\LDERMAN ACKS+ ott tee, alerts $ iin vi X030862014 3 Beetteete $500 otek wits: . ‘ 2535 5b it Aee BOCo ts Co a reir Boone erasUniversity of Virginia Libraries MEM Fi tencS 4 BAG Ase KiaGeorgia s Roster of the Revolution Containing a List of the State’s Defenders; Officers and Men: Soldiers and Sailors; Partisans and Regulars; Whether Enlisted from Geor- gia or Settled in Georgia After the Close of Hostilities Compiled under Authority of THe LEG Sie Aa Cisse From Various Sources, Including Official Documents, Both State and Federal, Certificates of Ser- vice, Land Grants, Pension Rolls, and Other Records By LUCIAN LAMAR KNIGHT, EE Dake Ro: State Historian and Director of the Department of Archives and History Baltimore GENEALOGICAL PUB! ISHING COMPAN} 196% MM eeeOriginally Published Atlanta, 1920 Reprinted Genealogical Publishing Company Baltimore, 1967 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67 24375Table of Contents Compiler’s Preface, 5 Letter from Secretary Knox, of the U. S. War Department, showing the number of Georgia troops enlisted, State and Continental, 7 Officers of the Georgia Battalion, Feb. 16, 1776, 9 Letter from Col. McIntosh to Gen. Washington, Feb. 16, 1776, 11 Letter from Col. McIntosh t » Gen. Washington, April 28, 1776, 13 } Names of Officers in the Continental Line of the Georgia Brigade during the Revolutionary War, including Infantry, Dragoons, Legionary Corps and General Staff, 15 Names of Officers and Soldiers who made Application for Land, under Act ot Feb. 17, 1783; 17 Certificates of Service in the American Revolution, on file in the Office of Secretary of State, 20 Explanatory: Head-Rights and Land-Lottery Grants to Revolutionary Soldiers 193 Bounty Surveys (i. e., Head-Rights) recorded by the Surveyor-General in the Office of Secretary of State, 198 Land Lottery Grants: Irwin County Lottery List, 3 13 Jefferson County Lottery List, 314 Elbert County Lottery List, 315 Jackson County Lottery List, 317 Franklin County Lottery List, 319 Wilkes County Lottery List, 322 Cherokee Land Lottery List, 1838, 325 Certified List of Georgia Troops, compiled by Capt. B. F. Johnson, 342 The Harvey List, compiled by Mrs. Margaret B. Harvey, 405 Revolutionary Pensioners, 436 Revolutionary Graves: Marked or Well Identified, 459 Index,COMPILERB’S PREFACE. COMPILER’S PREFACE. After the lapse of more than a century, the difficulty of compiling a Roster of Georgia troops in the Revolution can be readily imagined. Much of the information which an earlier period might have furnished is now unhappily beyond our reach. Many important records have been lost. To compile an exhaustive roster, therefore, is humanly impossible. The utmost at which we can aim is an approximate degree of accuracy, within the limits of meager details; and to place before the public all the data which, at this late hour, can be obtained from official sources. Georgia did not furnish a large body of troops to the Revolutionary strug- gle. She was the youngest of the English colonies, and, with only a scant population, was situated on the remote southern frontier. Nevertheless, the Georgia contingent gave a good account of itself, whether in the Continental Army or in the Home Guard, whether in overthrowing Toryism or in expel- ling British Regulars. At the close of hostilities with England, she rewarded her brave defend- ers with substantial grants of land. To encourage the rapid settlement of her territory, by the best class of immigrants, she offered handsome induce- ments to the veterans of independence; and thousands, availing themselves of this offer, took the mountain trails which led to Georgia. Two large counties—Franklin and Washington—carved out of lands, then recently ac- quired from the Indians, were subdivided among the new comers, a large percentage of whom were soldiers from other States—compatriots and com- rades-in-arms of the great Washington. The grants made to these soldiers were called bounties. Thus it came to pass that, while the contributions of Georgia to the army of independence were numerically small, she ac- quired a vast body of veterans who here found permanent homes; and today there is hardly a State in the Union whose soil is richer in Revolutionary dust. The earlier land grants were in the nature of Head-Rights. These in time were superceded by grants made under the old Lottery System. Else- where, in an article written by the late Secretary of State, Hon. Philip Cook, the differences between the two methods of distributing land, are fully ex- plained. Records still exist in the Capitol showing, in many instances at least, to whom these lands were deeded. Certificates from superior officers attesting the fidelity of men under them are still preserved; and from sources of information like these the roster has been obtained. Other helpful sources have been the Pension Rolls of the United States Government, the records of the Federal War Department, and the reports of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. It is the aim of this roster to include within its survey not only all Georgians who enlisted in the struggle for independence, during the seven years of its continuance, but also all soldiers from other States who settled in Georgia subsequent thereto. Too much credit, in the preparation of this work, cannot be given to help received from others. The Compiler, in this public way and at the very fore-ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. front of this volume, wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Miss Helen M. Prescott, of Atlanta, official genealogist for the Joseph Habersham chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. The researches made by Miss Pres- cott, in this particular field of investigation, have been of priceless value, especially since the materials gathered by her, at great personal labor and expense, have been placed freely at the disposal of the State; and she is entitled, therefore, to the gratitude of all Georgians. Scarcely less, either in value or amount, has been the service to history rendered by Mr. Wm. L. Le Conte, of Atlanta, in digesting for convenient reference the voluminous records of the State Department. With this preliminary statement, we pre- sent the Roster. Errors there must be; but many of these, if not all, will be corrected in subsequent editions. LUCIAN LAMAR KNIGHT. Atlanta, Ga., July 4, 1918.LETTER FROM SECRETARY KNOX, LETTER FROM SECRETARY KNOX, OF THE UNITED STATES WAR DEPARTMENT, SHOWING THE NUMBER OF GEOR- GIA TROOPS ENLISTED, STATE AND CONTINENTAL. Extract from “American State Papers, Military Affairs, lst Congress, 2d Session”; Vol. I, pp. 14 to 19: ‘War Office of the United States, May 10, 1790. “In obedience to the order of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of War submits the statement hereunto annexed, of the troops and militia furnished, from time to time, by the several States, toward the support of the late war. The numbers of the Regular Troops having been stated from the official returns, deposited in the War Office, may be depended on; and in all cases where the numbers of militia are stated from the returns, the same confidence may be observed. “But, in some years of the greatest exertions of the Southern States, there are no returns whatever of the militia employed. In this case, recourse has been had to the letters of the commanding officer, and to well-informed indi- viduals, in order to form a proper estimate of the numbers of the militia in service, and although the accuracy of the estimate can not be relied on, yet it is the best information which the Secretary of War can at present obtain “(Signed) H. KNOX, Sec. of War.” A statement of the number of non-commissioned officers and privates of the Regular Troops and militia furnished by the several States from time to time, for the support of the late war: Conjectural estimate of militia em- ployed in addition to preceding. Georgia. From actual army returns 1775 00 1.000 militia, to serve 9 months 1776 351 in Continental pay ) (EOS } 1,200 State troops 1777. *1423 Continentals. 750 men 1778. 673 Continental troops , 2,000 militia, to serve 6 months ) 1,200 State troops. 1779 87 men 750 militia. 1780 00 750 militia 1781. 00 750 militia 1782. 00 750 militia 1783 145 Continentals. *By the resolve of the 15th of July, 1776, Georgia was authorized to raise in Virginia, North and South Carolina, two regiments of infantry, and also two companies of artillery, of fifty men each. These troops were chiefly enlisted for one year, and the time expired in 1777 The army in the Northern Department was discharged November 5, 1783, and in the Southern States on November Ue. Lisa: (Signed) H. KNOX, Sec. of War. Copied J. N. LeConte, 1911.OFFICERS OF THE GEORGIA BATTALION. OFFICERS OF THE GEORGIA BATTALION. FEB. 16, 1776. (White’s Historical Collections of Georgia, p. 94.) In Provincial Congress, Savannah, Feb. 10, 1776. Province of Georgia: Whereas a battalion upon the Continental establishment is now raising in this Province; and whereas doubts may arise how far the same is subject to the control of the Provincial civil power: Now, therefore, be it known, and we, the several subscribers, officers bearing commissions in the same battalion, do hereby declare that we hold ourselves and the non-commissioned officers and privates, also others belonging to the said battalion, subject and subservient to such supreme and civil power of this Province as are or shall be erected for the purpose of defending our rights and liberties. And further, we bound ourselves upon the words of soldiers and men of honour, at all times to obey and carry into effect, as far as in us lies, the orders and commands of the present or any future Congress or Council of Safety of this Province as the same shall, from time to time, be issued by us. Provided, nevertheless, That the same do not contradict or interfere with the orders or directions of the General Congress, or a committee thereof, or any General or other officer by them appointed over us. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our names, together with the rank and date of our commissions opposite thereto. A RETURN OF THE OFFICERS chosen for the Battalion, ordered to be raised for the protection and defence of the Colony of Georgia, Feb. 16, 177 THIRD COMPANY. Colonel—Lachlan MelIntosh. Captain—John McIntosh. Lieut.-Colonel—Samuel Elbert First Lieut—Lachlan McIntosh. Major—Joseph Habersham. Second Lieut.—Francis. Arthur. Ensign—John Morrison. FIRST COMPANY. Captain—Francis Henry Harris. FOURTH COMPANY. First Lieut—John Habersham. Captain—Arthur Carney. Second Lieut.—John Jenkins. First Lieut—Benjamin Odinsell. Ensign—John Rae. Second Lieut.—John Eman. Ensign—Delaplaine. SECOND COMPANY. John Nilton. Captain—Oliver Bowen. First Lieut.—George Henley. FIFTH COMPANY. Second Lieut.—John Berrien. Captain—Thomas Chisholm. Ensign— —————-. First Lieut.—Caleb Howell.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Second Lieut.—Daniel Cuthbert. Ensign—William McIntosh. SIXTH COMPANY. Captain—John Green. First Lieut.—Ignatius Few. Second Lieut. SEVENTH COMPANY Captain—Chesley Bostick First Lieut—John Martin. Second Lieut.— EIGHTH OR RIFLE COMPANY. Capt—Colson. First Lieut.—Shadrach Wright. Second Lieut—George Walton. Ensign ——___—_——_——. Chaplain—John Holmes.LETTER FROM COL. McINTOSH TO GEN. WASHINGTON. 11 LETTER FROM COLONEL LACHLAN McINTOSH TO GENERAL WASHINGTON. (White’s Historical Collections of Georgia, pp. 92-93.) Savannah, in Georgia, Feb. 16, 1776. Sir—My country having honoured me with the command of the Conti- nental Battalion ordered to be raised by the General Congress for the pro- tection and defence of this Colony (though I fear too partial to my poor abili- ties,) it becomes my duty to inform your Excellency of the state of our Province, as far as it concerns the service, as well as of the troops to be immediately under my command Our Province has a front along the sea-coast of above one hundred miles, covered by a range of islands, divided from each other by eight rivers from the mainland, which make as many good inlets and harbours, most of them capable of receiving any frigate, and, as some say, much larger ships. Our settlements extend back to the northwest above two hundred miles, in other parts to the southward not above ten, and very thinly inhabited: indeed, this large space of land, altogether, has not more than three thousand men, chiefly in the back country, and many disaffected and doubtful in our cause, espe- cially the men of the greatest property among us. Our slaves will be above fifteen thousand souls, mostly within twenty miles of the sea-coast, and make above thirty-five thousand tierces of rice annually, besides many other arti- cles of provision, which, with our fine harbours, make the security of this colony, though weak itself, of the utmost consequence to the whole continent of America: and we have every reason to think our enemies intend to make it a place of general rendezvous and supplies We are bounded south by the garrisoned Province of East Florida, who have now, as I am well informed, five hundred regulars in St. Augustine, and one thousand more expected there daily from Europe. On the west of us is the Province of West Florida, the numerous nations of the Creek, Choc- taw, and Cherokee Indians, besides lesser tribes, supposed to have at least ten thousand gunmen, brave, intrepid, and eager for war, whom we will have the utmost difficulty to keep at peace with us, as we want every article of their usual supply, and now furnish them in great plenty from the two Floridas. Our metropolis is situated in the south corner of the Province, upon a bluff, or sand-hill, thirty feet high or more above the water, and fif- teen miles up the river Savannah, from the inlet of Tybee, where five ships of war, the Syren, the Scarborough, the Raven, the Tamar, and Cherokee, besides tenders, are now lying, and two large transports, having it is said, above three hundred men on board, and expecting more in daily, with what design, whether for this Colony or Carolina, or both together, we are not yet informed. Our Province has declared itself in a state of alarm, and resolved not to supply the men of war with provisions, and ordered a draft of half the militia to the town of Savannah to oppose the landing of troopsROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. © Our Provincial Congress having accepted the battalion ordered for their protection and defence, chose the officers the 29th and 30th ultimo, (a return of whom shall accompany this,) and made them sign the enclosed test before their commissions were delivered; and I have this day issued general orders for recruiting, which has been hitherto prevented by many obstacles in pro- viding money for that and other necessary service, and I fear will yet be attended with some difficulty. We expect very few in our own Province; that of South Carolina is said to be already drained of such people as will enlist, by their Provincial regiments, besides their bounty, subsistence, &c., are so much better than ours. Therefore, I expect we must have recourse, distant as it is, to North Carolina, with this additional disadvantage, that our currency passes in no other colony than our own, and we have received very little Continental money as yet. I have received no kind of orders or instructions from the General Con- gress or your Excellency; nor have I yet been able to obtain even a copy of the American articles of war, which makes me at a loss how to act in many cases; therefore I shall wish any orders or directions your Excellency will please to send me, to be as full and frequent as possible; also to be informed how far we are under the control of the Provincial Congress, &c., of this or any other Province where we are upon duty, and what rank we hold when acting with militia or Provincial troops. I shall take the liberty of appointing surgeons to the battalion, which are so indispensably necessary, that I suppose the neglect of not naming any must be owing to our delegates; and also to make Capt. Colson’s a rifle company, when raised, which I think will be useful, and hope will meet with your Excellency’s approbation; and I doubt not but we will be obliged to arm more with such guns, for want of others, which are very scarce. I have the honour to be your Excellency’s Most obedient and most humble servant, LACHLAN McINTOSH. To his Excellency, George Washington, Esq., Commander-in-Chief of the American Forces.13 LETTER FROM COLONEL LACHLAN McINTOSH TO GENERAL WASHINGTON. (White’s Historical Collections of Georgia, pp. 95-96.) Savannah, in Georgia, April 28, 1776 Sir:—I wrote to your Excellency the 16th of February and 8th of March, to which please to be referred; and now enclose you a report of our battalion made to me this day; which I deferred sending to you before, in expectation of our officers coming in with all their recruits, but the distance they were obliged to go rendered it impossible. I am informed that Captain Colson is on his way, with his Company, nearly complete; and with the other re- cruiting officers, may make above 70 or 80 men more than the report; and is altogether above half the complement of the battalion, which is more than the oldest battalion in South Carolina can boast of yet, though near twelve months standing, and their encouragements so much greater, their bounty being 25 pounds South Carolina currency, with the like sum for clothes, be- sides their rations and pay, which are also better than ours And if the ease in which the poorest people generally live in the Southern Colonies, and the prejudice they have to any regular service on account of the restraint that any thing of a strict discipline requires, are considered, I flatter myself your Excellency will think we have not been idle. The chief of the men are enlisted for 12 months: some for 18; and a few who would not engage for more than 6 months, whom I have admitted, as I had not directions about the time, and I could not tell how soon we might have occasion for them. Our Province allows six dollars per man, enlisting money; and upon appli- cation have raised it now to eight dollars, which is still too little for the bounty of the men and expense of the officers, whose pay is so small, that they can barely afford to live in an extravagant country like this, where there are no kinds of manufactures, and the small remains of goods advanced to two or three hundred per cent Indeed, I fear we shall be at the greatest loss to make out clothing of any kind for them, or what is far worse, proper arms. The officers who are not recruiting employ all their time in training themselves and the battalion: on which spectators are pleased to pay high compliments for the proficiency they had already made, and the appearance of the men. The Raven and the Cherokee are the only two ships of war which remains now stationed at Tybee in the mouth of the Savannah River, with whom we have no kind of communication. Several armed vessels infest our other inlets to the southward, and have made several captures, which we cannot prevent, as we have not a single vessel of any force; but they have already been driven off the shore when they attempted to get a supply of provisions. We are informed there are 2,000 men now in St. Augustine lately arrived, and that they expect more daily; but this wants confirmation, as I think, in that poor starved colony, they must be much pinched for provisions. This Province is now raising a14 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. troop of sixty horse to prevent their getting any cattle from our Southern boundary, and another troop of a like number, to protect our Western settle- ments from the insults of Indians, who are like to be troublesome; all things considered, I certainly think this Colony should have a considerable force to defend and secure it, as its safety is of the utmost consequence to the great cause of the Continent. The troops of our neighbouring Province are all upon Provincial establishment, and at a distance; therefore their assist- ance may depend upon many circumstances. I have the honour to be Your Excallency’s most obedient and humble servant, LACHLAN McINTOSH. To His Excellency, George Washington, Esar., General and Commander-in-Chief. { Return of the Strength of the Georgia Battalion, April 28, 1776. Companies. Capt. Lieut. Ensign. Serg. Corp. Drum. Fifer. Sentinels. Capt. Francis Harris ...... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 24 Capt. Oliver Bowen ....... 1 2 0 3 1 1 1 20 Capt. John McIntosh ...... 1 2 1 4 2 1 0 19 Capt. Arthur Carney ...... 1 2 1 4 4 0 0 48 Capt. Thomas Chisholm’s .. 1 2 1 4 4 0 0 47 Capt; JohneGreent a. 1 2 0 4 4 0 0 39 Capt. Chesley Bostick’s ... 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 29 Capt. Jacob Colson’s ...... 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 10 Rota: Ae: S00. OE. 8 15 4 24 17 5 2 236 Return of the Present State of the Georgia Battalion, April 28, 1776. Capt. Lieut. Ensign. Serg. Corp. Drum. Fifer. Sentinels. Onl guardieit. eos - ee oe. oe 0 1 0 1 2 iI 1 30 MOrm Suan’ ae. At. sys inne: 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 30 On,Afurlough mitten de aeeesun 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 11 ReCRUItiN® «ethos Ss ses: 6 4 1 3 1 0 0 1 SilcKeuea. otk te ae. Meek cs 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 10 Attendingewsick«st .«i gnc. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 ATMOUTCTSE aent® ofadki. He. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Brsoners sf. Senne avn «65 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 Officer’s servants .......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Offe CULV aries. oa. aches od? 0 8 3 18 10 1 1 136 Ota cc 7 15 5 24 18 5 3 236 24 Sergeants, 18 corporals, 5 drummers, 3 fifers, 236 rank and file—286 enrolled. By the information I have, I suppose our recruiting officers may have about 70 or 80 men more, who are not come in yet. LACHLAN McINTOSH, Colonel. Savannah, in Georgia, April 28, 1776.NAMES OF OFFICERS IN CONTINENTAL LINE. NAMES OF OFFICERS IN THE CONTINENTAL LINE OF THE GEORGIA BRIGADE DURING THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, INCLUDING INFANTRY, DRAGOONS, LE- GIONARY CORPS, AND GENERAL STAFF. (White’s Historical Collections of Georgia, pp. 113-114.) Brigade Generals—Lachlan McIntosh, Samuel Elbert Colonels—James Screven, John White, Robert Rae Lieut.-Colonels—Joseph Habersham, Joseph Lane, Thomas Chisholm, Francis Moore, Philip Lowe, George Handley, Benjamin Porter; John S Eustace, Adjutant-General; Lachlan McIntosh, Junior Brigade Inspector; John Berrien, Brigade Major; John Milton, A. D. C.; George Melven, B. Q. M Captains—John Bennis, Gideon Booker, Chestley Bostwick, Celerine Bros- ard, John Bard, Charles Budd, Isham Cook, Arthur Carney, Ranes Cook, Jacob Colson, John Cunningham, Alexander D. Cuthbert, Joseph Day, Daniel Duval, Peter Debosh, John Dooly, Thomas Dooly, Ignatius Few, John Greene, John Hancock, William Hornby, ———— Jaret, Evans Lewis, John Lucas, William Matthews, Williams McIntosh, Thomas Morris, Elisha Millar, John Mosely, Charles Middleton, Littleberry Mosely, Clement Nash, Patrick Fitzpatrick, James Powell, Thomas Scott, Andrew Templeton, Thomas Threadgill, Jesse Winfrey, Shadrach Wright. Lieutenants—Francis Arthur, Thomas Brown, James Bryan, John Cald- well, Cornelius Collins, Edward Cowen, Walter Dixon, George Dooly, Thomas Glascock, Caleb Howell, Arthur Hayes, Christopher Hillery, Robert Howe, Nathaniel Hughes, William Johnson, William Jordan, William Lowne, Josiah Maxwell, John Manley, John Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, John Martin, William McDonald, Thomas Netherland, John Newdigate, Benjamin Odingsell, Thomas Payne, Nathaniel Pierre, Robert Porter, Thomas Porter, William Roach, John Rae, Abraham Seixas, Robert Simpson, E. Shick, David Sarzedas, Randolph Smith, Steadman, Francis Tennell, David Turner, J. P. Wagnon, George Walton, Jesse Walton, Robert Ward. General Staff—Richard Wyley, Q. M. G.; Joseph Clay, P. M. G.; Mordecai Sheftall, C. G.; Sheftall Sheftall, D. C. G.; David Rees, Judge Advocate; Moses Allen, Chaplain. McKinne. Hospital Department—Surgeons—David Bradie, Surgeon’s Mates—Adam Alexander, Nathan Brownson, James Hous- toun, Thomas Davenport, Frederick Ridgley, Wood. Legiondary Corps—James Jackson, Colonel; Thomas Washington, Major. Captains—Henry Alison, Sherwood Bugg, John Morrison, James Stallings, John Lyons.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Lieutenants—Thomas Hamilton, Ezekiel Stallings, Benjamin Hawkins, Stephen Blount, Benjamin Harvey, Nicholas Millar. Artillery—Major, Roman de Lisle. Captains—Edward Young, John Fraser. Colonels—Samuel Jack, John Stewart Lieut.-Colonels—BElijah Clark.OFFICERS’ AND SOLDIERS’ APPLICATIONS FOR LAND. NAMES OF OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS WHO MADE APPLICA- TION FOR LAND. (White’s Historical Collections of Georgia, pp. 111-113.) The following is a list of the names of such officers and soldiers only who made application to the Governor and Council of the State of Georgia, in pursuance of the second section of an act of the Assembly, passed on the 17th day of February, 1783, entitled, “An Act for opening a Land Office, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” for procuring a certificate in pur- suance of the section above referred to, and a resolution of Congress, of the 16th of September, 1776, of the bounty of land due them respectively for their services during the last war with Great Britain, in what was called the Georgia Continental Establishment: Anderson, Charles, soldier. Barker, C. Andrews, George, soldier. Bresard, C. Andrew, Francis, soldier. Childers, Thomas. Allen, Moses. Connelly, James. ‘onway, Thomas. Jorbin, Wm sroker, Wm. thisholm, John Yollins, Stephen. Allison, Henry, Capt. ( ( Banks, Reuben, soldier. ( Barber, Chester, soldier. ( Bell, Hugh, soldier. ( Bennis, John, Capt. Campbell, John. Berrien, John, Major. Collins, John. Berry, John, soldier. Camp, Samuel. Berry, Wm., soldier Childers, David Bishop, William, soldier. Collins, John. Blount, Jacob, Capt Childers, D. Booker, Gideon, Capt. Cook, Isham. Braddock, John, Capt. Cuthbert, A. Braddock, David, soldier. Corven, Edward, Lieut. Bradley, Abram, soldier. Collins, C. Bradley, Richard, soldier. Connolly, W. J. Berk, James, soldier. Corney, M. Burnett, John, soldier. Burton, Richard, soldier. Dean, Wm. Butry, Z., soldier. Davenport, Stephen. Brown, Francis, soldier. Davis, Merideth. Brown, John, soldier. Davidson, Wm. Brownson, Nathan, Hosp. Surg. Dempier, , Sergeant. Baxter, Wm. Davenport, Thomas. Bradley, M. Dollar, John. Brown, Jacob. Ducin, John, Capt.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Devereaux, Peter. Day, Joseph, Capt. Davis, C., Sergeant. Day, Robert, soldier. Debosk, Peter, Capt. De Laplaign, Emanuel P., Capt. Deveaux, Peter, Aid fo General Gates. Dooly, George, 2nd Lieut. Dooly, John, Capt. Dooly, Thomas, Capt. Dowman, R., Capt. Ducoin, John, Capt. Evans, John. Eacholls, E. Evans, N. Ellis, Robert. Evans, B. Eimbeck, Geo., Barrack Master. Eustace, J. Elliott, Daniel, soldier. Elbert, Samuel, Brig. Gen. Frazer, John. Fredconer, C. Glascock, Thomas. Gravat, O. Gibbs, Wm. Harsaw, Thomas. Harriss Gaol: Hillary, C. Haynes, Arthur, Lieut. Hicks J: Capt. Hughs, N., Lieut. Houstoun, James, Doctor. Hendley, George, Capt. Hancock, George, Capt. Habersham, John, Major. Johnston, Wm. Jordan, Wm. King, John, soldier. Kneil, Patrick, soldier. Lancaster, Rowland, soldier. Lancaster, Wm., soldier. Lane, James, soldier. Lane, Joseph, Major. Lankford, Josiah, soldier. Lankford, Moses, soldier. Lazarus, N., soldier. Lester, Thos., soldier. Low, P., Major. Lucas, J., Capt. Linson, J. Lintch, J. Lynn, C. Lynn, J. Lambuck, Wm. McVickers, D. Mabry, Ralph. McHancy, Terry. Mitchell, Wm. McBride, Edward. Mase, Joseph Mastein, Wm. McIntosh, L., Brig.-Gen. McCall, Richard. Moore, Francis. McIntosh, John, Col. Marbury, L., Col. Matthews, Geo., Brig.-Gen. Moseley, Robert. McIntosh, L. Meanly, J. Morrison, J., Capt. Moseley, L. Matthews, Wm., Capt. McDowell, James. McIntosh, Wm. Milton, J. Melvin, Geo. Millar, E. Mitchell, J. Maxwell, Josiah. McGilton, Vance. McGilton, James. Newdigate, John, Capt. Nash, Clement. Nugard, Michael.OFFICERS’ AND SOLDIERS’ APPLICATIONS FOR LAND. Newnan, John. Nix, George. Nugan, M. Oakman, W., Fife Major. O’Bryan, James, soldier. Ornsby, Daniel, Fife Major. Pounds, R. Parnell, Lieut.-Col. Parham, Richard, soldier. Paxton, Wm. Payne, Thos., Lieut. Pearrie, N. Petillo, John, soldier Phiney, L. Porter, B., Major. Porter, R., Lieut. Porter, T., Lieut. Powell, J., Lieut. Pray, Job, Capt. Plaigue, D. E. L., Capt. Reyfield, J. Rae, Robert, Col. Reynolds, A. Robinson, A. Read, Wm., Doctor. Stiff, Wm. Sessums, Wm. Sampson, Samuel. Saulberry, Thos. Sutton, R. Screven, James, Gen. Smith, R. Sick, F. Scott, Wm. Sheftall, M. Sheftall, S. Sharp; B: J: This list is taken from a book in the Executive Office at Milledgeville, prepared by the late Major A. B. Fannin. Shields, Andrew. Studman, James. Tennell, S. Thomas, B. Threadgill, T. Templeton, A., Capt. Threadgill, Wm. Tucker, P. Turner, C. Turner, G. Twidall, J. Turner, B. Tennill, T., Capt. Turner, D. Vickers, Solomon. Walton, Nathaniel, Lieut. Webb, John. Webster, B. Williams, C. White, John Wells, M. Willaby, W Whitmore, J. Webster, Thos. Wash, Wm. Winfrey, J., Capt. Warden, J. Wagnon, P. J. Walton, Jesse. White, John, Col. Wash, Patrick, Major. Wood, J. Williamson, L. Wright, S., Capt. Wood, James. Wash, E. Waegnon, T. Walton, George.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. EXPLANATORY. SAMPLE OF CERTIFICATES FROM WHICH SOME OF THESE RECORDS ARE COMPILED. BOOK: “Bonds, Bills of Sale, and Deeds of Gift,” pg. 129. I certify that John Rivers, Lewis Holloway, John Jordan, Littleton William- son, Joshua Moss, John Rivers, Hardy Bass, and Thos. Bass, private soldiers, served their times in the second regt. of Continental Troops for the State of Georgia as good and faithful soldiers, and that Brittain Brantley, Timothy Simpson, William Vaughn, Lott Boyce, and Charles Clifton, some now killed, and others of them died in the service in the said regiment, and that Moredeth Tanner, served also as a faithful soldier in that regt., until by bodily infirmity he was rendered incapable of serving his country at which time he was dis- charged. Given under my hand at Augusta, this 18th of August, 1785. S. ELBERT, late Brig.-Gen. Continental Army. Recorded, January 20th, 1794.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. On File in the Office of Secretary of State, in the State Capitol. A. APPLING, DANIEL. This is to certify that Daniel Appling was an inhabitant of this State prior to the Reduction thereof by the British arms, and was a refugee from the same, during which time he cheerfully did his duty as a soldier and friend to this and the United States. 20th day of Febru- ary, 1784. Ben Few, Commdt. APPLING, DANIEL. Granted 250 acres of land 28th of February, 1784, by J. Houston. Refugee soldier. AYCOCK, RICHARD. On certificate of Elijah Clark, Col., granted 250 acres of land, 25th day of March, 1784. AMMONS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Elijah Clark that he served in a battalion of Minute Men raised for the defense of the State in 1777, though not at the time an inhabitant of the State, and was in service at the time said battalion was reduced in March, 1778. Certificate dated 2nd Febru- ary, 1785. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, that he served in the lst Battalion of Minute Men, was not at time of enlistment inhabitant of State. Certificate dated 6th of April, 1784. AYRES, THOMAS. On certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, granted 250 acres of land as bounty for service. 20th February, 1784. ANGLIN, DAVID. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, that he served in the Battalion of Minute Men, was not at time of enlistment inhabitant of State. Certifi- cate dated 1st April, 1784. Granted 250 acres in Washington Co. ADAMS, JOHN. Certificate of Capt. Littlebury Mosby, Paymaster 2nd Ga. Batt., and Col. J. Pannill, that he was a soldier in the 2nd Ga. Batt., en- listed for three years and served his time faithfully, 9th May, 1785, prays a warrant for bounty in the name of Mrs. Daniel Young. Granted by court of Wilkes Co. ANDERSON, JOHN. Private Batt. Minute Men. Certificate Col. Samuel Jack, 13th March, 1784. Prays 250 acres. ASHWORTH, BENJ. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th of March, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL, SR. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th September, 1784. Prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL. Refugee; served as a captain. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to 500 acres.22 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. ANDERSON, ELISHA. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Brig. John Twiggs, 14th April, 1784. Prays for bounty land in Washington Co. ALDREDGE, JAMES. Certificate of Col. James McNiel, 24th February, 1784. Prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. AUSTIN, RICHARD. Captain in Minute Batt. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 8th September, 1784. ALEXANDER, ASA. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th Sep- tember, 1784. Prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. ANGLIN, WILLIAM. Minute man. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 1st day of April, 1784. Prays land in Washington Co. AKINS, JOHN. Minute man. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 16th December, 1784. AUTERY, JOHN (AUTRY). Refugee; captain. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th February, 1784. Entitled to 750 acres. ADAMS, ROBT. Refugee soldier. Certificate Brig. Gen. John Twiggs, 17th April, 1784. Prays 575 acres Washington Co. Signed Joseph Inman, for heirs of Robt. Adams. ANDREW, BENJ., JR. Refugee soldier. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. Certificate J. Houston. ALLISON, JAMES. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. AWTRY, JOHN (see Autery). AWTREY, ALEXANDER, JR. Refugee captain. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to 500 acres. ALEXANDER, JAMES. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres land. ACREDGE, WILLIAM. Refugee soldier. Certificate E. Clark, 5th September, 1784. Prays 250 acres in Washington Co. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER. Minute man. Petition of Reuben Coleman, for 28714 acres in the right of Alexander Anderson in Franklin Co. ABBOTT, JOHN. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. Benj. Few, 28th February, 1784. Prays 250 acres in Washington Co. ABBET, JOHN. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty and 250 acres. ANDERSON, HENRY. Minute man. Certificate Col. EB. Clark, 14th April, 1784. Prays 287% acres Franklin Co. AYRES, ABM. (deceased) “who fell in refugeeship.” Certificate of Col. Wil- liam Candler, 20th February, 1784. Heirs pray for 500 acres in Washington Co. Granted 16 April, 1784. Fell in battle of Longcain in December, 1780.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 23 ADAMSON, CHARLES. Private soldier 2nd Ga. Continental Batt. Served three years. Certificate Lt. Col. J. Pannill, 17th September, 1784. Prays for land reserved for Continental troop in the fork of the Oconee River, 230 acres. ALEXANDER, HUGH. Lieut. of Minute Men in the Florida Expedition, 1777. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack. AYRES, DANIEL. Lieut. of Minute Men. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th April 1784. Prays for bounty in Washington Co. ADAMS, HUGH. Minute man, 1777. Certificate Col. E. Clark, Ist December, 1784. ANDERSON, JAMES. Lieut. Minute Men, 1777. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 18 May, 1784. Prays for 200 acres of land in Franklin Co. Granted 24th May, 1784. AMMONS, ROBT. Minute man. Certificate Col. E. Clark, Ist April, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres ASHWORTH, ADAM. Minute man, 1777. Certificate E. Clark, 2nd February, 1785. AVERA, ISAAC. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Prays bounty of lands in Franklin Co. ANDERSON, BARTLETT. Refugee soldier Ist Batt. Richmond Militia. Cer- tificate Col. James McNiel, 22nd March, 1784. ASHWORTH, ARTHUR. Minute man. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 10th October, 1784. ALEXANDER, ROBERT. Minute man, 1777 Certificate Col. Samuel Jack, 13th April, 1784. ANDERSON, WILLIAM. Minute man, 1777. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Prays 250 acres land in Washington Co. ALDRIDGE, JAMES. Soldier. Certificate Col. James MeNiel, 9th February, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres of land. Said James Aldridge gives power of attorney to James Aldridge to call on Governor for certificate of bounty ALLISON, HENRY. Lieut. of the line of this State to the end of the war. Certificate of John Habersham, Major Late Ga. Line, 20th April, 1784. Prays for bounty land. AYRES, WILLIAM. Captain Minute Men, 1777. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th February, 1784. Prays bounty land in Washington Co. APPLING, JOHN. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. Benj. Few, 20th February, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres land.24 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. ANDERSON, JOHN. Minute man. Entitled to 250 acres as bounty. Bailey Anderson and wife, Sara, of Ninety-sixth Dist., S. C., appoint Henry Liles, of said State and District, attorney to receive bounty land coming to his father, John Anderson, deceased, and to his brother, Scarlet Anderson also, for being in the service of Georgia, this 17th January, 1784. B. BRASWELL, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 10th December, 1784, en- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. BREWER, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 24th April, 1784, entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Franklin Co. BLOUNT, STEPHEN. Certificate of Gen. Elbert, and Col. Jackson, 20th Febru- ary, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 575 acres in Washing- ton Co. BARNARD, JESSE. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BRUNSON, WILLIAM. Sells his rights of bounty land to Mackkeen Green, and empowers said Green to apply for the certificate. BOWEN, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th April,. 1784. Served in Batt. of Minute Men raised for the defense of this State, though not at the time an inhabitant. Entitled to a bounty of land. Prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. BAILEY, ROBT. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 3rd April, 1785. Refugee soldier. BECK, SIMON. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 12th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty. Appoints Rhesa Howard, attorney, to take out his warrant, on the Ist of March, 1784, in Franklin Co. BROWNSON, NATHAN, DR., ESQR. Deputy Purveyor-General, Southern hos- pitals. On certificate of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, 28th February, 1784, en- titled to bounty, and prays for 1,150 acres of land. BURNSIDES, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, and Capt. John Fenn. Entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. BURCH, EDWARD. |. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 6th February, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty of 500 acres. BEAL, ARCHIBALD. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, that he was a refugee and served as adjutant to the regt. of refugees under his command in the years 1780 and 1781. BRUNSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Clayborne Hinson, 29th January, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washing- ton Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BENDER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler. 15th July, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BRASWELL, FREDERICK. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, 19th July, 1784, entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. Prays for same in Franklin Co. BLAKEY, BENJ. Petitions for 345 acres of land as a bounty for his services, in the county of Washington. Granted 24th May, 1784. BRANAM, SAMUEL. Petition of Reuben Coleman in the right of Samuel Branam, a soldier in the Minute service, for bounty of 28714 acres in Washington Co. BRACK, ELEAZER. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 14th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. Appoints Mr. Elijah Anderson receiver of same. BERRIHILL, ANDREW. Refugee soldier. Certificate Brig.-Gen. John Twiggs, 8th March, 1784. Prays for bounty in Washington Co. BURNEY, JOHN JR. Private. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 21st April, 1784. Prays for 250 acres land in Washington Co. BUCKHALTER, MICAJAH (MIKEL). Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres bounty. Granted in Washington Co. BOLBOTH, JAMES (deceased). Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 9th April, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of land, which was granted to Hannah Bolboth, 16th April, 1784, in Washington Co. BEARFIELD, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 250 acres. BROOKS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Prays for 28714 acres bounty in Washington Co. BACON, JONATHAN. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Col. John Baker, Lt. Col. of Militia. Given at Sunbury, 10th May, 1784. BEALE, ARCH. Empowers Gen. John Twiggs to receive a bounty land war- rant, 28th December, 1783. BELL, HUGH. Certificate of Maj. Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, 8th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land for services in the Ga. Line. BALL, JOHN. Of Camden Dist., S. C. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 9th April, 1784. Served as a soldier in a Georgia regiment. BAGBY, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled to 287% acres of land and prays for bounty in Washington Co. BECKHAM, SIMON. Certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, 25th February, 1784. Entitled to 287% acres. Prays for same in Washington Co.26 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BRUNSON, DAVID. Certificate Brig. Gen. John Twiggs, 25th April, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BARBER, CHESTER. Soldier of Continental line. Entitled to 230 acres in the reserve for Continental soldiers. Granted to Francis Tennill for Ches- ter Barber. BOWIE, JAMES. Certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, 12th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washing- ton Co. BURNS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres. BRAWNER, CHARLES. Certificate of Lt. Col. James Jackson, July 30, 1784, that he served in the Ga. State Legion Infantry, from the reduction of Augusta, to the evacuation of the State by the British forces. Prays for 28714 acres land in Washington Co. BOYD, EDWARD. Refugee soldier. Entitled to 287% acres of land, per peti- tion of James Stallings. Granted in Washington Co., April 6, 1784, on certificate of Col. James McNiel, February, 1784. BRUNSON, EBENEZER. Entitled to 500 acres of bounty land. Prays for same in Washington Co. BACON, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. Martin, 24th April 1784. Entitled to 287% acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BARNETT, DANIEL. Entitled to 250 acres of bounty land for his services. Prays for same in Franklin Co. BOYKIN, FRANCIS. Refugee soldier of Burke Co., Ga., appoints Jonathan Kemp, Esq., planter of said county, to obtain his bounty of land on the 28th of January, 1784. Sworn to before David Emanuel. BURNET, JOHN. Refugee captain. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 9th April, 1784. Entitled to 500 acres of bounty. Prays for same in Washington Co. Granted 16th April, 1784. BOYD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. James MecNiel, 24th February, 1784. En- titled to 287% acres. Prays for same in Washington Co., and appoints his brother, Robt. Boyd, to receive the warrant. BEASLEY, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, 25th February, 1784. Entitled to 287% acres of land bounty and prays for same in Washing- ton Co. BURKS, JOSEPH. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. BRIANT, HENRY. Appoints James Cottenhead attorney to apply to the Gov- ernor of Georgia for his warrant for bounty land, 16th May, 1784. Wit- ness, James Evans.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BERRY, GILSON. Certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, 28th February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. Prays for same in Washing- ton Co. On another certificate from Col. G. Lee, 26th April, 1784, he prays for 250 acres of land in Franklin Co. BROOKS, JOAB. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 23d June, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of land. Prays for same in Franklin Co., and appoints his friend, John Rutherford, Esar., attorney to receive the same. BARNETT, JOHN. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to 550 acres of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BURKS. CHARLES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to 28714 acres of bounty land. Prays for same in Washington Co. BARRON, SAMUEL (deceased). Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Col. Burke Co. Militia, 15th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land. The petition of Ann Barron, relict of the late Samuel Barron, deceased, in behalf of her son, Samuel Barron, the only son and heir, humbly prays for a warrant unto the said Samuel Barron, her son, in trust for him to John Crozier, to be run in the county of Washington, Ga. BICKHAM, ABNER. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 4th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 287% acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BEASELEY, JAMES. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres. BREWER, MOSES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 17th September, 1784. Entiled to a bounty of 250 acres. BROWN, FREDERICK. Certificate of Col. James Jackson, 30th July, 1784. Served in Georgia State Legion, Infantry. Entitled to 287% acres bounty. Prays for same in Washington Co. BROWN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, 11th March, 1784. Entitled to 287% acres of land. Prays for same in Washington Co. BROWN, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres bounty land. BARBER, GEORGE. Lieut. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Prays for 250 or 287 acres for citizen’s bounty, and 350 or 402 acres for refugee bounty in the county of Franklin. BEESLY, JAMES. Certificate Col. G. Lee, 26th April, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres bounty land, and prays for same in Washington county. BUTLER, FORD. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres bounty land, and prays for same in Washington Co. Also a petition for 250 acres in Franklin Co. BLANCHARD, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 13th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land. Prays for same in Washington Co.28 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BRASWELL, GEORGE. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 10th December, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 250 acres. Prays for same in Washington Co. BAILEY, WILLIAM. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BURNEY, RANDOL. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 21st April, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of land bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. BLACK, HENRY. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to 575 acres bounty, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BARNETT, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Col. James McNiel, 17th February, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 287% acres, and prays for same in Wash- ington Co., and on certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th August, 1784, prays for 575 acres in Franklin Co. BRADLEY, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Elijah Clark, 24th April, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres bounty land. Prays for same in Franklin Co. BRITT, CHARLES. Appoints George Lumpkin attorney to receive his warrant for land due as a bounty for services in the State of Georgia, 22nd April, 1784, and desires to take up said land in the county of Franklin. BROWN, THOS. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of bounty land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. Granted 24th May, 1784. BOWEN, OLIVER. Commodore. Certificate James Habersham and Thos. Stone, at Savannah, October 28, 1783, is entitled to 1,150 acres in the reserve. BOYAKIN, JESSE. Certificate of Brig. Gen. John Twiggs, 2nd April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 287% acres of land. Empowers Mr. James Lambert attorney to receive same in Washington Co. BRYANT, JAMES. Certificate of Col. Benj. Few, as per certificate of Capt James Danely, 20th July, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 287% acres. BRASWELL, SAMPSON: Minute man, 1777. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st April, 1784. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BOYD, NICODEMUS. Certificate of Col. James McNiel, 15th March, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 287% acres. BRADDOCK, DAVID. Served on board the gallies. Certificate of J. Houston, 2nd April, 1784. Prays 230 acres of land through Nathan Brownson, April 12th, 1784. BASSETT, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. James Jackson, 30th July, 1784. Entitled to 287% acres. Prays for same in Washington Co. BOYKIN, FRANCIS. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 6th April, 1784. Prays for bounty of 287% acres in Washington Co., through John Morrison.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 29 BEAL, JEREMIAH. Captain; killed in action. Entitled to bounty as refugee, per certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 22nd March, 1784. (Petition of James Beal, an infant, heir to Jeremiah Beal, deceased, by Zephaniah Beal, his father and natural guardian, for 575 acres.) BEAL, ZEPHANIAH. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 6th February, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres bounty. Prays for same in Washington Co., and appoints Hugh Magie to receive same on 15th January, 1784. BEAL, HEZEKIAH. Certificate of Gen. J. Twiggs, 3rd March, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BOGS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 23rd February, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co BRIGGS, SAMUEL. Petitions for bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. Granted 2871 acres. BECKEM, SHERWOOD. Certificate Col. G. Lee, 12th April 1784. Entitled to bounty 250 acres. Prays for same in Franklin Co. BROWNSON, NATHAN. Certificate of John Habersham, Maj. Late Ga, Line, April 12th, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 287% acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BRYANT, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. J. McNiel, 20th February, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 250 acres land, and prays for same in Washington Co. BURLAMON, BENJ. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 3rd April, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 250 acres. Prays for same in Washington Co. BROWN, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Col. Benj. Few, 17th April, 1784. Refu- geed to the State of Virginia. Entitled to 287%4 acres. Prays for same in Washington Co., Ga. BROWN, WILLIAM. Burke Co. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 28th April, 1784. Entitled to bounty. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BIRD, MICHAL. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 4th November, 1784, that he was a Minute man in the Ga. Batt. BENTLEY, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and appoints Rev. Sanders Walker to receive the same, 24th January, 1784. BRYANT, JOHN. Certificate Gen. John Twiggs, 12th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. BERRY, WILLIAM. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784, Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BELL, HUGH. Soldier in Ga. Line. Certificate of Maj. Gen. Lachlan Mc- Intosh. Entitled to 230 acres of land. Granted 17th April, 1784.30 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. _ BELL, ROBERT. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. John Baker, 5th November, 1784, at Sunbury. BICKHAM, JOHN. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Wash- ington Co. BRASIL, JOHN. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty. Appoints George Matthews, of Wilkes Co., attorney to receive same. Prays for same in Washington Co. BRIGGS, SAMUEL. Refugee soldier. Certificate Gen. J. Twiggs, 3rd March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land. BADULY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 19th March, 1784. En- titled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BEAL, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Gen. J. Twiggs, 6th February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty. Prays for 250 acres of land in Washington Co. BEASELEY, RICHARD. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784, and cer- tificate Col. G. Lee, 23rd February, 1784, is entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co., and appoints Joshua Perry, attorney to receive same on 3rd April, 1784. BURK, WILLIAM. Certificate Jas. Jackson, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. BARROW, REUBIN. Minute man. Certificate Col. John Stewart, 15th De- cember, 1784, and certificate of Col. B. Clark, 3rd January, 1785. BOSTICK, LITTLEBURY. Refugee soldier. Certificate J. Houston, 24th Janu- ary, 1784. Entitled to 575 acres of land, and prays for same in Wash- ington Co. BRADY, WILLIAM. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 8th September, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BROSSARD, CELERIN. Certificate of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, that he was a captain in the Fourth Ga. Regiment, commanded by Col. John White, 26th June, 1777; served until 1782. BOYD, ROBERT. Certificate of Col. Jas. MecNiel, 24th February, 1784. En- titled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BLACK, HENRY. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, 250 acres. BOND, GEORGE. Certificate E. Clark, Col., 24th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land. Prays for 250 acres in Franklin Co. BREWER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Wm, Candler. Entitled to a bounty of land as a refugee soldier. Prays for same in Washington Co. BAKER, ARTEMUS. Certificate of Col. J. Baker, 18th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 31 BARFIELD, SOLOMON. Certificate Col. G. Lee, 26th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty of land, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. BARTON, WILLOBY. Refugee captain. Certificate of Gen. Twiggs, and Col. E. Clark, 6th February, 1784. Entitled to 500 acres of land. BENTLEY, WILLIAM. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 19th August, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BLACK, JOHN. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Wash- ington Co. BRUNSON, DAVID. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Col. Jas. McKay, 20th February, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres. BENSON, JOHN. Certificate Gen. John Twiggs, 26th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty; prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BAKER, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 13th April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. BEAIRD, GEORGE. Certificate Col. John Baker, 25th November, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. BURNLEY, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 26th May, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Granted bounty. BOWLING, ROBERT. Certificate Col. J. Twiggs, 4th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty land. BRAZEL, SAMUEL. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 21st April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to 500 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BOWENS, JOEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty of land. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BRASWELL, ALLEN. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th January, 1785, that he was a soldier in the Minute Batt. in Ga. BODIMAS, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 6th April, 1784, that he was a Minute man. Entitled to bounty. Prays for same in Washing- ton Co. BEASON, PETER. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 27th February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of land. Prays for same in Washington Co. BURTON, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. Francis Pugh, 23d April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier, and served in another State. BRADLEY, RICHARD. Certificate O. Bowen, Commodore, Savannah, February 13, 1784, that he served on board the gallies three years, and was entitled to land as a private.32 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BARTON, WILLOBY. Certificate of Col. S. Jack, 27th April, 1784, that he en- listed as sergeant in Batt. of Minute Men, 1777. Entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. BAILEY, WILLIAM. Refugee lieut. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 350 acres, and prays for same in Franklin Co, BERIHILL, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Gen. J. Twiggs, 2nd March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier, and entitled to bounty. Prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. BERIHILL, SAMUEL. Certificate Gen. J. Twiggs, 2nd March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. BEALL, ARCHIBALD. Certificate of Gen. J. Twiggs, and Col. Wm. Candler. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for it in Washington Co. BURK, JAMES. Private soldier of the Ga. Line, deceased. Certificate of Brig. Gen. Samuel Elbert, 7th May, 1784, that his heirs are entitled to a bounty of 100 acres. Granted to Mary Burk for the heirs, 25th May, 1784. BARRY, JOHN. Petitions for bounty in Washington Co. Mary Barry of 96th Dist., S. C., appoints Richard Henderson attorney to secure land she is entitled to on 10th April, 1784, and Richard Henderson endorses her power of attorney over to William Denton. BEALL, GARRETT. Certificate Col. BE. Clark, 24th December, 1784. Entitled to bounty, 250 acres. BEALL, HENRY. Minute Man, 1777. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th January, 1785. BELLEMY, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 25th March, 1784. En- titled to bounty. Prays for 250 acres in Franklin Co. BACON, THOMAS. Refugee soldier. Certificate Col. John Baker, 4th April, 1785. BEVILL, PAUL. Petition for bounty of 575 acres in Washington Co., May 25th, 1784, for services. BEVILL, JAMES. Petition for 575 acres as a bounty for his services, May 25, 1784. BACON, JONATHAN. Petitions for 287144 acres in Franklin Co., as bounty for services. BOLOUGH, LEWIS. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co., as bounty for services. BLAIR, SIBBIAH. Petition for 250 acres in Washington Co., as bounty for services. BARKELOE, RICHARD. Petition for 28714 acres in Franklin Co., as bounty for his services.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BAKER, THOMAS. Petition for 287% acres in Franklin Co., as bounty for his services. GREEN, JAMES. Petition. of Francis Boykin, showing that the warrants Nos. 1918 and 555 issued as bounty to James Green have been lost, and he prays for duplicates, 26th May, 1784. GRAVES, THOMAS. Petition of Francis Boykin, showing that the warrant No. 220, issued as bounty to Thomas Graves, has been lost, and he prays for duplicate. 26th May, 1784. GRAVES, RICHARD. Petition of Francis Boykin, showing that warrant No. 1695, issued to Richard Graves, also of Washington Co., has been lost, and he prays for duplicate of same, 26th May, 1784 HAMPTON, JOHN. Petition of Francis Boykin, showing that the warrant No. 389, issued as bounty to John Hampton, of Franklin Co., has been lost, and he prays for duplicate of same, 26th May, 1784. NAIL, JOSEPH. Petition of Francis Boykin, showing that the warrant No. 248, issued as bounty to Joseph Nail, of Franklin Co., has been lost and also Certificate No. 58, issued to Julian Nail, of Franklin Co., and prays for duplicates of same. 26th May, 1784 BUGG, SHERWOOD. Certificate of Col. J. MeNiel, 5th April, 1784, that he served in the Richmond Co. Militia, and bore the rank of captain Entitled to bounty, and prays for 575 acres in Washington Co BUGG, EDMUND. Refugee soldier. Certificate of Col. James MeNiel, 22nd March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BUGG, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Col. Jas. Martin, 17th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. Prays for same in Washington Co BUGG, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. James McNiel, 15th March, 1784. Prays for 575 acres in Washington Co. BUGG, JACOB. Certificate of Col. Jas. MeNiel, 19th March, 1784 Entitled to bounty. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co BUGG, JEREMIAH. Certificate Col. James McNiel, 15th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty. Prays for 250 acres in Washington Co BUGG, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, that he is entitled to a bounty as Lt. Col. and prays for same in Washington Co., 3rd April, 1784. Refugee BUTLER, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. soldier. Entitled to bounty and prays for same in Washington Co. BOWEN, OLIVER. Commodore. Entitled to 1.000 acres land. Granted by John Houston, 27th January, 1784.ad ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BROWN, ANDREW. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 24th April, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BRADY, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 25th February, 1784, was soldier in the Batt. of Minute Men, raised in defense of this State, and was not at the time an inhabitant of this State. Received bounty of land in Washington Co. BLAKEY, BENJ. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd April, 1784, served as sergeant in Batt. of Minute Men, and not an inhabitant of this State at time of enlistment BURKS, EDWARD. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 20th February, 1784. En- titled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. BOYKIN, BAOS. Certificate of Gen, John Twiggs, Ist January, 1784. Refugee soldier. BRASWELL, SAMUEL, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 24th June, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of land. Prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. BOBBETS, JACOB. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty. Prays for same in Franklin Co. BUSSY, HEZEKIAH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washing- ton’ Co: BURKS, DAVID. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 22nd April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BUSSEY, THOMAS. Certificate of E. Clark, 19th April, 1784. TEntitled to 250 acres of land. Prays for same in the county of Washington. BRITTAIN, HENRY. Sergeant. Certificate of Col. E Clark, that he was a sergeant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of this State at the time of enlistment. Prays for bounty. BARBER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 23d May, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Franklin Co. a , 5 . sy weal ce BENNIS, JOHN. Captain. Certificate of John Habersham, major of the late Ga. Line, that his commission as captain was dated 1st of March, 1777, and that the said captain died in the service. BRONSON, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Col. Caleb Howell, January 5th, 1784, that he was refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BRASWELL, FREDERICK. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, Ist April, 1784. En- listed in Batt. Minute Men for the defense of this State, though not an in- habitant at the time. Mntitled to bounty, and prays for same in Wash- ington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION BLAIR, SAMUEL. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 6th April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Frank- lin Co. BANKSTON, ELIJAH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BARBER, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784, that he was a refugee lieut. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 402 acres of land in Franklin Co. BARNETT, MIAL. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land BROOKS, JAS. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNiel, 20th February, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co BANKSTON, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 19th April, 1784 Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co BECKHAM, ABNER Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 4th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty BURTON, RICHARD. Certificate of Capt. Isaac Hicks, captain in the 3rd Ga Continental Batt., 28th May, 1780: that he enlisted as a soldier 7th October, 1776, from Mechlenburg Co., Va. BURDEYSHAW, PETER. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th December, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co BALDWIN, DAVID. Heirs of, granted 575 acré of land in Washington Co., through John Moon, May 25th, 1784 BURLAMON, BENJ. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 3rd April, 1784, as a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty BROOKS, ROGER. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784 tefugee sol- dier, and served in Batt. Minute Men Entitled to bounty and prays for same in Washington Co. BARROW, REUBEEN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 8rd February, 1785. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land BRYANT, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st of April, 1784, that he was a lieutenant in the Batt. of Minute Men, raised for the defense of this State, though was not at the time an inhabitant of the State, and prays for bounty in Washington Co BAKER. WILLIAM, MAJOR. Heirs of, on certificate of Col. John Baker, 19th March, 1784, entitled to a bounty of land BLACK, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Is entitled to a bounty of land: prays for 575 acres in Franklin Co.36 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BRITT, CHARLES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th February, 1784. Served as soldier in Batt. Minute Men, and was not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State. BRASWELL, SAMPSON. Certificate of Col. James Jackson, 19th July, 1784. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres of land. BURGESS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, December 10th, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. BEVIL, JAMES. Certificate of Col. Jenkins Davis, 20th February, 1784. Refugee soldier. BONNELL, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jenkins Davis, 15th March, 1784. Refu- gee soldier. BURNETT, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNiel, 22nd March, 1784, served in 1st Batt. Richmond Co. Militia, and was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BEDDINGFIELD, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres of land. BEDDINGFIELD, CHARLES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. BATES, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, 23rd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. BRADLEY, JOSHUA. Certificate of Col. Elijah Clark, 24th April, 1784. En- titled to bounty. Prays for same in Franklin Co. BRADLEY, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate Col. Elijah Clark, 25th February, 1784, that he was commissioned as a lieutenant of Minute Men, raised for the defense of this State, June 3rd, 1777, and was not at time an inhabitant of the State. BRADLEY, RICHARD. Certificate of Commodore Oliver Bowen, February 17th, 1784, that he was a private on board one of the Ga. State galleys, and is entitled to 100 acres of land as bounty. Another certificate from Col. John Baker, 27th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier entitled to bounty. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BAKER, JOHN. Coli. of Liberty Co. Certificate of Nathan Brownson at Au- gusta, 14th April, 1784, that he was a refugee colonel. BRADLEY, MICHAEL. Certificate of Lieut. Christopher Hillary, 4th Ga. Regt. that he enlisted in the 4th Ga. Regt. July, 1777, and died in the service at Savannah, and he left an only son named Abram, now in this State, about ten years old. October 1st, 1783. BEATY, SAMUEL. Of Burke Co., appoints Hugh Lawson, of said county, at- torney to receive warrant for land for service in the Minute Battalion, 16th May, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 37 BARKLOW, RICHARD. Heirs of, are granted through Perry Wilson, 287% acres of land in Franklin Co., by John Habersham, 17th May, 1784. BARKSDALE, ALEN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 8th September, 1784, that Allen Barksdale is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. BEAN, REUBIN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1785, was a soldier in the Batt. of Minute Men, but was not an inhabitant of the State at the time. BLACK, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Served as lieutenant, and was entitled to bounty, and prays for 575 acres in Frank- lin Co. BOOTH, ABRAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. BARNETT, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNiell, 17th May, 1784, that he was an invalid in the 1st Batt. Richmond Co. militia Entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. BEARD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd April, 1784. Served as a sergeant in Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of this State, and is entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co BARKER, WILLOBY. On certificate of Col. Jas. Martin, that he served as a refugee captain, and was entitled to 500 acres of land, and was granted same in Washington Co., 25th May, 1784. BURKS, ROLAND. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 27th May, 1784, is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co BARNHART, GEORGE, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. BROWNSON, NATHAN. Certificate of John Habersham, major late Ga. line. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BRASIL, FERDINAND. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th May, 1784, that he was in the Batt. of Minute Men, raised for the defense of this State, though not at time an inhabitant. Prays for bounty in Washington Co. BAKER, ARTEMUS. Granted 287% acres. BOBOUGH, LEWIS. Certificate of James Jackson, July 30, 1784, that he served in the Ga. State Legion Inf. BLANCHARD, REUBEN. Appoints Capt. Thomas Bush attorney to take a bounty warrant out of the land office, and sign his name to a receipt of the same, 19th May, 1784. On certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784, he was granted 250 acres of land in Washington Co.38 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BURT, MOODY. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNiel, 7th April, 1784, is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. Prays for same in Washington Co. He appointed Capt. Jesse Sanders to receive same. BERRY, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clark, and G. Lee, 24th April, 1784, was granted bounties in Franklin and Washington counties, and appointed William Roussau to receive his warrant for same. 25th April, 1784. BERRY, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. Prays for same in the county of Washing- ton. Signed William Berry for Richard Berry. BANKSTON, JACOB. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BLOUNT, JACOB. Petition of the heirs of Jacob Blount, surgeon’s mate in the galley service, for 690 acres of land, through Oliver Lewis, May 25th, 1784. BRADY, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. Appoints Sanders Walker attorney to receive same. BEVIL. Certificate of Col. Jas. Davis, 26th February, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. BARNETT, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNiel, 38rd April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty. Prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. BEATY, SAMUEL. 5th of April, 1784. Petitions for 287% acres of land in Washington Co. as bounty for his services. Granted. BRYANT, BENJ. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th July, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BIRD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. §. Clark, January, 1785, served as a soldier in the Ist Batt. of Minute Men raised for the defense of this State, al- though not inhabitant at the time. BUTLER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, 20th September, 1784. En- titled to a bounty. Prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. BEASLEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, and Col. E. Clark, 28th Feb- ruary, 1784. Entitled to a bounty Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co., and appoints Joshua Perry his attorney to receive his warrant for same. BURCH, EDWARD. May 4th, 1784. Appoints Samuel Briggs, attorney to re- ceive a warrant for 575 acres of land in the name of John Whitichar, de- ceased. BOWMAN, JACOB. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNiel, 9th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 39 BRUTON, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 7th April, 1784 Entitled to a bounty of land as a refugee soldier, and prays for same in the county of Washington. BURK, THEOPHILOUS. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. BRANDON, JOHN. Petitions for 28744 acres of land as bounty for his services, in the County of Washington. Granted, 16th April, 1784 BUTLER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 5rd of January, 1785. Served in Batt. of Minute Men raised for defense of this State, though not at that time an inhabitant BROOK, ROGER. Certificate of Col. E Clark, September 6th, 1784 Entitled to bounty of 250 acres of land. Prays for same in Washington Co BERRYHILL, SAMUEL. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, March 2, 1784 En- titled to a bounty of land as refugee, and prays for same in Washington Co. BECKHAM, ALLEN. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, 17th July, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co BARNETT, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. E Clark, 2nd February, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier, and is entitled to 250 acres of bounl I BARNARD, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col Jas. McNiel, 20th February, 1784 Refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres of land BREWER, ERASMUS. Certificate of Col. E Clark, 26th March, 1784, that he was entitled to bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Franklin Co BAKER, WILLIAM JEANS. Certificate of Col John Baker, 18th March, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty Prays for 287% acres in Washing- ton Co. BLAYER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col Francis Pew, that he was a refugee soldier, and his heirs are entitled to a bounty of 25 BURNETT, JOSHUA. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th August, 1784, vas a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty. Prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. BRUNSON, EBENEZER. On certificate of Col. Jas. McKay, ¢ ith January, 1784, that his heirs are entitled to his bounty of 250 acres of land, as a refugee soldier. BROSSARD, CELERINE. Petitions for 920 acres of land, as bounty for his service as captain and major, in the line of this State, in 1777. Granted 20th August, 1784. BRADLEY, MICHAEL. Certificate of Gen Lachlan McIntosh, and Capt. Hil- lary, 19th March, 1784, that his son Abraham, is entitled to 100 acres of land as bounty for his father’s servicesROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BALL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to 250 acres of land as bounty. BURGSTEINER, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. Jenkins Davis, 9th February, 1784. Refugee soldier. BOLTEN, FRANCIS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 29th January, 1785, that he was a Minute Man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. BRADDOCK, JOHN. 2nd April, 1784, was granted 600 acres of land for his services as captain, through his attorney, Nathan Brownson. BROWN, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. Pannill, 2nd March, 1784, that he was a soldier in the 2nd Batt. of Continental Troops, and served three years. Prays for 200 acres of land in the Continental reserve. BURTON, THOS. Petitions for 28714 acres in Washington Co., as bounty for his services. March 25th, 1784. BRASWELL; GEORGE. Certificate of Col. BH: Clark, 25th January; 1785: Minute man, not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State. BARNES, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, January, 1785. Minute man; was not at time of enlistment an inhabitant of this State. BRANTLEY, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jacks, 7th April, 1784. Sergeant in Batt. of Minute Men on the expedition to Florida. BARNETT, NATHAN. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 25th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty as a refugee soldier. BARNETT, PHILIP. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 29th April, 1784. Min- ute man; was not at the time inhabitant of the State. Prays for land in Franklin Co. BLACK, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Refugee sol- dier. Entitled to 250 acres of land as bounty. BEATY, WILLIAM. Of Burke Co., appointed Hugh Lawson attorney to re- ceive warrant for bounty land, 16th May, 1784. BOYD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784, that he was a Minute man, but not an inhabitant of the State at the time of his enlist- ment. Prays for bounty land in Washington Co., 28714 acres. 4 BUCKHALTER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. He is entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BLOUNT, JACOB. Certificate of Oliver Bowen, Commodore, 24th February, 1784, that he was a Surgeon’s mate in the galley service, and his heirs are entitled to 600 acres of land.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4] BANKS, REUBEN. Certificate of Lt. Col. J. Pannill, June 7th, 1784, that he was a soldier in the 2nd regt. of Continental Troops of Ga., and served three years. Prays for 230 acres in the Continental fork of the Oconee rivers. BARNARD, JOEL. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 19th February, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier from Richmond county. BAGGS, JOHN, Certificate of Col. Samuel Jacks, 6th April, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlist- ment. Appoints Hugh Lawson, of Burke Co., attorney to receive bounty land. Prays for same in Washington Co. BURKS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784, that he was a captain of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of this State at the time of enlistment. Prays for 575 acres of land in Washington Co BURTON, RICHARD. Certificate of J. Houston, 29th January, 1784, that he was a soldier in the Georgia line, and is entitled to 100 acres of land. BUSSON, JONATHAN. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, 20th September, 1784, that he was a refugee and is entitled to 250 acres of bounty land; prays for same in Washington Co. BURTON, RICHARD. Appointed Mr. Nathaniel Peavie, of Chatham Co., Sa- vannah, to receive his bounty warrant due for three years’ service, on the 16th day of January, 1784. BURNEY, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784 Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co BROOKS, JESSEY. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land; prays for same in Washington Co. BALDWIN, WILLIAM. Petitioned for 345 acres in Washington Co., as a bounty for his services. BOYD, EDWARD. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, 6th April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. BAXTER, ANDREW. Certificate of Col. Elijah Clark, 5th October, 1784, that he was a soldier under his command, and prays for bounty land in Washington Co. BEARD, EDMUND. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 5th April, 1784. Minute man, and is entitled to bounty land. Prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. (Though not an inhabitant of the State.) BRANHAM, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd April, 1784. Minute man. Entitled to bounty lands. (Not an inhabitant of the State.) BURTON, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd January, 1785. Minute man, but not an inhabitant of the State at the time of his enlistment.42? ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BURNS, ANDREW. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 15th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of land, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. BENFIELD, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. BURNSIDES, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, March 8th, 1784. En- titled to a bounty as a refugee soldier. BAKER, ARTEMUS. Petition for 287% acres of land in Washington Co., as bounty for services. Granted 13th April, 1784. Certificate of Col. Jno. Baker. BURT, MOODY. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 1st of January, 1784. Refu- gee soldier. Entitled to 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Wash- ington Co. Appoints Col. Samuel Jack to take out warrant for same. BAKER, WHITMARSH. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 22d February, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty of land. BARNETT, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Refugee soldier. BRADFORD, OSIAH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. Prays for same in Franklin Co. BUTRY, ZACHARIAH. Certificate of Maj. B. Porter, 26th July, 1784. A pri- vate soldier in the 2nd Ga. Continental Batt., and served three years. Petitioner prays for bounty of 230 acres in the Continental fork of the Oconee River. BARRON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 15th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washing- ton Co. BEARD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. BROWN, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, January, 1785. Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. BROWN, JOHN. Certificate of Col. RB. Clark, 17th August, 1781. Refugee sol- dier. Entitled to 250 acres of land. BEVIL, PAUL. Certificate of Cols. Howell and J. Davis, 24th February, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to 500 acres of land. BARNETT, WILLIAM. Refugee soldier. Prays for bounty land in Washington Co., 6th April, 1784. Appoints Thos. Bush, attorney to receive 250 acres on the 5th April, 1784. On certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil. BARNETT, JOEL. Petition for 287% acres of land in Washington Co., April 7, 1784, as bounty for his services.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 43 BARNETT, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty, 250 acres of land. BANKSTON, DANIEL. Petition for 287% acres of land in Washington Co., as bounty for his services. BARKELOE, RICHARD. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 26th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty as a worthy refugee. BOSTICK, NATHAN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 24th March, 1784 Refu- gee soldier. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same BRASWELL, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 25th January, 1785. Min- ute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at time of enlistment BLACK, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th February, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty of 250 acres BRANDON, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 15th March 1784 Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land BAIN, REUBEN. Certificate of Col. John Stewart, 19th April, 1784. That he was a minute man in Col. Stewart’s battalion though not an inhabitant of Florida ex- } the State at the time of enlistment, and that he went on t signed by Col. E. Clark, it pedition and was discharged The dicharge was in Liberty county shows that he was in Capt. Henry K ir’s company and in county. was discharged 27th July, 1778. Prays for bounty in Frank BURCH, CHARLES. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 6th February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier and was entitled to two bounties equalling 500 acres. BURKALOW, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 8th March 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and pray for same in Franklin county. Assigns his title to same to Robert rt Killereast, 21st o James Hogg, on the 6th June 1784. Robert Killcreast assigns his right July, 1784. BRASWELL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 10th December, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. BUTLER, ROBERT. Certificate of Col. John Stewart, 27th July, 1784. Minute man though not an inhabitant at the time of enlistment, entitled to a bounty of land and prays for 287%4 acres in Franklin county. BENDER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 26th April. Entitled to 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Flanklin Co BAKER. NATHANIEL. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 28th April, 1784, re- fugee soldier. BROOM, THOMAS. Certificate of Brig. Gen. John Twiggs, 22nd March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land as a refugee soldier and prays for same in Franklin Co. Assigns his right to Philip Lamar, on March 10th, 1784+4 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BECKHAM, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 5th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 287% acres. BRACK, BENJ. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 26th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land. BECKHAM, SOLOMAN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 2nd March, 1784. En- titled to bounty. BRASWELL, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th January, 1784. Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of State. BRANTLEY, THOS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, 2871%4 acres, prays for same in Washington Co. BURNETT, ANDREW. Petitions for bounty of land that he bought of Jos. Kirkham, May 1784. BROWN, THOS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BENTLEY, JOHN. Certifiicate of Col. E. Clarke, 25th February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of land, prays for 28744 acres in Washington Co. BALDWIN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th February, 1784. As Serge. in Batt. of Minute men, though not at the time of enlistment an in- habitant of this State. Entitled to bounty and prays for 287144 acres in Washington Co. BOWIN, EPHRIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Refugee soldier, entitled to 250 acres of land. BLACK, EDWARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 8th September, 1784. En- titled to a bounty and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BANKSTON, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BEATY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Twiggs, 24th February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. BISHOP, JOSHUA. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled toa bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. BUTLER, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. BEL ALLIN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 10th December, 1784. En- ae to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washing- on Co. BARDEN, GILBERT. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 45 BONNER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. En- titled to 250 acres as a bounty and prays for same in Washington Co. BROWN, JOHN. Of Wilkes Co. Certificate of E. Clark, 2nd December, 1783. Entitled to bounty land as a refugee soldier, granted. BROWN, ANDREW. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th May, 1784. Refugee soldier, prays for bounty in Washington Co. Petition presented by Thomas Glascock. BROWN, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 26th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. BROWN, FRANCIS. Certificate of Lt. Col. J. Pannill, 7th September, 1784. En- titled as a private soldier 2nd Ga. Continental Batt., and served three years, and prays for 230 acres of land in the Continental fork of the Oconee river. BROWN, ALLEN. Certificate of Col. Twiggs, 21st April, 1784 Refugee soldier entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co BERRIAN, JOHN. Certificate of Maj. John McIntosh, 38rd April 1784. That he was a Maj. in the Continental line and is entitled to 800 acres of land. BURKHALTER, JOSHUA. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th May, 1784 En- titled to a bounty of 287% acres, and prays for same in Washington Co BRASWELL, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 10th December, 1784, En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres and prays for same in Washington Co. BUTLER, FORD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784 Refugee soldier. BEATY, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 6th April, 1784 That he was a Minute man, and not an inhabitant of the State at the time of en- listment. BURKES. JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. EB. Clark, 20th April, 1784. That he was a Minute man and not an inhabitant of the State at time of enlistment. BOWEN, OLIVER. Commodore, “State of Georgia, in convention, Thursday January 30th, 1777, ordered, that the House do proceed immediately to bal- lot for a Commodore—The House proceeded to ballot accordingly, when on closing the poll it appeared that Oliver Bowen, Esqr., was duly elected Commodore or Commander of our Naval Dept. A true extract from the Minutes of the Convention—J. Wood, Jr., Clerk, House of Assembly.” BUTLER, EDWARD. At a court held for Hanover Co. Va., November 6th, 1783, the court being informed of a law passed by the State of Georgia, requiring any persons emigrating from other States in the Union to the said State of Georgia, before they become citizens of the same to bring with them a certificate from the court of the county where they reside, of their being good citizens and, a friend to the rights and liberties of America.”40 ROSTER Or THE REVOLUTION. “Edward Butler, who informs the said court of his intention of moving himself to the state of Georgia have desired a certificate of the same. Therefore, this court do certify that the said Edward Butler, hath been long an inhabitant of the said county of Hanover, and hath conducted him- self in every instance as a good and worthy citizen, and uniformly given, undeniable of his attachment to the cause of America, and the independ- ence thereof. Richard Chapman, (Jsyms, Lt. H. Co.) Thos. Travilian William Johnson, George Clough. Park Goodall.” BOYKIN, BYUS. Appoints Jonathan Hemp, Esq., of Burke Co., to obtain his bounty of land, due for his services, on 29th February, 1784. Prays for 575 acres. BRADSHAW, PETER. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 24th January, 1785. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the state at the time of enlistment. BLACKSELL, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 16th March, 1784, That he was a refugee soldier entitled to 500 acres of land, granted 575 acres in Washington Co., 13th April, 1784. BALDWIN, DAVID. Capt., Sr. Certificate of Col. John Stewart, 15th May, 1784, Captain of a company of Minute men, on the Florida expedition, and is entitled to bounty of land. BALDWIN, MORDECAI. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th February, 1784. That he was a Lieutenant of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State at time of enlistment. BRAKER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 16th November, 17 he was a Minute Man, though not an inhabitant of the State. 84, that BUTLER, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clark, 14th May, 1784, that he was en- titled to a bounty of 250 acres and prays for same in Washington Co. BALL, SAMPSON. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 19th May, 1784, entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. r We COATS, LESLEY. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and appoints Sanders Walker to receive warrant for same, CONE, WILLIAM, Sr. Certificate of Col. Jas. Martin, 24th April, 1784, that he was in the 1st Batt. of Richmond Co., militia, is an invalid, and entitled to 28714 acres of land bounty. CONE, WILLIAM, Jr. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 28th February, 1784, en- titled to a bounty and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. COX, JOHN. Certificate of Col. BR. Clark, 22nd May, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 28714 acres in Franklin Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 47 COX, BENJ. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd February, 1785. That he was in the Minute men, though not an inhabitant of the State and is entitled to a bounty. CRIDINGTON, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, Ist February, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. COBB, EZEKIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CULBREATH, JAMES. Certificate of Col. James McNeil, 19th February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to a bounty CASTLEBERRY, PETER. Certificate of Col. Wm. Few, 28th October, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. Served under Capt. James Daneley. COLE, JOHN, Sr. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. That he is entitled to a citizen’s bounty. CHANEY, EMANUEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 20th May, 1784. Entitled to a bounty as a refugee soldier and prays for same in Franklin Co. CHAMBLISS, (CHAMBERS) JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 21 July, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co CROKER, WILLIAM. Certificate of H. Allison, 21st April, 1784. That he served three years in the 2nd Ga. Continental Regt. Prays for 200 acres of land in the Continental Reserve. CRONBERGER, CHRISTOPHER. Certificate of Col. Jenkins Davis, 16th February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier and was killed in service, and that Barbara Cronberger is his widow, and he left no children. COSSINS, DAVID. On the 18th day of May, 1784, appoints William Chiles attorney to receive his warrant for bounty land. CLEMMONS, ISAAC. Certificate of Col. John Twiggs, 24th May, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to a bounty. Granted to Elizabeth Clements, executor. CLEMENTS, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. John Twiggs, 30th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co., and ap- points John Clements of Burke Co., attorney to receive warrant. CHISOLM, THOS., ESQR. On Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, May, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to a bounty of 287% acres and prays for same in Washington Co. COUSINS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 5th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 287% acres. COLSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Caleb Howell, 20th February, 1784, Ef- fingham Co. Entitled to a bounty of 287% acres, and prays for same in Washington Co.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CAMPBELL, GILBERT. Petitions for bounty of 250 acres of land in Wash- ington Co., for his service as a private in the Minute Batt. of the State, granted 15th April, 1784. CRAWFORD, CHARLES. Petitions for 287% acres in Washington Co., as bounty, granted 16th April, 1784. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 6th April, 1784. That he served as a private in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State, and prays for bounty land in Washington Co. COTHRON, JOSIAH. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 15th March, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty as a refugee soldier and prays for same in Washington Co. CURL, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st of April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlist- ment, and prays for bounty of land in Washington Co. CURL, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st of April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlist- ment, and prays for bounty of land in Washington Co. CONE, JAMES. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 26th February, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of land, 250 acres. CADY, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CARTER, DAVID. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 15th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. CARTER, PATRICK. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment, entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CORUTHERS, (CRUDDERS) WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 22nd April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State, prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. CHANDLER, MORDECAI. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 13th March, 1784. hat he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment, an in- habitant of the State. CALK, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th April, 1784. That he was a Minute ‘man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of en- listment. Prays for bounty in Washington Co. CARSWELL, ALEXANDER, SR., Power of attorney to Benjamin Blount of Southampton, Va., to take outa warrant for bounty land, 21st of April, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 49 Witnesses, Samuel Briggs, and Absolom Harris. On certificate of Gen. Jas. Twigg. CUNNINGHAM, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 28th February, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land as a refugee soldier. CAULEY, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th January, 1785. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State. CORBIN, WILLIAM. Of Virginia. Certificate of Gen. Samuel Elbert, 5th March, 1784. That he was a soldier for three years in the 3rd Ga. Regt. Prays for 230 acres in the Continental Reserve. Appoints CapteJda WwW. Wagnon attorney, to receive his warrant COLLINS, JOHN. On certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 7th April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State, prays for bounty land in Washington Co. CARTLEDGE, JAMES. On certificate of Col. James McNeil, 5th April, 1784. That he served in the Richmond Co. Militia. CARTER, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State, entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. CARTER, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 12th April, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Flanklin Co. CARLYLE, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Clark, 25th March, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres of land in Washington Co. CONE, JAMES. Certificate of Col, Wm. Candler, that he served in his regt. of refugees from this State. Granted a bounty of land on the 20th February 1784. CARSON, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to a bounty of land. COCK, CALEB. Petitions for 287% acres of land in Washington Co., as bounty for his services. On certificate of Gen. Jno. Twiggs CUP, MICHAEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 10th September, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at time of en- listment, entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. COATS, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 9th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co COBB, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 26th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. Prays for same in Washington Co. CHILDERS, DAVID. Certificate of Gen. Samuel Elbert, 20th March, 1784. That he was a private in the 2nd Batt. of Continental troops, and is entitled to bounty.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CLARK, LEWIS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 9th April, 1784. Entitled to two bounties of land as a refugee and citizen, and prays for same in Wash- ington Co. CARTLEDGE, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, Ist April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment, granted 28714 acres of land in Franklin Co. CURRY, JACOB. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd January, 1785. Entitled to a bounty as a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the titme of enlistment. CROSBY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, Ist April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlist- ment. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CRAB, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CLARK, JAMES, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, and prays for bounty land in Washington Co. CLEMENTS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Brig. Gen. John Twiggs, 3rd February, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. On the 2nd April, 1784, William Clements of Burke Co., appoints Mr. John Clements of the same county, attorney to receive his warrant. CURREY, PETER. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 25th February, 1784. That he was a Minute man, but not an inhabitant at the time of enlistment. CHAMBLISS, LITTLETON. On 25th January, 1784, appoints Col. James McNeil, attorney to receive bounty land due me for service in militia. CHAPMAN, JOHN, of 96th Dist. South Carolina, appoints John Stewart, at- torney, 5th February, 1784, to receive his bounty as Sergt. in the Minute Service of Georgia. CIMBRO, WILLIAM. On the 9th February, 1784, appoints Sanders Walker, at- torney to receive his bounty of land, as per certificate of Capt. Heard, witness, John Kimbry. CANNON, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. BE. Clarke, 20th December, 1784. That he served in the Minute Batt. of the State, and is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. CASTLEBERRY, JOHN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 16th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CANDLER, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 20th February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CATCHING, BENJ. Certificate of Col. R. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a citizen’s bounty of 287%. The House of Assembly, August 7,CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ol 1783, granted his 500 acres in consideration of his being a cripple, making in all 787% acres, and he prays for same in Washington Co. CANNON, ROGER, Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 13th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres. CLARKE, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, August 19th, 1784. En- titled to a bounty as a refugee and prays for same in Washington Co. Also certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant at the time of enlistment. CLARKE, JOHN, CAPT. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he was a refugee captain, and is entitled to 500 acres of land COHRON, CORNELIUS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784. Entitled to bounty and prays for same in Washington Co. CARTER, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 12th April, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier, and served as aid-de-camp at the time he was slain in battle, therefore is entitled the bounty of a captain. COLEMAN, HARRIS. Certificate of Col. Elijah Clarke, 24th February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land CAMP, (KEMP), WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 8th April, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washing- ton Co. CRAIN, LEWIS. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, 30th July, 1784 That he served in the Georgia State Legion, entitled to 287% acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co CRESWELL, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. EB. Clark, 5th April, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier and served as a surgeon, and should have a sur- geoa’s bounty, prays for 500 acres in Washington Co. CLOUD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 24th February, 1784 Refugee soldier, entitled to a bounty of 500 acres, prays for same in Flanklin Co CLOUD, NEOUGH. (or Nenouh of Wilkes Co.) Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to bounty of land. Appoints Geo. Matthews at- torney, to receive same. CARR, PATRICK. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 13th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land as refugee captain, appointment of Gen. John Morgan, and prays for same in Washington Co. CROFORD, JOHN. Granted 287% acres, bounty, in Washington Co., through Francis Tennill, Granted 17th April, 1784. CARSON, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Refugee soldier entitled to bounty.52 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CHISSOME, BENJ. Certificate of Col. Benj. Few, 7th April, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Flanklin Co. CARDIN, CORNELIUS. Certificate of Col. Greenbury Lee, 21st February, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of bounty land. CASTLEBURY, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of bounty land, granted in Washington Co. CROOCK, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 17th May, 1784. In the Batt. of Minute men, but not at the time of enlistment, an inhabitant of the State. CARNEY, ONSBY. Certfiicate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, but nof an inhabitant of the State at the time enlistment, prays for 28714 acres of land in Washington Co. CHESSER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 16th November, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at time of enlistment. CARTOR. HEPWORTH. Grant of 1000 acres on the 21st of January, 1784, signed by John Houton, for marking the lines south of the Ogeechee river, ete. Prays for said land in Washington Co. CORNANT, JOHN. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784, granted 250 acres of bounty land. CURETON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 26th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co: CRUMLY, ANTHONY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. CATO, WILLIAM. Certificate of Capt. Jas. McCay, ist July, 1784. Refugee soldier and is entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. COLLINS, CHARLES. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March,.1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. 17th March, 1784, Charles Collins sold said bounty to William Walker. CHAMBERS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 25th February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CLOUDAS, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 13th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. COOK, GEORGE, Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 16th December, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. CONYERS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Francis Pugh, lst of December, 1784, in Burke Co., that he was a refugee soldier in South Carolina, and served in defense of his country until his death. On this certificate Margaret Conyers, petitions for 250 acres of land in Washington Co. COATS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co., and ap- points Sanders Walker attorney to receive same. CARR, HENRY, LT. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. That he served as a lieutenant in the Batt. of Minute men, though not at the time of appointment, an inhabitant of the State, and prays for bounty land in Franklin Co. CRAWFORD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. James MeNeil, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co., and appoints Col. James McNeil, attorney to receive the warrant for same. CRAWFORD, DAVID. On the 10th of June, 1784, John Crawford, heir to David Crawford, of Albermarle Co., Va., appoints John Morrison attorney, to re- ceive his warrant for 230 acres for his services in the 2nd Georgia Batt. CLOUD, JEREMIAH, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 7th December, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. COOK, GEORGE (deceased). Certificate of Gen John Twiggs, 7th April, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. Eleanor Cook, widow of George Cook, in behalf of her son, Ferguson Cook, prays for a grant of the above land to her son in Washington Co. CADE, DREWRY, CAPT. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 7th April, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of 500 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. CURETON, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment, an inhabitant of the State, entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. CHILDREY, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 23rd February, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CARSEY, STEPHEN, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Re- fugee soldier. COLE, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. COLE, JOHN. Certificate of Col. J. Jackson, 10th September, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Franklin Co. COTHORN, JOSIAH, of Burke Co. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 17th May, 1784. That he was killed in the service, and his heirs are entitled to a bounty of land.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CHAMBLESS, CHRISTOPHER. Certificate of Col. James McNeil, 2nd Febru- ary, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. CLARK, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 10th May, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. COLEMAN, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. Re- fugee soldier and prays for bounty land in Washington Co. CHAMBLESS, LITTLETON. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 9th February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CASTLEBERRY, JACOB. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 16th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. Prays for it per Ninian Magruder. CORSIA, WILLIAM. Certificates of Col. Jas. McNeil, 28th February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. COAN, JOHN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. COLLINS, MOSES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. COLLINS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. CONNOR, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 5th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. COATES, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. and appoints Sanders Walker to receive warrant for same. CARLYLE, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CARRELL, WILLIAM. Elizabeth Carrell appoints Edward Keating, attorney to obtain bounty land due William Carrell, deceased, 10th April, 1784. CRAINE, SPENCER. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 6th April, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CONNER, DANIEL. “Resolve of the House of Assembly, granting him 500 acres of land, as a gratuity on account of his pension.” CARNEY, MATTHEW. Certificate of Col. J. Pannill, 17th September, 1784. That he was a private soldier in the 2nd Georgia Continental Batt. and served three years, and prays for 250 acres in the Continental reserve. CLARK, LEWIS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Refugee soldier,CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. COLLINS, SOLOMON. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 19th May, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. CARSON, THOS., JR. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. CARR, PATRICK, MAJ. Certificate of Gov. J. Houston, 27th April, 1784. En- titled as a refugee Major to 650 acres of land and to 250 as a citizen. CLARKE, E., Col. Granted 1000 acres in Washington Co., for being a refugee Colonel, 16th April, 1784. CARTLIDGE, JAMES. On certificate of Col. G. Lee, 28th February, 1784. Granted 287% acres in Washington Co. CATCHING, SEYMORE. On certificate of Col. Clark, 24th February, Granted bounty of 250 acres of land in Washington Co. CURRY. NICHOLAS. Petition for bounty of 250 acres of land for his services. CARSON, JOSEPH, of Wilkes Co. Petitions for 28714 acres of bounty land in Washington Co. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. CHAPMAN, JOHN. On certificate of Col Samuel Jack, 5th April, 1784. That he enlisted as a sergeant in the Batt. of Minute men, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of this State Granted 300 acres. » Was a minute CARLTON, PATRICK. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack. That h man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of this State. CONNELL, THOMAS. On certificate of Col. E. Clark. That he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, eranted in Flanklin Co., 25th March, 1784. CLOWERS, PETER. Certificate of Col E. Clark, 10th December, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CADE, DRURY. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier and is entitled to 250 acres of bounty land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. of Col. James MeNeil, 21st February, 1784. COURSON, WILLIAM. Certificate 950 acres of land, appoints Thomas Buch That he is entitled to a bounty of attorney to receive same. CALDWELL, JAMES. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 15th March, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. CRAWFORD, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 20th February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier and entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. COLEMAN, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 14th April, 1784. That he is entitied to a bounty of 250 acres of land.50 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CRAWFORD, ANDERSON. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 17th February, 1784. That he was entitled to 250 acres of bounty land, and prays for same in Washington Co. CARSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier. CARSON, THOS, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a refugee’s bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. CARSON, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of this State. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN. On certificate of Col. E. Clark. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, granted 2nd February, 1784. CHISOLM, JOHN. Certificate of Lt. Col. J. Pannill, 12th July, 1784. That he was a Sergeant in the Continental troops for the State of Georgia, served three years, and prays for 230 acres of land reserved for the Continental troops in the forks of the Oconee river. COWIN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. “ served in the first Batt. of Richmond Co. Militia, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CONE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil 22nd March, 1784, that he CHILDERS, THOS. and Henry Childers, of Henry Co., Va., appoints Col. Jos. Pannill, of Richmond Co., Ga., “to receive all bounty lands due us in the State of Georgia for military service in the late war,” 24th February, 1784. CRONBERGER, BARBARA, appoints Jenkin Davis, Esar., “to get a certificate for land as a bounty granted by the Hon. House of Assembly, to my deceased husband,” 16th February. Witness, Jacob Cronberger. CONNELL, JOHN. On certificate of Col. Francis Pugh, 25th February, 1784. That he is entitled to 250 acres of bounty land. CONNELL, JESSE. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th April, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Wash- ington Co. CEISEUSS; JAMES. On certificate of Col. EB. Clark, 7th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. oe WILLIAM. On certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. CLARKE, ELIJAH. Granted a citizen’s bounty of 250 acres in Washing- ton Co. 16th April, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. COLLIER, WILLIAM. On certificate of Capt. Littlebury Bostick, and Col. James Martin, 23rd March, 1784. That he joined the station at Spirit Creek, immediately after the fall of Augusta, and was a good and faithful soldier in my company, and he prays for bounty in Washington Co. CALDWELL, GEORGE, of Liberty Co. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 13th July, 1784. That he was a good soldier, entitled to bounty. Appoints Maj. Philip Low, attorney to receive warrant for the land. CARTLEDGE, JAMES. On certificate of Col. G. Lee, 25th February, 1784, is entitled to a citizen’s bounty of 250 acres of land. CRUTCHFIELD, JOHN. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. COLESON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Jenkins Davis, 20th February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier. CONNELL, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. James Jackson, April 7, 1784. That he was entitled to a citizen’s bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co CONLEY, CALEB. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 16th November, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he is entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. On the 38rd of February, 1784, he appoints Sanders Walker, attorney to receive his warrant for bounty land. CANDLER, HENRY. On certificate of Col. G. Lee, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co CHAVOS, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier, entitled to bounty, and prays for 287 Wacres in Washington Co. CLARKE, GIBSON. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 8th April, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier entitled to a bounty, and granted the same in Washington Co. (‘“Dismissed, he being on the Mississippi.’’) CRAWFORD, ANDERSON. Certificate of Col. James McNeil, 2nd February 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. CANE, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. COLE, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to 250 acres of bounty land. CURREY, PETER, Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd January, 1785. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State.CARSON, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 9th April, 1784. That he was en- titled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. CONNER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. CASSELLS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 21st February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CONYERS, JOHN, CAPT. Certificate of Col. Francis Pugh, 9th February, 1784. Refugee officer, and is entitled to a bounty. CURTIS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. L. Jackson, that he is entitled to 250 acres of bounty land. CARSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 28744 acres of land in Washington Co. CARSON, DAVID. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State. COOK, JOSHUA. (deceased.) Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land. 287% acres in Washington Co. granted to the heirs, and received by Dal McMurphy. CLARK, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 287144 acres in Washington Co. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN. Petitions for 690 acres of land in the reserve for his service as captain in the 2nd Georgia Continental Batt. Served nearly 4 years. CURETON, BOLING. Certificate of E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. CLARKE, CHARLES. Certificate of Col. James Jackson, April 7, 1784. That he served from the fall of Augusta until the evacuation of Savannah as a good and faithful soldier. Prays for a bounty of 287% acres in Wash- ington Co. CARTLEDGE, SAMUEL. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. CARLTON, PATRICK, of Camden District, S. C., on the 13th November, 1783, appoints David Brown, of the same Dist. to obtain his bounty land for military service in the State of Georgia. Prays for 250 acres of land in Washington Co. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, MAJ. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. A refugee Major. CARTER, PATRICK. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, March 23rd, 1784. That he served under him from the fall of Augusta, to the evacuation of Savan-CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 59 nah, and prays for 287% acres of land in Washington Co., assigns his war- rant to Henry Allison, March 23rd, 1784. CAMP, L. Note to Wm. Freeman, Esar., at Augusta, to deliver to the bearer certificates which were in his office in the name of L. Camp, and Reuben Banks, 8th August, 1784. CATCHINGS, MERIDETH. Certificate Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. COTHORN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 15th March, 1784. Re- fugee soldier entitled to bounty land. CHILDERS, THOMAS. Certificate of Gen. Saml. Elbert, 23rd March, 1784 That he was one of the Georgia Continental soldiers, and entitled to 200 acres of bounty land COSTELLO, EDWARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th April, 1784. That he was a Minute man in Georgia, though not at time an inhabitant of the State. Prays for bounty land in Washington Co COSTELLO, MICHAEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 6th April, 1784. That he was a Minute man in Georgia, though not at time an inhabitant of the State Prays for bounty land in Washington Co CARDEN. CORNELIUS. Certificate of Col. BE. Clark, 3rd January, 1785. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment, an inhabitant of the State COLLINS, JOHN. Certificate of Lt. Francis Tennill, 21st April, 1784. That he served three years in the 2nd Georgia Continental Regt. as a private, and is entitled to bounty Prays for 200 acres of land in the reserve COOK, RAINS, CAPT. Certificate of Maj. John Habersham, 27th April, 1784 That he served in the line of this State until the end of the war. Prays for bounty land CAMPBELL, DRURY. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 6th April, 1784. That he served as Lieutenant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of this State at the time of enlistment He prays for bounty land in Washington Co COLLINS. STEPHEN. Certificate of Col. Samuel Elbert, 10th March, 1784. That he served as a soldier in the Regt. of Light Dragoons of this State, and is entitled to receive his Continental and State bounty of land accordingly. Belonged to Capt. Samuel Scott’s troop CURRY. CARY. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 13th April, 1784. That he was one of the Minute Men, though not at the time of enlistment an inhab- itant of the State. Prays for bounty land in Washington Co. CHAPMAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 24th December, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for 287% acres of land in Flanklin Co60) ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. COOK, ISHAM. Certificate of Col. Jos. Pannell, 25th May, 1784. That he served as a captain in the Continental line raised for the defense of this State, and died in service. His heirs pray for 500 acres in the reserve. CARR, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th February, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier and is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. CRIBS, THOS. Gives power of attorney to Col. Jas. McNeil, to receive his warrant for bounty land, 9th January, 1784. COUP, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 28th February, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State, entitled to a bounty and prays for same in Washington Co. CHANEY, GREENBURY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 20th May, 1784. That he was a refugee soldier. Granted bounty. COLEMAN, DANIEL, ESQR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. CHAMBLESS, CHRISTOPHER. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil. Petitions for 575 acres of bounty land, as per certificate from “the honorable John Houston, Esar.,’”’ 5th April, 1784. Prays for same in Washington Co. CLEM, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd April, 1784. 'That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlist- ment. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CATCHING, JOSEPH. Petitions for 287% acres of land as bounty for his services, and prays for same in Washington Co. on certificate of Col. E. Clark, 24th February, 1784. CULPEPPER, JOSEPH, JR. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 29th January, 1785. Entitled to bounty as a refugee soldier, and prays for 575 acres of land in Washington Co. COURSEY, (CORSIA), DAVID. On certificate of Col. James McNeil. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. COLLINS, STEPHEN. Entitled to 287% acres, prays for same in Washington Co., and appoints Thos. Bush, attorney, to receive the warrant April 3 1784. CLARK, Ee Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 15th May, 1784. That he was a ae soldier entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, prays for same in Franklin O. Cc erti ae JOSEPH. On certificate of Col. G. Lee, that he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, prays for same in Washington Co. Cc . LOUD, EZEKIEL. On certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. That he was i ier i é a refugee soldier entitled to 250 acres of bounty land, and prays for Same in Flanklin Co.IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 61 CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE CRAWFORD, NATHAN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, that he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co., 8th May, 1784 CLARK, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 25th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CLARK, JAMES, Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 10th December, 1784. Entitled 5 to a bounty of land, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. CLARK, MOSES. Certificate of Col. John Stewart, 10th July, 1784. That he was in his Batt. of Minute Men, and prays for bounty land in Wash- ington Co. CULBREATH, JOHN. Certificate of Cols. G. Lee, and James MeNeil, 11th March, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co. CURETON, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of good land CRUSE, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 8th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co CARSON, ADAM. Petitions for 287% acres in Washington Co., as bounty for his services, granted 24th May, 1784. CUNNINGHAM, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Re- fugee soldier. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 3rd January, 1785. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment, an in- habitant of the State. CULLARD, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 16th December, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment, an inhabitant of the State. CUNNINGHAM, PATRICK. Certificate of Col. B. Clark, 20th May, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres of land in Franklin Co. COMBS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. COBB, JAMES, SR., gave power of attorney to James Gilbert to draw his citizen’s certificate for bounty land, 10th April, 1784. CHANDLER, ABEDNEGO, of 96th Dist. South Carolina, appoints John Clark, of same District, attorney to receive his bounty land due for service in Col. Jack’s Batt. of Minute Men, 29th August, 1783. CLEMENTS, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 26th November, 1783. Refugee soldier in North Carolina.62 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUT10ON. CLOUD, JEREMIAH, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. CRESWELL, DAVID. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 15th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. Assigns his right on March 7, 1784, to Joel Rees. CONNALLY, PATRICK. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 27th February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. CATTERATZ, STEPHEN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 24th April, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of this State. Prays for 250 acres of iand in Franklin Co. D. DENTHAM, JOHN. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 16th November, 1784. That he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. DANNELLY, JOHN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DAVISON, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 28744 acres in Washington Co. DUKE, JOHN TAYLOR, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 7th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DENNIS, JACOB. Certificate of Col. James Jackson, 23rd July, 1784. That he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. DUNN, JOSIAH. Certificate of E. Clarke, 20th May, 1784, that he was ap- pointed colonel of Richmond Co. Batt. at the siege of Augusta, and faith- fully discharged his duties until his decease, and is entitled to a bounty. Petition of Nehemiah Dunn, executor of Josiah Dunn, for bounty land in Washington Co. Granted to the heirs of the deceased. DOLLY, BENJ. Petitions for 287% acres of bounty land in Washington Co. for his services. Granted 13th April, 1784. DARBY, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. DOOLY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. RE. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres. DUNCAN, JAMES. Lieutenant. Certificate of Col Ii. Clarke, 25th December, 1784, that he was a lieutenant in the Minute Batt. of this State, and is entitled to a bounty of 400 acres of land, and prays for same in Wash- ington Co. DUHART, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, February 20, 1784. En- titled to a bounty and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICL IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. DAWSON, BRITTON. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 25th March, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DONOWAY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Franklin Co. DASHER, CHRISTIAN. Certificate of Col. Caleb Howell, 16th February, 1784. Steadfastly did his duty until killed by the enemy, and his heirs are en- titled to 250 acres bounty land DANIEL, BENJ. Certificate of Col. James McNeil, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DYER, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, Ist April, 1784; that he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State. Prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. Granted to the heirs of Henry Dyer, 14th April, 1784. DEVEAUX, PETER, ESQR. Certificate of John Armstrong, Adjt. Gen. South- ern Dept., Philadelphia, 14th May, 1781, that he was appointed an aide-de- camp to Hon. Maj. Gen. Gates, on the 2nd August last, at Mask’s Ferry, on the Peedee River, and continued to serve in that capacity during the general’s command of the Southern Dept. DAY, JOSEPH. Certificate of Maj. Gen. McIntosh, 6th April, 1784, that he was a captain, and entitled to 600 acres of bounty land DENNIS, ISAAC. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 30th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co DAWSON, DAVID. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 15th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co DUNCAN, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 1st April, 1784, that he was a captain in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not at the time of enlist- ment an inhabitant of the State. His brother, Matthew Duncan, prays for warrant as heir in Washington Co. DAVIES, MYRICK, ESQR. Certificate of Col. Asa Emanuel, and Gen. John Twiggs, 7th April, 1784, that he served in their regiment from August to December, 1781, when he was killed by a party of Tories. Sara Davies, widow of the soldier, prays for bounty land in Washington Co. Certificate of Richard Howley, 23rd February, 1784, that Myrick Davies, Esqr., acted as member of the Executive Council during his administration, and was a refugee from this State. DUNSMORE, JAMES. Certificate of E. Clarke, 11th February, 1785, that he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of this State. DENNISON, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 24th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres of land in Washington Co.64 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. DOWNS, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 22nd March, 1784, that he was in the Richmond Co. Militia; served as a refugee, and is entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Franklin Co. DENNIS, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 16th April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. DELANY, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres. DAVIS, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DEAN, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 21st April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. DOUGLASS, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Franklin Co. DAVID, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Jas. McKay, and Gen. John Twiggs, 20th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washing- ton Co. DUNCAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 3rd January, 1785, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. Prays for 250 acres of land in Franklin Co. DICK, DAVID. Certificate of Col. John Baker, Liberty Co. Militia, 18th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier, and died a short time after he left State. His heirs are entitled to 250 acres of land. DENHAM, CHARLES. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. Sold land to William Walker. DICKSON, HUGH. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 5th April, 1784, that he served as a sergeant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State. DELK, DAVID. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 3rd January, 1785, that he was a Minute man, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State. DARCEY, JAMES. Of Burke Co. On the 17th May, 1784, appoints Mr. Hugh Lawson, Esqr., to receive his warrant for bounty land in Washington Co. Certificate of J. Twiggs. DUNAWAY, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 19th May, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DAVIS, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, 7th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. DOWDY, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. McNeil, 28th February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. Was a soldier in the late Continental Batt.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. DENNIS, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 12th April, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co DAVIS, JENKIN. Colonel. Certificate of L. Hall, 8th January, 1784, that Col. Jenkin Davis, of Effingham Co., is entitled to 1,050 acres of bounty land, and prays for same in Washington Co. DENNIS, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 30th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. DOWNS, JONATHAN. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 6th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres and prays for same in Washington Co. DOWNS, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 23rd March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. DAVIS, SAMUEL. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, and Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to bounties as citizen and refugee soldier, and prays for same in Washington Co. 27th April, 1784. Appoints James Fontaine attorney to receive land DABNEY, AUSTIN. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784 En- titled to a bounty of 250 acres. DUNNISON, ELIJAH. Certificate of Col. EB. Clarke, 24th April, 1784, that he served as a sergeant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not at the time an inhabitant of the State. Prays for 250 acres of land in Franklin Co DASHER, JOHN MARTIN. Certificate of Col. Caleb Howell, 16th February, 1784, that he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. John Martin Dasher, of Effingham Co., appoints Jenkin Davis, Esqr., to get the certificates for me, and the certificate of Christian Dasher DAVIS, DAVID. Certificate of Col. James Jackson, 26th July, 1784, that he served under his command in the Ga. State Legion, and is entitled to a bounty. He prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. “House of Assembly, July 22nd, 1782. Resolved, that a complete suit of clothes, a good horse, saddled and bridled, a likely negro, and 300 acres of land be given to David Davis, of Col. Jackson’s Corps, as a testimony of the approbation of this House for his faithful services and for his discovering a conspiracy formed agaiust the government.’ Extract from the Minutes. DANIELLY, JAMES. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, that he was a refugee soldier under my command. DUKES, BUCKNER. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co., and appoints William Anderson attorney to receive his certificate. DUKES, TAYLOR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 24th April, 1784, that he is ‘ entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co.66 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. DAVIS, BENJ. (Of Burke Co.) Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 2nd March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co., and appoints William Daniel attorney to receive same. DENNIS, RICHMOND. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. Also prays for 200 acres of land for the two children of Solomon Vickers, whose widow he had married. DAVIS, JOHN. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 23rd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of land. DAVIES, JOHN. (Of Burke Co.) Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 26th No- vember, 1783, that he was a refugee soldier in North Carolina, after the reduction of Charleston. Prays for bounty lands in Washington Co. DAVIS, JAMES. (Of Wilkes Co.) Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 22nd April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DAVIS, CLEMENTUS. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 12th April, 1784. Entitled to a bounty. Prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DAVIS, LEWIS. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres of land in Washington Co. DAVIS, ABSOLOM. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784. Refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co., April 4th, 1784. Sold same to William Swanson. DARCEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 4th March, 1784. En- titled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DOUGLASS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 19th May, 1784. En- titled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. DAY, ROBERT, JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 6th April, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DANNELLY, FRANCIS. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 10th April, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. DARCEY, JOEL. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 4th March, 1784. Entitled to bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. DARBY, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. J. Twiggs, February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DEAN, JOHN. Certificate of Col. J. McNeil, 12th August, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. DALLY, BENJ. Certificate of Col. Jas. Martin, 30th January, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of land, and prays for same in Franklin Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 67 DUKES, JOHN TAYLOR, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 3rd April, 1784, that he served as a soldier in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State, and prays for 250 acres of land in Washington Co. DARCEY, JAMES. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 4th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier, entitled to bounty. DUNN, NEHEMIAH. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty. Granted 25th May, 1784 DOWNS, AMBROSE, JR. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 22nd March, 1784, that he served in the first Batt. of Rich. Co. Militia, as a refugee soldier, and prays for bounty in Franklin Co. DUHART, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 27th November, 1783, that he was a refugee soldier in North Carolina. John Duhart, of Burke Co., appoints his friend, Hugh Lawson, Esaqr., to receive said bounty DAY, STEPHEN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. DAVIS, WILEY...Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. DUKES, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 3rd April, 1784, that he served in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State. Prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. Granted to the heirs DELANY, JAMES. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 10th February, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. Entitled to bounty and prays for same in Washington Co. DOLLAR, ANSON. Certificate of Gen. Jas. Jackson, July 16, 1784, that he served in the Ga. State Legion, and is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DAVIS, BLANDFORD. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, that he was a refugee soldier in his command. Prays for bounty land in Washington Co DAVIS, VATHAEL. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty. Granted 15th April, 1784. DAVIS, MERIDETH. On certificate of Gen. Samuel Elbert, 15th April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty for service as a sergeant in the Continental Line of Ga. DAVIS, CHARLES. On certificate of Gen. Sam. Elbert, 15th April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty for service as a sergeant in the Continental Line of Ga. DAVIS, CHESLEY. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he was entitled to a bounty, prayed for same in Washington Co: DAVIS, CHESLEY, JR. Certificate of Col. BE. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is a refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty. Prayed for same in Wash- ington Co.ce ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. DANELLY, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 1st April, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlist- ment, and prays for bounty of 250 acres in Washington Co. DOLLARS, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, 1st October, 1783, that he was appointed 2nd Lt. in Capt. Thomas Morris’ Co. of Artillery, 22nd July, 1776, and that he resigned the 26th July, 1780. DAVIES, JOHN, SR. Of Burke Co. Gentleman. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 22nd May, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and appoints Hugh Lawson, of Burke Co., attorney to receive warrant for same. DORTON, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 14th April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. DARBE, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 11th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DeCLANDENESS, MATTHEW. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 7th April, 1784, that he served as a sergeant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment, and prays for bounty land in Washington Co. DUCKWORTH, JACOB. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 4th September, 1784. entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. DUCKWORTH, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 2nd February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 2871%% acres in Washington Ca. DAVIS, ABSOLOM. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 25th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. DUKES, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. BE. Clarke, 3rd April, 1784. Served as a lieutenant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State. DICKSON, NATHAN. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 4th January, 1785, that he was a soldier in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlisment. DOSS, JOEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 8th April, 1784, that he was a refugee lieutenant, and is entitled to 350 acres, and prays for same in Franklin Co. DALTON, MATHIAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 7th April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. Statement from Mathias Dalton, that he had sold his bounty land to William Veazey, and requests that it be put in his name, DAVIS, WARE. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 16th November, 1784, that he was a soldier in Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 69 DAVIS, SOLOMON. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 2nd March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres; appoints Francis Willis to take up said land in Washington Co. DAVIS, HARDY. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 16th December, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. Entitled to bounty of land. DONNELLY, JAS. Captain. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 23rd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 500 acres, and prays for same in Wash- ington Co. DOWNS, WILLIAM, ESQR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. DAVIS, JOHN WADE, JR. Petitions by Meredith Davis, his father, John being a minor, showing that he is entitled to 28714 acres bounty for service in the Continental line. Prays for said land in Franklin Co DURBAN, LUKE. Certificate of Col. G. Lee, 25th March, 1784 Entitled to a ) bounty of 250 acres, and prays for same in Washington C DANIELLY, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 15th Marca, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty: granted 600 acres in Washington Co. for service as a lieutenant. DARBY, JOHN. Of Burke Co. Planter. On the 16th May, 1784, appoints Hugh Inwin, to receive a warrant for 287% acres of bounty land due for service. DUGAN, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty as captain of a Continental Militia under my command, and prays for same in Franklin Co DICKSON, HUGH. Of 96th Dist., S. C., 27th March, 1784, appoints Capt. David Dickson attorney to apply for his bounty of land in the State of Georgia, due as a sergeant in the Minute Service of that State. Prays for 300 acres in Washington Co. DAY, ROBT., JR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 7th April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier, and is entitled to 250 acres of bounty. DUNCAN, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 25th December, 1784, that he was a lieutenant in the Militia of Wilkes Co., and fled from the British enemy and took refuge in N. C. and served in the refugee service, and is entitled to a bounty of 400 acres. Granted 460 DEVEAUS, PETER, ESQR. Certificate of John Armstrong, D. A. G. So Dept., and letter of Maj. Gen. Gates, that he was a refugee captain, and entitled to 750 acres of land, 13th February, 178470 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. : DOLLY, BENJAMIN. Certificate of L. Hall, 22nd December, 1783, that he was a refugee soldier, and entitled to 250 acres of land. DICKS, ANDREW. Certificate of Col. John Baker, 19th March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. DICKS, DAVID. Petition of Luke Mann, for the heirs of David Dicks, de- ceased, that they are entitled to 250 acres of land as bounty for his serv- ices. Prays for same in Washington Co. DAY, HARRY. Certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, that he was a refugee soldier under my command. Prays for bounty land in Washington Co., through Reuben Frazer. DICKSON, DAVID. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 13th March, 1884, that he served as a captain in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not at the time an inhabitant of the State, and that he is entitled to 500 acres of lana as bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. DAY, ROBERT, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 4th August, 1884, that he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. DICKSON, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 13th March, 1784, that he was entitled to bounty for service as a Minute man. John Dick- son, of 96th Dist. of S. C., appoints his brother, Maj. Michael Dickson, of Camden Dist., S. C., attorney to obtain the bounty due me for my Son, Samuel Dickson, for service, he being a minor, and only doing my service. Ist of April, 1784. Witnesses, David Dickson, and Reuben Jones. DARCEY, BENJ. On certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 4th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DANIEL, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 29th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 28714 acres in Franklin Co. DEAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E, Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres of land in Washington Co. Served as sergeant under Col. Marberry. DICKSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 13th March, 1784, that he was a sergeant in the Batt. of Minute Men of this State, though not an inhabitant at the time of enlistment, on the 29th of March, 1784. Said Wm. Dickson, of 96th Dist., S. C., appoints Capt. David Dickson, attorney to receive his warrant for bounty land in Washington Co. DAVIS, ISAAC. Petition of Col. G. Lee, 14th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for same in Washington Co. DUKES, HENRY. Captain. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 8th September, 1784, that he was commissioned a captain in the Batt. of Minute Men.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 71 DUNNISIN, DARBY. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 24th April, 1784, that he is entitled to bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. DAVIS, JOEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to 250 acres of bounty land. DAY, ROBT., SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, that he is entitled to a bounty of 287% acres, and prays for same in Washington Co. DOOLY, GEORGE, MAJ. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 8th April, 1784. En- titled to a bounty and prays for same in Washington Co. On the 5bth April, 1784, George Dooly, of Wilkes Co., appoints Thomas Mitchell, attor- ney to receive his certificate for bounty, and also for his brother, Thomas Dooly, who was killed in the Continental Service DOOLY, JOHN. Col. February 23rd, 1784. Resolved, that Thomas and John Mitchell Dooly, sons of Col. John Dooly, who was cruelly murdered in his own house, while on parole, be allowed 500 acres each, in lieu of the land due their father, to be laid out in Washington Co DARDEN, GEORGE, SR. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 20th April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to 2871%4 acres, and prays for same in Washington, Ga DAVIES, EDWARD. Captain. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 1st July, 1784, that he was a refugee captain, and is entitled to 500 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co DAVID, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 20th April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier Entitled to bounty Wm. David was clerk of Burke Co. at that time DICKSON, MICHAEL. Of South Carolina Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 13th March, 1784, that he served as a captain in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State. DELANEY, DANIEL. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 25th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co DUNWOODY, JAMES. Certificate of Nathan Brownson, 29th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres as a refugee soldier DARDEN, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 20th April, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Washington Co. DAVIS, MOSES. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 4th March, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 250 acres in Washington Co. DAVIS, JACOB. Certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, 23rd July, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. DAVIS, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 7th April, 1784, that he was in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State, and prays for 287% acres in Franklin CoROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. DAVIS, GIDEON. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land. DUFFEY, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, 24th June, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment, and prays for bounty in Franklin Co. DINKINS, SEBREE. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 16th November, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. DAMPIER, DANIEL. Certificate of Jos. Pannill, that he was a sergeant in the Ga. Line, and is entitled to 230 acres of land as bounty, and sold said bounty to Jos. Pannill. DAWSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Lieut. Jos. Pannill, 8th April, 1784, that he was a soldier in the Ga. Line, and died in the service. By certificate of Josiah Carter, executor, that Martin Dawson, of the State of Virginia, is the heir of said William Dawson. DRIVER, HENRY. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 10th May, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State, prays for 287% acres in Franklin Co. DUNCAN, MATTHEW. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 1st April, 1784, that he served as a lieutenant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an in- habitant of the State at the time of enlistment. Prays for bounty in Washington Co. DAVENPORT, THOMAS. Certificate of Maj. John Habersham, 19th April, 1784, that he was a surgeon in the 3rd Continental Batt. of this State until he died in captivity the beginning of 1780. Thomas Davenport, his son, appoints Thos. Glascock, attorney to receive a warrant for bounty :due his father as a soldier. Prays for 800 acres. DAVIS, JAMES. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and he appoints John Rutherford, Esar., to receive the same, on the 30th December, 1785. DAVIS, JAMES. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 28th February, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty, and prays for same through his friend, Francis Willis. DOWDY, RICHARD. Certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, 21st February, 1784. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres, and appoints Thomas Bush attorney to receive same. DOUGLAS, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 3rd April, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at time of enlistment, and prays for bounty land in Washington Co. DUMAPLIN, ELIJAH. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 16th November, 1784, that he was a Minute man, though not an inhabitant of the State at time of enlistment.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 73 DANIEL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. Entitled to a bounty of 250 acres. DUNCAN, THOMAS. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 10th December, 1784, that he was entitled to a bounty of 250 acres of land, and prays for same in Washington Co. DOUGLAS, JOHN. Certificate of Gen. John Twiggs, 19th April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty of 250 acres and prays for same in Washington Co. DeROCHE, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Col. Jenkins Davis, 2nd March, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier. DAY, HENRY. 28th April, 1784, appoints Thos. Glascock, attorney to receive his bounty as a refugee soldier. DAVISON, JOSEPH. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 7th April, 1784, that he is entitled to a bounty and prays for 28714 acres in Washington Co. DOOLY, GEORGE. Certificate of Col. E. Clarke, 2nd February, 1784, that he was a refugee captain, and is entitled to 500 acres of bounty land, and prays for same in Washington Co DEMNON, CHARLES. A petition for 287% acres of land in Washington Co., as bounty for his services. DAY, JOSEPH. Captain. Prays for 600 acres of land as bounty for his sery- ices as captain of the Line for this State. DOOLY, HULL. Certificate dated 6th February, 1784, that he was a lieutenant in the navy. DASHER, CHRISTAIN. Certificate of Col. Jenkins Davis, 14th February, 1784, that he was a refugee soldier and killed in service, and that John Martin Dasher is guardian for his heirs. Christian Dasher left one son E.* EVANS, BENJAMIN. This is to certify that Benjamin Evans has served out his time of enlistment as sergeant in the Ist Continental Regt. of Light Dragoons and is honorably discharged from service. Leo. Marbury, S: C:'€., March 9, 1779. EVES, NATHANIEL. Ex. order for 230 acres in the Reserve. May 17, 1784. EVANS, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., January 25, 1785. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2 EMANUEL, LEVI. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 3, 1784. Petitioner prays for 575 acres in Washington Co. EVANS, DANIEL. Certificate of 3 years’ service in 2d Ga. Battalion, Litt. Mosby, Captain. June 10, 1785. EDMONDS, ABSOLEM. Ex. order on certificate of Col. Clarke, March 26, 178474 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. EVANS, DANIEL...Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., May 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. EVANS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. ELLIS, ROBERT. Certificate of 3 years’ service in 4th Ga. Batalion, Jos. Pan- nill, Lt. Col., April 13, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 141. EIGLE, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1724. Warrant LZ: Eads, for bounty on his service EADS, Petition of Mary, relict of as soldier. Granted April 15, 1784. EARNEST, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. EMANUEL, DAVID. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784, 2d certificate as captain, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 5, 1784. Peti- tioner prays two bounties, 575 acres in Washington Co. EVANS, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., January 15, 1785. War- rant 1121. EVANS, DANIEL. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col. Regt. Refugees, R. C. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1122. ELLIOTT, DANIEL. Certificate of 3 years’ service in 2d Batt. Ga. Cont. Line, and lost his life in said service. Elisha Miller, Capt. Comdg., November 15, 172. Granted to Elizabeth, relict of Daniel Elliott, March 19, 1784. EVANS, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., August 24, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. = Beginning with the letter ‘“‘E.’’ the remaining part of this list is the work of Mr. Wm. L. LeConte, of Atlanta. one of the most careful of investigators. Jt js all based upon actual certificates of service. on file in the office of Secretary of State. Mr. LeConte was born December 28th, 1838, in Liberty County, Ga. His paternal stock was French Huguenot Guillaume LceConte, his ancestor, came to America in 1698, after fifteen years’ service in the armies of William of Orange. The family set- tled in St. John’s Parish—now Liberty County—Georgia. in 1760. Tlis father, William Leconte, was the elder brother of the distinguished scientists, John and Joseph Le- onte, z His mother was Sarah A. Nisbet. of a Scotch-Irish family whien settled in North Carolina, about 1750. His great-grandfather, John Nisbet, was a member of the first Constitutional Convention of North Carolina: his prandfather, Dr. James Nisbet, helped make the Georgia Constitution of 1798, and nis nce, Hugenius A. Nisbet, was a member of Congress, a Supreme Court justice, and a delegate to the Secession Con- vention. He also wrote the Ordinance of Secession, wnizh separated Georgia from the Union. : a f _Mr. LeConte was born in Liberty County, but on the ‘ieath of his father, the RE See pte Macon, where he grew up. He was educated at Franklin College 1e U. of G.). and Oglethorpe. receiving his A.B. Jegree from the latter in 1858. ae He served through the late war, coming out as Adjutant of the 66th Georgia aORURTaae oe ROBE ER in 1866, Miss Virginia Trimble, ef whicn union there were two . Jé S . anc 1e late Dr. J. N. LeConte.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate, as order on Joseph Pannill, surveyor, for 287144 acres, by John Habersham, Pres. Ex. Council, May 17, 1784. Petitioner asks warrant in Franklin Co. ELLIOTT, HENRY. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 2, 1784. Warrant 1125. ELLIOTT, JOHN. Certificate of John Baker, Col. Warrant 1124 EMANUEL, ASA. Certificate as soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 2, 1784. Warrant 1115. EMANUEL, LEVI. Certificate as sergeant major, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., November 27, 1785. Warrant 1112 EMANUEL, AMOS. Certificate as soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1113. EMANUEL, ASA. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co ESPEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Benjamin Few, Col., February 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1114. ESPEY, THOMAS. Certificate as captain (missing) with ex. order for 500 acres, February 28, 1784. Warrant 911 EMBRICK, GEORGE, Barrack master as per certificate of Brig. Gen. Samuel Elbert (missing), March 12, 1784 Petitioner prays 690 acres in reserve. Warrant 60. EADES, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784 Ex. order for two bounties of 250 acres each Warrants 118 and 119 EADY, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of E. Clarke, Col., (missing), March 25, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co ECKLES, EPHRAIM. I certify that Ephraim Eckles, deceased, was a soldier n 3d Regt. Cont. troops. He died in service and that his in My company son, John Eckles, is entitled to his bounty. Signed, Capt. Rawleigh P. Dowman, February 2, 1784. Warrant 189 EVANS, STEPHEN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., December 3, 1783. Petitioner prays 250 acres Washington Co. War- rant 1120. EARNEST, JACOB. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., July 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays land in Franklin Co EUSTACE, JOHN J. KEY. Certificate of governor that John J. Key Eustace (Major), of the American Army, is entitled to 400 acres by resolution of Congress, September 16, 1776, as per his commission by Congress. Granted bounty as a major. Warrant 38.7G ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. EMBRY, JESSEY. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., September 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. ELLIOTT, DANIEL, deceased. Ex. order for bounty to his heirs of 200 acres, March 19, 1784. Warrant 137. EMMETT, JAMES. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Greenberry Lee, Cole April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. ELBERT, BRIG. GEN. SAMUEL. Of Georgia. Certificate of Gov. Houstoun, of his service in Continental Line as per his commission, dated November 4. 1783. Petitioner prays land in the reserve. Warrant No. 12. EASTER, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. EASTWOOD, JOHN. Certificate of Ob. Lee, Col., April 22, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. ENTICHENS, WILLIAM. Personally appeared Mrs. Susannah Burnes, who being duly sworn saieth that she had in her hands a certificate of Wm. Entichens for bounty and that said certificate is lost. Given this 15th day of July, 1784. Zacheus Frewn, J. P. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. ELLIS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 16, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1126. ELMONDS, ABSOLEM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. ELLISON, JAMES. Ex. order as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), March 25, 1784. Warrant 1127. EDWARDS JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, from this State into North Carolina as a soldier. John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. EARNEST, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays two bounties, 575 acres in Washington Co. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. EMBRICKEN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., March 15, 1784. EAVES, NATHANIEL. Certificate as a soldier in 3d Batt. Ga. Cont. Line. Born in Brunswick Co., Va. Discharged August 26, 1779, by Nathl. Peavie, Commanding 3d Ga. Batt. ELLIOTT, HENRY. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 26, 1784. Jatiti > « rT; , rere ° is Petitioner prays two grants—575 acres—in Washington Co. Warrant 24. EVANS, SERGEANT JOHN. Certificate of service as a sergeant and that he died in the service. Certificate of major illegible. Petitioner prays 287% acres in reserve. Warrant 138.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. EVANS, DANIEL. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. ELLIS, STEPHEN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 11, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co F. FOSTER, FRANCIS. Certificate as soldier and that his heirs are entitled to bounty. Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug. 4, 1784. Warrant 1141 FOSTER, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee and soldier. E. Clarke, Col. (missing) Ex. order thereon, March 25, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. FARRELL, LT. COL. WILLIAM. Petition upon his commission in Minute Regt., under Col. Samuel Jack Prays two grants of 400 and 287% acres in Franklin Co. FENN, ZACHARIAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 3, 1784 FORT, OWEN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co FINLEY, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co FARE, JACOB. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 6, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co FORTENE, JACOB. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., May 6, 1784. Pett- tioner prays warrant in Washington Co FORT, ARTHUR. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 15, 1784 Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co FORD, OWEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. FREEMAN, HOLMAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co ~] 0° ol FERKERSON, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., January 25, 1 Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co FREEMAN, HOLMAN. ed. Certificate as adjutant, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 2 1784. Ex. order for 350 acres. Warrant 877 FRANCIS, FREDERICK. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jas. McKay, Col., July 1, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 and 287% acres in Washington Co. FUSSELL, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 3, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. FULSON, JOHN. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays warrant in Washington Co.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. FREEMAN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Two grants of 250 acres each. Warrants (ex. orders) 1018 and 1021. FREDONIA, CONRAD. Certificate of Geo. Handley, Major, April 6, 1784. Warrant 142. FERGUSON, CHARLES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 23, 1784. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays two bounties, 287% acres each, in Washington Co. FULTON, SAMUEL, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., March 13, 1784. Warrant 502. FOWLER, NATHAN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 5, 1784. Peti- tioner, Ruth Wilkes, prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Granted April 15, 1784. FORD, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee and soldier, E. Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Franklin Co. Warrant 1144. FELPS, DAVID. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 20, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. FANN, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784. Warrant 1135. FORD, THOMAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 23, 1784. FOSTER, WILLIAM. Ex. order upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), March 25, 1784. FRIER, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 25, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Warrant No. 520. Petitioner prays two grants of 287% acres each, in Washington Co. FULSOME, LAURANCE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., November 16, 1784. Warrant 524. FRANCIS, FREDERICK. Certificate as refugee and soldier (no date), John Twiggs, Brig. Gen. Warrant 1137. FETLER, NATHANIEL. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., March 2, 1784. Warrant 1478. FETLER, MATTHEW. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jenkin Davis, Lt. Col., March 2, 1784. Warrant 1477. FEW, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays warrant for 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate to Wm. Few, Gb. Lee, Col., February 25, 1784. Warrant 858. 34d certificate to Wm. Few as lieutenant colonel, Benjamin Few, Col. Commanding, Feb. 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 1207 acres on the three in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 79 FEW, IGNATIUS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 11, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. Also 900 acres in Washington Co, in head rights of himself and family. FEW, COLONEL BENJAMIN. “We certify that Col. Benjamin Few com- manded the Georgia Refugees and South Carolina Militia and is entitled to bounty of land according to that rank. Certified this February 20th, ‘784.” Lt. Col. M. Williamson and Major S. Cunningham. Petitioner prays 1150 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 855. FOLSOM, BENJAMIN. Certificate of service as captain, Elijah Clarke, Col., Avril 20, 1784. Also certificate of Wm. Lowns that Benj. Folsom was killed by Indians while bravely fighting, and his heirs should be granted bounty land. Petitioner, Easter Folsom, prays warrant in Washington Co. Granted to heirs. FIELDS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 22, 1784. Pett- tioner prays warrant in Franklin Co. FLYNN, JAMES. Certificate (duplicate-original lost) of Elijah Clarke, Col., November 23, 1784. Petitioner prays grant in Franklin Co. FRAZER, LIEUT. JOHN. Certificate of John Habersham, Major, January 18, 1784 Warrant 77. FULLER, STEPHEN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Wm. Candler, Col. Comdg. Regt. R. C. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. FORD, JOSHUA. Certificate of B. Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. FRENCH, JAMES. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., December 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. FAVOURS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. FERRINGTON, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. April 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 230 acres in Washington Co. FLYNN, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1146. FLYNN, JAMES. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 24, 1784. Petitioner prays land in Franklin Co. Warrant 1145. *FULTON, CAPT. SAMUEL, JR. Petition for 250 acres as per certificate of Col. John Baker, November 18, 1784 (missing). Warrant 894. FINSHWELL, JOSEPH. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co., as per certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, May 18, 1784 (missing). Granted, May 25, 1784. *The Secretary of State says that these are sufficient evidence of service, as applications would not be on file 'nless originally accompanied by certificates of service, signed by the proper military officer.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. FORD, JOHN, JR. Petition for bounty of 2871%% acres in Washington Co. upon annexed certificate (missing). FREEMAN, JOHN. Two petitions for 500 acres in Washington Co. and 287% acres in Franklin Co., upon certificates annexed (missing). FLOWERS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 519. FULLER, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 27, 1784. FLUKER, OWEN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. FUQUA, PRATER. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. FENN, WILLIAM. Petition for 2871%4 acres in Washington Co., as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). Granted April 13, 1784. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Frank- lin Co. FLEMING, MAJOR JAMES. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., March 14, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. Warrant 870. FRAZER, ANDREW. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., August-6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays warrant in Franklin Co. Warrant 1139. FENN, TRAVIS. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co, FULTON, JOHN. Certificate of John Baker, Col., January 29, 1785. Warrant 1138. FREEMAN, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, E. Clarke, Col., March 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1131. FLEMING, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. FRAZIER, DYER. Certificate of ————. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Granted April 16, 1784. FRANKLIN, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays warrant in Washington Co. FRAZIER, JOHN. Petition for bounty warrant in Washington Co., January Ld, WiS5sesGranted: FORD, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 5, 1785. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. FAVOURS, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), February 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 81 FITZGERALD, CHARLES. Certificate of J. W. Ellison, Capt., April 26, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. FLEMING, SAMUEL. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. FERREL, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. FERRILL, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee and soldier, James Martin, Col., July 22, 1784. Warrant 1142. FREEMAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, February 2, 1784. War- rant 1130. FREEMAN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. FREEMAN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clark, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti tioner prays bounty (2) of 575 acres in Washington Co. FLEMING, ROBERT. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. FOLDS, GEORGE, SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., May 17, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. FREEMAN, JAMES. Ex. order for bounty as refugee and soldier as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (see above), March 25, 1784. Warrant 1132. FRAZIER, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co FREEMAN, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jas. McKay, Col., April 24, 1784. FARMER, ASAEL. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., January 24, 1784. Warrant 1133. FRANCIS, ABRAM. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 22, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Franklin Co. Warrant 1136. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. FREEMAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of (signature gone), February 2, 1784. Endorsed by governor for 250 acres March 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in two bounties in Washington Co. FOSTER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Warrant 1128. FREYER, HUMPHRY. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. FIELDS, LEWIS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., May 13, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co.$2 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. FLENNEKIN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., October 5, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. FOSTER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. FANNER, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. FULLER, JOSHUA. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. FOSTER, FRANCIS. Petition of Penelope, widow of Francis Foster, who died on field of battle, asking warrant for 28744 acres as per annexed certifi- cate (missing). FORD, JOHN, JR. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Asa Emanuel, Colonel, April 12, 1784. FLOYD, PENMON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Dec., 1784. Warrant 523. FULTON, SAMUEL, JR. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col, March 13, 1784. Warrant 521. FARRELL, LIEUT. WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col. February 10, 1784. Warrant 250. FOULDS, GEORGE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. FULLER, ISAAC. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. FARMER, ASAEL. Certificate of Daniel Howell, Major, January 24, 1784. FENN, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784. Warrant 1134. FLUKEWAY, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col. GS. L., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. FENN, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 12, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2 bounties, 2871%4 acres each, in Washington Co. FLY, JEREMIAH. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 28, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. FRIGONIER, CONRAD. Certificate of James Martin, Col., April 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. FUSSELL, EZRA. Certificate of Benj. Lewis, Capt., endorsed by John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 13, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. FORD, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 5, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1143.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 83 FREDONIER, CONRAD. Petition for 287% acres in the Reserve between the forks of the Oconee River, as per certificate attached (missing). Granted April 15, 1784. FLUKER, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 22, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. FULLER, ISAACK. Certificate as Refugee and Soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., February 19, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1129. FORD, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. FRANKLIN, GEORGE, Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Franklin Co. FREDERICK, THOMAS. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. FRASSER, MALACHIAH. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col. June 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. FRANKLIN, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee., Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays warrant in Washington Co FUQUA, THOMAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee , Col., March 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. FURLOW, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., September 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays 650 acres in Washington Co. on head rights for self and family. G. GRAHAM, WILLIAM. Petition for bounty of 575 acres, endorsed by Gov. Ed- ward Telfair, who certifies that Graham gave faithful service for three years as a soldier. Petition dated Burke Co., Ga., May 5, 1784. GARDINER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. He also prays 850 acres in Franklin Co. on Head Rights of self, wife, 11 children, and 1 negro. GRAVES, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. GRIFFIN. MICHAEL. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. GIFT, JONATHAN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 29, 1784. GRAVAT, OBEDIAH. Certificate of service as Private in 3d Ga. Batt., Gideon Booker, Capt., 3d Ga. Batn., March 5, 1785. Warrant 148.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. GWALTNERY, JEHU. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 20, 1784. GARBETT, GEORGE. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., September 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GREASELL, ELAM. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col. Ga. State Legion, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Franklin Co. GREASELL, GEORGE. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col. G. S. L., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. GRIMSEY, RICHARD. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., December 10, 1784. GRIFFITH, SAMUEL. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 27, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. GRINER, PHILIP. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. GRAY, ROBERT. Certificate of Capt. James Danely, July 20, 1784, endorsed by Benj. Few, Col. Petitioner prays 287% acres. GILBERT, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., January 25, 1785. GAY, ALLEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., December 10, 1784. GALASPY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GRIMSBY, ADAM. Certificate of E. Clark, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co GAY, JOSHUA. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., December 10, 1784. GAMBLE, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co.: 2d Certificate as Refugee and Sol- dier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 3, 1784. GILBERT, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., January 25, 1785. GREY; ROBERT M: Certificate of EH: Clarke, Col: January. 3, 17.85. Wat: rant 675. GIRARDEAU, JOHN. Certificate of John Baker, Col., February 11, 1785. Warrant 1168. GODBE, WILLIAM. Certificate as Refugee and Soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GIRARDEAU, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Baker, Col., March 8, 1784. GRAHAM, WILLIAM. Certificate of Geo. Walton, Col., July 15, 1784. War- rant 1150. GOLDWIRE, JAMES. Certificate as Refugee and Soldier, B. Few, Col. Comdg., March 12, 1784. Petitioner, Abraham Marshall, Executor, prays 250 acresCERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 85 in Washington Co. for James and John Goldwire, heirs of Jas. Goldwire, deceased, Warrant 1149. GREGG, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. War- rant 1152. GRANT, PETER. Certificate as Refugee and Soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., December 29, 1783. Warrant 1147. GLASCOCK, THOMAS. To Capt. Geo Handley: Savannah, Dec. 21, 1783. Sir:—I beg the favor of you to endeavor to procure of His Honor, the Governor, a certificate of the lands due me as a Lieutenant in the Conti- nental Line (This paper on file with the Secretary of State). Your humble servt., Thomas Glascock. GRIER, ROBERT. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 6, 1784. War- rant 1159. GIDEONS, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1158. GIFT, JONATHAN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Wm Candler, Col. of Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1157. GILLILAND, HUGH. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 15, 1784. Petitioner, Thomas McDowell, Administrator, prays war- rant in Washington Co. for heirs. Warrant 1156 GREEN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays warrant in Washington Co. Warrant 1171 GREEN, SULIVAN. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen. (missing), February 6, 1784 Petitioner prays warrant in Washing- ton Co. GERMANY, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. GERMANY, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 4, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. GUALTNEY, JEHU. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., February 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. GRIER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GAMBLE, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., December 2, 1783. Petitioner prays 2 bounties, 287% and 575 acres in Washington Co. GRIFFIN, MATHEW. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. R. Willy, December 24, 1783. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.86 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. GRAVES, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GENT, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Clarke, March 25, 1784. GREEN, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. GREEN, SULIVA. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 4, 1784. GREEN, FREDERICK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GRAY, MATTHEW. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 15, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GREEN, BENJAMIN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GLASCOCK, THOMAS. Ex. order for bounty as lieut. in Ga. Line as per certificate of Maj. Gen. McIntosh, 200 acres by Act of Legislature, and 200 acres by Act of Congress, February 11, 1784. Warrant 78. GOODSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 535. GILES, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., May 14, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 528. GRANT, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. GERMANY, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. GENT, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. GUNNELS, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., November 16, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Franklin Co. GUNNELLS, DANIEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. GRIER, AARON. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 20, 1784. GIBBS, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., January 3, 1785. War- rant 533. GASTON, SERGEANT DAVID. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 300 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 292. GAINES, BAGLY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., January 25, 1785. War- rant 526.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 87 GREEN, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., November 21, 1784. War- rant —. GOLDSBERY, JONATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. GRANT, JOHN. Certificate as captain and soldier, Asa Emanuel, Col., January 22, 1784. GROTEHOUSE, JACOB. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., May 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. GROTEHOUSE, JACOB, JR. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., July 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. GRAY, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GRAY, THOMAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 11,1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. GRAVES, THOMAS. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., March 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GIDIONS, FRANCIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. GILES, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. ~ GILLILAND, THOMAS. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Col. E. Clarke, March 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GIDEON, CAPT. FRANCIS. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. Warrant 919. GRAVES, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GRAVES, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. April 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. GRIMSLY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GODBY, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 19, 1784. GIDDENS, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., August 16, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. GAMEST, WILLIAM. Ex. order as per certificate of E. Clarke, Col. (missing), March 25, 1784. GORDEN, JESSE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke Col., January 3, 1785. Warrant 534.85 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. GRIMSLEY, ELIJAH. Certificate as sergeant and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 345 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 291. GARDNER, LEWIS. Ex. order on certificate of Gb. Lee, Col. (missing), Febru- ary 28, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GRANT, THOMAS. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), February 28, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GLASS, JOSEPH. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., December 20, 1784. GRUBS, FRANCIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GEDEON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., December 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GLOVEYER, STEPHEN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 15, 1784. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 690 acres in Washington Co. GILLILAND, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. 2d certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. GRIMSLEY, JOSEPH. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., December 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GINKINS, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. GOLDEN, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of E. Clarke, Col., March 26, 1784. GRAGZ, THOMAS. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. GREESON, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 23, 1784. GRIER, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2nd certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. GARNETT, ELI. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. GIBSON, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GORDEN, JESSE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GERMANY, JOHN, JR. Certificate as soldier endorsed by Gov. Houstoun, February, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 89 GRAVES, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 16, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GLASS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. 2d. certifi- cate of E. Clarke, Col., December 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GODBE, CARY. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 12, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GILES, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. War- rant 1166. GORHAM, JOHN. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., February 20, 1784. Warrant 1163. GRAVES, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. GRAVES, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Baker, Col., Novem- ber 5, 1784. Warrant 1154. GRAVES, ROBERT, JR. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., February 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. GORHAM, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. GOODALL, PLEASANT. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1155. GILES, ARTHUR. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., May 17, 1784. Warrant — 527. GILES, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. GREEN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., May 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GREEN, WILLIAM. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Wm. Green on oath before 3 Justices of the Peace makes application for two warrants of 500 acres each in Washington Co. as Head Rights, he having 20 in family. GREEN, McKEEN. Certificate of Jas. McKay, Col., January 29, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., January 15, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. GREEN, ISAAC. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 20, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., September 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GREEN, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., March 13, 1784, that he enlisted in the Ga. Line from 96 Dist. S. C., and served as a soldier. Warrant 537.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. GRIZZEL, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., October 10, 1784. Warrant 539. GAY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., December 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GRANT, PETER. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 2° SS: Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GREY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 530. GREY, JAMES. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 531. GRAY, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. GUNNELS, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 529. GOLDEN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. GREER, LIEUT. ROBERT. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., January 1, 1784. 2d certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., February 1, 1784. GREER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of Elijah Clarke, Col., January 29, 1785. Petitioner prays warrant for 500 acres plus 15% in Washington Co. GRIFFIN, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., November 16, 1784. Warrant 538. GRIFFIN, RANDAL. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Warrant 1161. GRIFFIN, RANDOLPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co. GLASS, JOSHUA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. GLASS, JOEL. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GRINER, PHILIP. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 3; 2734, Warrant 1151. GENT, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays warrant in Washington Co. Warrant 1172. GAINES, ABSOLEM. Certificate of BE. Clarke, Col., October 11, 1784. Warrant 525. GILLAND, THOMAS. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 91 GORLEY, AYRES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 14, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GOOLSBY, ISAIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. GARRETT, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 14, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GALPHIN, THOMAS. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 29, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres. GASTON, LIEUT. ALEXANDER. Certificate that he enlisted in Ga. Line from S. C. and served as a soldier. Prays 400 acres bounty. Warrant 252. GLAMKIN, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., May 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GORE, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., August 4, 1784. War- rant 532. GRUBBS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. GREEN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. 3d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., on this petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GREER, GILBERT. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GLASCOCK, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 22, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Also prays Head Rights of 1000 acres in Washington on self and 16 negroes. GOLDING, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. GREEN, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Jas. McKay. 2d certificate of E. Clarke, Col., December 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. GERMANY, SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GUNNELS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. GRAY, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Also prays 1000 acres on head rights on seif and 16 negroes. Expects to remove from North Carolina and reside in Franklin Co. GRAYBILL, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.9? ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. GARDNER, LEWIS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., February 25, 1784. Peti- tioner also prays head rights of 1000 acres in Washington Co., on self, wife, ten children and one negro slave. GREEN, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McKay, Col., February 21, 1784. GRAVES, ROBERT, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. GRAVES, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GREEN, ANDREW M. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., January 25, 1785. Warrant 665. GORLEY, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., August 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2871%4 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 629. GLASCOCK, LIEUT. THOMAS. Certificate of service as lieut. in Ist Ga. Con- tinental Regt., Lachlan McIntosh, Maj. Gen., February 3, 1784. GREEN, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 920. GREEN, CAPT. JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, James McKay, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. GODBY, CARRY. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., March 4, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1164. GENT, WILLIAM. Two certificates as soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1173. GRIER, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., February 19, 1784. War- rant 1162. GREEN, BENJAMIN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 4, 1784. Warrant 1170. GILES, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. GOSSET, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. GRANT, ANDREW. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., February 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. GLOMER: HARDY. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner Sarah, widow of Andrew Glover, prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. GREEN, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee to the State of N. C. and did faith- ny ccuice as a soldier. John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., January 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1160.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 93 H. HARRIS, SAMUEL. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., May 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1210. HARRIS, BUCKNER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Warrant 1212 HARRIS, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1209 HARRIS, TYREE GLEN. Certificate of 3 years’ service under Capt. Thomas Scott, Jas. McFarland, J. P. Prays 287% acres. Warrant 145 HARRIS, DAVID. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., May 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., February 2, 1784. Warrant 1211. HARRIS, DAVID. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., Febru- ary 19, 1784. Ex. order for 500 acres to Captain David Harris as refugee soldier, February 20, 1784. 2d certificate as refugee and soldier, Caleb Howell, Col., April 25, 1784. (Certificate states that he was from Effing- ham Co.) Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. — FRANKLIN, GEORGE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner Washington Co. on Head Rights for self and family. GALASPY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner Gen., March 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co HUBBARD, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificates of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1241. HUDSON, JAMES. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Cole Dec. 29, 1783. Warrant 1228. HOUSTOUN, DR. JAMES. Certificate as surgeon, 1st Georgia Cont. Regt.. Lachlan McIntosh, Maj. Gen., Feb. 2d, 1784. Warrant 34. HODGE, ROGER. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., March, 1785. Warrant 1213. HODGE, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Col. Howell and Davis (missing), and Ex. Order, Feb. 28, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1216. HEARD, STEPHEN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Richard Hawley, Col. Warrant 1220. HODGE, JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Effingham Co. Feb. 5, 1784. Warrant 1215. HEARD, CAPT. RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 86214 acres in 2 warrants in Washington Co. Also praysROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. head rights of 300 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife and one child. Granted Mar. 5, 1784. HARVEY, BLASINGAME. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 8, 1784. Warrant 1197. HALE, GEORGE. Certificate of Lt. Col. James Jackson of Ga. Legion, Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. HAMPTON, JOHN._ Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. HOWSLEY, WILLIAM. Certificate as citizen soldier, E. Clarke, Col., April 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. HUBBARD, JACOB. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 14, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1187. HODGE, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Feb. 25, 1784. HEATLY, HENRY. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, April, 1734. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. HATCHER, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col. Regt. Refugees. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1227. HUGES, LIEUT. NATHANIEL. Ex. order for bounty to heirs of Lt. Nathaniel Huges, as per certificate of his service in Georgia Artillery, signed by Gen. Lachlan McIntosh. 1784. Petition of Elizabeth Watson, his heir, for 460 acres in reserve. HICKS, CAPT. ISAAC. Certificate of his service as Capt. in 3d Ga. Conti- nental Regt. from 1776 to end of the war, John McIntosh, Lt. Col., ed. Ga. Regt. Petitioner prays 930 acres (grade of Major) in reserve. Warrant 59 HANDSHAW, THOMAS. Certificate that he served his time in the 1st Ga. Regt. and lost his sight therein. Geo. Handley, Capt. Ist Ga. Regt., Sept. 24, 1785. Warrant 144. HOWARD, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. Legion, April 6, 1784. HOLT, BEVERLY. Certificate of Francis Tennill, Capt. 2d Ga. State Line. Jan. 9, 1786. HAMMOND, CHARLES. Certificate as refugee and soldier in my command, Wm. Candler, Col. Ref. Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1178. HOWELL, CALEB. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Feb. 9, 1784. Warrant 1185. HANSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col. Ga. Legion, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 500 acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 95 HANNAH, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug. 10, 1784. Warrant 1196. HARDY, JOHN. Certificate of John Baker, Col., April 3, 1784. Warrant 1183. HODGE, WILLOUGHBY. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Jan. 15, 1784. Warrant 1214. HADDEN, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Nov. 23, 1783. Warrant 1184. HAMEL, CAPT. DANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Jan. 30, 1784. Warrant 895. HUDSON, NATHANIEL. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Col. J. Davis and Col. Howell, Jan. 3, 1784. Warrant 1232. HUDSON, SAMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, te Cok; Emanuel Co., March, 1784. HICKS, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, James McKay, Col., Feb. 18, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1242. HILLARY, LIEUT. CHRISTOPHER. House of Assembly, Feb. 21, 1785. Re- solved: that Christopher Hillary be allowed a warrant agreeable to his rank as lieutenant and that the Governor be empowered to grant a war- rant for land agreeable to his rank in the Continental Army. Extract from minutes of Assembly, John Wilkinson, Sec. Gen. Assem. HART, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1238. HALWELL, LUTHER. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 16, 1784. Warrant 1174. HOLTZENDORF, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, mie Col; Mar, 2, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1235. HAWKINS, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Warrant 1181. HILL, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Col. BE. Clarke (missing), and Ex. Order thereon. Warrant 1203. HOLLIMAN, ABSOLEM. Certificate a refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Warrant 1191. HATCHER, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Warrant 1225. HEARD, CAPT. RICHARD. Ex. order for 500 acres upon certificate of Col. Clarke (see above). Warrant 896. HAWKINS, JAMES. Certificate as soldier in Ga. State Legion, Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. Legion, July 27, 1784. Nicholas Hawkins, lawful heir, prays 28714 acres in Washington Co.96 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. HAWKINS, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, July 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. HORNSBY, PHILIP. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1233. HENSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 7, 1784. War- rant 1189. HOGGATT, JOHN. Certificate of service as sergeant in 3d Ga. Batn., Gideon Booker, Capt., Mar. 7, 1785. Warrant 147. HEYMAN, STEPHEN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Mar. 4, 1784. Warrant 1186. HATCHET, CAPT. ARCHIBOLD. Certificate as captain and sailor, Oliver Bowen, Commodore, Feb. 6, 1784. Warrant 3. HARDY, CAPT. JOHN. Certificate as captain and sailor on Continental Gal- leys, Oliver Bowen, Commodore, Feb. 6, 1784. Warrant 4. HATCHER, JOSIAH. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Jan. 25, 1784. Warrant 1223. HAMILTON, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Prays 500 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1237. HUNT, WILLIAM. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt., Feb. 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1236. HATCHER, HENRY. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres. Warrant 1222. HILL, JOSHUA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1205. HATCHER, ROBERT. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. Warrant 1221. HERD, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1219. HARVEY, JOEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Warrant 1201. HARVEY, JAMES HILL. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 8, 1784. Warrant 1200. aaa ES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1204. HARVILL, JOSEPH. Certificate as refugee and soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1190.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 97 HOLT, REUBEN. Certificate of Capt. F. Tennill, countersigned by Lt. Col. Pannill, Jan. 9, 1786. HUNT, FITZMAURICE. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col., Mar. 22, 1784. War- rant 1195. HATCHER, JOSEPH. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 6, 1784. Warrant 1226. HARPER, LIEUT. ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 933. HARPER, ROBERT. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1193. HUDSON, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., e Jan. 14, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant “4 1231. HUTSON, JOSEPH. Certificate as soldier in 1st Regt. Ga. Troops, John Hereat, Auditor State of Ga., Nov. 30, 1783. Ordered bounty of 640 acres. HOUSE, JOHN. Certificate as soldier in Ross’ Co., 3d Ga. Regt., Nathan’l Pearre, Lt. Comdg. Company, Sep. 7, 1784. Warrant 146. HUBBARD, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. CARR, HENERY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. HARPER, CAPT. SAMUEL. Certificate as Captain, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784 Warrant 897. HUNTSMAN, WILLIAM. Certificate as soldier, endorsed by Gov. Houstoun, Mar. 25, 1784. Warrant 1239. HILL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certifi- cate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Mar. 8, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. HOLLIDAY, AMBROSE. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. War- rant 1208. HAMPTON, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col., Mar. 25, 1784. Warrant 1234. HAWTHORN, STEPHEN. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Oct. 15, 1784. War- rant 1182. HUGHES, NATHANIEL, Was 1st Lieut. in Ist Company Artillery and died in the service, Lieut. Matthew Roche, Mar. 22, 1784, endorsed by Maj. Gen. Warrant 80. Lachlan McIntosh.98 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. HAYMAN, HENRY. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Mar. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1175. HUDSON, SAMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Col., Mar. 19, 1784. Warrant 1229. HALLIDAY, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Warrant 1206. HUDSON, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1230. HAYMEN, STOUTON. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Mar. 2, 1784. Warrant 1176. HAMMOND, GEORGE. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Cols Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1179. HAWKINS, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner, Nicholas Hawkins, his heir, prays 28744 acres in Wash- ington Co. Warrant 1180. HAMMOCK, ROBERT. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col. Commanding, Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1240. HARVEY, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., May 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1202. HERNBY, DENNIS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1192. HATCHER, JEREMIAH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Cols Regt. Refugees. Warrant 1224. HAGAN, EDWARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1188. HERD, JOSEPH._ Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1218. HEARD, BERNARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1217. HARVEY, LITTLEBERRY. Certificate of M. Williamson, Lt. Col., Ga. Refugee Regt., July 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. War- rant 1199. HOLLIDAY, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. War- rant 1207. HAMMOND, ABNER. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refu- gee Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1177.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. I. IRWIN, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Mar. 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. and constitutes his brother, Hugh, of Burke Co., his Atty. to receive same. IRWIN, JOHN LAWSON. Served in my company and Col. Asa Emanuel’s Reg’t., Alexander Irwin, Capt., Nov. 26, 1783. IRWIN, WILLIAM (of Burke Co.). Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. and gives two powers of attorney to Jared and Hugh Irwin, both of Burke Co. IGLE, JOHN. Certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., Feb. 20, 1784, 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Warrant 1249. INMAN, CAPT. JOSHUA. Two certificates as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 750 acres in Washington Co. INMAN, CAPT. SHADROCK. Certificate that he was killed in battle. His wife, of South Carolina, prays 575 acres in Washington Co INLOW, SEVASTIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. INGRAM, RICHARD. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ISLAND, JOHN. Two certificates of E. Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co ISLAND, ABSOLEM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. IRWIN, ALEXANDER. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 2, 1784. Powers of attorney to brothers, Jared and Hugh Irwin, of Burke Co. Warrant 1252. IRWIN, HUGH. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. IRWIN, JARED. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also proves his rights for self, wife and 3 children, and prays head rights for same, J. JARVIS, NICHOLAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Francis Boykin, Major, April 6, 1784. Warrant 1245. JORDAN, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. JORDAN, JACOB. Two petitions for bounties of 250 acres each as per certifi- cates annexed (missing).100 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. JACK, SAMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Jan. 31, 1784. Also petitioner prays 1,000 acres on Oconee river in head rights for self and family. Warrant 1250. JEFFERS, JAMES. Certificate of John Baker, Col., April 13, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of John Baker, Col., April 30, 1784. Warrant 1246. JARRETT, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1244. JOHNSON, CAPT. RICHARD. Certificate as captain in Refugee Regt., S. Hammond, Col., Jan. 18, 1784. Warrant 917. JACK, SAMUEL. Petition for bounty of 28714 acres in Washington Co. as per certificate as refugee and soldier. 2d petition for bounty as colonel, 920 acres in Washington Co. JENKINS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. JORDEN, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. JOINER, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Petition of Sarah Joiner for bounty, stating that “Joiner was killed, and has no heirs,” seems to have been a sister. JONES, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner, Seaborn Jones, for Abraham Jones, prays 575 acres in Washington Co. JACKSON, THOMAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JACKSON, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Jan. 2, 1785. JONES, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. JUSTIS, ISAAC. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JORDAN, BAXTON. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JONES, ELIAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 20, 1784. Endorsed by Ignatius Few, Col. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JOURDINE, LEWIS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JENKINS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 17, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. JACKSON, JAMES, LIEUT. COLONEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Feb. 17, 1784. (Col. Refugee Regt.) Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 7, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 101 JENKINS, STERLING. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Mar. 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays 700 acres head rights in Washington Co. on self, wife, 4 children and 3 negroes JACKSON, PETER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JOURDAN, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784 JONES, MARK, SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 24, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty near head of Shoulder Bone Ck., Washington Co JONES, JONATHAN. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. Green- berry Lee, Feb 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JACKSON, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co JACKSON, RANDOLPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co JOHNSON, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. JORDAN, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784 Warrant 1253. JONES, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co JACKSON, DAVID. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 9, 1784 Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JACKSON, DANIEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1256. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JERVIS, PATRICK. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 290 acres in Washington Co Also makes oath to number in family, self, wife, 4 children and 4 negroes, and prays on head rights, 650 acres in Washington Co. JONES, WILLIAM. Certificate as soldier in Ga. State Legion, Jas. Jackson, Col., Ga. State Legion, July 30, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. JONES, THOMAS (son of William). Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 500 acres bounty. JONES, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Gres nberry Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Frank: lin Co.102 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. JONES, SIMEON. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt, Col., Sep. 18, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co: JONES, SEABORN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. JONES, PHILIP. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JONES, PETER. Petition for bounty upon annexed certificate (missing). Upon evidence the Board orders survey in Washington Co., May 25, 1784. JONES, ROBERT. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, July 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JONES, MATTHEW. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1258. JONES, NATHAN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. JONES, CAPT. MICHAEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Jan. 24, 1784. Warrant 1257. 2d certificate as soldier and citizen, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Jan. 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. JONES, JESSE. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JONES, JESSE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JONES, JESSE. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. St. Legion, May 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. JONES, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 13, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JONES, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JONES, JAMES. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 15, 1784. 2d certificate as citizen and soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. JONES, ABRAHAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 7, 1784. Attached is the following: Georgia, Jefferson Co.—Ap- peared before me Abraham P. Jones, who, being duly sworn, deposed, that he served as lieutenant in 2d Ga. Regt. under Col. Elbert. Before me, Nov. 8, 1806. Wm. Wright, J. P.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 103 JONES, BENJAMIN, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. JONES, BENJAMIN, SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. JONES, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JONES, DAVID. Certificate as citizen and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 29, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. JONES, EDWARD. Certificate of service in 1st Battalion State Troops as refugee and served as Judge Advocate, Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 warrants adjoining in Washington Co. JONES, FREDERICK. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co JONES, CAPT. JONATHAN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784 JONES, HUGH. Two certificates of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb, 2, 1784 JONES, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784 Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JONES, LIEUT. COL. JOHN. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784 Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co W ar- rant 1262 JACKSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784 Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co JACKSON, ABSOLEM. Certificate as refugee and soldier, James Jackson, Col., Mar. 30, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co JACKSON, DANIEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785 JACKSON, DRURY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 24, 1734 JACKSON, HENRY. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co JACKSON, MAJOR ISAAC. Certificate of Benj. Few., Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 650 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 871 JACKSON, COL. ISAAC. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JACKSON, JOB. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co.104 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. JACKSON, LIEUT. COL. JAMES. Certificate as refugee and soldier, E. Clarke, Col. (missing). Ex. order for 1,050 acres, Mar. 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 1,207 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 859. JACKSON, REUBEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JOHNSON, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. JOHNSON, JOHN HUTCHINS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Cole April 8: 1784. Petitioner prays 550 acres in Franklin Co. JOHNSTON, JACOB. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar, 25, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JOHNSON, JOHN HUTCHENS. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1254. JOHNSON, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. JOHNSON, JOHN. Two certificates of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. JOHNSON, CAPT. JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 17, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JOHNSON, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. JACKSON, JOSEPH. Certificate of James Jackson, Col., April 7, 1784. JOHNSTON, RICHARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Jan. 3, 1784. JOHNSON, CAPT. STEPHEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 18, 1784. Warrant 898. JOHNSON, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JOHNSTONE, LIEUT. WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty as soldier in Ga. State Line as per certificate of Major Jas. Habersham (missing), Mar. 19, 1784. David Reese, for widow and heirs, prays bounty. JOINER, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1251. JOINER, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. JENKINS, ARTHUR. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 105 JENKINS, RICHARD. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. St. Legion, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. 2d certifi- cate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JENKINS, ROBERT. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. JENKINS, STERLING. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 400 acres in Franklin Co. as head rights for self and family. JENKINS, FRANCIS, JR. Certificates as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. War- rant 1243. JUSTICE, DEMPSEY. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JARRETT, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JETER, JOSEPH. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., S tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. 18, 1784. Peti- o JORDAN, STARLING. Certificate of John Twiggs, Bg. Gen., Feb. 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. JOHNSON, LIEUT. THOMAS. Certificate of Elijffiah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. JOHNSON, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1247. JORDON, DEMPSEY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JONES, SEABORN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 25, 1784. Warrant 1260. JOHNSON, LT. COL. STEPHEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 86214 acres in Washington Co. JOHNSON, SERGEANT JAMES. Petition for bounty as sergeant in Minute Men as per certificates of Capt. Sam’l Thompson and Col. Samuel Jack (missing), prays 300 acres, Jan. 15, 1784. JOSLING, DANIEL. Certificate as refugee and soldier, from Richmond Co., Wm. Candler, Col. Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1248. JOHNSON, ENSIGN WILLIAM. Certificate as soldier, afterward 2d Lieut. and lastly Captain 1st Artillery, died in 1780 a prisoner of war, John Haber- sham, Major, Ga. Line, Mar. 11, 1784.106 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. JONES, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. JACKSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 3d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays two boun- ties in Washington Co. JOHNSTON, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. K. KENDRICK, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. KENDRICK, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. KENDRICK, HEZEKIAH. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. 2d cer- tificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. KELLY, EDWARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. KELLY, JACOB. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1270. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KELLEY, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 28744 acres in Washington Co. KELLEY, JOHN. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 600 acres in Washington Co. on self and 8 members of his family. KELLEY, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. KINNEBREW, JACOB. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1268. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KILPATRICK, THOMAS. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., May 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KING, JOHN. Certificate of 3 years’ service as soldier in 1st Regt. Conti- nental Troops, Geo. Handley, Major, Dec. 22, 1784. Countersigned by Lachn. McIntosh, Maj. Gen. Warrant 168. Also prays head rights of 450 acres in Washington Co. upon nine in family. KASEY, STEPHEN, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1265. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 25, 1784. Warrant 1266.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 107 KNEEL, PATRICK, Petition for bounty as soldier of late Georgia Line, prays 287% acres in reserve on certificate annexed (missing). Granted May 25, 1784. KILGORE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co KILGORE, RALPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co KILGORE, RALPH, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. KIMBROUGH, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co KIMBROUGH, WILLIAM, JR. Petition for bounty as per certificate annexed (missing). KENEDY, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 13, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1267 KILPATRICK, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 2, 1784. Warrant 1269 KEMP, JOSEPH, JR. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co KEMP, THOMAS. Certificate of W. Few for Gb. Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co KITTS, JOHN. Certificate of Jo prays bounty in Washington Co in Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 2, 1784. Petitioner KEITH, SAMUEL, SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784 Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co KILGORE, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant KEITH, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co, KARR, CAPT. HENRY. Ex. order for 460 acres in Franklin Co. on certificate, by John Habersham, Pres. Ex. Council, May 17, 1784. KELSEY, SERGEANT HUGH: KELSEY, PRIVATE THOMAS. Their petition for bounty of 550 acres on certificate annexed (missing). KELLEY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 10, 1784 KELLEY, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.108 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. KEILOCH, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KELLEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28744 acres in Washington Co. KIRKHAM, JOSEPH. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, Mar. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KENNEDY, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KIMBROUGH, LIEUT. JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KING, JOEL. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Gols Heb. 215 1784: KENDALL, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 5, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 650 acres in Washington Co., for self and nine in family. KERZY, STEPHEN, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. KEITH, SAMUEL, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. KERSEY, STEPHEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. KILGORE, ROBERT, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 14, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. KILGORE, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. KEELOCK, EBENEZER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. L. LEDBETTER, FREDERICK. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. LAZARUS, NICHOLAS. Ex. order for 200 acres as soldier. Petitioner prays bounty in reserve. Warrant 164. LETT, JAMES (deceased). Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Col., Jan. 15, 1784, endorsed by John Twiggs, B. G. Petitioner, Hannah Lett, widow, of Burke Co., prays bounty and gives power of attorney to Francis Pugh. LINDSEY, DENNIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. LEGIT, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 13, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 109 LINN, JOHN. Certificate as soldier in 1st Ga. Regt., Geo. Handley, Capt., Aug. 24, 1785. Warrant 151. LUCAS, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LEONARD, ELIJAH. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. LANCASTER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28744 acres in Washington Co. LANGSTON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 bounties of 287% acres each in Franklin Co. LOW, DANIEL. Certificate of G. B. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. 2d certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 bounties of 250 acres each in Washington Co. LANCASTER, LEVI. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LOWE, MAJOR PHILIP. Ex. order for bounty for service in Ga. Line, 800 acres. Warrant 26. LACKEY, THOMAS. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). Granted April 13, 1784. LAWSON, CAPT. HUGH. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Gen. Twiggs (missing), Dec. 27, 1783. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 901. LANE, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Dec. 8, 1783. Warrant 1274. LANE, WILLIAM (deceased). Certificate of service in 3d Ga. Continental Battalion, Nathaniel Pearce, Lieut. and Adj. Feb. 15, 1785. Grant made to heirs of Wm. Lane. LANIER, LEMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Dec. 30, 1783. LANE, JAMES. Certificate of service in 3d Ga. Continental Battalion, Na- thaniel Pearce, Lieut. and Adj., Feb. 15, 1784. Warrant 160. LITTLE, ARCHIBALD. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. Eman- uel (missing), April 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washing- ton Co. LEVERETT, Aaron. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 500 acres in Franklin Co. for self, wife and five children. LINTON, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Franklin Co.110 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. LYNN, THOMAS. Certificate of James Jackson, Lt. Col., July 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. LOWE, ISAAC. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col. (missing), Feb. 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LEWIS, REV. JOSIAH, CHAPLAIN (deceased). Is entitled to a bounty of 750 acres as a refugee from North Carolina, and 250 acres as a citizen after his return to this state, John Twiggs, B. G., April 10, 1784. Petition of Susannah, widow of Josiah Lewis, for self, Jonathan Rees Lewis, 10 years old, Benjamin Thomas Lewis, 8 years old, Susannah Lewis, Jr., 3 years old, and Josiah Lewis, 1 year old, praying that four separate bounties in Washington Co. be granted to Benjamin Lewis, brother of Josiah Lewis, deceased, in trust for the four minors. LAWSON, ROGER, JR. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 20, 1784 (missing), and ex. order for bounty. Warrant 1293. LAWSON, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. LAWSON, JOHN, JR. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Mar. 22, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of John Baker, Col. LOWE, ISAAC, SR. Certificate of Capt. Parnell, endorsed by Jas. McNeil, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. LEVERETT, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. LEVERETT, AARON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb., 2, 1784. LEVERETT, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1301. LEVERETT, JOHN. Certificate as soldier, and was killed by the enemy, HE. Clarke, Col., Sep. 6, 1784. Warrant 1300. LEVERETT, HENRY. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1734. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1302. LAWSON, ANDREW. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Nov. 23, 1783. Warrant 1292. 2d certificate of Asa Emanuel, Captain, Dec. 24, 1783, endorsed by John Twiggs, B. G. 3d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 13, 1784. Petition of heirs for 287% acres in Washington Co. LAWSON, THOMPSON. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LAWSON, HUGH. His petition to have the following warrants renewed: Heirs of Andrew Lawson, 2 warrants; Roger Lawson, Roger Lawson, Jr., John Lawson, Thompson Lawson and Hugh Lawson (2 warrants), Oct. 19, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 11] LAWSON ROGER, JR. Certificate as refugee soldier into North Carolina, Joona hwites. B. G: Nov. 23, 1783: LOWE, BEVERLY. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LAW, GEORGE. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Oct. 18, 1784. Warrant 1272. LOWE, ISAAC. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. LOWE, OBEDIAH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 19, 1784. LOWE, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. LEWIS, THOMAS, SR. Certificate as refugee soldier, Asa Emanuel, Capt., and John Twiggs, B. G., Nov. 26, 1783 Petitioner, Thomas Lewis, Jr., prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Mar. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. LEWIS, BENJAMIN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. LEWIS, DAVID (deceased). Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 12, 1784. Petitioner, Kesiah Lewis (widow), prays bounty in Wash- ington Co. LEWIS, DAVID, JR. Certificate as refugee and soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 26, 1784. Warrant 1296 LEWIS, ELIEZER. Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co Warrant 1286. LEWIS, JOEL (deceased). Certificate as refugee soldier, Jacob Lewis, law- ful heir, prays 28714 acres in Washington Co LEWIS, DR. EVAN. Certificate that he was regularly appointed Surgeon’s Mate in Southern Hospital of Continental Army and served until time of his death, William Read, Feb. 28, 1784 Petitioners, Thomas and Jacob Lewis, brothers and lawful heirs, pray 600 acres in the reserve. LEWIS, JACOB. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Nov. 28, 1783. Warrant 1294. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. LEWIS, JAMES. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. LANIER, BENJAMIN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Feb. 9, 1784 Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1291. LANIER, CLEMENT. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Jan. 30, 1784. Warrant 1290. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co.112 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. LAMAR, BENJAMIN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. LAMAR, BASIL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays heaé rights of 650 acres in Franklin Co. on self, wife, 3 children and 5 negroes. LAMAR, JOEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. LAMAR, LUKE. Petition for bounty as per certificate annexed (missing), 287% acres in Washington Co. LAMAR, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. LAMAR, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 450 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife and 4 children. LAMAR, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing). Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. LAMAR, ZACHARIAH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Warrant 1275. LONG, DAVID. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. LUNDAY, THEOPHILUS. Certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., Feb. 5, 1784. LINDSAY, DENNIS. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 1, 1784. Warrant 1304. LINN, CHARLES. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 550 acres in Washington Co. for self and 7 others in family. LEGETT, ABNER. Certificate as refugee soldier. Elijah Clarke, Col., April 14, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LEATH, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays 550 acres in Washington Co. as head rights for self, wife, five children and one negro. LINN, JOHN. Certificate of 3 years’ service as enlisted soldier in 3d Ga. Regt., Isaac Hicks, Captain, John McIntosh, Col., served faithfully until his death. Petitioner, Curtis Linn, brother and legal heir to deceased, asks Capt. Hicks to secure bounty on above. 2d certificate of Jas. Jack- son, Col., Sep. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. LINN, CURTIS. Petition for bounty of 230 acres in the reserve, for his ser- vices; also as heir of his brother, John Linn, prays 280 acres in reserve. LITTLE, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 19, 1784. Petitioner prays warrant in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 113 LITTLE, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Warrant 1277. LITTLE, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. Emanuel (missing), April 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LANKFORD, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. (no date). Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 163. LANKFORD, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Gols April? 7, use “Bet- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. LANKFORD, JONATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. LANKFORD, MOSES. Certificate as 3 years’ service as soldier in 3d Ga. Regt. under Capt. Isaac Hicks. Warrant 162. LOFTIN, CORNELIUS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LACKEY, THOMAS. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner also prays 200 acres in Washington Co. as head rights for self. LACKEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1303. LEE, ANDREW. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 288. LEE. TIMOTHY. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1287. LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. LEDBETTER, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1281. LETT, REUBEN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washingtotn Co. LINN, CURTIS. Certificate of 3 years’ service in 3d Ga. Regt., Isaac Hicks, Capt., endorsed by John McIntosh, Col., 3d Ga. Regt., Warrant 158. Jan. 1, L785: LAUDERDALE, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., May 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1282. LAREMORE, JOHN. Ex. order for beunty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LONG, ROBERT. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.114 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. LUNDY, THEOPHILUS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Joshua Davis, Lt. Col., Jan. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1284 and 1371. LINDSAY, MAJOR JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 900 acres in Washington Co. LINDSAY, DENNIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Mar. 2, 1784. See above. LEGGETT, ABNER. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. Clarke, Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LEGGETT, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1298. LANE, MAJOR JOSEPH. Of 3d Ga. Regt. His petition for 800 acres in Wash- ington Co. as per annexed certificate (missing). LOCKHART, ISAAC. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Dec. 29, 1783. Warrant 1275. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 14, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. LANDRUM, JOHN. Certificate as Capt. of a Company in 1st Regt., Ga. State Troops, John Clarke, Lt. Col., Feb, 9, 1790. Warrant 501. LANDRUM, ZACHARIAH. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., July 138, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant No. 6. LAMBETH, LIEUT. WILLIAM. Certificate as Lieut. in Galley Service, Gov. Houston, 460 acres ordered. Petition of Elizabeth Watson, Legal Heir, for bounty in reserve. LINDEN, SERGEANT JOSEPH. Certificate as sergeant in Ga. Line, Jos. Pannell, Col., April 8, 1784. Petition of Mary, widow of Joseph Linden, for bounty. Warrant 167. LESLIE, JOSEPH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. Legion, April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. LEVINS, RICHARD. Petition for 287% acres in Franklin Co. as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). LONG, JOHN. Two certificates of Elijah Clarke, Feb. 2, 1784. LARKEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. LANTERN, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. LUCAS, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 19, 1784. Warrant 1305. 2d certificate to Lieut. William Lucas, Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar: 17, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 115 LORN, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1279. LANKFORD, PARISH. Certificate of Isaac Hicks, Capt. 3d Ga. Regt., Aug. 12, 1784. LINCH, JOHN. Certificate of 3 years’ faithful service in 2d Ga. Regt., Francis Tennill, Lt. 2d Regt., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 161. 2d certificate as soldier in 2d Regt., Litleberry Moseley, Captain and Paymaster, 2d Ga. Batn., Sep. 6, 1784. LANKSTON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., Ga. State Legion, April 6, 1784. LAMBERT, WILLIAM. Certificate of service as Lieut. on Gallies, and died in discharge of his duties, Oliver Bowen, Commodore, Aug. 26, 1784. LEDBETTER, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 5, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 24d certificate of Jas McNeil, Col., July 21, 1784. Richard Wilkes, lawful heir, prays 287% acres in Washing- ton Co. LOGAN, PHILIP. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1283. LEAPHAM, LIEUT. FREDERICK. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 31, 1784. Petitioner prays 460 acres in Washington Co. LAMBREECH, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Jan. 27, 1784. Warrant 1285. LEVEN, RICHARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 12, 1784. Warrant 1273. M. MILLER, LIEUT. NICHOLAS. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, Sep. 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 460 acres in Washington Co. MILLER, ALEXANDER. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Elijah Clarke (missing), Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 28744 acres in Washing- ton Co. MILLER, SAMUEL (of Sunbury; deceased). Petition of Mary, widow of deceased. Her husband served as Asst. Dep. Commissary of Purchases, American Army. Granted 500 acres, Mar. 26, 1784. Warrant 879. MILLER, NICHOLAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Sep. 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1337. MILLER, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784.116 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. MILLER, CHARLES (of Camden Dist., S. C.). Petition for bounty as soldier in Col. Samuel Jack’s Batn. as per certificate of Col. Samuel Jack, Mar. 13, 1784. Warrant 628. MILLER, DAVID. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MILLER, EZEKIEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. MILLER, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1784. Warrant 627. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1784. Warrant 626. MILLER, JOSHUA. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. MILLER, JESSE. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MILLER, MOSES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Francis Pugh, Col., Dec. 2, 1784. Warrant 1339. MILLER, NATHANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, James McCay, Col., Burke Co., April 5, 1784. Warrant 1336. MILLER, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MILLER, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McCay, Col., April 7, 1784. Warrant 1335. 2d certificate as soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 2, 1784. Warrant 629. McMURRY, FREDERICK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MELLONE, MARTIN. Certificate of Capt. James Donally and Col. Benj. Few, July 2, 1784. McDOWELL, JAMES. Certificate of Francis Tennell, Col., Feb. 21, 1784. Warrant 173. McCLUNG, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. McHAMEY, TERRY. Certificate of Gideon Booker, Capt., 3d Ga. Battalion, Mar. 7, 1785. Warrant 175. MILLS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MUSTEEN, WILLIAM. Petition for bounty as per certificate of Capt. Gideon Booker, 3d Ga. Battalion, Jan. 6, 1785. Warrant 70. MOSS, LEONARD. Certificate as soldier in Ga. State Legion, James Jackson, Lt. Col., April, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 117 MELVIN, CAPT. GEORGE. Certificate as Capt. 4th Ga, Regt., Lachlan Mc- Intosh, Maj. Gen., Feb. 20, 1784. Warrant 49. McLAIN, LEWIS. Certificate as soldier in Sumter’s Brigade, Francis Tennill, Major, and Thos. Sumter, Col. MYERS, THOMAS. Certificate as sailor on board Gallies, Oliver Bowen, Com- modore, Feb. 13, 1784. Warrant No. 9. McLAIN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. MONCRIEF, SAMPSON. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., July 27, 1784. Peti- tion of Mary Moncrief, widow, for 28714 acres in Washington Co. McMURRY, WILLIAM. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per certificate annexed (missing). Granted Oct. 26, 1784. McFARLAND, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., Richmond Co., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres. MURPHY, EDWARD. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights in Washington Co. for six whites in family. MURPHY, EDWARD. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. McKINNEY, WILLIAM. Petition for 250 acres in Washington Co. as per cer- tificate annexed (missing). MIMS, DRURY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres. MIMS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MIMS, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McGRUDER, ZADOCK. Certificate of Benjamin Few, Col., July 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MAGRUDER, NINIAN OFFUTT. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MOORE, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MOORE, MORDECAI. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in (no county named). McKINNEY, MATTHEW. Petition for 250 acres Washington Co. as per cer- tificate annexed (missing). Petition states that he was a citizen of Cam- den Dist., S. C.118 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. MOORE, THOMAS. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres. MOBLEY, JOHN. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., July 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MERCER, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 31, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MESSER, THOMAS. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. MERCER, JACOB. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MANNEN, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 26, 1784. Petitioner, Thomas Mannen (brother), prays bounty in Franklin Co. MANNEN, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MANNEN, DRURY. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. MANNEN, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MANNEN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MORAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 28, 1785. MAISE, SERGEANT JOSEPH. Petition for 287%4 acres in the reserve as per certificate annexed (missing). Warrant 168. MAY, BAILEY. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., July 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MAY, WILLIAM. Power of attorney to Col. McNeil to draw his bounty war- rant. MIMS, FREDERICK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MOATS, DANIEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 29, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MOATS, LEVI. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MOATS, SIMEON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MOATES, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. McGEHEE, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, July 8, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 119 MORGAN, PHILIP & JOHN. This is to certify that John and Philip Mor- gan served three years under me and were properly discharged. Virginia, Dec. 23, 1782, Isaac Hicks, Capt., Lachn. McIntosh, B. Gen. Warrants 177 and 178. MORGAN, ROBERT. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., Sep. 2, 1784. Petition of Elizabeth, widow of Robt. Morgan, for bounty in Washington Co. for his heirs. MORGAN, CHRISTOPHER. Petition for bounty as soldier in Minute Men as per certificate annexed (missing). MORGAN, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. MORGAN, ASA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MORGAN, LIEUT. WILLIAM. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Mar. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. McCLENDON, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co McCLENDON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McKEEN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. McCAY, CAPT. JAMES. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 750 acres in Washington Co. McKOY, DANIEL. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Mar. 13, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co McCALPIN, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate as refugee and soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 25, Petitioner prays bounty of 575 acres. MARCUS, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., April 16, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MARCUS, ELLIS. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Sep., 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MOSLEY, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 12, 1784. MOSBY, ROBERT. Certificate of service in Continental Line, John Haber- sham, Major, Line. Petitioner prays 287% acres in the reserve. War- rant 88. MOSELEY, JOHN. Certificate as soldier in Light Dragoons, Lee DeKeyser, Major, J. Marbury, Col., Feb. 13, 1784.120 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. MOSELEY, JESSE. Certificate as soldier in Light Dragoons, Lee DeKeyser, Major, J. Marbury, Col., Feb. 13, 1784. MOSELEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner, Benjamin Moseley (father), for Wm. Moseley, prays bounty in Washington Co. McNEELY, DANIEL. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., Mar. 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McNEIL, JAMES & MICHAEL. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 8, 1784. MAXWELL, LIEUT. JOSIAH. Ex. order for bounty, Jan. 24, 1784. War- rant 90. MAXWELL, MAJOR THOMAS. Certificate as Major list Battalion Minute Men, J. Houstoun, Gov., June 25, 1784. 600 acres. Warrant 221. MAXWELL, THOMAS. This is to certify that Thomas Maxwell was Captain under me on board the Gallies in the Line of this State, Oliver Bowen, Commodore, May 16, 1785. Petitioner prays 977% acres in Washington Co. MOORE, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Franklin Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MOORE, THOMAS. Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Col., Oct. 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MOORE, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 29, 1785. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays 1,000 acres head rights in Franklin Co. upon self, wife, 4 children and 14 negroes. MARSH, NATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sep. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MARSH, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sep. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. McGILTON, VANCE. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Gen. McIntosh (missing), April 21, 1784. Warrant 169. Heirs of Vance McGilton pray bounty in reserve. McGILTON, JAMES. Certificate of Lachn. McIntosh, Maj. Gen., April 21, 1784, Petitioner prays bounty in the reserve. Warrant 176. State of South Carolina, 96 District: I do certify that James McGilton was a refugee of Ga., made his escape from that State with me, and served during the war except when a prisoner. Wm. Farr, Lt. Col., Thos. Bran- don, Col., Mar. 8, 1784. Warrant 319. Certificate to Jas. McGilton as refugee from Georgia, and did his duty faithfully in S. C. as a soldier. Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 121 McINTOSH, BRIG. GEN. LACHLAN. Petition for 977% acres in Washington Co. Granted April 17, 1785, in two warrants. Petition of Major Gen. Lachlan McIntosh for 575 acres in Washington Co. on difference of rank. Granted April 17, 1785. Warrant No. 11. Petition of heirs of Lachlan McIntosh, by Lachlan McIntosh, Jr., for bounty of father, Maj. Gen. Lach- lan McIntosh, 920 acres in Washington Co. Granted April 17, 1785. MARSHALL, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 21, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. 3d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 350 acres in Washington Co. for self and 3 negroes. MARSHALL, MATTHEW. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MARSHALL, SOLOMON. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per certificate annexed (missing). McCULLOCH, SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MANN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MANN, LUKE. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Mar. 18, 1784. Luke Mann files power of attorney to draw bounties for: Abraham Lamb, Andrew Walthour, Laban Thompson, Joseph Plumer, Josiah Naylor, William Sapp, John Sapp, Eliger Sapp, Emanuel Sapp, Andrew Dick, Susannah Dick. MITCHELL, LIEUT. JOHN. Ex. order for bounty of 400 acres, Jan. 24, 1784. Warrant 89. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Major Carr, endorsed by John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. and 28714 acres in Washington Co. MITCHELL, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. MATTOX, JOHN. Petition for bounty for services as Minute Man in service of the State, as per annexed certificate (missing), Mar. 20, 1784. MIDDLETON, BENEDICK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MORRISON, CAPT. JOHN. Certificate as Capt. in Ga. State Legion, Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. Legion, July 13, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 655. MIDDLETON, HOLLAND, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke,122 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Col., Jan. 29, 1785. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. 3d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MIDDLETON, HOLLAND, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MATHEWS, WILLIAM. Certificate that he was appointed Assistant to Col. William Massey, Deputy Muster Master General for South Carolina and Georgia, with rank of Captain, by Major Gen. Howe, N. B. Capt. Mathews was made prisoner Dec. 29, 1778; continued a prisoner of war until peace was declared, for want of an officer of similar rank to exchange for him. Major Gen. John Habersham, Nov. 5, 1780. Warrant 54. MATHEWS, ISHAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 16, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 13. MATHEWS, BRI. GEN. GEORGE. Petition on becoming a citizen of the State of Georgia, asks 2 warrants in the reserve. Granted 850 acres. MILTON, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Capt. Inman, countersigned by John Twiggs, B. G., May 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MARBURY, LEONARD, SR. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 28, 1785. MILLEDGE, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 29, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McILHENNY, JOHN. Petition for bounty of 287% acres in Washington Co. as per certificate of Brig. Gen. John Twiggs (missing), July 15, 1784. MIDDLETON, ROBERT. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MORPHET, JAMES. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner, through his attorney, Edward Pharr, prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MORRIS, PATRICK. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. MONEY, JOSEPH. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. McCLENDON, ISAAC. Certificate of Hlijah wGlarke. Cole, Heb: 2.084. 20 certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MILICAN, HUGH. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MERREM, EDWARD. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Col. Gb. Lee (missing), Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 123 MORRIS, REESE. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. James Mc- Neil (missing), Feb. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. (he McGARRY, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. McNABB, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Warrants granted in Frank- lin Co. McMULLEN, ROLEN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. McMUNN, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. MARSHALL, REV. ABRAHAM. State of Georgia: This is to certify that the Rev. Mr. Abraham Marshall, early espoused the cause of the United States of America, and has rendered the Commonwealth essential services by his zeal and activity as a chaplain for Col. Stewart’s regiment of Minute Men and for General Williamson’s Brigade, when lying in camp opposite Augusta, by exciting the officers and soldiers to stand up in defense of their country, and is in our opinion entitled to a bounty as a chaplain, agreeable to an Act of the General Assembly of this State, in that respect made and provided, etc Given under our hands, this 6th day of April, 1784. (Signed) Elijah Clarke, Col., Greenberry Lee, Col 2d certificate as a refugee and chaplain, Benj. Few, Col., Mar. 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. and 747% acres on Ist certificate. War- rant 874. MARSHALL, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. Gb. Lee (missing), Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MAXWELL, EDWARD. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MAXWELL, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., April 12, 1784. MAXWELL, JOSIAH. Certificate as soldier and ensign, served 5 years in 3d Regt., Ga. Continental Troops, Lachlan McIntosh, Maj. Gen., Jan. 14, 1784. MANNON, WILLIAM. Certificate as soldier in Ist Batt. Minute Men, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 11, 1785. Warrant 672. MAXWELL, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., June 25, 1784. Warrant 1322. MANNEN, DRURY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MANNON, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. MABRY, REPS. Virginia, Feb. 18, 1783: This is to certify that Reps. Mabry of North Carolina enlisted as sergeant in my company and served 3 years in Continental Army, Isaac Hicks, Capt. in 3d Ga. Continental Battalion. Warrant 171.124 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. MANNING, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1309. MATTOX, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784. MATTOX, JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784. War- rant 631. MADDOX, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 275 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate to John Maddox, refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 19, 1784. MADDOX, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 630. MADDOX, WILLIAM; PEAVY, JOHN, and McNEIL, JESSE. Certificate that each is entitled to 287% acres as soldiers, Jas. McNeil, Col., April 3, 1784. McNEIL, JESSE. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. MADEN, LIEUT. DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 926. MARBURY, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., May 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1326. MARBURY, HORATIO. Certificate of Leonard Marbury (rank not given), Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. MARBURY, LEONARD, SR. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., May 15, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1325. MARBURY, HORATIO. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Warrant 1324. MAHAN, ARCHIBALD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 659 MAHAN, SAMUEL. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. METCALF, DANZA. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Jan. 20, 1784. Warrant 650. MOSELEY, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. MATHEWS, DANIEL, JR. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 31, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 633. MATHEWS, DANIEL. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 634. MATHEWS, ISHAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 31, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 636. 2d certificate as125 CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MATHEWS, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MATHEWS, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MATHEWS, MESHACK. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 22, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MATHEWS, REUBEN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 635. MATHEWS, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Mar. 19, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1351. MATHEWS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 31, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 637. MATHEWS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., May 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MARTIN, AUSTIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres bounty. MARTIN, CORNELIUS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 29, 1785. War- rant 656. MARTIN, LIEUT. EDMOND. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. # Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 3 MARTIN, GANOWAY. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MARTIN, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MARTIN, JAMES. Certificate as 2d Lieut., Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt., Feb. 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. W ar- rant 1344. MARTIN, JAMES. Certificate as Lieut.- Col., refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays 800 acres in Washington Co. War- rant 861. MARTIN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MARTIN, JAMES. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MARTIN, JOHN, JR. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Dec. 2, 1783. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1349. 2d cer-ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 5 tificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MARTIN, JOHN. Certificate as Lieut. Col. of Chatham Co. Regt., Geo. Walton, Col., Commanding, April 23, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washing- ton Co. as Lieut. Col. MARTIN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 11, 1785. MARTIN, MARSHALL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1346. MARTIN, MATTHEW. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1347. MARTIN, SIMON. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington County. Warrant 1348. MARTIN, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MARTIN, LIEUT. WILLIAM. Certificate showing that he was killed prior to the passing of the Act, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1794. Warrant 260. 2d certificate identical with above. Upon each Betty, relict of Wm. Mar- tin, prays bounty in Franklin Co. for Robert, William and Elizabeth, heirs of Wm. Martin, deceased. MAY, WILLIAM. Certificate of James McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MAY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of Elijah Clarke, Col., same date. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. MAY, MOSES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MANN, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Francis Pugh, Col., April 7, 1784. Also certificate of John Green, J. P., that he saw John Mann, a refugee in south Carolina. Warrant 1312. MABAN, MATTHEW. Petition of Matthew Maban, a Minute Man, as per certificate annexed (missing). Power of attorney from Matthew Maban of Rutherford Co., N. C., to John Clarke, of 96 Dist., S. C., to draw his bounty. Warrant 642. MABEN, MATTHEW. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784 (belongs with above). MAYBEN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 13, 1784. War- rant 641. MALLARD, LAZARUS. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., Mar. 22, 1784. Warrant 1306.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 127 McMURRAY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 644. MIDDLETON, CAPT. ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Petitioner prays 500 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 225. McGILL, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 640. 2d certificate of John McGill, Elijah Clarke, Col. McFIELD, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. McNATT, SOLOMON. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 658. McDONALD, HUGH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 25, 1785. War- rant 639. McNIEL, ARCHIBALD. Certificate that he fell in the service of his country as a refugee from the State of Georgia. John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 3, 1784 Warrant 1327. McNEIL, COL. JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 3, 1784. Granted bounty as a Major. Warrant 868. 2d certifi- cate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 3, 1784 McNEIL, COL. JAMES. With power of attorney, acknowledges receipt of warrants in Washington Co. for: John Culbreath, Wm. Hogg, heirs of Archibald McNeil, Daniel McNair, James McNeil, Daniel McNeil, Joshua Woods, John Salis, Duncan McNeil, John Averett, Isaac Skinner, Samuel Ramsey, Christopher Chambless, John Maddox, William Hogg, William Maddox, Bartley Anderson, Peter Culbreath, Daniel McNeil, Sr., Daniel McNeil, Jr., heirs of Samuel Ramsey, Burros Hickinbottom, Wlijah An- derson, Francis Holton, Stephen Gloveyer, Jas. Simpson, Jesse McNeil, Obediah Lowe, James Culbreath, Randal Bamby, William Cone, Michael McNeil, William Ramsey and David Carter, 35 in all McCOY, CAPT. JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, 8. G., Keb. 6, 1784. Certificate of Jas. McCoy on oath that he lost warrant for 575 acres in Washington Co. in a cane brake, with no probability of its ever being found, July 6, 1784. McLAIN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1334. McLAIN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1333. McDANIEL, TOKIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. War- rant 638.128 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. McCOWEN, DANIEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Mc CAIN, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. McDOWELL, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 663. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col., April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1318. McDOWELL, LIEUT. THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McCULLOUGH, SAMUEL. Certificate of service as sergeant in Minute ser- vice of the State of Georgia, being from Camden Dist., S. C. Served in Capt. Michael Dickson’s company and Lieut. Col. Samuel Jack’s battalion. Prays bounty in reserve. Warrant 283. McCULLOUGH, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Francis Pugh, Col., Mar. 6, 1784. Warrant 137. McCULLOUGH, PATRICK. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784. Warrant 664. McGENTY, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. McGARY, EDWARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1352. McGEARY, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 5, 1784. War- rant 670. McDOUGAL, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. McCLURE, SAMPSON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Oct. 10, 1784. War- rant 671. McKINNEY, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1354. McKINNEY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. McKINNEY, MATTHEW. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1754. Warrant 647. McKINNEY, NATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 3, 1784. War- rant 645. McKINNEY, TRAVIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. McKINNEY, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 648. McKINNEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan., 1785. War-CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 129 rant 646. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, William Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. McCARTEY, DANIEL. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784 McCARDEL, CORNELIUS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 660. McCLAIN, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. War- rant 666. McCALVEY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 668. MANADUE, CAPT. HENRY. Certificate that he is entitled to two bounties, one hundred acres as captain of refugees, and 250 acres as a citizen. Petitioner prays bounties in Washington Co. Warrant 904. MERCER, REV. SILAS. This is to certify that the Rev. Silas Mercer, in the beginning of these times, was very active and useful in convincing the people of the justice of the cause of America, and after the British took possesion of Savannah he spent much of his time in preaching to the armies, and obtained an excellent recommendation from Colonel Ham- mond to General Lincoln in order that he might preach to his army, and as he was on his way to Purisburg he came to Burke Jail to preach to my regiment and was there in the time of a very warm engagement, and behaved himself exceedingly well in time of the action, and soon after- ward he left the State at the expense of the chief of his property, rather than surrender to the British Government: and I have been creditably informed that he has behaved himself honorably during his absence, and has spent much of his time in preaching to armies, and has at all times supported the character of a good Whigg Therefore, I believe he is entitled to as much land as any gentleman of his rank. Benjamin Few, Col. Richmond Co., Daniel Coleman, Zacheus Fenn. Granted 650 acres as a refugee chaplain, with rank of Major, Feb. 24, 1784. Warrant 875 MERCER, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. METCALF, LIEUT. ANTHONY. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Jan. 20, 1784. METCALF, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 649. MITCHELL, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. War- rant 662. MITCHELL, JOHN. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays 200 acres in Frank- Tin Co. on head rights. MITCHELL, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Warrant 1353.yr 130 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION MITCHELL, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. 2d cer- tificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 230 acres in reserve. MOORE, ALEXANDER. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 14, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1314. MOORE, SERGEANT JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., May 14, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MOORE, MARTIN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. MOORE, RICHARD. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., May 14, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 651. MOORE, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate as refugee sol- dier, E. Clarke, Col., April 16, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Frank- lin Co. MOORE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 14, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Upon oath, William Moore, of Vir- ginia, asks head rights of 1,000 acres in Washington Co. upon 20 in family. MOSS, JAMES. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 24, 1784. MORIS, JAMES. Certificate of John Stewart, Colonel, July 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2871%4 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 654. MORRIS, PATRICK. Certificate of Eliah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. Pett- tioner prays 250 acres. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. MORRIS, REESE. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MORRIS, SERGEANT WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 285. MOATES, SILAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. MORPHET, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MOFFETT, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287%% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1358.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. MORPHET, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. MOTT, JOSEPH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MOTT, ZEPHENIAH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 21, 1784 Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MOTT, URIAH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 21, 1784 Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MOTT, WILLIAM. Power of attorney from Joseph and William Mott to Col. Jas. McNeil, to draw their bounties. MORTEN, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., Feb. 3, 1784 MILLER, DANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., Mar. 19, 1784. Warrant 1338. MILLER, CAPT. ELISHA. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Maj. Gen. McIntosh, Mar. 16, 1784. Warrant 51 MILLER, JOSEPH. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 25, 1784 MILNER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1313 MORGAN, CHRISTOPHER. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784. Warrant 674. MORGAN, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. War- rant 1343. MORGAN, JESSE._ Certificate of John Twiggs, Brig. Gen., April 6, 1784 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col. Refugee Regt Petitioner prays 500 acres in Washington Co. MORGAN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 636. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Petitioner upon oath prays head rights of 200 acres in Franklin Co., and gives power of attorney to draw his bounties to Richard Benton of Meck- lenburg Co., Va. MORGAN, L.UKE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MORGAN, MALACHIA. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., . y . . Te n¢ 92 Jan. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1241. MORGAN, STEPHEN. Certificate of James Jack, Lieut. Col., Sep. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. MORGAN, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1342.132 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. MURPHEY, MILLS... Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Dec. 29, 1783. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1357. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Reb.) 25 iss: McMURPHY, DANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Jan. 27, 1784. Ex. order for bounty upon 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G. (missing), Jan. 29, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. MEYERS, THOMAS. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Mar. 18, 1784. Warrant 1306. MOCOCK, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 669. MADKINS, WILLIAM. Petition for 250 acres in Franklin Co. as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). MOSELY, WILLIAM H. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Warrant 1311. MAGAR, OWEN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. MONTGOMERY, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, James McCoy, Cap- tain, July 1, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. MIDDLETON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. METCALF, DANZA. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Liberty Co., July 27, 1778. MOSELEY, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Col. Elijah Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 500 acres in Washing- ton Co. MAINER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MIDDLETON, CAPT. HATTON. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 26, 1784. Warrant 224. MORRISON, JOHN. Petition for 460 acres in reserve as per certificate an- nexed (missing). Also prays head rights of 750 acres in Washington Co. for self and 11 others in family. MAY, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MIMS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MOREMOUTH, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. MASH, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 657.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 133 McBRIDE, EDWARD. Enlisted as a soldier in 2d Battalion Continental troops for the State of Georgia, to serve 3 years, and faithfully performed his duty unti] he was made a prisoner of war by the British troops, S. Gil- bert, Brig. Gen., Oct. 29, 1784. Countersigned by Capt. John Morrison. Petitioner prays 230 acres in the reserve. McGEE, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1317. McGEE, LEWIS. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. Oke 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1316. McGEE, CAPT. HUGH._ Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of John Twiggs, B. G. (missing), Feb. 6, 1784. Warrant 902. Certificate of Col. Jas. Mar- tin that he is entitled to 500 acres as a soldier and 200 acres as a citizen soldier. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. McNELLY, DANIEL. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 3, 1784. War- rant 667. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 29, 1784. Warrant 1329. McNELLY, HUGH. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 30, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% 2 acres in Washington Co. McCLENDON, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 29, 1785. War- rant 665. McCLENDON, TRAVIS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1310. McCARTEY, DANIEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McCARTHY, DANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Warrant 1359. McCARTEY, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. McCARTY, ADJUTANT JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Warrant 1360. McCARTHY, DRUM MAJOR JOHN. Certificate of John Stewart, Col., Ist Batt. Minute Men, April 22, 1784. Warrant 273. McCORMICK, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1331. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McCORMICK, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co.134 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. McCORMICK, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1332. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Wash- ington Co. McCORMICK, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1330. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McDUFFY, JOHN. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. McCALL, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 22, 1784. Warrant 1320. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. McMAN, MATTHEW. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. War- rant 676. McMURRY, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. McMURRY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sep. 8, 1784. War- rant 643. MARTIN, LIEUT. BARTLETT. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 261. McCELVEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Oct. 10, 1784. War- rant 673. McKINNEY, HENRY. Petition for 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. as per certificate annexed (missing). McMULLEN, PATRICK. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., June 4, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 661. McBURNETT, DANIEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. McGARY, EDWARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 16, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. MoMA, JOSEPH. Certificate of James Jackson, Lt. Col., July 28, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. N. NIX, GEORGE. Certificate of 3 years’ service of George Nix and James Mc- Dowell, Francis Tennill, Lieut Feb 7 iti ; ; , “b . 21, 1784. Petitione y in Washington Co. whip sam ae Pea CLEM ENT. Petition of Mary, widow of Captain Clement Nash, e Ga. Line, for 690 acres in the reserve, with power of attorney to Capt. Francis Tennill to draw bounty. Warrant 23.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 135 NAIL, BENJAMIN. Certificate as Sergeant, Elijah Clarke, Col., Sep. 10, 1784. Warrant 1364. NAIL, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1361. NAIL, CAPT. JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 905. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1363. NEIDLINGER, JOHN GODLEI8. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Co., Effingham Co. Regt., Jan. 20, 1784. Warrant 1368. NEILLY, JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 14, 1784 Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 685 NAIL, REUBEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1362. NETTLES, ELISHA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 684. NELSON, JAMES. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., May 17, 1784. Warrant 672. NELSON, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 16, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres Franklin Co. Warrant 1366. NELSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784 Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 679. NEPHEW, JAMES. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Liberty Co. Regt., Mar 18, 1784. Warrant 1366. NESLER, ADAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt Col., June 23, 1784. Warrant 1367. NEWSOME, SOLOMON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 600 7 negroes acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, 9 children and NEWMAN, JOHN. Certificate of 3 years’ service in 2d Ga. Regiment, Conti- nental Army, and lost his arm in the service. Francis Tennill, Lieut. April 27, 1784. Countersigned, June 4, 1784, Samuel Elbert, Brig. Gen. Warrant 180. NEVEL, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 683. NICHOLSON, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan 3. woo: Warrant 682. NICKSON, ARCHIBALD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Warrant 680. NORWOOD, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 677.136 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. NUGAN, MICHAEL. Certificate of J. Pannill, Lt. Col., Sept. 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in forks of Oconee river. Warrant 181. NEWMAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. War- rant 681. NETTLES, ELISHA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 684. O. OATES, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. OATES, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Also prays he had a right of 250 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, 2 children and 2 negroes. OAKMAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of 3 years’ service as Fife Major in 2d Ga. Continental Regt., Francis Tennill, Lieut. in 2d Regt., Jan. 3, 1784. O’BRYANT, DUNKIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 687. O’BRYAN, JAMES. Certificate of 3 years’ service in 3d Ga. Battalion, Cont. Line, Nathaniel Pierce, Lieut., Nov. 21, 1783. Endorsed by Lachlan Mc- Intosh, Brig. Gen. O’BARN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Oct. 16, 1784. Warrant 686. O’DAIR, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. ODAM, URIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 688. ODINGFIELD, CHARLES. Certificate that he served under me, L. Hall. Peti- tioner transfers his right to Maj. Richard Call. OFFUTT, EZEKIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Warrant 906. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., May 17, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. OFFUTT, NATHANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Warrant 1372. OFFUTT, JESSE. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col. Peti- tioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1373. O’HEARN, JOSIAH. Certificate as refugee soldier into North Carolina, John Twiggs, B. G., Nov. 27, 1783. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1374. OFFUTT, JOHN. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., July 20, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. OLIVER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 14, 1784. OLIVER, JAMES. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Also prays 1,000 acres in Washington Co. on head rights for self, wife and 4 children. OLIVER, PETER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. O’NEAL, LIEUT. AXAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. O’NEAL, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. ORNSBY, DANIEL. Certificate of 3 years’ service as Fife Major, 2d Ga. Con- tinental Battalion, and died in service, J. Pannill, Lt. Col., April 10, 1784. He further certifies that Daniel Ornsby left a daughter Isabel, now living with her mother, Mary Berry, and that Mary Berry—now so-called—was his wife before and at the time of his death. Warrant 184 OWENS, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co OUTLAW, EDWARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 16, 1784. Warrant 1370. OUTLAW, LEUDOVICK. Certificate as refugee soldier, who died on retreat from Augusta to Savannah, and left one son, James Outlaw, who is en- titled to his bounty. John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 16, 1784. Warrant 1371. OWENS, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1369. O’HERN, JOSIAH. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Nov. 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. OUTLAW, EDWARD. 24d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 13, 1784. OWENS, EPHRAIM. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. OAKMAN, WILLIAM. Ex. order tor bounty as Fife Major in Ga. Line as per certificate of Gen. McIntosh (see above). Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 683. OFFUTT, JOHN. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., July 2, 1784. O’NEAL, NATHANIEL. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Elijah Clarke (missing), Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. OWENS, EPHRAIM. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. OWENS, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Ps PALMER, GEORGE. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 19, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. PALMER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrants 702 and 1392. 2d endorsement of Gov. upon certificate of Maj. Francis Boykin, Jan 29, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. PALMER, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PALMER, SOLOMON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb., 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, - Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PAULK, MICAJAH. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Jas. Mc- Neil, Feb. 20, 1784 (missing). Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washing- ton Co. PARKER, ALLEN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. PARKER, GEORGE. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Feb. 1, 1784. PARKER, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. PARKER, JOHN. Certificate of James Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PARKER, JOSEPH. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. PARKER, WILLIAM. Bringing good character from N. C., prays 550 acres in Washington Co. as head rights on self, wife and six children (not a bounty). PATILLO, JOHN. Petition of his heirs for 230 acres in reserve upon certifi- cate annexed (missing), petition signed by James, son of John Patillo, late of Brunswick Co., Va., Jan. 31, 1785. Warrant 190. PULLIAM, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty as refugee soldier as per certifi- cate of Col. Clarke, Feb. 25, 1784 (missing). Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1399. PATTON, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 18, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 606. PANNILL, JOSEPH. Certificate as captain in 2d Ga. Continental Regt. on 20th Aug., 1776; major on Sep. 17, 1777, and Lt. Col., in 4th Ga., May 27, 1778. Lachlan McIntosh, Maj. Gen., Feb. 1, 1784. Warrant 18. PEAL, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 12, 1784. Warrant 1395.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 139 PAINE, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. 2d certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 689. PAYNE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PAXTON, LIEUT. WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 400 acres in Washington Co Warrant 262. PARKER, LIEUT. JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 930. PARKS, CHARLES, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PARKS, CHARLES, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co PARKS, LIEUT. JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784 PEARCE, JOHN. Certificate as soldier in 1st Battalion, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 17, 1784. Warrant 699. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 11, 1784. Warrant 698. PEARCE, WILLIAM. Certificate as soldier, Ist Battalion, Ga. Line, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 11, 1784 Warrant 697 Petitioner prays head rights of 650 acres in Washington Co. on self, wife and 8 negroes PEAVY, ABRAHAM. Ex. order from Gov. Houstoun for bounty upon per- sonal knowledge of him as a soldier, Jan. 2, 1784 PEAVY, DYAL. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co PEAVY, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PEAVY, JOSEPH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 18, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co PEAVY, PETER. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 22, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PEAK, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PENNINGTON, STEPHEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 12, 1784. PENNINGTON, THOMAS. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PERRY, ISAAC. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 350 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, 2 children and 10 negroes.140 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. PERRIT, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. PERKINS, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. PERKINS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PERKINS, ELISHA. Certificate of Elisha Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PERKINS, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar: 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PERKINS, RICHARD. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. PERKINS, PETER. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PETITE, BENJAMIN. Certificate of John Habersham, Capt., and Jos. Haber- sham, Colonel, 1st Batt., Cont. Troops of Ga., May 22, 1777. This man, when taking the oath, stated that he was a tailor and from Pyerdy, France. PETTY, WILLIAM. Certificate as soldier in 1st Battalion, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. War- rant 704. PUTNALL, CHRISTOPHER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PENDAL, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. PETERS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PETERS, JOSIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PHELPS, LIEUT. DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1380. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PHELPS, SERGEANT DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 345 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 693. PITMAN, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, BURIEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, DEMPSEY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PHILLIPS, DEMPSEY. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. 2d certificate of Greenberry Lee, Gol., Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner praysCERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 14] two bounties of 287% acres each, one in Washington Co. and one in Franklin Co. PHILLIPS, HILLERY. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, ISHAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1385. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Casander, widow of Joseph Phillips, prays that a warrant issue to her son, Isham Phillips, for 575 acres in Washington Co. 9 PHILLIPS, JOEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PHILLIPS, JOEL, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate as soldier in Minute Men, Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. War- rant 694. PHILLIPS, JOSH. Certificate as refugee soldier (missing), with Ex. order for bounty, Mar. 25, 1784. Warrant 1379. PHILLIPS, JOSIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 696. PHILLIPS, REUBEN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Wm. Phillips, Sr., of Amherst Co., Va., makes oath and prays head rights of 200 acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner also prays head rights of 300 acres in Frank- lin Co. on self, wife and one child. PHILLIPS, JOEL, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, JOEL, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, MARK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1378. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. PHILLIPS, REUBEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1384. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co.142 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. PHILLIPS, SAMUEL. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Cole Jan. 3, lish) Warrant 695: PHILLIPS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1382. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM (son of Zachariah). 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. William Phillips, a citizen of Virginia, prays head rights of 800 acres in Franklin Co. for self and 12 others in family. Granted May 26, 1784. Warrant 1383. PHILLIPS, ZACHARIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 907. 2d certificate to Capt. Zachariah Phillips, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PHILLIPS, ZACHARIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1377. Capt. Zachariah Phillips prays head rights of 400 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, five children and 2 negroes. PAINE, SAMUEL, SR. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PITMAN, PHILIP. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. PITMAN, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Gb. Lee (miss- ing), Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. PLUMOR, JOSEPH. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1393. PINSON, ISAAC. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. PAULK, MICAJAH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. POTTS, JOHN. Petition for bounty as soldier in Minute Men as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). PERRETT, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. PORTER, BENJAMIN. Petition for bounty as Major 2d Ga. Continental Bat- talion. Prays 920 acres in reserve. Granted May 24, 1784. Warrant 22. ES BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1894. Peti- tioner prays 637 acres in Washington Co. Granted 575 acres as citizen and soldier. Petitioner also prays head rights of 1,000 acres in Wash- ington Co., upon oath that he has one white and six negroes in this State, and nine other negroes in the State of Va.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 143 PORTER, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. PORTER, JOSIAH. Power of attorney from Josiah Porter of Camden Dist., S. C., to John Gill, to receive his bounty of 250 acres for Minute service in Michael Dickson’s Co., Colonel Jack’s Battalion. PORTER, LIEUT. THOMAS. Petition for bounty upon certificate annexed (missing). Granted. POWELL, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 670. POWELL, CADER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. POWELL, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sep. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. POWELL, JOSHUA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. War- rant 692. POWELL, JOSIAH. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. John Baker, Feb. 22, 1784 (missing). Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1375. POWELL, JAMES. Certificate that he was a prisoner and subsequently a refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., Aug. 19, 1784. Warrant 1376. 2d certifi- cate of John Baker, Col., Feb. 21, 1784 Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. POWELL, LEWIS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co POWELL, LEWIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 29, 1785. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 16, 1784. Warrant 691. POWELL, MOSES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty of 250 acres in Washington Co 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PRICE, LIEUT. JOHN, Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. Warrant 1389. 2d certificate to Lieut. John Price, John Cunning- ham, Lt. Col., Aug. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 460 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 934. PRATHER, EDWARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. PRATHER, DANIEL. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co.144 POUNDS, SAMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1398. “ POUNDS, REUBEN. Certificate as soldier in 2d Ga. Batt., J. Pannill, Lt. Col., July 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 230 acres in reserve. Warrant 186. PULLIAM, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. PARHAM, RICHARD. Certificate of Isaac Hicks, Capt., 3d Ga. Battalion, Vir- ginia, Feb. 18, 1783. Also certificate of Ann Ross of Warren Co:43Ne Cs that Wm. Ross is legitimate heir to his brother, Richard Parham. War- rant 189. PULLIAM, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. PEW, ELIJAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PUGH, FRANCIS. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of John Twiggs, B. G. (missing). Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PUGH, JAMES, JR. Ex. order for bounty as refugee soldier as per certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb., 1784 (missing). Warrant 1391. PUGH, FRANCIS. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PETERS, ELIJAH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 16, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PACE, THOMAS. Ex. order for bounty. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Wash- ington Co. PERSETT, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Warrant 1396. PEAL, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 2874 acres in Washington Co. PERSONS, JONES. Two certificates of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 500 acres in Franklin Co. POLK, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col. (missing), Feb. 24, 1784. 2d cretificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PATTISON, GIDEON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate as refugee sol- dier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1337. PATTISON, LIEUT. GIDEON. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 460 acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 145 PATTERSON, JOHN, JR. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 6, 1784. Warrant 1386. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. PATTERSON, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PATTERSON, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Jan. 20, 1784. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PATTERSON, ROBERT. Two certificates of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1388. PATTERSON, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug, 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. PATTERSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 27, 1784, Petitioner prays 28744 acres in Washington Co. PACE, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 21, 1784. 2d certifi- cate—taken prisoner by the British, but finally escaped and renewed ser- vice under Col. Jas. Martin, July 26, 1784. Prays two bounties of 28744 acres each in Washington Co. PAINE, SAMUEL, SR. Power of attorney to John Cobb to draw bounty al- lowed him as a soldier. PAYNE, SAMUEL, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. PULLIUM, JOSEPH. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 15, 1784 (missing). Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. PARIS, PETER. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 1,000 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, three children and 12 negroes. PITTMAN, TIMOTHY. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PHINEY, LACHLAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. War- rant 1397. PUSLEY, DAVID. This is to certify that David Pusley, Edmond Camp, Machael Jackson, Smith Miller and John Bardd were soldiers in my com- mand, Continental Regt., Light Horse, State of Georgia, Leonard Mar- bury, Capt., Dec. 24, 1784. PORTERRE, SIMON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. War- rant 700. PETERE, BERIEMAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 27, 1776.346 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. POLLARD, ROBERT. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., June 23, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PACE, BARNARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. PARISH, ROBERT. Certificate of service as Lieut. in Light Dragoons, Leon- ard Marbury, Col., Feb. 14, 1785. Warrant 76. PITMAN, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. PARTIN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1390. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. PHINNEY, LACHLAN. Certificate of Francis Tennill, Lieut., 2d Regt., April 7, 1784. Warrant 188. PINSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., July 17, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. PLATTEN, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. War- rant 701. PERRETT, ROBERT. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col. Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. PRICE, JOB. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., May 25, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Q. QUEENS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. QUEEN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. QUARLES, PETER. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., May 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. QUARLES, ROGER. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. R. RANN, FRANCIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. RAGGAN, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784 (missing). Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. RAGGAN, JONATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 147 RAGAN, FELIX. Ex. order to surveyor to lay out plat of 275 acres (two boun- ties) as per certificate rendered (missing). RAGLAND, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- hy tioner pray 575 acres in Washington Co. RAGLAND, LIEUT. EVAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 935. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Also prays 200 acres in head rights for four in family. RAMSEY, ISAAC, SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. RAMSEY, ISAAC, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate to Isaac Ramsey, Gb. Lee, Col., April 12, 1784. Petitioners, father and son, pray 862 acres in one tract in Washington Co. RAMSEY, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 21, 1784. Petitioner prays 287}! ‘ rant 727. 6 acres in Franklin Co. War- RAMSEY, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., Ga. State Legion, Mar. 24, 1784 Your petitioner is heir and surviving brother to Samuel Ramsey, who fell fighting for the independence of the country. Prays two boun- ties of 287% acres each in Franklin Co. RAMSEY, RANDAL, JR. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 1, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co RAMSEY, SAMUEL, JR. I hereby certify that Samuel Ramsey, Jr., served under me as a good and faithful soldier and citizen, and was killed in the service of this State under my command, doing his duty. Jas. Jackson, Col., Mar. 24, 1784. RAMSEY, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. RAMSEY, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. RAMSEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. RAY, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. RAY, GEORGE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 21, 1784.148 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. RAE, JAMES. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres. RAY, JOHN. Certificate of Benjamin Few, Col., July 20, 1784, on certificate of Capt. James Darnley. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. RAY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, July 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. RAY, ZACHARIAH. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. RAY, AMBROSE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1423. ROAN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. RIGGANS, DARBY. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. REDDING, GEORGE. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per cer- tificate annexed (missing). RIDDLE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 13, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant oo: RICHARDSON, JOSEPH. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. RICHARDSON, MARMADUKE. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. REEVES, CORPORAL DAVID. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. RICHARDSON, ENOS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. RICHARDSON, TIMOTHY. Certificate of Jas. McKay, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. REED, JAMES. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 19, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. READ, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. POTTS, JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 13, 1784. Warrant 703. PERRETT, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 29, 1784. War- rant 794. BROAN TUDSTALL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 149 REEVES, JAMES. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Nov. 4, 1784. Warrant 731. REEVES, SPENCER, Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., July 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres. REEVES, THOMAS. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., July 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres. RHODES, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. RICHIE, LIEUT. JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Jan. 31, 1784. War- rant 264. REED, SAMUEL. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 900 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, 7 children and 6 negroes. READ, WILLIAM. This is to certify that Wm. Read was appointed second surgeon of the General Hospital in the Middle District, 9th July, 1778, was promoted to be Hospital Physician, 15th May, 1781, and continued to serve in that capacity to the end of the war. Lachlan McIntosh, Maj. Gen., Feb. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in forks of the Oconee river. War- rant 38. ROGERS, BRITTAIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1410. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. ROGERS, DRURY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. ROGERS, DRURY, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. ROGERS, DREAD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1412. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. ROGERS, EDWARD. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. ROGERS, JEREMIAH. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROGERS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1417. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Also prays 450 acres in Franklin Co. in head rights for self and 5 in family. ROGERS, PELEG. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. Also prays 650 acres in Washing- ton Co. on head rights for self, wife, 2 children and 6 negroes.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. ROGERS, REUBEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROGERS, JOHN (deceased). Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 24, 1784. Petition of Mary, relict of John Rogers, for 287% acres in Washington Co. ROGERS, SERGEANT WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Warrant 712. ROGERS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1409. ROGAN, FELIX. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1424. ROBERSON, ALEXANDER. Certificate of Nat. Pierre, 2d Lieut., 3d Ga. Cont. Regt., Jan. 13, 1784. Countersigned by Lachlan McIntosh, Maj. Gen. War- rant 192. ROBERSON, DAVID, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROBINSON, DAVID. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 717. ROBERSON, GEORGE. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Dec. 20, 1784. ROBERTSON, JOSEPH. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 13, 1784. War- rant 718. ROBERTSON, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Aug. 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROBERTSON, JOHN (see above). From South Carolina: prays head rights of 300 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife and one child. ROBERSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROBESON, SILVANUS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROBERTSON WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah ee Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washing- on Co. ROBERTSON, ZADOCK. Of 96 Dist., S. C., certificate as soldier in battalion of Minute Men, Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 13, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 719.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ROSEBOROUGH, GEORGE (deceased). Certificate of service in 1st Battalion of Minute Men, and fell in defense of this State. Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 27, 1784. Warrant 1402. ROSEBOROUGH, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. REYNOLDS, ABSOLEM. Certificate as Fifer in 2d Ga. Cont. Regt., Lachlan Mcintosh, Bg. Gen., Sep. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 230 acres in the reserve. Warrant 191. REYNOLDS, COLEMAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1404. 2d Ex. order for bounty as refugee soldier, Mar. 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2 warrants, 575 acres, in Washington Co. REYNOLDS, GEORGE. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., July 29, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. RUNNALS, FREDERICK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. RUNNALS, HAMILTON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 9, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. ROLLING, DAVID, Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant Van. ROLLING, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Oct. 10, 1784. War- rant 721. ROLLING, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1785. Warrant 720. ROQUEMORE, PETER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 737. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. ROQUEMORE, LIEUT. PETER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 927. ROQUEMORE, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. ROCK, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 729. ROSS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. ROSE, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. ROSS, THOMAS, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. ROSS, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 152 ROSE, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1422. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. ROSE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 732. RIDING, GEORGE. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 19, 1784. Warrant 1403. ROBERTS, FRANCIS. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 716. ROBERTS, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, James McCoy, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1413. ROBERTS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 715. ROBERTS, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, James McCoy, Col., April 5, 1784. Warrant 1414. 2d certificate of James McCoy, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. ROBERTS, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. ROBERTS, JONAS. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROBERTS, THOMAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. ROBERTS, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Thomas Roberts from Lin- coln Co., N. C., prays head rights of 400 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife and 8 children. ROE, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1405. RAE, JAMES. His petition for bounty as deputy commissary general from 1776 to Feb., 1780. Granted. ROE, WALTER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Warrant 707. RICE, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. i Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 708. RICE, NATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col. Jan. 29, 1785. - rant 709. Spam:CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 153 RICE, DAVID. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 29, 1785. Warrant 710. RYLEY, BARNARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Feb. 2, 1784. RILEY, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. RILEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. RASER, ISAAC. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Mar. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1420. ROZER, AMOS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 25, 1784. War- rant 735. ROZER, CALEB. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Warrant 1408. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. ROZER, EDWARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 25, 1785. ROZER, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. ROZER, SHADRACK (not a bounty). From Halifax Co., N. C., prays head rights of 600 acres in Washington Co. for 9 in family. RIDER, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., April 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. RIDER, JOSEPH S. Certificate as refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. ROWLAND, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. ROWLAND, SAMUEL. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 5, 1784. War- rant 723. ROUNTREE, ABNER. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col. Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. War- rant 1417. ROUNTREE, JOB. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., R. Regt. Petition of Jesse Rountree for heirs of Job Rountree for 287% acres in Washington Co. ROUNTREE, JESSE. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refu- gee Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1416. ROWELL, EDWARD. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 1,000 acres in Washington for self and 20 negroes. ROWELL, HOWELL. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. RUSHING, MALACHI. Certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., Dublin, Mar. 14, 1784.154 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. RUSHING, MATTHEW. Certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., Mar. 1, 1784. 2d certificate of Jenkins Davis, Col., Mar. 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. RUTHERFORD, SAMUEL, JR. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug. 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. RYAN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 713. RYAN, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. RYAN, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner oo prays 575 acres in 2 certificates, in Washington Co. REDIX, ABSOLEM. Certificate of E Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. ROBARDS, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. REYFIELD, ISAAC. I do certify that Rowling Lancaster, Isaac Reyfield, David Crawford and Bazil Maxwell, four soldiers, enlisted for 3 years in 2d Battalion, Continental Troops, in defense of the State of Georgia, and all died in the service, and that the heirs of said soldiers are entitled to the benefit of Continental and State bounties of land. S. Elbert, Brig. Gen., Cont. Army, July 15, 1784. ROWLEY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Warrant 474, RUSSELL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. War- rant 734. RICHARDS, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. War- rant 733. RAVOT, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., Feb. 5, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. RANEY, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. RESSETO, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. RAFFERTY, MICHAEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 warrants of 28714 acres each in Wash- ington Co. Warrant 1406. RENCH, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Warrant 728.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. RATLETT, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Jan. 28, 1785. RUROY, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 19, 1784. Warrant 706. S. SANDERS, SIMON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. War- rant 7:20: SANDERS, CAPT. ABRAHAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. May 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 262% acres —————. Warrant 900 SAPP, ELIJAH. Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Capt., and John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co SAPP, EMANUEL, Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Capt., and John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co SAPP, WILLIAM. Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Capt., and John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. SANDERS, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1299 SANDERS, JOSHUA. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Feb. 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SANDERS, MARK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SALTER, SIMON. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays head rights of 1,000 acres in Washington for self and 16 in family. SHANNON, THOMAS. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. SAPP, DILL. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 warrants of 287% acres each in Washington Co. SAPP, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SALTER, SIMON. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. SAVAGE, REV. LOVELESS. Certificate as chaplain, Wm. Candler, Col. Refugee Regt. Petitioner prays 747% acres in Washington Co. War- rant 873. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. SATTERWHITE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co.156 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. ; SUMMERFORD, JACOB. Power of attorney of Jacob Summerford of Camden Dist., S. C., to Joseph Ratchford of Ga., to apply for 250 acres bounty for his services in Col. Clarke’s battalion of Minute Men of Ga., April 8, 1784. STRADFORD, SAMUEL. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per certificate annexed (missing). Granted April 13, 1784. SAFFOLD, DANIEL. Petition for 287% acres in Franklin Co. as per certi- ficate of Col. E. Clarke, Sep. 8, 1784 (missing). SAWYER, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. EB. Clarke, (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. SCOTT, ABRAHAM. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. SCOTT, REV. ALEXANDER. Certificate as chaplain, Caleb Howell, Col., May 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 750 acres in Washington Co. SCOTT, BENJAMIN. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. E. Clarke (missing), Mar. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SCOTT, CORNELIUS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 751. SCOTT, JOSEPH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 1,000 acres in Washington Co. on self and 17 in family. SCOTT, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 749. SCOTT, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 750. SCOTT, SERGEANT PETER. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per certificate annexed. Warrant 752. SCOTT, PHILIP. Certificate as refugee soldier, Patrick Carr, Comdg. Inde- pendent Corps. SCOTT, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col.; Jan., 1785. SCOT CAPT. WILLIAM. Of the Ga. Line. Certificate of John Habersham, Maj. Gen., Ga. Line, Mar. 1, 1785. Warrant 44. SCOTT, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 753. SESSOMS, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate that he enlisted for 3 years under Capt. Dooly of 3d Batt. of Foot, Col. James Screven; Thos. Mitchell, ist Lieut., and Geo. Dooly, 2d Lieut., May 21, 1784. Warrant 194. SESSOMS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 157 SHECK, FREDERICK. Petition for 460 acres in reserve, as a lieutenant, as per certificate annexed (missing) Granted. SHEFFEL, MARK. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 27, 1784. Warrant 1459. SHARPE, JAMES BOYD. Certificate as surgeon from 6 Dec., 1782, to close of the war, John Habersham, Major, Comdg. Ga. Batt., Mar. 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 600 acres in the reserve. SHAW, DAVID. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 21, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SHAW, THOMAS, SR. David Shaw further prays bounty of 345 acres due Thomas Shaw, deceased. SETTLER, CAPT. DANIEL. Certificate of Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., and that Godleib Neidlinger is trustee for his heirs. Warrant 882. SHIELDS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. SHIELDS, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. SHIELDS, ANDREW. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1456. 2d certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., Ga. State Legion, April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. 3d certificate as private in 1st Ga. Cont. Batt., Geo. Handley, Capt., Mar. 4, 1784. Petitioner, through Col. Pannill, prays 230 acres in the reserve. SHIELDS, MAJOR JOHN. Certificate that he lost his life gloriously fighting for the State, Wm. Candler, Col. R. R. Petitioner, Margaret Shields, prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 863. SHIELDS, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. SHIELDS, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Benj. Few, Col., Aug. 19, 1784. Warrant 1457. SHACKLEFORD, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. SHADDOCK, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Tames McCay, Col., April 5, 1784. 2d certificate of James McCay, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. SHARPE, JOHN, SR. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 26, 1784. SHARPE, MICHAEL. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 26, 1784. John Sharpe, for petitioner, prays 287% acres in Washington Co.158 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. SHAFFER, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SHAW, ADAM. Certificate of James Jackson, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SHAW, THOMAS. Certificate as Minute Man, Gb. Lee, Col., April 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SHAW, SERGEANT THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784, Warrant 282. SHAW, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. War- rant 769. SHEPHERD, STEPHEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SHANNON, THOMAS, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. “a SHANNON, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. SHERRELL, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 18, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2 bounties in Franklin Co. Warrant 1434. SHELTON, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SHEFFEL, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 27, 1784. Warrant 1458. SERRE JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. SHEFTALL, MORDECAI. Petition for bounty in reserve, as per certificate annexed (missing). SHEFFEL, WILLIAM. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 27, 1784. 4; stitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. SIMMONS, CHARLES. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., dane 1% BEE Warrant 1460. 2d certificate of James McNeil, Col., April 0, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. ae: JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. wea Warrant 1425. 2q certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, ( . SIM “ti aoe JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April , 1/34. SIMMONS, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. SIMMONS, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 746. SIMMONS, MALBOURN, Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. SIMMONS, STERNS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. SIMMONS, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. SIMMONS, RICHARD. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 745. SIMMONS, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. SIMMONS, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. SHARPE, J. Z. Surgeon’s Mate. Ex. order for bounty, Mar. 19, 1784. War- rant 33. SNELSON, SERGEANT THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 295. SNELSON, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. April 1, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 777 SIMPSON, SAMUEL. Petition for 230 acres on certificate annexed (missing). Granted Nov. 23, 1784. SELLS, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. SNEED, DUDLEY. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1431. SIMMS, ROBERT. This is to certify that Robert Simms was a soldier in 2d Ga. Battalion and served faithfully his enlistment, 3 years. Lieut. G. Moseley, Capt. and Paymaster, J. Pannill, Lt. Col., 2d Ga. SIMMS, MANN. Certificate as refugee soldier, James Martin, Col., April 27, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. SIMMS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col. April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. SIZEMORE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 784. SIMPSON, JAMES. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SIMPSON, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784.160 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. SINQUEFIELD, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SINQUEFIELD, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. Warrant 1430. SINQUEFIELD, SAMUEL, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. SHICK, LIEUT. FREDERICK. Certificate of John Habersham, Major Ga. Line, Sept. 29, 1784. Warrant 94. SITTON, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner, Sarah Sitton, prays bounty in Washington Co. STONE, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. SNELL, DAVID. Ex. order for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per certifi- cate annexed (missing), May 17, 1784. SIGMAN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1462. SIDMAN, JOHN SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 21, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28744 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 778. SHEFFEL, MARK. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. SKINNER, CAPT. ISAAC. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 9, 1784. Warrant 1492. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Warrant 909. SLEEKER, GEORGE. Certificate to GEO. SLEEKER, soldier of Camden Dist., S. C., May 10, 1784, Elijah Clarke, Col., Warrant 782. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. SMART, ROBERT. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Mar. 13, 1784. Warrant 780. SHIRLEY, JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 768. SMITH, ARTHUR. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., May 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1444. SMITH, ANDREW. Order of Ex. Council for 2 bounties of 287% acres each in Washington Co. as ber certificate annexed. May 17, 1784. il CORNELIUS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 14, 1784. Warrant 1439. SMITH, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. SMITH, SEER. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1441.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 161 SMITH, FRANCIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Co., April 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. SMITH, GEORGE. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. SMITH, ISRAEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SMITH, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 2, 1784—also signed by Capt. John Autrey. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. SMITH, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 21, 1784. Petitioner prays two bounties in Washington Co. SMITH, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1447. SMITH, JOHN SR. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. SMITH, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Gb. Lee, Ex. No. 420. SMITH, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. SMITH, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. SMITH, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. SMITH, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., April 1, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 757. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. SMITH, MOSES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Nov. 4, 1784. Warrant 756. SMITH, MAJOR BURRELL. Petition for bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 864. SMITH, NATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1442. 2d Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. SMITH, NATHANIEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1443.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 162 SMITH, REDICK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 24, 1784. SMITH, LIEUT. RANDOLPH of Capt. Thos. Dooly’s Co., Capt. John Dooly, July 31, 1784. Warrant 95. Also a certificate to John Tomberlin on same sheet. SMART. ROBERT, of 96 Dist. S. C., Petitions for bounty upon certificate an- nexed (missing). SMITH, SAMUEL. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. 2d Certificate as refugee soldier Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. SMITH, SIMON. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate to Sergeant Simon Smith, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 345 acres in Wash- ington Co. Warrant 281. SMITH, SAMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Sep. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1445. SMITH, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. SMITH, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Mar. 2, 1784. Said Thomas Smith of Virginia, having served in Ga. Troops and being desirous to settle in Georgia prays Head Rights of 600 acres in Washington Co., for self, wife, two children and five negroes. SMITH, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. SMITH, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. SMITH, THOMAS, JR. Ex. order for bounty as refugee soldier as per certifi- cate of Col. Clarke, (see above) March 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 755. SMITH, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1446. SMITH, THOMAS. Certificate as soldier in Minute Men, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714: acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 754. SPRADLING, JAMES. Power of attorney to Thos. Bush to draw his bounty upon certificate attached (missing) SPURLOCK, ROBERT. Certificate Wm. Candler, Col., refugee Regt., Feb. 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1461. SPURLOCK, ROBERT. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petition of Mary, widow of Robert Spurlock for 250 acres in Franklin Co. Certifi- cate calls him ‘““Major Robert Spurlock.” SPENCER, WILLIAM. Certificate of John Baker, Col., April 21, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1427.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 163 SPIKES, ELIAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, prays bounty in Washington Co. 1784. Petitioner SPIKES, JOSIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10 prays bounty in Washington Co. , 1784. Petitioner STATTEN, JOSEPH. Certificate of Jas McNeil, Col., Feb. 4, tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 1784. Peti- STANFORD, WILLIAM. Certificate of Benjamin Few, Col., Sep. 20, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co STAFFORD, SAMUEL, Washington Co. May 17, 1784. Petitioner Co. Order from Ex. Council for Survey of 287% acres in > prays exchange into Franklin STALLINGS, JOHN. Certificate 26, 1784. Warrant 1454. as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. STALLINGS, JESSE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784 STALLINGS, EZEKIEL. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, Feb. 24, 1784 (missing) Warrant 1455 STALLINGS, CAPT. FREDERICK. Petition of Hannah, widow of Capt Fred- erick Stallings for 575 acres in Washington Co. fo! self and only child Mary, upon certificate annexed (missing). STAPLER, JOHN. Certificate of Gb Lee, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. STEDMAN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., June 21 tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 781. , 1784. Peti- STEPHENS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of BE. Clarke, Col., Jan., 1785 740. Warrant STEVENS, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 27, 1784. Warrant 1433. STEPHENS, THOMAS. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 741. STEPHENS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certifi- cate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 11, 1785 Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. STEWART, JAMES. Certificate of E Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1453. STEWART, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., March 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co STEWART, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 25, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co.164 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. STEWART, ADJUTANT JAMES. His petition for 500 acres in Washington Co., as per certificate annexed (missing). STEWART, JAMES SR. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., Lib- erty Co. Militia, Mar. 3, 1784. Warrant 1452. 2d certificate of John Baker, Col., Jan. 20, 1785. STEWART, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., Jan. 20, 1785. STUART, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays through Holland Middleton, 287%’ acres in Washington Co. Warrant 607. STRAM, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant idions STIFF, WILLIAM. His petition (through Col. Francis Tennill) for 230 acres in the Reserve, as a soldier of the Ga. Continental Line. Warrant 6. STUDSTILL, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 29, 1785. War- rant 772. STRINGER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. War- rant 785. STROHACKER, RANDOLPH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Mar. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1467. STRONG, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Cols Emanuel Co. Militia, Mar, 9, 1784. Warrant 1428. STOAT, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Oct. 10, 1784. War- rant 771. STRIPLING, FRANCIS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb, 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. STANFORD, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. STANLEY, DEMPSEY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. STEWART, ISAAC. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. STALLINGS, LIEUT. JAMES. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Warrant 928. STALLINGS, CAPT. FREDERICK. (deceased). Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col. R. R. Warrant 908. STROZIER, PETER. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Col. E. Clarke, Mar. 25, 1784. Warrant 1435.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. STEED, PHILIP. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 762. STEED, EDWARD. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. War- rant 761. STONE, JOSHUA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. War- rant 766. STALL, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 747. SPALL, PETER. Certificate of E. Clanke, Lt. Gol, Jan. 3. 1785. War- rant 748. STALLINGS, FREDERICK. (Killed by the enemy) Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 17, 1784. SIMMONS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Also prays head rights of 850 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, 5 children and seven negro slaves. STALLINGS, EZEKIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. (no date). STANLEY, SHADRACK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Pe- titioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Desiring to remove from South Carolina to Georgia, he also prays head rights for self and six in family in Washington Co. STEVENS, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Mar. 27, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. STRENGTH, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Gb. Lee, Feb. 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. through Ignatius Few. STOCKS, BENTLEY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. SUMMERFORD, JACOB JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., May 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 765. SIOCUMB,. SETH. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1470. SALSBERY, THOMAS. Petition as a soldier in 2d Ga. Battalion, for 230 acres in the reserve, as per certificate of Jas. Pannill, Lt. Col. (missing), April 8, 1784. Warrant 196. For a consideration he sells grant to Geo. Mathews. STALLINGS, EZEKIEL. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Col. James Jackson (missing), Dec. 24, 1783. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Wash- ington Co. STALLINGS, FREDERICK. Petition of Hannah, widow, and Mary, only child of Frederick Stallings, for 287% acres in Washington Co. See certificate above.166 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. STALLINGS, LIEUT. JAMES. .Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Jas. Jackson, Dec. 1783 (missing). Upon Col. Jackson’s recommendation, granted 690 acres in Washington Co. STALLINGS, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., certificate annexed (missing), May 20, 1784. STALLINGS, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 26, 1784. Warrant 1454. STEADMAN, LIEUT. JAMES (deceased). Ex. order for bounty. Petition of David Reese for widow. STIRK, SAMUEL. Petitioner for 575 acres in Washington Co. as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). STOCKHAM, SETH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 16, 1784. Warrant 776. ‘ STONE, THOMAS. Order to surveyor to lay out 575 acres as bounty in Wash- ington Co. As per certificate. May 25, 1784. STRIPPLING, FRANCIS. Order to surveyor of Washington Co. to lay out 287% acres bounty as per certificate. STRONG, JOHN. Certificate of John Martin, Col., March 1, 1784. STROZIER, PETER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. SPIKES, NATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. STUART, CLEMENT. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 758. STEWART, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. STEWART, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. STEWART, CHARLES. Certificate of services as Lieut. of Capt. Walker’s Company of Minute Men, E. Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. STEWART, ADJUTANT JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., March 29, 1784. Petitioner prays 400 acres bounty. Warrant 271. STEWART, JOHN. (deceased). Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. James Stewart, executor prays bounty in Franklin Co. STEWART, COL. JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col, Petitioner prays bounty (800 acres) in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 167 STEWART, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. STEWART, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. STUART, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 759. STEDMAN, LIEUT. JAMES. Certificate of service in 4th Battalion Ga. Line; killed by the enemy near 96, South Carolina in 1780. John Habersham, Major, April 4, 1784. SHEFFIELD, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. Legion, April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. SULLAVAN, OWEN, SR. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Mar. 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. SULLIVAN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1466. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784 SULLIVAN, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 28, 1784. Warrant 1465. SUMMERS, DEMPSEY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 24, 1785. War- rant 744. SUMMERS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 24, 1785. War- rant 742 SUMMERS, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. War- rant 743. SUMMERFORD, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., May 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 764 SUMMERFORD, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., May 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 763. SUMMERLIN, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col. Jan. 24, 1785. Warrant 1436. SUMMERLIN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Benj. Few, Col., July 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres bounty. SALLET, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier (missing), with ex. order for bounty. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1432. hee TANYHILL, JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., March 25, 1784. War- rant 793. TUNUS, NEHEMIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% a rranklin Co168 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. TATE, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. TARVIN, GEORGE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TAYLOR, EDMUND. Certificate of Littleberry Moseley, Capt and Paymaster, May 5, 1785. TAYLOR, HENRY. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TAYLOR, CAPT. JAMES. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 22, 1784. Warrant No. 227 for 575 acres in Washington Co. TAYLOR, JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 29, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TAYLOR, JOSIAH. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. TAYLOR, RANDOLPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 27, 1784. Robert Taylor (brother) prays bounty on above certificate. Warrant 1497. TAYLOR, ROBERT JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. TAYLOR, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 22, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. TAYLOR, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., Ga. State Legion, April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TERONDEL, DANIEL. Order to surveyor of Franklin Co., to lay out 575 acres as bounty, June 6, 1785. TANKERFIELD, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 8, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. TANNER, JOEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 8, 1784. Petitioner sprays bounty in Washington Co. THORP, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., August 2, 1784. Warrant 1484. THEGOTT, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. War- rant 796. THORN, WILLIAM. Certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., Feb. 29, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. THORNTON. WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 17, 1784. Petitioner prays bounties in Franklin Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. THORNTON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. THORNTON, SOLOMON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. THOMAS, SERGEANT BENJAMIN. Certificate as soldier in Dragoons, signed by George Marbury. THOMAS, ALLEN. Augusta, Oct. 31, 1789. These are to certify that I have audited the claims and demands of Allen Thomas against the State of Georgia for services amounting to 2 pounds, 17 shillings; John Wereat, auditor. THOMAS, SERGEANT BENJAMIN. Petition for bounty as Sergeant in the Continental Line on certificate (missing). See above. THOMAS, GIDEON. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. THOMAS, SAMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., March 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. THOMPSON, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays on 2 above certificates 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1487 THOMPSON, ISHAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. THOMPSON, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. THOMPSON, JESSE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. THOMPSON, LABAN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 23, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Savannah, Nov. 10, 17S4e 1 have audited the claims of Laban Thompson against the State of Geor- gia, amounting to 2 pounds, 17 shillings for services. (signed) John Wereat, auditor. THOMPSON, PETER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. THOMPSON, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. THOMPSON, DRURY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1489. THOMPSON, ISHAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1491.170 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. THOMPSON, JAMES. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., Feb., 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. THOMPSON, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- titioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Waarrant 910. THOMPSON, CAPT. JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 500 acres in Franklin Co. THOMPSON, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. rant 1490. THOMPSON, PETER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- THOMPSON, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1492. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. THOMPSON, REUBEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. THOMPSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. Jackson, Col., Ga. State Legion, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. THOMPSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. THOMPSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays on two above certificates 575 acres in Franklin Co. THOMPSON, ZACHARIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. THOMAS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 790. THOMAS, JAMES, is THOMAS, PETER. THOMAS, GILSHOT. Certificate of Jas. McKay, Col., and John Twiggs, B. G., April 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 500 acres in Washington Co. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant Certificate of Jenkins Davis, Col., Mar. 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 500 acres in Washington Co. 2 Warrants. THORNTON, WILLIAM, Ex. order for bounty upon certificates of Col. E. Clarke, March 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 2874 acres in Washington Co. THORN, DAVID. Certificate of Lyman Hall, Gov., Dee. 31, 1783.171 THORN, DAVID. Certificate of Caleb Howell, Col., Jan. 16, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. THORN, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jenkins Davis, Lt. Col., Dec. 8, 1783. Warrant 1493. THREADGILL, GEORGE. Petition for 230 acres in the Reserve, as per certi- ficate annexed (missing). Granted Jan. 31, 1785. THREADGILL, CAPT. THOMAS. Petition for bounty of 690 acres in the Re- serve. Granted Jan. 31, 1785. THURMON, ABSOLEM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. THURMON, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784 Warrant 1483. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays both bounties in Washington Co. John Thurmon of Virginia prays 500 acres in Franklin Co. and 500 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, 4 children and 19 slaves. TEMPLE, CAPT. ANDREW. Petition of Edward Cowan, administrator of estate of the late Capt. Andrew Temple of the Ga. Line, for 920 acres for his heirs. THOMPSON, JESSE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec, 17, 1784. War- rant 795. THOMPSON, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785 Warrant 1486. THOMPSON, JOSHUA. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co THOMPSON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1473. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 20, 1784 (missing), with ex. order for bounty Pe- titioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant No. 3. TINE, HENRY. Petition stating he deserted the British and enlisted in the Continenta] Army, as per certificate annexed (missing). Prays 230 acres in Washington Co. TINDALL, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. Legion, Mar. 23, 1784. Petitioner (of Richmond Co.) prays 200 acres in Franklin Co. TINDALL, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. TODD, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. Legion, Sep. 18, 1784. TOLAR, DEMPSEY. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., April 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co.172 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. TOMLINSON, LIEUT. DAVID. Certificate of Wm. Ames, Capt., countersigned by Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 267. TOMME, JOSEPH. _Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TOMKINS, WILLIAM. Petition for bounty as per certificate of Col. Jas. McNeil, Jan. 12, 1784. (missing). THOMAS, JAMES. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. TORRENCE, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1469. TOWNS, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., March 13, 1784 (missing). Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 900 acres in Washington Co., having brought from South Carolina himself, wife, 10 children and 3 negroes. War- rant 799. TOWNSEND, HENRY. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Sep. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 550 acres in Washington Co. for self, wife, 5 children and one negro, coming from Camden Dist., S. C. TOWNSEND, THOMAS. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. TRAPP, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. TRAPP, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. and 2d bounty of 287% acres in Washington Co: TWEEDLE, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. TRIMBLE, MOSES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. TRAMMEL, DENNIS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Benjamin Few, Col., May 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TRUEMAN, GARRETT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 14, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. TRUEMAN, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. TUREMAN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. TRAYWICK, FRANCIS. House of Representatives, Feb. 21, 1785. The com- mittee to whom petition No. 40 was referred wherein Francis TraywickCERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 173 set forth that he was wounded in service and rendered incapable of sup- porting himself and family—The Committee are of opinion the prayer of petitioner should be granted; and the Governor be empowered to grant a warrant for same. Agreed to by Assembly. Extract from the Minutes. John Wilkinson, Sec. Gen. Assembly. Granted 500 acres. TROY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1496. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TROY, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. Warrant 798. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 800. TURNER, CHARLES. Certificate to Charles Turner from Brunswick Co., Va. as refugee soldier and died in the service, Isaac Hicks, Capt. 3rd Ga. Cont. Battalion, Jan. 27, 1784. Granted 200 acres in the Reserve. TURNER, CAPT. DAVID. Certificate as Capt-Lieut. of Capt. Morris’ Co. Ar- tillery and died in service Dec. 1778. John Habersham, Major Ga. Line, March 19, 1784. David Rees, executor of David Turner, late Capt-Lieut. in Ga. Continental Line of Artillery, prays 690 acres bounty. Warrant 97. FARRELL, JOHN. ee nes to certify that John Farrell, Thomas Tur- TURNER, THOMAS, SR. ;ner, Sr., Thomas Turner, Jr. Peter Turner and Den- TURNER, THOMAS, JR. i Turner were soldiers under me in Continental TURNER, PETER. Reet. Light Horse. Leonard Marbury, Lt. Col., Jan. TURNER, DENNIS. J24 1785. TURNER, GEORGE. Certificate of 3 years’ service in 3d Ga. Cont. Line, Francis Tennill, Col., Ga. Line, April 7, 1784. Warrant 203. TURNER, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan., 1785 Warrant 786. TURNER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 25, 1785. War- rant 787. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Warrant 1476. TURNER, NEHEMIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., March 29, 1784. Warrant 806. TURNER, SAMPSON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. TYNER, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. TURNER, GEORGE. Petition for 200 acres in Reserve as soldier in 3d Bat. Cont. Troops, State of Ga. As per certificate annexed (missing). TUC'’ER, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. W ar- rant 1494. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 warrants of 287% acres each in Washington Co.174 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. TUCKER, PASCHAL. Certificate as soldier in 3d Ga. Battalion, John Mce- Intosh, Lt. Col., 3rd Batt. April 30, 1785. Warrant 201. TUCKER, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 12, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. TRAPP, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Feb. 25, 1784. TUCKER, THOMAS, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. May. 10, 1784. War- rant 797 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres Washington Co. THOMAS TUCKER, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2871% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. PULLY, V/ILLIAM. Certificate as refugee, Francis Pugh, Col., March 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1495. TURKINETT, GEORGE. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., March 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. TURKINETT, HENRY. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. McNeil, Col., March 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. TRUEMAN, GEORGE. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. TWEDLE, JOHN. Certificate as Sergeant in 1st Ga. Battn.. George Handley, Capt. Ga. Regt., Feb. 25, 1784. Warrant 205. TWIGGS, BRIG. GEN. JOHN, Certificate of Gov. Houstoun, Feb. 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 38 grants of 500 acres, 500 acres and 437% acres in Wash- ington Co. Warrant 853. =e UPTON, EDWARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., Ga. State Legion, April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. UPTON, PHILIP. Certificate of Gb Lee, Col., March 11, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871 acres in Washington Co. UNDERWOOD, SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. sy VANCE, PATRICK. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. VANN, CADER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 16, 1784. War- rant 802.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 175 VAN ZANT, ISAAC. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Jan. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1505. VANN, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. VEAZEY, JAMES. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. VEAZEY, JACOB. Power of Atty. to Jere. Oates to draw his Bounty War- rant. VICKERS, SOLOMON, Certificate as soldier in 1st Battn. Ga. Cont. Troops and died in service of this State, Ignatius Few, Capt. Cont. Line. War- rant 206. VICKERS, THOMAS. Certificate of Greenberry Lee, Col., March 11, 1784 Pe- tetioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Ae WELLS, ANDREW. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug. 21, 1784. Warrant 1531. WELLS, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 11, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 27, 1784. WELLS, JOURDAN. Petitions of Benjamin and Jourdan Wells upon an- nexed certificates (missing) for 287% acres each in Washington Co. WELLS, SURGEON HUMPHREY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 2 1784. Endorsed by Jas. Jackson, Col., Ga, State Legion. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 13, 1784 Petitioner, Mrs. Abigail Wells, prays bounty in Washington Co. WELLS, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Dec 16, 1784. War- rant 829. WELLS, JOHN. Certificate of Asa Emanuel, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co . - wi +1 9 - Iotiti . WELLS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 898. 2d certificate Elijah Clarke, Col., June 28, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. of WELLS, MESHECK. Certificate of Joseph Pannill, Col., Feb. 3, 1784. War- rant 213. Elijah Clarke, Col., August Correy. WELLS, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, 24, 1784. On Sept. 7, 1784, petitioner transfers his rights to Robt Warrant 1530.176 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WADE, HEZEKIAH. Petition for 575 acres in Washington Co. upon certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., Feb. 1, 1784. (missing). WADE, JOHN. Certificate as refugee Soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. Feb. 21, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. War- rant 1539. WADE, NATHANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. Feb. 21, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co, War- rapt 1541. WADE, NEHEMIAH. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt., Feb. 21, 1784. WELBORN, DAVID. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WELBORN. EDWARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 29,1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WELBORN, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WEBSTER, ABNER. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WEBSTER, BENJAMIN. Certificate of 3 years service in 2d Ga. Cont. Battn. J. Stirk, Lt. Col., 2d Ga. Battn. Petitioner prays 200 acres in the Re- serve. Warrant 210. 2d certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 15, 1784. WEBSTER, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Sept. 8, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. WEBSTER, JONATHAN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 8, 1784. Pe- titioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WEBSTER, SAMUEL. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 849. WEBSTER, THOMAS. Certificate as drummer in Ga. Line, John Habersham, Major Ga. Line, Nov. 23, 1784. Petitioner, Peter Webster, prays 230 acres in the reserve. Warrant 217. WEBSTER, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty on certificate of Col. E. Clarke, March 25, 1784. (missing). Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WEATHERS, EDWARD. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 9, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WEBB, JESSE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1548. WEBB, JOHN. Certificate of service in 2d Co. Cont. Artillery of Ga. John Dollar, Capt. Talbot, Brig. Gen. March 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 230CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 177 acres in the reserve. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1550. WEBB, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1549. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Franklin Co. WAGONON, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WAGNON, JOHN MICHAEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1515. WAGNON, THOMAS. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Samuel Elbert, Feb. 13, 1784. (missing). Petitioner prays 230 acres in the re serve. Warrant 208. WAGNON, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WESTBROOK, LIEUT. STEPHEN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 690 acres in 2 certificates in Washington Co. Warrant 1508. WEST, CAPT. SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., July 16, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 914. WEST, MAJOR SAMUEL. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., 1st Regt. Cont. Line Ga. WEST, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WEST, JOHN. Certificate of James Jackson, Col., April 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WELBORN, CURTIS, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Jan. 29, 1785. Warrant 846. WELDEN, ANDREW. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WALLACE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col. Ga. St. Legion, March 26, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WALLIS, ABSOLEM. Petition as refugee soldier as per certificate annexed (missing). Prays 2 warrants of 287% acres each in Washington Co. WELCH, CALEB. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 1, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WELCH, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 11, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co.178 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WELCH, SERGEANT JOSHUA. Certificate of John Stewart, Col., April 20, 1784. Petition of Mrs. Mary Welch, widow, in the name of Nicholas Welch father of Joshua Welch, deceased. Warrant 280. WELCH, JOSHUA. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WELCHER, JOHN. Certificate of Col. Gb. Lee and Col. Benj. Few, April 6, 1784. Bounty granted in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Jas. Jackson, Cel., Sept. 18, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. WELCHER, JORDAN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Gb. Lee, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WAGNON, THOMAS. Certificate as soldier in 3d Ga. Cont. Line, J. P. Wagnon, Lt. 8d Ga. Regt. Endorsed by Samuel Elbert, Col. Comdg. Regt. WALKER, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1506. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1533. WALKER, EDWARD, } Certificate that Edward Walker and William, his WALKER, WILLIAM.{ son, served faithfully as refugee soldiers. Gb. Lee, Col., May 25, 1784. Each granted bounty in Washington Co. WALKER, DAVID. Power of Atty. to Jas. McNeil to receive his bounty. WALKER, ELISHA. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WALKER, ISAAC. Certificate as refugee soldier, Asa Emanuel, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WALKER, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., May 10, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co, Warrant 1532. WALKER, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WALKER, SILVANUS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2874 acres in Washington Co. Also prays head rights of 300 acres in Washington Co. on self, 3 children and 3 negroes. WALKER, CHAPLAIN SANDERS. Certificate of Col, E. Clarke, that he was enlisted as Chaplain by Col. Dooley, that he lost considerable property by the Tories—had twice left the State—that at Col. Clarke’s earnest solici- tation he returned to use his influence with Maddox Williams and Waters on behalf of the prisoners and distressed inhabitants—that he not only undertook the hazzardous enterprise, but was of signal service to his country in prosecuting the instructions given him. Certificate signed by Col. Clarke, Daniel Coleman and Geo. Walton. Petitioner prays 747% acres in Washington Co. WALKER, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. WALKER, WILLIAM SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WALKER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 26, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. WALKER, CAPT. WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Benj. Few. Col., Aug. 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 881. WALDEN, ROBERT. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 30, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. WOLICON, DANIEL, SR. Certificate of Jas. Martin, Col., April 13, 1784 WALLER, WILLIAM. Certificate of ————————. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WALSH, EDWARD. Petition for 690 acres in the reserve, as per certificate annexed. (missing). WOLICON, DANIEL. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 13, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co WALL, ARTHUR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1514. WALL, DAVID. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 817. WALL, JOHN. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 819. WATERS, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WELLS, JORDAN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. WICKMAN, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. Warrant 852. WILCHER, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WIDEMAN, ADAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1554. WILLIS, BRITTAIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. War- rant 844. WILLIS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 845. ; ~ ; ; 784. ti- WILLIS, ISAIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 10, 1784. Pe tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co.180 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WILLIE, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WILFORD, PHILIP. Certificate as Minute Man, E. Clarke, Col., Nov. 1784. Warrant 874. WILLIE, RICHARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 17, 1784. Petition of Joshua Inman, guardian, for Sarah, widow and James and Patty, orphans of Richard Willis, dec’d, for land in Washington Co. Warrant 1552. WILLIE, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 17, 1784. Petition of Joshua Inman for James Willie, nephew, and heir of Wm. Willie dec’d for land in Washington Co. Warrant 1551. WILLIAMS, BURTON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WILLIAMS, BUTLER. Certificate as Minute Man, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 815. WILLIAMS, CARROL. Ex. order for bounty as per certificate of Brig. Gen. Elbert, May 25, 1784. (missing). Petitioner prays 230 acres in the re- serve. WILLIAMS, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 230 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 813. WILLIAMS, FREDERICK. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WILLIAMS, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 28, 1784. War- rant 816. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 1, 1784. 3d certifi- cate as soldier in 1st Battn. Minute Men, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 9, 1784. Warrant 837. Petitioner prays 3 warrants, 787 acres in Washing- ton Co. WILLIAMS, JAMES. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. April 12, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col. April 5, 1784. War- rant 811. WILLIAMS, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WILLIAMS, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 9, 1784. Petitioner prays 287 Y%acres in Washington Co. WILLIAMS, JOHN. Certificate as soldier in 1st Battn. Minute Men, Elijah Clarke, Col., March 5, 1784.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 181 WILLIAMS, JOHN, 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 21, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WILLIAMS, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 29, 1785. War- rant 812. WILLIAMS, JOSHUA. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. WILLIAMS, LITTLETON. Littleton Williams of Virginia, through his friend, Capt. John Peter Wagnon of Chatham Co. prays bounty for services as soldier in the Ga. Line. WILLIAMS, NATHANIEL. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., June 21, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 814. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL. Certificate as refugee soldier. Capt. Green, endorsed by John Twiggs, B. G., April 26, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Wash- ington Co. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Oct. 10, 1784. War- rant 838. WILLIAMS, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WILLIAMS, THOMAS, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Warrant 810. WILLIAMS, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 5, 1784. 2d certificate of Col. McKay, endorsed by John Twiggs, B. G., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 warrants of 287% acres each in Wash- ington Co. WILDER, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WILDER, DREAD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WILDER, MALACHI. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WILDER, SAMPSON. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WILLEBY, WILLIAM. Certificate of Francis Tennill, Lieut. in 2d Regt., April 7, 1784. Warrant 214. WILLSON, ANDREW. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WILLSON, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 824. WILSON, HUGH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 827.182 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WILSON, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., July 23, 1784. Warrant 1513. WILSON, CAPT. JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WILSON, LIEUT. JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Cols Ref. Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 923. WILSON, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WILSON, ROBERT. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. War- rant 823. WILSON, ROBERT. Certificate as sergeant. Elijah Clark, Lt. Col., April 1, 1784, Warrant 270. WILSON, ROBERT. Certificate as sergeant. Elijah Clark, Lt. Col., April 1, prays bounty in Washington Co. WILSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 24, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WILSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 4, 1783. WILSON, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 25, 1785. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 25, 1785. WILKINS, DAVID. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 25, 1784. WILKINS, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. War- rant 821. WILKINS, GABRIEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., June 21, 1784. Pe- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 822. WILKINS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WILKINS, GABRIEL. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WILCASON, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Feb. 23, 1784. WINNINGHAM, ABNER. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WINNINGHAM, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres bounty. WISENOR, JOHN. Certificate of BE. Clarke, Lt. Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 851. WILLIAMSON, LIEUT. COL. MICAJAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 860.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 183 WILLIAMSON, MICAJAH, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co, WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 575 acres on 2 certificates in Washington Co. Warrant 1538. WILLIAMSON, LIEUT. CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 22, 1784. Petition of Susannah, widow of Charles Williamson, for 400 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 209. WILLIAMSON, GEORGE, Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1537. WILLIAMSON, LITTLETON. Certificate of Francis Tennill, Lieut, 2d Regt., countersigned by S. Elbert, Brig. Gen., Feb. 22, 1784. 2d certificate of Lt. Col. John McIntosh, March 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 230 acres in the reserve. Warrant 216. WAINWRIGHT, GEORGE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 21, 1784. 2d cer- tificate, same signature and date. Petitioner prays bounty in Washing- ton Co. WHIGGAM, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WIGGANE, WILLIAM, SR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co WIGGINS, WILLIAM, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. WIGGINS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 2871%4 acres in Washington Co. WIGGINS, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WINN, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. WINN, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah, Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784 WINN, JOSEPH. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., June 5, 1784. Warrant 1521. WINN, PETER. Certificate of John Baker, Col., Nov. 5, 1784. Warrant 1522. WINN, ROBERT. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. WISE, JAMES. Certifica‘: f Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co.184 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WISE, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., July 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. WINN, JOSHUA. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Wm. Candler, March 20, 1784. Warrant 1520. WISE, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. Warrant 1511. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. WILKERSON, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col. Sept. 17, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WILCASON, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Greenberry Lee, Aug. 20,1781. (missing). WILKINSON, WILLIAM. Power of attorney from Wm. Wilkinson of Meck- lenburg Co. Va., to Samuel Burnley of Liberty Co., Ga.; to secure his bounty for services as a soldier in 3d Continental Regt. Ga. State Troops, Jan. 1, 1785. Certificate endorsed by Isaac Hicks, Capt. 3d Ga. Continental Bat- talion. WOLECON, DANIEL, JR. This is to certify that I have issued to Danl. Wole- con, Jr., 2 certificates, Ist as a refugee soldier, 2d as a citizen. Jas. Mc- Neil, Col., April 10, 1784. Granted 575 acres. WOMACK, JESSE. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Oct. 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WOOD, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WOOD, CHRISTOPHER. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 11, 1784. Pe- titioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WOOD, HENRY. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baxter, Col., Feb. 21, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1527. WOOD, CORPORAL JAMES. Certificate of service in 3d Ga. Regt. Nat. Peavie, Lieut., endorsed by Lachlan McIntosh, Brig. Gen., Jan. 29, 1784. Warrant 207. WOOD, JAMES. Certificate as Lieut. in Minute Men, Elijah Clarke, Col., March 16, 1784. WOOD, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WOOD, JOSHUA. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., March 22, 1784. Warrant 1528. WOODS, JOSHUA, JR. Certificate of John Stewart, Col., June 21, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 835. WOODS, JOSHUA, SR. Certificate of John Stewart, Col., July 27, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 836.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 185 WOODS, JOSEPH. Certificate as paymaster Ist Ga. Regt., Lachlan McIntosh, Brig. Gen., July 1, 1784. Endorsed by Maj. Handley and Col. John Melton. Warrant 84. WOODS, RICHARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col., March 25, 1784. Warrant 1526. WOOD, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. 2d certt- ficate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 16, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. WOODRUFF, JOSEPH. Certificate as Major of Artillery, John Martin, Col., Feb. 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 650 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 869. WALLER, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 18, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WOOTEN, ROBERT. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 6, 1784. WOOTEN, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WOOTEN, LIEUT. THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WARDMAN, JACOB. Certificate of E. Clarke, Lt. Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 848. WRIGHT, ABENDAGO. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col. 2d certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 grants of 575 acres in all, in Washington Co. WOODSWORTH, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 17, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. WRIGHT, HABAUK. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col. Regt. Petitioner prays 2 bounties in Washington Co. Warrant 1525. WRIGHT, JAMES. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. WRIGHT, JOHN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WRIGHT, ISAIAH. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 5, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WRIGHT, MESHACK. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col. Ref. Regt. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1524. WRIGHT, SHADRACK. Certificate that he enlisted as Captain in Ist Ga. Continental Line and died in service. Lachlan McIntosh, Maj. Gen., Feb. 3, 1784. 300 acres granted heirs of Shadrack Wright, Warrant 39.186 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WYCHE, GEORGE. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 11, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WYCHE, SAMUEL. Petition for 250 acres in Washington Co., as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). Power of attorney from Batt Wyche, heir of Saml, Wyche, deceased, to Capt. Hugh Magee, to draw bounty. WARD, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WARD, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WARNOCK, JESSE. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WARREN, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 21, 1784. War- rant 1535. WEREAT, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., May, 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres as a soldier and a citizen, in Washington Co. WASONE, JOHN PALMER. Certificate of Boykin, Major, Dec. 10, 1783. WATERS, RAWLEY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 830. WADE, NEHEMIAH. Certificate of Wm. Candler, Col., Feb. 20, 1784. Warrant 1540. WALLS, FRANCIS. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 818. WALTON, CAPT. GEORGE, Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 913. 2d certificate as refugee Captain, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays on 2 above certificates 8621%4 in two surveys in Washington Co. WALTON, LIEUT. GEORGE, JR. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 98. 2d certificate to Lieut. Geo. Walton Jr., Lachlan Mc- Intosh, Maj. Gen., March 18, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Wash- ington Co. WALTON, NEWELL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1536. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. WALTON, ROBERT. Petition for 287% acres in Franklin Co. as per certifi- cate annexed (missing). Granted May 17, 1784. WALTHOUR, ANDREW. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., March 15, 1784. Warrant 1560. 2d certificate of John Baker, Col., May 19, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WALLIS, ABSOLEM. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 16, 1784. Warrant 1559. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., Feb. 16, 1784.WALLER, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WALLIS, CHARLES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 25, 1785. WALLIS, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WALLACE, WILLIAM. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke, Feb. 20, 1784. (missing). Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WALLER, JEREMIAH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WALSH, MAJOR EDWARD. Certificate of Col. Seth Cuthbert and Brig. Gen. S. Elbert, March 15, 1784. Warrant 20. WALSH, MAJOR PATRICK. This is to certify that Major Patrick Walsh, Ga. Regt. Light Dragoons is entitled to a bounty of 600 acres of land. J. Hous- toun, Gov., June 4, 1784. Warrant 21. WALTER, JOSEPH. Order of John Habersham, Pres. Ex. Council, to Suveyor of Washington Co. to lay out a bounty of 230 acres for Joseph Walter, soldier—a deserter from the British. May 17, 1784. WATERS, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Benj. Few. Col., July 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WATTS, GEORGE. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 842. WATTS, JACOB. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 841. WARD, BENJAMIN. Petition for bounty in Washington Co. upon certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. (missing). WARD, CHARLES. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Twiggs, B. G., April 14, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WARD, HUGH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 834. WARD, JOHN. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Jan. 3, 1785. Warrant 833. WARDEN, JOHN. Certificate as surgeon of the Ga. Line (signature and date gone). Petitioner prays 800 acres in the reserve. Warrant 36. WARE, ROBERT. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke, March 25, 1784. Petitioner, an emigrant from Caroline Co. Va., also prays head rights of 1,000 acres in Washington Co. on self and 24 in family. WATSON, BENJAMIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WATSON, GEORGE. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co.188 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WATSON, JACOB. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., June 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 839. WATSON, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 21, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 840. 2d certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WATSON, THOMAS. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WATSON, ELEVIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1553. WAY, EDWARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., March 22, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1546. WAY, JOSEPH. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., March 22, 1784. Warrant 1545. WAY, JOSEPH. This is to certify that Joseph Way, son of Thomas, was a good soldier under me, John Baker, Col., April 14, 1785. Warrant 1544. WAY, JOHN, SR. Ex. order for two bounties on certificate of Col. John Baker, June 1, 1784. (missing). Petitioner prays two warrants in Franklin Co. Warrant 1542. WAY, JOHN, JR. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. John Baker, April 21, 1784 (missing). As refugee soldier. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1548. WAY, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, John Baker, Col., June 5, 1784. Warrant 1547. WHATLEY, MICHAEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. Petitioner further prays (as former citizen of North Carolina) on 9 head rights, 200 acres in Franklin Co. and 250 acres in Washington Co. WHATLEY, SAMUEL. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. War- rant 1558. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays warrants for 575 acres in Washington Co. WHATLEY, RICHARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WHATLEY, RICHARD, SR. Certificate of John Cunningham, Lt. Col., Aug. 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1557. WHATLEY, WALTON. Certificate as refugee soldier, BE. Clarke, Col., August 19, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1556. WHEAT, HEZEKIAH. Certificate as refugee soldier, E. Clarke, Col. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1507.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 189 WHEAT, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. WHEELER, ZACHARIAH. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WHERE, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., R. R. C. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1510. WARE, HENRY, SR. Cetificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 12, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WARE, HENRY, JR. Ex order for bounty upon certificate of Col. E. Clarke, March 25, 1784. (missing)). Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WARE, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WARE, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 1519. WARE, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. WARE, WILLIAM. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WHITT, RICHARD. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 850. WHITBY, THOMAS. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Keb: 2) 1784. 92d cer- terficate of Gb. Lee, Col., March 15, 1784 Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WHITMORE, JONATHAN. Petition of John Frazier, Atty. for Humphrey Whit- more, administrator of estate of Jonathan Whitmore, dec’d who served in 3d Battalion Ga. Infantry, for bounty for heirs of 230 acres in Wash- ington Co. WHITE, DEMPSEY. Petition for 287% acres in Washington Co. as per cer- tificate annexed (missing). Warrant 2774. Certificate of James Jackson, Col., Ga. State Legion, March 26, 1784. WHITE, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1555. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784. WHITE, JOSEPH. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug. 9, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WHITE, CAPT. JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Aug. 4, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 880. WHITE, NICHOLAS. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Lt. Col., July 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co.190 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WHITE, THOMAS. Certificate of Wm. Few. for Gb. Lee, Col., July 23, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. WAGONER, HENRY. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 20, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Washington Co. WHITESIDES, JOHN. Ex. order for bounty upon certificate of Col. Clarke, (missing). March 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. WHITICEL, DR. JOHN. This is to certify that Dr. John Whiticel of South Carolina was a refugee, and did many singular services in my camp for my regiment, and I recommend a bounty for him. Elijah Clarke, Col., May 20, 1784. Referred by Land Court to Legislature for action. WHITSET, JOHN. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 24, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. Warrant 1516. WHITTON, ROBERT. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 28744 acres in Washington Co. WHITTON, AUSTIN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., and Capt. Martin, May 25, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Franklin Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 23, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant &32. WHITTON PHILIP. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. Warrant 831. WHITTINGTON, CORNELIUS. Certificate of Jas. Mc.Neil, Col., March 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. WHATLEY, EDWARD. Certificate of Jas. Jackson, Col., July 19, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. WHITAKER, CAPT. JOHN. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays bounties of 575 acres in Franklin Co. Warrant 912. WHITAKER, SAMUEL, Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Sept. 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. WILDS, CHARLES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Gb. Lee, Col., April 17, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. —(— YARBOROUGH, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., June 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. YARBOROUGH, JAMES. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 24, 1784. War- rant 808. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co.CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 191 YARBOROUGH, LITTLETON. Certificate as refugee Soldier, James Jackson, Lt. Col., March 22, 1784. Petitioner prays Bounty in Washington Co. YARBOROUGH, THOMAS. Certificate as refugee soldier, Asa Emanuel, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. YARBOROUGH, WILLIAM. Certificate of E. Clarke, Col., June 24, 1784. Peti- tioner prays bounty in Franklin Co. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., Nov. 16, 1784. Warrant 1500. YARBOROUGH, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Sept. 8, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Franklin Co YARBOROUGH, WILLIAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 1785. YORK, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col. Feb. 2, 1784 Warrant 1499. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres bounty. YORKE, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Lt. Col., April 24, 1784. War- rant 809. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., May 24, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. YORK, JOHN. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Warrant 1495. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. Petitioner prays 2 war- rants—500 acres—in Franklin Co. YOUNG. EDWARD. Certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1502. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co YOUNG, EDWARD. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept. 8, 1784. 2d cer- tificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Sept, 8, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. YOUNG, EDWARD. Certificate as soldier in Minute Men, Samuel Jack, Col., April 26, 1784 Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co War- rant 803. YOUNG, WILLIAM. Certificate as soldier in Minute Men, Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Warrant 804. 2d certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 4, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. YOUNG, WILLIAM. Certificate as refugee soldier. Elijah Clarke, Col., April 19, 1784. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 11, 1785. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. YOUNG, DANIEL. Certificate as Lieutenant, Elijah Clarke, Col., Feb., 20, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. 2d certificate to Lieut. Daniel Young, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7 ,1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 270.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 192 YOUNG, ISHAM. Certificate as soldier in Minute Men, E. Clarke, Lt. Col., April 7, 1784. Warrant 805. 2d certificate as refugee soldier, Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. Warrant 1503. YOUNG, ISHAM. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 7, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. YOUNG, JAMES. Certificate of John Twiggs, B. G., March 4, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. YOUNG, JAMES. Certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., April 24, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Franklin Co. YOUNG, JOHN, JR. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 807. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Dec. 10, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. YOUNG, JOHN, SR. Certificate of Samuel Jack, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 250 acres in Washington Co. Warrant 806. 2d certificate of Elijah Clarke, Col., Jan. 27, 1785. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. YOUNGBLOOD, ABRAHAM. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 3, 1784. Petitioner prays bounty in Washington Co. YOUNGBLOOD, ISAAC. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., April 3, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. YOUNGBLOOD, JAMES. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Feb. 2, 1784. YOUNGBLOOD, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., May 28, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 28714 acres in Washington Co. YOUNGBLOOD, JOHN. Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Sep. 16, 1784. YOUNGBLOOD, JONATHAN. Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., Feb. 23, 1784. Peti- tioner prays 287144 acres in Washington Co. YOUNGBLOOD, PETER. Certificate as soldier in 1st Battn. Ga. Troops, Jas. McNeil, Col., March 21, 1784. Warrant 1501. 2d Certificate of Jas. McNeil, Col., Mar. 15, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington Co. Se ZACHARY, JAMES. Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Barnett, Capt. and Jas. McNeil, Col., April 6, 1784. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Wash- ington Co. ZETTLER, NATHANIEL. Power of attorney to Capt. Jenkins to secure cer- tificate “For me and my brother” for land granted us by the General Assembly for services. ZINN, JACOB: Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Ref. Regt. Petitioner prays 287% acres in Washington Co. Warrant 1562.EXPLANATORY. EXPLANATORY. HEAD-RIGHTS AND LOTTERY LAND GRANTS OF GEORGIA. There are two characters of land in this State; one known as Head-Rights, the other as Lottery Lands. All of that territory of the State lying west of the Savannah River, and extending to the Apalachie and Oconee rivers, and also all lands east of orig- inal Wayne County, extending to the Atlantic Ocean, are known as Head-Right Lands. Grants to the same were first issued by the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia, under and by authority of King George the Third, of England; also by John Reynolds, Henry Ellis and James Wright, Governors of the Colony, under and by same authority During Henry Ellis’ administration as Governor of the Colony, there was a good deal of dispute about the titles made by the Lord proprietors of Carolina, v-ho claimed a considerable territory of the Colony of Georgia. He caused the following Act to be passed: “An Act for establishing and confirming the titles of the several inhabitants of this Province to their respective lands and tenements. “Forasmuch as many suits and contests may arise by means of pretended ancient titles to lands and tenements derived from and under the late Lord pro- prietors of Carolina, the conditions of which titles have not been complied with, and the lands have since been re-granted, for remedy and prevention thereof, “Be it enacted, That all and every person or persons, that are now POSs- sessed of, or do hold any lands or tenements whatsoever within the said Prov- ince of Georgia, by and under grants from the late Honorable Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, or by and under grants from his Majesty, cbtained since the surrender of his charter of the said Trustees, are hereby established and confirmed in the possession of their several and respective lands and tenements; and such grants thereof are hereby accordingly ratified and confirmed, and declared to be good and valid to all intents and purposes vy hatsoever, against all, and all manner of persons claiming any estate or in- terest therein, by and under the said Lords proprietors of Carolina, or by or under any former grants obtained before the date of his Majesty’s charter to said Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, any Act, law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding. “By order of the Upper House: “PATRICK HOUSTON. “By order of the Common House: “DAVID MONTAIGUT, Speaker. “Council Chamber, 24th September, 1759. “Assented to, HENRY ELLIS.” This Head-Right territory, extending from Camden County to the south line of Wilkes County, was divided up during the Colonial period of Georgia, into parishes, viz.: Christ Church, St. Andrew, St. David, St. George, St. James,194 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. St. John, St. Mary, St. Mathew, St. Patrick, St. Paul, St. Philip, and St. Thomas. After our independence the parishes were abolished and the territory divided up into counties. There was passed at Savannah on the 7th day of June, 1777, “An Act for opening a land office, and for the better settling and strengthening this State.” Tnder this Act every free white person, or head of a family, was entitled to two hundred acres of land, and for every other white person of same family, fifty acres of land, and fifty acres for every negro owned by said family, not to exceed ten. This Act has been amended several times by the General Assembly, so any person, resident of the State, could head-right and have granted thim, not ex- ceeding one thousand acres of land (unless by special act of the Legislature). The bounties of the Revolutionary soldiers were paid for their services in this Head-Right territory; most of them in the counties of Washington and Franklin. An Act passed August 20th, 1781, entitled, ‘An Act to amend the several Acts for the better regulation of the militia of this State.’ Section 8 reads as follows: ‘And, Whereas, numbers of persons are daily absenting themselves and leaving their fellow citizens to encounter the difficulties of the present crisis, Be it enacted, etc., That any person or persons who shall produce a cer- tificate from the commanding officer of the district to which he belongs, to the Legislature (on the total expulsion of the enemy from it), of his having stead- fastly done his duty from the time of passing this Act, shall be entitled to two hundred and fifty acres of good land (which shall be exempt from taxes for the space of ten years thereafter); Provided, such person or persons can not be convicted of plundering or distressing the country.” Also, “An Act for opening the land office, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” passed 17th February, 1783. Section 2, “Be it therefore enacted, That in case any officer or soldier or other person, claiming under such engage- nents as aforesaid, shall produce a certificate from his Honor the Governor, for the time being, that a tract of land is, or are due to him, that then such officer, soldier or other person, shall be entitled to a warrant and grant for any unlocated lands (agreeable to the quantity contained in this certificate) within this State.” Section 14 (same Act), “All the officers and soldiers, all the officers and Inarines of the navy, officers of the medical department, refugees and citizens, who are entitled to land in this State, as bounties for their service, in manner as above mentioned, shall be entitled to have included in their grants an addi- Uonal quantity of fifteen acres to each hundred acres in full for and in lieu of any exemption of taxes. And every Act, and clause of an Act, allowing such exemption from taxation, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed, and de- clared null and void, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.” All soldiers were entitled to 250 acres of good land, free of taxes, for ten years. Under the above section he could have granted him 15 per cent more land, making 28714 acres, and commence to pay taxes on same. Section 2 of the Act of February 17th, 1783, was amended so all officers, soldiers, seamen, ete., could present their certificates of service from theirEXPLANATORY. commanding officer to the land court, at Augusta, Georgia, instead of to the Governor Section 9 of an Act passed February 22, 1785, reads as follows “Be it therefore enacted by authority aforesaid, That in future, all and every person or persons whatsoever, who conceive himself and themselves entitled to a bounty, shall Jay his or their vouchers or credentials before the said Land Court, where they apply for the same: on a full consideration of all circum stances respecting the petitioner, either grant or reject the application. as coming or not coming within the scope and intention of the several laws of this State for granting bounties, and as no surveys of land due as bo ies from this State shall be allowed, unless brought in and claimed within on: ear from and after the passing of this Act The above Act in regard to bounties w amended by bsequent legisla tion, relieving bounty warrants of being returned within the period of on year, but declaring bounty warrants never out of date But an Act passed December 10t) 1818, entitied, “An Act to lin time for persons to take out their grants in this State so far as relates to land surveyed on Head-Rights and bounty warrants.” Section 2 (of said Act) reads as follows: ‘“‘The time hereafter to be allowed to persor 10 may hereafter have any land surveyed in this State, on Head-Right or bounty, shall be thre years from tihhe time of making such survey and in « e of failure of neglect to take out the grant, it shall revert and become the property of the State, and be subject to be surveyed and granted to any person or persons, who aré hereby authorized to survey the same; Provided, nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to operate against or prejudice the claim of any orphan or orphans.” This Head-Right territory of the State consists now of thirty-five (35) counties, viz Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Camden, Chatham, Clarke, Columbia, Kifingham, Elbert, Emanuel, Franklin, Glascock, Glynn, Greene, Hancock, Hart, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, half of Laurens, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, Mc- Duffie, McIntosh, half of Montgomery, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Richmond, Screven, Taliaferro, Tattnall, Warren, Washington and Wilkes. LOTTERY LANDS. There were five different lotteries of land authorized by the General As- sembly of the State, viz.: 1805, 1820, 1821. 1827 and 1831 All that territory of the State situated between the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers was first purchased from the Indians and disposed of by lottery in 1805 In this lottery every white man, widow and orphan, resident of this State, was entitled to one draw, and every Revolutionary soldier was entitled to two draws This territory at the time of survey, was covered by only two original coun- ties—Baldwin and Wilkinson It was divided into districts, and each district numbered, each district was sub-divided into land lots, and each land lot numbered and contained 202% acres each, except fractional parts of lots occurring on the rivers.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. This territory is now divided up into thirteen (13) different counties, viz.: Baldwin, part of Bibb, Dodge, Jasper, Jones, Laurens, half of Montgomery, Morgan, three-fourths of Pulaski, Putnam, Telfair, Twiggs and Wilkinson. All that territory of the State lying south of the Altamaha River to the Florida line and west of said river to the Chattahoochee river, after purchase from the Indians, was also divided into districts, and each district sub-divided into land lots. The land lots of original Appling and Irwin contain 490 acres each, and land lots of original Early contain 250 acres each. These lands were disposed of by lottery in 1820. This territory was covered by only three orig- inal counties at the time of survey and lottery, viz.: original Appling, Early and Irwin—divided since into twenty-four counties, viz.: Appling, one-fourth of Charlton, Clinch, Coffee, Echols, Pierce, Ware, three-fourths Wayne, Berrien, Brooks, Colquitt, Irwin, Lowndes, one-half of Thomas, three-fourths of Wilcox, three-fourths of Worth, Baker, Calhoun, part of Clay, Decatur, Dougherty, Rarly, Miller, and Mitchell. The land lots of original Gwinnett, Hall, Rabun and Walton, of 20214 acres each, were also disposed of by lottery in 1820. All the territory of the State lying north of original Irwin extending from Ocmulgee River west to the Flint River, after purchase from the Indians, was laid out into districts, and each district sub-divided into land lots of 202% acres and disposed of by lottery in 1821. At the time of lottery this territory was covered by only five counties; original Dooly, Houston, Monroe, Henry, and Fayette. Since that date it has been divided up into twenty-one different counties, viz.: Dooly, one-fourth of Fulaski, one-fourth Wilcox, one-half Worth, one-half Bibb, Crawford, Houston, one-fourth Macon, one-fourth Butts, Monroe, Pike, one-half Spalding, Upson, Clayton, DeKalb, Fayette, part of Fulton, Henry, Newton, Rockdale and Camp- bell counties. All that territory of the State north of original Early county and lying be- tween the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers, composing the five original coun- ties of Lee, Muscogee, Troup, Coweta, and Carroll, after purchase from the Indians, was also divided into districts and each district sub-divided into land lots of 202% acres and disposed of by lottery in 1827. This territory, since the lottery, has been divided up into twenty-two different counties, viz.: part Clay, I.ee, part Macon, Quitman, Randolph, part Schley, Stewart, Sumter, Terrell, Vebster, three-fourths Chattahoochee, part Harris, Marion, Muscogee, Talbot, Taylor, part Heard, Meriwether, Troup, Coweta, Carroll, part Douglas, and three-fourths Haralson counties. The remaining territory of the State lying north of the Chattahoochee river, bounded on the west by the State of Alabama and north by the States of Tennessee and North Carolina, is known as the “Cherokee Purchase.” After purchase from the Cherokee Tribe of Indians it was laid out into sections, numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. These sections were sub-divided into districts, nine miles square, and each district subdivided into square land lots of forty, and one hundred and sixty acres each. At the time of survey the forty-acre lots were supposed to contain gold and are known as “gold lots.” The one hundred and sixty acre-lots are known as “land lots.”EXPLANATORY. 197 The “Cherokee Purchase” is now covered by twenty-three different coun- ties, viz.: Bartow, Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Cobb, Dade, Dawson, part Douglas, Floyd, Forsyth, Gilmer, Gordan, part Haralson, Lumpkin, Milton, Murray, Pauling, Pickens, Polk, Towns, Union, Walker, and Whitfield counties. Grants to a great many lots in the different lotteries were not taken out by the fortunate drawers, although the State extended the time by appropriate legislation several times, and the land lots finally reverted to the State by Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia. These lots were then sold to different parties and regranted PHILIP COOK Copied from “Historical Collections of the Joseph Habersham Chapter, D. A R.,” Vol. I, pages 303-309.THE REVOLUTION. ROSTER OF THE LE CONTE LIST. BOUNTY SURVEYS RECORDED BY THE SURVEYOR GENERAL AND PRESERVED IN THE OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, ATLANTA, GA. Copied 1911, by Wm. L. Le Conte and Presented to the State. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK A. GREEN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N., BE. & S. un- known, W. by academy land. No. 330, July 3rd, 1784. Warrant No. 2658. Dy LZ: DAVIS, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. by Johnson, S. by academy land, W. vacant lot 291. Warrant No. 2034, June 26th, 1784. p. 114. PITTMAN, TIMOTHY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & EB. vacant, S. by Peter Watson, W. by Oconee river, lot —. Warrant No. 1873, June 2, 184. yp: SHIELDS, ANDREW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. by Bacon’s land, W. by Oconee river, lot 314. Warrant —, May 17, 1784. p: 122: MARGANTON, ASA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. by Pannill, W. by Oconee river, lot 360, July 6, 1784. p. 122. i) BACON, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. by Morganson, W. by Oconee river, lot 318, May 17, 1784. p. 123. CHILDERS, DAVID. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. surveyed, W. Oconee river, lot 321. Mayet, slis4as paet24 SHIELDS, ANDREW. 287% acres, (2d bounty) Washington Co., bounded N., KH. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, lot 323. June, 21st, 1784. p —. EVANS, DANIEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Hezekiah, Beal, W. vancant, lot 253. May 17, 1784. p. —. ROWELL, EDWARD. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Howell Rowell, E. vacant, S. Jacob Bugg, W. Oconee river, lot 390. June 9th, 1784, p. 132. FORT, OWEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. Jones, W. vacant, lot 259. May 17, 1784. ps 133: KELLY, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Simmons, E. vacant, S. Walker, W. Oconee river, lot 269. June 5, 1784. De Ls WILDS, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, EB. Samuel Wilson, S. & W. Oconee river, lot 272. May 17, 1784, p. 138.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 199 BEAL, HEZIKIAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Daniel Evans, E., S. & W. vacant, lot 274. June 8th, 1784. p. 139. BESONS, PETER. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N., BE. & W. vacant, S. James Harrison, lot 275. July 2, 1784. p. 139. HARRIS, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Peter Beson, E. & S. vacant, W. Limestone creek, lot 276. May 17, 1784. p. 139. LEVERETT, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Benj. Catch- ings, E. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, lot 374. May 17, 1784. p. 141. FINDLEY, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides, by vacant lands, lot 377. June 17, 1784. p. 142 PHILLIPS, ZACHARIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, BE. Leggett and Phillips, S. Oconee river, W. Jacob Landers, lot 381. Sur- veyed May 17, 1784. p. 144. DAVIS, LEWIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Arthur Fort, S. Ogeechee river, W. James Bowers, lot 382. May 17, 1784, p. 143. NIELS, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. by Thos. Snelson, other sides, vacant, lot 383. May 17, 1784. p. 145 JONES, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jones swamp, E by Richard Bowie, S. & W. vacant, lot 384. May 17, 1784. p. 145 BUGG, NICHOLAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s swamp, E. Jesse Morgan, S. & W. vacant, lot 430. May 17, 1784, p. 145. GALASPY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ogeechee river other sides vacant, lot 386. May 17, 1784, p. 145. BOWIE, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Lewis Davis, S. Ogeechee river, W. vacant, lot 389. May 17, 1784. p. 146 SHADDOCKS, THOMAS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded on all sides by vacant lands, lot 388 Warrant 567 May 17, 1784 p. 146 MORGAN, JESSE. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s swamp, EK. surveyed, S. vacant, W. Nich. Bugg, lot 390. Warrant 1911 May 17, 1784. p. 147 BOWIE, REASON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s swamp, KE. vacant, S. Wiliam Jones, W. John Jones, lot 391 Warrant 21670 Maye iit, 17845 ps 47. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, EK. & W. surveyed, crossed by Williamson’s swamp, lot —. Warrant 888. May. 17.0 178445 p= V4i7- WHERE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. swamp, E. John Roberts, S. vacant, W. Harris, lot 393. Warrant 1833. May 17, 1784. p. 148.200 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. KENDALL, JEREMIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N., E. & S. vacant, W. William Glascock, lot 394. Warrant 1460. May 17, 1784. ». 148. McMULLEN, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N E. & § E. vacant, N W, Oconee river, S W. Simmons, lot 440. Warrant 70. May 7 usa: Dey LAs: JACKSON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wilkes Co. line, other sides vacant, lot 401. Warrant 1907. May 17, 1784. p. 148. JACKSON, REUBEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. by Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 403. Warrant 2097. May 17, 1784. p. 152. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides by vacant lands, lot 406. Warrant 430. May 17, 1784. p. 158. YOUNG, DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. John Oliver, other sides vacant, lot 407. Warrant 104. May 17, 1784. p. 153. STOCKS (OR STOKES), BENTLEY. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Anthony Metcalf, E. & S. vacant, W. David Shaffer, lot 409. Warrant 1160. May 17, 1784. p. 154. HAMMET, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. M. William: son, HE. vacant, W. Dukes, lot 410. Warrant 716. May 17, 1784. p. 154. PATTERSON, GIDEON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Shaffer, W. by College lands, other sides vacant, lot 411. Warrant 2306. May 17, S45. spe 55: DUKE, JOHN TAYLOR. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Elijah Clarke, S. Jno. Heard, W. M. Williamson, lot 412. Warrant 599. June 8, 1784. p. 155. DUKE, JOHN TAYLOR, SR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Hammock, E. M. Williamson, lot 413. Warrant 2208. May 17, 1784, p. 155. DUKE, JOHN TAYLOR. 287% acres, (2d bounty) Washington Co., bounded N. College lands, E. vacant, S. Williamson, W. Hammock, lot 414. Warrant 1631. May 17, 1784, p. 156. SULLIVAN, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides by va- cant lands, bisected by Shoulderbone Ck., lot 460. Warrant 1551. June 6, S45 ps 156" SHAFFER, DAVID. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. by Wiliam Brown, EH. Bentley Stokes, S. Geo. Patterson, W. College lands, lot 416. Warrant 2360. May 17, 1784. p. 156. BROWN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. David, Shaffer, KE. Shoulderbone Ck., W. Anthony Metcalf, lot 417. Warrant 1749. June 7, W845 op. L577.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 201 BRAIDY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Danza Met- calf, E. Richard Call, S. James Alexander, W. vacant, lot 418. Warrant 2646. June 9, 1784. p. 157. PHELPS, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co. bounded all sides by vacant lands, lot 473. Warrant 1309. July 25, 1784. p. 172 WATSON, PETER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. by Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 474. Warrant 767. May 17, 1784, p. 172 LEGET, ABNER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Morgan, S. Academy lands, W. vacant, lot —. Warrant 1072. June 27th, 1784. p. 172. AUTREY, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. John Holmes, E vacant, S. John Wiggins, W. Henry Allison, lot 476. Warrant 965. June Wie ies. Ds Lis MARSHALL, SOLOMON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. John Cowles, & Youngblood, S. Jesse Harris, W. Autrey, lot . Warrant 1046. June 25, 1784. p. 173. E. Solomon, S. vacant, W. John & Alexander Autrey, lot 479. Warrant 1177. June 22, 1784. p. 174. BUCKNER, HARRIS. 575 acres, Washington Co bounded N. Henry Anglin, HOLMES, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides by vacant lands, lot 479. Warrant 2458. June 5, 1784. p. 174. HARRIS, WALTER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 481. Warrant 787. June 3rd, 1784. p. 174 ALISON, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jacob Autrey, E. Kendrick, S. & W. vacant, lot 483. Warrant 2653. June 2, 1784. p. 17d. WHIGGAMS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Alex- ander Autrey, S. Kendrick, W. Jacob Autrey, lot 484. Warrant 1181. June 16, 1784. p. 175 BUGG, JERE, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jno. Beckham, S. Altamaha river, lot 337. Warrant 282. June 3, 1784. p. 189. HATCHER, ARCHIBALD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Bugg, lot 339. Warrant 1085. June 5th, 1784. p: 1590: TAYLOR, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 580. Warrant 55. June 5th, 1784. p. 190. BURCH, EDWARD. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Charles Burch, S. & W. vacant, lot 341. Warrant 2150. June 5th, 1784. Dp: L9t. BURCH, CHARLES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 343. Warrant 2444. June 5, 1784, p. 191.202 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BOYD, EDWARD. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Will Thompson, W. Oconee river, lot 343. Warrant 868. June 23, 1784 p. 191. WILLIAMS, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 346. Warrant 1914. June 5th, 1784. p. 192. RAZOR, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Edward Boyd, W. Altamaha river, lot 347. Warrant 186. June 23rd, 1784. p. 193. RICE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jeremiah Bugg, W. Altamaha river, lot 348. Warrant 1410. June 23, 1784. p. 198. CHAMBLESS, CHRISTOPHER, 57 brose Jones, other sides vacan p: 193. 5 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Am- t, lot 349. Warrant 2439. June 5, 1784. WOODS, JOSHUA. 575 acres, Wa*hington Co., bounded S. James Culbreath and Thos. Brannon, other sides vacant, lot 590. Warrant 1393. June 3, (84. p:. 193: CULBREATH, JOHN. 287% acres, washington Co., bounded N. David McNeil, E. unknown, S. Christopher Chambless, W. States land, lot 351. Warrant 377. July ist, 1784. p. 194. JOHNSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides by vacant lands, lot 352. Warrant 1563. June 2, 1784. p. 194. PARKER, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Carter, W. Oconee river, lot —. Warrant 607. June 4th, 1784. p. 194. McNEIL, JESSE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Academy lands, E. Bever Dam ck., S. Isaac Skinner, W. Samuel Alexander, lot 554. War- rant 449. June 3, 1784. p. 195. AVERAT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Christopher Chambless, other sides vacant, lot —. Warrant 1297. June 6, 1784, p. 195. SHOAWE, THOMAS, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Beaver Dam ck., other sides vacant, lot 556. Warrant 2236. July 4, 1784. p. 195. McNAIR, DANIEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Isaac Skinner, other sides vacant, lot 558. Warrant 856. June 35 L784: 4 en. 96: RAMSEY, SAMUEL, 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Ramsey, EK. vacant, lot 559. Warrant 1855. June 1, 1784. p. 196. MANN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. John Mills, E. vacant, S. Will White, W. Altamaha river, lot 600. Warrant 1051. July 26, 1784. p. 196.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 203 FORD, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. John Hill & John Martin, other sides vacant, lot 561 Warrant 1681 June 26, 1784. p. 196 PAIN, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded §S. Joshua Ford, other sides vacant, lot 562. Warrant 747. June 26, 1784. p. 197 NEWBERRY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Charles Odingsell, E. & S. vacant, W. Ohoopee ck, lot 563. Warrant 2133. June 22. Miss: =p: 197% BOSTIC, LITTLEBERRY. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ohoopee ck., E. vacant, S. James Donally, W. Altamaha river, lot 564 Warrant 995 June 25, 1784. p. 197. WALTON, GEORGE. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & BE. vacant, S Charles Odinsell, W. Ohoopee ck, lot Warrant 2397. June 17, 1784 ny ake BROWN, EPHRAIM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S Geo. Walton, W. Ohoopee ck., lot 566 Warrant 2392. June 24, 1784. p. 197 STEPHENS, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. James Roberts, other sides vacant, lot 567 Warrant 1910. June 26, 1784 p. 198 SATTERWHITE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Robert Hudson, other sides vacant, lot 568 Warrant 2060 June 18, 1784 Pp. 193 HOLLINGER, WILLIAM. 287% acre Washington Co., bounded N. & E vacant, S. Sam’l McCulloch, W. Anthony Elumbley, lot 610. Warrant 2424 June 21, 1784 p. 198 TAYLOR, THOMAS. 287% acr« Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Willis, E vacant, S. James Martin, W. Altamaha river, lot 571 Warrant 2064. June 18, 1784. p. 199 MARTIN, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Taylor, EB & S. vacant, W. Altamaha river, lot 572 Warrant 460 June 18, 1784. p: 199 HOLLIMAN, RICHARD. 2871%4 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sam’l Mec Culloch, E. vacant, S. Ebeneezer Brunson, W. Altamaha river, lot 574. War- rant 574. June 20, 1784. p. 199 PUGH, ELIJAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N Joseph Williams, EK. & S. vacant, W. Cobb’s ck., lot 575. Warrant 2128. June 25, 1784. p. 200. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co. bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jo. Robertson, W. Mark Holliman, lot 567 Warrant 1603, June 20, 1784. p. 200. ROBERTSON, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Tyre Glenn Harris, E. & S. vacant, W. Altamaha river, lot 577 Warrant 710 June 20, 1784. p. 200.204 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. HOLLIMAN, DAVID, 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. John Chandler, “ E. & S. vacant, W. Ohoopee ck., lot 578. Warrant 131. June 11, 1784. p. 200. CHUMBLY, ANTHONY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S Jas. Johnson, W. Joe Williams, lot 579. Warrant 2394. June 17, 1784. p 201. 7 t acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides ODINGSELLS, CHARLES. 5 349. June 15, 1784. p. 201. 5 vacant, lot 260. Warrant 2 HUDSON, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. James Martin, other sides vacant, lot 581. Warrant 2102. June 18, 1784. p. 201. HOLLIMAN, MARK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Tyre Glenn Har- ris, other sides vacant, lot 582. Warrant 362. May 17, 1784. p. 2041. CHANDLER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Ohoopee river, S. Michael Castell, W. Dead river and vacant. Lot No. 583 Warrant 34. May 17, 1784, p. 202. KELL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. by Castell, other sides by Altamaha river, lot 584. War. —. May 17, 1784, p. 202. RUSHING, MATTHEW. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. by Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 585. Warrant 2703. June 19, 1784. p. 202. HOLLINGER, TITUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S§ by Will Green, W. by Altamaha river, lot 586. Warrant 1418, May 17, L784." p: 202: DAVIS, HEIRS of, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Seaborn, Jones, E. vacant, S. Isaac Razor, W. Altamaha river. Lot 587. War. 2638. June 24, 1784, p. 203. BRANDON, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Abraham Lamb, W. Altamaha, river, lot 588. Warrant 238, June 23, 1784. page 203. O’NEIL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, bisected by Ohoopee river, lot 630. Warrant 2358. June 1784. PD. 203. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, lot 591. Warrant 2628. June 6, 1784, p. 204. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, (2d bounty) Washington Co., bounded W. by Altamaha river, other sides vacant, lot 592. Warrant 2622. June 5, 1784. p. 204. PAIN, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. William Satter- white, S. Wiliam Wallace, other sides vacant, lot 593. Warrant 687. June LO LT84. sp 204: WALLACE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Cc., bounded E. Robert Hud- son, other sides vacant, lot 594. Warrant 935. June 19, 1784, p. 204.BOUNTY SURVEYS. GERMANY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Wm. Wallace, S. John Crawford, W. Altamaha river, lot 505. Warrant 1182. June 19, 1784. p. 205. HUDSON, NATHANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Rushing, E. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, lot 596. Warrant 2701. June 15, 1784. p. 205. BARTEMORE, BENJ. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Titus Hollinger, W. Altamaha river, lot 597 Warrant 28. May 17, 1784. p. 205. McKEEN, GREEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Richard Call, W. Altamaha river. lot 598. Warrant 270 June 9, 1784. p. 206. WILLIE, HEIRS OF WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, lot 640. Warrant 1872. May 17, 1784. p. 206. GREEN, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. John Hicks, W. Altamaha river, lot 604. Warrant 2356. May 17, 1784. Dp: 20% BRUNSTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. John Brunson, W. McKeen, lot 601. Warrant 953. June 9, 1784, p. 206. BRUNSON, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Richard Call, E. Green McKeen, S. & W. vacant, lot 602 Warrant 2095 May 8, 1784 p. 207. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sam Under- wood, E. & S. vacant, W. Ohoopee river, lot 603 Warrant 2403. June 5, 1784. p. 207 THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. William Thompson, W. Altamaha river, lot 605. Warrant 545. May? ie 184" Dee 20 THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, (2d bounty) Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. John Rice, W. Altamaha river, lot 606 Warrant 185. May 17, 1784. p. 208. PERRIT, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Will Green, E. vacant, S. Wm. David, W. Altamaha river, lot 607 Warrant 1044. June 28, 1784. p. 208. UNDERWOOD, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Ohoopee river, other sides vacant, lot 608. Warrant 677. June 5, 1784, p. 208 WILLIE, HEIRS OF RICHARD, 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. Wilie, W. Altamaha river, lot 609. Warrant 1133. May 17, 1784. p. 208.206 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BRANHAM, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Ohoopee river, other sides vacant, lot 650. Warrant 2074. May 17, 1784. p. 209. BRUNSON, HEIRS OF EBENEZER. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Joshua Freeman, W. Altamaha river, lot 611. Warrant 1331. May 17, 1784. p. 209. KILGORE, JOHN, 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, W. Ohoopee river, lot 612 Warrant 103 Sam’! Brunson, E. 35. p. 209. June 26, 1784. HIX, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Mark Holliman, S. John Hix, lot 613. Warrant 1598. June 23, 1784. p. 209. JONES, SEABORN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Nath’l Hudson, E. vacant, W. heirs of John Davis, W. Altamaha river, lot 614. Warrant 117. June 24, 1784. p. 210. BRANDON, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. John Hix, W. John Givins, lot 615. Warrant 2255. yume 23, 1784. p. 210. GREEN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, lot 617. Warrant 808. May 17, 1784. p. 210. ADAMS, HEIRS OF ROBERT. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Philips Oriner, W. Altamaha river, lot 618. Warrant 211 May Lt, 1784. -p;' 211. GRINER, PHILIP. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, lot 619. Warrant 250. May 17, 1784, p. 211. ROBERTS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. Where, W. Williamson’s swamp, lot 621. Warrant 1892. June 28, 1784, ‘p. 212. JACK, SAMUEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Lawson, W. Oconee river, lot 622. Warrant 1617. May 17, 1784. Dy 212: CASTLEBERRY, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 623. Warrant 2391. June 17, 1784. p. 212. WOOTEN, NATHANIEL, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oliver, E. Lanear, S. Lamar, W. Ohoochee river, lot 624. Warrant 5. June 10, 1784. MOATES, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded, N. Few, E. Glenn, S. Castleberry, W. Simon Moates, lot 625. Warrant 60. June 30, 1784. p. 213. FULLER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, bisected by Camp’s branch, lot 627. Warrant 2259. May 17, 1784, p. 218.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 207 DEAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Ohoopee river, other sides vacant, lot 628. Warrant 1951. June 7, 1784. psi2il4: MOATES, SILAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Castleberry, other sides vacant, lot 629. Warrant 1425. June 30, 1784. p. 214. ISLAND, ABSOLEM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 630. Warrant 573. May 17, 1784. p. 214. ALLEN, THOMAS, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant. S. & W. Elijah Gillett, lot 631. Warrant 1997. May 17, 1784. p. 214. GUSTAVOUS, MICAJAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Snelson, EK. & W. vacant, S. Glenn, lot 632. Warrant 268. May, 17, 1784. p. 214. CARROLL, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Long and vacant, other sides vacant, lot 633. Warrant 1970. May 17, 1784. p. 215. SNELSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Micajah Gus- tavous, other sides vacant, lot 634. Warrant 2467. June 29, 1784. p. 215. a MOATES, SIMON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Moates, E. Silas Moates, S. Absolem Island, W. vacant, lot 635. Warrant 1078. July 15, 1784. p..215. MADDOX, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Culbresth, other sides vacant, bisected by Richard ck., lot 636. Warrant 549. May 17, L784, 3p> 216: RAMSEY, RANDAL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. David Carter, EK. Isaac Manners, S. vacant, W. Wm. Cone, bisected N. & S. by Beaverdam ck, lot 637. Warrant 1148. June 5, 1784. p. 216. BUSH, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. James McKey, E. Ohoopee river, S. & W, vacant, lot 638. Warrant (old warrant number) Och l2931785" py 216: CARTER, DAVID. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jesse McKee, E. & S. vacant, W. Skinner, bisected, E. & W. by Richland ck., and dotted line marked “Indian War Trail,’ lot 639. Warrant 2585. May 24, 1784. p. 216. RICHARDSON, JOSEPH. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Sam Hicks, other sides vacant, lot 640. Warrant 180. May 17, 1784. p. 217. POWELL, LEWIS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, cut on E. by branch of Town creek and on W. by branch of Richland creek, lot 641. Warrant 1010. June 1, 1784. p. 217. McCALL, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, quartered by Long Branch Town creek, lot 642. Warrant 587. June 12, 1784. p: 217. CARLISLE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Frederick, E. Oconee river, S. Jacob Linn, W. vacant, lot 643. Warrant 2336. June 9, T7842 5 Ip: ZU208 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. COWINS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. unknown, other sides vacant, lot 644. Warrant 300. June 5, 1784. p. 218. FREDERICK, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Oconee river, S. John Carlisle, lot 645. Warrant 1924. June 27, 17564. p. als: COOK, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, travers- ed by Rocky creek, lot 646. Warrant 691. May 17, 1784. p. 218. McKINNEY, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Alex Douglas, S. Sam’l Carson, W. Wm. Anderson, lot 647. Warrant 1733. June 8, 1784. p. 218 CARSON, SAM’L. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. McKinney & McDouglas, BE. vacant, S. Wade W. Oconee river, lot 648. Warrant 1641. June 8, 1784 De 219: McDOUGLAS, ALEXANDER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Henry McKinney, other sides vacant, lot 689. Warrant 1785. May 17, 1784. p. 219 SHIFFEL, MARK. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Silas Moates, E. & S. vacant, W. Simon Moates, lot 650. Warrant 897. May 17, 1784. p. 219. WADE, NEHEMIAH, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Samuel Carson, E. vacant, S. Richard Call, W. Oconee river, lot 651. Warrant 1685. June So Lines... DP: ALg: WILSON, LEVIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Williamson’s creek, other sides vacant, lot 652. Warrant 14. May 17, 1784. p 220. CONNELLY, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Gen. McIntosh, W. Oconee river, lot 654. Warrant —. May 17, 1784. p. 220. HOUSE, LAWRENCE. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 655. Warrant May 17, 1784. p. 220. McKINNEY, MATTHEW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Moses Collins, E. & S. vacant, W. Robert Holmes, lot 656. Warrant 1800. May ie ess Dy Zak. CARTLAGE, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Franklin Co. line, E. & S. vacant, W. Peter Werber, lot 657. Warrant 1394. May 17, 1784. p. 221. GERMANY, SAMUEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. unknown, E. Fitzpatrick, S. Garnet & Johnson, W. Dannelly, lot 658. Warrant 1207. June 19, 1784. p. 221 CARTLEDGE, JAMES. 287% acres (2d bounty), Washington Co., bounded W. Frederick, other sides vacant, lot 659. Warrant 2109. June 1, 1784. p. 221.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 209 BURTON, RICHARD. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 661. Warrant —. May 17, 1784. p. 222. STEWART, CLEMENT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded HE. Thos. Mc- Call, other sides vacant, lot 663. Warrant 619. May 17, 1784, p. 222. BARNETT, JOEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, crossed by N. fork Shoulderbone creek, lot 664. Warrant 949. May 17, 1784. p. 223. McNEIL, HEIRS OF ARCHIBALD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Archibald McNeil, other sides vacant, lot 671. Warrant 672. May 17, 1784. p. 222. McNEIL, MICHAEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 666, Warrant 1952. June 25, 1784. p. 223. RAMSEY, WILLIAM, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. William Collins, S. Richland creek, lot 667. Warrant 1010. June 1, 1784. Dp. 223. STUART, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Hickinbottom, W. unknown, lot 669. Warrant 1975. May 17, 1784, p. 224. McNEIL, DANIEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Gillet, E. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, lot 670. Warrant 35. May 17, 1784, p. 224. ANDERSON, ELIJAH, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Arch. Mc- Neil, other sides vacant, lot 671. Warrant 672. May 17, 1784, p. 224. FUQUA, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 672. Warrant 1213. May 17, 1784. p. 225. CRIBBS, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Thos. Johnson, other sides vacant, lot 673. Warrant 947. May 17, 1784, p. 255. BARNETT, WILLIAM, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Nathan Hicks, E. & W. vacant, S. Peter Culbreath, lot 675. Warrant 2275. May 17, 1874, Dp. 226. JUSTICE, DEMPSEY, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 676, Warrant 1920. May 17, 1784. p. 226. SIMPSON, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant bisected by fork of Oconee river, lot 678. Warrant 476. June 25, 1784, p. 226. CONE, WILLIA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Thos. Johnston, other sides vacant, lot 720. Warrant —. May 17, 1784. p. 227. HIGGINBOTHAM, BURROUGHS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 680. Warrant 276. May 17, 1784. p. 227.210 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. SMITH, NAFHANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Thos. Farqua, other sides vacant, lot 681. Warrant #015. Jume 17, 4784. p. 227. HOLTON, FRANCIS, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 682. Warrant 179. May 17, 1784. p. 227. COLLIER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Lewis Powell, other sides vacant, lot 684. Warrant 2520. June 1, 1784. p. 227. CULBREATH, PETER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. James Cul- breath, other sides vacant, bisected by Richland creek, lot 685. Warrant 2012. June 7, 1784. p. 228. BRANNON, THOMAS. 2871% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Thos. Hill, W. Wm. Maddox, other sides vacant, touched by Richland creek, lot 686. War- rant 1909. May 17, 1784. p. 228. BARNETT, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 687. Warrant 2529. May 17, 1784. p. 229. McNEIL, DANIEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. John Hill, other sides vacant, lot 688. Warrant 984. May 24, 1784. p. 229. CULBREATH, JAMES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant cut by Richland creek, lot 730. Warrant 1606. May 17, 1784. p. 230. PENNINGTON, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jacob Zinn, E. Oconee river, S. Travis Fenn, W. vacant, lot 697. Warrant 2022. Maye 1771784: - p\4232: FENN, TRAVIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Pennington, E. Oconee river, S. Sam’l Berry, W. vacant, lot 698. Warrant 2503. May 7 84. py Joa. ZINN, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. John Carlyle, E. Oconee river, S. Thos. Pennington, W. vacant, lot 740. Warrant 2390. June 8, 1784. p. 232. BISHOP, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Stephen Bishop, E. unknown, S. Leonard Switzer, W. vacant, lot 700. War. 987. June 10, 1784, p. 233. TUCKER, THOMAS. 2871%4 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 701. Warrant 263. June 2, 1784. p. 233. BERRYHILL, SAMUEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Travis Fenn, lot 702. Warrant 1146. May 17, i184. p; 233) CURETON, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot, 703. Warrant 491. May 17, 1784. De Zac: AVENT, JOSEPH. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, let 704. Warrant 2244. June 26, 1784. p. 234.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 211 CHILDRY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded: N, Sam Holliman, H. Few, S. & W. Oconee river, lot 705. Warrant 818. May 17, 1784. p. 234. EVANS, JOHN, 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Few and Rutherford, other sides vacant, lot 706. Warrant 676. May 17, 1784 p. 234. HOLLIMAN, SAMUEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ayres and Irvin, E. Few, S. Thos Childry, W. Oconee river, lot 707. Warrant 1229. May 17, 1784. p. 234. SINQUEFIELD, AARON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Buckhalter, E. & S. vacant, W. Williamson’s swamp, lot 750. Warrant 2404. July 2, 1784. p. 236. ROBERTS, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Few, other sides vacant, lot 710. Warrant 2625. May 5, 1784. p. 236. SALTER, SIMON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, containing two ponds, lot 711. Warrant 1314. July 1, 1784. p. 236. FREEMAN, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Burrell Pope, other sides vacant, Bigg creek on W., lot 717. Warrant 114. May 17, 1784. D: 238. BURNETT, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Smith, E. vacant, S. Freeman, W. Oconee river, lot 760. Warrant 1480. June 3, 1784. p. 239. FREEMAN, JOHN. 75 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Burnett, E. & S: vacant, W. Oconee river, lot 720. Warrant 2129. June 3, 1784. p. 239. HENDERSON, ZACHARIAH. 260 acres, (bounty) Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. vacant, lot 723. Warrant —. Aug. 11784 py 240: SIMMS, MANN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. John Jones, other sides vacant, lot 725. Warrant 2348. June 12, 1784. p. 240. HUGHES, NICHOLAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Mitchell, other sides vacant, cut by Buffalo creek, lot 737. Warrant 1017. June 8: 1784. p. 246. PUGH, JESSE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. D. Robertson, other sides vacant, cut by fork of Buffalo creek, lot 738. Warrant 2468. July 16, 1784. p. 276. CLOWER, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Bi- sected N. & S. by Buffalo creek, lot 739. Warrant 262. June 17, 1784. p. 246. McFARLAND, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. McFar- land, E. & W. vacant, S. Ben Scott, lot 780. Warrant 1055. June -28, 1784. p. 246.£12 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. McFARLAND, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sam’! Wilson, E. vacant, S. Gilbert Dinkins, W. Oconee river, lot 741. Warrant 2027. May 17, 1784. p. 247. BERRY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. John Bryant, other sides vacant, cut by Big creek, lot 743. Warrant 1628. June 9, 1784. p. 247. NAIL, JOSEPH. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Stephen Westbrook, other sides vacant, lot 755. Warrant 248. June 14, 1784. p. 250. McFARLAND, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jonas, other sides vacant, bisected by Little Beaverdam creek, lot 758. Warrant —. Tune 24 lied. ps 2oL. CATCHINGS, JOSEPH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Parks, W. Oconee river, lot 782. Warrant 285. June 5, 1784. p. 258. COBB, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. Brunston, W. Moses Lepham, lot 788. Warrant 1415. June 25, 1784. p. 260. LEAPHAM, MOSES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. McKeen Green, W. Altamaha river, lot 789. Warrant 2261. June 25, 1784. p. 261. TUREMAN, GARRETT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, cut by Broad river, lot 830. Warrant 146. June 3, 1784. p. 261. TRIMBLE, MOSES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Tugalo river, E. Spurlock, other sides vacant, lot 793. Warrant —. July 22, 1784. p. 262. TAYLOR, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. College lands, other sides vacant, lot 794. Warrant 102. June 25, 1784, p. 262. TUREMAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Westbrook, other be sides vacant, lot 79 Warrant 321.. May 17, 1784. p. 262. YARBOROUGH, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Shiffell, S. Rutherford, lot 801. Warrant 1238. June 16, 1784. p. 263. YARBROUGH, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Henry Nails, other sides vacant, cut by Broad river and Paynes creek, lot 802. Warrant it. Sept. 17, 1784. p: 264: LANDERS, JACOB. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos, Napier, E. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, lot 808. Warrant 1652. June 17, 1784. p. 265. IRVIN, WILLIAM, 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, lies in fork of Big creek, pointing N., lot 811. Warrant 261. May 17, 1784. p. 266. IRVIN, JARED. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. Bigg creek, S. vacant, W. Hadden, lot 812. Warrant 1305. July 3, 1784. p. 267.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 213 KELLY, EDWARD. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Shoulderbone creek, E. Oconee river, S. vacant, W. Daley, lot 814. Warrant 697. July 205, L184, p. 2G6r. JARVIS, NICHOLAS. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, cut N. & S. by Town creek, lot, 816. Warrant 440. June 19, 1784. p. 268. JOINER, BENJAMIN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Bryant, E., S. & W. vacant, cut by Bigg creek, lot 817. Warrant 798. June 9, 1784, p. 268. FERRIN, GEORGE. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Jno. McFarland, S. McFarland, W. Adam Shone, lot 818. Warrant 842. June nae diss. ps 269: JARVIS, PAT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. John Wilson, other sides vacant, lot 819. Warrant 1458. June 27, 1784. p. 269. IRVIN, JOHN LAWSON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 860. Warrant 360. July 1, 1784. p. 269. IRVIN, HUGH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, W. fork of Williamson’s creek, W. Joel Harris, lot 821. Warrant 225. June 28, 1784, p. 270. LYNCH, JOHN. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 833. Warrant —. July 21, 1784. p. 278. POWELL, MOSES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, cut E. & W. by Williamson’s swamp, lot 836. Warrant 418. July 6, 1784. DP 2a MARSHALL, REV. ABRAHAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Carter, S. vacant and Campbell, lot 836. Warrant 312. June 457.845 ps 23" SHAW, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. David Kelly. S. Moses Lepham, W. Altamaha river, lot 845. Warrant 403. June 2, 1784. p. 275. KELLY, WILLIAM, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & BE, vacant, S. Joseph Cobb, W. David Shaw, lot 842. Warrant 961. June 2, 1784. p. 275. KNEAL, PATRICK. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. William Corbin, S. Oconee river, W. John Lynch, lot 844. Warrant —. July 8, 1784. Ds zo: CORBIN, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Patrick Kneal, lot 845. Warrant —. July 8, 1784. p: 275. KNEAL, HENRY, 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Yarborough, other sides vacant, lot 847. Warrant 795. Sept. 17, 1784. D. 276.214 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. NAIL, REUBEN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant E. John Burke, W. Robert Graves, bisected by Broad river, lot 848. Warrant 745. July 30, 1784. p. 276 O’NEAL, AXUM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant source of Shoulderbone creek, lot 852. Warrant 631. June 7, 1784. p. 227. QUERNS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. by College lands, on Falling creek, E. vacant, S. Hopkins, W. Querns, lot 643. June 20, 1784. p. 278 RAFFERTY, MICHAEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. John Lara- more, other sides vacant, lot 900. Warrant 1518. July 22, 1784. p. 279. KIMBROUGH, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot, 865. Warrant 238. Nov. 17, 1784. p. 281. KIMBROUGH, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Robt. Holliman, W. grantee, lot 866. Warrant 207 Nov. 15, 1784, p. 281 KIMBROUGH, WILLIAM, 287% acres, (2d bounty) Washington Co., bounded E. Kimbrough, other sides vacant, lot 867. Warrant 1176. November 15, Wise, DD: aol DUHART, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Robt Pattison, S. Oconee river, W. Stringer, lot 876. Warrant 2148. June 7, 1784. p. 284 GALPHIN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, lot 877. Warrant 429. July 17, 1784 Dp. 285. EMAMUEL, DAVID. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. heirs of Joel Lewis, S. Wm. Wash, lot 578. Warrant = June 3, Adee p. 285. ALEXANDER, ASA. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Stephen Bishop (on Shoulderbone creek), other sides vacant, lot 897. Warrant 1944. June 25, 1784. p. 286. ROSEBOROUGH, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sanders and Wright, E. Ben McCormick, other sides vacant, lot 920. Warrant —. Nov. 1,:1894. p. 286. ALLEN, ROBERT, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N.-E. vacant, S.-E. Asa Emanuel, S.-W. Oconee river, N.-W. Howell, lot 881 Warrant 1419. June 7, 1784. p. 287. RICKETSON, TIMOTHY. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Isaac Wells, E. & S. vacant, W. Wm. Smith, on Shoulderbone creek waters, lot 904. Warrant 1574. Nov. 20, 1784, p. 298.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 215 McGREGOR, ALEXANDER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. & S. unknown, N..& W. vacant, lot 905. Warrant 1752. Novy. 21, 1784. p. 299. MOTT, ZEPHANIA. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Wm. Smith, on Shoulderbone creek waters, lot 906. Warrant 525. Nov. 21, 1784. p. 299. FRAZIER, MALAKIAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Abraham Marshall, W. Carter, lot 908. Warrant 196. Oct. 30, 1784. p. 300. PUGH, FRANCIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, cut by Baker Springs creek, lot 917. Warrant 2660. July 3, 1784. p.-305. CUTHBERT, MAJOR A. DANIEL. 920 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jas. Houston, other sides vacant, cut by Sugar creek, lot 960. Warrant —. Dec. 8, 1784. p. 306. DENHAM, CHARLES. 827% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Richland creek, other sides vacant, lot 924. Warrant 2276. June 17, 1784. p. 308. BALDWIN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Zach Wheel- er, other sides unknown, lot 925. Warrant 1683. June 22, 1784. p. 309. PACE, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Thos. Moseley, other sides vacant, lot 928. Warrant 120. July 14, 1784. p. 3H. McINTOSH, COL. JOHN. 1150 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Thos. Glascock and Gen. McIntosh, other sides vacant, cut by Oconee river, lot 928. Warrant —. Nov. 16, 1784. p. 3165. LINN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. John Ware, S. Jo. Jeter, W. Wm. Mose, lot 939. Warrant 827, Dec. 10, 1784. p. 31. BARLOW, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Welcher, W. Amb. Bradley, lot 980. Warrant 818. Dec. 3, 1784. p. 316. BRADLEY, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Abr. Bradley, E. John Welcher, S.E. Bugg Hicks, W. vacant, cut by fork of Bear creek, lot 941. Warrant 817. Dec. 3, 1784. p. 317. BRADLEY, ABRAHAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E- Wm. Barlow, S. Joshua Bradley, lot 942. Warrant:819. Dec. 3, 1784. p. 317. WELCHER, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Wm. Barlow, S. Joshua Bradley, N. & W. vacant, cut by fork of Bear creek, lot 943. War- rant 826. Dec. 3, 1784. p. 318. DOUGLAS, GEORGE. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. John Ware, Bb. & S. vaeant, W. Jo. Jeter, cut N-W..& S-E. by Ciarkes creek, lot 944. War- rant 830) Dec: 10, 1784. p. 318:216 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. JETER, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Geo. Douglas, W. John Lynn, cut by Clarkes creek, lot 945. Warrant 828. Dec. 10, 1784. p. 319. KING, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Champain, S. Johnston, Rose creek, fork of Oconee river, lot 990. War- rant — Jan. 3, 1785. p. 321. ELBERT, GEN. SAMUEL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. by grantee, other sides vacant, lot 954. Warrant —. Nov. 30, 1784. p. 323. ELBERT, SAMUEL. 977% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. grantee, E. Geo. & Jos. Maxwell, S-W. Oconee river, and grantee, lot 955. Warrant Nov. 30, 1784. p. 323. ELBERT, GEN. SAMUEL. 402% acres, Washington Co., bounded N-E. grantee, S. Oconee river, S-W. Gen. McIntosh, lot 956. Warrant —. Nov. 30, 1784. p. 323. HOWE, HEIRS OF LIEUT. ROBERT. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, Rocky creek, lot 957. Warrant . JNov. 28: 41784... piea24: THORN, DAVID. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 966. Warrant —. Feb. 14, 1785. p. 329. McGETTON, VANCE. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 972. Warrant —. July 17, 1784. p. 329. PEARCE, NATHANIEL. 500 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Richd. Call, E. & W. vacant, S. Glascock and Walton, lot 977. Warrant —. Dec. 3, 1784. p. 330. CORSEY, STEPHEN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, cut by Broad river, lot 978. Warrant —. June 10, 1784. p. 331. HUDSON, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Pugh, E. & S. vacant, W. Ogeechee river, lot 979. Warrant —. July 4, 1784. p. 331. FLING, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Evan Harvey, other sides vacant, cut by ford of Oconee river, lot 1020. Warrant —. Sept. elves. ps ote BROWN, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, no other boundaries given, lot 981. Warrant —. May 30, 1784, p. 332. WHITBY, THOMAS. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Sam’l Stafford, other sides vacant, lot 1030. Warrant 701. Aug. 27, 1784. p. 335. LAMB, BETHIEL, 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, lies in forks of Mulberry and Bigg Pond (forks of Oconee river,) lot 991. Warrant 448. July 30, 1784. p. 335.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 217 WILLIAMSON, MICAJAH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. G. Walton, other sides vacant, on waters of South Broad river, lot 992. Warrant 691. Aug. 20, 1784. p. 335. RICKETSON, MARMADUKE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Thos. McDowell, W. Fork of Broad river, lot 993. Warrant 696. Aug. 27. 1784. p. 336. McDOWELL, THOS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Richetson, E. & S. vacant, W. Wm. Fanner, lot 994. Warrant 694. Aug. 26, 1784. p. 336. ADKIN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Simon Beck, other sides vacant, cut N. & S. by fork of Board river, lot 966. Warrant 342. June 30, 1784. p. 336. LONG, HENRY. 460 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Thos. Greer, other sides vacant, lot 977. Warrant 695. Aug. 19, 1784. p. 337. BECK, SIMON. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Adkin, other sides vacant, cut by north fork of Broad river, lot 995. Warrant 342. July 4, 1784. p. 336. WAY, JOHN, SR. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, bisected N. & S. by middle fork of Board river, lot 999. Warrant 687. Oct. 5, 1784. p. 337. EDWARDS, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. branch of Town creek and Jno. Brown, W. surveyed, lot 1040. Warrant 3109. Oct. 19, 1784. p. 338. WILLIAMS, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EK. surveyed, S. Furlow and Phillips, lot 1001. Warrant 528. Oct. 20, 1784, Dwooo: SHARP, MICHAEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jno. Sharp, S. Ogeechee river, lot 1002. Warrant 304. July 24, 1784. p. 339. MITCHELL, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Geo. Dooley, other sides vacant, lot 838. Warrant 692. June 10, 1784. p. 274. LEAPHAM, MOSES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp. Lot 1003. Warrant 1003. July 23, 1784. p. 339. HODGE, ROBERT. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Williamson’s swamp creek, other sides vacant, lot 1004. Warrant 1274. July 5, 1784. p. 339. FURLOW, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. College lands, S. Harper, lot 1005. Warrant 3024. Oct. 20, 1784. p. 339. HOPKINS, LAMBETH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Pittman, S. Oconee river, W. Harris, lot 1006. Warrant 2910. July 23, 1784. p. 340.218 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WILLIAMS, JOHN. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, 'E. Joe Mooney, S. Phillips, on waters of Town creek, lot 1007. Warrant 452. Oct. 20, 1784. p. 340. HUNTER, MILES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Sam’l Whatley, lot 1008. Warrant 2605. June 1, 1784. p. 340. GREENE, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Adam Mannin, other ‘sides vacant, cut by fork of Town creek, lot 1009. Warrant 555. Jan. 3: L785. yp. 341 DANIELLY, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Grantee, E. & S. vacant, W. surveyed, lot 1050. Warrant 971. Jan, 3, 1785. p. 341. CUP, MICHAEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jas. Dannielly, other sides vacant, lot 1011. Warrant 2995. Jan. 2, 1785. p 341. WALLACE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Greene and Manning, other sides surveyed, lot 1012. Warrant 2148 Janeane uo: p. 342. DANIELLY, JAMES, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N Michael Cup, E. & W. surveyed, S. vacant, bisected by north fork of Town creek, lot 1013. Warrant 1955. Jan. 2, 1785. p. 342. EADES, JOHN. 287% acres Washington Co., bounded N. Jesse Morgan, BE. Thos, Shaddock, S. Youngblood, W. vacant, lot 1014. Warrant 1235. June 29, 1785. p. 342. YOUNG, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Stugis, W. Cunningham, cut E. & W. by Shoulderbone creek, lot 1015. Warrant 1276. Nov. 20, 1784. p. 343. KELLY, THOS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. B. Heard, S. William Thompson, W. J. M. Simmons, lot 1016. Warrant 221. Nov. 15, 1784. p. 343. BURKE, ISHAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Hogg, E. Ben Nicholas, S. Holliman, W. vacant, lot 1017. Warrant 155. Nov. 15, 1784. p. 343. SESSUNS, WILLIAM, SR. 230 acres, Franklin Co., ‘bounded S. Wm. Dean, other sides vacant, lot 1018. Warrant —. Dec. 11, 1784. p. 344. COLLINS, STEPHEN. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded BE. Wm. Sessuns, Sr., other sides vacant, lot 1019. Warrant (reserve). Dec. 7, 1784. p. 344. PHILLIPS, MARK. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Col- lege lands, W. Oconee river, lot 1060. Warrant 717. Aug. 1784. p. 344. MIDDLETON, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, cut E. & W. by Broad river, lot 1021. Warrant 670. Aug. ft7, 1784. p. 345.BOUNTY SURVEYS. HARVEY, BLASINGAME. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Clarke, W. Oconee river, lot 1023. Warrant 1024 and 1865. June 10, 1784. Covers 2 warrants as above. p. 345. HARVEY, JAMES HILL. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. B. Harvey, W. Oconee river, lot 1024. Warrant 915. June 10, 1784. p. 345. BAGBY, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Buffalo creek, E. & S. vacant, W. Greene, lot 1025. Warrant 395. Nov. 6, 1784. p. 346. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Robt. Middle- ton, other sides vacant, lot 1026. Warrant 594. Aug. 20, 1784. p. 346. JONES, DAVID. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Wm. Field, other sides vacant. On Broad river, lot 1027. Warrant 688. Aug. 17, 1784, p. 346. YOUNGE, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. H. Middleton, S. Crutchfield, lot 1028. Warrant 964. Nov. 15, 1784. p. 347. HILL, RICHARD. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. On Broad river, lot 1029. Warrant 685. Aug. 24, 1785 ys Bx 4 (2 BACON, JOHN. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N Elijah Lewis, E. vacant, S. Thos. Bacon, W. vacant, lot 1031. Warrant y Weck 105 i844. sp 6+5 RUSSEL, JACOB. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, E. Oconee river, S. Tierce, W. vacant, cut N. & S. by Beaverdam creek, lot 1062. War- rant (reserve) Feb. 28, 1785. p. 360. TIERCE, BRANDETH. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Joel Russel, E. Oconee river, S. Wallace, W. vacant, cut by Beaverdam crek, N. & S., lot 1063. Warrant (reserve). Feb. 28, 1785. p. 360. JAMESON, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Camden Co., bounded N. Isaac Bugg, E. & W. vacant, S. Samuel Murs, lot 1064. Warrant —. Oct. 10, 1785. p. 360. BUGG, ISAAC. 28714 acres, Camden Co., bounded N. Benj. Andrews, E. vacant, S. Wm. C. Jameson, lot 1065. Warrant —. Oct. 10, 1785, p. 360. JEFFERS, JAMES. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded N. Crooked river, other sides vacant, lot 1110. Warrant —. June 17, 1785. p. 360. MEERS, SAMUEL. 575 acres, Camden Co., bounded N. Alex Bessett, E. & W. vacant, S. Wm. Jameson, lot 1075. Warrant —. Oct. 10, 1785. p. 364. PENDLETON, SOLOMON. 1150 acres, Camden Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. St. Marys river, W. Thos. Wetherclift, lot 1076: Warrant —. Oct. 14, 1785. p. 365. McMATH, JOSEPH, 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Robt. Pollard, S. Ogeechee river, W. vacant, lot 1079. Warrant —. ‘March me LS 5. py O30:220 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. POLLARD, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Wm. Davis, S. Ogeechee river, W. Joe McMath, lot 1080. Warrant —. Mar. 11, 1785, p. 366. DAVIS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Thos. Galphin, S. Ogeechee river, W. Pollard, lot 1081. Warrant —. Mar. 11, 1785, p. 366. THORN, DAVID. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Ogeechee river, S. Wm. Scott, W. vacant, lot 1082. Warrant —. Mar. LT £785; p. 366. EARNEST, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Joe McMath, W. Ogeechee river, lot 1083. Warrant —. Mar. 12, 1785, p. 367. JONES, BENJAMIN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jacob Earnest, S. Ogeechee river, lot 1084. Warrant —. April 2, 1785, p. 367. WILLIAMS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 1085. Warrant ADL 2. Lisp Ds so. COATS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, bisected N. & S. by Williamson’s creek, lot 1086. Warrant —. April 13, 1785, p. 368. SIMMONSON, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Large amount of cypress swamp. Lot 1087. Warrant —. Mar. 12, 1785. p. 368. MILLER, NICHOLAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. unknown, E. Williamson’s creek, S. grantee, W. vacant, lot 1088. Warrant —. Mar. 23, 1785, p. 368. CHELDNEY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Miller, E. Williamson’s creek, W. Beaverdam creek, lot 1090. Warrant —. Mar. 23, 1785, p. 268. HUGELLY, ALEXANDER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Simon Jones, S. Ogeechee river, W. Williamson’s creek, lot 1091. War- rant —. March 14, 1785, p. 369. JONES, SIMEON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Sam Howell, S. Ogeechee river, W. Angelly, lot 1092. Warrant —. March 14, LiS5: pwooo: HOWELL, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Benj. Jones, S. Ogeechee river, W. Simeon Jones, lot 1093. Warrant —. March 14, 1785, p. 369. SCOTT, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Ogeechee river, S. Galphin, lot 1094. Warrant —. March 10, 1785, Dp. 369.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 221 EARLY, JEFFERY. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Wm. Thompson, other sides vacant. Cut by Eastanola creek, lot 1103. Warrant —. June Owel78b) p Ste: FRAZER, BARBANY. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Marbury, E. & S. vacant, W. Frazer. Cut by fork of Oconee river, lot 1104. Warrant (re- serve), Oct. 9, 1785, p. 373. FRAZER, MARY. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Marbury, E. Griggs, S. vacant, W. Barbary Frazer (reserve), lot 1105, Oct. 11, 1785, p. 373. FRAZER, PENELOPE. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Marbury, E. Bar- bary Frazer, S. vacant, W. Oconee river, lot 1107 (reserve), Oct. 11, 1785, p. 374. GRAY, JACOB. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. John Wingfield, W. Fork of Oconee river, lot 1108, Warrant —. March 1, 1785, p. 374. GORHAM, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 1109. Warrant —. June 2, 1784, p. 374. HUDSON, CUTHBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut S-E. & N-W. by Eastanola creek, lot 1114. Warrant —. May 6, 1785, iy OMA HARRISON, THOMAS. 6575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & §S. vacant, E. Ben Harrison, W. Walker Richardson. Cut by Beaverdam creek, lot 1115. Warrant —. June 10, 1785, p. 376 HOLLAND, JACOB. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, lot 1116. June 8, 1785, p. 377. HUBBARD, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by fork of Oconee river, lot 1117, Aug. 30, 1784, p. 377 i. HORN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. On waters of Oconee river, lot 1118. Warrant —. May 17, 1784, p. 377. HARRISON, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Holland, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Beaverdam creek, lot 1119. June 10, 1785, p. 378. JONES, SEABORN. 1150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Col. Leonard Mar- bury, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Middle creek, lot 1160. Oct. 7, INS, fo, BU JONES, ALETHEA ANDERSON. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. E. & W., H. Marbury, S. Jas. Jones, on Dove creek, lot, hi 21 OctwelOR 735; p. 378. JONES, JAMES. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Dr. Baker, E. & W. Marbury, S. A. Jones, lot 1122, Oct. 10, 1785, p. 379.ROSTER OF THE REVQLUTION. JONATHAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Lucas, other sides vacant. Cut by N. fork of Oconee river, lot 1123: Aug. 18, 1784, p. 379. JARRET, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Austin Webb, other sides vacant, lot 1124. June 10, 1784, p. 379. LAMAR, BASIL. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Broad river, other sides vacant, lot 1126. May 6, 1785, p. 380 LANCASTER, ROWLAND. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Michael Nugan, S. Mulberry Fork and vacant, lot 1127. March 10, L785, psessls LEITCH, DAVID. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Beaverdam creek, lot 1128. June 10, 1785, p 381 MARBURY, LEONARD. 1,380 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. H. Marbury, other sides vacant. Cut by Big creek, lot 1131. Sept. 8, 1781, p. 382. MARBURY, HORATIO. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Horatio, Garrett, E. McCracken, S. & W. Collier. Cut by Lamar’s creek, lot 1132. Aug. 8, 1785, p. 383. MOSS, WILLIAM. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. James Shepherd, other sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, lot 1142" Sept: 15s tab; op: 386. MARBURY, THOMAS. 460 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jesse Johnston, S. H. Marbury, on Oconee river, lot 1143. Oct. 10, 1785, p. 3&7. NUGAN, MICHAEL. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 1144 (reserve). Mar. 10, 1785, p. 387. POTTS, STEPHEN. 690 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. L. Marbury, E. vacant, S. Handley, W. Dr. Baker, lot 1146. Sept. 15, 1785, p. 388. PAYNE, THOMAS, 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Tocca creek, lot 1155. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 391. PAYNE, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Wm. Payne, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Doss’ creek, p. 391. RICHARDSON, WALKER. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Tugalo river, other sides vacant, lot 1166. May 10, 1785, p. 395. STEWART, JOHN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut “ by Eastanola creek, lot 1171. Dec. 13, 1784, p. 395. STEWART, CHARLES. 460 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Count D’Estaing, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Trall creek, lot 1176. June 4, 1784, p. 398.BOUNTY SURVEYS. STURGIS, ANDREW. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Middle Fork Oconee river, E. Ignatius Few, S. Peter Roseseau, W. vacant, lot 1175. Aug. 8, 1785, p. 398. THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Alex Scott, E. John Clarke, S. & W. vacant, lot 1178. May 12, 1785, p. 399. THOMPSON, JAMES. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Mulberry Fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 1179. Aug. 1, 1784, p. 399. TINDALL, JOHN. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Walnut creek, lot 1220. June 13, 1784, p. 400. TROY, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Wm. Pulliam, other sides vacant. Cut by N. Fork of Broad river, lot 1182. July 8, 1784, p. 400. THOMPSON, ISHAM. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by fork of Cane creek, lot 1184. June 21, 1784, p. 401. TWEEDIE, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Pulliam, S. Richard Call. Cut by fork of Clarke’s creek, lot 1185. Dec. 6, 1784, p. 401. TANNER, WILLIAM. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Samuel Stafford, other sides vacant. Cut by fork of Broad river, lot 1186. Aug. 25, 1784, Dp. 402. TOWNS, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides by surveyed lands. Cut by fork of Sandy river, lot 1187. July 21, 1785, p. 402. TELFAIR, EDWARD. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. grantee, other sides vacant. On head-waters of Oconee river, lot 1188. May 28, 1785, p. 402. THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. John Mays, other sides vacant. On Oconee river, lot 1193. June 10, 1785, p. 404. TORRENCE, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. fork of Oconee river, E. Andrew Sturgis, S. & W. vacant, lot 1194. Jan. 25, 1785, p. 404. TRAPP, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. surveyed, S. & W. vacant. Cut by Sandy creek, lot 1196. Aug. 14, 1784, p. 405. TERONDET, DANIEL. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. McCracken, other sides vacant. Cut by fork of Broad river, lot 1197. June 6, 1785, p. 405. UPTON, EDWARD. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded al sides vacant, lot 1198. Jan. 7, 1785, p. 406. WISENER, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Shaw, E. McCoy, S. vacant, W. Wm. Pulliam, lot 1240, June 6, 1784, p. 406.224 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WALTON, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Ezekiel Offutt, other sides vacant. Cut by Cobb creek of Tugalo river, lot 120i > July 20, 1784, p. 407. WISE, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Gregg, other sides vacant. On S. fork of Broad river, lot 1202. Aug. 18, 1784, p. 407. WEBB, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Wm. Black, other sides vacant. Cut by Webb’s creek and Williams’ Fork of Oconee river, lot 1203. July 14, 1784, p. 407. WEBB, AUSTIN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Nails creek, lot 1204. July 8, 1784, p. 408. WEBB, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Little creek, lot 1205. July 7, 1784, p. 408. WAY, JOHN, JR. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, lot 1206. May 24, 1784, p. 408. WESTBROOK, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. John Stanford, other sides vacant. Evenly divided, S-W. to N-E. by N. fork Oconee river, lot 1207. Feb. 10, 1785, p. 409 WASH, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Rowland Lancaster, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Cedar creek, lot 1208. April 10, 1785, p. 409. WALKER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Glascock, other sides vacant, lot 1250. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 410. WALTON, GEORGE. 400 acres Franklin Co., bounded E. Henry Long, other sides vacant, lot 1211. Aug. 20, 1784, p. 410. WATSON, WILLIS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Broad river, lot 1216. March 16, 1785, p. 412. WALTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Jesse Walton, other sides vacant, lot 1217. June 23, 1785, p. 412. WARD, BRYAN. 920 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam and Ward creeks, forks of Oconee river, lot 1218. June 15; 1785, p. 412. WALTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Edward Telfair, other sides vacant, lot 1221. May 21, 1785, p. 413. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “B.” ABBOTT, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Clarke, E. vacant, S. Good, W. Oconee river, survey 1. June 7, 1784. Warrant 2185, p. 1. MAY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Anderson, other sides vacant, survey 2. May 17, 1784. Warrant 2455, p. 1.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 229 CARSON, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 3. May 27, 1784. Warrant 2720; p. 2. WILLIAMS, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Hunt, other sides vacant, survey 4. May 25, 1784. Warrant 2688, Dy 12: HUNT, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Chas. Williams, other sides vacant, survey 5. June 10, 1784. Warrant 2310, p. 2. CARSON, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Wm. Dennis, other sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 6. June 7, 1784. Warrant 2HLS ps. 3. ABBOTT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Qconee river, E. vacant, S. Fredk. Braswell, W. McCal’, survey 7. June 9, 1784. War- rant 2264, p. 3. SIKES, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, BE. Lock- hart, S. Oconee river, W. Paulett, Survey 8 May 17, 1784. Warrant 2464, p. 3. GRAVES, WILLIAM. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Ralph Kilgore, other sides vacant. Cut by Clarke’s creek, survey 9. June 11, 1784. War- rant 11925 p: 4: KILGORE, RALPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Graves, E. John Marshall, S. Jno. Braswell, W. vacant, survey 10. June 11, 1784. Warrant 721, p. 4. BRASWELL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ralph Kilgore, EK. Gray, S. Fred Braswell, W. vacant, survey 11, June 11, 1784. War- rant 2635, p. 4. BRASWELL, FREDERICK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Braswell, E. Elijah Anderson, S. & W. vacant. Cut by Clarke’s creek, survey 12. June 11, 1784. Warrant 2307, p. 4. BRASWELL, FERDINAND. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jno. Lewis, S. Jno. Abbott, survey 13. June 9, 1784, Warrant 2633, p. 5. HARVEY, HEIRS OF RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. H. Irvin, other sides vacant. Cut by Walnut creek, survey 14. May 17, 1784. Warrant 370, p. 5. STONE, CHARLES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. surveyed, other sides vacant. Cut by fork of Oconee river, survey 15. July 24, 1784. Warrant 1695, p. 5. MANADUE, HENRY. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded §S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 16. June 10, 1784. Warrant 2147, Da0:ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. PERKINS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Massey, E. Clarke, S. Jno. Clarke, W. Harvey, survey 17. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1669, p. 6. CLARKE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Perkins, B. Clarke, S. Ohoopee river, W. Harvey, survey 18. June 9, 1784. Warrant 2135, p. 6. GRAY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded N. & E. vacant, S. Elijah Anderson, W. Braswell, survey 19. June 11, 1784. Warrant 1630, p. 7. ANDERSON, ELIJAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Gray, E. & S. vacant, W. Clarke’s creek and Fred Braswell, survey 20. June 11, 1784. Warrant 672, p. 7. LOWE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. McCall, S. Joshua Lee, W. Elijah Clarke, survey 21. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1558, Dp. {. LEE, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Lowe, E. McCall, S. Oconee river, W. vacant, survey 22. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1013, p. G MARSHALL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Wm. Graves, June 11, 1784. Warrant 1438, p. 8. other sides vacant, survey 23 SIZEMORE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wade, E. vacant, S. & W. Oconee river, survey 24. June 10, 1784. Warrant 1931, p. 8. LOCKHART, ISAAC. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Chas. Harvey, S. Oconee river, W. Paulette, survey 25. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1503, p. 8. MANNING, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co., pounded S. Lawson, other sides vacant, survey 26. June 25, 1784. Warrant 594, p. 9. WELCHER, JEREMIAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 27. June 27, 1784. Warrant 1037, p. 9. PRATHER, EDWARD. 200 acres, Washington Co., bounded—on an island formed by Ohoopee river. Warrant calls for 287% acres, but not enough land to make it, survey 28. June 9, 1784 Warrant 741 CLARKE, ELIJAH. 805 acres, Washington Co., N. vacant, E. vacant and Irvin, S. Irvin, W. Lamar, survey 29. June 25, 1784. Warrant 68, p. 10. IRVIN, ALEXANDER. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.: Rutherford, S. Rutherford and Ayres, W. Ayres and Clarke, survey 30. June 25, 1784. Warrant 21, p. 10. NIMMS, DRURY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. district line, E. vacant. Cut N. & S. by Town creek, survey 31. June 7, 1784. Warrant 1809, p. 11.BOUNTY SURVEYS. HARVEY, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Hadden and vacant, other sides vacant, survey 32. June 27, 1784. Warrant S763 Deel AYRES, DANIEL. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Lamar, E. Irvin, S. Holliman, W. Oconee river and Qualls, survey 33. June 25, 1784. War- Tan G49" spy le CLARKE, ELIJAH. 1,150 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 34. June 25, 1784 Warrant 149 WELLS, BENJAMIN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Great and Little Buffalo rivers, survey 36. June 6, 1784. Warrant 553, p. 13. SITTON, HEIRS OF JOHN. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Mathew Marshall, E. vacant. Cut N. & S. by Buffalo creek, survey 37. June 3, i384, Warrant 502, p: is: MARSHALL, MATTHEW. 287% acres, Washington Co.. bounded S. Wm. Few, other sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 38. June 29, 1784. Warrant 1971, p. 13. CHAMBERS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jos. Anderson, EK. Jesse Jones, S. & W. vacant, survey 30. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1835, Doel4s MILLER, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Big Buffalo creek, survey 40. June 7, 1784. Warrant 677, p. 14. WELSH, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded f&. Kelly, other sides vacant. Cut N-W. to S-E. by Big Buffalo creek, survey 41. June 12, 1784. Warrant 572, p. 14. WATSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jesse Brooks, other sides vacant. Divided BE. to W. Buffalo creek, survey 42. June 23 1784. Warrant 2065, p. 15. ’ RAMSEY, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. to S. by Buffalo creek, survey 43. June 22,1784. Warrant 1183, p. 15. SMITH, THOMAS. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. by Perry, other side vacant Divided W. to E. by Buffalo creek, survey 44 UIT eels ae Warrant 1484, p. 15 BROOKS, JESSE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 45, June 25. 1784 Warrant 2003, p. 16 SMITH, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. On Buffalo creek, survey 46. June 8, 1784. Warrant 2124, p. 16 WAINWRIGHT, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Benj. Few, survey 47. June 6, 1784. Warrant 2160, p. 16228 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. FREIL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Buffalo creek, survey 48. June 10, 1784. Warrant 1622, p. 17. HUKENBOTTOM, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. and E. vacant, S. Wilcher, W. Thos. Johnston. Cut E. to W. by branch of Oconee river, survey 51. June 27, 1784. Warrant 2474, p. 18. HAMMOCK, BENEDICT. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded S. Lick creek, other sides vacant, survey 53. July 1, 1784. Warrant 191, p. 19. ANDERSON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Dunbar, E. & W. vacant, S. Oconee river, survey 54. Jan. 23, 1784. Warrant 2516, p. 19. JOHNSTON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. David Jones, other sides vacant, survey 55. June 27, 1784. Warrant 1349, p. 19. BLACK, HENRY. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Black creek, survey 62. June 7, 1784. Warrant 114, p. 22. FENN ZACHARIAH. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Sol. Willey, S. Ogeechee river, survey 66, 1784. Warrant —, P. Dias ANDERSON, HENRY. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Ezekiel Offutt, W. Jno. Shannon, survey 80, Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 480, p. 28. ALLISON, JAMES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Shoulderbone creek, survey 83. June 27, 1784. Warrant 664, p. 29. BRANTLEY, THOMAS, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Shoulderbone creek, survey 86. June 7, 1784. War- rant 1796, p. 30. BEASLEY, BURWELL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Clarke, E. Peter Youngblood, S. & W. vacant, survey 87. June 10, 1784. Warrant 2288, p. 30. BONNER, ROBT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Saml. Wilson, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Sandy creek, survey 96. August 14, 1784. Warrant 731, p. 33. BARNARD, JESSE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. > unknown, S. Oconee river, survey 97. June 38, 1784. Warrant 314, p. 34. BURKE, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Reuben Nails, other sides unknown. Cut E. to W. by Broad river, survey 98. July 29, 1784. Warrant 755, p. 34. BISHOP, STEPHEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Beaverdam creek, W. James Bishop, survey 99. June 6, 1784. War- rant 1364, p. 34.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 229 BISHOP, JAMES. -287!% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Stephen Bishop, other sides vacant. On Beaverdam creek, survey 100. June 6, 1784. War- rant 1278, p. 35. BAGGS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. On Buffalo creek, survey 101. Warrant 1932. June 3, 1784, p. 35. BLOODWORTH, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Island, E. Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 102. Warrant 1545. June 4, 1784, Dido: McMUNN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Moore, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Buffalo creek, survey 107. Warrant 2685, June 4, 1784, p. 37. DARLEY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. survey, S. Oconee river, survey 120. June 29, 1784. Warrant 2498, p. 42. DOSE, JOEL. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Wilkins, E. & W. vacant, S. Hubbard. Cut by Gorham & Doss creeks, survey 122. June 10, 1784. Warrant 335, p. 42. DOOLEY, GEORGE. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Shoulderbone creek, other sides vacant, survey 123. June 3, 1784. Warrant 2016, p. 43. DAY, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Edward Hagin, other sides vacant, survey 126. July 8, 1784. Warrant 755, p. 44. LAMAR, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. grantee, E. Thos. Glascock, S. & W. vacant, survey 129. Aug. 15, 1784. Warrant 1753, p. 45. MURPHY, EDMOND._ 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 130. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 404, p. 45. BARRON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 131. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 656, p. 495. FRANKLIN, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Blueford Davis, survey 132. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 1504, p. 46. PALMER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by fork of Oconee river, W. Blueford Davis, survey 132. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 1504, p. 46. DAVIS, BLUEFORD. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Edmond Murphy, survey 134. Aug. 16, 1784. War- rant 569, p. 46. DIOLENDEMUS, MATTHEW. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Little Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 135. Sept. 27, 1784. Warrant 698, p. 46.230 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. DANNELLY, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Benj. Lockhart, S. Oconee river, W. Wm. Franklin, survey 136. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 137, p. 47 LOCKHART, BENJ. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. vacant and Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 137. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 1653, p. 47 PARKS, JOHN. 640 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Seymour Catchings, other sides vacant, survey 146. June 25, 1784 Warrant 2425, p. 52 MOSELEY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Parks, E. vacant, S. Phillips and Greer, W. Catchings, survey 147. June 25, 1784. Warrant 2491, p. 51 McGEHEE, THOMAS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Mill Shoal creek, survey 149. June 5, 1784. Warrant 2106, p. 52. DENNIS, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Baldwin, other sides vacant, survey 163. July 23, 1784. Warrant 1601, p. 56 FRIEL, LEWIS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Joel Statin, other sides vacant, survey 167, June 25, 1784. Warrant 2729, p. 58 LONG, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Limestone creek, survey 176. July 2, 1784. Warrant 1252, p. 62 JONES, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Robt. Long, ef 9 9 other sides vacant, survey 177. July 2, 1784. Warrant 1576, p. 62 FEW, IGNATIUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Gardner, S. Oconee river. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 200. June 10, 1784. Warrant 931, p. 70 PEAL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 208. July 1, 1784. Warrant 948, p. 74 LESLIE, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Ohoopee river, other sides vacant. Cut by Deep creek, survey 220. June 29, 1784. War- rant?92> p- 75 McNEELY, DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut by Deep creek, survey 220. June 29, 1784. War- rant 2043, p. 78 MARTIN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Buckeye creek, other sides vacant, survey 277. June 28, 1784. Warrant Doe CRANE, LEWIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Johnsten, E. Simon Smith and Academy lands, S. vacant, W. Benj. Harris, survey 233. June 4, 1784. Warrant, , Dp. &4 JENKINS, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jesse Thomp son, Other sides vacant, survey 234. June 4, 1784, p. 84BOUNTY SURVEYS. 231 SMITH, SIMON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Johnston, S. Academy lands, survey 235. June 25, 1784, p. 85. FLUKER, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. George Wag- ner, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Fishing creek, survey 236. June Zon sas pe oo: THOMPSON, JESSE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Richard Jen- kins, other sides vacant, survey 237. May 17, 1784, p. 85. CLOUD, EZEKIEL. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Indian creek, branch of Mulberry creek, survey 244. May 17, 1784, p. 86. KILGORE, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Big Pond creek, fork of Oconee River, survey 240. May 17, 1784, p. 86. McNEILLY, HUGH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jno. Martin, other sides vacant, survey 246. May 17, 1784, p. 88. CLARKE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. College lands, other sides vacant. Cut by fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 248. June 11, 1784, p. 89. HILL, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Hayman, E. Oconee river, S. Joseph Bugg, W. vacant, survey 260. May 17, 1784, p. 92. HAYMAN, STEPHEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Douglas, EK. Oconee river, S. Stanton Hayman, W. vacant, survey 261. May 17, 1784, p. 93. HAYMAN, STOUTON. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Stephen Hayman, E. Oconee river, S. Wm. Hill, W. vacant, survey 262. May 17, 1784, p. 93. GAMBOL, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jno. Peal, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Buck creek, survey 268. June 30, 1784, p. 95. HADDCN, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, Survey 269. May 17, 1784; p. 95. HINTON, JOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 270. June 28, 1784, p. 96. GRAVES, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Reuben Nails, other sides vacant, survey 272. Sept. 17, 1784, p. 96. HAGAN, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 273. June 17, 1784, p. 97. GREZEL, GEORGE. 28714 acres, Washington Co., all sides vacant, survey 276. June 6, 1784, p. 98. HATCHER, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Sandy creck, survey 281. Aug. 12, 1784, p. 99.232 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. HAGAN, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded (triangle) N-E. Hagan, ) S. Shoulderbone creek, N-W. unknown, survey 282. June 21, 1784, p. 100. HAGAN, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Robert Day, other sides vacant, survey 285, June 2, 1784, p. 100. HARVEY, CHARLES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. & W. Samuel Wilson. Cut N. & S. by Sandy creek, survey 290. Aug. 14, 1784, p. 102. HARVEY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Sam’l Wilson, other sides vacant. Cut S. E. to N. W. by Sandy creek, survey 291. Aug. 14, 1784, p. 102. HOWARD, BENJ. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Long, other sides vacant, survey 292. July 3, 1784, p. 102 GARDNER, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Oconee river, S. Ignatius Few, other sides vacant, survey 295. June 8, 1784, p. 103. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Nich Hugh, other sides vacant, survey 297. June 7, 1784, p. 104 CASTLEBERRY, RICHARD. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded §S. Claiborn, other sides vacant, survey 331 Aug. 15, 1784, p. 114 YOUNG, JOHN, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ed Young, Ek. Geo. Hart, S. & W. vacant, survey 332. June 7, 1784, p. 114. DAVID, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, survey 334. June 23, 1784, p. 115 KELLY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. McGehee, EK. Oconee river, S. Jno. Potts, W. vacant, survey 346 June 19, 1784, p. 118. McGEHEE, LEWIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Reuben Lett, E. & S. vacant, W. Ogeechee river, survey 352. July 15, 1784, p. 119 PAIN, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Wm. Sattewhite, S. Wm. Wallace, survey 353, June 19, 1784, p. 119. MATTHEWS, MESHECK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Young, E. Ed. Hall, S. Wm. Matthews, W. vacant, survey 356. June 7, 1784, p. 120. HALL, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Geo. Hart, E. Altamaha river, S. Wm. Matthews, W. vacant, survey 355. June 7, 1784, p: 120: 2 WALLACE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Robt. Hudson, S. Jno. Getmany, survey 359. June 19, 1784, p. 121.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 233 GERMANY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Wallace, E. Jno. Crawford, S. Altamaha river, W. vacant, survey 360. June 19, 1784, p. 121. HORNBY, PHILIP. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Andrew Dick, other sides vacant, survey 361. Oct. 29, 1784, p. 122. MARBURY, THOMAS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, survey 362. June 7, 1784. p. 122. FOLD, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Germany, E. Altamaha river, S. Thos. Marbury, W. vacant, Survey 363. June 7, S45 pH 22: BEAL, ARCHIBALD. 862% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EK. Ogeechee river, S. Chas. Simmons, survey 364. July 6, 1784, p. 123. YOUNG, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Thos. Marbury, “ other sides vacant, survey 365. June 7, 1784. Warrant 2005, Diese CARNERY, ORNSBY. 28614 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Rich creek, survey 366. Nov. 22, 1784. Warrant 1371, D: 23: HART, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Marbury, EK. Altamaha river, S. & W. vacant, survey 367, June 7, 1784. Warrant 1642, p. 124. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Mat- thews, other sides yacant, Survey 369. June 6, 1784. Warrant 2622, p. 124. TALYOR, JOSIAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Gen. Twiggs, E. Titus Hollinger, S. & W. vacant, survey 371. May 17, 1784. Warrant oU9S ip ela5: GERMANY, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Altamaha river, S. Phil. Green, survey 375. Oct. 18, 1784. Warrant 2335 piel2Gt PENDLETON, SOLOMAN. 1149 acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Jno. Gal- phin, E. Savannah river, S. Jos. Wiseman, W. vacant, survey 380. April L845 pl 28: BARNETT, NATHAN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Big Shoal creek, survey 381. June 21, 1784, p. 128. BARNETT, DANIEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, B. Jas. Simms, S. Richardson, W. Nathan Barnett, survey 382. June 23, 1784. Warrant 249, p. 128. BARNETT, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Marshall’s creek, fork of Oconee river, survey 383. Aug. 2, 1784. Warrant 285.234 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WEBB, JESSE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Moses Miller, other sides vacant, survey 398. June 1, 1784. Warrant 1, p. 133. SANDERS, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 399. June 10, 1784. Warrant 2278, p. 133 HODGE, JACOB. 460 acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Johnston, E. Douglass & Whatley, S. survey, W. Jno. Lowe, survey 402. Nov. 10, 1784, p. 134. SAPP, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Ragan, E. & W. vacant, S. Jno. Perkins, survey 403. Nov. 9, 1784. Warrant 105, p. 134. FEW, BENJAMIN. 1,150 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 412. June 9, 1784. Warrant 2435, p. 137. AYRES, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Altamaha river, W. Wm. Germany, survey 413 Oct. 18, 1784 War- rant 1066, p. 138 WILLIAMSON, ROBERT. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Magehee and Reuben Lett, other sides vacant, survey 414. July 5, 1784. Warrant 830, p. 138. PEARRY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Ogeechee river, 999 other sides vacant, survey 415. July 7, 1784. Warrant 1333, p. 138. SAPP, EMANUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Col. Jas. Jack- son, E. Thompson & Evans, S. Betsell, W. vacant, survey 416. Oct. 29, 1784 Warrant 1116, p. 139. SAPP, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Andrew Dick, E. & W. vacant, S. James Jackson, survey 417. Oct. 29, 1784. Warrant 1568, p. 139. LANGSTON, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Mat- thews, E. Altamaha river, S. Joshua Inman, W. vacant, survey 418. June 6, 1784. Warrant 251, p. 139. KAIR, HENRY. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Washington Co. line, E. Watson, S. & W. vacant, survey 419. June 2, 1784. Warrant 787, p. 140. CHENEY, GREENBERRY. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Knox, §. Wilkes Co. line, W. Fair, survey 240. June 18, 1784. Warrant 479, p. 141. SIMMONS, CHARLES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Ogeechee river, S. Robt. Williamson, survey 421. July 5, 1784. War- rant 232, p: 14. BERRY, JOHN. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. S. fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 422. July 8, 1784. Reserve, p. 141. GRIFFIN, MATTHEW. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. McGil- ton, E. Ogeechee river, S. Jas. Allen, W. vacant, survey 425. July 7, 1784. Warrant 243, p. 142.BOUNTY SURVEYS. DICKS, ANDREW. 2871%% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Philip Hornby, other sides vacant, survey 426. Oct. 29, 1784. Warrant 1499, p. 142. WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Sam’l Whatley, S. Oconee river, W. Jno. Burney, survey 428. June 5, 1784. Warrant 2111, p. 143. STAMPS, POWELL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. M. Ragan, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Island creek, survey 429. Nov. 12, 1784. Warrant 1102, p. 142. WOODRUFF, JOS. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Williamson’s Swamp, S. John & George Galphin, survey 430. July 22, 1784. Warrant 1839, p. 144. WHATLEY, WALTON. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Golson, E. vacant, S. Wm. Mayo, W. Tucker. Cut by Rocky creek, survey 431. July 14, 1784. Warrant 2510, p. 144. MILNER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Sanders Walker, “ other sides vacant, survey 432. Nov. 14, 1784. Warrant 1508, p. 144. WEBSTER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Francis Moore, E. & S. vacant, W. Wm. Walker. Cut by Island creek, survey 433. July 13, 1784. Warrant 1073, p. 145 McCORMICK, BENJ. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Sanders, W. Beckham. Cut E. & W. by Fork creek, survey 434. July 5, 1784. Warrant 1954, p. 145 LARAMORE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 435. July 23, 1784 Warrant 1844, p. 145. RAGAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jno. Island, W. Powell Stamps, survey 436. Nov. 8, 1784. Warrant 144, p. 145. SANDERS, MARK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Christmas & Owens, W. Joshua Sanders, survey 437. June 29, 1784. War- rant 2168, p. 146. WELCH, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wright, E. & W. vacant, S. Stern Simmons, survey 440. July 10, 1784. Warrant 1479, p. 147. PERRITT, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. College lands, W. Wm. Baldwin, survey 445. July 19, 1784. Warrant 1384, p. 148. BALDWIN, WILLIAM. 345 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Kim- brough, other sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 446. Nov. 16, 1784. Warrant 1965, p. 149.236 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. FREIL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, S. Jesse Brooks, S. E. by Buffalo creek, survey 447. July 14, 1784. War- rant 840, p. 149. FEW, WILLIAM. 1207% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by branch of Buffalo creek, survey 453. June 23, 1784. Warrant 139; p. 151. SMITH, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 455. Nov. 17, 1784. Warrant 571, p. 152. GREENE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. grantee, S. Altamaha river. Cut by Deep creek, survey 465. June 15: 1784. Warrant 1198, p. 156. HOUSTON, DR. JAMES. 920 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Daniel Cuth- bert, E. Montfort, S. Henry Allison, W. Jacob Blount. On waters of Oconee river, survey 486. Dec. 8, 1784. Reserve, p. 163. HOUSTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. John Houston, S. Oconee river, W. Sharp & Douglass, survey 493. June 10, 1784. Warrant 1851, p. 165. MADDEN, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Benj. Thompson, other sides vacant. On waters of Buffalo creek, survey 498. Oct. 18, 1784. Warrant 614, p. 166. FRYAR, FIELDING. 28714 acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Dean & Moore, E. & S. vacant, W. Luke Dean, survey 506. Nov. 23, 1784. Warrant —, p. 169. HUGHS, NICHOLAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. John Jones, other sides vacant. Cut N. to E. by Buffalo creek, survey 511. June 5, L784. Warrant 1205, p. 171. JONES, NATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jonathan Jones, other sides vacant. Cut S. to N. by Buffalo creek, survey 512. June 5, 1784. Warrant 291, p. 171. PUGH, JEHU. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Burwick Rogers, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Sandy creek, survey 513. June 29, 1784. Warrant 2110, p. 171. DENNIS, ABRAHAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. James McFar- land, other sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 515. June 7, 1784. Warrant 597, p. 172. JONES, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Joseph Reed, other sides vacant, survey 516. June 14, 1784. Warrant 927, p. 172. BARNHART, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 516. June 25, 1784. Warrant 1806, p. 173.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 237 WIGGINS, WIELIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Abraham Dennis, other sides vacant, survey 518. June 7, 1784. Warrant 1399, p. 173. ROGERS, BRITTAIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, EK. grantee, W. vacant and Simms. Cut by Fork creek, survey 519. June 7, 1784. Warrant 1950, p. 178. ROGERS, BURWICK. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Thos. Wooten, other sides vacant, survey 521. June 12, 1784. Warrant 1107, p. 174. EVANS, DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Williamson’s Swamp, S. Jno. Ledbetter, survey 529. June 15, 1784. Warrant 1494, p. 177. LAMAR, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 530. June 9, 1784. Warrant 183, p. 177. LEGETT, ABNER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut S. to N. by Lick creek, survey 531, July 22, 1784. Warrant 2291, p. 178. HARKINS, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. & W. survey. Cut S. to N. by Lick creek, survey 532. July 24, 1784. Warrant 828, p. 178. LEGETT, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides surveyed. Cut E. to W. by Lick creek, survey 533. May 17, 1784. Warrant 364, p. 178. EDWARDS, PETER. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Beaverdam creek, E. & S. vacant, W. Jas. Allison, survey 534. Oct. 21, 1784. War- rant 2417, p. 179. HERTSHORN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Beaverdam creek, W. Wilkes Co. line, survey 535. Oct. ale 1784. Warrant 2994, p. 179. ALEXANDER, EZEKIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded E. John Lytton, Alexander, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Little Beaverdam creek, survey 536. June 26, 1784. Warrant 412, p. 179. GRAVES, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Whatley, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Deresow’s creek, survey 541. Nov. 14, 1784. Warrant 1695, p. 181. MOORE, RICHARD. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 555. June 26, 1784. Warrant 472, p. 186. THOMPSON, BENJ. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 556. Oct. 18, 1784. Warrant 2,000, p. 187. LAMAR, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 558. June 9, 1784. Warrant 936, p. 188.238 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. FORT, ARTHUR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little Ogeechee river and Cowpen creek, E. Ogeechee river, S. Lewis Davis, W. vacant, survey 559. June 24, 1784 Warrant 1456, p. 188. O’HEARN, JOSIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Jno. DuHart, S. & W. Oconee river, survey 562. June 8, 1784. Warrant 1937, p. 189 KUPERT, JOHN. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Bird’s creek, survey 563. Oct. 12, 1784. Warrant pad: WOOTEN, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut W. to E. by Beaverdam creek, survey 750. June 11, 1784. Warrant 2521, p. 193. 2 »., bounded W. Burwell Rogers, other sides vacant, survey 571. June 12, 1784. Warrant 1657, WOOTEN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington C p: 193 CHAPLAIN, JOSEPH. 200 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Night, E. Wil- liamson’s Swamp, S. & W. vacant Cut E. & W. by Walnut creek, survey > o/Z. June 12, 1784. Warrant Deals FULTON, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Patterson, S. Limestone creek, W. Wiliamson’s Swamp, survey 573. June 3, 1784 Warrant 1450, p. 194 THOMPSON, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut W. to BE. by Fishing creek, survey 574. June 8, 1784. War- rant 2090, p. 194 RED, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 582. June 12, 1784. Warrant 1025, p. 197. THOMPSON, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 587. June 16, 1784. Warrant 32, p. 198. THOMPSON, LABAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Mann, HN, yacant, S. Benj. Bartmore, W. Titus Hollinger, survey 592. May 24, 1784 Warrant 615, p. 200 WINTERS, FRED. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Matthews, EK. & S. vacant, W. Cornelius Scott, survey 598. Dec. 14, 1784. Warrant 2292, p. 202. SCOTT, CORNELIUS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Allen, E. Fred Winters, S. Sam’l Creswell, W. vacant. Cut by branch of Eastanola creek, survey 599. Oct. 16, 1784. Warrant 1694, p. 202. MATTHEWS, JOHN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & BE. vacant. S. Fred Winters, W. Jno. Allen. Crossed by Indian Trading Path. Cut by Eastanaula creek, survey 600. Dec. 16, 1784. Warrant 845, p. 203.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 239 ALLEN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. John Matthews, S. Cornelius Scott, survey 601. Dec. 16, 1784. Warrant 829, p. 203. TAYLOR, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, S. John Buckhalter, survey 603. June 5, 1784. Warrant 1883, p. 204. BUCKHALTER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut W. to E. by Shoulderbone creek, survey 604. June 5, 1784. Warrant 1703, p. 204. BUCKHAM, SIMON. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by branch of Buffalo creek and Shoulderbone creek, survey 605, June 6, 1784. Warrant 2118, p. 204 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, KE. vacant, W. John Holmes, survey 606. June 17, 1784 Warrant 2141, p. 205. EMANUEL, ASA. 2871% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Blanchard, E. Oconee river, S. Robert Allen, W. vacant, survey 617. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1904, p. 210. STROHECKER, RUDOLPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Fred Jones, S. vacant, W. Asa Emanuel, survey 618. June 8, 1784. Warrant 906, p. 211. THORNTON, SOLOMAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. J. Sim- mons, E. Shoulderbone creek, S. Rogers, W. vacant, survey 623. June 8, 1784. Warrant 906, p. 211. WOOD, JAMES. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 629. June, 1784. Reserve, p. 215. BACON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded S. John Bacon, other sides vacant, survey 630. Dec. 10, 1784. Warrant —, p. 216. MORCE, ALEXANDER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. unknown, E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Porter, survey 642. June 10, 1784. War- rant 2713, p. 220. COWEN, CAPT. EDWARD. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Rooty creek, survey 643. Noy. 15, 1784. Reserve, p. 221. YOUNGBLOOD, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Glascock, other sides vacant, survey 644. Jan. 4, 1785. Warrant 1830, p. 221 KEMP, THOMAS, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Matthews, E. vacant, S. John Cook, Sr., W. Reddick. Cut W. to E. by Dososow creek, survey 645. Nov. 11, 1784. Warrant 1227, p. 221. LOWE, CAPT. JOHN TOLSON. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded EH. Capt. Marbury, others vacant, survey 713. May 23, 1785, p. 250.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Hudson, others 785, ps 251 MATTHEWS, WILLIAM. 287% vacant, survey 717. June 7 LAUDERDEAL, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Bear creek and its forks, survey 719. Feb. 3, 1786, p. 252. SMALLWOOD, MIDDLETON. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Robt. Middleton, other sides vacant, survey 722. Aug. 4, 1784, p. 254. HAWKINS, HEIRS OF JAMES. 2871 acres, Fra We nklin Co., bounded §S. N. fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey } June 7, 1784, p. 254. KELL, ARCHIBALD. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Tugalo river, other sides vacant, survey 72 Dec. 14, 1784, p. 254. McCAIN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Allen’s creek of the Oconee river, survey 724. Dec. 14, 1784, Dp: 254: MURPHY, MILLS. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Indian Cut creek, survey 728. June 28, 1784, p. 256. MATTHEWS, ISHAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Bender, EK. Livingston, S. Wm. Matthews, W. vacant, survey 729, p. 256. MOORE, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by N. fork of Oconee river, survey 730. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 256 McCORDELL, CORNELIUS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jas. Cart- ledge, E. John Clarke, S. John Gorham, W. Thos. Cannon, survey 731. Dec. 21, 1784, p. 257 CARTLEDGE, EDMOND. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Edmond Cartledge, Sr., W. Edmond Cartledge & Galpin, survey 835. Aug. 7, 1784, p. 293 BAKER, WILLIAM. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. H. Marbury, W. H. Marbury, on Big creek, survey 915. Sept. 8, 1784. On Reserve, p. 323. BOSWOETH, OBEDIAH. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. John Gorham, other sides vacant. Cut by Oconee river, survey 917. June 7, 1784, p. 324. THOMAS, CONNELL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Connell & Wash, other sides vacant, survey 931. June 2, 1785, De Zoo: CULPEPPER, MALACHIA. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by N. fork of Oconee river, survey 935. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 330. CLARKE, ELIJAH. 4,600 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Clarke, E. Jno. Freeman, S. Oconee river, W. Freeman & Cleves, survey 936. Aug. 10, iso ps colsBOUNTY SURVEYS. 241 CLARKE, MOSES. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Clarke, other sides vacant, survey 950. Sept. 8, 1785. On Reserve, p. 338. CLARKE, JOHN. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Leonard Marbury, other sides vacant, survey 952. Sept. 8, 1785. On Reserve, p. 338. CARNES, THOMAS. 450 acres, Franklin Co., bounded (triangle) N. Major Cobb, E. Wiliam & Jesse Walker, W. Oconee river, survey 951. June 23, 1785. On Reserve, p. 338. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “D.” BUGG, H. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded N. Dr. Wicker, other sides vacant. Cut by Pagin creek. Survey 7, July 10, 1784, p. 5. LAW, GEORGE. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey OSs ULVe Oo eloos spa Lo: PALMER, JOHN. 28714 acres, Camden Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey SIF Aug: 155 1787; ps 29: RICKEY, JOHN. 2871%% acres, Camden Co., bounded E. Wm. Denny, other sides vacant, survey 96, June 18, 1786, p. 31. WINN, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Town creek swamp, survey 166. Aug. 5, 1785, p. 60. WRIGHT, JOHN. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 172: Now. 24, 1736, p:. 62. WHITE, THOMAS. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded N. Capt. Randolph, other sides vacant, survey 173. Sept. 18, 1786, p. 62. LAWSON, JOHN. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N. & E. Altamaha river, S. Dunwoody, W. vacant, survey 258, May 25, 1790, p. 82. OSGOOD, JOSIAH. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Altamaha river, S. Jos. Clay, survey 281. May 25, 1790, p. 88. BRAY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. vacant and Col. Howell, other sides vacant, survey 358. Mar. 30, 1790, p. 114. BROWNSON, NATHAN. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Robt. Dun- woody, other sides vacant, survey 372. Dec. 22, 1788, p. 117. HOWELL, CALEB. 387% acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Wade O’Brien, E. Howell, S. Joshua Pearce, Jr., W. Vacant, survey 430. Aug. 21, 1788, p. 134. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “E.” BRAZILL, SAMPSON. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Edward Hill, E. John McLain, S. unknown, W. Wm. Baldwin. Cut E. to W. by Shoul- derbone creek, survey, Nov. 20, 1784. Warrant 2992, p. 1.242 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BALDWIN, MORDECAI. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Heard, E. vacant, S. Thos. Maxwell, W. Wm. Farrell, June 10, 1784. Warrant 2650, p. 3. BROWN, FREDERICK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Lewis Bo- bough, other sides unknown. Dec. 17, 1784. Warrant 3973, p. 2. BOBOUGH, LEWIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Fred Brown, S Richard Call, other sides unknown. Dec. 17, 1784. Warrant 2975, p. 4. BURNEY, JOHN, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. June 14, 1784. Warrant 1687, p. 5. BURNEY, JOHN, SR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. & W. unknown. June 30, 1784. Warrant —, p. 6. BRASWELL, FREDERICK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. un- known, E. vacant, S. Ed. Hall, W. Wm. Baldwin, survey. Nov. 15, 1784. Warrant 2307, p. 7. ALLISON, HENRY. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Bartlett Martin, E. vacant, S. Robt. Moseley, W. Jas. Houston, surveyed. Dec. 7, 1784. Warrant . On Reserve, p. 8. MOSELEY, CAPT. LITTLEBERRY. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Chisholm, E. & S. vacant, W. south fork Oconee river. Oct 15, 1784. Reserve, p. 9. PAYNE, CAPT. THOMAS. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Montfort and Evans, other sides vacant, survey 10. Oct. 15, 1784. Reserve, p. 10. CRAIN, LEWIS. 287 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. McGree, E. & S. vacant, W. Geo. Wycho. Nov. 6, 1784. Warrant 2971, pD. itil LEWIS, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N. Lewis Ledbetter, E. Altamaha river, S. Drury Ledbetter, W. vacant, survey 13. Dec. 14, 1784. Warrant —, p. 13. LEWIS, JOSEPH. 287% acres (2d bounty), Liberty Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. grantee, W. Drury Ledbetter, survey 15. Feb. 24, 1785, p. 15. LEWIS, JOSEPH. 287% acres (3d bounty), Liberty Co., bounded E. Wm. Jones, other sides vacant, survey 18. Mar. 9, 1785, p. 18. LEWIS, ELIJAH. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N. Thos. Bacon, S. John Bacon, others vacant, survey 19, Dec. 9, 1784, p. 19. CONYERS, MRS. MARGARET. 287% acres (old bounty), Effingham Co., sur- vey 35. March 19, 1785, p. 35. SUNDAY, THEOPHILUS. 575 acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Marlow, F. Beaverdam creek, S. Jno. McQueen, W. vacant, survey 36. May 12, 1785, Dp. 38:BOUNTY SURVEYS. 243 BONNELL, DAVID. 500 acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Great Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 42. July 11, 1784, p. 42. HOWELL, DANIEL. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 46, Jan. 25, 1785, p. 46. HOWELL, DANIEL. 287% acres (2d bounty), Effingham Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Little Ogeechee river, survey 49. Jan. 25, 1785, p: 49: REDDING, GEORGE. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Wm. Gibson, B. Abm. Sunday, S. Berry Green, W. vacant, survey 76. March 27, 1785, p. 70. JONES, PHILIP. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Handley, S. E. Newman, W. vacant, survey 77, Dec. 24, 1784, p. 77. GOODALL, PLEASANT. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. James Gray, W. James Gray, survey 153. Feb. 14, 1785, p. 153. WARD, HEIRS OF BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Alex. Carswell, E. David Holmes, S. Joseph Ward, W. vacant (granted to Charles Ward in trust for Heirs of Benjamin), survey 196. Nov. 29, 1784, p. 196. LOWE, ISAAC. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. & BE. vacant, S. Jack- son Higgins, W. Higginbotham, survey 272. Sept. 9, 1784, p. 272. BUTLER, DANIEL. 575 acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Frank. S. Martin, W. Lamar, survey 323. Oct. 6, 1784, Daiczae APPLING, JOHN. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 324. May 6, 1785, p. 324. APLING, JOHN. 862% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. survey, E. Jas. “ Stubble, W. unknown, survey 325. Aug. 9, 1785, p. 325. CALL, RICHARD. 1035 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 330. June 11, 1785, p. 330. CARNES, PETER. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Bryan Ward, others vacant, Survey 338. May 12, 1785, p. 338. CLARKE, JOHNSTON. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Big Pond fork of Oconee river, W. Wm. Fenn, survey 342. July 30, 1784, p. 342. CLOUD, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded Manoah Cloud, other sides vacant, survey 346. July 18, 1785, p. 346. CLOUD, MANOAH. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Jno. Cloud, other sides vacant, survey 347. Oct. 9, 1784, p. 347. CURREY, PETER. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Stephen Coan, other sides vacant, survey 349, May 6, 1785, p. 349.244 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. COURSEY, DAVID. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 350. May 18, 1785, p. 350. CULBREATH, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. fork of Oconee river, W. Ignatius Few, other sides vacant, survey 352. Jan? 29), 1785, p. 352. BREWER, GEORGE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. county line, other sides vacant, survey 353. June 1, 1784, p. 353. BERRY, RICHARD. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, E. Jos. G. Taylor, S. N. fork of Oconee river, W. vacant, survey 354, April 12, 1785, p. 354. BLOUNT, STEPHEN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, E. & W. vacant, S. Jeremiah Brantley and Peyton Wyatt, survey 355, Mar. 11, 1785, p. 355. CARNES, PETER. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 339. May 15, 1785, p. 339. CASTLEBERRY, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Ch. Few, other sides vacant, survey 358. June 8, 1784, p. 358. BUTLER, DANIEL. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Big Shoal creek, survey 359. Sept. 25, 1784, p. 359. FEW, IGNATIUS. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. un- known, W. Oconee river, survey 403. Aug. 4, 1785, p. 403. FEW, COL. IGNATIUS. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. & W. Oconee river, survey 404. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 404. JONES, ALITHEA ANDERSON. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. grantee, E. Col. Marbury, S. Edward Telfair, W. vacant, survey 406. May 21, 1785, p. 406. ADKINSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jno. Bernett, “ other sides vacant, survey 356, Oct. 3, 1785, p. 356. BARBER, GEORGE. 690 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 357. June 10, 1784, p. 357. BELLAMY, RICHARD. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Jas. Hodges, other sides vacant, survey 360. July 10, 1784, p. 360. BLACK, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Wm. Black, other sides vacant, survey 361. Aug. 6, 1784, p. 361. BLACK, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Webb, E. J. Black, S. Jno. Black, W. vacant, survey 362. July 16, 1784, p. 362. CORSEY, STEPHEN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. On N. fork of Broad river, survey 363. June 30, 1784, p. 363.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 245 ADCOCK, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Wm. Ford, other sides vacant, survey 364. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 364. COBB, JAMES, SR. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Offutt, other side vacant, survey 365. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 365. BARNETT, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. John Smith, other sides vacant. On Indian creek, survey 366, Oct. 22, 1784, p. 366. CARTLEDGE, EDMUND. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Glascock, S. Glascock, others vacant, survey 367. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 367. BAILEY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jesse Webb, other sides vacant, survey 368. June 8, 1784, p. 368. BARDIN, GILBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 369. July 30, 1784, p. 369. CARTLEDGE, JAMES, 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Wm. Pulliam, EK. Jno. Clarke, S. Cornelius McCardell, W. R. Dennis, survey 370. Dec. 21, 1784, p. 370. CANNON, THOMAS. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. R. Dennis, E. McCardell, S. John Corham, W. vacant, survey 371. Feb., 1785, p. 371. BRANTLEY, JEREMIAH. 345 acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Wyatt, others vacant, survey 372. Mar. 10, 1785, p. 372. BROOM, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. W. Nichols, others vacant, survey 373. June 21, 1784, p. 373. BRITT, CHARLES, 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Eastanaula river, survey 374. Dec. 16, 1784, p. 374. FEW, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. unknown, E. & S. vacant, survey 375. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 375. FEW, WILLIAM. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. Scott, E. vacant, S. Jno. Apling, survey 378. Aug. 5, 1785, p. 378. FEW, WILLIAM. 1,024 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Franklin fork Oconee river, others unknown and vacant, survey 379. Aug. 11, 1785, p. 379. FEW, WILLIAM. 1,250 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Fork of Oconee river, others vacant, survey 380. Aug. 9, 1785, p. 380. FEW, WILLIAM. 1,120 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, E. & W. vacant, S. north fork of Oconee river, survey 381. Aug. 6, 1785, p. 381. FEW, WILLIAM. 1,725 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides unknown, sur- vey 376. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 376. FEW, WILLIAM. 887 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides unknown. On branch of Oconee river, survey 377. Aug. 12, 1785, p. 377.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. EVANS, STEPHEN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- Q vey 382 May 6, 1 7%, 785, p. 382. FREEMAN, JOHN. 1,200 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Christopher Orr, W. Pope, survey 384. Aug. 4, 1784, p. 384. FREEMAN, HOLMAN. 920 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 385. Aug. 4, 1785, p. 385. FUQUA, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jas. Thompson, S. fork of Oconee river, survey 386. Aug. 1, 1784, p. 386. »- DYAR. HEIRS OF HENRY. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Richard Berry, S. Oconee river, survey 387. April 12, 1785, p. 387. DEAN, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 388. Dec. 13, 1784, p. 388 FENN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 389. July 30, 1784, p. 389. EASTER, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Wm. Hooper, others vacant. Cut by Town’s creek, survey 390. Sept. 10, 1784, p. 390. FORD, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Thos. Scott, others vacant, survey 391. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 391. DRIVER, HENRY. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Jacob Summerford, survey 392. June 9, 1784, p. 392. FRANKLIN, G. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jas. Cobb, W. Scoit, survey 393. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 393 DAVIS, MEREDITH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Offutt, other sides vacant, survey 394. Oct. 27, 1784, p. 394. DOUGLAS, GEORGE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Ware, E. & S. vacant, W. Jos. Jeter. Cut by fork of Clarke’s creek, survey 395. Dec. 10. 1784, p. 395. FULLER, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Glas- cock, W. Jos. McCutchins, survey 396. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 396. FULLER, STEPHEN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. middle fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 397. Dec. 1, 1784, p. 397. DENNIS, RICHMOND. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EK. Jas. Cartledge, S. Thos. Cannon, survey 398. Dec. 1, 1784, p. 397. DYAS, JOHN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. College lands, other sides vacant, survey 399. July 20, 1784. DUKE, TAYLOR. 460 acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Wamberscies, others vacant. Cut by fork of Broad river, survey 401. July 9, 1784, p. 401.247 BOUNTY SURVEYS. FEW, COL. IGNATIUS. 1,187% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Jno Hollings- worth, other sides vacant, survey 402. Aug. 8, 1784, p. 402. JONES, ALITHEA ANDERSON. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Mar- bury, other sides vacant, survey 405. May 21, 1785, p. 405. JONES, JAMES. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Col. Marbury, other sides vacant, survey 407. May 20, 1785, p. 407. GIBBONS, WILLIAM, JR. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Edward Tel- fair, other sides vacant, survey 410. June 10, 1785, p. 410. GORHAM, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, HE. by grantee, S. Strother and Richardson, survey 411. May 11, 1785, p. 411. JONES, JAMES. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. fork of Oconee river, S. Ignatius Few, W. John Gorham, survey 403. June 20, 1785, p. 408. GORHAM, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. grantee, W. W. Rich- ardson, others vacant, survey 413. May 10, 1785, p. 4138. GORHAM, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. south fork of Broad river, other sides vacant, survey 414. May 30, 1784, p. 414. GORHAM, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. grantee, E. & W. vacant, survey 415. May 13, 1785, p. 415. GARRETT, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Morris, other sides vacant, survey 417. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 417. poe GARRETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded a 418. Sept. 6, 1785, p. 416. sides vacant, survey — — GARRETT, JOHN. 2,875 acres, Franklin Co., bounded a known, survey 419. Sept. 6, 1785, p. 419. sides vacant, or un- GARRETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 420. Sept. 6, 1785, p. 420. y GARRETT, JOHN. 200 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides unknown, survey 421. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 421. GARRETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 423. Sept. 6, 1785, p. 422: GARRETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Thos. Marshall, E. & S. vacant, W. middle fork of Oconee river, survey 423. Aug. 9, 1785, p. 423. GORHAM, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Richardson, E. Gorham, other sides vacant, survey 412. May 10, 1785, p. 412. GARRETT, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Collier, E. Nelson, S. & W. vacant, survey 436. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 416.248 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. JOHNSTON, JOHN H. 277 acres (triangle), Franklin Co., bounded N. un- known. BE. Ford Butler, S. W. Walter Richardson, survey 425. June 23, 1784, p. 425. HORN, JESSE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jno. Pittman, other side vacant, survey 426. Oct. 5, 1784, p. 426. HARVEY, LITTLEBERRY. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. survey, other sides vacant, survey 427. Oct. 29, 1784, p. 427. HOLTON, FRANCIS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant on Oconee river, survey 428. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 428. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “F.” JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 5. July 15, 1784, p. 5. HUDSON, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- ~ vey 6. April 9, 1785, p. 5. HORN, JACOB. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Welcher, E. Stephen Evans, S. & W. vacant, survey 7. May 6, 1785, p. 6. JARRETT, DEVEREAUX. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Big Shoal creek, other sides unknown, survey 6. Aug. 27, 1785, p. 6. HUDSON, JOSEPH. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Hudson’s fork of Oconee river, survey 9. June 8, 1784, p. 7. JONES, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Geo. Barber, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Connerol’s creek, survey 10. Aug. 14, W784. pp: U- CREGG, THOMAS. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Rd. Thompson, S. Benjamin Hubbard. Cut by Hudson’s fork, survey 1l. June 8, 1784, p. 8. GLASCOCK, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Bear creek, survey 12. July 15, 1784, p. 8. HUBBARD, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Wm. Thomas, W. Joel Doss. Cut W. to E. Gorham’s fork Broad river, survey 13. June 8, 1784, p. 8 HALL, GEORGE. 230 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Johnson Clarke, other sides vacant. Cut by Big Pond fork of Oconee river, survey 14. July 30, 1784, p. 9. HUBBARD, JACOB. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jas. Little, other sides vacant. Cut by Nails creek, survey 15. June 4, 1784, p. 10. GREASEL, ELAM. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 16. June 25, 1784, p. 10.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 249 HEATLEY, ROBERT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded §S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 17. June 11, 1784, p. 11. GILES, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Jno. Castleberry, other sides vacant. Cut by Curry’s creek, survey 18. June 25, 1784, p. 11. JACKSON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Mulberry fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 19. Aug. 1, 1784, p. 12. JONES, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. H. Hendricks, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by N. fork of Oconee river, survey 20. June 29, 1784, p. 12. McCARRY, EDWARD. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by middle fork of Broad river, survey 21. Aug., 1784, p. 13. HILL, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. J. Fountain, other sides vacant. Cut by Broad river, survey 22. Dec. 17, 1784, p. 13. HOWARD, JULIUS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Bear creek and tributaries, survey 33. July 15, 1784, p. 14. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL. 28716 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. College lands, other sides vacant. On Richland creek, survey 26. May 31, 1784, Daelp: ALEXANDER, SAMUEL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. College lands, other sides vacant. On Richland creek, survey 26. May 31, 1784, p. 15. ASHMORE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 27. June 1, 1784, p. 16. BUSSEY, HEZEKIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Golden, EK. Oconee river, S. & W. vacant. On Richland creek, survey 28. June 3, 1784, p. 16. BRADLEY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Richland creek, other sides vacant, survey 30. June 4, 1784, p. 17. ANDREWS, JOSHUA. 2871%% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut W. to E. by Fakling creek, survey 31. June 6, 1784, p. 16. ANGLIN, DAVID. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides yacant. Cut KE. to W. by Fishing creek, survey 32. June 7, 1784, p. 18. BLANCHARD, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Asa Emanuel, S. vacant, W. R. Fleming, survey 33. June 9, 1784, p. 19. BOYKIN, JESSE. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Oconee river, S. Fred Francis, survey 34. June 10. 1784, p. 19.250 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BURKE, CHARLEY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded FE. Shoulderbone creek, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by 12 miles of Beaverdam creek, survey 35. June 10, 1784, p. 20 BERRY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jno. Anderson, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 36. June 10, 1784, p. 20. BENTLEY, JOHN. 287164 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut S. to N. by 12 miles of Beaverdam Creek Trading Path, laid out SE. to NW., survey 37. June 10, 1784, p. 21. BUCKHALTER, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Camp, E. & S. vacant, W. Williamson’s swamp, survey 38. June 12, 1784, p. 21. BURNETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Marler, E. & W. vacant, S. Jno. Roberts, on Rocky creek, survey 39. July 13, 1784, Dp. 22. BUCKHALTER, MICHAEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E vacant, S. Ogeechee river, W. R. Middleton, survey 40. June 15, 1784, p. 22. BROWN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Allen, other sides vacant. Cut by branch of Fishing creek, survey 41. June 15, 1784, Dp. 23. BURT, MOODY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little Beaverdam of Richland creek, E. Adams, S. John White, W. vacant, survey 42. June 16, 1784, p. 23. BRANNAN, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Bentley, E. vacant, S. Trippe, W. Smalley, survey 43. June 30, 1784, p. 24. BOWEN, JOEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Hammock, S. Lick creek, survey 44. July 1, 1784, p. 24. BURNETT, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little creek, others vacant, survey 45. July 1, 1784, p. 25. BRYANT, JOHN. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. va cant & Davenport, Jackson, Stake, on Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 46. July 2, 1784, p. 25. BUCKHALTER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Howard other sides vacant, on Williamson’s swamp, survey 47. July 3, 1784, p. 26 ALLEN, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E Ogeechee river, S. John Pearry, survey 48. July 7, 1784, p. 26. AYRES, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. &. E. vacant, S Williamson’s swamp, W. Weldon Houseley, survey 49. July 8, 1784, p. 27. ADCOCK, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sapp, H. Burke S. Taylor, W. vacant, survey 50. July 9, 1784, p. 27.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 251 ALEXANDER, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Bradley, other sides vacant. Cut by Rocky creek, survey 51. June 8, 1784, p. 28. AUTREY, ALEXANDER. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut S. to N. by Buffalo creek, survey 52. July 22, 1784, p. 28. ASBURY, JONATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Houston, other sides vacant, on branch of Fishing creek, survey 53. June 9, 1784, p. 29. ALEXANDER, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant, survey 54. July 24, 1784, p. 29. BRASWELL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EK. Williamson’s Swamp creek, S. Woodruff, survey 55. July 22, 1784, p. 30. BOYKIN, FRANCIS. 387% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Geo. Powell, S. Ogeechee river, survey 56. April 29, 1784, p. 30 BROWNER, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Geo. Bas- sett, other sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 57. Feb. 26, 1785, Deol BASSETT, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N.-W. Rae, E. Evans, S. & W. vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 57. Feb. 24, 1785, D: ol BROOME, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Henry Wood, Kk. Ogeechee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 59. July 24, 1784, p. 32 BROWN, ANDREW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. J. Thomas, E. vacant, S. Jas. Thomas, W. Jas. Catchings, survey 66. Jan. 3, 1785, p. 35. BURNSIDES, JOHN. 287%, acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Breed & Nimms, E., S. & W. by Glascock, survey 67. Jan. 4, 1785, p. 36. BALDWIN, DAVID. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Grantee, S. Cornelius, Smith, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 68 Feb. 24, HiS5yops 0. BARROW, REUBEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Robert Alex- ander, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Big creek, survey 69. April 7, WSs Ds oe ALEXANDER, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut E. to W. by Big creek, survey 70. April 7, 1785, p. 37 BALDWIN, DAVID. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. yacant, E. Col- lege lands, S. Perritt, W. grantee, survey 71. Feb. 24, 1785, p. 38 BARRETT, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Richland creek, survey 74. April 16, 1785, p. 399 5 BROOKS, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Williamson’s swamp, S. Grimsley, survey 75. Nov. 22, 1784, p. 40. BISHOP, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut S. to N. by Town creek and tributaries, survey 76. Dec. 30, 1784, p. 40. BUGG, JOHN, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. “ Cut S. to N. by Ohoopee river, survey 77. June 10, 1784, p. 41. BRUTON, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, BE. Jno. Coleman, S. Soloman, Palmer, on Town’s creek, survey 78. Nov. 14, 1784, p. 41. AYRES, ABRAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Henry Candler, other sides vacant, survey 79. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 42. BANKS, REUBEN. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Jas. Gilton, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Rae’s creek, survey 80. Dec. 16, 1784, p. 42. BELL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Brown, E. Col- lege lands, S. Wm. Bryant, W. Bryant and vacant, survey 81. Oct. 11, 1784, p. 43. BROWN, WILLIAM. 750 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Wilkes Co. line, S. College lands, other sides vacant, on Falling creek survey 82. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 48. BUSSEY, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. John Rogers, W. Jno. Island. Cut by branch of Eland creek, survey 83. Nov. 8, 1784, p. 44. BEARD, EDMOND. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Benj. Jenkins, E. Thos. Hartshorn, S. Henry Townsend, W. Fitzpatrick, on Richland creek survey 84. Oct. 18, 1784, p. 44. BOSTICK, NATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & BE. vacant, S. Andrew Gordon, W. Richard Call, survey 85. June 10, 1784, p. 45. BROWNSON, NATHAN. 1,150 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut by Rooty creek bottom, survey 86. Nov. 16, 1784, p. 45. BOWIE, REASON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thornton, E. Fitz- gerald, S. Wheeler, W. Ramsey, on Richland creek, survey 87. Oct. 19, 1784, p. 46. ALLEN, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, BE. Surveyed, S. 12 miles Beaverdam creek, survey 88. Oct. 21, 1784, p. 46. BENTLEY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut S. to N. by Town creek, survey 89. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 47. BURKE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Reddick, other sides vacant. Cut KE. to W. by forks of Buffalo creek, survey 90. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 47.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 253 AYRES, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Williams, other sides vacant. Cut S. to N. by N. fork of Buffalo creek, survey 91. Nov. 6, 1784, p. 48. BISHOP, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Rocky creek, other sides vacant, survey 92. Nov. 3, 1784, p. 48. BARNETT, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williams & Perkins, E. Jno. Pitman, S. Green & Christmas, W. vacant, survey 93. Nov. 7, 1784, p. 49. BRADLEY, ABRAHAM. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded §. Tennill, other sides vacant, on Reserve, survey 94. Nov. 27, 1784, p. 49. BARFIELD, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ed. Young, E. Pitman, S. & W. Rocky creek, survey 95. Nov. 7, 1784, p. 50. AYCOCK, RICHARD. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Big creek & Smith, survey 96. June 4, 1784, p. 50. ACORD, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 97. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 5l. ALEXANDER, JOHN LISTON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 98. June 11, 1784, p. 51. BARNETT, CLABURN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Shoulder- bone creek, other sides vacant, survey 99. June 9, 1784, p. 52. RAYFIELD, SPENCER. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Tennill, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, on Reserve, survey 100. Nov. 27, 1784, p. 52. BLOUNT, JACOB (HEIRS OF). 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, S. Robt. Mosby, E. Jas. Houston. Cut by South fork of Oconee river, survey 101. Dec. 9, 1875, p. 53. BATES, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 102. June 10, 1784, p. 53. BROWN, ALLEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. fork of Buffalo creek, EB. & S. vacant, W. Wm. Welch, survey 103. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 54. ALEXANDER, ASA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides surveyed, on Rocky creek ford of Shoulderbone creek, survey 104. Sept. 18, 1784, Dros: BOOKER, CAPT. GIDEON. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little- berry Mosely, E. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, survey 105. Oct. 15, 1784, DoD: BELL, HUGH. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. Wm. Gib- son, other sides vacant, on Sugar ‘creek, survey 106. Dec. 6, 1784, p. 55.co4 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BUCKHALTER, JOSHUA. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 108. Oct. 12, 1784, p. 56. BURNEY, RANDALL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. North fork of Ohoopee river, other sides vacant, survey 109. Mar. 25, 1785, p. 57. BURFORD, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Buford, E. & W. unknown, S. Benj. Jenkins, on Richland creek, survey 113. Oct. 26, 1784, p. 59 BEOHOM, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. survey, E. Berkley, & Christmas, S. survey & vacant, survey 114. April 14, 1785, p. 59. BRACK, ELEAZER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s Swamp creek, other sides vacant, survey 116. March 25, 1785, p. 60. BARTLEY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. grantee, W. Zach- ariah Lamar, other sides vacant, survey 117. May 5, 1785, p. 61. COBB, EZEKIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Geo. Powell, E. vacant, S. & W. Ogeechee river, survey 119. May 1, 1785, p. 62. COLLINS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 120. Nov. 12, 1785, p. 62 CHISHOLM. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut N. to S. by Ohoopee creek, survey 121. Nov. 27, 1784, p. 63. CAMPBELL, JOHN. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Chisholm, E. Bradley Stennie, W. Spencer Rayfield, survey 122. Nov. 28, 1784, p. 63. All sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 124. June 7, 1784, p. 64 COATES, NATHANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant, on Buffalo creek, survey 124. June 7, 1784, p. 64. CRESWELL, DAVID. 184 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wallace & Man- ning, E. Col, Napier, S. & W. survey, survey 126. May 9, 1785, p. 65. CRESWELL, DAVID. 100 acres (part of bounty), Washington Co., bounded W. Pannill, E. Oconee river, S. & W. Shields, survey 129. June 8, 1785, p. 67. COLLINS, JOHN. 230 acres (Bounty Reserve), Washington Co., bounded HE. Clement Narsh, other sides vacant. Cut by Rock creek, survey 131. July 3, 1784, p. 68 CATCHINGS, MEREDITH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Daniel Danielly, other sides vacant, on Fishing creek, survey 132. June 3, 1784, Di ou: CARSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, 5S. Wilson, W. Wooten, survey 133. July 10, 1784, p. 69.BOUNTY SURVEYS. CLARKE, JOHN SEBR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. va- cant, E. Ogeechee river, S. Pleasant Goodall. Cut by Dead river, survey 134, July 6, 1784, p. 70. CUNNINGHAM, COL. JOHN. 500 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Newill, Walton, E. & S. vacant, S. Wm. Sturgeon, on Rocky creek fork of Shoulder- bone creek, survey 135. Nov. 20, 1784, p. 70. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Marshall, EK. vacant, S. Jno. Harrington, W. Oconee river, survey 136. June 4, 1784, Ds (il: CAWTHORN, JOSIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s swamp, other sides vacant, survey 138. March 25, 1785, p. 72. CRUTCHFIELD, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Young, E. Whitaker, S. Hogg, W. vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 139. Nov. 14, 1784, p. 72. CAWTHORN, JOSHIA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, 9 on Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 140. Mar. 26, 1785, p. 738. CARNEY, MATTHEW. 230 acres (Bounty Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Adamson, E. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, survey 141. Oct. 10, 1784, Deals: COLEMAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Rogers, other sides vacant, on Big creek, survey 142. June 7, 1784, p. 74. CASTLEBERRY, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., on island of Oconee river, bounded N. Thrice, & Catchings, survey 143. June 2, 1784, p. 74. CANDLER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Williamson’s Swamp creek, other sides vacant, survey 144. July 1, 1784, p. 75. COLEMAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Palmer, other sides vacant. Cut SE. to NW. by Town creek, survey 145. Nov. 14, 1784, D. 15. CARTLEDGE, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Dixon, EB. & W. vacant, S. Michael Smalley, survey 146. June 29, 1784, p. 76. CATCHINGS, SEYMOUR. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut E. to W. by Sandy creek, survey 147. June 16, 1784, p. 76. CLOUD, JEREMIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, Z E. Rocky creek, S. vacant, W. Bishop, survey 148. Nov. 4, 1784, p. 77. CLARKE, GIBSON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Jeremiah Cloud, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 149. June 27, 1784, p. Uilke Henry Hartley, S. Ogeechee river, survey 150. July 3, 1784, p. 78. CONE, WILLIAM—287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CRAWFORD, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Lesley, E. Wm. Wallace, S. Thos. Taylor, W. Altamaha river, survey 151. June 19, 1784, p. 78. CALK, JAMES, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Griffin fork of Williamson’s swamp, survey 152. July 14, 1784, p. 79. CANDLER, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Sanders Walker, other sides vacant. Cut by Buck creek, survey 153. Nov. 10, 1784, Dp: 19: CURLE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Youngblood, E. Beasley, S. Jesse Sanders, W. vacant, survey 154. June 10, 1784, p. 80. CLARKE, MOSES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 155. Oct. 23, 1784, p. 80. COLEMAN, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Buffalo creek, other sides vacant, survey 156. Dec. 29, 1784, p. 81. CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Geo. Rowland, E. Oliver & Oconee river, S. Benj. Greene, W. vacant, survey 157. June 8, 1784, p. 81. COLEMAN, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Swift creek branch of Buffalo creek, survey 158. April 11, 1785, p. 82. CAMP, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Hickory creek, S. Williamson’s swamp, W. Richard Night, survey 159. June 12, 1784, p. 82. CASTELLO, MICHAEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Kieth, E. Dead river, S. Ohoopee river & Jno. Chandler, W. Oconee river, survey 161. June 1, 1784, p. 84 CHAVES, JEREMIAH. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wilson, Rogers, E., S. & W. vacant, on branch of Big creek, survey 162. June 23, 1784, p. 84. CURRY, NICHOLAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. J. H. Harvey, W. Oconee river, survey 163. June 10, 1784, p. 84. CALK, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Candler, other sides vacant, survey 164. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 85. CHILDRE, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Buffalo creek, other sides vacant, Survey 167. May 38, 1785, p. 86. COOKE, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, & Oconee river, E. & S. Daniel Murphy, W. vacant, survey 169. June 11, 1784, p. 87. CRISPUS, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Newsom, E. Long, S. & W. vacant, survey 171. Aug. 13, 1784, p. 88.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 257 CAINE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. John Eaddy, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 172. July 6, 1784, p. 89. DEAN, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Daniel Young, E. Shoulderbone creek, other sides vacant, survey 173. June 6, 1784, p. 89. DAVIS, ABSOLEM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & BE. vacant, S. Abm. Landers, W. Oconee river, survey 174. June 18, 1784, p. 90. DAY, HENRY. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Moses Hill, other sides vacant. Cut by branch of Buffalo creek, survey 175. June 24, 1784, p. 90. DARDEN, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by fork of Buffalo creek, survey 176. April 15, 1785, p. 91. DARDIN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jesse Thompson, others vacant, on Town creek, survey 177. June 4, 1784, p. 91. DAVIS, CLEMTIUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W., vacant, E. Buffalo creek, S. Saml. Braswell, survey 178. Mar. 10, 1785, p. 92. DAVIS, MOSES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp creek and Buffalo creek, survey 179. May 4, 1785, p. 92. DARDIN, GEORGE. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Sandy creek and tributaries, survey 180. June 5, 1784, p. 93. DUKE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. William Pope, S. William Hammiten, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 181. June 10, 1784, p. 93. DOUGLAS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jos. Tharpe, E. Oconee river, S. Stephen Hayman, W. vacant, survey 182. June 10, 1784, p. 94. DARSEY, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. & S. Oconee river, W. grantee, survey 183. June 3, 1784, p. 94. DAVIS, WILLIS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. 12 miles Beaverdam creek of Shoulderbone creek, survey 184. Oct. 23, 1784, Dp: 95: DENNIS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. David Robertson, EK. & W. vacant, S. Isaac Dennis. Cut by N. fork of Buffalo creek, survey 185, Dec. 10, 1784, p. 95. DUKE, BUCKNER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded 8. Clarke & vacant, other sides vacant. Cut by Log Dam creek, survey 186. Jan. 6, 1785, p. 96. DUNCAN, MATTHEW. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Abm. Landers, E. Gilbert Campbell, S. Wm. Anderson, W. Oconee river, survey 187. June 2, 1784, p. 96.258 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. De La PLAIGNE, MAJOR PETER EMANUEL. 290 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Major Handley, E. & W. vacant, S. Paxton & John Chisholm, on Crooked creek, survey 188. Nov. 23, 1784, p. 97. DAY, ROBERT, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides surveyed, or vacant, survey 189. Dec. 14, 1784, p. 97. DENNISON, DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Daniel Whita- ker, E. Benj. Wells, S. Benj. Nichols, W. Jas. Hogg, on Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 190. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 98. DARBE, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, BE. Thos. Gray, S. Wm. Courton, on Fork of Buffalo creek, survey 191. Nov. 1, £784, p: 98. DARCEY, BENJ. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Fleming, other sides vacant, on Ct. Ohoopee river, survey 192. April 26, 1785, p. 99. DARCEY, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. grantee, KB. Oconee river, S. vacant, W. Wm. Wash, survey 193. June 4, 1784, p. 99. DAVIS, BENJ.—287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Wm. Cone, S. Ogeechee river, survey 194. July 4, 1784, p. 100. DAVIS, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Wil- liamson’s Swamp creek, S. Robert Owens, W. Absolom Jackson, survey 195. June 23, 1784, p. 100. DOUGLAS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 196. April 12, 1784, p. 101. DAVIS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Island creek, other sides vacant, survey 197. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 101. DIXON, EDWARD, SR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Sanders Walker, other sides vacant, on branches of Town creek, survey 198. Nov. 17, 1784 p: 102: DUKE, HEIRS OF JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Samuel Alexander, other sides vacant, survey 199. May 31, 1784. On branch of Richmond creek, p. 102. DIXON, DAVID. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Moss & Greaswell, other sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 100. June 9, 1784, p. 103. DANIEL, BENJ. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Fort, other sides “ vacant. Cut by Buckeye creek, survey 201. Aug. 13, 1784, p. 103. DAVENPORT, DR. THOMAS. 460 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Montfort, W. Chisholm, on Oconee river, survey 207. Oct. 15, 1784, p. 106.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 259 DAVENPORT, DR. THOMAS. 920 acres (triangle), Washington Co., bounded NE. grantee & Chisholm, S. Franklin Coline, NW. vacant, survey 208. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 107. DOUGLAS, ALEXANDER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides surveyed, or vacant, survey 209. Aug. 5, 1784, p. 107. DUNCAN, LIEUT. DAVID. 460 acres (on Reserve). Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant or surveyed, on branch of Oconee river, survey 210. Feb. 21, 1785, p. 108. DUNCAN, LIEUT. JAMES. 460 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, or surveyed, survey 211. Feb. 20, 1785, p. 108. ELLIS, ROBERT. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded W. South fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 212. July 7, 1784, p. 109. ELLIS, STEPHEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Benj. Porter, E. Richland ‘creek, S. Col. Napier, W. Benj. Porter, survey 213. Jan. 3, 1785, p. 109. EADDY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Nathl. Coates, E. & W. vacant, S. John Carnes, survey 214. July 6, 1784, p. 110. EAVES, NATHANIEL. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded E. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 215. Nov. 20, 1784, p: LO} EILAND, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Burford & Walker, other sides vacant. Cut by Island creek, survey 216. Nov. 8, 1784, Dili. FULLER, JOSHUA. 2871% acres, Washington Co., bounded NW. Thomas, NE. Glascock, & Fuller, survey 217. Jan. 4, 1784, p. 111. EILAND, ABSOLEM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Wright, other sides vacant, survey 218. June 28, 1785, p. 112. EVANS, STEPHEN. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded S. Capt. Moseley, other sides vacant, survey 219. Oct. 15, 1784, pe v2: FLUKER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Bishop & Burke, EK. vacant, S. Tripp, W. Carter, survey 221. July 5y 1784. ps3: FLUKER, OWEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Ayres, other sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 222. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 114. FLEMING, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jared Irvin, other sides vacant, survey 223. June 10, 1784, p. 114. GIBBS, WILLIAM. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Lester, E. & W. vacant, S. Hugh Bell, survey 224. Dec. 6, 1784, p. 115. FULLER, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. & S. Henry, Candler, survey 225. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 115.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 200 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded PANNILL, COL. JOSEPH. N. grantee, E. Oconee river, S. vacant, W. Greenbrier creek, survey 226. July 2, 1784, p. 116. FENN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Spencer Reeves, W. Offutt, survey 927. Nov. 16, 1784, p. 116. acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. unknown, FOSTER, WILLIAM. 575 30. June 10, 1784, p. 118. E. Alex Moore, S. Oconee river, survey 2 FINCHWELL, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. va- cant, S. Jas. Wright, W. Oconee river, survey 231. June 3, 1784: puis: FLEMING, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Blan- chard, E. Jas. Pugh, S. Chas. William, W. Oconee river, survey 232. June 9, 1784, p. 119. FUSELL, EZRA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Braswell, E. & S. vacant, W. Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 233. July 22, 1784, pD. 119. GILLILAND, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Gilli- land, BE. Wright & Rogers, S. & W. vacant, survey 234. Oct. 12, 1784, p. 120. GRAVES, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co.. bounded N. Wm. Anderson, E. vacant, S. Jno. Whitesides, W. Oconee river, survey 135. June 23, 1784, p. 120. GREER, THOMAS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Harris creek, other sides vacant, survey 236. June 17, 1784, p. 121. GILLILAND, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Wm. Gilliland, S. Wm. Gilliland, survey 237. July 12, 1784, p. 121. FEW, IGNATIUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 243, May 6, 1784, p. 124. FEW, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s Swamp creek, other sides vacant, survey 245. Sept. 5, 1785, p. 125. FEW, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ogeechee river, E. & W. grantee, S. vacant, survey 247. May 9, 1785, p. 126. GARDNER, LEWIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Gardner, E. vacant, S. Haney, W. Oconee river, survey 251. June 8, 1784, p. 128. GRIMSLEY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Williamson’s Swamp creek, other sides vacant, survey 252. July 2, 1784, p. 129. GRIER, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. &. E. vacant, S. Thos. Vickers, W. Buffalo creek, survey 253. Oct. 6, 1784, p. 129. GRIER, AARON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Bishop, E. Davis, S. & W. vacant, survey 255. July 1, 1784, p. 130.BOUNTY SURVEYS. GARRETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Benj. Davis, S. Ogeechee river, survey 156. July 4, 1784, p. 131. GOULSBY, JONATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Mor- gan, E. & S. vacant, W. Jno. Ragan. Cut by Eiland creek, survey 257. Nov. 8, 1784, p. 131. GLAMKIN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded EB. John Jones, other sides vacant, Indian trading path on West, survey 259. June 5, 1784, p. 132. GRIFFIN, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 260. June 5, 1784, p. 133. GREY, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded KE. Courton, other sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 261. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 133. GREEN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Long & Fort, other sides vacant. Cut by Fox, survey 262. Aug. 11, 1784, p. 134. GAMBLE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Beaverdam of Richland creek, W. Jno. White, survey 263. June 19, 1784, p. 134. GREENE, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Lawson, E. vacant, S. Cunningham, W. Oconee river, survey 264. June 8, 1784, p. 135. GLASS, JOEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Glass, E. vacant, S. Wilkes Co. Line, W. branch of Big creek, survey 265. June 10, 1784, p. 135: GRANT, PETER. 575 acres Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, other sides vacant or surveyed, survey 266. June 10, 1784, p. 136. GLASS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. fork of Big creek, EK. & S. vacant, W. Thos. Wellborn, survey 267. June 10, 1784, p. 136. GASTON, ALEXANDER. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EK. Matthews, S. surveyed. Cut by branch of Oconee river, survey 268. Dec. 16, 1784, p. 137. GREEN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 269. April 27, 1784, p. 137. GERMANY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EH. Altamaha river, S. Philip Griner, survey 270. Oct. 18, 1784, p. 138. HARVEY, JOEL. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. branch of William- son’s creek, other sides vacant, survey 271. June 28, 1784, p. 138. HOGG, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Wilkes Co. Line, other sides vacant, on branch of Little river, survey 272. Oct. 18, 1784, p. 139.262 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. HOGG, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Thos. Shaw, other sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam fork of Richland creek, survey 273. July 4, 1784, p. 139. HARBRICK, MICHAEL. 28744 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut by branch of Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 274. June 19, 1784, p. 140. HOUSLEY, WELDON. 345 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Williamson’s Swamp creek, other sides vacant, survey 276. July 8, 1784, p. 141. HILL, MOSES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Ramsey, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 277. June 27, 1784, p. 141. HATCHER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 278. Nov. 24, 1784, p. 142. HADDEN, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Pig creek, E. & W. vacant, S. Long & vacant, survey 279. July 4, 1784, p. 142. HOUSTON, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Frederick Fran- cis, E. Oconee river, S. Wm. Houstoun, W. vacant, survey 281. June 10, 1784, p. 143. HOGG, JAMES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Buf- falo creek, survey 282. June 30, 1784, p. 144. HOGG, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on N. fork Shoulderbone creek, survey 283. June 10, 1784, p. 144. HOWELL, NATHANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut by Richland creek and tributaries, survey 285. June 3, 1784, p. 145. HEARD, STEPHEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Rocky creek & Walker, E. Jno. Hiland, S. Perkins & Sapp, W. Rocky creek, survey 287. Nov. 10, 1784, p. 146. HARPER, JOSEPH. 345 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sullivan & Scott, EH. vacant, S. Fluker, & Whatley, W. Oconee river, survey 288. July 13, U7iS4 ps Lae HARRINGTON, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. va- cant, E. Patrk. Vance, S. Gibson Clarke, on Oconee river, survey 289. June 29, 1784, p. 147. HAMILTON, THOMAS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Hez. Bussey, & Wm. Wilkins, E. Jno. Tankersley, S. Abednego Wright, W. vacant & Benj. Scott, survey 290. July 13, 1784, p. 148. HARVEY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Randal Jackson, E. & W. vacant, S. James Ryan, survey 291. July 14, 1784, p. 148.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 263 HANNAH, THOMAS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, or surveyed, on Island creek, survey 292. Dec. 14, 1784, p. 149. HOWELL, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Robt. Allen, S. Oconee river, W. Robt. Patterson, survey 293. June 7, 1784, p. 149. HARVEY, MICHAEL. 287% acres, Washington Co. (diamond), bounded N. Peter Jackson & vacant, S. vacant & Randal Jackson, survey 295. June 7, 1784, p. 150. HEWITT, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jas. McMinn, W. Abm. Dennis, on Buffalo creek, survey 295. June 7, 1784, p. 150. HARTLE, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ogeechee river, “ other sides vacant, survey 296. July 3, 1784, p. 151. HEARD, JOHN, SR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Stewart, E. va- cant, S. vacant, W. Heirs of Jno. Thornton, survey 297. Nov. 2, 1784, p. 151. HARVEY, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Rake creek, survey 289. Noy. 17, 1784, p. 152. HARRIS, TYRE GLENN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, survey 299. June 30, 1784, p. 152. HANDLEY, GEORGE. 460 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Paxton, & Tennill, E. & S. Oconee river, W. Croked creek & Eve, survey 301. Nov. 28, 1784, p. 153. HOWARD, RHESA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s Swamp creek, E. Isaac Pinson, S. & W. vacant, survey 303. Aug. 30, 1784, p. 154. HOLLIDAY, AYRES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Red- dick, S. Thos. Shaw, W. Matthews, survey 304. Nov. 10, 1784, p. 155 HOOF, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded (triangle) NE. Rich- land creek, S. vacant, NW. Little Beaverdam creek, survey 305, June 9, 1784, p. 155. HILL, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jos. Langford, E- vacant, S. Wm. Shaw, W. Altamaha river, survey 306. Oct. 8, 1784, p. 156. HARBRICK, NICHOLAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Benj. Few, others vacant, survey 308. June 17, 1784, p. 157. HATCHER, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jos. Langford, E. Altamaha river, S. Thos. Ayres, W. vacant, survey 309. Oct. 18, 1784, p. 158. HANCOCK, GEORGE. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut I. to W. by Rae’s creek, survey 310. Dec. 1, 1784, p. 158.©64 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. HARTSHORN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wilkes Co. Line, E. Jas. Hogg, S. & W. vacant. Cut by branch of Little river, sur- vey 311, Oct. 11, 1784, p. 158. HARRIS, DAVID. 862% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Big creek, survey 312. June 5, 1784, p. 159. HEWETT, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Catahings, other sides vacant, on branch of Shady creek, survey 313. June 21, 1784, p. 159. HILL, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Dysart, E. vacant, S. Jas. Hill, W. Altamaha river, survey 314. June 26, 1784, p. 160. HORN, JESSE, 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Nathl. Howell, other sides vacant. Touched SE. corner by Richland creek, survey 315. June 5, 1784, p. 160. HILL, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jno. Coleman, W. Wm. Rogers. Cut E. to W. by S. fork of Big creek, survey 316. June 4, 1784, p. 161. HILLIARD, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Candler, W. Candler, on branch of Town creek, survey 317. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 161. HALL, GEORGE. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. I. Stewart, & Geo. Foulder, other sides vacant. Cut by branch of Shoulderbone creek, survey 318. Nov. 10, 1784, p. 162. HARPER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 319. July 17, 1784, p. 162. HARPER, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Rocky creek, a fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 321. June 12, 1784, p. 163. HARPER, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Robt. Harper, other sides vacant. Cut by fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 322. June 7, 1784, p. 164. HILL, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Wm. Kelly, S. grantee, Jos. Langford, Henry Hatcher, W. Wm. Payne, survey 323. Oct. 18, 1784, p. 164. HAMMETT sy SITHA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. survey, E. Mc- Alpin, S. & W. vacant, survey 324. June 10, 1784, p. 165. HARRIS, NATHAN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. to S. by Buffalo creek, survey 325. Nov. 17, 1784, p. 165. HARVEY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Little Ogeechee river, W. Jas. Averett, survey 326. June 21, 1784, p. 166.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 265 HAYES, ANDREW. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, or survey, survey 327. May 20, 1784, p. 166. JARRETT, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Micajah Wil- liamson, other sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 330. July 1, 1784, p. 168. JOHNSTON, CALEB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by Town creek, survey 331. Mar. 23, 1785, p. 168. JACKSON, ISAAC. 757 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 332. June 10, 1784, p. 169. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve), N. & E. vacant, S. Bartlett Martin, W. Sustale, survey 334. Dec. 14, 1784, p. 170. JONES, PHILLIP. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jno. Braswell, W. Jas. Woodruff, survey 337. July 22, 1784, Doi INMAN, SHADRACK. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 338. July 19, 1784, p. 172. JACKSON, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Wallace, E. Geo. Fould, S. Ed. Younge, W. vacant, survey 338. June 7, 1784, p. 172. JACKSON, JOB. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant. E. Henry Taylor, S. McCormack, survey 340. July 5, 1784, Delito: JONES, JOHN. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jas. McHarland, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 341. June 5, 1784, p. 173. JACKSON, RANDOLPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Har- vey, E. & W. vacant, S. Michael Harvey, survey 342. July 135 Ui84s p» Lie: JOHNSTON, JOHN. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. Kemp, W. Oconee river, survey 343. Aug. 10, 1784, p. 174. JACKSON, PETER. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded NW. Michael Har- vey, other sides vacant, near Oconee river, survey 344. July 14, 1784, p. sips JONES, FREDERICK. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Randolph Strohakers, E. Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 345. June 8, 1784, p. 175. . Asa Merder, other 84, p. 176. JONES, JONATHAN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Nathan Jones, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Buffalo creek, survey 347. June 5, 1784, p. 176. JONES, JESSE. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded § sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 346. June 26, 17 JUSTICE, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Shoulderbone creek, other sides vacant, survey 348. July 21, 1784, Devi266 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. JONES, ELIAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Berchell, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 349. June 12, 1784, p. 177. JOHNSTON, DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Sanson, E. Napier, S. Jas. Grirsby, W. Barton, on Town creek, survey 350. June 28, 1784, p. 178. JENKINS, ARTHUR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Sheffield, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 351. June 10, 1784, p. 178. JACK, SAMUEL. 520 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Newell Walton, S. Reeves & Stirk, on Richland creek, survey 352. Nov. 17, 1784, p. 179. JONES, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 353. Aug. 12; 1784, p- 179. JONES WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 355. Nov. 22, 1784, p. 180. KILGORE, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wilkes Co. Line, E. vacant, S. Joiner, W. Gray. Cut by Falling creek, survey 356. Nov. 11, 1784, p. 181. CARR, HENRY. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Rich- land creek, W. Wm. Bradley, survey 357. June 4, 1784, p. 181. KELLY, WILLIAM, SR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. va- cant, E. Ogeechee river, S. Thos. McDowell, survey 358, July 6, 1784, p. 182. KILGORE, JOHN. 179 acres, Washington Co., pounded N. Saml. Hicks, E. Jos. Richardson, S. Chambless, W. unknown, survey 359. July 2, 1786, p. 182. KELLY, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., pounded N. & W. vacant, E. Ogeechee river, S. Jas. McGilton, survey 360. July 8, 1784, p. 183. KEMP, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 361. Oct. 12, 1784, p. 1838. KENDRICK, NATHANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded S. Rocky creek, other sides vacant, survey 362. June 14, 1784, p. 184. KELLY, WILLIAM, SR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Edw. Rog- ers, other sides vacant, on Foster’s branch, survey 363. Aug. 16, 1784, p. 184. LANDERS, CAPT. ABRAHAM. 86214 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oco- nee river, E. & S. vacant, W. John Dean, survey 364. June 17, 1784, p. 185. LINN, HEIRS OF JOHN. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. Curtiss Linn, BE. & W. vacant, S. Heirs of Jno. Patillo, on Oconee river, survey 365. Feb. 10, 1785, p. 185.BOUNTY SURVEYS. LAWSON, ROGER. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Biland, BE. va- cant, S. & W. Oconee river, survey 366. July 6, 1785, p. 185. LINN, CURTISS. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. Jas. Houston, E. & W. vacant, S. Heirs of Jno. Linn, on Oconee river, survey 367. Feb. 10, 1784, p. 186. LAMB, ABRAHAM. 28716 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. surveyed, BE. vacant, S. Jno. Mann, W. Altamaha river, survey 368. June 22, 1784, p. 187. LITHGOE, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. grantee, others “ vacant, survey 369. Oct. 19, 1784, p. 187. LETT, REUBEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Ogeechee river, W. Francis Pugh, survey 370. July 15, 1784, p. 188 LAWSON, HEIRS OF ANDREW. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded RE. vacant & grantee, others vacant, on Big creek, survey 372. April 9, 1785, p. 189. LESTER, THOMAS. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Gibbs, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 374. Dec. 6, 1784, p. 190. LINDSAY, DENNIS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sheffield, E. & S. vacant, W. Bear creek (improperly called Williamson’s swamp), survey 375. July 9, 1784, p. 190. LAND, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Howell, S. Richland creek, survey 376. June 4, 1784, p. 190. LEVERETT, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. White, E. & S. vacant, W. Morris Findley, survey 377. April 8, 1785, p. 192. LEDBETTER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Bear creek, EK. & S. vacant, W. Daniel Evans, survey 378. June 14, 1784, p. 102. LANGFORD, MOSES. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 379. Nov. 13, 1784, p. 192. LANGFORD, JOSIAH. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) BE. Moses Langford, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 380. Nov. 13, 1784, p. 193. LEONARD, ELIJAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. yacant, E. Wm. Hill, S. & W. unknown, on Fort creek, survey 381. April 8, 1785, p. 193. LANGFORD, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Joshua Hill, EK. Altamaha river, S. Hatcher, W. vacant, survey 382. Oct. 18, 1784, p. 194 LAWSON, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Wilder, EK. vacant, S. unknown, W. Wm. Walker, survey 383. Nov. 5, 1784, p. 194. LEGETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Phillips, EB. Zacha- riah Phillips, S. vacant, W. Phillips. Cut by branch of Oconee river, sur- vey 385. June 12, 1784, p. 195.268 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. LEAPHAM, ABRAHAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. va- cant, S. Adam Shaw, W. Jas. McHarland. Cut by Island creek survey 386. June 27, 1784, p. 196. LOWE, DANIEL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Buffalo creek, survey 387. July 12, 1784, p. 196. LAMAR, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Oconee river. June 25, 1784, p. 197. LITHGOE, ANDREW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Dunn, E. & W. unknown, S. vacant, on Richland creek, survey 389. Nov. 20, 1784, p. 197. MANNING, ADAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by S. fork of Town creek, survey 390. Jan. 2, 1785, p. 198. McINTOSH, HEIRS OF MAJOR LACHLAN. 720 acres (on Reserve), Wash- ington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by branch of Rocky creek, survey 391. Feb. 23, 1785, p. 198. MILTON, MAJOR JOHN. 920 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. to S. by Rae’s creek, survey 392. Dec. 4, 1784, p. 199. MOORE, FRANCIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Island creek, survey 393. July 12, 1784, p. 199. McINTOSH, GENERAL LACHLAN. 1,552 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Maj. Elbert, E. Oconee river, S. grantee, W. Glascock. Cut by Rake creek & Rooty creek, survey 394. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 200. McINTOSH, MAJOR WILLIAM. 920 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded S. vacant, & Little Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 395 Nov. 17, 1784, p. 201. MIMMS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Francis Moore, other sides vacant, survey 396. July 12, 1784, p. 201. MOTTE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EK. vacant, & Ogeechee river, S. Ogeechee river, survey 397. June 1, 1784, p. 202. MOCN, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Oconee river, S. Jas. Red, W. Saml. Rae, survey 398. June 12, 1784, p. 202. MANNEN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 399. June 16, 1784, p. 203. MOSELEY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, & Joshua Bishop, other sides vacant. Cut NW. to SE. by Town creek, survey 400. Sept. 30, 1784, p. 203.BOUNTY SURVEYS. McGILTON, JAMES. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. Porter, E. N. Perry, other sides yacant, on Oconee river, survey 401. Dec. 16, 1784, p. 204. MOORE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Dennis, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 402. Mar. 1, 1784, p. 204. McNIEL, DANIEL, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Nathl. Hicks, S. Daniel McNair, & Samuel Alexander, W. Ramsey, oan branch of Richland creek, survey 403. Jume 4, 1784, p. 205. MITCHELL, CHARLES. 850 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Richard Far- rill, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by branch of Shoulderbone creek, survey 404. Nov. 20, 1784, p. 205. McCORMICK, THOMAS. 287% acres, Wiashington Co., bounded N. Comer Peak, other sides vacant. Cut by Buffalo creek on N. line, survey 405. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 206. MAXWELL, LIEUT. JOSIAH. 460 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Michell, E. Oconee river, S. Pannell, W. vacant, survey 406. July 2, 1784, p. 206. MOSELEY, BENJ. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. McClendon, other sides vacant, on branch of Fishing creek, survey 407. June 25, 1784, p. 207. McALPHIN, ALEXANDER. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. College lands, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Richland creek, survey 408. June 1, 1784, p. 207. McGILTON, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 410. July 17, 1784, p. 208. MOSEBY, ROBERT. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. Allison, E. & S. vacant, W. Blount & Houston. Cut by Oconee river, sur- vey 411. Dec. 7, 1784, p: 209. MORGAN, MALACIAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. College lands, other sides vacant, on Sandy creek, survey 412. June 24, 1784, p. 209. MERCER, ASA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on “ Buffalo creek, survey 413. June 26, 1784, p. 210. McGARRY, ROBERT. 575 acres (triangle), Washington Co., bounded N. Franklin Co. Line, E. Wilkes Co. Line, W. vacant. Cut by Big creek, sur- vey 414. June 11, 1784, p. 210. MAY, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jno. Frie, S. Oconee river, survey 415. June 1, 1784, p. 211. McCLENDON, ISAAC. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Coleman & Hill, E. Freeman, S. & W. vacant. Cut by Big creek, survey 416. June 21, 1784, p. 211.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. MITCHELL, JOHN. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Oconee river, S. Maxwell, survey 417. July 2, 1784, p. 212. MOSELEY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Boggy Cut creek, survey 418. July 14, 1784, p. 212. MAY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded N. & E. vacant, W. Dan’l McNeil (triangle), on Richland creek, survey 419. July 2, 1784, p. 213. McGEEHEE, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Baldwin, E. vacant, S. Lewis Crane, W. Kimbrough, survey 420. Nov. 11, 1784, p. 213. MARSHALL, ZACHEUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 421. Oct. 26, 1784, p. 214. McLEAN, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Dill Sapp, other sides vacant, on Rocky creek, survey 422. Nov. 17, 1784, p. 214. MATTHEWS, MOSES. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Rocky creek, S. Jas. Matthews, survey 423. Nov. 5, 1784, p. 215. McCULLOCH, PATRICK. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Misery branch, other sides vacant, survey 424. June 28, 1784, p. Zoe MOSS, LEONARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Geo. Greasell, W. Thos. Brantley, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 425. June 8, 1784, p. 216. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Cone, other sides vacant, on Ogeechee river, survey 426.~> July 3, 1784, p. 216. MOORE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Henry Hartle, W. Wm. Mitchell, on Ogeechee river, survey 427. July 3, 1784, p. 217. MATTHEWS, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Rocky creek, other sides vacant, survey 428. Nov. 5, 1784, p. 217. MIMMS, SHADRACK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. to S. by Shoulderbone creek, survey 429. June 13, 1784, p. 218. MORGAN, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jonathan, Goulsby, W. Jno. Ragan. Cut N. & S. by Island creek, survey 430. Nov. 8, 1784, p. 218. McGARR, CUEN. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jas. Ragan, other sides vacant. Cut on N. end by Beaverdam creek, survey 431. July 16, 1784, p. 219. McCORMICK, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Benj. Catchings, S. Jno. Frice, survey 432. July 14, 1784, p. 219. MARSHALL DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Dixon, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Fort creek, survey 433. June 29, p. 220.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 271 MARSHALL, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jas Young- blood, other sides vacant, on Deroso’s creek, survey 434. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 220. MIDDLETON, ROBERT. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. sur- vey, E. Davis, S. 12 Mile Beaverdam creek, survey 435. Oct. 23, 1784, p. 221. MARSHALL, ABRAHAM. 747% acres, Washington Co., bounded BE. Walker & Seals, other sides vacant. Cut SE. to NW. by Town creek, survey 436. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 221. MORGAN, JOHN. 30 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. & E. vacant, S. Greenbrier creek, W. Morgan, survey 437. July 9, 1784, p. 222. MORGAN, PHILIP. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) E. Jno. Morgan, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 438. July 9, 1784, p. 222. MOORE, JONAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Alexander, B. McFarland, S. & W. vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 439. June 24, 1784, p. 223. MARLER, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Rocky creek, survey 441. July 13, 1784, p. 224. MARTIN, JOHN, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. branch of Bear creek, other sides vacant, survey 422. March 31, 1785, p. 224. McGRUDER, ZADOCK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant, on Bear creek, survey 443. Mar. 14, 1785, p. 225. McKAY, JAMES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Bush, E. vacant, S. Jas. Reed, W. Oconee river, survey 444. July 26, 1784, p. 225 MIMMS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, or un- known, on Town creek, survey 445. April 21, 1785, p. 226. MOATES, LEVI. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thomas & Glas- cock, E. Glascock, S. unknown, W. Wright, on Island creek, survey 446. Jan. 4, 1785, p. 226. MARTIN, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Jno. Martin, Jr., other sides vacant, survey 447. Mar. 19, 1785, p. 227. MARTIN, MELOAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides unknown or vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 449. May 3, 1785, p. 228. McMURPHY, DANIEL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Heirs of Geo. Cook, other sides vacant. Cut by Deep creek, survey 450. June 11, 1784, p. 228. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. va- cant, E. Oconee river, S. Benj. Porter survey 451. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 229.272 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. NOLAND, PHILIP. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Anderson, B. vacant, S. Irvin & vacant, W. Big creek, survey 454. July 3, 1784, p. 230. NEIL, THOMAS. 250 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Awtrey, E. Oconee river, S. Wagner, W. Awtrey, survey 457. June 2, 1784, p. 238. OLDHAM, URIAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. branch of Bear creek, other sides vacant, survey 460, April 12, 1785, p. 233. O’BRYAN, JAMES. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded all sides vacant. Cut SE. to NW. by Pearres creek, survey 463. July 5, 1784, p. 235. OWENS, ROBERT. 287144 acres, Washington Co., pounded N. & S. vacant, E. Bear creek, W. Moses Leapham, survey 464. July 23, 1784, p. 235. PEWELL, JOSIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Michael Sharp, E. Ogeechee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 465. July 24, 1784, p. 235. PHILLIPS, JOEL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. branch of Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 466. June 19, 1784, p. 236. PHILLIPS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by branch of Buffalo creek, survey 467. May 8, 1785, p. 237. PERRETT, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides unknown laa or vacant, on Buckeye creek, survey 468. Aug. 13, 1784, pD. 2atle PERRETT, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wash, E. Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 469. June 27, 1784, p. 238. PERRETT, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Buckeye creek, E. & S. vacant, W. Kemp, survey 470. Aug. 4, 1784, p. 238. PHILLIPS, JOSEPH. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Clayton, E. Jno. Brown, S. College lands, W. vacant. Cut by Richland creek, survey 471. Oct. 19; 1784, p- 239. PUGH, JAMES, JR. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. branch of Ohoo- pee river, other sides vacant, survey 472. Mar. 18, 1785, p. 239. PATULLO, HEIRS OF JOHN. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. Jno. Linn, other sides vacant, survey 473. Feb. 10, 1785, p. 240. PEARCE, LIEUT. NATHANIEL. 460 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Oconee river, S. Morrison, survey 474. Nov. 23, 1784, p. 240. PERRITT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, other sides surveyed. Cut by Bear creek, survey 475. April 13, 1785, p. 241. POWELL, LEWIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jeremiah Bugg, =i Oconee river, S. Arch Hatcher, W. vacant, survey 476. June 9, 1785, D. 41.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 278 PERKINS, JOHN. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Moose Hill, other sides vacant, survey 478. June 25, 1785, p. 242. PERKINS, ABRAHAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sanders Walker, S. vacant, W. vacant, on Buck creek, survey 479. Nov. 14, 1784, p. 243. POWELL, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Eze- kiel Cobb, S. Ogeechee river, W. Francis Boykin, survey 480. May 1, 1785, p. 243. PAXTON WILLIAM. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. Chisholm, E. Rayfield, S. vacant, W. De La Plainge. Cut N. & S. by Crooked creek, survey 481. Nov. 27, 1784, p. 244. PHILLIPS, ISHAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Glascock, E. vacant, S. Abm. Island, W. Glascock, survey 482. Jan. 5, 1785, p. 244. PHILLIPS, JOSIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Reynolds, other sides vacant, on Richland creek, survey 483. June 5, 1784, p. 245. PINSON, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s or Bear creek, E. & S. vacant, W. R. Howard, survey 484. Aug. 31, 1784, p. 245. POWELL, CADER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by branch of Buffalo creek, survey 485. June 17, 1784, p. 246. PERRY, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oco- nee river, W. Reuben Jackson, survey 486. June 7, 1784, p. 246. POUND, REUBEN. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded §S. Oco- nee river, other sides vacant, survey 487. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 246. PEAK, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. to S. by fork of Big creek, survey 488. June 21, 1784, p. 247. PERKINS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. H. Horton, E. Jno. McFarland, S. vacant, W. Abhm. Leapham. Cut E. & W. by Island creek, survey 489. June 28, 1784, p. 247. PAYNE, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Germany & Ayres, other sides vacant, near Atlamaha river, survey 490. Oct. 18, 1784, Pais PERKINS, PETER. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Rocky ‘creek, E. Wm. Wilder, S. vacant, W. Wm. Johnston, survey 492. Nov. 7, 1784, p. 248. PITMAN, PHILIP. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Kemp, other sides vacant, survey 493. Aug. 13, 1784, p. 349. POPE, WILLIS. 300 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, EB. John Kimbo, S. Wm. Duke. Cut by branch of Shoulderbone creek, survey 494. July 20, 1784, p. 249.274 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. PETRIE, DYALL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Peter Terrill, S. Jno. Oggletree, on Richland creek, survey 495. Dec. 14, 1784, p. 250. PHINNEY, LARKIN. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 496. June 5, 1784, p. 250. PEVEY, PETER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ed. Young, E. Mat- thews, S. vacant, W. Pitman. Cut by branch of Oconee river, survey 497. Nov. 9, 1784, p. 251. PATTERSON, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. David Howell, E. Oconee river, S. Jno. Duhart, W. vacant, survey 489. June 17, 1784, p. 251. POTTS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. McGeehee, W. Oconee river, survey 499. June 11, 1784, p. 252. PATTERSON, GIDEON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Martin, other sides vacant, survey 500. July 7, 1784, p. 252. PAYNE, LIEUT. THOMAS. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. Evans, & Montfort, other sides vacant, survey 501. Oct. 15, 1784, p. 253. PUGH, JAMES, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Robt. Flem- ming, other sides vacant, on Pughs Mill creek, survey 502. June 9, 1784, p. 253. PANNELL, JOSEPH. 300 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. Maxwell, E. Oconee river, S. Pannell, W. vacant, survey 504. July 2, 1784, p. 254. PALMER, SOLOMAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Bentley, other sides vacant. Cut by Town creek, survey 505. Nov. 14, 1784, p. 255. PALMER, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 506. July 5, 1784, p. 255. ROBERTS, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. Wil- liamson’s Swamp creek, E. vacant, S. Watson, survey 507. July 2, 1784, p. 256. ROWELL, HOWELL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ed. Rowell, E. Oconee river, S. Thos. Frederick, W. vacant, survey 508. June 9, 1784, p. 256. RED, JAMES. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Samuel Moon, EB. Oco- nee river, S. Wm. Green, W. Deep creek, survey 509. June 12, 1784, p. 257. ROBERTS, JONAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Surveyed, E. vacant, S. Wm. Green, W. Deep creek, survey 510. June 15, 1784, p. 257. RYAN, RICHARD. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Kelly, S. vacant, W. Jno. Hobbs, survey 511. June 8, 1784, p. 258.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 275 JACKSON, TIMOTHY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Ogeechee river, S. Wm. Kelly, Sr., survey 512. July 7, 1784, p. 258. ROQUEMORE, PETER. 402% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Dennis Lindsay, E. & S. vacant, W. Bear creek, survey 513. July 9, 1784, p. 259. RAMSAY, RANDOLPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Ram- say, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by branch of Buffalo creek, survey 514. June 23, 1784, p. 259. WRIGHT, ABEDNEGO. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Benj. Scott, other sides vacant, survey 515. Dec. 9, 1784, p. 260. RYAN, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Owen, McGarr, W. Jno. Harvey. Cut E. & W. by Beaverdam creek, survey 516. July 16, 1784, p. 260. RAMSEY, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jesse Jones, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by branch of Buffalo creek, survey 517. June 26, 1784, p. 261. ROE, ANDREW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Cobb & Powell, other sides vacant, on Ogeechee river, survey 518. May 1, 1784, p. 261. RAMSEY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Randolph Ram- sey, other sides vacant, survey 519. June 23, 1784, p. 262. RUNNELLS, FREDERICK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jesse Horne, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Richland creek, survey 520. June 5, 1784, p. 262. ROBERTS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Island, or Rock creek, E. & W. vacant, S. Williams, survey 521. July 3, 1784, p. 263. ROGERS, DRURY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Shoulderbone creek, E. Amason, S. vacant, W. Soloman Thornton. Cut by Fort creek, survey 522. June 8, 1784, p. 263. RYLEY, JOSEPH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Wm. Mimms, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Island creek, survey 523. Jan. 4, 1785, p. 264. ROQUEMIRE, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jas. Yorke, S. Jno. Garrett, survey 524. July 4, 1784, p. 264. READ, JOHN. 245 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Cribbs, other sides vacant, or surveyed. On Beaverdam of Richland creek, survey 527. Jan. 26, 1785, p. 266. ROBERTSON, JONATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Phil- lips, other sides vacant. On Buffalo creek, survey 530. Jan 12, 1785, p. 267. REDDIX, ABSOLEM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Maddin, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 530. Jan. 12, 1785, p. 267.276 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. STEWART, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Geo. Hall, S. Geo. Fould, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 531. Feb. 12, 1785, p. 268. SMITH, THOMAS, JR. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded (triangle) NW. south fork of Sugar creek, E. vacant, survey 532. July 2, 1784, p. 268. STEED, PHILIPS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. unknown, E. Walton, S. Geo. Fould, W. vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 533. Feb. 12, 1785, p. 269. SMART, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Morgan, other sides vacant, on Rocky creek, survey 535. April 7, 1785; p- 270: SMITH, CORNELIUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Willis Pope, E. vacant, S. Wm. Perritt, W. Williamson’s, on Shoulderbone creek sur- vey 536. June 5, 1784, p. 270. SHARPE, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Galpin, S. Ogeechee river, survey 541. July 24, 1784, p. 278. STUART, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Theo. Turk, other sides vacant, survey 542. Mar. 13, 1785, p. 273. SPURLOCK, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Pat Jarvis, E. vacant, S. Sanders Walker, W. Wm. Candler, on Little Beaverdam creek, survey 543. June 27, 1784, p. 274. STUART, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Glen creek, survey 550. Oct. 23, 1784, p. 277. STUART, JOHN (3RD). 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut N. & S. by Glen’s creek, survey 551. Oct. 3, 1784, p. 278. SHELTON, HENRY. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on fork of Bear creek, survey 552. Nov. 25, 1784, p. 278. STORY, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Fitzpatrick, other sides vacant, survey 553. April 21, 1785, p. 279. STRENGTH, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Benj. Few, other sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp (or Bear) creek, survey 554, June 22, 1784, p. 279. SMITH, JOSEPH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. McCartie, H. Carter, S. & W. vacant, survey 557. Jan. 3, 1785, p. 281. SHEFFIELD, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 558. June 10, 1784, p. 281. SCOTT, PETER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, S. surveyed, E. Thos. Bussey, on Island creek, survey 560. Nov. 10, 1784, D. 282.BOUNTY SURVEYS, 277 SHAW, ADAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Abm. Lepham, E. & S. vacant, W. Hugh Horton, on branch of Island creek, survey 561. June 29, 1784, p. 283. SUTTON, PHILIP, 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. main Buffalo creek, other sides vacant, survey 562. Oct. 25, 1784, p. 283. STEPHENS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., N. & W. vacant, E. Jno. Lang, S. Little Beaverdam ‘creek of Richland creek, survey 563. June 19, 1784, p. 284. STALLINGS, JESSE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jno. Williams, W. Ayres, on Buffalo creek, survey 564. Nov. 6, 1784, p. 284. STATENS, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Lamar, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 565. June 25, 1784, p. 285. SMALLEY, MICHAEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N, Christmas, & Bentley, E. vacant, S. Cartledge, W. Burke, survey 566. June 30, 1784, p. 285. SAPP, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on branch of Fort creek, survey 567. July 9, 1784, p. 286. STIFF, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Mitchell, survey 568. July 8, 1784, p. 286. SHAW, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Peter Perry, E. Matthews, S. vacant, W. Reddick, on Deroso creek, survey 569. Nov. 10, 1784, p. 287. SIMPSON, SAMUEL. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) all sides vacant. Cut by branch of Beaverdam creek, survey 570. Nov. 29, 1784, p. 287. SHARPE, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Douglas, E. & S. vacant, W. Oconee river, survey 571. June 10, 1784, p. 288. SULLIVAN, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Harper, E. Oconee river, S. Bussey, W. vacant. Cut by fork of Oconee river, survey 572. June 2, 1784, p. 288. RIDEN, JOSEPH SCOTT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Richland creek, survey 573. June 5, 1784, p. 289. SMITH, CORNELIUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Cribbs, other sides vacant. On Stewart’s creek, survey 577. April 13, 1785, p. 289. SIMMONS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Col. Candler, E. Shoulderbone creek, S. Thornton, W. vacant, survey 578. June 8, 17384, p. 291.278 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. SAPP, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. Sapp, W. unknown. Cut by branch of Fort creek, survey 579. July 9, 1784, p. 292. SAPP, DILL. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded N. Jno. Sapp, E. Sanders, S. & W. vacant. On branch of Fort creek, survey 580. July 9, 1784, p. 292. SHEFTALL, MORDECAI. 1,150 (on reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. W. to S. E. by Rocky creek, survey 581. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 293. SAPP, DILL. 28714 acres, Washington Co. (2), bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Rocky creek and Jeremiah Cloud, W. Joseph Walker, survey 582. Nov. Te (84> ps 290: SNEED, DUDLEY. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded W. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 583. June 6, 1784, p. 294. TUNIS, NEHEMIAH. 345 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Sheffield, E. & S. vacant, W. Buffalo creek, survey 584. June 10, 1784, p. 294. TUCKER, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Bishop, other sides vacant, survey 585. July 2, 1784, p. 295. TUCKER, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sheppard and vacant, E. & S. vacant, W. Bishop, survey 586. July 2, 1784, p. 295. TOWNSEND, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jas. Hogg, other sides vacant. On Richland creek, survey 588. Oct. 18, 1784, p. 296. TRAPP, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & BE. vacant, S. Jno. Sapp, W. Joshua Sanders. On Fort creek, survey 590. July 9, 1784, p. 297. TELFAIR, HON. EDWARD. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ignatius Few, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Buffalo creek, survey 591. June 25, 1784, p. 298. THORNTON, SAMUEL. 287% aicres, Washington Co., bounded N. Benj. Jen- kins, other sides unknown or vacant. On Richland creek, survey 592. June 13, 1784, p. 298. THOMAS, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washingtton Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jo. Smith, W. Jno. Parker, survey 593. Jan. 3, 1785, p. 299. TROY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Saml. Alexander, other sides vacant. On Richland creek, survey 595. May 31, 1784, p. 300. TRAWICK, FRANCIS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 596. Oct. 20, 1784. THOMPSON, BENJAMIN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Doctor’s Branch, survey 598. Aug. 9, 1784, p. 301.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 279 TOWNSEND, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. On Shoulderbone creek, survey 600. Nov. 22, 1784, p. 302. TURKNETT, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Cain, other sides vacant, survey 601. Dec. 8, 1784, p. 303. TENNILL, CAPT. FRANCIS. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on re- serve) N. Oconee river and vacant, E. Geo. Handley, S. Campbell and Rayford, W. vacant, survey 602. Nov. 26, 1784, p. 303. THURMAN, ABSOLOM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Maj. Sheppard, W. Aaron Greer. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 603. July 1, 1784, p. 304. THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 28716 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Benj. Wells, Jr., E. Thos. Kelley, S. estate of Offutt, W. Benj. Knuckles. On Rocky creek, survey 604, Nov. 13, 1784, p. 304. WRIGHT, ISAIAH. 287% acres, Washingtotn Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Gilleland, S. Gilleland, W. Carson, survey 605. Dec. 10, 1784, p. 305. WILKINS, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Hwz. Bussey, survey 606. Dec. 3, 1784, p. 305. WILLIAMS, GEORGE. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam fork of Richland creek, survey 607. Sept. 12, 1784, p. 306. WOODS, NATHANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Chaplain, other sides vacant, survey 608. June 14, 1784, p. 306. WHATLEY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little Ogeechee river, E. Sinquefield, S. vacant, W. Michael Whatley, survey 609. Sept. 2, 1784, p. 307. WHATLEY, WHARTON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant and Harvey, E. vacant, S. Burnice, W. Messaries. On Oconee river, survey 610. Sept. 22, 1784, p. 307. WYCHE, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Ray, E. & 8. vacant, W. Lewis Crane. On Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 611. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 308. WILSON, SAMUEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Jas. McFarland, survey 612. June 5, 1784, p. 308. VICKERS, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. On branch of Buffalo creek, survey 614. July 9, 1784, p. 309. WHEELER, ZACHARIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Bushey creek and Richland creek, survey 617. June 26, 1784, p. 311. WILLIS, ISAIAH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Dread Rogers, others vacant. On Shoulderbone creek, survey 618. Nov. 20, 1784, p. 311.£80 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WRIGHT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Jas. McFarland, other sides vacant, survey 619. June 2, 1784, p. 312. WEBSTER, THOMAS. 230 acres, Washington Co. (on reserve), bounded W. Thos. Payne, other sides vacant. Cut by Greenbrier creek, survey 620. Nov. 29, 1784, p. 312. WALKER, SANDERS. 747 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jno. Milner, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Buck creek, survey 622. Nov. 12, i845 ps aise WATERS, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co, bounded N. Jno. Harriman, E. William Campbell, S. vacant and Marshall, W. Tenkerson. On Tenker- son’s creek, survey 613. Nov. 12, 1784, p. 314. WALTON, NEWILL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Cunning- ham, E. Samuel Jack, S. vacant, W. vacant. On Rocky fork of Shoulder- bone creek, survey 634. Nov. 18, 1784, p. 314. WILSON, JOHN. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Jas. Wootten, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Beaverdam creek, survey 625. June II, US4= py ob. WHITTEN, AUSTIN. 2871 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Little Beaverdam of Richmond creek, S. Saml. Hoof, survey 626. June 18, 845 aps olds WILLIAMS, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. On a fork of Buffalo creek, survey 627, Nov. 10, 1784, p. 316. WINFREY, HEIRS OF CAPT. JACOB. 690 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. On Beaverdam creek, survey 628. Jan. 12, 1785, p. 316. WILLIS, BRITTAIN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Freeman and Burrill, E. Joiner and vacant, S. Jno. Berry, W. vacant. Cut N. & S. by east fork of Big creek, survey 630. June 14, 1784, p. 317. WELCH, JOSHUA. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jesse Jones, other sides vacant. On Buffalo creek, survey 631. June 19, 1784, p. 318. WHATLEY, MICHAEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little Ogeechee river, HE. Jno. Whatley, other sides vacant, survey 632. Sept. 2, 1784, p. 318. WHITE, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Beaverdam creek, S. Henry Carr. Cut by Richland creek, survey 633. June 19, 1784, p. 319. WHITAKER, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Middleton, KX. Jere Hatcher, S. Daniel Dennison, W. Crutchfield. Cut by Shoulder- bone creek, survey 634. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 319.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 281 WELLS, BENJAMIN, JR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Hatcher, E. Jas. Simmons, S. Wm. Thompson, W. D. Dennison. On Shoulderbone creek, survey 635. Nov. 13, 1784, p. 320. WILSON, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Chas. Wild, S. vacant, W. McFarland, survey 636. June 2, 1784, p. 320. WILLIAMS, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co. bounded all sides vacant. On Shoulderbone creek, survey 638. June 4, 1784, p. 321. WOOD, JONATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant. & Mc- Clendon, E. vacant, S. Harper, W. Harris’s creek, survey 637. June 26, 1784, p. 321. WRIGHT, HABAKUK. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded BE. Joshua San- ders, other sides vacant. Cut diagonally by Fort creek, survey 639. Dec. Up eas Ds ool WILLIAMS, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. va- cant, E. Wm. Few, W. Edward Telfair. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 640 June 22, 1784, p 322. WALKER, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 641. July 16, 1784, p 99 WALKER, JOSEPH. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, ky. Jeremiah Cloud, S. Wm. Bishop, survey 642. Nov. 4, 1784, p. 322 WAGONER, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Terrell, HK. Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 643. June 2, 1784, p. 323 WILDER, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, K. Lawson, S. York. Cut N. & S. by Rocky creek, survey 644. Nov. 8, 1784, p. 323. WRIGHT, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Candler, E. Henry Candler, S. & W. vacant, on Town creek, survey 645. April 14, 1785, p. 323. WOOTEN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Rocky creek, KH. Daniel Young, S. Peter Perkins, W. Wilder & Yorke, survey 646. May 12, 1785, p. 324. WELCHER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Watery fork of Buffalo creek, E. & S. vacant, W. Philip Sutton, survey 647. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 324. WEBSTER, ABNER. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Carson & ; . : be Ae ; OR Mimms, other sides vacant, on Sandy Run creek, survey 648. Jan. 5, 1785, p. 324. WELLS, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded NE. & W. by Glas- “ cock, S. vacant, on Deroso’s creek, survey 649. Nov. 12, 1784, p. 325.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. WAGONER, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Porter, E. Jas. Wagoner, S. vacant, W. unknown, on Fishing creek, survey 653. June 23, 1784, p. 326. WARE, NICHOLAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Sanders Wal- ker, E. Vinings, S. Marshall, W. vacant, on Beaverdam creek, survey 654. May 5, 1785, p. 326. WALLACE, WILLIAM. 28744 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. grantee, E. Glascock, S. Jas. Thomas, W. Glascock, survey 650. Jan. 11, 1785, p. 326. WHITESIDES, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Hamm, E. Oconee river, S. vacant, W. Ed. Hagan, survey 651. June 26, 1784, p. 326. WILDER, SAMPSON. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 655. June 28, 1784, p. 326. WILLIAMSON, MICAJAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded N. & E. vacant, S. Robt. Jarrett, W. Martin, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 656. July 1, 1784, p. 327. WILKINS, GABRIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 657. Aug. 5, 1784, p. 327. YOUNG, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. McCall, W. unknown, between Williamson’s Swamp creek and Ogeechee river, survey 658. Nov. 25, 1784, p. 328. YANKERFIELD, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant, on Buffalo creek, survey 659. Nov. 13, 1784, p. 328. WEATHERS, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Academy lands, other sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 660. July 19, 1784, p. 328. WOOTEN, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 661. July 19, 1784, p. 329. WALL, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Tripp, other sides vacant, survey 662. July 16, 1784, p. 329. WOOTEN, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N., E. & W. by Oconee river, S. vacant, survey 663. July 20, 1784, p. 329. WOOD, HENRY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Joshia Powell, W. Ogeechee river, survey 664. July 24, 1784, p. 330. WINSKETT, SAMUEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Col. Wil- liamson, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 666. June 4, 1784, p. 330. WILLIAMS, GEORGE. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. unknown, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 668. Feb. 2, 1785, p. 331.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 283 WHEELIS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 669. June 4, 1784, p. 331. YOUNG, EDWARD. 2871 acres, Washington Co, bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Rocky creek, S. Matthews, survey 670. Nov. 4, 1784, p. 332. YOUNGBLOOD, PETER. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Harris creek, survey 671. June 10, 1784, p. 332. YORK, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ramsey, other sides vacant, survey 672. July 3, 1784, p. 332. YOUNG, DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. William Johns- ton, E. & S. vacant, W. Walker, on Rocky creek, survey 673. Nov. 4, 1784, p. 333. YOUNGBLOOD, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Graves, E. Jos. Marshall, S. vacant, W. Deroso’s creek, survey 674. Nov. 14, 1784, p. 3338. YORK, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. Rocky creek, EK. yacant, S. Wm. Wilder, survey 675. Nov. 5, 1784, p. 333. YOUNG, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Harvey, other sides vacant, on East branch creek of Ohoopee river, survey 677. Mar. 24, 1785, p. 334. AUTRY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Walton Harris, S. vacant, W. Sanders, survey 678. June 2, 1784, p. 334. AUTREY, JOHN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Town creek, survey 679. July 7, 1784, p. 335. ALFORD, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Wilkes county line, W. vacant, & McFarland, on Shoulderbone creek, sur- vey 680. April 25, 1785, p. 335. ACORD, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 683. Dec. 28, 1784, p. 336. AVERETT, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Little Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 685. Oct. 17, 1784, p. 337. BATTERY, ZACHARIAH. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. unknown, W. fork of Oconee river, survey 690. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 338. BRYAN, DUNCAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. Coleman, E. & S. vacant, W. Ragland, on branch of Big creek, survey 691. June 8, 1784, p. 339. BARTON, WILLOUGHBY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Holmes & vacant, E. vacant, S. Griggsby, W. vacant. Cut N. & S. by Town creek, survey 692. June 15, 1784, p. 339.284 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BRYANT, LIEUT. JOHN. 460 acres, Washington Co,, bounded N. Wilson & Ragland, other sides vacant, on Middle fork of Big creek, survey 695. June 8, 1784, p. 340. BUGG, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, H. Wm. Hill, S. Oconee river, W. Edw. Rowell, survey 696. June 9, 1784, p. 340. BURKE, DAVID. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Isaac Lowe, E. Mullins & Bulloch, S. Walker, W. vacant, survey 698. July 10, 1784, p. 341. BERRY, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve), all sides vacant. Cut by Green Brier creek, survey 699. July 3, 1784, p. 341. BEASLEY, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. vacant, & Walker, other sides vacant, on Stephen’s creek, survey 702. April 6, 1785, p. 342. BOWEN, OLIVER—COMMODORE OF GEORGIA NAVY. 1,150 acres (on Re- serve), Washington Co., bounded E. Oconee river, other sides vacant, sur- vey 703. Nov. 17, 1784, p. 343. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Bush, S. Oconee river, W. Jno. Taylor, survey 706. June 10, 1785, p. 344. CRAWFORD, STROTHER. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. & E. vacant, S. W. Jones, W. Wm. Croker, survey 707. July 4, 1784, p. 344. CONNELLY, PATRICK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Beecham, other sides yacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 709. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 345. CHRISTMAS, NATHANIEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut BE. & W. by lower Town creek, survey 711. Oct. 7, 1785, p. 346. CROKER, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. & W. vacant, E. Crawford, S. C. B. Davis, survey 713. July 4, 1784, p. 346. CASTLEBERRY, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. va- cant, S. McFarland, W. Jos. Davidson, survey 715. June 30, 1784, p. 347. CASTLEBERRY, PETER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Fuller, other sides vacant, on Ogeechee river, survey 722. Feb. 1, 1785, p. 349. CLARKE, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Old Town creek, survey 728. June 4, 1784, p. 351. COLLINS, MOSES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Holmes, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Big creek, survey 732. June 11, 1784, p. 353. COLEMAN, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Buffalo creek, survey 733. April 4, 1785, p. 353.BOUNTY SURVEYS. DAVIDSON, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, B. Jno. Castleberry, S. Jas. McFarland, W. Luke Durham, survey 734. June 30, 1784, p. 353. DURBAN, LUKE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jos. Davidson, S. McFarland, on Buffalo creek, survey 735. June 30, 1784, p. 354. DANNELLY, JAMES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Chestley Davis, N. Altamaha river, other sides vacant, survey 737. June 25, 1784, p. 354. DAVIS, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Greer, E. Bishop, S. Beaverdam creek, W. vacant, survey 738. July 1, 1784, p. 355. DUCKWORTH, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. branch of Williamson’s swamp, other sides vacant, survey 740. Dec. 23, 1784, p. 355. DAVIS, SOLOMAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Wm. Goober, other sides vacant, survey 742. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 356. FENN, ZACHARIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. vacant, & Darby, other sides vacant. Cut by branch of Sandhill creek, survey 747. Oct. 8) 1785, p. 358. FLOURNOY, ROBERT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut E. & W. by Crooked creek, survey 748. Dec. 8, 1785, p. 358. FORTUNE, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Carson, E. & S. vacant, W. surveyed & Mitchell, survey 749. July 3, 1784, p. 359. FOWLER, NATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. unknown, S. Marshall, W. Jas. Tannyhill, on Fort creek, survey 751. July 7, 1784, Dp. 359. FENN, ZACHARIAS. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wamack, & Heard, W. Deep creek, survey 742. Dec. 6, 1785, p. 359. FENN, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Jno. Gambol, other sides vacant, on Buckeye creek, survey 754. Oct. 7, 1785, p. 360. FOULDS, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jas. Bishop, W. Adcock, survey 755. July 9, 1784, p. 360. FAIR, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on fork of Buffalo creek, survey 756. Dec. 25, 1784, p. 361. FENN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jno. & Geo. Galphin, E. & W. vacant, S. Jno. Sharp, on Ogeechee river, survey 759. July 24, 1784, p. 362. GODBY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on branch of Town creek, survey 760. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 362.286 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. GRAY, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., pounded N. Wilslet, other sides vacant, survey 761. Nov. 2, 1784, p. 362. GREER, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Phillips, T. & S. vacant, W. Baker & Hughton, on Ogeechee river, survey 762. June 9, 1785, p. 363. GODBY, CARY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jo. Marbury, other sides vacant, survey 763. July 10, 1784, p. 363. GLASCOCK, CAPT. THOMAS. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Gen. McIntosh, E. & S. vacant, W. Gen. McIntosh, on Oconee river, survey 764. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 363. GREENE, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Town creek, survey 766. April 25, 1785, p. 364. HOPKINS, LAMBERT. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Phillips, E. & S. Tennill, W. Green Brier creek, survey 772. March 7, 1786, p. 366. HUDSPETH, CHARLES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. William- son’s Swamp creek, E. & S. vacant, W. Galphin’s old line, survey 755. June 29, 1784, p. 367. HARRINGTON, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Oconee river, E. Campbell, S. vacant, W. Jno. Tankersley, & Oconee river, survey 776. June 3, 1784, p. 367. HUDSON, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Jno. Garrett, S. Ogeechee river, W. Jas. Hudson, survey 779. July 4, 1784, p. 368. HILL, EDWARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Wm. Kimbrough, W. Brazele, other sides vacant, or unknown, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 780. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 369. HAMMOCK, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Brantley, E. Tripp, S. vacant, W. unknown, survey 782. July 7, 1784, p. 369. HYNES, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co.) bounded N. Wilkes Co. line, EK. Ledbetter, S. Wood, W. Houston. Cut by Little Ogeechee river, survey 784. Oct. 26, 1784, p. 370. HOGG, JAMES. 287% acres, bounded N. vacant, E. Jno. Crutchfield, S. Daniel Dennison, W. Isham Burke, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 785. May 17, 1784, p. 370. HAYES, ANDREW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides surveyed. Cut N. & S. by Sandy creek, survey 787. April 9, 1785, p. 371. HEARD, BERNARD. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Ezekiel Offutt, E. Kelly, S. Rocky branch of Shoulderbone creek, survey 791. Nov. 16, 1784, p. 372.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 287 HAMILTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant, or surveyed, on Fort creek, survey 795. April 8, 1785, p. 347. HILL, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Brantley, W. Wm. Hamilton, survey 796. April 8, 1785, p. 374. HOPKINS, LAMBETH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Harris, BE. vacant, S. Timothy Pittman, W. Oconee river, survey 797. July 23, 1784, p. 374. HEARD, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Rocky creek, survey 798. June 27, 1784, p. 375. JONES, WILLIAM. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Stro- ther Crawford, E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. Chas. B. Davis, survey 799. July 4, 1784, p. 375. JACK, SAMUEL. 400 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Newell Walton, E. Sturgis, S. vacant, W. Saml. Sterk, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 801. Nov. 18, 1784, p. 376. JORDAN, LEWIS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut in NW. corner by Buffalo creek, survey 803. Oct. 27, 1784, p. 376. JACKSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jos. Kirkland, other sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 804. July 15, 1784, p. 377. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Rocky creek, W. Wm. Bishop, other sides vacant, survey 805. Nov. 4, 1784, p. 377. JONES, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. néar College lands, W. Long, other sides vacant, on Beaverdam creek, survey 806. Nov. zy SDs Ds Ol: KILPATRICK, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Glascock, other sides vacant, survey 807. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 378. KEMP, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Jno. Rogers, other sides vacant, on Big creek, survey 809. April 1, 1786, p. 378. KENNEDY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, EH. Jno. Felps, W. Edw. Williams. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 810. June 26, 1784, p. 379. KEMP, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Buckeye creek, other sides vacant, survey 812. Sept. 22, 1784, p. 379. KIRKHAM, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Thos. Jack- son, other sides vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 813. July 15, 1784, p. 380.288 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. LEDBETTER, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. unknown, =. Robt. Hynes, W. Allen Scott, on fork of Little Oconee river, survey 819. Oct. 26, 1784, p. 382. LOWE, ISAAC. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Isaiah Wright, E. Benj. Welch, S. McMullin, & Simmons, W. Burke, on branch of Oconee river, survey 821. July 10, 1784, p. 382. LEDBETTER, FREDERICK. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Town creek, survey 822. June 3, 1784, p. 383. LOGAN, PHILIP. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on 3uffalo creek, survey 823. April 7, 1785, p. 383. MORRIS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. unknown, E. un- known, S. vacant, W. surveyed, survey 826. Dec. 23, 1784, p. 384. METCALF, WILLIAM. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut SW. to NE. by Clear creek, survey 827. June 12, 1784, p. 384. McGRUDER, NINIAN OFFITT. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 828. July 23, 1784, p. 385 MOTTE, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., hounded N. Hall, E. vacant, S. Miller, W. Little Ogeechee river, survey 289. Mar. 6, 1786. McKINNEY, WILLIAM M. 287146 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Carr & Thompson, EB. vacant, W. Jackson & vacant, on Shoulderbone creek, sur- vey 833. Sept. 17, 1785, p. 386. . MARCUS, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. fork of Ohoopee river, other sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 835. June 8, M854 py Soll MILLER, EZEKIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. surveyed, K. & S. vacant, on Ogeechee river, survey 837. Nov. 17, 1784, p. 388. McLENDON, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Harris creek, survey 838. June 17, 1784, p. 388 MORRIS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Matthews, other sides vacant, survey 843 July 3, 1784; p: 390: McDOWELL, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. va- cant, S. Ogeechee river, W. Jas. Clarke, Sr., survey 844. July 7, 1784, p- 390. MIDDLETON, HOLLAND. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Lamar, E. Samuel Whittaker, S. Jas. Young, W. vacant, on Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 845. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 390.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 289 METCALF, LIEUT. DANZA. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Robt. Harper, E. & W. vacant, S. Henry’s fork & Wm. Brady, on Rocky creek, survey 846. July 17, 1784, p. 391. MARSHALL, LEVI. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Nicholas Long, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 853. Nov. 14, 1785, p. 393. MIMMS, DRURY. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded KE. Wm. Jones, other sides vacant, on Boggy branch, Survey 854. July 7, 1785, p. 393. MOORE, ALEXANDER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, & Lithgoe, E. & S. vacant, W. Jno. Wall, survey 855. July 6, 1784, p. 394. MARBURY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Godby, S. Carson, W. Thos. Johnston, survey 856. July 10, 1784, p. 394. MEANLEY, LIEUT. JOHN. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Banks & King, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Roe’s creek. survey ——. 10, 1785, p. - Mar. McCARTHY, JOHN. 28744 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. David Cres- well, other sides vacant, on Island & Town creeks, survey 862. Oct. 26, 1785, p. 396. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Tucker, other sides vacant, survey 864. July 3, 1784, p. 397. McCARTHY, DRUM MAJ. JOHN. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jas. Catter, S. Jos. Smith, on Rocky creek, survey 865. Jan. SSDs Ds o90- MATTHEWS, MESHACK. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Tucker, S. Sheppard, W. Morris, Survey 866. July 3, 1784, p. 397. NASH, HEIRS OF CAPT. CLEMENT. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 870. July 3, 1784( p. 399. NEWGATE, HEIRS OF CAPT. JOHN. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded S. Reuben Banks, other sides vacant, survey 871. Mar. 16, 1785, p. 400. NICHOLS, BENJAMIN. 2871%4 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thompson, E. Randolph & Offutt, S. Burke, W. Dennis, on Shoulderbone creek, sur- vey 874. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 401. NORTH, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. south branch of Williamson’s Swamp creek, W. Nicholas Scurry, survey 875. Mar. 31, 1785, p. 401. NEWMAN, JOHN. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded W. Meredith Davis, other sides vacant, on Beaverdam creek, survey 876. July 14. 1784, p. 402.290 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. ODINGSELL, CHARLES. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant. Cut N. & S. by Ohoopee river, survey 877. June 15, 1784, p. 402. ORRICK, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Braswell, E. Buf- falo creek, S. Jno. Anderson, W. Isham Phillips, survey 878. Sept. 22, 1785, p. 402. OFFUTT, EZEKIEL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wm. Thomp- son, E. Bernard Heard, S. vacant, W. Jno. Kendall, on Rocky creek, survey 879. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 403. PALMER, JONATHAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant or surveyed, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 880. Feb. 10, 1785, p. 403. POWELL, STEPHEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. branch of Ohoopee river, other sides vacant, survey 882. April 18, 1785, p. 404. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM. 230 acres, Washington Co., pounded (on Reserve) N. Oconee river, E. surveyed, S. Tennill, W. Burton, survey 884. Dec. 5, 1785, p. 404. PHILLIPS, ISAAC. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. va- cant, E. Tennill, S. Hopkins, W. Greenbrier creek, survey 889. Mar. 7; 1786, p. 406. PEAVY, DIAL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. College lands, E. Nathl. Rumbley, S. vacant, W. unknown, survey 892. July 10, 1785, p. 406. RUNNELLS, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded NE, Thos. Brown, SE. surveyed, W. Stephens & Autrey, on Fishing creek, survey 8935 Mar. 225 1785; p. 407. RAY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Geo. Wyche, other sides vacant, on Rocky creek, survey 901. Nov. 11, 1784, p. 409. REEVES, SPENCER. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Nathl. Wade, E. Fenn, S. & W. vacant, on Richland creek, survey 902. Nov. 16, 1784, p. 409, SHARPE, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Jno. Fenn, S. Michael Sharpe, near Ogeechee river, survey 909, July 24, 1784, p. 412. SIMMONS, STERN. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded NE. vacant, SE. Stewart, W. Oconee river, survey 911. June 7, 1784, p. 412. SCOTT, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. McFarland, E., S. & W. vacant. Cut N. & S. by Island creek, survey 912. June 20, 1784, p. 413. SCOTT, ABRAHAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded EB. Jno. Ledbetter, other sides unknown. Cut by branch of Little Ogeechee river, survey 913. Oct. 26, 1784, p. 413.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 291 STALLINGS, EZEKIEL. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Jas. Stall- ings, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, Survey 914. June 8, 1785, p. 413. STEWART, JACOB. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. south fork of Ohoopee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Jno. Marcus, survey 917. June 6, 1785, p. 414. STIRK, SAMUEL. 575 acres. Washington Co., bounded N vacant, W. Edw. Hail, & Reeves, on Shoulderbone creek, 16, 1784, p. 415. Samuel Jack, S. Survey 918. Nov. SMITH, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 919. April 10, 1785, p. 415 SHEFFLE, WILLIAM. 575 acres, Washington Co.. bounded S. Williamson’s Swamp creek, other sides vacant, Survey 921 May 6, 1784, p. 416 SHARPE, JOHN, SR. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. river, E. vacant, S. Jas. Stallings, Survey 923. June 8, 1785, p. 416. Oconee TANNER, JOEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, Buffalo creek, survey 926. May 12, 1785, De Ali: on THOMPSON, BENJAMIN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Deep creek, survey 933. Sept. 12, 1785, p. 419 VANN, EDWARD. 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides by Oconee river (island), survey 934. Oct. 10, 1785, p. 419. WOMACK, JESSE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded KE. Lamar. other sides vacant, on Deep creek, survey 941. Mar. 25, 1785, p. 421. WEST, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Richland creek, survey 942. June 7, 1784, p. 422. WILLIS, GEORGE. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Freeman, E. Freeman & Phillips, S. vacant, W. Joshia Cole, survey 943. ~ June 7, 1785, p. 422. WALTON, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Willis, other sides vacant. Cut BE. & W. by Buffalo creek, survey 944. Dec. 28, 1784, p. 422. WAGNER, JAMES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Geo. Wagner, other sides vacant, on Fishing creek, survey 946. June 23, 1784, p. 423. WAGNER, GEORGE. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Porter, E. Jas. Wagener, S. & W. vacant, on Falling creek, survey 947. June 23, 1785, p. 423. WEST, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Williamson’s Swamp creek, other sides vacant or surveyed, survey 948. April 12, 1785, p. 424.292 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. inte eee Se WILLIAMSON, LITTLETON. 2380 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Re- serve) N. & E. vacant, S. Wagner, W. Chisholm, survey 949. Oct. 10, 1785, p. 424. WOOD, HEIRS OF CAPT. EDWARD. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Rooty creek, survey 950. Nov. 18, 1784, p. 424. WAGNON, THOMAS. 230 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, Ss. Glascock, W. Chisholm, survey 951. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 425. WOOD, LIEUT. JAMES. 469 acres, Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N. Houstoun & Hines, E. unknown, W. Call, survey 952. Oct. 25, 1784, Dp: 425. WILSON, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Wil- son, S. Carson, W. Carry, Godby, survey 953. July 10, 1784, p. 425. WEBSTER, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N unknown, E. Jno. Burke, S. vacant, W. Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 957. July 12, 1784, p. 427. YOUNG, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Island creek, E. Breed, S. Capt. Glascock, W. vacant, survey 958. April 12, 1785, p. 427. YOUNG, LIEUT. DANIEL. 460 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Mount fork of Shoulderbone creek, E. & S. vacant, W. Anthony Metcalfe, survey 959. June 6, 1784, p. 427. YARBROUGH, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. va- cant, E. Wm. Few, S. Buffalo creek, survey 960. June 25, 1784, p. 428. BACON, REUBEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Ogeechee river, W. Archibald Beal, survey 961. Mar. 10, 1785, p. 428. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “G.” RAVOTT, ABRAHAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Robertson, S. Stafford, on upper south fork of Broad river, surveyor’s No. i Aug. 26, 1784, p. 1. STUART, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on N. fork of Oconee river, survey 2. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 1. PULLIAM, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. S. Pulliam, E. & W. vacant, S. Jno. Clarke. Cut by N. fork of Broad river, survey 3. July 8, 1784, p. 2. PULLIAM, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Robt. Pulliam, S. vacant. Cut E. & W. by Tastanaula creek, survey 4. May 24, 1784, p. 2.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 293 PIERCE, ABRAHAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. & W. Glascock, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 6. Oct. 30, 1784, Dp. 3. SNELSON, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S-W. Count DeEstang, other sides vacant, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 5. Nov. 1, 1784, Doe STUART, CLEMENT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 7. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 4. PULLIAM, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Troy, BE. & W. vacant, S. S. Pulliam, on branch of Broad river, survey 8. July 8, 1784, p. 4. SCOTT, THOMAS. 1,150 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. north fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut by N. & S. forks of Curry‘s creek, survey 9. June 6, 1785, p. 5. STUBBS, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Simmons, other sides vacant, on Black ‘creek of Broad river, survey 10, June 9, 1785, p. 6. STICKER, GEORGE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Curry’s creek, survey 11. June 8, 1784, p. 6. SALLETT, ROBERT. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Walnut creek of Oconee river, survey 13. June 27, 1784, p. 7. SWAIN, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Edw. Upton, other sides vacant, on Barber’s creek, survey 15. Jan. 5, 1785, p. 8. O’NEIL, JOHN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Big Shoal creek, survey 17. June 3, 1784, p. 9. NICHOLS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded §S. Thos. Broom, other sides vacant. Cut by north fork of Connoochee creek, survey 18. June 21, 1784, p. 10. OFFUTT, EZEKIEL.. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Robt. Walton, E. & W. vacant, S. William Pulliam. Cut N. & S. by south fork of Cobb’s creek, survey 19. May 25, 1784, p. 10. OFFUTT, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Nathl. Wade, E. Edw. Hall, S. vacant, W. John Fenn, on Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 20. Nov. 16, 1784, p. 11. PALMER, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Oconee river, survey 21. July 25, 1784, p. 11. PITTMAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Middletown, other sides vacant, on Flatt creek, survey 22. Oct. 5, 1784, p. 12.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. PATTON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded SW. Hardy Hinton, other sides vacant, on Gorman’s fork of Broad river, survey 23. July 27, 1784, p. 12. QUEEN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded SE. Fuller, SW. north fork of Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 24. June $1784; pls: PAYNE, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., pounded N. Geo. Franklin, E. Thos. Adcock, other sides vacant, on Big Pond branch, survey 255 Oce 28, 1784, p. 13. ROSE, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jas. Little, other sides vacant, on Broad river, survey 26. Aug. 20, 1784, p. 14. = SIMMONS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on north fork of Broad river, survey 27. June 7, 1784, p. 14. STAFFORD, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on south fork of Broad river, survey 28. Aug. 25, 1784, p. UB SURES, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Thos. Snelson, other sides vacant, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 29. Oct. 10, p. 15. STANFORD, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Thos. Snelson, S. Wm. Motte, on Oconee river, survey 30, Oct. 10, 1784, p. 16. ROSEBOROUGH, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Dan’] McCoy, W. Jno. Shaw, on Broad river, survey 31, Dec. 6, 1784, p. 16. SHOW, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Rose- borough, S. Jno. Wisener. Cut by Clarkes :creek, survey 32. Dec. 6, 1784, p: LG SNELSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Wm. Motte, other sides vacant, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 33. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 17. SHANNON, OWEN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Meredith Davis, W. Offutt, on Diamond fork of Oconee river, survey 34, Oct. 27% 1784. p. 18: SUMMERFORD, JACOB. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Oconee river, W. College lands, on middle fork of Oconee river, survey 35. June 9, 1784, p. 18. NELLY, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jno. Barnett, other sides vacant, on Walnut & Pretty Run creeks, survey 36. June 25, 1784, p. 18. SHANNON, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Anderson, W. Col. Clarke. Cut by Sandy creek survey 37. Aug. 16, 1784, ju), aig}BOUNTY SURVEYS. 295 PACE, BERNARD. 287% acres, bounded SB. Sears, SW. Walton, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 38. June 2, 1784, p. 19. SCOTT, ALEXANDER. 2380 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Col. Marbury, W. Wm. Thompson, survey 39. June 19, 1785, D219: RENCH, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Pope, other sides va- cant, on north fork of Broad river, survey 40. July 10, 1784, p. 20. ROGERS, PETER. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Jos. McCutchins, other sides vacant, on north fork Oconee river, survey 41. June 10, 1785, p. 20. SEAMAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. & W. Benj. Taliaferro, on Taliaferro creek, survey 42. Mar. 16, 1785, p. 21. RUNNELS, RICHARD. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Joshua Winn, other sides vacant, on middle fork of Broad river, survey 43. June 10, 1785, p. 21. SAFFORD, DANIEL. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jesse Webb, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Shoal creek, survey 46. Sept. 30, 1784, p. 22. SUMMERLIN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded T. Willis Wat- son, other sides vacant, on Broad river, survey —. Mar. 16, 1785, p. 22. 4 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut “ MILLER, MOSES. 2871 2k, survey 54. June 1, 1784, p. 25. by Big Shoal cree MARBURY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. & S. north fork of Oconee river, survey 64. May 14, 1785, p. 29 ANDERSON, HENRY. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Chowestowe creek, survey 65. Dec. 12, 1784, p. 29 BEARD, EDMOND. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 66. July 2, 1784, p. 29. McCOWEN, DANIEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, Cut by Bear creek tributary of Oconee river, survey 67. Jan. 24, 1785, p. 30 MAY, JOHN. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 68. June 10, 1785, p. 30. LINN, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Jno. King, other sides vacant, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 69. June 10, 1785, p. 30. McCULLOCH, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Stephen Evans, other sides vacant. Cut by Gravelly creek, survey 70. May 6, 1785, p. 31. KINNEBREW, JACOB. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Saml. MceCwlicch, S. Peter Curry, on Gravelly Run creek, survey 71. May 6, 1785, p. 31.296 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. KENDRICK, HEZEKIAH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. unknown, S. north fork of Oconee river, survey 72. June 18, 1784, p. 31. MIDDLETON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Saml. Payne, E. & S. vacant, W. Jas. Cobb. Cut E. & W. by Big Pond fork Oconee river, survey 73. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 32. MOTTE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Ezekiel Offutt, other sides vacant, on Curry creek, survey 74. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 32. LITTLE, JAMES. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jacob Hubbard, other sides vacant, on Broad river, survey 77. June 6, 1784, p. 33. McKOY, DANIEL. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Roseborough, E. & S. vacant, W. Wesener, on Clarke’s creek and Broad river, survey ios Dec. 6, 1784, p. 32. McLEAN, LEWIS. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Broad river, survey 76. June 10, 1784, p. 33. MATTHEWS, ISHAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Curry’s creek, survey 78. June 11, 1784, p. 33. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Isham Mat- thews, other sides vacant, on Sandy creek, survey 80. June 11, 1784, p. 34. McCAIN, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Tugalo river, other sides vacant, survey 81. Dec. 13, 1784, p. 34. MORRISON, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Glascock, E. & S. vacant, W. Dr. Creswell, on Tugalo river, survey 82. Dec. 1, 1784, p. 35. MATTHEWS, DANIEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Francis Gideon, 83. June 24, 1784, p. 35. other sides vacant. Cut by Sandy creek, survey MORGAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Wm. Moss, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Tom creek, survey 84. July 8, LTS4eapytoD- McLENDON, DENNIS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Broad river, survey 85. Dec. 11, 1784, p. 36. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 87. May 17, 1784, p. 36. ANDERSON, WILLIAM. 200 acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Joshua Miller, W. Jones, other sides vacant, on Middle creek, survey 88. Aug. 18, 1784, p. 37. ATKINS, ARNOLD. 200 acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Creswell, other sides vacant, on Little river, survey 89. Oct. 3, 1784, p. 37. ARMOUR, ANDREW. 200 acres, Wilkes Co., bounded S. grantee, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Indian creek, survey 31. Sept. 10, 1784, p. 38.BOUNTY SURVEYS. ANSLEY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded all sides vacant. Touched by Curl’s Folly creek, survey 113. Sept. 18, 1784, p. 46. BANKSTON, ELIJAH. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 151. Nov. 16, 1784, p. 59. BENDER, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 156. Jan. 25, 1785, p. 61. BANKSTON, DANIEL. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. vacant, E. & S. Peter Smith, W. Geo. Lumpkin, marked “Lampkin’s Path to Washington,” survey 190. Nov. 20, 1785, p. 101. CANDLER, HENRY. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Seals & Mar- shall, other sides vacant, survey 274. Noy. 10, 1784, p. 101. CLARKE, ELIJAH. 575 acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. William Johnston, E. & S. vacant, W. Jno. Lacy, on Long creek, survey 289. Sept. 15, 1784, p. 106. COLLINS, BRICE. 28714 acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Shellman & Climas, other sides vacant, survey 310. Sept. 14, 1784, p. 114. JONES, PHILIP. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Savannah river, E. Langford, S. Robt. Walton, W. unknown. Cut N. & S. by Well’s creek, Survey 565. Sept. 16, 1784, p. 202. LUCAS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 595. Aug. 18, 1784, p. 213. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “H.” BROWNFIELD, JOHN. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. grantee, E. Mc- 9 Lean, S. Brownfield, W. Geo. Calhoun, survey 459. Aug. 10, 1784, p. 237. THOMAS, JAMES. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded (old Bounty Warrant) E. “ Long creek, S. Hutchinson, W. Williams, survey 619. Sept. 12, 1784, p. 320. RYAN, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Hitt, E. Benj. Allen, S. surveyed, W. Banks & Vassar. Cut by Indian creek, survey 678. July 5: 1785, p. 349. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “1.” FORD, JOHN, JR. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Hollingsworth, HE. Tay- lor, S. Sapp, W. Chas. Kimble, survey 23. May 12, 1786, p. 9. GRANT, ANDREW. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Hughes, S. Stratton, on north side Buckhead creek, survey 26, Nov. 23, 1785, p. 10. JONES, BATT. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded E. James Jones, other sides vacant, on McIntosh creek, survey 38. Feb. 5, 1785, p. 14.298 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. LEWIS, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Allday, E. & S. va- cant, W. Thomas, survey 43. Mar. 13, 1785, p. 16. LEWIS, DAVID. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded E. Henry Turner, other sides vacant, on Cheaver’s creek, survey 44. Aug. 21, 1786, p. 17. KELLY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Chas. Collins, other sides vacant, near Oconee river, survey —. May 17, 1784, p. —. BURKE, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. M. Gunnold, other sides vacant, on North fork of Oconee river, survey 164. Aug. 5, 1785, p. 76. COLLINS, JOHN. 287144 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Harding, other sides unknown, on fork of Candy creek, survey 165. Sept. 5, 1784, p. 76. BUSSON, JONATHAN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jas. Manon, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey —. Feb. 9, 1785, p. —. BERRY, GIDEON. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides unknown or vacant, survey 169. April 26, 1785, p. 78. BOND, GEORGE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Elijah Dennison, other side vacant, on north fork of Broad river, survey 171. June 7, 1784, p. 79. AYRES, ABRAHAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Montfort, other a sides vacant. Cut by Little creek, survey 175. April 11, 1785, p. 81. SEGAR, GEORGE. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Lewis & Evans, EH. va- cant, W. Geo. Segars, & Wm. Barron, survey 185. May 8, 1786, p. 86. BECKHAM, ABNER. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. David Lewis, other sides vacant, survey 203. July 24, 1786, p. 95. PERSONS, JONES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, or surveyed. Cut N. & S. by north fork of Oconee river, survey 227. Aug. 18, 1784, p. 107. JOHNSON, GEORGE. 287% acres, Glynn Co., bounded all sides vacant, sur- vey 252. Sept. 10, 1786, p. 120. MORRISON, JOHN. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Gt. Satilla river, W. Jno. Strong, survey 254. Dec. 28, 1785, p. 121. MERCER, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Benj. Few, other sides vacant, on Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 297. May 4, 1785, p. 144. BOSWELL, DAVID. 287% acres, Greene Co., bounded N. Wm. Brown, E. Benj. James, S. unknown, W. Wilkes Co., line on Big creek, survey 315. Mar. 29, 1786, p. 150. PULLIAM, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jno. Cobb, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Shoal creek, survey 325. June 10, 1785, p. 155._ BOUNTY SURVEYS. 299 NORWOOD, RICHARD. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by south fork of Broad river, survey 337. Oct. 20, 1785, p. 161. GREER, DAVID. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by middle fork of Broad river, survey 354. July 20, 1785, p. 170. FEW, BENJAMIN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. grantee, other sides vacant, on Buffalo creek, survey 414. Sept. 5, 1785, p. 200. AYRES, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Maj. McCall, E. & 8S. Stewart, W. vacant, on branch Little River, survey 430. May 8, 1787, p. 203. YOUNGBLOOD, JOHN. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut S.-W. to N.-E. by Boggy Cutt creek, survey 439. July 13, 1785, p. 213. BECKHAM, SOLOMAN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Thos. Mox- ley, E. Eiland, S. Saml. Beckham, W. vacant, on Town creek, survey 478. Dec. 31, 1784, p. 239. BECKHAM, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. EHiland, E. & S. vacant, W. Soloman Beckham. Cut by Town creek, survey 479. Dec. 31, 1784, p. 339. THORNTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides va- cant, survey 549. Dec. 29, 1784, p. 275. ADAMSON, CHARLES. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Matthew Carney, S. Oconee river, survey 568. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 286. BURNES, ANDREW. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Kelly, E. Isham Young, other sides vacant. Cut by Eastaunola creek, survey 570. April 4, 1784, p. 287. HUNT, FITZMAURICE. 28714 acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Ab. Davis, S. Hunt & Perkins, survey 572. May 8, 1787, p. 288 BEAZLEY, JOSEPH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N.-W. Peak, S. Walker, other sides vacant, survey —. Oct. 26, 1784, p. 290. FUQUA, PRATER. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Benj. Catchings, other sides vacant, on fork of DeRozeaux creek, survey 577. July 9, 1784, p. 290. DAVIS, MYRICK. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. McBean’s creek, S. Fould, other sides vacant, survey 578. Nov. 23, 1787, p. 291. WARD, CHARLES. 28714 acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Simon Jackett, E. Tanner, S. Taylor, W. vacant, survey 639. Mar. 8, 1786, p. 309. BECKHAM, ALLEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Floyd, E. Walker, S. Shuffels, W. unknown, on south fork of Town creek, survey 650. Jan: 15, 1787, p. 309:300 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. HICKS, NATHANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Ohoopee river, survey 628. April 23, 1787, p. 323. ANDREWS, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N. Young, E. Edw. Ball, S. Wm. Bacon, W. vacant, survey 698. Dec. 26, 1785, p. 336. CLARKE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N. & W. Altamaha river, E. vacant, S. grantee, p. 336. BACON, JOHN. 287% acres, Liberty Co., pounded N. & S. grantee, E. vacant, W. Francis Arthur, survey 706. Nov. 16, 1785, p. 339. WARREN, ELIAS. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded E. David Duke, other sides vacant, survey 717. July 22, 1785, p. 345. WARREN, JOHN. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded W. Ducker, other sides vacant, survey 718. July 10, 1785, p. 345. GRAVES, JOHN. 287% acres, Camden Co., bounded N. grantee, E. vacant, S. Gilbert Harrison, W. Peter Tarling, survey 725. Sept. 10, 1785, p. 349. McINTOSH, CAPT. LACHLIN. 690 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded N. north fork of Oconee river, E. Dr. Wm. Reid, other sides vacant, survey 730. March 23, 1785, p. 352. BROOKS, ROGER. 240 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. unknown, E. Booker, S. Carr, W. Academy lands, on Shoulderbone creek, survey 736. , 1785, p. 355. July MORRISON, CAPT. JOHN. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Eve, S. Oconee river, W. Crawford & Lancaster, survey 742. Nov. 25, 1784, p. 358. DAVENPORT, STEPHEN. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. surveyed, other sides vacant, survey 743. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 359. MAXWELL, GEORGE. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Morrison, E. Oconee river, S. vacant, W. Jas. Maxwell, survey 744. Nov. 28, 1784, p. 359. LANCASTER, WILLIAM. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Morrison, E. Maxwell, S. & W. vacant. Cut by Oconee river, survey 745. Nov. 28, 1784, p. 360. ANDREWS, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Buffalo creek, other sides vacant, survey 749. April 10, 1786, p. 362. BRIGGS, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Cat- lett, W. Pleasant Goodall. Cut in N.-W. corner by Beaverdam creek, survey 874. Feb. 14, 1785, p. 427. BRACK, BENJAMIN. 2871%4 acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Tennison & Meadows, other sides vacant, on fork of Sandy Run creek, survey 956. April 10, 1787, p. 467.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 301 EMANUEL, DAVID. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Major’s Branch creek, survey 960. Jan. 2, 1786, p. 469. GOODWYN, THEODORE. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded all sides vacant, on branch of McBean’s creek, survey 976. May 6, 1785, p. 477. GRAY, MATTHIAS. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Gray’s branch, survey 980. Aug. 3, 1785, p. 479. GREEN, JOHN. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Green & Burneman, S. Jno. Green. Cut N.-W. to S.-E. by Rocky creek, survey 1,007. Aug. 9, 1785, p. 493. FORD, THOMAS. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Brier creek, survey 1,023. Aug. 25, 1785, p. 501. LAWSON, ROGER. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Widow Rae, E. vacant, S. Rocky creek, W. Richard Johnson, survey 1,089. May 15, 1786, p. 536. LEWIS, JACOB. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. grantee, other sides va- vant, on Big Pond, head of Jordan’s branch, survey 1,102. Jan. 13, 1785, p. 542. LINN, JOHN. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Mulky, W. Gray & Nelson, survey 1,108. May 13, 1786, p. 545. MOORE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded S. Richard Burkeloe, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Newberry creek, survey 1,150. Feb 18 1785, p. 566. SEABERT, JOHN. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Jared Irwin, E. vacant, S. Samuel Elbert, W. Jas. Rae & Co., survey 1,257. Mar. 9, 1785, p. SEGAR, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Elizabeth Tanner, EB. Duke & vacant, S. vacant, W. Ward & Kennedy, survey 1,260 June 9, 1786, p. 626. SAPP, PHILIP. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Jas. Lambeth, E. Taylor & Liverman, S. Clarg, W. D. Sapp. Cut by Peters branch, survey 1,266. April 30, 1787, p. 629. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “ K.” ASHWORTH, BENJAMIN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Washington Co. line, E. Benj. Brewer, S. Wooten & Walton, W. surveyed, survey 3. Jan. 27, 1786, p. 2. ANDERSON, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Dixon, other sides vacant, on head of Buffalo creek, survey 20. June 11, 1784, p. Mute AYRES, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jacob Davis, W. Canoocha river. Cut by Dogwood creek, survey 38. Dec. 5, 1785, p. 24.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. AVERETT, JOHN. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little Ogeechee river, other sides vacant, survey 39. Mar. 4, 1785, p. 24. ALLISON, LIEUT. HENRY. 460 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. & E. surveyed, S. vacant, W. fork of Oconee river, survey 40. Sept. 10, 1785, p. 25. ARMOUR, ANDREW. 287% acres, Greene Co., bounded N. Jas. Wilson, E. unknown, S. grantee, W. Miles Duncan. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 42." July 5, 1785, p. 26. ABERCROMBIE, CHARLES. 230 acres (on Reserve), Greene Co., bounded N. Smith, other sides vacant, survey 50. Mar. 10, 1786, p. 31. ABERCROMBIE, CHARLES. 287% acres, Greene Co., bounded N. & E. va- cant, S. grantee, W. grantee, on Buffalo creek, survey 51, May 4, 1786, p. 31. BUTLER, FORD. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Jno. Partin, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Big Shoal creek, survey 53. June 2, 1785, D: 32: BAILEY, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jas. Easter, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Tom’s creek, survey 58. May 6, 1785, p. 36. BERRIEN, JOHN. 920 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Touched by middle fork of Oconee river, survey 59. Dec. 20, 1785, Daico: BROWN, ALLEN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Talbot, BE. & S. vacant, W. Jno. Kelly, on Eastanola creek, survey 62. Dec. 21, 1784, D. 38. BEDINGFIELD, CHARLES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Henry Black, other sides vacant. Cut by Gorham’s fork, survey 65. June 7, 1784, p. 38. BURNETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on N. fork of Oconee river, survey 72. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 48. BENDER, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. fork of Oconee river, E. Jno. Hollingshead, other sides vacant, survey 76. April 10, 1786, p. 45. CRESWELL, SAMUEL. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Chawga creek, of Tugalo river, survey 114. May 8, 1785, p. 65. CONNELL, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., hounded E. Geo. White, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 135. April 1, 1786, p. 79. COLTER, JOHN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 148. Mar. 10, 1786, p. 86. CHAPMAN, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Indian creek, survey 155. Aug. 2, 1784, p. 90.BOUNTY SURVEYS. 303 CURLE, HENRY. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Edw. Upton, other sides vacant, on Barber’s creek, survey 173. Jan. 23, 1785, p. 103. CROCKET, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Crocket’s creek, survey 185. Sept. 5, 1784, p. 109. DUKES, TAYLOR. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 201. Oct. 4, 1784, p. 118. DALTON, MATTHIAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. north fork of Oconee river, W. Frank, survey 202. June 8, 1785, p. 118. DORTON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut S.-E. to N.-W. by Bear creek, survey 203. July 15, 1784, p. 119. DENNISON, ELIJAH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Geo. Bond, other sides vacant, on fork of Broad river, survey 211. June 7, 1784, p. 123. DALTON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut diagonally by Bear creek, survey 212. July 15, 1784, p. 123. DOOLEN, JOHN. 287% acres, Wilkes Co., bounded N. Wm. Dudley, E. Moon, S. Geo. Darden, W. unknown, on Hooley creek survey 215. Noy. 24, 1786, p. 125. EVANS, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Little Ogee- chee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Samuel Sinquefield, survey 234. Sept. 2, 1784, p. 142. FARRISH, ROBERT. 460 acres (on Reserve) Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. surveyed, S. Michael Long, W. Chandlers. Cut by Oconee river, survey 235. Mar..5,,1785,.p. 135: FREEMAN, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Savannah river, other sides vacant. Cut by Lightwood Log creek, survey 243. Oct. 10, 1785, p. 139. FIELDS, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on 2 south cut of Broad river, survey 247. Aug. 24, 1784, p. 142. FREEMAN, JAMES. 230 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded E. H. Freeman, other sides vacant, on Horse creek, survey 248. June 10, 1785, p. 142. FEW, BENJAMIN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. gran- ~ O77 tee, S. Ogeechee river, W. grantee, survey 277. May 8, 1785, p. 160. FEW, IGNATIUS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Jesse Miller, other sides vacant. Cut by Williamson’s Swamp creek, survey 282. April 9, 1785, p. 162. FREEMAN, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Jno. Rogers, other sides vacant (W. Elisha Anderson). Cut E. & W. by Big creek, sur- vey 295. Mar. 17, 1785, p. 160.304 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. FITZPATRICK, RENE. 230 acres (on Reserve), Greene Co., bounded N. Arch. Grisson, E. Curtis Welborn, S. Buchannon, W. Simonton, on Greenbrier creek, survey 323. Mar. 23, 1786, p. 187. FITZPATRICK, WILLIAM. 460 acres (on Reserve), Greene Co., bounded N. Burton, E. vacant, S. Allison, W. Forsyth. Cut by Greenbrier creek, sur- vey 323. Mar. 11, 1785, p. 188. GAY, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Mc- Call, W. Huntsman. Cut by Little creek, survey 352. Nov. 25, 1785, p. 204. GREER, DAVID. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Jno. Johnston, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Hudson river, survey 358. July 7, 1785, p. 208. GREER, DAVID. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by middle fork of Broad river, survey 368. July 10, 1785, p. 215. HAY, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, of Broad river, survey —. Mar. 8, 1786, p. 220. HARGIS, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Richard Bellamy, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Nails creek, survey 391. May 24, 1784, p. 229. HATCHER, VALENTINE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by fork of Broad river, survey 393. May 17, 1784, p. 330. HARRIS, THOMAS. 230 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Smith, E. vacant, S. Woodward, W. Jno. Corham, survey 396. May 4, WEY, Ts PRY HUNT, WILLIAM, JR. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Hawkins, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Shoulderbone creek, survey 403, June 30, 1784, p. 236. HAWKINS, ABIMELECK. 28744 acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. College lands, other sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 404. July 6, 1787, p. 236. HOLLIDAY, AMBROSE. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded EB. Carmichael, other sides vacant, survey 429. Aug. 22, 1786, p. 249. JACK, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. surveyed, W. Oconee river, survey 448. July 2, 1787, p. 261. INLOW, SEVASTIN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded §. Geo. Walton, other sides vacant, on Fork of Bear creek, survey 4538. Dec. 2, 1784, p. 263. JENKINS, ROBERT. 230 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. & W. surveyed, S. Continental fork of Oconee river, survey 477. Oct. 3; 1785, p. 276.BOUNTY SURVEYS 305 JORDAN, DEMPSEY. 28744 acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides sur- veyed, survey 478. July 23, 1784, p. 277. JOHNSTON, RICHARD. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Gordon, E. unknown, S. Carson, & Howell, W. Phillips. Cut by Richland creek, survey 481. Sept. 13, 1785, p. 278. JONES, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded S. Jno. McQueen, other sides vacant, survey 485. April 13, 1786, p. 282. KELLY, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jno. Toller, E. Allen Brown, S. H. Wilson, W. vacant. Cut by Eastanola creek, survey 499. Dec. 21, 1784, p. 288. KING, JOHN. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Oconee river, survey 517. Sept. 6, 1785, p. 299. KELLY, JACOB. (2nd bounty) 287144 acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Er- win, other sides vacant, survey 523. Mar. 22, 1785, p. 302. KENDRICK, HEZEKIAH. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wiggins, BE. & S. vacant, W. Henry Williams. Cut by Town creek, survey 527. June 16, 1784, p. 304. KENNEDY, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Edw. Williams, E. & W. vacant, S. Friel. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 529. June 26, 1784, p. 305. LEGETT, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Oconee river, survey 532. June 5, 1784, p. 308. LOCKHART, RICHARD. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by south fork of Broad river, survey 534. Mar. 12, 1786, p. 309. LAZARUS, NICHOLAS. 230 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 536. July 5, 1784, p. 310. LINDSAY, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Wm. Thompson, other sides vacant, on Eastanola creek, survey 537. June 12, 1785, p. 310. LEVINS, RICHARD. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Curle, other sides vacant. Cut S.-W. to N.-E. by Barber’s creek, survey 549. Mar. 11, 1785, p. 318. LAMAR, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Jeremiah Hatcher, W. Middleton, on Rocky fork of Shoulderbone creek, survey 587. Nov. 13, 1784, p. 328. LEWIS, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Heirs of Joel Lewis, E. & S. vacant, W. Wm. Wash, survey 569. June 4, 1784, p. 329. LINN, CHARLES. 28714 acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Walker, S. Wright & Island, on Fork creek, survey 571. Dec. 14, 1785, p. 330.306 ROSTER OF THE BEVOLUTION. LOWE, JOHN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Shoulderbone creek, other sides vacant, survey 572. June 5, 1784, p. 330. LONGSTREET, DANIEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. Wagon, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. Ogeechee river, survey 573. Jan. 1, 1787, p. 331. LETT, REUBEN. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded S. Deep creek, other sides vacant, survey 574. Mar. 21, 1785, p. 331. LITHGOWE, ANDREW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. O’Neal, E. Melton, S. & W. vacant, survey 576. July 3, 1784, p. 332. LEWIS, JOEL. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Thos, Lewis, W. David Emanuel. Cut by Mill creek, survey 577. June 4, 1784, p. 333. LEWIS, HEIRS OF DR. EVAN. 690 acres (on Reserve), Washington Co. bounded N. Pearre, E. Oconee river, S. Jno. Maise, W. vacant, survey 579. Nov. 14, 1784, p. 334. LEWIS, WILLIAM, JR. 28714 acres, Burke Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Wm. Lord, W. David Ward, on Rocky creek, survey 591. Jan. 17, 1787, p. 334. LEWIS, WILLIAM, SR. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded by Widow Bull, Brier creek, Benj. Warren, Susan Thomas, Tilly & Wolfington (odd shape), survey 593. June 21, 1786, p. 341. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “L.” CLARKE, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Liberty Co., bounded N. grantee, E. vacant, S. Elijah Lewis, W. Altamaha river, survey 3, March 19, 1785, p. 2. HOWELL, DANIEL. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Thos. Howell, E. William Howell & Barton, S. Philip Dell, W. vacant, survey 55. Mar. Tt; 1785, p. 29. HOWELL, CALEB. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Chaplin Williams, W. Philip Dell, survey 58. May 27, 1785, p. 31. LANIER, CLEMENT. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Great Ogeechee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Chas. Mizell, survey 91. Mar. 14, 1786, p. 48. THOMPSON, JAMES. 287% acres, Effingham Co., bounded N. Thompson, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Black creek, survey —. Sept. 5, 1785, p. —. EMBRY, JESSE. 2871 acres, Burke Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Jacob Martin, S. Beaverdam creek, W. Tatnell & Freeman, survey 210. Mar. 30, 1786, p. 109. EDWARDS, JOHN. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Zach Fryar, E. Shef- tall, S. Gray, W. vacant, survey 211. Jan. 21, 1786, p. 110.BOUNTY SURVEYS 307 MARTIN, JACOB. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Jno. Mc- Queen, S. Beaverdam creek, W. Jesse Embry, survey 263. Mar. 30, 1786, p. 136. NELSON, THOMAS. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. Harroldson, & Bell, E. vacant, S. Jno. Walker, W. Fussell, survey 265. Oct. 15, 1785, p. 137. STOUT, DAVID. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded W. John Sapp, other sides vacant, survey 297. April 26, 1787, p. 153. THOMAS, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. Thos. Bell, S. Daniel Bullard, survey 316. Jan. 19, 1787, p. 163 WARD, JOHN, BY ELIZABETH WARD FOR HIS HEIRS. 287% acres, Burke Co., bounded S. Rocky Comfort creek, other sides vacant, survey 331. Jan. 27, 1786, p. 170. BUGG, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. Anderson, & Grier- son, E. Wm. Simms, S. Lamar, Reynolds & Muer. Cut by Cowen’s creek, survey 183. July 4, 1786, p. 183. BARTON, WILLOUGHBY. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. Wm. Lee, E. Jno. Lamar, S. vacant, W. Widow Tanner, on Spirit Tanner, on Spirit creek, survey 358. April 3, 1788, p. 184. BUSH, LEVI. 28714 acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. Rocky Comfort creek, other sides vacant, survey 366. Dec. 7, 1787, p. 188. CARR, THOMAS. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Am- brose Holliday, W. John Lee, survey 393. July 18, 1787, p. 202. COX, CALES8. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded E. Benj. Jenkins, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Spirit creek, survey 319. Dec. 9, 1786, p. 205. DAVIS, JOHN. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded S. Burche, other sides vacant, survey 410. Sept. 6, 1785, p. 211. MOORE, MORDECAI. 287% acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. Oliver Mat- thews, E. vacant, S. Barnett & Echols, W. Moore. Cut by Upton’s creek, survey 463, p. 239. SMITH, JOHN. 28714 acres, Richmond Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut EH. & W. by south fork of Spirit creek, survey 539. July 26, 1786, p. 278. TAPLEY, MARK. 28714 acres, Richmond Co., bounded N. Bolling, E. & W. vacant, S. Joel Tapley. Cut N. & S. by Rocky Comfort creek, survey 543. Jan. 13, 1786, p. 280. GREAVES, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Glynn Co., bounded all sides by grantee, survey 604. Oct. 18, 1785, p. 310. OSGOOD, JOSHIA. 287% acres, Glynn Co., bounded W. grantee, other sides vacant. Cut by Cedar swamp, survey 627. April 5, 1787, p. 322.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. SURVEYOR GENERAL’S BOOK “N.” COX, ZACHARIAH. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded §S. north fork of Oco- nee river, other sides vacant, survey 11. Aug. 6, 1784, p. 6. DANIEL, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., pounded S. Samuel Creswell, other sides vacant. Cut by Eastanola creek, survey 14, June 4, 1788, p. 7. DAVIS, GIDEON. 287% acres, Franklin Co., pounded N. Wm. Thompson, other sides vacant. Cut on S. side by Hastanola creek, survey 16. June 9, 1785, Dp. 2. DARCY, JOEL. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Coleman, other sides va- cant, on Indian creek, survey 15. Aug. 3, 1785, p. 8. JONES, JESSE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Burnett, E. & W. va- cant, S. Joel Darcy, & Ezekiel Cloud. Cut by Indian creek, survey 20: Aug. 4, 1784, p. 12. McCALL, THOMAS. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, Ss. Mitchell, W. Stone, on Oconee river, survey 24. Mar. 10, 1786, p. sy MORGAN, ISHAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, Ss. Thurman, W. Zachariah Lamar. Cut N. & S. by Sugar creek, survey 48. June 25, 1785, p. 28. MITCHELL, FRANCIS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Post, W. Lamar. Cut by branch of Oconee river, survey 52. Aug. 5, 1785, p. 30. MERCER, SILAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. grantee, E. Alex Mc- Nutt, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Hard Labor creek, surveys 53 & 54. Mar. 12, 1786, p. 30. MARCUS, ELIAS. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Wm. Shields, W. Jas. Mannon. Cut N. & S. by Price’s creek, survey 60. Feb. OLS5, spac): McDONALD, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Jones, other sides vacant, or unknown, survey 61. July 12, 1785, p. 35. MIDDLETOWN, BENEDICT. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Richard Hill, other sides vacant, on Broad river, survey 67. Aug. 20, 1784, p. 39. MORPHETT, THOMAS. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N.-E. by Keowee river, other sides vacant (in bend of river), survey 71. June 11, 1784, p. 41. McBURNETT, DANIEL. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Jno. Carnes, other sides vacant, on north fork of Oconee river, survey 74. June 2, 1784, p. 42. NAIL, JULIAN. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Mill creek branch of Broad river, survey 84. June 16, 1784, p. 48.BOUNTY SURVEYS 309 OFFUTT, EZEKIEL, 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Robert Walton, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Cobb’s branch of Tugalo river, survey 108. Oct. 4, 1784, p. 60. PINSON, WILLIAM. 287144 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 110. Feb. 15, 1785, p. 61. PARTON, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Big Shoal creek, other sides vacant, survey 111. June 2, 1784, p. 61. PARKS, HENRY. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N.-E. to S.-W. by Hudson river, survey 128. Nov. 10, 1785, p. 71. PHILLPOT, WARREN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Gum Log creek, survey 131. July 11, 1785, p. 72. PAYNE, THOMAS. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by north fork of Broad river, survey 77. May 7, 1785, p. 77. SMITH, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded W. Benj. Pulliam, other sides vacant. Cut N.-W. corner by Gum Log creek, survey 163. Aug. 16, 1785, p. 89. SMITH, ARTHER. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Berry, Travis, S. Tugalo river, W. Edw. Rice, survey 165. June 2, 1784, p. 90. SESSUMS, WILLIAM. 230 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded S. Richard Call, other sides vacant, survey 170. Dec. 15, 1784, p. 92. SAPP, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Nail, other sides va- cant. Cut E. & W. by Hudson’s fork, survey 180. May 7, 1785, p. 98. STRINGER, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut SW. to NE. by Camp creek, survey 181. June 3, 1784, p. 99. SUTTON, HEIRS OF RALPH. 230 acres (on Reserve), Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, other sides vacant, survey 182. Jan. 4, 1786, p. 99. STROZIER, PETER. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. grantee, E. Oconee river, other sides unknown. Cut N. & S. by Cedar creek, survey 186. July 3, 1787, p. 102. TALBOT, JOHN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Jas. Fountain, S. Chas. Britt, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Eastanola creek, survey 189. June 12, 1785, p. 103. THOMPSON, ROBERT. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Eastanola creek, survey 198. Dec. 11, 1784, p. 108. THURMAN, JOHN. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, EH. Lasley, S. Z. Lamar, W. grantee. Cut by Sugar creek, survey 211. Sept. 12, 1785, p. 114.310 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. TRIMBLE, MOSES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Savannah river, E. Spurlock, other sides vacant, survey 214. Sept. 30, 1784, p. 116. THORNTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Big Pond creek, survey 217. Aug. 5, 1784, p. 117. TUREMAN, GEORGE. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut BE. & W. by Eastanola creek, survey 220. April 12, 1785, p. 119. WALTON, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on north branch of middle fork of Broad river, survey 245. Aug. 17, 1785, p. 133. WALTON, GEORGE. 462% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on Barber’s creek, survey 249. Jan. 25, 1785, p. 136. WARD, BRYANT. 2871 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by north fork of Broad river, survey 255. June 5, 1785, p. 139. WARD, SAMUEL. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut W. to E. by south fork of Walton’s creek, survey 260. June 8, 1785, p. 142. WOOD, RICHARD. 575 acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Wm. Hay, other sides vacant, survey 269. Jan. 5, 1786, p. 147. WOOD, JOHN. 690 acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Ignatius Few, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Buck creek, survey 274. Aug. 8, 1784, p. 150. WALLER, JOSEPH. 230 acres (on reserve), Franklin Co., bounded N. Appa- lachee river, other sides vacant, survey 277. Nov. 20, 1784, p. 151. WILDER, MALACHI. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Jno. Wingfield, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Barber’s creek, survey 282. March 17, 1785, p. 155. WESTBROOK, STEPHEN. 690 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. Jos. Nail, W. Jno. Tureman, survey 286. June 3, 1784, D. 158. WEST, CAPT. SAMUEL. 862% acres, Franklin Co., bounded S. Way, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by Middle Fork of Broad River, survey —. Oct. 10, 1784, p. —. WELCHER, JORDAN. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded E. Peter Curry, other sides vacant. On Craybill creek, survey 289. May 6, 1785, p. 159. WALLACE, JAMES. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. un- known, S. Oconee river, W. Wm. Pinson, survey 190. Feb. 15, 1785, p. 160. WALKER, WILLIAM. 28714 acres, Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, survey 291. June 14, 1785, p. 160. YOUNG, WILLIAM. 287% acres, Franklin Co., bounded EB. Jno. Harris, other sides vacant, survey 292. Dec. 17, 1784, p. 161.BOUNTY SURVEYS 311 YOUNG, ISHAM. 2874 acres, Franklin Co., bounded N. Allen Brown, E. & 8. vacant, W. Hugh Wilson. On Eastanola creek, survey 295. Dec. 20, 1784, p. 162. BAXTER, ANDREW. 230 acres (on reserve), Greene Co., bounded N. Glascock, E. & S. vacant, W. Thos. Welborne. On fork of Oconee river, survey 308. March 10, 1786, p. 169. BAXTER, JAMES. 230 acres (on reserve), Greene Co., bounded all sides va- cant. On north fork of Oconee river, survey —. March 10, 1786, p. —. CURRY, WM. 230 acres (on reserve), Greene Co., bounded N. Daniel, E. & S. vacant, W. Franklin county line, survey 321. March 23, 1786, p. 176. COOK, NATHANIEL. 460 acres (on reserve), Greene Co., bounded N. gur- veyed, E. Sanford, S. Heard and Thurman, W. Grier, survey —. Dec. 12, 1786, p. —. DANIEL, WILLIAM. 230 acres (on reserve), Greene Co., bounded N. Franklin county line, E. Jno. Buchannon, other sides vacant, survey 326. March 24, 1786, p. 179. DANIEL, THOMAS. 460 acres (on Reserve), Greene Co., bounded W. Whatley, other sides surveyed, survey 327. March 10, 1786, p. —. DANIEL, WILLIAM. 1,100 acres, Greene Co., bounded N. Hawton and un- known, E. Daniel, S. unknown, W. Joshua Haughton. Cut by Beaverdam fork of Richland creek, survey 335. July 4, 1786, p. 184. SANFORD, JESSE. 287% acres, Greene Co., bounded N. north fork of Island creek, E. Riggins, S. & W. surveyed, survey 392. March 23, 1786, p. 218. TAYLOR, JOSEPH GROVE. 287% acres, Greene Co., bounded S. Taylor, other sides vacant. N.-W. corner cut by Town creek, survey 393 June 15, 1787, p. 218. ANDERSON, ELISHA. 575 acres, Washington Co., bounded E. Jas. Freeman, other sides vacant. Cut E. & W. by Big creek, survey 427. March 16, 1785, p. 239. BARKSHAN, RICHARD. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. M. Wil- liamson, other sides vacant. Cut by branch of Shoulderbone creek, survey 432. Jan. 27, 1785, p. 241. BRAY, THOMAS. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded W. Wm. Houghton, other sides vacant. On Little Ogeechee river, survey 433. Feb. 27, 1787, p. 242. BOWIE, JAMES. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. Bowie, S. Ogeechee river, W. Benj. Few, survey 442. Aug. 28, 1784, p. 246.312 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. BURNS, ANDREW. 287% acres, Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. On Shoulderbone creek, survey 447. May 24, 1786, p. 248. BENNETT, HEIRS OF JOHN. 230 acres (on reserve), Washington Co., bounded N. Clem Nash, S. Jos. Lindon, other sides vacant, survey 460 July 5, 1784. p. 253. Copied March 11, 1912.—J. A. Le ConteLAND LOTTERY GRANTS. LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. IRWIN COUNTY LOTTERY LIST. library: 55. Ed. R. Tinney, 117. Isaac Bryant, 1, John Hill, 31. 135. 218. 80. 207. 113. 117. 230. 310. 44. 169. 348. 403. John Willeby, Joseph Grant, John Smith, Sr., . James Myhand, Sr., . James Collins, John Buford, Sr., Forrest Greene, John B. Johnston, Daniel Connon, Sr., . Wm. Presnell, James Tison, John Brumfield, John Kent, Joel Rivers, Jacob Johnson, Claiborne Webb, . John Ballinger, Sr., . Drury Binum, Mark Snow, DISTRICT NO. Chatham, Putnam, Hancock, DISTRICT NO. Twiggs, Hancock, Morgan, DISTRICT NO. Morgan, Richmond, DISTRICT Scriven, DISTRICT NO. Jackson, Clarke, Clarke, Jackson, DISTRICT NO. Effingham, . Elbert, Warren, Hancock, DISTRICT NO. Twiggs, Jackson, Elbert, Warren, Gwinnett, NO. 5 Revolutionary soldiers, and widows of Revolutionary soldiers. L Dec. 9, . Sept. % Sept. 17, 3. Dec. 19, Nov. 3, Aug. 3 4. Nov. 3, Nov. 2, 6. Nov. 26, Aug. 27, Mar. 1, 21 (. Feb. 14, Dee. 13, Dec. 6, Nov. 23, Oct. 5, Dec. 19, Dec. 3, Oct. 13, Nov. 1, Names com- piled by Miss Helen M. Prescott, from the original list of the drawing. Said original list copied and certified to officially by E. B. DeGraffenreid, Federal Lnion Power Press, Milledgeville, Ga., 1837, pamphlet in the Georgia State 1825 1822 1840 1829 1828 1841 1823 1821 1829 182] 1841 1830 , 1839 1833 1830 1820 1834 1837 1826 1839 1824 1830ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. DISTRICT NO. 9. 4. -3wms Gilberts. 4a. . 4 1. Morgan: CS sees | see (Deck leat Oz 362:.8Wms Thompson, -° . . . Jackson; . © ~ 5) '),. WAG l 2s, baa 357. Hardeman Rooks, mos. ue Jackson; .w bow 2 a.oe mene Novararel sae 403. Robert Greer, “eek iceviaiaMorgan; i teeeert..We geisk gNov.e4; sz 413.2 Blisha. Cook. onic « a. Hancock) 4. pssicscacwcen EabaneNOVE Wane 428. John Wright, re aes LON, re er PR Oe DISTRICT NO. 10. 419. Thos. Gilbert, . « «© of deranklingyaig . <« «= : = Aug: siteise DISTRICT NO. 11. 269. Wm. Morris, Sr., ate Jackson, ~ % @ «6 ‘6 (Marea ole beam DISTRICT NO. 12. 15. John McGamery, ce Warren; 1 er. oe) ee ee OD UU ploae 75. John Harvey, om. # ee Clarks - ete he» TENE ulyeelay Lome 209= anil’ Casey, . «9. «+ . Elbert; o 6 oe te eR TONOWROIG) Lime 218" «Thosi*Goore, Sr.; .-.°.-. « Haneoek. .- 2. « « at. eeieDecle2sy lsze DISTRICT NO. 13. 263. Isaac Hollinsworth,. . . Twiggs, ere eer Oe eB 361. William Smith, . . . . Walton, eee ee ee EE. 363. Jas. P. Buchannan, Sr., . Jasper, ; 8 woe © 6. pepr liplsza 408. David Sanders, . . . . Putnam, eure ee gp ea, (Dee: 14s Soe Add aeAmMosiebrantiey, <5 = «= . Hancock’ 3 « =| «= «4 4 =) -Decw2Gyslseu 469. John Capeheart, . . . Jones, «a a gS See ao el oor 470s seohninger; 9 3 «| « « Jackson; 5s kon. ee ee = Deck iealsas 5045) Jeremiah Nelson, §. <= = Hancock)... <= =. =) = aly 12; 75cm 517: Jacob) Mereer, . . ... . Jasper; ies eo. 2. «pee Janse), 1S28 DISTRICT NO. 14. Sis ,Joeli#Rives, .......... Hanmeocksi.......... JiaaxetDeen29, [82a 122. John Bellinger, . . . . Elbert, Se ey wy Oe ey PMP LO Nelo DISTRICT NO. 15. IsOnesosephy Collins, . . . . Morgans. «.s «. «mecmec..iepit, Lone iapmeakichd) Jarvell; ... . . Baldwinw,. << . « « «. g,.unly,20' [see DISTRICT NO. 16. 58. John Allgood, eo ae bent: ee es eds 28), 153) JEFFERSON COUNTY LIST. Revolutionary soldiers, widows and daughters of Revolutionary soldiers, included among those entitled to draws in the Lottery of 1821. Names foundLAND LOTTERY GRANTS. 315 in small book, in the Ordinary’s office at Louisville, Ga., copied by Miss Helen M. Prescott: John Boutin, R. 8. Jane Bostwick, W. R. 8. Ann D. Powell, W. R. S. Cloey Pate, W. R. S. Mary Scott, W. R. S. John Arrington, R. 8. Hugh Alexander, R. S. Rhoda Barber, W. & D. Ezekiel Causey, R. S. James Cotter, R. S. Wm. Clements, Sr., R. S. Eliz. Causey, Wid. Ben Green, R. S. Rebecca Garvin, W. & D. Mary Haddin, W. R. S. Mary Patterson, W. R. S. Esther Butt, W. & D. Polly Blunt. Michael Cowart, W. & D. Eliz. Durouzeaux, W. & D. Stephen Durouzeaux, R. S. George Fowler, Sr., R. S. Sarah Fountain, Wid. Cath. Girtman, Wid. Dempsey Hall, Sr., R. S. John S. Holder, R. S. Mrs. Ann Hall, Wid. Mary Spivey, Wid. John Thompson, R. S. Sarah Thompson, Wid. Am Montgomery, W. R. S. Joshua Watson, R. S. Elinor McNeely, W. R. S. Lucretia Alford, Wid. Wm. Lions, R. S. Morris Murphey, R. S. Martha D. Moss, Wid. Moses Newton, R. S. Nancy Sammons, Wid. Caleb Welch, R. S. Jere Welcher, R. S. Cath. Warner, W. & D. James Cook, R. S. Eliz. Fort, W. & D. Norman McCloud, R. S. Seth Pierce, R. S. James Johnston, R. S. Hudson Hall, Sr., R. S. John Darby, Sr., R. 8S. Wm. Thompson, R. S. ELBERT COUNTY LOTTERY LIST. Revolutionary soldiers, and widows of Revolutionary soldiers. Names com- piled by Miss Helen M. Prescott, from book containing list of persons entitled to draws in the Land Lottery, 1825, Ordinary’s office, Elbert County: MAJOR DAVID DOBBS’ BATTALION. Moses Mills. Thomas Maxwell, Sr. Jacob Higginbotham. John Maxwell. James Hunt. Nathan Bond. Richard Rumsey. Joseph Valsey, Sr. Lewis Stowers, Sr. Wm. Rucker. Mary Park, Wid. James Lockhart. Wm. Hailey. CAPT. HORTON’S DIST. Thos. Hilley, Sr. Sarah Teasley, Wid. [ransilvania Gwinn, Wid. Hannah Burden, Wid. Claiborne Sandridge. Robert Pullum. Katherine McConery, Wid. Nancy Murry, Wid. Ann Underwood, Wid. Thomas Adams. James Adams, Sr. Henry Cabenniss. CAPT. CARPENTER’S DIST. Amos Richardson. Silas Teasley. Angus McCourney, Sr. Wm. Kelly. CAPT. DENNIS’ DIST. Mary Alexander, Wid. Mary Johnston, Wid. John Davis. John Enlo. lsaac Alexander. Wm. White, Sr. Levisa Terrell, Wid. Katherine Yoes, Wid. Anderson McGuire.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 316 Fountain Jourdan. Thos, King. Frances Ganes. Moses Hunt. Peter Huiton. John Cash. Gabriel Smethers. James Riley. Tabitha Shaggs, Wid. Lucy Crawford, Wid. James Grissap. Wayneford Underwood, Wid. John Daniel, Sr. Wm. Wood, Sr. John Harris, Sr. CAPT. BLACKWELL’S DIST. Rebecca Harris, Wid. Ben Brown. Thos. Whealer, Sr. Dozier Thornton. Molly Hudson, Wid. John M. White. John Rucker. Wm. Gaines. John Womley. Mary Ford, Wid. Eli Carvenson. Elizabeth Royal, Wid. Eliz. Carter, Wid. Janet Hausard, Wid. Sally Chandler Blackwell, Wid. Judith Mann, Wid. Nancy Newberry, Wid. (Above names certified to by Thos. White and John A. Verdel, receivers of names for draws, Oct. 31, 1825.) MAJOR ALLEN’S BATTALION. List by Wm. Jones and Barrister R. Bray, Oct. 1, 1825: CAPT. ALSTON’S DIST. Gilly Alston, Wid. Eliz. Heard. Susannah Gray, Wid. CAPT. TUCKER’S DIST. Eliz. Hudson, Wid. John Childs, Citizen. James F. Nunnalee. Enos Tate, Sr., R. S. Godfrey Tucker, R. S. Jesse Tatum, R. S. Barsheba Owens, Wid. Joseph Terrill. CAPT. BUTLER’S DIST. Eliz. Kerlin. John Dennard, Citizen. James M. Brown. Spencer Allgood. James Dillard, Citizen. CAPT. BELL’S DIST. Ann Bullard. John Cook. Mary Cook, Wid. Margaret Jack, Wid. Rebecea Snelling, Wid. Mary Dye, Wid. Eliz. Bell, Wid. Wm. B. Key. John Allgood. CAPT. TATE’S DIST. Thos. Barton. Eliz. Evant, Wid. Margaret Fleming, Wid. Susannah Colbert, Wid. Sary Beck, Wid. Fanny Jones. Nancy Davis. Elizabeth Seals. John Wilkins. Patrick Butler. Jesse Maupin. Rebecea Clark, Wid. Eliz. Carter, Wid. Francis Naish, Wid. Eliz. M. Saxon, Wid. Eliz. Tate, Wid.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. JACKSON COUNTY LOTTERY LIST. Revolutionary soldiers, and widows of Revolutionary soldiers, entitled to draw in the Land Lottery of 1825, in Jackson County: MAJOR BOWEN’S BATTALION. CAPT. RIDEN’S DIST., NO. 253. Ruth Stapler, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, l Anthony M. Elton, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Jane Stoneham, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, l William Lord, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Joseph Harris, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 William Matthews, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Abrilla Sharp, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Sarah Moore, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Archibald Underwood, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 John McDonald, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Obedience Ryan, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Elizabeth Royal, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Sally Baugh, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 CAPT. McGINNIS’ DIST., No. 255. Nathan Bowles, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Thomas Barron, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 George Hanry, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Rachel Bennett, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Mary Anthony, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 William Gober, Sr., Revolutionary Soldier, 2 James Barr, Revolutionary Soldier, - Sharod Gean, Revolutionary Soldier, . Lucy Williams, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Nancy York, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, : 1 Mary Ann Patterson, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Polly Flanigan, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, } CAPT. ORR’S DIST., NO. 257. Edward Pharr, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Alexander Morrison, Revolutionary Soldier, re ee re 2 Sherrod Thompson, Revolutionary Soldier, William Potts, Revolutionary Soldier, A ak ae Isaac Lynch, Revolutionary Soldier, cm ek ee eS Sarah Cash, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Margarett Barnett, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier. “ata ee Sarah Robinson, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, l Ancil Cunningham, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 CAPT. MILLER’S DIST., NO. 455. Naney Orr, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, l z Robert Henderson, Revolutionary Soldier,ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CAPT. BAUGH’S DIST., NO. 465. Margaret Burns, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, William Wilson, Revolutionary Soldier, ere 4 Rachel Webb, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Jemima Dale, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, John G. Henderson, Revolutionary Soldier, : Prudence Cowan, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, =m DO — — Oe CAPT. LIDDELL’S DIST., NO. 423. Esther Hemphill, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Elizabeth Pettyjohn, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Christian Boradwell, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, John Sesson, Revolutionary Soldier, ; Jane Wallis, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Elizabeth Glenn, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Middleton Brooks, Revolutionary Soldier, John King, Revolutionary Soldier, yet TEST Os Hannah Boyle, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Medience Martin, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Rebecca Wright, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Frances Wright, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, — ht OO ODDO DO tot MAJOR MITCHELL’S BATTALION. CAPT. HOLIDAY’S DIST., NO. 242. John Muckelhannon, Revolutionary Soldier, Mary Dameron, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Judith Brooks, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Eve Boggs, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Elizabeth Heard, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Ann Reynolds, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Mary Thurmond, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Margarett Pendergrass, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Judith Shackelford, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, mt ett et et OD CAPT. LAY’S DIST. NO. 246. William Pentecost, Revolutionary Soldier, Nancy Hines, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Naney Fuller, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Jesse Johnson, Revolutionary Soldier, Phoebe Boring, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Josiah Bondurant, Revolutionary Soldier, Hannah Brooks, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, Sarah Burson, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, George Slaton, Revolutionary Soldier, Daniel McDaniel, Revolutionary Soldier, Sarah Lambert, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, — Po DO = DO DO Oe eeLAND LOTTERY GRANTS. CAPT. WITHERSPOON’S DIST., NO. 243. Patience Bryant, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, l Elizabeth Maynard, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Martha Cowan, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Martha Adams, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 CAPT. DEATON’S DIST., NO. 248. Sarah K. Horton, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, l Francis Bell, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Solomon Saxon, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 James Cochran, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 James W. Cook, Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Jacob Brazelton, Sr., Revolutionary Soldier, 2 Alexander Reid, Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Mary McNeely, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 CAPT. MITCHELL’S DIST., NO. 245. Tabitha Chandler, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Elizabeth Dorris, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Mary Thompson, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Sally Rawls, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, 1 Martha Garner, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, l FRANKLIN COUNTY, GA., R. S. Copy of paper from Mrs. Jane E. Martin, which she copied from two books sent her by A. J. Neal and returned to him: “List of names of the men who drew land in Capt. Walters’ Dist., in the lottery of 1825 by act of the legislature of June 9, 1825, in Col. Jobn A. Patrick’s Regt., composed of Maj. Shackleford and Chandler’s Battalion.” “Taken by Jas. Chandler, Jan. 31, 1825. M. H. Payne.” We give only the Revelutionary soldiers, and widows of Revolutionary sol- diers, in this list: CAPT. WALTERS’ DIST. Benjamin Harrison. Jesse Thomas. Gabriel Smith. John Cleveland. Wm. Hobgood. Jesse Smith. Ben Pulliam. Elias Burgess. Jacob Setger. Aaron Roberts. Shepperd Liddell. Wm. Smith. Elijah Walters. Elisha Wilkison. Jesse Rowell. James Cash. Jos. Edwards. John Bryan. Mary Gadden. John Algood. Edward Camp. Isaac Gray. Thomas Covington. Joyce Harper, W.R.S. Wm. Mitchell. Victoria Crawford, W.R.S. Absalom Cleveland. Henry Smith. Richard Harper. Wm. Flannigan.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Levi Williams. Samule Newby. Sampson Walls. Gillam Willbank. John Tabor. Wm. Dodd. M. Lee. Richard Wheeler. Mary Wheeler, W.R.S. Elizabeth Henry George Cockburn. Wm. Pulliam. Eliz. Tate, W.R.S. Nancy Chandler. Barbary Crider, W. R.S. Malinda Durkee, W.R.S. Temple Manley, W.R.S. James Wilson, R.S. Comfort Baker, R.S. John Crider, R.S. John Sandiges, R.S. Benjamin Harrison, R. S. Rhoda Young, W.R.S. Mary Gaddens, W.R.S. George Cockburn, R. S. Thomas Clarke, R.S. Ann Jane Sims, W.R.S. George Garner, R.S. Wm. Pulliam, R.S. Israel Prickett, R.S. George Garner, R.S. Ben Cleveland, R.S. Wm. Pulliam, R.S. Jane Pulliam, W.R.S. CAPT. TABOR’S DIST. John Stonecypher. Mary White, W.R.S. Chas. Angle. Joel Mabrey, Sr. John Tate, Sr. Jas. Armstrong. Wm. Willmott. CAPT. BENNETT’S DIST. Andrew Glenn. Thomas Clark. Thomas Akins. Anne Jane Sims. John Albritton. Joshua Sewell. George Stovall. Abner Jordan. Eliz. Laseby, W.R.S. Mary White, W.R.S. Moses Guest. Wm. York. John McMullan. Mary Crump, W.R.S. Israel Prickett. Geo. Garner. Benj. Cleveland. CAPT. BLANKENSHIP’S DIST. Wm. Glover. Henry Burroughs. Robert McFarland. MAJ. BRUCE’S BATTALION. Elijah Walley, R.S. Mary Gaddis, W.R.S. James Hutcherson, R.S. Mary Graddy, W.R.S. Wm. Mitchell, R.S. Susanna Longbridge, W.R.S. Victor Crawford, R.S. Elizabeth Lasbee, W. R.S. In Capt. Blankenship’s Co. Eliz. Tate, W.R.S. Nancy Chandler, W. R.S. John Allbritton, R.S. Mary Crump, W. R.S. Mary Wheeler, W.R.S. Elizabeth Harvy, W. R.S. Ann Jane Sims, W.R.S. Jane Pulliam, W.R.S. Eliz. Tate, W.R.S. Mary Chandler, W.R.S. Geo. Stovall, Sr., R.S. These men were soldiers in Col. John A. Patrick’s regiment, composed of iajor Shackelford’s and Chandler’s Battalion: Wm. Bryan, R.S. Lucy Reaves (?), W.R. S. Peter Walton, R.S. Joshua Sewell, R. S. Geo. Stovall, R. S. Wm. Glover, R.S. Thos. Whitlow, R.S. Mattburn Jordan, R.S. Henry Burroughs, R. S. Robt. M. Farley, R.S. Abner Jordan, R.S. Wm. A. Stovall, R.S&. R.S. Freeman Wheeler, Mary Scott, W.R.S. Sarah Mitchell, W.R.S. Victoria Crawford, W. R.S. Mary White, W.R.S. Catherine Dodd, W.R.S. Mary Wheeler, W.R.S. Matilda Carter, W.R.S. Eliz. Harvey, W. R.S. Mary Wheeler, W. R.S.FRANKLIN COUNTY PENSIONERS. BK. 2ND. List of Revolutionary soldiers, who were pensioned by United States Gov- ernment for rendering service, living in Franklin County, 1825, as taken from the Secty’s (?) book in the Ordinary’s office (date, 1835) of Thomas King, con- taining the receipt for the money paid to pensioners: oR go Oo “I Oo a eee OP WON COO OO 46. aoa anaanaanaaua» ms z ao 60. 61 62. wn-_ _ C1 CMW Jesse Holbrook. 16. John Albritton. 31. Thomas Hodges, 1836. Jesse Marshall. 17. Wm. Aaron. 32. C. Addison. Abner Shurden. 18. Henry Smith. 33. Thos. Holmes. Samuel Mackie. 19. Wm. Thomas. 34. Henry Smith. Robert Brown. 20. John Tate. 35. John Allerton. Richard B. Hooper. 21. Peter Groover. 36. Thompson Epperson. J. Hodges. 22. Jesse Smith. 37. Wm. Carter. Wm. Speares. 23. Wm. Glover. 38. John Stonecypher. Elisha Dyer. 24. James Cash, d. 1837. 39. Henry Parks. Wm. Allen. 25. Wm. Allen. 40. Abner Sheridan. Wm. Murdock. 26. Thos. Clark. 41. Robert K. Turner. John MeMillan. 27. David Carter. 42. Wm. Spears. Thos. Clark. 28. John Stonecypher. 43. Richard b. Hooper. David Carter. 29. Moses Guest. 14. Jacob Groover. Wm. Mitchell. 30. Leak’s wife, Judith. 145. Hezikiah Smith. Wm. Thomas’ widow, Nancy. John Epperson, d. 1836; W., Mary. Robert Fleming. Samuel Southerland, 49.—1837. Russel Dranst (?). Daniel Southerland. Richard B. Hooper, by Macajah Martin. Stephen Fuller, by sons, Cooper B. and Geo. W. Fuller. Robt. Brown, by son, Hugh Brown, 1838. Richard Bond, d. Jan., 1837; son, Lindsey Bond. Wm. Murdock, by son, Thos. H. Murdock, 1839. Daniel Southerland, d. Feb. 20, 1838; son, Russel Davis. James Blair. Henry Parks. Simon Terrell, by Mary Davis. Henry Truitt. Henry Smith, d. 1839; son, Isam Smith. Robert Fleming, d. March 4, 1839; son, G. M. Fleming, 1838. David Carter, d. Sept., 1839; 4th son, Lewis Carter. Elisha Dyer, d. Sept. 4, 1839; W., Larinia (?). Stephen Fuller, d. Sept., 1846; his sons, Geo. W. Fuller and Cooper Fuller. Robert Brown, d. Jan., 1840; wife, Jane, and son, Hugh. (1) Mary White, reed. $300, Apri] 9, 1841, for her husband’s services. Jackson Oliver, d. March, 1837. Henry Park, Sept., 1840.70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 80. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. (2) Charity Holbrook, the wife, recd. pension of $300, by Berrian Holbrook, March 4, 1841. (3) Annie Smith, W. of Jesse Smith, who d. April, 1842. (4) William Mitchell, d. March, 1842; W., Eleanor, and son, Wm., Jr. R. A. Ward. Wm. Cheek. Chas. W. Cheek. (5) Wid. Martha Fleming, by Joel Thomas, 1845. Richard Branham, d. 1846. (6) Agnes Thomas, wife of Joel Te (7) Ann Wade, Wid, and sons, John and Thos. Wade. (8) Jane Ash, Wid.; son, A. F. Ash. (9) Martha Fleming, 1845. Thos. Bush, son of Daniel Thos. Bush. John Stonecypher, 1845; by son, Ben Stonecypher. Allen T. Garrison, 1846. T. W. E. Rucker, 1846. (9) Jane Ash, Wid., and son, R. R. Ash. Martha Fleming; s., L. M. Fleming. Hugh Holland, d. May 19, 1832. Thomas King, 1835. Secty. of Co. Court of Franklin Co. Dianthe Fuller, 1830, reed. pension for Hugh Fuller, March, 1838. In Sept., 1845, R. A. R. Neal was ap. Ordinary and gave the receipts. LIST OF REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS FROM WILKES COUNTY, GEORGIA, AS TAKEN FROM LAND LOTTERY RECORDS. On the Land Lottery Records of Wilkes County, Georgia, Court of Ordin- ary, the names in this list are designated as those of “Revolutionary Soldiers.” In some instances, the names of the widows of Revolutionary soldiers having been given, these were traced through the Deed Records, in office of Clerk of Superior Court, in this way, the names of the husbands of such widows having been reliably established. While the list is not complete, it is correct thus far. Work done by Annie M. Lane, Record Committee of “D. A. R.,” 1916. (A) Arnold, James. Bankston, Lawrence. Aldrage, William. Appling, Ivell. Barnett, William, Sr. Appling, Joel. Barnett, Lewis. Anderson, William, Sr. (B) Barnett, William. Anderson, John. Bailey, John Barrett, Lewis. Arnold, John. Banks, William. Bennett, Reuben.Bell, Arthur. Bensen, William, Sr. Blakey, Churchel. Blackburn, Nathan. Bledsoe, William. Booker, William. Booker, John, Sr. Bowen, Samuel, Sr. Bryan, Nathan. Burks, Joseph. Burdette, Humphrey. (C) Callaway, Jacob. Carrell, Jessey. Clemmons, Henry, Sr. Carrol, Charles. Carter, John. Carter, William. Chaffin, Isham. Combs, John. Combs, Philip, Sr. Cooper, John, Sr. Crosby, Urial. Curry, Peter. Coleman, Thompson. (D) Davis, William. Davis, William. Doster, Jonathan. Downs, Ambrose. Dyson, John. (E) Eason, Isaac. Eidson, Thomas. Eckles, Edward, Sr. kistar, George. Evans, Thomas. (G) Garrard, Anthony. Gibson, Henry B. Gibson, John. Graves, John. (H) Hamilton, Andrew. Hamilton, George. Hammons, John. Hancock, William. Harper, John. Harris, Ezekiel. Harrison, Joseph. Helmes, John. Hood, John. Hopkins, Isaac. Hudgens, William. Hughes, William. Huling, James. Huff, Mathew. Huckaby, Philip. Hurley, Joseph. (J) Jenkins, Sterling. Johns, John. Johnson, Bartholomew. Johnson, Abraham. Johnson, Joseph B. Johnson, Joseph P. (K) Kelley, John. Kellum, George. Kent, Peter. King, Richard, Sr. (L) Landrum, John. Lasley, Thomas. Lawson, John, Sr. Lindsey, Jacob, Sr. Lindsey, John. (M) Maddox, Walter. Maddox, William. Martin, Ganaway. Mattox, Charles. Mattox, Charles. Mathews, James, Sr. McCormick, Thomas. McLaughlin, Peter. LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Meloy, Andrew. Miller, Lewis. Moncreef, Mathew. Montgomery, David. Moore, John. Moreman, Thomas. Murphey, Francis. Murphy, John. (N) Nelson, John. Norman, John, Sr. Norris, Alexander. (O) Orr, Christopher. Owens, John, Sr. (P) Parkerson, Levin. Perkins, John. Peteet, Richard. Pool, William. Pool, Dudley. Pollard, Thomas. Pope, John. Porter, Thomas. Poss, Christopher. Proctor, William. Pullen, Joseph, Sr. (R) Ray, John. Ridley, John, Sr. (S) Sappington, John. Sandeford, Elemerick. Shank, John. Sherrer, James. Simons, Abraham. Smith, John. Snider, Cristian, Sowel, Zadok. Springer, John. Snelson, William, Sr. Stewart, Amos. Strozier, Peter.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. (T) (W) Webster, Abner. Taliafero, Benjamin. Waggoner, William. Wolfe, Andrew, Sr. Trammell, Peter. Walton, Josiah. Wood, John. Triplett, William. Whatley, Samuel. Woodroof, Richard. Truitt, Pernal. Williams, John. Wright, John. Williams, William. Woolbright, Jacob. Willis, George, Sr. State of Georgia, Wilkes County: In the Court of Ordinary: I, S. D. Fanning, Ordinary of said County, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Court of Ordinary, certify that the attached and foregoing pages of printing contain and complete copy of the names of Revolutionary Soldiers from a full, true n this office, Land Lot- Wilkes County, Georgia, as the same appear on record i tery Records. Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court at Washington, Georgia, this 18th day of October, 1916. S. D. FANNING, Ordinary, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Wilkes County, Georgia. State of Georgia, Wilkes County: Not having been able to establish, in any way, the names of the husbands of all the widows of Revolutionary soldiers occurring on the Land Lottery Records, we herewith respectively submit those remaining, that at least the surnames of the soldiers may be known: WIDOWS OF REVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS. SOLDIERS. Allison, Noncsi e (3) Pewee Se a ge ieee Allison. Arnold, Blizabethareer § «ete 5 OP ees cee: Arnold. Bell, Wlizabeths. =. gee rezeicierei Bell. Brinton, Maryeenene o> el A tee riee Seer Brinton. Brown, Mlizabethss> © © i + eeiene ee eine Brown. Bruce, Blizabeth:= < 2 eee. alae errmice Bruce. Carlton, Mildred¥ac* sio-9i tien Hie rns: Carlton. Cofer, Blizabeth:) ss. ws s:.c5 cp tke: SU Cofer. Dukes, KWesiahivae =: 92 0 eterno Dukes. Edmonds, Winey 2 a te Edmonds. Edwards, IPYeClOUSE a ekide eis iss Edwards. Flynt, Sarah 9 eee | er Be ee ox Flynt. Freeman, Sarahtke. 32 Sc teeeeety wien Stic: Freeman. Gideons, Blizabeth:........ oucdkeeeen stints Gideons. Heard, Elizabeth A; = - eafeee) andbettsesic Heard. Huskey, Rebecca: (sey. bee oe os. RE Lee, Margarcts i. sugsecd? daidieatahtiescs Lee. Lockhart, Polly... eebeth .nlideue Taiscace Lockhart.Macklin, Mallory, Mathews, Murphy, Matthews, Nelms, Nunnelly, Paschall, Piggot, Pool, Randolph, Ruddell, Runnels, Runnels, Shoemaker, Simpson, Simpson, Speller, Whitlock, Failed to state that WILLIAM BARNETT, SR., whose List of Revolutionary Soldiers previously submitted, was an lution. Jane. Mary. Rebecca. Martha. Winnefred. Nancy. Margaret. Mary. Susanna. Elizabeth. Dorothy. Lee Ann. Sarah T. Sallie. Catherine. Hester. Lucy. Martha. Mary. State of Georgia, County of Wilkes: LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Macklin. Mallory. Mathews. Murphy. Matthews. Nelms. Nunnelly. Paschall. Piggot. Pool. Randolph. Ruddell. Runnels. Runnels. ie terete Shoemaker. Simpson. Simpson. Speller. 3 Whitlock. Moses Wade. name occurred on officer in the Revo- I, S. D. Fanning, Ordinary, certify that the foregoing pages are true and cor- rect, as taken from the Land Lottery Records of said County. Given under my official hand and the Seal of said Court, this, the 26th day of October, 1916. S. D. FANNING, Ordinary. Wilkes County, Georgia REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS AND THE WIDOWS OF REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS Listed in ‘‘ The Cherokee Land Lottery,” James F. Smith, Harper Bros., Dis. S 6 Q > APAanrnD DM Bee eS eS eS eS EO Lot 27 63 92 127 156 180 205 238 Name. James, Blair, John Turner, Eleanor Blalock, Jas. Key Kendall, William Matthews, Richard Gregory, Samuel Warden, Samuel Wilson, 1838. District Wihitehead’s, 374th, 588th, Stephens’, Riden’s, Hargrove’s, Morgan’s, 34th, County Habersham. Putnam. Upson. Habersham. Jackson. Oglethorpe Madison. Screven.326 = 7 to DN 246 245 107 133 145 176 181 205 211 290 313 e5 Seb co) conc) «oO! 6S tO) cO © &O) 00, GOMOD GOMOOK 00) 00) COM OOFOO) 9) —3) Naa) 3) SY CC) aa) 9 10 14 10 43 10 91 oe ee Se eee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ee eee ee —_ ~~ =) o 136 Lot. ROSTER OF THE Name. Claborn Sandridge, Lucy Windham, Mary Rutherford, Isabella Estes, Moses Beard, Richard Simmons, Stephen Clayton, Sr., Sarah Harvey, Mary Wheeler, Frances Barron, Martha Murphy, James Rylee, Sr., John Westbrook, James Scott, Jemina Lovejoy, William Downs, Jane McMinn, James Comer, John Dunn, John Thomas, Sarah Simmons, Edmond Collins, Sarah Commins, Lewis Wilhite, Nancy Lewis, Sugars Bynum, Sarah Cheshire, Isaac Horton, Zacharia White, Henry Varnadore, Mary Buchannan, George Cotton, Sr., Wm. McGruder, David Smith, James Denmer, Joshua Smith, Sr., Elizabeth Matthews, Elizabeth Keen, Celia Morris, Elizabeth Tabor, Joshia Burgess, Edmond Raines, Thomas Bryan, Sr., Ursula Harvey, Stephen Tredwell, REVOLUTION. District. Seal’s, Downs, Barker’s, McClendon’s, Atheng’, 404th, Burgess’, 47th, White’s, 589th, 177th (Wilkes’), Blackstock’s Mangum’s, Baker’s, Madden’s, 10th, Stephens’, Comer’s, Lamberth’s, Stewart’s, 555th, Ross’, before 1838, 143d, ee Wilhitess 2) = Hinesy’, ed Cnambers’, Brewer's;= Barker’s, 10th, Rate 535th, ina 7 Wilson’s, Lynn’s, 119th, Bush’s, Welche’s, Dobb’s, Gunn’s, Blackshear’s, Sims’, Whites’, 373d, Jones’, Sewell’s, Kendricks’, 702d, ” ” County. Elbert. Warren. Gwinnett. Putnam. Clarke. Gwinnett. Carroll. Upson. Franklin. Upson. Wilkes. Hall. Franklin. Liberty. Pike. Effingham. Habersham. Jones. Fayette. Troup. Upson. Monroe. Greene. Elbert. Coweta. Houston. Monroe. Gwinnett. Effingham. Dooly. Jasper. Warren. Richmond. Burke. Habersham. Hall. Jefferson. Laurens. Troup. Franklin. Jasper. Morgan. Franklin. Putnam. Heard.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. mM ttf tt et et et pet OE 2 Lot. 151 183 125 127 140 150 178 185 192 204 217 221 231 23 42 48 91 118 124 166 Name. Jonathan Stockley, District. Ross’, Christian Broadwell, w.r.s. Liddell’s, Hannah Terry, William Fason, William Arnold, Sr., David Patrick, John Sappington, Jane Clarke, Mary Goolsby, Barbara Merritt, Anna Moody, John Wright, Conrad Augley, Alice Deadwiler, John Barton, Nancy Williamson, Thomas Garner, Mary Bolton, Samuel Roach, Jesse Brown, Mary Fitts, John Guise, J. Cartledge, Sr., Jane Evans, Stephen H Jane Baker, Eben. Jackson, Sr., Thomas Epperson, Richard Dean, Dial Peavy, Agnes Lawless, Nathaniel Handy, Elizabeth Talbot, James, Gray, John Connell, George Slatin, Peril Sinar, Nancy Duke, Jacob C. Dyer, Elizabeth Roberts, John Ray, Sr., Jesse Coleman, Mary Grady, Susanna Wheeler, Elizabeth Freeman, Renfroe, Newsom’s, 117th, Scroggins’, Hall’s, House’s, Burnett’s, Green’s, 364th (Jasper), Hatchett’s, McLin’s, Hicks’, Wilhites, Martin’s, Newman’s, Dobb’s, Parham’s, 510th, 430th, Nellums’, McDowell’s, Hutchinson’s, Evans’, Comer’s, Valleau’s, Valleau’s, Mangum’s, Chambers,’ Lamberth’s, Sea’s, Stephen’s, Morgan’s, Madden’s, Peterson’s, Lay’s, 121st, Night’s, Tompkin’s, 417th, Hill’s, 4 3d, Willis’, 249th, Wilson’s, County. Monroe. Jackson. Warren. Hancock. Oglethorpe. Oglethorpe. Henry. Lowndes. Oglethorpe. Jasper. Oglethorpe. Butts. p. 44. Decatur. Elbert. Hall. Thomas. Hall. Warren. Karly. Early. Elbert. Lincoln. Columbia. Fayette. Jones. Chatham. Chatham. Franklin. Houston. Fayette. Madison. Habersham, Clarke. Pike. Montgomery. Jackson. Richmond. Morgan. Putnam. Warren. Harris. Burke. Franklin. Walton. Jasper.Dis. 18 18 18 18 19 19 ann >. >_> > o1 oc Ol Ol a | > O1 O11 6 6 6 6 6 1 On N NN -1 - ao Ce ao 8 oOo co 0 Sec. Nowe ee eR bo kb be ND mown we Ww b& WH bo bo bd hb Ot OD Ob OD hb NNONNN WN DH WH WD WY bo rn pw Ww WY Lot. 247 259 285 313 18 0 bb 1 w _ J > Hm D> © « ‘ bo 6 w oo 1) > coo cf =] 1( 116 127 192 225 284 307 16 he a 265 2 59 73 145 184 197 297 304 Name Samuel Smith, William King, Elizabeth Arrant, Sarah Lambert, Sarah Alexander, Philips Crawford, James Mikell, Thomas Millican, Martha Hinds, Frances B. Golden, Henry Dobson, John Prince, Henry Cabaness, William Ragland, Martha Copeland, Catherine Lewis, Absalum Joiner, Moses Pinson, Jesse Johnson, Celia Culbertson, Martha Chambers, Elizabeth Farechild, Susan Smith, Mary Cannon, Isaac Durham, Lewis Goodman, Moses Holcomb, Mary Bostwick, Levi Jester, Sarah Dubose, Joseph Griffin, Elizabeth Rye, William Pentecost, Tsam Hancock, John Landrum, Flizabetih Cannon, Charles Gates, Sr., Isaac Moore, Sarah Head, Gabriel Jones, John Hendrick, Mary Warren, John Maginty, Arthur Harrup, Sarah Smith, ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. District. Sanderlin’s, Sweat’s, 561st, Lay’s, Chambers’, Nesbit’s, Slater’s, Johnson’s, 3d, Anderson’s, Price’s, Dyers’, Wilhite’s, Peurifoy’s, Rutland’s, Russell’s, Rutland’s, Welchel’s, Say’s, Talley’s, Griffin’s, Whipple’s. Morrison’s, Jones’, Latimer’s, Bostick’s, 3d Sec; Jones’, Tnaxton’s, 69th, Haralson’s, Hucy’s, Lay’s, Welche’s, Hinton’s, O73Gs 406th, Collings’, Lunceford’s, Groce’s, Bustin’s, Herndon’s, 3ustin’s, Barefield’s, 277th, County. Chatham. Ware. Upson. Avant? Jackson. Gwinnett. Newton. Bulloch. DeKalb. Chatham. Wilkes. Hall. Habersham. Elbert. Henry. Bibb. Henry. Bibb. Hall. Jackson. Troup. Fayette. Wilkinson. Montgomery. Bulloch. DeKalb. Twiggs. Cherokee. Morgan. Butts. Burke. Troup. Harris. Jackson. Habersham,p.89 Wilkes. Jasper. Gwinnett. Henry. Elbert. Bibb. Pike. Hall. Pike. Jones. Morgan.SsonneowoeowoYd ows 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 bo bt bo Mh hd DS bo DS Ob Ob bo tS OD bb &Y o) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 7) n ° wonwewnebs WYO Lot. 22 35 40 75 93 96 118 135 163 189 202 99L “aid 246 259 298 305 314 Name. William Mitchell, Henry Dickerson, Jane Wiley, Benjamin Phillips, Jane Willingham, John McVicker, Susannah Hicks, Robert Margaret George Grumbles, Elizabeth Wilcher, Hardy John Callahan Stephen Ralph Rosanna Jenkins, Vernon, Lydia Cook, Leonard Wills, Harris, Carithers, Johnson, Hayman, Bozeman, Patsey Lavina John Sappington, Sarah Brack, Elizabeth Elizabeth Gideons, Pledger, Thrower, Hewell, Butler, ittles Sr: Thomas Sarah Susannah Mary C William Samuel Adam Moseley, Carson, Mary Bennett, Moses Hunter, Mary Nash, Rebecker Nix, Wm. Mitchell, Sr., Sarah Lacy, Tully Hugh M. Comer, Rachel Magbee, Elizabeth Willis Cason, Sr., William Buford, Lucretia Miller, William Allen, Isam Watson, Choice, Darrys, McCollum, (sic), Matthews, District. Willis’, Everett’s, Crow’s, Brown’s, Colley’s, Smith’s, 589th, Sea’s, Crawford’s, Bush’s, Cnestnut’s, 55th, Jenkins’, Bryant’s, Swain’s, Bragaw’s, Collins’, 12th, Chambers’, Guice’s, House’s, Cannon’s, Silman’s, Fhillips’, Luncefords’, Fenn’s, Bridges’, 307th, White’s, Alsakrook’s, Morgan’s, Whitehead’s, Sander’s, Mizell’s, Willis’, Hargrove’s, 101st, Stewart’s, Hall’s, 245th, Lester’s, Berry’s, 458th, Smith’s, Folsom’s, County. Franklin. Washington. Pike. Camden. Oglethorpe. Henry. Upson. Madison. Franklin. Burke. Newton. Emanuel Oglethorpe. Burke. Thomas. Oglethorpe. Oglethorpe. Effingham. Gwinnett Oglethorpe. Henry. Wilkinson. Pike. Talbot Elbert. Clarke. Gwinnett. Putnam. Franklin. Jones. Appling. Habersham. Jones. Talbot. Franklin. Newton. Hancock, p. 120 Jones Butts. Jackson. Pulaski. Butts. Early Franklin. Lowdnes.$30 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Dis. Sec. Lot. Name. District. County. 12 2 149 Rebecca Brown, Bishop’s, Henry. 12 2 223 Absolom Auldridge, Walker’s, Houston. 12 2 246 Jane Oliver, Lunceford’s, Elbert. 12 2 248 Zipporah Tammons, 2d. sec., Cherokee. 12 2 256 William Vickers, Griffin’s, Merriwether. 12 2 261 James Arkins, Lamiberth’s, Fayette. 12 2 270 Joseph Denson, Sr., Underwood’s, Putnam. 12 2 298 Willis Caison, Sr., Green’s, Ware. 12 2 319 James St. John, Sr., McCuller’s, Newton. 13 2 8 John Turner, Colley’s, Oglethorpe. 13 2 56 Jane McCutchen, Griffin’s, Hall. 13 2 7 Jane Gammill, Calhoun’s, Harris. 13 2 145 Robert Henderson, Miller’s, Jackson. 13 2 219 Frederick Metts, Martin’s, Washington. 13 2 295 Ephraim Liles, Bostick’s, Twiggs. 13 2 319 Rebecca Creemmy, Hand’s, Appling. 14 2 5 John Carroll, 393d, Jasper. 14 2 12 Henry Stone, Sweat’s, Ware. 14 2 31 Thos. Merriwether, McKorkles, Jasper, p. 137. 14 2 45 William Thompson, Smnith’s, Habersham. 14 2 69 Jane Tool, Baismore’s, Jones. 1 2 99 Fredrick Daniel, Wilson’s, Pike. 14 2 160 Mary Brown, Woodruft’s, Campbell. 14 2 191 Neddy Pennington, Sullivan’s, Jones. 14 2 193 John Roberts, Tower’s, Gwinnett. 14 2 207 Mary Crawford, Mullen’s, Carroll. 14 2 73 Samuel Elrod, Sr., Jones’ Habersham. 14 2 288 Michael Brannon, Chamber’s, Gwinnett. 14 2 308 Sarah Harvey, Bostick’s, Twiggs. 14 2 314 Ivey Smith, George’s, Appling. 20 2 1 Unity Willoughby, w., Rutland’s, Bibb. 20 2 7 Margaret Browning, Morgan’s, Clarke. 20 2 65 Nancy Cunningham, 192d, Elbert. 20 2 73 Peny Pruitt, w.r.s., Martin’s, Newton. 20 2 81 Thomas Cannup, Hugheg’, Habersham. 20 2 97 James Blair, Whitehead’s, Habersham. 20 2 101 Benjamin Dorton, Martin’s, Pike. 20 2 121 Elizabeth Brown, 73d, Burke. 20 2 128 Elijah Bowen, Clifton’s, Tattnall. 20 2 157 Mary Levar, Will’s, Twiggs. 20 2 209 Sarah Bayles, Down’s, Warren. 20 2 ae Lydia Bohannon, Morgan’s, Appling. 20 2 249 Humphrey Bearden, Barnett’s, Clarke. 20 2 282 Baker Ayres, Whitehead’s, Habersham. 20 2 300 Cealey Leverett, ariffin’s, DeKalb, p. 149 20 2 302 James Keak, Sr., Belcher’s, Jasper.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Dis. 20 Cw w Co Ww w dD NM Nw NH b&b db bs Www wo coo Ww bo DS bo po bd be ~~ ee ee Re CH OH ~~ bo bo bo bo bs be ee cs or ol 9 2 9) ~ 9 <] 2: 2 2 2 2 or ol or Sec. bo by b&b NOnwonNTNONNONYO NNN NNHNNN NNN NW WD WD DS DW WD LY ] ONHONHONONONHONNONN NW DS HON NY DS WD Ct Lot. 321 333 78 os ‘ 99 107 165 169 184 198 214 227 266 282 36 66 69 102 158 168 171 181 212 217 295 “ on & oa pe ~] “Ip © 0 C S SOonone -& & Cw w HS eS © m CoO DD © “1 © b> bo ae ow © Name. Amis Wright, w.r.s., Thomas Glenn, Jacob Setzer, John Potts, John Arnett, Robert Mitchell, Jane Stewart, Benjamin Phillips, Needham Chestnut, James Rylee, Sr., Richard W. Oates, Ann Sager, Elias Hendricks, Lydia Bohannon, William Spears, Baker Ayres, Robert Brooks, Biddy Procter, John Moore, Rebecca Wilson, Samuel Holliman, Mordecai Brown, James Wadsworth, Mary Daniel, Edward Burch, Tabithy Stewart, Samuel Brady, Calra Harris, Susannah Gray, Ethelred Harrell, Sr., Mary Carroll, Rebecca Derracott, Jacob Stillwell, John Sanders, Elizabeth Jourdan, Shadrack Ellis, James Bowden, Isham Hancock, John M. LeGrand, Luraney Luker, w.r.s., Martha Lawson, Loami Brown, IP.-s., Margaret England, Jesse Richardson, Robert Colquitt, John Barton, District. Hearn’s, Baismore’s, Edward’s, Jones’, Groover’s, Rutland’s, Bryan’s, Rrown’s, Pearce’s, Blackstock’s, 672d, 163d, Wilson’s, Morgan’s, Edward's, Whitehead’s, Taylor’s, 406th, 116th, 138th, Dozier’s, Bishop’s, Davis’, Mason’s, Delmon’s, 34th, Watson’s, Talley’s, Clark’s, McDaniels,’ 167th. Canning’s, 735th, Griffin’s, Camps’, Coxe’s, Hill’s, Welchegy’, Nellum’s, Arrington’s, Whipple’s, 535th, Brook’s, Barnett’s, Martin’s, County. Butts. Jones. Franklin. Habersham. Thomas. Bibb. Monroe. Camden. Houston. Hall. Harris. Greene. Madison. Appling. Franklin. Habersham. Houston. Gwinnett. Hancock. Greene. Columbia. Henry. Jones. Washington Pulaski. Screven. Marion. Troup. Elbert. Pulaski. Wilkes. Elbert. Troup. DeKalb. Warren. Talbot. Monroe. Habersham. Elbert. Merriwether. Wilkinson. Dooly. Habersham. Habersham. Oglethorpe. Hall.9 bo bo bo it oor o1 or 1 o1 or Oo Ol Nonwnwonwnhd bd W &Y bo kw bh WN OD DD ADAH HD OF1 OI OI Cl bo oO 26 26 26 26 26 26 Se 26 2 bw bo 1 - ~] ot 1 a2 1 - a4 NONONDNN NWN WD WD WS ~] nb bo aad) oy i) ~] Ro PRO MON RON RONEO) Rol Kombo) bol bo! Ro! Row nD) bo! NO} NO! No! ROMO! BO! RON KD) NO" DO! BD) (NS) to) B9! RO) (RO) Bo) boy bo) (bo) bo) BOP RVE bo) bo) BO) NESE RO) C2) KO QO Lot. 95 106 128 140 171 173 101 142 150 163 165 232 274 276 278 317 16 22 99 117 175 Name. Nancy Culver, Mary Mappin, Miner Mead, Susannah Monk, Charlotte Lockhart, Philemon Hodges, James Fould, Colesby Smith, Jane Ray, Mary Mophett, J. Gartledge; Sr., Daniel Parker, Sr., John West, Lucy Duffil, Mary Williams, John Nix, Sr., James Swords, John Williams, William Holliday, Rachael Cronick, Mary Brown, W. Jordan, w.r.s., James Branch, Daniel McCollum, Benjamin Jordan, Mary Weaver, Thomas Higgs, Sr., Margaret McWhorter, John Dillanyaesr., Elizabeth Coleman, Joseph Dawson, Mary Wingate, Ann Games, Elisabeth Doles, Larkin Smith, 82 Thomas, Slay, Henry Zinn, Silva Reese, Ww r.s., John Tubett, George Habersham, Richard Hooper, Amos Richardson, James Starrell, William Terrill, John Conden, Mary Smith, ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. District. 1ilth Dozier’s, Wisenhunt’s, Kendrick’s, Brewer’s, Few’s, Smith’s, Peacock’s, Durham’s, Tuggle’s, Hutchinson’s, 555th, Kellum’s, Colley’s, Slater’s, Herndon’s, Parks’, Welche’s, Prescott’s, 417th, Mobley’s, Sinquefield’s, Ricks’, Jones’, Tughles’, Moore’s. Daniel's, Beasley’s, Hearn’s, isllsworth’s, Baley’s, 600th, Jones’, 318th Jankin’s. Johnson’s, 122d, Seay’s, Silman’s, Thames’, Chandler’s, Stewart’s, Dyer’s, Footes’, Howard’s, Strickland’s, County. Hancock. Columbia. Carroll. Putnam. Monroe. Muscogee. Wilkinson. Washington. Talbot. Merriwether. Columbia. Upson. Talbot. Oglethorpe. Bulloch. Hall. Walton. Habersham. Twiggs. Walton. DeKalb. Washington. Laurens. Habersham. Merriwether. Randolph. Hall. Oglethorpe. Butts. Bibb. Butts. Richmond. Thomas. Baldwin Oglethorpe. DeKalb. Richmond. Hall. Pike. Crawford. Franklin. Elbert. Habersham. DeKalb. Oglethorpe. Merriwether.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Dis. Sec. Lot. Name. District, County. 27 2 steve Elizabeth Magee, Rook’s, Putnam. 5 3 Mary McClain, Towers’, Gwinnett. 5 3 C. Hamilton, w.r.s., Peterson’s, Montgomery. 5 3 Nancy Bachelder, \oung’s, Wilkinson. 5 3 Rachael Yarbrough, Moffett’s, Muscogee. 5 3 Josiah Burgess, 373d, Jasper. 5 3 Lazarus Hinson, Smith’s, Franklin. 5 3 Sarah Dobbs, Dobbs’, Hall. 6 3 William Thompson, Smith’s, Habersham. 6 3 Martha W. Johnson, Compton’s, Fayette. 6 3 John Maginty, Bustin’s, Pike. 6 3 Nathaniel Miller, Perry’s, Baldwin. 6 3 Joshia Walton. Hinton’s, Wilkes. 6 3 Howell ‘Mangum, § .vieseeeee- | ee 6 3 Lewis; Jenkins: $§ §$|§§ sisWieieeieeed 3 =©6=|© ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Bee ee Sooo 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 a n WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHWWWWWWW WWW WO? wWwownwnwnwow Wwwwwww wo wowwow e Lot. 201 215 195 111 115 146 157 169 182 259 277 286 292 29 63 Name. Molly Burnett, Joel Barnett, Robert Smith, Sr., Elizabeth Barr, Easter Chester, Sr., John Hammett, Benjamin Adams, Mary Brantley, James Lockhart, Dorothy Randolph, Sarah Sutton, Susannah Grizzard, Catherine Garr, Isam Watson, John McClain, Margaret Turke, Edy Halbrooks, r.s., James Mikell, Samuel Waits, Michael Barnwell, Isaad Hall, William Scott, David McMurran, John Cooksey, John Davis, Thomas Holmes, Kesse Smith, Sr., William Jones, Sr., Eve Boggs, Charles Atkins, Sr., Sally Linn, George Varner, John R. MeMullions, Mary Jackson, Dicey Pool, Anne Springer, Zacharia Cowart, Sr., Richard Speak, Sr., Charles Jordan, Sr., Martha Long, James Walker, Sr., Robert Jennings, James Gilmore, William Selman, Patsey Vernon, Nancy Gordon, District. Burnett’s, Hargrove’s, Hearn’s, Sinclair’s, Jenning’s, Newsom’s, PFate’s, Gorley’s, Taylor’s, Moseley’s, Vining’s, Camp’s, Wood's, Folsom’s, Thomas’, Fleming’s, Crawford’s, Slater’s, McGeehee’s, Chamber’s, Payne’s, Atkinson’s, McCuller’s, McCraney’s, David’s, Edward's, Wilson’s, 242d, 558th, Williams’, Smith’s, Smith’s, Martin’s, Crow's, Moseley’s, 510th, McLinn’s, Crow’s, 114th, 470th, Hatchertt’s, Spark’s, 555th, Colley’s, Gunn’s, County. Lowdnes, Oglethorpe, Butts, Houston, Ckharke. Warren. Warren. Putnam. Elbert. Wilkes. Putnam. Warren. Morgan. Lowdnes. Ware. Franklin. Franklin. Bulloch. Troup. Houston. Merriwether. Coweta. Newton. Lowdnes. Franklin. Franklin. Jasper. Jackson. Upson. Jasper. Franklin. Franklin. Washington. Pike. Wilkes. Early. Butts. Merriwether. Hancock. Upson. Oglethorpe. Washington. Upson. Oglethorpe. Jones.12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 WW WWWWWWWWWOWWWWWOWWWWWWWWWWWW WW WH WW eCwwwwwwwwn ww 75 160 310 311 312 347 349 355 42 52 147 156 159 189 215 239 293 312 15 30 35 40 56 64 134 170 182 236 279 294 314 22 24 32 64 71 164 171 183 205 fr 6 28 Jane Paris, William Tedder, Elizabeth Fuller, Caroline Barnett, Allen Tucker, Priscilla Strad, William M. Harper, Elizabeth Childs, Elizabeth Lansford, Susannah Eubanks, David Mitzher, Thomas Howell, John R. McMillan, Charles Gates, Sr., Mary Nichols, Reuben Nail, Nathaniel Affut, William Jordan, Frances Scott, w.r.s., David Monroe, Sr., Henry Tulley, Sr., William Davis, Elizabeth Trainum, John Mattox, George Wilson, Thomas Murray, Ann McGoy, Tabitha Bateman, Sarah Cash, Thomas Tanner, Robert Henderson, Sr., William Suttles, John Dowd, John Hames, Sr. (Haines?), James Adams, Mary Lloyd, Lazarus Telly, Jane Ward, John Hayes, William Tomalson, George Young, Sr., Patrick Butler, Sr., John Hines, Mary Napp, Elizabeth Watson, Thomas McCall, LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Whitehead’s, Morrison’s, 148th, Davis’, 148th. Bryan’s, Chastain’s, Sander’s, Dawsson’s, Herndon’s, 11th, Brown's, Smith’s, 406th, Bostick’s, Carpenter’s, William’s, McClain’s, 143d, 73d, McCuller’s, Nichols,’ 278th, 464th, 454th, Murphy’s, 603d, ¢mith’s, Orrt’s, Griffin’s, Jones’, Mobley’s, Newsom’s, Daniel’s, Seals’, 404th, Keener’s, 190th, Latimers’, Everett’s, Howard’s, Smith’s, 73d, 160th, Murphy’s, Hobb’s, Habersham. Montgomery. Greene. Clarke. Greene. Monroe. Habersham. Jones. Jasper. Hall. Effingham. Camden. Franklin. Gwinnett. Twiggs. Tattnall. Washington. Newton. Greene. Burke. Newton. Fayette. Morgan. Gwinnett. Walton. Columbia. Taliaferro. Houston. Jackson. DeKalb. Hall. DeKalb. Warren. Hall. Elbert. Gwinnett. Rabun. Elbert. DeKalb. Washington. Oglethorpe. Elbert. Burke. Greene. Columbia. Laurens.16 3 63 16 3 76 16 3 78 16 3 85 16 3 104 16 3 116 16 3 120 16 3 126 16 3 224 16 3 233 16 3 244 22 3 19 22 3 29 22 3 52 22 3 58 22 3 91 22 3 112 22 3 129 22 3 154 22 3 182 22 3 194 22 3 255 22 3 335 22 3 338 23 3 47 23 3 53 23 3 103 23 3 113 23 3 128 23 3 188 23 3 192 23 3 210 23 3 213 23 3 215 23 3 292 23 3 305 23 3 343 23 3 346 24 3 6 24 3 23 24 3 34 24 3 45 24 3 57 24 3 7 24 3 103 24 3 150 Dis. Sec. Lot. Name. John Bowen, James W. Cook, Jonathan Rhan, Ann Bryan, Rebecca Williams, John Gilbert, Robert Barnwell, Ann Wilson, Clement Waters, Samuel Brady, Isaac Hopkins, Pester Hinton, Robert Carter, Henry Dobson, Mary Kirklin, M. W. Tomlinson, Susannah Sett, M. Watkins, Sr., Samuel Shephard, Sarah Rushing, Elizabeth Richardson, Ica Atkins; Sr., Elizabeth Porter, Margarette McCibben, Betahny Knight, w.-r.s., Josiah Hatcher, George Harper, Cornelius Gibbs, Elizabeth Glenn, Diana Hester, Diana Gray, Frances Herndon, w.r.s., Nathaniel Lewis, George Grumbles, Easther Dyson, Mary Jones, Ann Glenn, Benjamin Smith, Henry Huey, William Stone, William Lard, Charles Arnold, Sarah Johnson, Samuel Ewing, David Anthony, Elizabeth Glenn, ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. District. Barker’s, 248th, 1ith, 73d, Welchel’s, 243d, Griffin’s, 12th, Welches’, Watson’s, Norman’s, Taylor’s, McClain’s, Price’s, Stewart’s, Chustus’, Sohnson’s, Garner’s, Seal’s, Haygood’s, 3S6th, Mitchell’s, Dozier’s, Hood’s, 57th, Allison’s, Gunn’s, Henson’s, McGeehee’s, Bivins, Willis’, 778th, Cleland’s, Bush’s, 734th, Jones’, Phillip’s, Craven’s, Latimer’s, Phillips’, Riden’s, Carpenter’s, 693d, 102d, David’s, Liddell’s, County. Gwinnett. Jackson. Effingham. Burke. Hall. Jackson. Hall. Effingham. Habersham. Marion. Wilkes. Elbert. Newton. Hall. Troup. Jefferson. DeKalb. Jefferson. Elbert. Washington. Emanuel. Pulaski. Columbia. Henry. Emanuel. Pike. Jones. Rabun. Troup. Jones Franklin. Heard. Chatham. Burke. Lee. Hall. Jasper, p. 290. Coweta. DeKalb. Jasper. Jackson. Tattnall. Heard. Hancock. Franklin. Jackson.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Dis. Sec. Lot Name. District, County 24 3 188 James Wood, Collier’s, Monroe. 24 3 222 Thomas Glenn, Baismore’s, Jones. 24 3 294 Margery Hobbs, Hughes’, Habersham. 24 3 250 Wiloughy Gaison, Green’s, Ware. 24 3 255 Susan Wright, 104th, Hancock 24 3 286 Uriah Skinner, Roe’s, Burke. 25 3 15 Thomas Simmons, Williams’, Ware. 25 3 19 John King, Liddell’s, Jackson. 25 3 54 John Dalton, Ellsworth, Bibb. 25 3 95 Mary Stamper, Parham’s, Warren. 25 3 109 Peter Guise, Stoke’s, Lincoln. 25 3 119 Nathaniel Bond, Seal’s, Elbert. 25 3 126 M: A. Douglas; ‘w-r:s:, Arrington’s, Merriwether. 25 3 132 Job Jordan, Watson’s, Marion. 25 3 146 Mary Lucas, 102d, Hancock. 25 3 150 William Ham, Whitaker’s, Crawford. 25 3 155 John Harris, Hargroves’, Newton. 25 3 161 William Lesley, sragaw’s, Oglethorpe. 25 3 228 Kesiah Bailey, Martin’s, Washington. 26 3 11 Susannah Hubbard, Guice’s, Oglethorpe. 26 3 29 Edmond Shackleford, Taylor’s, Elbert. 26 3 36 Richard Speak, Sr., McLinn’s, Butts. 26 3 42 Winiford Dyess, Miller’s, Ware. 26 3 48 Nancy Keslerson, Rutland’s, 3ibb. 26 3 54 William Wilson, Baugh’s, Jackson. 26 3 55 John Wilson, Sr., 148th, Greene 26 3 64 John Lawrence, Taylor’s. Putnam. 26 3 67 Sarah Daniel, 121st, Richmond. 26 3 7 Levicey Holloman, w.r.s., 6th, Mitchell's, Pulaski. 26 3 124 Archibald Perkins, 141st, Greene. 26 3 143 John Higgs, Edward's, Montgomery 26 3 168 Mary Ann Davis, Rhode’s, DeKalb. 26 3 170 Martha Allison, 143d, Greene. 26 3 186 Elizabeth Parish, Lynn’s, Warren. 26 3 194 Josiah Walton, Hinton’s, Wilkes. 26 3 225 Rosannah Carnes, Keener’s, Rabun. 26 3 255 Polly Robinson, 3urgess’, Carroll. 26 3 267 Mary Rooks, 353d, Wayne. 26 3 278 Mary Harper, 101st, Hancock. 26 3 280 Elizabeth Conaway, Herndon’s, Hall. 26 3 281 Amy Peacock, 454th, Walton. 26 3 282 John Morris, Bush’s, Pulaski. 26 3 293 Jesse Coleman, 73d, Burke. 26 3 320 Mary Davis, Peterson’s, Montgomery 26 3 323 Isaac Coker, Hood’s, Henry. = «633 4 John Moore, Merck’s, Hall.338 ROSTER OF THE BEVOLUTION. Dis. Sec. Lot. Name. District. County. 27 3 7 S. Golightly, William’s, Washington. 27 3 40 Sally Twitty, Lamberth’s, Fayette. 27 3 83 Mary Clarke, Hannah’s, Jefferson. 27 3 145 Hugh M. Comer, Stewart’s, Jones. 27 3 152 William Lesley, Bragaw’s, Oglethorpe. 27 3 153 Walter Been, Belcher’s, Jasper. 27 3 174 Susannah Yates, Lamberth’s, Fayette. ti 3 182 Robert Smith, Sr., Hearn’s, Butts. 27 3 183 Benjamin Dorton, Martin’s, Pike. 27 3 190 Sarah Highsmith, 335th, Wayne. 27 3 195 Elender Golden, 417th, Walton. 27 3 243 Elizabeth Rudolph, Hobkerksy’, Camden. 27 3 270 W. Edmonds, Lunceford’s, Wilkes. 27 3 293 Nathaniel Beall, 124th, Richmond. 27 3 300 Joshua Elder, Robinson’s, Fayette. 27 3 332 Elizabeth Doherty, Say’s, DeKalb. 27 3 341 Ann Bradford, Robinson’s, Putnam. 28 3 18 Mary McRee, Barnett’s, Clarke. 28 3 22 Elizabeth Hughton, Athen’s, Clarke. 28 3 46 Mary Chicoming, Lester’s, Monroe. 28 3 54 James Epsy, Buckbranch, Clarke. 28 3 83 Zachariah Cowart, Sr., 510th, Early. 28 3 99 William Palmer, Rhode’s, DeKalb. 28 3 158 Alston S. Massey, Robinson’s, Harris. 28 3 167 David Patrick, Hall’s, Oglethorpe. 28 3 175 John Litton, Hughesy’, Habersham. 28 3 199 Winefred Paine, Morris’, Crawford. 28 3 202 Jesse Miller, Jordan’s, Harris. 28 3 214 Samuel Carruthers, Towers’, Gwinnett. 28 3 220 Margaret Buice, Hutson’s, Newton. 28 3 245 John Rutherford, Perry’s, Baldwin. 28 3 293 Thomas Leansley, Ware’s, Coweta. 4 4 24 Elizabeth Haney, Winn’s, Gwinnett. 4 4 29 Deborah Cook, Lightfoot’s, Washington. 4 4 37 Emily Denton, Hart’s, Jones. 4 4 42 Lewis S. Nobles, Peterson’s, Montgomery. 4 4 43 Sarah Glazier, Hampton's, Newton. 4 4 56 Burdett Leach, Hammond’s, Franklin. 4 4 84 Sally Grissam, Trout’s, Hall. 4 4 93 Mary Dickson, 80th, Screven. 4 4 107 John McDonald, Riden’s, Jackson. 4 4 122 Frederick Thompson, 249th, Walton. 4 4 123 Sherwood Stroud, 249th, Walton. 4 4 134 Lee Ann Ruddell, w.r.s., Moseley's, Wilkes. 4 4 171 Mary King, Phillip’s, Talbot. 4 4 172 Eliza A. Taliferro, Hinton’s, Wilkes.LAND- LOTTERY GRANTS. 339 Dis. Sec. Lot. Name. District. County. 4 4 255 Mary Spence, 74th, Burke. 4 4 306 James Smith, Guices, Oglethorpe. 4 4 311 Thomas Newman, 121st, Richmond. 5 4 6 George Kellum, Kellum’s, Talbot. 5 4 44 William Flanagan, Martin’s, Hall. 5 4 58 Henry Hayman, Blair's, Lowdnes. 5 4 68 Benjamin Joiner, Covington’s, Pike. 5 4 84 Celia Stringer, Peterson’s, Burke. 5 4 85 Rosannah Johnson, Harris’, DeKalb. 5 4 103 Jane Flood, Allen’s, Henry. 5 4 121 Thomas Cobbett, Clark’s, Elbert. 5 4 128 Phebe Park, 161st, Greene. 5 4 150 John Norman, Sr., Hinton’s, Wilkes. 5 4 185 Mary Jernigan, 106th, Hancock. 5 4 189 Abel Gower, Reed’s, Gwinnett. 5 4 220 Benjamin Thompson, 113th, Hancock. 5 4 231 Elizabeth McDaniel, Gunn’s, Jones. 5 4 243 Urill Crosby, Lunceford’s, Wilkes. 5 4 247 William Aldrige, Norman’s, Wilkes. 5 4 263 Celia Lewis, 406th, +winnett. 5 4 283 Winny Verdib, w-r.s., Goodwin’s, Houston. 5 4 284 John Kent, Bostick’s, Twiggs. 5 4 295 John Hickman, Kendrick’s, Monroe. 5 4 304 Anthony Seal, Huey’s, Harris. 5 4 322 Daniel Greene, Greene’s, Ware. 6 4 49 John McDade, Reid’s, Gwinnett. 6 4 93 George Eubanks, Dearing’s, Butts. 6 4 117 Mary Phillips, Sam Sweetman’s, Twiggs. 6 4 139 Soloman Williams, Rick’s, Laurens. 6 4 170 Judith McFail, rouodings, Lowdnes. 6 4 234 Littleberry Daniel, 693d, Heard. 6 4 265 Sarah Wesson, Lightfoot’s, Washington. 7 4 60 Lewis Jenkins, Peacock’s, Washington. 7 4 71 John Davis, Sr., Welche’s, Habersham. 7 4 74 Hannah Holbrook, Towers’, Gwinnett. 7 4 181 George Haynie, McGinnis’, Jackson. 7 4 207 John Conyers, 37th, Screven. 7 4 245 Jesse Pollock, Buck’s, Houston. 7 4 301 Mary Dunaway, Perryman’s, Warren. 8 4 49 Ann Morrow, Hampton’s, Newton. 8 4 64 William Dugger, Sr., Groover’s, Thomas, p. 355. 8 4 94 Uriah Burkett, 535th, Dooly. 8 4 97 John Hudson, Colquohoun’s, Henry. 8 4 107 John Peter Arnand, &d, Chatham. 8 4 183 Elizabeth P. Kendall, Brook’s, Muscogee. 8 4 246 Martha Fowler, Griders’, Morgan.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 340 Dis. Sec. Lot. 8 4 281 9 4 1 9 4 54 9 A 65 9 4 70 9 4 108 9 4 132 9 3 152 9 4 157 9 4 161 9 4 173 9 4 182 9 4 213 9 4 219 9 4 248 9 S 304 10 4 44 10 4 46 10 4 96 10 + 142 10 4 146 10 4 173 10 4 174 10 4 187 10 4 260 10 4 304 10 4 4 11 4 36 et 4 68 11 A 121 11 4 122 11 4 152 11 4 176 11 4 189 11 4 197 11 4 221 11 4 260 11 4 270 11 4 272 11 4 310 12 4 10 12 A 66 12 4 101 12 4 106 12 4 113 12 4 Name. Isaac Baldasee, Celia Giles, Ann Cannon, Charity Gamade, Ann Hendry, Kesiah Fuller, Hannah Butler, Dorcas Horn, John Harper, Susannah Alexander, J. Alsobrook, Sr., Willmouth Fox, Josiah Dennis, Jemina Fincher, Matthew Alexander, John Barnwell, John Cask, Mary Wence, John Grace, Jesse McNeill, John Austin, Sr., Nancy Hiner, William Glasgow, Alexander Martin, James Barber, Wiatt Hewell, Matthew Varner, Sr., Nancy Jones, James Carter, Judith Waters, Ditha Williams, w.r.s., Charles Cantrell, Edmond Knowles, Clara Richardson, John Sisson, Louisa Long, Abram Reddick, Willis Cason, Sr., Nancy Coleman. Lewis Lanier, Sarah Ginn, Lucy Glynn, Isaac Lindsey, Sr., I. Cummings, w.r.s., Thomas Mayes, Jacob Redwine, District. Wright’s, Everett's, 417th; Pearces’, Taker’s, Adams’, 687th. Crow’s, M. Brown’s, Seally’s, Alsobrook’s, 262d, Night’s, Smith’s, Brown's, Dearing’s, Peurifoy’s, Ist, Carpenter’s, Johnson’s, 250th, Lay’s, Wilson’s, Mantooth’s, 406th, Hargroves’, Hall’s, Griffin’s, Thompson’s, Royster’s, Bostick’s, Higginbotham’s, 160th, Hill’s, Liddell’s, Candler’s, 365th, Lester’s, George’s, 36th, Bowers’, 141st, Jones’, Garner’s, David’s, Bower’s, County. Tattnall. Weshington. Walton. Houston. Liberty. Columbia. Lee. Pike. Habersham. Talbot. Jones. Jasper. Morgan. Henry. Habersham. Henry. Henry. Chatham. Tattnall. Bibb. Walton. Jackson. Madison. Oglethorpe. Gwinnett. Newton. Oglethorpe. Fayette. Elbert. Franklin. Twiggs. Rabun. Greene. Monroe. Jackson. Bibb. Jasper. Pulaski. Appling. Screven. Elbert. Greene. Hall. Washington. Franklin. Elbert.Dis. 12 12 12 13 13 13 2 o 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Dis. 15 Sec. pr PLP KL PRR KE KHL HEEL KLE EE KE EPL EEL EE EE EEE LP PL SP SP Lot. 146 153 213 25 68 84 132 141 162 182 266 274 311 16 23 63 113 146 67 81 12 36 40 103 154 14 15 21 9 v 89 91 119 136 139 148 Name. Mary Davis, Rachael Brooks, Martha Singletary, Mary Myers, Jane Sparks, George Watts, Nathan Dobbs, John Gilbert, Edward Kelly, Renne Fitzpatrick, Nancey Williams, Lewis S. Nobles, Selah Spears, w.r.s., John Clarke, (Out) Elizabeth Cohom, Nancy Wilkes, Elizabeth Henry, John Harmon, Sr., Susannah Willis, Temperance Manly, w.-r.s., Elizabeth Hunter, John Spears, Elizabeth Walker, Mary Smith, James Gilmer, Sr., Levi Phillips, Hannah Deason, Amelia C. Mattox, Gideon Elvington, Thomas Beasley, Sr., Rebecca Faris, Lewis Brown, Joseph Brown, Jane Patterson, Mary Ann Crawford, Sarah English, Zephanaiah Franklin, May 3l1st, 1910 Also: Sec 4 Lot 194 Namie. Sarah Vickers, LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. District. Peterson’s, Rhode’s, Harrison’s, 271st, Stewart’s, Mobley’s, Hamilton’s, 243d, Bush’s, 779th, 177th, Peterson’s, Hines’, Collier’s, (Out) 603d, Howell’s, 106th, Lunceford’s, 168th, Crawford’s, Reid’s, Nesbit’s, Mason’s, Newsom’s, Martin’s, Higginbotham’s, Clinton’s, Campbell’s, Folsom’s, Allen’s, 404th, Butt’s, Henson’s, 466th, Grubb’s, Fleming’s, Parham’s, District. 118th, AS County. Montgomery. DeKalb. Decatur. McIntosh. Troup. DeKalb. Gwinnett. Jackson. Pulaski. Heard. Wilkes. Montgomery. Coweta. Monroe. (Out) Taliaferro. Elbert. Hancock. Elbert. Wilkes. Franklin. Gwinnett. Newton. Washington. Warren. Hall. Carroll, p. 408. Campbell. Wilkes. Lowdnes. Henry. Gwinnett. Monroe. Rabun. Monroe. Columbia. Franklin. Warren. Le CONTE. County. Hancock.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. CERTIFIED LIST OF REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS. Compiled by Capt. B. F. Johnson from Lottery Lists of 1827. [Published as Appendix B, in the Fifth Annual Aeport of the National Soci- Number 210, Fifty-seventh Congress, Second Session, pp. 326-350. List of Revolutionary Soldiers, compiled by Capt. B. F. Johnson, Chief Clerk in the oftice of Secretary of State, of the State of Georg.a. Supplemental to the list published under Appendix EH, in the Third k,ort of the National Society, J). A. R., to the Smithsonian Institut on. This list \ :urnished by Mrs. Robert Emory Park, State Regent of Georgia, and Chairman of the D. A. R. Committee ou Colonial and Revolutionary Records.] A. Adams, Aaron, lottery 1827, Hall County. Adams, Dancy, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Adams, David, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Adams, Thomas, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Adcock, Thomas, bounty granted, Book GGG, p. 542. Adkerson, Henry, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Adkins, William, bounty granted, certified by E. Clark, Col. Adkinson, Thomas, bounty granted, Book FFF, p. 626. Ajon, Eli, lottery 1827, Chatham County. Akins, James, lottery 1827, Greene County. Akins, William, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Akridge, Ezekiel, lottery 1827, Clark County. Akridge, William, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Alberson, William, lottery 1827, Newton County. Alexander, Isaac, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Alexander, Thomas, Lieutenant, Commission Book, p. 228. Allen, David, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Allen, Joseph, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Allen, Moses, Chaplain, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Allen, Philip, lottery 1827, Clark County. Allen, Woodson, lottery 1827, Walton County. Amison, Jesse, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Ammons, Jacob, lottery 1827, Madison County. Amos, James, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Amos, Leary, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Amos, Mauldin, lottery 1827, Jones County. Andrews, Owen, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Anglin, Henry, early lottery 1820, Disct. 8. Anglin, John, lottery 1827, Madison County. Armer, James, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Armor, John, lottery 1827, Greene County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS, Arnstorph, George, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Arrington, William, early lottery 1820, Morgan County. Arthur, Mathew, early lottery 1820, Franklin County. Asabrook, Claborn, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Ashmore, Strong, ‘‘book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Astin, Robert, lottery 1827, Greene County. Atkinson, Joseph, Capt., ‘book Commission B,” p. 227. Atkinson, Robert, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Austin, Harris D., lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Austin, James G., acts 1849, Forsyth County. Austin, Michael, lottery 1827, Fayette County. B. Bachelor, Cornelius, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Bachlott, John, lottery 1827, Camden County. Bagby, John, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Bagley, Hermon, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Bagners, Augustus, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Bailey, Christopher, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Bailey, Stephen, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Baker, Beall, lottery 1827, Hall County. Baker, Charles, lottery 1827, Hall County. Baker, Christopher, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Baker, Dempsey, lottery 1820, Disct. 1, Hancock County. Baker, Joshua, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Ball, Edward, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 271. Ballard, Frederick, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Ballard, Thomas, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Bandy, Lewis, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Banks, Drury, lottery 1827, Warren County. Banks, John, acts 1847, county unknown. Banks, William, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Bankston, Abner, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Bankston, Elijah, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Barber, Charles, lottery 1820, Disct. 2, Glynn County. Barber, Stancil, lottery 1820, Disect. 11, Twiggs County. Barker, John, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Barker, Joseph, lottery 1827, Crawford County Barker, Rufus, acts 1844, Walton County. Barkley, William, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Barnes, William, acts 1847, Elbert County. Barnes, Wm., lottery 1827, Jones County. Barnett, Jesse, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Barnett, Robert, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Barnett, Sion, lottery 1827, Jasper County. y ‘ ,ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Barnett, William, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Barrow, Joseph, lottery 1827, Houston County. Barson, Isaac, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Bass, Hardy, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Bass, Thomas, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Batson, David, lottery 1820, Disct. 2, Franklin County. Bausworth, Jacob, lottery 1820, Disct. 17, Jackson County. Baxter, John, acts 1834, Murray County. Bays, Moses, lottery 1827, Henry County. Bazemore, Thomas, lottery 1827, Jones County. Bazer, William, lottery 1820, Disct. 16, Hancock County. Beall, Harrison, lottery 1827, Warren County. Beall, Thomas, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Beard, Robert, 1827, Henry County. Beasley, Henry, lottery 1827, Walton County. Beasley, John, lottery 1820, Disct. 6, Franklin County. Beasley, William, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Beck, Sergeant, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Beckham, Solomon, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Bedell, Absalom, Major, ‘Commission B,” p. 271. Bedgood, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Beiser, Benjamin, Lieutenant, ‘(Commission B,” p. 274. Bell, Archibald, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Bell, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Burke County. Bellah, Samuel, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Bennett, Daniel, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Bennett, Micajah, acts 1843, Muscogee County. Benson, Enoch, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Bentley, James, acts 1837, Walton County. Bentley, Jesse, lottery 1827, Walton County. Berry, Isham, lottery 1827, Walton County. Bethune, Peter, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Biffle, John, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Bigbie, James N., acts 1847, Harris County. Bird, Thomas, lottery 1827, Hall County. Birdsong, John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Bishop, Golden, lottery 1827, Newton County. Bivins, William, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Black, Samuel, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Black, Thomas, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Blackburn, Nathan, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Blakely, John, lottery 1820, Disct. 18, Hancock County. Blakely, Michael, lottery 1827, Jones County. Blandford, Clark, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Blanks, James, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Bledsoe, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Warren. Bledsoe, Miller, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Blitch, Abraham, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Blunt, Wm., lottery 1827, Jones County. Blythe, Robert, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Boen, Stephen, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Boggs, Ezekiel, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Bohan, Joseph, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Boils, Charles, lottery 1827, Montgomery County. Bollin, John, lottery 1827, Hall County. Bona, Richard C., lottery 1827, Franklin County. Bonnell, Anthony, Lieutenant, ‘Commission B,” p. 227. Bonnell, John, Lieutenant, “‘Commission B,” p. 227. Bonner, Joseph, lottery 1820, Disct. 27, Jones County. Booker, William, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Boon, Jesse, lottery 1827, Greene County. Boring, Isaac, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Bowen, John, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Bowen, Samuel, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Bowling, Edward, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Boyce, Lott, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Boyt, Thomas, lottery 1827, Burke County. Brack, William, Lieutenant, ‘‘Commission B,” p. 275. Bradberry, Lewis, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Braddy, Lewis, lottery 1827, Warren County. Bradley, John, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Bradwell, Samuel, lottery 1827, Newton County. Bragg, Wm., lottery 1827, Madison County. Bramlett, Henry, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Branch, William S., lottery 1827, Greene County. Brand, William, lottery 1827, Walton County. Brantley, Amos, lottery 1820, Disct. 12, Hancock County. Brantley, William, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Brassell, Britton, lottery 1827, p. —, Jones County. Brazill, Britten, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Brewster, Hugh, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Bridges, Wiseman, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Brinkley, Eley, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Britt, Edward, lottery 1827, Henry County. Brittenham, Joseph, lottery 1820, Disect. 27, Warren County. Brockman, Lewis, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Brooks, James, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Brooks, Micajah, lottery 1827, Henry County. Brooks, Robert, lottery 1827, Crawford County. Brooks, William, lottery 1827, Greene County. Brown, Ambrose, lottery 1827, Newton County. Brown, Bond Veall, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Brown, Dempsey, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Brown, Edward, lottery 1827, Baldwin County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Brown, Elisha, lottery 1827, Jones County. Brown, John, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Brown, John, lottery 1820, Disct. 2, Franklin County. Brown, Larkin, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Brown, Meredith, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Brown, Moses, lottery 1827, Newton County. Brown, Stark, lottery 1820, Disct. 2, Walton County. Brown, Uriah, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Bruce, William, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Brunifield, John, lottery 1820, Disct. 3, Elbert County. Bryan, David, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Bryan, James, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Bryan, John, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Bryant, William G., lottery 1820, Disct. 18, Putnam County. Buchanan, James, acts 1847, Early County. Buchannon, James P., lottery 1820, Disct. 15, Jasper County. Buchanon, Geo. H., lottery 1827, Jasper County. Buckles, Peter, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Buckner, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Bugg, John, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Bugg, Samuel, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Bugg, Sherod, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Bullard, James, lottery 1827, Greene County. Bullock, Daniel, lottery 1820, Disct. 1, Bullock, Hawkins, lottery 1827, Madison County. Bullock, Richard, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Burgany, William, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Burket, Lemuel, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Burkhalter, Jacob, lottery 1827, Warren County. Burkshalter, Michael, lottery 1827, Jones County. Burnley, Henry, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Burwell, Daniel, Major, ‘Commission B,” p. 271. Bush, Levi, lottery 1827, Pulaski County. Bush, Samuel, lottery 1827, Burke County. Buttrell, Wm., lottery 1827, Henry County. Butts, James, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Bynum, Drewry, lottery 1820, Disct. 12, Warren County. Byrd, John, lottery 1827, Hall County. C. Cabos, John, lottery 1827, Chatham County. Calaway, Peter, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Cameron, Allen, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Cameron, James, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Camp, Edward, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Camp, James, early lottery 1820, Gwinnett County. Campbell, William, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Candill, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Candler, John, lottery 1827, McIntosh County. Cannon, Nathaniel, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Carlisle, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Carlisle, Edmond, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Carr, William, lottery 1827, Warren County. Carr, William, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Carrell, John, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Carroll, Brittain, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Carroll, Douglas, lottery 1827, Greene County. Carroll, Owen, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Carson, Ephraim, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Carter, Charles, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Carter, Josiah. Cartledge, Edward, “book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Casey, William, lottery 1827, Henry County. Cash, Dorson, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Cash, Howard, lottery 1827, Hall County. Cash, James, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Cash, John, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Cason, Triplett, lottery 1827, Walton County. Cason, William, lottery 1827, Warren County. Catliff, Abraham, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Caudelle, David, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Causey, Ezekiel, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Cavenah, Nicholas, Captain, “book Commission B,” p. 228. Champion, John, lottery 1827, Warren County. Chance, Simpson, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Chandler, John, lottery 1827, Greene County. Chapman, Abner, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Chapman, Nathan, lottery 1827, Newton County. Chappell, John, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Chappell, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Childers, Richard, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Childress, Richard, certified by E. Clark. Christian, Turner, early lottery 1820, Elbert County. Christopher, William, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Clanton, Holt, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Clark, David, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Clark, George, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Clements, Clement, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Cleveland, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Cliatt, Isaac, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Clifton, Charles, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Clifton, William, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Clore, George, lottery 1827, Madison County. Clower, Daniel, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Cobb, Ralf, Senate Journal 1825, p. 226. Cobbs, Thomas, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Cochran, Mathew, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Cockburn, George, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Cockerel, Thomas, lottery 1827, Newton County. Cofield, Grisham, early lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Coil, James, lottery 1827, Madison County. Coleman, Abner, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Coleman, John, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Coleman, Samuel, lottery 1827, Walton County. Collars, Mathew, lottery 1827, Lincoln County. Colley, James, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Colley, John, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Collins, Joseph, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Colquitt, James, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Cone, Archibald, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Cone, John, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Cone, John, early lottery 1820, Baldwin County. Congo, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Connel, David, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Conner, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Conner, William, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Cook, Archibald, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Cook, Elisha, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Cook, James, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Cook, Reuben, early lottery 1820, Elbert County. Cook, Theodosius, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Cook, Thomas, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Cooper, George, early lottery 1820, Wayne County. Cooper, Henry, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Cooper, James, lottery 1827, Madison County. Cooper, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Cooper, John, Lieut.-Col., “book ex. council,’ 1783-1784, p. 161. Cooper, Joseph, early lottery 1820, Putnam County. Cooper, Richard, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Cooper, Samuel, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Copeland, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Greene County. Copelin, William, early lottery 1820, Gwinnett County. Corsey, William, lottery 1827, Greene County. Cotter, James, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Cousins, Adam, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Covey, Joseph, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Cowen, George, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Cowen, James, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Cowles, Samuel, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Cox, John, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Cox, Moses, lottery 1827, Wilkes County.LAND LO TTERY GRANTS. Cox, Richard, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Cox, Thomas, lottery 1827, Greene County. Cox, Zebulon, Lieutenant, ‘Commission B,” p. 228. Crabb, Asa, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Crabtree, William, lottery 1827, Houston County. Crawford, Jay, lottery 1827, Chatham County. Crawford, Lemuel, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Credelle, William, lottery 1827, Greene County. Critington, Jonathan, lottery 1827, Rabun County. Crittendon, Joseph, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Crockett, David, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Cronan, James, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Cronberger, Christopher, Lieutenant, ‘““Commission B,” p. 275. Cronberger, Jacob, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 274. Crouch, Shadrick, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Cross, Stephen, lottery 1827, Burke County. Crosson, John, lottery 1827, Lincoln County. Crow, Isaac, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Crow, Stephen, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Crumbly, Thomas, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Culbaith, Archibald, lottery 1827, Emanuel County. Culpepper, Malakiah, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Culver, Nathan, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Cumming, Francis, lottery 1827, Greene County. Cunningham, Andrew, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Cutts, Joseph, lottery 1827, Houston County. D. Dabney, Austin, acts 1848, Burke County. Dalton, John, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Dalton, Randolph, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Dalton, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Richmond County. Damron, Charles, early lottery 1820, Morgan County. Daniel, Jeptha, lottery 1827, Richmond County Daniel, John, lottery 1827, Liberty County. Dantignac, John, early lottery 1820, Richmond County. Darby, Nicholas, early lottery 1820, Jackson County. Dasher, Marion, Lieutenant, ‘(Commission B,” Pp. 275. David, Isaac, lottery 1827, Madison County. Davidson, John, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Davie, Joseph, lottery 1827, Jones County. Davies, Daniel, lottery 1827, Montgomery County. Davis, Henry, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Davis, Moses, Captain, ‘Commission B,” PD. 228. Davis, Surry, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Davis, Toliver, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Dawson, Charles, “book pay rolls,” p. 143.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Deadwiler, Joseph, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Dean, Charles, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Deason, Zachariah, lottery 1827, Henry County. Delk, Daniel, lottery 1827, Liberty County. Dellafield, William, lottery 1827, Hall County. Deloach, Hardy, lottery 1827, Liberty County. Denham, Arthur, lottery 1827, Fayette County. Dennis, Mathias, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Denton, John, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Dias, John, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Dick, James, acts 1836, Newton County. Dicken, Richard, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Dickerson, Zachariah, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Dickey, Patrick, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Dickson, Michael, Captain, certified by Samuel Jack, Col. Dickson, John, lottery 1827, Jones County. Dickson, Thomas, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Dillard, James, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Dillard, John, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Dillon, Thomas, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Dobbs, John, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Dobb, James, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Doles, Jesse, early lottery 1820, Baldwin County. Donaldson, William, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Doster, Jonathan, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Doughtry, Jacob, lottery 1827, Emanuel County. Doughtry, Joseph, lottery 1827, Screven County. Douglas, Spencer, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Dover, Francis J., lottery 1827, Habersham County. Dowle, Thomas, Lieutenant, ‘Commission B,” p. 273. Downey, Joseph, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Downs, John, lottery 1827, Henry County. Doyle, Nimrod T., acts 1839. Drake, James, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Dubberly, John, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Duck, Jeremiah, “‘book pay rolls,” certified, Robert Middleton, Col. Duck, John, early lottery 1820, Morgan County. Dudley, James, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Dudley, John, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Dukes, Thomas, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Duncan, Edmond, lottery 1827, Jones County. Duncan, John, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Duncan, John, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Duncan, Pearson, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Dunham, Samuel, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Dunn, Gatewood, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Durham, Abraham, lottery 1827, Clarke County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Durham, Jacob, lottery 1827, Irwin County. Durouzeau, Steven, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Duty, Thomas, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Dyche, John, early lottery 1820, Jackson County. Dye, Avery, lottery 1827, Burke County. Dyer, Elisha, lottery 1827, Walton County. Dykes, Jep. lottery 1827, Effingham County. Dyson, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. E. Eagin, John, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Earnest, George, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Eaton, John, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Ebeaheart, Jacob, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Edwards, Joseph, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Edwards, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Edwards, John, 1827, Henry County. Edwards, John, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Edwards, Reuben, lottery 1827, Henry County. Edwards, Thomas, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Edwards, William, lottery 1827, Madison County. Eidson, Shelton, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Eidson, Thomas, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Elbert, John, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Ellet, James, lottery 1827, Warren County. Elliett, Thomas, lottery 1820, Jackson County. Elliott, John, Lieut.-Col., “Commission B,” p. 271. Ellis, Levin, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Ellis, Walter, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Elsberry, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Elton, Abram, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Embry, Joseph, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Emenson, Robert, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. England, Charles, lottery 1827, Hancock County. English, Parmenus, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Entrican, William, certified by John Twiggs, B. G. Espey, John, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Etheridge, Joel, lottery 1827, Crawford County. Evans, James, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Evans, Wm. D., lottery 1827, Elbert County. Evanson, Eli, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Everett, Archilaus, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Ezell, Hartwell, lottery 1827, Jasper County. F. Faircloth, John, lottery 1827, Screven County. Fann, Thomas, lottery 1827, Decatur County.352 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Faris, William, lottery 1827, Rabun County. Farrar, Francis, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Feagan, William, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Fears, William, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Felts, James, early lottery 1820, Jones County. Ferrill, Micajah, lottery 1827, Henry County. Finch, William, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Fincher, James, early lottery 1820, Jasper County. Findley, John, lottery 1827, Fayette County. Fireash, Elias, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Fireash, John, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Fitzpatrick, Pat, Lieutenant, book ex. council, 1778-1783, Dec. 6, 1779. Fitzpatrick, William, certified by E. Clark, Col. Flannigan, William, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Flemmekin, David, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Flemmekin, Samuel, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Fletcher, William, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Flint, James, Lieutenant, ‘Commission B,” p. 273. Florence, Thomas, lottery 1827, Lincoln County. Flowers, Henry, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Fluker, John, certified by E. Clark, Col. Fluker, William, certified by E. Clark, Col. Foil, John, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228. Forbes, Wesley, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Ford, Thomas, Lieutenant, ‘Commission B,” p. 228. Forenby, Nathan, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Foster, Arthur, lottery 1827, Greene County. Foster, John, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Franklin, David, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Frazier, John, Lieutenant, book ex. council, 1778-1783, Dec. 6, 1789. Freeman, Daniel, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Fryday, Joseph, lottery 1827, Montgomery County. Fryer, Fielding, bounty granted. Fulcher, James, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Fuller, William, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Fullwood, John, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Fulton, Thomas, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Fulsom, William, Lieutenant, “Commission Bey pr7228: Funderbunk, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Futch, Onesimus, lottery 1827, Bryan County. G. Gailor, James, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Gaines, Francis, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Gaines, William, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Gallache, James, Lieutenant, “Commission Bie pe 28: Games, George C., lottery 1827, Decatur County.LAND LO TTERY GRANTS. Ganey, Bartholomew, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Ganey, Redic, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Garland, John, lottery 1827, Jones County. Garland, William, early lottery 1820, Disct. 13. Garner, Charles, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Garnett, Eli, ‘‘book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Garnett, John, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Garrison, Jedediah, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Garrotte, Samuel, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Gates, Hezekiah, lottery 1827, Walton County. Gay, Joshua, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Geddins, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Disct. 1. George, Jesse, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Gibbs, Herod, early lottery 1820, Disct. 13. Gibson, Henry B., lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Gideons, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Bulloch County. Gilbert, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Franklin County. Gilbert, William, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Gilder, Isaac, early J »xttery 1820, Disct. 16. Gillees, James, lottery 1827, Henry County. Glass, Levi, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Glassoway, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Disct. 19. Glaze, Reuben, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Glenn, James, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Glover, William, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Gober, William, lottery 1827, Newton County. Golden, Andrew, lottery 1827, Bulloch County. Golitely, Charles, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228 Gooch, Nathan, lottery 1827, Greene County. Gooddown, Jacob, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Goodwin, James, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Goodwire, Sharick, lottery 1827, Jones County. Goolsby, Elijah, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” Deal. Goolsby, Richard, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Gordon, James, early lottery 1827, Elbert County. Gordon, Thomas, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Goslin, David, private, Book Washington, p. 17. Goulding, Palmer, lottery 1827, Liberty County. Goulding, Peter, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 271. Grady, Arthur, lottery 1827, Houston County. Grant, Jesse, lottery 1827, Burke County. Grant, Joseph, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Grantham, Nathan, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Grantham, William, lottery 1827, Early County. Greaves, William, lottery 1827, Burke County. Greff, Joshua, “book pay rolls,” R. Middleton, Col. Green, Burwell, lottery 1827, Jasper County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Green, Richard, lottery 1827, McIntosh County. Greer, Benjamin, private, “book pay rolls,” p. 143. Greer, James, lottery 1827, Clark County. Greer, John, “book pay rolls,” Robert Middleton, Col. Greer, John, Lieutenant, “book pay rolls,” p. 143. Greer, Thomas, “book pay rolls,” Robert Middleton, Col. Greer, William, “book pay rolls,” Robert Middleton, Col. Greiner, John Gasper, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 275. Gresham, John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Gresham, Littleberry, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Griffin, James, lottery 1827, Irwin County. Griffin, Joseph, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Griffis, Charles, lottery 1827, Ware County. Griffis, John, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Grimmer, William, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Grissup, James, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Guice, Nicholas, lottery 1827, Lincoln County. Gunn, Richard, lottery 1827, Warren County. Gunnells, William, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Gunter, James, lottery 1827, Walton County. Guthrie, John, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Guthrie, William, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Guttery, Francis, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Gwynn, Richard, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 275. Jeb Hackney, Robert, lottery 1827, Green County. Hadaway, David, lottery 1827, Jones County. Haile, James, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Hailey, Wm., lottery 1827, Elbert County. Hall, Dempsey, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Hall, Instant, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Hall, James, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 220. Hall, John, lottery 1827, Greene County. Hamilton, Andrew, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Hamilton, Barker, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Hamilton, John, lottery 1827, Hall County. Hamilton, Stewart, lottery 1827, Montgomery County. Hammond, Henry, lottery 1827, Warren County. Hampton, Benjamin, early lottery 1820, Walton County. Hamrick, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Hancock, Francis, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 228. Hand, Henry, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Hand, Joseph, lottery 1827, Henry County. Handley, George, Captain, “book pay rolls,” p. 141. Hanison, Joseph, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Hannah, James, early lottery 1820, Elbert County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Haralson, Jonathan, lottery 1827, Greene County. Harbin, Alexander, lottery 1827, Butts County. Harbin, William, early lottery 1820, Elbert County. Harden, Henry, lottery 1827, Walton County. Harkness, Robert, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Harley, Joseph, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Harn, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Harp, Mannin, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Harrell, Hardy, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Harrell, Simon, lottery 1827, Warren County. Harris, Benjamin, early lottery 1820, Jones County. Harris, Graves, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Harris, Mathew, lottery 1827, Greene County. Harris, Wm., “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Harrison, Edward, lottery 1827, Hall County. Harrison, Elijah W., lottery 1827, Jones County. Hart, Benjamin, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Hart, Robert, lottery 1827, Jones County. Hartsfield, Richard, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Harvey, Charles, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 227. Haskins, John, lottery 1827, Jones County. Hatchell, Wm., lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Hatcher, Thomas, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Hathorn, Thomas, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Hawthorn, Wm., lottery 1827, Putnam County. Hawthorne, John, early lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Hawthorne, Wm., lottery 1827, Decatur County. Hay, Isaac, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Hayman, Stanton, lottery 1827, Bryan County. Haynes, Moses, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Hays, Edward, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Hays, George, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Hays, Jonathan, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Head, John S., lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Heard, John G., lottery 1827, Morgan County. Heard, Wm., lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Heath, Jordan, lottery 1827, Burke County. Heaton, James, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Heidt, Christian, early lottery 1820, Effingham County. Heith, Roister, lottery 1827, Warren County. Hemphill, Jonathan, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Henderson, Robert, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 228. Henderson, Zachariah, Lieutenant, book ex. council, 1783-1784, p. 179. Hendley, Jarrett, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228. Hendon, Robinson, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Hendrick, Jesse, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Hendrick, Siah, lottery 1827, Walton County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Hendrix, John, lottery 1827, Screven County. Hendry, Robert, lottery 1827, Liberty County. Herndon, Joseph, lottery 1827, Walton County. Herrington, Ephraim, lottery 1827, Emanuel County. Hester, David, lottery 1827, Burke County. Hester, Zachariah, lottery 1827, Jones County. Hicks, David, lottery 1827, Pike County. Hicks, Samuel, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Higden, Daniel, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Higgins, Reuben, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Hill, Isaac, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Hill, Mordecai, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Hinecard, John, early lottery 1820, Clarke County. Hines, Benjamin, , Jasper County. Hines, James, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Hines, Lewis, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Hines, Nathaniel, lottery 1827, Greene County. Hinsley, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Jasper County. Hinston, Wm., lottery 1827, Glynn County. Hobson, Mathew, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Hodges, Joseph, lottery 1827, Liberty County. Hodges, Joseph, early lottery 1820, Bulloch County. Hogg, John, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Holbrook, Jesse, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Holcomb, James, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Holcombe, James, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Holcombe, Sherwood, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Holder, John S., lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Holland, Thomas, lottery 1827, Greene County. Holley, Wm., lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Hollinsworth, Isaac, early lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Hollow, Henry, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Holloway, Lewis, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Holman, George, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Holman, Jacob, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Holt, James, lottery 1827, Houston County. Holt, Thomas, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Holt, William, early lottery 1820, Elbert County. Hood, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Hooks, Thomas, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Hooper, James, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Hopkins, Wm., “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Hopper, Thomas, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Horn, Elisha, lottery 1827, Burke County. Horn, Richard, early lottery 1820, McIntosh County. Horn, Sherod, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Horn, Wm., lottery 1827, Richmond County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Horsley, Valentine, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Hough, Samuel, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Houston, Samuel, lottery 1827, Henry County. Howard, Abraham, lottery 1827, Hall County. Howard, Solomon, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Howard, Willis, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Howel, John, lottery 1827, Houston County. Howell, Philip, “Commission B,” p. 271. Howell, Stephen, early lottery 1820, Jackson County. Howington, Wm., lottery 1827, Madison County. Hubbard, Bennett, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Hubbard, Elijah, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Hubbard, Monoab, early lottery, Baldwin County. Huckaby, Wm., lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Hudgins, Ansel, lottery 1827, Newton County. Hudler, John, lottery 1827, Bulloch County. Hudson, David, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Huie, James, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Hulsey, James, lottery 1827, Hall County. Hulsey, Jesse, lottery 1827, Hall County. Hulsey, Jinneus, lottery 1827, Henry County. Human, Alexander, lottery 1827, Madison County. Hunt, Daniel, lottery 1827, Jones County. Hunt, George, lottery 1827, Greene County. Hunt, James, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Hunt, Liddleton, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Hunt, Turner, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Hunter, J. W., lottery 1827, Richmond County. Hurley, Joseph, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Huston, John, lottery 1827, Jasper County; S. Doc. 210—22. Hutchinson, James, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Hutto, Henry, lottery 1827, Laurens County. I. Ingram, John, lottery 1827, Hall County. Inman, Daniel, lottery 1827, Walton County. Inslow, Thomas, lottery 1827, Walton County. Ivey, Ephrain, lottery 1827, Warren County. Izely, Philip, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. J. Jackson, Ebenezer, early lottery 1820, Chatham County. Jackson, Edward, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Jackson, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Greene County. Jackson, Moses, lottery 1827, Greene County. Jackson, Robert, Captain, early lottery 1820, Morgan County. Jacobs, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Upson County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. James, George, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. James, Stephen, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Jameson, David, early lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Jarvis, Elisha, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Jenkins, James, lottery 1827, Greene County. Jeter, Andrew, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Jeter, Barnett, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Jeter, Dinley, early lottery 1820, Elbert County. Jetts, Daniel, lottery 1827, Greene County. Jinkens, Royal, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton Col. Jinkins, Berry, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Jocey, Henry, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Johns, Ellic, lottery 1827, Burke County. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Andrew, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 229. Angus, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Bartholomew, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Emanuel, lottery 1827, Richmond County. John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Joseph B., lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Martin, lottery 1827, Houston County. Willis, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Johnston, John B., lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Joice, John, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Joiner, Abraham, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Joiner, Jesse, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Jones, Batt, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228. Jones, Harrison, lottery 1827, Newton County. Jones, Isaac, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Jones, Isham, lottery 1827, Burke County. Jones, Josiah, lottery 1827, Dooly County. Jones, Moses, lottery 1827, Lincoln County. Jones, Nimrod, early lottery 1820, Columbia County. Jones, Stephen, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Jordan, Fountain, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Jordan, John, certified by Samuel Elbert, Book D3, p. 129. Jordan, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County Jordan, William, lottery 1827, Warren County. Jorden, Aven, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Jourdan, Edmond, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Joyce, Alexander, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Justice, Aaron, lottery 1827, Houston County. Ks Kelland, James, lottery 1827, Jones County. Kelley, Lloyd, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Kemp, William, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Kendrick, Abel, lottery 1827, Hall County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Kennedy, Seth, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Kent, Daniel, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Kent, Henry, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Kent, Thomas W., lottery 1827, Warren County. Kent, Sampson, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Kimbell, David, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Kindal, William, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Kindle, Henry, lottery 1827, Monroe County. King, Richard, lottery 1827, Greene County. King, Thomas, lottery 1827, Elbert County. King, Thomas, lottery 1827, Putnam County. King, William, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Kitchens, Zachariah, lottery 1827, Jasper Ceunty. Kitt, Henry, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Knight, Aaron, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Knight, Thomas, lottery 1827, Walton County. Knowlman, A., lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Kolb, Peter, lottery 1827, Jones County. L. Lacey, Noah, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Ladd, Amos, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Lamar, John, lottery 1827, Jones County. Lamb, Isaac, early lottery 1820, Jefferson County. Lambert, Elisha, lottery 1827, Fayette County. Lambert, George, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Lambert, James, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 228. Lambert, James, lottery 1827, Burke County. Lambert, Thomas, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Lambert, William, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Lampkin, Sampson, lottery 1827, Dooly County. Lamsden, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Landers, Taprell, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Landrum, Timothy, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Lane, Abraham S., lottery 1827, Emanuel County. Langham, William, lottery 1827, Warren County. Langley, James, lottery 1827, Pike County. Langley, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 278. Larisey, Wm., lottery 1827, Stephen County. Larvin, John, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Lassiter, Hansell, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Latta, David, lottery 1827, Hall County. Lawless, John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Lawrence, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Lea, William, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Leathers, Samuel, lottery 1827, Hall County. Lee, David, lottery 1827, Bullock County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Lee, John, lottery 1827, Ware County. Lee, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Lee, Sampson, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Leigh, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Leshley, Edmond, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Leverett, Richard, lottery 1827, Wayne County. Lewis, George, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Lewis, Joseph, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Lewis, Judah, killed. Lewis, Peter, lottery 1827, Henry County. Lewis, Thomas, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228. Lindsey, James, lottery 1827, Hall County. Lindsey, William, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Liverman, Conrad, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Locket, Soloman, lottery 1827, Warren County. Loggins, James, lottery 1827, Hall County. Lokey, William, lottery 1827, Williams County. Lord, William, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Love, James, lottery 1827, Walton County. Loving, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Clarke County. Lowe, Aquila, early lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Lowe, Ralf, early lottery 1820, Putnam County. Lowery, Levi, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Lowery, Simeon, lottery 1827, Burke County. Loyd, Benjamin, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 272. Loyd, James, lottery 1827, Fayette County. Loyd, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Lucas, John, Captain, “book pay rolls,” p. 144. Lumpkin, Dickson, lottery 1827, Jones County. Lumpkin, John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. M. Maberry, Joel, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Mabry, Elias, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Mabry, Gray, lottery 1827, Morgan County. McCall, John, early lottery 1820, Effingham County. McCaller, James, early lottery 1820, Jackson County. McCheer, John, Captain “Commission B,” p. 272. McClain, John, lottery’ 1827, Rabun County. McClane, Ephraim, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. McClelland, McClain, lottery 1827, Screvens County. McCorkle, Archibald, lottery 1827, Lincoln County. McCullers, Wm., early lottery 1827, Morgan County. McCullough, Jacob, early lottery 1820, Richmond County. McCuthan, Joseph, lottery 1827, Hall County. McDaniel, Jacob, lottery 1827, Jones County. McDaniel, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Habersham County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. McDerman, Joseph, lottery 1827, Madison County. McDonald, Isam, lottery 1827, Pulaski County. McDonald, James, lottery 1827, Bibb County. McDowell, Robert, lottery 1827, Jackson County. McDuff, William, lottery 1827, Henry County. McFarland, James H., lottery 1827, Warren County. McFarland, Robert, lottery 1827, Franklin County. McGee, Reuben, lottery 1827, Warren County. McGlamory, John, lottery 1827, Warren County. McIntire, John, lottery 1827, Habersham County McIntosh, John, Lieutenant, “book pay rolls,” p. 145. McIntosh, William, Captain, “book pay rolls,” p. 145. McKee, Alexander, lottery 1827, Clarke County. McKee, John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. McKee, Samuel, lottery 1827, Franklin County. McKenzie, Samuel, lottery 1827, Monroe County. McKenzie, William, lottery 1827, Monroe County. McKie, Thomas, lottery 1827, Franklin County. McKinney, Charles, lottery 1827, Jackson County. McLain, Andrew, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. McLain, Thomas, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. McLendon, Samuel, lottery 1827, Henry County. McLendon, Thomas, early lottery 1820, Walton County. McLeod, Mindork, lottery 1827, Pulaski County. McLeod, Norman, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. McMannus, John, early lottery 1820, Richmond County. McMichael, John, lottery 1827, Jasper County. MecMillon, Alexander, lottery 1827, Franklin County. McNeese, James, lottery 1827, Jackson County. McNeiley, John, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 229. McWhorter, John, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Maddon, Walter, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Maddox, Samuel, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Mahan, David, private, “book Washington warrants.” Maires, Samuel, lottery 1827, Walton County. Malone, William, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Mallory, John, lottery 1827, Greene County. Mallory, Stephen, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Mann, William, lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Manning, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Manpin, Jesse, early lottery 1820, Elbert County. Marlow, James, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Marran, David, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228. Marshall, Moses, “book pay rolls,” certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Martin, David, lottery 1827, Warren County. Martin, David, lottery 1827, Warren County. Martin, Jesse, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Martin, William, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Mash, Clem, Captain, book ex. council, 1778-1783, Dec.. 6th, 1779. Mash, Nathan, lottery 1827, Warren County. Mashborn, John, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Mason, Gideon, lottery 1827, Jones County. Mason, Thomas, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Mathews, Isaac, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Mathews, Joel, lottery 1827, Warren County. Mathews, Lewis, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p, 271. Mathis, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Mattox, Charles, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Maxwell, James, Major, “Commission B,” p. 271. Maxwell, John, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Meacham, Henry, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Meador, Jasen, lottery 1827, Jones County. Meadows, Jacob, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Meanley, John, Lieutenant, “book pay rolls,” p. 146. Menefee, George, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Meritt, Torrence, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Merks, Britton, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Meroney, Nathan, lottery 1827, Madison County. Merriwether, David, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Messer, Silas, “book pay rolls,’ certified by Robert Middleton, Col. Middlebrooks, John, lottery 1827, Newton County. Middleton, Hugh, lottery 1827, Houston County. Middleton, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Milam, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Miles, Thomas, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Miller, Elisha, Captain, “book pay rolls,” p. 145. Miller, John, early lottery 1820, Jackson County. Miller, Richard, lottery 1827, Hall County. Miller, Willis, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Milton, John, Captain, “book pay rolls,” p. 144. Mitchell, George B., lottery 1827, Greene County. Mitchell, Henry, lottery 1827, Jones County. Mize, Sheppeard, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Mobbs, Jesse, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Monk, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Monk, Silas, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Moore, Joel, lottery 1827, Upson County. Moore, Joseph, early lottery 1820, Jasper County. Morel, John, Captain, book ex. council, 1778-1783, p. 105. Moreland, Francis, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Moreland, Robert, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Morgan, James, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Morris, Burwell, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Morris, Jesse, lottery 1827, Columbia County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Morris, John, early lottery 1820, Clarke County. Morris, Nathaniel, lottery 1827, Jones County. Morris, Osten, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Morris, William, early lottery 1820, Jackson County. Morriss, Thomas, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Morrow, Ewing, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Mosby, Littleberry, Captain, “book pay rolls,” p. 145. Moss, Joshua, Book D3, certified by Samuel Elbert. Mote, William, lottery 1827, Warren County. Mott, Nathan, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Mullens, Malone, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Myrick, John, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. N. Nash, John, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Neaves, William, early lottery 1820, Putnam County. Neblett, Tillman, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Neisler, John Adam, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 228. Nelson, Jeremiah, early lottery 1820, Hancock County. Nesbit, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. New, Jacob, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Newingate, John, Captain, book ex. council, 1778-1783. Newman, John, Private, book ex. council, 1778-1783, p. 228. Newsome, John, lottery 1827, Warren County. Niblack, Wm., lottery 1827, Columbia County. Nichols, Julius, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Norris, Alexander, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Norris, James, lottery 1827, Warren County. Norris, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Norris, William, lottery 1827, Henry County. Norriss, William, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Nunn, John, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Nunnlee, James F., lottery 1827, Elbert County. O. Odam, Frederick, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228. Odom, Archibald, lottery 1827, Pulaski County. Ogden, Solomon, early lottery 1820, Baldwin County. Oglesby, Thomas, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Ogletree, William, lottery 1827, Monroe County. O’Kelly, Francis, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Oliver, Barshaba, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Oliver, Peter, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Omans, John, lottery 1827, Camden County. Orr, Daniel, lottery 1827, Pike County. Osborn, Reps, lottery 1827, Henry County. Oswald, Joseph, Captain, ‘(Commission B,”ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. iP Paine, John, lottery 1827, Greene County. Palmore, Elijah, lottery 1827, Greene County. Parker, Aaron, lottery 1827, Henry County. Parker, Richard, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Parkerson, Levin, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Parr, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Paschall, George, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Pate, Samuel, lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Patmore, Wm., Private, “book Washington County warrants.” Paton, George, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Patrick, William, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Patton, William, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Paul, Robert, lottery 1827, Jones County. Paulette, Richard, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Payret, Jean Pierre Andres DeFau, Captain, ex. council, 1778-1783. Peace, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Peacock, Archibald, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Peacock, Uriah, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Peacock, Wm., lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Peddy, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Penn, William, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Penny, Edward, lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Perkerson, Joel, lottery 1820, Jackson County. Perkins, John, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Perryman, Harmon, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Peters, Edmond, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Peters, Jesse, lottery 1827, Walton County. Peters, William, lottery 1820, Putnam County. Pettis, Moses, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Pharoah, Joshua, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Phelps, Thomas, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Phillips, Thomas, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Phinisee, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Pickard, John H., lottery 1827, Monroe County. Pierce, Hugh, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Pierce, Seth, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Pinson, Joseph, lottery 1827, Rabun County. Pitts, John, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Poe, Stephen, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Pollard, John, lottery 1827, Jones County. Pollett, Richard, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Pool, Henry R., lottery 1827, Warren County. Pool, Samuel, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Pool, Samuel, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Pool, Walter, lottery 1827, Newton County. Porter, John, lottery 1827, Jasper County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Porter, William, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Posey, Bennett, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Poss, Henry, lottery 1827, Walton County. Poss, Thomas, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Postell, John, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 275. Postwood, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Potter, Augustin L., lottery 1827, Jasper County. Potts, James, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Potts, Stephen, Captain, book grants “LLL,” p. 146. Pound, Jonathan, lottery 1827, Hall County. Powell, Francis, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Powell, Seymore, lottery 1827, Newton County. Powledge, George, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Poythress, Wm., lottery 1827, Burke County. Pray, Job, Captain, “book pay rolls,” p. 145. Preslem, Peter, lottery 1827, Hall County. Presley, John, lottery 1827, Henry County. Presley, Moses, lottery 1827, Henry County. Price, Ephraim, lottery 1827, Greene County. Price, Lucas, lottery 1827, Crawford County. Prichard, Presley, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Pridgeon, David, lottery 1827, Bullock County. Prince, Noah, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Proctor, Stephen, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Prosser, Oty, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Pugh, Shadrack, lottery 1827, Upson County. Pullin, John, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Pullin, Robert, lottery 1827, Greene County. Pullin, Thomas, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Pullum, Robt., lottery 1827, Elbert County. Purvis, William, lottery 1827, Emanuel County. R. Rachford, Joseph, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Ragan, Brice, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Ragan, Buckner, lottery 1827, Hall County. Ragsdale, Larkin, lottery 1827, Newton County. Rahn, Mathew, lottery 1820, Effingham County. Railey, Charles, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Rainey, Isham, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Rainey, John, lottery 1820, Clarke County. Raley, Henry, lottery 1827, Warren County. Ramsdill, David, lottery 1827, Butts County. Randolph, Robert, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Ransom, Reuben, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Rawls, William, lottery 1827, Wayne County. Ray, Andrew, lottery 1827, Greene County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Ray, Mark, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Ray, Philip, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Reaves, Joseph, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” Dp. 227. Redd, Job, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Redding, Anderson, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Redding, Rehum, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Rees, Hugh, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Reeves, John, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Repass, Richard, lottery 1827, Upson County. Reynolds, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Jones County. Reynolds, Daniel, lottery 1827, Jones County. Reynolds, Thomas, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Rhodes, Richard, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Rhymes, Willis, lottery 1827, Warren County. Rice, Leonard, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Rich, John, lottery 1827, Hall County. Richards, John, Senate Journal, 1825, p. 226. Richardson, John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Ricketson, Benjm., lottery 1827, Warren County. Ricketson, Jesse, lottery 1827, Warren County. Riddle, John, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Ridge, James, lottery 1820, Gwinnett County. Riley, John, lottery 1827, Greene County. Rivers, John, Private, “Book D3,” page 129. Rivers, Josua, Sergeant, “Book D3,” page 129. Robertson, James, lottery 1827, Wayne County. Robertson, John, lottery 1827, Newton County. Roberts, Aaron, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Roberts, Graystock, lottery 1827, Burke County. Roberts, James, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” page 228. Roberts, John, Captain, “Commission B,” page 228. Roberts, Reuben, lottery 1827, Jones County. Roberts, Rolin, lottery 1827, Screven County. Robertson, Fryer, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Robertson, Thomas, lottery 1820, Jasper County. Robison, John, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Roddenburg, George, lottery 1827, Bullock County. Roe, John, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Rogers, Robert, lottery 1827, Rabun County. Rollins, Samuel, lottery 1827, Burke County. Rooks, John, lottery 1827, Wayne County. Roper, John, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Ross, George, lottery 1827, Jones County. Ross, Jesse, lottery 1827, Jones County. Rossiter, Timothy, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Rowe, James, lottery 1827, Jones County. Rowe, Josua, lottery 1827, Newton County. Rowe, Shadwrick, lottery 1827. Putnam CountyLAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Roy, Isaac A., lottery 1820, Morgan County. Royals, Jonathan, lottery 1820, Richmond County. Royalston, John, lottery 1827, Burke County. Rozer, Edmond, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Rucker, John, lottery 1820, Morgan County. Rucker, William, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Rucks, William, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Runnells, Wm., lottery 1827, Jackson County. Russell, George, lottery 1827, Madison County Rutherford, Claiborn, lottery 1827, Newton County. Rutherford, James, lottery 1827, Irwin County. Rutledge, John, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Ryals, Henry, lottery 1820, McIntosh County. Ryals, Henry, lottery 1827, McIntosh County. Ryals, Wright, lottery 1827, Telfair County. Rye, Joseph, lottery 1827, Pike County. S. Sailors, Christopher, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Salmon, Hesekiah, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Samples, Nathaniel, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Sandeford, Elemerick, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Sandeford, John, Col., “Commission B,” p. 270. Sanders, James, lottery 1827, Madison County. Sanders, Thomas, lottery 1827, Upson County. Sandidge, John, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Sanford, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Greene County. Sansford, Robert, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Sapp, Henry, lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Sapp, Levi, lottery 1827, Montgomery County. Sapp, Shadrack, lottery 1827, Tattnall] County. Savage, Thomas, lottery 1827, Hall County Sawyer, John Jones, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Schrump, Frederick, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 274. Scoggin, George, lottery 1827, Jones County. Scoggins, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Scott, Patrick, lottery 1827, Madison County. Scott, Vawn, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Screven, James, General, killed near Midway Church, Liberty County. Screven, John, “book pay rolls,” p. 143. Scrogin, Thomas, lottery 1827, Pike County. Scurlock, Wm., lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Seals, William, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Searcey, George, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Selman, John, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Sevay, George, lottery 1820, Jackson County. Sewell, Christopher, lottery 1827, Franklin County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Sewell, Wm., lottery 1827, Franklin County. Sharty, Edward, lottery 1820, Jones County. Sheffield, West, lottery 1827, Wayne County. Sheftall, Sheftall, lottery 1827, Chatham County. Shellman, John, lottery 1827, Crawford County. Sherrar, James, Private, Senate Journal, 1825, p. 226. Shirling, Isom, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Shoemack, Joseph, Lieutenant, ‘Commission B,” p. 276. Showers, Adam, Private, Washington warrants, p. 16. Shurley, William, “book pay rolls,’ by Robert Middleton, Col. Simmons, John, lottery 1827, Pike County. Simmons, Philip, Private, Washington warrants, p. 16. Simpson, John, lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Simpson, Timothy, Book D3, by Samuel Elbert. Sims, Jeminy, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Sims, Robert, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Slack, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Slocumb, John C., lottery 1827, Jones County. Smeether, Gabriel, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Smith, Abner, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Smith, Ezekiel, lottery 1827, Madison County Smith, Ezekial, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Smith, Hardy, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Smith, Henry, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Smith, Job, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Smith, Lawrence, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Smith, Leavin, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Smith, Reuben, lottery 1827, Greene County. Smith, Richard, lottery 1827, Warren County. Smith, Robert, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Smith, William, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Smith, William, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Smith, Wm., lottery 1820, Jackson County. Snelson, Wm., lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Snyder, Godless, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Snyder, Jonathan, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Soloman, Lazarus, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Sowel, Zadock, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Sparks, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Spay, David, lottery 1820, Sparks County. Spearman, John, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Spinks, Prestley, lottery 1827, Warren County. Springfield, Aaron, lottery 1820, Jackson County. Stanford, Joshua, lottery 1827, Warren County. Stanton, John, lottery 1827, Newton County. Stapler, Thomas, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Stapleton, George, lottery 1827, Jefferson County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS, Starling, Wm., lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Statham, Wm., lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Steel, Henry, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Stephens, Barnett, lottery 1827, Madison County. Stephens, Burwell, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Stephens, James, lottery 1827, Burke County. Stephens, Joseph, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Stephens, Richard, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Stephens, Richard, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Stephens, Wm., Captain, “Commission B,” p. 272. Stevens, Reuben, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Stewart, Amos, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Stewart, David, Captain, ‘Commission B,” p. 228. Stewart, Hardy, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Stewart, John, General, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Stiles, John, lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Stovall, George, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Stowers, Lewis, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Strange, John, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Stranther, James, lottery 1827, Rabun County. Strickland, John, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Strong, Charles, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Strong, William, lottery 1827, Jones County. Stroud, Philip, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Studstell, Houston, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, ¢ Stugel, Nicholas, lottery 1820 Screven County. Sturdivant, John, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Sturdivant, John, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Sumner, Joseph, lottery 1827, Emanuel County. Sutton, David, lottery 1827, Ware County. Sutton, Thomas, Lieutenant, book ex. council, 1778-1783. Sutty, James, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Swan, William, lottery 1827, Newton County. Sweet, Nathan, lottery 1827, Emanuel County. ‘ TT: Taber, Hesekiah, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Talbot, Benjamin, lottery 1820, Baldwin County. Tallant, John, lottery 1827, Hall County. Tanner, Meredith, Book D3, by Samuel Elbert. Tapley, Adam, lottery 1827, Baldwin County. Tarver, Absolem, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Tarbutton, Joseph, lottery 1827, Hall County. Tate, Andrew, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Tate, Enos, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Tate, John, Jr., lottery 1827, Franklin County. Taunton, Henry, lottery 1827, Washington County. ol.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Taylor, Clark, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Taylor, Dempsey, lottery 1827, Irwin County. Taylor, Edward, lottery 1827, Warren County. Taylor, Richard C., lottery 1827, Morgan County. Taylor, Theophilus, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Taylor, Wm., lottery 1827, Henry County. Teal, Emanuel, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Teal, Lodewick, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Teasley, Silas, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Terrell, James, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Thackston, James, lottery 1827, Greene County. Tharpe, John A., lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Themby, Thomas, lottery 1827, Houston County. Thigpen, Nathan, lottery 1827, Warren County. Thomas, Archibald, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Thomas, Caleb, lottery 1827, Tatnall County. Thomas, Etheldred, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Thomas, John, Colonel, “Commission B,” p. 276. Thomas, Massa, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Thomas, Richard, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Thombey, Thomas, lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Thompson, Andrew, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Thompson, George, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Thompson, Moses, lottery 1827, Warren County. Thompson, Samuel, lottery 1827, Newton County. Thompson, William, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Thrasher, George, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Tidd, David, lottery 1827, Jones County. Tiller, John, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe. Tilley, Wm., lottery 1827, Monroe County. Tindell, James, lottery 1827, Burke County. Tindell, Joshua, lottery 1820, Washington County. Toller, Lewis, lottery 1827, Henry County. Tomlinson, Aaron, lottery 1827, Washington County. Tomlinson, Nathaniel, lottery 1827, Putnam County. Tondee, Charles, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Toole, James, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Trammell, Wm., lottery 1820, Elbert County. Trimble, John, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Triplett, Wm., lottery 1827, Tattnall County. Truitt, Pernal, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Tucker, Henry C., lottery 1827, Henry County. Turner, Abisha, lottery 1827, Bullock County. Turner, James, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Turner, Pleasant, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Turner, Reuben, lottery 1827, Wayne County. Turner, Robert, lottery 1827, Habersham County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Turner, Samuel, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Tweedwell, Wm., lottery 1827, Franklin County. Twidwell, William, lottery 1820, Franklin County. Twitty, John, Lieutenant, ‘Commission B,” p. 228. U. Umphlet, Asa, lottery 1827, Warren County. Underwood, William, Lieutenant, “Commission B,”’ p. 228. Usher, Daniel, lottery 1820, Richmond County. Ussery, John, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Vi. Vanbrackle, John, lottery 1827, Bryan County. Vaughn, Felix, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Vaughn, Jesse, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Vaughn, Wm., Book D3, by Samuel Elbert, p. 129. Veazey, Zebulon, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Vickery, Joseph, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Vincent, Isaac, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Voikle, Lewis, lottery 1827, Hancock County. W. Wade, David, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Wade, Nathaniel, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Wadkins, Benjamin, lottery 1827, DeKalb County. Wagnon, Daniel, lottery 1827, Greene County. Walden, Richard, lottery 1827, Jones County. Waldroper, James, lottery 1827, Fayette County. Walker, James, lottery 1827, Irwin County. Walker, Samuel, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Wall, Henry, lottery 1827, Twiggs County. Wall, Mial, lottery 1827, Greene County. Waller, Elijah, lottery 1827, Warren County. Walls, Charles, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Walls, Sampson, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Walters, Peter, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Wandslow, John, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Ward, Nathaniel, lottery 1827, Warren County. Warren, George, lottery 1827, Wayne County. Warren, Jesse, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Warren, John, Captain, “Commission B,” p. 229. Warthen, William, lottery 1827, Warren County. Watkins, James C., lottery 1827, Hall County. Watkins, William, lottery 1827, Washington County. Watley, Sherod, “book pay rolls,’ by Robert Middleton, Col. Watley, Willis, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Watley, Willis, Jr., “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Watley, Worten, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Watson, Ezekiel, lottery 1827, Washington County. Watson, Magees, lottery 1827, Richmond County. Watty, Owen, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Way, Moses, Captain, “Commission BY fe AL Wayne, George, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Weatherford, James, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Weatherton, Thomas, lottery 1827, Walton County. Webster, John, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Weeks, Charles, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Weeks, Theophilus, lottery 1827, Camden County. Welborn, Elias, lottery 1827, Columbia County. Welch, Benjamin, lottery 1820, Jackson County. Wells, Andrew Elton, Lieut.-Col., “Commission B,” p. 271. Wells, George, Colonel, “Commission B,” p. 271. Welsher, Jeremiah, lottery 1827, Jefferson County. Welsher, Jesse, “book pay rolls,’ by Robert Middleton, Col. West, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Hancock County. West, Willis, lottery 1827, Fayette County. Wharton, Whatley, Wheeler, Wheeler, Wheeler, Wheeler, Whelous, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Hall County. John, lottery 1820, Jones County. Amos, lottery 1827, Pulaski County. James, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Thomas, lottery 1827, Elbert County. William, lottery 1820, Twiggs County. Lewis, lottery 1820, Morgan County. Whitaker, Joshua, lottery 1827, Richmond County. White, John N., lottery 1827, Fayette County. White, Vincent, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Whitehead, Amos, Lieutenant, “Commission B,” p. 228. Whitfield, Lewis, lottery 1827, Burke County. Whitington, Burrell, lottery 1827, Liberty County. Whitten, Wiggins, Philip, lottery 1827, Habersham County. William, lottery 1827, Warren County. Wilbanks, Gillam, lottery 1827, Franklin County. Wilder, Sampson, lottery 1827, Warren County. Wilder, Willis, lottery 1820, Jones County. Wiley, Absolem, lottery 1827, Washington County. Wiley, William, lottery 1827, Hancock County. Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Abraham, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Anderson, lottery 1827, Effngham County. Benjn. Z., lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Lewis, lottery 1827, Franklin County. William, lottery 1827, Washington County. Zachariah, lottery 1820, Wayne County. Williamson, Adam, lottery 1820, Jackson County. Williamson, John, lottery 1827, Henry County.LAND LOTTERY GRANTS. Williamson, Richard, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Williamson, Zachariah, lottery 1827, Bibb County. Williams, Willis, lottery 1827, Newton County. Willingham, Jesse, lottery 1827, Madison County. Willingham, John, lottery 1820, Columbia County. Willis, George, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Willis, Joseph, lottery 1820, Effingham County. Willy, Richard, Depy. Qr.-Master Gen’l, “book pay rolls,” p. 144. Wilson, Joshua, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Wimberly, John, lottery 1827, Jones County. Winbarn, Josiah, lottery 1827, Pulaski County. Winfrey, Jesse, “book pay rolls,’ by Robert Middleton, Col. Winkfield, John, lottery 1820, Elbert County. Winslett, Samuel, lottery 1827, Greene County. Witherington, Richard, lottery 1827, Gwinnett County. Withight, Lewis, lottery 1827, Elbert County. Witmoth, Wm., lottery 1827, Franklin County. Wofford, Absolem, lottery 1827, Jackson County. Wofford, Benjamin, lottery 1827, Habersham County. Wolf, Andrew, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Womack, Abraham, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Womack, Wm., lottery 1827, Effingham County. Wood, Ellit, lottery 1827, Newton County. Wood, John, lottery 1827, Wilkes County. Wood, Thomas, lottery 1827, Clarke County. Woodall, Joseph, lottery 1827, Oglethorpe County. Woodcock, Wm., lottery 1827, Bullock County. Wourd, Benjamin, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Wourd, Eldred, “book pay rolls,’’ by Robert Middleton, Col. Wright, Ambrose, Captain, ‘‘Commission B,” p. 273. Wright, Banego, “book pay rolls,” by Robert Middleton, Col. Wright, Elisha, lottery 1827, Jones County. Wright, John, lottery 1820, Walton County. Wright, Reuben, lottery 1827, Early County. Wright, Soloman, lottery 1827, Wilkinson County. Wyatt, John, lottery 1827, Henry County. Willey, Thomas, lottery 1827, Effingham County. Willy, Richard, Major, “Commission B,” p. 272. Y. Yancey, Lewis, lottery 1827, Jasper County. Yarbrough, Lewis, lottery 1827, Morgan County. Yarbrough, Wm., lottery 1827, Laurens County. Yates, Peter, lottery 1820, Clarke County. Yates, William, lottery 1827, Laurens County. Young, Jacob, lottery 1827, Jefferson County.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Atlanta, Ga., March 21, 1902. I hereby certify that the above fifty-three* pages contain a true and cor- rect copy of names of Revolutionary soldiers, as compiled by me from the records in the office of Secretary of State. B. F. JOHNSON. Office of Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. I hereby certify the above fifty-three* pages contain a true and correct copy of the names of Revolutionary soldiers, as the same appears of record in this department. Given under my hand and official seal this 17th day of October, 1902. (Seal) PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. * This is the number of pages of the MS. copy from which the above list was printed. CERTIFIED LIST OF GEORGIA TROOPS. Published as Appendix E, in the Third Annual Report of the National Society, D. A. R., to the Smithsonian Institution. Senate Documents, Volume 16, Number 219, Fifty-sixth Congress, Second Session, 1900-1901, pp. 347-368. State of Georgia. Office of Secretary of State. I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby cer- tify that the attached sheets contain a true and correct copy of the names of men who served in the Revolutionary War, as compiled from the records of this department. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this 24th day of January, ia the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, and of the inde- pendence of the United States of America, the one hundred and twenty-fifth. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. APPENDIX E. GEORGIA SOLDIERS OF THE LINE—REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Copied under the direction of Mrs. William Lawson Peel, from the original papers in the office of the Secretary of State.A. Aaron, William, Captain. Abbott, John. Abercrombie, Charles. Acord, John. Adams, Hugh. Adams, James. Adams, John. Adams, Robert. Adams, William. Adcock, Thomas. Aderson, Bartlett. Adkins, William. Adkinson, Thomas. Adomison, Charles. Akins, John. Aldridge, James. Aldridge, James.* Alexander, Adam, Secre- tary, Mate. Alexander, Asa. Alexander, Ayra. Alexander, Ezekiel. Alexander, Henry. Alexander, Hugh. Alexander, James. Alexander, John L. Alexander, Robert. Alexander, Samuel, Captain. Allen, Charles. Allen, James. Allen, John. Allen, Moses, Captain. Allen, Robert. Allen, Thomas. Allen, William. Allison, Henry. Allison, Henry, Lieut. Allison, James. Ammons, Robert. Ammons, William. Amos, James. Anderson, Alex. Anderson, Elijah. Anderson, Henry. Anderson, James, Lieut. Anderson, John. Anderson, John.* CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Anderson, Jno. Anderson, William. Andrew, Samuel. Andrews, Benjamin. Andrews, Benjamin. Andrews, George. Andrews, John. Angelly, Alex. Anglin, David. Anglin, Hy. Anglin, Wm. Ansley, Thomas. Appling, Daniel. Appling, John. Armes, James. Armour, Andrew. Armstrong, Alex., Lieut. Arrington, Wm. Arthur, Matthew. Ashley, Wm., Lieut. Ashmore, John. Ashmore, Strong. Ashworth, Adam. Ashworth, Arthur. Austin, Richard, Captain. Autrey, Alex. Avent, Joseph. Avera, Isaac. Avera, William. Averitt, Isaac. Averitt, John. Averitt, Thomas. Avery, John. Awtry, Alex., Captain. Awtry, Alex., Private. Awtry, Jacob. Awtry, John, Captain. Awtry, John. Aycock, Richard. Aycock, Wm. Ayres, Abram, Captain. Ayres, Abram. Ayres, Daniel, Lieut. Ayres, James. Ayres, Thomas. Ayres, Wm., Captain. * Duplicated. B. Babbetts, Jacob. Bacon, John, Bacon, Jonathan. Bacon, Thomas. Bagby, George. Bagley, George. Bags, Joseph. Baggs, John. Baggs, Jonathan. Bailey, Wm. Baillie, Robert. Bain, Robert. Baker, Artemas. Baker, Artemas. Baker, Artemas. Baker, Dempsy. Baker, John, Colorrel. Baker, Nathanael. Baker, Thos. Baker, Whitmarsh. Baker, Wm., Major. Baker, Wm., Major. Baker, Wm. James. Bakin, Sh. Baldwin, David. Baldwin, David. Baldwin, Mordecai, Lieut. Baldwin, Wm., Sergeant. Balier, Wm., Lieut. Ball, Sampson. Ball, Wm. Banks, Boling. Banks, Reuben. Bankston, Daniel. Bankston, Daniel. Bankston, Jacob. Bankston, John. Bankston, Lawrence. Bansworth, Jacob. Barber, Charles. Barber, Chester. Barber, George, Captain. Barber, Gingo. Barber, Jno. Barber, William. Bardine, Gilbert. Barfield, Richard. Barfield, Solomon.376 Barkaloe, Wm. Barker, Bryan. Barker, Charles. Barker, Frances. Barker, George. Barker, Stencil. Barker, Wm. Barksdale, Daniel. Barksdale, Jeffery. Barksdale, Richard. Barnall, Wm. Barnard, Jesse. Barnard, John. Barnard, Reuben. Barnes, Richard B. Barnes, Wm. Barnes, Wm. Barnett, Burton. Barnett, Claiborne. Barnett, Daniel. Barnett, Daniel. Barnett, Jesse. Barnett, Joel. Barnett, John. Barnett, Mial. Barnett, Nathan. Barnett, Philip. Barnett, Philip. Barnette, Joshua. Barnhart, George. Barnwell, John. Barrett, Thomas. Baron, Reuben. Baron, Samuel. Baron, Wm., Lieut. Barry, Wm. Barthmore, Benjamin. Barton, Barnett. Barton, Richard. Barton, Wileby, Sergeant. Barton, Wiloby. Barton, Willoughby. Basnet, John. Bass, Brantley. Bass, Hardy. Bass, Thomas. Bassett, George. Bates, John. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Batson, David. Baughbank, Lewis. Baxter, Jno. Bazlewood, Rich. Beal, Henry. Beal, Jeremiah, Captain. Beal, Nathan. Beall, Arch. Beall, Garrett. Beall, Thos., Sergeant. Beall, Zephaniah. Bear, Reuben. Beard, Edward. Bearden, John, Sergeant. Beasley, Jno. Beasley, Jos. Beason, Peter. Beatty, Samuel. Beatty, Samuel. Beatty, Wm. Beck, Simon. Beckham, Abner. Beckham, Abner. Beckham, Allen. Beckham, Samuel. Beckham, Simon. Beddingfield, Chas. Beddingfield, Nathan. Beesley, James. Beesley, Wm. Bell, Archibald. Bell, Hezekiah. Bell, Hugh. Bell, John. Bell, Robert. Bellamy, Rich. Bells, Hugh. Bender, John. Bender, John. Bennefield, Robert. Bennison, John. Benson, John. Bentley, Jno. Bentley, John. Bentley, Wm. Benton, Robert. Berry, John. Berry, Rich. Berryhill, John. Berryhill, Samuel. Bevill, James. Bevill, Paul. Bevill, Paul. Beville, Robert. Bird, Benj. Bird, John. Bird, Michael. Bishop, Joshua. Bitsell, Jno. Black, Henry. Black, Henry. Black, John. Black, John. Black, Wm. Blacksell, Thos. Blackwell, Thomas. Blair, Johnson. Blakely, Benj., Sergeant. Blakely, Benj. Blakely, Jno. Blanchard, Reuben. Blanchard, Wm. Blazer, Wm. Blount, Jacob, Surgeon’s Mate. Blunt, Jacob, Surgeon’s Mate. Blunt, Stephen. Bodenner, Geo. Boderly, Wm. Bohanon, Ben. Boid, John. Boloth, James. Bond, Seny. Benner, Jos. Bonner, Rich. Bonner, Wm. Booth, Abram. Booth, Chas. Borneman, Benj. Bostick, Chesly. Bostick, Littleberry. Bostick, Nathan. Bowen, Ep. Bowen, James. Bowen. Oliver.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Bowen, Oliver, Commodore. Bowens, Joel. Bowling, R. Bowling, Thos. Burton. Bowman, Jacob. Boyce, Lott. Boyd, Ed. Boyd, Edward. Boyd, John. Boyd, Nicholas. Boyd, Robert. Boykin, Bruns. Boykin, Jesse. Boykins, Byers. Braddock, David. Braddock, Jno. Braddock, John. Bradey, Wm.,Lieut. Bradford, Josiah. Bradley, Abrm. Bradley, Joshua. Bradley, Michael. Bradley, Rich. Bradley, Rich. Bradley, Rich. Bradley, Rich. Bradshaw, Peter. Brady, Wm. Brady, Wm. Brady, Wm. Brady, Wm., Sergeant. Braker, Wm. Bramfield, Jno. Brandon, John. Branham, Samuel. Branham, Samuel. Brannon, Moses. Brannon, Thomas. Brantley, Amos. Brantley, Brittain. Brantley, James. Brantley, Thos. Brassard, Alex. Brassel, Samuel. Brasswell, Jos. Braswell, Allen. Braswell, F. Braswell, Ferdenan. Braswell, Geo. Braswell, George. Braswell, James. Braswell, Simpson. Braydon, Wm. Brazwell, Jno. Richard. Bready, Wm. Brevard, Geo. Brewer, Erasmus. Brewer, Geo. Brewer, Moses. Brewer, Wm. Briants, John. Briggs, Samuel. Brittenham, Jos. Brittain, Henry. Brock, Benj. Bronson, Ebenezer. Brooks, Jacob. Brooks, James. Brooks, Jesse. Brooks, John. Brooks, Roger. Brooks, Roger. Brown, Allen. Brown, And. Brown, Andrew. Brown, David. Brown, Francis. Brown, Fred. Brown, James. Brown, James. Brown, Jno. Brown, John. Brown, Stark. Brown, Thos. Brown, Wm. Brownen, Chas. Brownlow, Wm. Brownson, Nathl. Brumley, John. Brunson, David. Brunson, David. Brunson, John. Brunson, Wm. Bryant, Benj. Bryant, James. Bryant, John. Bryant, Wm. Bryant, William G. Buchanan, James P. Buck, Wm. Buckhalter, John. Buckhalter, Jos. Buchalter, Michl. Bugg, Ed. Bugg, Ed. Bugg, Jacob. Bugg, Jere. Bugg, Jere. Bugg, John. Bugg, Nicholas. Bugg, Samuel. Bugg, Samuel. Bugg, Sherwood. Buggs, Jona. Bugners, Augustus. Bullock, Daniel. Burch, Chas. Burch, Ed. Burch, Ed. Burdey, Peter. Burges, Jos. Burgesteiner, Danl. Burke, Theophilus. Burkes, David. Burkes, James. Burkes, Jos. Burks, Ed. Burks, John, Captain. Burks, Jose. Burley, Zach. Burnard, Wm. Burnett, Nathan. Burney, Jno. Burney, Jno., Jr. Burney, Randall. Burns, Andrew. Burns, John. Burnsides, John. Burnsides, John. Burt, Moody. Burt, Moody. Burton, Jno. Burton, Rich.378 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Burton, Richard. Burton, Thos. Burton, Thos. Burwell, John. Bussey, Hezeker. Bussey, Thos. Busson, Jona. Butler, Danl. Butler, Danl. Butler, Edmond. Butler, Ford. Butler, Ford. Butler, Frances. Butler, John. Butler, John. Butler, Robt. Butler, Wm. Butts, Solomon. Buzer, Wm. * Duplicated. C. Cade, Drewry. Cade, Drury. Cain, John. Caldwell,James. Caldwell, John. Calhoun, Wm. Calk, James, Jr. Calk, James W. Calson, Wm. Camant, John. Camant, John. Camberger, Chestop. Camp, Jas. Camp, Saml., Quarter- master, Camp, Sol. Camp, Wm. Campbell, Drewry. Campbell, Wm. Campbell, Wm. Camps, Joseph. Candler, Henry. Candler, Wm., Colonel. Cannon, Roger. Cannon, Thomas. Canon, D. Cantrell, Stephen. Canty, Zach. Carden, Cornelius. Carden, Cornelius. Cargyle, John. Carlton, Pat., Lieut. Carlyle, John. Carney, M. Carney, Ousley. Carr, Major. Carr, Henry. Carr, Henry. Carr, Pat., Major. Carroll, Wm. Carson, Adam. Carson, John. Carson, John. Carson, Jos. Carson, Sam’l. Carson, Thos. Carson, Thos. Carson, Thomas, Jr. Carswell, Alex. Carter, Henry. Carter, Hepworth. Carter, Jas. Carter, James. Carter, James. Carter, Josiah. Carter, Pat. Cartledge, Edw. Cartledge, Jas. Cartledge, James. Cartledge, James. Cartledge, Samuel. Carvan, Edw., Lieut. Casey, Jno. Casey, Wm. Cason, Jno. Cason, Sam’]. Cassell, Wm. Cassells, John. Castello, Ed. Caster, David. Castleberry, Henry. Castleberry, Jacob. Castleberry, Jno. Castleberry, Peter. Catchings, Jos. Catchings, Seymor. Catchins, Benj. Cathern, Wm. Cato, Wm. Cauley, Jacob. Cauley, Rich. Cauthon, Jos. Cawthorne, Jas. Chambers, John. Chambless, Christopher. Chambless, John. Chambless, Littleton. Chandler, Abednego. Chandler, M. Chaney, Emanuel. Chaney, G. Chapman, John, Sergeant, Chapman, Wm. Chavons, Jere. Cheshire, John. Chevalier, Chas. F. Chidney, Thos. Childers, David. Childers, Thomas. Childers, Richard. Chiles, John. Chipen, Jno. Chisholm, Benj. Chisholm, Benjamin. Chisholm, John, Sergeant. Chisholm, Thomas. Christian, Turner. Clark, Jno., Sr. Clark, John, Captain. Clark, Johnston. Clark, Wm. Clarke, Gibson. Clarke, John. Clarke, Lewis. Clay, Abia. Clem, John. Clements, John, Lieut. Clements, Saml. Clements, Wm. Clemmonds, Isaac. Clifton, Chas. Clifton, Wm. Clondas, George. Cloud, Ezekiel.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Cloud, Jere. Cloud, Jere. Cloud, John. Cloud, Neaugh. Clower, Peter. Clowers, Peter. Coalson, Wm. Coan, John. Coats, Aaron. Coats, Henry. Coats, John. Coats, Leslie. Coats, Nath’l. Cobb, Ezekiel. Cobb, Jas. Cobb, Jos. Cobb, Ralph. Cock, Caleb. Cody, John. Cofield, Grisham. Cohron, Cornelius. Cole, James. Cole, John. Cole, John, Sr. Coleman, Daniel. Coleman, F. Coleman, James. Colins, John. Collins, Chas. Collins, Cornelius, Lieut. Collins, John. Collins, John. Collins, Moses. Collins, Sol. Collins, Steven. Colson, Wm. Combs, John. Compton, Wm. Cone, James. Cone, Jas. Cone, Jno. Cone, Wm. Cone, Wm., Jr. Conley, Jacob. Connally, Pat. Connell, Jesse. Connell, John. Conner, Daniel. Connor, David. Connor, John. Conteratt, Joseph. Conyers, John. Conyers, John, Captain. Conyers, John, Jr. Conyers, Wm. Cook, Caleb. Cook, Slisha. Cook, Geo. Cook, Isham. Cook, John. Cook, Rains. Cook, Raines, Captain. Cook, Reuben. Cooper, Anthony. Cooper, Geo. Cooper, John, Lieut.-Col. Cooper, Jos. Coplin, Wm. Corbin, Wm. Cornell, Thos. Corsea, Wm. Coursey, David. Cowan, Wm. Cowns, Wm. Cowns, Wm Cox, Benj. Crabb, Sam’l. Crain, Lewis. Crane, Spencer. Crawford, Anderson. Crawford, John. Crawford, Nathan. Crawford, Saml. Creswell, David. Creswell, Sam’l, Surgeon. Cribbs, Thos. Crispus, James. Croker, Wm. Crokes, Wm. Crook, Wm. Crudden, Wm. Crumley, Anthony. Crutchfield, Jno. Crutchfield, John. Cruze, Thomas. Cudington, Jno. Culbreath, Jas. Culbreath, Jno. Cullars, Henry. Cullens, Jos. Culpepper, Jos. Culpepper, Jos. Cumming, Pat. Cunningham, Jas. Cunningham, John, Major. Cup, Henry, Sergeant. Cup, Michael. Cureton, Boling. Cureton, Rich. Cureton, Wm. Cureton, Wm. Cureton, Wm., Lieut. Cureton, Wm. J. Curl, Henry. Curl, John. Curry, Jacob. Curry, Nicolas. Curry, Peter. Curtis, John. Curvey, Cary. Cuthbert, Dan’) A., Captain. * Duplicated. D. Dabney, Asten. Dabney, Austin. Daley, Benj. Dallas, John, Lieut. Dally, Benj. Dalton, Mathews. Dalton, Thomas. Dampier, Dan’. Daniel, Benj. Daniel, Wm. Danison, Chas. Dannello, Daniel. D’Antignac, Jno. Darbe, Rich. Darby, John. Darby, John. Darby, Nicholas. Darcy, Joel. Darcy, Wm. Darden, George, Sr. Darden, George, Jr.380 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Darney, Benj. Darney, James. Darsey, James. Dasher, Christian. Dasher, Jno. Martin. Daus, Ware. Daus, Ware. Dauthan, Elijah. Davenport, Dr., Surgeon. Davenport, Thomas, Lieut. David, Wm. Davies, John. Davis, Absalom. Davis, Benj. Davis, Blandford. Davis, Chas., Sergeant. Davis, Chesley. Davis, Clementine. Davis, David. Davis, Edw. Davis, Gideon. Davis, Hardy. Davis, Hardy. Davis, Jacob. Davis, James. Davis, Jenkins, Colonel. Davis, Joseph. Davis, Lewis. Davis, Meredith. Davis, Moses. Davis, Myrick. Davis, Nehemiah. Davis, Randolph. Davis, Sam’. Davis, Solomon. Davis, Valthal. Davis, Wiley. Davis, Wm. Davis, Wm. Davison, Jos. Dawson, Brittain. Dawson, David. Dawson, Martin. Dawson, Wm. Daw, Harry. Day, Jos. Day, Jos., Captain. Day, Robert. Day, Robert. Day, Stephen. Dear. John. Dean, Wm. Dean, Wm., Sergeant. Deaton, Elizabeth. Decks, Andrew. DeClanchrees, Matthew, Serg. Delaney, Dave. Delaney, James. DeLaplaign, E. P., Captain. Delk, David. Denman, Chas. Denman, James. Dennis, Abram. Dennis, Isaac. Dennis, John. Dennis, John. Dennis, Richmond. Dennison,Darby. Dannison, Dave. Dennison, Elijah. Denton, Chas. Derbin, Luke. D’Estaing, Count, Admiral. Dethan, John. Devaugh, John, Aide-de- Camp. Dick, David. Dickenson, Edwd. Dickson, David, Captain. Dickson, Michael, Captain. Dickson, Nathan. Dickson, Nathaniel. Dickson, Wm. Dillard, Jno. Dillard, John. Dickins, Lebua. Dixon, Hugh. Doles, Jesse. Dollard, Anson. Dollar, Anson. Dollar, John, Lieut., Art. Dolly, Benj. Donelly, Cornelius. Vice- Donely, John. Donally, James. Donnelly, James. Donnelly, John. Donoway, Wm. Dooly, Wm. Dorton, Thos. Dorty, Geo., Captain. Doss, Joel, Lieut. Douglas, Alex. Douglas, Geo. Douglas, Jno. Dovly, Hull, Lieut. Dowday, Rich. Dowdy, Rich. Downs, Ambrose. Downs, George. Downs, Jona. Downs, Wm. Driver, Henry. Ducains, John, Captain. Duchart, John. Duck, Jeremiah. Duck, Jno. Duckworth, Jacob. Duckworth, Jeremiah. Dudley, Jno. Duffey, James. Dugan, Thos., Captain Duhart, John. Duke, Jno. Taylor. Dukes, Buckner. Dukes, Henry, Captain. Dukes, James. Dukes, Jno. Taylor. Dukes, Taylor. Dukes, Wm. Dukes, Wm., Lieut. Dulins, Henry. Du Maplier, Elijah. Dunaway, John. Duncan, James. Dancan, James, Lieut. Duncan, Mathew. Duncan, Mathews. Duncan, Thos. Dunkin, Wm. Dunn, Jacob.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Dunn, Josiah. Dunwoody, James. Dyche, Jno. Dyer, Henry. * Duplicated. E. Eades, John. Eady, James. Eady, John. Eagle, Jno. Earley, Daniel. Earnest, Jacob. Earnest, Wm. Earnest, Wm. Easter, James. Easton, James. Eastwood, John. Echols, Eph’m. Eckles, Eph. Edwards, Abraham. Edwards, Peter. Eimbeck, George. Eimenson, Robt. Elbert, Sam’l, Colonel. Elleas, Wm. Elliott, Daniel. Elliot, Henry. Elliot, John. Elliot, Thomas. Elliot, Wm. Ellis, Jerry. Ellis, Robert. Ellis, Stephen. Ellis, Walter. Ellison, James. Emanuel, Asa, Col. Emanuel, David. Emanuel, David, Capt. Emanuel, Enos. Embeck, M. Embry, Jesse. Emmett, James. Emtrickeen, Wm. Entechins (Enterkin), Wm. Entriccan, Wm. Espey, Wm. Etons, Absolom. Eustace, John. Eustace, Jno. Skey, Maj. Evans, Benj. Evans, Benj. Evans, Daniel. Evans, Dan’l. Evans, Dan’l. Evans, David. Evans, Jno. Evans, Nathan, Col. Evans, Steph. Evans, Stephen. Evans, Wm. Eves, Nathaneal. * Duplicated. F. Fain, John. Fame, Wm. Fane, Travis. Fanner, Asael. Fanner, Wm. Fare, Jacob. Farington, Jacob. Farr, Benj. Farr, John. Farrell, Wm. Farvin, John. Favens, John. Fean, Wm. Felps (Phelps), David. Felts, Jas. Fenn, Zach. Feras, Zach. Fergason, Chas. Ferkerson, John. Ferrell, James. Ferrell, Thomas. Ferrul, Wm. Fettler, Mathew. Fettler, Nathl. Few, Ignatius. Few, Wm., Sr. Few, Wm., Jr. Fields, Wm. Fincher, Jas. Finley, James. Finn, John. Finshwell, Jos. Fitzgerald, Chas. Fitzpatrick, Pat., Lieut. Fleming, Wm. Flemming, Robert. Flemming, Sam/’I. Flenneken, James. Flennickin, David. Flennickin, Sam’l. Fling, John. Flounray, Robt. Flowers, Wm. Fluker, John. Fluker, Owen. Fluker, Thos. Fluker, Wm. Fly, Jeremiah. Flynn, James. Folds, Geo. Folsom, Benj. Folsome, John. Ford, John. Ford, Joshua. Ford, Owen. Ford, Thomas. Ford, Thos. Ford, Wm. Forgason, Chas. Fort, Arthur. Fort, Owen. Fortee, Jacob. Foster Francis. Foster, Wm. Fowler, Henry. Fowler, Nathan. Fowler, Peter. France, Abram. Francis, Fredk. Franklin, David, Lieut. Franklin, David, Lieut. Franklin, Geo. Franklin, Thos., Lieut. Franklin, Wm., Sr. Franklin, Wm., Jr. Frazier, Alex.382 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Frazier, Jno., Lieut. Frazier, John. Frazier, John. Frazier, Malachi. Frederick, Thos. Fredman, Conrad. Freeman, Holman. Freeman, Holman. Freeman, John. Freman, James. Freman, John. Freman, Wm. French, James. French, Jos. French, Joshua. Freyar, Humphrey. Friels, Lewis. Frier, John. Fryer, Fielding. Fugonier, Conrad. Fukeway, Thos. Fuller, Joshua. Fuller, Isaac. Fuller, Steph. Fulsome, Lawrence. Fulton, John. Fulton, Sam’l. Fuqua, Prater. Fussell, Ezra. Fussell, Thomas. * Duplicated. G. Gaines, Absalom. Gaines, Bagley. Galpin, Thomas. Gamble, John. Gamble, John. Gamest, Wm. Gamson, Jno. Garbet, George. Gardner, Lewis. Gardner, Wm. Garland, Wm. Garmany, Sam’l. Garnett, Eli. Garnett, Jno. Garrett, Jno. Garrett, John. Gaston, Alex., Lt. Gaston, David, Sergt. Gay, Joshua. Gay, William. Geddings, Tho. Gedings, Frances. Gedions, Wm. Gent, Charles. Gent, Wm. German, Jno., Sr. German, Jno., Jr. Germany, William. Gibbs, Hervel. Gibbs, Rich. Gideons; Francis, Capt. Gideon, Wm. Gift, Jonathan. Gilbert, James. Gilbert, Thomas. Gilbert, Wm. Gilder, Isaac. Giles, Andrew. Giles, Arthur. Giles, Jno. Giles, Robert. Giles, Sam’l. Giles, Sam/’l. Giles, Wm. Gilliland, Hugh. Gilliland, Thomas. Gilliland, Thos. Gilliland, Wm. Gillons, Jas. Girardeau, John. Girardeau, Wm Glampkin, John. Glascock, Thomas, Lt. Glascock, Thos. Glascock, Wm Glase, Jos. Glaspy (Gilespie), John. Glass, Joel. Glass, John. Glass, John. Glass, Joshua. Glassoway, Thomas. Glover, Hardy. Gloveyer, Step. Godbe, Cary. Godbe, Curry. Godby, Wm. Golden, Wm. Golding, John. Goldwire, J. Goodall, Pleas’t. Goolsby, Jonathan. Goolsby, Josiah. Gordon, James. Gordon, Jesse. Gordon, Jesse. Gordon, Wm. Gorham, Jno. Gorley, Ayres. Gorley, James. Goslin, David. Gossett, Jacob. Goultney, John. Gouze, Henry, Lt. Goves, Thomas. Gragz, Thomas. Graham, Wm. Graham, Wm. Grant, Capt. Grant, Andrew. Grant, Jno., Capt. Grant, Peter. Grant, Peter. Grant, Thomas. Grant, Wm. Graves, Jas. Graves, John. Graves, John. Graves, Rich. Graves, Robert. Graves, Robert, Jr. Gray, Jacob. Gray, Jas. Gray, John. Gray, Math. Gray, R. M. Gray, Rob. Gray, Thomas. Graybill, Henry. Greasell, Elam.Greazell, Clam. Greathouse, Jacob. Green, Benj. Green, Henry. Green, James. Green, John. Green, M. Andrew. Green, McKeen. Green, Sullivan. Green, Wm. Greene, Benj. Greene, Benjamin. Greene, Frederick. Greene, Saliva. Greene, Thomas. Greene, Wm. Greer, Jno., Lt. Greer, Thos. Greer, Wm. Greer, Wm. Greggs, Thos. Griener, Philip. Grier, Aaron. Grier, Gilbert. Grier, John. Grier, Robert. Greene, Thomas.* Grier, Thos. Grier, Wm. Grierson, John. Grierson, Robert. Griffin, Matthew. Griffin, Michael. Griffin, Randal. Griffin, Randolph. Griffin, Sam’l. Griffith, Sam’l. Grimesley, Jno. Grimsley, Adam. Grimsley, Elijah, Sergt. Grimsley, Jos. Griner, Phillip. Grizzle, Jno. Grub, Frances. Grubbs, Benj. Gunnells, Daniel. Gunnells, Jos. Gunnells, Nicholas. CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Gurnsey, Rich. * Green, Thomas. H. Hagan, Ed. Hagan, Edward. Hager, Arthur. Haggett, John, Sergt. Haile, George. Haliman, Absolam. Hall, Edward. Halymdorf, Wm. Hamach, Robert B. Hamby, Dennis. Hamilton, Thos. Hamilton, Wm. Hammett, Jas. Hammett, Letha. Hammock, Benedick. Hammock, John. Hammond, Abner. Hammond, Chas. Hammond, George. Hampton, Benj. Handly, Geo., Capt. Handsard, Thos. Hannah, James. Hannah, Thos. Harback, Michael. Harbin, Wm. Harbuck, Nicolas. Hardy, John. Hardy, John, Capt. Harper, Wm. Harrill, David. Harrill, Joseph. Harris, Benj. Harris,Buckner. Harris, David. Harris, David. Harris, David, Capt. Harris, Jno. Harris, Sam’l. Harris, Thomas. Harris, Walton. Harris, Wm. Harrison, Benjamin. Hart, Benjamin. Hart, John. Hartle, Henry. Harvey, Benj. Harvey, Blasingame. Harvey, Evan. Harvey, James. Harvey, James. Harvey, Joel. Harvey, Littleberry. Harvey, Michael. Harvey, Thomas. Hatcher, Henry. Hatcher, Jere. Hatcher, John. Hatcher, Josiah. Hatcher, Robt. Hatcher, Wm. Hatchett, Archb’d, Capt. Hawkins, James. Hawkins, Nicholas. Hawkins, Stephen. Hawthorn, James. Hawthorn, Stephen. Hawthorne, Jno. Haymon, Stanton. Hays, Andrew. Hays, Arthur, Lieut. Heard, Barnard. Heard, George. Heard, Joseph. Heard, Rich., Capt. Heard, Stephen. Hearthem, Wm. Heatley, Henry. Heatley, Robt. Heidt, Christian J. Henderson, Zach., Lt. Henson, Sam’l. Hewett, Wm. Heyman, Stephen. Heymond, Henry. Hickinbotham, B. Hickinbotham, Joseph. Hicks, Isaac, Capt. Hicks, John. Hicks, Samuel. Hill, James.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 384 Hill, Joshua. Howard, Wm. Jackson, Drury. Hill, Richard. Howe, Robert. Jackson, Henry. Hill, Wm. Howe, Robert, Lieut. Jackson, Isaac. Hill, Wm. Howell, Caleb. Jackson, Isaac, Col. Hillary, Christopher. Howell, Stephen. Jackson, James, Lieut. Co. Hillary, Christopher, Howley, Richard. Jackson, Job. Lieut. Howsley, Wm. Jackson, Jos. Hilliard, James. Hubbard, Jno. Jackson, Michael. Hines, Robert. Hubbard, Mourab. Jackson, Michael. Hinnard, Jno. Hubbard, Rich. Jackson, Peter. Hinsley, Thos. Hudson, Cuthbert. Jackson, Randolph. Hinton, Job. Hudson, Nath. Jackson, Reuben. Hobson, Mathew. Hudson, Robert. Jackson, Robt., Capt. Hodge, Jno. Hudson, Sam’l. Jackson, Thomas. Hodge, Rob. Hudson, Wm. Jackson, Wm. Hodge, Roger. Hodge, Willoughby. Hodges, Joseph. Hoff, Samuel. Hogg, James. Hogg, James. Hogg, John. Holiday, Thomas. Holiday, Wm. Holliman, David. Hollingsworth, Isaac. Holloway, Lewis. Holmes, John. Holt, Beverly. Holt, William. Holton, Francis. Holwell, Luther. Hopkins, Wm. Horn, Jesse. Horn, Jno. Horn, Richard. Hornsby, Phil. Hough, Sam’l. Houghton, Henry. Houghton, Thos. House, John. Houston, James, Surgeon. Houston, John. Howard, John. Howard, John. Howard, Julius. Howard, Rhesa. Howard, Wm. Huggens, Robert. Hughes, Nathaniel, Lieut. Hunt, Fitzmaurice. Hunt, Wm. Hunter, Miles. Huntaman, Wm. Hutson, James, Surgeon. * Duplicated. Igle, John. Ingram, Rich. Inman, Joshua, Capt. Inman, Joshua, Lieut. Inman, Shadrack, Capt. Irelow, Levater. Irvine, Alec. Irvine, Wm. Irwin, Alec. Irwin, Hugh. Irwin, Jared. Irwin, Jno. Irwin, Jno., Lawson. Irwin, William. Island, Absalom. Island, Jno. J. Jackson, Absalom. Jackson, Benj. Jackson, Charles. Jackson, Daniel. Jameson, David. Jardine, Lewis. Jarrett, Devereaux. Jarrett, Robert. Jarvis, Patrick. Jeffries, James. Jenkins, Arthur. Jenkins, Benjamin. Jenkins, Francis. Jenkins, Michael. Jenkins, Richard. Jenkins, Robert. Jenkins, Starling. Jeter, Dudley. Jeter, Jos. Jinkins, Berry. Jinkins, Royal. John, Thomas. Johnson,Daniel. Johnson,Jacob. Johnson, James. Johnson, John. Johnson, John, Capt. Johnson, John H. Johnson, John Hackner. Johnson, Richard, Capt. Johnson, Stephen. Johnson, Thomas, Lieut. Johnson, Wm., Capt. Johnston, James. Johnston, Jno. B. Johnston, John. Johnston, Wm.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Johnston, Wm., Lieut. Joiner, Benj. Joiner, Thos. Jones, Abraham. Jones, Ben. Jones, David. Jones, Edward. Jones, Elias. Jones, Frederick. Jones, Henry. Jones, Hugh. Jones, James. Jones, Jesse. Jones, Jesse. Jones, Jno., Maj. Jones, John. Jones, John. Jones, Jonathan, Capt. Jones, Mark. Jones, Matthew. Jones, Michael. Jones, Nathan. Jones, Philip. Jones, Robert. Jones, Seaborn. Jones, Simeon. Jones, Thomas. Jones, Wm. Jones, Wm Jordan, Jacob. Jordan, Jinsv. Jordan Jobn. Jordan, Lewis Jordan, S. Jordan, Sam’l. Jordan, Wm., Lieut. Josling, Daniel. Jourdan, Baxton. Jourdan, Chas. Joyce, Alex. Judkins, Xach. Justice,Densey. Justice, Isaac. * Duplicated. K. Kain, Henry. Karr, Henry. Kazey, Stephen, Jr. Keesey, Stephen. Keith, Sam’l. Kell, Archibald. Kelley, Jacob. Kelley, Thomas. Kelly, Edward. Kelly, John. Kelly, John. Kelsey, Hugh. Kemp, James Kemp, Jos. Kemp, Thomas. Kendall, Jeremiah. Kendrick, Hezekiel Kendrick, Thomas. Kennady, John. Kersey, Stephen Ketley, Dan’l. Kielock, Ebenezer Kielock, Jno. Kilgore, Robert Kilgore, Jno. Killgore, Ralph. Kilpatrick, Thos. Kilpatrick, Wm. Kimborough, John, Lieut Kinebrew, Jacob King, John. Kitchens, John. Kitts, John. Kneal, Patrick. * Duplicated. L. Lackey, Wm. Lamar, Jas. Lamar, Jas. Lamar, Luke. Lamar, Samuel. Lamar, Thos. Lamar, Zech. Lamb, Abram. Lamb, Bethial. Lamb, Isaac. Lamb, Thomas. Lambeth, Wm. Lambeth, Wm. Lambrick (Lamback), Jno. Lancaster, Levi. Lancaster, Wm. Landrum, John. Lane, James. Lane, Jos., Major. Lane, Thos. Lane, Thomas. Lane, Wm. Lang, John. Langston, Samuel. Langworthy, Ed. Lanier, Benj. Lanier, Clement, Capt. Lanier, Samuel. Lankford, Joseph. Lankford, Moses. Lankston, Sam’l. Lanton, Thomas. Laramor (Lamar), John. szauderdale, Jno. saWwin, Jno hd sawler, Jno awson, Andrew zawson, Hugh zawson, John \ sawson, Jobn, Sr Roger Roger, Sr Lawson, Thomas. Lawson, Lawson, Lawson, Thompson. Lazarus, Nicodemus. Lea, Wm. Leapham, Frederick, Lieut. Leath, John. Ledbetter, Frederick. Ledbetter, John. Lee, Andrew. Lee, Joshua. Lee, Timothy. Lee, Timothy. Leggett, Abner. Leggett, John. Lench, John. Leslie, Jos.386 Lett, Rembern. Lett, Reuben. Leven, Richard. Leverett, Aaron. Leverett, Henry. Leverett, John. Leverett, Robt. Lewis, Benj. Lewis, David, Jr. Lewis,Evan, Surg. Lewis, Gheza. Lewis, Jacob. Lewis, James. Lewis, Joel. Lewis, Joshua, Chaplain. Lewis, Judah. Lewis, Thomas. Lewis, Wm. Linby, Thos. Lindow, John. Lindsay, Dennis. Lindsay, John, Maj. Lineby, Wm., Lieut. Linn, Charles Linn, Curtis. Linn, John. Linn, Thos. Lithgrove, Andrew. Lithgrove, Robt. Little, Archibald. Little, David. Little, James. Live, Dennis. Livingston, Wm. Lockhart, Benj. Lockhart, Isaac. Lockhart, Joel. Locky, Thomas. Lofton, Cornelius. Logan, Philip. Logan, Philip. Long, David. Longstreet, Daniel. Loving, Tho. Lowe, Aquila. Lowe, Bev. Lowe, Daniel. Lowe, Geo. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Lowe, Isaac, Sr. Lowe, Isaac, Jr. Lowe, Jesse. Lowe, John F. Lowe, Jos., Maj. Lowe, Obadiah. Lowe, Obadiah. Lowe, Philip, Major. Lowe, Ralph. Love, Wm. Loyd, James. Loyd, John. Loyd, Thomas Lucas, James. Lucas, Jno., Capt. Lucas, Wm. Lunday, Theophilus. Lunday, Thomas. * Duplicated. M. Mabry, Reps McBride, Edward. McBurnett, Daniel. McCain, John. McCain, John. McCain, Thos. McCall, John. McCall, Thomas. MecCaller, Jas. McCalpin, Alex McCalvey, Jno McCalvey, Wm McCardell,Cornelus McCarthy, Jno. McCarty, Daniel. McClendon, Isaac McClendon, McClendon, Jacob. McClendon, Jos. McClendon, Simeon. McCling, Jno. McCollough, Jacob. McCormick, Benj. McCormick, John. McCormick, Jos. McCormick, Thos. Isaac, Sr. McCoy, Dan’l. McCullers, Wm. McCullock, Jno. McCullough, Pat. McCullough, Sam’l. McCullough, Sam’l, Sergt. McCutchen, Jas. McDonald, Hugh. McDonald, Tekiah. McDougai, Alex. McDougal, Alex. McDowell, James. McDowell, Thos. McDowell, Thomas, Lieut. McDuffy, John. McElhenry, John. McFarland, John. McFarland, John, Jr. McGarry, Robt. McGary, Ed. McGary, Ed. McGeary, Robert. McGee, Hugh, Capt. McGee, Hugh, Capt McGee, McGee, Thos. McGee, Thos. McGenty, Robt. McGhee, Thos. McGill, Jno. McGilton, James. McGilton, Vance. MecGruder, Merrian O. McGruder, Zadock. McHaney, Terry. McIntosh, Jno., Lieut. McIntosh, John, Colonel. McIntosh, Lachlan, Lieut. McIntosh, Lachlan, Maj. Gen. McIntosh, Wm., Capt. McKay, Jas., Capt. McKeew, Wm. McKenney, Henry. McKenney, Henry. McKenney, Jno. Lewis.McKenney, Nathan. McKinney, Travis. McLean, Andrew. McLean, Lewis. McLendon, Thos. McMannus, Jno. McMath, Jos. McMullen, Pat. McMullen, Robert. McMann, Jno. McMurphy, Daniel. McMurray, David. McMurray, Wm. McMurry, Frederick. McMurry, Mathew. McNabb, R. MecNail, Jesse. McNatt, Jos. McNatt, Sol. McNeely, Hugh. McNeil, Archb’d. McNeil, Daniel. McNeil, Michael. McNeily, Daniel. McNiel, ———, Col. McNunn, John. McOwen, Dan’l. McRoy, James. Maddox, John. Maddox, Sam’l. Maddox, Wm. Madin, David, Lieut. Madkins, Wm. Maffett, Thos. Mafield, Wm. Mahan, David. Mahon, Arch. Mahon, Arch. Mahon, Sam’l. Maise, Joseph. Majar, Owen. Malone, Martin. Maluer, Jno. Manadee, Henry, Capt. Manen, Drury. Manen, John. Manen, John, Jr. CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Maning, Adrain. Mann, John. Mann, Jonas. Mann, Luke. Mannen (Manning), —— Manning, James. Manning, John. Mannon, Wm. Marberry, Wm. Marbury, Horatio, Col. Marbury, Leonard. Marbury, Thos. Marcus, Daniel. Marcus, Elis. Marcus, Jno. Marlow, Wm. Marney, Thos. Marsh, Elijah. Marsh, Jno. Marsh, Nathan. Marsh, Sol. Marshall, Daniel. Marshall, Jno. Marshall, John. Marshall, John. Marshall, Jos. Marshall, Levi. Marshall, Moses. Marshall, Nathan. Marshall, Zach. — Martin, ——, Lieut. Col. Martin, Barclay, Lieut. Martin, Ed. Martin, Ganaway. Martin, Jacob. Martin, James. Martin, James. Martin, Jno., Jr. Martin, John, Sr. Martin, John W. Martin, Marshall. Martin, Nathan. Martin, Simon. Martin, Wm. Mash, Clem, Capt. Mathews, Dan’l. Mathews, Dan’l. Manhall, Abram, Chaplain. Mathews, George, Brig. Gen. Mathews, Isham. Mathews, John. Mathews, Meshack. Mathews, Michael. Mathews, Wm. Mathews, Wm., Capt. Matton, Lazarus. Mattox, Benj. Mattox, Jno Mattox, John. Maupin, Jesse. Maxwell, Ed. Maxwell, James. Maxwell, Thos. Maxwell, Thos., Maj. Maxwell, Thos., Capt. May, Bailey. May, Jos. May, Wm Mayben, Mathew. Mayborn, Wm. Meanly, Jno., Lieut. Meanly, John, Lieut Melvin, John, Capt. Mercer, Jacob Mercer, James. Mercer, Silas, Rey., Chaplain. Merriwether, James, Capt. Meser, Thos. Messer, Jacob. Messer, Silas. Metcalf, Anthony. Metcalf, Dunza. Metcalf, Wm. Meyers, Thos Middleton, Benedick. Middleton, Hatton, Capt. Middleton, Holland. Middleton, Holland, Jr. Middleton, Robt. Middleton, Robt., Capt. Middleton, Smallwood. Middleton, Wm. Miles, Wm Milledge, John. Millen, Alex.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Millen, Charles. Miller, Alex. Miller, Danl. Miller, David. Miller, Elisha. Miller, Elisha, Capt. Miller, Ezekiel. Miller, Geo. Miller, Jesse. Miller, Jno. Miller, Jonathan. Miller, Jos. Miller, Nathaniel. Miller, Nicholas. Miller, Samuel. Miller, Smith. Miller, Wm. Milligan, Hugh. Mills, Wm. Milner, John. Milton, Jno., Capt. Milton, Nathl. Mims, Drury. Mims, Jos. Mims, Martin. Mines, Wm. Minnus, Fred. Minus, John. Mitchell, Francis. Mitchell, Jno., Lieut. Mitchell, Mitchell, R. Mitchell, Thomas. Mitchell, William. Moak (Monk), Wm. Moat, Daniel. Moates, Levi. Moates, Silas. Moates, Wm. Moats, Simon. Mobley, Jno. Mobley, John. Mofield, Wm. Moncrief, Josiah. Moncrief, Sam. Money, Jos. Money, Pat. Monmouth, Jos. John, Lieut. Montgomery, James. Moon, George. Moon, Jas. Moon, Jno. Moon, Rich. Mooney, Jos. Moore, Francis. Moore, Jos. Moore, Martin. Moore, Samuel. Moore, Thomas. Moore, Wm. Moore, Wm. Moormes, Patrick. Moran, Wm. More, Mordecai. Morel, Jno., Capt. Morgan, Christopher. Morgan, Jere. Morgan, Jesse. Morgan, Jno. Morgan, Luke. Morgan, Malicai Morgan, Philip. Morgan, Robert. Morgan, Step. Morganson, Asa. Morgin, Asa. Moris, Jno. Morphett (Moffatt), James. Morphett, James. Morphett, Thos. Morris, James. Morris, Reese. Morris, Wm. Morrison, John, Capt. Morrison, John, Lieut. Morton, John. Mosby, Littleberry, Capt. Mosby, Robert, Lieut. Mosee, Pat. Mosley, Jese. Moseley, Robert. Mosely, Benj. Mosely, John. Mosely, Thomas. Mosely, Thos. Mosely, William. Moss, Francis. Moss, Josbua. Moss, Leonard. Mott, Jos. Mott, Uriah. Mott, Wm. Mott, Zach. Mott, Zeph. Murban, Martha. Mullens, Malone. Murphy, Ed. Murphy, Miles. Murphy, Mill. Murphy. Willis. Musteen, Wm. Myers, Thos. * Duplicated. N. Nail, Benj. Nail, Henry. Nail, Joseph, Capt. Nail, Juliam. Nail, Reuben. Nash, Clement, Capt. Nash, Clement, Capt. Neaves, Wm. Needlinger, John Gottlieb. Neel, Thos. Nelson, Adam. Nelson, James. Nelson, Jeremiah. Nelson, Jobn. Nelson, Wm. Nephew, James. Nettles, Elisha. Newberry, Wm. Newell, Thomas. Newigate, Jno., Capt. Newman, Jno. Newman, Joseph. Newman, Wm. Newsom, Sol. Nichols, Benj. Nicolson, Benj. Niele, Geo.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. ~— North, John. Nowland, Philip. Nuga, Michael. * Duplicated. O. Oakland, Wm. Oates, Jeremiah. Oates, Richard. Obear, Josiah. O’Bryan, James. O’Bryant, Duncan. Odair, Wm. Odingchels, Chas. Odum, Uriah. Offutt, Ezekiel. Offutt, Ezekiel. Offutt, Jesse. Offutt, John. Offutt, Nathaniel. Ogden, Solomon. Oham, Wm. Oliver, Dynowsius. Oliver, James. Oliver, John. Oliver, Peter. Ollens, Danl. O’Neal, Axom. O’Neal, Jno. O’Neal, Nathan. Oricks, James. Osusby, Daniel. Outlaw, Ladswick. Owens, Ephriam. Owens, Thos. * Duplicated. Pp Pace, Barnard. Pace, Thomas. Palmer, Geo. Palmer, John. Palmer, Jona. Palmer, Sol. Pannell, Abner. Pannell, Jos., Lieut. Col. Pannell, Jos., Lieut. Col. Pannell, Joseph, Lieut. Col. Paremoore, Sol. Paret, Wm. Parham, Rich. Parker, Allen. Parker, Charles. Parker, Daniel. Parker, George. Parker, James. Parker, John, Lieut. Parker, Jos. Parks, Henry. Parnell, Benj. Parnell, Josh. Parratt, Robert. Parris, Peter. Parrish, Robert. Partin, John. Parvill, Cader. Paterson, Jno. Paterson, Jno., Jr Paterson, Robert Paterson, Wm. Patmore, Wm. Patterson, Gideon. Patterson, John, Sr Pattillo, Jno. Patton, Thos. Paulk, John. Paulk, Micajah. Paxton, Wm., Lieut Payne, ————,, Lieut Payne, Saml. Payne, Saml. Payne, Thos., Lieut Payne, Wm. Payret, Jean Pierre An- dreo Defan, Capt. Peak, John Peal, John Pearce, Jesse Pearce, John. Pearce, Wm. Pearre, Nathaniel, Lieut Peavry, Nathaniel, Lieut Peavy, Abram Peavy, Dial. Peavy, John. Peavy, Peter. Pendall, John. Penell, John. Penette, Rob. Pennington, S. R. Pennington, Thos. Penny, Jos. Perkerson, Joel. Perkins, Abram. Perkins, Benj. Perkins, Elijah Perkins, John. Perkins, Peter. Perkins, Richard. Perkins, Wri. Perry, Isaac Persons, Henry. Persons, Jones. Persons, Sam’l. Peteete, Ben Peteete, Rob Peters, Elijah Peters, John Peters, Josiah Petty, Wm Petty, Wm Pew, Elijah Phelps, Phelps, Phelps, Pheny, Philips, Philips, Philips, Philips, Philips, Philips, Philips, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Pinson, David. David, Sergeant. Samuel. Lackland David Joel. Mark. Reuben. Samuel. Wm. Zach Burrel. Dempsey. Hillary Isham. Jos Josiah. Wilder Isaac390 Pitman, Timothy. Pittman, John. Pittman, Philip. Pittson, Wm. Plater, Benj. Plummer, Jos. Plummer, Jos. Pollett, Richard. Porter, Benj. Porter, John. Porter, Thomas. Porteus, Simon. Potts, Jno. Potts, Stephen, Capt. Pounds, Reuben. Pounds, Sam/’l. Powell, Geo. Powell, James, Capt. Powell, Jno. Powell, Joshua. Powell, Josiah. Powell, Lewis. Powell, Moses. Powell, Robert. Powell, Step. Prather, Ed. Prather, Samuel. Pratt, Edw. Pray, Job., Capt. Prestley, David. Prestley, David. Price, John, Lieut. Price, Job. Pritchett, John. Pruitt, Jno. Pryor, John. Pugh, Francis, Col. Pugh, James. Pugh, Jesse. Pugh, John. Pugh, Thos. Pulliam, Jos. Pulliam, Wm. Pullone, Jos. Putnal, Christopher. * Duplicated. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Q. Quarles, Rogers. Queen, Wm. Querns (Kearns), John. R. Rae, Andrew. Rafferty, Michl. Ragan, Felix. Ragan, Felix. Ragan, John. Ragan, John. Ragan, Jonathan. Ragland, Ragling, Evan, Lieut. Benj. Rahn, Mathew. Raines, Robert, Capt. Rainey, Jno. Raior, Jamet. Raley, Charles. Ramling, Thos. Ramsay, Isaac, Sr. Ramsay, Isaac, Jr. Ramsay, John. Ramsay, Randal. Ramsay, Randall. Ramsay, Wm. Ramsey, John. Ramsey, John, Jr. Ramsey, Samuel. Rasor, Isaac. Ratliff, James. Ravoh, Abram. Rawling, David. Rawling, John W. Rawlings, John. Ray, Ambrose. Ray, Berry. Ray, Geo. Ray, John. Ray, Wm. Ray, Zach. Rayer, Ainos. Rayfield, Isaac. Rayne, Wm. Rayzer, Isaac. Rea, James, Deputy Q’mast’r. Read, John. Read, Wm., Dr. Red, James. Red, Sam’l. Redding, George. Redding, Rehan. Redick, Absolom. Reed, Samuel. Rees, David, Judge- Advocate. Reeves, Daniel. Reeves, James. Reeves, James. Reeves, Spencer. Reeves, Thomas. Rench, John. Repatoe, Wm. Reynolds, Absalom, Fifer Rhodes, John. Rice, David. Rice, John. Rice, Nathan. Richards, Jacob. Richards, Jno. Richardson, Enos. Richardson, Jonathan. Richardson, Jos. Richardson, Marmaduke. Richardson, Walker. Richie, John, Lieut. Rickerson, Marmaduke. Rickerson, Timothy. Riddle, Wm. Riden, Benj. Ridge, James. Ridgely, Fred, Surgeon’s Mate. Ridon, Jos. S. Riggans, Darby. Riley, Wm. Rivers, Jarbes, Sergt. Rivers, Jno. Roan, James. Roan, Tunstall. Robard, Thos. Roberson, Alex. Roberson, David. Roberson, Davie.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Roberson, Samuel. Roberson, Sylvanus. Roberts, Amon. Roberts, Drury. Roberts, Francis. Roberts, James. Roberts, John. Roberts, John. Roberts, Jonas. Robertson, Hugh, Lieut. Robertson, John. Robertson, Jos. Robertson, Thomas. Robertson, Wm. Robertson, Zodock. Robeson, David. Robinson, Geo. Rock, James. Rodgers, Brittain. Roe, James. Roe, Walter. Rogers, Burwell. Rogers, Dread. Rogers, Edward. Rogers, Peleg. Rogers, Reuben. Rogers, Wm., Sergt. Roquemore, Peter Rose, Henry Rose, John. Rose, Jose. Rose, Thomas. Roseborn, George Roseboro, Wm. Jesse Roundtree, Oliver. Row, Walton. Rowby, John Rowell, Ed. Rowell, Howell. Rowland, Samuel. Rowzer, Edward. Roy, Isaac A. Royals, Jonathan. Rozer, Caleb. Rozer, Caleb. Rozer, John. Rucker. Jno. Roundtree, Rumhey, Nathaniel. Runn, Francis. Runnells, Fred. Runnells, Geo. Runnells, Hamilton. Runnels, Coleman, Russell, Wm. Rushing, Malachi. Rushing, Mathew. Rutherford, Samuel. Ryals, Henry. Ryan, John Ryan, James Ryan, Richard Ryan, Richard Ryler, Barnard Ryley, Jas * Duplicated S. Safford, Daniel Sallet, John Sallett, R Sallis, John Salsberry, Thos Salters, Simon Reuben Sanders, Abraham Samford, Sanders, Isaac Sanders, Jacob Sanders, Mark Sansom, Robert Sapp, Emanuel Sapp, Henry Sapp, John Satterwhile, Wm Savage, Loveless John Scott, Abrm Scott, Alex., Scott, Benj Seott, Jas. Scott, Philip Scott. Vason Scott, Wm Scott, Wm., Sereven, Jas Sawyer, Chaplain Capt Gen’! screven, Jno. Scurry,Nicholas. Sedmon, John. Sedmon, John, Jr. Sessions, Wm. Sessums, Wm. Settler, Daniel, Capt. Shackleford, Jno. Shackleford, Jos. Shadden, David. Shaddock, Thos. Shadereck, Thos. Shaffer, David. Shamson, Thos., Sr. Shamson, Thos., Jr. Shannon, Owen. Shares, Wm Sharp, John Sharp, Joshua. Sharp, Michael. Shartz, Edward. Shaw, Adam. Shaw, Daniel Shaw. David Shaw, John. Shaw, Thomas Shay, David Sheffel, Mash Sheffel, Wm Sheffie (Sheffield), Wm Sheffield, John Sheffield, John. Sheftall, Mardecai. Shelby, John Shelton, Henry Shelton, Henry Shepherd, Benj. Shepherd, Stephen. Sherrar, James Sherrell, David. Shick, Frank, Lieut. Shick, Fred., Lieut. Shields, Andrew. Shields, Andrew. Shields, John. Shields, Wm. Shower, Adam. Shurley, William.392 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Sigman, Jno. Sikes, Dave. Sills, John. Simmons, James. Simmons, James. Simmons, James. Simmons, Jno. Simmons, Malbourn. Simmons, Philip. Simmons, Richard. Simmons, Stevens. Simmons, Thomas. Simmons, Wm. Simmons, Wm. Simmons, Wm., Jr. Simpson, James. Simpson, John. Simpson, Sam’l. Simpson, Timothy. Sims, Mann. Sims, Robert. Sims, Wm. Sinkfield, Wm. Sinquefield, Sam’. Sitton, John. Skinner, Isaac. Slocomb, Elth. Smalley, Mich’l. Smart, Dill. Smart, Robert. Smith, Arthur. Smith, Burrell. Smith,Cornelius. Smith, David. Smith, Ebenezer. Smith, Francis. Smith, George. Smith, Isaac. Smith, Jacob. Smith, James. Smith, John. Smith, John. Smith, John, Jr. Smith, Moses. Smith, Nathan. Smith, Nath’l. Smith, Peyton. Smith, Redick. Smith, St. Sandal. Smith, Sam’l. Smith, Samuel. Smith, Simeon. Smith, Simon. Smith, Simon. Smith, T Smith, T hos. homas. Smith, William. Smithers , Andrew. Snead, Dudley. Sneads, James. Sneads, James. Sneed, Dudley. Snell, David. Snelson, Snelson, Spencer, James. Thomas, Sr. Wm. Spikes, Elias. Spikes, Nathan. Spikes, Nathan. Springfie Spurlock Stafford, Stalling, Stallings, Stallings, Stallings Stallings ld, Aaron. , Robert. Samuel. Jas. Ezekiel. , Jesse. , Jonn: Standford,Sam’l. Standley Stanfard Stanford Stanley, Stedman Stedom, Steed, E , Dempsey. , Wm. , John. Fred. , St. James. Jero. dward. Steed, Philip. Stephens, Benj. Stephens, Richard. Stephens, Thomas. Stevens, Stewart, Stewart, Stewart, Stewart, Stewart, Stewart, John. Chas. Clement. Daniel. Isaac. Jacob. James. Jas., Lieut. Stewart, Samuel. Stewart, Wm. Stewart, Wm. Stickes, George. Stiff, Wm. Stiles, John. Stiles, Samuel. Stirk, Sam’. Stockham, Seth. Stocks, Bender. Stockwell, Thos. Stokes, Samuel. Stone, Charles. Stone, Joshua. Stone, Thos. Story, Edward. Stots, John. Stots, Peter. Stout, David. Stram, James. Strange, Eph. Stranger, John. Straten, Jos. Stratt, Cornelius. Stratt, John. Stratt, Peter. Stratt, Peter. Stregel, Nicholas. Strength, Jno. Strickland, Sol. String, Jno. Stringer, John. Stripling, Frances. Strohaker, Rudolph. Strong, John. Strozier, Peter. Stuart, John. Stuart, John, Col. Stuart, Robt. Stuart, Wm. Stubbs, Jas. Studstell, Houston. Studstill, Jno. Sullivan, Owen. Sullivan, Wm. Summerford, Jacob, Sr. Summerford, Jacob, Jr. Summerlin, Dimsey.____ CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Summerlin, Jas. Summerlin, James. Summerlin, Jno. Summerlin, R. Summerlin, Sam’. Summerlin, Wm. Summers, Dempsey. Summers, John. Summers, Samuel. Sumons, Chas. Surlock, Geo. Sutherlin, Thos. Suton, Philip. Sutton, Ralph. Suves, John. Swain, James. Swan, James. Swan, John. Sway, George. Switzer, Leonard. Sykes, Wm. * Duplicated. T: Talbot, Benj. Talbott, Benj. Talbott, John. Tankerfield, Jno. Tankerson, John. Tanner, Benj. Tanner, Joel. Tanner, Meredith. Tanner, Wm. Tanneyhill, John. Tarvin, Geo. Tate, Andrew. Tate, Andrew. Tate, Rich. Taylor, Edward. Taylor, Henry. Taylor, James, Capt. Taylor, John. Taylor, Jonah. Taylor, Josiah. Taylor. Josiah. Taylor, Randolph. Taylor, Robert, Jr. Taylor, Thomas. Templeton, Andrew. Tennille, Francis, Lieut. Terrell, Robert. Tharpe, Jno. A. Thayott, John. Thomas, Allen. Thomas, B. Thomas, Gideon. Thomas, Gilshot. Thomas, Peter. Thomas, Peter. Thomas, Sam’l. Thombey, Thos. Thompson, Alex. Thompson, Benj. Thompson, Benj., Jr. Thompson, David. Thompson, Denny. Thompson, George. Thompson, Isham. Thompson, Jesse. Thompson, John. Thompson, John, Capt. Thompson, Jos. Thompson, Laban. Thompson, Peter. Thompson, Reuben. Thompson, Robert. Thompson, Zachariah. Thorn, David. Thorn, Wm. Thornbey, Thos. Thornton, Samuel. Thornton, Solomon. Thornton, Wm. Threadgirl, George. Thrope, Jno. A. Thurman, Absalom. Thurman, Jno. Tindall. Tindall, Wm. Tindall, Joshua. Todd, Wm. Tolar, Denny. Tomlinson, David. Tommeross, James. Tommise, Jos. Tomson, Wm., Sr. Tomson, Wm., Sr. Townsend, Henry. Townsend, Thomas. Tramell, Wm. Trammell, Dennis. Trammell, Wm. Trapp, John. Traywick, Q. Treadwell, Wm. Treeman, James. Tremble, Moses. Treutlen, Jno. A. Truce, Benedick. Trueman, John. Truhantry, Henry. Trul, John. Tucker, George. Tucker, Pascall. Tucker, Robert. Tucker, Thos., Sr. Tucker, Thos., Jr. Tuhantz, Geo. Tumer, Dennis. Tune, Henry. Tunis, Nicholas. Tureman, George. Turknett, Henry. Turley, Wm. Turman, Garrott. Turner, Chas. Turner, David. Turner, Geo. Turner, Henry. Turner, John. Turner, Peter. Turner, Richard. Turner, Sampson. Turner, Samuel. Turvisa, Nicholas. Tweedle, John. Twidwell, Wm. Twiggs, Jno., Brig. Gen. Tyner, Richard. * Duplicated.U. Underwood, Samuel. Upton, Ed. Upton, Philip. Usher, Daniel. V. Vance, Patrick. Vann, Cader. Vann, Jas. Van Zant, Isaac. Vaughn, William. Vawn, Jas. Veazey, Jas. Vickers, John. Vickers, Solomon. Vickers, Thos. W. Wade, Henry. Wade, Hezekiah, Capt. Wade, John. Wade, Nehemiah- Wagner, James. Wagnon, J. P., Lieut. Wagnon, Jno. Peter, Lieut. Wagnon, Thos, Wagon, J. P., Lieut. Wagoner, Geo. Wagoner, Henry. Wagoner, Wm. Walden, Rich. Walden, Richard. Walden, Robt. Walden, Willis. Walicon, Daniel. Walker, Edward. Walker, Isaac, Sr. Walker, Isaac, Jr. Walker, Jos. Walker, Samuel. Walker, Sylvanus. Walker, Sylvanus. Walker, Wm. Walker, Wm. Walker, Wm., Capt. Wall, David. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Wall, Francis. Wall, John. Wallace, Wm. Wallace, Wm. Wallace, Wm. Waller, Benj. Waller, Jos. Waller, Wm. Wallicon, Daniel. Wallis, Absalom. Wallis, Brittain. Wallis, Charles. Wallis, James. Wallis, Jas. Walsh, Edward. Walsh, Patrick. Walten, Jene. Watley, Owen. Watley, Sherod. Watley, Willis. Watley, Willis, Jr. Watley, Worters. Walthour, An. Walton, Geo. Walton, Geo., Col. Walton, George, Capt. Walton, Geo., Lieut. Walton, Newell. Walton, Robert. Walton, William. Ward, Benj. Ward, Chas. Ward, Hugh. Ward, John. Ward, Samuel. Ware, Arthur. Ware, Henry. Ware, James. Ware, John. Ware, Nicholas. Wareman, Jacob. Warnock, Jesse. Wasome, Jno. Palmer. Waters, Charles. Waters, Jas. Waters, Rawley. Watley, Amen. Watley, Sherwood. Watley, Willis. Watley, Wootem. Watson, Benj. Watson, Geo. Watson, Jacob. Watson, John. Watson, Leven. Watson, Thos. Watson, Willis. Watts, Geo. Watts, Jacob. Wauden, John. Way, Ed. Way, John. Way, John, Jr. Way, Jose. Way, Joseph. Way, William. Weatherford, Jas. Weathers, Ed. Webb, Jesse. Webb, John. Webb, Wm. Webster, Abner. Webster, Benj. Webster, James. Webster, Jno. Webster, John. Webster, Jonathan. Webster, Thos. Webster, Wm. Welborn, Curtis. Welborn, Curtis, Jr. Welch, Benj. Welch, Benjamin. Welch, Caleb. Welch, Ed., Major. Welch, Jos. Welch, Nicholas. Wellbourne, David. Wells, Benj. Wells, Humphrey, Dr. Wells, Jacob. Wells, Jacob. Wells, Jeremiah. Wells, John. Wells, John. Wells, Jordan.Wells, Joseph. Wells, Robert. Welseley, Jno. Welsher, Jere. Welsher, Jesse. Wereat, Jno. Weritte, Geo. West, Jas. West, John. West, Samuel. Westbrook, Stephen. Whare, Wm. Whateley, Samuel. Whateley, Walton. Whateley, Edwin. Whately, John. Whately, Samuel. Whatley, John. Wheat, Hezekiah. Wheat, John. Wheeler, William. Wheeler, William. Wheeler, Zachariah. Wheelis, Isham. Whelons, Lewis. Whilons, Lewis. Whitaker, Samuel. White, Demsey. White, James, Capt. White, James, Capt. White, Jno., Col. White, John. White, John, Col. White, Joseph White, Nicolas. White, Thomas. White, Wm. Whitecel, John. Whitemore, Jonathan. Whitesides, John. Whitt, Rich. Whittingham, Cornelius. Whitton, Austin. Whitton, Philip. Whitton, Robt. Wiggans, John. Wiggins, Wm. Wikeman, John. CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Wilburn, Ed. Wilburn, Thomas. Wilcoxson, John. Wildair, Wm. Wilder, Charles Wilder, Dred. Wilder, Malica. Wilder, Micajah. Wilder, Tom. Wilder, Willis. Wilfred, Philip. Wilkerson, John. Wilkerson, Wm Wilkins, David. Wilkins, Gabriel Wilkins, Jno. Wilkins, William. Willeigham, Jno. Willey, Richard Williams, Burton Williams, Butler. Williams, Carroll Williams, Chas Williams, Edward Williams, Frederick Williams, Geo Williams, Jas Williams, John Williams, John Williams, John Williams, John Williams, Joseph. Williams, Joshua Williams, Nathl Williams, Saml Williams, Thomas Williams, Zach Williams, Zachariah Williamson, Adam. Williamson, Adam. Williamson, Chas. Williamson, Littleton Williamson, Micajah Williamson, Micajah, Lieut. Col. Williamson, Richard. Williamson, Robt Willingham, John. Willis, Brittain. Willis, Joseph. Willis, Joseph. Willis, Joseph. Willis, Joseph. Willis, Mesheck. Willis, Robert. Willis, Robert. Willougby, Wm. Wilsherk, John. Wilson, Andrew. Wilson, David. Wilson, Hugh. Wilson, Jas Wilson, John, Capt. Wilson, John, Lieut. Wilson, Robert. Wilson, Robert (Clarke). Wilson, Robert (Lee). Wilson, Samuel (Clarke) Wilson, Samuel (Lee). Windfield, John. Winfrey, Jesse Winkfield, Jno. Winn, Benj Winn, John. Winn, Jos Winn, Peter Winn, Robert Winningham, Jno. Wise, James. Wise, James Wise, Tom Wise, Wm. Wisenor, John. Wood, Abraham. Wood, Abraham. Wood, Christopher. Wood, Christopher. Wood, Edward, Capt. Wood, Henry. Wood, James. Wood, James. Wood, James. Wood, James, Capt. Wood, Jas. Wood, Joseph. Wood, Joshua.396 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Wood, Richard. Wood, Richard. Woodruff, Joseph. Woods, Josh. Wood, Joshua, Jr. Woods, Rich. Woodworth, Thomas. Wooten, James. Wooten, Robt. Wooten, Thomas. Wooten, Thomas, Lieut. Wormack, Jesse. Worth, Thos. Wourd, Benj. Wourd, Ed. Wourd, Eld. Wright, Banego. Wright, Habakkuk. Wright, Isaac. Wright, James. Wright, John. Wright, John. Wright, Mesheck. Wright, Shadrack, Captain. Wright, Stephen. Wright, William. Wyche, Geo. Wyche, Jno. Wyche, Saml. Wynn, Joshua. * Duplicated. ¥¢ Yankerfield, John. Yarbery, William. Yarborough, Littleton. Yarborough, Thomas. Yates, Peter. Yates, Peter. York, James. York, John. Young, Daniel, Lieut. PAID Soldiers paid in money: B. Barnes, Richard. Barnes, Wm. Bazlewood, Rich. Bird, Benj. Bird, John. Brannon, Moses. Butler, Edmond. Butler, William. Butts, Samuel. GC: Carter, James. Clowers, Peter. D. Davis, Hardy. Douthan, Elijah. Dulins, Henry. Duncan, Thomas. Duncan, Wm. F. Farr, Benj. Farr, Jno. Ferrell, Thos. Fowler, Henry. Fowler, Peter. Franklin, David, Lieut. Franklin, Thos., G. Gauze, Henry, Lt. Giles, Sam’]. Gillons, Jas. H. Hamilton, Wm. Hawkins, Stephen. Howard, John. Howard, Wm. Huggins, Robert. ye Johnson, John Jones, Jesse. IN MONEY LIST. Lieut. Young, Edward. Young, Isham. Young, Jas. Young, John, Sr. Young, John, Jr. Young, Jon. Young, Wren. Youngblood, Abraham. Youngblood, Isaac. Youngblood, James. Youngblood, John, Sr. Youngblood, John, Jr. Youngblood, Jonathan. Youngblood, Peter. Younger, Wm. * Duplicated. Z. Zettler, Nathl. Zinn, Jacob. K. Kitley, Daniel. L. Lamar, James. Linley, Thomas. Lowe, Wm. Loyd, James Loyd, John M. Masney, Thomas. ie Persons, Henry. Persons, Sam’l. Powell, Joshua. Pratt, Edward. Pritchett, John. Pritchett, Wm. S: Simmerlin, Dunsey. Simmerlin, Samuel.Simmons, Wm. Sinkfield, Wm. Smith, Peyton. Smith, Thomas. Spikes, Nathan. Spurlock, Geo. Stockwell, Thos. Stots, Peter. Summerlin, Jno. Summerlin, R. Swan, John. Swan, John. CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. _ W. Wells, Jacob. Williams, John. \Vood, James. Worth, Thos. MEN WHO RECEIVED BOUNTY WARRANTS FOR REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. Most of these names are duplicated in Certified List No. 1 and Le Conte’s lists. A. Adair, Bozeman. Adams, Jno. Akridge, Davis. Akridge, Levy. Allen, Robert. Anderson, Matthew. Anderson, Robt. Armstrong, Alex. Armstrong, James. Arnold, Abraham. Arnold, Sol. Arnold, Solomon. Ashurst, Wm. Asuet, Edward. Aycock, Richard. B Bailey, George. Bailey, Peter Baker, John. Ball, John. Barron, Jesse. Beaseley, Harris. Beaseley, Rich. Bell, Zechariah. Bennett, Reuben, Capt. Berryhill, Merander. Black, Lemuel. Bledsoe, Peachy. Boles, Henry. Bornan, Thomas, Capt. Bowling, Thornberry. Bradley, John. Bragg, Benj. Bragg, Benj., Lieut. Adjt. Brand, Caswell. Bridges, Prov. Brockman, Brockman, Elijah. Brockman, Elijah. Brooks, James Brooks, Wm. Brown, H. Thomas Lemuel. Pollard. Browning, John Brown, Brown, Daniel Bruce, Ward Bryant, Wm Bulloch, John. Charles. Bruce, Burges, Burgess, Jonathan. Burgess, Jos. Burke, Charles Burkes, Ed C ‘arter, Thos ‘lack, James lack, Wm. Yack, Wm. ‘larke, Wm. ‘ob, Caleb Yochran, Wm ‘olbert, Elisha ‘olley, Joseph. ~~ PR PR OPE PY A ~ Collins, James. Ed. Colwell, Bledsoe. and Cooper, Philip. Cottingham, Wm. Cowles, Wm Cox; Jas: Crouch, Jonn. Crouch, Wm. Culpepper, Sampson. D. Wm Isaac, Daggett, Daniel, Danube, John Davis, James Lieut Davis, Lewis Davison, Jas., Lieut De Graffenried, John Diamond, John. Dickens, Nimrod. Dobbs, Jos., Lieut Dounnan, James Dunn, Ishmael BE. Early, Roderick Early, Wilder. Easton, Jno Echols, Mitler. Echols, Obadiah. Edmondson, Wm. Edwards, John. Biland, Isaiah. Elder, David. Elkins, Thos. Elliot, Thos Ellis, Wm3298 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. English, Henry. Epps, Wm. Eton, John. Evans, Jesse, Lieut. F. Ferguson, Jas. Finch, John. Fox, James. Franklin, Thomas. Franklin, Wm. Freeman, Laban. Freeman, Roswell. Furlow, John. G. Garner, Saml. Gibson, Luke. Ginnings, Giles. Glascock, Lieut. Col. Glass, Jas. Glen, Jno. Glenn, Wm. Gnu, Micajah. Gordon, Green, Wm. Green, Wm., Sr. Gresham, Wm. Griffith, Jas. Griggs, Geo. H. Haines, Robert. Halliday, Wm. Hammock, Jos. Hannah, Jno. Hanson, Wm. Harley, Wm., Capt. Harper, Ansel. Harris, Edward. Harris, Michael. Harris, Sampson, Lieut. Harrison, Jere. Harrison, Olin, Lieut. Hartsfield, Andrew. Hatherby, Hugh. Hendon, Isham, Capt. Ambrose, Major. Hendon, Johnson. Hilby, Jacob. Hill, Theophilus. Hince, Martin. Hinton, Wm. Holeman, John. Holland, Frances. Holliday, Wm. Hopkins, Saml. Howard, Frances. Hudson, Archibald. Hudson, Ward. Huff, John. Huggins, Duc. Huntsman, Michael. Ilas, John. J: Jackson, Jervis. James, Wm. Jeredeau, John. Johnson, Abram. Johnson, George. Johnson, James. Johnson, Jesse. Johnson, Wallis. Johnson, Wm. Johnson, Wm. Jones, Edward, Lieut. Jones, Jas. Jones, Rich. Ke Kennan, David. L. Landrum, James, Capt. Landrum, Josiah. Landrum, Wm. Lane, Charles. Langford, Jas. Law, Geo., Lieut. Lay, Wm. Ledbetter, Henry. Legit, Jas. Leigh, Ansella. Lockett, Thos. Longstreet, Wm. Loyd, Moses. Lumpkin, Wm. M. McCartie, Sharod. McCirce, Rowell. McDoreman, Bailes. McDoreman, Bailess. McElroy, Needham. McElroy, Needham. McErwin, Thos. McKenney, Charles. McMullen,Alex. Martin, Matthew. Mathews, B. Mathews, Burwell. Mathews, Jno. Mathews, Rich. Mathews, Rich. Mathews, Thos. Maxwell, Richard. May, Saml. Mays, Andrew. Mead, Minor. Meador, Joel. Meador, Jonas. Middleton, Jno. Minis, Jas. Mitchell, Wm. Moffett, Gable. Montcrief, Saml. Moon, John. Moore, Abednego. Moore, Alexander. Moore, Jas. Moore, Martin. Morris, Garrett. N. Nalls, Richard, Lieut. Newlin, Mathias. Nixon, Jno. Nixon, Jos. Norton, Jas. Norton, Jonathan. Norton, Wm., Lieut.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. O. Oakes, Jonathan. O’Barre, Robt. Olive, John. Orr, Christopher. Orr, John. Owens, Thos. Ey Pain, Hail. Parker, Wm. Patrick, Patrick, Josia. Pattison, Frederick. Patton, Thos., Capt. Phillips, Overton. Pope, Jno., Capt. Porsten, Wm. Poss, Nicholas. Potts, Moses, Lieut. Pounds, John. Powell, Jno. Pullens, —, Major. R. Rafferty, Richard. Rainey, Daniel. Rainey, Jno. Reddy, James. Reed, Jacob. Richards, Jeremiah. Richardson, Allen. Robertson, Samuel. Rosberry, Jos. Ross, John, Sergeant. Runley, George. Runnells, Green. Ryan, , Major. S. St. John. John. A. Alford, James. Ayers, Baker. Samuels, Joseph. Sandell, Jno. Sanson, Thos. Searce, Wm. Simmons, Jas. Simpson, John. Smith, John. Smith, Samuel. Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Sneed, Davis. Stallings, John, Col. Standbanks, John. Stephens, Wm. Stewart, Reuben. Stirley, Jesse. Stone, Thompson. Strand, Philip. Strawn, Balson. Strong, Robert. Stroud, Owen. Stroud, Sherod. Stuman, Jno. Sykes, Josua. ‘Le Terrell, — Terrell, Jos. Terrell, Thomas. Terry, Alexander Thompson, Richard. Thrasher, David. Toombs, Robt. Traywick, Spencer. Trueall, Thomas. Truball, John. Tucker, Woodward. Vie Varner, Matthew. Varner, Thos. W. Wade, Thos. Wallis, James. Walton,Jno. Wambersie, Emanuel. Ward, Charles. Ward, John. Watkins, Robt. Watkins, Thomas, Lieut. Watson, John. Webb, Levi. Whelton, Robt. Whittle, Boling. Wiatt, John. Wilcox, Thos. Wilkes, Moses. Williams, John. Williamson, Charles, Capt. Williamson, Peter. Williamson, Wm. Williford, Jas. Willingham, Jesse Winn, John. Winters, Jas. Wood, Etheldred, Lt. Wood, Jas. Wood, James, Capt. Wood, Jno. Wooten, Richard, Lieut. Wright, W. G Ye. Young, Henry. Young, Leonard. Young, Stanford. Z. Zoobers (Subers), Joshua. SOLDIERS’ GRANTS LIST. Men who received soldiers’ grants: B. Ballard, Joseph. Barclay, Jno. Beckham, John. Bennett, John, heirs of. Betsall, Isaac.400 Bonner, Geo. Borland, Andrew. Bowie, James. Braswell, Robert. Brigg,Wm. Buford, Wm. Burner, Rich. Bush, Jno. Bussey, Gideon. @; Call, Richard. Camp, Samuel. Carnes, Peter. Carnes, Thomas P. Chance, Vincent. Chandler, Abednego. Clark, Bolling. Clarke, Christopher. Cleveland, Larkin. Collier, Edward. Collier, James. Connelly, John W. Conwell, Jesse. Cox, Zach. Creswell, Robt. Crosby, Wm. Cruddy, Wm. Curry, Robt. Curton, B. D. Dalton, Thos. Dary, Ambrose. Debosk, Peter. Diamond, William. Dicks, David. Dickson, David. Dickson, Michael. Dixon, Robert. Dounaphan, Elijah. Duck, Jeremiah. F. Fail, Thomas. Fair, Peter. Fluker, George. Fouche, Jonas. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Fuller, Isham. G. Galphin, George. Gascoign, Richard. Gilbert, Charles. Goode, Edward. Goodwynn, Theod. Gotcher, Henry. Gray, Joshua. Green, Daniel. Greers, Thos. Gresham, Archd. Grier, Gilbert. Guy, Wm. Ae Hamlin, Richard. Hammett, Wm. Harnett, Jas. Harper, George. Harrington, Jno. Harrington, Jno. Harris, Nathan. Harris, Sampson. Harvey, Benj. Haughton, Jos. Haurst, Sammuel. Hawkins, Abimelech. Hay, Wm. Headspeth, Chas. Heatly, John. Hicks, Ed. Hicks, Nathl. Hightower, William. Hinton, Hardy. Hobson, Briggs. Hodges, James. Holden, Thos. Holliday, Ambrose. Holly, Jonathan. Hooper, Absolam. Housley, Newell. Houston, Henry. Howell, Caleb. Hubbard, Benj. Huckably, Isham. Hudson, Hall. Humphreys, Jos. Hunt, Fitzmaurice. Hunt, Wm. Hutchinson, James. J Jack, John. Jackson, Abram. Jackson, James. Jameson, Wm. Johnson, Nathan. Jones, Chas. Jordan, Saml. K. Kenny, Ed. Kenrick, James. Kieth, John. Kieth, Lem. King, John. L. Langford, Wyatt. Lee, Joshua. Leonard, John. Lewis, Wm. Lindsay, James. Lockhart, Rich. Longstreet, Daniel. Longstreet, Wm. Lord, Wm. Loud, John. M. McConnell, John. McCracken, Wm. McCutchin, James. McDonald, John. McGee, Shadrach. Madison, James. Martin, Jacob. Mays, John. Meanly, Jno. Moore, Mordecai. Morrison, John. N. Nailor, Geo.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. Neal, Thomas. Nelson, Thomas. Newman, Geo. Niblack, William. oO. Osgood, Josiah. PP: Pack, John. Parker, Daniel. Payne, Moses. Phillips, John. Pickerton, John. Pierson, John. Pittman, Henry. Pollard, Wm. Pope, Wylie. Price, Job. Purtin, Robert. R. Reddick, Jacob. Reese, Benj. Reeves, Geo. Roberts, Amon. Robinson, John. Russell, David. Ss. Sartain, Wm. Savage, Robert. Scarborough, Moses. Sebech, John. Segar, Geo. Shaw, Wm. Shelman, John. Shelman, Micheal. Shepherd, Charles. Sherrard, Jos. Shields, Wm. Shuffle, John. Simmeron, Burney. Singleton, Robert. Smith, John E. Solomon, Lewis. Spinkston, Daniel. Stallings, Ezekiel. Strong, Wm. Sturgis, Andrew. T: Talbatt, Jesse. Tarpley, Mark. (See affidavit at head of list.) Tate, Robert. Thurman, David. Trimble, Moses. Turner, Asa. V. Vining, Thomas. W. Wadsworth, Thos. Waldon, John. Wallis, Cammell. Wallis, Chanet. Wallis, Micajah. Ward, Benj. Warren, John. Watts, John. Webb, Sion. Wheeler, Wm. Wilborme, Wm. Wilson, Benj. Wise, Sherard. Wood,Josiah. Wyatt, Picton. Z. Zachary, Bartholomew. Zeigler, Geo. NAMES TO BE ERASED FROM LIST OF GEORGIA REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS PUBLISHED The following Wilkes County names are to be erased alphabetical list, the names appearing twice: Barnes, William, Private. Brown, James, Private. Carter, James, Private. Clowers, Peter, Private. Davis, Hardy, Private. Giles, Sam, Private. Howard, William, Private. WILKES COUNTY LIST. Johnson, John, Private. Jones, Jesse, Private. Lamar, Jas., Private. Powell, Joshua, Private. Reeves, James, Private. Roberson, David, Private. Simmons, William, Private. IN OUR THIRD REPORT, AS APPENDIX E. from the main Spikes, Nathan, Private. Stewart, William, Private. Strats, John, Private. Strats, Peter, Private. Summerlin, James, Private. Williams, John, Private. Wood, James, Private. The following are to be erased because it can not be proven from the records that they were Revolutionary soldiers:ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. A. Adkins, William, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Alexander, Asa, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Autrey, Alexander, Captain, certified by Col. E. Clark. Ayres, Thomas, Private, certified by Col. G. Lee. B. Beckham, S’m’n, lottery 1827, Monroe County. Bugg, Ed., Private, certified by Col. G. Lee. Bugg, Jere., Lieutenant-Colonel, certified by John Twiggs, BaaG, C: Carson, Thomas, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Carter, Pat., Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Catchings, Joseph, certified by Col. E. Clark. Chapman, Jno., Sergeant, certified by Col. E. Clark. Childers, David, certified by Col. Sam Elbert. Cole, John, Jr., Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Crain, Lewis, Private, certified by Col. James Jackson. Curl, Henry, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. D. Dabney, Austen, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Darsey, James, Private, certified by Col. EB. Clark. Davies, John, Private, certified by John Twiggs, B. G. Duhart, John (a). L. Lackey, Thomas, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Lamar, Samuel, Private, certified by John Twiggs, B. G. Legget, John, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. M. Maddox, John, bounty granted as a soldier. Manen, Drury, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. R. Rasor, Isaac, bounty granted. S. Sapp, William (b), Private, certified by Col. Asa Emanuel. Stripling, Frances, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Summers, James (b), Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. (a) This name appears as Duchart, John, in our third report. (b) This name did not appear in the list as printed in our third report. 7 Thompson, Jos., Private, certified by Col. Greenberry Lee. Tomlinson, David, Lieutenant, certified by Captain William Ames.CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. 403 Treutlen, John Adams (a); put down private, but was colonel. (See “Com- mission Book B,” p. 277.) Tucker, George, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. Tweddle, John, Private, certified by Col. E. Clark Ww. Walker, William, Captain, certified by Col. B. Few. Watson, Geo., Private, certified by Col. E. Clark. White, Demsey, Private, certified by Col. James Jackson. Wood, James, Private, certified by Lieutenant Nathaniel Pierre. The soldiers whose names appear below served in the Indian Wars suc- ceeding the Revolution, but were not Revolutionary soldiers. The names marked with an asterisk (*) do not appear in our third report: RECORD OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 1790-1791, PAGE 64 (b). *Berrihill, Merander, Lieut. *Howell, John, Captain. Stallings, James, Colonel. *Burke, Charles, Lieut. “Leigh, Ansoln, Lieutenant. *Walton, John C., Lieut. “Cowles, William, Captain. *Longstreet, Wm., 2d Lieut. *Wambessie, Emanuel, Lieut. *Fox, James, Lieutenant. Low, George, Lieutenant. *Ward, Charles, Lieut. Glascock, Thos., Lieut.-Col. *McLane, Daniel, “Watkins, Robert, Captain. "Gordon, Ambroso, Major. Captain, Lieutenant. *Watkins, Thomas, Ist Lieut. “Harris, James, Captain. *Pearre, James, Captain. RECORD OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 1790-1791, PAGES 112-113 (b) “Armstrong, James, Lieut. Freeman, John, Captain. *Patrick, Paul, Lieut. “Ashurst, William, Lieut. *Hannah, John, Captain. *Patton, Samuel, Lieut. Aycock, Richard, Lieut. *Harris, Sampson, Lieut. *Patton, Thomas, Lieut. “Bennett, Reuben, Captain. *Hill, Theopholis, Lieut. *Pope, John, Captain. *Black, Lemuel, Lieut. *Horley, William, Lieut. *Potts, Moses, Lieutenant. *Ibridges, Prior, Lieut. *Jordan, Emanuel, Captain. *Rafferty, Richard, Lieut. Brooks, James, Lieut. *cane, Charles, Captain. *Simmons, Asa, Lieut. Brown, Thomas, Lieut. *Lucky, James, Captain. *Terrill, Thomas, Lieut. “Culpepper, Sampson, Lieut. *McFall, John, Lieutenant. *Thompson, James, Lieut. *Davison, James, Lieut. *‘McKenny, Charles, Lieut. *Toombs, Robert, Lieut. *Diamond, John, Captain. *Martin, Matthew, Lieut. *Webb, Claborn, Lieut. *Doreman, James, Captain. *Moore, Abednego, Lieut. *Willingham, Jesse, Capt. Dukes, William, Captain. *Nalls, Richard, Lieut. *Wooten, Richard, Lieut. “Evans, Jesse, Lieutenant. *Orr, Christopher, Lieut. Wylly, John, Lieutenant. (a) This name, as printed in our third report, page 361, appears merely as “Treutlen, Jno. A.,” without distinction of rank. (b) These page numbers refer to pages of records in the office of the Secretary of the State, at Atlanta.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. MUSTER ROLL OF COL. JOHN STEWART REGIMENT. Adams, John, Private. * Akredge, Davis, Private. * Anderson, Matthew, Priv. *Angling, John, Private. *Arnold, Absolem, Private. *Arnold, Soloman, Private. *Askedge, Levy, Private. *Bailey, George, Private. *Bailey, Peter, Private. Baker, John, Private. *Ball, John, Private. *Beasley, Harris, Private. *Beasley, Richard, Private. *Bell, Zachariah, Private. Bledsoe, Peachy, Private. *Early, Wilder. *Eastoa, John, Private. *Kchols, Miller. *Echols, Obidah. *Ector, Joseph. *Edmonson, Crawford, Priv. *Edwards, Willis, Private. *Elder, David. *Elkins, Thomas, Private. *Ellis, William, Private. *Enylish, Henry, Private. *Epps, William. *Eton, John. *Ferguson, James, Private. *Finch, John, Private. Franklin, William, Priv. *Freeman, Laban, Private. Freeman, Roswell, Private. *Gan, Mocajah. *Garner, Samuel. *Gibson, Luke, Private. *Ginnings, Giles, Private. *Glass, James, Private. *Gossett, John. Green, William. *Green, William, Sr. *Gresham, William, Priv. *Griffith, James, Private. *Hanson, William. *Harper, Ansil. *Harris, Robert, Private. *Boles, Henry, Private. *Boling, Tomberry, Private. *Bradley, John, Private. *Brand, Caswell. *Briant, William, Private. *Brockman, Bledsoe, Priv. *Brockman, Elijah, Private. *Brooks, William, Private. *Brown, Lemuel, Private. *Brown, Thomas H., Priv. *Browning, John, Private. *Bruce, Ward, Private. Bullock, John, Private. “Burger, Charles, Private. *Burgess, Jonathan, Priv. Jent, Zachariah, Private. *Jinkins, James, Private. *Jlos, Hohn, Private. *Johnson, Abram, Private. *Johnson, Jesse, Private. *Johnson, Martin, Private. *Johnson, Wallis, Private. Johnson, William, Private. Jones, Edward, Private. *Jones, Joseph, Private. Jones, Richard, Private. *Landrum, James, Captain. , Josiah, Private. , William, Priv. James, Private. *Landrum *Landrum *Landford, *Lay, William, Private. *Lloyd, Moses, Private. *Lumkin, William, Private. *McCartin, Sharod, Private. *McCree, Rowell, Private. *McDorman, Bales, Private. *McElroy, Needham, Priv. *\McEwen. Thomas, Private *Mathews, Burwell, Priv. *Mathews, Richard, Priv. *Maxwell, Richard, Private. *May, Samuel, Private. “Mays, Andrew, Private. *Middleton, John, Private. Mitchell, Thomas, Private Mitchell, William, Private. *Burgess, Joseph, Private. *Callingham, William. *Colley, Joe, Private. *Collins, James. *Colwell, Edward, Private. *Cox, Caleb. “Crouch, John. *Crow, Alexander. *Dacus, Lewis, Private. *Daggett, William. *Daniel, Isaac, Lieutenant. *Danube, John. De Graffenreid, John, Priv. *Dicking, Nimrod. *Dunn, Ishmael, Private. *Patrick, Josia, Private. *Pattison, Frederick, Priv. *Phelps, Overton, Private. *Porter, William, Private. *Poss, *Pound, John, Private. Nicholas, Private. *Powell, Johnson, Private. Rainey, Daniel, Private. Rainey, John, Private. Raspberry, Joseph, Priv. *Reed, Jacob, Private. *Richards, Jeremiah, Priv. *Richardson, Allen, Private. *Robertson, Samuel, Priv. *Runnells, Green, Private. *St. John, John, Private. *Sams, Joseph, Private. *Sanson, Thomas, Private. Simmons, James, Private. Simpson, John, Private... Smith, Jobe, Private. Smith, William, Private. .*Staneel, John, Private. *Starley, Jesse, Private. *Stephens, William, Priv. *Stewart, Reuben, Private. *Stone, Thompson, Private. Balsam, Private. Strong, John, Private. .*Strong, Robert, Private. *Stroud, Owen, Private. *Strawn,*Hartsfield, Andrew, Privy. *Helby, Jacob, Jr., Private. *Hendon, Isham, Captain. *Hendon, Johnson, Private. *Hinbon, William, Private. *Hince, Martin, Private. *Holeman, John. *Holland, Francis, Private. “Hopkins, Samuel. *Howard, Hiram, Private. “Hudson, Archibald. *Hudson, Ward, Private. *Huff, John. *Hugins, Daniel, Private. Jackson, Charles, Private. *James, Williamson, Priv. *Wiat, John. *Wilkes, Moses, Private. CERTIFIED LIST, GEORGIA TROOPS. “Moffett, Gable, Private. *Moore, Alexander, Private. *Moore, James, Private. *Moore, John, Private. Morris, James, Private. *Morriss, Garrett, Private. *Nixon, John, Private. *Nixon, Joseph, Private. *Norton, James, Private. *Norton, Jonathan, Private. *Norton, William, Lieut. *Oakes, Jonathan, Private. *Olive, John, Private. *Pain, Fail, Private. “Parker, William, Private. *Parr, William, Private. Winn, John, Ensign. *Wood, John. *Williamson, Peter, Private.*Wright, W. G. *Williamson, William, Priv.*Young, Henry, Private. I hereby certify that *Stroud, Sharol, Private. 405 *Stubblefield, William, Priv. *Telong, Joshua, Lieut. “Terry, Alexander, Private. *Thompson, Richard, Priv. *Thrasher, David, Private. *Traywick, Spencer, Priv. *Varner, Matthew, Private. *Varnerm, Thomas, Private. *\Wade, Thomas. Wallis, James. Ward, John, Private. *Warters, James, Private. *Watson, John, Private. *Webb, Levi, Private. *Whittle, Boling. *Young, Leonard, Private. *Young, Stanford, Private. *Zoobes, Joshua. Private. B. F. JOHNSON. Office Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 17, 1902. the thirteen pages hereto contain the names of Revolutionary soldiers appearing twice in the first list of Revolutionary sol- furnished the direction of Mrs. diers Atlanta and Piedmont Continental Chapters, William Lawson Peel. Given under my hand and official seal this 17th October, 1902. PHILIP COOK, Sec. of State Miss Margaret B Harvey’s THE HARVEY LIST. alphabetical list of Georgia Revolutionary under the Soldiers, of all ranks and names, including Continentals, Militia, Provincials, Minute Men, etc. Rangers, Society, D. A. R., to the Smithsonian Institution. Fifty-sixth 16, Number 219, NOTE. names than Partisans, are in it now. Mariners, Sons Congress, Second Session, of Liberty, 1900-1901, pp. 369-393 The following list contained, when presented, nearly 300 more Names which were in all respects identical with some in Appendix E (see Certified List Number 1) were eliminated to save space. Many names, however, which occurred in the first list without titles have been retained here, because of the added titles which facilitate identifi- cation. A. Aaron. William, Private. Adams, David, Colonel. Adams, Edmund, Lieutenant Independents, Published as Appendix F, in the Third Annual Report of the National Senate Documents, VolumeROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. 406 Adams, Francis. Antrobus, Isaac, Adjutant. Adams, James, Jr. Arnaud, John P. Adams, Thomas, Sergeant. Arnett, John. Adkins, Charles, Sr. Aikins, John. Aitkins, James, Chaplain. Akens, James. Akin, James. Akins, James (1). Akins, James (2). Akins, William, Sergeant. Albritton, John. Aldredge, William. Alexander, Alexander, Adam, Surgeon’s Mate. Alexander, Hugh, Lieutenant. Alexander, James, Captain. Allen, Philip. Allman, Philip; Son of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress. Allread, Elias. Allread, Elias, Sr. Ambrose, David. Anders, Owen. Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Se DOC: Andrew, Andrew, Benjamin, Sr.; Son of Lib- erty; member of Committee of Correspondence, Supreme Execu- tive Council, and Provincial Con- gress. Andrew, Andrew, Francis, Andrew, Isham. Andrews, John, Lieutenant. Andrews, Owen. Andrews, William, Sergeant. Anglin, Henry. Antony, , Captain of Galley. Antony, Alexander. Antony, John. mem- , Captain. , Lieutenant. Charles. George. James, Lieutenant. John, Lieutenant. John. 219—24. Benjamin. Arnold, William. Arthur, Franiis, Lieutenant. Ashby, , Captain. Atkin, Agrippa. Atkinson, Joseph, Captain. Austin, Absolom, Captain. Austin, Richard. Ayres, Abner, Captain. Ayres, Abram, Captain. B. Barber, James. Bacon, John, Lieutenant. Bacon, John, Sr; member of Provin- cial Congress; Captain of Galley. Bacon, Jonathan, Lieutenant. Bacon, Joseph. Bacon, Thomas, Lieutenant. Bacon, William, Jr.; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Bagby, John. Baggett, Joshia. Bailey, James. Bailey, William, Lieutenant. Bailie, , Lieutenant. Baker, Baker, Beal. Baker, Benjamin. Baker, Charles. Baker, Elias. Baker, John, Captain. Baker, John, Private. Baker, John, Sr., Colonel; Son of Liberty; member of Committee of Correspondence, and of Provincial Congress. Baker, William, Private. Baker, William, Sr., Son of Liberty; vincial Congress. Major, Colonel; member of Pro- Baker, William, Jr., Lieutenant; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Baldry, Isaac K.THE HARVEY LIST. Baldwin, Abraham; Son of Liberty; Delegate to Continental Congress. Baldwin, David, Captain Ball, Edward, Lieutenant; Provincial Congress. Ballard, Joshua. Ballenger, John, dians). Banks, John. Banks, Sutton; Son of Liberty; ber of Committee of Correspon- dence. Barber, George, Lieutenant, Captain. Bard, John, Captain. Bard, Peter; Son of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress. Barker, C. Barkley, William. Barnard, John, Captain Barnard, John, Major; Provincial Congress. Barnard, Robert, Lieutenant Barnes, Richard Barnett, John, Captain. Barnett, Nat. Barnett, Sion, Corporal. Barnett, William, Captain. Barnhill, Hohn. Barnwell, ———, Barnwell, John. Barr, James. Barrett, Lewes. Barron, Thomas Barry, Andrew. Barton, Willoughby, Captain. Baskin, James, Lieutenant. Baskin, William, Captain. Bateman, — ; Battle, William, Lamar. Baugh, Alexander C., Lieutenant. Baxter, Andrew. Baxter, John, Corporal. Bayley, Joseph Lieutenant Bayly, James, Lieutenant Beal, Archibald. Beale, Jeremiah, Captain. Beale, William. Beale, Zephaniah, Captain. member of interpreter (to In- mem- member of Major. mem- Bean, William. Beard, Moses. Beard, Robert. Beasley, Amnrose. Beasley, Richard. Beasley, Royland. Beasley, William. Beckham, Samuel, Lieutenant. Beckom, Samuel, Lieutenant. Bedell, Absalom, Major. Bedingfield, Charles. Beers, Matthew. Beezly, Burrell. Beezly, Joseph. Benefield, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Committee of Corréspon- dence. Rennett, John. Bennis, John, Captain Benson, Enoch. Bentley, ————, Captain. —, Lieutenant. Benton, Joseph, Sr. Benton, Joseph. Beraud, ————, Captain. Bergsterner, Daniel, Lieut. Berk, James 3ernard, Berrien, — Berrien, John. Berrien, John, Lieutenant, Captain, Brigade Major Berry, John, 1. Berry, John, 2. Berry, William. Beville, George, Ensign, Surgeon’s Mate. Bickham, Abner, Captain. Bierry, T; Son of Liberty. Bilbo, John, Captain. Bird, Herman. Bird, Thompson. Bird, William. Birmingham, James. Bishop, Golden. Bishop, William. Bivins, William. Black, ————,, Captain. 3entley, , Captain. . Captain.408 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. | Black, David. Black, William, Lieutenant. Black, William, Private. Blackshear, Edmond. Blackshear, Edward. Blair, James. Bledsoe, Benjamin. Bledsoe, Miller. Blount, Isaac. Blount, Jacob, Captain. Blount, Jacob, Surgeon’s Mate, Sur- geon. Blount, Stephen, Lieutenant. Blount, Jacob, Lieutenant. Bohan, Joseph, Captain. Bolton, Robert. Bond, Richard. Bonds, Joseph. Bonnell, Anthony, Lieutenant. Bonnell, Daniel, Major. Bonnell, David, Major. Bonnell, John. Bonner, , Captain. Bonner, Henry. Bonner, Sherwood. Booker, Gideon, Captain. Boon, Jesse. Booth, Abraham. Booth, David. Bostick, Chesley, Captain (Bostwick). Bostick, Littlebury, Captain. Bosworth, Jacob. Botsford, Edmond, Chaplain. Bourquin, David, Francis, Major. Bourquin, Henry. Bourquin, Henry, Davis; Son of Lib- erty; member of Committee of Correspondence. Bowen, Elijah. Bowen, John. Bowen, Oliver; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress; Cap- tain of Galley; Commodore. Bowen, Samuel, Captain. Bowen, Stephen. Bowling, Edward, Sergeant. Box. Philip; member of Provincial Congress; Commissary of Hospital. Boykin, Francis, Major. Braddock, David, Captain of Galley. Braddock, James, Captain. Bradford, William. Bradley, John, Captain of Galley. Bradley, M. Bradley, Richard. Bradley, William, Sergeant. Bradwell, Thomas. Brady, David, Hospital Chaplain. Brady, William, Sergeant, Lieutenant. Bragg, William. Braidie, David, Surgeon. Bramlett, Reuben. Brand, William. Branham, » COl: Branham, Samuel. Branham, Spencer. Brantley, Amos. Brantley, Britton. Brasel, Bird. Braslen, Nicholas, Lieut. Brazil, Byrd. Brewster, Hugh. Brwester, Sherriff. Briant, John, Lieutenant. Brice, Jacob, Major. Brisbane, Adam, Fowler; Son of Lib- erty; member of Provincial Con- gress; member of Council. Brock, William, Lieutenant. Brodie, David, Surgeon. Brooke, Robert. Brooks, George. Brooks, Middleton. Brooks, Robert. Brossard, Celeron, Captain (Brusard). Brown, , Lieutenant. Brown, Ambrose. Brown, Benjamin. Brown, Ephraim. Brown, Francis, Captain. Brown, Jacob. Brown, James, Adjutant. Brown, James, Wagoner. Brown, John, Mariner. Brown, Joseph, Wagoner. Brown, Robert.THE HARVEY LIST. Brown, Thomas, Lieutenant. Brown, Uriah. Brown, Walter. Brownson, Nathan, Surgeon; member of Provincial Congress; Captain; capt.; Governor of Georgia. Bruner, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Brusard, Celerine, Captain (Brossard, De Brossard). Bruton, James. Bryan, Ezekiel. Bryan, Hugh; Son of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress. Bryan, James; Lieutenant, Captain. Bryan, Jonathan; Son of Liberty; member of Committee of Corres- pondence, Supreme Executive Coun- cil, and Provincial Congress. Bryan, Thomas. Bryan, William; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Brydie, David, Lieutenant. Bryson, , Lieutenant. Bryson, James. Bryson, John. Buchannan, George, Sergeant. Buchannan, James. Bucholter, Peter. Budd, Charles, Captain. Buff, Michael. Bugg, Edmond; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of General Assembly. Bugg, Jeremiah, Lieutenant, Colonel. Bugg, Sherwood, Captain. Bugg, William, Lieutenant, Captain. Bulloch, Archibald; son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress; Colonel, Brigadier-General; Mayor of Savannah; Governor of Georgia. Bulloch, James, Captain; member of Provincial Congress. Bolloch, John. Bulloch, Hawkins. Bullough, Elias. Bunster, William. Burgamy, John. Burgamy, William. Burgess, Edward. mem- Burgess, Josiah. Burnett, , Colonel. Burnett, B., Captain. Burnett, Daniel. Burnett, Ichabod, Major. Burnett, John, Captain. Burney, Andrew; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Burnley, , Lieutenant. Burnley, Henry. Burns, Andrew; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Burris, John, Captain. Burroughs, John, Major. Burton, Thomas; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Bush, Prescott. Butler, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Butler, Elisha; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Committee of Correspon- dence, and Council of Safety. Butler, James. Butler, Joseph; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Butler, Josiah. Butler, Patrick. Butler, Pierce (mentioned in “British Black List’ as “rebel officer’). Butler, Shem; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Assembly Butry, Z. Buxton, Samuel. Bynum, Drury. C, Cabos, John. Cade, — , Captain. Calder, John. Caldwell, John, Lieutenant. Caldwell, William, Lieutenant. Calhoun, Patrick, Ensign. Call, Richard, Major, Surveyor-General. Callender, Ebenezer, Surgeon’s Mate. Cameron, Alexander. Camp, Hosea. Camp, Samuel, Quartermaster. Campbell, , Captain. Campbell, Drury.410 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Campbell, George. Campbell, Jeremiah. Campbell, John, Ensign, Lieutenant. Campbell, McCartin. Candler, Henry, Major. Cannon, Henry, Lieutenant. Cannon, Nathaniel. Cantley, Zachariah. Carpenter, Soloman, Lieutenant. Carpenter, William. Carr, Henry, Lieutenant. Carr, Mark, Captain. Carr, Samuel, Captain. Carr, William, Lieutenant. Carraway, William, Lieutenant. Carroll, James. Carswell, John, Ensign. Carter, ————, Major. Carter, Charles. Carter, David. Carter, Hepworth, Captain. Carter, Richard. Carter, Robert. Carter, Thomas. Cartledge, Joseph, Major. Cary, John. Cash, James. Cash, John. Cason, William. Catchings, Benjamin. Catchings, Benjamin, Major. Catchings, Meredith. Cater, John, Surgeon. Cavannah, Nicholas. Cavannah, Robert, Major. Chalfinech, Hiram, Musician. Chambers, Peter. Chandler, , Major. Chandler, John. Chandler, Joseph. Chandler, Shelldeake. Charlton, , Lieutenant-Colonel. Chatfield, John. Cheek, William. Chenault, John. of Council. Chidwell, William. Chevalier, Charles Francis; member Childers, D. Childers, Milliner. Childers, Thomas. Chisholm, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Chisholm, Thomas; member of Su- preme Executive Council; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel. Christmas, Richard. Chunn, ———. Claiborne, Thomas, Quartermaster- Sergeant. Clark, Charles, Lieutenant. Clark, Ed. Clark, Gibson. Clark, J. C., Lieutenant. Clark, Jacob. Clark, James; Son of Liberty. Clark, John, C., Captain. Clark, John J., Captain. Clark, Thomas. Clarke, Elijah, Brigadier-General. Clarke, John, Captain, Major, Colonel. Clarke, John F. Clarke, John J., Captain. Clark, William. Clay, Joseph; member of Provincial Congress; quartermaster General, and Paymaster General; delegate to Continental Congress. Clements, John, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel. Cleveland, Jeremiah. Cliffton, George. Clifton, William, Sergeant. Clinton, ——-. Cloud, Jeremiah. Clowers, Daniel. Clowers, Peter. Cobb, Thomas, Captain. Cochran, James, Lieutenant; member ef Provincial Congress. Cochran, Jonathan; Son of Liberty; member of Committee of Corres- pondence, and Provincial Congress. Cochran, M. Cochran, Matthew. Cohen, Philip, Jacob. Coile, James, CaptainTHE HARVEY LIST. Coile, William, Musician. Coleman, Benjamin. Coleman, John. Coleman, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Supreme Executive Council. Coleman, Jonathan. Coleman, Thomas. Collahan, James. Colley, John, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Collins, J. Collins, John. Collins, John, Sergeant. Collins, John, Sr., Sergeant. Collins, Stephen. Colomb, Peter, Lieutenant. Colson, Jacob, Captain. Combs, John. Conger, Connelly, James. Connelly, Patrick, Captain. Conner, Daniel, Lieutenant. Conner, John. Connolly, W. J. Connor, John, Lieutenant. Contey, James. Conway, Thomas. Conyers, John, Captain. Conyers, John, Private. Cook, Isham, Captain. Cook, John, Captain. Cook, Paris, Captain. Cook, Ranes, Captain, Major. Cook, Sham, Captain. Cook, Thomas, Captain. Cooper, ————,, Captain. Cooper, ———, Lieutenant-Colonel. Cooper, Basil, Colonel; member of Council of Safety, and Provincial Congress. Cooper, Benjamin. Cooper, Richard; Son of Liberty. Cooper, John, Major. Cooper, William. Cope, Charles. Cope, Lewis. Copeland, William. Corbett, ————, Captain. Corbett, Thomas; Son of Liberty. Benjamin. Corker, ————. Cortez, B., Major. Coulder, John. Couper, John. Cowan, Edward, Lieutenant, Captain. (Cowen.)* Cowen, Edward. Cowper, Bacil(Cooper). Cox, Abraham. Cox, Moses. Cox, Richard. Cox, Thomas. ‘ox, William. sox, Zebulon, ‘ox, Zebulon, Sraine, Spencer. ‘ramer, Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. ‘Srawford, Arthur, riswell, Samuel, ‘rocker, William. ‘rosby, William. srosson, John. ruddy, William. ‘Yrumberger, Jacob, Major. Jrumby, Thomas. Ralph Edward, Lieutenant. Private. ~~ NRA LD Christopher; Sergeant. Surgeon. ~A RA RRA DADDY Srumden, Surgeon’s Mate. Cruse, James, Colonel. Cunningham, Ansell Curbow, Joseph. Curl, Matthew. Curry, ———- Curry, Nicholas, Major. Cuthbert, A. Cuthbert, A. Daniel, Lieutenant; of Liberty. Son Cuthbert, Alexander, Captain. Cuthbert, Alexander D., Captain, Ma- jor. Cuthbert, Alfred. Cuthbert, Daniel, Lieutenant. Cuthbert, Isaac; Son of Liberty. Cuthbert, John A. Cuthbert, Seth. John, Captain, Major; member of Council of Safety, and Provincial Congress. Cutts,————_, Major.412 Cuyler, Henry, Major. D. Dalay, —, Captain. Damant, William, D. M. S. Damron, Charles. D’Angley, Paul, de la Beaune (Baron de Malves), Lieutenant. Daniel, James. Daniel, John, Captain. Dantham, Elijah. Davenport, Stephen. Davenport, Thomas, Surgeon. David, Agustus, Lieutenant. Davidson, John. Davidson, Joseph. Davidson, William. Davies, Edward; member of General Assembly. Davies, Myrick; member of Supreme Executive Council; killed by Tories in a skirmish. Davis, : Davis, C., Sergeant. Davis, Edward, Major. Davis, Jenkins, Colonel; Provincial Congress. Davis, Joel. Davis, John (1). Davis, John (2). Davis, John (8). Davis, Moses, Major. Davis, Thomas. Davis, Thomas L. Davis, Tolliver. Davis, William, Chaplain. Davis, William, Major. Day, Ambrose. Debosh, Peter, Captain(Debosh, De member of Busk). Default, ————, Captain. Defatt, —, Captain. Defau, ————, Captain. Defnall, David. Defoor, ——-—. DeKeyser, Lee, Captain. De La Gall, ————, Colonel; member of Provincial Congress. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. De Laplaign, Emanuel, Major. De la Plainge, Emanuel Pierre. De Laplaine, , Ensign. De Laplaine, Peter Emanuel, Captain. De Lisle, Bernard Roman, Major; com- manded a regiment of Pennsylvania Artillery, from February 8, 1776, to November 28, 1779; afterwards served in the Georgia Continental line. Delk, — ; Delk, Samuel. Dell, William G. Demere, Raymond, Captain, Major; Member of Provincial Congress. Dempier, , Sergeant. Densler, Philip. Depathier, , Lieutenant. De Ste. Marie, —, Captain. Deshaver, Lewis. Despillers, , Lieutenant. Devaleile, John Duport, Chevalier, Lieutenant. Devaliser, : De Veaux, James. De Veaux, Peter, Major, Aid de Camp; member of Provincial Congress. Devereaux, Peter. Dey, Joseph. Dicken, Richard. Dickson, David, Captain, Major, Colo- nel. Dickson, Michael, Major. Dillard, James. Dillard, John. Ditter, , Captain. Dixon, - Captain: Dixon, , Major. Dixon, Walter, Lieutenant. Dobbs, John. Dobbs, Josiah, Lieutenant. Dobbs, Nathan. Doby, John. Dollar, John, Lieutenant of Artillery, Captain, Major. Donaldson, , Captain. Donaldson, William. Donnelly, Daniel, Lieutenant.THE HARVEY LIST. 5 413 Donnelly, David, Captain. Donnelly, James, Major. Dooly, George, Lieutenant, Major. Dooly, Hull, Lieutenant. Dooly, John, Colonel; member of Su- preme Executive Council. Dooly, John, Captain. Dooly, Thomas, Captain. Dossey, Joel. Doty, William, Lieutenant. Doud, John. Captain, Dougherty, , Major Dougherty, John. Douglas, ————, Major. Douglass, Thomas, Musician. Doule, Thomas, Lieutenant. Dowley, Thomas, Lieutenant. Dowman, R., Captain. Dowman, Raleigh, Captain. Downs, Jonathan. Dowse, Gideon. Doyle, Nimrod, T. Draper, James. Drayton, Stephen; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Drayton, William H.; Son of Liberty. Drew, Wilson. Dubignon, C. P. Dubignon, Christopher Poullain, Cap- tain. Du Borde, ———, Captain. Ducin, John, Captain. Ducoin, John, Captain. Du Coins, John, Captain. Du’ Coin; J: Dufau, ————, Captain. Duffell, William. Duhart, John, Major. Duke, Henry. Dukes, Henry, Captain, Major. Dumouchel, John, Lieutenant Duncan, James, Private. Duncan, Joseph, Major. Duncan, Joseph, Private. Duncan, Matthew, Lieutenant. Dunlap, Jonathan. Dunlap, Joseph. Dunlop, Joseph; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Dunn, ———, Captain. Dunn, Josiah, Captain. Dunn, Thomas. Dunwoody, James, Surgeon. Dupont, Josiah. Durdan, Jacob. Durham, Matthew, Captain. Durkee, Nathaniel, Quartermaster. Duval, ————, Lieutenant Duval, Daniel, Captain Dyer, Elisha E. Eacholis, E. Earley, Richard, Major Earnest, George. Eastwood, Israel. Eaton, ———, Major Eberhart, Jacob. Eckles, Edward. Edenfield, David Edmonston, James P Edwards, Adonijah Edwards, John. Edwards, Reuben. Edwards, Soloman. Egbert, Jacob V., Surgeon’s Mate. Eidson, Shelton. Eimbeck, George, Barrack Master. Elbert, Samuel, Colonel, Brigadier- General: member of Council of Safety, and Provincial Congress; x Governor of Georgia Elledge, Jacob. Elliott, Bernard, Captain Elliott, Daniel. Elliott, Gray; Son of Liberty; elected by the Georgia Assembly, as an assistant to Dr. Franklin, to plead the cause of the colonies in Eng- land. Elliott, Henry. Elliott, John, Lieutenant, Colonel. Elliott, Thomas (mentioned in “Brit- ish Black List” as “rebel officer’). Elliott, Thomas, Private.414 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Elliott, Zachariah. Ellis, Shadrack. Elon, Elisha, Lieutenant. Else, Thomas, Lieutenant. Ely, Richard. Ely, William. Eman, John, Lieutenant. Emanuel, David, Captain, Colonel; member of Supreme Executive Council; Governor of Georgia. Emanuel, Levi, Sergeant-Major. Epposon, Thompson. Espy, James. Espy, John. Espy, Thomas, Major. Ethridge, Joel. Eubank, George, Major. Eustace, J. Eustace, John. Eustace, John Skye, Major, Camp, Adjutant-General. Eustace, John, Major. Evans, B. Evans, John. Evans, N. Evans, William, Lieutenant. Evans, William, Sr.; member of As- sembly. Eveleigh, Nicholas, Adjutant-General. Everett, John. Ewen, William; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Council of Safety, and Pro- vincial Congress; Governor of Georgia. Ewing, Thomas. Aide de Colonel, Deputy Fair, Ebenezer. Faison, William. Fambrough, Thomas. Fareclauth, Benjamin. Farley, Samuel; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress, and Committee of Correspondence. Farmer, John. Farrar, Francis. Farrow, Jesse. Faulks, Joseph, Captain. Favours, John. Fayerous, Peter, Surgeon. Feldkeller, J., Surgeon. Fell, Benjamin (mentioned in “British Black List” as “rebel officer’’). Fell, Isaac. Ferington, Jacob. Fewm, Benjamin, Colonel. Few, Ignatius, Lieutenant, Captain. Few, William, Lieutenant, Colonel; member of Supreme Executive Council; Delegate to Continental Congress. Fields, James, Lieutenant. Files, Adams, J. Finch, William. Findley, ; Fineley, Thomas, Captain. Fishbourne, Benjamin, Captain, Major; commanded, in 1777, the Fourth Regiment Pennsylvania, Continen- tal line; removed to Savannah, Ga., in 1780; member of the Geor- gia Society of the Cincinatti. Fitzgerald, George. Fitzpatrick, Benjamin. Fitzpatrick, John. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, Lieutenant, Colo- nel. Fitzpatrick, Richard. Fitzpatrick, William, Lieutenant. Flag, Dr Flaherty, Daniel. Flanagan, William. Flanigan, Daniel. Flemming, William. Flerl, John; Son of Liberty; member of the Provincial Congress. Flinn, William. Flournoy, Robert, Captain. Floyd, Charles. Fluker, John, Sergeant. Flinn (Flynt), John. Folsom, William, Lieutenant. Formby, Nathan. Forsyth, Robert, Major.THE HARVEY LIST. 415 Fort, Arthur; member of the Supreme Executive Council; militia officer. Fowlkes, -, Captain. Foy, Darby. Franklin, David. Franklin, David, Jr. Fraser, , Lieutenant. Fraser, John, Captain. Fraser, Simon. Frazer, John, Lieutenant. Frazier, Elijah. Frazier, John, Lieutenant. Fredconer, C. Freeman, Coldress. Freeman, Coldrup. Freeman, Daniel. Freeman, Hallman, Colonel. Freeman, Jack. Freeman, James. Freeman, John, Col. Freeman, William, Captain. Fretwell, Richard. Frinderburk, John. Fry, Benjamin. Fudge, Jacob. Fulton, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress, and Supreme Executive Council. Fulton, Samuel; Son of Liberty. G. Gaines, William. Galley, Richard. Galoche, James, Lieutenant. Galphin, George, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Garner, Charles. Garner, John. Gascoigne, Richard, Hospital Sergeant. Gauper, John, Lieutenant. Gay, Allen. Germany, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Germany, Samuel; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Gibbons, James Martin, Lieutenant. Gibbons, John, Vendue, Master. ribbons, Joseph; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Gibbons, William; Son of Liberty; member of Committee of Corres- pondence, and Provincial Congress; delegate to Continental Congress. Gibbs, William. Gibson, Allen. Gibson, Churchill. Gibson, Henry. Gibson, John. Gibson, Robert: Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Gideon, Thomas, Major. Giles, James. Giles, Joseph, Major. Gilmer, James, Sr. Gilmore, James. Gilmour, William, Lieutenant. Gindratt, Henry, Captain. Girardeau, John Bohun; member of Provincial Congress; Comissary- General of Issues. Glascock, Thomas, Lieutenant, Cap- tain, Major, Colonel, Brigadier- General. Glascock, William; Son of Liberty; member of Council; Speaker of the Legislature. Glasgo, William. Glasgow, William Glass, ——— (1) Glass, ———— (2). Glass, Joseph. Glass, Thomas, Lieutenant. Glen, David, Lieutenant, Colonel. Glen, John; Son of Liberty; member of Council of Safety, and Provin- cial Congress; Chief Justice. Glen, Thomas. Godby, William, Lieutenant. Goff, Nathaniel. Goff, Nathaniel (1). Goffe, Daniel, Ensign. Goggans, William Golding, ——— (1). Golding, ——— (2). Golding, Peter, Lieutenant.416 Goldsmith, John. Goldwire, James. Golightly, Charles, Lieutenant. Gollache, James, Lieutenant. Goodwin, Wiley. Goodwynn, Frederick. Goolsby, Elijah, Lieutenant. Goolsby, Reuben. Gordon, Ambrose, Major. Gordon, James, Major. Gordon, James, Private. Gordon, James, F. Gordon, John. Gordon, Nathaniel. Goulding, Palmer. Goulding, William. Gouze, Henry. Gower, Abel. Grace, John. Graham, John. Graham, William, Major. Grant, , Captain. Grant, Daniel. Grant, Joseph. Gravat, O. Graves, Thomas. Graves, William. Gray, Thomas. Greason, Abraham. Green, , Captain. Green, , Major. Green, Gilbert. Green, John, Captain. Green, John, Lieutenant. Green, John, R. Green, Thomas. Greene, Gabriel. Greene, John, Captain; Provincial Congress. Greene, William, Captain. Gregory, Richard, Lieutenant. Greice, John, Jr. Gresham, Alexander. Gresham, Archibald, Captain. Gresham, David. Gresham, Littlebury. Griffin, Edward. Griffin, James, Corporal. member of ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Grimke, John F., Aide de Camp. Grimke, John J. Grimsley, Thomas. Grinnell, William. Grogan, Richard, Lieutenant. Groover, Peter, Corporal and Sergeant. Grotehouse, John. Groves, John. Groves, Stephens. Groves, Stephen. Groves, William, Sr. Gully, Richard. Gunn, Gabriel. Gunn, James, Captain. Gunnell, William. Gunnells, Daniel, Major. Gunter, Charles. Guthrie, John. Guyse, John. Gwinnett, Button; Governor of Geor- gia; delegate to Continental Con- gress; signer of the Declaration of Independence. H. Habersham, James; President of Council Governor of Georgia. Habersham, John, Major; Continental Congress. Habersham, Joseph, Major, Colonel; Son of Liberty; member of Pro- vincial Congress; delegate to Con- tinental Congress. Haddon, William, Captain. Hager, Arthur, Lieutenant. Haggett, Hohn, Surgeon. Haishey, Thomas. Haisten, John. Son of Liberty; of Safety; delegate to Hall, Isaac; Son of Liberty. Hall, John; Son of Liberty. Hall, Lyman; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Continental Congress; signer of Continental Congress; Governor of Georgia. Haman, Alexander. Hames, John, Sr. Hamilton, A., Captain.THE HARVEY LIST. Hamilton, Charles. Hamilton, James, Captain. Hamilton, John, Brigadier-General. Hamilton, John, Sr. Hamilton, Robert; Son of Liberty; member of Assembly. Hamilton, Thomas, Lieutenant. Hammond, Joshua, Lieutenant. Hammond, Leroy, Captain. Hammond, Samuel, Captain, Colonel. Hampton, ———, Colonel. Hampton, Edward, Captain. Hampton, John. Hampton, Wade. Hancock, Francis, Captain. Hancock, George, Captain. Hancock, John, Captain. Hand, James. Hand, Joseph. Handley, George, Captain; Governor of Georgia. (Hanley, Henley.) Handley, Jerrett, Lieutenant. Handley, Nicholas, Captain. Hannah, Thomas. Hannegan, James. Haralson, Hugh. Hardee, Thomas. Harden, Henry. Hardin, Henry, Lieutenant. Hardin, William, Colonel. Harding, ————, Captain. Hardy, — -, Captain Hardy, John, Captain of Galley. Harper, Robert, Lieutenant. Harper, Samuel, Captain. Harris, Benjamin. Harris, David, Captain, Major. Harris, Ezekiel. Harris, Francis Henry, Captain, Lieu- tenant-Colonel; member of Pro- vincial Congress, and Council of Safety. Harris, G. L. Harris, James. Harris, Joseph. Harris, Matthew. Harris, Stephen. Harris, Thomas, Captain. Harrison, Robert, Wagon-master. Harsaw, Thomas. Hart, ———— Hart, Benjamin. Hart, Nancy. Hartley, Daniel. Harvell, James. Harvey, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Harvey, Blassingame, Captain. Harvey, Charles, Captain. Harvey, John. Harvie, Alexander, Surgeon. Harvie, James. Harvie, John. Hatchell, Archibald, Captain. Hatcher, —, Captain. Hatchett, Archie, Captain. Hatton, Josiah, Lieutenant. Hawkins, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Hawkins, Stephens. Hawks, Frederick. Haynie, William. Hays, John. Heard, Bernard, Major. Heard, Jesse. Heard, John. Heard, Stephen, Captain: Georgia. Hedden, ——— Helfenstein, Jacob Governor of Helfenstein, Joshua. Henderson, Richard Henderson, Robert, Captain. Henderson, Robert, Private. Hendley, George, Lieutenant. Henshaid, Thomas Henshaw, Thomas Herd, ————,, Captain. Herman, Alexander Herndon, Joseph. Hester, Robert. Hewell, Wiatt. Hext, ————,, Lieutenant. Heyrne, ———, Lieutenant Hicks, Edmond. Hicks, Isaac, Private Hicks, J., Captain Hicks, John.418 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Hill, Abram. Congress; delegate to Continental Hill, Isaac. Congress. Hill, James, Lieutenant. Houstoun (Houston), James, Surgeon. Hill, John. Houstoun (Houston), John; Son of Hill, Moses. Liberty; member of Supreme Ex- Hill, Reuben. ecutive Council; delegate to Con- Hill, William, Captain. tinental Congress; Governor of Hillary, C., Quartermaster, Sergeant. yeorgia. Hillary, Christian, Lieutenant. Hovenden, Thomas, Lieutenant, Colo- Hillery, Chris, Lieutenant. nel. Hillon, Chris, Lieutenant. Howard, Soloman. Hinds, John. Howard, Thomas. Hinsin, Lazarus. Howe, Robert, Lieutenant, Quarter- Hodge, David. master. Hodges, Philemon. Howell, Caleb, Lieutenant, Captain, Hodges, William. Colonel. Hogg, James. Howell, Daniel, Captain. Holbrook, Eddy. Howell, John, Captain of Galley. Holbrook, Jesse. Howell, John, Private. Holbrook, Nathan, Lieutenant. Howell, Miles. Holiday, William, Sr. Howell, Philip, Colonel; member of Holland, Henry. Provincial Congress. Holland, Hugh. Howley, Richard; Son of Liberty; Holland, John. delegate to Continental Congress; Hollis, ————, Sergeant Governor of Georgia. Holloway, James. Hudson, David. Holloway, Lewis, Sergeant EAU © ees Holmes, John, Captain. Huffman, John. Holmes, John, Chaplain. Hughes, Nathan, Lieutenant. Holmes, Robert, Captain. Hughes, William, Captain. Holzendorf, William; Son of Liberty; Hulsey, Jesse member of Supreme Executive Hunt, John. Council. Hunt. Littleton. Honea, Tobias (Honey). Hunt, William. Hood, Edward, Captain. Hunter, James, Surgeon. Hood, John. Hurley. Joseph, Sergeant. Hooks, William. Hurt, ———. Hooper, James. Hutcher, ——-—, Captain. Hooper, Richard B., Sergeant. Hutchins, Ed. Hornby, William, Captain. Hutto, Henry. Horton, ————, Major. Horton, Isaac. I. Inman, Abednego. Inman, Jordan, Captain. Irvine, Alexander, Lieutenant. Houston, Samuel. Irwin, Alex., Captain. Houstoun (Houston), George; Son of Irwin, Jared, Colonel, Brigadier-Gen- Liberty; member of Provincial eral. Housley, John. Houston, John, Private.Iseley, Philip. J: Jack, James. Jack, Samuel, Colonel. Jackson, ———— (Major). Jackson, — (Private). Jackson, Charles, Ensign. Jackson, Ebenezer, Lieutenant. Jackson, Edward. Jackson, Isaac, Colonel. Jackson, Jackson, James, Jarvis. John. Jackson, Robert, Captain. Jackson, Samuel, Lieutenant. James, Jonathan, Lieutenant. Jarrett, Deveaux; member of Assem- bly. Jaret, ———, Captain. Jarret, Robert, Lieutenant. Jenkins, John, Lieutenant: member of Assembly. Jenkins, Lewis. Jenkins, William Brigadier-General Jackson, Jeter, Andrew, Captain Jeter, Thomas, Lieutenant Jiles, Samuel. Jiles, Thomas. Joknson, Abraham. Johnson, Andrew, Captain. Johnson, Hardy. Johnson, Jonathan, Sergeant. Johnson, Joseph. Johnson, Laban, Lieutenant. Johnson, Lewis. Johnson, Stephen, Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson, William, Captain. Johnston, ————, Captain. Johnston, John, Captain. Johnston, Stephen. Jones, — (son of Noble Wim- berly). Jones, Abraham, Lieutenant-Colonel. Jones, Abraham, Lieutenant. Abraham, Private. Abraham P., Second Lieutenant. Jones, Jones, Jones, Batt, Lieutenant. THE HARVEY LIST. 419 Jones, Edward, Lieutenant; member of Provincial Congress. Jones, Harrison. Jones, Henry, Provincial Colonel; member of Congress. Jones, Isaac. Jones, James; Son of Liberty; Col- lector of the Port of Savannah. Jones, John (1), Captain, Major, Colo- nel. Jones, member of Council. Captain. Johne, Jonathan, Private John (2), Executive Jones, John (3), Major; Supreme Jojes, Joseph, Captain Jones, Michael, Captain. Jones, Moses, Aide de Camp; member of Provincial Congress. Jones, Noble Wimberly; Son of Lib- erty; delegate to Continental Con- egress Jones, Soloman, Trumpet Major. Jones, William (1), Lieutenant: mem- ber of Provincial Congress Jones, William (2), Private Jones, William (3), Private Jordan, Dempsey Jordan, Fountain Jordan, Matthew Jordan, Miles. Jourdan, William, Lieutenant Jourdine, Charles, Captain. Jourdon, John. Judton, Paul; Son of Liberty. K. Karr, Henry, Captain Keating, Edward Kehela, Christopher Keith, John Kelan, James, Corporal. Kell, James, Captain Kell, John. Kell, Robert. Kelley, Lloyd. Kelley, William. Kelley, Giles. Kemp, William, Captain.420 Kendrick, John, Lieut. Kent, Charles; Son of Liberty; ber of Council. Kerr, David. Kerr, Henry, Captain. Kerwell (Kernwell), William. Key, William B. Kidd, James H. Kidd, William. King, Elisah. King, John, Lieutenant. King, John, Private. King, Richard. King, Tandy. King, Thomas; Kirk, John. Kitty, Daniel. Kniel, Patrick. Knight, Elisha. Knox, Samuel. Kobb, Peter. mem- Son of Liberty. L. Ladson, , Major. Lagardare, Isaac. Lagram, John N. Lain, William. Lamar, Basil. Lamar, John. Lamar, Zachariah, Lieutenant, Colonel. Lamb, William, Lieutenant. Lambath, William, Lieutenant. Lambert, James, Captain. Lambert, John, Sergeant. Lambeth, William, Lieutenant. Lambrick, William. Lancaster, Rowland. Land, John. Landeford, John, Colonel. Landers, John. Landrum, Thomas. Lane, Joseph, Major. Lane, William, Captain. Langham, James. Langhan, James. Langley, John. Langworthy, Edward; Son of Liberty; delegate to Continental Congress. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Lankford, Josiah. Laroach, , Lieutenant. Latham, Amos. Laurence, John. Laurens, John, Colonel. Lavein, Peter, Lieutenant. Law, Joseph. Law, William. Lawrence, John. Lawson, Hugh, Captain. Lawson, John, Captain of Galley, Colo- nel. Lazarus, N. Leadbitter, Drury, Colonel. Le Conte, John Eaton; Son of Liberty. Le Conte, Joseph; Son of Liberty. Le Conte, William; Son of Liberty; member of Council of Safety, and Provincial Congress. Ledbetter, George. Ledbetter, Richard. Ledbetter, Robert. Le Duc, John, Quartermaster. Lee, Burwell. Lee, Greenbury, Colonel. Lee, Thomas; Son of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress. Leech, Burdett, Gunner. Lees, , Captain. Lenoir, , Captain. Leopham, Frederick, Lieutenant. Lesley, William. Lester, Thomas. mem- Letham, — Captain: Lett, , Captain. Levay, George. Lewis, member of Supreme Executive Council; killed by the Tories in a skirmish. Lewis, Benjamin; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Lewis, David; son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Lewis, Elijah, Captain. Lewis, Evans, Captain. Lewis, George. Lewis, James, Lieutenant. Lewis, James N.Lewis, John. Lewis, Joseph. Lewis, Josiah, Chaplain. Lewis, Merriwether. Lewis, Thos., Jr., Lieutenant. Liddell, Liddell, William. Lisle, Ephraim. Linby, James. Linby, William. Lindsay, Lindsey, Dennis. Lindsey, James. Lindsey, John. Line, Denis. Linson, J. Lintch, James. Linville, William. Lipham, ———, Captain. Lipham, Frederick. Little, James, Captain, Colonel. Littleton, William. Liverman, Conrad. Livingston, William, Lieutenant. Lloyd, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Lloyd, Edward, Lieutenant. Lockett, James. Logan, Philip, Musician. Long, Evans. Longford, ————, Captain. Lord, Robert, Lieutenant, Captain. Lord, William; Son of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress Love, — 2 Love, John, Surgeon’s Mate. Love, Philip, Major Love, Thomas. Love, William. Lowe, Philip, Major, Lieutenant-Colo- nel. Lowe, William, Lieutenant, Adjutant Lowery, 3 Lowne, William, Lieutenant. Lowry, Levi. Lucas, John, Captain, Major. Lumpkins, Philip. Lynn, C. Lynn, J. THE HARVEY LIST. mem- Lyon, William. Lyons, John, Captain. Lyons, William. M. Mabry, Ralph. McCall, Hugh, Captain. McCall, James, Captain. McCall, Richard. McCance, David. McCarthy, John, Lieutenant. McCarty, Ebeneezer. McCarty, John. McCay, Charles; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. McClelland, John; Son of Liberty. McClelland, Samuel; Son of Liberty. McClesky, James. McCleur, John, Captain of Galley; member of Provincial Congress. McClure, John, Major McCollins, David. McCullough, John. McCormack, Thomas. McCoy, — , Captain McCoy, Samuel. McCullough, John. McCullough, John, Sr.: Son of Lib- erty. McCullough, John, Jr. McCullough, Seth; Son of Liberty. McCullough, William. McCumber (Macomber), ———, tain. McCurdy, John. McDade, John. McDaniel, William, Lieutenant. MecDerment, Joseph. Cap- McDonald, Charles; Son of Liberty. McDonald, John. McDonald, William, Lieutenant. McDowell, ————, Major. McDowell, Charles, Major. McDowell, Robert. McEldufy, Daniel, Captain. McElhannon, John. McFarland, ————, Captain. McFarland, Andrew, Quartermaster.422 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. McGowen, ———, Lieut. McGowen, Joseph. McHancy, Terry. McIntire, John. McIntosh, George; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. McIntosh, John, Lieutenant, Colonel; member of Provincial Congress. McIntosh, John, Jr., Colonel. McIntosh, John, Moore. McIntosh, Lachlin, Jr., Lieutenant, Captain. McIntosh, Roderick; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. McIntosh, William (1), Colonel; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. McIntosh, William (2), Captain, Colo- nel. McIntosh, William (3), Ensign. McKanney, James, Lieutenant. McKay, -— , Captain. McKay, Charles, Ensign. McKay, Hugh, Captain. McKay, Rannell. McKee, John. MacKee, Samuel. McKenna, James, Lieutenant. McKenney, Charles. McKenny, James, Lieutenant, Colonel. McKenny, James, Lieutenant. McKenny, John, Sr. McKewn, Daniel, Wagoner. Mackey, ————. MckKinne, Matthew, Surgeon. McKinney, John, Lieutenant. McKinney, Timothy. McKinny, John. McKinny, John, Sr. McLain, John. McLane, Thomas. McLaughlin, John. McLean, James. McLean, John. McLean, Josia. McLendon, Isaac. McLendon, Jacob, Sr. McLendon, Jacob, Jr. MeMillion, John. McMurphy, Daniel, member of General Assembly. McMurray, Frederick. McNeil, James. Macomber, Matthew, Captain of Gal- ley. Macomeson, John. McPherson,———. MeVickers, D. MecWicker, Daniel. Maddock, Joseph; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Madison, James, Lieutenant. Mahemson, John. Mains, Samuel, Corporal. Mallard, Lazarus. Malone, Mullins. Manaduec, Henry, Captain. Manley, John, Lieutenant. Mann, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Committee of Correspon- dence. Mann, Luke: Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Marbury, Leonard, Captain, Colonel; member of Provincial Congress. Marshall, Abraham, Chaplain. Marshall, Daniel, Chaplain. Marshall, Jesse. Marshall, William, Sergeant. Marten, John. Martin, ‘ Martin, Ephraim. Martin, James, Colonel. Martin, John, Lieutenant, Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel; Member of Provincial Congress; Sheriff, Treas- urer; Governor of Georgia. Martin, John, Private. Martin, Joseph. Martin, Thomas. Martin, William, Captain. Mase, Joseph. Mason, Ebenezer. Mason, John, Sergeant-Major. Massey, William, Colonel, Quarter- master General. Mastein, William.THE HARVEY LIST. 423 Matthews, George, Brigadier-General; Governor of Georgia. Matthews, Isaac. Matthews, John, Corporal. Matthews, Philip. Matthews, William, Captain, Quarter- master. Matthews, William, Private. Maxwell, Andrew. Maxwell, Audley. Maxwell, Elisha. Maxwell, James; Son of member of Provincial Secretary of Georgia. Maxwell, Josiah, Lieutenant. Maxwell, Simons, Lieutenant. Maxwell, Thomas, Surveyor-General. Maxwell, Thomas, Jr., Colonel. Maxwell, William, Captain of Galley; member of Provincial Congress. Maybank, Andrew, Captain, Colonel. Mayo, John, Sr. Mays, Andrew. Mays, John. Mead, Minor. Meador, Jason. Meadows, John. Meanley, John, Lieutenant, Colonel Meeks, Brittain. Melton, Robert. Melton, William, Surgeon. Melvin, George, Captain, Brigade Ma- jor. Menife, Mercer, Mercer, Liberty; Congress; Willis. Joshua. Thomas. William. Merriwether, ———— Mercer, Merriwether, Daniel. Merrewether, David. Middleton, Middleton, Charles, Captain. Middleton, Hugh; member of Provin- cial Congress; (mentioned in “Brit- ish Black List” as “rebel officer’). Milirous, William. Millar (Miller), Elisha, Captain. Millar, Nicholas, Lieutenant. Milledge, John; Son of Liberty; At- tourney-General. Milledge, John, Jr.; sembly. member of As- Miller, John, Captain. Miller, John, Private Miller, John, Jr. Miller, Samuel; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Supreme Executive Council; member of Assembly. Miller, William. Milligan, ————, Captain. Mills, ————. Mills, —, Captain. Mills, Moses. Milner, John, Captain Milner, Pitt. Milton, John, Captain Minis, Philip Minton, John Mitchell, Henry. Mitchell, Reuben, Lieutenant. Mitchell, Thomas, Lieutenant, Captain. Mitchell, William. Moffett, Gabriel Moffett, John. Monk, John. Montgomery, ae Moody, Thomas Moore, , Captain Moore, Andrew; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Moore, Francis, Major Moore, Isaac, Sr Moore, James Moore, Jiles; Son of Liberty. Moore, John. Moore, William Morel, John, Lieutenant, Captain; Son of Liberty; member of Committee of Correspondence, and Provincial Congress. Morgan, Asa. Morgan, William. John, Captain. Nathaniel. Thomas, Captain. William, Sr. Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris424 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. _ Morton, Oliver. Morton, Thomas. Mosby, James, Captain. Mosby, John, Captain. Mosby, Littleberry, Captain, Brigade Pay-master. Mosby, Robert, Lieutenant. Mosby, Wade. Moseby, William. Moseley, James. Moseley, John, Captain. Moseley, L. Moseley, Littleberry, Captain. Moseley, Robert, Lieutenant. Moseley, Samuel. Mosely, William. Moxley, Benjamin. Mullins, Malone. Murdock, William. Murry, Thomas, Quartermaster. Myddleton, William. Myers, John, Sr. Myers, William, Lieutenant. N. Nailor, George, Captain. Neal, , Captain. Nealy, John. Neely, John. Nelson, John, from Wilkes County. Nelson, John, from Burke County. Nephew, —, Captain. Nephew, James, Captain. Nesbit, Jeremiah. Netherland, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Netherland, Thomas, Lieutenant. Neufville, John; Son of Liberty. Newdicate, John, Captain of Galley. Newdigate, John, Lieutenant, Captain. Newman, Daniel. Newnan, John. Newson, , Captain. Newson, Jones; Son of Liberty. Nichols, , Captain. Nicholson, John. Nickerson, John. Nix, George. Nix, James. Nix, John. Nolen, James. Norman, -, Major. Norman, William. Norris, William. Norwood, George (1), Sergeant. Norwood, George (2). Nugan, M. Nugard, Michael. O. Oakman, W., Fife Major. Oates, , Lieutenant. O’Bryan, James, Fifer. O’Bryan, William; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress; Treasurer of Georgia. Odam (Odum), Daniel. Odam, Fred, Lieutenant. Odam, Seybert. Odingsell, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Odingsell, Charles, Captain. Offutt, Ezekiel, Captain. Ogier, -- Captain. Oliver, Dionysius. Oliver, James, Corporal. Oliver, John, Private. Oliver, John, Sr., Corporal. Oliver, Peter. O’Neal, Axum, Lieutenant. O’Neal, Edward. O’Neal, Ferdinand, Captain. Orear, Daniel. Ornsby, Daniel, Fife Major. Oszood, John. Osgood, Joseph, Osgood, Josiah. Owen, , Sergeant. Owens, Joseph. Captain. 12 Pace, Thomas (mentioned in “British Black List” as “rebel officer’). Palmer, Joseph, Major. Palmer, Thomas, Lieutenant. Paltey, — —, Lieutenant. Pannell, John, Lieutenant, Colonel. Pannell, Joseph, Lieutenant, Colonel.Parish, Joel, Captain. Parke, Ezekiel Evens. Parker, ————. Parker, ———, Colonel. Parker, Richard. Parkerson, Jacob. Parkes, Benjamin, Sr., Ensign. Parkins, Archibald. Parnell, Joseph, Lieutenant,Colonel. Parr, Benjamin. Parre, Nathaniel, Lieutenant. Parsons, Samuel. Paschal, George, Dragoon. Passmore, Joseph. Patison, Robert. Pawlett, Richard, Lieutenant. Paxton, William, Lieutenant. Payne, Joseph. Payne, Nehemiah. Payne, Thomas, Lieutenant. Peace, John. Peacock, Isham. Peacock, Uriah. Peacock, William; Son of Liberty; member of Supreme Executive Council. Peacock, William, Sr. Pearce, Seth. Pearre, Nathaniel, Captain. Pearrie, N. Peck, Henry. Pendleton, Nathaniel, Major. Penticost, William, Lieutenant. Perkins, ————, Colonel. Perkins, Abraham. Perkins, Moses. Perritt, William. Perry, James. Perry, Nathaniel, Lieutenant. Peters, Jesse. Petillo, John. Petty, Bernard, Lieutenant. Pharoah, Joshua, Sergeant. Philips, George, Lieutenant. Philips, John, Lieutenant, Captain. Phillips, Henry, Quartermaster. Phillips, Joel. Phillips, John, Lieutenant, Captain. THE HARVEY LIST. Phillips, Joseph, Captain. Phillips, Levi. Phillips, Zachariah. Phinizee, Francis. Pickens, , Captain. Pickens, John. Pickens, Joseph, Captain. Pierce, William, Aide de Camp. Pierce, William; Son of Liberty; dele- gate to Continental Congress. Pierey, William Chaplain. Pierre, Nathaniel, Lieutenant. Piggin, ———, Colonel. Pilgrim, Michael. Pilgrim, Thomas. Pinder, William. Pinkerton, John. Pinkston, Daniel. Pittman, James. Pitts, James. Platt, Ebenezer Smith. Plummer, Joseph. Polk, John. Polock, Cushman. Pool, ———. Pool, Samuel. Pooler, Quinton, Captain. Pope, Burwell. Pope, Henry. John, Captain. Pope, Wiley, Colonel. Pope, William. Porter, B., Major. Porter, Benjamin, Colonel. Porter, Oliver, Major. Porter, Oliver, Private. Porter, R., Lieutenant. Porter, Robert, Lieutenant. Porter, Thomas, Lieutenant. Potts, John, Captain. Potts, William. Poullain, Anthony. Poullain, William. Pounds, R. Powell, Benjamin. Powell, Francis. Powell, James, Captain. Pope, Major, Lieutenant,426 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Pratt, John. Pray, Job, Captain of Galley. Price, Charles, Lieutenant. Price, E. Price, William, Quartermaster-Ser geant. Prior, John. Pritchett, Stephen. Pritchett, William. Pruett, Pugh, James; Son of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress. Pullain, ————, Major. Pullen, Robert. Pulliam, John, Captain. Pullin, Robert. Putnam, Henry. mem- Q. Quarterman, John, Jr. Quarterman, Robert. Quarterman, Thomas. Quarterman, William. Re Rabenhorst, Rev., Dr., Chaplain. Rae, James; member of Provincial Congress; Commissary-General of Purchases. Rae, John, Ensign, Lieutenant. Rae, Robert, Colonel; member of Pro- vincial Congress. Ragland, Evan, Lieutenant. Rahn, Jonathan, Corporal. Raley, Charles. Ramsay, John. Ravot, Abraham, Major. Rawls, Cotton. Rawls, William. Rawson, Elijah. Ray, , Lieutenant, Colonel. Ray, William. Read, James. Read, George. Red, James, Lieutenant, Surgeon. Redden, Scott. Redding, Anderson. Reed, George. Reed, Isaac. Reed, William, Surgeon. Reeden, George. Reeden, Scott. Rees, David, Captain, Judge-Advocate. Reeves, Joseph, Lieutenant. Reeves, William. Reid, Samuel. Reid, Samuel, Captain. Reid, William. Reyfield, J. Reynolds, A. Reynolds, Benjamin. Reynolds, Ephraim. Reynolds, Joseph; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Rice, , Captain. Rice, Leonard, Sergeant. Rice, Nathan. Richardson, ————, Colonel. Richardson, Amos. Rickerson, Benjamin. Ricketson, Jesse. Ricketson, Jordan. Ridden, John, Scott. Ridick, A. Riley, James. Rivers, John. Rivers, John, Sergeant. Roach, William, Lieutenant. Roberson, David. Roberson, Hugh. Roberson, John. Roberts, ————,, Lieutenant, Colonel. Roberts, ———— , Major. Roberts, Daniel, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel; member of Provincial Congress. Roberts, James, Lieutenant. Roberts, John, Captain; member of Provincial Congress. Roberts, Reuben. Roberts, Richard. Roberts, Thomas. Robertson, , Lieutenant. Robertson, James; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Robertson, Robert.THE HARVEY LIST. Robeson, ——— Lieutenant. Robeson, David, Lieutenant, Colonel. Robinson, A. Robinson, Jeriah. Robinson, John. Robinson, John, Jr. Roche, Matthew, Lieutenant, Adjutant. Roche, Matthew, Jr.; member of Pro- vincial Congress; of Liberty. Roebuck, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Rogers, ———. Roland, John; Roman (DeLisle), Bernard, Major Roper, John. Roquemore, Peter, Rosier, Robert. Ross, ————, Major. Rossiter, Thimothy W., Mate, Surgeon. Routon, John Rowe, Joshua. Son Son of Liberty. Captain. Surgeon’s Rowell, Jesse Rowland, John. Royall, John. Rucher, William Rucker, William. Rudolph, ——, Captain Rudolph, Michael, Captain Runnuls, Daniel Russell, James, G Russell, Thomas, Lieutenant Rutledge, William, Lieutenant Ryalls, William, Lieutenant. of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress Rylee, James. Ryan, Daniel: Son mem- Saffold, William. Sallens, Peter,Jr.; Sallette, Robert Salmon, Lewis. Salter, ——, Captain. Saltus, Samuel (mentioned in “British Black List”? as “committeeman’’) Sampson, Samuel Son of Liberty. Samson, William Sandiford, John. Sanford, Jeremiah. Sanson, William. Sapp, Elijah. Lieutenant. Sarzedas, David, Lieutenant. Sarcedas, Satton, : Saulberry, Thomas Saunders, John Savage, Lovelace, Chaplain. Savage, Thomas Saxon, Soloman. Saxton, Nathaniel Saxton, Soloman Scheuber, Justus H., Adjutant. Schick, Fred, Lieutenant chnider, J. Gotleib chnider, John Schnider, Jonathan DWN Schuemple, Fred, Lieutenant Scott, Alexander, Chaplain. Scott, Samuel, Captain, Lieutenant, Colonel Thomas, Captain, Major Scott, Seott, William, Captain Scott, Private srigadier-General; Screven, James, Son of Liberty: member of Pro- vincial Congress Scrimger (Serimger), —, Lieuten- ant Scruggs, Grosse Seurlock, William rn rbert, John TN rar, Samuel eixas, Abraham, Lieutenant William Sneior, Jesse, Lieutenant wN Seixas, Sessions, John Seva, John Shackleford, John, Captain. Shackleford, John, Private Shackleford, William Shad, Soloman, Lieutenant Shaffer, Belshazzer Shane, John, Sr Shane, John, Jr Shane, Richard Shannon, Thomas, )428 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Shannon, Thomas, Jr. Sharp, (1). Sharp, (2). Sharp, B. J. Sharp, John, Captain. Sharp, John, Private. Share, James Boyd, Surgeon’s Mate and Surgeon. Sharpe, James D., Surgeon. Shaw, Basil, Sergeant. Shaw, Thomas, Jr., Surgeon. Sheehee, John, alias John Conner. Sheftall, Levi. Sheftall, Mordecai, eral. Sheftall, Sheftall, Deputy Commissary- General. Sheftall, Sheftall, Private. Sheldon, , Lieutenant. Shellman, John, Lieutenant. Shellman, Michael, Colonel. Shepperd, Benjamin. Sherd, William, Surgeon. Sheridan, Abner. Sherod, Joseph. Shick, E., Lieutenant. Shick, John, Lieutenant. Shields, John, Major. Shine, John. Shirley, James. Shirley, Joseph. Slivers, Jonas. Shoemack, Joseph, Lieutenant. Shows, Adam. Shuffield, William. Shurr, John. Shuttleworth, Pr.; Son of Liberty; Shuttleworth, Reu; Son of Lib- erty. Sick, F. Sillivant, Silvey, Stephen. Simmons, William. Simms, Abraham, Captain. Simons, Abraham, Captain. Simpson, Archibald. Simpson, James. Simpson, Robert, Lieutenant. Commissary-Gen- Sims, James. Simson, Timothy. Sinclair, , Lieutenant. Singleton, , Major. Singleton, Edmond. Sinquefield, , Captain. Sinquefield, William. Skinner, Isaac, Captain. Slaughter, George. Slay, Thomas. Slocombe, John Charles. Smith, Alexander, Sergeant. Smith, Andrew, Surgeon’s Mate. Smith, Austin. Smith, Benjamin. Smith, Burree. Smith, Burrill, Captain. Smith, Burwell, Major. Smith, Charles. Smith, Enoch. Smith, Ezekiel. Smith, Hardy. Smith, Henry. Smith, Hill. Smith, Isaac, Sergeant. Smith, Jesse. Smith, John; Son of Liberty; member of Council of Safety, and Provincial Congress. Smith, John, Private. Smith, John Carroway, Captain, Major. Smith, Joshua, Lieutenant. Smith, Larkin. Smith, Leonard. Smith, Mort. Smith, R. Smith, Randolph. Smith, Randra, Captain. Smith, Samuel, Sergeant. Smith, Shadrach. Smith, William, Sergeant. Smith, William, Private. Smyth, ——-—, Captain. Snef, , Captain of Pioneers. Snider, — : Snider, John Gotleib. Snyder, — Lieutenant, aTHE HARVEY LIST. Snyder, Jonathan. Sodown, Jacob. Solter, Jacob. Sowell, Zadock. Speake, Richard. Spears, John. Spears, William. Spencer, —, Captain. Spencer, John. Spencer, Samuel, Captain of Galley. Springer, Benjamin. Sprowl, , Captain. Spurlock, George, Major. Stacy, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Committee of Correspon- dence. Stafford, John. Stallings, ————, Colonel. Stallings, Ezekiel, Lieutenant. Stallings, Fred, Captain. Stallings, James, Captain. Stanley, Shad, Lieutenant. Staples, : Stapleton, George. Stark, John, Captain. Statham, Zachariah. Stedman, James, Lieutenant Stephens, Benjamin. Stephens, John W. Stephens, William, Lieutenant. Stephens, William, Lieutenant, tain; Attorney-General. Stephens, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Stevens, Joseph. Stevens, Reuben. Stevens, Samuel; Son of Liberty; del. egate from St. John’s Parish, Ga., to Charleston, S. C. Stevens, Thomas. Stevenson, ————. Steward, John, Captain. Stewart, Stewart, Charles, Lieutenant. Stewart, David, Captain. Stewart, Fountain. Stewart, Henry. Stewart, James, Lieutenant. Cap- Stewart, James, Private. Stewart, John, Colonel. Stewart, Matthew, Lieutenant. Stewart, William, Sergeant. Stiff, William. Stiles, Joseph, Captain of Galley. Stiles, William. Stillwell, Jacob, Fifer. Stirk, J., Captain. Stirk, John, Colonel; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Stirk, Samuel, Major; Judge-Advocate; Secretary; Attorney-General. St. Johns, James. Stobe, Joseph; Son of Liberty. Stone, Thomas; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Supreme Executive Council. Stone, William; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Supreme Executive Council. Stonecypher, John. Stowers, Lewis. Stregal, Nicholas. Stripling, Francis. Strong, Charles. Strong, I., Quartermaster Sergeant. Strong, J. Strother, ————, Mr. Strother, William D., Captain. Stroud, Thomas. Struther, ——— , Captain Struthers, William. Stuart, ———, Captain Stuart, Allen; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress. Stuart, John, Colonel. Stubblefield, Jeter. Sturdivant, Charles. Studdath, Jared. Sullivan, Pleasant. Summerlin, Demsey. Summerlin, Richard. Summerman, Barnet. Summers, John. Sumner, Thomas, Captain. Sutcliffe, John, Assistant Deputy Quar- termaster-General. Sutley, James. Suttles, William.430 Sutton, A. Sutton, R. Sutton, William. Swain, William Swan, William. Swan, William B. Sway, George. Sweatman, William. Swinney, Richard. Swords, James. Tait, Robert L. Talley, Henry. Talley, John, Dragoon. Talliferro, ————. Talliferro, Benjamin Tanner, Asa. Tanner, Leonard. Tanney, Michael Tarling, Peter, Colonel; member of Provincial Congress; Quarter- master-General Tate, John. Tate, Robert L. Tatnall, Joshia, Captain. Taylor, — , Captain Taylor, Nathan. Taylor, Robert Taylor, Samuel, Major. Taylor, Thomas, Adjutant. Teasley, Silas. Telfair, Edward: Son of Liberty: member of Provincial Congress: delegate to Continental Congress; Governor of Georgia. Templeman, Andrew, Captain. Tenn, Zechariah Tennell (Tannell: Lieutenant. Tennell, Fred, Captain Tennell, S. Tenney, BE. Tenney, Ed Tennill, Francis, Lieutenant, Tennill, T., Captain Terrell, David. Terrell, James, Captain. Tennille), Captain ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Francis, Terrell, Richard. Terrell, William. Tetard, Benjamin, Surgeon. Tettler, Daniel, Captain. Tettler, David. Thames, Thomas. Tharp, Charles. Tharp, John. Theus, Peter, Lieutenant. Thomas, , Captain. Thomas, — , Lieutenant. Thomas, Abraham. Thomas, B. Thomas, Caleb, Musician. Thomas, Ethelred. Thomas, John. Thomas, William. Thomasson, William. , Colonel. Benjamin. Frederick. James, Captain. Private. Lieutenant, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, James, Thompson, Robert, termaster Thompson, Seth Thompson, Sherrod. Thornton, Presley, Corporal. Thompson, Quar- Thrasher, George. Threadcraft, George; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Threadgill, Thomas, Captain. Threadgill, William. Tison, James. Todd, Henry. Tolbert, Benjamin Tomlinson, Aaron. Tondee, Peter: Son of Liberty; ber of Provincial Congress. Toole, James, Lieutenant. Torrence, John. Trammell, William. Treutlen, John Adam; member of Provincial yovernor of Georgia. Triplett, Francis. Triplett, William. Tucker, B. mem- Son of Liberty; Congress;Tucker, Harbert. Tuggle, Charles. Tureman, Garrett. Turmer, B. Turner, C. Turner, D. Turner, David, Lieutenant, Captain. Turner, G. Turner, Robert. Turner, Thomas. Turner, William, Lieutenant. Twidall, J. Tyner, Benjamin. U. Underwood, Archibald. Underwood, Hugh, Lieutenant. Upchurch, Charles. Upshaw, John. Upton, George, Sr. Upton, George. V. Valentonge, Moses. Valotten, David Moses. Valatton, James. Vandegriffe, Garrett. Venable, Abraham. Venable, John. Vernon, Isaac. Vicarr, Thomas, Wagoner. Vickers, William. Vickory, William. W. Wade, Hezekiel, Captain. Wade, Moses. Wade, Nehemiah, Treasurer of Geor- gia. Waggoner, John P. Waegnon, John Peter, Lieutenant, Sur- geon’s Mate, Surgeon. Wagnon, P. J. Wagnon, T. Wagnor, John P. Wagon, J. P., Lieutenant. Waldeburg, Jacob, Clerk of Regiment. Waldrepe, James. __ THE HARVEY LIST. Waldroupe, James. Walicon, Daniel, Major. Walker, ————, Captain. Walker, Benjamin, Captain. Walker, Daniel, Sr. Walker, David, Sr. Walker, George. Walker, John. Walker, Sanders, Chaplain. Walker, Thomas. Walker, William, Captain. Wall, William, Captain Wallace, John. Wallis, Carnhill. Walls, Charles. Walsh, Patrick, Major. Walters, Joseph. Walthour, Andrew. Walthour, Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Walton, George, Colonel; Son of Lib- delegate to Continental Con- signer of the Declaration of Governor of Geor- Jacob; Son of excy,. gress; Independence; gia Walton, George, Jr., Lieutenant. Walton, Jesse, Lieutenant. Walton John, Lieutenant; Provincial Congress and Supreme Executive Council; Son of Liberty. Walton, Nathaniel, Lieutenant. Walton, Robert; Commissioner of Forfeited Estates. Wanden (Wandin), John, Lieutenant, Surgeon, Paymaster. Ward, John Peter, Lieutenant. Ward, Robert, Lieutenant. Ward, William. Warden, J. Warden, Samuel. Wardlaw, William. Ware, Edward, Sergeant. Ware, Robert, Captain. Warmack, Jesse, Lieutenant. Warren, Daniel, Lieutenant. Warren, John. Warren, Joshia, Captain. Warring, John, Captain. member of432 Wash, E. Wash, Patrick, Major. Wash, William. Washington, Thomas, Major. Waters, David. Watson, Douglass. Watson, Sl., Lieutenant. Wauslaw, John. Way, Andrew. Way, Edward. Way, John. Way, Moses, Lieutenant, Captain. Way, Parmenus. Way, Parmenus, Sr.; Son of Liberty; member of Committee of Corres- pondence. Weathers, Valentine. Webb, Webb, Austin. Webster, B. Welbourne, Daniel. Weldon, John. Welford, Lewis. Wellborn, Elias. Wellborn, Samuel, Major. Wells, Andrew Elton, Lieutenant-Colo- nel; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Wells, George, Surgeon. Wells, H., Surgeon. Wells, Humphery; Son of Liberty; member of Supreme Executive Council. Wells, Leonard. Wells, M. Welscher, Joseph, Lieutenant. Welsh, Edward, Major. Welsh, Samuel, Major. Wereat, Benjamin. Wereat, John; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Provincial Congress; Presi- dent of Supreme Executive Coun- cil; Governor of Georgia. West, Benjamin, Sr. West, Charles, Major. West, Samuel, Captain. West, Sion. West, William. ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Westbrook, Stephen, Lieutenant. Whalen, Michael, Corporal. Whaley, Zechariah. Whateley, Walton. Whateley, William. Whatley, Daniel. Whatley, Samuel. Whatley, William. Whatley, Wilson. Wheeler, , Captain. Wheeler, Charles. Wheeler, James. Wheelus, Abner. Whelchel, John. White, Edward, Captain. White, George. White, James, Private. White, Jesse. White, John, Colonel. White, John, Private. White, Richard. White, Thomas, Captain. Whitehead, Amos, Lieutenant. Whitehead, John. Whitemore, Howell. Whitemore, J. Whittaker, Whitten, Philip. Whittington, Faddy. Wiere, James. Wilder, , Major. Wilder, Willis, Sergeant. Wiley, Absolem. Wiley, R., Colonel. Wilkinson, Benjamin. Wilkinson, Elisha. Willaby, W. , Captain. Williams, , Colonel. Williams, , Drummer. Williams, , Lieutenant. Williams, Bratton (Britton). Williams, C. Williams, Charles, Lieutenant. Williams, James. Williams, John J. Williams, Nathan. Williams, William Williams, William (1), Captain. (2), Private.THE HARVEY LIST. Williams, William (3), Private. Williams, William, Sr.; Son of Lib- erty; member of Provincial Con- gress. Williamson, L. Williamson, Micajah, Jr. Williford, Nathan. Willis, Francis. Willis, Joshua. Willis, Leonard. Wilson, John, Lieutenant. Wilmoth, William. Wilson, ———. Wilson, Agustine, Sergeant. Wilson, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Wilson, George. Wilson, Goodwin, Jr. Wilson, John, Private. Wilson, Josiah. Winfrey, J., Captain. Winfrey, Jacob, Captain. Winfrey, Jesse, Captain. Winn, Benjamin. Winn, John, Sr.; Son of Liberty; mem- ber of Committee of Correspon- dence, and Provincial Congress. Winn, John, Major. Winn, Joshua. Winn, Richard, Captain. Wise, , Major. Wise, John. Wise, Sheredy. Witherspoon, John; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress. Witherspoon, John, Jr.; Son of Lib- erty. Wofford, William, Major, Colonel. Wolf, Andrew (1). Wolf, Andrew (2). Wood, , Surgeon’s Mate. Wood, Edward, Captain. Wood, Elit. Wood, J. Wood, James, Lieutenant. Wood, John, Paymaster. Wood, Joseph, Major; Continental Congress. Wood, Joseph, Jr.; Clerk of Assembly. delegate to Wood, Joshua. Wood, Misael. Wood, Soloman, Captain. Woodall, Jonathan. Woodall, Joseph. Woodruffe, Joseph, Major. Woodson, William. Woodworth, Darius. Woolf, Andrew. Wooten, , Lieutenant. Worsham, Richard, Lieutenant. Worth, Thomas. Wright, — , Major. Wright, Ambrose; Son of Liberty; member of Provincial Congress; Commissary General. Wright, Dionyisius. Wright, John, Lieutenant, Captain. Wright, John, G., Surgeon. Wright, Nathaniel. Wright, William, Ensign. Wyatt, Peyton. Wyche, George, Colonel; member of Provincial Congress; Son of Lib- erty. Wylley, Richard; President of Coun- cil; Quartermaster-General. Wylley, Thomas, Assistant Quarter- master-General. Wynne, Peter Y. Yancey, Lewis. Yancey, Lewis D. Yaney, i York, William. Youmans, , Sergeant-Major. Young, Edward, Captain. Young, George. Young, Isaac, Lieutenant; Son of Lib- erty; member of Provincial Con- gress. Young, Jacob. Young, James, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Young, William; Son of Liberty; member of Council of Safety, and Provincial Congress. Young, William, Private.ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Z. Zittrauer, Ernest. Zubley, David; Son of Liberty; mem- Zackery, Bartholomew, Captain. ber of Provincial Congress. The above list has been compiled from a great number of shorter ones. No doubt it contains numerous repetitions, but these were unavoidable. Two numes nearly alike may refer to the same man, but it is not always possible to determine which of two forms was the correct one, hence the spelling has not been altered in any case; but the mere fact that two names are nearly alike is not sufficient evidence that they belong to the same individual. For instance, it is known that “James Aitkin,” “James Akens,” and “James Akins,” were three different persons. In some instances the first name was not given. Wherever it was pos- sible to add a title as means of identification, this has been done. It is quite a common occurrence to find a record of two or more men bearing the same name. Names repeated and intended for different persons are marked with figures or indicated by titles. About half the names in the foregoing list are those of officers and emi- nent patriots. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the records of private and humble heroes who risked their lives and served their country just as faithfully as their better known contemporaries. But even if these records were immediately available, and the list extended so as to include all who actually fought for freedom in Georgia during the whole Revolu- tionary period, there would still be an undue proportion of officers. No regi- ment ever included the whole number of privates called for; and, in those days of irregular warfare, it was quite common for one officer to start out upon an independent expedition with less than twenty men under him. Companies were hurriedly formed as occasion demanded, and frequently disbanded as soon as an emergency was past. Civil officers as well as military actually bore arms. They were obliged to do so in order to defend their homes and families. During the whole period of British occupancy the various legislative bodies fled from place to place and skirmished with English and Tories in order to keep up the form of republican government. It is confidently believed that the foregoing list contains no doubtful names. All, except a very few, were repeated a number of times. Every list examined was largely a repetition of others, thus rendering the process of gathering new names exceedingly slow, but at the same time tending to estab- lish the authenticity of all. In a list of ten names one might be new, but that new name was likely to come up again with twenty old ones. The above names were gathered from the following: McCall’s History of Georgia. Stephen’s History of Georgia. Ramsay’s History of the American Revolution. Lee’s Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Arthur and Carpenter’s History of Georgia. White’s Statistics of Georgia. White’s Historical Collections of Georgia.ee THE HARVEY LIST. Harris’s History of Georgia. Jones’s History of Georgia. Jones’s Dead Towns of Georgia. Saffell’s Revolutionary Records. Heitman’s Historical Register. Lanman’s Biographical Annals of the United States in Civil Government. Harper’s Cyclopedia of United States History. Lossing’s Field Book of the Revolution. List of Members of the Georgia Society of the Cincinatti. King’s Mountain and It’s Heroes, by Lyman C. Draper, LL.D. The Rear Guard of the Revolution, by Edmond Kirke. United States Pension Rolls. List of Georgia State Officers in the Revolution, prepared by Gov. Allen D. Candler, while Secretary of State of Georgia. History of Liberty Independent Troop, by Rev. C. C. Jones. Force’s American Archives. Orderly Book of Generals Lee and Howe, in possession of F. B. Heitman, Washington, D. C. The Story of Wilkes County, by Eliza A. Bowen, Washington, Ga. Diary of George Smith, in possession of Mrs. Julia E. Smith, Savannah, Ga. History of Medway Church, by Rev. James Stacy, Newman, Ga. Brewers’ History of Alabama. Fairbanks’ History of Florida. History of the Families of Bellinger and DeVeaux, by Joseph Gaston Bulloch, M.D., Savannah, Ga., 1896. Boykin’s Georgia Baptists. Campbell’s Georgia Baptists. Gilmer’s Georgians. Sherwood’s Gazeteer. Life of Jesse Mercer. Early Settlers of North Alabama, by Mrs. W. C. Stubbs, New Orleans, La. History of Old Cheraws, South Carolina. History of Orangeburg, South Carolina. Alabama Records. Bench and Bar of Georgia, by S. F. Miller. Salzburgers and Their Decendants, published by Strobel, Baltimore, 1855. American State Papers (Washington, D. C.), Military Affairs. Various unpublished manuscripts in possession of Charles Edgeworth Jones, of Augusta, Ga., and F. Apthorpe Foster, of Cambridge, Mass. Among these manuscripts are extracts from the returns of Gen. Lachlin McIntosh and Samuel Elbert, and the provision returns of the commissary, Mordecai Sheftall. Unpublished documents in the Capitol, at Atlanta, Ga., and in the Court-house at Washington, Ga. Lineage books of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. The foregoing list was compiled by Margaret B. Harvey, historian of Merion Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Bala, Montgomery County, Pa., 1897-1900ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. GEORGIA REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS. Compiled by Miss Helen M. Prescott, from the Report of the Society of War in Relation to the Pension Establishment of the United States. Senate Documents Pension Roll, First Session, 23d Congress, No. 12, Washington; printed by Duff Green, 1835. Figures refer to pages of the Georgia list. A—Andrews, Wm. *Oglethorpe County, 3 © = “2 “© 309-3 (= fae ai Ambrose, David; Effingham) County,’ <2 © .0 3) G3) 7) 750s ae 16 Aliens Wim: Branklin=County, 405.) Halll.County,, 7. “= *46244 21% osha. tee oe 41 Adams, Francis, Henry County, i) 208 v4 dove? scwhek. ee wee Anzlin= Henry, Jackson County, . << sitet 9c 6-0 45 Akins, Wm., Morgan County, 4g oe sees oer, eee AndrewssiOwenseMeriwether County, 22°95 (89 2° - <0 2 Se Oe 51 Arnett) Jnos, screyen County; .. «= «Mie .he -Deieeeee 1c 55 Adkins Chas= sr= Upson. County, - - «= «= «0 eee <7 58 ‘Aldredge, Wim. Wilkes County, .... .... « .«f9)/ 392. BhereeOy eeceos B.—Bird, Herman, Chatham County, = hisiecss la, 7 Seeeeaeh 2 ee 2 Raxter)-John> Chatham County, . «= «= «© «, « See ear. 3 Bradley, Wm., Chatham County, ow ‘An. ane: 8 Brown; John, Camden, County;. . 63 3) (3935 259 fits. 14 Bealesiwim:Eifingham County, . , ©. caste eat aialt, aaa: 22 BishopiGolden s#sNewtonsCounty,:so7. catant; sea eee 37 Bond, Richard, Franklin County, . “toot éledt of ch sate 87 Baber; Jamesi.Gwinnett.Connty,, . . <.«teacts seastte: «dnl ae 40 Bagby,jzohbn,, Gwinnett County, . . = tec tend! cee oan 40 Benson, senoch;’ Gwinnett (County, . ..< e2nect) «ices os anne 40 BrewstersHugh:GwinnettsCounty, « seaust) csitdecne® . cee ee 40 Baker, Elias;GwinnettsCountyi9, . Keeeeck? spaces’. nto 741 Beard; Roherts,;HenryCounty.::... «asa eaeete® cae ae 1 Barnhill sJohn, Henry County; «.. . «eacde aceeee ase 46 Barnett; SlonscJaspersCounty nein ncndovertell: anne wie 46 Bryon; Thomas «Laurens: CountY;: jedcunt) coenutick cet ance 48 Bullock;dHawkins, (MadisonwGCounty;:)< ncoduent* Pasck -wndtentesas 4S Buchanan, George, Marion County, ds0 amet owelatucteptaos 49 Brooks, Robert, Marion County, ‘wie AT iets acenuls caseiti? «acca oo 169 BrownaStarkie Waltone@ountyeety. « « « « & « Wan oe eee eo Brand, Wm., Walton County, + © sappy Ghee tte eee OO Brewster;:Sheriff, Walton County, «sent «osgaat alate ane 160 Bosworth Jacob;. Walton® County, dseca's smeasnhcat «foment 16D C.—Conners, Daniel, Clarke County, . pie) apie «cece acme 3 Camp, Hosea, Campbell County, wnt) anaes exe. ache 4 Chalfinch: ¢Hiramy UpsonmCounty seem So ee ee 8 Cameron, AlexUpson! County2 ®. «. -megaescmnd ce aoe eee 9 Chenault}/ John, Columbia“County;?:. <« eee cating eae 6~6& Dobbs}-Nathan, ‘Gwinnett County; .ssage agen’ ehledat wince 66 Doby, John; Jasper ‘County; «. << witeeh cert faeniet Sure) =64E Davidson, John, Jasper County, “) gaftiewivegt darned’? Nathan «646 Durham, Matthew, Monroe County, weet) sietatel hs a) owen 64S Hunn Thomas, Oglethorpe Cotint¥auns jAcwieoute) sonal? cee. (6S Draper, James, Warren County, . « pees pisces) eat vars 88 = ——Mdmondson,; james b:, Chatham Count¥int sen8 oo punted. 2 Elliott? Thomas; Morgan’ County, < -e6neS en? “«oted ase) 622 Espy, James, Clarke County, Siueat® =o¢hyeee aac < ote Bade: 32 Espy, John, Clarke County, . . pines? Geel ot> Sedd ceenees. 82 Edwards, Solomon, Clarke County, < ciee? Te ., William, Sens Taliaferro: County2en) os) eee eee F.—Fry, Benjamin, Jasper County, eiaiaiet) ©. weqah awa Bieat! cope 11 Hreeman; Coldrups (Clarke CountYsess aaeemitos @) Sects eo «(4 Witzzerald’.George; ‘Kranklin’ County, - 3 4 = =) 2 5) 50 ee FarrarHrancis:ClarketCounty, 2° .. twos’ aseeat) - pet ota ee Fluker, John, Clarke County, Stee) sae eect speienaeee SS Fleming;, William; Hall County, -¢¥4e7 «acy)- Goedurn. aoesoneaee. 41 Flemming, Robert, Hall County, Sina > nee? avo’? wattenwes 41 Klanagan, ‘William; HalliGounty® < .oeeiect) seats: weno) see 41 Freeman, Daniel;sJasper: County,oqci4% peatiec” soadtiot aocettee. AG Eincher, James:.Jasper County; = gts ceadtac®) «Shoe eos. 46 Fretwell, Richard, Newton County, lat code) caer cece O24 Hinchy4 william, OglethorpemCounty,. soci «<\atecad- acter 4! Hicks) Isaac, Oglethorpe County; . «enn donoce’? sgesdt sean <4 Haynie’ William. “Pulaski’ County, .. . «jaooti-saceet coir ener 25 Hurley, Joseph; Wilkes County, . © woedest wget gee 45 Hodge, ‘William:’ Madison’ County, .. +snu-4): sougent «i: acura? Sere 48 Human* Alexander, Madison County, . . -. qe wie? iam 48 Hawks: Frederick, Madison County,;i«:0% s«¢)¢wiee cds .eatest 46 Hester, Robert, Morgan County, . vou’) ereetinket sate anew 50 Hodges, Philemon, Muscogee County, . views wowie? satiety fet 50 Hammond, Joshua, Muscogee"County, . .« . - Bee geeky 00 Hardin: Henry ‘Walton County; .... -.¢feme =e) 29e- meee 60 Harris, Benjamin, Walton County, . . ¢iece' eee? eat Seadtiat 60 I—lIsely, Philip, Gwinnett County,442 ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. J.—Jones, Harrison, Morgan County, Jones, Wm., Jordon, Miles, Columbia Gounty Jordon, Fountain, Elbert County, Jones, Thomas, Hancock County, Jones, William, Jasper County, Jones, Solomon, McIntosh County, . Jones, Abraham P., Putnam County, Johnson, Abraham, Wilkes County, Jonnson, Joseph Payne, Wilkes County, Jenkins, William, Wilkinson County, Jenkins, Lewis, Gwinnett County, Johnson, Jonathan, Gwinnett County, Jackson, Edward, Gwinnett County, Johnson, Hardy, Houston County, Jones, Jonathan, Laurens County, Jordan, Dempsey, Taliaferro County, Jackson, William, Franklin County, K.—Kendrick, John, Franklin County, Kerr, Henry, Franklin County, Kelly, Wm., Elbert County, Kelan, James, Madison County, Kerr, David, Oglethorpe County, Keith, John, Putnam County, Kernell, William, Wayne County, Key, William B., Elbert County, ‘ Kehela, Christopher, Gwinnett County, Kelley, Lloyd, Hancock County, Knox, Samuel, Jackson County, King, John, Jackson County, Kidd, James H., Jackson County, Kolb, Peter, Jones County, ‘ Knight, Elisha, Meriwether County: Kidd, William, Oglethorpe County, . King, Thomas, Putnam County, Kell, James, Rabun County, Kell, Robert, Rabun County, . King, Richard, Taliaferro County, L.—Lindsey, John, Lawson, Hugh, Lewis, James, Lloyd, Edward, ‘ ‘ Logan, Philip, Baldwin Gannie Latham, Amos, Glynn County, Langham, James, Upson County, Love, Thomas, Washington County, 10 15 19 21 23 25 28 28 29 40 40 40 43 48 57 59 27__ REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS. Teitthletonwiwwilliam=iwilkes County, <...00) ower) cence comes oo Lumpkins;.Philip.~Burke.County,, - o> 2° >. ©3:).” 4 es eee ee McElahnnon; John:vJacksoniCounty, * . 3. RL eee MeKenneys.Charles; JacksonaCounty,, . 9 57.0. sw 45 Moores James. JaspersCounty;*.. © 2°75." SSP eee. ee Morris’) Nathaniel: Jones*County,: . 20... ee, eee MeKenneys:Jno.) Sr:iJones*County, © <0 2s 9. Se wt ne McCurdy::John,’ Madison .County;.. <0 3° 0 0 32 ee MecDerment, Joseph; *Madison)County, o>. (2° 8 ee ee Mayo* John;Sen;»Marion County; «92° *. SUP lee ee Monk, John, Monroe County, Se Ee A ee eee Meeks: Brittain’ Meriwether ‘County, 3°." 2°" *: OOS Se eee Mclain, ‘Thomas:, Newton: County; °°. 2°. 0. 9 eS eee MeCullerss (William; Newton County, . 32 "0° 2) 20° oS Moody, Thomas’ Oglethorpe: County,;° 2°." . 0°. ee ee McLaughlin, John, Warren County, ME Are reer ee ee Mathews. John’ Washington: County, .°. .°.°. “9 > 2727) ee) moe Melton:, William, ‘Walton: County’... « : : 1 <«<'). . 6s. oe Miller: William’ Ware County, .° . ©2220. (>? ees eee ee INJ—NewmanwsOnnt 33) 5 eae ee ee ee 9 Nealy;sJohns Coweta County, © < 2 92. Se eee, oe eee oe INNorwoodsGeorge; Clarke-County,: . 500 ee ee Nicholsons. John; Hall County, .*~ . 229754 ee EE eee eee Nix« James; Harris County; .«© .° . . eRe Oe eee eee ©—-Odums Seybert, Chatham (County. 2-3 Soo Stes eee? oe 2 Owens: JosephColumbia.County;¢. <°. 22 Pe eee ee OliverssJohn, Sen: sClarkecCounty, 2:92 3 S°P oY . COPS ae ee ae OliversJames, Pulaski’ County, . <0 se OE ee ee oe Oliver MortoniaJonesCounty, . .° ees see? ee ee P—Penticost; william, Jasper County) ~~. ©. 2 6937 23 Prior, Johns burke County, a2. 2° 34 8S OS eee eee ee neacesonn,. MonroesCounty.s..° «92 o* 20, eee Bee ee eee Reterss Elijah, Oglethorpe;County, . ©. ee ee ee paschal:aGeorge, Oglethorpe County: 2° > 2°78. 9st, eee eee EritchettsStephen, Wilkinson County;*: 9" - 9. 1 ORS, ae, ce parr, moenjamingiClarke County, © .°°.°°°. 2S. ee. eee on Phillips’ evi; Carroll, County, .° .°* fee ee ee oe Peters’ clesse;, Carroll’ County;* .* . ee ae eee Patterson, Robert, DeKalb County, POS ARUN eee Sra oe Bowellmizewis: Dooly County, =... 2 eee ee eee ee Powell, Francis, Elbert County, 5 OE ae ar emneree, Cn eee eae anole BullontrobertuGreene; County; .. ° . 25? 1 eee eee oe rorter, Oliver.<*GreenesGounty: . > se" Fe oe eee ar cd Payne, Nehemiah, Hall County, . asia Me naire Se ioc ae uyeiccg 63! Parkes, Benjamin, Sen., Hall County, .__ REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONEBS. Potts;{William; Jackson County, «46 °) gi) <5 « 29-09 -* a ee 60 Pawlett) Richards. <9... .. «> «) ewes) Bier a: Tite ee 65 Peters, Jesse, Si weet. (Sec OD etal) ace eat: Tieeaul Ie toe R.—Ramsey, John, . ee ee ee ee ee 9 Reynolds, Ephraim, Chatham (County, eee ee a eG a Roberts. cvhomas:., Clarke County; . «#595 ge) 3 28> ee 14 Rowell, Jesse, a ee oe ee ee ge oly Rosseter, Timothy W., encork Countyinid ead osm - ec eee Russell, Thomas, Richmond County: .. eiweces sein: cee ane ee Ray: William, Franklin County, . - + wise qs 72 oe eie shee: 17 Roberts, Richard, Wayne County, ee ee ee ee eG Ck Robertson, John, Baldwin County, . «9 49) set Goce 30 Russell. James G» Baldwin) County, 3)..%) ia - ae: oe eee 30 Robinson. John: Sens Coweta, County, 2.3.5 «45 sce ee 31 Rowe, Joshua, Crawford County, -«iecc) tec0%- =: 090A “ae: 35 Rahn. Jonathan; Effingham ‘County, <= Shefstall, Ghatham County, .- .- . . . . ==a8= ame oe Smith7Samuels @ChathamiGountys)s . . . 9. « © 6. ee eo Shellman John; Chatham County; .. . . . «- .: «fllyot. (eee oe Snyder: Jonathan, Effingham County, “98°. .2ORIoGS 2h tee. Sh Slay; Thomas, De Kalb County, . a Stomers: iewis Blbert, County). .- .* .* .: .) : « eae ere oa Sullivan’ Pleasant’ Elbert: County. *29°38)) =) Nieierl SSOreene. tai Smith. Henrys Elbert’ Gounty, 0° 8 "8 POM, @aenGnT, Pea. oe SmithwJesse, Wilbert ‘County, 2.9 .- 880! SRRHnT SRR (ee se Smith, William, Elbert County, ye RhS.) Gia) | age, eee Se Spears, William, Hibert‘County;': < 2°? © 2S 400) M@RtIoRGr. Ss Stoneypker, John* Elbert: County, °42- 2 8 oO .oOel, oem. “aa Smith; William; Elbert County, ““"- 2-470) .©°? S200 OGhimen. se Sheridan; ‘Abner, Elbert County, ..US%?? pO ?S7), 2FbEes 98, se Springer, Benjamin, Mayette County) 9 @ 7 e=aseen Paaeees eee, oe Slaughter, George; Greene County, .- . % oe). 7s 39eeet aw. 39 Shaw; John. Greene: County; 2 ..°.°°0* 7 Mere” Some eo ieaee. 739 Shaw, Basil, Hall County, oat at. SRS DU | OPE eee. 2408 Smith; Enoch, *Hall County, .- .- .:t6804 29>" Oe, jeeoge. ah Stewart; James, Heard’ @ounty, = .« :890) S7ek8" .2ao, .geieor. 42 Swan* William® Harris*Countysi2: . .* 87° “eanies? SUah eee. 42 Saxton; Solomons Jackson County, . .- -“?20. 6M, @0GREE .29Im. 46 Sway? George; Jackson County, . < ‘“ “U4 @00% ,6eceed winetom. 745 Slacomb, John’ Charles: Jones County’. "22". 9389s emer. ai Stephens) Benjamins jaurens) County, . 92 4 5 5 6) ee ees Smithy bzekiel} Laurens County,, <<" 8. “Shien -25hiet, “ete 48 Stewarty wWilliam<:*Monroe. County,- << . . . .: « teh ave. 49 Smith, Isaac, Monroe County, oot wt ce ot OEE Re oe Stephens: John’ W:; ‘Muscogee’ County) "2" “J01 age, 2ese0e. 50 Smithy Alexander! Meriwether County, °-. ©8700.) .Pys0o Ata, BE stiJohns, James) NewtonsCounty;(f' 0%" Pare Se, BOoky. FeNee. 52 Smith +Larkin} .. yee wee 42 Townsend, Thos, Habersham County, d Ee A ‘arvin: George, Houston..County;.« « 9% 6 i 3°8e. 9he ee 4s “hompson; ‘Benjamin, Hancock County, «39°. © 8s .°eee ape 43 Taylor;. Robert, Jackson..County; <« « <<. 35 5" + SOs oe ee 45 ‘Thomas, Ethelred,, Laurens County, «..<. = . “= 3) aes eeeee 48 Tait, Robert L., Madison County, BA” GA > Gl. (eee, ee oo Mugele-.Charles, Madison County, «- §°.* #2255 <7 0Re §... ee 48 Thompson, James,.Madison County; «0 5 328:°es oR fie 4s Talley, Henry, Newton, County, « .«. 07 «SRS ee aoe ie 52 Loole; James, Richmond Gounty; <9 73. © 9S" 27a t are 6b ‘Thompson; -Frederick, Walton County,” © 2 00°. G0 2 ete (61 Thomas, ‘Caleb; 2's -. OR Mae x EE eae ee ee eee «GO U.—Upson, George, Sen., Coweta County, [ S{2eZ8U 2: Ra, Ree 3) Upshaw John; Elbert Gounty, = « 4 5 90044061! ! 08 5 ee ST Upchurch, Charles, Henry County,24".. G08 <" oN ¢ gear 42 Wnderwood; Archibald. Jackson County, © = = 92) © S073: fe 45 =e—Vickory; William, Campbell County, . 72% > 5% * 39898) yee 5 Vernon, Isaac, Madison County, crap REO A OREN? a eee ee 48 Vickers, William, Meriwether County, < @ oéhe aa oe ee OL W.—Whateley, Samuel, Wilkes County, See ee Gk GC 8 Wihite;.James; 25 © 8 fF 32 utr. ee eee ee 9 Whalen, Michael, BS OS ek ogee ee ee ee 9 Wheeler’ Charles’. Columbia County, : | « -. = 1) Cees Woodworth. Darius: Gamden County, . . 5°. 9 oe re Willoughby. William. Clarke County, . .. <2. | 95 9.93 ee Waldrepe, James: Fayette County, ... :. «© © 5 + + = aeen Wheéler™ William: Habershame County; ©%.-S)Worrmtiovae Aree Wiley, Absolom. washington County, . 00...) 9 eee Worsham, Richard, Wilkes County, pena i OP gg IS Wade, Moses, Wilkes County, ,...: ::cs “ee. us | © ee ees Williams.’ William. Wilkes County, 9.9. >. >. . 00 Rats oe feees White: JessesGlarke County. 65 6). ot ee ee 32 Wright, William, Clarke County,ROSTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Welborn, Elias, Columbia County, . = 8:6 = ©] 9-5 -)3ia-) 2aoeee 33 Wood. Elli. De Kalb County, .. -, mii > siacdiat)- o-eea - foe 35 Williford; Nathan; De Kalb County, . =. => -: sie) S29, oe 35 Ward: William, Elbert County, . .. sue) q Gopiee- Sete aoe 47 Ware) tidward, Madison County,. << t¢595) ot es .so8c6)- So eee 48 Warden, Samuel, Madison County, . -} eee aceok< seeuel? eeeees Weathers. Valentine, Newton County, .« «qes) sees)4<'9- encrel se) 24 Woodall Joseph; Oglethorpe County,.< | sas soe-rie-o]- Soe 53 Ward. Samuel. Oglethorpe County, . . . . « «= «+ goo? emo os Walker@DanielSen= Richmond County, = 5 3s =): = = = =. 55 Williams: Joseph, Taliaferro Countyss .atceec) «642 sepod> epee t iad west John} wvalbot, County, = ; - Cau): tom asntnt seemed Williams, William, Washington County a pet cnbaadls deel ‘Wilson’ Augustin, Washington County, a. -cnalllt® wader ck Webb. Austins Walton County, . = . ¢ine6% -pocthe -saoet- soevaw ol WolfleAndrew.. 4. a). eS ve eoriferivedt - mati: scoceca Ve Vouneswilliam= Columbia County... . < « « < “csieoo ecseeee dl: - Cece aa 397 (Micridges Hizekiel) occcc cic. cee oo ~~ tention terial olticl> sturchcr yaks “hae s- iane 342 PAIS PMWATLIAIN aie. = oo) 0.0 + o'u Sietelbien ws slovaivieterelelesete;= oborcheiekere «(ie iE a aaiaas 342 Nilvorsan, VATE CBR yeopepadoboo0 250050000 > HOOD O DE ODO ONO UGGE Dap occa > ¢ - 342 PUAPTALCOMMTODIY 6 occ ccc sc «oo sirieicbeintelooreleieelene cicinies cine es = en mchcre 320-321-406-436 Pare CMMMWALLIAIN RH es | oe oe. ws eter eitetatare wie mtniele cence nie tie /nithc Sc aaa 322 Aldredge, Jamies (Or Aldridge) | of. fe. 5. cence =o nioieiesnialeleieioiwiereinie «| “Toes ates 22 Aldredge, William (or Aldridge) ..........--+-ssscerssser sre cenees 339-406-436 Tid pOeeTAINOS! yes occ ene ne soe elem mimic ie reicboln oc ra rae 23-375 Midridzeniwilliamy) 7006-2 -.cs ce ess se eee cee 8 ort ke 342 POTATO CI oor ce cee cece cee t ee cee rinse elise crcl ccna see 406 INV exci OT AG AXING ye cretion chs > ele eee oke cine cy eke) olen kel he creche eo 15-375-406 PV RATY CTPA Are eee ol ole ello at elie eee eyeliner rosoKor- crore 22-214-253-375-402-448 iMemanire, ISAR le Bolan bos so daaddun domo De edudidoOoo abo OU OODSOOSaNOOdaN 375 —IMExXANG CT WBHIZOKICI ane aco eee el eee a) reine eer lori och Reis 237-375 OKANO GT MEL COT Ys cies ies «ol eccie ole sila cheer lee oi sence) hate a ea 375 PORN GE MENU He er rons crore lelafale oe ois ol Te cererorete = n]nsel=/eioeior se ces ences 23-315-375-406 PIGXANGET ME ISARCH See re ce 6 lon sine ce ee lereiole ele sleek) oie cone nel ees 315-342 /Nleremaler, TPIS coaocsaneoneosdagodocuneo0 odo bG0D0DODUnCd0OX 2.2-201-251-375-406 PT CRADC CT OLLI erect ee oe etrelastol Sieltode © eilnlevele ele se eiccinl eel oie cm cca ioe 271 IMI OXANO CLM OLN ISCOM seam ele rere cel eon cited eile elm) ial os ese ere enie sol oneness 253-375 PAM Xara OTL TS Ve ire ioe o eile cle ected elle eel ool lelens ol od olan o)o1Ce) allo) eles. aol sh oes Roce 315 INGxand Crm VALU ewer e cree ere crerete sere a eee oka erelne aioe toler kota 340 Plexi OLaeECODCIE rere cc ieirolieliolro eit ieleeromeroscel ote el rekerench Ne okeh cts ncomc cr 23-251-375 Neremanse, Rear! sosccecadcodadacs0coo0boon0b0000006 21-202-249-258-269-278-275 PAX CCT SAI TLC] Sie i rene ers eed eked we elledel ot = ollesrereiolrortn nese eno noomene nets 21 PAG xl CIES USAT a eer erecie srereie pelea a) ol cielo ole) 1 ool eleteterenetxelnene ra aeolian 340 PANT RAVING CTS ATSC etre oc ccc cei) oe ote Ole elles) 6) ele eiicinerte) nel soleite ener onesexchonoioNsBaks 328 PAU EX ATIC GIMME MOIN AS ei eros einer cieets oeheltettertedtetel otcelts osceol eel eRe eked ne cetet a oa ho ncn 342 PFO OMEVAINIOS Hs nh ae coe etree ites iovetet ele ole «ele ebelole elererereilenerameisfereke 283-399 AITO RG MeL GC Llane re errs ree ie eae e ei eite eis eerme lreicaire clleytns =icelletce Korrsv els akeroner Re Kell obo 315 PAT OOO eye ie re 5 eos oie oie oieina or elohe scree as eleleleerelevenrekens reteset sors 319 Niger, TEISNR? Sasanoouoondooon oo ocobu oO Dood doUa dd dood dou 0 DOGO UII DIDI 000 0% 15-201 PATO MMe UINMI en csi ee cc cee care areieiee cio cre cele h sie ele sieeielele ereierors . eG PANTO TI WaB ES CYNG Saree cine ry aie ore) cele circllovev er 1 cveke crete oe etovererel oleic cieeyencrelerrcrcretons 297 PAN TOT al CS ere nh eee ccc he oe caters Gio ctelsieitie ole eisrelereichs ee ackeneran: 375 PATO TIMI Vetoes ce ais cc cis ciee ere qlee leic see ee clele wie eo leleraie exetenecerareKoneiene ier: 342 PALCTINEPI DINGS ena cr cares i ue Cae seis teen ec s eeicesie cies 234-250-252-375-450 PATO Ty ODO re eee ech este ee are este e eels clorfe erererole “feterere« 238-239-375 PAI One OSC Dreier seein erecier cele re cle ec ieiclevoiele clevelo eisilcleieme)o le clecerettreneie ers 342 PAIL GNBIMOSCSE cinco cn crcinls cio circles co cicie co ole cles e eleleie eeeleierere 15-17-342-375 PANTO TMD Vip peerees i cicicy eave ss evel ee scien cc ors cs cieie cis oases erates fe pine fee) sre 342-406-437 Allen, Robert 214-239-263-375-397 sirelfelieteyie/(s)/e/(01/e|/ske\(e)s) ee 6//8)\e@)/e).0) 0/100 (0/6) ee e106) «)0) 0) 8 (0687467801078INDEX. 469 PAM IONs VR NOMASh ciiieic cere e iis wi doe Av ei aim sla ayere me irabtem eis Ria IN eee 207-375 PATO Te VV TTT AIIM: stepesers cerns 6 oe exces aie & Sea wercceucexaiel epsvexepayas ar aehersee eeorere 321-329-375-436-450 PAUL ON A VVOO0G SOM ison ove veieveveres oval crayev.nawovereneivewe nse seve seveuede¥evavevekonere a: ost tone ciao ene enero ae 342 PLL SECO MD ae) OL Mises. rev eveveteronerertedeveve rei ore tite 6: enero sera. tove pene wyepeyeila fe ele ne ee eee ee 321 PANT SOO G5) OL Mise: saxcuctcvay s tavdl hci sie dheveckcs eissis 4.6 erie rok Eee ae 314-316 AUIS OOGNsES DONC «nicki mow 0 6 hw 600 ae dieie ww peers ies wyere wie 3 SE See eee 316 PAN ISON eA ON OS: s-vrctoe eck wc eras Meera wikia tien wre cueseny uses ores ew eerie . Hie eet 324 Aulison, Henry: 2s eccsness ieseetia savannah ade ay a ee 4-17-23-59-201-236-242-302-375 Allison; James <..... Iain Rw SURE MATT ow chews SR ae ayer ones tne terror ROTORS 22-228-237-375 PT SON eMart ice «5 5 55 aia oe an cviche’ oravever averevet ot oy cvenetewo¥ onexe¥or cnekon ckoreleyey cere erateret cae enemies 337 Allman Philip: ....<0n8 «- rs a Ba 86 Pu Sua oifo Fe Pe le fe HeYe Vaire He woe lte Pere ealleiros 0 EITC TeneN 1 ox Ee 406 MMITCGE SEAS «cre cserers 9 ENC de tu Hoa % Ki, Mao dailar of Never auaveueierejerole Peis ohne eee ce ioe 406 mAllread-seiolias: Sr:« (or: Allred) 6% ic6 s0< occ setresieie se «ale we eee .. 406-436 PAM SODTOOK sl SDs 5 5s opera re tevarehere texan everes ouaver ayer ova vicua 0-00 a treyereuopeyeaeifelfonete ieee ete 340 PANS LON Ge CD biyeis 2 says sis oa 5 Sis hare whak chat oh hailey Womoploy oaMattovetotevted ailededevomucnercesp mene aA) ees 316 PANS CON a eb ites 5 5. 2.5 yon ch os wi fd Sey 5 b'S-504,6- 5//0.%) 0) Ufo Ryu EOIN Role nw coelieloee elo feteso RL nen ae Ce keno 316 Ambrose; Davids ss... eT oo OU COED ODdoadagt oc ...- 406-435 ATOR VUE a eee ee ee EES OA TAO OE OC OGG UOCOUNOOC U4. ME 172 PAIMisSOns JGSSIO- 2: i436 60<% bike eshare eveyanie RW Rue RUT Dee RISO EO ORES ener tenen -., Aes 42 PAN IN ONS JACOD) ek everccecceste reroroievores cd su eve eet of vi ctict een of ay aisle rapiet wien ww ejwicie SRORe eee oR« or uate 342 PAIN MONS: RODOLE, © sceicpste: emer retetaretere Gite re re evel fern resrootatezonatoPoseleferexeKeourtere toners. conte 23-375 PAM MONS sWALliAM: «555 css 5 25% = Go ooo i ere Polinlo foFate foto fotavar ett ahotel spicloia wie temene = oka eta 21-375 FAINOS, MAU AMES) ook ho Aetels) tote eA EES wo EAE 16 we ee eroR Ra rat tyrone re 342-375 AMOS, Leary ..ss..: o BAB AP EONS SROTE ETAT TES SEN ER AORRR ARE Eee ee 342 INMOS Mauldin: i. 2k 5555550 oso dae cate RPG Ae as Ree ese eee eee ere 342 Anders, Owen ...... Hetce seve Read adi bd Bio bb Reh Aes teres OO ae 406-450 PANG OTSON:: 1Wapt xo 5h dot cieiecctere wie'e tu ore toile ole os 0's (oly a toto tolta fa twit La alho.boifalle tle etpllailn iwketwieh sr 406 Anderson. TInieutenant: << 644 :2564 06554644004 5554 0058 bee cin pa te cnet ene 406 Amd erson Alexander ~ jereye cletereiee oh hoi oo 01650) 616,600) 61) We) lade rele nasel ol ohe) ae 4-21-22-200-375 ATIC ErSODNS Basle y.: % cient ete oie vie 55 BS TS OEE] OEM iets ale MeNe oketeke nirtowh-a- owen 24 Anderson: Bartlett: <<< << ic cc 5c ba Faced Fete heheh ol abel at hetolelerefeferateraremereseyreets 1. R23 Anderson, Bartley, « ) cfers 322 INGVA DRO Re oe a ee moon nao One OCado a oCudbSaocoODS 322 ASTD VA OADER i cha es 4s WAH OW Nile foter crete Mur ore te fuite Tovelone cet © ela tenele nia ee 406 Atghleys William, its «sas asc cde aoe ceieine casio de .arelwiw vieiteiwlepe mies) ehelvietetlels emai 375 FATS DIN OLE Sed OLD rook ert HRA iS ek wee ere TePe PR epee deine foubieiesenbie ee ReIeE taker Eatonton 249-375 PASTIIMOTOS SS UDOMP? «cs aie avs rctiewvstoreis totes oreHovorey o¥eto¥orerohefot al ofeNororeyeleteloleteloneislelevaistetstemel= 343-375 Ashurst; ‘William: ?...%..<. Ck CS 4 Wt the IOs ik One ea cde oo aUO Ashworth, TT ATEN oie Hic eee RE a Siz 0d Berd nore a eee ANS FV OT ELL PAN EIL ULE secu tai aire vise re ve nereiray/n cere uieueseisyensionppuyedvtasiuseyel.0ie, <:6iern/vicieloi ELATTist De «csteretercee 4 te 5 Sree ord Eee Hd, diay eyo sjejes wre yoyare to releln, 01 emt oetorovel ete cala ts 343 PATES TLD) AIM) OS Gog a oe fore totorerole otal ct of ctcotatorestaVeretatete wie eis nin «106 die)ie]c 0,0 (elbramniorevereante(s 343-453 PULSE,» TONNER OI ek ak hover ch oh hcl oh eh oh cl ch ch chal ool ol efralefl ele) seine 6) 6) min wi syern ws mje ofokereiay = eyo arene 340 PRUIStin. “Michael Se leeks tere rere tele tera \ala tla fn a erete fate wlefaiejefols miu lalainia(ele)e)e efefatn a) nto 343 PAS iT RRL CATO © Seer stote revere a cine ovo 4/5 wh rote ve loletnrelelsiuicioje oisieinia nism ibivin ohelerminyors 22-375-406 Auterys Jobne (Or Autry): 605 6a hd cies oie) kel ohetote) cretelolalevatenatn le lem een ms rerrerarieree ie 22 Autrey, Alexander: oes ii urn cireiercterieiieciesie 66 00h ns aie sim a eldic eidiee cl 201-375-402 INULOY Ss JACOD: Wiese oe oe haa wis a se da Here a ental wtolatotaratesntatorerotemie i a\e wrviatetermrorern ecaier 201 PATI ERE Voor) OLY 6 oi. 1s fe rotors Fate totiet ev otoko hol ovels (61.0) «sol 4siimieitm(m/nresay wilerofeyievolelofry=Ko= Kale \nenelens 161-201-283 /\ihie pa UC? HNIC) SOB BAB OORDOCOCODUDOUOCOD ECO DOOD OUGD ODD OOO AO OOD AO I0 0. 251 Aa try oD Ol ees oils = a aveveratarsacaiendy teaiia oid Seen oun Sinise sin ais «in eielalm m okelennreretenel=sicanios 283 FAY Cnt) OSC DIN Sa he oo evel Noted efetofeleloFoloreteite loimsol lessee) eis cose celenelerereiuie wos Relet-Raneencsee 210-375 AV OT Ee IBAA! WHE Ses cic oo san adi ois 0 6p iT yo Go Fe Loe Fodosevep odo] oCehep oKelwhehe) helm i™ke) «pono 23-375 TA V OTas WW illicati> -.1. corre rererk bw 0a) 5 6015 tin od Le dial anf nletororonotofe vale ln ierem tein inte “Naletareia™ ions oe 375 202 Averats JOHN sx sccacs cde disie cde 61nd wie on, vie wien joie ininialojsjeeia{esehoiniole, olymmnerene = raiohaeae472 PA CEG DRTC Sy ofall cls chet oben chao lois oleic whee wee) ele eee eal ole olan oli ole - Relate feret tet. © ile wlewelssepshelojeeiepe s° “Rete etek oeeeeee 37 Acwinye pAlexanGers ADU. 5 ceciccie so silsies' eles cles mel \eip = cle = eleiteeiera er ateeeeienens 375 PAV or Gney7 2 COD ies cies cel ed ole. 2455345550853 5 WORE OER ee eee ee 375 Balls (WAWard ss eins oss OEE REL EO eee 300-343-407474 Bod PRT OUT oper oi ooo sie ore rmin icin n aoyeiwiciesss quia 90 0 ©» ole e\einseheioinselahelelereteeieee 25-397-404 BUN OSAMPSON oie oo cine cine sin sniesacscieieienesoiesoreieivionn ees siaie/n)inie\ejaloin4einialelotakevereeas 46-375 BUDD VALUER ooo ogo oie = se ow mse 8 0 se nein se soseieiesessncseiaieiaiele/nie.aieieinisieis)sieis tale eiaienn Minianer 40-375 Ballard, Frederick. «oo. oes 0c c cine ecnniscicieieieieieieicieieie noe ioieiieiwiaseieie almia alsa mie stem 343 Ballard aATOSePhy <5 jeien circ epee eaice tien oiele ooo = 01m» wire minis inieyeieneayeate minletehe yaaa 399 Pad Tare OSU, 6 cyeveccsecoposeue wae ol ne wie nein ipictoie nveioiwlnlelein mialelaie/ainin s(e)e/0er5inkarehalenntetcee 407 Ballard, THOMAS) 6.05.0 cre ccc tiem einiee ce ccinessieieie aces «5.0 eiaseisinmine ees 343 Balloreer, JOR oe oe es eos a ccc ete cinieiesieicinieieieieinieieseiajejesaseseseioiere © eninge 407 Ballinger, JOHN, Sri his ccieeeccinie ernie 005 ones s.cheioieieiejayainie/ahain yer sceteinrenerenee 313 Babyy, RAMA yong 6 goin ei ejepenssosece vajeatioseiourin pi pavix oho/e/orgieseleiaieiniosn i ein'=/eiaeetotr inane sea 127 Bari yh Se WAS 00 A ae eels ¢ op ne oe wo wie eae ssejeieioraieneieicseceleinare sia) eial wie akeneiara ie Inielogae 343 BBS OUI oo) ciats eras nies cnniesesenrsodeseaegounieiaunnm ie: 00isin lake loneisanieie is eal eee ae 375 BANKS) DTU Ys cela cs 5 ev cn eae aie ores nop oir iene eee fon tnnensuenedegnani nese) 9) oda asinmnean are 343 BReaTP ES OUTING oon 9 ele cap dovesss-deusiejeseuoinsein sehen ei iole ploloins.nieigiasqveiniaiesPiale 343-407-450-453 Ren Be Fe FOCUS 5h a cue oh a) sr aan cisscn cere isieved siei'assy sis iexersin Slelehe oie le pleanie 17-41-59-252-289-375 Banks (SUtton Boon. . ceesecussaye sees ints ane san eens seman sminienel= ses eons 407 BRrarU RR VVLETEAIID, 5, ges055 0403050 :0y0 jasesn se (6, 0/0)014, she. eceaaaleieneceouesesaibisn esekekeaeosose\atedelee keene 322-343 BankStonecADNeD “So. ceeciunyecsce seg tee ec na cuneate oe lelnmytintniobin ye «Leletete ates 343 BATS EOMMPAM OLCW) 5p: cpes-yeccheisucioucisuexeyeve.21e sodas onevouensleieisaniexexekeminiesenenea hatehel eag kinins 449 Bamieshon eal oe eeepc ce cicucicisvonedeieuci inked « eelelsww oe raion ie en eke eke olen 35-43-297-375 Banksstoneeblijan seus scene ase cs accel sea e sce cins vineisisien «felt imtlans 35-297-343 BAN KStOn VACOD) cas a4 case cen ss ncieie eee ae sineieiave aipinres pipieisiesnieinus sae ekeange tone Ree 375 Bari StOTee ODM) oivcrciicie cycveisie 6 cleave vsccle ame) essiexeseneseso.es-heiessslepes-a-deien*: No RoRE eet 44-375 Beams LO nse WTONCe) see cine cieieiclerebevekonedsfeleiels) «syd viereesiais cleletcl-Kokaneienen 322-375 Bansworth, Jacob (or BanSworth) ........... cece cece cree were re erenses 344-375 Barber mOHAanlesy sche gace 6 «cis circ e055 oe poe e's ele ooipelelsisloiniaie is ely ay unas helene: 343-375 BAT DOTT CUCSCER | <)a cig a hekortys che brie Weicovexeioiencies *1eisielel 4 winls eelgielelehaeirie) haekene 17-26-375 Barber GCOLee aks ciiaciesn tern ose 90S as eles lelalel siNuteterqtaverniars 27-35-244-248-375-407 BRAM DOT CDOs cre leave 0 alee egodersiederen~ioyeloKexeuedokesesozeFoora!s¥elak e/a! ola\fole/ Keke Keneren= tel Kcks 375 RUT OU UTC ese woos ooo e.chezsiescieueiexsysyonesoucienshesovenessk>, “nekcnGawmanans Reagan 228 404 Beasley, PRArris: 25.555 5507 crore ra reretere wr halter fo fonenndanexonnnnscie/el oi0]—/eK@ OAR EPNAa he! Sheaeenine478 Beasley CDE, cece cece ser sper tere screy spn snccreecie pe csi seh eee 344 pas eye ONMe o cei iclecit cieieicicle ples ciclein = siriow ase sreiais “inietrl stele la ve) ~ sy iaialeleialsisle. evel eKaa at Rats 284-404-407 Beasley, RROVIAMG 6 cles cie ccs 5 ne oie erereyuegere ese eres enlace ao oho wha co) oft Et Catal tas ren 407 Beasley bbomas:, Sly scenes sec scene eee we merece wile. k iene re 341 Beasley, William (or Beesley) .......-...-.- eee eee eee rece ere eeeees 344-376-407 Bint, WGA pcongsoanbodooo od dOeNO OUND ODE OD ODOOUDDODO DCD OUNOO: UUOm oO: 31-376 Beatty, samuel (Or Beaty) soc secre eer oe sire oo jeyeyehessiole oe ee eka 36-45-376 Beatty, William) (or Beaty) 22 6... cee we oe eis oype ins) erro 40-44-376 Beazley JOSCDO 255 eisai eens os sei eycann oe ele elo riei 59:2.) yen sis oleracea 299 BGC RA SOLE Ueto ine elelw vical alae) si 8s ol elelieleiwiele eynye oivbn eke) «neki. eee 344 Bac kee Saar en oils cele clare eee) Seclelet se thas eh ons| eke Rane cee 316 SOCKS OD eee sh cieinie cle niclele aie eucioueke erence lekeyepelel is ie lerekate tater ices 24-217-376 erevtan. Sirdavril sooqscqnnn conn non od ono ND dOUUOUUaD ODDO ODDUL oF 2c0N0qEE* 29 BechlehamipmlVatsee. «ccc p emcee since os once guest ciieiths phe: ohare bacetors 459 HEC el AND) Gla 0 sing ree caer eickeusin ee cinic « Chere eee cence rercrers 35-298-376-448 IO Clon Arm PAULO eyes eee cicis oie ova tzic.e © ©) eiclsieie ec leies epee ef iniole alcatel hRaeet cin 299-376 ROC Pe TUM OU Th ee i ones eae ols hee) esl ay soles oi Si eclectic hol eee 201-399 VECIG IMS AIDC ors ocls oc sicin cle ee uckeselejsseieie0.0/ 01s eleicis elem ehekebaiehale fete te feta 44-299-376-407 BECRDAMSE SIMON yr eeecisiee Giclee ons oteclens scierelcvete)siievelar ke aeker skier: 25-376-402 yearn, SOT ooo odo a5 Uno U OBO ROOK DO GDAO0d00D0D0D0D0O000 NIOUON 44-299-344 BE COIN SAITO] eee een aa cicicle ae oe seis) = sepe1 seseue, elelona oes lcione to] aiereaeer emanate 407-451 Deculineishl Cheney soooncnanddo0dsan0dD bod Ud DOD ND DOOD OOONE CONGO OCOC 36-376 BeddinetieldwwNathaniel codecs ecie aoe cee tekekehd~ eke Mel cnetee’s imps ar eiatpeakel 36-376 Bedell eA Sal OU cee cis ec ors oi aie oxo ciginie wyana oo earercueies a cioiene sieuser-)- ty eee kena 344-407 BedIn Shiel aes O HAT OS) ones cccseiecsscrsseepereieies. 06) s/n) cleo) <<) 6) eleinlere olnieie\ cle soieiaaienenetotens 302-407 SCC TAMAVV LLC ee ra eels oi cvoxsy oi ehete) clici'ey opi oke wie @ oe Cicieiei ci Oleleerere seeker heORIP earache 337 SCOTS eA UEC Wa ieiencicucicleia fic elaine ee rhe ei eielie foie ioleile) ole) oleelaieie ele ieiseie oh daeheketenakr kek 407 IS COSI Vere INOS ars 5 9 iors Searorc al ere/nist aie sicie gers asia yejere ais, eer sieve cient eekeRe Pern pio 27-376 COZ ESIC repens oie neo is) olsicespip elnin cel.ns oils oleos clei oeceicisievele)< steed ekmamnveetar sca 407 SOC Z Ver OS © Dig os eyes cen casucis 6cks, axons GURTRYaia keels score cla oiclgs) siela ee os Ra remem ons 407 BSL SOUP BS GMM pepe sie fox skavs esr sole alee) 15/6 oie ois or oreie) @/avoie osslouele leloieuerejoiereseRekedekermeh-lore 344 ES TUR SD Ceri pe ce cae sor rox eieies ok crass; sieges csclei ss c:4)e) 06.0 oieisileis ele wieisgocece epsom lofted ister efake 316 isi, Avo mhynial Se a5 Goagomecareonons oOo Dub Od dmoddddeuouUoooGdDorOoUC ond 344-376 ROTA re BU cc 56 ere cic ie (o\icrse ew axe eelouoxosoneleseloush-]eie) «rll oie’ ieiele) cio ciel mele na tele oka 323 UU RMES CUNY Siatrcees 3 oir ete 5 on cx cad ovat os ou skayeciayoyoyc de ceussciie Go @ isverexp sasieieus) cle oueue’s (co eve. Bement mien 344 ESS WN PME ZV CUM eres yyy ves ian sneccutwexehesoxecsusucseus ous cogete cious ous syoyie loleicicoeieuetole is: sreMenepnners beds 316-324 SO) ee ETAT CUS erg ws ¥etcrsiersile joie Ae ie inslo oo sous sejlp conve w lo siegayscousgsvnves sus), « “ROROIET IS Gtaeeke taceeote 319 ESC LETC ZO RT aoc agers wee vo ope do us dole WR Sask o oe © WIOis woes) sree «ale MET UOL@ 1s ceemetons 376 FS URED URS eee eg apie tee ose ce ayo) si'os odie ois ocausva ei ccaie o's aloes renedas syeleselerg-oietee 17-25-253-259-376 PESO Ly ODI at cy eta te oe ay evens (a c'ch 5 01m ck as as ep eyere 4/6) 6a ievey a)e s/sceielieys lore ie coaejoies BakRerebere te eleae 252-376 IS CLIFSIR O DOM Ua arerrerieir- hire teueine oie wise te fore Rsuensl siio sous one Wiwiteuel eo isveoic' sake Os e's © Semen «eee 30-376 BS SL eT) OI B'S atic cesta rere Goin yeisc ue fo ney ale Xesese ej oo chases eis) sieceisiere sails ¢ sie/els (ce eb OeuM estes kouniecens 307 3) Vga Zy eh CUM Ned DN ee pees ay erases esr 1 ok ol ay Suede “Leds toueusys ovcusloyoue, ssecsesiesromubateend sbeake sia 397-404 SOULE S QIU Clay eter syaterons tet vouelcedions soles saolevseueseveyeus).cisys.ejeers ojs) aio elec ePokenetepetls ems eae 344 SOD EVTM Ny eam CUD AN ese ok oh ors Risto ass aie fon ALOIS cs se Ke Stace ois is wo leeeroecegebene479 EMO M yp RICD AIG i yoiccige'5: ies iers pe ise sisaieue egos, cone oreo) cieier cok ere Oe 32-244 BOLLING Oise) ODM saiccgescpcies se: 0x Gini nfo Voie esl w <: sifc' 4 roc ofieile 6% leievase 1a) orks rss crcl ean re 314 BOLUS EU Ee cre casayegedove.c wn .c 0. 0) syoisr ote seisieveies eib eye adalciclofeleicss isi crasccion Si eee eee 376 PROT OTe SOUL figs ie oio¥e) sof oe ale) eile ei6 iets ool sisal eke ei eieie seis sehisten eine 25-43-240-297-302-376 BS QTICTIC Coes J OVA csr cierecarePcsday sisi sic o's pea ioe va eai's 1 w egeuatta weve xaos ca oie iece oa een eee ae 407 PEON NOLGe RACAL ocr cieyee ayeversinjs le) %e:0\'n 'e/ a0' 6 -cve le eiei bo eye touaeus 4 /cvoceleneeesere rete en ea ae 42 IRENNCNOlGE (RODCT UG oii sire resis soo inieifel Css or0in sie foley eee socere ei sv einlaustorsin ols a be Ee ere ee re 376 ONN CLG CAD Gs acces «sais, sieves 06 6.0 « 6 + Silei ce a6 elapse ove jaieceyege iors, 41s) ase cia =. cre epee eee 320 BOON OECS DANIO <6 si cvige sisiecsieie scoters sieseocckw ele icin she oioleyeue inte sicreie lee Si ee sccue fe «Slee BONN Gt the dU ODN a eves oie br nt sis ss ioies Saeko ae eee snicuu6) aa etere oie raul: 312-399-407-436 LCG a Ce eee er Oh en rr nr A oes na ceaes (sondentoueroac. 329 VGA INCE ES Cero DOUG Ob OBU GoGo UneObe ch cace 344-454 BONNET PRACT ON gogo: 6 tai aeci'ove wi cviave sire bce sevore: win seer eleteve\loyelele scoreuarcieconieierel Renae eRe enone 317 ERTATRO UL Se RGU DOND a coisa ois fore aie asc veveratetwarcrevew is cave bier © ois ave vellever. siete sie Cie 322-397-403 RRS, ODD siete ere fais, iso n\ 6 boo eb eredn ose aire tse) oy osraieue vos ebe ecel emcee enero 15-17-34-407 BRETT SOTA pad OUR IN aces, os avin ro)ss 6 wjeuvis oie ss wie oi esse els Gee fares cceslsfelaueyepeieiece tere lereiciete icici Peete ions 376 Bensen® Williams (Sri. 5 cc.5 vic. cis sieve oscicrececciove to's Wisin le © oe @ «40.6.0 eeva hel ean een ede 32% RON SOM s SHIN OCD sg c.ro ec G55 ccvsi sane 6 cee foi Sikse (a ooo wie ie ete: bistsi s,s wieieie cievole «oie clere 344-407-437-450 RESTS STN eT OID reo 5 os circ 555 0, oho 5) cui sy ose even Sue) ore ey ciereie lel eveis susie aisle evexe nlelenei ene camaenarer melt 376 Bentley. Cape. ea. ci sceim aes RE Oran IO dog Gc oodn abo dnn seach: 407 Bentley siGULONANe: = a seecs aie once ©. cjoie: be, eve) oo nip oveeuese oceieieieleleioivievelcls apemuerece aerenets 407 ION ELCY es DAIMOS oo sie csiccce as ope e ccs orersiw a sierm vy cvaje win love auei ov el erer'oh epopeneue er ene] ole nareeeerene 344-454 Bentley J eCSSC. «ces: Stig Jobadan aiteve. eaten Wile (Gee -mfaven'bie a s@Pal bevel. eueswie letele (Guerre ieL Ie aoa 344 Bentiev, oun, a... a6 sci hioivaratele1 occ isicies se 016 c) shale eleraleie 6) ecorerereren aeeenens 210 Bern yVVITLLLAT free eR A Ee en ce Come redder: 17-29-250-284-407 Berryhill ae ON ee in te ee Coe oe S iolevaicle rors eteleree siete s10 SLO BercyiilleMerander <0 282 oe aio ota lin os cscs one siciee see Oe eee 397-403 BGrry ills amiuell eee eo, ele w ce oie sie o. sit seie se wisiele eyeietelen eterna 210-376 ISOSONIS§ PRCLOT i cs sic cle cen De one Gh oueio one [oseis alefeierage revere elem IBCSSCU PAC Kxaee Ne ry. cc ccs coc eo ecules ge wieiele e S16 cieie bc lerehekcierenenwenets 219 IS GUNTIN CHEE CLOT ec eric ce ec ec aie s sieie synieie 4.0078) eyes sp eh sionei ol euenen caer teneea tae 344 Bets all SAR Ge eee oe cise ised cess s eecesace 6% 5 sie, sr sselereicseksioasso elena tee 399 Beeville yam Csm (OMB OVEN es. 2 coc c ois 5 crieie cise crereuriercie Sisksicie sick elo ee 32-36-376 lsyexAull jesil (Kove istyval)) cooocononponcenn cous bo sd oodnUbadnOodGoOO sc 32-42-376-457 BevillemeRobert 9252s. oo cos ces dbl cede cha bbs che wees ensue CCE 376 BG VillOmRGEOLSOe es oe 6 coi eos wie wich oes inlno ecenespiesoucu lhe: SuonekeKeneReKeeeaer tenets 407 IBIGENATINMBAIDN CL eon ce ose ee oie cere ons bree o ole es cls oycpeuteeseussraceine algo ATeIe oy erento 27-407 BiCkNamMer ODN tn ccc ooo cle cslb ecto e sis cross ceyeGue miele oe 6 Oa eee 30 BSICUT Ammen cio < ic ccs clo oo ec cele s siecle ced cite we ee eels /elese os a teenyonuene ae SO BS ifil Over ODM os cs ec ec chee Cette caer ana cease ew Cceti nie 344 BIg Dicom aAmMeSmN: osc c cisco cic be cic ct bow i wie crcl essyepenesousicierer eves om sisi eee 344-454 SEDO MONT ocr ces oe aie 6 lie eicseasue didisioysie a wae eet ieee 497 ER ITPUUTTI MIDI TS Vries e overs c cia sie ote cre epcnie cic lssiouus ibis iC eins ie Oe ets ee as Cee 313 SIT rams CM AIMING Acres cis oie, cues 51.0) eo ties0 6 ace relecele 6s oie eibe aie ecoue wierevere eres teaetete 376-396 BS INC GMBEVe SIU ANY eee yeti oscar a. 5.c a levels,» cca diace auacoreuwic lets be es mists 6 et Sere erede CON orate 407-436 B11 ee) ODT eso orc co so os esse cis eles wie o @ievtiennc syelsie es wlsteretcrone | Ce eere eee 376-395 ES UCI AAO Utpretry s, 0) sw vs, cre: oe «6,015, he. © & a: si © over a) ni sis av actu onaheveusueas aoa Oieleasenc ICRC 29-376 INC pe OMAS Orie nce. coc o4)6 sie ole oreisreis.e) eicisisieteserels ora eis sis mere esol eachcnemen tees 344 ES ITC remeyt OLED SOM ce rare genic oe eicic Sicleseaucins ©. shaue- 8 ccevenecsi severe cohol are eee 407 BS UTCUMAVVSLL LUT eee 5 os) Saye acc di cccisy cus. cue oioprie Sides Gk bie oe Re ale so 6 eben Oneal 407 SHRI BONES, UNI: vane cos oe cis ens Oe GR poe SEED Oo OSCE EOD eG bic é Gos 344 BinminghammrPAMeS) 3 cence ce ccs « cavers ere ue cle ain eietbo eric Rice eee 407 IB ISNO DMG OIG GM eat rs ren sic civic eyes Oa Cassie oe a wc suo ale enereere 344-407-436 I ISIO Drm UL OSes cic ec, srarciave ie Gc es ores sje mg croreras er ek op aucseneioropusveeiae ise 210-229-285 BISHO Dr OSDU irre serene te So ce ten is ia se lee was ois tenie tenner 44-252-268-376 SISNODWMOLE DO CD Eee iy aioe sore oc coe cs lie cat cline ole eee 210-214-228 BISHODMMVVpILTQING eye te y e ee peniieeeaiee 17-253-281-287-407 BUSOU es oc ss Se skies nce cece So Le eee eeornoe 376 BVI TI Shami LILA Seen re ee ER Oe Oe ae ee oe 344-407 SACK OAD Use pape ieee cei eee cae lashes ete ee 407 Blac RomUcvAGMrr etre res i le ll co eee na CECE 408 IACKOMUIOW ATOM fee oti etc ck ee eee hOns cot hs SU eee 44 SILC Reel COV AMPMT TT rel rs cs oe iets ce es crn ae 28-30-228-302-376 BSI A CHOU eel Voy ator coef icicie siess Sickest ccyaitince cle ba « btuscatoleevartea) clare: 6 etetae tere Paeee teers 244 STACK ON TMs ee eo ccd eee eons uote 31-35-40-244-376-436-450 Bie KommIoCHitl © leaner yee ctor et eiete cic ietil ek tte bE oe oe cae Bin CK Oamuclmer cer ch err ee me On Eee eset eee PAA A Pee ee 344 IAC Kem OTA Pee eae ee NES ES ENGL SS be ee De cee 344 Black,SERFS eis icra, 5 ie escce ye unze ni Seva aiceycuezevavesoiceeiese oherneneleaer Seen: Blacksell, AACS CATO ITO GL vay sr ogovcxsvecejorel elles o ccepeseyenetareieisi yaya ow okevetorcin eceka sys serie ICI 408 BEPC ISH OAT EG AT OY oye icyeusis bese wicevece cove Srenbie oi ciehiever oiarciiel oie winis oxeleseyeua ioe reren ISR are 408 BSAC Wy. hcg Ca Ue ie oi sis is iene se Ges ose’ tw re eirao ce fo Fo cax en ove noveveneranen ci orskolexorein eNeKcbrekee Cackere 316 PETACK Wells Seb live CAT I OM cae oes heiey oi ca donee yorevensieloneyoiavcpensiokeioiolerclo(-) kere tena rekon 316 Pa IN CS ss Be ee Slee eo oiSin Sin cee woicmie wise ome eeprom mcr 321-325-330-408 ERPeri et) OLLTAB ODM ecco we © ou 66:6 ieee llore Voiovevioneistoiol okoouckeyeiels) oie 3) eee renee 376 EPP T RSS ATILULC Ley oe secs oa or ae oto ew nee ome Gece poe ow fo ole oye wicle wioicle) sini aVals)-) igintn a kere ee 35 ATS SIDDIAIG ey. oc yec ce a5 01) wo 001 e 0) ain) ules) ollerel cle ove wileie! eis els sivleiele/ mini io coxukepeMoeieh-Kodel tie 32 MB VERILY PES CDFAIIIDY fis yeies 6 alesloiy, «ale faysic0) alee) efere) ofo1 lo (ole, osaleipte lsielaxeln lols \nloXe lel jtelate tte ee ke 376 MARR CL ye 5) NN TN 9 oes 3) 2h si cy ni ores ecu eyo o sie aye ce eee oie 8 wis ein) ws; ps0) 6/o) einen 344-376 META OLY MCI AGG oar veis oo in: 5 oie a Loye ere re loyoro jaye oxo youeinycuolelelavel Ta loietndeie crs «)ateonnieter athe 344 ikon, levy Sith a oepeeneuro noo OOO UE OORD OL DU OO GOOCUO DODD OOD DDD COUDddaC 25-34 BPC Y 7 e OUUNCHC LE yo 5 raion creas we win rlke ce else ce we lesa oodie elie) «1 n) s) eho) avi sin nw) o telat dtl kee 32% TAI OC Ke LOAN OF. 0-4 (eee libs wine ois bb pipivlic le tolelc tepelora 0 /esaiaynie)sveieleicneretolelola)-Keletietncehtsttie 325 PEPE CIV ATOS CRO DC Meese ooo ene oa es a 9) eso e 6) sielleiole ovelele)sicie!e in h-hekekateeinn 37-376 nieadinmah AWaibbeny 7h oaoanaconavanoc oop souD OOD IUD OgdOCDb0e 27-239-249-260-376 BAN fOr Clarke csc cc kc oisieeieipieie © ne wie le oie oie wiekeloretorwiodeiayele/ ole ieoepaiek telecon Lose 344 BRIANICTISH ID! # OAD te, ccic.c o1crere ci cuc) eae ioeicsohoheie) olelafaserer+/=)0%eiehelaehelalos-) ole nee alelletatnineakanels 320 Siealag Aine 5 oo pee oe poe bp DOCU OUD Or CUUUnOUOU OD dD GODUDCCOCOTOOD OIC . 344 SRV CY ee WV ANITA IN yoo 5 ooo nlc) col olpiere ie oie ole’ Disioe elo iele minlatnleie) Reto ono 39 Ever, \WWhllleNn 5-545 son ooo odo o Hb ODOC OOD DUOC UOC HU OUOCOUDODDOO FOODS GCNNC FOC 37 BICOSOG# BeNYAMIN | 65s oe ccc cca decile cle ole wielel nimi elelaeleienessinioi ker eeas . 344-408-450 Sakae, Wes! Tonos ocon so oan onconc0nonocoobeCUnDODOCOdOnGD aC 344-408-437-450 BleUSOC; “RCACH Ys 5a. a 55s «so win 5 oie cine ole ol e)a) nlesslele wie) eeleinivieiesni>) ale))-/°eheRemecctonane 397-404 Beledsoe; “William: :...:.ciecioee sos ne deg eo e'e 2 oe 106 vein wisiniteis + aiuieguinians = painnelage 32 Brlitehy Abrahams .c% «soe cc sole ceo pice ee c1cre.o ciple #1010 ole we! wie snit dim wip reheheoh ais eich 345 Hloog worth, Samuel 2.2.5. ces nc oe eee eee miele oe oleie ne nem) olessl oi) olehaienoh Rod honbacae 229 Belounitet Benjamin 6 occ cc cle oats hein ee ee foke ole fol eo) oleleleleiceseinolele)aiol= (oc1= i> SRnSREReRe\hatods 48 PSIOUT ISAAC | chiki cee coc aus electra) 4 wie lm ees cleyeien ie wieleiotererel «heasko) 7 habiclaie ns 408-450 PSIOUITIEN IACODE cies re cic cieeicleleleeeiaial oslo oie aire) niotNeefuloselsheretenenere 38-40-236-253-376-408 BlOUNt, JACODs. apt. os acc cree cis wee chaels lee wee ererere ve eon sie ce tnon= (nina Pie eae ReeanCac gs 17-408 Biount: Jacob, Ddeuts. .. << os es ceases ceed eee ne oeieonn ele see fe oieinio slesaialnciructen 408 Soin, Seeane eS oncconpdacanacodcpoosogudOGIDOGGQDOC OGD CANON Oe 16-24-244-408 MSETIT) ts SPACODS cia se oienclolelciclor ove dias) a) <) alenayeh eas evs tueyedebnge (nebo in el hence ool hk aaa oth SITIES PROLLY: 2 oo cic ole oin5 «So Sains ecveventesa ne ele seleleloie sieve sinreveiels: oie/e\e: Cn Reas Rel aselagelc eae 315 Blrnt, Stephen ..1.:./cesicie ole dadiciaic cc 6 asee%e 00 Wie tyes lare tele siajeinis'ein se + ela ckaaiac aia 376 Malet, Wallies. 5 oo. onic e ooo ales wieielnlelere 0) nlesslate!ovayeio/ale)~ ofa ofaj=vole’aioie= fs panei ic hace ncaa 345 Eiythe, Robert ..6/ 6.5.6 de ease 8G Ss worse lelelnteleferalcteyes ioe eke clninim aes oats 345 ODD CEST ACOD TS | o Fk oecnb duce etere.cleleieso.s oe je [olor el olololeyefoleyer ele lovereisieleh-\apaicMaiamel eh icaae 34 MapourcH -LeWiS ........ceccccaecececerses see esl emoinwlnl= nisieleto\giie lea cae 242 BSGUOTINET; «GEOLZE - .< wwe dae io csssicin aio .e.0.0 010,010,010 eel yelote eVehoteie\ sic) s)c/s/aaese sins Nelo oi aeie au6 Sd oriy P WALA, . oo coc. cide clewu wee ler rere ee ora 376 BSOMIINGS, GEOFBE: .).:c:cicisierersioienessnvciere.c.ciee,se.ee + 02 06> PuneToNunse “amele “ratiee eee oe 31 BEOON, STEPHEN. occ croyercccccvase oseie)sieisloselelosece.njs,=joyoio™ ™.*/epaysc> Wsy8,*c1eiiatn okt eae eae 345 GPSS VG: «chic cuahietirocatine ca pee ee eRe Cer er ii ec ee a 318-334 345 BOE ES, ECZORIC] > y's val daleiotelslcinisloccrelelaia slelate’s)s'sale’stalotetatetetetotefotcteteretct i laste iain482 TSE SMT OCD Tre tc telteetat cts sata tetatatatel ota teto tote at tchaiet Ses Tors aac (ee fRI he Aaa 29 PSEA SEEN ro ye acetal take whet at cl ctedct ct ater ot atcha ot oleh hebat hos Rn Too 345-436 HomanelOSGpun Gapte ee ccs = sales oleae ares crerata rayne reiw erento tetoN oh ehns siete ete ea 408 BGHANONY HOM eee wee lee clea oes eos wees SORE RNS EN 8 Shir PREIS E eee 376 Pe TERNTION MUNG IE Sessile clacton ate foroletetelete rete e7-¥ adie aera tenons Meine t- Ress Toko nana 330-321 BSD OVI sot ernest ie cre cree vai cities 1S YOR ors COR SC fe hcl 376 eI CHOU GS seadase sons Gu ean DURUUIUOO COOUDC DR UOC Ombre Coe Ci k A205 345 Pro both EVamM aly 20.0. = ctotta1o'c?=!olelelefnlntalole 'ei0'of~ ove iutal!~lott/0fe binieein/e_>) |= (cin\nici ate eee 25 HOIpOth UAIIIGS fcc ice ccc cele «os cin tele oe Wind 6.6 F.'s)0/b'bin)e ee ere he kod a 25 BolesePlenry, Sees o re cee dd dda dad FAN olde da aot oj oles oici MER 397-404 BOline) MOMDOITY co cc set eek te 0 tin letelele elotalatolatetonehovetatereiwinin isi niniet eam a aaa 404 Bolin TON to Shae See oe recat ataterererete tates Oh 69.0 00 e 019 in si eRORI CD enone 345 FIOIOTN PADIS or rac cc ee ere ctele lols efatolntetetatalerovatel etetiat ott vie J wie /e «)5 «is ale RINEna aor 376 ROTO TPO WAST rocco crctetce oshctotnlelolataforolelavotate la mie Je reible /etei=loveiikejei~aeieuchcn- te ae aen aaa 32 BILOL MR TADCIS) fee ste coe ccicl tele sels cha s18l0 B6IG/e( 8 wo retoinweiejese\wie ein teaner anarchy 40 BRONCOLS MAG ys re ce sare erin crore cisinie ecient oleh otetotetetercteratere totem saiaiayeioi- Mh irirar eke ning 327 Bolton RRODELE «ci wlol, wicleletete' el ctelele ohoicieid faa d 56 aie 0 tie) 0)tsie in. mPnabAaai ares < ote natn 408 isa, 1stelt Cc ik ON) HIRIBpeCOn anc ee Sg OOOO De OOO Un OOOR ORO mg oorccr Cl Lit) 345 BONG GeOree 2.6 foro. Pee eP oe ELS Cae oatabatelatotetetoreratarereretorenen eisebeteat © eels 30-298-303 BOM MLEINOSCY foie oe eleh ele sol 6S Cad oie ee tat eter eFoteneteretecevexewieis simone re Bie 321 Bond: Nathan. 6c k hos Fett OR Bae yeia yi 6 eels ote or eens em Ohana 315 BONG! INATHANIClS fetes ecm we to cle cc ele olor ttetel opel etototasevenens fo iosnsehens isemnanet htiaeS) CARE 337 STITCH ATO hire ce Oe fo vite cnt site a cna didioho18l ei eieyelerelesoiesojnmnanenmmesns 321-408-437 BONG ESCIYE 6c chee beh e cc tcl Ss ele cle eiSvereibreremN oe Oc reitieie 0/5)» 0 slain St anetomens lone 376 YOK, dORBIN 5 ddogccncadododdosdcdddddddu nda TooUCOOcUCC CCOS toh Ladle 408-450 BOndurante pIOSiah — 2 551 SS EE TSE 8 So Sic erdic isle ue eseneneneusaessnmncsckenbenseiiene chen 318 nL Avanos? JACuI Seeononsadooconndd coud sU Os IOSD ODIO IOC COL. TOMS 345 BOVINE DATO eso eS Rae 6 Bere iereieie ine © 0a 0: LabEaTSel van) e4Sien Maen 408 SOTTO] 1S 9) VLC oes elo Siero te cio eNotes rere te tere ie wie, «ee esiel ses o: Eek ainue eee eee 243-408 BOnmel lene sea no 85 SS PE SRA ESSE S Scio SA rele roem en oie enon ciedaae 36-345-408 ZOUTICLISse PAM UEMOMY) rocco ocr ere lorate clletel cicvelal cuaiterelle. «lese/elloile) of ever ener nichnkalrnrie alg hear eae 408 BUONTVCN CAP ee eee lr oie ater ENC a aah wi sxe osu exeroucel fetons) «fomomeNenete ogre 408 Bio, (CEU): GA dd GH bbe GHB bObbS ODO b DO OOO COUCU Docu OOO Ome oa Gch t 6 ot ci 400 Bonner, Henty 12026 oslo nec kd hs bodes ce ceweene cee nena s eRe SE 408 BONNET. VOSCD I 8555 = eee eee ae ierol cl eect ot ct eles cher chet otc) chat chet hop oh nen ekedanake hone ince ARDS Es 345 Isyavayeveie, Rath eso Baba od nooo oanOodODU COUN CUCU OUOMEC CEC OUT CO 0002 0U.C.o hc 376 Staple, INGE Gooaausocadcdqubocdooomooe On onee Cc OUC CC USCC EOC ION Soon nS OOK 228 Bye Wrerwoul soasusadasconsgducuGocobooDnooDocEcecocurcerdDoo SMSO sg Gor 408 BON CT MVVAIT TNs ee he ot te Ree aahs rere -a per tbiters «aie oc slain as ne nie pr er are 45-376 BOOOKCI GIG COMe re ate tere ote Fat aate fare ba te robe vattodcwewope te ve laue de ae 15-17-83-96-116-253-408 Isterontare, diay Se gud cseocenon oon eb omoode Uo oOooM On Op oOeo oon; hoo Ort 6 3% 323 BOOKeIs sWalliain > fe A trot 20 fo Ao Se tet rth ron rereminncing sh helise Omi ronan 323-345 BS GON CSS C ic ee IER ER ERE KR Loti ON ERNE ois Oop o Meare 345-408-437 Boothe Aprahams (COL BOOtHE)|® ss ce ie tat oleh hed ote fet tevere ose venesnsononnt-kel eye] sinh 376-408-457 ES OC ELECT TSL OSE ye ee or set actin teat et tat cP aV ch adap Wchiuvevaist oweunieushousnenshsacksus’s MMAR RESIS 5) < 376 ROOD AVA eis ois ere cc cic ole atel ote Tetohe Pete fote me ire a/a) 4. al ole eVohoxovenelforesetenemeioieinen coh) er megs 408 lskobys;. IIKEAG. pon dnmesnadudadad dango odon OO OED COC OOO CUD CUC MOOD Ronco S700 005 345483 ESET NOCD OC goose 6) oo Sa lesen <) 51 0) 05 <1 04-10) 51000) 6s es0)lehei)e,o1eio(ehokeiekele cia sic slo) eee ee 318 SET aT eA OTC We o55-s: seve) oioxcaosaioisic soils ous wie co) o chnvare a aicdatere cioperiareiolcs liom eens 400 ESOT ITNGATD a OTT) cote oi cscs cvchercacdoxcderonclesexess;e) 0; eaeueuessyeyoseyelacekehs\-\oleue kine ater pee ee 397 OTN EMAN) ROM PAIN, 4 oyeycpeveiereictaseie i lnc) visie wicip\ miein\> #16 piekeis a cie\«) © ois Fist any aan 329 TPS TG eee SVVaLI ee 8 eo re rsire rok c ks chee 8 w 6 16 Ho soto a rey fa ee tee tenets to ee Hs Ke ge pi Me cA eae 345 ESO DOTY eI WAS: 555 8 ooo 3 ore ho thot eh onajctetotayelenosojens te sete ynie@ mm ole 2.09 RR he 345 ES Teel Gh OG reed ced cr ie tee are ie fore to ee ne fore fa foibles w fo Kolo y-[colel = « o)-)- ope sntoknce hoarse 17-28-377-408 ishmikoydic, JENS sqroccgdbon ao 7g JUG a TOO CdUDaUc UCC Ooac Odo dOD OCH OnC 690 408 By LOC mee OTT ere eee iw eee fe oo oC) elem ciceeeilee olcelcel(9icni nirels)is) s/o panama 17-40-377 EAU CVAMIIGWAS = sata s cis Fos oni cede hr nds ade cineca ne ders se ees egos my cee em 345 PALEY AWiLLLA TTI aster lei riee tian a0 0 0 0 0101s os 0010 wie selejejeieyeinie/ eile: e sic oem eemnescdcce: 377 PEST CLONAL Tes oy hee sey oo oat os ol wo) oh on ohn) el oclicr cfc heked oo) cle ¥oisloleKoKekon Koko) oKol- (eo c1- aks) RRC Rao: 338 BradtordmyOsiaby sc sea aac le isc es ecicie ence «ie elels clo exlel a ncRn enon RRR 377 ESTA LOT dO SIA Ds Pact ree eye to love te toraratoherercKoroveioyer eel oleie!e = 6) 6) 0)n) = ghehen- -heie) cholasRse Rona 42 RTC EO TGV VAULT LINN open choi ey oh oh ox cs ov ov ov eh cK ou cv aWovo fel etoweste you oe to lo ce 01m (o\(olo1~ o)= (0) Ne k* Koi oe” CRsa acne 408 ES TRALC Gael la epee trier cel crcl oe eile ©: clic clelelers e)slesehelereioaekessk-b-HoKex=He) ol te Moko Nok Ra 15 SEAS VAePAUD I al AIM Oe eecicycrerctoyctetetavetohetetorehor ot ele es ot oll ee (o}.o] sie ie).n)i0)(n) eae ruta 17-28-215-253-377 Seen Cll VANTIN Dts c1 0 Sie ac vancrershciovevekasoreheveve¥evestaveyejoie) so) a/eye ns «= ioera)0) \gie'e oe MORReinna some 215 ER Trea Ch] Very LLYN eye cuevcy cod rerex owen ck ov never c¥owoPonoxogotoweWeNe Kove te lolsyois wis 0 1 fe cneiege eke 345-397-404-408 IES Trea Chl Oy ee OS Wy yu yc fenc vor oic uence rs fo vcieierere ie isiei clio a reicleele-e).ei > wlsielohokel= | oneRoaeienens 836-215-377 ABTA ype Veatch ence cvarsne (oversee cons rovoyosstnyiois mG%e asi el 0i01e) © 0: si cjrsi cheeses er-) meen erehen Umea 17-408 IES Feed CL yom NLL Cea tre es ti oh i alo) 01 wo) 6s wei ci mln oa ien ook oh ole} of vices oe elise) pein helo eee cemeRel eee 36-377 ES TTC CVPMMBEGL GED ATO a oy circyete oie co cire le eieire coolio rovcucuoNancucucuoxcucnaysHekey c< ccgcioRors 345 BAW, Sle ON AS yp cisco crstencdon-Novencisusi sxckaveiciorhes oreo wo rcioin oi 4icrei clio > MPR eRe: Moeeken Ce 408 ES TreVC ype NL VLC oe hers pe a reg seco cv sion cuctsok wtrhin 6 e600 «aie enter aioln onaters 330 Brannons MOSES) < ssc hace co «bos a leis lololateletoteherefaletere tela loiere ta favor steele > etener enh oma tats 377-396 Brannon) (MhOMAS) -222 5255555606 ces 6 ee wee te oles le wieiele ee hierniana one 202-210-377 isymmlleng JMCE) gocoucosod00dc0d aUGududUddGD00DDGDOOONNUGCOL 314-345-377-408-436 Brantley, Brittain, (or Britton) ........... kop eke. Be ees 20-377-408 lehmstaaz, AGhGCk) go GgdddOddddOGd es BO ODUNDOOC0O0N DD 0OGUdOUODCOOLoDCOOuOs 377 Brantleys = Jeremiahs «spac acre a tc ots chet ech ah eh olechiot ence Menhcohel ool oelot scrote 40-244-245 Brantley, Mary <.7.%.:.'.%%.-% sg ta ths He MacRae ete Ho Fo ta Haile Neola Re reehea aN Neto eveyone einen 334 Brantleyxs SRNOMAS) eens eis cee tals tel) tel ol cred et ololaiaReNoSok tate ne ers 44-228-270-377 STAN ble yas AWVALLITA IIe ear eee late re eters = eter ols ne © ol teieltae meriael tite chats AR 345 BTASe]* *BiING 8545505 sree he ee Se ee bie oe Nasttetelerarers ste ee aaa naa ....408-450 Brasil) WMOPGiIMAaAMGe —6.%% ctor telcicl la o scta oh nice nit m ecole foltolta eitateol renee tie) eko ret manent ae 37 Beet AGW 4 acoanadaddddud du0UdUDdOUODO ORD OO OC0DOODGO OD ODUCS.c af, eye bigs syektleaz, INGE) KounodoodasuodGd0d000000 000 DUNG UI UND DIOODG9 “004500000 - 408 in wetrerdih INI soodandodsbangnduddbUO DUO DC oD ODOC COG ODDIG0D000000U Ln. PaO Brassellss Britton © = sss oti he whole Sela tne a me Bele hn ite fo tas crenemnc ioe eeenee 345 Brassels Samuels —5 6% 6s soso faa rol otctaletielic elie te fa ete tek totn tee meireyreires et) Bree) ere n) omniteee MO PeeSin’ Brasswelly sVOSCDON s2 5 snnans a seas = ecient ere oi anol etter 2A, Riek. SOAR Braswell, Allen (or Allin) aca 5 0 teeta ota ha boi YOrSSWS OVP It ews ST Fenn ne roel geen SPAS Welle | We os hs seek hotel cteiote toa toto tole toe 616 01h 6 6 orice © © whole ole hohe eh AoE oo t= Galo Rc ROMs LOL Braswell, Ferdinand (or Ferdinan) ......----cssceeesenese cose eter rees . 225-377 Braswell Wred! 36.5 65672 ee teen cee cele ol tele ciel sore alee ae) ctete hee eke _. 225-226 Braswell), Mredenichke (ce ee cctools ee S celrelceitels tee te eens nl conn -3486 INDEX. Bras Well) GOOLEC occ ccc orc wis 0 050 wioinieisis v's sim 0 /0'u (sie wars e welds opipialaia™ = ae 28-40-377 BRM WO IBIS noises scene eeimiseieinye wie we se 90 bike dn a Wieidieicinivin oslo eee 24-44-377 MRP eae We ech PYM aes weeny pew, Hopman rele mi etafelwiee! oie yalsiaie a yar wine main wpa 225-251-260-265 BRBB Wel PIOBGDIN Ge. «coc icc oo ovine g eeu nent ans vie seme s a oe wiain sive sfupieien planes 43-45 Braswell) SAMPSON, ccs cceceveceresessess cess nce sadaene duces even nse 28-36 Braswell, Samuel ........ «a 44 W's win wee lelmitave fete lute Yalu e Tbe wiaite (a sleet s Wein G renee 257 Braswell, Samuel, Jr., chic etc pha eden acne monreum pero ie ietaleiereieie isis irie eae ett. eae Bray, Barrister R., ... oi aed a cena ie mdm ee a cairn gered ne ra ee eee a severe Lee Birsy ee OMS Sy ciciela cae hice Won pew aioe © wie /0,0,0.0/0 min ne sinipipio’« ee es = > pee 241-311 Bere OUT RIN ons coco ce esa ewan we pw wom le wie we one «a» Se cere ee © ees 377 BAP PIO sk ow eign ei oo wissen, on jSinpalele Sines 6's = hie le eee oe 31 Rremeitaue JaCoD: Sie ec cceticnwencncgacduneseecucadecs ase ios (eerie ees 319 rere Ba GT oo ws ain io nrc nial wea wraps: aie) eel erate aig ey ainieye*= «arse oie eis Eee ade 408-437 PEI URAC ON oo oie areca ow Ree nei eiminre niece Winteip wile eee fame 9(u wie a ete tels wheiist a a eae 345 Brazill, Sampson ..... ssp ies taka ts el iehceicd gh GUN p Gmjelcecwiacmun (ete te cere RIS ato skeet tet aan 241 PRL, FORTE: FRICTION incase onze eisss ase eice coo we ie awe alin: wen vie win’ woo! 01 efutayeye Sere e's) maregers 377 PRY WHERCHATIOS., .oseseiicyeinie,cicyoieseiej00 (oj a)e 0: epee ana w 6 «80:05, aie 0 bib 6 8 Sepp ete me tele coor erane 26 PRT Ve UW ALENT 5g cj ape capesepecevezejaie.ece ose oune > Ses aly ip O18 woe cers Ue ee 377 BR aa a wh cei as np Gimli hi ai ei aw ip win wie alle co-op eam ere aat aie Se ee ee 6 O15 0 © © 6 6 0 6 6 6. e@ eo 6 6 6 % 6 Bleie & 0 B.0) 0; a8 = 616 2487 BrOCkK BOD jaime os cisleicjciscrelcls © 0 o1elelvlote ofalalelelclcia\cis)s) v/n/elefole lots (ofololes winte/™ cterelolaloie SoM BOCK WALLISIN! foi fe 'afolo so bine oc = ie cicle Cole) clevelotelclolelofelelotalefoioiciele(cieleieieletel siete oYorays 408 Brockman © BICUGSOC «5a Foie ciel orcs olele clelcieieloe clcielelels ole fe lelvtololelalatfeisie Mistave leleferetere 397-404 Brockman’ #HOVAle «54 occ icietelelelete'eie'e 00 e000 b 0 bis 6.6 0 Wd 0 6c dice sionietnlatalele ololotetey 397-404 STOCKMAN © GOWiAS) © Sis cielo occite ole te olelo' nn aie a(0/e/e (cle efefelelolel di vlolslolsidisi iain’ leliie mica ate 345 Brodie Davids cars ccc ciccts ec clotercie s clele ofa tetova viele) oles) s (© wlulefetelwtelnlat cle olatntatoRe voters 408 BPONSON, MIPCNCZET. “-)scicielcrcics ccicls cle le ol o/cle cvcreln\e\eieielefetelelolalelul «) cla) scwls/enererste aie) atu 377 BSrOTSON FIONN) SIs hie cle nicl alee cielelele alelolctcfalolela toler -fetetaleolotefsfotovotuloteversisla(e stars fetarecdetnrs 34 Brooke: RODErE® 5565 5.0516 fetio ce cis oa ho Sere ikieroreibie aye o cjee iw tie creo erererrereinle Nir 408 LOOKS GOOFEO i. o rec nc cc cislelc’s ofels(alulela’sicto/etotcieleverniciainiel= ol lalelaletol Nelstetolelsforare wrens 408-450 BSPOOKS) “EVANTAN? # ieee ciel cielo clare o ole 5 n= oie ele lefelete! abel wil dls avate #\0iu uel ePalnivtersteretste) <1 15318 Brooks JAGOD™ +55 jars coc eee eee hw eee tee He RR aR Ae a ORO SFOORS') JAINCS ficicte ciclclclcle. cic c/o © 61s eieyfeleveleleleVeleleic\ a nis\eleie « «1 elefuletares 35-345-377-397-403 Brooks; Jesse (Or JOSS€y) . 2c. ecie Se cee wwe weer es cweeccierenercverss 41-227-377 SOOKSS JOA tee c cicievore cin cleyo cic c10's 010 6 6) wi’ lololelatwlel olelolel clea elal sie le vite lw efelelel auetelareravey 27 Brooks: “JON eo oeisile oo 55 SESE So CORA PMF ANCE AEE REAR oni eee ile Ore le 1eQeL GH ARTODLAN, Goo GOD OOO Od COO OCI0 0000 CUNO ODDO OUCDIUCGO SOS ODOC. G00.0.0.0 vr 318 BSTOOKS!, “Micatal 522 scc%c 5a 'clo's moa lo 0's oleic © eo wiee) 0) wal ol oleraletoleletofatelolutnlrm (wiutmis 345-459-461 BSTOOK SS (MiG GICTON So cate cc cic ol clele Sele alel ete tate tel alia at cline! wire! =) o) neitereituns . 2... - 318-408-437 BOOKS! PRICHAC]! oe cise emia eee Se emer ore ch dinaatte ote fa eles fo tefe =e yaremeretner [e34t BrOOKS. 4) RODCTE te 6 cre frei e wxie win o ale tiaipicrelwrelarn tore Si ee 331-345-408-437 Brooks, Roger seas POR RNE SES geo ES STN ares ee ters SRS eee Sie UO -OUURO TEE Brooks *wilhame<..s2<. 2: NE BEE BOER RETR NA ATO ole 345-397-404 Broom, Thomas, (or Broome) ....22--s2cccscscecvscrereescncs 43-245-251-293 Brossard, Gelerin, (or Brusard) ........cceeccecsccesceeteserreces 15-30-39-408 BLOUSE NCOM eS eV ONM rice toe crete tees ee wee Sears Sle ea ekcliel vet aictelietefe tate te ce fevetere ere =e .. 448 Brown Wuiclte ss safe ees. Sys) Rok 5b RRS io STS Mul ae @ SR RG Rie Pellets ote Nanette i W408 Brown CALlCMW £65 ech ce Res felcle cel cllalcleteteletnteis eine mye eielers 45-253-302-305-311-377 BLOWN CAMDIOSCs os fac scien cia ole wele eto et cl hel elie eiale wots) eratonenererereim esmiuree ....345-408-450 IB}RON Ally JWI). Ban OOOO OOO OO ODOUCOUDOUOUUD ODDO CONG DUG ONCOL OUd oul e bypEeS A449 BIRO ph JIE, poogooss 500 DO COD UD ON OOO RCOODO OD OOOO TH OOD OI UO DO 00K 34-45-251-377 Browne Bel Fete is ao So he os He a Cr ein iis ee ere ee 316-437-450 Brow (SeCjalmine oes see dein oc cies ete cs cls © ere m0 6m 00 eiuin © ele le fo telofermter ounce 408-459-461 BOW BOD Vial: ea nae leletei eels choles eetehevel teltael alelint ofeliet oliel claves nobermnereseenelnts 9345 Brown, David BD asin ee Sait 0 CRRA FLARE RSA OR IRIS OTS, HER ORT sx pil, IDhsen? aonocoop conD boo bo UHUOOoCODRGGO DOUG OUDLO OF OOOO TD nOdK GG OF 345 LBs Alp JON bat) oooconnoKO OU MB DUD COCO D0DDD DDT G0090m0 OC 3 cw PSO PIE oe 345 Brown? Hlishae sia sb % cic hietcreietelelelele oteln olen inefeniorn = 6 me) mip erurern arya er ena 346 ITO WINE ZaA DOE ear e taro tae eter eet tee ettcdn date bee ote tel mintoh enol re yene cre nec ner benno 324-330 BOW Epa TT ei ere eee ie elaey atrel ele tetra) of le elear else an sneret sy eae ere sree 203-408-437 BIW iy oD) -oanancco0cnd00nn000000000502000000090C shat th ec Re eee 461 [SsqOrpily, LUNGS - nocooonUdO COOP ODD DDI DODDODGODOOD OOS D0CCO00.5 17-45-377-408 SSRN pw LNA Sonooodnovoo con moODO DOE OCOD OdNDDDG0r eeadodss SERS oe 377 ROA IMKEGIHK Ss onnanondndengDaDNOUGADDIDDOGODPODOOSQOOS IO YD UONDOG OOF 27-242 Siwin pthels MUNI poenoanonoDCo odd boD Do Coon OODOhOD DOD DID ODDO GRR DOC OuC 397 RAP lskbny, oacuncososoddoDCO GON UO DOG DODODOOD ODIO OO HOGOODO ICO DG99000 0% 450 321 letWoa ath. JEhEsth goa poododpo OOOO UN DOD DDDODOODODOD CODO DO IBC OD Gano UO ROTO ODSINDEX. PRO OO eri oie wos cc cee ye nies ep ciel = wesw 'e' geen ess © sfeietelaayeienrs 17-408 Berar TPT oo cosa er oeoie a cele Ce ela tlayeiaie's Sete ds Sees s bees Rene 42-377-401-408 PARE AINGH Mc hn nine os ene ke pe od a inaieie ele’ wiels oa as 06 = GeleineenD © eee 316 PrwitlaG) 6 os occ cc acs ctene beeps reser bie leisy icles se < 6s ¢ pie ene cee 321 Brown, Jesse s , 3 bh Bb 56 Sie elas tell eae = ree 327 Brown, John 17-40-42-46-216-217-272-346-377-408-436-450-461 PRT OSSD sine ooo .n ie ceo aw siele sige ele ey eleieleis's @eisic ces u-'n « ulin eieiamems « 341-408 REO OPN ATION oes ote sash a sre jeieye ni: ny wie sleie se ele'sis ose 'e os Sein cs « cteiein ee tp ketenn imine 346 Brow TQUUel es os cia pile pie otc ovis poe soe ee been bee clwlele nics ela 010 00 Weimieotemnts 397-404 yhoo, IAG Ss ecb DL eUD DODD Dor UDO OOO TOCD OCU OCIOOOOUCdOrc OC OC bur 341 Perey ree RYNN coos oe io nie aise Re hie Soe a a ORES CN Re 6.500 niet 01s ie e erenebeiatete cians 331 Perper eI cc nc he co oie cio bt See po oie wim iala ae Wiclsfe cele gh» bce @ Wimmera 330-332 PRIWNMMICECLU OE 5 once ope cee icitlele ln ole 6 wR aS Gia Coe Sie wiaie re wi si dove o:0 Stenetebaeerenale 346 PRVas OTT OKC CCL orci oleic co aieleiwleie aie wie alc) aie! a elie’eleve'tu’s' eels) s7el'e "al ofayatand » ialsla olaieinints vigin 331 BRU eT SS hel os pale eins fa Uae ws fhe 0] Sn ale Ya we So las ise vais sw EO eae 346 sir t toi LEVER A 5 orn Ge eo erEn CDC oy DUOC OD ACCOM OC dOGouIOn Sno --2 nr oguor 397 Bebe Werle RE DGCCE Rcdolae chee 377 Bruce Ma ee a eee CR EOE AE bee oho es oe eee 320 TNE, IDEN Lg Gadortoo O00 Odd a GOCE APC anon OO EOD DO OrHGo Coa Cao OOOO’ 397 BCC MmmL LIZA DE LNG ee 35 es ee Oh oe ws yee om RAR ES FS OS eben bercrers 324 EMEC re VV UNO frie SS SR SPR Ce oe ee ae he Re © eee 397-404 CEVA LLIAIG oe th Re ee ee et Rhee Pe RRA ON e A SS Oooo Serene orepe 346 EMO nS Cem ODN see ee PREF 8. S aeN es RO es Se RC Bees eee oe eee 313 yi UPOUIEKT, AKON 28 cote ng ct 6 cin bo bes csi Brean PN tS aya t os cod 37 ESTO TIME LOcmny OLN meen. he ce hihi t OPS R EES 6 2515 5 Ae eget se 346 BUN Siem CIA fer ee tee ne AER RRS Se ee Oe eee ARS eee oo 409 BUTISOU Me DAVIG: Heke ee Gh iy c0did LP aco oss ae aes ah ee ae Ge 26-31-377 IBVATINE On, LOINC. Sodan 60 GU CCA HOI GIGI tie nO es Ps i ae 26-203-206 ESTUE SOU er ODT ers, ciate hc eee Fe Bo OS a ES Ee, eee cO0ta Ol Brunson, Samuel, 206STUMSON:, WWALITAM is eas ccc ec lcie ete c elelore ete tstete te et chev oot orecin oe rela enelemene eta Brinstonwawallidm =2 56 oe ee eee ar rit Saisie ee Scie cucketor renee oiete 205-212 Brusara, Celerines (Brassard* or De Brossard)! esc. ees cole iste etele erate 409 IBTUSOD UTANCES ~ eh haere leis eaters tote tee ble ee reibactenene @oetepememe iors er etn erent 333 Mrnutons, JAMeSE 5 eee ee oe SU er a erie mitre encode chencietonenetoheletekete 409 STALL OTN go) OLIMI ey aie te craters cfotelc cw taleie felons vey eialete atercters cteisteloletatete etme iet tet nenelcre wee "20 Bi aeels JN Goa den Sone 5 CODO ODOM aod OGM OoSmOonDOODodcaDDOOnOGOs 36 ES TsV CTL pm NEU) aoe ol av crate lolctcl opal JBurgess, Edward eeeereeeeee reese eeeee eee Feast Seeeeseseeeeesteeseeseseesseenee BUTZESS;* Waser Pe Pe eee NS Bee aloe ete deere Se eee 319 BuUrezess, VONAUIRE es hec ass rs oss eee es shes ss ests ees fee ebs 5 ere 397-404 MUrLESS, @VOSCDN 655 tet tt TES ee Eee eo ee oe ee ae 36-397-404 BuUrezess: VOSHiad' fF 5555 52058 TS PER SE ee en eee aes oe ais ozo BUTEESS, UOSIAD, Sse Poke Sa IRR E RS OE te eae ee eee eee 333-409-437 Burgesteiner, Daniel (or Burgsteiner) ............ 5S SO ee ee ee 40-377 Burkert J AMest 8st te Sih SP Pe SSSA RO ne ae eee 32 ESUID ROM ALY ee PoE SP SET e ET el oe eee 32 Burk “Ll hEOPHWOUS® i. 5455 28s ee eee ee ee A Ee Pees. Sree are tame 39 RUUD WWLLLLERYOD © S557. °S1G 5. 7a sche hehe ele cel etatet chal elctetaletete ciais Seterere o Peele meena eiarets eeman 30 STC KAILO Ws WALLA @,92% 5 555K S ESOS re os bw o Fe tin cin siere Givens o term certs 43 marke. Chariey “(or Charles) *s2 oss 2s fos chess Sct ok enc ee eicteteletcls sirieteee 250-397-403 SUT! DAV ss 50 8 RE SO EN soe oe PE ECs ao se eterna a eieeere 284 BITES SISNAM 58.52% hist ee ees RR PRA RS ET SAE REAR iretetarer tetas eet 218-286-448 MIEKe TOUT fae 5 fe rn SO I Ee a or eee wee 214-228-252-292 Burke} JOSEY * 88 S555 os eee totetel dd tad ddd d des eae cs ct wn sareneretetatete fer 298 LeVib ge puaed Maeve) 0000 fe eis Sg IRIS On OO ODOC OOO OOO Od GOGO 90 OOK tc. 377 Burkeloe, Richard 222. foe 88 8R6 FFs 0s etter Fo SCA c Sater oh etetele oletetarel eye 301 MUPKES* *DAVIG® +8555 Sees eee PAO a ER Se ob 0 bas ob ak dc a arse) ereneteterent «kirk. 1 BUT KES» We Oe ws R682 BEES oishe Potelel etter RICE ELS etre faletet ele hatetutehete «(PAN NOR eR 397 Burkesy ( JAMES" * oS F Foe vhs Ska OB MOS EASE AO aE EASE EGE AAs HO Te erent 377 Burkess VOSeph? ..% 652554 55554 FER TE ee ee ee ce teh cietete ote wise s cvateretelietete) okees 45-377 BSUPKCUS UCMUCL “ees SOM te ole Are hate letel Siatat i totatel ote tote clebefatatotoictale cierermmetenan ol ate 346 Burkett) Uriah - “Richard © 0. ee ee ae eee cle eo eee 00 bee lenin mle en eme senate ef alte etait 400 Burnes: ANGrEwW! 2 ooo clic lee eee oe Oe be clea sd ichevct lien wapeteter ajo) a clisiiny winyeiti«isisfens 299 Burnes: Susannah: *‘Mrse 25505. e ae ee © oe 0c oie ee clel nel icine ele oie « w) no enbienet ® olan i Burnett, Col SIS AHA RRR EAR CARER OR CERRO Rees oes, . fa 09 BBTITT Otte AMAT OW oie rele oletekcte cr ekobel chetets chet clehel ofetlelel afoot ebate\afaiel oto: ot 0) 010 to oie 616 la erre) 6: ew faiTolCa/fustm lew falta a\(eX oN Nel Mauazel an ary Nore 346 STU EUS ATMs ono oo 6 oes coco) crcceo eine c¥ara ciereho Kn Cole (m folte/ mtalelwrelereloreliegekuiotreexeiatays 396 BST EESS eS OLO MMOD cccecec cere wo cic 610 6 5 6 wee 6 ee soho) Seal alle) wlfai oh wfollo late Nel ol at ethane nel cel keke a noiei 378 BSTEXCOTISEIS ANIC] sarc ore cio reperenes sycicle ore clei diol ole eis ferme nye) 0 © 6/0 © aloo wile le eda laee ken ola 409 BSYEZOT AWAIT Sec revaccvorere © Sim sie ovee Siero olte ot ov hekelelel ole fofoysieier crmiera Mek= site ey OLS Isapitih IDG WAAs BodnaddOOG ODDO ODO DOOD CODD OCOD OD OOCU VOU G EI andeqo CH Ca IOGC 346 GUNN EU yore fe ae wi os cfedin che wile eketw: ont oh ch -Povevofudotera/nfuJakupaats, oie iymrnye in ies .....- 409-436 RYT APOW I 5 oe a cc coca e © «oo aire looney ell nl nie) 011 oie ola) e/foie Volo teKelinitel i tena kool acetals 448 BBV TAUTENESULATS: cise cle coe eae oo) otal oiekslelivlnle’ chet oln) elotetelnfofeiofetoilolle /@ (oli fo role! utezoeletyle Ruslan 326 BVT VON es onc she ole Siew re als Sal B16 cin) oie olel Nototolinteliate ols caroineaa meio 346 Cc @Wabaness) HENIy. cc wie cele c ci oe oie 6016/0 w 6) 6) onion) elelnlnlele afelolo wforolefeincecetacn isan) eit 328 WaADESNMIAS HON Vi os se chsin woke 10) revere «101 oe aie lo ollotalrefole lolol oh eloioiaialel me cjelejehelakaincnletei aici 315 CHNeS Thin 5 soon oO nO DODO DO UOC OOD UO OUD ODO OUOOOUOUOUEGO OC OOUOOONL 346-409-450 Wade; f. 2 2PRe.. CDE wes okos chet cyareee sei oreo bw ele eterems wim eet ete er ena 409 Gade; Drewry. (Or Drwry) ...0..ceccsecscenceccceneseseeecsnsessene: 53-55-378 @adys MTohin § W. . osc 05 nye ais 0 66:8 0016 5 01 abn wih ole loro fof ee ele ne 48 Gaines JONMUACOT! CWasme)) rsiere csore ra tops ia'e le ololerole vole! eel e}o} ofelm) inl lielriehnie)=\ eels isi tenncs 257-279-378 @AISOM WALISs STi sic spore ci cc winicver el oie stele cholate) ols) olelet miele nein neletei=\el sine ge seere) keene 330 Galaway, Peter occ co creicsvsyeoretaverercporevora renew oro) oie we ie rola le s¥elere/a laterals iste intel arn aie 346 Galery JOR ae. ao cin sisi e cle © oiete to pefetetelolesoheteRe lool efelatoterel ee ietn Renae 409-449 Chih (Cee) gooano0dd000 00u0 Od 00D 0D DONO DDD ODU COD NGaDHNOGO DONO NAA TO0N 297 or, Ikanos a gag do 000000000000 C000 0000000000 D00GKSO 00 ODN O00 700005 409494 INDEX. femIROUN “WHILE «cs ee ciec ccc acc ccc sc caceccmen eee ese enue wm esis bra sma 37 Calk, James A OA Ok EAD 98 Se SOO ot tet aoe eiren einen anaes 48-256 Galke JGMCH: UIs, «ccdsncwe ess « AN he eR AS WS Se ES SP ee otereratata steteTe 256-378 RIM IRINOH WT. ic il occcc ccs asec ctcvecereccseeruemen ves ses anna MN aiAniCnta 378 @all RuOnuerd <.c.e ess .. 2... -136-201-206-208-216-223-242-243-252-309-400-409 enilahan: “JOHN. oreo ce laic sso clea cc clee cccicisin a sence slofelsclerers . Se eee eae (IANA CIOSIAN 260 conte sce cc este cc cece scuemece ae cle nina cicleli tere ec mmneas 450 Calinway, JCOD cclscctc tcc cc ccc eect cceneecscccerenccewneasewe smn snare 323 (Wallender WVCNUZEN 22... ccc cncccsccernccanenvnusescaces a Ss etree ae etait 409 Oa TGOITT SWOHIBOM one ce occ anc c's ccc nie ic eee acs ci viwe nm a6 aq uae omelet ears amram (NOD ee ce cee be ee ce cna cle es M8 SRR ea eee ce Ble Camberger, Chestop Pe ee ee ote in owe clereialearerelers CoS Eee See 378 @amearon AlGxanuUGr «oc... cos cs cose enue ew usec ss ce cece ge mem werner 409-437 TORINETON PANLON oe. eres c reel ote ee cS bre Ca relele wie eleie w elelel creta ermintetote cNetulerane 346 WOH IMGMON UINOR ccc a ie vole cic cc cic Gis cictete ele olc'cvats'e’n cleleleleie cle mss) o sini» eymtenerenems 346 earn FUOWHYU So ccc cis cise oct c acy a cise lerein cm cic cise sine acntetn ein stare n)srepneeinaers 319-346 Camp) MOMOUU oc cx cscs es ARES Sie ORR eietrie cree eretereiets Oe SLES e 5 Sete 145 amp EIOSCHITe oe ec cise cueeas wenn seecce twee ae eve vincee a u’ammsres 409-437-454 CAME AMCS oe ccc ce ccs cslse wena acecclclncluenecis sweets un am enamine 250-346-378 NOAM UOSEUI ec re nc oo ee rc ne Nala lotta tes ta ata cruls statetetcte’s ampalereint ... 60-256 Cerri pre l ere oak POET SPOT Pee COTA a tere nae oe 59 Gam samuel’. si02..., cf Pe IE OS 17-378-400-409 COATT SOL ec ec ree ec cele he cence ecw ae cide eb 01a mielelete sys siclele semana nse 378 Gamo William (Or Mem) 2.22. o ot cee ec cee ees ctotetere cia clg ot isce/etarstars 51-378 Campbell, Sec. (Cape DEE AAAI IIs CPE CIO OC PCEOICACEC a 409 Chm, JNO OIE Go aa cape ond SOOO no conbaneccnorcoon Dor ee 61 CampouelleDNuny ences oe tee te ce eek ae eee ede = 5, EBA 5 S-378-409 AITIVIDG LG GEONEG) score tlc ee cele elcome cast: ..... - 410-438-450 Connnnciih,. (UNe a oes on oon Donn AGO enone arr Arar cc inocoe .... 48-257 Campbell, Jeremiah Sot 410-467 Campbell, John CAM DDElPaMCOALUIN 1.6 ac ccs acc ccs ca ciciclc ss cae ce ss tele © eneisye e albie wfavq « evaterena aucun Gampbelle William <..<... PTR Ce EEL SEMA NRT AES: 48-57-239-255-280-284-346-378 (CENMYTED, cL OEIC OL 7 i ae os ge ei OCU CO DUCLATCIO ie 378 Cand abenjamline 255. ce each coe eke eee th cis cideescnise en ces ccntleisarcwteias 347 @andler sHennye es. ee ee see OES St Settee 5 7-258-256-281-297-378-410 WANGAr ey OM hee Cee leas Wate ee oot oes Cee oe cele te an eletece cee nes wimiesuren 347 Candler, William EVRA is ae TOTS Te Toy fare etat ea tato ic abe he eters ers 255-276-378-461 Gander William, Irises. settee cee hes te pee eee PSS scart 50 (PANO wr ONG c ce ache ey ces baece ce ket Cee TER TEESE SIS ST. Se ciec ces wees cine sree 57 @anwwoOns ANY eee sak eee ee ee ee See Deb ee MERE T ES PRESETS: eee 340 Wannons a HlIZADOCM yee. cic crc cee eae eee ee TEESE Se Sere aimee pene hire Yt CaANnOMaeONTY, ssc. e teas Hac ee ce oe ee ek Poet REISS PETE eee 410 ANTON BMA ss sci ch cee SCR Te ee Ree See err noe cere eS oS MATTOON aMINDUMENLOL: roses ee cee lees eer ae ee ces 347-410-438 Gannon weHORCI) ceccc sees ct sac cues ne ee ee RSE PEEP RSE ee tees 51-375 Cannon, ThomasBAN NUD: SE NOMA) 5a .cig fo: 0: <0 055.66 sj syaiss oie)ay si'ssese,8 0] losis lols s ose o oleis a 6/e ete te eee ey oeeeTo ore MOSER TN ON) as noon po ueilerio es oi cie! os) oss Golesi cejase ere bs wgioie « se 0 SREY uous ie segdetiokemeie es 378 CENTS Y ZACW APE aie aie, 5. o05c occyesese.8fojo, i.e \olnre nis) oyereyel orsiajere oakeiererel Meme ee aera ee 410 MASNETCLE, (CHALICS. oc coins 6b o 5)s 0:0. oieein ce. 0 010 vjeiess (0,0 esors,c 0 0.006) 0) uate ey ee 340 Gantrells (StCPHEN. ois eis. coco crerec0) eos wheileie' axe oyeseia)o\ln ooo: «1 =) an) 0) oh auet geen 378 MOTI CIN oa foot ooo scie io, wins eleseieseselavolestiee.eyeysieie sic fefers lore) eloleloieletetoete/eleer alee i oteaaiets 378 MMR CATE COUN soyai-; cuciciecyeseyeeieueyeis,sie10401015;0 <0 0.» 01.0 6/6ie ejskos< ou sisi ye eee k ie ee eee 314 iSarden a Gormelus, (OG Cardin) 230. o.0565 oo ce wer eee ... -52-59-378 NBA TT Sh ADIN oiene ape ayasaioie sia pile cisisjals:@o/sse ¢is\eXe p siclamiecioie sfc sjciieveie iene ier tener 378 Mest MICHELS a RRODELE « aicisocis aferae 6.60 weleisie vies cc cle nico cic miele iuco cleieim Reet tenes 329 Uti PSIG eS OLI PAIN | gooccs pisinie os 6 ore our isis oe wicros Hem oe oe eelelelein eae eee etete 347 BOAT LSIS eA ION ean acai ass opajfe, 3: oe) oun. 8 5, oeseue: oh es ove, wie, suns sucsmiokaie ©) « cielc a) eRe Ree ieioaiede 347 RO EU TSI TSS sO AMM goin o16s os sopc.555a0 ois pce bso 'eie 1618 Wee iele re ew Lele excl oeuere ie 0) mia eee 54-207 MBN LOM ML GT CO os yss5 econo os 6, wise relose sreze. ore 0 @ oioveiaielsielsele\e ere) Ce teeede eae iene 324 Ganitoneeatrick, (Or CarletOm) oc 6c.ccccisn 50 occ 300 cee aie) Meet ee yore 55-58-378 RBA T VO OMe c cis arsicrsusin se ck Uoiausacas to's os 6 as wiateye oe\e sje wie! okeiel rer ae mane Seere 49-54-378 SBANTGL VY OOTTSD Yi. bac eo a cce.0) 01/5 sre, ceneyene.o ole causossle owe lezelelelofajeleis(e cholic ance eet anon 233 rT OS. TODD vip ecscsisc séeid oid pocivin 0 6.9 oop we aisle eins «Sa. ee ees BUA ETE COLON ae a5 5 oie fais cen cys ove oe pole eje\e ole winyalole sichelorere iy » cesiepaa tie 243-244-400 ATTIES HA RUBIA OOP Bos ccs 5-6 6p agierg-cin a. 0.9 e/sis 5 0 wes w 0 sie) alnvniayedeioispaeiel< (tier aetmetalane 337 MRELET OSD NOTA yo cyoissspsieioisis sisteis iow pisiorereis e}ereyeiare iets io ele) stele: ier teioie i eke eet aia 241 Warnes LOS yey cick os ince oieinisiaie e cin seve 0 elolole.s:cieptio si cls sleiey sie eleicist emcees a 400 MBATMG YS A TEU Be ao ssos opera onesaqcle soso eke oie nioie)o,0,0J0/si eis ele.sieloie =\< <0 ete eee 9-14-15 MOAT O VA | Me fel aakccsyssarsiossis > op ooo ov oie oleia.sie, 6 0ja)e «0b © o.ciaieie nie ni sininioie ie hake) eee 378 a PTEY. . Matt Wo oc ica «.«:s:sssicise oie gssizsacs os puseinneiniocc cleo eee ea aaa Warney=Ousley; (OF OUSDY,)) .cieseeiieiess omelets 3 ieee ese leielerejelelel=ioeiatmetdake taco 52-378 SPAT DOCULCT: wesc eters rac CADte oc pa vicrassicee reeeiees citie lesion eee 315 Garpentema SOlOMADS oops yc ccc nc aiiesielele e)ele 1610 eee e) en) «pou. s se wis ais clesieie cis ie leiicis ee nine Re .. 410 OA gos wrrersdigayeas IMAGE ee cisions ciese plparcie ol alelsle plow) sic viel ete ieie ie ckeheie eins ce ADAM ET CVA TV of ie csc sive vce os Sled clce solo eieiamereseieioelem celine 53-60-266-280-378-410 OT MA nas io gece oy syercuopesacoyeceie. aco oxo.a.% «ie leita) e ciel abel sicle erel= nialele\elsinicinseliaanns » 410 MOAT ae EAL CK, ccc pie aa aig ice) aes ed aed ceeieyedosa) “pnuegeieasisie isoyelo wm pie noiie pce ee = aaielcminiems 00h < «ela sinipeee sire et aon erry ch) Ne PANN goose ie sss cegeangostanp op eceie, is, <;¥cqeaea en) forenein eee o204-256-347-410 Chandler, Joseph ... = pire os hed Faviaiede my ay ay ey ok el RU ON atich od ouai che ters ie iis Aelia ta eT anna 410 Oe Perr rk Mi oie ene m we winco: opie wine eo 0 in a eopanapof tinimmepe Pepenagasei orgie: =: optr a9) icp ENO lOn Mary xe naw csieiens59;- =u ctial/apasevasayessyuyasnuayeuesunekeyeiniest)@i5 nim glia ane alkenes 320 Chandler, Mordecai ec oi cana varepouescgovnuasndeyalaveye/@ ele 9 ukwikei eet ctneeksie eae 48 aN lOMINGMNCY, ooicca ceases seas sgeense ees ss ai/ainyaseseincaug te tat sane eae eee 320 ibiear LGr SOL GNA KOs co.c.c,cpepore 0 epepepn a. 0 0. 0 00.0» oie yeseojniere) aio sieie n=l minbela aol « oanboa 410-450 hand ore eA DIGOE crests pine es wees eias ee ease ai nib’ acne niQiGs@iouegasdeeeets ieleleieeietens 319 Chentay, nt) 45958 ga ena bOnaOOOOOO CODCOD OCCOCmOT immer tris gcus ric . 47-37 Ghaneywee Gress che ccs: seeing is “shone cae Ve tabeiie tase veusue aus tb ware»: Wie iw vaieiala we etek 378 Ghaney.2 GreenDUry.. oe cniecicicn cee cee ev osc oe os nie parhelso ede isiraaye = Resta 60 BHAT BIN, TOREDD, inicio ion wees oe eee neice eeaen ae on pees shan eee 238 @hapnmian, Abner .......- sie seme aes voices cavaceimcarace «eet Tare: bresks eens je SARLa es tee Sean 347 Chapman, John i Fo Pech oils ses cad Gea MN WTA ayn und qo SUDA) a) Oh ei Mien ee Sa 50-55-378-402 MADMAN SNSED AM ciccccvs cee vein once 6 0 A siepeje 0 0 01s 0\0aicleie'n = wippeusincara, eae = aia) Seen 347 Ghapman, Richard ....... sages cyeras cress tate igires% Shag ital an Gsesay ite et A arel a <) oN ORR 46 AERA IM ADV ALLIANT) cc eccec cies Gietsigs cleir Gi a otelns ignig sie ses a eihilt ipgeeeter ee 59-302-378 AB HR DEN eLOMM, 0-5 asec sepegaceseseyers)c.c:s.0 0.6 6 9.6 8 aie acme e wile p(n lw coreioe0Kej0] sipyagayy ere leks hae 347 SN ATITONY Hee eis oni Tots, (CON e ooo widen cand ccayecc (ci siocade eccpeceusneinisiecelere ppemciey Sterns 410 rege 1a ee ERNN er eis ote ere oe iasc sae cic ci wm a nie we elec sittiote aw opethieieial oye) s)\ cee tN en etwee 410-438 MOTTA WSS TOTO IIM NG ooo orc aco ee er eccsnsnsepnre ie) esazece sein sgn; muejerejesaueinisloseses one) slatopanyie ew to arererne ie ot ae 347 Cnilarey. i homas (or ‘Childry,): ...00c0ic tans cece c ce clic nec cles celeste pOscinL Childs “WlLiZADeENe Aeteevs vac esc ccc bc aiv wc were lems vonerescvovercverereiarverale -fetanene 3 M1835 ROMS) OUI: * ee so aicin dd od FUG) d cat var cvanal eaveaeib toes ensue lereFereie MROke te RNetokareienereT ieee 316 RIES) ODN) | soe yo eat eehere eich se wee ele hiv ee Licle Ss 6 cies cme ocnentnaNencde ce iets Cee 378 GHULSSS AWG cee Cre sa ans oy fictelds ccc inu cine cicvin ole ob Ome ote cit Matton) nies 47 GI pPeMs VODs cn kick hielo eh we noi coed oo darevarg oye aver cire) o1 er chars) s) ola/ ars oR eR NeReN Renee 378 ROSES FOLEY N e os yercteen i oy ack oy eh OTN teohehov ev oy ni nol at 01 Ove 07 hei ov ole; Sle' COT eays aed TNT NSO TD Ss acts seer ww win ah aria irar wa aie awe ts Ree Pe yre a eat Gires Gia S Tre fend tee ce 248 . 942 CVE WAYS Uielivtshiojil ey Oe Nr EGC AO OOO Crop comcro ce el et os 245 ao Clarke, Lewis eA se ildh wei cv chow ui tCTnS <1 Ste fats ICEL Oe 37 ‘ 228 COSTE ys eV TSVI So chi wee Git W we We /elleinl Vote avevadexerereteyeWal ciel diel @ Geer ave 6 Opeemarterme Viren 338 TARR ee LOSERS crsecig ern rc reverie weve crore hakola vai offer alcv arene eueie) veiw ar a ei daket CRED Rre Tere teens 29 EB GBF sara eee ON AS aie acs ce hes cw ea was whe eile fat her alei wie ead dsr Sree hemnee _ 320-450 CE Te mV VAT LUT SOIN eae = cdc corer A eevee swokets Wie Sk Bie SR Sle erotic dials Sai Sieiccecckes 231-300-306-397 : ; oo Clay, Abia 378 Clay, Joseph Clayton, Stephen, Sr. 326 COSI sd OTT as to cscs hes ss oc a 0s ha Ge ORSKSICE owes eaita ov air wciel af ac aeen cal opie Meus Jee sole gee ey ere GISMENtS 4 GlEmM Cn tas ses cyavaors era svereresiapepedeyo enya sage sees pace 6 6+ MRR e ws oaks Clements, Elizabeth Clements, John 347 Clements, Samuel Clements, William 50-37 Clements, William, Sr. 315 Clemmonds, Isaac euhvelele e980) ae 0 8 & ee 2.0 0.0.8 © @ 010.660 <8ie ce 018.610 8 1050s0ce area benes oe (608 ms ‘ ‘ »99 GR TSTNVTUT CAN SPORES UES Vr Toten ne iach ras ea cvre) 5 gaia Sy Gres Sass civ iew) SS inseue Nm ree ae 323 x 7 COVEY TIN OTD SUS kore yw alas ou de os 56s Suey oor eave, aivais) ana aisuereteleiel <0) sfgenaaxapemeeern oc 1 Cleveland, AbaslomCleveland, Benjamin @.9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 0 6 8 06 608 6668 806 668 0 0 6 6 8 6 6 0 0 6 6 6 6 8 sb eles oe) eclctite Cleveland? ‘Jeremiah * 522.222. ih ccs eos eek Sette eR en nin eee eee 347-410 Wlevelands JOD eco cisccre 5 cjoye oe a one cineie «cisinve oi eie eve cnc Clee oro) eT eee 319 Wlevelanaes Garin occicc, cuore a vis ekeeraveieus a eseiewreierars ws lA RE IS SRO I svereifait, cyspeeeOO WHat, ISAAC: x stent. wicinisrs isinledpia ats colwie' lela ia yelo ete elected 6 Sus. 5 A eee 347 Wlifton;: sCHArles :. «cscs eye sais see a Sle oie oa 20-347-378 SLELON: MG COFEe! .4:50 566 had We A a eee 410-438 Clifton eWiilliaM sen ccceskes rts cas ses shee ee RARE Seek Seer 347-378-410 ACLU TA COM Ho. 05 01 sect ci latolot siete sisis oisigin'e eiciec eS aoe aes BAe a ee RS 5 es eee meee 410 Clinton mWilliame =. .% 6 ee chs Ahh eee eR RS BERR Ute cele Cee eee 450 wHOUdy Hzekiel 45 i532 ass ss eac M ee es ees Set eee 60-231-308-378-438-450-459-462 SIOUGW JOTOe oe ee See SSE SS AS URE ee ee es 5 ee 379 Clouds J cremian: 525.55 56.0 5542S bbs ee eee ee ee eee 255-278-281-410 @loud= Jeremiahs Jr: 2625 665 sb 80h ee ese 8 eee oe TOR eee 53 Wloudy Jeremiah’ Sri sec cece cece ccc ccc ccs ose. ccc cheep ae sonanie © cee 62 WOU: TOWN o..aeie oo onic chs Seles els so cls ec tie soe ce eiscte cs eee 51-243-379 WLOUGS MOMORDE oie a: cic .c oe 0050/65, ors 5:6. oicidue Sic s srdvn se cssere pvcyeieielnisvereier els o iSite 51-243 Cloud -Neough> (or Nerioula)) .%0. sc... ost co os ccele et ces os ere ais amie 51-379 Gloudas® GCOlrge* .s8e sh oho ele ites el eee 52-378 Mloueh (GOOLKZ6. -<45 4 sss sis he 0 ee eee tk Ces oie ee eet cose eee 46 ‘CHO OE Nee AS peo Oem ea cote COMO OOOO OU maa OOddS boon Hdob ed SOR BEE Mow en VONN: 6s 228.8 655 ESS Bee 55 eae ess See bre See ener e ce eee eee 211 ClO Wer WP CLCL iiiciiers si cteie hie sie iso oe ds Oe TOS aererinn eee er oe 379 @lowers, Danlel: *.2425 0.56 See 6S Se Sele Sal Sos cs eee Oe eee 410 Clowersh*Pheler sie ee ee is ob ie eee 55-379-396-401-410 @oalson; “William 2 ©2225 53 8. bes eee. be hod tb et eel oe eee eee 379 GoaANE MON hs . SEE EES RES 65.5.5 ore Biss 600 0d 6 ou 0ce,o,cne) eaeue oye oreicnar eRe Ieee ean 54-375 @Woan® Stepnem * sss o5 65 eo Sah oo oes oo creieceie 0 «oie cc. are 0.6 cree ESR aR RENCE DEES < eenIurCn 243 WMoates. ~Nath anil: 2 ocice occ srs scree tieiesie | cee ree ie era eae lone: See ke ete WOATSS TATION: oo sce o.cre 6 oo. soe 560 5 66 ey eere areies coy selec eel orca ernie) axck annua a Peer Ba ON GO AUS Oe EVOIITGVS 6 cs ons ocos yee ove oe ces 5 (wie soko i610 50 Go kaise cise co soe geynar gol aeneic he Pea ech eee 49-379 WODUSH DOD, eae segins coe gseses uss xonsgexeuesons co cee Cokeuo ase keno dcXcuskeas beuc kok keRe Re cienen er One .53-220-379 Woats- Wesley (OWMEMESTIO), | sg sce ork gee wr ew sini oo wie ow 1 ew elses ote ear oi ee eee 46-379 GOD, CAMO oi es vies sissies oseresou cca a) sce 6/5 wis es nve6 sila 19 6:09 fe depos fe aetto te se) SNORE One 397 ODDS fee aye MG ooo go oie wie ere orate «bein wile wie wveilens “6-0 alate te Grae al co RRP een 241 WODD;, BiZOKL ON 5/5) op5ce oper sy sh eveveisyoici ai aie oo) Gr aie sk sxsnior alas eee a ere 25-47-254-273-379 DODD: STAMOS. asap cvoveusqeyoseseheveesconey's) cv sponayolelsy on suoverskarcksiekolstloborel ere ener Oneten: 246-296-379 WODD, JAMES, Sree ipisie co ie.s once ois weap s wn be oe Sis © obo Bhs ID ele kes ee re 61-245 CLO) 0) Sean Ke) 0b eee in Oe ARON AAA sooo lo ooo odoucdoddes oan 298 CODD: JOSEDN. cocsecneo.c o neue Oa Oe Ra Eee re ION ee ero 49-212-213-379 (XO) 0) epeumal 5:1 | eee mn Aer ono onron OGonDOnOo doc coaoDOASdcod 348 WODD.. Ralph: aie occ 65:5: eireme tence ip egesiasie ce 5) oceevarceie cote: ove oid wae te ice cee tere wits Cincy Sh oPeN Penn ee nena 37 WODD;. THOMAS) oes, carver cree «Greer e Wateveep dora ole: everciaece mere sroverela ¢ ocr Se renner Crenens 410 WODDCEE.. "ENODTRAS, 6 eo: cieveci a: ceeveucpoia.bieca die Cheve Osis nidleleoieioe es RU Sr eI ere ene eee 339 GODDS,, . TEDOMAS ge sa se ce ce os cwisie so use Wo fo po ede Ko ae pouches rose uc FolsKeke Nowene ac encieVewoeyeee ee ere 348 MOCHA, TAVLOS, 6 a yoy cra, jeu iss) aig acs oil os anni clo aaa cloy on sven or oi ck chic) On ee sone iota) ac Rone nearer ee 319-410 CGOCHLAN.,. TOMA AM c wav sssyesaiesiaj o: e025 oicvonsn opsiisstay oy cucu svn coat exeytey cee ce oy eee or) SORE ee502 INDEX CinchYrani cece ba cicet ao'e ve cliieneeesncace can nnen es MMi gemma pemtem 410-450 Moehran, Mathew cc. 0c. vence essere cscchs woes seesunns + se ame ee 348-410-438 Gochran, THOMAS: «..ccs cece cese cece dete escececccecuce sues * =e guys o) oio,cleis sralngelavel/ oie «1s Mkaienint cl ies 297 MAT Ey SOO yor cs sok ue so ois soko eink iai 18 TOGsiin| a: aires ois: os) sles ons) <]ou eve seve. 0 ai Rian ope Eanes 17 BMRB TTB ee ONAN) CS) overs coaie eevee te cicieke ocis oe cielo ormis oho Wien oreiecie oe aie eer 52-298-379 BeEATISS QP OLMCLINS, occ/cieseielescucivisreicicic clei clei eieso.6.eleiere wiele/a/ois's = wielele'=(aueieteiefetel--ierele 15-37 callings roti) cagncacccns00nd cop DD OU dU n OUD Ubu Oa UDDdGDONC AOC Hod ne oad CC 326 MURAD TN TESS Od acess = oom syne ros ovo ios cio eves ice ie: cislele ois wie 2 otc ereisisyolarcierece occl ai preiaten etait 411 na UENMNEE) Ss onnguas onmaducendococsu lou nondododouadducgnCcoY- 313-397-404 ELIT S LONI reper cieisicicieere cicloiciele oeleiele ieielelaiuesalsiniele 17-49-59-254-298-379-411-450 feral in S87 ODM SSCL ty cc < cic sversiotesoiesc ce eieieieispsisis cisjereieiwiereyarercicle ciel -tkelt tenet keke 411 MBSE SAU ON Tse Eo nino sieve oho ole) sielsieisie 6) ses) cia)erecc\els) aie Jolelclelel yeie cies ee a Oe ec Bera TS MOSES) iscsccpe tie olo.ce ois oe lerehe oie.© ole wicieilejars cle/sin) eve lelefelel Je) /ekenee 54-208-284-379 Tire Sinn) eae ohgaconsudccocdoubocndcdsddudoUnb Doon Odo One ons aoD- 55-379 Gollins, Stephen (or Steven) ........c.ccceecevacrecrscsses 17-59-60-218-379-411 MBRSULATIS AVVALIIALLINY, cys rece 5 cyove eels no cinye ce sleiei 5 «1 8/0 @ 8/) s/o wm) olelaiel ohn cheieiaiarainie te ke 209 BSI OM DS EGLOL oc cis cine c e cis Stina = cine oreincro S) oleincciesore a usi(e evele wl eiesoleie cei ielaieke hey tate 411 MaMa PL GP ATIIGS, sce nis asye sehen coe 0) ai6hsmcoye a w nce wie: susie ioT ele often ere ee el 348 Mala itts RODCib aie sin ces ier ce oie cielo com aim were neo) oxeiolatelnlons (ole (ole clckstaiaehet Tanisis 331 PRGLSOM CADE IRE. 5 5 cis c1e:5 0.0: aie 6 oes o15 eel eieierc oe) cus aisle sroiste olor oreicrnelale © ekaaloens ae LO MOS SOM ACOD) os 5 cigs re cise sie 6 sic niet © oire 6) os 6 0/66, 0) <0) oles seve elelexeteler en inie/olakein otcuiiaisye 14-15-411 MUGLSON ss SWALLA IN ooo oe. ay0, ois oc niece ool erm cers in (00) 0161 6) aie) «oi oxeleyateaee) chained ciaxeaauslel el oiace 47-379 ROT ODI cine oye 5 ase cers 0 afore oe ousieyepeiare, 6) sen WoVe(s eine 0) erm oie) oye (oye) aieales sRearen el taka 302 WON Oe Chey cas crore, cre revercusieisiere.cislerereisrayece orm sieKe.6 «uals 01 eelelsyclevelolereseintats lalate Inala tatsiTe 397 MPL WEL1 SEICWANO) c nccc cic oi cle ecko) oe ele olen si evece wim olcie sini wieitcltele\elnini attra te kmeerp ia temazats 404 BRST SU LNT iyo oie oases oneriove. 0s ors 0c sels oueKe om) ote cole loxerorevolrexereloke 61-323-379-411-438-450 Coys 1a Sy Rye Sean oo und onoun adobe o I to0D JU cOnOnOHODODOUgDOOS DOO DEF 32 Mamer HMuUeh: Me core hos ce on ale wr ciceis w oiniepe eioleiersisioletnte ta clon olecerecera wieketsiece tee 329-338 Comer, James icon cdi U olase a4 cubis choi whbTee ATG 6 0/6 EPO oT Eo nen cae ae SOOIMNTMIANSS SATADY ooo cisicses on cieioin soe cclviore oie lsvereie wie celeeis e apeleelvlelenelelakekeraateinet ns 326 WOMPLONe WALLIAMS, <5 2 ee cle eee ci einie occ = mine olele viene © wiv en celele)=ieielnintelenranals 379 GBONAWAV. LIZADEED cece ce occ icicle cleo ote 0) ales eile) oie Yny oloe ce) 6) ool oles nice teste tele) often el needa 33 Cail, Saye “Sooo er oonnodndodpoboocedaroodun on oododoDdoNDNN - Ne ee OO WonewArTchi Dalia... oc « occc ccc je cs ec 6 Cele a rie wie niente who Kete ere niainicteresteisialeaels 348 China, ENGR aoc sooo dooeonod boo odo d odo DODO DODO bY OODOUN DANO 48-49-379 WON Ee OTT yore rss ns sche ore Scie Slee evel a) ot elle (oo) ef etefo intel clebeleneReteReX- Kelis Ratatat 348-379 Ones WALLIAMS 2566 nce cine cic crcia o vicina lelerclenelamereterene 56-127-207-209-255-258-270-379 Cleric, Wiehe ahs SonoancooneoodudGo0ne coon OGODUD DC OODON DD GON N OOOO DOR TOES 46 Gone. William Sr cave cc cc ccccreie ccc © oe cierelolelotels Cislecels crele\eke sin ss cli et bi Kaeris 46 (Osa tt” peo anags ooo Con oo dn aed ono dood aU CUUD OUD oodDbCodgdON ONO SonKC 450 Conger, Benjamin, (or Congo) .......-.eseeersereesseasensererccrsseces 348-411 Monley, CAleDs, ces cre cies coe ele oe a crores feltel woke eyo keice ete nete mes RoKenaene)iee Fars Matra kanes 57 Wonley, SACOM es eee ele ieee feline ns olalere eckctelet eke roneceNonere A teat elt Ree aare ns 379 Wonnally:, Pacrick. occ cere cise ecco ole eiiece ile oere) «olrleleelohetaletelareetels\ eke aie kennacale 62-37 Monnel: Davide so ces ee ee eee cece ee ole ele) ere telaieletenetel ofetore Nelo atch terete tee cere504 Connell; Daniel fisciisciiisec cesses ass cies sashes bows tes ve. 5 eee ee 57 Fre FERRGes 16a c shee sc bebe shededs cet a ede tenner ce. core 56-379 Prmnalie Wolse ore soos ccs c Steere asad tes ts oa RE OES POET ee 56-327-379 TeremiGdS TITUS 85 'c sw 'e's au 'e ss = oo a 'a'n a ke 'e'e bbs 14S bE MAME NENT late alton 55-302 Grmnelivs fIRINGS® | ic an nes ees eat ose se sees bene Soh ee Ree heS is errr 17-411 Gonneliy, JODM We. cccc ccc cc dase es 55655588 586 656 65 be ee ene Ne oe eee 400 POE ILY, SETAC (ioc wiale o's 0's o'e ne a’ w'nln'e 00a lo sola a's ola’ Stele nt a eer 284-411 WorMYVC LI; VALLI ocho ow wo ocho a' iat aiele'e'e'atalelelietcisieietatatatelate’statetete) = Mibis Wim = inran leas 208 Gonner. BeniaMn foc el selec secs te dec edna na eas «oem ee 348 aie, DENTE Gea poren bp (OObUC UBD OODOCDMOO COICO DLR AMR I 7O ~ 54-379-411 CHa ADSTIN 6 pon COCO TN CREO OOOOH SOO OOOO OOO GO OOO OD OO Ob cit 00 c 58-411 (MONTE WWLUIAINY aes re ees to cee cet eceec ste ch CSch es ht Sas te ea 348 NTIS ANIC fo cc cee cic cs cc cece asec cst ee te sic satu « suaimrbericnelclemen 437 NUTS ee cc ee wc areeucee dnc wc cence t Ok sh bs Smeal reas 17-411 POrSVITID TE SLDATTIG IS (SI oe cnc ois cn ww cle cree clas ne mw mieten olin om isliet atid ie: didi (hein wren ee 313 PUTIN OC UIATICle 950 65515 ct as oak cles ot ai © © ace «eines o ele nie wie eluleisiniere woriniolenne 54 PeONIMOCHDA WAG one cs wie «wwe fee = os css 00's 302 u's alm’ 6S [n'= 0 '0't n00/e 9 9 rere Ue a 379 MORO oe es cs oe cc cect ne cee tye melee = ou 8's ofeletaleresnermin ena 379-411 WonteratieelOSGDh 6220 ccc fcc ccc t en wenn cece ne siciee dinia ele urets sian aarnne 379 MLE Vee TAILORS co rn ons cc nm cies e eo liaise cave asi vinialalnd wicleleccter roca coos 411 ROTO VA NLOIAS = 000 ccc cs oes wie c= oles oe ee nt) o(te\'s on «1 wine /wln tate ni wiermi rere ens 17-411 (NWhIIE ORES -. con ccc es cca sees te nec cae tenes ees Wnie es sien n wn mre 400 Gonvenss JON o........- SS CIS Se pe a Gio pieleleie sie © Siete ao eleile a ocorsiereieiercre meer eke 216-244 COSC YreeWilliam), . . << s6.:e:c.cu so sess ore wipe e's sleep ee ois ini ciece is eicvencueeusiei eneeemeiebers 348 GD OTS1 Ay DVLA oo eye paises co sdke ons see's av geuekousxekoaswscokeks orspsascsusecis cueler ice oi eee eaten 54 WOLCCZA MBE. oiace ese ouspe: opeueke eles 0 pone woe 6 veep 6 eww eisrwieislc S OLbaaae cheneds skein terercare 411 Coruthers: (or William) @rudders)) secre cccrcrerercieichererclencucioneicicreieien-to deter nene 4& WORV. ANS « GOOLE Ci cvencicuswenorcwoucysweu cucu ch sb overes arch vacuepel ore! clelcie: cilnerele ci ctalo ictal iain as iamenanens 459-462 @ornvens Mawanrd). «sos a0 sersiai a sraversiave eis 6 Scheie isuelo us iee ie kedebonsacnodeuopsueke ek ke decelerate 17 TOSSING. DA VAG so oc: eis sy ov ovenoriaveyas ev) snare svener sig opere@ 6)/o-e) a) eiei ore ol era eme tiotele bo] cia ok eter «sie 47 Woastell .Miichaels sce cicceiers sieeve ee svaie eos vais ovo ee fo (eerste todo cousieaeioveisie! eieiate komen aOreaenG 204 CWOSTITIONM WOW ee alee cnce & cic 6 oe ouerertello wie @ oils ip 01 0ie ho serele Sleek ede olaiee edototetcieke cr506 Graig’ MICHHGL fcc cccce ccc esccccceecencsnsecnvens@ toc) ao ae 59 Cothorn, Josia (Or COthrOn)! 2 elec ats elec ins a eet wat a SO ee 48-53 Pnihord Willistll .i...cc-sccceese sees sessnesusenrerae= seinen. lena 59 altenhoal, JAMGn co.cc ecet et cece sees seuss seem vens wen cn. (faa 26 FOL AT eel FEO) he Ie CaCI RCRA ICH A EU i gS Ei lcs oh 315-348 GtIh "GEOrRE, SIl Coc nes ct cet ce cle es ab bem tet we te ware y Pe rn tn ee ee 326 CIEE TyL PVA TEL VV AINABAIKD eco otal cfe' cule et oiu's'atwiwatatatatavalatwsn'wretetetavarwiatelsTerols. se aaa 397 ay ts bess C00) Olin IA iS CI CR Ice a SCR MS ade teil tht 411-438 COT TENY, 6 ccc cre ecient cheater atcteta tat vhalat ial a afutaty at atatotat fal at otha eT aa 60 RPT PETAR TOTTI ooh fe state raterata'e'atatelatata tele ete\a obitatwtntstatotn svetatat dia) ataterst ® aos 'n ale 's'n'n telco W's 0/00 'uinietaacnterstatatnvavelaiminyers.« GUT aaa 349 CYOUCh “OULILIAIIT ccc ce cc 2 kab c's 55 55 S88 B16 8s 0m 0 ee reve te ion olninsare «ERE 397 Grow. AlEXONUGr <5 eee 379 COVICLATTE EOIN, CT ONIM icrtcla’ clu’ ate ch eretet ste ctetareterateratarerareictereierstenetavaisnsies, « MGhinbaiminin = gia areie 379 GuipHithy ATChibald: ooschscdseccce sts tec aee nc cdes e Uist. SOs SEM ms aie 349 Culbertson, Celia ...... he ice A GO oF ae ct ct HOUGA cn ch Weak oF wl usu oyu) 9s Oe ee ROR 32 Gnibreathi ames: «6 50s onc neces ea ke te Ot weet t _. . -25-47-127-202-210-379 CRS DPA YSCe PL TEN OPN MENT acco eee otc ela facta "alfalfa lla (ola fafa ale ruleravers . .61-127-202-244-379 GTA TELE ALOT ss ae ore ae acta tale ol cle ole tel fol efarete Malernl oseleNercicns eretueees 127-209-210 cinieywil. TANS) Ss ebno0don sont ombo noon CUO GOOD OUUmoU UU OO Our Mion 2b oc 61 OTIIENSMELEUTY, oc cc cee caw feels cle wc cine o)aielela sie e aie whe srereivnnne can eis her siieca: 379 erTITOMS POSED cere cicero es ctales to's 0le nie tenic'al alelchelatefatateln,«) ptemerarwrcr™) =i BRS na= st ame 379 BININCDEIs pase cece cele clue eo SOP IE EOE MEE ROME EE OE GG RIO eet 457 TOIIMENUGRIOSGDM sect ste ce cc ce cele ee elena hahah ehwhcl tor wicemmrcaries See uae 379 PenMINCHHETeIOSEDI IT: Soccer ee acc ec etme 10 0d ts Wrermcmcnery> arena 60 MuloeppersMslachl ioncee nem: 411 Guthbert® ‘Geth* TOLD» «0s sos veh cco oh oh vet eh woah ot oes) eh oho oon e oi es onclick en Mes ueNeNanas seas 411-462 Oli tahen nao nol VENp no oon cooboponOD DDO ODCOOOU CU C OD OD CODA OC OOS Co 2OCC5 0 4.6 411 Utes: JOSEPH Wr mere Aaa roe ctct chat ever tata eter otal el ororat ote} prov enatevierenevonepaamsiel eat etemm RES Anes 349 Giryler EEN Ty Ms sos B 8 OSS ee ie rec IS Ie eo reels Slams als ain teal Pee 412 D Da PDS |JOUNE *.h.5cichciehnteh habeh cheat chet tatet hah oval her cot ovon er chet ot oh et etoke) ok eh eh eb sk oi shes aReMe RP NaRE RCS Re 439 379 Dabney, GASTON! © s A5 ic Ai oiwinteberetetotet ctatiatelatat at ctetaver-Fotete ret of tolerot nietahiote (nla mN=R-eraenelcmnsc Rime510 Dabney, Austen, (or Austin) .....-.--++++++++-: 65-349-379-402-438-545-459-462 TRGPUR, LWAR. cine ccc ec ce we tout aries 08/0 aie 0 asain en side Cie. Sugai a ie eae 404 Wome sett, WAURI ccc ccs crc c ent e seer nneneperaenes ete a wne ane e ses 397-404 PRIRY, ccc ee wen keen eae ree ees mac ase ece.es ss e.5.n 6 e 8 iAiais sin a ee 412 Dale, Jemima Bape 9 ee are cs gl wei asic Mien, SLO LAieis ie iaim ig 6 eg seal ole] oiaas ann 318 Daley, BOMIAMIN . 2.2.2... cece nner sess csesscececnnssnecscscr ests sips naaieE 37 Wet ee TOT oc cic ic nb dir ce ee eee ohn os 8m 8 o.bi0a 5 8m n\0.n\0.0.0 0/8] Wie 4 nielp nines 379 WHA VPMBGMIAMIN, ... 2... cence cece cede evens entece an amemme asec 9 tian aa 66-379 We OT ein ic ee eee ewe cn cine merece sp ae germ «ene wiln eae 337-349 Thal tor? PERBTDOWE occ ccc cc ce tee eters ee nee meses enone en snn cio a.cin ceisie 379 Malton. Mathias .....5..0..- «oes dig da Auatlgvuviav elie eile ies aik(Giu; wlcretaye ial otal a(int- inerrant 68-303 WHItON. RANGOIDD ...cccn ccc ccncsanscanssecnrmn tener enneamre RAf pee eeen reas 349 Wee OU ie oie elope nic ap0) eis, 05 a oo )tieins oie a /ain, 6. 6pminiapm oinceiniegeityeusis 303-349-379-400 Mbrrrisrit WVALIBIN 5. cia cic ovic.co enpinwe © epee pa csina 8 yen 5 eae) Ksi= nes ernie eee 412 WRIT a, MAU i oak oc oe oie nisin a ries! einie sieve pisiaimce sera scale pinisie s pints CARs 318 Berri DEN are a oc 5 wns sine mow 6 ae 00 wines, ejeinieninisie inci wma nek 46-72-379 Dope eT aA CP SLY RS am oo cic) ae ene ayes cvoe,o se) 0. byayej einen) ese, aia. s) um miap a) ©. 6, o ena 349-412-438 Danelly, James (Daneley or Danely) ......-.eeseeceereterereeecees 28-47-68-84 D’Angley, Paul de la Beaune, (Baron de Malves) ....-.--+++eeeeeeeeenreres 412 MibeU a NENT NN Dee ce sesec ie eis taccs oe, che eze.n, 0, 0165: po, 0fe,npeyieip en) 6l-pRaekders hs 257 BERTH VOD ONES ON ch ch or os heron aor av atone oro parmusk oni saimion oh hexeVokaTokensess sieassoreksh un sl aig eh keene 229 WUPUIYA © Yh AES CHUB TTULND, 3 oo: oh oh ch 01 0) 0: wn; ot ctor kote Kov eros os oy sheiofonsxeyonecoyenn\enejen=kecasegspearsr poke shaban =ae 380 PATTI © 4 ALN OSI hire rer oyore! sieve rete ro10i0%s/overnso i416 oreeilenssexese{oleieisumkokesmingoieieariancheanie « Sakeeela ele 380 PLT TLL YE LILACS eto oso. cher oyu oh ocr ov ch oh or exererorenepore) o) vheunemienoseKetsionssnssaaoheae)=hohonekeun) emehabae ss 148 STNG A MEILIBE DOCH ce cerere:eretere: orev aroretey sveraierotevekerotoresatniexsuniaxevernnichnierskecaie: +)» jalamntaieis ta ong 329 REET eed IN CS be ocevic sya yate ye vet or ct ovevate Wa oreh anctovel chet cn oxen exeneisnoneokokatskeienen sia shad ... -257-380-402 Dame, UNEIOWA. Soap odousieGnCoDOUC OL O OC CC COO CONnM NO nODOUCOUN ODO HODUnOC 400 MTSE Ty OLDS CAAT we tsy sooner e 0s 8-¥ 09 or chev ev chow eth way s4 ht ce oi cu oserecaeseins dn couregesenanercpete 63-65-73-380 DRS OFs oe) OLLMG OM ATUIN « esc seyctevererccore fovereyonsrarstoroksxetsnokokexsexeneneie:.e selene ngeharelotehe’=Letrie 65-73-380 MES OX EM ATION een ro tee iro rete tote te ve dw revolve re conc¥esnichaNoxeckexsuvieschenehoscsoheked=iekt) Na teteeeielehess 349 VETS WV ANS Meteo 4 re fore 01 60016 061 610i Sw ieie)e © ule wimieiein #1 wm) on oles nie eine oRekede Gaketol 380 PEPUtNAn elijah ees oo xanw tw tiene mien mor nebo ry reer r crete 380 PPAVEL DOLE, MEDS © es ratecaratairs tater fate favre ve, ovree tayo onntatoxesoxovesmisoeinsepese nee inn injec, oh ekeen © ochekane 380 Bry eEN DOLE) GOCE DNEM: #4 x 6:5 0y6) 010 0:0) 2 06, vis) wile ie) 6) 0:0) ckefaina/ohsie ola Wimiale, ela ...-L7-300-412 PAVE DONC, LOMAS! syerciviele s howieice twins veces nue crises as 15-17-72-258-259-380-412 Tagtl, INVER tyeausaenconomecneacoddecocrocooCourocceerroocodtAcccodee 412 Mere CSA Cie = Pe eis. <6 wi ae.e sw ei Oi oreo oie wines ©) winnie (ohejalae tne (ege heals) meee RK 349 IVER ORCL SERV VEALIVGUINDY Haenyoie trite Were foterorer on e/avetenaye (ete otnile le koxadeteile te teks (eietoismqokelnnate « 64-71-205-232-380 PPAVACG SOM se OLIN Hep h oc chcy crop cto er ok si eforay oes! ojeie¥osay oalej oh phosegeseyenosenelef apes epek eh 9s 94°14 349-412-439-451 Damian, Asani oo oopeneeoneec och necuUc un cocodcocccccuoccecdcL 284-285-412-438 Daigo, AWUEhal oo oopnannocre cee coc er oCCUCcUDC COC DC eCeoEC ood or Eo o08 17-412 DAVISH IOSD cis. lceaaie foe o Ui Hel 0 oe whe ecg wi Bei we sia lnie cic eles Wins) ea Meretaennierns 349 PEACE MOET Ren ORE MOCO CECE POC EC OE PCO CE Ce COC COU MDOT OO OODE OOO OUD TAC 349 OVA A BS SP WAT or ws oh oi oro) ct ot ot hcl oh oh oh nt wy uN ov oy oh niet 0) ox slay exaKeiol of eh er axes exekek-Kaxeloenckaxs (> SaRaene yon: 71-412 STONE CES OD WN e Waey coh ch ov ay ci ck sakes cirePsvoycVen swan cysicnepoKeunsoachokeRodoxeKenoAcpelien sks sleks aes 66-380-402 DAIL Se UO LTR SMe, & oxaticrieretset sn cr ewenet cjeret olieiiat elev etelenenoionanorerelecekshersphekshohecsKetoks ote (sinha ec kege der = 68 MAVACSHUMY TICK + ankt cist ete care once Gdns ricer ccsine yu ecteelepies © lds eaneene 63-412 envi SPAMS ATA Re orca ars sve Ve 0.06 6 colteicwie bce w tblop Wel ote oes lelmapliene in)cexe in ecole hie > talc te eR a 63 VETO US iis <+ NeW cw hcavchencteatey stele Goto te dc Uns veme doe Rane pdoko tonote de tetede sous hehe ke keke keds ke Lowe kote ae 412 A DAVAS IE Wire Rie timers erste crararn ere ie clo ctoterereravexatoretenesexetovajeiasevejeselviesaiaxeveleiehasnishnke) deh eieaareke doer 204 WASH A Di iis w bore 6 sid 6 oe oc dicat wow w euwiclsores ovlew oNen ol ono! orci oleh ois) nial dinero sohetsneh: ofat wera al 299 MAVAS': PAIDSOLOM — orc roto rove faite reine te rovers rwitesforosonede sosomodesoloiora ie leielexoiehosenekoaninyehmngepegean 66-68-257-380 DaAvAsSseBeD AMinwehe kere here creche en perreric cleemei cine te 66-196-258-261-380 Davis PBIANGLOrdives Hass ote eke © ye wie orice od aim elie oo ie) «io! oo iel mle leieie is Misheanmensaarls 67-380 DAVIS: BITELONGS Si eyaynte eye arene la letones oheclalte @ atotinlleReleyatelo 9) oi nya = 4/5) syle ey ends) shake teens 229 DAVIS FCS 9s Ride sae 6 obo 6 Rc Hae we Heupel en ww oie: 0 (ei einiish © Siojies ej eieiminlaisicie shakeRelanpiphouais 18-412 Manis NALleS): cre aieeyore a © cles wie © wieeeielie eke nolo elielejelels akainrsiyrarnsieluinksy.0ie\< a enane) 67-380 DENAER (iend GR 18) "eooeneeoocce cuore couc cous Cc ceconccoorr ono adaTj 00005001Davis, Chesley, (or Chestley) .....-.sesceceecncncecscncenscrecssess TDeavis,- GhHesley, IT. cccceccwsccncnerecdvense renee ndnga Onna dim = SER ee Davis, CIOmMentne <<. ccvnccercce neces acces ngene ete an yeah to Cirieere hale e/g 380 TeVid, (CIGIMGMtUS: eae 63-380 DPWROT FO ORO DI ere 5) oie: oor of oho) ooo: aa) ot of eVev nace solo ur oh al ol cad ah nh otk hak ok od kak ot ofecket Dest Te tegeDawson, Martin AWS O rpm WV ALLE I ee syst cis oss usvevexskcreksxcxsicack cies caneasiecl koe eS ete 72-380 PFDA TI DLOS © ithe ceo) i5 55035, 04) 0 Vai oie wees -5s 6s By seas joveuoveraxeverarsseuererecurcie cree eee 412 WERE Way ELA TTY gop 955. 6S re, :0'6) 10:56 ayer 0yn 5 cayavel.ey'e “6: 2ues6y5 61S sir @ el ay Grebe avere exe Sys ee 70 DNA Y aie EL ONT Yp ies Shaye' sc Gaito wis cite Ta ieda to ssi, ro da we co te wousiieveucnoyspaviede ga coneuspeneusnasois, «RANE 73-257 RV eee) OSGD Ds Se Peis rojo 5) cia sioucisieisien sistoseiessieue ws Cas rO SRR ie eee 15-18-63-73-380 PY TOSO DI x CA Dea oies ck si evy skier nis) oi eviexoy ave si'even st oxereecxer sy oy oh ok 01 6; aver ev arene cee ee 380 SAY ae OD CLUE Baie: 5iro, 5 (5:05 65515016161 3 e15hou visser &) syo.s povexSutycuesepe eerie Ee 18-229-232-258-380 PREV ODO TU Wee ets sis 8 faicai'ss-0 dav eiie Seek @ ev'elbwe eid au, Sue Saptere evaereyes ic eee 66-69 PRGA RLODOR LE. (STs evi csysusiiavsnsiieiskodevorsvexsnexersicievcsavexexewaunsVeRei GCL AER EOE ee eee 70-71 PAV AMES COD MOM ee os gays) 01555: 01:58, 6) 5) 3y/ereu0y a, ey 65-0j-esenoyaxayas oy sbioxovro; oops: ap af ovexeieerere eeeS ene eae 67-380 NPSAC WAl OrsgeANI CO) «5! 5:6) core sisia-oieverareves ayere si enensie ve ca capsyeteecevetens wis tele aie ane CR eee ee 327 IPCC Wil OT aT OSCDI 5 ocaerecsisis-< oie 6:6 10:04 ei ssevaggo. bi waiin cede ia: 0 ni eceyareiceun rok ae een aoe 350 MGANS A ONAEIOS) gh. o:sssoxsisiers: sides: scavoisynyoievavsuausyejaiwisuakoweiausaoutiaysssieisoe hs ee ee 349 MODS ELEN pred OTD TYR 020 5 os ioe savarcueucasvsiodoucaw iegeKsis teins iS LIOR ICE IEC 66-207-266-380 eS eS ULL ATE ES Gite fates «3 eigen: (a's ein fn iein issn iojn.osi #injexe (eynsoieuekeioiaseleteyeietepotekaleinesl a eee ee 449 PAT ee EN OMA Se cfs cise cogs in'tbicise so 48 so ue iw we awe ee ane fe xe us ope so masdoneiowse eves ee 64-257 OT TAMU IA LLL ATI tee 55 asrare'sasioyaysisexoiks ra suaweneyeloxsusuanexsnsisyelnrsieveot ai keer 7-70-218-246-380 MeSEL TU mV LLL ATTN gS OF Be G1 cs sak 6:6): 0 0i- crm aca 328 Doherty, Elizabeth ..... PA Let Bea RINSE SG ee ons as «0 © = enero heensee rae 338 PERIENCE 2. sfc thease eect Sect e se cba ee cers see en neu n nec nm amg 332 WESIGRTIGHRGTTT) fo) cece cess tas ceases sadn sev qe se mele mnie me mses .. .390-380 Dollar, Anson (or Dollard) .......-.scesereeesscereeerees eee ene 67-380 Dollar Joon ..... fe ORS EERE Po cama ecieia' sie oiener 17-176-380-412 MIAN TONITE 6 0 ccc ce cme ec cc ewes nce cess eee cs mms ormccelcire te oe T8GS Paslivebaniyaril ce cree cee ese ce reece emma sey re nee ee 2-70-380 THO IOSOM cca sis ss « Grpte esc wi cieiscte sles oe cies ne nine et eie oe ene 412 MNT AIGROM Te WAliam Ge te cee tees case ect wet emer sumac es mo. 350-412-439 WPPIRIIW PUIG cc ccc ccc cs cere scene ce cece neem ms slomin eytum eye mn le naan 203-380 MIME PGOMNCHUR, fo. ..c sn csc- ccc eses tcc tecoen ene see eee eon mmm ee cela e 380 TRMELOT ING oe ee cee sence cc ews sce csemee sh ees emer sus nenien cies 380 PMVELLVLIANIGl feces coco eee se reece meee nes wm ™ stat mne ome cae 412 MMMGlVeIaVINes «ccc h ccc ct teece nec cracls csc ces mecenqeeeanueme tne camos 413 Donnelly, James PR RAR R ERR KAS Pee FR EE EERIE Sie terelete elec oonrelererars 69-380-413 BOTTI OM OT ete ie iene nie tee ieee wo lelnra ete mle aloes ate wet ents eer eS 380 NUS WT WT POW ILLIAIT® che cies 'cctetcicte cre lelerc e'afclete cials’w s'cletulalulm'au e's w'e™ wn ersre sw sc cress 63-380 MOOCIGTIMPI OTITIS ee ac atc cn cree ola cle nice’ wns cle ew w= sinere neler srere crurer seers 303 OIG VOT tree cs ete c cece scccrcs cnet eset aces cbse smememmanen™ rc ue 178 Dooly, George, (or Dooley) .......-.-ceessceseecescercecess 15-18-71-73-229-413 OTTO EL Ltt cee cc nat ree crclciete cla cic cletslalercta's wretetntet ol wie'e slela elatermmre emmerniaie 73-433 Moly Ole re ee i oe cies eine ees eieaciee srovwmnsincine wrsvenimecmeice 15-18-413 Daw hy diel, Cli saooonoocnpencoo KUO U0 0bU 0 DOO ODOC DOU DI CUR OOOO DOOR US 413 TIVO VL TMOUILGLS cre tote nm cle chet tern el elle| che le /elaliel ot ot elulelatelratetereforcrare 15-18-71-413 SES VV LL LSRIEN err nein crn crate ciara elctetalictelel stele rele ets tveoleraratnrecersxe.acerers 62-380 DRT Ay. GENIE) cocoannd0 00d OUD OOOO DO OUD CONDON OCU0DCOCOO00 DORGODIO COCO C 403 Dw MONWAWMAIN. soacadoocgo JuD COD odo DODO CHOU OOO ODOC DONOOLOCOOC UNO GOL 319 MOT UCOUMEE CN AMIN eee cele ie oie tne aie cic c elem ics wlnielelelersinre nrererers mins 330-338 TIOTTOTIOR LOMAS ce rarcie Sa tatstc cic cies co nielcia ointe wate we viemecere 68-303-380 BONU VTA GCOTRO ry. es ees eee eee eee elaleeiniels cis elles coset sueruuses ee 380 PROC eee tae RS OE OSE ON eee eRe ce tee ees ree ene. 229 IDI hod osocoododsodoaco ddl do0 OCOD U OU UC OOOO COD Cori. OCOD iT i OIDigd O< 68-248-380 DOHA, dO» cignobeaeon ooCOONe COU OU 0 OUD CDIDOR DOU DO UCDO OLD OOM OImOOOD UOC 413 IDOE, dLIGHENENY “ponnoneococconD nUO OOO OCOD DUD ROOD OOG 000000 O-CCAdc CHD 323-350 DAT, WALLET. «bo mooeddondgodcous doo pd GoUdoUDO OnUnOdoD VOU UCD OOD GOD DOr 413 IDG, delibNiccd a koinboo cndo dodo DO OO ODO OOOH OOD O DD UDO OOO OUO OOO UC OCS COG0 Cc 413-451MOUSNECLtV AIM AS 0 ce ccc oe SER Ee eS SERA ARE ae Saree tome rere ererel ereere DOUSHELEYA ODN! Soh cc's wclc toe cisieh wc ciao sie ells ole eiaitonei sl evonelielctoier « spreicinet=~ ne 17-413 Duck, Jeremiah ........cccccsccccccenscsecessccccesscsnsescenones 350-380-400 Wee h JOHN. «0 5 cc aca ws nis e indenter erieiees seme canines weiciss «oni eienmiitees 350-380 Duckworth, Jacob ....cccnccccccccvcevecccscscccseresssscessecunnes 68-284-380 Duckworth, Jeremiah ....ccccscpescccscncccevcccsesncccecessuuvenne sm 68-380 MHCOITNGT: cc x cn nce caimacinn we eaciccje'y sible ues eam cum uid aie a5 0(tin 50's /e = akUer en naeee 413 TU CONT TOMI = cece ecccs pcruscin wig cre os 9 no pe Wal owe winiwis eieiee wie) sin eial's sle'\e) eh oly Muay nena 18-413 DUdley, JAMES cece cenersesccccssencrenesensccescecssssess seme masian © aime 350 TREN ES DUI gone aan anim nj0,/0ny naz, 5no)i0 moyen s 00.100 ep0)eiaeieiuiay ayul ere eb aeaeen eras 350-380 PGIBY, Williatt® snow occa cesneassranscesacsmesseveoncce wun iiWe == miam 303 Writer: (Capt esc cece aie ane cine ug wee ee cele eaten os sins sts + = Re 413 MVVECOLT, WA aie nc aie as 0 0 6 oe 016 gan s a ula'0 0) 0: ein fa/e ou nw 'm'e w/e utesu tet slur» es e]ainman ale 413 WETRY), SIRINGS 27 oceans oo «crane wie ia 'd 8 ne eine eae 's g'e vie clei reieie ie ee =a 380 TRICE YON orice a ac cereale cig ainieieiels/nieieieiaseinyqieieie:a)erntaraieiesrnyererwie many nysie Wace ae 72 Wet ee TC We a: occ si wicipis urs ein ee b olslp wr wie be prin sno aes 0 'ain alan aingmberaiciie (can 332 VAT OTRREL 555s oi one weve e seco uese rein oie mie gnroleneueks orale! aveleiskste (eie/a)elolala’« el ereante 69-380 WEP Bre AVVAllism, (Sr eee cw aca paeeinn mele a © were won vinl dl oieiwin(o wiv gtenmeiets 339 WMarart JONM (Or DUCHALE)) nce cece 06:0 010.010, cininje wins os wine 62-67-214-238-274-380-402-413 TOTO ERRUIGIETIOTS con oc cake eigielevainiqid ein @i0.01p wioie ine minora ln leis tu areia ale) e/ehetapapetueetintr] mae 257 Wee DW oe onic kn oie icin vie eras ween ee cas a eie cle be o/o nly © « menrarereneninye cine 300 Des EPO sae hae ois winie alain crew ore njnre/snainrs sila: chou ev ai gi elle oi oo avetcha” ope mieghen anette omenele 413 Tyee INR oe Sees ciwrcb cicis wie o Su wie p.m wiciw ores ole 0 0 eee cis/siwibie «a 6/6 mie «) rekie 358 Dukes TONMeCAVIOM 6c ce ccc wes cin acipc so n\n 0 oc ncjeine oo «60» ofa a nielqiupel-!=(ef- 200-380 Duke, John Taylor, ST. ..<..4< cia is essVeidaie dank escijayaiaiegannyeseirerateiete Ole cpeneteekersieteler ceerere 62-200 BYE EIN ATIC Vices oe ccc aes o ao sis ig ween oe Niue 06/5 ie) oie'e + win «wie widle e\ateneunyiy) o eruia 327 WVU ooo co wep nasa io yninis nnn iniej0j0elinjaie inieie sie 6: 0 0/e/ereis winis lageturpleluinlake eine 246 Wve Wee WU UN SRION ooo rece ie oss ooo e) on cisy uy aie ses o/oyuinjatit la alainofelere = tin/oinieteteitade tures 257-273 NVR RTC RRTIQT ooo oo sereeyessiaueneepepnseie (050/016 = (0icieojnjs)e 010 l01e 0.0 sinters @iele eset ite ie 65-380 MOR: SELON: oes c cis ie aie soni cie.eie s cine ivis.e'n cinuwinverere ecw cin ere wieleleipeaaae 70-380-413 MOIRA) PIMOS) 6 coeisicicraiuic/elaicie ev /cie «.sicle e/eielajele « witiele ©is « a(aie\claw/e aiciwie « ciuiampernyeTtga 67-380 TOWIKGR) JOHN AVION SMe ajcccio.ccc ow eparciers oieisie wisie.a eo vlala wes ole creat serait) vee 67 TT iG ICSI re ere <5 ciacie.e cre wie 2.001010 ecolcle.eisl0,0\niolulu\eieiejsie(s oie /eie sie» uluiuin nia ter sc 324-347 ven Gel VOY ye ahs oicipi wiolcie eicin/e-s «eles (oleim cinicie minlo eicl/eiolccc/eu ciel «/etaksietodl 65-303-380 DGS MMEIREOUINAS 5 cis, 5 c25i ic cic, cisi 0[o. 0106 o)aieia.cleleinisicie vjeje\« wie eicjalsiajale Mivlayshersteeere iste -are 350 MUNGUIA seen AL LASUNER Bsc n cc ace yaic fete ieis ec im ole jcleveieleioie16/e1a/e/e/esele) ofobelolelatay Versa arate 68-380-403 Wea NA TAS REN UA UTM 5 «dD OSCDIA: 5 ce oc secs ow os eu eee eos) om ets le wiule lateral niu, ocalere ener aruteretene ane Rerar tars 413 DWPR MR YE cre crn OAD ae an tere He rain rn a Uae Sele voucteveraneve fojotn¥o¥olaxefovatehetafeloketetol=Rrrokn Petals lorem terres 413 MATIN. CALC WOOK. v6 cco eb oe ov 5 sou sis ule lalnloletniniarciuletaeiaie mictulutwietalelmiareyerie erent rs aks 350 MOET USHINACD ace ciate orc bae ne tohe ole cree tal efelol Wale) fel oleh eleNehofehey ofaVet «Plott okt ¥alelstam) vie 397-404 MMTATINN | ACO oc a ea ac < aac ole wilco clan ciate elotululotatnfe to ralnle! eloteletorerelemmrvievel ore rmretet-retene ne 380 Dunn, John I np echoed be aS A ROTO AS Medio eR IO ele ee eae iho, date S555 es55b sons ooo ob ObU oOUDUCUDSOUCcUCUCoorocucOOdor 62-381-413 Boanin “NCHCMIAN «5005456 ote ws cb Ro ue nm 0 on ow oe cine wie sin suid sinieleleemremeray « 62-67 TOTTI OAS 6c 6 6.06 Gc 04 wrote wre roe wile fo iele oe ele imyriein lore ainloralaleialolaseqrinie onenene 413-439-451 FRU NISONNPDALDY2 0a coco cece cee cee deen es cicnse sem nmen ceiynceisisin simerene es) srehelnee 71 THEAMMIGOM: TOGA occ ccc cic ee ee woe cnieinsinie mie tr on eitin sin wei s\miatene seers ene 65 WWARSINOFC), JAMES... cnc scence ee ees enw ans sins win sieisieln nie neler ein am clebe ere 63 TRUM WOOKY, JaMes. .. ccc cence ened omnes mnen cn eee n ene e eam nan s viele 71-381-413 TDN WOOUYS GRODELE, osese.o:0re: 0:0; ojere:e:0r0r0sei0rej-,n1010{nieie /n\elo{afojereie[sis\aleteiniw ofa\e wrorere wine siete 241 Dp ee Oy) Cl ee een ere rrcbennecrocccocecconcomCCOOCOCOGL CO coal OOR.c 413 PCDI Y,. WALILAIM sesso. 56:05 0) o0ynr050:0i ove: oFasnin) al oreh et siotn)0\o\a¥o¥eho\eln/alalsloloiainjaiwialelwiey=\ it ihas 449 Wri PATE TMC eo sais oso oom 0 015 55 lk Chee ew wleels eS iale foie elon mimes mix menu ie ms er 69-285 THUFAN, JACOD cocce ccc cic nie cree oe rein cies wine wie ew wee eo ciee ni wlwiereicivieiasiiciee wintw es 413-450 Wonrham. sISAa, cece 0 oo oc coin na we nw wh wie oe wm ieiwie o oinim wine olm win miele) mnie turelen sey 328 MATH AM, @LWKC cs ooo. sce Sw 0) oes crerninie eis aveinin: onic cilia wnt) orondimininseinre oferwtelmtoreveran=nsiale 285 Durham, Matthew ......02. ccc ence nnecineciciccecciecicsion sc cnnc le eleldivie « aie 413-439 Durkee, Malinda . oon vce cn wine cence sie cesses ojala mielsisiels> olen @ aleisisie in cin sialee 320 Durkee, Nathaniel ..........-.cccecenn cc ccennnte eens ern ce cece cernne 413-438 Durouzeaux, MOV verse ass oie 0) cisucine eieibieleuse/eelaceraeloinislernlel ele cclealolehetenecino kata 315 Durouzeaux, Stephen .......-. eee eccec cree cennsc ses cesescecscsccsens 315-351 Wty. THOMAS, «6 ejcinceuinss ster esien | 80 we sricinn cleleieans cholerae ie eee 350 OWA oeciioecie ares Tot. cc cicc cc cc bc eice ers: ©ore'e 6 itiielarertie chats iq eRelamtakekelat (Kets 413 Dik fee BY:1.1 () BEI RBBB ADDO OOD DD ODOCOCODODOCODOCODROOCDUCOCDOGY aii uC cdr 15-413 Wyar, Henry. ..cacvnenesc aes seen eee ys sea ce le en lee 246 TVRs JOR cee ceccyeycuegeseacnesese esestinepsomisveseqcunseiesiricisseice™ sie eiatgete tepte eek eens ies 246 351-381 Dyche, John Dye, er sa wpe, Lele, 06 0,8 oe, 0,0, 0/006. ° 8) 0, © 8) 00 ese a Oe. Rie) 6) ONG eG Or ee) Eee ee520 PIV GVA AN V5 Soha cio prateisserniasoreinys -fasapalale Bit hih alee ase tae eens. she eee ee 316 EVere SNA. cc ware Gras wie WV Gre ELONEW: |< carnsiwawduis Hh Gh GRRL CEL CERES RSE EE eR eee 63-381 DVem Jacou, CF. wen Gene SRS SoS CRE OO CO eS See ee 327 Wyens) (WinitOrdl 6542 oh cane c4e shhh SERS S 5 eee es. eee 337 PGMS Di ooo rio is ekki es ol wh snl oe Pn a nee lee nb ee 0 eta ee 351 OVSON PIARONON Fe see ss ec oak hee See bh eel eee ee 336 Dysony JOON, oleae 351 Bees OUI AR ce coins o cieic orccele ceo sie wise scm 6 alicia pine hie) ae 0) mime) a0 winip ea Renin oe 414 SI GOTT RAIDNAIN 9 oie oi cnc ccs co eye Ceres oxo ne cee m wate we/0 (0 saree my ee eit ci alee oleine metre eter eter tarate rereiuorer: 75-246-248-259-295-381 Mivanis: "THOMAS ccc cctetcielclete slcle suet etniel olels = ele rcreletnrererereronelorie cis) hans aaa 323 OA MSU. Gponc onooobD ODOC ODG0mO DDD DODD OOK OO ORD OCA DON OOK 73-74-381-414-451 Dee ALAlbbEhny SO aooscauca00ndogDOan dad A000 DDD DD GGODDODODODO AGC OTINDEX. SATIS WV ALIN ITE Do ieissics usisounice ct xaikn is si vein deneide iavvwawue eine to uavelvaervayencvevevcvateton dey ater teeter mer eneneane 351 MCR ON re aaa, a) wos wy my i) 6h hte emi nln ts bh or ojo Wi ui si'ei eile eget ciiuliey iw @oRNe Or en aOR EIO ee ene 351 EWTN eae an repays Si nyiss oar i ee A wins dai o> wr Ss ni ee ai Meeeval pi wiel el are elec) cis: aerate ener 316 BIVPIGION a NICKOISS:. 2 oss ko ced a pibenesawbibabeinn thew eks eee 414 Everett, Archalaus .... Sc eeneiake gsinimcelips pogve'de ald: Me adel alte: oS a WOE oka one 351 Everett, John n:wkh un capa qh pada venexs\exoualsbekotrsteusl Merstek ler 351 MARTENS aa aaa sa aa winin arie dascasiaiai atta ue ce ju emraiuh aavaulnvc Gus vane ye daweteieto rs = Aabeeeers eararere 381 Wannermiwalllam, 5.05. on 6c ccs,s «ed ica eavayact iavelauerera/ereuss eei Geo eee 82-217-381 WAP YN TUL YN AER a ccc ei oun onc 6 Freie e pid © Gi nace www ib, ow va ee tee Se ocd re panna he geneios 19 UAT Cried CON coon eco 5 sic acs axe, con ep wielu ermal gum eer yn o.0 evel Ailey ei'e = Rie 6) eee eter reat 77-381 MATOCHILG: PICLIZADOEN cog aig acaiacn eg & G.a:0 6,010: e:0 1s ne ow ion Katenupene veteeyo ora epere sic) oars) serene 328 AIS TE OT) eS RCO DN eee, oso shins wasn tes 700: 'o,fasie in ck 1o, oyfasee. 6 la:76).6ite Toe tw lo fo ta alle Tals Cerne tates 381 ROSTERS Seam aa a a aes cpa hy casi erap apo lnvapndeuctendiresroPete se Jota meratemterete le Tepets Rete ae 341 UTES AW VA VAAL RIL EU YN eee Ree oe oo ia oc 5/5). 0) eV ofieiins siap. a) ai clini Wiiai si er evey or clot ewel al cheratevel a pyaiauameye stares 352 AER YAL © Wome RCO Gr MN oan oc 6 coos Soa is eienioce cok cusvlo usiadeneiesuve saua densa pa resayeteve feta Ve rekavale aia epekoie otaiele 320 AMAL Vou TRL UO ater assay os obec (0 ins oie; ovexe 0:0 (00)s sa:0/0s6 (eis61e (oims0 sella plo ie (ovale tossvors forekelobepalokakexevatetaks 414 MO UI) OTe SO eta sire oo 5) os sya re.G asec lave x. aia) &: wi’sh.g/ oy es 8r aij aleve seveuoya'e eveleih a\GLenanega clans 81-82 Meh YaNad Tee OUL IN acpi cists sia. «56: syards no evesave, al Wid Gre) wei eb eraLa Ate acolone wegen eke 414 USTED LU AER) INN Ss Silas ces ore, circscoscie sc) cna co vejexs c sayniaisoveusi Gus iousan codes oteieiere tonstetsie agegekepe © eskeil 210 PATEL YTS OTN Ee 60 c circ Cavs ot ey civayc fe) osres'ayayia; « Cree 381-396 Merrell lee Micajah: » <2 ec cers seo ta ht os an Heh heh Hehehe NT WE SF ot aMule Vet ho! one neP eres olatee ICR 352 Merrill william. (Or Werrul))) «sees oo fee eee eee ee eo aerate eita tats ratrarte taife ere re tetene 81-381 MVCTHIN. GOLLY + oie teres ce cesnewanarsreeueeatrens ware wewe vere tlaieiettctieivelraraurcir eles dallciies toe merce ame 213 Iie beghyel Ene) ee eee AG eS SAGO Au ODO UO OOD OTOC000CD.00 2OUUO..0 C 7 We Gtlers SMa thew: ovsroeire ers ereerereire arcs reve torescnonenercnohewowepeveWella\ momme Rare 78-381 Mettler, “Nathaniel « <.4%% 52% 5265 6 be ss 0b 0 ree we eer w tata ole wef atele tele aieRennlioMe ste Reece Me 381 Mew, Benjamin esses Sees cee ete eres 78-79-234-260-263-276-298-299-303-311-462 Mews Ignatius; 444:22+5%- 10-15-79-223-230-232-244-247-260-278-303-310-381-414-462 ahi. cae MU LO concancocon000 0nd 00d ODO DDODDDODDOONODONNONOOoSoDON ATIC 244 IDth mol wavobihl dim poogoobononnoOoocU7c on DOU OOD OUD OC ODOD RC OIUOr COND QOOG OF 381 Wew William’ sSra sao ae nt cco nee cere © ci eeie ier ekelens itches aocitel fete ta hel op eritalohoMNEake\ MER 381 TS Weer VELL T LTNN ee ose avai ay seavcuteer cbs cep sion sv eueuonevey oxsiene reno er- 78-227-236-246-292-381-41 4-462 CWA SSG AMIN oc x vice cc ic crete 1 els vile) ole) «lol ofcttMetet ol elet ol oleKona olraltoKe)'e)cajefe! peReuim (+1 cKet NoMa sone 414 Mields) William «fess cd occ ccs eles oo le ave ole cele chettehenetel Re «lelehs) keaR eae as 199 MTV TN ser anys ieee alain of son ay 8a 0 esl nec ere S1eDe BINGGy, MOrTIS: oo cic cic own cies cre wes wale cian ca a 00 wm aceinin minim nsejaiejenec sie /eieee eget nnieaney 267 BOWELS Vs CLM ONIUGS) 5 cafe cee aco 15 1000 00 0 rnslm im sole swim iwioiin nein cn rne wm wei elwinw 8m Oman zi, ee TGV UATILOS) fs cise a wim miele w wrote nies tonite incense vo ininn cofoinininaieiosn loin /nitie.ene\ssisQie enna 77-381 BAY YR EN ik we cic re sie ew csc els iw ine miata Wile owe A Smee ie aig aims eR NS ee 381 Meneser ahi’ PLLA ee aoc cco cn course eiere Ocoee lee avareeminceieie 9i0iencoig MAPA Nie Wan mnie plaletninhe rome 352 WiranshevONM ~. sac civic sosienae kGa se eee banaas eae gage yee 95 ase eee ae 352 MUSHDOURNES SSCMIAIOIT 66 wee a 0 5 wince ane nicen gin om 0npn mele lenencoze s RO Aler MN Ave nae 414 WY cic ied cis claps in sine ssni sh eiminnsieraicasreiersincacesespeuennaieieny Knees ere 327 MGA PETRI GDAMIGS <<. cie 6 oie 0 0 cietes ei re.4j0,5: 5, o1mis, opeiejojeie ne =p,e,niogn ose rinses Saal 81-381 iter eralo (GOOLke) geen s cae scc cis os shah a su kien Gakuen ny Giant a See game can 414-439 Mitzpatrick, Benjamin, .....cscccscde ced yecuree sneer yeseenene: 414-459-460-462 Ritzpatrick; JOON =. ........ Ssh ACRE acys 4 in ia gods cms te isi p aa kee Uh eh ee ee 414 UCC CTI, nae aie a apes ete wesw aceieioimiojeiesnncejeiaieseseievenisminieinun 0 ee 15-352-381-414 Fitzpatrick, Renne, (or Reme) ....... cece creer rcnnrnesncccnesceennes 304-341 EZ DALEICK, RUICMANG: niece creer e core cele ee winreinre Leones S ak. SOS BE Oe 414 PEC SOV ALL IND, 5 os isssvnde sete im joxe seve se ounte wie inne sein im cesesnin nine ninja aie jaye aetna ne 304-352-414 ITO BT LL oie io eee eee cctene LE Mie een abo oben cieerrimne . ower, «tht ree 352 Ea Ae Leh eich ny ov’ca sen en sven Saget © gnkerdock> 2 Secu cdvcdpCesiwenucunie toi ows |b REP eek as owl PU BUSLC Ys WOANIOL craves enciosacsyeue ss ho ale aierasai Sala el nS WEA eas a ee ee 414 SLT Rea LUDO VTL LLL YN Nn oy eter ores sinc pia a dch ips og AS pn gee 339-352-414-439-451 AT an ANION Ck ccna wnca de whuenues ee cee ey en she ee us oo Seo 414-451 MATPRTUN SATA POLL oy occ cj cfaresn)'a erase araavand aieverqrayninintanasarey aus al ADFT Poke @ = MURONE Chelate eels 317 MIANNISAN eVLLLIAIN hes a nikccc ie hee’ sche irarinccereereweea .-Seltaancee 319 Ole Mini oe Gee Meno. 546 wikis barb Sreibib b pipe pw ow wis) Sip in Wns Goh ln ie co ol elel = ShetepeRrnes senne eaekn es 321 POT EIEN IMIG) ey 5 och ateloie ciofekelelexshefsd ciel ed ORS ORE Ook Eo ER eh ieee yore 80 OLS TUAA YN Soy Dene a, ssh atlav-o aay cv sfvo:ipueriny oven’ ovat aiip'cal’pi ovsi.avevabe' at ehanshereneiel.e’ s'ioleieieibibtekee Rernedtst yoke 322 EMIT ey MARS ATOt s jecske ce cievels tec Marte tw cia 'e alee v/a 4'o 0's ole 4s evens wee Soe teederitenas = = 316 POLS IN So Want Na es ees FRR COS EG: PIS. 5 Lapa oieinin en ee ee he RISE ws 332 MRS NYL AKL COMMER ge hrect irc ctw avin wis Wiscntal tan pier wos ars tnreerte Le eon genes yataeneyonet neta tenn ene arm . 249 APL TAT) Spe COD GRU feces eo fal cree ta aay acs ars Fe reiare re ra eres keer orenaaleioyere Er es 8-260-274-321 RD eS ENLA ND Spates UNUM crstte cfc citu's~ falicyoteds te etora te wis irc laveite te araete aman aM wwe @ ate etg Rene Ee 81-449 MLS YULTYT ep VV LL LT GUYER svc Ge SPs acs acc caus vay ns sadvesssbdeseneutuesiveis.ererepais 81-258-259-381-414-439-451 Flemmekin, David, (or Flemmickin) .........cccesncesvcernensisneers 352-381 HMlemmekin, Samuel: (or Flemmikin) «.........ecueecenen guy ime ys =Flemming, Robert BULO rim bre eS ce) as oo ons ists seine Goive'ie neue fee sei aise sno. sip op ves oi oreo aus pial eielerninl ee ee 381 POTN CON es BIN CS ras. oieii6s8y50 opeue sere sesreysvesevedeccceveue? 381 MOIS, (GEOree’s Sr. aso... o ye ialezage 382 Ins, deENIS pooodaonucU OD UU ODDO DOD DODD DDO DUNO ODODODOOODD OS ODDO SO GANS 78-382 Brench, JOSEPH sas cc cece celclclee cig ol cleteie sete) chess) clot ele]iclal o] olereonalele/=)ox-R= it ianeman coe Rolal 382 HITON CH: WiHLLTLAIM es 5 5 c5 e056 ors oy ererererers aroretaforete to elorvieXe/a/ ile taluiatatalersiatate teketatnintartet« “ices 87-382 ETNIES SP UTAC oe Fe wc rave rere vette hove (e106 lore severe veyclielale sie s bisa slave) eieinisim miSlalo)a p+ ekersierar ome tkene 330 aM SONS ONMME 60 thc coe os Wiee oo wie euler i eierelleinle «soln ole \elserlnieinioye > ieee ke) vera 382 Gan! MOCajal® % es 6 6000 l0% 51 0 wre fees 01s ce e/wlolere cvatnyabeieveinieioioin © e¥aiaia mre wise ejehnny 404 Ganest PITANCES! crave cre wre Soci aver a carey el atevercffetial et e/ovet'el arayeleicnsForererelohelsKelsiexe\e, 0 fntrim eMareisto) = 316 Ganey, Bartholomew ©. ..21.202cscccdcccce esse cesses macnn sce se meleimminiins 353 Ganey, Redic) 2255226 es os ses cee bie wt ete he bene e cen emi in nisin co mmrtamitanis 353 @amier:® “Wiliam 522555855 Fr Se Es Re ER eee ks Celeb Wit tee wiles ewe > o etereterns mere 462 Garbet: «GeCOree > 5 55 Ss ee I eR AN C750 ee ee telctane wreheen Worene 84 382 Gardiner, “William 25 %55%2%.4 552% ec te nls be bie cht tine vib mie wielefue) «mre nereneiebrtens 83 Gardner’ “MewWisS® 6. fod do blo d en Fads Hoa dal hale cet choke oi Meh a el ooo =) nko 88-92-260-382 Gardner william’ “<2-<- 20+ sees sss seo tere moles erele | eie a mit eis) (esim ener 232-260-382 CAT aM ee re oo 5 ied CPA Aaa rahe ol leiel ole) oh atols) ote Tofetetele) Jofo!s) oleXe 0 fehe retin) «make. mi ueieme 462 Garland MY. 6225 5555 55s SSSR EE SE 8s he 66558 0 OU te © tle ew wretetw otbtelorovo terete ial cretem 460 Gearlamd JON (oioneko oc chotele a clalclelcleter © O16 6.6 06/016 0 a] ni 01s 501 c)e) opelernineherevetrintals'.s se) eKeRvE: 353 Garland) SWALITA TN oie ciotete choice ciel ctololelcleieloleleletel ol sfatofelotelelavetelotelsiol ei syelexeenersiuiciars 353-382 Garmany SAMUelle =o 6 cere et cies tlelereloleie le ere lslstolnateleleln elm elelelereiore re (aleuasrer=ieiesonore 382 (opm OMENS suocononddoondnoDcKT OD DUDODUAD0DOUaNTOUGOD0NID09NC 353-415-440 Garner, GEOrze, 22562 on cs elec tie soc elellelelale sfekelsfotelereleimitn tole creer eerste nern A -eaEas 320 Garner JONI. ices hore tele eter wlio tetalerote tolelcteletevolate (ote toelsletsletei=k-lnrnial iorereaclans 415-449 Cea oy dhe dosacongonduo0D DUD DODD dODD DD ODOUO ON OD AOD ODN AaHOOROIIONN 449 Wart ee ence co rene eee ele elaleite eforcleletolelsNele/eleloleels\erererelereyserererens Garner,532 INDEX. Garmers SAMUEL pacccieeivcremrwem aie sivicinenecmemmnaansnaaieacie(s as.,5, = Sheree 88-353-382 CERT ROLES ODM cy ce Ha terre ce ncican con cnteemmegecusens yeu ens as * a iMeeeee 353-382 Garr CAEDETIDG cevuvc cence erucenscnevercsscenccensenencon ne lniimeig ans ame 334 Garrard, ANtHONY nM 353 Garvin. REHCCCA, ci sek ce ces ccc ett ee vce c enews wena sence sinieinieiaie © Melby = ool 315 Gascoign Richard, (or Gascoigne) .....---ceeeeeere cece rece ereesecees 400-415 Gaston, Alexander (or AleX,) ....--.ceecceeececccvenceeeeserescencs 91-261-382 Gaston: David) ccc ever rerecesye sy cy cid naved oxeuien Greve: ave ©: ever aie WOLa/ ack 5 neko keietele Reis ica 86-382 Gates) Charles, Skt oc ccee cto: a cter es war arat orm overstsiorernvesersivisisieieiersieinasia = Eidmman mie =a 328-335 CRAPPER TET OC KASD fierce ctetenevesererave(overetoreraroretovainicies eretersieiareis miaiaiainie aiace nici» a) ninRrama cuneate 353 CSTE NC ee nie Vk UREN one © wip ns nine 0 ile ew nine ea Ai oiminimane 4162 Garland rs ef oh eae or ach on el’cs win wi miei ay wi culon oan ou @Fusuiastgus ey sanqnheah"iea> ote ee keen 460 Gatlin ee StGDHOM: o5.5 oe as hon ieee wet cae eenrincs oe nn sienne cle ceigimmcumns 451-454 GAUCOR, SORT: oe oe ci crarore sraretereyerciamiaie@eicmenemeceenasge name s.sine Cd mies aaiemme 415 CREE ET ETAT. forctovevctavatonenete¥ owccnitcgoreweroreroronesaxciereiasessiofeasieisnnarsieseasaseau © ROMMRREICRY re cian 396 PAW PALIOM rack cece robe 665 ew ene si cncmiene vie cie neainopaw ieee s sie 84-415-440-451-457 GAY SRI OR IS: co recarcrcterevereserere+. Se gogo ec WE TSU INGTS cede loxeneisue ted -kel (eis Sole ke ke eo eas 84-353-382 (enV LUT SAINN Go epee tel Fe ctesarcncraxerose-0icre sensi .cseraroxe:waniones sieyeeer a; ie, 4) kus) onngraeg asa aeneRa 90-304-382 (reeeard MS TN GTO ic ery ok eR eR IR Gothic 0 Gis: 6 nui cis Sie @ipse's Sine one 6:06 9's @lerasein\s eke me 317 COE s ra TAR SS ELT TUM ER yo oho swe ov 6k ro wx Sy wife 6) oho cy d's) 06 as c's o/.5; x uy ees/ng e!5) 8) anu) els anton aoe cers 352-382 (rere CHET OLB dsc ws ooo oreieinrarei aie cee aicin/ni ee ince cinieieie nies nlecere:« SRhIet Mains 353-382 (REL CO TWA SUIT 05 Sic wig or lin eso ce se a6: e0iic cel daba twice fm ju win saus\innkelnyegessqecase e ehthee ie rkains 88 Cedi An SIVAN COS 6 cyeic o/c) a1) 00710 n ule cl njoelerern:a eve) s e/clolaleia sie/pie(einieiuin iste «ketene saa: 382 CE TOTES eV UR EUIIN sie sccusie nc venice seis xo kao cn coin yee ante se pois enim sein sein ih nce cele on eee 382 Cae (EAE Sao ce can nop Unb UC bo CU OC OD COO ODOC OOCOUNDOOOOGOGD amt 86-90-382-449 ESTA TAVUVGL LT SLIM er cs ccc cic ciereres Gene es Be Sle oni wieinih anno’ SRefenere as ee. eee GC VVALLISIN inca aici es cicicinle smo seine pisie i's) eis ac acgietaleleie wisiniavece «ove sveietnna 86-92-382 PEOTE Cs GINA ACe Cire co cicisin nn sis sinew «1s breisie-eipinleieie gs) e:s/s\s s10s\e ele ole) sins oickel hell ana nicky 353 GontanniOUNMPl ree 7 Gir sec so cs spes ce ee se ce metcie encase . 88-382 (GOnM an OU ee cers cic cla soir ea cis wives oso oleicineie oc 0 ole «gegee ri iye = aoc 382 CUBA PON re rere «Gta a iacciere clam eine 45.442 44.0010 © sleepers canny nein 86-205-233-415 GST TVA ATUL rer ows gs coglsig eres ois arses itiareisiare we ewe ele + kere 91-208-415 GEENA VW AIN ooo cepe a, 050,6.0.0° aUk fase ave evegeaelagoususvens cae eee -233-234-261-382 (nmin, VANE dhe Saononnaaanneands Gne bond doondGoddpDodanOooGe conn: 85 PSTN AN WMV ATS elec cn pcio «oo oie tpegeyece.sctprusiess.e nce *\6]0,.9 8c PO: GRE ETAT LUD OL Te stag yoy ey cys cy cs spa bsp cokes ec execeuauepeseueysusce,e 9,0, sfeusvoin,o 5. 66 «piegemeee eers ckas 232 ETI) Mer) OLN oon ee go ni oip ees 6 cre ce ene e ove lens ccc yata Bie Seni is (6) Meneko iene 91-208-415 selon, diene) Ebb wan seo peo donno Sea oon oo Shodndodoc dude od00% 415 (CCHOYMEL, dakota NANI Sansa conn oses « CGamedonn cone Goondocnor cor sac gore 415 GTA YES rh OSE Drees feces hese oot sore 6 06.6) bcelere ue Wiete eye aie euens 0 © 0e nines a 415 GUT DONS aeVVALLII SY er en ee ea ee oe ce wee cine ao CHOON, WWAUEN ay Ric 0s sae aiguiotn cic ced aa amen aoe OnODneUooC 4 ore c eaINDEX. Qin Ghantbie! soqegGoub dood dO C0000 045 DOD 0O0d 00005000002 Uno aa gato: 336 GADDSs: EVOKO 6.5 cot rere bis are 60 wieverwreiwreiererereisetetereia) wi vinisistoietsieiwie\sinlelvip «| etmteetele ens! sate 353 GABDSes ELERVEl «csc ees oe 5 ie 00 wi oiler 10K fo reye Wlerevers Koxeurun sokwicnoieare-kegeue) ols oPtNete «tones 382 RIDDS a RICDALG: < e5c coe ow tie eee ee mwa emer 6 omer “Riko ies 86-382 aang, Wali SeacoccopoepeeeoneuocooUc cE cour LooMCooCKOGOuGS 18-259-267-415 GUDSONS PALION 65608 be 4 eo 0a ce Os we CRS Ce ew Sie Oe ere oleae) Reet eee 415 GADSON COUNCIL 56 Seer er ciee 323-353 A DSOU OU ONDE oe ste a oo cio ere Sin sisi 0) eteneterepe ob oe 6 ne aYotetn miele keielane 88-323-415-460-462 Gibsons TUKCs ae cece ore ew eww ew win < wis evo eiens rue mime mae ican ete eee ee Reel 398-404 AD SOM PRODEME sec Fie err ere emi 6 a ole wie wire cinta (alo tanilo re Polo Nolioloheltaliosp (oleln l= ele eka er -fsraen Ree 415 GTESOM es WW LLLAIM = 66 a rc oe ee oie topos © ier roheite io kor= toe Nok=itenerexofom= teehee lon@ kone Res— ie 243-253 GIGUENS) AWHLLIATA Ser ese we oo 6c oo bi te aie 01 ele uaa ule 0) eim o/b mmtateremnene) opeKareneys 87 Gideon, Francis, (or Gideons) ..........seecccecnrveccccceacnccnens 87-296-382 Gi SOM BOM AS oie 6 610 0 ee ole ie, wloleolurevelelaleiololaioleloleiateloialoievakoicveloieioloie) «ls nratahe len /=yet= 415 Gideon aWilliamMs cncrerenn Gee eerie Kiem eh ee meh onbiedecenelogeyeuexe heme h uence” yore 382 TCS OTS SB CI e oo 6 rere e010 70 rot aa Fata fn vo ralloVe Role vo iovotuitalinllolalla\(o\ of/elialntehm a Kel e! shake) ekkenevoher eke “\-Raeaags 353 WideONS s LLIZADEED: seyare oboe creo 0) 01m ole elon o! alate leuko’ nine! fone et-Rete) oNel Yate . 324-329-347 GTA COTS wAWWAL Tea TMle sere cecne re rere foci wee foroiciloita ful at otal nite! ntret alae na lelletatelevevalo elntalalele) scetekely oKeicRt 85 CT BEY OM ATA ew es oe revs 5 CR ere re cess seve rot THe ue davai meteor eres obadePoleredelotelat ste eeeekenene 83-85-382 TI DOTA GAL] OS) ee perpen create ote fe eiot en eltolrs lofle te elo te veltelic lola! olle’'aitel'arntnyotaln te pare As 400 GT] DET Hae ATIC iv oer overercvawe) ovch ot coy ohoroteveusien ove! ob oxel ol ei cilayel en -ecrep afer ara aie s)ere wie 61-84-382-451 Wilbert Ohne 4+. sede ewcrck ees Se eionione seme es eno eo Oe emer ne are 336-341 Gilbert, Thomas “gckin shih chehecn Re Shove NORGE LRA LOSER aoe GT Deets AVVLLLAIME © cea ciency ce chew ener ov ol oil olle otro ci clay enchane) chen-koetsnelekenheverenonserer=n aren s sexe 84-314-353-382 ATCO USAC oy eck choca ch oi cv och oi ol oh ol otic ci ol ci oh @ aim eh el el ol oie el n1.n)'0/ elm) oie einicel > pitt) «MRCS 353-382 GIVES) ANNOL EW. cic ie ir oo 20s Wiel wo fullello toile ratte! el wife LalletlnlioNalle/(ol-o)-a\celin ale) emia Ra Galley ohn. a) Res we) oRER 382 GT es ee AMUN Te re ce oie wr eh wre oe avrarn ai es ocak es oo) nile) oltaltel'o tn w Swi sila aI ning a yratenne ) Meas ioee ee 86-249-382 TTT ET OTN Tn Pe oo oes ciao aap eee tara adollastalloPa le taiod obeWtoNoyet ctor on os ol of of cest onan) -¢ -eROROReRMc Man 143 Gillam Ce SLTOYM AS) ieee cove or atch cleve oer ero) cv clei shel over cl oheveraie) olfol of eral oh eres cimicy*vi%y=/(-oKekekcunha rare" .efaie 90 GEG VTi ean es WiLL DERI © ev oy onc cv cvcvos, «crete re rains fos vate Nallcuewe seus toselefoileedeita (6 he ipo «| eWR® PRCRRIER( (Opn 382 GTS LAMAS -SUSAM nokedonoNoyen aloscs cc] =) NeReRsnOn 341-415-451 Gilmore, JAMES: oc sed bo oo oc Oe Ae or clevel clerckononelefonalnvcrssms-RoRea”) “Romer “Rane Heat 334-415-44034 Ge mOUr: WALIAIN. eck c ccc cw erscce ene rscconprescenpseegaun gs Gian eria seis 415 (litone JAMGH Ciswitecscewc tee neces enc r ns won einees se ree ereciniel™ Si) mritn ia 252 Gin ratt, FLOM Y® ccreiiciciciceis crewinwiccinncncanccnsmeesemnrenps pene ss sah mee mie 415 Ginkins: RODOMt: © ccc <5 osc cece cen were rep sens some ncnres sere KtRmaRee ae 88 ETO MAPA oy cc he dade ce cones tees esc eweean gman aa sam ueness 6, «sie eer npn ie 340 TSIIMITIPR ICES ck chick cece ccbee ses ens psec ssn erp ree ar rss . 398-404 Cairn Gels IONM a cpciniescvevcseretereieielescisicycicinminwwsicts on als ese sn pis op 6 «seeeeriae 84-382-449 @irrardeau, John; Bohm. <...0<..sccccecceseccuseneneensy sane eh een ee 415 Girad@au.. WALA 1.605 cee cers cc weaves ees cs ners nip sin plea «itera,

ate . 353-382 CiTAe ee OUDOI eed hee sso weiviec cece a eucesicecerndeuanssaanenaqans o> lemeehusre ste 353 WRENN OT eSATA a cosy oy choy oy boc 5) A seo odorant cnepsies axsuccenmncxek vauoananseionaueandogascanteanssatasa>iaeeenteten ees 338 MUGS YN oe UPSD VN ON ale on 1 cho bao evn calc aersta rows tespuevepenadarouavave sede Vo ke ioxeuexenesexsaenecolepayersacaads:ofeutaeteinie =) 1 415 Clarita ONY oe eee oe cick nisin k wk oie pone ecw re bene eeu re amwnlremir eee see 398-415 IGT eA TOW 2 ore fercieccinie situ wesc 3.0 cieinie'¢ cin ind ee 4 a6 pisive ap hielo eininial site een clade 320 Ree RS EL TUM TN YDB Pvt ors sal csi aia vzvuy aks xailaiai arcs wloias saver sana 6anisisnsaeynie: sgoioneasatacucas i Cte Gt Ree 336 OT Na Ya OR LA EU OED ii ope fora vee rs sa react nerciane;00ese unas \osepsyouscocese anyone insege ue ceieaesearacasannedtieceek eter: 318-336 GALES ENT md SUIT) OS ga si oh oy arctan) si oi atioyeN ex cteaisinveseyeseceieifoy aseiucopeneisvasas sins sieve elerepeceseaess « eee eer 353 Cy in, NMR pe aeteoce ce oCCrEHOOU UU DOOD OR COODODOUUnDOOb Or 331-337-415-451 META a VV ML EN SRI aoe oh os oe whe ict wi 5) ok 5h i'n: 6s of 8) a:1es ci nsrey 0p 016i cc's). 0;/0) ofa, wey «, op; 6; 8) scenege eae Ne eee 398 RPO MOT EA TOTO Wisccre rs fein 6-0 ice cucioioici she arene to leusgeueus ue isyehece oresesecenecancgs eMeeinTa ei tioheoiemeee ier: 92 CL OV.OT ELAN Vokes 5 oie or obi res ariel & w) si cv one as sins. tien hai sen ai oj as acs:ecaisioaeueie,singsacasioiece PERRI ate eines 382 GLO V.GY a RT Beles toy esd fe ow ew wei ie ine aisle ini wal Wine bee iclaaccis so RCI te rae 92 GO VOT eV WLLL AIM yet cee orcs si cl ev ch sl airevob oy ev exanexepeVexebuvesskevarareie clevanmer eis wan olele eRe 320-321-353 CLOVGV GF se LOD OMe iit «csc. c eve cie. «wise 6 Ww c:ele 0 016 uve as. 6 oie s sla'e wrens ocean Ete 88-127-382 GGUS GUC Ya ac )tyiee Gait iw 6 ivfata\e © vise wie cic siciein! ainve ciel q aveisiaye, eel ojayecs oRRERE LEI cs eaeeete ne 340 GPT TALC Bid ER are a0 re ve ta fo vos dosscide seo tosis ta tn ways rene sarieinys cedesaveussdiesavecessuece: COMET Oe cudeeitiae 398 GOT CTV ELLEN aia oh oo <0 V oot sve yasereXonciehereteveiekesr i iaioiexeueiojessiecescioysyecese,oum sabes «ce aktdn ain Te 353 CO MANVILLE IS Iisa iia a: chak aver coho essrere.a)alcuesai o.ese/e's nin aa ace w areseini alee vc «Gh tee 317Godbe, Fis UY STSE SUS /G1G (0115) Gita o (a Tol oi buy 011 0)/o) culms oval oro) aie (XG Geille leluita\arsic ike) «etter n TST gehe GPomdbe,, .CUITY: <6 cn cc cc ccc ce eee wena ses came since sl asmoisin sicieloin sen) ninitirminis ans 415-440 TAD EPO DODGED. op0je:0iciereser010:0:0:0/ 00101 010,01010i0s©\o1skn.0\e (0 0 (en4 eso ininninm pip » °\*)\ntxim.ommarennl enol ait 415 Goggans, William ........ccccccceccecccccncccccccccacccerscccessnes sass 415 Golden, ANGLEW 20.0 ese nec c vice cece cic ne ceie ecw ce aweccceecces- sme ws cms 353 Goldene MClONGEE... «6 cc ence cece ce scene memen cise cwmewems enn y sas 9 nine anit 338 Bolden, BTANCIS, Bau «oo c:ciciciccciccicisiciee sieie.» #:0/0:010/5.010,0,6,0/010\)ej0,0\6 #.9\n\0\6 elsienedm eae sian 328 GHden, JOD . on. e ccc cece seve ccccce ser sesenencnsie nse sien » prelaiininiie min isiatcis 249 IGEN WALAMI, 6.5: 010,00 015.01 a0: 010)01 0,0, 016;0;0)egnjieneze.oiaieqssoseeumieieusi=jesehs. MORRRO Nar Al 88-90-382 GE PPNAT 5c cansicvoxcie soto wane lorbse wiee ww 0010 Lele oie iniminlnhe saie\loiwsainiesnjayointo inion iaiegr © Mim Ran een clues 415 plding. JOD... wcc cere c ncn e meee ann weet nnn sana ene» cjeiemie ={Ammiatne Oi, 9ic 91-382 Golding. Peter 6 icc ccc ons 5.5 oor siripinin = ic we cee sien oie oie iainla se 10/nin) o(lssnhaisiniautegy 415 Goldsbery, Jonathan ........cccccccccccccnccceccvensccsrecsnscnssncesens 87 MIOIGSMItN,. .JODM, kal-Rake sel sncaenanency Hatde MBOTILE LY. . \CHALIOCS © cre) --0re:cyeroxercvero: 0) okesore\nroielohoistersjn) oheKeheieunintoi=itinieici= = ieiekene mice nkcmers sie 353 OlIACH Es: DANES: 5 orec coi oreo) cere orshat ola ereisiaron clelorerseveioheinkere winks inuniele =< mima a) \akencminr 416 TROISON:, « DODML « i to ve sre moses @ oe wie otetu ts ems wi wo 2 min ln foin fa erunse nese is oanpuior enters «Komencnues 235 CEGODET., WALATID «5 ose 6c cieicc10 0 v6 oe vine win wiv ai siriele wlercinKoloieyeiena 0 « Bin etarmunts// sce tacrels 285 hye ny Sie 5545655005000 50000009000400999095909000050990C PAs ces eiloDS ne Ee hd ce OSAP ODOC OOOO OOOO OCUCUCOCEOCOORCHCOOOGO 4. «>. we i46 Goodall. PlCASAMe « creraciorere ote toate (a /o1e/olexeleielnlesejoseieloinle/*t¥eialaloinrolateioieys 89-243-255-300-382 OOGUGOWDT DACOD: «asec jcc ome Hee we we wie simian ale lenis renin 9 5 n oe aoe node sO WALG oc ac wcrc noe nso mee wie wica ts tims ma anise oem e510 minnnle) oleietS RRR gees 400 Goodman, Lewis oi ON ig cocci ayansid w cleo e Metta Ole rare sicisiTtaielal ae mena 333 GOOUSOD, WALLA oo; oo: 0:0:o:oreichovese) eneseya ere. 0101 0:21 mparesnie: «1 ese) eiaieionaiesoie)sxeheae/¢/=aeieininiero me 86 Mood Win, JAMES. « «occ cave dace ners ema nee wines aie a5 4 sn si0ig in keteieenrs ae 353 GOOG WAT, LAC WAS. .oreseccse 010 coin ososeic.elecse sean sale caseinniekejeseienenieinneKesexaielsie "xe" “iaRRieestenn snl 451-457 Combi AAI? gpoooaedoddd00000050 000000G 0050000050" J covdsis ENT oh 416-440 G@oodwire, Sharick .....<--0scccsnecnscs cesses ess ny sls 59 © meinem else i oni 353 GOOG WYN, THEODOLE, 5 o.0.eic. nie: cpeissene= ism ioperenoinse in wiehe noses celts .niehtie heir inania jm saline «sey anSe oh 301 GOoOMWYDD,. FTedeTICK .o.....e.0 oleic sesese eee scene mie bine pee ees Wilh cas iniaas Ome 416 GOOdWYDN LM COMG vefere re resererorete a sciotnte!olaloloiateysieielejn) oie nit/e1s\e1e1=ie]a/e5ehe c+ REINER 3 .. 400 Goolsby, Elijah; (or Elijach) <<. imeniaisnl siemens 261 Grezel, GEOrgZe ...c ccc cc ccec cece recs cece cccssceseesasesecssesssnssuscreen 231 PEPIOMEL EMP ccc coc cle wee cle cloiclc cletu on clelelnlelelatctelatstatatatnfalelelnih/ sin >feteheterale iene 383 Grier, Aaron PI POPE IOSD OOO TE EOE EE Ne OP EE ZEUS firiers Gilbert os. ce ccs ccccctececs ote ste ce eect + osetia a0 ve aw riubamimnare 383-400 BAPAC PTONM, Ses c ec cree « wlclelelalciclole wlclalcictelc clelaleve al cisisicidisieiatel dela oleate? tna istetene raat 383 BERL GR RO DORG feo e coc cc cc cco cclcnie cl elclolulotulelstetatatstetetnfotnietsfelafeisfufe mle felatererce= 85-260-383 farier: “UNOMAS feces ts. sec ecss cee ee acne dale 6 sad diel dele miin om ain) oNetetmel ree ine 88-92 Grier WAlLIGM” se. ie. soe oe © @ cles ceive ove a sie eleleis bit cisiolsiaieis\vi+/01Wiel afters eu) ofesoKe 85-383 CHIME; CGN g4qaodu ancy opooDU UDUDDDDOUOCoCOUnU DOO UO DUC CLOGS SOG uOOCbr 383 GriersOn. TRODELE sos 6 cine cow mo clic ww e's wate a ele tele eee ttaia ween nie oMeePolelehatmtmcale Bran 383 BarlEtivitts CHAMIOS Soc cc ee dices oielelatet ctetelatatetel ofatslatateteVerslete totaly mieten yee 354_458-460_462 Herret TE ATM TNO WAL cle eicin cle e cic el ol ote eletelic oi sleletin clot atte ctel ota) ot oNelrat on tot tie WEtad). 416-440-454 Meer E ETS) ATUL CS) ors eevee etee olel siete clctelotctcte tute lafufeofereseieie om = s/h eb /6s@ o1eineuera Brie 354_416-440 Bortitiniy PUOHN® @ occ cre ces cf one nln © clelels mie cinireeieie aie © Herm iele eh Nim) -Pmmnvere Papen ete 458 RrUTPIN’ POSED sels ccc ccc cle ctclercielctete clele lw cletoleteleletniqiu wie)<(e ible e1e/elalsle(nlehoiniwietetate 328-354 Reriffirs *MALCHOW cee clete cele cle cleie cele ae clatael ele tel miclal cm ol etet oie etel nat pul ot Weterms ere 85-234-383 er hi TN MICH AC] oie clelc o ciclere ce olslctee)s cleinle tee olel elu ols (e/cr sia o) ea e)(6) sieier(e\e) 416) emia ete tenets 83-383 Gritti De RATIO AIL oe ciclo cre cicieln srere a elclotel clcteleleleletetatetatels tafe tote tatefeleta tel -lexetteisionale 90-383 Grrittin. “HANGOlpH ©.) fie ote. clelets e clee cle elas cn stetasielniv emule wiv 618 b)en wtetitwi=ibieleiaie 90-383 ALELITIE GAINUIGL © ee tole cree elec cote el clele ele ciate elelctetolstafel-olofetotoleysfiat -Nohetars exons 90_261-383 Gage, don seagnnund ons sosd GOMOD OOO OODOGO OD 0DDDDOOOnOOODOUso ODO GUE S 354 Grithichs DAMES) 6 oe cee cores siete wiereteie eee iafere(ererane eyereerte one SIR® Cielo tere forenere 398_404 GmiEhi tly, SAMUCl oe cle cite etc ote a cleo alale cfoletel cletalin) ctelelefofal stetelele\olelelofefela(wienetyeers 84-383 TESS GCOTEO) fee cee cin a clotal o clelelclclotelelstclote!olofaf eitele atalelelelure nisi al elek tel stegnaraieraters 416 GerimimGr. WALAIN «occ cis vice u sle cle «0 cle cisicinlnicicle oele sin eleln(el=\e\ecarettlon arene yes we HHS 54 IMSD Ys AGAIN correc ciel cleo cle cicle oleic eieie/eleie ein)eie sie1clsinyolelmiche/aie) sie)slereleysterslols tens hane 84 G@rimsey, Richard =. 0). += > ccc ce on cle ee wleitls = © ol bie ele nletnle emit Wroler mavens tarencne oa 84 Grimsley, AGAIN Secs cic ele cise cre ie ieere ole ela nl ee a lietetelel sl ol et cle ia) KetetenoKa teers enemas 383 GerimMSle ys Eli aint veer cine e reie ern aie ere eleteeliel eve mal oh ele elcetelel eel = ceteke donee nenals , 88-383 Grimsley, DONT 2 oc eiics ccc nes) ste co olo ol che dsetn cleat ole) tcel ote hat otc lolel ohefelintenolals eRe: tokens 87-260 Grimsley, JOSEP oeecicics see ee ee eee miele nm ool a) ele ete eke tone oi-i sls Vene ie rarena 88_383 Grimsley, THOMAS See cccleie ee le ol oe clete ele! of ele) ol ele) olan imo) oie nltni nie) a) sieliale elses eset ase 416-440 Qinoe, NUD, ssscooccdo0cnnga non DAD AD OCOD ODHDODOHODODO0ON4 84-90-206-261-383 Ciba Wisallbeint s56500G5nc0bon 000 G00U DODD DODD DODD OODOO ODO 0D OUOC ond O06 416 GTInSl yp, DAMICS] oe cree cies cece sled otal chet ola ote colt sel shol she\eel anol MeN Nel(oks kook“ OTR toate Rone 266 Gierishiarns, DAWA eters clots teiete le oe) ee lalle elrelre lo bel toltn)n (uo le Celine olertais (eee Re tra eR NenaEags 451 Ghakkpik SENN, goncocnbov 0 nnn G DUO DDDUDDOD DDO NO UDOOUCDOODUOGDLCNONOODONS | 338 GrISSAD) JANOS octet cries wtotoletate ie reiele wie else ieicl sie e's ele Slr iaie mies nie ieinieie rai toteletmte re vane 316 Grissons Archy slelereoccle ce cle) elete ls sielele cle cl cleleleressleloinresmiurereKafurenereforoletnlaxelererekelsieral 304 (Beicihin (EMalth GOGOOCMOOhOrOd0 DAOU0 OIC 079 S50 0dONOdGdOsa OKO OOO oso Lou. 354 Grizzelle, John (or Grizzell).........ceceec ere re reece eer tert rete eeeceseGrizzell, Grizzard, George Susannah Grogan, Richard Groover, Jacob ..... Groover, Peter Grotehouse, Jacob .. Grotehouse, Grotehouse, John Groves; JOD goncaun Groves, Stephen ..... Groves, William, Sr. Grub, Frances ae Grubbs, Benjamin ... Grubs: Mrancis ..... George Gualtney, John Moses John, Nicholas Grumbles, Guest, Guice, Sr Guice, Guise, John ...... Guise, Peter Gulley, Richard ....-. Gining WacoD ....-<. Gunn, General ..... Ginn. Gabriel ...... Ginn Jacob: ...... Gunn, James James, Capt. Richard William William Daniel Gunn, Gunn, : Gunnell, Gunnell, Gunnells, Re Gunnells, Joseph Gunnells, Nicholas Gunnells, William M Charles UII TIO LO Ws pc eve avs Gunter Gunter, James Gurnsey, Richard ... Gustavous, Micajah Guthrie: JOnn... 4... Guthrie, William ... Guttery, Francis ... ruy, William Guyse, John Gwaltnery, John Gwinn, Transilvania Jacob, Jr. n''e oo a-e/evere mn iehaiainieeei 416 =.) 61a (61a ofep ceased 85 1-460-462 440 929 29 . .o4U va 297 ro f . .416-440-451 462 460 _ivoiinte 6 Sika pegegeiete eee 460 ac ola epenentunseksis ober aire 354 ov ave. tle) reeaeg ease eck 354 100541 GiwAnnett. EULtOMs co 6 oie clese. ole /a10,0, 0) ufe)epnie sale ele)+! =) cele) elle oils) winlmia\siefotenetelaete-\elale 416-463 Giwynt Richard . 2-00... ccc ccc ewer cnr ee ss sca cisen sine e «sein eines /s.sialae 354 H. Riabersnamy GCOLEC oo ce ce cele cnle cc ce oe cinicl © cieicleteln ne ale olminie)a'1s mare Kete onatenenene 332 RT ADCLSH AM VAIMCS! cice cre ee cele «e566 clei cle ole) w olco\insinlinl etinl alia) e)'e\(=1 oie] elial*helrelsnolsieiuncns 28-416 Eipremin, dees dbey noocuuouqccncbdcdonnddoUD OOo RODD OODODODD OO DO00C 463 ERiercienn, dO Goosonsccgd00odoncdnndDODU RODD OO DD OGONONCDOK 9-18_75-416_463 Senate, AEG goonagdong Dd ODDO Dd UCN dud A dOOKNODOIOboDSDOROGDONC 9-15-463 ea eehy, SHMNSR gac0gb6bo000 0b sn00 se NOOO GD0GO DONO aD00D0000D0NON DDO SAC 354 RAGA WAYe DAVAG cia cicleere cic cle cleo 600) e)e 61 ofa) se) e) ee)me\iosnioyas)Nolmresree ceo) sree i lofek ae Ramee 354 Ast COM Waa LL ERTIN eee oe oe aircl so) 9) 3 eae) a el eln) aie el etn ola colloleolroxerce ale sele elo fe eek eiaieel eine 95_262 Hiadden. SM arya saci leis s cine o16 wo eee one eam oe ole ceieimiin ois tenn anette a koia ie 315 Seniaiony aye Dee aa ngongocoodoGonoodo do cddododncdcodoundboutodnoor 231-416 Tee Fr eee ays «sieve les ci tele lewie sees cia Paes Fone CO Dn cee 282-383 Hagan, Edward (or Gagan) ....---eeeeeee erence cere eesceees 98-229-231_232-383 ET ey ore eed AIM CS betes che ae <= 5615 vo, 015, 0.050) 0:2 0) 015."/ pes su esecymians )- ‘ 9nenr 9Ee9 0d odo 221 383 319-320 7-323-417-441 BTelevtet et. o9§ 460-463 219 -400 ee 38. 94-215)-. 999 _9FE 232-3! ? ) > 997 mein546 Littleberry Mic Rict Harvey, lade©l rd Harvey, Hary Cy. Harvey, Sarah Harvey, Thomas Ursula Zephanial! Alexande James Harvey, Harvey, Harv ie, } I Harvie, Harvie, John Harvill, Has, Haskins, Hatchell, Hatche Hatche Hatche Hatche Hatche Hatche Hatche Hatcher, Hatche Hatche Joseph John Jobn Cap Archibald Henry r, r, r, r, Jeremiah, r, John r, Joseph r, Josiah Robert Thomas Valentine Hatcher, William Hatchett, Archie, (0 Hatherby, Hugh Hathorn, Thomas Hatton, Haughton, r. r Josiah Joseph Haughton, Joshua Haurst, Samuel Hawkins, Hawkins, James Nicholas Stephen Hawkins, Hawkins, Hawkins, Thomas Hawks, Frederick Hawl, William Hawley, Richard Hawkins, Hawthorn, James Hawthorn, Hawth: Hawthorne, Hay, Isaac Hay, William Hayes, Stephen William, John rn, Andrew William Abimelech Benjamin INDEX. ; (OM Wd OLG)) wicca sen es =< r Archibald) Hawthorne) (or 99 326 0-463 417 47 417 96 398 Orr 000 ad vvV0 417 siceeieee 96-201-272-417 sJetnapeerererninte 96-263-264-383 «mk Gaucer nie Bete el winie, miphete eters 98-280-305-383 a vajra\ni aces os ¥usce win ele alae te el eiacaiei 95-262-383 = dupigile te wie 6loumUsie & buble Gbps RatnLenN ets ap 97 mc) 6 elas Moule ieee 96-336-383 = oie Ta wlwiw ot Sheva Sieratoreta Siete eae 96-231-383 355 417 400 311 400 -400 463 38: 383 417 95 > > 9 93 2909 St - 9090 97-385 QFE eee Yt) 355-383 or +o DO 310-400 oer 265-2INDEX. PAY OSMVAT GD UT Se sie sc is css wis dis ob oor woe oe ie Oe ee ee eee 15 PTV OS Ser ONL ae We rcesttvsie s6 <.: ocks aca bie oes, 9% fo Sule sade ecacay See Reape ee 335-463 Hayman, Henry eicEe cide, lapc. (0) 4) muy sie) v shoj’ouaetey airope susie iepevedeiterepouceke ae eae . 98-33 Havynaneestanton, (Or FIC VMan))) 225 oc icrcrcis eeisisuese Geis eee 98-231-355-383 ET Ay aN LOD OM sos soe tock oc veyes busca s: sceneas in Sis Cote ates eels In a eee 231-257-329 LEE AAW fa} TALEO es neg cy ee ce ene ne ne er ee ee Si aaa ke 18 BS VIICSMENLOSCS sec. h ood hse rece ssi icens Siecer oveinlasa ouaaielalacn chk oe eee 355 RPGC COTE SE co iis: sysicc spose c/o 56 seis: 0: absent ais els tare by eestor aseVeuaio sie nue orcas ee eee PETIA © AVAL LED UIIN sores os oo casi oe ni ey oy seuss ou. exsyeices en ey ork eyeeey cl ies cen eet 417-441 RAW ALT CLOW oa foc al yo sete cutvasls ys sa nesscecnye aoc eveseceueysaciyenensesaskes epee Glek r ao e 383 TVA DIUM gc. cc sven 6 sco. ccc: er. 66 0 isso) aie icomnie pple 6 ousietaubaveveiaie Ci, here 383 BE DVS FOOLY AT Cilte o tsps: een 8 evei/0iai : 5:'s, 5 seve, cayois) 0; 8ysua: 0c usgase0uSyo\ 5 (oie genenegel ce: ck eae Onno 355 VIS GOOLE Cie es cis os, cohen orga & cnecevas id Sie eee aD TAG Same) O LAN fac oh oy Ses song yoy eae vays boVe esc icmeiecle Siete ee 417-441-460 EE AY Soe) ONG AM orci cee ose soi5)sa ce ove ois) belong WW oso arene Suacehaie orgs orn eee 355 PGA Cy ONES: erway sa. spiys 05 c0s8ienaie a0 ovese) 8.6 eras a's gk Sree eter Hlce easel Cm cree oe erie 355 BPO Cre Ue ie Mca io, cdbs. oo avs veyaveveie osei'e ae. 01 epee be) wisiplolereiave ti chara Oe 328 RICROSPCLOMICHATICS) 2.55 sce e cyepare s.5 cue ape eae boc ndewe epee eee 400 Heard, — AY Ge ico baie Brew Wea bis aera terete areca rere) area ein OIG sons re mieten eee 50 UT aaa aco rose ae ow facnatiea: ge sole seyeu arava on ou ey as Lee Ree 218 Heara: Bernard. (One Barnarg)) 6) c< ccs ewe eecnuns aan aueeas 98-286-290-383-417 PP CarOeLIZACDEMG os cic ere os 15-6ue odes ee ese ee ees cas see ee Pealo-als BAGEL LOND AN 2 ed re rr re Area codcaan sa aar. sa or > oF 324-347 EV CATS colcolol Fo) oe eee ek ee 315 Hilliard: James #6)... .:<:cscencieus ese eee ues usmoe esta somes Oseooe ETGUVON CD GISI one oc cree ere cseesciel< clei ecelepecherelokelo(eheneheaekelskerel-tle Melee ketueK-Reteneeans 418 lebhihevoyany, WIEN yo qan dood db OUdUb OUo ood DDD ODN DODO D dS OOD OODOUDONDDUOOBONC . 405 Hince. (Martin 2 00. oo Pee os on en ee ero ele et Ree ere ea FRING SS ODM oc crocvsukis eo sinie ce oo relelen ieicue rel eleucihokeheleNe theron heliel archon Mohel Rei e-Retetcae 418-440550 Martha Hinds, Thom Hinsley, Hinson, as Lazarus William Har Job Hinston, Hint Hinton, Hinton, dy yn, Pester Hinton, Peter Hinton, William Hix, John Hobbs, John Hobbs, Margery ...... William Briggs Mathew David Jacob John tobert Hobgood, Hobson, Hobson, Hodge Hodge, Hodge, Hodge, Hodge, Hodge, William Hodge, Willoughby Hodges, J. James RGOPOn7 es eae ee hs weiss Hodges, Hodges, Joseph Hodges, Philemon, FIOGEES= EDUDOIMAS occ sincicme sce Hodges, William Hoff, Hogg, Hogg, Samuel James John Hogg, William Hoggett, John Holbrook, Berrian Holbrook, Holbrook, Holbrook, Charity Eddy Hannah ————— ETinecard. JOU wjccs ecw rene se Hines, Benjamin .....- Hines, James .........-. Blinas JOUMG cca sain ee wane Hines, Nancy BUINGS,. LUOSWIS. «cacawcecccceanunss Hines, Nathaniel .......--.+.-<-. Hines, Robert Hinnard, JOnM......... BRIBE) voc cee ca wec nna INDEX. 3-340 356 356 384 384 418 56-384 3441 ore 000 -400 -384 336 316 398 206 274 990° ool 319 400 < URRSS S5GSSS Pai 418 oo hee 233 os Ee 93 .93-94-217-384 e658 ge he es a) n ae « oie @ 4) 0)6 \— «m0. 028 93-384 441 5-384 321 -400 -384 -451 32 418 384 43-218-258-261-262-264-278-286-384-418 ae 6 eee ae te < -384 -262 96 322 322551 FL OLDFOORKM a CSSEMre cc oes see oe oe ee i eee 321-356-418-441-451 Holbrook: “Nathan iiss! Pha eee ee a es oo ee ee eee 418-440 Eicombpy James yee ca lacs oe Poe ee Pee eee 356 Eolcomp, WOSeS =... 52 52.. Sele ode OS ESSE SMES Ree he eee eee ee 328 Holcombe, Sherwood Be Jaielle sets chee sae ees een en ee eee 356 Olden nOMAS!. oceuis eu oietats neh ein so oe ee enero oe eee ee 400 Erolder,JOnn Ss: 222... eee Re te Seb eS Rae: 315-356 Holeman, John .. peatnige Chek By ave ee Om ae AS? ee oe ere .. -098-405 Eolday; Capt. 2.5... a ce at staton coal “ee Se oe ee eee 318 Holdays chomas’ -... oe oR eo Saat ee “ee Ce eee 384 Holiday. William . 22. ..4 2... RENESAS EE eee ee 34-418 HOUanG eM TANnCiSe” . etc cs ce ee et he ee Oke ee eee 18-405 molandserenny 622650524 2k Le Ee Pee ee eee 416-441 Roland acObre... 2.0. See SPREE ES sees SRS SS ee _ Pee: ne wel Holand Jonn «.25...----. SESS ee as . 418 moland= homas =§......4.5>. ee iio co.cc ete b6 Holley, William . nrglslute cloves ol sieta S Le ee ee ee . 356 BolidavewAmbprose:] 400 35.59 8) AS Peas oe ee Se .97-304-307-400 BOWIGAVACAVEnS 32. .00 50 5255 758s eee ee ee 263 Houidayse William 975s oo5te 51 tee eee ee ee z . 332-398 Holliman, Absolem acme a“ Be OD Holliman, David’ ::-.-..- a ae ae .. . 204-384 Erollimant: #Manks 3.53: 2 SESE Eee eee aru 203-204-206 Holliman, Richard ..... LEO EE 203 Holliman: Robert =......-.. 3: aes PELE EE oc Pe 24 Holliman, Samuel, (or Sam) Sees Seas Ele ee Poe eee IES Hollinger Mitusie.. ree eae: : iho neaste s ......204-205-233-238 Hollinger, William” ..5 205525. 3006 228556 85 PE oe eee 203 Hollingshead-John 22.0 see es ee ee ee A 302 Hollingsworth, Isaae cnee ; ; Sie RACES SOPs hii oer O lL 4356-064 Hollingsworth, John EA hie eR Rs Gat c LOY I Oe eee 247 Hollis’ Sergei. =.- >)... Ae eee. SER Riee nl eee abi: 87, SEALS Kollomantslbevicey 5) 232252 Sheet oe BOS eee eee ea ee 337 Hollows Henry se. 0605 rs ES Od eee ieee eee 356 Holloway James: joe Nao eee SO PPRETA SE OER eee eee vo A1S Holloway, Lewis LER Re et ee ....20-356-384-418 ELOllysJOonatnan’..8. 5 526k ee ee Sea DPSS On aoe eee 400 Holman: George: oo a ee eee ee 356 Holman IaCOD 4-6 tee. PS INS PAE eee” eee +300 Holmes Davidl 22. 2.6.8 A ee eee cee ee 243 Holmes’ Gideon We eacnse oa SECO EEE PELE ELE RR EO ee 455 Erolmes® JON 6 ee ee ee ee eerie ere teem emererens 10-201-239-384-418 Holmes Johny Capt. 6525. se oe cee wee ere co ec ctete eheles ote eterctcicis) ere tenia pare ar ienenea 418 Holmes Robert 2.200 eo a eee cee cio cence eae eee 208-418 Holmes, Thomas tere ie Stet err eee Re ee eereo niles el kre ASIEN DZ: nn os non on od oo npOO OD ONO GOdOMIDU OCOD ODOOAD FOND UGE ... «94-384 Holt James)... 4... LE ADS P EEE OSE IEEE OTReuben Holt Holt, Thomas 5 at: 6 Sie eae oe Holt, William “tthe \ulig ithe fe orate Talla ints Weel aakeibentaltn 127-210-284-384 . .95-418 Holton, Franc Holtzendorf, William (0 Holzend ETOP ETL WALEHGD osm ccc oc nks y alm'winlw is ele nna tes en eee eee 8 od we wien + 0 ls alia la cmee ea 384 Honea, Tobias, (| Honey) : ate aie ce raNep tala 418-441 tls Hood, Mdward Hood, John l H Sa ie] 263-28V 356 Hook i ina Hool \ lan sere ioe eee. Hooper, HEOIAT sca ck cect leek ew eee reek enw Ces C6 a 5 Cee ee 200 Hoo 356-418 {4] lLioope INTE a Os ios Natale hoe > we eine ew wie wre mr eceiae © hoe ke) 6 RR 4429 i >” ove Hooper, lNichard Hopkin [saat Hopkins, Lambert, (or Lambert) ..--...0.----ssecse cesses eeusaniene 2 Hopkins, Samuel if ; = 9 4a 65S Dieters oo rane Hopkin WARTTITSIYY See ces a cee eet ee Gene ee kw ORR Bie ee Hopper, Thoma ai % se Me es alas Horl: William Horn, Dorcas : oe , earets ; ae ree tom See ois 545 Horn, [£li ; : A ek cide ine or ae 3D Hiorn, Jacob ; a ig . ‘ fs od 0D Horn Slerog ....-... - Na wes PSEA See oe Oke BS ECT DEVIN ice es wine ee teta ees ge ee na) we wee eins aVehaletetetere Hornby, Philip : Ke dng MOR yoke ra Me wife Tadao Raden ris Peteds d Hornby, William a 50 Rina te tate Soha agemeter arene Hornsby, Philip .... ne oan doo e lors, WIEN) sopAdbooopcod oreo DO nOuD CN Ooo domo FOC DOOOoOn SOG GOK Oot BROGtONS 0a. eo Poe . ee A error eos Horton, H are, ees oF 5 Ate cI tou ia Ra art Behe eo Sctaeans wicys we A hove INE Hao anononoouGdc Ponta oad oo add o oon cooode ado roe Z Horton, Isaac Honton. saran EK: ... Fy ba Ce OO Sie Siti iW GT Sage Scene Hough, Samuel .. , we ee eo ooo on Oe Wouenton. Henry ..-....<:-+-.-+-<- bi eSe te rele ils 6s 5 Fats Eke to Ree eae operas Houghton, Thoma ees HVA ROR Rea Houghton, William ; Pe eee a tee 8, Rea aks che Oi ee ee See House, Jonn .. ase Pea 2 ee Scie ee aioe) Pie eis) 8 Ho yo } \ : Sena ee chat 384 BRETT a UND oly cd opted coknk ek axnvnfaxodouesmind nuts agunia;wensresineniss. | eee oe 398 PEELT Sasa YU SSE RO DVT Dio icoc eo va as agg Wiad SiR Guin Vas why 6 lms Gives altel ey aie uanre) 0 aE RM OR actin areasiced ster 396EDU SN OS OMS, Gli, osreisis citable lelel sie cus crse Com aoe sacle een eee 460-463 HUsnisseNathamiel a(or Nathan) .c8 062-025. ses. oe cee ee ee 15-97-384-418 EUSsntsseNicholas Cor HUSnS) 2255s skeet cle eee eet ee ae el eolezaG re NE SWAMP ce chet ee aces eae a eee ene nl eee A SOLOS ELS PUA SSING, here tes e.cic cise oc acres Se asic clele ab ctele wl blets 6 Bistcs a esc ete tenn ene ae 18 FRU SLCONS IZADGCUR:. ccc cee Sa vicc he oe tence ee i coe nie ee eee ce oa ODO PIU SINS ANIC) 6255.05 5 Se ose ho oe ered ere eo pe ee Oe eee Pao UIE LAMeCS oes sce.. Se Seredit arg ole oo ekd OMe One On ee He ne ee 56 BE FU Ken DOLLOMI eu OSCDM ® a5 oss Sie nh dw oc eee ee aan rece ae eee Ae 228 UT eee) BIN CSO ors cei sho ce cw ee eS Woe arele bine cusle es Slaves 6) Sisters Te eres 323 PUL SO Var AIDES «fee coe wr dk Sow cece cles eee wa Se ea ee ee ee 357 FRUISCY*" JESSE... .%:2:-- Ce dio b Ge Soke SE eae ao een tee ee 357-418-451 FIMISS yee VINNCUS! fife e: oo cuccc css ee G6 6 sek wales se woe €4 se tines cs < Saeco reer 357 EVUMEATPwAICRANO Cl! = eis cic behincc ccs bec sem nce u cats cleie ete eeieeteren ..007-441 FIUIMPOTCVS@eIOSCDH s5. 520. ec cts oe censors te eee cree: Seis sree wr cues aie 400 VU TTeDANT CL etree. 55sec we bc ob /s'0 be wa ce eis S aie ere O eer eietel ome creer ieeanenete nets 357 EV UD UB UZ INIUITICO) ccs ccc cic oe siecle ce ce cic ie owe eminence eee ..- -97-299-384-400 FUN eG COLRG) feck ass sates ce dace cient. gare at Fae Sh eee. : 357 le. AR eS Aon oor Ure oon cam cod oO ec 315-357 Ente OUNt ee aoe. oe a Fs co Miauaue sh Eos aie im Sue VeseSeleee 5 dua SHOIR Se oR eee 418-440 Ent miadieton. (or Littleton): ....c accede. a. sce cei so ee OE Loe tao) FAI N CoeeMOSGS© (5. Soin. eee iiarcie ccs eusie erete totes sien A Meets 1 Se Gene eee POLO FA eee UMC T tele. cs so ge. ere ci si cciieu eeu dane er eaaua te erala ae Seb ead BS PRES CR eee 357 VU WALL Te ie ees oss sine ereseen ote Sn er ee or 96-225-384-400-418 Punt awilliam Ir jc. .66. Pea. cabgciauctancueladensdathexomu eet shatetvcxoliy cel E ee w OU4 PIM COGMe LIZA DOLE s = 6 cies trocees suite Semis eee mine hie orice sack Roe eee Sond EET OW ee AUR CS ite cio aceccue aise coo, pusieve ohateleneiarcie eer eiolene we citencemeauteye tenons ai/avuy ieee Ole e ors 4°8 Ein be rel. AW PME I occas oieroieve6 sm si's ws sideaWak eg ky 04.3 wh dh(S1.a Wolfe Kot aye Wray ay-oh Gah oo aOR oa 357 IUCN MLL CS eee 5 cers. 6.3 orsiieve e ai 0 ©) apeira) alias 5) one 01cuolal/aey sy akon aes ej omen ed onc en en een eater gies 218-384 Pun bern MOSCS)] ke. 5s oi es os S pegiicial reels saya spon wise & @ ei wales an ohar age oyel acterene ategeenetOne 329 RUIN ESMATNAeMMICHACL sc cic ac 5.0: c, 616 crayons) exe) ates orale) basal sinter ctaray ceoiers) atclanena aeaits peak: Huntsmansewilliam ~..... « auie 40 e016 a0 s0:c0 1a sees 610) 8) =) 6-6) sy eh oeReyeyerrene) SCRE NGO ORener CE 97-384 VAIO ys DV iare ghee esc cos. eseroueic crore 6) nile) o/wie, ose nacrenehs cele ac) Sissy tek ieee ene aes 44 () UTC Yael OSOD Daisy - cicve ieee oie ee eee cscieie cienere ocekainferemeieic | da ele bold ene MOCO LOD ee ors a ATU pie, 5 Hye ie oo. 5 6s u0 0 fev oie dee yonse bile ou'sis: «1 so) 0x@ne} ©) ) sh oveve) eh eit) eler etcWonelapobalehol Raherdtakelts aay a SES FIMSKCY, . RODOCCAG .oieicicrceecexousJoicteieisiexedeaedesaiejoled-fole intel edyyd eee eee Cee ean ERUStOMS JOON = ec coe oi 0 es wielele ee ove) o1e\ cia e aVev otal ercleVel nk efekatefekcheRe ketene tele 357 ETUC MOrs Cate saa c.c haere cin elie) oe) oi elem cae «cite elieitel olrellasialie) ai slrein)i-olel camel Kel PokokedetetaEato= 418 EPUTCNErSOMs AINCS cc 5c or ee tee aie cleo eareet referents fee (olekauoeuererens eZ Hutehinis: Mawanrd) oo sec cle oe ee ere wi rerer cle te eiareieletncetanciel ) Johnson, Abraham .. 323-398-404-419-442 4 nae Johnson, Andrew oe 358-419 Akalipeyayy 7A ED ars oc eae ee ee ee en raticoucécentPOHNSOD SBArtholomMew, ........-:<)5.«,.,5,<,5,0,5,0.0 »,«.9:6)s.<;eisyes0.¢ ug ouesews cies a ee DOG POUNSON DANIO L oo. s i, ote sos 0)s, 46.5 0: Scssaib Gis apo wisioix &:e4es5 cus cece ce 384 ODTSON A UMAD WE isis. o/s ooo oo pis ne ba ob Ge sdicd osicieaie gi ecnuuaud. ae 358 WODDSOR SAG COLES oc oss ie'0's oo. oe bb u's bie 6.6 o 0 0 ein aie cieies conan 298-398 OTS OTERO, oo, oie one sinss, » «, ae ops «8 n,n ¢ nasi Sinsp ace ost ai 329-419-442 LT EET OTE SC) ee en er er ee 104 WOMN SONS COD My i ee ES OT on a slow saat 313-384 wpObNnsSons; ames .........<- Aeveslejesevsyeses esc oes cee ereredc RIE 104-105-204-384-398-449 MON NSONNALOSSC! aicccpcisves sssicse coo ensee icons ekiis ee Se «eee ee . .8 18-3 28-398-404 SBERTITL S OVNI ONM ID a oey sie vcic sof oisvoes, soy svousedeseyea cha Loree 104-358-384-396-401 NODNSON we JODN Capt... cise m0 ois cies occ bos cc.0 ice Pepe eee ee 384 TOD NS ON MA OUD Ee oo ave eisre ses deere cre exe & serene auselee aren Sie eee ee 384 yohnsonsrJohnn Hackner .........«..- o oine. WSs ies pide ele seuot eye. a fenehal ce. a0 MCE aA ee 384 MOHNSOM JOON, Hatcher 5 ccs ce cio .dséce vow owe sic cies RE cee eee 104 ohnsonsgJonathan’ ..... 0s elmo is Soke wielielle) elie oleiintette linia) Ne Kolgemn eos 451 RP IOCK= —MWDENCZEN oie ano cick wie crete lenis slew us ereke «viva; wile Zayaveive, ocedere WEAR A GaP an ca eke 385 MHCLOCK TOHNac hc ke he ne eo one 6 sea e sole clele sical ote lereletollsleiois oie) einyal-Wnch- ie ieieRatusem> elas 385 MTS CN ODM: $262 cnceetovey.Koucneveustowowereucustexoxexousioxekeyose eyes ois 0 0(- ciel Wagdbabeteteleecneyc bese koltacaiee 256-400 Rieth: « ToC) ef aus waked clei cies bie ie sie gba Succ © 6 ec eyelereiel sleet) helwiel~ Neat Ronen: 400 TRIN CS Me os creo aS ye ag SLas gs to i/o eal ol oveliols teeteiieleieellelo) < Rela KaMaierekenkors Kilgore,564 [INDEX RAT OTE TONY, ceccceicriveierc1cta ave ror eierersrexcvetere.o.a:a;alerevetatalale) utelefavatalnlalalefafelaruinre 107-205-266-385 FP rrr, FRAIL aac ccte acces wm yoo 0 se inn thew cu in tu ton inn fo nbn woven in tm te 107-225-385 BA POres PID Sis oe mies cue 0 aie wierw wei wines oe dew welnin a mim we mnlnfars etenererer 107 Ble HO DGNG. oe cic os i ce tele w 6h aie we Ririnie nein sie owiin a mie nein ee 108-231-385 THIPORE: RODGEE Ly cece sie hele icicivicrcrncmd en cn ese san 6 ae ee ewe ce oe etatererertee ee 108 FETIP OTE: WOLLINELIMN, aie ce ciete ve oy 0 ee ew mw leew tute 0 foie ve niotelesaiaiesuteieyuicieieterene «ene .ees .107-266 BAICROASE. FRODGI Es 6.cicicccrcietescrevete ve cievety ereinieioiaceininiatetavers/evatelelalefere sie tole| « qiertmm ini Rinne 43 BA atrick.. THOME) .nscicieiars ninia a nicrn ciciessreternverwctaieterci ate cine iginn alsieiee a 106-107-287-385 Kilpatrick, William .........c0cccnceecseccceccreceecsceseuewesacve mmm 385 Wer el AIG ao fash Cc e c eras be bw cw ae ee wine 0 6/6 diet eimm ae nfoms ne ohemmenntamay 359 Bermble COMATIOS: occ ea 359 WAM DeLE.© WlLaIM: (eroded con co oot Sed ten cee enna gen aim ege serene 115+359 Tastyri DELS IGN) etc cies viclelw'slu la aie eleie slo s see's» ssisilewin's ws ip pie 6.0 5 908 win nine heteielene 301 Meet DELI WALLA: 38h hr atehatetele ta ae le'w e'sle eeie cw ca a oS CSI eee eee 114-385-420 Lambreech, John Pee RRR LES AOR Be Ree eS Eat wie ean Ji tas 1 ee Lambrick, John, (or Lamback) ane ¥e : ee ope ter bee 385 eam bricks sWilliaiiie s or4 © coc s coe ce 8 4 wea relerenie eles a vic sxe, ©, crecererecme 25 oo Oe Lampkin, Sampson ..... A Ae A ee eS YS: ea telnainte so ate gn urele oer enaie 359 Fea TROY oT OLED) coche esainte s nla’sele’s's's e'e Aine 'e ya's e pw'h p's pin c's» pln wis: aim) one (een 359 Lancaster, Levi Ror ck evan uik cece aa ikuoie/ousceveus cateue kt le kova cone egelmankeke to cnn i kokei ten aes pammmcites lod hint) ae nn 6 Bre Or Tancredo ane rence 18-154-222-224-420 Lancaster, William ‘ arava tout sien aucun dkubwar kines osAu eh cqaxen speed al Ckeaenere 18-109-300-385 PEMTICONN cis ww ce wi one were se (ounce laisaaye sud uruwaginaavedecorsucuse Sidhe Gieks (iene 267-420 leangefora: JOUnN....... Se eee 5 aiesaed, eceyoap eene Geto oe 420 Landers, Abram BP 5a ho kina ca’ cove saastacacond’ou deans \auaatuhioge konekereke late Rete aeone 257-266 TRATION COM eit. clei aa '6 nla. 6 oie 0)0) 6,00, 0; 0 0: 0(0/a\ os ecnlernpepngs, mimininne scaibleubeaspoete cae Gea WPT NETL GSTS OD CTD Ys eon oe aus cies 5) oc nssins, sues cu natacnonsusatnan oes Sani pede 420-443 Panoderss Laprell, ...ccs J a ae en MEN ATR rE ci OU So « 359 ANOTONO: DAIDCR chee wc om S epeits oy ‘afaleei/auesk a eleias er adalah a moMGaia ae areas .. 404 LE) CEUTA) ITLQS avn cio in\n wie o cln\e! a6 nlele ssw) nvn) wiaje]s)e.0s0)0, 6101s iece(nguincolucunipie sche dee’ co Oe PEST TE OL 2 cea ele cei sin cae wi0i0 E agosesereragsieae Seceybaicteaeaeae 114-323-3 28-385 NEAYICLTILIN AU ORIAN ac ... .55. JON, Ure cen cae oe ae cicicie oie ola aval ol elalelel slat ele! stalaQedatotaNatoNelcfelnieteter stators 110 MawSON. FON. Ol ec ete oe oe ele wheel elcleteteleloletotofelelelel-RoRelafefoKe retain tele 323-385-387 Thawson, Martha 3. ee ccs ince wrleleic eee cic eieieleleieiereie eel allele Ke Nel ati ic neners 331 TEA WSOD POLCT ce rere cine nie oem ciel ciel eee okereere Kee te eens tehomeicy ites 110-267-301-385 LGR yet tere, dies oooonuoUdboDdGnebO0UD Da DdODNODDDDOGNGORODS SnddDO SK 110-111 Lawson, Roger, Shou eae duane5 INDEX. BONS sO as: 4558s POS ac tia wale ote w over el alidigrgieislulcield o eravsee eater aes 110-267-385 PREWROU “DUOM DSO 8 ea Aeros Frees avernc¥s won cou oe wee wie Talelolele™s alae eee 110-385 PR Vite CLD rs icy icte sai ata cals oictas se Cele tes eee heet ete evesbee setts 25 Wee 318 Lay, William . TO IR ae we Ns the wie eRe ORR ee eee 398-404 Lazarus, N eee ci esnie pinto oiniclele uci ur clea’ e¥ece/avev alo toralel clie'lei cite¥a' ul er aretanaeas ...- 18-420 REL SA NUR Ear NGC TAD SR ELY Fre OE ES IS eel ter d'la\ el oe Go u'e o 6) viel oles ot ate die ae 108-305 DATING IN COO GIN: < 5 cso cicicic c o7cie'e c erere/eie cle ele le 'eiule'siniuvs'e/e7ele ln etn atte ue 385 NTE VER LL DUNN ee Pert aa wl eleleve ois cle biejevs (shel ctpieta: efovclate a sctoua’ at Cee O Seeaaaae USGA OUTG OUG Gs ars ols wis a nle'e vic dic bu ce sic ce ds\0 e1e'e'e Gi e's ul everctal vie ate’ cic e aru ees een 338 SRL DUC Per TILE oc), oe cua ec ce ence eb kc nb vv crumble © bles’ wih erate sala stra e eecioemene 420 Beak Judit st ean: :: pA re Pear he hie UN WEES ANN oh och DORE 32 DGanSleVee UiNOMaAs = 2555255 be Cee Saab eS cae oe ww © Soe Baie clic oy ae 338 Penpouamin apratnm 2222 0 206 Rite ba ck ec cunatien seek oe hee antes 268-273-277 PIPE CLOUGRIOM | 0.25 c iis osc cca elclw alee uvetera'w wie % G Gla svutetn a ole te lure onic cctele eiereee 115-385 EASEV UD SLIT OOS frost co. Sec tak w Severe niereve leew eigen 1a lo uceie eels a tore te age ere oie eenee 217-272 SEU UTD ONIN eR cra rev elo cic e x sia w biel sree lb Mic wis b oom aoote ec ordidturavevarerarmiere @ ota-e: rere eer 112-385 PEAUNONS PSAMIUGL ©. fo bcd doc badd coeds Geb hs bs bbiebes cae eau neers 359 PREUS TIT Geren DUIS LING) his cig caw cw bie oc co Ga cle ol ciel e wiet ec aves ec cia tebe eared @ ave) din ele siareaee 74 TESRGOTLG HIE AG can cvieiuic ¢ ce a aie cle elsciciwied 6 ld gels ed a waa e/bis « S/aveiuearerereis 74 PESO CE HL CINNO =< e win eucie 6 ogre redeuetoswiatavat aver assie (oresefavate tte ato teletetateo¥erets a mae taleveretenets 74 PCS Ceremered OLIN COND. coe ier rears Sets hvece tu tohe avers oreve Tele Metelalmiors alee oiure Rie teks 420 PARCELS to PIN MMU RT Ss ©: cic) as 5, ui ovo: niet ok man ov avec oupi oS ovaveietuveravelerellatnvese* ate: elrw''e, wale’ ar wre shal dvecey es artnet 74 PEONLE COSC DI, ccc asc n ce cece aureus Pun wiki weve veer alate Kae one eet 74-420 Leconte, William ........ NisiecGic ie Ceska Ancteve GUC iste cto leveie cov wisi tokehe ote lola tiie rene 74-420 POEMUNTI LO WW LIAN Las eric sc c viele ore ie chee whale ccumieurerefeievere cme ielele atele smarts 6-74 PGCE DUBIN 6 on a eek ce eke e sic elas & Gos Wks onadenses avareeepore ieeene 242 WME BUC Tm URI CH gaycy cre occa ci cici cranes charc diese aie ove) anche cucu ogre praiauw cheval elaleie snes 108-288'385 MSODGULST mGOONBGl:. . crc ac cicccsictsisis oc reieti' es sloha al olafeitetavataitetaten oTetayetnvaterel sterareNetenetets 420 IGGONGULCIPESELE UTE: ¢ 0c 5 cc os ke wlcklebe pnt ce cc se ce creek mmiSin ee oie temectets 398 POO DELLOMWOOUM, Sipe oe clave eas cease Or 112-113-266-267-386 PUA Ta Tye GUILT OLS ay SEP iodo se, 0: 0 6; s cauoua\'o silo cece harous heap eis Gicikce opel. wie bun Okeroa 102-113-266 NCAA YDS) OTA YD ayo oy opayeierev esc: oicus «sls nopepes uy ofeysiores cys pereirons 109-112-215-266-267-272-301-386 EPPA TY Ne UIT CL Set ec ray scr cy «arabic sya caues cues chnc uve: ereusespeysucunuensie yc exeionciaien dere: 112-113-266-267-386 MPaRD Th Wake SS UN ie oS x: Ss we Sa: wilere ieee d iavve Lee 1 eve bow we prio lees Sis 6 er te cn le 334 OLIN OMIAS) 57, csc 6 6 a ecaierek S atearscepeegane ake do 6) a wher ace 295-386 Wimleys, KRNOMAS: 3.5 isco ws buco bss aes ShSR EEO Rew bee E ce s ue Oo eee 396 ASIN) SON ee: 2 oe 6 es eds saa ss bei bre sees ca pubic gern osg sie gtae we ge eve penowey. cane Mee ee 18-421 TON, UEP ee ee ee er ne GU RON ONO COe do accor 18 WOM CCIE PAINS: 65s eer os. a: eee re Sue «, speevsuage sucsoue se ay opetersenyegspasecess;-we eit An eee eae 421 BESTA UO TaD OLY oes 5c ik Snr ec wrens 8 ay Sete Omar Sere ee . Sntarne 109 Manvilleavvilliam: (or Tinville)) occ iesco0 o0ces ci cdsscscye cei cree oie eee 421-443-452 Mons; William ...... en oe Onn Sonim aS cidrcin codec. 5 hae one Sree 315 Lire gny OEY a eens ON Ser Aor AAA ODAC AOS OOOO OOo DOO oe 421 MGI NAM SCA CLICK oc ie. o.5 05; ais: cce,s. ore soc eutungepeyage epoasgensyece ses ous)ogsnsieae ake os 01 eRe een 421 MOISVGRBFIDO GAL oo. este aco siere wrazs 3 5 aw sp cyaye tere « oepore eioyeie ae oleyeie) os ae a) ee 421 MRISTOHR ROMANE: soe ns cis reiccn soe oss Hale wisn aieiese ss eieeic nine 6 acs Sees ete eee 16 Mighcoroes Andrew. (orm Ditheowe)) ce sccepe ae we ee cieeeiciieneresrerein nee ...- 268-306 MALIN EOC MMRODCEIB c= 55 oie cc oo we = 5.060 annie sie ee ger opeee shoe ereieiere cin eee Ic 267 iitherove; “Andrew .......... On Donn eon Cec Cosnhtosuas . 386 AEN STOV.C! TRODOCKUE ses ce 6 cisco cielcpes © we 6 epee ad Ole wlopaie njarescy 6 arelere orerelel en eielnn ieee eu 386 WBA TLCS AT CHADAIG secre crc ccccs 5 «cc. score. onsale cuepeiouadeie susie cue usnesaie coer -peieicrel emer ieaohele 109-386 BPE EI Ce a) AGT se rene oe oi cicre is oles evento aves ie bueteheue eles oheuaieiersiersie iclieneus icles cleans een 112-386 MEIC. James: eseisic.6 oe soso: asigo aise tel SLOWS aE Sah ey bs Perera le, etek 113-248-294-296-386-421 RAE CLO WATT sone co: sw cuwiecic rocco ciekc eisicie ieierociehoaer = Cine cuccov oie oene CR nant 113-421-443 ERAS hey ee ne OMe somone drco a moc Gen oUooandD0ONGdue sedan Gn. 329 mittletons Charles ........- aia: lavosa) o avai ewspenester ogres Ruel aoe bua Gheke. eee ey silo l cae aA men arene nade 449 NGA TROUs, LOW Ses oy crecnceh cise 6 bo oecie ec cia eet sine Oc nS oer eed ener “imnoos iviese DENNIS) 4 sr. .0.<.0- S oksgiicuceceett oe kae ie oe os ee Sooner. 386 WGEVERMMAN.. CONDLAG. nes cere s.s.c.6 oii 5 Sole wrereyoieus wie e = soyeiavcie sneleie alone reece eee aeons ILI ASIEN, VANES Godpo oo onboodoGobondoC a ghuato a oi gat eliah 6s tess eytc ORR IS eS 113-386-421 TGlOVG= BeNjAMIN «56 o.5. 5.070 occ oie operm sino 0 eine © eel oie wm olor riele «cl ole cele oieio\ct Cater tee tease 421 Tal OV,Ce BINCWATOE 55 cocoon. nce © =e 16 wiehe oe) 0 eyes) oles oie) elele oe oe feaaieanis (creeks ceeiaeSelaltcl 421-442 WGlOVGs MALY) cence cc nin 6.06 cue orem wl elnie sei) oneal oie) ola ein) oiekekele clei elite reise 335 WGLOW.S, sVLOBCS ener Weer oc ci ole wc ae circ ere elace cle) wil oleln) ni (eet etre sel nset (elliot stein ea 404 Meck ets, SOLOMAN: cos < ccc ccc tia Sie cove ol piclencinie’s eicinicuere shale ecole ot- Kole week karen 360 THOCKCEEL, “VAINCS) 5 csc ccc cis © aieye-0 cresorsiexe oe aileey sl +\clcilensielelclc) of sielct =) tie Nerattat- it tetas 421-443 Mockett. (NOMAS) ..55.- ecco ccs se erselepeeiniere cise eel clerl eiaistieielorieK keine eietts 398 TOCKNATt, REDIAMIN: 6). cecccicree clei cievcre ee sie ciel ieee uire inteleieKek ile iet- Ero net: 229-386 Tockhart., Charlotte, sce cv emcee creo cle cleo stele oleate) Nate felelelelelcbatateiiei adelante ie 332 Mock Nant. ISAAC fic cc rcin «rere occas ercleie ele sicle cere) clekele eisicfeletntnci-teteielnineterereks 114-226-386 TOCKNALE. AMOS) oo ccc c cicie nin ee cvelel ore sieve cleverc cielereteonelerieleinteksrelstoicie ow we es os a mn a cq cu oOk ... 804-360 PUES LATIMER ece ccs aieae scans 0 Wi cuekeie we wo. ojoue we wei ee wie = si elete ana) « cl meeia oe cleans 333 McClain, Nicholas ...... ne hOnmOon ooo Coop pods dau bG: Ss Se WOO ANE MODUNALIY ccc eusecc ee oo bcs po ose eae os wo eae) Aen ei en oils cleieim erent eer as 360 MeGellands ODN) 2. ogc ss os oe ei Scat capes cg Be aie wine Baie ede ae ees Ces ee ee 421 WTOP ante MCCAIN ee co ec ccc cece eater wees me wee cs eae nem « ck tense pankannns chars 360 Mc Mc Me Mc WMe@lendont JOSCDY) 6 osc sie ns ee ee ae ee doo ncC 386 MicG@lendons Samuel coc ccc ose cr ps ew che ee eink oie oie oa Seen 119 WVCGIETIGOM Ye OLE COD © sare re rcs x erate end cavocenvpeventpereiounseeue jeyege.e, n,n « Sabena beepene reds = FS el ers aes MICOS COM: SUVA! Frere rote cc ccreve eres a jovey ope weseee ie ace oun ose eas, 9. PeUeRAN Get” ca) See 133 MID COSA UMMM hs isis Foo os oes saree ad ociaa eis So sels se Tee am eee . 452 MeGleskey: JAMES -s4-.¢05-.. nic ae ete «eskligeatpetir eye 421-443 am me tg ~ Nelland= Samuel 4. ..... Bk ei ca icia we ee coud ce a Oana aa detemegel So sles Akeke ite ceenans SPE TIO OTN IGA Ce oie eae Scere Gaus Ge gue eee oe 122-269-386 ‘lendon, Isaac, Sr. BAe nee. Ale oars AG eee hie ls ss ey gee aero. sachets 386 SVT OTN OOD aes ec a ees eres numer clergiae ue me ae 119-386 ~~ PFMcCleur, John ea) on. aaa a win alias) a nase. 0, 56,8 els, «w. G/m: v/a, 6s dseyaya.e) 0) ov 421 Th SONU i oo oa 5) ora asa, 54 5,5) 4/500- 75 ash) Wiskesh «3s cc, GR 386 BOOLIAN alo cies ins ns erssola,oivic isis 4 a.ci8 bis ae 315 MULE jad OT cio 6 os 6 tie oiin vio 2 ss sie 4,00 0 3 5 o's 1 AUP cee. 116 MS eT ON a ooo onsen ws, 0: va 04: cs0sk. bs cess is kc, ae Ee 421 MLCT SATO D SOM ooo oo oo csciersss so 0:5 5,35 ons units o vic o< . « 128 MRL T as TAT a ios he ake ok Sin 8 s/s ue bv cis Sidcbcic 4 oe «4 452 BEETLE VAN asst cpa ani ls # 0.0 46 6115, 018 «< wsese:c nye, racic: Ee 421 MOLOUCH SSAMUCM Cre ces 5 vos ooo sind o'0 s core je ccieinrecacouts ec, eR 203 MOLONEY GT ACOD) ooo 5 os cpeicin's win, raisins Saene dg ac ele ne cen © re 386 MOLI DAT No i5 ace io ciwin wie 0s 6 = oiorice vere sini ¥ va id aissk cc R 332 CETTE OS) en eee ce 329 MPO CSOD TON T o2 eo ocho coins ois 4. sect wie, die eisin ce eleie saa gtioe a Ieee 421 MieGuUndy., DAVAG! epics hc jclois ous © 8 oi cise wis 01 wele loses sielekelel cleis wiiakek: PIG I aren 455 McCurdy, John wish «sy airin6s 56. oeuie yoicerver/6\.e soy 0:Suap eke key aurenaite rte tated oike ICAO SR SIGl ct MOK eka nnn oR ON: 421-444 MeCutchen: James: (or McCutehinm)) s.05 . «osc minleicle cterle cle reer576 INDEX. MC CUEGHGI IAC: socio ciitele celaicle wcleleis cle’ sic circ McCutchins, Joseph «scces0cs 6. eae MeGnthan J08CDR: is6c ies cis ctecess tee ee ss MeDade. John, (or McDodde) .....%...:..2.%.% McDaniels Daniel) s..885<60080<. Seas anise Sight cle MC IOATIG ee COD) © viaisve Science cele eve ae nie olareieier: oie McDaniel, Jeremiah Bs eutsich el olislalctatwic’ i clielee MeDaniels TOmIOn 245 2 ses coos edhe cee ces McbaniGlenWhllAMe fsa sei. fc ccs ca wn cetaceans MeDenmal VORGDU tc sersecccc ccc eiicecas Mabernment. Joseph: 4244225 22.5 50.800 MebonalisCharles® «.%2%. 5... ces 6 ease cw wee MCDOnNSRIG. FAURE cicicicicie wiete cen ate McDonald, Isam Rea ren mie Sri esi ele eaceese eine MePonaid= James 25.2 siciccs se SRS SE CARRS Dea EDTA SUL CL ed CORED cent aera neice « eicin'e/ a wielsie sa se McDonald, Tekiah See 128-134 » ECC AO) 1 ee 128-386 BEG MPU Tepes 5 5 5 a wan’ aie arghapayavevend ehaigh aisha, dase ayn eg eee oa ao a 133-386 MELO WS MUP ines lea’ svn ans: ite paalts cage eek bialon aces bait Syeceveiere eves eckeas 133-386 VCO) i 361 MEFS CONSTR OCIS. ys se nn v's sna ww co fo os gaacey onbeid fayersdorsesvorehersic eae, ee 400 BETAS OC NEMO SHY, Mba. a7n4eheiad ecru we rere aaa MEAGRE TD OV AS poh oiciesoy0i'si«sccheile/arovoicvavelavaiereratarirararele) alereteritelarak ae eee 118 MrT CONCH, TIROMABL «ni6)0) 6:4; s/araisiei cide Scher dels ole dhelaiere Ja erga, eae 270 BRST CONSE GAWALLIAM ¢ .0:5 sino iciererod wie eo eneiieewteloh kines nk chee. rae 274 MG ONOO, , THO WABU o.jsievaseiesaisjeieiainveieisieverevslarasaixeveas fe ohien rerio ee eee nee 232 MEG CHOS:,. "THOMAS, (6 saree icrete vie cess ieee Kis bio KRG icteehe See aee 230 MESON ES; WALLAIY a5 00.09 cexessiniesaves sievavoieveieidvesiehern sieieeleioce ee eee eee 232 EEE DYER ODONE «, ieya: avsveveveverovsreiaveveyave¥elevave) sravaceiefoitieisiaislete Sieh See ae 128-386 ME GIEETON ; AVAD CO is yess cs 6 se dove coves sch iaxe'evepsvovwiainy eyo eV/elay'orsioisbersfaieietoio) a ae 216 BUDD TT OL oiccsira a la evn ticsniles cele a'eve, euererereveiily @erevereeeiene ne i eee 127-386 MICGHEOMTNOMAS) gsc: cicisicicnwctanesiescieie oc se esieee wen eaeece ee se ee 118-386 MCGiILOM ST AMES GEO eee 422 IM TOF Ya sad ON Tyrie co cs cess fo, sy a/ninc Sycceioses vc easssusqcusqepeusucacdcaeasasusioreacaeusieisaonceicl Ee 270-422 CIC AN il OSL aan enc: pine se pips opie. eveieeJare « siajeialeseretarala « wiavera «(6 /are cn aoe 422 MIR IACA TIS RO WASH o5, 5 f0,6,045,0 <6:0g8h0)s; 0,5,5/'<,0,0; 0; 6: 610;0,0;5 in y0r0e,6seyeisie (ocei0)4)cceje, + al ae ee ee 296-387 IMO TFET CON DSM TIS) ie renin istnie sere oea/9i6 nie a.0/q/e. eae) exe aleteresare;cccsancacyacave oie een ene 296 IMC ISCNGONDWISAAC (oop criss 00 oi0is.ae bien emesis wean bales cuidas aeieaue Cee Ree eee 422 INC TECTIO ON FIA CODE. 5 acsi iie, cis cia a arareveiaiuiwicieve a ea aaa a a aie weaien ce ce. een eee 288 MGISEN CODER IACOD: Ti. oteis oes wusie dip ie wih ie ere Wine eps © we bo wo urueue sous 6 oa eI cee 422 MIC IZEN GON TACOD) JSD), ciciscieceieiescicutosue eos oboe ulin tose Cee 422 IM CIGON CON SAINUIC 5 oro.5 5 ssieieusscse pip sie» Pipieiniee Wal cle eivivie si sice ep acie eRe 361-459-464 MIGIZONGODMELDOMAS oo ic tec oreo cove je ses c0coys jonas ise w'wie ieipp wo),0 16 oan le oicie 6) Mee eee 361-387 IG TOG BMITICONK: nce, o:c ooo vow) wo se wn ww wip cee plese cone faves oye’ & ioeios cue = Ose eee . 361 MECTHCOUNINDOEINAN yas. caievs ais ees areig s aic/e a «4 6 ales me opesereies icin oye ee ee 361 IC MUN LON ions s 2 wie eines sie wpe nels ow eee eieieusiersielavele cele < | tener ene ean 387 OMe IMAGO Wy ose siccicsys.0, 0:5, 0c0us.0,0,05%coqsquueksae lo ue secoreceis io (esage cco epeieke ocrne ponent a canete 134 PM PVA US seed ONT ao oo a a aioe: Gc veraceyepsitsciesecosesnicaeereueiereye eicie eee si ne eT 361-387 MEIN ag TO ies cosa dous oioueiouscokous ensue neus ip ince ie uwee © once oun ke ieee Leelee ek 220 LOWE UCN Se B ae deen eae du abc OOOCOOCn OOM OnOOODOODDoRU COO Oo KS 219-387 II MCA EES TOS Dao a oor se sioies excess! ostorossp crap warquasiioies ous axeKoneyod=eaekeneseacuscokehenc) Renmei cre aan 13 MCMICH ACI ATONMS 5 cicysac conciousness as ie soe wn ole el ie in oe ole cite oe roe ie 361 McMillan, John, (McMullen or McMillions) ......... ....d20-321-422-443-459-464 MeMillansJohn Ke. (or McCM~ullions) 5. cece cence cele ccs ccs oeperene «in 334-335 Me MUNN IAM CS oo oars oie cite peeueis wae eo oacus Wie uve olcielinve ere lo siete oiel cike die rae 263 MeMinn' 2 Jane. ....,0:0:,2,- wc ccysasyoucudasisneus Geisibintelelalc esteleteiele sac iarecek eee een a - eprdeneeiere O Me Mnilens Alexai(Or MCMiIlION)) ce cocci oc ieicislcieie siete eke eo eiclea ne tener . 361-398 POI OM Peat agi sc soyskeuons ie ua Gaucho Aidhoxs roxeucpoyexele)oze ose4e io seco bones ola fete taeke ke 134-387 Me Millen RODCKU ganic soc ee sn ele ele cio opie celele e wicie«) cielexeiote ole) vio ieee a 200-387 IMO MULLEN SROLOT ook sc coe rs cieioinse © ore oc clebelolnje otnicie cm oie crete - ickoKo i Nalet Petes 23 MEO Minn OU Mise. oak cisie cs ois br ounie eb 0lace wir eceinko ei cieiele cicielo eLcletsre oie ieee iG ee tereieae .123-227 PVG IMI ED DY ia ay exe veany evs 4 waco nyo eaniwerescucdoseieyeeszedeicrs croiei ne) -Kekenek eral tere reer 58 MeMiurnphiys oe Damiell cc oo cies nie wisieis clo pie sie ielneip| nelol i enele -) eee es 132-271-387-422 WUC MUTTAME, DWI) wey cia. ae, a0 % =, 6 « oxeispoxe.o.chevessisxexessseyohereie)sparsye clepee «| thoteiavekt-- eke rare 30 Mie@MiUrray, DAVIG: <5. ccc erence we canis 6 ania mlene sole elle) sieltekels) oaletehenotel oe ranarere 134-387 MeMurray, .brederick) 25 sec cccicicice ciclete c.0lelelelala slelels\clotelers) olekelsielolalelsl-ielelei-rolexems 422 IMG MiULrra ya AVVALISAT Bis cic cic oreie cieic nicl clersieierelels slorelalel slsielale)sreinietolelslexelefoleloInictoleiet: 387 MECMUrray, We ODT * icc ooo ol ocelot oho ofet ooo ciefeln) ole! a) slolelete/s/eielehelelolerelaia) ale ete ei-feiats) = letakete 27 MeMurry. Mrederick © .2. 22452542 0 0% 5% «0 ci le mie tle wo seni mro ls) nponeo isle lame 116-387 WMICMaIrry.» Mathew: «.0.).5.6e ciotecerote fot et ote otal ete eto et cre} otal o) tect el otel oleheve: ofereiieia) Reletaiehe «emer ait 387 MeMurry, William: ..%% 242% 222 22s eee he ele © wivleiujeleiete mie «nel ee arena . eels 4 IWGCNAaDD: IRE ek tc Bk o Ae Sa SS EO RAG © owe Fd 0) 010 )0 1014 6 Sine «/61e) >) 4 aie ol anes mer Ti KOOL MCGNabDb;, RODOLrE © 5 S255 3 Fo cie cole) a che 0. cf el cle} of oh al ol olale\ ol olictchole}nverelatotiohel alee o(euetoh tall qs) aks 123 McNail;. J@SSC + 55.5 55655 5655655555 0535956 0.6 0 6 bh ww ieini wo nreie loins lejetelenenovenn aitrnis 387 MCNair® Daniel s2s 85 ss 2s cc cc cee che oot fee 6 also clelwlvie le siete le qr= = tani 127-202-269 MecNatts, Joseph «2224245555 e5 tosses bo 8k 6508 0c Ch ah tm mle 60 ole chefatlenenalm in ceiengene580 INDEX. AON AEE SOLOMON: es dediscaseveitin se ai0 6 aac 8 erat eyere eterataiar oi wiiatwiniainvenchers e¥avele te atetireteds 27-387 MECN OGIY, DTC) oe ois vee veneer teotnrora ore tetaretnye to wie! et elai via aielatalelate'atare stelerate oterennaln 120-230 MIGNGel¥, FOUMORi ss cnc cess ce enacted adda Sites ae siaieiee Se cn Melee Meaian on 310 MGNe@GIY, TRUE ii ei bic cc ike sec cet ab oie 086s wa Ke wesc ciel entate meee 387 MTCICGIY; MEY! oicccieie cin :n'eve nin nie 'ere/avwl'e wie'ein\c\oia'e\s'ein'c'siniuiote!s tate (owls /wie/elulatu(atu mae mente 319 ATI GONG 6] AINGS oes see se FN a ew ole wie dims oO ROD Ae ee a eee OO a 361 MUIR LL: TAMOMEDAIG: i rcieie victors tsisretetaielistatate lata’ ove laliatel sWolilaistein ye telleinilntelelavs vel tutenere 127-209-387 McNeil, Cole ek Ow eee ele eee wala bei a wi eee 5 387 MENGIIA DbAMIC) «sie nrc cd so Kmed ede encer cee se heen se ee 127-209-210-270-387 MeWeil @DaniGl JI: cies cddw sews ded ce wim eehaiwle wer nitwern aa ctaie he ew etera aidemnee 127-269 BrONell: DaAMiCl: SI) < scccrrewrs 5 5 5h Be eon ww awe oem Inve veil resin coltstu ella OSPR Re STON TORCEM 127 UOT GELS WL ox ah 6 105 a Lh Sirs 070 sae Woo Tuite Fake fo Te Cereina eto itminlu levees yetanene ote huneneymRenneD 202 MONTE A UCAN 66645565546 be 66 oe eR be Oe Oo ee ts Weis eteten erate ung enn 127 McNeil, James ..... -cekanans 360 IVE ED DY: V eM ECEU LD) Ol eye sicie tale Gel aielingg isi ci lsi ne es ale a @ eid ne) nisieis eves « o/ecwielenini= MR AeneKs "sea 18-421 MB RY MEE CDS nit da ike ceva tierce uawe es seueuuenusec/ns seu Gn mee 23-386-449 Mackee, Samuel 422INDEX. 50 DIC 0-0 DEC OTERO IOI HIS SIDI Gn GUE Omri anccs odo cocuGocKde.coc 422 Mackie: (Samuel sys ecient SSA SRS SEAA SEES CAS SSRs. See ee 321-443 VEE 2 CRN ATC) oof cte

: eee 387-402 Biever. JOWM i ccc sc ccc ccleces ence encsasssegesannea ssa .s «5 qn Rei ee 387 Marien. JORN. JT wen reccs ene scwncersmocsnanececeseveusss sos sfaiunmia= smeame 387 ManiSiim. PLOXWELL «ccc ccc sens rsccnwsteecernccccsnccecsscees s siajugumels = amine 333 Wharihall, ADEA cnccsc ccc vicces wae cceecesese conse nensas ass siminig Minis Smee 387 Marley JON ecw owes heer scene eS ewe er eee eee e sawn wee emaie.s 5 aime em sim 15-422 Manley, TeMple «one cc cs cc ccc ccceonccccsnsccennceneqneceunn «Rin Gaius «ineniam 320 Manly. TOMPEFanCe 2c vc cee cece m nce nner mene eme rns an non nn em nim mainte tigre 341 iin Athlon coee aes BOPOCECOCODODE CEE COD Cr CD OrT 121-126-202-238-267-387-422 MMpa very TONG cas coh Soke te wee eee e esa see ces ees ss epe csp spe hotels eee 387 Pari vie RIUCAEOE Etaidn cnc ec cdnecenmsdeseseyyesuen yyy cass) Soa ee 316 WN e 10s Rie ooo cic wo) onesies eo wselin yu) w mpninsoesesecdim/vinininiens 70-121-387-422 Mann, William Br pa nic uicaielae uwiie unde gnaw hegelnasananyeani kn (naa a eens car 361 Manne. (COT MADDINE) .< ee. cece cic sinew sae o s0is 0is.0n8 0 vielen a wan nieinnneppane = sensi 387 MAT ONe LUT eo eho ere pee e ne ease rpec ese snp en eces so. sme 118-123 MMTer YA YD EXE <0 SAYUN NG cis ce osm cece oe im ip sri wn de ae enim pais ce pe herdn sn eeige ease gna ques indegmeqcnnssiBEe eae nace LT MMT YIT OTE AT OTN orci ier: ar orercdrvelexserereazeiee es gry seh yy vos ee 117-268 ATTN UEN LOSEDD, cise co eicieceyeisie webu, wie wiemioynie = meine eineae sisi | eee ey 118 BRAYITI ERE, LR occ ale ces oiw oon oie vee ne eke gn wv nze yon rey pelle, eysicace, pepeiniscogn ns Vane speseaaras a, 207 Manning. Adam (or Manning) .....-.cceeceeesceeccscersererereeecess 218-268 BUTTE FRCYA TID, oceco eke. cpeperepesesayece cage yecegngegeysis ose epeinie = mine > oan gieleyeiegran ie clcgces 361 OVESSTTN TIVE TYKIGS, asin oo: nirie’avave: @ wveuw ier ieunieieinconaiwinleys) ass/s)0,e,8/eecs.8 980 6 96 gpmasances cases 387 Wherrirtinie TOUT ccc ics asin in 9 nig sn wine nee nia alm nan meio mois ms onlays ene ye role cles 387 RANI: CRODCEE faccis ooo woisicleieig smereiiaciemneinee newenncis sae gngaiumiytys snare 124-226 Mannon. James (Or Manon) 2... oo 0s 0 bic mspne winiele oinidinie coe vale = m8 in eis 2 uncle 298-308 WATITION: OMT Te oicverdicscidu0ie ace, 0 seus severe ogee Gein oop pee ss oo PRR Ries 123 MONT TTOTD VALI LSAIIN recs seueue sm nye wane cece ge pie a eacu mimes n> wnin o> is ninoln lo aa ensad guess 23-337 BERD LN Ns MN Yeon ca a: oo irre, wo, njss0yeiejnje,0'> on o\0,0 86 9, 0:n/n 000i oie in 6 8 oe Richy inane aie 332 BERETICECVs WAUSAU onc pe nts ee esse ec ene aes se nee sc enn oie sein clgits « cimasia ay 387 WAU TENN UV oot on fein aire sine ab une npepes'es 8,0, nine e]e © wie oie ais) «io nici vlsmaimiebeiaynis 70-239-29E Marbury, H. I oh yt iceams c.icteansieacanion assailed te ee MEAs LEMTEINOY cooaoc manor OOOH bo OO ODUDOOUOUOU OUNOO DCC OD GOOOR aL: 124-222-387 GOTT Os oie cid so oie sw vie nip ooo a Wie mine 00) opie ec alewinie.n aie nn oo iceeunyngen sh 286 Wears Ey Urey Uo ieco cere cee aged ef se) a epnieoveyeieie ere /sgee nisievereie)e©si> «910.0 6 sie i pbea ee.” cake 18 Marbury GCOU ANG soe Ge peice inc ccs vic cice sie eciceelslele a sieineiie 73-221-222-241-387-422 MambucyeMeGnands SI: secs cse os cnc ect ene sete ye creme sen ss meer oe 122-124 iin, IMMER) pooooesoooaodngnU Doon ondoOO DONO oODODN GOG 124-222-233-289-387 IMETDUGY (WAIMAI, frees pe ccs cin cic cee nin «eles ole e em simian asinine “lca 295 IAM ETI PATIO oho cere ciercreicse aie civrole.wicjcnccieveleveje sce wicielele ee sgupouaricg” "4 feces 287 prone TORR Sos oaonancodocnncdudupADOCOUCOUOD CODD RDUDOOUDOONC IO JOR OFC 308 119-387 Marcus, Ellis, (or Elis) Marcus, John Marganton, Asa. alal wleler el esi elele @, RL. 6,6)6)0.8.e.« 0.0 0 0 6.0.60 0 0.6010 @'n 6.8 G16) 0:8) Sekeer? ee De oss ween ce TUNE war WSO eB08 8100 6 2) 0) 0/0' 6 6 6 d.5'S 6 6 6.60 6 0 0 666166 6 6 66 6 6016.66 6 5 5 0 a's bes ee eee a ets Marney, Thomas we) 6) 6" eo 6) 8 a6 0 88 0' 6 eo 6 6 6 a 6 6 0.6 6.6 0 & 6G © 8 8 6 © so 8 00 ua 16 66's se se se) os MarspyBlijall ayedivivieed cadcace sb ocdeer es es ee0b eee ee eee eset eee ee 387 RTS TU) O Dn he oe oe oe ce ctrchociat et oi at Oh ot ah oh ode at sl wt ay wl dew hihi sl ot ab GRIN ar orate bet Satanic pelchetews Seewenn 120-387-461 Mars DONALD AMR irtee 6.4 6 0805 605 5.550%s 254% bees KEES SR KEE EK ER 120-387 Marsh; Soles ve Sreleieleobaeccers er oo cciot ec 387 MATSHALL AIDA AIM: <.4o1creve!oxeVovetolare'oteeteloTalaveloleleleloletatelofolalctelelel cla 84-123-213-215-271-422 Marsliall, (Daniele ssccisccececs ccs soseerese cesses ye eset ees 270-387-422 Marshall: -JOSS0! 6 ies ooo os ew is 55s 5044S 4s SO ERR ee eS eme 321-422-443-457 PATS Ley OTM er eyerate ah te%el elo ote otclcre svole?elsteletetetelwts oeteletetenstsrotete eters 121-123-225-226-387 MaArsnall. “JOSEP? (isctestetetetcia ete che CSO OS ON POE OS SE EEE OE 271-283-387 Marshall... Heya -2)csshtcee be cbs eS SS Ss SSeS ees eee tte eee tee 209-001 Marshall; Matthew = sss sce ose ete weet Se etal otalat telethon Oe ee 121-227 marshall: MOSCS! «ss 2cceRors es eds PESOS eee ES Ses Sete eee 361-387 Marshall: (Nathan: «ccs cc hed orate eee Oe ONE A eee SS 3&7 Marshallie SOLOMAN: <08s cio tees eS ESR REN EE ERE ee eee ee 121-202 Marsnalle THOMAS «6554555 % 655s SES ee eee Wale rete te lotelatn t's Stree ets este 247 Marshalls William: <52s2225:5:+i2s: once seeks | Ape sete 94.22, Marshall (Zacheus:* s<34 24235581553 5e eee 445535 4¢2585e ees eS 270-387 MATING ss 22 oR secs hoo 5d SORE T ASE SRE Se SRT ET Eee eno oe eee ee 422 IEA TLCL TE Us Car OLE” rors rorete es fore oeeter al ool eo tale roRoMote’ oto obec te ctolaeetatet Moteiacete era atone PSST Martin=-Alewander ssh ts cde cc cece cc meee cece ete cn cre rnrete 134-242-265 Martins “Betty” occ fo Soa hs Pe se Para ees eee tess reraes PSS 126 MAUI Ps GONTCILUS) xc0cyei ate alata taf atclavetctetolnistots ctclolaletotetatcletote atctafar cel ct tetereteterets 2 1G0 Martins raD avid sso 2% ss RR Cee RRR RR Oe eieiete ts were aie ereretetenelc 3861 MVE AYIEL TNS Ce a A PI Toe eetola's a Tollcle fel ele late nlelalatatetete aie letcietetc: ciereiey el snctataters tetera tie 387 NMPATCIN = (OMONd* 45% 55 eke e sce ce cre ee cree nie wlereeeie ne cieiereretetaters Pee 125 Martin’ “Dlizabeth: -s22ce5 605 o 6 oro to fold d ta BRA a NS oe cle etn terete et aint re ier ote 126 MAGCIN® “HE DOTAIM eee rere ee erento cre ctalitetch ot cl crctel el otateteren en: SUAS ee 422-452 Marcin’ “Gamaway: 2 irr eictlc few Sele o cleleta vere cia oon mein tetelel ot ote) atctatel teres 125-323-387 Martin, Jacob kta, ae hee RE ee BORE SEA Se ree 125-306-307-387-400 MMPATCIT SAIN Se Oe ee ae oreo ecco Sassen te eat meets lero ots 81-125-203-204-271-387-422-443 ATartin= SeSSe 6 oc ire ee ee eS Sk ewes Me Oe ela emo SteiRtee elena VereRetr-i-teletsiets 361 Martin’ =JONN! +++: 252 sses 553 3. _.......10-15-126-185-203-230-231-422-443-452.464 Wieweinbiy dkojejal, Ibi (Cll, GroogaponodomoodudboDDdD OD KWOODNEC .43 hc SRE Ate 422 Mantin=+ Jonmnerdrs «25 23ers Seek Seas Cee ee bo dde cll PRS ZZ ACS SC Martin: Jno We seec sts acce niet ee: coge bbe Poa seis ness See cae ne 387 Martine OSC DI iste retiterectevetets ci = cles ciere ects elec elem eel aire ole eelel ekcln =a ner eon 422 MATE Ma Cayabe ceretarorcie sore ce otcrat cise nt ot ne ected ote ol ol ol Ncltetroliototier olor enevar ymin ean 321 Martine Marshall reeretetercketereteteretetetorehete neta! tclctor-Retefefololsteterefomst- tar Pte Se oe ee 126-387584 Martin MAtCOGW ccc cnes suse gues Martin, Medience ........... eee Sonn Ocee ce etegepemiakaieie WUT OTE soccer oe oo ste pe cree g eralecce ancien cranes a/eress! Ceeate Rees ete aranee 271 WAST EATT IN RE ESRIE he gee wale el ser nge ce sen nye se,nssanye.chegencdaiessseqeacjeraccnsuekasntateaa geeke aia iS alana 387 Martins “RObert ...2% 35.5% ee Jill gh pie sae oR Niajalecales eres age eee eee ee 126 PYReSCCSATIIGRTD os reo iin bie oaisialsla cae ots slacca ¢ Gasca wwe cctinis aieeenenEES 126-387 WharfineeLHOMAS) ~ cso 5 ccna auld ce nis we cclejs,c,e cece aeq nae a aiaafeccian a eeerane .. 422 WiaCATIMRWV LIA i ec pe ples Giinps ce se eee 122-126-274-362-387-422 Mase; Joseph -...,.. Bi fel ape as te miele a's Sin leie ec CTR ATaTa Ae cinta OTe 18-422 Mash; Clem? .<. <4; AIG ee Ae GEO RE Oa I OOOO OEE Hoy orto DEQ oc oor: 362387 Masn NALDam ...-.ceu a Se Ae ce, SEE Be Ree Ee Oe eT a ern ain o Rieteteieeercinierta 362 MaASHOMIDOMAR) =>). csc ehcp tcc cewee sents see en ewes ecanegc ans heleietein 5 cemers 132 Mashborn. John: .....-... Sida dol Sea ceeeic Bi gudub Suara eral etevalec a «1 CRMEAINES ac cRete ai 362 MASHGVITUDOIMAS) occ cc cee eae tenet cee sect renee nce c.0,0 0,00 offiemmele.« (nga siete 396 MasOnt BIDGNOZEL sic cs 2566 oc esis wes’ Martin, Simon BU RESTRIC OTN 3 he oi ois ssn aie ope see ce ce ee ewe ees aie dips © Oke eee ee eeet Enero 362 99 WiaSOnt DOD Goce cwccclncccet ese ceeancsee seen saneececeee coc aitivialeric =(stuimaens 422 rY*1 ope AV ARO CONOR Rs eee eo ee Ol foe is clea ood Seis ee 0 hitla terme obierainie o}s Siemens 362 ; - anc MISISHEY =) AISUOMS Ns aleke ce nlntvim cl wicisis ve wise co cp os ses cc ve 0 o.00 vs sXe me SIR iNiere «is Scar ees ELSON VEU LRT ppc i pie ows wis ele ae nus pio nie sini cece «0c nies = = Meron 5. e224 M WHUTSIM so eee os ccc ges uSoe eerie Grace Gi avel-« epeneeeretele 28-4 Masterson, John ...... : ; A Mathews, B Mee Ri eS ete ar cn noe BiG ys el ae Rie a Oa om ele Sige Ric tein rer’ 6 apes Mathews; Burwell ..:....... si du dvaveseutie ie ecereteceaslece be Ve a Gee catenin cieeebers 398-404 Mathews, Daniel ..... SR A Pee a Fae eieree cre ower bo ele Seleieneee cPainas claire ka 124 Mathews, Daniel, Jr. ...... Mathews, George Mathews, Isham: .....<..- : : Po Se cas tee cats 122-124-296-362-387-459 Matthews, James, Sr Sek POE SEL ao i ee 323 INHER EE UOT AAR Sra non ere ey one ee ee eis aio cdo iGo: 6 Mathews, John ... S4 : : Eien : 125-387-398-444 Mathews, Lewis .. Ree A ch 2 wire Ges: bas were one cael aah denies sie ailewa anata teeeRe’ «talents 362 Mathews, Meshack nO SE eee NARS OF Re eT eee 125-387 Mathew VET CTY Gr ee ee ee ee oe oe cave ie aire are wie o) witerre (ue 0rd RRA RMPO ORR enemas 387 IWeaTNG WiSmeKCDECCE 8055 a bie occ gs os clog Sac msee cere nce sim «elope ee teeeeehe eoatesni 325-347 Mathews, Reuben : 25 Mathews, Richard .... ‘DH On ee Som ao roomie aod ae oc oh ad duc 398-404 site SoS -387-464 = opekeieped .« ate 387 Mathews, Thomas Mathewss Willams. .e8. 2% 0... Mathews, William, Capt aU yy Soe VV al erry eae ee ee ee cc cee ts ee ces ces peie* ones Mathis, John AA Ae a rn nS eno ooo ae wee OOm Matthews, Daniel Matthews, Elizabeth Bais eneta tere Wie cco © ewuav evens wel o ooo chert eer ene oe oie SHEN, CHO Ele canner ae eee G8 BRS reo ee GOI e Te SO cao ac 30-122-265-423-464 Matthews Isade o:........ an oe en 24024293-444-452 eu 125-270 —_ On — 30 _ bo bo — bo On Ww — ~] Matthews, James585 Matthew sy JODNY 255 sb FS e2 56 oo hte See POSS Behe E DAEs eee 238-239-423-457 Matthews. Mesheck? ....542557245545444042¢555 20+ 59445 8 odes eee 232-289-458 Matthews *MOSCS! <2 2225555555665 85855 556 Seer be bect ese cas Ce eee eee 270 MAttH EWS! “OLIVER “235 f6 CECE OPE ORE EEE AS Pol T a ol eet el he cao etree. Ete ee 307 Ma CUMe WSs Ei pee ey. secs 25 55 5 Se oer tele wie rotate tetete ois rer eerie ciara: cts) ketene 423-452-457 Matthews; William’ «2...'... 204-232-233-234-240-271-289-296-325-423-443-452-458-459 Matthews: Walliam® ‘Capt: * 222.4 ..% 2.554255 %6 166 6e sun an ba kA, Ree 423 Matthews: Winnefred: *2 220665 66 cbc etcd bac ch edclelacidid caclevac otuere erate aoe 325-347 Mia LbOne Isa ZATUSs 5 es aso os lee wo ee re ie eee ee here rere eet oc cPen ents i eee 387 MattoxwAmelia (Ci S.26 28d 6 be Reo RECS EE OOS AOA MS AS ait Netens ARE We che ere 341 ICES Hoy <; 1p hablil ee ganaeoeeorOtO bon OOOD OOP OooR AOC OO aCOCnOOOOdooOnOKuORt 124-387 Mattoxc Charles’. oo 0 oo. cod Sec hoe SSE SS al Ai Moore Ee ieee ote, ohooh oper ene enane 323-362 Mattoxee JONNY faeces eo eee ce iit kRAEAR SDR SRRARA . .121-124-335-387 Maupin Jessen 5525 AK Gale hE SRI Aerotech micforeteeeds cretenenele 316-361-387 Maxwell: *ANOTOW® 5k hs 0 5555s See tate to tea % Sire eterna tte te wroteon obereiateeMene) otemenene 423 imkya, AE TACT | Soop ba nmOb Oreo OD COD ODO OO NO DOC UO OO OO SCON OO NUdUO UO IO Rt 423 Maxwell *“Bazile sce . oc. % 555 5% see oe oite Me Mosteste Mp)%eitate ta Pe aita rome te tate rayeile, efel ete eteneee 154 Maxwell) sldss 88255 25.2 5058555 2s 8 TASES Ss Rees es ee eigen hes 387 Maxwellsebdward <6 500655555545 05 556 Sea Shs Oe Shee i fais were ter aetnemeo ohane 123 IMaxwellemilisha 525.245.5265. 25%,.455554 56 550 5 as oo use hci oe ee ve eo nee 423 Maxwell® (George: 265556 558 bbe 5s 5 55 Seb 8s Ae aie Het a ens ep ee medgs 216-300 IMAXWiClLL MU AIMCS 6 67 '5h ss as eletate so eile tesla teireiraito itn fey eifosla tofavotaeRe vale FoRn ta) 123-300-362-387-423 Mamw,ell: JONNY ss c.c 5 65 55 Soreas B55 Recic te rbe mew Sime oye we wel ke)ote wie nlepoee eRe aires 315-362 rhb Ad U mel KOs 1 TA Cnn O Dro OO OON OOOO OOODOD UDO DOU S OOD oc 216 MiaxwCllie JOSIAIy 5 oo Bhool ooh ale) ot dl i tebeyer att Key mnner ae 15-18-120-123-269-423 Mamwelleshichard? <7. .7..7.% nt sects tg cs A ewes Hae Ga RGR Or eas RC Rs RS on 398-404 Maxwell Simons (46552655605 56685465 ne Get eo owes 6 cee ce n= - 0 eee oe eekenae 423 Maxwell’ Lhomas: 54.2444 222522 = se em tntiacne roar mie 120-123-242-387-423-459-464 Maxwell’ Rhomas: Capt: ::.:¢:; MARANA AA HI 387 Whol Ione, WE soocog0oboooKDOuGoUddcc ce CpocecCoCdanoa 5000500 387 MaxwellksTnomas: UG. sodeccdgne scene sane seas oe w/a) cx chcuon obey of ARID Ree 23 Maxwelleathomass (Sri osecncs aad tate ee ni orae oan.) ee. eee 315 Maxwells sWAllaM 6 occ. c cc coco cl chet clelelel cfalel ole) of niet ollel elle) «) ote) eilofexejolelaae¥are)etcreca(a)aksiens 423 Whe 1tWch; ganado don odd DOO O OUD IOD OUI DODO DOC COD UFO DOOR ON DOC . 118-387 Mav ART OLDIE eee cfere lo eee eto tcla ooo fafa aot ohort-F =a us: Faite ete tile Heytave xas#e nes uoxens gone’ TST «ote a. MWaiyee JOSCDIY 45525 ce weer eee eee he eh toy ello etelre sn cere pele soe wo See ae 132-387 Mays MOSCSi5 50.6255 6c 5 cbs oS ec SES Es Hees BOs die ciele one Oe = a enna arene: 126 May, Samielie ss <2. 3s bens 5 Saas eee Sse ie teen ee ee _. «398-404 aya WAlMT curries nt aera ons Soc ins ouey es eeu eed ol alee alia rener . .118-126-224-259-387 Maybanks Amdrew: © =. cio fea oie fn ie to be eile lo ee foilotnfolotaheo ese fone ofedntmuw hehe 91" Rp nenrel aeons 423 Maybeny (Mathews ~o)c ccc scence cele e chet otek ad cleleletoNelad ooh cton axon i=in /eyevonsda tnekcke list anoae 387 Mayborn, William (or Mayben) ......----.2sees eee cec reer ere sec ercess 126-387 Mayes, ThOmasi 1. 2c boc ee «leis le ee levele otal tole alntellatatonenafetasleKn isin tele holeke! icgei ses 219 Mipllone, MATWO --<+.05 5. en. ve ig pie wane ie cides a onua heaves sie (eeece toler e rete eta 116 Mploy, ANOIEW | o.0eo.cne ena neean a sineecinenie. 850.8 e ne mesic sins so aS ipi aie «i teas 323 bth Any ae eae scecae siege bout wciaeis te leiey ose eiale ls : ‘em fipan yo Sal «: ©) Sikgeaibe 185 Melton: MRODCLE fo ccnn cc Peas Vac feu ai peur a i ape inten wisi Chu eteke see elm iana 42% BU TOD, AVVALIISIG ig cic wis siclaie esq 5 -eincuiece , fu:-bicaileierar'eio.pitersiu in 6) ey alwie te endiatee sia 423- 1 Melvin, George ........ ee Ee ee vee ced vguks brace Clee 15-18-117-423 Wirtkabin abn oan Gaga ntanoccdce sch y iwit: aiueeiave/adeious eielaneners «cs ca: eyetteesipars Bie 2 Ww WAP Ya oT SANG aires oy os aire 0:10) =) aie dsamnepncece caceresepepsisieseasatganelyeieysaniese =” Sheba ee ae 117-38 Mercere JOSDUA «ccc + feck chive py Bhs as wR cs oS vicina oc e eee ce. einen ree 423-443 GTO TS OLR io ark hve woe esi wii a ke w wlee © 8 wp wis c6 so so) oriniataueeperers 129-308-387 MOT CON4 NOUNS ooo ew ccna eek aa neues ea sss es sere «ete = Hise: 423 MMe: WALT cc op cise cc oo oa) esas tnes sp ccmispeseseusiecece,simisyniepsie ose ae = Ieee ii 423 MONO Gi NSA cnrs ce neem Coa uecw/ceene es Sogn ates «6 R= meee cri 265 Bernini DOLTTODCE: ©. chick nace o cee ec canuamneaenieneesss,* = et") sbeoMepreinte > Sitios 362 Waoninnee Br tLOM oes oes arsvsw nevavnns Gcatiudasueenueeic gc <>: a sss = eee = cee 362 RVOTOP OY a NAD AMG oe 5 ce iyercic oe spurte Pisin pis ole sine ulolnse n= occ ein asior> crannies 362 OU aren) ise Es UTD SUT Ste ohio ose se.s fe eons to 0.0 8hnyeuein,e)ssayeveiese.s 0 0/0 010.0 5 cas sania 327 BERL OG UN GTA ere a chic nic sok ne pepe ee cineiebas cies ess eels eas anaes 123 Menniwetheni Daniel... «cccacacs capes cele c eng cle salen vie ewe c scnss slapeinunin hie Eke 423 MonrinotheraDavid’. ..c2.c ene nc cece eG ge ca © eeinles © ceiving cee sininieiainin Chuiemenusis 362-423 MEOW OLDE AINOS . cyccacs wee wee cee ee eens ce ee wie os ts sinjate & opusetnepeee Dies > she 387 IMP OETA CLHOI 7 MLD OM GS ie cic coleiejeurisinious so wip nis a,b elels|« se « oinlele sole eeramrermrane ~ ia Ace 330-464 MEN COs LU OTS SE os opey cs ciecocssenepouogs ess. 0.600, e:s,e pe; yes. n e'ele0e ove, «eo tpepe tari yeasts 423 IEG ROIY COD ccieicics oie ick siesta; sieicseieveie cae 0:00 njeln ojo « elutes seere ce: auc Navensncg@hte7OReT + eppenpen tas 387 VAG See hp ose cs yaa cans ee celte 10 soisat 6 oe ww ecm eo © ale viene wie.e onl aieaneor™ 8 362-387 WSS Or CIOL Sie eco icles histo e a ece oes wore es oe eleiese cn soin eo) ol aw inketaracterern = 117-298-387 Metcalf, Anthony 129-200-292-387 Metcalf, Danza, (or Denza, or Dunza) ......-.-+++se005 124-130-201-289-387-458 BO sGerer LCM SVAN hee ics pce ickceic i o.sic secs eviape viv cise feceomniejelele mt aint 129-288-387-458 Metts, Frederick SS eeINDEX. MME V CLS ENOMBS# 62 & 0 bic cere sors-eivivse om be ce 6 6s bieieis elole eeu oe ele cieier ieeee 132-387 MUTA CLE DOOR SEL) © sce.5 5 6665.06 8:5 66% bib a5 Wibyeleen'@ wg oie 6 oo oeceic are ee ee ee 333 MAdGLGDFOORS:: TODD: «sé ovo si 65 0 4i0ace 6 w/tiele a opie bivie dieiarw sverehaveavcverct to ree se . pce teaece ieaae aie fhe a ere capa aieaate co aite gin qaaleee ae 423 MGTISS OUT eae se cates eos so eraavecs = ees ayer miar dale: ore AiG Wack ngnc meine ne fo ene 202 TIN OS OS) oc oe coin wie igin ce snc 0 eo oie ines ans ini aieinis ce os oO Le ee Teh Aten Gone aeoaneencneanneonocooo doo nddind oc onc oy pa aieaaee eran 116-388 Milner, Jonom :...... ES ayaieuaiaiete wi eieiers : Akvape tuyere ares _.131-235-280-388-423-464 Milner, John Hamilton ... ee eerie seuss -sauag aise tein me ec | Milner, Pitt rr Se er arceat sy = a Siaiee Aeeereievel aw a/airs 5 (suk ge a aoe oe eae Milton, J : Brevapcievas : sats ae si. ye 6) ReRTR Sh Cee eee Oe 1 “hhkvorn, Ak Zeeeasaaqracduoe sa eetaderas Sus ain Uceisussexs 9-15-268-362- 3 Milton, Nathaniel ...... Beep cane ers ee eric: . 122-388 Mimms, Drury (or Minus) .. Fae ei a ere Ga w Biggeeaee ew Gea e ete een 117-226 Mimms Mimms; Shadrack ...... A Fe Ck ahh his a dete casiipue i ciel sac ieinccleisieie) cietenete Renee Mimms, William (or Mims) sce obaee eptietarcieies ote Fe aa Tile OMI Sate eas 117-268-275 Mims, Drury 5's Ae Oe ee ee John i eas “Ve ie a bie fateicele. oy ainiiel a7 aimee Mims, Frederick ........- Bra edacc Oe tan eer erege 118 nibs, deka oagaanodaadacc EA eieaialaats wis ss Fee cna Ree onerene tone . 117-388 Mims, Martin ..... Re ene eee en ae eter ont. cree eiereiere tateters 388 Mines. (William: 25... gen ee ee ie Ce ee uo creeieiera ein rere fone natsacr msn saet 388 MINAS CS freee tice cele an © siceyaie einin'e eo ee WN Ot rcratere er etetetenees Minis Philipines: csc wc oc occ - ee oe tC eee Sern a oetaere auctor eterstantiers 42° Minnlisqahnedsst te 5 inc ce ee ccc crane cr Neha eae es 3 TAU UUs OTA en ee areee oc nae cies el oie nce wl sete a enters mrefersieroremaruasmaane 38! Minton, John Pe eee Ne te momen ., See . 423-8483 Mitchell, Capt Sy Sere Tee ee ee OR EE EY its ET Oe 319 Mitchell, Maj Nie eee ee ee eee tare ere oe We 318 Mitchell, Charles .... tet ee eee ee Se ee eee eR Ee ete e veretareneemnrene 269 Mitchell; David —--... Be Ot Meee nate Kh OS EER s TN sheers 129 Mitchell, Eleanor ... pa Bie ot VW e we el a aa eos 5 econ coer Ohatete io teRene 322 Mitchellselirancist «9.05 6218 0s Re eee ERA RN ERS See eee rere 308-388 MITCH el tGOONCO: Bee ee ee ee PF Fae etl aliel oh olcl at otalihie elals erent RUD ai 862 Mitchell) Henry <....: ~~ 362-423-457-459-464 Mitchell, J. sie589 MIRE CHOU ae J ODM acco rere S08 eis os wes Breye ches) aee eee tree clon ce Ie eee 15-121-129-270-388 INGUT COOL tiers sev acie occ 6 visas Wee pide oie yore ois e050 cree ei secre eiers © avelel oie Serene 388 IMI ECH Clie SEVCUL DOUG 6 ve rose 25 ro saree ceseta fois serene & retenawenckeseteyoncdexs thease IeIOKSaS CRI ee 423-449 MVIECH SLI SRODELUE - 35 st cv cveccucveversv anol sronev atonal os or cues vel oper ensieiss oa 121-122-129-218-219-240-331 MAT CCHOU SALE os ctoy ep otcorsev ewer sh over onier arlerie'enatiev exe 'w) owt one) oy ebrevrelrave: oy 6. clave a exerey arc sel eeen ere mee eee 320 IM ILCHOL VE NOMAS): xis os fire sireite vovore re roo ron sovouewanctoue re eekenoiens ....15-70-127-130-388-404-433 Mitchell, Wm. 18-130-121-211-232-270-296-319-320-321-322-329-388-398-404-423-443-452 INDTECHOL WL Diss oo 5.5 tere sin ore nce acd 0% se co Gre 10) 0179 eile cue ci ets eke ee ey CR one 322 MIC CHE Willams 6ST oes cc ares ds Sie ye bier a Rers wisre) cua ws oho nicl enews areas ee eae Oe 329 IMT LECH OL, (DAWA sy cteceryete rarest teKeveteitases *0ireveya¥vvarate ve XeVersteronexeuorsierexakelsneyeue:s MGR OO ieee 335 MZ WES NEC DDGATOS scare d-cis cei seein vec bya knee (ereusus Sieve Sete Ce ane HER c eee OS IPIZOLI. tC ALO cies e.5. eo 060 0,0 w erste ots ov ove @ a) ebm Wiis: « ereues eevee 7 ne een 306 MOaK SWalliam. (Or MOK): «6 ove doses ba bee o cine wien cee cues cele SEI eee 388 Moat, Daniel (or Moats) ...... sarc uoncstowaenevenop nex eile ore vonewenenoweloderele cnc meee 118-388 Moates; “levis Cor Moats): 0D co Ul Cr- oO o1 bo bo oO nN Re 0 a os Co _ 2 2 2 cece VU 388 459 388 315MMV. CGtOMMWHIITAIN: 55 oo cic o 0:06 6, w nileps cic ove «eye oy ateselsseceleloie ninie -\eleini laments aka 424 iiyeiesy, doy, Sy ssoppenssdoue eo OCOD Udo CONDO DOOD DO DOD DODO ODOOC OSH 2GDCHHOS 424 IMIV.GES MM ADVE. cnr: cicp ere eee slotine oo oe 66s sierereinie bce me leileielor etching nial ences 341 IMSS UNO MIAS) ocie 04,5 6 06 5 ou, 010.015) e) os ns 0) oyecpe choy evoke) oy rho) ynyeoleie oh eater keke lois 117-338 MOEN \AllbEHN sap ogonoon denon onoD Occ ddd OOO Gop pO ouddoGu0 500500 So00s 424 Moy hands ames STS c. lo. « cic sieie c's wlele ole eluleelule vies /siuiele vie emiele «fee einniielelerntoLekale 313 Ibpakelie, dO sonsdocuabsodedd457d0s 0d dD Odd 050 90d 9999 IIGODO ID TDD DDINOOKC: 363 IN ari PES OMVAYIIT ice ie a ois picieie ol oi eieice) ole cl oto ee relerelel ole Meyelo exe elm tKehaleChernienasRekrsns 135-388 Noavil ee EL CLI ecu eee e re ei etnies eee ole eee elec orca enelcenereyalcelteloice cole LeinTonate ateReats 135-388 IN cai ame CSE TD Tce os ece oo oe ote ee ap obee ce tolnitelole) oliatalteloncKoleiie 13-33-135-212-310-388 33-308-3388 BN cd MWD UL LD UTM ees ni chee oc scien ociene ole oie c Chole dein wisrons oi A rece, fe) 6.5 SSUES ey eee one 33 Nail Matthew ......-.-.. Sg hae GMS ou eabes eEee eon eke Sib sce Sues ote eis Cheisi ote See 249 IN ue RONDO MY erecta 6 on elev eo eer oon eveloisc) alclsieli ole letetelotersrcrexeiate 135-214-231-335-388 INV EELN OW ois eee ic wie sickeo oe, oie one cere) olaielele steels elololelekelatcreloleKolslcleiaraiekoreinions 449 .400-424 INDIO GCONZC! goose sc ees Nea aanoocnpacoooc Nu Soogboo ONS INEMIKY JEKWA, 5500 codGn nO GUC DUO ODO DODDUG RDU DOOOOC DC GUOUMOOD DON OCOD OOOuONC 212 IN@ISHeRCUDENS <. .c ces cs scsi tei ci huey e's ae/0.6 Gps! 0) eo eceroLslore < la cel oie) ek Rane ai arcane 228 NEIGIN IM EMO 55 GOR ORO DONO HUD EDO OO CODD D DODO COC DO ODdOGODDOROsD DONNA OOOO 316 398-403 INNIS RTC ATO) 5c sien « cere ole) Sicle ove ac) eis) serels) ele elelereelolel nse = oleKe)s) olarak Renencneres INA plerm@Ols ss. 66 cee see ne ono ei ieee ape enim oe)” 0k) onsen occa NEW) IMIEMAY soaqnca0eb boc Bee asa ususginb ecole ele ee kens ei sieu cess. wee OTSue PISS oe eer 335 INFACT, (COU 54 Goa sno nono nb Un DOOD ODOC CUOMO ODO DOOOQUO DOOKU EDO OODOUT BONO OE 312 NEA. (CUTE, soocnnoovdodndon GOD Ado KOd ODDO OD ODOM OODNNL 15-18-13 4-289-388 IN BOM. copgands aovoudd gn noo ennUdd OOOH ODODODODOOROON OD OD oHOOR IO OL 363 INAS Mary? Aes cin oc sc0y0 < gs Uk bcSuig va baw ecole seuh uel KORbecIe iene eecorennie sin aLareReno enon 134-329 INERALY, ASIEN 5 quboosndeuuUGoD dod pONUnG TOD NDO MOD OO ACO DOOOOOURO OOD II090NT 121 INGalae OAD Ee Seis «coo os ciclo nes cele one co ele serena rer eee 424 299 IN ext GERR, DAW ERs 5 cccre co 00.0.6 oie 0 oeyeuee) ease o ekegele eyes ceo me tele ceic tear) ho Real ie < OLE Neal) Mhomas) 4. .-.- Dee odor oun cocoon ooodndocooo UC onggoooNNd INGAV.CS UVILIILTSDING sie scseie ccc beleiie cin cloleiars niceiet-Relencs tare ec bioid tn Ne ODD OD Nranaar, “bre sqqcencooooganuodccnd0ncDFOD NH DUDOGDDO DONO OS OMOL On ORC 363 Needlinger, John, Gottlieb ................ mcisice sscgs alee TR clone ale Oke eas eas te) ede 388 NealeBhomas) (OT Neil) cnc oe oe eo elelelel ole olin elins ie) alole i ni= i> acne as 272-388 INGO] vee ODM eeisict. ie «avin oe ieueiel cin cirarep ainsi erei o: 0) asm exeresei exes ov'exovayens) orehe) acexeveton o/s syetelencceKeberereied kate i=nelere 424-452 INT ATONE oo, 5c we: 615 (ew a/e/u ol vim we ieamin'escjs nie m wi cueieleieleiele on iuin) sie (e/alallehetalokciane (ei siekeints 424 INOTIMATIN GOSSC: go scieie cieree sieves, vie.cyc,cnescne eis lkouexeusheyexeTo ce ceWnlnke ulin sloksoln ol ein uelol ohare eteketare 458 PN OMINAT COMMIS ccc,cic la) nleie ool efeie oipiesclsimeyelalelel a jn] iors) sinisnened=neie 136-137 OAR AMA Wee Sieg oe 8 a o.6 6 oo pei Sia dhol ool ohekedov one onehnielepoieyeroh ok olsioneroxe}o19) ou ekadsi=KoKeneketem ane 19-424 ks Gomcnennc Oates,596 SLR) OVO ee oo oe la d bie bb Gia 6 hen Oui cia ces Sine e eralele Clonee nenenete 175 WATGRMe PeYOIIAD 6c nc ec eee Re cy cee bc 6 btm ule Bvaiere eoate OTe revetateeetrnmaa 136-389 Up Ts ee ic cle ables cle eves nis ess 0 wie cle’ stplat cletctalatateteteiets 136-389 DATE RICUALO We. «5a co ecns cc cc's «cise cc re ee i ae ooo a. 33 WOUPS TTI WITT icra), ie ccc sie cia ale eee 6 + en's oia’c ee le «/slcleim slatels Oi stetetarateiais 136 (rsarre: KMODONL ae Oliver, Morton Oliver, Peter Ollens, 137-363-389- Daniel. ..5.- oe 452 -424 321 -444 330 7-389 -444 444 424 .389OMANSS OWN <6 is cease seiko cotta eis Se ci es hehe de Ole Cd re no eeeie elienererere OrNeal. (CAxom-Caxam’ Or Asim) <52 2c ccc ccs cine ce cle niets ererceiers 137-214-389-424 OUNealwebOWand) cnciwics ccc ccc cc ccs cube cee tie ee cece cole enicreihelererer nero 424 MUN eal’ MOKGINANG a... dcccccc ccs ood low wee eee Se cele ae ere cyctereiaicrenste eras 424 OuNeal. Jonny (or OFNell) 2.05056. oF eee eee ee ee cee eres 137-204-389 OUNGALNALNAN ccc okie ovo Secs Coen ese one ee caer we ces Oe eee 389 OUNealwe Nathaniel 5.6 ccascc esc joes Coe Cee Ue eee ese etna ters enero ete 137 @iNeal: Jonn’-....<..- eats. SoG G Bie alae bla be Riese Ae teen Ue te ar cette te te caecum aemene - 299 COFRSENE, IDE WANE A ee odpm odmoomouomoandodondododos 424-452 TICK SAI AMES) 5 ccciscic ogee sc he ule ee cs ccteetera te ores oie eral ta cet innch en ret eurenratrems 389 OyINer PPOWIPS) ose ccs oe oc csc ceare ee eel ee cece et ore ere ot el Clee Ste roo atalrelt etter eter 206 OPTS DY AN Ler ere eve cic als cicieielele eto a cic ove eral lac yA e ee a Ne eeein weverere 19-137-424 OUNSDYwUSADCIE Gass cc chess lc we oc cicero nls renee mie sin an tc sere erciete nichemelolenarers 137 MOTTO AD Ur. a ciersic ss cite errors) oe orn inisisio lec ioia Se 399-404 Pattison: GideOM: .. .00- 0.0. aces scree conn ss cme chess crciohcls chal ear 144 Pattison..Robert <.0..c--.cccce tee smem mee cnn cies cit c cic aaa aaiai 214-452 Patton, SAMuell ..c.ccc-ccecrerscercermesnemse meme: ic’ cite tigen 403 Ratton, “THOMAS «cece ce sew core aim cin sels rare 138-294-389-399-403 Patton wWVALA eeeee eelecr le elle seiner ren Ne os Ss Aseria esee eerste oiekae 364 Pattilo, JODM sc cccccccsccc cs cccsonccsine coms ccc t tn nn: sata alae ieee 389 Paul, Robert, ...<..c5- coc ncceee cc seemercimm emetic: ccc cio: ce ae aes 364 Paulette, Richard (or Pawlett)) co cic clclelecierereia ere lore erm =r nee 364-425-445 389 Paulk, JOHN «. 01-02) fees et eee icin ce cline nrc rcrie "Fe lcraky eictSie cena aene Ta na eA Amcor adddGgnodc 138-142-389 Paton Wiel - caccc ns « Pade avis aieiein'e aicaveievele oinpevare ecetete ere . -19-139-273-389-425 BPavne: te 5. cen ss We ere caistk Gia Sik Svsss e's ooo be et ois alu s 6 alfetele 7 oe) theese geea erate eee 389 Paone JOsSeph «...-... Spo iin AiG G oiein pidavere oieivin ales Als @ elds Gio c bik nists eleretetekereeinerae 425 Borer yy es ae EN ace cae otc 5i'v in i sini 6) Aveinia (ein no) e/a marae <) eicinieieiersts ee SEAS dooce 319 Payne, Moses Pavnie: INBNOMUIAN casee nas cn uss qin sea wig See Kecere-e'e ere aigleie 6 arclns a ommiereieaeiens 425-444 Payne, Samuel sae crete Ee aicucilal lel a Gubhe “Gxai Gy sara vanecelarola cle OO ee Coe 330 PR OTITTEN ES TOM Se RE 552s cress ye, o, eyer'es cps. oie, 0, afar esd ee cedienteserous ere fleur ae oe 389 Pennington’ vENOMAS! 65.6% soo eos sols hele Se se bise see ee eC oe eee 139-210-389 Benny eg MOward’ s25.06 5.66 cs ode soe ee eee eel oe eee Oe ee whet. seed 64 enn YJ OSCDINO 5 ok are < cyte oe cadens dduuunuenuoulel Nu. eee 389 Bentecosc william: (or Penticost)) 2246.4. c eee 318-328-425-444 CrKCrSOMN +) OCler hice ccc oss lin Sea Moree oe ee wes og ee eee 364-489 GLINS COL Sas cs re sn cs eee bak ode cb me eee e gee ayee pencoc aoc Cee Tee 425 OT KAT SPA RADA a5 oi ore, «/ecerciekovagereceietenevene oueieacievebele cheiecne ce ee coe 140-273-389-425 ISERInsS “ATCHiIDAIG cic ccceecece eos ous ooo we ne 6 cs oan Oe oe ceioas one ae eons 337-457 OTA ES CMU PINE aso, 0:55 sp ova cs ore) arb wl ocepey oy wterep esos o auneneiererranervaichols 6 Siete emer 140-389 MEBrINSS AN ei oro ec foitic,ccs, ouein ose ssececnsese.e one (cnevesene ioxe ee ueivacke eisyexeveneieie ck nee eee 389 Berkins: GEISHA: osc css oocs os ew wie sop wise bus bees oe eis eirislnie cous ee Ce ee aceul 40 IBCrinS OUNY 6s og ce us see Ca caue ul uencaon oe ae 140-234-273-323-364-389 MBEGRINS? ss MLOSCS! 5 ofe on one sieve, rs cy oe 3 ew each no Sere chs cncleyel sau ainieias) tenes 425-449-452 RerkKiNnS= EeClOM >urr Dempsey ... George Hillary Joel John Mark Reuben Samuel William Zach, 3enj. Casander Henry Isaac aie Isham Joel Joel, Joel, John Josh Joseph Josiah Levi Mark Mary Overton Reuben =... Samuel Thomas ne 364 140 425 0-389 318 97 “i 4-389 “1a 25-444 2-317 -389 -389 404 38° 364 389 -389 389 -389 425 -389 389 425 389 89 88 . .141-273-290- 141-272- 9 oO 141- 401- 979 C8 eos e we enegoerd 6 6€u 6 a 6 U6 6 8 6 6 6 6 & o 8 6 4 85 ee 6 58 aia a0 0 @ 00 6 Su a6 60 6 0 8 8 0 Os 0.6 6 8 6 6 Op G80 © 0) 06 8 6 © € 8 wie 4 ou) ehatere eeceoeereeseeeee er sceesnee ese eet sees eserseeeeeeseeeeseeee es oer er eeer eee eee eeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeerereereses603 BnilipS: AWAlGST) sec cccccc cece cece sacle cc cece ccc cieiiieis lente inet: 389 LIDS VV ALLER IM ere nice ce crelore cic icicle elec crin siecle cnisiercie ele eierereine 141-142-199-290 ATTITI DSW SSI elnleyci) ol eleliaietaner sir 347 BTS rT AGO orcs ois csi ois ole since c cyeisis oc ccciecenereuepe)cleleceiereuerennisikq Due eiaienetchet i= 328 sen, Wiiblbyrl soapondondododoo Ds OUND ODULUODOODODOUOOD oDONONSS 146-309-310 tra rise) ONG se ele sree c oiele cPeieicheneentecie oe oe leteretel iclolel fekekerecenetekarrcteys 140-142-146-253 Ritman: Henny. ..c- «occ cee ne oc nls Wee cle'e inn we 0) 0/0)0) sell. eneSeRnbakeResesannen cl Rale 401 PibtMam JAMES ccc a cc ccc cic clei cles isle ell ele nels eens) sin nle/ale ain colesnisolei> ios ikc tains 425 kvninthl, JOVnN sabgnoooUgdaDObnDoanDUODOMOODdUGGDDD ODN SNDAN—AANCGOS 248-293-390 Pittman, Philip (or Pitman) ..........-.-essseeeeeeesseser scenes 142-273-390 Pittman, Timothy, (or Pitman) ........--.ssceeeeeeeeeeecerees 145-198-287-390 Pitts® AMES) 2555s onc cle ec sc cee alee eimieie) lel) mkeleeveVehonelaleinia) otek sia ssaen 425-452 Pitts: JONM 22 occ cr cece cee ces clei © oie cies «cine cielo) ele cale/ie)s1910) =) eget oncl RRS cea 364 PittSOm. Walia ©. ccc cc ce cle ee ole wn ee nonin oinleels)elnsle leis) nialsie lee ole keleaeia il si 390 Plaione: D2 BT. ccc cc ce cs cece ec ccs es cee cee sence: 9 9 8 0)" emieReii ele “ae 19 290 Plater, Benjamin ........--cccerceossescr scorer erse sass ricinr “\imieisiuen on604 Platt, Bbenezer Smith ©. 2.2... 50. cscs ccc c cece cece cscs eddadsnewncenstuae 425 Bitten Os Goose cece terete s nh ces be wc bbe a TCT ETE COCR oe shee 146 PEC Sere OUIA SS (ors ciohc tate ao ool ol cliche alah etin wl al atte esl alia! o\intalial ol sl al at wm i) iat a emmira ne ena 32 Plummer, Joseph (or Plumer) .........0--eeeeeeceeeeeecnnes . .121-142-390-425 POG] SUGDEN se ccteete ls ou 0's cnn a's ein o «ems ciel a's aa otietu Valet eRate, altar draeetcee ey sims 364 Polk John: =.: ~ CePA Re hh ee eS Nets ce lee eile te ele Gee eis temueners 144-425 BollarosOUn fos ie tec ct eee cere cence ss eee rey ee eho 364 Mra er MELON cic tahc otsta cl chetet cat hotel ch atelialal chat cl ch etatell stotetet tere! sft .. .219-220-146-219-220 Pollard) ([nonmge:......- chet ett Makes i cet ats ool at ah et ch da MONE tees ae Ren 32% PHllaArG MWVIIIAI @ ec cece cece tts ssn eae s Pr rr ie Oe 401 Pollett, Richard SR ae Cee er hel cuits: .. 964-390 POLOODK JOBBG) feet ce occ cc en take edea te hdc sae ss oda eS ewe 8S a eens ares 30 Polock, Cushman eee ee eS Ue SS Edw awk ad hata ee we aire ee 425 Pool, . ee NIN Se ne een Se See RG ea 2% Seg g a See 4 eR we Ee ER Cae raters eer 425 Poole Dicey... -...:. PAO PRED oS Re a ahaa due er. of ae Boole WuUGIGCyY a2. s. oe eee so hes SS ESSE EASES ERSS ESSER ES BES «OO Ce 323 Mee OIA NOUN © 6% 28s oo ho eae Go ee RE es es et Re ER Perce eee . .d2D-041 Steel, Wk, LS Soonodeaugoadddoudodducr WEPECTTE CE oc ie oe 364 PAEHU eS ATTN LQ are ele he eee eT Ye faa De ete Oe eta eg . 364-425-445 UIA LUC Iee ce ne ee eee eee ae 5 Ht eit Regi te Mila Lee oR Ee Roeea eee eres Oe 364 Pool, William ..... FEMS RES REPT EDA OSS FE SSE REET ESTE He Sha Oe ee eR 323 Pooler Quinton so... ee cs bee ee ned Hes Fb ie Hsia hath clattial es. ate eon ere erere eree 425 Pope, Burrell, (or Burwell) .. i, Ba cH, WN ha he Selects rebate Malte data: < WRCEO ae 211-425 PNpewehlounve ste ness ccs s tes tate ts es bee RT cco tk 425 BODE ODUM S gene cee << Ate ea Ie be hs KOREA HARA ANAM 323-399-403-425 Pope, Wiley, (or Wylie) SAA a ae are i gietele Teleta SRE tga 401-425 Pope. Walliams 42252542245: Ame Re eR Ee ee ea Ee RENEE SEER ERR Ce De ee Bopen, Whillist ses ses5seeee ss ccee: bee BROS AE EEA OS HELE Se REE cee 273-270 Porsten, William ........ See aoc bP ePs erat RES s3 be See bade ee eee 399 POVUGUS slMOUrtns 6245 ste esses Fe ae ee ee ee ERS SERGE ab SKE a ee a sree 390 BOO Be eis ks ho hol Ohi a tote ee altel SATA SE eee tenet .19-425 15-142-259-271-390-425 336 EOGKCIA Ol oo ec Porter, Elizabeth Porter, John Porter, Josiah 143 Porter, Oliver Porter, R. Porter, Robert Porter, T. Porter, Thomas POGLGC ae VWALIATYS S25 Ste PRR E RC RRR RR EE eR Re SRR. RE eine. ce scnae tered 365 BOLUerKersiMoOny sess ei Peek soso sees se, SEBS, 20), SESS: 145 IPYORLENT, «LEST IIE ccs crak Gia einIRIORUrCIORS GOTO nin CRNIO OG Grn IOI Choro a/c. Gy tioin a Dxcuiiowo cicatie occ 365 ORS OnIiStCODUOr 828 thes het chk REA RANE Lee eR RO eee ee 8 ee 8 RRO Oe oe 323 FOSSHELCNT Vg cet ch. Cc MRAP EAS EAU ROW CORR ER ORK ER Eee ek SOE ee. Kee 365 OCS INICKOINS tcc fas See Rea OSES EERE SSAA Ce ERA RSS S25 ER we. 899-404 Poss, ThomasPOS TOL See OLYN ge cies ors 2 oie ce =) chs oe elo eieye) leo) ole) ee) eke hela « ciel siefaieislele) hekeloteyeKeke Care Rmeee 365 POSULWOOUMMECIIAININ foiccic o ccieis ofc ape ole tiese opole esejeusiesecerhsceheyenelenegeteletsCebeet ie (tele cete 365 Otte PAUZUSEIN Mag Ge cieieise cielo eles ayer ol ee einohee par ioneieinie heKotakeKelon iene eena Te 305 BOLUS ed DINOS © aie, cieie oic.ciec eleieieic 0 © 1 sin/efejeinin, vicleiecese ~seyoce olelsieletepeleelegeael tena I renee 365 IPO, “dott sopdacodGnoanoon doo Jdddnd0nc ret ere 142-148-232-274-331-333-390-425 ECWIG) MOSES) GHBChO CORDON BOUND AOD UDO UN OOUD ODD OOD OnDOODOOONODOOUDO OOK 399-403 POttSWe SiC DNEM coed co les cecil sire ele eee eee ol eer eae a0 Oar aac WANE. Goa Gada co 6 gud UddddDdD AUD ODO OUdDOdooD ODD OUODOUAODNE 317-425-445 jeonblkiibn, AWN? Gooobogooun On OdOD dN dNdCdd OD OONOnOoONDD ODS ODONCOOODDUrC 425 PO mlain wAWAlliaM © 6. eo cmc ce ee ee oe rons ele ete ouckcleincclaeterencter tree Keleaens 425 Exanak. ANN 466 Gea dnb oe oUeUnO ON Ob ODO O CKO UK DOODoN OOD OKOOD DOD ODODOOMOOKC 404 Dinah, AMEN s5odacdouuEgnOD0b Odo UdddGD od Odd OND ON DODO NDODO OR DONIHNC 365 Pounds) JOON <2 0. a'- nee don ei creere aveiole CRIS DGke Pie eel eit ese cat oy custmieneterotetntomsRatek= 399 Mimi Ee Cake a see eee ose das oO SnOn Oc on oD Oona dud ODOUD oon DO CDOOUDOOU ODN 19-425 POUNGSS RCUDOI oor ence em sion ee ie eielers etek enaytn eee okeratekeRereneterstetene 144-273-390 POUT G SMAI oes oe so che calc sc cea 6. 6 ty ml oie fee) eet chal gy ol niu syle snatetrelteenelehar ale onenans 144-390 POW CLL Des coe soap 6) crc cove, «ori ehes che cerehanele = sesmelelene tous (eles ie tnneauiel en tn tinted keke 315 Ow CLES GI ee oc cic 5s oso neo) meh el oh edc el eeletneet ol tete) chennai te Kemer Rooker 143-425 OW Cle G@AGCG mri ccc cic e's oo wiclpie oe nie clsyalas eS ee eR eee 143-27; Powell granCis, 20 osekbctccn dla bcde cece ODO RIERR Dn CLC oO ane BOWelIaGCOLZC! 65 eieieninre wei cicrcke ei eneieieie syle siorelercheked -Kekek=keagelmie ran 143-251-254-273-390 LO WWCLLR CUR ee ie wo. crc cue crnere: cue erfele) olte) otal tele o(e;(ei «)s\eleneie a erslorennimenacens 19 Owelle VAIS) es re es ace cle rec eet 6 erie See) oleate oicliey exe) ac er renen= nen: 15-143-390-425 Onvall, doin cauccccoadocod ON OR i eae oe tee eiele eters . 390-399 BOW ClO DONDSODY occ co cle e sl ce ete ca ee) eile olrel 6) ot olte) wicamitryicite (elroy ome tege ro nak enue met telnet 404 Rowell vOsniay (OW .OSDUA)) cnc n ne cle cle nm em ele lets nm cetn) oes 282-390 OW lle OSU AN co ee cocina one ea eene tee cl ereel ete cleene ne ele te neleoreraaaroaa nea 143-396-401 EMMA JOSHI Se55ndacodoUsbun on Ooo OD GoD OUnGHOGaH ODDO ODOD OOOO OO DGOONDNC 390 Ma ILENAR Seeanguscobuuubdpn spo cub DDO GEC DO OO OdODN0NC 143-207-210-272-390-444 VA WMO san nddogadddudddusdouddd0dddoGC0O OUND COON KOO GOOOON OS 143-213-390 IOWCIINERODECEE fc ceria Scien oy eiel een ere ievete eleeXehet> ele tatenotonsr tei col-MearEe 301 TERR ey OT ho os ca cis once scuci ove ioyesoxenessceueu> ie acuesexenouensyexepouekopo ke geuek=cojexe pele iaiein eer kee dens 9-14-426 PEACH IRODEEE cpeucecscicieicnenavesssenoxcveseuchoueyodasonexckepousycseieus¥o) ueleceyessyeheney fo) leat Soke nears Es 15-19-426 BRASH, SATU CLE oc: ever orciesa) bi oy 0: 6e0 6/0: aj niore es ere: 8/ajspesegersi=sye;nye, ¢,016) oars] =) 1 celesetey 365 Fear eT SCL T yi e oo im wie: ore oy 0) ose vwiteiiaise tae piieueke wo weteice ellen se'cele Lo keds ce =) 9) eRe 147-390 FR OA TIE AV ATMOS) yo ove. oy steravescvercueyovorornteilesoleretenclefelie,s) aso) leretevaiexelereyesoy eh =isa°testn Ik RARER oe 270 RR aT ed OLIN se oo ey clos )™ (eee keane as hoe 235 iinrede hl Istphubil oa ggnagdd 000000000000 C0O 0000 DN 00000090000 F000 000% 147-390 TeV ane «Pivariy so ssrac erevcvetete teva reiele oreteioie a telale/ (eine ls) iefatela/=leliatelatnsiyRokneens 147-390-426 Fae] VALLI sec erettaveeorairercte oie tee tolieluilelrelialintavairal'al=lele te tatneleiatelsie eter he ie mate paaat can 328 Racsdalew Warkin: -s2cc6 00 fons soem stew yee wea eu ane Oso eRe Rene 365 PRATT © ay OM AED ATA «eye cvcterencrnveronsvav or evekeres clei o/s) 0) eres oreuniey oso >iscoledh-nek hirano Roh cs608 FINO V IRON cence sete sameness sens eesennse© RAMSAY, ISAAC, OLe caiccse cen nee ree wee nen te sine Ramsey, John, (or Ramsey) . ee we cere Zamsey, Randolph ...... Rec aie iaisy cvacedelninini ere FRATVIRNC Vie CMON AS oto hater evel wlctatetate ares el eiiotele%s lcifelaletelaiers VAS TOCITV A OSCDD "6 heen tes snes eee cent RLU ea AULD CULL EUITIE fare tev oorckc roar ck cbse awe iehaVekabeXewoveucesdshousireis Rawls, Wann OM ALDOW? fon sete esse ence cee son cece swe = sini6 Hatley. GHAPIGS ccscrc eerste wae sersernmscennsssss sen Rainey, Daniel ......ccccecccsccserccss OS Siete Pea IM bnoGl a segeqcd opp DOU O donb ORUCO Od SUOODOL FEMITIP ERODE fr cic cine es won noice eee eins einen wees aie se Rainey, HET re a ee cicie wieik ees eis seis c gia cite aiae wenn alo UAMCL iy cc ee ce tens oe see nen see ons Raley GHALICH ccccccee secu nrc esecncreernsserne Reaipy GUE voce c ce cca ene sens recneecnnawess sine Beer ia) TLRS eine oreo orem wien 0 sew 01e in ani) «nisin Ramsay, Isaac Then. oy t6 Gas ee Or Orn co Gon oo nerrocrcoc ReaTIRS YY: DOU cnc cc cre wc ccc cane ss MAINES ICRA rir RAMSAY KRONOR pc cc cee ce ccc n se reeset enw ncees Rkmeen?,, Reno SpassonpoboodooduoGoDoo cd DOUoCon: ea VLAN cw ce ok we ces ema ucsc enn es Ramsqils Davia. .......... eae nes ee ate ae Oe eee ee Ran Se YING C eee cin en een we ens « on vein ne mines ss Ramsey, John, Jr. .. Sees ere eee Ramsey OU Sl sec cc ce cc ne nec cle ee 6 se cle ee since Ramsey maudal .......-. Fehehe Re tory A mene re dauee oketere FRAMINEVRRIRATIO RLS, Ty cee cele ccc aie wie Mele ain a nlc Sle wee = ve 6 mein nieinia eis eiinrele scan PUAN SOW ATILOL toteict chctcrcta elec ale latalatotetn sPele ia vetaite%e iu leteie fa tave ie = FR ATAS CVO IN ic cel nln alow ata letcfate alee foieis¥ulutataleie tos echrektr, Aan db 5oboobnoOGDODOOOOOUOCL se Me ah tae We eHeeehy, VO Eie C oe oorcdo du DUGOUT OIO ecu crit ecto” REYNOLDS Tle UDI Get Forcke totelrcc ata la tate elo leleretavalate)otejinistnieveieinleveretete VE TRCLOLYD EU ONO GING: = eect er ciatas oh ci ctclele ote cuelotaveraralaleveinaveiexete inchovehelhoek, Meld Sono 5 ogg bO OOO ROO OOOO OTO DUOC UOCUO TOG RULE WELLL EDI oo nck feast wt dh nt cling oh ot shia oi oh ovat oc o aps ev ever crayons RUAITIOR NT ATICIS® Hers esas tee 5b eRe te Oats ewe ee ee were PULTE SO ITD e ER OLD CID ste conc acho hich wt A alia cle) 0 of eller aie) evs) ei eu eel efeUoheycrere Raparoe. william’ ss 2esscicecnte cn: Bee ot bel de gt oN Gi chia cevaw SiG ay ol exeblah siren oiiak are RRO RSA ESCO es ok Ce oes oir ah aces ce atch ah 0 01 a G0 04 ewan cecil Gh evr si oh av eN(el'er ep ec atieiaiay eievereverniqny se « alee RECOLOR OSC Le ey ccc og cer ch ol click or 6 ciel af oj aickalo: wr one) cver are) sievere:e FR DULL DUET INTO) oy FE dc 8 re ek cra che. oy oat dele & er etenaie’ wy @ ale) oe: eyebenerei< REAR SU UD ee PANE) EDD) UINN cares earch clit oh oh or el din) whieh cl ci/eK ei we Wievere ue ereimici'aele ERLE CAD Ves tc hc cane ad icine se Heeiele ane Slee FRAO See OLITIU VV hee nes cc itign crsccvie:e, eiarei ae sacaoveeie n/c «eis ame ER EROMLT TN Seed FN 8 met ac di ava Fare ev i ero 6- wise wim one are: SACIROR Polls MO TL OTN eh circ iw sh chev sk oe of ce creo nies chats Veh Si/aviani onal cxcmeverexenevenons Soc dee eee eee 326 365 seb te Pee ee ... .990-426 Se eee ehaae SEO ee 365 390 «a olate 147-390 sees bide Chere 275-390 ahaha oe Une eae 390 RES ae 275 390 275-390-426-445 ... 147-390 SoS TE ale Oe diein ete 147 147 241 597 999 O47 eke efeleve sexe eysce erat 40-000 47 9c ob9 =) ROMERO Fr 404 153-390-402 156 Sealed iter ey:RWIS S Sal Var vaiclclelcle ciciclele cle lcie «\ c/e/clelclel cic) «) cic jolelels oie/olfalelefelae slatoreia lets aietetsteteterais RR euWASEMVVALLLEAL INN ee eyayai cy ale cyeic cicicle clele ol sicvc clevelclo eicjelerevels cice sleteroia etelelatorefeteteteistets 365-426 I WSOM MEGA oeretete ciciciciciol oleic aiciolcicie © clcie)« eicle cle/atovelsleie/s)elelecn ela oteyerelocetetatetoteletats 426 Bays iste COL cia setet ec cicicic soc ees a1 oe su = 0'e aleie's o's 0c ofelele oleln/s cicic lala olctetelateteletetets 426 Rey PAIN DIOSC tier cfeicletolateleicis’s o/efotel cle/niclolelclels) clateleleleliclel cloleleleleinleielelololetelictetetetarels 148-390 PRR GPPANUTOW! aioe cleicis c c's didie o'c oic diac ciscicie e sleleiow elsjeleie cle oielsia)sivlaln wlatei steteterelenmiis 365 PAYA OD eaiers elele cree cicieie © clcicle 6 eicis sis 6 i= 0\cleie s\elele aleiel= (nice eels elsleieiel ole elslolecFohetelarat= 147 IRM, IBGIYA, GooD000000 DUC UDDDUDDUOOCUDDDDDOGOD ODD 0UOUOD0GRDDObODOGOUGODNK? 390 RD YAEGCOIE OS Wie Rieiele = sla’ sc lelelsle cole ele le cieiclclete oleic elec e[elalers eletele eKelninleleinntetenernte 147-390 RAV PePTATIG ye Se ie cia ic cic ch e1c wie cle ose slele wie iale’slelolclels clelulole olslolcfoleteleroieie ve teferctelofene 332 RR UMaRT ONE te aaa eee. civics cic cc cleric ele le © ele © clelele\s steinlin’ ole n/elote rn sfeteraistete 148-323-390 BEG Ve OUTST ec telota's a's ele « wlela's ole ale ejeleleie’e vvlcielelcin'c wfele siete clelsretetetatotate ataretetatener=rs 327 Beary PIMA Ke 9 fare cies ciclc sca ce cleo oieyd cele «wine a/sinielersin wie elels ie «letal clefts) ofeleteeteYenereteliare 366 Raye eee ise cicic cele «cic oi cc cicre/ oie eee ol eio alnlolele oleae ieliels\ Vere) etw(alcYanelateneieteNet tarenets 366 ERED VAUVVALLUD AINA ee Peres os wo wo eicve eo ole eve) slelel oi el eie cle sel etel stele sielelnte 148-279-290-390-426-445 PREV CAC Se claiec sis cinicle ccs oc ewe scl cc's a ele ele slelviciuinieolevofel oe leteneteRete iste telsiats 390 RR yA ACH ATIAN oper ayete cielo le lclo wie ale: oe clo evefol ci efelolel slate clei ole telate) chee ve tatntsNetetetetenuels 148 FRAG WAUTION) = ctole cisiul-c\wlelelele wis ciclo o\cle a'bie'n elefeleietnloleleivisiala’alejelel aie letefelstoqemeteloastatets 390 PV AIGIC MSAAGC) eco cicle ols cin cies clele oie oie eels) eleln(e ee! eelel ol ete nicele) oy oince oro kterniegarecermierne 390 RAV LICLOSSSDENCEL <).cin cle cle © vlclois cleleleie\c ole elalela's a o'r olels ieee ofan eininin eers in erro ale 253-254 RAV TTO Me WALLA IMD 9s oo c cister circ cle co) cv cl clei eiccle) ete) oleterleleliol sVelioet tc el ofa) ele okeKel els ie terete sol 390 RAY ZOGT SARC COM IRAZON)) eiccclclc sole ole a) ol ole ool elon] ol) ol ele) efaleleie) eleletelelnialelare=ns 202-204-390 RG AeRN AITO) perro oe ave cley el cl evel otal oe cl eine cles oliclafeic\(ctniofalelolelete wie Keiamet=t enema tsnetekels 390 PRCAGE AGCOTSO Ne oale 6 oc « cicie cieieie oie) ole overele/ere ciel elaie oievolsie elevololeie tn etoteler-nererersn stokes Lena 426 lRZaViL ARRIGEES oan GHOO DOD DOOD OO OHO DDO UC OOOD DDO DODD ODOT OOOH ONNDOOOOOGODOS 426 Ready ODM eee ec wc ccie cise cic wn sicl ele eieiel lelels clelel ole lolol ofr) cekelolelevleienerteters 148-275-390 ROACH PAWWALII AI iets revels cle cloie eiclele wiclcleyeleiole cle lelsloluieleloleie!olelelalstelelo/niareie 19-111-149-390 ROA SAM DAT DY! ein <5 c/o cic ele elotelel ol ele nile tote al elelalte) ol el Yel ole =) el ehee rare lo elmira ren cnetcn ei keles a 449 RCAV.ES SOSCDI ais cc aes cine sialelelelel cloleten ote. cle! clestelrel =) of ele)(a)iele) elela) «xoleleleie element eke ls aner 366 PREAV.CSS) TIUICY2 cielo’ a ciclelclcieie 0 cle oleis c1clcioie cleleic eleleleleletelare)iay elec) ein niefelor sheen ern eRaRee 320 FROG Ny AI CSP oe eters ico cle cele lele eletel ote oi clete te ere cteletere sale felenelolotoret-i=hekatensn 268-27 4-390-426 REG ESAMUCli: Socio ccc bcc oie coiclo eco ciciolo le ole)elelel= tale ole!alolevelalelelelolotersrekekeraveroreters 238-390 iO AM) sone qngTnAnPOaDOCOCUU ROO OUDOOD SO COOUCUDOODODSOUnGaCOONn ODOC On. 365 Redden: ‘Scotts 4s «5555 sess ore ce we esos ee crore cleo eke otae elele sNelefelelatatsar stata rene nensts 426 iat, JN BKoooondnnDOOnOOOU OO OD OOOOH GOODDDDO DODD OCODO DADO COO OONGE 340 Red CICK VACOD a: os coe choc herere tice cle lela lelereieloralelere) oCel ole cle (eels (ele cueneReRcr halk onoas 401 Red dine VANGSLSON ss sc ne ce on cle ole clele olelelciclalclelolelelelers mleleieretonoimonsrKonateas 366-426-464 Redding GEORZO) seis clecie eee eo ere cele lolekel= alateke\eleyel<)e/ss=etere helo tomiancas 148-243-390 ReddingsiReham (Cor Rehum)) crecciciere cieerele Rees, David Rees, Hugh Rees, Joel oem e 2 erent rs 08g 0.0.00 0-0 nega et Rees ee BOY 226 scccda 3: Reese, David o 299 PREPS LL te ee aes dn bie eis wou g 6 ne ds oy Susvmralves@. eve sl ore eveee eel nearer 332 Reeves, David ..... Bea Re eG oe ooo on oi as cio Gas elo de pch 0 eiwsbiiena: bi: gine: Grete wed eraA Sale a bs aye en 401 Reeves, James eee Bereta Siete oi-ed &: Civ a oie cecave aie wieie’sgaeiaye ure cree eee 366 Reeves, Joseph ...... Pee cera re mo eee 426 Soc: becterel ote sia: shina ba Ges Guise ieee oe Renee 149-260-290-390 Reeves, Thomas ai o dvaisa tose midi wisyece yece 5 eat ee ea eee 149-390 Reeves, William (or Reeve) ........ aera ei e.ain ta palsies ste 426-452 HG HIRAIOX AN GOM ec 6 ccc ke cre coeie cen siakie ee seweseys sos mniersrwouseie Se 319 Rench, John Sects osevarw a: A oh iepaisceia a) svidimre 16/0 oles] 6 eloie sie nelniolele isle 148-207-266-390 Richardson. Marmaduke .......50c 5 sec e eeu cne sess ue ns cine Belains © picks 148-390 Richardson. ‘Timothy ........---cccssccr eve rne ste emone © fue seis > ernie 148 Michardson:, WalKCr 6.6. - cece ce ce eee een sn genes 221-222-248-390 Bachic. JORM ccc cscs cence cate tenes es 1s cele meen eis) 2 ater eee 149-390 RickersOD BON... cc cece ccc cece ences ena wen een n sama ss ei sm o6 5 eins © Seca 452 RAcCKersOn. Beli! «2.6 «- Ss cia Lane co ul Crees INinT Sialete etsy ona terenate Pee ver fo oot 426 Rickerson, Marmaduke ........csceccssersssesces tne © miiguieiis "(erie 390 Raickerson. ‘Timothy <.......-.---> | ho eg ates Sata elereraeaere Sake 0 9s oes 390 RACKCLESOU. BeCUT see nes eure a =. 000 BacketSONelGSSCL. «sc ciee eo omen mecieisieie seis ces ele hace ee . 366-426-445 Ruicketson, JOTOAD oc. cc cece sec smc cer ce sere eee cee ts +. “i aenuete ieee 425 Ricketson. Marmaduke: 2. oo. .< ccc ewes ope ene ie rn 217 Ricketson, THMOthy. «...0-0 6 «60009508 0,7 epespe tiny eine i> kee ee 214 RACKe YA ONATICS) fe ccm iiac cis: ic oie secu oieigeiwie iece.se.6 oe 6 a «0.0 © Sp Osi aiana tain «) oaiewens 366 Riddles sWilliam® see 22s)-iei- ciel et « geo ite Pete een ne ifeot. .al48-390 Rideanss JaMeS oo occ nyse pees eg eat tet eee Ea eee Ree eee 456 Biden eiGante. cus cece cccsssctectesscens cess ceeeces econ ccie dimntare ena 317 Riden, Benjamin, .....2...-secccscer esses seen eee es ene eee 390 Riden. Joseph, SCOtt ... <6 o.9:2.9.2,0,0.9.8,05005 1saey ht stena centre nd =e ee he Rider. ABOIUG Golo oe p0.0 p00 eeepc neice ett cte tants Ne eee: RRA GR 153 vile, dscen, Sb sosdnosnccopnonobuscd0poDoSGoneCOdONN SNS cos ash 3 eens 153 BRICK, As, opecseye,epepe, oe 088 eee tg ethan esd ato ie” AST SY Re a eR 426 Ridze. JAMCS) occu cc neu cce alse cle cs eke oe lr aie elete ele ekene pie leleclekelci tle Rann 366-390 Ridgely, Fred .cceeccessceuessste style eee ie a ae 390 Ridgley. Brederick «2.2. -sec ten eee pete sees ne ay ae 15 Riding, George ..cecencnce cee c ey eye ee ee, See oe nee ee 152 $23 Ridley, John, Sr..,.0sscecsecerpeecee rose pecses es er sve sc gic “cieieneka ks taeaneencree612 RLU Ti gprek OREN) 99, oec scree wai clete aicyuvetanereversvavave cucvalaturs ov oer erGeaver tore vere vercvasces = eaan a 390 HIP Rese aLY: cre et bcc e esac e 6 vad ee bee ecules Coe et tn 148-390 MUG YRUMMIEN eae cee Cae Seer ccc eerceece te ee 316-426-445-452 SULGVe OUI cece ereraree cache ck aee bene scveetbeeccccat cece ent. = === 366 ERUIG VRE URE DU Cyiiiec cee ci be teckce shock ce bscus een eni eee ee eer eee 153 PHLIGVOIVV ILLIA Bicecicc Ce Cos cc cbc s ace cccccebebecease estes Sheree hem 153-390 WAVELEUALDER) Gres chert bs chcbsc busca cceecckec rch ee Ml oe ae 390 RIVeErs: JOeCL .<.... Sas Wa SRO UAE pious Gee ceb sso ears CoOE CL oe ee Cnnee MIVELRUODI tric netssccr cs cnbtetoss et cobs sib tts ce. os oot SOc Ree eee MIVetsreeOUUs SSCIEU @cecccce kts cbecbecr cles cle betic lon. ee 426 FULVENS; WOM MUM, cc ccc chet ns vecn cobs se sas be bbestebcbetucesb ore = 366 WOU SAULUOL ce cect Sic ceive bees ce web sc clench cece eae ce te oe 327 HOBCHNOVIIAIN, (ne cca vote e ek ee teases cbte ak Ate ee 15-426 HOAM UGGS ec ees picces ferret icidiee itt. ee 148-390 Os LUN NEH ee oo ee ee OS ees aki Perce oe ere ae eee 148-390 MOUATOS: UNOMAS foro c cece ecceece eles hese iilisiisi. eee eee 154-390 RUDSESONY PAIGK 6.8% 6 ccna ss see ea he ah eee eee eesti iis ee ee 150-390 ROUGISONS DAVIGe craeccecs feo e hoki isi iced ilis. eee 390-401-426 RECUR SOLE LOAWLO ST? sui cle'a c'e c/c'a's’e's’s’e'w'e'ce's'e e'e’s'e'e's ce cle's s On 150 OEMS EOL EE, fo icc ticceav ccs cecdcldddertcedteteds =e 150 PereOUweriUle Moe nce prc cere itese sl erie reset ec Se ae 426 AMEDD CLINI see's /os Liao sh nbs a ale'e's ss Sav ces ecole ee, aa are 426 MOPeIeON Samnoless cies esritibieersassesiesreri epi ae 150-391 LOS VIVANUR Scecissctesreeedicttiaciscrics eee 150-391 PAIRS rm abe Ole: anti alara'e's’s a's's"s' ale sle'e va ateleees Dhahenigs Se eee ee 426 BUVCMISne MA fee wee Seer o dda ee abe de oweded essshesss) 1 eee 426 MVDOnispeAarol ech eesse esi sshiicieipaesice es eye ee eseess hs See 319-366 HODGNUNHenanOm tase reek ht esse th iabehiecesicse seer ecthh ay ee oe 391-401 CODE Sree LELAND” 5.9, 12955092558 o's ola taha Tohava te e"a Curate sole “chs Grok ercntG ae a Ne OC 426 BONS oes Yec in DINU Y eH 9B eia alga cht at ct taiat wich ell di chal al abl @hahchat oPalciaty < SNC 391 BOGerUsy Mima beth d 24 ser bk TARR ESR R eee ee), ee 327 OUCIA RR BUCIBY cs. ehegdseees seed sed es kccct esses se isi ee 152-391 RUAa Do GRACE EUV SLOG KS °, 705. 1- te calc are ete 'ate atate’atete*Percle'etaateereons «ee ae ee 366 AULD WS WS i ae i ee ree 152-203-366-391-426 OVONCEN MUON - 65 eee ne chee ch eee tc cae h aad 152-199-206-211-250-275-330-366-391-426 FEO DGNUS NAB Y thio KY eid, fonataranahate’ Peta ctaruta el howard mea cee ne, ee 152-274-391 MOLEUSmeOuUDEN GOR i eet rea 391 RRODINSON,, JCTIAN o:ccc cis ciereieie s ance oe 6 cote bes cle elcicleibis.clsie oiele STO r ne > Sree 427 ALO DINSOM MONT o oic cj010 «cine os 0c c cieisis co 6 ciele o/s 6.6 « clclecicie clea ci Nebo (se renner 401-427 IVODINSON: AVON: OTs 5 cccic, c.ois.c 0, c'cre oye cle'e 0. ove) wluie eleniel «o/s cig wicicre . - taieneenen ac Tareere 427 RODINSON,, JOON: Sr onc cc ccc ccs ccs cc cee oes ae ole cle capi ttn © Crs 445-452 RODINSOD LOLLY, occ 5c crsicic sc'eis 0i.6) seo ore stele ecole selec cielo ieicie ecistercicievelaie ciel er iene eames 337 Robinson’ Randall) (or Randle) 2.0.0. c. succes nc ss one ocmre 457-460-464 RUGDINSON, Sana cis eins wa crs oe ee cls oe j ceeleieleleeeisie ccislerde elec eerie ieee 317 MRODISON, DODD 6 eck Seceeein eccayerelels cyocieie esis ise ce pene cee ce oo renee ere 366 mocne® Mattne ws .6 2. cc osc wwe cicislc sic o oc lcicls c\peisieieie sicvole sie ieleie ecele Teron erasmenen 97-427 Roches Matthew. UM: sci ciccccccseswceccccnecee ce acces cso cic seen ere 427 ROCK JAMES oon ks cbccc0 6s oc.5.0 6 60s slopteeaeeaen ee fame 6 eee «cee 151-391 ROddenbDury, George ..s ccc ccc ecb bec v6.5 500 ccic.c = sec omubee «alerermersie 366 ROGSCrS: “BYittain: «<< cso sc ois s sie w olevelw te atcie) ce clele ciatorehc sere lule las clas ICUnEnn eLearners 391 Roe, ANGIEW 3... csiccccccceceseceeee seus ee ee bees obks oo 5es set ee eee Yea ENC emn nooo Oddo aUod GOO UDUOU DU OOOO DODO DODO ODDOKOOUOOS HKCU 152-391 OCT DOU 6 so cceiclk aide 6 Ca Ser so 6 ee eicie © eae cine el cece) ool e ot Oe enc aaa seal st icles 366 Od OEE N/a Bap nodboUo DOUG DOB OUD DDO ODOUODODDQ ODDO OODODOAKADNDDOO OONOr 455 ROC WAIlECI I = ono cio eb ice c. wle cic) o eisle one otereete ey tute te elcre lias nelcfei-tell t-te toierc ens 152-391 Roebrick., “BeENjAMIN se cecc ec eee ee me eels meee selon) si cline etal tenia Reta nelte . 427 ROSAS WOLIX esc oc oe ei cie ie co cree e oie whe mic wieiae [ere Ole ol oleiele elevcie te wieieln she) canara aati 150 ROS CESHMS 6oie Se hs as eed See mole tale Seine ee cee Sele erence etctens 427 OZENS) USUULEAIM ecole cleo ec ccs cre clove cloloie stntelere: «fete rcvohelalatsleleteka[efetel=[-l-fetetateteme 149-237 Rozers: BUnWELL 22k oo cae ok bie she oe emo en hen hii ere Eaeneoseoa RIOFCIS! BUrwiCk occ c.clsc doulc occ here's Sioleletelelslelets slelefote:- toler 2 SiGe ie ieee ODL AOL Perea IDG Soo ooassunb oD GUNUO RODD DDOD DOOD DODDDCODOOOOADODOON: > 149-279-391 Rogers, Drury .......- << «css +,*.>.sle.eo'0\e olele elele ors lolnlniolatol> ater i: taunt eet tes 149-275 Rovers: Drurys OM 2c ccc 6 cc cnc os «cles cleo oe, eiele elsie cele) s/s elie) e] eles) abode een Tov ate (oekalet> 149 RVOLENS) IG WALG) sooo c ec ce cae elec crete le cleo ec clielel steltelicl> ictal etet= te Raleients 149-266-391 Movers: Jeremiah 2c. ccc cece cle cle cc miere evelorelsl el eleliele lee) cle)c).c/ Siena) +) Sinton 149 eye din banucconnd5amocumob oO OnDOD KO OnROaNDGONDOOOROD0 149-150-252-287-303 ROLCMS, MALY ....--sc-ccccccccccsccccecicee ceccics cies: s+ Maimnthy itatiete ys 150 IRA IAS cauuoooon0 00 00g DoDD DID DUD NDODDDODNUDDDNNDNNDO DO DA anor ar 149-391 ROPERS IDClOM ficiceiciciciciciciicleieicie Sinialeleteiavelererele BA AAO OG On Condos C 295614 ROPCIS. REUDEN sissccvcdrdcdsdsscts sci ese Stee cc ete dsddcecc ramets dane 150-391 FREE ECOL haere teletsrstetut otatavat sl a e%o's! aXe! as’ wiete! ofelwicla¥elelate’s'alelaleleteleteta sh s'etpie eiurarenetene 366 RORGIS,« William: cs .2,2:4:.9.58-8 6.55 seh SRR REE EOE R EERE 153-198-274-391 ROWGlIA FEsser es. eh 5 5 AA ASERE ERROR Re 319-427-445-452 ROWS ODN ts feo tele te ie AR eee 460-465 LOC AP eC oO) 4: Se rare Ri Een Maer iis micas soo abbr 256 PLOW LAG 7) OLN 9 o3..00°.'s cis's's’ acs "e Pele %e a lola tote ta tale eteto te teletetoteteteh fete. rales isi ny reer nte eIe 153-427 ROW LANTOS SAMUCIE.” 5 ea wis Bok ee eee ee ee eee eee 153-391 ROWIEY. (DONN! 2. ei oll host OTE COTO L APRS See 154 ROWZOLr, “HGWard’ 65502563 508 PES o SSRs Oho eeE Me eee eee 391 PLOY se ISAAC TAM oS tela ciel le ele OI eee 367-391 PUOY al IZA DECI! ©1289, 1 clei oteiela ets lave lel otele tele u's le oleloleloleletstelel tldctsta ei ee eee 316-317 MOY ALS VONAtHAN HitS155 CAA SA MAA SAAAE EAREARRRGA ERE CEARE ee erere 367-391 moyalston, VON! * 3685552209 SSeS PRESSES LS PER RSPR ST ISSA ee eee 367 ROZEr HPA IMOS® HE oe nS eS PRU OS ESSE EER PE eee 153 Rozen CaleDyeeees seks be 02S ES PLO ES SPREE d es eee 153-391 RUOZer, WMAMONG! 25%. 55 535 SS eS Rs eee eee 367 ROZEre MO Wards 2. iS SPURS ES 85 SEES PTE SESE PEA Ae ee 153 PROZET OM ee 5 soaic is elo lara le Telstar Rte alts eee 153-391 ROZeErS SHAGrack’. soe. cee e Sees soon ew chao clsle wists teh ree eee vere 1 DO Rucherfords “JOON ose es eee es ee es ee eres 460 Ruckery Jonna as ee eae eee 316-367-391-427 RUCK Gre: Te Wee Be SSS Se eee ee eee 322 RUCKOre William” <2 )..55t2. USAR RASA RCA eRe eee Ree eee 315-367-427-445 Rucks* *William’ fs6ef FPL Elia R ES SES EE SPER EPA ERRATA oul Ruddell® ee WAgin’ 2. SEA AAA ES US RRR eR ee eee eee 325-338-347 Rudolph: Capt) .0is 5 odes os ees Poo eat I eee ee eee 427 Rudolph: Hlizabeth’ see 20 6 oS Sh ooo SE ee eee eee 338 Rudolpns’ Michael” ~:eee see Se Pe Se Ss Pe re re ee ee weer eere a AZT, Rumbley; (Nathaniel! o. ose 20 eso ores ee oe re rien 290 Rumney; Nathanicl *s2s2ci Ff sh sss ste sb bt hs eee eats tree ere 391 Rumsey, Richard *: - 2252p SUT SSeS Stee ere hr ee ee eee 315 Runley: Georee? 6. Pee oo ee oe a ae ae ee ee eee 399 RUNNY Worancisy cs o2 0 eo le wee oe eoicia cm cteteie rn ore er oreinie ste rerenseenereieneiers 391 Riunnelishred ericks COVMRUMAIS)) oc eielelcielclcteleloletaletolslelatetclelereicrensleirtetet tare 151-275-391 Runnells! Daniel =. ciccc oo cievercctenc cliotelovcleke alo tellel’s w/e lelotelotabelctel cls act cy-tetertariatetetater ters 427 Runnelis\Georse’ .. 5 ie wee eae ole are lerels miedo tonetete teste toretouanetoncmetsrorontetet ts 290-391 Runnells: Greener se sees ss he ee eee eter ererenreieieiet ereieerotarereearer 399-404 Runnells: Hamilton =(Or *Rumals) —sie e ole eres ototehake ete eleroheteteye tee erat crt stele 151-391 Runnells: “William: * «22 <5 55245 2a Fete chord atch catcher chottet evel hol ctote) afevere telatote’ a) forever 367 Runnells Coleman +2542 25552 se eee cee cee ere a irae re el ere el] tererel store) temerere 391 RRUNNEIS:) PACHA eles shee cick oletiot slot chet ot olrolrctiot ot cavalier ol ctct et tisretevolaietel a ereteterchetenchs 395 Runnels: ‘Sallie =: 44+ 22st se Ses eS ae SE ee ereitieierere te = ether metetets) ote 325-347616 SNTOle: SALAM Ls: sais wen osc cede os oie ie sive dele sie wale mie ois «nid soho emitaeeny 325-347 FUrOV, JOINCS 5 fics iene c died diets Sede dd ares en eee dese du dss ts ween 155 src SPEC) GABOR ROOD DOOR OOD EO OCU OCOECODDCUUOCOUUEUOOGOORGGr Croat 4c. < 333 FRVSH TS GIA CI ci ciaiecaicle wine clove satwine ss eee er ee RR ee Cc 153-391 WRN: MAtthOW cucceb cake ee ete c Sev ssc en bene emes ete wn opisiinn wi 154-204-391 i Hsin eeATee. cnc cc de dere cet r ian ct eS bag SR CR SS eck eae bey 6 eee Ore 336 FRIAR SIEIVAO 9. 5 a eink oe bios cin b s o'p o S:b6G 00 06 cnt bebe ons se 5 se meinen kee 401 FRUSBOII sGOOTEO osc cer cnr recedes ptr res scene en eds decnsdsedet=summmme se mie 367 Wrageil: “HCOD acu vo cers cv cc cae be eb eb wb 00 ce seu 0 0 bin ele ble « me(sinieee Stee 219 TASS] IOS ee oie ie aie wen ace oh a cfele alvin ciple ne/einleleisis « e10\s spate terhin oan 452 TELA pa ae ceo onboGon ao ee ee ered oar co 219 WIVIASB I] ADNOMGAR! © sncce co cc cele dae Coe eee die aes wren cinta ols a wl elole ol opeienarerean 427-445 BOTISRO LI WV ALLEN co o6c dc cco alco ce ow 5 ele wi winnie ini efetu sie ntelathiw siete e's #) stein nlsyeiela cote 154-391 BmhecrOrd) ClAIDOMI ie csc ec ccs 0c cies bo uw ee we wie 00 05 6 cle wien nin crn oininineanns 367 BETTRETTONG) VEUTOR cat olerc cles ol stow wl ele Tal ciel clislie wie etaru a%ele otuhd eistal ele of aisielareeie aan “tere 367 TENGHETLOLGe TOD Sf. cacae hor cece sdb reed fade a Saas leldels ca sic skekeriay 27-72-338-465 Rarthertond:) Many) o. ac 6 5s oo 0s sce ccc ses ties ccc ce sass 0 nls ts © pieluels = eee 326 MULNerOLG. Samuel jo... ... oe ie owe hoe db ba ae ee base od oe ee 391 Muthervord: SAMUCL. ITs soc ccc nccccccc nc ecw wee cence s wlelciea nos mielabinlaelsture 154 Beye) OU EST ODT eer asinine Since alee inate 0s wei we leleletal'u ela’ c%s 1o%no/eta’a?e' ale eee!» (aluininintulnisin sien 367 BrICleC ere UVLLISIM: 2% ) oper620 SES OM: 1d OUUID. vavcratatevey ci ceca’ ovalatovetotetel cfcuretolalaferevete(or alae ate eley otal otalct cfatelatsllsle) wie Weretmtalae 318 MGR RUINAs ~VOILLIAY occa watrwvan ned da dtered ec evet ed cer tid Sha eye. Smt 19-309-391 SSS LITT SUVLILLGUIINS SSSI nicie cl cv eva o'er sat orul eve! cl! oY n/a cteet ele’ al etal eV stalst clei sfel sin’ «lata sietnietetaceam 218 BL POL: «J ACOD: oncd ode eee Cede oer a ee CES eed oie CEES a aiele hn a ols tnenaneES 319 RSET E) SSATTIUION: sercrat crotch erovoce ec citer etavatatatetetet orate’ o\alal ste otal wil at at's: o) at utalel ot an « CVURSIaNy a feet 336 Settlers WANICl caccdrdive drei dee sacha wen ewen causes wmkd scale a sremnreriteds 157-391 BELZEI UACOD. ce caksvs cise tcc noes eutctoebenuesube thee hore 6s uw mmenenim 330 SES Wal SP ODIIN = oe vu oles Salare 0 voce Kole te ta%n cee arate 'o%e 'u YoXe te ‘ule laleteters tetetelatateferetete state letenatane 427-445 SOV AV GOOTEG: 650 5 0540 6 60 oo te bh GN ure bow wie ra wie v0 l0)cinfelelolelaretetelufels miatere mi aine 367 SE WELL sg GMTIBLODNON 2 400 roicioriuinlerelercteteleievaletelatelefeiulvnaKeliet nish onat pit ais Herat v eRtaeete cate 367 Sewell. JORMA. cckiivs heb bbe ek teh N ae bee ee ye iets wie eh em Rete ocniWhe tenORREDe es 320 NOW UWAILIGID csc cece thie wee cbueede sted edb ee waded cst tn 5 s eriteeMutteie ciety 368 RACK GILODO eM WI 6 ic i5 elec 6 fetes eran Nh alee se gece eiwin tie efoven Foveren: Senos 319-320 SAACKICLONG OINONG 6 cree ns cd hed eee hve eek eet ute Ge wie kien cle Veer eteneTRTCree 337 Shackleford: JOUN 4.5% ...5~+ LKR A MOR TAKER AOR RC RRR 157-391-427-445 Shacwleford: JOsSepn ccc cencdecred. ooh a? eWa"nt eute! aah avoir che! a Guekeitrets cena tier ota a ela 391 SHACKIGIONG. WUGIGD «sass. echsiss venus ea keees ba eee dees pthe coeeintiece Ron cemne 318 TTC ROTO VV LITER IING oes orevetct cterayevete! elevevetel erche cio n ee wseie ee td risa as HIBS 427 Syrbal, Sh nee Ee eee erat coc Bo cn 27 Sanden: DAVIG: 22.5 5c tn cinnremnen Se er ocr so eco ac 391 Shaddock, Thomas (or Shaddocks) chub curv eves avolck or ox onevertens ....159-199-218-391 HAM ONGC Kes NOMIAS cc k 6 hc es neice at vector ne em se enetatavots srk SS ee 391 SS SELE DE SG ISM AZZOR: oie yetcrcvclorchcrctstararctavavaro*ob eis ave:orasnvatopeperorciereveVena aisietela ehcta c) akeeemenenm 427 STIR TOPAUICE | c rarer aye fl fare fod ano eet oliel et ecru olctorcvetaretele sialic oMepererneeneds 158-200-391 Sliaees: slapitha, ¢.4.6%.....% SH Fa Ae, Ue vu loot oR aails lath Tada te oe IS fede oni ee eee neni 316 TTA IMIS OMI SISK rare re os cree terete fete re revere raneveve%elatnteie fae comm tere ive «a(n etnias ion ahatel ale 391 Shino, ANCE Abe. cao iG We Po Pi ooo oon ono hades 391 RS ELSATI GLO MIST Mekecc rae Gob eters ora fove arora re lernveXarevotavele fale (ole less leleteiessiaietnteisia aieveretute ee sRete 427 BTN TLC e ed LATA er ee aire cece fe caron % tere Keratore dercKc tails coucrelevcrnte cokatenuleua¥eveNedsyrxake ohedetehers «feseleRe 427 SS EuPU TL ERC MEL cereeerarc tere tote rate reve rcie (etevave tava rcraveieveseresaveseteicnenevoiets je cede/nusin’ alefeteV etek ofnl « areenn 427 OTT ATUNG ODMR e etic cp bist ae ioe A 6 Ure GN 0 wth ive vole Komenayerexevaienaevaventeanade eheanersreterc) etmmmns 323 SHANNON UOUNG a yet rg cee crates icrn weakens ca eld cles «diese wise see ciats o ehehete ste aie 228-294 NUATNOM OWS as: ender cca a adhd see cn ae da fon ww eal Uis « oreiele sium os a teteneta esate 294-391 SHANNON we UMOMAS eA sc dna drake e oe ch co a melee clcisiela oo wacelereiebe/ stenereNe ts nena 155-158 SIAM LLORES ME OMIA GH « Ole cel con cat de dan dsc decd ec oe elviee) 4 u/eis selec 6 ateinbapeteksvacciats 428 NS IIT O MS OMIA SERS Es: sa toi'c re haterete re lever forvrets cre tete wieve tole Inte toielolorePavelele ol ehetemnenetavs s 158-427 SANG WIAMOGS BONG acca hogs des an eed coe Gene nace cove seavelarcen: tetdemieminiye canines 428 ROU UT GS ore WV LIL INN 5 she rc oecraparehehcharet ore! atavct iwarotaverc¥elutevecctcvereveretadcvetexciobeunve,dleiebetene efe epenone 391 DS EVR o fas ooo a Fahcte tate Peete is Mare lcbeha hc varetevorchiek av or atint By eOGH el chen ote: cheb oh evey sl ono ieeemeteweba Mamehe edna 428 STAT Dee A DELL Le voscevatevetctaraberesonotescvabcustavaratatatavoucrs¥evevelGroveravavavelevenehokspeceuenegeus) sMekeremeie cians 317 SUEI 180 a5 6 yoo ce RGU cide A Batok Ea Gm nic Cone cea A Orie o AAOt6 cc 19-428 SSTLAT De AILS Doe 51 ovctyta foe rare tore ete vere tale vo are tersveeedevarareieveveverenedeuenenens « UM UeAeNael st ©: arerehene 428 SSTLUT a A OUIIN Sieh rete eh otare Mada varetoncncw ctor ceal ceavcvavotererovchey lvavavewercvaucyanorene 217-285-391-428-446 MUBCUMIONMNKGADUS® <2 sce his ivet i asked sure ae bS OSs GS SENG Lees eee , AES SNaATD woOsuua COM SNATDE)! <2 fn Nca co So hcl kctarst maverch hots va renee 157-217-272-291-391 TAT DO; VULCIACH Wey -catcrey che totel fost cv of oh sf cfc) of of ovat ev ctet voter o eho) covet crete eterers. oft 157-217-272-291-391 Sharpe, James Boyd oTSharpe, Sharpe, John BOS 5e 8/8) 6) S02) 80 @) 0.00 (0 686 0 8106/86 06 6610 00 016 0 6's Bic 01610 bales alelaletoeteieidiate Shao 8 6) 065 01's io in'els: «ila, Sele Wie e wici’e) wiaTe ot Svs BVeValer sie °S eye rey Ian Tee 276-290 SSHALDON SONNE OT, aysinisvavevexayavaysvevevarere ouoyeraratavovevever evel ovovstoreievar ns 157-291 RSTMAT EY LOC W ATO 05 caicsejeiecoicie:e ove insaieie ciorersvoteretsie leioletevelorelavovetaleteherets Saene ean eyaES aaa 368 RAT CZ POG WAT ec oii a wie 6 oS wee thes cena eee 5 eb eree ae eee 391 BS Tia Wepre ACARI ete oy avai aves’ c's ies 6 ere eave! nl oe rei ereiors Wa NS See 158-268-277-391 AWA SL ee see sii cies ae Wee Sie oe ad new elise s Sere eee 428-446-452 SHAW ODAMICL eS oicisie eis oe ven svc ced Pole y wee babiegie seen hee eee 391 STAAL Vid Chere aac isis vedo cei sie sueuarcivgcvsbanae aeretevacien ee EEE 157-213-326-391-392 RS ELE Wergt sd OLIN ote fe ye car eyni Sinj oxev-svelicvavovcnsveravan clea oeovev Aer Siew ey evol vt ye 223-294-391-446 NSH Wap LLOIINA Sta cc ccs vere a's suavcis u1 evauenelagnicss aucusyaxcpeyace.2/essinie: eae etree 428 SSE DER TEC) LO COT: ERUIGTULL): coco ye coueice co ans wavus cous uedencte as ys veuel mac neke iealeie oleae tele olexe 161-392-428 PSS TOUT TEN aS UTS OY OL Litto nave nai sina ioseie' a aie isin nolo Win\einin on alaiy wins © ioe iei an et elavas elehene > koe 428 SSPE AC TiO ELST GS oe oon soso oo eases areas minseiain (niu ciel ejaiaece tans ieleie pislacnys oteeeietotetnkela greens 428-452 STEEL Cte COLES Vi i vis i'n 0s ny/miininires vi ei ei'nje me w.ereiei a wreiwie auele tbunlaamie. «lech tm seielteia chats opetometatete 332 BoE PVT selon CONSTR LAL ee are cir ainsi nim ay ah awn) online e/piaeiinie/miain aieseieiaioinin ie ec ani 160-276-277-392 SUVARI LD SEN Ns cco sae 2 ve unssnio yu iieuaiie dh colin town sa ine oasun coke cexene ©) aiken acetate 160-236 SSI Te DOE TIO ZOT 2 ics ais cio avers, eo oraieinye 6 ain Gini es wile eieieteigie wie eve © g aeeetetemn olenetes 160-392 RS NU TD Cro LOND OCD ere a es evan ce ceice iyo us anise’ we nce cnn mae ue tee teenie olen uk 428-446-452 syotha, IDA Gees onnaco ooo cno bee Gnu e Go OnOUE OE Oo OUD CHO codon Oot. 368-428-446 Sa MUN Td BREAD CLS 5 re ysct a rece rp cicc ca) oye nie ct voi ares vieieicsnuninxeiedececesasscececnunksqec=, ake @tacenseok ceurak ks 161-392 NTT hI TH Ne oso ces sa cyanenciousrenese zeus ieiexsjojajee msnuaiel cai ofa eae oles fo, «feiiaaetenaiete: cgay) sig mkans 319 RPTL EG CONE Gis oc ove) cts is eis betel se aieipiic pip wie re ielnle Colon ip pei tehsegniode Matus ceemmsho 161-392 BS NUN A UL NS Mied T3CL Va arene 0's birsycssisieiaiaier.s/evarcsecese a nteee cdetareeese (eke gue Mieweene iste: yer 368-428-446 pes UND OPM ZUR tag os oes cece ecu cs ar ores tp crakepas exe suexor csei sier0/o, ©) sjolesaiareytacerece) sie) skarebere seaereee 321 SN TUN A Cb n ems TIL YN ere pre 8 ccaeiragsircjcs va uo can eus eka us exe mike (one ioe nile eiwicel= io @ ween bin SRie ee oka nemenenens 428-446 SSSA SUSE Cetera ray cra coy ei'0 Sys) sei) ak sip exel'si ev oxelsusiese scx orc cues ushss 9 392-428-446-460-465 ETUDE TIN es US ELT N Nor 155 oi cosh sepakeusscncusicuvistsNeuaie.epeiascseusks:eisaspancicuens e/skeneheiat UeReneicnetee aon ease 321 SITUA LSTA ON rec yc, cycjsasucysueis Loccusceusiaivis aie 8/0 ezeuesayniessisiessekalsman cee ekenr ak ecco tone 161 RSMPR IRON LIV OVI rs docs aca posses aiere Gicmsainisid sehuncn.n oioieimrsincannnaemnienin yeteaa eka 330 SAT er AICO Be co circ cyaire Savsyexoue sanenueussaiesssepcan.exsabunia Ginie we Risen eek ekeAnene Sake 161-392INDEX. Smith: PUAIMECS eae cee overs vcvanesrcre to wdiet ere ceicoeva eve) e arsye ereleleneuel evel e Chetan eC ele 161-339-392 Sri BIT AM SS oes cee so bo elo 6 see Ow wo 0 hilo) wre 0 ene o0sveze ros oi Re gage Pacers ower wearers Ie 325 STM EN Mer CS SOM oc wire cae re svete. w lovey ara 0) en eceve sa telerstovel one's cxeuerenstere 319-3 21-322-427-428-446 STU Osea 5 ok ris Goo ovo be N Sie ei wt we weer winl oie, 60 Widey eg (crovsrepepaucns ereteteic eee eee 278 SUL CO PeONN eee cee heres 6 he RN Gre ete Heke 161-245-307-309-3 23-39 2-399-428-446 STL EE ed OTT IT or6 coir Po tote tore: ce te foe tyovateter orate tevensvamokevekenors¥exsyouslcxewsioxe) oat ere no 4) ements 392 Smith) OOM IOAarlOWAY? 666 o65 56 6S sie dre S516 yew 5ueo.0.06 ny sire elleile « <0na oO ete 428 Sr ithe) ON ye ae 0 ore ra ea wits 010 "0 Foleo lo vovotoie yoyo roloXetovalotoloyeiokenel ccevkol MeneimC ene tsn tee 401 ST Clee) OLLIE SB © sg es Rec cs cv a eons 0) os Saves Aicier eis vouctotenoioxousuesouener oy sucporamensiens cea . 6leshs SmithJobe (or Jobe) «+s sseck< es coddwies é6eeawe cesebwew cite eee erro Osas Oe SH ene POSED Ne sas 5 eis aes ie oo a eleven o mucjoeiererenen(enececemolinie siege steicieredateteneneetca 276-289 STi Ue) OST rs a5 ve fore fae 10 (ac forte in cove Ne vewavteushodeileroreNeMonevemetenckoucledousnokcueukone hoe eeR tate 428 SHIEH ee) OST UAT ceciete tere ravereie to icsevetanens of. acvekokissese aS ee 5 ee ree 326 SM Eee MC OS Oa SI 5 oie rere i cara rararreire ra ce tevereWeivo neve toWonetonaierawesenenapedanokars SeRRke tn Ret Renne ne aie 334 Sn Gee Bea Tne cys ys ss occ Sores) 5: oi daira oreo roraveseucuesleia caste! oayeseuelereueisxsnekier poke tea 428-446 Sm LEGA RATT Sie fareet tate re Gre vas une Hoare Vewereve wore toretatouctsusnchailoneda toys euckoiele tenance he 332 SIP ea WOT CO! isccrcicc¥avenc votes cvs c¥ crs iate feveveneolonokel) 0 (aie een 392 Snels« SAY RENN os hock os cre Se we nie aie wo wate elec eae or uia sas meet= cr Onn gne 368 Snelso! Willian Se eh aes hmm cn a mw Sim er Que see eo 323 RSI OU SO I ee ec arrciia oa VG woe al Gm! wd (pian elie lnin Whew GOR Le: mab Aue alg@ Siminin mk oaks teks eae eee 428 onidae ey ER ee A ee per ey ery erect ICC yO rm ro a rcreipem eft ae 457 WaT aN re OSTA TTT ES GLANS ces nu cox ca sa ican se dcidau evs Ke usde ad souspajay¥iajeunasinyhaunpeyegegeanim ricdee «1 eee 323 Th Ee ey ere (eb AI ey ey ee ee ey I orriteTOrcraU Caty eer Ge oS $28 Snow, Mark 1 iI ce Ian Core ere re O Ome Se L Es ott tae Snyder! ; ‘ chs an “cago ges es « 6h. tobe eee SU EETS AG OGIOSE ces ce sich stalls usWannnxauedaeimie ibe ne cose so\eiesepeceysqessaeisye.e.0egsieys nie) « ShOkStenT Ue eek 368 aarey ot CAVED CYL SR TTL ELTNS gi, ecu cs is) crows cu Sr eueven cau ceunieuedeus sunasisionrseueueeeas Gunn usin eee 368-429-446 Caran yy mater) ACO Dh ee Fo os iw aa ocd caw’ io lk res On w gee ais wie gen eal oe ee 429-452-457 aE PESTILUA TL GMMR EEL TOUL a hsv) ei ac ewe cleo sisicle wie 6: 0:0:a ne Bis)acc nines @ «eine le taste are 368-460-465 EPPO ETL WSs. cecy ss cers shay coker anataietstaveieveuersxe sie dyeecgerurer tess i Jécduasasace, cleave Sees 401 Sea Wes wee EA EAC) LD secede dictioy: wat as oven cyan s dove ncacunucasueanaaknprceueinue co asas ina 0 scene 0)-o)ate ee 429-445 STENT CREEL) kn OS ONL x bee scai iso, 6.016 ne chapeite muniace «Boga aus eumieed a6 ckcece in acai nae Tees 449 Southerland, Daniel glia oe eer a ere ere «oe clea stata aan aoe Southerland, Samuel i Pa ah ils hee Syd ee 29 Meee selOGK, COG AGO): « dick sain eae om oi nos aig Geis cauk Sitanelal na @telele 323-368-429-445- Spalding, James 469 Sparks, Jane 341 : are Sparks, Jeremiah .... a lenis 008 Boe PAPA Tanase Co LUNN oo asc av oe cea aces eten dai sbai’w i pilenayarinra pi owe wiles pugiae siereco iene’ si GteNS ee eon Spray, David ee SE ee ik ee - 368 . “ 224.997 Speak, Richard, Sr. .. sib 2h Peis cin Sn Six Fo W choo Fh Ly ah osetia Up one aR a) SEaEa Es aPelare peinaee = D0F-00 | Speake, Richard " 268 Spearman, John 005 341-429-445-452 Spears, John Spears: Selan ocs2isais Ae i eB ee hee Ge eae rece ence re rae SVN TORO = oe 341 SVeAcey Wiilliath <5 set Se ses ee eee eee chee RAR Ree ee 391-331-429-446-45 2-457 PETE METER « .cstoletctotctentda daw dtanitducrdebbiddcendladad ited eh ieee eae Spencer, Capt. . fos Ae BAe Beet beeen ee Ree Ae ee Oe permis Seine nn een 293 Stickes), (GOOrSe) ceereveus: oe ticrereseue o, Subuelacbneieetch a dese pacedn eee Rie ee 392 SUED Ley VILL LT UTI tera ayroicey cys cn suaices sv siev en evayecetu eapouc as, . wchnvies bes aha bi Aeon bon NONE SSinge) sale Sas aan eee gon cou ono OnOGn OOD OU Nous uuGDODOONO DODO é 392 Stocks. Bentley, (or Stokes) 2 ccc esc seen a oe een eo el eleleielatelopelnieha ce) olin xis 165-200 Stockwell, THOMAS cc «ses cce.o.0.0/0.0,0 02,0» op RRR Gal) ieee ee ce STOKeSs ME OMULO A ic.c oie cic cous cee soe ueue se sene le © ecco clekeinieleyooleie o)te)e te) = eRe Rented ee 200 STOKES eH SAIMINC I ee eee rele eal ene eneele et et eres coke tal shed Mol elled=eleli- felts evoke Rt nener on 392 Shrenensh IUGhAI gonqnoduenooogdsboUndOdOO QU DODD dODDDNUADODODONDODONONES 446 rome, Cla oangoo0n pb OD C CUO D DU SOON 0 bu DDO ROOD NOOO DDDOROANOOONE 160-225-392 Stone, Henry .ccccceccecscecsecee terns sere recor ouscin cle lela isin cas ais 330 PON TORRONE icisiecc cele heeded OSE ea ee vo 165-392 Stones TLNOMAS) oo cr cere see sioe oiete clots herons cere orcieeeniel- erste Reror: 28-166-392-429 Stone, GNC 55 00gncandca0dg0 0D NGDANGO GoD dOKDG HD UORODOATONOCO: 299-404 Srey, AVIAN 5 Gaon oo boob Oo dod DDDDDU DDO DOOUDDODODDDONGINONEASHCKS 336-429-452 Stonecypher, BOM sees nieces sce eee ce cree nto) leon eee miele eels a Kel=) =) sei eee 322 Stonecypher, JOON osc ccc ccc ce cles ener mele «cle mile rneiecc 320-321-322-429-446-452 Saye MENG 55550000000 000G UD UO ODOC DDDDODDNDANODIDOOGODDO QOD IDI ONHAC 317 SViway, lth Gooocodgcdo dg OUD DODD Dd DNDN DDDD DOM ONNOO DODD OO NANOOES 276--392 Story, RODCGG soonest cere ee neem ole) noel a ele) ole oie) osteo telcos) eka ka Re al 453 Stots: JODO Vane mee Gite in taneeaane Strange, JonnN .......--- ue oe dr cet ahaa nat gtk dtote¥avesarexevet ehovetenntere: 5. tenla tone tein fagh tenes STraNIeOr JOUN cccre deed ddr cede terete teed cetera dew sawn ess eS. gee SEY ALOIS ORG DIN Solel ale cla e's ew ele = ates wle's -eugu ctcha? ek af of ev alien aiuto eoewer steam a tee rS MTTHUSS GOUM” fee cu wae's c's “act high dig: Gl at ola” eck draik ut avot well ol uleislefale! ai ek ty ei sias u/s ck hierniana METAL (POLE cacess cs nes A gi. Sigh al oo at etetat ula’ oat ulate hetatalal q’atel otercrsvarnkuce yr iy carrer Steath WOrnGlMUd occ coe vi ire hed er Reo Meee hee me on mn «medare 392 Sree eT CU OTANN (oe oooicccrals ole vote coerce ein se es ee eo soom eae 456 Tetard, Benjamin ..... 5 EERE he Sela sO RA SS a eee ee 430 Mentlers WAMiCl = ckcvere wre sterscchevete wis Ect eto ree hovers otis ek hab dcey he pe ee 430 FROCHLOU MED AVICN Slo ower ec tae peice ace ase soe Fas 5 5555 Behan eee cre 430 IERAGCKSLODS VAMOS! os cere te eee ere wiavelatahel el folate sale, sR lee 370 TEDAIMCSSRENOMAS! jcccnennn kee Osea eee oe eee sk Sa Be Soa SS Hees ele erence 430 Thanp:wGhanrles)- 445.228 4. Magy Sica tbs igs s follativ'as eM atielle Coiba Gal el¥arsel ol o Tones (oRaiea en Paeina semen nrereae 430 NALD OUNE PEE ws 6 dec dccc coe goede eset 6 bd One Ss See eee 430 THAD NE DOUN PAN Picco e cco s s sa eee Lucie 42 hee Skel o e eee Sree 370-393 {orb ye JOIN soousone suvgite tu’ Mas de eta ke Mele Io db te lo fo Se aa te ets SCD oe eee ie 257 meavecott. Joon (Or hercott) fa. c.cse ene seme ee mee oe es eerie ree 168-393 MHeEMODY, TNOMAS os cided dole oe see se coset cee otros. ie x roe 370 PDeCUS eR ClCr, 2.5 ee wale ete Senne cre ce one enerehea" sh hk ahr ei a 370 TIGRE, BHAMNCHIN Saoooodcoc Be edn oo nda TOO ONOO.OOKo700SC 219 TWillary. ohne Sr. ...-20.-s-sce ere r cere see re AOpen s tiie haa 332 AbWiDe, deh sosodneoeeuocosuccpse0oC UG Oo co dDO DOD ORDO DUONG GDOND I GNN KE 370 Milleya William) : 2. a. Woceie ese ies ke 370 Mindalle VON acc. ses ee Be AAA AAD OD COO COUN DOOD. COO DOUNODD OOK 171-223 Mind alle awWwalliam sa. sore a ee SE © Re Pe ele eee iere okerer monn ». .L74=398 Tindall MOSHUA sei es eiels ncir ane PA AAMAS OOOO Con dO On od. doo DLO aWOX 393 Mindells Dames) eiceciec cer Ree RSA DES ORS | ee Ree Ree ker eek rotr mn 370 Mindell JOSHUA, .-c-cscccsscer ses sso ucen ess wey chs mtn cerca street eae 370 ANG) TIGA Be aasgcosdnaacodndasodndoDdDdGODDd OSD ODAC ONS OS CURR ER, cacvete ee 171 Minney, MdaRoe-.-cscrsss crc ce cer eee coe cie ne rig et a 313 Mga, dA socesooccn000c i Pe ehe See RAS Ee Ee ch com cclere cleieeerer 313-430-447 Modd: Henny) ...-.. ccc cece emecn cio ces cre sm cies ieiels nicer ee 430 Moddie William ..- > woo dg 447 403 r ence POTN WN he oie ses cst eh crave watt or wa atin fe Fate ata to pa twraite fete rete etevave inane Miteaay ee 172-223-430 MOWUS* WOU) © boas oA de ate Cees wha dwg Wee Ble a) ne a War eqrers 2. Ure Alne223 Townsend, Henry .... sich Woh e wiWi Oia ev ne nye Scare ance oebeme ere aoe eee 172-252-278-393 Towsend, Thomas , ~ an eve REE 172-279-393 -447 Trainum, Elizabeth : are oiwtaich bt chet aw. ob Cie eee 335 Trammell. Dennis ;........- a aA ck haa du aiiace.to wim Gianna ioe ieee 172-393 Trammell, Peter osu my bya juve ciFaxu © 6 ace yocase; oi 6 Rie ae Cae ane ee 324 Trammell, William (or Trammel Br her coat ee yaiciG aos Seay Cee 370-393-430-453 SURYPES YA EAP UL NN, cn cae a a oy ein b, 5 wt) 0 0,6 evne Wa a nih, ¥ 4s ies0 ocsValn = boo pemeeuaeanes 172-278-393 Trapp, Josep! Brae ea ; asers ee iin te cers 72-174-223 Travilian, Thomas ne Res eyes aiavais sige oun 0 hi pl eb she Go ead genie ees 46 SUR SU hom ener ces on ke aie co bib Cho @ sec lele: 6 seve ek iuis s) 0 e/aleile* cia a(eleeia ewe einaeies 309 Travis, Francis Trawick, Q Traywick, Spencer Treadwell, William Tredwell, Stephen STEVIE Ete OS GS tye ec dine he ean: wh wi Sree sha ci nheiatw sl ccel ft we ao tate we sl ee oiuge ur etadey ere PLE Oene OUMeAGCAINS: . .s.c sec aces ete tt as eb ete ate tae else cine ecpe Trimble, John Trimble, Moses Trimble, Virginia DOLLA GISt (GL MIDDICEE): cae ee ce ene nese pce ave cis ole Boao mde a Singe og 978 9 > 399-405 172-212-310-401 74 430-465 Triplett, William 324-370-430-458-460 RUBY ered COLA rs erences nc Jas asians els, wo rcvrey'nsies 01 6 85/0: 6ilaj min eats al Oiveyorea apes sep ay arC abo Truball, John Truce, Benedick Trueall, Thomas Trueman, Garrett Trueman, George RUT) CIN SLU) AION ee ccs spapateis ree: ckatahe avis Gal cetateueicmceeteks ucts sanaale Rhine: etatemmuega chetatemuere) sts PIU TILATI Se) OL etree as era ee os aie eis Gauge cn ars Kw wrelevevaiie @) arenemerats Truhantry, Henry Truitt, Perual 173-223-278-293INDEX. PUTULL CES SELON, opecicrs oo vie 0. 5 aileng c's aifw terre; oualtachayle) eueyie asselcie slaiale i oxst arch setcdel PerCkererereeene 32 STI) ODM ete areata che eae sei'ci ssies o wisie fs es 5 calacaeuara eos fevevare a, spores sieiegeterehetors 393 IMAL UONIAT ss5boqndenboe Pe eo noo cred aot asa 332 TUCK ORGAN ce biicc cb evs bs care a 0 io 6 4 erelozare ore te: 0 a sue eieners ce erereue ciel ee ete enter eae 315 I CK OY PAU LOM oi Sars ow hice Uk bare 0 ee oleie me ierohere oo iene tei sre cee eigale cette Sere tein OOD ATO IE) re Oa ndoncGudo asso oMadoa boo 430 Tucker, George <....<.- ssota’ ew Mg tatasac t vuh stare cloPes be Vs HO ie Ore esOEe Vel oe Or en tele 173-393-403 FINIGRO GHG OGLICYs sie cic scree 6 ae ciepe. + siairorsi ce oscle or sieuer cnertel =)'e)0) os) cllale tetene Renee COLO Aine ere 1s enh? (CL Sapceueeupeuctds odo oRdooou OTH CdDUDODODDURUDato GOOD UKOS 370 MUCK EGS LCLDCEE sic cw vc ccc 06s cyeie stare tele wleusl Sleiny er eiereicle olen aici ket inet tener 431-447 BRICK fen na cere es cies 6 ee ran cto doo corp oreoudsodb doo 19 TW CRO ASC a Le a ccmeec cues ws 005 be feve sieeare 6 asl cote wreietehalene ciel okerele maeuenemerete aaa illacogo PC ReN RODCLE Hoc ce ower ce Sree ween ore) leleier a eiebcn ais) eterencteran: 174-278-333-393 BESET ICON NTN OTIN ES 5 spera cree oc, ono Se) ics oie wi eeiie ero) atte ere) sicclta ev oxo ye nia anke le oles stancelagenaNet 210-278 PIP ICOTS SN OUNA Ses so oie iota rarerevexelei cl cvere) ey cim ol el ole) lice elteueisitelleite wel>|s Leia oReiey aa 174-393 andar, anna, RY Soscuoucouuosbuun oo po coun don oo OOO Noo OOD CO . . 174-393 Iie, AW@ouk idl sagoroococbodngunonoDOMUCKUUndO DOO ouDDObONDOO ONDE eae S99 Tuggle, Charles, (or Tugle) 4 a rd lev beite setle SOE SeL nie! OG To eie ee Crom Ren aero Roeser 431-447-453 arene, QHD Soon cc enpno odo oUUU OnoooU Odin n Oe nAnsocdoooooddnd oe oOo Iie laa, Se eaoucnooe noo dcunddod douse boo dooodCEdodonKdOOCO DOOR 335 ATV AVVALLLLAIN ce pe ee oi cima sve ei ele silo Gi sieseie ee) eeckortercrereresor ee ene ee Mu Mmer DCNMIS) 25 ccc ce occ on ae oo Ri Se oie eee aioe tare sage: one fennel ee cree Renerstoen een AUT EL GNG Yi) fia nce 6 cere oie vies Penida stab aie cya oreo eroeetere ee 393 Ait INANE pooanboduoducbopo onde opOcUdddoNonooDbObDC Odd OSOdO< 167-278 Tunnis, Nicholas .... ne a ee nC cas ora) ey Siena orien tens 393 THING MAN Garrett, ce os ccs cco oie ey ee wie Gol Oe teria ottn a] olin el aes eee atenete kee kekede es a ee foil Tureman, George .. Boece cs cic o EIR a lee Wie ete ele o/c orehel secenere 5 Scale teuewerer eer ere 310-393 {NRE UOMN sccecandsnodovac: Se eee ee ee ee 310 PIRI TH LEC On rei on cee Geek cuore ere) herr EN ERS ESS ORAS: SE 276 Miurke (Marraret oo. cc coc cc bone Sots Che Re OO Bn e 0 ein 5) 0)e 0) 6 =/eie) Meieaeitn eceneren Reautae 33 THITKIILG UT MG COLLE) ba dec dere cre: nied) t1 re ee OS oot dé s.5 hobo see Gabe +A 4 Turknett, Henry (or Turkinett) .......----s++s-+s-ee-++seeeeeees 174-279-393 Turley,- William .....-. Se Be of arise boss Gato (ORR oO eon eT aia Reiteas Ree ee 393 TINIAN GAT OUGS oe tne cine wie eee 6 oie) 6) oi clini wl olteilal oN eHolenn Weel ft efen ae akan nets rods Turner, Abisha, ..- oe ee ee ene eee IR PSE ETE sae ; 370 Muypner “ASA... fc bbe lode sec ce Fb 5s SSE ES ORS et ee id dn vie eke ele tm > ehereruae ier 401 Aye, 18s Ssdonodeann soo Tos Peete eee ayn dada co ar code’ 19-401 Ariens (Oy yaaa nn ae coo oUOoD DO UD oH OU dooqDOON ONO OnDO OU ORUC HOODS ONAODNE TRUENe LA ONaAGleS) sacri aera ete cpeaa ls ais [aa ie OEIC ee rere eee TIGL al) eee se eee ae BRR ee NR Re crore ele! © orate een aera 19-431 TIEN Dave eters oer eles Mona IAS, rata tebe talle tot (eka taPohotoke: leven 15-173-393-431 79 fv Stith IDEM oaoaohenoon7od JOD dO bdo SOGOU SO ONO ODOMOSOOOON BOO NOE C 9 rhurnenr. Ga... ea aetna aie eee or cefe cient Beige Tekan oho) Ren Ena 19-431 atop, CHEOHHD scoon0cd00d090000¢ Le Fee eos eee Ore cnet ne crete rates 72.992.2C¢ Murners HeNGy weceecr i Oe Ree AOE aere rare otete oRekeremelons 173-298-393 aw Murner James 625 htc eee eee ete oe mee =) cnclore weitere interes hk cio Ronee 370 ANbjaNese, dike Gogooo0u0d tls See ae oe ees Siu a ebain’ Clisalo chet tele ec reia 73 Ships, INGEN oonoo9ddo009 c0DgdDFONND OS FOOD OGGNOGHO OO RO ON ON HACTurner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turvisa, Tw eddle, Tweddle, Tw eedlk ; Twidall, Twidwel Twiggs, Twitty, Twitty, Tyler, E Tyner, Tyner, Joshua PRLOM Gee seers = PIGSRAE Gece cane ane ee wae Ue rea aie ke eens recur PETC RELI afer eteree ie erences = Robert Bry is ae icin aes eens on. SENT Aaa age SVG! agsoacac Soave a eiats NOIDA ies cc. eee PHOMIAS, QI cece ce ees pins cine Thomas, Sr. William Wicholas ......- On BAgascaneaac John BVO te oie soy oyale #) wkeie ave Jo eta cae TRVUALIESUINN ¢ sreverscte a wictacsia ce wimiers John AU OUT eas cvcla ts con ce bee Sally A chia ad wWelat deep aa evaravetiecin tlizabeth Benjamin Saya cheer arcxanehs Tyner, Richard Umphlet, Underw<¢ Underw< Underws Underw¢ Underw¢ Upchure ITS A Woe ODT oc ice ae ere al alncs «ielcieies ss UD SOM ArCON SC SOI ce 6 cies) oh erci es oiel es erere ITO GIANG! coche cue ccc ccc ee Win CONs GOONS Cy Fe eirteke te tars chelate to retoletare Upton, Upton, Usery, Usher, Ussery, Philip Thomas POUCA pera Cin c wack nn gare Unlerwood, Archibald VOOM M a. ca ee SOLERO ELTTN UNG, ches aie paicias cxei sai aune 0d WAVIECLOLIG f...055. = SOO Lee enon nw ciel eels) oe ne Charlies: 77... Weel, SVS wacanocodudondonds WAnTel +i see eet istic teas x LONI erat ce cse tie teieicie we ASSSe ee. occ cw oe obs Oe .173-393 »99 00 ~ 1) gd oo cone 371-393 9 ofINDEX. V Vialenton ee’ @ MOSES? s .1ci3 0% c:arcrevereroietele aVeielereyebetereVororclelonevevererevel crete teleisie le Reena 431 Valotten David’ MOSES) ssc .écccs:aew ais Sits ereisiciv wicls exele lovee role rsiolckeisucre ae rere ere ere 431 WiALIOCEN peT IMCS) aie Su: cirercrs oie: 0x5) ave: ovis o:svelavovetotetetelose eve levelarersvereisterciorici raere meeiote 431 WAISCY JOSCDM: OST. 60k 46 8 es sore bree 00% ore orc eisieie eave veins levevave eloleiets oie Cr ererentekere 315 WaANGbDracles JOON 6.6566 ssc s cbse c cee'd isin wis cin wr eleta lew sleleictelovsierelc elerunocerermamnele 371 ViATICO se PETC Ros eo oe 0:5 0k 0154: ove were s Gta roile re Moleuelleve Tole evereietelevetokerens OEE 174-262-394 Vanderrive Garrett. (or Vandepriffe)) <6. ccns ccrsects cclccis create cis eiererere 431-453 Via TROAG CL © 5 Su 0 6-5 oi5kd ob eS iei08 6 Gre Sle onsve Ga ere! SWS Suerey eres e TT CIG S\ti Re eioreren Temtrene 174-394 VU UC WALOS 6 cnn co Sic © cisve-e weveie ©: Susie 06) ieu0 16 eis @ oie sie) avevclererevelereleleieteLeiereteRierenereas 291 VEATI TIN RU AITO Se — go cve ve fave la sore lo tevclere foveucivaye totmmelenerevepoweloucieterafolewerayorercIetaroieteretare .. 115-394 Wane Zant, VSARC: oc cc ewe és crepes oe se mietele ete cic la wielone ie eiotelo tal smmerccieaeiearare 175-394 VMATNAGONC. “EIODTY s6s 05 os secs © otto cicticie cre cre s ofe ereve cielofetere rele: olemeiers erect yars 326 Witte Ty GOOLE CMs. c.& Syeveoiec: 6x5 cere 0: 5,0ve.0/ e616) on acilelatay ores eueya¥e) oles evenel sisiereunin lop eielatsherame 334 Viarners Matthew (or Matthews) crecisiecrcvsieicrrerccteleeicisisrekclsiciciereereusreiecarei-ee 399-405 ATC Tee WMCEELIL GW Iie fede rele esc ie re/ 0 eve re ieiloseletelovonclin oieloyein mn ieiets Go iaieleieeia elaine kaneis 304 ViarnemeRNOmase . . a0 sc cicc cw a ciao 6 shove crepeierelnreve sicle ever everelcinrenerereiaterereienchaia meters 399 WE GTO TI: Mel OMAS face cxccicleveroicrelereieValclolelalencvalolovaielolelaledsieioieloyelolstolaicl<)-h-koniedex-f-Weher= 405 Via SNA OLES: 5 creer. cove (ote vedesedarcvcveusiouets te velele foistorcredere rene lorelelercnetensko net eiteleteteteie nei 371 WASNT CSSE cc sic cle wicie cere e ol cioie' wie o/c) ejaie alee alate nice) stniel ei aielaiateletalcteReretierercie rane 371 NW TLSTIT AVVINITT ERIN) 5 ccc cnc cic cc crel «crcl nln elaine ini cnel etal eel elena stare) ave © o'er) wie clei ores cishe eke Geo eke ler rate eo) citer: te iain ieee PTSiGl WV AWATITAING., «oo, cc, «0:66, 2 ro:6:0ejiayereveracea/alv winie}slsrayaxe orate ala etl ieee inte Ore ner oes . 431 Wallace: JAMES — ai<..5c2 a c.c.cisclelowe cl «hieusiaeaoi ne ses orn SiC On Ieaen ime nen nr onnt 310 IWiallaGes, JONMNg c:c cca: sere: «01s a 61a) yes cueje) e: eyeuel civic AieheLena cicve¥srel enerenctete atone cn tea nenas Cae fol Wallace. (Williams co ccyersccscsepercicicieiecse tle 177-187-204-205-218-232-233-256-265-282-394 Wallen Benyamine. «5:50 6 05 4 stere.eve 0) cle) 0 6 el slvic wclelsiein era eleln cveteletete Renters . .187-394 Willers SAI G A oo ccccavs.c cuavg sco 01s wideecose bie snim ofene siento toleuetels=se\eie hel oiel= elec teas ietels Teles 371 Wer: TOTO MIAN 5.5: s:o:c.cierers wicvovereseseyevcnclorslevetsjoustoxeKero stelarelonslorenersXakatuteWate Ket eBoronel Re ke 187 WWI eT: ST OSCDD o.. caspeyesencyoicssssose cyoueroiey orevovencta\-WeTeve rev olotaicte¥ofenel oVelercveXsKeKeleKel Rakeh-Metonats 310-394 Wrailler: (SAMUEL. eae ciyesece 0vese;o; si ayeeve: on01e0) 0) ot evo, 01 kater cr ales cKelesevateonetevere beh Uel-Retelel-e-Rei=i-n 185 WV LLC ra T AM occ cv aiace & coo cies Giouee.0/0 wleiein loin i ple: sel alsin in iteloln\n wel tohe ats icie tenets + POOF WU Le Way STAD ee cteye oc o6 ow tare wore e cin slicvei'c) eve oy aimielnl eine) atallaeleKalalelal'erohalaatel-notetayatats 320 Wiallicon Daniele avs «os 6 s:<.cic.5:00 cons waeleioneicieicxeuehasolsunhalofefore) nets) = oh-eek eel eee ak aenek 394 WwEeNbbist ZN) coucagaqnquodduccounEcauorucoOOodome SoodKsdddoongK 177-186-394 WVALES= BUitEAIM Gs ooo, soe apap cme 6061 0:r0ires os a f0) oie) a) 8) o/ orasabeve) nl. alin oireelin «\(el oallal sieluiattalolenetens se ood WVILIS GAIN) DE ooo cciexencne cnenesoncues sy ster cvciere nuereke > (otsicloseteVetolololeKoReNaiekol-KelcheneiRnAnsRogers 401 Walliss Warm . coc. «oc: c:c cls 6c. oq ole eics sie) oslo oie oles oiieiefelia = niteliny slielalePsieneg erent nenew- ams 431 Wralliss, Ghranets . sc osc cc ce ose c cies c1e/ele weleie fete te ctesa terete! a eleie\n eKalslokel(-i-NeletataE Kc reaens 401 Wallis @bHamles: coc cc cnc cies a cleo ciel eel cieie: oie fee) a) ettea alte ci etetetsieleleinierat=isxelereterar=t: 187-394 Wralliss James 5. oc oo oc cc cre e ceieke Clete sschocha exejerevercnetoketeveicnes Nelekeret-a= 187-394-399-405 Wrallish JANG: ca. ccc cicce c clcccmieis wie ie ie clele calle mee ctetolelersiatefarere taXeRe Ketek tate te ReNrae ements 318 Walliss, MICAAD 5 ccs ccc eiciersc @ cicleieie o1olm cic oc elel nl ctolehelatslallelefete sole ie isin iolei+rennmat-Neremas 4401 iene (COMES sobecbareceubpcooccOU ado bo OGOOOOODDOODSOICOCSNODS 371-431-448 Wall Ss iSampsSomy fe acc occ cietelorelelel ole lclereralele\ele¥eoleital orefofaloeloleVaete/ela¥otetefal-Net-Keeusnuce: Sar Wrialshi WO WALG oc cores tn eele lac elave cl elielicy scl oral aie inl oleyolelieiaisia kone tonetsi=asokcmers644 Weis MIPUTICK © 5c iiclele core oie a's oie le le lata tatn’e''s sis’ e/a" alu ela'e e'o's\o e's = ~ilatalebelee’ 187-394-431 Walton (lane es. .65.% 6556 5b be eae es bh etc 4S © a winnie 0 0's so a bes Oe Been 187 WITERS: CADE. cco cece rete ee rc Obed E ieee ee settee ae Rae tot WN eRe ieewmme 319 WIV OME SRCIUTAI crore. aicre wore wai uiale efnin’n 0/slnisle ole win'wie o's olaleinie aie! vila) =) mingiare nian 319 WU MILGKBMIOBEDI sere o c eic lcl oo wiv: cle ci cies’ clele'w nine swim cieleia’e' 6) s)u'elsle ews 6d aieetetumrs nae 431 Waltons) SPOLG sick cc desc Fb eG A RU Oe bs 6 0s 6 beh 0% eb 6 Glee wes sien © oieeletelnlesineem 371 WralthOUPTOA .225555 564s 0a 56 00 005s ais COUR be eee eee SW OCR se ee 394 WAT OHOUT, CATO LOW? ccs cic n cisic 6 b/are 0 bie urate wire wie le vety toes (ules ne adn 121-186-431 MATAR ONT: SI COD =. ce oreo 5 G6 ase ire rele 06 oie (alee ersiclucaeinvetuialernlatefatelerniaasiainielala micgiem™ 431 NALCO GO cir e cv Gis wie eo w 016 SUa\e wie nein ow eynluie win © wibie weit © 6 © (Wiolniaaiuiotelasnies 217 Waltons “GGOREO: cisrece em openie. win aiajers 10-15-19-84-178-186-203-224-304-310-394-431-465 Ue SENTL AGS ONE COD bis crepes oy aes iciiln wis wr'cngue. «wi cpu's (ae 57% ue 00 6/0 ems ele nie elaaemee 394 WU EOS GOGOKEG COL: saad kc ciel Sane ee a ceie w eiciciaiaid dec e16 cin! edhe) wld 0 dion scat dmoreganene 394 WANG, (ESty dah An daa sO OUD OOOH DOOD OOOO RAM ONO ORDOCDOO Ua aug Ocha cl IOC 186-431 CALE Walt (Odeo fn eee ae er oer merrier ono uccoru. Gorsnntrrc,.. aor 186-431 Maton: JESSO on... « pcs Wo¥ = Veoh wh avcve allel ov 0% 4s hile Hestotevole Ointarabetereinietonele 15-19-224-431 AReay ECO ET Mame) OTN YN cree ree irc fe te la seitarc tu votevle valores 0 alata ree. wcaivs dere (ln jagatelerntetere eens ele 399-431 Rea COTTE TOMI) Gree oye alec 35 2 diclv clo civ tire wo 6/0 1s wle'm wie eeie laa @ a .eiejain aw win seunieeegeye ere 403 MATH TN COS INL c) oycireas ccs avcye: gc) ot wie: wifeellay sReMelieRefewed 271 Warren FEreMIaAl occ co oc clele lola le leu lo lelaloleioteletalolefofelalolevetetetel Nore) telstra , thee eLSG WiaTrel ICSS@ 242. fe ccc ce tee ee mle eo ale ee oiler 'o: 0 /eie Si el'w ele hil olfalel «| eloneenl ate tu ogeRemeae 37 Vivaidtiie diol gosoooonobopboCUn oD OO ODDO nOOUGODODDODOOOoODHCCaGC 300-371-401-431 WHATTON? JOSMIA 6 ke coco el cle ccel a ticle clo olet a wile fe: o) eich elie’ oteliel ahel alial oat fal sila ce) Re Ked eNeMe ces ohnte 431 AVVrATNOMT) IMAI ys esc cia ctcle cc clete! ctclctalelclolotetel offal olefe (fet aval afolekarateFalelaKefoR=iriehal amare Sao ores Wrarrine: JOON ..s.6s css s coke ce oe ee bes ore tee hie) 00 me) Bele & wl elm (ulin) ofemn eRe nel telnet 431 Wrarters, JaAIMCS <2. 26 %512 ccs eee wee Uh bine © miele simu wlwieiommiein ie seks neisinha sis 405 Wrarthen= William <2. <<< co 0 0 08 fete Ma leollelalle itn /axo io luleFaifew ke) sian aint efeRe yet onny 37 ASIN Fe oo aise orc eieoelclove oan 'e wlallelo%e cletolele tote fate toto NaiatayoNletateltala eset oNel «Vo «KofaNeke .o @MeMUmraske 19-432 Wash! JORD! Sie 6.5 ac cc c's eo %e © 010 eto te fo lola ele fo fefoltese miele )eitellnnei@ Ipioite|(s/ie ete) oneRear Roane ans 449 WASH PAtTICK cc ccc vic oie e'e occ clchels © ota fotetolete avons loifeiloveNolaNato tele xa¥e XoXo roi=| ein) nie) aeeurmene 19-432 Wes Te SVVOD LET AUIYNY fete cress ete chao ela te cate etoile a tothe to teites f= Im Soil te fo 1a ilo oho alta 19-214-224-258-305-43 2-449 WS HINTON. GEMS osc cece cc ec cle cle ee chet clelot/ol ol alte =lieliofeltotalaKo¥etolete tote feNel Wee Renae 11-13 WiaShine tom: URHOUMAS) cic cice che ciel c cielo e als) cls clre elie ot et etcel olin) eM ol elCet etl ee) ole (ofieh(iinlo Rc Rem RoR 15-432 Washineton. “WaAlliaml 525 fe cc ct ccte ollie alo chet ol oot ol of oh ott etek otatio’ ole) ooNeNelio tee NCRE) (sie 458 Wasome, John Palmer (or Wasone) ..-...--++-++++++eeee-: . Tse eT 186-394 Watch, (eI “soon pconog gnc DODddUGdDOD ODD OAs DOD BDOSHSOOONgOOOKC 179-280-394 Waters: Glement o25 550000 cee se ee nels le meee ors) tele feet reeks REE on cannon nots 336 WT ALCrS) DAWA) ies cic © cle le lets ole lode teloieita taltelteteinifel'= celteveltarerh ele kesnure ele eR= RP Rcnt Rc RoR Reins 432-453 WAATOLS DAIMNICS 55 cn cee cee wees © eitcie eels = eel ele ital eirerbyes (ete tera reie\tnne is (oils Rete mcnen .187-394 Waters: JUGiGh <5 c. ccc < h oove ec elete olale ot ote tefaitololesteleirele oe tn tofu) ofe\enekodaial afels Rosca Re RGREs 340 Waters: Rawley, ssn cl cect em cies mie irnl mnie te rn ee , USO oos Watkins) SAMS Ooo. oc ns cae sce cl cleiclels ol ieleel evel ale) stot ehesela cle keFe Woks hemtenel oo) c Rea naam Sil Watkins: (Mia Go ooo ccc fo es Fern cass Boe Sens Mell tie 91> oot tone NCN = ao ReR RAR eee 336 VTatANS) TRODERE ore cite ote otetete eletotelle fale eleleloletelaNeRefetekelloNedete ne Nok-toye kote sXe mRemen aaa 399-403 Watkins: SMNOMAS! cieteie ciclelelooleletetoteletelslelal -fofetNetefer=lolealoleloi-KoloK=KeKe Rokk ARE: eects Soe 37 WACKINS@ \WALLLAIM “5s cteletseloteleleve/oloteeleletaole rele lololevolu lal tolelaintakosexckeinXoKol= Ke) *keRGheaAnCRS CASSWebb, 646 INDEX. Watley, ANION ...ccvccetececccusscnnoseccsceesine peceicesecns cusin hie Vs)ensiue 394 WT RHIOV CLWGDG ce eer is no here e cules dic sic/evsielu a/clsipinigie cia e ane siale Geyetetenre ra sapuaes Watley, Snhewood (Or SNCTOG)! 6 .c.c cc sicvicc nec ms sevisinc cus sin ose « cefeetnine 371-394 WLeCY WILLIS o 26.0. re a ical cca ar oay Skeye\W alas wie(6ip-676 Gig Sie in eleceln soo 57) aera 371-394 WT LIG WWW LL Dn, nore ene mein ties cinls 0.0 paleo oinieln oem sais (vwicisie's sieieis cle.c's =letateeetare 371-394 Watley, Wooten (Or WOFten) ..-s-cccccccusevesaesaussccces + sin gia w Mame WatIGY: WWOLLIGIS: coccc esc eccccnsies ne 0/6 i nina cue ain cm ois'0/0s n/nn shel RIE Eien 394 NAY Sh PRESEN PS OND 20506 e sp ieie ere cio.o pie Aw bie io wee Sis ies lo (a,0 nein: cine oie 6 oo) soe 187-394 MAL GEUAED SMTOMDEL LER ES cs a) fa aves cis aleisin is mip ein iu iwie_ a, 0/4 aie Cie/s e's! um a (070) winlelecn (cles paNeetenE 432 MU AOI U AN: © cco ce ci cs & ow Gino un n'a cw ciele canis o'o/sin\c/o.0'6 ao) o/s. «lapeie teen net ane toni 188 WERT POLIEADEUN fo ecco cea cies © 6 6 a.6 0) wi wius ce eve /elnyeuh i siapecelereie!siaininjane 0 accents 94-114 ER EROMIE USE RIOL 6 cis hs wie y aie bowie belo Bn wiki b's ia el sim melcvave.c) eel eve 372 Vay (Ce: Bae ae aan ne ROR OOO RO n Ae nee Aen Oormronn ccc cc 187-394-403 Wea, MECH Sane SSRI OAD AAA RR aa On AOR Om COrrrcAcroomerra:. : 329-334-529 BUC SCD IN 0 ACCOM loa cic, cinfesocekuc0\cja.eus,e,a016i0 001 eye’ ei 0j0 io 6 cieja-e isc nn. 0) o).s/meeremennee 188-394 IRE REIS YI ated CTT TUT me ce ae) coc nv cig ‘aici o's ce Seth) wae oS saw ie lw lalere\ sterner 188-394-399-405 NUTR EGO TN CU PRD YDS eis ic wig php ibibo 8 wis wh be olelavsis’ eo ieielc oinucle emer nee . aideeo le WUetsONe. even. COP LAVAL), << o) ences 253 Welchel John ...ccccccececccaecnee secs see yee ney sacines sa 50 210 Semmens 446 Wolchers JeLle s+ ncere ws cnrs ch esc eereisies siecle cle nisin slelatn elem el ie resins 315 Welcher’ Jeremiah .......-0crcrnerer neces meee secon nese sins sins se eicsn 33 226 Welcher John ..o.0cc0cerecr sp mrccese swe = peice emi sls. lt emn * seeitiaie 178-215 WrelCNers GLOLGAM ocvsicie veri cokew)elecenseketeusseneccieci meiokee gee siehekokkelie neh el esac ica 178-310 Wrelcher, William ..-.....s22¢ncser-+ eerie y crm rnp eeipem mimic ck einem: 281 Weldon, JODM ccc cccccccc ccc cdewee cmweae se tle cin pas wuecee aati si eee 432 Welder. ANATCW oiccccc.c.c.c:ere srerererrepeiore, o1e/eieseseseseieceiosmsecesene initia “anh 9 ee gSene © amen een 177 SWie]TOTd | TEC WIB. <.c c:0:6:0 ov ere: +: 0) etereso1 osesnsoienoseinjoxessiansnseaohesei*ie he °h0) © Rael PRaiein a anenaae 432-453 Wellborn, Samuel. .......-5.0cccereee cer rere rbignee cre 2 Saree =k menaonene 432 Wellborn, -Blas ..-..:cse-sesseremeneecuen mee rire tm piper ci: sl aeiain ato chiaae 432 Wellborn, Thomas. .....cse.e--- eres renee eter ee rere ctme pci: cele aekeaelane 261 394 Wellborne, DavidWe lls, Wells, Wells, Wells, Wells, Wells, Wells, Wells, Wells, Abigail, Mrs Andrew Andrew Benjamin .. Benjamin, . Georere H. LG xk sinretutnre Wells, Jat ob cs eee Wells, Jeremial Wells, TOUN ents ee Wells, Jordan (or Wells, Joseph : W Wells, M 5 ts Well Masheck Wells, Redmon W WwW ells, Robert elscher, Joseph John Edward Joshua sh, ‘elsh, Telsh, Samuel Telsher, Jere Telsher, Jesse ‘fence, Mary Peter Benjamin Terber, 7 ¢ reat, Tereat, John George Teritte, Tesson, Sarah West, Ben West, Benj, Sr. . West, Charles James Test, Vest, John West, West, West, West, William West, Willis Westbrook, Westbrook, Wetherclift, Wetter, William Wetzel, John YW) Samuel ... Samuel, Maj Sion bein, John Stephe alen, Michael Elton Thomas INDEX. PROC CCC MCh orCre CM are CrCE rer aro: 372-43 Ba ica cas cies uy oct elay ice ci @) os sie Sh ok ei) oi Gi niiwisakcvevel okejmte ocieate a ators 175-227-258-39 eGieyarkie Reb Miele TG aei dt eew V Wie wa HN da wo we: Gand Wolo oe eS 432 yew dered: Gud @. wesw es ay Sea Si ahiape aie. oS wie eutiS Hiei ai Aeveiets) stenemee 175-394-432 ehh nah eS hia shaken knee en 169-186-395-432 SRM E 5 SESS eS SAGAR ASS 45k HELO 5 be ce iee erotica 395 NOD 000 0 DODO EOD OD OD ODR OPA OCR OO DOOD OOD. toorn DO OODUoG oC 339 Ret RRA e Ac GRR SERS Se DER T EES EA ESAs He lets. cielo raters. 372-453 SAAS EEE ERE LCR EAR SARMR AR RRA RRM Ae KER ES OG 5 0 TE haleredar ere « 432-448 2-395 EO Oe NR WCRI RR ES Fe Ms SER He Ha Rie Se: fu Ve Pelt Me -395- 432 Rye fein ereye ire re on le BY Bere A sere nee Gwe foi dani) Fie me) wa) rnl's a wlarelacsiodeminc gs go Semenee ees 372 924-326 Vl GeogcasnoodDoodoodoaDboenOOnOOU .177-212-310-395-432 BUC eee ea Wyn GSI W ik bye Wow ty yyalhv © ime wie 6 bie siiars oie wie wheat cereal one 219 Rees, Creare se attide Mt Gi cuucsun, 6/0/60 ©. cvs eo sieusiccs alm chen: Mabe emn< aoretnes 333 PRACT GR ACTNRIN Sc SiN a7W ¥106 wins erase es ooo eR > eters 456Warning, VANorrig IN Boa qpp nou OOo HdODOD DD OOOO UDO BOO DODOSOOCOG HCO DOK O00r 432 Wihsre: SWALMAIN seiccic cisicieic «\c 0.6 alcic © a. sicleleiniciefeln viens nloler elec ee ieleinas een r Le Rcnead 395 VA Miiaitk soonoudorcD dD OOOOEODOUOOMO ODO bODODTTOOOOUoG COO NONmaoge 372 WOMB TSIE Ys? MOGWATT foc clicieie clic © ciel so vie oni cleieln enjnininiale)siuroin le oinTa) Siege ae Renee 385 Whatley, WANIGl) ccc ssc s 6 alc cniee em 6 vein nie t slnleinerm wim inialetele on coke tn eRe 432-453 Wihhatiey. WOU Wand. 6 cle cc cc ci oo = mie woe cleeeleinieieie/™ siecrern nin he niet cee aay 190 Whatley, John, (or Whately) .....----s--sessseeeeeceecerees . .279-280-372-395 Wihapley; IMiChaeCl ses. c nce 2c: eee ss etme s milla mesiacie smo aria 188-279-280 WHAtley, RICHATO ccccc cece ces «> nrinwine co meserm eines ioe =\tn ci scke sec iaa cele 188 Whatley. Richard, SL. «.- cc esce we erence sinine o tt nein 2 hime als 188 Whatley, Samuel, (Whateley or Wihately: soo... 188-218-235-324-395-432-447-456 Whatley, Walton (or Wihateley,)) ac cieice cleeclelel ole sie elernlatereye (nelle coil isnn 188-395-432 Wihatley, WALTON ..¢-<---:0es- cee e corner soem sie eit tmnt a 2 cieeiiegaS 27 Whatley, William, (or Whateley) ......-ss--ssesececeeseeersercercrcs 235-432 Wihtatleys, WAISOM. jcc ce ee crn moc e terns wins sicrn nine nein oiciase les ie lela a 432 OUnealen CRNOMAS. Sls 5 ccc ewe cine cme cine sino 91/0) cike iia iia 316 TT AT anee 12 OG Sh Gene abne dapoouoboopoUurC ob orooo DSU SOOG PHO GRA oN COS eb OS 188-395 TONGA ETON | occ cciele cies 8 aiereinie oie © oa en 81s wnleieininre © e sreie(nieic\c ciPhc ical ciel aie ieee 189-395 WUECIER Oapt ci cec ces sce se cincisie wsieee misielereie cle sommes ebeie/ 9c hcl cites aaa 432 meheeler ADMC! «.ce cece csc ceccs sn cece ce nmmsieme enieniiec\= Sige cia ciebc te aa aia 457 TAA UNE) Ge enn bere ncoe dus aU dO Coun OCU CHU CUO UOOODOHHO ROSA DOD 008% 372 UN EeIEL GHATICS) ccc ce coe esi © cirie sole mine ieee mieisin eae ie SiS Reaa clei Sia 432-447 TA DGIOMTCCINAN «ccc ccs erst cnn c sence cemens eommmeise(cine cir sess aaaaa 32 IN COCIGIRAITICS) co one ciate « clave wlasela lee) sieve eee erin hskcncne ic CR 372-432-448-453-460 neeler. MALY. coc decccce ce cece: beer msc nies 9c chic iil . .320-326 uheeler, Richard ....--2se cern cee ne ss ener oo mince: o> Rika 320 neeler., SUSANNA oc. . cess ccc sn seen sen see nce eka aia ar 327 aihpeler! THOMAS ....-----cccrtn es nstee set rcs cn ea rae 372 Wheeler, William .....-----: aie ee Lee ba N Se Cee ROR eo e-O0 0s Uae 7 AERSCLED, (ACDATIAM sie. e ec is ena 189-215-279-395 WnEClIS. ISHAM ..cccectsccccce seer es tt tte re tes oo cians 395 Tapelis. JONI, .-s.cctcrsccrercsecret sees st eo StS te ois a ee cc 283 ReelUS; ADMEr .--serceees set cee t eter cen coc oo ar 432 aphelchel, JOHN .--c:26eceses ei a re 432 aR clOnS.. WGWiS, «.0-0+s cesses neotenic: Us a 372-395 TUelton, ROvErt ...ncccccrs errs ccmss ects occ e ek.” 5 cede snes 399 Where, William nieeam, JOND 2s. -se-esrt eee et tee ett) ale ere 183 TUNIS SAMS. JOD -cccececcoeste tt tatty tt, eel eral aun Whilons, LEWIS icsescssscss tt eittiinse ks DL eee 395 UKhitaker, Daniel .<--.e2s:2ttse 131i neta bedi bs eee ee 258 Wihitaker,.JODM. ocesosresorestcsccesec ll iibbeesci skis eee sl TUTEARGE,. JOSHUA, cececepesesees st 20 ttatstatet te Sw boas oe) nlaiel lalalei ial eeIENStS 372 wWihitaker, Samuel, ..-.-:es.srsckcscecs sce ueese se pun aia ae 190-280-395 TATED, | SOMOS © ope ccunyrsgeat scorats" sos Aaricark Calas aa RE 189-216 White, DEMS... sos iss2 4 uy ke 27 oa ee eee 189-395-403 WUhite MAWATG. «is sirsavesze:siies:seeeeice bal eee ne 432-466 302-432-453-457 White, George = boi orete e-evereieiels) ee ©1600 010100.°)*)°) cle! ci ciuic tac aaa cae ecole 16.0.0 010 22,010650 AVAED A CG) SIND RR Mee ai uscc Vw: a vaiinin ao iese mui aie nto /ete ova \ Gian cme (a laya ob veleeevn ieee 189-395-432-447-449 EDN A Leach CRS oe goo oss ine 6 8 ine 9 iw se vn inn (aio sn'Tncesisaryusm ine incosaie vain ncaieiel cpeicic ee 432-447-453 WUE ee ey OM eet ccaie cine aie aia, derava a aiaiuoa ayeinieieie(eve:e 15-19-189-250-261-267-280-395-432 VAL OS ONIN COM icin nie, cn o'vic-o0leie/ssvenieine o\niciee a's ace e a:6.0 e-ais)ce1 ns aot eer eee een 19 TA ees ON Mo oi sis, unre hw oko wie mi 0 nies ac0s6 0! ow ince: im @iacn: 6erd/m Gaye ere evaiel erie eer ae 316 VIRAL OIAIRUGIM <1 has cie ale wu © sie uianiuajere pieieia's @\6 @-0/e cio a ina piaiciaiase o/nlersiaicicrerei ete 372 WAI) Ris DOE NID ote cre nafs, era oywiin wince ie. e.eibininteaa.tueigroveqs-aie are prwusies ie binvele ane tetetee 189-395-448 NET CO Tn sw ave cre aco i cinta alovw.e. eave, es 4.0/8 © a. 0\n.h ave. 0/8 5 6 6:0 & close eae 320-321 TALC SINAC IIONAS oicinie’ occ-win p-c/e\sinlec/nic.siu.c © vius6 0 6/e 5.6 oki d10-c:0 pele ais cc acele Crater 189-395 OGRE GA ees ROS NIN a ae iia bia kis 66) oi wuss oewimiesaie «os 6am eesece.ale au @ ole Gin ee 432 AT Les eas OOEUASE ES fretc- cars’ ci cininiciei sia civicisiave «a e[e cinta/eim, eines ci 190-241-316-395-432-460-466 WVIACG SS RCSICREILG fice sicre cicicie.c.c una secs oc cpbieiainr ce awe t oe cele-c ule cs We Coreen eee 372 WA TAD Li UVR UME ecto) ac pacctpiatpvacie oe ale ci via eine nyein aie winie oye, a) aieaniaip @ moun oie eo Stee RIO cee ele TN Cee URL LNER IND oes gGe coe ccc vce eioieiaseinwicvals mim oye 7ai6, gic s,s 6) 6 wi gacunls piu wise atoue eee eee se OL WALA LG WMA LA LL INN SS lee ca cic iaia cccicim 6 /oid.ci win iwi winieveim eyeiwie © ule e(ea by epae eo auncalaleieia ier Riereceeneene 315 WUT Ler i CUES ois 05/5: c aiec fee nie wise & wR cise uid. ei oye siavaiace db o1ein (6 6c) reer Greece 326 WVISE@CEIS POU sis oc Gra cisicic 6 ala A kw nie wih wie 6 Gc 6 61a yuo 6.6 6 og & wees cUR Ce RINE Cen 395 SVAN Y £65 En eye. Ch ATT) OS rcs rs ons ic occ ce bere wi aisinusieieiw his cre. 6,08 SC wa Reo eee 372-432 WIN LGN eae TON ci Scicicicie oievs ohne. ci eiecele 66 cesar. 0 wie6.& e:nieie pies tie aise ote ete en 432 WII GIMOTE SELO WELL finieicie cvevasave ee. avers aiasn ui si cue: tion /evaveve) vie.e, wenn ere levalaye te: Sauer ala ate 432 SATA SCAU DUDE N eer rs oy a carcino ain sco bl a bier ale @ieiel Wie alae win kine wim ete clave c Mie een 19-432 Whitemore, Jonathan ........ gio ao Wis veYsi(0 u's. 6 miei weieiein & syuioca hs ke ou ebeta Tere tete ater 395 VAIN ESCA CL ad OAT orc c cece rc a ci e's, sicle nia ale/ciulavelbies cies mipisiea pic skis weet 190-260-282-395 WVITIECMIGIO GOWAN sie crcce cicic «cls. ocs:n cis inse Gisre ale oc 0/0 ure einiaceje 6 ¢ nc. evie ofa e evareceretenenens 372 VALOR O Lemed OLED LIT ire) c wos feosals Gveie aie/siaie sieieieie' sop saje ne syereesuie ateisraiare ciel er erenetete 190 WUD LEAT) LOS ESUIN GML) fc ssc s creicrc cinieve ele'e wicve wisi duis ueleicic cu ce sce eve crecielnin c Miaienees 372 WATT DG WeeCR ANN OD eelaretere oc cos asiaia «n/c 0ieiclncieie (6 v's s/c Tet ates cls cleo mretevere aiemneanne 288 WMCTIEEOMECAUISCIM, crcrsic ac a cicalsic cies siv-erecc6 secs co ols sae ub bs Situs reteee eer ieeaGU WILE CENs CEL Desc sic: racers ola orc cisiesevcis ines eC crs a coe suo o 0 stie 6 6 ek bic eerereinantetere 372-432 WTC ELON GOPMOUUS! cccccncc ccbye coerce cue cece see ccencre Come atitas 190-395 WTIDUIL TOU MAOOY ciciciccuisic'e crevclcie ccalccicce ccc cioccicce feed dele s aetetethere are 432-453 WN IEULG IROUNE fi ckicwccr scree tc vercc cece ce Cae eecdcehaaes Hones Coen 399-405 AVAIL DUOMMANIS LIN crc ciciceiern ic cia ic/c cl clei cialele cc elas cle ecve nie eG bleach alnareniena eye tia 190-395 Viator euthy Badandnsoosenna0oos wiale’a = stelelaleta’ciclsielelalctetevets: cteversheteran ta 190-395-453 WUISLON: ORODOLC, aa ccncs cccicecisiccece ce ernest es 654505 Eten > ORM ererec en 190-395 Wil steel OU Make cic cies ans clvisteie sis ciaccic's oie c's w’e's ue le's'ePeleteletetetetale atemeetetete he) ails 399-405 WHACK ORS DDT occas cckieklecc cs ce eet Cee eee Sheers Tae dee Dee one 241 WW GRIT ATIOMCLODT ysiiciic cece cic ercic calc cet eee cinicle Ae OaiG ware dale scan ep rehete clans areas 179 WVAGEIMAM AGAIN co ccciscic sa ule c's sce s ooo ens ce % GI Kh ovteletem tremicleeretere tit ose 17WVACTC, JAITICS) oc oe cieyerereied ere) clelovovetoiesoVeieiele slotole!slele\ sie] ovelafeete!of\ofe ote rel vislls\wle/s)sisomure Wiggins, John, (Or Wiggans) ......... eee eree eee ec rece eeeeseesrcences 201-395 Wireins., WiHLHAM! 5 cs ccnc ccc ns nendadeedend tint daedirda dads 183-237-372-395 Wiggins, Willam, Jr. ......-.cecccccccccecceccccscccecerccssessssscscece 183 Wiggane, William, Sr. ..........cceececcccerceccrcecrercsvesersscssssceces 183 WAKEMAN: DONT csciole e wlora vere raratevavatereteretafatetetatalotele folute¥e¥ol afole!e!alo\ elalolnlale¥stchctn] vista sues 395 WutpaAnk «GHAI pct sce ts oct vere ot cep bee 8 a eih eee siuls 80 nla) brels almrerere nna 320-372 Wilborne, William ............sceccceeccsscerceeeeececeerscereeesececces 401 WAT EDULYTN = GROGAG cet ycx chek on adcs cs of ev or ot es otc nt cte alatoVoter etn intel ofe¥oYotnteloto¥e?ate’ otate otalate eli etem crumtnerers 395 WWAPDUTN.. THOMAS 6 icc 0 ocrcrcreieveier ore vin owl wate! chote! alavelwistoteelnielclvicivis'giumie sim «= wrens 395 MI CASON DONNY (exc. vcs t ev bw st cb ue et bb wb simi vie s\hiuibielawrersienle mms cer 182-184 Wilcher, Elizabeth .....0. ce. ec cee cee weiein iieeicicie eeisiaiseioicie sles sawssn suvia 329 Wilcher, Jeremiah ...........cccccrer renee ccscereescecccernsscccssccscns 179 WEMICOX TIMOMAS) ccc oo vw ees eee ine nes tue b ee ceinm me >= iniwmiuiis iis eterelorelen islet ods 399 AIRS BOD | OM «feiss od ew clare ot ohero siete ratornrn ms Aeherninymiolniaceimta, abeeeNn fom mista ¥ meee 395 WULIGe GHATICH, cacti cinco ce 666 br een see c ee enemy + sem bsiemmiricmeitine i eer 281 Mtidair, AWALAIMs +50 vee oni tn oh ev vee le ule elm imieleleininieluieternts Terni laie is o90 ATIC OT MAG Cates Se eielor alan erste te? ~ rover cycacke o-sad ice 184-295-433 NOV AL TAIN pls Es CC Yi terre ni lala cies cfave nrais Gye Giececs 60:6 00,0-4.0:4.5 scoaeis es oss hquekches s 183-395 SVAGE TUT RCL AT lie oc ieee ico gie aise Ghaie o/o)e sect exe oe ae wa 6 bre.p ovale sce. e eid poneumarme Wie eee 433 WVPLET TA ELC OD ET or cecteieic cus oicin cious s pier) ¢ s'6.0is 6in.6, 600.60 6 wd cae clea 6.6. 6 6 « spenmkiteiae ~ 183-395 VV DMT INN A OW an oe cea s, soc piaiesbine pieces eaciuie 6.a)e cs 0/s'6 aps a bYMRII 6 Ga5 ts 182 BVA TU ED LTD OED UNM ete OLED are ichecc este teres si nrsiu cya) erain & cis o'e/ 16/6 ¥) viele ove’ «) s QueheLateNe’ © ShuisimEnes 182-395 IWHITISIC DU SEIUOL occ cis cc aia na) ala cies: 0k a ohepue pNe brn DRTSIS cvejo7s 6 cdasen MO TGVEOr® siuuaceks ce oks 282 POUAUA RS MEU YR URED UNO Meer reteren Ge avato va ei ciferecers aiaiv, «ove, seeks ese c/eiareieiole ee © cie1* Qu mugs oe erecveumnl « PU VAL TD UE Tees We RC ING Cacho ise oe sisi sos since ois’ ciel bavele'sie ie cue ale seis crave oie elec etnupye 6, 238 WALTER ONS vamral UID OS eee ge eo cy cera rsirva sic era ici ak evel) sil .0\0 ees sl eie:s 4) ciale © sce. Wesacekuagede © 399 Wa Cer Sir) O NED Me plies Pet ces cic cfareseceichclesaxeceieusicisiejeie.e:<. sie neve sie ajciaisThaeat Wk cecaw clade « cicke 456 VUE LCS RIM SUD ere are for ei ni ol ck nc. Gams c, Wied @ enasnsbray. 4.6 ave waiei ese cie's sole 34 6 auay y gamteeenere segs 433 AV ARP) ALD) OR merle cfere(eiar Gia Sine a) Gioia eka) tiles exe.cje 6’ a; bvareue isc «calece Gleiare oe Mussane epee: ciple e 183-395655 WISE? JOSODE (6 icici cscs sce eee eee e ee ehh ete ante e et seer ns en y aiinniin ee 184-224 Wase. Sherard: 252262556552 605 5620008 che 00 588s ech te aes os 6 onion elmer 401 Wise: ‘Sheredy cc ccccccc cess cscs es beast ss 4 os 5 56 aes cia cna onerannnriorels amie 433 WISE DOM he lol SSE Sa EE OTE E ASAE TAT Eo otal ahehate cele tater tee 395 WWABGN | WVAIIL ATI econo alale' ota 'urc wfefels ole lole'n eletaletn’atelets ale lsiotntalatotevalnla «\weulinYateietal™ Ones 184-395 WISEMAN, JOSEDD © ii 'a'0s c'e%s o's '0 lei cleo luin le nln otataPareie wish wie 't > wivile’™ afe wfatersteyete stermie ee 233 Wisener, John (Or WiSCNOFr) .......2.ee cece e rere eee cec ee eenes 182-223-294-395 Witherington, Richard ..........00 ceded cee rc cce ccc er ses cecescrsesceces 373 Witherspoon, Capt. 26.25% 0% ciate l a's cle 'eln elaine alum times oe tee 6 0 6 nue ereemennew xere 319 WHIEHOrSPOOM PON! ©5225 250 cr ec ccc sesh cm tes bee se te mem dan Heals et) arommeiciee 433 WHEHETSDOOMNUODD, IE) cc ncccee hee cae sale 5 dais sel elnt otetarrolehehctshotateta) nim cunseeetnininre 433 WHEhiont: Tmewist 2%. 2. « aiebsieliaie siege oie 373 Wramley, SOOM cic cic vciisie cin ons oem - cicero siesinnielsi\<) =i iecie eae 316 Wood BI eh ccayule 6's a/ale e\ofale s/ale ain ele efefoinfevsre/meceineiele (>) okt Rona k nae 15-433 Waals CO leirtcee artie els = oe a 0%e wie e wie wieiwin is wine © wcevnse) camiete seco \e) = in cies Shela . 461 Wend: AIGADAMN 7. cole cie eco e clerw «we slein ise mele wininere nian ss (a sciniclteeche kaa 184-395 TGOs CHEISLODNER fcc ciccie so «else in/ejnte cin telnle miele sieleln miele) raicre crite Rea 184-395 Wood, Edward BOGE Ia ns we <= 095 Oe ION Fn Meret ee Leora tara Vital Jnibhes (eo TNA) sed onoo dH eG0sson0aadapOO DO UOD OD OGDO COO Reade 373-433-448 OOM, Htheldred! sos ccc cc cco ce cle nine «crete ecmpege cree: imi he Onis) nec ee 399 WOO LENNY? se cie ccs sc tele «= nie no stanee stant plc rather tee 184-251-282-395 WHiOOUSMED i = ne reticle cleric oelenr sa: esas tat ala talalate tale Mabe¥etctetotetetalnteteds ofetetsheteneneReme ois 19-43 WOO dt IT one oan le ot a te ate Rae ERT ee 45 VWTOOU NI INC Sie sole ciclo chee elela sn « 19-184-239-292-337 995-397-399-401-403-433-448-457 WW OOdM eT RIMES COLTON? 6c of tat laf ot et tral tara tt ere 184 WoodsJamesssMad:*siccrscicaesrecencreseceseies ctl yy: ee ne 457 Wiki deen ppdopooddodu0u0 DUDOOUGOOOQOG OU UROUCOUOOE ET . 310-324 373-399-405-433 WOOd oJ ONAthani« sine sinners cieweccenssneeereresetieceitis.: ©” Ieee gale 281 Wood-:JOSephi akon dhien ass e> seem wrreerrcrr reer ery cere scent | mmmmns 395-433 WH OOU e- JOSCP feb E eke seiesesiereieseieseseconesoserinyesetst oe ee ie a ie 433 Wood: JOSHIAWE Aeiacie cas nests sss s50cu 5 5 ay cacnchckc: een aa 184-395-433 RYO Od ewe O'S Lea bihaeevaysin:«. 0:00 6 s.0 20 Sissies 2 Shbhclut niga ease shea nan 401 W000 nu MSC lings icneries syes>;siedeneucacae varios eat eine eae vc Ome ereeemars 433-448 Woods Richardwxcaerascssceeeths terete eee 310-396 WO Od ik Slice eR Merysrciais, So wisss cs 2y5/55 S sicues tutes, Sncass emennaennes ieee giana 457 Wood. SOIOMON . che ces ee neces sys. i ee 433-466 373 TATOOGPATIOMAS, 5.2 ce2 eset teste reee te eee es cle cic o ce oc clei ial656 INDEX. Wi ceed COU ALIS ren cro) ciatnlntoicin bioinininiaisinie ie wininin oleip nie /s is winip wip p/eipinis cigiaiala el eee 185-457 Seo VAC Te On A AASMp On OO ROCCO rn OCOOOCCrCOnOOn (Camnc +: 316 Reh sa DDR LOND rea orcs cias ara: 6) eocsuyasuse.csargiis esece:s: 0.6 disiein o/njeiss ajc) eju, ete erekareneieietes 433 NUM SOD aed ESN Fa ooo fs i crn a ese clavalavejaje)0/a/010)0/ eines eel, eim\oioce,«ieunyeserors 373-433 448-453 TEL CDV ADELA EIRE crepe ove nic, aie,c,n10 o.oie.cieipiese:ei0:6.0,0i0,0/0-s'6 (si .a,0\> 0.5], nip hia ata ret 373 NOU Tar bed TICMCRE ERT IGN os covet se to ne a yatco ce ieiero ne iajeieyeisseie 9.0 yspeheje'<\e).«,siepeis ieee ine 324-333 NERC Ed INOS oo oars cei oops. 0pnz0s6ins,0:0'9,0,010,0.0 0 :0)0.010:- cietmtoseielaieleieceusle on eareraeieiene 265 NACHO TAC ROTI 202i a wroicie.csai0.s, cinrece, njwjm aie ©:00,0,0 njajeys e.0[0 a1 w(pcatndieiatets 185-235-396-433 NPR NOEL ENO LEON eres ioe eine nie ioicn oiskes6ieicieiesaie|e(aic ain ojesej isso ckageltn tates eet 185 NAIL TREN soto ns Gye cue orevesh ioe saral pynicacypiase: miei eseie.ai0ce.n!sson.oys: bis) o ogegeiewencran anteeetate ie 396 ARRAS REPRE NUNS ope ops ain ayn acer cicsesmiayele; aiejacaxe, Jo) a/ajesnaieinjesuie) via inte ci ese ieielare) “Lalas 373-396 Yates, Susannah .....02-6--«cccecencesrerss ene efoicisicleielelcleiei= BYoieforciarentaers 338 Yates, William 2... c ccc cre poc cco r cece cies closes ace sie" misivalelmisicsdais 373MOEN A UNOLIN Gree ais Sut cet lie ted oddest ed eco ce ea eee 315 io Riper BIER COR OLR) oon e's's eli o'slelatulele'e oa cuiv's oc de 6 eee 191-275-283-396-458 OD a AFOM Tye ish arutele sk sles ne see SHS tS SSS O55 80S ORS ERieee ee eee 191-396 SECON ILC Y ic sot iate rere e'e twee wins 4% WEBS Wib's bw hb 8% eS 0 ooo OS SEG OT eee 317 PO We ee ANA ERYIY FG) craveracsaiw-wiasa Ria Wowie a 8 aid RS Aereewh el dovict cle’ eid SO eee 320-433-448 DTOMETULATARS, conti te O08 m: eccimiloiiaiinieroie ici -a: eae iat wi wih wav Wiearal wrevets "ater piivtetateretcte.e ePEraVnee ene eet na . 433 WS DAM el. MTG: ciicieie-aiainieiaisiewiexeiwieeiacdoterere a wewivterai at etabavateictwhaw ne er Sene ea 21 ROTO YANG BLOAT SNM occa chsnvaino ‘aiinino lain fale mime vere Winieielacew Sina wate 191-200-257-281-283-292-396 EOC OOTLED ree OOP LI carer cS caiarnias @ & Gharnluie 6) oi wielerave eran 16-191-232-233-253-274-283-396-433 PON RR ESS END oo fe asc sm) ofevcus(avene(s (eke vere joie ies parsscunvhopaioreyexesayataceyulevelar cree eee meee ass OM OBOE CST. ie aipsn in ares neinss aibieceigib'die'a 10 #0: Noe © 4 0 oe were wre SR et Ce 335 ROMO DLD YA ME UN YEO ei ea 5; hin; 65 .0:0,lnin yaa iaiey osha (ei ve.bioseuwieinle cose peoiesdiezesey suals Saad arenes ae 399-405 PMO UINE MLR eck 5 clcic 6/0 wre nic aie ip ieee aicle.e esis 6 sie sisihs'e since ke au 6 cites ee ee 433 EMT re EL NIN e ns coe Als ata vate @ cise ie) eiail siaisisinis s piais bo oveipc eu shoe 192-299-311-396 BUCO UA ED end SACRA etch y «emo, 6) 5, 6, wu iw: 6 0.0/6) 6,0 vp leo ip (eink veils si 6: ¢.are 106) os 06 wed ee Ee Ie ee RUS OREN TD Sted BUDE CU see Wego rci ci a aie'la aie jeve wie /b iw eceiwlel cole) ain: 6 (bia aibiacciecnieievacs a ca-arpeanets 192-288-396-433 SUS COULYD Pevaited OF DN MM een) cinco) alate e.nie.nly alo ciwieieie 00.0.6 '@:aleie,eceilee:o(e1eis lesa cauete esis ane 232 BVCWD TA EN aed UREN eh Mirae are fotos cca orc ailova lave: cieie\s © e's 6ue wlaveieieie aiciecie. q:eieie atersinieeaenereie 192-232-396 VAee EAE Ses re 5 ies IRV SPS CUR a ieca ie Bibb 6 Budi loréve, die REARS ee oe 192-396 CHUTE ed ON Se ee oo nask wee oc aicicieie'e «a's eles oie’ baie Bie wists a ieiiw'e wievarejeisererare seri etere 396 RUKCOUL ED owen PERN TL ERE fet ici cic uyeisin a¥a wis elaiajase\s a6 /0 oe,0'eaieieinlecaiw aia: aceleincs e710 again reais .399-405 PCT IN EN MUM TLOML SE ee re cc alc eh cle cra is Wcie Gis slea'd soa 6s hs woe eels Mnietc ieee 320 ATUL ERS CLELCLLOLOL och cieia nc csc cus co uictein/eipia(ecies s.cis eapsisue sa sicis aie sieleinia soir eee CUR EMU ILIGIN Sa ccc cee ces cea cek ems see's 191-218-282-293-310-433-448 Vi yirss WYO h Bip FEROS aE era ee Doce cc alco a cic 616. ata ela Geeta eiere cinemereiane 396 VWiNUMEDIOOC HPA TIFADAIN Sete en ne cor eee pce. ee ce canis crajnre siereciereucr: 192-396 WITLI ISAC net ce ee heehee ccs ne ceca cre ieecieecre 192-396 WOME DIONH Se) AINIGH ee ct cree ce sere ates wets ce tic cre cecum 192-271-283-396 POU LOO em OIE =e ete ciers clea cicre cs erase e cle ce inis/ eo cislere 6 aleie's wrere 192-239-299 Viana aan. Abs osoaaqonduanodod bound oOOOnddOcoOdODUnDOUODOOUDOObDEE 396 RUUD UTNE SD LHC esd OTN ED Bee icreiee har chet ch rs aie cucte cata clev ate rat over otc talistiahatcvatenenctatetnciorteets wemce 396 NOT HLL TL 1D 1 CHOOUD SD COND SAGER EARN rors cscos cv ac v5) ayes cain) wise ch oyu Pall elinl ova tar'avat elletallche Foetal eroueteneterecey: 192-396 HILT OOO Ge LOM ieee cic cies oc Siecle SOS Sievereiere'e aie eoereles Crees ws 192-228-283-396 UK CO HATS SMUD ome ce eC ec ee ears elaire: aye vat pashivassucwtvensy sie uanciiaxifaneveud ves ¥exauauexauapelckexeustove 265 BUVERNATD © CO MMNSD OMEN 05 irc ws creas a cris cis eo) o) cuccsiis) wireireiel » Cicheh wsic) nici whey edogeyvarcV aiuseh one/minacgerenes¢ 219 RWPCAEATT OT AW UA LLLER NUN ooo issn] ac: cnc ine os yale 6.4 Oxereyazeseye/elasora/ejasey ejay ol ckaisioasin.c apse 396 ZAachnatry, oartnolomew (or Balholomew) & cs iccescc cc. crete c ckrerat veces we 401-434 PACU ATY IAIN CS eee hore sata lalchavolctatetatalatetalotc¥a’e lols Tole taletetete © CTOATE ele tare bearer orevaretars 192 AAVAUOOSRIS ECLOM © hte ccc nae Coes ceded a eae ea Ce Gee cide aleetelele sie o clam sraititte’s 456 MCP LOE GORE Ore orice ee kt ce eee ad Pee Sees OSs BE Ca 8 Oe ates cbt eree os 401 AGUULCR ee UNACOATIICL: cen crectatclolecteleicve ciel clclcval clcle’cle ctelelefetetuleve ole ghevcvw alters sietctere le 192-396 MATING “ELON, 981.8 ee re OPE REE REE EE 5a 2 bree eee ek we I ROI es 332 ZAIN “VACOD! oe 5c ek PRR REE SRE CER See ERE Cee cI. ee 192-210-396 MAUCNATICL. 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