- win. D. P. Tipton. Baird Bros. George & Davis. Bean & Newman. Frank Webster. Wri. L. Smith. Bee & Reagor. Rewich Bros. & Co. Harris & Sargent. Brown & Bird. Nelson Barnes. J. B. Lazear. Watson & Yenney. A. L. Reinoehl. F. M. Dorrington. Ballou & Cassady. Levi G. Sweat. Baird & Ballard. John Oneil. I. L. Wright. W. T. Dodge. Henry Beardsley. Jesse F. Eller. John M. Jones. Coleridge, Cedar. Columbus, Platte. ce &é Cozad, Dawson. Creighton, Knox. e ce Crete, Saline. ee ee ce ee Clear Water, Antelope. J. Q. A. Thompson. Geo.W.Hutton & Co. G. G. Becher & Co. Spiece & North. . Samuel C. Smith. David Claypool. B. A. Cresner & Co. McCarn Bros. J. H. Gruhen. Duras & Jahn. Dawes & Foss. Culbertson, Hitchcock. Cumminsville, Wheeler. H. B. Strant. H. BR. Bowler. ° Dakota, Dakota. Dannebrog, Howard. David City, Butler. ce «eé 66 ce ce cc 66 ée Decatur, Burt. De Witt, Saline. Diller, Jefferson. Edgar, Clay. Elba, Howard. Elm Creek, Buffalo. Elwood, Gosper. ce ee 6s ce Kmerson, Dixon. Endicott, Jefferson. Ewing, Holt. Exeter, Fillmore. ee ee Fairbury, Jefferson. 6 ce 66 c6 G. W. Wilkinson. Peter Jepsen. Bunting, Runyan & Jones. Geo. P. Scheesley. Frank Davis. Evans & Bauer. Geo. Osterhout. Thomas R. Ashley. Frank M. Suiter. Bills, Hodges & Kin- yon. Alex B. Chandler & O. F. L. “Plummer. Henry Maligren. R. K. Potter. J. ©. Post: A.M. White. EK. D. Johnson. W. A. Dean. Bills, Hodges & Kin- yon. J.J. King. J. H. Sterling. O. P. Baker. Marvin Warren. Hanson Bvos. W. W. Watson.Place. REAL ESTATE ACENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR NEBRASKA-—Continued. Oounty. Name. Fairfield, Clay. se «ec Fairmont, Fillmore. Us ae Falls City, Richardson. Franklin, Franklin. Fremont, Dodge. ee ee te oe éé oe ce cs Friend, Saline. Fullerton, Nance. ‘ ee ee ce ee ce ee Geneva, Fillmore. ee ee ce ce Genoa, Nance. ee ee Gibben, Buffalo. Gordon, Sher idan. Gothenburgh, Dawson. ae ee Grafton, Fillmore. Grand Island, Hall. se ce ce se Greeley Centre, Greeley. Guide Rock, Webster. Haigler, Donahoe. ec ee Hampton, Hamilton. Hardy, Hartington, H arvard, Nuckolls. Cedar. Clay. Hastings, Adams. Hayes Centre, Hayes. Hay S$ Springs, Sheridan. sé “ec Hebron, Thayer. sé “eé ee ce Holdredge, Phelps. Homer, Dakota. Homerville, Gosper. Howe, Nemaha. Hubbard, Dakota. Hubbell, Thayer. Haskins, Wayne. Humboldt, Richardson. Humphrey, Platte. Indianola, Red Willow. Jackson, Dakota. Kearney, Buffalo. Kenesaw, Adams. Kent, Loup. Kimball, Cheyenne. Leigh, Colfax. Lincoln, Lancaster. oe 6é 6 oe 6e 66 “é ‘ce 66 6c 66 ec . 66 ce 66 sé 6é 66 ce sé 66 écé ce 66 Lodge Pole, Cheyenne. Long Pine, Brown. Loup City, Sherman O. P. Alexander. J. P. Nixon. Wili R. Gaylord. Geo. D. Noble. S. L. Burson. H. C. Smith. J. D. Gage. Jas. EF. Zediker. RB: Harrison. Richard Keene & Co. Rogers & Atwood. E. H. Barnard. Reynolds Boynton & Moeller. A. Edgington. Brady & Critchfield. Will Y. Jones. Wm. C. Philips. Harmon & O” Dell. I. R. Fieller. M. H. Barber. M. V. King. Je Helouke! V. Dworak. M. V. Mondy. O. E. Green. F. C. Hitchcock. Murphy & Westover. R. J. Graham. O. Bergstrom. Bystrom & Co. P. B. Tolles. Scarff & Riner. Limhack Bros. Whitney & Son. West & Schlodtfelt. Chas. 8. Jesup. Geo. H. Brock & Co. W.F. Donahoe. L. Atkinson. J. W. Sauls. Wn, Peebler. R. R. Hill. Stephenson & Hunter J. Harrington. Oakley Johnson. L. A. Royce. . Hatch & Davis. R. F. Milford. oS LrIpp: Jas. Dinsmore. J. A. Bowdle. F. J. Hendershot. D. Brigham. J. M. Harbaugh. C. M. Hight. J. FE. Warner. H. A. Willard. Church, Howe & Son. J. F. Duggan. Jacob Breiner. A. L. Houser. H. M. Poe. EK. A. Tucker. Bender & Cooking- ton. C. D. Murphy. Snavely & Starr. H. W. Keys. Joseph Brannon. Geo. D. Aspinwall. Norton & Fry. D. A. Gard. F.H. Jones. A. M. Walling. J. C. McBride. J. H. McMurry. Sherwin,Sherwin &Co J. F. Lansing. McClay & Hall. Brace & Strawbridge. Jas. E. Spencer. Kennard & Son. Harris & Harris. P. C. Richards. J. H. Yensen. Glover & Whittemore Nebraska Land Co. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Lyons Burt. McCook, Red Willow. ‘ec 66 6s sc . cs ce ‘6 66 Madison, Madison. ee ce ce ce ce 6s Middleport, Wheeler. Milford, Seward. Minden, Kearnéy. ce se ce ee Mission Creek, Pawnee. Moulton, Loup. Nebraska City, Otoe. Neligh, Antelope. Nelson, Nuckolls. “ee ce cc “ec Niobrara, Knox. “es et “ce “e Norden, Keya Paha. Norfolk, Madison. North Bend, Dodge. North Loup, Valley. North Platte, Lincoln. Oakdale, Antelope. Oakland, Burt. O’Connor, Greeley. Ogallala, Keith. Olax, Custer. Omaha, Douglas. éeé ce “cc sé “ec cs ‘sc 6 6s oe 6c “6 sb 66 “ec oe ‘6 ce 6c 6c 66 sé ‘6 ‘6 66 ss sc ee 6 6c 66 6 66 66 6s ‘6 6c 6s 66 66 cc ce 6c “ce 66 ‘6 «é ce 66 66 cs 66 és ‘6 6c“ 66 cé 66 sé 66 66 66 6c 46 «6 66 66 “cc 6c sé 66 66 | O'Neill, Holt. Frank Everett & Son. }. ©» Cooley. Geo. W. Bede. Cochran & Helm. Colfer & Cordeal. B. J. Ryan. Boyle & Kelley. Thos. O’Shea. Wood & Parker. N. L. Taylor. Barnes & Shinnerla. Frank Mead. C. H. Hamlin. Slater, Barnes & Drake. W. H. Paddock. Pat A. Hines. McPheely & Dickman M. K. Wiese L. M. Moulton. Wm. Thomas. L. F. D. Gette. T. E. Thompson. G. W. Covell. F. T. Ranson. R. A. White & Co. Coleman & Leach. Hobbs & Ritterbush. H. W. Short. Leigh & Saylor. Wn. Rutledge. S. Draper. B. F.Chambers & Son J. A. Colley. F.R. Evans. Wm. Gerecke. A.J. Durland. W. H. Lowe. Robert McVicker. M. Dowling. Geo. C. Hickok. Oscar Babcock. Alex B.Chandler & Co Coleman & Leach. A. E. Wells A. B. Charde. Parrish & Lewis. a. Cs Bhelan: H. L. McWilliams & Co. A. R. Samson. C. E. Mayne’s R. E. Trust Co. Byron Reed & Co. Geo. W. Ames & Co. Geo. P. Bemis. Bell & McCandlish. O. F. Davis & Co. Ballou Bros. Boggs & Hill. A. J. Hanscom. Chas. Kaufmann. J. L. McCague. Morse & Brunner. R. C. Patterson. Potter & Cobb. G. R. Doane. S. T. Peterson. John 1. Redick & Co. W. G. Shriver. Swann & Co. Sturges & Lewis. A. Saunders: O. Swenson & Co. S. Omaha Land Syndicate. Stuart & Co. J. B!' Evans & Co. D. L. Thomas & Bros Edwin Davis. GC. B. Nelson. D. C. Patterson. M. F. Sears. J. E. Riley. BE. W. Adams. O’Neill, Holt. Ord, Valley. se sc Orleans, Harlan. Osceola, Po Ik. Oxford, Thine Papillion, Sarpy. Pawnee City, Pawnee. Paxton, Keith. Pender, Dakota. Pierce, Pierce. 6 ec ce cc Plainview, Pierce. 6c cé Plattsmouth, Cass. ce se 9 “ce 6s se ‘ce ce ce ce Plum Creek, Dawson. ce “ce Ponca, Dixon. Potter, Cheyenne. Red Cloud, Webster. Republican City, Harlan. Reynolds, Jefferson. Rising City, Butler. Riverton, Franklin. Rushville, Sheridan. ce ce St. Edward, Boone. St. Helena, Cedar. St. James, Cedar. St. Paul, Howard. tc 6c se te Sargent, Custer. Schuy] er, Colfax. 6c “sé “ce ce Scotia, Greeley. 66 cc ee ec Seward, Seward. ee ae 6e ce Shelton, Buffalo. Sidney, Cheyenne. Spaulding, Greeley. Springfield, Sarpy. Spring >View, Keya Paha. Sine Stanton. Steele City, Jefferson. Stella, Richardson. Sterling, Johnson. Stockville, Frontier. Stratton, Hitchcock. Stromsburgh, Polk. Stuart, Holt. Superior, Nuckolls. Sutton, Clay. Syracuse, Otoe. Table Rock, Pawnee. Tamora, Seward. Taylor, Loup. Tecumseh, Johnson. “ “ 6“ ‘ec Tekamah, Burt. “ec “cc “ 13 John McBride. ae vy V. Golden. Slocum. Walleante & Jencks. HK. Robbins & Weather- M. Coffin & Co. spoon. Andy Richmond. J. E. Si P. Heald. L. King. mon §. Dow. Wn. Robinson. Magney & Howard. Ji. L. H. Wilson. K. Hutton & Co. Drury & Peebles. Joseph H. Brown. A. Wm. B. Chilvers. W. W. Quivey. M. A. Morton. Wn. 8S. Wise. Bennett & Wheeler. W. L. Brown & Co. R. B. Winaham. Jas. S. Mathews. J. W. Jennings & Co Ji. K. S. Stuckey. D. Johnson. Jones & Wheeler. Chas. Anderson. K C. aley Bros. F. Cotter. Dempster & Poor. Gifford & Blades. W. C. Parker. Frank Juvanant. K. Grubb John D. Fulton. Wood & Weetey. Aiken & Edmonds. M. J. Thompson. H. B. Kessler. P. C. Nissen. A.M. Gooding. Kendall & Cook. K. E. Thompson. Morison & Rannels. Lafoche & Whitman. W. Thomas. Sumner & Co Sheets & Brown. J. F. Woods. Lanigan & Marsh. G. W J. S. N. Scott. S. Jessups. C. Burlingim. R. T. Cooper. N A. Jie Domer, aie S. R. Sao & Woodden. A. orval Bros. N. Murphy. J, McIntosh. D. Connell. O. Salisbury. L. Crosby. W. Mackey. G. Hobbs. Geo. M. Gates. Ib Moores & Westgate. H. Harrison & Co. Je C. A. Varner. W. Shurtleff. Stromsburgh Bank. Park Bank. Rice Bros. Todd & Graves. I J. A EB. Vale B. Daenore & Co. Ibert Ty ce. V. C. Utley M. H. Nene. A. J. Williams & Co. Evans Bros. L. 8. Ji: C. Hopewell & Diclineon G. Chapman. Stewart. S. Bass Woodle C: Ne Conkling. A.A . Thomas. P. Williams & Co. Teeter & Co.Place. County. Tobias, ee Trenton, Hitchcock. Saline. “e Ulysses, Butler. Utica, Seward. sc sé Valentine, Cherry. Valparaiso, Saunders. Wahoo, * Saunders. “ce cs ce ce Wakefield, Dixon. Wayne, Wayne. Name. A. N. Dodson & Co. Stanley Larson. Britton Bros. Burton & Harcourt. Emerson & Weston. H. M. Coleman. G. A. Derby. H. M. Wright. O, P. Warner. N. M. George. F. A. Scoville. N. Gregory. Good & Good. Wm. Bell. B. R. B. Weber. AS Be Dam N.F. Bennett & Son. ——————_—_—__ a REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT Place. County. Weeping Water, Cass. ce ee ce ee Western, Saline. Westerville, Custer. Weston, Saunders. West Point, Cuming. ee ce a4 “ce cs ce ce ce West Union, Custer. Wilber, Saline. Willow Springs, Garfield. Cuming. Wisner, Name, B. A. Gibson. E. H. Wooley. John W. Clark. Jone W. Lytle. A. Armour. aaa R. Campbell. EF. W. Welna. Kloke Bros. D. N. Clancy. F. W. Ragoss. Wri. Stuetfer. J. H. Shinn Van Duyn & Jahn. S. D. Davis. J. H. Mallery D.L. V. Moffett. A. R. Graham. Place. County. Wymore, Gage. York, York. ee oe ‘ee 4 FOR NEBRASKA—Continued,. Name. Craig & Murphy. Lundeen & Cook. C. M. C. Woolman. Buckmaster & Knight TO REAL ESTATE MEN.--This Department of ‘*THEr EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” (taken for all the States and Territories in the United States) presents to you the firs! NATIONAL REAL Estate AGENTS’ AND DEALERS’ DIRECTORY: To illustrate its completeness, publishers would say that there are in @// about 2,600 counties in the entire U. S. and Territories; and, of this number, it will befound that over 2,550 counties are represented in from one to ten towns or cities in each, by parties either aciively engaged in this branch of business or more or less identified in same. Certainly a more extensive Directory for any class has not been published. BANKS AND BANKERS DEPARTMENT HOR N E B RAS K A. Place. County. Name. Ainsworth, Brown. ce es . 2 Albion, Boone. Alexandria, Thayer. Alma, Harlan. 6 ee Arapahoe, Furnas. ‘ 6 Avlineton, Washington. Ashland, Saunders. Atkinson, Holt. Auburn, Nema ha. Aurora, Hamilton. oe 6é “6 ¢ Avoca, Cass. Axtell, Kearney. ce ee Bancroft, Cuming. Battle Creek, Madison. Beatrice, Gage. ce ee ce ce ce ee ee ce Beaver City, Furnas. Bellwood, Butler. 2 +7 7 Mharvary Belvidere, Thayer. Benkelman, Dundy. Bennett, Lancaster. Bertr: and, Phel ps. Blair, Washington. 6% ce ee ce Bloomington, Franklin. Blue Hill, Webster. Blue Springs, Gage. Bradshaw, York. Brok ken Bow, Custer. e ce Brownville, Nemaha. Burebard, Pawnee. Cambridge, Furnas, Carleton, Thayer. Cedar Rapids, Boone. Central City, Merrick. “se ee Chadron, Dawes. . “ec Chester, Thayer. Clarks, M errick, Clay Center, Clay. Coleridge, Cedar, Columbus, Platte. “cc ee Farmers & Merchants Bank. Ainsworth Bank. Boone Co. Bank. Thompson & Baker. State Bank. Valley Bank. State Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Arapahoe. Bell Creek Val. Bk. Nat’l Bk. of Ashland. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Bank of Atkinson. Carson Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Hamilton Co. Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Bank of Avoca. Bank of Axtell. Exchange Bank. Bancroft Bank. Farmers & Drovers 3ank. Beatrice Nat’l Rank. First Nat’] Bank. Peoples Bank Rigcuance Bank. Beatrice Svgs. Bank. Beaver City Bank. Platte Valley Bank. Belvidere Bank. Dundy Co. Bank. Bank of Bennett. Bank of Bertrand. Citizens Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Blair Sves. Bank. A. Casteller’s Bank. Franklin Co. Bank. Exchange Bank. Blue Hill Bank. Blue Springs Bank. Bradshaw Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. Kloman & Arnold. First Nat’l Bank. Bk.of George& Davis. Rep. Valley Bank. Exchange Bank. Cedar Rapids Bank. First Nat’! Bank. Platte Valley Bank. Chadron Banl king Co. Lake & Halley. Dawes Co. Bank. Richards Bros. & Brown. Bank of Chester. W.R. Moore Bank. Pacific Bank. Clay Center Bank. Bank of Colerid lege. Columbus State Bk. First Nat'l Bank. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Courtland, Gage. Cozad, Dawson. Crab Orchard, Johnson. Craig, Burt. Creighton, Knox. 6e es 6e ce Crete, Saline. se 66 Culbertson, Hitchcock. Davenport, Thayer. David City, Butler. 66 “e se 66 Decatur, Burt. De Witt, Saline. Diller, Jefferson. Dorchester, Saline. Kde gar, Clay. Bl e ou ard. lk Creek, Johnson. Elwood, Gos sper. Emerson, Dixon. Endicott, Jefferson. Fwing, Holt. Exeter, K ‘llmore. Fairbury, Jefferson. Fairfield, Clay y. Fairmont, Fillmore. Falls City, Richardson. 66 oe 4 Firth. Lancaster. Franklin, Franklin. ce ce Fremont, Dodge. 6c ee ce ce Friend, Saline. Fullerton, Nance. 6 ce Geneva, Fillmore. “ oe Bend) Nance. Gibbon, Buffalo. Gordon, § Sheridan. poucabore, Dawson. Grafton, Fillmore. Grand Island, Hall. ce “cc Greenwood, Cass. Guide Rock, Webster. Hampton, Hamilton. Hardy, Nuckolls. Hartington, Cedar. Harvard, Clay. “e ce Hastings, Adams. “ee State Bk. of Court- land. Bank of Cozad. Bk. of Crab Orchard. Bank of Craig. Knox Co. Bank Bank of Creighton. McCarn Bros. State Bk. of Neb. First. Nat’l Bank. Hitchcock Co. Bank. Davenport Bank. First Nat'l Bank. David City Bank. Merchants & Farmers Bank. Decatur Bank. Saline Co. Bank. Bills, Hodges & Kin- yon. First Nat’?] Bank. Edgar Bank. Clay Co. Bank. Bank of Elba. Bank of Elk Creek. Gosper Co. Bank. Emerson Bank. Bills, Hodges & Kin- yon. Bank of Ewing. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Exchange Bank. First Nat'l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Richardson Co. Bk. Bank of Firth. State Bk of Franklin Bank of Franklin. Fremont Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bauk. First Nat’l Bank. Citizens Bank. First Nat'l Bank. | Geneva Exchange Bk. Citizens Bank. Genoa State Bank. State Bank of Gibbon Maverick Bank. Sheridan Co. Bank. Bank of Gothenburg. Bank of Grafton. Citizens Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Grand Island Bk’g Co. Bank of Greenwood. Pioneer Bank, Farmers Bank. Bank of Hampton. Hardy Bank. Bow Valley Bank. Cedar Co. Bank. Exchange Bank. Commercial Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Exchange Nat’l Bk. Hastings, Adams. — Hay Springs, Sheridan. Hebron, Thayer. ee cs Hooper, Dodge. Holdredge, Phelps. ce ce Hubbell, Thayer. Humboldt, Richardson. Humphrey, Platte. Indianola, Red Willow. ce “ec Johnstown, Nemaha. Johnston, Brown. Juniata, Adams. Kearney, Buffalo. ee ce ce ce Kenesaw, Adams. Liberty, Gage. Lincoln, Lancaster. “ 66 e 6é “ce 66 6 “ee 66 6é ce “ce Long Pine, Brown. Louisville, Cass. Loup City, Sherman, ce ee «6 ce Lyons, Burt. McCook, Red Willow. ee ce Madison,. Madison. e “ce Marquette, Hamilton. Mead, Saunders. Milford, Seward. ce ee Minden, Kearney. 6 ee 6 66 Nebraska City, Otoe. ee oe “ce cc “ “ Neligh, Antelope. Nelson, Nuckolls. Niobrara, Knox. Norfolk, Madison. North Bend, Dodge. North Loup, Valley. North Platte, Lincoln. Oakdale, Antelope. Oakland, Burke. Odell, Gage. Ogallala, Keith. North Auburn, Nemaha. City Nat’! Bank. Bank of Hay Springs. First Nat’l Bank. Exchange Bank. Dodge Co. Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Com’] State Bank. Hubbell Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Citizens Bank. C. D. Murphey Bank. Red Willow Co. Bk. Bk of Indianola. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Bank of Johnstown. Geo. Webber. C. R. sones & Co. Kearney Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Buffalo Co. Bank. Norton & Fry. Bank of Liberty. Lincoln Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. State Nat’l Bank. Capital Natl Bank. Lancaster Co. Bank. German Nat’l Bank. Lincoln Savings Bk. Brown Co. Bank. Louisville Bank. Sherman Co. Bk’g Co First Nat'l Bank. Lalk & Krieschbaum. Farmers Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Citizens Bank. Stuarts Bank. Madison Co. Svg'’s Bk Bank of Marquette. Bank of Mead. Blue Valley Bank. N. W. Banking Co. Kingsley, Webb & Co First Nat’l Bank. Rogers & Chapin. Neb. City Nat'l Bk. Otoe Co. Nat'l Bank. Merchants Nat'l Bk. Farmers Bank. Bank of Neligh. Citizens Bank. Bank of Nelson. Nuckolls Co. Bank. Niobrara Valley Bk. Norfolk Nat'l Bank. Burrows & Eebert. First Nat’! Bank. Bank of North Bend. North Loup Bk’g Co. Loup Valley Bank. W. HH. Beach & Co. Charles McDonald. Oakdale Bank. Oakland Bank. Renard & Wells Bank of Odell. Bank of Ogallala.BANKS AND BANKERS DEPARTMENT FOR NEBRASKA—Continued. Place. County. Name. Omaha, Douglas. ee 5 ee ce ce se ce ce ce 6é «6 66 cc ac “cc ce ce O'Neill. Holt. Ord, Valley. Orleans, Harlan. Osceola, Polk. ee te Oxtord, Furnas. ee ee Papillion, Sarpy. Pawnee City, Pawnee. ce ee Pender, Dakota. Phillips Station, Hamilton. Pierce, Pierce. Plainview, Pierce. Plattsmouth, Cass. se se ee ce Plum Creek, Dawson. ee ee Ponca, Dixon. Raymond. Lancaster. Red Cloud, Webster. Republican City, Harlan. Reynolds, Jefferson. Rising City, Butler. “ce ce Riverton, Franklin. Rulo, Richardson. Rushville, § Sheridan. GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR Merchants Nat’l Bk. U.S ; at’?l Bank. McCague Bros. Bk. Nebraska Nat’l Bk. Omaha Svg’s Bank. 16th. St. Bank. Union Nat’! Bank. Commercial Nat’] Bk. Douglas Co. Bank. Holt Co. Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Orleans. Osceola Bank. Bank of Polk Co. Oxford Bank. Peoples Bank. A-. W. Clark. C. T. Edee & Co. First Nat’l Bank. Drury & Peebles. Bank of Phillips. Pierce Co. Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Plainview Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Cass Co. Citizens Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Plum Creek Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Raymond Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Red Cloud Nat’l Bk. | Gifford & Blades. Joseph Saunders. Merchants & Farmers Bank. Rising City Bank. Exchange Bank. Bank of Rulo. Bank of Rushville. Place. County. Name. St. Edward, Boone. St. Paul, Howard. Salem, Richardson. Sargent, Custer. Schuyler, Colfax. ee ce ce ce Scotia, Greeley. ce ce Scribner, Dodge. Seward, Seward. ce ce 6c cc “e ce Shelton, Buffalo. Sidney. Cheyenne. Silver Creek, Merrick. Springfield, Sarpy. Stanton, Stanton. Staplehurst, Seward. Stella, Richardson. Sterling, Johnson. Stockvilie, Frontier. Stratton, Hitchcock. Stromsburgh, Polk. “ce ce Stuart, Holt. Superior, Nuckolls. “ce “ese “c cc Sutton, Clay. ce oe Syracuse, Otoe. “ec “ce Table Rock. Pawnee. Talmage, Otoe. Tamora, Seward. Tecun mseh Taylor, Loup. , Johnson. Stays ineview, Keya Paha. Exchange Bank. St. Paul Nat’l Bk. First National Bank. Bank of Salem. J. W. Thomas. First a tional Bank. Schuyler Nat’] Bank. Gadsden & Stedman. Farmers & Merch. B. Greeley Co. Bank. Farmers & Merch. B. Bank of Seward Co. Jones National Bank. First National Bank. State Bank of Neb. The Shelton Bank. Meisner’s Bank. State Bk. of Sidney. C. E. Mackbee. Ss. O. Salisbury. Bank of Springview. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. Rank of Staplehurst, Bank of Stella. Bank of Sterling. Frontier Co. Bank. Bank of Stratton. Stromsburgh Bank. Park Bank. Stuart State Bank. Citizens Bank. Bank of Superior. Commercial Bank. First National Bank. J.B. Dinsmore & Co. Farmers Nat’l Bank. Bank of Syracuse. Bank of Table Rock. Bank of Talmage. A. J. Williams & Co. Loup Co. Bank. Russell & Holmes. First National Bank. Place. County. Name. Tekamah, Burt. se ce Tobias, Saline. Trenton, Hitchcock. Ulysses, Butler. se ee Utica, Seward. ce ‘eé Valentine, Cherry. a3 6 Waco, York. Wahoo, Saunders. ee » ee ce ce Wakefield, Dixon. a4 Oe Waverly, Lancaster. Wayne; Wayne. “eé Western, Saline. Westerville, Custer. West Union, Custer. Wilber, Saline. “cc “é Wisner, Cuming. Wood River, Hall. Wy more, G: age. York, York. ce ee Valparaiso, Saunders. ee ce Weeping Water, Cass. West Point, Cuming. ee ee Willow Springs, Garfield. Burt Co. Bank. Hopewell & Harring- ton. Bank of Tobias. Trenton Bank. Citizens Bank: N. W. Banking Co. Utica Bank. Merchants Bank. Bank of Valentine. Cherry Co. Bank. Johnsons Bank. Bank of Valparaiso. Farmers & Traders B, First National Bank. Saunders Co. Nat’! B. Citizens Bank. Shaw & Gurnsey. Wakefield Bank. Bank of Waverly. Citizens Bank. First National Bank. Commercial Bank, Saline Co. Bank. Dorr Heffleman. First National Bank. West Point Nat'l] Bk. West Union Bank. First National Bank. Blue Valley Bank. Garfield Co. Bank. Jisner Bank. Wood River Bank. Blue Valley Bank. B. Burch & Co. First National Bank. York National Bank. Commercial State Bk. REQUEST,— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers De- partment” of “THe EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” NEBRASKA. Place. County, Name. Ainsworth, Brown. “cs “e 6c ce Albion, Boone. ae ee “ee ee “ec sé ‘ce “e ‘ce te Alexandria, Thayer. Alma, Harlan. 6 “ce ‘ ee “cc ee 6 “cc ee ee 66 Arapahoe, Furnas. Arlington, Washington. Ashland, Saunders. “cc se Atkinson, Holt. Auburn, Nemaha. ‘ “e ‘ 6e sé be 6é 6 €é ce ee “ce “cc “ce “ec 66 66 ce se £6 “ce ce ee ‘e ce Bancroft, Cuming, Bartlett, W heéler. Bassett, Brown. Beatrice, Gage. C. H. Bane. S. Benson. J. A. Alder. J.S. Miller. Montgomery Bros. S. R. Austin. Friend & Needham. J. S. Armstrong. K. 8. Connely. Proctor & Wirt. John Dawson. Ferguson & Houston. C. C. Flansburg. Beall & Oyler. Jas. Bradford. Geo. S. Fisher. Wm. Simeral. H. H. Tomlinson. C. Thompson. Wilson & Stratton. T. W. Iron. G. W. Taylor. G. B. Bey erie: J.S. Stull Stowell & Kelligar. Cornell & Lee. Rittenhouse & Chambers. Haines & Kellogg. Agee & Stevenson. Smith & Likes. F. A. Chapman. W. L. Stark. Wm. Bellings. W. Chambers. W. 2. Myler. W.G. Sears. John C. Heald. John Todd. A. Tingle. A. H. Babcock. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Beatrice, Gage. “ec ‘ “ “e ce “ee “ce ee ce ee 6é ‘ce “ 6 ce “ “ee “cc ac “ee “ce oc & sc “ce “ “ 6c 6é it “ce ee ‘é Beaver City, Furnas. Bellevue, Sarpy. Bellwood, Butler. ee ce Benkelman, Dundy. Bennett, Lancaster. Bertrand, Phelps. Blair, Washington. a9 ce oe ee 66 6c os ¢é Bloomington, Pranklin. ee ‘ ee 6c Blue Hill, Webster. Blue Springs, Gage. Broken Bow, Custer. ee ee 66 ° 66 66 ce és ce J. E. Bush. Cobbey & Summers. Cornish & Savory. H. J. Dobbs. H. C. Ewine. Griggs & Rinaker. Ti. M. Pemberton. R. W. Sabin. B. Seldon! C. M. Brown. Ki. R. Fogg. Jel, Jels ale arrington. Hale & Bourne. Hardy & McCandless. Hazlett & Bates. BK. O. Kretsinger. C. B. Roberts. John Q. Goss. W.T. Calloway. T. M. Wimberly. J. A. Beltzer. H. D. Rhea. H. L. E. Lincoln. Osborne & Farns- worth. Davis & Powers. W.C. Walton. John Lathrop. iH}; Eb Clark A. F. Moore. Sheppard & Black. John R. Hart. D. P. Newcomer. W.A. Walters. Burke & Prout. W. R. Hutchinson. Geo. W. Trefren. Atkison & Campbell. Ledwich & Elliott. Fred. G. Waite. Broken Bow, Custer. ee se Brownville, Nemaha. Buffalo, Wheeler. Burchard, Pawnee. Burnett, Madison. Burwell, Loup. Cambridge, Furnas. Cedar Rapids, Boone. ese 7) se “e “es “e Central City, Merrick. “ce oe té eé ce cs 6é ce ce oe ce ce sc se oe sé Chadron, Dawes. ce ‘se “e 66 « 6é ee ac ce ae “ “ee se te Coleridge, Cedar. Columbus, Platte. ‘ ee ‘ (73 sé ““e “ec “c sé 66 “ 3 6 Blair & Knox. Kirkpatrick & Hol- eomb. Suen & Humph- D. a Tipton. ‘John W. Baird. C. M. Coilett. Alex. Athey. Bean & Newman. D. T. Welty. J. G. Parish. J. H. Darnell. Brown & Bird. Harris & Sargent. A. Ewing. A. L. Reinoehl. W.H. Webster. J. W. Sparks. John Patterson. W. R. Watson. E. EF. White. Kark Whited. W.T. Thompson. S. E. Hostetter. Baird & Ballard. C. Dana Sayers. N. P. Cook. T. F. Powers. A. Bartow. Fall & Spargur. W. W. Byington. Rood & Dorr. John Bridenbaugh. McFarland&Cow vdexy Higgins & Gaslow. W. B. Backus. Reeder & Hensley. Geo. G. Bowman. John J. Sullivan. McAllister Bros. Pe Sia GamaSS ST GENERAL LAW AND Place. County. Ree Columbus, Platte. “ec ee ‘ “ Courtland, Gage. Cozad, Dawson. se “ee Creighton, Knox. ‘ “cc “e Crete, Saline. “ 6 73 se &“ “ec ‘“é “es Culbertson, Hitchcock. Dakota, Dakota. “ “ David City, Butler. 6c “ 66 6“ “ “6 «sc ce sc “c “e “6 Decatur, Burt. De Witt, Saline. Edgar, Clay. ee sé ce ce Elwood, Gosper. ce “ee se ce se oe Emerson, Dixon. Endicott. Jefferson. Ewing, Holt. Exeter, Fillmore. be te Fairbury, Jefferson ee ce ee ce sé ee c¢ ce be ee ce ce ce oe Fairfield, Clay. Fairmont, Fillmore. se e ce ce ce ce ee ee ce 6e oe ce cs 6¢ Falls City, Richardson. Fort Calhoun, Washingt Franklin, Franklin. Fremont, Dodge. “ce “s “ee “ 66 74 6eé ce 6é 6é ‘“ ‘“ “ “ Friend, Saline. Fullerton, Nance. “ 6c “ ce “ 6s “ 66 Geneva, Fillmore. 6e 4eé iT? ce 73 tc Genoa, Nance. Germantown, Seward. Gibbon, Buttalo. Gordon, Sheridan. ae ce ce ee Gothenburg, Dawson. Grafton, Fillmore. «ec 6 Name. Pierce ee M. Whitmoyer. W. M. Cornelius. W. H. Fedrow. A. B. Nickle. Geo. W. Fox. James White. Rice & Jiogan. Fox & Henderson. Barnhart & Kam- buski. Abbott & Abbott. M. A. Daugherty. Dawes & Foss. Hastings & McGinter. J..O> Smith. Hohse & Beeler. Geo. EK. Banks. W. Z. Taylor. H, D. Rogers. J. T. Spencer. M.C. Jay. W. 1H. Fuller. Myers, Evans & Steele. Matt. Miller. Geo. P. Scheesley. J. C. Roberts. A. I. Hughes. J. W. Mchoud. S. Clingman. Thomas R. Ashley. J. L. Richards. S. A. Searle. S. W. Christy. Harner & Cundiff. Burritt Matthews. A. M. White. Ed W. Farris. Wiley Ward. J.J. McCarthy. Coe Bills: Jee kein'ow J. H, Sterling. A. A. McCoy. W. P. Freeman. W.O. Hambel. C. B. Letton. B. S. Baker. S. N. Lindley. C. CG; Boyle. Thos. Harbine. A. H. Moulton. J. L. Epperson. W.S. Prickett. J. W. Eller. John P. Maule. Will R. Gaylord. John Barsby. J. H. Rushton. G. D. Mathewson. A. A. Whitman. W.C. Sloan. J. R. Wilhite. on. W. N. Grenell. Place. County. Grand Island, Hall. Greenwood, Cass. Haigler, Donahoe. Hampton, Hamilton. Hardy, Nuckolls. Hayes Centre, Hayes. ce ee Hartington, Cedar. ce “ce cc 6é ce ce ce ce ce ce Harvard, Clay. te 6eé ce ce Hastings, Adams. ce 66 6é “cc 66 ee 66 if 9 “é “ee 6 €6 ce ce e ce ““ “ec 46 ce Hebron, Thayer. ce ce ce oe 6c ee 6é ce ce ce Herman, Washington. Holdredge, Phelps. 6 «é 66 “ce ce 6eé “ 14 6e 66 Homer, Dakota. Homerville, Gosper. Hooper, Dodge. Hubbell, Thayer, ee ee Johnson, Nemaha. Juniata, Adams. Kearney, Buffalo. Kenesaw. Adams. Liberty, Gage. Lincoln, Lancaster. “e “ce H. Whitmore. a HM Wn. H. Munger. Se 5 Frick & Dolezal. ss W. 4H. Bell. sf i K. F. Gray. sf ‘ Geo. H. Loomis. és nf Wm. Marshall. * me Fred Vaughan, ss < KB. Hollenbeck. es a Palmer & Hendee. “sf e Geo. D. Micklejohn. Martin I. Brower. ‘s ~ J. W. McClelland. M. H. Barber. ie ss Brady & Critchfield. as my J. Jensen. se ss J. D. Hamilton. * - J. D. Carson. a ~ Billings & Donisthorp ne - M. V. Mondy. O. T. B. Williams. ts ts Geo. E. Evans. af = S. H. Ladd. W.H. Westover. a sf R. J. Graham. W. D. Giffin. Ben F. La Shell. T. B. Tolles. Long Pine, Brown. Louisville, Cass. Loup City, Sherman. ¢ ce Hay Springs, Sheridan. Humboldt, Richardson. Indianola, Red Willow. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR NEBRASKA—Continued. Name. Place County. Name. H. E. Clifford. Thos. O. Moore. W. F. Donahoe. J. H. Lincoln. iy Henoaulss 2. Re Kewell T: J. Galloway. M. J. Abbott. Chas. Wilson. Wilbur & Robinson. Lenny Luge. B. B. Boyd. J. W. Hartpence. J. C. Smith. E. M. Johnson. Leslie G. Hure. Thos, H. Matters. Shockey & Crouch. Dilworth, Smith & Dilworth. Morris Cliggitt. A. D. Yocum. Capps & Cessna. C. H. Tanner. Balty & Casto. Hester & McCreary. Jas. H. Fleming. Hayes & Taggert. W.S. McKinney. ~ Ragan, McDonald & Shellanbarger. R. M. Magee. L. 8. Tripp. O.H. Scott. Savage & Richards. KE. S. Knight. M.H. Weiss. E. M. Correll. E. B. Coon. I. R. Ferguson. A. Brookwalter. Hall & Patrick. Rhea & Rhea. H. Sewell. T. J. Carter. D. Brigham. J. M. Harbaugh. T. Cornetky. J. FE. Warner. Henry Uhl. G. T. Webster. G. B. Parsons. S. F. Vinton. Wm. Gird. E. A. Tucker. Jacob Bailey. R. H. Criswell. 8. P. Davidson. W.G. Beall. Geo. D. Aspinwall. E. R. Van Metre. N. T. Gadd. Willard E. Stewart. J. C. Johnson. J. L. Caldwell. W. 2B. Baird. B. F. Johnson. Heiskell & Chapman Aitken Bros. I. W. Lansing. J. C. Crooker. W. H. Snelling. Mason & Whedon. Billingsley & Loup City, Sherman. Lyons, Burt. McCook, Red Wiilow. “ 6e ce se 6e 6 Madison, Madison. ce ee ‘ce 66 ce 66 6é ce Martensburgh, Dixon. Milford, Seward. Minden, Kearney. oe 6é 6c ee “cc “e 6c ce 6 “é Moulton, Loup. Nebraska City, Otoe. ee ce 66 ce cc $¢ ae ce 6e «6 ce ¢6 Neligh, Antelope. &eé ce é 6é Nelson, Nuckolls. ce 66 ec c¢ ce ce 6 éeé Nemaha City, Nemaha. Niobrara, Knox. Norfolk, Madison. ée é¢ 6é ce “é ce sé 66 6e ce North Auburn, Nemaha. North Bend, Dodge. North Loup, Valley. North Platte, Lincoln. 66 ce 6é “ec ce 6 ce ce Oakdale, Antelope. 66 “6 “ce “rs Oakland, Burt. ce “ce Ogallala, Keith. é6 es ce ce ce ec Woodard. Lamb, Ricketts & < ie Wilson. ‘s © L. C. Burr. ss ‘s Foxworthy & Son. Brown & Ryan Bros. ou $ B. G. Courtney. a s J. E. Philpot. ss e Marquette, Deweese™ ss ‘f & Hall. ss s J. R. Webster. G ss Harwood, Ames & ss s Kelly. és <6 Field & Harrison. ‘és s C. R. Glover. D ss G. C. Claghorn. ie 2 Wall & Long. ¢ 2 Heath & Fisher. ss OG Nightengale Bros. W. H. Conger. Stone & Scott. G. W. Hunter. Tremont Everett. Colfer & Cordeal. Lucas & Lehur. Starbuck & Jennings. B. J. Ryan. Cochrane & Helm. W. M. Robertson. W. V. Allen. J. T. Brown. John §S. Robinson. S. O. Campbell. O. E. Martin. C. H. Hamlin. J. Hull. L. L. Fethan. R. St. Clair Stewart McTheeley. A. H. Burnett. L. W. Hague. Godfrey & Thompson L. M. Moulton. Geo. W. Covell. S. H. Calhoun. M. L. Hayward. J.C. Watson. F. T. Ransome. KE. F. Warren. Zink & Kelley. Thos. O. Day. Jackson & Jones. J. H. Gurney. D. W. Barker. W. A. Bergstresser. H. W. Short. R. Wyant. C. S. Johnson. E. A. Bourne. S. Draper. Geo. N. Beels. N. A. Rainbolt. H.C. Brome. A.J. Durland. Augustus Lattler. Wigdon & Whittan. Holmes & White. Stowell & Kelligan. D. M. Strong. R. J. Stinson. Thos. L. Redlon. G. N. Snell. Hinman & Nesbell. Shannon & Church. Wm. Neville. J.S. Hoagland. J. W. Bixler. H. M. Grimes. S. D. Thornton. J. F. Boyd. B. IF’. Admire. Parrish & Lewis. H. H. Bowes. A. B. Charde. J.J. Halligan. J. R. Brotherton. H. L. McWilliams. FE. Q. Feltz. Thurston & Hall. Dana 8. Lander. Savage & Morris: John C. Cowin. Congdon, Clarkson & Hunt. Stowe & Day. J. J. O’Conner. Chas. H. Brown. W. J. Connell. H. D. Estabrook. Green & Breckinridge Groff & Montgomery. L. F. Hale. G. M. Hitchcock. Read & Temple. John I. Redick. Simeral & Redick. Smith & Murphy.GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR NEBRASKA-—Continued. <) ace: County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Names Omaha, Douglas. Warren & Switzler. | Rulo, Richardson. I. C. Hoyt. Table Rock, Pawnee. W.M. Forbes. J. L. Webster. - Rushville, Sheridan. W. W. Wood Taylor, Loup. C. Li, Sleeper. 5 i W ooley & Harrison. Gu ve Ascent & Mdimonde * 4 H. E. Carter. s p E. Wakeley. St. Edward, Boone. M. J. Thompson ‘ ; Evans Bros. A. J. Poppleton. “ 66 HB Teescles : Tecumseh, Johnson. L. C. Chapman. a : J. M. Woolworth. St. James, Cedar. A. M. Gooding Tekamah, Burt. N. J. Sheckell. ‘ Alex C. 7 roup. St. Paul, Howard. Paul & Bell. : a M. W. Lee. ‘ A. C. Wakeley. s «“ Those Darnall: S - Hopewell& Dickinson. Holmes & Dillion. as ‘“ Toh Caniocnicon a Z K. W. Peterson ce «“ FBS esa «4 6 signa; Nigam, || eloess Shaltine, A. N. Dodson. O'Neill, Holt. M. J. H. Meredith. gs ce T Reswallace Ulysses, Butler. Geo. E. Waldo. Ord, Valley. H. J. Clements. ‘s é Hes Buchanan Utica, Seward. H. M. Coleman. . x H. Westover. Schuyler, Colfax. Thos. B. Crewitt ae ees John Davies. E. M. Coffin & Co. “ «“ Wh, 13). Tosa ; Valentine, Cherry. QO. P. Warner. «t Williams & Jencks. rT; “ ER, meriodeden Valparaiso, Saunders. F. A. Scoville. cE a Robbins & Weather- “ : H. C. Russell. c é J. K. Van Demark. spoon. « « C. J. Phelps. Wahoo, Saunders. Good & Good. Orleans, Harlan. L. H. Kent. &¢ cs F. N. Dworak Wakefield, Dixon. K. W. Drake. i? « TRG incon ‘ PA Te A Gunton Waverly, Lancaster. D. C. Patterson. Osceola, Polk. Edwin L. King. ‘ os @cou Hauihomas ss es Jas. Britton. ss cs Mills & Marquis. se és ewe Broan A s H. EH. Nye. e cs Shoosley & Utterback « e Miles Zentmyer. z S FP. EH. Moses. eae W. J. Massholder. ‘ ‘ T. W. Whitman. : ‘ A. A. Welch. : R. Wheeler. Scotia, Greeley. H. G. Bell. 2 ‘ Ed. L. Hatch. “ te J. L. Makeever. “ ‘< T. J. Doyle £. Frank N. Northup. Oxford, Furnas. Simon S. Dow. a ws G. W. Scott Weeping Water, Cass. J. H. Haldeman. Palmyra, Utoe. C. A. Sweet. % cs Scott Sprecher. Westerville, Custer. J. A. Armour, ae Papi ion, Sarpy. Martin Langdon. Seward, Seward. R. P. Anderson. West Point, Cuming. M. McLaughlin. is # se Hancock. . C. L. Lewis. - I. M. Branse. ) 6c ‘c Jas. Hassett. 6c 6 1D), McKillip. oe ss Uriah Bruner. Ue : Geo. A. Magney. ce ce Norval Bros. - ns EH. K. Valentine. * >: J. P. Grove. a a Holland & Smith. ye 2 J. . Losch. ‘ec “6 Edgar Howard. “cc ‘6 Wm. M. Orr. ‘ss : ‘s W. FB, Bryant. Pawnee City, Pawnee. C. H. Stewart. sf ns Geo. W. Lowley a eon Wm. Stefer. : “ ‘< D. D. Davis. 6c rT W.R. Davis. Wilber, Saline. Jie Corey. &“ “é Story & Story. c “cc T. Be Norval. 2 5S S. D. Davis. “ “ TK: Goudy: Shelton, Buffalo. W. B. Miller. 5 : Drees a ce J. L. Edwards. Sidney, Cheyenne. Geo. W. Heist. : Chas. W. Meeker. “c ‘“ Humphrey& Lindsay. 66 66 J. W. Norvell. Willow Springs, Garfield. D. L. V. Moffett. Pender, Dakota. Drury & Peebles. ef ss F. H. De Castro. Wisner, Cuming. hi. N. Sweet. Pierce, Pierce. Benj. Lindsay. g “ W. C. Reilly. i C. C. McNish. “ 6“ KP. Weatherby. 6c é<“ RB. O. Lee. Wymore, Gage. At D. Cobbey. ae 8G J.B. Smith. s a J. J. McIntosh. at aa Winters ¢ Coffm. o < ; EK. P. Holmes. Springview, Keya Paha. A.J. Burnham. York, Y ork. Scott & Gilbert. Plainview, Pierce. W. W. Quivey. ee a O. V. Kenaston. é< ‘“ J. F. Hale. Plattsmouth, Cass. Chapman & Polk. sf o W.C. Brown. - a M. C. Frank. Plum Creek, Dawson. Sinclair & Cook. Stanton, Stanton. C. L. Lamb. i ee Sedgwick & Powers, cc ft C. W. McNamer. os ns J. W. Mackey. “ “ France & Harlan. «“ “ W. D. Kelsey. “ “ A. A. Kearney. ae Edward Bates. “ “ John Hess. “ “ Levi Miller. ee Wea Gren “ “ T'. L. Worrington. | Steele City, Jefferson. A. G. Hobbs. ee ae Merton Meeker. “ “ A. S. Baldwin. Stella, Richardson. Geo. M. Gates. oe By Gs Monwomely: es ye W W. Leek. Sterling, Johnson. L. A. Varner. ‘é ‘“ ite a Podeyucls éf af Samuel Quail. Stockville, Frontier. Wm. H. Latham. ‘< ‘“< Samuel M. Wells. Ponca, Dixon. J. B. Barnes. ss «s David Love. és é ee Benen 3 et Jas. &. Moore. Stratton, Hitchcock. C. W. Shurtleff. ee ce John D. Reed. ee ss A. G. Kingsbury. Stromsburgh, Polk. G. M. McConaughy. «é << Ds ae Moore: me ce A. E. Barnes. He s J. W. Edgerton. é ‘ John Camahan: “ “ W. E. Gault. Stuart, Holt. Rice Bros. Goo BoS ce tf J. J. McAllister. Superior, Nuckolls. I. E. Vale. TO THE BaR OF THE U. Sie Depart Red Cloud, Webster. Gillham & Rickards. ee oe ]. N.. Simonton. the States SU AUDS Gitstigan presenta torrod in nearest cor | Republican City, Harlan. P. J. Dempster. sf ft AS Be Eu plete NATIONAL LAWYERS’ DirEcTORY published. As proof it ‘“c “ EOD. Crawford. ‘6 66 J. W. Clements. Rublshers invite Comparisons and, bodustrate would state ; Rising City, Butler. E. Grubb. Sutton, Clay. R. G. Brown. Tee ee aioe eax roonakinauocea cuca : ie sf Frank Juranaut. a as Bagley & Bemis. ties) of this number are represented by from one to ten 2 Riverton, Franklin. ern Byrum. 66 66 1. ‘Barnett. towns or cities in each; in a majority of cases it will be ‘ Rulo, Richardson. John Gagnon. Syracuse, Otoe. Albert Joyce. Seee ee O a rae eo cate eaeess OF ee eames fi Notaries Publ: C, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPARTM’T FOR Nebraska. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Albion, Boone. F. H. Friend. Bertrand, Phelps. H. L. E. Lincoln. Central City, Merrick. J. H. Holden. ss s John Peters. Blair, Washington. Alex. Reed, cs se F. M. Persinger. Alexandria, Thayer. W. W. Wirt. Bloomington, Franklin. Wm. A. Cole. Chadron, Dawes. J. A. Wilson. Alma, Harlan. A. L. Burr. = ne A. F. Moore. Chappell. Cheyenne. John Oneil. al te p C. C. Flansburg. Blue Hill, Webster. D. P. Newcomer. Clarks, Merrick. W. T. Dodge. i i s John Dawson. Blue Springs, Gage. J. W. Farley. Clay Center, Clay. Jesse }’. Eller. “a Arapahoe, Furnas. A. Y. Wright. Brainard, Butler. J.T. McKnight. Clear Water, Antelope. J. Q. A. Thompson. : cc ne W.S. Morlan. Brewster, Blair. M. C. Lyons. Coleridge, Cedar. John Bridenbaugh. Arlington, Washington. W. J. Cram. Brock, Nemaha. Geo. A. Clapp. Columbus, Platte, Je Ge eedeins Ashland, Saunders. C. Thompson. Broken Bow, Custer. Fred. G. Waite. Pe sc W: M. Cornelius. Atkinson, Holt. Ty Wie Lon: ee ; Geo. W. Trefren. Cozad, Dawson. S. W. Schooley. Auburn, Nemaha. W. H. Hoover. y . R. EH. Goodwin. : : W. H. Blackmer. Aurora, Hamilton. Samuel Spanogle. Brownville, Nemaha. D. P. Tipton. ie s J. W. Spurrier. Bancroft, Cuming. Chas. A. Ransom. Burchard, Pawnee. - C. G. George. me Wm. Dale. Bartlett, Wheeler. R. L. Staple. Burwell, Loup. HK. 8. Bean. ° Creighton, Knox. O. W. Rice. Bazile Mills, Knox. Geo. A. Brooks. Cambridge, Furnas. L. Bee. Crete, Saline. _ John Sherille. Beatrice, Gage. J. H. McGuire. Carleton, Thayer. V. O. Rewich. Culbertson, Hitchcock. Geo. H. Binks. Beaver, City, Furnas. L. Kinsman. @ | Cedar Rapids, Boone. Oi ie Harriss w se M. M. House. yiNOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST and Cc Place. County. Name. Cumminsville, W he eler, Curtis, Frontier. Dakota, Dakota. “ec “ Dannebrog, Howard. > David City, Butler. De Witt, Saline. Edgar, Clay. Elba. Howard. Elk Valley, Dakota. Elm Creek, Buffalo. Elwood, Gosper. Ewing, Holt. Exeter, Fillmore. Fairbury, Jefferson. “ce ce Fairfield, Clay. Fairmont, Fillmore. Falls City, Richardson. 66 6é ee “ se 6 Fort Calhoun, Washington. Franklin, Franklin. Fremont, Dodge. 6e ce Friend, Saline. “cc oft ~ Fullerton, Nance. ee ee Geneva, Fillmore. Genoa, Nance. Gibbon, Buffalo. Glenalpin, Antelope. Glenville, Clay. Gordon, Sheridan. Gothenburg, Dawson. Grafton, Fillmore. Grand Island, Hall. “e “e Hampton, Hamilton. Hardy, Nuckolls. Hartington. Cedar. Harvard, Clay. Haskins, Wayne. Hastings, Adams. ee ce ce ce Hayes Centre, Hayes. Hay Springs, Sheridan. Hebron, Thayer. se ce Herman, Washington. Holdredge, Phelps. ce ae Home, Nemaha. Homerville, Gosper. Hooper, Dodge. Hubbard, Dakota. Hubbell, Thayer. Humboldt, Richardson. Humphrey, Platte. Indianola, Red Willow. ce ee ce oe Jackson, Dakota. Kearney, Buffalo. Keene, Kearney. Kent, Luop. Kambaljl, Cheyenne. La Platte, Sarpy. Leigh, Colfax, Liberty, Gage. Lincoln, Lancaster. ce ce Lodge Pole, Cheyenne. Long’Pine, Brown. Loup City, Sherman. ee tt . Lyons, Burt. H. R. Bowler. W.9. hompson. R. A. McKnight. J. T. Spencer. H. D. Rogers. Peter Jepsen. W. Hz. Fuller. A. L. Hughes. J. L. Richards. S. W. Christy. F. L. Blumer. James Knox. D. I. Brown. C. B. Lee. A. M. White. Jp deine J. H. Sterling. John Exton. D. B. Cropsey. O. P. Alexander. W. C. Sloan. F. Martin. - J. G. Gilman. C. Morris. M. W. Musselman. Chas. Loree. BK. N. Grenell. Jas. F. Zediker. Frank Fowler. O. H. P. Shively. Joshua Palmer. S. D. Cameron. B. D. Slaughter. I. R. Fuller. J. Jensen. M. V. Mondy. F. C. Hitchcock. Wm. Campbell. Frank Steits. R. J. Graham. F. A. Reynolds. P. B. Tollis. O. B.Thompson. H. E. Clifford. J. H. Lincoln. R. K. Hill. Henry Luge. Orlo.W.Birmingham. A. 4. Houser. R. B. Tussey. L. A. Royce. H. Bostwick. J. P. Davis. R. F. Milford. E. 8S. Knight. O. H. Scott. A. Bookwalter. P.O. Hulland. E. A. Roth. Herbert R. Home. H. A. Willard. H. H. Looschen. J. F. Duggan. Jacob Breiner. E. A. Tucker. C. D. Murphy. W. C. Lathrop. J.J. Lamburn. H. W. Keys. R. H. Criswell. Joseph Brannon. Geo. D. Aspinwall. D. B. Ball. G. A. Gard. C. A. Schooley. HE. EH. Fox. A. M. Walling. N; T. Gadd. J.C. McBride. B. H. Goulding. L. P. Young. Geo. Cudehee. C. R. Glover. M. A. Theis. C. H. E. Heath. O. 8. Comar. Place. County. McCook, Red Willow. ce se Madison, Madison. sé ee Martensburgh, Dixon. Middleport, Wheeler. Milford, Seward. Minden, Kearney. af ee Naponee, Franklin. Nebraska City, Otoe. ee ee Neligh, Antelope. ce “e 6 ce Nelson, Nuckolis. ce “ec oe e Niobrara, Knox. ee ee ce cs Norden, Keya Paha. Norfolk, Madison. 66 6e North Bend, Dodge. “cc “ce North Loup, Valley. North Platte, Lincoln. Oakdale, Antelope. Oak, Nuckolls. Oakland, Burt. O’Connor, Greely. Ogallala, Keith. Olax, Custer. Olean, Colfax. Omaha, Douglas. ce ce ce 6e ce ce ce ce ce 6e ae ce O'Neill, Holt. Ord, Valley. Orleans, Harlan, Osceola, Polk. ce ce Overton, Dawson. Oxford, Furnas. Papillion, Sarpy. ce ee Pawnee City, Pawnee. Paxton, Keith. Pender, Dakota. Peru, Nemaha. Pierce, Pierce. ee es Plainview, Pierce. ‘ e ee ce Plattsmouth, Cass. . ee “e ce “ce cc Plum Creek, Dawson. “cc “ce Ponea, Dixon. «“ ‘“ 6 6< Mission Creek. Pawnee. Nemaha City, Nemaha. Phillips Station, Hamilton. ee 6e Name. Chas. Boyle W. L. Hubbard. V. Franklin. W. VY. Allen. W.M. Robertson. O. E. Martin. Frank Mead. Oar Hamilin.. J. Hull. BR. St. Clair: R. P. Stein. Jobn Byron. M. K. Walker. John S. Ray. D. T. Hayden. J. C. Watson. GC. C. Jones. Thos. O. Day. R. Wilson. R. Hollingsworth. D. W. Barker. KF. S. Shaw. BE. A. Bourne. E. H. Chambers. E. A. Houston. V. Raulla. F. R. Evans. Geo. N. Beels. C. B. Burrows. Robt. McVicker. D. M. Strong. H. G. Snell. B.S. Sears. J.S. Hoagland. ©. C. Hawkins. W.H. McDonald. M. W. Leach. S. D. Thornton. J. ke Boyde D. W. Montgomery. J. G. Arthur. T. Hines. L. A. Brandhoefer. A.R. Samson. John Baner. Byron Reed. Geo. W. Ames. R. 8S. Hill. Geo. P. Bemis. T. C. Bruner. C. E. Mayne. Alvin Saunders. W.D. Mead. T. B. Golden. EK. W. Adams. A. M. Robbins. E. M. Coffir. Andy Richmond. L. H. Kent. E. L. King. M. A. Mills. J. H. Mickey. R. Roe. Simon S. Dow. Kdgar Howard. Wm. Robinson. J. L. Edwards. L. K. Hatton. W. E. Drury. D. C: Cole. Chas. L. Crane. A.J. Spanogle. W. Cones. Kd. Stages. M. A. Norton. J. F. Hecht. O. J. Frost. Byron Clark. Win. S. Wise. Milton D. Polk. Samuel M. Chapman H. V. Temple. Emma A. ‘lemple, F. M. Dorsey. A. E. Barnes. W. M. Wheeler. ONVEYANCING DEPARTMENT for NEBRASKA Continued. Place. County. Name. Red Cloud, Webster. Republican City, Harlan. Reynolds, Jefferson. Rising City, Butler. Riverton, Franklin. Rock Falls, Phelps. Rulo, Richardson. Rushville, Sheridan. St. Edward, Boone. St. Deroin, Nemaha. St. Helena, Cedar. St. James, Cedar. St. Libory, Howard. St. Paul, Howard. Sargent, Custer. Schuyler, Colfax. ee 6 ce 6k Scotia, Greeley. “cc ee Seribner, Dodge. Seward, Seward. 6 sé 66 6c Shelton, Buffalo. Sidney, Cheyenne. 6e ee Springfield, Sarpy. Spcringview, Keya Vaha. Stanton, Stanton. ee se 4 ce Stella, Richardson. Stockville, Frontier. ‘é ce Stowe, Frontier. Stratton, Hitchcock. Stromsburgh, Polk. Stuart, Holt. Superior, Nuckolls. Sutton, Clay. Syracuse, Otoe. Table Rock, Pawnee. ee a6 Taylor, Loup. “ec ee Tecumseh, Johnson. ee ee Tekamah, Burt. ‘é “e Tobias, Saline. Trenton, Hitchcock. Ulysses, Butler. Utica, Seward. Valentine, Cherry. Valparaiso, Saunders. Wahoo, Saunders. ee ce Wakefield, Dixon. Wayne, Wayne. Weeping Water, Cass. Westerville, Custer. Weston, Saunders. West Point, Cuming. ee ee West Union, Custer. Wilber, Saline. ee oe Willow Springs, Garfield. Wisner, Cuming. Wood Lake, Cherry. Wymore, Gage. York, York. 46 cc J. R. Wilcox. J.S. Gifford. W.C. Parker. Frank Juvanaut. John D. Fulton. Jas. Sweezgy. John Gagnon. W. W. Wood. M. J. Thompson. AH, R. Robbins. P. C. Nissen. A. M. Gooding. A. R. Bradley, Geo. E. Lean. A. G. Kendall. J. W. Thomas. W. 4H. Sumner. T. W. Whitman. Geo. H. Thomas. J. M. Marsh. P. W. Lanigan. A. H. Briggs. Norval. Burlingim. S. C. | c, McKillip. B. i x 1 TM Robbins. Blakely. . J. McIntosh. S. O. Salisbury. A. J. Burnham. J. M: Whitney. J. W. Mackey. J. Eberly. A. A. Kearney. Geo. M. Gates. M. E. Cowan. L. M. Moores. iB aye EB. J. Hardin. J. W. Edgerton A. E. Rice. Jas. . Wilson. W.S. Bloom. F. C. Matteson. Albert Joyce. GC. H. Norris. W.M. Forbes. John H. Evans. NW Dame. L. C. Chapman. B. F. Perkins. M. W. Lee. N. J. Sheckell. A. N. Dodson. Thos. A. Britton. Geo. E. Waldo. G. A. Derby. O. P. Warner. F. A. Seoville. Geo. I. Wright. N. H. Bell. E. W. Drake. John E. Bennett. J. H. Bellows. J. A. Armour. John R. Campbell. Eugene Moore. R. F. Kloke. J. H. Shinn. J. H. Grumn. Chas. W. Meeker. D. L. V. Moffett. Henry Deily. P. A. Johnson. Ed. Hayes. A. J. Bell. J. F. Hale. M. C. Frank. ahs Cy REQUEST. — In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘* Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department’ of ‘‘ THE Every Orricr FavoritE.’”? By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- tion.MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR NEBRASKA. Place. County. © Name. Place. County. Name. Ainsworth, Brown. Albion, Boone. Alexandria, Thayer. Alma, Harlan. Arapahoe, Furnas. Ashland, Saunders. Atkinson, Hi olt. Auburn, Nemaha. ee “eé Aurora, Hamilton. Bartlett, Wheeler. “ee ce se ws Beatrice, Gage. 6c ce é 46 i749 6¢ it} ‘ “ee ‘ Beaver City, Furnas. “cc “ce Belvidere, Thayer. Bertrand, Phelps. Blair, Washington. Bloomington, Franklin. Blue Ell, Webster. Blue Springs, Gage. Brewster, Blaine. Broken Bow, Custer. ee ce se sé Buffalo, Wheeler. Burchard, Pawnee. Burwell, Loup. Cambridge, Furnas. Carleton, Thayer. Cedar Rapids, Boone. Central City, Merrick. 6c ce “ee 6s Chadron, Dawes. ce “e “ec 6e Clarks, Merrick. Clay Centre, Clay. “ “sc “ “e Coleridge, Cedar. Columbus, Platte. 74 se of “ec eé ee Cozad, Dawson. “ce “ee ee “6 Creighton, Knox. e “ Crete, Saline. Culbertson, Hitchcock. Dakota, Dakota. 6c ee David City, Butler. ‘ ‘ Edgar, Clay. Elba, Howard. Elwood, Gosper. Emerson, Dixon. Endicott, Jefferson. Ewing, Holt. Exeter, Fillmore. Fairbury, Jefferson. 6é “e 66 66 Fairfield, Clay. Fairmont, Fillmore. 6 “eé Falls City, Richardson. Franklin, Franklin, Fremont, Dodge. ‘ce “cs 66 “ce Friend, Saline. Fullerton, Nance. J. S. Miller. Proctor & Wirt. R. N. Piper. A. Y. Wright. Doon Bros. Bank of Atkinson. Stowell & Kelligar. Win. H. Hoover. Spanogle & Co. John C. Heald. Bh. B. Mitchell. Staple Bros. Smith Bros. Loan & Trust Coy = Thos. Yule & Son. Burnam, Trevitt & Mattis. A. L. Green. Woodward Bros. Ellis & Knapp. L. Kinsman. W. Howard Phelps. Rewich Bros. & Co. J. G. Ballard & Co. Alex. Reed. J.P. A. Black & Co. Watkins Bros. Simpson & Martin. Blue Springs Bank. M. C. Lyon. Ledwich Bros. Trefren & Hewett. L. H. Jewett. Baird Bros. C. M. Corlett. Bean & Newman. Bee & Reagor. Rewich Bros. & Co. Cedar Rapids Bank. S. E. Hostetter. W. A. Porter. Nelson Barnes. F. M. Dorrington. W. W. Byington. Levi G. Sweat. Henry Beardsley. John M. Jones. Jesse F’. Eller. Clay Centre Bank. Geo. W. Hutton & Co. G. G. Beck: 2015 & Co. EE: Coolridge. Samuel C. Smith. McAllister Bros. Bank of Cozad. David Claypool. Clete Eulton: McCarn Bros. Knox Co. Bank. Dawes & Foss. Perry & Crews. Thos. J. King. H. D. Rogers. Peter Jepsen. J. T. Nelson. John B. Morgan. J. C. Roberts. Alex. B. Chandler & Co. F. L. Blumer. Je.Cs Bost. A.M. White. W: A. Dean. Bills, Hodges & Kin- yon. Jee keno. C.S: Cleve sland, W. P. Freeman. Marvin Warren. Hansen Bros. J. P. Nixon. O. P. Alexander. 8. L. Burson. Will R. Gaylord. H. C. Smith. J. D. Gage. Richards Keene & Co. Rogers & Atwood. FE. B. Harrison. Palmer & Hendee. A. Edgington. Fullerton, Nance. Geneva, Fillmore. 6é “cc Genoa, Nance. ee 6s Gibbon, Buffalo. Gordon, Sheridan. Gothenburgh, Dawson. ec ce Grafton, Fillmore. Grand Jsland, Hall. Hampton, Hamilton. Hayes Centre, Hayes. Hartington, Cedar. Harvard, Clay. “e oe Hastings, Adams. Hay Springs, Sheridan. Hebron. Thayer. oe “ Howe, Nemaha. Holdredge, Phelps. Homerville, Gosper. Hubbell, Thayer. Humboldt, Richardson. Humphrey, Platte. Indianola, Red Willow. Juniata, Adams. Kearney, Buffalo. Kenesaw, Adams. Leigh, Colfax. Lincoln, Lancaster. ce ‘6 ce se se sé oe “ Long Pine, Brown. Loup City, Sherman. ce “eé ce “ec Lyons, Bur McCook. Bed Willow. Madison, Madison. te ee Minden, Kearney. sé ee Nebraska City, Otoe. Neligh, Antelope. Nelson, Nuckolls Njobrara, Knox. ee ee Norden, Keya Paha. Norfolk, Madison. North Bend, Dodge. North Loup, Valley. North Platte, TRC Oakdale, Antelope. Oakland, Burt. O’Connor, Greeley. Ogallala, Keith. Olax, Custer. Omaha, Douglas. “ec sc ce ve 66 oe ‘ce 29 3 6c 66 cs ‘ec ee ce e ce «¢ se ee O'Neill, Holt. Ord, Valley. Orleans, Harlan. Brady & Critchfield. M. V. King. V. Dworak. O. KE. Green. M. V. Mondy. F, C, Hitchcock. L. F. Rheinhart. k. J. Graham. W. D. Giffin. Bank of Gothenburg. John Shoff. O. B. Thompson. Farmers Bank. Bank of Hampton. Hatch & Davis. Stephenson & Hunter. B. 8. Harrington. Updike & Titus. N. D. Blackwell & Co. L. A. Royce. : T. S. Tripp. Exchange Bank. Jas. Dinsmore. Church, Howe & Son. South Platte Loan & Trust Co. McGress & Hulland. D. Brigham & Co. H. A. Willard. - Jacob Breiner, KE. A. Tucker. C. D. Murphey. Snavely & Starr. C. R. Jones & Co. Geo. LD. Aspinwall. Norton & Pry. A.M. Walling. Lombard Invest. Co. Taneoln Loan & Trust 0. J.C. McBride. Stull Bros. R. E. Moore. Glover & Whittemore | Titus & Terhune. Nightingale Bros. MeNeos Loan & Trust Woh lford Bros. W. M. Robertson. Kingsbury Webb & Co. L. F. D. Gette. J. H. Yates. Hobbs & Ritterbush. John R. Markley. Niobrara Valley Bk. C. L. Boon. F. BR. Evans. J. L. Pierce. AQ Je Durlande Robt. McVicker. Geo. C. Hickok. Osear Babcock. Loup Valley Bank. J.S. Hoagland. Coleman & Leach. Griffin & Son. T.. C. Phelan. Ogallala Loan & Abstract Co. A. R. Samson. C. E. Mayne’s R. EH. & Trust Co. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. O. F. Davis & Co. John M. Clarke. Byron Reed & Co. Kquitable Trust Co: Union Trust Co. Central Investm’t Co. Garlichs & Johnson. Day & Co. Stewart & Co. John McBride. Mortinsen & Babcock E. M. Coffin & Co. Burton & Harvey. Place. County. Name, Orleans, Harlan, Osceola, Polk. 6s “se ce 6é Oxford, Furnas. 6e “ec Papillion, Sarpy. e “e Pawnee City, Pawnee. iT “é “ 6“ Pender, Dakota. Phillips Station, Hamilton. Pierce, Pierce. ee se Plainview, Pierce. Plattsmouth,Cass. Plum Creek, Dawson. Ponea, Dixon. “ se ce “ce Red Cloud, Webster. Republican City, Harlan. “ec ce Rising City, Butler. Riverton, Franklin. Rushville, Sheridan. St. Edward, Boone. St. Paul, Howard. Sargent, Custer. Schuyler, Colfax. ‘cc ce Scotia, Greeley. Seward, Seward. Shelton, Buffalo. ce oe Sidney, Cheyenne. Spaulding, Greeley. Springview, Key ja Paha. 6eé ‘eé Stanton, Stanton. oe se ee “cs Stella, Richardson. Stockville, Frontier. Slater Barnes & Drake | Stratton, Entehece | Stromsbureh, Poll Stuart, Holt. Superior, Nuckolls. Sutton, Clay. Syracuse, Otoe. Table Rock, Pawnee. Taylor, Loup. Tecumseh, Johnson. Tekamah, Burt. Thompson, Wheeler. Tobias, Saline. Trenton, Hitchcock. Ulysses, Butler. Utica, Seward. Valentine, Cherry. Valparaiso, Saunders. 6eé ec Wahoo, Saunders. ee ce 6 ce Wakefield, Dixon. Wayne, Wayne. Weeping | Water, Cass. Westerville, Custer. West Point, Cuming. “ce “cc Wilber, Saline. Willow Springs, Garfield. Wisner, Cuming. Wymore, Gage. BY, or eee ork. Andy Richmond. Osceola Bank. J.P. Heald. Bank of Polk Co. Simon 8S. Dow. W. 1. McClure. Wm. Robinson. Martin Langdon. Win. Orr S. A. Hartwell. J. H. Wilson. Drury & Peebles. Bk. of Phillips, W. Cones. Wm. B. Chilvers. W. Quivey. Ne Ww. Jennings & Co Hess & Maxwell. Jones & Wheeler. Dorsey Bros. EK. E. Halstead. J. N. Richards. ‘Gifford & Blades. P. J. Dempster. Frank Juvanaut. John D. Fulton. Wood & Weeter. H. B. Keesler. EK. E. Thompson. Morrison & Rannels. A.G. Kendall. J. W. Thomas. Miles Zentmyer. Lafoche & Whitman, T. B. Crewitt. Lanigany Marsh & Herbert. S. C. Burlingim. A. N. Murphy. H. J. Robbins. J.J. MelIntosh. G. B. Blakely. T. D. Connell. R. L. Crosby. J. M. Whitney. Simpson & Woodden, J. W. Mackey. A. M. McFarland. A. A. Kearney. D. H. Hull. J. H. Harrison & Co. Morris & Westgate. Bank of Stratton. G. M. McConaughy. Rice Bros. Todd & Graves. Fowler & Cowles. J. B. Dinsmore & Co, Hoebel & Horne. Albert Joyce. M. H. Marble. Evans Bros. Loup Co. Bank. B. F. Perkins. A. A. Thomas. ©. W. Conkling. Hopewell& Dickinson A. N. Dodson & Co. Britton Bros. Burton & Harcourt. Emerson & Weston. G. A. Derby. O.P. Warner. N. M. George. F. A. Scoville. Sanford & Son. Dorsey Bros. Good & Good. Aw Be Dam N. F. Bennett & Son B. A. Gibson. John W. Clark. Dorr Heffleman. ’. W. Ragoss. Win. Stuefer. EK. W. Welna. Kelloge & Van Duyn D. L.. V. Moffett. A. R. Graham. Craig & Murphy. Lundeen & Cook. Daggy & Atkins.HOTEL, Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR N EVADA. County. Name. Austin, Lander. oe “é Battle Mountain, Lander. 3elleville, Esmeralda. Belmont, Nye. Bullionville, Lincoln. Candelaria, Esmeralda. Carson City, Ormsby. cc ee Cherry Creek, White Pine. Dayton, Lyon. ce se El Dorado Canyon, Lincoln. Elko, Elko. Empire City, Ormsby. Kureka, Eureka. 6é 6é REAL International Hotel. Leland House. Capitol Hotel. Bellville Hotel. Cosmopolitan Hotel. Bullionville Hotel. Nevada Hotal. Ormsby House. Arlington House. Exchange Hotel. Bates House. Union Hotel. Occidental Hotel. South Western Hotel. Depot Hotel. Gem Hotel. Humboldt House. Hoovers Exchange H. Jackson Hotel. Santrancisco Hotel. Dunkel House. BSTATE Eureka, Eureak. Genoa, Douglas. 74 s Golconda, Humboldt. Hamilton, White. Hawthorne, Esmeralda. Hiko, Lincoln. Humboldt, Humboldt. Lovelock’s, Humboldt. Palisade, Eureka. Panaca, Lincoln. Paradise Valley, Humboldt. Pioche, Lincoln. “ce 6 Reno, Washoe. “ce .39 Truckee House. Raycuft Exchange H. Central Hotel. Hot Spring Hotel. Jackson House. Lake View House. Nucleus House. Palace Hotel. Humboldt House. Emmons Hotel. Singers Hotel. Palisade Hotel. Panaca Hotel. Paradise Hotel. Kemlers Hotel. Nevada House. Bank Exchange H. Depot Hotel. Palace Hotel. Golden Kagle Hotel. Lake House. Silver City, Lyon. — Stillwater, Churchill. Taylor, White Pine. Toana, Elko. Tuscarora, Elko. Virginia Citys Wadsw orth Elko. Winnemucca, Humboldt. ce “e Wells, “ce Storey. , Washoe. Silver City Hotel. Stillwater House. Edwards House. Depot Hotel. Cottage House. Inter national Hotel. Wadsworth House. Depot Hotel. La Fayette House. Winnemucca House. Central House. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC,.—tThis de- partment of ‘‘ Tar Every OFrrcE Favorite,” (taken for all the states and territories in the United States,) will be found the most COMPLETE and REOENT NATIONAL HOTEL DrrEcrory published. lishers invite comparison. In proof of this statement Pub- It will be observed that aun Hotels in each town or city are not shown but selections made from amMone the best in each, when there are more than one in a place. AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR NEVADA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Austin, Lander. J. A. Miller. Hill, Churchill. W. C. Grimes. Battle Mountain, Lander. J. F. Dennis. Paradise Valley, Humboldt. J: B. Case. Belmont, Nye D. 8. Truman. Pioche, Lincoln. J. V, Keeley. Bernice, Churchill. Candelaria, Esmeralda. Carson City, Ormsby. Cherry Creek Dayton, Lyon. Elko, Elko. Eureka, Eureka. “eé “e Genoa. Douglas. Grantville, Nye. Hamilton, White. Hawthorne, Esmeralda. “ee “ec , White Pine. Eugene Williams. J. L. Callison, J. D. Kersey. O. M. Gray. Geo. W. Keith. Rand & Dorsey. Benj. Sanders. Beatty & Fitzgerald. D. W. Virgin. C. J. Kuche. M. Thackston. A. W. Crocker. Knapp & Laws. Reno, Washoe. ce ce ce se Saint Clair, Churchill. Silver City, Lyon. Stillwater, Churchill. Taylor, White Pine. Toana, Elko. Tuscarora, Elko. a6 Poujade. C. W. Jones. Stoddark & Leete. C. S. Martin. Lem. Allen. J. J. Cushman, W.C. Dooey. W. 4H. A. Pike. I. H. Kent. Sol. Hilp. A. W. Gobble. Mart Smith, Place. County. Name. Tybo, Nve. Viginia City, Storey. Winnemucca, Humboldt. ae ee N.S. Trowbridge. M. N. Stone. F. M. Huffaker. L. A. Buckner. McMillan & Hannah. TO REAL ESTATE MEN.--This Department of ‘THe EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE”? (taken for all the States and Territories in the United States) presents to you the firct NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENTS’ AND DEALERS’ DIRECTORY. To illustrate its completeness, publishers would say that there are in @// about 2,600 counties in the entire U. S. and Territories; and, of this number, it will be found that over 2,550 counties are represented in from one to ten towns or cities in each, by parties either aclively engaged in this branch of business or more or less identified in same. Certainly a more extensive Directory for a@ny class has not been published. BANKS AND BANKERS pezprarrment ror NEVADA. Place, County. Name, Aurora, Esmeralda. Austin, Lander. Bellville, Esmeralda. Candelaria, Esmeralda. Carson City, Ormsby. ee sé Columbus, Esmeralda. Place. County. Aurora, Esmeralda. Austin, Lander. ce ce ce ce Battle Mountain, Lander. Belmont, Nye. ce 6 oe ce Bernice, Churchill. Carson City, Ormsby. ce sé ce ac ee ce ae ce ce a4 ce ce Cherry Creek, White Pine. Dayton, Lyon. Kiko, Elko. ee ce Eureka, Eureka. C. Novacouch. Paxton & Curtis. Wells, Fargo & Co. Wells, Fargo & Co. Wells, Fargo & Co. Bullion ExchangeBk. Wells, Fargo & Co. Name. D. J. Lewis. Henry Mayenbaum. Harry ‘I’. Creswell. Z. ¥’. Wharton. J. F. Dennis. J.T. Lamb. D.S. Truman. W. N. Granger. Eugene Walliams, Amar James R. Tadee. Trenmore Coffin. C. N. Harris. H. F. Bartine. R. M. Clarke. James D. Forreyson. Wellington Stewart. O. M. Gray. Geo. W. Keith. Rand & Dorsey. Bigelow. Geo. FE. Talbot. Wren & Cheney. Place. County. Name. Elko, Elko. Eureka, Hureka. Hawthorne, Esmeralda. Pioche, Lincoln. Reno, Washoe. ee é Virginia City, Storey. Place. County. Kureka, Eureka, ¢ ce € “ ‘ce “ “c 6 “ce 6 66 6é “c “ce “ 6“ “ “ “ Genoa, Douglas. Gold Hill, Storey. Grantville, Nye. Hamilton, White. cé cs ec <é Pioche, Lincoln. ee ¢ 66 « Hawthorne, Esmeralda. ¢ ce ~ J. Henderson. Eureka Co. Bank. Wells, Fargo & Co. Jee Poujade. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Reno. Wells, Fargo & Co. Name. Wines & Baker. Beatty & Fitzgerald. C. G. Hubbard. Frank X. Murphy. EK. D. Vanderlieth. Peter Breen. John T. Baker. Benj. Sanders. W.K. Mitchell. F. H. Harmon. D. W. Virgin. Pedr Flanningham. C. J. Kuche. A.B. Treece. M. Thackston. F. Bowler. A. W. Cracker. Thos. H. Wells. Curler & Bowles. Geo. 8. Sawyer. T. J. Osborne. C. H. Patchen. Place, County. Name. Virginia City, Storey. ee ee Winnemucca, Humboldt. Bank of California. Nevada Bank. E. Reinhart & Co. REQ UEST.—Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers De- partment” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”? GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR Place. “¢ ce ce ce ee ee ee ce ce ee Reno, Washoe. ee ce ce ce ee ce 6 ce Saint Clair, Silver City, Lyon. Taylor, White Pine. Virginia City, Storey. Churchill. sc «6 oc bs é Winnemucca, Humboldt. ce ee NEVADA. County. Name. J. F. Alexander. Wm. Webster. H. A. Waldo. John Bowman, R. H. Lindsay. Clark & King. T. EK. Hayden. T, V. Julien. Lem. Allen. W. C. Dooey. B. F. Sanders. M. N. Stone. Clayton Belknap. F. M. Huffaker. Chas. E. Mack. M. C. Tilden. J. W. Whitcher. James A. Stephens. M.S. Bonnifield. MacMillan& Hannah. S. J. Bonnifield, jr. W.S. Bonnifield.Place. County. Notaries Public, Name. PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING Place. County, Name. Aurora, Esmeralda. Austin, Lander. Battle Mountain, Lander. Belmont, Nye. Candelaria, Esmeralda. oe ce Carson City, Ormsby. ae Cherry Creek, White Pine. Dayton, Lyon. Elko, Elko. MORTGAGE LOAN cents ayp John Neidy. L. B. Ball. J. W. McWilliams. W.N. Granger. J. L. Callison. C. B. Zebriskie. James KR. Judge. W.G. Clarke. W. Drury. D. R. Collins. Geo. W. Keith. J. W. Dorsey. Eureka, Eureka. 4é ce ee ee ee ee ce sé Genoa, Douglas. Hamilton, White. Hawthorne, Esmeralda. ee se Hill, Churchill. Mason Valley, Lyon. Osceola, White Pine. EK. D. Vanderleith. Benj. Sanders. B. C. Levy. P. Breen. F. Haormn. N. Harris. H. Bush. J. B. Hickey. F. A. Angell. W.C. Grimes. H..J. Littell. D. Felsenthal. DEPARTMW’T FOR Nevada. Place. County. Name, Paradise Valley, Humboldt. J. B. Case. Pioche, Lincoln. R.S. Clapp. Reno, Washoe. C. 8. Martin. _ ce H. L. Fish. Lem. Allen. N.H. A. Pike. Sol. Hilp. A. W. Gobble. Mart Smith. N.S. Trowbridge. F. M. Huffaker. C. Chenowerth. Saint Clair, Churchill. Stillwater, Churchill. Taylor, White Pine. Toana, Elko. Tuscarora, Elko. Tybo, Nye. Virginia City, Storey. Winnemucca, Humboldt. INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FoR NEVADA. Place, County. Name. Place. County. Name, Austin, Lander. Battle Mountain, Lander. Belmont, Nye. Carson City, Ormsby. Elko, Elko. Eureka, Eureka. Paxton & Curtis. J. F. Dennis. M. W. Esser. Wm. Wilson. J. W. Hall. J. D. Kersey. J. Henderson. J. C. Streeter. J. H. Taber. Eureka Co. Bank. Eureka, Eureka. Genoa, Douglas. Grantville, Nye. Hamilton, White. Hawthorne, Esmeralda. Pioche, Lincoln. Reno, Washoe. Saint Clair, Churchill. Stillwater, Churchill. Taylor, White Pine. Wren & Cheney. D. W. Virgin. J. Phillips. A. B. Treece. A. W. Crocker. J. Poujade. First Nat'l Bank. J. J. Cushman. 1. H. Kent. Sol. Hilp. | Place. County. Name. Tuscarora, Elko. V irginia City, Storey. J. M. Louglas. Winnemucca, Humboldt. R. W. Lewis. iki xX PLAN A'TiON.—The parties whose addresses are here given are identified in the REAL Estate First Mort- GAGE loan business on their own account or for other investors, and through whom such inyestments may Mart Smith. be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respective localities, To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, etc., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was taken from the ‘Mortgage Loan Agents’ and Investors’ Department” of “THe Every OFFICE FAVORITE.’ a o> , - or —<—y 2 GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE. E@ ails revere. Place. County, Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Allentown, Merrimack. Lull Hotel. Gilmanton, Belkuap. Prospect Hotel. Phenix Hotel. Alstead, Cheshire. Alton, Belknap. Alton Bay, Belknap. Amherst, Hillsborough, Antrim, Hillsborough. Ashland, Grafton. Ashuelot, Cheshire. Auburn, Rockingham. Bath, Grafton. Barrington, Stafford. Bartlett, Carroll. Belmont, Belknap. Benton, Grafton. Bethlehem, Grafton. Bristol, Grafton. Charlestown, Sullivan. Canaan, Grafton. Centre Sandwich, Carroll. Claremont, Sullivan. Colebrook, Coos. olumbia, Coos. Concord, Merrimack. ce a4 Conway, Carroll. Cornish, Sullivan. Danbury, Merrimack. Deerfield, Rockingham. Derry, Rockingham. Dover, Strafford. “e ce oe “ee Drewsville, Cheshire. Durham, Strafford. Effingham, Carroll. Enfield, Grafton. Epping, Rockingham. Exeter, Rockingham. Farmington, Stratford, Fitzwilliam, Cheshire. Francestown, Hillsborough. Franconia, Grafton. Franklin, Mermmack. Freedom, Carroll. Gilmanton, Belknap. Humphrey House. Cochecho House. Alton Bay House. Amherst House. Carter Hotel. Spur Lake House. Kingsley House. Lake View Hotel. Hubbard Hotel. Pond Lilly Hotel. Bartlett Hotel. Browns Hotel. Veazey Hotel. St. Clair House. Bristol Hotel. Eagle House. Parker House. Maple House. Belmont House. Parsons House. Monadnock House. Travelers Hotel. Phoenix House. Eagle House. Conway House. Harlan House. Gordon Hotel. Glenwood Hotel. Jones Hotel. American House. Kimball House. _ N. Hampshire House. Mountain House. Oyster River Hotel. Granite State Hotel. Mont Calm Hotel. Prospect House. Gorham Hall House. Wilson House. Fitzwilliam Hotel. Farnums Hotel. Profile House. Franklin Hotel. Prospect Hotel. Central Hotel. Goffstown, Hillsborough. Gorham, Coos. Great Falls, Strafford. Greenville, Hillsborough. Hampstead, Rockingham. Hampton, Rockingham. Hanover, Grafton. Hebron, Grafton. Haverhill, Grafton. Hillsborough, Hillsborough. Hinsdale, Cheshire. Jaffrey, Cheshire. Jefferson, Coos. ist ec 6é “cr Keene, Cheshire. ce ce ee ce Kingston, Rockingham. Laconia, Belknap. ce 6é Lake Village, Belknap. Lancaster, Coos. ee e¢ Lebanon, Grafton. Lisbon, Grafton. Littleton, Grafton. Loudon, Merrimack. Lyndonborough, Hillsboro’. Manchester, Hillsborough. 74 ¢é ce ce Marlborough, Cheshire. Marlow, Cheshire. Merideth Village, Belknap. Milford, Hillsborough. Milton, Stafford. Moultonborough, Carroll. Nashua, Hillsborough. * New Hampton, Belknap. Central House. Alpine House. Great Fails Hotel. Columbian Hotel. Bricketts Hotel. Boars Head Hotel. Dartmouth House. Union House. Exchange Hotel. Valley Hotel. Hinsdale House. Central Hotel. Waumbek Hotel. Plaisted House, Jefferson Hill House. Cheshire House. Eagle Hotel. City Hotel. Kingston Hotel. Eagle Hotel. Hotel Wonslancet. Mt. Belknap Hotel. Lancaster House. Williams House. Sayres Hotel. Brighams Hotel Thayers Hotel. Union House. Glen Acre Hotel. Pine Grove Hotel. Manchester House. Hotel Winsor. National Hotel. Converse House. Forest House. Prospect House. Milford Springs H. Panama Hotel. Pheenix Hotel. Island Hotel. Laton House. Tremont House. Pennacle Hotel. New Ipswich, Hillsborough. Central Hotel. New Market, Rockingham. Silvers Hotel. Newport, Sullivan. se “es North Conway, Carroll. Northumberland, Coos. Orford, Grafton. | Ossipee, Carroll. Pembroke, Merrimack. Petersborougch, Hillsboro. Piermont, Grafton. Pittsfield, Merrimack. Plaistow. Rockingham. Plymouth, Grafton. “es Portsmouth, Rockingham. 74 ce Raymond, Rockingham. Rochester, Strafford. se ee Rye, Rockingham. Salisbury, Merrimack. Salmon Falls, Stafford. Sandwich, Carroll. Seabrook, Rockingham. Strafford, Strafford. Stratford, Coos. Sunapee, Sullivan. Suncook, Merrimack. Tamworth, Carroll. Thornton, Grafton. Tilton, Belknap. Troy, Cheshire. Unity, Sullivan. Wakefield, Carroll. Walpole, Cheshire. Weare, Hillsborough. Wentworth, Grafton. Westmoreland, Cheshire. Whitefield, Coos. Wilmot, Merrimack. Wilton, Hillsborough. Winchester, Cheshire. Woltborough, Carroll. W oodsville, Grafton. Newport House. Intervale House. Lafayette Hotel. Elm Hotel. Pine River House. Suncook Hotel. Tuckers Hotel. Elm Hotel. Gale’s Hotel. St. James Hotel. Pemmigiwassett H. “Little House. Rockingham House. Goodwin Hotel. Eagle Hotel. Dodge Hotel. Mansion House. Summer House. Elm Hotel. Jones Hotel. Maple Hotel. Parker Hotel. Blue Hill Hotel. American Hotel. Lake View Hotel. Runals House. ®Wpera House Hotel. Gilman’s Hotel. Merril Hotel. Dexter House. Monadnack Hotel. Unity Spring Hotel. National Hotel. Wentworth House. Collins Hotel. Smith’s Hotel. Pynchron Hotel, Fiske House. Windsor House. Everett House. Winchester Hotel. Glenden House. Belone House. Parker House. Brunswick House."AA eb Place. County. Bath, Grafton. Centre Sandwich, Carroll. Claremont, Sullivan. Colebrook, Coos. Dover, Strafford. Drewsville, Cheshire. Epping, Rockingham. Exeter, Roc king: 1m. Farmington, Strafford. Fitzwilliam, Cheshire. Goffstown, Hillsborough. Gorham, Coos. Great Falls, Strafford. Greenville, Hillsborough. Hillsborough, Hills sborough. Cheshire. Kee aes ce Name. Israel B. Davis. D. H. Hill Frank H. Brown. T, F. Johnson. J. _I. Parsons. Geo. B. Prescott. Boliver Lovell. W. 4H. Drury. W.4H. Belknap. James B. Edganly. Amos J. Blake. Samuel Upton. A. S. Twitchell. Burleigh & Russell. Wwm.S. Pierce. Hed. Date: B. K. Webber. John S. Towns. Lane & Dole. Hersey & Abbott. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR New Hampshire. Place. County. Name. Lewis G. Hoyt. Prescott & Iobinson. H. B. Quinby. Thos. Ham. Ladd & Fletcher. Benton & Goss. Drew & Johnson. H. M. Morse. Aldrich & Reinick. A. J. Lane. A. Li Walker. S. W. Rollins. Ss. A. Ladd. Milford, Hillsborough. R. M. Wallace. Nashua, Hillsborough. J. B. Parker. Caleb Richardson. New Ipswich,Hillsborough. W. A. Preston. New Market, Rockingham. Irving |’. George. Newport, Sullivan. A. D. Howard. North Conway, Carroll. Fred B. Osgood. Kingston, Rockingham. Laconia, Belknap. Lake Village, Belknap. Lancaster, Coos. es “ ce ee Lisbon, Grafton. Littleton, Grafton. Manchester, Hillsborough. Merideth Village, Belknap. Name. Place. County. ~~ Burieigh & Adams. Morse & Ilsley. W. H. Hackett. Sanborn & Cochrane. C. C. Rogers. Plymouth, Grafton. Portsmouth, Rockingham. Rochester, Strafford. ‘Tilton, Belknap. W. TL. Cass. Walpole, Cheshire. JosiahiG. Bellows. Whitefield, Coos. J. G. Trulan. W olf borough, Carroll. Wm. C. Fox. TO REAL ESTATE MEN,—this Department of ‘THe EVERY, OFEICE FAvoRitTE”’ taken from all the States and Territories in the United States présents to you the first NATIONAL REAL EsTaTE AGENTS’ DEALERS’ DIREC- tory. ‘To illustrate its completeness, Publishers would say that there are in @l/ about 2,600 counties in the enti7e U.S. and Territories; and, of this number, it will be found that over 2,550 counties are represented in from one to ten towns or cities in each, by parties either actively engaged in this branch of business or more or less identified in same. A more extensive Directory for any class has not been pub- lished. BANKS AND BANKERS bpzrarrment ror NEW HAMPSHIRE. mince: County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Alton, Belknap. Alton 5c Savings Bk. | Great Falls, Strafford. Sommersworth Nat'l | Nashua, Hillsborough. Second Nat'l Bank. Ashland, Grafton. Ashland Savings Bk. Bank. | New Ipswich,Hillsborough. New Ipswich Svgs Bk Bristol, Grafton. Bristol Savings Bk. | Greenville, Hillsborough. Mason Village Svg’s New Market, Rockingham. New Market Nat’l Bk Corn Renae Nat'l Bk. Bank. Newport, Sullivan. First Nat'l Bank. “es ee Charlestown, Sullivan. Centre Sandwich, Carroll. Canaan, Grafton. Concord, Merrimack. “ec 6c ce e Conway, Carroll. Derry, Rockingham. Dover, Strafford. ce “ce East Jaffrey, Cheshire. Effingham, Carroll. Epping, Rockingham. Exeter, ‘Rockingham. Farmington, Strafford. Fitzwilliam, Cheshire. Francestown, Hillsborough. Merrimack, Carroll. Franklin, Freedom, Gorham, Coos. Great Falls, Strafford. Sandwich Sve’s Bk. Claremont Nat’l Bk. Mechanics Nat’] Bk First Nat 1 Bk. Nat’] State Capital Bk Conway Savings Bk. Derry Nat’l Bank. Dover Natl Bank. Cochecho Nat’l Hk. Strafford Nat’l Bank. Monadnock Nat’l Bk. Monadnock Nat’! Bk. Epping Savings Bk. Nat'l Granite State Bank, Farmington Nat'l Bk Fitzwilliam Sve’s Bk Kirst Nat’] Bank Franklin Nat’! Bk. Ossipee Valley 10c Savings Bank. Gorham 5c Sve’s Bk. S$. Great Falls Nat’l Bk. Heneree Grafton. Dartmouth Nat’l Bk. Hillsboro’ Bridge, Hillsboro’First Nat’] Bank. Hillsborough, Hillsborough. Valley Nat'l Bank. Hinsdale, Che shire. Hinsdale & Savings Bk. Ke rene, Cheshire. Cheshire Nat’ Bank. © Ashulot Nat’l Bank. Keene Nat’] Bank. Citizens Nat’] Bank. Laconia Nat'l Bank. Lancaster Nat’l Bk. Nat’l Bk of Lebanon. Littleton Nat’l Bk. ce ce ee é Laconia, Be ‘knap. Lancaster, Coos. Lebanon, Grafton. Littleton, Grafton. Manchester, Hillsborough. es a First Nat'l Bank. Merideth Village, Belknap. Merideth Village Sve’s Bank. Milford, Hillsborough. Nashua, Hillsborough. First Nat’] Bank. 6e 6 New Hampshire Banking Co. Amoskeag Nat’l Bk. ce ‘ Manchester Nat’l Bk. Merchants Nat’l Bk. Souhegen Nat’l Bank. Indian Head Nat’! Bk Citizens Nat’l Bk. Willard Bank. Petersboro Nat’l Bk. Pittsfield Nat’l Bank. Pemigewassett Nat’l Bank. Mechanics & Traders Nat’l Bank. Rockingham Nat’! Bk New Hampshire Nat’l Bank. Rigenester Natl Bk. Salmon Falls Bank. Sandwich Svg’s Bk. Citizens Nat'l Bank. Walpole Sve’s Bk. Oxford, Grafton. Petersborough, Hillsboro. Pittsfield, Merrimack. Plymouth, Grafton. Portsmouth, Rockingham. 6c “ce 6é 6s Rochester, Strafford. Salmon Falls, Strafford. Sandwich, Carroll. Ti lton, Belknap. Walpole, Cheshire. Wilton, Hillsborough. Wilton Svg’s Bank. Winchester, Cheshire. Winchester Nat’l Bk Wolf borough, Carroll. Lake Nat'l Bank. REQUEST.—Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘ Banks and Bankers De- partment” of ‘‘ THe Every OFFICE FAvORITE,”’ GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT ror New Hampshire. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County, Name. re ear i tg Dover, Strafford. Thos. J. Smith. Haverhill, Grafton. Chapman & Long. abe Shirley © tease Woodman & Whitte- Hillsboro’ Bridge, Hillsboro! S. W. Holman. Bath, Grafton. E. W nae « i more B. K. Webber. Belmont, Belknap. Berlin Falls, Coos. Bristol, Grafton. Charlestown, Sullivan. Centre C onway, Carxoll. Centre Sandwich, Varroll. Claremont, Sullivan. ee ee ee c¢ ee cc ce ‘c Colebrook, Coos. ee ce ec a4 oe ce Concord, Merrimack, ee ee cs cs ee ee ee ce Conway. Carroll. Derry, Rockingham. E. P. Thompson. R. N. Chamberlain. R. EB. Dearborn. D. J. Daley. John B. Nash. A. B. Parker. D.H Ail. Tra Colby. H. W. Parker. Herman Holt. Frank H. Brown. EK. D. Baker. T. F. Johnson. J. 1. Parsons. Je Hs Dudley. Albert Barker, Leach & Stevens. L. 8. Morrill. Chase & Streeter. W. L. Foster. Albin & Martin. John C. L. Wood. Bartlett & Bartlett. Joshua’ G. Hall. Sam’l M. Wheeler. Jeremiah Smith. Boliver Lovell. F. D. Currier. ce ce 3 6“ Drewsville, Cheshire. East Canaan, Grafton. Kast Jaffrey, Cheshire. J. B. Twiss. Effingham, Carroll. Jesse B. Twiss. Kpping, Rockingham. W. H. Drury. Exeter, Rockingham. Wiggin & Fuller. Fred 8. Hatch. Jobn N. Eastman. E. F. Clautman. Amos J. Blake. Barnard & Barnard. Sanborn & Hardy. Sam’ 1 Upton. A.S. Partchell. A. R. Evans. Farmington, Strafford. es 6s Fitzwilliam, Cheshire. Franklin, Merrimack. Franklin Falls, Merrimack. § Goffstown, Hillsborough. Gorham, Coos. Great Falls, Strafford. ce ce Geo. KE. Beacham. oe oe W.S. Pierce. Greenville, Hillsborough. H.J. Taft. Hanover, Grafton. y H. E. Folsom. Copeland G Edgerly. Burleigh & Russell. Hilleboraueh, Hillsborough. B. K. Webber. we a S. W. Holman. K. J. Temple C. G. Hawton. Lane & Dale. Bachelor & Faulkner. Hinsdale, Cheshire. Hopkinton, Merrimack. Keene, Cheshire. ce ce “ 6 L. Wellington. rT 6 Hiram Blake. ‘ ‘ D. K. Henley. Ww. H. Hlliott. Lewis G. Hoyt. Jewell & Stone. T. J. Whipple. Kingston, Rockingham. Laconia, Belknap. S “ S.S. Jewett. * we W.S. Peaslee. ec E. A. Hibbard. S. C. Clark. Osian Ray. G. W. Patter3on. Lake Village, Belknap. Lancaster, Coos. f ce W. & H. Heywood. of ss Ladd & Fletcher. = se B. F. «Whidden. . - Benton & Goss. Arthur Odlin.CENERAL Place. County. Name. Lancaster, Coos. Carl Abbott. Lebanon, Grafton. J. L. Spring. Lisbon, Grafton. Littleton, Grafton. ee ae Manchester, Hillsborough. sé “ ce «s “ec se 6c 6s 66 “ Merideth Village, Belknap. Millford, Hillsborough. Nashua, Hillsborough. ee “ee ese ce ee ce New Ipswich, Hillsborough. H. M. Morse. Bingham, Mitchell & Bachelor. Aldrich & Reinick. J. W. Fellows. Burnham & Brown. John P. Bartlett. Briggs & Hughes. Cross & Taggart. J. H. Andrews. C. A. Sulloway. S. W. Rollins. R. M. Wallace. C. W. Hoytt. W. W.. Bailey. G. B. French. H. B. Athenton. W. A. Preston. New Market, Rockingham. Irving T. George. Place. County. LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE— Name. Newport, Sullivan. 6 6 4c “ ce ‘ec North Conway, Caryroll. Oxford, Grafton. Ossipee, Carroll. Petersborough, Hillsboro. “e ‘cc Plymouth, Grafton. Portsmouth, Rockingham. ce “cc ‘sé “ec ce ce Raymond, Rockingham. Rochester, Strafford. e “ce Salmon Falls, Strafford. Sandwich, Carroll. Sunapee, Sullivan. Albert S, Waite. Geo. R. Brown. S. L. Bowers. L. W. Barton. S. H. Edes. Fred B. Osgood. Paul Lane. Frank Weeks. D. M. Smith. EF. G. Clarke. Burleigh & Adams. Calvin Page. . Samuel W. Emery. John Hatch. W. #H. Hackett. John T. Bartlett. Worcester & Gafney. Sanborne & Cochrane R. G. Pike. ID); Tel, JBbvaL Geo. Dodge. Continued. Place. County. Name. J. B. Haselton. . C. Rogers. W. B. Fellows. Josiah G. Bellows. Davis & Paige. C. M. Burns. H. W. Brigham. E. M. Forbes. Wm. C. Fox. E. C. Banfield. S. B. Page. TO THE BAR OF THE UW. S.—This Depart- ment of ‘* THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE”? (taken for all the States and Territories) presents to you the nearest com- plete National LAWYERS? DIRECTORY published. As proof Publishers invite comparison; and, toillustrate would state that there are in all about 2,600 Counties in the entire U. 9. and Territories, and it will be found that over 2.550 (coun- ties) of this number are represented by from one to ten towns or cilies in each; in a majority of cases it will be observed, also, that the greater number of each County Bar are given and their proper addresses. Suncook, Merrimack. Tilton, Belknap. Walpole, Cheshire. Warner, Merrimack. Wilton, Hillsborough. * Winchester, Cheshire. 6s “ec Wolfborough, Carroll. W oodsville, Grafton. Notaries Public, prorsst anp convevancine pert ror New Hampshire. Place. County. Name. Alton, Belknap. Amherst, Hillsborough. Andover, Merrimack. Bath, Grafton. Belmont, Belknap. Bristol, Grafton. Charlestown, Sullivan. Centre Sandwich, Carroll. Claremont, Sullivan. ee se Colebrook, Coos. Conway. Carroll. Concord, Merrimack. ee ee Dover, Strafford. ee se ec 6 East Canaan, Grafton. East Jaffrey, Cheshire. Epping, Rockingham. Exeter, Rockingham. sé “e Farmington, Strafford. Fitzwilliam, Cheshire’ Franklin, Merrimack. Francestown, Hillsborough. John W. Currier. A. A. Rotch. J. M. Shirley. Israel B. Davis. }. P. Thompson. H. E. Dearborn. Geo. Scott. C. C. Fellows. John L. Farwell. Ira Colby. J. H. Dudley. C. W. Wildes. Wu. B. Chase. N. E. Martin. Elisha R. Brown. Oliver A. Dodge. S. M.. Wheeler. S. R. Swett. iH DS Wnton. W. H. Drury. W.B. Morrill. W. P. Moulton. Geo. L. Whitehouse. W. H. Hayes. Amos J. Blake. Daniel Barnard. G. W. Cummings. Place. County. Name. Gorham, Coos, Great Falls, Strafford. oe se ce “ec Hanover, Grafton. Haverhill, Grafton. A. R. Evans. Albert A. Perkins. E. J. Randall. ‘J. A. Stickney. Frederick Chase. Geo. W, Chapman. Hillsboro’ Bridge,Hillsboro’. J. C. Campbell. Hillsborough, Hillsborough. Hinsdale, Cheshire. Keene, Cheshire. ee ee ce ae Laconia, Belknap. e ee Lancaster, Coos. 4c se Lebanon, Grafton. Lisbon, Grafton. Littleton, Grafton. Manchester, Hillsborough. Merideth Village, Belknap. Milford, Hillsborough. Nashua, Hillsborough. New Market, Rockingham. B. K. Webber. Hy R. Vaille. Henry S. Martin. Royal H. Porter. John T. Abbott. E. Reeves. S. S. Jewett. Frank D. Hutchins. M. A. Hastings. E. A. Kendrick. A. A. Woolson. O. C. Hatch. W. H. Mitchell. Walter M. Parker. G. B. Chandler. 5. A. Ladd. F. T. Sawyer. FP. A. Eaton. KH. P. Brown. S. A. Haley. Place. County. Name. Fred W. Lewis. Albert S. Waite. L. Pitman. Paul Lang. C. P. Richardson. O. B. Copeland. Alvin Burleigh. Calvin Page. John MecDuffee. Wm. Rand. R. G. Pike. W.A. Heard. W.. TI. Cass: Josiah G. Bellows. J. G. Trulan. Moses Clark. Hy. Abbott. HE. M. Forbes. Newport, Sullivan. North Conway, Carroll. Oxford, Grafton. Petersborough, Hillsboro. Plymouth, Grafton. sé se Portsmouth, Rockingham. Rochester, Strafford. Salmon Falls, Strafford. Sandwich, Carroll. Tilton, Belknap. Walpole, Cheshire. Whitefield, Coos. Wilton, Hillsborough. Winchester, Cheshire. W olfborough, Carroll. John G. Cate. Woodsville, Grafton. S. B. Page. REQUEST.—Im sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘‘Notaries Public Protest and Conveyaneing Department’ of the “Every OFFrice IFavoORITE.’?? By so doing, yon confer a favor to the Publishers of this Direct- ory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assurance of your business receiving prompt and careful attention. Mortgage Loan acenrs anp investors DEPARTMENT FoR New Hampshire. Place. County. *" Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Alstead, Cheshire. Alton, Belknap. Ashland, Grafton. Belmont, Belknap. Benton, Gratton. Berlin Falls, Coos. Centre Conway, Carroll. Centre Sandwich, Carroll. Charlestown, Sullivan. Claremont, Sullivan. Colebrook, Coos. ae cc Conway, Carroll. Concord, Merrimack. ce 6 66 &é ee sé &6 se Derry, Rockingham. Dover, Strafford. 66 e Kd. M. Smith. Alton 5c Savings Bk. Ashland Savings Bk. E. P. Thompson. K. E. Dearborn. Bristol Savings Bk. D. J. Daley. John B. Nash. Sandwich Savings Bk Conn River Svg’s Bk. Sullivan Syg’s Insti- tution. J. I. Parsons. Albert Barker. Conway Savings Bk, New Hampshire Sag- ings Bank. Loan & Trust $. Bk. Merrimack Sve’s Bk. KE. H. Rollins & Son. Crippen: Lawrenec & 0. Bartlett & Bartlett. Cochecho Savg’s Bk. Savings Bk of Straf- ford Co. Dover 5c Svg’s Bk. East Canaan, Grafton. East Juffrey, Cheshire. kffingham, Carroll. Epping, Rockingham. Exeter, Rockingham. se ee Farmington, Strafford. Fitzwilliam, Cheshire. Francestown, Hillsborough. Franklin, Merrimack. Freedom, Carroll. Goffstown, Hillsborough. Gorham, Coos. Great Falls, Strafford. Greenville, Hillsborough. Hanover, Grafton. Haverhill, Grafton. Hillsboro’ Bridge, Hillsboro’. B. K.Webber. Hillsborough, Hillsborough. Hinsdale, Cheshire. Keene, Cheshire. F. D. Currier. Monadnock Svg''s Effingham Svyg's B Epping Savings B Union 5c Savings Bk. Squamscott. Svg’s BI Farmington Svg’s Bl Amos J. Blake. Francestown Savings ank. Franklin Svg’s Bk. Ossipee Valley 10c Savings Samuel Upton. Gorham 5e Syvg’s Bk. Sommersworth Svg’s. ri WA Ae Mason Village Svg’s Bank. Frederick Chase. Dartmouth Svg’s Bk. Chapman & Long. B. Kk. Webber. k. J. Temple. Hinsdale Savings Bk. Keene 5c Svg’s Bank. 2 Cheshire Provident Institution. Lewis G. Hoyt. Laconia Svg’s Bank. Beldnap Svg’s Bank. S'S. Jewett. = “ KE. P. Thompson. Lancaster, Coos. Lancaster Svg’s Bk. Oe ss Henry O. Kent & Co. Lebanon Sve’s Bank. Keene, Cheshire. Kingston, Rockingham. Laconia, Belknap. “ec 66 ce cc Lebanon, Grafton. Lisbon, Grafton. H. M. Morse. Littlelon, Grafton. Littleton Sv’gs Bank. Manchester, Hillsborough. Amoskeag Syg’s Bk. se ss Manchester Svg’s Bk. s Guarantee Sve’s Bk. si § Mechanics Sve’s Bk. os g Merrimac R. Svg’s Bk i se N.HampshireTrustCo sf S Peoples Svg’s Bank. a - A.J. Lane. Merideth Village, Belknap. MeridethVil.Svg’sBk Milford, Hillsborough. Milford dct Svg’s Institution. Nashua Sve’s Bank. City Svg’s Bank. N.HampshireBk’gCo. New Ipswich, Hillsborough. N. Ipsw ich Svg’s Bk. Nashua, Hillsborough. 46 ce Ty aE GP eeVMIORTGACE LOAN AGENTS and INVEST Place. Name. ge ee New Market, Rockingham. New Market Sve's Bk Newport, Sullivan. Newport Svg s Dk. North Conway, Carroll. Fred B. Osgood. ( xford, Grafton. {saac Willard. Ossipee, Carroll. Frank W eeks. Petersborough, Hillsboro." D. M.. Smith. ‘f s Petersboro Svg’s Bk, Pittsfield Svg’s Bk. Farmers Syg’s Bk. Plymouth, Grafton. Burleigh & Adams. Portsmouth, Rockingham. Piscapaqua Svg’s B a Portsmouth Syvg’s Bk County. Pittsfield, Merrimack. Ls fete ee SS ORS DEPARTMENT for Place. County. Name. Lo ee Portsmouth,.Rockinghamn. Portsmouth Trust & Gurrantee Co es ef "Morse & Ilsley. Rochester, Strafford. Rochester Svg’s Bk. a z Norway Plains Svg’s Bank. N 1 x ~ Ven Salnon Falls, Strafford. Salmon Falls Svg’s ank. Sandwich Svg’s Bk. George Dodge. Ionia Svg’s Bank. Walpole Svg’s Bk. Sandwich, Carroll. Sunapee, Sullivan. Tilton, Belknap. Walpole, Cheshire. Wolf borough, Carroll. NEW HAM PSHIRE—Continued. Place. County. Name. eS Se = . : . Wilton, Merrimack. Wilton Svg’s Bk. Tex 7 — 7 T 1 wee 2 Winchester, Cheshire. Security Svg's Bk. Wolf borough Svg’s Bank. Woodsville, Grafton. S. B. Page. EX PLANATION.—This Department represents parties engaged in making and interested in First Mortgage Loan Securities and through whom such invastments may be safely made or obtained. Western and southern loan agents will do well to correspond with the parties, or con- cerns, whose addresses are given by this Department for eastern states when disposing of such securities. Kindly mention ‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE”? in your corres- pondence. HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPAR Place. County. Name. Absecon, Atlantic. Rocking House. Alloway, Salem. American Hotel. Arlington, Hudson. Arlington House. Asbury Park, Monmouth. Atlanta Hotel. Oo ce Coleman House. Grand Avenue H. Sea Rest Hotel. Ashland House. 3righton Hotel. 6 “ce 6 6e Atlantic City, Atlantic. se Hotel Royal. Ss sf Mansion House. Atlantic High’d, Mon- emouthe = Grand View Hotel. cs & Sea View Hotel. Ocean Hotel. Clarence Hotel. Bellevue Hotel. Engleside Hotel. Ocean Hotel. Belleville, Essex. Belleville Hotel. 3elvidere, Warren. Belvidere House. Bernardsville, Somerset. Highland House. 3everly, Burlington. Beverly Hotel. Blairstown, Warren. Blairstown Hotel. Bloomfield, Essex. Club House. Boonton, Morris. U.S. Hotel. Bordentown, Burlington. Bordentown House. Boundbrook, Somerset. Gaddis Hotel. Bridgeton, Cumberland. Bridgeton Hotel. Burlington, Burlington. Beldin’s Hotel. Caldwell, Essex. Grover House. Camden, Camden. W. Jersey Hotel. Cape May, Cape May. Clalfonte House. Cape May(C.H.),Cape MayHereford House. ‘ ss Hotel La Fayette. Stockton Hotel. Zimmerman’s H. Fairview Hotel. Chester Hotel. Clayton Hotel. Union Hotel. Closter Hotel. American Hotel. De Camp’s Hotel. Union Hotel. Dennisville, Cape May. Gatzmer House. Dover, Morris. Mansion House. East Millstone, Somerset. Franklyn House. Batontown, Monmouth. Wheeler House. Ege Harbor City, AtlanticContinental Hotel. Elizabeth, Union. Sheridan House. Englewood, Bergen. Palisade House. Barnegat, Ocean. “ee &< Bay Head, Ocean. Beach Haven, Ocean. 6é “es “cc « Carlstadt, Bergen. Chatham, Morris. Chester; Morris. Clayton, Gloucester. Clinton, Hunterdon. Closter, Bergen. Cranbury, Middlesex. Deckertown, Sussex. “ce “ee Place. County. Name. Greenwich, Cumberland. Greenwich Hotel. Hackensack, Bergen. Mansion House. ce ss Hackensack House. Hotel Clarendon. American Hotel. Smith’s Hotel. Hammonton Hotel. Rail Road House. Hillsdale House. Park Hotel. Bursch’s Hotel. Hackettstown, Warren. Haddonfield, Camden. Hamburg, Sussex. Hammonton, Atlantic. Hightstown, Mercer. Hillsdale, Bergen. Hoboken, Hudson. ee “se ce ce Valgeli’s Hotel. ss ss Myers’ House. Mt.Pleasant House. Irvington Hotel. Jamesburg Hotel. Taylor’s Hotel. Phila. iotel. Key Port, Monmouth. Mansion House. Lakewood, Ocean. Laurel House. Lambertville, Lunterdon.Lambertville, Hotel Little Falls, Passaic. Eagle Hotel. Long Branch, Monmouth.Howland Hotel. ‘ eo U.S. Hotel. Hohokus, Bergen. Irvington, Essex. Jamesburg, Middlesex. Jersey City, Hudson. ee ce ge ss 3righton Hotel. “ G Ocean Wave Hotel. ce oC Elberon Hotel. cc a West End Hotel. Madison, Morris. Madison Hotel. Manasquan, Monmouth. Osborne Hotel. Matawan, Monmouth. Matawan House. May’s Landing, Atlantic. American Hotel. Metuchen, Middlesex. Raritan Hotel. Milburn, lssex. Milburn Hotel. Millville, Cumberland. Doughty House. Mount Clair, Essex. Mansion Hotel. Moorestown, Burlington. Wm. Penn Hotel. Morristown, Morris. Mansion House. cuznt FoR NE W JERSEY. Place. County. Name, Park Hotel. Passaic Hotel. Hamilton House. St. James Hotel. United States House Perth Amboy, Middlesex.Packer House. ce i Hotel Central. Columbia House. Hotel Northwood. Laing’s Hotel. Park Hotel. Ocean House. Nassua Hotel. Chamberlain Hotel. ‘Raritan House. Globe Hotel. Ridgdewood Hotel Central Hotel. Hoffman House. Garwood House. Nelson House. Ten Eyck House. ‘ommercial House. Somers Pt., Atlantic. Bradford House. South Amboy, Middlesex.Everett House. South Orange, Essex. South Orange Hotel Stanhope, Sussex. Knight’s Hotel. Swedesborough, Glouces- ter. Clark’s Hotel. Summit, Union. Highland House. Tom’s River, Ocean. Magnolia House. oc ce Ocean House. Tom’s River Hotel. Starr House. Carlton House. National Hotel. American House. Trenton Hotel. Orange Valley, Essex. Passaic, Passaic. Patterson, Passaic. a ee ce ee Phillipsburgh, Warren. Plainfield, Union. ce “ce Point Pleasant, Ocean. Princeton, Mercer. Rahway, Union. Raritan, Somerset. Red Bank, Monmouth. Ridgewood, Bergen. Rockaway, Morris. Rutherford, Bergen. Salem, Salem. ce ee Somerville, Somerset. ce e a4 ce Tuckahoe, Cape May. Tuckerton, Mercer. Trenton, Mercer. oe ce cc ee Mount Ephraim, Camden.Mt.Ephraim House Vincentown, Burlington.Kumpfs’ House. Mount Holly, Burlington.Arcade Hotel. Washington House. | Washington, Warren. ee ce Continental Hotel, Hotel Bristol. Clark House. N. Brunswick, Middlesex.City Hotel. @ se OL Central Hotel. White Hall House. Newfoundland, Passaic. Brown’s Hotel. New Gretna, Burlington. Adams House. Newton, Sussex. Cochran Hotel. ss Ob Nutt Hotel. Ward House. Newark, Essex. ce ee ce “e ce és ce sé Baker House. Windsor House. St. Cloud Hotel. Weehawken, Hudson. Columbus Hotel. Westfield, Union. Westfield House. West Hoboken, Hudson. Depot House. West Pt. Plesant, Ocean. Pt. Pleasant Hotel. Westville, Gloucester. Westville Hotel. West Wood, Bergen. Park Hotel. = os Woodbridge House. Vineland, Cumberland. Williamstown, Glouces- er. Williamstown Hotel Woodbury, Gloucester. Paul’s Hotel. Woodstown, Salem. French’s Hotel. Flemington, Hunterdon. Flemington Hotel. Fort Lee, Bergen. Fort Lee Park H. Franklin, Essex. Franklin Hotel. Freehold, Monmouth. Union Hotel. Frenchtown, Hunterdon. National Hotel. Glassboro, Gloucester. Reeves Hotel. se oo Gloucester City, Camden. Mansion House. Orange, Essex. Ocean Beach, Monmouth.Columbia Hotel. : “ ; & Neptune House. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. ther pe é Stv. Gane M:; Tot Qj partment of ‘THE EVERY OFFICE TAVORITE?? (taken for Onn ou IaDe May. Hotel Brighton. all the States and Territories in the U. §.) will be found the GEN AS PHONES Monmouth.Mowland House. most COMPLETE and REOENT NATIONAL HoTEL DrRECTORY = Ocean View House. puplsned: ‘In proof of this statement Publishers in- Avlineton FE vite comparison. It will be observed that ani Hotels in Central H uC Use. each town or city are not shown, but selections made from Ya ovel. AMONG the best where there are more than one in a place.REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR NEW JERSEY. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. A. W. Irving. A. H. Phillips. I. G. Adams. Berlin, Camden. Ezra Stokes. Beverly, Burlington. Geo. Gilbert. Bloomsbury, Hunterdon. John H. Munn. Boonton, Morris. Enoch Hammond. Bordentown, Burlington. Wm. Burns. sf sé W.P.MeMichael, jr. H.C. Snydam. Wim. B. Trenchard. Geo. Rige. Joshua Taylor. Jehu Evans & Co. Jonathan Burr, Atlantic City, Atlantic. e< “e se ce Boundbrook, Somerset. Bridgeton, Cumberland. Burlington, Burlington. ee ee Camden, Camden. “é “e Ee L Chas. H. Felton. ss us Chas. lI. Sharp. a a Joseph J. Read. ec “ec D.S. Risley. Cape May, Cape May. J. M. E. Hildreth. Cape May,(C.H.)Cape MayMorgan Hand. x * Huffnan&Douglass Chas. Mather. A. B. Kline, Howard Little. EF. D. Smith. De. van. Cross & Noe. Rufus A. Gorham. Geo. H. Large. John L. Connet. ve cn Aug. E. Sanderson. Freehold, Monmouth. A. C. Hartshorne. Frenchtown, Hunterdon. L. D. Haggaman. Glassboro, Gloucester. J. H. Duffield. Guttenburg, Hudson. H. Walker. Hackensack, Bergen. John C. Van Horn. cs a Wm. E. Taylor. J. Lewis Rowand. Carlstadt, Bergen. Clinton, Hunterdon. Deckertown, Sussex. Dover, Morris. Elizabeth, Union. ee ee Englewood,. Bergen. Flemington, Hunterdon. ‘é “se Haddonfield, Camden. Hamburg, Sussex. Michael R. Kemble. : a Theo. E. Dennis. Edward H.Strother Hoboken, Hudson. fs ac John C. Crevier. . oe W. H. Harper. i * J.C. Benson & Sons oe we Lewis M. Stein. ce se Budenbender & Maeller. John Stevens. C. M. E. Schroder. ce se Wm. Galde. Lakewood, Ocean. A.M. Bradshaw. Lambertville, Hunterdon.Joseph Smith & Co. Millville, Cumberland. Geo.’B. Cooper. Moorestown, Burlington. Clayton Lippincott. Morristown, Morris. J. Henry Johnson. of Cooperstown, Otsego. ae se Corning, Steuben. “es “ec Cornwall-on-the- Hudson, Orange. Cortland, Cortland. Coxsackie, Greene. Cuba, Allegany. “ce ee Dansville, Livingston. Dayton, Cattaraugus. Delhi, Delaware. Deposit, Broome. Dover Plains, Dutchess. Dundee, Yates. oe ee Dunkirk, Chautauqua. Kast New York, Kings. EK. Randolph, Cattaraugus. Ellenville, Ulster. Ellicottsville, Cattaraugus. Klmira, Chemung. “ce “cc Fairport, Monroe. Farmers Village, Seneca. Fayetteville, Onondago. ee ‘ec Fillmore, Allegany. Fishkill Landing, Dutchess. Flushing, Queens. Fonda, Montgomery. Forrestville, Chautauqua. Ft. Ann, Washington. Ft. Edwards, Washington. Franklin, Delaware. Franklinville, Cattaraugus. Fredonia, Chautauqua. 1x Name. Mechanics & Traders Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Third Nat’l Bank. Bank of Buffalo. Mfe’s & Traders Bk. German-A merican Bk Bank of Commerce. Farmers & Mechanics Nat’l Bank. Merchants Nat’l Bk. of Buffalo. Caledonia Bank. Cambridge Valley Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Campbell. Canajoharie Nat’l Bk First Wat’! Bank. Ontario Co. Nat’l Bk Canastota Nat’l Bk. First Nat’] Bank. Porter & Davis. St. Lawrence Co. Bk. Cape Vincent Bank. Putnam Co. Bank. Bank of Carthage. National Bank. Bank of Castile. Catskill Nat’l Bank. Tanners Nat'l] Bank. Bank of Cattaraugus L. Fairchild. Champlain Nat’l Bk. Chatham Bank. Natl Central Bank. Stone & Briscoe. Citizens Bank: Exchange Bank. Farmers ExchangeBk Clinton Bank. Briggs Nat’l Bank. Hamilton Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Nat’l Bank of Cohoes Manufacturers Bank. College Bank. Savings Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Second Nat’] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Wallington & Co. Cornwall Sve’s Bk. First Nat’?l] Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. Coxsackie Nat’l Bk. Cuba Nat’] Bank. First Nat’) Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Dayton Bank. Delaware Nat’! Bk. Deposit Nat’] Bank. Dover Plains Natl Bk Dundee State Bank. Dundee Nat’) Bk. Merchats Natl Bk. Lake Shore Nat’! Bk. Hast N. Y. Sve’s Bk. East Randolph Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Home Nat’l Bank. Bank of Ellicottsville. Second Nat’! Bank. Chemung Canal Bk. Farmers & Mechanics ank. Chadwick & Becker. O. G.& D.C. Wheeler Farmers Bank. Nat’! Bank. Filmore Bank. First Nat?! Bank. Queens Co. Bank. Nat’l Mohawk R. Bk Forrestville Bank. Jno. Hall & Co. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’! Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. Fredonia Nat’] Bank. Place. County. Fredonia, Chautauqua. Friendship, Allegany. Fulton, Oswego. Fultonville, Montgomery. Gainsville, Wyoming. Geneseo, Livingston. Geneva, Ontario. 6s ce Gilbertville, Otsego. Glens Falls, Warren. Gloversville, Fulton. Goshen, Orange. Gouverneur, St. Lawrence. oe se Gowanda, Cattaraugus, Granville, Washington. 6c se Greene, Chenango. Greenwich, Washington. Greenport, Suffolk. “ce 6eé Groton, Washington. Hamburgh, Erie. Hamilton, Madison. Hammondsport, Steuben. Haverstraw, Rockland. Herkimer, Herkimer. ce ae Hermitage, Wyoming. Holly, Orleans. Homer, Cortland. Honeoye Falls, Monroe. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer. Hornellsville, Steuben. Horsheads, Chemung. Hudson, Columbia. c ee ‘6 cé Hume, Allegany. Ilion, Herkimer. Ithaca, Tompkins. “ee iT) Jamaica, Queens. Jamestown, Chautauqua. ce oe se ‘6 Johnstown, Fulton. “es ee Jordan, Onondaga. Keeseville, Essex. __ Kinderhook, Columbia. 6é “ec Kingston, Ulster. of “ce “ “ce Lansingburgh, Rensselaer. Le Roy, Genesee. Lima, Livingston. Limestone, Cattaraugus. Little Falls, Herkimer. ‘é ce Livonia, Livingston. Lockport, Niagara. ee “ 6e se Long Island City, Queens. Lowville, Lewis. oe “e Lyons, Wayne. | Malone, Franklin. Marathon, Cortland. Masser a, St. Lawrence. Matteawan, Dutchess. Mayville, Chautauqua. Mechanicsville, Saratoga. Medina, Orleans. Mexico, Oswego... — Middleburgh, Schoharie. Middleton, Orange. Millerton, Dutchess. Mohawk, Herkimer. Monticello, Sullivan. Name, Miners Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank, Citizens Nat’] Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Fultonville Wat’l Bk. Bank of Gainsville. Geneseo Val. Nat’1 Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Geneva Nat’l Bk. EK. C. Brewer. First Nat’l Bank. Glens Falls Nat’] Bk. Fulton Co Nat’l Bk. Goshen Nat'l Bank. Bank of Gouverneur. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Gowanda. Farmers Nat’] Bank. Nat’l Bank of Gran- ville. Russell & Juliand. First Nat’] Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Peoples Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Hamburgh, First Nat’l Bank. - Bank of Hammonds- port. Nat’l Bk of Haver- straw. Herkimer Bank. First Nat’l Bank. James L. Blodgett. Holly Exchange Bk. Homer Nat'l Bank. Bk of Honeoye Falls. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Hornellsville Citizens Nat'l Bank. Chemung Val. Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Farmers Nat’l Hank. Nat’l Hudson Bank Hume Bank. Ilion Nat’! Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Thompson Co. Bk. Jamaica Savings Bk. Chautauqua Co. Nat’l Bank. City Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Johnstown Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Rodgers & Co., Bk. Keeseville Nat’l Bk. Nat'l Bk of Kinder- hook. Nat'l Union Bank. Kingston Nat’l Bk. State N. Y. Nat’l Bk Nat’l Ulster Co. Bk. D. Powers & Sons. Nat'l Bk of Le Roy. Bank of Lima. Limestone Bank. Little Falls Nat’l Bk. Herkimer Co. Nat’1B Bank of Livonia. Niagrra Co. Nat'l B. Nat'l Exchange Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Long Island @ity Bk. Black River Nat’l Bk First Nat'l Bank. Lyons Nat’! Bank. Peoples Nat’! Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Massena Nat’l Bank. Metteawan Svges Bk. Skinner, Minton & Co. First Nat’l Bank. Union Bk of Medina. G. G. French. First Nat'l] Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Millerton Nat’l Bk. Nat’] Mohawk V. Bk. Place. County. Moravia, Cayuga. ‘eé sé Morrisville, Madison. Mt. Morris. Livingston. Naples, Untario. Newark, Wayne. New Berlin, Chenango. Newburgh, Orange. 6c 6é ‘ec “eé New Paltz, Ulster. “ ce ee “cc 66 66 “ec “ce “ ‘ce ee ‘6 “cc sé “e “ “ce “cc “é “ce 6é ce “c “é Newport, Herkimer. New York, New York. Niagara Falls, Niagara. Norwich, Chenango. se sé Nunda, Livingston. Nyack, Rockland. Oakfield, Genesee. Olean, Cattaraugus. se é Oneida, Madison. se “ee “ec ‘é Oneonta, Otsego. ee ee Ovid, Seneca. “é “ec se éé Owego, Tioga. ae ee ac sé "Oxford, Chenango. Palmyra, Wayne. Patchogue. Suffolk. Pawling, Dutchess. Peekskill, Westchester. Penn Yan, Yates. Perry, Wyoming. Phelps, Ontario. Nat’l Union Bank. Pheenix, Oswego. Pike, Wyoming. Pine Plain, Dutchess. Plattsburgh, Clinton. 3 oe os ce ce ce Poland, Herkimer. Port Chester, Westchester. Port Henry, Essex. Port Jervis, Orange. Pottsdam, St. Lawrence. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess. ee ce “ec ce oe Pulaski, Oswego. Randolph, Cattaraugus. Red Hook, Dutchess. Rhinebeck, Dutchess. Richbureh, Alleghany. Richfield Springs, Otsego. Richmondyille, Schoharie. Riverhead, Suffolk. Rochester, Monroe. 6c ee 66 se 6c 6 Rome, Oneida. cé “cs “6 66 Name, First Nat’l Bank. Moravia Nat’] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Genesee R. Nat’! Bk. Mt. Vernon, Westchester. Bank of Mt. Vernon. Maxfield. First Nat’?] Bank. First Nat’) Bank. Highland Nat’l Bk. Bank of Newburgh. Quassick Nat’l Bank. Hugenot Nat’l Bank. Central Nat’] Bank. Chase Nat’l Bank. Chemical Nat’l Bank. Fifth Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Hanover Nat'l Bank. Importers & Traders Natl Bank. Nat’] Park Bank. Mercantile Nat’l Bk. Com’) Nat’l Bank. Fourth Nat’! Bank. Gallatin Bank. Nat’l Bk of Newport. Bank of America. Cataract Bank. Bank of Niagara. Chenango Nat'l Bk. Nat'l Bank of Nor- wich. First Nat’! Bank. Nyack Nat’! Bank. Exchange Bank. Ogdensburgh, St. Lawrence.Ogdensburgh Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Exchange Nat’l Bk. Nat’l State Bank. Oneida ValNat’l Bk. Central Bank. First Nat'l] Bank. Wilbur Nat’l Bank. Le Roy C. Partridge First Nat] Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Owego Nat’l Bank. Tioga Nat’l Bank, Nat’! Bank of Oxford. First Nat’] Bank. Patchogue Nat'l Bk. Nat’l Bank of Paw- ling. Westchester Co. Nat’l ank. Baldwin’s Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Smith’s Bank. Wm. H. Hotchkiss. Phenix Bank. Bank of Pike. Nat’l Bank. Merchants’ Nat’l Bk. Tron Nat’l Bank. First National Bank. Vilas National Bank. Poland Nat’! Bank. First National Bank. First National Bank. First National Bank. National Bank. City National Bank. Poughkeepsie Nat’lB Merchants’ Nat'l Bk. Fall Kall Nat’l Bk. Pulaski Nat’l Bank. State Bk of Randolph First National Bank. Rhinebeck Nat'l Bk. First National Bank. First National Bank. Bk of Richmondville. Riverhead Sv'gs Bk. Traders’ Nat’l Bank. Commercial Nat’! Bk German American Bk Merchants’ Bank. Union Bank. Farmers’ Nat’! Bank Central Nat’! Bank. First National Bank. % yy, SS Te reeererrasrrernaneere BAe unoe eerieBANKS AND BANKERS Place. County. Name. a eS a Rondout, Ulster. Sag Harbor, Suffolk. St. Johnsville, Montgomery. Salamanca, Cattaraugus. ce se Salem, Washington. ‘és e Sandy Creek, Oswego. Sandy Hill, Washington. ce ce Saratoga Springs, Saratoga.Ci oe Saugerties, Ulster. ce oe Schenectady, Schenectady. “ce of Scio, Allegany. Schuylersville, Saratoga. Seneca Falls Seneca. Silver Creek, Chautauqua. Sinclairville, Chautauqua. Skaneateles, Onondaga. Sodus, Wayne. Sherburne, Chenango. Sing Sing, Westchester. Somers, Putnam. Springville, Erie. 6 6c Stamford, Delaware. Stapleton, Richmond. First National Bank. Sac Harbor Sy’gs Bk First National Bank. Salamanca Nat'l Bk. First National Bank. First National Bank. People’s Nat'l Bank. O. R. Earle. First National Bank of Sandy Hill. People’s Nat’! Bank. itizens’ Nat’l Bank. First National Bank. First National Bank. Saugerties Nat'l Bk. Mohawk Nat'l Bank. Schenectady Bank. Bank of Scio. First National Bank. Exchange Nat’l Bk. Excelsior Bank. B. V. Crissey & Co. Bank of Skaneateles. Bank of Sodus. Sherburne Nat’] Bk. Sing Sing Nat’] Bk. Farmers’ & Drovers’ National Bank. First National Bank. Farmers’ Nat'l Bank. Nat’l Bk of Stamford Staten Island Sv’gs B Place. Syracuse, Onondaga. ee ce ce ce ce ce ce “ec Tarrytown, Westchester. Theresa, Jefferson. Ticonderoga, Essex. Tomkinsville, Richmond. Tonawanda, Hrie. Trumansburg, Tompkins. Troy, Rensselaer. “é 66 ce “ee “ce “ (14 « bb 6c Turin, Lewis. Utica, Oneida. ce ee ce ce ce 6 ce ee ee 6é Vernon, Oneida. Victor, Ontario. Walden, Orange. Walton, Delaware. Wappinger’s Falls, Dutchess. Wappinger’s Sy’ gs B Warrensburg, Warren. County. DEPARTMENT FOR NEW YORK—Continued. Name. Bank of Syracuse. First National Bank. Merchants’ Nat’l Bk. N. Y. State B’kng Co Robt. Gere Bank. Salt Springs Nat’l Bk Third National Bank. Tarrytown Nat'l Bk. Yost Bank. Cc. EK. Bush. Bk of Staten Island. StateBkof l'’onawanda H. D. Barto & Co. Mfers’ National Bank Union National Bank Central Nat'l Bank. Mutual Nat’) Bank. National State Bank. Troy City Sv’gs Bank Sam’l North & Co. Utica City Nat’l Bk. Oneida Nat’) Bank. Utica National Bank. First National Bank. Oneida Co. Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Nat’l Bank of Vernon Victor Bank. Walden Nat’l Bank. Delaware Co. Bank. Warrensburg Bank. Place. County. Name. Wyoming Co. Bank. Bank of Warsaw. First National Bk. First National Bank. Watertown Nat’ Bk. Jefferson Co. Bank. Nat’l Union Bank. Nat’ IBkof Waterville First National Bank. Farmers’ and Mer- chants’ Bank. Citizens’ Bank. First National Bank. Weedsport Bank. Bank of Wellsville. First National Bank. Westfield, Chatauqua. Nat’l Bk of Westfield W. Troy, Albany. Nat’l Bk of W. Troy West Winfield, Herkimer. First National Bank. Whitehall, Washington. Merchants’ Nat’] Bk. 3 Old Nationai Bank. Whitney’s Pt., Broome. Whitney’s Point Bk. White Plains, Westchester. White Plains Bk. Wolcott, Wayne. Roe & Ellis. Worcester, Otsego. Bank of Worcester. Yonkers, Westchester. Citizens’ Nat’l Bank. ‘s s First National Bank. REQUEST,—Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers De- partment”? of ‘‘THE EVERY OFFICE FavoRITE.” Warsaw, Wyoming. ee ae Warwick, Orange. Waterloo, Seneca. Watertown, Jefferson. ce “ce “ee (79 Waterville, Oneida. Watkins, Schuyler. Waverly, Tioga. Weedsport, Cayuga. Wellsville, Allegany. GENERAL LAW anp coLLEcTION DEPARTMENT FOR NEW YORK. Place. County. Adams, Jefferson. ee ee Addison, Steuben. 6 ce Afton, Chenango. Akron, Erie. Albany, Albany. ce cc Albion, Orleans, of ee ~ 66 ce Alden, Erie. Alfred Centre, Allegany. Amenia, Dutchess. Amsterdam, Montgomery. Andes, Delaware. Andover, Allegany. Angelica, Allegany. se ee Antwerp, Jefferson. ee “e Arcade, Wyoming. Argyle, Washington. Athens, Greene. Attica, Wyoming. ae ‘ Auburn, Cayuga. 6s ee ee “ec ce ce Aurora, Cayuga. Avon, Livingston. es ts Bainbridge, Chenango. oe ee Baldwinsville, Onondaga. Ballston, Saratoga. ee ee Batavia, Genesee. ee 6e 6¢ ce “ce 6c Bath, Steuben. Belmont, Allegany. of ae Name. Maxon & Ramsdell. J. L. Hunt, jr. D. M. Darrin. S. D. Clinton. Jno. B. Trudd. James EK. Paxon. Chas. J. Buchanan. N.C. Moak. Reilly & Hamilton. Bentley & Thompson. Jno. H. White. Jno. G. Sawyer. Dean F. Curry. Joseph KE. Ewell. A. B. Collins. Geo. H. Swift. Richard Peck. KE. F. Stevenson. B. C. Brundage. F. A. Robbins. D. P. Richardson. JE EY. Cooke M. A. Hildreth. Knight & Barnes. J. B. Conway. Jno. Sanderson. Lorish & Stone. O. H. Hopkins. Chas. L. Adams. M. V. Austin. Wm. P. Allen. Edward H. Avery. Horace T. Cook. Frank C. Cushing. Jno. H. Young. N. L. Zabriskie. Wm. Carter. W.S. Newman. W.B. Matierson. Leroy Bennett. Fred A. Marvin. Scott & Lewis. Jas. W. Burback. Geo. Bowen. Myron H. Peck. Edward C. Walker. A. BE. Clark. Miller & Nichols. Jno. F. Little. Hamilton Ward. I. H. Myers. Place. County. Binghampton, Broome. “¢ ee ee ec ee ee ée 66 Bollivar, Allegany. Boonville, Oneida. Broadalvin, Fulton. Brockport, Menroe. Brewster, Putnam. ce é Brookfield, Madison. Brooklyn, Kings. ce 66 e ce ee 6eé ce «ec cé ce &é é¢ Buffalo, Erie. oe ee io “ ce ce “e «e Cairo, Greene. Caledonia, Livingston. Cambridge, Washington. oe cc Camden, Oneida. Campbell, Steuben. Name. Alex. Cumming. Edmund O’Conner. M. Filmore Brown. Geo. B. Curtiss. H. J. Kneeland. C. H. Brown. Walter Ballou. H. W. Bently. Jno. M. Gardner. Jno. D. Burns. A.J. Miller. F.S. Barnum. D. B. Stillman. Bergen & Dykeman, 189 Montague St. Edward E. Fitz Ger- ald, 16 Court St. G. L. & F. A. Fox, 67 Broadway. Curran & Ayers, 204 Montague St. Dana & Clarkson, 346 Fulton St. Ward & Jenks, 15 Court St. Monroe B. Washburn 185 Montague St. Zimmerman & Jacobs 44 Court St. C. P. Norton. Marshall, Clinton & Wilson. Green, McMillan & luck. Geo. Gorham. Chas. B. Wheeler. Augustus Hill. Angus Cameron. Westfall & Whitcomb Jno. K. Larmon. F. G. Hall. Arthur C. Woodruff. EK. B. Ross. Canajoharie, Montgomery. Cook & Barnes. Canandaigua, Ontario. “se oe Canastota, Madison. e ee Candor, Tioga. Canisteo, Steuben. Canton, St. Lawrence. Oliver C. Armstrong. Wm. H. Adams. A. H. Burrell. Chamberlain & Hill. Place. County. Name. M. E. Lee. Ambrose Ryder. Clayton Ryder. Geo. W. Gilbert. H. J. Welch. Cape Vincent, Jefferson. Carmel, Putnam. : Carthage, Jefferson. Cassellton, Rensselaer. G. P. Jenks. Cato, Cayuga. Stephen Olmstead. ‘s “s Ys 1M, een, James B. Olney. Catskill, Greene. y és oe Griswold & Cornell. : Hallock, Jennings & Chase. Cattaraugus, Cattaraugus. B. A. Rich. Chas. Stebbins. Chas. E. Everest. James Averill. Wun. M. Richmond. Hugh W. McClellan. Wu. Burch. Chas. Kellogg. I. L. Randall. Horace BK. Morse. James H. Gallagher. A. W. Mills. Thos. Robinson. L. C. & C. H. Holmes Lawrence B. Finn. James F. Crawford. Doyle & Fitts. Cazenovia, Madison. Champlain, Clinton. ee “ec Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. Chatham, Columbia. Cherry Valley, Otsego. Chittenango, Madison. Churchville, Monroe. Clayton, Jefferson. Cleveland, Oswego. Clinton, Oneida. Clyde, Wayne. Cobbleskill, Schoharie. Cohoes, Albany. cé cs Cold Spring, Putnam. 8. B. Nelson. $$ gs Wm. Wood. Constableville, Lewis. K. M. Bagge. Cooperstown, Otsego. W. H. Bunn. * me Albert Lane. és 66 Geo. Brooks. Frank P. Kendall. Spencer & Mills. A.S. Kendall. Daniel E. Polk. O. Y. Kellogg. Sherman & Daley. Fred F. Jaycox. E. D. Loveridge. Noyes & Noyes. Faulkner & Bissell. Thrasher, Allen & Bixby. Jno. T Shaw. O. W. Smith. Arthur Moore. se 66 Corning, Steuben. oe “e Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, Orange. Cortland, Cortland. Coxsackie, Greene. Croghan, Lewis. Cuba, Allegany. Dansville, Livingston. ee et Dayton, Cattaraugus. Delhi, Delaware. 6 “cs | Deposit, Broome.LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR NEW YORK-—Continued. CGERERAL Place. County. Name. Dryden, Tomkins. Geo. B. Goodrich. Dundee, Yates. ce se Dunkirk, Chautauqua. ee 66 «se sé Durham, Greene. East New York, Kings. F. Randolph, Cattaraugus. Ellenville, Ulster. Ellicottsville, Cattaraugus. «et ce Elmira, Chemung. ee ee é ‘ce ee ce Fairport, Monroe. Farmers Villlage, Seneca. Fayettsville, Onondaga. Fillmore, Allegany. Fishkill Land’, Dutchess. Flushing, Queens. ‘ “6 Fonda, Montgomery. Forrestville, Chautuaqua. Ft. Ann, Washington. Ft. Edwards, Washington. ce sé Franklin, Delaware. Frankfort, Herkimer. Franklinville, Cattaraugus. Friendship, Allegany. Fulton, Oswego. Fultonville, Montgomery. Geneseo, Livingston. ¢ sé sé 6c Geneva, Ontario. ee a3 Gilbertville, Otsego. Glen’s Falls, Warren. Gloversville, Fulton. éé “6 “ec ‘6 ec ce Goshen, Orange. ce se ce ce Gouverneur, St. Lawrence. Gowanda, Cattaraugus. Granville, Washington. oe “ec Greene, Chanango. Greenbush, Rensselaer. Greenport, Suffolk. Greenwich, Washington. Groton, Tompkins. Hamburgh, Erie. Hamilton, Madison. Hammiondsport, Steuben. Hancock, Delaware. ae sé Havana, Schuyler. ee oe Haverstraw, Rockland. sé ee “ce “e Hempstead, Queens. Henrietta, Monroe. Herkimer, Herkimer. 6é ae ec ce Holly, Orleans. cc se Homer, Cortland. Honeoye Falls, Monroe. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer. Hornellsville, Steuben. Horsheads, Chemung. Hudson, Columbia. “ 66 6“ 6 “ 66 H. G. Wolcott. Luther M. Hair. C. D. Murray. Holt & Holt. Wm. Bookstaver. Addison C. Cowles. Frank C. Lang. M. V. Benson. Keeler & Keeler. Frank Broadhead. Wm. Manley. G. M. Rider. Vedder & Clark. Baldwin & Baldwin. Diven & Redfield. Denton & McDowell. McGuire & Faber. Walter S. Hubbell. Wm. B. Bruyn. A. W. Wilkin. W. E. Willey. H. H. Hustes. @. A. Drew. J.J. Gleason. R. H. Cushney. Sherman & Carey. P. Jackway. Rodney Van Wormer A. D. Wai Edgar Hull. S. M. Grace. R. T. Johnson. Frank B. Parkhurst. H. R. Curtis. W. W. Waring. S. M. Norton. H. E. Nichols. Robt. B. Fish. Strange & Dotty. K. M. Scott. Abbott & Abbott. Geo. L. Bachman. Sam’! Baldwin. Joseph Soden. Brown & Brown. A.D. L. Baker. N. H. Anibal. Jerome Egleston. Wm. Green. R. C. Coleman. Geo. W. Green. Wm. D. Mills: Parker & Parker. C. C. Torrence. Geo. Spencer. Oscar F. Fred W. Betts. Eugene Clinton. M. F. Porter. H.S. Lary. B. H. Rheve. E. H. Gibson. G. M. Stoddard. H.S. Hopkins. Fayette Kelley. Chas. W. Stapleton. M. Wheeler. Westly Gould. A. Taylor. W. Robertson. Jno. C. Brodrich. Alonzo Wheeler. Irving Brown. Chas. C. Suffern, James 8S. Allen. Chas. H. Daily. Robt. Earle. Geo. W. Smith. Edward A. Brown. Wm. E. Hobby. Henry E. Warner. Pierce & Stone. GPAs Stuart: Stroud & Greene. Bemis & Orcutt. Dailey & Bently. Andrews & Edwards. Beale & Beale. Fred J. Collier. W. C. Benton. Hawver & Cochrane. ‘Thompson. Place. County, Name. Hudson, Columbia. Hume, Allegany. Hunter, Greene. Ilion, Herkimer. Ithaca, Tompkins. “ce “ce Jamaica, Queens. ce ce Jamestown, Chautauqua. ee 6é Johnstown, Fulton. Jordan, Onondaga. Keeseville, DSsex. Kinderhook, Columbia. ‘6 ¢é Kingston, Ulster. La Far geville, Jefferson. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer. Le Raysville, Jefferson. Le Roy, Genesee. ‘ ee Lima, Livingston. Limestone, Cattauraugus. Lisle, Broome. Little Falls, Herkimer. ‘ ce Little Valley, Cattaraugus. é a Livonia, Livingston. Lockport, Niagara. “ ‘< « “ Long Island City, Queens. oe : Lowville, Lewis. : i Lyons, Wayne. Malone, Franklin. Mansville, Jefferson. Marathon, Cortland. Margaretville, Delaware. Massena, St. Lawrence. Matteawan, Dutchess. Mayville, Chautauqua. ee ee Mechanicsville, Saratoga. Medina, Orleans. “e sé Mexico. Oswego. Middleburgh, Schoharie. Middleport, Niagara. Middleton, Orange. Millerton, Dutchess. Mohawk, Herkimer. 46 “ce Montgomery, Orange. Monticello, Sullivan. “ee 73 Moravia, Cayuga. © Morris, Otsego. “ ee Morrisville, Madison. ia9 “eé “ee ce Mt. Morris, Livingston. Naples, Ontario. Newark, Wayne. Newburgh, Orange. “cc “e “ “6 New Berlin, Chenango. 6é se 6 ce Newport, Herkimer. New Paltz, Ulster. New Rochelle, Westchester. New York, New York. New Brighton, Richmond. Fayette M. Butler. G. W. Harding. C. M, Cartright. Thos. Richardson. Reuben Wright. Holliday & Finch. D. F. Van Vleet. Jno. Flemming. Wm. W. Gillen. Cook, Fisher & Wade. Bootey, Fowler & Weeks. Carroll & Fraser. J. M. & H. Dudley. N. C. Watson. Hewitt & Hewitt. Chas. M. Bray. P. V. B. Hoes. Theodore Snyder. James A. Betts. W. F. Ford. Hyatt & Comstock. Wm. 8S. Phelps. David J. Bissell. Randolph Ballard. Geo. W. Atwell. W. H. Gibbs. Frank P. Lewis. Henry Link. H. Clay Hall. John F. Mosher. Nash & Lincoln. F.S. Smith. W. F. Gelston. Hickey & Hopkins. A. A. Bradley. John E. Pound, W.C. Green. BE. N. Anable. A. B. Caldwell. Chas. Benner. Henry EK. Turner. Fred. C. Schraub. W. W. Dewey. Burton Hammond. Hobbs & Kalburn. A. A. Wheeler. Tra L. Little. A. P. Carpenter. John L. Murphy. Sam’l K. Phillips. W. 4H. Termant. A. A. Van Dusen. J. F. Terry. i L. Pitts. S. E. Filkins. T. W. Skinner. G. L. Dunforth. Geo, W. Judson. Chas. G. Dill. EK. W. Simmons. James B. Rafter. Isaac F. Small. Jos. M. Leeper. I. A. Niven. |. F. Bush. S. E. Day. Chas. A. Bowne. ‘A. T. Barber. John FE. Smith. A. D. Kennedy. H. B. Cannon. Mount Vernon, Ps nes oe aaa A. Lawler. S. Wood. Je M. sEfectinest Wu. M. Comley. M. I. Greenwood. B. C. Williams. Wm. D. Dickey. Darwin W. Esmond. Grant B. Taylor. Howard Thornton. J. G. Holmes. H. H. Harrington. L. E. Hooker. Lester W. Clark. Thos. McMahon. Clinton A. Moon. Henry A. Balcom. - C. H. Young. Jos. S. Auerbach, Drexel Building. Place. County. Name, New York, New York. 6 ‘6 66 ‘6 6c 3 66 66 66 66 66 6e sé 6c 6c “6 ‘6 6s 66 66 “6 sé “c “6 Niagara Falls, Niagara. 6s ‘ec Northville, Fulton. Norwich, Chenango. Nunda, Livingston. N yack, Rockland. Oakfield, Genesee. J. Ralph Burnett, 132 Nassau St. H. M. W. Easton, Temple Court. Geo. W. Easton, Temple Court. Robt. B. Lawrence, 34 Wall St. E., J. Knauer, 155 Broadway. Sullivan & Cromwell, Drexel Building. A.J. Provost, Temple Court. Martin & Smith, 50 Wall St . J. Garretson, Temple Court. Tracy & Tracy, 50 Wall St. Richard Busteed, 262 Broadway. S: J. storms, 120 Broadway. Lord, Day & Lord, 120 Broadway. T. J. McKee, Bowery, cor. of Broom St. i, H.& C: WH. Piper: H. N. Griffith. Me Beglt & Boyce. Jeb Ixbys Alfred F. Gladding. Geo. W. Daggett. Garrett B. Snyder. A. A. Demarest. Benj. F. Howe. Ogdensburg oh, St. Lawrence.James & Herriman. Ole ean, Cattaraugus. oe te Oneida, Madison. “ec “cr “é ce “ sé Oneonta, Otsego. cc ‘e Oswego, Oswego. Ovid, Seneca. Owego, Tioga. Oxbow, Jefferson. Oxford, Chenango. Palmyra, Wayne. Panama, Chautauqua. Patchogue, Sutfolk. Pawling, Dutchess. Peekskill, Westchester. Penfield, Monroe. Penn Yan, Yates. “ce “es Perry, Wyoming. Phelps, Ontario. Philadelphia, Jefferson. Pheenix, Oswego. Pike, Wyoming. Pine Plains, Dutchess. Pittsford, Monroe. Plattsburgh, Clinton. 6“ 66 Poland, Herkimer. Portageville, Wyoming. Port Chester, Westchester. Port Henry, Essex. : Port Jervis, Orange. Port Leyden, Lewis. Pottsdam, St. Lawrence. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess. ce oe 66 ce a4 ee Prattsville, Greene. Port Richmond, Richmond. BollesWaring& Bolles i. C. Brooks Cary & Rumsey. B. F. Chapman &Son Edwin J. Brown. Joseph Beal. Jenkins & Devereux. H. k. Bundy. Melville Keys. Burt & White. Rhodes, Coon & Higeins. Hazelton & Allen. GUA & Hy A. Clark. M. V. Brainard. Solomon Bundy. CG. W. brown. Aldrich & Sawyer. Sessions & Brightman W. M. Smith. Wm. G. Tice. F. Couch. KB. B. Travis. John H. Chadsey. Briggs & Baker. John T. Knox. Owen Harris. M. A. Lovejoy. Chas. EB. Hobby. D. H. MeFalls. Avery & Merry. G. S. Van Gorder. Frank Eno. Chas. H. Wiltsie. Palmer, Weed & Kel- logg. Beckwith, Barnard & Wheeler. Milton Howe. G. W. Botsford. Daniel Haight. W. H. Carr. Lewis H. Carr. Jno. W. Lyon. I. A. Wormouth. De Groot, Rawson & Stafford. Parker McIntyre. Robt. F. Wilkinson. Jno. H. Millard. Wm. R. Wordon. Robt. E. Taylor. James B. Daley. re eePlace. County. Name. Pulaski, Oswego. Rando} ph, Cattaraugus. Redhook, Dutchess. Rhinebeck, Dutchess. Richburg, “Allegany. Richfield Springs, Otsego. Richmondville, Schoharie. Riverhead, Suffolk. Rochester, Monroe. ‘i “cs ‘cc “ Rome, Onedia. “ec ce sé ce ce ce Rondout, Ulster. Rouse’s Pt., Clinton. Rush, Monroe. Rushville, Yates. Sag Harbor, Suffolk. S.C.Huntington &Son J. E. Weeden. Crowley & Sackrider. Joseph Martin. Geo. Esselstyn. A. B. Ryder. H. D. Luce. J. A. Davenport. BK. L. Snyder. T. M. Griffing. Cronise & Conklin. Stevens & Selden. Henry G. Danforth. H. L. Barker. Jno. S. Baker. B. J. Beach. R. C. Briggs. Chas. H. Dunning. Lawton & Stebbins. G. R. Adams. Wm. G. Welden. Thos. J. Jeffords. Jno. E. Robson. EK. A. Carpenter. Green & Raynor. St. Johnsville, Montgomery.B. A. Ransom. Salamanca, Cattaraugus. 5 Salem, Washington. . ce Sandy Creek, Oswego. Sandy Hill, Washington. ce tc G. W. Cole H. L. Green. J.J. Inman. M. Fairchild. James Gibson. S. W. Russell. D. E. Ainsworth. Hughes & Northrup. James G. Rogers. Geo. L. Terry. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga.B. H. Peters. “c ce Saugerties, Ulster. Schenectady, Schenectady. Schoharie, Schoharie. Schuylersville Saratoga. Seneca Falls, Seneca. Sherburne, Chenango. . R. Putnam. ib B. Pike. Benj. M. Coon. Chas. Davis. H. G. Glen. Walter Briggs. S.L. &F.M. May han. D.S. Potter. Jasper N. Hammond. 10); {by Atkins. Place. County. GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR NEW YORK-—Continued. Name. Sherburne, Chenango. Silver Creek, Chatauqua. Sinclairsville, Chatauqua. Sing Sing, Westchester. Skaneateles, Onondaga. Smyrna, Chenango. Sodus, Wayne. Spencerport, } Monroe. Springville, Erie. Stamford, Delaw are. Stapleton, Richmond. Suspension Bridge, Niagara. Syracuse, Onondaga. ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce Tarrytown, Westchester. Ce “6 Theresa, Jefferson. Ticonderoga, Essex. Tonawanda, Erie. Troy, Rensselaer. ce ce ce ce Trumansburgh, Tompkins, Unadilla, Otsego. Utica, Onedia. 6é ce ee ae ce ce se ce Walden, Orange. Walton, Delaware. ce sc ce cs Wappinger’sFalls, Dutchess. Vernon, Onedia. Victor, Ontario. Warsaw, Wyoming. eé ee sé ce Warwick, Orange. C. A. Fuller. Geo. EK. Towne. C. F. Chapman. Jno. Gibney. W.G. Elery. G. P. Pudney. B. B. Seaman. Fr. M. ott. C. C. Severance. Ve. W yeloff. Maynard & Andrews. Wm. Mullin. Chas. W. Johnson. Ames, Platt & Wilson Allis & Rogers. Baldwin & Kennedy. Boggs & Nottingham Chamberlin & Ayers. TKS lw) Puller: W. B. Davidson. J.S. Millard. C. W. Thompson. J. C. Fenton. Clark & Root. Merritt & Ryan. Smith, Fursman & Conn. Warren, Patterson & Gambell. H. L. Strobridge. David P. Loomis’ Sam’! J. Barrows. A. M. Beardsley. J.W. Boyle, I’. M. Calder. James Coupe. I. H. Laughran. A. D. Peak. Alex Neish. A. H. Sewell. J. W. Bartrum. 8.8. Judson. Jno. Colmey. Johnson & Charles. M. E. Bartlett. | Weedsport, Cayuga. Place. County. Name. J. V. D. Benedict. I. C. Ormsby Ce Tao John L. Kendig. Burton & Rood. Brown & Trowbridge Jno. Lansing. Milton Ballard. Lansing & Rogers. Henry J. Coggshall. L. D. Edwards. Chas. E. Howe. Cole Bros. Chas. M. Woodward. C. H. Everetts. A. G. Allen. Hugh McKay. F. M. Parsons. Clarence W. Smuth. Rufus Scott. C. A. Farnum. Kingsbury & Kings- Warwick, Orange. Waterford, Saratoga. Warrensburg, Warren. Waterloo, Seneca. “ec ‘ Watertown, Jefferson. ‘6 ce ce ce cc ce Waterville, Onedia. Watkins, Schuyler. ce ee Waverly, Tioga. Webster, Monroe. Wells, Hamilton. Wellsville, Allegany. Westfield, Chatauqua. ury. ch sf Russell, Dickerman& Ottaway. J. A. Pease. Wm. Holland. A. A. Polk. Chas. G. Davis. Frederick Spencer. os es T. A. Lillie. White Plains, Westchester. Franklin Couch. Whitney’s Pt., Broome. 1). L. Maxfield. Wilson, Niagara. H. M. Davis. Windham, Greene. Josiah C. Tallmadge. Wolcott, Wayne. KE. H. Kellogg. Worcester, Otsego. i ‘B. Holmes. Yonkers, Westchester. S. H. Thayer. 96 Ke Prime & Burns. Youngstown, Niagara. 8. Park Baker. REQUEST .—When sending business to, or in open- ing correspondence with Attorneys whose addresses are here given, kindly mention that address was taken from the “General Law and Collection Department” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FavoriTE.”?> By so doing, it provides a | business introduction for you, and at the same time confers West Leyden, Lewis. W. Troy, Albany. West Winfield, Herkimer. Whitehall, Washington. L. L. & L. W.T hayer | | a favor to the an ES HLS of this Directory. M. N. Lane. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR NEW YORK. Place. County. Name. Adams, Jefferson. Addison, Steuben. Afton, Chenango. G. W. Hannah. D. M. Darvin. Owen A. Palmer. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Brooklyn, Kings. Albany, Albany. Thos. J. Dolan. Jno. W. Walsh. Albion, Orleans. W. C0. Ramsdale, Alfred Centre. E. E. Hamilton. Amenia, Dutchess. N. Hebbard. Amsterdam, Montgomery. David’Cady. Andes, Delaware. James F. Scott. Andover, Allegany. C. A. Dolson. Angelica, Allegany. J. E. Robinson. Antwerp, Jefferson. M. A. Hilldreth. Arcade, Wyoming. W. W. Wade. Argyle, Washington. E. J. Richards. Athens, Greene. Chas. E. Nichols. Attica, Wyoming. Chas. E. Loomis. Auburn, Cayuga. S. J. Westfall. Geo. W. Nellis. Aurora, Cayuga. Allen Mosher. Bainbridge, Chenango. T. L. Pruyn. Ballston, Saratoga. G. R. Beach. Baldwinsville, Onondaga. S.S. Quivey. Batavia, Genesee. ren es S. Wood. A. k. Cle Bath, Steuben. Be li. oe Belfast, Allegany. Wiebe Manley. Belmont, Allegany. W. E. Smith. Binghamton, Broome. A. D. Wales. Bolivar, Allegany. C. H. Brown. Wm. D. Sip Brewster, Putnam. Frank Mee Brockport, Monroe. Jno. D. Burns. Brookfield, Madison. Avery Maine, Brookhaven, Suffolk. 8. 8. Norton. Brooklyn, Kings. Frank L. Barnard, ‘ 16 Court St. W. C. Treadwell, Court House. Buffalo, Erie. ee e¢ ce ee Cambridge, Washington. Camden, Oneida. Campbell, Steuben. anajoharie, Montgomery. Canandaigua, Ontario. Canastota, Madison. Candor, Tioga. Canton, St. Lawrence. Cape Vincent, Jefferson. Carmel, Putnam. Cassellton, Rensselaer. Castile, Wyoming. Catskill, Greene. Champlain, Clinton. Charlotte, Mecklenl burgh. Chatham, Columbia. Cherry Valley, Otsego. Chittenango, Madison. Churchville, Monroe. Clayton, Jefferson. Clyde, Wayne. Cobleskill, Schoharie. Cohoes, Albany. College Point, Queens. Constableville, Lewis. Cooperstown, Otsego. Corning, Steuben. Cornwall- sons ante: Hudson, Ora Cortland, Ce elonae Coxsackie, Greene. H. B. White, 398 Bridge St. Frederick L. Howard Myron H. Clark. Emil ©. Baer. Albert G. Taylor. Jno. OC. Davies. Orne Woodward. A. G. Richmond. W. H. Adams. M. H. Smith. D. H. Rashbach. J. Thompson. Nelson L. Robinson. L. O. Woodruff. H. Ryder. James R. Downer. H. A. Pierce. Frank H. Osborne. Jno. H. Cook. Henry B. Swift. W. C. Daley. W: 4H. Baio W. H. Stewart. C. N. Briscoe. Geo. E. Morse. J. W. Hinman. D. C. Dow. Henry A. Strong. Murry Hubbard. F. A. Reuss. Wn. R. Wadsworth. Walter H. Bunn. Sam’) S. Edick. Thos. H. Thompson. Chas. H. Fuller. C. P. Walrad. Homer T. Bedell. Cuba, Allegany. H. C. Morgan. Dansville, Livingston. Geo. Hyland. Delhi, Delaware. Deposit, Broome. Dundee, Y ates. Ellenville, Ulster. E Imira, Chemung. } 66 66 | “airport, Monroe. Farmers Village, Seneca. Fayetteville, Onondaga. Fishkidl Landing, Dutchess.Jno. Place. Flushing, Queens. 3.9 Ss I't. Ann, Washington. Franklin, Delaware. Frank fort, Herkimer. Friendship, Allegany. Fulton, Oswego. Geneseo, Liv ingston. Geneva, Ontario. ce oe Glendale, Lewis. Glens Falls, Warren. Glov ersville, Fulton. oe Goshen, Orange. Greene, Chenango. Dover Plains, Dutchess. Dunkirk, Chautauqua. Ellicottsville. Cattaraugus. Horestualle, Chautauqua. Walter H. Griswold. Chas. J. Knapp. R. P. Ketcham. H. G. Wolcott. C.D. Murray. James B. Keeler. C. A. Cass E. A. Beers. BeVe Bryan: W. #H. Bradwell. Walter S. Hubbell. Isaac H. Stout. R. W. Eaton. L. M. Franklin. Jno. Hall. Ft. Edwards, Washington. D. D. Winn. Frank B. Hull. W. Ward. Chas. Noble. K. LaGrange Smith. Franklinville, Cattaraugus. W. W. Waring. Fredonia, Chautauqua. FE, R. Green. F. B. Church. H. E. Nichols. Fultonvill le, Montgomery. L. V. Peak. L. R. Doty. A. PB. Rose. T. H. Chew. vames LD. Smith. E. T. Johnson. Joseph E. Wood. Frank Burton. Jno. B. Sweezey. Gouverneur, St. Lawrence. ©. A. Parker. Eugene Clinton.Place, County. Greenbush, Rensselaer. Granville , Washington. Glenport, Suffolk Greeneville, Green Greenwich, Washington. Groton, Tompkins. Hamburgh, Erie. Hamilton, ‘Madison. Hammondsport, Steuben. Havana, Schuyler. Haverstraw, Rockland. Herkimer, Herkimer. Holly, Orleans. Homer, Portland. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer. Hope, Hamilton. Hornellsville, Steuben. Hudson, Col umbia. Hunter, Greene. Ilion, Herkimer. Indian Lake, Hamilton. Ithaca, Tompkins. Jamaica, Queens. Jamestown, Chautauqua. ee sé Jewett, Greene. Johnstown, Fulton. “ee “ec Keeseville, Essex. Kendall, Orleans. Kinderhook, Columbia. Kingston, Ulster. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer. Le Rayrville, Jefferson. Le Roy, Genesee. Lisle, Broome. Lima, Livingston. Little Falls, Herkimer. Lockport, Niagara. Long Island City, Queens. Livonia, Livingston. Long Lake, Hamilton. Limestone, Cattaraugus.. Millerton, Dutchess. Mt. Vernon, Westchester. Marathon, Portland. Lowville, Lewi is. Lyons, Wayne. Mahopac, Putnam. Mayville, Chautauqua. Malone, Franklin. Martinsburgh, Lewis. Matteawan, Dutchess. Massena, St. Lawrence. Mexico, Oswego. Mechanicsville, Saratoga. Medina, Orleans. Middlebureh, Schoharie. Middletown, Orange. Middleport, Niagara. Morris, Otsego. Morrisville, Madison. Mohawk, Herkimer. Moravia, Cayuga. Mt. Morris, Livingston. Name. James A. Morris. C. W. Atwood. B. H. Rheve. Alex. N. Bentley. S. W. Bailey. W. W. Hare. H.8. Spencer. D. G. Wellington. R. L. Ainsw orth. P. C. Campbell. Irving Brown. TERR Davendorf. Geo. N. Bowman. A. H. Bennett. L. C. Wilder. James H. Brownell. D. M. Page. Herman V. Esselstyn Mark Duntz. Samuel E. Rusk. Lewis. Sylvester J. Palmer, B. R. Williams. Jno. B. Fosdick. Jno. G. Wicks. Geo. S. Gifford. Geo. H. Case. Bebe Cases: Henry W. Potter. Chas. M. Hopkins. Samuel A. Bates. J. A. Reynolds. Martin S. Decker. Everett Case. W.M. Comstock. W. H. Smith. Frank P. Lewis. Geo. W. Thayer. J. W. Fitzgerald. A. T. Hopkins. A.T. Payne. A. N. Stewart. Robert Shaw. EK. M. Bell. E. H. Thompson, Jesse Lantz. Lyman Adams. Geo. Sherwood. O. P. Hedden. Myron ©. Tucker. O. Ganning. Jno. B. Davis. J. C. Pease. Chas. T. Pease. EK. 8. Phillips G. E. Britton. B. F. French. M. P. Clements. Edward Posson. W.G. Putnam. 1). H. Bailey. Geo. W. Judson. Nathan Bridges. H. B. Cannon. H.D. Alexander. Jno. A. Thomas. C. W. Bingham. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST and CONVEYANCING DEP’T for NEW YORK—Continued. Place.* Newark, Wayne. Naples, Ontario. Monticello, Sullivan. Montgomery, Orange. Newburgh, Orange. Newport, Herkimer. New City, Rockland. New Paltz, Ulster. Norwich, Chenango. Nunda, Livi in eston. Nyack, Rockland. Olean, Cattaraugus. Oneida, Madison. ce ae Oneonta, Otsego. ce ee Ovid, Seneca. Oswego, Oswego. Oxford, Chenango. Owego, Tioga. Palmyra, Wayne. Patchogue. Suffolk. Pawling, Dutchess. Penn Yan, Yates. Perry, Wyoming. Phelps, Ontario. Phoenix, Oswego. Pike, Wyoming. Pine Plains, Dutchess. Pittsford, Monroe. Plattsburg, Clinton. Prattsville, Greene. Pulaski, Oswego. Red Hook, Dutchess. Randolph, Cattaraugus. Rhinebeck, Dutchess. Richburg, Allegany. Richfield Springs, Otsego. Riverhead, } Rochester, Monroe. Suffolk. Rome, Oneida. : Rondout, Ulster. Sag Harbor, Suffolk. Sageville, Hamilton. St. “Johnsville, Montgomery.J. M. Hubbard. Salamanca, Cattaraugus. Salem, Washington. Sandy Creek, Oswego. County, New Berlin, Chenango. New Brighton, Richmond. New Lebanon, Columbia. Niagara Falls, Niagara. Osdensburgh, St. Lawrence. Peekskill, Westchester, Philadelphia, Jefferson. Port Chester, Westchester. Portageville, Wyoming. Poland, Herkimer. Port Henry, Essex. Port Jefferson, Suffolk, Port Richmond, Richmond. Pottsdam, St. Lawrence. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess. Rouse’s Point, Clinton. Rushville, Yates. Name. Kk. T. Grant. I. W. James. H.H. Harrington. Edward Openshaw. Peter BE. Patten. J. M. Wilkin. Walter C. Anthony. Joseph T. Wooster. Cyrus M. Crum. Warren Fowler. Jno. Schmidt. T. H. Piper. J. J. Bixby. H. C. Elwood. C. A. Chanman. R. E. Waterman. U. D. Parker. Austin B. French. Edward Loomis. Burr Mattice. H. E. Bundy. Wn. R. Hazleton. H. H: Lyman. S. S. Stafford. C. A. Thompson. Oliver Durfee. F. A. Overton. Geo. W. Chase. Wm. A. Hunt. Wm. M. Johnson. W. #H. Page. J. H. Holmes. M. E. Aldrich. K. Merry. C. Stebbens. W. Bostwick. Chas. H. Wiltsie, E. C.Baker. H. E. Bernard. Jno. M. Wilcox. G. W. Botsford. C. 8S. Millington. F.S. Atwell. Sidney S. Norton. Jno. Croak. L. E. Wadleigh. S. 8. Daniels. Chas. F. Cossum. B. G. Morse. S. C. Huntington, jr. J. S. Clouse. D. A. Sackrider. J.C. McCarty. W. J. Richardson. James S Davenport. J. M. Campbell. Albert Cronise. Jno. D. McMahon. Edwin D. Rrandon. J. H. Bowron. Jno. EK. Robson. Kk. A. Carpenter. S. D. Andrews. J. J. Inman. Allen G. Conant. M. M. Earle. Place. County. Name, Sandy Hill, Washington. Saratoga S) oring’s, Saratoga. Saugerties, Ulster. Schenectady, Scio, Allegany. Schoharie, Schoharie. Schuylersy ille, Saratoga. Seneca Falls, Seneca, Skaneateles, Onondaga Sodus, Wayne. Sherburne. Chenango. Sing Sing Somers, Putnam. Spencerport, Monroe. Stamford, Delaware. Springville, Erie. Syracuse, Onondaga. “sé “ce ce “ Tarrytown, Westchester. Theresa, Jefferson. Tonawanda, Erie. Trumansburg, Tompkins. Troy, Rensselaer. Unadilla, Otsego. Turin, Lewis. Utica, Oneida. Vernon, Oneida. Walden, Orange. Walton, Delaware. Schenectady. . WwW estchester. Dennis J. Sullivan. J. M. Andrews, jr. Chas. Davis. Jno. A. De Remer. ‘. EF. Harris. Chas. E. Nichols. TeEeDe Ridder. - Jasper N. Hammond. J. Garlock. A.S. Barnes. Homer G. Newton. Smith Lent. . B. Thacker. F. M. Goff. Sam’l J. Abbott. Wm. C. Anderson. Frederick W. Barker. ie ieeYrales C. W. Thompson. B. L. Rand. J. D. Mott Smith. EK. W. Greenman. Wu. Shaw. Frank B. Amold. K. Dewey Holden. Edward Hurlbut. Fred D. Haak. S. S. Judson. W. G. Rutherford. Geo. O. Mead. Wappinger’ s Falls, DutchessW. A. Brewster. Warsaw, W yoming. Warwick, Orange. W aterford, Saratoga. Warrensburg, Warren. Waterloo, Seneca Watertown, Jefferson. of “ce “6 “e Waterville, Oneida. Watkins, Schuyler. Waverly, THOeay Weedsport, Cayuga. Wells, Hamilton. Wellsville, Allegany. Westfield, Chautauqua. W. Troy, Albany. West Winfield, Herkimer. Whitehall, W ashington. Whitney’s Pt., Broome. White Plains, ‘Westchester. Wilson, Niagara. Wolcott, Wayne. Worcester, Otsego. Yonkers, Westchester. Youngstown, Niagara. Chas. J. Gardner. J.J. Beattie. C. R. Button. L. W. Emmerson. Jno. HK. Richardson. Geo. F. Hooker. J. Atwell, jr. P. Norton. Chas. E. Howe. OPRs Hexdé F, A. Sawyers. Frank M. Parsons. . Fry. O. Ne Fuller. J. A. Skinner. A. T. Phelps. di, O). Whee A. C. Sawyer. W. D. Edmister. W. J. Mooney. Ralph Stockwell. W.S. Roe. Horace Chester. Jas. S. Fitch. 8S. Park Baker. REQUEST.—In sending ‘matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘‘Notaries Public Protest and Conveyaneing Department” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”? By so doing, yon confer a favor to the Publishers of this Direct- ory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assurance of your business receiving prompt and careful attention. MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR New York. Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. ee Adams, Jefferson. Maxon & Ramsdell. | Antwerp, Jefferson. J. F. Cook. Addison, Steuben. Albany, Albany, 6é ‘6 “ 6é “ec ce iT4 6e 66 ce Albion, Orleans. Amsterdam, Montgomery. Andes, Delaware. Andover, Allegany. Angelica, Allegany. S. D. Clinton. Albany Ex. Svg’s Bk. Albany City Svg’s Jnstitution. Albany Co. Svg’s Bk. Mechanics & Farmers Sve’s Bk. Nat’l Sve’s Bank. Henry R. Pierson & Con a Spencer, Trask & Co. Norman S. Field. Edwin L. Wage. A. V. Morris. i. EF. Stevenson. D.S. Bradley. D. P. Richardson. Arcade, Wyoming. Argyle, Washington. Athens, Greene. Attica, Wyoming. cc “ce Auburn, Cayu ea, ‘ ce ce Avon, Livingston. Bainbridge, Chenango. Ballston, Saratoga. Barre Centre, Orleans. Batavia, Genesee. ce “eé Bath, Steuben. Belmont, Allegany. Knight & Barnes. E. J. Richards. Jno. Sanderson. R. H. Farnham. James H. Loomis & Son. Auburn Sve’s Bank. Cayuga Co. Svg’s Bk Wm. aE Seward & Co Allen & Carson. W. B. Matterson. Geo. R. Beach & Son Homer D. Waldo. Thos. R. Rutherford. V. A. Willard. Place. County. Name. Binghampton, Broome. 66 6“ 6s “c 73 cs Bolivar, Allegany. Boonsville. Oneida, Brewster, Putnam. Broadalbin, Fulton. Brockport, Monroe. Brookfield, Madison. Brooklyn, Kings. Binghampton Svg’s ank. Chenango Valley Sve’s Bank. Tracy G. Rich. J. W. Manier. EF. L. Newton. S. C. Thompson & Co Fred S. Barnum. Jno. M. Gardner. Jno. H. Kingsburg. C. Whitford. Leanord Moody, 16 Court St. H. R. Fletcher, 365 Flat Bush Ave, J. E. Cornell, 44 Court St.NMIORTCGACE LOAN AGENTS AND Place. County. Name. Brooklyn, Kings. 6 oe 3 66 “ec «“ “c “e iT; “ 6c “e “ “<6 “c “ Buffalo, Erie ‘6 6é “c 66 “c 6c ce 6é “ “ “ se 6 “ce “ “e “ 66 Cairo, Greene. Caledonia, Livingston. Cambridge, W ashington. Canandaigua, Ontario. te + “ ce Canastota, Madison. Canisteo, Steuben. Canton, St. Lawrence. Cape Vincent, Jetterson. Carmel, Putnam. Cassellton, Rensselaer. Castile, Wyoming. Catskill, Greene. “e “ Champlain, Clinton. Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. Chatham, Columbia. Chittenango, Madison. Churchville, Monroe. Clayton, Jefferson. Cleveland, Oswego. Clinton, Oneida. Clyde, Wayne. Cobleskill, Schoharie. Cohoes, Albany. Cold Spring, Putnam. College Point, Queens. Constableyille, Lewis. Cooperstown, Otsego. ee oc Corning, Steuben. Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, Orange. Cortland, Cortland. Coxsackie, Greene. “e “e Cuba, Allegany. Dansville, Livingston. Delhi, Delaware. Deposit, Broome, Deer River, Lewis. Dryden, Tomkins. Dundee, Yates. Dunkirk, Chautauqua. 6é 6e Durham, Greene. East New York, Kings. Ellenville, Ulster, Ellicottsvil lle, Cattaraugus. Elmira, Chemung. 6e “é ce és 6 6 Fairport, Monroe. te ce Farmers Village, Seneca. Brooklyn Trust Co. 3ushwick Svg’s Bk. Brooklyn Svg’s Bk. Bank of Brooklyn. Dime Sveg’s Bank. Kings Co. Syg’s Inst’n German Sve" s Bank. Germania Sve’s Bk. Long Island Loan & Trust Co. Henry C. Tucker. Theodore McKnight. Buffalo Loan, Trust & Safe Deposit Co. Buffalo Svg’s Bank. Erie Co. Svg's Bk. Western Sve’s Bank. Donaldson & Co. David W. Burt. F. W. Gethoefer. H. & E. L. Koons. Frank C. Burnham. Wm. J. Byan. Geo. EH. Green. Robt. Chapman. K. R. Page & Co TH. C. Draper. Vamistota Bk’eCo. Porter & ; Davis. Frank Bato: M. EB. Lee. Ambrose Ryder. G. P. Jenks. Bank of Castile. Catskill Sve’s Bk. Hallock, Jennings & Chase. Chas. HK. Everst. Wm. M. Richmond. Chatham Bank. Chas. Kellog 2. Peter W alroth. Stone & Briscoe. Wm. H. Reese. Potter & Marsben. Hayes & Co. J. W. Hinman. C. Hamilton. L. W.& M.D. Baxter Choes Svg’s Inst’n. Mechanics Svg’s Bk. Wm. Wood. College Point Svg’s Bank. Wm. R. Wadsworth. Chas. IT’. Brewer. Frank T. Kendell. C. H. Thompson. Cornwall Sye’s Bk. Cortland Sve" s Bk. Coxsackie Sve ’sInst’ n Jno. B. Bronk. ” S. M. Russell Geo. & Joe Hyland. Abram C. Crosby. Deposit Nat’] Bank. G. B. Johnson. Geo. EK. Goodrich. H. G. Wolcott. H. V. L. Jones. Wm. Bookstaver. Holt & Holt. Addison GC. Coles. Rast N. Y. Sve’s Bk. Ellenville Syo" gs Bk. Brand Bros, N. P. Fossett. Rh. King, J. M. Losie. W.B. Robertson. A. H. Baldwin. Ch adw ick & Becker, W.M. Newman. } a & D. C. Wheel- Fishkill Landing, Dutchess Mec ha nics Sves Bk. Flushing, Queens. Ft. Ann, W ashington. Flushing Savings Bk. Jno. Hall & Co. Ft. Edwards. W. ashington. Geo. Scott. Forrestville, Chant tauqua. Frankfort, Herkimer. Sherman & C AYey. . H. Ingham. Franklinyi lle, Cattaraugus. F inst Natl Bank. Fredonia, Chautauqua. E.F. Warren. Place. County. Name. INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR NEW YORK-— Continued. Place. County. Name. Friendship, Allegany. Fulton, Oswego. ee ee Gains, Orleans. Geneseo, Livingston. ee ee Geneva, Ontario. ce “e ae ce Gilbertville, Otsego. Glens Falls, Warren. G slovers sville, Fulton. Goshen, Orange, 6c 66 Gouverneu Y, ot. Lawrence. Greene, Chenango. Greenbush, Rensselaer. Greenport, Suffolk. Groton, Washington. Hamilton, Madison. Haneock, Delaware. Havana, Schuyler. ce ce Haverstraw, Rockland. Hempstead, Queens. Henrietta, Monroe. Herkimer, Herkimer. Hermitage, Wyoming. Holly, Orleans. Hoosick Falls Hornellsville, "Steuben. Hudson, Columbia. ch ce ce ce ae ce Hunter, Greene. Ilion, Herkimer. Ithaca, Tompkins. ee oe ee ce C6 ee Jamaica, Queens. Jamestown, Chautauqua. ee ce Jewett, Greene. Johnstown, Fulton. 66 ee Kinderhook. Columbia. Kingston, Ulster. “ec ée Lansingburgh, Rensselaer. 6s “ Liberty Falls, Le Roy, Genesee. Lima, Livingston. Little Falls, “Herkimer, Little Val ley, Cattaraugus. oe (a4 Lockport, Niagara. ce ce ce ee sé ¢ Long Island City, Queens. Livonia, Livingston. Lowville, Lewis. “ec et ce ce ce ce ce ce Lyons, Wayne. Mahopac, Putnam. Malone, Franklin. Mayville, Chautauqua. Matteawan, Dutchess. Massena, St. Lawrence. Mexico, Oswego. Me chaniesville, S Medina, Orleans. Midd lletown, Orange. ‘ ee M ohawk, Herkimer. Morrisville, Madison. Mt. Morris, Livingston. New ark, Wayne. ee Naples Ontario. , Rensselaer. Sullivan. Saratoga. S. M. Norton. Fulton Savings Bank. N. E. Nichols. Geo. Brown. Wm. A. Brodie. Otto Kelsey. W. H. Bruman. T. H. Chew. S. Sout! aworth. Jno. irone. Jerome Lapham. Cyrus Stewart. E. M. Smith. Goshen Savings Bk. Mills & Sweezy. Chas. Anthony. Ki. G. Dodge. Russeil & Juleand. OPH: Thompson: M. Z. King. G. M. Stoddard. Chas. W. Stapleton. Westley Gould. W. Robertson. S. B. Sheaver, Geo. W. Weiant. Martin Wood. Chas. H. Dailey. Brown & Mitchell. James L. Blodgett. Jno. Downs. L. C. Wilder. M. W. Hally. Hudson City Svgs Bk Jno. W. French. Wm. Peck. Fred M. Best. L. F. Longley. C. M. Cartright. Reuben Wright. Ithaca Raving® Bank. David N. Dean. Jared T. Newman. F. J. Whiton. Jamaica Savings Bk. Lockwood & Shaw. Cook, Fisher & Wade. Geo. H. Case. H. Fiske. Keck & Case. Theodore Snyder. Ulster Co. Svgs Inst. Kingston Svgs Bank. Moss & Stover. D. Powers & Sons. Chas. F. Kilbourn. C. F. Russell. Francis C. Lathrop. Geo. W. Atwell. J. W. Fitzgerald. A. H. Howe, Edgar N. Yates. Rich & Wheaton. Farmers & Mechanics Savines Bank. Norman O. Allen. S. 8. Cross & Son. E. C. Stebbins. L. N. Manley. S. Y. Woodruff. F. J. Bowen. Chas. R. Leonard. Fred 8. Easton. W.H. Bronson. Horace Bush. S. B. Gavitt. F. A. Leach. Edward Wright. . King. R. i. Wil lliams. Matteawan Svgs Bk. C. A. Boynton. T. W. Skinner. Jno. C. Green. Earl W. Card & Co. Zimmerman & Davis. Middletown Svgs Bk. Daniel Finn. W. W. Carmody. Jno. I}. Smith. C. L. Bingham. Cee Hea Vian. J. H. Prescott. C. L. Lincoln. New. Berlin, Chenango. ce “ce New Brighton, Richmond. Montgomery, Orange. Newburgh, Orange. Tt) sé ‘cc 6 ce iT4 Newport, Herkimer. New Paltz, Ulster. New York, New York. 66 ‘6 ce cs 6c 66 «ec ce “ec 66 ccs 6é 3 &é sc 6c 4c ce 6“ 6é 6< 66 6é 66 66 6c “cc = 66 6 66 Northville, Fulton. Norwich, Chenango. Nunda, Livingston. Nyack, Rockland. 6s “e “ “ee H. H. Harrington. Juno. S. White. OSA lant: J. M. Wilkin. Newburgh Sves Bk. Jno. R. Wiltse & Son. E. A. Bruster E. S. Turner. Howard Thornton. J. G. Barry. New Paltz Sv@s Bk. American Loan & Trust Co. Central Trust Co. Knickerbocker Trust 0. Union Trust Co. of N. nye Real Estate Trust Co. Corbin Banking Co. Jno. Monroe & Co. Henry, Clews & Co. Equitable Trust Co. Jno. H. Davis & Co. Internationel Dank- ing Co. Kidder, Peabody & Co Broadway Savings In- stitution. American Svgs Bk. New York Svgs Bk. Irving Savings Inst’n McKnight & Boyce. Alfred F. Gladding. J. J. Bixby. H. C. Elwood. Jas. H. Blanvelt. Wm. J. Green. Garrett B. Snyder. Ogdensburgh, St. Lawrence. Wm. A. Eggart. Olean, Cattaraugus. “ce 6eé Oneida, Madison. 6 “cs Oneonta, Otsego. 6c“ “e“ Ovid, Seneca. Oswego, Oswego. Oxford, Chenango. O wego, Tioga. Palmyra, Wayne. “ 66 Panama, Chautauqua. Patchogue, Suffolk. Pawling, Dutchess. Peekskill, Westchester. Phelps, Ontario. Pheenix, Oswego. Penn Yan, Yates. ce ce Perry, Wyoming. Pike, Wyoming. Pine Plains, Dutchess. Pittsford, Monroe. Plattsburg, Clinton. Poland, Herkimer. Port Chester, Westchester. Port Jervis, Orange. “ “ “ce “ce Port Leyden, Lewis. Port Richmond, Richmond. “ce “ee Port Washington, Queens. Pottsdam, St. Lawrence. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess. ee é ot ce Prattsville, Greene. Pulaski, Oswego. Randolph, Cattaraugus. ee ee Richfield Springs, Otsego. Rhinebeck, Dutchess. Riverhead, Suffolk. Rochester, Monroe. A. E. Smith. C. P. Moulton. U.D. Parker. E.C. Stark & Co. Oneida Savings Bk. T. E. Barnes. H. L. Rockwell. Henry G. Wood. Reuben Reynolds. James B. Thomas. J.G.Sears Wm. H. Hyde. J.J. Van Kleeck P.T. Saxton. Lyman Lyon. Sessions & Bright- man. E. Edwards. Pawling Savings Bk. Peekskill Savings Bk. Jno. H. Roy & Co. Avery & Merry. Briggs & Baker. Wm. TT. Morris. Franklin & Andrews. Juno. T. Knox. Smiths Bank. Blodgett & Stebbins. Frank Eno. Chas. H. Wiltsie. Chas. H. Moore. Royal Corbin. Milton Howe. Port Chester Svgs.B. Port Jer¥is Svgs. Bk. W. E. McCormick. O. P. Howell. Chas. W. Pratt: A. De Groot. A. Z. Ross. James L. Baxter. L. EK. Wadleigh. PoughkeepsieSvgs.B. Robt. E. Taylor. Mecluntyre & Seeley. James B. Daley. R. L. Ingersoll & Co. Henderson & Went- worth. Crowley & Sackrider. James A. Davenport. Rhinebeck Sves. Bk. Riverhead Sves, Bk H. S. Redfield,MORTCACE Place. County. Rochester, Monroe. ce 66 ‘6 ee ‘6 ‘6 ee “e Rome, Oneida. ee ce ae “es ce ce Rondout, Ulster. Rouse’s Point, Clinton. Rush, Monroe. Sag Harbor, Suffolk. Salamanca, Cattaraugus. Salem, Washington. Sandy Creek, Oswego. Sandy Hill, ec Saratoga Springs ee é ce “sc Saugerties, Ulster. Savannah, Wayne. Schenectady, Schenectady. ce ‘ec ce ce Schuylersville, Saratoga. Seneca Falls, Seneca. Skaneateles, Onondaga. Sodus, Wayne. Sherburne, Chenango. Sing Sing, Westchester. Spencerport, Monroe. Stapleton, Richmond. Southampton, Suffolk. Stamford, Delaware. Name. Amsden Bros. Mechanics Svgs. Bk. Monroe Co. Svgs. Bk. A.M. Kidder & Co. Rochester Sves. Bk. Rome Svgs. Bank. Oneida Co. Svgs. Bk. James H. Searles. C. F. Sturdevant. Rondout Svgs. Bank. Bowron & Richards, Thos. J. Jeffords. Sag Harbor Svgs.Bk. De Lisle & Wads- worth. L. Fraser. T. M. Castello. Paris & Paris. Saratoga.C. S. & C. C. Lester. Conkling & Knapp. Carpenter & Weed. Saugerties Svgs. Bk. John A. Munson. FE. J. Atwell. Schermerhorn & Co. J. W Schenectady Svgs.Bk. . C. Ford. Seneca PallsSvgs.Bk. Skaneateles Sves. Bk. C. D. Gaylord. A. 8S. Barnes. C. A. Fuller. Sing Sing Svgs. Bk. F. M. Goff. H. C. Hagedorn. StatenIslandSvgs.Bk. W.R. Post, John P. Grant. Suspension Bridge, Niagara.Chas. W. Johnson. Place. County. Springville, Erie. Syracuse, Onondaga. 6e iT4 Tarrytown, Westchester. Theresa, Jefferson. Tompkinsville, Richmond. Trumansburg, Tompkins. “e se Troy, Rensselaer. ce ee ce ce ‘ec ce ce “ce cc ce Turin, Lewis. Unadilla, Otsego. Utica, Oneida. “ec se ce ce oe ee Vernon, Oneida. W alden, Orange. Walton, Delaware. Wapping ger’sFalls, Dutchess. Warsaw, Wy oming. Warwick, Orange. Name. Farmers Bank. Babcock & Andrews. James H. Blair. Trust & Deposit Co. Crouse & Nye. Wm. Duffus. OnandagaCo.Svgs.B. Ge Halleren & Co. M.S. Henry. S..O. Howard. Syracuse Svgs. Bank. Hubbard & Co. Fanny Wiseman. Levi Solomon. Wright & Fisher. WestchesterSvgs.Bk. W. Thompson. James Tulley. Wm. Austin, L. G. Wheeler. Neher & Carpenter. Wm. Shaw. State Svgs. Bank. Troy Sygs. Bauk. Jos. H. Winslow & Co. Geo. Harrison. Thos. R. Evans. Sam/’l North & Co. Ward Hunt, jr. Milton H. Thompson. pes Hodges Svgs. of Utica. 5. 9. Tae Walden Sves. Bank. A. He S ewell. WappingersSvgs. Bk. Ceylon Otis. Chas. J. Gardner. J. G. Beattie. Place, County, LOAN ACENTS and INVESTORS DEPARTMENT for NEW YORK.—Continued. Name. Warwick, Orange. Waterford, Saratoga. Waterloo, ‘Seneca. es e “ce “ec Watertown, Jefferson. ec “ec ce ec Waterville, Oneida. Watkins, Schuyler. ee ee ce ee sé ce Waverly, Tioga. Webster, Monroe. Well Isville, Allegany. ee Westfield, Chautauqua. West Leyden, Louis. Whitehall, W ashington. Whitney’s Pt., Broome. White Plains, ‘Westchester. Wilson, Niagara. Windham, Greene. Wolcott, Wayne. Worcester, Otsego. Yonkers, Westchester. Warwick Svgs. Bk. C. A. Waldron. F. L. Manning. Kendig & Story. acs Hadley. Jefferson Co. Svgs. Bank. Nat’] Bk. & Loan Co. Goodale & Otis. D. Edwards. i C. Woodward. Watkins Exch. Bk. C. M. Woodward. W. L. Norton. Home Sygs. Bank. Hugh McKay. C. M. Marvin. 5S. F. Hanks. Russell, Dickerman & Ottaway. J. A. Pease. J. Sanford Potter. H. Hemmingway. W. R. Tibbetts. H. Sanford. Josiah C. Tallmadge. Jas. V. D. Westfall. Sam’! H. Grant. Peoples Svgs. Bank. Yonkers Sves. Bank. EXPLANATEON.—This Department represents parties engaged in making and interested in First Mortgage Loan Securities and through whom such inyestments may be safely made or obtained. Western and southern loan agents will do well to correspond with the parties, or con- cerns, whose addresses are given by this Department for eastern states when disposing of such securities. Kindly mention ‘THE EyEeRy OFFICE FAYORITE”’ in your corres- pondence. Gate City Stone Fi MANUFACTORY AND DEPOT AT——— UNION PORCELAIN WORKS, Greenpoint, N. Y., ter Co., Cut showing Filter Disc and ice cham- ber, whereby the water is cooled, yet the melted ice does not mingle with the water. Salesroom: 839 Broadway and 63 East 13th St., N.Y. City. Don’t Drink Impure Water J Best Filter ever Invented ! At Low Prices! Artistically formed China Fil- ters for $12.50 to $37.50. Hard Burned Brown Stoneware Fil- ters for $4.00 to $22.00. All as easily cleaned as a pail or tea kettle. No metal used to con- struct this Filter; zinc, galvan- ized iron, and all common met- als generate active poisons when in constant contact with water. These Filters last a life time. No part to fix or change. Those who know of our Travelers Filter never leave home without one in their traveling bag or trunk. The UNION PORCELAIN WORKS call attention to their china table ware for Hotels and fam- ilies. HORTHAN hen competent, tuations procured all pupils w EH or center =W. Ge CHAFFEE. Oswese, N.Y Writing thoroughly taught by. mail or personally INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. MANUFACTURERS OF ——_—— THE COONSE FORCE PUMP, WORKS EASY. Is adaDied to Wells of any depth and WILL NOTFREEZE. ° TEtiSioaL, INEIE CXS" PSCHEL AROS) DR. EERO ee devoted 2 eh years to the special treatment ot Catarrh, hro , founder of the Am. Oxygen C tenia Eero Ww Se pise at = e sae dy ,use , for the pro- d by Inhalation, so adel ‘known as the OXYGEN creatment For the relief and cure of Consumpti ions Broncnttiss Asthm Hay, Feyers Catarrh, Nervous, Prostratio SetRAANIIA Etc. Send ene 3) ar resting book ot 10 page’, pEOUr Colored. Plate Se Address DR. PEIRO, Chicago Op se, te GO TILES and Werefe ay permission to a few of our patrons: [Wiskington Sts. » CHICA Hon, Wm. Penn Nixon, Ed. Inte or Ocean, = = hiceeae F.H, Tubbs, ESdes Manager W.U a Gor, Ghigaeos Gen, C, H. Howard, Mrs: T. B. = Chicago, 6. Wi. Nixon, MM. D., Rev, Wim: Faweett, D. Ds, Chicago. Henry R. Stiles, My Dis = = New YOrk. NR -On " Oxugen is safe ly sent aniwher Bue United States, Canada Rx Basu 2) ions with eaeh treatment. Porcelain Lined Wood Pumps, Common Wood Pumps, Wooden Force Pumps, Chain Pumps, AND DEALERS IN——— [RON WY: IRON PIPE, ee Handle Our Goods, Drill Well Points, Rubber Hose, Etc. | WRITE FOR OUR SPECIAL TERMS. COONSE, i Wao CONTRACTORS and - RBAL ESTATE DEALERS © OPiS ees 1) AND : SPECIFY THEM > Tn their contracts. REMINDER. orialy answer your inquiry or correspondence.— re prom = rtisement is noticed, advertisers canrefer,and mo A aLikenior Cortsenanidene: Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” ptly and satisfact-HOTEL, rravetzrs’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Place. County. Name. Abbottsburgh House. Marshall Hotel. Alexander Hotel. All Healing Sp’gs H. Pemberton House. Bonner House. Swannanva House. Eagle House. Penland House. Slagle House. Battleboro House. Ocean House. Seaside House. Bethei House. Coffey’s Hotel. Bryans Hotel. Gash House. MésMiinn House. Black Mountain, Buncombe. Black Mountain H. Burgaw, Pender. Pender Hotel. Burnsville, Yancy. Ray House. Camden, Camden. Hughes House. Cameron, Moore. Britton House. Carthage, Moore. Byron House. me : Campbells House, Cedar Mountain, Transyl- vania. Gowers Hotel. Shawl Hill, Orange. Chapel Hill House. Charleston, Swain. Charleston House. Unaka House. Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. Central Hotel. Buford Hotel. Mansion Hotel. Chimney Rock, Rutherford. Chimney Rock House Clinton, Sampson, Clinton Hotel. Cloudland, Mitchell. Cloudland House. Coinjock, Currituck. Canal Rridge House. Colerain, Bertie. Colerain Hotel. Columbia, Tyrrell. Columbia House. Columbus, Polk. Columbus Hotel. Concord, Cabarrus. Morris House. ae ee American House. Cranberry Hotel. Turketon House. Village Hotel. Dallas Hotel. Danbury House. Dobson House. Clairborne House. Hopkins House. Bay View Hotel. Woodward Hotel. Elizabeth City, Pasquotank. Albemarle House. ce River View House. Central House. Bizwell House. Robinson House. Caledonia Hotel. Brown House. Faison Hotel, Overbaugh House. Fayetteville House. Flat Rock Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Franklin House. ; . Alleghaney House. Franklinton, Franklin. Franklinton Fremont, Wayne. Smith’s Hotel. Garysburgh, Northampton.Kee’s Hotel. Gastonia. Gaston. Halls House. Gatesville, Gates. U.S. Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Glen Alpine, Burke. Glen Alpine Sp’gs H. Glen Brook, Montgomery. Mining House. Goldsborough, Wayne. Humphry Honse. cs oe Arlington Hotel. Hlannagan Hotel. Bunbon House. McAdoo House. James Hotel. Abbottsburgh, Bladen, Albermarle, Stanley. Alexander, Buncombe. All Healing, Gaston. Ashborough, Randolph. Asheville, Buncombe. Bakersville. Mitchell. Battleboro, Edgecombe. Beaufort, Carteret. Berthel, Pitt. Boone, Watauga. Brevard, Transylvania. ce €¢ Cranberry, Mitchell. Creswell, Washington. Dallas, Gaston. Danbury, Stokes. Dobson, Suny. Durham, Durh 1am. Edenton, Cl 1owan. “e ce ce Elizabethtown, Bladens. Enfield, Halifax, Fairfield, Hyde. Faison, Duplin. Fayetteville, Cumberland. Flat Rock, Henderson. Forest City, Rutherford. Franklin, Macon. Graham, Alamance. Greensborough, Guilford. iT7 14 Greenville, Pitt. House. Place. County. Name. ‘Place. County. Name. Halifax, Halifax. Hamlet, Richmond. Hamilton, Martin. Harrellsville, Hertford. Hatteras, Dare. Hayesyille, Clay. Henderson, Vance. Hendersonville, Henderson. “eé “cc Hertford, Perquimans. Hickory, Catawba. Highlands, Macon. High Point, Guilford. Hillsboro, Orange. Jackson, Northhampton. Jacksonville, Onslow. Jamesville. Martin. Jefferson, Ashe. Jonesborough, Moore. Jonesville, Yadkin. Kenansville, Duplin. Kernersville, Forsyth. Kinston, Lenoir. se ce Kittrell, Vance. La Grange, Lenoir. Laurinburgh, Richmond. Leaksville, Rockingham. Leasbureh, Caswell. Leesville, Robeson. Lenoir, Caldwell. Lewiston, Bertie. Lexington, Davidson. Lillington, Harnett. Lincolnton, Lincoln. Littleton, Halifax. Louisburgh, Franklin. ae ee Lumberton, Robeson. ce ee Macon, Warren. Madison, Rockingham. Magnolia. Duplin. Manteo, Dare. ee ee Marion, Me Pow ell. Marshall], Madison. Mebane, / ue lance, Mocksville, Davie. Monroe, Union. Mooresville, Iredell. Morehead City, Carteret. Morganton, Burke. Morven, Anson. Mount Airy, Surry. 73 oe Mt. Olive, Wayne. Murfreesboro, Hertford. Murphy, Cherokee. Nashville, Nash. ee “c“ New Berne, Craven. Newport, Carteret. Newton, Catawba. Norwood, Stanley. Old Ford, McDowell. Oxford, Granville. Pineville, Mecklenburgh. Pittsborough, Chatham. Plymouth, “Washington. Polkton, Anson. Kings Mountain, Cleveland. Mt. Vernon Sp’g, Chatham. Southern Hotel. Hamlet Hotel. Boyle House. Commercial House. Hatteras House. McClure House. Central Hotel. Henderson Hotel. Globe Hotel. Virginia House. Eagle Hotel. Western Hotel, Highland Hotel. Jerrell Hotel. Belview Hotel. Oeconeshee House. Weaver Hotel. Jacksonville House. Mizell House. Mountain Hotel. Jonesborough House. Jonesville Hotel. Kenansville Hotel. Sapp Hotel. Kings Mountain H. Nunn Hotel. Farlow House. Davis House. Fields Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Kings Hotel. Morton House. Floyds Hotel. Central House. Jones House. Lewiston Hotel. March’s Hotel. Rogers House. Lincolnton Hotel. Littleton Hotel. Eagle House. Purnell House. National Hotel. Central Hotel. Macon House. Apple House. Magnolia Hotel. Evans House. Goodwin House. Elliott House. Marshall Hotel. Mebane Hotel. Davie Hotel. Stewart House. McNeely House. Atlantic House. Mountain House. Windsor Hotel. Morven House. Central Hotel. Banner House. Pearsoll House. Mt. Vernon Hotel. Excelsior Hotel. Ramsaur House. -Heney House. Griffin House. Farmers House. Gaston House. Bell House. Bosts House. Norwood Hotel. Old Ford Hotel. Osborne House. Oxford House. Davis House. Cross Hotel. Lewis House. Latham House. Polkton Hotel. Yarborough House. Central House. Taylor House. Exchange Hotel. Piedmont Hotel. Reynoldson House. Albion Hotel. Junalugka House. Lovejoy Bouse. McDonald House. Longs Hotel. ‘ Rocky Mt., Edgecombe. Hammond House. Roxborough, Person. Terry House. Rutherfordton, Rutherford. Rutherford Hotel. Salem, Forsy th. Belo House. Salisbury, Rowan. Mt. Vernon Hotel. oC ts Boyden House. Pages Hotel. Bells’ Hotel. Lathams Hotel. Noble House. Commercial House. Central House. Harken House. Surles Hotel. Richardson Hotel. Brunswick Hotel. Potter Hotel. Dail House. Bullock House. Raleigh, Wake. ee ce Red Springs, Robeson. Reidsville, Rockingham. ee se Reynoldson. (ates. Ridgeway, Warren. Robbinsville, Graham. ee ee Rockingham, Richmond. ce ee Sanford, Moore. Scotland Neck, Halifax. Seaboard, Northampton. Selma, Johnston. Shelby, Cleveland. Shoe Heel, Robeson. Smithfield, Johnson. Smithville, Brunswick. Snow Hill, Greene. South Mills, Camden. Sparkling Catawba Springs, Catawba. Sparta, Alleghany. Statesville, Iredell. Sunbury, Gates. Swan Quarter, Hyde. Swansborough, Onslow. Tarborough, Edgecombe. Springs Hotel. Mountain House. Cooper Héuse. Cross Hotel. Swindell] House. Dennis House. Ryan House. Tarboro House. Peidmont House. Taylorsville, Alexander. Mack’s Hotel. Thomasville, Davidson. Toisnot, Wilson. Winsted Hotel. Trenton, Jones. Broyden House. Trinity College, Randolph. White House. Troy, Montgomery. National Hotel. Troy Hotel. Tryon City, Polk. Tryon City Hotel. Wadesborough, Anson. Grand Central. Bross House. Warm Springs Hotel. Phcenix Hotel. Powell’s Hotel. Merchants Hotel. Battle House. National House. M’t’n View House. Wilkin House. Wentworth Hotel. Williamsboro Hotel. Whiteville Hotel. Staley Hotel. Central Hotel. Williamstown, Martin. Kirby House. Wilming ton, New Hanover. Commercial House. Purcell House. Wilson, Wilson. Albion House. Windsor, Bertie. American House. Winston, Forsyth. Central House. Winton, Hertford. Parker & Jordan H. Yadkinville, Yadkin. Phillips House. Yanceyville, Caswell. Warm Springs, Madison. Warrenton, Warren. Warsaw, Duplin. Washington, Beaufort. Waynesvilie, Haywood. Webster, Jackson, Weldon, Halifax. Wentworth, Rockingham. Williamsborough, Vance. Whiteville, Columbus. Wilkesburgh, Wilkes. Kerr House. Poteat House. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC.—This de- partment of *‘lam Every Orrcre Favorites,” (taken for all the states and territories in the United States, ) will be found the most COMPLETE and REOENT NATIONAL HoTEL Directory published. In proof of this statement Pub- lishers invite comparison. It will be observed that ALL Hotels in each town or city are not shown but selections made from amone the best in each, when there are more than one in a place.REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS Peres FOR North Carolina. Place. County. Name. Abbottsburgh, Bladen. Albemarle, Stanley. “ce ce All Healing, Gaston. Ashborough, Randolph. Asheville, Buncombe. sc fe ee “ce Aurora, Beaufort. Bakersville, Mitchell, Banner’s Elk, Watauga. Bayborough, Pamlico. Beaufort, Carteret. Belvidere, Perquimans. Bethel, Pitt. Boonville, Yadkin, Boone, Watauga. “c ee Brevard, Transylvania. Burgaw, Pender. Burnsville, Yancey. Buxton, Dare. Camden, Camden. ‘ec “cc Carthage, Moore. Chapel Hill, Orange. Charleston, Swain. Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. “cc “ ee «ce Cilley, Caldwell. Clinton, Sampson. Cloudland, Mitchell. Coinjock, Currituck. Colerain, Bertie. Collinsville, Polk. Columbia, Tyrrell. Columbus, Polk. a9 “cc Concord, Cabarrus. “ ce “e “ ‘es “cc ce “ ee “cc “ “e Currituck, Currituck. Dallas, Gaston. J. A. Balentine. A.C. Freeman. J. M. Redwine. Sam’71 8. Pemberton. W. A. Smith. G. 8. Bradshaw. W. J. Teaugue. Henry Hardwicke. W.B. Gwin. N. Atkinson. Jno. B. Whithurst. J. H. Green. L. D. Lowe. Wri. Potter. L. A. Skarren. EK. A. White. J. H. Johnson. D. M. Reece. W. B. Cousill, jr. C. F. Lovell. W. B. Duckworth. Jeu Bland: W.H. Marsh. CG. C. Miller. G.G. Luke. C. M. Ferebee. Jno. W. Scott, jr. Manning & Manning. Fry. H. M. Ranseur. A.D. Potts. Jones & Johnston. E. K.P. Osborne. R. E. Cochran. Chas. R. Jones. W.H. Bowen. Boykin & Faison. F. R. Cooper. A. G. Lewis. Peter Poyner. S. B. Spruill. James Morris. J.C. Meekins. R.S. Alrenno. N.H. Hill. H. K. Hottall. J. Dove. Elam King. W. M. Smith. J. Reed. John H. Morrison. J. P. Allison. F. M. Morris. W. R. Gorden. R. W, Sandifer. Dayidsons College, Mecklen- burgh. Day. Book, Yancey. Delta, Sampson. Dobson, Surry. Durham, Durham. Edenton, Chowan. ee ee W. P. Williams. Wm. M. Moore. Je Dakverr: L. G. Waugh. T,. W. Folger. K. C. Hackney. Pruden & Vann. J.R. B. Hathaway. Elizabeth City, Pasquotank. 5. F. Lamb. “ce 6c ? V “ 66 “6 ee Elizabethtown, Bladen. Enfield, Halifax. Fayetteville, Cumberland. Flows, Cabarrus. Forest City, Rutherford. Franklin, Macon. 4c ‘ce 3 se Franklinton, Franklin. Garysburgh, Northampton. Gatesville, Gates. Goldsborough, Wayne. Graham, Alamance. Grantsborough, Pamlico. Greensborough, Guilford. 6é <7 2x V. O. Temple. F. Vaugban. M. B. Culpepper. Robert H. Lyon. W.C. Thorne. Branch & Bell. E. L. Pemberton. Herbert Lutterlot. A.H. Slocumb. T. S. Lutterloh. D. W. Flow. M. C. McBrager. Burke & Cunning- ham. reanines Sam. L. Rogers. Hevley & Spruill. Gulley & Morris. T. W. Mason. L. L. Smith. R. H. Williams. E. W.. Cox. Jno. K. Smith. J. A. Graham. Geo. Dees. Foster & Eggart. Yates & Yates. Place. County. Name. Place. County, Name. Greenville, Pitt. Halifax, Halifax. Hamilton, Martin. Hamptonville, Yadken. Happy Home, Burke. Harrell’s Store, Sampson. Harrellsville, Hertford. Hatteras, Dare. Hayesville, Clay. Henderson, Vanee. ce ce Hendersonville, Henderson. ee “e 6 “6 Hertford, Perquimans. sc “é «sé se Hickory, Catawba. Highlands, Macon. High Point, Guilford. Hillsboro, Orange. Huntersville, Mecklenburgh. Jackson, Northampton. Jacksonville, Onslow. Jonesborough, Moore. Kernersville, Forsyth. Kinston, Lenoir. “e “ec “ 66 La Grange, Lenoir. Lake Comfort, Hyde. Laurel Hill, Richmond. Laurinburgh, Richmond. Leaksville, Rockingham. Leasburgh, Caswell. Lenoir, Caldwell. Lewiston, Bertie. Lilesville, Anson. Lillington, Harnett. Littleton, Halifax. Louisburgh, Franklin. Lumberton, Robeson. Madison, Rockingham. Makelyville, Hyde. Manteo, Dare. Marion, McDowell. Marshall, Madison. Middletown, Hyde. Mill River, Henderson. Mills’ Spring, Polk. Mocksville, Davie. Monroe, Union. ce ce Morehead City, Carteret. Morganton, Burke. ce “ce cs se Morven, Anson. Mount Airy, Surry. Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus. Murfreesboro, Hertford. Murphy, Cherokee. «ce 66 Nashville, Nash. New Berne, Craven. “é¢ sé 6c “ce Newport, Carteret. Newton, Catawba. Norwood, Stanley. Oxford, Granville. Pink Hill, Lenior. Pioneer Mills, Cabarrus. Pittsborough, Chatham. Plymouth, Washington. Kings Mountain, Cleveland. L. V. Morril. Robt. O. Burton, jr. G. L. Hyman. J.T. Waldo. J. A. Hampkin. H. W. Conley. J. N. Fennell. H. C. Sharpe. A. J. Stowe. G. W. Sanderson. G. M. Flemming. R. Perry & Co. W. H. Cheek. D. M. Hodges. W. A. Smith. T. J. Rickman. T. G. Skmner. M. H. White. J. Q. A. Wood. J. F. Murrell. S. T. Kelsey. Julius A. Turner. Frank T. Baldwin. Grayham & Ruffin. J. W. Mullen. R. B. Peeples. W.C. Bowen. Thos. E. Gilman. A. A. F. Seawill. Chas. Teague. W. T. R. Bell. M. A. Gray. W. Hz. Neal. J. P. Dellard. Geo. N. Thompson. CeAG Gillys N.C. Newland. H. P. Harrell. J. A. Liles & Son. W. EB. Cox. J. A. Spears. T. W. Hawkins. Timberlake & Ellis. Massenburg& Thomas Rowland & McLean. L. W. Anderson. M. Makely. James M. Gray. W. T. Brinkley. A. R. Johnson. R. S. McCall. McElroy & Morphen. Jno. M. Mann. J.J. Osborne. Wm. Reed. Morris & Moring. T. B. Bailey. Covington & Adams. Payne & Vann. W. L. Arrendell. Tsaac JT. Avery. R. A. Cobb. S. McD. Tate. C. C. Moore. R. L. Haymore. W..R. Kindley. Winborne & Bros. David A. Barnes. Wn. Beal. A. A. Campbell. Cooke & Cooley. V. B. Batchelor. Watson & Street. Berry & Boyd. E.G. Hill. W.S. Bell. F. M. Williams, Geo. McCorkle. D. N. Bennett. John A. Williams. Richard W. Harris. Anthony Davis. J. C. Barnhart. Thos. B. Womack. S. B. Spruill. Raleigh, Wake. Ramsaytown, Yancy. Reidsville, Rockingham. ee oe Richland, Onslow. Robbinsville, Graham. Rockingham, Richmond. Rocky Mt., Edgecombe. Roxborough, Person. Ruffin, Rockingham. ce ec Rutherfordton, Rutherford. Rutherforde Colleg, Burke. Salisbury, Rowan. 6s se Scotland Neck, Halifax. Shawboro, Currituck. Shelby, Cleveland. Shoe Heel, Robeson. Sladesville, Hyde. Smithfield, Johnson. Smithville, Brunswick. Snow Hill, Greene. South Mills, Camden. Sparta, Alleghany. Statesville, Iredell. Stecoah, Graham. Stonewall, Pamlico. Sunbury, Gates. Swan Quarter, Hyde. Swanborough, Onslow. Swift Island, Montgomery. Tarborough, Edgecombe. ee 6 Taylorsville, Alexander. se ce ‘sé 66 Trenton, Jones. Troy, Montgomery. “ce 6é Tryon City, Polk. Wadesborough, Anson. Warrenton, Warren. ae ce Washington, Beaufort. Waynesville, Haywood. “cc 6s Weaverville, Buncombe. Webster, Jackson. Weldon, Halifax. Wentworth, Rockingham. White Oak Hall, Polk. Whiteville, Columbus. Wiggins X Roads, Gates. Wilkesborough, Wilkes. Williamston, Martin. Wilmington, New Hanover. oe ae Wilson, Wilson. Windsor, Bertie. | Winnabow, Brunswick. Winston, Forsyth. Winton, Hertford. Yadkinville, Yadkin. Yanceyville, Caswell. Haywood &Haywood. C. R. Byrd. A. J. Boyd. a Searuerde F. Thompson. W. F. Cooper. D.C Ghormiley. John D. Shaw & Son. Frank McNeill. Bunn & Battle. Winstead & Terry. J. W. Fitzgerald. J. S. Johnson. C. V. Justice. T. B. Justice. R. R. Abernathy. J. M. Hayden. Horatio M. Woodson. Ketchem & Dunn. P. H. Morgan. Bostic Lattimore. H. D. Lee & Co. Octavius H. Blocker. H. W. Wahat. Pon & Massey. N. G. Gulley. Thos. M. Williams. Grimsley & Sprimell, C. H. Spencer. W.C. Fields. Robbins & Long. W. D. Crisp. A. M. Cable. W.. I Caho: Joseph M. Cross. Alex. Berry. EK. B. Sanders. Elias Hurley. Gilliam & Son. W. H. Johnston. A. C. McIntosh. R. P. Matheson. Rk. Watts. P. M. Pearsoll. Cc. C. Wade. Hurley & McKenzie. Cis Jordan: J. A. Little & Co. C. M. Burns. Benj: F. Long. Jacob Parker. W.A. Montgomery. R. S. Montgomery. Howell & Moody. Edward B. Norvell. W. B. Ferguson. W. E. Weaver. Henry Stewart. Day & Zallicoffer. A. J. Burton. R. J. Lewellyn. Thos. J. Ratliff. W. V. Sevier. R. S. White. Lewis & Schulken. H. A. Morgan. Isaac C. Welborn. Tom Finley. John D. Biggs & Co. D. O’Connor. W..L. Young. A. B. Deans. B. F. Briggs. Martin & Peeples. Asa Ross. H. Montague. Watson & Glenn. E. HK. Gray. Cowper & Picot. T. C. Phillips. Johnston & Johnston. Watt & Withers. TO REAL ESTATE MEN. This Department of “THe EVERY OFEIOE FavoritE” taken from all the States and Territories in the United States presents to you the first NATIONAL REAL EsTaTE AGENTS’ DEALERS’ DIREC- tory. To illustrate its completeness, Publishers would say that there are in all about 2,600 counties in the entire U.S. and Territories; and, of this number, it will be found that over 2,550 counties are represented in from one to ten towns or cities in each, by parties either actively engaged in this branch of business or more or less jdentified in same: A more extensive Directory for any class has not been pub- lished. 4 SCS RL,Place. County. BANKS AND BANKERS pzprartMENtT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Name. Ashborough, Randolph. Asheville, Buncombe. Beaufort, Carteret. Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. “6 6 Clinton, Sampson. Durham, Durham. Edenton, Chowan. Elizabeth City, Pasquotank. Fayetteville, Cumberland Goldsborough, Wayne. G. S. Bradshaw. Bank of Asheville. First Nat’l Bank. W. D. Chadworth. Com’] Nat'l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Merchants & Farmers Nat’l Bank. Clinton Bank. Bank of Durham. kk. Moorehead & Co. J. R. B. Hathaway. Guirkin & Co. Fayetteville Nat'l Bk Peoples Nat’] Bank. E. B. Bordon. Place. County. Greensborough, Guilford. Henderson, Nance. Jonesborough, Moore. Kinston, Lenoir. Monroe, Albion. Murfreesboro, Hertford. New Berne, Craven. Oxford, Granville. Raleigh, Wake. ee ce Reidsville, Rockingham. “ec 66 Salisbury, Rowan. Name. Place. County. Name. Nat'l Bk of Greens- orough. Bank of Henderson. Buchanan & Murch- jeson. S. H. Loftin. Peoples Bank. Bk. of Murfreesboro. National Bank. Green Foy & Co. Bank of Oxford. State Nat’l Bank. Nat’l Bk. of Raleigh. Citizens Nat’l Bank. Bank of Reidsville. Citizens Bank. Davis & Wiley. Salisbury, Rowan. Shelby, Cleveland. Statesville, Iredell. Tarborough, Edgcombe. Wadesborough, Anson. Washington, Beaufort. Wilson, Wilson. Winston, Hertford. First Nat’l Bank. H. D. Lee & Co. Cooper & Brown. Wallace Bros. Pamilico Ins. & Bk’g Company. Wadesboro Bank. C. M. Brown. Wilmington, New Hanover. First Nat’l Bank. Bk. of New Hanover First Nat’ l Bank. Wachovia Nat’l Bk. First Nat’] Bank. REQUEST.—Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banks and Bankers De- partment” of “THe Every OFFICE Favorite,” GENERAL LAW anp COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR North Carolina. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Abbottshurgh, Bladen. Albemarle, Stanley. Ashborough, Randolph. Asheville, Buncombe. Aurora, Beaufort. Bakersville, Mitchell. Banner’s Elk, Watauga. Bayborough, Pamlico. Beaufort, Carteret. Bethel, Pitt. Booneville, Yadkin. Boone, Watauga. “eé se oe ce ce ce Brevard, Transylvania. “e ee ce ce Burgaw, Pender. Burnsville, Yancey. Camden, Camden. 66 Carthage, Moore. ee ee ce &é ee cc ee ec Chapel Hill, Orange. Charleston, Swain. ee “ ce « Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. China Grove. Rowan. “ec sé 6s ee Clinton, Sampson. ec be Coleman, Bertie. Collinsville, Polk. Columbia, Tyrrell. Columbus, Polk. J. H. Balentine. Sam’! J. Pemberton. Thos. J. Jerome. M.S. Robins. J. F. Crocker. J. A. Blair. Geo. S. Bradshaw. M. Bradshaw. Henry Hardwicke. Wm. A. Toots. Thos. Mehue. J. H. Green. J. W. Bowman. T. A. Love. S. J. Turner. L. D. Lowe. B. F. Mayhew. -C. R. Thomas, jr. J. H. Johnson. D. M. Reece. L. L. Green. W. 3B. Councill, jr. C. F. Lovell. J. A. Forsythe. W. B. Buckworth. W. A. Gash. J. F, Forsyth. J.T. Bland. G. KR. Ramsey. W. dH. Marsh. G. G. Luke. C. M. Ferebee. Mclver & Black. J. A. Worthy. C. A. McNeill. W..J. Adams. N. M. Dunlap. Manning & Manning. RS ie Leatherwood. iA M. Fry J, L. Heleoet 1. K. P. Osborne. W. N. Bailey. Brownell & Walker. G. E. Wilson, Jones & Johnson. Osborne & Maxwell. H. Clarkson. H. W. Harris. W, W. Flemming. W.P. Bynum, sr. B. Shepp. G. W. Logan. G. N. Folk. W.H. Bowen. F. P. Jones. EF’. R. Cooper. D. B. Nicholson. Faison & Powell. Boykin & Faison. Stewart & Richardson KE. W. Curr. S. B. Spruill. James Morris. R. P. Telpon. W.P. Reed. Concord, Cabarrus. 66 “e ee oe 66 66 ce 6e Currituck, Currituck. ce “e Dallas, Gaston. “eé ee ce ce Daybrook, Yancey. Delta, Sampson. Dobson, Surry. Edenton, Chowan. cé 3 Klizabethtown, Bladens. Enfield, Halifax. 6c ce 6 & 66 66 “ “ce 6 “ e “cc “cc “6 “cc “6 Forest City, Rutherford. Franklin, Macon. Franklinton, Franklin. ee “ Gatesville, Gates. C. A. Carson. Goldsborough, Wayne. Elizabeth City,'Pasquotank. Fayetteville, Cumberland. Name. Place. County. Name. H. 8. Puryear. Goldsborough, Wayne. F. B. Loftin W. M. Smith. 9 S. W. Isler. P. B. Means. ss . W. 8. Dorlett, sr. W.G. Means. ss ss Bryan & Burkhead. W.W.4H. Morrison. . ‘s Monroe & Robinson. W. J. Montgomery. ¢ s Galloway & Nixon. W. R. Gorden. s . smith. W.G. Granburg. Graham Alamance. Boyd & Whitaker. G. F. Bason. Greensborough, Guilford. Dillard, King & Dil- L. M. Hoffman. R. W. Sandifer. Wm. M. Moore. J. D. Kerr. J. R. Lewallyn. T. W. Folger. L. G. Waugh. L. M. Holton. Miss T. A. Holton. Redas Cain: Long & Strudwick. W. W. Fuller. J. L. Manuing. J. M. Morning. EK. C. Hackney. P. M. Briggs. Pruden & Vann. W.M. Bond. W. J. Leary, jr. J. W. Albertson & Son Grands & Aydlett. Griffin & Temple. E. F. Lamb. J. Haywood Sawyer. R. B. Creecy. C. C. Pool. S. L. Sheep. F. Vaughan. R. S. White. W.C. Thorn. 8.58. Allsop. Branch & Bell. Ralph P. Burton. W. A. Guthrie. ING Wr Rays Geo. M. Rose. C. W. Broadfoot. P. Holland, jr. M. C. McBrager. G. A. Jones. K. Elias. B. F. Bullock, jr. N. Y.Gully. F.S. Spruill. W. F. Green. W.H. Jenkins. Garysburgh, Northampton. Robt Ransom, IER 46 “< M. W. Ransom, jr. T. W. Mason. L. L. Smith. J. F. Dorlett. Alcock & Daniel. rT) “cc 66 6 ce ce oc oe 66 66 6b “cc 6é ce 6é 6é &é 66 ee Hamilton, Martin. Hamptonville, Yadken. Harrells Store, Sampson. Hayesville, Clay. Henderson, Vance. 66 “ 6é 6é 6 it ee “ce 6é “ 6 & 6é « 6c 6 ““é ce se “ 6c 6c 66 Hertford, Perquimans. Hickory, Catawba. High Point, Guilford. 66 ce Hillsboro, Orange. Jacksonville, Onslow. Jonesborough, Moore. Kernersville, Forsyth. Jackson, Northhampton. lard. Scott & Caldwell. Ww. S. Ball. John A. Barringer. James T. Moorhead. James W. Forbes. Jno M. Staples. David Schenk. James EK. Boyd. Robt M. Douglass. Latham, Skinner & Blow. C. M. Bernard. Sugg & James. A. M. Moore. KE. B. King. Tucker & Murphy. L. V. Morrill. Geo. Johnson. Jno. A. Moore. James M. Grizzard, Edward T. Clark. Thos. N. Hill. Robt O. Burton, jr. Mullen & Daniels. J.T. Waldo. J. A. Hampton. J. N. Fennell. M.R. Kenney. Day & Zallicoffer. W. KR. Henry. W. H. Cheek. N. F. Watkins. A. R. Wortham. T. T. Hicks. T. M. Pittman. A. J. Harris. . W. A. Smith. S. V. Pickens. T. J. Rickman. H. G. Ewart. David Stradley. W.E. Erwin. A. E. Pose. D. M. Hodges. Blount & Blount. Thomas G. Skinner. J. KF. Murrell. F. L. Cline. Edwin D. Steele. Julius A. Turner. Frank T. Baldwin. Grayham & Ruffin. C. A. Parish. Robt. B. Peeples. Thos. E. Gilman. A. A. EF. Seaweil. Chas. Teague.Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. Kinston, Lenoir. 7 “ “ “ce “6 “ce ce “cc 66 “cc La Grange, Lenoir. Laurel Hill, Richmond. Laurinburgh, Richmond. se 4s ce é Leasburgh, Caswell. Lenoir, Caldwell. ‘ce 6c ce it7 ee “ cc “ec Lewiston, Bertie. Lillington, Harnett. 6é sé te ae Lincolnton, Lincoln. Little Sugar Loaf, Bladen. Littleton, Halifax. Louisburgh, Franklin. “ 6c “6 “é 6c “6 “ “cc “cc “ “ec “ec “e &e Manteo, Dare. Marion, McDowell. se «6 ce 6c sé ce 6é S66 Marshall, Madison. Middletown, Hyde. Mill River, Henderson. Mocksville, Davie. Monroe, Union. 66 sé se ce ée sé Morganton, Burke. 6s 66 sé 66 ¢é sé ce ec 66 sc Mount Airy, Surry. Murfreesboro, Hertford. Murphy, Cherokee. 4c sé ce 66 Nashville, Nash. New Berne, Craven. “ee “ ee 66 6 (6 6c “cc “cc “ec “ec “ec A. J. Loftin. Rouse & Uzzell. M. A. Gray. Jackson & Perry. Jno F. Wooten. Aes iea Enrllt C.S. Wooten. T. Pate. C. W. Pillett. vno. D. Shaw & Son. W.H. Neal. Geo. N. Thompson. W.C. Newland. Thos. M. Vance. W. W. Scott, jr. C. A, Cilly. Edmund Jones. H. P. Harrall. O. J. Spears. D. H. McLean. J. A. Spears. Shipp & Cobb. J. M. Bryan. Mack H. Fergerson. T. W. Hawkins. C. M. Cooke. E. W. Timberlake. T. B. Wilder. deuk Davis: B. B. Massenburg. E. H. Davis. EK. K. Proctor, jr. French & Norment. Rowland & McLean. Thos. A. McNeill. John 8. Lewis. James M. Gray. T, J. Sinclair. R. 8. McCall. A. R. Johnson. Thos. Greenell. G. G. Eaver. A. M. Erwin. J. M. Judger, jr. W. W. Vandiver. McElroy & Morphew. N. Beckwith. J. J. Osborne. T. B. Bailey. McCauly & Son. Strahorn & Beckwith Stevens & Blair. Covington & Adams. Payne & Vann. S. C. W. Late. W.S. Parson. B.S. Gaither. Jno. G. Benum. Isaac T. Avery. S. J. Evan. W. EF. Carter. R. L. Haymore. Winborne & Bros. David A. Barnes. J. W. Cooper. L. E. Manney, Axley & Posey. Jno. Rolen. J. K. Bridges. Cook & Cooley. Moore & Clark. Greene & Stevenson. Simmons & Manley. ONCS Clark: Wm. Whitford. Geo. H. White. W. J. Doughty. McCorkle & McCorkle M. E. Lawrence. L. L. Witherspoon. Shipp & Cobb. J.T. Littlejohn. F. L. Hargrove. John W. Hayes. J. A. Davis. R. W. Winston, L. C. Edwards. Oxford, Granville. oe “ee 6é 6é ec 4 sc “ec 46 ec Pittsborough, Chatham. 6c ee e é Plymouth, Washington. Raleigh, Wake. 6é “ “6 “ec sc “cc T3 “cc 6é “ce Reidsville, Rockingham. “es “ee Richland, Onslow. Rockingham, Richmond. “ce “ce “ sé 6s sé ‘“c 66 6c 6s “cc “ce “ce “ce Rocky Mt., Edgecombe. Roxborough, Person. Rutherford, Rutherford. ce ce “6 ce Salisbury, Rowan. sé ee 6é ee 46 e ‘6 6eé ‘6 se ‘e 6c ce ce Scotland Neck, Halifax, Shawboro, Currituck. Shelby, Cleveland. Shoe Heel, Robeson. Smithfield, Johnson. oe ‘6 sc 6e Smithville, Brunswick. Snow Hill, Greene. ac ‘6 66 ee South Mills, Camden, Sparta, Alleghany. Statesville, Iredell, 6é se oe 66 oe ce se sé 6c ce ee sé Swansborough, Onslow. Swift Island, Montgomery. Tarborough, Edgecombe. ce 4 ce sé Taylorsville, Alexander. Trenton, Jones. Troy, Montgomery. Tryon City, Polk. Wadesborough, Anson. N. W. Lanear. J.S. Annis. T. W. Cannady. M.C. Ransom. N. B. Cannady. J. J. Jackson. Thos. B. Womack. H. A. London. S. B. Spruill. Lattimer & Pettigrew W.M. Jones. W. H. Pace. Haywood & Haywood. B. F. Montague. Peele & Maynard. Battle & Mordecai. Fuller & Snow. TI. 8S. Reid. Mebane & Scott. F. T. Thompson. Jno. W. Cole. J.T. LeGrand. W. H. Quick. H. R. Terry. Frank M.Neill. Jno. D. Shaw & Son. D. Stewart. R. A. Johnson. Bunn & Battle. Winstead & Terry. J.S. Merritt. J. A. Forney. L. H.Churchill. M. H. Justice. T. B Justice. L. & W .C. Blackmer. John W. Manney. JamesW. Rumple. Charles Price. Thomas C. Linn. Theo. F. Kluttz. Lee 8S. Overman. Craig & Clement. Richard H. Smith, jr. Ketchum & Dunn. W. iB. Shaw. P. H. Morgan. R. M. Brayer. Gidney & Webb. T Dixon jr. Wm. Black. J. H. Abell. J. T. Langston. Abell & Richardson. Pon & Massey. Thos. M. Williams. Spruill & Edwards. T. C. Wooten. G. M. Lindsay. J. W. Blount. C. H. Spencer. E. T. Vaughen. W. C. Fields. R. A. Daughton. H. Bingham. Armfield & Turner, D. M. Burches. Harry Burke. L. C. Caldwell. Robbins & Long. A. L. Cable. W..0; Oaha- E. B. Saunders. Elias Hurley. J. L. Bridges, jr. N. L. Staton, jr. Gilliun & Sons, G. M. T. Fountain. R. Z. Liney. E. B. Jones. P.M. Pearsoll. J. Milton Brown. B, F. Simmons. Douglass & Shaw. C. L. Jordon. R. T. Bennett. CENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. Place. County. Name. Wadesborough, Anson. ce 6 66 6c Warrenton, Warren. sé be 3 “ce ée ‘sé ce ce Washington, Beaufort. 6c 6é sé ce cc se ce cs Waynesville, Haywood. ‘cc ‘sé “6 ‘ “ 66 ce cs ce ce Weaverville, Buncombe. Webster, Jackson. Weldon Halifax. se se Wentworth, Rockingham. “ce es ce se se 66 White Oak Hall, Polk. Whiteville, Columbus. Wilkesborough, Wilkes. oe ce 6c sé sé 66 sé ac Williamston, Martin. 6s a6 ce se Wilmington, New Hanover. es 6 ce 46 ce 6 oe 66 Wilson, Wilson. ce ce ‘cé e 66 ce se ee sc“ ce ce és sé ce ce ce Windsor, Bertie. “eé “ce “ “6 “cc “ee Winnabow, Brunswick. Winston, Forsyth. “6 “6 “cs 66 “6 “6 66 “<6 66 6eé ‘“s “ “ ‘<6 “6 “6 Winton, Hertford. Yadkinville, Yadkin. Yanceyville, Caswell. Jas. A. Lockhart. John D. Pemberton. Little & Parsons. Walter A. Mont- gomery. Chas. A. Cook. Henry A. Boyd. Henry A. Foot. Tasker Polk. W. B. Rodman & Son Jno. H. Small. Geo. H. Brown, jr. Chas. F. Warren. E.S. Simmons. Norwood & Smathers. Howell & Moody. Benj. M. Henry. Robt. D. Gilman. Robt. D. Gilmer. W. L. Tate. J.C. L. Grudger. W. E. Weaver. Walter E. Moore. R. H. Cannon. Henry Stewart. W. W. Hall. Day & Zallicoffer. A. J. Burton. Boyd,Reid& Johnston Reid & Reid. R. A. Ford. Mebane & Scott. Jno. ‘T. Pamnill. J.C. Camp. R. S. White. Cowles & Barber. Jno. 8. Cranor. Isaac C. Welborne, H. M Welborne. Toe Dulas Tom Finley. Moore & Stubbs. A. H. Smith. D. Worthington. Wheeler & Martin. Geo. Davis. Waddell & Elliott, McRae & Strange. D. L. Rupell. Robt. McKeoy. J. W. Lancaster. H. F. Murry. J. W. Blount. A. B. Deans. T. S. Keenan. F. A. Woodward. J. E. Woodward. D. L. Wood. Jno. F. Bouton. W.S. Williams. F. D. Winston. Martin & Peebles. D. C. Muston. Asa Ross. Watson & Buxton. Jeff Grogen. Glenn & Glenn. R. B. Kemer. B. Y. Rayle. KE. Griffith. T. J. Wilson. D. H. Starbuck. D. P. Most. E. E. Gray. Cowper & Picot. T, C. Phillips. RK. C. Puryear. Johnston & Johnston TO THE BAR OF THE WU. S.—This Depart- ment of “TH: EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” (taken for all the States and Territories) presents to you the nearest com- plete NATIONAL LAWYERS’ DIRECTORY published. As proof Publishers invite comparison; and, toillustrate would state that there are in all about 2,600 Couaties in the entire U- Ss. and Territories, and it will be found that over 2,550 (coun- ties) of this number are represented by from one to ten towns or cities in each; in a majority of cases it will be observed, also, that the greater number of each County Bar are given and their proper addresses. ee A = pe Te SE EE TT SS nePlace. County. Albemarle, Stanley. Asheville, Buncombe. Beaufort, Carteret. Buxton, Dare. Chapel Hill, Orange. Charleston, Swain. Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. Clinton. Sampson. Columbia, Tyrrell. Columbus, Polk. “Concord. Cabarrus. Currituck, Currituck. Davidson College, Mecklen- urgh. Durham, Durham. “cc 6 Elizabeth City, Pasquotank. ‘é ce Fayetteville, Cumberland. Franklinton, Franklin. Goldsborough, Wayne. Greensborough, Guilford. Greenville, Pitt. Harrellsville, Hertford. Hatteras, Dare. Notaries Public, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPARTWT FOR N _ Carolina. Name. D. H. Milton. D. C. Waddell. W. B. Gwin. L. A. Skarren. C. C. Miller. A. S. Barber. R. L. Leatherwood. M. P. Pegram. W. L: Faison. A. G. Lewis. T. L. Jones. N. H. Hill. J. A. Gowley. H. B. Ansell. W. P. Wiliams. Wm. Morgan. Wm. Halliburton. P. John. G. W. Cobb. G. M. Scott. D. G. McRae. G. P. McNeill. James A. Henley. R. P. Howell. Neill Ellington. Wu. S. Ball. EK. A. Moye. S. M. Anmack. A. J. Stowe. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Hayesville, Clay. Henderson, Vance. ee sé Hendersonville, Henderson. Hertford, Perquimans. Hickory, Catawba. High Point, Guilford. Huntersville, Mecklenburg. Jackson, Northhampton. Jonesborough, Moore. Kings Hountain, Cleveland. Kinston, Lenoir. “ec of Laurinburgh, Richmond. Marshall, Madison. Mills Spying, Polk. Monroe, Union. Morgan#n, Burke. Murfreesboro, Hertford. New Berne, Craven. “e ec Oxford, Granville. ee ee Plymouth, Washington. Raleigh, Wake. Reidsville, Rockingham. Salisbury, Rowan. G. W. Sanderson. P. T. Jones. R. L. Dangerfield. C. M. Pace. J. Q. A. Wood. F.L. Cline. W. H. Ragan. J. W. Mullen. H. B. Peeples. S. J. Calvert. W. E. Murchison. W,F. 2h. Bell. C. F. Harvey. S. H. Loftin. W.H. Neal. W. J. Gudger. Wn. Reed. W.N. Fitzgerald. P.S. Jacobs. S. T. Pearson. G. D. Parker. Geo. H. Roberts. OPH hove W.B. Gulick. John A. Williams. W. #. Fitchett. Henry Litchford. F. H. Briggs. A. J. Ellington. Isaac H. Foust. Salisbury. Rowan. Sanford, Moose. Suelby, Cleveland. Shoe Heel, Robeson. Smithfield, Johnson. Statesville, Iredell. Stonewall, Pamlico. Sunbury, Gates. Tarborough, Edgecombe. Tryon City, Polk. Troy, Montgomery. Wadesborough, Anson. Warrenton, Warren. Washington, Beaufort. Webster, Jackson. Weldon, Halifax. Williamston, Martin. A. D. Davis. M. D. Mclver. Jno. 8. McRorie. J. QO. Baxter. Joseph M. Cross. M. Wedall. D. Foster. C. C. Wade. Jno. C. McLaughlin. Wn. A. White. Jos. Myers. Henry Stewart. Walter E. Daniel. W. T. Crawford. Wilmington, New Hanover. W. L. Smith. Wilson, Wilson. Winston, Forsyth. Jno. Hutchinson. EH. E. Gray. Geo. Brooks. REQUEST.—In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘‘ Notaries Public Protest and Conveyancing Department”? of ‘‘ THE EVERY OFFICE FavoritE.’? By so doing, you confer a favor to the Publishers of this Directory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assur- ance of your business receiving prompt and careful atten- tion. Mortgage Loan acEents AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR N orth Car olina. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place, County, Name. Albemarle, Stanley. Ansonville, Anson. Ashborough, Randolph. Asheville, Buncombe. ce 6e¢ ee ce Bakersville, Mitchell. Bayborough, Pamlico. Beaufort, Carteret. Belvidere, Perquimans. Boone, Watauga. Brevard, Transylvania. Burgaw, Pender. Burnsville, Yancey. Camden, Camden. Carthage, Moore. Chapel Hill, Orange. Charleston, Swain. “ec ee Charlotte, Mecklenburgh. Clinton, Sampson. Coinjock, Currituck. Columbia, Tyrrell. Columbus, Polk. Concord, Cabarras. Currituck, Currituck, ce ee “ec ce Dallas, Gaston. Day Book, Yancey. Dobson, Surry. Durham, Durham. Edenton, Chowan. “ «ce QO. D. King. Sam’l J. Pemberton. W. A. Smith. Geo. S. Bradshaw. W.G. Teague. Robert U. Garrett. Shedee & Barnard. A. J. Lyman. Bailey Bros. J. H.Green. B. F. Mayhew. M. Potter. Jno. Farlow. Thos. Thomas. E. A. White. L. L. Green. W.B. Duckworth. Jee Bland: C. F. Young. G. G. Luke. Jno. W. Scott. Manning & Manning A. M. Fry. A.D. Potts. KE. K. P. Osborne. James Moore. Stewart & Richardson Peter Poyner. J. C. Meekins. H. K. Hottall. P. M. Smith. W. M. Smith. . Dove. J. P. Allison. J. Reed. W. &. Gordon. W. Walker. J.J. Baxter. G. I. Bason. W. A. Peterson. Wm. Mitchell. Preston Reid. EK. Morehead & Co. KE. C. Hackney. Jno, G. Wood. C. W. Rea Pruden & Vann. Elizabeth City, !Pasquotank.Guirken & Co. ce «6 ‘sé ia Elizabethtown, Bladens. Gniffin & Temple. J. L. Hinton. K. F. Lamb. R. S. White. Enfield, Halifax. Fayetteville, Cumberland. Franklin, Macon. Franklinton, Franklin. Garysburgh, Northampton. Gatesville, Gates. Goldsborough, Wayne. ce ce “e te ce ce Graham, Alamance. Grantsborough, Pamlico. Greensborough, Guilford. “ce ce Greenville, Pitt. “ec 74 Halifax, Halifax. Happy Home, Burke. Harrellsville, Hertford. Henderson, Vance. Hertford, Perquimans. “ce 66 “ oc 9 “ce ee Hickory, Catawba. Highlands, Macon. High Point, Guilford. Jackson, Northhampton. Jacksonville, Onslow. Jonesborough, Moore. Kinston, Lenoir. 66 6c “e “c se ce Lake Comfort, Hyde. Laurinburgh, Richmond. Leaksville, Rockingham. Branch & Bell. E. L. Pemberton. A. H. Slocumb. Herbert Lutterloh. Samuel R. Rogers. Burk & Cunningham. Henley & Spruill. Gulley & Morris. Robt Rawson, jr. M. W. Ranson. L. L. Smith. R. M. Ridick. R. H. Williams. E. W. Cox. H. Weil & Bros. H. A. Powell. John R. Smith. J. A. Eason. Boyd & Whitaker. Geo. Dees. Foster & Eggert. Yates & Yates. Harry Skinner. I. A. Lugg. Wm. Whitehead. Mullin & Daniel. H. W. Conley. H, C. Sharpe. R¥ Perry & Co. W. H. Cheek. Hendersonville, Henderson, D. M. Hodges. W. A. Smith. T. G. Skinner. M.H. White. Robt. White. Edwin D. Steele. 8. J. Calvert. W.C. Bowen. Thos. EK. Gilman. Buchannan & Murch- ison. 8. 8. Quinerly. James K. Davis, ~M. A. Gray. W.C. Fields. Jno. Berry. S. B. Emery. Jno. D. Shaw & Son. W.H. Neal. J. P. Dillard. Lenoir, Caldwell. Lilesville, Anson. Lillington, Harnett. Louisburgh, Franklin. “6 ce mare 66 Lumberton, Robeson. ee ee Madison, Rockingham, Makelyville, Hyde. Manteo, Dare. Marshall, Madison. Middleton, Hyde. Mills Springs, Polk. Mocksville, Davie. 6c ce Monroe, Uuion. 6e ce Morganton, Burke. ce 6 66 be ce ée ce ce Morven, Anson. Mount Airy, Surry. Murfreesboro, Hertford. Murphy, Cherokee. Nashville, Nash. New Berne Craven. ee ce ce «é Newport‘ Carteret. Newton, Catawba. Norwood, Stanley. Oxford, Granville. es ce Pink Hill; Lenoir. Pittsborough, Chatham. 13 if Pioneer Mills, Cabarrus. Plymouth, Washington. €. A. Cilly. s W.C. Newland. J. A. Lesles & Son. W. E. Cox. Massenburgh & Thomas. J. J. Davis. Rowland & McLean. K. K. Proctor, jr. L. W. Anderson. M. Makely. W.T. Brinkly. J.J. Ridmond. J.J. Gudger, Jno. S. Northan. J.T. Waldrop. KE. L. Gather. T. B. Bailey. E. H. Morris. C. N. Simpson. Able Helms. S. Mc D. Tate. W. M. Winters. Jos. Poole. R. A. Cobb. Isaac Avery. C. C. Moore. R. L. Haymore. David A. Barnes. Winborne Bros. m. Beal. A. A, Campbell. Cooke & Cooley. Green, Foy & Co. T. H. Matthewson. Berry & Boyd. E. G. Hill W.S. Bell. F.M. Williams. McCorkle & McCorkle D. N. Bennett. Richard W. Harris. Jno. A. Williams. Anthony Davis. J.C. Barnhart. Thos. B. Womack. J.J. Jackson. J. W. Blount. E. F. Blount. W. H. Hampton.Place. County. Name, Raleigh, Wake. se ec Ramseytown, Yancy. Reidsville, Rockingham. Robbinsville, Graham. ee ee Rockingham, Richmond. Rocky Mt., Edgecombe. Ruffin, Rockingham. Rutherford, Rutherford. Rutherford College, Burke. Salisbury, Rowan. “cc “ce Scotland Neck, Halifax. Shawboro, Currituck. Shelby, Cleveland. Shoe Heel, Robeson. Sladesville, Hyde. Smithfield, Johnson. Snow Hill, Green. Sparta, Alleghany. Statesville, Iredell. Stecoah, Graham. Fuller & Snow. Haywood & Haywood C. R. Byrd. A.J. Boyd. N. G. Philips. W. ¥. Cooper. Jno. D. Shaw & Son. Bunn & Battle. J. W. Fitzgerald. J.S. Johnston. Jas. H. Carpenter. T. B. Justice. R. L. Abernathy. S. & W. C. Blackmer. H. N. Woodson. Craige & Clement. J. M. Hayden. Buerbaum & Hames. Richard H. Smith, jr. P. H. Morgan. H. D. Lee & Co. Bostic & Lattimore. Octavius H. Blocker. H. W. Wahat. Pon & Massey. Grimsley & Spruill. R. A. Doughton. Cooper & Brown. W. D. Crisp. Place, County, Stonewall, Pamlico. Sunbury, Gates. Tarborough, Edgecombe. ce ae Taylorsville, Alexandria, Troy, Montgomery, Tryon City, Polk. Wadesborough, Anson. ee be se ‘ec Warrenton, Warren. ce ee 6é ce oe “e ec “ec Washington, Beaufort. Waynesville, Haywood. Webster, Jackson. Weldon, Halifax. Wentworth, Rockingham. White Oak Hall, Polk. Whiteville, Columbus. Wiggin’s X Roads, Gates. MORTCACE LOAN AGENTS and INVESTORS DEPARTMENT for NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. Name. W.T. Caho. Jos. M. Cross. W.4H. Johnston. H. L. Staton. E. B. Jones. A. C. McIntosh. J. Melton Brown. C. L. Jordan. J. A. Little & Co. C. M. Burns. Wyatt & Horne. A. & W.B. Crinkley. Thos. Connell. Jno. Watson. Benj. F. Long. Jacob Parker. Geo. H. Brown, jr. R. S. Montgomery. Jno. H. Small. Wn. A. Blount. Jno. McDonald. Howell & Moody. Edmond Norvell. Walter E. Moore. Day & Zollicoffer. J. B. Whitemore. Frank Coxe. R.S. White. H. L. Morgan. Place. County. Name. Wiggins’ X Roads, Gates. B. L. Saunders. Wilkesborough, Wilkes. Cowles & Barber. Williamston, Martin. John D. Biggs, & Co. ae “ Dennis Simmons. Wilmington, New Hanover.B. O’Conner. W. L. Young. Wilson, Wilson. Jno. Hutchinson. cs ce Windsor, Bertie. l Martin & Peeples. Winston, Forsyth. Watson & Glenn. E. E. Gray. J. L. Patterson, H. Montague. Cowper & Pickett. Johnston & Johnston. Watt & Withers. 66 cs se ce Winton, Hertford. Yanceyville, Caswell. EXPLANATION.—This Department represents parties engaged in making and interested in First Mortgage Loan Securities and through whom such inyastments may be safely made or obtained. Western and southern loan agents will do well to correspond with the parties, or ‘con- cerns, whose addresses are given by this Department for eastern states when disposing of such securities. Kindly mention ‘‘THE EVERY OFFICE FavoRITEe” in your corres- pondence. N. C. TOWNE. H. M. MCFARLAND. Towne & McFarland, =weal Estate, Cor. Ceurt Ave, and 4th St., under Valley Nat. Bank. Des Moines, Iowa. eR a SEED, a fe 7 * See isement is noticed, REMINDER.-If it is stated where advert ‘ orlaly answer your inquiry or correspondence.—Do not forget to mention : te advertisers canrefer,and more promptly and satisfac “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”o> <>< HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR OHIO. Place. County. A Aberdeen, Brown. Ada, Hardin. Adelphi, Ross Akron, Summit. “sb ce Alliance, Stark. nsonia, Darke. ‘Antwerp, Paulding. Ashland, Ashiand. Andover, Ashtabula. A Ashley, Delaware. Ashtabula, Ashtabula. Athens, Athens. Attica, Seneca. Aurora, Portage. Bainbridge, Ross. Barnesville, Belmont. Batesville, Noble. Batavia, Clermont. Bellaire, Belmont. Bellefontaine, Logan. “e “ce Belleville, Richland. Bellevue, Huron. Belpre, Wieslatarea, Berlin Hights, Erie. Beverly, Washington. Bloomville, Seneca. Bluffton, Allen. Bowling Green, Wood. Bridgeport, Belmont. Bryan, Williams. Bucyrus, Crawford. Burton, Geauga. Cadiz, Harrison. Caldwell, Noble. Caledonia, Marion. Cambridge, (cuernsey. 77 174 Camden, Preble. Canal Dover, Tuscarawas. Canal Fulton, Stark. Canal Winchester, Franklin. Canfield, Mahonning. Canton, Stark. Cardington, Morrow. Carey, Wyandot. Carrollton, Carroll. Cedarville, Greene. Celina, Mercer. Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga. Chardon, Geauga. Chillicothe, Ross. “ee oe Cincinnati, Hamilton. “ec ce “ & « ce 7) 6e 14 66 “ ee “ “c “ « Circleville, Pickaway. Clarington, Monroe. Clarksburgh, Ross. Cleveland, Cuyahoga. Name. Toler Hotel. Youngs Hotel. Rinkley Hotel. Hotel Butchel. Empire House. Windsor Hotel. Russell House. Central Hotel. Morley House. Ansonia Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Miller House. McNulty House. Ashley Hotel. Stoll House. Fisk House. Warren House. Central House. Weaver Hotel. Aurora House. Heeling House. Albert House. Commercial House. Hamilton House. Windsor Hotel. Miltonberger House. Logan House. Globe Hotel. Mayne Hotel. Belpre Hotel. Davis Hotel. New Central House. Bliss House. Commercial House. Lease House. Union Hotel. Sherman House, Brunswick Hotel. Monnet House. Deal House. Bruster House. New Arcade Hotel. Swan House. Exchange Hotel. Eagle Hotel. Hanley House. Lofland House. Park Hotel. Arhngton House. Tron Val. House. Kasley House. Commercial Hotel. American House. Barnett House. Hurford House. American House. Reed House. Gault House. De Witt House. Van Horn House. Hoopes House. Crane’s Hotel. St. Charles Hotel. Ellis House, Irvine House. Chardon House. Warner House. Valley House. Plyley House. Grand Hotel. Burnett Hotel. Gibson House. St. Nicholas Hotel. Hunts European H. St. James Hotel. Dennison House. Hotel Emery. Palace Hotel. American Hotel. Pickaway House. Booth House. Willis House. Kennard House, © Place. County. Name. Place. . County. Name. Cleveland, Cuyahoga. ot ce ce se Clyde, Sandusky. Coalton, Jackson. Co linwood, Cayahoga. Columbiana, Columbiana. Columbus, Franklin. ce ce “ce ce ce ee ce ce Columbus Grove, Putnam. Conneaut, Ashtabula. Coshocton, Coshocton. its ce Covington, Miami. Crestline, Crawford. Cuyahoga Falls, Summit. Danville, Knox. Dayton, Montgomery. Defiance, Defiance. 6eé “cc De Graff, Logan. Delaware, Delaware. ce ce Delphos, Van Wert. Delta, Fulton. Dennison, Tuscarawas. Deshler, Henry. Doylestown, Wayne. Dresden, Muskingum. Dunkirk, Hardin. Baton, Preble 6é ee Edgerton, Williams. Elmore, Ottawa. Elyria, Lor: ain. Fayette, milton Fayetteville. Brown. Fancastle, Brown. Felicity, Clermont. Findlay, Hancock. ee ce és 6e Flushing, Belmont. Fort Recovery. Mercer. Forrest, Hardin. Fostoria, Seneca. Fr rankfort, Ross. Franklin, Warren. Fredricktown, Knox. Fremont, Sandusky. Galion, Crawford. Gallipolis, Gallia. Garrettsville, Portage. Geneva, Ashtabula. Genoa, Ottawa. Georgetown, Brown, Giard, Trumbull. Gl endale, Hamilton. Granville, Licking. Greenfield, Higl land. Green Springs, Seneca. Greenville, Darke. ce oe Greenwich, Huron. Hamilton, Butler. Harmar, Washington. Harrison, Hamilton. BE. Liverpool, Columbiana. K). Palestine, Columbiana. Germantown, Montgomery. Stillman House. Weddell House. Forest City House. Hollenden House. Nichols House. Central Hotel. Gland House: Patterson House. Neil House. Park Hotel. American Hotel. U.S. Hotel. Hotel Nelson. Hotel Gardner. New Grove House. Commercial House. Park Hotel. McDonald House. Sherman House. Central Hotel. Continental House. Gibson House. Perry House. Lone Star Hotel. Bechel House. Phillips House. Russell House. Crosby House. St. James Hotel. Hotel Donivan. Central Hotel. Phelan House. Central House. Boneys Hotel. Georgie House. Billman House. American House. Dunkirk Hotel. Thompson House. Book House. Reichel House. Eagle Hotel. Arlington Hotel. American House. Beebe House. National House. Fayette House. Conn. House. Cottage House. Van Briggle House. Joy House. Sherman House. Commercial House. Central House. Kent House. Scott House. American House. Frankfort House. Cowen House. Wagoner Hotel. Ball House. Capitol House. Hotel River View. Park Central Hotel. Cannon Hotel. Fuller House. Fuller House. Nat’l Union Hotel. Beihn House. Leighty House. Moser Hotel. Glendale House. Button Hotel. Harper House. Water Cure Hotel, Turpin House. Wagner House. Arlington House. Seydell House. St. Charles Hotel. Straub House. Harmar Hotel. Central Hotel. Hicksville, Defiance. Higeinsport, Brown. Hillsborough, Highland. Holgate, Henry. Hubbard, Trumbull. Hudson, Summit. Huntsville, Logan. Huron, Erie. Ironton, Lawrence. Jackson, Jackson. ce ee Jamestown, Greene. Jefferson, Ashtabula. oe “ Jeffersonville, Fayette. Johnstown, Licking. Kent, Portage. Kenton, Hardin. “ 6 Kingston, Ross. Kinsman, Trumbull. Lancaster, Fairfield. ce ee Leesburgh, Highland. Leesville, Carroll. Lebanon, Warren. Leetonia, Columbiana. Leipsic, Putnam. Lima, Allen. «é “ Lockland, Hamilton. Lodi, Medina. Logan, Hocking. “es ee London, Madison. 6¢ 6c Lorain, Lorain. Loudonville, Ashland. Louisville, Stark, Lynchburg, Highland. McArthur, Vinton. McComb, Hancock. McConnellsville, Morrow. Madison, Lake. Madisonville, Hamilton. Malta, Morton. Manchester, Adams. Mansfield, Richland. “é 79 «ce 66 66 6e Mantua Station, Portage. Marietta, Washington. “cc “cs Marion, Marion. Martins Ferry, Belmont. Martinsville, Clinton. Marysville, Union. Massillon, Stark. Mechanicsburgh, Cham- paign. Medina, Medina. Miamisburgh,Montgomery. Middle Point, Van Wert, Middleport, Meigs. Middletown, Butler. Milan, Erie. Milford, Clermont. Milford Centre, Union. Millersburgh, Holmes. Minerva, Stark. Minster, Auglaize. Monyr oeville, “Huron. Swilley House, Central Hotel. Parker House. Holgate House. Puch’s Hotel. Mansion House. Grand Central Hotel. Archer House. Ironton House. Sheridan House. Isham House. _ Gibson House. Jamestown Hotel. American House. Beckwith House. Hurles House. American House. Continental Hotel. Reece House. St. Nicholas House, Dugan House. Allen House. Gee Hotel. Hotel Martin. Winthrop House. American Hotel. U.S. Hotel. Lebanon House. Hartsell House. Central House. Lima House. Hotel French. Lockland Hotel. Lodi House. Depot Hotel. Rempel House. Madison House. Phifer House. Porter House. American House. Commercial Hotel. American House. Will House. MeVeigh House. American House. City Hotel. Koons Hotel. Madison Hotel. Paige House. Valley Hotel. McDaid House. St. James Hotel. Weiler House. Sherman House. Tremont House. Hotchkiss House. National House. St. Cloud Hotel. St. James Hotel. Kerr House. Hotel Marion. Allison Hotel. Ohio House. Continental Hotel. Hotel Conrad. Murray House. American House. Union House. Vaum House. City Hotel. Grand View Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Park Hotel. Queen House. Exchange Hotel. Empire House. Larimer House. Butler House. Cary House. Jackson House. St. Charles Hotel. Eckhart House.HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ Place. County. Morrow, Warren. Moscow, Clermont. Mt. Gilead, Morrow. Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson. Mt. Sterling, Madison. Mt. Vernon, Knox. Napoleon, Henry. Navarre, Stark. Nelsonville, Athens. Nevada, Wyandot. Newark, Licking. se “e New Alexandria, Jefferson. New Athens, Harrison. New Bremen, Auglaize. New Carlisle, Clarke. New Comersto wn, 1 uscar- awas. New Lexington, Perry. New Lisbon, Columbiana. New London, Huron. New Philadelphia, Tuscar- awas. 66 New Richmond, Clermont. New Straitsville, Perry. Newton F lls, Trumbull. New Vienna, ‘Clinton. Name. Stockley Place. Dick House. American House. Globe House. Burns Hotel. Rock House. Curtis House. Rowley House. Miller House. Thompson House. Rochester Hotel. Dew House. Kerr House. Hotel Warden. Lansing House. American Hotel. Pine House. Central House. American House. Carlisle House. Central House. Mercer House. Hostetter Hause. Greggory Hotel. Gilsey House. Exchange Hotel. Springer House, Central House. Allen House. Miller Hotel. New Washin eton,Crawford.New Washington H. Niles, Trumbull. North Amherst, Lorain. North Lewisburgh, Cham- paign. Norwalk, Huron. Oak Harbor, Ottawa. Oberlin, Lorain. Orrville, Wayne. Ottawa, Putnam. aé “ec Oxford, Butler. Painsville, Lake. Paulding, Paulding. Pemberville, Wood. Perrysburgh, Wood. Piqua, Miami. Plain City, Madison. Plainfield, Coshocton. Plymouth, Richland. Poland, Mahoning. Pomeroy, Meigs. Sanford House. Jackson House. Partridge House. Baldwin Hotel. St. Charles Hotel. Portage Hotel. Smith House. Forrest House. National House. Leopold House. Ottawa House. City Hotel. Girard House. Stockwell House. Cowles House. Thompson House. Paulding House. Rossinger Hotel. Exchange Hotel. City Hotel. Bassett House. Sherwood Hotel. Exchange Hotel. National House. Sparror House. Remmington House. Place. County. Pomeroy, Meigs. Port Clinton, Ottawa. Port Washington, Tuscar- awas. Portsmouth, Scioto. Prospect, Marion. Quaker City, Guernsey. Ravenna, Portage. Richwood, Union. Ripley, Brown. Rushsylvania, Logan. Sabina, Clinton. St. Clairsville, Belmont. St. Marys, Auglaize. St. Paris, ‘Champaign. Salem, Columbiana. Salineville, Columbiana, Sandusky, Erie. ee ce “é “ Scio, Harrison. Seville, Medina. Shanes Crossing, Mercer. Shelby, Richland. Sherwood, Defiance. Shilo, Richland. Shreve, Wayne. Sidney, Shelby. ec ee Smithfield, Jefferson. Somerton, Beimont. Somerset, Perry. Ss. Charlest ton, Clarke. Spencerville, Allen. Springfield, Clarke. se “ee Steubenville, Jefferson. “ ee Stryker, Williams. Sunbury, Delaware. Sylvania, Lucas. Swanton, Portsmouth. Tiffin, Seneca. se se Tippecanoe, Harrison. Tippecanoe City, Miami. Toledo, Lucas. “ce ss Toronto, Jefferson. Troy, Miami. sé ee Uhrichville, Tuscarawas. Name, Grand Vilcher House. Clinton House. Commercial House. Ecart House. Central House. Watkins House. Beecher House. Aetna Hotel. Beem House. Bauk Hotel. Southard Hotel. Rapp Hotel. National Hotel. Deiker House. American Hotel. Greiner House. McGallory House. Sloan House. West House. Lake House. Central Hotel. American House. Burnel) House. Nichols Hotel. Sherwood Hotel. American Hotel. American House. Wagner House. Felton House. Sherman House. Whitacre House. American House. Ackley House. Keith House. Logonda Hotel. Arcade Hotel. St. James Hotel. Lowe’s Imperial H. Mossgroves Miles Hotel. Sunbury Hotel. Lathrop Hotel. Hilton House. Pratts Hotel. Shawham House. Central House. City Hotel. Boody House. Burnett House. Hotel Union. Oliver House. St. James Hotel. Hote] Madison. Brady House. Morris House. Hatfield House. Central Hotel. Upper Sandusky, Wy andot. Pierson House. Central House. Place. County. CUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR OHIO—Continued. Name. Upper Santiceloy: Wyandot. Hudson House. Utica, Licking. Urbana, Champaign. ce “6 Van Wert, Van Wert. Vermillion, Erie. Versailles, Darke. Wadsworth, Medina. Wapakoneta, Auglaize. “eé “ Warren, Trumbull. Washington, Fayette. Wauseon, Fulton. Waverly, Pike. Waynesville, Warren. Wellington, Lorain. Wellston, Jackson. Wellsville, Columbiana. West Alexandria, Preble. West Cleveland, Cuyahoga. West Jefferson, Madison. West Liberty, Logan. West Milton, Miami. West Salem, Wayne. Westerville, Franklin. Weston, Wood. West Union, Adams. Wharton, Wyandot. Willoughby, Lake. Wilmington, Clinton. ‘cc ss Winchester, Adams. Windham, Portage. Woodsfield, Monroe. Woodstock, Champaign. Wooster, Wayne. Xenia, Greene. 6é se Youngstown, Mahoning. ee e Zaleski, Vinton. Zanesville, Muskingum. ce “6 ce ce Clark House. Weaver Honse. Exchange Hotel. Van Wert House. Hotel Marsh. Commercial House. Lake House. American Hotel. Baughman House. Burnett House. Henry House. Park Hotel. Clifford House. Gardiner House. Arlington House. Eager House. Clinton House. Emmet House. Park Hotel. Hammel House. American House. Bundy House. Dobbins House. Wolfe House. W. Cleveland House. Mantle House. Liberty House. Pearson House. McVicker Hotel. Central Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Crawford House. Richland House. Powell House. West House. Central Hotel. Midland Hotel. Varien House. Continental Hotel. Starr Hotel. Driggs House. Buckeye Hotel. Archer House. American House. St. George Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Todd House. Grittin House Valley House. Arlington Hotel. Clitton House. Leibrand Hotel. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC.--This De- partment of ** THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” (taken for all the States and Territories in the U. S.) will be found the most COMPLETE and RECENT NATIONAL HOTEL DIRECTORY published. In proof of this statement Publishers in- vite comparison. It will be observed that ati Hotels in each town or city are not shown, but selections made from AM NG the best where there are more than one in a place. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR OHIO. Place, County. Name. Place. County. Name. Adelphi, Ross. Akron, Summit. 6s te 66 sé “ce ee 6é “ce Alliance, Stark. Ashland, Ashland. Ashtabula, Ashtabula. Athens, Athens. Batavia, Clermont. Bellaire, Belmont. Bellefontaine, Logan. “ec “sé 66 “ce “ec “ce Belpre, Washington. Bowling Green, Wood. Bryan, Williams. “cc 6e Bucyrus, Crawford. 66 ce Robt. Swinehart. Wilcox & Noah. P. P. Bock. Wn. H. Evans. EK. F. Donahue. C. F. Ingersoll. Isaac C. Gibbons. F. E. Hartzell. G. I. Yearick. E. N. Harinot. Henry Faussett. H. H. Nall Browns & Koons. R. J. Baneroft. C. C. Cratty & Co. Garrett & Co. James A. Odar. A. L. Wright. Philander Jones. Hamilton Bros. D. R. Rood. Samuel Case. Jacob Youse. J. M. Calkins. Jackson & McDonald. J. R. Clymer. Bucyrus, Crawford. Burton, Geauga. Butler, Richland. Cadiz, Harrison 6é ee Calais, Monroe. Caldwell, Noble. iT4 iT4 Cambridge, Guernsey. x4 ce ce «se Camden, Preble. cc 6é Canal Dover, Tuscarawas. Canton, Stark. oe “ee “cc ce Carey, Wyandot. 73 sé Carrollton, Carroll. ec “e Celina, Mercer. Chardon, Geauga. “ce ce “ce ce Chillicothe, Ross. Daniel Kauzleiter. W.S. Metcalf. J. W. Pearse. S. B. Shotwell. J. M, Estep. James E. Jones. Abe Young. I. C. Phillips. T. A. Tannehill. James EK. Lawrence. James R. Barr. O. P. Brown. I. E. Craig. John A. Hostetler. Jas. A. McFadden. Rockwell & Baird. Jas. Vallilee. Jos. Waunder. M. A. Smalley. John H. Tripp. James Holder. Snyder Bros. E. H, Treat. A.M. Goodrich. H. P. Penn. H. B. Lindlay. Place. County. Name. Chillicothe, Ross. Cincinnati, Hamilton. ce sc Circleville, Pickaway. Clarksburgh, Ross. Cleveland, Cuyahoga. ce cs sé “ce 6é ce Columbus, Franklin. ce se “e ‘6 se ee ee ce Conneaut, Ashtabula. Coshocton, Coshocton. Dayton, Montgomery. 66 66 O. W. Cone. S. F. Garrett. Williams & Co. Robt. J. Cresap. Lepper, Waide & Co. Myers, Gibbs & Co. Este & Schmidt. A.C. Horton. Jackson & Villitte. Lutz & Le Baron. O. M. Howser. Worthington & Dangerfield. WAC: Taylor. J. G. W. Cowles. L. M. Sonthern. Geo. E. Biant. Jonathan £. Linton. U. L. Jones. Je BY eéa@s HaNeal: Frank F. Hoffman. S. J. Smith. J. W. Murphey. Wm. H. Clark. John Kuniler,. Daniel La Sure, BR TO SST TN a AEE 3 Peis F eons FORTEREAL ESTATE ACENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR OHIC—Continued. ii Place. County. Name. Place, County. Name. Place. County. Name I I —— ee ‘ ie | Dayton, Montgomery. B. W. Lewis. Mantua Station, Portage. C. D. Ingell. Springfield, Cl 4 KS ef S. Sullivan. Marietta, estinetoee John A. Plummer, * Drees : ee q i oe | Defiance, Defiance. Chas. E. Bronson. ee ite Stephen Newton. e st J. M. Mavkles ) e if J: aaa : Marion, Marion. Geo. Van Fleet. “ H. . Peaches «“ ‘ an ing. Ue es M. B. Chase. Steubenville, Jefferson. _H. Fickes. “ « M. E. Orcutt. as A. H. King. “ arene ee eee Delaware, Delaware. Bere Gessner. ‘ ts Cr 1E% Wabace Swanton, Portsmouth. J. Q. Files ees! eae 1s , os enry True. Tiffin, Seneca. Pet EH ld ss gs H. E. Buck. Mechanicsburgh, Cham- Coe ar cree Hf Delphos, Van Wert. Emerson Priddy. paign. 3 T. S. Cheney. BU cs Anos: I Delta, Fulton. W.H. Gavett. Medina, Medina. Henry Collins. Be « Re Capa | Deshler, Henry. Ee We Mee cea Amos K. Clay. gs cs oe ee ia 6 ee . M. Patterson. iddle Point, Van Wert. F.C. Holden. 1 f | Eaton, Preble. H. H. Farr. Middletown, Butler. D. V. Bonnell. Baas eee neo. i Mae W. J. Banfill. Millersburgh, Holmes. A. J. Bell. Core ee | Elyria, Lorain. B. C. Manter. es “ J. G. Calhoun « ei . W. Hone. 4 - ‘ Gee i Nichols. a i Geo. W.’ Hull. st as i ne Ran : - . E. Brannen. 2 oY David Simpson o « ee Sener | Ge a G.C. Jeffries. ‘ “ E,J.Duer. Gat Core onee | ‘ g D. J. Peck. Minerva, Stark. GG. B. Greenwood er Geo. 8. Brailey. | Fayette, Fulton. 6.1, Allen. Teeter, Williams. JM, White. Geealcires oMians Bowman & Newman: | Felicity, Clermont. youn be Hichards. a Glen Morrow. W.S. Irwin. See tes & pos Sa i os. UD. Hee. 5 < iH} / “ ‘“ el Findlay, Hancock. C. M. Humason. eae ee Be x & Wee e | Fostoria, Seneca. J. J. Bradner. ie John § BRddock cs Ee . Frankfort, Ross. M. J. Timmons. e “6 TReOlUSaaanS oe Tae W. H. White. : Franklin, Warren. J. D. Miller. ‘ Gs John ¢ Koons: Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas. L. H. Ferguson. | ea ARE RE TCHOT: Sew areanerceyr ee John M. dritchfield. Upper Sandusky, Wyandot. Lawrence Freese. : apoleon, Henry. T. A. Hart < 6 i | Galion, Crawford. C. L. Crim. of a C.E Renal: « 5 3 Willard D. Tyler. Gallipolis, Gallia. i E Moore: Newark, Licking. ToPADneon Z 5 Alvin Kenan. s . . Summers. 66 6“ 1 5 : : ec : . peeman. Georgetown, Brown. Whitemané Markle. is Bs Gee. Wallees “ é See Oe Greenfield, Highland. Wm. H. Eckman. cs 6 T. O Do ores . " Chas. H. Holmes. Greenville, Darke. Dalrymple & Huff. as sf Geo Tener eS Uae Champaign. James Taylor. | i Fs Frizell & Rush. cf cs J. H.& rankli ? A. Kt. McKenzie. | « E J. H. Rhotchamel. New Bremen, Auglaize. PEGE eee Be ee Nee tle eB par Hi | meee apie A. A. Roland. New Lisbon, Columbia. R. W. Taylor. “6 «“ Jones & Wilson. | ilton, Butler W. B. Millikin. New Philadelphia, Tuscar- TWapabonet Ne Lal A. J. Scott. awas. apakoneta, Auglaize. Brotherton & Davis. i “ i ; J. H. Booth. Warren, Trumbull | James B. Smith. «“ « SO eee Clapp & Barnes. i « « Win. N. Hunter. FAT ee abvene Clan: John A. Hines. Washington, Fayette. S. L. Goldsberry i Hicksville Defiance i. ee ofa 3 LOR eNSe — =e z ie ce oe | resi ria _ 1. Herr. berlin, Lorain. CG. A. Metcalf. «“ ee _u. Barber. | AL ee ae ae oe W.B. Bedortha, | Waverly, Pike. DH. Biche Ironton, Lawr ei 7 gels. awa, Putnam. W.C. G. Krause. ee Gy RoC a AD i | , Lawrence. J. P. Shaw Oxford : McCoy & Moor il s ri Gan We Kove, xford, Butler. E WW, Sith. Wellington, Lorain. J. to yeone i ts S. C. McCoun. Painsville, Lake Hee B : W. EF. Herrick. | tc H. D. McKnight Been ouse & Baker. West Alexandria, Preble. Oscar Sheppard | «“ “ : . aulding, iding.. A. Durfey. West Jefferson, Madi COLIN Rees : ‘i been x Chas. Hakes. Fee ie ou Ryne ae Tackconwackson: GAS At acon % z Moyen & McKabe. Wa leue Dey, Lake. E J. Dickey “ ‘“ : a Fy yer Bros. ilmington, Cli TW Gnmlantg Jamestown, Greene. Gow peers Perrvebur E. P. Williams. coe ono. H anes Jefferson, Ashtabula. PEN oh eIse errys urgh, Wood. D. K. Hollenbeck. «“ é ecu er. « ‘ ED ancroft & Son. | Piqua, Miami. A. C. Buchannan Wooster, W: Cee « ey al): Knapp. Plain City, Madison. Howard C. Black. Xeni: Se ee M. L. Spooner. Kenton, Hardin LH a Pomeroy, Meigs. W.. Hysell. ae Seas. C. L. Spencer. Lancaster, Fairfield. Shaw eGaninghar pees Toe uae e Busse ¥ 3 fe Sth | - Wm. Davidson. Ge ’ See xeo. K. St. John. o s A. S. B : Lel ° ; ieee : . 8. Buck. | phon, Tan, HE Ragan Roge, Sa Saho tne [Tomes MRE, ah Gra . i Tob « ig Eleazor Lord. “ “ __ Evans, Owens & Son. Lodi Medin Geo. Hi Meiley. Richwood, Union. S rea be f teem & Son. | Logan, aecnne a We Jason. St. Clairsville, Belmont. W. A. McMech: eM ae ee Jae Caldwel fl London, Madison J hn Mi & Vickers. |St. Marys, Auglaize. Willis Kishler oe a «6 John H. Gantt. | lon, Madison. 10 an, Mitohe ll BE Baas Charipaien. Ae ae iY Avene Nutt. a 3 if ._ W. Durflinger. alem, Columbiana. cae Gane «i angler & Finley. | ete ‘ine, Walertener™” [Samak Bros” Gon 1'antoton.” | Sharan nan ESTATE MEN, [us Domina | runur, Vinton. . W. Coulthrop. hanes Grossing, Mercer. (C.S. M: . States and Territories in the U SE ae or cEae Blane McConnellsville, Morrow. r W Moki Sniele Wayne: R. E. nildy, Tony. “po lilustrat reel Bsnate Ace Deaus) Dunne: 2. Manchester, Adam SN eas eee Sidney, Shelby. Geo. H Teather Stevo aRVaT? its completeness, Publishers would say ai | M J Ss. Wm. Anderson ee a . Bunells. e are in all about 2,600 counties in the enti7e U.S ia | ansfield, Richland. OLIN, Snares ° : L. M. Sturdevant. and Territories; and, of this number, it will be found that | 6c ee MW ° Smithfield, Jefferson. Isaac Lewis oN er 2,550 counties are represented in from one to ten i | “ te . W. Mason & Co. | Springfield, Clarke. John H : iRoom: cities in each, by parties either actively engaged in Le Roy Parone: fe 23 ohn H. Johnson. R is branch of business or more or less identified in same E. W. McMillen. Tana extensive Directory for any class has not been pub-Place. County. Name. Ada, Hardin. Akron, Summit. a6 6s a6 66 ce ce Alliance, Stark. Andover, Ashtabula. Athens, Athens. Ashland, Ashland. Ashtabula, Ashtabula. Ashley, Delaware. Bainbridge, Ross. Barnesville, Belmont. ae ‘6 Batavia, Clermont. Batesville, Noble. Bellaire, Belmont. Bellefontaine, Logan. Berea, Cuyahoga. Berlin Hights, Erie. Beverly, Washington. Blanchester, Clinton. Bloomyille, Seneca. Bluffton, Allen. Bowling Green, Wood. ee 6é Bridgeport, Belmont. Bryan, Williams. Bucyrus, Crawford. ce ec cs cs Burton, Geauga. Butler, Richland. Cadiz, Harrison. “ce ee sé sé ‘ec ec Caldwell, Noble. Caledonia, Marion. Cambridge, Guernsey. ce ee Canal Dover, Tuscarawas. ce sé Canal Fulton, Stark. Canfield, Mahoning. Canton, Stark. ec oe Cardington, Morrow. sé ee Carey, Wyandot. Carrollton, Carroll. Celina, Mercer. “ec “ec Centreburg, Knox. Chagrin I’alls, Cuyahoga. Chardon, Geauga. Chillicothe, Ross. ae ce ce ce Cincinnati, Hamilton. 66 &e Circleville, Pickaway. 6é 6eé 6é 66 Cleveland, Cuyahoga. 66 63 66 66 66 66 6é 46 ox Citizens Bank. First Nat’! Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. City Nat’l Bank. Bank of Akron. Citizens Sves. & Loan Association. Alliance Bank Co. Bank of Andover. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Athens. First Nat’l Bank. Farmers Bank. Farmers Nat'l Bank. Ashtabula Nat’l Bk. Ashley Bank. Rockhold,Cook & Co. First Nat’l Bank. Peoples Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bellefontaine Nat’ Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Berlin Hights Bank. Citizens Bank. Peoples Nat’l Bank. Blanchester Bank. Seneca Bank. Exchange Bank. Peoples Bank. Commercial Bank. Exchange Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. First Nat’] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Monnett & Co. Boughton,Ford & Co. Butler Bank. Robt. Lyons. First Nat’l Bank. Harrison Nat’] Bank. Farmers & Mechanics Nat’l Bank. Noble Co. Nat’! Bk. Caledonia Dep. Bk. Guernsey Nat’! Bk. Central Nat’l Bank. Old Nat’l Bank. Exchange Bank. Tron Va]. Bank. Fulton Bank. Van Hyning & Co. First Nat’l Bank. City Nat’l Bank. Farmers Bank. Cardington B’k’g Co. First Nat'l] Bank. Peoples Bank. Cummings & Couch. S. M. Stockton. Citizens Bank. Godfrey & Milligan. Centreburgh Bank. Rodgers & Harper. Geauga Sygs. & Loan Association. Ross Co. Nat'l Bk. Central Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Union Nat’! Bank. Queen City Nat’l Bk. Metropolitan Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Third Nat’l Bank. Fourth Nat’l Bank. Fidelity Nat'l Bank. Nat’! La Fayette Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Second Nationel Bk. Third Nat’] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Cleveland Nat’! Bk. Union Nat’l Bank. Ohio Nat’l Bank. Com’! Nat'l Bank., Nat'l City Bank. BANKS AND BANKERS pzparrent ror OHIO. + Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Cleveland, Cuyahoga. Columbus, Franklin. ce 66 oe ce se ee Columbus Grove, Putnam. Conneaut, Ashtabula. Coshocton, Coshocton. 6c “ Covington, Miami. Crestline, Crawford. Creston, Wayne. Cuyahoga Falls, Summit. Degraff, Logan. Danville, Knox. Dayton, Montgomery. “ “ee Defiance, Defiance. be ‘é Delaware, Delaware. ce 6é “ce oe Delphos, Van Wert. Delta, Fulton. Doylestown, Wayne. Dresden, Muskingum. Dunkirk, Hardin. East Liverpool,Columbiana. East Palestine,Columbiana. Eaton, Preble. Edgerton, Williams. Elmore, Ottawa. Elyria, Lorain. ec 6c Felicity, Clermont. Fayette, Fulton. Findlay, Hancock. Flushing, Belmont. Fort Recovery, Mercer. Forrest, Hardin. Fostoria, Seneca. 6s ec Frankfort, Ross. Franklin, Warren. Fredrickstown, Knox. Fremont, Sandusky. ce ce ce ce Galion, Crawford. Gallipolis, Gallia. Garretsville, Portage. Geneva, Ashtabula. Genoa, Ottawa. Georgetown, Brown. Germantown, Montgomery. Girard, Trumbull. Granville, Licking. ‘é ce Greenfield, Highland. ee oe 6 Sreet'6 Green Springs, Seneca. Greenville, Dark. ce ee ce 6c Greenwich, Huron. Hamilton, Butler. “ce ce Hicksville, Defiance. Hillsborough, Highland. ce 6é 6 ce Hubbard, Trumbull, Huntsville, Logan. Huron, Erie. Tronton, Lawrence. 66 66 Nat'l Bk. of Com’rce. Mercantile Nat’l Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Deshler Bank. Com’! Nat’l Bank. Fourth Nat’! Bank. Exchange Bank. Exchange Bank. Conneaut Mutual Loan Asso. Commercial Bank. Farmers Bank. Stillwater Val. Bk. Babst B’k’g House. Creston Bank. International Bank. Citizens Bank. Danville Bank. Third Nat’l Bank. Dayton Nat’) Bank. ‘Winters Nat’l Bank. City Nat’l Bank. Merchants Nat'l Bk. Defiance Nat’l Bk. Merchants Nat] Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Delaware Co. Bank. Deposit B’k’g Co. Commercial Bank. Ramseys Bank. Doylestown Bank. Exchange Bank. Woodruff ’s Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Potters Nat’] Bank. Chamberlin Bros. Farmers & Citze. Bk. Preble Co. Bank. Farnham & Co. Elmore Bank. Nat'l Bk. of Elyria. Svgs. Dep. Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Fayette Bank. Farmers Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Porterfield & McDan- ield. Forrest Bank. Foster’s Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Merchants & Farmers ank. First Nat’l Bank. Fredrickstown Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. Fremont Svgs. Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. First Nat’! Bank. Ohio Valley Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Savings Bank. First Nat’] Bank. First Nat'l Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Girard Sves. Bank. Wricht, Sinnett & Wright. First Nat’l Bank. Commercial Bank. Citizens Bank. Highland Co. Bank. Green Springs Bank. Second Nat’! Bank. Farmers Nat'l Bank. Greenville B’k’g Co. Greenwich Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Second Nat’! Bank. Farmers Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Citizens Nat'l Bank. Merchants Nat'l Bk. Hubbard Nat’! Bank. W. W. Beaty. Huron Banking Co. First Nat’l Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Exchange Bank. Ironton, Lawrence. Jackson, Jackson. 6c “cc Jamestown, Greene. Jefferson, Ashtabula. Kent, Portage. Jeffersonville, Fayette. Johnstown, Licking. Kenton, Hardin. 6“ “e Kingston, Ross. Kinsman, Trumbull. Lancaster, Fairfield. sé “ “ec ““ Leesburgh, Highland. Lebanon, Warren. Leetonia, Columbiana. Leipsic, Putnam. Lima, Allen. Lodi, Medina. Logan, Hocking. London, Madison. Lorain, Lorain. Loudonville, Ashland. Louisville, Stark. Lynchburg, Highland. McArthur, Vinton. McConnellsville, Morrow. Madison, Lake. Madisonville, Hamilton. Malta, Morton. Manchester, Adams. Mansfield, Richland. ‘“ « “ &< Mantua Station, Portage. Marietta, Washington. co “a Marion, Marion. “ “ Martins Ferry, Belmont. ec 6s Martinsville, Clinton. Marysville, Union. ce cc Massillon, Stark. Mechanicsburgh, Cham- paign. Medina, Medina. H. C. Burr & Co First Nat’] Bank. Tron Bk. of Jachson. Farmers & Traders Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Kent Nat’l Bank. Bk. of Jeffersonville. Johnstown Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Kenton Svgs. Bank. Farmers & Mechanics Bank. Sciota Val. Bank. Kinsman Nat’l Bank. Lancaster Bank. Hocking Val. Bank. Fairfield Co. Bank. Leesburgh Bank. Lebanon Nat’! Bank. Leetonia Bank. Bank of Leipsic. Citizens Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Lima Nat’l Bank. Merchants Nat'l Bk First Nat'l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Peoples Bk.of Logan. Madison Nat’! Bank. London Exch. Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Loudonville Svgs.Bk. Farmers Bank. Louisville Dep. Bk. Lynchburg Bank. Vinton Co. Nat’l Bk. First Nat'l Bank. Exchange Bank. Exchange Bank. Malta Nat’l Bank. Manchester Bank. Farmers Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. Farmers Nat’l Bank. Sturges Bank. Mansfield Svgs. Bk. Crafts & Hines. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Marietta. Dime Svgs. Society. Farmers Bank. Marion Dep. Bank. Marion Co. Bank. Timothy Fahey. Commercial Bank. Exchange Bank. Farmers Bank, Bank of Marysville. Peoples Bank. Farmers Bank. Union Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Farmers Bank. Phoenix Nat’! Bank. Miamisburgh, Montgomery.H. Croby & Co. Middleport, Meigs. Middletown, Butler. Milan, Erie. Milford, Clermont. Milford Centre, Union. Millersburgh, Holmes. Minerva, Stark. Monroeville, Huron. Montpelier, Williams. Mt. Sterling, Madison. Morrow, Warren. Moscow, Clermont. Mt. Gilead, Morrow. Mt. Pleasant, J efferson. Mt. Vernon, Knox. ce ce Napoleon, Henry. Exchange Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Merchants Nat’l Bk. Milan Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Milford Centre Bank. Robt. Long & Co. J.& G Adams & Co, L. Myers. Exchange Bank. August Haynes. First Nat’! Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Bank of Montpelier. Farmers Bank. Morrow Bank. Lemar & Wiley. First Nat’) Bank. Morrow Co. Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Union Deposit Bank. Knox Co. Sygs. Bank. Knox Nat’! Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Heller & Saur.D BANKING DEPARTMENT FOR OHIO—Continued. BANKS AN Place. County. Name. eee aaa ee Nelsonville, Athens. Nevada, Wyandot. Newark, Licking. “ce ce New Athens, Harrison. New Bremen, Auglaize. New Carlisle, Clark. New Comerstown, Tuscar- awas. New Lexington, Perry. New Lisbon, Columbiana. New London, Huron. New Philadelphia, Tuscar- awas. ce New Richmond, Clermont. New Strai(sville, Perry. New Vienna, Clinton. Merchants & Miners Bank. Nevada Deposit Bk. Franklyn Bank. Peoples Nat'l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. John Dunlap. Boesel’s Bank. New Carlisle Bank. Exchange Bank. Perry Co. Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l] Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. A. Bates’ Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of Straitsville. New Vienna Bank. New Washington,Urawford.John A. Sheets. North Lewisburgh, Cham- paign. Norwalk, Huron. 4é ee és éé Oberlin, Lorain. Orrville, Wayne. Ottawa, Putnam, “ec 6é Oxford, Butler. Painsville, Lake. Paulding, Paulding. Perrysburgh, Wood. Piqua, Miami. Pitt, Wyandot. Plain City, Madison. Plymouth, Richland. Poland, Mahoning. Pomeroy, Meigs. as oe Port Clinton, Ottawa, Portsmouth, Scioto. ee &é «é ee Prospect, Marion. Quaker City, Guernsey. Ravenna, Portage. Richwood, Union. North Lewisburg Bk. Norwalk Nat’] Bank. First Nat’! Bank. Huron Co. Bkg. Co. First Nat’l Bank. Orrville Bank. Exchange Bank. A. V. Rice & Co. Citizens Bank. Oxford Bank. Lake Co. Bank. Painsville Nat'l] Bk. Potters Bank. Citizens Bank. Piqua Nat’] Bank. Citizens Bank. Pitt Bank. Plain City Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Farmers Deposit & Savings Bank. Pomeroy Nat’l Bank. First City Bank. S. A. Magruder. First Nat'l Bank. Farmers Nat'l Bank. Portsmouth Nat’l Bk. Prospect Bank. Quaker City Nat’l Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. Bank of Richwood. Ripley, Brown. Rock Creek, Ashtabula. Rushsylvania, Logan. Sabina, Clinton. St. Clairsville, Belmont. St. Marys, Auglaize. St. Paris, Champaign. Salem, Columbiana. « 6 7 “ Salineville, Columbiana. Scio, Harrison. Sandusky, Erie. Seville, Medina. Shelby, Richland. Shilo, Richland. Shreve, Sidney, Shelby. Wayne. Smithfield, Jefferson. Somerton, Belmont. South Charleston, Clarke. Spencerville, Allen. Springfield, Clarke. Steubenville, Jefferson. 66 es «6 7% Sunbury, Delaware. Thurman, Gallia. Tiffin, Seneca. “eé ef Tippecanoe, Harrison. Toledo, Lucas. oe ae Troy, Miami. 66 “ce Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas. nk. Upper Sandusky, Wyandot. Wyandot Co. Bank. Utica, Licking. Ripley Nat’l Bank. Gitizens Nat’] Bank. Van Wert, Van Wert. Svgs. & Loan Asso. Citizens Bank. Sabina Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Ban of St. Marys. Versailles, Darke. Wadsworth, Medina. Wapakoneta, Auglaize. St. Paris Nat’] Bank. Warren, Trumbull. Farmers Nat’l Bank. City Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Salineville Bank. Scio Ban. Citizens Nat’l Bank. Third Nat’l Bank. Moss Nat’l Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Shilo Bank. Farmers Bank. Citizens Bk. First Nat'l Bank. Belmont Nat’! Bank. Farmers Nat’] Bank. Bk. of S. Charleston. Citizens ank. First Nat’] Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Mad River Nat’l Bk. Lagonda Nat'l Bank. Springfield Nat’l Bk. Nat'l Exchange Bk. Steubenville Nat’l B. Commercial Bank. Farmers Bank. Thurman Nat’l Bk. Tiffin Nat’l Bank. Commercial Bank. Tippecanoe Bank. First Nat,l Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Northern Nat’l Bk. Toledo. Mat’l Bank. Merchants Nat’l Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Miami Co. Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank First Nat’l Bank, 6e ce Washington, Fayette. “ce 6c Wauseon, Fulton. Waverly, Pike. Waynesville, Warren. Wellington, Lorain. Wilmot, Stark. West Salem, Wayne. Westerville, Franklin. West Jefferson, Madison. West Milton, Mianai. West Union, Adams. Willoughby, Lake. Wilmington, Clinton. Winchester, Adams. Woodstield, Monroe. Wooster, Wayne. “cc 66 Wharton, Wyandot. Woodstock, Champaign. Xenia, Greene. éé ée 66 66 ce 6c Zanesville, Muskingum. ce &é ce 66 4c ce Sperry & Wilson. Youngstown, Mahoning. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Richwood, Union. Richwood Dep Bk. Urbana, Champaign. Third Nat’l Bank. Champaign Nat'l Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Van Wert Nat’! Bk. Central Bank. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Peoples Nat’! Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Western Reserve Nat’l Bank. Commercial Bank. Merchants & Farmers Bank. Peoples & Drovers B. Bank of Wauseon. Hays, Jones & Co. Jas. Emmitt & Co. First Nat'l Bank. J. H. Harris. First Nat’l Bank. Farmers Bank. West Salem Bank. Bank of Westerville. Commercial Bank. West Milton Bank. G. B. Grimes & Co. S. W. Smart. First Nat’] Bank. Clinton Co. Bank. Winchester Bank. Monroe Bank. Exch. Bk.of Wooster. Wayne Co. Nat’l Bk. Nat’l Bk.of Wooster. Richland Deposit Bk. Woodstock Bank. Xenia Nat'l Bank. Second Nat'l Bank. Citizens Nat'l Bank. Mahoning Nat] Bk. Commercial Nat] Bk. First-Nat’l Bank. Second Nat’l Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Union Bank. e Zanesville Bank. REQUEST.—Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘ Banks and Bankers De- partment” of “THE EvERY OFFICE FAavoRITE.” GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR OHIO. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name, _ Place. County. Name. Ada, Hardin. R. F. Black. Batesville, Noble. Steel & Rosemond. Caldwell, Noble. Wm. Chambers. Adelphi, Ross. Akron, Summit. ce “cc ce ce be 66 66 66 66 6 ce cé 66 66 ce 46 Alliance, Stark. Andover, Ashtabula, Athens, Athens. 6 ce ce ce ae ee Antwerp, Paulding. Ashland, Ashland. 6é éc¢ 6é sé ee 6c Ashtabula, Ashtabula. ce ce 6é “c Attica, Seneca. Bainbridge, Ross. Robt. Swinekart. C.S. Cobbs. Chas. Baird. Hall & Welsh. Newton Ford. N. Chalker. D. A. Doyle. 8. Edgerton. Ovialt & Allen. Vories & Vories. N. D. Tibbels. David Fording. Coulter & Brosins. J. W. Roberts. Browns & Koons. Grosvener & Jones. Chas. Townsend. Emmett Tompkins. L. M. Jewett. W. N. Snook. Smith & Smith. Barnesville, Belmont. ce “eé Batavia, Clermont. 6c ce Belpre, Washington. Bellaire, Belmont. Bellefontaine, Logan. Belleville, Richland. Bellevue, Huro. Berea, Cuyahoga. Beverly, Washington. Blanchester, Clinton. Bloomville, Seneca. Bluffton, Allen. Bowling Green, Wood. 66 6° ce 6s 6c «c Bridgeport, Belmont. Bryan, Williams. Buchanan, Pike. Campbell &Grosscup. | Bucyrus, Crawford. ¥. C. Semple. McComb & Curtis. Hoyt & Munsell. R. W. Calvin. KE. P. Langworthy. Lester Sutton. H. C. Claypool. Burton, Geauga. «se ee Cadiz, Harrison. “sé ce ee éc cc ee Caldwell, Noble. Jas. W. Walton. Petty & Smith. Louis Hicks. P. J. Nichols. D. R. Rood. Geo. M.. Woodbridge. West, Brown & West. A. H. Redding. J. B. Miller. G. A. Hubbard. John C. Preston. B. D. Scott. J. W. Snyder. T. E. Cunningham. Cook & Troup. IF. A. Baldwin. Robt. Dunn. R.S. Parker. Geo. Duncan. Philetus Smith. T. F. Black. John R. Clymer. Geo. H. Ford. W.S. Metcalf. D. Cunningham. Estep & Estep. D.-A. Hollingsworth. W.G. Shotwell. Wm. C. Oaky. 6 ce e ce ce ce Cambridge, Guernsey. 66 ee (74 «ce Camden, Preble. “eé sé Canal Fulton, Stark. Canfield, Mahoning. Ganton, Stark. Cardington, Morrow. 66 6é ée ce “6 cs Carey, Wyandot. Carrollton, Carroll. 6 ée ce 66 ee 66 Canal Dover, Tuscarawas. R. W. Simmons. C. L. Weems. E. H. Archer. J. M. Amos. Troette & Tannehill. R. W. Anderson. Steele & Rosemond. Tsaac E. Craig. J. M. Sheafer. John A. Hostetler. A. J. Kittinger. Canal Winchester, Franklin. Wm. H. Lane. J. R. Johnston. Wann & Bow. Baldwin & Shields. Austin Lynch. Chas. R. Miller. Jas. J. Grant. W.W. & J.J. Clark. H. B. Webber. - Bartlett &Barry. S. Brown. D. H. Hindman. G. P. Stiles. W. T. Dickerson. McCoy & Taylor. Eckley & Coleman. John H. Tripp. Robt. McDonald.GENERAL LAW AND Place. County. Name. Celina, Mercer. C. G. O. Miller. B. & C. H. Neel. P. Hayden & Co. Lake, Thayer & Smith Conneaut Mutual Loan Association. S. J. Smith. E. T. Spangler. Jesse T. Forbes, F.C. Hay. J. W. Murphy. Nathan Morey. Wm. H. Clark. Oscar F. Davisson. Place, County. Dayton, Montgomery. Defiance, Defiance. “ec ce 6c oe Delaware, Delaware. Delphos, Van Wert. Delta, Fulton. Deshler, Henry. Dunkirk, Hardin. Eaton, Preble. Elyria, Lorain. Felicity, Clermont. Fayette, Fulton. Findlay, Hancock. 6c “ Fostoria, Seneca. Frankfort, Ross. Freemont, Sandusky. Galion, Crawford. ce ee Gallipolis, Gallia. Genoa, Ottawa. Georgetown, Brown. Granville, Licking. Greenfield, Highland. Greenville, Darke. Hamilton, Butler. “se ce 66 ee Hicksville, Defiance. Hillsborough, Highland. Huntsville, Logan. Ironton, Lawrence. «ec ee ce 6 Jackson, Jackson. “ «e¢ Jamestown, Greene. Jefferson, Ashtabula. 66 cé ee ce Kenton, Hardin. Lancaster, Fairfield. «s a & o6 6¢ ee ee ce e¢ Lebanon, Warren. 6e ce 6é 6 Level, Warren. Lima, Allen. 6 ce ce ce Lodi, Medina. Logan, Hocking. London, Madison. ‘¢ ee McArthur, Vinton. ce “ McConnellsville, Morrow. Mansfield, Richland. ce 6c Mantua Station, Portage. Marietta, Washington. 6é << Marion, Marion. ee ot ee sé Massillon, Stark. Name. B. W. Lewis. Jno. Kumler. Chas. E. Bronson. J.F. Frost, W.C. Fravis. F. A. Kauffman. B. J. Brotherton. Wm. Ramsey. J. M. Patterson. W oodruff’s Bank. Watson & Kelly. H.H. Farr. W.G. Banfill. Wm. H. Tucker. A. W. Nichols. G. C. Jefferies. Jno. L. Richards. C.L. Allen. C. M. Humason. L. C. Fullerton. Alfred Grayler. Jno. A. Bradner. D. C. Anderson. Freemont Sv’gs Bank J. W. Coulter. C. L. Crim. D. Y. Smishers. S. D. Coveden. Sv’gs Exchange Bank Whiteman& Markley Wright, Sinnett & Wright. Wm. H. Eckman. P. H. Maher. Frizell & Rush. J. H. Rhotchamel. O. Hayworth. Wm. B. Millikin. C. Benningofhen Stephen Crane. J.S. M. Webster. Coulter & Griffin. A Wiggins. W.D. Kelly & Sons. D. C. McCoun. Thos. McGooney. Geo. W. Keye. Moore & Moore. C. A. Atkinson. W. R. Paxon. H. N. Bancroft & Son E. D. Knapp. James K. Lowry. J. M. Shallenberger. Jno. Crooks. David Bright. Wm. Davidson. W. M. Hacket. R. W. Gilchrist. J. T. Gilchrist. D. P. Egbert. T. J. Patterson. S. H. Treat. Geo. H. Meily. EK. P. Wilkins. G. W. Jason. J.B. Butin. V.C. Lowry. Stephen Watson. Jno. Thompson. Warren Armstrong. M. M. Cherry. J. F. Forman. H. W. Coultroop. J. W. McElhiney. M. W. Mason & Co. Le Roy Parsons. C. A. Shouse. Crafts & Hine. Thos. Ewart. Stephen Newton. Dime Savings Society. Scofield & Garberson. McNeal & Welford. J. Q. Codding. German Dep. Bank. Miamisburgh, Montgomery.H. Croby & Co. Middle Point, Van Wert. Middletown, Butler. F.C. Holden. Oglesby & Barnitz. Place. County. Middletown, Butler. Millersbureh, Holmes. Minerva, Stark. Morrow, Warren. (73 “ce Mt. Gilead, Morrow. Mt. Vernon, Knox. ce ce “ce 66 Napoleon, Henry. Newark, Licking. ee 6¢ 6 ce cb ce cs ce New Bremen, Auglaize. New Carlisle, Clarke. New Lisbon, Columbiana. New Philadelphia, Tuscar- awas, « 66 North Lewisburgh, ‘Cham- paign. ; Oberlin, Lorain. Ottawa, Putnam. Oxford, Batler. Painsville, Lake. ¢ “et ce “e 6é C6 Paulding, Paulding. Perrysburgh, Wood. Piqua, Miami. Pomeroy, Meigs. 66 «e Port Clinton, Ottawa. Portsniouth, Scioto. Quaker City, Guernsey. Ravenna, Portage. “ «ec Richwood, Union. Ripley, Brown. St. Clairsville, Belmont. St. Marys, Auglaize. St. Paris, Champaign. Salem, Columbiana. Salineville, Columbiana. Sandusky, Erie. Scio, Harrison. Sherwood, Defiance. Sidney, Shelby. Smithfield, Jefferson. Springfield, Clarke. 6 s «cc it] Steubenville, Jefferson. Tiffin, Seneca. 6e oe Troy, Miami. “cc rT “ 66 Name. Geo. W. Cary. Frederick Knapp. G. G. B. Greenwood. Geo. Harner. E. W. Woodward. W. M. Carlisle. M. Burr Talmadge. Samuel Geller. E. I. Mindenhall. Howard Harper. John D. Ewing. Israel & Koons. Michael Donnaly. T. A. Hartman. J. Rees. J. R. Davies. M. D. Phillips. Carl Norpenn. John Dickinson. Boesel Bros. & Co. Rannells & Kerr. Firestone Bros. Lodge & Small. John A. Hines. J. H. Booth. E. Sherett. Webster & Gilmore. W.B. Bedortha. Thomas & Sutton. P. W. Smith. F. J. Cone. House & Baker. Sextus Sloan. H. J. McFarland. Painesville Svgs. & Loan Ass'n. Murphy & McKabe. Geyer Bros. Chas. Haykes. D. K. Hollenbeck. A.C. Buchanan. W. E. Hysell. W. A. Royce. Wm. E. Bense. Geo. E. St. John. Wm. Bertch. Citizens Saving Bk. Alex. Cochran. E. S. Comstock. N. H. Smith. J. H. Dussell. S. S. Gardiner. W. W. Gilliland. T. W. Emmerson. W, A. MeMechan. Willis Kishler. Ed. Hawke. Boone & Campbell. H. Greener & Son. Cope & Thompson. Geo. J. Anderson. Hogue & Donaldson. Geo. Rock. L. M. Sturdevent. Geo. H. Bunnelle. Tsaac Lewis. Springfield Svgs Bk. Springfield Abst. Co. James S. Goode. Wm. Foos. Pa eaewis: Waddle & Kemble. Thos. J. Kintz. Robert Lisle. A.C. Barbour. Ira E. Strong. Merchants & Clerks Savings Inst’n. Toledo Svg’s Bank & Trust Co. Keeler, Holcomb &Co. Spitzer & Co. James Raymer. Baker,Smith & Baker. Seagray Bros. H.S8. Walbridge. Burns & Thomas. Burkett & Kyle. M. G. Culp.MORTGACE LOAN ACENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR OH!IO—Continued. Place. County. Name, Place. County, Name. Place. County. Name. Troy, Miami. E. K. White. Warren, Trumbull. Lamb Bros. Wilmington, Clinton. Sayers & Sayers. Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas. T. D. Healea. s of C. A. Stark. Wooster, Wayne. . R. Bonewitz. Upper Sandusky, Wyandot. Wm. F. Pool. Washington, Fayette. H. Jones. Xenia, Greene. John Hagle. ce Re Seaman. o <¢ S. L. Goldsberry. s y A.8. Buck. . = Tl Vi) Reber: sf € Dial & Eycke. SS C. L. Smith. Urbana, Champaign. 6e «s “cc 6s Utica, Licking. Van Wert, Van Wert. “cc “ce ‘é “ce Wapakoneta, Auglaize. “ec 6 sé &6 Warren, Trumbull. David Ayers, Home Savings Bank. Samuei C. Gladden. Louis D. Johnson. A. R. McKenzie. Sperry & Wilson. WBS W. M. Kear. J. B. Parker. A.S. Burt. Brown & McFarland. Layton & Shaw. John B. Brantley. C. F.Clapp & Barnes. 66 ce Wauseon, Fulton. sé ce 6c “ce Waverly, Pike. Waynesville, Warren, ee “ce Wellington, Lorain. H. M. Daugherty. John C. Rorick. s eo) nm OD ry by a oO zi as oO an ce sé Youngstown, Mahoning. “ce ee se sé Zanesville, Muskingum. ce ce oc se Luther Hanes. Wick Bros & Co. Alfred H. Rice. Leibman & Son. Spangler & Finley. J. K. Caldwell: John W. King & Oo. EXPL&NATION.—This Department represents parties engaged in making and inter Loan Securities and through whom be safely made or obtained. ested in First Mortgage such investments may Western and southern loan West Union, Adams. G. B. Grimes & Co. Wellshire, Van Wert. J..H. Simes, Willoughby, Lake. S: W. Smart ss a K. J.. Dicky. Wilmington, Clinton, Perfect & Grady. s es H. F. Walker. agents will do well to correspond with the parties, or con- cerns, whose addresses are given by this Department for eastern states when disposing of such securities. Kindly mention ‘‘THE EvERY OFFICE FAVORITE”? in your corres- pondence. Seen Gok eas COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Cor. 6th and Locust Street. DEES MOINES, - LOW A. The Largest and Best Com- mereial School in lowa. For Circulars Address, MEHAN & GRAHAM. THE NORTHWESTERN HOTEL REPORTER, 513 Mulberry Street, DES MOINES, = IOWA. Is the best advertisising medium in the United States. It goes direct to all the principal hotels in all the cities and leading towns in the Union and Canada. Send for rates and sample copy. REMINDER.-If it is stated where advertisement is noticed, advertisers canrefer, and more promptly and satisfact- orily answer your inquiry or correspondence.—Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”Oo SE OREGON. e HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR OREGON. Place. County. Name. Albany, Linn. Albina, Multnomah. Arlington, Gilliam. Ashland, Jackson. Astoria, Clatsop. “cc oe ce ce Aurora, Marion. Baker City, Baker. 6é ee Bonanza, Klamath. Brownsville, Linn. Buena Vista, Polk. Burns, Grant. Canyon City, Grant. Centreville, Umatilla. Cheteo, Curry. Gondon, Gilliam. Corvallis, Benton. Cottage Grove, Lane. Dallas, Polk. Dayton, Yam Hill. Denmark, Curry. Drain Douglas. Revier House. Exchange Hotel. Albina House. Sanford House. Gillmore .House. Houck Hotel. Occident Hotel. Parker House. Astor House. O’Brian’s Hotel. Aurora Hotel. Arlington Hotel. St. Lawrence H. Bonanza House. Wilson House. Buena Vista House Burns Hotel. City Hotel. New Hotel. St. Nicholas Hotel. Miller House. Pliter House. Occidental House. Vincent House. Cottage Grove Hol. Dallas Hotel. Collins lfotel. Dayton Hotel. Frentzen Hotel. Drain Hotel. B. Portland, Multnomah. E. Portland Hotel. Ellensburgh, Curry. Empire City, Coos. Eugene City, Lane. REAL North Star Hotel. 3ay View Hotel. Lockhart House. Pioneer House. Baker House. Place. County. Name. Eugene City, Lane. ForestGrove, Washington. Forrest Grove a: Fossil, Gilliam. Gardiner, Douglas. Gaston, Washington. Halsey, Linn. | Harrisburg, Linn. Heppner, Morrow. Hillsboro, Washington. Hobsonville, Tillamook. Independence, Polk. Jacksonville, Jackson. John Day, Grant. Junction City, Lane. KlamathA gency, KlamathKlamath House. ‘Essex Hotel. La Fayette, Yam Hill. La Grande, Union. Lake View, Lake. Lebanon, Linn. Long Creek, Grant. Lone Rock. Gilliam. MeMinnville, Yam Hill. Marshfieid, Coos. Medford, Jackson. Mitchell, Crook. Myrtle Point, Coos. Newport, Benton. Oakland, Douglas. Oregon City, Clackamas. St. Charles House. Kennedy House. Wade Hotel. Pacific Hotel. Gaston House. Villiard House. Copia Hotel. City Hotel. Der Gasthof House. Tualatin House. Hillsboro House. Bay View Hotel. Bar View Hotel. Belt House. Independence Hotel U.S. Hotel. Kelly’s House. Junction House. Blue Mt’n Hotel. Lake View House. St. Charles Hotel. McDowell House. Robinson House. Central House. Blanco Hotel. Central House. Cunningham House Mitchell House. Palmer House. Border House. Bay View House. Rail Road Hotel. Phoenix Hotel. Place. County. Name. Paisley, Lake. Pendleton, Umatilla. a3 se Perrydale, Polk. Portland, Multnomah. ce ce ée ce ce ce ce ce Port Oxford, Curry. Prineville, Crook. Roseburgh, Douglas. Salem, Marion. Scio, Linn. Silverton, Marion. The Dalles, Wasco. ce “6 ce ce Tillamook, Tillamook. Union, Union: Weston, Umatilla. Oregon City, Clackamas. Cliff House. Paisley House. Villard House. Pendleton Hotel. Golden Rule Hotel. Eureka House. St. Louis House. St. George Hotel. St. Charles Hotel. Esmond Hotel. Gilman Hotel. Metropolitan H. Snapp [louse. Jackson House. McLallan House. Cosmopolitan House Central Hotel. Chemeketa House. Scio Hotel. Wolford House. Umatilla House. Jackson House. Columbia House. Cosmopolitan House Occidental Hotel. Centennial Hotel. Marshall House. & TO THE TRAVELING PUBL!C,—This de- partment of “‘ Tar Every OFFCE FAVORITE,” (taken for all the states and territories in the United States,) will be found the most coMPLETE and RECENT NaTIONAL HOTEL DirEcrorY published. In proof of this statement Pub- lishers invite comparison. It will be observed that aLL Hotels in each town or city are not shown but selections made from amone the best in each, when there are more than one in a place. ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR OREGON. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Albany, Linn. Burkhart & Keeney | Eugene City, Lane. Jno. B. Harris. Cline, Monteith &Co | ForestGrove, Washington.L. C. Walker. 6 ce Albina, Multnomah. Arlington, Gilliam. Ashland, Jackson. Astoria, Clatsop. ce ce Baker City, Baker. Beaverton, Washington Blalock, Gilliam. Bonanza, Klamath. Buena Vista, Polk. Burns, Grant. Canyon City, Grant. Carlton, Yam Hill. Centreville, Umatilla. Chetco, Curry. Condon, Gilliam. Coquille, Coos. Cornelius, Washington. Corvallis, Benton. Dallas, Polk. Dora, Coos. J. M. Pettinger. Condon & Cornish. Concklin Wickham. Jordan & Bozorth. W. E. Dument. I. W. Case. Geo. H. Tracy. . A. J. Hamilton. L. O. Ralston. G. B. Van Riper. L. M. Hall. Waters & Waters: M. Dustin. C. A. Sweek. H.C. Plummer. W.£E. Butcher. Thos. Van. Pelt. L. W. Darling. J. A. Dean. Walter Sinclair. A. Kk. Milner. G. A. Wagoner. J. R. Baldwin. W.S. Frink. N. J. Ellis. J. G. Cocke. EK. Portland, Multnomah. Creitz & Lambers. 6c Ellensburgh, Curry. Empire City, Coos. Eugene City, Lane. 66 6 a6 cc Jno. Ogilber. W. W. Gibbs. J. Huntley. Isaiah Hacker. Geo. M. Dyer. Geo. M. Miller. J. L. O’Brien. Te untone Geo. B. Davis. Fossil, Gilliam. Gaston, Washington. Harrisburgh, Linn. Heppner, Morrow. Hillsboro, Washington. Hobsonville, Tillamook. Independence, Polk. Jacksonville, Jackson. ee 6é John Day, Grant. Junction City, Lane. La Hayette, Yam Hill. es 6¢ Lakeview, Lake. ce ce6 Lebanon, Linn. Linkyille, Klamath. Marshfield, Coos. ce ce ce ce Maysville, Gilliam. Medford, Jackson. Mitchell, Crook. Myrtle Point, Coos. Newport, Benton. Oakland, Douglas. S. Hughes. H. H. Hendricks. Cc. A. Van Houton. A. J. Hallock. W. 4H. Rucker. T. D. Tlumphrerys. J. E. Sibley. J.S. Cooper. H. Hushberg. G. A. Hubbell. S. J. Day. W. H. Kelly. A. Stinit. KlamathAgeny,Klamath.Geo. W. Loosley. Fenton & Fenton. A.M. Hurley. W. L. Bradshaw. Jerome Knox. W. A. Welshire. Langell’s Val., Klamath. H. W. Keesee. F. M. Miller. Nichols & Hamaker Cogswell &Cogswell McMinnville, Yam Hill. Chas. W. Talmage. Crawford & Lock- hart. J.C. Gray. H. Senstacken. Joe. Mattingly. A. L. Johnson. A. Helmes. Edward Bender. A. J. Ray. ). A. Sehlbrede. Place. County. Name. Alvin Phelps. Raley & Crews. EB. W. Farrow. R. J. Slater. R. A. Emmett. Alsen & Wake- | field. Fred J. Clarke & Co Oretown, Tallamook. Pendleton, Umatilla. Plevna, Plymouth. Portland, Multnomah. “e ce ef St. Petersburgh Svg’s Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Sandy Lake Svg’s Bk Schwenksville, Montgomery. Schwenksville Nat'l Bank. Scottdale, Westmoreland. Scottdale Bank. Scranton, Lackawanna. First Nat’] Bank. Third Nat’l Bank. Lackawanna Val. Bk. Scranton City Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Sellersville Nat’l Bk. Shamokin, Northumberland.} First Nat’l Bank. Shamokin Bkg Co. Sharon Nat’] Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Farmers & Mechanics Bank. Tron Banking Co. First Nat’] Bank. Shrewsbury Svg’s Bk Slatington Nat'l Bk. Slippery Rock S. Bk. Henry Havelin. Somerset Co. Bank. Union Nat’] Bank. KE. P. Wilbur & Co. Spring City Natl Bk. Spartansburegh Bk. First Nat'l Bank. Stroudsburgh Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Sugar Grove Svg’s Bank. Sunbury, Northumberland. First Nat’l Bank. Susquehanna, Susquehanna. First Nat'l Bank. City Nat'l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Tidioute Sve’s Bk. May, Park & Co. Second Nat’l Bank.Place. County. Name. Titusville, Crawford. Topton, Berks. Towanda, Bradford. Troy, Bradford. ; Tunkhannock, Wyoming. Tyrone, Blair. Union City. Erie. Uniontown, Fayette. ee “ec Warren, Warren. Washington, Washington. Waterford, Erie. Hyde Nat’l Bank. Roberts Nat’) Bank. Commercial Natl Bk. Topton Nat’l Bk. First Nat’] Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. Pomeroy Bros. Wyoming Nat’l Bk. Blair Co. Bk’g Co, Tyrone Bk. Farmer’s Cooperative Banking Co. Peoples Bank. Fayette Co. Nat’l Bk. First Nat’l Bank. First Nat'l Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Citizens Nat’l Bank. Waterford Bank. Place. County. - land. Waynesburgh, Greene. Wellsboro, Tioga. West Chester, Chester. ce cc c 66 Westfield, Tioga. West Grove, Chester. West Middlesex, Mercer. West Newton, Westmore- land. Whitehaven, Luzerne. Wilcox, Elk. Wilkes Barre, Luzerne. Watsontown, Northumber- Waynesborough, Franklin. Name, First Nat’l Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Farmers & Drovers Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Nat’l Bank of Chester Co. First Nat’l Bank. Karmers Nat’l Bank. Farmers & Traders Bank. West Grove Nat’l Bk Veach’s Bank. West Newton Bk. White Haven Syg’s Bank. Brown’s Bank. First Nat’l Bank. BANKS AND BANKING DEPARTMENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA-—Continued. Place. County. Wilkes Barre, Luzerne, ee ce “6 66 Williamsburgh, Blair. Williamsport, Lycoming.. “es “ Wrightsville, York. York, York. “ec 66 “ce ce Youngsville, Warren. Zelienople, Butler. Name. Second Nat’l Bank. Peoples Nat’] Bank. T. V. Rockafellow. Williamsburgh Bk. First Nat’l Bank. Western Nat’l Bk. Williamsport Natl Bk First Nat’] Bank. First Nat’! Bank. York Co. Nat’l Bank Farmers Nat’l Bank. Western Nat’] Bank. Mechanics & Drovers Nat’] Bank. Youngsville Sve’s Bk Zelienople Bank. REQUEST.— Please to always mention, when opening correspondence with any bank or banker here given, that their address was taken from the ‘‘Banksand Bankers Depart ment”? of ‘THE EvERY OFFICE FAvyorrIps.”? By so doing you confer a very great favor to Publishers. GENERAL LA W AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA. Place. County. Name. Allentown, Lehigh. 66 “cc 66 6c “6 6c “ 6 &“ 66 Altoona, Blair. &é “ ‘é c Apollo, Armstrong. Ashland, Schuyllall. Athens, Bradford. Bangor, Northampton. Beaver, Beaver. “ec “ce “ce “ “ “é Beaver Falls, Beaver. Bedford, Bedford. 3 66 és 6é ce Bellefounte, Centre. be ce “cc ce Berwick, Columbia. Bethlehem. Northampton. Blairsville, Indiana. Bloomsburgh, Columbia. ‘cé ce Boyertown, Berks. Braddock, Allegheny. Bradford, McKean. Bristol, Bucks. Brookville, Jefferson. Brownsville, Fayette. Butler, Butler. sé “ Canton, Bradford. Carbondale, Lackawanna. “cc as Carlysle, Cumb erland. &<é ce Carrolltown, Cambria. Catasauqua, Lehigh. Catawissa, Columbia. Centralia, Columbia. Chambersburgh, Franklin. T3 “ Chester, Delaware. é 66 John D. Styles. Edward Harvey. Jas. 8. Byrie. C. J. Erdsman. Eli J. Schwartz. K. F. Schock. Thos. B. Metzger. Alexander & Herr. M. E. Buckley. W. M. Beyer. James Whitworth. M. M. Lavelle. We Aw Marrs = Evans & Maynard. H. C. Baird. Chase & Mackey. S Wilson. W.S. Morlan. J. B. Young. Moore Bros. R. Cope. Edward F. Kerr. Alex. King. John Lutz. John H. Jordon. Blanchard & Blanch- ard. Beaver & Gephart. Dale & Dale. C. B. Jackson. R. L. Cope. W.&. Boyers. John D. Freeze. Chas. J. Barkley. Ikeler & Herring. Calvin D. Ernes. Francis S. Bennett. Smiley & Hastings. McSweeney & Byles. Se wacks B. F. Gilcox. White & Scott. S. H. Whithill. Chas. Corbet. Boyle & Mestrezatt. Williams & Mitchell. Thompson & Son. Chas. M. Andlis. Shaw & Sechrist. M. E. Lilly. P. C. Gritman. W. F. Lathrop. J. 2 Burr: Henderson & Hayes. Stewart & Stewart. E. W. Biddle. J.C. Easly. Samuel S. Duffy. Yocum & Geyer. Wm. Bryson. Brewer & Gehr. John Stewart. Orr & Gillin. Wu. B. Broomall. Geo. M. Booth. Place. County. Name. Chester, Delaware. Clarion, Clarion. Clearfield, Clearfield. ce cc “ 6é Coatesville, Chester. Cochranton, Crawford. Columbia, Lancaster. ce “e Connellsville, Fayette. Wni. Ward. J.B. Hannum. David M. Johnson. Jenks & Reed. W.A. Wallace. Cyrus Gordon. Thos. H. Murray. J. F. Snyder. Wm. F. Barber. Tyler & Hallock. H. M. North. A. J. Kauffman. P.S. Newmyre. Conshohocken, Montgomery.David H. Ross. Cooksburgh, Forest. Corry, Erie. Coudersport, Potter. ce ee ‘é ¢é é “ce 6eé ee 6c ee «ec ce Danville, Montour. ee ce Dillsburgh, York. Doylestown, Bucks. Driftwood, Cameron. Du Bois, Clearfield. ce 6c Duke Centre, McKean, Dushore, Sullivan. Easton, Northampton. es sé ‘ec ée 6G @ ce Ebensburgh, Cambria. “é “ce “ce 6 oe és Eldred, McKean. Elkland, Tioga. Emporium, Cameron Ephratah, Lancaster. Erie, Erie. Espy, Columbia. Everett, Bedford. Franklin, Venango. ce “ ce 6c Freeburgh, Snyder. Freedom, Beaver. Freeport, Armstrong. S. W. Calvin. Bowman & Baker. Larrabee & Lewis. T. W. Knox & Son. Peck & Scoville. M. J. Colcord. INE becks Benson & Dornan. A.J. Harper. H. M. Hinckley. Vincent & Scarlet. Wm. C. Johnston. D. J. Williams. Henry Lear. J. P. MeNamey. Geo. D. Hamor. A. L. Cole. D. 8S. Herron. W. EK. Burdick. R. J. Thompson. Bryan 8. Collins. H. W. Scott. EK. J. Fox & Son. R. E. James. W. Mutchler. John E. Seanlan. A. V: Barker. Alvin Evans. T. W. Dick. i. R. Mayo. John 8. Ryon Newton & Green. J.C. Johnson. J.C. Metzger. F. B. Leet. M. Brenan. J.M. Judd. W.K. Seltzer. FE. L. Whitelsy. C. L. Baker. J.C. Bradey. H. J. Curtz. Robert S. Howell. Frank Fletcher. k. M. Pennell. J. S. Carmichael. P. W. Dunn. Jas. D. Hancock. H. H. Grimm. A. P. Marshall. Geo. M. Hill. Place. County. Name. Gettysburgh, Adams. ce “ee ce 6“ Girard, Erie. Greencastle, Franklin. David Wills. David McConaughy. J.C. Neely. J. A. Ketzmiller, E. J. Hinds. Wm. Adams. Greensburgh, WestmorelandH. W. Walkinshaw. cc ce Greenville, Mercer. Grove City, Mercer. Hamburgh, Berks. Hanover, York. Harrisburgh, Dauphin. 66 6é Hatborough, Montgomery. Hawley, Wayne. Hazelton, Luzerne. _ Hollidaysburgh, Blair. ce “se ec 66 Honesdale, Wayne. ee “se ce ce “cc “ Houtzdale, Clearfield. Hummelstown, Dauphin. Huntingdon, Huntingdon. ee “ce ce oe Indiana, Indiana. sé sé “ee “ Irwin, Westmoreland. Jamestown, Mercer. Jenkintown, Montgomery. Jersey Shore, Lycoming. Johnstown, Cambria. oe sé ee 6s ee ce “ce sé ce ce Kittanning, Armstrong. as ee 66 66 ce 6c Knox, Clarion. “é éé Lancaster, Lancaster. “ce ae ¢ “se ce “ec Langhorne, Bucks. La Porte, Sullivan. “ce 6 sé “ce Latrobe, Westmoreland. Lebanon, Lebanon. Hazlett & Williams. Alex. Eicher. K. P. Gillespie. Frank J. Young. J. E. Miller. C. M. Wolf. Weiss & Gilbert. Lamberton & Lam- berton. Flemming & McCar- rell. H. K. Weand. M. M. Treadwell. P. C. Kauffman. H. M. Baldridge. Martin Bell. Mathew Catvin. tw. C. Mumford. Geo. G. Waller Geo. S. Purdy. Chas. 8S. Miner. W. H. Patterson. W. I. Shaw. F. J. Schaffner. Brown, Bailey & Brown. L. Ee Bears. H. E. Butz. W.R. Black. Jno. W. Banks. Geo. W. Hood. Silas McCormick. D. C. Bruce. M. H. Kahler. H. H. Martin. Jno. P. Linton. W. Horace Rose. Jas. Potts. Cyrus Elder. D. MeLauchlin & Son Chas. L. Dick. Buffington & Buflfing- ton. J. M. Hunter. McCain & Leason. W. D. Patton. T. J. Vangesen. Jno. Austin & Son. J. Hay Brown. S. H. Reynolds. D. F. Davis. W. M. Franklin. Henry W. Watson. B, P. Ingham. B. M. Denham. Jesse T. Little. Paul H. Gaither. Wm. M. Derr. Feisle ecsbenae Diedaiea namie coceada cosasENERA Place. County. Name. Grant Weidman. John Benson. Jno. M. Schwalm, jr. Sam’! Gilham. F. A. Snyder. Alfred Hayes. Sam’l H. Orwigg. JT. K. Van Dyke. D. W. Cox. fiffin. D. W. Woods & Son. a Geo. W. Elder & Son os uC Jas. S. Rockard. i ile, Crawford. J. D. Bowman. Bue M. A. Gibson. “ gs R. P. Miller. Littlestown, Adams. Jos. H. Le Fevre. Lock Haven, Clinton. S. R. Peale. et ss T. C. Hippell. W. C. Kress. és oe Chas. Corss. Lykens, Dauphin. J. C. Deerbin. McConnellsk burgh, Fulton. Jno. A. Robinson. Geo. A. Smith. Jno. P. Sipio. Lebanon, Lebanon. Leechburgh, Armstrong. Lehighton, Carbon. Lewisburgh, Union. ee as ce “e cc Lewiston, \ ce “ec “cc ee ee McVeytown, Mifflin. J. BR. Wirt. McKeesport, Allegheny. J. Ewing Speer. Mahanoy City, Schuylkill. T. H. B. Lyon. Mansfiel ld, Tioga. J. W. Adams. Henry Allen. Mansfield Valley,Allegheny.0O. k. Cook. Marietta, Lancaster. D. B. Case. Martinsburgh, Blair. S. P. Lysinger. Mauch Chunk, Carbon. Freyman & Keifer. cs ce Craig & Loos. et cs H. R. Seivers. J. S. Fisher. Humes & Frey. Brae & McClin- Tyler & Hallock. Mechaniesburgh, Cumberl’ d.W. P. Lloyd. H. H. Mercer. Henry C. Howard. S. Griffith & Sons. S. Mason & Sons. J.J. Alexander. J. D. Emmery. Geo. W. Atherton- H. S. Gockley. F. E. Bower. F. J. Smith. Jas. G. Crous. Jacob Gilbert. Middletown, Dauphin. C. H. Hoffer. Miffinburgh, Union. Horace P. Glover. Jno. Beard. Mifflintown, Juniata. Ezra D. Parser. Milford, Pike. C. W. Bull. ue ce D. M. Vananken. a es Hy. T. Baker. Mills, Potter. Wilmot Strong. Milton, Northumberland. Wm. F. Durr. Jno. McCleery. Seth W. Gear. ce ee Meadville, Crawford. ce ce Media, Delaware. Mercer, Mercer. ce cc Mercersburgh, Franklin. Meyerstown, Lebanon. Middleburgh, Snyder. 6e ee 66 “ce Minersville, Schuylkill. Monongahela City, Wash- ington. Thos. H. Baird. Montrose, Susquehanna. McCollum, Serle & Smith. Jesup & Jesup. O'Neill & Post. F. I. Lott. Mt. Carmel, Northumberl’ d. W. B. Faust. Voris Auten. Mt. Joy, Lancaster. R. H. Long. Mt. Pleasant, Westmorel’d.C. S. Keliy. Mt. Union, Huntingdon. 13. J. DeVore. Muncy, Lycoming. A. D. Hammer. New Bloomfield, Perry. Junkin & Junkin. a ch WA, Spousler. e Ss W.N. Seibert. New Brighton, Beaver. B. B. Chi amberlin. New Castle, Lawrence. W.D. Wallace. sf e Doud & Long. W. 4H. Falls. Oscar L. Jackson. New Holland, Lancaster. A. W. Snader. Newport, Parry. W.A. Spansler. Newtown, Bucks. Geo. A. Jenks. Newville, Cumberland. R.M. Cochran. Nicholson, Wyoming. 8. L. Tiffiny. Norristown, Montgomery. Chas, H. Stinson. ef os B. HK. Chain. H.D. Hancock. ce cc te ce ce ee éé “ec ce ce Oil City, Venango. Place. County. Cc L LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR P — GENER ee Name. Oil City, Venango. “e ce Oxford, Chester. Pennsburgh, Chester. Petrolia, Butler. 6é 6c 6 «ce 6“ “ 6 Cs 4 6 “ &é ee «cc “ “cc ce 6c «ce Phillipsburgh, Centre. Phoenixville, Chester. Pittsburgh, ‘Allegheny. “ec &e “ 66 “ «“ ¢é 6é 6 6c «¢ ee “ €¢ Pittston, Luzerne. Pottsville, Schuylkill. ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ee 6c ee Punxsutawney, Jefferson. ce ee Quakerstown, Bucks. Reading, Berks. € 66 Renovo, Clinton. Ridgeway, Elk. Ridgeway, Elk. Rochester, Beaver. St. Mary, Elk. Saltsburgh, Tndiania. Sandy Lake, Mercer. ¢ “ “cc 4c “é “6 “cc 6c ‘cé“ ce “ Shannondale, Clarion. Parkers Land’g, Armstrong. Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Pleasantville, Venango. Pottstown, Montgomery. Quarryville, Lancaster. Reynoldsville, Jefferson. Selin’s Grove, Snyder. Sharpsburgh, Alleghen Shenanhoah, Sehuylicih” Ash & Cary. Wilmot Herd. H. H. Fisher. Wn. T. Fulton. Jno. Smullin. H. J. Smith. J. H. Lewis. Barringer & Barrin- eer, 407Walnut St. | Somerset, Somerset. Chas. Chancery Bin- ney, 712 Walnut St John A. Clark, 480 Walnut St. Geo. W. Clarke, 217 S. Sixth St. Robt. P. Dechert, 4 S. Merrick St. Edward S. Lawrence, 906 S. Seventh St. Jas. H. Little, 424 Walnut Street. Wm. S. Price, 623 Walnut Street. Rand & Patton, 17 8 Third Street. Jos. R. Rhodes, 514 Walnut St. T. J. McCollough. H. H. Gilkison. Duff & Brennen, 157 4th Ave. W. OC. Erskine. 144 5th Ave. T. §. Parker, 158 4th Ave. McMullen & Myler, 140 5th Ave. Miller & McBride, 129 5th Ave Mayce & Davis, 414 Grant St. Thos. M. Marshall, 117 Diamond St. T. McConnell & Sons, 91 Diamond St. G. S. Ferris. C. W. Bennett. Miller D. Evans. B. Bryson McCool. Jno. W. Ryon. Jas. Ryon. W. J. Whitehouse. F. P. Bechtel. Jas. Ellis. Richard Koch. C. M. Bruer. W.M. Fairman. Win. EB. Scosch. W. U. Hensel. Geo. F. Baer. Willis H. Bland. Cyrus G. Durr. Benj. F. Belpra. Ermentrout. Jas. H. Furguson. M. M. Davis. N.T. Arnold. Geo. R. Dixon. C. B. Earley. H. M. Powers. M. F. Mecklen. H. A. Hall W. W. Ames. ° ENNSYLVANIA—Continued. Place, County. Name. Shippensburgh, Cumber- land. - BE. J. McCune. Shrewsbury, York. J. W. Latimer. Slatington, ‘Lehigh. David D. Roper. Slippery Rock, Butler. Leo. McQuistion. Smethport, } MeKe an. Hamlin & Son. Sterrett & Rose. Morrison & Apple. Kd. B. Scull. Jno. R. Scott. “ “ec = f J. Gy, Pugh. és ‘a Jno. Ogle. Sonne Bethlehem, North- pton. J. D. Brodhead. _ Franklin March. W. W. Hensel. Stephen Holmes. Chas. B. Staples. Jno. B, Storm. J. B. Williams. Sunbury, } Northumberland. W.C. Packer. S. P. Wolverron. ee go Baie Chester. Strasburgh, Lancaster. Stroudsburgh, ) Monroe. “ce ee 66 6 6e 6e ‘es C. G. Voris. Susquehanna, Susquehanna. M. J. Larrabee. es M. M. Riley. Conrad Shindel. J. W. Kinnear. F. E. Smith. Saml. D. Irwin. Miles W. Tate. J.B. Agnew. Tamaqua, Schuylkill. Tidioute, Warren. Tioga, Tioga. Tionesta, Forest. ce ee s ce EB. L. Davis. ct es T. Fk. Richey. cf f P. M. Clark. Guthrie & Byles. Sherman & Grumbine Geo. A. Chase. Sam’! Minor. I. M. McFurson. Elsbree, Williams & Elsbree. Titusville, Crawford. ee cc ce ce Towanda, Bradford. us 7 Peck & Overton. « 6 Davies & Hall. « “ Jas. H. Webb. Rockwell & McCollum A. C. Fanning. A. Morgan. Tunkhannock. Wyoming. Jos. W. Piatt. s s Chas. M. Lee. Howard Streeter. Chas. E. Terry. W. L. Hicks. Stevens & Owens. J. W. Sprow. Edward EGarapelle Thos. B. Searight. Brown & Stone. Ball & Thompson. Wetmore, Noyes & Hinckley. Washington, Weéshington. John L. Gow. Waterford, Erie. Wm. Benson. Watsontown, Northumber- : land. Lorinzo Everitt. Waynesborough, Franklin. Geo. Welch. Waynesburgh, Greene. D. Crawford & Son. Hook & Pollock. Joseph Patton. Elliott & Watrus. Foot & Chanwall. Washington Town- Troy, Bradford. ce “ec 66 “ec Tyrone, Blair. Union City, Erie. Uniontown, Fayette. Warren, Warren. 6s 6e oe “6 6e “6 Wellsboro, ‘Tioga. West Chester, Chester. E. J. Wimmer. W. T. Cline. J. H. Robb. Schwenksville, Montgomery.J. A. Strassburger. Scottdale, Westmoreland. J.R. Smith. Scranton, Lackawanna. W. A. Wilcox. A.D. Dean. EK. B. Sturges. Gunster & Wells. Willard & Warren. Ranck & Smith. Connelly & Davis. A.C. Simpson & Son A. W. Potter. Shamokin » Northumberland. G. W. Ryon. Peter Mahn. Tanner & Shilling. W. A. Lewis. J. H. Pomeroy. send. re Ss Monaghan & House. ss ss Wm. I. Barber. * cs Alfred P. Reid. oe < Wm. B. Waddell. a gs Arthur IT. Parke, D. W. Baldwin. G. L. Halsey. McLean & Jackson. Geo. R. Bedford. H. G. Troxell. H. C. Parsons. as as J, Co aa: i ef V. H. Metzger. Wrightsville, York. J. H. McConkey. York, York. Geise, Zeigler & Westfield, Tioga. White Haven, Luzerne. Wilkes Barre, Luzerne. Williamsport, Lycoming. ce cs Strawbridge. a eS Keesey & Keesey. Ps a Levi Maish. m st Cochran & Williams. e x H. W. McCall. % ei C. H. Hawkins.NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR Pennsylvania. Pwace. County. Name. Allegheny, Allegheny. Allentown, Lehigh. Altoona, Blair. Ambler, Montgomery. Annville, Lebanon. Apollo, Armstrong. Ashley, Luzerne. Athens, Bradford. Bangor, Northampton. Beaver, Beaver. Beaver Falls, Beaver. Bedford, Bedford. Bellefounte, Centre. H. A. McKee. Berwick, Columbia. W.E. Smith. Bethlehem, Northampton. C. EK. Breeder. Blairsville, Indiana. W.R. Tiuby. Bloomsburgh, Columbia. Paul E. Work. o s J. C. Brown. A. L. Smith. W.4H. Watt. D. H. Jack. W.H. H. Fine. W.S. Hammond. J. J. Houghton. John H. Ulrich. S. M. Nelson. W. B. Mitchell. Cal. Hull Geo. W. Mackey. A.S. Moore. J. F. Merriman. Walter I’. Moore. Boyertown, Berks. Braddock, Allegheny. Bradford, McKean. Bristol, Bucks. Brookville, Jefferson. H. H. Brosins. Brownsville, Fayette. John Wallace. Burgettstown, Washington.J. L. Patterson. Butler, Butler. A. D. Williams. Cannonsburgh, Washington.H. Bennett. Canton, Bradford. W.C. Sechrist. Carbondale, Lackawanna. J. E. Burr. Carlysle, Cumberland. John B. Landis. Catasauqua, Lehigh. R. Clay Hamersly. Catawissa, Columbia. John BE. Yocum. Centralia, Columbia. C. G. Murphy. Chester, Delaware. Orlando Harvey. ze S Patrick Bradly. Isaac W. Slocum. M. M, Kauffman. W. H. Ross. E. A. Goodfellow. J. W. Thompson. Henry G. Thomas. Christiana, Lancaster. Clarion, Clarion. 6c “e Clearfield, Clearfield. Clintonville, Venango. Coatesville, Chester. Columbia, Lancaster. J. W. Yocum. Connellsville, Fayette. John Kurtz. Conshohocken, Montgomery. Wm. H. Cresson. Corry, Erie. C. G. Harmon. Coudersport, Potter. Arthur B. Mann, Conneautyille, Crawford. F.R. Nichols. Curwensville. Clearfield. Joe Irvin. Danville, Montour. Robert Adams. Dillsburgh, York. G. W. Cook. Downingtown, Chester. J. R. Downing. Doylestown, Bucks. John D. James. Wn. Stuckert. Du Bois, Clearfield. ie AIMS ae Duke Centre, McKean. W. E. Burdick. East Berlin, Adams. A. W. Storm. Hast Brady, Clarion. J. W. Hill. Easton, Northampton. R: C. Pyle. Ebensburgh, Cambria. M. D. Kittell. Edenborough, Erie. F, A. Temple. Eldred, McKean. E.R. Mayo. Elkland, Tioga. R. B. Skinner. Emlenton, Venango. Jas. W. Rowland. Emporium, Cameron. Samuel H. Storrs. Erie, Erie. Wm. P. Hayes. Y vA John W. Shannon. Jverett, Bedford. J. M. Wilson. Franklin, Venango. Samuel T. Anderson. P. Bentell. Geo. M. Hill. D. J. Benner. Freedom, Beaver. Freeport, Armstrong. Gettysburgh, Adams. Girard, Erie. C. F. Webster. Glen Rock, York. Henry Seitz. Great Bend, Susquehanna. S. B. Chase. Greencastle, Franklin. Jacob Hostetter. Greensburgh, WestmorelandH. W. Wilkinshaw. Greensborough, Greene. F. Thompson. Greenville, Mercer, C. R. Beatty. Hanover, York. A. N. Michael. 5x C. R. Weitershausen. Andrew K. Wittman. Place. County. Harrisburgh, Dauphin. Hatborough, Montgomery. Hawley, Wayne. Hazelton, Luzerne. Hollidaysburgh, Blair. Honesdale, Wayne. Honey Brook, Chester. Houtzdale, Clearfield. Hummelston, Dauphin. Huntingdon, Huntingdon. Indiana, Indiana. Jamestown, Mercer. Jenkinton, Montgomery. Jonestown, Lebanon. Johnstown, Cambria, “ee sc Kennett Square, Chester. Kittanning, Armstrong. Knox, Clarion: Laneaster, Lancaster. Landsdale, Montgomery. Latrobe, Westmoreland. Lebanon, Lebanon. Leechburgh, Armstrong. Lehighton, Carbon. Lewisburgh, Union. Lewistown, Mifflin. Linesville, Crawfood. Lincoln, Lancaster. Littlestown, Adams. Liverpool, Perry. Lock Haven, Clinton. Lykens, Dauphin. McVeytown, Mifflin. McKeesport. Allegheny. Mansfield, Tioga. Mansfield Val., Allegheny. Marietta, Lancaster. Mauch Chunk, Carbon , Meadville, Crawford. Name. S. W. Flemming. lL. N. Evans. Join B. Thompson. N. C. Yost. A. F. Asterloe. James B. Elred. R. W. Morton. J.B. McGrath, Jno. Hummel. Henry Glazier. S.J. Telford. W. A. McMaster. A. H. Baker. H, E. Eshleman. Chas. Zimmerman. A. Montgomery. D. D. Phillipps. D. B. Heiner. D. EH. Lewis. Chas. E. Long. Chas. 8S. Jenkins. J. ©. Hard: Sam’l H. Bentz. Jno. M. Schwalm, jr. H. V. Morthimer. W. R. Follmer. Samuel S. Brisbin. S.H. Wilson. W. J. Snavley. S. S. Bishop. W. W. Holman. J. R. Youngman. Paul S. Merrill. J.C. Durbin. Edmund Conrad. Thos. Penny. Henry Allen. A. W. Waldie. J. I. Brandt. L. H. Barber. W.S. Rose. Mechanicsburgh,Cumberl’d.H. H. Mercer. Media, Delaware. Mercer, Mercer. Mercersburgh, Franklin. Meyersdale, Somerset. Meyerstown, Lebanon. Middletown, Dauphin. Mifflimburgh, Union. Mifflintown, Juniata. Millersburgh, Dauphin. Mills, Potter. Milton, Northumberland. Montrose, Susquehanna. L. H. Richards. H. H. Zeigler. L. C. Reasner. Samuel Faust. Jno. H. Immell. C. H. Hoffer. J. W. Lincoln. Te Vie Irwin: 5S. S. Bowman. O. W. Strong. Jos. Angstadt. Amos Nichols. Mt. Carmel, Northumberl’d.M. K. Watkins. R Mt. Joy, Lancaster. Mt. Union, Huntingdon. New Bloomfield, Perry. New Brighton, Beaver. New Castle, Lawrence. New Holland, Lancaster. Newtown, Bucks. Nicholson, Wyoming. Norristown, Montgomery. ee ee North East, Erie. Oil City, Venango. Osceola, Tioga. Oxford, Chester. j Long. Frank Harrison. J. C. McAllister. G. L. Everhart. Hiram G. Miller. James Dillar. J.P. Hutchinson. Irving W. Billings. Geo. Shanon. J. M. Albertson. B. C. Spooner. Martin Carey. F. J. Seeley. J. EK. Ramsey. Parker’s Land’g,Armstrong.Jno. Smullin. Parkersburgh, Chester. M. F. Hammel. Parnassus, Westmoreland. Alex. W. Logan. Petrolia, Butler. Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Jas. W. Barr, 629 S. 6c “cc 66 66 W.S. Wolcott. Broad St. Dan’1S. Lindsay, S. 40th Ludlow St. Theodore, D. Rand, 17S. Third St. Place. County. Name. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Hans Weniger,484N3d oa it Stacy J). Pancoast, 800 N. Tenth St. W. Frederick Snyder, N. 5th, C. Green St. W. Morris, 102 Court. P. M. Cushing, 43-18 Butler St. W. L. Watson. D. W. Henderson. Horace Evans. . B. Bryson McCool. Thos. J. Cooper. James R. Kenney. Thos. Yarrington, jr. vf F. M. Banks. Renovo, Clinton. J. H. Furguson. Reynoldsville, Jefferson. Albert Reynolds. Ridgeway, Elk. H. M. Powers. Rochester, Beaver. M. F. Mecklin. St. Mary, Elk J. Shaffer. St. Petersburgh, Clarion. Jno. V. Ritts. Saltsburgh, Indiana. J.C. Moore. Schwenksville,Montgomery.John G. Priser. Scranton, Lackawanna. A. D. Dean. st ss T. F. Wells. cf cf A. L. Baker. Selin’s Grove, Snyder. H. Alexander. Shamokin, Northumberland:W. W. Ryon. Sharon, Mercer. John McClure. Sharpsburgh, Allegheny. R. M. Coyle. Shippensburgh,Cumberland.J. D. Geesman. Shrewsbury, York. Ww. F. Myers. Slatington, Lehigh. David McKinna. Slippery Rock, Butler. B. P. Patterson. Smethport, McKean. John N. Apple. somerset, Somerset. W.H. Welfley. South Bethlehem, North- ampton. J. D. Broadhead. Spartansburgh, Crawford. D. W. Tryon. Strasburgh, Lancaster. G. W. Hensel, jr. Stroudsburgh, Monroe. Oscar Dresher. Sugar Grove, Warren. J.C. Hamilton. Sunbury, Northumberland. Geo. H. Neff. Susquehanna, Susquehanna. Le Grand Benson. Tamaqua, Schuyllall. Conrad Shindel. Tidioute, Warren. E. M. Curtis. Tionesta, Forest. Miles W. Tate. Titusville, Crawford. Samuel Grumbine, cs cc J. J. Holden. Towanda, Bradford. Geo. 8. Estell. Troy, Bradford. F, H.. Hoffman. Tunkhannock, Wyoming. F. C. Ross. Tyrone, Blair. W. L. Hicks. Uniontown, Fayette. Geo. B. Sherman. Warren, Warren. H. E. Brown. Washington, Washington. John M. Braden. Watsontown, Northumber- land. Lorinzo Everitt. Waynesborough, Franklin. Victor Goode. Waynesburgh, Greene. James H. Sayers. Wellsboro, ‘Tioga. Walter Sherwood. West Chester, Chester. Wm. T. Baker. Westfield, Tioga. Ed. M. Seeley. West Middlesex, Mercer. J. M. Veach. Wilkes Barre, Luzerne. Benj. Reynolds. = #7 A. A. Sterling. B. H. Metzger. A. N. Green. John A. Mitzell. Youngsville, Warren. John A. Jackson. REQUEST.—In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, ote., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘‘Notaries Public Protest and Conveyaneing Department” of “THE EVERY OFFICE Favorite.’ By £0 doing, yon confer a favor to the Publishers of this Direct- “ce 6 “ “ec Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Pittston, Luzerne. Pleasantville, Venango. Pottstown, Montgomery. Pottsville, Schuylkill. Punxsutawney, Jefferson. Reading, Berks. Williamsport, Lycoming. York, York. ory and it also affords an introduction which gives extra assurance of your business receiving prompt and careful attention.Place. County. Allegheny, Allegheny. Allentown, Lehigh. ‘ ‘“ Altoona, Blair. « “ Annville, Lebanon. © Ashley, Luzerne. Athens, Bradford. Beaver, Beaver. “ec oe Beaver Falls, Beaver. Bedford, Bedford. Bellefounte, Centre. ce “ Berwick, Columbia. ce ee Blairsville, Indiana. _ Bloomsburgh, Columbia. 6c 6c “é “ec Blossburgh, Tioga. Boyertown, Berks. Bradford, McKean. «e 6 Bristol, Bucks. Brookville, Jefferson. Butler, Butler. Cambridgeboro, Crawford. Canton, Bradford. Carbondale, Lackawanna. Carlysle, Cumberland. Catasauqua, Lehigh. Catawissa, Columbia. Ghambersburgh, Franklin. “cc 66 Chester, Delaware. “ ee “e “ Clarion, Clarion. Clearfield, Clearfield. 4é 66 ce ee Coatesville, Chester. Cochranton, Crawford. Columbia, Lancaster. “ “se Coudersport, Potter. “cc “ce “ec ce ce 66 Curwensville, Clearfield. Danville, Montour. Delta, York. Doylestown, Bucks. se ce Du Bois, Clearfield. Dushore, Sullivan. Easton, Northampton. ce “ec «s “ce East Texas, Lehigh. Kbensburgh, Cambria. Elkland, Tioga. Emporium, Cameron. Erie, Erie. “ec “ec ec “ Franklin, Venango. ‘i “ Freeport, Armstrong. Gettysburgh, Adams. 66 “cc Grant, Indiana. Name. R. E.Loan& Trust Co. Workingmans Svg.B. Martin Kemmerer. Hecker & De Long. Leiseuring & Waiker. F. Anthony Schantz. W. 8B. Couch. W. J. Anderson. Maulfair & Dean. Ashley Svgs. Bank. Evans & Maynard. Jacob Weyand. R. 8. Embry. Economy Svgs. Instn. Hartley & Bowers. B. Valentine. Beaver & Gephart. John Irwin, jr. GC. C. Evans. W-E. Smith. Wm. Maher. C. F. Barkley. Wu. Chrisman. Bloomsburgh BkgCo. F. E. Smith. Calvin D. Ernes. J. W. McFarland. C. D. Angell. Thos. K. Negus. C. H. Blood. S. F. Bowzer. Williams & Mitchell. J.L.& A. Kelly. Shaw & Sechrist. Miners & Mechanics Svgs. Bank. Jas. H. Bosler. Dr. A. A. Thompson. A. F. Koons. Yocum & Guyer. Orr & Orr. H. M. White. Chester Bke. & Svg. Fund Co. J. Engle Cochran, sr. Samuel Lyons. A.C. McComb. W. H. Hindman. C. Le Conte. W.C. Foley. John W. Rigley. Thos. H. Forcey. Henry G. Thomas. Farmers Co-operative Trust Co. C. C. Kauffman. E. K. Smith & Co. C.S Peck. N. J. Peck. A. G. Olmsted. Isaac Benson. E. A. Irvin. Vincent & Scarlet. J.T. Crawford. Bucks Co Trust Co. Henry Lear. Hugh B. Eastburn. Samuel A. Finlan. Chas. H. Barrett. J. P. Taylor. Thos. J. Ingham. Hetrick & Noble. Wm. C. Edleman. Geo. H. Kechline. Stephen Acker. Johnston Buck & Co. Patun & Parkhurst. Jos. Housler, Ball & Colt. J. W. Shannon. Wm. P. Hayes. Lamberton Svgs. Bk. Sves. Bk. of Franklin. Wm. Kiskadden. J. C. Neely. Geo. J. Benner. H. H. Jacobs. Greensburgh, Westmoreland Murchund & Gaither. McWilliams & Baker, Greensburgh, WestmorelandF. (. Gay & Co. Greenville, Mercer. Hamburgh, Berks. Hanover, York. EH. L. Templeton. Hamburgh Svgs. Bk. Hanover Svgs. Fund Place. County. Name. Harrisburgh, Dauphin. 66 6é ce ee Hazelton, Luzerne. _ Hollidaysburgh, Blair. Honesdale, Wayne. ee ce Houtzdale, Clearfield. Huntingdon, Huntingdon. 6c $6 Indiana, Indiana. ec ee Johnstown, Cambria. ee 6é Kennett Square, Chester. Kittanning, Armstrong. Lancaster, Lancaster. “ “é “cc ce ce 4é Latrobe, Westmoreland. Lebanon, Lebanon. ee ° “cc Lewisburgh, Union. 6 “6 Lewistown, Mifflin. Linesville, Crawford. Littlestown, Adams. Lock Haven, Clinton. 66 “e McConnelJsburgh, Fulton. Mansfield, Tioga. Martinsburgh, Blair. Mauch Chunk, Carbon. Meadville, Crawford. ce ee “ce ee Media, Delaware. ee 6é Mereer, Mercer. ce 6 Meshoppen, Wyoming. Mifflintown. Juniata. Milford, Pike. Milleasburgh, Dauphin. Milton, Northumberland. Montrose, Susquehanna. ‘ 6e 66 Morrisville, Bucks. New Bloomfield, Perry. New Brighton, Beaver. New Castle, Lawrence. “ec ee, Newtown, Bucks. Nicholson, Wyoming. ee “ee Norristown, Montgomery. North Hast, Erie. Oil City, Venango. 6 6e ce oe Parkesburgh, Chester. 66 66 ge 6 ‘6 «6 66 66 66 “ 66 Pf Tt ‘e 6é wn ce 66 Society. Pheenixyille, Chester, Commonwealth Guar. Trust&Safe Dep.Co John J. Biggs. Wm. Wolf. Markley Rros. & Co. S. P. McFadden. Wayne Co. Svgs Bk. David Kenner. E. A. Penneman. J.B. McGrath. Speer & McMurtrie. J. R. Simpson. R. A. Miller. Jno. McGauhey. J. Az GC. Rutfiner; German, Building & Loan Association. Jno. E: Strayer. EK. R. Green. F. W. Hill. Jos. Painter. Alex. A. Herr. D. P. Locher & Sons. J. H. Metzler. Bausman & Burns. W.S. Head. E. L. Kehler & Son. Lebanon, Trust & Safe Dep. Bank. J. Merrill Linn. Wm. Jones. Ww. Russell & Son. Linesville Svgs Bank. Littlestown Svgs.Inst. Proctor Myers. H. T. Harvey. F.. Shafer Johnson. W.R. Shaftner. Ross & Williams. Fred Hyle. E. R. Seivers. A. H. Tobias. J. Ford Dorrance. J. R. Dick & Co. Delamater & Co. Peoples Savings Bk. H. R. Manley. T. E. Lewis. H.M. Brooks. J. W. Bell. O. H. Loomis. Parker & Co. C. W. Bull. 8. 8. Bowman. Wm. C. Lawson. M.S. Allen. W.H.& H.C. Jesup Able Turrell. Elwood P. Wright. Mt. Carmel, Northumberl’d.Mt. Carmel Svgs Bk. Junkin & Junkin. Jno. C. Whitley. Geo. W. Miller & Son Harbison & Knox. J.S. & I. W. Merrick. Irving W. Billings. D. S. Black. J.M.Albertson&Sons, Peoples Savings Bk. Oil City Trust Co. F. W. Mitchell & Co. Oil City Svgs Bank. Samuel R. Parke. Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Stahl & Strobb, 18S. Third St. - C. T. Yerkes, jr., & Co.,305 Chestnut St Winthrop P. Smith, 324 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Savings Fund Society. Western Svgs. Fund Society. Cathedral Syvgs. Fund Society. Townsend, Wheeler & Co.,3809 Walnut. Chas. W. Hare, 119 S. Fourth St. Keen, Bodine & Co., 26 S. Third St. Bailey & Salter, 2220 Oxford St. R.G. Carey. MORTGAGE LOAN acewts anD INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR Pennsylvania. Place. County. Name, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. &6 se 6c «é ee “6 c6 &eé ce ‘ce ce e¢ ce sé ce ce Pittston, Luzerne. “ec ee Pottstown, Montgomery. Pottsville, Schuylkill. Reading, Berks. 66 6¢ Ridgeway, Elk. Rochester, Beaver. St. Mary, Elk. Saltsburgh, Indiana. Scranton, Lackawanna. (sé ee ce “ec ce cé ce ce Selin’s Grove, Snyder. Shannondale, Clarion. Sharon, Mercer. ee ee Shenandoah, Schuylkill. Shrewsbury, York. Sinnamahoning, Cameron. Slatington, Lehigh. Smethport, McKean. Souderton, Montgomery. Somerset, Somerset. 6s 66 Spring City, Chester. Steelton, Dauphin. Strasburgh, Lancaster. Stroudsburgh, Monroe. ce 6 Sugar Grove, Warren. Sunbury, Northumberland. “ce ee 6s 6 Susquehanna, Susquehanna Tamaqua, Schuylkill. Tidioute, Warren. Tionesta, Forest. Titusville, Crawford. Towanda, Bradford. Troy, Bradford. Tunkhannock, Wyoming. cc ee Tyrone, Blair. Union City, Erie. Uniontown, Fayette. Warren, Warren. ee 6é ce ce Washington, Washington. “ ce Watsontown, Northumber- land. Waynesburgh, Greene. Wellsboro, Tioga. West Chester, Chester. c ce ce és ee ce West Grove, Chester. W. Newton, Westmoreland Wilkes Barre, Luzerne. “c 66 Williamsport, Lycoming. ce 6é York, York. te ce Youngsville, Warren. Zelienople, Butler. Shamokin, Northumberland. Rea Bros. & Co., 425 Wood St. McCune & Coulter, 98 Fourth Ave. S. Arnold, 93 Fourth Ave. N. Holmes & Sons, 309 Market St. Tron & Glass Dollar Svge's Bank. German Sye’s & Deposit Bank. R. E. Svg’s Bk.(Lt’d.) Peoples Svg’s Bank, PittsburghBkforSves Miner’s Svg’s Bank. Peoples Svg’s Bank. Daniel Price. Chas. H. Woltjin. Kendall & Bros. Lewis Kremp. & Bro. Kerschner & Keever. Hall & McCauley. Adam Johnson. Hyde, Hall & Co. Saltsburgh Bank. Scranton Svg’s Bk. & Trust Co. Scranton Syg’s Bk. A. D. Dean. FE. E. Loomis. Albro & Morris. A. C. Simpson & Son. Geo. W. Ryon. Clover & Co. Alex McDowell. S C. Simonton. A. W. Leiseuring. Shrewsbury Svg’s Institution. John Brooks. David McKenno. Henry Hamlin. I. G. Gerhart. J. Harry Fritz. Edmund Kurnan. C.S. Francis. Chas. H. Babb. - James McClure. Lewis M. Burson. David Kelly. Sugar Grove Svgs Bk J. B. Packer: Shipman & Brice. D. ‘I’. Rohrback. .G. Curtis & Co. Tamaqua Bk’¢ & Trust’Co. Grandin Bros. A. B. Kelly. W. B. Roberts & Son John Holmes. Pomeroy Bros. F.C. Bunnell & Co. A. M. Eastman. D. T. Caldwell. Izra Cooper. James A. Searight. Warren Sve’s Bank. Densmore & Cable. Meacham & Co. Samuel Hazlett. Wm. Smith & Son. John W.& A.Donnan Lorinzo Everitt. J. A. F. Randolph. Elliott & Watrus. David M. McFarland. Rupert & Phillips. Wm. T. Marshall. Pyle & Brown. S. K. Chambers. . James A. Dick. Wilkes Barre Deposit & Savings Bank. Miners Svg’s Bank. Winfield S. Allen. Campbell & Me- Cornish. V. K. Keesey. Schall & Danner. Youngsville Svg’s Bk Amos Lusk.HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR RHODE ISLAND. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. * Place. County. Name. Barrington Centre. BristolBay House. Bristol, Bristol. Bristol Hotel. Church St. Hotel. Block Island House Central Hotel. Atlantic House. Block Island, Newport. Burrvillville, Providence. Charleston, Washington. Cranston Print Works, Providence. East Greenwich, Kent. East Providence, Provi- dence. Hopkinton, Washington. Jamestown, Newport. Kingston, Washington. Narragansett Pier. Cranston Hotel. Central Hotel. Elliott House. Waverly House. Conn. Park Hotel. Cold Spring House. Elmwood House. Ocean House. Bateman House. Fifes Hotel. Perry House. Spring House. Brayton House. Scituate Hotel. Benedict House. Pawtucket Hotel. Adams House. Peace Dale House. Bristol Ferry House Perry House. Central Hotel. Hotel Bijou. Newport, Newport. “ce “ce N. Scituate, Providence. Pawtucket, Providence. ee ec tec cs Peace Dale, Washington. Portsmouth, Newport. Providence, Providence. oe éé ce ce Hotel Dorrence. Commercial House. Revere House. City House. Clarendon House. Cold Springs House. Cole’s House. Fessenden House. Long Meadow H. Kenard House. Windsor House. Monument House. Woonsocket, Providence. Woonsocket House. Monument House. Providence, Providence. of oe Wakefield, Washington. Warren, Bristol. Warwick, Kent. Westerly, Washington. ce as REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR RHODE ISLAND Place, County. Name. Place. County. Name. Barrington Centre,Bristol.Davyid A. Waldron. Bristol, Bristol. Benj. M. Lincoln. = iu O. L. Bosworth. Henry H. Bosworth East Greenwich, Kent. Tilley & Reynolds. East Providence, Provi- dence H. A. L. Potter. Hopkinton, Washington. John J. Babcock. Kingston, Washington. E. C. Clarke. “ ts M. F. Perry. Chas. E. Boon. A. P. Barker, 57 Beilevue Ave. Porter, Whipple & Derby, 22-4 Belle- Narragansett Pier, Wash- ington. Newport, Newport. 66 66 Edward A. Crocker, 20 Bellevue Ave. Russell Forsyth, 30 Bellevue Ave. Howard J. Neilson &Co.,152 Bellevue Daniel Watson, 235 Thames St. Chas. A. Warland. Chas. P. Adams. Thos. Robinson. Robt. Sherwin. W. A. Carpenter. W. H. Crowning- shield. Peace Dale, Washington. J, A. Allen. Newport, Newport. Pawtucket, Providence. oe 66 s ce sc 3 ce “6 $e éé sé Place. County. Name. Providence, Providence. Wm. H. Herrick, 25 Vaughan BId. F. H. Loughlin, 121 N. Main St. S. A. Nightingale, 5 Equitable Build’. Otis W. Potter, 47 Eddy St. Horace C. Talman, 188 Richmond St. J. EB. Allen, 19 Westminster St. Riverside, Providence. John A. Flagg. Wakefield, Washington. B. F. Robinson. Warren, Bristol. Alex. G. Sanford. S. A. Driscol. Crafts& Tellinghast oe sé vue Ave. Providence, Providence, Geo. B. Ames, 50 | Westerly, Washington. ns Geo. V.Wilbour, 235 Westminster St. Woonsocket, Providence. Jefferson Aldrich. Thames St. A. J. Elwell. BANKS AND BANKERS peparrmenrt ror Place. County. Name. Asheway Natl Bk. First Nat'l Bk. Nat’l Eagle Bank. East Greenwich, Kent. E. Greenwich N Bk Greenville, Providence. National Bank. Hope V alley, Washington Hope Val Nat’l Bk. Kingston, Washington. Nat'l Landlords’ Bk Newport, Newport. Nat'l Exchange Bk. Union Nat’! Bank. First Nat’] Bank. New England Com’! Newport Nat Bk National Bank. Pascoag Nat’] Bank Pacifie Nat’l Bank. Slater Nat’] Bank. First Nat?] Bank. Asheway, Washington. Bristol, Bristol. ce ce 6s ce N. Scituate, Providence. Pascoag, Providence. Pawtucket, Providence. 6c ce | Place. County. Name. RHODE ISLAND. Place. County. Name. Pr ovidence, Providence. Providence Nat’! B. Old Nat’] Bank. Nat'l Exchange Bk. Nat’l Eagle Bank. Nat'l B’kof America Globe Nat?] Bank. LimeRock Nat’] BE. Manftr’s Natl Bk. Merchants Nat’! Bk American Nat’] Bk. Atlantic Nat'l Bk. Bank of America. Blackstone Canal Nat’! Bank. CommercialNat’l B. City Nat'l] Bank. oe ce cs ts Providence, Providence. Butchers & Drovers Nat’ ] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Fourth Nat'l Bank. Wakefield, Washington. Wakefield Nat] Bk. Warren, Bristol. Hope Nat’l Bank. ‘s Ss First Nat] Bank. Nat’l Warren Bank. WashingtonNat IB. Phenix Nat'l] Bank. ss WY Niantic Nat’] Bank Wickford, Washington. Wickford Nat'l Bk. Woonsocket, Providence. First Nat’] Bank. Natl Globe Bank. Nat?l] Union Bank. 'WoonsocketNat lB. Citizens Nat'l Bk. ce oe oe ce ce “ce Westerly, Washington.GENERAL LAW np coLLEcTION DEPARTMENT FOR RHODE ISLAND. Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. : Tatols Henry W. Hayes. Bristol, Bristo Rene On Colt Sam’l oe. We Block Island, Newport. C. E. Jbamplin. Gentral Falls, ProvidenceJ. E. Goldsworthy. a eS L. ee Coventry Centre, Bristol. E. F. Warner. Burrillville, Providence. Wood & Pendergast Cranston Print Works, Providence. John paler ‘reenwich, Kent. 8. W. is. en. Reet ore a cs Thos. C. Green. -ovidence, Provi- ee Edward C. Du Bois Foster Providence. e Ee Jolneton i Washington. E. C. Clark. eee ee Wm. H. Potter. Little Compton, Neowpour Re Brownell ' t, Newport. 1as. C. Vanzant, aS a 195 Thames St. Patrick J. Galvin, 249 Thames St. Darius Baker, 209 Thames St. C. A. Ives, 195 Newport, Newport. L, Bosworth. |N. Scituate, Providence. Chas. H. Page. Sain’ Pawtucket, Providence. Thos. P. Barnefield Phenix, Kent. oe 6 Providence, Providence. Henry Marsh, jr., F. B. Backham, 201- 3 Thames St. Blodget & Blodget. A. A. Buxton. Hugh J. Carroll. Wm. H. Clapp. C. B. Farnsworth. J. E. Goldsworthy. John P. Gregory. Thos. W. Robinson. J. W. Matthewson. Willard B. Tanner. Jos. Osfield, jr. Jno. Arnold. B. W. Smith. 387 Weybosset. ° J. H. Perkins, 49 Weybosset. Cook & Van Slyck, 29 Weybosset. Ballou & Jackson, 4 Weybosset. Miller & Brown, 26 Providence, Providence. Wilson & Jenks, 11 Butler Exchange. Ward & Fitch, 27 Custom St. Colwell & Barney, 4 Westminister. Wakefield, Washington. Robt. Thompson. se ‘s Edward Hazzard. Benj. W. Case. Chas. B. Mason. B. M. Boswortk, jr. : Pegram & Cook. Westerly, Washington. Peabody & Perrin. 66 ce A. B. Burdick. Nathan F. Dixon. Crafts& Tellinghast Woonsocket, Providence. Edwin Aldrich cs cs Chas F. Ballou. Ambros Freely. Erwin J. France. Jno. J. Hefferman. F.G. Gilson. F. E. O’Reilly. Dan’! B. Pond. Christ’ Robinson. L. Scott. ‘é 66 “6 «sé 6 &¢ Warren, Bristol. ce 66 6e 66 66 cé ce ce Thames St. Westminster. “ ‘s Geo. A. Wilbur. “ os W. P. Sheffield, 223 es sf Perce & Hallock, 8 Thames St. Butler Ex. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEPT For Rhode Island. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Asheway, Washington. F. Hill. Barrington Centre, BristolLewis F. Fisher. Bristol, Bristol. Chas. A. Green. af os Thos. F. Usher. Burrillyille, Providence. W. J. Tracy. East Greenwich, Kent. S&S. M. Knolles. Hopkinton Washington. Jno. J. Babcock. Kingston, Washington. C.H. Aldrich. Newport, Newport. Benj. Easton, jr. e o Russell Forsyth. Wm. D. Lake. ce ce Newport, Newport. Thos. W. Wood. Pascoag, Providence. Jas. S. Cook. Pawtucket, Providence. Chas. P. Adams. sé sf Chas. A. Worland. Phenix, Kent. H. D. Brown. Peace Dale, Washington. J. A. Allen. Providence, Providence. S. O. Nightengale, 5 Equitable Bldg. Jos. H. Perkins, 49 <¢ 46 Providence, Providence. Wm. A. Phillips, 5 Tron Block. Frank S$. Arnold, 27 Custom H. Wakefield, Washington. D. M. C. Stedman. Warren, Bristol. Chas. B. Mason. Westerly, Washington. Chas. Perry, jr. * ss S. F. Perry. Woonsocket, Providence. Edwin Aldrich. ¢¢ 6é Weybosset. Mortgage Loan acents anp investors peparrment ror Rhode Island. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Asheway, Washington. Asheway Sv’gs Bk. Barrington Centre, BristolDavid A. Waldron. Bristol, Bristol. Jno. B. Pearce. ss ss Bristol Co. Sv’gs Bk < ee BristolInst.forSv’gs East Greenwich, Kent. E. Greenwich Inst., : for Savings. East Providence, Provi- dence, H. A. L. Potter. Greenville, Providence. Savings Bank. Hope Vale, Washington. S. R. Richmond. Pawtucket, Providence. Pawtucket Institu- tion for Savings. Chas. A. Warland. e ef Thos. Robinson. Phenix, Kent. Phenix Sv’gs Bank. Providence, Providence. Rhode Island Hos- pital Trust Co. Henry Chase & Co., 62 Westminster. C. R. Weeden& Co., 37 Weybosset. “e “ Providence, Providence. Mead & Earle, 41 Westminster. Jarvis,Conklin&Co. 27 Custom House. Henry Pearce, 45 Weybosset. D. O. Pierce, 70 Weybosset. Spencer, Trask & Co., 18 Westminster. 66 66 ce ee $6 «é 66 ce Riverside, Providence. Jno. A. Flage. Kingston, Washington. Kingston Sv’gs Bk. 66 “ i r ioh: : Pe Little Compton, Newport.Fred. B. Rigel: Bienen t oP yen Wakefield, Washington. Waseneld Inst’n for Newport, Newport. Porter, Whipple & HOssath ie #3 rR in aac perbyee 4 Belle- 6 ss B. M. Hubbard &| Warren, Bristol. Warren Inst’n for <6 ““ Isl d S De B Co., 98 Westmins- : Savings. s a SH EBLGE Nechost « és ter. ™ ss Alex. J. Sanford: “ «“ HennvaBallar P W. A. Weaver & | Westerly, Washington. Mechanics Sv’gs Bk 4 $ Green g Bain é Co., 27 N. Maine. “ “s Niantic Sv’gs Bank. «“ « Cordinetes Sree B ‘ Brown, Kidmore & 0a « Westerly Sv'es Bk. «“ «“ Newport WONG . # 3 Co., 37 Weybosset | Wickford, Washington. Wickford Sv’gs Bk. < «6 Brown, Skid & Perry & Co., 70 - | Woonsocket, Providence. A. J. Elwell. Cone are « a Fn cuponsel ; ‘ ss Jefferson Aldrich, Ne Scituate, Providence. Geo. Atwood. Go eocey bane ss i Mechanics Sy’gs B. egeeeae me Louden ee Jas. S. Cook. “ ee CRC BR attam ‘ 3 Peoples Sv gs Bank awtucket, Providence. Brann Sv’gs Bk, Exchange St. «“ ie Erode eves Ee rovidence Co. Say- Stir ‘ : V oonsocke ings Bank. y Henry ©. Cranston, for Savings. 87 Weybosset.HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Abbevill e,(C.H. )Abbev illeA bbeville Hotel. Kxnox’s Hotel. Aiken, Aiken. Highland Park H. Allendale, Barnwell. Wilson Hotel. Anderson,(C.H.) Anderson W averly House. as Benson House. Bamberg, Barnwell. Johnson Hotel. Barn well,(C.H.)Barnwell. Barnwell Hotel. Batesburgh, Lexington. Batesburg Hotel. Beaufort, Beaufort. Sea Island Hotel. Bolton, Anderson. MeGee’s Hotel. Bennettsvill e, Marlboro. Adams’ House. us Marlboro House. Bishopville, Sumter. Big Oak Hotel. Branchville, Orangeburg. Edisto Hotel. Brunson, Hampton. Simmons House. Camden, Kershaw. DeKalb House. oe oY Latham House. Charleston, Charleston. Charleston Hotel. cs cf Pavilion Hotel. a sf American Hotel. & . Waverly House. - és Hilber House. Hotel Windsor. Cheraw House. Marshall House. Nicholson Hotel. Planters’ Hotel. Chesterfield, Chesterfield. Davis House. Clinton, Laurens. Irby House. Columbia, Richland. Wrights’ Hotel. os if GrandCentral Hotel. Hotel Jerome. Conway, Horry. “ce ee Kerton House. Stewart House. Darlington, (C. H.) Darl- ington. Cheraw, Chesterfield. Chester, Chester. sé ce Enterprise Hotel. Darlington, Darlington. Darlington Hotel. Easley, Pickens. Edgefield, Edgefield. ee ee Florence, Darlington. se ce Green’s Hotel. Edgefield Hotel. Hotel Windsor. Jacobi House. Central House. Gaffney City, Spartanb’gh.City Hotel. : .) Georgetown, (C. H Georgetown. ee Graniteville, Aiken. ce “ce Green Pond, Colleton. Greenville, Greenville. cs ee ce ce Greenwood, Abbeville. Hampton, Hampton. Johnston, Edgefield. Commercial Hotel. Georgetown Hotel. Nancy House. Linn House. Green Pond Hotel. Mansion House. Exchange Hotel. Riverside Hotel. Greenwood Hotel. Hampton Hotel. Calhoun House, Kingston,(C.H.) Williams- bureh Coleman House. LakeGity, Williamsburgh.Lake City Hotel. Lancaster, (C. H.) Lancas- ter. Laurens, Laurens. ae ce Leesville, Lexington. Lexington, Lexington. ee ce Manning, Clarendon. “ce cs Marion, Marion. ee ee Maysville, Sumter. Newberry, Newberry. ee sé Ninety-six, Abbeville. Catawba House. Robertson’s Hotel. McCully Hotel. Hendries House. Kaminer Hotel. Drafts Hotel. Central Hotel. Clarendon Hotel. Planters’ Hotel. Marion Hotel. Maysville Hotel. Newberry Hotel. Crotwell Hotel. McCant’s Hotel. Orangeburgh, (C. H.) Orangeburgh. Pendleton, Anderson. Port Royal, Beaufort. Prosperity, Newberry. Ridgeville, Colleton. Rock Hill, York. St. Georges, Colleton. Seneca, Oconee. Orangeburgh Hotel Edisto Hotel. Pendleton Hotel. Live Oak Hotel. Prosperity Hotel. Palmetto Hotel. Globe Hotel. Gordon’s Hotel. Popular Br’ding H. Keowee Hotel. Spartanb’g gh, Spartanb’gh. Merchants’ Hotel. Sumter, Sumter. Trenton, Edgefield. Union, Union. Varnyille, Hampton. Walhalla, Oconee. Central Hotel. Jewey House. Brunson, House. Trenton Hotel. Union Hotel. Thompson House. Biemann’s Hotel. Walterborough, Colleton.Colleton Hotel. Walterloo, Laurens. Williamston, Anderson. Fuller House. Williamston Hotel. W innsborough, Fairfield. Winnsboro House. Yorkville, York. ‘e ce Duval House. Parish’s Hotel. Rose’s Hotel. - Hotel De Ville. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC,—This de- partment of ‘‘ THe Every OFFcE Favonire,’’ (taken for all the states and territories in the United States,) will be found the most coMPLETE and REOENT NATIONAL HOTEL DrREoTORY published. lishers invite comparison. In proof of this statement Pub- It will be observed that aL Hotels in each town or city are not shown but selections made from amone the best in each, when there are more than one in a place. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR ‘Sy. CAROLINA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Abbeville(C.H.)AbbevilleJ. T. Parks. Aiken, Aiken. C. EH. Sawyer. cc e¢ W. M. Hutson. Allendale, Barnwell. L. D. O’Bryan. Anderson, (C. H.) Ander- son. Jno. W. Daniels. = “« B. F. Whitner&Son Autun, Anderson. Henry Sitton. Ashepoo, Colleton. D. P. Patterson. Bamberg, Barnwell. F. M. Bamberg. Barnwell,C.H.)Barnwell. W. H. Duncan. Batesbuigh, Lexington. T.S. Fox. Beaufort, Beaufort. Jas. M. Crofut. Belton, Anderson. E. B. Rice. Bennettsville, Marlboro. Wm. L. Thomas. a es HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR TEXAS. Place. County. Name, Abilene, Taylor. Albany, Shackelford. Alexander Erath. Alvardo, Johnson. Anderson, Grimes. Annona, Red River. Anson, Jones. Archer, Archer. Aylington, Tarrant. Athens, Henderson. sé ce Atlanta, Cass. Austin, Travis. ce ce Baird, Callahan. ce ee Bandera, Bandera. vs ee ce Barksdale, Edwards. Bastrop, Bastrop. Beaumont, Jefferson. Beeville, Bee. Bellevue, Clay. Benavides, Duval. Belleville, Austin. ee ce Belton, Bell. Benjamin, Knox. Bennett, Red River. Big Spring, Howard. Blanco, Blanco, Blossom Prairie, Lamar. Boerne, Kendall. Bonham, Fannin. ec ee Boston, Bowie. Bowie, Montague. be ¢e Brackettville, Kinney. Brady, McCullough. Brazoria, Brazoria. Breckenridge, Stephens. “cc 6c Bremond, Robertson. Brenham, Washington. t ee Brownsville, Cameron. se ce Brownwood, Brown. Bryan, Brazos. Burkesville, Newton. Burnett, Burnett. Burton, Washington. Caldwell, Burleson. Calvert, Robertson. Cameron, Milam. Canton, New Zandt. Carrizo, Zapata. Carrizo Springs, Dimmit. Carthage, Panola. Castroville , Medina. Centreville, Leon. Center, Shelby. Chapel Hill, Cisco, Bastland. Clarendon, Donley. Clarksville, Red River. Clebur ne, Johnson. Clifton, Bosque. Cold Spring, San Jacinto. Coleman, © oleman. Colorado, Mitchell. Columbia, Brazoria. Columbus, Colorado. |, Washington. Palace Hotel. Barnes House. Commercial Hotel. Sparks House. Anderson Hotel. McElroy House. Star Hotel. Archer House. Taylor House. Arlington Hotel. Athens House. Dean House. Atlanta House. Avenue Hotel. Hotel Brunswick. Whitley House. City Hotel. Bandera Hotel. City Hotel. Vance House. Hoppe House. Claiborne House. Crosby House. Ellis House. Greer House. Woods Hotel. City Hotel. . Germania Hotel. City Hotel. Brannin House. Norris House. Big Springs Hotel. Hamiiton House. Fleniken House. Boerne Hotel. Kendall Hotel. Burney Hotel. Crockett House. Bairfield Hotel. Lockhart House. Bowie House. Hilton House. Commercial Hotel. Perkins Restaurant. Norton House. Stokes House. Brooks House. Exchange Hotel. Central House. Miller Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Rankin House. Stoddard House. Star Hotel. Burnett House. Burton House. anes Hotel. St. Charles Hotel. Faulkney House. Phoenix Hotel. Thatcher House. Nichols Hotel. Panola House. Beetz House. Lytle House. La Grove House, Center Hotel. Jackson House. City Hotel. Hanse House. White House. Donoho House. Commercial Hotel. Cleburne House. City Hotel. Clifton House. Carnes House. Florence Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Renbrook Hotel. Paine Hotel. Wooten Hotel. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. ee Se Comanche, Comanche. ce ce Comfort, Kendall. Cooper, Delta. Corpus Christi, Nueces. Corsicana, Navarro. Cotulla, La Salle. Crocket, Houston. Cuero, DeWitt. Daingerfield, Morris. Dalby Springs, Bowie. Dallas, Dallas. ce ce cé sc Decatur, Wise. oe oe De Kalb, Bowie. De Leon, Comanche. Del Rio, Kinney. Denison, Grayson. Denton, Denton. Dodge, Walker. Hagle Pass, Maverick. aaa Eastland. Ednaville, Jackson. Ellinger, Fayette. El Paso, El Paso. ce ce Englewood, Robertson. Ennis, Ellis. Fairfielc 1, Freestone. Farmersville, Collin, Fisher, Fisher. Flatonia, Fayette. Floresville, Wilson. Forney, Kaufman. Fort Davis, Presidio. Fort Griffin, Shackelford. Fort Worth, Tarrant. ee “es eo 6e Franklin, Robertson. Gainesville, Cooke. “ee ee Galveston, Galveston. ee ce ae 66 Gatesville, Coryell. Georgetown, Williamson. Giddings, Lee. Gilmer, Denar Glen Rose, Somervell. Goliad, @alaar Gonzales, Gonzales. Gordon, Palo Pinto. Graham, Young. Granbury, Hood. Greenville, Hunt. Groesbeck, Limestone. Groveton, Trinity. Hallettsville, Lavaca. Hamilton, Hamilton. ee ce Hardin, Hardin. Harrold, Wilbarger. Harwood, Gonzales. Haskell, Haskell. Hearne, Robertson. Helena, Karnes. Hemphill, Sabine. Hempstead, Waller. Henderson, Rusk. Henrietta, Clay. Hico, Hamilton. Fredericksburgh, Gillispie. City Hotel. Gentry Hotel. Karger Hotel. Galdwell House. St. James Hotel. Commercial House. Burke House. Pick Wick Hotel. Gulf Hotel. Napier House. Farrier House. Grand Windsor H. St. George Hotel. St. James Hotel. Union Depot Hotel. Carpenter House. Decatur House. Wyse House. Star Hotel. Del Rio Hotel. Colonade House. Oatman House. Dodge House. Hotel Maverick. Dolch Hotel. Planters House. Nesbit House. Emerald House. Lone Star House. German Hotel. Grand Central Hotel. Pearson House. Windsor House. Montgomery House. Wilson House. Star Hotel. Farmersville Hotel. Kluting House. St. Louis House. Thomas House. Record House. Lampert House. Hotel de Bledsoe. Lindel Hotel. Pickwick House. Brunswick House. Overall House. Ninnitz House. Lindsay House. Hotel Barrett. Beach Hotel. Tremont House. Washington Hotel. Atkinson House. Gatesville House. Slaton Hotel. Southern Hotel. Ragland House. Campbell House. Fannin House. Sayers Hotel. Gordon House. Woods House. Nutt Hotel. Beckham House. Parker House. Mayce House. Linderberg House. Pierson House. Rice House. Simmons House. Hotel Windsor. Harwood Hotel. Haskell House. Montgomery House. Tobin Hotel. Hemphill Hotel. Sloan House. Smith House. Commercial Hotel. City Hotel. Stovall House. Hidalgo, Hidalgo. Hillsborough, Hill Homer, Angelina. Hando. City, Medina. Honey Grove, Fannin. Houston, Harris. Hubbard, Hill. Huntsville, Walker. Indianola, Calhoun. Itasca, Hill. Jacksboro, J ack. Jacksonville, Cherokee. Jasper, Jasper. Jefferson, Marion. Jewett, Leon. Johnson City, Blancé. Junction City, Kimble. Kaufman, Kaufman. Kerrville, Kerr. Killen, Bell. Kingston, Hunt. Kosse, Tmcetone! Kountze, Hardin. Kyle, Hays. Ladonia, Fannin. La Grange, l'ayette. Lampasas, Lampasas. 66 ee Lancaster, Dallas. Laredo, Webb. Leakey, Edwards. Leonard, Fannin. Liberty, Liberty. Linden, Cass. livingston, Polk. Llano, Llano. Lockhart, Caldwell. Lone Oak, Hunt. Longview, Gregg. Lovelady, Houston. Lufkin, Angelina. Luling, Caldwell. McKinney, Collin. Madisonyille, Madison. Marfa, Presidio. Marienfeld, Martin. Margaret, Hardeman. Marlin, Falls. Marquez, Leon. Marshall, Harrison. ce ce Mason, Mason. Menardville, Menard. Meridian, Bosque. ‘| Mexia, Limestone. Milam, Sabine. Millican, Brazos. Midland, Midland. Milano, Milam. Mineola, Wood. Mineral City, Bee. Mobeetie, Wheeler. Montague, Montague. Morgan, oedue, Moscow, Polk Mt. Pleasant, Titus. Mt. Vernon, Franklin. Navasota, Grimes. McGregory, McLennan. Matagorda, Matagorda. Hidalgo House. Gould Hotel. Hillsborough Hotel. Homer Hotel. Edwards Hotel. Planters House. Hutchins House. Capital Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Gibbs House. Indianola Hotel. Dunn. Hotel. Wichita Hotel. Manning Hotel. Jacksonville Hotel. Hamilton Hotel. Excelsior House. Bateman House. Dockery House. City Hotel. Gibbs House. St. Charles Hotel. California Hotel. Bolton Hotel. Proctor House. Rarlroad Hotel. Commercial House. Scott Hotel. Lester House. Globe House. s Star House. Lott House. Commercial House. Wilson House. Garner House. Leonard Hotel. Travelers Hotel. Linden House. Andress House. Meece House. Jackson House. Greisenbeck Hotel. Asken House. Moberly House. Sheffield House. Denton Hotel. Sunset House. City Hotel. Foot House. Mc Fee Hotel. Brown House. Marienteld House. Southern Hotel. Western Hotel. Nicholson House. McDonald House. McArthur Hotel. Capitol Hotel. Commercial Hotel. Mason House. Colorado House. Murray House. Wortham House. Beckham House. Milam Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Llano House. Russell House. Union Depot Hotel. Jones House. Grand Central Hotel Jordan House. Montague House. Montgomery, Montgomery. Berkley House. Woodson House. Abbott House. Lone Star House. Windsor Hotel. Mt. Vernon House. Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches.Hart House. Hyde House. Exchange Hotel.Place. County. HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ Name. Navasota, Grimes. New Boston, Bowie. New Braunfels, Comal. Newport, Clay. Newton, Newton. Oakville, Live Oak. ce se Oakwood, Leon. Orange, Orange. ee “ec Overton, Rusk. Paint Rock, Concho. Palestine, Anderson. Palo l’into, Palo Pinto. Paris, Lamar. Pearsall, Frio. Pecos, Reeves. Pennington, ‘Trinity. Pilot Poirt, Denton. Pittsburgh, Camp. Plano, Collin. Plantersville, Grimes. Pleasanton, Atascosa. Queen City, Cass. Quitman, Wood. Regan, Falls. Refugio, Refugio. Richmond, Fort Bend, Roanoke, Denton. Roby, Fisher. Rockdale, Milam. Rockport, Aransas. Rockwall, Rockwall. Camp Hotel. City Hotel. Guadalupe House. Newport House. Moore House. Oakville House. Jones House. Parker House. Curry House. Keith House. Waughs Hotel. Melton House. Douglas House. International House. Drummers House. Baker House. Peterson Hotel. Sanders House. Pecos House. Scarborough House. Edwards House. Land Hotel. Comniercial Hotel. Commercial House. Wise House. Norton Hotel. Queen City House. Ferguson House. Cabiniss House. Mission Hotel. Exchange Hotel. National Hotel. Pickett House. Patterson, Hotel. Mundane Hotel. Orleans Hotel. Wilkerson House. Place. County. CUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR Name. TEXAS—Continued. Place. County. Name. Round Rock, Williams. Runnels, Runnels. Rusk, Cherokee. St. Marys, Refugio. San Angelo, T'om Green. 6s 6c San Antonio, Bexar. 4 ae San Augustine, San Augus- tine. San Diego, Duyal. San Marcas, Hays. San Patricio, San Patricio. S; in Saba, San Saba. eu Hardin. Schulenburg, Fayette. Seguin, Guadalupe. Sey mour, Baylor. Sharpsburgh, San Patrico. Sherman, Grayson. Stephenville, Krath. Strawn, Pa lo Pinto. Sulphur § Sweet Water Nolan. Tascosa, Oldham. Taylor, Williamson. Temple, Bell Terrell, Kaufman. Texarkana, Bowie. Throckmorton, Throck- morton. 5 Naruna, Burnet. Navasota, Grimes. New Boston, Bowie. New Brauntels, Comal. Newport, Clay. Newton, Newton. Oakalla, Burnet. Oakwood, Leon. Orange, Orange. Overton, Rusk. Paint Rock, Concho. “cc 6eé Palestine, Anderson. Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto. Paris, Lamar. Pearsall, Frio. Pecos, Reeves. Pennington, Trinity. Pilot Point, Denton. Pittsburgh, Camp. Plantersville, Grimes. Presidio, Presidio. Pottsville, Hamilton. Reagan, Falls. Richmond, Fort Bend. Roanoke, Denton. Rockport, Aransas. Rockwall, Rockwall. Runnells, Runnells. Rusk, Cherokee. St. Jo Montague. San Angelo, Tom Green. San Antonio, Bexar. J. W. Zimmerman. Jas. H. Freeman. Sam Smelser. ¢. B.. El. Wisher: F. G. Bransford. C. H. Nimits. Geo. E. Branden. F. B. Looney. John 1. Hart. TE. Ee Still: C. C. F. Blanchard. John I. Guion. J. H. Mead. W. He Gill: J.S. Straughan. B. J. Baldwin, jr. D. T. Price. N. Van Horn. W.M. Freeman. John Collier. John A. Thompson. Jas. K. McDowell. J. L. Wise. Ww. Russell. W. T. Walton. D. H. Boyles. J. C. Williams. James Eads. C. F. Bailey. W.B. Wade. H. D. Pearce. F. W. Bonner, Irby H. Boggess. C. A. Dailey. J. T. Haile. P. J. Martin. San Augustine, San Augus- tine. San Diego, Duval. San Felipe, Austin. Sam Marcos, Hayes. M. W. Hungerfora. J. W. Wright. G. T. Ross. Sterling Fisher,NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR TEXAS—Continued. Place. County. Name. San Saba, San Saba. W. A. Wilson. Schulenburg, Fayette. N. L. McKinnon. Sealy, Austin. Je Wi atte Seguin, Guadalupe. Seymour, Baylor. Sharpsburgh, San Patricio. Sherman, Gr: ayson. Starrville, Smith. Station Belden, Morris. Stephenville, Erath. Strickling, Burnet. Strawn, Palo Pinto. Sulphur Springs, Hopkins. Sweet Home, Lavaca. Sweet Water, Nolan. MORTGAGE LOAN AGENTS AND A. M. Erskine. J. T. Montgomery, S. G. Borden. RE. Smith. H. C. Huggins. J. H. Matthews. C. J. Shapard. Norton Moses. J. T. Daniels. S. L. Rogers. C. B. Patton. R. A. Ragland. Place. County. Name. Name. Tascosa, Oldham.: Taylor, Williamson. Terrell, Kaufman. Texarkana, Bowie. Throckmorton, Throck- morton. Toyah, Reeves. Trinity, Trinity. Troup, Smith. Tyler, Smith. Uvalde, Uvalde. Vance, Edwards. Vernon, Wilbarger. V ictoria, Vic toria. H. H. Wallace. John W. Parker. C. A. Galbraith. C. A. Hooks. W. 4H. Hunt. A. J. Scroggins. S. A. Robb. L. Jarvis. James M. Edwards. John H. Clark. D. W. Burleson. C. Wheeler. W. M. Schmidt. J. E. Carpenter. Waco, McLennan. “ce oe Waelder, Gonzales. Wallisville, Chambers. Waxahatchie, Ellis. Weatherford, Parker. Weimar, Colorado. Wharton, Wharton. Willis, Montgomery. Wills Point, Van Zandt. Woodville, Tyler. Yorktown, De Witt. O. Wheat. W. M. Sleeper. E. W. Walker. Hugh Jackson. RaGe Phillips. J. M. Richards. W. B. McCormick. Je Be DekKanes J. N. Porter. Robt. E. Huff. N. A. Cravens, jr. R. E. Yantis. T. J. Russell. TI. H. Kirby. C. G. Hartman. INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR TEXAS. Place. County. Name. Abilene, Taylor. Albany, Shackelford. Alvarado, Johnson. Anderson, Grimes. “sé ‘ec éé 6c Anson, Jones. 6c 6é Archer, Archer. ae ee Athens, Henderson. ce ee se se sé sé Atlanta, Cass. Austin, Travis. és se éé “eé ce cs ce ce Baird, Callahan. Bandera, Bandera. ce ce cc «ce Barksdale, Edwards. Bastrop, Bastrop. ce sé ce ac cs éé sé 66 Beaumont, Jefferson. Beeville, Bee. Bellville, Austin. Belton, Bell. Benjamin, Knox. Benavides, Duval. Big Spring, Howard. e 66 Blanco, Blanco. ce se ce 6e Boerne, Kendall. “ce “ce Bonham, Fannin. Brackettville, Kinney. Brady, McCulloch. Brazoria, Brazoria. ee ce Breckenridge, Stephens. Brenham, Washington. ee ce Brownsville, Cameron. Brownwood. Brown. Bryan, Brazos. 66 ee 6s 66 Burnett, Burnett. Berry & Lucket. Porter & Beasley. Webb & Webb. Campbell & Hill. Cotter & Truelove. T. J. Haynie. J. H. Scott. McDaniel & Dodd. Brigance & Kettler. Bine, Dewall & Bom- port. Kirby Bros., & Fer- guson. L. W. Hart. F.E. Dycus. Jones & Jones. Jas. A. Mitcham. Faulk & Faulk. M. E. Richardson. Adams & Allday. R. L. Brown. T.. W. Folts. S.-A. Posey. W.K. Hall & Co. Powell & Brown. Wn. H. Parvin. Jno. Guthrie. H. Noel. H. C. Duffy. Thos. I; Ramsey. Louis Hilers, sr. T. A. Hasler & Co. D. H. Bell. F. A. Orgain. W. E. Jenkins. Bell & Shelburne. Chesley & Haggerty. Rucker & Tarver. D. A. Walker. Jno. J. Brents. G. B. Stewart. Jno. J. Dix. S. H. Cowan. Jno. Snoddy. Andrews Bros. Boone & Crist. J. W. Speer. Hammond, Timber- lake & Hardy. D. W. Grady. C.G. Vogel. F. J. Abernathy. C. F. Hodges. Smith & Moses. H. Masterson. M. J. Hickey. Sheppard & puopnens Wn. Veale & Son Tarver & Bryan. Heber Stone. Carson & Forto. Rucker & Rankin. Cla Bryan & How- | ell. J.S. Fowlkes & Co. Jeff T. Mitchell. Hammond & Timber- lake. Place. County. Name, Name. Burnett, Burnett. Caldwell, Burleson. Calvert, Robertson. Canton, Van Zandt. ce ac Carrizo Springs, Dimmit. Carthage, Panola. é sé Castroville, Medina. Centreville, Leon. Cisco, Eastland. Clarendon, Donley. Clarksville, Red River. Cleburne, Jol ynson. Coleman, Cole man. Colorado, Mitchell. Columbia, Brazoria. Columbus, Colorado. Comanche, Comanche. se ce Cooper, Delta. Corpus Christi, Nueces. Corsicana, Navarro. Cotulla, La Salle. Crockett, Houston. ce ee «ce ec Cuero, De Witt. es ce ae ce Daingerfield, Morris. Dallas, Dallas. Decatur, Wise. os éé 66 y 6é De Kalb, Bowie. Del Rio, Kinney. Denison, Grayson. ce ce Denton, Denton. ce 6s ee ce cc 66 Dublin, Erath. i Eagle Pass, Maverick. be “ Eastland, Eastland. Edna Jackson. El Paso, El Paso. Ennis, Ellis. Cook & Moses. M. A. Martin. J. A. Crews. Jones, Hamilton & Burnett. A. W. Mclver. Adone & Mistrot. G. D. Staton. W. Manning. Longino & Barnes. Thos. F. Hull. H.N. Nelson. Joseph Courand. Jeff VD. Patrick. J. E. use. McClelland Bros. Rainey & Kennedy. W.C. McFarland. Rucker & Blackburn. Evans & Briant. Martin & Jennings. J.G.Smith & Bro. Jas. H. Simpson. R. E. Stafford & Co. Te Eee Ee Comanche Co. Bank. Jas. Patteson, jr. McCampbell & Giv- ings. Texas Loan Agency. Karnest & Knott. Nunn & Aldrich. Cooper & Moore. Maxey & Denny. D. B. Peary. Browntson & Graham. J. P. Baker. Moore & Hart. Eippin, Adone & Lok C. E. aWialleley: G. B. Watkins. J. B. Simpson. Prather & Andress. Trenchards&Bullock. A. Devereaux & Co. Donald & Cobb. W. W. Sanders. A. Bogle. J. M. Coleman. J.T. Munsor & Bro. A.R. Collins. W.J. Austin. Chapman & Terrell, Abney & Stout. A. D. Beaty. W.R. Wasson & Co. W. Kelsaw. S. P. Simpson & Co. R. M. Black. Cane Connellee. F.C. Pierce. Owen & Staples. Kneeland & Co. Rich & Comstock. Brock & Freeman. A. M. Loomis. C. T. Hogan. Fairfield, Freestone. Floresville, Wilson. Forney, Kaufman. Fort Davis, Presidio. Fort Stockton, Pecos. Franklin, Robertson. Fredericksburgh, Gillispie. Gainesville, Cooke. Galveston, Galveston. Gatesville, Coryell. 6é oe Georgetown, Williamson. Glen Rose, Somervell. ‘ce ce“ Gonzales, Gonzales. 6c ce Graham, Young. se sc Granbury, Hood. se ce Greenville, Hunt. Groesbeck, Limestone. Groveton, Trinity. Hallettsville, Lavaca. Hamilton, Hamilton. Harrold, Wilbarger. Haskell, Haskell: Hearne, Robertson. Hemphill, Sabine. Hem pstead, Waller. Henderson, Rusk. Hidalgo; Hidalgo. Horned Grove, Fannin. Houston, Harris. sec oe De Borde & Hobb. A. G. Anderson. Strang & Brugh. Ballard & Dickey. A.G. Pickett, jr. Stroud & Stroud. E. lL. Gage.. O. W. Williams. Oliver S. Kennedy. C. S. Brigance. A. O. Cooley. Blanton, Wright & Yates. Howith Bros & Scott. Roberts, Bowmar& Co H. Hulen. H. N. Trueheart&Co. George W. Davis. Claiborne & Wren. Jos. Franklin. Nash & Walker. W. Williams. Wells, Birkhead & Lutterloh. Belcher Land & Mtg’e Co. C. Morrell. P. K. Williams. J. L. Camp. A. B. Boren. J. W. Kincaid. Candle & Merrill. Boyd & Boyd. Miller & Sayers. G. N. Dilworth. Harwood & Harwood E. S. Graham. Robert Holman. D. C. Cogdell. Cooper & Estes. J. N. Doyle. John I. Nicholson. L. B. Cobb. J. G. W_ Pierson. Granbury & Stokes. Ellis & Patton. C. W. Cotton. J. A. Eidson. Tom C. Pierson. E. H. Collins. T. W. Robinson. S._H. Johnson & Co. Foster & Ballard. Standifer & Lomax. W. T. Watt. F. R. Graves. Geo. W. Wooten. W. W. Weathered. A. C. Tompkins. T. S. Reese. Harvey & Brown. A. Witerwork & Co. D. R. Fant. Moorman & Jasper. Alfred Chesnutt. Build’s & Loan Ass’n Jacob Binz. W. Harral. J. A. Cameron. G. M. Beauchamp.MORTGAGE LOAN ACENTS Place. County. Houston, Harris. Hubbard, Hill. Huntsville, Walker. Jacksborough, Jack. et ce Jacksonville, Cherokee. Jasper, Jasper. Jefferson, Marion. Junction City, Kimble. Kaufman, Kaufman. ce ee Kerrville, Kerr. Kountze, Hardin. La Grange, Fayette. 6s ee ce ce 6c ce se a9 ce ce Lampasas, Lampasas. ae ee Laredo, Webb. sé ce Leakey, Edwards. Liberty, Liberty. Liberty Hill, Williamson. Linden, Cass. Livingston, Polk. ac ce Llano, Llano. Lockhart, Caldwell. Longview, Gregg. ‘ ae Luling, Caldwell. McKinney, Collin. Madisonville, Madison. Marfa, Presidio. Margaret, Hardeman. Marienfeld, Martin. Marlin, Falls. Marshall, Harrison. ce ee Name. Kennedy & Miller. Craig, Sayers & Co. k. L. Angier. J. S. Besser. J. A. Thomason, sr. W. L. Garvin. Robinson & West. George Spiller. Yempleton & Collier. A. J. Rigsly. K. B. Seale. KE. W. Taylor. cS. W. Moseley. John MeNicol. W. A. Williamson. Nash & Carlisle. Cunningham & Par- due. Gill & Garrett. P. A. Work. Kleinert & Hermes. W.H. Ledbetter. Brown & Dunn. H. B. Kaulbach. Axel Meerscheidt. Robson & Rosenthal. Acker & Abney. McCausland & Exall. Dodd & Pierce. McLane & Atlee. T. B. Reeves. Jas. G. Minter. Geo. Ricks. ABs We, Goin, H. A. O'Neal & Son W. H. Matthews. M. D. Ford. Knight Stith. Nix, Story & Story. Taylor & Morrison. F. J. Harrison & Co. W.R. Johnston & Co. J.S. Jenkins. T, F. Maugam. John Church. M. 4H. Ford. F. W. Harwood. J. R. Williams. John Cartright. Hankins & Williams. A. Rawlins. N. Smitz. John N. Wharton. Martin & Dickinson. Geo. P. Rains. A. F. McAllister. Place. County. Name. A. R. Starr. J. H. Thompson. L. Aubrey. Stapleton Bernhard. D.E.E.Braman& Son. R. B. Thomas. O. L. Lockett. S. G. McLendon. J, ©. Kerr: Jas. I’. Polley. W.R. Harral. Browning & Street. H. B. Spiller. Stephens, Matlock & Herbert. Moores & Carr. Sheppard & Baldwin. Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches. Irion & Co. & ss A. Westermark&Son. Bennett Blake, sr. Jas. H. Freeman. J. Q. Yarborough. J.J. Felder. Frank M” Brooks. H. H. Fisher. Church & Stamp. C. L. Goodman. D. Call & Sons. J. M. Silliman & Co. Ed. C. Baker. Hale & Baldwin. H. Manney & Son. Gage & Walthal. Geo. A. Knight. W. A. Williams. Fountain & Martin. W. H. Smith. A. J. Angle. J. C. Williams. Y. Ferris. Rockwall, Rockwall. Hartman & Goss. Round Rock, Williamson. John Lyle. Runnels, Runnels. Willingham & Harris Rusk, Cherokee. ¥. W. Bonner & Son. ve a M. Jernigan. Frank Lerch. F. Groose & Co. Lockwood & Camp- mann. O’ Conner & Sullivan Blount & Crouch. nf Geo. E. Gatling. James G. Burleson. J. W. Herndon. Marshall, Harrison. ee ee ce ce Mason, Mason. Matagorda, Matagorda. Menardville, Menard. Meridian, Bosque. Mexia, Limestone. Midland, Midland. Milam, Sabine. Mineola, Wood. Mobeetie, Wheeler. Montague, Montague. Mt. Pleasant, Titus. 6é cé Navasota, Grimes. ee ae ce ce New Boston, Bowie. New Braunfels, Comal. Oakville, Live Oak. Orange, Orange. te ‘ Palestine, Anderson. . Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto. Paris, Lamar. Pearsall, Frio. Pecos, Reeves. be cc Pilot Point, Denton. Pleasanton, Atascosa. é sé Quitman, Wood. Richmond, Fort Bend. San Angelo, Tom Green. San Antonio, Bexar. fa ee “6 é San Augustine, San Augus- tine. ee San Marcos, Hays. ce 66 W. OQ. Hutchison. AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR TEXAS—Continued. Place. County. Name. San Saba, San Saba. Schulenburgh, Fayette. Seguin, Guadalupe. Sexton, Sabine. Seymour, Baylor. Sherman, Grayson. Stephenville, Erath. “ce ee Sweet Water, Nolan. Tascosa, Oldham. Taylor, Williamson. Temple, Bell. Terrell, Kaufman. Texarkana, Bowie. ce “c“ ace 6c ce ec Throckmorton, Throck- morton. Tyler, Smith. os “eé se (74 Uvalde, Uvalde. “es ee Vernon, Wilbarger. “e “ee ee ce Victoria, Victoria. Waco, McLennan. 66 “e Wallisville, Chambers. Waxahachie, Ellis. 66 ce “ “ce “ce 6é Weatherford, Parker. Weimar, Colorado. Wharton, Wharton. Wichita Falls, Wichita. Willis, Montgomery. Wills Point, Van Zandt. Woodville, Tyler. Yorktown, DeWitt. Sulphur Springs, Hopkins. G. W. Walters. I. Russek. Wm. Saffard. Je da. Short: Frank Saunders. James P. Payne. Darnell & Co. S. W. Porter. J. H. Hyman. Moores & King. C. J. Shapard. Dobbs Bros. Weaver Whitworth & Foscue. Ragland & Beall. Cowan & Posey. Vivian &, Ryland. William Elliott. Geo. BE. Wilcox. J. S. Grinnan. J. H. Draughon. Joe Marx. Smelser & Arbuckle. C. A. Hooks. Poole & Andrews. BE. C. Williams & Co Bonner & Bonner. John Durst. Baker, Archer & Clark. F. A. Piper & Co. Birchfield & Stephens Bros. Beckett & Wheeler. R. F. Jones. Thurmond & Co. Scottish- American Mortgage Co. G. W. Jackson. Hueh Jackson. J. D. Templeton. R. M. Hyatt. R. G. Phillips. O. E. Dunlap. W. BR. -Vivrett. Ira B. Taylor. J. J. Halloway. A. H. Bobo. King & Kelly. Robt. B. Huff. McBride & Wittick. N. A. Cravens, jr. John E. Owens. TD. Rock: C. Eckhardt & Co. HE CALIGRAPH. Bas ry 4 li Stands at the Head. — jenbe s1eqjO OU OB OLOT I, Those wishing the best writin i g machine on the market should get the CALIGRAPH. Also those wishing to attend sa busines coneee will find the Iowa BUSINESS LLEGE, the best place in t y i Naaeeae p inthe west. Send for Circulars. JENNINGS & CHAPMAN, DES MOINES, IOWA. WANTED AGENTS in every town in Guthrie, Dallas, ro _Polk, Jasper, Poweshiek, Adair, Madison, arren, Marion, Calhoun and Mahaska counties to seN the Caligraph. A liberal commission will be allowed and no risks tobe run. For full particulars address Jennings & Chapman, Agts., Des Moines, Ia. REMINDER.-—If it : 2 is stated where advertisement is noticed, advertisers canrefer, and more promptly and satisfact- orily a i y answer your Inquiry or correspondence.—Do not forget to mention “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”ee ar HOTE L, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR UTAH. Place. County. Name. Place, County, Name. Place. County. Name. American Fork, Utah. Ashley, Uintah. Beaver, Beaver. Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake Box Elder, Box Elder. Cedar City, Lron. Coalville, Summit. Corinne, Box Elder. Coyoto, Garfield. Echo City, Summit. Ephriam, San Pete. Esealanti, Garfield. Eureka, Juab. Farmington, Davis. Fillmore, Millard. Frisco, Beaver. Miller’s Hotel. Ashley Hotel. Centennial Hotel. Bettenson House. Griffin House. City Hotel. Chatterly House. Lunn House. Coalville House. Continental Hotel. Clayton House. Pacific Hotel. Asper House. Ephriam Hotel. Wilson Hlouse. Eureka Hotel. Combs’ Hotel. THiuntsman House. Southern Hotel. Frisco, Beaver. Glenwood, Sevier, Heber, Wasatch. ee ce Hillsdale, Garfield. Juab, Juab. Ikanab, Kane. Kelton, Box Elder. Laketown, Rich. Logan, Cache. Manti, San Pete. Midway, Wasatch. Milford, Beaver. Monroe, Sevier. Morgan, Morgan. Mt. Pleasant, San Pete. Nephi, Jaub. Ogden City, Weber. St. James Hotel. Sampson Hotel. Heber House. Dunean Hotel. Hillsdale House. Taylor Hotel. Kanab House. Kelton House. Kearls House. Logan House. Cache Val. House. Snow Hotel. Epperson House. Williams Hotel. Simonson House. Morgan House. Barton Hotel. Nephi House. Union Hotel. Broom House. Ogden City, Weber. Panguitch, Garfield. Park City, Summit. Parowan, Iron. Proyo City, Utah. Randolph, Rich. Richfield, Sevier. Central House. Clark House. Park City Hotel. Winner House. Page House. Excelsior House. Occidental House. Tyson House. Richfield House. St. George, Washington. St. Georges Hotel. Salina, Sevier. Humphrey Hotel. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake.Walker House. és Scipio, Millard. Silver Reef, Washington. Spring Lake, Utah. ‘Stockton, Tooele. Tooele, Tooele. Willard, Box Elder. Continental Hotel. White Hotel. Robbins House. Harrison House. Crandall House. Eureka Hotel. Kendrick House. City Hotel. REAL ESTATE Neenne AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR UTAH. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Ashley, Uintah. Beaver, Beaver. “e é Box Elder, Box Elder. Cannonville, Garfield. Cedar City, Iron. Coalville, Summit. Corinne, Box Elder. Coyoto, Garfield. Ephraim, San Pete. Escalanti, Garfield. Eureka, Juab. Farmington, Davis. Fillmore, Millard. ce sé Frisco, Beaver. Glenwood, Sevier. Gunnison, San Pete. Heber, Wasatch. Halden, Millard. Jos. H. Black, Wr. Ashton. Jno. Barraclough. W. P. Smith. Lorinzo Snow, jr. N. P. Anderson. J. B. Thompson. Jno. Chatterly. E. M. Allison, jr. J. W. Guthrie. Culbert King. J. P. Christensen. Jno. Miles. Jno. Watts. pea. Clark: Jos. E. Robinson. W. H. King. R. A. McBride. C. Anderson. C.S. King. I. W. Pierce. Theo. Burmester. Abram C. Hatch. J.S. Giles. Hyde Park, Cache, Junction, Pi Ute. Kanab, Kane. Kaysville, Davis. Kelton, Box Elder. Laketown, Rich. Levan, Juab. Logan, Cache. Manti, San Pete. Marysvale, Pi Ute. Monroe, Sevier. Morgan, Morgan. Nephi, Juab. Ogden City, Weber. ce c6 Ophier, Tooele. Pangutch, Garfield. Pargona, Iron. Park City, Summit. ©. C. Shaw. Jno. Morrill. L. C. Mariger. J. H. Johnson. Jos. Barton. R. Howell. A..W. Nebaker. J. W. Shephard. Goddard & Frank. Wm. T. Reid. Jas. A. Stark. Wm. A. Warnock. S. Francis. J.C. Little. Alma Hague. Henry Adams. Jos. A. West. Jas. H. Nelson. Ben. E. Rich & Co. Jacob H. Wolcott. J. W. Crosby. Jno. Myers. Jno. R. Robinson. Frank EB. James. Place. County. Name. Parowan, Iron. Peva, Summit. ‘Portage, Box Elder. Provo City, Utah. Randolph, Rich. Richfield, Sevier. Richmond, Cache. St. George, Washington. Salina, Sevier. Jno. W. Brown. Oscar F’. Lyons. W.H. Andseron. B. Backman. Wi. Rex. Jno. A. Hellstrom. Wm. H. Clark. B. L. Dotie. Anthony W. Ivins. M. Snow. Fred G. Willis. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake.C. E. Pomeroy. “ce 6é oe . sé ce ée Scipio, Green. Silver, City, Juab. Silver Reef, Washington. Stockton, Tooele. Terrace, Box Elder. Tooele, Tooele. 6c cc Fred Anderson. J. K. Gillespie. Eli B. Kelsey. Knowlden & Green O. Thompson. C. H. Blanchard. T. ©. Burnes. Jas. G. Brown. Wm. W. Taylor. Jno. W. Tate. Thos. W. Lee. Toquerville, Washington. Martin Slack. BANKS AND BANKERS peparrment For UTAH. Place. County. Name. Corinne, Box Elder. Logan, Cache. Nephi, Juab. Ogden City, Weber. 66 79 8x J. W. Guthrie. ThatcherBros.&Co. First Nat’] Bank. First Nat’) Bank. Utah Nat’] Bank. Com’! Nat’] Bank. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Park City, Summit. Provo City, Utah. Richfield, Sevier. Park City Bank. First Nat] Bank. Jas. M. Peterson. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake.Union Nat'l Bank. c aaa ; ee Deseret Nat’] Bank. | St. George, Washington. Woolley, Lund & u ce ce W.S.McCormick&Co salt Lake City, Salt Lake. T. R. Jones. & Co. Zions Sv’gs Bank. Silver Reef, Washington. Woolley, Lund & Judd, Judd.Place. County. Ashley, Uintah. 6é ce Beaver, Beaver. Box Elder, Box Elder. Cannonv ille, Garfield. Cedar City, Iron. Coalville, Summit. Corinne, Box Elder. Coyoto, Garfield. Escalanti, Garfield. Eureka, Juab. ‘ec Filmore, Millard. “ec ce ce ce a4 ce Glenwood, Sevier. Gunnison, San Pete. Heber, W asatch. “cc ee Holdin, Millard. Hyde Park, Cache Kanab, Kane. Kaysville, Davis. Laketown, Rich. Logan, Cache. “es be Manti, San Pete. Monroe, Sevier. GENERAL LAW anp coLLEcTION DEPARTMENT FOR UTAH. Name. Place. County. Name. H. ©. Hullinger. Wm. Ashton. Jno. W. Christian. Barlow Ferguson. A. H. Snow. J.B. Thompson. Dan’l S. McFarland Jno. Chatterly. E. M. Allison, jr. Edward Chase. H. J. McCullough. Jno. Miles. D. Lombard. Jno. Watts. W. 4H. King. ©. Anderson. R. A. McBride. James King. I. W. Pierce. Theo. Burmester. Jno. W. Wiset. Abram ©. Hatch. J. 9. Giles. C. H. Bevins. C. C. Shaw. A. W. Brown. L. C. Mariger. W. IT. Stewart. Jos. Barton. A. W. Nebaker. Hammond & Maug- ham. Goddard & Frank. Wm. K. Reid. Wm. T. Reid. J. H. McCarty. Morgan, Morgan. «¢ “6 6c oe Nephi, Juab. Ogden City, Weber. Ophir, Tooele. Panguitch, Garfield. ce ce Park City, Summit. ce ce ce ce ce ce Parowan, Iron. “ce “ ce 6e Peva, Summit. Provo City, Utah. 6 6é “ 6 ce oe it4 6 Randolph, Rich. Richfield, Sevier. J. R. Porter. S. Francis. F. Kingston. J.C. Little. F. W. Chappel. Henry Adams. Kimball&Hay wood Richards & Rolapp. Ransford Smith. P. J. Barrett. R. H. Emerson. R. Kk. Williams. Jacob H. Wolcott. W. P. Sargent. k. G. Clark. Allen Miller. W.1. Snyder. D. C. McLaughlan. Jno. L. Street, R. A. Waddill. Henry Shielis. J. M. Cohen. L. D. Watson. J.J. Adams. Jno. W. Brown. Oscar F. Lyons. A. G. Sutherland. S.R. Thurman. David Evans, Jno. E. Booth. Geo. M. Brown. Jno. M. Daley. W.N.Doosenberry. Edwin Spencer. Wx. Rex. Wim. G. Baker. Place. County. Name. Geo. W. Bean. Geo. T. Bean. Jno. A. Hellstrom. 6 es Wm. H. Clark. Richmond, Cache. B. L. Dotie. St. George, Washington. Jno. McFarlan. Anthony W. Ivins. és os M. Snow. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake. Marshall & Royle. Hal] & Marshall. Richfield, Sevier. é ce 66 ce 6 Oo Chas. K. Gilchrist. 6 “ Geo. B. Flecher. 6c cs Arthur Brown. 6 sf Thos. Malony. e ss Baskin & VanHorn aie sf Hoge & Burmester. cs ss Prestly Deming. e G P.S. Williams. “c Ss S. H. Lewis. cc ss LeGrande Young. oT s Woods & Hoffman. oe ‘s Southerland & McBride. e ef Sheeks & Rawlins. Bennett, Harkness & Kirkpatrick. Silver Reef, Washington. Jas: N. Louder. T. C. Burnes. Spanish Forks, Utah. Wm. Creer. Spring City, San Pete. Jacob Johnson. Stockton, ‘Tooele. Jas. G. Brown. Tooele, Tooele. Hugh S. Gowans. as as Thos. W...Lee. Lysander Gee. Toquerville, Washington.Martin Slack. ce ee NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR UTAH. Place. County. Name. Plave. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Ashley, Uintah. Jos. W. Black. Kaysville, Davis. Jos. Barton. Portage, Box Elder. W. 4H. Anderson. Beaver, Beaver. F. R. Clayton. BinghamCanyon,SaltLake.Jno. Brunton. g y Box Elder, Box Elder. Coalville, Summit. Corinne, ee Elder. Ephraim, $ san Pete. Eureka, Juab. Frisco, Beaver. éé cc Gunnison, San Pete. ce ce Heber, Wasatch. ee ce Halden, Millard. Hyde Park, Cache. A. H. Snow. Jno. Boydon. D. P. Tarpey. J. P. Christensen. J. H. MecChristal. P. Loechrie. C.S. King. Thos. Williams. A. Fawson. Jno. Duncan. M. J. Shelton. J.S. Giles. C. C. Shaw. Levan, Juab. Logan, Cache. | Manti, San Pete. Marysvale, Pi Ute. Monroe, Sevier. Morgan, Morgan. ‘ cs Mt. Pleasant, San Pete. Nephi, Juab. Ogden City, Weber. Ophir, Tooele. Panguitch, Garfield. Park City, Summit. Parowan, Iron. J. W. Shephard. J. T. Hammond. Daniel Harrington. Jas. A. Stark. Wm. M. McCarty. F. Kingston. S. Francis. L. Larson. Henry Adams. Jos. A. West. A. H. Nelson. Jacob H. Wooleott. Jno. M. Dunning. Hans E. James. . W. Brown. A. G. Sutherland,jr David Evans, Edwin Spencer. Provo City, Utah. Randolph, Rich. Richfield, Sevier. Jas. M Peterson. Richmond, Cache. B.-L. Dotie. St. George, Washington. Edwin G. Wooley. Salina, Sevier. Fred G. Willis. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake.Wm. M. Bradley. “ Chas. K. Gilchrist. Silver City, Juab. C. H. Blanchard. Silver Reef, Washington.Julius Jordan. Stockton, Tooele. Jas. G. Brown. Terrace, Box Elder. Wm. W. Taylor. Tooele, Tooele. Jno. Dunn, Toqgeurville, Washington.Martin Slack. MORT GAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR UTAH. Place. County. Name. Beaver, Beaver. “eé ee Box Elder, Box Elder. Cedar City, Lron. Corinne, Box Elder. Ephraim, San Pete. Eureka, Juab. Farmington, Davis. sé ée Place. County. Name, Place. County. Name. W. P. Smith. Jno. Barraclough. L. Snow. Jno. Chatterly. J. W. Guthrie. S. Neilson. D. Lombard. J. EF. Wilcox. Kanab, Kane. Kaysville, Davis. Logan, Cache. Manti, San Pete. Monroe, Sevier. Morgan, Morgan. Nephi, Juab. L. C. Mariger. J. B. Meredith. Jos. Barton. Goddard & Frank. H. J. Christenson. Wm. A. Warnock. S. Francis. Alma Hague. Jno. R. Robinson. Richard Benson. Thos. Yardley. Provo City, Utah. B. Bachman. Richfield, Sevier. Jas. M. Peterson. Richmond, Cache. B. L. Doty St. George, Washington. Wicolevitunacauad Salt Lake City, S Salt ‘Lake. CG. E. Pomeroy. Park City, Summit. Parowan, Iron. ce 6e « tc Thos. Steed. Henry Adams T, B. Jones & Co. Fillmore, Millard Ree Ogden City, Weber. §_-D. H.. Perry. es “ MeCormick & Co. imore, Millard. a ToD SOn i “ e GC Bichards: oo ss Knowlton & Green. Heber, Wasatch. Abram © eaten ie $s Bon est Scipio Mallard Ones One ; aR ae eae eee : en. E. Rich & Co. ‘ ; Halden, Millard. ae Giles. Panguitch, Garfield. MWC EGsEy: Co. | Silver Reef, Washington. Weer Lund & SONU: e rs Jno. Myers. Tooele, Tooele. H. S. Gowan.H OTE LS, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR V BE R M. O N yr ° Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name, Albany, Orleans. Alburgh Sp’gs, Grand Isle Arlington, Bennington. Ashbureh, Grand Isle. Bakersfield, Franklin. Barre, Washington. Barton, Orleans. Barton Lanting, Orleans. sellows Falls, Windham. Barnard, Windsor. Bennington, Bennington. Bennington Centre, Ben- nington. Benson, Rutland. Bethel, Windsor. Bradford, Orange. Braintree, Orange. Berkshire, Franklin. Brandon, Rutland. Brattleboro, Windham. Bridgewater, Windsor. 3ridgport, Addison. Brighton, Essex. Darling Hotel. Alburgh Sp’gs H’tel Warner Hotel. Ashburgh House. Brigham Hotel. Octagon Hotel. Crystal Lake House Valley House. Town’s Hotel. Silver Lake Hotel. Putnam House. Walloomsac House. Union Hotel. 3acon House. Trotler House. Snow Hill Hotel. Central Hotel. Brandon House. Brooks House. Allards Hotel. Stewart House. Green M’t’n Hotel. Bristol Hotel. Vanness House. American House. Evarts House. Canaan House. Bomseen House, Eagle Hotel. Orange Co. Hotel. Central Hotel. Clarendon House. Mallets Bay House. River Dale Hotel. Eagle Hotel. Elm Hotel. Central Hotel. Bristol, Addison. Burlington, Chittenden. se ce ce “ oe Canaan, Essex. Castleton, Rutland. Cavendish, Windsor. Chelsea, Orange. Chester, Windsor. Clarendon, Rutland. Colchester, Chittenden. Corinth, Orange. Craftsbury, Orleans. Danville, Caledonia. Derby, Orleans. Derby Line, Orleans. Derby Line Hotel. Eden, Lamoille. Enosburgh, Franklin. Essex, Crittenden. Eden Hotel. Quincey Hotel. Ferguson Hotel. FactoryPoint, BenningtonColbun Louse. Fairfax, Franklin. Fairfield, Franklin. Fair Haven, Rutland. Ferrisburgh, Addison. Franklin, Franklin. Glover, Orleans. Grafton, Windham. Guildhall, Essex. Guilford, Windham. Hardwick, Caledonia. Hartford, Windsor. Hartland, Windsor. Highgate, Franklin. Hyde Park, Lamoille. Trasburgh Orleans. Island Pond, Essex, Jamaica, Windham. Jericho, Chittenden. Leicester, Addison. Londonderry, Windham. Ludlow, Windsor. Lunenburgh, Essex. Fairfax Hotel. Franklin Co. Hotel Park View House. Martins Hotel. Franklin Hotel. Union Hotel. Phelps Hotel. Essex House. t}reen River Hotel. Centennial Hotel. White River Hotel. Pavillion House. Stinouv’s Hotel. American Hotel. Irasburgh Hotel. Stewart House. Green M’t’n House. Beach Hotel. Junction Hotel. Londonderry Hotel Ludlow House. Lunenburgh Hotel. Lyndon Centre, CaledoniaLyndon Hotel. Manchester, Bennington. Esquimo House. Middlebury, Addison. Milton, Chittenden. Montpelier, Washington. Morrisville Lamoille. Newfane, Windham: New Haven, Addison. Newport, Orleans. Northfield, Washington. Orwell, Addison. Pawlet, Rutland. Addison House. Elm Tree Hotel. Pavillion Hotel. American House. Vermont Hotel. Newfane Hotel. Partch Hotel. Memphremagog H. Northfield Hotel. Center Hotel. Franklin Hotel. Peacham, Caledonia. Pittsford, Rutland. Poultney, Rutland. Randolph, Orange. Reading, Windsor. tichford, Franklin. Rockingham, Windham. Roxbury, Washington. Rutland, Rutland. St. Albans, Franklin. ‘ec ee Travelers’ Hotel. Otter Creek Hotel. Poultney Hotel. Randolph Hotel. Felch Hotel. Union Hotel. Town’s Hotel. Summit Hotel. Bardwell House. Bates’ House. Burwick House. Welden Hotel. American House. St. Johnsbury, Caledonia.St.Johnsbury House Salisbury, Addison. Springfield, Windsor. South Hero, Grand Isle. S. Royalton, Windsor. Swanton, Franklin. Thetford, Orange. Topsham. Orange. Underhill, Chittenden. Vergennes, Addison. LakeDunmoreHotel Springfield House. Jodine Sp’ggylTouse. S. Royalton Hotel. Central House. St. James Hotel. © Wallace Hotel. Dixon House. Stephen’s Hotel. Washington, Orange. Washington Hotel. Waterbury, Washington, Waterbury Hotel. Weathersfield, Windsor. Downer’s Hotel. Wells River, Orange. Wells River Hotel. West Concord, Essex. W. Concord Hotel. West Randolph, Orange. Red Lyon Inn. White River Junction, Windsor. Junction House. Whitingham, Windham. Glenn House. Williamstown, Orange. Gulf Springs House Wilmington, Windham. Vermont House. Windsor, Windsor. Windsor House. Winooski, Chittenden. Stephens’ House. Wolcott, Lamoille. Tillosson Hotel. Woodstock, Windsor. Eagle Hotel. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS DEPARTMENT FOR VERMONT. Place. County. Nane. Barton, Orleans. Bellows Falls, Windham. Bennington, Bennington. Bethel, Windsor. Bradford, Orange. se ‘ Brandon, Rutland. H. K. Dewey. Eddy & Eddy. J. B. Meecham. Jas. J. Wilson. H.E. Parker. H. C. MeDuffee. Geo. Briggs. Brattleboro, Windham. R. W.-Clark. Bristol, Addison. L.S. Scott. Burlington, Chittenden. Whittemore & W heeler. H.S. Peck. ce se BANKS AND BANKERS Place. County. Name. Burlington, Chittenden. Chelsea, Orange. Derby Line, Orleans. Guildhall, Hssex. Island Pond, Essex. Middlebury, Addison. ce a3 Newport, Orleans. North Troy, Orleans. North Hero, Grand Isle. Orwell, Addison. Randolph, Orange. J. W. Russell. C.S. Emery. N. T. Sheafe. Wm. H. Hartshorn. Daniel S. Starr. L. E. Knapp. H. L. Sheldon. H. B. Cushman. H. C. Wilson. ©. B. Russell. @. &. Bush: W. H. Nichols. Place, County. Name. Rutland, Rutland. es a9 Salisbury, Addison. S. Strafford, Orange. South Hero, Grand Isle. Vergennes, Addison. Washington, Orange. Wells River, Orange. S. M. Dorr’s Sons. Newman Weeks. GC. F. Kingsley. A.C. Kibling. Henry Harrington. F. EB. Woodbridge. H. A. White. Charles Leslie. West Randolph. Orange. A. B. Thomas. Whitingham, Windham. Chas. 8. Chase. Wilmington, Windham. ST. Davenport. Woodstock, Windsor. Win. E. Johnson. DEPARTMENT FOR V EB R M O N ‘lL; Place. County. Name. Bakersfield, Franklin. Bakersfield Bank. Barre, Washington. Barre Nat’] Bank. Barton, Orleans, Barton Nat'l Bank. Bellows Falls, Windham.Bell’wsFalls NatlB Bennington, Bennington. First Nat'l Bank. ch Zt Bennington County Nat’l Bank. Nat] White RiverB Bradford Sv’gs Bk & Trust Co. Brandon Nat] Bank VermontNat] Bank Peoples’ Nat’l Bank Burlington, Chittenden. Merchants’ Nat'l B. ce 2 Howard Nat] Bank Castleton Nat] Bk. First Nat’! Bank. Caledonia Nat'l Bk. Bethel, Windsor. Bradford, Orange. Brandon, Ruiland. Brattleboro, Windham. ee é Castleton, Rutland. Chelsea, Orange. Danville, Caledonia. | Place. County. Name. Derby Line, Orleans. Derby Line Natl B Factory Point, BenningtonFactory Pt. Nat lB Fair Haven, Rutland. Hyde Park, Lamoille. Jamaica, Windham. First Nat’] Bank. LaMoille Co.Natv’lB Jamaica Sv’es Bank Lyndon Centre, CaledoniaLyndon Nat’! Bank Lyndonville, Caledonia. Middlebury, Addison. Montpelier, Washington. Newfane, Windham. Newport, Orleans. Northfield, Windham. Orwell, Addison. Poultney, Rutland. Proctorsville, Windsor. Richford, Franklin. Lyndonville NatJB Middlebury Nat. Bk. Montpelier Nat. Bk. First Nat’l Bank. WindhamCo.Svge’sB Newport Nat. Bank Northfield Nat Bk. First Nat’] Bank. First Nat’) Bank. ProctorsvilleNat.B. Richford Sv’gs B’k ° & Trust Co. Place. County. Name. Rutland Co.Natl B. Merchants’ Nat'l B. Baxter Nati Bank. Clement a Banks St. nsbury, Caledonia.First Na 7] Bank. ee cae sf Merchants’ Nat'l B. First Nat’l Bank. Natl Bank of Ver- gennes. Farmers’ Nat'l Bk. Waterbury, Washington. Waterbury Nat'l Bk Wells River, Orange. Nau Bank of New- ury. West Randolph, Orange. Randolph Nat'l Bk. Wilmington, Windham. W ilmington Nat. B. Windsor, Windsor. W indsol Nat'l Bank Winooski, Chittenden. Winooski Svg’s Bk. Rutland, Rutland. 6c ce “6 oe Springfield, Windsor. Vergennes, Addison. éc ce Woodstock, Windsor. Woodstock Natl B. Sage an oy emptor ay Bae ae CRS ee eS Te eee . FE. Kingsley. A. C. Kibling. Springfield Sy’gs B. South Hero, Grand Isle. S. S. Clark. South Royalton, Windsor. Lamb & Tarbell. Vergennes, Addison. F. E. Woodbridge. Waterbury, Washington, Paul Dillingham. West Concord, Essex. O. F. Harvey. West Randloph, Orange. Wm. I. Du Bois. Whitingham, Windham. EL. ING Nix Wilmington. Windham. Wilmington Sv ’os B Windsor, Windsor. Winooski, Chittenden. Woodstock, Windsor. Windsor Sv’ gs Bk. Winooski Sv’gs Bk. French& SouthgateWIRGINIA. o~>_ <> —<>p-° HOTELS, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR VIRGINIA. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Arlington Hotel. Colonade House. Savage House. Afton House. Braddock House. Amelia Hotel. Central Hotel. Virginia House. Appomattox, Appomattox, Clover Hotel. Ashland, Hanover. Ashland House. Bales’ Mills, Lee. Ball House. Bangs, Montgomery. Wilson House. Bedford Springs,Campbell. Bedford Sp’gs Hotel. Belmont, Spottsylvania. Spottsylvania House. Berryville, Clarke. Virginia House. Big Spring Depot, Mont- gomery. Sycamore Hotel. Blacks& Whites, Nottoway. Blacks& Whites Hotel Blacksburgh, Montgomery. Western Hotel. Abingdon, Washington. Accomack, Accomack. Afton, Nelson. Alexandria, Alexandria. Amelia, C. H., Amelia. Amherst, Amberst. ee ae Bland, C. H., Bland. Bonsack’s, Roanoke. Bowling Green, Caroline. Boydton, Mecklenburgh. Bridgewater, Rockingham. Barbee House. Buchanan, Botetourt. Buffalo Lithia Springs, Lee House. Lake Spring House. Lon Hotel. Exchange Hotel. Hotel Felix. Buffalo Lithia Sp’gs Mecklenburgh. Hotel. Buckingham, Buckingham. Maysville House. te rs Buckingham House. Franklin, Southampton. Albemarle House. Fredericksburgh, Spott- poles! Exchange Hotel. Front Royal, Warren. Mn’t View House. a - Strickland House. Glade Spring. Washington. Thompson House. Gloucester, Gloucester. Hotel Richardson. Goochland, Goochland. Dixie House. " Exchange Bank. First National Bank. Bank of Galesville First National Bank. Green Bay, Brown. Hayward, Sawyer. Hudson, St. Croix. Hurley, Ashland. Janesville, Rock. Jefferson, Jefferson. ee “ Kaukauna, Outagamie. Kenosha, Kenosha. ee sé Kewaunee, Kewaunee. eé 6e La Crosse, La Crosse. ee ce ee 6c Lake Mills, Jefferson: Lancaster, Grant. Madison, Dane. ee 6e Manitowoc, Manitowoc. es ce ee 6 Marinette, Marinette. Marshfield, Wood. Mauston, Juneau. Medford, Taylor. Menasha, Winnebago. Menomonie, Dunn. Merillon, Jackson. Merrill, Lincoln. Milton, Rock. Milton Junction, Rock, Milwaukee, Milwaukee. ee e sé (a4 Mineral Point, [owa. Monroe, Green. Montello, Marquette. Montt fort, Gi rant. rece Mh athon. Neenah, Winnebago. Neillsville, Clark New Lisbon, Juneau. Kilbourn City, Columbia. Lake Geneva, Walworth. Kellogg Nat'l Bk. Sawyer Co. Bank. First National Bank: Hudson Svg’s Bank. Bank of Hurley. First National Bank. Merch.& MechanicsB. Jefferson Co. Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. Bank of Kaukauna. First National Bank. Dan Head & Co. Bank of Kewaunee. Kewaunee Ex. Bk. Bk. of Kilbourn City. Batavia Bank. State Bk.of La Crosse. La Crosse Nat’l Bk. First National Bank. Greenwood Bros. Geo. W. Ryland & Co. Capital Oity Bank. First Nat'l Bank. State Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Manitowoc Sve’s Bk. T. C. Shove’s Bk. Stephenson Bk’e Co. Marshfield Bank. . Briggs. Meat ford Ex. Bank. Brucker & Ludoff. Bank of Menasha. First Nat’l Bank. Schutte & Quilling. Merillon Bank, G. Haywood & Son. Ross & McCord. Bank of Nilton. iixchange Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Merchants Exe Bank. Milwaukee Svgs Bk. Wis. Marine & Fire & Ins. Co. Bank. First Nat’l] Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Citizens Bank. Bank of Montello. Stevens Bank. Bank of Montfort. Bank of Mosinee. Neenah Nat'l Bank. Clark Co. Bank. Neillsville Bank. Farmers & Merchants Bank. New London, Waupaca. New Richmond, St. Croix. Oconomowoe, Waukesha. Oconto, Oconto. Oshkosh, Winnebago. é6 6c Phillipps, Price. Plainfield, Waushara. Platteville, Grant. Plymouth, Sheboygan. Portage, Columbia. 6é ce Prescott, Pierce. Princeton, Green Lake. Racine, Racine. ee ee ce ce Reedsburgh, Sauk. Rice Lake, Barron. Ripon, Fon-du-Lac. River Falls, Pierce. Sauk City, Sauk. Shawano, Shawano. Sheboygan, 3} heboyg gan. “cc ce Shullsburgh, La Fayette. Sparta, Monroe. Steven’s Point, Portage. 6s oe Stoughton, Dane. Sturgeon Bay, Door. Superior, Douglas. Tomah, Monroe. Viroqua. Vernon. Watertown, Jefferson. Waukesa, Waukesa. ee Waupaca, Waupuca. ee ae Waupun, Fond-du-Lac. Wausau, Marathon. West Bend, Washington. West Salem, La Crosse. Weyauwego, Waupaca. White Wate ar, Walworth. Wonewee Juneau. Port Washington, Ozaukee. Richland Centre, Richland. Bank of New London Bk otf New Richmond Oconomowoe Bank. Farnsworth & Smith. Com’! Nat’l Bank. Union Nat’! Bank. Nat’l Bk of Oshkosh. Bk of Plainfield. Geo. W. Eastman & 0. Bank of Plymouth. City Bk of Portage. German Exchange Bk Ozaukee Co. Bank. H.S. Miller. he Yahr: Union Nat’l Bank. First Nat’l Bank. M’fers Nat'l Bank. Reedsburgh Bank. Barron Co. Bank. Richland Centre Bk. Krouskop’s Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Bank of River Falls. J.S. Tripp. Shawano Co. Bk. German Bank. Bank of Sheboygan. Sheboygan Falls, SheboyganBank of Sheboygan Falls. Dairymens Bank. Shullsburgh Wis.Bk. Bank of Sparta. M. A. Thayer & Co. Commercial Bank. First Nat’l Bank. Dane Co. Bk. Stoughton State Bk. Sturgeon Bay Ex. Bk Bank of Superior. M.A. Thayer & Co. Bank of Viroqua. Bank of Watertown. Waukesa Nat'l Bank Ex. Nat’! Bank. Waupaca Bank. City Bank. Waupun Nat’! Bk. Marathon Co. Bank. First Nat’] Bank. Bk. of West Bend. Wyatt H. Graves. Weed, Gumear & Co. Citizens Nat’l BE. First Nat’) Bank. Bank of Wonewoce.GENERAL LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT rok WISCONSIN. Place. County. Name. Ahnapee, Kewaunee. Alma, Buffalo. “ss ce Amherst, Portage. Antigo, Langlade. ee se “ee “eé és “cc Appleton, Outagamie. ee “ce 6e ee ae sé ‘ce “6 6é 66 “cc “ec Arcadia, Trempealeau. “e ‘e ‘sé “ce Argyle, La Fayette. Ashland, Ashland. “ec ‘ec ee ‘c ce “é Augusta, Eau Claire. Avoca, lowa. Baldwin, St. Croix. és ee “é “c Baraboo, Sauk, ee ce oe “ee ee ce “ce «é Barron, Barron. ce ee “cc “ Bayfield, Bayfield. Bay View, Milwaukee. Beaver Dam, Dodge. “ce “cc cc iT) Belmont, La Fayette. Beloit, Rock. Benton, La Fayette. Berlin, Green Lake. “é ee cs 66 Black R. Falls, Jackson. te ce ce ce Blanchardville, La Fayette. Bloomer, Chippewa. Bloomington, Grant. Boscobel, Grant. Broadhead, Green. ce ce Bryant, Langlade. Burlington, Racine. se 4c Cadott, Chippewa. Cambria, Columbia. Cedarburgh, Ozaukee. Chetek, Barron. Chilton, Calumet. ce ce 66 “é 6é és Karel & Parker. Robert Lees. Theodore Buchler. A. J. Smith. Latta & Ramsay. Lynch & McCarthy. J. H. Trever. John E. Martin. Collins & Blackwell. John Goodland. Wim. Kennedy. H. D. Ryan. H. W. Tenney. Whitman & Spencer. Pierce & Moeskes. Edward Q. Nye. C. E. Perkins. S. Richmond. C. EF. Trevitt. John H. Knight. J. O. Hayes. EK. A. Hayes. J.J. Miles. Wm. M. Tompkins. Tra B. Bradtord. H. P. Deitrich. A. Taylor. Henry Anderson. R. H. Start. John Barker. J. P. Wilson. Phillip Cheek, jr. Levi Crouch. N. W. Wheeler. J. Re Coe: Fred B. Kinsley. Charles S. Taylor. Wm. F. Shea. A. M. Wardon. Henry P. Morse. Otjen Bros. ee rek: E. Elwell. W. E. Keeley. N. Olmsted. S. J. Todd. B. M. Malone. Ji. CeRood: O. H. Orton. M. Murphy. Warring, Hichstaedt. & Niskern. John J. Wood, jr. O. F. Silver. C. R. Johnson. Carl C. Pope. C. F. Ainsworth. G. M. Perry. K. P. Rogers. ndrew Jackson. C. D. Tillinghast. P. Bartley. Brooks & Dutchler. Wilson & Clovis. C. N. Carpenter. B. R. Sprague. J. B. Loomis. Merton & Kearney. Edward H. Mills. John P. Wall. P. Williams. FEF. W. Horn. C. W. Meadows. Alfred A. Nugent. J. E. McMullen. John Paulus. John C. Kleist. J. B. Reynolds. Chippewa Falls, Chippewa. Marshall & Jenkins. 66 66 ce 66 “cc ce 6é sé ce ‘6 Clear Lake, Polk. Clinton, Rock. Clintonville, Waupaca. Colby, Clark. Cotumbus, Columbia. Crandon, Forest. Rusk & Boland. Barlow & Buchanan. W. H. Stafford. T. J. Connor. Anderson & Bowe. F. T. Condit. Frank M. Nye. Wn. Jones. Carry, Phillips & Forward. R. B. Salter. J.S. Maxwell. G. W. Stephens. Egbert Wyman. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. H. S. Comstock. I. W. Bird. Cumberland, Barron. “ee “ee Darlington, La Fayette. “es “cc sé ce Dartford, Green Lake. Delavan, Walworth. “ce “ee De Pere, Brown. “ ‘e De Soto, Vernon. Dexterville, Wood. Dodgeville, Iowa. Durand, Pepin. “cc “ee “cc se Eau Claire, Eau Claire. ce tc ‘cc $6 sc cc ce 6s cc cc ce sé cé ce cc ce ce «6 6c oe ce ec ce 6c te se Edgerton; Rock. Elkhorn, Walworth. ec se cc a4 Ellsworth, Pierce. Elroy, Juneau. Evansville, Rock. Fennimore, Grant. Fifield, Pierce. Florence, Florence. sé se ce ae Fond-du Lac, Fond-du Lac. ee ‘ec cc ce ce sc “ec sé ce ce ce ce Ft. Atkinson, Jefferson. Tt. Howard, Brown. Fountain City, Buffalo. Fox Lake. Dodge. Friendship, Adams. Galesville, Trempealeau. ce ce Gilmantown. Buffalo. Grand Rapids, Wood. ce ee ce ‘ec Grantsburgh, Burnett. Gratiot, La Fayette. Green Bay, Brown. 6c “c Hayward, Sawyer. “é cc Hickory, Oconto. Highland, Towa. Horicon, Dodge. Hudson, St. Croix. ce ee Janesville, Rock. cs ec ce sé 66 “cé sé 66 66 cs 66 6c “6 sé Jefferson, Jefferson. Green Bush, Sheboygan. Hartford, Washington. “e &6 Mead & Wright.. D. S. Rose. Orton & Osborne. G. A. Marshall. R. J. Wilson. J. E. Dunlap. A. S. Spooner. Silas W. Menzie. Fred Goodrich. FH. €. Cady. BK. F. Parker. Wm. F. Terhune. C. O. Baker. J. L. Leonara. C. M. Hilliard. John Frazer. J. D. Eldridge. W. W. Downes. Wm. F. Bailey. M. B. Bartlett. E. M. Bartlett. Henry Cousins. Doolittle & Doolittle. James Douglass. F, Ellis. Gritin & Wamsley. H. H. Hayden. M. B. Hubbard. V. W. James. A. J. Marsh. Charles S. Roberts. J. P. Towne. de 1M, lyon, T. H. Sprague. H. F. Smith. Combacker& Hancock B. GC. Smith. DD. L. Mills. Wilson & Provis. H. R. Mead. Ww. H. Clark. Howard &.Thompson George C. Foster. E.S. Brage. W. D. Conklin. A. M. Blair. David Babcock. FE. F. Duffy. N.C. Giffin. Duffy & McCrary. L. B. Casswell. W. H. Rogers. Lomas & Cottrell. A. Finkelnburg. Frank Hamilton. S. W. Pierce. O. B. Lapham. Freeman & Son. CG. W. Farrand. S. G. Gilman. Gardner & Gaynor. Powers & Briggs. Geo. L. Williams. Wm. R. Maxwell. N. E. Tully. Vroman & Sale. Hudd & Wigman. Ellis, Green & Mer- rill. G. S. Putnam. H. W. Sawyer. : H. K. Butterfield. W. Packard. H. B. Ticknor. P. N. Hubbell. J. F. Grace. Chas. Allen. Jno. W. Bashford. Baker & Smith. McDonald & Kinney. Independence, Trempealeau.M. Mulligan. Wynans & Hyzer. Sale & Pierce. Fethers, Jeffries & Smith Dunwiddie & Golden. Smith & Phelps. Wm. Street. CG. L. Clark. Noreross, Carpenter & McGowen. G. W. Bird, Jefferson, Jefferson. ce “e“ cc “ee “cc “é 6c &e “cs 66 Juneau, Dodge. “cc ce “ ce Kaukauna, Outagamie. Kenosha, Kenosha. “cs “sé 6é 66 “ec 6s 6 “ec Kewaunee, Kewaunee. Kilbourn City, Columbia. Kingston, Green Lake. La Crosse, La Crosse. sé ‘sé cs sé ee 66 se ce ce se “ec ce ce ce “ce ce ce “6 sc éc “ce ce Lake Geneva, Walworth. se “ec ‘| Lake Mills, Jefferson. Lancaster, Grant. 6 se ce sé écé ee ‘6 ce ¢e ce Lavalle, Sauk. Linden, Iowa. Lone Rock, Richmond. Madison, Dane. ee ec se “é “ 6é “6 “6 “6 6 “cc 66 ce iT ee se Maiden Rock, Pierce. Manitowoc, Manitowoc. Marinette, Marinette. Markesan, Green Lake. Marshfield, Wood. ee ce Mauston, Juneau. 6c ““ 6c “ Maysville, Dodge. Medford, Taylor. éé ce sé ce “ce ce Menasha, Winnebago. “e 6é ce sé Menomonie, Dunn. ce ee se ee 66 ss 66 oe Merillon, Jackson. Merrill, Lincoln, 6c se ‘é “c 66 66 6é 66 66 “cc Milton, Rock. Milton Junction, Rock. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. “¢ 66 sé ce “6 ‘“s R. B. Kirkland. W.H. Porter. Geo. Grimm. A. J. Be Voigt: W.L. McKenney. G. W. Sloan. E. C. Lewis. J. E. Malone. G. H. Dawson. Jas. Cavanagh. D. A. Mahoney. M. A. Baker. M. Paddock. A. Van Wyck. Geo. B. Byron. P. G. Stroud. J. Bowman. M. W. Chappel. Benj. F. Bryant. Wm. S. Burroughs. John Brindley. Wm. F. Bigelow. Hugh Cameron. Thos. A. Dyson. H. M. Safford. Harvey E. Hubbard. M. F. Hayes. ° Chas. B. Miller. G. C. Prentiss. W. L. Crosby. C. S. French. J. B. Simmons. Jos. Simmons. J. A. Barnes. Bushnell & Watkins. Clark & Mills. Orr & Lowry. H. Buckner. L. J. Arthur. Joe Back. Jas. Smith. John Taylor. G. W. W. Tanner. Jas. L. O'Connor. Buell & Perkins. Gregory & Gregory. BK. W. Keyes. Lamb & Jones. Rogers & Hall. Je Of Sloan. Rufus B. Smith. Ed. P. Vilas. Ambrose Cook. W.A. Walker. Eastman, Scudder & Mountain. Austin McCracken. E. M. Deming. Frank A. Cady. Turner & Barney. Winsor & Winsor. F.S Veeder. A. K. Delaney. Adams & Schweppe. Jno. K. Parish. J. B. Haggerty. Corning & Foster. Silas Bullard. Smith & Schoetz. P. V. Lawson, Jr. Hunt & Freeman. Robt. McCaully. R. D. Whitford. N. F. Carpenter. P. B. Clark. Jos. Roy. Bump & Hetzel. Curtis & Curtis. Jno. Van Heckle. W. H. Flett. S. M. Hoyt. A. A. Helms. D. W. McLoud. BR. B.Saunders. je belracy. Frisby & Gibson. Flanders & Bottom. Van Dyke& VanDyke. Jenkins, Winkler, Fish & Smith. Johnson, Reilbrock & Halsey.CENERAL Place. County. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. ce oe Mineral Point, Towa. ec Mondovi, Buffalo. Monroe, Green. yy ce Montello, Marquetta. 66 ce Montfort, Grant. Muscoda, Grant. Neenah, Winnebago. ¢é ce Neillsville, Clark. se 6c ce ce New Lisbon, Juneau. ce ee New London, Waupacca. New Richmond, St. Croix. ct ee ce ce Oconomowoc, Waukesha. ce ee ce ce Oconto, Oconto. ce ce ee ce ce ce ce ee Oxford, Marquette. Osceola Mills, Polk. Oshkosh, Winnebago. Pepin, Pepin. Pewaukee, Waukesha. Phillipps, Price. Pittsville, Wood. Plainfield, Waushara. Plattsville, Grant. “ce ce Plover, Portage. Plymouth, Sheboygan. Portage, Columbia. 6e oe ce 6c sé 66 Port Washington, Ozaukee cé (ce Notaries LAW AND COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR WISCONSIN—Continued. Name. R. Renkena. Shepard & Shepard. Austin, Runkel & Aus- tin. J. M. Smith. Wilson & Mcllbon. Lanyon & Spensley. J. W. Whelan. B. Dunwiddie. P. J. Clawson. A. S. Douglass. S. A. Rease. Jno. Barry. BE. McCaffney. 8. H. Taylor. W.S. Manning. J. C. Kerwin. Wesley Mott. J. B. Hamilton. Geo. L. Jaques. Sturdevant & Sturde- vant. R. J. McBride. R. F. Kountz. J.J. Hughes. Richard Smith. L. 8. Porter. S. N. Hawkins. Fuller & McNally. H. H. Smith. Parks & Thompson. Jones & Carpenter. R. C. Hathaway. Webster & Breazeau. O. F. Trudell. Robt. Ellis. F. F. Wheeler. A. Reinhart. 8. J. Mills. Dyke & Burdick. Geo. D. McDill. Tra A. Fuller. W. H. Thomas. Willis Hand. M. Barry. W. E. Wilbur. F. S. Woodworth. W.N. Kelley. F. H. Walker. A. W. & W.E. Bell. Carter & Cleary. W.H. Beebe. J. W. Murphy. D. J. Gardner. O. H. Lamoreux. M. C. Mead. Thos. Armstrong, “jr. E. S. Baker. J. B. Taylor. J. H. Rogers. Gan Cox. -Wm. A. ‘holen. D. M. Jackson. Eevis Coe’ Place. County. Port Washington, Ozaukee. Pound, Marinette. Name. S. A. Hooper: D. A. Reed. Prairie du Chien, Crawford.Wm. H. Evans. Prairie-du-Cac, Sank. Prescott, Pierce. “ ce “cc 66 Princeton, Green Lake. Racine, Racine. a4 6é ce oe ee ce ec ce ce oe cs 66 ce ce ‘ ce Randolph, Dodge. Reedsburgh, Sauk. “eé 66 Rhinelander, Lincoln. Rice Lake, Barron. sé ce Richland Centre, Richland. oe «cc 6é ce Ripon, Fond-du-Lac. ee oe ce ce River Falls, Pierce. Sauk City, Sauk Sharon, Walworth. Shawano, Shawano. Sheboygan, Sheboygan. ee ce ce ce ce ce Sheboygan Falls.Sheboygan Shell Lake, Washburn. Shullsburgh, La Fayette. Soldiers’ Grove, Crawford. Sparta, Monroe. ce cs Spencer, Marathon. Star Prairie, St. Croix. Steven's Point, Portage. 6c ce sé és éé 6¢ ¢ 6e Stoughton, Dane. Sturgeon Bay, Door. 6é ce oe 66 ce 66 Superior, Douglas. J. S. Tripp. F. A. Ross. J.S. White. E. H. Ives. HW. EH. Cox Quarles & Spence. Dodge & Fish. Fuller& Fuller. H. A. Cooper. C. H. Lee. M, J. Smollen. E. W. Moore. ANC. Judd: S. &A.S. Ritchie. C. A. Stark. G. Stevens. Re Pe Perry. G. L. Stevens. Jno. Barnes. Swift & Welsh. W. A. Heylman. Black & Burnhan. Miner & Berryman. Eastland & Eastland. L. H. Bancroft. J. Dobbs. J. J. Hoot: Runnals & Dunlap. Wellington Vannatta J. B. Quinby. W. Ingalls. M. J. Wallrich. Wm. H. Seaman. Francis Williams. A. C. Prescott. D. T. Phalen. B. Williams. J. H. James. John E. Thomas. L. H. Mead. A. L. Bugbee. Tee awe Simpson & Simpson. A. Montgomery. T. B. Ward. Bleakman & Bloom- ingdale. J. M. Morrow. C. M. Masters. John F. Cole. Geo. B. Kidder. B. B. Park. O’Keefe & Calkins. Jones & Sanborn. Raymond & Hasel- tine. Geo. W. Cate. Frank B. Lamoreux. J. M. Clancy. James Keogh, jr. R. P. Crody. Dentzer & Dentzer. F. J. Hamilton. Champ Green. Place. County. Superior, Douglas. ce 66 “ “ce Tomah, Monroe. ee 6 4c ce Trempealeau, Trempealeau. Union Grove, Racine. Viroqua, Vernon. “ss ce “ cc 66 “ce 46 “ce ‘ec 6é 6“ it 4 Wagon Landing, Polk. Watertown, Jefferson. ‘6 ce Waukesha, Waukesha. ce sé Waupaca, Waupaca. Waupun, Fond-du-Lac. Wausau, Marathon. 6é 66 Wautoma, Waushara. “ “ce West Bend, Washington. 66 “ Westfield, Marquette. West Salem, La Crosse. Weyauwega, Waupaca. Wheatville, Crawford. Whitehall, Trempealeau. Whitewater, Walworth. 66 ce 66 6é W onewoc, Juneau. TO THE Name. Hiram Hayes. D. E. Roberts. James Pritchie. H. C. Spaulding. Geo. Graham. S. W. Button. J. C. Button. Henry Weisman. H. P. Proctor. Butt & Graves. O. B. Wyman. W.N. Carter. W.S. Field. H. C.- Forsyth. C. A. Roberts. V.M. Babcock. C. H. Gardiner. H. Pease. C. P. Skinner. Vernon Tichenor. Carney & Ryan. T. H. Putney. EK. W. Chapin. M. L. Snider. T. W. Haight. M.S. Griswold. Chas. B. Armin. I. P. Lord. Hooker & Son. E. M. Beach. Alex Craven. Silverthorne, Hurley Ryan. Pullings, Hoyt & Hollway. Crosby & Fink. Elred & Brown. Grace & Alban. KE. B. Lord. R. L. D. Potter. L. L. Soule. P. O'Meara. 8. S. Barney. M. Simon. I. N. Frisby. Paul A. Weil. James Duff. Wyatt H. Graves. John Fordyce. W.B. Walton. Samuel 8. Miller. P. A. Williams. T. D. Weeks. Geo. W. Steele. J. H. Page. E. T. Cass. Duane Mowry. BAR OF THE UNITED A CES—This Department of the “‘ Every OFFOE Fa- VORITE,’’ (taken for all the States and Territories,) presents to you the nearest complete NATIONAL LAWYERS’ DIREO- TORY published. As proof, Publishers invite comparison and to illustrate would state that there are in all about 2,600 counties in the entire U.S.and Territories, and it will be found that over 2,550 (counties) of this number are repre- sented by from one to ten towns or cities in each; in a ma- jority of cases it will be observed that the greater number of each County Bar is given and their proper addresses. Public, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR WISCONSIN. , Place. County. Name. Albany, Green. Antigo, Langlade. Appleton, Outagamie.’ Arcadia, Trempealeau. Argyle, La Fayette. Arkansaw, Pepin. Ashland, Ashland. Augusta, Eau Claire. Avoca, Iowa. Baldwin, St. Croix. « Baraboo, Sauk. Barron, Barron. Bayfield, Bayfield. Bay View, Milwaukee, Beaver Dam, Dodge. Belmont, La Fayette. Beloit, Rock. Berlin, Green Lake. Black Creek Falls, Mara- thon. e Thomas Gravenor. H. G. Bordman. H. G. Freeman. Joseph Ruth. Jno. S. Waddington. J.S. McCourtie. John H. Knight. C. Kk. Bradford. H. P. Deitrich. A. Taylor. John Barker. CHCaCoe A. Tate. Henry P. Morse. Christian Henney. N. Olmsted. B. M. Malone. John J. Wood, jr. F. A. Strupp. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Black R. Falls, Jackson. Blanchardville, La Fayette Bloomer, Chippewa. Boyd, Chippewa. Brillion, Calumet. Broadhead, Green. Burlington, Racine. Butternut, Ashland. Cambria, Columbia. Cameron, Barron. Cecil, Shewano. Cedarburgh, Ozaukee. Chelsea, Taylor. Chetek, Barron. Chilton, Calumet. Clinton, Rock. Clintonville, Waupaca, Columbus, Columbia, Crandon, Forest. Frank Johnson. .K. T. Rosted. Andrew Jackson. Robert Potter. Peter Werner. C. W. Carpenter. T. M. Kearney. H. L. Besse. Edward Harris. H. W. Snashall. T. 8. McMurray. H. Wehausen. John Anderson. C. W. Meadows. Wm. Edwards. Chippewa Falls, Chippewa. Wm. Bowe. Wm. Edwards. F’. M. Guernsey. S. W. Chadborn. Frank Cook, Crandon, Forest. Cross Plains, Dane. Cumberland, Barron. Darlington, La Fayette. Delavan, Walworth. De Pere, Brown. De Soto, Vernon. Dodgeville, Iowa. Dorchester, Clark. Drummond, Bayfield. Durand, Pepin. Dycksville, Kewaunee. Eagle River, Lincoln. Eau Claire, Eau Claire. Edgerton, Rock. Elkhorn, Walworth. Ellsworth, Pierce. Elroy, Juneau. Egbert Wyman. H. J. Dahman. E. V. Benjamin. L. E. Johnson. J. P. Larnard. John Smith. F. C. Cady. J. H. Rogers. J. Li. Leonard. R. G. Miltmore. R. M. Campbell. H. D. Dyre. Joseph Wery. Daniel Graham. W. W. Downes. L. P. Hotchkiss. J. P. Towne. W. H. Conger. G. W. Hancock. Taken Dunns ¢Place. County. NOTARIES PUBLIC, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T Name. Place. County. Name. os FOR WISCONSIN—Continued. Place. County. Name. Excelsior, Richland. Bvansville, Rock. Florence, Florence. 6e ee Fond-du Lac, Fond-du Lae. Ft. Atkinson, Jefferson. ‘Ft. Howard, Brown. Tountain City, Buffalo. Fox Lake, Dodge. Friendship, Adams. Galesville, Trempealeau. Grafton, CZawicee: Grand Rapids, Wood. Grantsburgh, Burnett. Gratiot, La Fayette. Green Bay, Brown. Green Bush, Sheboygan. Greenwood. Clark. Hartford, Washington. Hartland, Waukesha. Hayward, Sawyer. Hichland, Iowa. Hillsboro, Vernon. Hixton, Jackson. Hudson, St. Croix. Humbird, Clark. Independence, Trempealeau. p p Iola, Waupaca. Tronton, Sauk. Jamesville, Rock. Jefferson, Jefferson. Juneau, Dodge. Kaukauna, Outagamie. Kenosha, Kenosha. Kewaunee, Kewaunee. Kiel, Manitowoc. Kilbourn City, Columbia. Knapp, Dunn. La Crosse, La Crosse. 4c sc 6c “ce Lake Geneva, Walworth. Lavalle, Sauk. Linden, Iowa. Lone Rock, Richland. Loyal, Clark. Madison, Dane. Maiden Rock, Pierce. Manitowoc, Manitowoc. pulnony Hurgegon: 1D), Ib, I A.M. eenin W. H. Clark. A. A. Kelly. Geo. P. Knowles. C. A. Casswell. Peter Cotrell. J. J. Senn. Frank Hamilton. Jno. W. Gunning. C. W. Ferrand. C. L. Dickerman. Geo. L. Williams. Wm. R. Maxwell Frank Scott. O. J. B. Brice. G. S. Putnam. Geo. W. Hubbell. J. R. Rice. Moses Kahn. H. E. Ticknor. J. F. Grace. Thos. J. Shear. Geo. Van Waters. C. Y. Denniston. F.C. Baxter. Thos. Thompson. B. L. Taylor. N.G. Blakeslee. Oot; Clark Gade Kispert. Geo. W. Sloan. ID), de Brethere Jas. Cavanagh. G. W. Wing. Chas. Heins. John W. Brown. Tim Murphy. Lewis Bennett. Benj. F. Bryant. Wm. 8. Burroughs. W. L. Crosby. E. D. Richardson. B. G. Paddock. John Taylor. J. C. Bancroft. Harvey Philpot. John Schlimgen. Rob’t J. Leibecker. Ambrose Cook. John Franz. Marinette, Marinette. Amos Holgate. Markesan, Green Lake. Geo. W. Dart. Marshfield, Wood. HF. A. Cady. Mauston, Juneau. P. R. Briggs. Medford, Taylor. J. H. Wheelock. Melrose, Jackson. Jacob A. Johnson. Menasha, Winnebago. P. V. Lawson, jr. Menekaunee, Marinette. Jno. J. Hubley. Menomonie, Dunn. Carroll Lucas. Merillon, Jackson. Jos. Roy. Merrill, Lincoln. H. H. Curtiss. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Andrew J. Clark. o s Jas. M. Pereles. R. Renkema. Chas. W. Mellbon. A. H. DeGroff. W. W. Wyman. W.H. York. “c 6s Mineral Point, Iowa. Misha Mokwa, Buffalo. Mondovi, Butfalo. Monroe Centre Adams. Montello, Marquette. L. A. Perkns. Montfort, Grant. P. T. Stevens. Mount Sterling, Crawford. J. A. Haggerty. Mt. Vernon, Dane. Isaac G. Brader. Neenah, Winnebago. J. C. Kerwin. Neillsville, Clark. Lewis Schuster. e cc R. W. Balch. U. G. Tavlor. J.J. Hughes. Sidney D. Wood- New, Langdale. New Lisbon, Juneau. New London, Waupaca. worth. New Richmond, St. Croix. Frank D. Fuller. Norwalk, Monroe. J. Crook. S. W. Ford. K. A. Ostergren. Geo. D. MeDill. Oconto, Oconto. Ogema, Price. Osceola Mills, Polk. Oshkosh, Winnebago. Geo. E. Tyrrell. Phillipps, Price. W. a Wilbur. Pittsville, Wood. F.S. Woodsworth. Plainfield, Waushara. W. “Bi La Salle. Platteville, Grant. Geo. W. Eastman. Portage, Columbia. M. T. Alverson. Port Washington, Ozaukee. E. S. Turner. Prairie du Chien, Crawford.L. F. S. Veile. Prairie du Cae, Sauk, J.S. Tripp. Prescott, Pierce. F, A. Ross, Princeton, Green Lake. A. H. Myers. Pulcifer, Shawano. O. A. Risum. Racine, ‘Racine. T. W. Spence. J.R. Dyer. F. M. Fish. Ra Pe Pernye Jno. Barnes. K. BE. Rasmussen. Reedsburgh, Sauk. Rhinelander, Lincoln. Rice Lake, Barron. Richland Centre, Richland. Reuben Sutton. Ripon. Fond-du-Lae. L. E. Reed. River Falls, Pierce. C. Smith. St. Croix Falls, Polk. J. H. McCourt. Shawano, Shawano. M. J. Wallrich. Sheboygan, Sheboygan. Francis Williams. Sheboygan Falls,Sheboygan.John EH. Thomas. Shell Lake, Washburn. A. L. Bugbee. Shullsburgh, La Fayette. Geo. E. Weatherby. Soldiers’ Grove, Crawford. A. Peterson. Sparta, Monroe. Geo. A. Richardson. Spencer, Marathon. John F’. Cole. Star Prairie, St. Croix. T. Jewell. Steven’s Point, Portage. W. 0. Lamoreux. sf + J. A. Murat. Leopold Strosser. N. Faulk. W. A. Lawrence. Jo. Bond, jr. Peter Langenfeldt. Stockbridge, Calumet. Stoughton, Dane. Sturgeon Bay, Door. Superior, Douglas. Theresa, Dodge. Thorp, Clark. T. O. Mosier. . Tomah, Monroe. Albert E. Hollister. Trempealeau, Trempealeau.J. C. Button. Turtle Lake, Barron. C. W. Haskins. Union Grove, Racine. Henry Weisman. Viola, Richland. R. H.«Delap. Viroqua, Vernon. C. W. Graves. H. P. Proctor. Washburn, Bayfield. C. J. Critchett. Watertown, Jefferson. August Fant. Waukesha, Waukasha. C. C. Olin. e ss M. F. Snider. Waupaca, Waupaca. Chas. Churchill.- Waupun, Fond-du-Lac. _—iR. L. Oliver. Wausau, Marathon. Alex Craven. Wautoma, Waushara. A. D. McIntire West Bend, Washington. C.H. Miller. Westfield, Marquette. L. E. Pond. Weyauweea, W aupaca. Thos. Wilson. Wheatville, Crawford. W. B. Walton. White Creel x, Adams. C. J. Austin. Whitehall, Trempealeau. K. Pratberry. Wonewoc, Juneau. Duane Mowry. REQUEST.—In sending matters, such as Deeds for execution, Notes for protest, Depositions to be taken, etc., etc., to Notaries whose addresses are here given, kindly mention in your correspondence that their address was taken from the ‘‘Notaries Public Protest and Conveyaneing Department” of ‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.’’? By so doing, yon confer a favor to the Publishers of this Direct- ory andit also affords an introduction which gives extra assurance of your business receiving prompt and careful attention. M O RT GAGE LOAN AGENTS AND INVESTORS DEPARTMENT ror WISCON SIN. Place. County. Alma, Buffalo. Amherst, Portage. Antigo, Langlade. Appleton, Outagamie. sé 66 cs ce Arcadia, Trempealeau. Ashland, Ashland. Augusta, Eau Claire. Baldwin, St. Croix. Baraboo, Sauk. Barron, Barron. Bayfield, Bayfield. Beaver Dam, Dodge. Beloit, Rock. Berlin, Green Lake. ce ce Black R. Falls, Jackson. Bloomer, Chippewa. Blooming oton, Grant. Name. John Busch. A.M. Nelson. W. W. Hutchinson. F. A. Deleylise. Sherman & Dawley. A. J. Reid. A. L. Smith. E. R. Maxwell. Herman Erb. George C. Jones. John Gillespie. Thomas Bardon. H. Overholzer. Tra B. Bradford. H. Borchsenius. EK. Walbridge. J. H. Hallstead. Fred D. Kinsley. A. M. Rockman. J. H. Wing. A. J. Sherman. John McCloud. Lander & Lander. Beloit Svgs Bank. . Dow. A. L. Tucker. J. H. Turner. P. G. Chase. Frank Johnson. W. R&R. O’ Hearn. ©. D. Tillinghast. Woodhouse& Bartley. Place, County, Name. A. J. Pipkin. Bascobel, Grant. B. R. Sprague. Broadhead, Green. Burlington, Racine. Butternut, Ashland. Henry L. Besse. Chilton, Calumet. Theodore Kersten. Chippewa Falls, Chippewa. Ambrose Hoffman. Clintonville, Waupaca. F. M. Guernsey. Columbus, Columbia. George Griswold. Crandon, Forest. Egbert Wyman. Cumberland, Barron. Mead & Wright. Dallas, Barron. D. Russell. Darlington, La Fayette. Orton & Osburne. ss ce G. A. Marshall. H. S. Magoon. George Colton. H. Dobbins. De Soto, Vernon. Wm. F. Terhune. Dodgeville, lowa. Orville Strong. Durand, Pepin. Alex G. Coffin. C. M. Hilliard. D. C. Topping. Hotchkiss "% Culver. W. A. Teall. W. W. Downes. ce ae Delavan, Walworth. ce ce Eau Claire, Eau Claire. 6c «6 cs 66 66 c6 66 6s Elkhorn, Walworth. Ellsworth, Pierce. 6é 6 Fifield, Pierce. S. A. Qvale. C. Wales. R. J. Flock. M. M. Sanderson. S. Strickland. F. W. Hing. H. R. Mead. Florence, Florence. D. A. Frazer. Anthony Meinhardt. H. GC. Putnam & Co. Place. County. Name. Florence, Florence. H. D. Fisher. Fond- du- Lac, Fond-du- “Lac. Wm. A. Cole. W. Eldridge. ‘ Enking & Richter. Rogers & Craig. A. ‘Finkelnbure. J. W. Gunning. C. M. Sinions. W. A. Johnston. J. D. Witter. L. Pierson. F. J. Wood. L. B. Sale. John Bertles. R.B. Keliogg. J. R. Rice. Sawyer Co. Bank. H. A. & D.C. Fulton, CG, Y. Denniston. J.S. Moffat. FR. C. Baxter, Independence, Trempeleau. M. Mulligan. J anesville, Rock. Wheeler & Stevens. C. E. Bowles. Campbell & Webb. Bird & Bird. W.-H. Porter. W. T. Rambush. D. J. Brothers. Benedict & Tarbell. T. W. Bond. A. H. French. oe «6 Ft. Atkinson, Jefferson. Fountain City, Buffalo. Friendship, Adams, Galesville, Trempealeau. Grand Rapids, Wood. Green Bay, Brown. “ec “ Hartford, Washington. Hayward, Sawyer. Hudson, St. (Croix. “6 “ “ce 6c “ee ce J efferson, Ty efferson. Juneau, Dodge. Kaukauna, Outagamie. Kenosha, Kenosha. rT3 oe ce se Kewaunee, Kewaunee. R. L. & G. W. Wing.MORTGA Place. County. Name. Kewaunee, Kewaunee. _ Kilbourn City, Columbia. La Crosse, La Crosse: ce ce Lake Geneva, Walworth. Lancaster, Grant. Madison, Dane. 6e 6c Manitowoc, Manitowoc. Marinette, Marinette. “ce “ee “ 66 Marshfield, Wood. Mauston, Juneau. Maysville, Dodge. Medford, Taylor. Menomonie, Dunn. Merrillon, J ackson. Merrill, Lincoln. “ ce & 6e Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Mineral Point, Iowa. Mondovi, Buffalo. Monroe, Green. “e “e¢ Montello, Marquette. Timlin & Manseau. T. B. Coon. Marshall Conant. H. B. Smith. Henry I. Bliss. J. L. Pettengill. Magill Bros. Daniel Sherman. Geo. W. Ryland &Co. John Schlimgen. F. A. Ogden. C.W. Stephens & Son. G. B. Burrows. John Franz. Eastman, Scudder & Mountain. Amos Holgate. L. K. McNeal. L. A. Arnold. Wm. H. Upham. P. R. Briggs. S, W. Lameraux. Brucker & Ludloff. J. H. Wheelock. Geo. Shafer. Jos. Roy. Orlo Phelps. Norway & Wiley. M. E. Northrop. Nath Pereles & Sons. Jno. A. Beecher. Chas. A. Koffler, jr. Chas, D. Kendrick. F. T. Day. C. Schley & Co. Jas. Hutchinson & Son. : J. W. Whelan. Etter & Campbell. W. W. Wright. Christopher Tagatz. Place. County. Montfort, Grant. Mount Sterling, Crawford. Neillsville, Clark. New London, Waupaca. New Richmond, St. Croix. Oconomowoc, Waukesha, Oconto, Oconto. Osceola Mills, Polk. Oshkosh, Winnebago. Phillips, Price. Plainfield, Waushara. Platteville, Grant. Plymouth, Sheboygan. Portage, Columbia. Port Washington, Ozaukee. Prairie du Chien, Crawford “cc ce Prescott, Pierce. Princeton, Green Lake. Racine, Racine. “é ee Reedsburgh, Sauk. Rhinelander, Lincoln. Rice Lake, Barron. Richland Centre, Richland. ee “ Ripon, Fond-du-Lace. River Falls, Pierce. Sheboygan, Sheboygan. Name. P. T. Stevens. J. A. Haggerty. Geo. L. Jaques. M. B. Patchin. Fuller & McNally. D. W. Small. Geo. Beyer. Ole Larson. Cc. H. Oakey. O. Il. Iavrris. Cc. D. Church. Turner & Lunt. W.E. Wilbur. G. W. Sheardown. Geo. W. Eastman & Co. M. C. Mead. Hilman & Keifer. M. T. Alverson. Jno. Bostick. .B. ¥. Fay. J. P. Holmes. Wm. H. Evans. E. H. Ives. A. H. Myers. L. H. & L. D. Miller. Jones & Klein. W. H. Miller. Erastus Peck. ©. H. Lee. Geo. A. West. G. Stevens. Chaffee & Brown. Wn. P. Swikt. G. W. Burnham. H. H. Pier. J. W. Lybrand. W. R. Lyle. Smith & Hangen. Val Detling. KE. Clarenbach. CE LOAN ACENTS AND INVESTORS DEP’T’ FOR WISCONSIN—Continued. Place. County. Shell Lake, Washburn. Shullsburgh, La Fayette. Soldiers’ Grove, Crawford. Sparta, Monroe. Steven’s Point, Portage. Sturgeon Bay, Door. Superior, Douglas. 6 ee Tomah, Monroe. Viroqua, Vernon. «6 66 Watertown, Jefferson. Waukesha, Waukesha. Waupaca, W aupaca. i Wausau, Marathon. ‘ é Wautoma, Waushara. ce ce West Bend, Washington. Westfield, Marquette. West Salem, La Crosse. Whitehall, Trempealeau. Whitewater, Walworth. Name. Geo. Cott. : Shullsburgh Wis. Bk A. Peterson. M. A. Thayer & Co. J. A. Murat. Jones & Sanborne. C. R. Rauk. Chas. Scofield. Peter EK. Bradshaw. James Bardon. H. W. Tyler. H. P. Préctor. W.S. Filed. August Fant. Ira Klmbali. D. W. Bacon. C. C. Olin. H. M. Jamison. Andrew Frame. E. Coolidge & Co. Chas. Churchill. R. N. Roberts & Co. B. J. Fink. Pullings, Hoyt & H. Alex Cravens. R. L. D. Potter. Gilbert Tennant. J.J. Hawley. E. Franckenberg. Chas. King. Wyatt H. Graves. John O. Melby. N. M. Littlejohn. EXPLANATION,-- The parties whose addresses are here given aae identified in the Rean Estate First MorrGaGE loan business on their own account or for other investors, and through whom such investments may be made with entire safety to lenders at any distance; and, the current rates of interest obtained in their respective locali- ties. To ascertain the obtainable rates, terms, ete., for loans of this class, address them and mention that their name was taken from the ‘‘Mortgage Loan Agent? and In- vestors’ Department”? of “THe Every OFFICE FAVORITE.” Attorney at Austin. ABSTRACTS made. San Saba or Presidio. GW, WALTERS, —AND— REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in San Saba for San Saba Co, Office in Marfa for Presidio Co, TESAS. Will practice in all the Courts of West Texas; and in the Supreme and Appellate Courts of Texas and United States District Court REAL ESTATE bought and sold, taxes paid and land titles perfected. MORTGAGE LOANS well secured, and in- | vestments made in Real Estate and Liye Stock, Horses, Cattle and Sheep. Sales made of all kinds of Live stock, I keep an effecient force of clerks at both offices _ and all business entrusted to me will receive prompt attention. Correspondence Solicited. Remember I can give you information or transact business for you in either County, Cc. W. WALTERS, SAN SABA SAM AREA, | TEXAS. AL: ete REMINDER,—If it is stated where i | : advertisement is noti i orily answer your inquiry or correspondence.—Do not forget eaten advertisers can refer, HE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” and more promptly and satisfact«WLTOMING TY. O—0- HOTEL, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE DEPARTMENT FOR WYOMING TERRITORY. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Big Horn, Johnson. Oriential Hotel. Evanston, Uinta. Pacifie Hotel Co Laramie Ci “rontier Buffalo, Johnson. Occidental House. * a Riepen Hotel. a ae ae Bekele Hota Murray Hotel. _| Green River City, Sweet- Rawlins, Carbon. Brunswick Hotel. Carbon, Carbon. Scranton House. water. Desert Hotel. af § Pacific Hotel. Cheyenne City, Laramie. Fisher Hotel. z U. P. Hotel. Rock Springs, Sweetwater. American House. ue Gecan Hotel. | Lander, Fremont. Landly Hotel. a gS Central House cogs gs t. R. Hotel. a Benton Hotel. Sheridan, Johnson. r Ocez Cummins, Albany. Haynes Hotel. Laramie City, Albany. Thornburgh R. R. H. mais See Real Estate acznrs anp pEaLERS DEPARTMENT FOR Wyoming Territory. | Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Atlantic City, Fremont. Samuel Spangler. Lander, Fremont. B. F. Lowe. Rawlins, Carbon. D. C. Kelly. ‘ Wm. B. Gratix. a sf James J. Patten. ‘ . G. T. Brown. Buffalo, Johnson. : Hinkle & Mann. Laramie City, Albany. Wm. ©. Wilson, sr. : a Adams & Ash. Cheyenne City, Laramie. Valentine Baker. ef nS John H. Lymons. ee ue D. H. Craig. Evanston, Uinta. Wm. Hinton. Ks SS James Vine. Rock Springs, Sweetwater. J. W. Pisdell. Ft. Fred Steele, Carbon. Hugus & Chatterton. a 6 M. C. Nicholas. Sheridan, Johnson. Thos. N. Cotton. Green River City, Sweet- a tf Chas. George. South Pass City, Fremont. Stubo & Pitkin. water. W. A. Johnson. Meeteetse, Fremont. E. C. David. Sundance, Crook. Stebbens, Fox & Co. Lander, Fremont. Peter P. Dickinson. |! Miner’s Delight, Fremont. James Kime. BANKS AND BANKERS perarrmenr ror Wyoming Territory. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Buffalo, Johnson. First Nat'l] Bank. Evanston, Uinta. Mutual Exchange Bk | Miners’ Delight, Fremont. James Kime. Cheyenne City, Laramie. Cheyenne Nat’l Bk. ‘ es Beckwith & Co. Rawlins, Carbon. James France. gs ne First Nat'l Bank. Ft. Fred Steele, Carbon. Hugus & Chatterton. a as J. W. Hugus & Co. $s * Stock Growers Nat’! | Lander, Fremont. E. Amoretti, Son &Co | South Pass City, Fremont. James Smith. . Bank. Laranue City, Albany. Wyoming Nat’l Bk. ' Sundance, Crook. Stebbens, Fox & Co. GENERAL LA W anp COLLECTION DEPARTMENT FOR Wyoming Territory. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Atlantic City, Fremont. D. D. Wolf. Lander, Fremont. Alfred H. Bright. Laramie City, Albany. C. E. Carpenter. Buffalo, Johnson. John D. Hinkle. of es Chas. Allen. cs 8 L. D. Pease. Cheyenne City, Laramie. OC. N. Potter. Laramie City, Albany. Caldwell & Groesbeck ‘§ nf C. W. Brammel. Evanston, Uinta. C. E. Castle. “ Stephen W. Downey. es Wm. J. McIntire. ss ss C. M. White. ss as M. C. Brown. gs ef N. E. Corthel. i os C. D. Clark. s rs J. W. Blake. Rawlins, Carbon. D. H. Craig. ‘ Af C. P. Arnold. Sheridan, Johnson. Thos. N. Cotton, Green River City, Sweet- water. Notaries A. B. Conaway. John H. Lymons. South Pass City, Fremont. Stubo & Pitkin. Public, PROTEST AND CONVEYANCING DEP’T FOR W yoming liv Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. | Place, County. Name. Buffalo, Johnson. J. D. Hinkle. Green River City, Sweet- ee Laramie City, Albany. Wm. O. Owens. Cheyenne City, Laramie. Wm. R. Schmitger. water. Ed. J. Morris. Meeteetse, Fremont. K. C. David. Evanston, Unita. EK. W. Smith. Lander, Fremont. janice eaten: Rawlins, Carbon. if e ene = = . M. White. Laramie City, Albany. . E. Corthel. ‘s ‘ . S. Spaulding. : ce Peete cay C. E. Carpenter. Sheridan, Johnson. Thos. M. Cotton. MORTGAGE LOAN acents and INVESTORS DEPARTMENT FOR Wyoming Ty. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. Name. Place. County. aay Sori iners’ ight, Fremont. James Kime. Atlantic City, Fremont. Samuel Spangler. Green River City, Sweet- Miners’ Delig , amesn Buffalo, Johnson. Hinkle & Mann. water. W. A. Johnson. Rawlins, Carbon. Cd ee Cheyenne City, Laramie. M ore BE. Post & Co. | Lander, Fremont. eee uo : 3 _ a Scolles : se se TheAe Kent: ce ee ‘hester F. Trimble. f a ese : ef a Riner & Johnson. Laramie City, Albany. John H. Lymons. Rock Springs, Sweetwater. J. W. Fisde Evanston, Uinta. Wn. Hinton. ie és Wm. CG. Wilson, sr. | South Pass City, Fremont. ames ms & Ft. Fred Steele, Carbon. Hugus & Chatterton. i ee C. E. Carpenter. Sundance, Crook. EDDENS TOA “ee ee ene A IOWA. County. Co. Seat. Adair, Greenfield. Adams, Corning. Allamakee, Waukon. Appanoose, Centerville. Appanoose, Centerville. Audubon, Audubon, Benton, Vinton. Benton, Vinton, Blackhawk, Waterloo. Boone, Boonesborough. Bremer, Waverly. Bremer, Waverly. Buchanan, Independence. Buchanan, Independence. Buena Vista, Storm Lake. Butler, Allison, Butler, Allison. Calhoun, Rockwell City. Carroll, Carroll. Cass, Atlantic. Cass: Atlantic. Cedar, ‘Tipton. Cedar, Tipton. Cedar, Tipton. _ : Cerro Gordo, Mason City. Cerro Gordo, Mason City. Cherokee, Cherokee. Cherokee, Cherokee. Chickasaw, New Hampton. Chickasaw, New Hampton. Clarke, Osceola. Clarke, Osceola. Clarke, Osceola. Clay, Spencer. Clay, Spencer. Clay, Spencer, Clayton, Elkader, Clinton, Clinton. Clinton, Clinton. Orawford, Denison. Crawford, Denison. Dallas, Adel. Davis, Bloomfield. Davis, Bloomfield. Decatur, Leon. Delaware, Manchester. Des Moines, Burlington. Des Moines, Burlington. Dickinson, Spirit Lake. Dickinson, Spirit Lake. Dubuque, Dubuaue. Dubuque, Dubuque. Dubuque, Dubuque. Dubuque, Dubuque. Emmett, Estherville.* Emmett, Estherville.* Fayette, West Union. Fayette, West Union. Floyd, Charles City. Floyd, Charles City. Franklin, Hampton. Franklin, Hampton. Fremont, Sidney. Greene, Jefferson. Greene, Jefferson. Grundy, Grundy Centre. Grundy, Grundy Centre. Guthrie, Guthrie Centre. Hamilton, Webster City. Hamilton, Webster City. Hancock, Concord. Hancock, Garner. * Hardin, Eldoro. Hardin, Eldora. Hardin, Eldora. Harrison, Logan. Harrison, Logan. Henry, Mount Pleasant. Henry, Mount Pleasant. Howard, Cresco. Humboldt, Dakotah. Humboldt, Dakotah. Humboldt, Dakotah. Ida, Ida Grove. To readily find Name. John A. Easton. Chubb & Granger. D. W. Reed. Dewey & Clark. Wm. Beatman. H.W. Hanna. Knapp & Wentz. Sedgwick Bros. Regan & Crooks. Morse & McCracken. E. L. Smalley. Brewer Bros. w.G.& J. B. Don- nan. Edgar E. Mack. Craig & Smith. Lathrop & Levis. Smith, Jack & Bradt, Geo. W. Paine, Dickerson & Wood. Willard & Fletcher. Piatt & Carr. Wolt & Landt. W.G. W. Geiger. H. I. Holcomb. H. H. Shepard. Chas. E. Moore. Orson Gage. J. H. Powers. A. H. Wright. E. F. Riley. J. V. Banta. H. L. Karr. Snow Bros. C. S. Penfield. J. B. Edmunds. J. M. Leach. H. F. Bowers. A. P. Parker. W. A. McHenry. Shaw & Kuchule. J. R. Joy & Co. M. B. Horn. Amos Steckel. Francis Varga & Son. J. kK. Davis. Geo. H. Lane. ©. B. Jack. Bailey, Osborne & Peters. Corey, Satchwell & Goodrich. Walker & Rhomberg. W.S. Wright. —~ Geo. Salot. T. J. Connell. Soper & Allen. Graves, Burdick & Co. Zeigler & Weed. A. N. Hobson. F. A. Rozine. Ellis & Ells. King, King & Street. Taylor & Evans. Jas. H. McDonald. George G. Lawrence. A. M. Head. Bailey & Wood. Hillyer & Robinson. E. C. Mount. Kamrar & Boeye. H. C. Johnson. Brockway & Elder. A.C. Ripley. Bowdle & Newcomer. C. Burling. Ellsworth & Jones. Stearns & Mulliman. A.L. Harvey. Geo. C. Van Allen. A. W. Kinkead. C.K. Berg. Prouty & Taft. C. A. Babcock. G. H. Shellenberger. Wi Ce Elnltz: TOW A—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Iowa, Marengo. Jackson, Maquoketa. Jasper, Newton. Jefterson, Fairfield. Jefferson, Fairfield. Johnson, Iowa City. Johnson, Iowa City. Jones, Anamosa. Jones, Anamosa. Keokuk, Sigourney. Kossuth, Algona. Lee, Fort Madison. Lee, Fort Madison, Linn, Marion. Linn, Marion. Louisa, Wapello. Louisa, Wapello. Lucas, Chariton. Lucas, Chariton. Lyon, Rock Rapids. Lyon, Rock Rapids. Lyon, Rock Rapids. Madison, Winterset. Mahaska, Oskaloosa. Mahaska, Oskaloosa. Mahaska, Oskaloosa. Marion, Knoxville. Marion, Knoxville. Marshall, Marshalltown. Marshall, Marshalltown. Mills, Glenwood. Mills, Glenwood. Mitchell, Osage. Monona, Onawa. Monona, Onawa. Monroe, Albia. Monroe, Albia. Montgomery, Red Oak. Montgomery, Red Oak. Montgomery, Red Oak. Muscatine, Muscatine. O’Brien, Primghar, Osceola, Sibley. Osceola, Sibley, Osceola, Sibley. Page, Clarinda. Palo Alto, Emmetsburgh. Palo Alto, Emmetsburgh. Palo Alto, Emmetsburgh. Plymouth, LeMars. Plymouth, LeMars. Plymouth, LeMars. Pocahontas, Pocahontas. Polk, Des Moines. Polk, Des Moines. Polk, Des Moines, Polk, Des Moines. Polk, Des Moines. Pottawattamie, C. Bluffs. Pottawattamie, C. Bluffs. Pottawattamie, C. Bluffs. Pottawattamie, C. Bluffs. Poweshiek, Montezuma. Poweshiek, Montezuma. Ringgold, Mount Ayr. Ringgold, Mount Ayr. Ringgold, Mount Ayr. Sac, Sac City. Seott, Davenport. Scott, Davenport. Shelby, Harlan. Sioux, Orange City. Story~ Nevada. Story, Nevada. Story, Nevada. Tama, Toledo. Tama, Toledo. Taylor, Bedford. Union, Afton. Van Buren, Keosauqua. Wapello, Ottumwa. Warren, Indianola. Name. Stover & Morrison. Keck & House. Cook & Clements. Wilson & Hinkle. Jones & Fullen. J.G. Sperry & Co. Byington & Novak. Sheean & McCarn. Remley & Ercan- brack. Ww. H. Hankins. J. B. Jones. H.C. Stempel. Geo. J. Kennedy. J. W. Lothian. C. M. Hollis. J. B. Wilson. Hurley & Haler. G. G. Faucher. Woodard & Dorsey. L. Vanderwerker. H. J. Daley. H. B. Pierce. Farmer’s Loan & Trust Co. C. P. Searle. A. J. Vallars: Cowan & Hambleton. G.K. Hart. Hamrick & Brobst. G. W. Weeks. EK. Tuffree. A. J. Hight. O. W. Corley. Cyrus Foreman. Holbrook & Bro. McMillan & Kindall. Jj.E. Jack. Henry McCahan. C. D. Gray. F. K. Loomis. H. C. Palmer, T. R. Fitzgerald. Warren Walker. M. J. Campbell. EK. Huff. Mrs. C. I. Hill. Loranz Bros. McCarty & Linder- man. D. Rutledge. Brown & Robins. Geo. Richardson. A. H. Lawrence. M. Hilbert. L. C. Thornton & Co. Polk Co. Abs. Co. Pioneer Abs. office. Mount & Pease. H. J. Howard. David Hillis. J.W. &E. L. Squire. P.J.&S.. A. -McMa- hon. Nelson & Munger. pola yatemic Abs. 0. Wilson & Light. Jackson & Lewis. Brockett & Bevis. Morris & Allyn. Scott & Everett. D. Carr, Early & Co. L. J. Brown. M.D. Snyder. Alden K. Riley. Lewis & Dodge. H. L. Carrell. J. A. Fitchpatrick. Smith & Son. Bishop & Smith. Churchill & Ferris. Long & Jones. us = Ketchum. Johnston & Topping. George Guigwalde c . Berry. Washington, Washington. Dewey & Eicher. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR lowa and Minnesota. IOW A—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Name, Washington, Washington. T. S. Rowan. : Washington, Washington. Wayne, Corydon. Webster, Fort Dodge. Winnebago, Forest City. Winnebago, Forest City. Winnebago, Forest City. Winneshiek, Decorah. Winneshiek, Decorah. Woodbury, Sioux City. Woodbury, Sioux City. Woodbury, Sioux City. Worth, Northwood. Wright, Clarion. Wright, Clarion. Wright, Clarion. Wright, Clarion. Wright, Clarion. *Not county seats, Phelps & Folger. W.F. Howell. Booth & Thomas. Secor Bros. » Law. Thompson Bros. J. E. Anderson & Co. - C. W. Burdick. iE. M. Farnsworth. N. A. McFaul & Co R. A. Sackett & Co. S. T. Davis. B. K. Walker. M.H. Austin. Ladd & Whipple. W. F. Gibbs. Geo. A. McKay. N. EF. Webber. RXMWARKS,.—Iowa has in all 99 counties and the above gives the name of one or more parties doing an ab- stract business for every county, thus being all that could be wished as an Abstracter’s Directory for the entire State: and almost every concern (hardly a single exception) here given, are the owners and proprietors of Private Abstract Books, which are kept right up to date so that promptness and re- liability of work assured. In addressing them, mention the fact that you get their name from “THE EVERY OFFICE Fa- VORITE,”’ and prompt and carefull attention. your business will always meet with their MINNESOTA. County. Co. Seat. Aitkin, Aitkin. Anoka, Anoka. Becker, Detroit City. Benton, Sauk Rapids. Big Stone, Ortonville. Blue Earth, Mankato. Blue Earth, Mankato. Brown, New Ulm. Brown, New Ulm. Carlton, Thomson. Carver, Chaska. Chippewa, Montevideo. Chippewa, Montevideo. Chisago, Centre City. Clay, Morehead. Cottonwood, Windom. Crow Wing, Brainerd. Crow Wing, Brainerd. Dakota, Hastings. Dodge, Kasson.* Douglas, Alexandria. Fillmore, Preston. Freeborn, Albert Lea. Goodhue, Red Wing. Grant, Herman.* Hennepin,. Minneapolis. Hennepin, Minneapolis. Hennepin, Minneapolis. Hennepin, Minneapoiis. Houston, Caledonia. Hubbard, Park Rapids. Isanti, Cambridge. Jackson, Jackson, Kanabec, Mora. Kandiyohi, Wilmar. Kandiyohi, Wilmavr. Kittson, Hallock. Lincoln, Lake Benton. Lyon, Marshall. McLeod, Glencoe. Marshall, Warren. Martin, Fairmont. Meeker, Litchfield. Mille Lacs. Princeton. Morrison, Little Falls. Mower, Austin. Murray, Currie. Murray, Currie. Nicollet, St. Peter. Nobles, Worthington. Norman, Ada. Faribault, Blue Earth City. Name. S. 8. Luther. Green & Haggett. Bank of Detroit. Greg Lindley. Cliff & Cuddy. John N. Hall. John C. Noe. J. A. Eckstein. Lind & Hagberg. H. H. Hawkins. Edwin JT. Smith. Budd & Moyer. O.S. Berg. Andrew Wallmark. H. De Camp. E. C. Huntington. S. F. Alderman & Co. Milton McFadden. J. Heinen. Robert Taylor. H. Jenkins. Fred P. Brown. ‘Thompson Bros. August Peterson. C. Williston. O. C. Eaton. Merrill & Albee. Bryant & Leland. G. W. Chowen & Co. Silloway & Co. P. J. Smalley. Vanderpold & Ross: man. Peter Magnus. Brown & Moore. S. KE. Tallman. J. W. Landquish. Central Land Co. G. U. Holcomb. Lac qui parle, Lac qui parle.H. L. Hayden & Co. Le Sueur, Le Sueur Centre. L. Quackenbush. Ruel A. Dore. Lyon County Bank. Knight & Dean. A. E. Flint. Martin County Bank. A. TI Koernen. N. A. Ross. C. Lamb. William M. Howe. H. C. Grass. Neil Currie. GC. R. Davis. Peter Thompson. N. Kjeldson. Abstracters of any particular, tate, refer to Index in fore part of Book.ABSTRACTERS or TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR Minnesota, Indiana, California. MINNESOTA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Olinsted, Rochester. Otter Tail, Mergus Falls. Pine, Pine City. Pipe Stone, Pipe Stone. Pipe Stone, Pipe Stone. Polk, Crookston. Pope, Glenwood. Ramsey, St. Paul. Ramsey, St. Paul. Ramsey, St. Paul. Redwood, Redwood Falls. Rice, Faribault. Rock, Luverne. St. Louis, Duluth. Scott, Shakopee. Sherburne, Elk River. Sherburne, Elk River. Sibley, Henderson. Stearns, Saux Centre.* Steele, Owatonna. Stevens, Morris. Swift, Benson. _ Todd, Long Prairie. Traverse, Brown’s Valley. Wabasha, Wabasha. Wadena, Wadena. Waseca, Waseca. Waseca, Waseca. Washington, Stillwater. Watonwan, Madelia.* Wilkin, Breckenridge. Wilkin, Breckenridge. Winona, Winona. Winona, Winona. Winona, Winona. Wright, Buffalo. Name. T. H. Bliss. Geo. W. Boyington. Henry H. Willson & Co Swelt & Mann. J. H. Nichols. John Paterson. W. J. Carson. Jacob Manizer. E. H. Wood. J.O. Vervais. J. B. Robmson. F. W. Frink. Halbert & Helm. Richardson, Day & 0. E. Southworth & Co. Charles S. Wheaton. Henry Castle. 8. & O. Kipp. A.G Whitney. E. O. ‘Lyler. The Stevens Co. Abs. & R. E. Agency. R. R. Johnson. J. D. Jones. Crawford & Crassfield. A.J. Greer. F. GC. Field. Geo. R. Buckman. S. S. Washburn. H. R. Murdock. Joseph Flanders. Ezra G. Valentine. A.B. Mathews. Smith & Lee. J. A. Tawney. M. B. Webber. Cochrane & Brandes. Yellow Medicine, Gr. Falls. Foss & Burton. *Not county seat. REMA RE 8.—Mrynesorta has 80 SURVEYED counties ; the above abstract department represents 75 of that number, this being ALL the organized counties (those having county seats) and two extra, so that this Abstract Directory for the State is really more than complete, taking in counties where titles have just commenced to bud; nearly every individual or firm represented have, or are commencing, private Abstract Books. In addressing them it will result to correspondents’ advantage by stating that name was taken from ‘*A bstracter’s Department” of ‘THE EVERY OFFIOE FAvyORITE.”’ INDIANA. County. Co. Seat. Adams, Decatur. Allen, Fort Wayne, Bartholomew, Columbus. Benton, Fowler. Benton, Fowler. Benton, Fowler. Blackford, Hartford City. Boone, Lebanon. Boone, Lebanon. Brown, Nashville, Carroll, Delphi. Cass, Logansport. Clark, Jeffersonville, Clay, Brazil. Clay, Brazil. Clinton, Frankfort. Clinton, Frankfort. Clinton, Frankfort. Crawford, Leavenworth. Daviess, Washington. Daviess, Washington. Name. John Schurger. John Dreibelbiss. David Stobo. J. Lee Dinwiddie. George H. Grey. Merrick & Travis. Frank P. Dowell. Darnell & Co. Abbott & Kelsey. W.C. Duncan. Smith & Julian. John W. Markley. Burtt & Taggert. Watson & Luther. Clay Co. Abs. Co. Doyal & Gard. Morrison & Morrison. Young & Hines. Eliza J. Stroud. Ogdon & Burke. John E. Williams. Dearborn, Lawrenceburgh, J. W. Ewbank. Decatur, Greensburgh. Decatur, Greensburgh. De Kalb, Auburn. Delaware, Muncie. Dubois, Jasper. Elkhart, Goshen. Fayette, Connersville. Fayette, Connersville. Floyd, New Albany. Floyd, New Albany. Floyd, New Albany. Haskell ‘I’. Lambert, James W. Craig. RDP Tette Wm. L. Little. Schuhmacker & Son. Meader & Kuhus. Charles B. Sanders. Joseph J. Little. D. C. Anthony. Kelso & Kelso. Jacob Herter. INDIAN A—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Fountain, Covington. Franklin. Brookville. Fulton, Rochester. Fulton, Rochester. Gibson, Princeton. Gibson, Princeton. Grant, Marion. Greene, Bloomfield. Greene, Bloomfield. Greene, Bloomfield. Hamilton, Noblesville. Hancock, Greenfield. Harrison, Corydon. Harrison, Corydon. Hendricks, Danville. Hendricks, Danville. Henry, New Castle. Howard, Kokoma. Howard, Kokoma. Huntington, Huntington. Huntington, Huntington. Jackson, Brownstown. Jackson. Brownstown. Jasper, Rensselaer. Jasper, Rensselaer. Jay, Portland. Jay, Portland. Jefferson, Madison, Jefferson, Madison. Jennings, Vernon. Jennings, Vernon. Johnsdh, Franklin. Knox, Vincennes. Kosciusko, Warsaw. La Grange, La Grange. La Grange, La Grange. Lake, Crown Point. LaPorte, LaPorte. Lawrence, Bedford. Lawrence, Bedford. Madison, Anderson. Marion, Indianapolis. Marion, Indianapolis. Marion, Indianapolis. Marion, -Indianapolis. Marshall, Plymouth. Marshall, Plymouth. Martin, Shoals. Martin, Shoals. Miami, Peru. Monroe, Bloomington. Monrve, Blooomington. Monroe, Bloomington. Montgomery, Crawf’dsy’le. Morgan, Martinsville. Newton, Kentland. Newton, Kentland. Noble, Albion. Noble, Albion. Ohio, Rising Sun. Orange, Paoli. Orange, Paoli. Owen, Spencer. Owen, Spencer. Parke, Rockville. Parke, Rockville. Perry, Cannelton. Pike, Petersburgh. Porter, Valparaiso. Posey, Mount Vernon. Pulaski, Winamac. Putnam, Greencastle. Putnam, Greencastle. Randolph, Winchester. Randolph, Winchester. Ripley, Versailles. Rush, Rushville. St. Joseph, South Bend. St. Joseph, South Bend. Scott, Scottsburgh. Scott, Scottsburgh. Shelby, Shelbyville. Shelby, Shelbyville. Spencer, Rockport. Spencer, Rockport. Starke, Knox. Name. Homer Sewell. Louis Federmann, jr. John W.Smith + H. M. Stephenson & on. Fields & Ewing. Edwin McCurdy. Wiley & Stout. Whitaker & Burrell. Moffett & Davis. Axtell & Davis. Wainwright & Co. Walter O. Bragg. Sam Pfrimmer. C. D. Ridley. Barnett & Barnett. Downard & Parker. John M. Morris. James D. Johnson. Wn. A. Stewart. Wm. I. Shearer. Thomas Roche. J. F. Applewhite. J. N. Gallamore. Thompson & Bro.: Rk. I. & C. Dwiggins. P.M. Hearn. Luther I. Baker. John W. Linck. Wm. Jobnson. Thomas C. Batchelor. John 8S. Morris. Wm. C. Thompson. Charles G. McCord. Brubaker Bros. E. V. Case. J.B. Wade. Amos Allman & Son. Dorland & Organ. John H. McPheeton. Thomas V. Thornton. Walker & Walker. Elliott & Butler. Wm. C. Anderson. Steeg Bernhamer. Fred D. Miner. H. Corbin & Co. Theo Cressner & Co. Thomas M. Clarke. Thomas J. Brooks. Todd & Sullivan. J. H. Lowden. H. F’. Perry. John Martin. A. C. Jennison. Je Ke Scotts Andrew Hall. John G. Davis. John Baughman. W.S. Peterson. S. R. Downey. James IF. Collins. Wm. Farrell. Staley & Phillips. W.A. Pickens. Wm. J. White. H. B. Cord. E. E. Drumb. Townsend & Fluner, Wm. E. Penney. V.M. Cartright. S. Weyand. Lewis & Corwin. Hathaway & Johnson. Macy & Diggs. Ed. Jaqua. Charles H. Wilson. Thomas J. Newkirk. J. B. Arnold, jr. Willis A. Bugbee. James FErvin. J. H. J. Sierp. Robert W. Wiles. H. H. Dougherty. Logsdon & Kramer. Thomas E. Snyder. Gould & Murphy. INDIAN A—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Starke, Knox. Steuben, Angola. Sullivan, Sullivan. Sullivan, Sullivan. Switzerland, Vevay. Switzerland, Vevay. Tippecanoe, LaFayette. Tippecanoe, LaFayette. Tipton, Tipton. Tipton, Tipton. Union, Liberty. Union, Liberty. Vanderburgh, Evansville. Vanderburgh, Evansville. Vanderburgh, Evansville. Vermillion, Newport. Vermillion, Newport. Vigo, Terre Haute. Vigo, Terre Haute. Wabash, Wabash. Warren, Williamsport.- Warrick, Booneville. Washington, Salem. Washington, Salem. Wayne, Richmond. Wells, Blufton. Wells, Blufton. White, Monticello. . White, Monticello. Whitley, Columbia City. Name, Jacob Bozarth, Francis McCartney, John N. Fordyce. Silver Chaney. James P. Oren. F. M. Griffith. N. J. Throckmorton. - Jasper M. Dresser Small & Seright. Hancock & Martin- dale. C. W. Smith. James McManis. Sebastian Henrich. Richardson & Walker. Garvin & Cunning- ham. O. B. Gibson. C.S. Davis. J. E. Scoville. George W. Wade. Bigler & Dicken. Adams & Moffitt. W. L. Barker. A. B. Collins. Hobbs & Paynter. George Cole. Sharp & Rhodes. Daily, Mack & Thom- as. McCullock & Bush- nell. Reynolds & Sellers. Orson H. Woodworth. REMWARES.—Invrana has 92 counties all of which are above represented by name of one or more Abstracters, and who in almost every instance, are owners of Private Abstract Books. If an Abstractis desired for any tract of land or town lotin the State; by using this reference, the parties address may be found, and reliability and prompt- ness assured in the transaction of this business. It will re- sult to correspondent’s advantage by stating that they obtain address from the ‘‘Abstracter’s Department” of ‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ CALIFORNIA. County. Co. Seat. Alameda, Oakland. Alameda, Oakland. Alamgda, Oakland. Alpine, Markleville. Alpine, Markleville. Amador, Jackson. Amador, Jackson. Amador, Jackson. Butte, Chico. Butte, Oroville.* Calaveras, San Andreas. Colusa, Colusa. Contra Costa, Martinez. Del Norte, Crescent City. Eldorado, Placerville. Eldorado, Placerville. Fresno, Fresno City. Humboldt, Eureka. Humboldt, Eureka. Inyo, Independence. Kern, Bakersfield, Lake, Lakeport. Lassen, Susanville. Lassen, Susanville. Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Marin, San Rafael, Marin, San Rafael. Mariposa, Mariposa. Mariposa, Mariposa. Mendocino, Ukiah. Mendocino, Ukiah. Merced, Merced, Modoe, Alturas. Mono, Bridgeport. Mono, Bridgeport. Monterey, Salinas. Napa, Napa City. ob o- readily find Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book Ix Name, Schramm & Stocker. Geo. F. Wright. Geo. W. McKeand. W. W. Harvey. P. P. Larkin. Lindley & Spagnoli. Rush & Caminetti. L. J. Fontenrose. J. F. Dailey. W. M. Bowers. Tra H. Reed. De Jarnett & Crane. M. H. Bailhache. W. A. Hamilton. George H. Burnham. Irwin & Irwin. Clark & McKenzie. Cutten & Wyman. J. H. Hodgson, A. R. Conklin. W. E. Houghton. Orland oO ieGramey: e e all. W. T. Masten. Gillett & Gibson. Russell, Poor & Renne James Booth. Hepburn Wilkins. F. M. Angelotti. Newman Jones. Jarvis Streeter. Ben. W. Day. Harrison Price. Bates, McCloskey & Chapman. A. A. Smith. W. O. Parker. Ben. H. Miller. W. M. R. Parker. Mount, Boke & Co.CALIF ORNIA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Nevada, Nevada City. Placer, Auburn. Plumas, Quincy. Sacramento, Sacramento. San Benito, Hollister. San Bernardino, San Ber- nardino. San Bernardino, San Ber- nardino. San Diego, San Diego. San Francisco, San H'ran- cisco San Francisco, San Fran- cisco. San Francisco, San Fran- cisco. San Francisco, San Fran- cisco San Joaquin, Stockton. San Joaquin, Stockton. San Joaquin, Stockton. San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo. San Mateo, Redwood City. San Mateo, Redwood City. Santa Barbara, Santa Bois bara. Santa Clara, Sanjose. Santa C ‘lara, Sanjose. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, § Santa Cruz. Shasta, Shasta. Sierra, Downieville. Sierra, Downieville. Siskiyou, Yreka. Siskiyou, Yreka. Solano, Fairfield. Sonoma, Santa Rosa. Sonoma, Santa Rosa. Stanislaus, Modesta. Sutter, Yuba City. Sutter, Yuba City. Tehama, Red Bluff. Trinity, Weaverville. Tulare, Visalia. Tulare, Visalia. ‘Tulare, Visalia. Tuolumne, Sonora. ‘Juolumne, Sonora. Ventura, Yolo, Woodland. Yolo, Woodland. Yuba, Marysville. Yuba, Marysville. IRE VE ATS HK &.—CaLirornia are above represented in the abstract of title business except This state is fairly provided with abstract facilities, there being private abstract books in the majority The individuals and firms here given are particularly identified in this work, and where there are are usually the owners and proprietors, Solona county. of the counties, books they addressing any ITK.”’ San Buenaventura. Name. John A. Rapp. Adams & Smith. F. B. Whiting. Taylor & Buckley, 606 Ist street. John L. Hudner. Nisbet & Waters. Henry Wozencraft. San Diego Abs. Co. ¥, A. Rouleau, 328 Montgomery street. Wim. M. Evans, 415 Montgomery street. E. V. Gillispie, 409 Montgomery street Simpson & Miller, 425 California st. R. B. Wilboit. A.M. Noble. John C. Reed. EK. Pe Rogers. George H. Rice. Jee “Johnston. Paul R. Wright. Edward Halcey. Sam. B. Howes. EK. Martin. Bartburk. James EK. Isaacks. Smith & Ford. S. B. Davidson. J. M. Davidson. G. H. Peck. (See other Dep’ts.) Ben S. Wood. EF. G. Nagele. George Perley. Stabler & Bayne. W. H. Lee. Frank D. Tunis. W.S. Louden. D. K. Zumwalt. Kupp & Anderson. J. L. Jordan. F. D. Nichol. Street & Street. Easten & Orr. K. R. Bush. M. M. Garronette. W.G. sup hy. S. M. Bl 1Ss. has 52 counties, MICHIGAN. County. Co. Seat. Alcona, Harrisville. Alcona, Harrisville. Alger, Munising. Allegan, Allegan. Alpena, Alpena. Antrim, Bellaire. Arenac, Omer. Baraga, L’ Anse. Bary, Hasti tings. bay, Bay ¢ sity. Bay, Bay City. Benzie, Benzonia. Berrien, Berrien Springs. Branch, Coldwater. Name, Geo. Rutson. C. E. Jameson. Wee other Dep’ts.) xeo. KE. Dunn. B. Newton. Leavett & Guile. Lawrence McHugh. Timothy Ne aster. Cook & Sheldon. Win. G. Beard. John S. Wilkins. Lot Nevins. Dix & Wilkinson. Nichols and Rolph. To readily find and all In of them it will result to correspondents advantage to mention that address was obtained from the “A Dstracter’s Department” of ‘THe EvERY OFFICE FAVoR- MICHIGAN—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Calhoun, Marshall. Calhoun, Marshall. Mass, Cassopolis. Charlevoix, Charlevoix. Charlevoix, Charlevoix. Cheboygan, Cheboygan. Chippewa, Sault De Sainte Marie Clare, Harrison. Clare, Harrison. Clare, Harrison. Clinton, Saint John’s. Clinton, Saint John’s. Crawford, Grayling. Delta, Escanab a. Delta, Escanaba. Eaton, Charlotte. Kmmet, Harbor Springs. Emmet, Harbor Springs. Genesee, Flint. Gladwin, Gladwin. Grand Traverse, Traverse City. Gratiot, Ithica. Hillsdale, Hillsdale, Hillsdale, Hillsdale. Houghton, Houghton. Huron, Bad Axe. Ingham, Mason. fonia, lonia. Ionia, Tonia. losco, Tawas City. losco, Tawas City. Iron, Iron River. Isabella, Mount Pleasant. Isabella, Mount Pleasant. Jackson, Jackson. Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo. Kalakaska, Kalakaska. Kent, Grand Rapids. Kent, Grand Rapids. Kent, Grand Rapids. Keweenaw, Eagle River. Keweenaw, Eagle River. Lake, Baldwin. Lake, Baldwin. Lapeer, Lapeer. Leelanow, Leland. Lenawee, Adrian. Livingston, Howell. Livingston, Howell. Mackinac, Saint Ignace. Mackinac, Saint J @nace. Macomb, Mount Clemens. Manistee, Manistee. Manitou, St. James. Marquette, Marquette. Marquette, Marquette. Mason, Ludington. Mecosta, Big Rapids. Menominee, Menominee. Midland, Midland. Missaukee, Lake City, Monroe, Monroe. Montcalm, Stanton. Montealm, Stanton. Montmorency, Hillman. Muskegon, Muskegon. Newaygo, Newaygo. Oakland, Pontiac. Oceana, Hart. Ogemaw, West Branch. Ontonagon, Ontonagon. Osceola Hersey. Oscoda, Mio. Otsego, Gaylord. Otsego, ( Gaylord. Oitaw a, Grand Haven. R yy oscommon, Saginaw, Saginaw. Saginaw, Saginaw. Saginaw, fast Saginaw.* *Not county seat. Presque Isle, Rogers City. oscommon. Roscommon, Roscommon. Name, Joseph 8. Noyes. Wn. H. Porter. Joel Cowgill. Meech & Thatcher. James A. Keat. Bell & Adams. James T. Moore. Brown & Cummins. W. E. Aldrich. Asa M. Tinker. S. 5S. Walker. Perrin & Baldwin. O. J. Bell. F. D. Mead. Fred. J. Merrin. L. O. Smith. James M. Burheck. Wi. H. Lee. John S. Young. W. W. Steel. Steele & Titus. S. W. Ambler. Robert A. Wier. E. Koon. Meads & Goodell. Richard Smith. Mrs. Belle D. Tefft. FE. D. M. Davis. E. T. Montgomery. E. E. Williams. 8S. G. Taylor. « S. D. Hollister & Co. Cutler & Livingston. Brown & Seaton. P. B. Loomis. R. &. J. D. Burns. Arthur Bleazley. Hunt & Davis. W. Hi. Grove. Turner & Carroll. T. M. Brady. Wm. H. Bennett. IF. E. Withey. KE. E. Blakeslee. John Abbott. Geo. A. Cutler. Almond L. Bliss. Homer N.* Leach. L. S. Montague. James McNamara. C. R. Brown. Farrar & Lungershausen. Leo. F. Hale Ben T. Halstead. Samuel EK. Byme. BK. .O. Clark. Chas. T’. Sawyer. Joel Perry. Joseph Fleshum. T. B. Main. Abraham Stout. Luce & Landon. T. N. Stevens. N. J. Brown. C. W. Mack. D. & J.C. McLauglin. Geo. EK. Taylor. Robert J. Lounsbury. Gurney & Butler. Markey & Hall. Chas. W. Butler. Melville Stone. Revilo H. Fosdick. Cooper, F. A. Baldwin. Jacob Baar. Fred’ec Denny Larke & Co. Henry H. Woodruff. S. W. Turner. Lawrence & Co. J. K. Stevens. H. P. Smith & Co. Crane & Co. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR California, Michigan, Colorado. MICHIG.AN—Conékinued. County. Co. Seat. Saint Claire, Port Huron. Saint Joseph, Centreville. Sanilac, Sandusky. Sanilac, Sandusky. Schoolcraft, Manistique. Shiawassee, Corunna, Shiawassee, Corunna. Tuscola, Caro. Tussola, Caro. Van Buren, Paw Paw. Washtenaw, Ann Arbor. Wayne, Detroit. Wayne, Detroit. Wayne, Detroit. Wexford, Cadillac Wexford, Cadillac. EVERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.”’ County. Co. Seat. Arapahoe, Denver. Arapahoe, Denver. Bent, West Las Animas. Boulder, Boulder. Boulder, Boulder. Chaffee, Buena Vista. Clear Creek, Georgetown Conejos, Conejos. Costilla, San Luis. Custer, Rosita. Delta, Delta. Dolofes. Rico. Douglas, Castle Rock. Eagle, Red Cliff. Elbert, Kiowa. Fremont, Canon City. Gilpin, Central City. Gilpin, Central City. Grand, Grand Lake. Gunnison, Gunnison. Hinsdale, Lake City. Jefferson, Golden. Lake, Leadville. La Plato, Durango. Larimer, Ft. Collins. Larimer, Ft. Collins. Las Animas, Trinidad. Las Animas, Trinidad. Mesa, Grand Junction. Mesa, Grand Junction. Montrose, Montrose. Ouray, Ouray. Park, Fair Play. Pitkin, Aspen. Pueblo, Pueblo. Rio Grande, Del Norte. Routt, Hahn’s Peak. Routt, Hahn’s Peak. Saquache, Saquache. San Juan, Silverton. San Miguel, Telluride. Summit, Breckenridge. Weld, Greeley. Weld, Greeley. ment’”’ Archuleta, Pagosa Springs Huerfano, Walsenburgh. Name. Fraser & Smith. Thomas G. Greene. Papst, Wixson & Co, M. N. Magn. John D. Merserau. A. R. McBride. James M. Goodell. A. T. Slacht & Co. J. W. Spencer & Co. W. U. Richardson. Chas. H. Manley. Clarence F. Burton. Henry Campan. John F. Bulkley. Sawyer & Bishop. McIntyre & Dunham. REVIAREKS.—MicuHieaan has in all 81 counties, and we have been able torepresent 80 of that number by one or more individuals or firms who are identified in the abstract and examination of titles business, and in almost every instance the owners of private abstract books. will be found represented in other departments, which pages are printed a few days later than this. above it will result to your advantage to mention that name was taken from the ‘“‘Abstracter’s Department” of “THE Alger County In writing any of the COLORADO. Name, Anthony, Landon & 0. George McCullough. (See other Dep’ts.) Maxwell & Oliver. Rodgers & Stidger. E. B. Jones. Sayer & Parmalee. Austin & Sampson. Charies John. J. W. Milsom. EK. L. Kellogg. A. H. Mundee. J. W. Farrel. Mays & Squire. Lee Ramsey. El Paso, Colorado Springs Eaton & McG ooneys Waldo & Baker. Garfield, Glenwood Springs. W. R. F SeuROU: Hal Sayr. J.J. Reiley. J.N. Pettingall. A. J. Bean. J. W. Mills. R. A. Quillian. A. L. Townsend. The Leadville Abs. Co. W.N. Rohrer. Haynes, Dunning & Annis. Ballard, Robinson & Love. Henry F. Moore. John W. Douthitt. J. A. Layton. M. L. Allison. James 8. Grier. Chas. W. Haskins. John L. Gray. Crosby & Brooks. Ford, Barndollar & Co. EK. P. Jones. FE. M. Jones. I. G. Voice. Chas. A. Allen. Jas. H. Robin & Co. Geo. P. Castigan. Darnell Me Namara. J. B. Phillips. A. P. Rittenhouse. REVLAR iK8.—Cororavo has in all 40 counties, 38 of which number we have been able to represent above by the name of one or more individuals or firms who are particu- larly identified in the abstract business, and in a majority of the cases are owners of abstract books. counties may be found represented in other departments which are printed a few days later than this. addressing any of the above will serve their own interests by stating that name was taken from the ‘‘Abstracter’s Depart- of “Tam Every OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ Archuleta and Bent Parties in Abstracters of any particular tate, refer to Index in fore part of Book.County. Co. Seat. Adams, Quincy. Adams, Quincy. Adams, Quincy. Adams, Quincy. Alexander, Cairo. Alexander, Cairo. Bond, Greenville. Boone, Belvidere. Brawn, Mt. Sterling. Bureau, Princeton. Calhoun, Hardin. Carroll, Mt. Carroll. Cass, Virginia. Champaign, Urbana. Christian, l'aylorville. Clark, Marshall. Clay; Louisville. Clinton, Carlyle. Coles, Charleston. Cook, Chicago. Cook, Chicago. Cook, Chicago. Crawford, Robinson. Cumberland, Toledo. DeKalb, Sycamore. DeWitt, Clinton. DeWitt, Clinton. Douglas, Tuscola. DuPage, Wheaton. Edgar, Paris. Edwards, Albion. Effingham, Hffingham. Fayette, Vandalia, Ford, Paxton. Franklin, Benton. Fulton, Lewistown. Gallatin, Shawneetown. Greene, Carrollton. Grundy, Morris. Grundy, Morris. Hamilton, McLeansboro’ Hamilton, McLeansboro’ Hancock, Carthage. Hardin, Elizabethtown. Henderson, Oquawka. Henry, Cambridge. Iroquois, Watseka. Jackson, Murphysboro’ Jasper, Newton. Jefterson, Mt. Vernon. Jersey, Jerseyville. Jo Daviess, Galena. Johnson, Vienna. Kane, Geneva. Kane, Geneva. Kankakee, Kankakee. Kendall, Yorkville. Knox, Galesburgh. Knox, Galesburgh. Lake, Waukegan. La Salle, Ottawa. Lawrence, Lawrenceville. Lee, ixon. Lee, Dixon. Livingston, Pontiac. Logan, Lincoln. Logan, Lincoln. McDonough, Macomb. McDonough, Macomb. McHenry, Woodstock. McLean, Bloomington. Macon, Decatur. Macon, Decatur. Macoupin, Carlinville. Madison, Edwardsville, Marion, Salem. Marshall, Lacon. Marshall, Lacon. Mason, Havana. , Name, T.C. Poling. J. N. Sprige. Berry & Epler, McMurry & McMurry. M. Hasterday & Co., Alex. 4H. Irvin. D. B. Evans. H. C. DeMunn. John J. Teefey. A. M.. Crafton. Greathouse & Harri- son. Lewis Chisman & Co. J. N. Gridley. R. A. Webber. N. D. Hicks. Golden & Cole. J. L. Black. Buxton & White. Clark & Chapman. Handy & UCo., 94 Washington st. Cook Co. Abs. Co., 156 Washington st. Haddock, Vallette & Richards, 75 Dear- born st. Maxwell & Allen. Geo. Bruster. John B. Whalen. F, L. Harpster. S. F. Lewis & Son. Sloan & McKee. Thos. M. Hull. J. C. Palmer. Lee Woods. Lacrone & Worman. Carl Dieckmann. Cook & White. J. F. Mason. W.D. Cummings. John R. Boyd. E. A. Doolittle. G. R. Taxis. Jee. Lettit: Hall & Logan. F. M. Eckley. Mack & Baird. J. Q. A. Ludbetter Miss Blandina Eltinge Ira D. Marston. Sherrin, Watson & Swinford. Hill & Martin. Harrah & Jack. J. M. Pollock & Sons: Eads Bros. W.R.& L. A. Rowley. Crum & Ridenhower. C. P. Dutton. John H. Clark. W. R. Hickox. A. N. Beebe, Eugene W. Welch. Williams, Lawrence & Bancroft. D. L. Jones. Sherman Leland. Alfred I. Judy. Lewis & Johnson. A. C. Warner. Woodrow & Fursman. H. W. Dana. D. H. Hartz. C. W. Dines. L. T. Sherman. Richards & Arnold. Compton, Barnard & Co. Mills Bros. Macon Co., Abs. Co. J. L. Plain & Co. Leverett & Hall. D. W. Patterson & Co. Barnes & Barnes. F.S. Potter. H. A. Wright. ILLINOIS—Continued. County, Co. Seat. Massac, Metropolis City. Menard, Petersburgh. Mercer, Aledo. Monroe, Waterloo. Monroe, Waterloo. Montgomery, Hillsborough. Morgan, Jacksonville. Moultrie, Sullivan. Ogle, Oregon. Peoria, Peoria. Peoria, Peoria. Peoria, Peoria. Peoria, Peoria. Perry, Pinckneyville. Perry, Pinckneyville. Piatt, Monticello. Pike, Pittsfield Pope, Golconda. Pope, Golconda. Pulaski, Mound City. Putnam, Hennepin. Randolph, Chester. Richland, Olney. Rock Island, Rock Island. Rock Island, Rock Island. Rock Island, Rock Island. Saint Clair, Belleville. Saline, Harrisburgh, Saline, Harrisburgh. Sangamon, Springfield. Schuyler, Rushville. Schuyler, Rushville, Scott, Winchester. Shelby, Shelbyville. Stark, Toulon. Stephenson, Freeport. Stephenson, Freeport. Tazewell, Pekin, Tazewell, Pekin. Union, Jonesborough, Vermillion, Danville. Vermillion, Danville. Wabash, Mount Carmel. Warren, Monmouth. Washington, Nashville. Washington, Nashville. Wayne, Fairfield. White, Carmi. Whiteside, Morrison. Will, Joliet Will, Joliet. Williamson, Marion. Winnebago, Rockford. Woodford, Metamora. Name. Elijah P. Curtis. O. B. Carter. Thos. B. Cabeen. Spencer Tompkins. Paul C. Brey. Sawyer & Waggoner. Edward P. Kirby. Wright & Eder. Wadsworth, Et nyre. & Co Muckle & Whiting. Starr & Starr. Enoch P. Sloan. Jack & Tichenor. Chas. H. Roe. R. M. Davis. Lodge & Huston. Chamberlain Bros. Wm. Eldredge. Harrington & Clano- han. Roberts & Bradley. Jeff Durley. Rob’t J. Harmer. R. N. Stotler & Co. Sweeney & Walker. L F. Harson. Quincy McNeill. Fietsam & Tindale. Marsh & Scott. Latham & Souther. John J. Hardin. Montgomery & Glass. Philip E. Mann. A. P. Grout. J. Wm. Lloyd. Miles A. Fuller. Taylor & Pomner. Geo. Wolf. A. B. Sawyer. Wm. D. Oswald. Joseph H. Sampson. A. Martin. O. V. Guy. Sylvester Greathouse. Geo. C. Rankin. Hisey & Boucher. Foreman & Watts. Hanna & Adams. James I. McClintock. H, R. Sampson. John O'Conner, R. E. Barber. W. W. Duncan. Holland, Fergeson & 0. W. L. Ellwood. R EMA RH S.—Ivriors has in all 102 counties, and the above gives the name of one or more individuals or firms in every county in the State, who are reported to us in nearly every instance, as owners of abstract books, and particularly identified in the abstract and examination of titles business. In addressing any of them, it will result to your advantage to mention the fact that you notice their namein the ‘‘Ab- stracter’s department” of “THE EVERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.”’ MISSISSIPPI. County. Co, Seat. Adams, Natchez. Adams, Natchez. Aleorn, Corinth. Amite, Liberty. Amite, Liberty. Attala, Kosciusko. Benton, Ashland. Boliver, Rosedale. Calhoun, Pittsborough. Carroll, Carrollton. Chickasaw, Houston. Choctaw, Chester. Claiborne, Port Gibson. Clarke, Quitman. Clay, West Point. Clay, West Point. Coahoma, Triar’s Point. Copiah, Hazelhurst. Covington, Williamsburgh. Name. TT. Otis Baker. W. C. Martin. Young & Stanley. B. F. Johns, Theo. McKnight. Allen & McCool. Stith & McDonald. T. R. McGuire. J.J. Ballenger. T. H. Somerville. A. White. W.4J. Daniel. I. D. Vertner. Stuart L. Wier. Gerdine & McClellan, White & Fox. Maynard & Yerger. Conn & Norman. J. E.-N. Huddleston. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR Illinois, Mississippi, N. Hampshire. ILLINOIS. MISSISSIPPI—Continued. County. Co. Seat. De Soto, Hernando. Franklin, Meadville. Greene, Leaksville. Grenada, Grenada. Hancock, Bay St, Louis. Harrison, Pass Christian. Hinds, Jackson.* Holmes, Lexington. Issaquena, Duncansby.* Itawamba, Fulton. Jackson, Scranton. Jasper, Paulding. Jefferson, l'ayette. Jones, Ellisville. Kemper, De Kalb. La Fayette, Oxford. La Fayette, Oxford. Lauderdale, Meridian. Lawrence, Monticello. Leake, Carthage. Lee, Tupelo. Le Flore, Greenwood. Lincoln, Brookhaven. Lowndes, Columbus. Madison, Canton. Marion, Volumbia. Marion, Columbia. Marshall, Holly Springs. Monroe, Aberdeen. Monroe, Aberdeen. Montgomery, Winona. Montgomery, Winona. Neshoba, Philadelphia. Newton, Decatur. Noxubee, Macon. Oktibbeha, Starkville. Panola, Sardis. Perry, Augusta. Pike, Magnolia. Pontotoe, Pontotoc. Prentiss, Booneville. Quitman, Belen. Kankin, Brandon. Scott, Forest. Sharkey, Rolling Fork. Simpson, Westville. Smith, Raleigh. Sun Flower, Indianola. Sun Flower, Indianola. Tallahatchee, Charleston. Tate, Senatobia. Tippah, Ripley. Tishomingo, luka. Tunica, Austin. Union, New Albany. Warren, Vicksburg. Washington, Greenville. Wayne, Waynesborough. Webster, Walthall. Webster, Walthall. Wilkinson, Woodville. Winston. Louisville. Winston, Louisville. Yalobusha, Coffeeville. Yazoo, Yazoo City. *Not county seat. Name. D. M. McKenzie. K. R. Webb. John MelInnis. J. T.-Thomas. J. P. Caldwell. Elliot Henderson. W. J. Brown, jr. J. E. Gwin. A. J. Wilkinson. F. J. Johnson. Seal & Bloomfield. B. W. Sharborough. O. H. McGinty. J. M. Bradley. Hector Currie. H. A. Barr. John H. Kimmons. W. D. Cameron. A. H. Longino. Raymond Reid. W.L. Clayton. L. P. Yerger. R. H. Thompson. Evans & Baldwin. G. W. Thomas & Co. T. S. Ford. A. G. Webb. Fant & Fant. J. B. Dowd. Houston & Reynolds. J.S. Cameron. D. L. Sweatman. S. H. Stribling. J. F. Moore. Te JOROSS: Butler & Carroll. J. R. Chalmers. J.J. Bradford. Lamkin & Lamkin. James H. Barr. W. 4H. Rees. J. A. Cooper. Melvin & Martin. S. H. Kirkland. McLaurin & McLau- rin. M. A. Banks. W.H. Jones. J. Y. Walton. A. E. Gibson. W.S. Eskridge. House & Sloan. Faulkner & Frederick. Reynolds & Miller. J. B. Perkins. J. lL. Young. T. R. Foster. William Griffin. J. W. Boykin. Je Be Clarke Tom M. Gore. Re aWee ee eke. W. B. Shumaker. Chas. Richardson. Geo. H. Lester. D. R. Barnett. REMAREES.—Mississrerr has in all 74 counties. The above shows the name of one or more individuals or firms in EVERY county in the State who are reported to us, as, 10 most cases particularly identified in the abstract and examination of titles business; a small proportion of this number are owners of separate abstract books. In addressing them men- tion the fact that you take their name from the ‘A bstracter’s Department” of ‘THE EverRY OFFICE FAVORITE,” and the result will be to your business advantage. NEW HAMPSHIRE. County. Co. Seat. Belknap, Laconia. Belknap, Laconia. Belknap, Laconia. Carroll, Ossippee. Cheshire, Keene. Cheshire, Keene. Cheshire, Keene. Coos, Colebrook. Name. S. 8. Jewett. Jewell & Stone. T. J. Whipple. Frank Weeks. Hersey & Abbott. Silas Hardy. Wm. H. Elliot. T. F. Johnson. To readily find Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book.NEW HA MPSHIRE—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Coos, Colebrook. Coos, Larcaster. Coos, Lancaster. Grafton, Haverhill. Grafton, Plymouth. Hillsborough, Manchester. Hillsborough, Manchester. Hillsborough, Nashua. Merrimack, Concord. Merrimack, Concord. Rockingham, Exeter. Rockingham, Exeter. Rockingham, Portsmouth. Rockingham, Portsmouth. Strafford, Dover. Strafford, Dover. Sullivan, New Port. Sullivan, New Port. Sullivan, New Port. Name. J. I. Parsons. Geo. Patterson. Ladd & Fletcher. WeAe Cobba Burleigh & Adams. Clough & Clark. AY Jeelhane. G. B. French. L. S. Morrill. Leach & Stephens. Geo. W. Weston. Wm. H. Belknap. John Hatch. Calvin Page. Frank §. ‘lompkins. Benjamin Collins. A. D. Howard. Geo. R. Brown. S. H. Edes. REMAREKS.—New HamesHireE has 10 counties, and four of these have two county seats. Private abstract books are unknown in the State, We enter names of attorneys and Registers of Deeds at each place who do abstract work from the records, and to whom business in this line may be safely entrusted. In writing them it will result to your advantage by stating their name was noticed in the ‘A bstracter’s De- partment” of ‘THE Every OFFICE FAVORITE.” NEW JERSEY. County. Co. Seat. __ Atlantic, May’s Landing. Bergen, Hackensack. Burlington, Mount Holly. Camden, Camden. Cape May, Cape May (C. H.) Cumberland, Bridgeton. Essex, Newark. Essex, Newark. Gloucester, Woodbury. Hudson, Jersey City. Hunterdon, Flemington. Mercer, Trenton. Mercer, Trenton. Middlesex, New Brunswick. Middlesex, New Brunswick. Monmouth, Freehold. Morris, Morristown. Ocean, Tom’s River. Passaic, Patterson. Passaic, Paterson. Salem, Salem. Somerset, Somerville. Sussex, Newton. Union, Elizabeth. Warren, Belvidere. Name, Charles Abbott. James Van Valen. Walter A. Barrows. E. Ambler Armstrong. Morgan Hand. Potter & Nixon. Geo. S. Pollard. J.C. McDonald. Jessup & Moore. Wallis & Edwards. Geo. D. Schudder. Harry B. Cook. J. K. Rice. A. C. Hartshorn. Alfred Mills. A.C. Martin. Geo. G. Halstead. J. D. Goodrich. M.N. Stratton. James L. Griggs. Roe & Shepherd. Zerman Norman. Harris & Beasley. REWA RBS.—New Jersey has in all 21 counties, as above shown. Private Abstract Books are not in use in the State. We give the name of one or more reliable attorneys in every county who attend to such business. It will be of advantage when writing any of them to mention that you noticed their name in the ‘‘Abstracter’s Department” of “THE EVERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.” MISSOURI. County. Co. Seat. Adair, Kirksville. Andrew, Savannah. Atchison, Rockport. Audrain, Mexico. Audrain, Mexico. Barry, Cassville. Barton, Lamar, Barton, Lamar. Bates, Butler. Bates, Butler. Benton, Warsaw. Bollinger, Marble Hill. Boone, Columbia. Boone, Columbia. Buchanan, St. Joseph. Buchanan, St. Joseph. Buchanan, St. Joseph. Buchanan, St. Joseph. Butler, Poplar Blutt. Caldwell, Kingston. Name. A.M. Smith & Co. W. W. Caldwell. Doff; & Rains. Wa H. Woodward on. Kilgore & Howell. Allen & Bayless, G. F. Burkhart. Cole & Cox. Walton & Tucker, Ben B. Canterbury & Co. James H. Lay. Lindsay Murdock, 3. Turner. C. B. Rollins. J. C. Hedenberg. John F. Tyler, J. W. Boyd. ” Doniphan & Reed. Davison & Metcalfe, C.S. McLaughlin. MISSOURI—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Caldwell, Kingston. Callaway, Fulton. Callaway, Fulton. Camden, Linn Creek. Cape Girardeau, Jackson. Carroll, Carrollton. Carter, Van Buren. Cass, Harrisonville. Cass, Harrisonville. Cass, Harrisonville. Cedar, Stockton. Cedar, Stockton. Chariton, Kytesville. Christian, Ozark. Christian, Ozark. Clark, Kahoka. Clark, Kahoka. Clay, Liberty. Clinton, Plattsburgh. Cole, Jefferson City. Cooper, Boonville. Cooper, Boonville. Crawford, Steelville. Dade, Greenfield. Dade, Greenfield. Dallas, Buffalo. Dallas, Buffalo. Daviess, Gallatin. Daviess, Gallatin. De Kalb, Maysville. Dent, Salem. Dent, Salem. Douglas, Ava. Dunklin, Kennett. Franklin, Union. Gasconade, Hermann. Gentry, Albany. Gentry, Albany. Greene, Springfield. Grundy, Trenton. Grundy, Trenton. Harrison, Bethany. Harrison, Bethany. Harrison, Bethany. Henry, Clinton. Hickory, Hermitage. Holt, Oregon. Holt, Oregon. Howard, Fayette. Howell, West Plains. Howell, West Plains. Tron, Ironton. Jackson, Kansas City. Name. CO. W. M. Love. Collier & McGee. Penn, McGee & Berry Laswell & Ellis. James F. Brooks. O. J. Kerby. James M. McGhee. Hoover & Moore. Conger Bros. The Kyle Abs. Co. ees HOye James T. Farris. eB hott J. A. Hammond & Co. Brown & Logan. Matlock & Hiller. Wood & Montgomery. L. W. Newman. Hughes & Atchison. Oscar G. Burch. Whitlow & Pendleton. Jackson Monroe. Evans & Gibson. Talbutt & Co. Seymour Hoyt. Thomas M. Brown. J. P. O’Bannon. Gillihan & Drosine. Dudley & Ewing. I. F. Atterbury. Wallace McDonald. J. M. Orchard. Hailey Kelley. W.G. Bragg, jr. Gallenkamp & Wood. Fred L. Wensel. Hubbard & Hubbard. Geo. UC. Holden. Jas. R. Milner. Luther Collier. Stephen Peery. Wanamaker & Bar- Ow. Frisby & Winslow. D. J. Heaston. Geo. 8. Holliday. Geo. 8. Selvidge. W. H. Richards. T. C. Dungan. A. J. Furr & Co. Hale & Powless. Smith, Catron & Olden. B. Zwart. Kansas City Abs. Co., 125 West, Sixth st. Dean 8. Kelly & Co., Cor. Main & Mo. Av. Norman & Robertson, 16 East Sixth st. A. L. O. Schueler, Cor. Kirtley Burkhart & Co. Jasper, Carthage. Jasper, Carthage. Jefferson, Hillsborough. Johnson, Warrensburgh. Johnson, Warrensburgh. Knox, Edina. Laclede, Lebanon. Laclede, Lebanon. La Fayette, Lexington. Lawrence, Mt. Vernon. Lewis, Monticello. Lewis, Monticello. Lincoln, Troy. Lincoln, Troy. Linn, Linneus. Livingston, Chillicothe. McDonald, Pineville. Macon, Macon City. Macon, Macon City. Madison, Fredericktown. Madison, Fredericktown. Maries, Vienna. Maries, Vienna. Marion, Hannibal.* Mercer, Princeton. Miller, Tuscumbia. Mo. Avy. & Del. st. Stickney Bros. Bettst & Rowland. W.H. H. Thomas. Crissey & Stevenson. Snow & Wood. Ed M. Randolph. E. B. Kellerman. W.I. Wallace. Taylor & Lesueur. W.R. Harley. Blair & Marchand. Clay & Ray. Norton & Dryden. Martin & Avery. F. W. Powers & Co. C. W. Asper. M. R. D’Groff. Stean, Loudon & illis. Walter Brown. Robert A. Anthony. Cahoon & Cahoon. G. D. Underwood. Sat Rowden. Boswell & Clayton. M. F. Robinson. - T. B. Robinson. ABSTRACTERS or cirzs pEPaRTMENT FoR N. Hampshire, N. Jersey, Missouri, MISSOU R1l—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Mississippi, Charleston. Mississippi, Charleston. Moniteau, California. Monroe, Paris. Monroe, Paris. Montgomery, Danville. Morgan, Versailles. Name. J. H. Bethum. W..A. Bush. Hazell & Pash. R. A. Bodine. T. T. Rodes. K. M. Hughes. B. R. Richardson. New Madrid, New Madrid. Henry C. Riley. Newton, Neosho. Newton, Neosho. Nodaway, Marysville. Nodaway, Marysville. Nodaway, Marysville. Oregon, Alton. Osage, Chamois.* Ozark, Gainesville. Pemiscot, Gayoso. Perry, Perryville. Pettis, Sedalia. Pettis, Sedalia. Pettis, Sedalia. Phelps, Rolla. Pike, Bowling Green. Platte, Platte City. Polk, Bolivar. Polk, Bolivar. Pulaski, Waynesville. Putnam, Unionville. Ralls, New London. Randolph, Moberly.* Randolph, Moberly. Ray, Richmond. Ray, Richmond. Reynolds, Centreville. Ripley, Doniphan. Ripley, Doniphan. St. Charles, St. Charles. St. Charles, St. Charles. St. Clair, Osceola. St. Francis, Farmington. St. Francis, Farmington. Sherwood & Wills. L. D. Bell & Co. Brown & Montgomery Morehouse & Sisson. Craig & Collins. L. P.& J.C. Norman. Henry Marquand. McClendon & Janu- ary. Geo. W. Carleton. James C. Noell. J. M. Byler. M. W. Brady. Morey & Crawford. Harrison & Harrison. J. He Blair: Wm. M. Paxton. W. U. Townsend. C. L. Russell. Clark & McGregor. B. H. Bonfoey. Roy & Baxter. L. C. Brand. Dysart & Hannah. Lovelock & Lovelock. James W. Black. Joe 8. Carty. A. J. McCollum. T. A. Jenkins. O. J. Mudd. Hy J. Schveweich. Jno. H. Lueas. A. B. Ledbetter. Samuel L.+ Asberry. St. Genevieve, St.Genevieve.Emile P. Vogt. St. Louis, Clayton. St. Louis, Clayton, St. Louis, St. Louis. E. P. Cloud. Henri Chomean. Steeing & Webster Abs. Co. August Gelmer. Luther Babcock. Lewis & Hall. Saline, Marshall. Saline, Marshall. Schuyler, Lancaster. Schuyler, Lancaster. Scotland, Memphis. Scotland, Memphis. Scott, Benton. Shannon, Eminence Shelby, Shelbyville. Shelby, Shelbyville, Stoddard, Bloonsfield. Stone, Galena. Sullivan, Milan. Taney, Forsyth. Texas, Houston. Vernon, Nevada. Warren, Warrenton. Warren, Warrenton. Washington, Potosi. Wayne, Greenville. Webster, Marshfield. Worth, Grant City. Wright, Hartville. *Not county seat. +Spelling may be Dopf. {Spelling may be Belts. +Spelling may be S. N. B. Noble. Vandyke & Rainey. Sheeton & Dysart. Higbee & Raley. Cowan & Scofield. Collins & Allen. Joseph H. Moore. L. L. Munsell. Towson & Combs. Loyd & Loyd. Emil M. Weber. J. Frank Seaman. Winters & Butler. C. H. Groom & Co. John D. Young. J. H. Donley & Co. Peers & Morsey. L. J. Dryden. Frederick Will. E. P. Settle. Frederick King. Chas. L. Wheeler. Wn. Nickle. REMA RKS.— Missouri has in all 114 counties, and the Abstracting of Titles business is represented by one or more reliable individuals or firms in EVERY County in the State as shown by the above; and, there is hardly an excep- tion to the rule of their being owners of private abstract books. This State is provided, in almost every county with the very best of abstract facilities. It will result to their advantage if correspondents in addressing any of the parties here Tepresented, state that they take their name from the “Abstracter’s Department” of “THE EvERY OFFICE Fa- VORITE.”’ To readily find Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book.NEW MEXICO. County. Co. Seat. Bernalillo, Albuquerque. Colfax, Springer. Colfax, Springer. Dona Ana, Las Cruces. Dona Ana, Las Cruces. Grant, Silver City. Lincoln, Lincoln. Mora, Mora. San Miguel, Las Vegas. Santa Fe, Santa Fe. Santa Fe, Santa Fe. Santa Fe, Santa Fe. Sierra. Hillsborough. Sierra, Hillsborough. Socorro, Socorro. Taos, Taos. Name. Geo. L. Wratten. M. W. Mills: Wm. C. Wigley. E. C. Wade. S. W. Newcomb. John A. Apperson. Jones Tallofarro. Henry H. Green. Louis Sulzbacher: F. W. Clancy. Geo. C. Preston, Jobnson Patterson. S. Alexander, J. Morris Young. Tiffany & Sheldon. M. W. Mills. Kk EMARES.—New Mexico has thirteen counties, but we do not, on account of the delay in obtaining reports, give but eleven of that number; the other Departments will be compiled at later dates, when we hope, the remaining reports will be in, so that all will be represented. It will prove to the advantage of correspondents, to mention that their name was taken from the ‘Abstracter’s Department’ of “THE EVERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.” MONTANA TERRITORY. County. Co. Seat. Beaver Head, Dillon. Beaver Head, Dillon. Choteau, Ft. Benton. Choteau, Ft. Benton. Custer, Miles City. Custer, Miles City. Dawson, Glendive. Name. P. McGough. W.S. Barbour. Buck & Hunt. Willis F. Parker. A. F. Burleigh. Strevelle & Garlock. W.H Raymond. Deer Lodge, Deer Lodge CityO. B.-)’Bannon. Deer Lodge, leer Lodge CityF. R. Bill. Fergus, Lewiston. Fergus, Lewiston. Gallatin, Bozeman. Gallatin, Bozeman. Jefferson, Boulder Valley.* Rudolph VonTobel, jr. S. W. Darling. F. Gilchrist. R. Lockey. Charles 8. Stevens. Lewis and Clarke, Helena. R. Lockey & Co. Madison, Virginia City. Madison, Virginia City. Meagher, White Sulphur Springs. Meagher, White Sulphur Springs. Missoula, Missoula. Missoula, Missoula. Silver Bow, Butte City. Yellowstone, Billings. *Not county seat. James E. Calloway. Henry N. Blake. Smith & Maddox. Max Waterman. Woody & Marshall. Stephens & Bickford. Mauth & Warren. George M. Hayes. REM ARES.—Monrana has 14 counties, and the above represents every one of them in the abstract business, by the name of one or more parties who are, in most in- stances, owners of abstract books, and all are particularly identified in doing such work. It wiilbe to the advantage of correspondents in writing them to mention the fact that their name was taken fromthe “‘Abstracter’s department” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ KANSAS. County. Co. Seat. Allen, Iola. Anderson, Garnett. Atchison, Atchison. Atchison, Atchison. Barber, Medicine Lodge. Barton, Great Bend. Barton, Great Bend. Bourbon, Fort Scott. Bourbon, Fort Scott. Brown, Hiawatha. Brown, Hiawatha. Brown, Hiawatha. Butler, Eldorado. Butler, Eldorado. Butler, Eldorado. Chase, Cottonwood Falls. Chautauqua, Sedan. Cherokee, Columbus., Cherokee, Columbus. Cheyenne, Wano.* Cheyenne, Wano.* Name. T. S. Stover. M. L. White. H. A. Coates. S. H. Kimbal. Bronson & Houchin. C. E. Dodge. D. N. Hizer. B. F. Othick.- J. D. Hill Abs. Co. Welcome, Moon & Davis. Union Lonan & T. Co. Tra J. Lacock. D. Boyden. Woods & Bowen. Shelden & Shelden. Gandy Johnson. Kilmer & Merrill. Lawton & Woodruff. C. D. Nichols. W.. W. McKay. J. A. Hoffman. KANSAS—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Clark, Ashland. Clark, Ashland. Cluy, Clay Centre. Clay, Clay Centre. Cloud, Concordia. Cloud, Concordia. Coffey, Burlington. Commanche, Cold Water.* Commanche, Cold Water.* Commanche, Cold Water.* Cowley, Winfield. Cowley, Winfield. Crawford, Girard. Davis, Junction City. Davis, Junction City. Davis, Junction City. Decatur, Oberlin. Decatur, Oberlin. Dickinson, Abilene. Doniphan, Troy. Douglas, Lawrence. Edwards, Kinsley. Elk, Howard. Elk, Howard. Ellis, Hays City. Ellis, Hays City. Ellis, Hays City. Ellsworth, Ellsworth. Finney, Garden City. Finney, Garden City. Finney, Garden City. Ford, Dodge City. Ford, Dodge City. Franklin, Ottawa. Franklin, Ottawa. Gove, Grainfield.* Graham, Millbrook. Graham, Millbrook. Greenwood, Eureka. Harper, Anthony. Harper, Anthony. Harper, Anthony. Harvey, Newton. Hodgeman, Jetmore. Jackson,- Holton. Jefferson, Oskaloosa. Jewell, Mankato. Johnson, Olathe. Kingman, Kingman. Labette, Oswego. Lane, Dighton. Leavenworth, Leavenworth. Leavenworth, Leavenworth. Leavenworth, Leavenworth. Leavenworth, Leavenworth. Leavenworth, Leavenworth. Lincoln, Lincoln. Lincoln, Lincoln. Linn, Mound City. Lyon, Emporia. McPherson, McPherson. Marion, Marion. Marshall, Marysville. Miami, Paola. Mitchell, Beloit. Mitchell, Beloit. Montgomery, Independence. Morris, Council Grove. Morris, Council Grove. Morton, Richfield.* Morton, -Richfield.* Nemaha, Seneca. Neosho, Erie. Ness, Ness City. Norton, Norton. Norton, Norton. Osage, Lyndon. Osborne, Osborne. Osborne, Osborne. Osborne, Osborne. Ottawa, Minneapolis. Pawnee, Larned. Phillips, Phillipsburgh. Pottawattamie, Westmore- land, Name, Cummins & Sons. W. C. Cowell. Harkness & Godard. Wickstrum&Swenson J. E. Burrus. H. Hillis. Lane & Kent. Jackson, Thornton & Co. Vernon J. Miller. J. G. Steffee. Curns & Manser. H. G. Fuller & Co. J. H. McClure, Barnes & Gage. Barnes & Callen. W. B. Clark. Frank Hunt. Carpenter & Co. W. T. Davidson. Joseph F. Hampson. L.S. Steele. Nichols & Piburn. E. F. Glenn. Elk Co. Imigrat’n Co. Eli Fox. Martin Allen. Leroy Judd. L. H. Seaver. EK. A. Bagby. Masters & Hill. Weeks & Haskinson. S. E. McGarry & Co. Jeringson & Lee. Sumner & Young. Clark & Wilkinson. T. Hindman. H. J. Harwi. C. Fountain. H. F. Rizer. Jennings Bros. Brown & Coffman. Skinner & Miller. Geo. W. Holmes. D. W. Larned. J.T. Price. Metzger & Insley. W.N. Hoskinson. J. L. Pettyjohn & Co. James P. Mead & Co. C. A. Wilkin & Co. Grainstead Bros. Spalding & Bowen. L. G. Hopkins. N. H. Wood. S. F. Atwood. W.C. McDonald. G. W. Weeks. EB. EF. Coad. L. F. Williams. S. B. Riggs. Allison Bros. }, R. Frenner. Chas. F. Koster. Beeson & Baker. Mehl & Moore. J.T. Barnes & Co. Ralstin & Allen. C. H. Shaffer. J. S. Provine. Simmons Northeut. Pierce & Parker. Benedict & Gleason. Hurt & Eaton. Porter Bros. & Rice. Lockard Bros. W. H. Meeker. E. R. Bartlett. Waldrond, Mitchell & Heren. A. Saxey & Son. H. F. Hillebrandt. C. C. Olney & Co. P. H. Forbes. T. N. Jones. M.S. Beal. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR N. Mexico, Montana, Kansas, Nevada. KANSAS—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Pratt, Iuka; Rawlins, Atwood. Reno, Hutchinson. Reno, Hutchinson. Republic, Belleville. Rice, Sterling.* Riley, Manhattan. Rooks, Stockton. Rooks, Stockton. Rush, LaCrosse. Russell, Russell. Russell, Russell. Saint John, Oakley.* Saline, Monument. * Saline, Salina. Saline, Salina. Sedgwick, Wichita. Sedgwick, Wichita. Sedgwick, Wichita Shawnee, Topeka. Shawnee, Topeka. Shawnee, Topeka. Sheridan, Kenneth. Smith, Smith Centre. Stafford, Saint John. Sumner, Wellington. Thomas, Colby. * Trego, Wakeeney. Trego, Wakeeney. Wabaunsee, Alma. Wabaunsee, Alma. Wallace, Alma. Washington, Washington. Wilson, Fredonia. Wilson, Fredonia. Woodson, Yates Center. Wyandotte, Wyandotte. Wyandotte, Wyandotte. Wyandotte, Wyandotte. *Not county seat. Name. Baker Fay. Albert Hemming. J.B. Vincent & Co. J. H. Lawson. A.A. Hamilton. W. 4H. Page. H. P. Dow. Davis & Chipman. M. McNulty & Johnston. Bank of LaCvrosse. G. H. Johnson. Nelson Wolcott. J.E. Dodge. A.S. Beamer. Wright, Hume & Lynn. J.& F. L. Weaver. Huserman & Ford. Caldwell & Strong. H. M. Dubois. William Hall Jen- kins. McClure & Clark. J.B. Whitaker. G. W. Crane. J. N. Smith. L. H. Fisher. Fultz & Millard. H. E. Weld. Baker & Sons. Osborne & Monyroe. Licht & Lirefelter. S. H. Fairfield. Geo. H. Thiele, © Jenner & Torpin. Winner & Wyland. N. F. Follett. . W. S. Baylon. W.W. Tamson. J.S. Clark & Son. REMARES.—Kansas has in all 94 counties, and as will be noticed, 89 of this number are above represented in the Abstract and examination of titles business. The remaining six counties—Hamilton, Sherman, Meade and Seward are unorganized, and liable, one or more of them, to be merged into other counties, or divided. Wallace county has some settlement and towns and will probably be represented in other departments, which pages are printed a few days later than this, Private Abstract Books are in very genera use throughout the State, and the individuals and firms represented in this department are, in nearly every instance, owners and proprietors. In addressing any of them it willbe for correspondent’s advantage to state that their address is taken from the “‘Abstracter’s Department” of “THe EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” NEVADA. County. Co. Seat. Name. Churchill, Stillwater. Lew Allen. — Douglas, Genoa. D. W. Virgin. Elko, Elko. Esmeralda, Hawthorne. Eureka, Eureka. Eureka, Eureka. Humboldt, Winnemucca. Humboldt, Winnemucca. Lander, Austin. Lincoln, Pioche. Lincoln, Pioche. Lyon, Dayton. Lyon, Dayton. Nye, Belmont. Nye, Belmont. _ Ormsby, Carson City. Ormsby, Carson City. Storey. Virginia City. Washoe, Reno. Washoe, Reno. White Pine, Hamilton. J. W. Dorsey. Thomas H. Wells. EB. D. Vanderleith. Frank X. Murphy. McMillan & Hannah. S. J. Bonnifield, jr. Charles Lund. T. J. Osborne. C. H. Patchen. George W. Keith. W.R. Davis. W. N. Granger. D. S. Truman. C. N. Harris. R. M. Clarke. P. EB. Shannon. J. B. Williams. Clark & King. C. M. Thackston. REMARNSS.—Nevana has 14 counties, and we have been able to represent all of them by the name of one or re parties who do an abstract business. penne addressing them to state that business advantage of persons Tt will be to the their name was taken from the “‘Abstracter’s Department”’ of “Tue EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” To readily find Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book. rm . = 7 mii Pe PI ES.ABSTRACTERS ©F TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR Nebraska and Georgia. NEBRASKA. County. Co. Seat. Adams, Hastings. Antelope, Neligh. Boone, Albion. Boone, Albion. Boone, Albion. Brown, Ainsworth. Buffalo, Kearney. Burt, Tekamah. Burt, Tekamah. Butler, David City. Butler, David City. Cass, Plattsmouth. Cass, Plattsmouth. Cedar, Hartington.* Cherry, Valentine. Cherry, Valentine. Cheyenne, Sidney. Cheyenne, Sidney. Clay, Clay Center. Clay, Clay Center. Clay, Clay Center. Colfax, Schuyler. Colfax, Schuyler. Colfax, Schuyler. Cuming, West Point. Cuming, West Point. Custer, Broken Bow. Dakota, Dakota. Dakota, Dakota. Dawes, Chadron. Dawson, Plum Creek. Dixon, Ponca. Dodge, Fremont. Dodge, Fremont. Douglas, Omaha. Douglas, Omaha. Fillmore, Fairmont.* Franklin, Bloomington. Frontier, Stockville. Furnas, Beaver City. Gage, Beatrice. Garfield, Burwell. Gosper, Homerville. Gosper, Homerville. Greeley, Scotia. Hall, Grand Island. Hall, Grand Island. Hamilton, Aurora. Harlan, Alma. Hayes, Hayes Centre. Hayes, Hayes Centre. Hitchcock, Culbertson. Holt, O'Neill. Howard, St. Paul. Jefferson, Fairbury. Johnson, Tecumseh. Johnson, Tecumseh. Kearney, Minden. Keith, Ogallala. Keya Paha, Springview. Keya Paha, Springview. Knox, Niobrara. Lancaster, Lincoln, Lancaster, Lincoln. Lancaster, Lincoln. Lincoln, North Platte. Loup, Taylor. Loup, Taylor. Madison, Norfolk.* Merrick, Central City. Merrick, Central City. Merrick, Central City. Nance, Fullerton. Nemaha, Auburn, Nemaha, Auburn. Nuckolls, Nelson. Nuckolls, Nelson. Otoe, Nebraska City. Otoe, Nebraska City. Otoe, Nebraska City. Pawnee, Pawnee City. Phelps, Holdredge.* Phelps, Holdredge. Pierce, Pierce. Pierce, Pierce. Platte, Columbus. Name. A. H. Cramer. Zink & Kelley. Montgomery Bros. Wm. Weitzel. John Peters. B. H. McGrew. Geo. D. Aspinwall. A. A. Thomas. C. W. Conkling. S. Klingman. A. L. Hughes. W. L. Brown & Co. Wm. S. Wise. Stephenson & Hunter. H. R. Bisbee. J.J. Mc@allister. F. H. De Castro. J. J. McIntosh. Jesse F. Eller. John M. Jones. L. F. Fryar. T. B. Crewitt. E. T. Hodson. T. W. Whitman. F. W. Ragoss. McNish & Graham. Ledwich Bros. John T. Spencer. M. M. Ream. 3allou & Cassaday. Hess & Maxwell. Barnes Bros. James Hanson. Love & Harrison. Byron, Reed & Co. Geo. W. Ames. Will R. Gaylord. Wm. A. Cole. Morris & Westgate. L. Kansman. Grable & Tait. Bean & Newman. G. T. Webster. H. A. Willard. Lanigan & Marsh. O. B. Thompson. Scarf & Ryner. Spanogle & Co. Piper Bros. Hatch & Davis. T. J. Galloway. Perry & Crews. E. W. Adams. Frank M. Crowell. C. C. Bogle. L. C. Chapman. S. P. Davidson. McFeely & Dickman. Ogallala Loan & Abs. Co. W.C. Brown. C. E. Lear. (See other Dept’s.) Atkins & Huffman. E. P. Childs. J.C. McBride. C. C. Hawkins. Evans Bros. F. H. Sawyer. Wm. Gerecke. N. R. Persinger. J. B. Lazear. S. E. Hostetter, Brady & Critchfield. G. B. Beveridge. Wm. H. Hoover. H. W. Short. D. W. Barker. T. E. Thompson. Geo. W. Covell. . T. Ransome. D. D. Davis. K. A. Roth. P. O. Hulland. A. P. Williams & Co. Wm. B. Shilvyers, Speice & North. To readily find NEBRASK A—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Platte, Columbus. Platte, Columbus, Polk, Osceola. Red Willow, Indianola. Richardson, Falls City. Saline, Wilber. Sarpy, Papillion. Saunders, Wahoo. Seward, Seward. Sheridan, Gordon.* Sherman, Loup City. Stanton, Stanton. Thayer, Hebron. Valley, Ord. Washington, Blair. Washington, Blair. Wayne, Wayne. Webster, Red Cloud. Wheeler, Harrington. York, York. *Not county seat, Name. G. G. Becher & Co. Samuel C. Smith. Je Peetealde Cramer & Tyler. H. C. Smith. Van Duyn & Jahn. Whur Robinson. Williams & Lyle. A. K. Upton. S. H: Ladd: M. H. Mead. J. W. Mackey. B. F. Young. C. M. Coffin & Co. Alex. Reed. K. C. Jackson. John E. Bennett & Son. C. F. Cotter. (See other Dept’s.) Buckmaster & Knight REMA REKS.— Nepsrasxa has in all 76 counties, and 70 of this number are represented above in the abstract and examination of titles business; of the remaining counties, Blaine, Dundy, Logan and Sioux are unorganized having but little settlement; Knox and Wheeler counties will be repre- sented in other departments of this Directory, which pages are compiled a few days later than this. Nebraska is well provided by abstract facilities, and the individuals or persons here given are in nearly every instance owners and proprie- tors. In addressing any of these parties it will prove to cor- respondents, advantage to state that they obtain their address from the ‘fAbstracter’s Department” of ‘‘THr EvERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ GEORGIA. County, Co. Seat. Appling, Baxley. Baker, Newton. Baldwin, Milledgeville. Banks, Homer. Bartow, Cartersville. Berrien, Nashville. Bibb, Macon. Brooks, Quitman. Bryan, Bryan. Bullock, Statesborough. Burke, Waynesborough. Burke, Waynesborough. Butts, Jackson. Calhoun, Morgan. Camden, St. Mary’s. Campbell, Fairburn. Carroll, Carrollton. Catoosa, Ringgold. Chatham, Savannah. Chattahoochee, Cusseta. Chattooga, Summerville. Chattooga, Summerville, Cherokee, Canton. Clarke, Athens. Clay, Ft. Gaines. Clay, Ft. Gaines. Clayton, Jonesborough. Clinch, Homerville. Cobb, Marietta. Columbia, Appling. Coweta, Newnan. Crawford, Knoxville. Dade, Trenton. Dawson, Dawsonville. Decatur, Bainbridge. Decatur, Bainbridge. De Kalb, Decatur. Dodge, Eastman. Dougherty. Albany. Douglas, Douglasville. Karly, Blakely, Echols, Statenville. Effingham, Springfield. Elbert, Elberton. Emanuel, Swainsborough. Fannin, Morganton. Fannin, Morganton. Fayette, Fayettsville. Floyd, Rome, f : Forsyth, Cumming. Name. Carter & Carter. B. F. Hudspeth. Robert Whitfield. - P. M. Edwards. G. H. Anbrey. H. B. Peeples. Gustin & Hall. W.B. Bennett. P. W. Williams. T. H. Potter. EK. F. Lawson. R. O. Lovett. Wright & Beck. J.J. Beck. J. M. Amon. J. H. Longino. Merrell & Cole. W.H. Payne. Isaac Beckett. A. A. Moore. W. M. Henry. Geo. D. Hollis. W.A. &G. I. Teasley. L. & H. Cobb. C. Rvaleont A. P. Ingraham. John M. Mundy. J. L. Sweat. E. Faw. Frank A. Gray. J.S. Powell. R. D. Smith. T. J. Lumpkin. Jas. M. Bishop. Townsend & Harrell. C. W. Wimberly. H. C. Jones. Allen N. Sexton. J. W. Walters. J.S. James. K. C. Bower. EK. Wakely. A. C. Wright. Geo. C. Grogan. J. D. Ashton. O. R. Dufree. L. G. Cutcher. L. B. Griggs. Dean & Ewing. Henry L. Patterson. GEHORGIA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Name. Franklin, Carnesville. Taber Bros. Franklin, Carnesville. A. J. Neal. Fulton, Atlanta. Gilmer, Ellijay. Gilmer, Ellijay. Glascock, Gibson. Glynn, Brunswick. Gordon, Calhoun. Greene, Greensborough. Gwinnett, Lawrenceville. Habersham, Clarkesville. Hall, Gainesville. Hancock, Sparta. Haralson, Buchanan. Harris; Hamilton. Hart, Hartwell. Heard, Franklin. Henry, McDonough. Henry, McDonough. Houston, Perry. Irwin, Irwinville. Jackson, Jefferson. Jasper, Monticello. Jefferson, Louisville. Johnson, Wrightsville. Laurens, Dublin. Lee, Leesburgh. Liberty, Hinesville. Lincoln, Lincolnton. Lowndes, Valdosta. Lumpkin, Dahlonega. McDuffie, Thomson. McIntosh, Darien. Macon, Oglethorpe. Marion, Buena Vista. Meriwether, Greenville. Miller, Colquitt. Milton Alpharetta. Mitchell, Camilla. Monroe, Forsyth. Morgan, Madison. Murray, Spring Place. Murray, Spring Place. Muscogee, Columbus. Newton, Covington. Oconee, Watkinsville. Ogelthorpe, Lexington. Paulding, Dallas. Pickens, Jasper. Pierce, Blackshear. Pike, Barnesville.* Polk, Cedartown. Pulaski, Hawkinsville. Putnam, Eatonton. Quitman, Georgetown. Kabun, Clayton. Richmond, Augusta. Rockdale, Conyers. Screven, Sylvania. Spalding, Griffin. Stewart, Lumpkin. Sumter, Americus. Talbot, Talbotton. Tattnall, Reidsville. Taylor, Butler. Taylor, Butler. Telfair, McRae. Terrell, Dawson. Thomas, Thomasville. Towns, Hiawassee. Towns, Hiawassee. Troup, Le Grange. Troup, Le Grange. Twiggs, Jeffersonville. Union, Blairsville. Union, Blairsville. Upson, Thomaston. Walker. La Fayette. Ware, Way Cross. Warren, Warrenton. Washington, Sandersville. Washington, Sandersville. Wayne, Jesup. Webster, Preston. Webster, Preston. White, Cleveland. Walter R. Brown. J. C. Allen, T. W. Craigo. B. F. Walker. W. B. Burrongh. J. C. Harkins. Jas. B. Park, jr. L. J. Winn. C. H. Sutton. Lester D. Prickett. T. M. Hunt. J. M. McBride. H. C. Cameron. : Hodges & Van Duzer. J. B. Merrill. Speer & Turner. G. W. Bryan. A. 8. Giles. Thomas B. Young. Joseph W. Hill. H. €. Hill. Gamble & Hunter. W.R. Daley. Julius A. Burney. C. A. Davis. J. S. Ashmore. H. J. Lang. Wilkinson & Ashley. R. H. Baker. Benj. W. Gross. C. L. Livingston. W. H. Fish. Wisdom & Jefferson. B. F. McLaughlin. Bush & Bush. J. P. Brooke. I. A, Bush. O. H. B. Bloodworth. Foster & Butler. C. N. King. W.C. Martin. McNeill & Levy. Middlebrooks & Ed- ward. B. E. Thrasher. Wm. M. Howard. J. M. Spinks. John W. Hinley. S. W. Hitch. Joseph J. Rogers. A. Richardson. J.B. Mitchell. Foster & Lamar. A. M. Helms. Black, Dell & Wade. Stewart & Sor. R. F. Watts. J.C. Mathews. Willis & Persons. C. W. Smith. O. M. Colbert. Albert A. Carson. M. Frizzell. Simmons & Guerry. McIntyre & McIntyre, H. C. Standridge. W. L. Sutton. J. E. Toole. J. H. Pitman. J. D. Jones. W. E. Candler. S. Y. Jarrett. J.S. Allen. F. W. Copeland. H. P. Brown. i. P. Davis. Hines & Rogers. aA. M. Mayo. G. M. P. Ware. M. M. Wilson. Geo. E. Thornton. I. I. Kimsey. Abstracters of any particular 29 gntate, refer to Index in fore part of Book.GHORGIA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Whitfield, Dalton. Whitfield, Dalton. Wilcox, Abbeville. Wilkes, Washington. Wilkinson, Irwinton. *Not county seat, Name, W. K. Moore. H. C. Hamilton. G. W. Johnson. Hardeman & Irwin. John W. Lindsey. REMARK S.—Georara has in all 187 counties, and the above shows representation in the abstract and examination of titles business in 126 of this number. These parties as a rule make a specialty of attending to such work, and mhy be relied upon for acciwwacy and promptuess. Colquit, Dooley, Jones, Madison, Montgomery, Randolph, Charlton, Coffee , Schley, Taliaferro and Walton counties are not here repre- sented, but may be found in other departments of this work. Correspondents when writing any of the above will serve their own advantage by stating that address was taken from the ‘‘Abstracter’s Department” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ WASHINGTON TERRITORY. County. Co. Seat. Adams, Ritzville. Asotin, Asotin. Asotin, Asotin. Chehalis, Montesano. Clallam, New Dunganess. Clarke, Vancouver. Columbia, Dayton. Cowlitz, Kalama. Douglas O’Kanogan. Franklin, Pasco. Garfield, Pomeroy. Island, Coupeville. Name. S. A. Wells. G. A. Rogers. R. A. Case. D. H. Mullen. W. C. Garfield. W. B. Daniels. J. A. Kellogg. C. E. Forsyth. B. L. Marfin. J. E. Gantinbin. John W. Ranch. J.B. Libby. Jefferson, Port Townsend. Jones & Calhoun. King, Seattle. King, Seattle. Kitsap, Port Madison. Kittitass, Ellensburg. Kittitass, Ellensburgh. Klikitat, Goldendale. Klikitat, Goldendale. Lewis, Chehalis. Lincoln, Sprague. Mason, Oakland. Pacific, Oysterville. Pierce, Tacoma. Skagit, La Conner. Skamania, Cascades. Snohomish, Snohomish. C. F. Wittlesey. D. I. Wheeler: John A. Campbell. a Davidson & Davidson. W. 4H. Peterson. Hiram Dustin. John M. Filloon. Forest & Welty. P. K. Spencer. W. C.Simmon. E. B. Wood. Gloyd & Spinning. S. B. Brooks. T. F. Levens. J. H. Plaskett. Spokane, Spokane Falls.* Strobach & Munter. Stevens, Colville. Thurston, Olympia. Wahkiakum, Cathlamet. Jacob Stetzel & Co. A. Thompson. J. W. Clemens. Walla Walla, Walla Walla.A. Reeves Ayers. Whatcom, Whatcom. Whitman, Colfax. Whitman, Colfax. Yakima, North Yakima.* ‘Yakima, North Yakima.* *Not county seat. Myron W. Scott. CG. F. Adams. Cc. P. Edmonds. Kate W. Fenerbach. Whitsom & Gilliam. REEMA REKS.—WasHineton TERRITORY has in all 33 counties, all of which are above represented in the abstract and examination of titles business, except San Juan county which may be found in other departments. Considering the newness of this territory it makesa good showing in abstract facilities: over half of the parties whose names appear In this department are owners of private abstract books. In addressing them it will result to correspondents’ advantage to state that name was taken from ‘‘Abstracter’s Depart- ment” of ‘Tae EVERY OFFICE FavoRITE.” OHIO. County. Co. Seat. Adams, West Union. Allen, Lima. Ashland, Oakland. Ashtabula, Jefferson. Ashtabula, Jefferson. Athens, Athens. Auglaize, Wapakonete. Auglaize, Wapakoneta. Belmont, Saint Clairsville. Brown, Georgetown. Butler, Hamilton. Carroll, Carrollton. Champaign, Urbana. To readily find Abstracters Name. Luther Thompson. Thomas R. Shaw. J. P. M. Goodman. Talcott Bros. T. E. Hawley. Browns & Koons. F.C. Layton. M. D. Shaw. N. K. Kennon. White & Young. Wm. B. Millikin. Wm. McCoy. Re Ch Horr OHIO—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Clarke, Springfield. Clermont, Batavia. Clinton, Wilmington. Clinton, Wilmington, Clinton, Wilmington. Columbiana, New Lisbon. Columbiana, New Lisbon. Coshocton, Coshocton. Coshocton, Coshocton. Crawford, Bucyrus. Cuyahoga, Cleveland. Cuyahoga, Cleveland. Cuyahoga, Cleveland. Darke, Greenville. Defiance, Defiance. Defiance, Defiance. Defiance, Defiance. Delaware, Delaware. Erie, Sandusky. Fairfield, Lancaster. Fayette, Washington, Franklin, Columbus. Fulton, Wauseon. Gallia, Gallipolis. Geauga, Chardon. Greene, Xenia. Greene, Xenia. Guernsey, Cambridge. Hamilton, Cincinnati. Hamilton, Cincinnati. Hancock, Findlay. Hardin, Kenton. Hardin, Kenton. Harrison, Cadiz. Henry, Napolean. Highland, Hillsborough. Hocking, Logan. Hocking. Logan. Holmes, Millersburgh. Holmes, Millersburgh. Huron, Norwalk. Jackson, Jackson. Jackson. Jackson. Jeffersonville, Steubenville. Knox, Mount Vernon. Lake, Painesville. Lake, Painesville. Lawrence, Ironton, Licking, Newark. Logan, Bellefontaine. Logan, Bellefontaine. Lorain, Elyria. Lucas, Toledo. Lucas, Toledo. Lueas, Toledo. Lucas, Toledo. Lucas, Toledo. Lucas, Toledo, Madisgn, London. Madison, London. Mahoning, Youngstown. Marion, Marion. Medina, Medina. Meigo, Pomeroy. Meigo, Pomeroy. Mercer, Celina. Miami, Troy. Monroe, Woodsfield. Monroe, Woodsfield. Montgomery, Dayton, Morgan, McConnelsville. Morrow, Mount Gilead. Morrow, Mount Gilead. Muskingum, Zanesville. Noble, Caldwell. Ottawa, Port Clinton. Paulding, Paulding. Perry, New Lexington. Pickaway. Circleville. Pickaway, Circleville. Pike, Waverly. Pike, Waters. Portage, Ravenna. Preble, Eaton. . Name, ieee Springfield Abs. On Ashburn & Hulick. F. B. Mills, C. W. Swan. Walker & Doane. James Martin. H. E. Frost. J..W. Murphey. Sam. H. Nicholas. J. R. Clymer. J. Odell & Sons. Cozud Penniman. Willard & Co. Dalrymple & Huff. Ce Re sinttles K. V. Haymaker. F. W. Knapp. Henry J. Eaton. Flynn & Judson. Shaw & Cunningham. C. J. Bell. George J. Atkinson. T. F. Ham. Joseph Stafford. C. A. Mills. W.J. Alexander. A.S. Buck. J. A. Tannehill. Cincinnati Abs. Co. Miles & Shepard. Albert Powell. Chas. Collier. H. L. Dunn. W.G. Shotwell. Sinclair M. Hague. Collins & Collins. Je BS Butin: Y.C. Lowry. Newton Stilwell. G. F. Newton. J.A. Williamson. Moore & Moore. C. A. Atkinson. Es P. Lewis. wight E. Sapp. H. B. Green. ne George E. Payne. D. C. McCoun. Theo Kamp. J. A. Huston. J. A. Odor. W. L. Fay. A. C. Kent. A. E. Wilson. W. H. Tucker. Russell & Gorvill. EK. H. Potter. Linderson, Lang & Stewart. H. C. McCoy. Wilson Durflinger. Youngstown Abs. Co. M. B. Chase. George Hayden. W.E. Hysell. W.H. Lasley. T. J. Godtrey. George Green. J. R. Springs. G. G. Jennings. Watkins Abs. Co. Metcalf & Berry. W. Smith Irwin. B. J. Ashley. Wm. dH. Cunning- ham, jr. Wm. C. Okey. Charles C. Starr. Charles Hakes. Butler & Huffman. M. A. Swetman. C. E. Minis. S. A. Stedman. J. W. Washburn. A. S. Cole. J. W. Ammerman. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR Washington Ter., Ohio, Wisconsin. OHIO—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Putnam, Ottawa. Richland, Mansfield. Ross, Chillicothe. Ross, Chillicothe. Ross, Chillicothe. Sandusky, Fremont. Scioto, Portsmouth. Seneca, ‘Tiffin. Shelby, Sidney. Stark, Canton. Summit, Akron. Trumbull, Warren. Tuscarawas, New Phila. Union, Marysville. Union, Marysville. Van Wert, Van Wert. Vinton, McArthur. Warren, Lebanon. Washington, Marietta, Washington, Marietta. Wayne, Wooster. Williams, Bryan. Wood, Bowling Green. Name. Thomas & Sutton. H. P. Sewell. S. S. Cook. Samuel F. McCoy. B. E. Stone. J. H. Fowler. T.C. Anderson. A.C. Barbour. H. Wilson. Henry W. Harter. Wilcox & Noah. Robert T. Izant. John A Hines. A. 'T. Carpenter. E. E. Cole. F. L. Hammer. H. W. Couitrap. D. W. Hampbhreys. D.S. Nye. R. K. Shaw. M. L. Spooner. Mrs. John A. Simon. Robert & F. W. Dunn. Wyandot, Upper Sandusky. W. F. Pool REMARHES.—OnI0 has in all 88 counties, all of which are above represented in the abstract and examina- tion of titles business, by one or more individuals or firms, who are particularly identified in doing such work, being safe, careful and painstaking; in addressing them it will result to your advantage, to state that the name was taken from the “‘Abstracter’s Department’’ of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ WISCONSIN. County. Co. Seat. Adams, Friendship. Ashland, Ashland. Barron, Barron. Barron, Barron. Bayfield, Bayfield. Brown, Green Bay. Buffalo, Alma. Burnett, Grantsburgh. Calumet, Chilton. Name. John W. Gunning. Ashland Abs. Co. Jerome F’, Coe. Bailey & Swift. A.M. Warden. James S. Baker. Lutze T. Scharner. Ole C. Branstad. Theo Kersten. Chippewa, Chippewa Falls. H. C. McRae. Clark, Neilsville. Columbia, Portage. Dane, Madison. Dodge, Juneau. Door, Sturgeon Bay. Douglas, Superior. Dunn, Menomonee. Bau Claire, Kau Claire. Florence, Florence. Schuster & McCon- nell, Smith & Denny. Dane Abs, Co. Northwestern Co. James Keogh, jr. King 8. Butler. Hunt & Freeman. William W. Downs. Charles Peterson. Abs. Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac. J.T. Green. Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac. 8. G. Leland. Forest, Crandon. Grant, Lancaster. Green, Monroe. Green Lake, Dartford. Iowa, Dodgeville. Jackson, Black River Halles M, Perry. t Jefferson, Jefferson. Juneau, Mauston, Kenosha, Kenosha. Kewaunee, Kewaunee. La Crosse, La Crosse. La Crosse, La Crosse. LaFayette, Darlington. Langlade, Antigo. Lincoln, Merrill. Manitowoc, Marathon, Wausau. Marinette, Marinette. Marquette, Montello. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Manitowoc. Egbert Wyman. Bock & Schriner. Wm. W. Wright. Waring, Eichstaedt & Niskern. Reese & Crawford. to J. Kerschen- steiner, ©. W. Barney. Benedict & Turbell. Timlin & Manseau. Henry I. Bliss. J. L. Pettingill, G,. A, Marshall. Sherman & Dawley. Norway & Wiley. John Franz. Alex Craven. John Barry. A. J. Barry, Ww. Biersach & Sons. Pratt & Ogden. J. V. Dupee Abs. Co. Milwaukee Abs. Co. Galen B. Seaman. of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book. 300gee ABSTRACTERS or trrizs pppaRTMENT FOR Wyoming, W.Va.,S. Carolina, Arkan’s WISCONSIN—Continued. Name. C. A. G. Pietsch. M. A. Thayer & Co. County. Co. Seat. Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Monroe, Sparta. Oconto, Grontst R. L. Hall. Outagamie, Appleton. Lewis Schintz. Ozaukee, Port Washington. Walter Zastron. Pepin, Durand. * Alex G. Coffin. Pierce, Ellsworth. J. C. Denniston. Polk, Osceola Mills. C. H. Oakley. Portage, Steven’s Point. John A. Murat. Portage, Steven’s Point. J. R. McDonald. Price, Phillips. Hand Bros. Price, Phillips. W. E. Wilber. Racine, Racine. Erastus C. Peck. Racine, Racine. John W. Knight. Richland, Richland Centre. W. H. Pier. Rock, Janesville. J. H. Balch. St. Croix, Hudson. C. Y. Denniston. St. Croix, Hudson. I. E, Crary. Sauk, Baraboo. George Mertens. Sawyer, Hayward. _ Sawyer County Bank. Shawano, Shawano. D. E. Wescott. Shawano, Shawano. Breed & Sommers. Sheboygan, Sheboygan. A. C. Prescott. Taylor, Medford. J. H. Wheelock. Trempealean, Galesville.* ‘Truman & Son. Vernon, Viroqua. H. P. Proctor. Walworth, Elkhorn. B. B. Humphrey. Washburn, Shell Lake. George Cott. Washington, West Bend. Chas. H. Miller. Waukesha, Waukesha. Thos. C. Martin. Waukesha, Waukesha. Vernon Tichenor. Waupaca, Waupaca. Charles Churchill. Waushara, Wautoma. Halbert Hanson. Winnebago, Oshkosh. Jones & Frentz. Wood, Grand Rapids. John A. Gayner. * * Not county seat. REVWA RK S.—Wisconsin has in all 67 counties, all of which are above representedin the abstract and examina- tion of titles business, except Crawford county, which may be found in other departments, These parties arein almost every instance, owners of Private Abstract Books, and make a specialty of this work. In addressing any of them you will serye yourown interest by stating that their address was taken from the ‘‘Abstracters’ Department’”’ of ‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”’ WYOMING TERRITORY. County. Co. Seat. Name. Albany, Laramie City. John H. Lymons. Carbon, Rawlins. Kelley & Evans. Fremont, Lander. Johnson, Butfalo. Hinkle & Mann. Laramie, Cheyenne City. Riner & Johnson. Sweet Water, Green R. C. A. B. Conaway. Winta, Evanston. C. M. White. Alfred H. Bright. REA RES.—Wyomine only has eight counties, all told; the above represents seven of this number in the ab- stract and examination of titles business by parties who make a specialty of such work, Crook county is left out, being unorganized and but little settlemert. In addressing any of the above parties, it will result to your advantage to men- tion that their address was taken from the “‘Abstracters’ De- partment” of “THe EvrEry OFFICE FAVORITE,” WEST VIRGINIA. Co. Seat, Barbour, Phillipi. Barbour, Phillipi. Berkely, Martinsburgh. Berkeley, Martinsburgh. Berkely, Martinsburgh. Boone, Madison. Boone, Madison. Braxton, Braxton C. H. Braxton, Braxton C. H. Brooké, Wellspurgh. Cabell, Barboursyille. Calhoun, Grantsville. Clay, Clay C. H. Doddridge, West Union. Fayette, Fayetteville. Gilmer, Glenville. Grant, Petersburgh. Greenbrier, Lewisburgh. Hampshire, Romfiey. Hampshire, Romney, County. Name. Isaac V. Johnson. J. H. Woods. M. T. Ingles. J. N. Wisner. J. A. Boyer. D. J. Smoot. J. E. Stollings. Haymond & Byrne. Morrison & Corley. John C. Palmer. M.S. Thornburgh. Linn & Hamilton. Hi. R. Adams. Stuart & Son. L. G. Gaines. R. M. Bennett. Dyer & Pugh. J. W. Davis. Henry B. Gilkeson. C. 8. White. To readily find WEST VIRGINIA—Continued. Name. W. J. Huff. H. S. Carr. M. M. Thompson. Brown & Miller. Forest W. Brown. Joel A. Quanin. W. W. Brannon. J. E. Chilton. County. Co. Seat. Hancock, Fairview. Hardy, Moorefield. Harrison, Clarksburgh. Jackson, Jackson C. H. Jefferson, Charlestown. Kanwha, Charleston. Lewis, Weston. Lincoln, Hamlin. H. C. Ragland. W.LD. Payne. A. S. Hayden. J. L. Perkinson. D. S. VanMatre. JPR BS Smith. C. W. Smith. C. W. Dailey. Geo. C. Baker. J. Orr. Nickell. T. W.B. Duckwall. Robt A. Kincaid. James P. Rogers. Caldwell & Caldwell. J. Ed. Pennybacker. J. B. Townsend. F. J. Snyder. Logan, Logan C. H. McDowell, Peeryville. Marion, Fairmont. Marshall, Moundsville. Mason, Point Pleasant. Mason, Point Pleasant. Mercer, Princeton. Mineral, Keyser. Monongalia, Morgantown. Monroe, Union. Morgan, Berkely Springs. Nicholas, Nicholas C. H. Ohio, Wheeling. Ohio, Wheeling. Pendleton, Franklin. Pleasants, Saint Mary’s. Pocahontas, Huntersville. Preston, Kingwood. Brown & Hawthorn. Putnam, Winfield. Rufus Smitder. Raleigh, Raleigh C. H. Azel Ford. Randolph, Beverly. L. D. Strader. Ritchie, Ritchie C. H. Thos. E. Davis. Roane, Spencer. Armstrong & Vandale Summers, Hinton. Thompson & Pack. Taylor, Grafton. John W. Mason. Tucker, Saint George. W.B. Maxwell. Upshur, Buckhannon. W. G. L. Totten. Wayne, Wayne C. H. D. J. Pritchard. Webster, Webster C. H. Ballard P. Conrad. Wetzel, New Martinsville. E. B. Snodgrass. Wirt, Elizabeth. V. B. Archer. Wood, Parkersburgh. Wm. N. Miller. REMARKS.—WEstT VirGINIA has in all 54 counties and 52 of that number are represented above, im the abstract and examination of titles. Tyler and Wyoming counties may be represented in other departments. In addressing any of the parties whose names are here given it will result to your advantage to mention that the address was taken from the ‘‘Abstracters’ Department’? of “THE EvERY OFFIOE FAVORITE.” SOUTH CAROLINA. County. Co. Seat. Abbeville, Abbeville. Aikin, Aikin. Aikin, Aikin. Anderson, Anderson. Barnwell, Barnwell C. H. Barnwell, Barnwell C. H. Beaufort, Beaufort. Berkley, Mount Pleasant. Charleston, Charleston. Charleston, Charleston. Charleston, Charleston. Chester, Chester C. H. Chesterfield, Chesterfield. Clarendon, Manning. J. F. Rome. Colleton, Waterborough. Henderson & Behie. Darlington, DarlingtonC.H.Boyd & Boyd. Edgefield, Edgfield C. H. A.S. Tompkins. Fairfield, Winnsborough. Douglass & McCants. Georgetown, Georgetown. Richard Dozier. Greenville, Greenville C. H. Wells & Orr. Hampton, Hampton ©. H. Warren & Warren. Horry, Conway. Johnson & Quattle- aum. Kershaw, Camden. W.4H.R. Workman. Lancaster, Lancaster C. H. Moore & Moore. Laurens, Laurens C. H. Ferguson & Young. Laurens, Laurens C. H. Todd & Martin. — Laurens, Laurens C. H. J.T. Johnson. Lexington, Lexington C. H. Henry A. Meetz. Marion, Marion CG. H. W.J. Montgomery. Marlborough, Bennetsville. D. D. McCall. Newberry, Newberry ©. H. Geo. 8S. Mower. Oconee, Walhalla. Norton & Stribling. Orangeburgh, 0’b’g C. H. L. H. Wannamaker. Name, Grayden & Grayden. G. ,W. Croft. C. E. Sawyer. Brown & Tribble. Chas. Carroll Sims. Robt Aldrich. Elliott & Howe. Hawkins K. Jenkins. Buyst & Buyst. Jeb burkes Brawley & Barnwell. Paul Hemphill. W. W. Hursey. Orangeburg, O’b’g CO. H. Izlar & Glaze. SOUTH CAROLIN A—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Pickens, Pickens C. H. Richland, Columbia. Spartanburgh, S’burgh. Sumter, Sumter C. H. Union, Union. Name. J. E. Boggs. Geo. K. Wright. Wm. M. Jones. Wilson & Fraser. David Johnson, jr. Williamsburgh, Kingstree. H. J. Hainsworth. York, Yorkville. Geo. W.S. Hart. RERAWEHS.—Sovure Carorina has in all 34 coun- ties, and aJl (not an exception) are here represented in the abstract and examfmation of titles business, by giving the name of one or more parties who attend to such business, and a majority of whom make a Specialty of such work; in several counties they are owners of Private Abstract Books. In addressing any of them, it will result to correspondent’s advantage by mentioning that their name was taken from the ‘‘Abstracters’ Department” of ‘“THEEVERY OFFICE Fa- VORITE.’’ ARKANSAS. County. Co. Seat. Arkansas, De Witt. @oney: Hamburgh. axter, Mountain Home. Benton, Bentonville. Boone, Harrison. Bradley, Warren. Calhoun, Hempton. Carroll, Berryville. Chicot, Lake Village. Clark, Arkadelphia. Clay, Corning. Cleburne, Heber. Cleveland, Toledo. Columbia, Magnolia. Columbia, Magnolia. Conway, Mornillton. Conway, Morrillton. Craighead, Jonesborough. Crawford, Van Buren. Crittenden, Marion. Cross, Vanndale.* Dallas, Princeton. Dallas, Princeton. Desha, Arkansas City. Drew, Monticello. Faulkner, Conway. Faulkner, Conway. Franklin, Ozark. Fulton, Salem. Garland, Hot Springs. Grant, Sheridan. Greene, Paragould. Hempstead, Washington. Hot Springs, Malvern. Howard, Centre Point. Independence, Batesville. Izard, Melbourne. ~ Jackson, Jacksonport. Jefferson, Pine Bluff. Johnson, Clarksville. La Fayette, Lewisville. Lawrence, Powhattan. Lee, Marianna. Lincoln, Star City. Little River, Richmond. Logan, Paris. Lonoke, Lonoke. Madison, Huntsville. Marion, Yellville. Miller, Texarkana. Mississippi, Osceola. Monroe, Clarendon. Montgomery, Mount Ida. Nevada, Prescott. Newton, Jasper. Ouachita, Camden. Perry, Perryville. Phillips, Helena. Pike, Murfreesborough. Poinsett, Harrisburgh. Polk, Dallas. Pope, Dover. Prairie, Des Arc. Pulaski, Little Rock. Randolph, Pocahontas. Randolph, Pocahontas. Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book. H. R. Quitemon. W.T. Wooldredge. A. C. Hall. CHp oO . H. Reynolds. . C. McDonald. . G. Taylor. W.L. ‘thompson. N. D. Holmes. R. L. Emerson. B. F. Askew. W.G. Moose. M. L. Asbury. Less J. Ware. Bryan & Cooper. A. H. Ferguson. Wm. M. Black. R. H. Dedman. M. M. Duffie. Dickinson & Merritt. J. B. Dishough. E. M. Merriman. Re Heenan: Ross & Wallace. Phillips & Maxey. Garland Co. Abs. Co. J. 8. Williams. Gardner & Hamilton. W. P. Eakin. A.M. Duffie. J. W. Bishop. Thos. B. Padgett. W. K. Astes. M. Marb Stuckey. S. V. White. J. M. Thompson. Henry Moore. James P. Coffin. John M. Daggett. H. Johnson. H.-C. Head. Anthony Hall. Jno. C. & C. W. England. W. L. Stuckey. J, A. Wi. Elarris: Paul Jones. John B. Dryner. W.S. Dunlap. W.P. Birch. R. L. Powers. Samuel W. Davis. J. C. Marshall. Egan & White. ee Samuel I. Clark. _ W. B. Thomasson, jr. W. G. Godby. W. M. Green. E. C. Bradley. Thweatt & Warner. Beach Abs. Co. Geo. T. Black. Bryan & Cooper. heyCounty. Co. Seat. St. Francis, Forest City. Saline, Benton. Scott, Waldron. Searcy, Marshall. Sebastian, Ft. Smith. Sevier, Lockesburgh. Sharp, Evening Shade. Stone, Mountain View. Union, El Dorado. Union, El Dorado. Van Buren, Clinton. Washington, Fayetteville. White, Searcy. Woodruff, Augusta. Yell, Danville. Yell, Dardanelle. *Not county seat. Name, Jas. M. Stewart. D. M. Cloud. W. W. Wallace. H. West. Lyman & Sherlock. W. T. Campbell. I’. J. Davidson. Jas. J. A. King. W. J. Pinson, Wm. D. Jamison. Sam W. Simpson. Davidson & James. House & Hicks. Ingalls & Weiss. John M. Parker. John B. Crownover. REMARES.—ArRKansAs has in all 75 counties and EVERY one of them are represented above by one or more persons who do an abstract and examination of titles busi- ness, and a majority of whom makeea specialty of such work. In addressing any of them it will result to corres- pondente’ advantage to state that their address was ob- tained from the ‘‘Abstracters’ Department”’ of ““‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” LOUISIANA. Parish. Parish Seat. Name. Ascension, Donaldsonville. E. N. Pugh. Assumption, Napoleonville.August Bulow. Avoyelles, Marksville. H. C. Edwards. Bienville, Sparta. B. P. Edwards. Bossier, Bellevue. A. R. Thompson. Caddo, Shreveport. Blexander & Blanch- ard. Thad Mayo. Weir & Barry. K. D. Miller. Calcasieu, Lake Charles. Caldwell, Columbia. Cameron, Cameron. Catahoula, Harrisonburgh. Josiah F’. Ellis. Claiborne, Homer. Concordia, Vidalia. De Soto, Manstield. East Baton Kouge, Baton Rouge. JoelW. Holbert. W. H. Payne. John C. Pugh. T. B. Dupree. East Carroll, Lake Provi- nce ence. East Feliciana, Clinton. Franklin, Winnsborough. Grant, Colfax. Iberia, New Iberia. Iberville, Plaquemine. Jackson, Vernon. Jefferson, Gretna. La Fayette, La Fayette. Lincoln, Ruston.* J. M. Kennedy. John S. Lanier. John W. Willis. Cameron & McNeely. T. D. Foster. T. EK. Grace. BE. BE. Kadd. Jas. C. Baumann. M. E. Girard. Allen Barksdale. Livingston, Barton’s Ferry.*Joseph H. Allen. Madison, ‘J'allulah. Morehouse, Bastrop. F. M. Dawson. H. H. Naff. Natchitoches, Natchitoches.E. E. Buckner. Orleans, New Orleans. Orleans, New Orleans. Orleans, New Orleans. Ouachita, Monroe. R. T. Beuragard. John Bendernagel. J. A. Seghers. F. Garrett. Plaquemines, Nicholls P. 0.*Henry E. Gilmore. Rapids, Alexandria. Red River, Coushatta. Richland, Rayville. Sabine, Many. White & Thornton. J. T. Pierson. E. C. Montgomery. Daniel Vandegar. St. Bernard, St. Bernard. Joseph R. Ducros. St. Charles, Hahnville. St. Helena, Greensburgh. St. James, Convent. Jas. D. Augustine. M. A. Strickland. J. K. Pache. St. John Baptist, Edgard. James Legendre. St. Landry, Opelousas. . H. Terwilliger. St. Martin, St. Martinville. J. E. Manton. St. Marys, Franklin. Geo. B. Shepherd. St. Tammany, Covington. J. M. Thompson. Tangipahoa, Amite City. W.H. Garland. Tensas, St. Joseph. H. A. Garrett. Terre Bonne, Houma. A. Bourg. Union, Farmersville. Geo. A. Kilgore, jr. Union, Farmersville. Jas. A. Ramsey. Washington, Franklinton. John Wadsworth. Webster, Minden. D. W. Stewart. West Baton Rouge, Port Allen. West Carroll, Floyd. West Carroll, Floyd. N. W. Pope. H. R. Lot. W. A. Hedrick. LOUISIAN A—Continued. Parish. Parish Seat, Name. West Feliciana, Bayou Sara.W. W. & H.C. L Winn, Winnfield. OAM ane *Not parish seat, WEMWA RKS.—Lovisrana has in all 58 parishes, (or counties) and the above gives name of one or more individ- uals or firms who are identified in the abstract and examina- tion of titles in 55 of that number. La Fouche, Point Coupee and Vernon counties may be represented in other departments, which pages are compiled a few days later than this. In addressing any of the parties whose addresses are given in this department, it will result to correspondent’s advantage to mention that address was taken from the ‘‘Ab- stracters’ Department” of ‘‘THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” OREGON. Co. Seat. Name. Baker, Baker City. G. O. Holmes. Benton, Cornwallis, W.S. McFadden. Clackamas, Oregon City. Eastham & McBride. Clatsop, Astoria. R. Thompson. Columbia, Saint Helen. Moore & Cole. Coos, Empire City. Isaiah Hacker. Coos, Empire City. S. F. Wilson. Crook, Prineville. J.M Duncan. Curry, Ellensburgh. W. W. Gibbs. Douglas, Roseburgh. Lane & Lane. Gilliam, Arlington. Condon & Cornish. Grant, Canyon City. M. Austin, Jackson, Jacksonville. See Ways Klamath, Linkville. Nicholas Hamaker. Lake, Lakeview. Warren Truitt. Lane, Eugene City. Geo. M. Miller. Lane, Eugene City. Joel Ware. Linn, Albany. Hewitt & Bryant. Marion, Salem. W.H.H. Waters. Morrow, Heppner. F. J.. Hallock. Multnomah, Portland. S. W. Rise. Polk, Dallas. Daley & Butler. Tillamook, Tillamook. RK. M. Trowbridge. Umatilla, Pendleton. Raley & Crews. Umatilla, Pendleton. G. W. Walker. Umatilla, Pendleton. E. W. Farrow. Umatilla, Pendleton. R. J. Slater. Union, Union. Bell & Meachen. Union, Union. J. R. Cretes. Wasco, The Dalles. J.B. Condon. Washington, Hillsborough. Thos. D. Humphrey. County. REMARES.— OREGON has in all 27 counties, and we have been able to represent 25 of that number, leaving out Josephine and Yam Hill counties, which may be represented by other departments. In writing any of the above parties you will serve your own inter- ests to state that you obtained the address from the “Abstracters’ Department” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” UTAH TERRITORY. County. Co. Seat, Name, Beaver, Beaver. Barlow Ferguson. Box Elder, Brigham City.* Jos. M. Jensen. Cache, Logan. Goddard & Frank. Davis, Farmington. Jos. E, Robinson. Emery, Castle Dale. QO. J. Anderson. Garfield, Panquitch. J. B. Haywood. Iron, Parowan. John W. Brown. Juab, Nephi. Alma Hayne. Kane, Kanab. L. C. Mariger. Millard, Fillmore. W. H. King. Morgan, Morgan. Joseph R. Porter. Piute, Junction, John Morrill. Rich, Randolph. Edwin Spencer. Salt Lake, Salt Lake City. Neall & Marshall. Salt Lake, Salt Lake City. S. H. Lewis. San Pete, Manti. Ww. T. Reid. Sevier, Richfield. John A. Hellstron. Sevier, Richfield. Geo. F. Bean. Summit, Coalville. Tooele, Tooele. Uintah, Ashley. Utah, Provo City. Wasatch, Heber. Washington, St. George. Weber, Ogden City. *Not county seat. John Boyden. Thos. W. Lee. Wm. Ashton. S. R. Thurman. Abram ©. Hatch. Moroni Snow. A. H. Nelson. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT FOR Louisiana, Oregon, Utah. Penna. ARK ANSAS—Continued. REMAREC$.—UTAH has in all 24 counties, and we have been able to represent 23 of this number in the abstract and examination of titles business by parties who make a specialty of attending to such work. Jn addressing them it will result to correspondents’ ad- vantage to mention that address was taken from the ‘“‘Abstracters’ Department” of ‘THkE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” PENNSYLVANIA. County. Co. Seat. Adams, Gettysburgh. Allegheny, Pittsburgh. Armstrong, Kittaning. Beaver, Beaver. Bedford, Bedford. Berks, Reading. Blair, Hotlidaysburgh. Bradford, Towanda. Bucks, Doylestown. Butler, Butler. Cambria, Ebensburgh. Cambria, Ebensburgh. Cameron, Emporium. Carbon, Mauch Chunk, Centre, Bellefonte. Chester, West Chester. Clarion, Clarion. Clearfield, Clearfield. Clinton, Lock Haven. Columbia, Bloomsburgh. Crawford, Meadville. Cumberland, Carlisle. Dauphin, Harrisburg. Delaware, Chester.* Delaware, Media. Elk, Ridgway. Erie, Erie. Fayette, Uniontown. Forest, Tionesta. Forest, Tionesta. Name. J. A. Kitzmiller. Title Ins. & ‘l'rust Co. Buffington & But’gt’n, S. B. Wilson. Edward F. Kerr. Kendall Bros. H. H. Snyder. J.H.& J. W. Codding, J. C. Stuckert. Williams & Mitchell Joseph McDonald. John E. Scanlan. J.C. Johnson. Ae Hesobiase as S. D. Gray. Wm. P. Marshall. W.D. Burns. Murray & Gordon. Chas. Corss. Wm. Chrisman. Emery B. Flower. Stuart & Stuart. Weiss & Gilbert. George M. Booth. H. R. Manly. Hall & McCully. W. E. Roach. Edward Campbell. D. W. Clark. C. M. Shawkey. Franklin, Chambersburgh. Brewer & Gehr. Fulton, McConnellsburgh. John A. Robinson. Greene, Waynesburgh. Huntingdon, Huntingdon. Indiana, Indiana. Jefferson, Brookville. Juniata, Mifflintown. Lackawana, Scranton. Lackawana, Scranton. Lancaster, Lancaster. Lawrence, New Castle. Lebanon, Lebanon. Lehigh, Allentown. Luzerne, Wilkesbarre. Lycoming, Williamsport. McKean, Smethport. Mercer, Mercer. Mifflin, Lewistown. Monroe, Stroudsburgh. Montgomery, Norristown. Montour, Danville. Northampton, Easton. Northumberland, Sunbury. Perry, New Bloomfield. Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Pike, Milford. Potter, Coudersport. Schuylkill, Pottsville. Snyder, Middleburgh. Somerset, Somerset. Sullivan, La Porte. Susquehanna, Montrose. Tioga, Wellsborough. Union, Lewisburgh. Venango, Franklin. Warren, Warren. Wayne, Honesdale. York, York. *Not county seat, Washington, Washington. Hook & Pollock. W.H. Woods. D. B. Taylor. White & Scott. E, D. Parker. A. D. Dean. FE. E. Loomis. J. W. EF. Smith. Geo. W. Miller. Funck & Son. Hecker & De Long. Wm. C. Price. H.: G. Troxell. Sterrett & Rose. J.C. Miller. John A. McKee. Wm. Stroud Rees. James Boyd. K. H. Baldy. EB. J. Fox & Son. S. P. Wolverton. Junkin & Junkin. Rand & Patton. Morgan & Lewis. Hy I’. Baker. Benson & Dornan. Chas. H. Woltjen. T. J. Smith. Dennis Myers. E. P. Ingham. W.H. & H.C. Jessup. Walter Sherwood. J. Merrill Linn. Samuel P. Anderson. Dinsmoor & Cable. John L. Gow. Geo. G. Waller. West Moreland,Greensburg.Kuhns & Weimer. Wyoming, Tunkhannock. somes W. Piatt. . C. Chapman. REMARKS. -PENNSYBVANIA has in all 67 coun- ties, and the above gives the name of one or more In- dividuals or firms in each county who in most cases make a specialty of the abstract and_ examination .of titles business. In addressing them it will result to correspondents’ advantage to state that name was taken from the “Abstracter's Department” of “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVO RITE.” To readily find Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book. 9 PLR Co ATER jacana MaierOounty- Co. Seat. Autauga, Prattville. Autauga, Prattville. Baldwin, Stockton.* Barbour, Clayton. Barbour, Clayton. Bibb, Centreville. Bibb, Centreville. Blount, Blountsville. Bullock, Union Springs. Bullock, Union Springs. Butler, Greenville. Calhoun, Jacksonville. Chambers, La Fayette. Cherokee, Centre. Chilton, Clanton. Choctaw, Butler. Choctaw, Butler. Clarke, Grove Hill. Clarke, Grove Hill. Clay, Ashland. Cleburne, Edwardsville. Coffee, Elba. Coffee, Elba. Colbert, Tuscumbia. Colbert, Tuscumbia. Conecuh, Evergreen. Coosa, Rockford. Covington, Andalusia. Crenshaw, Rutledge. Cullman, Cullman. Cullman, Cullman. Dale, Ozark. Dallas, Selma. Dallas, Selma. DeKalb, Fort Payne. Elmore, Wetumpka. Elmore, Wetumpka. Escambia, Brewton. Etowah, Gadsden. Fayette, Fayette C. H. Fayette, Fayette C. H. Franklin, Bel Green. Geneva, Geneva. Greene, Eutaw. Greene, Eutaw. Hale, Greensborough. Hale, Greensborough. ° Henry, Abbeville. Henry, Abbeville. Jackson, Scottsborough. Jefferson, Birmingham. Lamar, Vernon. Lauderdale, Florence. Lawrence, Moulton. Lawrence, Moulton. Lee, Opelika. Lee, Opelika. Limestone, Athens. Lowndes, Hayneville. Lowndes, Hayneville. Macon, Tuskegee. Madison, Huntsville. Marengo, Linden. Marion, Hamilton. Marion, Hamilton. Marshall, Gunterville. Mobile, Mobile. Mobile, Mobile. Mobile, Mobile. Monroe, Monroeville. Montgomery, Montgomery. Montgomery, Montgomery. Morgan, Somerville. Morgan, Somerville. Perry, Marion. Perry, Marion. Pickens, Carrollton. Pike, Troy. Randolph, Wedowee. Russell, Seale. Saint Clair, Ashville. Shelby, Columbiana. Sumter, Livingstone. Valladega, Talladega, Talladega, Talladega. Tallapoosa, Dadeville. Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa. Walker, Jasper. 9 ALABAMA. Name. Mac. A. Smith. Doster & Abney. Dan Williams. A. H. Alston. Shorter & Shorter. Suttle & Peters. Hargrove & Logan. C. F. Hamill. Fleming Law. Poweli & Cabaniss. Henry & Steiner. Stevenson & Grant. Dowdell & Denson. Jas. A. Reeves. W. A. Collier. B. H. Warren. H. T. Taylor. W. D. Dunn, jr. J. T. Lackland. A.S. Stoekdale. 7. A. Johnston. W.D. Roberts. H. L. Martin. Kirk & Almon. Jas. Jackson. W.D. Atkinson. Parsons & Jones. Jno. K. Stanley. J. J. Owens. Geo. H. Parker. P. M. Musgrove. Wm. E. Mauldin. Brooks & Roy: White & White. Jno. N. Franklin. H. L. Williams. Wm.S. Penick. John Rupert. L. E. Hamlin. Jno. B. Sanford. Jas. H. Moore. Jas. W. Bolton. M. E, Milligan. Green B. Mobley. Jas. B. Head. Thos. Seay. C. BE. Waller. J. W. Foster. F. A. Trawick. Jos. H. Gregory. Jas. J. Garrett. W. A. Cobb. Simpson & Jones. J. M. Doss. J.C. Kumpe. Orrin Brown. J. J. Ambercrombie. Jas. Benagh. W.R. Houghton. Ben De Lemos. J. A. Bilbro. Jos. H. Sloss. G. B. Johnston. Jno. A. Pope. W. H. Key. Burke & Jones. Jules Eslava. Jno. M. Taylor. Robt. T. Erwin. A. M. Leslie. Sayre & Graves. Collier & Pinkard. G. P. Rice. Wm. 8. Simpson. J. B. Shivers, A. R. Kelly. W. F. Johnston. Gardiner & Wilev. Whorton & Perriman J. V. Smith. J.T. Greene, J. L. Peters. A. G. Smith. J. B. Knox. 8S. J. Bowie. Bulger & Wynn. G. W. Van Hoose. Gunter & Thornton. ALABAMA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Washington, Saint Stephe Wilcox, Camden. *Not county seat. Name, nsJ. O. Sims. ° P.M. Horn. ALABAMA has in all 66 counties, and all are represented by the above ‘‘Abstracters of Titles’? department except Winston from which county, we are unable to obtain information. — ARIZONA. County. Co. Seat. Apache, Saint John’s. Apache, Saint John’s. Cochise, Tombstone. Cochise, Tombstone. Gala, Globe. Graham, Solomonsville. Graham, Solomonsville. Maricopa, Pheenix. Mohave, Mineral Park. Mohave, Mineral Park. Pima, Tucson. Pima. Tucson. Pinal, Florence. Yavapai, Prescott. Yuma, Yuma. Name. M. V. Howard. John B. Milner. Goodrich & Smith. A. R. English. J. I). McCabe. P. J. Bolan. Millay & Hine. J. W. Blakely. H. Bucksbaum. Earl & Campbell. Haynes & Siles. W. BR. Stone. Pannenburgh & Mitchell. George M. Knight. ARIZONA TERRITORY has in all 10 counties, and every one are represented by the above. In writing them you will confer a favor to Publishers by mentio from the ‘“‘Abstracters of Titles OFFICE FAVORITE. ning that address was taken 2 department of THE EVERY CONNEC County. Co. Seat. Fairfield, Bridgeport. Fairfield, Danbury. Hartford, Hartford. Litchfield, Litchfield. Litchfield, Litchfield. Middlesex, Middletown. Middlesex, Middletown. New Haven, New Haven. TICUT. Name. Chas. S. Canfield. Chas. E. Holly. Jos. L. Barbour. Geo. M. Woodruff. D. C. Kilbourn. M. Eugene Culver. Clarence E. Bacon. Oliver S. White. New London, New London. Brown & Perkins. New London, New London.Jno. D. Hall. New London, Norwich. Tolland, Tolland. Windham, Danielsonville. *Not county seat. Jeremiah Halsey. EK. O. Dimock. * Arthur G. Bill. ConneEoricur has in all 10 counties, and every one repre- sented by above department. DELAWARE. County. Co. Seat. Kent, Dover. Kent, Dover. New Castle, Wilmington. New Castle, Wilmington. Sussex, Georgetown. Sussex. Georgetown. DELAWARE has but 8 counties Name. Jno. A. Nicholson. James Pennywell. Bradford & Vande- erift. Jno. H. Rodney. C. F. Richards. C. L. Moore. and all are represented. DAKOTA. County. Co. Seat. Aurora, Plankington. Barnes, Valley City. Beadle, Huron. Beadle, Huron. Benson, Mennewaukon. Billings, Medora. Bon Homme, Tyndall. Bon Homme, Tyndall. Boreman, Fort Yates.* Bottineau, Bottineau. Brookings, Brookings. Brown, Columbia. Brule, Chamberlain. Brule, Chamberlain. Buford, Fort Buford.* Burdick, Camp Crook.* Burleigh, Bismarck, Burleigh, Bismarck. Butte, Minnesela. Name. McCormick & Francis Geo. K. Andrews. , Love & Love. American Inv’st Co. Richmond&Campbell A. T. Packard. Albright, Smith & Co L. Eicher. Sam’] A. Faulkner. Virgil B. Noble. Horace Fishback. Coe & Howard. R. J. Andrews. J. E. Jenkins. Thos. R. Forbes. Geo. W. Cone. C. N. Hunt. Webster & Jamison. EK. M. Bowman. ABSTRACTERS or trrnes pert ror Alabama, Arizona,Conn., Delaware, Dakota. DAKOTA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Campbell, La Grace. Campbell, La Grace. Cass, Fargo. Cass, Fargo. Charles Mix, Wheeler. Clark, Clark. Clay, Vermillion. Codington, Watertown. Custer, Custer. Davison, Mitchell. Day, Webster. Deuel, Gary. Dickey, Ellendale. Douglas, Grand View. Douglas, Grand View. Eddy, New Rockford. Eddy, New Rockford. Edmunds, Ipswich. Emmons, Williamsport. Fall River, Hot Springs. Faulk, La Foon. Faulk, La Foon. Foster, Carrington. Foster Carrington. Grand Forks, Grand Forks. Grant, Milibank. Griggs, Cooperstown. Hamlin, Castlewood. Hamlin, Castlewood. Hand, Miller. Hanson, Alexandria. Hughes, Pierre. Hutchinson, Olivet. Hyde, Highmore. Name, J. E. Horton. W.G. Alexander. Francis & Francis. @. E. Joslin. 8. M. Lindley. Jno. . Burnett. S. J. Lewis. D.C. & W.R. Thomas Buel BR. Wood. R. D. Prescott. Jno. F. Blake. W.G. Eakins. Frank Jerabek. - Western Dak. Mt’g. and Trust Co. K. G. Foster. C. T. Canfield. Gregory & Cleary. Chester L. Pratt. H. A. Armstrong. C. BE. Sawyer. C. F. Hardy.. Bottum & Johnson. Bruce Waring. Chas. E. Gregory. E. J. Lander. Sargent & Diggs. Wn. Glass. H. P. Horswill. H. H. Curtis. EK. H. Aplin. Brown & Tarper. Frank A. Leslie. Frank Bem. John F. Goudy. Jerauld, WessingtonSpringsBateman& McDonald Jerauld, WessingtonSpringsC. E. Thayer. Kidder, Steele. Kidder, Steele. Kingsbury, De Smet. Lake, Madison. La Moure, Grand Rapids. La Moure, Grand Rapids. Lawrence, Deadwood. Lincoln, Canton. McCook, Salem. McLean, Washburn. McPherson, Leola. Miner, Howard. Minnehaha, Sioux Falls. Moody, Flandrau. Moody, Flandrau. Mortoa, Mandan. Morton, Mandan. Nelson, La Kota.* Oliver, Sanger.* Pembina, Pembina. Pennington, Rapid City. Potter, Forest City. Ramsey, Devil’s Lake, Ransom, Lisbon. Richland, Wahpeton. Roberts, Wilmot. Roberts, Wilmot. Rolette, St. John’s.* Sanborn, Woonsocket. Sargent, Milnor. Spink, Ashton. Stanton, Tappan.* Stark, Dickinson. Steele, Hope. Stutsman, Jamestown. Sully, Clifton. Todd, Fort Randall. Traill, Caledonia. 'lurner, Parker. Union, Elk Point. Walsh, Grafton. Walworth, Bangor. Walworth. Bangor. Ward, Burlington. Wells, Sykeston. Wells, Sykeston. Yankton, Yankton. *Not county seat. Chas. H. Stanley. C. G. D. Watkins. Thomas Bros. V. R. Wadden. L. C. Harris. N. B. Wilkinson. 8S. M. Houghton. Thorson & Skartovdt, E. H. Wilson. Brobeck & Co. W. W. Cornwall. Farmer & Wells. H. M. Avery. A. H. Brown. F, H. McConnell. T. J. Mitchell. Jos. Miller. Myers & Kelly. Robt. Hutchinson. A. H. Daleny. J. H. Vallette. J.T, Whitlock. Jno. W. Maher. Wm. K. Smith. S. H. Snyder. Munro & Cable. Kirk Bros. T. T. Tillottson. R. A. Moses. Walsh & Newman. S. F. Hammond: Byron Andrews. Wm. Gibson. McMahon & McLaren Jno. S. Watson. - Orr W. Lee. D. L. Pratt, jr. Lohn & Anderson. Vale P. Thielman. Henry Mitchell. C. A. M. Spencer. Tsaac Pearson. W.B. Burr. Frank W. Spear. P. H. Woodward. C. V. Brown. K. H. Van Antwerp. Daxora has in all 99 counties, and the above represents 85 of that number. The remaining 14 are almost entirely un- settled and unorganized. To readily find Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book.ABSTRACTERS or tts pep ror Florida, Kentucky, Maine, Rhode Island. FLORIDA. County, Co. Seat. Alachua, Gainesville. Alachua, Gainesville. Baker, Maclenny.* Bradford, Lake Butler. Brevard, Titusville. Calhoun, West Wynnton.* Clay, Green Cove Springs. Clay, Green Cove Springs. Columbia, Lake City. Columbia, Lake City. Dade, Miami. Duval, Jacksonville. Duval, Jacksonville. Escambia, Pensacola. Franklin, Apalachicola. Gadsden, Quincy. Gadsden, Quincy. Hamilton, Jasper. Hernando, Brooksville. Hillsborough, ‘l'ampa. Hillsborough, ‘l’ampa. Holmes, Cerro Gordo. Holmes, Cerro Gordo. Jackson, Marianna. Jefferson, Monticello. La Fayette, New Troy. Leon, Tallahassee. Leon, Tallahassee. Levy, Bronson. Liberty, Bristol. Madison, Madison. Madison, Madison. Manatee, Pine Level. Marion, Ocala. OuEe Key West. Monroe, Key West. Nassan, Fernandina. Orange, Orlando. Polk, Bartow. Putnam, Palatka. St. John’s, St. Augustine. St. John’s, St. Augustine. Santa Rosa, Milton. Santa Rosa, Milton. Sumter, Leesburg.* Suwannee, Live Oak. Taylor, Perry. Volusia, Enterprise. Wakulla, Crawfordville. Walton, Euchee Anna. Washington, Chipley.* *Not county seat. Name. Coachman & Coach- man. J. W. Smith. C. F. Shuey. W. H. Edwards. Jones & Allen. 0. P. & J.S. Fannin. P. C. Fisher. George N. Bardin. Edwin L. Snowden. W. M. Izes. F. W. Faulkner. Samuel C. Fox. Henry S. Ely. Thomas C. Watson. Henry C. Hicks. Edward Owens. P. B. Stockton. John M. Caldwell. Edward Croft. J. H. Fessenden. J. L. Lesley. T. H. Pitman. C. R. Kelly. McKennon & Langley T. M. Puleston. N. A. McAlpin. C. A. Bryan. Ball & Long. J. F. Marshall. Solomon & Woold- ridge. TT. T. Ellison: C. W. Stevens. 7. 'T. Crofford. Baker & Adams’ Abstract Co. L. W. Bethel. Peter T. Knight. H. J. Baker. T. J. Shine. Johnson & Stuart. S. C. Chandler. C. L. Collins. B. F. Oliveras. George Marques, sr. John Chain. John G. Brady. Frank White. Samuel A. Wilcox. Faulkner, Wier & Co. Walker & Duval. W.C. Mclean. J. C. Langley. Fora has in all thirty-nine counties, and every county represented by the above “¢ Abstracters of Titles Depart- ment.?? In corresponding with them, please mention that address was obtained from this department of ‘* THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” KENTUCKY. County. Co. Seat. Adair, Columbia. Adair, Columbia. Allen, Scottsville. Anderson, Lawrenceburgh. Anderson, Lawrenceburgh. 3allard, Wyckliffe-* Barren, Glasgow. Bath, Owingsville. Bell, Pineville. Boone, Burlington. Bourbon, Faris. Bourbon, Paris. Boyd, Catlettsburgh. Boyle, Danville. Bracken, Brookville. Name. James Garrett. Montgomery & Jones. M. A. Alexander. P. H. Thomas. John I. Felis. Bugg & Son. Cam Emile Rs Gudgell. Moss & Pursifull. F. Riddell. P.S. Ford. J. Harry Brent. Moore & Brown. J. Wesly Durham. R. K. Smith. Breckinridge, Hardinsburgh James E. Stone. Bullitt, Shepherdville. Butler, Morgantown. Caldwell, Princeton. Caldwell, Princeton. Calloway, Murray. Campbell, Newport. Carroll, Carrollton. W.S. McFarland. BK. M. Smith. F. W. Darby. Wm. Marble. iv Ps Cook: Oliver W. Root. Winslow. & Winslow. KENTUCK Y—Continued. County. Carter, Grayson. Carter, Grayson. Casey, Liberty. Christian, Hopkinsville. Clark, Winchester. Clay, Manchester. Clay, Manchester. Clinton, Albany. Crittenden, Marion. Cumberland, Burkesville. Daviess, Owensborough. Daviess, Owensborough. Edmonson, Brownsville. Elliott, Sandy Hook. Estill, Irvine. Fayette, Lexington. Fleming, Flemingsburgh. Floyds Prestonburgh. Floyd, Prestonburgh. Franklin, Frankfort. Fulton, Hickman. Fulton, Hickman. Gallatin, Warsaw. Garrard, Lancaster. Grant, Williamstown. (traves, Mayfield. Grayson, Leitchfield. treen, Greensburgh. Greenup, Greenup. Hancock, Hawesville. Hardin, Elizabethtown. Harlan, Harlan. Harrison, Cynthiana. Hart, Munfordville. Hart, Munfordville. Henderson, Henderson. J. D. Hays. D. Woods. Z. Gibbons. Orie Lebus. ham. Henry, New Castle. Hickman, Clinton. Hopkins, Madisonville. Jackson, McKee. Jefferson, Louisville. Jessamine, Nicholasville. Johnson, Paintsville. Johnson, Paintsville. Kenton, Covington. W. J. Rice. Knox, Barboursville. James H. Tinsley. La Rue, Hodgensville. D.H. Smith. La Rue, Hodgensyille. Laurel, London. Laurel, London. Lawrence, Louisa. Lee, Beattyville. Lee, Beattyville. Leslie Hyden. Letcher. Whitesburgh. Lewis, Vanceburgh. Lewis, Vanceburgh. Lincoln, Stanford. Livingston, Smithland. Logan, Russellville. Lyon, Eddyville. McCracken, Paducah. McLean, Calhoun. Madison, Richmond. Madison, Richmond. Magoffin, Salyersville. Magoffin, Salyersville. Marion, Lebanon. Marshall, Benton. Martin, Inez. Martin, Inez. Mason, Maysville. Meade, Brandenburgh. Meade, Brandenburgh. Menifee, Frenchburg. Mercer, Harrodsburgh. Metcalf, Edmonton. Metcalf, Edmonton. Monroe, Tompkinsyville. : J. D. Kirk. Morgan, West Liberty. Muhlenberg, Greenville. Muhlenberg, Greenville. Nelson, Bardstown. M. C. Hay. To readily find Abstracters of any particular State, Co. Seat. Name, V. H. Abbott. C. B. Lyttle. D. K. Rawlings. 8. C. Hardin. R. F. Spencer. W. N. Sweeny & Son | Pulaski, Somerset. O. H. Haines. Edwards & Hazelit. J. B. Hannah. J. B. White. Andres & Suddeth. R. S. Friend. F. A. Hopkins. I). W. Lindsey. S. A. D. Steele. R. S. Murrell. R. B. Brown. H. C. Kauffman. E. H. Smith. James. T’. Webb. John B. Stone. B. W. Penick. T. H. Paynter. M. A. Mason. James Montgomery. H. L. Howard. W. J. Macy. J. M. Brents. Turner & Cunhing- Carroll & Barbour. G. Wm. Rennick. Waddill & Pratt. W. H. Clark. Louisville Abstract & | s8- Loan Association. L. D. Baldwin. J. W. Walker. G. W. Howes. J. W. Twyman. Brown & Jones. Boyd & Craft. G. F. Johnson. George W. Gourley. J. M. Beatty. Preston Bond, jr. J. P. Marrs. Robert D. Wilson. A. W. Haton. J. B. Paxton. John W. Bush & Son | Lincoln, Wiscasset. Browder & Edwards. | Oxford, Pans. T, J. Watkins. Ashbrook & Powell. J. G. Johnson. S. D. Parish. J. Speed Smith. J. H. Howard. D. D, Sublett. C. M. Phillips & Co. J. W. Dycus. John S. Patton. W. W. Ball. Lewis & Fairleigh. HT. Kendall. J.J. Byme. Bell & Wilson. J. C. Muncy. A. W. Scott. John R. Leslie. Montgomery, Mt. Sterling. Apperson & Wood- ford. W. C. Kendall. F. M. Allison. J. W. Thomas. County, Co. Seat. Nicholas, Carlisle. R. D. Davis. Thomas W. Mitchell. | Ohio, Hartford. A. BR. Clarke. Oldham, La Grange. Owen, Owenton. Owsley, Booneville. Owsley, Booneville. Pendleton, Falmouth. Perry, Hazard. Pike, Pikeville. Powell, Stanton. Robertson, Mount Olivet. Rockeastle, Mt. Vernon. Rowan, Morehead. Rowan, Morehead. Russell, Jamestown. Scott, Georgetown. Shelby, Shelbyville. Shelby, Shelbyville. Simpson, Franklin. Spencer, Taylorsville. Spencer, Taylorsville. Taylor, Campbellsville. Todd, Elkton. Todd, Elkton. Trigg, Cadiz. Trimble, Bedford. Union, Morganfield. Warren, Bowling Green. Warren, Bowling Green. Wayne, Monticello. Webster, Dixon. Wolfe, Campton. Woodford, Versailles. Woodford, Versailles. *Not county seat. County. Co. Seat. Androscoggin, Auburn. Androscoggin, Auburn. Aroostook, Houlton. Aroostook, Houlton. Cumberland, Portland. Franklin, Farmington. Franklin, Farmington. Hancock, Ellsworth. Hancock, Ellsworth. Kennebec, Augusta. Knox, Rockland. Lincoln, Wiscasset. Penobscot, Bangor. Piscataquis, Dover. Piscataquis, Dover. Sagadahoc, Bath. Sagadahoe, Bath. Somerset, Skowhegan. Waldo, Belfast. Waldo, Belfast. Washington, Machias. York, Alfred. County. Co. Seat. Bristol. Bristol. Newport, Newport. Providence, Providence. Washington, Kingston. KENTUCK Y—Continued. Washington, Springfield. Whitley, Williamsburgh. Name. John A. Campbell. . PE. Barnett: . H. French. . J. Hardin. .». Judd. E. C. Duff. Applegate & Smith. B. F. French. W. Mayo Conally. D. Atkinson. J. H. Waddle. Buckler & Payne. J. K. McClary. W. L. Thurber. W. J. Rice. A.C. Wells. George E. Pruitt. Bullock & Beckham. John C. Cooper. Samuel N. Forline. G. G. Gilbert. Robert S. Campbell. C. H. Bennett & Co. John A. Goodman. W.&. Kine. John G. Jefferson. J. W. Lee. Hughes & Hughes. Clark & Clark. D. T. Hamill. W. F. Booker. John W. Tuttle. Givens & Hill. N. A. Richardson. J. C. Lykens. David L. Thornton. Wm. O. Davis. Kentuoxy has in all one hundred and eighteen counties, all being represented above in the ‘‘Abstract and Examina- tion of Titles’? business, except Breathit and Kurst coun- MAINE. Name. Savage & Oakes. Jno. A. Morrill. Powers & Powers. Wilson & Houlton. Locke & Locke. S, Clifford Belcher. D. H. Chandler. Hale & Hamlin. Wiswell & King. BE. W. Whitehouse. Rice & Hall. Henry Ingalls. Geo. B. Sawyer. J.S. Wright. BE. H. Blake. E. Flint. J.B. Peaks. Geo. E. Hughes. Wm. E. Hogan. Walton & Walton. J. G. Cook. Geo. E. Brackett. C. B. Donworth. S. M. Carne. Maze has 16 counties, all being represented. RHODE ISLAND. Name, Herbert F. Bennett. Wm. P. Shefiield, jr., 993 Thames St. Richard B. Comstock, 27 Custom House. Bea Ce Clarke: RuHopE IsLanp has but 5 counties, all being represented Nelson, Bardstown. J. S. Kelly. above except Kent county. refer to Index in fore part of Book. sa emai lh tn tana aa arma aaABSTRACTERS or zirtzs pep ror Idaho, Maryland, Mass., N. Y., N. Carolina, IDAHO TERRITORY. County. Co. Seat. Ada, Boise City. Alturas, Hailey. Alturas, Hailey. Bear Lake, Paris. Boise, Idaho City. Cassia, Albion. Idaho, Mount Idaho. Kootenai, Rathdrum. Lemhi, Salmon City. Nez Perces, Lewiston. Nez Perces, Lewiston. Owyhee, Silver City. Shoshone, Murray. Shoshone, Murray. Washington, Weiser. Name. John M. Lamb. L. Price. T. E. Ensign. J. U. Stucki. C. E. Kingsley. J. C. Rogers. J. H. Forney. Ilolleman& Musgrove Chas. A. Wood. A. Quackenbush. J. W. Poe. Edward Nugent. Chas. W. O’Neil. W. B. Heyburn. Frank Harris. IpaHo has in all fifteen counties, and we have been en- abled to represent twelve of that number; Bingham, Custer and Oneida being missing, from which counties we were unable to get the names of parties engaged in the ‘‘Ab- stract and Examination of Titles’ business. MARYLAND. County. Co. Seat. Allegany, Cumberland. Anne Arundel, Annapolis. Baltimore, Towson. Baltimore, ‘Towson. Name. R. T. Semmus. J. W. Randall. Elliott & Hoffman. Geo. M. Sharpe. Calvert, Prince Frederick- town. Jno. P. Briscoe. Calvert, Prince Frederick- town. Caroline, Denton. Carroll, Westminster. Carroll, Westminster. Cecil, Elkton. Cecil, Elkton. Charles, Port Tobacco. Dorchester, Cambridge. Frederick, Frederick. Frederick, Frederick. Garrett, Oakland. Harford, Bel Air. Howard, Ellicott City. Kent, Chestertown. Montgomery, Rockville. Joseph A. Wilson. Jas. N. Todd. Wm. A. Wampler. Jno. T. Cassell. Jones & Haines. Wn. S. Evans. Jno. H. Mitchell. Dan’l M. Henry, jr. W. Irving Parsons. Chas. M. Ross. W. P. Townsend. Henry W. Archer. Henry E; Wootton. Jas. U. Pearce. Peters & Henderson. PrinceGeorge’s, Upper Marl- borough. Queen Anne’s Centreville. St. Mary’s, Leonardtown. Somerset, Princess Anne. Talbott, Easton. Washington, Hagerstown. Wicomico, Salisbury. Worcester, Snow Hill. Worcester, Snow Hill. MarYLanp has in all 28 counti by the above ‘‘Abstracters of Tit Jos. K. Roberts. de en. sealmer Keating. Robt. C. Combs. Henry Page. Oswold Vilehman. Armstrong & Scott. K. Stanley Toadvin. Geo. W. Purnell. Geo. I’. Bratten. es, all being represented les Department.) MASSACHUSETTS. County. Co. Seat, Barnstable, Barnstable, Berkshire, Pittsfield, Berkshire, Pittsfield. Bristol, New Bedford. Bristol, Taunton. Dukes, Edgartown. Dukes, Edgartown. Essex, Lawrence. Hssex, Newburyport. Hssex, Salem. / Franklin, Greénfield. Hampden, Springfield. Hampden, Springfield, Hampshire, Northampton. ampshire, Northampton. Middlesex, Cambridge. Middlesex, Somerville.* Nantucket, Nantucket. Norfolk, Dedham. Norfolk. Dedham, Plymouth, Plymouth. Plymouth, Plymouth. Plymouth, Plymouth. Name. F. H. Lathrop. Wm. Turtle. J.C. Crosby. Stetson & Grene. S. M. Thomas. Jno. S. Smith. Rich L. Pease. Jno. R. Poor. Withington & Jones. Chas. S. Osgood, Conant & Conant. Wm. S. Shurtleff, Geo. W. Rice. Daniel W. Bond. Jno. C. Hammond. Gees . Bent. ren 8. Knapp. H. Macy. PP Don G. Hill. Fred D. Ely. Wm. Hedze. Chas. F. Davis. Arthur Lord. MASSACHUSETTS—Continu $l. County, Co. Seat. Suffolk, Boston. Suffolk, Boston. Worcester, Worcester. *Not county seat. Naine. Massachusetts Title Co.. Tremont St. Geo. B. Bigelow, 34 School St. Horace Hobbs. MassacHUuserts has in all 14 counties, all being repre- sented above in the Abstract and Examination of Titles business. NEW YORK. County. Co. Seat. Albany, Albany. Albauy, Albany. Allegany, Belmont. Broome, Binghampton. Broome, Binghamton. Cattaraugus, Little Valley. Cattaraugus, Little Valley. Cayuga, Auburn. Chautauqua, Muyville. Chautauqua, Mayville. Chemung, E] mira. Chemung, Elmira. Chenango, Norwich. Chenango, Norwich. Clinton, Plattsburgh. Clinton, Plattsburgh. Columbia, Hudson. Columbia, Hudson. Cortland, Cortland. Delaware, Delhi. Dutchess, Poughkeepsie. ee ¢ Erie, Buffalo. Erie, Buffalo. Erie, Buffalo. Hissex, Port Henry. Franklin, Malone. Fulton, Johnstown. Genesee, Batavia. Genesee, Batavia. Genesee, Batavia. Greene, Catskill. Hamilton, Wells. Herkimer, Herkimer. Herkimer, Herkimer. Jefferson, Watertown. Kangs, Brooklyn. Kings, Brooklyn. Kings, Brooklyn. Lewis, Lowville. Livingston, Geneseo. Madison, Morrisville. Madison, Morrisville. Monroe, Rochester. Monroe, Rochester. Monroe, Rochester Montgomery, Fonda. New York, New York, New York, New York. New York, New York. Niagara, Lockport. Niagara, Lockport. Oneida, Utica. Oneida, Utica. Oneida, Utica. Onondaga, Syracuse. Onondaga, Syracuse. Ontario, Canandaigua. Ontario, Canandaigua. Orange, Goshen. Orange, Newburgh. Orleans, Albion. Oswego, Oswego. Oswego, Oswego. Otsego, Cooperstown. Otsego, Cooperstown. Putnam, Carmel, Name. Jno. J. Acker. Chas. J. Buchanan. Hamilton Ward. B.S. Curran. G. L. Sessions. A. H. Howe. Edgar N. Yates. Benj. M. Wilcox. V. A. Albro. R. H. Williams. L. A. Baker. Theo. G. Smith. Albert F. Gladding. J. H. Throup. P.S. Palmer. Chas. H. Moore. Edward P. Magoun. H.V. Esselstyn. O. U. Kellogg. Geo. T. Warner. Chas. F. Cossum. Benj. M. Fowler. Geo. F. Hayward. Alonzo Tanner. C. C. Baer. W. H. Carr. Hobbs & Kilburn. Carroll & Fraser. Frank S.. Wood. C. A. Kibbe. W. 4H. Smith. Hallock, Jennings & Chase. Wm. A. Fry. EK. A. Brown. W.C. Prescott. F. H. Waddingham. Edward E.Fitzgerald, 16 Court St. Bergen & Dykeman, 189 Montague St. J. E. Cornell, 44 Court St. H. E. Turner. N. R. Gearhart. Jno. E. Smith, A. D. Kennedy. Cronise & Conklin. Oscar Craig. J. H. Montgomery. Richard H. Cushney. J. Hedges, 120 Broad- way. Henry W. Clark, 8 a st. Wm. B. McVickar, 231 Broadway. Dan C. Carroll. Jno. A. Merritt. M. J. Brayton. Jas. §. Lynch. E. B. Hastings. Bagg & Nottingham. C. L. Stone. Wm. H. Adams. KE. R. Page. C. G. Elliott. Grant B. Taylor. m. EF’. Ross. H.H. Lyman. Geo. N. Burt. Geo. Brooks. Chas. T. Brewer, Clayton Ryder. NEW YORK—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Queens, Jamaica. Rensselaer, Troy. Rensselaer, Troy. Name. Theo. J. Armstrong. Wm. Shaw. Thos. Galvin. Richmond, Port Rashmond.*Dewitt Stafford. Richmond, Port Richmond.* Jno. Croak. Rockland, New City. Rockland, New City. St. Lawrence, Canton. Alonzo Wheeler. Irving Brown. Frank N. Cleveland. Saratoga,Saratoga Springs.*C. 8. & C. C. Lester. Schenectady, Schnectady. Schoharie, Schoharie. Schuyler, Watkins. Seneca, Waterloo. Seneca, Waterloo. Steuben, Addison.* Suffolk, Riverhead. Sullivan, Monticello. Tioga, Owego. Tompkins, Ithica. Ulster, Kingston. Warren, Warrensburgh.* Washington, Argyle. Wayne, Lyons. A. P. Strong. S. L. Mayham. Arthur C. Woodward Jas. E. Richardson. Chas. D. Becker. 8. D. Clinton. Sidney S. Norton. T. A. Niven. J.J. Van Kleeck. D. F. Van Vleet. Jas. A. Betts. L. C. Aldrich. J. B. Conway. Thad Collins, jr. Westchester, White Plains. Franklin Couch. Wyoming, Warsaw. Wyoming, Warsaw. Yates, Penn Yan. Yates, Penn Yan. *Not County Seat. M. E. Bartlett. Johnson & Charles. Geo. C. Snow. Franklin & Andrews. New Yorg has in all 60 counties, and the above gives the address of one or more parties who can furnish abstracts in any desired county. NORTH CAROLINA. County. Co. Seat. Alamance, Graham. Alexander, Taylorsville. Alleghany, Sparta. Anson, Wadesborough. Beaufort, Washington. Bertie, Windsor. Bladen, Elizabethtown. Brunswick, Smithville. Buncombe, Ashville. Burke, Morgantown. Burke, Morgantown. Cabarrus, Concord. Caldwell, Lenoir. Camden, Camden, ©. H. Carteret, Beaufort. Carteret, Beaufort. Caswell, Yanceyville. Caswell, Yanceyville. Catawba, Newton. Chatham, Pittsborough. Chatham, Pittsborough. Cherokee, Murphy. Chowan, Edenton. Chowan, Edenton. Clay, Hayesville. Cleveland, Shelby. “‘olumbus, Whiteville. Columbus, Whiteville. Craven, New Berne. Cumberland, Fayetteville. Cumberland, Fayetteville. Currituck, Currituck, C. H. Dare, Manteo. Davie, Mocksville. Durham, Durham. Durham, Durham. Kdgecombe, Farborough. Edgecombe, Farborough. Forsyth, Winston. Forsyth, Winston. Franklin, Louisburgh. Franklin, Louisbnrgh. Gaston, Dallas. Gaston, Dallas. Gates, Gatesville. Graham, Robbinsville. Granville, Oxtord. Greene, Snow Hill, Guilford, Greensborough. Halifax, Halifax. Halifax, Halitax. Name. K.S. Parker. E. B. Jones. E. L. Vaughan. John D. Pemberton. W.B. Rodman & Son, Martin & Peebles. Rob't. H. Lyon. Asa Ross. Henry Hardwicke. J. G. Binum. Isaac T. Avery. W.M. Smith. C. A. Cilly. G. G. Luke L. A. Skarren. (. R. Thomas, jr. Watt & Withers. A. E. Henderson. Geo. McConkle. Thos. B. Womack. J. J. Jackson. John Rolen. C.S. Vaun. W.J. Leavy. M. R. Kinney. Gidney & Webb. Sam’! F. McDaniel. DP. J. Lewis. Mocte & Clark. N. W. Ray. W. A. Guthries. W.R. Jordon. Jas. M. Gray. T. B. Bailey. W. W. Fuller. J.S. Maning. Gilliam & Son. Jno. L. Bridges, jr. Glenn & Glenn. H. E. Gray. C. M. Cook. J.J. Davis. G. F. Bason. R. W. Sandifer. L. P. Hayes. N. G. Phillips. R. W. Harris. Spruill & Edwards. Jno. A. Barringer. Geo. T. Simmons. Jno. A. Moore. To readily find Abstracters of any particular state, refer to Index in fore part of Book,NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Ilarnett, Lillington. Haywood, Waynesville. Haywood, Waynesville. Henderson, Hendersonville. Henderson, Hendersonville. Hertford, Winton. Hyde, Swan Quarter. Iredell, Statesville. Tredell, Statesville. Jackson, Webster. Johnston, Smithfield. Jones, Trenton. Lenoir, Kinston. McDowell, Marion. McDowell, Marion. Macon, Franklin. Madison, Marshall. Martin, Williamston Mechlenburgh, Charlotte. Mechlenburgh, Charlotte. Mitchell, Bakersville. Montgomery, Troy. Montgomery, Troy. Moore, Carthage. Moore, Carthage. Nash, Nashville. Name. 1. A. Spears. Howell & Moody. R. D. Gilmer. W. A. Smith. D. M. Hodges. Cowyer & Ricot. Alex. Berry. H. Bingham. D. M. Furches. W. E. Moore. Jee Able: P. M. Pearsoll. Rouse & Uzzell. P. J. Sinclair. G. G. Eaves. Wm. L. Dean. J. M. Gudger, jr. Moore & Stubbs. E. K. P. Osborn. W. HH. Bailey. J. H. Greene. J. Milton Brown. C. C. Wade. Jno. W. Scott, jr. A. H. McNeill. R. A. P. Cooley. New Hanover, Wilmington.D. L. Rupell. Northampton, Jackson. Northampton, Jackson. Onslow, Jacksonville. Orange, Hillsborough. Pamlico, Bayborough. W. W. Peebles. W. OC. Bowen. H, E. Gilman. Graham & Ruffin. B. F. Mayhew. Pasquotank, Elizabeth City.E. F. Lamb. Pasquotank, Elizabeth City.W. O. Temple. Pender, Burgaw. Perquimans, Hertford. Person, Roxborough. Pitt, Greenville. Polk. Columbus. Randolph, Ashborough. Richmond, Rockingham. Robeson, Lumberton. jpaie blande Blount & Blount. Winsted & Terry. Sugg & James. @. A® Carson. M. Bradshaw. Jno. D. Shaw & Son. B. K. Proctor, jr. Rockingham, Wentworth. R. J. Lewellyan. Rowan, Salisbury. Jno. W. Mauney. Rutherford. Rutherfordton. Wm. L. Twitty. Sampson, Clinton. Stanly, Albemarle. Stanly, Albemarle. Surry, Dobson. Surry, Dobson. Swain, Charleston. Transylvania, Brevard. Tyrrell, Columbia. Union, Monroe. Vance, Henderson. Vance, Henderson. Wake, Raleigh. Wake, Raleigh. Warren, Warrenton. Washington, Plymouth. Watauga, Boone. Wayne, Goldsborough. Wayne, Goldsborough. Wilkes, Wilkesborough. Wilson, Wilson. Yadkin, Yadkinvile. Yancy, Burnsville. Stewart & Richardson Sam’] J. Pemberton. T. J. Jerome. P. W. Folger. S. M. Holton. A.M. Fry. W.B. Duckworth. J.C. Meekins. Covington & Adams. W.R. Henry. H. T. Watkins. Haywood &Haywood. W.M. Jones. Chas. A. Cook. - C. L. Pettigrew. L. L. Greene. Aycock & Daniel. BE. W. Cox. Cowles & Barber. A. B. Deans. R. C. Puryear. W. H. Marsh. Norra Carorra has in all 96 counties, and the foregoing ‘‘Abstracter of Titles’? Department for the state represents 91 of that number. Ashe, Davidson, Duplin, Lincoln and Stokes counties being unrepresented. TEXAS. e County. Co. Seat. Anderson, Palestine. Anderson, Palestine. Angelina, Homer. Aransas, Rockport. Archer, Archer. Atascosa, Pleasanton. Austin, Bellville. Bandera, Bandera. Bastrop, Bastrop. Lastrop, Bastrop. Baylor, Seymour. To readily find Abstracters of any particul. Name. Gammage & Gregg. . J. H. Mead. Alfred Chesnutt. C. F. Bailey. peaWVie Elant W.J. Bowen. Bell & Shelbourne. H.C. Duffy. Bell & Jenkins. F, A. Orgain. Darnell & Co. TEX AS—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Baylor, Seymour. Bee, Beeville. Bell, Belton. Bexar, San Antonio. Blanco, Blanco. Bosque, Meridian. Bowie, Texarkana, Brazoria, Brazoria. Brazos, Bryan. Brown, Brownwood. Burleson, Caldwell. Burnet, Burnet. Caldwell, Lockhart. Calhoun, Indianola. Callahan, Baird.* Cameron, Brownsville. Camp. Pittsburgh. Cass, Linden. Chambers, Wallisville. Cherokee, Rusk. Clay, Henrietta. Coleman, Coleman. Collin, McKinney. Colorado, Columbus. Comal,. New Braunfels. Comanche, Comanche. Concho, Point Rock. Cooke, Gainesville. Coryell, Gatesville. Dallas. Dallas. | Delta, Cooper. Delta, Cooper. Denton, Denton. Denton, Denton. DeWitt, Cuero. Name, J. T. Montgomery. W.S. Dugat. Peter G. Rucker. McLeary & Barnard. Hammond, Timber- lake & Hardy. O. L. Lockett. Kelsey & Offenhauser “Shappard & Stevans. Jeff T. Mitchell. Peter G. Rucker. A. W. Melver. Cook & Moses. Nix, Story & Story. D. C. Proctor. I. N. Jackson. Mason & Miller. W. J. Singletory. Geo. T. Vaughn. Hugh Jackson. M. Jernigan. F. Dudleigh & Co. Rucker & Blackburn. 'T, V. Wilson. Kennon & Townsend J. D. Guinn. Hill & Shropshire. Guion & Blanchard. Eddleman & Carter. Wells, Burkhead & Lutterloh. S. W.S. Duncan. Geo. W. Jones. Bennett & Lane. Chapman & Terrell. J. W. Jaygoe Brownson & Graham Dickens, Dockum Kanch.* W. C. Dockum. Dimmit, Carrizo Springs. Donley, Clarendon.* Duval, San Diego. Eastland, Eastland. Edwards, Leaky.* Ellis, Waxahatchie. El Paso, El l’aso. Erath, Stephenville. Falls, Marlin. Fannin, Bonham. Fayette, La Grange. Favette, La Grange. Fisher, Fisher.* Fort Bend, Richmond. Franklin, Mount Vernon. Franklin, Mount Vernon. Freestone, Fairfield. Frio, Pearsall.* Galveston, Galveston. Galveston, Galveston. Hazelrigg & Vander- voort. G. A. Brown. J. W. Moses. C. N. Conneller. J. B. Johnson. R. G, Phillips. Hague & Caldwell. C. J. Shapard. Goodrich & Clarkson. F. J. Abernathy. Brown & Dunn. Robson & Rosenthal. Strange & Brugh. J. G. Williams. W. W. Johnson. J. B. Stringer. ¥. M. Etherige. W. A. Carter. Claiborne & Wren. Jos. Franklin. Gillespie, Fredericksburgh. A. O. Cooley. Goliad. Goliad. Gonzales, Gonzales. Grayson, Sherman. Gregg, Longview. Grimes, Anclerson. Gaudalupe, Seguin. Gaudalupe, Seguin. Hamilton, Hamilton. Hardeman, Margaret. Hardin, Hardin. Hardin, Hardin. Harris, Houston. Harris, Houston. Harris, Houston. Harvison, Marshall. Haskell, Haskell.* Hays, San Marcos. Hays, San Marcos. Henderson, Athens. Hidalgo, Hidalgo. Hill, Hillsborough. Hill, Hillsborough. Hood, Granbury. Seth Woodruff. Harwood & Harwood M. J. Chapin. F. M. Campbell. McDaniel & Dodd. W. E. Goodrich. P. S. Lowell. Bell & Cotton. Geo. Chapman. H. H.Nall. P. A. Work. J. H. Ruby. J. A. Cameron. Baker Botts & Baker A. R. Starr. Arthur C. Foster. James G. Burleson. - B. G. Neighbors. Marion, Adams & Watkins. Wm. P. Dougherty. Sam E. Revis. Moorman & Jasper. T. T. Ewelk. Hopkins, Sulphur Springs. Samuel G. Tomlinson Houston, Crockett. Houston, Crockett. Houston, Crockett. Chas. Stokes. B, F. Duren. Nunn & Aldrich. ABSTRACTERS or rrtzs pep? ror North Carolina, Texas. County. Co. Seat. Howard, Big Spring. Hunt, Greenville. Jack, Jacksborough. Jack, Jaeksborough. Jackson, Edna. Jasper, Jasper. Jefferson, Beaumont. Johnson, Cleburne. Johnson, Cleburne. Jones, Anson*, Karnes, Helena. Kaufman, Kaufman. Kendall, Boerne, Kerr, Kerrville. Kerr, Kerrville. Kimble, Junetion City. Kinney, Brackettville. Knox, Benjamin.* Lamar, Paris. Lampasas, Lampasas. Lampasas, Lampasas. La Salle, Cotulla. Lavaca, Hallettsville. Leon, Centreville. Liberty, Liberty. Limestone, Groesbeck. Live Oak, Oakville. Llano. Llano. McCulloch, Brady. McLennea, Waco. McLennan, Waco. MeMullen, Tilden. MeMullen, Tilden. Madison, Madisonville. Marion, Jefferson. Marion, Jefferson. Martin, Marienfeld.* Mason, Mason. Maverick, Eagle Pass. Maverick, Eagle Pass. Medina, Castroville. Menard, Menardville. Midland, Midland. Milam, Cameron. Mitchell, Colorado. Montague, Montague. Morris, Ddingerfield. Morris, Daingerfield. Navarro, Corsicana. Navarro, Corsicana. Navarro, Corsicana. Newton, Newton. Nolan, Sweetwater. Nueces, Corpus Christi. Oldham, Tascosa. Orange, Orange. Orange, Orange. Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto. Panola, Carthage. Parker, Weatherford. Pecos, Fort Stockton. Polk, Livingston. Presidio, Marfa.* Rains, Emory. Red River, Clarksville. Reeves, Pecos. Reeves, Pecos.* Refugio, Refugio. Robertson, Franklin.* Rockwall, Rockwall. Runnels, Runnels. Runnels, Runnels. Rusk, Henderson. Rusk, Henderson. Sabine, Hemphill Matagorda, Matagorda. Matagorda, Matagorda. Nueces, Corpus Christi. San Augustine, San Augus- tine. : San Jacinto, Cold Spring. San Jacinto, Cold Spring. San Patricio, San Patricio. THX AS— Continued. Name. Walker & Cowan. John I. Nicholson. Robinson & West. Stark & Stark. Lowe & Vhurmond. A. J. Rigsby. i A.S. John. S. G. Graham. L. E. Barrow. Kirby Bros & Fer- euson. George W. Wooten. George D. Manion. D. W. Grady. W. F. Gill. B. H. Burney. John MeNicol. Charles F. Hodges. John J. Brents. B. & Baldwin, jr. J. C. Matthews. W.B. Abney. E. L. Tendle. Ellis & Patton. W. M. Johnson. James G. Minter. Burrow & Kincaid. Church & Stamp. Miller & Dalrymple. Anderson & McShan. Albert Chalmers. ,W. A. Winson & Uole. W. A. Hill. M. Y. Randolph. W. EH. Estes. J. H. Rogers. Ethan Allen. Calvin Thaxton. D. E. KE. Braman & pon. J. L. Crooms & Sons. J. A. Moore Tugwell & Hancock. Joseph Courand. R. B. Thomas. Je Caicens: T. S. Henderson. Smith & Merrill. J. Wi. Cook. Montgomery, Montgomery. B. D. Griffin. Moore & Hart. G. B. Smith. Nacogdoches, Nocogdoches. Geo. F. Ingraham. Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches. W. G. Ratcliff. Bright & Damon. Frost, Barry & Lee. W.J. McKee. Wim. Wilson. Ragland & Beall. McCampell & Givins. Stanley Welch. Vivian & Ryland. @ je deoblants CO. L. Goodman. Kd. C. Baker. Thos. F. Hull. Tra B. Taylor. O. W. Williams. M. D. Ford. G. W. Walters. H. W. Martin. Rainey & Kennedy. TJ, Heiner. N. Van Horn. Geo. Howard. A. M. Rushin. W. B. Wade. C. H. Willingham. J. N. Winters. J. H. Wood. J. H. Turner. Wm. W. Weathered. Geo. E. Gatling. C. B. Martin. A. R. Chapman. Pat O’ Docherty. r State, refer to Index in fore part of Book. @ sg erect ca oes ery ee uaa emTEX AS—Continued. County. Co. Seat. San Saba, San Saba. Shackelford, Albany. Shackelford, Albany. Shelby, Center. Smith, Tyler. Somerville, Glen Rose. Stephens, Breckenridge. Tarrant, Fort Worth. Tarrant, Fort Worth. Taylor, Abilene.* Throckmorton, Throck- morton. Titus, Mount Pleasant. Titus, Mount Pleasant. Tom Green, San Angelo. Tom Green, San Angelo. Travis, Austin. Travis, Austin. Travis, Austin. Trinity, Groveton. Tyler, Woodville. Tyler, Woodville. « Upshur, Gilmer. Upshur, Gilmer. Uvalde, Uvalde. Val Verde, Del Rio.* Van Zandt, Canton. Victoria, Victoria. Walker, Huntsville. Waller, Hempstead. Waller, Hempstead. _ Washington, Brenham. Washington, Brenham. Webb, Laredo. Wharton, Wharton. Wharton, Wharton. Wheeler, Mobeetie. Wichita, Wichita Falls.* Wilbarger, Vernon.* Williamson, Georgetown. Williamson, Georgetown. Wilson, Floresville. Wise, Decatur. Wise, Decatur. Wood, Quitman. Wood, Quitman. Young, Graham. Zapata, Carrizo. *Not county seat. Name. Allison & Martin. L. W. Campbell. A. A. Clark. AC} Davise C. G. White. J. W. Kincaid. D. W, Hullum. Ross & Ross. Daggett, Martin & Co Porter & Beasley. Poole & Andrews. H. Snodgrass. Pounders & Olive. Veck, Sterrett & Co. Spence & Thompson. Texas Abstract Co. M.S. Dunn. Zimpleman &Bergen. J.G. W. Pierson. S. P. West. I. H. Kirby. A.B. Boren. N. M. Harrison. Baker, Archer & Clark. ; J. M. Coleman. Kerby & McChesey. Thurmond & Co. E. L. Angier. Harvey & Brown. T. 8. Reece. Heber Stone. T. B. Botts. Showaiter & Nichol- son. King & Kelley. . J. Crone. H. B. Spiller. Robt. EF. Huff. Elliott & Sitterly. Chas. Morrell. W. C. Belcher. A. G. Pickett, jr. Saunders & Soward. A. Deveraux & Co, W. A. Hart. John D. Craddock. Robt. Holman. H. W. Stephenson. TExas has in all, surveyed and named, 203 Counties, and of this number 187 are represented, being EVERY one except Lee and Starr Counties, also, 14 other Counties where there are little or no settlement. If this is not a fair showing for the great state of Texas the publishers would like to know what would be, TENNESSEE. County. Oo. Seat. Anderson, Clinton. Bedford, Shelbyville. Bedford, Shelbyville. Benton, Camden. Benton, Camden. Bledsoe, Pikeville. Blount, Maryville. Bradley, Cleveland. Campbell, Jacksborough. Cannon, Woodbury. Carroll, Huntingdon. Carter, Elizabethton. Cheatham, Ashland City. Chester, Henderson. Claiborne, Tazewell. Clay. Celina. Cocke, Newport. Coffee, Manchester. Crockett, Alamo. Crockett, Alamo. Cumberland, Crossville. Davidson, Nashville. Davidson, Nashville. Decatur, Decaturville. Decatur, Decaturville. De Kalb, Smithville, Name. C. J. Sawyer. Robert Davidson. Caldwell & Son. Wm. W. Dodd. W. F. Maiden. Jno. C. Myers. Sam. P. Rowan, E. 8S. DeLany. S. I. Rogers. J. A. Jones. G. T. McCall. John P. Smith. R. S. Turner. M. F. Ozier. P. J. Fulkerson. A. P. Green, W.C. Anderson. Jos. Greenawalt. C. A. Goodloe. W.AH. Biggs. O. W. Perkins. Commercial Abs. Co. | U Nashville Abs. Co. J. W. Doherty. J. A. England. Webb & Avant. TENNESSEE—Oontinued. County. Co. Seat. Dickson, Charlotte. Dyer, Dyersburgh. Dyer, Dyersburgh. Fentress, Jamestown. Franklin, Winchester. Gibson, Trenton. Giles, Pulaski. Grainger, Rutledge. Greene, Greenville. Grundy, Altamont. Hamblen, Morristown. Hamilton, Chattanooga. Hancock, Sneedville. Hardeman, Bolivar. Hardin, Savannah. Hardin, Savannah. Hawkins, Rogersville. Haywood, Brownsville. Haywood, Brownsville. Henderson, Lexington. Henry, Paris. Henry, Paris. Hickman, Centreville. Hickman, Centreville. Houston, Erin. Jackson, Gainesborough. James, Ooltewah. Jefferson, Dandridge. Johnson, Mountain City. Knox, Knoxville. Knox, Knoxville. Lake, Tiptonville. Lauderdale, Ripley. Lawrence, Lawrenceburgh. Lewis, Newburgh. Lincoln, Fayetteville. Loudon, Loudon. McMinn, Athens. McNairy, Purdy. Macon, la Fayette. Madison, Jackson. Marion, Jasper. Marshall, Lewisburgh. Marshall, Lewisburgh. Maury, Columbia. Meigs, Decatur. Monroe, Madisonville. Montgomery, Clarksville. Montgomery, Clarksville. Moore, Lynchburgh. Morgan, Wartburgh. Morgan. Wartburgh. Obion, Troy. Obion, Troy. Overton, Livingston, Overton, Livingston. Perry, Linden. Pickett, Byrdstown. Polk, Benton. Putnam, Cookville. Putnam, Cookyville. Rhea, Washington. Roane, Kingston. Robertson, Springfield. Robertson, Springfield. Rutherford, Murfreesbor- ough. Rutherford, Murfreesbor- ough. Scott, Huntsville. Sequatchie, Dunlap. Sevier, Sevierville. Shelby, Memphis. Smith, Carthage. Stewart, Dover. Sullivan, Blountville. Sullivan, Blountville. Sumner, Gallatin. Tipton, Covington. Trousdale, Hartsville. nicol, Erwin. Union, Maynardsville. Van Buren, Spencer. Warren, MeMinnville. Name. T. C. Morris. Latta & Richardson. Moss & Bell. Smith & Conatser. Brannan& Thompson. Trenton Abs. Co. W. B. Smithson. Fulkerson & Hender- son. A. B. Wilson. J. K. P. Pearson. W.H. Coffman. Wheeler & Marshall. Jarvis & Tyler. Geo. G. Adams. J. A. Cunningham. W. J. Watson. Fulkerson & Huff- master, A. D. Bright. S. P. Boyd. _LeviS. Wood. S. W. Cooley. W.M. Janes. H. Nixon. Moore & Clark. V.R. Harris. J. P. Henderson. H.H. McNabb. Jesse L. Rogers. Butler & Donnelly. E. Dean Dow. J. W. Sneed. A. M. Lowe. Steele & Steele. T. D. Davenport. Plummer & Taylor. F. P. Taylor. D. R. Nelson. Gaston & Robeson. J. FE. Huddleston. J. L. Roark. Herron & Brown. Byron Pope. J. T. Dean. Henry K. Moss. Hughes & Hatcher. V.C. & U.Q. Allen. Chas. W. Hicks. John J. West. A. R. Gholson. W. D. L. Record. T. A. Harris. J. W. Scott. John BK. Wells. . 0.3. Wright. W. W. Goodpasture. J. A. Barnes. Jas. L. Sloan. Jno. T. Chowning. M. W. Dodd. S. D. Upton. M. N. Scarlett. C. L. Locke. G. L. Burke. Jno. W. Judd. W. W. Pepper. F. Smithson. B. F. Lillard. Lindsay & Caldwell. C. H. Carpenter. Wm. Catlett. Memphis Abst. Co., 205 Main St Letcher A. Ligon. Rice & Brandon. A. A. Hobson & Co. H. H. Haynes. Head Bros. paptiet & Boals. J. D. Andrews. W.C. Emmert. N. Ailor. R. J. Head. Murray & Spurlock. Washington, Jonesborough.S. J. Kirkpatrick. ABSTRACTERS or mrtzs pzpr ror Texas, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia. TENNESSE E—Continued. County. Co. Seat. Wayne, Waynesborough. Wayne, Waynesborough. Weakley, Dresden. White, Sparta. White, Sparta Williamson, Franklin. Williamson, Franklin. Wilson, Lebanon. Name. Boyd & Haggard. S. J. Hardin. Edwards & Edwards. J. D. Goff . D. Goff. W. F. & E. Story. J. W. Harrison. W. B. White. Je eranes TENNESSEE has in all 96 counties, and all are represented by the above ‘‘Abstracters of Titles Department?’ except Fayette and Humphrey counties, VERMONT. County. Oo. Seat. Name. Addison, Middleburgh. Thos. H. McLeod. Addison, Middleburgh. L. E. Knapp. Bennington, Bennington. Bennington, Manchester. Caledonia, St. Johnsburgh. Chittenden, Burlington. Chittenden, Burlington. Essex, Guildhall. Grand Isle. North Hero. Lamoille, Hyde Park. Orange, Chelsea. Orange, Chelsea. Orleans, Irasburgh. Rutland, Rutland. Washington, Montpelier. Windham, Newfane. Windsor, Woodstock. Windsor, Woodstock. Jas. B. Meacham. Burton & Munson. Ide & Stafford. H.S. Peck. J. W. Russell. Wm. H. Hartshorn. C. B. Russell. Brigham & McFar- land. C. 8. Emery. J. K. Darling. Crane & Alfred. Jas. C. Barrett. C. H. Pitkin. M. Davidson. French & Southgate. Wm. E. Johnson. VERMONT has in all 16 counties, and 14 of that number will be found represented by the above ‘‘Abstracts of Titles Department.’ VIRGINIA. County. Co. Seat. Name. Accomack, Accomack C.H. Samuel T. Ross. Albemarle, Charlottesville. Duke & Duke. Alexandri:, Alexandria. Alleghany, Covington. Amelia, Amelia C. H. Amherst, Amherst. Amberst, Amherst. Appomattox, seb tC James R. Caton. James Bowler. H. T. Tucker. C. L. Scott. J. R. Ellis. H. Ch. H. Sackett. Augusta, Staunton. Augusta, Staunton. Bath, Warm Springs. Bedford, Liberty. Bland, Bland C. H. Botetourt, Fincastle. Botetourt, Fineastle. Brunswick, Lawrenceville. Brunswick, Lawrenceville. Brunswick, Grundy. Buckingham, Buckingnet C. Campbell, Rustburgh. Caroline, Bowling Green. Carroll, Hillsville. Charlotte, Smithville. Chesterfield, Chesterfield. Clarke, Berryville. Craig, New Castle. Culpeper, Culpeper. Cumberland, Cumberland OaE Dickenson, Clintwood. Dickenson, Clintwood. Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie C.H. Klizabeth City, Hampton. Essex, Tappahannock. Fairfax, Fairfax C. H. Fauquier, Warrenton. Floyd, Floyd C. H. Fluvanna, Palmyya. Franklin, Rocky Mount. Frederick, Winchester. Giles, Pearisburgh. Giles, Pearisburgh. To readily find Abstracters of any particular State, refer to Index in fore part of Book. Elder & Nelson. Geo. M. Cochran, jr. W. M. McAllister. John M. Speece. T. J. Muncy. J. H. H. Figgarte . Haden & Haden. F. E. Buford. R. Turnbull. F. H. Evans. Hubard & Hubard. Ww. M. Murrell. A. B. Chandler. Hale & Brown. Martin & Eggleston. B. A. Hancock. McDonald & Moore. J. W. Marshall. Eppa Rixey. Ww. Lancaster, Wm. A. Ayer# Columbus Phipps. V. W. Keeler, Thomas Tobb. Thomas R. Wright. Moore & Son. Smith & Gaines. Wm. H. Morgan. Wn. P. Pettit. G. E. Dennis. C. B. Hancock. G. W. Easly. W. W. French.County. “Oo. Seat. Gloucester, Gloucester C.H. Goochland, Goochland C.H. Grayson, Independence. Greene, Stanardsville. Greene, Stanardsville. Greenville, Hicksford. Halifax, Halifax C. H. Halifax, Halifax C. H. Hanover, Hanover C. H. Hanover, Hanover C. H. Henrico, Richmond. Henrico, Richmond. Henry, Martinsville. Henry, Martinsville. Highland, Monterey. Isle of Wight, Smithfield. King & Queen, King & Queen C. H. King George, King George C. H. King William, King William C. H. Lancaster, Lancaster C. H, Lee, Jonesville. Lee, Jonesville. Loudoun, Leesburgh. Louisa, Louisa C. H. Louisa, Louisa C. H. Lunenburgh, Lunenburgh Madison, Madison C. H. Mecklenburgh, Boydton. Mecklenburgh, Boydton. Name, J. F. Duncan. W. A. Parsons. J. D. Perkins. R. 8S. Thomas. Jaele Braye Treadway & Barham. Reily & Leigh. Watkins & Watkins. J. A. Brown. George P. Haw. James Lyons. Harrison & Turpin. John H. Pharis. H. G. Peters. L. H. Stephenson. R. 8. Thomas. S. F. Harwood. M. O. Bunting. John D. Fosier. Samuel Downing. Wm. A. Orr. H. J. Morgan.” J. B. McCabe. F. V. Winston. Wu. E. Bibb. W.J. Bragg. F.«H. Hill. R. T. Thorp. W. T. Atkins. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES DEPARTMENT.---Concluded VIRGINIA—Continued. VIRGINIA—Continued. County. Co. Seat, Middlesex, Saluda. Montgomery, Christians- burgh# Phlegar & Johnson. Nansemond, Suffolk. Nelson, Lovingston. Name. W. W. Woodward. Robert R. Prentis. W. M. Hill. New Kent, New Kent C.H. T. Taylor. Norfolk, Portsmouth. Norfolk, Portsmouth. Northampton, Eastville. Northumberland, Heaths- ville. Nottoway, Nottoway C. H. C. F. Goodwyn. Nottoway, Nottoway C. H. Wm. H. Mann. Orange, Orange C. H. Orange, Orange C. H. Page, Luray. Patrick, Stuart. Pittsylvania, Chatham. Powhatan, Powhatan C.H. W. J. Dance. Powhatan, Powhatan C.H. W. B. Smith. Prince Edward, Farmville. Major H. R. Hooper. Prince George, Prince John G. Backer. Ellis & Kerr. «T’. C. Walston. Lloyd T. Smith. John G. Williams. W. W. Burgess. A. Broaddus. P. Bouldin, jr. James L. Tredway, George C. H. Charles Conner. Princess Anne, Princess Anne C. H. Henry J. Whitfield. Prince William, Brentsville.Meredith & Thornton Prince William, Brentsville.C. N. Nicol. Pulaski, Newbern. Rappahannock, Washing- Richmond, Warsaw. Roanoke, Salem. Roanoke, Salem. ton. D. S. Pollock. H. G. Moffett, sr. John D. Garland. Jacob 8S. Baer. Wm. W. Ballard. VIRGINIA—Continued. County. Co, Seat. Rockbridge, Lexington. Rockingham, Harrison- burgh. Name, Steele & Houston. G. F. Compton. T. M. Alderson. S. H. Monson. R. A. Ayers. W. T. Williams. John L. Keller. John R. Sexton. J. ©. Parker. Russell, Lebanon. Scott, Estillville. Scott, Estillville. Shenandoah, Woodstock. Shenandoah, Woodstock. Smyth, Marion. Southampton, Franklin.* Spottsylvania, Spott- : sylvania C. H. A. B. Rawlings. Stafford, Stafford C. H. C. A. Bryan. Surry, Surry C. H. J. B. Steward. Sussex, Sussex C. H. C. L. Cocke. Tazewell, Tazewell] C.H. Chapman & Gillispie Warren, Front Royal. S. S. Turner. Warren, Front Royal. Cook & Son. Warwick, Newport News.* J. H. & W. J. Nelms Warwick, Newport News.* M. D. Wright. Washington, Abingdon. Daniel Trigg. Washington, Abingdon. F. B. Hutton. Westmoreland, Montros. C.-C. Baker. Wise, Wise C. H. T. G. Wells. Wythe, Wytheville. James A. Walker. Wythe, Wytheville. Wm. B. Foster. York, Yorktown. Sydney Smith. *Not county seat. Virerra has in all one hundred counties, and every county will be found represented except Charles City, James City, and Mathews, from which our best endeavors failed to elicit information.FORM NO. I. — Blank Form of Warranty Deed for Alabama, Be it known, that (name of grantor) and (name of wife) his wife of ...-- county and State Weonoce _. for and in consideration of the sum of Ae dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by (name of grantee and his place of residence), ab or be- fore the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby, acknowledged, has sold and hereby conveys unto the said (name of grantee) the following described premises, to-wit: (Here write and spell out numbers of description in full; be very careful and make no mistakes ; avoiding erasures and interlining. If the prop- erty should be described by metes and bounds, boundary marks or monuments so describe it, but when land is regularly surveyed in sections, and a definite description can be given by numbers, this is the preferable way of describing, reciting after description, the number of acres conveyed according to government survey. Itis a good plan to refer by volume and page, according to the filing on the deed held by grantor under which he hodls title. ) To have and to hold the said premises unto the said (grantee’s name) his heirs and assigns, to their own proper use, benefit, and behoof forever, so that neither the said (grantor’s name) his heirs or assigns, nor any other person or persons, shall or will, can or may, by any right, title, interest, or estate, in the said preniises above described shall be, by these presents, for- ever excluded and debarred. The said (grantor’s name) for himself and his heirs and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees to forever warrant and defend the premises and the title thereto, unto the said (grantee’s name) against the lawful claims, debts or rights of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereof, we hereunto set our hands and seals this...... GEN Wlnonoos a 188... WITNESSES: (Grantor’s Signature.) (Wife's Signature.) STATE OF COUNTY OF ......-- eee eesee I (name of officer) hereby certify that (name of grantor and wife) husband and wife, and also (name of witness) as witness, whose names are signed to the foregoing conveyance, and who are known to me, acknowledged before me, on this day, that being informed of the contents of the conveyance, they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand and seal this day of ..... ASD SASK. (Official Signature.) Instructions.. Seals are not necessary after grantor’s signature. Deeds may or may not be witnessed but if there is a witness, his: name should appear also in acknowledgment. Acknowledgments within the State of Alabama may be made before a Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, Judges of the Supreme or Circuit Courts, or their Clerks, Chancellors, Judge of Probate Court, and Registers in Chancery. Recording fees, are fifteen cents per hun- dred words or about seventy-five cents for the average deed. FORM NO. 2. Blank form of Warranty Deed for Arizona. This Indenture, made the...... day of.... -+,A. D. 18..., between (name of grantor) and (name of wife) his wife, of ...... ; county and state (or territory) of ...... , party of the first part and (name of grantee and his place of residence), party of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sumof...... dollars in lawful money of the United States of c America, to me in hand paid by the said party of «mE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” Blank Warranty Deed Forms. acknowledged, by these presents, sells, conveys and confirms unto the said party of the second art and to his heirs and assigns, forever, the fol- owing land (07 lot) situated in the county Of .. and Territory of Arizona, to-wit: (Write num- bers—See directions fogm No. 1.) Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- longing or in any wise appertaining, and the rent, issues and profits thereof: To have and to hold, all and singulur the above mentioned and described premises, unto the said party of the second part and his heirs and assigns forever. The said party of the first part hereby warrants and agrees to defend the said title as against all liens and incumbrances of whatsoever kind, and against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, unto the party of the second part. In testimony whereof, witness our hands and seals the day and year first above mentioned. Wirnesses: (Grantor’s Signature.) ae (Wife’s Signature.) [SEAL. SravTe (or territory) OF ..-..- a COUNTY OF ...... P Be it remembered that on the ...... day of .. _..» 188..., before me, the undersigned, a (title of office) in and for ...... county and state of.. .., personally appeared (name of grantor and wife) who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing deed as grantors, and each acknowl- edged the execution of the same to be their vol- untary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. Given under my hand and ...... Seal GhIS 2 esi 2 Cay Olseie ces Sees (Official Signature.) Instructions. Seals are necessary; wit- nesses are not, yet it is a good practice to have signatures witnessed. In some parts of this Territory deeds are executed without acknowl- edging, but the better and safer plan is to execute deeds before a proper officer in same regular man- ner, as in the states, and record, in the county where the property is located. Acknowledgments within the Territory of Arizona, may be made before a County Recorder, Clerk of Courts of Record, Judges of Courts, Justices of the Peace or Notaries Public. Recording fees. The customary charges are about $3. FORM NO. 3. Brief Form of Warranty Deed for Ar- kansas. Know all men by these presents, that we (name of grantor) and (name of grantor’s wife) his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of eer: dollars to me in hand paid by (name of grantee) ...... OF sousoc county and state of .--- do hereby grant, bargain and sell unto the said (name grantee) and his heirs and assigns for- ever, the following lands lying in the county of Rotor aite and state of Arkansas, to wit: (describe as directed in form No. 1) to have and to hold the same unto the said (name of grantee) and to his heirs and assigns forever, with all appurtenances thereanto belonging, and (name of grantor) hereby covenants with the said (name of grantee) that he will forever warrant and defend the title to said lands or lots against all persons whomsoever; and I (name of wife) wife of the said (name of grantor) for and in consideration of said sum of money, do hereby relinquish unto the said (name grantee) all my right, claim or possibility of claim or dower in said premises. a wvainess our hands this .... day of .... A.D. WITNESSES: (Grantor's Signature.) (Wife's Signature.) STATE OF ...... CoUNTY OF ...... Se Onythiss a. TCeiy2OL eee: 18.. before me, a (title of office) within and for the county of ...... in the'state of .....%. appeared in person (name of grantor) to me personally and well known as the person whose name appears upon the within the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby and foregoing deed of conveyance as grantor, and 312 stated that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein mentioned qnd set forth, and on the same day, also voluntarily appeared before me, the said (name of wife) wite of the said (name of husband) to me well known, and in the absence of her said husband, declared that she had of her own free will signed and sealed the relinquishmeut of dower in the foregoing deed, for the purposes therein contained and set forth, without compulsion or undue influence of her said husband. Witness my hand and seal as such (title of office) on this ...... GER? Wis bo00c Sie WITNESSES: (Official Signature.) Instructions. Neither seals, scroils nor wit- nesses are required, but not a bad practice to have signatures witnessed. Acknowledgments within the State of Arkansas may be made before a Notary Public, Judge of the Superior or Circuit Court, Clerk of any Court of Record or a Justice of the Peace. Recording Fees are ten cents per hundred words, and there are certificates, indexing fees, etc., so that the cost of recording the average length deed is near $2. FORM NO. 4. Blank Form of Warranty Deed for Cal- fornia. This Indenture, made the..... GayOlis rate AS De WSs. ice by and between (name of grantor) and (name of grantor’s wife) his wife, of .. county and state of -, parties of the first part, and (name of grantee and his place of resi- dence,) the party of the second part, witnesseth that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ...... dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by the said party or the second part, the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged, does by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, the fol- lowing described premises to-wit: (Describe the land or premises conveyed carefully, as directed in form No. 1.) Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- longing, or in any wise appertaining, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof. To have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned and described premises, to- gether with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and as- signs forever. The said party of the first part, shall, will and does agree by these presents to forever defend the said premises against the law- ful claims of all persons whomsoever, and the quiet, peaceable possession of the same. unto the said party of the second part, his heirs or as- signs. In witness whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. WITNESSES: (Grantor's Signature.) (Wife's Signature.) STATE ON 3. CounTy OF...... t Sb and title of office) in and for said county, ap- peared (name of husband) and (name of wife) husband and wife, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same, and upon an exam- ination without the hearing of her husband, I made the said (name of wife) acquainted with the contents of said instrument, and thereupon she acknowledged to me that she executed the same, and that she does not wish to retract such execution. (Official Signature.) Instructions. Wife’s signature not neces- sary except for her separate property or the State homestead, in which case the above acknowl- edgment quite suits the custom in this state. Witnesses and seals are not required, but if con- venient, better have witness to signature. Acknowledgments or proofs may be made within the State of California, before a Judge or On this day of A. D., 18. , before me (name of ‘“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” Clerk of a Court of Record, Notary Public, or a Justice of the Peace. Recording Fees. Customary recording fees about $2.50. FORM NO. 5. Brief Form of Warrantu Deed for Colo- rado. This Indenture, made the...... day of .. ...-, A. D. 18..., between (name of grantor) and (name of wife), his wife, of ..... county and state of , parties of the first part, and (name of grantee), of (give place of residence), party of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by said party of the second part, at or before the ensealing of, and delivery of, these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, the following described property or prem- ises, situate, lying and being im the county of State of Colorado, to-wit: (Here write description carefully as directed in form No. 1.) To have and to hold the premises hereby conveyed, together with all the nghts, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, unto the said party of the sec- ond part, his heirs and assigns forever; the said party of the first part hereby covenanting to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, for his heirs, executors and adminis- trators to warrant and forever defend the title to the premises hereby conveyed against the lawful liens of every person whomsoever. In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto subscribed their names yee wee and affixed their seals the day and year first | herein written. Witnesses: (Grantor's Signature,) eae (Wife's Signature.) [SEAL] STATE OF .....- Wes COUNTY OF...... ane Onithistsacasss AEAY GIP 1825. '- sper= sonally appeared before me (name of grantor and wife) husband and wife whose names are sub- scribed to the above instrument as parties thereto, personally known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the said instru- ment as parties thereto, and duly acknowledged that they executed the same freely and volun- tarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year in this certifi- cate first above written. (Oficial signature.) Instructions. Scrolls answer for seais. Have two witnesses sign. : Acknowledgments within the Territory of Utah may be made before a Notary Public, Mas- ter in Chancery, Justice of the Peace, Clerk or Judge of a Court, or County Recorder. FORM NO. 4I. Blank Form of Warranty Deed for Vermont. Know all Men by These Presents: That (name of grantor) and (name of grantor’s wife) his wife of (name of P. O.,) in the county of...... and State of ...... for the consideration of sista seus 2 dollars, received to me in full satisfaction of (name of grantee) of (name of P. O.,) in the county. Of ./...... and; State of ...... do give, grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said (name of grantee) his heirs and assigns, a certain parcel of land lying and being in (name of town,) in the county of... .. and State of Vermont, situate and described as follows: (Here write de- scription of premises conveyed carefully.) To have and to hold, the above granted premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said (name of grantee) his heirs and assigns, to them and their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever. And also I, the said (name of grantor) do for myself and heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said (name of grantor) his heirs and assigns, that at, and until the ensealing of these presents, ] am well seized in fee of the above granted premises, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in man- ner and form as above written, and that the same are free from all incumbrances whatsoever. And Furthermore, I the said (name of grantor) do by these presents bind myself and heirs forever, to warrant and defend the above granted premises to the said (name of grantee) his heirs and assigns, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seal this day of ...... A. D., Signed, sealed (Grantor’s signature, ) [SEAL.] and delivered (Wife’s signature.) [swat.] in presence of (tivo witnesses.) STATEOF ...5.- ) CouUNTY OF ...... Cisse Be It Remembered, That on the...... Cay tOE cer D., 18.. personally appeared (name of grantor and his wife,) husband and wife the signers and _ sealers of the within written instrument and acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed, before me, : (Official Signature.) Instructions. Seals must be affixed after grantor’s signature; scrolls will not answer. There must be two attesting witnesses. Deeds are ye- corded in Clerk’s office in town where the prop- erty is located. Acknowledgments within the State of Vermont may be made before a Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, Master in Chancery, Town Clerk, or Clerk or Judge or Register of Probate. Recording fees are ten cents per hundred words or fifty cents for an average deed, FORM NO. 42. Blank Form of Warranty Deed for Virginia. This Deed, Made this...... Cayetano: A. D. 18.... between (nane of grantor) and (name of grantor’s wife) his wife of ..--.. county and State of ...... of the first part and (name of grantee) of .-.-.. county and State of ...... 0 the second part. : : Witnesseth. That in consideration of the SUMO fy meeciere dollars the said (name of grantor and wife) doth grant unto the said (name of grantee) with general warranty, all of the follow- ing described real estate, situate in the county of cStaeaths and State of Virginia to-wit: (here describe property sold, carefully as directet in form No. Ls) The said (name of grantor and wife) covenant that they have the right to convey the said land to the grantee; that they have done no act to in- cumber the said land; that the grantee shall have quiet and peaceable possession of the said land free from all incumbrances, and they and their heirs covenant and agree to warrant and defend the title to said premises unto the said (name of grantee) his heirs and assigns forever. Witness our signatures and seals date above written. Witnesses: (Grantor's Signature.) (SEAL.) (Wife's Signature.) (SEAL. ) STATH ORs. 6. 0. see COUNTY OF =...... I, (name) a (title of office) of the county afore- said in the State of .. ... do certify that (name of grantor and wife) husband and wife whose names are signed to the writing above bearing date the’ ..... day of A. D.18.. have acknowl- edged the same before me in (name of county) aforesaid, given under my hand this ...... day Olitsrereiate« AG DEUS (Official Signature.) Instructions. Scroll sufficient for seal. Have one or two witnesses sign. Acknowledgments within the State of Vir- ginia may be made before a Notary Public, Com- missioner in Chancery, Justice of the Peace and Clerk of Court. Recording Fees. Average cost about $1.35 for a ceed as above. FORM NO. 4s. Blank Form of Warranty Deed for Washington Territory. This Indenture made this ...... day of . D., 18.. between (name of grantor) and (name of wife) his wife of ...... county and State (or Territory) of parties of the first part and (name of RIGID) OF Gobonnod county and State (or Ter- PULOLY Ole eee een party of the second part witnesseth that the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Soveutie ciple dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, the following described tract or parcel of land, situate and being in the county of Bente diac and Territory of Washington, to-wit: (here describe property sold, carefully as directed in form No.1.) ‘Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining; and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, . claim of homestead, property, possession, claim and de- mands whatsoever as well in law as in equity of the said parties of the first part, of, in, or to the above described premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances, To Have and to Hold, all and singular, the above mentioned and described premises unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, and the said parties of the part for themselves and their heirs, executors and ad- ministrators, the said premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against the parties of the first part, and their heirs, and against all and every person whomsoever, law- fully claiming or to claim the Same, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend. In Witness Whereof, the said parties of Blank Warranty Deed Forms. the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. f| Signed, sealed (Grantor's signature.) (SEAL.) and delivered (Wife's signature.) in presence of (two witnesses.) STATE (07 Territory) OF...... z COUNDYOMse se cop rccemoe. j On this day of A. D., 18.. before me, a (title of Offices) min and fOr Severs county and State (or eTgttort)) OL acct. personally appeared the above named (name of grantor and wife) husband and wife whose names are subscribed to the fore- going instrument as parties thereto, personally known to me to be the same individuals described in, and who executed the above deed, and ac- knowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and the said (name of wife) wite of the said (name of husband) being of full age and having been by me examined, separate and apart, from her said husband, and the con- tents of the above deed having been by me fully made known to her, acknowledged that she did voluntarily, of her own free will and without fear of, or coercion from her said husband, execute the same. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. (Official signature.) Instructions. Scroll answers’ for seal; have two witnesses sign. Acknowledgments within the Territory of Washington, may be made before a Notary Pub- (SEAL.) lic, Judge of the Supreme, District, or Probate Court, or Clerk or Deputy Clerk thereof, County Auditor or Deputy, or Justice of the Peace. FORM NO. 44. Blank Form of Warranty Deed for West Virginia. This Deed, Made this...... Cay Ofeacsir AG DE 18e between (name of grantor) and (name of wife) his wife of ...... county and State of ...... of the first part, and (name of grantee Ol .2.55. county and State of...... of the second part. Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of ...... dollars, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do grant unto said party of the second part, the fol- lowing-described premises situate in the county of Sateen and State of West Virginia to-wit: (here describe property carefully as directed in form No. 1.) And the said parties of the first part do. hereby covenant with said party of the second part, that they will warrant the title to the property hereby conveyed against the lawful claims or liens of all or any persons whomsoever, unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. Witness our hands and seals the date first above written. Signed, sealed (Grantor’s signature.) and delivered (Wife's signature.) in presence of (two witnesses.) SAU ORV cree eee x CouNTY OF.... I (name of officer) a (title of office) in and for said county, do hereby certify that (name of grantor and wife) husband and wife whose names are signed to above writing, bearing date ...... A. D.18.... personally appeared berore mein the county aforesaid, and acknowledged the same and the said (name of wife) being examined by me privily and apart from her said husband, the same being fully explained to her, acknowledged the said writing to be her act, and declared that she had willingly executed the same and does not wish to detract it. Given under my hand and seal this ....-. day OF sosour IN IDs S35 3 o'5 (Official signature.) Instructions. Scrolls answer for seals; one or two witnesses necessary. Acknowledgments within the State of West Virginia may be made before a Notary Publie, J ustice of the Peace or Clerk of any Court. Recording Fees are about $1.25 for usual (SEAL.) (SEAL.) deed.FORM NO: 45. Blank Form of Warranty Deed for Wisconsin. Know all Men by These Presents: That (name of grantor) and (name of grantor’s wife,) his wife party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of dollars to me duly paid, does hereby sell, grant, and convey to (name of grantee and his place of residence) party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns, the fol- lowing described real estate, situate in the county of and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: (here write out description in full as directed in form No. 1.) Together with the appurtenances, and all the right, title and interest of the said party of the first part therein; to have and to hold the se eere “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” same forever; and the said (name of grantor) does hereby covenant and agree with the said party of the second part that at the time of mak- ing this conveyance, the party of the first part is the lawful owner of the premises above granted and is seized of a good and indefeasable estate’ of inheritance therein in fee simple; that they are free and clear of all incumbrances whatever, and that the above granted premises in the quictand peaceable possession of the said party of the Blank Warranty Deed Forms. STATE OR seit ss ale CouNTY OF .... Iss, Personally came before me this day of A. D.,18.. the above named (name of grantor and wife,) husband and wife to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing deed and ac- knowledged the same. (Official signature.) Instructions. There must betwo witnesses; a scroll after grantor’s signature is sufficient. eee ene second part, his heirs and assigns; against the lawful demands of all persons, he will forever warrant and defend. In Witness Whereof, the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal this Acknowledgments within the State of Wisconsin may be made before a Notary Public, any Judge or Clerk of Court of Record, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, U. 8. Court Commis- sioner or Justices of the Peace. eile day of ...... 18.. in the year of our Lord : eighteen Handred and eighty... oe econ gine ces er ten gents por undred In presence of (Grantor's signature.) (SEAL.) a Usual G8 1OF AvOve TOF (Ok eect (two witnesses.) (Wife's signature.) (SEAL.) one : LECAL RATES OF INTEREST AND USURY PENALTIES. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. - Rate by con- Tepal rs n Notes |Acc’ts |Judgmt|Real estate Bae tract, may} “rae. USURY PENALTIES. ga Gta ae a geen s |__Per ct. __| Per ct. | | Years. | Years. | Years. | Years. Alabama .......+-.see+eeees Horfeiture:of alllinterest soctencte nea a eee tine ss eo eee 6 3 30 10 ATIZONA .. 0-20 eee ee cee ee eee Any rate. Oe Nos Suey, Le wise sos cores ceey stacey ss layer tare Reretetevarnte at tetris stelorarars fect tn 4 2 5 / NMEA coc aogio coches ant 10 6 |Forfeiture principal and interest........0cececes scenes eceneesssres D 3 10 7 @alforniats sot aetc cies cero Any rate: |. 10, "lNousury law secesc o-2 signee oh store) mie o cae eerste eimicisje)afalcleleetatnro)-feiciaoye 4 2, 5 Oo Cilnrilioaoncooocstaconcont Any rate. | 10 |No usury law... 00:5... 5 2 supe sce c cect cect e econ ese teereeecrns 6 6 6 3 Oonnectictitias=< sie, ome sient Any rate. (F HNO TENA, IER fonoh 5 datoou0Sb 4ponn dudedoosa dono dncobuotisedonsasons 6 6 17 15 Dak Obancteyerersiatrs cir totes ole «sear 2 M4 al WorfeiturerOb all Inbereshan cscs nce elie). <'o aia nie case ¢ aictatouinte esl s Steias 6 6 20 20 Deleware ..-...-.-.---e-eee, 6 6 |Forfeiture of principal; half to informant and half to State.........-.-. 6 3 20 20 District Columbia............ 10 6 lWorteifure-oballeinteres teenie eck revisit cereale cre ele eile rela crelercic tere 38 3 12 20 Welorid atta cc rot te rata ee Any rate. Se WNomusticy laws ste react ce = creole sieserecere cleiats viola ele) siapstan (a ieieiesiciae 5 8 20 7 GOLETA 6 cin ore as viirieters riers 8 7 |¥Forfeiture of all interest in excess of seven per cent.....-++.-++++e0+- 6 4 i 20 TORO tae ore eat ete ater y2mo.| 10 |Fine $100 or six months imprisonment or bothy..-...--.-++-+++-++++> 5 4 6 -- LTO US eo ereteieiclete cert crores eyatennic 8 GP iMortertuvexOreimterestac scticle cia 08 «/rsteinieiet ofetelclelae otuie Cle viel iretatcvieteleloy 10 5 20 20 Indiana....-.-++++s-sseeaees 8 6 |Forfeiture of all interest in excess of six per cent...-...+++.-+e:+++e- 10 6 20 20 IKE sderincoss sabes toc doa 10 6 |Forfeiture of interest and Cosb....<..0..ccesnegesse:cstarcens ones 10 o 20 10 RANIS AS eicrete alone a ai eicloxele xen okele 12 7 |Forfeiture of interest in excess of twelve per cent.......-+++.--.+++s- 5 3 5h 159 Kentuckyc« 26 0c0 cen semis nc see 6 6 |Forfeiture of interest in excess of six per cenb...-.-++. +++-+eeseeeee 15 2 q\ 15 15 TROUISIAN ee oes ws cine tsa 8 5 (|Forfeiture of entire interest. ...--...-scccs cr eccc nrc sccenctecseee 5 3 10 10 RVEGIMOM esis cers caeintelsice vec Any rate. 6 |No usury law... ....-- See clade a eel te gle ceccle/ctevecot ls oichese rinse) eres iXeree 6 J 6 20 an Maryland.......--.++++s+++ 6 6 |Forfeiture of profits and interest.....---+++scse sree cette eter ee eeees 38 3 12 a Massachusetts......-.++--+:- Any rate. 6 |No usury laws.........-.-. see cece e enn e cece ects nese eaeneaseetores 20k 6 20 “0 Michigan «.....--+.+e+eeeee 10 7 |Forfeiture of excess of legal interest......-+.+++++seeererseeeeeeeees 6 6 10 1 Minnesota ...-.-+-+++--eees- 10 7 |Liability void as between parties....+++--+s+eseee eee cr cress rene caes 6 6 10 ae Mississippi. -...+--+++--++--- 10 6 |Forfeiture of all interest.......-. dec e eee e cence see e cence ene eneenes 6 2 5 10 WMASSOUTY fee Gis taste wc tes eae 10 6 |Only ten per cent collectible and forfeited to school fund........----- 10 5 2 ; Mofitana pT eer Oi hace Any rate 10 No usury law. efascrs)(lrecetenes eles je eke avin rakelo iexecmraneese mre) cit) os Sie geAC aecac eho 6 4 5 on; 10 Nebraska ....-- ss+e+eeeeree 10 7 \Forfeiture of interest and COS.....-.sseeer ee eneser creer eeereereees 5 ; 2 : IN GVA icra cele eiee oeers elotnisiexai Any rate 10. |No usury law.-.-.-seesseceecee weet ncccincecen nrc eee see e cect: - 4 0 aa New Hampshire......---.+:- 6 6 |Forfeiture of three times excess CHT OCs crstacte ore cer re leieteteleter= tecctonsrere i= p . a fae New Jersey...---+seeereees- 6 6 |Forfeiture of all interest charged amd Cost.....+++ ++2ssseeseerseees } i i a We we MIESICO! oe are- cipher nl eine 12 6 |Forfeiture of double interest collected, also misdemeanor......-.----- 6 ‘ Me uo Now Wolke oe welche: 6 6 |Forteiture of principal and interest, also misdemeanor.....-----2+-2: 6 3 a 50 North Carolina......++.--»-. 8 6 |Forfeiture of all interest; if paid recover back double amount.......-- 30 : ales Obiole cee dacs ete ara 8 6 |Forfeiture of all interest in excess of six per cent..----++-+++++++++0> 15 ° i a Ore on eo ee, oe tes 10 8 |Forfeiture of principal and interest to eel inbhvelos5ag ace vaoueHocne 4 . a 30 Bennerlvania Bic rnietetesmeiriere 6 6 Forfeiture e* excess above Six per Cent.....-.2:eeeeeeereeeresertrers é P a a0 miaeie istene orotate rate. 6 Or LISUINy LAW ciel ete eielafe.e eee: 10 wleleleval! erefegnne @ (ernie 8 sir) ievaisho sled myaiene losin 2 2 eens aaa An ee an 10 i Porteitare of all interest; if sued double amount.........+.++++-see=> é p 20 a Tennessee Sveti Pas enews eniaiats 6 6 |Forfeiture of interest in excess of legal rate: 7 a eeee mare lie keleVelier= = afeneis) ce lelnu>yhas=\cichel Care acne Wasting tone! eee a ee 3 Forfeiture of all interest in excess of six per cent...+++++++-+eerer0: » ae x , ay SWRECOR AHI Bee ceca 10 7 \¥orfeiture of all interest; if collected back treble the amount......--- 8 i al ol Wyoming Territory ..------- Any rate. 19) al Nov usury, lauwins cere ore cereicisis nie om cclacers cbohotale cletelcderesotsieicyorsieis svenmeencoeienancuees F foreign judgments outlawed in five years. gq statutory exceptions making time less. | h may be renewed five years without notice. é for goods sold. j if witnessed, twenty years. k note must be witnessed l applies to mortgage ; other real estate m Fereien judgments. years o real estate note ten iS. : p may be renewed by issuing execution every fiv and in hands of original payee. actions twenty years. m applies to real estate mortgages: other real estate actions may be 20 years. q real estate actions for title. r if witnessed fourteen years. s applies to mortgages ; other real estate t west of Alleghany mountains ten years. u applies to store accounts only. » foreign judgments ten years. w foreign judgments two years + may be $300, reports differ; amount paid. . *Legal disability of cl ose column, to bring actions for tit] 4 may be 1% per cent per month; Say 60. one party reports reports e. actions may be fifteen yearse after residence in Territory: lifter. : another penalty three times aimant gives ground for longer time than stated in this 6 eee ee“THE EVERY OFFIC FAVORITE.” EXEMPTION LAWS. THE EXEMPTION LAWS FOR ALL THE STATES AND TERRITORIES, COMPILED BY BE. E. CLARK, Esq., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, DES MOINES, IOWA. The property indicated in this Chapter is declared to be exempt from sale under execution by the laws of the States and Territories named. ——— ALABAMA .—The homestead of a resident not exceeding two thousand dol- lars in value, including not more than one hundred and sixty acres outside, or any lot with improvements inside of a town or city. It is liable for mechanics’, laborers’ or vendors’ liens, and can be sold or mort- gaged only by an instrument signed by both husband and wife. Personal property to be selected by the debtor to the amount of one thousand dol- lars; a church pew; cemetery lot; family clothing; books and portraits; and, wages due for personal services at a rate not exceeding twenty-five dollars per month. Waiver of exemptions may be made in written contract. ARIZONA.—Homestead consisting of dwelling house and the land on which it is situated, with water rights, etc., not ex- ceeding five thousand dollars in value, is exempt from debts contracted since 1878; or outside the Territory. Hxemption does not extend to taxes, mechanics’, vendors’ or mortgage liens. No sale or encum- brance is valid unless signed by husband and wite. Household goods and domestic imple- ments not exceeding six hundred dollars in value; wearing apparel; arms in use; pictures; one musical instrument; church pew and burial lot; two cows; ten sheep; five hogs; provisions and fuel for six months. The tools, team, etc., necessary to enable the debtor to conduct his usual occupation not exceeding six hundred dol- lars in value. No chattel mortgage on exempt property, except tools, etc.. is valid unless signed by both wife and husband. ARKANSAS.—Homestead of eighty acres of land; or, of a city or town lot one-fourth acre in extent, with improve- ments, without regard to value; or of one hundred and sixty acres, or one village acre, provided the value does not exceed twenty-five hundred dollars. It is liable to sale for purchase money, specific liens, improvement liens, taxes, and for money received in a fiduciary capacity. A waiver of homestead rights when debt is con- tracted is void. Personal property of the value of five hundred dollars, to be selected by the debtor, and wearing apparel, is exempt to the head of a family; and to others the value of property exempt is two hundred dollars and clothing. CALIFORNIA .—The homestead com- prising land and the dwelling house there- on, not exceeding five thousand dollars in value to the head of the family, or one thousand dollars to any other person. Se- lection must be made in writing by debtor and recorded. Is liable for judgments rendered before filing of selection, and for mechanics’, vendors’ and mortgage liens. Sale or abandonment of homestead must be by written instrument signed by hus- band and wife. Chairs, tables, desks and books to the value of two hundred dollars; household furniture, wearing apparel, pictures, por- traits, and provisions for three months; three cows and calves, four hogs and their pigs, with food for same for three months; farming implements, team, harness and wagon; seed, grain and vegetables re- served for planting to the value of two hundred dollars; seventy-five bee hives; tools of a mechanic or artisan; books, in- struments, etc., of professional persons; dwelling and tools of a miner, not exceed- ing five hundred dollars in value; teams, harness and wagon, by the use of which a ‘teamster, etc., habitually earns his living; poultry worth twenty-five dollars; earnings by personal service for one month; life insurance, the premiums on which do not exceed five hundred dollars annually; fire- arms required to be kept, and one gun, and property held for public use. COLORADO.—A homestead is secured to the head of a family, exempt from debts contracted since February 1, 1868, of the value of two thousand dollars, so long as occupied by the owner or his family. It may be set apart by the debtor by entry on the margin of the record of his title papers. Wearing apparel, family pictures and library; church pew, burial site, beds and bedding, stoves and cooking utensils, and other furniture of the value of one hun- dred dollars; provisions and fuel for six months; tools, implements and stock in trade to the amount of two hundred dol- lars; library, etc., of professional man worth three hundred dollars; working animals to the extent of two hundred dollars; cow and calf, ten sheep, and farm implements of the value of fifty dollars; and personal earnings for thirty days. CONNECTICUT.— By a law ap- proved April 23, 1885, the dwelling of a debtor to the extent in value of one thous- and dollars is exempt from all debts con- tracted after the owner has claimed such homestead by a declaration duly acknowl- edged and recorded, so long as occupied by such owner or his family. To any person is exempt his clothing and furniture necessary to support life; military equipment; pension money; 1m- plements of debtor's trade; library of the value of five hundred dollars; a cow, ten sheep, two hogs and poultry. Tothe head of a family, household stoves and fuel; the horse and vehicle of a physi- cian; the boat and implements of a fisher- man not exceeding two hundred dollars in value; sewing machine in use; and earn- ings of gebtor to the amount of twenty- five dollars, or ten dollars if single; also sick benefit from aid associations. DAKOTA .—Homestead to a resident family comprising dwelling house and one acre of land within a town plat; or, one hundred and sixty acres outside. Is liable for taxes, improvement liens, and purchase money. Is lost by abandonment. Can- not include a gold or silver mine; and if applied to a mineral claim cannot exceed one acre in extent. There is absolutely exempt; family pic- tures; pew and burial lot; family lhbrary of one hundred dollars in value; family clothing; provisions and fuel for one ear. The debtor may select in addition, prop- erty to the extent of fifteen hundred dol- Jars which is exempted to him, or, he may elect to hold books or musical instruments of the value of five hundred dollars; house- hold furniture of the value of five hun- dred dollars; three cows, ten hogs, two teams, one hundred sheep, and lambs under six months, and wool of same, and food for one year; a wagon, sleigh, two plows, one harrow, and farming implements of the value of three hundred dollars; tools of mechanic and stock in trade of the value of two hundred dollars; and library and instruments of professional persons worth not over six hundred dollars. All property is liable for purchase money, and all except that absolutely exempt is liable for debts for labor or physician’s bill. DELAWARE.—Family library, pic- tures, pew, lot in burial ground, family wearing apparel, and sewing machine in use, are exempt throughout the state. Tools, ete., necessary to carry on the debt- or’s business are exempt to the extent of fifty dollars in Kent county, and of seven- ty-five dollars in other counties. House- hold goods of the value of one hundred and fifty dollars are exempt in Kent county and any personal property of the value of two hundred dollars and wages for labor in New Castle county. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.— Wearing apparel to all persons. To heads of families, household furniture not ex- ceeding three hundred dollars in value, and provisions and fuel for three months; tools and stock in trade or business, of two hundred dollars in value; library and in- struments of professional man or artist to the extent of three hundred dollars; horse or yoke of oxen, harness and wagon, and farm tools of the value of one hundred dollars; family pictures and library worth not over four hundred dollars; a cow, hog and six sheep; and earnings for two months not exceeding one hundred dollars per month. All property except clothing, furniture and provisions subject to sale for debts due for wages of servants, com- mon laborers or clerks. FLORIDA.—Homestead of one hun- dred and sixty acres, or if inside the limits of a city or town, of one half an acre. If in town it shall not include other im- provements than the residence and busi- ness house of the owner. Can be conveyed only by signature of both husband and wife, if that relation exists. Hxemption may be waived. Liable for taxes, purchase money, for improvements and labor. Personal property to the extent of one thousand dollars in value and money due the head of a family for personal services. GEORGIA.—From debts contracted since 1877, there is exempt real or personal property or both to the value of sixteen hundred dollars, which exemption may be waived except as to household and kitchen furniture of the value of three hundred“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” EXEMPTION LAWS. dollars. It is liable for taxes, purchase money and improvements thereon. In addition, there is exempt a sewing-machine, wagon and household and kitchen fur- niture of the value of one hundred and fifty dollars. If the debtor elects he may have exemp- tions in detail under laws in force when this provision was enacted. IDAHO.— Homestead consisting of dwelling and Jand on which situated, not exceeding five thousand dollars in value, may be held free from debt contracted since January 13,1875, when a selection has been made by written instrument duly recorded, is held by the husband and wife as jomt tenants, and is not exempt from debts for purchase, improvement or mortgage liens. Chairs, tables, desks and books of the value of one hundred dollars; household and kitchen furniture, sewing-machine, clothing, family pictures, provisions for three months, two cows with calves and two hogs with pigs. Farming implements of three hundred dollars in value; team, harness and wagon; seed, grain and vegetables for planting of the value of two hundred dollars; tools of mechanic; seal and records of Notary; and books and instruments of professional men. The cabin and dwelling of a miner of the value of five hundred dollars, and mining tools worth two hundred dollars. The team, wagon and harness by which the debtor earns his living; personal earnings for thirty days; shares in homestead asso- ciation; and proceeds of his insurance where premium does not exceed two hun- dred and fifty dollars per annum. ILLINOIS.—Homestead, to the extent of one thousand dollars in value, in the farm, or lot of land and buildings thereon occupied as a family residence, exempt from all debts except taxes, purchase money and improvements; may be waived by written instruments or abandonment. Proceeds of sale are not subject to levy for one year and may be invested in new homestead. Wearing apparel, Bibles, school-books, family pictures and one hundred dollars’ worth of property selected by the debtor. If the debtor is the head of a family, three hundred dollars’ worth of property may be selected, but. cannot select money due him for salary or wages. No exemption from a debt for wages due a laborer or servant. INDIANA.—Property, either real or personal, to the amount of six hundred dollars, is exempt from execution for debts founded on contract since May 31, 1879; prior to that date three hundred dollars. Not exempt from liens for labor, purchase- money or taxes. The wages of laborers are not subject to attachment. IOWA.—Homestead of forty acres, or half an acre in town or city, and dwelling- house and appurtenances thereon. If thus limited the value is less than five hundred dollars, it may be enlarged to that value. May be sold for taxes, purchase-money, improvement liens, and for debts con- tracted prior to its acquisition, or for which it is made liable by written contract signed by husband and wife. Is liable if abandoned as a residence. To the head of a family, wearing ap- parel, gun, private library, pictures and musical instruments not kept for sale, pew and burial lot; two cows and calf; one horse; fifty sheep; six stand of bees; five hogs and pigs under six months; one acre of flax and product; bed and bedding for each two in the family; one hundred yards of cloth made by defendant; house-hold and kitchen furniture not over two hun- dred dollars in value; instruments of domestic labor kept for use; provisions and fuel for six months; the tools, instru- ments or books of a farmer, mechanic, surveyor, clergyman, lawyer, teacher or pro- | fessor; the horse or team, wagon and har- ness by the use of which a physician, pub- lic officer, farmer, teamster, or other laborer earns his living; and to a printer, material not to exceed twelve hundred dol- lars in value. Pension money andinvestments thereof. No exemption for purchase-money. To one not the head of a family is exempt wearing apparel and trunk, pension money and interest of same; and to a seamstress a sewing-machine. K ANSAS.—Homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of farming land, or one acre within an incorporated town or city, occupied as a residence by the family of the owner, and improvements thereon. Liable for taxes, purchase and improve- ment. Family library, pictures and musical in- struments used by the family; pew and burial lot; wearing apparel, and household furniture, and domestic implements not exceeding five hundred dollars in value; two cows, ten hogs, yoke of oxen and horse, or, two horses or mules; twenty sheep and wool therefrom; feed for stock for one year; farm utensils to the value of three hundred dollars; provisions and fuel for one year. Tools kept for carrying on the trade or business of debtor, and stock in trade to the amount of four hundred dollars; library, implements and office furniture of a professional man. To one not the head of a family, wear- ing apparel, pew, burial and lot; tools and stock in trade; and library, etc., of a pro- fessional man. KENTUCK Y.—Homestead of so much land, including the dwelling house owned by the debtor, as shall not exceed one thousand dollars in value; subject to sale for mortgages or purchase money and for debts existing prior to the purchase or im- provement of the land. Exemptions of personal property are set out in much detail, including wearing apparel, household furniture, tools and implements, team and farm implements; two cows, ten sheep, provisions for family and provender for stock, ete. Libraries and instruments of professional persons to the extent of five hundred dol- lars; tools of mechanic to the amount of one hundred dollars; horse and cart to laboring man, and wages not to exceed fifty dollars. The last not to apply to debts for food, raiment or family house rent. LOUSIANA.—Property to the extent of two thousand dollars, consisting of land and buildings occupied by the head of a family; a horse and wagon; a yoke of oxen; two cows and calves; twenty-five head of hogs, or, one thousand pounds of pork; corn and fodder for the year; and necessary farm implements. Husband not entitled when wife owns property to the amount of two thousand dollars. Written declaration of intention to claim exemp- tions must be sworn to and recorded. There is also exempt clothing, kitchen and table furniture, beds and bedding, family portraits, musical instruments in use, tools, etc., by means of which the debtor makes a living; income of total property or estate of minor child, labor- er’s wages and salary of an officer. MAINE.—A lot of land and dwelling house and out buildings thereon, occupied by the owner whois the head of a family, is exempt to the extent of five hundred dol- Jars in value, from any debt contracted after a claim for such homestead has been made and filed in the Registry of deeds. Wearing apparel, fifty dollars’ worth of household furniture; bed and bedding for each two persons, library worth one hun- dred and fifty dollars, all produce growing; provisions and fuel; half acre of flax and product; tools of trade and sewing machine worth one hundred doilars; pair of oxen or horses; hay and harness; sled, two cows, ten sheep, domestic fowls, farming imple- ments end boat. Insurance policies where premiums do not exceed two hundred and - fifty dollars per annum. MARYLAND.— Wearing apparel; me- chanical text-books, and books of profes- sional men; tools of mechanics; and all tools, instruments or appliances moved or worked by the hand or foot, necessary to the practice of any trade or profession. One hundred dollars worth of personal property to be selected by the debtor is exempt from all debts except judgments for seduction or breach of promise. MASSACHUSETTS.— Every house- holder having a family has an estate of homestead in farm or lot of land and buildings oceupied by him as a residence to the extent in value of eight hundred dollars. The intent to claim must be stated in deed of conveyance, or in writ- ing duly executed and recorded. It is liable for taxes, purchase, sround rents and debts contracted before homestead claim is recorded. Family wearing apparel, beds and bed- ding, heating stove and twenty dollars worth of fuel; and other necessary house- hold goods not exceeding three hundred dollars in value; family library worth fifty dollars; sewing machine; provisions to the value of fifty dollars; military equipment; church and burial mghts; a cow, six sheep, one hog, two tons hay; tools, implements and fixtures necessary for trade or business worth one hundred dollars; materials and stock im trade to the extent of one hundred dollars; boat and tackle of fisherman of the same value; and shares in co-operative associations to the extent of twenty dollars. MICHIGAN.—Homestead not exceed- ing forty acres with dwelling house; or. one lot with dwelling within a recorded town, city, or village plat and not exceed- ing fifteen hundred dollars in value. Household goods to the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars; domestic imple-“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.” EXEMPTION LAWS. ments; church and burial rights; wearing apparel; arms and acoutrements; family pictures, and library of one hundred and fifty dollars in value. Ten head of sheep and fleeces; two cows; five hogs; provisions and fuel for six months and feed for ex- empt animals. Tools, materials, etc., to enable any person to carry on his trade, profession, or business, to the value of two hundred and fifty dollars. | Exemptions are much limited by recent act as against debts for labor. : MINNESOTA.—Homestead includ- ing not over eighty acres, a lot in a town or city of over five thousand inhabitants, or half an acre in a smaller town, with dwelling-house and appurtenances, occu- pied by owner or his family. Family pictures, library and musical instruments for use of family; pew and burial lot; family wearing apparel; furni- ture not exceeding five hundred dollars in value; three cows; twenty sheep and wool from same; ten hogs; yoke of oxen and horse, or, team of horses; food for stock one year; wagon and farm utensils worth three hundred dollars; sewing machine; grain necessary for one year’s seeding; provisions for one year; tools and instru- ments of any person, used for the carrying on of his trade; stock in trade not exceed- ing four hundred dollars and library and implements of professional man. Wages for ninety days not exceeding twenty dol- lars, and money received from insurance of exempt property. MISSISSIPPI.—Homestead not ex- ceeding one hundred and sixty acres in extent nor two thousand dollars in value, including land and buildings used as a residence. Not exempt for taxes, pur-| chase, material, or labor on same, or other | labor performed, or forfeited bail bond. The necessary tools of a mechanic or laborer; books of a student; implements of a farmer for two men; library and instru- ments of professional men to the extent of two hundred and fifty dollars; wearing apparel, arms, ete., of militia; rowing crop; team and wagon; colts under three years; two cows and calves; five hogs; five sheep; corn and provisions; wages of laborer, or mechanic to the extent of one hundred dollars; and household and kitchen furniture of the value of one hundred dollars. There is exempt to persons living in towns, cities, and villages personal prop- erty to be selected by the debtor to the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars. _ MISSOURI.—Homestead not exceed- ing one hundred and sixty acres in the country, nor fifteen hundred dollars in value; in cities of forty thousand or more, not over eighteen square yards of the value of three thousand dollars; in cities of from ten to forty thousand not over thirty square yards or fifteen hundred dol- lars in value; and in small cities, villages and towns, not over five acres of like | value. Wearing apparel and necessary tools of mechanic are exempt to any person. ‘Tio heads of families in addition, ten hogs; ten sheep and product; two cows; two plows and necessary farm implements for one man; two work animals; spinning wheels, looms ete., and product. Beds and bed- ding and other furniture worth one hun- dred dollars; military equipment; family provisions of the value of one hundred dollars; family books, gravestones, and pew. Professional persons may select books necessary to profession, and physi- cians their medicines, in lieu of other ex- emptions. No exemptions for taxes, purchase money, or wages of house servant or com- mon laborer, to the extent of ninety dollars if suit is brought within six months. MONTANA.—-A homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of agricultural land, or, one-fourth of an acre within the limits of town, or city, not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars in value; not exempt from mechanic’s liens or mortgage. Family clothing, chairs, tables, desks and books to the amount of one hundred dollars; all necessary household furniture; provisions and fuel for two months; sew- ing machine; one horse, two cows and calves, two swine and fifty domestic fowls. To a farmer, farming utensils not exceed- ing six hundred dollars in value; two oxen, or, horse, or mule, and harness; wagon; two cows; three months’ feed for stock; two hundred dollars worth of seeds, grain or vegetables, for planting; tools, instru- ments and books of. mechanic, dentist, lawyer or clergyman. To a miner, his dwelling to the value of five hundred dol- lars; tocls and machinery of like value, and team and harness used at the mine. One horse; or yoke of oxen by which the debtor earns a living; or by which a physician or clergyman makes professional visits, with three months feed; arms, ete., and thirty days wages. NEBRASKA.—A_ homestead with dwelling and appurtenances in which claimant resides, not exceeding two thous- and dollars in value and not over one hun- dred and sixty acres of land; or two lots within an incorporated town; subject to mechanic’s, laborer’s or vendor’s liens, or mortagage. ‘There is exempt to heads of families who have no homestead personal property to the amount of five hundred dollars. Family pictures, library, pew and burial lot; wearing apparel and furniture; one cow; three hogs and pigs under six months. To a farmer, a team; wagon; harness and other farm implements of fifty dollars value; provisions and fuel for six months, Tools and instruments used for carrying on the debtor’s trade or business; and the libraries and implements of professional men; and wages earned within sixty days. No exemption from money due for clerks’, laborers’ or servants’ wages, or money received by an attorney for the use of others. " NEVADA.—The homestead consisting of a quantity of land with dwelling and and appurtenances thereon, not exceeding five thousand dollars in value, exempt from debts except for its purchase, improve- ment, taxes or mortgages, Claim therefor must be made in writing, acknowledged and recorded. Chairs, tables, books and desks to the value of one hundred dollars; household furniture, provisions and fuel for one month; farming utensils of farmer, and seed for planting of the value of two hun- dred dollars; a team, two cows and feed for one month and wagon; tools of mechanie; instruments and library of professional persons; dwelling of mmer, and tools and appliances of the value five hundred dol- lars each, and team used in mining; team, wagon and harness by the use of which a teamster or laborer earns a living; horse, harness and vehicle of physician or min- ister; arms, etc.; and sewing machine kept for use. NEW HAMPSHIRE.—An unmar- ried person, and the wife, widow and child- ren of every person owning a homestead are entitled to so much of said homestead, as does not exceed in value five hundred dol- lars, and the life estate of a husband in deceased wife’s property is also exempt to that extent. Family wearing apparel, beds, and bed- ding; household furniture of the value of one hundred dollars; cooking stove and furniture, sewing machine and library to the value of two hundred dollars; militia equipment; provisions and fuel of the value of fifty dollars; tools of debtor's occupation of the value of one hundred dollars; yoke of oxen or, horse; one cow, six sheep and fleeces; one hog, one pig, and pork of same; domestic fowls worth fifty dollars; four tons hay; church pew and burial lot. NEW JERSEY.—To a householder having a family there is exempt the lot and buildings owned and occupied as a residence by the debtor to the value of one thousand dollars. If claim of home- stead is not stated in the conveyance, a notice thereof must be made, recorded and published. Liable for taxes, purchase price, improvements, or debts contracted before notice given. Wearing apparel, and goods and chat- tels of the value of two hundred dollars are liable to sale for purchase money only in the hands of debtor having a family. NEW MEXICO.—Land and buildings owned and occupied as a residence by the head of a family to the: extent of one thousand dollars. Family clothing, bedding, fuel for thirty days, books and religious pictures used by the family; provisions to the amount of twenty-five dollars, and kitchen furniture to the value of ten dollars. Tools and im- plements necessary for debtor's trade or business, not to exceed twenty dollars in value. NEW YORK.—A lot of land, with one or more buildings thereon, not exceed- ing in value one thousand dollars, owned and occupied as a residence by a house- holder haying a family, is exempt from sale for debts except for taxes, purchase money, or debts contracted before the designation of the property as a home- stead, which must be done in the convey- ance by which it is acquired, or by notice duly acknowledged and recorded. Sewing machine, spinning wheels, looms and stoves kept for use in a dwelling; fam- ily Bibles, school books, pictures and other books to the extent of fifty dollars; pew and burial ground; wearing apparel; beds, cooking utensils and other items of house- hold goods; cow; two swine; ten sheep and product; feed for animals and provisions for family, and fuel and lights, for sixty“THE EVERY OFFICE days; tools of mechanic to the value of twenty-five dollars. Necessary household furniture; working tools and team; feed for team for ninety days; professional instruments, furniture and library not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars. NORTH CAROLINA.—Homestead ot a resident to the extent in value of one thousand dollars. Liable for taxes, pur- chase price, and improvements. Personal property to be selected by the debtor to the amount of five hundred dol- lars in value. OHIO.—A homestead may be held by the head of a family not exceeding one thousand dollars in value. One not own- ing a homestead. may hold other real or personal property to be selected by him to the amount of five hundred dollars. These exemptions do not apply to taxes, vendor's or mechanic's liens, mortgages, or claims for labor. Unmarried women may hold wearing apparel; sewing and knitting machines; and books worth twenty-five dollars. Head of a family, wearing apparel; bed- ding; stoves; and fuel for sixty days. cow, or in lieu thereof thirty-five dollars in furniture; two hogs, or fifteen dollars in furniture; six sheep, or fifteen dollars in furniture; religious and school books and pictures; provisions worth fifty dol- lars; househould and kitchen furniture worth fifty dollars; tools and implements of debtor to the value of one hundred dol- lars; personal earnings for three months; cabinet of science or natural history; horse, harness, and dray of a drayman; horse or yoke of cattle, gear and wagon of a farmer; horse, saddle and bridle, books, medicines and instruments of a physician to the value of one hundred dollars. OREGON.—Wearing apparel to the value of one hundred dollars, and fifty dollars additional for each member of the family; books, pictures and musical instru- ments to the amount of seventy-five dol- lars; tools, implements, team, etc., neces- sary to enable the debtor to carry on the trade, occupation, or profession, by which he earns his living to the value of four hundred dollars and feed for team for six- ty days. Two cows; ten sheep and wool therefrom; household goods the value of three hundred dollars; feed for animals and provisions for family six months; pew and arms allowed by law. All articles are liable for purchase price. PENNSYLVANIA.—Real or _per- sonal property to the value of three hun- dred dollars is exempt from judgments founded on contract. There is also exempt the wearing apparel of the debtor and his family, Bibles and school-books, and a sewing machine kept for use. No exemption from judgments for wages of fifty dollars or less. RHODE ISLAND.—Family wearing apparel; household furniture and family stores of the value of three hundred dol- lars; books for family use of like value. working tools necessary in usual occupa- tion to the extent of two hundred dollars; a cow and one and a half tons of hay; a hog and pork from same; military equip- ment; pew and burial lot; seaman’s wages; debts secured by bill of exchange or prom- FAVORITE.” issory note; wages of debtor not over ten dollars, and wages of his wife and chil- dren. _ SOUTH CAROLINA.—A homestead in lands not exceeding in value one thous- and dollars with the yeazly product of same. The homestead is liable for taxes, vendor's and improvement claims, and its product is liable for provisions and other articles purchased and advances made to be used in the production of same. Personal property to the extent of five hundred dollars is exempt to the head of a family. _ TENNESSEE.—The head of a family is exempt from all debts, except for taxes, purchase and improyement, a homestead not exceeding one thousand dollars in value to be selected by the debtor. There is also exempt numerous specified articles of household and kitchen furni- ture; books, provisions, seeds, grain, do- mestic implements and animals; team of horses and oxen, wagon, harness, etc., and farming tools; necessary tools of a | mechanic, and two hundred dollars worth of material, lumber, or products of his labor; three hundred pounds of tobacco in the hands of the producer; and wages of mechanic or laborer to the amount of thirty dollars. No exemption for debts for taxes, fail- ure to work roads, fines for illegal voting or dispensing liquors on election days, or carrying concealed weapons. TEX AS.—Homestead not exceeding two hundred acres, which may be in one or more parcels, or real property in town or EXEMPTION LAWS. worth five hundred dollars and his tools to the amount of two hundred dollars; team, wagon and harness by which debtor earns a living; horse, harness and vehicle of physician or minister; one half of per- sonal earnings for sixty days if necessary. Money arising from insurance on debtor's life; and arms, ete., required to be kept. VERMONT.--The homestead of a householder or head of a family not ex- ceeding five hundred dollars in value, with the rents, issues, profits and products there- of, is exempt from sale except for taxes and debts existing at.the time of filing for record the deed of such homestead. Such apparel, bedding, arms, and arti- cles of household furniture as may be nec- essary to sustain life. Sewing-machine; cow; hog and meat of same; ten sheep and one year’s product thereof; provisions, fuel and forage for exempt animals; me- mentoes of military service; growing crops; three bee-hives, poultry worth ten dollars; pictures, family books and pew; books and instruments of professional men, wa- gon, sled, harness and team worth not over two hundred and fifty dollars, and tool-chest of mechanic. VIRGINIA.—F amily Bible, pictures and books not exceeding one hundred dol- lars in value; pew and burial lot; wearimg apparel; beds and bedding; stoves and ap- pendages, with various articles of house- hold and kitchen furniture; provisions and forage; horse, cow and three hogs; sewing machine; tools of a mechanic not exceed- ing one hundred dollars. Farmer may hold yoke of oxen or team city not exceeding five thousand dollars in | of horses; wagon, harness and other farm value, used as a residence or place of busi- tools. ness. Liable for taxes, purchase money or improvements made by consent of wite; mortgage on homestead not valid unless for purchase or improvement. To one not the head of a family, wear- ing apparel, a horse, saddle and briddle, a burial lot, and tools, books, ete., belonging to his trade. To the head of a family in addition, household and kitchen furniture; imple- These exemptions can not be waived in contract. Also, real and personal property of the value of two thousand dollars, subject to debts for rent, taxes and costs, purchase, or for services rendered by common laborer or mechanic; and for money received by attorneys and others in a fiduciary capac- ity. WASHINGTON.—Homestead to a householder, being the head of a family, ments of husbandry; family portraits, pic-| not exceeding in value one thousand dol- tures and library; five cows and calves; two yoke oxen; two horses and wagon; lars, while occupied by him or his family. Family apparel; private library not over carriage or buggy; twenty hogs; twenty | five hundred dollars in value; keepsakes; sheep; provisions and forage and necessary harness. bridles and saddles. UTAH.—There is allowed to the head of a family a homestead, not exceeding one thousand dollars, and the further sum of five hundred dollars to his wite, and two hundred and fifty dollars for each other member of the family. Chairs, tables, desks and books of the value of two hundred dollars; necessary household furniture of the value of three hundred dollars; family paintings, and provisions for three months; two cows and calves, two hogs and all pigs; team, wagon and harness; food for animals sixty days; farming implements worth three hundred dollars; seed, grain and vege- tables to the extent of two hundred dollars; tools of mechanic or artisan not over five hundred dollars in value; seals and records of a notary; library, of physician, surveyor or dentist; library of minister; library and office furniture of 0: cabin of miner|one thousand dollars in value exempt from attorneys and judges; bed and bedding, and other household goods of the value of five hundred dollars; Ewo cows and calves, five swine, two stand bees, thirty-six fowls and forage for six months; provisions and fuel for six m onths. In lieu of animals the debtor may select other property of the value of two hun- dred and fifty dollars. To a farmer, span of horses or two yoke bof oxen; farm implements worth five hun- dred dollars; one hundred and fifty bushels of wheat, oats and barley; fifty bushels of potatoes and ten of onions, peas and corn. The tools, etc., of a mechanic worth five hundred dollars; library of pnysician worth five hundred dollars, and horse, buggy, instruments and medicine, worth two hundred dollars; the library of attor- neys and other professional men worth one thousand dollars and office furniture; instruments and chests | teams, implements, boats, etc., of a dray- man, teamster, logger, lighter, ete. WEST VIRGINIA.—Homestead of“THE EVERY OFFICE debts except for purchase or improvement taxes, and debts contracted prior to the recording of the claim to such homestead. Personal property to the extent of two hundred dollars in value. Mechanic, arti- san or laborer may hold working tools of the value of fifty dollars, but no one per- son shall have as exempt over two hun- dred dollars. WISCONSIN.—Homestead of forty acres, or of one fourth of an acre included in a town or village, with dwelling house and appurtenances is exempt from debts except those for laborer’s, mechanic’s or purchase money liens, mortgages and taxes. Family pictures, library, pew, wearing FAVORITE.” apparel, and household furniture of the yalue of two hundred dollars; two cows, ten hogs, yoke of oxen and horse, or two horses, ten sheep and product, food for stock one year; a gun, provisions and fuel for one year; wagon, harness and farm implements worth two hundred dollars; sewing machine in use; tools and stock used in trade to the value of two hundred dollars; printing press and materials to the value of fifteen hundred dollars, but four hundred dollars only as against wages; militia equipment; abstract books, patents, earnings for three months to head of fam- ily; insurance of exempt property, except homestead, and insurance on life of a minor payable to his parents. Shaver Wagon and Carriage Co.,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURERS OF EXEMPTION LAWS. W YOMING.—The head of a family is entitled to a homestead exempt from all debts, while occupied by the owner or his family, not exceeding fifteen hundred dol- lars in value and not including more than one hundred and sixty acres. Wearing apparel, family Bible, pictures and school books. Furniture, bedding and such other articles as the debtor may select not exceeding five hundred dollars in value. Tools, teams, implements and stock in trade of any mechanic, miner or other person, used to carry on his trade or business to the extent of three hundred dollars. The library and instruments of professional persons to the value of three hundred dollars. hactons, imp Seat es. A; Om = Mr’ 6 Surreys, J q pure SUOSEM WIR —— ‘SUOSRM Cc ( + BREWSTER SPRING BUGGIES. a AILIL WOIRTK MUILILY WAIRIRAN TED. OFFICE and FACTORY—119, 121 and 123 East Walnut St. TIMKIN SPRING BUGGIES. In f n fact we keep on hand and manufacture the Largest Assortment of Vehicles, of any Factory in the West. 2S AONE S, LOA REMINDER. satisfactorialy an“THE EVERY OEFICE FAVORITE” casp omnmnsuperss arm non 2S LA AN A GADSDEN (c. h.) P. O.—N. M.I Thorn- ton, J. R. Nowlin, W. J. Sibert, H. Herzberg, John §S. Paden, W. P. Lay, W. T. Ewing, Jos. Garner, B. B. Wharton, J. W. Duncan, J. H. Gardner, A. L. Woodliff, W. B. Edmondson, Thos. Edwards, W.J. Whisenant, M. L. Foster, W. P. Shaham, A. L. Burger, L. W. Dean, J. E. Wha- ley, Mike McCartney, I. P. Moragne, Luke Owens, T. A. Curry, W. A. Oliver, J. F. Sutton, J. BR. Hughes, W. S. Standefer, J. R. Cooper, J. R. Spurlock, Thos. Filbert, J. M. Moragne, J. R. Lancaster, J. P. Hollis, J. E. Berry, J. W. Mathis, David King, E. A. Branlett, W. N. Cown, James Brothers, W. H. Trippe.- ATTALGLA P. 0.—E. W. Cox, S. W. Cox, R. B. Rhea, R. B. Whorton, Wm. Ganis, M. A. Hughes, Jak Sitz, T. J. Watkins, D. A. Hughes, J. RK. Gilliland, John Dismuke, Allen Gray, J. W. Wesson, W. H. Rhea, Jess Ross, Thos. Rassen, M. E. Dozier, J. H. Lester, Wm. Whorton, John B. Moragne, P. J. Smith, Joshua Petit, J.C. Guth- rie, Geo. Cox, Wm. Trotter, C. F. Sharp, John Waters. HOKE’S BLUFF P. 0.—John H. Wisdom, W. H. Tatum, Wm. H, Boozer, Jas. Barnes, T J. Wofford, sr., M. L. Wofford, J. A. H. Cad- dell, Jas. Gidley, Jas. Young, W. N. Young, V. L. Studdard, Geo. Garmany, A. J. Waters, W. F. Barnes, Wm. M. Abel, W. A. Beard, M.S. Jones. BALL PLAY P. 0.—M. H. Wagnon, T. L. Wagnon, W. H. Archer, Wm. McMurtry, R. F. Turner, Balus Helms. COATS’ BEND P. 0.—A. J. Coats, Daniel Coats, T. S. Reese, Samuel Cowan, J. A. Mc- Cluney, Wm. Smith, M. J. Hall, A. J. Prator, John C. Edwards, John MeKinnon, J. D. Hooks, W. C. Baskin, P. M. Turner, J. B. Turner, John Hicks, R. B. Leath. OAK HILL P. 0,—John H. Croft, Jas. Wil- son, John C. Huff, H. 0. Sheppard, John Slack. BLOUNT SPRINGS P. 0.—Alexander Ada, BE. S. Botters, J. M. Bradford, eee be Byars, W. G. Byars, KE. R. Benson, Isaac Billings- lea, Isaac C. Compton, Wm. Compton, jr., Eugene Cline, John Crane, John W. Cox, R. W. Dial, J. E. Dubois, DeWitt C.’ Graves, W. M. Gamble, Isaac Hamilton, F. BE. Harrell, Isaac James, J. H James, W. W. McPherson, T. P. Porter, John KR. Perkins, Jasper Reed, Wm. Rice, D. P. Rice, John Rice, Brett Randolph, H. B. Robinson, Charles Saunders, Henry Saunders, J. T. Suydam, Gilford Shelton, David Sims, D. B. Thompson, Je Thompson, J. P. Willoughby, Ezekiel Williams. GUM SPRING P. 0B. M. Adams, John T. Arnold, E. C. Alldreage, Jasper Arnold, P. M. Adams, J. D. Arnold, B. F. Bullard, L. P. Best, S Pp. Brison, W. R. Bullard, W. V. Copeland, M. L. Calvert, N. J. Chambers, J. L. Curl, Wm. M. Chamblee, Wm. F. Chamblee, J. H. Dunlap, W. T, Dodd, K. T. Gable, W. M. Holly, Joseph John- son, Enoch Jones, W. FE. Jackson, Charles Cohlenburg, I. B. Moore, Jacob Moore, Re ls eut nam, Jas. ‘I. Price, Jas. Putnam, John C. Put- nam, Martin Ratlitf, P. H. Ratliff, S. W. Stearns, Vernon Warren, Wm. Warren. HANCEVILLE P. 0.—W. J. Alexander, Sp C. Alexander, Wm. Aycock, Joseph Bowors, ae W. Bynum, J. H. Bland, Roland Davis, J. C. Edwards, M. L. Edwards, J. A. Fannin, jee Foust, W. W. Fox, F. M. Gibbs, J. P. Green, Jas. Holland, Marion Mathews, W. J. Murphree, A. S Martin, D. M. Pruitt, M. L. Shannon, J. R. Self, Wm. Whaley, EH. R. Williams. BLOUNTSVILLE P. 0.—5. C. Allgood, G. F. Ballew, A. J. Brown, J. T. Casey, Seborn Cornelius, Jack Campbell, Zion Cornelius, D. H. Craig, J. P. Collins, D. A. Dunn, A. KE. Fields, Jonathan Faile, D. B. Graves, L. B. Graves, H. W. Graves, J. J. Good, W. M. Good, Joseph Holly, Wm. Holly, A. N. Hanby, John C. Hyatt, Win. H. Jetton, I. J. Lafon, J. L. Montgomery, Marion Nation, Richard Nation, J. D. Patterson, T (, Patterson, J. S. Speed, R. R. Smith, G. W. Spence, Reuben Sanders, 8. S. Thomas, ReAR Westbrook, C. F. White, Lewis Whaley. : BROOKSVILLE P. 0.—Rufus Allison, le M. Anderton, R. W. Alldvedge, J. BE. Buckalew. B. R. Berry, Henry Brooks, Jas. A. Brown, J. L, Copeland, A. O. Dickson, Te Mi Deavery Jin Et Deal, J. A. Gilbreath, Stephen Gunter, C. C. Gun- ter, J. P. Griffin, L. M. Hipp, L. W. Hipp, D. W- Hopson, W. H. Kemp, A. W. Lawrence, J. WV Norris, I. M. NeSmith, D. P. NeSmith, J. M. Prickett, L. H. Pettit, Alfred Russell, J. C. Shel- ton, Jas. Sivley, Ee Suttles, C. Whitworth. SUMMIT P. 0.—J. C. Brittain, D. E. Bryant, J. A. Cares, W. 8. Copeland, J. B. Dines, Eli Foust, J. B. French, R. G. Griffith, M. A. Gil- breath, Wm. Hensley, W. C. Howell, F. M. Hedgecock, T. J. Hinds, J. A. Hinds, Thomas T. Johnson, J. B. Murphree, H. L. Martin, C. C. Ne- Smith, W. P. St. John, G. A. Smith, A. U. R. Whorton, B. R. Williams. WYNNVILDLEP. 0.—R. A. Cox, J. N. Duke, J. FE. Greer, J. N. Holmes, W. H. Hyde, D. T. Hamner, W. J. Kimberly, J. S. Lamb, Z. Moore, T. K. McDonald, W. H. Ridgeway, J. T. Smith, Robert, Sage, W. B. Sanders, Jas. Scruggs, J. M. West, M. F. Wright. z MURPHREE’S VALLEY P. 0.—F. M. Armstrong, J. D. Amborson, W. W. Bryce, Toli- van Bynum, Elijah Bynum, B. M. Buckner, Jas. Carnes, G. B. Carnes, W. B. Clowdus, B. H. Ellison, John Foster, T. G. Foster, W. E. Hyatt, J. B. Hyatt, W. T. Hood, J. D. Hood, S. H. C. Johnson, F. E. Lowe, Daniel Murphree, P. A. Murphree, George Mitchell, P. B. Mitchell, J. 8. Robinett, G. B. Stephens, L. D. Stephens, Henry Whittley, Thomas Cornelius. OGEE P. 0.—Peter Clemens, G. J. Daily, Luke Hattley, G. F. Hullett, E. D. Harvey, W. F. Harvey, W. R. Jordan. CHEPULTEPEC P. 0.—I. H. Armstrong, W. B. Armstrong, Rufus Bynum, Uriah W. By- num, J. T. Box, S. T. Barnett, J. W. Burnum, G. BE. Crawford, John A. Dean, Stephen Ellis, J. H. Fendley, A. J. Griffiu, R. E. Ingram, A. J. In- gram, Jack Staton, Tapley Stephens. ANDERTON P. 0.—A. L. Blackwood, J. F. Bellenger, John Brown, John Blackwood, W. A. Cansey, Obed Ellis, A. J. Hanes, Franklin Hen- dricks, M. D. Mince, A. A. Murphree. HENAGAR P. 0.—Jas. Ward, P. Waldrap, B. Roden, J. Roden, Dock Pace, Ben Dalorimple, W. Newman, Geo. Newman, C. Smith, N. S. Davenport, Wm. White, Wm. Wright, H. Dea- ven, J. N. Winston, J. A. Nane, Geo. Lowry, Henry Long, L. Gardnuy, A. Deem, Wm. Deem, E. Mason, T. Davenport, C. Davenport, Henry Smith, Frank Davenport, Green Williams, de Wile Howard, James Moore, A. J. Moore, A. Grubbs, Geo. Igow, Jas. Igow, W.J. Day, jr., John Elliott. CORDELL P. 0.—Jas. Price, R. Price, sr., Thos. Larmore, C. F. Larmore, David Spring, H. Allme, Wm. Kieth, Jas. Rice, John Fisher, R. A. Steward, BE. J. Holiman, Wm. Chitwood, Sam D.| Johnson, Jos. Johnson, J. F. Thomason, William Hallewan, Jas. Lankford, Mat Green. GREENWOOD P. 0.—J. P. Keener, J. B. Rogers, Gabe Hill, Chas. Russell, John Stowers, Wash Keener, T. C. Galloway. EUFAULA P. 0—C. F. Massey, J. M. Thornton, R. S. Jones, J. W. Sheally, W. H. Pruett, J. W. Sparrow, John R. Hayes, J. S. Wilson, Taudy Toney, John Abney, Richard Wil- liams, William Willis, H. J. Irby, G@. W. Thomp- son, Sim Martin, John H. Poston, T. J. Reeves, Mose Alexander, William Cawthorn, Adolphus Powell, John C. McRae, H. M. Weedon, James T. Kendall, James Blackmon, W. N. Reeves, Dr. A. Ogletree, J. G. H. Martin, Lee Irby, John P. Foy, L. W. Foy, Robt. Cherry, S. H. Dent, George Dent, J. W. Tullis, Harmon Lampley, J. G. Guice, John R. Barr, G. W. Sparks, T. R. Sylvester, Doc Havwell, Emmett Lamar, A. Lane, F. J. Ulbright B. M. Williford, B. F. Hendricks, C. C. Shorter, B. H. Jackson, B. F. Franklin, William Eley, Elliott Thomas, John G. Hunter, John Engram, J. Thad. Doughtie, Thomas Doughtie, Thomas MeTyer, Thomas Stovall, B. B. Fields; J. 2: Gritfin, Eli Stephens, Isaac Wells. WHITE OAK SPRINGS P. 0.—J. Wyatt Reid, Dallas Stewart, D. L. Blair, D. H. Blair, P. P. Anderson, Hosea Bailey, H. Dowling, A. ye Dowling, John Stewart, James M. Orr, William Orr, M. M. Watson, Dan McKinnon, Dave Reeves, John McLeod, Daniel McLeod, John Johnson. BATESVILLE P. 0.—Thomas Weathers, G.M. Gade, Dozier Cade, J. W. Oattis, S. T. Margost, S. A. Powell, George Boyer, Moore, J. E. Moore, Thomas Smost, Samuel Whigham, F. D. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. G. Hort- man, William McLeod, James B. Boyer. COWIKEE P. 0.—lhomas Swanson, B. F. Long, J. M. Alston, William Alston, Dr. Judson M.| Davie, James H. Long, James R. Stewart, Webb auchn, A. C. Vaughn, Ab. Weaver, Pat Gary. Varga HILL P. 0—G. W. Williams, Dick Barbham, Riley Jenkins, J. W. Williams. HARRIS P. 0.—B. B. Corner, E. L. Grav T. J. Hudgens, Jones Gary, Henry B. wlonetices Joe M. Grant, Alex Adams, D. H. Bishop, W S. Bishop. ae Mt. ANDREW P. 0.—J. J. S. Willis, W. J. Fortner, J.J. Bradley, T. L. Criev, Edward Lott tales vineton Obe Whittington, T. B. Pat- erson, John C. White, Henry White, H. lling- worth, J. B. Lightner. Se eee CLAYTON (c. h.) P. 0.—John T. Grubbs, H. | Jno. Bell, J. ‘I’. Bell, Frank Farrier, T. J. Harrison, Hart Reynolds, J.T. Anglin, James Norton, Lanie Floyd. T. J. McCree, T. J. Green, Bob Green, Frank Grubbs, Green Grubbs, Page Floyd, J. J. Farrior, Frank Watkins, J. -T. Watkins, M. Blakey, S. Blakey, J. E. Fenn, Calvin Fenn, R. M. Laseter, B. A. Solomon, James Grubbs, J. C. Flournoy, James M. Hobdy, Walter Flournoy, W. H. Hortman, Henry Bradley, B. H. Jennings, Richard Fryer, Elic Cabels, W. S. White, H. D. Clayton, Joe Clayton, J. W. Warren, Dr. M. War- ren, John Ventress, Charles Spencer, A. L. Mar- tin, Zack Andrews, ‘I’. R. Parrish, M. H. Parrish, M.R. Hill, J. J. Winn, W. H. Nix, Travis Bush, J. M. Weston, W. A. Bishop, W. H. Dill, J. T. Floyd, R. H. Stephens, J. W. Efurn, Agustus Oliver, Peter Saunders, J. H. Blair, W. J. White, Thomas Blair, Lawrence Kennedy, 8. F, Lightner, J. M. Bowdon, Monroe Floyd, George Beasly, Thomas Green, A. T. Spence, J. BH. Crews. TUBB P. 0.—Babun Sanders, Alpheus Baker, Virgil Crawford, Ambrose Welborne, A. M. Mc- Alister, W. J. Moore, Jesse Moore. LOUISVILLE P. 0.—Seaborn Cummings, James Lampley, J.C. McRae, Dunkin McRae, G. W. Lee, Needham Lee, James Scroggins, James M. Grant, N. K. Stephens, James Baxter, C. C. Lee, Abraham Miles, William Seals. ELAMVILLE P. O—dArthur Redding, Thomas Baxter, Mark Patterson, James Burke, J. W. Faulk, Alfred Faulk. COLE RIDGE P. O0.—N. B. Coles, Leroy Upshaw, Peter Florence, Calvin Spence, Buck Price. SPRING HILL P. 0.—N. A. Smith, Angus McIntosh, H. J. Wiliamson, W. F. Crane, J. A. Henry, M. F. Davis. FORT PAYNE (c. h.) P. 0.—S. E. Dobbs, Mart Dobbs, D. B. Stewart, Jack Hammack, H. B. Campbell, Jordan Jackson, Jas. Jackson, A. B. Green, Wm. Lankford, Jolin McCurdy, Robt. Lankford, Andrew Reese, Oscar Russ, Wn. Crow, J. J. Hawkins, Jack Lankford, J. J. Durham, Jas. Durham, Arch. Falkner, P. M. Frazier, B. Black- well, Allen McSpaden, Sol Kean, C. P. Clayton, A.C. Parker, P. B. Frazier, J. A. Garrett, R. Dobbs, Wm. Smith, Wm. Hardcastle, C. Bell, Samuel McSpaden, Tho. Halleman. BRANDON P. 0.—H. W. B. Garrett, T. B. Garrett, E. Rogers, Wm. Rogers, V. C. Mackey, D. S. Killian, G. W. Killian, H. H. Brandon, John Killian, I. W. Hagler, Abe Durton, Jas. New- kirk, John Baxter, Willis Baxter, Wm. Edmon- son, D. J. Killian, W. Harelson, Thos, Hunt, I. D. Ward. LEBANON P.0.—P. P. Davis, J. L. Davis, P. C. Chitwood, Joel Chitwoood, I. T. Parker, =D: G. Robertson, A. G. Collins, D. D. Hughes, W. 1. Killian, Mack Bennett, Cam. Bagal, S. D. War- ren, Henry Warren, J. W. Stewart, ener cules Jef. Jack, H. L. Mockler, Jes. Salone, Win. May, R. G. Malon, R. Chitwood, P. Horton, J. B. Hor- ton, W. P. Stafford, F. M. Baxter, T. R. Jack- away, 1. Ryon, Thos. Jones, Sam. Simpson. PORTERSVILLE P. 0.—D. McBroom, M. Lewcy, Bent. Ward, B. A. Navalen, W. H. Clay- ton, Henry Williams, Solen Hard, Jas. Lackey, Wm. Lackey, (3. Dobbs, QL. Dobbs, H. W. B. Garrett. COLLINSVILLE P. 0.—C. C. Chitwood, Wiley Petty, Wm. Reed, Wm. Ciniard, Jacob Ciniard, A. Mackey, John Collins, Seot Collins, J. Masters, Sol Clayton, S. Slayton, Moses Newman, a TN. Appleton, J. B. Appleton, Scot. Nicolson, W. Beevens, A. B. Fidmare, J. Kidmare, Wm. Salone. FAVETTE (c. h.) P.O—Sam Appling, Joe Henry, H. M. Bell, J. B. Sanford, James Yervy, jo Ge Yerbys: Bi. AL. Cebine, J. H. Moore, JEG: Moore, Jule Glover, EB. B. Newton, W. Howton, TP. McConnell, J. C. Robertson, Robt. Robert son, T’. H. Davis, M. D. Wilks, Dan McConnelt.ARKANSAS. SHARCY (c.h.) P. 0.—T. J. Rodgers, L. G. Canfield, M. af Morris, R. Chrisp, J. E. Skillen, R. J. Rodgers, J. T. Key, G. W. Lewis, B. Black, I. M. Moore, S. Perry, I’. N. Slayton, W. A. Gar- nell, J. T. Hicks, D. G. Sowell, J. CU. Sowell, J. M. Talkington, Robt. Booth, R. H. Goad, Dok Smith, H. Blevens, G. Ll. Morris, Vis aly: Haley, J. W. Patterson, Shun Pettey, M. G. Pettey, Va tsh Booth, W. B. Ballew, Jas. Arnold, W. R. Coody. BEEBE P. 0—W. BE. Fisher, F. P. Laws, Joseph Piercy, W. B. Clark. 8. A. Westbrook. H. N. Beam, J. M. Battle, R. W. Canada, J. S. Smith, R. ©. Walker, J. W. Jones, W. H. Cora- dine, E. B. Norville, J. T. Caradine, J. R. Cara- dine. J. M. Davie, R. 5. Rodgers, D. C. Harris. JUDSONIA P., 0.—Willis Meadows, Jno. D. BeBois, P. L. Parker, C. C. Shepherd, T. P. ‘Tay- lor, R. V. Gray, D. W. Wheaton, Wilshire Riley, Christian Miller, R. H. White, C. Emde, Geo. T. Burton, J. W. Arnold, D. L. McLeod, William Searles, Robt. Denby, John S. Ladd, C. M. Forbes, G. W. Hanson, J. A. McCauley, J. S. McDear- mon, J. G. Young. BALD KNOB P. 0.—R. L. Gay, D. C. Duke, L. J. Dumas, J. F. George, N. Patterson, C. F. Land, H. C. Hester, Joseph Haskins, M. F. Dumas, J. R. Steward, H. S. Edwards, Green Steed, William Best. RUSS, oe 10.—Ds We Plant, i. J: Crocker, R. D. Jones, M. L. Watts, HL ASO PP. O.—C. P. Warren, M. L. Booth, T. M. Morton, L. C. King, T. J. Quick, J. P. Russ, J. R. Jenkins, G. W. McKinney, T. K. Nolan, J. L. Booth, W. D. Hopkins, Thomas | T Warren, Thomas C. Jones, L. B. Mills. CENTRE HILL P. O—P. B. Baugh, J. W. Smith, T. B. Ellis, T. P. Irwin, A. A. Gillam, J. H. Hodges, W. T. Key, W. M. Nichols, J. H. Grammer. BEE BRANCH P. 0.—B.F. Davis, Samuel Sneed, D. M. Philllps, William Johnson, G. W. Davis, J. A. Phillips, John Steward, Henry Goodman, J. M. Hudson, W. F. Kennedy, Wm. Grant, Jacob Hartwick, Thomas Parrish, C. Pen- ington, HK. D. Sanders, R. F. Parrish, Henry Gardner, Benj. Wally, J. R. Morgan, G. L. Far- mer, James Moore. QUITMAN P. 0.—M. D. Sowell, J. W. James, Thomas Edwards, D. 8S. Cargile, H. S. Scott, L. B. Chall. EGLANTINEP. 0.—P. R. Bradford, G. D. Hunt, R. F. Prisley, M. H. Hawkins, A. A. Ligon. N. Fulk, D. R. Eneglis, J. F. Gaddy, Frank Thomas, Lewis Bradford, Wm. Gibson, J. New- man, Asa Linn, W. K. Bradford, W. H. Gad- berry, G. W. Cullum, John Porter, Jordan Wood- ward, C. W. Wilt, N. H. Daniels, J. H. Lowry, Robert Collins, Martin Hootin, R. L. Gray, M. H. Brown, J, H. Eldridge, A. L. Matthews, G. J. Cullum, John Hinkle, Josh Weaver, W. W. Wil- liams, J. W. Bloodworth, W. T. Gibbons, Gilbert Cottrell, Richard Campbell, Wilt Jerry, D. A. Harkey, Wm. Lankford, S. F. Lesley. CLINTON (c. h.) P. O—C. T. Williams, D. A. Thompson, J. B. Fortner, W. A. Campbell, W. H. Bonds, John Caldwell, Thomas Cook, M. A. Johnson, W. R. Smith, Wm. Christopher, W. A. Fraser, T. C. Newman, B. F. Blackburn, S. H. Jordan, J.C. Goodman, Samuel Stephens, T. N. Simpkins, James Shelton, Hensley Samps, J. R. Shipps, J. K. Gaddy, John Bradley, Z. Thompson, W. L. Hargis, W. A. Boykin, A. B. Brittin, Sam W. Simpson, T. C. Newman, Z. A. Sandero, W. M. Peel, H. Greeson, T. V. Maddox, J. R. Dun- can, Wm. Hardy. SCOTLAND P. 0.—T. H. Jones, Robert Hall, Mark Lindsey, J. B. Foster, A. H. Under- wood, J. C. McElwee, Albert Martin, D. R. Gray- son, J. A. Medlock, Lewis Thompson, A. J. Rees J. A. Reynolds, F. G. Gardner. MARSHALL (c. h.) P.O.—N. J. McBride, B. Hensley, G. B. Greenhaw, Wm. A. Wyatt, Wm. M. Hays, A. R. Stephenson, E. D. Arnold, W. GC. Castleberry, T. E. Browne, J. L. Muire, John M. Russell, David Thomas, J. W. Morris, L. H. Wilson. POINT PETER P. O.—Henry Truitt, J. M. Cash, James Scott, James Jameson, C. R. Rob- erson, P. L. Wyatt. Jasob Arnold, J. M. Ruff, a puliran, We oe Hensley, J. F. H. Cristy 10mas Baker, T. J. Hendrix. S arling Hendrix. CALF CREEK P. 0.—B. Pr. Taylor, W. P. Hodges, Wm. Drewry, Wm. Jaco, Peter Gates. 9s “THE EVERY OFICE FAVORITE” sav» ovsens avoness srrsvors son Atkansas and Arizona. Oe ee ee WILEY’S COVE P. 0.—J. W. Stephenson, R. D. GC. Griffin, W. K. Elliott, Sam Leslie, Dayzd Boyd, J. W. Halsted, William Cummings, We Treece, Wm. Treadwell, Stephen Wallace, Wm. Bllis, Benj. Potter, C. C. Hatchett, Wm. P. Dan- iel, D. P. Ruff, J. W. Mathis, J. E. Shipman, Thomas Mcinturf, James Bratton, Benj. Bratton, W. L. Baker, Jobn McIntosh, Isaac Shipman, JE N. Shipman, J. F. Manuel. : PROVIDENCE P. 0.—I.. €. Morrison, J. G. Massey, T. W. Morrison, Nath Sutterfield, J. W. Morris, Perry Clark, James Martin, Jeff Mar- tin. Jesse Young, W. R. Tubbs. TOMAHAWE P. O.—R. L. Thompson, J. W. Lay, David Lay, Aaron Keeling, Leonard Keeling, J. M. Still, J. N. Keeling, Stephen Brackett, C. W. Granthum, Charles Moore Benj. Treece, H. C. Osborn, Abe Still, Dillard Cole. ST. JOE P. 0.--B. F. Henley, Thos. Garrison, M. L. Tyson, W. F. Henderson, J. W. Stills, Geo. Turney, Dr. Rogers, J. C. McNair, W. M. Mc- Nair, D. A. Robertson, James Tyler, J. L. Rus- sell, Wm. Sitton, Andy Still. HILLSBORO (c. h.) P. O—M. L. Jameson, CG. W. Stevenson, J. N. Smith, W. W. Smith, J. M. Webb, I. W. Williams, T. M. Gorman, R. W. McHenry, J. W. Burnside, M. Burnside, em Vie Newton, G. W. Hill, John Heavin, C. W. Heavin, G. W. Adams, R. N. Vines, Washington Vines, M. A. McHenry, Nathan Bussey, T. C. Terrell, John E. Hearin. ELDORADO (c. h.) P. O.—R. T. Good- wins alt JeaeNewton, Jeu. Wiricht) “Wee iR: Goodwin, H. W. Miles, T. S. Gresham, W. P. Simpson, D.O. Lamar, J. H. Miller, W. J. Pierson, . M. Pierson, H. C. Norris, B. R. Matthews, E. Mahoney, J. H. Pinson, J. E. Thompson, F. M. Smith, W. C. Langford, J. J. Johnston, R. A. Faulkner, J. M. Stevens, J. F. Shuler, George W. Shivers. CHAMPAGNOLLE P. 0.—N. T. Goodwin, E. T. Cook, J. W. Langford, Alex. Perdue, J. D. Staples, J. C. Goodwin, Peter Davis, G. C. Tatum, Jesse D. Murphy, J. Kimball, John Davis, W. R. Perdue, P. F. Matthews, Jones Amason, J. T. Amason, J. M. Kelly, J.S. Suggs, W. J. Suggs, M. W. Sullivant, N. Cutrer, M. Lambert, T. J. Smith, J. M. Ramsey, W. A. Betts, D. W. Ward, H. T. Thompson. NEW LONDON P. 0.—L. C. Burgess, R. J. Norsworthy, W.S. Terrell, G. Norsworthy, R. W. Brilbhart, 8. C. Boskin, J. B. Watson, W. S. Hill; L. J. Harmon, D. Barfield, J. C. Norris, G. B. Norris. BLANCHARD SPRINGS P. OR. Woolley, J. W. Cobb, J. A. Croswell, G. T. Cul- lens, A. B. Meek, J. W. Meek, G. M. Morgan, R. A. Wooley, G. T. Hale, J. H. Risinger, J. M. Risinger, C. S. Lauderback, W. C. Davis, Hosea Cobb, W. M. Hall, G. W. Tedford, John Cates. LISBON P. 0O.—J. W. Anderson, Charles T. Gordon, J. S. Anderson, J. W. Haword, Geo. W. Murphy, G. W. Yocum, Joseph Scott, A. T. Scott, A. Jetton, W. T. Yarbrough, R. J. Fairchilds, B. F. Graham, Levi Tanner, J. W. Young, J. P. Robinson, J. L. Graham, H. W, Smith. MT. HOLLY P. 0.—Washington McRae, Wm. Junkin, H. W. Lewis, J. A. Lewis, D. C. Chester, J. B. McRae, H. L. Horn, W.S. B. Par- ker, K. G. McRae, C. L. McRae, Charlie Crisp, J. H. Lagrone, A. 8. Morgan, E. L. Dews, W. T. Young, J. A. Morgan, J. B. Morgan. THREE CREEKS P. 0.—A. T. Morgan, R. A. J. Moore, G. W. Moore, W. H. Hill, jr., W. H. Hill, sr., W. M. Ruffin, J. K. Sheppard, W. H. Taylor, A. G. Hill, A. C. Jones, J. G. Bull, J. M. Britt, J. F. Gray, H. T. Britt. HUNTSVILLE (c. h.) P. O—W. R. Phillips, C. B. Sanders, C. K. Polk, E. F. Forest, L. W. Routh, G. W. Phillips, J. M. Hawkins, James Cain, G. C. Grimes, G. N. Heflin, William H. Bohanan, Joseph Peach, Sam. Reeves, Jushua Boren. HINDSVILLE P. 0.—G. J. M. Seitz, Cal- vin Evans, George Vaughn, Catlett Fitch, BE. P. Williams, Sam Lane, J.T. Hight, Alfred Smith, J. R. Southerland, A. W. Walker, R. L. Johnson, John Herndon, A. L. Thompson, J. D. Beavers, 'G. G. Rogers, Joseph Blackburn, W. J. Whitner, G. T. Berry. WESLEY P. O—J. P. Hight, Y. J. Baird, W. Rh. Lawson, Wm. Wilson, N. K. Shofner, M. D. Lucas, Henry Counts, John Jeffers, B. B. Davis, G. B. Gibson, J. M. Johnson, John Johnson. ARIZONA. SHOW LOW P. O.—Henry Huning, C. E. Cooley, John Bull, Chas. Strader. ST. JOHNS (c. h.) P. O—J.L. Hubbell, An- tonio Gonzales, Serafin Apodaca, Benigno Lopez, James Richey, Harris Baldwin, E. 8. Stover, Walter Darling, Emiterio Moreno, Gabriel Ar- mijo, D. K. Udall, Nat Greer, Sol. Barth, A. D. McIntosh, Rosalio Colomo, Roman Lopez, Jose Garcia, John Sherwood, C. L. Gutterson, W. B. Leonard, Louis Trauer, Jose Rubi, Ambrosio Ar- mijo, J. T. Lesneur, W. R. Tenney, Willard Farr. SPRINGERVILLE P. 0.—Dionicio Baca, E. C. Bunch, P. F. Clanton, A. V. Greer, Anthony Long, St. George Creaghe, Henry Smith, Ebin Stanley, Francisco Baca, Isaac Clanton, W.S. Atchinson, Luther Martin, Julius Becker. HOLBROOK P. 0.--W. F. Benson, Pedro Montano, E. L. Taylor, Nathan Barth, D. G. Har- vey, C. F. Putnam, Dayid Rape, Howard Perkins, Harry Sconse. FLORENCE (c. h.) P. O.—Aaron Mason, G. A. Stone, A. J. Dovan, J. Lannigan, J. M. Ochoa, Pat Holland, L, Remy, Thos. McClellan, P. R. Brady, J. D. Walker, H. Ballou, James Brash, Milton Warch, G. W. Sharp, Levi Rug- gles, G. M. Sharp, L. L. English G. A. Brown. DUDLEY VILLE P. 0.—G. M. Williams, Geo. Cook, Wm. Cunningham, Frank Shields, Harry Jones, C. D. Putnam. CASA GRANDE P. 0.—W. C. Smith, Jere Fryer, John C. Loss, Thos. Tomlinson, William Phelps, Jesse Mahen, Charles Whitloss. SILVER KING P. 0.—John Ludke, Jesse Brown, Robert Bowen, Robert Williams, Penny Wildman. PRESCOTT (c. h.) P. O—J. G. Camp- bell, Jas. M. Baker, T. L. Bacon, Levi Bash- ford, Robt. Connell, J. W. Clay, B. B. Crapo, P. M. Fisher, W. W. Hutchinson, Alex. Harris, Jas. H. Jordan, Wm. N. Kelly, M. A. Lawler, D. F. Mitchell, W. G. Oliver, Frank Parker, John A. Rush, John Raible, O. Allen, T. J. Butler, Fred G. Brect, J. E. Brown, E. J. Cook, Geo. W. Cur- tis, H. H. Carter, J. L. Fisher, M. T. Herzog, Geo. D. Kendall, Wm. Wilson, J. C. Otis, J. F. Osen- berg, W. C. Potts. SOLOMONSVILLE (c. h.) P. O.—I. E. Sol- omon, Frank Dysart, P. J. Bolan, F. Grijalba, Robert Nash, John Nash, C. R. Freeman, C. A. Fair, J. J. Acuna, Frank Tournes, Emil Viale, J. B. Besner, George H. Hyatt, A. Mejia, M. Mejia, P. Michelena, M. Hichelena, V. Alvarez, E. Soto, P. Palma, J. Aros, J. M. Carrasco, R. Chavarria, R. Serna, Wm. B. Fonda, H. Dowdle, John Dowdle, N. Solomon, J. E. Bailey, B. Palm, M Garcia, Jose Garcia, Frank Neese, J. D. Contreras, C. Elias, M. Pacho, A. Derrick, A. Solomon, Geo. H. Stevens, W. Barney, Miles Reay, M. Burela. SAFFORD P. 0.—E. D. Tuitle. James Mor- ris, C. Layton, J. C. Glasby, R. D. Lee, C. Mad- son, Alfred Welker, Adam Welker, Jno. Welker, Peter Anderson, A. Packer, George Morris, H. H. Tibbets, J. B. Groesbeck, J. D. Young, John Bennet, A. Stephens, I’. A. Kleyensteuber, J. Pace, John Moody, Sam Morris, D. Bennett, B. Peel, C. Olsen, J. Padilla, J.P. V. Garcia, M. Allred, R. A. Allred, D. Piru, D. Coffman. DUNEAE, P.O.—R. H. Knight, W. C. Brid- well. FORT GRANT P. 0.—C. P. Leitch, H. C. Hooker, Wm. Whelan, Wm. Telfer, Geo. El- dridge, F. M. Kelly, M. Swanger, M. L. Wood, N. A. Bell, C. B. Martin, H. H. Nutting, J. A. Williamson, Wm. Gillespie. DUNCAN P. 0.—L. Fisher, F. Fisher, W. C. Glenn, W. J. Parks, G. W. Parks, J. Gentry H. Collins, 8. Owens. PIMA P. 0.—H. Weech, John Taylor, John Foster, Jos. Cluff, Moses Cluff, G. Webb, Frank Tryon, Ff. W. Fuller, M. M. Curtis, L. N. Curtis, A.B. Kempton, John Nuttall, J. D. Dall, G. W. Wheatley, H. D. Norton, H. D. Dall, Samuel Dall, J. K. Rodgers, Alfred Baker, Jos. Craig. TOMBSTONE (c. h.) P. O.—C. S. Abbott, Arthur Alger, Frank Allen, F. H. Buckles, B. F. Boyle, T. E. Bropley, J..E. Bropley, B. F. Brown B.S. Blanchard, G. S. Bradshaw, W. W. Conner, J. E. Connor, R. B. 8. Clark, D. F. Hutchinson, J. M. Hennessey, W. H. Lee, J. A. Crowley, A. H. Davis, G. G. Gates, P. H. Herrington, H. C Herrick, John Hall, A. Mills. F. B. Mason. R. Morgan.: THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE”, scp OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR CoA Lx I i © RA SUTTER CREEK P. O.—Geo. Allen, H.C. Anderson, Angelo Biggio, J. H. Bon- ham, R. C. Downs, Peter Fagan, Giovanni Davide, Jesse Milliken, Giacomo Oneto, John ticks, J. W. Sibole, [saac Stevens, George Styles, Henry Sherwood, Wm. H. Turner, J. H. Tanner, Fred Werner. JACKSON (ec. hf.) P. O.—John Avis, E. Andrews, Andrea Arata, D. M. Boone, S. W. Bright, John Bellnomini, S H. Bartlett, G. Badaracco, J. Boyrie, T. Baccigaluppi, R. M. Ford, J. C. Walker, X. Benoist, A. Cami- netti, Joseph Cuneo, Martin Dotta, W. D. Dufrene, Robert Ellis, Joseph Ellis, John Fullen, Philip Gibbert, Gustave Froelich, G. Guscetti, Peter Ferrari, G. Gianinni, Frank Hoffman, 8. 8S. Hartrum, John Jelletich, M. Joy, Thomas Jones, J. G. Kinne, Z. S. Kirk- wood, Wallace Kay, Wm. Moon, D. Mattley, S. Molfino, J. D. Mason, J. M. Meyers, Daniel Maegher, J. C. Mello, Raymond Plasse, C. J. Ruffner, Nick Radovich, Fred Staats, W. A. Stowers, L. F. Walker, Jabez Wild, Ed Mul- doon, John C. Westfall, Fayette Mace, F. M. Whitmore, I. Rendall. IONE P. O,—Alexander Braddy, Charles Bergin, Charles Nurse, A. J. Amick, W..A. Amick, W. W. Atkinson, George Abbott, J. S. Amick, L. D. Aldrich, C. 8S. Black, O. But- ton, John Browning, N. A. Blume, J. F. Stewart, Philip Scott, Wm. Spray, Wm. Scully, Pat Scully. : WOODLAND (c. h.) P. O.—F. S. Free- man, J. W. Freeman, C. H. Dairsielle, A. D. Porter, J. D. Stephens, G. W. Hunt, L. D. Stephens, B. W. Stephens, E. R. Lowe, T. R. Lowe, W. B. Gibson, T. B. Gibson, A.G. Hunt; J. LT. Clanton, D. R. Clanton, A. G. Read, S. T. Clanton, R. H. Newton, J. R. Briggs, Jason Watkins, R. H. Beamer, Ferd. Schlieman, J.C. Ball, E.G. Hoernlien J. M. Rhodes, L. P. Everett, John Fredericks, W. IN, AOA, Gh dic pil die tsk Wyleira. IER Bullock, J. H. Harlan, W. Y. Browning, J. W. Browning, P. C. Fenner, N.Schardin, A. Steiner, W. E. Lowe, G. W. Griffin, T. P. Magee, John Hollingsworth, R. B. Blowers, H. P. Merritt, J. W. Brownell, M, O. Har- ling, Frank Jackson, A. D. Jackson, Basil Campbell, George Troop, Ferd. Seiferman, Geo. B. Woods, J. D. Lawson, John D, Lan- gender. COVELO P. O.—F. M. Asbill, Fred. Bourne, P. A. Deuel, Joel Eveland, H. A. Elared, G. Fitzgerald, Andrew Gray, E.S. Gibson, 8. Hernbrook, Philo Handy, D. T. Johnson, A, E. McCombs, L. D. Montague, J. G. Short, David Thomson, Jacob Upde- graft, G. B. Walker, Geo. KE. White, L. Wil- jiamson. CAHTO P. O.—W. H. A. Beattie, S. P. Beattie, L. Cassade, J. M. Dill, S. C. Holman, M. V. Helm, Jacob Lahin, Wm. McKenney, Jno. ©. Thathington, J. G. Wilson. WILLITS P. O.—Jacob Blosser, Jason Carner, E. F. De Camp, Allen Davidson, J. H. Felton, Wm. Fulevider, Wm. Harmon, Dan’l Lambert, B. G. Mast, H. L. Norton, W.C. Prince, J. G. Rowlison, E.R. Shimnin, J. G. Thompsou, Philo Tuck, D. H. Whited. WATSONVILLE P. O.—Jos. Albright, Pp. V. de Amesti, I. M. Rockuis, Charles Ford, R. Lf. Gallagher, Alfred Hughes, Chas. Kuhlitz, Samuel Mann, John Martin, A. Mendia, Francis Mora, I. T. Porter, W. H. Rowe, H. GC. Struve, J. Vebler, Peter Zillo. FELTON P. O.—Otis Ashley, J F. Cunningham, D. L. Kent, Addison Newell, P, C. Van Allen. SANA CRUZ G i») bo Almstead, John Brazen, H. M. Blackhern, L. K. Baldwin, J. Bernheim, C. Coppelmann, J. D. Chace, J. L. Cooper, Henry Cowell, W. T. Cope, BE. Dakan, A. H. Douglass, I. Evans, W. Effey, W. Ely, P. B. Fagen, D. F. Gardner, L. Gerichten, J. L. Grover, C. L. Hamlin, F. A. Hinn. DAVISVILLE P. O.—J. T. Lillard, By- ron Rogers, B. F. Leggett, F. W. Brown, 18l, H. Scott, J. L. Morgan, Geo. F. Cornish, An- drew McClory. WINTERS P. O.—A. Deirlbiss, J. D, Deirlbiss, H. Marshall, E. Egelbert, Wm. Se- nis, Adam See, J. O. Maxwell. WOQDFORD’S P. O.—W. D. Keyser, H. Bassinan, H. Neddenviep, F. Bruns, F. Neddenriep, F. Neddenriep, Jr., D. Heinsoth K. Jarvis, P. Vollum, J.C. Henningson, G. Gallanar, N. G. Gallanar, L. Barber, W. Young, J. Scossa, J. E. Johns, E, Trimmer, C. Dudley, W. Clogston, H. Martin, T. P. Hawkins, W. P. Merrill, B. Riley, W. Merk, D. R. Hawkins, E. Barnes, J. Sherman, F. W. Voight, Geo. Hanlan, W. R. Williams, A ECE B. Isaacs, E. Bemis, H. Berry, J. Ellis. UKIAH ce. hk.) P. O.—Samuel Orr, Jos. Elleage, C..H. Englest, Chas. Luce, James Hopkins, Jno. 8. Reed, W. J. Hilanth, Phillip Howell, John Cox, Jno. W. Burke, J. H. Burke, J. A. Burke, Sam Diddle, J. B. Mc- Clure, N. R. Burke, A. M. Burke, Jno. P. Hoffman Robt. Clark, L. M. Ruddick, D. P. Cowsent, C. H. Yates, TL. F. Beatie, T.S. Parsons, R. F. Hayworth, R. McGarvey, Wim. Higgins. M. W. Howard, B. Henderson, N. Bartlett, Z. Bartlett, D.G. Pitner, J. C. Reed. A. J. Gibson, 2: ds; Gibson= iW. A: Forse, Wm. Ford, G. W. Gibson, R. J. Gibson, S. L. Sanford P. Cunningham, A. F. Rede- meyer, G. W. Jackson, J. L. Burger, A. O. Capenter, Geo. McCowen, Geo. Lues, F. Ges- sler, E. Weller, W. D. White, John Taylor, J. T. Berryhill, Louis Garsey, E.S. Ames, F. O, Townsend, Daniel Gobbi, Jno. F. Todd, Wm. M. Cole, T. J. Fine, J. M. Luce, J. M. Cleveland, Jno. McGlashen, H. Standley. HOPLAND P. O.—Orrim Howell, EK. H. Duncan, Wm. Parsons, E. Dooley, lh. F. Long, A. McNab, J. R. Henry, H. Willard, Jno. Edwards, J. M. Hickson, Thos. Cooper Henry Barker, J. H. Sturtevant, B. C Wright. LOS BANOS P. O.—P. Archibald, Hen- ry Barnhardt, N. Bibby, E. Bibby, J. 8. Burlingame, R. Cheatham, E. A. Colsen, Jno. Drummond, Asa Fisk, J. U. Garrison, Chas. Garrott, T. J.O. Hamlin, W. 6. Hardman, O. Hughes, Z. G. Jamison, B. W. Jeffers, J. H. Jones, A. Knight, Jas. Martin, Charles Warfield, A. H. Randall, W. Bruff, Jno. Rus- sell, U. S. Sayers, E. J. Smith, G. F. Smith, S. A. Smith, R. M. Sparks, F. M. True- worthy, J. Vance, A. Widman, J. W. Wig- ginton, D. M. Wood, Uriah Wood. MERCED ec. h.) P. O.—W. B. Aiken, John Applegarth, Jno. Archer, R. P. Ashe, W. Ashe, W. Atwood, S. C. Bates, S. Bow- man, J. F. Chamberlain, W. F. Clarke, J. B. Gocanour, Fred. Condy, W. H. Cook, B. L. Crittenden, Jas. Donnelly, J. A. G. Edwards, J.J. Sanders, W. BE. Elliott, Gordon Evans, G. H. Fanehor, J. M. Fowler, E. S. Gerstle, E. T. Givens, W. W. Gray, Jno. Gribbe, Eli Grimes, C. H. Hoffman, T. J. Hall, J. Har- rington, W. H. Hartley, C. B. Herron, A. C. Hill, V. C. W. Hooper, S. T. Howell, C. Lan- dram, ©. H. Marks, Jas. Mason, P. Merrill, M. F. Moran, T. J. Mull, P. R. Murray, C. C. Nelson, P. Neylon, T. B. Norton, P. O’Brien, P. Bennett, Jno. Stanton, E. Asberry, Geo. Renter, J. L. Crittenden, John Simonson, M. Goldman, C. CG. Smith, H. Vandine, John Rucker, W. Atwood, N. Z. Woodward, Thos. Upton, W. F. Clarke, E. T. Dixon, Fred. Ehier, T. Ellis, I. Flannagan, G. Galliano, Frank Frates, G. Garibaldi, A. lv. Cassaccis, R. Gracey, J. Griffith, M. A. Harper, E. W. Healey, Milton Huffman, John Keyes, Geo. P. Lee, W. J. Mills, John O’Donnell,H. J. Os- trander, A. Padesto, Frank Peck, Jas. Per- rings, J. A. Perry, J. D. Peters, J. A. Pratt, W. J. Quigley, M. Rahilly, P. J. Reilly, M. Richey, Jas. Righmire, N.S. Rogers, W. A. Rucker, Jno. Ruddle, J. C. C. Russell, R, Shaffer, W. L. Silman, A. Smith, Jas. Smith, E. O. Stickney, B. M. Stoddard, 8. 8. Stone, Joseph Sullivan. Dan Sweeney, Wim. Taylor, W. E. Thursbey, W. W. Wesbay, E. J. Mc- Kain, D. Tool, W. Stubbs, W. L. Twitchell, A. E. Upton, C. E. Van Horn, P. Y. Welch, W. Whealan, Chas. Healey, Clark Healey, R. M. Wilson, H. C. Wolfson, J. L, Wright, Yhas. Youd, A. Zirker. ISERKELEY P,O.—John Acheson, John Alltpeter, R. C. Baldum, John Bachman, T L. Barker, Martin Kellogg, C. T. H. Palmer, J. B. Woolsey. > ‘ OAKLAND ©. h.) P. O.—Jas. N. Abbey, Geo. A. Abel, Chas. Ackerman, Geo. S. Allen, John Allman, B. C, Allyn, Wm. I. Bailey, W. W. Bailey, A. F. Baker, Joshua Baker, F., Ball, Francis Blake, H. C. Babcock, P. Baker, C. W. Banks, T. L. Barker, Chas. Barlow, C. O. Brigham, Saml. Merritt, F. Dilger, W. W. Cameron, Wm. Everts, M. Greenhood, Wallace Everson, C. R. Lewis, A. J. Snyder, F. Galindo, Henry Fiege, E. H. Woolsey, Jas. Moffitt, W. A. Holcomb, M. T. Holcomb, EK. C. Sessions, A. C. Henry, Wiu:. H. Knight, J. W. Coleman, G. W. Grayson, Henry Har- ris, B. McFadden, T. M. Moe, L. G. Cole, C. F. McDermott, Geo. May, R. N. Riseton, Geo. E. Whitney, A. W. Redding, Charles Havens, Capt. EK. Hacket, W. C. Wallace, E. B. Dean, D. Wilcox, H. Koster, E, Kreyen- hagen, J. J. Hanifin, W. 8. Pelouze, Bart, Morgan, J. A. Webster, W. C. Mason, Hiram Tubbs, Geo. E. Grant, J. B. Watson, Chas McCleverty, Elson Adams, Peder Dather Henry Rogers, James DeFremery, Albert Miller, 8S. B, McKee, J- E. McElrath, Peter Baker, E. A. Haines. PLAINSBERG P. O—Wm. Apple- garth, C. W. Appling, E. R. Appling, J. H Appling, Jas. Baxter, T. J. Brock, P. C. Ap- pling, R. A. Appling, W. Appling, M. Bur- chell, R. Burchell, John Cardoza, H. Creigh- ton, Jas. Cunningham, R. M. Burchell, S. 3urchell, Henry Dewey, R. Earl, J. T. Elam, Eli Furman, J. b. Gillett, Adam Kahl, C. Hail, E. G. Land, E. McCabe, Jno. Mc- Closkey, J. W. Morley, P. Newman, Thos. Price, R. Reynolds, G. W. Rogers, Ed. Rus- sel, N. Turner, N. N. Turner, 8S. V. Turner, A. B. Van Campen, W. C. Wilson, J. L. Tur- ner. SNELLING P. O.—John Adams, W. N. Adams, J. W. Bost, I. J. Buckley, J. A Burns, J.S. Burns, J. Carter, P. F. Cossity, C. Curtis, A. Demichella, W. O. Dresser, W. Ellison, W. J. Ferrell, J. M. Fitzhugh, I. C. Grimes. G. W. Halstead, J. N. Harder, H. Huls, W. Jacobs, A. Logamarsino, Jas. Mason, W. A. McCreary, J. L. McFarland, B. Mentz, J. A. Montgomery, J. M. Mont- gomery, G. B. Neighbor, Geo. Smith, J. A. Robins, G. Sampson, M. Soper, Bird Strick- land, J. P. Truesdale, M. Vacero, G. W. Ward, B. Wilson, L. P. Wilson, E. B. Field, Geo. Yond. ALAMEDA P. O.—Ezra Ackley, Wm. Abjohn, A. TI. Adams, Wm. Baldwin, J. H. Banta, Geo. E. Caswell, C. J. Chase, Jas. H. Douglas, Geo. Dauser, Errick Errickson, E. B. Hayden, Wm. Henly, E. B. Mastrick, A. Mayrisch BROOKLYN P. O.—John Abrahams, Geo. W. Adams, M. J. Alvord, O. D. Bald- unt, Thos, Crane, Geo. Cummings, Ave: Grimwood, C. C. Knowles, Franklin Moss, Thos. Molloy, Saml. Rogers, N. Shoemaker, R. Session. NELSON P. O.—N. B. Scott, James Harvey, R. Rh. Bue J. O. Bradford, A. M. Woodruff, E. White. PLEASANTON P. O.—J. A. Mal, J. Re Rose, Augustine Bernal, Wallace Everson, Thos. Orellin, L. M. Lyster. ; LIVERMORE P. O.—Mark Ager, Abi- jah Baker, Henry Conrad, A. J. McLeod, M. Mendenhall, C. J. Stevens. SAN LEANDRO P. O.—Jno. P, Bam- bridge, J. A. Almada, L. B. Chandler, O. P. Downing, J. A. Gallett, F. Meyers. HAYWARDS P. O.—Chas. H. Barnes, Phil. Auspacher, Daniel Culp, Edmund Dole, Robert Gorden, Adam May, Jos. Marshall, Thos. McKinnon, C. L. Nettleton, Ac. Gs Oakes, Geo. Obermiller, G. Rayer, Joel Rus- sell, Daniel Salmon, a er Smalley, J. H. Strobridge, Henry Strobel. POTTER VALLEY P. O.—John G. Busch, M. C. Briggs, W. Lierly, Jos. Spotts- - wood, Wm. Eddie, Jno. Hopper, Jno. P Bevans, L. 2. Grover, John Hughes. POMO P. O.—J. D. Brower, Sr., M.P Goforth, Same Jno. Spencer, ‘T. W. Dashiell, John Newhumy. MARKLEEVILLE (. nh.) Pr OS. Campbell, T. N. Hanson, W. W. Harvey, A. M. Graver, C. Coleman, J. Cronkite.c THE EVERY Oh FUE FAVOR TE ao OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR Cy JX Ty I BS C) R’ ye HICO (ce. h.) P. O.—John Bidwell, John nee ain GA John Shannon, Daniel Bidwell, P. M. Guynn, J. M. Garner, Jk C. Garner, D. M. Reavis, A. A. Morehead, W. Northgroves, T. C. Cronin, W. Hawkins, John Crouch, W.». Elliot, C. Salmon, J. F. Hulter, Matt Schwien, James Hegan, H. P. Briscoe, A. L. Glark, W. J. O’Connor, E. T. Reynold, L. H. McIntosh. CANA P. O.—J. W. B. Montgomery, M. 1. Sessions, Geo. Daugherty, J. M. Bennett, W. Broyles, John Royles, H. H. Smith. GRAINLAND P. O.—R. R. Fimple, Peter Hansen, R. W. Boydston, C J. Cart- wright, J. K. P. Boydston, W. C. Stevens, O. CG. Pratt, J. W. Bowers, A. Litch, Malon Gray, J. W. Fritter, Josiah Boucher, J. W. Bowers. OROVILLE P. O.—C. F. Lott, D. K. Perkins, M. Wicks, John Ounyett, J. M. Ward, Chas. St. Sure, P. R. Welch, C. H. Leggett. CHEROKEE P. O.—John Welsh, Jand W. Miller, J. Morgan, W. James, L. Glass, D. Gage. GRIDLEY P. O.—E. Fagan, John Hough, J. F. Shaeffer, H. Hazelbush, M. Biggs, V. P. Richards, C. Thresher, J. Van Fosseu, John Bayles, C. A. Richards, Chas. Gridley, J. Sligar, D. Osborn. BIGGS P. O.—A. M. Pitts, J. B. Heath, W. Looney, Lou McB. Rose, R. A. Moore, W. S. Riddle, W. T. Boulware, Anson Brown, C. C. Spence, E. H. Gale, B. Musholt, C. Rabe, D. Streeter, E. D. Smith, Hugh Webb. MOORE’S STATION P. O.—E. H. Gould, A. Sweetzir, E. H. Eldrad, Joseph Farnon, J. C. Moore, C. Welch, Jabez Upham. CENTRAL HOUSE ’P. O.—Jobn Huschins, Thos. Huschins, John Pollock, James Robinson, J. T. Gatjens, J. W. West- wood, 8S. Danville, Phillip Heffner. WYANDOTTE P. O.—J. M. Ruther- ford, James Rutherford, J. W. Goss, R. C. Gubbs, Frank Cress, I. P. Stephenson. WHEATLAND P. O.—J. M. C. Jasper, D. P. Durst, Danl. Fraser, J. W. Sowel, D. Woods, A. J. Webster, J. H. Major, G? D. Dam, B. F. Dam, J. A. Hollingshead, F. R. Lafton, G. W. Hollingshead, John Steinman, Frank Hunt, D. A. Ostrom, R. W. Oakley, George Baldwin, T. P. Bennett, Orto White- sides, Wm. Creps, T. R. Sperry, D. N. Jones, Patrick Boa, Dennis Cantlin, John Morrison, ffugh Morrison, John Seaward, E. B. Lang- don, Chas. Schlosser. P. M. Bray, A. J. Web- ster, E. W. Sheets, Thos. a Shaver, Hugh Rodden, John McKenney, R. T. McKenney Geo. Muck, Frank Kirshner, C. M. Hooper, D. J. Holden, F. G. Hendrex, W. T. Foster, Geo. Dalby, Prise Blackford, F. W. Ander- son, W. O.Ormstead, Ed. Bevan, Wm. Amick, John H. Bradshaw. SMARTVILLE P. O.—Jas. O’Brien, Danl, McGanney, John Walch, Robt. Tolan, G. W. Thursh, John McQuaid, Wm. McGoni- ri gan, I. J. Vineyard, John Brady, Wm.. Brooks. MARYSVILLE (e. h.) P, O.—Ed. Mat- thews, C. Matthews, . L. Nash, 8. D. Smith Chas. Haskins, Wugh McCoy, P. C. Slattery, David Cull, KE. M. Devoe, G. W. Hutchins, Gawn Strain, N. D. Coombs, Simon Brown, H. Grant, Stilman Grant, Thos. Casy, C. H. Tarrants, 8. Danville, G. Seiber, S. S. Mit- chell, Ei. W. Shelton, Z. Dunning, G. W. Surt- liff, : P. W. Bartle, Thos, Giblin, Dennis McGrath, Frank Toombs, Jas. Halloway Mich, Clifford, Jas. Clark, J. M. Jones, §. b. Nutt, Jas. Cutts, L. Diel, C. C. Gleason, Wm. Gleason, Jacob Huewiler, Jobu Scannon S. [. Brydon, J.S. Mills, Thos. Mahoney, § S. Michell, James Monroe, Michael McAdams D. B. McMillan, R. ©. McMillan, G. I, McDaniels, Ww. Norton, Andrew Petrie, J. M. Pile, M. ©, Lazier, Wm. Layey, Michael Horner, A. J. Beeney, Richard Breeden. H. Ke Boomer, J. H. Boyer, Wiley Bradley Jas Castello, Wm. Castello, Thos. Gulloo, ‘Thos, Curry, J. C. Curry, Leonard Diel, Miles Wil- liams, S. P Veazil, James Traynor, Wm Traynor, Jas. Teares, Joseph Robson, - ,HONCUT P. O.—B, B. Gurney, James Brydon, A. M, Richardson, EB. I’. Richardson. Bs Gia le ‘ , 1.3 : e s eee are Gould. oy cs Ely, Fred OREGON HOUSE P. O.—H. G. How- ard, Patrick Hall, Geo. P. Haush, John Eich, John Trevesthick, S$. G. Mullin, John Yore, Simon Yore, A. R. Forbes, Alford Soward, Saml. Callaghan, C. Ellis, Owen Owens, Jos. Merriam, C. G. Koch, A. P. N. Labadie, J. H. Klinzendorf, James McMenomy, A. J. Reed, E. C. Erwin, G. M. Mory, Thos. Skehan, J. W. Laymance, Michael Ruth, John Burgess, Jas. Evans, Patrick Flanley, John Grover, Chas. Smith, D. R. Evers, D. H. Landaker, L. R. Stevsnson, G. W. Johnson, M. G. Scott, Geo. Robbins, Simon Botsford, J. W. Bris- tow, Mamul Francisco, W. T. Toombs, 8. E, M. Wynecoop, Thos. Callaghan, J. B. John- son, August Koch, Frank Silva, J. L. Laba- die, John Gittens. BROWN’S VALLEY P. O.—G. W. Smethurst, Thos. Gorman, D. O. Daggett, J. P. Risher, Frank Miner, Jos. Burris, J. R. Harding, C. W. Halloman, John Irvin, Chas. Armstrong, Archie Beatty, S. K. Deros, John Laverty, M. V. Hendricks, John Harris, Steve Herrunann, H. B. Cartwright, Jas. Gleason, James Campbell, J. H. Moore, Ed. McHahon, Louis Scott, John Ricbards, Jas. Labodis, Maurice Kane, T. N. Finnimon, Jacob Sper- back, Thomas Arnold, E.M. Benninger, Wm. Williams, Sam’] Amsler, I. J. Mayfield, Rosco McDowell, J. Pelletier, John Palmer, Wm. Ragon, G. Heintzen, Dan’]. Shay, Ed. Lynch, E. M. Lynch, John Rice, Lewis Rice, Siduey Colton. BROWNSVILLE P. O.—Peter Kumle, Con Connoghan, James Malaly, Jos. Hedge, Andrew Townsend, James Hedge, Jas. Tuf- ford, W. H. Haleomb, John McCrank, An- drew Leach, Geo. Batts, L. T. Crane, Charles Ruff, John Herr, T. J. Lockwood, Chas. Foss, Jobn Gibson, Jas. Alberts, D. Alberts, Jas. Gorden, Geo. Payne. HANSONVILLE P. O.—W.M. Rock- erly, John EF. Walker, T. J. Wood, M. P. Beever, N. B. Abbott, Levi Bainbridge, M. V. Wares. BULLARD’S BAR P. O.—John Bax- ter, Jas. McConnell, G. B. Pepper, John Skinner, Hugh Murphy, Thos. Jones, Chas. Henninger, Henry Klauzendorf, Wallace Kesler, Hiram Works, ‘I. J. Byrd, Joseph Bruce. CAMPTONVILLE P. O.—J. Ramm, Geo. Randall, Peter Butz, J. D. Jaynes, T. Thraves, Moses Eastman, Thes. Mullin, W, Coulter, John Chandler, Michael Long, John Kennedy, Jas. Nelson, John Wineselman, Jos. Stevens, John Deal, Andrew McCurdy, John Garnett, John R. Meek. DURHAM P. O,—W. W. Durham, T. VY. Fimple, J. H. Lowery, Joseph Eddy, R. A. Turner, H. D. Ferson, C. J. Burdick, Peter Jones, D. A. Hulen, K. B. Troxell, G. C. Nel- son, R. McKuespy. EDGWOOD P. O.—Jos. Cavanaugh, G. Connor, Geo, C. Bagley, A. J. Caldwell, R. P. Bigelow, Sam Jackson, J. M. Dobkins, N. H. Eddy, G. A. Kellogg, J. H. Maxwell, M. Rom- inger, HK. Ray, A. C. Tyler, Jas. Whooley, S, S. Williams, G. K. Watson, H. wells, Joseph Rantz, G. W. Arbaugh, J. R. Patterson, Jas. Carpenter, 0. C. Conley, Daniel Dye, David Elting, Henry Nichols, C. E. Phillipy, J. B. Carrick, Geo. Decker, I. T. Eddy, W. P. Stone. BERRYVALE P. O.—E. T. Keyser, J. I. Sisson, H, R. Stone, William Sullaway, T. K. Sullivan, John. Sullaway, Chas. Sullaway. YREKA (¢. 2 ) P. O.—Daniel Ream, 7. Orr, Geo. Simmons, F. J. King, T. Prather, C. M. Prather, J. M. Snyder, W. N. Thomas, J. W. Thompson, C, H. Calkins, J. A. Calfee, Chas. Dillstrom, James DeWitt, L. Huseman, Henry Heybrook, A. Lee, Bee Lee, C. L. Mur. ray, A. EK. Schwatka, John Schable, Herman Scheld, Henry Schulmeir, Geo. Simmons, T, Schultz, W. M. Thomas, J. A. Winkle, John Walters’ R. T. Hopper, W. R. Oberlin, H. W. Orr, J. B. Ager, S.C. Ager, J. A. Ager, John C. Burgess, F, H. Herr, W. F. Laird, Hirain Richardson, M, Blake, W. H. Beck, J. M. Davidson, John Tiock, A. Frost, J. Garvey, H. Knight, James Wheeler, Chas. Schlicht Leander Pool, Sam Pellet. W. J. Paul, Geo. Nurse, Chris McNulty, Elias G. Merwin, C. Campbell, Robert Young, L. Wortman. HENLEY P. O.—Jas. Bell, Jas. Sterling, Samuel Clarey, John I. Cooley, Rufus Cole, J. W. Fox, W. KE. Goodrich, J. H. Hazlett. ETNA MILLS P. O.—I. T. Baker, R. H. Campbell, John W. McBride, A. M. John- son, George Smith, O. V. Green, J. A. Digles, Jas. Camp, M. Messner, Jacob Eller, D. H. Hyde, Frauk Horn, A.M. Johnson, A. Swain, Peter Smith, E. F. Smith, J. H. Wetmore, H, flansen, Chas. Hovendon, L. Hughes, Thos. Quigley, Ignice Wagner, A. N. Cummins, J. Davidson, Chas. H. Holzhauser, E. Richman, John H. Smith, L.S, Wilson, Thos. McVay, Hosea Ackley, Chas. Baird, James Connors, Josiah Doll, Thos, Timmons, J. M. Woltford, John Griffin, Chas. Hovenden, Thos. G. Hay, Frank J. Horn, U. D. Julien, Chas. Nentzel, W. J. Root. FORT JONES P.O.—Ole Anderson, H. H. C. Corey, W. W. Eastlick, Wm, Egli, Geo. M. Gimple, John Shield, Wm. Walker, S. J. Luttrell, A. B. Sell, John Smith, R. O. Craw- ford, James Bryan, R. W. Bills, Samuel Day- idson, J. N. Evans, James C. Evans, Wm. Sharp, 8. D. Varnum, John Gorman, G. W. Hays, W. B. Miller, M. Slater, W. J. Paul, O. W. Goodale, Stephen Burton, Wm. Hackman, John P. Meamber, George M. Evans, George W. Heard, Thomas Patten, Jno. F. Sherman, B,. A. Godfrey, J. W. Lewis, John Quigley, S.. Rammage, Samuel C. Scott, John H. Allen, George D. Butler, Joseph Dangle, Isaac How- ard, J. A. Davidson, Joseph Gray, C. F. Ham- mond, Isaac Hamilton, I. S, Matthews, J. F. Matthews, Mike Marleyhan, J. W. Reynolds, H. B. Gillis, John Wood. OAK BAR P. O.—H. J. Barton, David Collins, S. H. Crary, D. W. Daggett, John CG. Daggett, Andrew Jackson, T. M. Kelly, W. D. Walker, George McNeal, J. P. Jordan, W. T. Thomas, McAlger. MT. SHASTA P. O.—Z. F. Barnum, A.'T. Babcock, J. B. Burns, S. B. Burr, Peter Bossenette, D. B. Casedy, Pierce Combs, Jno. B. Rohrer, W.J. Cleland, Sam’l Musgrave, Jesse F’. Davis, H. L. Davis, Geo. Deter, John Edmunds, W. J. Evans, C. C. Webb, H. Ear- heart, James Grisez, H. H. Harp, P.S. Ter- willeger, EK. C. Hart, Perry Hoyte, G. W. Morningstar, Jas. B. Martin, John Miller, Thos. McGrath, William Miller, W. 'T. Pope, J. H. Sarter, James M. Smith, T. H. Soule, Andrew Soule, Wm. White, Samuel Webb, Chas. Beaudroit, Eli Barnum, F. M. Barnum, K. L. Coonrad, Nelson Cash, Isaac Deter, David Deter, M. A. Hull, John Regg, H. W. Walbridge, J. M. Walbridge, E. D. Lerwilli- ger, Geo. B. Combs, Fred. G. Cooley, Edga 3all, Chas. Boice, Louis Beaudroit, J. H. Jcwett, W. L. Moore, E: H. Miller, J. F. Rus- sell, A. ¥. Lruax, Lb. Be Viarnum: ATHLONE P. O.—Geo. Hays, A.S. Lan- der, D. E. Lewis, Abbey Minturn, R. R. Min- turn, G. R. Pheregan, Thos. Poyzer, W. M. Raynor, Joseph Vasche, T. R. Minturn. ATWATER P. O.—J. C. Boynton, John Geddings, J. B. Green, J. C. James, W. J. Reynolds, W. C. Richey, Wm. Richey, Z. T. Smith, D. W. Swaim, W. C. Winn. LIVINGSTON P. O.—Joe Bosan, T. P. Carey, David Chedister, Wm. Crews, B. Crumbie, F. Dunning, H. H. Edmunds, Tf. L. Flennessey, Julius Janson, J. C. McConnell, J. W. Mitchell, S. Morlin, Noah Moser, J.S. Pike, P. M. Price, W. ©. Robinson, J. B: Sears, T. J. Simpson, J. J. Stevenson, E. W. Stockerd, W. C. Turner, W. E. Turner, J. F. Ward, R. A. Weaver, W. L. Weaver. HOPETON P. O.—H. F. Buckley, R. T. Chandler, C. O. Buckley, D. Ingalsbe, W. Little, W. L. Means, H. GC. Stockerd. CALLAHAN’S RANCH P, O.—Wm. Chapman, I. Comstock, A. H. Denny, James English, James B. Hayden, W. B. Littlefield, Richard Hayden, F. H. Loring, John M. Wil- son, V. Lichen, B. R. McClurg, C. J. Nelson, I’. Payne, Alex. Parker, Jno. B. Foche. GAZELLE P. O,—Allen Davis, E. B. Edson, Jas. Finnerty, Jas. Kierman, Frank J. Mills, John Sissel, Wm. Townsend, Louis Wortman. BOGUS P. O.—D. D. Hahn, R. Beswick, John Lenox, Wm. Lenox, Frank Picard, C. Schnackenberg,COLORADO. Delta (¢. h.) P. O.—F rederick B. Beandry, Wm. Batz, A. C. Botsford, Spencer 8. Bald- win, Harvey A. Bailey, Clark N. Coleman, Leander M. Chase, Seth B. Crockett, 8. C. Drollinger, Edward Fortur, Henry Fadely, Jesse R. Gililland, Leaper Gill, -fohn B. Hart, John R. Hall, Geo. Henry Hoy, Thomas B. Honoun, Wm. F. Johnson, Chas. Johnson, Frederick C. Kennedy, T. H. McGranahan, Henry T.. West, B. F. Mckenzie, Henry L. Morot, Fermen Multord, Frank R. Passick, James A. Pugh, Geo. H. Reynolds, Joseph 8. Reynolds, John J. Roberts, Saml E. Snyder, Pierre Settle, Wm. A. Wheelen, HOTCHKISS P. O.—Lincoln Barnes, Wm. EF. Duke, Geo. H. Duke, Wm. T. Dever, Monett Hotchkiss, John M. Smith. GASTLE P. O.—J. W. Love, David H. Sutton, A. Hockett, Wm. Edwards, N. Buch- holtz, W. Livingston, R. Rherwood, W. Frost, R. Matthews, W. Woods, W. Ham- mond, J. Schumm, V. Hockett, Geo. Wilkin- son, D. A. Abrams, Frank Plimpton, C. M. White. EDWARDS P. O.—C. B. Stone, J. L. Hendick, Geo. “ownsend, John Metcalf, O. P. Herwick, F. Herwick, P. Crane, Tom Campbell, Wm. Boco, P, Peterson. SQUAW CREEK P. O.—Joe Brette, John Bowman, H. Berry, J. Berry, Frank Atlen, P. Bloom, John Kelly, John Holland, Wim. Russell. GYPSUM P. O.—R. F. Stratton, Wm. Stratton, G. W. Young, O. W. Daggett, Ee Daggett, Wm. Dunfleld, Jack Stremmin, L. P. Agnew, James Nutter, J. Schippe, J. N. Noraguard, G. M. Skiff, J. Johnson, H. Strem- min, W. W. Coaley. DOTSERO P. O.—J. W. Steward, J. B. Orr, Nils Erickson, J. B. Quinlan, N. B. Peel, D. Hindmatt, Sid Breete, J. M. Knight, L. E. King, J. H. E. Webster, Wnoid Hall, J. D. Parks. BRECKENRIDGE (¢.h.) P. O.—A. 8. Hall, C. L. Westerman, lke IDE NAG, do tes Kennedy, W. W. Howe, M. M. Howe, T. D. Williams, Jos. F. Ruder, J. H. Hartman, W.F. Forman, M. Hartman, E. Nashold, W. H. Strohm, M. H. Huntress, Jno. Sensendortfer, Tra GC. Grant, D. B. McDaniels, W. B. Stephen- son, B. A. Arbogast, Geo. F. Gibson, W. McKelog, Jno. M. Breeze, S. H. Sutton, John A. Hall, Jr., Geo. Engle, J. D. Rankin, Robt. Hamilton, K. D. Interline, J. D. Roby, E. C. Moody, J. H. Chapins, Jno. Nolan, T. A. Wheeler, A. G. Hoopes, L. E. Davis, C. A. Finding, Geo. Ryan, E. W. Devol, Wi. -W.. Brown, Wm. Crowner, A. L. Shocls, Rie Snider, Harry Rodgers, C. H,. Bond, L. E. Metzgar, W. A. Morrison, C. H. Bradley. DILLON P. O.—Patrick Perron, Paul Tremblay, Fred Dusing, Chas. McMahon, Thos. Kirkwood, James Whetstone, Elias Marshall, J. Whetstone, Geo. Jacobs, Thos. Hamil- D: Sperry, Geo. W. VanDyke, Thos. ton, W. H. Evans. ROSITA (ec. h.) P. O.—J. A. Melvin, Ww. F. Gowdy, C. C. Smith, W. D. Schoolfield, W. H. Ingraham, A. J Johnson, Chas. Gooch, Frank Hunter, Chas Seiber, Josh Hudson, Frank Roff, M. M. Kellogg, Chas. Preiss, Thos. H. H. Holt, Jno. McGowen, Frank Carr, Sam Gribble, Jno. Spargo, F. A. Tuttle, B. D. Payne, L. P. Kyger, Frank Caldwell, J. H. H. Low, Joe W. Wilson, Thos. Downer, O. EB. Sperry, W. L. Polk, Kel Thompson, A. Biddell, L. W. Smith, Jno. G. Creager, F. P. Warner, G. S Adams, Frank Earle, Joe EE. Benson, John James, Eugene Straun, C. G. Matthews, W. P. McGilliard, Jno. Schwab, Jno. Meyers, Wm. Knuckles, Chas. Apt, Fritz Yough, O. P. Townsend, Sam Kohl, Wim. Vorilen, Jno. Williams, Jno, Thomas, PARKER P. O.—Wm. Ashley, E. M. Ashley, F. H. Allison, Wm. Barnes, H. D. Benton, A. H. Eggleston, N. D. Lewis, Chas. Lipps, W. Newlin, Geo. Osten, J.S. Parker, Win. Rowley, Louis Ressouches, Win. Reyn- olds, John Schweiger, A. M. Seaton, John M’ Tallman, A. Vulgamot, C. Van Horn. “THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” ss owarme avoness arrexorx sor COLORADO and CONN CASTLE ROCK (ce. h.) P. O.—Andr Anderson, J. P. Adams, J. iT, Anderson Co. Briscoe, J. H. Craig, Wm. Dillon, Frederick Doepke, Chas. Doepke, Wm. Garrison, W. A. Greenstreet, W. H. Horreston, Jno. Harris J.P. Hall, Thomas Jones, Harry Jones, T. ie King, Thos. Kalser, Geo. McMurdo, A. Mis- ner, P. W. O’Brien, David Owens, G.C. Pratt A. G, Webster, Chas. Richardson, A. Scott, S. G. Smith, G. P. Stewart, Julius Seidensticker Geo. Upton, Jno. Upton, C. Woodhouse. SEDALIA P. O.—J. O. Archer, William Bowman, Albert Beecher, Louis Bowman Willis Bryant, Thos. Buntain, D. A. Barker, Jno. H. Blunt, F. M. Bennett, O, R. Brown, David Cook, Robt. Cann, H. M. Clay, D. I. Cramer, James Cannon, Jr., Alex. Colvin, H. H. Failing, L. Griggs, Newton 8. Grout Frederick Huxtable, C. A. Jarre, J. P. Kelley, Jno. B. Kurcher, Thos. Lapham, C. Manhart, H. H. McIntyre, C. T. Newmarch, Geo. Nick- son, Thos, O’Brien, E. M. Penley, A. C.Smith, C. Schaefermeyer, L. G. Stevens, Izett Stew- art, U. T. Smith, E. DeStafford, Wm. N. Smith, Juo. Todd, Victor Marquis, Moses Wakeman, Harry Warner, N. Woodhouse, James Woodhouse, L. W. Wells. FRANKTOWN P. O.—Anton Blum, Ozro Brackett, F. D. Bail, John Bihlmeyer, Jno. R. Campbell, W. E. Converse, Wm. E. Day, Geo. Engle, Jefferson Fry, Jno. Ferris, J. F. Gardner, F. C. Graves, E. B. Hoyt, G. H. Ingersoll, A. C. Miksch, Jacob Schutz, C. C. Streeter, — MeTobin, J.S. Wilson. SPRINGDALE P. O.—Mott Crawford, John C. Calhoun, L. Cheney, Jay. T. Hobbs, Jesse Knowles, Jno. Pollock, J. R. Stark. ROCK RIDGE P. O.—Fred Bourquin, Hy. Duvall, Jno. Ewing, H. C. Greer, Anton Hagspiel, John Hugo, W. W. Jones, Anton Kasmpfer, Jno. F. Platt, John Roberts, Chas. Smith, Phillip Smith, W. J. Whittier. KIOWA (c. h.) P. O.—Joseph Albus, Geo. Aux, Fred Bachman, D. C. Bailey, Peter Bingham, Henry Brockman, Hans Brock- man, BE. P. Clark, Joseph Danhauser, John Dieteman, Jake Dietrick, August Ehrler, George Elsner, Anton Edinger, Geo. Fahrion, Fred Folster, N. L. Gleason, Theo. Hasen- bolg, F. J. Huber, Geo. T. Kathrues, George Kelton, J. W. Kennedy, B. C. Killin, A. F, Kunze, Carl Luplow, Thomas Maguire, Bene- dict Marki, Geo. Maguire, Reinhard, Mathe- sues, Michael Meyer, F. J. Miller, P. H, Mul- ligan, August Newman. ASPEN (c.h.) P.O.—J. R. Williams, C. He Jacobs, L. Wellman, Wm. Hoag, P. Plumb, Geo. Wathen, James Magee, Tim Stapleton, Jno. Ryan, Ben Eastman, D. McLean, Nels Ritts, Tom Bracken, Frank Avery, Thos. Beans, Jas. McDonald, Gus Carlsen, Walter Borem, Fred Light, Jole Smith, Elmer T. Butler, George Elrod, Sam Flannegan, D. R. CG. Brown, Andy McFarland, To u xannon, J. M, Downing, Angus McPherson, Frank H. Mann, Miles Carroll, Pat Carroll, G. Gid- dings, Alex. Croukshank, Chas. Walters, Kit Rebipson, H. R. Homan, Henry Staats, S. A. Williams, D. A. McPherson, Chas. Hamelon, W. R. Gollins, G. W. Thatcher, N. M. Bur- rows. LEADVILLE(.h.) P. O.—Chas. L. Tall, Clinton Reed, O. H. Simmons, Samuel Derry, Major De Ulary, Henry E. Wood, J. M. Max- well, Geo. S. Phelps, J. M. McDowell, Neils Larsen, Peter W. Breene, Geo W. Bithenger, J. H. Monheimer, Jno. W. Flinthard, Fred Buckley, Frank Buckley, Seott Ashton, J. W. Taylor, C. ©. Davis, ©. ©. Howell, 8. J. Hauna, W. F. Patrick, Geo. W. Cook, Albert Shenoin, John Harvey, Geo. W. Trimble, A. V. Hunter, J. L. McNeil, H. W. Lord, John T. Elkins, John Sinnot, D. C. Lyles, F. M. Rear- don, Leonard Worcester, Henry Klefus, F. B. Audrus, Fred Bruckmed, A. W. Byer, Frank De Maineville, C. C. Kellogg, John Alfred, Ghas. T. Swilberg, J. W. Faxon, H. H. Stotes- burg, John D. Morrissey, Nicholas Finn, Peter Finnerty, Deans Sullivan, Twigley 8. Vood, Chas. McA nnually. : ULA P. O.—J. H. Davis, W. Kettle, Jno. Burke, James Burke, W. H. Noris. ELIZABETH P. O.—Peter B Ay Crocket Clibon, Clarles Gartand, ae Hawkey, John H. Jones, J. A. Mauldin, F. GC. Mason, Andrew Metzger, John B. Miller. EMMA P. O.—J. M. Cox, T. F. D: ©. W. Forker, M. Foley, W. L. Tee Henry. C. Johnson, Wm. MeMurkey Thomas O'Connell, C. V. Noble, B, M. Prewett, W. H Philport, A. J. Robinson, Ed. Robinson, H. S. Scherrel, J. M. Stewart, J. M. Walsh, Jno. Bennett, S. Miller, J. T. Peck, W. R. Prince, Chas. Smith, 8,8. Sears, Judge Henry, Wm. Hooks Joe Swans Hal Robinson, Benjamin rewit, Horace Jones, Morris Shippy, . Eres ris Shippy, Jno. ELBERT P. O.—E. EK. Baldwin, J. C. Berryman, Alex. Brazelton, James Cole, H. L. Cook, Alex. Cooper Robt. Corson, D, Ds Cort, J. E. Dittemore, Daniel L. Epler, Jacob Epler, Jno Ewen, Alonzo Foote, Jno. Graves John F, Gray, Taylor Greene, H. C Greer, L. L. Hull, C. A. Hutchings, A. R. James, J. B. King, IF’. N. Lavelle, H. S. Lipscam, D. ©. Maxson, ©. A. Matthews, John Mather, J. A. Melburn, Richard Miller, Louis Miller. LITTLETON P. O.—A. S. Babcock, Lewis Evans, Hardy Epperson, J. M. Fox P. Gasner, Abraham Howarth, Frank Hel- mer, J. *. Letner, Jas. A. Payne, Henry Say Van Wormer, Jno. Welte. : SILVER CLIFF P. O.—James Waltz, Jno. H. Leary, Wm. Schoolfield, Albert DeBoord, Trapper Smith. ASHCROFT. P. O.—Pete Anderson, W. EF. Coxhead, L. Tenscher, P. M. Williams, J. B. Brooks, CONNECTICUT. BROOKLYN (ce. h.) P. O.—Frank Day’ Albert Day, W. H. Putnam, John Hyde, Josiah Hyde, P. Witter. C. C. Burdick, B. H. Weaver, £. BE. Baker, H. F. Cox, C._8.: Bur- linghame, Henry Kendall, Amos Kendall, George Kendall. DANIELSONVILLE P. O.—Lysander Warner, Geo. E. Danielson, Simeon Daniel- son, Albert Danielson, Chas. S. Hawkins, Chas. H. Cornwell, Geo. R. Davis, Edward H. Davis, Edward Danielson, William H. Tayler. CENTRAL VILLAGE P. O.—John 8. Frends, George Loring, Fitch Carey, Stephen Bennett, John J. Pemore, Sessronish Adams. WASHINCTON DEPOT P. O.—Chas: Mason, Earl Buckingham, H. H. Morehouse; Lewis Canfield, John E, Whittlesey. CHAPLIN P. ©O:—M. Barton, J. W. Griggs, D. A. Griggs, Wm. Ross, ilies GeO: Ross, W. B. Gallup, N. C. Hunt. POMFRET P. O.—E. P. Hayward, Chas.: W. Grosvener, Chas. Osgood, Benj. Growenor,:~ Fred Hyde, Benj. Warner. POMFRET LANDING P. O—A. 5S. Bruce, George 8. Feeter, Lewis White, Chas. G. Williams. . HAMPTON P. O.—David Greenslit, Je ¥F. Hyde, Wm. Luriolen, 8. T. Button, C. EF. Cleveland. ABINGTON P. O.—T. O. Elliot, Saml. Allen, George Allen, Samuel Lyon, Geo. W. Taft. STERLING P. O.—G. C. Brown, Nor Gallup, O. S. Rix, N. J. Wood, Ezra Gallup. MILTON P. O.—Edwin P. Dickson, C. J. Page, William J. Hull, Edgar Beach. HARWINTON P. O.—Hon. Abijah Cat- lin, Chas. S. Barber, Geo. Alford, Roswell Scoville. WATERTOWN P. O.—T. P. Baldwin, Freman W. Cutter, William G, French, F.B. Tand. SEA EVILLE P. O.—Hon. A. H. Holley, George D. Harrison, Bebert Eggleston, Sam. 2obbins. RO OSHEN P. O.—J. N. Smith, John M. Wadham, Wm. Davis, Lyman Hall. WEST GOSHEN P-: O.—F. A. Lucas, Ss A. Bartholemew, H. G. Wright. Robert Allyn, Samuel Mills. MORRIS P. O.—Jas. M. Benton, Horace Cawles, J. B. Root, Arthur Bissell.LISBON (c. h.) P. 0.—J. E. Wisner, J. W. Schouten, Paul B. Ranes, J. W. Barry, C. R. Pal- mer, S. Severson, 0. H. Vosburg, Wm. Allen, 0. S Austin, Chas. D. Austin, David H. Ash, Rie Adams, H. K. Adams, Joseph Anderson, J. M. Allen, John Jennings, A. Johnson, A. C. Kvello, A. H. Laughlin, A. D. Lucas, Wm. Moore, A. H. Moore, H. S. Oliver, B. Plato, Geo. C. Rand, Samuel J. Randall, James Freel, John Fieldstad, Dr. H. L. Ennis, Peter Begg, Oscar G. Church, Samuel W. Bale, Geo. A. Baker, Edgar Bell, Wm. D. Brown, J. I. Brown, C. G. Baldwin, Cornelius Boyle, Geo. Ballinger, Wm. Branthover, B. B. Breed, Geo. W. Blanchard, Jos. C. Holt, J. k. Marsh, Jackson Harris, Martin Heaney, A. G. Evans, G. B. Green, H. H. Grover, W. K. Smith, M. BE. Severance, E. Gilbertson, Hans A. Hangan, J. L. Colton, H. S. Gates, B. Plato, Emil Grobe, M. R. Curry, Henry Cramer, David Morrison, L. R. Cornwall, Geo. A. Strout, Arthur Baring-Gould, G. 8. Dunbar, L. B. Chamberlain, Jesse Davis, Sol. Robinson, Geo. A. Murray, Julius Murray, M. L. Squires, 0. F. Gilbert, R. M. Davis W. Rh. White, E. C. Pindall, O. J. Shipley, Geo. Conklin. SCOVILL P. O.—Lewis Anderson, James Astell, Peter W. 8S. Skiffington, Frank B. Carr, L. Clement, Albert Vangsnas. SHENFORD P. 0O.—-Julius Altman, Martin Beeker, Orin Brace, Frank O. Brace, Edward Bowden, Wm. F.. Bascom, Chas. G. Froemke, O. K. Foster, J. S. Sutlivan. SHELDON P. 0.—J. B. Agee, G. O. Andrus, Lewis Austad, J. W. Allen, John Kratt, W. F. Mcllvan, K. E. Rudd, L. O. Froling, Hugh Bell, Carl Benson, Edwin Brown, James K. Banks, H. R. Bruce, 8. C. Cole, Samuel Birdsall, Geo. Bird- sall, Thomas Eastman, H. A. Via. BATZVILLE P. O.—Nils O. Anderson, Wim. M. Jones, Theron D. Platt, John R. Baltz, D. H. Baltz, Julius Bass, B. O. Bergerson, J. T’. Baker, FORT RANSOM P. 0.—Oscar Abramson, Chris. A. Anderson, Anton Anderson, George W. Avery, A. G. Anderson, Erick Anderson, E. 8. Lovelace, W. H. Lamb, John Madigan, Joseph March, J. J. Oliver, T. J. Walker, C. F. Whitney, D. 'l. Vernon. OWEGO P. 0.—F. W. Baguhn, Richard Brady, C. O. Brown. ENGLEVALE P.0—F. W. Isham, M. L. Engle, H. S. Mulligan. PLYMOUTH P. 0.—Peter Johnson, Abram Randall, Joseph Brunton, Jared Baldwin, N. Dickerson, H. &. Viringlia, John VanLoan. SPRING LAKE P. 0.--John Varley, John Glendening, 8. EH. Blackstone, Edward W. Tufts, Prank EK. Booth, W. M. Graham, Christ. Gunder- son, 8. B. Joseph, Henry Miller, Nils Sorenson, Enoch Hettand, George Hardie, H.S. Phelps, H. M. Richardson, R. B. Jeffries, Patrick Garrity, Harrison Ballou, Chris Peterson, F. E. Wheeler, James Northrop, Thors Raper, A. Y. Felton, J. S. Hulbert, Thos G. Bolton. DE SMET (ce. h.) P. O.—W. A. Miller, Free- man Yound, James Leonard, Isaac Plumb, A. D. Staton, Prank Pitchen, Levi King, Micheal Carlos, Wm. Carlos, Patrick, Doherty, John Smaley, W. H. Hi. Phillips, J. C. Southwick, V. V. Barnes, C. J. Thomas, H. H. Cooley, CG. S. Dawley, William Shortly, A. N. Waters, EH. W. Whiting. ARLINGTON P. O.—Philip Lawrence, Loren M. Christenson, C. J. Stromback, Clarence DeSonge, Wm. J. Karly. W. A. Jones, Isaac Vick- man, Chas. Chords, Chas. Kieth, Edward Mitchell, S. B. Joseph, 8. §. Cole, G. I. Pierce, Sam Sakair- asson, Gilbert Gilbertson, Gullek Bersie, Theo. Olson, Chas. J ohnson, Edward P. Omdalen, Knudit Krickson, Hollis Hall, W. F. Foster, Johnathan Mathews, Wm. F. Luske, John Fairbank, David G. Morris, J. C. Southwick, Christian Bapps, Geo. Barringen, Peder Thompson, Christian Gonder- son, Bernard Austad, Martin MeTigh, B. O. Sul- livan, George Hardie, William KE. Smith, Silas Bennett, Hugh G. Sheridan, Lars Gustafson, Erick A. Carlson, Andrew Johnson, 8. V. Sjdisstrom, Martin Markinson, 0. M. Story. PLEASANT VALLEY P. 0.—Jacob Han- son, Peter Delmore, C. P. Anderson, Hans Jacob- son, John Anderson, Ole 0. Stardahl, Lars Chris- tenson, John C: Gibbs, David GC. Randall, Mathias Christenson, Wm. Nichols, Peter Christenson. LAKE PRESTON P. 0.—Knute Erickson L. S. Wielding, L. Williams, CG, F. Freeman, A. E Ovatt, Christian Foss, C. C. Ramsey, Joseph Jop- son, Michael Johnson, James Northrop. “THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE ‘ LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR i» A Ke@ae oe VOLGA P. 0.—I. C. Truman, V. Simpson, A. Gould, John Ward. HUFFMAN P. 0.—E. O. Jones, J. D. Wil- liams, Joseph Williams, C. W. Hastings, W. S. Shaw, Joseph Woodfield, Edward S. Clarke, J. S. 3radbury, W. E. Hutchins, Chas. D. Drake, G. W. Willard. ERWIN P. 0.—Chas. Anderson, Henry S$. Bergen, Isaac Payne, Albert E. Webb, P.S. Peter- son, N. D. Adams, John Giles, Noah North, Or- lando Stone, D. S. Chase, G. H. Butler. CARTHAGE P. 0O.—James Feathers, Frank B. Ward, Geo. M. Stratton, RK. Button, William Cooling, M. Satter, Wm. McQuade, James Frisbee, Silas J. Flynn, W. P. Gray, H. M. Osgood, H. M. Hisk, E. S. Wright. BON HOMME (c. h.) P. 0O.—Peter Byron, Chris. Beaman, A. J. Abbott, Fred Wells, R. H. Jones, C. N. McCollam, Frank Harrison, Chas. Harrison, M. D. Gardiner, Josiah Baldwin, James Whittaker, Jas. Kilpatrick, John Slater, George Thompson, Barney Cole, Chas. Goddard, Wm. Emmons. SPRINGFIELD P. 0.—John C. Flowers, John L. Turner, Geo. W. Snow, John Monfore, Peter Monfore, W. W. Benedick, B. H. Wood, B. E. Wood, H. E. Bonested, Samuel Hitchcock, Daniel Niles, Michael Griffin, George Mead, H. A. James, J. J. McCollum, John A. Burbank, Nathan McDaniels. PARKTOWN P. 0.—Terrence Kelly, C. B. Johnson, John JF. Gill, Robert Dunlap, Joseph Garnett, James Z. Fuller, James Lutes, Charles Cole. ST. THOMAS P. 0.—John Gibson, Donald McLaren, Jobn Hutton, Peter Bessett, George Gainsler, James MeCabe, George KE. Kermott, Henry Lynne, Robert McAdam, James Tisdale, G. A. Gray, Edward Young, John Nugford, John Cochran, Geo. Buttery. DRAYTON P. 0.—R. B. Richardson, Geo. A. McCrea, David Graham, Ambrose Smith, Wil- liam Mills, James Delvin, H. W. Wallace, John D. Wallace, Thomas Wilson, Joseph Morrison, E. A. Healy, Robt. Allen, sr., James Buchanan, Peter Baxendale, R. G. Barrows. BOWESMONT P. 0.—Wm. McFarlane, William Raney, William Erwine, A. L. McIntosh, Thos. McConnell. Abram Johnson, Geo. Hodson. HAMILTON P. O—H. S. Webster, Harry Robinson, John Holmes, H. L. Norton, Irwin Armstrong, Thomas W. Brown, John Watson, J. A. Everett, Thomas Lough, Martin McGelvery, Daniel Guildy, Henry Fistal, W. O. Snodgrass. UNG P. O—Abner French, Thomas Polard, Thelesphore Rousseau, Peter Hillman, John Heller, William Weeks, Perrault Narcise, Matthew Gavin. NECHE P. 0.—William Elliot, Thomas Hooper, Richard Swain, J. J. Hicks, George Koad- 10use, Henry Movis, John F, Wilbur, Wm. B. McNeil. CARLISLE P. 0.—Edward Gardner, John Jastman, James Watson, John Devanney, Thos. Devanney, George Healy, James Sharp, Richard Frise, Alciae Bourgies. WALHALLA P. 0.—James Greenwood, John Davids, Israel Peters, I. Schram, William Rose, David Lush, John Stale, Chas. McGuin, John Hurley, sr John Hurley, jr., C. W. Andrews. GORDON P. 0.—E. H. Bernmman, Magnus Stephenson, George Stokes, Jacob Lindal. MOUNTAIN P. 0.—H. Thorlackson, William Pilcher, Sidney Gordon, H. P. Harrey, B. B. Chamblis, Louis Pilcher, John Daniel, John Underwood, Rufus Rooks, Joseph McMath, Wil- ham Chamblis, Jas. Lester, Stephen Lester, William McMath, Larkin Dupree, James Dupree, A. F. Williams, Calvin Hagerson, Scott Hager- son, Dr. A. J. Logan, W. R. Dorn, William Duck- worth, John W. Wheatley, W. E. Clark, Allen S. Perory, Calyin Carter, Clinton Bray, James Sloan, Neil Ray, Clay Bagley, Webster Bagley, William Stewart, Levi Johnson, William Sleegs, William Tillman, George W. Conncil, M. B. Council, John G. Johnson, James Johnson, Geo. Harris, Henry Harris, Seth Rogers, Isaac Hudson. Jesse Stal- lings, Wright Brady, Chas. Brady, William Pryor, John Livingston, Jim Phelps, ‘l’aylor Bass, Jas. Baily, Rufus Wilkinson, S. G. Pryor, Ben Cuernton, Jas. Bass, sr., Patrick Bass, Thomas Mann, Bob Pace, Dud Pace, Gus Flouers, John Moore, Jack Flouers, John Flouers, Henry Der- rison, James Hark, William Hark, Buck Johnson, Dock Bolton, Jack Suggs, John Willingham, Henry Williams, Thos. Hewett, Thos. Morgan, Bose Morgan, Peter Outlaw, William Parker, Jacob Percy, Aney Gatawood, Judson Eurson, W. A. Wilson, Isaac Wiggins, John Gatewood, John Conners, Amos Speer, Jasper Moore, Ross Wilson, William Simpson, Lanson Speer, Henry Glover, A. A. Adams, R. L, Kite, John Wilkinson, George Herndon, 8.8. Byrd, James Nicholdson, Simeon Mw alter, Dr, E. G. Eldrige, Ed Littleton. W. T Toole, William Page, Leonard Page. 5 ANDERSONVILLE P. O—A. J. Pursley Bunyan Weaver, Binton Weaver, P. VY, Nessen, Bud Enelish. eee Tee ne oc: 0.-—-George Harper, y els lley arter a MI eAayroh D5 Geeta rae urter, Jas. McGarrah, Pink _PLAINS OF DURA PY OJ. He Black Rufus Dodson, George Markett, Seaborn Watters, Sam Glass, William Reed, : Pa oe ae Crit Cota, S. J. Der- : -/ennings, David Thomas, M. J. Logan. 7 PROVIDENCE P. O.—William Davidson, wamb Parker, John W. Thomas, Archa McCray Cap. McCray, Charles Heys, John Law, John Par- Ker, Klisha Cheek, John Solter, Peter Foush, John Cannon, John H. Dupree, Jesse Carter, Hop Law JEFFERSON (c. h.) P. 0.—J. 1. William. Son, I Z. Austin, Elbert Askew, J. BE. Randolph r ut Bailey, J. B. Pendergrass, G. W. Stanley, . Vi 3ell, M.N. Duke, J. B. Selman, P. J. Rob- erts, T. R. Holder, J. L. Elder, F. S. Smith esl Peso, Steven Roberts, Terrell Wood TN D. toss, Dr. W. Arnold; C. W. Shackelford. W. C. Potts, f. L. Brown, S. E. Bailey, A. J. Kelly. 1. a pee Pittman, James A. Jarrett, W. Ses, A. lL. Durham, H. H. Brock, A. N. Elrod, ‘I’, P, Elr oe M. A. Baily. rod, L. P. Legg, M. G. Wilhite, “THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE 3 LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR Cy EORG ] A. FAIRBURN (ce. h.) P. O.—W. K. Allen, J. N. Aldredge, R. C. Beavers, W. J. Brooks, M. W. Brown, J.J. Buffington, Joseph Brown, A. Brown, T. T. Bohanan, W. J. Bishop, T. Cristo- pher, S. P. Cristopher, Wm. Cochran, JoeE. Cook: BK, A. Clecken, W. E. Cantrell, J. M. Cantrell, G. T. Camp, J. D. Collins, F. M. Collins, H. C. Campbell, S. W. Duncan, W. P. Dodson, Elijah Dodson, J. W. Duncan, R. A. Duke, James Eason, J. A. Ellington, J. 8. Elden, Wm. Ewings, J. W. Foster, J. H. Greene, S. S. Grizzard, Wm. Hay, Nat Henderson, S. H. Horton, U. BE. Hum- phries, J. T. Henderson, H. A. Harrison, J. T. Heom, W.S. James, J. N. Jones, J. L, Jones, B. F: Jones, 0. C. Kidd, C. O. Kidd, T. W. Latham, John Lester, J. H. Luck, J. H. Longino, John McLure, A. Mayfield, J. P. Miller, R. KE. Morrow, H. A, McLarin, B. Mislerfildt, W. C. Parker, W. M. Hathcock, S. S. Patton, D. P. Pattersen, H. S. Rivers, I. N. Rhodes, A. B. Smith, W. B. Swann, J. H. Strickland, M. M. Smith, R. W. Terry, G. L. Thompson. PALMETTO P. 0O.—Levi Ballard, T. J. Bullard, W. F. Beorden, O. H. Cochran, B. W. Cochran, W. EF. DeVine, A. J. Dennis, Jesse Dean, L. H. Griffith, H. B. Howard, E. B. Hearn, J. M. Hopkins, H. H. Hopkins, A. Hutcheson, J. A. Johnson, O. R. Longin, B. L. Morris, Hut Moss, J.J. Nixson, T. J. Phillips, Richard Parker, J: W. Patman, 8. R. Phillips, A. H. Richardson, H. ia huiverss he Cs hihodess We Os smithy shy. Steed, W. D. Tatimo, John Thompson, A. B. Weaver, H.O. Weaver, A. S. Whitaker, J. P. Williams, W. G. Williams, W. R. Wilkerson, W.M. Wallhall, W. P. Yates, Simeon Zellars, W.S. Zellars, Ambrose Bullard, M. L. Bullard. CAMPBELLTON P. 0.—M. H. Collins, W. A. Collins, L. M. B. Cook, K. A. Camp, B.A. Camp, Russell Dailey. PPLE VALLEY P. 0.—A. F. Bennett, S. C. Potts, B. T. Shirley, W. J. Colquitt, J. M. Nix, W. C. Davis, E. A. McDonald, O. G. W. Carter, E. M. Durham, J. M. Wilhite, J. M. Ven- able, Martin Venable, J. C. Sims, Jasper Shirley, W.S. Mathews. HARMONY GROVE P. O—W. B. J. Hardman, W. T. Harber, Geo. D. Harber, J. N. Wood, M. P. Wood, E. M. Dunson, Geo. Dunsan, W.L. Williamson, J. M. Keith, S. W. Jackson, P. G. Thompson, Joseph Thompson, James Hag- gord, Levi Shanke. NICHOLSON P. 0.—T.S. Shankle, N. B. Cosh, T. L. Smith, G. K. Smith, J. M. Mathews, H. G. Farmer, W. T. Howard, W. M. Potts, W. J. Haynie. MAYSVILLE P. 0.—G. E. Deadwyler, Hugh Atkins, J.0O. Browning, A. J. Wills, F. G. Odell, Dr. Alexander, J. M Parks. PENDERGRASS P. 0.—N. G. Trout, W. M. Smith, J. A. Brazelton, Robert White, W. CG, Appleby, H. C. Appleby, M. T. Sims, J. F. Trout. HOSCHTON P. 0.—William Hosch, J. R. Hosch, C. 8. Hill, J. H. Reinhardt, W. H. Brazel- ton, R. J. Park, Taylor Cooper, P. P. Pirkle, R. J. Pentecost. JUG TAVERN P. 0.—J. Saunders, Wiley Bash, L. Y. Brodberry, N. J. Kelley, H. D. Jack- son, J. M. Jackson. ‘ TALBOTTON (c. h.) P. O—T. J. Davis, Wim. Graham, Wm. Hlliston, A. C. O’Neal, R. H. Turner, T. A. Freeman, W. 8S. Couch, H. H. Ea- wards, H. Hall, B. F. Carlisle, M. Carlisle, George W. Kellum, G. O. Kellum, Jas. Ingram, Wm. F. Moore, J. F. Marshall, C. O. Freeman, J. GC, Wil- is, W. W. Owen, W. R. Neal, G. G. Neal, R. Baldwin, J. H. Walton, R. Giddens, A. J. Perry- man, W. J. Perryman, J. A. Clements, W. C. putne, ie Ae Matthew, S. P. Bickley. B. S. Col- ice, J.. W. T’. Jones, J. H. Gilmore, H. GC. Dick- son, W. T. Dennis. eS a BELLEVIEW P. 0.—T. H. McDowell, W. I’. Holmes, R. O. Holmes, T. P. McDowell, G. T. McDowell, J. H. Bryan, Jas. Allen, John T, Allen, R. C. Fryer, W. T. Russell, B. Pye. PLEASANT HILL P. 0.—S. Z. Webster, H. i urgeson, Geo. W. Evans, Wm. Evans, J. D. Woodall, Dalay Woodall, Hiram McDaniel, W. S. Collins, W. S. Palmer, P. Britt, John Pye, D. G. Owen, J. B. Nelson. i ee Gow ons eae aie mee Ny & avie, A. C. McCoy, J. C. Chandler, JENKINSVILLE PER) M. Brooks, J. a Mee eee John C. Thompson, n Knight, W. KE. B. Bankst . B. Justi Jali Ramey Nlagke aes oa ee — PASCHAL P. O.—S. B. Baldwin, R. P. Baldwin, Monroe Dixon, J. 8S. Searcy, W. H. G. | Searcy, D. J. Carreker, E. B. Smith, J. Miller, Z. ‘T’. Stephenson, J. Adams, H. M. Fuller, J. M. Fuller. BARNESVILLE P. 0.—R. J. Powell, Alvis Stafford, C. W. Brown, H. H. Swabbs, P. F. Mat- thews, W. R. Murphey, E. J. Murphey, J. L. Hunt, A. J. Wellmaker, T. R. Reviers, €. C. Hightower, Z. L. Fryer, W. H. Woodall, H. T. Pound, G. H. Perdue, J. C. Middlebrooks, H. W. Rose, J. R. Jenkins, W. C. Jenkins, W. H. Willis, W. H. Parker, EK. M. Brown, J. 8. Brown, J. B. Milner, M. G. Howard, Cyrus Shekee, M. V. Shehee, J. W. Powell, A. EK. Eubanks, J. W. Hal- sey, J. M. Aiken, J. W. Woodall, J. P. McLean, ©. W. Kitchen, J. A. Sitchen, J. ©. Dozier. J.-J. Milner, 8. C. Milner, sr., Johnathan Stewart. MILNER P. 0.—E. F. Martin, A. J. White, W. E. Coleman, John Cauthen, J. F. Cauthen, J. T. Blackman, John Tarley, J. L. Farley, W. EH. Hardin, Morgan Howard, W. C. Oliver, J.T. Tyus, W. G. Tyus, L. C. Holmes, L. Holmes, B. G. Rivers, J. A. Finches, J. L. Crawley, J. W. Crawley, J. L. Duncan, D. W. Perdue, |. J. Per- due, J. W. Bolton, J. G. Martin. B. D. Martin, MEANSVILLE P. O.—J. W. Means, J. L. Allridge, John Means, J. W. Fergurson, V. H. Collier, Henry Nelson, A. A. Harper, ‘I’. Z. Jones, J.C. Adams, James Williams, John Williams, B. M. Taylor, C. T. Trice. JORDAN’S STORE P. 0.—W. T. Barker, W.E. Connelly, H. G. Jordan, M. K. Jordan, J. W. Hamil, J. D. Cariker, Robert Pilkinton. CONCORD P. 0.—J. F. Madden, J. B. C. Madden, J. J. Lee, J. H. Lee, J. W. McLendon, H. H. Strickland, M. E. Strickland, Y. H. Carter, E. M. Hooten, J. J. Milner, J. D. Gregg. HOLLONVILLE P. 0.—G. W. Jackson, C. R. Wilson, W. B. Jackson, J. W. Perkins, J. D. Hood, A. J. Pryor, J. L. Banks, E. N. Huckaby, Shadrick Brown, W. S. Scott. ZEBULON (ec. h.) P. O.—Robert Mitchell, J. H. Mitchell, W. O. Groyn, C. W. Sullivan, W.H. Maples, Harry Wells, W. E. Manyham, J. S. Pope, E. F. Dupree, J. T. Cadenhead, J. H. Baker. MORGANTOWN (ce. h.) P. O—James A. Bruce, B. R. Cook, William I. Dean, A. A. Dil- lingham, A. M. Gregory, H. P. Hyde, John Dav- enport, J. Johnson, A. H. Morris, C. C. Nickols, David Pickelsiner, J. H. Rector, J. A. Stuart, George Wise, W. S. Smith, J. R. Allen, Henry Addington, J. C. Abbercrombie, James Brown, 1. J. Bivins, Ansel Bailey, J. C. Cutcher, John Cutchor, J. E. Crawford, A. E. Cox, L. B. Craw- ford, O. F. Chastain, I’. W. Dawes, Joseph Dawes, G. M. Dickey, Adam Davenport, A. R. Ellis, T. T. Fain, D. W. Garrett, J. W. Gray, H. C. Wilson, A. Herron, E. J. Henry; W: B: Lege, W. D: Legg, W. A. Morris, S. W. Orton, Nathan Parris, David Shuler, G. A. Thomas, R. Willson, D. W. Willson. BLUE RIDGE P. O.--J. M. Conley, Wm. Cox, J. E. Jones, J. R. Kincaid, Jacob Weaver, B.C. Arp, J. W. Gilliam, William Jones, J. P. Phillips, A. F. Ross, I. L. Trammell, J. V. Will- son, J. H. Witzell. HOT HOUSE P. 0.—J. W. Anderson, A. J. Baker, T. M. Ballew, J. EH. Cochran; Aj B: Dickey, Jasper Gilliam, William Harper, Levi Willson, T. J. Willson, James Withrow. CHESTNUT GAP P. 0.—W. J. Brown, J. G. Callihan, J. W. Beaver, D. 8. Callihan, J. T. Bandy, J. F. Davenport, Samuel Higdon, J. R. Johnson, Leonard Higdon, James McKiney, Jesse Odam, Enoch Rose, J. F. Thomas, W. F. Thomas. VANZANT’S STORE P. O.—Ebenezer Free, Coleman Forester, Joseph Garrett, A. C. Griffith, S. H. Hoper, A. V. Holden, J. C. Long, D. C. Ray, J. T. Ray, J. L. Rogers, R. S. Stanley, B. M. Tilley, W. L. Vanzant, L. L. Vanzant. CUT CANE P. 0.—W.H. Anderson, J. A. Arp, J. M. Dean, L. A. Gray, J. M. Garrison, Reuben Long, J. P. Patterson, W. K. Vanbook. SKEINAH P. 0—J. G. Allen, W. G. L. Butt, J.C. Chastain, A. J. Greenwood, John Har- ris, W. P. Hunt, John Ricketts, C. R. Woody, L. C. Woody. PIERCEVILLE P. 0.—Simon Dunn, W. N. Barns, W. Franklin, W. C. Fry, Arthur Kiker, J. T. McCoy, J. A. McKiney, G. W. Phillips, A. N. Stepp, J. P. Cochran, T. G. Barker, A. T. Elrod, Joseph Green, John Merrell, Aaron Matthews, G. C. Stepp, John Waters.EATONTON (c. h.) P. O.—I. H. Adams, D. R. Adams, J. H. Allen, J. Z. Butler, J. M. Cox, T. M. Collinsworth, G. W. Denham, Z. J. Edmondson, K. B. Wzell, 8S. J. Garley, W. G. Griffin, Robert Gritin, H. B. Hearn, B. W. Hunt, W. H. Hearn, J. P. Hart, E. Harvey, John Ingram, W. F. Jen- kins, J. M. Johnson, E. J. King, W. H. Lawrence, T. G. Lawson, F. Leverett, C. Lancaster, John Leonard, T’. L. Little, C. D. Leonard, T. K. Little, »). R. Lawrence, J. B. Martin, A. O. Mosely, J. M. Maddox, R. B. Nesbit, D. B. Nesbit, B. I. Paschal, KH. C. Paschal, W. T. Pearson, 8. C. Prudden, D. Robinson, John Robinson, R. A. Reid, J. L. Reid, J. R. Respess, W. R. Respess, B. Rice, Samuel Rice, N. W. Rainey, J. M. Rainey, D. Rosser, W. L. Sanford, R, D. Stubbs, T. C. Storey, J. R. Sparks, G. EH. Scott, P. R. Shey, J. D. Sparks, G. W. Stinson, J. H. Smith, P. Sanford, W. L. Turner, H. Wym, John Wright, Robert Young, J. A. Young, A. S. Alford, C. J. Booker, H. C. Barney, J. T. Dennis, W. H. Hodges, W. F. Marshall, John Melton, T. J. Parks, R. S. Parks, G. W. Reynolds, A. C. Sanford, Sam Walker, W. G. Armor, W. A. Branham, J. W. Calloway, E. King, W. M. Lewis, H. H. Marshall, J. Reddick, P. Reddick, Oscar Winslett, W. B. Bradfield, J. M. Bradfield, J. L. Bozeman, W. B. Bozeman, J. T. Beckers, J. R. Bagley, L. Batchelor, F. C. Coker, W. C. Gavner, Peter Gerrard, B. W. Holt, R. C. Humber, B. W. Hawkins, J. W. Hawkins, J. D. Jackson, G. W. Owens, W. C. Parham, J. D. Rivers, C. Riol, C. R. Sanford, W. T. Waller, I. H. Waller, J. W. Buckner, W. C. Buckner, F. M. Baity, D. W. Bowdoin, N. L. Coats, B. W. Clark, W.S. Chiles, C. A. Dickens, Geo. Dickens, J. T. De Jarnett, Henry De Jarnett, G. M. Folds, W. R. Folds, M. C. Green, M. A. Gorley, E. A. Hitch- cock, W.R."Holt, R. Hooten, J. C. Hawkins, Al- fred Jones, H. C. Key, H. M. Key, 8. Kelton Napier, H. G. S. Pound, M. Pound, A.C. Phillips, W. PP. Phillips, Henry Russan, J. T. Russan, J. W. Rosey, J. E. Roquemore, J. R. Roby, A. J. Steward, D. T. Singleton, S. J. Wilhamson, B. W. Williams, T. J. Worten, S. M. Worten, E. M. Vaughn, B. W. Vaughn, 8S. Young, D. W. Young. BUCHANAN (c. h.) P.O.—S.G. Aldrige, M. Aldrige, C. W. Ault, T. W. M. Brown, J. R. Bar- ker, J. R. Baker, Harman Bishop, H. W. Bishop, A. B. Brown, S. W. Brown, A.B. Bush, B. Z. T. Bush, W. F. Blackstock, E. H. Burden, J. T. Connell, W. W. Connell, John W. Cash, R._D. Chandler, D. W. Chandler, John Dean, W. W. Dean, B. J. I. Davenport, S. M. Davenport, 8. Ed- wards, J. S. Fincher, W. M. Fincher, J. H. Hobbs, L. B. Head, J. K. Holcombe jr., W. D. Rowell, W. J. Rowell, Aaron Rochester, John Rochester, Thomas Philpot, Allen Philpott, C. C. Peyton, S. B. Pierce, E. C. Wilson, W. E. Wilson, P. J. Miller, C. W. Miller, W. M. Williams, Wyatt Williams, ©. L. McPherson, 8S. W. Scales, Joel Scales, H. J. Sanders, Ira Slayton, W. H. Smith, J. W. Tomlinson, A. J. Young. BREMEN P. 0.—W.M. Awtry, C. E. Bra- champ, R. F. Boatright, S. D. Blackburn, W. N. Cheny, W. W. Green, W. J. Reeves, H. T. Reed, H. F. Reed, T. W. Lorvom, Jas. Linch, R. M. Bryant, J. J. Coulson, Thos. HE. Lewis, J. H. Grif- fith, Heally Nelson, J. E. Felton, L. N. Holland, John Cash, Benj. F. Kent, Jas. Enterkin. TATLLAPOOSA P. O.—A. O. Alford, J. A. Alewine, J. T. Brown, A. J. Crider, H. F. Charles, Richard Chandler, W. M. Cantrell, J. R. Driver, R. J. Donnell, A. J. Farmer, W. J. Fincher, J. M. Dodson, T. H. Green, N. B. Green, E. S. Howell, James H. Head, M. W. Liner, E. W. Liner, H. D. Hutcheson, S. L. Hilton, J. W. Harnis, J. M. Hutchecon, Walker Brock, J. M. Jordan, A. D. Kilgore, W. B. Little, D. C. Little, Martin Key, R. J. McBride, T. J. McCalpin, W.. D. F. Mann, R.. S. Mason, K. McWhorter, N. J. Owens, Nathan Powell, A. J. Prater, J. N. Powell, William Rob- inson, W. FE. Robertson, John Speight, Dia Ee Mr Smith, A. G. Tolbert, F. M. Windone, Lewis ope. RISING FAWN P. 0.—J. W. Blevins, W. P. Gilbert, D. C. Forester, John Moreland, Eb Anos, C. C. Guinn, A. T. Fricks, 8. C. Hale, Alex. Hale, Lee Tidwell, George Cureton, Jas. Alison, Mike Alison, Peter Forester, Hardy Hall, Wm. Varner, Jack McKaig, J. C. Nesbet, W. A. Byrd, B. F. Slaton, John Slaton, Hiram Castleberry, G. W. Sharrock, George Hibbs, Munro Mason, Jeff Gatlin, Ben Atkins, Andy Atkins, Wm. Dean, Jacob Steel, G. W. Shadwick, John Hale, Jerry Raroden, John Scruggs. AULESE ENA OOPS AV ORITE® iss cscs aoaces ictentns cas Gy EY le Gy UA FELTON P. 0.—H. C. Ayers, Wm. Ayers, Dennis Bates, R. L. Cunningham, W. Davidson, Jas. F. Helton, W. H. Helton, Wm. Johnson, jr., G. B. Jenkins, B. W. Kelly, T. A. Lassetter, J. C. Martin, J. M. Monroe, B. W. Murphy, J. J. Price, J. M. Simpson. DRAKETOWN P. O—T. J. Biggers, W. H. Brooks, W. W. Cumbly, EH. P. Dyer, William Easterland, W.S. Garner, Jas. F. Garner, J. W. Humplies, J. H. Hilderbrand, W. T. Head, C. W. Shepard, J. B. Harrill, W. C. McBrayer, N. M. McMillan, J. C. Westbrooks. DULUTH P. 0.—Harrison Arndol, Roman P. Brown, Alexander Baker, Elijah W. Bentley, xeo. W. Clement, John Carroll, A. W. Cole, W. T. Creag, L. C. Davenport, Envy W. Thomas, Hanson J. Guthrie, John Hopkins, James G. Har- rington, W. F. Harrington, W. R. Cooper, Hanton W. Howell, A. W. Hamilton, Andrew C. Jackson, W. E. Jones, Joseph Jenkins, Henry F. Knox, Wm. H. Knox, Wm. T. Little, James J. Little, Roman Morgan, Green McHerly, A. W. McDon- nell, Wm. IM. Newborn, Alston Martin, John A. Martin, John H.-McKeely, Ezekiel Mathews, Thomas E. Mathews, Daniel McKeely, John J. Miller, John Q. Massey, Thomas J. Mitchell, Frances M. Willis, James M. Mitcham, Jacob C. New, Thomas H. New, Eli M. Pitard, Geo. W. Russell, Henry Stricklin, sr., Henry Stricklin, jr., Andrew H. Spence. BUFORD P. 0.—John H. Bryant, John Brown, John E. Bagwell, James F’. Benafield, Jas. H. Bradfield, Benj. C. Bagby, Elias Burton, Geo. L. Brogden, John Calloway, sr. Young Cole, Burton Cloud, David F. Cane, Benj. F. Cooper, James M. Doud, Bazil W. Davis, John Deton, Chas. D. Ewing, W. RB. Fields, Morgan Fields, Benj. M. Garner, John A. Higgins. SUWANEE P. O.—Richard M. Bennett, Emory 8. Brogdon, John F. Brown, Daniel M. Born, Abraham S. Burton, Wm. Baley, 8. G. Brogdon, Henry C. Crow, Jas. F. Cogans, John E. Cratt, W. M. Cox, James Crow, Croford W. Dean, Thomas Hodgins, Curtis M. Harris, Ross R. Huff, John A. Huff, W. D. Jenks, Wm. Jones, Noel Johnson, C. P. Jackson, Cary P. Jackson, Wm. Longley, jr., Wm. Longley, sr., David F. Little, Patrick H. Long, W. P. More, Sanford Mathews, John R. Moffett, Robert N. Moffett, James (©. Patrick, Tobner G. Roberts, Allen R. Sudderth, Geo. W. Turmer, Geo. W. Teaguel, Grant Taylor, M. 'T. Verner. LAWRENCEVILLE (c. h.) P. 0.—W. J. Born, G. W. Ambrous, Robert Creag, Geo. Creag, T. P. Townley, John N. Cooper, 8. M. Camp, Geo. Cats, W. CO. Cole, Isaac Corbin, W. F. Davis, Samuel H. Freeman, James L. Fowler, W. S. Harris, Thomas M. Jordan, W. A. Lester, W. L. Lott, Elisha Martin, Ace McKinilon, James M. Patterson, John F. Pruett, Henry L. Peoples, Thos. A. Russell. ; WORGROSS P. 0.—Ruben C. Brock, Harri- son Brasewell, Mathew M. Bolton, Wm. A. Bag- gett, Jas. I. O. Beard, Paul F. Connolly, Hiram H. Dean, Robert Duncan, Jas. T. Dickens, W. A. Greer, John R. Hopkins, David Hamilton, Geo H. Hopkins, Geo. H. Jones, Francis G. Lankford, John G, Lidell, Cisaro C. Martin, John O. Med- lock, Jas. P. Simmons. TRENTON (c.h.) P. O.—J. W. Cureton, Jno. O'Neal, H. D. Payne, John Long, Li. Payne, J. C. Smith, Chas. Mayo, I. Y. Willis, U. Castleberry, W. Castleberry, A. Brown, Isaac Craig, B. M. Wilkinson, Joe Brown, Luke Wilkinson, Joe Kiser, Bill Gifford, John Gifford, Wm. Jeffries, Kd Page, John Page, C. M. Daniel, R. Keith, John Panele, J. W. O'Neal, James Laymann, A. D. O'Neal, W. F. Nethery, B. F. Pace, John Cureton, G. W. Sitton, Jacob Sitton, Peter Whit, Wm. Tinker, M. BE. Maxwell, Geo. Maxwell, Nathan Gass, Fred Gass, Eli Craig, M. Thompson, Chas. Case, Shade Stephens, B. W. Long, Bill Stephens, Benj. Swofford, Jacob Green, D. H. Rogers, Emerson Blevins. Manly Green, F. A. Quinton, Thos. Quinton, Wm. R. Tinker, N. M. Brock, Wm. Silivan, Leon Connolly, Jas. Allen, Benj. Brock, E. H. Bates, J. A, Bates, James Broom. s : MORGANVILLE P. 0.—Dock Smith, G. W. Jones, James Harris, Call Homes, Sam Friz- zell, Thos. Hughes, John Clark, Wm. Chambers, Win. Tittle, Dave ‘Little, Mitch Pope, Lee Pope, John Higgins, N. W. Cole, Shade Morrison, John Patterson, G. W. Hughs, James Dugan, Ef. Meadows, Chester Rooth, R. 8. Dobbs, S. C. Hale, John Bond. WILDWOOD P. 0.—Rob Lee, Jobn Lee. Sam Reden, R. M. Paris, Wm. McGill, Ansel Smith, Robt. Tatum, Sam Hale, John W. Hig- gins, P. EH. Deakins, John Tittle, Wm. Tittle, B. F. Nabors, Eas Snyder, Robt. Lindsey, Wm. Prince, Thos. Keniday. COLE CITY P. 0.—W. O. Reese, J. W. Russel, John Milan, Robt. Kilpatrick, J. R. Acuff, Capt. Evans, Henry Renfrow, Buck Bradley, Sam Cook, James Waid, Hop Waid, Chas. Goss. SMITH P. 0.—Wm. Shadwick, Luke Friz- zell, George Byrd, Rice Bible, R. I. G. Blake, Henry Baker, Henry Smith, John Bloom, Henry Gauft, Alex. Hanna, Chas. Alexander, Silas Jones, John Henderson, Wm. Alford, Levi Johnson, Alex. Craig, A. D. Blansit, Alex. Hawkins. WAY NESBOROUGH (c.h.) P.O.—W. O. Crymes, T. J. McKlmurray, E. Watkins, Elias Bell, R. H. Cates, W. C. Palmer, Ed Fulcher, S8. A. Gray, C. A. Gray, C. E. Ward, G. A. Ward, W. McCathem, Virgil Burton, Adam McCullers, Grandison Gresham, J. A. Gresham, N. J. Hud- son, W. B. Hudson, Minus McElmurray, J. J. Jones, J. D. Munnerlyn, W. A. Wilkins, J. H. Mackenzie, R. C. Neely, A. G. Whitehead, Sim Garlick, 8. J. Bell, S. H. Athaway, Jas. Athaway, K. A. Carter, F. B. Routzahn, Ed Bynes, J. S. Bynes, Clifford Green, S. M. Gresham, C. E. Blount, R. B. Blount, P. L. Corker, B. J. Thomas, J. M. Bull, A. Brooks, W. A. Cullen, Wm. Rheany, G. B. Banks, J. J. Saxon, J. A. Redd, W. fF. Holleyman, Thos. Quincy, M. B. Gray, T. M. Berrieu, W. E. Jones, R. Steiner, J. N. Apple- white, F. F. Cates, S. H. Mills. HERNDON P. 0.—J. B. Jones, H. W. Jones, W. H. Bullard. DRONE P. 0.—L. D. Johnson, J. R. Rober- son, B. F. Brown, W. L. Mines, Henry White, Tone Cates, W. J. Cates, J. C. Hill, Toney Wil- liams, Ceaser Williams, Geo. A. Palmer, T. HE. Ponder. GREEN’S CUT P. 0.—A. Chance, Wiley Smith, P. D. Cox, D. R. Allen, Edward Green, Walter Green, G. B. Powell, W. T. Wimberly, W. F. Walton; R. T. Jones, Lidsey Jones, 8. R. Fulcher. HEATH P. 0.—J. F. Bates, J. M. Murphy, J. E. Lambert, W. R. Cox, E. A. Tomlin, J. J. Boyd, J. R. Godbee, R. J. Godbee. SARDIS P. O0.—Alex. Lirely, B. Herring- ton, Wm. Chandler, Robt. Chandler, N. Smith, Ben Chance, W. C. Sapp, H. C. Sapp, J. F. Bux- ton, J. B. B, Smith, F. Briceson. ALEXANDER P. 0.—J. A. Shewmake, J. F. McEImurray, I. S. Blanchard, Wesley Bell, W.H. Chandler, A. Sikes. MUNNERLYN P. 0.—G. 0. Warnock, J. D. Perry, J. W. Carpenter, J. U. Carpenter, J. R. Rogers, W. C. Rogers, IT. D. Joiner. MILLEN P. O.—E. A. Perkins, F. L. Brin- son, W. M. Brinson, J. H. Daniel, H. V. Lester, J. B. ‘Tyler, R. N. Berrien, Elias Daniel, EleeAN Lester. ATLANTA (c. h.) P. O.—R. Winship, H. A. Werner, W. A. Wilson, Park Woodward, Thos. J. Boyd, Dr. E. L. Connally, C. C. Green, Caw Hunnicutt, Wm. H. Hulsey, W. R. Hill, E. A. Robertson, A. J. Orme, Dr. J. J. Knott, A. J. Lisle, Wm. P. Robinson, Campbell Wallace, jr.. Jno. T. Akridge, Lloyd Coursey, John H. Ells- worth, C. W. Elliott, Robt. C. Fain, Lawrence Lutz, Dr. Hiram Mozeley, A. S. Smith, J. D. Stetson, J. C. Thompson, Felix Vaughn, Moses Wood, John A. Wooten, Geo. W. Collier, A. J Collier, Joseph Adolphus, Geo. T. Appling, Robt. R. Bryant, Jas. H. Burton, Wm. K. Burnham, John Bishop, Jas. H. Baxter, E. J. Blunkett, 5. M. Buchanan, Clark J. Brown, Kellis Brown, i. M. Greeson, A. J. Hutchins, A. J. Harper, W. ©. Henderson, James Hill, Edward Harper, Thos. McDowell, Wm. M. McKee, J. W. McMillen, Jno. W. Mauldin, Thos. M. Martin, Philip Moultry, Abel Miles, Robt. L. Ozburn, Thos. A. Poole, Adam Poole, W. N. Phillips, Thos. G. Rawling, Sam M. Talliaferro, Benj. Thurman, Kd M. Tallia- ferro, John T. Warren, James M. Wilson, John Armstead, David C. Black. BOLTON P. 0.--Jas. D. Collins, Jas.. W. Spinks, A. J. Atkinson, John B. Cook, John A. Casey, Enoch Hooper, Geo. W. Lyon, Hiram Me- Griff, Thos. Moore, Jas. M. Moore, R. F. Mauldin. EASTON P. 0.—Richard M. Head, Daniel L.. Plaster, Thos. Wood, B. F. Walker, N. H Cheshire, Jas. M. Liddell.“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE : LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR I i iet N oy = ELIZABETHTOWN (c. h.) P. 0.—D. N. Renfro, I. Price, J. M. Jackson, G. Smith, Charles Miller, J. F. Hosis, F. BE. Matheny, J. Drumn, H. Rose, B. L, Lavendar, W. H. Hill, Frank Riggs, L. Ellis, A. Decker, John Decker, Job Cate, A. Gullett, J. Lambert, J. Spivey, C. M. Ferrall, Thos. Watson, M. White, A. White, W. A. Ralph, J. C. Rose, M. Rick, J. H. Mathews, L. H. Me- Kernan, S. D. Miller, Chas. Madden, R. J. McGin- nis, D. P. Mortin, Scott Kenney, Sam IJGbler, John L. Hitherington. Ne KARBER’S RIDGE P. 0.—T. L. Willams, David Orr, G. Vinyard, D. V. Ginger, J. F. Gin- ger, J. R. B. Renfro, W. J. B. Renfro, W. H. Vinyard, W. J. Banks, L. Vinyard, J. H. Sneed, Wm. Sneed, J. S. Curry, J. C. Williams, Eli T. Ginger, Wm. M. Ginger, John Milliken, J. M. Isham, D. M. Isham, B. L. Ledbetter, I. C. Kar- ber, L. A. Karber, W. Lf. B. Lee. SPARK’S HILL P. 0.—John L. Russell, Sam Russell, John Page, J. A. Oxford, Wm. Page, C. C. Bruner, C. Grace, John Grace, W. P. War- for, D. IT. Warfor, John Black, Isaac Black, M. Oxford, B. Grass, H. W. Jenkins, H. B. Cook, W.M. Fritts, A. E. Looe, G. P. Waters, John Rudge, David Suits, W. W. Gullett, Jas. Shipp, J. R. Shipp, R. Mills, J. W. Stones, Geo. Russell. CAVH IN ROCK P. 0.—Joe Mason, W. W. Wrin, Thos. Douglass, Geo. Douglass, Dow 3oyd, W. McDowell, M. McDowell, 8. H. Doug- lass, M. Ball, Taylor Wrin, John Tyler, H. Shearer, J. J. Shearer, J. McLaughlin, G. Lacey, A. Oker- son, Jasper Blair, Robert Barker, John Boyd, Jas. Belt, H. J. Belt, Geo. Crank, Ves Collins, T. F. Dossett, U. B. Friezu, J. J. Goodwin, V. FWrayser, N. A. Frayser, J. M. Gregory, A. A. Gustav, Jacob Hess, Ross Goble, Hsa Hastings, W. T. Hetherington, Henry Hans, John Jack, J. H. Jenkins, John Lowry, John Lane, Jas. Keel- ing, C. B. Lackey, Chas. Lowry, J. L. Mott. OLNEY (c. h.) P.O.—R. R. Byers, G. Kipp, H. M. Hall, Wm. Bonrell, David Keefer, John Winter, John Corrie, Aaron Shaw, J. P. Madden, J. I. Richey, F. D. Preston, Joseph Page, Jonas Spangler, Jas. M. Robinson, Jacob Gussler, D. F. Hauser, Jacob Winter, Henry Miller, Thos. Tip- pet, John Dalinger, Wm. McWilliams, Thomas G. Phillips, Jacob Flock, Geo. Leaf, John Egeler, Wm. H. Poland, PR. P. Combs, Christ. Schehrer, Madison Wilhite, John Elliott, Philip Heltman, Hi. 8S. Wilson, T. W. Hutchinson, R. N. Stotler, Henry Spring, Wm. Bower, John W. Wheeler, J. W. Poff, D. W. Blain, Chas. Fletcher, Fred Ameter, Philip Nicholson, Henry Peebles, Henry Price, K. D. Horroll, G. H. White, John Glathart, Josiah Clum, Henry Arnold, Thos. L. Stewart, Daniel Yelck, John Wolf, M. L. Howe, Thos. M. Shields, . H. Allison, G. Gafner, J. I. Montray, John Lynch, A. Dasling, John Roberts, D. H. McGahey, John Brockman, H. G. Taks, EK. Y. Doan, Geo. Eck, J. P. Robards, John H. Clark, J. M. Wilhite, Wm. Steward, Geo. Bowlby, H. C. Sands, B. F. Combs, Henry Kalb, Christ. Urfer, A. J. Farris, J. Gardner. _DUNDAS P. 0.—Geo. Graig, Seaton Stotler, George Phillips, Robert Simpson, Wm. Redmon, John Utterback, Frank Stiff, Peter Young, John Franklin, Jeff Wheeler, J. F. Hendershott, Geo. Mill, John Musgrove, Christ. Kastner, William Zeckel, John Seiler, Marshal! Kinkade. NOBLE P. 0.—Joshua Hanna, B. M. Row- land, John Martin, Thos. Taylor, H. M. Sander- son, Wm. O. Boyles, Harry Evans, C. J. Allison, M. LU. Taylor, Jas. U. MeMintey, J. A. Clutter, Union McBride, Isaac White, Joseph Booram, Jas. H. Beckett, Peter Billings, H. C. Dickey Os Faleony, Bernard Maylone. a e CLAREMONT P. 0.—John Melrose, Geo. Taylor, Wm. Shafer, A.G. Basden, L. M. Stew- BIG e3 ; ST any Phillips, Oliver McCaw, avid baker, Miles Conour, W. B. B hil Arnold, John Luther. oe ee PARKERSBURG P. 0.—Wm. Parker, 8. M. Thompson, Alvin Kekley, W.'T. Howe, Thos H. Madden, Robert Ridgley. B. F. Park, CALHOUN P. O.—Wm. Carson, Daniel Ely, Jas. Lester, John L, Byers, J. P. Robinson Jacob satzen, M. EH. Pitzer, James VanMatre, Henry Bolinger, Hiram Sharpe, Christ. Witte, Chas. Whittington, Thos. Ellingsworth, Joseph Eagleston, Joseph Williamson, John P, Hicgcins Henry Eyler. me : McDOWELL P. 0.—J. H. Nichols, Samuel tandolph, Squire Linscott, Pat Adams, J. L. Don- aldson, Robt. Driggs, Wm. H. Wagner. NEW COLUMBIA P. 0.—J. E. Staton, Wm. M. Alfred, Thos. Pullen, T. S. Morgan, R. C. Barham, U. C. Morse, T. M. English, W. T. Teazell, G. M. Rice, Henry Hester, James Mc- Richardson, A. English. ae MASSAC CREEK P. 0.—Phillip Foreman, F. A. Armstrong, F. L. Armstrong, J. W. Crow, Bartley Lyner, Fritz Foss, Casper Teichenbrock, John Hill, H. F. Stigman, John Gurley, Christian Walbright, Lewis Weaver, A. W.Trampe, Henry Trampe, W. H. Leich, Richard Thomason, Fritz Korte, Thomas Liggett, Hamilton Mitchell, Henry Kruger, Louis Kruger, Henry Kotter, John W. Smith, Fritz Riepe. PONTIAC (¢. kh.) P. O.—Henry Amsler, J. A. Knopf, L. E. Payson, N. M. Kellogg, G. W. Fer- ris, J. C. Morrison, Paul Heisner, Fred Fienhold, A. Gochwendtner, Phil Hendershott, Geo. Capes, Richard Lawrence, Geo. Kerr, Geo. Taylor, John C. Taylor, A. McDonald, Luke Jordan, John T. Gibson, Frank McCormick, Jas. H. Marks, P. F. Stroud, Frank T. Russell, Geo. W. Russell, Peter Munson, John Wallace, Robert Anderson, Joel Anderson, Sam Anderson, Handy Hudson, Chas. Packwood, Wm. Watts, C. N. Bennett, John Higgins, A. C. Johnson, John Balmer, John Ewing, N. J. Myer, B. W. Benedict, C. W. Rol- lins, John Augustine, Philip Rollmgs, Wm. H. Rollins, Wm. H. Moore, Squire Hendershot. FATRBURY P. O.—R. G. Crouch, D. C. Avery, Wm. Spence, N. O. Darnell, Jacob Oppy, Hugh McHee, J. W. McDowell, J. D. Travis, M. D. Spence, Geo. Goshorn, Jeff Donahoe, Dan Fugate, Wm. H. Johnson, John Kelso, Asher Bake, Martin Pearson, John Bennett, Eli Pearson, Henry DeMoss, John G. Steers, F. M. Eads, John Odell, Jas. H. Odell, Thos. Weeks, Geo. Goslin, Joseph Kelso, I. P. McDowell, L. B. Donning, J. Fitzgerald, Elhannon Fitzgerald, Elhannon Mor- ris, Jep. O. Morris, John Morris, Richard Smith, Wm. Younger, Henry Skinner, John D. Vail, Phillip Fisher, Henry Darnell, Wm. H. Darnell, Thos. KE. Shaw, Wim. Burn. LODEMITA P. 0.—John Bodley, John Tan- ner, Jeff Tanner, Lansing Hutchinson, Jas. Tan- ner, Thos. Bodley, F. M. Carson, R. B. Foster, Aaron Wider. EMINGTON P. 0.—W. R. Marvin, S. T. Call, John Ferguson, Elmer Broughton, Eli Hodg- son, Pat Sprowle. OLENA P. 0.—J. William Brook, John A. Brook, Joseph White, Jacob Carothers, Hamilton | Evans, Herman Armeyers, jr., Henry Armeyers, Samuel W. Black, John Carothers, Chas. H. Curry, Geo. Curry, Chas. E. Drew, John B. Foot, Robert W. Gaddis, David G. Lant, Jas. A. Mar- shall, Isaac Nichols, Clarence G. Ritchie, Cyrus W. Steele, Joseph Thompson, Wm. White. RARITAN P. 0.—vharles Allen, Joseph At- roader, John Barry, W. H. Bowen, Wm. Cald- well, John R. Curry, Adam Dalrymple, J. Thomas Garrett, David Gearhart, Peter Groome, W. S. Hixson, Geo. Huston, Aaron Jchnson, Joseph §. King, David Lefler, J. K. Livermore, W. D. May- nard, M. Melvin, J. S. Nevins, S. P. Nevins, W. H. Penny, I. V. D. Perrine, G. J. Quick, R. Ran- kin, C. Schenck, W. Stanley, R. bL. Taylor, W. Tharp, P. Van Arsdale. TERRE HAUTE P. 0.—T. C. Bainter, W. Bolton; W..P. Bryan, J. ‘T. Chandler, IT’. D. Cooper, Simon Edmonds, Wm. Finch, P. C. Green, J. N. Herbert, Samuel Hunter, J. B. John- son, C. W. Kirby, H. D. Lovitt, J. ©. Nelson, C. T. Painter, M. A. Paul, J. F. Peasley, J. Reynolds, M. L. Roderick, John Stine, G. A. Ward. L. B. Wolff. GLADSTONE P. 0.—James Appleby, Robt. C. Beck, Henry Brainard, T. M. Carter, J. T. Cook, J. Essex, I. Forward, F. Galbraith, P. Gray, Samuel Jamison, C. Kemp, C. Litteich, A. Logan, A. es ere, aa ee non, J. O'Leary, x. 4. Fearce, A. L. Porter, H. Sloan, H. S. T wee H. F. Wilcox, J. H. Zeigler. ae BIGGSVILLE P. O.—E. Deam, H. M. Alli- son, L. R, Harbison, W. H. Hills, J. A. Milligan, M. McElminey, H. D. K. McMillan, John Pooue A. Rankin, J. F, Rankin, James Shook, W. A’ Spears. ne RAMSEY P. 0.--S. @. Morrison, James G. Jones; John T. Sturgeon, Geo. N. Stafford, John Beck, David W. Leigh, Geo. Dycus, Morg. Price, Jerome Daniels, E. B. Stokes, Jacob Miller, J. W. Hayes, R. H. Gray, J. M. Hinds. Dan McClary John Maloy, Jacob Austin, W. L. Carson, H. ibe Hunt, John Welch, John Cathrin, C. L. Bott. OQUAWKA (c. kh.) P. O.—S. Bacon, W. S. Bailey, W. K. Boden, H. Cooper, H. Camp, D. A. Campbell, M. M. Findley, W. France, Allen Goff, J. R. Goff, HE. M.-C: Hammond, D. ©. Hanna, R- Hodson, H. Ives, J. Kessel, J. EH. Knox, W. E. Ma- ley, J. McFarland, L. Nelk, C. Park, G. Poersch- man, J. Rodmacher, S. A. Ricketts, J. Riner, C. F. W. Schell, J. Simpson, N. Wood. ST. ELMO P. 0.—G. V. Fletcher, O. E. Lov- ett, Altred Watson, W. P. Smyth, L. D. Hartman, John Fogler, Levy Irey, Joseph Meyer, W. H. Sidener, Joseph Lippincott, Chas. Hissing, Robt. Stewart, Chas. Rhodes. PELLONIA P. 0.—C.S. Rush, J. R. Weth- erill, Henry Bertrand, H. lL. Dusouchett, R. P. Henderson, W. H. Tindall, Geo. W. Atwell, Leonidas Atwell, C. B. Atkins, Allen Smith, F. M. Bowman, Ben Walter, James Berry, J. F. Meyer, Andrew Brady, J. F. Mears, Robert Mc- Cormick, James Henley, I. E. Morrison, A. F. Roby, Jas. W. Corley, Thos. R. Dugger, W. G. Dugger, Thos. Willis, J. W. Smith, Anson Gibbs, Gustav Kineman, R. M. Stuart, T. A. Giltner, Thomas Brenton, J. O. Steele, Yong Lyner. - JOPPA P. 0.—Burton Sexton, W. C. Sex- ton, L. W. Copland, J.S. Copland, J. R. Jones, T. P. Smith, A. R. Parker, John Douch, James West, John W. Loving, Casper Wilkie, HK. H. Tucker, J. W.Smith, Jesse Jones, Benager Kenzie, R. W. Hutchinson, W. D. Thompson, Jesse Bac- cus, A. D. Bumgardner, J. W. Stewart. METROPOLIS CITY (c.h.) P. 0O.—Peter Smith, J. Smith, C. M. Turner, J. M. Crider, J. W. Oakes, Josiah Mizell, Wm. I. Hughey, Josiah Grace, D. H. C. Borman, Henry Midler, Richard Aniesman, W. VY. Davis, Nat Davis, Mike Wil- kins, John Gurley, R. W. Brown, J. D. McElyre, J.R. McHlyre, Louis Fulmer, M. L. Dollar, M. D. Drake, Henry Aniesman, W. W. James, William Martin, J. R. Davisson, Henry Petershagen, W. R. May, Wm. Mescher, Henry Amlingmeyer, J. I’, Windhorst, Josephus Copley, Robert Kennedy, J. A. King, Lot Litten, Barnet Litten, Chas. Mc- Fadden, C. W. Teitloff, D. H. Bayles, Henry Met- calf, James Cooper, Swan Mishauer, Geo. Grace, A. U. Kidd, Wm. Foreman, J. H. Morris, John Aikins, Albert Aikins, Lee Follaber, Andrew Davisson, Wm. M. Proffitt, Thomas Proffitt, Por- ter Bowles, Fred Walbright, John Mescher, Henry Seelbeck, sr., Henry Seelbeck, jr., Nathan Morris. WATERLOO (c. hk.) P. O.—Jos. W. Drury, Chas. Frick, Conrad Kolmer, Diet Wischmeier, Frank Adelsberger, Wm. Stroh, Hy Feldmeyer, Newton Wiswell, Artemus Wiswell, Anton Schieferstien, J. Milton Moore, August Schrader, Edward Nolan, Thomas M. Crowe, Gerhard Bus- man, Jacob Seyler, Jacob Mueller, Phillip Stumpp, Chas. Schindler, Geo. Schaefer, Chas. Fischer, Jacob Illert, Christ. Scheafer, Hy Scheafer, Henry Wolf, Martin Oexmeyer, John Janson, Balzer Schmitt, August Washausen, John L. Potter, Alex. Patterson, Jesse Stanley, Geo. A. Crocker, D. M. Hardy, Wm. T. Demint, David T. Tripp, John Moeller, Zach Voris, Anton Gaertner, Wm. H. Horine, jr., Urban Stroh, George C. Ganen, Gerd Jansen, John Mentel, Wm. Bode, Christ. Jobusch, William Erd, Jacob Morgenstern, Wm. R. Morrison, Peter Ray, Wm. H. Hilyard, Paul C. Brey, Alonzo Phillips, Martin Dunn, Geo. Olden- dorph, George Kaiser, Henry Talbott, John Stor- zum, Aug. Axthelm, E. P. Slate, J. W. Rickert, Chas. Morrison, Frank Durfer, Henry Fischer, sr., John Maneer, Herman Huster, Phillip Kopp, Adam Ritzel, Christ. Hartman, Henry Susserind, Wm. Keckeritz, Christ. Hergenroeder. BROWNSTOWN P. 0.—Anfred Griffith, Levi Coup, Jas. Buchanan, John Brown, Elias Chrisman, Phillip Augustine, Joshua Arnold, Wm. Buchanan, John Carson, Josiah Williams, David Campbell, Thos. Turner, Wm. Yalton, Geo. P. Durpin, Henry Sefton, Jacob Dively, M. V. Workman, Phillip Miller. VANDALIA (c. h.) P. O.—Ww. Colyer, Jno. Swaim, L. L. Perkins, Wm. Carroll, Wm. Bauer- ner, John Kakin, H. B. Dean, Henry Eller, Isaac Howell, L. ¥. Yarbrough, David Hodson, F. M. Kimbro, John Walker, Alex. Peak, Geo. F. Suer- ly, L. R. Yarbrough, EK. J. Crus, Levi Kakel, Thos. Davis, W. L. Cansey, Thos, McAdams, M. F. Houston, Samuel Chandler, Peter Hoffman, Jack Harrison, Jas. McFarland, Irving Rush, G. R. Miller, Chas. Daily, Jerry Zent, D. M. Clark. VERA P. 0.—Jas. Walker, August Hotfman, John Boaz, John Jarl, B. F. Williams, C. W. Dean, J. M. Park, Andrew Ray.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITES xan omens: apres avexox xo LL TL TN OIS. LACON (c.h.) P. 0.—D. B. Wier, H. E. Wier, Fred Gurder, C. E. Rickey, Peter Vettinger, James Martin, James Cain, J. P. Coffman, Chas. Sowards, John Wier, Joseph Malone, H. Carter, M. Petrie, Chas. Ragnett, Jacob Reising, R. A Laub, N. Vandusen, Samuel Buck, Owen Sow- ards, Jacob Jones, Daniel Jones, John Kamp, jr., Wm. Farnsworth, F. D. Shafer, Wm. Smith, John M. Fisher, D. E. Thomas, Geo. O. Barnes, John Hoffrichter, A. J. Thomas, Hiram Feasel, Chas. Rowley, E. R. McKinney, Geo. Cook, Frank J. Specht, J. H. Johnson, J. Q. Hall, Frank R. Wier, Scott Miller, I. M. Forbes, Sidney Freeman, Henry Remley, Paul Wonder, N. M. Laws, Chas. W. Casey, J. D. Bullman, Mortimer Bullman, Cass Ramsey, W. E. Hancock, Chas. Dallrymple, Jerry Feazel, Spence Freeman, Geo. Remley, C. J. Held, Peter W. Held, Conrad Held, Samuel Ramp, Wm. Feasel, Leroy Fisher, Irving Broad- dus, Lemuol Russell, Frank Slowley, A. Pechrean, Martin Wiseman, Enoch Strawn, Kobert Thomp- son, J. H. Thompson, Wm. Strawn, H. J. Depue, Jesse Bane, A. K. Hancock. SPARLAND P. 0.—Joel D. Forbush, Mi- chael Hosey, A. P. Johnson, Peter Jacobs, Robert Doran, Samuel McCoy, Elnear Bell, E. S. Bell, Francis M. King, Albert B. King, John Dixon, HE. S. Erskine, John Barnas, Joseph Baker, Patrick Collins, Peter Bender, James Smith, William Thompson, Horace Hurd, Daniel Aitchinson, John-Flynn, Francis Marshall John Owen, Bryan Ryley, S. B. Kellogg, Peter Turner, 8. F. Kellogg, John Russell, George Aitchinson, Green Hamilton, C. S. Vincent, Henry Marshall, Amos F’. Leigh, Michael Dodd, Wm. Burnett, Jas. Burnett, J. B. McCartney, Wm. Monier, J. W. Odell, James Scoon, Chas. Scoon, Geo. H. Callup, James Gal- lup, Thomas Woods, Geo. Hasting:, John Rey- nolds, A. P. Webber, Alden Hull, E. R. Leigh, Wn. Gray, John Crawford, 8. B. Wilmot, David Shearer, J. B. Phillips, L. G. Calder, Alx. Calder, Robert Pringle, J. P. Root, J. L. Root, Archey Riddle, Cyrus Root, Lewis T. Wood, Robert Mc- Culluch, E. 8S. Jones, John Martin, Calvin Stow- “ell, A. Caldwell, Warford Honham, James Bus- sell, ‘Amasa Garrett, Abraham T'anquary, John Oniel, James Hill, David Watkins. HENRY P. 0.—John Monier, G. W. Mead, Samuel Wonder, Daniel Harney, John Kaufrann, James Silpener, R. B. Monier, Thomas Landers, Richard Freeman, Aug. Flechtner, John Closson, Henry Clift, H. Gregory, Wm. Longman, E. G. Green, Elias Herr, Henry Snell, Ed. Fountain, Arthur True, Wm. Brankan, Wm. N. Stout, Thomas Runels, Wm. Hufnagle, Sewell Town- send, Clark Swift, F. M. Johnson, Cyrus Brown, Karn Evans, John Cooney, Moses. Hartley, Britt Hartley, Wm. Wallace, Rufus Bassett, Isaac Camery, Joseph Merdian, G. P. Mattern, E. Moh- ler, John Gregory, Thomas Landers, C. Hi. Burt, Wm. Mutton, Geo. Burt, C. M. Dawson, D. Hol- comb, Edward Payne, S. I. Rowe, W. A. Rowe, Geo. W. Bickerman, John V. Vail, Wilham H. Thompson, Porter Martin, Lewis Bogner, ele Coleman, Joseph D. Lyon, T. Monahan, John Harney, Sidney Ketchum, Michael Barry, Thos. S Brassfield, Robert A. Clark, James Harrington, Daniel Hickey, Geo. Ball; D. M. Dunlap, Wiliam Chambers, Theo. Keifer, Frank Porter, G. W. Seymour. Robert 8. Erwin, D. C. McMannus, Henry Kirk, Kerley Ward, Joseph Scheick, John Dwyer, Wm. Herrocks, Timothy Hunt, Fred Schurtz, John McFayden, Benj. C. Andrews. C. C. Barnes, R. Neiehswanger, 5. Neigswanger, Ed. Burson, John Daniel, A. J. Deighl, Peter Kline, Henry B. Lowden, George Jacobs, John Betz, Warner Combs, Lewis Berson, Geo. H. Hol- ler, D. N. Blood, B. C. Vail, Joel Carson, J. H. Janes, W. W. Heath, W.H. Langdell. LA ROSE P. 0.—Jonas T. Ball, W.H. Perry, Lewis Lentz, Sambel McCully, Cris. Schumaker, Robert Justice, Wm. Zilm, L. F. Sherwood, J. R. Slipp, O. P. Wolcott, Henry Zilm, C. Lane, J. M. Taylor, Preston Taylor, J. C. Spangler, J. D. Ball, John Sharp, B. T. Foster, Thomas Whitton, John Kamp, Martin Daley, Amos White, Re abel: John Brown, Milo Jones. WN P. O.—H. Hansen, Wm. Fields, J. W. Hollinshead, Clark Lake, J. C. Martindale, Wm. Aitken, Levi P. Hill, KE. P. Baker, Wim. McKee, A. C. Crouch, S. B. Strickland, James Jamison, D. Sherman, Luke Franklin, H. C. Fel- lows, James McCoy, C.S. Smith, O. T. Allen, T. A. Hardin, H. C. Lunt, G. R. Carpenter, B. Gerrish, Patrick Bell, H. Worthington. COLETA P. 0.—W. H. Calkns,, Josiah Deets, H. S. Bushman, C. J. Longsdon, Henry Robinson, J. C. Crone, C. H. Olmstead, A. S. Ferguson, J. L. Chambers, D. G. Proctor, Jacob .| Garwick, Geo. W. Howe, Hugh Shannon, J. L. Meyers, C. Overholser, Paul Ackerman, Harvey Conaway, J. Anthony, W. H. Colcord, John Han- nis, O. W. Terpenny, E. N. Birdsall, M. G. Woods, W. C. Holbrook, Robert Shannon, Joseph Har- rison. MT. CARROLL (c. h.) P. O.—J. Dressback, S. Stakemiller, Jacob Stakemiller, Abram Rorer, S. B. Hostetter, Ross Hostetter, John Schrader, Dan Sisler, Benj. Sisler, Jos. Speelman, Phineas Davis, Waldo Cole, Chas. Frisby, 8. J. Cample, Daniel Teeter, Jacob Christian, Jos. Christian, Henry Carnish, G. C. Renyon, Henry Hartman, Jacob Hartman, Wm. Petty, John Petty, George Haynes, Jacob Haynes, Samuel Preston, George Gove, G. P. Sutton, E. J. White, Wm. S. Kelly, Henry Poorman, Uriah Green, Frank Craig, John Kinny, Thos. Kinny, Jas. Maloney, Wim. Shan- non, John Casselberry, John Kremer, B. B. Tom- linson,-E. Baley, J. Baley, John Wolf, David Kin- gery, Wm. Smith, Thos. Smith, John Edwards, S. Clites, H. Gordon, George Waidman, George Fisher, John Sanders, Wm. Sanders, Wm. Zuck- swart, John Zilhart, Jacob Zilhart, C. Rouser, L. Hess, John Mader, Uriah Green, H. Ashway, Jokn Emmert, Wm. Fritz, Frank Myers, P. B. Cole, Joseph Turnbaugh, Hugh Howell, N. H. Melinday. LANARK P. O.—Harry Dressback, Otho Boyd, Inman Garner, James Garner, Jerry Launt, John Moffett, Adam Hawk, Chas. Dame, D. W. Dame, Eli Lower, Jo. Duble, John Lard, William Lard, Thos. Haw, Willis Ray, George Dimon, John Dimon, Jacob Royer, David Remier, David Wolf Peter Beeler. MORRISON (c. hk.) P. O—S. H. Kingsbury, ©. Ward, H. A. Reynolds, W. M. Taylor, Davis Matthews, Henry Folkers, J. H. Ward, C. W. Reynolds, R.S. Norrish, William Johnson, Rossel Lewis, D. C. McAllister, Sullivan Jackson, N. J. Lyon, John Broderick, John Clark, J. J. Gallen- tine, Leander Smith, R. A. Champlin, W. C. Thomas, G. W. Thomas, M. 8. Heaton, James Houseman, Martin Card, John Boyd, C. P. Emery, P. J. Humphrey, John E. Upton, Eli Upton, Wm. Hardy, G. S. Fulmer. STERLING P. O—Richard Hacker, M. H. Thompson, John Schwink, Godfrey Muntz, Levi Bressler, D. G. Book, D. D. Ebersole, H. R. Eber- sole, W. H. Schrader, L. 8. Pennington, Matthias Minertz, Bernard Fulfs, T. Y. Shannon, James Dinsmoor, A. Schwertfeger, Samuel] Landis, A. N. Landis, George S. Hoover, J. H. Woodburn, George Vock, Adam Baker, David G. Ely, Thos Wormell, Wm. Ramsey, Lyman Baker, Samuel Wetzell, Alonzo Wilkinson, E. H. Sears, Josiah Scott, Geo. W. Curtis, Adam Smith, John Cunniff, W. A. Cleveland, Cornelius Lane, Horace Booth, Hiram Witherwax, L. Wakeman, M. T. Lee. ROCK FALLS P. 0.—J. C. Sturtevant, A. P. Smith, A. Worthington, Joseph Spear, Grove Wright, D. O. Coe, jr., F. W. Hodges, H. R. Hand, S. T. Shirley, W. P. Utley, J. C. Rundlett, Robert McNeil, J. P. Russell, J. W. Scott, Asa Scott, C. C. Buell, James Currier, L. L. Emmons, A. Golder, C. Batcheller, Charles Sturtz, William Ashling, Edwin Scott, Nathan Williams, James Allpress, A. A. Church, Tyler MeWhorter, Edear Woods, James Frank, W. A. Jamison, C. M. Hewitt. PROPHETSTOWN P. 0.—John G. Plum- ley, Charles Plumley, Jay Cleveland, J. W. Wright, Wm. Rawson, David Hotchkiss, George P. Richmond, B. S. Gage, John Aylesworth, Ed. Lancaster, Theodore Beardslee, Gardner Rey- nolds, D. H. Paddock, W. R. McKenzie, O. W. Sage, John Dixon, Orrin Paddock, E. 8. Ellithorp, Elias B. Warner, A. J. Warner, J. H. Warner, J. D. Beardslee, Samuel Fields, Cyrus Emery, Na- than Thompson, G. H. Griswold, Wilbus Fuller, A.J. Mattson, Erastus Stowell, Alonzo Stowell, Fred Hutchinson, J. W. Hill,-O. G. Baldwin, Daniel Van Antwerp, L. B. Ramsey, Philip B. Brown, O. J. Sholes, John Farnum, Frank Hada- way, L. C. Reynolds, Henry Fuller, Wm. Need- ham, J. E. Mosier, D. A. Seymour, J. H. Baird, H. L. Johnson, Park Little, S. J. Ackley, Johna- than Andrews, BE. A. Ladue, W. R. Rogers. WEST LIBERTY P. 0.—Mark Harding, S|John Redman, John Weems, Alex. Redman, Stephen Dickerson, J. L. Jessup, T. J. Lunkins. TAMPICO P. 0.—Jacob Van Demark, Aaron Pope, James Brown, J. P. Griswold, B. D. Gris- wold, H. L. Denison, Hiram Brewer, J. W. Glass- burn, T. M. Wylie, George Forward, G. R. Shaw, J. C. Aldrich, A. S. Brewer, James Wickens, C. W. Foy, DeWitt West, M. Hopkins, R. M. Bul- lock, George P. Arnold, J. W. White, S. B. Adams. , THOMSON P. 0.—J. Baley, Geo. Melend Geo. Hadley, George Tohteoa: Gens Pope, Gan Manning, N. Lewis, Robert Dunshee, Amasa Dunshee, Thos. Lambert, Wm. Lambert, N. D. French, H. Edgarly, M. J. Lewis, Royal Lewis, Wm. Starks, Frank Brown, -John Shoemaker, Martin Judd, Samuel Lord, James Green, James Haley, James Parkhill, James H. Johnson, Mat. Harnish, James Golding, David Greely, Francis Bell, Nicholas Warfield. SHANNON P. 0.—Dan Echoltz, S$. Cowen, Elias Good, Tobias Shiley, Henry Hoy, J. Pierce. SAVANNA P. 0.—Armor Barber, Andy McCage, James McCall, James Gillaspie, Wm. Mahood, Hugh Gillaspie, Andrew Law, Samuel Adams, Martin Randaker, Thos. White, William Bradford, Frank Kerney, Samuel Iden. FAIRHAVEN P. O.—Solomon Semriff, Samuel Semriff, Wesley Dial, Henry Fox, George Hornadale, Henry Hornadale, Henry Meyers, Geo. Hartman. MILLEDGEVILLE P. 0.—Fritz Easter- brook, Henry Myers, Abram Livengood, Daniel Fike, Samuel Herrington, Whitney Inman, John Wood, Daniel Frier, D. C. Busel. PARIS (c. h.) P. O.—F. J. Athon, J. C. Means, Perry Stewart, Vincent Stewart, F. R. Augustus, E. J. Armentrout, G. J. Adkinson, W. Arbuckle, W. Alexander, Wm. Avery, H. W. Augustus. H. B. Adams, Geo. W. Athey, J. D. Arthur, J. W. Bindford, Philip Bibo, Norman Barker, H. J. Ball, M. M. Burt, sr., N. A. Bowen, John Bell, Gideon Bomgardner, D. G. Burn, 8. Brandenstern, John Bolman, J. M. Bell, H.S. Bell, J. D. Barr, J. H. Boyd, M. T. Boland, W. C. Benjamin, John Bercan, Daniel Bercan, Ethen Bissart, Alex. Bald win, W. A. Barr, Wm. Blackburn, Solomon Bur- gett, R. M. Boatman, A. J. Baber, Dolph B. Brunsman, Albert Brunsman, John Besier, J. C. Collom, Benj. Crabtree, Moses Crabtree, John Cameren, Benj. F. Cameron, DeWitt Curl, Matt Crable, John Cushman, Abel Crawford, H. N. Crawford, A. J. Crumbaugh, W. B. Caldwell, Otha B. Claybaugh, James Claybaugh, Terrence Clark, J. Cretors, J. R. Downs, Dr. J. N. Downs, W. D. Dornell, Jesse W. Davis, Joshua Davis, Christopher Dunn, J. K. Douglass, E. B. Driskell, SH. Elliott, James A. Eads, John W. Evans, John Fitzpatrick, Edmond Ferris, J. ©. Ficklin, Frank A. Frey, J. W. Fisher, L. Gatz, Ed. L. Guthrie, Fred Gumm, John R. Green, Samuel Graham, Martin Gillisary, R. B. Hennasy, Wm. N. Howard, Alfred P. Harris, W. K. Harris, J. H. Hanks, Henry Henn, Lewis Hamilton, Henry Hamilton, D. D. Houston, jr., A. B. Houston, G. W. Halbert, Henry Heilig, Louis Harkrider, John Harkrider, 0. S. Jones, Hiram Julien, T. M. Kauf- man, Joseph Ketterson, R.O. Kirby, F. M. Link, Christopher Link, W. S. Logan, O. Latshaw, John M. Lycan, Wm. Lang, Geo. H. Levings, S. C. Mann, R. G. McCubbins, A. 'T. Miller, John Bi Mason, Wm. H. Moss, Lud Moms, E. B. Munsell, Wm. McCord, G. F. Neely, R. N. Parrish, W. 0. Pinnell, J. C. Palmer, S. H. Preston, Kk. A. Patty, Elijah Pattison, C. A. Powell, F. T. Quinn, John Quinn, Richard J. Rees, H. HE. Rives, Simon Ris- ser, M. C. Rittenhouse, Jos. Redmon, G. W. Red- mon, Jas. Stewart, Geo. H. Shank, Samuel S. Sidenbender, Jas. H. Sudduth, P. L. Shutt, Jacob Sholem, J. D. Sutherland, R.G, Sutherland, Wm. Starr, D. H. Shank, B. W. Smith, Jacob Sunkel, Adam Stewart, Leroy Shopp, James Slemmons, Wm. Siebert, O. Tucker, Jas. L. Twigg, A. Ys Trogdon, Jas. W. Taylor, J. C. Utter, R. D. Van Deursen, J. L. Vance, Truman Wright, Samu-l Wallace, P. GC. Wells, S. H. P. White, B.T. Wil- cox, Chas. H. Whalen, J. C. Young, B. D. Kel- sheimer, Harrison Moss, We We Trover, Daniel Arthur, M. Keys, B. O. Curtis, Isaac H. Curtis, D. M. Bell. WILLOW HILL P. 0.—Henry Holt, ats ale Wiseman, John Shafer, C. L. Whittaker, Abe Ridlen, John Ridlen, Perry Debow, Beela Keeler, James Brinson, William Madden, John Hulter- man, Thomas Madden, Johnson Bartley, Morde- cui Bartley, C. Daugherty, G. M. Selby, Job Fithian, A, G. Cox.“THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE - LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR IDAHO and ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS. ROBINSON (c. h.) P. O—Dr. D. Wilson, 8. D. Merserve, A. G. Merserve, fra King,S.B. Allen, W.C. Wilson, T. S. Price, D. M. Bales, C. C. Davis, Henry Burner, Samuel Midkiff, A. McTag- gert, A. Grubaugh, H. O. Wilkin, Jas. Kirk, Jno. Kirk, Wm. Updike, W. S. Emmons, E. Callahan, AYE Jones. HO. Hiser. ©; WW. Ratton, A. BP: Woodworth, Jos. Wilson, David Wilson, Porter Midkiff, L. E. Stephens, A. B. Stephens, I. D. Mail, Martia Mail, G. W. Henderson, F. J. Cooper, James Goodwin, B. M. Alexander, I. L. Firebaugh, John Hill, C. M. Hill, John Minnick, John McCarty, C. Stevenson, L. D. Griswold, Newton Griswold, G. L. Walter, W. W. Walter, A. Walters, Elijah Walters, H. Henderson, Joe Henderson, Abe! Mann, Isaac Mann, W. Wake- field, A. W. Wakefield, W. Quick, Joe Quick. PALESTINE P. O—J. M. L. Hill, Eb. Condit, J. L. Woodworth, M. B. Woodworth, Wim. Donnell, Wyatt Mills, R. P. McGahey, Wun. Gull, Jerry Apple, sr., Jerry Apple, jr., Jos. Shaw, I’. Kent, W. H. Stout, I. H. Lackey, John Patton, Carroll Patton, B. H. Garrard. OBLONG P. 0.—D. W. Odell, W. J. Odell, T. J. Price, D. H. Newbold, Robert Wood, Jack Wirt, Andrew Wurtzburger, Dennis Watts, T. N. Muchmore, B. M. Arnold, Wm. Wood, W. F. Wood, 8. C. Gooch, D. M. Bales. Thomas Scaggs, W.L. Cawood, O. B. Kirtland, Al. Swaren, Joe Dennis, Peter Henry, Jacob Henry, M. Wilken. HUTSONVILLE P. 0.—J.R. Hurst, And. Newlin, Sarg. Newlin, W. W. Boyd, J. P. Horn- ing, W. L. Draper, S. L. Bennett, J. M. McNutt, John Olivin, Jacob Swinger, Wm. Horning, Peter Rousch. NEW HEBRON P. 0.—Peter Kaly, John Kaly, A. J. Crum, Wm. Kelchner, L. Ducomen, G. HK. Kessler, John Kessler. EATON P. 0.—John Steers, Andrew Morris, Tandy Morris, A. J. Holmes, John Lionburger, Samuel Lionburger. Es ANNAPOLIS P. 0.—J. H. Johnson, John Bline, Wm. Keenan, James Hill, M. Newlin, Wm. Athey, J. T. Athey, Barton Hill. FLAT ROCK P. 0.—J. P. Weger, J. W. Jones, A. J. Reavill, Enoch Wesner, Warner Ford, J. R. Shaw. DUNCANVILLE P. 0.—Frank Mooney, John Seaney, sr., Adam Folck, W. P. Dunlap. _HARDINSVILLE P. O—G. B. Hicks. Geo. Dennis, Thos, Hardin, C. P. Carleton, John Carleton, Savilla Shipman. WINDSOR P. 0.—J.N. Jones, R. S. Shaf- fer, Sylvester Cox, H. N. Walden, John Duncan Jeptha Edwards, D. R. Richardson. ' _ SHELBY VILLE (c. h.) P. 0.—Thomas M. Thornton, A. Shelton, J. T. Herrick, J. A. Tackett T We ean ip ave : = 2 W. W. Hess, G. W. Keeler, A. Middelsworth, P. Parker, H. T. Fauley, H. H. Funk, C. E. Wood- ward, D. N. Harwood, ©. J. Kurtz, W. R. Bivins J. A. James, J. W. Yantis, F. J. Fraker, L, © Seaman, J. O. Seaman, M. Kleeman, Wm, Gold- stein, W. D. Roberts, Lew Parker, Philip Parker Sam Igo, J. C. Huffer, Ross Ward, W. M. Wricht. Jim Ward, L. B. Stephenson, Wm. Baum, T. FB. Dove, H. J. Hamlin, I’. B. Ames, W. I. Cooper, W. C. Wallace, E. T. Welch, Geo. D. Chafee. S. W. Molton, W. C. Kelley, Wm. Beam, Dr Pen- well, Dr. H. Smith, Wm. Porter, Georee iene : Win. Bisbee, J. D. Hunter. W. B M arshutz i M. Hopkins, A. Reiss, A. Roessler, R. Roecgley }*, A. Pauschert, Geo. Fisher, Jim Ballard WwW. Sen Oe nee OWER HILL P. 0.—A. M Craddick, H Ke Baines, IT. 1K. Story: . Spe rele ys cuck, H. Kilian, Story, J. H. Shelton, W. RB. COWDEN a 1, Greoorv a lia Perry Daniels, C. BE. eae oY Bio: Cowden, Ee @ a Ee 0.—Wm. Stewart, ard, M. K. Schofield, G. N. Bentley Jacob Jaeger, Eli Ellis, J. H. Pierce, D. Winters Joseph Emmert, J. R. Leigh, J. H., Deaner Gon Shaver, John Kramer, Wm. Beebee, 9 ee McLEANSBOROUGH (Ce) PO ak G. Cloud, John H, Wilson, Caleb Ellis, John Ar Buck, K. C. Atkinson, G. G. McCoy, J FH Mille 4 ». 8. Marshall, John C. Asher, Frank Audlin, W” W. Buck, C. M. Wiseman, Geo. Mason a MC EIET (¢. h.) P. 0.—L. B. Ingalls, Robert ea ete John McGuire, Martin GENEVA (01) P O26 7B CrvatesiOhass Cary, ©. penne LITTLE YORK P. 0O.—S. T. McCrery, W. S. Matson, R. Ranney, W. J. Nicol, J. Brownlee, M. C. Brownlee, H. M. Armstrong, J. G. Moore, Thomas Shunick, Thos. Graham, B. MeNamarra, G. P. Osborne, O. L. Hanna. KIRKWOOD P. O.—John Conic, J. H. Woods, C. G. Rankin. T. S. Butler, J. C. Hogue, D. Phelps, W. J. Smith, John Holliday, C. EH. Perkins, J. K. Gibson, M. A. Blythe, P. Staley, L. 3ennett, Geo. Tubbs, J. W. Rusk, A. C. Van- Riper, H. R. Narcross, C. Lanphere, B. Moore, Walter Randall, John Francis, John Thompson, S. Lanphere, Chas. Barnum, G. A. Barnum, J. P. Firvoid, Jas. Campbell. MONMOUTH (ce. h.) P. O.—W. A. Mitchell, J. RK. Graham, D. A. Trumbull, C. Seldon, C. L. Buck, B. Gilchrist, M. Mason, N. Barr, W. A. Nash, J. W. Reynolds, John Caldwell, C. M. Rog- ers, Jno. S. Prout, J. N. McKelvey, O.S. Barnum, J. Junkin, J. A. Montgomery, A. W. Spicer, T. W. Smiley, S. W. Roney, H. Roney, J. Byers, R. Hodge, J. H. Patton, G. W. Hickman, James Paine, John Hanna, James Brown, Wm. Firvoid, John Brown, C. Hardin, H. Tubbs, A. A. Bruner, C. V. Brooks, J. H. Stewart. GERLAW P. O—L. H. Gilmore, John Arm- strong, John H. Frantz, R. W. Gerlaw, 8. Palmer, D. H, McGrery, J. F. Gilmore, John Irey, John Winbigler, W. J. Miller, Craig Hanna, A. Simcox, J. Hartsell, A. A. Chapman. ROSEVILLE P. 0.—J. T. Long, W. H. Brooks, P. Watson, H. T. Lape, D. Roberts, Wm. Hiett, J. M. Hiett, I J. Mims, J. 0: Carr, R. Carr, S. Mills, A. Lewis, I. L. Pratt, R. B. Wood- man, J. C. Trumbull, J. W. Malcolm, Henry Stohl, Wm. Taylor, I. M. Copps, Eli Decson, A.S. Smith, Wm. Mason, W. T’. Boyd, Wm. Lee. BERWICK P. 0.—A. G. Pierce, Jesse Riggs, B. Sheldon, George Robinson, O. Ray, S. Sheldon, H. M. Lewis, Wm. Coble, H. Coble. CAMERON P. 0.—H. Keenan, A. Bowers, Ben Tinkham, W. H. McCool,S. Clay, D. C. Graham, C. W. Byrdston, J. Homey, S. T. Shel- ton, R. H. Riggle, H. W. Giddings, J. R. Reynolds. LOCKPORT P. O—Henry Adams, Henry Akin, James Fitzpatrick, M. Fitzpatrick, D. Ieddyment, 8. D. Gaylor, John Griswold, James McGorry, Lot Ryan, Thos. Ryan, Wm. Sanborn. BATAVIA P. 0.—Jno. Builter, Theo. Wootl, Geo. Acres, John Griffith, Amasa White, George Pierce, Spencer Johnson, C. E. Newton, Joel Mc- Kee, L. P. Barker, EK. F. Netzley, Jas. Buckner, Abraham T. Hall, Claybourne Turner, J. Daven- port, Wm. J. Knox, C. H. Keller, Jas. Carr, Nick Jacobs, W. H. Able, S. C. Trumbull, John Anderson, W. H. Williams, Andrew Nelson, D. W. Starkey, Laurence O’Brien, Benj. Danforth, E. L. Hunt, J. E. Patterson, L. ©. Beach, William Coffin, S. L. Porter, John Joslyn, J. S. Stephens, A. H. Jones, D. Mahana, William Barker, A. H Arnold, Edwin Meredith, J. Burnham, Peter Hobler, D. R. Speny, E. H. Gannon. AURORA P. 0.—Isaac Morgan, John Mere- dith, George Meredith, M. J. Aldrich, A. J. Hop- kins, Wm. George. _ELGIN P. 0.—I. C. Bosworth, H. H. Den- nison, Wm. Grote, R. W. Padelford, William F. Sylla, R. N. Botsford, D. B. Sherwood, Hon. E. C. Lovell, V. S. Lovell. _ WILMINGTON P. O.—John Wood, Fran- cis Young, #. T. Smith, Michael Turney, Jno. W. Merrill, Joseph Ray, George Bez, Andrew Sturk, Ed Gurney, Jas. Nutt, Daniel McIntyre. SYMERTON P. 0.—Thos. Maher, J. W. Martin, James Baskerville, John O’Thompson, ace Dickson, John Long, Wm. Cavanaghue, Ed arey. MONEE P. 0.—John Buck, Simon Miller Peter Bischman, Michael Bischman, Fred Bode, John Bohlander, Peter Bohlander, Moses Bowers, Jacob Bush, Conrad Claus, James Collins, Dennis Copper, L. Hasterbrook, Fred Klling, Edo Freese, Albert Gains, Stephen Goognow, Adam Gorman Peter Hanson. a, LENOX P. O.—Jesse Baldum, A. V. Beebe, Able Bliss, Norman Carroll, Leroy CleavJand, W. B. Cooper, Jas. Cunningham, Thos. Dixy, Alex, A. Francis, Chas. Francis, Daniel Gouger, Jos. Gouger, Albert Grant, Geo. Green- weed ee ei : Eaton: Myron Holmes, Sw arkville, Ward Knickerbocker, Ste Lynk, Edward Marshall, John Francis, re IDAHO. COEUR D’ ALENE P. O.—John Feman, J. Carroll, J. J. Castello, W. L. McLaughlin, F. Layton, O. F. Canfield, John Andrews, Patrick Flood, Mathew Hayden, John Hickeo, John Glea- son, James Gleason, D. S. Johnson, W. C. Stew- art, R. W. Cochran, W. R. Minor, Charles Lewis, Fred. E. Wonnacott, Geo. B. Wonnacott. RATHDRUM (ec. h.) P. O.—A. M. Martin, J. Crenshaw, I. S. Mulkins, Frank Buchle, Harvey Rose, Ed. Rose, M. D. Wright, Newton Thomas, O. A. Dodge, West Wood, Zacheus Lewis, Fred. Post, Adolph Post, Levi Esch, J. Poinier, Wm. Blanchard, Oscar Melder, Henry Reinger, J. G. Brophy, Thomas Brophy, W. J. McClure, Alex. Power, A. L. Bradbury, Kk. Young. ‘ GRANGEVILBLE P. 0.—J. W. Allen, John Aram, J. RK. Adkison, J. M. Adkison, M. L. But- ler, J. T. Bradly, Chas. Bentz, J. E. Byron, M. Behen, E. Beck, John Berg, I. Chapman, Jos. B. Cook, EK. A. Chase, M. W. Coon, A. Carpenter, 1’. R. Castle, D. Carr, G. B. Crea; I. D: Crea, S: Crandall, John B. Cook, J. W. Crooks, M. Cam- bridge, Jas. Chamberlin, O. L. Chase, EH. A. Chase, Pat Curtin, C. R. Chase, R. Cooper, J. C. Doss, 8. Day, _C: M. Day, J. D: Davis, I. Ji. Davis, G. W. Dallas, J. C. Ecctes, E. Evans, W. Fletcher, H. Faulkner, T. J. Florence, V. M. Sebastian, W. Sebastian, C. H. Schmadka, W. F. Schmadka, BE. Smith, H. Titman, H. Von Bargen, W. Von Berge, J. H. Von Berge, C. White, sr., Ed. Fence, D. L. Greene, J. C. Gelbach, J. G. Gill, T. W. Girton, J. P. Harriman, John Harmon, G. W. Hashhe- gan, J. C. Harris, F. R. Holms, Seth Jones, T. Jeffrier, H. C. Johnson, H. S. Jones, M. V. Jarret, H. Myer, G. G. Moore, N. Markham, H. Meller, J. F. McLean, Ff. M. Noyes, L. C. Pyle, J. J. Ren- ington, J. T. Riggin, C. V. Renington, M. H. Rice, K. W. Robie. COTTONWOOD P. 0.—A. A. Anderson, H. Albert, F. M. Bowman, G. S. Bates, O. W. Bullard, C. H. Brockman, J. W. Crea, W. B. Champion, Jos. Carnes, K. Collery, J. H. Thomas, A.J. Vaness, R. Watson, G. M. Wolf, A. B. White, H. E. Gerbrich, A. D. Greene, F. Goble, C. Guisler, Wm. Heartburg, John Heartburg, F. Hanley, J. C. Hoit, L. Harriman, P. J. Holohan, J. Kokler, T. B. King, H: P. Kelly, S. Larson, O. P. Mowbery, A. D. McKinley, Wm. McLean, Jas. McCafferty, &. P. Nelson, M. J. Smith. MT. IDAHO c. kh.) P. O.—Jos. Benoy, J. J. Bingman, L. H. Bickford, H. C. Brown, L. P. Brown, John Bowers, P. Brockenour, C. F. Brown, J. T. Brown, Wm. Coram, T. Delaney, J. W. Eastman, O. Ellsworth, W. Stillwell, J. B. Sloan, A. W. Valkington, D. H. Telcher, K. W. White, Jas. Wilt, John Weber, F. A. Fenn, G. G. Fenn, J. H. Forney, Wm. Gaddy, A. Griffin, Geo. Hall, John Hanson, John Hotelling, Jos. Harrison, B. I’, Morris, John McPherson, Jas. McDermott, Jas. Ole, D. O’Shea, C. Overman, J. Peterson, J. G. Routon, J. N. Rice. MALAD CITY (c.h.) P. 0.—Jas. Daniels, John E. Davis, Benjamin Evans, Joshua Evans, Wm. Griffith, W. P. Jones, R. Jones, John W. Lusk, W. T. Owens, Riehard Thomas, B. L. Thomas, J.T. Williams, W. D. Williams, Ed. Phillips, M. P. Morgan, David Morgan, Henry Thomas, Wm. Richards, Anthony Metchalf, John Price, John Lewis, John M. Nicholas, Thomas Jenkens, David Leigh, Thomas Daniels, Morgan Jones, W. W. Evans, James Bailey, Henry Peck, J. N. Gerland, John Reynolds, James E. Jones, Hdward Gleede, John Barrett, Peter Frederickson, Myers Cohn, Frederic Peck. FRANKLIN P. 0.—Thos. Durant, John Doney, Joseph Dunkley, O. F. Eastman, A. P. Fordham, James Frew, G. T. Fordham, George Hampton, L. A. Hatch, Alfred Henson, James Howarth, Thomas Holden, Curtis Hadlock, E. Herby, John Kingford, Edward Kingsford, Thos. Lowe, Robert Lowe, Samuel Morgan, John Mills, John Miffen, Christian Palsen, S. C. Parkinson, Jas. Packer, Jos. A. Stone, A. Stalker, William Woodward, Thos. G. Lowe, G. T. Marshall, Thos. Mendenhall, Joseph Morrison, Thos. Mills, Orson Neely, Hans Olsen, Thos. Perkins, Benjamin Por- ter, H. M. Perkins, Thos. Smart, W. W. Stalker, A. R. Stalker, Jas. Stone, Walt Wickham. CLIFTON P. 0.—Henry Dixon, H. S. Dud- ley, E. Errickson, Martin Henderson, 0. Hender- son, Henry Howell, Melvin Henderson, KE. H. Hooker, Peter Larson, John Larson, Swen Nelson, Niels Nelson.THES EV OIE WEIGHS AVORITE cise onsenna: koseces sremaom ren SL CAN NAS CONNERSVILLE (ce. h.) P. O.—F. M. Bilby, W. H. Beck, M. C. Buckley, J. L. Bailey, D. B. Bull, Richard Coss, B. F. Claypool, A. B. Claypool, Henry Orago, J. Chitwood, E. Curson, John Casady, Maurice Connell, J. B. Dickson, W. T. Dale, C. B. Kdwards, E. Edwards, C. Fox, G. L. Fearis, J. H. Fearis, G. U. Flored, L. W. Flor- ed, ‘I’. L. Griffes, V. H. Greggs, J. Goodman, John Garity, C. Gunsert, W. B. Griffith, O. P. Griffith, Wm. Heeb, Wm. Hawk, W. J. Hawkins, A. H. Hotchkiss, J. N. Huston, J. G. Hazkleman, John Henry, C. Hibbs, John W. Hannah, Wm. H. Hat- ton, H. Hackleman, James Heron, W. E. Heron, Heman Jones, T. Jennings, E. Jameson, William Jameson, A. Kehl, Geo. Keller, J.S. Leonard, Val. Leonard, A. J. Lime, J. S. Tair, Peter Mey- ers, Matthias Meyers, D. Morrison, Alex. Morri- son, F. W. Martin, J. B. Mcl’arlan, Geo. Morris, W. H. Moyer, Charles Mount, L. A. Mount, A. M. Moyer, J. S. Miller, Wm. Newkirk, George P. Pratt, John Payne, F. M. Roots, Charles Roehl, J. W. Ross, O. P. Tate, Robert Utter, John Uhl, S. W. Vance, J. S. Wilson, P. B. Wood, W. H. Wherritt, E. K. Wetherald, Theodore Applegate, W. L. Alexander, Frank Alexander, Wilson Ball, T. M. Brown, C. H. Brown, C. Burton, George Bove, J. C. Bush, Jacob Burger, Ed. L. Dundsant, Harrison Davis, J. M. Davis, sr., James I. Deha- ven, James I. Dehayen, Alex Edwards, George Frybarger, F. P. Frybarger, Frank Greer, Sam Goble, J. M. Harlan, M. D. Harlan, Greenup John, Taylor John, John Keller, H. 8. Kidd, Charles Kehl, John Lockhart, R. Lockhart, R. Lewis, H. B. Langston, J. Minor, J. M. Conner, N. Minor, George Martin, Francis M. Martin, James McCann, Connell Merrell, John Merrell, W. Michener, James M. Milliner, Marcus Martin, Silas Ayres, Charles Austin, J. M. Backhouse, Daniel Brown, Henry Bray, Barton Parker, Jesse Clements, James Chrismer, William E. Campbell, William H. Calvert, William Enos, G. P. Elmen- dorf, Edward Enos, Herman Fox, John A. Gart- tein, Geo. Hub, Ephriam Jones, Thomas M. Jack- son, W. K. Kerr, L. F. Ludwick, William T. McFerrin, F. R. McCready, James McCann, Ol. 8. Piper, Leonard Petro, L. W. Reibsenier, Martin Reeder, O. P. Steele, J. G. Smolley, James F. Taylor, James H, Thomas, J. R. Wilson, Nathan P. Williams, John H. Woods, Geo. M. Williams, KF. Washam C. H. Brookbank, Preston Brown, 8S. H. Helvie, Elijah Elliott. FRANKLIN (c. h.) P. O.—H.S. Byers, jr., Chas. Adams, John T. Ditman, Allen McCaslin, Geo. McCaslin, Thos. Flynn, F. S8. Record, Thos. Featherngill, D. F. Featherngill, John Alex- ander, Wm. Mullikin, Louis Mullendore, J. P. Forsythe, John Forsythe, N. M. Ransdell, A. V. Pendleton, Newt Alexander, J. M. Alexander, Byron Williams, John S. Webb, Geo. Danson, James Ware, Stive Mitchell, Jos. Mullendore, Strother Herrod, Monroe Graves, John Sellers, J. T. Nay, Harvey Nay, Jobe Parkhurst, John Swift, Warner Milliken, Evan Swift, Wm. Swift, Jos. Nay, Chas. Legan, B. Logan, Henry McCaslin, Jas. F. Brown, Dick Owens, S. F. Fowler, A. J Johnson, M.D. Adams, Josh Henderson, Frank Burnett, Chris. Duff, Evan Peges, John W. Peggs, C. B. Tarlton, Jacob Holstine, Robert Sturgeon, John Yount, Gideon Stevens, John W. Davis, L. N. Hendricks, Jacob L. McClain, Alex. McClain, 8S. B. Hendricks, William Smily, S. B. Smunily, Taylor Peges, Clay Smily, James Middle- ton, W. ©. Hall, John M. Parkhurst, L. Wag- goner, Thos. Devore, W. 8. Ragsdale, Baxter Graham, John L. Duncan, Geo. Gilchrist, J. B. Payne, John D. Webb, W. C. Payne, Jacob St. John, Robert Service, John McAlpin. ALQUINA P. 0.—J. B. Ayres, Harvey Layson, Hlisha Burk, Sam’l Brown, Jno. J. Burk, sr. A. S. Brown, Stephen Brown, Granville Brown, Wm. H. Bateman, Jas. Darter, James R. Darter, James E. Davis, Jesse P. Elhott, Pinckney Ferguson, James T. Fisher, F. A. Hanson, G. O. Hansen, John Hulgan, S. R. Hamilton, Wm. C. Hanson, Aaron Huber, J. N. Hulgan, T. H. Jack- son, J. H. Jewell, Isaac Loudenback, Jeff Lemon, H. H. Maze. ORANGE P. 0.—R. W. Sipe, Jas. George, Jas. ‘I’. Creekmore, Thos. Boylen, R. P. May, A. V. Spivey. NULL’S MILLS P. 0.—Alonzo Brumfiel, Ben. F, Brumfiel, Samuel Grean, Samuel P. Jem- mison, Henry Mellvaine, John Cain, Otho Mc- Carty, John McCarty, S. E. Thomas, Henry D. Conner, A. G. Neff, Thos. Reed. LYOW’S STATION P. 0.—Charles Bell, H.C. Eshelman, P. C. Eshelman, Jacob Gise, Daniel Gise, John Honeas, J. V. Lyons, A. M. Lyons, Dayton Larimore, Frank Montgomery. GLENWOOD P. 0.—Wm. Davis, J. W. Dickey, Jesse Murphy, R. Runyon, Wm. McCon- nell, Ross Wiles, Luther Clifford. GROVES P. 0.—M. H. Saxon, John Thrasher, Wm. D. Thomas, John Hackleman, Dan. Lewis. FALMOUTH P. 0.—Simon Joseph, E. W. Ellis, Dan. Foster, Harvey Piper, J. H. Manlove, Noah Cummins, John S. Parish. HARRISBURGH P. 0—John Murphy, F. T. Williams, Frank Thompson, Wm. T. Florea, E. M. Stone, N. B. Tingley, Stephen Thomas, HE. W. Higham, Buel J. Thomas, H. T. Thomas, A. Williams, E. Robinson. _BENTONVILLE P. 0.—E. Derbyshire, Ira Hathaway, Wm. Lamberson, Sanuel Lamberson, Theo. Beoson, Fred Gingrich, E. Kk. Huhn, James M. Crawford, James Huston, Lazrus Monger, John Ayres, Levi Ayers, Wm. Overheiser, James Kel- lum, John Weaver. VERSAILBUES (c. h.) P. O.—E. D. Hunter, Hez. Shook, John W. Austin, J. W. Albnght, Thos. Alexander, Jas. Anderson, Jos. Albright, W.H. Black, J. W. Bradshaw, E. F. Ballman, Lloyd Copeland, John Connelley, Geo. Cornelius, James Cregmiles, Enoch Curran, Adam Coplinger, P. J. Conyers, Joseph Derringer, Jas. B. Dickson, E. F. Draman, Joseph Day, August Engle, Jno. Eads, Rob. Firth, Alf. Flint, Casper Fox, Geo. R. Griffith, J. C. Gilliland, Allen Harper, Thos. Hefferman, R. W. Holman, M. M. Henderson; M. S. Henderson, EH. F. Hillig, J. W. Johnson, T. W. Johnson, Andrew Jackson, Jno. Jackson, Henry Kemper, John Kirtly, Austin Livingstone, Wm. Leslie, John J. Muir, Geo. W. Nicholson, R. A. Owens, Thos. Purcell, Hiram Pendegast, Ira B. Picket, James I. Koberts, Robert Raney, sr., T. EB. Starkey, L. D. Shook, P. F. Seelinger, Thomas G. Day, E. M. Stevens, Jas. R. Toph, Joseph Un- derwood, C. GC. White, Wm. White, Rob Warman, John GC. Warfield, Anthony Wagner, Oscar Will- son, Jno. 0. Warman, Geo. W. Hunter, T. L. Hughes. ELROD P. 0.—Resin Johnson, Hiram Peters, Jno. T. Beall, Wm. Hunley. Robert Cowan, B. FP. Preble,W. J. Gray, J. W. Lotshaw, Henry Livingston, Jno. W. Nighbert, 8. S. Flemming, Wm. Lane, Thos. Harper. FRIENDSHIP P. 0.—F. E. Otto, L. Rost, J. L Rand, Thos. Johnson, Louis Quinens, Bower Fisk, Joseph Connell, J. ‘I’. Ricketts, Anthony Brinson, Fred Rowe, Henry A. Winter. CROSS PLAINS P. 0.—John W. Fuller, Thos. Shields, Abe Gilliland, Abe Wycoff, Jas. H. Conyers, Jas. T. Hunter, John P. Jarvis, Wm. Bean, Joseph Innis, Wm. M. Paugh. MARTINSVILLE (c. h.) P. O.—Hiram H. Avery, Jesse Avery, John Anderson, David Bothwell, jr., Joseph Burton, J. E. Burton, Pat- rick Cain, Geo. Crawford, G. W. Cramer, N. 1. Cunningham, W. P. Clarke, Geo. Clodfelder, Chas. Cook, W. S. Cramer, Geo. Dyer, L. P. De- Turk, Thos. Farley, Isaac Farrend, Geo. Gill- aspy, jr., Chas. Hastings, W. EH. Hendricks, Michael Hammons, W. 8. Hammons, Michael Haase, John T. Hammons, Henry Harryman, Geo. Harryman, W. K. Hasting, jr., Manford Koons, Linden Laughlin, James J. Maxwell, R. F. Maxwell, J. M. McGowen, N. J. Majors, Robert McClure, Lewis A. Miller, S. M. Mitchell, Vo UK Mitchell, Lafe Martin, J. H. Maxwell, John 5S. Newley, John Nutter, W. E. Nutter, Pave Parks, W. E. Parks, John Prather, Geo. Pearcy, Aaron Rose, Merwin Rowe, Wm. Radford, Max Shireman, Lafe Sines, Harvey Satterwhite, Thos. Singleton, C. F. Stroub, H. RK. Stevens, Jno. Stevens, John Shearer, E. F'. Stimpson, Austin Sweet, John M. Clark, Henry Shireman, syr., Henry Shireman, jr., Samuel Tucker, A. W. Thomas, John Thomas, Erwin Townsend, Lane Townsend, Albert Voils, Wm. Williams,-Edward Woods, Wm. Adams, R. 8. Brown, Wash. C. (ain, Dan S. Hine, Henry O. Horrow, Charles B. Lockhart. COPE P. 0.—Jas. Abraham, Wm. R. Abra- ham, Sam Brikert, John M. Baker, Ee Wi Bailey, Ben B. Drake, S. H. Ennis, John M. Ennis, Jonathan N. Egbert, Joseph Egbert, Geo. W. Flake, Jos. H. Gillespy, Lemuel Guthridge, L. M. Greer, John F. Hamilton, Sylvester Haw- kins, E. F. Musgrave, J. E. Musgrave, Joseph Pearcy, S. N. Pearcy. OLEAN P.0O—J. F. Smith, Moritz Barth, Moritz Pegee, Chas. Waggenfield, Geo. Dressel- renee John Budmeyer, G.H. Tebbing, Hiram Wisse. LINCOLNVILLE P. 0.—Chas. May, F. M. Gelvin, John Whitaker, Samuel Evans, Je oe Benham, R. M. Creath, [. T. King. HANEY’S CORNER P. 0.—John Burton, Geo. Bates, H. H. Kirk, Willis Whithan, Wm. Blackwell, S. N. Overturf, MARBLE CORNER P. 0.—Alex. Rochat, Jolin Sheldon, R. D. Johnson, Henry Shuck. ST. MAGDALENE P.0.—Joseph Kirch, John Seamon, Geo. Gregerich, Jacob Massing, Jo. Meisberger. REXVILLE P. 0.—Wm. Hyatt, W. H. Bovarril, J. 1. McCarty. MORGANTOWN P. 0.—Samuel Adams, Geo. W. Adams, 8. J. Anderson, Geo. EK. Bron- son, John F. Casteer, John K. Koffman, R. M. Dill, Fred Gerholt, James H. Hicman, sr., James Hamilton, Isaac Knight, Geo. W. Kemp, Wim. Lake, sr., James Lake, Thos. F. Merriman, Chris. Miller, Joseph T. Norman, Geo. W. Prosser, Silas J. Sprague, H.C. Sanders, James W. Sprague, Chas. Sattcorn, Henry N. Varble, Henry Williams. ‘TITUSVILLE P. 0.—S. 5. Danbenheyer, J. W. Lemon, C. K. Willson. NEW MARION P. O.—L. E. Westover, Thos. Hughes, Thos. Delay, Davidson Rea, Geo, Boyaird, John Glanber, John A. Robertson, John Brown, B. D. Brown, M. L. Strickland, Warren Collins, Jas. B. Spears, Fielding Mahoney, Leon- ard Siebin. HOLTON P. 0.—W. S. Groves, E. S. Strat- ton, Jacob Overturf, Casper Flick, Amos Waters, A. W. Knapp, Thos. Blair, Wm. Obrien, James Murdock, Anderson Downey, Squire Cox. POSTON P. 0.—R. M. Rea, Theodore Brown, D. A. Swift. P. J. Sanless, Tim Welsh, Carey Har- ris, Wm. Vodda, John Reynolds. LOCK SPRING P. 0.—J. S. Hull, Amos Judd, W. W. Kastor, Frank French, Hambal Hughes. OSGOOD P. 0.—Joseph Newman, Jacob Young, Henry Stork, T. H. Willson, Harding Dunean, John Buckingham, Chas. W. Carter, John Popenhouse, John P. Ruby, Blaney Parmer. NAPOLEON P.0—O. P. McCullough, D. L. Bodenbery, Wm. Vassar, L. D. Castor, Geo. WW. Bayler, Hiram Eaton, John C. Hick, Robert Foster. BALLSTOWN P. 0.—Henty Swear, Ezra Thackery, A. G. Hoyer, sr., Jacob Younkman, Louis Stockinger, Conrad WNorwold, Albert Schroeder, J. B. Thackery. BATESVILLE P. 0O.—Fred Schroeder, Christ Swear, John Hellenbrand, Jacob Weber, John H. Werake. LEAVENWORTH (c. h.) P. 0.—Wm. L. Temple, sr., O. S. Leavenworth, Elias Leaven- worth, Valentine Hiser, David Cole, Wm. Cole, John Archibald, John Lynch, Richard Cates, Jno. Collins, Wm. McLain, Joseph Shotter, Jas. Shaw, W. P. Everdon, Wm. Everdon, Jackson Landers, Sam Conrad, Nathaniel Bowman, J. R. House, Frank Scott, Alex. Scott, Alex. Byerly, Curtis Smith, Jas. Bird, Sam. Bird, James Cunningham. MILLTOWN P. 0.—James Flanigan, Wm. Flanigan, Lewis Pfeiffer, Jas. Gibbs, Geo. Gibbs, Coon Utz, Wm. Stephenson, Charles Mills, John Longadon, Edward Hawkins, Nichoias Vernia, Jacob Engleman, Martin Engleman, Wm. Dan- iels, John E. Funk, Lewis Engleman, Charles Rawlings, Henry Wyman, Andy Goss, J. L. Bates, Reuben Funk, John Funk. PILOT KNOB P. 0.—Elex Richie, Nathan Bowman, M. CG. Froman, James Faucher, John Powers, Hugh Kelley, John O'Conner, Andrew Benz, Mathias Benz, Geo. Schuler. PLERCEVILLE P. 0.—Howard Robinson, N. L. Wood. Henry Enters, Henry Bondmeier, Wm. Ward. Wm. Stegner, Dan Kidd, William Kaiser, Robert Busted, J. 1. Beall, Ike Van- Dyke. 2 “MORRIS P. 0.—Ben Hulsman, John Volz, Wm. Volz, Joseph Shantz, Anthony Preckle, Res Haus, Henry Roell, Geo. Huber. SUNMAN P. 0.—Cort Brunce, Dr. E. B. Vincent, John Bennett, Louis Schlosser, John Gutstel, B. F. Ferris, Elmore Saltmarsh. STUMPKE’S CORNERS P. O.—H. Stampkey, Chris Lubhring, Gerhard Ludeker, Henry Meyer, Fred Slenderman, Wm, Kramer, Henry Voss, Henry Rinhart, Fred Rabens.2 “THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE . LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR I N iD, I A N NG WARRINGTON P. O.—T.H. Armstrong, Enoch Adams, J. A. Ayers, W. V. Armstrong, John Bridges, Wm. T. Bridges, F. M. Bridges, Abram Beaver, Joseph Beer, Henry M. Blakely, George H. Blakely, S. L. Bales, Wm. W. Brewer, Alonzo‘Bridges, David Brown, R. J. Collins, Geo. W. Collins, Jesse F. Collins, James Collins, John F. Cook, Joel Cook, Matt. F. Cook, L. D. Cook, Jackson Cook, John Combs, Wm. G. Cass, Here Granfill, B. F. Coon, Absalom Coon, Philip Cronk, F. M. Carpenter. L. L. Camplin, Wm. H. Child- ers, Wm. S. Eakin, James A. Kakin, Robert En- right, T. D. Eskew, Jacob Foust, Joseph Garrett, Wn. L. Garriott, James R. Gard, Wm. R. Gibbs, Oliver Gilbreath, Milton Gilbreath, J. P. Harlan, A. B. Harlan, D. T. Hedrick, Isaac Hamilton, James Hamilton, Sylvester Hamilton, Amaziah Holliday, Wm. E. Hatfield, A. H. Johnson, J. H. Kennedy, J. C. Kennedy, E. C. Martindale, J. H. Martin, Stephen McCray, John McCray, James Noland, Samuel Noland, Aaron Niberger, J. D. Newkirk, John S. Orr, Geo. M. Power, B. F. Reeves, Geo. W. Reeves, C. N. Reeves, Wm. F. Stanley, Robert L. Staley, John W. Trees. MILNERS CORNERS P. O.—Wnm. M. Hays, John B. Hays, James R. Walker, Stephen Shipley, Alonzo Paxton, John W. Keller. GREENFIELD (c.h.) P. O.—Wesley Addi- son, Logan Alford, Jerome Black, Sam Bussell, Lafe Bussell, Wm. Bussell, Wm. Bradley, Frank Boots, J. T. Bodkins, John W. Bush, A. J. Bridges, Jacob Catt, Wm. R. Crockett, Madison Cox, M. T. Duncan, Elisha Davis, Jackson Els- berry, Marion Elsberry, A. W. Frost, R. J. Frost, John Frost, James Koster, Wm. Fries, 8. W. Felt, Marion Forgey, J. F. Gant, Wm. &. Glas- cock, John 8. Gibbs, John Hefferman, Floyd Hutchinson, D. B. Hinton, S. James, Chas. James, Riley Kingen, Sam Kingen, James Leary, Geo. W. Low, Thomas Murphy, J. K. P. Martin- dale, John O. Moore, Wm. Martin, Joe Martin, Ed. Martin, D. H. McKinsey, W. J. Myers, B. F. Moffitt, John H. Myers, A. L. Ogg, J. H. O’Ban- ion, Wm. Potts, Alfred Potts, Albert Price, J. J. Pratt, John W. Robbins, L. L. Robbins, Isaac C. Rardin, Wm. Sebastian, B. FE. Shelby, Wm. Sager, Aden Scott, Marion Steele, George W. Sowder, Chas. F. Thompson, Alonzo Tyner, Wm. Taylor, Philander Thomas, John W. ‘Thompson, K. N. Wnght, M. T. Willett, C. J. Willett, M. F. Willett, W. C. Walker, Albert White, Charles Wiggins, John H. White, Thomas Wood, James H. Winn, James T. Wilson, John W. Wilson, B. F. Wilson, W. F. Wilson, Noble Warren, T. J. West, J. B. Wright, John W. Watts. WILLOW BRANCH P. O.—J. R. Brad- dock, Noah Braddock, F. J. Bailey, James Carl- ton, ‘Thomas Carlton, M. C. Fort, W. H, Fort, M. R. Higgins, Wm. Huston, James McCarnon, Dan’] Oharra, Wm. R. Reeves, E. M. Smith, H. L. Staley, Ila Steele, M. C. Thomas, M. R. Thom- as, I. B. Thomas, J. W. Thomas, W. J. Thomas, I’. B. Thomas, Wm. S. Tutorow, Henry Marsh, Lewis B. Morris, N. W. Spegal, Hiram Tutorow Jethro Baker, Wm. Curry, M. R. Higgins, Wm. Draper, Milton Collins, T. B. Piper, James Piper Wm. Sherry, H. N. Barrett, John McGuire Oliver Moore, Zacharias Sipe, Joseph Reeves, "Robert punmons: Kelly Haynes, Henry Personett, B. F, auley. . LA PORTE (c.h.) P, O.—Clay Wagner, E. L. Preston, B.S, Fail, Jos. Francis, John F. Decker John Hilt, John Back, W. L. Andrew, L. Ames. John Blank. Louis Brockman, John Brown jr D. A, Buck, Edward Burson; J. B. Closser W. H. Crane. Austin Cutler, Seth Eason, L. S. Fitch, John Garwood, W. A. Banks, John Gransow Geo. Hall, L. T, Harding, R. H. Holland, John D. Hoover, Chas. F. Leaming, J. W. Ludlow H - Morrison, Marion Ridgway, Jas. H. Taylor mar: Hebi B 5. McCormick, Andrew McClellan, D. Ree Chas. Simmons, John Wall, Simon WESTVILLE P. O.—Jam ousti Nicholas Austin, Wm. EH. Bundy, J See DEReaae Chas. W. Cathcart, D. L. Crum neelror J. eee Flood. W cart, 2). vu. Crumpecker, James ood, Wm. Haas, Christ Herold, Frank P. Her- oe Hy. Herold, Edward Hixon, A. M. Jessup ieee ee Charles Ludwig, David Mc- NEW CARLISLE P. O.—Albert Barnes James C. Bean, Amos Bolster, Geo. Brown, W. Eat ye A, ae Elisha Dyer, Joseph inos, Theo. Grover, H. EF. Grecor as | Hicks, H, Bi Kaine, | e@OTy Jonas L. EDEN P. O.—Wm. Wilson, Miles Walker, James W. Wilson, Noah Wilson, Robert I’. Wil- son, Janes M. Walker, F. A. Umbenhour, Sam Umbenhour, Cornelius Umbenhour, Sam Slaugh- ter, John Hunt, Joe Osbon, J. A. Farrel, M. BS Alford, M. B. Ferrell, T. J. Roberts, Irvin Porter, Henry Prater, Wm. Pritchard, M. O. Maley, John Alford, Harvey L. Alford, Daniel H. Alford, Sam Alford, C. M. Archer, R. A. Albea, E. H. Barrett, B. L. Barrett, James E. Barrett, Isaac S. Barrett, R. Y. Bamard, D. H. Baity, G. A. Beeler, Wm. M. Barnard, Wm. H. Beeler, S. S. Barnard, El- wood Barnard, Granville Clark, John Crist, James F. Cass, James M. Cooper, Joseph M. Crist, John (, Eskhart, F. M. Ferrell, Wm. R. Ferrell, Joseph M. Ferrell, Freeman Ferrell, George P. Frank, M. L. Frank, Wm P. Fisk, James Galbreath, Jas. M. Gant, Joe. W. Green, David C. Henry, John T. Henry, Aaron Haines, Thos. R. Hunt, Jehu Hunt, Geo. W. Hopkins, J. J. Hopkins, Alfred T. Jones. Lambert Jarrett, James Jarrett, Wm. H. Jarrett, Harrison Jarrett, Neri Jarrett, Hiram Jarrett, F. M. Jackson, John Jackson, Frank P. Jackson, James W. Jackson, John Kessler, Henry Kessler, Joe Kemerly, Matthew Kemerly, John W. Kelly, Ben Lummins, Jas. P. McCarty, Jas. F. McCarty, Adam Mingle, George Mingle, John Mingle, M. A. Mingle, George A. McVey, James McVey, Robert W. McClenon, Wm. A. Martin, Sidney Moore, Samuel Moore, James L. Mitchell, B. F. Moore, Madison Mingle, Lee D. Olvey, C. G. Osbon, Chas. F. Pauley, J. S. Ryan, Leander Roberts, Joe C. Roberts, Thomas M. Rash, Ira Roberts, Joe M. Russell, John Spurry, John Shull, Henry B. Wilson, John R. Wilson. ROLLING PRAIRIE P. O.—Benj. Beal, D. F. Birchin, Moses Burhans, Geo. Bolster, Jas. Drummond, B. C. Bowell, Albert Cole, N. W. Gannan, Geo. Teeter, Edward Teeter, Martin Bates, J. F. M. Loyd, J. S. Martin, Benj. DeWitt, John Galbreath, David George, Nicholas Hofler, Franklin Hecker, Jack Hickman, David Hoffman, B. F. Huntsman, T. Jarrett, David Jones, Edward Kenton, Anton Leliter, B. F. McCarty, Charles Nesbit, Jesse Ogelsby, David Pease, W. W. Proud, D. W. Rynearson, David Stoner. UNION MILLS P. O.—Ruggles Croup, Allen Cummings, Geo. W. English, John Geisler, Thos. Hockney, Jos. Ireland, Balser Keith, Wm. Lawson, Hy. L. Loomis, Hy. Mill, Timothy Mc- Lane, Job Northum, Conrad Patrie, I. N. Rambo, John Terry, Thos. Toyne, Jos. Trump, Ira Way, Theo. Wells, James Wing. FLATROCK P. O.—David Compton, Geo. Isley, Henry Coffman, Henry Spurlin, C. A. Por- ter, John Nading, Martin Higgins, L. G. Alme- roth, W. 8. Pope, Jesse Scott, Thomas Wooley, Geo. Rapp, John Walker, W. L. Walker, Eli Harrod, Wm. Azpy, John Nail, Adam Girton. SHELBYVILLE P. O.—Shelly Stafford, Greenup Stafford, James Stafford, Milton Jeffries, Samuel Thompson, Charles Muchnore, William Henry, James McCarthy, James Green, Elston Green, Thomas Coyle, David Maple, Job B. Tis- dall, Geo. W. Tisdall, Peter Heishour, John Heish- our, John Goble, William Hendricks, W. Woodard, Camorn Lympus, L. Lympus, John Reece, Jo Randall, T. J. Craycroft, J. James, Norris Winteroad, James Connor, Jacob Jones, Robert Young, H. Boyermann, Thomas Amos, Perry Amos, William Amos. EDINBURGH P. O.—Jacob Mutz, Daniel F, Snepp, Daniel Snepp, sr., Joe Snepp, Alex. Pruitt, Dave Mullendore, George Mullendore, Jacob Meyer, Adam Rinehart, Ferman Conover, Jacob Muley, M. V. Ensley, Martin Cutsinger, Samuel Cutsinger, Levi Neible, Louis Neible, Louis Snepp, John Quick, Geo. Schafer, George Warner. E MT. AUBURN P. O.—Thos. Clark, Lewis Barlow, A. J. Kendall, John Wertz, Mathias Wertz, Joel D. Scott, John Shaner, Noah N. Collins, Martin Foreman, John Neible, Solomon Coffman, Geo. Lambert. z KINGSLAND P. O.—Peter ‘Brickley, A. J. Brickley, James H. Brickley, D. K. Hannah, D. K. Hatfield, Wm. J. Parkison, Israel Place. MURRAY P. O.—David Aker, Peter Clem- ens, Wm. A. Donaldson, Geo. Ditzler, Aaron ki lemming, Wm. J. Goodyear, Solomon Harsh, Sam Hamish, Wm. H. Park, James K. Karl, David Kichhorn, J. C. Fulton, James Fulton, Jacob R. Harvey, Jacob Meyers, Jacob Miller, Wm. Miller, Samuel McOCleery, J. ar ; HL. Platten ry, J. J. Markley, Henry Park, N. BLUFFTON (c. h.) P. O.—Moses Arnold, Marcellus Alexander, Chas. Arnold, Mathias Ash- baucher, Jonathan Bender, Solomon Brown, Jas. R. Bennett, James Barton, J. L. Brown, Lemuel Bachelor, L. D. Buchle, Chas. Boyer, John G. Ben- nett, Adam Bantemay, Wm. H. Baker, Jacob Baker, Reason Chalfant, Frank Curray, Geo. W. Capps, Robert Chalfant, Aaron F. Cotton, Peter Craven, James Crosbie, James L. Cobbum, Henry Camaill, KF. M. Conrad, Chas. Chalfant, Joseph W. Cobbum, Philip Cupp, John Cobbum, Henry G. Cobbum, John H. Dean, C. C. Dean, Frank Dean, Isaac Decker, Decatur DeWitt John W. DeWitt, Josiah Davis, John Ernst, Theo. Ellingham, T. A. R. Katon, Chas. B. Evans, Allison Fulton, James N. Fulton, Leonidas Fetters, Zachariah Fetter, John G. French, Daniel Glass, Emanuel Griffin, Ira B. Goodspeed, Joseph Gardenour, John M. Hoover, Philip Householder, Philip Huffman, Jas. P. Hale, Theo. Horton, Geo. Heckadon, Bowen Hale, Moses Hopkins, Robert Hughes, James H. Higgins, Robert M. Hedges, James Hedges, Wm. Helvie, Howard M. Helvie, John Johnston, A. W. Johnston, Anderson G. Jones, James F. Johns, Jacob Klopfenstine, Joel Kemp, Samuel J. Keller, Geo. W. King, C. J. Kline, L. E. King, Arthur Linn, Wm. Little, Andrew Linn, O. J. Mont- gomery, W. W. McBride, T. J. McDowell, Daniel EF’. Markley, Jonathan Markley, Wm. McDowell, O. C. Mitchell, C. T. Melcheimer, John W. Mark- ey, H. C. Markley, John A. Miller, J. B. Markley, Henry C. Miller, Adam Masterson, Wm. J. Mc- Afee, G. T. Markley, N. T. Miller, E. B. Mc- Dowell, Michael Myers, E. C. Miller, John G, Meredith, Geo. W. Masterson, Enoch Myers, Jesse C.Myers, David Myers, Sam’] Myers, Amos Mowery, Jacob North, W. B. Nimmons, Jacob J. Neff, Ira Neff, L. A. R. Owman, D. Peppard, Lewis Prilla- man,W. L. Prillaman, Ruben Porter, Peter Pence, E. C. Ropejoy, Lawson Popejoy, G. O. Pence, Robt. C. Reynolds, Mathias Russell, Daniel Ratliff, David B. Rowe, Franklin Rudy, Amos Rowe, Wm. Rey- nolds, Daniel E. Reiff, Franklin Roof, Harvey Risley, John Allen, Isaac Bender, Simon Bickle, James Blue, Geo. W. Bolinger, Daniel Bender, Peter Bender, Isaac Bohr, Theodore Blosser, Richard 8. Bowman, John W. Bugh, Adam Bow- man, Adolphus Carrysot, Manuel Chalfant Melvin Chalfant, James C. Chaddock, James R. Camp- bell, James Dailey, Washington Dustman, J. W. Dustman, James P. Deam, Hdwin Durr, John H. Durr, George DeLong Hugh Dougherty, John Dougherty, John R. Davis, Milton Davis, Solomon DeLong, John G. Ernst, Herman Freese George Fahlor, Thomas Fahlor, Solomon Fahlor, Wm. H. Funk, O. P. Garton, H. J. Garton, 8. H. Galyean, Paris D. Garton, Joseph M. Grove, James M. Grove, Nathaniel Greenfield Peter 8. Green, Peter Gerber, Mathias Gerber, George Hamish, Henry Houtz, Wm. Harvey, Joseph W. Hawk, J. W. Hartman, Amos Hetrick, Ephraim High, Geo. W. Huffman, Bailey Hall, Adam Hall, F. D. Hasty, Wm. E. Harvey, B. F. Jones, Orson Jennings, Edward Jones, Michael Kunkle, Geo. Y. Keller, John O. Kunkle, John Kauffman, Abraham Keller, Sond W.| Samuel Y. Keller, Emanuel D. Klick, Iven O. Klemknight, Andrew W. Lash, George Lindsay, John N. Lusk, Wirley Lamn, Samuel J. McAffee, Kinsley Martin, Wm. B. Merriman, Joseph Mal- hollan, Wm H. Myers, Adam Markley, John Newenschwander, James Nelson, Benj. Nash, John North, Jacob North, Elias B. Osborn, John S. Pierce, David Patten, Ruben Patterson, John Patterson, Geo. Plank, Lemuel Paynter, John W. Quick, Chas. G. Quick, Adison C. Randall, Andrew H. Reed, Amos Reiff, Jos. C. Silver, Anthony Sinner, Geo. W. Studabaker, Peter Studabaker, John Shoemaker, Simon P. Schock, David D. Studabaker, Jacob Stroup, Sylvester Shepherd, Ruben Shepherd, Gabriel Schrock, Daniel Shire, Jacob Sawyer, James V. Smith, Benj. Studa- baker, Benj. W. Schock, W. K. Shoemaker, John Sowards, Robert Sowards, Isaac Shady, Robert Souder, Thos. Souder, Caleb Truax, John Travis, John Ulmer, Andrew Van Emmon, L. R. Van - Emmon, Absalom Van Emmon, B. F. Wiley, Henry Wilmer, Jas. W. Wilson, Wm.R. Winters, Branson Weaver, Aaron Wisner. KINGSBURY P. O.—J. B. Atkins, L. D. Brand, D. P. Closser, D. B. Collings, H. H. Ells- worth, ‘I’ E. Garwood, D. P. Grover, D. N. Hay, Chas. Hewson, Chas Keithline, A. P. Lilley, Jacob Moyer, H. K. Norton, Chas. Phelps, R. D. Ran- dall, J. A. Travis, W. W. Travis N. Travis, W. H. Winchell.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR LOW A x FOREST CITY (c. h.) P. O.—A. Charlson, Andrew Hanson, W. KR. Mattocks, G. A. Olson, Albert Field, Nels Isaacson, John Anderson, T. Olson, C. KH. Welsh, C. A. Stedman, Stephen Peterson, Ole Peters Eugen, Ole O. Hoseverd, S. K. Soals, Lars Monson, Andrew Lundstrom, L. O. Hoversten, Jens Olson, A. Bengtson, Peter Olson, Patrick Gavin, Thos. B. Strike, A. N. Brones, W. O. Hanson, N. O. Brones, Mikel Peterson, John Charlson, Rev. I. M. Dahl, Halvor Paulson, 7 Reter PB. Reterson; ©.) N. EFlugum, G. Belshiem, P. K. Revland, K. K. Reyland, G. G. Hanna, P. G. Hanna, G. O. Housey, O. G. Housey, Hans Holtan, Ole Gudmundson, Her- man Gudmundson, Hans Thompson, James Tollefson, I’. L. Felland, H. H. Rygmyr, H. P. Rygmyr, T. R. Peterson, T. Martinson, O. L. Lindgren, Peter Halvorsen, Wm. Higinbotham, Arne Sogad, Erick Johnson, H. C. Hanson, Ole Asbjornson, David Larson, O. K. Johnson, 8. C. Brokke, John Drugg, Andrew Drugeg, Charles An- derson, Andrew Johnson, T. 8. Neshiem, H. A. Anderson, S. Simmons, J. A. Plummer, Jacob Jorgenson, J. J. Otis, J. Thompson, A. W. Swen- son, A. O. Mocklestad, W. W. Olmsted, Patrick Scanlon, James Ross, C. C. Myre, I. J. Kessey, T. I. Thompson, Chas. Isaacs, B. F. Knapp, C. P. Clark, Wm. Bragg, O. T. Severs, Lewis Larson, Christian Larson, H. H. Mattison, John C. Ander- son, C. J. Anderson, G. Jorgenson, George John- son, M. P. Mikkelson, Paul Mikkelson, John Con- nor, Even Arneson, S. Stenerson, Iver O. Lyse, K. K. Fodnes, Chas. Charlson. MOUNT VALLEY P. 0.—Peter Seibert, K. E. Oustad, Peter Hanson, Michael Evenson, A. N. Hange, H. H. Nyhus, H. O. Nyhus, L. 0. Strommen, O. P. Bakke, John Olund. LAKE MILLS P. O.—C. D. Smith, E. D. Hinman, Geo. W. Thomas, Knudt Johnson, Chas. J. Odden, Elling Hermanson, John A. Anderson, James Price, John ‘Thompson, N. B. Thompson, H. P. Holland, Ole H. Brecky, Thos. Thompson, T. C. Thompson, S. G. Honsey, T. G. Honsey, H. S. Larson, L. H. Peterson, P. H. Peterson, Colben Larson, John JI. Sane, I. Martinson, K. E. Moen, E. E. Moen, Joseph Tennis, William Ten- nis, E. D. Skinner, Gilbert Larson, Loren Olson, D. N. Johnson, Hans Knudson, 0. O. Uloe, Lars O. Dahlen, Ole B. Jenson, T. H. Peterson, 8. T. Nel- son, Ole Scar, Albeut Knudson, Jens Jenson, K. K. Kiland, D. T. Sabin, H. J. Rowland, 8. A. Smith, Anton Maursund, Ole Christopherson, John Smith, John Burgeson, C. L. Porter, Waulliam Larson. OSKALOOSA (c. h.) P. 0.—W.S. Martin, John Shipley, H. P. Martin, A. J. Jewell, J. M. Barnes, Geo. Gilchrist, Lewis Hilleary, Benjamin Fitch, Levi owns, Daniel Bradbury, Jesse H. Jenkins, J. W. Finley, Wm. McKinley, Matthew Crozier, J. E. Guthrie, John Pim, W. H. Harrison, Arch Moore, David Thatcher, M. S. Freeman, Jerry Everett, John Mitchell, Lewis Cruzen, Ham Cruzen, Samuel Miller, Wm. Shipley, Ben Crispen, Scott Crispen, Eli Ketner, W. L. Kissick, T. L. Terrell, T. C. Beach, W. S. Tredick, W. H. Green, M. K. Prine, Jas. Runyon, Ellis Prine, George Compton, John Davis, Milt Young, Alex. Hanna, Thos. Hanna, Jobn Upton, Chas. Stanley, Wm. McKinney, A. Kirk, A. J. Truax, J. P. McCrea, Wm. Stephenson, Harvey Gearheart, A. D. Cole- man, Chas. H. Crosier, Samuel Row, Wm. Kirk- patrick, Geo. W. Perkins, J. H. Willis. LEIGHTON P. 0.—Fred Butler, Chas. T. Gibbs, B. C. Clark, Chas. Stoddard, John He Smith, Marion Woods, John Voorhees, A. E. Dunsmore, Preston Strain, E. T. Ryan, R. Red- man, Wm. Schee, George Barnes. OLIVET P. O.—R. V. Clark, Elmore Clark, Aaron Loughlin. LACEY P. 0.—S. C. McDonough, Mace Mott, O. M. Hanna, T: P. Hellings, J. W. Ballinger. ROSE HILL P. O.—L. C. Tanner, D. £ Tanner, Reese Spates, Jas. Stewart, Robert Doak, J. W. Doak, J. A. C. Swiggett, C. J. Jackson, W. C. Rhinehart, Thos. Caldwell. FREMONT P. O0.—Lee Phillipie, B. C. Howell, Robert Dickerson, N. Allender, William Nash, Jacob Wolfe, Burr Lee, A. English, Isaac Sparks, Samuel McClain, Moses Votaw, Eastbam, W. H. Hienzman. EVELAND P. 0.—W.N. Jones, James A. Sprague, J. H. Evans, W. 8S. Wharton. _ WHITE OAK P. 0.—O. R. Gaskill, A. J. Burgess, J. W. Bridges, M. Kinsman, Alexander Caldwell. 3 INDIANAPOLIS P. 0--Wm. Piersol, E. H. McCann, Moses Hadley, Wash Hatcher, W. I. Beans, W. H. Brown, H. B. Maleby, Wm. Lester, Ki. R. Hatcher, Elwood Hatcher, David Lyon, Elwood Fisher, Tracey Riggs, Elias Holloway, Wn. Houghton, H. 8. Grubb, Thomas Grubb. NEW SHARON P. 0.—S. J. Wharton, A. H. Edgerton, John W. Allen, P. W. Phillips, Jas. Drennan, H. Davis, Chas. Freeligh, E. C. Hull, Samuel Knowlton, Arch Harper, A. J. Eflin. PHORIA P. 0.—R. B. Warren, Sylvester Baldwin, J. L. Billings, J. H. Berry, Peter Appel, W.J. Boyd, J. H. Spain, James McAuley, L. B. Berry, George Engle. UNION MILLS P. 0.—S. T. James, Barney James, Paul Caster, Thos. McCain, Hugh Smith. NEW PROVIDENCE P. 0.—T. Adams, E. Adams, EH. Andrews, T. Alexander, W. V. An- drews, J. A. Algood,.W. D. Albery, A. H. Adam- son, T. M. Baldwin, B. Bryson, C Benbow, W. R. Benbow, A. E. Baldwin, C. Baldwin, J. Bucknell, Jeo. Bonds We Be brows Wime Bonds Jie ibe Beckno, J. K. Blair, D. O. Blair, C. Clemen, J. C. Cook, J. H. Carter, J. W. Cassell, T. M. Clampett, H. Darling, J. D. Davis, Wm. Dunn, H. DeWitt, D. Finton, B. Fitzgerald, A. Farris, D. H. Farris, I. Gibbs, Wm. Glote, J. J. Hobson, C. Hadley, A. H. Hadley, Wm. Henshaw, P. C. Hadley, C. T. Hall, F. G. Hunt, G. Jessup, T. Jessup, D. Lundy, J. B. Leach, J. M. Martin, B. Mills, J.C. Mitchell, J. T. Martin, 8. D. Moore, C. A. Monroe, W. C. Mulford, A. M. Mulford, G. W. Moore, B. F. Morris, W. A. Madal, A. Newby, A. M. Wa- land, J. L. Nash, W. B. Nash, EH. A. Rhodes, H. Bowen, W. J. Reese, W. A. Reese, Levi Reese, T. Rubottan, J. W. Swaggart, S. D. Spence, A. A. Seward, H. C. Smith, D. Slack, J. Spurgeon, H. Sheldon, W. W. Scott. POCAHONTAS (c. h.) P. O.—A. O. Garlock, J. W. Wallace, W. D. McEwen, H. W. Bissell, H. GC. Burchalter, E. M. Hastings, John Eral, Martin Eral, Martin Anderson, F. E. Houck, John Houck, Henry Schroeder, Francis Houck, A. Houck, M. Bartosh, J. F. Pattee, T. L. Dean, John Harrold, John Kreul, Barney Stegge, C. M. Saylor, John Crummer, Wm. Boog, G. C. Boog, M. Pouduska, Thomas Shimon, Mike Shimon. FONDA P. 0O.—M. F. Patterson, A. B. P. Wood, G. W. Bothwell, Wm. Bott, Geo. Sanborn, N. B. Post, J. N. McClellan, A. F. Burdick, M. J. Lynch, Wm. Lynch, Wm. Fitzgerald, Dan Fitz- gerald, John Garvey, Wm. Gilson, Matt Byrne, ‘Thomas Byrne, M. J. Dooley, John Dooley, James O’Connor, J. O. Suvlivan, A. F. Hubble, J. E. Moore, M. Sayer, Joseph Southworth, F. A. Thompson, J. A. Sayer, Fred Lieb, Wm. Iieb, Fred Fuchs, Louie Fuchs, E. Garlock, James Mercer, J. N. McKee, Geo. Fairburn. SHIRLEY P. O—E. M. Tollefsrude, H. C. Tollefsrude, Thomas Reamer, George Spies, I. Parrish, A. Monklen, John Johnson, Alex. Peter- son, C. J. Johnson, Odni Anderson, Hans John- son, H. L. Norton, B. Erne, Henry Russell. ROLFE P. 0.—Robert Struthers, William Jarvis, Henry Jarvis, W. H. Hait, J. J. Bruce, H. A. Lind, James B. Lothian, William Lothian, John Fraser, A. W. Ireland, Alex. McEwen, S. B. Lyman, James Henderson, George Henderson, J. H. Cobb, C. T. Stein, D. Brinkman, F. Wig- man, George Spence, James Charleton, Wis Ele Baker, John Stiner, J. A. Colburn, Wm. Matson, Thos. Smith. MANSON P. 0.--William Stenson, M. 0. Shea, M. Wash, John Donahoe, H. Steckleburg, Jacob Carstens, M. O. Boil, John Vetter, A Munch, George A. Looles, Peter Wendell, John Carstens, Gerd. Carstens, Gerd. Rankin, John Kenning, Carl Kenning, Rudolph Calsow, Fred Zanter, Fred Hintz, J. M. Brown, M. Wiese, John Wiese. W. G. Wiese. C. Steinbrink, A. Miller, J. G. Cary, James Dempsey, Pat Crahan, Pat A.| Murray, John O'Neill, Pat Enwright, D. Wallace, Julius Sell, August Sell, Wm. Tobin, D. Beneke. GILMORE CITY P. 0.—Thos. Wallace, @. Jordan, M. McCormick, Robert Wallace, Pat McCormick, Thomas Calligan, Kd Dunn, James Sinnott. Ed Rran, §. Chipman, H. A. Chipman. WHITTEMORE P. 0.—H. P. Hatch, C. M.|N. Oliver, A. Hinton, Wm. Dan, Jo. Luke, J. M. Farley, Salon Wilson, C. O. Rawson, A. Booth, C. J. Johnson, Phil Darneilles, Paul Darneilles, M. Hayes, Fred Long. LUVERNE P. 0—G. W. Hanna, G. C. Burtis, J. UC. Raymond, W. Hanna, C. E. Fisher, Barnet Devine, Geo. Stewart, Robt. Skilling. ALGONA (c. h.) P.O.—D. A. Hagearé B. Hutchings, L. L. Rist, J. L. Paine, Wr a Ingham, L. H. Smith, A. A. Brunson, C. L. Lund, T. D. Stacy, J.. HE. Stacy, O. ©. Walker, J. B. Jones, W. F. Hopkins, J. B. Hopkins, J. Thomp- son, H. Schenck, M. D. Blanchard, A. A. Call, A. C. Call, H. F. Watson, J. E. Blackford, Wiiliam Clearey, M. Warner, George C. Call, A. T. Gall, A.D. Clark, M. L. Clark, Thomas Cooke, A. Rutherford, C. D. Pettibone, J. C. Heckart, J. O. Ranson, F. M. Taylor, Ed Williams, L. Witham, C. Rickard, 8. H. Pettibone, M. Chapin, D. S: Miller, Wm. Galbrath, Fred Pompe, Frank Pompe, J. Kennedy, L. Lockwood, R. J. Hunt, C. Hackman, D. Hagerty, A. L. Seeley, J. D. Vavidson, J. H. Grover, W. Barey, H. J. Gilbert, James Reibhoff, Pat Kane, P. P. Ferguson, M. Godden, D. Rice, S. G. A. Reid, J. Wallace,. M. W.Strough, J. M. Comstock, D. H. Hutchins, H. Walkley, James Barr, L. K. Garfield, A. A. Stanton, C. Hesman, ‘I’. Lumber, J. W. Wads- worth, George Simpkins, Tom Burt, Tom Me- Arthur, A. Zahlten, Ed Donovan, Alex. McDon- ald, John McDonald, C. C. Chubb, A. C. Scott, L. L. Pattee, Henry Ebert. BANCROFT P. 0.—S. Sands, E. F. Clarke, J. B. Johnson, J. A. Winkel, E. Searls, R. W. Richmond. BURT P. 0.—J. H. McDonald, J. Maskel, Wm. Murray, G. N. Patterson, John Hutchinson, Peter Krethe, L. Ames, Thos. Hanna. WESLEY P.0.—J. W. Hopkins, M. Taylor, G. S. McPherson, Wm. Ward, W. P. Giddings, E. EK. Thomas, C, L. Harris, A. K. Kennedy, G. B. Hall, E. W. Gurren, SENECA P. 0.—W. Ormiston, M. Freilinger, R. J. Brayton, C. O. Fish, John Dundas, A. U. Heckert. GUTHRIE CENTRE (c. h.) P. 0.—Wm. Sheeder, John Headlee, Wm. Halsman, C. G. Trent, Henry Hess, John E. Motz, J. S. McLuen, Wm. Wanington, I. M. Clippinger, Chas. Ashton, Wm. Stover, James Stover, J. 8. Clark, H. R. Dewey, Frank Brown, John Headlee, Floyd Wal- ters, W. W. Bailey, J. W. Foster, G. T. Morris, F. M. Hopkins. BEAR GROVE P. 0.—D. W. Cotes, R. Hopkins, A. E. Calley, C. Reed, Charles Owen. Chas. Porter, O. C. Parsons, Wm. Dunn. WICHITA P. 0.—G. H. Gibson, H. Caw- thers, John Stewart, J. H. Waller. MONTEITH P. O—H. T. Reed, T. Reed, David Woods, J. W. Moorehead, D. Bronson. NELSON P. 0.—G. B. Nelson, J. W. Brown, John Kuyder. HERNDON P. O—I. R. Shipley, M. C. Lockwood, G. J. Boyd. CASEY P. O—A.S. Miller, Jos. Betts, Saml. Coltrider, Saml. Whetstone. PANORA P. O.—C. W. Hill, S. D. Nichols, W. H. Burns, Thos. Roberts, E. J. Reynolds, Jas. Roberts, James Lyons, J. D. Lemon, Jas. Hensel, James Hart, G. R. Roberts, John Cline, Robert Dilley. YALE P. O.--Milo Yale, L. C. Pierce, NORTH BRANCH P. O.—E. Washburn, B. F. Wire, Richard Baker. ONAWA (ce. h.) P. O.—N. A. Fairchild, S. Kesterson, Jacob Keller, A. J. McOullock, D. A. Pember, D. A. Parish, Jacob Robmet, Barney Stevens, Frank Stevens, C. W. Waymire, Adison Oliver, F. G. Oliver Wm. Gantz, Jas. McNeill, J. K. McCartey, D. Pember, O. Perry, 8. Davis, Geo. Fitcher. M. A. Freeland. MOORHEAD P.O.—J. A. Adams, A. Ash- ton, John Bailer, S. M. Blackman, J. L. Barthol- omew, N. Beall, G. R. Bridgeman, John Conyers, Wm. Conyers, E. A. Dilley, W. Darnell, A. Eads, W. J. Ellis, Ben Gorder, I. T. Henderson, W. H. Isom, O. E. Johnson, John Kratz, J. R. Kerney, Chas. Lewis, Dorman Lewis, ‘Ihomas Mann, J. R. McIntyre, J. B. Moorhead, T. J. Perrin, Andrew Rude, C. H. Town, Elias Tremble, $8. M. Woolsey, John Williver, James M. Wineger. DUNLAP P. 0.—E. A. Atherton, Charles Atherton, Erank Becker, Malcolm Bird, Thomas Cover, Ole Christianson, John Cain, W. Eckley, J. Fackelman, John Gardner, Jeeeee Heally, B. J. Hull, J. S. Hull, E. N. Hong, Dee ke Jones, Fidell Kessler, Joseph Landon, Jas. Larson, 0. O. Moen, James McDermot, Henry Millard, E. W. Millard, M. Mayher, A. J. Oleson, B. R. Perkins, L. H. Pratt, R. M. Robinson, C. J. Reese, M. Schmidt, James Severson, Bowe Smith, Conrad Schwab.“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE : LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR MO) A B ITRT P. 0.—J. T. Arnold, J. W. Arnold, C. con John Archibold, A. J. Jillett, Sylves- ter Jackson, A. Goodel, George Beadle, J. W. Johnson, A. Christie, N. J. Kent, F, M. Walker, Peter Kalkus, Chris Walters. TINGLEY P. 0.—Fisher Ames, L. T. Askren, Enoch Atwood, John Archibald, J. 8. Avenel, Asa Ames, A. Johnson, J. Johnson, A. Larimore, M. Larimore, E. Atwood, H. Breckenridge, ‘T. Stephenson, A. Stephenson, A. W. Dunsmore. KEW P. O0.—G. R. Anderson, J. C. Ander- son, W. B. Cole, J. W. Simpson, C. A. Parker. MARENA P. 0.—Jas. L. Andrews, R. Allen, J.P. Lambert, KE. M. Gard, John Gard, G. A. Wyant. GOSHEN P. O—L. Ashenfelter, Jacob Ashenfelter, Wm. S. Andrews, C. Askren, A. Almendencer, S. Stahl, M. Stahl. Jim Todd. MT. AYR (c. h.) P. O.—J. C. Askren, A. Ingram, T. E. Armstrong, D. J. Armstrong, Henry Arnett, J. W. Athey, Jewett Bastow, J. D. Burns, Jacob Blystone, A. G. Beall, A. I. Bennett, QO. W. Beall, C. F. Barton, Julius Bridegroom, J. B. Lesan, E. R. Lesan, Luke Shay, J. M. Poor, Friend Cook. KELLERTON P. 0.—G. W. Allen, Thos. Allen, J. M. Argabright, John Argabright, E. J. Burchett, W. H. Brown, S. C. Bidwell, M. F. Buchanan, Wm. H. Barnes, A. W. Buell, H. Bonham, W. H. Bradley, Wm. Christy, C. K. Pierson, Robt. Ervin, J. A. Jackson, Walter Jack- son, John Scott, Sam. Fittrow, Miles Green, Thos. Burnes, Peter Groves, HE. E. Auxier, Peter Mer-. ritt, John Merritt, A. J. Moulton, R. B. Moulton, R. B. Hall. MALOY P. O—A.J. Argo, R. C. Beamer, R. M. Beamer, R. B. Bowen, W. G. Barker, Robert Barnes, Edwin Bennett. B. P. Bennett. CALEDONIA P. O.—A, T. Anderson, J. W. Abernathy, Jacob Butler, G. M. Brown, E. Bradshaw, 8. R. Burges. LESAW P. O.—M. W. Boram, B. Lesan, G. W. Lesan, Chris Saltzman, Nick Saltzman, jr., Chris Mosier, M. A. Egley, Wm. Clark, Emery Clark, Josiah Middleton, Samuel Foltz, Peter Gleason, James Ingram. BLACKMORE P. 0.—Samuel Blackmore, Frank Oliver, L. Long, James Baker, Job Rush, George Bradford. CLARKSVILLE P. 0.—Wm. Buchholz, John Shannon, Chas. Sumner, Wm. Cronin, 0. H. Forney, S. Bonwell, J. R. Fletcher, A. N. Leet, C. Doty, Frank Patterson, P. Loomer, J. Perrin, Wm. Moore, J. H. Hickle, S. Hickle, Henry Knight, A. C. Wilcox. GREENE P. 0.—Levi Baker, Ed Stevens, Will Morrill, Sol Sturtz, Wm. Anderson, S. Mc- Roberts, sr., M. Wilson, J. E. Downing, S. Wil- liams, Peter Ebling. DUMONT P. 0.—W. R. Jamison, H. B. Brown, W. R. Nichols, J. M. Nichols, J. J. Baum- gartner, Win. Watson, A. E. Hartson, K. S. Greene. BRISTOW P. 0.—F. E. Newberry, W. W. Rogers, C. V. Surface, Frank Kilson, J. N. Neal. ALLISON (ce. h.) P. O.—I. M. Fisher, John Trager, G. Hazlett, J. W. Davis, Geo. W. Craic W. A. Lathrop, C. W. Lewis, Geo. U. VanVleck. Wm. Hunter, J. W. Ray, J.S. Riggs, H. W. Kester, A. A. Hershey, Jas. Barlow, Jas. Hunter. SHELL ROCK P. 0.—W. W. Murray, C. H. Green, H. Wilson, T. C. Phillips, Geo. Jones Amos Ressler, A. Stannard, John Leverich. , NEW HARTFORD P. 0.—A. Critzman, J. Knife, Chas. Webster, Chas. Ensign, L. B. Cor- win. PARKERSBURGHP. 0.—W ili J. ML. Grant, J W. Ray, C. S. ae oun neday, Wm. Wright, Joseph Linn, Nathan Li APLINGTON P. jae ete vL Swan, Chas, Stockdale, Peter McMahon, J. M. Caldwell, J. J. Bumham, Harrison Combs. EURIES Vel Tire PO=Je iS: UNfareretee 3) W ppmson: W.S. Hane. ie pees TLER CENTRE P. 0.—Huch Mul- Lae, S. M, Baldwin, P. Dunson, ae a stead, CLEARFIELD P. O.—Wm. M. Winkley H. H. Tyler, Chas. Peltier, Joe Doubett Denia Cotrell, H. Baum, M. B. Albaugh, David Wade Tr. Owens, J. Brosnahan, Geo. Lyddon @ C Me- Laury, C. Wakenagle, Isaac Wilson, L. H. Perkins puARBLE ROCK P. 0.—Barney Bair, R.Z. ailey, W. Harrison, Samuel Keeney, Mathias ASPINWALL P. 0.—C. E. Arney, W. F. Arnold, S. Denney, M. J. McMertney, John Kuhl, Peter Jones, Jerry Murphy jr., Harry Bechtel, C. A. Barnes, Joseph Plumer, William Smith, P. He Dillon. ASTOR P. 0.—G. W. Saunders, S. M. Neely, James Wilson, Louis Alfred, G. W. Fuller, Jerry Buttington, Allen Barber, J. L. Bidlack, W. H. A.| Hadley, Thos. Morris, T. E. Graham, R. Theobald. DOW CITY P. O.—Salem Town, J. F. Wiley, J. Schofield, John Dail, J. Carpenter, A. H. Rudd, D. Grace, J. S. Weatherby, Thos. Bur- nall, K. Vore, W. V. Whaley, Thos. Rae, E. W. Pierce, L. B. Higley, Henry Schatz, S. A. Dow, G. W. Haff, N. Richards, R. A. Tolcott, J. R. Barber, A. I. Smith, Chas. Robertson, Geo. E. Henney, N. A. Walls, S. H. Grant, Thos. Hopper, Chas. Chase, T’. Seglin, Peter Diety. DENISON (c. h.) P. O.—J. D. Seagraves, D. Weatherby, J. H. Hayes, Wm. Wingrove, Jas. Roilins, A. Gardner, Geo. Bedlack, D. F. Brown, Henry Jobe, Thos. Bell, V. Sowles, Chas. Wood- ard, Wm. Heiden, Wm. Hunt, H. Chapman, Thos. McGrin, J. L. Boots, A. L. Rogers, M. Bo- hart, J. Lehfeldt, H. Menaugh, S. F. Davison, W. J. Cochran, A. Huff, M. Woolston, C. H. Mor- gan, W. B. Smith, H. G. Peters, J. A. Williams, D. W. Britton, T.J. Young, E. R. Barber, Thos. Griffin, M. J. Cosmon, J. H. Clough, F. G. Town- send, A. H. Miller, James Stevens, John Truman, W.H. Marshall, T. M. Harker, H. S. Gulick, J. R. Smith. CHARTER OAK P. 0.—F. W. Feenhold, J. W. Myler, F. Dubois, W. H. Bradshaw, James Saul, Fred Eggers, J. R. Smith, Thos. Rule, W. W. Coon. VAIL P. 0.--D. Weese, C. Paine, John Bruce, James EK. Brown, C. Schoel, L. Hannemann, D. Leitner, Frank Lally, John Wiese, Wm. Martens, D. Clark, L. M. Hulce, E. B. Bannister, J. King, J. McAndrews, J. A. Langan, B. O’Don- nell, HE. O. Theim, E. W. McCracken, B. W. Shongust, Wm. Dobler, H. Shirtcliff, F. L. Crouch, J. H. DeWolf. WEST SIDE P. 0.—A. P. Fillingham, J. W. Allen, Clark Evison, Morris Dewey, Philip Foy, Wm. Paup, R. B. Taylor, R. Hope, A. P. Knight, John Woolhiser, John Peters, George Richardson. DELOIT P. 0.—L. L. Osterland, Abraham Smith, R. R. Montgomery, Pat Meade, R. M. Hitchcock, J. F. Kool, N. H. Boogden, J. D. Bennett, F. J. Boocelin, J. M. Childress, Johan Bohan, J. Winans, H. Glaizer. CHARLES CITY (c. h.) P. O.—Milo Gil- bert, J. F. Hirsch, S,, B. Starr, F. V. Taylor, RB. M. Waller, W. E. Waller, J. Adams, O. Albee, K. Austin, B. T. Bailey, V. G. Barney, J. A. Becker, J. Billings, H. Blunt, B. M. Bolander, Benj. Bunn, B. F. Cheney, A. W. Cook, F. B. Crewer, F. C. Danforth, H. W. Danforth, S. F. Farnham, E. J. Gilbert, A. B. F. Hildreth, Wm. Kellogg, C. Kuhule, Lucius Lane, 0. Lindaman, Geo. Mitchell, P. Moonen, James Moan, J. O. Pagels. T. C. Pierson, 8. G. Pickett, A. L. Pritch- ard, J. N. Richards, Jerry Rider, J. C. Schneider, Geo. Scripton, John Scrimger, John Sippel, E. M. Smith, C. A. Slocum, HE. C. Spaulding, H. Win- terink, A. P. Woodworth, R. G. Reiniger, T. Bige- man, C. Finholtz, W. A. McNaughton, 8. Ripley. FLOYD P, O.—Eli Beck, Wm. Ballard, E. G. Beattie, E. D. Bishop, Wm. Brayton, C. P. Bur- roughs, John Casey, Samuel Olark, S. F. Fergu- son, T. G. Threat, C. W. Follensbee, A. S. Grif- fith, O. Havens, H. Ingram, Benj. Sherk, P. Sharkey, NORA SPRINGS P. 0.—J. R. Adams, G. A, Baker, H. L. Benedict, Chas. Darling, John ase SR oe D. A. Hardman, John enry, M. lL. Jackson, L. D. Sweet, J. W. ite- cll, S. Blythe t, J. W. White Fs OP Casey, Beh) Conner, Thos. Dean, W. W. Gutches, Silas Hill, N. Hubbard, A. HE. Kelley, J. M. Murphy, Burr Ole- son, J. K. Perrine, J. Swartwood. ROCKFORD P. O.—A. S. Airs, Moses Allen, B. I . Beebe, Thompson Blunt, E. G. Bowdoin, A. D. Brittan, S. B. Cogswell, Wm. Hubbard, W. R. Johnson, T. S. Kelso, O. H. Lyon, R. CG. Mat- thews, John Reid, T. M. Steuben, S. Kooner. M. Kramer, Chas. Knuger, Jacob Metz, John Mott ee James Roberts. S. Whitney, John Nixt, Jacob Puhl, John Robison, J.B, Shepardson. GREEN ISLAND P. 0]; Henry Hagedorn, Wm. Mangler. 2 Hopper, CHURDAN P. 0.—Patrick Gaffney, Patrick Mahoney, A. C. Campbell, Stephen Gaffney, P M. Fitzpatrick, Thos. Toyne, John H. Hunter, Francis Arnett, M. M. Wherry, John O'Donnell, Patrick Mackey, W. B. Livingston, Wm. Clip- perton, Thos. Larson, I. M. Barnes, Jas. Churdan, H. D. Rodgers, J. M. Fitz. JEFFERSON (ce. h.) P. O.—L. F. Law- rence, Jesse Johnson, Geo. W. Reed, Thomas Callvert, H. B. Wynkook, P. E. Greene, Jas Thompson, 8. J. Councilman, Wm. H. Adams, Wm. Anderson, Wm. A. Thompson, Jas. W. Smith, H. H. Smith, S. M. Taylor,G. G. Eagle- son, Chas. Bofink, Albert Head, M. Head, M. B. McDuffie. J. J. Russell, John Gray, O. L. Thorp. A. R. Mills, L. Stockwell, L. Dimon, J. S. Dunning, J. M. Steele, P. A. Ryersee, Sam- uel Flack, D. W. Henderson, H. Zitler. Matt Richardson, G. W. Wilcox, R. W. Jenison, Wm. Gouger, J. J. Vaughan, J. McCulley, R. H. Witt, W. H. Fleck, Thos. Roberts, F. Phillips, M. C. Sayres, W. A. J. McNaught, S. S. Wherry, N. M. Williams, J. H. Gallaher, J. A. Snodgrass, Benj. Winkelman, Jacob Winkelman, O. J. White, L. B. Reinick, . J. Locker, lsaac Tyson, John McCarty. PATON P. 0.—John Canavan, Geo. W. Strait, Claus Nahuson, H. G. Dickenson, A. C. Wells, W. A. Ellmore, Joshua Jester, A. Jester, H. A. Youngman, A.C. Harris, M. V. Marker, J.F. Cowan, J. Bb. Ridenour, E. P. French, C. W. Kelley. GRAND JUNCTION P. 0.—John Doran, Alonzo Greene, A. J. Dudley, John Nugent, C. B. Park, Wm. K. Smith. H. C. Joy. Sol Kuh, John Dolan. COOPER P.0.—R. Allen, Peter Lawton, J. M. Reeder, C. A. Wood, T. McDermott, Jas. Garland, John Hatcher, J. B. Franklin, W. E. B.| Patterson. RIPPEY P. 0.—H. H. Adkins, 8. B. Jack- son, C. B. McCum, M. Phelan, J. R. Shuler, C. H.Snydam, Geraid Dempsey. SCRANTON CITY P. 0.—H. J. Jones, Conrad Sease, Wm. H. Garland, Wm. A. Thomp- son, Jas. HE. Moss, C. E. Garland, James Kane, K. Olive, A. H. Fey, J. B. Garland, W. McDonald, Jas. Dillavon, C. W. Thompson, J. H. Johnson, A. W. Peck, L. L. Thompson, Ira Rice, J. D. Brutsman, W. M. Kinney, B. W. Whitehall, James Whitehall, L. A. Doane, KR. P. Amsden, Hannah Hansen, Robert Eason, J. W. Seaman, ANAMOSA (c. h.) P. O.—W.T. Shaw. L. Schoonover, H. M. Remley, T. R. Ercanbrack, J. A. Bell, E. M. Condit, Geo. Osborne, P. Wash- ington, H. C. Metcalf, D. McCarn, J. L. Shuan, C. L. Niles, Geo. Watters, J. Watters, J. M. Peet, J. A. Peet, J. S. Stacy, EH. Blakeslee, M. P. Sig- worth, H. W. Sigworth, A. E. Martin, L. N. Pitcher, MONTICELLO P. 0.—G. W. Lovell, M. L. Carpenter, S. S. Farwell, H. Carpenter, D. E._ Pond, H. D. Smith, T. -W. little, F. M. Hicks; - H. M. Gill, Geo. Gill, C. Hosford, ‘Thomas Moore, P. O. Babcock, C. F. Crane, A. L. Fairbanks, M. McLaughlin, H. F. Pierce, L. Palmer, B. D. Paine,'!l'. M. King, H. F. Kaylor, B. Stuart, A. R. Doxsee, E. Dodge, G. Eilers, S. Bennett, George, M. Hofacyre. WYOMING P. O.—A. M. Loomis, M. M. Franks, 8. G. Franks, R.S. Williams, J. 8. El- dred, J. B. Wherry, A. G. Brown, A. Bronson, J.T. Miller, P. Vaughn, J. Holmes, H. P. Collins, R. Hanna, H. Orr, J. B. Loomis. J. Woodyard, R. Linn, J. W. Wherry, John Tasker, Wm. Tasker, M.H. Calkins. LANGWORTHY P. 0.—J. C. Lawrence, F. C. Brown, J. H. Harms, R.R. Hays, John Ja- cobs, J.T. Achison, H. Tobiason, 8. Yousse, B. Kellum. GRUNDY CENTRE (c. h.) P. 0.—Lyman Cole, G. A. Shurtleff, F.S. Cole, Levi Dilly, B. F. A.| Robinson, Dell Smith, B. C. Robinson, F. H. Sev- erance, G. FE. Wilber, L. Springer, S. Green, A. I. Willard, C. W. Reynolds, I.. H. Mills, Albert Clark, R. M. Finlayson, A. J. Hyde, B. Lynde, Wm. Lynch, B. Cole, A. Vasey, H. W. Will, M. Merritt, W. A. Elliott, Paul Aken, Samuel Bockes, John Converse, C. G. Rogers, P. J. Lentz, D. J. Dutton, E. H. Snyder, J.S. King, B. H. Allison, Henry Dilly, W. W. Latham, F. Frost, K Sargent, SABULA P. 0.—J. Hilsinger, George Heber- ling, J. G. Suge, M. S. Allen, Jerry Woods, J. C. Day, N. C. White, J. D. Gage, A. Geddings.“THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE , LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR I@ VW a : SUTHERLAND P. 0.—C. E. Achorn, T. B. Bark, Dyson Brown, J. C. Broggs, G. A. Bethel, J. G. Bonham, A. Carlason, BT Clevel and, Ey. C. Cummings, J. E. ee C. J. Dewy, J. B. Dunn, EK. H. Farnwoth, F. HK. Farnworth, the W. Fair- banks, Z. F. Field, We ©. Fuller, W. 5S. Hitchins, R. E. ‘Helms, H. EH. Hoagland, Bert. Hamilton, C. E. Jameson, J. M. Louthan, lemse. Lawrence, John Mazers, G. W. Nicholas, Hh Ge Nelson, Dennis O’Brien, H. H. Peck, James @orter, S. Te Price, J. H. Reager, A. W.H. Stone, J. M. Slick, D. M. Sheldon, J. KF, Shephard, 8. C. Truadway, R. M. Vanhorn, Jed. VWillsamnet N. HK. Weltz, EK. H. Wright, GC. H. W ilson, Jobn Hunter, Burt. Fields, Steph ren Hoyt, James McNeal, Charles Cobb, Al. Jordan, C. H. Humpl irey, Chas. Je Westy, Geo. Grady, A. Bonrath, Thos. Spenee, Ed. Gunther, A. Horseman, John Horseman, John 4h owbernan, A. Towbernan. HARTLEY P. 0.—Chris. Nelson, Smith, F. Matott, M. O. Eager, H. C. Clark, Frank Parr, John Parr, W. A. Compton, W. R. Harris, M. J. Young, M.S. Ayers, G. W. Thomas, i. Templeton, Samuel Williamson, Wm. Dyce, R. . Woodard, Samuel Royce, W. ae Compton, C. AC McElwail, John Kneen, H. J. Gunther, Steve. Smith, J. W. Stough, Chas. Erwin, EK. R. Bowers, A.C. Wilson, J. E. Rose, H. M. Mouery, EK. D. Williams, Marshal Dr ake, R. G. Allen, John Mills, J.S. Webster, S. B. Murre, James Hazelton, Fred Coats, J. J. Allen, T. S. Searls Allen Crossan, A. B. Chysler, J. A. Carmichal, E. L. Stevens, Tohn Murphy, Wm. Lyman, John M. Yoeman, M. G. Silverthorn, J. W. Yoeman, A. H. Wilbur, J. W. Thomas, John Meaken, Samuel Kisler, M. D. Green, G.'T'. Bowers, Truman Patch, Frank Patch, W. T. Parson, 8. L. Young, Geo. Meaken, W. H. Haton, G.. A. Colby, W. W. Walters, E. T. Aldred, James Armstrong, A. Boyer, R. W. Boyd, Chas. Baldwin, A. G. Boyles, James Boyles, A. G. Conklin, H. L. me nes Ws A. G. Cleghorn, Robert Cleghorn, W.S. Cooper, Earnest Cooper, B. Eck- man, John Mekmant SHELDON P. 0.—F. M. Dixon, Henry Ship- ley, Levi Shipley, O. aes J. M. Woods, John W. Wilson, J. Wykoff, O’ Donnell, Dea Chase, D. O'Donnell, J. B “Fisbie, G. T. Well- man, GS McLauny, Wale Anderson, George Dixson, E. M. Griffith, R. H. Griffith, S. Campbell, D. M. George, John House, James Gibbie, E. Award, D. Robeson, lel Sis Cole, C. Robeson, Thos. Hird, Kd. Hird, John Coats, C. P. Gorden, E. M. Winslow RF, K. Hughes, Ne Beacon, John Hazrte, M. Burns, P. Sullivan, H. Humphrey, J. Daugh- erty, John Polin, Philip Polin, Chas. Gress, Daniel Gress, Wm. Lyel, C. H. Daugherty, Re Daugh- erty, R. H. Loofman, J. T. Paller, Wm. Olinger, si)! Bierbower, E. W. Beach, James Kenady, S. Shry- ock, Eugene Potter, John Potter, Geo. Deming, John Fitzgerald, Fred. Deming, ‘A, M. Mastic k, Geo. Patterson, W. H. Sager, H. G. Vandebreck, J. L. Kenney, Chas. Kenney, H. L. Penney, John Stevens, Stephen Bull, A. B. Bloom, T. Donohen, R. Sturgeon, M. Johnson, Wm. Walters, J. T. J. I. Peck, Jackson Woods, P. 8. Turner, Irwin Nelson, J. F. Nelson, Robt. Martin, T. Donohen, Miles Woods, S. E. Stewart, G. W. Lett, Alex. Pearson, Chas. Hart. ATLANTIC (c. h.) P. O—W.C. Blockledge, W.E. Cannon, M. Caughey, W. W. Eller, Sam. Howlet, Henry Howell, F. L. Henry, Jas. Jordan, Crk: Lambert, N. F. Lambert, I. S. Andrews, Jacob Andrews, M. Butler, O. R. Ballard, J. W. Butler, M. C. Boles, R. B. Butler, Jee Byrd, CHR: Bolten, J. M. Brewster, A. F. Berry, W.C. Carter, W.E. Carel, M. F. Desmond, John Desmond, W. S. Everett, J. B. Freburn, T. W. Gaddis, E. Gin- gery, E. E. Harris, S. A. Harris, U. Joyce, J. 8. Joyce, S. L. Kinsey, J. E. Lamb, J. W. Lamb, S. Nichols, R. T. Anderson, E. Aylesworth, B. Brisk- ham, F. A. Brackett, Robt. Burnside, Henry Bell, Wm. Beltz, L. C. Bishop, F. Ba ding, Phil. Berg, CO. Beekman, James Barnett, W. C. Carter, James Childs, H. A. Disbrow, Peter Fox, Phil. Humerick, Thomas Hardenberg, John Hopley, Wm. Kramer, John R. Kirk, N. R. Kenyon, A. H. Graham, W. R. Sargent,. GRISWOLD P. 0.—E. J. Kile, Fred. Oster- man, G. W.C. Johnson, R. C. Mackrill, Law- vence Dolan, John C. Casey, H. A. Barten, Ae, Vale Lowman, J. B. Hall, Henry Shafer, J. L. Ander- son, Jesse Thayer, T. B. Grinnell, J. 1’. Donahue, Mike Casey, Henry Pelzer, J. Merritt, William Baughman, P. Swartz, J. 1. Wheeler, Dan Miller, K. B. Kirby, G. Redding, W. S. Eshelman. Samuel PRIMGHAR (c. h.) P. 0.—Wm Martin, J. A. Smith, Frank A.’furmer, J. M. Long, J. T. Roberts, F, M. Shonkwiler, Geo. R. Slocum, ‘Henry Rerick, M. A. Derby, E. G. Dean, Thomas McMan, T. ie Alexander, OL id McClary, D. Tuttle, W. H. Noyes, Thomas Murry, J. A. Thomas, M. M. Ray, G. M. Shuck, FE. M. Shuck, og BN Patton, Jee Stevens, H. BE. Thayer, ToS Crawford, F. M. Absit, Wo dle Lorshough. PAULLINA P. O.—S. Boughman, A. Beck, Chas. Berg, C. M. Covert, Jacob Dexson, Wi. W. Delmage, John Davis, G. Frothingham, Jeet Groover, Nick Holck, Chas. Ihle, TH. Johnson, Nick Kiser, D. M. Loutham, L. N. B. Larne, Carl Lawrence, ¥. T. Moore, H. Mickley, S. J. Mor- land, W. H. Potter, Peter Rich, B:. F. Rozell, John Sloaks, B. Kinses, Wik ath Taylor, H. N. Var- ney, QO. S. West, C. B. West, John Warnke, Fred Warnke, John Wollenberg, Ihe De We alker, S. Wordan, D. Wordan, R. W. Young, John Alex- ander, E. Miet, J. H. Wright, W. Thomas, D. H. Adkins, J. P.*Adkins, L. M. Beathell J. N. Beathell, J. M. Bauman, D. Bryson, J. W. Bunker, W. 1’. Bethel, J. D. Bossett, iy DS Bogart, ‘GB: Buell, F. Boules, Fees Crow, G. Caperesins, J. Cowan, EF’. C. Daniels, W. A. Durham, J. HE. Dearly, A, Davis, J. W. Egg, J. Eberson, H. God- frey, J. M. Grove, C. Greenbock, A. Hanson, J. A. Myer, O. D. Hamsbert, M. Holdredge, Geo. Hake- man, Win. Hasting, S. Harris W. Johnson, W. W. Johnson, H. Kack, F. Kayer, G. A. Lake, John Metcalf, H. Mickly, F. G. Marander, A. Malott, T. E. Metcalf, N . Nelson , Peter Nelson, hy Re Raine. Beli eruttaGao: Pauls CoHe Pelem- Neu ewAnT Ie Resinger, I. L. Rerick, L. Resene, C. F. Romberg, M.S. Rerick, W. Schneider, J. D. Simison, O. “M. Schrader, T. E. Smith, T. Schrader, F, Schaot, H. Sprage, F. W. Sprage, T. R. Stew- art, J. Sweet, John Slean, RK. Thomas, James Veeder, Se B. Veeder, C. A. Wechner, H. C. West, A. Warner, ©. Wells, F. Young, D. Griges, Sadlee Griggs, T. E. Weels, John Woods, R. W. Woods, Geo. E. Arnold, Henry Bierter- field, B. Bruns, H. Bruns, C. Robzin, H. Beer- man, I’. Boldenon, H. F. Boldenon, John Boge, J. Duderich, Chas. Dobberlin, Geo. Eggert, C. Eggert, Wm. Hellman, John Hochstine, John Horret, Henry Heorman, Chris. Heorman, Geo. Peterson, Ernest Pope. ANITA P. O.—L. Anderson, J. Anderson, Peter Kiner, James Cline, H. D.Story, Ed. Ogden, John Rowe, Sam Allen, P. F. Anderson, 8. Barber, H. C. Baughum, H. Beel, Alfred Bailey, L. Beect ner, H. A. Curry, Rieke Cline, L. A. Chap, SG Dement, J. P. Donahue, Adam Enfield, W. P. Galvin, A. Goodpasture, R. 8. Holton, Francis Ish, 8. V. Jenkins, EK. Jones, Andrew Johnson, 8. Kirkham, D. P. Kelloge, A. Kool, EH. ae, H. Moore, J. W. Main, J. A. McKinley, Sam Petty, le Porch, Wes Romick, N. Richter, W. W. Stacy, M. i Stewart, S. A. Shaw, D. Turner, B. Wagner, Geo. Waignwright, Ss. W. Wallace, T. G. Vallette, J. C. Young, John Be Allen, H. L. Brown, A. F. Brockman, B. F. Brockman, W. J. Butcher, A. G. Conley, L. Fitch, H. C. Herbert, J. B. Hendricks, John Koras, G. H. Petty, B. Trombly, Ca He Aborn, W. B. Bickett, J. A. Charles, D. W. Deeds, John Dill, G. W. Hasterday, A. ©. Goehanover, "M. C. Griffith, F. N. Glover, F'. J. Hinshaw, W. F. Marsh, Lote Marsh. SHELBY P. Oke Adams, H. Boerk, M. V. Best, W. H. Brown, B. Bryant, R. C. Brown, Car Byam, H. Bickels, W.G. Barrett, H. J. Bergman, H. Bock, R. B. Brown, A. Bowl ander, N. Benedict, G. W. Copp, G. F. Colby, W. Dayton, C. Edwards, W. E. Edwards, W. F. Eggress, M. Flock, R. Frost, N. P. Fleckinger, Wm. Howleran, H. Hine, H. N. Hendrickson, Wm. Helms, M. A. Hughs, S. T. Henderson, Hans Henderson, M. T. Keeney, l. King, N. Lawson, S. B. Linn, H. Linn, C. F. Lutt, W. Long, P. Lane, W. Leigh, K. B. Leggett, C. McLaughlin, eAy Miller, A. ~ Marshall, H. O. Mattox, H. S. McEwen, Otho Means, L. Moore, Serle Myers, P. A. Myers, C. Moehler, T. Morton, M. CG. Morris, R. M. Pomeroy, O. S. Mowery, H. Neiman, H. C. Nichols, P. P. Nelson, D. B. Pierce WESTPHALIA P. O.—L. Anistasi, V. Ap- ple, J. Berghans, H. Block, N. Belcowitz, W. orahendt ls Blum, B. Blum, J. Block, J. Book, G. Block, J. Brendt, J Bauer, Sig "Bock, Ee Dohen, M. Evits, J. Engle, J. G. Erhbrich, H. Eck- erman, H. Flusch, Ww. Flusch, J. Pfeifer, A. Flit- ner, P. Graff, J. Grubbles, FP. Gubmeir, G. Hertert, H, BeCaee H. Hubner, J. Hubner. B.} Reed, John W. Wood, Henry SANBON P. 0.—James Lee, Miles Reese, J. B. Moore, E. KE. Blackman, W. H. Gunsell, S. D. Bidenger, Chas. Burns, Wm. Burns, A. C. Bates, John H. Archer, R. T. Hayes, W. W. Aiken, G. KE. Armstrong, Wm. Shultz, G. S. Reeves, K. of Howell, H. Libby, R. E. Wright, R, C. Sweet, C. i. Libby. MARNE P. 0.—W. F. Altig, Wm. Berry, J. W. Berry Thos. Boland, Aug. Collatz, Glaus Krambeck, W. B. Elliott, M. Hewitt, Geo. Brig- ham, J. McKacham, A. 7. Powell, J. J. Short. LEWIS Be 0.—John Barsteh, John Boller, C. A. Coe, L. H. Case, C. F. Duphorn, John Dealy, Jacob Eager, G. Grane, Jacob Heimback, C. H. Hebing, W. cre Lowe, Ezra Marsh, W. F. Peters, C. A. Switzer, John 0. Stevens, Henry Weisler, Henry Albert, L. M. Andrews, Tau Baxter, Wm Burnside, Geo. S. Brown, H. W. Boles, Geo. Boles, Leonard Black, V. M. Con: ad, Holt Cotten, Orsen Conrad, Lewis Carnes, Neal Davis, James Dunn, M. Davis, J. IT. Garner, W. A. Grant, S. Haworth, T. J. Hoose, A. W. Hardenberg, James Haworth, Frank Hunt, Alva Hines, M. EB. Hotch- kiss, Wm. Haworth, K. N. Jones, F.C. Jones, Ed. Johnson, HeaCe Kustabother, Thos. Likens, Wm. Mitchell, Henry Morgan, Thos. Meredith, ‘Jethro Meck adden, He Murnan, Anthony Morton, Fred. Motz, Albert Morgan, Henry Miller, Frank Metto, C. Peilicke, M. Pont, Joseph Robb, EESBe Rossell, John W. Scott, Jacob Stevens, J. B. Shultz, Daniel Stanley, Wilson Smith, Joseph Spencer, L. saticeon Joseph Stevens, Wm. Trepton; Samuel Upsen, John Chizum, sr., N. Cutting, 0. Gs Kriger, Henry Enfield, W. J. Hull, Jerry Munan. BEDFORD (c. h.) P. O.—D. H. Campbell, N.H.,Cole, W. EK. Crum, John Dawson, L. M. Dugan, 0. M. Dunning, J. F. Denser, A. se Bvans, L. W. Fairbanks, ‘Samuel Ganta Ge: Herriott, C.C. Hess, J. E. Hobson, L. D. Hatheld. Ed. Howe, Daniel Hoover, B. B. Hoover, Ambrose Harvey, John Hunter, W. W. Hyde, Nathan Johnson, Alex. John, C. C. John, E. Kidder, John Kemery, J. P. Longfellow, A. J. McNurty, R. M. Moody, James Mason, Thos. Mickle, Wm. Mickle, R. G. Moon, C. C. Mohler, D. B. McMurry, Chas. Nelson, J. if Oxley, J. B. ‘Owens, J. H. Payton, P. H. Pierce, Pleasant Perkins, James Ross, RS Reighter, ‘John Rowland, J. H. Snyder, Charles Snyder, 1. W. Sherick, Chas. Steel, R. D. Timber- lake, James Turner, W. A. Wysong, A. B. Wake- man, J. M. Wickersham, J. RK. Standley, Jacob Jones, Jonathan Dougherty, Andrew Spencer, R. P. Roberts. HARLAN (c. h) P. O—G. W. Allen, P. Armentrout, Peter Anderson, David Barkman, R. Broderson, J. W. Black, F. D. Barmington, Chas. J. Dahm, Robert M. Dixon, A. Fritz, Hans Ham- son, J. C. Harris, C. Hess, M. F. Karwin, L. J. Lundt, G. D. Littleton, Lars C. Larson, Peter Martinson, K. M. Neff, P. F. Philson, Michael Rasmussen, A. D. Ross, R. Stanley, H. Baughr, Adam Brandt, M. Barton, N. Booth, B. F. Blake, W. F. Boner, R. C. Bathurst, E. S. Canine, H. Custer, P. R. Carlin, W. P. Chance, W. J. Davis, EH. De Bord, C. Daws, S. W. Daton, EH. Douglass, F. Dunham, P. G. Errett, W. H. Errett, W. H. Frazee, L. Gingery, M. E. Gish, H. Grayes, D. Gish, i Gooding, C. Graves, E. W. Gillett, yj. 0. Gil- lett, G. S. Gibbs, I. D. Garst, G. M. Hubber, Bele Kinsey, G. W. Knonse, J. H. Lewis, William Me- Ginnis, D. McMullen, I. N. Morgan, A. Myers, G H. Miller, PB. FB. Nelson, CG. O. Norton, M. Obrect, JD Overholt, M. Poling, Co he Potter, Martin Peterson, Wn. Roberts, Geo. Sweinheart, Ee Shaffer, A. G. Swaney, L. D. Sunderland, D. Ter- rell, Wm. Turpin, G. D. Ross, H. Miller, Je Be Black, A. N. Stamen, Geo. Pank, H. Pank, D. Walker, G. W. Walker, W. W. Girton, John Anderson, D. W. Allen, T. G. Askwith, J. M. Anderson, W. M. Blakely. PORTSMOUTH P. 0.—G. W. Alloway, F: D. Alburtus, J. F. Adams, Fred Alburtus, T. Bell J. Bullard, a alie Birks, D. Brewster, T. R. Birks: W.F. D. Brundon, S. A. Bendon, P. J. Balligy Henry Brown, J. F. Baird, J. Bordman, R. Bord- man, J. V. Birks, W. K. Brown, Abner Copeland, a: Copeland, de Caughlin, J. P. Crosier, J. Fogle, ©. Gun, W. F. Green, D. W. Green, N. Gray, T. Gunison, FS. Gilliand, D. Hall, A. V. Hellyer, P. Lane, H. Lary, 8. P. Lawrence, DS he Raul: Scroggins, C. Stewart, sr. PANAMA P. O.—D. Collins, G. Crandall, W. Crandall, F. Carroll, P. Carey, R. R. Coyne, Kleeb, H. P. Smith, P. Thelan.—————— “THE BYERY OEBICE EAVORIT” xasv omnes snoness areexox or KANSAS. PRATT P. 0.—A. Adleman, Robt. Anderson, Joshua Barr, G. H. Byers, Thos. Bayley, F. M. Brown, A. L. Barker, G. Baxter, H. Belton, A. Briges, J. F. Barton, H. Bunch, James Baker, Gust Carlander, A. Campbell, J. W. Calvert, C. S. Calhoun, Samuel’ Dunn, F. C. Dorman, A. Davis, C. H. Eagan, J. C. Ellis, L. C. Elhiott, 5. P. Fullen, J. A. Flecker, S. T. Fisher, J. R. Gray, J. H. Hackman, J. Hopkins, J. R. Horn, J. M. Hunter, Thos. Huxtable, C. A. Hopper, S._D. Harris, A. G. Hess, S. Hasel, Wm. Hasel, L. Hel- dreth, S. Herrall, J. Johnston, W. L. Jobnston, F. Keith, W. C. Dunbar, David Elliott, Daniel Fisher, §. C. Graham, W. A. Gibler, C. B. Bur- ton, Willis Bailes, W. M. Bass, J. L. Clark, John Chambers, A. B. Dow, G. A. Goodman, S. HE. Goodman, Lewis Hall, James Harrell, G. H. Holding, G..A. Luther, R. A. Leak, Robert Lud- wick, B. M. Logan, J. M. Loomas, W. P.. McGill, W.C. Moore, 1'. Moore, KE. Mott. L. W. Mitchel, J. A. McCallaugh, J. W. Mead, W. H. Myers, J. Neal, J. G. Patterson, M. J. Reed, R. M. Scott, James Sills, S. Taylor, E. W. Wells, E. N. Wat- son, S. S. Williams, Wm. Willson, P. Wakefield, L. B. Whipple. IUKA (c. h.) P. O.—J. RB. Anderson, G. Alex- ander, W. Bolder, HE. S. Barton, S. Baker, Chas. Baker, C. F. Beach, E. H. Brown, Thomas Bateman, Geo. Bergen, Stephen Beak, J. A. Burk- holder, S. P. Blanton, C. H. Campbell, C. H. Chaffin, A. B. Carr, B. A. Cadwell, T. W. Clam- pett, H. P. Copper, E. Clark. John Chandler, Adam Darby, B. F. Dobson, H. Deistler, Wm. Daily, E. W. Davis, Wm. Dart. Robert Eggles- ton, John Eden, J. W. Flood, M. Field, Charles Farmer, J. D. Food, J. Gobin, Riley Gardner, C. P. Green, Joseph Gamble, James Grokett, J. C. Grover, J. Gill, Gilbert Hoovey, John Hollister, H. H. Hopkins, J. H. Hoffman, Wm. Harris, T. H. Hudson, David Holt, L. Jones, J. A. Johnston, James Jackson, C. H. Lf. Kiff, John §. Kutz, W. C. Laurey, Martin Levy, 8. Libby, Jeff Moore, NORTON (c. h.) P. O—E. Broquet, M. H. Bridges, H. A. Brooks, E. England, Wilson Adams, L. F. Atkin, Story Briggs, Joseph Boddy, Philip Bonner, John Brown, A. G. Bennett, W. J. Bower, Garrett Bernise, L. C. Bam, Phil Blue, Joe Ballinger, Wm. Bushong, S. 8: Ballou, David Close, Tom Conley, John Clippinger, B. C. Case, B.S. Carpenter, C. L. Chesbro, John Conway, J. R. Curry, Walter Cannon, F. E. Kennedy, EK. E. Depps, F'. M. Duyall, W.C. Davies, J. B. Davis, L. U. Dey, C. L Ennery, C. H. Fry, George W. Frey, G. H. Griffin, W. Simpson, F. M. Lock- ard, Albert Graves, Joe Garrety, John Gleason, H. L. Grieb, 8. D. Guthrie, A. Guthrie, D. M. Herr, John Hurst, Morgan Heaton, HE. S. Howell, Eben Heward, Will Hiles, Henry Howard, M. Harden- brook, Hugh Kirkpatrick, Dan Isbell, Ol. Jones, W. L. Johnson, D. B. Kenney, Ives Kern, H. ©. Kelley, Isaac Kelner, Albert Kahn, Loren Lash, P. H. Loomis, J. A. Little, W. D. Little, D. A. Lake, Jim Mittan, E.R. Matthews, J. L. Miller, Tom Martin, Hugh McCredir, John Madden, Tom Mathews, Sol Marsh, D. W. Mills, Samuel Means, A. J. Morrison, Peter McCrea, E. D. Mills. Ben Marsh, W. H. Norman, N. A. Nelson, Henry Oliver, J. M. Overholt, Gross Page, Wm. Plusky, HK. Payne, ©. W. Passen, L. K. Pratt, CG. B. Pas- sen, A. J. Rhodes, D. M. Robinson, John Rosboro, A. B. Reed, O. I. Reed, W. H. Rogers, G. C. Reeves, James Spencer, Geo. Scott, Tom Snooks, Joe Smith, Theo. Snyder, H. H. Smith, ©. G. Thompson, James Vining, Al. Witreht, 2B. 3s: White, Jim Wallace, Bert Williams, B. V, Wheeler. Thomas Marton, Robert McGurr, M. Harvey, F. McMurry, W.S. Morris. Eli Neal, E. Nelson. H. M. Nicol, J. E. Osborn, J. M. Parker, Daniel Portnell, W. CO. Peak, H.C. Parris, Beman Patler Geo. Roth, Wm. Rolf, Geo. Reed, M. C. Robbins. W. C. Reschke, W.S. Radabaugh, Stewart Bros.. J: ae ee pee etal Robert Seward, - W. Stakle, L. Seidel, W. W. Simi Shinkle, 8. M. Taylor. SEE MRS BURR OAK P. 0.—Thos. Arlington, W. N. Bartlett, C. A. Bennett, H. Breckenridge, N. J Caster, Samuel Church, R. C. Darwin, J. H. Dailey, J. A. Wood;J. M. Tucker, J. O. Bovard, O. Bere. W. Beeson, L. Patnode, B. Bunker, Samuel Baker. L. Clark, W. A. Dixon, P. H. Elgin, S. Pifer, J.T” Dick, S. E. Fadely, O. W. Francis, S. G. Gorum. W. R. Garman, W. R. Hill, A. S. Judy, T. Miller. J. D. Moons, S. H. Noyes, Wm. O'Neal, G. Stewart. ‘ eis HAYNESVILLE P. 0.—Philip Anderson, Wm. Allen, J. W. Beard, C. P. Brown, E Bixby, James Barway, Wm. Branner, Isaac Brady, John Barker, U. Baley, Joseph Caron, T. Coats, Wm. Combs, J. C. Cutter, H. C. Crick, John Claycomb, W. H. Clement, J. J. Cox, C. Col- lier, J. H. Casson, C. H. Demoss, J. W. Dannils, Henry Davis, F. Delaney, Chas. Ellison, R. A. Miller, H. Eaton, John Fulks, H. Fuller, A. Fontz, Daniel Wisher, Frank Geist, J. Samble, J. Gaskell, G. W. Gust, Geo. Gibson, W. W. Gilbranth, Jacob Haynes, James Hopper, A. Hoagland, Chas. Hammon, H.C. Hand, George Haley, Henry Hill, Philip Haynes, G. W. Jones, James Jones, G. R. Jenkins, 8S. W. Kieth, E. Kerr, John King, W. R. Logan, T. Lovins, W. Lamont, A. Laronax. : OBERLIN (c. h.) P. O.—J. C. Wilson, S. F. Colby, Geo. Colby, H. O. Douglass, F. Bliss, Dick Bliss, Richard Stalk, L. J. Parker, Rev. John Wilson, Wim. Martin, M. E. Mix, Everton Doom, KE. E. Stuart, D. C. Mosher, Jéhn Rodahaver, John Morison, R. A. Marks, John Thorp, Sam Neper, J. B. Colt, John Dayton, Geo. Metcalf, Finis Penn, Geo. Darlingson, John Riley, J. R. Sexton, Geo. Keyes, John #merzier, Frank Douglass, Frank Cord, Frank Hunt, Kmmer Bernett, E. D. Bab- cock, Sam Babcock, Chas. Burger, John Love, Jas. Reed, Walice Smith, F. Fair, C. Crandall, J. Penson, E. Tinder, Paten Carnes, M. Chapen, G. F. Bogue, U. D. Drath, J. B. Barnard, James Hughes, J. R. McGonigal, J. J. Jackson, Wm, Jackson, John Styner, I. B. Vance, 8. F. Wright, W.A. Wilson, John Wilson, John Presler, John Tracy. HE. N. Fitch, Ira Kellogg, John Reeder, Geo. Miller, Jacob Kulp, R. O. Kindig. ROCKWELL CITY P. 0.—J. Walbin, John Ankerman, W. B. Bishep, D. A. Butler, J. H. Bradley, Reuben Bisbee, Wm. Curtis, Erastus Campbell, James Hunter, H. Garber. IONIA P. 0O.—O. H. P. Cook, B. McDaniels, A. J. McClure, J. P. Noon, ©. D>Rose, C. O. Smith, 8. M. Sipe, Wm. Yapp, 8. A. Wilson, J. Sigman, W. E. Topliff, T. Dallas, F. M. Watson, F. Beeler. NORTH BRANCH P. 0.—T. Amach, Jas. Brown, J. J. Bentley, Geo. Eckler, S. A. Hockett, T. Hudiburgh, D. G. Holmes, M. Jay, Jas. Kivett, J. C. Lucas, I. T. Puckett, W. S. Wright. MANKATO (c. h.) P. O.—J.M. Amrine, A. P. Burd, T. J. Cason, C. Hamburg, E. A. Chilcott, A. M. Harper, A. Harper, A. Kershner, O. C. Looker, T. May, E. Marvel, C. A. Rife, P. A. Hawk, J. F. Hall, Geo. Janes, J. E. Jones, John Lanning, D. A. Moser, C. W. Morey, J. Parrott, L. Rich, J. L. Wolford, O. P. Whitted, H. C. Weaver, J.T. Waugh, M. E. Young, J.J. Aaboe, J. H. Box, J. W. Cubbison, Chas. Clock, D. B. Dillman, W. A. Gardner, H. Haworth, J. John- son, G. H. Keyes, E. E. Keyes, John Sanders, D. ft. Seymour, Rollin Woods, Ira white, F. kh. Clue- gage, J. Colson, W. Doty, M. J. Fosdick, D. W. Green, J. Holmes, S. A. Hoyt, W. A. Helman, W. H. Harness, I. N. Jordan, H. Johnson, B. A. Johnson, M. Lewison, S. P. Helman, J. L. Mel- burg, S. A. Metz, C. Pider, J. M. Metz. JEWELL P. 0.—J. M. Austin, J. W. Bailey, Milton Betts, D. A. Brackett, J. W. Bray, D. H. Bloom, A. W. Berry, I. N. Basye, J. T. Cameron, A. 'T’. Cooley, Wm. Dawdy, F. G. Devoe, J. Flinn, Isaac Ford, F. Felker, Wm. Gaston, Geo. Wilbur, Wm. Glover, S. G. Gamble, I. Higbee, Wm. Har bour, J. F. Hale, Geo. Hitz, D. C. Hageart, T” Jones, B. D. Jordan, F. James, J. F. Libhart, M- W. Leland, Elwin King, Sol Knarr, M. Miller, J- Ww. Peevy, Samuel Porter, BE. Pratt,S. A. Robbins, H. Sorick, A. W. Scott, S. S. Sill, N. A. Saint. R. Tuttle, H. Wolfe. SALEM P. O.—J. Martin, M. B, Moore, P. Nebel, I. L. Pierce, E. Paxson, W. M. C. Page, A. S. Poulson, M. Parker, J. Ream, M. H. Rich, T. Sheard, E. W. White, H. Wherely, T. D. Wil- Sean a air G. A. Dudley, J. Caster, W. VY. Allen, J. Dobbins, 8. Q. Guthrie, J. F. Pa Mex, Barnes, MR. Bling eee P. O.—M. Anderson, W. E. Wm, Balch, Wirt Brage, J. B. Calvin, Wm. eee E. H. Foote, Ed Fogle, A. Kipper, J. P. Lashley, D. McMullen, N. McCune, B. F. Swaim, Wm. Dixon, M. P. Field, Samuel Githens, O. F. John- | Z son, Kf. Thompson, J. D. Wells. Ww HITE ROCK P. O.—H. G. Meyers, W. ht. Coward, Thos. Shuler, J. Heltman, I. M. Wal- lace, Hi. ‘C. Vestal; Gy Ax Grok ; Joel Friend, Wm, Tacobe: eg os DELTA P.0.—Wm. Fesler, F. M. Poole, J. J.| L. Switzer, C. L. Emery, John Mason. RUBENS P. O.—H. C. Ahrens, T. A. Ball, Wm. Bard, N. 8. Cederberg, John Goodwin, A. J. Green, W. H. Hazljett, John Lawless, Peter Kearns, Wm. Hesker, W. Kier, Lewis May, A. C. McCarthy, W. B. McCurdy, D. I. McRoberts, Alex. Peer, J. B. Peer, U. Wilde, P. A. West. SCOTTSVILLE P. O0—W. H. Alsdeorf, Adolph Anil, M. J. Birch, John Chitty, James Robb, O. 8. Goit, S. Hutten, I. Holliday, D. V. Kivett, D. W. Landon, ‘I’. Linton. RANDALL P. 0.—W. Dakin, A. Hockett, P. Harford, B. F. Harford, A. H. Hoel, Joel Has- kins, E. Johnson, D. Maynard, M.C. Privette, G. M. Piersol, E. M. Badler, W. I. Stranbridge, G. B. Scanland, D. Wilson, A. J. Wiser, L. W. Zentz. BRETT P. 0.—R. L. Hillman, E. H. Hill- man, 8. R. Holsinger, C. A. Jenkins, John Jeffery, A. H. Lashley, J. L. Murphy, L. D. McDonald, Nelson Nelson, R. Oliver, Wm. Oliver, Charles Obery, W. H. Page, G. C. Post, J. EH. Page, Wm. Railsback, Ed. Railsback, Tom Stevens, John Tolle, M. Walton, Joseph Wray, G. Watson, R. W. Wilson, Geo. Ward. ALMENA P. 0.—Tom Nolan, Charles, Nel- son, John Bieber, Charles Bieber, L. Smith, H. A. Applington, Wm. Aiken, H. D. Ayers, I. Black- ford. Geo. Burnap, John Bantam, Ed. Burnap, M. H. Bridges, B. F. Brown, M. A. Baker, J. B. Bar- tles, Nathan Beechem, Sam Baker, A. Conklin, Sid Case, B. Churchill, A. S. Cook, Tom Casey, C. W. Davis, A. Donaldson, J. B. Davis, Joseph Folland, John Frisbee, J. W. Graham, J. O. Jime- son, Wm. Grove, Isaac Hall. Jim Hall, James Hocking, Byron Huff, D. W. Harris, E. L. Hines, Peter Henson, R. D. Irwin, F. M. Jolly, George Cherd; Fred Johnson, Loyd Jenkins, O. M. Law- less, W. Leach, C. B. Lowe, L. A. Lovejoy, Isaac Whittaker. CACTUS P. 0.—T. Attebury, M. C. Adams, Cy. Aldrich, D. B. Bailey, A. J. Buker, Aaron Bartles, G. W. Blaine, J. E. Boatman, John Blunk, P. H. Conarty, John Conarty, John Duff, John Gowdy, Wm. Grant, David Hays, Edwin Hughes, James McKie, A. B. McHachran. LENORA P.0.—Joseph Barbo, O. J. Bur- well, Geo. Bullock, L. M. Bennett, O: F. Clark, Ezra Doane, E. Darnell, W. 8. Decker, Amos Fales, T. J. Gilbert, J. C. Graham, Joel Hudson, W. H. Hendricks, Al. Hoyt, W. A. Johnson, Christian Miller, Louis Moll, J. H. Main, C. M. Norlan, Dan Nettleton, L. M. Pugh, Sol Peak, W.H. Peck, Horace Russ, F. B. Ruff, C. M. Ryan, A. Romine, Adam Scott, J. C. Vraden- burg, Emery Smith. EDMOND P. 0.—Harrison Ball, G. K. Browns L. H. Button, Chas. Babcock, L. L. Brumbaugh, C. Conkly, W. J. Cornell, Otto Danevick, EH. P. Davidson, Jordan Dodsen, A. R. Ford, John Gar- rey, Ira Green, C. Hallowell, J. C. Hogue, T. C. Hahn, H. Lebean, James Lobsitz, A. H. Mace, C. A. Mack, Andrew Mitchell, John Pfaff, M. B. Payne, Noah Reedy, W. J. Smith, J. V. Smith, Miller Ulsh, C. Av Vail, J.ol. Walton, J. C: Wiley, Noah Weaver, D. E. Stevens. COLUMBUS (c. h.) P. 0.—C. Hoover, E. A. Scammon, John Ratcliffe, Allen Reed, A. B. Lisle, H. H. Skinner, John Stauffer, John Demuth, Geo. W. Crawford, Wm. M. Benson, L. M. Pickering, John Lynch, G. M. Barrick, M. Carr, Geo. M. Martin, R. H. Scott, H. S. Ross. HALLOWELL P. 0.—C. A. McNeal, Wm. Moore, Ellis Davidson, S. H. Ollinger, D. A. New- lon, John Rodenberger, Dr. D. R. Martin, M. R. Motten, Jesse Forkner, S. W. Smith, L. R. Wes- tervelt. STAR VALLEY P. 0.—A. Rackafellen, W. A. Hodges, V. L. Browning, J. H. Hildreth, Robert Swain, Joseph Waugh, J. M. Coltraine. SHERMAN CITY P. 0.—Geo. Harley, J. J. Gardner, Tandy Munday, H. W. Sandusky, John Handshy, Wm. Givens, H. A. St. Clair, M. A. Howard, Lewis Perrine, Wilson Hartman, J. R. Anthony, A. A. Lanstrum, N. Walker. BAXTER SPRINGS P. 0.—S. H. Jessup, . H. Lowderwulk, Vincent Phelps, Allen Anderson, J. M. Cooper, E. B. Amos, W. R. Nash, A. Gould, Richard Treat. NEUTRAL P. 0.—Joseph Wallace, John N. Kitch, Jesse Greenfield, T. J. Losey, J. C. Swag- ger, John Alsenz, A. G. Ransom, H. D. Hall.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE 3 LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR K A N SA S: LYLE P. 0.—K. E. Witham, T. H. Powell, H. Emery, J. W. Gill, L. M. Andrews, J. A. Bell, G. E. Bell, J. White, P. D. Young, A. Brown, J. A. Brothers, J. Mills. HOOKER P. 0.—John Materson, Charley Thomas, Patrick Drahen, Jacob Keefer, John Brown, Jas. Brown, Ernest Ambrose, E. D. Stil- son, J. S. Otool. CEDAR BLUFFS P. 0.—F. L. Smith, H. F. Leib, B. KE. McCartney, Peter Peterson, Edwin Grist, F. R. Wilks, B. F. Jenkins, J. Law, Leon- ard Daniels, J. VanBuskirk. BASSETTVILLE P. 0.—Peter Taner, R. Reasoner, Thos. Mason, M.C. Ater, Jas. Charmi- chael, Edwin Carmichael, G. B. Street, Noah Bradley, Wm. Bradley, J. R. VanCleve, John Evans, J. B. Evans. CLAYTON P. 0.—J. B. Thomas, Anthony Thémas, N. E. Upham, Frank Ludlow, B. J. Worley, T. McNeal, A. G. Hall, Joseph Hair, J. M. Buttrus, W.S. Miller, M. Salsbery, O. C. Hig- gerson, ’. M. Wisdom. ALTORA P. 0.—J. 8S. Lang, B. M. Henry, W. Rohan, John Rouse, Floyd Pope, W. 8. Switzer, G. E. Cody, G. A. Fausett, J. W. Cody, L. C. Johnston, G. D. Nettleton, G. B. Blake. ABILENE (c. h.) P. M. Fisher, A. S. Davidson, T. C. Henry, John Warfield, Thos. Pervis, John Harbottle, E. Barber, J. V. Pader, Wm. Nixon, Jas. Bell, Robert Jones, Jas. Sexton, McMaster Bros., Swartz Bros., D. D. Hornaday, C. F. Mead, Geo. W. Hurd, John M. Shepherd, Jack Mackley, Will Sherwood, L. D. Buck, John Reevas, Benj. Homer. ENTERPRISE P. 0.—C. L. Murphey, John Halstead, H. A. Conant, G. R. Lamb, Jas. Taylor, Martin Pearson, Gus Packard, Peter BH. Callan, C. Ench, John Weidler, J. Ehrsam, Wm. Hair, Henry Schrader. MIDWAY P. O.—John D. Frey,.A. J. Ster- ling, Christ. Rohrer, D. E. Pittman, C. F. Hoff- man, Jas. T. Orr, A. Gantenbien, J. H. Miller. CARLTON P. 0.—Jas. R. Wilson, L. A. Peck, John Watts, Wm. Mortimer, 8. L. Marlett, J. ©. Harper. DILLON P. O—M. P. Jarmagen, J. M. Ketcherside, W. E. A. Meek, A. Murrey, T. J. Cook, A. L. Evers. WOODBINE P. 0.—J. A. Gillett, J. McClel- lan, H. R. Westrup, J. G. Reckon, N. Ridley, H. Tinnin, H. S. Humfeld, C. W. Staatz. CHAPMAN P. 0.—Tom McCormick, F. P. Whitehar, Pat. Sherran, A. J. Poor, John Erwin, M. Hogan, A. S. Kimball, A. B. Byme, Thomas Byme, Patrick Quirk. EYSTONE P. 0.—Jonas Freet, John Trott, John Diffenbaugh, U. L. Crocker, W. B. Keyser, Andrew Rose, Frank Fox. NEW CHILLICOTHE P. 0.—Dan. Jones, Wm. Drain, J. J. Clemens, Henry Thomas, W. R. Thomas, P. Buffenmeyer. PLYMPTON P. O.—J. E. Keeler, John Stoffer, Dan Fritz, M. Herrington, Wm. Martin. SOLOMON CITY P. 0.—B. A. Rogers, G. B. Thayer, G. A. Gould, A. Buchanan, E. Z- Butcher, M. A. Curry, Geo. M. King, L.J. Dewar, A. M. German, G. F. Tischner, A. Brown, J. R. Vickers, J. G. Cole, H. Looker. CATO P. O0.—Chad Brown, Joseph Billings, Riley Dalton, Robert Ewing, A. J. Farmer, Isaac Farmer, Chas. Harkreader, D. S. Williams. ACADIA P. 0.—Rudolph Burckley, John L. Brown, John H. Bond, C. C. Brooks, J. C. Bixler, Daniel Collins, C. W. Goodlander, W.S. Mitchell, J. S. Mason, J. W. Mason, L. W. Mahan. GIRARD (c. h.) P. O.—A. 8. Davidson, A.J. Davidson, Lewis Elder, J. B. Frazier, Cyrus Billingsley, Jas. Cuthbertson, S. C. Colean, S. W. Emery, BR. A. Glesner, Alex. Gemmel, G. B. Hos- sock, G. W. Harris, Lucian Langdon, HE. Loomis, L. S. McWilliams, E. L. Smith, G. W. Swaim, J. T. Voss, Wm. Lamb, Frank EH. Robb, J. W. Wambler, Albin Newton, Jas. Brown, A. J. May, J. CG. Richardson, G. M. Ringo, 8. C. Dorman, Peter Detzen, D.C. Frasier, B. C. Redlon, R. W. DeLamber, B. C. Redlon. FARLINGTON P. 0.—S. P. Cole, W. M. Dawson, L. J. Dawson, A. B. Mitchell, John Anderson, Chas. Bass, E. D. Bolin, E. L. Camp- bell, J. TI’. Deets, H. H. Fry, Henry Honstead, bL. D. Herlocker, J. H. Johnston, Robert Landers, Wm. Lawler, Peter Peterson, Andrew Thorndson, Fred Peterson, Joseph Reynolds, Nels Smith, S. J. Shipman. HEPLER P. 0.—B. F. Haryman, Wm. Kim- ball, J. R. Garrison, John Hess, Hid. Scholder. WALNUT P. O—William Archer, Charles Brooks, John Bowyer, J. H: Cartnell, John Hors- ley, C. N. P. Tag, Wm. McCarty. IDELL P. 0.—Phillip Born, Pierce Butler, J.S. Carson, Peter Fox, N. A. George, G. W. Lagne, Jesse Saulsbury, Wm. Andrews. PITTSBURGH P. 0.—Stephen Alberty, E. W. Albery, T. A. Burk, Henry Groether, J. C. Gainer, Geo. Hobson, Robert Langdon, S. H. Langdon, John H. Meyer, Hugh McMillan, R. C. Plass, Geo. W. Pearson, A. V. Ralston, J. W. Schnackenberg. CHEROKEE P. 0.—B. H. Combs, D. C. Vaugh, A. A. Clugzton, Wm. Goff, Wesley Hud- gens, Wm. North, J. H. Pauley, O. J. Nichols. BEULAH P. O0.—Henry Brown, Erastus Bogle, R. M. Degarmo, Harry Kincaid, H. 'T. Pot- ter, Jas. Schofield, Silas Wiley. MONMOUTH P. 0.—C. F. Calhoun, John Turkington, A. N. Winchell, W. D. Cook, Wm. Lucas, Ff’. M. Mason. ELMDALE P. 0.—John R. Holmes, S. M. Wood, A. M. Breese, J. S. Shipmun, W. A. Wood, A.S8. Bailey, I. D. Rider, C. E. Houston, EK. C. Holmes, C. Schnavely, J. M. Rose, George MeNee, Robert Brash, P. C. Jeffrey, Wm. Jeffrey, Warner Hayden, Wm. Sullivan, Wm. Drum- mond, Jas. Drummond, J. R. blackshire, Harvey M. Geiger, M. Martin, E. P. Allen, jr., H. Stotts, ¥. D. Park, A. J. Bevedin, Andrew Swunson, Wm. Maxwell, Joseph Hartley, Samuel Johnson, W. M. Harris. ELK P. 0.—George Balch, Frank Frey, Alex. Newby, Dexter May, Fred Pracht, H. Dimfeld, Henry Collett. MEDICINE LODGE (c. kh.) P. O—A. B. Albee, R. R. Abraham, J. C. Armstrong, G. W. Ayers, J. M. Adams, C. Anthony, H. Alf, W.T. Bar- nett, J. W. Brown, Wm. Brown, C. L. Bradley, Alex. Blake, L. C. Bell, H. Blickhaw, C. C. Blair, P. Butcher, S. E. Boggers, S. E. Bishop, Wetal Burns, D. M. Carmichael, G. L. Cudworth, B. J. Coleman, David Clough, W. W. Cook, -W. L. Curtis, W. L. Colcord, J. M. Clark, C. M.Cole, W. M. Cass, J. G. Clayton, Nye Crawford, R. C. Cook, Wm. Curtis, David Crouch, Willard Carson, A. L. Duncan, Ambrose Denton, Z. L. Davis, A. F. Daniels, Sterling Hays, Robb Hamilton, Jared Hoag, J. W. Howard, Isaik Herwitt, P. Hartzell, W.H. Hogard, B. F. Hanson, E. L. Joyce, F. J. Jones, OC. W. King, G. W. Keys, David Kittell, W. A. Kan, Burd Lacy, Samuel Light, A. W. Lit- tle, Isaac Lee, Samuel Lash, C. O. Lincoln, F. M. Lane, Reuben Lake, S. Lebrect, G. S. Lake, Robb Lumkin, Dal Morris, P. H. Marsh, Dan’l Morris, W.H. Miller, W. H. Mills, F. P. McAlister, M. Masters, J. W. McNeil, L. E. Mittendof, M. B. Moor, C. D. Newkirk, M. E. Naughton, Duncan Voles, M. J. Dryden, Casper Dewitt, H. H. Down- ing, Ab. Demont, Robert Edward, E. J. Elliott, Sebastian Eckert, Thos. Edes, Geo. Ebersole, L. A. Eirhart, W. J. Ellis, J. W. Elwood, L. Fowler, C. Funk, S. K. W. Field, Geo. Frame, S. A. Fer- euson, D. W. Finley, C. C. Fair, John Fisher, B. W. Finnill, D. F. Flinn, Geo. Fishback, Geo. F. Fisher, Jacob M. Frazier, S. L. Garland, N. E. Gilbert, Wm. Garrison, Robt. Gibson, Ed. Goff, J. P. Grove, W. F. Garman, C. T. George, Siegle Hull, S. F. Hammond, E. J. Holton, F. M. Hallo- way, S. H. Henton, Jas. B. Neal, F. P. Night. D. B. Ormston, Frank Orton, W. G. Osborn, T. L. O’Bryan, Smith O'Bryan, C. M. Porter, C. W. Peas, E. W. Payne, Jesse L. Pelton, L. FF. Peas- son, ©. C. Peck, H. J. Parker, B. R. Perkins, Geo. B. Poe, Alonzo Piper, J. H. Patterson, ID de Quinn, Wm. Robison, R. J. Rose, P. L. Reed, Oliver Rule, Miles Risner, John Runyon, C. P. Rigg, Geo. P. Roe, G. W. Stolp, F. B. Stockstill, J. G. Landerson, G. W. Stevens, Eli Simmons, Chas. E. Self, W. V. Nanslyke, Jesse Wilson, H. Wismer, Jas. Wadsworth. TORRANCE P. 0.—M. Jackson, G. Garden- hire, Dan Hankins, Albert Snow, John D. Mowry, R. A. Mowry. ; AUGUSTA P. 0.—Wm. Brown, A. Martin, F. Ruland, Geo. Mcllrain, Richard Hannon, GC; Wilbur, H. C. Bates, J. B. Lines, John Davis, Ee King, J. Sellen, J. H. Wishard, I. B. Blaker, Ed Hill, A. Palmer, J. Wilday, H. J. Goff, C. Webb, H. C. Garbert. BURDEN P. 0.—John Fitzgerald, John Stout, John Tate, Thos. Beesley, Dan Kimpton, J. Leach, John Harris, Mat Estes, John Darr, C. L. Darr, C. W. Ryan, John Cunningham, Raw Burden, M. L. Smith, J. M. Clover, L. Brooks, N. Brooks, T. P. Carter, J. Parsons. DOUGLASS P. 0.—W. M. Bell, G: D Prin: dle, G. Forgy, I. C. Renfro, A. O. Rathburn, Jno. Harter, HE. C. Nash, N. Oliver, S. P. Carnahan M. W. Brown, John Osborn, J. T. Stanley, W. S. Pratt, J. E. Engle, John Hart, J. H. Widner, R. H. Snell, W. H.. Osborn, L. E. Wright, J. W. Dunn, E. Copeland. BURLINGTON (c.i.) P. O.—H. E. Kelley, Orson Kent, Jas. M. Lane, B. L. Kingsbury, Job. Throckmorton, J. T, Atchison, Nathan Tuttle, Russel Catlin, G. C. Nichols, F. M. McCoy, T. C. Ballinger, C. O. Brown, Jas. Haight, Wm. E. Hall, Geo. M. Dixon, E. Swan, E. P. Wadhams, M. L. Barber, Jas. Douglass, Wm. Manson, C. H. Cleveland, H. L. Jarbor, W. F. Osborn, Geo. D. Carpenter, C. W. Manchester, G. E. Manchester, Geo. Mamprize, J. H. Huggins, J. F. Storrs, L. J. Dyke, Myron Clift, S. J. Carter, Henry Booth, John Bogne, Ed Buckwalter, C. J. Bacon, Nich- olas Blank, 8. B. Briggs, T. N. Bell, J. G. Cox, Chas. Conrad, N. Clark, R. P. Douglass, Henry Fessenden, H. M. Ford, R. O. Gawthrop, W. H. Gray, M. E. Grimes, B. C. Hill, Geo. G. Hall, CG. A. Johnson, S. C. Jenkins, D. F. Kellerman, Chas. King, H. T. Lamborn, R.S. Lang, A. T. McGin- nis, G. C. Nichols, Willis Rea, J. lu. Pence, H. L. Rehkoff, Isaac Stoutemeyer, Jerry Shawver, G. W. Taylor, S, L. White, G. G. Whisler, N. S. Werts, Wm. Wigston, H. J. Willet, P. S. Willet. LEROY P. 0.—Chas. Stoeltzing, E. Morton, E. K. Coffin, E.8. Wade, J. D. Smith, J. M. Quig- ele, J. W. Leedy, D. C. Hosick, Joseph Robinson, G2 Al Mathers OzburnyeAS. Va -CotingsbBs Wheat, R. Norton, Thos. Crabtree, E. B. Hall, Butler Wood, Levi Miller, Peyton Miller, J. H. Beard, W. O. Chadd, G. W. Kerr. OTTUMWA P. O.—Harrison Kelly, J. I. Fleming, Reuben James, Thos. Chanly, C. S. Bayley, Henry Burger, John H. Allen, H.C. Allen, Henry Richards, John Richards, Hd Ogborn, Jno. Bevers, J. G. Shanbell, David Blue, David Van Eman, Jas. B. Anderson, Sam Dix, Melvin Dix, Jas. Pieratt, Jas. Smith, S.S. Smith, W. B. Clark, J.C. Allen, Jake Stubblefield, Al Hoffman, Dan Scott, Dillard Obedience, John Curry. ELDORADO (c. h.) P. O.—J.H. Fullenwi- der, Wm. Dye, I. V. B. Fisher, W. H. Sluss, H.H. Kenneday, J.S. Wright, J. Gaines, J.G. Burner, M. Sumner, John Teter, J. E. McCully, Wm. Bailey, D. Lewellen, J. L. Cuppeer, W. J. Mendenhall, J. M. Carpenter, S. F. C. Garrison, Wm. Price, N. L. Gunn, W. Lb. Riley, J. T. Nye, J. M. Ran- dall, W. H. Ruckle, J. M. Town, J. D. Connor, J. R. Holbrook, G. M. Sandifer, J. S. Friend, M. J. Fisher, M. Harshman, B. C. Gamble, A. Wilson, J. D. Morley, B. F. Adams, C. Edwards, A. B. Young, W. 1. Gordon, Levi Childon, H. D. Strat- ford, A. M. Goff, Wm. Marshall. LEON P. 0.—G. W. Packard, L. R. Parker, J. CG. Evertson, Ed Ash, J. B. Lee, J. H. Gard, J. S. Kiser, Robt. Snodgrass, $. F. Hyde, C. Tobing, Peter Johnson, J. S. Elder, J. C. Lloyd, W. 8. Beadles, L. M. Palmer, J. King, C. R. Noe, J. T. Dodson, W. W. Holt. WAVERLY P. 0.—J. L. Senior, Geo. Ham- mond, Thos. Donnell, H. W. McFadden, Mike Madden, Nicholas Flack, R. E. Fisher, Tom Hutchison, T. W. Truitt, Jas. Christie, Thomas Linehan, Arthur O'Leary, John Holahan, D. Dwyer. WINFIELD (c. h.) P.O.—H. H. Martin, J. W. Millspaugh, J. H. Snyder, E. D. Skinner, Geo. Wilson, S. 8. Lynn, P. B. Lee, Henry Hawkins, D. D. Kellogg, John Ireton, E. C. Martin, Wm. Gates, John Roberts, John Thomas. ARKANSAS CITY P. 0.—S. A. Beach, W. I. Beech, M. S. Roseberry, Stephen Rick, C. W. Roseberry, S. B. Adams, John Annis, P. B. Andrews, A. J. Burrell, C. J. Beck, J. D. Guthrie, N. T. Snyder, Amos Walton, Wm. Trimble. ROCK P. 0.—J. Bailey, J. Chitwood, An- drew Dawson, G. L. Gale, J. M. Harcourt, JeoBe Holmes, Sam Strong, John Stalter, G. Walker. ATLANTA P. 0.—Amos Henthorn, Ed. Hayeraft, —. Harned, L. Harned, A. J. Thompson. DEXTER P. 0.—Thos. McDonough, John Wallace, H. C. McDorman, H. C. Patterson, C. W. Frith, John P. Cochran, Sam Wells, J. Rey- nolds, John Reynolds. GCAWKER CITY P. 0.—J. B. Adams, Geo. Bly, H. Burden, F. A. Baylor, A. Chandler, W. C. Cady, H. S. Durett, John Doye, H. L. Hoonen, P. Folger. Wm. Ross, R. Sneller, H. Van Tilborg, A. Wales, John Wolbera, J. P. Walker, W. H. Wideman, Guy Warner, W.S. Day, J.C. Forbes, W. A. Huckell, J. W. Lansden, Otto Giger.“TIE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE : LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR K lz N ew) CF K yo HODGENSVILLE (c. 7.) P. O—Thos Ash, John W. Ashcroft, Wm. Allen, J. J. Allen, Chas. W. Allen, Joseph Arnett, John K. Barnett, Lobe Brown, D. M. Brownfield, C. H. Baker, B. J. Boles, John Bell, Thomas Carter, H. J. Cline, J. L. Castleman, 8S. M. Castleman, Joe R. Collins, John Cravens, James R. Collins, Isaac Catlett, W. M. Catlett, J. ©. Corum, H. A. Cissell, J. A. Cissell, Oliver Crady, W. C. Cessna, Wm. F. Coter, John Combe, Je he Collinsse ee wer Collins, Joe Cook, W. A. Churchill, Nicholas Carter, Wm. Dever, C. M. Daugherty, D Duncan, Felix Dever, Stephen Dever, Wm. Dunn, Phillip Dunn, James Dever, J. A. Davenport, J. W. Duckworth, A. S. Essex, Isaac Essex, James Essex, Thos. I’. Edten, Wm. Edten. T. W. En- lows, W. D. Ferrill, C. M. Friend, J. C. Fisher, Thos. J. Goodin, A. V. Goodin, W. W. Grana- way, Reason Gusler, W. H. Goodin, Andrew Goff, John A. Grupp, W. K. Hubbard, John Hubbard, Thos. Hubbard, Z. T’. Heady, Thos. Harned, M. G. Hill, Geo. W. Hull, J. S. Hill, Nick Head, Ed. Hayes, M. Hansbraugh, Jediah Hayes, J. R. Hayes, Jacob Hubbard, W. T. Kerrick, Jas. W. Jenkins, James Kerrick, A. V. Kennady, Peter Kennady, W. T. Larne, W. Q. Larne, J. W. Mil- ler, S. W. Mather, Thos. Marshall, C. D. Miller, J. R. Miller, Mark Marshall, Henry Martin, W. K. Morrison, W. W. Miller, E. H. Mather, EK. EK. Middleton, J.C. Nichols, W. H. Nicholas, J. H. Orender, O. T’. Petty. John Petty, W. V. Sprigg, Thos. Spaulding, W. H. Slaughter, K. M. Stiles, k. V. & D. J. Uhurman, T. J. ‘Jhurman, Joseph Tarpley, Watkins & Boyd, Josiah Wright, Amos Watters, Geo. Washer, R. W. Watters, Valen- tine Wolf, J. A. Borders. NEW HAVEN P. 0.—J. B. Blanton, J. J. Cissell, Chas. Cissel, Clem Calhoon, Jesse Daw- son, James Howell, Alex. Howard, Austin How- ard, J. P. McGee, J. D. Mahoney, N. A. Rapier, John P. Sims, A. J. Beeler, John S. Beeler, John D. Crady, J. R. Crady, Wm. Daughtery, Josephus dead, W. B. Hagan, R. A. Hagan, W.B. Miller, R. W. Marshall, C. 8. Miller, L. W. Miller, B. Y. Miller, M. D. Price, C. L. Shawler. BUFFALO P. 0.—Henry Ferrill, M. E. Uptegrove, J. R. Clapton, Wm. Arnett, John Brownfield, J. W. Bomar, J. W. Brown, W. W. Brownfield, Empson Brownfield, Jeff Brownfield, K. D. Brownfield, G. W. Carter, B. F, Druine, Joe M. Dye, Robert Friend, J. H. Hoover, Pleas- ant McDowell, P. A. McDowell, Port McDowell, D. F. Miller, A. J. Miller, Dr. R. H. Moss, J. N. Pearman, R. P. Reney, J. M. Saller, H. L. Spratt, Wm. Sprowles, R. F. Sutton, L. N. Thomas, J. A. Thomas, Joe N. Watters, Thos. Wathen, Andy Watters, Ben Wathen, W. W. Williams, C. E. Brown, 8. M. Sanders, Wm. Bayne, 8. D. Baily, J. R. Bassett, John C. Creal, Cris. Conner Wm. Connor, Richard Connor, L. P. Chandam. George Dyer, S. B. Durham, Ben Durham, John Duncan, James H. Elliott, John Elliott, Charles Edwards, Ed. F. Gilkey, Syerang Gardner, John Gipson, G. W. Hill, B. F. Hutchinson, Hugh Keely, W. F. Mitchell, Wm. Mitchell. Z PARKER’S GROVE P. 0.—D. H. Brooks J. A. Lambkin. : YELLOW HILL P. 0.—John M. Godsey James stacy, Jasper Mullins, Wm. Kelley, Robt. Sumler, James Sumler, John J. Godsey, Franklin Grace. MT. SHERMAN P. 0—J. M. He v W. Childers, OF). ME Elallie Ne ISSE P. O.—Robert Cornett, Jas. Sine Larkin Cornett, John Holebrooks, M. Silent Joseph Blair, Wnoch Whitteker, Hiram Cornett’ Andrew Shepherd, Melville C. Hart. : UPTONVILLE P. 0.—J. W. Bamar, E H. Burba, D. H. Cruse, W. J. Dodson, B. @ Dodson, C. M. Dixan, Joe Dixan, G. W. Ed- wards, W. B. Hodges, E. T. Hodges, W. § Lone, Joshua Means, A. McCandless, T. i: Sallie SONORA P. 0.—G. H. Thurman, CY. Thur. man, J. W. Evans, A. P. Howard, J.'t. Holt, J. T Mattingly, B. W. Patterson, Flem Straughan. S. H. Highbaugh, B. W. Tabb, Andrew Watkins. J J. Hornback, T.D. Hornback, Wm. Heath, W" Tucker. : ie F Janes Brash en coe Gat geett Brashears, ishears, Sampson Brashears, Ely Bras- hears, Win. McIntire, Ely Hall, Joseph H Hall Robert S. Brashears, Henry Candill, John Cornett, 8., John Ingrahm, Ely Cornett, Arch Cornett, J. M. Young, S. Pally, A. A. Cornett Wm, M. Cor- nett, H. G. Pratt, Henry Pratt. A hecty HAZARD (c. h.) P. O.—Ira C. Davidson, E. ©. Morgan, Joseph Davidson, Ely Combs, ie: Combs, John Walker, Jackson Walker, John 8. Combs, Nicholas Combs, Russell Cornett, Andrew Combs, Richard Combs, Shade Stacy, Garret Feltner, Henry Dobson, Jackson Hart, Austin Combs, Lacy Combs, Fielden Combs, Austin God- sey, Charles Godsey, Samuel Napier, Riley Gay- hart, John G. Combs, Lewis Feltner, Jos. Feltner, John Feltner, Wm. G. Cornett, Balis W. Grigsby, Ben Grigsby, Thos. Grigsby, David Grigsby, Wm. B. Smith, Wayne Feltner, Gab. Grigsby, Mat Gayhart, Ben Stacy, Balis Combs, Alex. Young, Jerry Smith, John Baker, R. M. Baker, J. M. Craw- ford, H. F. Crawford, John W. Hall, John W. Morgan, John A. Feltner, Kindrick Feltner, Thos. Engle, Samuel Whitteker, Jeff. Haskins, Wm. Haskins, Jacob Fields, Granville Fields, B. F. Fields, Dick Fields, J. C. Eversole, Lincoln Ever- sole, Esquire Whitteker, Hiram Lewis, Johnathan som, Clinton Combs, Wm. Stacy, Isaac Hart. TROUBLESOME P. 0.—Joshua Smith, John Smith, W. W. Holliday, Talbert Holliday, John Holliday, Green Holliday, M.S. Napier, jr., Stephen Naphier, John T. Willams, Andrew Jones, Newton Smith, Samuel Campbell, Lewis Campbell, sr., John Ds Campbell; Emery Camp- bell Samuel Holliday, Frank Combs, Harrison Williams, Lewis Holliday, James Stacy, sr., Levy Stacy, Wm. Stacy, Jerry Williams, Balis Williams. CHAVIES P. 0.—Thos. F. Johnson, John A. Duff, John C. Spencer, Alfred Spencer, Jo Gam- bill, A. J. Hansley, Elijah Davidson, Daniel D, Davidson, John A. Dutf, jr., Edward S. Duff, Garret Campbell, Alson White, M. M. Napier, B. F. Napier, Jackson Gambill, George Eversole, Edward 8. Napier, Abner Bush, Clark Eversole, Jamies R. Lovens, Preston Campbell, Sadrack uff. SHOAL P. 0.—Henry 8. Begley, William Y. Begley, H. Y. Begley, John Huff, sr., Edward Huff, Blevins Huff, Farris Begley, Wade Valen- tine, John Eversole, Taylor Huff, John M. Huff, James M. Huff, Mose Hignite, John C. Huff, Isaac T. Langdon, John Langdon, George Bailey, Hiram Bailey, W. E. Boling, Anderson Begley, Robert B. Begley, Joseph Boling, Wm. Boling, Crit Johnson, John G. Johnson, Wm. Johnson, Justice B. Begley, Anderson Boling, Lewis Ever- sole, Nelson Gay, H. C. Gay, Wm. Gay, Nelson Barger, Jesse Barger, Delany Barger, Henderson Kversole, Edward Gay, Joab H. Begley, Wiley Morris, William Langdon, John W. York, James McIntosh, Peter Gross, John Gross, Jerry Gross, Peter McIntosh, Levy McIntosh, John Motris, Anthony Morris, Isaac Gilbert, Claibourn Gilbert, John MelIntosh, Peter McIntosh, jr., Jerry Mc- Intosh, Rk. W. Adams, Granville Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Green B. Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Edward Johnson, Orvill Anderson. POMEROYTON P. 0.—Philip Little, Jas. Rouse, R. M. Wells, Larkin Fletcher, Powell Catron, Wm. Catron, Taylor Trimble, James Osborn, Stephen Osborn, Nute Denis, Geo. Denis, James Brown, Wm. Halsey, Allen Spencer, Ey. Little, B. F. Wells; C. C. Deniston, Robt. Deniston, H, H. Saley, Wash Childers, Wm. Sexton, James McGraw, J. M. Halsey. WELLINGTON P. 0.—O. P. Wells, J. H. Wells, Alonzo Wells, James Wheeler, George Wheelers, H. H. Borders, Sanders Powers, John Yocum, Greene Hale, C.C. Montgomery, A. Parker, Richard Gibbs, Geo. Wells, R. S. McClanahan, James 8. Wells, John Lyons, B. F. Oakly, Har- rison Jones, G. R. Carpenter, Stephen Carpenter, Ben). Buck, Henry Buck, Alfred Buck, sr., Alfred Buck, jr., Monroe Wells, James Brooks, Tyra Good, Huram Howard, Wm. Craft, Wm. Osborn, Hiram Bryant, Joshua Bryant, John Craft, Elijah Cratt, Vincil Buck, M. Man, Sam. Richardson, — -| Lafayette Hayse, Watt Cull, Wood Cull, J. H. Gibbs, Daniel Wells, Thos. Wells, 0. H. Dowing Geo. Wells, sr., Silas Bolling,/Abe Phipps, Martin Montgomery, James Bird, Turner Spencer, Jack- son Ratliff, Thos. Iago, Nute Iago, Thos. Lyons Geo. Lyons, Jacob Wells, John L. Brooks Shelton Hayse, Purl Hayse. LONESOME P. 0.—Wm. Cring, ©. L. Gil- laspi, David Minier, Shelt Minier, Dick Carpenter Dayid Cockyram, J. W. Williams, Frank Williams, Green Frisby, Brack Bolling, Filden Steel, John Hunt, Frank Alfrey, J. K. Bates, Wm. Ingram Bichara neeneey J. G. Hunt, H. H. Cassity, Jas. ‘ago, John ‘Thompson, Thomas P. Byne ili: Staling, Robert Minire. pena HARIBA P. 0.—Stephen Borders, Philip Deniston, Henry Jones, Henry Phillips, Martin Cole, C. C. Hughs, Hiram Griffey, David Davis, Milton Griffey, Jefferson Lovlas, Harvey Lovlas, Horatio Tuttle, Robert Clifford, John Davis, Elkanah McMullen, Diol Gullet, Green Gose, Krank Gose, Thos. Cawdle, Calaway Cox, Bruce Jones, Asa Eggleston, Alonzo Eggleston George Eggleston, Thos. Brown, Alex. Dority, Frank Eggleston, Buckner Cope, E. B. Northeut, James Kiskridge, A. D. Barnett, Jos. Hale, W. H. Gibson, Elijah Barker, John Barker, Richard Slater, John Wilson, Wm. Poplin, Geo. Kindrick, Wesley Sexton, Henry Barker, Jack Cannoy, Wm. Dority, Thos. Winn, Allen Langworthy, Benjamin Lang- worthy, Jas. Ledford, Frank Oster, J. R. Askin, Andrew Gullett, Thos. Hale. FRENCHBURG (c. h.) P. 0.—Henry Ran- gee, F. A. Stamper, Levi Hale, S. V. Clark, John Carter, Henry Adams, J. W. Cassity, Jo. L. Nick- ell, James Becraft, Ira Day, Johnson Whittaker, Shelby Kash, Nute Kash, L. H. Hackney, A. T. Hackney, James Phelps, A. B. Jackson, James Jackson, David Jackson Wm. Morison Jerry Compton, P. 8. Ingram, A. Buckhanan, Henry Dale, Job Ingram, Brack Ingram, Frank Coldiron, W. ‘IT. Combs, Dan Morison, Geo. Dale, Nute Dale, John Allen, Wm. Allen, Coon Little, Geo. Johnson, Frank Johnson, E. K. Phelps, J. H. Phelps, James R. Nickell, Lesley Jewell, Jeff. Nickell, I. N. Collier, Jo. Cobb, Jack Havens, Hezakiah Gilley, James Greer, Geo. Coborn, John Phelps,-Jo Phelps, Jack Coborn, Jasper Radcliff, Hiram Darossett, H.B. Armitage, H. K. Armitage, Thos. Greer, H. D. Combs, Lawrence Ponder, Thos. Johnson, Jas. Shoup, Wm. Carmackell, John A. Long, John Buck, Lafayette Bastord, J. N. Cassity, Thos. Clark, Jos. Adams, Thos. Mack, William Hale, jr., William Hale, sr., Thomas Collins, Henry Shrout, Jack Beaty, Jas. Thomas, Jilson Power, Jo. Carmackell, Britton Power, Jas. Fox, Geo. Patrick, Thos. Patrick, Levi Craft, Geo. Sexton, John R. Hackney, Frank Craig, Jeff. Smith, Clark Robbards, John Craig, jr.,*John Craig, sr., James Benson, Wim. Suiter, Henry Snodgrass, Aaron Combs, Allen Power, Jack Basford, Wm. Basford. CORNWELL P. 0.—Edward Welsh, Bent Dorossett, Duncan ‘Tabor, Peter Blevins, Levi Hall, Wm. Rothwell, Jarvis Slusher, Wm. Slusher, W.W. Ringo, J. H. Ringo, William Cornwell, Abram Wills,Solomon Ringo, Jas. Cornwell, Wm. Williams, Jo. Robinson, J. J. Denis, J. C. Lewis, J. P. Lewis, Benton Collier, Wm. Rothwell, jr. Jas. Reifitt, N. A. Wills, G. W. Downs, Hack Helton, Jas. Cord, W. 8. Hamilton, J. J. Cham- bers, Wm. Hon, Thos. Ballard, ‘Thornton Hedger, Roland Stone, Geo. Stephens, Samuel Stacy, W. Amburgy, A. Amburgy, Jones Crisp, Michael Rowe, James Ballard, sr., Geo. W. Poynter, Mathew Poynton, Wm. Shepherd, John Pitts, Nathan Alexander, W. W. Cornville. NICHOLSVILLE P. 0.—Taylor Adams, J. S. Baxter, Joseph Blakman, T. A. Broden, J. A. Baker, J. W. Baker, J. M. Baxter, A. J. Banes, J. W. Bishop, Fayette Brooks, R. M. Burch, Broe Burch, W. L. Butord, W. H. Burdett, John Carr, Davis Carter, J. M. Carter, Ad Chrisman, George Crisman, G. D. Cobley, Ambros Collins, Eli Crow, H. W. Crow, Jerry Combs, W. E. Combs, T. A. Davis, J. P. Davis, J. H. Dean, H. Dean, C. C. Doggins, Ben Duncan, Allen Duncan, E. Evins, L. T. English, J. C. Ferm, C. J. Filch, John Funk, Martin Funk, J. M. Gregg, J. J. Gregg, Daniel Gibney, Thos Gordon. GRAPEVINE P. 0.—Hiram Campbell, sr., Edward Campbell, John Campbell, Green Pen- nington, James Feltner, James Eversole, John C. Duff, sr., Adam Campbell, Joseph Campbell, John Colwell, Hence Colwell, Hiram E. Campbell, Isaac Hamin, Wm. Campbell. DWARF P. 0.—Felix Combs, Ben Engle, Jerry Combs, I’. W. Gibson, Wm. B. Engle, jr., Wade Combs, Harvey Owens, Alex. Richie, Flem Engle, Henry 8. Engle, Wm. B. Engle, sr., Wm. Enede, Albert Engle, Hiram Engle, Geo. Stacy. ATHERTONVILLE P. 0.—Geo. F. Burch, J. B. Tennelly. NEW HOPE P. 0—W.S. Brown, B. F. Fermll, J. L. Hedgspeth, B. C. Settle. MAGNOLIA P. 0.—J. ©. Abney, C..T. Abney, M. A. Abney, J. Y. Brown, Geo. W. Bayne, B. G. Beevers, M. S. Dye, G. M. Dixan, J. H. Dixan, T. A. Gardner, H. W. Lewis, J. G. Ragland, T. J. Watters, B. F. Wheeler.SEEMS OU ECM S VAN OUI testcrmnesvinomes terexi< son | @) egies Ine RAY VILLE (c. h.) P. 0.—J.W. Simms, C. P. Balfour, L. B. Edwards, E. C. Montgomery, W.P. Mangham, George W. Wright, ‘Thomas Jones, sr.,“Lhomas Jones, jr., W. G. Scott, E. Mc- Donald, E. Conner, E. Scott, Lem Scott, Charles Fitche, D. A. Campbell, HE. Overby, J. H. Rhymes, T. W. Cumpton, G. L. Cumpton, L. Montgomery, L. H. Villard, C. C. Tisdale. ALTO P. 0.—H. F. Vickers, J. A. Hemler, J. H. Quill, L. B. Duff, W. E. Duke, J. Burton Arch- ibald, Thos. Archibald, A. B. Cooper, T. W.Chap- man, N. C. Vicker, D. T. Chapman, F. M. Bledsoe, W. T. Ivy, H. G. Mangham, W. H. Hallack. DELHI P. 0O—George Slatteny, D. S. Travis, S. Stein, S. Blum, H. Black, Wm. Miles, W. T. Insley. COLUMBIA (c. h.)—R. B. Blanks, A. W. Faulkner, E. Girod, J. F. Girod, C. C. Bridger, G. W. Bridger, H. C. Walker, H. C. Blanks, Ivy D. Davis. . KK. Owens, HH. Black; Jack ye butions Dire Js Me Wright, Wi. os Dixon Hohn Ue ebuttens Js woe eMeredithy Jac! Hines, C. E. Wooten, W. L. Wootem, C. C. Fluitt, T. G. Williams, G. T. Martin, C. H. Cloyd, Henry Haas, W. L. Claunch, W. H. Dixon, J. A. Meredith, J..H. Claunch, D. A. Wade, Dr. Sam Fluitt, R. F. Humble, J. C. Bridger, Amos Hum- hries, G. W. Humphries, Julian Reitzell, W. B. eitzell, S. H. Brown, J. R. Brown, F. G. Eason, John C. Hough, E. F. Grayson, R. W. Ray, S. F. Ray, L. H. Wooton, Sam Johnson, Henry Mc- Daniel, N. M. Davis, Syl. Brown, F. E. Brown, H. L. Newsome, W. M. Newsome, Thomas Meredith, Asa M. Meredith, D. J. Dunn, John Dunn, John L. Wynn, Willie Swinn, A. B. Hundley, J. M. Hundley, G. W. Meredith, W. H. Hines, G. W. Page, J. O. Graves, J. HE. Mar- tin, L. Broudin, A. C. Duchesue, Frank Duchesue, Lucien Hebert, Thomas Hebert, Aaron Ryan, L. CG. Roberts, Robert Roberts, H. F. Nettles, H. M. Simmons, Leon Simmons, John Thornhill, W. H. Thornhill, Thomas Gant, R. D. Bridger, M. V. Ray, F. Drake, Wm. Bradley, Wm. McBroom, James Howell, W. S. Howell, S. C. Hargrove, John C. Hargrove, Roland Davis, Robert Mc- Swain, Tobe McSwain, S. EK. Thomas, Wat) Curry, Willis Sterling, H. D. S. Fluitt, C. B. Smith, Courtland Smith, J. W. McGinnis, Josiah Busby, Zac Shirley, Hamp Shirley, Dr. Fitzgerald, James M. Shirley, John W. Kelly, G. C. Richard- son, T. J. Richardson, A. E. Kelly, T. M. Whit- tington, W. W. Whittington. SINOPE P. 0.—J. B. Powel, J. A. Powel, H. R. McEnery, C. A. Ferrand, H. H. Filbiol. EUREKA P. 0.—T. A. Glass, J. A. Eason, J. A. Gilbert, W. H. Mecour, John Boyd. MAUD P. 0O.—S. M. Cade, E. V. Ferrand, F. H. Nettles, W. C. Downs. COLFAX (c. h.) P. O.—William Allen, A. Bloxam, Frank Boudry, J. Blair, Hon. W. L. Richardson, H. McKnight, J. H. McNeely, C. C. Nash, R. 8. Cameron. BIG CREEK P. 0.—J.M. Arrington. J. A. Arrington, M. D. Andrews. MONTGOMERY P. 0.—E. J. Bufield, A. W. Bill, J.G. Bill, W. L. Bird, E. S. Boltor, Richard Bird, W. O. Harrison, T. J. Harrison, A. J. Ragan, Wesley Bird, J. S. Payne, M. L. Payne, Hon. C. G. Dunn, J. M.McCain, Hon. H. V. McCain, R. B. Williams, 8. K. Williams. ADA P. 0.—G. W. Bruce, B. F. Bruce, War- ren Balliv, A. J. Brooks, C. W. Harvell, Samuel Harvell. IATT P. O—Marshall Brown, James A. Bradford. BLACK CREEK P. 0.—James Watson, O. C. Watson, J. R. Browning, A. Baxley. FAIRMOUNT P. 0.—A. A. Dean, G. W. Hickman, J. M. Rhorer, Tom Hickman, W. T. Hickman, D. Hickman, A. C. Lewis, T. K. Smith. SHAW P. 0.—W.B. Richardson, Allen Rich- ardson, James, Blair, Louis Futrell, I. Foulden, W. J. Bullock. BOYCE P. O.—M. L. Texada, Med. James, Sam Shackleford, Jesse Johnson, George A. John- son, Jordan Gibson, R. Kincade, F’. D. Henderson, Frank Neal, F. H. James, T. D. Knight, W. P. Murphy. LAMOURIE BRIDGE P. 0.—William Polk, W. A. Laird, Henry Rougean, J. M. Wells, H. Campbell, G. A. Wise, J. F. Davis, JeaBe Reeves. E. E. Dodge, W. EH. Smith, Benjamin Rougean, J. A. Crawford. ALEXANDRIA P. 0.—G. 0. Watts, J. G. White, James ]. Hudson, John A. Williams, D. A. Smith, G. L. Wilson, Wm. Harris, Thomas Clements, sr., J. W. Prescott, E. M. Wells, Jeff Wells, John Maddox, W. T. Maddox, D. W. Hynson, P. H. Hynson, A. Heyman, F. Seip, J. N. Ball, C. B. Compton, B. Mayer, D. T. Staf- ford, Ben Cooper, Duncan Graham, J. 8. Souy- myer, D. C. Paul, J. W. Hickman, Milton Dun- nam, J. P. Hickman, T. K. Smith, J. L. Connella, W.F. Blackman, Dr. 8. Gordon, C. 8. Haworth, Jacob Irving, D. Isles, Joseph D. James, Joseph Jeffries, G. Baillio, sr., Joseph D. Crews. POLAND P. 0O.—Joseph Hatch, F. L. Peart, George Dorman, John Wilson. MOORELAND P. 0.—B. M. Hughes, H. M. Robinson, C. L. Robinson. LECOMPTE P. 0.—E. V. Weems, W. A. Hardy, R. H. Camal, Joseph H. Meeker, Joseph kK. Mathews, Dr.S. F. Meeker. CHENEY VILLE P. 0O.—R.S. Smith, Lem Pearce, C. E. Barton, Wright Stafford, L. A. Havard. BABB’S BRIDGE P. 0.—J. A. Calhoun, Jos. Babb, Hadley Dyer. PINEVILLE P. O—E. J. Barrett, E. E. Ball, Wm. Tyson, J. F. Gates, W. T. Greer, R. Y. Hathem, Wm. Hathem, W. M. Head, Jesse M. Kees, Isaac Lacroix, Wm. Lacroix, B. F. Lewis, J. N. Newell, A. J. Rush, M. J. Waters, C. E. Ganten. HINESTOWN P. O—John Shaw, John Blair, J. H. Carruth, W. A. Carruth. NEW RIVER P. O.—D. F. Kenner, Alex- ander Marchond, H. I’. Bidstrupp. DARROW P. O.—ZJoseph Harris, John V. Marchend, Jacob Thomas, John Marcillis, Aaron Hill, J. D. Cantey, N. Beil, Odussa Crochet, Emile Vonehofe, Edmond Hypolite, Emanuel Thompson, Augustus Bertean, Edmond Marchond, R. N. Sims, Isaac Adams, David Outlaw, Alfred Foster, Peter Brandy, Frederick Walker, Jas. Robinson. DONALDSONVILLE (c. h.) P. O.—Dr. Felix Candin, James Tiller, J. C. Cofield, J. T. Noland, Henry Cook, Leon Godchaux, Richard McCall, R. O. Landry, J. E. St. Martin, Alfred F.| Sandry, Henry L. Duffel. HOHEN SOLMS P. 0.—R. H. Yale, G. B. Russ, Dr. H. Ballard. VERNON P. 0.—H. W. Shuard, A. G. Oxford, Henry Adams, J. C. Jones, Lee W. Jones, R. G. Upchurch, C. S. Goodenough, HE. C. Kidd, E. E. Kidd, A. J. Mooney, Henry Loflin, Henry Downs, John Hancock, J. T. M. Hancock, Henry Hancock, J. L. Bryan, J. M. Burroughs, J. L. Goodwin, W. BE. Kidd, D. T. Lane, Henry Mal- lory, F. KE. Willis, Bull Ball, J. M. Stewart, Milton Stewart, J. L. Rutz, W. A. Rutz, L. C. Campbell, L. A. Boyd, Joe Jones John Thomas, W. C. Brooks, J. M. Nash, J, Mack Smith, Geo. Palmer, J. M. Pouder, J. L. McBride, Jeff McBride, Alex. Woodard, Henry Write, Peter Dunbar, Frank Stell, Aron Stell, Wash Dias, Mose Buggs, Jerry West, Rube Wyatt, Peter Wyatt, R. P. Johnson, A. L. Stone, Ed Walker, E. Walker, E. Pepper. EF, J. Brown J. C. Brown, Billie Swaner. D. W. Burr, D. F. Burr, James Barns, James Kearn, O. R. Hearn, Howell Prestridge, John Carroll, B. H. Brown, E. W. Ramsy. DALLY P. 0.—William Ramsey, Frank Cox, J. K.P. Davis, Noah Chatman, T. J. Smart. WATERLOO P. O.—E. Vignes, James Vignes, sr., Aristide Jarvean, Louis Lindsley, Cy- rille Pourecain, Rosilus Pourcian, Arnold Thomp- son, Meyer Michel. COVINGTON (ce. h.) P. 0.—Adam Thomp- son, J. M. Thompson, J. E. Smith, H. J. Smith, W. B. Cook, J. R. Hosmen, Jules Pechon, J. M. Allison, J. T. Munsch, Jules Duval, Jules B. Maille, G. Parken, Alfred LeBlanc, M. LeBlanc, H. Michaelis, J. M. Labat, F. Flat, C. W. Brad- ley, Milton Burns, Robert Badon, W. B. Lancas- ter, Z. Strain, J. M. Abney, K. A. Brakenridge, 4) E. Thomas, C. Stratman, C. Shultz, C. C. Cooper, John Quane, O. H. P. Revere, Hy Galloway, Rh. Jenkins, Joe Sharp, Theo. Sharp, W. C. Morgan. GORDON P. 0.—A. W. Palmer, T. W. Wil- son, W. P. Mills, R. G. Green, A. M. Janell, E. Gray, R. E. Bonow, E. Christian, O. A. Smith, D. Powers. ee HAYNESVILLE P. 0.—Luther Tingino, W.P. Tingino, Nacy Meek, Pat. Soles, Joseph Soles, John Smith, John Gibson, Henry Taylor, J. ©. Taylor, J. R. Smith. .C. Calhoun, J. Pieree, W. D. King, C. T. Magee, NEW ROADS P. 0.—Jos. Richy, J. 0. De- Lage, W. R. Falconer, F. Labbe, sr., O. St. Dizier, C. Samson, Moses C. Bernier, J. B. Lepane, sr., J. B. Lepane, jr., E. Sanchez, Judge A. Bouan- chand, C. E. Roy, W. Knapps, M. Basso, Octave Langlois, Zenon Langlois, Denis Chenevert, Clay Chenevert, Dorsin Pourcian, James Vignes, jr., Francois Lieux, Achille Knaps, C. M. Cazayoux, Lewis Chenevert, Meyer Michel, Therence Sam- son, Gerard Langlois, Robert Arlington, Z. YT. Henderson, Rey. J. P. Gutton, O. O. Provesty, G. Langlois, R. Vignes, L. B. Claiborne, Francois Pourcian, Chas. D. Hebert, Judge J. Yoist, Dr. L. Ladmiraalt, Albert Vignes, Charles Janis, C. H. LeBean, Prosper Kchelard, sr., Thos. Miex, J. H. Seibert, L. V. Gosserand, A. Bondy, P. O. Webre, A. Gosserand, C. M. Millandore, Paul Joffrlon, Charles Hebert, Bertrand Lieux, F. J. Major, Lamartine Jewell, Benjamin Jewell, Adolphe Porche, Geran Guorin, Arcade Major, L. A. Picard, Victor Modelis, Eudora Bergerson, Thos. Mix, Franck Christophe, Victoria Fernandez, Paul Joffrion, Philogene Langlois, Jean Mennel, Au- guste Richy, Neville Jerrean, Numa Chustz, Otho Langlois, Adolphe Olinds, Bearegard Olinde, Eu- gene Didier, Marcel Fabre, Louis Fabre, Eugine Garon, Numa Knapps, Henry Knapps, Alfred Pourcian, Thos. H. Hewes, Charles Partauge, Numa Pourcian, F. J. Major, Alcide Bondy, Chas. Meixner, Aristide Gosserand, A. D. M. Harelson. SLIDELL P. 0.—Geo. H. Gause, John Tal- ley, D. Talley, E. Cooper, O. Ditman, J. Robert, Anatal Cousin, Armand Cousin, f. Gusmas, H. J. Maytield, A. C. Provost, Antin Crawford, S. D. Crawford, W. R. Martin, P. C. Slayden, A. M.. Slayden, A. Trouiller, E. Trouiller. MADISONVILLE P. 0.— George Keapp, John Peters, J. P. Pellvat, J. Pellvat, A. Populus, P. Haelzel, ‘Wm. Brentnell, John Haas, L. Lesas- sier, ‘‘heo. Dendinger, H. Heisen, D. R. Morgan, A. J. Morgan. MANDEVILLE P. 0.—M. Sharp, A. Sharp, Theo. Verett, George Pitcher, J. Herbelin, M. Dicks, A. Givens, A. Band, J. M. Favaron, John West, J. L. Phillips, W. Rider, W. H. Seymour, F. Rose, H. Mignon, Eug. Aveithe, C. H. Jenkans, Chas. Whiting, V. Preato, F. Colomes, O. Web- ber, Jules Beaujeaux, Ernest Beaujeaux, James Spell, W. G. Davis, S. Strain, H. Strain, F'. Zorn, John Wortham, John Parker, F. Ribard, F. Fole- gut, BE. Faine, W. A. Nott, P. Bagun, H. Kelly, H. D. Hopkins, P. J. Zatorin, J. Chardal, P. C. Smith, V. Preato, sr., H. Lange, C. Perriliat, O. Vallett, Jos. Vial, J. A. Mugniur, Jos. ‘Vial, jr., A. Depre, A. Fisher, A. Basse. BAYOU LACOMB P. 0.—A. F. Cousin, Terrence Cousin, H. L. Apoint, Alex. Todd, W. J. Gaines, E. Cousin, A. J. Cousin. HOMER (c. h.) P. O.—J. H. Simmons, T. Bridgeman, J. P. Gladney, A. N. Banow, George Gill, G. G. Gill, J. M. McKinzie, A. K. Clingman, D. Ferguson, J. H. Tugle, G. W. Maddox, M. H. Liffnins, D. W. Gladden, D. R. Evans, J.“ W. McFarland, D. W. Harris, Daniel Yancy, M. O. Kindbrew, F. A. Hilley; J. D. Calhoun, Isaac © Gleason, H. S. Taylor, L. A. Vaughn, J. L. Lyons, J. D. Kerr, J. B. Moreland, G. W. Alexander, B. D. Harrison, J. H. Wheeler, W. J. Smith, Alex. McKinzie, C. D. Yancy, A. T. Nelson, John Nel- son, [. N. Moreland, C. O. Ferguson, J. C. Moore, R. P. Harwell, Frank Delainey, J. S. Cook, W.C. Murrell, Stephen White, J. R. White, W. W. Deloach, T. BE. Shaw, G. W. Shaw, G. A. Sim- mons, J. J. Blackman, H. C. Hough, C. A. Gandy. ATHENS P. 0.—J. T. Baker, T. J. Caldwell, M. J. Pittman, W. J. Atkins, M. W. Atkins, W. G. Bares, J. M. Fincher, G. W. Walker, Jesse Watson, B. P. Smith, J. W. Rainey, C. Dutton, J. A. Awbrey, J. P. Awbrey, J. R. Dillon, J. F. Brownfield, John McLish, J. B. Walker, R. P. Webb, R. J. Webb, G. W. Beck. LISBON P. 0.—O. W. Meadows, T. D. Meadows, J. J. Duke, Zollis Duke, R. W. Green, R. T. McClendon, Jas. McClendon, D. A. J. Cora- thers, J. W. Beek, J. S. Simpson, J. W. Malton, A. B. Boykin, J. W. Dawson, J. LT. Dawson, B. B. McCasland. SUMMERFIELD P. 0.—B. T. Ledbetter, J. M. Ledbetter, J. W. O’Banon, Turner O’Ban non, P. T. Talbote, J. J. Glover, John Cuff, Al- bert Meadows, W. M. Marsh, M. M. Marsh, Rte). Hart, S. C. Kennedy.wr PRINCESS ANNE (c. h.) P. O.—Isaac $. Atkinson, Isaac JT. Barnes, Robert J. Waller, Wm. W. Waller, Thos. H. Fitzgerald, sr., Thos. H. Fitzgerald, jr., James H. Dennis, Henry Page, Phijah D. Reid, John B. Covington, Wm. J. An- derson, R.S. Conn, Benjamin Lankford, Henry S, Lankford, Wm. Broughton, Wm. F. W. Miles, J. Frank Miles) Wm. I. Fleming, John D. Fleming, Theodore Powell, Wm. Rufus Powell, Wm. B. Williamson, John L. Porter, Isaac F. Powell, Wm. J. Porter, Eph. G. Polk, Lafayette Ross, Francis J. Barnes, John A. Larmore, Wm. Griffith, Samuel S. Sudler, Charles W. Long, Wm. J. Layfield, Peter Good, David Ruch, Ernest Brinkley, Samuel Dryden, James W. Warwick, Frank H. Dashiell, Smith Lankford, Thomas J. Dixon, Robert Worrell, Levin Wool- ford, Saml. Lankford, Wm. A. Phoelus, Francis A. Briddell, Levin L. Waters, Levin T. H. Irving, Chas. W. Fountaine, Frank A. Hayman. MOUNT VERNON P. 0.—John W. Read- ing, Joseph R. Keading, John H. Parkes, Saml. Street, Sorin Barbon, Daniel W. Jones, Wm. HE. Jones. WESTOVER P. 0.—Erastus Handy, Levin H. Beauchamp, Robt. H. Dryden, Francis Barnes, Wm. Layfield, Samuel Archibald, Peter Layfield, Samuel H. Laytield, Wm. Ruark, Wm. 8. Long, Edwin B. Long. KINGSTON P. 0.—Robt. H. Millbourne, Henry ‘I’. Tull, Oscar Tull, Charles C. Wetherell, Klijah Broughton, Henry A. Adams, George B. Jell, Thomas G. Harold, James W. Marshall, Jno. Nock, L. E. P. Boulden, Wm. Atjah Hayman. MARION STATION P. 0.—Benjamin Lanktord, James I’. Lankford, Benjamin Green, Win. T’. Lankford, Charles E. Grunby, Clarence Grunby, Joseph Coulbourn, Thos. L. Coulbourn, Luther T. Miles, N. J. P. Tull, Thomas Madduce, Samuel L. Tull, Thomas Whittington, Wm, Whittington, Samuel S. Horsey, John Coulbourn. HOPEWELL P. 0.—Wm. T. Cullen, John H. Miles, Wm. H. Roach, Thomas Ward, Wm. C. Coulbourn, John P. Bradshaw, Jacob H. Cullen. FATRMOUNT P. 0.—John S. Sudler, Wm. Ross, Albert Sudier, Samuel Archibald, Daniel W. Niles, L. B. Hall, Littleton J. Hall, Wm. T. Sudler POCOMOKE CITY P. 0.—Edward K. B. Lankford, John H. Driden, Wm. H. Wilson, Geo. C. Powell, Wm. M. Coston, Samuel Coston, Wm. S. Hargis. DAMES QUARTER P. 0O.—Isaac J. Bozman, Henry P. White, Wm. F. Daskhill, A. C. C. Disharoon. _EDEN P. 0—Sidney ©. Long, Isaiah M. Toad- vine, Jacob H. Pollitt, Wm. Phillips. ADELINA P. 0.—). A. Bond, Benj. Hance ee Monnet James N. Duke, J. M. B. Mor- sell, M. B. Hance, A. G. on, W.E i W.H. Goose G. Bowen, W. H. Hutchins, PRINCH FREDERICKTOWN (c P. 0—Jos. A, Wilson, W. D. Skimmer, De. Wap McDaniel, T. F. Moon, Wm. H. Bowen, R. H. Hall, Webster Tabbs, Alex. Buckler, John W. Skinner, Thos. I, Young, Geo. T. Freeland, Young Hardesty, Ruben Bowen, F. C. Roberts Richard Roberts, S. B. Wilson, T. L. ‘Carpenter John Basford, W. H. Alton, George P. Dorsey John G. Dare, S. R. King, J. R. Briscoe, I. W. Shemwell, Z. T. Fowler, Wm, Heems, James E. Smith, Thos. Bowen, B. D. Bowen, E. §. Hum- PRrEYEs RK. H. Hagner, P. J. Bowen, R. E. King Wm. C. Wood, 0. F. Simmons, James §. Hutch. Hott en. Mange: Cae eich een ereaa. gs, as, Anderson, Thos. HUNTINGTOWN P. 0.—Charles R. Belt C.C. Rind, V. C. Cox, H. S. Alluntt, John S. Anniger, Clarborne Manner, M. C. Vanderworker. Z. W. Sparklin, Jos. Shubert, Dr. E. Haddy, Jas. W. Harduty. Kd H. Ireland, James Cranford, A. H. Bowen, David Bowen, Thos. Norfélk., ae A eos eam Jones, Wim. Soper 3enj Sewell, David Ex ery ae Bigs tense. Soeur rles, J, Blake Chew, Joseph : DERLAND P. 0.—Henr , Samuel T. Dowell, Win, Marques, Sasouel Torso alleen Henry Jones, Rob Wood Nath cers n, is ie ie htZ 1445 / . 2 . Birkeit 3c, Bineee Elijah Adams, Wm. 2 . Cares awe Prosper Gibbons, J. M. Cobey, WW. Cubes, ay, Wm. A. Gray, A. W. “THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE . LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR MN A ie LA N 1, DUNKIRK P. 0.—J. EB. W. Taneyhill, David P. Smith, Vhos. Siuith, W. W. Sullivan, James C. Chaney, T. B. Jones, Charles C. Chaney, B. Hig- gins, Louis Griffith. ; CECILTON P. 0.—D. P. Davis, George Rid- dles, John W. Davis, Wm. M. Knight, \Wiisrae: AU Clark, T. C. Crookshank, H. 8. Cochran, Arthur Johns, Z. P. Lusty, Thos. T. Price, J.C. Price, Henry Rowan. 5 EARLEVILLE P. 0.—Dr. 8. E. Wills, Wm. Ward, John S. Benson, R. A. Duhamell. WARWICK P. 0.—George W. Lockwood, Wn. Price, Dr. J. J. Wright, Benjamin Green. CHESAPEAKE CITY P. 0.—H. H. Brady, Wm. P. Howard, Thos. B. Hopper, Jos. H. Steele, James A. Baulden, Thos. Conrey, George S. Wolley, Captain Jetterson, Dr. W. C. Lavsner, Dr. J. V. Wallace, Toward Loraine, Frank Baulden, Tohn Conrey, Thos. S. Cleaver, Wm. L. Freeman, Irvin G. Griffith, Rich. H. Lodge, Geo. Q. Massey, William J.yle. ELKTON (c. h.) P. O.—John E. Wilson, J. A. J. Creswell, Morris Dunbar, Joseph McNeal, Wm. Degoing, John Denver, Alfred Wetherill, Pavker L. George, Dr. H. H. Mrtchell, Daniel Bratton, W.T. Miller, S. H. Miller, Joseph Dea- ver, James Handain, H. P. Manly, E. C. Collins, Dr. R. C. Mackall, Daniel Harvey, S. K. Blake, Wm. Harvey, Roger Witworth, Thomas Drennen, R. C. Lewis. CHERRY HILL P. 0.—D.C. Work, John Ramsey, Wm. V. Moore, John 8. Moore. BAY VIEW P. 0.—John T. Gamble, J. Hunter Mahoney, John W. Mahoney, Joseph T. Reed, George Simcoe, John Janney, Wm. Benja- min, Joseph Benjamin. MECHANICS’ VALLEY P. O—-Joseph Lort, John I’. Hoit, John Dunlap, Thomas Tyson, Elisha Harris, John Warrington, T. V. Rose. NORTH EAST P. 0.—Chas. W. Simpers, John W. Simpers, R. L. Thomas, Chas. Mearns, Wm. T. Hammond, Dr. P. B. Housekeeper, R. F. Thomas, Alexander Rutter, James Raney, John- son Simpers. ELK NECK P. 0.—J. W. Turner, Wm. J. Wilson, John Roach, John C. McNamee, Wm. K. Stockhouse, Wash Holt, Alex. George. FAIR HILL P. 0.—Henry Hess, John W. Quein, M. 8. Sentman, James L. Steele, Wm. T. Rye. CHARLESTOWN P. 0.—Benoni Cooling, John B. Graham, John T. Cooper, W. T. Richard- son. PRINCIPIO P. 0.—Thomas Williams, T. B. Gillespie, Wm. Thompson, B.'T. Palmer. RISING SUN P. 0.—H. H. Haines, Job Haines, James M. Kvyans, T. R. Lawson, William Richards, Wm. Gwason. PORT DEPOSIT P. 0.—J. H. Rowland, F. S. Everest, Rev. John Squires, Jacob Tome, T. J. Vanneman, W. W. Hickle, Jas. A. Davis, J. M. McClenahan. CALVERT P. 0.—Levi R. Mearns, W. D. Pierson, A. J. H. Cameron, John P. Wilson, Jos. T. England, James C. Crothers. ZION P. O.—George W. Janney, Samuel Haddock, Wm. L. Mearns, S. F. Vandyke. CAMBRIDGE (c. h.) P. O—D.C. Handley, Rh. T. Wright, A. H. Bashby, Edwin Dashields, James Wallace, Samuel W. Hopkins, William H. Barton, Thomas E. Dail, James E. Norman, Jos. H. Hooper, B. Hameback, Robert Tubman, Wil- liam Hopkins, Thos. H. Ross, Wm. Ross, Wm. Dail, Wm. F. Snow, Wm. P. Mills. Frank Snow. CHURCH CREEK P. 0.—Thos. A. Willis, Levi P. Skinner, A. D. Jones, Richard Sinthicum, James G. Graham, Edward Jones, Charles BR. Tubman, Daniel N. Martin, Saml. W. Woolford. _TAYLOR’S ISLAND P. 0.—Thomas J. Ewell, Sam. M. Traverse, Levi D. Traverse, Thos. B. Caton, Robert Spillman, Thos. H. Traverse, James T, Leonard, Levi Slocum, John Marchal, James McLain. LAKESVILLE P. 0.--George Todd, Thos., J. Todd, Thos. J. Tyler, Wm. L. Cooper, John J. Mills, John M. Putchet, Wm. T. Andrews. CRAPO P. 0.—Levin A. Jusby, Corbin W. Jusby, James E. Hayward, G. L. Biambles, Robt. H. Foxwell, D. Johnson, Geo. W. Wrotin. BEC Ea E. Austin, Saml. -. Smith, Columbus Smith, 5 aN j John W. Bradley. See elles EAST NEW MARKET P. 0.—Isaac H. Wright, John W. Fletcher, Joseph Hicks, Wil- ner, John H liam Vichers, C. T. Ross. GERMANTOWN P. 0.—I. M. Gassaway, Joseph Henderson, H. A. Humphrey, M. Han- shew, Thos. Benson, William Trail, Nathan Page, Theodore Henderson, H. C. Hickerson, John Sny- der, E. H. Richter, George Nichols, Thos. ‘lrundle, Americus Dawson, Simon D. Best, James Neal, Horace Waters, Wilham Waters, Wm. Mosser, William M. Mosser, Samuel Williams. MIDDLEBROOK P. 0.—Lewis Gardner, H. Crawford, Geo. S. Crawford, James E. Rabbitt, Johnson Benson, A. P. Richetts, Levi O. Watkins, Frank Watkins. GAITHERSBURG P. 0—Wnm. A. Cooke, H. D. Cooke, I. B. Diamond, D. M. Munroe, John W. Walker, N. J. Walker, C. E. Meern, James Clagett, Samuel Thrift, Rk. G. Dorsey, I. S. Poole, H. ©. Word, J. T. Fulks, D. G. Carlisle, Joseph ‘Thompson, Jack Briggs, Robert Briggs, ‘IT. C. Hut- ton, W. W. Wade. LAYTONSVILLE P. 0.—Uriah Griffith, Ulysses Griffith, W. B. Mobley, Dr. Crawford, F. S. Bell, Silas A. Bell, John A. Anutt, Jacob W. Anutt, I. G. Warfield. GOSHEN P. 0.—Harry Griffith, Remus D. Riggs, Harry Riggs, Z. M. Watters, Wash Wat- ters, S. O. Thompson, Richard Green, John E. Benson, Crit Walker. Jones, Richard Jones, I. D. Blunt, C. ROCKVILLE Cc. h.) P. O.—Nick Offutt, N. Offutt, jr., Geo. Graft, Wm. Graft, Thos. Bailey, Joseph Bailey, John Wilson, William Fields, John T. Higgins, Frank 'l. Higgins, Edward Viers, Sam Viers, Newton Trundle, ‘Chos. Garrett, Steve Lydonne, Jom Lydonne, Ambrose Clements, Rudolph Watkins, Richetts, John H. Kelchun, John Brewer, William Reading, Judge Bowic, Wm. Bowic, Thos. An- derson, Robert Carter, Jack Carter. Magruder Richitts, Dick DARNESTOWN P. O.—James Winsor, Hilar> Hockinson, William Rice, George Rice, Kdward Hays, Charles Dufief, Alexander Gos- saway, Rudolph Coomes, James Purdun, Hilary Higgins, Unton Darby. Beall, James Beall, Frank DAWSONVILLE P. 0.—Nathan Allnutt, I. N. Benton, Jos. Kelley, Lawrence Darby, B. W Allnutt, B. Allnutt, Thos. Darby, F. A. Dawson, James M. Dawson, B. T. Dyson, I. H. Rawlins, Edward Pyles, I. B. Byrd, N. 8. Dawson. REDLAND P. 0.—David Griffith, Zadock Magruder, T. F. Cashell, 1. C. Holland, J. B. Penn, W. M. Talbott, James Williams, J. T. Waréeld. POOLESVILLE P. 0.—F. S. Poole, Rich- ard Poole, Benjamin White, Joseph White, J. T. Fletchall, T. N. Gott, R. ‘L. Gott, Isaac Young. HUGHESVILLE P. 0.—Warner Gibbons, Wm. Christ, George I. Chappeleur, Henry A. Canter, Thos. A. Carrico, Jas. B. W. Gardiner, T. Elzear Gardiner. BRYANTOWN P. O.—Thos. A. Murray, Wm. I. Bourman, Henry A. Turner, I. Thos. Tur- Langley, B. M. Edden, J. W. Wheatley, Wm. A. Langley, Wm. Queen, J. E. Wetherald, J. Marine Burch, Benj. Klimkiewires, Rich Farrall, Henry L. Mudd, Thos. L. Gardiner, Wm. Wolfe, Wm. M. Burch. WHITE PLAINS P. 0.—G. H. Albrittain, T. Y. Robey, Warren O. Willets, Washington Hicks, B. W. Spaulding, Marcellus ‘Thompson, C. C. Hardy, John H. Bean. WALDORF P. 0.—Edward Berry, P. A. Sasscer, G. O. Monroe, W. L. Hicks, ‘Tarleton Ber- ry, Warren Moore, Legrand Padgett, R. 8. Burch, Thad, Mudd, George H. Garniner, T. C. Wilkin- son. MATTAWOOMAN P. 0.—W. C. Tippett, Geo. A. Hunt, B. L. Hunt, John I. Murray, Thos. H: Mudd, George H. Gardiner. DENTSVILLE P. 0.—J. Clarence Jameson, KE. V. Edelen, John 8. Gibbons, Wm. R. Frank- lin, F. A. Murphy, A. M. Freeman, I. M. Freeman, W. W. Wheatley. NEWPORT P. 0.—B. M. Langley, George W. Thompson, S. G. Lancaster, J. E. Ware, J. Ms yeean, Willis Gough, Henry Gough, John A. udd. COX’S STATION P. 0.—Samuel Cox, F. Hughes Wills, Franklin Burch, Dudley Turner, R. Cutler Ferguson, A, W. Neale, John T. Hig- don, Benj. L. Higdon. PORT TOBACCO (c. h.) P. O—J. W. Al- brittain, J. H. Roberts, W. W. Owens, Wm. H. Hamilton, Fred. Stone, Harris Stonestreet, Heber F. Boswell, John H. Mitchell. Hugh Mitchell.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” sas ousers apres areexprx ron Massachusetts, Maine and Montana. MASSACHUSETTS. NANTUCKET (c. h.) P. O—Elijah H. Alley, John S. Appleton, jr., Charles G. S. Austin, James Austin, Andrew C. Backus, Oliver C. Backus, Matthew Barney, Joseph 8. Barney, Wil- liam M. Barrett, Albert C. Bartlett, William G. Bartlett, William Baxter, Daniel C. Brayton, Jo- siah CO. Brock. Joseph C. Brock, Andrew Brooks, Edward W. Brooks, Charles A. Burgess, Richard E. Burgess, Charles C. Chadwick, Frank P. Chad- wick, Leander Cobb, Washington Chase, David F. Chase, William Clisby, Paul W. Clisby, Wm. Codd, Alex. G. Coffin, Coffin, Henry Coleman, Horace R. Coffin, Edwin Colesworthy, Arthur H. Cook, John W. Cook, Charles C. Crosby William H. Crosby, Charles H. Dunham, Daniel T. Dun- ham, Albert Easton, William R. Easton, John B. Enas, Anthony Enas, Thomas B. Field, William Field, Abner G. Fish, Francis H. Fisher, Lot D. Fisher, James Flood, Wm. B. Foley, Hiram C. Folger, Albert F. Folger, Chandler B, Gardner, Charles W. Gardner, Charles H. Gibbs, David W. Gibbs, Calvin C. Hamblin, Thomas F. Hamblin, John Harper, George E. Harris, Samuel Harris, Thomas §. James, Charles H. James, Andrew Johnson, John B. King, Samuel King, Simeon L. Lewis, Ezra W. Lewis, Charles Lovell, Charles A. Lovell, Samuel Lowell, Andrew C. Lowell, Alex- ander Macy, George W. Macy, William W. Mc- Intosh, Frank A. Mitchell, Edward P. Norcross, Wn. H. Norcross, John G. Orpin, Henry Pad- dock, David Parker, Edward W. Perry, Warren F. Ramsdell, John W. Rand, Jobn C. Ring, Wm. T. Swain, Herbert S. Sweet, Charles H. Starbuck, Alfred Starbuck. MARLBOROUGH P. 0.--Robt. B. Ames, W.F. Barnard, Frank Bean, Ed L. Bigelow, H. E. Bigelow, Augustus Blanchard, John Boggs, B. F, Bond, Joseph Boyd, Samuel Boyd, H. A. Bradley, A. M. Brigham, Ashley Brigham, Owen Brady, M. Buckley, Mirving Burdette, Jno. Burke Michael Burk, Dennis Burns, George W. Cate, Henry Carr, Joseph Churran, E. J. Childs, John Cluncey, Orin Dudman, Pat Daley, Alex. Dennis, Thomas Dillon, Reuben Dole, John Downey, Jas. Donnehan, Daniel Donnahoe, Patrick Driskoll, Thos Drury, Patrick Dunn, David Dupree, Wm. Eagar, Louis Emely, L. Fay, Wm. H. Fay, Jacob Fairbanks, Wm. G. Fairbanks, John Farley, Peter H. Farrell Ed. A. Felton, Edward Linn, John E. Fitzgerald, M. Flannagin, Con Flynn, George Fletcher, John Frye, Lavin Gale, Thomas Gallagher, John Galvin. K. A. Gay Wm. Gibbon, J. M. Gleason, Geo. W. Hagar, S. J. Hall, L. Hopgood, David Harris, Damel Hayden, Tom Hazeltown, S. H. Howe, S. A. Howe, J. 8. Ingra- ham, Thomas Jackson, John Jones, James Kane, John H. Kirby, Emile Lefern, Theo. Lacature, W. Hf. Mace, James Martin, John Nicols, John O'Connell, Josiah G. Parmenter, Patrick Quirk, Edward G. Rice, Godfrey Rice, John Rock, Alex. Scott, G. E. Sherman, Hiram Temple, O. P. Walker. FALL RIVER P. 0.—Edward 8. Adams, James M. Aldrich, Howard B. Allen, Rudolphus Allen, Charles Aleny, David M. Anthony, James S, Anthony, Wm. H. Ashley, Joseph H. Baker, George A. Ballard, William Beattie, J. C. Blais- dell, Hiram Bliss, Chas. H. Boomer, Nathaniel Boomer, John H. Boone, Joseph Booth, Simeon Borden, Theodore W. Borden, David A. Brayton, Israel Brayton, John Campbell, D. A. Chapin, PR. D. Conant, A. S. Covel, R. T. Davis, Walter C. Durfee, Geo. H. Eddy, Albert H. Essex, Mason Fisher, John D. Flint, Leander Freelove, John R. Gifford, G. M. Hafford, E. Hath- eway, W. H. Hatheway, James Henry, Thomas Healey, Francis B. Hood, Wm. EF. Hooper, B. F. Kellogg, Chas. S. Kirby, H. J. Langley, Colin Mackenzie, E. B. Maxam, Robert Mills, Alex. Ah Melne, Lafayette Nicols, James M. Osborn, Weaver Osborn, Richard S. Reckham, Asa Pettey, Milton Reed, G. V. S. Remington, R. R. Reming- ton, Phillip H. Sanford, Clark Share, John P. Sjade, A. S. Tripp, L. D. Tucker, Elias A. Tuttle, Leonard Underwood, Thos. F. Vickey, Vernon Wade, Samuel Waddington, William Walsh, Jas. Waring, Thomas B. Waring, Daniel Wetherell, John B. Whittaker, John Whitaker, John White, David T. Wilcox, James Wood, William P. Zuill. / MAINE. MILLBRIDGE P. 0—George Googi John T. Wallace, Rufus Fickett, ACen Eaeees BIDDEFORD P. O.—Simon B. Adams, | J. W William Andrews, C. U. Babb, A. Benson, Cyrus Benson, Isaac C. Boothby, Josiah W. Boothby, Josiah H. Boston, Samuel Bradbury, Samuel C. Brown, Wallace A. Burnham, Chas. A. Butterfield, Anthony C. Campbell, W. W. Center, Amos Chase, Edmund Coffin, Joseph Coolbrith, John Q. Cousens, Leland K. Cousens, Arthur Curtis, Charles Curtis, Abram Davis, Arthur Davis, Joseph Dearborn, Thomas H. Dickinson, Albert Dow, Charles Dow, Wm. M. Drown, Orrin B. Edwards, George H. Elwell, Ebenger Emerson, Frank E. Emerson, Haven Emery, Elikin Em- mons, Israel Emmons, Horace Evans, J. H. Fogg, Elmore A. Gilpatrick, Howard Gilpatrick, Hiram Goodrich, Monroe Goodrich, John F. Googin, Samuel Googin, Wm. H. Gookin, Francis C. Gor- don, Chas. A. Gowen, Orrin D. Greene, Noah Haley, John Haley, Wm. N. Haywood, John Hemmenway, Luke W. Hemmenway, Chas. H. Neill, Dennis S. Neill, James Neilton, Samuel Hobbs, Samuel H. Holt, Benj. Hooper, Daniel O. S. Hooper, James Hooper, Frederick S. Jellison, Riskworth Jordan, Samuel Jordan, John H. Joy, Stephen Joy, H. P. Ladd, Daniel F. Libby, Ivoy Littlefield, John R. Lowell, John W. Lowell, N. D. McBride, Josiah McIntire, Rufus McKinney, Forrest E. Moore, Jotham Moulton, A. O. Nason, Eben D. Page, Stephen Patterson, John Pollard, Ralph Prescott, Chas. Proctor, Josiah Proctor, Benj. Roberts, Horace Roberts, Albert Runney, Chas. P. Runney, John Seavy, John Seavy, jr., J. B. Severence, Cyrus Smith, Daniel Smith, Charles G. Staples, Q. N. B. Staples, John H. Tarbox, Sylvester Tarbox, Clark Wakefield, Mark Wake- field, Charles C. Walker, John P. Ward, William Whittier, W.S. Wilson, John Witham, Geo. W. W orth. WINTHROP P. 0.—J. E. Braman, A. C. Carr, N. R. Pilse, S. H. Gove, Joseph Nelson, Chas. Gale, Horace W. Packhard, Nelson Pack- hard, John Martin, John May, J. H. Moore, R. Alden, H. Woodward, Franklin Woodward, Henry Winslow, Moses Briggs, Reuben Jones. ALBION P. 0.—Mark Rollins, jr., Benj. F. Abbott, E. L. Crumnett. AUGUSTA (c. h.) P. O.—J. W. Patterson, Thomas Lumbard, Thomas Fuller, John E. Ware, T. J. Lynch. BELGRADE P. 0.—Geo. H. Stevens, Jas. Tibbets, C. M. Weston, Chas. H. Wyman, G. W. Cottle, David Goulder, L. W. Bachelder. BENTON P. O0.—A. H. Barton, John H. Avery, J. O. Peaslee, J. L. Buzzell, A. H. Rich- ardson. CHELSEA P. 0.—H.N. Laiten, J. E. Blan- chard, J. B. Packard, Frank Cobb, Stephen Cobb. CHINA P. 0.—Wm. Percival, John O. Page, Dana C@. Rawson, F. H. Crowell, S. C. Stanell, Caleb Jones. CLINTON P. 0.—Edward E. Piper, A. L. Brown, R. W. Gerald, J. M. Winn, J. M. Jewell. MACHIAS (c. h.) P. 0.—C. B. Donworth, Ignatius Sargent, Walliam_C. Holway, John K. Ames, Coffin Smith, John F. Harmon, Geo. Lea- vitt, John L. Pierce, John Inglee, Clark Perry, Mason H. Wilder, P. H. Longfellow, James Ee Bailey, Wm. W. Bradbury, Rufus T. Crane, L. Holway, Sanford Burnham, Jobn Sitka de Ie, Longfellow, J. M. Sargent, Warren Hill, Charles W. Vose, Hiram Gardner, Geo. W. Drisko, Ca Ok Farbush, Ezekiel Vose, Wm. Longfellow, Samuel B. Hunter, Henry H. Smith, Napolean B. Morse. EAST MACHIAS P. 0.—James R. Talbot, L. L. Keith, John C. Talbot, Samuel H. Talbot, Austin Kingsley, B. Thomas Challoner, Sylvanus Q° Hall, Henry S. Gooch, James O. Pope, Austin Harris, Charles Cox, Frank H. Wiswell, Thomas W. Cooper, Joseph S. Whittier, Kd. Gardner, Josiah Harris, Thos. M. Gardner, James i. Field. MACHIAS PORT P. 0.—J. Willard Cates, Timothy Clark, John M. Clark, Judah J. Disko, James A. Flynn, James M. Fletcher, Webber F. Grant, Alvin L. Harmon, John Leighton, William Mitchell Ed. A. Moore, Elisha Palmer, Chas. W Robinson, Cyrus P. Sanborn, Fred A. Small, Horatio N. Tobey, Warren Williams, Merritt J. Wright, Charles B. Watts, Henry B. Waide. CALAIS (c. h.) P. 0O.—Lemuel G. Downes, C. B. Rounds, Enoch B. Harvey, Fred. A. Pike, Henry F. Eaton, Charles F. Todd, A. H. Sawyer, A. L. Clapp, Frank Nelson. ot Saver RRYFIELD P. 0.—Manninge Dunbs Henry ©. Bartlett, James A. Millikin, William Freeman, Alexander Campbell, Bernard McGould- rick, Peter Smith, Henry H. Bowles, John W. Coffin, Samuel N. Campbell. The eae aes P, O.—Peter E. Vose, 1eophilus W. Allen, Benjamin Li Gara Nee) ola DNA eae eS fee eee HALES P. 0.—Levi Leighton, an . Crandon, Charles C. Buckma 5 AG Coffin rome P. Wass. See LER P. 0.—Seth B. French, Moses B Stevens, Mark Thurlow, Fred H. Wilder. ae EASTPORT P. 0.—Noel B. Nutt, Henry Whelpley, Samuel D. Leavitt, R. B. Clark. WHITNEY VILLE P. 0.—Cornelius Sulli- van, John R. Geary, Thomas Hillgrove, Hugh Monahan, Daniel Geary, Cornelius Desmond, Wil- liam M. Flynn, Willis L. Bridgham, James Pope Hdwin J. Miller. i MONTANA. PARK CITY P. 0.—A. E. Parker, Geo. C. Tilden, Olney Taylor, W. P. Whitsett, Wm. Bel- lion, S. F. Mitchell, E. L. Peck, Samuel Cellars, J. P. Sidle, C. C. Steers, George Geer, Jos. Bassett, J. E. McCoul, Wm. Allard, T. H. Walters, F. B. Jackson, L. M. Owens, Edward Alling, W. H. Edick, O. E. Mills, C. L. Tilden, F. H. Young. STILLWATER P. 0.—Ed. Cardwell, C. H. Countryman, 8. W. Porter, Frank Quinn, Henry W. Rowley. BILLINGS (c. h.) P. O.—S. R. Salsbury, John Riordan, B. B. Brockway, W. M. Rogers, O. M. Stager, J. Danford, W.S. Salsberry, B. F. Stuart, Charles Demaris, F. L. Summers, William Birily, T. C. Armitage, J. J. Alderson, R. W. Clark, M. P. Camp, A. M. Crawford, Henry Col- well, W. H. Clanton, O. J. Chapman, L. D. Chap- man, John Coburn, Ole Erickson, J. C. Isaacs, John H. Koltis, Chas. Klambeck, Geo. Thamport, James M. Lapp, Olef Lafverson. D. A. Larson, 8S. R. Miller, T. K. Mallon, Walter Matheson, John McGuinness, F. W. Lee, Alex. McDonald, O. N. Newman, E. M. Newman, Peter Neilson, M. O’Connell, Frank Sanderson, John Schock, Peter Larson, James F. Westbrook, H. F. White. RIDGELAWN P. 0.—A. P. Ayott, T. J. Chestnut, NEWTON P. 0.—C. H. Adams, H. A. Bick- sord, Austin Diltz, W. C. Gleason, T. A. Kemis, Wun. M. Meadows, W. W. Newton, O. D. Polley, Chas. Tilyon. GLENDIVE (c. h.) P. O—John Axen, F. N. Bronsin, J. S. Burns, W. C. Bangs, N.S. Ben- nett, G. N. Burdick, N. R. Brown, Andrew Brown, C. F. Bean, C. W. Crawford, Wm. Cole, Jas. Coram, N. W. Comford, M. M. Carson, A. J. Duvol, H. Eddy, R. O. Fitch, G. F. Fletcher, H. Freeze, N. Griffith, J. Gleason, James Gloster, Elmer Harpster, Enoch Harpster, M. Loufborrow, E. P. Lovejoy, A. McSam, Geo. McCone, H. Je Manley, M. Newcomer, C..J. Neal, Chas. C. Par- ker, G. Rockwood, W. A. Rock, W.N. Raymond, W. O. Serrine, O. J. Silvers, W. 8. Singleton, An- drew Smith, Ebent Slauson, C. R. A. Scobey, Geo. R. Turner, Chas. Temple, Asa Ward, EK. ¢. Waters. DIVIDE P. 0.—Rob Burdess, J. E. Brans- com, Jos. Lucker, Chas. Wunderlich, Wm. For- rest, T. C. Jackson, John J. Filley, D. S. Dewey, R. Burdess. MELROSE P. 0.—Z. C. Maddox, J. 0. Mad- dox, W. H. Maddox, Jef. McCauley, Wm. Kinsel- ler, Frank R. Miles, Jasper Stacy, Andrew Free- born, Wm. Bowe, J. P. McKainzie, J. A. Browne, P.| T. M. Robbins. SILVER BOW P. 0.—C. H. Carver, Wm. Berdsell, Ernest Speer, T. B. Gardner, T. O. Miles, T’. C. Miles. BUTTE CITY (c. 2.) P. 0—Wm. Owsley, Wm. Hamilton, BE. S. Baxter, Q. Thompson, Chas. Wilson, J. H. Seville, Wm. A. Clark, P. A. Lai- cey, A. Wartenweiler, J. K. Clark, Marcus Daly, Walter Mackay, H. S. Clark, Lee Mantle, W.E. Hall, George H. Tong, Patrick Clark, A. J. Davis, H. C. Kessler, R. C. Chambers, J. A. Talbot, C. S Warren, John Noyes, D. N. Upton, H. L. Frank, O. K. Seckles, H. G. Olmstead, J. EF. Cowan, N. Billenberg, J. Thorny, A. Delmar, Win, Hamilton, Henry Nickel, Judge I’, Loeber.GOODLAND P. O.—John Brar, Barney Phurehild, B..F. Carson, Fred Coats, Hugh Brown, James Armstrong, John R. Clark, David Churchill, Willard Dickerson, Burdette Delong, George W. Emerick, Theodore Evalt, James S. Furguson, William A. Fox, H. J. Folson, Albert Francis, James O. Frazier, Silas EH. Gilbert, S. J. Godden, Charles Harrington, John P. Hill, Cor- nelius Ryan, Robert Rutherford. ALMONT P. O.—A. V. Ammerman, Hiram Allan, Wm. R. Armstrong, Almon Allen, Gil- bert, Bostic, Edson Burr, Simeon Balch, George Bates, Horace M. Booth, George Bristol, Mark Braidwood. James Bruce, Soloman Coock, David Cochrane, Silas W. Curry, L. H. Cooley, S. E. Furguson, Charles Furguson, A. R. Stone, Hirki- mer Smith, James Seaton, William Spargle. LAPEER (c. h.) P. O.—Geo. P. Chapman, J. H, Dodds, George Donaldson, Caleb Hicks, G. W. Higley, Ira Howland, Charles Morse, B. F. Moore, William Morris, H. Miller, Charles Newton, Adel- bert Pike, Wm. Peters, Hoel Palmerlee, W.H. Peardon, Patrick Ryan, F. L. Rasco, James Read, Wu. B. Sutton, Thomas Stanton, Winfield Tripp, J. L. Vosburg, Robert Walker, H. K. White, Wm. L. Woodrow, Horace Winters, Edward Horton, Jesse Hutchinson, B. C. Lough, R. G. Hart, George H. Henderson, William H. Harri- son, J. KH. Kellogg, John Little, Fitch Jones, Frank Hunt, James Kune. IMLAY CITY P. O.—J. H. Bowman, J. W. Best, R.S. Babeock, William Buchanan, Henry Bradley, John H. Bolton, Simon Bentley, Chas. Bower, O. fF. Black, Joseph Benning, Chas. Bartlett, Cornelius Buck, John Beechum, Levi C. Clark, Chas. Crippen, Robert Clark, Billings Clapp, William Crosby, W. B. Churchill, Chas. Coms, A. W. Farley, Watson Ford, Henry Fritch. pa eeu J. W. Grist, John Gibson, George 71ULLette. HADLEY P. O.—John Allen, Frank B. Bush, C. E. Brown, William Blake, John Bush, Frank Bowls, Ralph Baldwin, Cook Crampton, John Collins, Hiram W. Cobb, Hugh Cameron, W.H. Davenport, Albert C. Dexter, Oliver Dra- per, Henry Everson, William Fisher, C. R. Gil- lett, George Gregory, D. T. Hartwell, William Houston, G. S. Hemingway, Perry Hines, Elwell eG C. P. Johnson, Herbert Pelton, C. P, arker. ELBA P. O.—Davyid Clark, Philip Cronk- shaw, George Dent, John Davenport, George Gib- son, Royal Grime, Wm. Halpin, Abram B. Gates John Horton, Wm. Hammond, John Kyle, Ed- ward Jones, Isaac Lane, Michael Murphy Geo. S. Miller, David E. May, Peter McDonald M. M Miller, Silas Moor, M. P. Moore, A. McKay. Robert Nelson, Peter W. Piper, Henry N. Pot- ter, David Richards, Charles Rice, Thomas Ryan John A. Rodgers, John T. Rich, J. Rockey. D. W. Rose, Timothy Sullivan, William Smith: ‘Melvin H. Skinner, Robert Stewart, Jeremiah Sullivan Joseph Tredway, J. Volett, E. Vickory Edward Vilas, Wm. Faggart, James E. Wade James Watts, Harlan Watts, Henry Wooly, Allen Walker, Enos M. Woodard, Joseph Young, John Winship, J. Tredway, Chas. Snyder, John Hey- See Davis, W. J. Smith, R. R. Whites, C. METAMORA P. O.—Joseph Abl ‘ Armstrong, Peter Bartholomew PWillaan, Be Edmond Brownell, Lamont Ballard Geo Braid: wood, John Barden, M: B. Blood, John M. Bettis Levi D. Campbell, James Church Ira Chambers. J.S. Caulkins, Wellington Carr ‘David B Care ner, Charles Campbell, Delbert Dudley, Mhomac Puen, Kile William, Frank Odell, Albert NORTH BRANCH P. _ John Bader, William Clatke ‘Loot Gastle Waits: Clindeman, Thomas Dutcher Willard DeGr: ff Charles H.| Downer, George A Fishol Willia Ford, Andrew French, Henry Gallineer We Glashaw, James Gainer, A. 1) Goodrich, a : Hugill, F. B. Howard, H. H. Holden, Tae = Halpin, William Hall, Joseph Hines, Frank pare son, Thomas Bass, L. H. M. Comstock, William Coffron, Jacob Finkle, Charles Spencer sonathen Suances William Smith, Dexter Sammons, Wal: ie SRE, Richard Stafford, Charles Siples, an Slattery, Wilson Shumaker. MEADE P. O.—Albert L,. Tubbs, Jos. Mason eee eae Jones, David Bessee. obert Jones, Jacob Gar : ort Ar : wig Wolf, John Menon eect ud Und “THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE i LAND OWNERS?’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR M I C> H. I CGA N e ROSEVILLE P. O.—Christian Platz, Albert Grabman, Charles Rein, Wm. Rein, Theodore Westphal, Christian Ransch, Christian Schack, Leonard Bender, Geo. Valentine, Adolph Sass, Jobn Schroder, Appel Leibrecht. ROMEO P. O.—M. P. Farras, John McKay, James Morton, Robert N. McKay, J. D. Newland, Herman Newland, Geo. W. Phillips, August Bar- tel, Peter Bair, Wm. Barnes, Alex. Braidwood, August Bade, Gilbert Bishop, J. W. Bartel, Geo. Beaty, Russel Bates, Frank Bentley, Jerome Ben- jamin, Samuel J. Bentley, H. F. Bancroft, John Bark, Wm. H. Brabb, L. A. Colby, Wm. Cooley, Chester Cooley, Isaac Crawford, L. b. Calkins, Jacob A. Crawtord, John Dittman, Alphus Dodds, John D. Elliott, Hiram Eldrid, Thomas Eldrid, Peter Eldrid, Albert R. Emboy, Edmund Gould, Alanson Gould, Daniel Gierman, Jas. M. Hosner, Wm. Hamilton, Ephrim Haskins, Uriah Haines, Jacob Hosner, John F. Hagaman, Solomon Hosner, Jacob H. Hosner, Lawrence Hosner, Nelson Hos- ner, Oscar N. Hosner, John E. Hosner, Albert Hovey, Frank Harrington, Frank Jones, James Keel, Freeman Kelley, Henry McCafferty, James McCafferty, John H. McCafferty, John Mahaffy, Hugh Mahaffy, L. D. Owen, Lucius Palmerlee, Geo. Palmerlee, Wm. Phelps, Wm. Phillips, Amos Palmerlee. CLIFFORD P. O.—E. R. Bentley, David Conley, William Conley, James Cornfoot, Joseph D. Archey, Charles Eveland, James Furguson, Wesley Grover, John Jorusey, William Greene, George Griggs, Samuel Haight, Wm. 8. Howey, Soloman Hugill, James Hathaway, Henry Hath- away, Henry Harp, James Howey, John Karn, Charles Kirton, Almon Kinne, John Keep, Har- mon Lick, Breman Lane, Chas. Lammiman, George Layfaette, A. W. Lyman, JamesMitchell, John Lambert, Fred Milligan, Lafayette Merril, Joseph Moyer, Chas. Middaugh, Chas. McKor- mick, Moses Middaugh, Thomas Mapley, Adney Meneard, Charles Oatman, E. E, Owen, Herbert Pearson, Levi Page, Phineas Prevost, John Palmer, Peter George, Thomas Remington, George Robinson, Theodore Rowell, James Rider, Judson EH. Rowel, William Roe, Michael Sibert, William Seamon, Henry Seamon, E. J. Sharp, Adam Stover, Nathan Stover, Wm. Lammiman. ARMADA P..O.—Henry Aldrich, Charles Andrews, Edward Adams, P. V. Aldrich, Milo| © Ames, Geo. Ames, Chas. Aldrich, Alden Aldrich, Geo. F. Adams, Linus Adams, A. H. Brainard, James Bannister, John Bantine, Joseph Bowen, Manson Butterfield, Charles Blenhm, Herman Blenhm, Riol Beal, Wm. Conklin, Henry D. Conklin, David Chamberlin, X. 0. Cudworth, Edwin Castor, Wm. Chase, Oliver Cobb, Andrew Chatron, Chas. Cline, Hugh Chisnell, Clark Con- ger, Dorothy Chamberlin, J. J. Case, Philip Cud- worth, Robert Crawford, James Crawford, Orson Dunham, Gideon Draper, James Davidson, Her- man Edwards, M. P. Farras, Edwin Frost, Wm. Kogs, Jno. Farley, W. Foe, Amos Finch, Newman Freeman, Archibald Freeman, Wm. Gowdy, Lewis Granger, Green Bros., Lyman Goodell, David A. Holmes, Alonzo Holmes, H. J. Hathaway, Chand- ler Hatheway, Daniel Herrington, Newton Hulett, Samuel Hulett, Irving Hulett, Rodney Hulbert, Ashley Hart, Sheldon Hatheway, Nicholas Hed- ley, Walter Hebblewhite, Jabez Hebblewhite, Henry Kleoffler, Rufus Kilgove, Gilbert Killam, Chas. A Lathrop, Wm. Lippert, Abner Loomis, Chester Loomis, Thos. Melllwrick, Geo. Mills Theodore Mosher, Floyd McDonald, Fred. Manska, Everett L. Mosher, Oscar Pomory, Eli G. Perkins. James Perkins, Albert Peabody, Edward Petti- bone, W. D. Pettibone, C. M. Partch, Fremont Perkins, Mortimer Robinson, Benj. Sumner, Jas. Stevens, Jas. Simmons, J. P. Sissons, Andrew Scott, Ezra F. Sibley, Ashley Shaver, Joseph Sanders, John H. Stump, H. H. Spencer, David Travis, Ezsa Torry, Seth Walker, George Walker Lorenzo Woodbeck, Chas. Woodbeck, Truman B. Ward, Darius S. Youngs, Geo. H, Youngs. ATLANTA P. O.—E. 0. Avery, A. J. West C. D. Sauls, Wm. McNaughtn, W. L. Leech, Albert Powell, W. A. Jones, Charles Powell’ Albert Miller, Alonzo Smith, Henry Delone, [,, hvin, E. Chamberlain, W. H. Hawke, MM. Moore, Wm. Edwards, James McKenzie John Kdwards, Henry Delong, John T. Irvin, TICA P. O.—Francis Dunn, John Schoon- over, Geo. Bush, August Dubler, Joseph Emerson, Pas Gust, Goff Gilbert, Edward Hacker, James RAY CENTRE P. O.—Henry W. Ashley, Sam’l Aldrich, Peter Aldrich, Christopher Baade, Hiram G@. Bower, Austin Bannister, David T, Chubb, Peter B. Cade, Richard E. Cade, John Caldwell, Oscar Chamberlin, Geo. W. Downs. DAVIS P. O.—-John G. Dickens, Charles E. Davis, Milo W. Davis, William Cuager, Lovenro W. Gass, Steven K. Grover, Andrew Gass, East Gass, Levi Giddings, John Hoover, Elias W. Lyons, Wilson Lyons. MEMPHIS P. O.—Wnm. Stodort, Henry B. Welch, George Carroll, Henry Stodort, George 8S. Stewart, John Freeman, Robert Stewart, Moses . Joice. RICHMOND P. O.—Chas. H. Farr, James Wilson, D. G. Gleason, Benj. R. Hall, Chas. H. Sutton, E. W. Hall, Abram Cooley, James M. Hatheway, Joseph R. Snover, Chas. H. Perkins, Hiram Goodar, Francis Goodar, Frank Brown, Geo. Connor, John T. Hodges, Manly P. Perry, W.H. Acker. MT. CLEMENS (c. h.) P. O.—H. H. Cady, Felix Deneworth, Wm. Moses, John Gohl, Andrew Greineo, John High, August Posner, Israel T. Parker, John Schroder, Adam Schroder, Louis Wolf, Henry Wolf, Geo. Fulton, John Irwin, Antoine Peltier, F. X. Stark, Frederick Furton, Henry Jobse, Louis Jobse, J. J. Reimold, Edmund Teats, Frank Chovtrier, C. Pegnignot, J. Hetjen- babler, J. Vandenbush, John Campan, Henry Campan, Frank Campan, Jas. Trombley Richard Pomerville, F. R. P. Cottrell, H. J. Tucker, Noah Moore, Frank Moore, A. C. Peltier. NEW HAVEN P. O.—J. 8. P. Hathaway. James Haire, Owen Sheriden, Chas. Woodruff, Alex. Gilmore, Silas Halsey, Lucius Canfield, H. R. Hazelton, Daniel Bates, W.S. Simmons, Chas. Schroder, Ebin Carl, J. C. Chamberlin. HILLMAN (c. h.) P. O.—J. C. Adams, W. H. Daur, W. Bryan, Andrew Baur, Lafrest Bean, Adam Becke, Herman Besser, Conrad Baur, W. C. Cain, George Connor, D. M. Crowley, Lewis Drake, James Hunt, Andrew Dickey, Donald Fleming, W. H. Farner, O. E. Farner, O. Farier, J.O. Gorman, John H. Gohl, Frederick Gohl, A. T. Rensberry, James M. Hawood, Wm. Hawley, James R. Hunt, C. Hovermill, G. F. Howard, L. F. Howard, E. G. Howard, Wm. Harvey, James Harvey, Edward Harvey, W. Jaynes, R. Kincaid, . H. Keegan, John Keegan, Ransom Keeney, Jacob Kline, John Kline, Philip Kline, Charles Kline, Daniel Kline, W. H. Matthews, J. A. Stevens, James McQueen, John McQueen, Alex. McQueen, C. W. Mack, George Maning, Alfred Manme, George Maning, jr., R. L. Nichols, C. Oswald, R. Pinkerton, J. Karkpatrick, Paul Peiffer, Wm. Red, James Red, Thomas Red, Rob- ert Red, Wm. J. Red, John Stewart, A. McGutch- eon, J. M. Sherwood, Thomas Sherwood, Joshua Wiggins, Jonathan Wiggens, Walter Body, John M. Mills, J. McAlpin, Joseph Cobley, James Coley, David Bibbell, Wm. lyons, Geo. J. Craw- ford, Francis Holmes, J. A. Holmes, Peter Bates, S. J. Bates, Wm. Bates, Richard Bates, Thomas Seymore, Murdock McLeod, T. B. Johnson, Gid- eon Barton, A. F. G. Babcock. GODFREY P. O.—H. C. Godfrey, D. A. Holmes, August Henrich, J. L. Johnson, Wm. Cordis, Robért Ried, James D. Hobert, Tillison Babeock, H. Butler, John Hamilton, James Green, Wm. Green. HETHERTON P. O.—L. F. Jones, B. D. Rice, J. R. Smith, C. L. Jones, Joseph Rife, S. Rife, Eli Smith, George Maxon, Frank Jones, Albert Double, Palmer Tiffany, Albert Fenton, Frank McCormick, M. M. McCormick, Joseph E. Staminger, E. N. Harrison, Dimmick, Julius Willey, BE. J. McCormick, Anthen Bates, Philip Proper, Joseph Wellington, John Gingell, Wm. McMurphy, J. H. Parks, Allen Briley, Ed- ward Rife, George Gram, George Rife, Wm. Rife, fener Rife, David Rife, Wm. Powers, John ones. REMINGTON P. O.—A. B. Valentine, Henry Speiss, I’. Hildebrandt, Chas. Hildebrandt, Chas. Detman, Seth Gillett, Wm. Remington, Clarence Rice, Wm. Kingsland, George Kings- land, George Monroe, Owen Otto, George W. Manier, Albert Miller, Francis Rice, Milo Wilson, John McLenaghan, W. H. Corbin, W. A. Rice, George McLenaghan, George Monroe, Elijah Chamberlain, George W. Kingsland. IDLEWILD P. O.—H. S. Manier, W. J. Proctor, H. S. Varssyke, J. Willew, J. Crawford, C. Putney.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE sas owvers anveuss srpexox ror LIT SSISSIPPI. IUKA (c. h.) P. O—D. R. Hubbard, 8. M. Dean, J. Brown, W. McDaugle, Lem Bonds, Jobe Scruggs, Gid Wynn, Pat Nagles, Tom A. Kers, Josh Ramsey; Frank Dean, Dick Flint, John Ma- rary, Geo. Davis, Ben Davis, Bob Brown, A. Morgan, Wm. Bullard, Wm. Johnson, Alford Johnson, L. C. Hannon, Jim Biggs, George Pat- rick, Wm. Grisham, Joe Grant, Jas. Caman, Mose Curtis, Jas. Wadkins, Bob Lambert, Al. Robert- son, Geo. Yaw, Wm. Williams, Harvy Davis, J. A. Wait, J. J. Moore, George Winhish, W. R. Pace, John Jackson, George ’ Kimberly, Be ws Chandlee, J. M. Stone, John Linton, James Pratt, George Martin, Cal Aldmge, A. P. Reid, John Hubbard, Lem Hubbard, Mark Ellington, Neil Ganong, Calvin Moon, Reddin Burt, T. W. Burt, R. E. Cockburn, James Turner, James Orr, Jack Archy, Jeff A. Kers, Jas. Murphy, H. 8. Massey, Wim. Osborn, Ed. Booker, W. H. Bishop, A. Amerson, W. A. Jordan. BURNSVILLE P. 0.—B. F. Shull, Joe. Marlar, Mark Hinton, M. D. L. Adams, H. W. Anderson, W. C. Burchaim, I. G. Boothe, J. Bonds, W. F. Bonds, W. C. Bishop, G. W. Bishop, Andy Brown, James Conn, W. R. Carpenter, J. (. Chambers, B. H. Davis, 8S. Davis, W. A. Flynt, P. M. Fight, W. B. George, W.G, Gray, E. D. Glenn, J. F. Grimes, J. L. Gray, G. B. Glenn, J. Z. Gray, N. T. Honeycut, H. C. Hol- den, B. A. Holden, A. Harris, J. Hale, Je O} Holden, B. A. Holden, W. A. Johnson, James Lambert, G. W. Lambert, Tom Marlar, R. K. Mosier, Sam. McCoy, J. A. Maser, John C. Miller, C. W. McMerr, W. H. Nixon, T. J. Odom, J. T. Page, G. W. Phillips, T. P. Russell, G. Robinson, S. L. Rodgers, Henry Roach, J. C. Seago, H.S8. Stricklen, Thomas S. Kettan, John South, G. W. Sanders, J. R. Smith, V. W. Smith, R. G. She- horn, J. J. Strutman, P.'T. Scruggs, S. C. Thomp- son, D. Woodly, John Whittield, W. M. Wilson. BELMONT P. 0.—W. W. Gilbert, John Byram, W. B. Bostic, W. A. C. Bennett, G. A. Clark, Paul Carr, D. W. Crane, John Clingen, D. W. Dawson, G. P. Deaton, N. 8. Davis, Allen Driver, John Epps, R. D. Flurry, W. H. Gurtey, C. J. Ham, J. C. Halmark, Wm. Hicks, W. J. Hale, Bay Harsis, A. Hix, L. B. Loaney, John McCray, J. F. Messer, A. A. Riggs. BURNT MILLS P. 0.—J. B. Allen, J. J. Burt, W. L. Brumly, J. B. Beard, J. W. B. Bar- nett, A. J. Blunt, N. Belue, J. D. Boggs, Wm. Butler, A. Cobb, J. B. Clifton, B. F. Davis; J. W. Gurly, T. B. Green, R. F. Garrett, J. T. Hill, W. P. Hapgood, W. 8. Holly, J. H. Harp, M. C. Hill, W.N. Hart, Wm. Haily, B. C. Harwell, G. T. Godard, A. Mitchell, W. J. Mayo. HIGHLAND P. 0.—J. H. Alley, Peter Alexander, J. C. Brown, R. C. Burns, F. M. Blunt, W. M. Brooks, CG. O. Clinkscales, A. J. Clingan, J. C. Call, A. N. Coats, J. M. Chadwick, John A. Dass, W. T. Deaton, Paul Finch, J. R. Gibson, Henry Gable, J. B. Gallimore, Jee Lunt, De: Harrison, J. J. Lovell, J. H. Milford, C. P. Mar- tin, J. R. Monroe, D. E. Mauldin, H.S. Norris, L. Moody, G. M. Perry, H. CG. Pitts, N. G. Pucket, H. J. Russell, B. B. Russell, George Rickets, G. W. Randolph, Wm. Southard, M. G. L. Stor- ment, C. C. Stanford, W. A. Tankirsly, C. P. Thomas, W. R. Underwood, W. L. Vinson. CARTERSVILLE P. 0.—J. R. Wallace, T. W. Burt, John Blasingame, G. W. Bishop, J. W. Barnett, John Baily, Sam Barns, Re Burt. ss) Bryant, Jas. M. Blissett, W. J. Boderford, J. G. Calicut, W. H. Cob, Ned Candra, C. B. Edwards, G. F. Epps, D. V. Floyd, J. C. Felker, James Gartney, R. S. Hodges, O. L. Howard, R. Bb. Long, J. T. Mock, Calvin Moore. LIBERTY (c. h.) P. 0.—Dr. Wilford Z. Lea, John F. Hamilton, J. R. Galtney, A. J. Andrews, Geo. H. Barney, sr., L. W. Rob- inson, Ranson J. Cansey, Charles Carroll, F. H. Wilkinson, Dr. John W. F. Webb, Dr.S. C. Webb, N.S. McLean, A. J. Whittington, Wm. B. Rai- ford, Wm. Smith, Frank Wren, Dr. Theo. Mc- Knight, W. P. Anderson, D. CG. Felder, Thomas Drummond, Robert M. Cox, David P. Cox, James E. Little, Geo. A. McGehee, Jas. A. Jenkins, Wm. F. Love, F. B. Cruise, Allen'I. Avery, Frank Max- well, Wm. R. Brown, R. H. Hurst, Z. P. Butler, Chas. Harrell, H. M. Bates, M. P. Bates, F. W. Stratton. V. W. Robinson, U. EH. Davis, Thos. H. Dixon, W. H. Sprick, Samuel B. Day, Wm. H. Griffin, Benj. F. Griffin, N. CG. Whittington, D. N. Causey, C. H. Berryhill. i eevackson, ZION, HILL P. 0—Wm. M. Dunn, Dr. H. K. Butler, Dempsey Butler, A. H. Butler, James L. Whittington, John W. Knox, W. W. Bolls, G. F. Jones, Micajah Jones, Geo. M. Stokes, Jas. E. Jagers, W. R. Jacobs, W. L. Jackson. SUMMIT P.0.—J. T. Wells, T. L. McGehee, T. N. Jackson, J. P. Cawuth, &. E. MeNutty Seabom Gardner, J. S. Reeves. : P. O.—Thos. P. Street, P. P. McCoy HUSUMCCoy! DaBraWihite EL GuRseera iM We Neyland, Dr. W. B. Kinahew, Samuel J. Dixon, George Smith, R. D. J. Smith, A. J. White, H. N. Shaw, Eli Callender, Henry Duck, Col. M. Jackson, Jas. M. McElwee, Andrew McElwee, Gordon Anderson, S. L. Weathersby, L. Hay- good, B. M. Coreoran, Henry Corcoran. BATES’ MILL P. 0.—Jas. KE. Bates, Dr. C. H. Bates, C. H. Frith, J. M. Brumfield. DICKEY P. 0.—W. Everett, Thos. H. Mc- Dowell, W. G. Bobinson, Geo. P. Gardner, W. D. Pray, J. C. Dixon. CENTREVILLE P. 0.—E. J. Capell, J. M. Gallant, J. W. Anderson, T. N. L. Anderson, Rey. R. S. MeAllister, N. S. Dickson, C. C. Gumany, Gordon Anderson, B. 8. Gunby, A. B. Dixon, Nat. Smylie, F. C. Longmire. CARLEY P. O.—J. W. Cox, Isaac Bass. Jos. Wilkes, John Wilkes, Walter Allen, W. J. Thompson, F. M. Thompson, Wm. Allen, John Allen, B. H. Martin, L. 1. Bass, Oscar Summer, R. Brewer, Richmond Polk, Danl. Polk, W. I. Polk, Corlinus Harrington, Irvin Bryant, Seaborn Bass, Strawder Hammond, John MecNiece, Britton Grice, Leon Thompson. OAK VALE P. 0.—Wwm. Thompson, H. H. Dale, John Dale, T. J. White, A. L. Barnes, John Newsom, J. A. Stamps, F. M. Branton, J. A. Buckley, J. B. Hammond, J. S.C. Lenoir, J. C. Nelson, R. G. Toler, Henry Turnage, R. R. Tur- nage. WILKESBURGH P. 0.—Elisha Thomp- son, M. O. Roke, Bostic Crawley, B. W. Hollo- way, John Evans, L. W. Polk, Thomas Avery, W. I. GC. Thompson, R. S. Buckley, George Buckley, Lewis Newsom. POPLARVILLE P. 0.—A. B. F. Rawles, Luther Rawles, L. T. Banus, J. S. Stewart, B. R. Fornea, Martin Baughman, J. A. _ Stewart, H. CG. Abney, I. R. Tatum, H. H. Askew Hiram Stewart, F. L. Fortenberry, Dave Shaw, Zeno Goss, Enoch Amaker, John Strahan, Andrew Smith, Jas. S. Smith, Eb. L. Ford, Boyd Smith, J. A. Smith. SPRING COTTAGE P. 0.—John Rawles, Thos. Barnes, Bruce Ford, Eugene O. Roke, F, M. Tyner, Taylor Pittman, 5. EB. Rankin, John Luper, John Baylis, Everette Pope, Wm. War- yen, Sol. Owens, T. W. Lott, Bryant Rawles, D. Scarborough, Frank Ford. TYLER TOWN P. OE. Magee, Irvin Fortenberry, Jesse Bullock, Elex. Pittman, John Pigot, T. E. Stogner, W.R.Stogner, Hunt Bilbo, Jessie Vince, Jim Vince, I’. Davis, T. G. Waring, J. I. Grimsley, Lewis Guy, Charles Patton. CHINA GROVE P. 0.—B. B. Lewis, B. L. Lewis, G. Ginn, Flemmon Conerly, Wm. Con- erly, N. L. Ball, R. Tumage, TI. Toney, W. A. Sylverteen, J. C. Davis, H. Rowley, Wm. J. Stoveall, John Stoveall, Frank Beard, G. W. Carr. Harrison Bracy, Jas. Mulford, Joseph Lewis. PURVIS P. 0.—4J. T. Carley, Charles Slade, Danl. Slade, Burwell Bounds, P. Ladnier, H. Rouse, J. B. Purvis, Z. Purvis, Needham Nichols, John McArthur, L. L. Davis, Elijah Burt, Asa Hartsfield, Andrew Hartsfield. PIOTNA P. 0.—Jas. Baxter, O. Howard, J. R. Rankin, J. A. Lee, Jesse Lee, Burwell Rouse, Alex. Ladnier, Paris Ladnier, Sol Slade, Jonathan Ladnier, Rufus Smith, Ed Davis, Andrew S. . F. Byrd, Sam Courtney, Mark Raiborn. FOREST (c. h.) P. 0.—W. W. Lowry, pees Graham, J. K. P. Palmer, J. B. Blackwell, D. A. Singleton, Lod Moore, G. W. Gray, J. 8. Holbert, W. M. Christian, H. Eastland, Wyatt Norton, Josiah Thomas, T. W. Nicholson, A. en- don, Eli Gilbert, RB. T, M. Simmons, G. W. Busten, Oliver Smith, R. M. Lay, W. A. Pevey, W.H. Harvey, M. D. Graham, J. H. Smith, W. T. Robertson. MORTON P. 0.—H. W. Crook, W. J, Flan- egan, T. F. Pettus, X. O. Porter, S. D. McCoy, R. D. Chapman, C. F. Bishop, P. D. Marler. TURNERS P. 0—M. C. Johnson, C. B. Cal- vet, W. H. Calcote, J. L. Caleote, Z. B. Rowland, Willis Colgate, Wm. Chase. Beal, | R HOMEWOOD P. 0.—E. H. Walk, W. W. Moore, C. B. Barns, G. S. Windham, William Yonce, R. L. Noblin, J. H. Cantwell. LAKE P. 0.—L. P. Munsell, R. B. Nichols, S. B. Fairchilds, Alex. Komegay, D. _S. Holmes, W. M. Thornton, R. A. Tibbs, WwW. D. Houston, Allen Fore, Robt. McCrary, Chas. Lowry. DAMASCUS P. 0.—J. E. Madden, E. J. Madden, W. D. Johnson, W. J. Lang, N. McLendon, G. B. Clark, J. H. Finley, T. M. Rodgers, J. H. Fisher, J. W. Burns, Wis de Putnam. HARPERSVILLE P. O—P. M. Steed, R. P. Austin, R. H. Campbell, W. Johnson, N. E. Burnham, W. J. Butler, T. J. Denson, A. .C. Farmer, J. H. Moreman, D. C. Hooks, J. M. Freeman, W. R. Goodwin, H. C. Hendrix, J. C. Parker, J. H. Saxon, W. H. Harralson, E. W. Qmithwick, J. C. Harralson, G. A. Mcllheyny. HILLSBOROUGH P. 0.—W. W. Graham, W. H. H. Simmons, R. H. Bustin, G. W. Me- Koy, M. H. Luck, James Baggett. LILIAN P. 0H. C. Doms, J. H. Beman, R. H. Galewood, G. W. Parrish, R. Myers, G. W. Game, H. Calhoun, Joseph Foy, A. Glaze. CASH P. 0.—M. Lyles, J. H. Dorsett, ye vis Hall, RB. F. Shepherd, G. W. Sherman, S. W. Banks, A. C. Townsend. LUDLOW P. 0.—J. C. Denson, Danl. Majors, R. H. Lee, J. M. Pearson, J. E. Pearson, -P. Smith, Robt. Evans, Danl. Beasley, W. C Eley, W. C. Johnson. BEACH P. 0.—L. T. Edmunds, J. W. Tathame os 1 sttushy Weel: Duncan, J. C. Wallace. HAMBURGH P. 0.—C. Williams, a NE Griffing, Lee Griffing, R. FE. Farr, Alex. Rowland, I. J. Guice, David Guice, E. CG. Campbell, Moses Guice, George Ferrell, Harmon Hall, M. L. Al- drige, David Aldrige, R. Hall C. Corban, R. F. Corban, Stephen Stempley, C- C. Corben, J. M. Guice, C. Leyman, C. L. Holden, George Guice, D. Hemley, George Gates, Charley Gates, Thomas Lazarus, John G. Guice, Asa J. Guice, Wm. Al- drige, Scott Burke, Frank Bedford, Jas. Hemby, Wm. Whitehead, E. B. Seal, Wm. Seal, D. M. Bedford, Andrew Hickingbottom, Rk. A. Rawls.“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE . LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR WN ] SSO} ex ] 8 WILDERNESS P. 0.— Robert A. King, Jesse Turmer, A. J. Freeman, T. M. Simpson, A. J. Nickoldson, R. L.Simpson, Sam Ross, I’rank oss, Frank Hawkins. ner, CHARLES (c. h.) P. 0.—John E, Stone- braker, John D. Hollrah, S. H. Martin, John Jay Johns, B. A. Alderson, C. J. McKnight, John B. Thro, H. Kister, J. P. McEllhanny, Jos. Boschert, Peter Boschert, Geo. A. Klinger, F. X. Kremer, N. D. Meyer, Fred. Hackmann, John M. Hal- barger, James Halbarger, Dave Beard, Thomas J. Robbins, Dave Davis, Herman Zumbehl, C. T. Mallinkrodt, Francis Hecker, Henry Kemper, H. F, Peiper, W. 8S. Gross, Theo. Bruere, Aug. Martin, Frank Martin, Fred. Gut, Adam Angert, A. R. Huming, Wm. Smemeir, Henry Linnemann, H. N. Bruns, Jacob Zeisler, Henry Borgmeir, Fritz Borgmeir, Henry Buermann, John Sultham, Henry Willbrand, Geo. Henry, John Rollins, Peter Coynoier, Frank Taynon, Pat. Gallagher, Casper Willbrandt, KE. D. Willhite, Deidrick Zum- behl, Austin Owens, James Short, James Boyce, John L. Thompson, W. A. Alexander, Charles Gatzweiler, Aug. Bleese, J. N. Borde, John Atkinson, N. C. Lackland, J. E. Bruere, W. B. Decker, J. W. Avery, Geo. Gross, Joseph Seigler, Sid. Martin, Herman Bruns, Fred. Willhelm, Ezra Overail, V. Becker, Frank Becker, J. W. Redman, W.N. Meyer, N. N. Schaeberg, H. Koester, F. Oberkoetter, B. Feirstein, H. HE. Machens, N. N. Barklage, Fritz Horst, M. E. Sheppard, D. W. Ferguson, H. Wilke, John Wilke, Alex. Garvin, Casper Ehrhard, Anderson Wollf, Geo. Kling- hammer, Theo. Smitz, Edmond Thro, H. Holt- mann, B. Fisher, James Holmes, R. N. Parks, J. P. Daugherty, T. L. Rivers, Eli Lackland, John S. Shaw, Henry Gronefield, Jas. McDonald, Jerome White, Max Longstadt, W. Meiser, E. C. Cun- ningham, W. B, Green, Henry Deickamp, J. N. Shaeffer, N. Westen Kuhler, N. Kuchler, J. N. Alexander, O. J. Mudd, Wm. Collins, Charles Dant, Louis Brecker, H. Hachting, Frank Hack- mann, J. H. Deirker, C. C. Dula, H. Linnebut, John Spinks, Abe Ruenzi, Ed. Paule, Geo. Ochri, N. Pheifer, Dr. N. Stumberg, N. Shubert, C. Hug, A. Vinkle, Casper Shaews, Alph. Aymond, R. E. Irwin, J. A. Moore, Theo Runge, H. H. Hackmann, Fritz Hackmann, Joseph James, Wm. Grothe, John Lurton, Lud Vick, Herman Bruns, H. Sand- ford, D. Mehrs, H. Dennigheann, Ed. Payton, John Collins. WENTZVILLE P. 0.—Geo. Deirker, C. J. Walker, D, K.Smith, J. C. Johnson, BR. Hudson, J. H. Keonig, H. Mitchell, Bailey Johnson, Thos. Boyed, Duke Moore, Cassimers Sacks, R. Scruggs, H. L. McRoberts, Nat Wade, ©. W. Grantham, John Walker, C. W. Oberlage, Joel H. Carr, P. M. Lee, Austin Carter, G. B. Hitch, Fritz Sheirbaum, R. B. Lewis, Shelthiah Ball, John Ball. ST. PETERS P. 0.—Bardo Weinert, J. N. Brunk, Frank Tanbeler, Henry Kirkhoff, James Kirkhoff, Henry Reineke, Jo Holmes, Geo. Ras- dell, Frank Algermissen, John Zerr, J. Sammell- mann, ST. PAUL P. 0.—L. W. Hayden, Jos. Cruce, T. J. McAttee, Wm. C. Deyer, L. J. Hayden, John Orie. Ort. gee) MecAttee, F. W. Hoeckel- mann, P, McMennamy, John J. Stachlsmith, F. A. Freymuth, COTTLEVILLE P. 0.—John Phillips, Geo. Fuhs, Adam Airas, Geo. W. Hoffman, John Null, John Hoffmann, Chas. Miller, Adam Rueffer, J C. Edwards, Henry Wollf. ia FORISTELL P. 0O.—Brice Edwards, Fred. Blattner, R. H. Blackwell, J. E. Swope, A. Wood- hull, Judson Ball, Wm. Blattner, Ed. Pringle. GRANGEVILLE P. O.—Garrett Tidwell, G. W. Gurley, R. B. Gentry, E. A. Lewis, D. T I ame T. D. Estes, ‘ ene CKEY COMFORT P. O.—Jas. Kelle A. A. Brown, S. . Hatcher, J. ¥, Hotere arber, James Lamberso i Oea@lar ’ McBrien, M.D. 1. MoGai 2 dames ADDIUL P. 0.—David Stansberry Freeman, J. W. Lane, H. W. HARE ece ee Shalls, H. M. Sappington, S. B. Russell Elliott Romer; Wa Secrest, fra Pooue John Mammon. son, R. E. Ford, S. A. Roten, DIAMOND P. O.—F. B. Whitwell, Levi Koontz, L. J. Fuller, J. H. Robinson, J. R. Patten James Slane, A. J. Foster, Clisby Robinson, J, ( ee penn we Ellis, Wm. Crouch, §, S, trong, A.b, Beach, Jesse Miller. A. P W; ; eves Rake » Jesse Miller, A. P. Hill, Jas. WEOSHO (ce. h.) P. O.—J. T. McElhaney, E. J. Walker, Isaac Seagroves, A. P. Gibson, W. R. Hubbard, L. J. Hubbard, Henry Shu- maker, Edward Love, David Thain, S. BR. Crock- ett, George Bogle, J. C. Pool, T. H. Astley, A. J. Hale, J. D. Powell, C..S. Harnes, Allen Brown, W. C. Sturdevant, John Hawk, J. W. Harrin, F. B. Dennis, W. H. Foster, M. W. Clay, Thomas Edmisten, A. C. Cloud, Henry Roschi, George Hatzfield, John Manes, D. C. Pierce, Chas. Scott, Lewis Cope, James Capps, P. F. Hutchinson, Michael Boyer, J. A. Boclenhamer. J. C. Walker, L. B. Heanell, A.C. Choate, Edmund Martin, N. B. Gibson, John McMahan, Washington West, I. B. Jones, Ozias Ruark, J. H. Powers, H. M. Rice, Fred. Bushner, Frederick Stosel, G. A. Koenig, J. C. Stephens, Adam Kraft, J. D. Layne, John Thrasher, Madison Spurgeon, John Osler, E. Shoenborn, N. P. Warriner, Job Radcliff, Mathew Reding, T. H. Liles, J.S. W. Carnes, D.C. Taylor, UD. D. Chance, J. M. Purdy, James McCabe, Peter Hamilton, Thos. Rutlege, H. C. Carpenter, G. Laderach, Mathew Gibson, Frank Miller, E. O. Davidson, Geo. Rabey, O. P. Hawkins, Joshua Roberts, L. A. Hill, J. T. Boyd, N. S. Young, J. A. Melton, 8. A. Delapp, Ezkiel Boyden, M. L. Henning, F. B. Ratliff, L. M. Lloyd, D. F. Bangher, D. C. Morrow, J. W. Tipton, M. V. Bass, Joseph Newdiger, A. Smolke, A. Walker, J. T. Smith, H. H. Conger, J. B. Minton, Andrew Buchanan, D. C. Jones, R. B. Steward, James Kiddoo, Austin Merrell. KENT P. 0.—J. W. Roseberry, J. L. Adams, L. L. Garner, W. G. Ramsey, G. B. Dunegan, Wm. Elswick, R. F. Bowers, John Casey, Jacob Natto, Wm. Maness. CHRISTOPHER P. 0.—John Branham, A. J. Mans, John Fugatt, John Asher, J. F. Starcher, I. N. Mitchell, H. C. May. JOPLIN P. 0.—W.H. Roush, W. H. Child- ress, J. S, Reding, A. K. Gordon, Abraham Col- lings, W. N. Powers, D. A. Chapel,Joseph Hewitt, Noah Kaufman, M. C. McGinnis, J. W. VanMeeter, J. J. Lea, Wm. Lea, W. H. Stafford, BE. K. Hickox, Michael Keegan. GRANBY P. 0.—W. S. Street, Michael Fishel, Obed Anthony, Frantz Zellner, Joseph Zahr, John Farmer, Wm. Eoff, Vardeman Ivie, H. W. Brown, James Langley, OU. E. Garrett, Geo. Gascoigne, Hamilton McColgin, John Green, W. W. Hudson, J. S. Walker, Jesse Adkins, W. R. Lemons, Richard Morton, Nelson Chase; J. 0; Sutton, W. M. Oliver, F. H. Myers, J. B. Davis, Louden Benton, Frank McClintock, Simon R.| Nounyle, John Fauls, Joseph Zimmerman, John Jager, Herman Jager, W. H. Clyma, J. T. Win- chester, John Culkin, J. B. Swarner, J. B. Tom- linson, A. J. Thompson, H. W 00d, F. O. Hollman, M, A. Farley, S. A. Goade, John E. Tate, John Giles, John Sims. HORNET P. 0.—Nicholas Krill, J. D. Mitch- ell, G. W. Langham, M. A. Gilman, Oscar Hig- ginbotham, Jas. Lodge, John Cornell, C. Schmitt, Hmil Spinner. RACINE P. 0.—Jonathan Buzzard, W. R. Testerman, N. H. Kelso, R. I. Henderson, Jasper Buzzard, M. D. Gilstrap, M. A. Taylor, Amos Carlin, Jefferson Wade, J. L. Adams, J. M, Taylor, ¥. L. Jackson, W. J. Graves, J. Peterson. SENECA P. 0.—Curtis Sparlin, T. H. Reeves, J. M. Overbay, Daniel Sherer, Malcolm Mathis, J. EH. Langford, G. W. Garrison, Columbus Griffith, Maryland Craig, J.G. McGannon, Wm. Dooley, I. H. Straughn, M. J. Heck, J. A. Roark, William Conine, W. C. Koahler. NEWTONTIA P. O—D. P. Weems, J. W. Lamson, A. H, Brown, J. 1. Brown, D. ‘I’. Wain- right, Wm. Grimes, A. J. Maret, E. A. Chapman, D. D. Burk, Patrick Nounyle, W. B. Frost, A. C. Lucas, Robert Mize, J. R. Pearson, D. W. Turner, B. A. Duyal, L. M. Williams, T. B. Pipkin, G. W. .| Stansberry, T. J, Depriest, M. L. Tribble, J. BR. Miller, Jasper Liles, Jag. Huffman, J. B. Andrews Isaac North, W. W. Estes, J. S. Majors, T. B. BIS ARCK P. 0.—Richerd Adams, Henr N, Beard, Martin Brierton, Geo. L,. Cooley, vb, Mw. IP Cole, Chas. W. Coleman, A. J. Cummings Flemon Dent, Scott Dent, F. R. Grider, W. H. Garrett, Chas. Hamilton, John Hortan, Wm. orton, Henry Keipe, John W. Lucas, John G. Layne, Capt. C. T. Manter, Thomas N. McCrary F.C. Watkin, David §. Profit, D. I. River’ Albert. Rowland, Thomas Sessions, August F. Schaefer, Benj. Shock, I, T. Tullock, C. T. Tullock, RITCHEY P. O—M. H. Ritchey, J. M. Ritchey, Henry Lowe, J. H. Nimmo, S. E. Brown, Patrick O'Hara, ‘’. H. B. Armstrong, R. E. Arm- strong, Andrew Donthit, John Wormington, J. H. Miller, Chas Vimont. FRENCH VILLAGE P. 0.—Milton M. Agnew, Wm. Ames, Lucian Aubuchon, Obediah Asbridge, Francis Aubuchon, John B. Carson, Joseph A. Carson, Geo. W. Horn, John W. High- ley, Hrancis K. Lahay, Ernst Leverd, William C. Newby, John Patterson, Henry Pigg. KNOB LICK P. 0.—John S. Allen, John Arnold, James F. Arnold, F. Y. Baless, James H. Beck, John F. Benton, Wm. P. Blanks, William Brady, Samuel T. Bremner, Wm. McDowell, Wm. Miln, John F. O’ Brannon, Esau Presnal, Dr. A. A. Rudy, Wm. R. Turpin. LIBERTYVILLE P. 0.—James S. Ander- son, Tolbert Anthony, Moses W. Baker, A. J. Banes, A. H. Baker, Abraham Banes, C. P. Clark, Wesley H. Clark, John C. Crow, J. B. Dines, Reuben Dalton, Wm. J. Edwards, Church Furguson, Alex. Gordon, John Graham, Joseph F. Harris, H. P. Mackey, Dr. Wm. M. Madison, Asa McAlister, H. B. Pease, Wm. H. Pirtle, Wm. Rogsdale, Gabe S. Robinson, John W. Sebasian, Geo. W. Sebasain, Geo. Sanders, Wm. Simpson, Geo. W. Simpson, W.C. Wallace, Henry 8. Watts, W. C. Williams, R. M. Womack. FARMINGTON (ce. h.) P.O—J.C. Alexan- der, Lawson Alexander, Wm. Alcorn, Jules David, William P. Doss, Thomas F. Dalton, John O. F. Edwards, John W. Evans, J. R. F. Edwards, David Goodfellow, John Gussing, Peter Gussing, Lewis Hopkins, Thos. H. Hail, Wm. C. Hail, Thos. Lang, A. B. Ledbetter, Thomas Latimore, George Marks, Geo. H. Marks, F. M. Parks, H. P. Pears- all, Frederick Rickers, Williard Raridin, A. A. Rucker, John C. Shannon, Thos. H. Stam, Wm. R. Taylor, Samuel G. Vansickle, Joseph Zimmer, Joel Zolman, Thos. Zolman. BONNE TERRE P. 0.—Chas. Bryan, John Buxton, E. T. Brent, N. A. Buchanan, S. S. Brokinshere, Wm. F. Doss, Dr. Daniel Dunklin, Jacob W. Fite, Wm. E. Fite, Samuel ©. Gossen, Wm. Hunt, John Hunt, J. C. Johnson, Dr. A. W. Keith, Luther L. Larkin, A. L. Moon, Peter W. Murphy, John B. McClanahan, David E. Perry- man, Wm. Pratt, Rosomond Pratt, C. B. Parson, Theo. P. Ringer, Marshall Rongey, J. A. Raney, Benj. F’. Sutle, John D. Satterwhite. FORSYTH (c.h.) P. 0.—J. 0. Parrish, W. C. Gibson, J. M. Haworth, J. H. Parrish, D. R. Riggs, W. A. Wilson, S. W. Boswell, J. S. B. Berry, R. VY. Burns, Edward Dipley, Evan Cole, F. W. Cole, J. B. Stiffler, Geo. W. Stiffler, J. F. Crockett, H. H. Laughlin, Emmett Everett, David Smithson, Benj. Stone, J. N. Ray, Joseph McVey, George W. Grinlin, James McVey, John Briles, E. B. Queen, Henry Andrews, H. T. Wheeler, 8. M. May, Benj. Casey, B. F. McKinney, Isaac Howard, R. K. Howard, L. D. Thompson, J. M. Jennings, F. M. Casey, Henry Compton, Chas. Mitchell, Joseph Grider, John Haggard, W. W. Hampton, John Bookout, Joseph Glenn, Joseph Ingerthrone, W. B. Burks, R. W. Renshaw, J. B. Selby, John Ren- shaw, Jonathan Biers, A. J. Craig, John Rollin, W.P. Hensley, P. F. Fickle, M. D. Hensley, G. W. Barnett, John Wills, W. P. Weatherman, W. A. Keithley, Sampson Barker, N. Merrell, T. W. Phillips, Joseph Dilks, J. C. Brown, Chas. Kinyon, Jesse Kinyon, W. W. Felkins, Elisha Hull, M. Hull, J. A. Weatherman, A. L. Parish, Gy H. Reynolds, H. C. Everett, J. M. Snapp, K. L. Bar- rett, sr., James Breedon, W. M. Brantley, J. L. Humphrey, C. Thurman, A. J. Breedon, J. J. Reynolds, W. M. Buck, J. B. Stoup, John H. Haworth, B. F. Johnson, D. M. Steeley, W. EH. Moore, Alex. Neeley, H. OC. Dennison, A. S. Prather, A. J. Riges, G. L. Taylor, D. F. Me- Conkey, W. F. Luncford, John Anckey, Leroy Thomas, Z. P. Moore, sr., J. I. Moore, J. H. Beal, W. T. Mitchell, C. C. Brown, Richard Meeks. EGLINTON P. 0.—Louis Mercer, William Mercer, John Messersmith, John Q. Tuttle, Clay Tuttle, Johnson Griggs, J. T. Dickinson, A. P. Garrett, L. W. Yeary, W. L. Peck, Wm. Morrow, J.M. Sullinger, J. W. Clark, E. Claflin, Henry Tuttle, Gid. Garrett, J. B. Hall, J. L. Cook, James Cook, sr., J. D. Cook, James Smith, B. Triplett, Elisha Dilks, J. F. Grant, John Schutes, F. L. Gunn, Timothy Hiers, Solomon Hiers, A. L. Griggs.“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE , LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR NOUS SONS TINNEY’S GROVE P. 0.—C. M. Dixon, J. A. Divelbiss, David Toomay, Mike Toomay, Ed. Toomay, Tim Toomay, W. T. Graham, ‘I. G. Petree, Jno. Taylor, Burn Cowsert, J. H. Ross, Mike Wheeler, John Hanna, Jim Bryant, F. M. Ferree, Joe Alsop, Warren Hays, Bud Hays, Henry Hays, Ike Hays, Bend Hays, Mock Hays, Isaac Taylor, Austin Harlow, Wm. Cowsert, Kid Cowsert, D. C. Noffzinger. N. B. Woolsey, Jo. Osborn, I’om Dixon. FOX P. 0.—Thos. H. Wollard, S. A. Wollard, W.S. Wollard, W. B. Carpenter, 8. K. Newham, S. V. Endsley, 8. C. Robinson, Ed. Thompson, D. F. Conner, DVavid Mansur, Thos. Harber, James Tinsley, John Sidon, B. B. Gentry, Silas Keith, Abe Pope, John Oroark, Spencer Case, D. B. Bow- men, Boyd Ferree, Alex. Campbell, P. M. Pinck- ard, Wash Pinkerton, Tom Jones, G. G. Mansur, Ed. Jasper, Dave Ross, Geo. Clements, D. H. Meyers, Sam Shirkey, Dan’! Stratton, J. B. Early, RAB ORCHARD P. 0.—John Hamilton, W.C. Hamilton, H. C. Petters, Webb Petters, John Petters, Wm. Searcey, Wm. Goach. VIBBARD P. 0.—J. R. Holman, Thompson Craven, Joe. Carlyle, Hie Madden, Scott Madden, S. L. Clevenger, Buck Craven, Henry Hays, Geo. Madden, Buck Crowley, Adam Hanser, E. P. Hill, Geo. Hankins, Joe. McAdams, Lon Hankins, Jack Glasscock, Melvin Thompson, W. A. Miller. LAWSON P. 0.—John Crowley, Wash Smith, Ad. Smith, Bob Finch, Geo. Montgomery, Geo. Young, Frank Brock, Tom Hurt, John Asberry, John H. Buchannan, Elias Hightower, M. B. Cummins, Dr. Palmer, Dr. James, J. F. Thomas, Robert Miller, Jack Burton, J. H. Titus, J. K. Pollett, Milt Pearcey, Amos Pearcey, Geo. Sander- son, Geo. Walker, Cap Nickelson, Houst Nickel- son. ORRICK P. 0.—F. J. Ross, D. H. Rhoads, John M. Pigg, Jeff. Pigg, Thos. Rochrock, Brock Halligan, Geo. Mitchell, H. C. Perdue Milt La- forgee, E. B. Bailly, James Sullinger; E. M. Endsley, J. M. Riffe, W. R. Blythe, A. J. Farris, Ben Tucker, Jack Tucker, Ben Brashear, A. H. Brashear, John Mason, Dr. Roach, Dr. Adair, Geo. M. Roan, Rial Creason, Geo. McMullen. CAMDEN P.0.—W. H. Fitch, Robt. Prich- and, John Sacrey, Andy Elliott. Gran: Smitey, Thos. McGinnis. Asa Brockman, Robt. Hudgins, W.G. King, Wm. Greer, B. F. Kanady, A. C. Roberts, B. F. Moyer, John Moyer, Reuben Sti- gall, Frank Stigall, Andy Legg, T. S. Conrad, J. E. Lee, James McGinnis. HENRY P. 0.—A. K. McClintock, Todd Headrick, A. R. Chenault, W. D. Rankin, W. H. Watkins, R. D. Maccown, A. T. Steward, W. A. Willian, Robert Offutt, Jesse Murray. HARDIN P. 0.—Riley Sword, James Lents, J. B. Proctor, Moses Henderson, Gray Johnson, Ike Bowman, Ross Bell, Ransom Green, Niles Esrey, S. P. Esrey, J. A. Grandstaff, Neal Smith, J. D. Reyburn, Thos. Deacey, White Thomson, M. D., M. M. Spurlock, G. B. Hinman, L. C. Boha- mean, Warner Gear, Robert Wall, Dr. Yates, George Keyes, French Bates, Joe. Berrey, Dr. Rust, Dr. Stapp, Wade Wall, Alex. Lovelock, Ben Strohl David Stroup, John Finley, G. B. Kellen- berger, Judge Shrewsberry. TATTSVILLE P. 0.—W. F. Sylar, W. G. Tait, Burt Hatfield, James Hatfield, James Pettey, Ed. Pettey, W. F. Switzer, Tom Tait, Wm. Coff- man, Ben Hines, Geo. Best, Henry M. Glothein, Samuel Sylar, John Vanbebber, James Russell, W.L. Borben, Samuel Switzer, James Cowan, Squire Cones, D. Jacob Jackson, J. O. Wilkerson, M.D. KNOXVILLE P. 0.—D. Gant, Dr. Vinsant, P. L. Vanbebber, Millard Hill, Thomas Kincaid, Wiley Kincaid, Isaac Zimmerman, Jo. Hyder John Joiner, D. D. Gant, A. D. Clark, J. T. Clark. MILLVILLE P. 0.—Eri B. Mullen, Joe. Linney, Henry Renfro, John Renfro, Judge Branstutter, Geo. A. Zimmerman, Felix Wild, Robert Wild, John Dotson, John Burnett, Dr. W. M. Quarles, Mack Stanley, Jim Head, Tom Forbes, O. K. Wall, D. K. Wall, James Forbes, Jeff. Yongling, Toad Carter, Ira Carter, J. R. Wilson, Jo. Sparks. BRADLEYVILLE P. 0.—J. C. Johnson, Wim. Roller, I. L. McPherson, Thomas Fitch, John Fitch, S. W. Bunch, A. D. Hunter, Wm. H. Blunk, Enos Stanley, John Stanley, R. W. Robert- son, Samuel Robertson, G, W. Jackson, J. D. Whited, T. J. Hicks, H. B. Sechler, W. J. Law- sence, John Lawrence, R. 8. Rice. RICHMOND (c. h.) P. 0.—J. E. Ball, J. H. Davis, G. W. Trigg, Ed. Watkins, M. Crispin, G. I. Gardner, W. M. Milligan, Jacob Rothrock, Frank Country, Wm. Parks, Ed. Johnson, Marion John- son, F. J. Graham, J. W. Smith, W. P. Hubbell, Geo. W. Carter, Josh Dale, Aad Burns, Ben Dash- | Gan ler, Peter Tribble, Clay Hughes, Berry Hughes, Jerry Wilson, Lewis Crell, Thos. Bohamean, Pres BK. Hill, Forrest Graham, John Quarles, S. R. Crispin, J. C. Morris, J. C. Mason, J. C. Brown, Bud Hill, Burt Murray, Will Warriner, W. B. Hudgins, Geo. H. Stone, H. C. Garner. KERBY VILLE P. 0.—J. R. Vanzandt, W. P. Vanzandt, T. A. Layton, J. B. Bedford, L: R. Stiles, T. fF. Layton, G. W. Middleton, John Kin- trea, M. P. Brittain, Jasper Johns, F. M. Ellison, I. J. Stalcup, T. J. Sims, H. FE. Powers, F. M. Pittman, D. H. Pickett, Wm. Pickett, Alex. Mc- Farland, B. McFarland, Ed. Weeks, Wm. Weeks, Wm. Caldwell, S. G. Coggborn, N. N. Kinney, J. A. DeLong, John Stevens, Samuel Snapp, John S. Coggborn, J. H. Middleton, J.T. Smith, D. R. Fell, E. ‘1’. Anderson, A. Barchman, James Oliver, Milton Haggard, A. J. Watson, G. W. Brazeale, Wm. Mitchell, John Pickett, John Speer, William Likens, Thos. Likens, Chas. Yandell, Abraham Biles, Jeff. Brannon, J. H. McClary, S. Z. T. King, Wiley Rains, Martin Waltman, Eugene McClary. BRANSON P. 0.—Enugene McCauley T. F. Compton, H. D. Goodall, T. J. Berry, Rh. S. Bran- son, J. P. Compton, E. B. Wright, C. Stokeley, J. B. Parscale, James Hawkins, Ferry Hawkins, D. R. DeWitt, J. W. Wyatt, Zebedee Stockstill, Wm. Stockstill, B. R. Knowles, F. J. Combs, W. H. Crowder, R. C. Barker, Sterling Combs, James Wiggins, J. M. Harkey, James Bookout, Louis Branson. CEDAR VALLEY P. 0.—J. B. Rice, J. G. Thurman, J. J. Fox, Andrew Frazier, Jno. Jackson. MINCY P. 0.—Samuel Dial, O. H. P. Larra- bee, Wm. R. Ellison, Frank Beddingfield, Wm. Hunt, Howard Cameron, David Yandell, Howard Pruitt, David Pruitt, CEDAR CREEK P. 0—Z. P. Moore, jr., T. A. Coulter, S. H. Coulter, David Trammell, A. R. Bagley, J. M. Gray, L. T. Cornett, Jos. Cornett, Geo. Westmoreland, John May, David May,, Dr. Prather, John Yandell, Major Townsend, Col. B. Staleup. KISSEE MILLS P. 0.—A. C. Kissee, Samuel Burns, J. A. Bryant, J. K. McHaffie, Frank Wil- liams, S. J. Williams. John Moseley, A. C. Scott, Daniel S. Coy, James Frye, Andrew Jackson, Jas. Wyatt, Arter Kissee, Thos. Moseley. SWAN P. 0.—J. D. Dykes, W. C. Dykes, G. W. Gaskill, Isaac Johnson, John Spurlin, Wm. Jackson, W. B. Farmer, W. B. Sims, J.J. Woods, William Wood, Eli Wood, J. D. Gossett, J. J. Middleton, J. L. Houston, John Castalow, M,. Ford, Wm. Parseley, John Parseley. WALNUT SHADE P. 0.—W. J. Keithley, | P A. L. Keithley, Allen Stockstill, Harvey Stockstill, D. J. Smith, Samuel Weatherman,fE. A. Mathews, L. K. Collins, John Hilton, David Cupp, Vincent Cummings, Chas. Lewis, G. W. Seaton, Peter Blancett, W. P. Bray, Alex. Meadows, Cae Meadows, A. G. Fisher, Elias Clevenger, W. F. St. Clair, Samuel Koch, Jules Leduc, A.J. Friend, Buck Friend, Coonrod Cornelison, Andrew Alms, Jesse Lewallen, Samuel Jackson, Joseph Bryant, Lincoln Weatherman, Jesse Hilton. PLATTSBURGH (c. h.) P. 0.—Wm. Me- Donald, Jas. Viglini, I. S. George, 8. M. Bigger- staff, G. Transue, Younger Smith, Noah Anderson, H. C. Walker, Walter Fry, Henry Moreland, W. QO. Blankinship, Daniel Heisler, Dan Parvin, Willis Dixion, A. L. Hartzell, T. P. Hanks, Clr Wilkinson, John Rice, Stephen Trice, T. KE. Mc- Kown, 8. H. Smith, John C. Fry, H. M. Hodges, James Glenn, Obed Swearingen, James A. Hacka- day, V. P. Powell, A. N. Porter, G. H. Newby, A. Shoemaker, John H. Young, Joseph Holman, W.(. Martin, Wm. Crow, V. Bowman, Oe An Martin, Robert Stipe, James Ditmore, Wu. Mor- row, James Anderson, Joseph Shoemaker, B. F. Flask, Wm. Fry, A. M. Jackson, I. S. Porterfield, W.S. Porter, RK. I. Morgan, John Jones, Danié Henderson, Steven Moore, P. Wigginton, U. Brown, Jacob Schuster, Thomas Fitzgerald, C. O'Connor, Jerry Sullivan, Dennis O’Connor, Lloyd Leach, John Thompson, Joseph Ligon, John Poage, D R. Poage, I’, R. Hill, W. L. Culver, Jos. Brown, John D. Stoutamore, M. I. High, M. S. Moreland M. W. Jones, Michael Downy, Ed. Mce- Kinna. GOWER P. 0.—W. W. Bland, J. B. Mathews, Daniel Smith, Ed. Ransdall, Chas Weakley, Jas. Black, T. C. Worden, W. B. Elliott, Jas. Mallen, S. N. Riggs, W.R. Poff, Thos. McMeans, W. C. Grans, T. D. Maddox, James P. Bretz, William ant. THOMASVILLE P. 0.—W. P. Stewart, A. P. Stewart, J. F. Depriest, G. S. Depriest, Wim. Losley, A. J. Losley, A. J. Bellan, M. Griffith; J. F. Franks, J. M. Davis, W. W. Wallis, Wm. Perkins, G. W. Perkins, Ed. Deatherage, John Russell, Jeff. Russell Pate Thomas, Alf. Roberts, H. House, W. C. Boyd, J. B. Old, J. R. Wood- side, G. M. Humphreys, Chas. Huddleston, J. A. Old, sr., J. A. Old, jr, Wm. McDonald, John Tull, J. W. Moore, Wm. Willard, James Willard, R. C. Jolliff, J. R. Jolliff, Samuel Watson, R. F. Royle, W. J. King, W. P. King, W.-S. Hud- dleston, C. B. Dunkin, Wm. Bales, Seth Bales, Joshua Myers, B. F. Palmer, Enoch Rowe, John Howe, J. G. Lewis, K. H. Goodwin, J. K. P. Cross, A.C. Wilson, Orvil Parson, Sam Anderson, D. P. M. Brewer, Robert McDaniel, Jack Thompson, EH. J.S.Tranthana, J. F. Boyd, John Dotson, F. O. Hoover, C. B. Wort, T. C. Palmer. ALTON (c.h.) P. O—J. F. Acree, J. F. Har- mon, Ance Wilson, G. W. Smith, D. A. Brelsford, Wm. Hodges, W. Andrews, W. J. Andrews, D. B. Wilson, R. T. Burns, Allen Dills, Jacob Smith, J. W. Harris, S. W. Greer, Ben Gum, A. L. Gum, J. H. Deckard, C. Millsap, J. A. Whitton, J. H. Pierce, M. McKinney, A. G. Hall, W. Delaney, G. Williams, Logan Williams, Wade Simpson, Wright Simpson, J. K. Short, M. P. Muse, Geo. Herrod, John Herrod, Wm. Sipe, Sam Ross, J. H. Rice, J. A. Rice, S. A. Warren, W. A. Smith, H. A. Bailey, J. Warren, H. James, Herrod James, Henry Higgins, J. D. Hollis, Jo. Hollis, J. EB. Taylor, Fred. Hood, Geo. Hood, John Morrison, W. C. GC. Andrews, A. A. Andrews, Thos. A. Hopkins, J. A. Bates, Ely Bates, M. G. Norman, T. B. Norman, Wm. Wilson, H. Thompson, J. W. Stogsdill, W. A. Elliott, Geo. Armstrong. THAYER P. 0.—T. J. Boyd, J. W. Johnson, M. W. Hearle, J. W. Jenkins, H. Jenkins, E. Foister, James McCameron, J. B. Putman, Thos. Batman, Leon Huff, N. B. Allen, C. B. 8. Tran- tham, J. L. Boyd, Henry Davis, HE. Davis, Isaac Sloan, John Scaggs, James Lovelace, Ben Child- ers, Milus Childers, F. D. Perry, J. N. Howell, G. Helms, Isaac Allen, A. N. Wiggs, T. J. Lind- sey, J. H. Williams, Sam Wooldredge, W. 38. Allen, Alex. Sloan, J. B. Walker, W. J. Clift, W. H. Blankenship, E. Hurst, Wm. Hopper, T. B. Ragan, M. Allen, J. S. Roundtree, J. B. Landreth, Thos. Jewell, N. L. Carter, R. H. Holloway, Jos. Glodin, J. W. Strong, T. M. B. Kyle, J. C. Elder, E. §. Trantham, J. H. Simers, T. H. Watson, E. Davis, Alex. Wasson, Thad Roundtree, J. M. Howell, E. W. Mathews, J. P. Palmer, Nathan Cates, J. C. Johnson, D. J. Lance, E. M. Johnson, H. D. Lance, M. M. Dobbs, J. T. Anderson, C. T. Woods, Jasper Livingston, W. A. McClellan. MYRTLE P. 0.—J. S. Moore, Jesse Byrd, K. 8. Cross, Demps Murray, James Bennett, John Gross, J. A. Cantrell, Wm. Thompson, W. M. Campbell. JOBE P. 0.—E. Holt, J.T. Holt, E. Davis, G. W. Smith, BE. F. Betts, J. P. Hackworth, Wm. O'Neal, J. R. Brewer, G. S. Harbison, B. F. Wilkerson, J.T. Hall, Caleb Jobe, Jos. Brewer, J. C.M. Brewer, J. H. Hall, W. W. Waggoner, S. S. Cyprett, Lewis O'Neal, Thomas Taylor, Wm. Phillips, F. Nettle, Wm. Stubblefield, W. T. Counce, C. A. McDonald, Thos. Gazaway* John Gazaway, Eli Deathrow, Jacob Jobe, John R. Frey, W. F. Frey, John M. Hall, W. W. Linn, Johm Rodman, W. P. Justice, J. H. Justice, Isaac Kester, Wm. Bennett, A. Foster, Enoch Gaither. GARFIELD P. 0.—J. J. Sitton, W. H. Payne, W. A. Thompson, @. Tab. Davis; in): Davis, G. W. Couch, B. F. Couch, J. M. Bennett, Josiah Payne, R. O. Tribble, Lem Braswell, 8. ve Goulding, F. M. Goulding, G. B. Norman, John 1 | Norman, hos. Rolin, J. M. Dunkin, A.J. Bonds, D.|L. P. Ridner, M. W. Russell, W. C. Ridner, W. H. Blevins, W. J. Young, Joseph Jeffers. PORTAGE P. 0.—Henry Pujoll, Henry Tun- mermeyer, Capper Brass, Osear Gray, Alph. Payne, John Steiner, Mat Maberstroh, Andrew Machens, Nich Dames, Conrad Ernst, Fritz Mintert, Wm. Munch, Jacob Shaeffer, J. Huse Brown. erry. MANY SPRINGS P. 0.—G. E. Cates, S. L.“TIE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE ‘ LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR NI i N N ae se A. BENSON (ce. h.) P. O.—O. F. Bronniche, Thomas Bronniche, Anthon Arneson, Joseph Moore, Joseph Ward, A. N. Johnson, Olans Thein, T. T. Ottos, Otto I. Olson, Andrew Nelson, John D. Lyons, 0. E. Bakke, O. E. Johnson, John Olson, Peter Nermo, Torger Olson, C. Uytendahl, H. W. Stone, James Hodson, John Torgerson, F. Bedard, George Camden, Lars Nelson, Jens Thunem, Ole Jacobson, N. Flemming, Alex. Cur- neham, Eugene Smith, L. M. Maxfield, P. EH. Smith, Thomas Johnson, Samuel Cornell, Ole J. Homme, D. C. Horton, H. R. Hanson, John Lee, Paul J. Lee, K. P. Frovald, Ed. Larssen, W. F. Wilcox, Lars Christenson, C. M. Cornelinsen, Ole Cornelinson, J. P. Murphy, Torger Larson, Kund Skibesness, P. Simonson, P. J. Halsor, Jens T. Jenson, R. J. McBrady, R. R. Johnson, Frank Johnson, Lewis Bedard, M. Cate, H. H. Johnson, James Neal, Dan B. O’Neil, A. Johnson, Henry Johnson, Theodore Hansen, Chas. E. Rundguist, John Peterson, Chris Romfoe, Lars Aakre, Chris Pederson, Ole Thorson, James Redmond, Patrick Redmond. SWENODA P. O.—Ole O. Simonstad, Gil- bert O. Simonstad, Patrick Kittson, Jens Christen- son, Patrick Bannon, Andrew Anderson, Andrew Johnson, Paul Johnson, Halvor Kundson, Ole Moline, Nels Nelson, James O’Connor, Christian Erickson. SWIFT FALLS P. 0—J. M. Danils, Elias Davidson, Ole O. Dokkebokken, T. C. Flatin, Hans C. Hansen, Elling Ellingson, Nels A. Hill, Michael Hogan, Andrew Jackson, Michael Brady, Andrew Now, David Peterson, Rasmus Simonson, Ole Peterson, Ole Thorson. APPLETON P. O.—H. P. Allan, J. W. Bar- ton, J. S. Barton, B. P. Chaney, A. D. Country- man, J. S. Dunn, C. E. Foster, C. T. Ireland, A. W. Lathrope, Wm. V. Lathrope, G. W. Kenny, K. L, Lundgreen, Thos. Mehagan, A. McMillan, A. K. Pederson, J. Simmons, Wm. Stegall, J. T. Wilkinson. MURDOCK P. O—James Archer, James Clark, J. P. Briggs, John Connerford, M. C. Church, R. J. Fitzgerald, Samuel Geiser, S. S. Murdock, E. D. Jarrett, Patrick McDonnell, An- drew Shelgreen, Joseph Schaff, Michael Walsh, George W. Thompson, Joseph Thornton, B. Pow- ers, Hubert Pathen. FAIRFIELD P. O.—Bruno Arnold, Wm. Beyer, Carl Beyer, Thomas Coleman, Nic Finne- man, Fred Gardes, August Halzheimer, Henry Heinke, L. Hoftman, Ferdinand Judist, Louis Kel- ler, Wm. Linde, Herman Mills, Thos. McTighe, Pat. McCarthy, Henry Petrick, August Kaloff, Wm. Sacks, Wm. Schliep, Fred Schliep, .John Thielke, Wm. Thielke, August Went, Carl Zan- non, Carl Zentmeyer, Bruno Knopf, J. Mahoney. HEGBERT P.0.—A. T. Akre, Martin An- derson, Ole Brustnen, Peter Brustnen, E. Chris- tiansen, Ole P. Bakken, Thomas Devaney, L. R. Hlliason, Peder Emerson, Luke Giblin, A. Guld- brandsen, 0. E. Hugstad, M. C. Galvin, Heming Hansen, W. W. Havener, Frederick Johnson, John Jones, T. J. Johnson, Patrick Landers, Ole P. Lehue, Ole O. Lehue, James McGuire, T. A. Maxwell, John Nugent, P. G. Ness, John Olsen, Nels Olsen, A. Paulsen, Hans Paulsen, O. A. Radal, Hans E. Sannes, John Wilson, Peder Walden. CLONTARF P. 0.—. Breen, Richard Bul- ger, Dan Callahan, D. K. McDermott, D. F. Mc- Dermott, Patrick Freeman, Jas. Flynn, Frank Alm, Ole Berryman, John Brambilla, John Don- aghue, Thomas Galligher, John Healy, Patrick Kelleher, Patrick Lynch, John Kelleher, Patrick Laryhan, John McNearny, Thim Murphy, James O'Donnell, _A. Oster, Rodger 0. Brien, Michael O'Neal, William Purcell, William Rowe, Jerry Reardon, John Schinnick, William Schinnick M. Sullivan, John Swanbery, John Walsh. _ MARYLAND P. 0.—John Atz, Geo. Bach. Lewis Bach, John Oasey, Wm. Connor, John Cahil, John Duffy, Wm. Drinkwine, Albert Drink- wine, Thomas Daily, Wm. Dyle, Owen Duffy, Au- gust Gasky, James Gallagher, Patrick Gallagher Chris. Harris, Pat. Harris, John Kelly, John Car- ney, Julius Lotz, John Mathiesen, Theo. Mathie- sen, Patrick Maher, John Maher, M. McGuire Dennis Maher, John McManus, Dan. O'Neal. Jenn Woods. : SHER P. 0.—Adam Bur, Frank DeMex Herman Hardsalt, F. W. Jewette, Fred Radi, W. Roberts, John Stoughtor, J. W. Silverthorn Julius Wentzel, Mike Wentzel : . KERKHOVEN P. O.—L. P. Anderson, B. Johnson, M.S. Matson, M. P. Moran, O. E. Sa- land, L. Westerdahl. ioe! DE GRAFF P. 0.—John Beagan, William Clint, John Clark, James Clark, John Clemmens, M. Driscoll, Owen Duffy, Charles Gallighan, M. Gallighan, John Gill, Dennis Bryne, John Goggan, Peter Hughes, S. C. Hilman, M. H. Halpin, M. Kennedy, Thos. Kennedy, James Kelly, He Kelty, August Kruger, Hugh Kilday, V. Land- eraff, John McConville, James McQuade, Thomas McQuade, Martin McCormick, John McKenna, G. L. Martin, James Madden, Terry O’Brien. TWO HARBORS P. 0.—Frank Alger, T. Alger, T. A. Barry, W. S. Karroll, Casper Ander- son, A. Grant, N. C. Nelson, W. 8. Hanna, C. W. Johnson, Janies Redmond, H. F. Williamson, Ed- gar Brown, O. H. Johnson, August Johnson. EAVER BAY (ce. h.) P. O.—Joseph Betz- ler, Jacob Haugartner, Chancy Libbs, P. D. Maller, G. A. Schalze, P..L. Wieland, Geo. E. Flagg, John Munroe, John Bean, Herman Wegener, John Welsk, Peter Grassorer, Alex. Boyer, Frank Pare, Lacis Wiscoop, Joe Wiscoop, Wm. Hodge, James Thorp, Johnson Brown. WN P. O0.—Chris. Anderson, ©. D. Bailey, W. D. Bailey, A. Bancroft, Amadee Beau- dry, A. J. AnDyke, A. Anderson, Jens Aspaas, A. Burnam, Geo. Beauvias, B. Christenson, D. Came- ron, M. Christenson, Fred Davis, Watson Draper, L. Davis, Z. Daoust, G. M. Fisk, A. Farly, C Fosberry, G. L. Gray, A. M. Hilde, A. Helmick, H. O. Hansen, Ole Ingebretson, B. C. Jorgenson, J. C. Knudson, F. V. Lytle, A. Lytle, M. G. Ligue, I. C. Lerum, I. Larson. John McMahon, J. Mc- Mahon, C. Matson, A. McGregor, Gustave Oleson, August Olsen, A. A. Pierce, A. N. Peterson, M. C. Perrin, Jens C. Peterson, L. Pulson, John P. Peterson, A. M. Roseth, John Ralston, Robert Lorenson, R. Smith, Ole Stoke, H. C. Scribner, E. B. Scribner, T. Thygeson, J. E. Yates. CROOKSTON (ce. h.) P. O.—T. 0. Bergland, J.R. Barb, Jules Bouche, Fugine Besse, K. O. Berg, J. F. Brown, Frank Boadwin, Ole Chris- tianson, Onesime Capistrain, A. Daniels, Hill Dargin, Charles Dickinson, Israel Desmarias, Thomas Dougherty, Job Dougherty, George QO: Erskine, Even Erikson, J. B. Filiatrault, Martin Finseth, J. W. Heiges, Chris Hanson, Ole Houen, Wm. Hoeper, H. C. Johnson, Louis Johnson, Martin Jenson, Hans Jensen, Christian Kohles, Lewis Klinger, Adolph Klinger, August Koeppe, D. La Due, Joseph Lapland, Joseph Lapland, Jie Moise Lefebore, E. E. Lommen, Alfred Lefebore, W.H. Miller, Casper Mosier, Alfred C. Murphy, M. O. Meland, J. O. Milne, Edward Pederson, O. Pepin, O. K. Quamme, J. K. Quamme, W. A. Rogers, F. Robart, B. Sampson, Martin Swanson, Joseph Simpson, Alfred Silvery, H. B, Tredten, Kyen Thorson, G. W. Wareham, N. F. Wood. strum, Frank Bivins, Geo. Holt, S. P. Norton. EDNA P. 0.—Faede Ammer, Hans Anderson, Ole Anderson, 8. M. Berryman, Ole Christenson, Wm. E. Dohl, John L. Doh, Joseph Gilsoul, GC. J. Gullickson, J. C. Hayes, D. M. Haight, J. G. John- son, P. L. Kimberly, G. P. Kimberly, A. W. Matt, Joseph Murphy, M. BE. Massy, J. S. Nichols, Ole Oslumd, John F. Ogard, Chas. Ogard, C. W. Ohl, W. Price, J. D. Peasley, Frank Peasley, G. .C. Reis, L. Blanchard, R. Skan, M. Steenerson, F, Sankey, Isaac Sheflor, E. C. Stenett, John Thomp- son, Ole Vraa, S. H. Webb, BE. P. Webb, James A. on a ENE John Bowman. W. H. Chase, - +. Chisley, Patrick Conery, Timothy Conery. CAMPBELL P. 0.--W. §. Conky L. Deak H. Deal, 8. E. Johnson, Wm. U.. Morton, E. Miller, B. Orr, Henry Poor, H. C. Walker. §. Ankatel, E. Balentine, W. D. Cross, Geo. Cann- cross, John McCulley, S. G. Tuggart, W. P. Watton, C. A. Chapin, Luther Bates, J. W. Childs, C. Church, J. W. Cross, Wm. Dorset, D. Fisher, Robt. Glover, J. W. Garlock, G. R. Hood Byron Joy, Thos. Lewis, A. H. Lean, M. Mullen, Chas. Mead, Thos. Waite, A. Pithy, R. K. Brown T. B. Bushnell, W. H. Bowen, M. L. Bowen, W. Brown, R. G. Cross, D. Collins, J. Casey, H. Fay J. Green, O. T, Huchings, G. W. Mace, F. W. Newman, C. A. Nyberg, H. Olson, J. Rack, J. Smith, G. Sherman, C, Selbunt, E. M. Sanbourn J. Wilke. , ROTHSAY P. O.—B. C. Anderson, Anton Berner, Erick Erickson, John Swenson, Paul Hal- verson, Chris Hanson, A. G. Harrington, Thomas Anderson, H. O. Brendhagen, T. T. Bureen oe Erickson, C. Goodell, G, Hanson. es AITKIN (c. h.) P. O—F. W. Bouers, J. W. Wakefield, H. F. Bauby, C. Berry, C. J. Birch, E. F. Barrett, Dan. Carl, Nelson Cluff, William Cluff, James Crowther, C. P. DeLaittre, George W. Clark, Wm. Costello, A. B. Cushing, W. O. Cluff, Wm. DeLaittre, James Fleming, D. M. Falconer, George Falconer, T. R. Foley, J. A. Buchanan, Robert Gilbey, R. H. Hartford, Sam Hodgen, A. S. Hansen, George Houghton, B. M. Hungerford, C. KE. Haines, Henry Harlow, James McCarthey, C. N. Howe, G. W. Ingram, D. P. Jenkins, D. J. Knox, Mike Madden, Bert McLain, kh. C. McMurdy, W. B. Marr, F. P. McQuillin, R. B. Poiley, J. C. Polley, Warren Potter, William Rogers, L. G. Sevey, Frank Sevey, Harry Stobey, EK. Stevens, C. C. Sutton, John Swansen, J. A. Tibbets, C. W. Tibbets, John Welch, George F. Williams, J. P. Williams, Tom West, D. Millard, D. L. Young, Frank Young, Albert Zeizer, Ole Peterson, O. C. Oleson, A. L. Loofstron, O. C. Shadeen, Sam Simpson, John Woodrow, Peter Waldeck, Joseph Mitchell, John Sutherland, Pat Sanders, Dan Doran, Thos. Fitzgerald, Samuel Bowker, Wm. Butt. MANSTON P. 0.—W. Y. Cadman, M. Don- novan, J. D. Fisk, 8. L. Gaylord, R. D. Haig, Jno. Kasper, B. Kline, M. Neth, W. S. Warner, H. Booth, J. Brenden, Peter Barret, J. S. Clifford, O. Erickson, H. O. Hills, P. Kennedy, Gustay Lee, D. Mahar, O. Lorud, Carl Rehr. BRECKENRIDGE (ec. h.) P. O.—Fyrank Adam, F. M. Arbuckle, F. J. Alstatt, W. C. Anesworth, F. Benjamin, A. Brandrup, R. T. Britton, W. H. Bennett, John Beattie, D. B. Bailey, L. Corke, J. L. Cameron, E. Connelly, F. J. Clause, George Elwell, G. W. Evans, Wm. Evans, O. F. Falley, T. J. Frye, Frank Hoppe, J. Howard, E. Hyser, Thomas Koza, John Larson, John Lambert, E. Mattson, Alex. McDonald, D. Oliver, J. E. Pettit, W. L. Pitkin, Frank Passage, H. Reynolds, A. Rose, N. Rice, L. P. Roundy, James Rice, W. J. Stockman, Jonas Sanders, A. Regan, John Sedivi, F. A. Stuart, Wm. Thede, O. B. Todd, J. F. Tyler. Wm. Warren. McCAULEYVILLE P. O—Abner Ben- nett, William Brophy, John Brawders, M. W. Cluland, J. R. Harris, H. C. Hutchings, Samuel Kaisen, Charles Miller, E. Merrick, D. McCauley, James Nolan, Sidney Pilot, Max Prody, George Robinson, A. Rich, John Stehlek, J. S. Wilson, J. B. Willing, C. Booth, C. M. Corliss, J. Ferguson, M. C. Harris, 1. W. James, J. Prieb, John Stalk, L. Shen, A. J. Wells, A. W. L. Woodland. ANOKA (c.h.) P. O.—P. Oloson, T. J. Cheat- ham, J. W. Johnson, Jas. McCauley, L. A. Woods, J. M. Woods; H. G. Grant, Dh. Pratt. i We Long, R. 8S. Clark, J. Benson, J. R. Barrett, S. J. Stone, R. C. Holmes, Edward Stack, J. E. Merritt, M. E. Hanscomb, D. Y. Smith, 8. C. Robbins, T. f. Heath, Jim E. Burnham, A. H. McLean, A. Cole, C. H. Fitch, W. E. Candy, C. P. Stockwell, N. W. Curial, J. H. Pierce, James Goodson, C. T. Woodbury, A. Geddings, S. A. Rierson, John Hanscome, H. L. Cheever, L. P. Barrett. E. Green, U. W. Hanks, G. Berg, A. Davis, C. H. Parlin, Dwight Mitchell, J. Schwab, M. Scully, J. A. Hinds, C. W. Bryant, Z. T. Hanson, H. Thornton, J. E. Lane, C. W. Ball, A. J. Caswell. BETHELP. 0--R. W. Dawson, J. K. Dawson, Rodger Ridge, Wim. Mitchell, Chas. Cockeran, E. K. Pratt, Lewis Mitchell, A. W. Haskell, John Staunchfield, J. H. Cooper, F. Cockeran, John Daugherty, R. M. Dyer, E. A. Purmont, S. W. Ryan, A. D. Purmont, Hiram Grim, H. Peel, J. M. Cole, Frank Howe, H. L. Colgrove, J. Smith, Frank Day, Wm. Day, Wm. Russell, A. T. John- son, Peter Johnson, Gust Larson, J. E. Keniston, P. J. Anderson, J. F. Lind, Henry Miller, Wm. Burton, E. Austin, Frank Hart, P. Gustofoon, J. Holmguist, N. F. Munson, Georgo G. Sherbrooke, C. H. Clark, T. Clarkson, P. Nickerson, J. War- hurst, John Tomlinson, H. GC. Starbird, R. F. Strong, Thomas Tumer, H. Richards, James Carson. BURNS P. 0—S. L. Gale, D. Shannon, P. F. Varney, G. E. Thomas, M. Turney, E. Cheever, George Wheeler, John Johnson, Wm. Middlestradt, David Kuhrke, W. B. Wilson, Arthur Wheeler, J. W. Hare, E. Roher, Austin Corbin, A. Smith, E. M. Rathbarn, G. T. Gilles- pie, H. Leathers, J. H. Niles, J. L. Gastin, J. T. Clark, O. F. Varney, Thos. Gorham. BLAINE P. 0.—S. H. Baker, E. J. Brown, S. Self, Alva Brockway, M. Tigue, J. G. Knap, W. W. Dawson, J. Dawson, Gilbert Jayne.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE : LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR N jz IB eau = K J COLUMBUS (c. h.) P. O.—T. Baner, L. Byrnes, John Browner, Geo. E. Barnum, Guy C. Barnum, J. P. Becker, Henry Bean, A. W. Clark, J. M. Cresap, W. F. Dodds, Michael Erb, Jacob Ernst, sr., ‘thomas Flynn, Hovare Forbes, 8. C. Gray, P. 8. Griffin, Fred Gottschalk, G. W. Galley, sr., Jacob Guter, John Haney, James Haney, Thomas Johnson, P. J. Lawrence, Jacob Louis, Robert Lisco, C. C. Miller, Patrick Murray, Fred Muhl, Chas. E. Morse, Thomas O'Connor, Angelo Pickett, J. & D. Pleyte, J. H. Reed, A. T. Rowe, Nathaniel Rice, J. H. Rudat, Martin Regan, Henry Rudat, G. W. Stepheas, J. W. Sissle, Fred Stenger, Nicholous Sheerly, Mike Savage, Dan Thayer, M. K. Turner, John Tamrahill, (C. Y. Vance, Geo. W. Westcott, H. W. Winslow, Warren a Way, Herman Loseke, Henry Loseke, John Wurdeman, Herman Wilken, Geo. W. Cleveland, Engelke Buss, E.R. Bisson, John F. Schroder, Dan C. Kavanagh, Henry Goedeke, John Humpf, Henry G. Lueschen, Fred Schaad, John Behrens, August Boetcher, John Stanffer, Henry Lusche, Henry Rickert, Andrew Mathis, Charles Reinke, Franz Hewgler, Henry Schwavz, Edwin Ahrens, Geo. Hewgler, Franz Luchsinger, Henry Luers, Joseph Bucher, Alphonso Heintz, HK. A. Gerrard, George Neodel William Gerhohl, Jacob Greisen, Tilton Hill, August Runge, Chas. Hoagland, Orson D. Butler, John C. Swartsley, John Powers, John McGill, James E. North, Fred Luckey, John Dishner, Michael Hogan, Charles W. Kingston, Avery W. Ives, John Wm. Gibb, Joseph Liebig, Paul Hoppen, Patrick Hays, Peter Shatfroth, John Brugger, Herman Johannes, Henry Brock, Herman Behrens, Her- man Wilke, Nick Adamy, John H. Schrueder, W.J. Newman, Edward M. Newman, B. W. Ellis, John Wise, Henry Loseke, James H. Cooney. PLATTE CENTRE P. 0.—John Burke, James Carrig, James Lyman, Thomas Lynch, Dennis Sullivan, Henry Rebbe, Z. D. Nickerson, Michael Maher, Henry Carrig, John Gleason, Edmond Roberts, Thomas Sullivan, John McQuil- len, Geo. K. Powers, Albert O. Sumption, Patrick Duggan, Patrick Maloney, John Maken, Miles Costello, Patrick Fahey, Edward Rogan, J. H. Johannes, Martin Bloedorn, Augustus Smith, Michael J. Reagan, John Lucid, John A. Kehoe, Martin Burns, Michael Grosier, Thomas M. Dack, Geo. W. Brown, John Keeler, Joseph B. Holmes, John M. Weatherbee, George Scheidel. HUMPHREY P. 0.—Edwin Crue, Gerard Budinger, Joseph Harper, Wm. A. Abderson, John A. Wilson, Elbert T. McGehee, George Palmater, G. J. Kuper, Marshal E. Rumsey, Fred Ternus, Wm. Zinke, W. A. Hampton, John W. Bender, Geo. W. Morris, Daniel Drooks, Bender Phillip , John M. Kuhn, Matthew Lowery, F. P. Hoffman, Richard C. Hart, Asahel Mayward, Martin Postle, G. W. Hartley, Elsworth Dixon, James B. Murray, Igwatz Veith, Caleb B. Camp- bell, Igwatz Zach, Dan M. Sullivan, Dan ‘Tf. Dickinson, Riley M. Leach, Thomas Ottis, Jacob Maurer, Arnold Donven, Peter Maag, John A. Maag, John Melcher, Oliver J. Wright, Bernard Hauck, John Schumerman, John Johnson, Rem- mer Eden, Joshua VanBlaricome, Jacob Fisher, John Pfeifer, Patrick McDonald, Conrad Ley, Erhard Shneider, Anton Hueltner, Lewis White, Bernard Uphoff, William Uphoff, Bernard Eck- holt, Leonard Widhalm, Joseph Widhalm, Anton Pelle, Michael Fisher, George Minten, William Selsor, Geo. W. Clarke, Edward G. Patterson, Joseph Siemers, Peter Miller, W. A. Hampton, Edward Edwards, Pasqua L. Baker, Solomon E. Morgan, Charles O. Waterman, Veter Bender, Edward J. Couch, Lewis C. Ulrey, John Brown, Henry Rebber, Roger Breheny, Fremont W. Tate, Henry Sassen, Wm. T. Sibley, John W. Goff, Joseph Weinhoff, Bernard Konert, Wilhelm Krause, Franz Wendt, Brandt Charles, Herman Wendt, Wm. Himers, John F. Schure, Joseph Loeffelholz, Herbert Braun, John Peter Braun, Julius Krueger, Wm. H. Huefelman, Henry T. Sperry, Jacob Bodmer, David L. Bruen, John Tracy, Frank S. German, Nils Hansen, Patrick Cowdon, Thomas O’Niel, Dyer W. Olin, C. D. Murphy. AMAZON P. 0.—J. P. Albert, J. A. Ander- son, R. A. Brown, C. E. Budlong, John F. Cory, Samuel Current, Geo. Current, B. Dunn, E. B. Day, A. Dake, A.C. Daniels, Jos. Elliott, J. E. Fish, R. Hall, H. O. Hendricks, W. Jayne, Jas. Kinney, Samuel Kinney, W. P. Mathers, S. Paul- son, W.S. Spicer. CRESTON P. 0.—Theodore Wolf, Edward T. Graham, James Marton, James A. Phillips, John F. Parks, Wm. H. Dean, E. A. Fulfont, Loren Anderson, Ira J. Nichols, John A. Fulton, John Drake, Larey Belknap, James L. Brown, 8. L. Eddy, William Knight, W. J. Belknap, Geo. W. Kibler, Sam J. Wheeler, Jona- than Devore, Willard Eltzroth, Niels Olson, Andrew Iverson, Tho. K. Watson, Joel E. Egeles- ton, Laywell & Westcott, Albert Schroeder, Ira Potter, Newton Maxwell, Wm. H. Allison; Hmory A. Sage, Robert Moran, Otha &. Moran, Henry Johnson. BOHERET P. 0.—Henry TapkeHerman Pie- per, Henry Huntman, Liborious Staab, Charles Staab, Theodore Wink, Dudly D. Hardy, Herman Ludtke, G. Krause, Herman G, Lueschen, John H. Wurderman, Henry Roberts, Julius Hemba, Igwatz Steiner. DUNCAN P. 0—John Ernst, Finley P. Johnson, William Ernst, Nick Blaser, J. G. Kum- mer, Gottlieb Lemp, John B. Kyle, Christian Bienz, Sam Imhoff, Peter Zybach. RIVERTON P. 0.—Al\. Averhoff, William Batker, C. C. Gooding‘ C. L. Guy, James Hunter, A. Holdredge, Jas. Harrop, W. H. Ide, William Loudon, John Mitchell, T. F. Mead, C. H. Martin, Jas. McGuire, M. D. O'Sullivan, John M. Patter- son, Geo. Pomeroy, R. D. Ready, B. H. Reams, J.F. Reams, John Ready, Peter Shields, L. Scheffler, L. A. Siegle, G. W. Thompson, Z. W. Wells, E. J. Wells, J. H. Watson, D. M. Wiant, Aug. Zade, J. A. Brown, John urns, T. S. Butler, J. H. Brown, R.S. Bently, Hugh Crilly N. E. Carle, Frank Cross, J. W. Elder, John Fish, A. M. Johnson, J. Merriott, J. M. Markell, Bedford Oney, R. Stockton, A. C. Taylor, A. J. Weston, H. Banks, G. L. Burr, M. Crilly, G. M. Chaffee, C. L. Crosby, J. H. Chapman, R. F. Eaton, M. Eaton, D. Eastwood, R. C. Fowler, T. J. Mason, Al. Overlees, A. B. Stevens, L. C. Ransom, D. Robertson, L.H. Thorn, A. Vincent, H. M. War- riner, C. A. Holden. FRANKLIN P. 0.—Ethan Allen, E. Arnold, Wilson Baxter, Wm. Baxter, J.D. Cook, J. A. Chitwood, Wm. Case, John Dopker, W. E. Ewing, J. L. Goodman, Robert Hays, EH. B. James, John Larraway, H. Murray, John Murray, M. J. Nead, J. B. Quinn, A. J. Reams, A. E. Rice, C. J. Van Lanningham, J. C. Worth, J. G. Yapp, W. H. Austin, C. C. Drake, F. W. Barber, A. Dresser, W. H. Finley, Geo. Sharr, E. A. Fletcher, D. G. Fager, J. D. Gage, W. Lenox, R.F. Miller, W.H.Shaham, H. Whitmore, J. F. Zedicker, C. G. Grove, Geo. Grove, Geo. Buck, Jas. Green- wood. MACON P. 0.—W. E. Austin, Wm. Briggs, John Burton, J. J. Chitwood, D. K. Calkins, J. M. Dimmick, J. W. Davis, S. H. Douglass, George Dake, O. M. Dake, H. A. Foster Peter Garrett, G. W. Garrett, John S. Gray, James Grant, Wm. Grant, §. Hayes, Frank Jelken, Hippe Jelken, D.T. Jones, P. L. Beane, T. J. Lynch, A. V.-Miller, G. W. Miller, P. Mason, J. W. Morgan, Thos. Moore, Dr. McHlree, I. 8. Phil- ips, ©. M. Russell, Wm. Robb, I. Sanger, C. O. Sanger, J. B. Sterdmorn, A. C. Sterdmorn, B. Sa- bourin, J. A. Van Camp, A. I. Van Camp, R. Vansteenburg, D. Wilkins. EST SALEM P. 0.—G. W. Carpenter, P. Forden, Sam Freeman, Robt. Glenn, Jas. Glenn, C. Garretts, W. E. Hodley, E. Huffman, H. Huffman, W. J. Howell, J. K.Laning, D.C. Laning, Jas. Morris, Jno. Putnam, Jno. Quad- hamer, H. Quadhamer, Fred Ruho, Geo. Rh. Werts, A. Ruho, John.Ruho, Eli Shelly, Peter Shields, Mary Sebor. BLOOMINGTON (c. h.) P.O.—W. Bear, J. Bear, J. M. Barber, Geo. Clapp, J. L. Cook, J. O. Douglas, C. H. Douglas, A. M. Howell, J. H. Ludlow, R. J. Menagh, A. Martin, J. Muzzy, C. E. Parr, Bnoch Parr, J. H. Parker, J. W. Stin- son. W. R. Robertson, W. L. Swett, N. L. Whit- ney, O. M. Betts, N. O. Betts, A. Blackledge, H. Boss, W. T. Button, J. G. Burleigh, H. W. Creswell, Jno. Eso, F. A. Hannon, HE. F. Hannon, Jno. Kinney, I. A. Sheridan, H. W. Norris, W. Nixon, M. J. Peery, E. Pause, G. W. Reynolds, G. W. Sheppard, G. W. Strongman, D. Hutter, E. W. Warriner, Eli Brown, J. Black, D. Black- ledge, J. P. A. Block, C. E. Bendel, C. A. Coe, J. J. Shaffer. M. E. Comstock, Wm. A. Cole, Jno, Cole, J. W. Deary, S. V. Douglas, A, K. Tingley, S. C. Horton, C. Heldreth, U. H. Molick, W. S. Mellor, W. O. Robinson, R. H. Vanatta. NAPONEE P. O0—M. Freedon John S. Ray, D. P. Chubb, R. Dow, S. Gillard, A. H. Bush, Chas. Bush, W. W. Howard, C. Larick, O. 0. Reed, H. Fox, W. Wilt, C.McRea, T. G. Thomas, P. Rasmusson, James Drummond, Frank Drummond, Fred Johnson, W. Johnson, Wim. Moore, H. C. Store, Jno. C. Grove, Jas. Rose, Mr. Heartwell, W.J. Ingram, Jno. Bates, S. W. Shupp, Robert Moffatt, Chas. Rowland, Jno. Rowland. ASH GROVE P. 0—Jno. Thomas, Jno. Ballard, A. J. Clements; J. T. Carroll, James Jackson, Buck Jackson, B. T. Lake, R. M. Jack- son, G. Ross, MOLINE P. O0.—E. S. Fliteroft, P. Flit- croft, John Jordan, Rod Jordan, T. T. Jordan, T. M. Shelton, Geo. Jackson, G. W. Wilmot, Mr. Doubt, C. B. Hollenbeck, C. H. Townsend, Fred Boldt, Billiar Boys, Richard Rowley, Chancy Rowley, Carl Schepler, Fred Schepler. MONTEREY P. O—Sigmund Ambroster, Joseph Ambroster, Bernard Baumert, John Bur- ger, Michel Birchem, Fritz Batenhorst, John Batenhorst, J. H. Bonne, Henry N. Borgel, Henry Dierker, Adam Ermels, Henry Furhoff, Casper Guenther, Henry Hastich, F. D. Kemper, John Kreikemeier, Anton Kreikemeier, Joseph Krienert, John Meister, John McLaughlin, Herman Meister, EK. Novak, Henry Stenter, A. Schlitzer, H. Tim- merman, Ferd Ulrich, Louis Ulrich, H. Uhing. ST. CHARLES P. 0O—H. Achelphohl, Chas. Sehueth, jr., Julius Scheuth, M. Schmucker. DODGE P.0.—Frank Chudomelka, Wenzel Krajicek, Frank Karnik, Wenzel F. Mares, Frank Otradoves, Alois Pospishil, Frank Srb, Frank Spindler, John Vogeltanz, Wenzel Wlach. OLEANS P. 0.—Wenzel Dostal, F. Hollub, John Martinek, Frank W. Uher, Peter Vogeltanz, Frank Brazda, Wenzel Bubach, John Bubach, John Behm, Henry Dierksneider, Joseph Dievks- neider, Joseph Dodejs, Conrad Kluthe, Joseph Kline, Frank Korn, Anton Markee, Joseph Pim- per, Jacob Parr, Albert Prucha, Martin Pinker, Schultz Bros., Frank Scalla, John Uher. WISNER P. O.—J. C. Testmal, T. M. Thompson, A. Emley, C. Emley, T. E. Johnson, Frank Heller, J.S. Emley, Henry Leisy, C. EH. Torgerson, K. Bridge, J. M. Case, J. Bringelson, A. Klayiter, Martin Olson, Gilbert Anderson, John Hansen, R. E. Farley, F. Went, A. McGav- ock, J. R. Mansfield, H. B. Hase,J. H. Warren, C. A. Geffriese, August Wolf, H. P. Hase, N. Garden, T. C. Gragam, Wm. Piere, A. Commenz- ing, F. Kaul, C. C. McNish, Albert Johnson, Fred Marx, Carl Karsten, Theodore Haefs, H. N. Johnson, E, W, Wilson, August Schmoldt, Joshua Carmen, James Lupe, Ernst Kumm, J. Arthur, sr., John Giddings, George Maloney, M. Von- Seggern, Chas. J. Kuckuck, Hugh McGill, M. Murray, M. Nielson, Wm. Thies, F. B. Jeanpert, Wm. Wobler, George Pluger, Julius Nielson, H. Scheeman, Amos Kelley, G. A. Buckley, J. Han- sen, Andrew Anderson, Seth Talbot, jr., James R. Wise, J. McGill, J. P. Smith, N. L. Pennfield, J. H. Soden, G. Foster, J. A. Lucas, F. Laase, Theodore Laase, Pat Kane, Chas. Herzberg, G. W. Bainan. M. C. Junk, J. E. Bowden, O. E. Tor- eeson, I. G. Reppert, G. Karlen, J. McNanara, M. MecNanara, John Osby, John Moran, Lane LaFayette. NEBRASKA CITY (c. h.) P. O.—R. Hauk, R. Kirkham, 0. P. Mason, J. H. Overton, N. Over- ton, J. F. Kimmel, L. 8. Holland, L. M. Ells, Job Cassel, Thomas Morton, W..H. Lowe, F. Olke, Geo. Olke, C. Moyer, Cal Chapman, H. Vollman, Nat Adams, J. HE. Casselman, Conklin, H. Pendleton, C. Hanks, T. Hanks, D. Shindler, F. Sim, E. Clayton, Ed Hanlon, Geo. Wright, L. Cook, L. Wells, C..Hauptman, H. Hauptman, J. M. Epler, M. L. Hayward, R. Church, David Beasley, J. McClurg, S. A. Wei- mer, L. W. Lloyd, F. J. Stooker, John Campbell, Wm. Campbell, W. J. Armstrong, Wm. Feidt, F. W. Rodenbrock, F. Heinke, H. H. Bartling, J. Lathrop, Thos. Jackson, L. Eugart, E. Wil- helm, Dan Meyer, W. T. Nicholson, E. A. Platt- ner, John Willman, J. K. Gillman, L. F. DeGette, J. Siche, J. Durr, P. Schinitz, A. J. Pennington, W. E. Kennicott, J. Buchanan, C. H. VanWyck, L. Meyer, T. Sharpe, C. Mallis, Pat Moday, D. M. Anderson. BERLIN P. 0.—H. Hillman, W. H. Ehlers, H. Swinson, J. Whitten, R. Sackley, H. Phillips, H. Amanda, N. Trudo, R. Satterly, H. Corbin, IF. Bose, W. 8. Webber, S. Gray, B. Harmer.“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE : LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR NEE AS leee be ee LBER (c. h.) P. 0.—Robert Kyle, Daniel One TA pe fr Chalaupka, H. Chalaupka, John Bertwell, George Hackett, Chas. Harvey, Levi Anthony, F. Castor, J. H. Grimm, S. S. Al- ley, D. Taylor, Dave Hiatt, C. Hanway, S. Hurod, W. Beech, Carl Sage, E. Hill, W. Wozab, Ed. Ferguson, George Ross, BE. E. McGinter, W. G. Hasting, John Raney, W: Velda, 8S. D. Davis, John Korbel, M. Norton. F. Shabata, J. B. Edson. TOBIAS P. 0.—B. F. Baugher, H. B. Wil- kinson, Geo. Kaup, Jos. Ankney, Jacob Gladman, H. Bucher, John Moram, F. Endorf. WESTERN P. 0.—E. W. Metcalf, J. C. Doam, M. Hyatt, I. Triplett, EH. B. Gipple, (OF Overman, E. Stepens, J. T. Bomford, John Goble, F. M. Redpath, I. Rhine, M. Kilmer, G. Kilmer, Job Mullen, Wm. Ireland. SWANTON P. 0.—L. 0. Wescott, Rev. Caldwell, M. Mallo, J. Loudenstager, Fred Miller, Conrad Miller, H. P. Ramey, L. O. Kent, A. Waldo. DE WITT P. 0.—Marvan Baker, Jos. Suiter, J. J. Pierce, W. P. Granthan, L. H. Palmeter, H. Garton, M. Creig, J. Ellis, L. E. Goodell, F. Shoe- maker, T. N. Whiffen, J. Badman, G. Lake, A. Anderson, F. M. Suiter, Wm. Wild, L. J. Cross. NELSON (c. h.) P. O—Albert Saylor, J. Ritterbush, R. Hollingworth, W. Ratledge, T. S. Shaw, H. W. Short, R. M. Gourlay, Thos. Fickes, J. VanVolin, T. P. Coin, J. M. Hall, 8. L. Hall, H. Wehrman, A. Foulk, Wm. Waechter, P. Conant, Geo. W. Rouse, W. C. Overton, Wm. Hall, Alex. Morgan, Thos. Parrish, N. H. Bickford, Dan Herick, P. R. Williams, R. A. Scheimerhorn, M. L. Fogel, E. Kennedy, P. H. Williamson, Thos. Williams, B. F. Atkisson, W. R. Knapp, B. F. Stone, J. Dunken, J. M. Campbell, J. M. Cook, W. 8B. Crawford, G. G. Smith, M. Polly, Dan. Burd, John Burd, G. W. Peck, B. B. Brown, H. H. Merrill, A. Livingston, A. Downing, E. L. Downing. HARDY P. 0.—J. R. Weimer, R. K. Hill, J. B. Skinner, T. L. Hull, T. C. Morgan, G. Lewel- lyn, O. McDowell, Wm. Publer. HENRIETTA P. O—T.B. Johnston, J. E. McClimans, Wm. N. Garlick, John Dudley, Sam Dudley, Wm. F. Major, A. Curry, Jos. Johnston, colt Johnston, M. A. Hull, HE. 8. Gibson, H. Wil- jams. ORA P. O.—John Kemerer, W. Henby, B. F. Brady, A. Harris, J. S. Stanley, W. McKenney, Lewis Coles, J. KE. Jones, L. J. Whiting. OAK P. O.—D. W. Montgomery, G. D. Foll- mer, L. J. Fletcher, C. C. Fletcher,G. W. Warren, Sam Stunkey, Jas. Moore, Oscar Moore, A. Simon- ton, Job Allen, J. Q. Johnston, Sam Johnston, G. S. Comstock. A. Comstock, C. B. Blush, James Dudley, Noah Dudley, T. R. Shelly, Jos. Shelly, H. H. Brown, R. R. Devoe. Wm. Buck, M. Con- nolly, L. Wagner, E. Henrickson. INMAWN P. 0.—H. G. Cross, Charles Cross, 8. A. Sawyer, M. B. Potter, Day D. Smith. O’NIELL(c.h.) P.O.—T. N.J. Hynes, M. M. Sullivan, J. H. Riggs, Thos. Gallagher, John Mc- Cafferty, John Hecker, John Mann, Henry Col- lory, Ed. Giddings, Ezra Sanders, EK. Moffett, John Hayes, J. P. Andrews, W. Slocum, Ed. Mc- Bride, H. 8. Kinch, E. S. Kelley, B. Wetter, E. Hershiser, Frank Campbell, F. F. Gallagher, T. Birmingham, John O'Neal, C. Hagerty, W. D. Mathews, HK. W. Adams, David Adams, M. P. Kinkaind, W. HE. Adams, Thos. Corton, M. D. Long, D. L. Dorr, Wm. Fallon, Joln Kelly, D. P. Kelley, F. C. Getz, P. J. Phunder, John Trigg, P. Wiregarver, M. Cavenaugh, M. Flanigan, A. H. Corbit, John Green, A. B. Wilcox, J. P. Purcell, Dr. Corrigan, Thos. Wileox, W.S. Spencer, Wm. O’Niel, V. Slocum, W. Morsley, B. F. Roberts, Neil Brennan, M. Tierney, T. V. Golden, Patsy Murphy, J. Kinney, B. Mullen, Michael Mullen, Robert Marsh, James F. Duggin, Neil McNealis James Meagher, John H. Carlson, Joseph Davis, sence on pu ew, Potter, Aaron Potter, Thos. - Gallagher, John Kirwin, George E. Be ye ae Mullen. pies uous N P. 0.—Frank Bitney, J. 8S. Bartley, H. W. Mathews, C. BK. Butler B. r, Snow, Thurlow Wheeler, (. Wheeler, Delos Hale, Henry H. Hills, T. W. Irons. W. A. Fresh- man, P. M. Casady, Martin Devine, John H. Car- son, Henry Haymaker, John H. Noyes, George H. Lutz, C.1. Lambert, S. A. Chambers, Frank Bc) Beebe ae Demmcuh, J. Harris, T, M. Har- ris, George A. Spence, Seymore Scrifter aNTy Honeck, Hiles EhNSeent Ei, p, Bene oe peu ELKTON P. 0.—Jos. Corton, M. Kane, J. T, Kane, R. Crandell, W.S. Miner, M. Dunham, n Bigley, C. Corton. sOeTUART P. 0.—John Skirving, James Skir- ving, W. H. Ketcham, Harry C. Frost, John Car- berry, J. H. Shanks, A. Barnett, John Aegerton, Henry B. Ross, Thos. Cosgrove, John Straker, Joseph Lesher, Johann Kramer, Anton Kramer, Orange Hallock, Walter Gillson, Eugene White- head, L. Ulrich, John C. McGurre, Joseph A. Miller, James M. Taylor. EWING P. 0.—D. L. Cramer, E. S. Butler, Geo. Butler, E. C. Clapp, S. A. Sackett, H. J. Bremers, John A. Wood, Adam Duncan, George Duncan, Allen Cassaday, J. E. West, John Fearse, John Hilton. CAMBRIDGE P. 0O.—S. K. Keyes, T. 8. Carr, George Sayer, Thomas Andrews, C. WV. Knights, E. T. Hardin, W. E. Babcock, Vo th (Ce Bee. Lewis Bee, John Manning, H. H. Allen, J. E. Axtell, James John, J. W. Pickle, G. A. Hob- son, J. H. Cowels, S. D. Harding, W. H. Faling, WILSONVILLE P. O—L. M. Wilson. John Wilson, T. M. Gibson, J. A. Gibson, Carl Wilson, A. F. Rexroad, F. R. Dearborn, G. M. Miller, S. G. Backus, W. W. McGaw, J. B. Me- Gaw, Dr. Shoemaker, Wm. Kelley, C. S. Lambert, C. H. Pierce, F. M. Jamison, Wm. Wixen, I. N. Sears, M. McDonald, E. A. Jenkins, H. Jenkins, H. J. Remington, W. B. Bass, Frank Bass, Henry Rice. LYNDEN P. 0.—Philip Meyers, I. 8. Meyers, A. Hinshaw, Jeff Andre, Win. Bingman, J. W. Eby, J. H. Roberts, Lyman Odell, Jeff McKown, J.T. Mitchell, D. Donahue, James Spraul, Wm. Garner. BEAVER CITY (c. h.) P. O.—T. R. Arm- strong, R. J. Armstrong, J. T. Garner. J. N. Had- ley, M. R. Hadley, J. A. Anniss, P. E. Abel, T. M. Williams, D. H. Lashley, L. Kinsman, W. J. Kinsman, S. B. Mayo, F. J. Mayo, Wm. Morgan, J. Morgan, Chas. Lamb, W. Lupton, Sanpton Lupton, A. J. Garry, Royal Garry, W. B. Packard, E.S. Iman, S. S. Aree, Chance Inman, James Stratton, Robert Ayars, J. J. Ayars, W. D. Leach, A. W. Thornton, C. E. Laverack, J. R. Downing, Clem Campbell. ARAPAHOE P. 0.—T. K. Clark, L. Clute, Enos Clark, Wm. Phelps, Geo. W. Dalton, W. H. Deameed, P. Oatney, R. Gens, G. W. Love, E. N. Allen, Daniel Prince, M. Mitchell. EDISON P. 0.—O. R. Draper, R. H. Rohr, S. L Farmer, Jas. Parmenter. OXFORD P. 0.—J. M. Lee, H. L. Ballard, J. B. Huff, J. G. Stewe, 8.8. Dow, U.S. Town. YORK P. 0.—A. C. Montgomery, F’. Staple- ton, John Beard, D. T. Mooney, Geo. Beck, B. F. Sharp, Daniel Keefe, EK. A. Butterfield, W. ‘T. Dilley, S. W. Pettis, John W. Huff, J. B. Read, John D. Read, Geo. W. Dixon, David Hunter, E. M. Tenney, Phil Beatty, J. 1. Mosbarger, Samuel Wood, Uriah Wendel, 8. M. Kinsey, John Clabby, H. Reader, D. Blood, M. Delamarter, G. Kroker, L. Snow, Wm. Paley, John EH. Tracy, R. D. Book- er, G. A. Smith, John B. Allen, Thos. Pence, J. P. Miller, A. Miller, Wm. H. Reader, D. Wheeler, Albert Reeves, Robert Reeves, N. Steepleton, T. Pence, D. Guartney, D. Fisher, D. Hutchinson, O. Hutchinson, Edward Bates, E. G. Allen. ST. PAUL (c. h.) P. O.—S. Smith, H. Smith, N. J. Paul, J. N. Paul, I. C. Bishop, William E. Ward, David Aleshire, S. F. Keeney, Thomas Maddor, Chauncey Stewart, I. H. Brown, D. OC. Postle, L. J. Ham, Samuel W. Jackson, Mat Wacek, Wm. J. Welsh, B. F. Manuel, W. Gray, James White, Mathew Herbertson, L. H. Harris, Carl Johnson, J. A. Force, J. A. Williams, A. W. Patterson, Z. 1’. Leftwich, Charles H. Thompson, Fred Eddy, Adam Bricker, Geo. W. Leftwich, E. S. Chadwick, A. A. Kendall, Francis Crow, H. G. Mentor, T. K. Parkinson, M. D. Mathews, Chas. Stewart, J. F. Fredericks, W.S. Pastle, W. R. Southard, F. M. Crowell, L. B. Klinginsmith, W. F. Hill, Smith G. Mead, William Terhune, G. W. West, Peter Ahlberg, P. Rooney, George T. Kendall, Wm. E. Freeman, E. E. Thompson, Samuel Bowers, G. W. McMullen. DANNEBROG P. 0.—Peter Jepsen, Frank Hart, James I’. Alling, N. Simonsen, L. Melson, ’ C. M. Robinson, P. M. Hannibal, C. 0. Schlytern, Ber eeeety Johnathan Taylor. . O.--H. T. Ingalls, Joseph Tom: N.S. Duel, Mats Johnson. — be pe. TYNERVILLE P. O—August Zochol, Alonzo Davis, Anton Cera. HASTINGS (c. h.) P. O.—F. M. Adams, A. P. Adams, A. J. Anderson, J. Allott, P. Allen- der, W. Browning, B. Button, Ed Burton, L. A. Boley, George E. Brown, George T. Brown, E. Busby, F. Bruenmgson, H. Bostwick, R. A. Batty, F. D. Benedict, W. HE. Barnes, P. 8. Burger, N. W. Bacon, N. C. Barlow, William Breed, Wm. Brack, Charles Cameron, W. B. Cushing, J. H. Clark, Henry Cook, George Carter, T. M. Clark, N. F. Chamberlin, A. W. Cox, John Cooke, Geo. BE. Cisne, A. L. Clark, J. D. Crans, Bennett-Cox, D. S. Cole, Samuel Chaney, N. F. Damron, J. B. Dallas, W. W. Dungan, C. H. Deitrich, Ephriam Drietzler, W.S. Dickin, David Doty, Chas. Doyen, John W. Davis, G. J. Evans, H. L. Edwards, Jacob Fisher, Emanuel Fist, William Fay, C. Frahm, T. E. Farree, J. H. Fleming, E. S. Fow- ler, J. M. Ferguson, John Gant, William Grosse, J. D. Gorman, Wm. Griffith, L. F. Gould, J. W. Harris, J. R. Hursh, J. E. Hutchinson, R. B. Holmes, L. Hahn, KE. Hull, W. H. Hayden, O. B. Hewett, Samuel Hirsch, Isaac A. Hall, John G. Iddies, C. C. Ingalls. W.C. Jones, M. L. Jorgen- sen, KE. D. Jones, Joseph James, Edward Kennard, Frank Keeser, James C. Kay, Simon Kelly, Wm. Kerr, Chas. Kohe, Jacob Kolb, R. R. Kelly, J. K. McLaughen, Lowman, W. M._ Low- man, W. H. Lanning, C. K. Lawson, Thomas Lee, Herman Lephin, M. K. Lewis, HE. L. Lewis, Abraham Loeb, Aaron May, Geo. Marks, M. M. McGrew, W. R. McCully, George Miller, W. W. Miles, J. V. Mohr, R. R. Morledge, James McWade, H. G. Newsom, O. Oliver, R. W. Oliver, G. H: Pratt, C; Ho Rane, Nano Bratiatetn sages G. G. Palmer, A.J. Palmer, Chris Paulik, P. H. Passy, S. Renfrew, W. C. Ridley, J. H. Scales, Chas. L. Stone, EH. Strout, Moses Stern, W. H. Stock, J. R. Sims, J. D. Stewart, R. V. Shockey, A. H. Sowers, W. Snook, Henry Shedd, F. W. Steinke, H. O. Thatcher, Frank D. Taggart, O. D. Thatcher, A. Tomlinson, George Volland, A. R. VanSickle, A. Veith, John Valentine, Myron Vanfleet, H. M. VanDoran, W. M. Vastine, N. B. Vineyard, John Weingart, W. M. Willis, Samuel Way, Robert Williams, A. M. Work, Jacob Wooster, J. S. Woolbach, E. C. Webster, Geo. F. Work. WAKEFIELD P. 0.—J. W. Agler, O. F. Crane, Levi Dilts, Thos. Fitzsimmons, Isaac Miner, H. A. Moore, A. S. Miner, W. J. Mettin, J. P. Martin, Wm. Meyer, H. 13. Miller, D. D. Moses, Wm. Miller, W. D. Newman, H. Neigenfeind, L. Nurnburger, N. H. Nye, N. P. Nelson, J. B. Norris, John Oleson, N. Orcutt, Jens Nelson, Robert Perin, E. Pipenstock, W. J. Perry, D. C. Patterson, M. J. Root, A. O. Richey, A. H. Rich- ardson, O. Rice, David Rees, L. T. Reed, I. O. Richardson, 8. W. Smith, G. H. Schmur, J. S. Sichler. WAYNE (c. h.) P. O.—L. O. Anderson, John Anderson, Wm. Averel, John Baker, C. C. Bas- tion, J. W. Bogardt, D. Briggs, J. T. Bressler, D. W. Britton, John E. Burnett, N. T. Bennett, Jas. Britton, James Barber, C. C. Bosteder, John Britton, James Bush, Chas. Busby, C. F. Carpen- ter, James Conner, John Conner, A. C. Crocket, George Cross, G. A. Culver, J. P. Culver, B. Cun- ningham, D. Cunningham, W. N. Conover, Wm. Caldwell, James Chase, D. M. Cunningham, A. L. Davis, W. A. Drewliner, E. D. Emerson, Con- rad Frevert, C. A. Fox, George Figgins, J. J. W. Fox, Schuyler Fox, Wm. Frazier, Randall Fra- zier, Eugene Giddings, M. F. Giddings, T. 38. Goss, F. M. Griffith, Charles Grothe, D. Garwood, N. P. Hughes, Wm. House, I. N. Hungerford, phn Honey, W. H. Hamilton, A. L. Houser, J. E. anson, Mathew Haren, T. Hofeld, D. W. C. Hood, W. A. Hunter, W. G. Morley, Enoch Hun- ter, E. L. Hunter, J. W. James, Chas. Johnson, A. M. Jacobs, Eli Jones, J. -W. Jones, H. BE: Ketchem, Anton Klever, James Kelley, N. H. ong, J. N. Lawrence, G. M. Loage, R. L. Lapsley, H. Laman, C. D. Martin, E. Martin, David Shaw, A. Shim, J. M. Strahn, E. A. Sur- ber, N. Schroder, M. B. Stambaugh, Alex. Scott, ee d Steel, R. B. Taylor, Frank Woodall, J. W. ork. HOSKINS P. 0.—Emest Behmer, John Donnor, John Downie. YSTED P. O.—Fred Olsen, Charles Peter- son, Wm. Buier, Jens Bertlesen, Geo. Paulman, John Lauritzen. COTESFIELD P. 0.—Thomas Blanchard, J. M. Parker, Wm. Gillespie, Thomas Parker, M. Corwin.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” sao owas: aronsss arsexore von New Hampshire and New Jersey. NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEWPORT (c. x.) P. O.—Freeman Cutting, Austin Corbin, Lucius Lathrop, Dexter Richards, F. W. Lewis, Geo. E. Dann, Leander F. Dodge, Frank A. Rawson, Amos QO. Woodbury, Moses F. Knowlton, E. L. Putney, Orange Whitney, Wm. Dunton, Charles F. Fletcher, E. T. Sibley, George Whitney, Z. C. Howland, Wm. O. Chapin, A. P. Wellcome, Edward R. Wilkins, D. P. Quimby, Edmond Wheeler, Henry Jenks, S. G. Stowell, Rufus Dudley, S. L. Bowers, Kimball Pollard, George H. Fairbank, Geo. H. Tolles, C. M. Emer- son, Geo. S. Stone, Charles Emerson, Orison Page, Frank Eastman, Ira F. Chandler, Augustus Wylie, Charles P, Everett, S. H. Edes, Carlton Hurd, Isaac Hurd, Harlan Gore, Shepard H. Cut- ting, F. M. Cutting. GRANTHAM P. 0.—Itufus Hall, Joshua D. Hemphill, Chester Walker, Oscar Buswell, Kirk Smith. SPRINGFIELD P. 0.—Charles McDaniels, D. P. Goodhue, Joseph Davis, D. N. Adams, Henry Sanborn. CROYDON P. 0.—Nathan Hall, R. D. Lov- erin, Caleb Loverin, Charles Forehand, Harrison Stockwell, Daniel Ide, Fred Barton, Lemuel P. Cooper, E. Darwin Comings. SUNAPEE P. O—Geo. H. Bartlett, W. C. Sturoc, John P. Knowlton, William C. Stocker, E. R. Boyce, Geo. H. Dana. GOSHEN P..0.--Harvey D. Baker, George O. Lowell, Perkins Trow, George D. Trow. MILL VILLAGE P. 0.—E. H. Carr, Chas. L. Dodge, John Cutts, John V. Gunnison, Elias Pike, Hiram Sholes, Gilbert Ward, Burk Booth, Sullivan George, Charles Newton, Robert Morrill. UNITY P. O.—S. Sleeper, C. Reed Lewis, George Neel, Francis Quimby, Israel P. Breed, Schuyler Breed, Joseph Perkins, Moses Johnson, Uriah Shaw. ACWORTH P. O.—Daniel Slader, Lyman Buswell, Hiram Hayward, B. C. Finley, Winslow Neal, Daniel Warner, A. G. Graham, J. H. Dickey, Joseph Hayward. L N P. O.—John §. Walker, Henry Wiley, Iva P. Smith, Henry Elwell, Thos. Winch. CHARLESTOWN P. O.—N. G. Brooks, George Olcott, Charles Symonds, H. B. Viall, Sam. M. Wood, Lemuel Rogers, Isaac Hodgdon, J. C. Stebbins, Henry Willard, Dexter Bradford, CLAREMONT P. O.—Oscar J. Brown, Geo. H. Farwell, Pomroy Rossiter, Timothy Rossiter, Walter Ainsworth. George H. Stowell, John Ty- ler, Edward J. Tenney, H.-W. Parker, Edwin Vaughan, John Blanchard. ORNISH P. 0.—Chester Pike, William M. Eyarts, Orlando Powers, C. E. Jackson. PLAINFIELD P. 0.—Wm. C. True, Saml. Bean, Alvah Chellis, John T’.. Duncan. WASHINGTON P. 0.—N. O. Lull, Frank Fowler, Charles Frow. DOVER (c. h.) P. 0.—Jos. D. Guppey. M. D. Page, William T. Wentworth, Joseph W. Ben- nett, Charles E. Cate, Samuel C. Hayes, John Clement, John Roberts, Geo. W. Colbath, Elezar Davis, David L. Drew, Nathaniel Eaton, Eben F. Faxon, George 8. Frost, David H. Gage, Moses Gage, George S. Hackett, Leonard Hall, David S. Hanson, Cyrus EK. Hayes, Thomas Henderson, Wilham Hooper, William Horne, Nathaniel Horne, Joseph Kay, John H. Kelby, Cyrus Little- field, Isaac L. Lucas, David F. Meader, Daniel Niles, William F. O’Neal, Eli Page, George W. Page, Joseph T. Peaslee, George RK. Pinkham, Samuel Prescott, Andrew T. Roberts, Simon J. Tarr, John W. Towle, William Penn Tuttle, Thos. Twombly, Daniel Twombly, Frank F. Varney, Isaac Varney, Benjamin F. Vitturn, Jeremiah York. BARRINGTON P. 0-—Charles A. Foss, William Wentworth, Horace DeCater, William H. Young, Samuel Harm, Thos. W. Hale, Har- rison Hale, William E. Waterhouse, George A. Cherley, Hateville Bumford, Charles E. Smith, John Q. A. Swain, John A. Buzzell, Daniel Gear. AMHERST P. 0.—James W. Prince, F. A. Holbrook, John H. Coggin, James I’. Weston. FRANCESTOWN P. 0.—Geo. C. Pettee, Hiram Patch, W. H. Farnum, Abner Woodward. GOFFSTOWN P. 0.—E. C, Shirley, D. A. Parker, John G. Dodge. H COCK P. 0O.—Orland Eaton, Andrew B. Stone, Wm. Robinson, George Sheldon, Joseph Davis, Hiram Fuller, John B. Knight. 2 GREENFIELD P. O.—N. Russell, G. P. Fletcher, George C. Pevey, Douglass D. R. Gould. HILLSBOROUGH P. O—Comelius Cool- edge, Gawn W. Mills, Wm. EK. Gay. HOLLIS P. O—Edward Hardy, Charles B. Richardson, A. J. Turner, Perry Farley. HUDSON P. O.—Kimball Webster, John Gillis, Stephen D. Greeley, John K. Wheeler, Reuben Spalding, Thos. Merrill. MANCHESTER (c. h.j P. O—John C. Ray, Samuel Hall, John P. Moore, Isaac Huse, EK. W. Harrington, Geo. W. Riddle, A. G. Fair- banks, John G. Eaton, A. J. Lane, Waterman Smith, Wm. Shepard, J. A. Weston, Nathan Par- ker, Moody Currier, Danl. W. Lane, Fred Smyth, Isaac N. Riddle, E. M. Topliff, John B. Patterson, Aretas Blood, Jonah Carpenter, J. F. James, N. P. Hunt, Thomas Wheet, D. A. Bunton, E. H. Hobbs, H. D. Corliss, Robert Shirley, A. C. Wal- lace, B. B. Patten, J. K. McQuesten. sAson P. O.—Daniel Goodwin, James Rus- sell. MERRIMACK P. 0.—Wm. T. Parker, John Wheeler, C. A. Harris, Geo. F. Spalding. MILFORD P. 0.—Matthias F. Crosby, Benj. F. Hutchinson, Luke Smith, John Mills, C. C. Shaw, H. Prouty, Frank Chase, Eli C. Burns, Geo. BE. Clarke, John Morrell, D. W. Burns, I. J. Burns, Ezra M. Gay. MT. VERNON P. 0.—T. W. Averill, A. S. Bruce, John Trevitt, C. J. Smith, W. H. Conant. NASHUA (ce. h.) P. O.—Elhott Whitford, Jonn ©. Lund, Charles Lund, Luther A. Roby, Alfred Chase, Oliver Dodge, D. W. King, E. J. Copp, V. C. Gilman, H. D. Woods, Frank Laton, G. A. Ramsdell. WEW BOSTON P. 0.—Neil McLane, Wm. Woodbury, Thomas EH. Knowlton, Henry Hutchin- son. NEW IPSWICH P. 0.—W. A. Preston, Geo. W. Wheeler, Chas. Wheeler, Peter H. Clark. PELHAM P. 0.—John Woodbury, Augustus Berry, W. C. Cutter, A. G. Hobbs. PETERBOROUGH P. O.—A. A. Farns- worth, Wm. Moore, Charles Wilder, Henry K. French, John Wilder, Charles Scott, John R. Mil- ler, Samson Washburn, Sylvester Tenney, R Hatch, Wm. G. Livingston, Daniel Cragin. LE P. 0.—S. W. Edwards, J. KE. Bur- ton, C. P. Hayward, Lewis Howard. NEW JERSEY. SOUTH ORANGE P. O—Moses R. Smith, John W. Woodruff, George W. Taylor, Edgar M. Taylor, Ira C. Killburn, Ira Meeker, Joseph Strieve, Julius Strieve, Lewis Strong, Dick Truman, Abijah Tillon, Daniel W._Tillon, Mahlon Vail, Edward Welsh, Frederick Wilson, Jacob Kranger, Eli Lasher, Abraham Lindsley, Francis Locker, Louis Mattel, Henry W. Nichols, Ira A. Oakley, Thomas O. Conner, Louis Schmidt, Adam Schrimps, Frederick Schutz, Thos. Sharp, Calvin Crowell, John Demont, Thomas Downey, William Elsman, Louis Fowler, Selim Freeman, Conrad Gefken, William Gleim, Joseph Hart, Daniel B. Hedden, Zemas Henderson, John Hogan, Patrick Kangley, Owen Kelley, Thos. Kennedy, Benjamin 3. allard, John Board, Timothy Burnet, David B. Courter, Charles Ve: Andrews, Lewis C. Averre, Benjamin E. Bald- win, Chavles Ball, George Ball. HILTON P. 0.--Aaron Woodruff, George Nenwinger, Edward N. Griffith, Frederick Haus- man, Anthony Hitchcock, Ubrich Bryner, Albert Carmer, William A. Arcularius. BLOOMFIELD P. 0.—William Pangborn, Abraham Walker, Alexander Parsons, Cyrus Parsons, James VanWinkle, David Post, Nixon Peterson, John Peters, John Peters, jr., Albert VanHoughton, Adrian VanHoughton, William Stimis, Robert M. Sigler, Philip Baunn, John Bowman, Henry Campbell, Alfred Cockefair, Jacob Cueman, Andrew Ernest, James Galloway, Jared Garrabraut, John Gearing, Charles Grace- arbor, Aaron H. Kent, Jacob Keisler, John Kier- stead, John M. Lockwood, Thomas Manley, Jacob Miller, Michael Moore, James Mulligan, James Nevins, James Noll, Michael Noll. EAST ORANGE P. 0.—Charles K. Myers, Ernest F. Pierson, James Peck. : BURLINGTON P. Q.—ranklin Woolman, J. Howard Pugh, Nathan Haines, Henry C. Beldin, Caleb G. Ridgway, Stacy Scott, Hdward B. Grubb, Henry 8. Haines, Samuel W. Taylor. CALDWELL P. 0—Thomas T. Speer, Mahlon Speer, John Francisco, George Lane, Robt. Morton, W. H. Condit, M. P. Orane, Dr. Wm. Halsey, M. Randall, B. Francisco, John Stager, P. Jacobus, W. Canfield, James Randall, Isaac Simonson, Geo. H. Hastings, J. Kirshmall, T. C. Sindle, L. I. VanNess, Jacob P. VanNess, Stephen Francisco, Richard Francisco, John Henion, P. S. Pierson, John P. Cole, J. Bush, D. Henieon, A. A. Vanderhoof, B. A. Venderhoof, T. Kanouse, H. B. Cook, H. Francisco, Jas. Manning, C. P. Bardett. VAILSBURG P. 0.—Thos. Kannan, Jacob Kraft, Robert C. Moreland, Herman Schenck, A. Schmidt, Louis Borchers, Joseph Bradberry, Aaron B. Brown, Amos F’. Brown, 8S. Brusting. MONT CLAIR P. 0.—Joseph H. Baldwin, Moses Bartholomew, George Britner, William Courter, Alonzo Crawford, John Heally, Albert E. Munn, Dennis Pierce, Morgan Reilly, John Thompson. MILLBURN P. 0.—S. Kissam, L. S. Lee, Wm. Budd, M. A. Budd, A. Jewell, W. C. Ray- mond, D. Baldwin, I. W. Budd, John F. Maxfield, H. W. Morehouse, A. S. Ross, T. B. Parcill, H. Cox, J. H. Smith, M. Maston, Geo. W. Campbell, C. T. Reynolds, G. H. Roll, E. T. Wittingham, John H. Hobart, Jos. O. Brant, Nelson Brant, J. L. Taylor, W. Thomas, Joseph C. Wallace, Wm. C. Wallace, R. H. Allen, J. Kenny, L. Stern, A. S. Reeves, J. E. Meeker, G. H. Reeves, H. F. Smith, J. S. Denman, L. T, Brookaw, J. B. Drew. LIVINGSTON P. 0.—D. B. Dickinson, W. B. Dickinson, L. S. Crane, HE. F. Condit, Samuel Lees, Wm. Butt, D. Rowe, David Reeve, A. Jewell, Patrick Morris, T. McKeever, A. A. Jacobus, J. Brown, H. D. Reeve, C. Baldwin, A. Rubel, F. Lupas, J. Doyle, J. Sharp, G. Devour, H. H. Miller, Al. Squire, M. P. Squire, Alex. Parmley, A. M. Kent, John Benedotti, John Syl- vandi, J. M. Burnett, S. H. Burnett, G. Hoffman, Wm. Dix, Louis Miller, J. J. Farley, J. Grane, Thomas Peck, George Carter, W. Watson, W. W. Harrison, C. W. Gamble, Ebenezer Tweed, Moses Wright, Wm. Emmons, Wm. Mertinger, Arch Parkhurst, John Ward, Joseph Kent, Aug. B.| Becker, Jos. Conklin, S. Conklin, fra H. Condit, George Petry, A. Morehouse, R. Merry, S. E. Tompkins, J. Blake, W. J. Best, Joseph Cook, W. Davenport. CLINTON P. 0.—T. Burnett, S. J. Meeker, James M. Bruen, Wm. Stockman, John Wills, George W. Cross, Wm. B. Bradner, Nicholas Ollemar, Jacob Skurkle, Chas. W. Harrrison, A. Tichenor, Edward Ely, Moses Baker, Martin Heus, S. Cooper, A. Ochletree, Geo. B. McClain, Daniel Price, Richard W. Parker, Isaac M. Ward, Amos Clark, jr., Samuel Hall, D. W. Richards, Wm. H. Goldsmith, O. Embury, Oliver Halsted, John Sormott, John Hoffman, Simon Frelner, John Kidd, Caleb H. Earle, Silas Merchant, Geo. W. Goff, Jacob Peer. PATERSON (c. h.) P. O—John J. Brown, Edward Bell, James Bell, H. B. Crosby, John Hurdle, Isaac M. Miller, John Hunchcelifte, John W. Romanie, Francis DeWitt Clinton, John Nor- wood, Garret Hobart, Wm. M. Smith, Nathan Bamert, Charles D. Beckwith, Samuel Pope, Chas. Henkee, John Reynolds. PASSAIC P. 0.—Bird W. Spencer, J. E. Stoutenburg, Charles M. Howe, Thomas M. Moore, Wm. F. Gaston, J. Morgan Howe, John A. Fowler, Frederick Soule, Richard Outwater, James Watson, Thomas R. Watson, Frederick Whitehead, G. Nash Morton, George Rittinger, Cornelius VanRiper. CLIFTON P. 0.—George V. DeMott, C. H. Spiner, L. Grosenbacher, Charles Hemeneway, R. A. Westervelt. LITTLE FALLS P. 0.—Timothy Brophy, Robert Beatty, Philip Hayes, Barney Jacobus, James Mullrooney, J. U. Stanley. POMPTON P. 0.—G. P. White, J. R. Rand, John Davis, James Ludlum, W. C. Steel, T. G. Richards, Wm. W. Colfax, W. W. Cox. A. L. DeBow. MANCHESTER P. 0.—Jonathan C. Hop- per, Joel M. Johnson, Peter J. Slui, Jacob G. Berdan, John E. Roe, Jacob J. Zabuskie, John J. Bergen. WEST MILFORD P. 0.—Charles W. Mickens, Joseph L. Cunningham, Martin Je Ryerson, James 8. VanOrden, John H. Sisio, Jas. M. Shipee, Henry Stuble, John Schulster, Joseph M. Utter, Abram Utter, John F. Weaver.“TUR EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” sano ovsnas: avonuss arresox xox New Mexico and Nevada. NEW MEXICO. SAN MIGUEL P. 0.—Deciderio Aguilar, Albino Baca, J. B. Tayet, Felipe Guerin, Lewis T. Granston, Jose Padia, Julio Urtado, Pablo Tapia. LA CINTA P. 0.—Juan Atencio, Reyes Arayon, Julean Baca, Luciano Baca, Francisco C. Baca, James H, Farmer, Francisco Gomez, Jesus Gonzalez, Hibaria Gaicia, Petrolino Lucero, Lean- dro Luceio, Anbrosio Madrid, Jesus M. Prada, Francisco, Salaz, Jose A. Flires, Lorenzo Aberta, jr., Pateo Abajta. ANTON CHICO P. 0.—Anastaceo Rael, Decieno Gallegos, E. Hormberger, Hnay Hays, Grabiel Montano, Juan Marquez, Manano Maestas, Benita Nelson, Juan-Padilla, Francisco Rael, Candelario Rael, Juan Sanches, George Scott, Beinardo Valencia, Julian Valencia, Dave Winternitz. LAS VEGAS (ce. h.) P.0.—John Campbell, George Chavaz, Manuel Delgado, Fred Desmatreis, O. Geofrian, Lorenzo Lopex, Charles Talch, F. Knauer, J. H. Kvogler, John J. Ludi, Joseph Muller, E. F. Mezick, Frank Odgen, Felix Papa, Rev. S. Peisone, M. F. Pauli, D. Perez, J. H. Pon- der, J. Rosenwald, E. Rosenwald, Eugenio Ro- mero, Hilano Rimero, B. J. Marquez, John Rod- gers, Desmaries Deluvina, Charles Blanchard, Chas. Ilfeld, M. Brunswick, M. Salazao, Luis Sulzbacher, G. W. Prichard, Isider Stein, W. H. Schupp, Lewis Lutz, Phillip L. Straus, Henry Stassart, H. C. Monsmier, Ramon Ulibari, Rem- ulo Ulibari, En Uilibari, Jose Baca, Aniceto Baca. LOS ALAMOS P. 0.—Francisco Creespin, Frank William, Theodore Gussion, A. Letcher, Hilano Montoya, Juan A. Montoya, Rosaria Mar- tinez, Roumaldo Martinez, Andies Sena. CHAPERITO P. 0.—Antonio Alarcon, Jose Apodaca, 8. H. Bowman, Apolenia Duran, Abe Goldsmith, Hijinio Lucero, R. J. Hamilton, An- tonio Sena, A. Strauss, J. E. Whitmore. ROCIADA P. 0.—Francisco Bustos, Pedro A. Bustos, G. Jaramillo, Juan Martin, Charles Nihart, John Penderies, Milnor Rudolph, Antonio Sanchez, Jesus Ena Sanchez. SAPELLO P. 0.—Joe. A. Archibeque, T. Apodaca, Manuel Apodaca, Frank Cayort, An- tonio Duvan, Jose Alran Duse, Jacob Folks, A. Forcheque, Henry Gocke, JoseI. Lujan, Teodicia Montoya, Pedro Montoya, Jose I. Pacheco, Flavior Riyval, Decideira Rimero, Felippe F. Salazar, Paula L. Valdez. PUERTO DE LUNA P. 0.—A. Asbiil, Pablo Anaya, Jesus M. Bazan, Cicilio Castillo, Ramon Dodge, John Gihardt, W. B. Giddings, Juan Griego, Kosroki A. Grezela, Jose Griego, P. M. Jones, Jesus Lucero, Antonio Lopez, Lorenzo Labadie, Riman Labadie, Bentura Mestas, A. G. Mills, C. H. Moore, Jose de Murillo, Antonio Montoya, Juan N. Meto, Antonio Meto, James F. Meredith, Antonio Padia, Juan B, Patron, F. W. Page, Gregnrio Sanchez, Andies Saiz, L. P. Tracy. LAS COLONIAS P. 0—Jose M. Baca, Benita Crespin, ‘I’. Demuinguez, A. Gonzalez, W. Holmes, W. Prieto, Luis Rimero, Fred Roath, Crestino Rimero, Minguel Rimero‘ Juan E, Sena, Valentia Ulebari, Ramon Ulebari. SANTA ROSA P. 0O.—Montgomery Bell, Juan M. Blea, Celso Baca, Santiago Gonzalez, Tevdero Gonzalez, Wyman Lot, Placido Baca Willis Spigelburg, James Farmer, Jose Atencio. FORT SUMNER P. 0.—D. Archuleta, H. Cordova, M. Gallegos, Samuel Doss, Luz Max- well, Peter Maxwell, L. Hern, W. H. McBroom, J. Pawley, S. A. Pawley, Anastacio Sena, Taylor Dan, J. H. Teats, E. Wilcox, Thomas Yerby. _CABRA SPRING P. 0.—R. GC. Beggs, San- tiago Blea, L. D. Bernard, Lazan Chavez, A. En- cinias, A. Gonzalez, H. Huneke, M. BE. Kelley Felipe Lopez, W.H. Ling, Vicente Lopez, Ale- jandro Lucero, Pedro Marquez, James Stoneroad Teodecio, Salas, A. J. Witney. : LIBERTY P. 0.—Kemary Ritter, R. Trin- ger, Jose M. Trupillo, Davies Clifton, Pabla Baca yank Baca, “iy Ti: Johnson, W. W. Nelson. A. Martinez. wa HAST LAS VEGAS P. 0.—k. (. Henri- aneZ, a Ht posuthal, Chas. Tame, J. H. Ward, ms Seliman, Jacob Gross, A. M. ackwe Wm. E. Eads, Gareii Eusebio. Bae Reeve WAGON MOUND P. 0.—M. P. Abrew J. C. Baca, O. K. Chittendon, J. J. Schmidt. J. M. Garcia, Neboro Sucero, Blas Lucero, W.’T Marshal, Wm. Pinkerton, A. Tison. : ’ SANTA FE (c. h.) P. O.—T. B. Catrone, W. T. Thornton, Antonio Artiz Y. Salazar, Jesus Maria H. Alarid, Jose B. Ortiz, Miguel Silva, Sabiniano Sena, Urthor Boyle, Epifanior Vijil, J. L. John- son, Alfredo Ireojos, Pedro Delgado, N. B. Laughlin, Siandro Sena, Juan Dsteban Herrera, Adams Grohe, Nicolas Garcia, Vicente Mares, William Berger, Pablo Borrego, Simon Vijil, Rumaldo Sena, Jose A. Lucero, Anasta Lucero, Nestor Sena, Abran Ortiz, George Ortiz, James Donavant, Teodora Martinez, Lorenzo Martinez, Ramon Sena, Miguel Rodrigues, Miguel Sanches, Venseslado Duro, Benito Borrego, E. A. Fisk, Miguel Escudero, Max Frost, R. H. Longwill, John Allan, S. W. Bear, George Hikox, C. H. Gildersleve, T. B. Catron, W. G. Ritch, Romolo Martinez, H. 8. Waldo, P. T. Herlow, C. Myers, Edward Miller, Lorenzo Martinez, Francisco Gar- cio, Victoriano Garcia, Matias Sena, Simon Segura, Jose Maria Martinez, Felipe Delgado. POJUAQUE P. O.—John Bucket, G. J. Shuman, Leman Spiegelberg, W. W. Griffin, F. W. Clancy, L. B. Prince, Jose De Sena, William Breeden, R. J. Palen, Romulo Martinez, R. Thompkins, C. F. A. Fisher, Z. A. Stabb, August Kirshner, Enos Andrews, Vicente Garcia, Fred Schnipple, Rafael Lopez, Mariano Laragoita, Fe- lipe Belgado. MORA (c. h.) P. O.—Pablo Valdez, Martias Martinez, Carpio de Herrera, A. Abeyta, sr., A. Abeyata, jr. J. Doherty, A. Trujillo, James Dough- erty, Luciano Ortego, Wm. Rohmann, Tomas Casoas, Tone Sedoux, Leonor Nolan, Henry Korte, Frank Roy, F: A. Fresgues, Rafel Valdez, J. M. Jager, Chas. Bowmer, John Burch, J. D. Montoya. WATROUS P. 0.—C. W. Wilenstein, M. J. Tipton, M. Calhoun, A. Hallenbeck, Wm. Kroing, Thos Laster, S. A. March, W. H. Moore, T. I. Fritzlen, Wm. Sparks, Rumaldo Salazar, Trindad Lopez, ‘Il’. J. Johnson, I. B. Wassen. OCATE P. 0.—Chas. Fraker, F. Lopez, Pablo Mares, R. P. Strong, Chas. Williams, Santiago Valdez, C. Espinosa, Wm. Tindall. SPRINGER (c. h.) P. O.—J. H. Clouthier, J. I. Valdez, D. A. Clouthier, W. E. Corbett, M. W. Mills, T. O. Boggs, Epifanio Ledoux, Dolores Liberti, J. B. Jacob, W. T. Tompkins, J. A. Williamc, Simon Davis, T. M. Michaels, W. A. Brocksmith, F. A. Luyan, Francis Clutton, Wm. N. King, M. H. Cosley, J.R. Temple, J. S. Taylor, 8. K. Smith. CIMARRON P. 0O—W. M. Chall, B. Chandler. TROYBURGH P. 0.--Oscar Troy, Daniel Troy, J. V. Griego, F. S. Hay, Geo. B. Preston, I. M. Darling, J. L. Daugherty. RATON P. 0.—E. Johnson, J. W. Duyer, W. J. Parker, M. B. Stockton, T. L. Stockton, G. E. Lyons, H. K. IT. Lyons, Albert Shaw, James Shaw, J. E. McKown, E. Codlin, W. J. P. Williams. ELIZABETHTOWN P. 0.—Jas. Scully, John Gallagher, Tim Ring, Martin Gearney. ~— CAPULIEN P. 0.—J. A. Penta, Caracivlo Garcia, F. B. Drew, H. S. Gratz, Henry Young, Daniel Young, M. Kelcher. MADISON P. 0.—M. Devoy, Carlos Cornay, Jackson Tabor, W. A. Barrett, F. D. Wight, Henry White. CHICO SPRINGS P. 0.—J. E. Temple, E. J. Temple UTE CREEK P. 0.--Richmond Jones, N. Sandoval. ELKINS P. 0.—J. Anto Maldex. oh A. J. Young, Pat Lyons. LAKE VALLEY P. 0.—D. B. Bennett, C. Casgroves, Wm. Cotter, Conrad Holtx, F. G. aaee John McLeod, J. M. Grover, Patrick Mc- r] 2 HILLSBORROUGH (c. h.) P. 0.—Charles Gregoria, Geo. Ross, W. S. Hopewell, J. B. Mc- lerson, Wi . eaeEen John Smith, J. F. urdick, H. W. Parker, J. Morris Younes, G. M. Fuller; Nicholus Galler, Ree oe KINGSTON P. O.—Wm. Burns, F. F. Chapman, Moses Thompson, J. P. Parker, B. R, Taylor, A. W. Harris, Geo. W. Holtz, J. M Wilson. LAS POLAMAS P. 0.—Jose M. Apode Thom. Gonzales, W. 8. Hopewell, H. Quen MAT aUcck JO. Summers, Wm. J. Worden. . . O.—W. H. D: Jor- Gs C. Lindman. tae RIDE P. OJ: M. Smith G Turner, H. Westman, Marz Ye 1k We “al James Dalglish, Charles Mvete os Cea Young, NEVADA. FORT McDERMITT P. 0.—Jerry Hearn, Ed Mullaney, John Vance, Jos McColley, Chas McConnell. PARADISE VALLEY P. 0.—C. W HGin- key, C. Kimler, S. B. P. Pierce, E. Silorice, John Bradshaw, Joel Bradshaw, Jas. Byrnes, John Byrnes, Samuel Read, B. Fisher, Chas Nichols, B. F. Riley, H. Holt, D. Abel, John Read, L. Al- exander, W. O’Oneal, Wm. Stock, H. Steward, M. B. Carol, W. Sperry, D. Cathcart, A. Layton. WILLOW POINT P. O0—G. Crutcher, E. W. Crutcher, Ed Lyng, M. Kotchersperger, T. C. Emery, H. Dyer, O. Reil, Asa Moore. GOLCONDA P. O.—P. Anderson, Wm. Gay, John Sibbold, I. Smelser, W. Cusic, T. D. Parkensow, F. Hammona, H. Long. WINNEMUCCA (c.h.) P. O.—G. D. Bliss, Jas. Sloan, W. B. Lodhunter, Pat O'Donnel, John Guthrie, Jo. Thomas, Dick Glanvill, John Water- man, M. E. Bushee, P. Sweeney, Jo. Miller. MILL CITY P. O—Al) Sutherland, Peter H.| Woolcock, Geo. Sutherland, Frank Clark. UNIONVILLE P. 0.—T. W. Brown, Jos. Organ, 8. Strieff, Thos. Rickey. RYE PATCH P. 0.—Marion Howell. LOVELOCK’S P. 0.—Geo. Lovelock, Henry Shies, Jo. Morgan, B. Bastian, Jerry Fenton, H.C. Emmons, A, Westfall, H. Larson, J. Harrison, J. O. Hane, Peter Anker, W. Moore, D. D. Grannis. PIOCHE (c.h.) P. O—Henry Rice, Jas. Rice, D. Y. Alexander, B. Faglini, J. Delmue, Geo. B. Warren, Chas. Lytle, R. Hammond, John Ham- mond, J. Millet, W. C. Glisan, Peter Edwards, John T. Gilmer, Elwood Baley, N. Dupont, John Roeder, A. 8S. Thompson, W. J. Townsend, Frank Walker. BRISTOL P. 0.—S. McAmsh, A.C. Baley, Jas. Lanters, A. Prairie. PANACA P. O.—John B. Atchison, L. Atchison, C. Mathews, Geo. A. Wadsworth, J. A. Wadsworth, A. M. Finnlay, P. Mathews, O. Lee, John Lee, John Wedge, Henry Wedge, D. S. Sparks, Dan Rice, John K. Smith, 8. M. Lee, E. S. Gentry, Wm. Mathews, Morton Neilson. BULLIONVILLE P. 0.—James Bradshaw, J. EK. Coulburn, 8. Kershaw, 8. Keele, John Ker- nan, W. A. Liston, James Pierson, Lewis Sharp, A, C. Yoacham. BUNKERVILLE P. O0.—Edward Bunker, sr.. Edward Bunker, jr., J. W. Crosby, 8. O. Crosby, K. Levit. HIKO P. 0.—James T. Butler, John Castle, J. F. Frenchy, 8. W. Geer, Martin Horton, J McGuffee, Henry Sharp, L. Sterns, Wm. Wilson. MAS P. O.—C. C. Byers, 8S. J. Haris, R. Logan, EH. Martin. CLOVER VALLEY P. O—I. Hamlin. ELKO (c. h.) P. O.—John Ainly, Geo. Ander- son, T. E. Atwell, A. Bixel, James Bram, W Briggs, R. R. Bigelow, J. R. Bradley, A. Bruce, James Clark, Frank Gogswell, Walter Chase, H. Chase, J. C. Crombie, Geo. Crane, Richard Dor- sey, James Davis, James Dewar, Geo. Elmore, Frank Fernald, J. B. Fitch, Sam Gaston, Peter Guldager, H. Green, Thos. Hunter, Wm. Hunter, J.T. Keyser, H. J. Keith, Joseph Lang, G. W. Litton, A. Lowe, M. H. Miller, L. E. Morgan, F. I’. Muller, J. J. Meigs, Mat Mulcehy, Pat McCall, F. M. McPheters, Solon Peck, Wm. Plughoff, Ben Payne, John Payne, Stanley Rigsby, J. H. Rand, Geo. Russell, J. F. Russell, H. M. Reed, Frank Reddell, D. Sale, W. T. Smith, W. R. Stants, W. A. Shepperd, J. M. Taber, P. E. Vore, H. Weiland, J. W. Yowell. DEETH P. 0—Jobhn Atkinson, Ben Arm- strong, W. H. Armstrong, J. W. Black, Thos. Brannen, Ed Goodale, D. Goodale, Enoch Gray, M. Hall, Wm. Henry, D. Mathers, G. W. Monks, James McMullen, Sam McMullen, H. J. Neyland, J. T. Porter, J. Riddell, Wm. Smiley, L. : St. Clair, W. M. Weathers, Henry Williams. HALLECK P. 0.—J. D. Abel, J. J. Camp- bell, J. M. Dorsey, M. Glaser, J. B. Ghen, ©. E. Mayer, H. McCain, Nate Phillips, W. G. Ran- dolph, Joe Scott. TECOMA P. 0.—John Brennan, M. Mce- Cosker. CARLIN P. 0.—Chas. Buckle. M. Callahan, Wm. Carlyle, J. C. Doughty, Wm. Dumphy, Thos. Foster, A. J. Kennedy, A. Lisaac, J. N. Linebarger, H. P. Lightner, J. Marshall,.C. May- nard, Geo. McIntosh, W. R. McConnill, W. H. Perry, G. Pierce, J. A. Palmer, Wm. Todd.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE : LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR N = WZ. ye R Ke LOCKPORT (c. h.) P. 0.—John Hodge, Jesse Peterson, Q. G. Sutliff, A. K. Potter, Nor- man QO. Allen, A. R. Ferguson, Ransom Scott, J. W. Adkins, George W. Weaver, James Jackson, jr., Wm. Blackley, John B. Arnold, H. M. Ashley, 0. E. Moody, W. I. Ransom, Thomas Scoville, Joseph A. Ward, John T. Murray, T. H. Van- Horn, Frank P. Weaver, Wm. McRae, Charles Whitmore, E. Ellis Crosby, James T. Thrall, Jesse Hyman, G. P. Hosmer, Edward Manning, John A. Manchester, A. J. Mansfield, Chas. Keep, |. Mark A. Nichols, A. Holdridge, D. Millar, Am- brose S. Beverly, James O. King, John A. Merritt, William Pierson. CAMBRIA P. 0.—Walter Brockway, Cyrus Baach, Salem Town, Charles Wallaber, Fred Schultz, Henry Taylor. LEWISTON P. 0.—Willard Hopkins, O. P. Scoville, Stephen Powell, Chas. Walker, George Hayward, John Fleming, A. S. Barrister, Chas. Ayer. Wm. Powell, Salem Miller. HICKORY CORNERS P. 0.—E. B. Swift, A. E. VanDusen, Isaac B. Blackman, John Farns- worth, Dwight Gould, Sylvanus G. Campbell. RANSOMVILLE P. 0.—Walter Peterson, David Jeffery, Elton Ransom, 8S. H. Baker, W. D. Crosby, R. Ward. SOMERSET P. 0.—Stephen Houpt, Charles C. Davis, Thomas Jasson, George H. Bradley, Lewis A. Bradley. : ROYALTON P. 0.—John P. Brown, John Hanse, Henry Ernst, Cornelius Ketchum, John Guernsey, Henry Dysinger, Wm. Dinkleberger, Gideon Prish. OLCOTT P. 0.—Phillip Messarall, Adolphus Stout, T. N. Ashford. PEKIN P. 0.—Samuel Kittengor, Samuel Burns, Clifford D. LeVan, David Richardson, Thomas Root, Myron Orton, Hosea Townsend, Albert Flanders. ORANGEPORT P. 0.—Henry Harrington, John S. Maynard, H. H. Bigbee. CHATHAM CENTRE P. 0.—J. J. Van- Volkenburgh, Wm. VanAlystyn, B. K. Hicks, 8. BE. Haner. HILLSDALE P. 0.—Fruland VanDeusen, G. A. Dean, Levi Zeh, Owen Bigsby. MARTINDALE P. 0.—Lyman Miller, D. M. Lockwood, Miller Michael, Charles Hagaman. CLAVERACK P. 0.—Peter 8. Puton, Theo. Lampman, Benjamin S. Misick, Peter Misick, Harmon Miller, John Hammond, Milton Martin, R. W. Rossman, Edward A. Best. HUDSON (c. hk.) P. O.—Jeremiah Tator, Wilson Sagendorph, John W. Sagendorph, John E. Gillett, J. 1. DuBois, S. A. DuBois, J. A. Hal- lenback, John Hall, I. Dunham, Henry Wilson, Fred. W. Jones, Thomas Birridge, Geo. I. Van- Valkenberg, David Crapser, Geo. S. Fowler, Wm. H. Tator. STOCKPORT P. 0.—H. S. Van de Carr, A. R. Ostrom, Jas. A. Hover, Barint VanBurm, J. W. Rossman, Byron Reynolds, Wm. F. Butler, Rossman Philip, Frank Philip, Chas. K. Leggett, William Coons, Nicholas Kittle, George Isbister, H. D. Kittle, William Foland. STOTTVILLE P. 0.—C. H. Stott, jr., Frank H. Stott, Vroman VanRensselaer, Peter Van- Bramu, Andrew Kittle, Walter Lapham, Isaac Van Valkenburg, Edgur Ostrander. KINDERHOOK P. O—John H. Groat, Theodore Snyder, Peter VanAllen, Chas. Palmer, Jacob Cook, Norton Packman, Lewis KE. Fellows, Norman Miller, Lewis E. Morrell, Edward P. VanAlstyne, Edward VanAlstyne, J.S. Harford, William Kilmer, Bartholamew Pruyn, Nicholas W. Hardu, J. Francis Pruyn, J. L. D. VanAllen. NIVERVILLE P. O.—C. E. Gildersleve, Je H. Kingman, Gideon Packman, Jobn Packman, John Raeder, Abner A. New, Jas. A. Reynolds, David Strain. NORTH. CHATHAM P. O.—Edward Mc- Allister, Allen Hand, Bradley Nichols, George lie Kighney, Henry Smith, 0. J. Peck, Homer Kingman. VALATIE P. O—A. B. Gardiner, Sie Eke Talmadge, Henry VanDyck, Cc. H. Housman, Chas. Wild, James Miller, Thos. Shaughness, John Peterson, John Rogers, Abram Hardee, Musick Van Hoesen, M. L. Haner, W. H. Silvernail, Mi- chael Purceil, Martin Glynn, Theodore Nixdorf, Edward Packman. EATON P. 0.—A. W. Morse, Geo. EK. Morse, Thos. E. Grover, H. Stowell, Wm. Lewis, Eby Short, C. A. Stone, Walter Morse, Gardner Morse. LIVINGSTON: P. O—Jacob H. Proper Samuel Shutts, James W. Ham, David Miller. ERMANTOWN P. 0O.—P. W. Rocksfel- e Amasa P. Lasher, Erastus Horn, Chas. H. orn. WEST COPAKE P. 0.—Wm. Dinhart Leonard Wagoner, Zenas Burch. : MORRISVILLE (c. hk.) P. O—L. R. Slocum, Hiram Stone, Sidney Cole, Sumner Gell R.S. Bari, W.H. Stinger, Dr. Dalton. HAMILTON P. O.—Estellus Smith, Carlton Mann, S. Burchard, W. J. Buell, Carlton Rice C. H. Underhill, A. L. Brown, Carlton Mann W. T. Manchester, S. Baker. DE RUYTER P. 0.—Charles H. Maxson, B. S. Burdick, Joseph Best, Benj. Merchant, M. R.| P. D Merchant, G. B. Newitt, E. B. Parsons, Wesley Sherman, D. E. Stillman, Wm. H. Smith. ‘ CHITTENANGO P. O.—F. H. Gates, R. Button, EK. Richardson, E. Pennock, P. Grosebeck. BRIDGEPORT P. 0.—Wm. R. Olcott, A. B. Dunham. EARLVILLE P. O.—Adel Gifford, Leverett Hamilton, Ira Hazzard, Frank Isbell, J. E. Clark, GC. H. Clark, Julius Wightman, O. O. Wells. GEORGETOWN P. 0.—Arial D. Allard, M. D. Allen, Chas. Bliss, N. H. Brown, C. D. Brown, Silas Chapman, Orlando Dalton, Asa Ellis, G. W. Fleteher, John Grassfield, Israel Hawks, W. A. Hare, A. A. Hawks, Geo. Griffith, John Maxon, John B. Morrow, Andrew McCoy, Philo.Parker, John F. Torpy, A. W. Tollotson, Wm. Way. 5 NeDSON P. O0.—Gorman Hughes, Levi T. vreth. MADISON P. 0.—John White, D. Z. Brock- ett, S. Henderson. BOUCKVILLE P. 0.—Joseph Forword, 8. R. Molt. RANDALLSVILLE P. 0.—F. Armstrong, M. N. Campbell, John Harmon. : LEBANON P. 0.—Henry Seymour, L. Bal- lard, Edwin Lewis, Alfred Seymour, Asa Harts- horn, Henry ‘Taylor, Geo. Grosvener. HARTFORD P. O—Levi Arnold, J. H. Deane, Cebra Filch, J. H. Chapman, Andrew Gilchrist, L. G. Maynard, David Sill, Calvin J. Townsend, Charles ‘lownsend. MOOER’S FORKS P. 0.—J. K. Whitney, Jas. A. Hagar, J. J. Francis, S. Cannon. PLATTSBURGH (c. h.) P.O.—A. Williams, 3 M. Need, S. A. Kellogg, G. H. Beckwith, S. D. Boynton, P. Phillips, H. P. Sonway, J. B. Riley, W. Parsons, H. Walworth, W. P. Mones, A. Mc- COOPERSVILLE P. 0.— i GeciccoH aan. P. O.—Robert Wiley, CHAMPLAIN P. 0—C. E. Everest eines aes, Beniamin Moore T. Hoyle, James Averill, jrv., R. J. Clark, John Bigelo ° Mel tea. Uae Tes Dickinson. Beet Noe ’S POINT P. O0.—J. H. Brow C. Dodge, Wm. Turner. eo CHATHAUGAY P. 0.—George D. Boom- 1ower. CHERUBUSCO P. 0.—O. D. Boomhower, J. M. Humphrey, P. Mooney, R. R. Humphrey, S. Sampica, R. G. Hall, A. M. Silver. CHAZY P. 0.—Wm. T. Aldridge, A. W. Fairbanks, John McCurn, H. Hinman, C. Jones, . Denio. WEST eae Pe Cey K. Wood, J. offnagle, Chas. Clark, W. J. Honsinger, EH. J. Wood, Hiram Clark. ue) DANNEMORA P. O—L. Signer, J. Cun- ningham, S. Allen, C. Allen, P. Lafountain. ENBURGH CENTRE P. 0.—John Haughran, 8S. Hammond, W. Carpenter. MOOERS P. 0 —C. H. Bidwell, L. L. Shed- den, J. F. Shedden, H. F. Knapp, I. L. Rock. ALBION (c. h.) P. O.—Stephen Halleck, William Halleck, Hosea M. Gibson, Charles O. Hartwell, John Mattison, Willis P. Loveland George S. Clark, William H. Pendry, Spencer A. Wright, Samuel R. Howes, John W. Ross, Ira M. Hanford, William Hill, Elmer Thompson, El- dridge S. Chester, B. F. Morgan, Jerome Winch, B. M. Lattin, Dennis Densmore, Byron B. Braley, 0. A. Root, Simeon Porter, George 'T. Ward, Wells Porter, Wm. G. Mack, Walter Mattinson. BARRE CENTRE P. 0.—Wu. H. Rogers, Elliott E. Allis, Sylvester Bragg, A. R. Allen, Stephen Kimpton, Oman Evarts. GAINES P. 0.—George Brown, George Mather. CARLTON P. 0.—Benj. S. Wilson, John W. Gilmore, Benj. F. VanCamp, Mather P. God- frey, John Pratt, John W. Bragg. KENDALL P. 0.—Oscar Munn, Simon Van- Geison, Marvin Harris, George W. Bird, Mengo W. Butler, N.S. Bennett. EAST KENDALL P. 0O.—Ira B. Bates Samuel A. Bates, Mahlon Balcom, Gideon T. Randall. HOLLEY P. 0.—Danly D. Sprague, A. L. Salisbury, M. H. McCrillis, J. B. Pierce, Clark S. Cady, Webster E. Howard, Geo. C. Taylor, Abra- ham L. Salisbury, Horace B. Pierce, Marias M. Crillis, John R. Seeley, Dean A. Kurd, Milton C. Hattie, M. Smith, J. Dorgan, J. D. Fitzpatrick, J. | Mill Thompson, James McCarty, P. O’Brien, Charles Vaughan, W. Wilcox, A. M. Platt, J. B. Hagerty, A. M. Warren, E. ©. Low, J. M. Never, A. W. Guibord, M. Sowles, C. E. Edwards, C. 8. Averill, B.C. Baker, E. G. Vogan. PERU P. 0 —Z. A. Morgan, H. E. Heyworth, Geo. P. Halleck, N. Lapham, Thos. W. Day, H. Clark, J. B. White, S. H. Day, E. Arnold, L. Bentley. MORRISONVILLE P. 0.—R. H. Emery, J..Broadwell, W. Hammond, T. Riley, Frank | B Purdy. MORRIS P. 0.—John Elliott, Myran Wag- oner, John Bonne, A. N. Crittenden, John A. Ward, Wm. B. Gilbert, Geo. A. Yates. ONEONTA P. 0.—Wm. H. Conse, Wm. H. Beam, Ransom Mitchell, M. L. Keyes, Fred Wil- cox, E; P. Chapman, W. L. Brown, Henry Bull, A. @. Shaw, I. H. Pride, W. H. Morris, W. M. Potter, O. Fleming. OTEGO P. 0.—Lafayette Root, W.H. Parker, EF. D. Shumway, 8S. 8. Sheldon, John A. Cook. KEESEVILLE P. 0.—R. J. MecNalley, W. H. Beckwith, Chas. Weston, 8. E. Wilcott, E. K. Baber, Chas. Serns, Peter Hewitt. CLINTONVILLE P. 0.—R. J. McCormick, James Sweeney, John Sweeney, James Beardsley, A. M. Edwards, Henry Twait. ALTONA P. 0.—Wm. C. Casey, N. Trom- bly, Chas. Baker. AU SABLE FORKS P. 0.—Joel Dwyer, E. M. Featherston, Hugh O’Brien, M. Quirk, M. Lynch, Geo. Chahoon, Hw. D. Graves, H. Smith, W. J. Gillespie, George Featherston, J. Dacy. BEEKMANTOWN P. 0.—M. V. B. Craig, Frank Shields, Wm. J. Loughran, James Howes, Wm. Rea, James Lewis, Thomas Lavin, Thomas McCaulley, D. W. Marsh, Frank Randall P. J. Leonard, Benjamin Simonds, H. Marshall, D. Spellman, Samuel Craig, Charles Leonard. fills. CLARENDON P. 0.—Charles Lusk, Wim. H. Inman, W. H. H. Goff, F. M. Glidden, Simeon D. Coleman, W. B. Roberts, N. E. Darrow. KNOWLESVILLE P. 0.—O. S. Lewis, Henry S. Ostrander, Henry Axtell, James D. Pow- ell, Harvey Frost, John Bailey, E. J. Potter, 3. | Avery V. Andrews, John Andrews. LYNDONVILLE P. 0.—Henry M. Hard, Henry P. Blood, Peter C. Houseman, George H. Blanchard, George A. Waterbury, Chester F, arry. GENESEO (c. h.) P. 0.—Jas. W.Wadsworth, Wm. A. Wadsworth, William Black, Richard M. Jones, Alexander Huston. AVON P.0.—Aaron Barber, Wm. Clendening, Geo. D. Dover, Matthew Wiard, Jos. A. Dana. LIMA P. 0.--James H. Crouse, Geo. W. Syl- vester, Chas. A. Jackman, J. J. Goodrich. LIVONIA P. 0.—John S$. Beecher, M. F. Linsley, M. F. Gibbs, Iva Patchin. CONESUS CENTRE P. 0.—Amos D. Coe, QS. Edward Hitchcock, Wm. T. Gray, R. Fulton McMillen. SPRINGWATER P. 0.—D. C. Snyder, Nathan Kelloge, Wm. Brewer. EAST GROVELAND P. 0.—John W. Sickly, G. D. Dean, Geo, S. Ewart, James B. Har- rison. DANSVILLE P. 0.—J. B. Morey, Geo. A. Sweet, Hugh McCurdy, James H. Jackson, A. O. Burmee, Geo. Goho, Frank J. Bonner, Nathaniel Covert, Lester B. Faulkner, Geo. Hyland. MT. MORRIS P. 0.—0._D. Lane, Merrick Sheldon, John White, M. H. Mills, Eli White. NUNDA P. 0.—John Banker, H. D. Page, John D. Grimes, Michael Dawling, C. 8. Gilbert, G. D. Passage. HUNTS P. 0.—Javes Beardsley, §. 8. Sto- well, I. A. Nash, W. E. Knibloe, Joel C. Bennett, A. J. Burroughs.rel . | i | | } t 5 ee csp amen “THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE A LAND OWNERS? ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR N VSL Pr R K 8 CORTLAND (c. h.) P. O.—B. A. Benedict, Daniel Brown, Chas. Antisdale, Gilbert Cooper, Chester Calkins, Hector Cowan, J. D. Calkins, De- VerDoran, L. J. Fitzgerald, Krastus Grahum, W. S. Gaylord, Park C. Gilbert, J. L. Gillett, D. H. Gager, Charles Gallagher, W. S. Hatfrield, Geo. W. Hayes, Mason Hatfield, Franklin Hatch, John W. Jones, E. C. Kinney, sames McNish, Riley Niles, D. HE. Kinney, Simon Lucas, Abram Leits, Charles Odell, Daniel Perry, Joseph Price, Lorenzo Rood, A. P. Rowley, F. H. Gears, R. B. Smith, Timothy Smith, John Winter, O. U. Kellogg, Geo. Stevens, Fred Conable, Lyman Watrous. McGRAWVILLE P. 0.—William Alger, John Brown, W. W. Buchanan, Albert Bean, Frank Burlinghame, William Carr, Philo Crane, Samuel Doud, Allen B. Freeman, James Green- wood, N. H. Oesburn, Benjamin Welch. PREBLE P. O.—Seth Aldrich, Marshall Briggs, Adelbert Butler, Geo. Baldwin, G. A: Crotoot, William Carver, J. B. Cummings, Frank J. Collier, James Calvert, John Daly, A. E. Eg- bertson, David Fox, Peter Folts. I. W. Fuller, William Gay, Seth Hobert, J. D. Haynes, John Hilligus, John J. Hollenbeck, Wm. Johnson, E. V. King, James Manchester, G. W. Maycumber, John: O’Niel, George Pelton, Benjamin Roof, Mor- ris Ready, A. H. VanBuskirk, J. R. Van Patten, J. D. &. Woolston. MARATHON P. 0.—Charles Adams, Ed- man Burgess, Walter Brink, John Burk, Hiram K. Booth, C. C. Carley, Albert Carter, Simon Car- ter, A. B. Johnson, Warren Jones, Eugene John- son,Kzra Lathrop, Robert Lee, Patrick Malory, Montgomery DuBois, Myson Pierce, Robert Rooks, Davidson Stanley, Bruce Sheralier, Peck Squires, William L. Tarbel, H. H. Winters. CINCINNATUS P. 0.--James Blanchard, Geo. H. Brown, Albert Briggs, J. B. Boyd, Porter Crittendon, Oliver Cooper, Melvin Cobb, Glover Dwight, Erastus Dalton, Albert Delevan, S.S. Haton, Simon Edwards, Charles Fish, L. P. Fra- lie, Dwight Foster, Reuben Fish, James Harvey, Joseph Harvey, Alden Harrington, Samuel Hop- kins, George Harrington, Daniel Keator, 8. D. Leach, C. J. Mann, Edward Mourin, Judson Mathews, Charles Nichols, George Osgood, Wm. R. Place, A. G. Rockwell, Albert Rice, James Root, Henry A. Smith, M. H. Stoner, C. R. War- ner, Chester White. SCOTT P. 0.—Samuel Childs, Albert Clark, C. D. Crosby, H. C. Cottrell, F. M. Frisbie, Joseph ayes. TAYLOR P. 0—Alfred Bennett, Martin Wise, J. C. Rogers, John Dwight, J. N. Whitney, L. Birdlebough, J. S. Carr, Frank Hawley, J. O Hill, M. O. Pury, William Skinner. UNION VALLEY P. 0—¢. J, Parks, William Angel, Thomas Brooks, Burdette Fuller Walter Brooks, George Miner, SHUSHAN P. 0—Johbn Ackley, Charles Bump, Albert I. Bininger, William Cleveland, A. M. Collins, David Dobbin, Archy Armstrone John Foster, Wm. Groesbeck. rf CAMBRIDGE P. O.—Henry Billings, David Ashton, James Adams, Robert Blair, Isaac W. Brownell, German Brownell, Lewis Coulter, Henry Coulter, Wim. Eldridge, Solomon Fuller, Thomas C. Gifford, J. B. Hanna, Steny Hewett (G. A Amott, John W. Green, Thomas Shiland. SALEM P. 0.--David G. Beebe, Turner § Cleveland, John Coulter, Wm. J. Doig, M. K. Ashton, C. P. Austin, John W. Burnett, Samuel S. Billings, Warren Burch, William Bradford Wm. J. Boyd, | J. Ebenezer Beattie, Danie] Coon, J. Alvin Goodrich, George Liddle. Geer SEN WICH P. O—P. Cowan weorge Ferguson, Henry McHachr: 3oW: ington, George Gimeiren ee a GREENWICH P. O.—Calvin B. Carter, Hor- ton Barber, James Bf. Collins, Simon Crandall Henry L. Heath, Fortunatus Skinner, Job G Sherman, James H. Stewart, Charles B. Safford. Walter G. Stewart, Horton Tefft, Leman Thom )- son, James VanSchaick, Caleb Wright, ee HEBRON P. O.—Samuel Barckley aan, A. Clough, Sanford McNitt, James Bevery. ,_ WHITEHALL P. O.—John P. Adams R KH. Adams, Willard Allen, George H. Buel] ae vey Bartholomew, Phineas Benjamin, Wm 'B yc eman, Robert H. Cook, Nehemiah Collins, F Haley i ie Fish, Elijah Giddings, John Say .J. Johnson, G. W Jackson, W. B. 5 AST MT IIE PT FORT ANN P. O.—Frank Rice, Samuel Phelps, Duane Kingsley, Paul Kehoe, Stephen Infield, Patrick Harden, John W. Barnett, John Hall, Carmi C. Farr, Thadeus Dewey, Edward L. Campbell, R. W. Baker, George Ashley. SANDY HILL P. O—Marshall Andrews, James O. Buck, Wilham Brayton. Seth Devine, Thomas Dunsmore, A. C. Dewey, Elmer Gilbert, David Hall, Isaiah Miller, George Sweet. BALLSTON (c. h.) P. O.—David Atkins, Thomas Anderson, Wm. P. Betts, R. H. Bidwell, Wm. B. Crossman, S. H. Coons, Fred Curtis. Wm. 8. Curtis, John Brown, E. Quackenbush, Amos Hewitt, Henry Boughton, Peter Bellinger, H. C. Bryant, Jos. Clark, Chas. H. Garrison, Josiah Brown, Wm. H. Coon, John Chase, David N. Collamer, Wm. Collamer, Abram Dual, Iva Millard, Horace Phillips. CLIFTON PARK P. 0O.—R. M. Betts, Abram Best, James G. Bently, R. K. Burch. BURNT HILLS P. 0—Samuel Rue, S. Lansing, Hiram G. Miller. CORINTH P. 0.—Alfred Angell, W. B. Ambler, S. E. Burnham, David Carpenter, Hiram Cody, Jos. Dayton, Elijah Ellis, jr., T. D. Kathan, Edward Miner, John Steadman. CHARLTON P. 0.—George Smith, John Skinner, M. D. Callaghan, Martin Smith, Charles Mynderse, Walker J. Cavert, John Sweetmare, Alex. Crane, Wm. B. Cousens, Alex. Davidson. P. O.—Sewell Eddy, Eli Flansburgh, Hiram Grey, Jacob Hunt, Squire Houghton, Henry Hyde, David Johnson, Elliot Lawrence. EDINBURGH P. 0.—Jos. W. Allen, Chas. Brooks, Daniel Barney, Clarence Carley, Stephen Cady, Edgar Edwards, Martin Elliston, Jacob King, J. B. Manning, Thos. Mead, John L. Putnam. GREENFIELD CENTRE P. 0.—J. Boll, Saml. Bailey, A. S. Burdick, R. E. Cronkhite, Robt. Clark, Thos. B. Carroll, R. R. Cole, Wm. Cole, pieonen K. Darrow, Myron Denton, Samuel F. ay. GALWAY P. 0.—Seth Benson, John Banta, M. T. Betts, Justice Brown, Wm. Brown, John Carter, Frederick Foss, Wm. Mead, Robt. Orr, Jas. F, Palmer, Edward Vines. HALEMOON P. 0.—John F. Calkins, John Carpenter, Daniel Dunham, Thomas Flagler, P. T. Kirby, N. Philo, Wm. H. Sickler, Stephen Smith, C. P. Wilson. WEST MILTON P. 0.—C. H. Arnold, E. P. Adams, Edwin Kendall, Hamilton Perry. MORIAH P. 0.—John Andrus, Henry Brack- ett, Byron Barnes, Howland Fish, Wm. H. Jackobie, S. V. Mott, Sandford Olmstead, Ira Palmer, John Palmer, Geo. W. Smith. NORTHUMBERLAND P. 0.—James H. Deyoe, D. H. Deyoe, Jas. H. Dillingham, Jas, A. Fake, T. S. Fuller, Geo. Hunter, Geo, Hartwell, Alonzo Johnson, Geo. Lansing, John Marshall. STILLWATER P. 0.—S. E. Anthony, T. P. Arnold, Wm. H. Blood, Reuben Britian, Perry M. Baggs, Alvin Bidwell, John T. Baker, Wm. P. Curtis, John C, Cooper, Perry Cangdon, S. Carle- ton, Chester Denton, 8. Dunham, Wm. W. Ks- mond, John Farley, jr., David B. Flagler, SARATOGO SPRINGS P. 0.—James B. Bailey, George W. Bennett, Perry Baker, Hiram Cramer, M. I’. Caldwell, Edward H. Fitch, John Fuller, Edward Griftin, J. P. Howland, John Me- Bride. ANGELICA (c. h.) P. 0.—Timothy Gregory, Jno. Holl, J. Henderson, Danford Morse, Mathew Lyttle, Seth Oaks, D. W. Phippen, George San- eae on We Thompson Shuart. N P. 0.—Watson Gray, Fr: Walker. H.B. Burt, Sree vats ALMOND P. 0.—A. D. Barber, Geo. Bab- cock, eetee purcicks ra C. Colburn, Frank ough, Eri Haskins, J. B. Gibbs, jr., Isaac Hel- mer, D. C. Hopkins. : Sree CANASERAGA P. O.—Sidney Alvord, Jno. Anderson, W. B. Brown, Samuel Baily, William Carney, Dexter Dimick, J. B. Hadley, Oscar Marvin, James Pendergast, Chas. Smith. BELFAST P. 0.W. W Byrns, Gilbert Babcock, Jacob Chalker, Israel Chamberlain, A. Kmery, John B. Ford, Henry Wilson, W.B. Ren- wick, EK. Warner, M. L. Brainard. CANEADEA P. O.—George Turner, O. H. Thompson, l'hos.. Malony, Geo. Cole. MEL P. ORA O.—Enoch Stepl .—E phens, A. L. Vasturg, Fred Barber, Dell Bennett, Theodore Lansing. BIRDSALL P. O0.—Maning Arnold, John Conners, J. D. Carpenter, John Carpenter, P. C. Doud, A. Gillis, Asa Helm, John B. Riley, James Tracy, A. Doolittle. HOUGHTON P. O.—Harvey Tucker, L. C. Clement, Alonzo Thayer. RUSHFORD P. O.—A. J. Lyon, C. B. Ken- dall, Frank Howard, Webster Hardy, Wesley Gordon, George Farwell, Columbus Ely, C. C. Colburn, W. W. Bush, W. H. Benson, S. .A. Hardy, H. B. Persons. HUME P. O—O. Buell, O. M. Benjamin, D. Hubbard, Geo. Moore, J. M. Paul. FILLMORE P. O.—Jobn Caldwell, Wm. Foote, C. K. Farnsworth, J. D. Hammon, Daniel Evans. SCIO P. 0O.—W. H. Browning, W. Q. Brown- ing, David Allen, Wm. Classer, Sampson Cline, J. M. Thomas, Bradley Knight, Thos. F. Major, Chas. Peterson. WEST ALMOND P. O—Walter Knight, Walter Karr, Waterman Jones, John Ives, Mar- shall Dean, Henry Dean, Simon Blin, W. B Welch, George Watson. BELMONT (c. h.)P. O.—P. P. Lilons, D.S. Lamphear, Geo. Lewis, J. Dean, Henry Weir, Al- fred Morton, Boswell Noble, Henry Boston, Tyler Sortore, Vorhees Sortore. ANDOVER P. 0.—John Deming, Anthony Dean, M. A. Hann, W. B. Hall, Wm. Jones, Stephen Hough, Thos. McGarth, Martin O’Brien, Thomas Perkins, Delos Remington, Levi F. Rogers. CUBA P. O.—George Amsden, Wm. Brown, Edwin Bebee, Wm. Campbell, Quincy Chamber- lain, John Hamilton, John Ingalls, C. H. Morgan, John Ormiston, Tobias Snider. WELLSVILLE P. O—C. F. Clemens, Jacob Arnold, Riley Cole, Alson Crowner, John Crowner, John M. Dayton, John Gorman, Erastus Leonard. BOLIVAR P. O.—Wilkrd Palmer, Oliver Penfield, Prosper Miller, I. H. Mourhess, Myron Kilmer, Ezekiel Griffith, M. W. Finch, Gilbert Chapell. CENTREVILLE P. 0.—George Barber, E. EK. Barnum, Henry Powell, Richard Owens, Nelson Merwin. BINGHAMPTON (c. h.)P. O—J. Johnson, Lewis J. Baird, Frederick W. Stone, Sylvester Whitaker, James C. Fruman, Osmond O. Smith, Henry Page, William Murphy, Abram R. Park, William H. Allen, Charles M. Bliss, Jabez Newell, Ransom Turrell. CHENANGO FORKS P. 0.—Walter B. Pierce, Eugene Potter. WHITNEY’S POINT P. 0.—Edgar Ful- ler, Richard Parker, Orsemus Phelps, CENTRE VILLAGE . O—Abram Becker, Joseph Comstock, S. F. Estes, S. J. Skinner. HARPERSVILLE P. 0.—E. N. Kelley, Frank Lovejoy, M. O. Marsh. PORT CRANE P. O.—Robert Lewis, Sen- eca Sheare, Henry Hodgkiel, James Amsbery. KIRKWOOD P. 0.—Manfard Weed, Frank Langdon, Alberto C. Vail. CENTRE LISLE P. O—Franklin Bure- hardt, Nathan O. Benedict, Robert Forbes, I. N. Leet, Harry J. Wattles. MAINE P. O.—John J. Allen, Bradley Lewis, H.H. Dayton, Myron Fitch, Oren Holden. UNION CENTRE P. 0.—Jas. W. Bailey, Thos. Cartright, Abner Willis, B. H. Smith. NORTH SANDFORD P. O—John Latham, Wesson Mosher, Samuel Bilby, Wm. M. Gregory. DEPOSIT P. 0.—James M. Fletcher, Chas. H. Stiles, Alvin Deveraux, M. G. Y. Valentine, Henry W. Bixby. UNION P. 0.—W. H. Luce, Chancellor Bar- ton, Jobn Cary, John Brink. HOOPER P. 0.—Lyman Buck, J. F. Dun- ning, James L. Roberts, John H. Sayer. VESTAL P. 0.—Abram Winans, James Olnstead, H. W. Peabody, John Dubois, Theo. Randle, Washington I. Weed, Freeman Corey. WINDSOR P. 0.—Myron Phelps, A. P. Hupman, William Vail, Eri Kent, Harlem A. Pease, Benj. F. Compstock, Alvin Edwards. MOHAWK P. 0.—J. W. Devendorf, 0. W. Bronson, H. D. Alexander, HERKIMER (c. h.) P. 0.—S. W. Stinson, D. M. Devendorf, Henry Bellinger, Cyrus Kay, H, J. Hildreth, John Small, Adam Dager, M. W. Rashbach,“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE ‘ LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR Neriun @Atrolime: SALISBURY (c. h.) P. O.—S. R. Harrison, J.R. Crawford, A. L. Johnson, J. S. M. Cubbins, M. L. Holmes, R. J. Holmes, M. L. Bean, Col. P, L. Hulig, Wm. Smithdeal, C. ‘I’. Bernhordt, Geo. Mowry, M. M. Bailey, D. A. Atwell, O. W. Atwell, D. R. Julean, B. F. Fraley, W.T. Thomp- son, H. C. Bast, J. B. Fourd, J. D. Gaskiel, J. H. Verble, S. H. Wiley, Wm. Murdock, O. D. Davis, R. M. Davis, Robert Murphy, Burt Lud- wick, Wm. Owens, 8. F’. Lord, J. B. Lamir, H. T. Frantham, Dr. John Whitehead, E. R. Dorset, Wm. Harrison, C. H. McKenzie, T. J. Mercuy, P. P. Mercuy, Ed Shooer, R. J. West, W. H. Horah. A. M. Brown, Luke Blockum, John Beard, 8. W. Cole, Alex. Tait, Henry Chilson, W. C. Blockum, R. V. Lanir, J. A. Fisher, Alex. Peeler, John Rusher, Henry Heeley, Abe Glover, Alex. Brown, Henry Brown, N. R. Windsor, J. A. Hedrick, Jno. Julean, Joseph Brown, W. Ry Fraley, Abner Hall, Wm. W. Reid, J. Y. Rice, Philip Sours, D. A. Goodman, N. C. Wyatt, Wm. Barker. BEAR POPLAR P. 0.—Jesse W, Miller, W. L. Kestler, N. H. Neely, John Houston, P. M. Brown, G. H. Brown, Robert Knoz, Wm. Posten, N. F. Hall. SOUTH RIVER P. 0.—W. L. Cump, G. W. Fowler, J. A. Hudson, J. M. Monroe, H. Fisher, P. T. Monroe, J. C. Foord, John Lindsay. MT. VERNON P.0.—David Fleming, N. N. Fleming, J. A. McCubbins, E. P. Hall, William Carson, W. A. Luckey, Eli Poulas, John Carson, Andrew Fleming, James Laurence, A. A. Hart, W. G. Watson, J. D. Johnson, Alex File, R. Culbertson, Dr. J. G. Ramsay, John Steele. MILL BRIDGE P. 0.—S. A. Sloan, John Sloan, S. V. Cain, J. M. Harrison, W. A. Houck, SN. Wilson, James Parker, John Turner, John Irvin, T. J. McCubbins. GOLD HILL P. 0.—L. W. Coleman, F. H. Manny, A. W. Klutz, E. Manny, John Jenkins. CHINA GROVE P. 0.—Frank Patterson, John Rodgers, R. W. Seckler, John Deator, John Freeze, Solomon Ritchy, Alf Klutz, John Russell, Caleb Lipe, Wm. Lipe. GREENBACK P. O0—Horace Palmer, W. C. Drake, J. R. Palmer, W. 8S. Bell. METATLIA P. O—J. C. Gardner, F. P. Gardner, W. H. Palmer, Paul Palmer, J. W. Stewart, Lewis E. Scoggins, Jas. C. Robinson, Wm. P. Rodwell. OARMVhai P.O WU Davis, Wak: Rodwell, Rev. L. C. Perkinson, W. H. Nicholson, Thomas D. Rodwell, Gid Nicholson, S. J. Ells, John Ellis, John E. Mitchell, Henry Shearin, Peter F. King, Henry D. Milan, William Finch, G. R. Scoggins, Frank McFitts, Charlie Cole, Ransom Felts, John R. Felts, Dr. R. 8. F. Peete, David Hicks, Wm. White. ; WARREN PLAINS P. 0.—Willy Davis, John G. Drake, Henry Thompson, Ben Thomp- son, Billy Curl, Stepen Daniel, Billy Powell, A. 8. Webb, John Hundiey, Sharper Tucker, Billy Terrell, Adam Wilker, Charlie Cook, Emett Collins. RIDGEWAY P. 0.—B. M. Collins, John Scott, Jim Scott, John L. Robinson, J. H. May- field, Charlie Walker, James T. Russell. MACON P. 0.—W. G. Egerton, William Brown, Walter Egerton, Samuel Bobbitte, Joe Bobbitte, Henry A. Foote, George A. Foote, John M. Brane, Richard Bobbitte. CRURCHILL P. O—W. T._ Coleman, Winfeld S. Gardner, Joseph Shearin, F. T. Bur- rows, John Blalock. WARRENTON (c. kh.) P. O.—John Watson, Jacob Parker, B. F. Long, W. J. White, Henry A. Boyd, MANTEO (c. h.) P. O.—Chester_ Dough, Ashley Dough, George W. Creef, Daniel Meekins, Elisha Griffin, J. M. Gray, J. M. Ward, Frank Meckens, William Forbs, John W. Evans, W. T. Brinkley, Charley P. Meekens, Charles Midgett, G. B. Bliven, T.'T. Tolar, M. L. Midgett, Benj. Creef, James Howard, Somers C. Baum, Samuel M. Baum, Spencer Hooker, L. J. Pugh, W. st. Pugh, Samuel D. Hooker, A. M. Etheridge, Mann Midgett, L. Cudworth, Avery Daniel, Tan- ton Fulcher, Samuel Davis, Spencer Davis, Moses 1). Lane, T. T. Tillitt, W. T. Cahoon, W. S. Hooker, B. I. Daniel, C. S. Daniel, J. G. Tullitt, W. L. Meekins, M. C. Pugh, 8. B. Forbes, Pe Gs Gallop, T. W. Daniel, Stuart Daniels, J. T. Gar- rison, W. J. W. Daniel, George C. Daniel, M. C. Mounticue, Spencer Daniel, John R. Ancil, Chas. Green, Jefferson Hayman. MANN’S HARBOR P. 0.Samuel B. Tillitt, Wilson Mann, John Midgett, William R. Mann, Samuel E. Mann, Thomas Walker, Berket Gard, Thomas Gard, Samuel Mann, Thomas E. Mann, Avery Tillitt, Willis Tillitt, Wm. Mann, Daniel Hayman. NORWOOD P. 0.—G. T. Dunlap, Eli Lentz, Wm. Manor, D. N. Bennett, Eli Shankle, James Parker, Gus Manor, Ed DeBerry, Eli Sworingen, Eben Lowder, Tom Snuggs, Sidney Smith, Frank Shankle, Wm. Thompson, George Thompson, Ed Almond, Monroe Palmer. ALBEMARLE P. O—T.S. Carter, Henry Lowder, T. A. Lowder, Hiram Williams, Daniel Lowder, B. H. Carter, Davidson Tolbert, A. G. Calloway, W.S. Ingram, Dave Milton, J. I. Kirk, Tom Kirk, Frank Bell, Joseph Pickler. : PALMERVILLE P. O—Morton Rush, John Palmer, Pearson Palmer, G. W. Lowder, Adam Kirk. BILESVILLE P. O.--M. §. Parker, John Ivy, D. W. F. Kendall, Henry Kendall, V. Manny, William Biles, D. F. Moss. ROCK HOLE P. 0.—G. W.Corwell, Cicero Harris, Dan Corwell, ©. H. Brooks, Isaac Callo- way, Gus Miller, Rich Miller. COPAL GROVE P. O.—Alex. Palmer, Daniel Blyler, Caleb Lefler, Neill Lefler, P. P. Sell, Caleb Moose, Wm. Berringer, Hampton Hearne, John Underwood, D. M. Ritchie, Morvel Ritchie, Howell Horwood, Adam Lipe. PLY LER P. O.—James Mason, Dan Lowder, Daniel Hattey, Isaac Shre, Eph Emdy, Cape Hattey, Gibson Hattey, T. N. Greene, Rufus Deller: H. A. Lowder, Eben Lowder, Ranson Endy, W. R. Endy. LOCUST LEVEL P. 0.—W. R. Hortsell J. P. Hortsell, Mike Dry, John Borbee, Ed Smith, Eli Osborne, Joshua Brooks, Tom Tucker, Levi Tucker, A. A. Lambert. BIG LICK P. 0.—W. M. Horwood, Ezezial Brooks, C. J. Soler, Lee Furn, Jesse Gilbert, B. f. Whittey, Columbus Whittey, D. S. Morgan, Jas. A. Tucker, Jacob Hartwell, Allen Burris, R. ELE Griffin, S. C. Little, Jonah Love, Wm. McLester, W. P. Boone, John Brooks, Wm. Brooks. BLOOMINGTON P. 0.—Ransom Furr, W. E. Furr, R. A. Almonds, John Furr, Tom Tucker, L. T. Tucker, George E. Moore, Eli Herrin, Dock Mottey, A. A. Smith, Solomon Burris, Wm. Bur- leyson, D. J. Russell. WHITLEY P.O—Mark Underwood, J. A. Moody, Calvin Smith, John Holt, Dave Poplin, J. S. Efird. COTTONVILLE P. 0—Wm. Crump, C. W. West, John Crump, John Smith, Wm. Wat- kins, W. R. McSwain, James Wilkerson, Allen Hill, John Biler, West Simpson, J. A, Link. BETHLEHEM P. 0.—A. B. Adkins, Dr. R. P. Thomas, John Simons, Dorsey Taylor, J Slaughter, A. J. Downs, Henry Simmons, Sam Simmons, John W. Moore. ; HARRELLSVILLE P. O.—N. L. Collins, James Hollomon, Frank Evans, George Valentine, George Baker, J. T. Williams, O. T. Williams, J. M. Rowell, C. L. Sharp, Dr. Adner Askew, John Sharp, Starkey Sharp, G. M. Mathews, Nicholas Harrell, Watson Winbome, Wm. Drowning, Ss. D. Newsom, Horatio Hays, Lafayette Taylor, M. Howell, J. M. Jones, Q. T. Copeland, W. F. Durfey, W. EF. Jones, J. M. Evans. __ WINTON (c. h.) P. 0.—C. Pierce, Tee Frison, Wm. Kiff, King Parker, Jno. F. Newsom. DALTON P. O.—S. M. Goff, H. C. Coe, Sake Coe, D. N. Dalton, J. F. Dalton, J. M. Rutledge, J.T. Wall. J. W. Wall, W. H. Watts, W. M. Watts. A. Edward, J. M. Edwards, J. B. Snider, W. Snider, W. D. Fulk, R. G. Fulk, J. M. Eaton, QT Bdwards, A. T. Edwards, J. H. Harris, M. Harris, L. F. Meadows, J. J. Stone, Wm. Stone, Martin Wall. CULLER P. 0.—E. W, Culler, Jacob Spain- hower, Henry Spainhower, James George, Cala- way Savage, David Kallum, W. O. Jackson, J. D. Jackson, I. J. King, Wm. King. DANBURY (c. h.) P. 0.—W. W. McCan- less, W. V. McCanless, A. H. Joyce, W. W. King, L. F. Smith, J. A. Pepper, N. A. Pepper, N. A. Martin, R. B. Gleens, J. H. Covington, John Alley, Joe Hartman. fe GERMANTON P. 0.—Wilham Campbell, Wm. Chaffin, W. HE. Willis, eanly: Burchfield, M. V. Tuttle, L. H. Hill, J. N. Tuttle, A. Morris, J. EF. Poindexter, B. F. Bynam, A. J. Martin, Gid. White, T. H. Bain, P. H. Hill. WALNUT COVE P. 0.—Dr. W. A. Lash Dr. A. G. Jones, Peter Hairston, Wm. Gentry, g. H. Adams, I. W. Lasby, Henry Burton, Benj. Bailey, M. R. Banner, Cabble Harrison, Y. B. Davis, Philip Davis, Spencer Isom, John Marshall, J. M. Linville, Boney Gibson, Perry Tayler, W. C. Mathews, J. L. Redman, Franklin Redman, W. B. Vaughn, 8. H. Gentry. FIVE FORKS P. 0.—Frank Pulliam, Jas. Chiplin, G. G. Biler, J. C. Newsom, Wm. New- som, HE. Grabbs, Samuel Shaub, A. Wagoner. John Pulliam, H. T. Newsom, 2 DILLARD P. 0—G. H. Mitchell, Charles Lasley, M. T. Mitchell, Benj. Mitchell, W. J. Hammons, Franklin Dunlap. RED SHOALS P. 0.—J. W. Pitzer, J. W. Davis, W. McNaulley, A. J. Smith, George Dunlap. PRESTONVILLE P. 0.—J. N. T. Martin Samuel Martin, Robert Wall, Sam Wall, J. C Gann, John Martin, S. M. Ward, Owen Joyce, John Hawkins. SANDY RIDGE P. 0.—Samuel Amos, 0. H. Simmons, John A. Martin, Richard Martin, J. H. Ellington, Brice Tilley, Z. S. Alley, Peter Scales, Joe Scales. FRANCISCO P. 0.—R. W. George, Jesse George, Sam Hughes, J. M. Flippin, James G. Martin, W. Francis, W. T. Collins, James Leak. : WESTFIELD P. O.—J. L. Smith, J. A. Tilley, A. Tilley, Samuel Jessup, J. E. Simmons, Thomas Christian, E. Y. Payn. SLATE P. 0.—William Slate, Drew Boyler, Albert Boyler, P. O. Bennett, A. E. Smith, W. L. Smith, Alex. Boyler. PINE HALL P. O.—L. W. Anderson, W. B. Carter, T. F. Carter, J. Blackburn, William Chisman, J. C. Flynn. ELKO P. 0.—James Pierson, Gideon Martin, David Hall, Amer Tilley, G. W. Merrett. FAIR PLAY P. O—J. W. Lawson, Mose Lawson, Wm. Campbell, P. W. Robertson, J. Robertson, Arch Fry, W. H. Hall, W. T. Bohan- nan, J. R. Jewell, James Lawson. TROY (c. h.) P. O.—C. C. Wade, I. M. Dea- tin, Allen Jordan, S. J. Smitherman, Rey. D. Wright, Rey. James Jordan, J. L. James, R. W. Jordan,, EB. D. Husley, C. 8. Monroe, B. P. Marsh, A. R. Morris, D. F. Morris, W. M. Atkins, T. B. Blake, N. M. Blake, H. F. Blake, H. Slack, A. R. Covington, W. H. Ellis, Willis Freeman, W. F. Wooly, D. B. Batton, T. B. Benton, F. M. W ar- ner, W. A. Simmons, O. A. Hurley, J. A. Jerome, M. B. Lussite. MT. GILEAD P. 0.—W.S. Ingram, T. C. Ingram, R. H. Skeen, F. McAuley, J. A. McAuley, D. H. Cook, L. P. Byrd, I. M. Byrd, C. K. Wat- kins, E. T. R. Livingston, M. Lilly, Jeff. Benton, T. I’, Moore, G. W. McAuly. PEKIN P. 0.—W. W. Haily, D. C. Baldwin, 3 * Kes He tumer, Pat: Kerans, ©. Crouch, J. B. Ew- ing, R. T. Rush, R. T. Steele, R. J. Steele, J. PR. Skinner, J. I’. Jenkins, Martin Thompson, D. A. Thompson. HUNSUCKER’S STORE P. 0.—Joseph Deaton, Levi Deaton, I. M. Wright, A. Leach, iP L. Shambureger, J. L. Stewart, J. H. Allen, W. Rt. Freeman, ©. E. Harper, J. L. Hull, T. A. Leach, J.|J. F. Wright, A. G. Hurley. SULPHUR SPRINGS P. 0.—S. T. Usher, J. B. Usher, D. I. Ewing, J. A. Ewing, D. A. Clark, E. D. McColum, L. Brewer. RIDGE’S CREEK P. 0.—A. Wright, J. B. Wright, J. I. Blake, Ken. McIntyre, W. F. Gillis, R. B. Munn, C. I. Benton, R. Green, Eli Green, W. L. James. ELDORADO P. 0.—A. L. Henderson, N. M. Thayre, L. M. Russell, J. M. Tucker, S. R. Coggin, J. G. Henderson, I. G. Morgan. BAYBOROUGH (ce. h.) P. 0.—N. F. West, J. 8. Riggs, John Riggs, Barney Tingle, Amos Cowell, Henay Cowell, J. A. Lupton, De Ave Hough, Wm. T. Hough, C. W. Miller, L. Miller, J. B. Turner, Henry Armstrong, W. KR. Hooker, Joab Rice, Wm. Hooker, Jas. Miller, D. Hunings, H. W. Ipock, Wm. Muse, 8. Sawyer, B. Nobles, Geo. Tindell, Thos. Miller, Festus Miller, John Hooker, N. Ipock, John Carawan, D. Ireland, I. Ireland, Jas. Belangia, H. H. Dowdy, Jas. Jewell, D. B. Hooker, N. Hooker, S. W. Hudnel, I. W. Miller, M. J. Hodges, J. W. Stilley, C. M. Bab- pitt, J. B. Quick, J. F. Sawyer, John Tingle, D. Tingle, J. H. Daw, C. Swan, F. E. Ives, J. M. Weskett, Jos. Furlaw, Andrew Flowers.“THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE . LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR © et I ): KARLE P. 0.—Jos. Shultz, D. B. Stewart, Jos. Trysier, Jno. llalp, Samuel Sherrin, John Metzgar, Jno. Lattanner, Dayid Trysler, Jos.C. Trsyler, Geo: W. Dick, Jacob Andrew, Wilson Andrew, William Douglas, Geo. Hoskinson, Frank Starr, Geo. A. Burns,Andrew Scott, Geo. Dorshimer, E. H. Brown, Jacob Gilcher, Jason Crow, sr., Jesse Leonard, D.F. Feighuer. PULASKI P. O.—M. L. Mason, A. Scritch- field, Geo. Lindsay, Samuel Lindsay, Amos Mar- kel, Jonathan Markel, J. M Hester, H. H. Hes- ter, N. Ames, Thos. Shankster, Daniel Wine- land. BRYAN (c.4.) P.O .--Oscar Eaton, A.J .Tress- ler, Samuel Kemble, David Morrow, Samuel K. Swisher, O. J. Rotsel, P. 8. Gorlow, Hon.S E. Blakeslee, Hon. A. M. Pratt, Hon. Solomon Joloson, Geo. W. Hopkins, B. R. Willett, E. G. Fay, D.C.Baxter. Geo. W. Myers, J- J .Bucklew, R. A. Scott, S. IT. Martin, J.J.Martin, Geo.E. Long, Jas. Paul, W.H. Long, Dr. J. W. Riggs. WEST UNITY P.O.—Geo. Rings, E.G. Den- man, David Holizberg, Wm. Swisher, David Burns, G. E. Kunkle, Samuel Shultz, T. C. Chandler, R.P. Hollington. STRYKER P. O.—John Sloan, Peter Puget, Peter Charpidt, B.F. Kniffin, John Rumsey, A. E.Silvernail, C. Chappins. KUNKLE P. 0.—H.S. Kunkle, Philip Stiv- ing, Peler Stiving, Geo. Stiving, Levi Eberly. MONTPELIER P. O.—Dr. I. M. Snyder, Harrison Loudon, 8. E. Foust, John Henry Sew, M.G. Sheets, Jacob Shelly, Jacob Lattanner, Adam Lattanner, John Phillips, Andiew Logan, Levi Wisman, Robt.Ogle, Samuel Henry. EDGERTON P. 0.—Daniel Farnham, Vol. ney Crocker, W.A.Bratton, J.W. Bratton, Joshua Chilcote, Wm. Dunlap, Alex. Cain, Christ. Scott, John H. Stevens. EDON P O. -Walter Young, John Diltz, Hiram Hoadley, jr.. John Kaiser, sr., Geo. Kaiser, Wm. Lees, Hugh Lees. ALFRED P. 0O.—J.L Hoffman, D. T. Carr, Chase Carr, M. Bentz, C. Bentz, Aaron Stout,W. 5. Stout, A. McNeil, S. Hawk, S. Staneart, Joel H askins, Albert Dean, Jacob Dean, Aaron Mor. ris, A Person, B. H. Persons, F. Fish, Ed. Fox, Joe. Smith, Asbury Smith, John Buck, W. A. ' Shumway, Wash.Shumway, M.C.@Guthrie, Jos. Guthrie, Arthur Guthrie, Rosel Dean, 8. Tubbs, E.M.Young, Wm. Enos. 5 TUPPER’S PLAINS P.O .—. Richey, E.P. Stout, D.M.Shields Wm. Shields, Arthur Shields, John Cole, Wm.Cole, Dan.Cole, Dan. Hostettle, Isaac Hostettle, David Hostettle, Martin Green, Richmond Green, Irvin Green, David Fell, Wm. Fell, Peter Parr, Jackson Keller, J. R. Keller, Daniel Keller, Hiram Parker, John Parxer, Leo. Landon, Geo. W. Landon, Lew Dodderer, A .M. Dodderer, Ed. Dodderer. CHESTER P. 0.—T. Parker, L. Masser, L. Koenig, J.F. Branch, J.P.Stout, 8. E Stout, M. Hecox, 8. Hecox, Austin Hecox, |. W. Smith Jacob Gawl, Jas. Keebaugh, 8.Taylor, John Rice, A- 8. Johnson, J.E. Watkins, A.D. Heaton, 8.6 Rice, S. Heaton, George Heaton, H. Kautz, J. Kautz, Wendal Kautz, John Fisc]stein, John A, Hisels'ein, J. Pierce, John Schuler, John Riden- our, Jacob Ridenour, Dan Ridenour, V. Bisel- stein, A. Werly, D.C.Smith, J. A. Smith, David Bailey, E.D Robinson, A. B. Robinson, N. N. Bailey, R. Buck, Wm. Riebel, Joe. Burion, Lew Pullins, Frank Fox, M. Will, J. W. Pullins. BASHAN P O.—J.G. Miller B.T. Trussell H. Smith, A Sanborn, U. Tucker, H. Darit W. A.Tall, D.D. Wilson, John Rose, J.L. Smith. POMEROY (c. A.) P. O.—E. D. Ashworth, A.P. Ashworth, Chas. Ashworth, James Rad- ford, Dock. Radford, Wm. Windon, Sam. Win- Soe indon, L. Laubner, Win. Carleton, us eton, Geo. Fowler, Wim. H. Radford, L. I ullins, Geo. Pullin, Wm. Pulling, Seldon Bailey, Seldon Humphrey, Alex.Greener Robt. Highland,‘s.@. Harper, T. Harper, D.R. Jacobs D. A. Smith, O. L. Bradbury, J. P. Bradbury, Lewis Hysell, Isaac Hysell, J. B. Hysell,Stephén Sr, David Will, Jacob Will, John Zier, Alban HARRISONVILLE P. O.—M. L. French D. Dye, John Dye, W. H. Dye, R. Combs, § see, John ain, M. French, Wm. Day, R. 1mpson, Lewis Davis, Floyd Davis, John Da is. DOWNINGTON P. 0-J. C. Clark, E. N.. Seas John Douglas, &. Metcalf, R. Haning’ m, Armstrong, John Hopkins, Hugh Reeves ) ’ HEMLOCK GROVE P. 0.—D. Welker, L. Castle, Klugh Cook, Urias Nelson, Wm. Curtis, Jas. Miller. BURLINGHAM P. O—Enos Quinby, New- ton Quinby, Thad Jones, Leroy Jones, Enos Jones, Elias Story, John Story, Nelson Story, 8. Williams, Byron Story, Seldon Biggs, Lester Frost. RUTLAND P. O.—George Lasher, Newton Stout, Wm. Parker, Bart Parker, David Stans- burv, Emmett Stansbury, John E. Stansbury, L. M. Higley, Milo Higley, Seth Paine, Lewis Paine, A. Gardner, C. Holt, John Holt, George Benedict, Art. Benedict, John Benedict, L. Plummer, E. K. Taylor, Asher Humphrey, Wm. Humphrey, John Hooper, Ira Hooper, George Titus, H. McClure, C. C. Musser, W. L. Musser, Sam. Musser. SYRACUSE P. O.—D. M. Nease, Wm. Nease, A. Nease, C. Gilmore, W. Holer, Martin Stobert, J. Cupehart, T. Karr, Charles Karr. RACINE P. O.—Daniel Dewolf, Lewis Cur- tis, G. P. Wolf, M. Wolf, John P. Wolf, H. W. Pickins, Butler Pickins, R. M. Weldon, W. A Ellis. : REEDSVILLE P. O.—H. Warren, John Par. ker, M. W. Reed, E. Reed, R. Perrine, M. Cole- man, M. Knowles, H. W. Picktns. KENO P. O.--A. W. Cowdery, Wm. McKain. E, Worthen, J. Q, Adams, M. Adams, Fred Web- er, Phil. Weber, John Baker. SALEM CENTRE P. O—R. R. Lyman, T. G. Thompson, R. Brewster, John Gorby, M. C. Smith, J. McKnight, N. Bowles, John Holliday. NORTH AMHERST P. O.--Wm. Abel, Fred. Albright, Wm. Annis, George Barns, Gilbert Barnes, J. B. Clough, L, R. Cook, Wm. Dean, John Deis, Henry EHarnst, Anthony Ernst, E. C. Foster, Jacob Fowl, B. C. Gibson, Jacob Greene, Chas. Hoeman, Henry Halm, Smith Jacot, Thos. Jones, John Kolb. AVON P. O.--John Benham, George Clifton, Henry Hancock, M, B, Jameson, John Miller, E. G, Moon,Wm. Nesbit, D. C. Sawyer, E. M Sweet, C. Snow, George Titus, Joun Wagoner, H. H, Williams. LORAIN P. O.—M. ©. Bemis, Casper Dute, John Erhart, George Halm, John Horn, Peter Jacobs, Thos. Standen, David Wallace, Joseph Wilford, Wm. Walker, Peter Miller. BRIGHTON P. O.—Lewis Barge, Fred Battle, A. OC. Briggs, John Burrows, John Burr, D, D. Davis. E. A. Fox, Wm. French, Orrin Hall, C, A, Hardy, John Jordan, Nathan Miller, John Moon, 8. E. Post John Satter, C, D. Stocking, J. C, Whipple, Phillip Wise, David Williams. BROWNHELM P. O--T. H. Bacon, Wm. Blake, John Buckley, Almon Chapin, Amos Cook, Charles Cooley, George Cooper, Wm. Dean, J. W. Dewey, J. P. Dean, Wm. Foster, George Fey, H. L. Faqon, John Gordon, Wm. Hale, Hen- ry Hill, Adam Horn, O, F. Hopkins, Henry Kane, Jas. Lynn, G. G, Morse, Adam Miller, John Newbury, Wm Peck. CAMDEN P, O-—-F. J. Beets, L.S. Beach, John Braman, W. D. Close, E, A. Day, H. H. Groat, Sam’] Hardy, Nelson Hill, Norman Lee, D. 8. Perkins, Wm. Prince, A. G. Rowell, Henry Scot, Charles Shafer, D, R. Tennant, G6, A. Troin- ning, John Ward, J. W. Williams, CARLISLE P. O—J. W. Allen, John Briggs, Wm. Bonson, B. L. Cahoon, Wm. Copping, Lawrence Daley, John Dill, John Eckler, John Faxon, Joel Hall, O.O. Hardy, CG. G, Jackson, John Kelley, Henry Mussey, T, L, Nelson John Pauley, C. W. Rich, O. A. Shay, Wm, Smith, John Ternes, Frank Winchell, H. B. Wood Peter Wirth. : COLUMBIA P. O.—H. C. Baker, R. I, Bas- tard, Robert Coy, Wm. Cole, John Crocker, J. W. Doan, Charles Fish, John Folley, Anson Goodwin, ELYRIA (ce. h.) P. O.—H. J. Hecock; Jas, Jackson, J. C. King, George Lyon, Jacob Myers, Charles Keller, Stephen Smith, George Wells. GRAFTON P. 0.—James Aldrich, H. K. Bel. den, C. C. Cragen, Henry Droege, Fred Epply J. H, Ingersall, Jacob Law, F.C. Minnell, R. & Newton, C.R. Pomeroy, T. B. Rogers. George Siblev, Joseph Weigal, Geo. York. ms z HENRIETTA P. 0.—Isaac Cook, A. M.Eck- ler, Peter Felach, John Good, Ellis Hall, J. EB Johnston, D.C. Leonard. J. H. Miller, J. H. Rosa, 8. P. Shepherd, W, A. Thomas, Nicholas Wilbun. EATON (c. 4.) P. O.—Henry Allen, Chas. Ball, James Carpenter, John Cowley, Wm. Hen- ry. Wm, Lawson, John Reed. HUNTINGTON P. O.—H. W., Bartlett, H. W. Allen, Nathan Calkins, Mos.s Franks, Wm. Haskins, Z. H. Kitchen, Nathan Myers, H. N. Norton, Joseph Phelon, George Roice, John Sechler, 8S. A. Walker, E. H. West. La GRANGE P. O.—D,. M, Adams, Nelson Bates, Thomas Crilly, Frank Freeman, E. H. Hastings, S. W. Kelner, John Marran, Daniel Nary, N.S. Robbins, Henry Spicer, H. J. Wil- kins, Jacob Warner, Wilson Wood, John Zerbs, B. E. White. PENFIELD P. O—G. W. Allen, G. Brad- stock, Rogers Cone, N. J. Close, John Damon, John Dix, O. P. Gott, Wm, Hayes, Jos. Jones, C. E, Jackson. Samuel Long, A. McLean, O, E. Nichols, Robert Park, W. W. Penfield, J. ©. Smith, C. H. Sweet. PITTSFIELD P. O--J. H. Barnard, ©. J. Barber, John Baxter, Geo. Brown, J. P. Carter, Wm. Evans, John Gifford, D. H. Gott,Chas.Irish, H. C.Suther, F. E, Parsons. 8. A. Root, C. W. Sheffield, Willis Stone, Charles Tol], Thomas Waite. N. H. Whitney, F. C. Williams. RIDGEVILLE P. O—Adam Barras, Peter Barton, Philip Bowers, J. B. Cahoon, Thomas Deacon, John Dyke, John French,Wm. Harding, Edward Hill, Barney Jackson, John Kirk, Geo. Libby, N. T. Meach, Wm. Mills, H. B. Perry, Geo. Robinson, John Snyder, H. A. Taylor. ROCHESTER P. O—S. 8. Babcock, Samuel Barnes, C. P, Carrier, E, G. Day, James Horton, Philo Leach, W. R. McConnell, Joseph Parker, Henrv Pifer, Joseph Smith, N. W. Wheeler. RUSSIA P. O.—Geo. Baily. C. E. Berry,Amos Clark, 8. B. Dudley, Chas. Fairier, Elijah Hall, James Hull, Wm. Porter. Wm, Saxton, L. W. Smith. OBERLIN P. O.—J. H. Brown, C. M. Eckler, R. EK. Jump, E. G. Williamson, E. W. Audrews, Aaron Bacon, Thos. Brice, O.T. Carter, J. D. Carpenter, Edward Chapman, Jas. Cowan. SUNBURY P, O.—Augustus Adams, Solomon Blain, Jinks Bockoyen, Thomas Bolton, John Boyd, 8. I. Brookings, Aaron Buel, Isaac Car- hart, G. B. Carpenter, Lewis Carter, George Coons, Josiah Crawford, Charles S. Crego, Mon- roe Crego, David Derst, R. S. Duden, A. Dun- ham, L. A. Dunham, J. H. Dustin, Wm. H. Dyer, D. H. Elliott, Harmon H, French, John French, Alonzo Fisher, Henry Fisher, H. C Frost, Wm. P. Frost, R. M. Fuller, E. A. Furniss, George Gibson, G. A. Gilford, Charles Guin, Sanford Gosnell, Wm. Gould, I. H. Gregg, Isaac Grif- fiths, Richard Griffiths, John Henion, Monroe Hodgden, G@. H. Hodges, Samuel Horlocker, O. D, Hough, Abraham Hoy, J. F. Hults, D. 8. Ir- win, E. J. Jennings, Harvey Johnson,John Jones, Edger Lacky, James Lampman, 8. A. Letts, Levi Lenabury,Wm, Lenabury, Albert Linn, J. Loren, J. Loveland, Thomas McCreary, B. S. Meade, Burton Moore, John Nash, Monroe Orent, Chas. Peckham, John Perfiel, Kdwin Potter, Wm. Prosser, John Roberts. O. H. Roloson, Eldridge Rose, T. E. Rose, J. C. Ryant, M. B. Sebring, J. M. Smith, J. T. Sperry, David Whitney, John Watts, M.A. Wilcox, J. B. Willis, G. A. Yeo- mans. GALENA P. O.—Richard Andrews, Lyman Barcus, Truman Beard, George Brown, Holly Bush, L. A. Carhast, J. H. Cook, James Eld- redge, Samuel Holmes, D. E. Hyde, C. S. Jones, J. W. Likes, J.W. Maynard, James Page, Adel Pierce, 8. S. Plum, Chester Scoville, A. M. Seymour, EH. S. Sherman, Henry Slack, Stephen Thompson, Alva Van Fleet, A. Washburn, J.W. Wheeler . CONSTANTIA P. 0.—Chauncey Adams, Har- low Adams, Frauk Aller, Cyrus Barrows, F. W. Bennett, Wm. Beyley, Gustavus Black, Jacob Bockoven, I. Brown, J. W. Carnes, A. J. Case, W. M. Chandler, J. Cleveland, J. E. Golflesh, Andrew Cowgill, John Demorest, Edgar Everts, M.C. Flagg, Frank Foster, J. H, Freshwater, John Geary, Albert Green, A. A. Hall, Michael Haas, D. B. Hunt, Jos. Irwin, Daniel Manter, ter, Jasper Peacock, John Richardson, Lewis Roloson, H. S. Rust, Thomas J. Scott, Horace Sealy, Frank Sebring, George Skates, Lewis Slack, S. P. Thrall, Benj. Vining, J. R. Williams. RADNOR P. O.—-John Baker, Thomas P. Cox, Davis Judd, Bowan Evans, M. C. Fleming,“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR @r I ©): WOODSFIELD (c. h.) P. 0.—S. G. Smith, John Kerr, Henry Smith, J. C. Yoho, Robert Mc- Cammon, Robert |Clingan, Woodman Okey, Louis Sudsberger, Michael Lang. : ANTIOCH P. 0.—W. E. Twinem, Charles Twinem, J. R. Pennington, A. L. Morgan, C. S. Buchanan, Philo Crum, Richard Stewart, Philip Truex, Morris Ullom, R. M. Huffman, David Lentz, Patrick Dougherty. GRAYSVILLE P. 0.—Abram Mann, W. T. Scarborough, J. H. Umpleby, Abner Byers, J. D. Gatchell, Wm. Shepherd, Thomas Hicken- botham, W. J. Crawford, John Cooper, Daniel Campson, George Coss, David Dougherty. JOLLY P. 0.—Christian Busha, Samuel Boyd, G. W. Cline, R. M. Cline, B. F. Dye, Hugh Dines, J. J. Dornbush, Samuel Ferguson, John M. Hill, John W. Hensell, Daniel Dittle, John W. Mc- Hugh, James McCaslin, George Ring, W. C. Pool, James Swallow. CLARINGTON P. O.—Oliver Atkinson, John Q. A. Mallory, Eli Baldwin, Seth Ward, A. J. Goodhue, Vachel Gamble, Lewis Boltz, Dallas Cunningham, Fred Feisley, Fred Fankhauser, Andrew Henthorn, C. E. Miller, Charles M. Goni- gal, John Maury, Josiah Pyles, Amos Workman, John Zessiger. BEALILSVILLE P. 0—W. H. Andrews, Robert Cleary, W. ‘f. H. Daniels, John Dennis, Joseph Dew, Daniel Decker, Samuel Gates, Jacob Gates, A. L. Griffith, C. C. Gratigny, A. C. Hutch- ison, John Jeffers, Daniel Kimpton, John Keyser, P. O. Lemley, James Mellott, 1. D. Riley. STAFFORD P. 0.—A. L. Curtis, R. E. Car- penter, Harrison Curtis, T. B. Day, Mahlon Kd- wards, Thomas Hines, George Hines, Isaac Hogue, A. G. Hughes, Miles Mallett, Edward O’Key, Samuel Orr, Hugh Robinson, O. 8. Sloan, Thomas Wilson, Joshua Williams, Michael Zwick. SWAZEY P. O0—George Reed, John B. Reed, Dr. J. B. Williams, Richard Gibson. LEWISVILLE P. 0.—Oscar Frank, David Wilhelm, George Feiock, sr., Christian Weber, Philip Weber, Shepherd Wise, Alex. Buchanan, J. H. Aamilton, Christian Diehl, Michael Newhart. CAMERON P. 0.—Samuel Atkinson, John Abersold, sr., David Blatter, Christian Blatter, Michael Boughner, B. T. Mellott, Albert Mc- Intyre. SARDIS P. 0.—John Esaly, Josephus God- dard, Fred Haldeman, Randolph Marty, Ebene- zer Martin, James Nesbitt, Philip Pool, John Ke Rush, John Fomi, Jacob Wohnhas, Jacob Yoss. HANNIBAL P. O.—A. G. Bridgeman, Christian Brenzikofer, Jacob Zink, John Deitrich, Christian Daugel, Thomas Funk, Joel Jones, John Luedy, Christian Moser, Charles Muhleman, Al- bert Pryor, Hercules Pugh, John Ruby, John Thonen, Fred Zeb. CALAIS P. O.—Philip Christinan, Cookson Carpenter, Vincent Carpenter, Samuel Gilmore, John I’. Hannaks. CELINA (c. h.) P. O—F..C. LeBlond, Win. Weidmeier, T. J. Godfrey, Edward Land- fair, Chr. Fanger, Joseph Hein, John Desch, John Milligan, E. A. Dibble, B. F. Mowery, F. B. Tren- ary, John Trenary, W. E. Tonvelle, John Hale, M. B. Alberry, Thomas Allen, V. B, Trenary, J. L. Burris, Jos. Beason, Mose Betz, Mack Bailey, Bucker Daniel, Seymour Craig, Wm. Dickman, Abner Davis, Elisha Emerson, Wm. Finley, Chas. Fauger, Abraham Gallahen, J. B. Garrison, J.C. Gilliland, Geo. Garman, Jacob Gerlach, Benjamin Green, Davis Guy, John Hauss, David Hellwarth, Henry Hohn, Z. Hanley, Geo. Hohn, David Hole, John K. Hight, Geo. Juneman, A. Jewett, Daniel Kable, Jos. Klosterman, Geo. Kroger, Aaron Kei- fer, Frank Saugel, Levi Lincoln, Gideon Leblond, Jos. McDonald, Hiram Murlin, Nathan Mead, Thomas Martin, John P. Miller, John Mertz, Jos. Mitzner, George W. Miller, G. W. Mosier, John Mosier, Peter Morgan, Jacob Pratt, Geo. Petrie, Henry Petrie, David Rush, Chas. Bartley, Henry Roberts, J. W. Riley, D. H. Richardson, 8S. 8. Scranton, Thomas Snyder, S. B. Shipley. FT. RECOVERY P. 0.—Armentrout Nel- son, Thos. Beason, Peter Bloom, Levi Born, Henry Brockman, Albert Campbell, John Kunkel, John Lange, J. H. Adams, D. W. Barger, Daniel Brock, John Baney, Adam Baney, Michael Conklin, Ter- ance Conklin, John Cummins, J. Esser, Henry Esser. CHATFIELD P. O0.—Adam Lutz, Aaron Carrick, Michael Lutz, John Burgbacher, David Hiser, Geo. Hiser, J. H. Daviason. MENDON P. O.—Fryer Lewis, Geo, N. Fent, D.C. Freeman, John E. Green, Edward Gaskill, C. F. Grant, A. Gilbert, Chistopher Lampy, J. M. Protsman, John J. Price, Levi Randalaugh, B. C. Murlin, Henry Miller, John A. Tomlinson, C. W. Thomas, Daniel Vesper, John Wilson, E. L. Wright. COLD WATER P. 0.—Frank Burch, Barney Bussey, John W. Bennett, John M. Barker, Jos. Birkmeyer, James Bearns, John Birkmeyer, John Brock, A. D. Coate, B. F. Coate, David Crouch, Noah Coate, Solomon Crouch, John Cole, Casper Dash, Barney Duce, Jos. Fisher, Hiram Green, Ferdinand Gast, J. B. Hoying, Lewis Ireland, Nich Johnson. John McAfee. SHANE’S CROSSING P. 0.—J. Decker, J.P. Dysert, E. Diel, Levi Dysert, Geo. Dysert, Jacob Frysinger, Geo. Frysinger, Daniel Fisher, James Garwood, Milton Hays, ‘Theodore Hook, Van Huffman, Peter C. Harden. WOOSTER (c. h.) P. 0.—D. C. McClarren, Jas. Taggart, Jonathan Kurtz, Henry Baum, B. F. Miller, John Zimmerman, J. G. Troutman, R. P. Redich, David Fereston, Aguila Wiley, Joseph Eicher, Daniel Buchanan, W. N. Smith, I. J. Smith, T. A. McCoy. APPLE CREEK P. 0O.—Reason Brown, Robert Moore, Isaac K. Jameson, James Ramsey, Andrew Moore, W. ©. Orr, Samuel Armstrong, L. C. Riechenback, Elias Langell, Albert McClure, David Armstrong, John Derr, Benjamin Sawer. ORRVILLE P. 0.—William Winkler, Jos. Holser, David Hoist, Samuel Benner, Levi Steel. MADISONBURGH P. 0.—David Lehman, Andrew Sonnedecker, Ephriam Lehman, John N. Boor, John Deersben. NEW WASHINGTOM P. 0.—John Leon- hart, John D. DeRoche, Christ. Hane, Adam High, Michael Seifert, Michael Nigh, Moses Pugh, Wm. Robinson, Adam Donnenworth. MT. VERNON (c. h.) P. O.—James Martin, Charles A. Young, John S. Braddock, J. Harvey Branyan, Judge H. A. Pealer, Isaac Hadley, John B. Wolverton, Jno. Adams, Allison Adams, Lecky Harper, Henry L. Curtis, GG Abbott. C. ..C: Baugh, Aaron Sharp, Samuel Israel, D. C. Mont- gomery, M. M. Young, Warner Miller, Dr. Hggleston, John Cooper, Thomas Durbin, Abel Hart, Robert Miller, Levi Ward, Ds Be Kink, John M. Ewalt, Dr. Holbrook, Joseph Sproule, John Ponting, Solomon Sapp, Frank L. Fairchild, Fred Cooper, Thomas Colville Milton Colville, Abel Ransom, James Ryan, T’. J. Payne, Jesse Myers, C. G. Cooper, C. A. Bope, F. Sturges, H. H. Johnson, Jerome Rowley, John Koonsman, Benjamin Bell, James Cellars, Isaac Ewalt, Saml. Ewalt, William A. Silcott, William Bird, A. FP, McIntire, C. W. McKee, John Myers, W. B. Dunbar, Samuel Sanderson, James Twenan, eR Ward, Dr. T. B. Miser, Dr. J. N. Burr, Avs ly Clark, M. J. Sealts, Barney Ward, Dr. Baker, Wm. M. Koons, J. C. Armstrong, George Bunn, Frank Moore, Alexander Cassil, Alex. Albert, Ed. Yeager, James Davis, Henry T. Porter, Jack Butler, J. J. White, H. H. Greer, M. M. Mills, L. Moore, Thomas Daubert, Henry Patterson, Peres Critchfield, Merhac Critchfield, Robert George, sr., Worthington Shipley, Gen. G. A. Gones, Frank Young, John Hardesty, J. Calvin Liney, James Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Thomas Taylor. HILLSBOROUGH (c. h.) P. 0.—John Ee Jolly, John S. Jolly, John A. Trimble, G. B Beecher, Joshua Hatcher, Jos. Heistand, Henry Heistand, George Holladay, Thomas Holladay, Lewis Duckwall, Cany Duckwall, C. B. Muller, I. H. Quinn, L. S. Smith, J. A. Smith, Benjamin Barrere, Asa Haynes, J. L. West, J. H. Thomp- son, N. Rockhold, H. Strain, Daniel Scott, I. H. McConnaughey, H. C. Glascock, R. T. Hough, H. Rhoades, Henry Rhoades, T. G. Hoggard, R. D. Lilley, James W. Mitchell, C. A. Thornburgh, Milvern Richards, A. F. Richards, J. N. Glaze, John A. Patterson, W. W. Patterson, Enos Holmes, Henry Shepherd, John Skeen, Benjamin Southard, Allen Cooper, I . Ambrose, Lewis Ambrose, M. Rizer, B. L. Lee, John Brock, John Langley, Caleb Langley, Thomas Whittle, Thos. Medsker, John W. Arthur, M. Calvert, W. Copes, Thomas Mitchell, Henry Ambrose, Ira Hiestand, James Chaney, B. Muntz, Wm. Conard, Isaac Larkin, Wm. Larkin, John S. Warson, Thomas H. Long, Wm. Gregg, Geo. W. Barere, Hon. H. M. Huggins, Fred Zane, Wm. Scott, I. N. Hog- sett, A. A. Hogsett, Wm. Barry, James A. Elton, E. V. Overman, C. M. Overman, OS. Price. LYNCHBURGH P. 0.—Thos. Dittey, Wm. Fields, F. M. Murphy. SHACKELTON P. O.—Jas. M. Lemon, David Wilkin, Wm. Purdy, Jos. Emery, Philip Ubasles, J. A. Knupp, Wesley Pence, George ence. HIGHLAND P. 0.—D. Ockerman, David Hixon, Wm. Roades, John Evans, Jos. Roberts, Samuel McClure, Ed Thornburgh Jacob Thorn- burgh, Chas. Hixon, Jesse Larkin, Wm. Hixon, E. Matthews, Thos. Terry. LEESBURGH P. 0.—Richard Delph, D. K. Johnson, Wm. H. H. Huff, Moses Milner, jr. John Barrett, Benj. Barrett, Eli Milner, Allen Johnson, Samuel Reece, Jos. Worthington Josiah Worthington. GREENFIELD P. 0.—Watt Littler, Thos. Bowder, Joseph Huff, Joseph Banks, John Banks. UPPER SANDUSKEY (c. h.) P.0.—Wm. M. Ayers, Christ Althouse, Richard Aten, J. P. Artur, Samuel Althouse, Wm. Bermela, F. Ballist, Wm. Brown, Gideon Bowen, Wm. H. Bean, 0. K. Brown, J. L. Barrick, Wm. Bushnell, J. H. Bare, John Buser, John Benner, J. 8. Bowers, Wm. Brown, John Barton, A. J. Bain- bridge, Isaae Corfman, Jacob Cregor, James Crum, Jacob Crouse, Peter Courtad, Joseph Courtad, Martin Courtad, George Cordry, Frank Cramer, Lewis Curts, Wm. Constine, Je Be Cour= tad, Silas DeBolt, J. P. Dry, Samuel Ewing, Peter Ebersole, George Fernbaugh, Wm. Fernbaugh, Jacob Fintwengler, Peter Grumwell, Jas. Griffin, Jacob Gottfried, David Gibson, Wm. Gregg, S B. Hedges, Eli Hoffman, Daniel Hoffman, Sy leh Hunt, Wm. ©. King, Henry Kinsley, Christ Kinsley, J. W. Kramer, George Kenan, Henry Kipfer, E. R. Larcomb, J. R. Layton, Wm. J. Lantermilch, J. 8. Lowery, Joseph Logsdon, A. H. Morris, J. H. Maxwell, Wm. Moffett, J. EF. Myers, John Mitch, Michael Myers, Abraham McLain, David Moffett, Wm. Margroff, Isaac Mann, Simon Moser, Eli Streby, Christian Stury, Noah Stoneburner, Jacob Smith, John H. Smith, R. N. Taylor, Henry Troub, Sol Kotterman, W. H. Kramer, Benj. Williams, Henry Gottfried, Geo. Binan, Peter Binan, Peter Frank. CAREY P. 0.—Samuel Asch, Chas. Beis, William Brayton, Sidney M. Beebe, John Baker, Temperance Beebe, Amos Bixby, Henry Brown, W. G. Beaty, Ferdinand Brown, Joe Brown, Daniel Carr, Benjamin Copely, Mc. D. M. Carey, Alvin Dow, H. R. Davis, Daniel England, Jacob Fox, Henry Ford, Frank Pahl, Joseph Pabl, David Straw, Henry Fox. NEVADA P. 0.—Simon King, Fred King, sr., John Keller, B. Leitsch, Conrad Lohr, Hugh Lohr, J. W. Lilly, J. H. Layman, Hiram Leith. LITTLE SANDUSKY P. 0.—Isaac Nor- ton, J. Seiger, C. R. Fowler, Henry Hering, John Hininger, Chris. Weist. McCUTCHENVILLE P. 0—G. L. Win- inger, Chas Wininger, John Ringeisen, C. FB. Ringeisen, John Row, W. A. Ogg; Wm. H. Ogg Thomas McNutt, Miles C. Johnston, J. F. Huft- man, Henry Claybaugh, Truman Brasheurs, Lewis Grubbs, Scott W. Gier, Frank Gier, Adam Hauck, Henry Long, Eli Heilman, Danl. Schaffer, G. W. Sampson, William Yambert. BUCYRUS (c. h.) P. O—Oliver Mamett, Wm. Caldwell, James Kerr, Benj. Sears, John Wentz, I. C. Hall, Jacob Greenwich, Henry Flock, R. K. Warner, D. B. Barrett, A. J. Caldwell, J. H. Beard, Joseph Sharrock, Benj. Sherer, D. C Cahill, Eugene Allen, John Kerr, C. Assenhimer, David Heinlen, Geo. Cook, John Cook, John Brehman, Stephen Brehman, Elias Lavely, A. I. Walker, Wm. Holmes, C. P. Keiss, Jonathan Keiss, George Albright, Wm. Robinson, W. W. Stewart, Geo. Stewart, C. P. Ludwig, Hph. Moore, J. L. Myers, Adam Gebhart, Melvin Quaintance, Jacob Brinkman, John Keiss, Wm. H. Hise, Henry Crall, Michael Charlton. OCEOLA P. 0.—George Rinehart, George Sigler, H. J. Phillips, Frank Coder, George Zim- merman, David Pollock, John N. Richey, Col. Meads, John Wirebaugh. LEMERT P. 0.—Eli Evans, James Miller, Jonathan Miller, John H. Mulford, Jarvis Jump, A. F. Tuttle. LYKENS P. 0.—L. W. Waller, Eli Winters, Rev. Jos. Kester, Daniel Branse.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” sasn owsens: anpness arpenprx roi 2 ee ee ee c. h.) P. O.—J. F. Anderson, W. R. eee Ele ee W. H. Armstrong, H. E. Ankney, W. F. Boothby, F. J. Beatty, John Brooks, H. S. Bell, C. W. Bell, A. Breyman, E. A. 3reyman, F. J. Brown, James Brown, Jacob Power, David Brower, B. F. Briggs, H. D. Boon, R. P. Boice, J. J. Basey, George Bressler, George H. Groisan, E. M. Croisan, Chas. Carter, Henry Carter, Daniel Clark, S. A. Clark, Daniel Coffey, David Graig, Chas. Claggett, W. D. Claggett, A. F. Devidson, Thomas Davidson, James Eoff, Geo. W. Eoft, David Early, Aug. Geesy, John Hughes, Benjamin Hayden, John Minlo, J. W, Minlo. ON P. O.—M. J. Adams, JAS Hy. Se B. Blackerby, A. Coolidge, Ben Davenport, T. W. Davenport. ST, PAUL P. 0 —Geo. C. Aplin, James Cole- man. J. L. Cook, N. 8. Cook, Simon Conor. WOODBURN P. 0O.—Ben Brown, James Brown, B. 8. Bonney, George Bonney, B. F. Corley. Matthias Corley. LEBANON P. O.—Johnson White, J. M. South, John Barton, J. A. Upham, J. W. Wilson, Cc. T. Crume, D.S. Busey, Wm. Klamer, L. M. Wheeler, Walter C. Miller, Peter Lewis, A. C, Crisman, Joseph Bilyeu, C. H. Cowan, D. Myers, B. Burtenshaw, H.J. Fallis, A. J. Carey, Chas. Williams. ALBANY (c. 4.) P. O—S. Froman, J. W. Reese, D. G. Clark. John Morgan, H. P. Miller, S. W. Crowder, A. M. Young, J. Grudwohl, H. E. Parrish, G. E. Parrish, J. J. Davis, H. Bryant, G. W. Geisendoff, Joseph Yates, Lot 5, Harris, H. Harris, Sam Conn, L. M, Wheeler, Lovel Knighton, N. Price, W. Nickerson, J. L. Hill, John Foster, John Rogers, Thos. Umphrey. SHEDDS P. O.—Wm. Powers, I. N. War- moth, F. Shedd, Neai Shedd, R. Farwell, John Robinett, John Cornett, Mercer Thompson, H. Springer, D. P. Porter, 8. P. Brock. BROWNSVILLE P. O.—J. W. Fletcher, R. M. Fletcher, A. W. Stanard, I. N. Rice, EH. King, John Harrison, John Thompson, Dave Thomp- son, Wm. E. Arnold, L. C. Rice, N. C. Dozier. SCIO P. O.—Dan Brenner, Thos. Martin, John | U Richardson, H. 8. Williams, J. J. Williams, Geo. H. Riddle, John Starr, Andrew Miller, John Prior, Geo. Hare, I. N. Duncan, Enoch Thomp- son, Joseph Myers, O. Jennings, John Wil- loughby, Malcom Miller, C. A. Titus, T. A. Mc- Cully, Geo. A. Miller, H. Prewer, Joel Vail, A. Umphrey, Eli Plummer, W. W. Wirt, Wm. McDonald, T. J. Montgomery, Wm. Goin, E. O, Rogers, D. Harrel Lewis Ray, John Carnes. HALSEY P. O.—E. G. Michael, Aaron Con- dra, H. Brand, Lewis Long, Simon Nixon, P. M. Starr, J. W. Hlison, E. W. Michael, H. S. Bishop, SWEET HOME P. O.—J. Shea, J. B. Denaca, A. C. Chrisman, G. W. Farrier, James Lindley, T. E. South. MABEL P. O.—T. A. Riggs, John Stone, F. A. Jones, D. N. Graves, N. Johnson, P. T. Hobbs, M. Colwell, F.S. Clark, John Smith. HARRISBURGH P. O—Homer Brand, L. Douglas, Jim Riley, David Grey, A. N. Thomp- son, A. C. Charlton, Walter Houston, John Hous- ton. MT. VERNON P. O—Chas. Frey, Frank Wallace, W. D. Engals, Henry Working, Bill Bonham, Squire Stone, Joseph Robertson, Alex. Fisher, Robt. E. Damond, Harvey Fields, War- ren Carsner, John Garrett, R. Thomas. MILLERS P. O.—I. D. Miller, L. GC. Strat. ton, A. Farlow, E. Meeks, O. Flickenger, Jack Farlow, John Conser, F. M. Miller, Thos. Al)- phin, Geo. Allphin, S. T. Jones, Wm. Hall, A. J. Conner, S. W. Cardwell, R. S. Owens, C. Buckner, H. B. Miller. IRVING P. O.—J. M. Andrews, W. A. Baker, Allen Bond, Geo BE. Bushnell, I. W. Bond, John Bowers, Wm. Blackley, Henry Maxwell B. G Mulkey, A Montgomery. : CRESWELL P. 0.—John Buoy, Noah Buoy PO Noland, W.J.J. Scott, G.B. Day John Drury, H. G. Fitch, W. R. Gilfrey, S. B. Jack. son, Roseoe Knox. @ COTTAGE GROVE P. 0.—John Currin, J. W. Cole, W. S. Chrisman, John Cooley, eee England, Silas Lane, Hiram Lee, D. Baker, H. H. Brown, W. W. Cathsart, M. P. Martin C. J. Sears, J. P. Shields, B. Stewart. : SPRINGFIELD P. O.—G. W. Ebbert, T. D. Edwards, J. A. Ebbert, J. A. McMahan, 8. OM zeekk EUGENE CITY (c. 4.) P. O.--P. Ayers, M. T. Awbrey, G. H. Armitage, James Borger, M. A. Bushnell, Jos. Buckne)l, C. W. Boren, B. H. Bailey, Geo. Belshaw, M. C, Biown, Wm. Blan- ton, W. B. Barger, O. R. Bean, Alf. Brattain, J. CG. Bushnell, G. Bogart, Frank Coleman, E. Chichester, Jas. Canterell, J. A. Crow, J. P. Callaway, Chas. Callaway, E. J. Crow, J. G. Conger, F. B. Dunn, Thos. Gray, J. W. Gross, D. A. Gibb, M M. Gillespie, J. H. Goodman, A. Hembree, T. W. Harris, S. D. Holt, M. H. Harlow, A. J. Harlow, J. W. Johnson, A Lynch, Geo. H. Murch, H. C. Owens, R. Patti- sop, W. G. Purgeson, W. D. Renshaw, Geo. H. Thurston, P. J. Bonnett, J. B. Chapman, J. C. Church, J. B. Coleman, D. H. Coleman, E. P. Coleman, B. OC. Dunn, K. Farrington, N. Feed- erwert, W. P. Fisher, Jacob Gillespie, L. Hulin, A. Hemenway, Volney Hemenway, 8. Judkins, C. W. Pawell, Geo. Soverus, M. J. NOS R P. O.—Geo. A. Brown, Thos. Mc. Goeeee S. Stephens, R. B. Hays, J. L. Liles. JUNCTION CITY P. O.—L. Dennis, J. H. Wynn, J. R. Boyd, M.S. Clerk, J. T. Kirk, G. C. Miller, J. R. Crow, R. P. Caldwell, Isaac Cook, Benj. Cox. TILLAMOOK (ce. 4.) P. O.—L. D. Ackley, G. W. Blackwell, N. Bobi, Peter Brant, W. H. Cooper, W. G. Chance, Jas. Davidson, J. S. Diehl, C. Desmon, J. Donaldson, J. H. Ellison, G. W. Fernside, H. T. Goodspeed, Eli Goodspeed, M. W. Harrison, Seth Hines, N. A. Hutchins, H. T. Holden, E. KE. Jenkins, Wm. Johnson, B, Morin, J. J. McCoy, C. H. Miller, J.M Mills, T. H. MeCormack, G. Marolf, W. T. Newcomb, J. H. Nolan, Wm. Olsen, Eli Olds, A. Phelps, James Quick, C. F. Quick, D. G. Randall, Henry Simpson, S. J. Smith, Wm. D. Stillwell, T. F. Williams. KILCHIS P. 0O.—J. C. Bewley, Ed Coleman, W.T. Doughty, J. J. Dawson, J. 8. Elliott, Peter Morgan, C. B. Patterson, W. N. Vaughn. ORETOWN P. O.—L. Bozley, T. M. Faul- coner, J. W. Hellenbrand, 8S. H. Rock, J. B. Jpton. NESTOCTON P. O--B. R. Daniels, I. H. Edson, Truman Harris, J. C. Quick, David Rea- soner. CANYON CITY (c. 4.) P. O.—James Sloan, John B. Miller, Ralph Byram, Bob Ray, A. C. Hall, A. Shrowel, John Tubkin, J. George Sol- linger, Patrick Muleare, W. C. Kent, John Seg, John Lawrence, John Cameon, William South- worth, David Mattocks, 8. D. Foster, James Tracy, William Welsh, D. D. Deitey, Chas. Hanscom, William Rendrich. JOHN DAY P. 0.--B. C. Trowbridge, John Long, William Luce, John Luce, John A. Lay- cock, B.S. Penfield. DAYVILLE P. O—A. P. Snider, E. Mc. Cray, William Steward, E. C. Officer, Samuel Miller, Cap. Louis, Limen Perkins J. E. Snow, fF’. L. Wood Willie Mascall George Owens. CAMP WATSON P. O.—M. Howe, F. M. Cook, William ‘Yopiano, John Buker, J, George McKay. “ PRAIRIE CITY P. O.—William Galbraith, Brach Johnson, Sam Carpenter, Will Fensman, Sam French, F. H. Meador, D. Goodhue, H. W. Anderson, M. §. Nichols, John Laurance, T. B. Laurance. DREWSEY P. O—H C. Hald, Frank Kines- bury, John Robertson, Geo. Morgan, Thos. How- ard, William’ Altino, G@. W. Porteur, Bill Wily, R. Montes. Sam Williams, George Farley, John A. Varley. BURNS P. O.—A. C. Dore, John Sayer, John Mayen, Peter French, W. B. Todbunter. J. S. Divine, Horatio Simpkins, Peter Stinger, George McGowen, D. H. Smith, George A. Smith, A. W. Howser, Thomas Whiting, C, A, Morrison, John John §, Bowen, Ed Bland, John Robertun, Wil- liam Harvey, John Stull, M. W. Bailey. FOX P. O.—R. W. Carter. William Patterson, H. W. Sears, H. Walker, John Harper, J. F. Wolfinger, C, T. Williams, Chas. R. Williams. Samuel Lol{ten, Frank McGar, William Sterrit W. O. Geantry. PAISLEY P. O.--T. J. Brattain, J. O. Bun- yard, R. Drinkwater, Wm. Dobkins, EB. L. Green, C, M. Innis, G. M. Jones, N. A. King, O. Z. Mor- gan, M. J. Miller, S. P. Moss, J. B. Phelps, Geo, H. Edwards, John Kizer, J. F. Smith. Pike, C. EB, Randall, A. J. Scott, M. E. Small, M. L. Small, Peter Withers, jr., W. L. Whiting. SUMMER LAKE P. 0,—M.Brown, J. H, Bonbam, J. H, Ciayton, M. C. Cunier, W. A. Cunier, Wm. Flood, F. W. Foster, J. A, Foster, A. J, Hampton, A. Hamilton, D. S. Hamilton, Wm. Harvey, Scott Hayes, J. Partin, sr., M. Sult, G, Winkleman. LONG CREEK P. 0.—Chas. Dustin, 8S. M, Keeney, J. M. Keeney, Henry Blackwell, Joe Blackwell, Chas. Baliance, George Reader, Henry Davis, William Wilson, J, M, Hamilton, Asbury Anderson, LAKEVIEW (e. 4.) P. O.--J. W. Bemfiel, J. S. Bemfiel, 8. B, Chandler, S. T. Colvin, J. H. Hotchkis, J. N. Loveless, Jas. McKee, M. Mc- Shane, D. Shelbammer, J. C. Shelhammer, Y. L. Snelling, J, M. Roush, Alex, Reid, S. Ballard, J. E, Bernurd, H. M, Daniels, Adam Schmidt, James Snelling, T. W. Colvin. NEW PINE CREEK P. 0.—W. J. Cloud, jr., J. R. Hamersby, E. C. Mason, John O’Neil, S. J. Studley, J. Robnette, Alex. Reed, Geo. Vincent, Benj. Warner, DALLES (ec. 4.) P. O. —M. M. Cushing, Chas. Adams, jr., W. R. Abrams, Henrietta At- water, 8. B, Adams, Chas, Adams, sr., BE. G. An- derson, Geo, Allen, Cahim Brown, J, M. Benson, Wm. Floyd, C. O. Force, E. P. Hitzgerald, Hugh Frazier, W. H. Gilhousen, William Grant, R. F. Gibons, T. A. Hudson, H. Horn, R. B. Hood, J. H. Jackson, W. J. Jeffers, A, G, Johnson, W. J. Koontz, $8. J. Klint, Wm. Keys, Ben Korten, B. F. Loughlin, Geo. A, Liebe, W. Lord, A. J. McHaley, J. A. Marquis Thos. W. Miller, Z. F’. Moody, John McNulty, L. L. McArthur, Wm. Mitchell, Robert Mays, John Marden, A. B. Moore, P. J. Nickolas, J. E. Byers, Leslie Butler, J. H, Bird,S Blumauer, Ben Blumauer, August Auchler, A. Bettingen, 8. M. Baldwin, J C. Bald- win, R. G. Closter, T. M. Denton, Chas. Denton, J. M. Emerick. James R. Booth. THE DALUES (ce. 4.) P. O.—C. E. Bayard, D. J, Cooper, A. Crum, C. E. Chrisman, Geo. Rusb, G, W. Reno, E. A, Reno, R. B. Read, J. A. Richordsop, A. R. Rodgers, J. K. Rome, M. Ran- dall, J. L. Robinson, B. H. Robberson, W. H. Steel, Joseph Southwell, P. T. Sharp, William Shackelford, John G. Schench, E. L, Smith, O. 8. Savage, Ben E. Snipes, A. Sutton, F. W. L. Skibbe, Dock Snig, W. H. Taylor,-A. R. Thomp- son, J. L, Thompson, Perry Watkins, F. Wick- man, John Wagonblast, E. H. Waterman, W. H. Williams, W. N. Wiley, L. L. Whitcomb, A. M, Walker. James Watson. HOOD RIVER P. O.—E. L. Smith, Peter D, Hendricks, W. L. Adams, C. F. Backus, W. H. Bradford, Geo. Booth, Newton Clark, 8S. B. Yrocket, H. C. Coe, John George, B. Hull, A. In- galls, Hans Lage, W. M. Odell. WAPINITIA P. O—J. P. Abbott, G. W. Alexander, W. M. Dean, James Farris, R. A. Laughlin, C. W. Magill. KINGSLEY P. O.—C. J. Abbott, F. M. Amen, Hugh Baxter, W..H. Butts, C. M. Brown, C. N. Boswell. WASCO P. O.—A. B. Able, W. D. Arns- worthy, John Briscoe, W: H. Briggs, W. M. Barnett, W. F. Courtnay, J. D. Gibson, F. J. Moffitt. WOMIC P. O.—R. Brandon, Sam’! Broyles, John End, E. N. Chandler, Amos Homer, John Mayfield, Simon Mason. DUFUR P. O.—E. D, Bohna, A. J, Brigham, W.H.H. Dufur, John Brookhouse, G. W. Coney, Henry Hudson, J. B. Hanna, BAKER CITY (c. 4.) P. O—P. Bisbop, J. M. McCulloch, A. Ebel), T. B. Moore, C. M. Kellogg, S, Grier, J. A. Geddes, J. W. Wisdom, J. M. Swift, Wm, Baldock, H. N. McKinney, J. P. Atwood, 8. Osborn, H. Osborn, 8, Ottenheimer, S. A. Heilner, J.T. Wisdom, P. De Roo, J. M. Lachner, J. R. Garren MYRTLE POINT P. O.—John Barklow, Isaac Bingham, Darius Gant, Dan Giles, B. Her- man, ©. Lehnherr, Avla Rowley. MARSHFIELD P. O.—John Bazzil, J. W. Benneit, J. V Bonebrake, A. M. Crawford, J. M. Davis, W. C. Curtis, J. L. Merry. EMPIRE CITY (c:/.) P.O.— George Beale, R. J, Cussans, T. 8. Floyd, John Flanagan, J. B. Gilbert, J. Hacker John Kruse, Julius Larson. PORTLAND (c. 4.) P. O.—D. P. Thompson, A. H. Johnson, Amos N. King, Jacob Kahn, Lewis Love, W.S. Ladd, BE, Martin, P. J. Mann, John Mock, C. W. Allen, Jas. W. Cook, W.S. Douthit, P. A. Marquam.MORRIS CROSS ROADS P. 0.—Michael Baker, Jos. Burthinal, Geo. Baker, James Brooks, George Brierer, James P. Baker, John Blasser, George Bowers, James Bradie, John Bradie, B. A. Bowers, Thos. Boord, Ashberry Bowell, Thomas Bowell, I. F. Burchinal, Jacob Conn, Michael Crow, John Crow, James Conn, Michael Cayey, Hunter Lewis, David Morgan, Daniel Morgan, L B. Gans, A. B. Scott, Jesse Stentz. OLD FRAME P. O.—Miles Anderson, Jehue Anderson, Michael Baker, G. W. Burner, Samuel Brit, John M. Cover, Jacob Crow, John Campbell, J. H. Diffenbaugh, Martin Dixon, Henry Dils, Wm. Davis, sr., Samuel Franks, David Gans, Phillip Kefover, Isaac Hunt, Y. B. Springer. SMITHFIELD P. O.—L. W. Burchinal, A. W. Bliss, George Marshall, James Conn, Thomas Collier. UNIONTOWN (c. h.) P.0.—Jno. M. Clark, Jos. Moser, Jas. Wiggins, Abraham Brown, Jno. Snyder, John Craig, Levi Springer, Eli Cope, G. Crossland, Porter Craig, Levi Jeffries, Thomas Batton. FATRHAVEN P. 0,—George Wood, R. L. Martin, Ferd Longhead, James Nixon, A. S. Os- burn, Jacob Hibbs, Phillip Miller, Daniel Moser, “TIE EVERY OFFICE PAVORIMS” stsstvone acne amie w DEMING Lee ee DELAWARE WATER GAP P. 0.— K. 'l’. Croasdale, Thomas Brodhead, Abram New- hart, Amos LaBar, Samuel Gulick. EXPERIMENT MILLS P. 0.—J. Wilson Hurd, Frank Bell, Elias Compton, Moses Ace. COOLBAUGH’S P. 0.—M. F. Coolbaugh, J. N. Place, Chas. Angle. James Mosier, Adam Overfield, Martin Place, Martin Courtright. PARADISE VALLEY P. 0—Jas. Kintz John Storm, Samuel Hilliard, Wesley Hobbs, Mahlon Frantz, Augustus Beesecker, Tobias Setzer, John A. Fransue, P. S. Smith. CANADENSIS P. 0.—Townsend Price, Laban Lewis, Abram Albert, Geo. W. Seese, Jacob Grable, Andrew Sommers. MT. POCONA P. 0.—Lewis T. Smith, Hiram Warner, John Warner, James Wilson. CLEAR VIEW P. 0.—L. J. Rodgers, Jesse B. Rodgers, Benj. Winder, Joseph Boozel, John Campbell, Albert Winder, James White, Robert MecCommon. NESHANNOCK FALLS P. 0.—J. Shaw, Wm. Wareham, Andrew Banks, Wm. Paden, J. R. Zook, Reuben Byler, A. Q. Wilson, John Snoggers, Wm. Boyd, M. Layton, C. Coleman, Thos. Patterson, M. K. McDowell, Samuel An- derson, Samuel McCreary, Wm. A. Rodgers, Jno. Jehue Brownfield, Abraham Low, George Lecher- | Axe. man, Wm. 8. Kyle, Jacob Hayden, Israel Hutch- inson. MASONTOWN P. 0.—Jefferson Breakin- son, John Blackford, Geo. M. Ballsinger, Thomas Bise, Enock Brown, Peter Crago, James Care, John D. Coffman, Israel Crow, M. H. Coffman, Samuel Campbell, Conrad Diffenbaugh, W. W. Darrell, M. M. Lardin. SEARIGHTS P. 0.—John Finley, Ebenger Finley, Andrew Froot, Wm. M. Franks, Jacob Graham, Ewing B. Searight, W. H. Gaddis, Geo. Hess, David Hill, John Hackney, J. R. Hornbeck, John Miller, Albert G. Moore, Samuel Peersol, David Phillips. DUNBAR P. 0.—Jacob Lowery, Samuel Work, Charles Brown, Israel Mason, James Cochran, Patrick Courtney, Robert Hurtead, Wm. Ball, Henry Ball, J. W. Work, R. H. Smith, Jos. Humbert, G. W. McGlaughlin, John Henderson, James Beaty, L. L. Collins. SPRINGFIELD P. 0.—John R. Brooks, George M. Brooks, Robert Bingham, George A. Baily, Henry Chritchfield, Samuel Chritchfield, J. D. Gibson, David Gallentine, Eli Grannal, Daniel Grim, William Grim, Josiah Miller, Al- onzo Miller, Samuel Pritts, Simon Porterfield, Moses Sterret, A. Showman. BROWNSVILLE P. 0.—Mark R. Moore, William Stewart, Wm. R. Britton, Samuel H. Smith, Thos. Duncan. CONNELLSVILLE P. 0O—John OD. Frisbee, Daniel Stentz, George E. Hogg, Samuel M. Long. William Yard. STROUDSBURGH (c. h.) P.O—Wm. Ack- erman, Jesse Albert, Theo. C. Brown, Charlton Burnett, D. R. Brown, Stroud Benson, Ed. Baltz, Joseph L. Bower, Wm. R. Bennett, L. M. Burson, Wm. H. Bittenbender, John H. Conner, A. C. Coolbaugh, C. R. Cress, J. T. Carmer, Robert R. Depue, Samuel 8. Dreher, A. A. Dinsmore, Daniel Dreher, Darins Dreher, J. H. Fetherman, John S. Fisher, Alex. Fowler, James 8. Fisher, A. O. Greenwald, Wm. H. Garis, Robert Huston, Stephen Holmes, Samuel Hood, Melchior Heller, Jacob Houser, Greshom Hull, Geo. F. Heller, Val. Kantz, Jacob Knecht, David Keller, Reuben Miller, J. Pace Mutchler, J. S. McNeal, E. EF. Norton, H. C. Pulmer, N.S. Peck, H. B. Pipher, J.T. Palmer, Nicholas Ruston, P. H. Robeson, Theo. Schoch, John E. Snyder, Jacob K. Shater, Alonzo B. Shater. R. S. Staples, John B. Storm, Davis Walton, Wm. Wallace, Edward Brown. EAST STROUDSBURGH P. 0.—Wm. F. Bush, Chas. E. Durfee, ‘Thomas J. Dunn, James K. Fenner, Webb W. Garis, M. L. Hutchinson, A. F. Kistler, M. M. Kistler, A. W. Loder, J. B Morgan, I. ‘I’. Putherbaugh, J. L. Rhodes, Jesse R. Smith, Thomas Stemples, Geo. H. Stauffer, Milton Yetter. SHAWNEE P. 0.—Frank EH. Smith, John Troch, Daniel LaBar, J. Depue LaBar, Ammile Bush, John Heller, P. M. Hilenberger, Jacob B. Transue, Martin Walter, Michael Walter. MARSHALDI’S CREEK P. O—P. M. Bush, John Yetter, Samuel Yetter, Frederick Casebeer, Lewis Cowell, Moses Detrick, Case Smith. ; xe NEW WILMINGTON P. 0O.—Joseph Moreland, J. M. C. Anderson, G. L. Pearson, Brooks Broadlent, J. A. Lininger, C. C. Carver, Samuel McKee, WV. B. Shaffer, S. Price, Cal. Mercer, Jos. Totten, Wm. Whitta, James Smith, Robert Morris. EAST BROOK P. O.--James Craig, R. R. R. Fisher, H. McMillin, Thomas Chambers, Jos. Chambers, Wm. Waddington, Samuel Hutchin- son, Andrew Crowl, John MecNickol, Jos. Edie, A. | ! Young, A. Dinsmore, John Parker, Wm. Mc- Creary, Enoch McCreary, Edward McKerahan, J. B. Hezless, Hey McCreary, Benjamin Black, Jno. Hey. MAHONINGTON P. 0.—Jno. Suerd, Wm. Blanchard, Frederick Stapf, J. D. Woods, Arce Newell, Samuel Vandivert, W. H. Chambers, S. 8. Hawthorne. NEW CASTLE (c. h.) P. O—R. W. Cun- ningham, D. C. Irish, Robert Patterson, James Crawford, Alex. Crawford, George W. Miller, George V. Boyles, Geo. Greer, J. N. Fullis, Max Cosel, John McKinley, Wm. B. Lutton, Thomas Phillips, Luther Woods, John Elder, William S. Foltz, Alex. Thompson, D. B. Kurtz, 8. Wilder, S. Dann, A. L. McCready, J. C. Enwer, H. Gra- ham, C. P. Norris, R. M. Allen, C. Bleakley, A. H. Harbison, L. S. Hoyt, William Patterson, Leander Raney, Wm. Gorden, J. S. Irvin, Thos. Falls, W. E. Reis, D. I. Campbell, John H. Mar- shall, George W. McCracken, Edward McMillen, John Mayne, Martin Reno, Thomas Pearson, Jas. Monroe, Gib. McCune, James Wilkinson, Samuel White, John Breckenridge, George B. Gibson, Presley Houk, John Houk, James Falls, Jno. Bell, Finley McCreary, S. 8. McCreary, Robert P. Perneroy, Gillis Doty, William Mitchell, Peter S. Reynolds, Isaac Kauffman, Morgan Ferbes, John Riley, E. L. Cunningham, C. J. Cochran. BLAKESLEE P. 0O.—Jacob Blakeslee, Jackson Stine, Ed Hawk, Hiram Hay, Samuel Hay. TANNERSVILLE P. 0.—Peter Warner, John Butz, Mannaseh Miller, George Nipe, Chas. Brown. SNYDERSVILLE P. 0.—Jacob Houck, Gustavus Houck, Alex. Harps, John Haney, Simon Storm, Amos Franz, George Bittenbender, Samuel Bittenbender, George Hagerman, John Fetherman, Thomas Newhart, eorge Fable, John Fable, Andrew Frable, Samuel Frable, Hd. Wolfe. STORMVILLE P. Ors ee Metzgar, Jos. Fellenser, Joseph H. Fellenser; Ezra Hunsecker, Chas. Swink, Robt. Swink, Chas. Hohenshilt. | BOSSARDSVILLE P. 0.—Andrew Keiser, Peter Heller, Chas. Fetherman, A. H. Fether- man, Cornelius Starner. BRODHEADSVILLE P. 0.—Felix Storm, Able Storm, Charles Sanfer, Tim Kresge, J.. Greenamoyer, Freeman Kresge, Henry Siglin, seph Arnold. FORT P. 0.—Peter Shiltz, Chas. Eberle, Nathan Everett, J. E. Hoodmaker, James temose. SROOKLYN P. 0.—O. M. Dollaney, Thos. Shaddak, C. Adams, H. Bailey, C. Barney. FOREST LAKE P. 0.—C. Wright, C. R. Wright, Thos. Brown, John Brown, B.'I’. Glidden, J. Stone, B. Stone, P. Kain, John Kain, E. G. Ball, C P. Ball, G. Small. BIRCHARDVILLE P. 0.—R. Turrell, L. M. Turrell, H. F. Handrick, F. H. Southwell, John Slatter. MIDDLETOWN CENTRE P. 0.—0. A. Baldwin, H. Spafford, D. Smith, O. Ross, H. Birdsall, M. Keenan, P. Keenan, J. Hardy, T. Williams, D. Jones, J. Jones. SILVER LAKE P. 0.—Wm. Meekin, T. Rogers, W. D. Bailis, Thos. Hawley, J. Hawley, H. Hill, E. Hill, J. Gage, L. Sullivan, T. Sullivan. CHOCONUT P. 0.—Charles Sweeny, L. Chamberlain, H. Duboice, J. P. Golden, M. Stan- ley, J. Stanley, P. Hickey, M. J. Golden. MONTROSE (c. h.) P.O.—A. W. Russell, Fred Russell, S. Sayre, D. Sayre, Daniel Brewster, H. Brewster. RUSH P. 0.—W. Terry, John Terry, M. Brad- shaw, M. B. Perigo, C. Stone, J. B. Overton, S. McKain, Wm. Vaughn, I. Harris, D. Snyder, J. H. Sherwood, A. Hillis, A. Kinney, A. Verry. FRIENDSVILLE P. 0.—Rk. Winters, J. M. Rice, A. Buffum, M. J. Lee, R. Gillas, T. Shan- nan C. Burns, Pat. Burns, John Smith, B. Glid- en. AUBURN CENTRE P. 0.—L. Lott, John Lott, M. VanScoton, D. Augh, O. M. Parks, A. White. Wm. White. LITTLE MEADOWS P. 0.—S. Rice, H. Beardsley, E. B. Beardsley, T. Tinker, A. Graves, M.Crumins, J. Crumins. SOUTH MONTROSE P. 0.—F. E. Bar- ran, W. Barran, John Hunter, O. Foster, C. Foster, M. Lake, C. Lake, H. Conklin, P, Conk- in. DIMOCK P. 0.—F. Woodhouse, H. Spafford; KH. Gnffis, H. Stevens, M. Fargo, Fred Fargo, A. G. Baker, W. Baker, C. C. Mills, H. Miles, A. Mead. JACKSON P. 0.—L. D. Hall, J. C. Curtis, J. Benson, A. Bennett, W. Pope,. Kid. Pope. LAWSVILLE CENTRE P. OJ. Russell, S. E. Warm, R. Southard, B. Vance, Thos. Thompson, Geo. Rice, Ed. Beebee, J. H. Munger. FRANKLIN FORKS P. 0.—W. Munger, J. W. Mott, A. Wantz, John Welch, John Smith, Erastus Smith, W. A. Blair. McCONNELLSBURGH ce. h.) P. 0.— John B. Hoke, George N. Hoke, Jacob 8S. Pitt- man, George H. Pittman, Thomas N. Johnston, C. H. Martin, James G. Kendall, Wm. A. Ken- dall, Wm. A. Nesbitt, Wm. Martin, George J. Trittle, John Fryman, Hon. Daniel Logan, A. W. Johnston, Thomas Patterson, David A. Nelson, James P. Nelson, Leonard Hohman, M. Knauff, John Neuroth, Peter Fenriff, Daniel Sheetz, Geo. J. Pittman, John M. Sloan, George McGovern, Harvey Cooper, D. T. Fields, Daniel E. Fore, Geo. Snider, A. G. Grissinger, Samuel A. Nesbitt, Geo. CG. Scott, Dr. W. F. Trout, William Patterson. KNOBSVILLE P. 0.—A. J. Fore, John M. Fore, James Henay, Jacob Hershey, D. M. Kelso, John Glunt, jr.. Adam Gress. ; FORT LITTLETON P. 0.—Benj. Worlett, Jacob Worlett, E. Baldwin, George Wilds, J. E. Bare, Samuel Cromer, M. Gelvin. Be NEW GRENADA P. 0.—S. F. Gnssinger, Dr. R. I. Hunter, Jesse O. McClain, John Briden- stine. WEBSTER’S MILLS P. 0.—William M. Patterson, John Peples, Rev. F. W. McNaughton, J. W. Jobnston. Geo. A. Hunter. BIG COVE TANNERY P. 0.—Conrad Glazier, James H. Parker, Jos. B. Mellott, Geo. F. Mellott, Rev. Lewis Chambers, John Hess, John Hege. DICKEY’S MOUNTAIN P. 0.—Samuel Simpson, Shade Truax, B. F. Hess, Wn. H. Hess. NEEDMORE P. 0.—Enoch Hart, A. Run- van, Scott Sharp, Thos. R. Palmer, 8. J. Truax, John Truax, David Peck. WARFORDSBURGH P. 0.—William P. Gordon, Baltus Stigers, jr., Geo. W. Chesnut, Geo. J-| Ranck, W. K. Line, A. A. [irk. PLUM RUN P. 0.—Malichi Litton, Jacob Zimmerman, John 4. Zimmerman, Daniel Covalt, Hart Evans. BURNT CABINS P. 0.—Henry McGowan, David Miller, W. Lee Cline, A. V. Kelley, Samuel Reese, John B. Welch.“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” PENNSYLVANIA. COUDERSPORT (c. h.) P. O.—Isaac Ben- son, A. G. Olmstead, J. B. Benson, F. W. Knox, Jas. L. Knox, W. K. Jones, J. W. Allen, A. Rounsville, William A. Crosby, W. Harvey. CLINTONVILLE P. 0.—James Anderson, D. C. McKee, Thos. McKee, A. F. Hollider, Wm. Baird, John Baird, David Hovis, James McKee, James Scott, O. B. Cross, K. M. Hoffman, Andrew Hoffman. BIG BEND P. 0O.—David Perry, Moses Perry, J. B. Atwell, Frank Riddle, Jas. Pollock, R. ‘I’. Atweel, Win. Lovell, Peter Wolford. KENNERDELL P. 0.—Jas. Rankin. Wm. Cross, Porter Phipps, T. J. Eakin, 8. D. Porter, A. J. Witherup, John Witherup, Cyrus Coulter, Shed Simcox, S. P. Anderson, W. P. Scott, B. F. Scott, S. A. W. Phipps, John Kramer, William Witherup, R. Kennerdell, John Welsh. EMLENTON P. 0.—James Bennett, John Mitchell, Thomas Flynn, Thomas Perry, N. Mackin, John Weller, John Haggerty. Thompson McGinniss, Johnson McGinnis, Charles Calvert, James Young, J. M. Black, Wm. Sloan, William Stubble, J. H. Crawford, David Crawford, I. D. McCoy, John Middleton, A. A. Middleton, James Ogden, Jos. Ogden. FRANKLIN (c. h.) P. 0.—S. T. Kearnes, W. J. Bleakley, O. D. Bleakley, S. P. McCalmont, J.D. Hancock, John L. Mitchell, Foster Mitchell, A. G. Egbert, A. Cochran, Robert Cochran, Wm, Epley, J. L. Hanna, W. J. Dewoody, Charles Miller, J. C. Sibley, W. W. Dale, R. G. Lamber- ton, A. A. Plummer, H. B. Plummer. OIL CITY P. 0.—J. J. Vandergrift, Isaac Ash, C. E. Cooper, John B. Smithman. RAYMILTON P. 0.—John W. Raymond, A. W. Raymond, Wm. Patterson. LAURELTON P. 0O.—R. V. B. Lincoln, John Diehl, Christian Schmere, Samuel K. Brancher, John Brancher. MIFFLINBURGH P. 0.—George Cham- bers, Daniel Shoemaker, Levi Shoemaker, James Retter, John Chapman, John Watson, Samuel Schrack, Daniel Reber, Saml. Stees, Jacob Klose, Lewis Klose, Jacob Klose, jr., John R. Meusch, Adam Meusch, Thomas Walter, Melancthon Meusch, Edward Seebola, Robt. B. Barber, David Pellman, Joseph Chambers, Isaac Reish, Charles Ruhl, John Ruhl, jr., Samuel Keeser, Abram Meusch, Charles Ryer. LEWISBURGH (c. h.) P. 0.—Adam Stahl Martin Wolfe, Jackson Wolfe, John F. Zellers, Isaac Hubler, John C. Dunkle, Martin Dunkle, Thos. Walter, G. B. Miller, Jacob Kostenbuder, Ellis Brown, John G. Brown, John A. Gundy, Hiram Wolfe, Ellis F. Gundy, Peter Brown, Saml. Dunkle, Philip Frederick, Jacob Gundy, Laird Hams Beotee Hunkles Jacob Kreisher, Jacob waAcnamer, Nyvm, elser, N 9 j ser a} ig Reihl, Jacob Reihl, eae FOREST HILL P. 0.—Thos. V. Harbeson, John Hildebrand, Lewis Jaudings, Sol. Heberling Daniel Miller, Jas. K. Reish, ms LOCHIEL P. 0.—James Biehl, David Royer. Isaac Brown, Samuel Miller, KELLEY BOLT! O=Ne We Pawline Her Sen ouling: Rout Kaufman, Jas. Lawson, Te smith, John Noli, Harri afer AUT] s beding, pean arrison Hafer, Lewis Gem EST MILTON P. 0.—Levi Pawling, Jno ae Reuben Grove, Frank Keiser, George KELLEY CROSs ROADS P. 0.--A. § Hich, Dan}. Noll, Harry aaa Re Rees aurry Noll, John Crisw ell, Jno. WINFIELD P. O.—Hlias Kremer, David Gross, Dr, Levi Rooke, M. M. Silverwood, George Sandal, David Moyer, Daniel Trutt. age ALLENWOOD P. o. —William Everett, D. B. Foresman, Seth Foresman, John R. Folmer Pe ONE, John I. Meek, John Haag, Leon- ae Meek, Peter Shopbell, A. S. Sypher, John CAMBRIA P. 0.—James Griffin, Hugh Mc- Closkey, August Hammers, Casper Roth, — EBENSBURGH (ch) PY O\—Thomas Hoover, David Shenkel, A. A. Barker, Jno. Lloyd ee a James Myers, T. R. Davis, Grifitl; atte 1, *homas Griffith, John Kirschner, Isadore CARROLLTO os irtner W. Sharbaugh, er mee armen ‘ n Bees Andrew Strittmatter, Joseph CHEST SPRINGS P. O.—John Connery, D. C. Little. ST. AUGUSTINE P. 0.—James P. Me- Cauce, John M. Litzinger, C. Morris, Dennis Cauley, Frank Kopp. CONEMAUGH P. 0.—Chas. Humphreys, John Furlong, Anthony Hershberger, Peter Rubritz, John J. Good, Thos. McConnell. JOHNSTOWN P. 0.—John Widman, John Kerr, Ed. Conery, William Cuthbert, Y. Kohler, Henry Shaffer, A. J. Berkey, S. A. Weimer, John T. Harris, Job Morgan, John Ryan, John Frank, Andrew Foster, Lewis Wehn, P. H. Livergood, Geo. Carrell, Jacob Trefts, A. N. Wakefield, Pat- rick Graham, Samuel Hoover, Adam Heubner, 8. W. Miller, Austin Nary, Neil McAnney, Thomas McDermitt, Chas. E. Boyle, Frank Taylor, John O’Tool, Levi Wissinger, Lewis Buck, William Oppy, Henry Smay, Chauncey Davis, John Ream. COOPERDALE P. 0—G. W. Stutzman, Peter. Felix, Joseph Masters, A. E. Somerville, 8. L. Shuver. GALLITZIN P. 0.— Michael Fitzharris, M. F. Kelley, Bernard Weis, T. H. Myers, G. W. Shiffler, John J. Kinney. PORTAGE P. U—J.S. Keil, P. McGaugh. WILMORE P. 0.—John Roehm, William Doran, Joseph Miller, P. I’. Kirby. MIT P. O.—John Sharbaugh, George Schwaderer, John Stewart. N P. O.—M. A. Quartz, John P. O’ Neill, Michael Storm. SOUTH FORK P. 0.—Michael Gates, John Rorabaugh. SUMMER HILL P. 0.—Leo Wess, John Hayer. MOUNTAINDALE P. 0.—John Givin, B. F. Myers, Rev. T. VanScayock. oun NICHOLAS P. 0.—Casper Leib, John eish. BEAVER (c. h.) P. O.—John Armstrong, T. K. Bell, Jesse Carothers, Frank Duncan, Andrew Coler, William Watt, J. I. Douds, John Grove, W. C. Hunter, Thos. Hunter, I. H. Hamilton, J. McGafiick, D. Morgan, A. P. Morrow, John Purdy, Richard Risinger, Smith Stokes, David Scott, John Scott, Michael Todd, Thos. Wickham. NEW BRIGHTON P. 0.—Samuel Banks, Henry Blim, Jacob Longnecker, John Ferguson, Nathan Hazen, Andrew Jones, Mathew Kelly, D. C. Schofield, A. F. Smith, Thos. Ferguson, F. Alcorn, H. A. Fisher, A. Flinner, Jacob Kline, Jas. McGuire, Henry Phillis, W. S. Foster. HOMEWOOD P. 0.—Wnun. Beatty, G. W. Brown, Richard Baker, Sam Blair, Adam Carnes, Thos. Cox, Wm. L. Freed, W. H. Foster, Fred. Graham, G. W. Hathe, Jordon Nye, James Shan- non, Robert Shannon, Hugh Thompson, C. Wallace. NEW GALILEE P. 0—J. M. Imbree, Inos_ Little, Marion Marshall, W. H. Marshall, W.J, McClure. BEAVER FALLS P. 0.—J. C. Boyle, G. A. Brittain, Jas. Cunningham, Jos, Dunlap, David Dunlap, David Estep, Woodson Glenn, Mathew Logan, M. Starlutt, D. C. McClum, Thos. Moffatt, W.H. Partington, B. I. Rhodes, J. M. Reed, Jos. Schwartz, Adam Stone, Jonathan Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Jeff Wilson, John Wilson, Thos. White. DARLINGTON P. 0.—Jas. Anderson, R. Alcorn, A. 8. Boyd, Inos Cain, A. Cunningham, A. Dilworth, H. Ferguson, Geo. Greer, sr., G. W. Hartshorn, Tom Johnson, W. H. Keugh, John Lightner, Jos. McGeorge, Jolin McCaughtry, A. McCowin, Samuel McClure, Bur McFarlan, W. J McGeorge, Stephen Nicely, Samuel Patterson, L. M. Smart, Arch. Reed, Martin T. White, J. B. White. : INDUSTRY P. 0.—John Duncan, Thomas Johnson, John W. Engle, Washington Engle, David Hall, John Wilson, G. W. Wilson, Joseph C. Wilson, Richard Walton. FAIRVIEW P. 0.—Sanford Almy, John Duncan, Adam_ Hays, Daniel Dawson, Samuel Bisher pa amma I. S. Johnson, W. J. voanson, tobert Laughlin, J. McCormick, A. Mc- GafticlieinuMnIMagors RROMREEINe cae oe fs LILLIE P. 0.—J. w. Pander, J. W. Dobbs T. J. Powell, CHURCH P. 0.—Isaac Mong, Thos. Went-| A ley, C. Hichner, John Neelly. BLATR’S CORNERS P. O0.—Cyrus Neely, .| John Lutz, Isaac Mor rs SCOTCH HILL P. 0—Jj 3 B. Watson, Johu G. Brandon. pues avlets sD eet n son Lelusyvania and Rhode islam: LIMESTONE P. 0.—Thomas Patten, John Coleman, W. Craig. WEST MONTEREY P. 0.—S. 8. Bartley, W. F. Bartley, Isaac Barger, Wm. Barger, Wm. oyd. SHIPPENSVILLE P. O.—Jacob Black, W.R. Shippen, Reed Snyder. REIDSBURGH P. 0.—Jacob Brinker, Wm. Larimer, Geo. W. Weely. SLIGO P. 0O.—John Turner, J. B. Miller, I. R. Buchannan, John C. Finefrock. NORTH PINE GROVE P. 0.—Robert McCloskey, Thomas Wilkison, John Wilkison. FISHER P. O0—Wnm. Summerville James Daugherty, Johnson Hindman, John Lavier, Wm. Grady: STRATTONVILLE P. O.—David Clover, Dr. Barber, R. Rulofson, Reed Boyles. WEST FREEDOM P. 0.—H. W. Jordan, Wash. Logue, Jacob Best, John B. Grazier, Henry Davis. PINEY P. 0.—J. A. Dixon, A. B. Kearney, August Able, George Been. EAST BRADY P. 0.—J. W. Bennett, C. P. McCafferty, G. W. Jones, Henry Nealer, George Graham. RHODE ISLAND. BRISTOL (c. h.) P. O.—August O’Boum, Samuel W. Church, jr., Hezekiah Church, Samuel P. Colt, Patrick Hammel, John B. Henneshoff, James Lawless, William H. Munro, Alfred Pierce, William R. Taylor, John B. Pearce, Seth Paull, Otis Munro, William J. Miller, Allen M. New- nfan, Richard S. Pearse, J. R. Builock, Russell Bullock, George Douglass, Russel Pearce, Charles H. Thompson, H. M. ‘I‘hompson, Charles A. Bar- ber, Ezra Dixon, Edward W. Brunsen, Benjamin Church, Charles H. Church, Nehemiah Cole, Henry Wardwell, Samuel D. Wardwell, Davis Wilson, Thomas Wilson, George W. Peckham, George H. Pearce, Samuel Norris, J. Howard Manchester, Herbert M. Howe, James T. Free- born, Alexander Perry, Johnathan D. Waldron, Raymond Perry, Mark DeWolf, William DeWolf, James Gifford, Frederick Esterbrook, George Es- terbrook, Pameanas Skinner, jr., Isaac Hoard. BARRINGTON P. O—Lewis T. Fisher, Lewis B. Smith, David A. Waldrion, William Smith, John H. Rose, Walter Rose, Leonard Bos- worth. WARREN P. 0.—Alexander G. Sanford, Charles F. Sparks, Preston E. Day, Benjamin M. Bosworth, Frank Dana, Nathan Goff, jr., David V. Gardiner, Frank Childs, Charles ¥. Brown, Abram Olive, John Cole. NEWPORT (c. h.) P. 0.—Gov. George P. Wetmore, Alfred Smith, John N. A. Griswold, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Charles H. Russell, John J. Astor, William Astor, August Belmont, Robert Goclet, George H. Norman, William P. Sheffield. TIVERTON P. 0.—Benjamin Barker, Seth Bateman, Benjamin ©. Borden, Thos. J. Borden, John EF. Chase, David Durfee, Edson V. Evans, William Gray, John R. Hicks, Asa Howland, George Howland, George W. Humphrey, Louis Laphan, John Manchester, Edwin Nelson, Andrew Robeson, Amasa Simmons, John S. West, Gideon H. Durfee, Henry C. Osborn, Andrew White, Isaac EK. White, Holder N. Wilcox. JAMESTOWN P. 0O.—Benjamin Boyer, Thomas H. Clarke, John Cottrell, L. D. Davis, Henry L. Eustree, Joseph Greene, Charles C. Howland, Frank E. Homans, Isaac E. Howland, William H. Knowles, Wm. T. Richards, Pardon Tucker, Seth M. Vore, Francis ©. Weeden, Har- vis Watson, T. Congdor Watson, Jos. Whartors, James M. Wilcox. PORTSMOUTH P. 0.—Asa B. Anthony, Edward Anthony, Isaac Borden, Wm. Borden, Leonard Brown, O. H. P. Balmour, Jas. S. Chase, Alfred C. Chase, John F.- Chase, George Collins, Peleg A. Coggeshall, John P. Coggeshall, Joseph B. Cony, Benjamin Hall, Thomas Holman, Thos. R. Hazard, Borden Lanton, Luke Laurence, Isaac I}. Macomb, Jacob Mott, Wm. M. Manchester, Thomas L. Mitchell, Abram T. Peckham, Eugene Sturtevant, Alfred Sisson, Edward Sisson, Henry . C. Taylor, Wm. R. Ware, Herbert A. Howe. LITTLE COMPTON P. 0.—Edward W. Howland, Charles Howland, Solomon Richmond, Oliver C. Bronnell, Nathaniel Church, Daniel Wilbor, Henry T. Sisson, Isaac C. Wilbor, Ephriam B. Sisson, PeteiG. Span.SEVER ORCE TAVOUITE Samowmus some seman Owe Gala eer TUGALOO P. 0.—John W. Shelor, 8. S. McJunkin, S. H. Maret, 8S. V. Harbin, 8. M. Craw- ford, W. H. Sheldon, John L. Reeder, J. L. Burriss, Lewis Jaynes. FAIR PLAY P. 0.—W. J. Hix, F.M. Davis, A. J. Maret, K. C. Maret, O. Cleveland, T. L. Gibson, T’. H. Grubbs, Rob’t Isbell, D. V. Wright W.H. Lindsey, A. J. Hunt, A. P. Hunt, S. A Maret. WESTMINSTER P. O.—A. Zimmerman, R. A. Mathewson, R. E. Mason, W. J. Stribling, Hugh Blair, J/D. Kay, John 8. Dickson, Sloan Dickson, J. A. Johns, John V. Stribling. WALHALLA (c. h.) P. O.—D. Biemann, J. W. Holleman, Richard Lewis, R. A. Thompson, J.S. Verner, J. Norton, W. J. Stribling, C. Wen- delken, W. C. Keith, H. A. H. Gibson, H.S. Vandiver, L. B. Johnson, J. C. Nevill, J. E. Nevill, F. W. Pieper, G. Wanner, Isaac Wicliffe, John J. Smith, C. L: Reid, R. E. Garner, F. F. Sharp, S. V. Massey, R. Strother, W. A. Strother. DANVILLE P. O.—Dyer ‘lally, D. W. Fendley, J. W. Fendley, A. B. Grant, Jacob Alex- ander. SENECA P.0.—Dr. 0. M. Doyle, A. R. Broyles, John W. Cary, Berry Phillips, C. A. Ma- gee, Ransom Hunt, J. Grissop, R. Y. H. Lowery, W. A. Lowery, John M. Gillison, Thos. Bibb, W. H. Stribling, 8. Y. Stribbling. OAKWAY P. 0.—J. B. Sanders, A. Bearden, Joe Bearden, J. J. Haley, Richard Cain, J. H. McGuffin, J. A. Elrod. RICHLAND P. O.—M. S. Stribling, J. L. Shanklin, W. H. Hughs, E. P. Verner, W. W. Moss. Dillon, ’ LITTLE ROCK P. 0.—Jas. W. Roderick Murchison, T. F. Stackhouse, EK. T. Stackhouse, Robert P. Hamer, R. Knox Clark, D. W. Bethea, D. J. F. Bethea, Andrew T. Harllee, A. GC. Sinclair, Philip B. Rogin, Marcus Stack- house, Andrew Cothingham, Samuel Thompson. MULLINS P. 0.—James Norton, 8S. Whit- ford Smith, Wm. H. Daniels, Aaron Martin, Mat- thew H. Martin, B. S. Ellis, C. T. Ford, B. G. Smith, Mitchell M. Martin, Leonard M. Edwards, | N. V. McMillan. MARION (c. h.) P. O.—Wm. H. Ellerbe, E. J. Moody, W. W. Hamilton, Douglass, McIntyre, T. W. Godbold, W. T. Evans, Wm. Dalrymple Johnson, Wm. B. Gargue, Thomas C. Moody, Jas. D. Montgomery, J. M. Gaddy, Redding Smith, N. P. Smith, J. M. Johnson, John A. Mc- Rae, W. Jos. Montgomery, Fred D. Jones, W.C. McMillen, Jas. C. Mullins, Edw. W. Mullins, | Richard Jordan, Cornelius Graham, Wm. Henry Bethea, Clark A. Wilcox, Eli H. Gargus, J. Mon- roe Johnson, George A. Norwood, R. R. Shaffer, D. S. Price, Willie J. McKerrall, Robert J. Black- well, Edward B. Wheeler, Liston Wheeler, Dun- can Murchison, Benjamin R. Mullins, Edward W. Johnson, Daniel J. Oliver, Jos. A. Baker, Wm. W. Baker, A. B. Owens, W. J. Owens, Dr. K. B. Smith, B. F. Davis, W. L. Smith, D. Frank Miles, SA. C. Miles, S. G. Miles, H. L. Reaver, Baker Wiggins. VARNVILLE P. 0.—H. Goethe, Dr. J. H. Goethe, O. L. Paul, M.F. Paul, H. H. Mulligan, B. Tutin, sr., B. Tutin, jr., G. A. Chassrean, M. E. Chassrean, J. B. Yannans, M. E. Yannans, J. H. Hiers, J. I. Peeples, W. H. Dowling, al STAFFORD P.0O.—F. J. Milligan, W. J. Ellis, N. W. Ellis, A. M. DeLach, Joe Whitefort, K. A. Lang, L. Lang, G. A. Goethe, Robert Goe- the, M.S. Shuman, #. M. Shuman, M. Mixsan, S. Hadwin, Joe Hadwin. BROWNING P. 0O.—A. A. Browning, W. L. Browning, W. W. Speaks, J. C. Christurn, J. P. Yamans, G. P. Bauers, Wm. R. Ginn, Ferd. Ginn. BRUNSON P. 0.—A. B. Aderson, Tom Ad- erson, B. R. Lewis, S. J. Lewis, Tom Brunsan, T. H. Williams, W. H. Falk, Dr. H. W. ©. Falk, Sam Jenkins, W. D. Barnes, Wm. J. Barnes, John Lightsey, Frank Lightsey. bs BARLY BRANCH P. 0.—J. 8. McTeer, W. W. McTeer, Wm. Stokes, J. H. Stenmyre, C. H. T. Fickin, Bob Yannons, J. C. Pearson. BRIGHTON P. 0.—W. J. Davis, L. P. Davis, Joe Mason, J. S. Mason. SANDY RUN P. 0.—Gerhard Mullen, Wm. G. Mullen, H. J. Seiberts, J. B. Pow, D. C. Gatis, A. H. Wolfe, J. A. Wolfe, M. J. Rucker, H. C. Rucker, Wm. Saylor. TIMMONSVILLE P. 0.—H. L. Morris, J. £. Byrd, Jno. McSween, DD? He iraxlery heaC' Lechner, Louanza Rothins, K. J. Rothins, Rk. F, Hill, E. M. Hill, W. G. Reynolds, G. C. Mc- Eachern, Theo. Kuker, R. M. Walker, W. J. Westbury, Thos. Stevenson, W. RK. McLaughlin, W.J. Lockhart. HOWE P. 0.—Alex. McKenzie, D. E. Mc- Laughlin, A. J. McLaughlin. DARLINGTON (c.h.) P. O—M.S. Bacot, R. H. Adams, C. A. Bland, Geo. W. Brown, J. B. Brunson, E. J. C. Byrd, A. T. Dargan, E. K. Dargan, A. Nachman, B. W. Edwards, B. A. Early, J. F. Early, J. G. McCall, Geo. D. McCall, R. W. Boyd, J. M. Coker, 8. A. Woods, John Woods, A. Weinberg. L. Sternberger, P. Kalmus, C. E.. Hymes, H. M. Smith, C. W. Hewitt, B. F. Williamson, E. R. Melver. CYPRESS P. 0.—L. 8. Pate, J. M. Josey, A. M, Lee, H. J. DuBose, J. A. DuBose, W. M. Huggins, J. H. Huggins. LYDIA P. 0.—M. Marco, W. L. Galloway, Robt. Wallace, U. D. Lee, H. D. Lee, W. L. Har- yell, S. W. Harrell, J. H. Kelly, J. W. Bearly, J. H. Andrews, Wm. Best, B. Fields, James Gal- loway, S. E. D. Galloway, C. 1. Harrell, I. M. Harrell, J. B. Howell, J. KR. King. FLORENCE P. 0.—B. K. Brockinton, Jno. Keeker, Jas. Allen, Smilie Greeg, D. F. William- son, J. W. Gamble, S. T. Berch, Geo. Hall, W. T. Hehrd, W. J. Norris, J. P. Chase, W. H. Day, Wm. Quirk, E. A. Wingate, W. L. Netter. STOKE’S BRIDGE P. 0.—J. H. Pate, C. Pate, ©. W. Woodham, A: E, Woodham, Wesley Moore, J. H. Hicks, ‘I. N. Bell, G. W. Bearley, G. P. Blackwell, Z. M. Blackwell, J. H. Clyburn, A. M. Galloway, J. B. Gardner, W. H. Gardner, W.R. Galhins, D. W. Gilbert, Simon Gilbert, Wm. Hearn, J. D. Howle. CARTERSVILLE P. 0.—C. T, Haynie, T D. Keith. H. E. C. Fountain, T. J. Walker, J. C. Hill, R. Peel, J. D. Askins, Geo. Scarborough, J. A. Rose, R. M. Severance, Jacob Spears, Joseph James, R. L. Wilson, R. M. Langston, Abbott Langston. SOCIETY HILL P. 0.—W. H. Evans, W. A. Carrigan, B. D. Townsend, Thos. Gaudy. H. L. Sparks, D. D. Dowling, N. B. DeLooch, John De- | Cok Looch, J. L. Rushing, W. W. C. Smith, T. ee Smith, W. L. Gill, W. W. Goethe, Ben Stanly, J. A. Stanly, Alex. Stanly, W. M. Vain, J. H. Vain, H. M. Ruth. HAMPTON (c. h.) P. 0.--G. Hi. Haver, A. I. Hagan, W. W. Speaks, W. J. Gooding, J. A. Lightsy, J. I. Mears, Jun Smith, W. H. Gooding, J. S. Wiley, John Roberts, jr., W. J. Pansey, James Rives, J. V. Dowling, B. R. Lewis, Ss. M. Jainer. Tom Rizen, D. H. Ellis, Wm. Phillips. McNEILL’S P. 0.—C. J. Cuming, J. J. Cuming, W. C. Peeples, Babe Peeples, J. J. Good- ing, J. W. Altman, W. D. Sharps, W. W. Bart- less, 8. Jackson. PEEPLES P. 0.—Frank Johnson, W. H. Peeples, LD. I. Peeples, H. N. Johnston, C. W. Johnston, H. M. Parnell, Daye Wormack, J. D. DeLooch, W. F. DeLooch. LAWTONVILLE P. 0.—Wm. Preicher, C. H. Welch, N. P. Craps, John Lawton, D. H Shoven, J.T. Morrison, J. V. Morrison, A. M. Kuth, C. Caves. ROBERTSVILLE P. 0.—W. D. Mulligan, J. C. Richardson, Sam Heap, W. H. Reid. Soke. DOVESVILLE P. 0.—J. C. Dove, ds 1 Wilson, H. A. McIntosh, Rufus Vain, W. L. King. PHILADELPHIA P. 0.—A. W. Parrott, C. R. King, W. L. Parrott, joe Garner, F. H. Dowling, S. S. Dowling, J. W. Freeman, W. B. Howe. CHERAW P. 0.—W. W. McKinnon, W. FE. McQuinn, G. W. Laney, John Laney, S. G. God- frey, L. H., Covington, H. P. Duvall, Alex. Me- Quinn, L. D. Horsall, ©. Malloy, A. A. Pollock, E. B. Ingram, A. J. Wilson, E. M. Wells, je Es. McFair, T. F. Shersell, J. K. MeNair, C. A. Brock, Rufus Liles, H. W. Harsington, Thos. Britt, W. W. Spencer, John Powe, N. McK. Mc- Neill, G. A. Malloy, John Walsh, John Buchanan. CHESTERFIELD (c. h.) P. 0.—G. Spencer, L: L. Spencer, E. W. Robinson, R.E, Evans, A. ae Eddins, Calvin Riven, Joseph Eddins, Wie Craig, A. B. Hursey, E. N. Redfearn, A. W. Davis, W. J. Hanna, Miles Hurst, W. Thurmaa, A. H. Buchanan, J. W. Bittle, Jas. Perkins, Lewis Milton, W. P. Sweney, John Burr, T. E. Lucas, Ww. Rivers, HE. B. White, Geo. W. Bootwaight, S.J, Parker, W. A. Johnson. MT. CROGHAN P. 0.—J. Gaddy, D. Smith, D. A. MeGryor, Phillip Rivers, Robert Tucker, W.M. Burch, F. P. Taylor, T. T. Burch, A. J. Johnson, W. B. Odam, J. C. Mangum, Robert Moore, C. B. McNair, D. T. Redpan, John Huntly, Stephen Jackson, Joel Baker, S. B. Timmons, H. G. Hendrick, H. T. King, J. J. Burth, E. B. Smith, Peter Watson, W. H. Hilton, R. F. Han- cock, J. H. Loway, I. S. Huntly, W. A. Evans, W. H. Moore. WHITE PLAINS P. 0.—B. A. Evans, W. A. Ingram, Richard McManus, Calvin Massey, John Armstrong. JEFFERSON P. 0.—J. 58. Miller, W. Miller, M. F. Welsh, E. W. Clark, Neill Crawford, G. W. Baker, G. W. Jowers. CATARRH P. 0.—J. P. Thompson, N. T. Graham, W. Horten, John Knight. LAURENS (c. h.) P. O.—Col. B. W. Ball, W. W. Jones, J. O. C. Fleming, A. S. K. Taylor, Albert Dial, J. A. P. Moore, J. D. Sullivan, N. H. Martin, Capt. Jas. Hudgens, Col. J. W. Fergu- son, A. W. Trayne, R. H. Hudgens, Henry Ken- nedy, J. D. Watts, W. Monroe, R. W. Allison, Ake S. Langston, W. lL. Cunningham, John Moore, J. M. Finley, J. A. Martin, A.. W. Bramblet,. J. F. Park, J. A. Madden, Eldred Simkins, W. I. Copeland, Col. J. L. M. Irhy, Col. R. C. Watts, Thos. L. Boodgett, J. O. Templeton, W. L. Shell, Henry Day, N. O. Kennedy, G. M. Auld, J. D. Byrd, Saml. Franks, jr., Charles Franks, W. A. Bramblet, J. W. Todd, Jas. M. Hudgens, Col. J. W. Watts, T. F. Simpson, J. J. Pluss, B. F. Terny, S. N. Wright, N. 1. Holmes, J. D. Watts, Jno. W. Watts, L. S. Fuller, W. L. Boyd, A. W. Burnside, Mack Langston, Fox Robertson, H. W. Anderson, Jas. Gray. H. E. Gray, Col. H. Y. Simpson, W. W. Kennedy, Dr. W. H. Bale, Dr. A. C.Fuller, Col. H. W.-Garlington, A. A. Gar- lington, Y. C. Hellams, Willis Hellams, Dr. Wm. Wright, W. N. Wharton. YOUNG’S STORE P. 0.—W. P. Ander- son, John Burdett, E. J. Burnside, Dr. M. C. Cox, Abrahain Cook, John Cheek, D. C. Cathcart, Rev. B. F. Garrett, Steve A. Garrett. GOLDVILLE P. 0.—Saml. J, Bryson, Jas. Blolosk, John Miller, Henry Hunter, John L. Young, S. W. Vance. WATERLOO P. 0.—T. B. Anderson, D. C. Smith, J. W. Wharton. WEST SPRINGS P. 0O.—C. P. Brown, Jasper Gibbs, B. A. Gregery, W. A. Lancaster, Saml. Mayas, Asa Smith, Mitchell West. UNION (c. h.) P. 0.—D. C. Gist, George Bailey, Robt. Beaty, T. J. Harris, Jno. P. McKis- sick, Dr. H. S. Beaty, R. McBeth, W. T. Beaty, H. L. Goss, 8. M. Rice, J. T. Hill, Jno. Rodger, F. M. Farr, Danl. Barnett. COLERAIN P. 0.—Danl. McLaughlin, EB. L. Linder. CROSS KEYS P. 0.—R. J. Betsil, Seaborn Dillard, W.S. Gregory, Dr. J. T. Layton, D. H. Shelton, Lewis Yarbrough. LAWN P. 0.—W. D. Alexander, Jno. Barn- hill, Thos. Spencer, Robt, F. Service. ASBURY P. 0O.—R. R. Brown, W. M. Crocker, J. G. Hames, John D. Jefferies, W. Saml. Lipscomb, Jas. R. Littlejohn. JONESVILLE P. 0.—Jesse Bishop, Ba.We Eison, T. L. Hames, W. T. Littlejohn. MT. TABOR P. 0.—W. A. Moorehead, Jas. D. Hughes, Frank Vaughn, Thos. Baldwin. CHESTER (c. h.) P. 0.—J. J. McLure, J. H. Smith, J. L. Agurs, Joseph Wylie, J. C. Me- Fadden, W. H. Hood, Jas. Hemphill, S. P. Ham- ilton, R. Brandt, J. D. Means, J. J. Stringfellow, T. B. Stringfellow, J. W. Wilks, G. J. Patterson, W. Holmes Hardin, W. Henry Hardin, G. D. Heath, W. T. D. Cousar, R. H. Cousar, H. M. Rose, H. W. Wylie, B. P. Moore, Grandison Wil- liams, H. McCandless, Tom McCandless, John Hood, sr., John Hood, jz. J. R.. Neely, DEEN. Hardin, J. L. Clenn, J. McD. Hood, sr., Ji. McD. Hood, jr., J. B. Cornwell, R. A. Love, Abe J. Cun- ningham. John Simpsons Julius Mills, Thomas Mills, J. F. Stone, Alex. Wise, H. J. Grant, dis Wie Fudge, Robt. Douglass, S. B. Massey, ONE Me _J. L. Chambers. ‘ eS NDSFORD P. O—W.R. Davis, W. D. Fudge, D. W. Steedman, C. C. Brunson, S. Freidhein, Dave Hyatt, C. W. McFadden. WYLIE’S MILL P. 0.—Joseph Nunnery, s Nunnery, W. P. Ferguson. - : “TORT LAWN P. 0.—R. J. White, J. R. McFadden, J. J. C. Dunlap, W.H. Massey.“TI Th EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE ¢ ANP OWNERS? ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR APRS N N RY c= SS BR BK LIVINGSTON (c. h.) P. O.—Jesse Barrett, J.C. Bilbrey, A. C. Bilbrey, J.S. Brown, T. M. Itrady A. P. Bilbrey, L. P. Bilbrey, B. i". Bilbrey, G. S. Boswell, Jesse Burges, E. Cullom, J. Ww. Chris- tian, Marion Carr, J. J. Copeland, W. i. Cope- land, Willis Collins, J. H. Crabtree, Wim. Collins, Abraham Carr, H. M. Colquitt, J. R. Copeland, Peter Carr, M. B. Capps, John D. Collins, J. M. Copeland, R. N. Coffee, M.S. Carr, O. C. Christian, ‘I’. C. Deck, Copper Deck, G. W. Dillin, W. A. Dillin, Ahr. Deck, E. B. Draper, T. J. Daniel, H. S. Estes, J. G. Eubanks, James Flenting, James Ferrill, 8. S. Finly, W. L. Flatt, Wm. Gillpatrick, J. B. Garrett, J. 1). Goodpasture, John Hart, J. Heriford, J. W. Henson, W. W. Harris, Jas. Hooten, J. W. Hall, A. M. Hoover, Oliver Hicks, Keeton Bros., Joseph Lacey, H. G. Little, John H. Lea, Thos. Looper, J. ©. Ledbetter, J. H. Little, A. CU. Lewis, P. H. Ledbetter, Henry Lea, M. A. Mich- ell, Henry McDonald, Phillip Myrs, John Max- well, J. A. Oakley, D. B. Reed, W. T. Roberts, B. L. Stevens. EAGLE CREEK P. O.—Carrol Bilbrey, John Brown, Buck Baker, J. W. Billings, James Conner, J. W. Carlock, J. W. Dennis, Mc Davis, Jobe Glidewell, J. F. Goodbar, G. W. Gains, J. M. Grimsley, John Godsey, Thos. Gunnels, J. D. Hatcher, C. W. Hill, W. B. Hicks, Jesse Johnson, Henry Jackson, James Martin, S. R. Martin, J. S. Morgan, J. H. Mullins, J. S. Reed, G. W. Rich- ardson, John Reynolds, A. L. Sells, W. R. Smith, C. K. Sewell, T. A. Sells, J. N. Spicer, D. L. Sells, Louis Stover, G. W. Smith, J. K. P. Taylor, |reOs P. Waddle, J. D. White, Hamilton Waddle, W. EK. White. OAK HILL P. O.—John Bilbrey, Lafayette Brown, A. C. Bosewell, W. 1. Bilbrey, H. P. Carr, G. W. Copeland, John Cooper, T. J. Cumings, L. C. Copeland, I. C. Cooper, J. N. Cannon, Sol. Crab- tree, A. J. Eldrige, J. R. Eckle, I. N. Finly, Elijah Garrett, Frank Gilliland, Willie Gray, Hastin Harris, J. C. Hamock, W. L. Hammons, Sam Livingston, J. T. Mathews, J. S. Martins J.C: Matheny, T. M. Oakley, J. T. Poston, Morean Speck, J. F. Sehren, T. W. Snodgrass, Jobn Smith. NETHERLAND P, O W. H. Byers, John Beasley, L. H. Barnes, John Byers, Colum- bus Cook, C. C. Craft, G. W. Copeland, J. M. Cob- ble, B. J. Cannon, W. P. Chapin, Wesley Davis, S. Douglass, E. T. Dodson, R. D. Greenwood, D. C. Johnson, J. S. Lewis, M. M. Matheny, Je Se Moore, John Noonan, M. G, Poteet, J. E, Stoclon J. F. Webb, I. J. West. HILHAM P. O.—T. §. Anderson, Alex, Brown, John §. Carr, W. R. Cox, David Cooper, Wilson Cook, John Coffman, W. P. Christian, John Cook, John Daugherty, W. G. Davis, Kd. Franklin, T. M. Gore, G. W. Hill, Alex. Hawkins, Avot Howard, Burris Hunter, Noah Johnson, J. A. Livingston, J. B. Lawson, John Langford, John Maxwell, J. S. Phillips, W. CG. Poston, H. Je Stages, Ben Swift, V. V. Waddle. WARD P. O.—G. T. Andrews, J. E. Bilbrey, S. E. Craft, W. H. Chilton, Jesse Davis, G. W. 1, Dennis, L. H. Garrett, John Hunter, W. L. Hall i B eee D: Hughes, L. A. Lynch, Wm. ‘eeley, Wim. Robbins, Jesse V inch¢ avi Worl te Re Wallese Vinningham, David Hi tAVER HILL P. O.—B. A. Copel | Ben France, J. W. Hampton, John Hare Wi | ao ae G. W. Lee, Alvin Looper, Phillips, Matheny, Alex, Norr aealie : Due uallsawe N.cRays Bate ooece E : ay, A. L. Speck | Jake Shelton, G, W. Verbal, nat Gaeta cee i QUALLS P, 0.—Wn,. Bowman, W. H. Bil- i brey, J. V. Deck, Reuben Hargese, Samuel Hall H. P. Hoover, James Johnson, DP. P Looper, H. H. Miller, John Langford, B. F. Norrod. J. M. Phillips, C. D. Padgett, A. J. Poteet, J. L. Qualls, Weaken Porter Walker, John Wilson, John POTEET P. O.—f. E. Allred, A. C y Hillery Bosewell, G. D. Black. J. R. Cee i. Carlock, James Cantrell, John H. Dishman. N. M. Deck, I). D. Ferrel, M. T,. French, John Hay- ter, A. J. Ham mock, J. H. Looper, John Ledford Alex. McDonald, W. (C. Poteet, Tilberé Ramsey, thos. Richards, J. M. Stout, Henry Sells, Vinod Vaughn, David Winuingham. CASSVILLE P. O.—S. D. Arnold, L. Ar- nold, G. W. Baker, John Crook, J. D. Hefner, J FP. Hefner, W. M. Shores, Joel Hess. A. Hutchin, Homes eae M. P. Moore, J, S Roberts, F. M. climes, Rh. F. Swift, O. L. Sle id Slat- oeIanE ine Slatton, David Slat- MONROE P. O.—S. B. Allison, F. M. Arm- strong, S. E. Brown, Jere Beaty, Daniel Beets, J. W. Copeland, J. A. Coleman, ‘I’. J. Cullom, J. A. Clark, Robert Cole, J. C. Davis, M. F. Garrett, S. kK. Gillentine, Isaac Holt, John Hill, James How- ard, John Keisling, J. W. Kennedy J. M. Ledford, J. K. P. Ledbetter, Frank Lacy, P. H. Ledford, J. McDonald, W. J. Norrod, John Parrot, Levi Polso, John Robbins, Abe Ringley, J. G. Richard- son, Anthony Reeser, Jeff Reynolds, G. W. Sevier, JA. omiths Je Mi. shelton. Ja Eleistovers Je N: Worly, R. W. Wright, J. Rk. Winningham, J. B. Windle, F. H. Wisner, J. M. Wright, W. P. Winton, BE. F. Whitney. SPARTA (c. h.) P. O.—Seth Arnold, Matt Anderson, A.J. Brand, Loss Brown, R. L. Bronson, J.8. Broyles, Willie Broyles, Amos Broyles, M. F. Bailey, RK. P. Baker, O. G. Boyles, Chas. Borden, J. U. Camel, M. CU. Carick, Waymow Clark, James Cunningham, R. N. Crawford, W. N. Camern, M. A. Cummings, G. W. Davis, Wm. Dodson, W. N. Dibrell, G. S. Dibrell, Cah. Eastland, H. L. Frasier, W.S. Findley, E. D. Fisk, W. M. Faris, W.J. Faris, Milton Fisk, W. L. Gracy, C. D. Gracy, D. B. Gallop, T. B. Grew, D. C. Hodges, J. L. Herd, Hamp Hudgins, sr., Ed. Hudgins, W. N. Moore, John Meek, A. W. Parker, A. L. Potts, W.G. Smith, W. F. Storie, F. A. Williams, S. D. Walice, O.F. Young, C. C. Young, Pleasant Austin, A. M. England, Jo. W. Glenn, Crocket Hudgens, A. L. Holmes, J. P. Jarvis, H. L. Lowry, ‘1. A. Lee, H. J. Lyda, Chas. Oakwood, M. W. Owen, W. P. Price, M. P. Sorrell, Sam Scott, S. W. Stew- art, Wm. Turner, Henry Whiticar, James Hunter, J. HE. Hickman, J. B. Hickey, T. J. Jett, J. A. Jarvis, W. W. Little, T. B. McManus, Tucker Smaulden, John Roberts, P. P. Sims. RIVER HILL P. O.—Frank Arnold, H. D. Brogden, John R. Clark, R. G. Cole, P. H. Earls, J. B. Felton, T. C. Goff, Charles Haston, Thomas Lewis, T. L. Mitchel, Robert Moore, J. W. Pason, W. J.T. Pason, Wm. Rodgers, James Robinson, William Scott, W. P. Smith, J. A. Stipes, Robert Terie, S. M. Walice, Wm. Wilson. DOYLE’S STATION P. O.—C. M. Blake, W. A. Baker, W.N. Billingsley, N. M. Camp, I. Denton, G@. W. Doyle, Robert Godard, Benjamin Gist, Hosia Gist, Elga Grissom, S. A. Holin, J. A. Hill, Thomas Keer, W. H. Keatley, J. &. Kuhn, J.S. Morgan, W. J. Mitchel, M. B. McBride, M. F. O'Conner John Price, Ben Richards, J. G. Stewart, H. P. Smith, J. W. Taylor, H. B. Ward, W. P. Webb, D. W. Young. HOLDER’S STORE P. O.—W. C. Adcock, J. R. Boson, Wm. Cooper, Hardy Cruse, W. F. Cotton, Alferd Fisher, S. H. Franks, J. S. Halter- man, J. D. Holder, fT. E. Hash, W. T. Mason, W. G. Moore, J. «. Moore, R. H. Pettit Forrester Piper, I’. M. Reaves, J. K. Roberts, W. R. Spark- man, J. W. Scott, W. B. Teaters, W. J. Temple- ton, Thos. Warling. DARKEY SPRINGS P. O.—W. M. Ander- son, J.S. Brayles, S.S. Cash, W. E. Cash, F.S. Cope, J W. L. Jarvis, J. M. Johnson, J. A. Knowles, J. C. Knowles, John W. Knowles, Harmon Little, J. M. Montgomery, S. A. Moore, J. A. McWhirter W. J. Knowles. POLLARD P. O.—E. M. Fisher, H. B. Grisorn, W.J. Hutson, W. C. Pritle, J. R. Rasco, A. J. Robins, A. G. Robins, S. F. Swindle, Monroe Swindle, Clark Sanders, F. V. Simrell, M. R. Tabers, G. H. Templeton, Thomas Winstead, W. W. Winstead, D. W. Wright, J. K. Wamack, G. M. Webb. : , Oo es P. O.—F. B. Brynd, vesse Lole, J. W. Irwin, W. J. E. Irwin, J. A. P. Fancher, M. H. Hutson. meee E PEELED CHESTNUT P. O.—Z. J. Cam- ern, James B. Gracy, John TI. T. Hays, W. M. Russell, Frank Jones, Thomas Jones. BAKER’S CROSS ROADS P. O.—Y. K. Brown, W. A. Done, G. W. Elrod, Wm. Dinges, R. R. Godwin, Jas. T. Godwin, Silas Howard, G. P. Hampton, W. P. Howard, Thomas Hitchcock, W. L. Hitchcock, A. Jarvis, Ksq., Edwin Kelley, Geo. Mires, B. W. Oliver, M. B. Oliver, J. H. Pistole J. L. Jarvis, John B, Ray, Zach Rose, B. W. Say- lors, Loss Slatton, G. W. Saylors, John Suthard M. Williams, W. L. Irwin. 5 HELP P. O.—J. M. Bible, Lem Bible, Wm. Moore, Bud bible, Layfant Bible, Pres Bible, Ebb Bible, Drewry Dawson, Shade Dawson, Isaac Dawson, Joseph D: T : ) olde Ge Pp awson Wm, Holdway, Wm. . A. Crowder, Joseph Clark, I. L. Davis, | D CHERRY CREEK P. O.—W.S. Burges, T. M. Burns, Dick Burns, J. A. Beam, Frank Coalney, J. R. Carr, James Dibrell, N. C. Golden. FOOT P. O.—Elijah Little, Allen Miller, Jas. Milligan, D. 8. Office, Henry Pennington, J. H. Robinson. NEWARK P. O.—J. 8. Ballard, W. H. Cash John Cash, L. Cunningham, C. B. Crok, Elijah England, John Farley, Howard Farley, T. C. Gooch, ‘'hos. Hix, G. B. Hampton, Isaae Hud- ilston, James Hickey, Wm. Milis, Ranza Price, Geo. Roberts. GREEN TREE P. O.—L. D. Cunningham, J. W. Cole, Absalom Davis, James Davis, J. H. Dodson, Harvey Dodson, W. C. Hayse, W. H. Moody, J. F. Mitchel, John Parks, W. OC. Walice. BIG SPRINGS P. O.—J. P. Alexander, H. H. Burns, T. W. Bradley, C. H. Bradley, B. Closs, A. W.Closs, J. W. Cooper, Geo. Carick, G. P. France, W. T. Floyde,G. W. Fosler, R. N. Deer, S. D. Johnson, M. R. Johnson, James Simes, G. L. Simpson, A. J. Townsend, Dan Wilhite. COSBY P. O.—John R. Shults, D. R. Shults, John Lillard, John Large, I. W. Dennis, Wm. Proffitt, F. M. Ragan, D. D. Ragan, Ben. Ragan, John Dennis, G. W. Dennis, Jas. Erby, Baxter Proffitt, B. A. Proffitt, P. A. Dennis, John Wil- liams, John Holder, John Crumb, Wm. Scroggins, Jas. Harrell, Sanders Harrell, Wm. Tuter, Wilson Benson, John Groomes, Ans Groomes, Thos. Luns- ford, Geo. Lunsford, W. H. Large, Samuel Large, Wm. Giles, Preston Shults, Morrison Gallany, Cary Dennis, jr., Cass Templin, Morris Hartsell, James Daymon, Layfant Bird, John Harrison, Jacob Shults, John Shults, jr., George Shults, Isaac Allen, John Gray, G. W. Allen, I. T. Allen, C. B. Allen, Wm. Allen, Y. J. Odell, W. T. Weaver, Russell Weaver, Abe Weaver, Mead Taylor, John ‘l'aylor, Geo. G. McNabb, Wm. Wil- liams, O. D. Williams, Wm. Lillard, J. D. Lillard, Tsaac Lillard, Allen Lillard, Rufus Hicky, Robert Hicky, Jas. Denton, Wm. Denton, Brad Yoder, Chris. Lillard. SWEET WATER P. O.—S. H. Stanbery, J. EF. Stanbery, Wm. Wood, Jas. Wood, John Wood, Filmore Wood, Thornton Wood, Ashby Wood, Wm. Burk, Robert Mantooth. BIG CREEK P. O.—S. L. Burnett, Jesse Burnett, Lewis Grigsby, Jos. Grigsby, John Grigs- by, A. M. Stokley, John Stokley, M. M. Stokley, David Stokley, Andy Huff, John Huff, M. M. Jones, D. M. Sawyers. NAILLON P. O.—Reuben Black, John Black, Rosal Black, Isaac Banes, Isaac Cates, J. B. Cog- dell, Jos. Green, I. M. Green, Henry Clark, Wm. Henderson. PARROTTSVILLE P. O.—J. F. Ellison, Isaac Stuart, J. A. Bolch, Samuel Harned, E. I. Kisenhower, G. P. Wall, W. A. McDonell, Jas. Jiarew, Geo. McStuart: NEWPORT (c. h.) P.O.—C. F. Boyer, A. Ra- gan, Wm. Jack, Jas. Robinson, Jas. Clark, Abe Odill, Jos. Rutherford, Wes Davis, Arnel Aley, . W. Hampton, Wm. Swagerty, Chas. McNabb. WILTON SPRINGS P. O.—Macolm Me- Nabb, Campbell McNabb, John McNabb, R. Me- Nabb, Burel Roberts, Mark Holder, John Holder, Dillard Holder. BRIDGEPORT P. O.—Daniel Brooks, sr., J. W. Brooks, Joel Brooks, W. W. Suggs, David Sprous, Jas. Huff, Philip Tyson. SOMERVILLE (c.h.)P.O.—Lap Armstrong, W.C. Burton, W. B. H. Bailey, J. W. Bowls, J. D. Carter, HE. D. Crawford, K. E. Carpenter, B. G. Covington, W. E. Crawford, R. N. Christian, W. T. Davis, D. J. Douglass, E. Dickinson, Alex. Dick- inson, Jo H. Dortch, C, L. Dickinson, J. P. Edmond- son, I’. J. Flippin, D. W. Frasier, H. C. Graham, W. B. Granburg, G. W. Green, T. S. Galloway, J. M. Hull, J. C. Humphreys, H. P. Hobson, Dr. W. A. Harris, Dr. P. I. Jones, J. M. Jones, Salvin Jones, J. G. Knox, W. Hi. Leach, Wi."Ss Latta, ede ik Latten, J. ‘I’. Love, H. C. Moorman, S. H. Morton, D. Z. Morrison, R. C. Neal, J. W. Osier, J. W. Peebles, W. H. Perkins, W. A. Rhea, T. K. Rud- dick, J.S. Rhea, J. A. Wray, Jas. Wilson, J. A. Winfrey, J. I. Watkins, S. G. Sparks, C. A. Stain- back, W. D. Thurman, W. C. Trent, P. R. Thur- man,-W. A. Williamson, W. B. Wilkinson, J. S. Washington, T. B. Yancy. P. O.—Dr. T. L. Boswell, J. F. Dudney, M. L. Edenton, W. H. Farris, J. T'. Mur- rell, J. J. Tharp, W. W. Wiggins. MOSCOW P. O.--W. L. Bumett S. C. Bull, J.S. R. Cowan, W. L. Davis.HASTLAND (c. h.) P. O—S. M. Holland, J. T. Yeargan, John Morgan, G. H. House, R. Dickey, J. K. Schmick, D. 8. Scott, John Stew- art, A. 8. Conneles, Dump Skelton, Henry Van- eem, Charley Sparr, G. C. Latham, Pres Latham, ohn Richardson, Henry Muller, Rufus Stewart, Johney Combs, Henry Finn, C. R. Johnson, John Dabbs, Jake McClenden, George McClenden, T. J. Latham, EK. V. Latham, John Spalding, ©. U. Connellee, A. J. Stewart, Dock McClenden, L. C. Downtain, H. K. Martin, F. M. Hendrix, Wm. Hendricks, Bryson Woods, Louis Tindle, Jo Rog- ers, Jim Butler, J. H. Cox, Ed. Cox, Ed Townsend, Wm. Townsend, J. H. Calhoun, Wm. Calhoun, Ike P. Schmick, Henry Schmick, Elbert Town- send, J. H. Devenport, Steve Devenport, Homer Devenport, J. T. Hammonds, Andy Hammonds, John Stephens, Ed Hill, Hal Hill, J. A. Fedder- man, R. B. Truley, Pink Truley, sr., Pink Truley, jr., T. H. Conner, S. S. Conner, Acy Morton, Wm. Morton, Wilham Morton, sr., S. B. Balls, Jim Nesbett, J. L. Steel, Jim Steel, Martin Hill, Wm. Day, Sam Day, Ed Sweat, Marchel Angel, J. P. Shannon, Charles High, Jim West, Fred Cokes, Thomas Black, L. F. Bulack, 8. 8. Durham, C. D. Durham, Jim McGue, Dan Boon, Wm. Vavis, N. G. Murchison, Ike Noland, Jim Noland, Verge Latham; Jim Daniels, Byrd Hubbard, Berry Harerass, Will Hargrass, Will I. Cole, Professor Anthony, Thomas Rallins, Jim Bolls, A. Bolls, Professor Collins, Thomas Johnson, Bob Johnson, Hugh Brasher, Ruck Tindel, P. Tharps, Frank Tharps, Jo Landers, Wm. Sorters, Henry Wal- ters, Wm. Byrd, Dave Byrd, Will Harbin, Wm. Sanders, J. Gholson, B. I’. Cotton, Henry Henson, J, Sladen, Wm. Waldin, John Hart, Geo. Mar- tin, Dock Simmons, Charley Simmons, William Martin, Bud Dulin, Wm. Bedford, Jake Alexands, Hugh Carigan, Will Rinson, L. S. Knight, J. Brown, Wm. Brown, Major Munn, M. Bowins, Mat Morton, John Lewis, Dr. Mansel, Dr. Stout, Bob Ayers, Riley Chandler, Jake Wheeler, Judge Wheeler, Jim Reed, Wat Reed, Wat Smith, Wm. Hitson, John Hitson,. J. W. Pierce, W. C. Payne, S. E. Short, J. H. Stamps, B. D. Smith, W. H. Bane, N.P. Spilles, John Miller, W. H. Johnson, Jack Hazard, John Jacobs, A. C. Stephens, W. A. Roads, Jesse Holley. CARBON P. 0.—James White, Ed Foster, Samuel Rankel, Warin Cartis, Dan Courtis, H. R. Genby, R. W. Mason, 8. Cobb, W. B. Train, Thomas Lockart, Dr. Jones, Dick Mason. RISING STAR P. O0—Wnm. McCaskell, Jim Tyson, George Dobbs, Jim Hanson, William Leach, George Tyson, L. I. Cox, Wm. Cox, Thos. Cyprit, M. M. Alvy, J. L. Ervin, Wade Stagner, Jack Stagner, W. W. Anderson, J. C. Nance, W.H. Horn, James Grigsby, Bob Carter, Wiley Finn, John Cox, P. Tyson, Henry O’Neal, Henry Stephens, Jim Rogers, Parson Forbs, John Anderson, James Wynn, T. M. Wynn, Jim Hed. DESDIMONIA P. 0.—Wm. Wyn, Charley Davidson, J. H Woodard, Jack Blackwell, John Shugart T. M. Shugart, W. B. Howard, Joseph Young, P. J. Prater, T. J. McCartey, Thomas Prater, Wm. Brown, Will Allen, I’. Davidson, R. H. McClain, B. A. Bartin, H. B. Finley, P. F. Nall, E. H. Tanner, T. M. Standfield, Ase Bell, Will Davis, Pete Mansker, William Jones. RANGER P. 0.—Aaron Watson, Ben Tan- ner, Wm. Wisdom, J. J. Morrow, A. Galett, John Elison, Bud Hayne, James Motley, J. T. Mansker, Geo. Bucker, F. M. Boland, Whit Duf- fer, John Duffer, S. H. Allen, Sam Been, Jim Reed, John Reed, John Drake, Wiley Finn, Will Finn, Tom Lockhart, J. L. Grace, George Moss, Dr. Patterson, Dr. Walls, Jack Hale. JEWELL P. 0.—Sam Finley, C. R. Jourdan, Wm. Jourdan, Joseph Stirman, J. W. Brown, Robert Sims, Louis Colins, Lou Craig, John Rog- ers, Grant Man, John Man, Put Noel, Ben Fin- ley, Wil! Snow, John Trotter, Ham Latham. CURTIS P. 0.—Boon Curtis, John Curtis, C. C. Haskel, R. R. Wells, Wm. Nickel, J. T. Shannon, Wm. McBeth, Jim McBeth, Watson Reed, Henry Stephens. ROUND MOUNTAIN P. 0.—Jos. Bird, Joseph Smith, Thos. Sugart, Jos. Sugart, John M. Watson, Dave Martin, HK. H. McNatt, James Rice, T. J. Roberts, G. V.Sawyer, G. W. Sharp, John Hardin, Lf. Slatter, J. C. Stribling, Wm. Wede- kind, R. W. Wells, W. L. Wolf, P. F. Appel, A. D. Anderson, J. R. Alexander, H. D. Boozer, J. CG. C. Black, Wm. Hardin, J. W. Herrington, J. A. Irving, W. C. Moore, W.C. Sharp, W. H. Russell, A. Sellers. “THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE e LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR a Ee >. JOHNSON CITY P. 0.—D. H. Maddox, J. M. Cotton, R. M. Maddox, T. O. Love, J. W. Heaton, J. L. Osborn, L. A. Maddox, J. G. Mathews, HK. Massey, J. C. Moore, Wm. McCarty, D. M. Musick, N. H. Murry, W. D. Nicholson, A. G. Nichols, Jas. Odione, R. ©. Perry, E. M. Phelps, W. D. Phelps, J. H. Rosa, G. Soggle, J. D. Walker, M. Woodard, W.H. Woods, S. J. Aycock, J. W. Anderson, J. R. Appleton, D. D. Barker, Joel Barker, L. Bushnell, J. R. Brown, A. L. Casparis. POST OAK P. 0.—J. W. Wiley, T. B. Sea- goe, IT. M. Smith, T. W. Stigall, J. R. Tunnell, FE. W. Tucker, W. C. York, C. T. Bebee, W. J. Green, J. R. Gipson, J. G. Graham, B. F. Hick- son, J. W. Hines, E. C. Holden, S. Hopper, J. H. Haley, C. A. Abbot, W. M. Lundy, H. Lewis, B. H. McLendon, W. L. Fairchild, George Tompson. _ TWIN SISTERS P. 0.—H. Bendsill, Mar- tin Preis, Wm. Muller, John Fischer, Albert Elbel, Kk. F. Weenstron, Carl Koch, Herman Koch, Henry Lusman, Anton Kneuper, Fred Cludt, Wm. Brummer, Max Kruger, Henry Brummer, Carl Wagner, A. Jonas, Henry Beck- man, Gustave Artz, Gim Waxler, Louis Waxler, John Kneupper, Frits Fischer. ACAGDOCHES (c. h.) P. O—T. J. Hill, J. Stone, sm, Jas. Stone, jr, P. Spradley, A. J. Spradley, Robert Moon, K.. O. Moon, John Chris- tian, W. D. Christian, T. K. Hasom, Sam Stone, Dick Stone, E. N. Pool, Jas. Shaw, M. N. Man- ning, Felix Rusk, Bom Wisner, Bill Wisner, W.S. Denman, Hank Whitaker, Buck Crossland, Tom White, Tom Owens, T. Myers, J. J. Hayter, Jim Stidham, Tobe Young, E. R. Arhley, J. L. Langston, S. T. Watson, P. M. Sanders, Robert McClain, Jim McClain, J. H. Parmby, Will Parm- by, John Grimer, Willis Grimes, J. G. Box, Eli Box, HE. M. Chandler, G. Chandler, T. C. Sitton, O. J. Garner, Ben McCuistian, Dick Pool, jr., Dick Pool, sr., W. H. Petty, John Petty, Tom Perkins, John Rysinger, Willis Sparks, M. G. Whitaker, Ed Whitaker, J. R. Buchanan, W. A. Buchanan, J.J. Willard, Dr. Sparks, W. J. Sparks, W. B. Sparks, J. J. Lilly, W. E. Wilburn, T. B. Brown, J. T. Mosby, Holloway Powers, Ed. Powers, W. R. Baker, Dr. M. Barrows, E. M. Barrows, James Turner, Matt Turner, Ed. Christopher, D. C. Christopher, S. T. Smith, §. L. Austin, J. G. Cooper, W. C. Black, John Portin, Will Portin, William Barrows, Jim Powers, Thos. McCuistian, Shelbin Christopher, B. Blake, sr., B. Blake, jr., Henry Richardson, N. G. Wade, F. Rape, N. B. Branch, E. L. Branch, W. H. Wood, F. Muller, N. T. Burke, Dr. Barham, A. Miller, T. J. Caraway, John Schmidt, R. C. Shindler, Rich. Phillips, Capt. Forbs, Prof. Crow, B. F. Hardeman, H. Taylor, G. H. Davidson, B.S. Wattermark, G. B. Crain, A. B. Ireson, A. P. Traweck, J. B. Reid, W. C. Hill, L. S. Taylor, A. A. Nelson, W. A. Nelson, J. W. Pressler, John Cruse, J. H. Cox, Z. H. Cox, C. W. Pressler, J. W.Presler, Bob Wood, Dr. F. C. Ford, Bob Weaver, John Wea- ver, A. Zese, Joe Zese, J. H. Sutton, J. P. Sut- phen, F. Rusche, A. Rusche, Dr. Hyde, E. Sto- nesy, Clarence Mitchell, T. B. Lang, H. F. Dun- son, Harris, J. O. Ray, E. M. Brown, Hd. Brown, J. H. Summers, P. F. Edwards, Z. T. Mash, W. H. Crouch, O. H. K. Goff, Geo. John- son, ‘I’. Parrish, D. D. Johnson, Sam Smith. STEPHENVILLE (c. hk.) P. 0.—J. S. Boucher, 1. N. Roberts, Geo. Roberts, W. W. Cain, E. C. Fuguerson, C. Conelley, Nat Bridges, D. A. Harris, J. H. McAllister, G. #. Hook, Wm. Latta, D. R. Buranghs, B. H. Oxford, D. L. Thax- ton, RK. P. Williams, R. T. Long, I’. C. Long, H. I’, McNeill, A. M. Smythe, Ben Latta, Lon Latta, Terral Bryan, T. Kimbro, Mc D. Reil, J. 8. Hyatt, J. M. Parr, L. J. Settee, J. H. Johnson, G. W. Lida, J. M. R. Stephens, J. M. Stephens, W. W. MeNeill, W. McNeill, James Gristy, Wm. Hughes, J. L. Crockett, J. O. A. Clark, M. O. Jenkins, T. Wyley, D. R. Thornton, James Swafford, J. C. Right, F. A. Right, D. B. Cor- mack, J. L. Hansel, J. V. Johnson, J. G.. Yar- brough, B. M. Kiker, L. W. Owens, Who Jak: Chaney, Wm. Skipper, J. H. Hyman, T. B. King, G. W. Gentry, J. C. Gilbreath, John MeNeill, J. A. Frey, W. C. Dupney, J. F. Collier, J. M. William- son, M.S. Crow, Lee Young, J. H. Cage, A. M. Borders, H. B. Smith. DUFFAU P. 0.—M. Hughart, T. Wilkerson, ; .Canley, S. P. Gelentine, J. Eee Wane J. | uel, Robt. Thompson. B. Brown, A. W. Wimes, James James, J. Bennett, BE. C. Ballow, P. C. Scott, F. M. Settles, C. J. Basham, N. D. Rood, J. A. Land. HOLLY SPRINGS (c. kh.) P. O—B. Adams, C. I. Adams, Thos. Adams, Simon Adams, R.M. Campbell, David Forwood, D. R. Gillchriest, C. C. Gillchriest, M. T. Powell, J. N. Powell, W. S. McCree, W. J. Allan, J. T. Willet, H. L. Willet, M. P. Howell, B. A. Willis, G. W. McWilliams, C. Rone. NEWTON (ce. h.) P. O—Jerry Forwood, West Forwood, James Forwood, Louis Irvine, Ira Youngblood, D. U. Youngblood, Luke Woods, James Woods, Maston Murphy, W. B. Murphy, Willis Murphy, Wm. D. Herrin, R. A. Knight, J. W. Knight, A. Wilkerson, W. D. Fuller, W. R. Fuller, jr.. E.G. Didham, S. P. Gray, S. M. Gray, F. J. Pearce, J. M. Pearce, J. D. Ford, W. Wingate, A. B. McMahon, 8. L. McMahon, Wm. Wilson, C. Hstes, Jerry Hines, Joseph Cheatham, Wm. Cheatham, Mc Cheatham, T. J. Smith, Willie Cheatham, jr., C. A. Hancock, J. J. Hancock, T. J. Kelly, Geo. Glenn, W. E. Fuller, K. EH. Bass, Wm. Harper, T. J. Harper, Isaac Rogers, P. P. Sharpe, Harry Sharpe, Joseph Kelly, Walton Woods, Samson Adams, David Gilchriest, J. E. Odom, James Cheatham, Eli Bond, H. C. McWilliams, Wm. Clark, L. B. Clarke, F. P. Fuller, G. W. Fuller, Amos DuBose, C. H. Nemits, J. 8. Peavey, E. E. Oats, C. Grines, Thos. McWilliams, G. W. Gray, Wm. Davison, Jack Hardy, T. C. Hardy, J. H. Yates, H. C. Ful- ler, B. L. Bridges, Willie Holland, John Moore, W.R. Fuller, sr., Geo. F. Poole, J. T./Wilson, Wm. Kinabror, Enoch King, J. M. Mattox, Cato Hawthorn, G. E. Rogers, Sol. McWilliams, W. F. Cian, 8. H. Matthews, Robt. Jordon, A. Osment, W. King, M. Dougharty, Geo. Maguire. LIVONIA P. 0.—J. R. Lee, W. T. Lee, A. P. Windham, John Boyett, Walter Powell, N. B. Wilson, A. L. Starks, A. D. Ford, J. D. Ford, sr., J. F. Johnson, J. W. Johnson, W. 8S. Simmons, Thos. Simmons, James Marshall, Jonathon New- ton, W. J. Newton, Wm. Starks, Lewis Starks, P. DuBose, Wm. DuBose, W. R. Bowen, W. R. Hancock, W. C. Hamlet, J. C. Hamlet, Sam Sum- rall, F. F. Stephenson, B. F. Gunter, J. B. Hall, k. A. Hall, John Whitman, Monroe Inman. BURKEVILLE P. O.—R. J. Brailsford, M. D. Hines, F. R. McMahon, S. G. Allardyce, J. S. MeWhorten, J. C. Seasbruntt, R. F. Seasbruntt, W.R. Rogers, W. T. Odom, Robt. Cade, C. E. Cade, D. F. Harrell, John Harell, Ike McMahon, S. McBride, C. H. McBride, J. P. McMahon, A. F. Albright, W. A. Droddy, James Phelps, W. A. Gray, H. J. Casey, J. M. Casey, H. Hext, Thos. Cox, James Erwin, Allan Woods, G. W. Woods, CO. KH. Smith, Taylor Curtis, ‘I’. J. Windham, J. J. Windham, C. Woods, F. Byerly, C. Byerly, J. F. Syler, W. S. Hines, Gopher Hines, A. C. Swear- ingen, EH. A. Cheatham, C. A. Nations, J. B. Nations, Thos. Cousins, W. F. Cline, W. R. Medley, Ben Pearce, Dudley Morris, James Mor- ris, C. A. Bryant, Wm. Meadows, S_ Youngblood, O. Rutledge, Ivy Rutledge, C. D. Buloford, James Cook, Gibson Fowls, Daniel Jordan, A. Jordan, John Daniels, Moses Daniels, Ben Stephenson, D. ©. Stephenson, James Shankle, Henry Shankle, Tobe Perkins, Sawnie Alums, J. H. Keaghey, W. H. Wright, John Stephenson, W. A. Jackson, J. H. Stubblefield, I. S. McMahon, J. H. Booker, Robt. Mitchell, J. W. Mattox, A. Bradshaw. FARRSVILLE P. 0.—B. Z. Powell, B. W. Powell, W. W. Hilliard, John Hilliard, R. M. Stewart, Thos. Holmes, Chas. Holmes. Ben Lin- sey, Thos. Linsey, W. C. Southwell, I. J. Farr, 8. ©. Langham, A. Wilson, W. Westbrooks, Joshua Westbrooks, Man. Brown, Sam Byrd, Wesley Robinson, Thos. Traylor, Hannah Adams, Geo. Rhymes, T. Farr, Joe Wilson, A. Lyons, Kd. West, Hark Adams, J. Joist, Wilson Woods, Cary Womack, Wm. Smith, Alex. Lewis, John Lewis, Irvine Rogers, Sy. Lewis, Philip Shire, Edward Buoy, Jeff Asberry, Lee Tukes, Millege Byrd, Alford Blunt, Millege Getre. BLEAK WOOD P. 0.—Jesse Lee, David Lee, Geo. Adams, Syd Scott, J. M. Scott, G. E. Gee, Andy Mers, John T. Lewis, Wiiliam Inman, Geo. Lewis, Merk Lewis, F. S. Scott, R. E. McFarland, David Jones, Harry Clark, A. D. Richardson, ne M. Bivens. EH. E. West, J. M. Powell. Jeff West, L. Dyer. Wm. West, J. E. Bean, J. W. Powell. BELGRADE P. O—H. F. Wilson, John Cochran, Hamp. Holmes, G. W. Whitman, Chas. Wilson, R. P. Wingate, Sebe Samuel, Sam Sam- SALEM P. O0—John Wright, W. H. J. Holmes, I. H. Griner, H. W. Suddeth“THE EVERY ()FFICE FAVORITE : LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR le Bee >: KENNER P. O0—W. T. McNeel, Jacob Smith, Lafayette Winston, J. F. Nuchols, Hudson Vincent, H. H. Freeman, Lewis Smith, Jack Tone, Allen Arnold, Eid. Bell. HAWKINSVILLE P. 0.—J. B. Hawkins, Ed. Hawkins, J. 8. Sanborn, J. E. Gibson, Star- ling Austin, sr., Carey Gee, C. H. Williams, Hon. Wells Thompson, Ed. Gibson, ©. A. Spencer, Ira Spencer, Richard Ruffin. CANEY P.0O.—H. W. Bowie, Phil. Bowie, J. K. White, Jim Stewart, Anderson Wyche, Tom Bolling, Jesse Rounds, Troy Taylor, A. Cur- rie, John Matthews, J. F. Holt, M. O. Connell, L. W. Arnold, Jesse Tines, Jerry Clark, Cambridge Swetzer, Dr. J. W. Benton, EH. 8. Rugley, sr., B.S. Rugley, jr., Oakley Robinson, John Robbins, Jerry Mathenia, Domingo Alinese, Richard Caruthers, Henry Robbins, Randle Stevenson, King Van, Odo Van, Ransom Edison, Jack Edi- son, Jeptha Collins, Robt. Jackson, Wm. M. Nye, L. W. Hunt, Richard Hunt, Joe Andrews, I. W. Vandorn, Anthony Ruffin, James Roberts, Alic Wiggins, R. Cannon, Eugene Talbot, Wm. Rob- erts, Wm. Arnold, John Rugley, J. G. Rainey, sr., J. G. Rainey, jr., Tom: Hudgins, Jeno Hudgins, L. McCain, Waldo ‘Lhompson, Robt. Thompson. HARDEMAN P. 0.—J. K. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, F. M. Gregory, A. I. Rugeley, I. W. Matthews, F. E. Jones, C. E. Cantzon, Bailey Hardeman, Cato Clay, Henry Clay, Alphonzo I. Rugely, John Elmore, Dr. H. L. Rugeley, John Blair, Hdgar Rugeley. PLEDGER P. 0.—Dr. J. W. Brown, F. L. Rugeley, sr. N. G. Floyd, G. R. Brown, John McUlosky, Richard Powell, Brando Matthews, fred Moore, Britton Monroe, Hillard Matthews, Buck Strawder, Reuben Kemp. ELLIOTT’S P. 0.—G. W. Wallace, sr., G. W. Wallace, jr., Phil Yeamans, G. W. Benedick, D. E. smith, John Fonden, D. P. Moore, W. L. Hobbs, James Higgins, John F. Wendle, Matt Talbott, John Lee, sr., John Lee, jr., Martin Hardin, Joshua Fisher, A. W. Mangum, Sam Mangum, Pertiller Lee, Ea. Sojourner, Amos Lee, Angus Williams, Theophilas Lee, Cyrus Wickson. MATAGORDA (c. h.) P. 0.—C. Franz, G. Savage, John McCain, James Watkins, W. S. Stewart, J. S. Gillett, W. D. Barbour, Gus Gotts- chalk, Jacob Zipprian, Jim Mountain, Batson | J Thompson, Jake Earl, John F. McNabb, Fred Duke, Baldez Ryman, jr., James F. Williams, C. Zipprian, Henry Serrills, W. O. Williams, Val- dun Mahavier, A. H. Mahavier, Jacob Clonder, Fred Vogg, John Culver, Frank Seerdon, W. W. Doss, C. F. Baker, Nat Norman, Joseph Patrucha, Valden Patrucha, Robert Butter, Frank Butter, Paul Bunk, John Ryman, Peter Ryman, Phil Ryman, G. W. Therrer, Will Culver, Geo. Burk- hart, W. B. Wadsworth, C. D. Bruce Awe: Bruce, J. H. Selkirk, Baldez Ryman, sr., G. Baer, iets Sargent, Pat Kain, Tom Kain, Wm. Baxter, John B. Phillips, Wm. Phillips, John Duffy, Jacob Claniler, W. E. Austin, J. L,. Croom, sr., Chris. Duffy, Tom Cherry, Alic Turner, Frank Nolte, Henry Cookenboo, sr., Ed. Wadsworth, George Bedtord, J. A. Lawson, F. S. Robbins. % DEMING’S BRIDGE P. 0.—Dave Dun- bar, Nick Williams, Richard Hamlin, Anthony Moore, W. E. Moore, J. E. Pierce, Ed. Partain Rt. A. Partain, Nolan Keller, W. B. Grimes. B. R’ Grimes, T. J. Poole, Thos. Knykendall, W. M., Knykendail, W. A. Dawdy, John Klliott, jr., Wm. Elhott, Theodore Bundick, Peter Bundick, J. PF. Garnett, Albert Shultz, August Duffy, John Hicks, Antone Dietrich, J. 1. Jordan, TARKINGTON’S PRAIRIE P. 0.—D. Simmons, Wm. Simmons, Dave Simmons, Win. West, Vol West, George Allen, A. A. Smith Charley Smith, Clarke Wright, A. Isaaes, Tyler Isaacs, Wi. Byers, Nick Jackson, Bill Jackson, Tom ‘Tanner, Uoocal Young, Wash Berry, Ed Sherman, K. R. Poweil, George Powell Sam Ivins, John Cherry, Isom Palmer, Ed. Tanner, CLEVELAND P. 0.1. . Hanson, H. Hanson, R. H. Murry, Leo Smith, Nathan Isaacs E. Squars, W. @. Jefierson, J. D. Squars. MOSS BLUFF Pp. O.—A. J. Lacour, Joe Lacour, Jerome DeBlane, Oscar Lacour, Adolph Gillard, John Gillard, Sam Foscue, Starkey Scott Joe Swinney, Win. Watson, Henry Watson, John Anderson, ‘Tom Wooten, M. W. Rhodes, DAYTON P. 0.—Ed. Pruett, Joe Davis John Sules, Robert Stiles, Joe Linney, Jim Lin- ney, R. Brisbin, Cob Pruett, J, EF. T. Pruett, A. LIBERTY (c. 2.) P. O.—W. F. Hardin, A. J. Beard, Asa Abshier, G. R. Morris, Dr. J. P. Cooke, H. Sleasoff, P. DeBat, Paul Servat, Be Bevere, W. W. Perryman, Jim Freeman, E. Pickett, J. B. Wrigley, J. G. Minter, S. A. Har- din, Robert Oliver, John Cober, F. P. Barrett, T. C. Barrett, Levi McMurtry, Jim McMurtry, L. Vandeventer, C. McNiel, J. H. Finby, L. McMur- try, Steve Creen, W. J. Binion, R. M. Perryman, Sam Boothe, Wm. Charles, Mike Charles, Dick Stipling, J. M. Dark, John Neal, John Dickerson, James I’. McCreight, James Boolware, C. B. Gar- rard, Frank Abshin, Sol. Means, Joe Young, Slick Young, EH. A. Boothe, W. F. McNair, Sid Turner, Bud McCreight, Morgan Rye, M. F. Ber- ryhill, W. B. Green, W. Berryhill, Warren Devore, John Rye, Frank Key, L. G. Guertin, M. M. Dowdell, H. H. Dever, Ben Moor, Jim Moor, C. C. Palmer, J. Norman, Calvin Smith, S. Chebret, S. D. O’Brien, B. M. O’Brien, Sim DeBlanc, W. J. Swilley, J. H. Cole, Mark DeBlanc. IRONWOOD P. 0.—T. B. Smith, 0. A. Sutton, R. Horn, W. W. Richarkson, John Sloan, C. W. Cope, Tenom Gott, RK. R. Fields. WEATHERFORD (c. h.) P. O—T. D. Lewis, Henry Word, R. W. Duke, J. E. Por- ter, E. W. Anderson, Robert Barnhill, W. A. Beddo, A. J. Bridgeman, J. P. Brock, J. W. Bran- non, A. S. Fain, B. C. Betty, jr., J. D. Mitchell, G.S. Wagenor, H. H. Baimbolt, Isaac Betty, J. F. Floyd, R. H. Burnette, G. S. Flamery, W. J. Kadelion, L. W. Christian, A. T. Morris, David Mampler, B. B. Wetherford, W. T. Dickerson, John Galbreth, A. Blakely, Milt Pettit, W. H. Slack, W. P. Clark, A. C. Glouer, Robert Crutch- field, J. G. Gibson, J. A. Gardner, D. H. Wither- spoon, W. D. Hatts, T. J. Littleton, S. C. Deane, QO. H. Gorman, John Kidwelle, J. B. Kirby, Peter Olston, W. J. Williams, R. C. Stinette, W. W. Davis, J. G. Putnam, F. O. Engstrum, Sam Wad- luy, W. K. Baylor, W. H. Clanton, W. J. Huck- aby, W. H. Eaddleman, D. W. Knight, James Hogle, Bruce Millikin, Jas. McCall, John Vandy- gift, James Brickey, J. W. Murphy, G. N. Rickard, David Milburn, H. M. Wolfenburger, T. H. Wythe, R.H. Foat, G. M. Bourger, J. E. Porter, J. Rk. Brown, H. M. Kidwelle, Henry Kid- welle, J. W. Stages, J. E. Sentell, J. W. Murphey, . H. Dogle, J. H. Aldridge, J. R. Couts, A.S. Peloquin, Joe Dugat. Simons, ‘I’. J. Pickard, L. M. Edwards, H. A. Lindsay, Zack Johnson, B. F. Porter, L. Black- well, C. C. Barthard, W. Holden, M. G. McFall, B. M. Porter, R. E. Bell, Joe Bell, T. R. Coker, W.R. Turner, S. T. Howard, John Holden, John Lane, Bud Vorner, H. H. Rambolt, J. M. Rich- ards, W. B. Tilman, J. M. Williams, Boss. Wag- ner, Wm. Staggs, James Stages, W. H. Jones, John W. Gibson, George Halfren, J. B. Johnson, Jos. McCall, J. A. Biffle. SEYMOUR (c. h.) P.O —C. H. Harvey, J. T. Cockerell, A. Studdard. J. M. McKenzie, J.T. Pir- tle, W. M. Shumate, Wm. Fancher, T. A. Fancher, G. G. McLarty, Chas. McLarty, J. R. Baker, M. M. Metson, A. E. Harris, J. A. Bussell, B. F. Chapman, J. T. Stevens, J. L. Taylor, W. J. Mc- Ewing, E. Daugherty, J. A. Baker, A. C. Tackett, M. J. Smith, John Pogue, F. M. Long, B. F. Will- banks, H. B. Lewis, J. M. Wiggins, S. Patullo, I’. M. Owens, J. M. Owens, J. B. Hunley, E. D. Kornegay, E. D. Kimble, Smith Roberts, I. D. Isbell, G. W. Robinett, D. 8. Findley, R. B. Brown, Sam L. Chalk, R. J. Browning, J. 8. Lenox, J. W. Minnock, CG. E. Sumner, EH. E. Hag- gard, 8. Edwards, Geo. Kay, D. McLean, D. T. Boon, L. W. Porter, Tom Brardfort, Jas. Price. John Price, S. W. Thompson, ©. Hoggard, Frank Davis, M. Holbrook, R. M. Brotherton, J. S. Shultz, S. I. Newton, J. W. House, S. Suttlemeyer, A. P. Turner, Wm. Power, J. H. Power, J. W. pecs J.T. Stenns, T. Turner, J. S. McLain, T. P. uder. ROUND TIMBER P. O.—R. F. Stennson J. W. Stenns, D. M. Morrison, R. F. Mitchell, 'T K. Hamby, Chas. Cooley, J. T. Clement, Minter Hamby, W. D. Poore, J. H. Smart, Cal. Sams, J. C. Sharp, Geo. Tolliver, H. L. Jones. ; AUDUBON P. O.—R. C. Johnson, Tom Johnson, G. W. Ball, A. Biscum, B. B. Ball, Levi Bishop, Jesse Bloge, A. M. Alexander, EB. L. pee DE Ce Radke c: Rife, G. B. Hull, Ben teeves, BOONSVILLE P. O.—Bud Sloyer, Geors Bille. Bice Woody, A. J. Bailey, Asbury Mabley, n Newson, George Mann, J. C Roars Wimberly. "ge enn, J.C. Alexander, Jim BLANCO (c. kh.) P. O.—W. A. Blackwell, P. M. Ross, D. L. Eddy, G. W. Palmer, G. H. Palmer, Sam Durham, J. W. Blackwell, P. G. Fulcher, J. B.|H. Moore, J. W. Lindemon, Dave Trainer, J. M. Page, Tom Cage, J. M. Campbell, Frank Jones, Felix Stubbs, Henry Lindemon, E. C. Goar, Chas. Cabaniss, George Barker, James Breed, James Boyler, Elijah Turner, Andrew Cox, Wm. Page, Lem Stubbs, sr., J. W. McCrocklin, Wm. Carnell, Edward Carnell, Robert Carson, James Phillips, Benj. Brigham, James Haines, George Stubbs, John Massey, Smith Kellam, Clem Durham, Dave Barker, Rev. M. E. Bell, Robert Jonson, Bill ‘liney, A. V. Duncan, J. B. Price, 1}. W. Palmer, Thos. Durham, Wm. Waxler, S. A. Corner, Thos. Ford, Jas. Page, Dave Blanton, Bob Carroll, Walter Glosson, Joe A. Speer, Tom Palmer, B. Z,. Boon, John West, Robert Capt, Joe Carson, Daye Randolph, John Byler, James Kellam, Frank Stubbs, James Wagner, Henry Wadkins, John Wright, Benj. James, Thos. Campbell, Charles Hoge, Scott Cabaniss, Glen Parks, John Saunders. J. M. Comparet, P. P. Cage, Jno. W. Speer, R. M. West, J. R. Capt, T. G. Cage, J. A. F. Carroll, F. J. Alexander, George Wall, S. D. Rountree;-Lee Rountree, Jno. W. Hamilton, Frank Alley, W. B. Ford, C. P. Boon, J. C. Goar, S. W. Brown, N. T. Stubbs, John Lindemon, Wm. Crow, G. W. Poor W. A. Parks, L. C. White, J. D. Rust, J. Green, M. K. Fred, John Wilson, Joe Smith, J. D. Car- roll, P. 'T. West, Hanie W. Speer, J. F. Cooper, John Smith, Benj. Kellam, Benj. Cage, jr., R. J. Gill, George Fred, P. P. Rencher, W. I. Jackson, Robert Harrison, Walter Howe, Wm. Hudson Sam Rogers, R. McGriff, A. W. Cox, Louis Capt, John Hines, Thos. West, Green Ferguson, Martin Epps, August Wies, Nim Smith, Green Moore, Hint Smith, C. L. Pruitt, Doc Lawson, Jobn Mc- Gowen, Wm. Flowers, Benj. Traiwick, J. E. Me- Gowen, Tom Robins, Andy Milan, §. Phillips, Wm. Wooldridge, Dave Weir, R. B. Benhard, Tom Edwards, W. H. Bruce, Chas. Castner, Frank Herman, Frank Anderson. DECATUR (c. h.) P. O—Sam Woody, Amos Finch, J. W. Cartwright, IT. M. Stephens, T. A. Fuller, Hugh Hardwick, Jacob Brown, Marion Woodard, Dan Waggoner, George Short, Fred Mershon, W. H. Cundiff, J. L. Lovejoy, jr., A. Deveraux, J. J. Terrell. ALVORD P. 0.—Shem Hatchet, T. J. Young- blood, J. G. Thompson, F. M. Thompson, G. A. Goss, S. Winter, I. P. Courtney, Wm. Fowler. CH1CO P. 0.—R. W. Dickenson, J. P. Gill, J. R. McCracken, T. Merriman, J. A. Siddons, W. H. Jordan, S. H. Kelsey, J. T. Standfield, J. B. Blanton, J. C. Reed, H. F. Hawkins, L. Williams, Rob Hailey, J. T. Chitwood. RHOME P. 0.—M.T. Oats, B. Morris, Ben Ford, A. A. Van Meter, C. J. Van Meter, B. C. Rhome, W. J. Rogers, J. J: Hodson, Geo. Reed, John Rowan. PARADISE P. 0.—-W. ‘H. Mershon, 8. T. Rhodes, M. H. Campbell, J. M. Smith, Ed Mer- shon, Ben Hall, W. M. McAfee, Tom McAfee, John McAfee, Abe Green, Billie Green, Bill Hawk, Iwhas Hale, Taylor Hale, Mart Hale; Pete Hamil- ton, Bill Evans, Henry Taylor, Chas. Jones, Henry Goloz, Dr. Roymer. AURORA P. 0.—Dan Colwell, Tom Long, John Trague, Billie Trague, Billie Standfield, John Standfield, S. T. Gardner, C. C. Leonard, Stand Paschal, Richard Boyd. ANNEVILLE P. 0.—J. 8S. Reed, J. M. Reed, Louis Pavillard, Nute Young, West Ashlock, Ben Faith, Joe Faith, Ernest Courtner, John rice. GARVIN P. 0.—Jim Huff, Dave Stokes, Lafe Higgins. Wm. Killough, A. J. Scroggins, Geo. Luinn, Dr. Peterson. COTTONDALE P. 0.—B. F. Banks, Joe Woody, George Woody, Frank Holden, Fred Swift, W. J. Pearson, &: J. Pedon, N. M. Price, I Stenson T2G: Stephens, G. W. Stephenson, W. P. Bridges, W. H. Bridges, BRIDGEPORT P. 0.—James Procter, Joe Collier, Pres. Collier, R. M. Willingham, George Crittendon, J. L. Crawford, J. A. McKvissey, W. J. Bowling, J. T. Butler, C. J. Buckner, W. T. Brock, J. S. Anderson, Wm. Anderson, A. J. Roy. CRAFTON P. 0.—L. J. Teters, W. M. Netherland, Wm. Buston, L. R. Croft, Wm. Can- ningham, Wm. Ashlock, Chas. Brown. N. L. Davis, E. H. Rogers, A. D. Roy, E. Robbinson, I. T. Phillip, W. A. Pigg.“THE EVERY (FFICE FAVORITE ; LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR Utah and Vermont. UTAH. FILLMORE (c.h.) P. O.—Alman Robison, F. A. Robison, W. H. King, L. A. King, Andrew Henry, RK. A. McBride, Geo. Craft, John Starley, James Starley, Henry Davis, hos. Dearden, Thos. Davis, #. T. Webber, J. C. Liddle, G. R Huntsman, Geo. Swallow, Richard Day, James Day, C. Anderson, Chas. Boregard, J. D. Smith, J. P. Smith, T. C. Callister, Russell Rogers, John Jackson, J. S. Block, John Kelly, Jas. Melville, Daniel Melville, Ralph Rowley, Hiram Mann, D. B. Warner, Allen Russell, Lewis Brunson, Jesse Millgate, Daniel Rolph, John Trimble, C. Hansen, Hans Hansen, Chas. Frampton. HOLDEN P. 0.—D. Kk. Stevens, Walter Ste- vens, Wm. Probert, A. P. Harman. Geo. Nixon, Henry ‘leeples, Wm. Ward, B. J. Stringham, Jos. Paul, W. &. Johnson, Heber Johnson, John Ash- by, John Kenney, Geo. Gull. SCIPIO P. 0.—\Jhomas Yates, Daniel Thomp- son, Henry ‘Lhompson, W. E. Robison, L. N. Peterson, Peter Neilson, J. P. Olsen, Jas. Mat- thews, Geo. Monroe, H. M. McArthur, J. B. Martin, B, H. Johnson, John Jacobson, Carl Jen- son. DESERET P. 0.—John S. Block, Wm. V. Block, John M. Kindar, Hawley Williams, Henry Hawley, Wm. Gibbs, L. R. Crapper, Chas. Cahoor, James Christianmen, John Dewsnip, Joseph Dow- eron. MEADOW P. 0.—G. H. Labrim, Geo. Little- wood, John Galloway, John Guel, Peter Green- algh, David Duncan, Wm. Bond, J. B. Bushnell, John Beckstraus,-H. R. Bennett, Samuel Bordall, Jos. Adams, Hiram Adams. CENTERVILLE P. 0.—N. T. Porter, Wm. R. Smith, Nashau Cheeney, Joel Parrish, Wm. H. Streeper, John Ford. FARMINGTON (c.h.) P. O.—H. Steed, Thos. Steed, E. T. Clark, John Preece, John W. Hess, Wm. H. Miller, Fred Coambs. KAYSVILLE P. 0.—John B. Meredith, Peter Barton, Charles Layton, Wm. B. Smith, T. F. Koulehe, W. W. Galbraith, Isaac Barton, Wm. Beesley, Robert L. Burton, John Burton, Geo. W. Adams, Elias Adams, Alex. Dawson, Richard Pieling, John Thornley, W. N. Nalder, Thomas Harris, John Weaver, ‘I’. H. Hodson, George -W. Hudson, Christopher Layton, Jos. Hull, jr., Thos. Carlos, John R. Barnes, E. P. Ellison, James Bennett, Geo. Swan, Wm. Stokes. BOX ELDER (c. h.) P. 0.—J. L. Anderson, Nephi Anderson John P. Burt, E. A. Box, Wm. Burrell, Heber Boden, James Boden, J. Bywater, W. H. Boothe, David Burt, Louis Beckstead, Ww. Bowden, B. A. Benson, Geo. Cragshead, L. ©. Christenson, John Christenson, Sam Carter, W. H. Cragshead, H. C. Christenson, P. C. Christen- son, C, Conley, Sim Carter, C._H. Davis, Dan. Davis, J. J. Dunn, Jonah Evans, Wn. Evans, M. L. Ensign, A. Forsgreen, P. Forsgreen, K. Faulk- ner, Geo. H. Gilbert, George Gilbert, Geo. Gidney, Geo. L. Grache, Wm. L. Gardner, Ed. Gilbert, John Halling, W. S$. Hansen, Wm. Horsley, F. F. Hansen, Abram Hillam, Paul Hansen, John Holland, Geo. F. Harrison, Jens Hansen, Robert Henderson, Joshua Holland, James Hanson, A. Hunsaker, jr., L. P. Johnson, (Gerhard Jensen, J. Jeppson, A. A. Jenson, H. C. Jenson, Peter Jer- genson, John Johnson, M. G. Jenson, Leman Johnson, Wm. Knudren, Chas. Kelly, Henry Ket- ter, James Larsen, C. Larsen, C, ©. Loveland, John Larsen, S. N. Lindall, Jonah Mathias, J. F. Merrill, Nels Madron, Adolph Madson, Alvin Nichols, N. H. Nelson, N. J. Nelson, J. P. Olson, Hans Olsen, James Pett, John Palmer, M. Phil- lips, David: Peters, H. M. Perry, O. A. Perry, J. D. Robberts, David Rees, Geo. B. Reeder, Paul Stark, Samuel Smith, Herbert Savage, Ee P. sig- ard, L. Snow, jr., Lucius Snow, J. M. Tippets, erney Tingy, K. Thorn, Aug. Valentine, Lymun Wright, W. L. Watkins, Chas. Wight, Wm. Writon, Barnard White, D. W. Walker, Rie Wilson, Thomas Young, B. M. Young. BEAR RIVER CITY P. 0.—Lars Ander- son, Peter Anderson, L. C. Christianson, K. H. Fredal, Jacob Hansen, James P. Ippsen, Car? Jen- sen, J. A. Larsen, M. C. Mortenson, Wm. John- ston, A. Oakeson, H. P. Peterson, Crist. Peterson, N.C. Whitman. PARK VALLEY P. 0.—Jonathan Cane bell, A. Chadwick, M. Coleman, Wm. Godfrey, Hirsh, Adam Larsen, E. D. Mecham, C. J. Roh- wer, Andrew Rose, 8S. Tracy, Hyram Yates. PORTAGE P. 0.—W. H. Anderson, Joseph Allen, Thomas Davis, W. H. Gibbs, David Hall, Joseph Halford, Enoch Harris, Miles Hall, O. C. Hoskins, James John, Henry John, J. Kelly, J. Mansfield, John Parkinson, Thos. Rees, William Sinclair, Jas. Spencer, John Tims. COLLINSTON P. 0.—Jos. L. Bowen, A. Rusenbark, C. P. Bowen, Crandel Dunn, Jarvis Johnson, Mark Bigler, Jas. Standing. DEWEY VILLE P. 0.—Dan Burbanks, J. C. Dewey, Thos. Friah, M. V. Gardner, John Germer, U. Hansen, D. W. Holdaway, N. Krued- sons R. Lindsay, C. Loveland, H. Marble, J. 8. Vells. CALL’S FORT P. 0.—Jude Allen, Robert Anglessy, L. Barnard, Ezra Barnard, R. H. Baty, Wm. Baty, Hyram Barnard, Jos. Frodsham, Wn. Flint, Richard Hadley, Thos. Harper, John Jones, Thad Wight, James May, John Nye, Wm. Pierce, Wm. Pyott, George Whitworth, Thomas Yates, Thos. Wheatley. CORRINNE P. 0.—Henry Foxley, J. M. Harris, J. W. Guthrie, Hyram House, D. D. Ryan, A. Topance, H. Rondfelt, L. C. Lee. WILLARD P. 0.—John N. Barker, Byron Baker, T. W. Brewerton, W. J. Beacher, Homer Call, John Cole, E. P. Cordon, Geo. Cook, Jos. S. Dudley, M. W. Dalton, L. D.. Edwards, George Facer, Robert Holmes, C. N. Hubbard, George Harding, Joseph Jones, Wm. Lowe, George J. Marsh, H. P. Madson, E. Morgan, Geo. S. Mason, P. A. Nebaker, Joseph Nichols, Owen Owens, Elisha Pettingil, Alex. Perry, W. Stauffer, Chas. Singleton, Asche! Thorn, John Taylor, James Toombs, Lyman Wells, Stephen White, J. P. Woods, T. S. Woodland, James Whittaker, Dan. Woodland, Joseph Wheeler, Alfred Ward, J. Wells, G. A. Ward, A. Zundel. SNOWVILLE P. 0.—Chas. Arbon, Wm. Cottam, A. Goodly, Wm. Hurd, James Jenson, J. Nelson, M. D. Ochiltree, Wm. Robbins. GROUSE CREEK P. 0.—Thos. Atkinson, CG. P. Brizzee, B. F. Cook, Seth Fletcher, M. Gro- ver,S H. Kimball, Chas. Lucas, Isaac Lee, L. D. Mecham, Wm. Paskett, David Thomas. BLUE P. 0.—Thomas Davis, George Parsons, J. A. Weaver, Nathan Yearsley. VERMONT. BURLINGTON (c. h.) P. 0.—Walter Car- penter, Geo. L. Reynolds, L. S. Drew, Eugene Goodrich, J. A. Arthur. SOUTH BURLINGTON P. 0.—J. E. Smith, I. F. Stewart, E. W. Brownell, T. A. Hop- kins, J. F. Hifli, H. H. Hough, Fred Drury, L. B. Baldwin, Geo. K. Taft, H. Bean, Geo. L. Barstow. COLCHESTER P. 0.—S. H. Weston, J. S. Platt, M. . Kelley, L. L. Lane, John Reynolds, Geo. Rhoades, Geo. Wright, F. L. Parsons, Stan- ley Platt, P. L. Pumelee, E. J. Harris, Irving Thompson, Jesse Thompson, W. H. Baker, Geo. L. McBride, Wm. H. McBride, John Rolfe. ESSEX P. 0.—J. N. Gates, H. G. Gates, Je Whitcomb, M. L. Lee, Milo Keeler, P. C. Abbey, C. H. Nicholes, V. N. Leach, C. W. Bates, BE Tyler, S. G. Butler, W. H. Chapin. HINESBURGH P. 0.—S. ©. Ray, Geo. ue Ray, Curtis Andrews, Ovett Kenyon, Fred Maeck, (). A. Mead, W. W. Bastwick, H. M. Page, C. G. Peck, D. K. Patrick, Elwood Russell, Orange Baldwin, H. A. Beecher, C. H. Weed, James Miner, W. R. Patrick, N. R. Miles, O. Wright. HUNTINGTON P. 0.—Horace Thurston, M. M. Fargo, O. H. Ellis, Solomon Norton, H. R. Norton, Warhan Brewster, M. Ross, Byron Brewster, Guy D. Ellis, 8. M. Gillett, Harry Ross. JERICHO P. 0.—Geo. Hawley, Gordon Smith, E. C. Fay, T. R. White, M. V. Willard, R. C. Lincoln, H. C. Booth, Cyrus Tarbox, Martin Packard, Rufus Brown. MILTON P. 0.—A. C. Fay, Emery Reynolds, Chas. L. Sanderson, W. C. Blake, Flea Wes Allen, R. H. Davis, W. H. Mayo, L. N. Smith, A. Wash- burn, D. L. Field, Geo. W. Phelps, C. W. Wood, L. §. Lincoln, C. S. Ashley, J. W. Brown. VERSHIRE P. 0.—Moses Spear. EF. Ss. Pearl, Webster Lathrop, Hial Colton, B.F. Fuller, Gyrus Fuller, John Z. Clough, John ©. Carlton, Charles Orr, Lyman D. Paine. NORTH TUNBRIDGE P. O--N. H. Austin, D. B. Giles, E. G. Langee, Jasper Lyman, Albert Whitney, Lewis Dickerman, See Durkee: H.|L. D. Humphrey, F. E. RICHMOND P. 0.—Albert Town, J. L. Mason, Uzzal Whitcomb, Geo. H. Fay, Henry Hildreth, Henry Gillett, W. S. Freeman, Mark Larnier, EK. B. Andrews, F. F. Gleason, Milton Stephens, C. P. Rhoades, Eli T. Judson, Thomas Leonard. WILLISTON P. 0.—Jason Clark, Hiram Clark, H. S. Johnson, R. B. Fay, M. M. Talcott Wm. B. Douglas, E. J. Talcott, A. E. Read, J. H. Bushnell, I. D. Ishman, Geo. M. Reed. _ BENNINGTON (c. h.) P. 0.—Jno. Rob- inson, C. E. Dewey, Geo. Warren, Otis Warren, Kd Kinslay, Elmer H. Rudd, Merritt F. Rudd, Martin Armstrong, Reubin Armstrong, John Healey, EH. Fillmore, Jesse Robinson, J. §. Silk, Job Stafford, Henry Stafford, John L. Howard, M artin Howard, Herbert Robinson, Chas. Homan, Ed Stratten, H. A. Lyons, Calvin Brewer, Chas. Rockwood, Henry Camp; Jno. Smith, Wm. Downs, Ira Wood, Horace Wood, D. A. Rider, M. Woodard, D. C. Harwood, Dayid Bushnell, Green Stratton, Ed Rice, Chas. Wilson, Chas. Green, Jno. Cone, Wm. Bromack, Chas. Scott, Paul McSanders, Austin Harmon, John Casey, Pat Casey, David Rockwood, Isaac Pratt, Henry Day, Calvin Fay, Jno. Rockwood, C. Davenport, Burt Rockwood. OWNAL P. 0.—Wm. B. Arnold, Jas. Arnold, ©. A. Paddock, D. A. Dean, Pliny Wright, A. Potter, J. C. Bennett, Ward Miles, Orin Bates, D. F. Bates, M. Potter, M. Gradey Wm. Montgomery, Oscar Card, A. Thompson, Jo Myers, J. B. Myers, A. Ladd, Chas. Barber, H. Merchant, M. J. Burlington, Frank Pettibone, Sam Gardner, Abe Gardner. SHAFTSBURY P. 0.—Abram Baker, H. O. Barber, J. M. Barber, C. A. Barney, R. G. Blackmer, H. M. Bottum, Nathan Bottum, Jer- emiah Bowen, M. L. Brown, David Buck, A. G. Carey, E. V. Chase, A. N. Cole, Andrew Johnson, Henry Perkins, A. B. Pierce, Milo, Pierce. CHELSEA (c. h.) P. O.—J. B. Bacon, D. Emery, Wm. Robbins, E. N. Bacon, Calvin Good- win, A. A. Goodwin, Geo. F. Reed, Aikin Ed- wards, Filmore Edwards, Warren Stearns, Frank Gdman, Azariah Barnes, Geo. Bacon, W. F. Dewey, H.S. Annis, J. M. Grant, Ezra Walker, Irving Boen, Geo. Bradshaw, Geo. Hildreth, Vernon Flanders, W. D. Grant, P. C. Wills, J. A. Lincon, John Allen, M. C. Allen, Jabez Luse, Chas. W. Goos, E. B. Stanley, Ed. Fitts, W. D. Parker, Chas. Densmore, H. E. Allen, C. C. Cross, Nathan Noyes, Freeman Noyes, P. L. Sargent, N. G. Moore, C. H. Scribner, A. W. Allen, Edwin Fuller, G. L. Stow, C. W. Clarke, E. R. Hyde, de B. Atwood, Orcutt Bixby, W. H. H. Hall, Wm. Peters, C. W. Bagley, Geo. Andres, A. W. Chandler, Ziba Andrus, H. W. Dearborn, WW de Tarbell, Con. Bixby, N. S. Bixby, Albert Allen, Alden Tracy, E. 0. Tracy, F. 1. Whitney, W. F. Hood, J. A. R. Corwin, A. W. Whitney, O. M. Rice, S. N. Goss, Joseph French, Abel Merrill, James Atwood, Stephen Montague, M. F. Ord- way, J. 9. Patterson, A. H. Powers, E. D. Barnes, Tra Hood, M. H. Carwin, W. S. Hatch, A. K. Hovey, Amos Hatch, Fifield Bohonon, Dudley Cabot, C. Robinson, C. BE. Gonfrey, Joseph Lan- don. H. W. Dearborn, John Sanborn, Hyde Cabot J. K. Darling, John M. Comstock, Wm. Marston, I’, P. Bixby, J. S. Minard, ‘Jhos. Godfrey, W. R. Puffer, Edward Douglass, Gilman Thorne, Je eit= kin, Chas. Perkins, Geo. W. Cleaveland, C. C. Locke, Willis Scales, C. C. Scales, H. B. Lyford, Davis, Arthur Emerson, Phillip Little, Saml. Beckwith, M. V. B. Davis, Jasper Ladd, Smith Taylor, Alfred Norris, Saml. Ackerman, W. L. Sargent, M. S. Keyes, James Cosgrove, Geo. B. Roberts, Edson Titus, C. A Densmore, Jabin Corwin, J. A. Stanley, N. H. Perkins, John Perkins. SOUTH SHAFTSBURY P. 0.--—Myron Barton, Hiram Barton, Albert Bates, Ed Bates, Henry Beagle, Franklin Becker, H. C. Elwell, D. (. Elwell, Geo. Green, Clark Harrington. MANCHESTER (c. h.) P. O.=L. S. Ame- den, C. C. Bell, Elias Bentley, J. W. Bowen, G. G. Buxton, D. H. Dyer, B. Hanley, Zerah Hard. FACTORY POIN'? P. O.—E. B. Hollister, T, J. Hoyt, B. L. Jameson, Chas. Lane, H. D. Mattison, Freeman Sikes. . SUNDERLAND P. 0.—Jas. Stone, Samuei Pike, Jas. Bushee, BE. A. Graves, E. H. Graves, Jara Allen, J. W. Andrew. STAMFORD P. 0.—John Lee, John Mans- field, John W. Millard, Russel Niles.“THE EVERY (OFFICE FAVORITE ‘ LAND OWNERS’ ADDRESS APPENDIX FOR Wal REG] N it A. APPOMATOX (c.h.) P. O—John Sears, Win. H. Gills, Wm. J. Trent, Tho. A. Smith, Danl P. Ferguson, Wm. A. Morgan, Chas. M. Drinkard, Wm. Rosser, Henry Inge, Alexander © Inge, Jno. F. Dickerson, A. F. Anderson, Turner P. Inge, Geo. M. Graff, S. A. Kelley, Thos. E. Legrand, Joel W. Jenkins, E. R. Rosser, Chas. P. Barnard, Joel W. Flood, D. A. Christian, Ed. L. Anderson, D. W. Woodson, Thos. 8. Bocock, W. P. Bocock, Robt. A. O’Brien, Tho. P. Taylor, Frank W. McKinney, J. W. McKinney, KE. T. Kindred, Tho. W. Johns, Saml A. Thornhill, Chas. H. Sackitt. ROSE BOWER P. 0.—Geo. W. Abbott, Thos. Harvey, jr., H. P. Harvey, Jas. H. Wood- son, Henry C. Ferguson, Jordon D. Goin, T. B. Bryant, L. A. Bugby, Jno. W. Davidson, E. C. Robertson, Chas. H. Colman, Jas. R. Beasley. TOWER HILL P. 0.—Robt R. Kyle, D. M. Anderson, Geo. W. Johnson, Washington John- son, Jas. Gooding, Albert Thornhill, Wm. A. Thornhill, Jas. A, Walker, Jas. A. Agee, Jas. H. Featherston. BENT CREEK P. 0.—Wm. A. White, A. B. White, Wm. H. Carter, Henry C. Thur- mond, Jno. W. Walton, KE. A. Walton, Tandy Harris, Robt. A. Stephens, Jno. H. Wood, Jos. Coleman, J. H. Thornhill. OAKVILLE P. 0.—Joseph Abbitt, Wm. C. Abbitt, Jas. G. Mclver,Richard T. Moss, Robt. A. North, Chas. P, North, jr., N. W. Owen, Jno. B. Penyear, H. A. Whitehead, Jno. H. Nowlin, Alfred Jones, Jacob N. Doss, C. H. Coleman, jr., J. 8. F. Bondurant, Palmer Carson. SPANISH OAKS P. 0.—Jno. J. Carson, M. W. Carson, J. Watt Carson, Jno. C. Moore, Robt. W. Moore,Thos. J. Stratton, Peter L. Strat- ton, 8. C. Stratton, Samson Moore, J. S. T. Bondurant, E. M. Taylor, Zack Taylor, W. W. Wricht. MINERAL P. 0.—Edward Jones, W. N. Shearer, James E. Shearer, B. W. Martin, Thos. H. Martin, Thos. B. Moore, jr.. W. H. H. Walker, N. C. Harding. SPOUT SPRING P. 0.—EFd. F. Collins, Philip Snapp, Wm. B. Caldwell, Tho. 0. David- son, Jesse T. Davidson, Danl W. McKinney, E. A. Sims,D. P. Robertson, Robt. G. Robertson, Jno. B. Puryear, S. Jones, Robt. H. Thomas, Jno. A. Shearer, H. Clay Shearer, C. H. Chilton, Frank B. Jones, W. Franklin, Robert Worley. REEDY SPRINGS P. O.—Benj. Hunter, J.B. Hunter, D. H. Marshall, Wm. B. Marshall, Robt. EH. Marshall, Robt. A. Cheatham, Jno. D. Cheatham, Jno. A. Coleman, Wm. G. Coleman, Be a Eaton Thos. Davenport, R. D. Woodson, . D. Flage. SPRING MILLS P. 0.—J. w. Hendrick, Alex. Cheatham, Thos. Cheatham, Jas. C. Ford Nathan Tannet, Jno. P. Harvey, J. Hl. Moris.” NEBRASKA P. 0.—Tho. A. Walton, R. Ke Purdum, J.S. Purdum, Thos. Caldwell, Thos. A. Caldwell, Wm. H. Abbitt, C. N. Abbitt, 8. P. Coleman, Geo, W. Coleman, Willis Inge, W. W. Statham, ©. T. Moses, Wm. A. Durram, M. H Coleman, Jos. A. Oder, W. W. Oder. PAMPLIN \CUEIENYS (2, Ol—=Ap 1G Hannah, P: M. Hannah, Geo. T. Farrar, M. P. Wheeler, A. C. Wheeler, Wm. Ligon, Jno. W. Harwood, Jos. W. Dickerson, C. J. Dickerson, H. A. Pan- lett, J. R. Franklin, Wm. H. Mosely, C. W. Far- rar, Wm. A. Glover, @. S. Morton. FORE’S STORE P. O.—Chas. J. Fore, E. P. i ore, Jas, R. Bensley. S. H. and J. He Goine D. M. Going, John Webb, J. W. Gawthon. D nVERGR io GREEN P. 0.—Jas. P. Caw Jno. D. Cawthon, Joel T. Cawthon. MnO, Harvey and Sons, Geo. T. Farrar, Jno. M. A. Fore, ero eae Thos. H. Cheatham, Joseph God- ae - Wooldridge, Saml G. Harvey, H.R. CHAP P. 0—Jno. T Lee, John T. M ? 1 anee Sr . OSsés, Wa D. Ferguson, S. B. Fleshman, Jno, M. WVisre shall, Henry W. Marshall, M. L. Fore, Jno. W White, Robert Penick, F. R. North, Chas. & Cawthorn, Wm P. Harvey, Ed. G. Harvey Ch i . Godsey, Saml Martin, 2 Dae HIXBURGH P. 0.—Wm. D. Hix, P. H. Gil- wm, Et. H. Gillinm, Jesse T, Harvey, Jno. H Marshall, Joel W. Coleman, Sydnor Webb. 1) W" tere, Wm. J. Watkins, P. H. Fore, S.B. Hurt, See B My Agee Saml Wheeler, John ayaneeee ears, D. Burke, Jno. H. Bagley, PRINCESS ANNE (ce. h.) P. 0.—David Malbon, Peter Dyer, Dennis M. Capps,’ Philip Morrisette, Wm. T. Malbon, Zacharia Murden, Peter Morrisette, lL. A. Brock, J. A. McAlpine, J. F. Batten, J. E. Cannon, J. T. Woodhouse, Chas. Malbon, W.J. Henley, Jonathan Wood- house, John L. Brown, O. L. Malbon, J. H. Bonney, Wm. 8. Whitehurst, Jno. J. Woodhouse, J. B. Etheridge, J. V. Ewell, Wm. H. Land, Lo- renzo Land, Jas. McClanan, W. D. Woodhouse, J. E. Strawhand, J. L. West, Wm. W. Cason, John D. Flanagan, W. H. Hill, D. W. Malbone, Geo. W. Leggett. LONDON BRIDGE P. O.—Emerson Land, Jonathan Hunter, T. C. Hunter, A. W. Bell, Benneté Land, J. C. Shepherd, Wm. Braith- waite, S. W. James, Robt Woodhouse, Geo. H. Ferebee, S. W. Brooks, A. W. Willett, C. H. Brock, M. L. Jarvis, W. H. Ackiss, J. M. Harvey, J. W. Avery, W.S. Archibald, W. T. Gornto, W. T. Brock. KEMPSVILLE P. 0.—Miles Selden, La- salle Jackson, J. E. Old, W.H. Old, Jno. L. Nash, J. W. Dozier, J. 'T. Herbert, Joel Masters, Amos Masters; J. J. Hall, Geo. W. Smith, L. W. T. Land, J. W. Buchanan, Wm. W. Coke, A. E. Herbert, Willis B. Sanderlin, John Carraway, O. B. Mears, Erasmus Lovitt, Robt. C. Jones, Wm. Heningst, J. E. Dewes. LAND OF PROMISE P. 0.—W. T. Morris, Edwin Ives, Wm. Jones, Joseph N. Wood, Tully Halstead, Jesse Ives, J. E. Cart- wright, Holloman Lane, A. O. Baum, George L. L. Simons, Jesse B. Howell, B. F. Ives. BLOSSOM HILL P. 0.—C. V. Dudley, Daniel Ward, Thompson L. Morris, Alex. White, W.N. White, James Salmons, Elzy W. Morse, Charles Williams, J. M. Drewry, Milton T. Sen- eca, J. O. Morris, Thomas White, Frank Batten, Thomas K. Etheridge, J. E. Kilgro, Joseph Saw- yer, W. J. Lawrence, Henry Corprew, David D. Batten, Thomas S. Land. PLEASANT RIDGE P. 0.—Caleb D. White, Jno. A. Shipp, J. Walter Munden, Jno. M. Bonney, H. W. Brock, Geo. W. Whitehurst, C.C. Bell, A. L. White, V. W. Bonney, E. H. Whitehurst, Peter Land, Geo. W. Dawley, Gideon Williams, T. F. Williams, J. E. Whitehead, Ira V. Capps, Wm. A. White, S. A. Brock, Jno. D. James, J. Talbott Capps, Geo. W.Gornto, Wm. W. McClanan, Enoch Petree, J.D. Vaughan, Jesse C. White, T. C. Whitehurst, Thomas H. Williams. PUNGO P. 0.—Geo. W. Land, Emerson Fisher, C. B. Ackiss, H. M. Owen, Wm. E. Port- lock, C. T. Chaplain, Moses J. Eaton, BE. W. At- wood, J. G. Moore, J.M. Malbone, J. T. Malbone, Geo. W. Capps, H.B. Malbone, Jno. T. James, Adolphus Moore, E. M. James, jr., Earley W. Eaton, James 0. Land, Walter T. James. SAND BRIDGE P. 0.—S. B. McKenney, J. P. Woodhouse, E. E. Burroughs, William W. Atwood, Moses _B. Atwood, Joshua W. White- hurst, William Eaton, Noah W. Simmons, James BE. White, Thomas L. Robinson, Wm. D. Bonney, Moses A. Flanagan, Anthony Whitehurst. CHARLOTTESVILLE (c. h.) P.O.—F. B. Moran, W. R. Duke, H. GC. Michie, F. P. Farish, J R. Wingfield, Edward Winefield, A. J. Craven, C. G. Sinclair, R. S. Farish, I. F. Randolph, A. H. Gentry, H. L. Lyman, Saml H. Buck, H. L. Mas- sie, H. H. George, Wm. Hotop, Col. B. Taylor, W. J. Ficklin, S. W. Ficklin, Walter Potts, L. S. Macon, Geo. H. Crank, Rev. Edgar Woods, J. T. Antrim, C. D. Fishburne, J. D. Jones, R. F. Omo- hundro, J. M. White, Mason Gordon, Arch Doug- ass, Col. Preston, W. C. Dabney, W. D. Dabney, R. F. Mason, J. F. Elliott, Gen. Thos. Rosser, Carey Ruffin, J. D. Watson, B. Flannagan, J. B Moon, J. Woods Gatsh, Warner Wood, Cap. J. B. Frizell, W. Boston, M. F. Maury, Jesse Maury, Jesse L. Fry, J. N. Fry,John L.Cochran, J. C. Me- Kinnie, Cap. McMurder, J. M. Mooney, W. R. Burnley, Downing Smith, G. S. Conway, Dr Hedges, , : HARLYSVILLE P. O.—B. R. Eddins, Rich Eddins, F. Ss, Durrett, Dr. Durrett, Davis Jackson, J.R. Earley, Davis Farley, Jas. Smith, Dr. 'l. A. Michie, Geo, Smith, W. G. Brown Deck Brown, Ira G. Wood, Enoch Wood, ve Hemingwood, Albert Fray, John Fray, Jas. Frensley, E.0. Michie, Kd. Carter, Rich S. Allen, Robt. H. Allen, Ralph Allen, Edmond eee Loderick Austin, Jas. Lupton, Frank S. RIVANNA P. 0.—W. G. Farish, Col. J. J. Bowcock, W. H. Bowcock, J. O. Bowcock, J. H. Burnley, J.S. Burnley, L. C. Watts, J. W. Me- Leod, Geo. 8. Lofland, Thos. Etherton, Montgom- ery Hall, Jas. Railey, Dr. J. Augustus Michie, W. P. Michie, Dr. EK. F. Birckhead, Thos Birk- head, C. T. Worthington, Thos. Smith, W. J. Leake, Wm. Tate, W. P. Mayo, A. Hildebrand. RICHMOND (c. h.) P. O.—R. B. Chaffin, Ot- eray S. Allen, M. Amirhein, G.H. A. Ball, John P. Branch, Dr. J. G. Beattie, N. W. Bowe, Edmund Bossieux, Milton Cayce, J. L. Carrington, Dr. O. A. Crenshaw, Jas. H. Crenshaw, D. RK. Cormard, R. T. Crouch, Jno. S. Dodson, W. T. Ford, A. W. Garber, R. B. Haxall, R. A. Henley, E. G. Hig- ginbotham, J. M. Lynneman, R. Maynard, W. McGruded, R. A. Patterson, Henry S8. Parsons, H. D. Probasco, John Purcell, EK. T. Rugg, B. Schopers, Joe Schopers, Alfred W. Shields, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. Taylor, Jas. Via, A. J. Wray, Chas. E. Whitlock, T. C. Williams, McClurg Wickham, C. KE. Wortham, Egner Aignew, L. J. Bossieux, Ralph Creyke, Peter J. Crew, Jno. T. Childrey, Bailey Davis, John Dearborn, T. A. Gilmer, Dr. G. K. Gilmer, W. B. Grover, R. L. Harrison, J. M. Halsey, Jno. Haycox, M. B. Hermann, James Hughes, John Jeter, jr, J. T. Maynard, Jeff Powers, Franklin Stearns, Normand Smith, J. W. Southward, J. M. Sunday, W, H. Tantrum, J. D. Warriner, Wm. M. Warriner, S. P. Waddill, Jno. Weber, W. S. Blackburn, T. C. Burnett, J. W. Beveridge, Wm. J. Boyd, J. E. Broaddus, Joseph Bryan, Leonard Chamberlayne, John Clacker, Jno. B. Crenshaw, James H. Crenshaw, A. R. Court- ney, W. 8. Coggeshall, Isaac Davenport. jr., T. B. Darracott, F. H. Deane, A. Dill, Robt. Ford, Ry- land Ford, J. M. Fourgurean, V. L. Floyd, Geo. Gibson, S. B. Ginn, Alex. Hierholzer, W. T. Hood, Wm. J. Jennings, L. H. Jeter, Jas. A. Jones, R. Hastleburg, John Kersting, H. L. King, Jacob Kirsch, W. I’, Lawrence, A. C. Lane, John Lindsey, Rk. W. Mordecai, Dr. S. P. Moore, Jas. D. Mosby. B. Taylor McCue, Henry Neurohr, Wm. Norwood, J. M. Nolting, C. G. Paleski, B. Plageman, W. A. Parsons, Alfred Pearson, HK. D. Redd, A. G. Robinson, J. Rosenbaum, A. H. Sands, Fred Schaof, Chas. Saelzer, D. K. Stewart, E. H. Skinker, E. D. Schumaker. LODEBAR P. 0.—Robert H. Allen, John J. Coleman, Geo. B. Berry, G. W. Martin, FABER’S MILLS P. 0.—Wnm. A. Harnner, James Gay, W. D. Piteer, A. B: Pitger: R. F. Sims, Joe E. Mathews, H. L. Blain, M. W. Woodson, J. M. Woodson. ROCKFISH DEPOT P. 0.—E. G. Thur- mond, Jas. H. Harris, Lucius 8. Farrer, Jacob D. Farrer, John E. Powell, Zack Damron, Z. D. Damron, Andrew Roberts, Scott Roberts, Ed. M. Cutter, Thos. R. Daniel, John Allen, John S. Woodson. LOVINGSTON (c.h.) P. 0.—S. F. Dillard, James Harvey, John Horsley, John D. Horsley, J. Tinsley Coleman, John R. Rogers, James Rog- ers, Pierce Loving, Wm. S. Dillard, Geo. W. Fortune, Geo. W. Fortune, Jr., Stone T. Rogers, Stewart B. Whitehead, Frank T. Loving, Geo. S. Harvey. ARRINGTON P. 0.—John L. Sneed, W. C. Fitzpatrick, Thos. P. Fitzpatrick, J. Thompson Brown, Alex. A. Loonig, Ed W. Goodwin, A. G. Pettet, John J. L. Stevens, Charles H. Stevens, Edward Carter, John T. Dillard, C. H. Spencer, W. F. Spencer, Tom J. Saunders, James W. Mays, W.N. Bryant. MASSIE’S MILLS P. 0.—R. W. Mopee, J. W.C. Meeks, Nelson Bryant, A. G. Bryant, J. D. Plunkett, M. C. Mopee, Mayo ©. Mopee, R. T. Moys, W. L. Dickee, Joe Ligon, Joe H. Shelton. ROSELAND P. 0.—James ©. Pettet, C. K. Anderson, Abram Smith, J.J. N. Clarkson, Thos. R. Gales, M. C. Bryant. TYRO P. 0.—W. H. Parrish, Bland Mopee, R. E. Gleason, J. W. Hamilton, Wm. Hamilton. ONAN P. 0.—John H. Goodoe, Adison M. Goodoe, W. L. Williams, W. H. Goodwin. GREENFIELD P. 0—H. C. Page, C. L. Mea Clifton Harris, W. H. Rodes, J. Hudson oOods. NELLY’S FORD P. 0—John A. Hill, Chas. Harris, Tom P. Dickinson, David Wilt, M. H. Fitzpatrick, John C. Collins, John W. Wilt. SLAUGHTER P. 0.—Ed. F. Clark, N. E. Coleman, Walker Coleman, Alfred Harris. MIDWAY MILLS P. 0.—G. F. Simpson, R. K. Campbell, W. 8. Dunn.“THE EVERY OFBICE FAVORITE” saxo omens snoness arrexor zon Washington and Wyoming Ter’s. WASHINCTON TERRITORY. ELLENSBURGH (c. kh.) P. O.—H.S. An- derson, J. L. Amlin, W. O. Ames, Horace Bagg, M. Beker, D. G. C. Baker, W. H. Beck, . ) Bates, J. W. Burch, G. H. Baker, J. L. Brown, CG. Brownfield, W. Briggs, A. Barnes, 8. L. Bates, J. B. Brush, W. T. Beers, Z. T. Butler, L. Blumaner, S. L. Blumaner, Jacob Becker, F. C. Barnhart, H. M. Bryant, A.$. Burbank, I. L. Burton, John Blomgrist, 8. M. Bond, G. C. Boswell, Jacob Bowers, Joseph Borst, A. J. Baibs, W. A. Bull, Moses Bollman, W. Bronam, M. Canaday, Rk. W. Canaday, John Clifton, G. B. Cooke, E. W. Cooke, L. Casaday, RK. A; Coleman, 8. T. Cox, S. S. Cox, I. J. Cutting, W. J. Cahoun, M. M. Cahoun, M. D. Cooke, G. W. Carver, L. T. Caster, Dan Cur- ley, A. W. Champlin, Wm. Coleman, E. S. Cole- man, Perry Cleman, C. P. Cooke, J. P. Clerf, John Cathn, EH. E. Church, W. S. Crouch, A. M. Church, J. D. Dammon, D. W. Dillon, J. W. Dix- on, R. H. Drew, 8. C. Davidson, C. B. Davidson G. E. Dickson, H. Devore, G. D. Ablaing, H. H Davis, J. S. Dysart, D. L. Evans, G. W. Elliott, Erick Erickson, W. H. Elhott, Geo. H. Faunce, John Forgey, W. A. Forgey, B. W. Frisby, M. A. Forrest, Robert Flemming, David Fisher, David Ford, James Ferguson, G. W. Gillespie, S. R. Geddis, J. T. Greenwood, G. F. Germain, Daniel Gaby, E. D. Grewell, Chris. Groy, Thomas Haley, Tilman Houser, Theodore Hess, Geo. B. Henton, John Holtz, H. Hutchinson, A. O. Hutchinson, J. EK. Hale, Wm. Haynes, J. B. Jones, J. W. Jewett, A. W. June, Jacob Jenson, Thos. Johnson, A. Jenson, Walter Keyes, 8. S. Kiester, W. D. Kil- more, J. F. LeClere, P. O. Lych, E. W. Leyen, Erick Larson, John Lyons, P. Laurendean, Jas. A. Laurie, F. Leonhard, Ed Lindsey, J. L. Mills, Peter McCleary, E. Messerly, R. A. Maple, J. L. McGinnis, W. J. McCaustland, T. F. McCaust- land, C. T. Maynard, A. A. Meade, J. H. McEwen, J. W. McEwen, J. T. MceMcDonald, David Mur- ray, J. J. Miller, Tillie McDonald, Capital, $20,000.< Incorporated under the Laws of Dakota. Negoiate Loans Secured by & = First Mortgage on Improved Farms. GOOD INTEREST, 3ABSOLUTE SECURITY: CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. JAS. M. McCARTY, REAL ESTATE, Loan, Insurance and General Agent, BND NOTARY PUBLIC. Has unusual facilities for the purchase and sale of LANDS, in large or small tracts, all over the State of California, but particularly in the GREAT SAN JOAQUIN AND SACRAMENTO VALLEYS, Has now for sale a great REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. See = &C@, SIOUX FALLS, DAK. Publishers of the Sioux Falls Real Estate Bulletin. Dakota Real Estate! Bought and sold on commission. Col- lections promptly made, and taxes paid for non-residents. Special attention given to loaning money for capitalists, secured by first mortgage on farm and city property, on long time and at highest current rates. 500 business and resi- dence lots forsale. 25,000 acres of im- proved and unimproved lands for sale. Copies of the Bulletin, list of property and references sent on application. many farms adapted to the production of wheat, fruit, vines, olives and oranges, and a few dairy farms. Pays special at- tention to the wants of Eastern capitalists desiring investmentsin California. Loans Eastern money on mortgages on lands in California realizing seven per cent net to the loaner. References furnished and all business transactions guaranteed. OKFICE: 201 MAIN STREET. STOCKTON, CALIFORAIA. _REMINDER.-—If it is stated where advertisement satisfactorialy answer your inquiry or correspondence. 4 Dee is noticed, National advertisers can —Do not forget to mention BANKING HOUSE ——; OF :———} HENRY CLEWS & U0. 13 & 15 Renad At. NEW YORK. JOHN C. MAUGER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate and Collection c=” ACENT “3 All Business entrusted to me will be attended to with neat- mess and dispatch. S$ DN Interest Paid on Deposit Balances. The Sunbeam was the first journal in the United States to nominate Grover Cleveland for President, Nov. 4, 1882, while he was mayor of Buffalo, N. MG, . 4S Orders executed on all the Exchanges for Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions, COTTON AND PETROLEUM FOR CASH OR ON MARGIN. SELIGMAN, BARRY COUNTY, MISSOURI. refer, and more promptly and “PHE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE.”“THE EVERY OFFICE FAVORITE” ADVERTISERS. [From “Gems of the Northwest,” issued by Gy Me GSU Re Riya a TT RE LE LE EN RES SE TRISTE TORTE ER —_ SRE ISS ee ee ee ee ee ee ae eae nts PR EE SE REPRESEN SF AS US eyed ooo ee peak SNE SV RRS a a eg Ma TO : Reigns alone among the Natural Dietetic Table Waters. Its numerous competitors have, one after another, fallen away until it has no rival. The only Spring in Waukesha that remains at one temperature both summer and winter—i. e, 48 deg. The Waukesha Glenn Natural Mineral water issues from a spring deeply imbedded in a rock, and is, therefore, of absolute organic purity. What the Highest Authority in New York City Says: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. LaBoRATORY OF THE ScHooL or Mines, CotumpiA Cotitea@e, New York, Noy. 10. Sir—The sample of Mineral Water from Wisconsin, marked “Glenn Mineral Spring,” submitted to me for examina- tion, contains in one U.S. gallon of 231 cubic inches: Chloride of Sodium.......... ...- 1.2944 grains. | Bicarbonate of Magnesia. ....... 13.5795 grains. | Alumina................-.. -.-. 0.0466 grains. Sulphate: ofsRotassa: sande a. cen. 0.4848 “ Bicarbonate Or Ione. omnece ne oot 008665 = SILCAN eee cee to ciereciien cree 1.0497 <“ Sulphateoiesodaseas0- ae aioe a 0.6212 “ Bicarbonate of Soda............. On(094 Organic Matters) oe eee 0.0160 “ Bicarbonateof Mime... 2,-7.0... LOIS PhosphatevotSodarncssos reer 0.0084 “ 34.0230 grains. This water appears to be identical with the Bethesda Water as it was before the Glenn Spring was created by tapping the Bethesda Stream. Respectfully, your obedient servant, 0. F. CHANDLER, Ph. D., Prof. Anal. and Applied Chem. The Wankesha Glenn Spring was created by opening a new outlet for the Bethesda stream, since which time it has caused the flow trom the Bethesda spring in dry weather to be almost exhausted, thereby rendering the Bethesda water comparatively worthless, as shown from four analyses by Prof. O. F. Chandler, and other positive proots. The Glenn Mineral Water is the only diuretic water known in the world which acts liver, kidneys, urinary and generative organs, and is nature’s soverelgn remedy for that numerous class of diseases that attlict the human family, and as medical statistics show, comprise one-half of those which terminate life. This water will keep fresh and sweet, tasting neither stale nor flat, and is the only mineral water from Waukesha that will keep, which 1s positive evidence of its superior medicinal properties. directly upon the secretions of the Those who saw me last winter did not expect me to live till July, and will now testify that all I say, and even more, would be true. May the Glenn Spring continue to run pure water forever and ever. D. W. C. HOUSE, Kansas City, Mo., Moline Plow Co. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 6.—Dear Sir: lt is with great pleasure that I have to inform you of the wonderful effect the water from your springs, has had upon my wife, who was unable to leave her room with cl chronic Bright’s disease. It seemed to affect every part of her body with pain, and sleep- ess nights, so that the doctor gave no hopes of her; but since drinking of the Glenn Mineral Water she has not only been able to leave her bed and room, but to take long walks of one and two miles, and is fast improving in health and strength. We have now done away with all other remedies, only using the water, which keeps perfectly sweet in the manner you put it up. You will please send me at once another barrel, Yours respectfully, JOHN RESTEIN. a oe LEAN AT STREEN, CINCIN NATI, April 22.—Dear Sir: I am entirely cured of my kidney trouble, after five years affliction. The water I Bi’ OF you last summer js Just as clear and sweet now as water that I drank from your spring when I was there, while all the Bethesda water in this market is offin color and stringy in substance. Yours truly THOS. VAN NAME ‘ . on > We £ LN fA . fe ae Mron., September 6.—Dear Sir: As regards my own case, I would say that I am cured of Bright’s disease. You will please ship another ee Eas eR a: Yours truly, W. HATHAWAY. JLE AND Ose »).—Dear Sir: ‘ i Tl Sellers, has found so mel ibenehectiout dl ater 19 eae et fe following addresses: My friend, Mr. nd ! da ; ( ordered another barrel, and has j received it, ¢ é happy. Iam feeling tip-top, andl ama living advertisement for your excellent water. Yours truly neat WT WitCoa = Amegs, N, Y., August 24.—Dear Sir: Send ine another bar i is f i a cae v4 » AUUSL 24. sar Sir: Se 2 a or barrel of water. It is for a neichbor. Mr B.M sa men ro send 1 ater. s a@ neighbor, Mr. b. Mount. I let him have ten gallons fr res and A ee him more than two years of treatment from the most skillful doctors of the Mohawk Valley. Yours truly SAM'L SUBVENS: a ease forward me, as before, one barrel of Waukesha Gle Vater i oe the greatest. It is deserving of all ee ukesha Glenn Water. The Waukesha Glenn Water is the best in the world, and my physician says g Se. GEORGE H. PEABODY, 118 East Eichtee th Street, New York Boston, Mass., July 12.—Dear Sir: Please send me five barrels of Gl WwW . Me a Poe hoe SEE a OT REE 2 se > barrels of Glenn ater Hevple Here are learning the merits of Glenn Water. I like ours truly JOHN SULLIVAN These, with thousands of 5G; S other actual cures and be S , Vales . , Reno pee Beas ng Ee en eee noes to convince the most skeptical. The medieal protes- Be ein iantaticn ct pee ene ory aa fan. fe avoid the more harsh Spring water, and also those eon- g aukeshe enn is the only speciic known for the hitherto incurable diseases—diabectes Bright’s dis i eet i ASes c 5, ‘ sease and all kidney : ff ‘ 5 c s1aney aiections It has been tested | i 7 . ° 1 : . ; ° t . y Je a8 VV tl ‘ ¢ 7 Sse 0 : : are Open to the public, and furnished to all who desire, mailed free A ddress ) 1ousands) whos unsolicited testimonials ee Se Noe YVYaukesha, Vis. } RESORT on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Wisconsin Centra] Railways. Please send one barrel of the Glenn Mineral W 1e water I ordered for him, that he tells me he has WAUKESHA is a Charming SUMMER