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make yourself. Walk but a quarter of an Hour in your Garden
when the Sun shines, with a part of your Dress white, and a
Part black; then apply your hand to them alternately, and
you will find a very great difference in their Warmth. The
Black will be quite hot to the Touch, the White still cool. An-
other. Try to fire Paper with a burning Glass. If it is white,
you will not easily burn it. But if you bring the Focus to a
black Spot, or upon Letters, written or printed, the Paper will
immediately be on fire under the Letters.
“Thus Fullers and Dyers find black Cloths, of equal Thick-
ness with white ones, and hung out equally wet, dry in the
Sun much sooner than the white, being more readily heated by
the Sun’s Rays. It is the same before a Fire; the Heat of which
sooner penetrates black stockings than white ones, and so is
apt sooner to burn a Man’s Shins. Also Beer much sooner
warms in a black Mug set before the Fire, than in a white one,
or in a bright Silver Tankard.
“My Experiment was this. I took a number of little square
Pieces of Broad Cloth from a Taylor’s Pattern-Card, of vari-
ous Colours. There were Black, deep Blue, lighter Blue,
Green, Purple, Red, Yellow, White, and other Colours, or
Shades of Colours. I laid them all out upon the Snow in a
bright Sunshiny Morning. In a few Hours (I cannot now be
exact as to the Time), the Black, being warm’d most by the
Sun, was sunk so low as to be below the Stroke of the Sun’s
Rays; the dark Blue almost as low, the lighter Blue not quite
so much as the dark, the other Colours less as they were
lighter; and the quite White remain’d on the Surface of the
Snow, not having entered it at all.
“What signifies Philosophy that does not apply to some
Use? May we not learn from hence, that black Clothes are not
so fit to wear in a hot Sunny Climate or Season, as white ones;
because in such Cloaths the body is more heated by the Sun
when we walk abroad, and are at the same time heated by the
Exercise, which double Heat is apt to bring on putrid danger-
ous Fevers? That Soldiers and Seamen, who must march and
labour in the Sun, should in the East or West Indies have anTHE, SCOPE OF (HISTIDEAS 29
Uniform of white? That Summer Hats, for Men or Women,
should be white, as repelling that Heat which gives Head-
aches to many, and to some the fatal Stroke that the French
call the Coup de Soleil? That the Ladies’ Summer Hats, how-
ever, should be lined with Black, as not reverberating on their
Faces those Rays which are reflected upwards from the Earth
or Water? That the putting a white Cap of Paper or Linnen
within the Crown of a black Hat, as some do, will not keep out
the Heat, tho’ it would if placed without? That Fruit-Walls
being black’d may receive so much Heat from the Sun in the
Daytime, as to continue warm in some degree thro’ the Night,
and thereby preserve the Fruit from Frosts, or forward its
Growth?—with sundry other particulars of less or greater _Im-
portance that will occur from time to time to attentive Minds?”
Franklin’s contribution to the study of the absorbent prop-
erties of common materials has even today not been completed.
The Army authorities in England have been inspecting with
much enthusiasm recent experiments on the absorbent proper-
ties of clothing and building materials, suitable for uniforms
and barracks in tropical countries.
Extensive experiments have been made in America to de-
termine the best colours and compositions for the paints used
to cover the tanks for storing petroleum. The evaporation of
the oil in tanks is wasteful and dangerous, so it is desirable that
as little as possible of the heat in the sun’s rays should pass
through the walls of the tanks into the oil. Experiments have
proved that paints such as aluminum paint are the most effec-
tive, and minimize evaporation.
The clarity of Franklin’s thought owed probably more to
social than to climatic influences.
The American provinces were still young pioneer communi-
ties in Franklin’s time. A powerful class of academic scientists
had not yet grown. As late as 1801 Priestley, who was then in
America, wrote to Humphry Davy that he was “perfectly in-
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sulated” from scientific news and developments, owing to the
small and scattered number of scientists in the country. Such
conditions have bad and good effects. They prevent many men
of ability from discovering their bent through education. But
if a man has a mind powerful enough not to have to lean
much on academic science, such conditions may protect him
from acquiring false traditional ideas. Franklin’s mind was of
this powerful order, and he benefited by his freedom from pre-
conceived notions acquired in European academies. The isola-
tion which would have killed the scientific work of a lesser
man protected him from misleading intellectual fashions. The
European academic tradition was non-scientific. The study of
science at Oxford and Cambridge was not in a healthy condi-
tion. The experimental science of the succeeding centuries was
being founded outside universities by self-taught investigators
such as Guericke and Priestley, and later, Davy and Faraday.
As J. D. Bernal has remarked, Priestley’s researches were
largely inspired by Franklin. Indeed, Priestley says so. Priest-
ley had a very powerful mind but it was not so bold or keen as
Franklin’s. Davy wrote of Franklin with profound respect,
and deeply appreciated his combination of expository and in-
vestigatory power.
The masterfulness of Franklin’s mind has not been suffi-
ciently recognized. He controlled the intellectual destinies
of many remarkable men. Besides deciding the direction of
Priestley’s career, he influenced that of William Small.
This Scottish mathematical and medical doctor was born in
1734. He emigrated to America and became professor of nat-
ural philosophy in Williamsburg. Thomas Jefferson attended
his lectures. Jefferson writes in his autobiography that Small
“probably fixed the destinies of my life.” Jefferson’s confidence
in the value of rational enquiry, and his distrust of legalistic po-
litical forms, may have been strengthened by Small’s instruc-
tion in science. American political ideas show many peculiarTHE SCOPE OF HIS IDEAS 21
marks of scientific influences. Small and Jefferson were two of
the most important agents through which science has left these
marks on American political thought. Small’s influence on
history did not end by fixing the destinies of Jefferson’s life.
He appeared in another event of immense historical impor-
tance. With Matthew Boulton of Birmingham, England, he
assisted James Watt to draw up the patent specification of his
steam engine with a separate condenser. This was the most
important patent in history, and the largest single contribution
to the development of modern industrialism.
According to an article by J. Hill, published in the Biryuneg-
ham W eekly Post in 1899, Small’s settlement at Birmingham
was due to Franklin. Hill writes that Franklin probably be-
came acquainted with Small at Williamsburg.
Franklin made his third visit to England in 1764, and Small
returned from America about the same time. Franklin had
become acquainted in 1758 with Boulton, the great Birming-
ham magnate by whom the modern principles of standardiza-
tion, mass-production and factory organization, were chiefly
founded. In May 1765 Franklin gave Small a very earnest
written introduction to Boulton. This letter enabled Small to
secure Boulton’s friendship, and a practice as a medical doctor
in Birmingham. Small was a close friend of another Scot,
James Watt.
Boulton’s engineering factory at Soho, Birmingham, em-
ployed six hundred skilled workmen, at that time a huge
number. The machinery was driven by a water-wheel. In dry
summers there was not enough water to drive the water-wheel.
Boulton conceived the notion of installing a steam pumping-
engine that would pump the water, after it had run through
the water-wheel, back to the supply channel, so that the same
water could be used over and over again for providing the
factory with power. This arrangement would have made the
power supply independent of the weather. L. T. Hogben has
informed the writer that other manufacturers in the adjacent
pottery district had the same idea, and Boulton may have got
it from them.
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He led a rough but not poor or miserable life up to the age
of twenty-three. He had little formal education, so he spoke
the language of the masses. He never modtiee his accent.
As he was auto-didactic, and could learn from his experience
only, or from someone sharing his interests strongly, he would
probably never have acquired a cultivated accent under any
conditions. But he became deaf when a boy, which lessened
any possibility that he would ever stop using the idiom of his
youth. It is said that he could hear noises in which he was
specially interested, such as background noises in phonograph
M. A. Rosanoff joined his staff in 1903, when Edison was
fifty-six. He asked him what laboratory rules he should ob-
serve. Edison “spat 1 in the middle of the floor and yelled out,
‘Hell! there ain’t no rules around here! We are tryin’ to
accomplish somep’n!’” Edison introduced himself to Rosa-
noff as “Don Quixote,” and his assistant J. F. Ott, who had
been with him thirty years, as “Santcho Pantcho.” His col-
leagues were described as “muckers,” and himself the “chief
He was an astute judge of character. His hold over others
was partly due to his ability to expose their weak points. He
utilized this insight to preserve the morale of his staff. Every-
one was made to pretend that he was about to solve his prob-
lem, even if he was quite at sea. Everyone knew that Edison
knew that he was in difficulties and was outwardly more cheer-
ful than the situation justified. The inability to acknowledge
this to Edison’s face produced a state of ouilt and fear that
made them work harder than ever. Edison was a master of
this auto-suggestive principle of tribal leadership.
He was not sensitive in the immediate handling of truth.
He was slow to contradict erroneous exaggerations of his
achievements. He said that “we always tell the truth. It may
be deferred truth, but it is the truth!”
His early connection with journalists made him easy-going
with the press. This helped the spreading of misleading ac-EDISON’S PERSONALITY 313
counts of his work, which angered many persons, especially
academic scientists.
He was of Dutch descent, extremely pertinacious, and had
enormous capacity for attention to details. His temperament
was sanguine with some tendency to choler. He began work
each day with the openmindedness of a child, and swiftly for-
got failures. He could roar with laughter like an aborigine,
and sometimes, when seriously vexed, his anger was terrify-
ing. The skin in the center of his forehead used to be spas-
modically rotated in these paroxysms. When thoughtful, he
used to pull his right eyebrow.
He had no taste in art, music or literature, except in telling
stories. The parts of his mind concerned with those subjects
were arid. He strummed on an organ with one finger. He
could not believe the report of one of his phonograph sales-
men from Germany, that the Germans demanded records of
classical music. He chose banal matter for the stories of the
first commercial motion pictures.
The first words spoken by his immortal invention, the
phonograph, were: “Mary had a little lamb.”
Though without taste, he was lively and jolly. He liked and
demanded cheerfulness and optimism. He organized sing-
songs among his staff, during long periods of work.
He was fond of stories, and showed skill in telling them.
Many were based on personal experiences. The perfection of
some of them seems to show that his inventive power was not
restricted to mechanics.
Edison accepted the ethics of capitalist commerce. The trade
secret of the composition of the wax for his phonograph records
was stolen by a trade rival’s spy. When Rosanoff, who had
proved this by analysis, abused the methods of their rival, Edi-
son was amused.
“What are you so excited about? Everybody steals in com-
merce and industry, I’ve stolen a lot myself. But I knew how
to steal. They don’t know ow to steal—that’s all that’s the
matter with them.”
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He adapted himself without difficulty to the bosses of Tam-
many Hall, when he required municipal permissions for con-
structing his electric light system in New York.
In his later years he was complacent about the financial
methods of Jay Gould. This was probably a partial pose, as
he had violently abused Gould when swindled by him in his
early years. The pose was made in order to support the class-
myth of the well-to-do American, that wealth is sacred, how-
ever obtained. Edison supported the myth in order to please
the rich capitalist friends of his later years. He probably con-
vinced himself that he believed in it. He did not support it
in his personal behavior. He made no money at all out of his
greatest inventions, the development of the electric light and
power systems. He wished to be a great man, and leave an
impression on history. He spent all the money that came to
him on the achievement of new inventions to add to his monu-
mental list.
His long hours of work were famous. He worked twenty
hours a day for periods of months. When excited by some idea
he could work continuously for days. On one occasion he
worked continuously for five days and five nights.
He was able to sleep instantly at will, and to wake up in-
stantly half an hour later, refreshed. He never dreamt. He
drove his colleagues into working very long hours, which few
of them could stand.
On one occasion, when his son felt sleepy, he recommended
him to take a nap under the laboratory bench, from which
position he was retrieved by his mother. Edison’s resistance
to sleep was abnormal, and he could work well with little sleep
for long periods. But when he was not pressed, he would sleep
nine hours.
In early life, he did not bother about choice of food. In
middle age he dieted to keep his weight constant. He ate little
meat, and was sparing with food. He smoked large numbers
of strong cigars, chewed tobacco, drank much strong coffee, and
took no exercise. He lived until he was eighty-four, which
was rather shorter than many of his ancestors, so he probablyEDISON’S PERSONALITY 315
suffered slightly from the effects of his mode of life. His in-
tense intellectual work was not entirely harmless. Like many
men who have worked with their hands he was fond of pastry.
Manual work requires much energy, which is most easily ob-
tained by eating large quantities of carbohydrates. The habit
of pastry-eating often persists in men who have left manual
work and enter sedentary professions. In members of the up-
per classes it is sometimes a mark of the self-made man.
Edison’s extraordinary application may have been due to
his physiological constitution, but it is possible that he also had
psychological motives. His colleagues noted that he seemed
to fear to be indolent, as if he had a New England conscience.
He records that he had a deep feeling of guilt when a child
because he failed to report the drowning of a playmate. Per-
haps his efforts were partly an attempt at absolution. He some-
times showed masochistic tendencies, as when he copied out by
hand a typewritten report of thirty pages needing only a few
incidental corrections, which could perfectly well have been
inserted in the typescript, and retyped by his secretary. He
had a prodigious memory and an immense knowledge of mis-
cellaneous scientific facts. His method of inventing was em-
pirical, and consisted of trying combinations of these facts,
whether or not they had any obvious connection. He said that
all experiments were successful, because the knowledge of how
a thing was not done was valuable as an aid to the discovery of
how it might be done. His knowledge of scientific theory was
slight. According to Rosanoff, he did not understand Avoga-
dro’s hypothesis. It follows from this that he could not have
had a logical understanding of the elements of the atomic the-
ory of chemistry.
He probably had an inferiority complex through his igno-
rance of academic science. He was particularly fond of telling
stories against academically trained scientists, and jibing at
those he employed. He was apt, when he did this, to exag-
gerate the simplicity of his manners. He defined genius as:
“One per cent inspiration, and ninety-nine per cent perspira-
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His knowledge of science was superficial but very wide, and
he was extremely inventive with what he knew. Persistent try-
ing of combinations was probably the best way of exploiting his
shallow oceans of scientific facts.
During the first part of his life he dressed carelessly. He
appeared as dirty as any of his laborers. He was unkempt, and
often not better dressed than a tramp. His assistants sometimes
secretly daubed themselves with grime, in order to give an
impression of intense activity, and recommend themselves to
his prejudice.
Henry Ford admired Edison’s power of driving other men.
He echoed his philosophy of hard work and hustle. But his
emulation of Edison has not been entirely happy. The strain
of working in Ford’s factories has broken some men, and
prepared them for crime and gangsterism. Edison was not a
solemn tyrant. His humor prevented overstrained colleagues
from seeking revenge by attacks on society. He was not a doc-
trinaire, and not insensitive to the feelings of others. He cre-
ated a new sort of sublimated gangsterism. He was the boss of
a gang engaged in blackmailing nature. He oppressed the facts
of science until he squeezed inventions out of them. He formed
his gang out of men with compensating qualities. He imagined
and thought out the experimental attacks. He was not par-
ticularly skilful with tools. He was primarily an imaginative
thinker. He worked with sketches, and preferred giving in-
structions by sketch rather than verbally. Some of his assistants
were brilliant mechanics and instrument-makers, some were
brilliant fitters with exceptional steadiness of hand and patience,
who could make provisionary models work. Some were mathe-
maticians and theorists of the highest academic qualifications.
These were employed to check the theoretical possibilities of
his ideas. His assistants were often required to try things with-
out being told why. This was a typical gangster-like procedure.
Edison could secure the intensest blind loyalty. His gang
had confidence in his gifts and leadership. He muscled into in-
vention, in Rosanoff’s phrase, like a “happy hooligan.”IV
Ais Life and Work
was dominated by the representatives of the two small but
relatively rich classes of planters and traders. After a severe
struggle the traders, under the leadership of Hamilton and
Madison, persuaded the planters to accept a constitution based
on principles favorable to the trading interests. The planters’
ablest leader, Jefferson, was absent as American minister in
Paris when the Convention began. It had reached a crisis in
its proceedings by the date of his return. The opponents of the
proposed constitution were still in a majority and Hamilton
became desperate at his prospective failure to impose the princi-
ples of the traders onto the planters. Jefferson has described
how, after his return, and before he had grasped the situation,
Hamilton pleaded with him to persuade some of his planter
colleagues to change from opposition to support of the adop-
tion of the new constitution. Hamilton suggested that if the
planters would accept the constitution, the traders would agree
to the establishment of the Federal Government in Virginia,
where, owing to geography, it would be under the planters?
Jefferson agreed to this compromise, but soon perceived that
he had been outwitted. He and his successors tried to retrieve
their ascendancy. They swiftly gained political power, and
steadily increased their strength during the next half-century.
Through their control of the Government they were able to
minimize the operation of those features of the Constitution
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rights in Edison’s early ticker inventions. When Edison re-
ceived the request to go to his office, he had fixed in his mind
a price of $5,000, and in any case, not less than $3,000. Lefferts
asked him how much he wanted, but he suddenly lost his
nerve, and dared not ask for $5,000, so he asked Lefferts to
make an offer. Lefferts said: “How would $40,000 strike you.”
Edison nearly fainted, but managed to accept. At that time,
he still measured the value of an invention by the time and
trouble he had given to it, “and not by what the invention was
worth to others.”
Lefferts then handed a check for $40,000 to Edison, who
had never received money in the form of a check before. When
he presented the check it was handed back to him because it
was not endorsed. Owing to his deafness he could not under-
stand the clerk’s explanation. He suspected that he had been
swindled, and hurried back to Lefferts, who laughed at him,
endorsed the check, and sent a young man with him back to
the bank, to testify to his identity. The bank clerk then paid
out the money in large packets of small bills, as a joke. Edison
took the pile of bills home and stayed up with them all night,
in fear of having them stolen. On the next morning he asked
the amused Lefferts what he should do with them, and was
advised to start a bank account.
Edison was now able, in 1870, at the age of twenty-three,
to begin manufacturing electrical apparatus on a considerable
scale. He employed fifty men in making large numbers of
stock-tickers for Lefferts. He started double shifts as business
increased, and worked on both of them as his own foreman.
He did not sleep more than a few half-hours during each
twenty-four hours. He drank strong coffee and smoked strong
cigars without restraint. He drove his men on piece-work.
They could earn high wages, and were treated with a rough
cheerfulness as long as they fitted in with his methods, but
they were discharged without consideration if they did not.
The staff of Edison’s first shop included S. Bergmann and
J. S. Schuckert, the founders of two immense German electri-
cal engineering firms bearing their names, and J. Kruesi, who
became the chief engineer of the General Electric Works at
Schenectady. In later years, Edison engaged A. E. Kennelly,
the eminent discoverer of the Kennelly-Heaviside layer, and
E. G. Acheson, the inventor of carborundum. He had an
aptitude for recognizing talented men.
Within a few years Edison acquired forty-six patents for
improvements of stock-tickers. The American patent law _per-
mits the protection of many details not patentable under Euro-
pean law, but even after allowing for this difference, and that
none of his stock-ticker patents was of the first degree of
importance, and that he had already begun to exploit the as-
sistance of talented colleagues, Edison’s fertility was remark-
able. His power of managing others was not less remarkable.
Dyer and Martin have observed that he used men up in the
achievement of his aims as ruthlessly as Napoleon or Grant.
At the age of twenty-three, in a works financed out of his
own inventions, he had attracted and led such men as Berg-
mann and Schuckert. His choice of stock-tickers as a subject
of inventive work showed he could recognize major social
phenomena when they rose around him. He worked at tickers
because they had obvious commercial and therefore social im-
portance. He was without personal interest in speculation, and
never speculated in his life, but he was willing to provide im-
proved machines to make speculation easier. It was easy even
for minor inventors to see that tickers were important in the
New York of 1869.
By this time Edison must have become aware of the great-
ness of his inventive talent. He showed rare realistic talent in
not spurning a field occupied by many other lesser talents,
and in not succumbing to the vanity of risking his great talent
on entirely new ideas beyond the range of the others. As he
did not speculate in stocks, so he did not speculate in invention.
He missed several first-class inventive scoops through his re-
fusal to gamble in invention, but by his example he helped
to remove the practice of invention from the sphere of gam-
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bling and magic. He helped to socialize invention, demon-
strate its part in the development of human society, and estab-
lish it as a new profession.
He worked with extreme energy on many aspects of teleg-
raphy in his first independent years. The development of au-
tomatic telegraphy required apparatus which would work
at much higher speeds than hand-operated apparatus. It was
found that the hand apparatus, which worked satisfactorily at
the usual speeds, would not work properly at high speeds,
owing to the effects of electrical inertia, or self-induction. The
signals were drawn out, and lost definition.
Fdison invented a method of preventing this. He exhibited
it at the Centennial Exposition in 1876, and it was adjudicated
a reward by Kelvin, who was then Sir William Thomson.
Kelvin reported that “the electromagnetic shunt with soft
iron core, invented by Mr. Edison, utilizing Professor Henry’s
discovery of electro-magnetic induction in a single circuit to
produce a momentary reversal of the live current at the instant
when the battery is thrown off and so cut off the chemical
marks sharply at the proper instant, is the electrical secret of
the great speed he has achieved. . . . It deserves award as a
very important step in land telegraphy.”
Edison was sent to demonstrate the automatic system in
England in 1873. He claimed his demonstrations were suc-
cessful, but he was unable to persuade the British authorities
to adopt his system. While in London he was asked if he
would care to test his apparatus using a coiled cable 2,200 miles
long as the telegraph wire.
Edison did not fully understand the theory of electrical self-
induction, and did not foresee that the self-induction of the
coiled cable would have an enormous value. He was astounded
when a Morse dot normally one thirty-secondth of an inch
long was extended into a line about thirty feet long. His ig-
norance of scientific theory raised criticism and opposition, es-
pecially among highly trained scientists and engineers without
inventive talent. His insight into science was derived from
intense practical experience of apparatuses involving scientificHIS LIFE AND WORK 365
principles. When Kelvin invented an apparatus he embodied
a scientific principle. Some of his electrometers look like a
materialization of text-book diagrams on the theory of electro-
statics. Edison’s mental process worked in the reverse man-
ner. His scientific ideas were abstractions drawn from appa-
ratuses with which he had profound familiarity. His opinions
on any subject of which he had experimental knowledge were
always worth consideration, though his explanations were usu-
ally inaccurate and often wrong.
Edison introduced practical quadruplex telegraphy in 1874.
This was his first major inventive achievement. It enables
four messages, two in each direction, to be sent simultaneously
over the same wire. The duplex, in which two messages are
sent in opposite directions simultaneously on the same wire,
had already been invented by Stearns. Edison devised a diplex
system, in which two messages could be sent simultaneously
in the same direction on one wire. He obtained the quadruplex
by combining the duplex and diplex.
The functioning of the apparatus depends on two signaling
currents. One current is made to transmit by altering its direc-
tion, and the other by varying its strength. The alterations in
direction and in strength may be received independently by
suitable relays at the other end of the wire. In this way, two
messages may be sent simultaneously. Four messages may be
sent by duplexing each of the signaling currents. This is done
by arranging that the outgoing signal current shall operate
the receiver at the distant station but not the receiver at the
home station.
Suppose a dummy wire, whose electrical resistance and
capacity are exactly equal to those of the main wire, is con-
nected to the end of the main wire in the home station. If
the signaling current is sent into the connected wires, one half
will go through the main wire, and the other half through
the dummy. Suppose, now, that the main wire and the dummy
wire have each been wound an equal number of times, but in
opposite directions, round the iron core of the home relay
magnet. Then the signaling current from the home station
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will not operate the home receiver, because the two currents
will cancel each other’s magnetizing effect on the home re-
ceiver. But the current will not be split at the distant station,
so it will operate the distant receiver.
Edison said the invention of the quadruplex system “re-
quired a peculiar effort of the mind, such as the imagining of
eight different things moving simultaneously on a mental
plane, without anything to demonstrate their efficiency.”
It seems that he visualized the eight instruments simultane-
ously, and tried to foresee how they would react together. He
did not try to analyse the properties of the instruments and
circuits theoretically.
His concentration on these mental efforts affected the nor-
mal operation of his memory. On one occasion he had to at-
tend the City Hall to pay taxes before a certain hour in order
to avoid a surcharge. An official suddenly asked him his name.
He could not remember it, and lost his place in the queue,
which made him too late to avoid the surcharge.
He did not show more than the minimum necessary interest
in money. As long as he had sufhcient for his needs he was
satished. He never applied his mind earnestly to money-
He combined lack of special interest in money with an orig-
inal insistence on commercial practicality in invention. This
shows that he was a social theorist. He believed a good inven-
tion must conform with the criterion of commercial success, yet
he did not care whether or not he made money out of inven-
tions. It is frequently supposed that Edison’s insistence on the
criterion of commercial success showed that he was mercenary,
and wished to make invention a tool of acquisition. His be-
havior shows that he disinterestedly put invention at the serv-
ice of what he conceived to be the proper social machinery,
capitalist commerce. His view was far in advance of the old
conception that the justification of invention is the enhance-
ment of the dignity of human nature through exhibitions of
cleverness, and that the practical application of invention is a
vulgar activity of secondary importance.HIS LIFE AND WORK 367
He recognized that invention must have social justification.
He assumed that the nineteenth-century American capitalists’
criterion of justification was correct, and therefore judged in-
vention by that criterion.
As he made relatively little money for himself out of his
inventions he evidently did not apply the same criterion for
judging his own private, personal success. His behavior shows
that his public and private views of invention were not the
same. He was casual with his private wealth.
He did not employ bookkeepers until the chaos of his
finances prevented him from getting on with his work. He lost
most of the royalties he should have received from his early
patents through employing an unsatisfactory patent lawyer. A
man of his ability would not have lost so much if he had been
primarily interested in acquiring money.
The famous German theoretical and experimental chemist,
Professor Nernst, invented an electric lamp, with a filament
made of rare earths which conduct electricity and emit a
bright light at high temperatures. The filament had to be
heated by a surrounding platinum coil before it lighted up,
so about fifteen seconds passed before it reached full brilliancy.
The details of the lamp were complicated, and with the delay
in reaching maximum illumination, prevented it from having
more than a transitory commercial success. It gave way be-
fore the superior qualities of the carbon filament lamp, which
was developed mainly by Edison.
When Edison met Nernst, he talked on his favorite topic
on the need for inventions to be business-like and to invent
what commerce required. He said that academic scientists gen-
erally failed to appreciate the commercial problems of inven-
tion, and did not offer inventions to industry in a practicable
Nernst listened to the strictures on the unpractical and
unbusiness-like qualities of professors. He quietly asked Edb-
son how much he had made out of the carbon filament lamp.
Edison replied that he had made nothing out of it. Nernst
then asked Edison if he knew what price he had secured for
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the rights in the rare earths lamp. Edison said he did not
know. Nernst replied that the A.E.G. had paid $250,000 for
This story is usually related as a proof that academic sci-
entists are not so impractical as hard-headed practical scientists,
such as Edison, imagine.
It may also be interpreted as showing that Nernst’s com-
mercial sense was keener than Edison’s, and that he was will-
ing to receive a large sum of money for an invention whose
commercial success was uncertain, and subsequently proved
Edison did not say that inventors should try to get more
than an invention was worth. He said that they should make
inventions which would be a commercial success. This did not
even imply that the inventors should receive any money at all
for them.
The attitude to invention of the graduate of the telegraphs
of the Woolly West and of Wall Street was ethically superior
to the attitude of the eminent graduate of German scholarship.
Fdison’s behavior shows that desire for private profit was
not the spur to his inventiveness. His demand that inventions
should be commercially successful did not imply that he should
make a large private fortune out of them.
It is possible for an invention to be commercially successful
without one man making more profit out of it than any other
man. In fact, it may be commercially successful if every mem-
ber of the community makes an equal profit out of it. It is
often said that inventions would never be made if no one
had any prospect of making large private profits out of them.
Fdison’s conduct is in contradiction with this view, and his
emphasis on the importance of the commercial success of in-
ventions does not necessarily imply that there will be no
invention unless inventors, or some other individuals, make
large profits out of inventions.
Quadruplex telegraphy was very successful in the United
States. It greatly increased the volume of business that could
be transmitted over existing wires, and reduced the capital ex-HIS LIFE AND WORK 369
penditure on new lines. The effects of the very variable wind-
fall and drought on the resistance of the earth, and the in-
sulation of the line, increased the difficulties of working the
system in England.
Edison’s quadruplex and other telegraphic inventions were
used as pawns in financial operations by Jay Gould. The com-
panies that owned his inventions were offered about $1,000,-
ooo for them. Gould used the existence of this offer to depress
the value, and secure the control, of the Western Union stock.
He then repudiated the offer. The legal struggles over the re-
pudiation lasted thirty years. The reactionaries who controlled
the telegraph companies opposed the extension of automatic
telegraphy, and the development, which became extensive
before 1880, was allowed to die.
Edison had personal dealings with Gould in the early stages
of this affair. He took part in secret consultations with him, in
which the negotiators entered Gould’s house through the
servant’s entrance at night, to evade the observations of spies
from rival companies. Gould paid him $30,000 for his personal
interest in the quadruplex, but evaded paying him anything
for about three years’ other work.
Dyer and Martin quote Edison as expressing contrary opin-
ions on the treatment he received from Gould. On one occa-
sion he said: “I never had any grudge against him, because he
was so able in his line, and as long as my part was successful,
the money with me was a secondary consideration.” But in
1876 Edison had written bitter complaints that his relations
with Gould had been “a long, unbroken disappointment,” and
that he “had to live.”
Edison said that Gould had no sense of humor. He had a
peculiar expression, which seemed to indicate insanity. He
was extremely mean. He was very angry when the rent of his
stock-ticker was raised a few dollars. He had the machine re-
moved, and preferred to do without it, in spite of the great
inconvenience, rather than pay. He worked very hard and
collected and thoroughly studied the statistics bearing on his
financial affairs. The extent of his relations with persons in
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official life was surprising. He was entirely non-constructive,
and was interested in money only. “His conscience seemed to
be atrophied, but that may be due to the fact that he was
contending with men who never had any.” Gould did not care
whether his companies were a success or a failure. When he se-
cured control of the Western Union, Edison “knew no further
progress in telegraphy was possible, and I went into other
lines” of invention. Gould’s colleague in the crippling of teleg-
raphy in America was General Eckert, who had been Assistant
Secretary of War to Stanton during the Civil War. The close
connection between the victors of the war and the characteristic
technological and financial post-war developments is signifi-
cant. It provides one of the reasons why Americans were su-
pine under the activities of such men as Vanderbilt and Gould.
They did not fundamentally disapprove of them. Like Edison,
they were prepared to admire their ability even when robbed
by them of payment for years of work. Edison was not inter-
ested in money, but he could admire Gould who was interested
in nothing else. This admiration of principles which one does
not practise is a feature of the psychology of religion. The
frenzies of the gold corner were manifestations of herd reli-
gious emotions. Men did not go crazy because they were
ruined, as ruin was only a temporary condition for an Ameri-
can in 1869. He could not remain destitute long in such a
rapidly developing country. The frenzies were due to exces-
sive perturbations in the current religious worship of wealth.
Everyone believed that owning wealth was of vital importance,
and that loss of wealth meant damnation. The hysteria was
induced by the fear of damnation by the god of wealth.
Within a few years of establishing his first shop Edison
worked simultaneously on nearly fifty inventions. He assisted
Scholes in the development of his invention of the typewriter,
he invented the mimeograph, or stencil from which numerous
copies of written matter may be pulled. The stencil was cut by
a stylus, used as a pen, whose point was driven in and out
rapidly by an electric or pneumatic motor, so that it left a line
of five holes along the strokes of the writing.HIS LIFE AND WORK 371
He also invented paraffin paper now used for wrapping
sweets and candy, and many other purposes.
The growth of the telegraph stimulated many attempts to
invent multiplex systems, by which one wire could be used
to transmit simultaneously a large number of messages. Several
inventors were trying to devise multiplex systems in which the
various simultaneous signal currents were picked out by tun-
ing forks.
The transmission of sounds was incidental in these tele-
graphs to the transmission of ordinary dot-and-dash messages.
The inventive workers on this sort of apparatus included
A. Graham Bell, Edison, and Asa Gray. It was natural that
one or two of them would begin to alter the perspective in
which they were working, and consider the apparatuses as
transmitters of sounds by electricity, instead of transmitters
of multiple signals by electricity with the assistance of sounds.
The conception of an electrical apparatus for transmitting
human speech followed as an extension of this direction of
Inventors had attacked the problem of the electrical trans-
mission of human speech directly at an earlier date. The first
electrical machine which could speak was devised by the Ger-
man Professor Reis about 1860. He named it the “telephone.”
It depended on the starting and stopping of an electric current
by a diaphragm made to vibrate by the sound waves of the
human voice. Reis and the inventors who followed him could
not make the machine repeat more than a few syllables be-
fore the make-and-break contact was thrown out of adjustment,
so it was not a practical invention. A Reis instrument was ex-
plained to Bell by Joseph Henry, and Edison also had an ac-
count of it. No doubt Gray also knew it. Bell was the first to
see how a practical telephone could be made. He was the son
of A. M. Bell, a lecturer on elocution at University College,
London, and an original worker on the analysis of speech.
Graham Bell had grown up amidst studies of phonetics, vocal
physiology, and original thought on the mechanism of speech.
This background of knowledge probably increased his con-
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fidence in attempting to invent a practical telephone. Workers
less familiar with the mechanism of the human voice may
have given too much weight to the belief that sounds as
complicated as human speech could not be transmitted with-
out an equally complicated machine. Bell discovered that
speech could be continuously transmitted by an exquisitely
simple mechanism. He found that if an iron diaphragm was
made to vibrate near a permanent magnet with a coil of wire
wound round it, a current was induced in the coil. Suppose
somebody speaks at the diaphragm. It will vibrate in unison
with the sound waves started by the voice. The voice will be
transformed into a varying current. If this current is sent
through a wire to the coil on the permanent magnet of a sim-
ilar instrument, it will attract its diaphragm back and forth,
and reproduce the vibrations in the diaphragm of the first in-
strument. In reproducing the same sequence of vibrations it
will reproduce the same sequence of sounds.
Bell’s patent was registered on March 7th, 1876. A few
hours later, on the same day, Gray made a claim for a similar
patent. Edison had constructed in 1875 a resonator for an-
alysing telegraph currents, which could reproduce human
speech, but which had not been put to that use.
Bell’s original telephone was a magnificent invention, but it
had serious limitations. The transmitting current was produced
by the unaided energy of the human voice, which had made
the iron disc vibrate in a magnetic field and so produce the
current. [he energy of the sound waves from the human voice
is very small, so the energy of the transmitting current was
very small. The current was too faint to be effective beyond a
short distance.
Edison now made two inventions which removed this lim-
itation, and created the practical telephone which could com-
municate over long distances. He showed how to put virtually
unlimited energy into the transmission. He placed a button of
carbon or lamp-black against the disc. When the disc was
made to vibrate by the waves from the voice, the pressure
of the disc on the carbon varied. He found that the electricalHIS LIFE AND WORK 373
resistance of the carbon varied with the variations in pressure.
Thus the carbon button could be arranged to act as variable
resistance in a circuit containing a current of any required
strength. He placed the button in the primary circuit of an
induction coil connected with a voltaic battery, and the distant
receiver, of the Bell type, was put into the circuit of the sec-
ondary coil. This arrangement enabled the voice to be trans-
mitted by high voltage currents which could overcome the re-
sistance of long wires, and hence long distances.
At this time Edison was again working in connection with
the Western Union. Their telephone department was man-
aged by Twombly, Vanderbilt’s son-in-law. The controllers of
the Western Union started the customary financial warfare
with the controllers of the company exploiting Bell’s patent.
The Western Union pirated Bell’s receiver, and Bell’s com-
pany pirated Edison’s transmitter.
Edison now sought some payment for his carbon transmitter.
He had privately decided that $25,000 would be a fair price,
and then asked for an offer. He was promptly offered $100,-
000. He said he would accept it on the condition that it was
paid to him at the rate of $6,000 yearly for seventeen years,
the life of the patent. He was glad to make this arrangement
because he could not trust himself not to spend any available
money on experiments, “as his ambition was about four times
too large for his business capacity.” It will be noticed that he
might have invested the money, and have received $6,000 in-
terest for seventeen years, and still have possessed the capital
at the end of the period. He said that the arrangement pro-
tected him from worry for seventeen years.
At about this time Jay Gould renewed his stock exchange
campaigns against the Western Union. He had bought Page’s
patent, which was believed to cover all forms of electromag-
netic relay. The Western Union asked Edison if he could in-
vent a method of moving a lever at the end of a wire, which
did not involve a magnet. He immediately solved this prob-
lem by an application of a device he had patented in 1875.
He had discovered that moistened chalk became slippery
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when a current was passed through it. Thus a lever held at
rest by friction against the moistened chalk would be released
when current was sent through the chalk. This invention was
sufficient to check Gould’s use of the Page patent against the
Western Union.
Edison was again offered $100,000 for the rights, and again
stipulated the payment of $6,000 for seventeen years. Thus
he received $12,000 yearly for seventeen years for these two
The same invention was employed again in a patent contest
in England. The Bell and Edison interests had started inde-
pendent companies in England to exploit their patents. The
Edison company found that they would not be able to pirate
the Bell receiver under the British patent law, so they cabled
Fdison for instructions. He replied that he could soon relieve
them from dependence on the Bell receiver. He invented a
new receiver depending on the slippery chalk phenomenon.
He mounted a cylinder of chalk on an axle which could be
rotated steadily. One end of a small metal rod rested on the
surface of the chalk, and the other end was attached to a mica
diaphragm. The surface of the chalk cylinder was moistened
with a solution of various salts. When the cylinder was ro-
tated, it tended to drag the end of the rod, owing to the fric-
tion between the chalk surface and the rod. The drag on the
rod, in turn, distorted the diaphragm at the other end. The
receiving current from the telephone wire was now sent
through the contact between the moistened chalk surface and
the metal rod. It varied the degree of friction in proportion
to its strength, owing to electrolysis on the chalk surface,
and made the rod slip in step with the current variations. The
slithering of one end of the rod made the mica diaphragm
vibrate in unison. In this way, the mica diaphragm reproduced
the sounds spoken into the distant transmitter. This new Edi-
son receiver was a loud-speaker. The energy which worked it
came from the rotation of the wheel, and could be far greater
than the energy of the transmitting current. This receiver as-
sured the freedom of Edison’s English company from inter-HIS LIFE AND WORK 375
ference by the Bell company. The two companies then amal-
gamated to resist the pretensions of the British Post Office.
Edison received £30,000, or $150,000 from the amalgamated
company for his patent rights.
Edison’s production of two first-class inventions, the non-
magnetic relay and the loud-speaking telephone receiver, in
order to destroy the monopolies of other patents, 1s unpar-
alleled. On nearly all other occasions in history, powerful in-
ventions have not been produced to order at short notice. They
have usually been produced after years of difficult struggle.
Edison produced both of these inventions as weapons in stock-
exchange fights. The achievement exhibited invention in a new
aspect. Hitherto it had been regarded as an uncontrollable
activity, like the composition of poetry. Edison now showed
that first-class invention could be done to order. This was an
important contribution to sociology, as it helped to destroy the
belief that invention depended on unpredictable inspiration.
It strengthened the hope that humanity would learn how to re-
duce invention from a fortuitous into a controlled process of
development of the machinery of civilization.
Edison’s London staff, which had to demonstrate his tele-
phones, included twenty carefully selected young American
mechanics, G. Bernard Shaw, Samuel Insull, and other men
who became well-known.
Shaw’s experiences with Edison’s London company had a
formative influence on his ideas. He was about twenty-four
years old, and was beginning to formulate his criticism of so-
ciety in sociological novels. The first, written in 1879, was
never published, and the second, The Irrational Knot, was
written in 1880, after working for the Edison company. Shaw
had to assist in the demonstrations of the loud-speaking tele-
phone to prospective clients. He has given some interesting
reminiscences of the American electricians in the preface which
he wrote for the novel in 1905. They knew so little about the
theory of electricity that he was able to hold his own with
them, as he had read something, and even knew a relative
of Bell. They were extremely energetic and profane, de-
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spised English class-distinctions, were proud of American
ideals of liberty and cheerfully bore relentless bullying from
American foremen. They attacked difficulties with courage
and energy, but a large part of the energy was wasted through
ignorance. They were rescued from false starts by English
colleagues who often had better scientific qualifications, but
less initiative.
Shaw’s second novel, and first published work, exhibits
an intense interest in class psychology. He wished to contrast
the characteristics of members of the English leisure class with
those of members of the skilled artisan or operator class, by
depicting the intrusion of a talented artisan into the leisure
class. The intruding hero is named Edward Conolly, an
American mechanic and electrician, of Irish and Italian descent.
He becomes assistant mechanic to Lord Carbury, an English
nobleman with scientific hobbies. He invents an electric motor
of great commercial promise. Carbury and his rich relatives,
including one named Lind, finance a company for the exploi-
tation of the invention. Conolly now has reputation and pros-
pects of wealth. He is acquainted with Lind’s daughter, a girl
with natural charm, but without training, in virtue of her
membership of the leisure class. Their marriage proves un-
happy, as Conolly cannot adapt himself to the leisure class in-
competence of his wife. She then elopes with a rich Etonian
with an impressive figure and manners, and an Oxford lit-
erary education, in the belief that he has more feeling and
sensitiveness than Conolly. She swiftly finds he is conceited
and without creative ability. Presently she meets Conolly
again. It has become clear that she will not be able to abandon
the habits of the leisure class, so their reunion is impracticable.
Conolly perceives that he has married beneath him in terms of
The personality of the imaginary character Edward Conolly
was very different from the personality of Edison, but prob-
ably it would never have been created if Edison had never ex-
isted. Conolly was represented as a very educable man. Edison
was not educable, and remained uncultivated. Shaw could notHIS LIFE AND WORK B77
have idealized his American colleagues in London, because
they were extremely undisciplined, while Conolly had excep-
tional self-control. Shaw adopted from Edison and his Amer-
‘can mechanics the elements of creative ability and independ-
ence of British upper-class manners. He needed a character
independent of the ideas and habits of the different English
social classes in order to criticize those ideas and habits. In
1880 the type of an American electrical inventor seemed to
him to be particularly suitable for that purpose. His choice
was an indication of the sociological interest of that type.
Edison’s first wife was named Mary Stillwell, whom he
married in 1871. He had met her, while she was still a school-
girl, on the doorstep of his laboratory. She and her sister hap-
pened to stand there for shelter during a shower of rain.
Edison immediately liked her, and presently asked her to
marry him. Her parents said she was too young to be married
immediately. During the delay deemed necessary by her par-
ents, Edison provided occupation for her in his laboratory.
She assisted in his experiments on the invention of paraffin
Their first child, a daughter, was born in 1873. At that
time Edison was still working in his Newark workshop. He
became dissatisfied with this in 1876. His wife was expecting
a second child at this time, which proved to be his first son.
Edison invited his father to search for a suitable site for a
new laboratory and home, and offered him the post of house-
manager or caretaker. Edison senior recommended a quiet
place named Menlo Park, about twenty-five miles from New
York. The place was not too accessible for casual visitors, and
allowed him to have his home and work close together.
A second son was born after he had been at Menlo Park two
years. He no doubt hoped that the country air would protect
the health of his family, but unfortunately Mrs. Edison was
delicate, and presently was infected with typhoid fever, of
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which she died in 1884. Edison left Menlo Park soon after-
His inventive fertility between 1876 and 1884, or the ages
of twenty-nine and thirty-seven years, cannot be paralleled in
history. It will be noticed that he had two children during the
same period. His sexual power does not appear to have been
seriously impaired by his extraordinary mental and physical
exertions. During much of the period he worked on an aver-
age nearly twenty hours a day.
Edison designed the laboratory at Menlo Park accordin
to his own wishes. Architecturally, it resembled a small Meth-
odists’ chapel. It was a plain rectangular building with two
floors. He had not previously had the opportunity of work-
ing in a laboratory of his own design; he had had to work in
such rooms as he could rent, or was provided with, by com-
panies who financed some particular research.
Edison’s Menlo Park laboratory was a new type of insti-
tution. It was the first institution designed for professional in-
venting. Hitherto, inventors had been amateurs who had
means to work out their ideas, or had means provided for them
by some company which employed them on its own premises.
The inventor had an idea. He took this idea to a capitalist.
The capitalist helped him to put this one idea into a practical
form. He might supply him with money and workshops for
this purpose. Edison’s aim at Menlo Park was fundamentally
different. His laboratory was not designed for the perfection
of one invention, but of all inventions. He intended it to be
a place where persons who needed inventions of any sort could
have their needs satisfied. He aimed at inventing anything.
Edison wished to change from invention by inspiration to in-
vention by request. He wished to escape from the usual con-
centration on one line accidentally chosen, to work on all
required lines. He wished to generalize and professionalize in-
vention.HIS LIFE AND WORK 379
His first major work at Menlo Park was concerned with the
carbon telephone transmitter. He was attempting to invent a
transmitter better than Bell’s at the request of companies to
which he was attached. He remembered that when he was
working on multiple telegraphs, some years before, he had
devised various forms of resistance to represent the dummy
line, whose part in duplex and quadruplex telegraphy has al-
ready been explained. He had found that resistance could be
conveniently made out of loose carbon pressed together. The
size of the resistance could be varied by varying the pressure.
He invented the carbon telephone transmitter by arranging
for the pressure on carbon to be varied by the impulse of
sound-waves from the human voice.
In an earlier research he had assisted Scholes in the de-
velopment of the typewriter. He undertook this work in
the interest of the telegraph companies, as it was thought that
typewriters might be of use to telegraph operators. The re-
placement of general handwriting by machinery was not the
primary aim of Edison’s work on typewriters, but the as-
sistance of telegraphy.
Edison’s powers and limitations were illustrated by his ex-
periments on what he named “etheric force?) in) 1875.) Ele
believed he had discovered that when a telegraphic battery
circuit was broken, it might under certain conditions produce
sparks in unconnected circuits. It appeared that some “etheric
force” was capable of producing electrical effects at a distance.
The nature of the circuits used seemed to show that the effects
were not due to ordinary electromagnetic induction. Edison
wrote detailed accounts of numerous experiments on this
supposed new force.
It has naturally been assumed that Edison had discovered
some effects due to radio waves. But a careful study of the
descriptions of his experimental arrangements seems to show
that the energy used in his circuits would have been insufh-
cient to produce electromagnetic waves capable of making
sparks observable with his equipment. The sparks were
probably due to some spurious effect. Edison saw that if his
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results were genuine, they implied the possibility of electrical
communication without wires.
He explained that “the cumbersome appliances of trans-
mitting ordinary electricity, such as telegraph poles, insulat-
ing knobs, cable sheathings and so on, may be left out of the
problem of quick and cheap telegraphic transmission; and a
great saving of time and labor accomplished.”
He did not persevere with his experiments, so any chance
that he might have invented communication by radio-waves
Edison applied for a patent in 1885 for wireless communi-
cation by electrostatic induction. He erected two high masts
separated by a distance. A metal surface was fixed at the to
of each mast. The metal surface on the top of the sending
mast was connected with one of his loud-speaking telephones
near its base. Transmission was accomplished by discharging
the induction coil through the aerial into the metal surface
at the top of the mast. The electrostatic charge on the metal at
the top of the sending mast induced a charge on the metal
at the top of the distant receiving mast, which sent a current
down the aerial, and produced a click in the telephone. When
radio-telegraphy was invented, it could not be developed with-
out Edison’s system of aerials, though it employed electro-
magnetic waves instead of electrostatic induction for the
transmission of energy across space. Rivals of the Marconi
Company wished to secure his aerial patent in order to obtain a
share of control over the development of the Marconi sys-
tem. Edison refused their offers and sold his rights to the
Marconi Company in 1903.
Edison invented the phonograph or gramophone at Menlo
Park in 1877. It was his most original invention. When his
application for a patent was submitted to the Patents Office,
no previous reference could be found in its records to any
suggestion for a machine for permanently recording the hu-
man voice in a form which enabled it to be reproduced. Bell’s
telephone invention had drawn attention to the problems of
the reproduction of speech. Edison had joined in the extensiveHIS LIFE AND WORK 381
efforts to improve the telephone, and had introduced his
carbon transmitter. He had become familiar with the elastic
properties of discs, which enabled them to vibrate in tune
with the vibrations of the voice. Though the familiarity with
this property was essential to his discovery, he did not ap-
proach voice recording from this aspect. Some time before,
he had invented an automatic recording telegraph. This con-
sisted of a disc of paper, which could be rotated round a verti-
cal axis, as in an ordinary gramophone. The paper disc was
set in rotation, and the dots and dashes of the incoming mes-
sage were embossed on it along a volute spiral. Thus several
of the features of the record of the telegraphic message were
similar to those of the present gramophone record. When the
disc telegraphic record was removed from the receiving ma-
chine and put into a similar transmitting machine, and ro-
tated, the embossed marks lifted a contact lever up and down,
and thus sent the message on to the next station. The ap-
paratus could transmit Morse messages at the rate of several
hundred words per minute. It was noticed that if the disc
record was rotated very quickly, the rattling of the lever was
raised to a musical note. Edison now reasoned that if the disc
could produce a musical note it might be made to produce
sounds like human speech. He knew from telephone expert-
ence that diaphragms would vibrate in tune with the vibra-
tions of a human voice, and that these vibrations were of a
considerable size and could be made to do mechanical work.
He had devised a toy to illustrate this. He concluded that if
he could record the movements of the diaphragm on some
sort of disc or strip, and then use the marks on the record
to set another diaphragm in motion, the second diaphragm
would reproduce the sounds which had fallen on the first
He designed a grooved cylinder which could be rotated
around a horizontal axis. The cylinder was to be covered
with tin foil. A diaphragm with a needle was fixed over the
foil-covered cylinder so that when words were spoken near
it, the vibrations started in the diaphragm were embossed
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by the needle on the soft tinfoil. A sketch of the machine was
prepared, and marked $18. Edison’s mechanics worked on a
minimum wage and piece-work system. If the job cost more
than the estimate the mechanic received the minimum wage,
if it cost less, he received in addition to his wage the difference
saved. The phonograph sketch was given to John Kruesi.
When the machine was nearly finished Kruesi asked what it
was for. Edison told him it was to record talking. Kruesi
thought the idea absurd. When the machine was finished,
Edison shouted at the diaphragm: “Mary had a little lamb,”
etc. He then adjusted the reproducing diaphragm and rotated
the cylinder. “The machine reproduced it perfectly. I was
never so taken aback in my life. Everybody was astonished.
I was always afraid of things that worked the first time. Long
experience proved that there were great drawbacks found
generally before they could be got commercial; but here was
something there was no doubt of.”
Edison’s power of imagining the scope of invention is il-
lustrated by his summary of the possibilities of the phonograph
in 1878. He wrote:
“Among the many uses to which the phonograph will be
apples are the following:
. Letter writing and all kinds of dictation without the
aid of a stenographer.
“9. Phonographic books, which will speak to blind people
without effort on their part.
“3. The teaching of elocution.
“4. Reproduction of music.
“5. The ‘Family Record’—a registry of sayings, reminis-
cences, etc., by members of a family in their own voices, and
of the last words of dying persons.
“6. Music-boxes and toys.
“7, Clocks that should announce in articulate speech the
diivie for going home, going to meals, etc.
“8. The preservation of languages by exact reproduction of
the manner of pronouncing.
“g. Educational purposes; such as preserving the explana-
tions made by a teacher, so that the pupil can refer to them
at any moment, and spelling or other lessons placed upon
the phonograph for convenience in committing to memory.
“to. Connection with the telephone, so as to make that in-
strument an auxiliary in the transmission of permanent and
invaluable records, instead of being the recipient of momen-
tary and fleeting communication.”
The early development of the phonograph was indifferently
successful. As the machine was too crude to satisfy artistic
feeling, it could not immediately succeed as a musical instru-
ment. It was exploited as an astonishing toy. Its possibilities
as a mechanical stenographer were the first to receive serious
commercial attention, but the attempts failed, as ordinary
clerical staffs found the operation of the machine too difficult.
Edison neglected the phonograph for the next ten years. In
1888, after he had launched his incandescent electric light
system, he returned to the phonograph, and rapidly improved
it by intensive work. On one occasion he worked continuously
on the machine for five consecutive days and nights.
Edison’s performances with sound-reproducing machines
such as the telephone and the phonograph are exceptionally
remarkable because of his deafness. He had to depend in a
large degree on the hearing of his assistants in the researches
on the improvement in the quality of the mechanical articula-
tion. His sister-in-law has written that he often suffered from
severe earache at Menlo Park. His deafness may be con-
trasted with the previous acoustical interests and trained
hearing of Bell, and of the musician D. E. Hughes, who in-
vented the microphone and the printing telegraph. Edison’s
work on the invention of acoustical apparatus did not receive
any impulse from long-cultivated special interests such as elo-
cution or music. His deafness may have given him an un-
conscious interest in acoustical appliances, and he may have
had some hope that he could invent a mechanical aid for his
affliction. But it seems more probable that deafness would
have created a distaste for acoustics. If that was so, Edison’s
mastery of his revulsion, followed by great acoustical inven-
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tion, becomes psychologically still more remarkable. The
eminent British electrical engineer, J. A. Fleming, whose as-
sociation with Edison will be mentioned presently, invented
the first radio-valve by the application of an electrical dis-
covery made by Edison. As a component of electrical ap-
paratus for sound amplification, the valve is perhaps the most
important contribution to recent acoustical invention. Flem-
ing, like Edison, suffered from deafness.
After the excitement of the invention of the phonograph,
Edison looked for another suitable subject for inventive re-
search. His friend, Professor Barker, suggested he should con-
sider the problem of the sub-division of the electric light. By
1878 the electric arc-lamp had become commercially estab-
lished, and was being rapidly developed. It was efficient, but
could be made with commercial success only in large candle-
powers. Its light was glaringly brilliant, and liable to flicker.
These properties did not impair its use for lighting streets
and railway yards, but prevented its use for the illumination
of offices and living rooms. It was unable to compete with
the gas-light jets, which could be turned down to any desired
A practical small, steady, mild electric light would have
evident advantages. It would not blind or worry the eyes,
like arc-lights, nor pour the hot and often disagreeably odor-
ous products of burnt gas into room atmospheres providing
air for the respiration of human occupants. Many inventors
were familiar with these considerations, and had attempted,
at least as early as 1841, to make small electric lamps whose
light was produced by a platinum wire raised to white heat
by an electric current. These attempts failed owing to the
relatively low melting point of platinum. The platinum wire
gave little light except near its melting point, so any slight
excess of current over the strength needed to give light im-
mediately fused the wire. It was not possible in practice to
evade such slight current fluctuations. Some inventors tried
to find less easily melted materials which also conducted elec-
tricity. Carbon was an obvious material for experiment, thoughHIS LIFE AND WORK 385
its fragility and combustibility in air at high temperatures
were very serious defects. A carbon incandescent electric lamp
was made in 1860 by J. W. Swan, a pharmaceutical chemist
of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. It was not of practical value,
as the carbon rapidly burned up. Swan was unable to exhaust
enough air from the bulb to prevent combustion of the carbon,
owing to the lack of a sufhciently good vacuum pump.
The cost of electric current was another serious limitation
at that time, as all current was obtained from expensive vol-
taic batteries. Until cheaper sources of current were created,
the electric lamp could not compete with gas. For these rea-
sons, Swan dropped his work on carbon electric lamps. But
the situation changed during the next seventeen years. The
progress of science and technology was being delayed in many
directions through the lack of high-vacuum pumps. The gen-
eral need brought forth the required instrument, when Spren-
gel invented his mercury pump in 1865. This invention was
essential for the creation of modern physics, as it enabled
physicists to make improved vacuum tubes which led to the
discovery of the cathode rays and the electron.
The development of the railroads in the 1860’s stimulated
the demand for illuminated railway yards for night working.
Serious fires in theaters emphasized the unsuitability of gas
for theater-illumination. These and other influences had in-
creased the demand for arc-lamps, which in turn increased the
demand for improved dynamos giving cheaper current. The
self-exciting dynamo was invented about 1867, and Gramme
re-discovered in 1870 the ring armature, giving steady cur-
rents, which had been invented some years previously by
Swan returned to experiments on carbon electric lamps
in 1877, with the assistance of C. H. Stearn, who was familiar
with the latest advances in vacuum technique. He constructed
and exhibited in 1878 a vacuum lamp with a carbon rod as
the light-emitter. In 1880 he patented the process of heating
the carbon filament during the exhaustion of the bulb, in
order to drive occluded gases out of the carbon. This was
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the patent which prevented the development of the incandes-
cent lamp in England without Swan’s collaboration.
Edison’s researches on electric lamps, started in the fall of
1878, led to the completion of a practical lamp in 1879. He
found that he could not evade Swan’s patent in England, so
he wisely made terms with him. The carbon electric lamp was
known in England as the “Ediswan” lamp. Edison’s com-
promise with Swan proves that the incandescent carbon lamp
is not exclusively his invention. The invention of the carbon
incandescent lamp is often ascribed exclusively to Edison.
This is inaccurate, and creates a false view of the history of
science and technology, and even of Edison’s greatness.
Swan produced a workable, though not commercially prac-
ticable, lamp. If Edison had never lived, Swan’s lamp would
probably have been gradually improved, and introduced com-
mercially within the next thirty years. Edison made his lamp
commercially successful, and so of practical use to humanity,
within three years. This sociological achievement was more
distinguished than his large share in the invention of the lamp.
By inaccurately ascribing the invention wholly to him, his
fame has been made to rest more in a priority he did not
wholly possess, than in his unique practical inspiration. His
invention of a complete direct current system was more im-
portant than the invention of the lamp. Edison’s successes
and failures in the development of the electric light present
a balanced story far more impressive than the myth which
ascribes the development entirely to him. His mistakes are
even more inspiring than his achievements, because they re-
veal his common humanity, and destroy the illusion of om-
nipotence, created by misguided admirers, which is so dis-
couraging to aspiring followers.
Edison worked on the improvement of the platinum lamp
before he invented the phonograph. He tried to devise auto-
matic controls which prevented the wire from being fused.
He also tried to make incandescent sources consisting of
particles of refractory substances, such as boron and chromium,
set between conducting points. These were raised to a whiteHIS LIFE AND WORK 387
heat by sending current through them. He dropped these
experiments during the work on the phonograph, and did
not return to the electric lamp until after his conversation
with Barker. He now attacked the problem thoroughly. In
his usual manner, he made a comprehensive collection of
data of the scientific, technical and economic aspects of il-
lumination. He bought the back numbers of gas journals, and
collected statistics of gas installations. He estimated the quan-
tity of capital sunk in the world gas industry in 1879 at $1,
500,000,000, drew graphs of the prices of iron and copper,
of eeeral gas consumption, and so on. The price of coal
at that time was about seventy-five cents, or three shillings a
ton. This was one of the factors which enabled electric current
to be made from steam power at a competitive price. These
figures revealed the technical and economic position of the gas
industry, with which a successful electric lamp industry would
have to compete. They assisted him to calculate the minimum
efhciency necessary in an electric lamp system for successful
competition with gas.
He saw that the electric lamp should use as little volume
of current as possible. If it used much current, the conductors
for supplying the lamp system would have to be thick, and
this would involve an excessive capital expenditure on the
expensive metal, copper. Thus high voltage and low am-
perage lamps were desirable. But the voltage should not be
too high, because high voltages are dangerous. This was
particularly important at the beginning of domestic electrifi-
cation. An excessive number of accidents then would have
prejudiced the public against electricity. Edison and his as-
sistants made detailed calculations and experiments on many
of these points, and also on the precise structure of the fila-
ment and lamp. They systematically investigated the relations
between electrical resistance, shape, and heat-radiation of
filaments, and studied the specific heats of materials.
The effect of increasing the ration of the resistance to the
radiating surface of a wire, by coiling it closely so that the
coils obstructed each other’s radiation, was examined by cal-
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