was ae: . ij eee Satie ws : : ae ; " . " a 1 r voted a > _— " rs - - a — P a - sali —— O . a ° - a = ‘ see - as ee eae gS a ee st titiatint ina en ae ee v ——— a a 4“pas +TA7awar* sD ee ee os nee Peet. ht eee Pee ee Fe | tedwh edt 2 Te PTET TT Cicer A a bd bas eg Od De a 7 a ra * v ‘ a I a : co F * Sue od % i I 7 re LF ® A & a ‘ ® te . Loge ereweens TYa 0 o ren i} som eee24 hs 250595 ae toe ee a Ceves = 725m a rho be td bu be 4 fo dy oy by LI . r ¥ ’ C7 ‘ + J] pa & rs Y fe C rit © A fi + rs - is 6 r « i * ri * 4 M y. - i ,THE EAGLE LIBRARY THE UDE OF ORDINANCES UF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AS AMENDED TO JANUARY 1, 1923 WITH INDEX, i IFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 3 EAGLE BUILDING, BROOKLYN. N. Y. Entered at the Brooklyn-New York Postoffice a second-class matter. Vol, XXX\ It] No. 1, of The Eagle Library. Serial No. 232, Feb., 1923. Trademark “Eagle Library,” registered, Issued monthly except January, Junc and August. Yearly subscription, $2.50, eS eneestadieeemee tr eeieesenenepeneneserensmnsserteereetnesneentisnieteneadinenes —— a re inensinenneieiipewemmnna Amie 3 ems ae Tn a FP ee eR ome EE EE seen eine emasinsienneene a SC ee ee Pe a ee eee om « Sa es yaad (UIST ETAT ce PU ss * = sew * ter ———E WITCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY , OF NEW YORK. ae Peoples National Bank OF BROOR KLYWN RALPH AVENUE AND QUINCY STREET, AT BROADWAY At the Close of Business, Dec. 29, I: cence tte CO LL RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ..-.zez. peqetorezejere ser. SNe es United States Bonds .-.-.:.4.-.:ereerere-arere FE ia wedi State, City and Other Stocks Be ‘Sinycle. ey oe Banking House and Other Real Estate Owned..., Cash and Due From Banks... ..... oa gh us CTE. i Interest Earned Lo YoueyY elele Fev eYoyey o Fey oTeoleleleleleve eo ele) LIABILITIES Capital fe TeYe¥ oe [ome] +“ + + Lolo le CeDetelele’e ele yege @ cele teiele ef Surplus and Undivided Profits............- POeeen OA TRSCOLINT. 1 uss nen: 6 bien inieie ss. tale Circulation © ele fel oLe Lele Rel el ofe Wekled oe le lelole WeMel ols [eseley Deposits (olese leo ge¥e WY eXaker olels le} © [eleNole seer oc) « [cles George W. Spence, President Chas. Wissman, Vice President John W. Roeder, Vice-President Arthur W. Spolander, Cashier 99 ‘i 461,924. 4 5 39. 659. O09 {3 FET SeAS 239,653.67 11S 2sa57-23 48,991.50 —ome $6,510,340.71 $200,000.00 STs AF 8,283.42 50,000.00 5 5074.790,12 $6,5 10,340.71 William H. Schmidt, Asst. Cashier Charles Oldenbuttel, Asst. CashierCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY es en OF NEW YORK. — ae MECHANICS BANK Court and Montague Streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. | CHARTERED 1852 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS me Banca $3,900,000.00 Frank A. Selle Andrew D. Baird Chas. Jerome Edwards hy John V. Jewell Andrew T. Sullivan John W. Fraser | Edward T. Horwill Michael Furst Joseph J. O’Brien | James H. Jourdan Alvah Miller William 8. Shipley | | | John H. Hallock W. Averill Pendleton Edwin A. Ames i] ii Frederick D. MacKay Harry M. DeMott Charles J. Obermayer | | 1 Thomas H. Roulston Laurus E, Sutton 1 1 | BRANCH OFFICES a OFFICERS Harry M. DeMott............ President Alexander 5. Ingram,.....Asst. Cashier | | Andrew T. Sullivan......Vice President | Francis I. Ketcham.......Asst. Cashier | James A, Stewart....... Vice President Joseph Stewart...........Asst. Cashier Harry F. Burns.........Vice President | Harry V. Kelly...........Asst. Cashier Francis Weekes......... Vice President | John H. Laeger...........Asst. Cashier mevons (:. Denn... 2.526 ...Cashier | Whi. J, moter... oo Asst. Cashier Edward Q. Baker.........Asst. Gathier | Philip Kunzinger Jr.......Asst: Cashier DIRECTORS George W. Chauncey, Chairman of the Board BAY RIDGE BRANCH—Third Avenue and Fifty-first Street | BEDFORD BRANCH—Bedford and DeKalb Avenues | BROADWAY BRANCH—Broadway, near Gates Avenue | FIFTH AVENUE BRANCH—Fifth Avenue and Ninth Street | | FULTON BRANCH—356-358 Fulton Street SCHERMERHORN BRANCH—Third Avenue and Schermerhorn NASSAU BRANCH—Bedford Avenue and Broadway | | TWENTY-SIXTH WARD BRANCH—Atlantic and Georgia Avenues | a) —-— -~- - | Individual and Business Accounts [nvited | TOTAL RESOURCES OVER engines \f | | | | Te | | $42,000,000.00 } iB} ial ~ - - -—— en pa4 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ao pleasure and dress, each requires a hat that is smartly correct. On our idea of what is right we have based our selection of Schumm & S:yder Mallory and Dunlap hats. ‘Known hats at the price of unknown.” Along with complete personal service. MALLOPY HATS BROOKLYN’S SOLE AGENTS FOR f DUNLAP HATS and CAPS } FRED H. | | FEATURING | | | | SCHUMM & SNYDER || —HAT SHOP— —395 FULTON STREET, Opp. Boro. Hall BROOKLYN, N. Y. | 3 Gloves, Canes, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Umbrellas, Leather Bags and Neckwear —— | . | fhm | MULTIGRAPHING | ee -1| PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS ! Caer f EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE | Ce pepe Conventions, Meetings, Testimony, uf Ne i abe Lectures, Law Reporting eat ae Faccsimile Typeaieties Betas Addressed, Filled In, Folded, Enclosed, Mailed. YORKE MULTIGRAPHING SHOP | TEMPLE BAK BUILDING—SUITE 910 H. F. YORKE, Prop | Suite 910, Temple 3ar Building 44 COURT ST. Brooklyn, N. Y.CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE ewer. eee ee CITY OF NEW YORK. 5 =— — — ——— A ty CONTENTS NOTE—SEE PAGES 166-224 FOR DETAILE’~ ,.ND&x Chapter 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS Pow ELECTRIc Article Article ADMINISTR ; Article Article a Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Articte Article AMUSEMEN’ Article Article Article 1.—Definitions Article 2 : e.——DSisce aneous reg g ong Article Artille Article a . r le Chapter 2 oe Arti_le ATIVE PROYVI oO areg Article 1.—City del sinking inds oo ‘ . - 5 i ~ Contracts EXPTO wT 3.—Real estate -. 4.—The mays seeulat gor : 5 The r : 7 sard of aldermen Article 6.— é r Article i.- The bors residents Article 8. + a ounse Article 9. —/ na 10 =< ; evores Article 11.——} administrator Article 19. am F e I y ent bureau Article 18.—Taxes and assessments Article i4.—Sliscellaneous regulations Article Article Article Chapter 3. Article } Article AND EXHIBITIONS, (Pages 15-13 Article + r . > 1.—General provisions : fa : r 2.—Motion-picture exhibitions uae ° 2 , . E Article >_,-~i_ ommeon sno WSs Article Article Article Article Chapter 4. cobiaia BRIDGES, (Page 139) Article Article BUILDING C Article Article Article Article Article Article Article irticle Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article CHARITIES Article 1.—General provislons Article Article Article Chapter 5. provisior Article 1—-' enert nrc ne 2.— Materials 3.—W o1 r 2 4.—(lassifica J gs r) 5.—RHest Ar 6.—Heig 4 ort gamen? Article G.~Light and el i Article 8.—F tr € ies 9.—Projet ' ond jine 3 10.—Safeguar et eh kl 11.—Part é_ , is Article 12.—1] xceavations and »U a s 13.—Masonry 14.—VW ood OT ri 15.—Iron and stee onstru or 16.—Reinforced nerete nstruction Article 17.—Fireproot « str rt Article 18.—Safeguard ara I ad {- fie Article 19.—Chimneys : eating pp RVs 4rticle of) —Roof@rineg and ynst! Article 21.—Miscellianeot . € ents Article 22.—-Frame : cl Article 23.—Buildings f a u Character Article 24.—Motion picture theatres Article ts WLOl rticle 25.—Theatres and er piace ? SONS! Article 26.—Nisceliar 3 Article 27.—Elevators Article 28.—Fire extinguishing appliances Article 29.—Plumbing an her systems of piping Articl $0.—Altering. changing : demolishing buildings Article 31.—Unsafe } ling nd colls . strectures Article 32.——Enforcems ‘ I Pre Article c Chapter (Pages 2-3 1.—Inmates of pu! utior PKI Article Article Chapter 7 Article CORRECTIONS, (Page 562) irticle Articl- Article Article Article - Article Article Artick 1.—Inmeates oi ICTPAI Chapter 8 Artiel Article DOCKS, FERRIES. AND .HARBOR TROL, (Pages 1.—General] provisio! 2.—Apportionmen?t < wharf property. ; ! ; 3.—Buildings and struct O! waterit “s pa Py } rty. 4.—Maintenance oi wha ropert! Pe 6.—Discharege and stora f cargoes articls 6.—Wharfa.~ rates a vtlote 4.—Ferries Articio Article Article $.—Protect’.- of navigation. (hapt-r 9. TCR 7 (Pa e ; 77) Tal an vislowws >, er rator, mo-ors, switchbuards r= cl VOTrk 1.—Ins WOrk en ae ngs, materials and detalls of construction 6.—— Mis: sneous a.=—Vio ions Charte 1! aac ARDOUS THADES (Pages 77-99). me me [ pal F~plos'ves Commission 1.—¥( r r is,onsa yom OF permits 3.—Bonds and fee 4.—Manufacture, s*orage, sale, transportat'on ang 11s of « TDios yes 5.—Ammunitior 6.—F reworks 7.—Matches 8.— Vin ral ojle 9.—Inflammable mi~tures 10.—Combu le mixi'Nres 1ll.——Fire pr ntior Chaprer 13. a7e Pt} ] =a({( ef ra Provisions Chapter 14. 9 ee ETL) I1.—(General provisions 9 —Billiard and pool tab!leés, 8.—Bowling alleys 4.—Dealers in sécond-hand articles | ees ip ins 6.— presses x exer gmer is r T rhe StS @ Jia cabs and taxicabs 9.—Junk deale 9a.—Pawnbrokers 10.—Peddlers hawkers and venders 11.—Pub!l carts and cartmen 12.—Pub porters 13.—-Shooting gallerles 14.—Street musicians 15—WMassage nstitutes and operators. 17.—BPBathing establishments and bathhaviee epi rs icle 18.—Soliciting of contributions in publfe, Chapter 15. L—Ce neral provi fons >—J.ocation and designation of public marketae e om fh aFrmers and market gardners, { Vanufacturs ind Sale of ice. Chanter 16. CIVIL SERVICN, (Pages 114-115). 1.— —Traffic regulations 8 —Building ane other projections. 4,— \liscellaneous a EEGRLAc Si eese a Sia ath ea tet ty 3 J 0 q+te7 eee Depigieieisaet? ry tM . | ‘a aa ASHER YS TS tT ree ee oe% PSEA reer ek cet $3056 . tas¢*F Yts7ees Pe aeerat ree tee Le ee | Lehi heee tts Lt ee © a er THSPTA SLSR Se RSET ee rete Ser esse Tey Po te ee | a . e et hd a ol Be Chapter 18 POLICE AND FIRE, (Pages 118-119). Article 1.—Boiler Inspection. Article 2.—Uniformed force Chapter 19. RAILROADS, (Pages 119-129) Article 1.—Flevated rallroads Article 2.—Street railroads Article 3.—Trunk line railroads, Chapter 20. SANITARY CODE, (Pages 120-142) Articla 1.—Definitions Article 2,—Animals. Article $.—Births, marriages and deaths. Article 4.—Buildings. Article 5.—Cold storage. Article 6.—Medical examiners Amicle %7.—Diseases Article 8.——Drugs and medicines. Artiele 8a.—Habit-forming drugs Article 9.—Food and drink. Article 10.—Generail provisions Article 11.—Midwifery and care of children Article 12.—Miscellaneous provisions Article 13.—Offensive materials. Article 14.—Plumbing,: drainage. ventilation and Article 13.—Railroad cars and other public vehicles Article 16.—Street conditions Article 17.—Trades, occupations And businesses Article 18.—Vessels and seamen Chapter 21. SEWERS AND DRAINS, (Pages 142-142) Article 1.—General provisions Article 2.—Construction Article 3.—Maintenance. Chapter 22 STREET CLEANING, (Pages 143-145) Article 1.—General provisions, Article 2?.—Refuse and rubbish. Article 8.—Snow and ice. sowag so. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ee Chapter 23. STREETS (Pages 145-166). Article A,—General provisions Article 2%.—Advértisements, placard» and posters. Article 3.—Assemblles Article 4.—Auctions and other sales. Article 5.—Awnings. Article 6.—Boundaries and monumeDts Article 7—Construction and repair Article 8.—Diaturbance of surface, Article 9.—BHExcayations. Article 10.—House numbering Article 11.—Lights Article 12.—Nolises Article 13.—Obstructions and incumbr ances, Article 14.—Projections and encroach ments, hk Artiple 15.—Su dewalk Article 16.—Signs and show-bills. Artivle 17. Vault ind Cisterns Article 18.—Miscellaneous Article 19. g nduits eguards against collision with posts, mns in Streets Chapter 24, TRAFFIC REGULATIONS, (Pages 156-160), Article 1.—General provisions Article 2.—Rules of the road. Article 3.—Miscellaneous regulations, Chapter 25. Artecile X¢ VV rRR UPPLY, (Pages 160-162). Article 1.—Construction and malotenanaceé, Article 2.—Rents and charges Article 3.—Use of water Chapter 26. WEIGHT D MEASURES, (Pages 162-164 Article I—Bureau of weights and measures. Article 2.—Regulation of weights ahd measures. Article 3.—Standards fer Various commodities. Chapter 27. LA OUS, (Pages f 165 Chapter 28. { 4 ). Index Pages and installation of pipes, mains or pillars ——————— OPEN ACCOUNTS OVER 56,000 RESOURCES OVER $30,000,000 Make This Bank Your Bank strong Enough to Protect You Large Enough to! Serve You small Enough to Know You So a eG, Roosevelt Savings Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK “Bank by Mail the Roosevelt Way Write for Particulars Today.” ——»-CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. mea, i iil... il The Dime Savings B OF BROOKLYN DeKalb Avenue and Fulton Street RESOURCES OVER $99,000,000 OPEN DAILY ‘rom 9 A.M. to 8 P.M., Except Saturdays, When the Bank Closes at 12 M. Open Mondays From 5 to 7 P.M. Incorporated 1859 OFFICERS | EDWIN A. AMES, President | GEORGE W. CHAUNCBY),, | GEORGE T. MOON ee eee FREDERICK W. JACKSON, Treasurer PHILIP A. BENSON, Secretary C. FRANK STEIGHTOFF, Assist. Sec’t’y. | TRUSTEES | Geo, W. Chauncey | Frederick W. Rowe | Edwin A. Ames Samuel Rowland Frederick W. Jackson | Edward C. Blum Ludwig Nissen William McCarroll] George Cox George T. Moon Frank H. Parsons Walter Hammitt Frederick L. Cranford | Stanley P. Jadwin | Thomas L. Leeming Thomas H. Roulston John F. Bermingham | W. J. Wason Jr. | Philip A. Benson — ee — ——__— ae ee - ~ ———_—_—— — ———_— — ie = ~~ THE FIFTH AVENUE Greater New York | | BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN | Savings Bank | City of New York 2 2 ww STH AND 10TH STREETS INCORPORATED 1897. DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM $1 TO 95,000 All deposits made on or before the tenth business days of January and July, and the third husiness days of April and October will draw interest from the first of these months. | OUR SERVICE | We receive Liberty Bonds for safe keeping, cui coupons, and credit interest on bank accounts when due. We loan to depositors on United States Liberty Bonds. i] We loan to depositors on Savings Bank pass books. ) 4 We loan money secured by first mortgages on rea! estate at the lowest expense to the 1 borrower. | We issue foreign drafts to al! parts of the world at the lowest current rates, | We maintain a Home Savings and Personal Service Department. Banking by mail, particulars on request Depositors of this institution are ‘nvited to consult with the officers on all matters of | | | finance or business ) Resources Over $22,000,000 Number of Depositors Over 43,000 ——— pecan e : ae des SR | SST AR PELE Ps eorwemn aie sbi. } 3 t I | i eae SUT ET Ee C7 erat aati 3 MTL akeCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. a i The Peoples Trust Company INCORPORATED 1889 181-183 MONTAGUE STREET, BROOKLYN BRANCHES AT NOSTRAND AVENUE, CORNER HERKIMER STREET CLINTON AVENUE, COPNER MYRTLE AVENUE FIFTH AV®NUE, CORNER FIFTY-FOURTH STREET FLATBUSH AVENUE, NEAR BERGEN STREET FLATBUSH AVENUE, CORNER CHURCH AVENUE MYRTLE AVENUE, CORNER RLEECKER STREET KINGS HIGHWAY, CORNER EAST 15TH STREET PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, COR. LIBERTY AVENUE MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIRECTORS rE sss chev sne i eueeNh eae reece Rd ehale oaks ... Retired a WD OO 6S Se re ey A. M. Kidder & Co. OE We eww wean ET ws a4 deaie wad on > RES Lawyer PIO WARD MS BMIIT. . 5... cccccccccscese ‘President Brevoort Savings Bank | CA ee es os eR ee, Boody, McLellan & Co. | ICMUIIEY 04 indo Sates bye weeks cscs sda a | ee MEIGS, , hac icicle aiminie Wid.die eee Ok bene’ usrvis Lawy W. EUGENE KIMBALL........... Joie aaona thom 3, Kimball uC Co. ME EEDA, s,s a wih Sk Roun k swum de kons Lawyer SURED ME PRIMES, oon nc ciceevwbbduevadeveds John Englis & Son | WILLIAM E. HARMON. . sb die «:0. be w bie eRrs ve .Wood, Harmon & Co. | CHARLES A. BOODY........................President of the Company | SUUIRRR MR UIRESESEN, BO ici ow wos ov ol v lie pio Sluiule « Schulz & Ruckgaber JAMES H. JOURDAN....... ..+e....+President Brooklyn Union Gas Co. JOHN F. HILDEBRAND ....... _....Retired | THOMAS E. MURRAY......... Vice President: New York Edison Co. | ALBERT TAG...... hate Chain The Continental Bank of N. Y. | ANDREW D. BAIRD......... President The Williamsburgh re Bank F *RANCIS LS ss eS .... Lawyer E. DWIGHT CHURCH............. Vice President Charch é & Dwight Co. CHARLES UM 8, & he authorized to execute, upon t} production of evidence that the bond and m rage a beefi paid, as provided the precedit gentence of this section. But no release of any part of the premises contained In uch mortgage, from the llen created by ’ CODE restricted lo the pur OF ORDI sec, 9 report to NANCES OF THE be made ol them (C, O., Secs, 48, 44.) Investment of moneys of fund for redemption of the city debt NO hall from iT LO Li} \ f ' l h ha! ynstitut the é red p rh ol he rt i h a it can it e Ks created |} ti y ‘ ! market price theref« | ' ic! nvestments an the advantage of thé t LE 4 nail @ authorized to inveé é Oo! uch part \ reol 4 é ther 1] t] yurcha e o lew York oO yt tock i¢ } the United states notwith ich stock of bo : be 1 Dar L| t thereof ne powers ad i t} ection Ne 4 LY L | ie it il ; I ‘© Vv he he ee LO L J te . ° J , 3 oc} the ' VT i a easonable ate Wh rd ‘ nave ve Any pal : { 1 the purcha I t or o the | l d SLA tly therea ' he jo9 } Of ti ‘ tock | : f commission s & p interest 1a ose Ol said » of United States and +) yf | +> - ; y i } Sli da pO v0 } t} pu I in re i I 411 na yes aa iy { ea) purct of \ at time there I l } Pp I l a BT of rif ' | t be if rms ¢ j gay tn poara I i Se t . ana iv 5 he net stock, if i ti rT r sl ex a Bt cé j lé ia} to tr yu b- Tf ne mo J fund for the 2 , ’ ’ Té | . ‘ ; f { ay y irit } of I d sha b paid l y ; I TT) j } Lll s b and y } ’ eu j | i ta | ad posed | th 1 ‘ } r | } } | | d ; ’ ; ’ It ad i < ‘a | cd i I I Di ra = te | Lp : ‘ ; } : na ‘ ; tI { { () 5 ‘ Record of proceedings of the boar hoard of aldermen } na t > 1 OUT ft) } nkin I { De f } ‘ ( ’ I i ra j ; ’ and } } ' i [ re i red I ile i I bD i: oO ler t fu a report of t I BOY { ‘The report i ‘y ' nt | ha ‘ \ges and } I the board p es 4 na he partie rom wh l h pul ith 1om cl h ze and to oh ale | h } n nade init ind rip ol the stocks \ pul hased t I board tne ma cle rip OT of h tocks of rf ind of th Un a states ther th boara i d I a ruUNTS pala I { Or ( toch : h report iso conts | 1 aeta j tatement of eipt and oft tne inemoioyeada moneys eity treasury to the credit of each fund, Cc, O., Seca. 68, 69.) the sink- CITY OF ue pa tall all e necessary tor any ¥ aking NEW YORK. 11 ARTICLE 2. Contracts, When requisite. Contracts of borough presidents 2 eurveys or plans for proposals estimates; 63. Proposals estimates. Form of verificas 66 Contents of Ovening estimates. se +7 Samples ec, 68 Payment in installments; secur- required Sec. 69 Payments work! lired Protection id 5S on assessment it y Fee , » uv accidents pay: against now removal contracts, Ot laborers iZ E s nitorcement of contracts; contracts. amount due ontract work surveyor ahd bonds, i3 Payments on 3e (4 Certificate of tion of < Javits ef {me ‘ Extra work iyed payment of asséesament. outstanding c@n- Se; 9 Report as te When requisite. All supplies to be or work to be they are te be iad for ut of the city treasury or out of the control of or to be sessed or collected by the city, shall be or performed by contract, excépt law. (GC; Og rurnished me ! tne city, whether ided by Contracts of borough presidents. materials or any of the matters @ of the respective botough dents, hall be made by the borough approved as io and as toe shall be taken thereof; cuted in 411 contracts for work sup- undér aents and bonds Lo be rpo ; comptroller ration counsél ail triplicate part one be kept and borough president, the office of comp- given to the lance presidents, on the contractor; ited shall j tr offices tf the the 1 shall be Survéys or plans henever 1 the opinion of a borough department, i Survey or plans vork duly au- reporting any shall made by @ sident or other head of a@ tne Cit! purpose of essal information, he cause such competent the fa- Sec, 89. engineer, as U,, \ l . ‘ r the ri may require ( { Proposals for estimatés. officers em- ths for the same, shall be kept ippropriate box, to be Box,’’ with &@& proper he top thereof to receive eésti- beén is- locked, eX- necessary to open it upon estimates, and retained by the The head of the partme! hall deposit in said box all him, for work the direction of the de-« mediately on the receipt there+ 510.) @ several ments and ce part law to ' of ti city snali is make contracts on sue preposals and advertise Ther e 1 adepartme! an oposals kept nave &c such 10 shall be ad decide ke thereof hall be jepartment dul presented to unde I rtment m by him (c 6... Bed Form of proposals. be if the de- the and shall ecen- particulars shall prescribed by 11 proposals for estimates h form as may be making same, follow | They rtment 1 the ing shall require that the pefsea deliver it in & the head of at his office, the estimate shall envelope, addressed to appropriato department = FVIwerees este ee eae STs ESR TESTE RS re shee re! PTs art[? CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 2. They sball state the quantity and/the contract price by inst&lliments, the con-|of each contract so made by them; and, in #5 2; L @ bees — et . x such place as may be designated in the Sec 68. Payment in installments; security | quacy @ nd sufficiency of such sureties, Hack i aG*ertisement on: or berore a day and hour} required; | department of the city government and each c therein named, nov less than 10 days froma | In all contracts: for work for the city | officer by whom any contract for wor? . she first publication thereof; | where provision is made for the payment of | to be done for the city shall be made, shal! Ni the |require and enforce the faithful executio! - quality o: supplies, or the nature and ex- | provision shall be nserted that : ent, ae vcear ss possible, of the work re- | tra tor shall allow .10 per cent. of the; case the contractor or: contractors shall rf quired: --- -* | contract price of the work &' tually done|fail in any. respect to perform the work Bs %. Toe; shell state that the eatimates |to remain as security until the whole | which he or they have contracted to render H receiyed will os publicly opened by the | work shall be completed according to he | or perform witbin.the time lirnited for 7 head of tue departament issuing the pro- | contract 1G. @' Sec. 618.) he performance of the same, then ‘the posals at his office, or at such place as may | department or officer having charge of such t be designated | the advertisement, at a, Sec. 69. Payments on assessment work; | work sha do and complete the same in * day and hour therein mentioned; security required he manner provided for in the contract rs 4. Phey shall state the amount in which Whenever any contract shall se made)! for 3 perrormance and the cost thereof m= securitr is required for the performance | hereafter by any. .departmen or officer of/| shall b a charge against such delinquen: oe et the con-ract; the city, the amount of which is to be/contractor Or CONtractors, provided, how- Ff et og es eae | afterw ard collected by assessment from | evel at the head of any department or t! Nea to" of Aigraptistvpalines: < Faas a propersy benefited } t L€ work +e be | other officer by whom any such contract rt a ten c ° Sec erat oe under he mnitract, he head of the ona e made may on good and suf : i , . epartment or officer making such contract f nt cause extend for a reasonable tims aa shall cause to be } erted therein a Clause | tne per fixed for the completion there- : Sew 8 Contents of estimates; verification. | that, as the work progresses, payments | 0! O., Sec. 620.) a | will be made to the contractors Dy monthly Bach estimate shall contaln— thekelimantes GE 85 Der ce te e-eati me ea | =e 73 Payments on contracts. 1. ne name, residence and place O01 Caths of po oe ee) ae oe Jo payment shall be made by the com business of the person making the same; | gaia contr ee erin me es | ames ae AN his auist dane aun a ia oer 7 ® The names of all persons interested | och et cA frig ee eee he as A gives ' vba ae jatar mayen with him therein, and if no other person rea alg cr ‘ Soames ee ae arte i ni o ad uli el ee be so interested, it shall distinctly state Sot. oe sf : aS ee ™ J i hos rs tha ee ae Sat ‘dies: | $21; ch 19 C the officer board or commission for \ $ That it is made without any connec- wae Bd aaa Sk whe m work was done or supplies fur- Pe Con ids ther berson miaking an. ast!- | . r ne c against accidents, shed proved id that in the case of a mate for the same purpose, and is in @ oey ‘x , S Penns 3 eT cubesey pee 9 ta pertorinee ane cee respects fair, «nd without collusion or| > oer eer (eye building or im any = of the borough ee fraud; | Public street or place, in the performance | ©C°™Ptrolier may draw a warrant for the 4. That no member of the board of al- ) of which accidents o njuries may happen | t°t#! amount of such pay-roll, in favor of dermen. bead of a department, chief of @ |}to the person or property of another the chamberiair who shall make the pay- bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or) provisions sha » inserted that the mio ea specified Such vouchers ether officer or employee of the city, Is di- | tractor shail place proper guards for the | 544 be made out in duplicate, and shall rectly or indirectly interested therein, or in | prevention ol a dents; that he shall p ntein ertificate of such subordinate *he supplies or the work to which it relates, j}up and keep 4 nights suitable and suf officers as the head of the department may wr {n any portion of the profits thereof ficient ights during the performance of require n such form and purport as he oe The estimate shall be verified by the oath, pone work and 2 e will indemnify the ns prescribe and also a certificate of Lie in writing, of the party making it, that the| city for damages or costs tO whieh it may he head of the department One of the Hf geveral matters stated therein are in alj| >e Put | eason of injury to person or| ©"! ate yuchers shall be retained in the f respects true, (C. O., Secs, 612, 613.) | Proper the resulting fro eg- | department or office by which the vouchers BE: oe e oF ré ess the performance | @'° rence * and the other shall be trans- rs : oe secs 9 _ » the department of finance for Se ~~ Acai ee | eke ee ase . ? a) saz No payment shall be made upon e ® senled envelope containing the esti- | ow removal contracts; payment | *'! contract beyond the amount thereof, if mate sball be endorsed with the name or) of laborers | (C. O., Secs. 39, & $6, $7.) a pames of the person or persons presenting; ‘" nergency work performed by | ye the same, the date of its presentation, and laborers {1 1e removal of snow where men| See. 74 Certificate of amount due ry wm statement of the work to which it relates ; are engage } r or le day. e ‘iew | ty he ver . s ze . + coe abd ro estitnate shall be taken from the by a contrac f nvloyed for the purpose | due ; ae ee ; uP : ent - Sa become mee “Estimate Bor,’’ nor shall the sealed envel- | or by the stre¢e eaning departme! aie provis ‘e ai = 7 4 cording to the or epe thereof be opened by anyone, except at/* shall be pulate that such work shall] an} f ® j ao a . heneve! When proposals’ are issued ‘for a con-| ee tee performance of the con-/|*" # asment she be levied for any im- w tract and every oro aior 1erT . ‘ provement he oo ) " » * , tract to furnish any article of which a Ae een aa ‘ ‘On therein contained. |". the amount pald for inspection parople can conveniently be rurnished the | sd i Foe dae be accompanied by the} ), 1. a STE Sere ae nee Vee ee toad 3 2he department a ae ; = even in writing of he person signing the Snail be assesse¢ and collected witl . 5 same}|same. that he ae te ee ree ; atiar’ ‘éenonueh ay ith the may require that such sample be delivered! holder in the citi es lca Gor Of Trge* | 25, the improvement, except oe ue ainee Ge at the ‘office..of the head | 7 ee i é ity — by the oath of| coe the BEDS ors wages are legally et the appropriate bureau in. his depart-! Si X fal : ‘ a off f of such com- es argeabie o the contractor (Cc. O., Sea er. within such time Defore the open-jof the a oat ie : bee ne h the amount iy ef the estimates as | ay me a ae : equired tor the completior sec, 76 - ok bate x. at 7 phe wee es t the contract Sta) edie 4g tne iepdate a” Affidavits of surveyor and inspec- bot cenferm to the quality reguired byl is penne! Les prescribed The comptrol- Each and everv conty ara de the proposals the. estimate. . delivered aes shall require such sureties to be further | quired to obtain ar o_o tor shall be re- y | examined before himself or Bn. officer au. ce Tina wee ve an affidavit from the sur- veyor, setting forth the amount of worl the person furnishing or omit eee pel aie ee Fe ae nitting to fur-} thorized to administer oaths deputed by him, | d r B. < 1e Case ay eh MES 7 one OD eve Psi | a Se Tresact Aaa cat wa ay be, shallj/in .respect of the items and details of Pa ay ; cy <¢ ription that may be ? - ueaay their property, before approving the ade ‘ua n ate a or assessment list of ed. oving . contract, an said affidavit sh 1 \ all beattached to the assessment spector shall also furnish an affidavit. to b attached to each contract setting fort! that the work has been done accordi ge t the plans and specifications aid afiidavi to be attached to each assessment list be- fore’ presented for confirmation. (C. O Sec. 625.) Bec. 77. Extra work. (Repealed by ord. effective Jul 7, 1916 Bec. 78. Delayed paymen: of assessment. In all cases of delinque in the pay- ment of any assessmen i work done under a contract made } an contractor with the city, respecting a1 et or road er respecting the building of larves, piere #lips and séwers on 1e ettiemen with every such contra there shall be allowed and Paid to him a eres x} shal) have been coll: =d on h ar pant or contract first dedy ge the collector's commission ({ oO Sec. 7A. Report as to outstanding con- tracts The comptrolle sha report to the board ef aldermen, with 30 days after its or- Kanization in ea ear, a statement of al] Contracts made the ty, or directed or | ‘ @uthorized by the board and not performed or complete C ipon which any moneys | remain unpaid; with the amount of money remaining unpaid on each such contract (C. O., Sec. 25.) ARTICLE 3. Real Estate. Bec, 100 City real estate to be super- vised by the comptroller Sec. 101 Deeds, leases, etc., to the city ¢omptroller is custodian Sec. 102 Leases or other conveyances by the clit; Sec. 1023 Assignment of leases and sub- letting by city Sec. 104 Execution of deeds by city Sec. 105. Quit-rents Bec. 100. City real estate to be super- | vised by the comptroller. the comptroller shall superintend all real estate of the city and report to the board of aldermen all enroachments there- on He shall direct and superintend the collection of all rents or other moneys due the city (Cc. (, @Bece. 2h 24.) Sec. 101. Deeds, leases, etc., to the city; | comptroller is custodian The comptroller shall Keep on file in his office all title deeds, leases boli ds, mort- gages or other assurances of title except such as are directed by law or ordinance | to be deposited elsewhere He shall cause all grants, leases and counterparts of leases and all deeds executed by the city, to be| recorded in proper books to be kept in jils effice ‘Cc QO Sec 5 ae 23.) Bec. 102. Leases or other conveyances by the city. Whenever any real estate’ belonging to the city is unproductive, or the term for which it may have been leased or let shall | have expired or be about expiring, the head of the department, bureau, board or office having jurisdiction over such real estate shall forthwith turn over the same to the board of sinking fund commissioners and advise the comptroller thereot The comp- troller shall report, to, the board. whether or not, in his judgment, it will be to the/| public interest to lease or otherwise dispose xf such ‘property The comptroller, under he sanction of the board, shall appoint appraisers upon behalf of the city to. settle the rent or renewal of any lease, or the value of the building, to be paid for on the xpiration of any lease in which the cits .« or shall be interested, whenever by the s-ovisions of such lease the appointment 62 appraisers is required. All leases author- ized by the board shall be executed by the | mayor’ and the city clerk, under their aands and the seal of the city. (ce Oi, Secs. 46, 42.) Sec. 103. Assignment of leases and sub- letting by city. The comptroller may consent, in the name CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 13 list Th e + The in the-t the lessee | may, in such proclamation, offer. a reward whether or not provision | mayor that the service required nas bees ne Jease that it shall not be | performed. (Cc: ©; Sea:.1L) shall not so upon the | ARTICLE 5. Sec. 28.) Execution of deeds by city. |The President of the Board of Aldarm-n. have been bec. 150, sections of commissioners of loners 0 ARTICLE 6. their hands The Comptroller. pursuant to the upon the] Sec. 170 Custodian of evidences of debe the evi- | Contracts, bonds and stock certificat—>- salé have Sec. 171. Collections of rents and = a- credit of | debts | r 2 redemption of | Sec. 170. yor and the The hands and any real been sold conveyances of ir hands and the A quit-rents maps Corporation of | of premises to which the corporation ‘ts made by | entitled (Co ©... Sec.'* 42.) of Tew | payable | subdivisions | be ascer- | ARTICLE 7, propor- | payment | The Borough Presidents. payable under | shall from | shall, on | Sec. 201 incumbrances and rtntlazeee purchaser, with| Sec. 204 Reports to the board ef alder< portion of , ’ ‘ ; due from such pur- ~ 200. Expenditures for borough. original grant time he- | recetve from | draw his requisition upon the comptroller mentioned tin | representative, the | proportionately the moneys pay-| Chief of the bureau, division or office under When land | whose supervision the expenditure was in- former cor- | curred No requisition shall be drawn by portions of | 4ny borough president for the payment -of the grantee, | any bill or account until the’ same gkall for non-| have been duly certified as aforesaid, ex- comptroller | cept that bills and atcounts vor expendi- he Jand|for the other expenditures authorized by from the | ordinance but net under the immediate Yance, with of com-| drafts and draw his warrant. in each case the mayor |in favor of the borough president for tke release of | amount thereof, (C. O., Sec. 95.) such\ quit-rent 31, 33-36, ARTICLE 4. criminals | Apprehension of criminals. | count or otherwise; with the amounts re- shall] deem | may have | under oath, item by item, to the comp within the city, and|troller, on Thursday of each week, en? ee the city | not exceeding $500, to be paid cut of the the de-| city treasury upon the certificate of the without | reas Custodian of evidences of deht, In ~ | contracts, bonds amd stock certific«i-« mea | comptroller shall keep and fle is | his office all evidenee of debt, contr«cis, bonds of indemnity, efficial bonds, and 4]} certificates of stock belonging to ‘the sink- ing funds, except such as are directed ‘vy law or ordinance to be’ deposited slas.. where (Cc. O., Sec. charter the city 2.) L Sec. 171. Collections of rents and sthe debts. The comptroller shall dtrect legal jproe ceedings to be taken when necessary te en- a booF | force payment of rents or other debts due purpose, | to the corporation, or to obtain possession Sec, 200. Expenditures for borough, Tee) Tee eee ee grantee cles accounts for his as- Sec. 202. Receipts to bse recorded: u- | thorized to grant licepses ‘ar exhibitions or | performances, as provided in sections 1 and | 2 of this article, for eny term eas than onc year, and in any case where such lcanse for a term of three months, or less, Je # hereby authorized to commute the fee there- for for a sum less than $500, bunt in ne case less than $260 for a theatre, or $150 fo 2 circus, room or other bullding o» provided that in the bor- concert place whatsoever; ough of Richmond such commutation of license fee shail be $50. (Ord. of Weh, 14 L311.) . e @ Sec. 3a. Admission ticket® and char-- therefor. The right of | or performance ! admission to any exhibition conducted by a licensees issued by the commissioner pursuant to the preceding sec- under a license | } oO} licenses | ij tions of this article, shall be evidenced by a ticket, card or other token on the face | of which shall be conspicuously printea | the regular or’established price or charg: | therefor and if such licensee, or any officer or employee thereof shall, for the sale of such a ticket, card or token, directly or in- directly, exact, accept or receive any great amount than the sum of the regular or stablished price or charge therefor printed on the fa thereof, plus the amount of tax imposed by the Government of the United States upon ticket, card or token of the right of admission thereunder, t) such may be re- voked and annulled in the manner provided l by this such licensee, or such who shall so exact, ac- such amount such h license of licenses article; and officer or employee, any cept or recelvea greater shall be@iable te the punishment prescribed | by section 13 of this article. (Approved De- } | cember 28, 1918.) | Sec. 4. Revocation of license. Any license provided for by the preced- ling sections may be revoked and annulled | by any judge or justice of a court of record, |upon proof of a violation of any provision |of this article. The proof shall be taken before such judge or justice, upon notice of not less than two days to show cause why} such license should not be revoked He | shall hear the proofs and allegations in thc case and determine the same summariiy: and no appeal shall be taken from his de- |} termination. Any person whose license shall have been revoked or annulled shall not 'thereafter be entitled to 2 license under any provision of this chapter. On any ex- amination, pursuant to a notice to show cause as aforesaid, the licensee may be @ } j witness in his own behalt. (Charter, Sec. 1476.) | Bec. 5 Unlicensed performances and exe hibitions. In case any person shall aspen or adver- theatre, circus or bullding, garden or ground, concert’ room or other | place, for any exhibition or performance | referred to in section 2 of this article with- having obtained a license there- provided for by sections 2 or 3 of corporation counsel may the supreme court, or any justice injunction to restrain the until its proprieter shall with the requirements o2 | those sections, and also with such order a2 to costs as the court or justice may deem just andproper to make, which injunction may be allowed upon a complaint in the name of the city, in the sama manner 4: | injunctions are now usually allowed by tho | practice of said court Any injunction 4l- |lowed under this section may be served by posting the same upon the outer door of the theatre or circus or building whereéis auch exhibition may be proposed to be held; or, if the samo ahr}l be in @ garcen af | tise to open any | out first for, as this article, the |}apply to | thereof, for an opening thereof | have complied yeas eae = ote rs ees Coe Se PUREE eae) ers ts - ah. - ee a +eies yr. ct iit ewe a ree ee ae oS FS z% SsSCE ott eke ot to ee id eo eS ee . - . Tort! tte terete ete re eb sh ole. re et het 16" CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF grounds, then by posting the same at or|shall keep re yrds of every such entertain en or near the entrance way to any such?7ment, In w hich shall be legibly written @2 place of exhibition. In case of any oe hate of all the receipts and expenditures, in- eeeding against the manager or proprietor list shall be of any such theatre, circus or building, or garden or grounds, as aforesaid, if shall not cluding the accrual and this open at all reasonable times to the inspec- tion of the commissioner of licenses, and be necessary to prove the personal service | shall be filed in the Bureau of Licenses © tn | of the injunction, but the service herein-/|in 10 da after such entertainment, or series before provided shall be deemed and held/of entertainments has taken place as & sufficient (Charter, Sec. 1479.) public record An vialation f the provi s of this Bec. 6. Preceding sections not applicable | ...(;9n shall be punishable by a fine of $250 to certain performances. Pel mprisonment for a term of 6 month The provisions and requirements of the | cao 5 ery such fine nd mprisonment preceding séctions of this article, shall not (Adopted } 1917.) be held to apply to any building, hall, room er rooms, in which only private theatricals, | Sec r Exits, to be numbered and indi tableaus and other exhibitions for charitable cated on programmes and religious purposes are given, nor to the} The owne! essee, manager, or other per manager of exhibitions given by amateurs] gon having charge or control of any theatre for the benefit of any church, mission, par- shall cause each and evel door and mea jah or Sunday school, or for any other char-| of ex! for use in of fire or pan itable or religious purpose; nor shall the} be numberes sonsp lous| sO as to owe game be held to apply to any masonic tem- visible to th aU ence vy whom the samé ple; nor to the trustees of any masonic! may be used, and shall have or cause to » hall and asylum fund so long as the} printed 1 picuou type, on the p revenues of said temple shall continue to be} gramme or b ‘ the pla’ 2 plan or dia Applied tagthe use of the mason! hall and gram and explana on howing each of said asylum, or other charitable purpose; nor to] exits, there and referring to the num- the Educational Alliance, nor to the direc- | bers aforesaid (Charter, Sec. 1487.) tors or officers thereof, as such, with respect to any bullding which shal! in whole or in | Sec. 8 Protection against fire or panio. part be owned or leased, by said Alliance, | he fire one ma deta no ) while so owned or leased, or so long as the/| exceed two f the uniformed 7 revenue thereof shall continue to be applied/ of the fir 2 nen to each an ever to the support of the Alliance and to the! pla of amusemen where machiner or religious, charitable, social, educational or! scen 4 >, while such place spe literary purposes thereof (Charter Sec to the p ] . d sha be to fruard 1420) Nor to performances held under the] again : 11 harge an on f auspices of Commun Count provided he ea provided fo a3 \eulsh- the revenue thereof shall be applied to the| ment, and trol and direct the employes support of Community Counci and thi _|or e } y which the may be detailed cial, educational and literary purposes ther mn tHe on of an fire which ma of. (Added by Ord. adopted July 1 1920.) occur erei A member of the uniforme | force <¢ a sha spi é Bec, 6-a. Charity entertainment | no ‘ building to ¥ » Mee ai 8 1.) Definition. (a) “Manager of a cha | detaile ; . each pub performance entertainment.’ Wherever used in this se | the f urpose of guarding a tion the term “‘manager of a charity enter- | nrote : suntan S6drn Gre or wan tainment shall be deemed to mean a er " place f nub amusement mon who uncertakes or assists in the man-| tertz 1e > icluded in the foregoing agement of any theatrical performance, con-| pro Ea on, excep n fire- @ert, lecture bal! athleti: exhibition o proof bu = there hall be employed } other entertainment, public! wivertised ~ he . P44 rietor thereof . | for charity, or for the benefit of an per- | more watchme ynose ¢xclu e d | 2on, association or institution, except for] sha nrote cuard the ates of the benefit of a subordinate lodge or branch | au buildings from fire and « er sources | of duly constituted or incorporated fraterni- | of dange Ird. effective January 1, 1912.) ties or Kindred societies, and incorporated | religious institutions, where an admission | "*& ? Obstruction of aisles and passace- fee is charged or a collection taken up ways 2 License, bond and fee No manager of Whenever a member of the uniformed a charity entertainment, not having been | S°'C® Of the fire department shall diccover connected, for a period of at least 3 months | ‘" 2”Y | e aisle or passageway in an immediately preceding the undertaking, with Suc] place oa! : ent an amp sto the regularly incorporated charity or char-| °"* c ner obstruction, or an ities, for the benefit of which the entertain- | P°?®°™ anding sitting therein, 4d eS ment is held, shall advertise any charity any pub perfor a 6, he shall forthwith entertainment, or recéive money fromthe | MOY the proprie r manager of such promotion of same, without a license there- pla. of amu : a isher, agent or for, and without having given bond to the | other S _— e proprietor or man- city with sufficient surety, to be approved |,_ ae pre [ ause the obstru ion by the commissioner of licenses, in the penal | __ Bas: orthwi emove or » cause se sum which shall be fixed bs such commis . —_ prea _ vt tting In suc! aisié vioner conditioned for the due observance of | - Cs eee he = with acate ne the provisions of law or ordinance relating aes ee ge nore ees vee eee to such entertainments sucn manager , tor, usher, agent, « The license fee of each aibdinway. GP ot employe ha ause pern a ca D theatrical performance, concert, lecture. bal] ie me - 7 : er obstruction to e or other entertainment, or any consecutive pieces or tems any alsi€é or passage- ecries of such entertainments shall Ke $1 ib a YD : e of amusemen 3 Estimate of expenses Every manager aan aed os nl a : ri pe in to sta 1d ‘f a charity entertainment shall file w th ance. 0 havir +e e i rs i jetowtesn the bureau of licenses, with the applicatio1 ere Rf on oa ; | a qd, shall neg- for such, a statement of estimated expenses fairétinsté tas ; - ere tion a Be with the percentage of the gross proceeds or atin vacate the a ‘ te ace meet oe fixed amounts to be retained by the man- Ta gr ez : PASSA sows) he} " ; a ‘ shail each evera 96 deemed to have agers, oO other conditions of employment violated the provi wi sites laine : Every manager of a charit: entertainment th4 ua ae . eles: <2 S [ Bhall also Publish a statement of the sum eee 5 . a saainal that where total of the estimated expenses of an nh a ery a passagewa in the rear of the at. a oat uch place of amusement! — talmment or series of entertainments. or a/ ¢r abt ra hi mtatement of the percentage of the eles sacl 9 aoe " wenn 211 be lawful to proceeds to be devoted to the cha tials 1 ae » a i erate oo fs ore erein, as follows ject or. objects, or both, which shz sie ee ae \-% DEaEo Wa) If the pas- : ris rhich shall ap-| sageway is more than 6 feet and lex ; pear in a conspicuous place on any adver-|16 feet retonegtee re and less than ‘ ‘ } may tand thereln . } Y) 2 ‘ tisement, posters, programs, invitations, let- provided an unobstructed passageway of at l ! l Structec passi ey ters of credential or appeal, and on the | least < j : . 6 feet in depth is left onen ie ee license i } i p .. ana hera 4 t a ; | are no more than 4 row yf persons sta id Lecords of rece} 5 . : pe aint ce : pel is receipts and penditures. | ing; if the passageway ‘7s more ‘Kan parated from the space to be left 1 for passage, b tape, ribbon or other ea broker aterial, supported by light fF sd ationary sockets and not tha : or more than 4 feet from thas S ) 5 constructed and placed l on in case of panic or anding in aisles But in no event, umstances, shall any person : 5 in or at the head of : siete. baited fective Jan. 1, 1912.) sec, 10 sunday observance. all exhibit on the first day . ymmonly called Sunday, to the ; building, garden, grounds, other room or place within . performance of any tragedy. 2 ballet, farce, negTre gro or other dancing, 12 ring with or without gloves, c FP trial of strength, or anyj par 3 ereof, nor any circus, ¢quese a tj performance or exercise, nai ance or exercise of jugglers, ucroba » | formances or rope dancers; g rein contained ahall bs 2 rrohibit at any such piace ofr ple t f day of the week, com- inda sacred or educational, 4 ental concerts, jectures, ad- Ss and singing, provided mentioned entertainmenta civen as not to disturb the publis peace r amount to a gerlous interruption of ° > and religious liberty of the nmmun iny person wilfully offend- eS az provisions of this section, knowingly alding in suck bi except as herein provided, by ® ertisemen or otherwise, and every vner or lessee of any building, part of « ding, &£ ds, garden or concert room, ; place, who shall lease or ne for the purpose of any such or performance, except as herein le or assent that the same be used j } pose, shall be subject to a : a which penalty the cor- poration nsel hereby authorized te p : : e¢ for and recover; and, on ths lgment for the penalty i, against any manager, pro- p ‘ r or essee, consenting to or © or a wing, or letting any part of ling f the purpose of any exhibi- fr performa e, prohibited by this seéc- : ense which shall have been Otalined by such manager, pro- wner o essee shall be of itself ed and annu 1 C. ©. See 676.) sec. 10-a jaseball games on Sunday. a)] a » Play baseball games, n an 7 1 Tée may or may not revec ‘ the first day of the week, com I calle unda after two o'clock aft 1 provided, however, that DI ire charged for witnessing ball gamie he. lall not exceed those \ rsced for llar games on other days veek (Adopted April 29, 1919.) sec, AL. Sale of liquors; female waiters. B wine beer or Strong or apirituous liquors shall be sold or furnished to any person in the auditorium or lobbies of any place of exhibition or performante mentioned in section 1 of this title, nor any apartment connected therewith by any docr, window yr other aperture, except that the commissioner of licenses may, in his dis- cretion, and subject to such regulations and restrictions as he may determine, sermitCODE OF OR DINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW.-YORK. 17 the same to be sold or furnished while Sec. 32 Licenses “ concerts, consisting of vocal or Instrumental | Sec. 32a. Exceptions. cutndbon crete ee ne ae +O. Ee .coms music only, are being given in a place duly | Sec. 38 Application for motlon-plcture | th 3 “ve en’es, who shall pass upon “eensee by him as herelh seated Stk, | gcaeea i c ti ye e location of ‘the theatre and upon the sgt = | theatre licenses character of the applicant f h Permission shall only be operative so long Sac. 24 Means of egress. without delay VW ; or the license as it shall be lawful under the laws of this Sec. 35 Fire prevention l the issue or ralunie ort ate Soe eron me state to sell or furnish wine, beer or stronger Sec. 36 Fire extinguishing appliances | picture chante oF ay Coenen eae spirituous iquors at such place, and may Sec. 37 Heating nee ieee ee ee ees motion- be revoked at any time by the commis- Sec. 38 Lighting quest the fire ‘de - t nent’ the Augie sioner No person shall employ o furnish Se 29 Ventilating of watae sup er F _— the _Gepartment enc e o y a} Y P : . e 0 tend hk Bees eeeateh -otiten. | ia ve ee eee | buildings of the borough in which suck bar tats cate aie es. aaa ae se Ser 42 Private or non-professional ex- | theatre {is located, to inspect the same, and at ee ei. pa hib tions of motion pictures |the said departments and the appropriate formances mentioned #in said secti« ps et re 43 Operators of motion-picture | bureau of buildings shall, within ten days Sy lee es GE eablic’ amusement’ in ma hines ee | after recelving such requests, file in the the city. Bere, Aaa eae Alans | department of licenses detailed written The provisions of this section sha] ot- be | Sec. 30. Definitions oe pa ee Include a statement Ree to interfere wit] 1e right of Unless otherwise expressly stated, when- | Geile ics. ies : ee ee oe a any Sorpo — enclai were ni wal C6 Usat! tating c structure, Sit GAME ee Roe syinepe be ea ever - li in ‘this ae le, the following l ety dangerous condition existing ‘Revel or ‘ikskPacnental music sxuscign Se term geet respectively be deemed to mean:/Upon the failure of any department or Practice the same In goo faith for them- ware pictures, a display on a screen | bureau to file such report, the commis- ei codec cee ee ee ah or other le cr of pictures or objects in sloner may disregard such department or entanaininent De i ain, , aie “aheit et eur or am) ‘ RAREIDS scenery, whether | bureau and, in His discretion, may issue use or occupation by a such society for “5 is fede o ae Sete - in, le oa ' Each applicant for a license the purposes aforesaid of any all ‘6r rou See ess ee é C | or a mpotion picture theatre or an open- connected with any place wherein by the ° iotion-pictuse. haste aie canis walt i mn kasEetare theatre, shall file plans laws of this state it is lawful to gell wine, | a tees Ree y ‘ cosa? aa oe an an specifications for the theatre with the beer, or strong or spirituous liquors, be | diene sind iia we ni + t} > Se ee Pia [ee of bolidings of the borough in which construed to make such hal or room a/| a ena Ee a * a etc a to Wieatre is situated, or is to be erected place of public amusement, within the pro- |... nee a : . z mS an nh which 1ere | or constructed, and a copy of such plang visions of this act Me . \inetiae: wet tee a stag © ener} | and specifications, duly approved by the Rete for any exhibition’ or parfornmnne ; , opan-s r motion-picture theatre, any appropriate superintendent of buildings, St in wiclation - af, thisiesbticn. andact public piace or space in the open air, in| shall be filed in the department .of licenses Sua avery exhibition car! gaetatnaacs atl” hich motion pictures are exhibited and| with the application for the license, (C. O., which any of the provisions of this section | in which there is no stage or scenery. | Sec. 852c.) shall be violated, shall of itself vacate, | ‘©: 0 Secs. 862a and 352b, added by Ord. | — annul and render void and of no effect any | ®PProved July 8, 1913 | Sec, 34. Means of egress, license which shall have been previously obtained by any manager, proprietor, owner or lessee consenting to, causing, allowing or letting any part of a building for the pur- pose of such exhibition and performance (Charter, Secs. 1483, 1484.) Sec. lla. Sale of tickets by ticket offices: issue of licenses; fee; revocation; penalties. (Repealed by or: idopted De 12. 1922.) Sec. 12. Ticket speculators. No person shal! onduc on py dy ar street in the city, the business of sg ing ! offering for sale any ticket of adr: on. o1 any other evidence of any license, contract or right of entry to any performance or ex hibition, in or about the premises of al duly licensed theater, concert ha place of public amusement, cir us 30mmor! how or any place of public amusema!.t for which a license is not required by law; nor shall ar person solicit, by words, signs, irculars or other means, any person to purchase an euch ticket upon any street No perso shall sell, or offer for sale, on or {j{ any street in the city, or In any building ! th clty, tickets of admission to any stand or stands erected under the auspices of the municipal or staté authorities for the pur- pose of accommodating spectators of any parade or parades in the streets or thor- oughfares of the city of New York, or for any public ceremony, attraction or banquet to be held in. any theater or other building in the City of New York Any person wh shall violate any provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished as provided in Sec. 10 of chapter 27 of this ordinance. (Adopted March 3, 1919.) Bec. 13. Violations. Except as otherwise specifically pro- vided therein, any person who shall vio- late, or refuse or neglect to comply with, any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not reore than $600 or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment: and any such person shall, also, for each offense, be subject to the payment of a penalty in the sum of $250, to be recovered in a civil action brought in the name of the city. “oercer, Secs, 1477; i682. L485: C. OC, Sec. 570.) ARTICLE 2, Motion-Picture Exhibitions. Sec. 30. Definitions Sec. 31. Control of motlon-picture the- atres. | | shall be $100. (Added by and effective July j - bi 1. Indication. Over every exit there must | Sec. 81. Control of motion-picture theatres. | be painted on the inside in letters not The commissioner of licenses shall regu-| less than 6 inches high, the word “Exit” | iat and control all motion-picture theatres | in legible type, and one red light or {l- er oneh air motion-nicture theatres. | luminated sign must be placed inside ovér The imissioner shall appoint such in-|¢€@ch exit, and illuminated while the audi- Spectors as may be necessary to carry out | ence is present (C. 0., Sec 352d, subd. 11.) the provisions of this article (Cc. O., Secs. | 2 Obstruction, prohibited. All exit doors 52c, 352b.) 'and doors leading to fire-escapes in all mo- tlon-picture theatres and open-alr motilon- picture theatres must be unlocked when the | | i | | Sec. 32. Licenses. 1 Issue and reissue All motion-picture | theatres are open to the public. All passage- ltheatres and pe air motion-picture the-| ways and exits to the street required by law atres must be duly licensed The commis- | or ordinance must be kept free and clear, sioner may grant and issue any license re-|@nd shall be used for no other purposes quired b this section Motion-picture|than for entrance and exit to and from | theatre licenses and open-air motion-picture | the theatre No aisle, passageway or space theatre licenses shal expire on the 30th ,in the rear of the seats in such a theatre da ar au t succeeding the date of;shall be obstructed by ‘any camp. stool, the issue thereof chair, sofa or settee, nor shall any per- d Fees License fees shall be as fol- | son be permitted to stand or sit therein. | lows | {C O., Sec. 352d, subds. ‘3, 9, 11.) For each motion-picture theatre, $100 | For each open-air motion-picture theatré, | Sec. $8, Fire prevention. PP hs motion-picture theatre licenses and | . pare of Sims Every booth in which ’ a motion-picture projecting machine’ shall |} open-air motion-picture theatre licenses | : ; ‘Secund between. the ‘3c8 Ee ee ae be operated shall contain an approved fie: ’ “ | fireproof box for the storage of all picture land the 2! bf a y of June, in« ALAA 6 of ay /films not on the projecting machine, and ag Ory cee goriba oy sey pep | films shall not be stored itn any other place : ; oe por /on the premises. No film shall be‘ re- Sec. 32n Exceptions | wound and repaired in a motion-picture All the provisions of this article excepting | “2e8*re: hie _ the booth; or, in ‘some ie asad pee ,. habeas ani 5 other enclosure approved as fireproof by the : : fire commissioner. The requirements of this and subdivision of sec: 32, and.all the | | section shall apply to portable booths and | booths in open-air theatres, as well as to motion-picture theatres (Cc. O., Sec 352d, provisions of Article 24 of Chapter 6, ex- cepting the provisions of sec 5601, subdi- visions 1 3 and 56 of sec 502, subdivisions - ~ a a : subd. 7; Sec. 352e, subd. 3.) 2 ind 4 of sec 503, and sutdivisions ; ar : é : ; 2. Cellars. The basement or cellar under i} 1, 2 and 4 of sex 106, shall apply to any mo- | tion picture theatre In a hotel located at a except the space used for the heating ap- paratus, or for machinery connected with the theater and for coal and except further that such basement or cellar if separated from the guditorum by an unpierced floer, vided, however, that "ce such .motion picture Fatih ant ng Skeproct’ ciuateanttontan duwavad summer resort where the seating capacity does not exceed 1,000, and in which there is no stage or scenery, and to which no | | the auditorium shall be kept free and clear, | i | |admission fee is charzed or exacted; pro- | | theatre shall be operated above or, DOW lon the under side with fire-retarding ma- | the ground floor of any building, ng that terial approved by the Fire Commissioner | the commissioner of licenses shall have and Superintendent of Bureau of Buildings, | power in his discretion to enforce the pro- may be occupied for « hiirined deamic by - i s of bdivisions 3 and 4 of sec. 6503, a : esos cee , . ;} the Fire Commissioner not to be hazardous. | relating to exits and courts The license fee for a motion picture | Sec. 36. Fire extinguishing appliances. theatre as defined by the above paragraph . e S =pP Portable fire extinguishing appliances, ap- proved by the fire commissioner, shall bs provided in every motion-picture theatre and Sec. 33. Application for motion-picture | open-air motion-picture theatre, of the fol- theatre licenses. | lowing kind and number: Applications for motion-picture theatre 1 Ten-quart capacity buckets, painted licenses or for open-air motion-picture | red with the word ‘Fire’ in black, the lete “Nn 1916.) oe ER Peee Ste PaL iste - SFP EPI ee eas weet a ee ys cule t rytaaee Tee es 2c aa i : 29a Ty ee A ty EET Pere Oe ai et ee Te ere tS eae 1 me ote eeCites bok he ee eS ED ac iib tate Leo APSO h hee ee Le Le bed 18 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE Cit y* OF NEW YORK. ters 4 inches high, to the number of 6 for] inlet opening or openings shall be placed places seating less than 300 without a gal- | in the floor or within 2 feet from the floor, lery, and 2 additional if there be a gallery, | and the outlet opening OF openings In seh and to the number of 10 in places seating celling or within » feet of the ceiling over 300 persons, and 4 additional buckets | The inlet openings and their surroundings if there be a gallery; shall be kept free from dust, 50 that the | 9 Fire extinguishers, approved by the] incoming alr shall not convey dust nor stir fire commissioner, of which shall be on]| up di i it enter the main floor and 2 in the gallery, if there | During the time spectators are present, be one, and 1 in the operating booth; th theatre shall be Kept con- | 3 Four-pound flat-head axes, 4 of which | tinuously ! no n by means of fans to the shall be on the main floor and 2 In the gal-| number of at least 1 to every 150 persons rs ‘ea \ ) ifions “ lery, if there be one; Sucl be placed in positions re 4 Two buckets filled with dry sand, to} mote fron e inlet and outlet openings YO be kept in the operating booth (©, O., sec person shall be € posed to any direct ripe $52d, subd. 14.) ro I niet (G &, ee 352¢e ll Sec. 37. Heating , When the temperature of the outdoor alr " LO Ta ee sekte tae Ghok 263 is below 60 degrees F., the alr na mot on Tk a oN i. ada snotion plotur picture theatre, while an audience is pr¢ a bk Sie cance motion-pietate theat ent, shall be maintained at a temperature | tc a sale abd O83 not lower than 62 degrees BP; Oe af} gher | oO) ‘ motion-picture thea than 70 GERTOCE hk It Bas ae ee ee | haw «i } | x an and free from or other apparatus throwing off products 0 i, \ ) sivasad ae a combustion are used to heat su } a theatre, a a ay snk alah spears s ane paid products of combustion must he aT ed 4 cone : seit san ce i atbad * to the outside alr by means of a firepr ive | : Ae al 1 flue or flues No radiator shall be pl! ‘ | ‘lie 4 Gustians @eined. at lens in the aisles of such a theatre, 50 as |} tu den lessen the width below the minimum re } ont a and shall be oe ed ww 4 . : watt ip or water and some quirement (Cc. O., Sec. 352e, subd. ® * nape me = ol alow alye> ame Sec. 38. Lighting. ! and other fabric or Every portion of a motion-picture theatre theatres shall b 4 ] ea defined aforesaid, including exits, courts| at by ut el ne and corridors devoted to the uses or accom- iting ‘ weeping Curta i modation of the public shall be so lig! ‘ bi leaned a ] by eléctric light, during all exhibition an ynth! I { on cleaning bea zg until the entire audience has left the pren Vi rnices walls and t I lust fses, that a person with n rmal eyes hold s shall be kept fre from a should be able to read the Snellen standara ge or moist wiping rhe teat type 40 at a distance if 20 feet ind j i rts of all seats hall be k type 30 at a distance of 10 feet; nor pholdstering of ea j evericht meaning ability to rea type 20 a ‘ther fixed fabr a distance of 20 feet in daylight (Caras ‘ ; tior cleaning or other du showing types 20 80 and 40 shall be dis li t ‘ at least once monthly (¢ oO played on the side walls, together with a Se copy of this section (C ) Sec. 352e eubd. 1.) sec. 4] Public morals tor of the department of Gec. 39. Ventilating | ] si all investigate the character f Motion-picture theatres, as defined afore-| e) motion-picture theatres and said, having less than 200 cubic feet of alr ‘ notion-picture theatres wnd shall @pace for each person, or motion-picturé| report c ommisaioner any offense theatres in which the outside window and aga alit decency or publi velfare door area is less than one-eighth of the floor nr head, A sald exhibitio1 (Cc O @rea, shall be provided with artificial means GS¢ of ventilation which shall upply during the time when the audience is present t sec ' Private or non-professional ex- least 600 cubl feet of fresh alr pe! hour hibitions ) notion pictures. for each person Phe s of this article shall not Motion-picture theatres having t . pI nicture exhibitions, with or than 200, cubic feet of air space for ea without hare for admissions, conducted person or having outside windows rnd | under lire management of educationa doors the area of which is equal to at least | or religio stitutions, or held or given one-eighth of the floor area, shall be pro- in cor inction with and incidental to ban vided with artificial means of ventiiat quets entertainments, lectures, receptions that shall be in operation when the outside | exp‘ alti ' neces, hor to motion picture temperature requires the windows to be kept exhibitions vithout charge for admissions closed, and which shall supply, during he | given yr ) ‘| more than once a week time the audience is present, at least 500 |in private ; nees or in bona fide socia cuble feet of fresh air per hour for each enti! r athletic clul or ‘oO person. When the artificial ventilation 3 | al mot hibitions in which the not in operation, veatilatlon by means of | apparatus f pr sctinge such motlor pic- open doors and windows shall be sufficient | tires uses ' , enolened {neandencent to provide each person with 500 cubic feet | lamp, onl; ellulose acetate or other slow of fresh air per hour | burning film of a size or perforation differ Motion-picture theatres having more |ing from the Standard as used in theatrical than 1,000 cubic feet of air space for each | machines, and is approved by the Fire Com f person and having outside windows and)| missioner as bet e unsultable for the use o doors, the area of which is equal to at least | inflammable motion picture films. one-eighth of the total floor area, shall not 1. Before motion pictures shall be exhibit bé reguired to have artificial means of ven | ed as above provided there shall be ob- tilation provided the agéir is thoroughly | tained from the commissioner of licenses a changed by freely opening doors and win-|permit for such exhibition, application for dows, immediatély before the admission of | which shall have been filed in the depart- the avdience and at least every 4 hours| ment of licenses at least three days prior to therea/ter. the date of said exhibition: No part of the fresh air supply required | 2. Before granting such permit, the com- by any paragraph of this section shall be | missioner shall cause to be inspected the taken from any source containing vitiated premises where it is proposed that the ex air. The area of outside doors and win- | hibition shall be held, and shall grant the @ows shall mean the area capable of being | permit if, in his judgement, the safety of the freely opened to the outside air for venti- | public is properly guarded, and provided lation purposes. When fresh air is supplied that, for an audience of more than 175’ peo- by means of ventilating openings, at least | ple, all chairs or seats shat: be securely fas- 1 fnlet shall be situated at one end of the | tened to the floor or fastened together in room, and at least 1 outlet at the other end of the room Where exhaust or inlet fans are necessary, at least 1 of such “ans shall be placed in an outlet opening. The rows, 38. The apparatus Yor projecting such mo- tion pictures shall be contained in a fire- proof booth or enclosure constructed as re- | quired by law; tion acetate films ing machines, : and descent lamp and wae his d ef such permit shall not except the apparatus or mo- picture machine uses only cellulose of a size or ‘perforation differ- from the Standard as used in theatrical uses only an enclosed incan- is approved by the Fire sommissioner as being unsuitable for the of inflammable motion picture films. 4. Every such exhibition shall be subject o the inspection of the officers and inspect- ‘a of the department of licenses, for the purposes of this article The commissioner of licenses may, in i impose a fee for the issuance which said fee, however, exceed $65 Tor one month or part scretion, hereof 6. Nothing contained in the abové para- iphs of this section shall be so construed 6 permit any person, association or club hold any motion picture exhibitions ex- tions held under the direct t of religious or educational in- ations or given or held in conjunction h and incidental to banquets, entertain- etures receptions, expositions or ces vyhere an admission is charged ‘ut the payment of such license fee as is provided for in section 32, article 2, apter 3, of this ordinance. 42. Operators of motion-picture ma- Ticense required No person shall ite a motion-picture apparatus oer ant onnection thereof, unless he shall] he bee d licensed as hereinafter pro- j arter, sec. 529a.) AD} at for license Any person ni t as a motion-picture opérator ske application for a license as such oner of water supply, gas ri who shall furnish to each lank forms of application which a fill out and file with the com- arter, sec. 529a.) x iination The commissioner shall rules and ¥fegulations governing the examina 1 of appiicants and the issuance of enst ind certificates; provided that eA nplicant shaH be given a practical axaminatior unfer the direction of the co .Y (Charter, sec. 529a.) t Issue of license and certificate. If, em sucl ’ atior the applicant is found to be ete to operate motion-picture eppara 3 ft its eonnections, he shall re- ceive the license for which he has applied, within 6 days after his examination; which license shall continue in force for 1 year from the late of issue, unless sooner re- ‘ked or pended. With evéry license «ranted there shall be issued to the person ing such Hcense a certificate, made by issioner or such other officer as tne mmissioner may designate, setting forth that the person named therein is duly suthorized to déperate motion-picture appa- ratus and its connections. (Charter, sec. Posting certificate The certificate all be lisplayed in a conspicuous place ne room in which the licensee operates * .otion-picture apparatus and its conneév- ns (Charter, sec. 629a.) . Discipline The license and certificats may be revoked or suspended at any time 1e commissioner, in his dise¢retion, for ause (Charter eC 629a.) i Renewal of license Every license inless revoked or suspended, as herein pro- vided, may, at the end of a year from the date of issue thereof, be renewed by the commissioner in his discretion, upon application and with or without further examination as he may direct, but every application for renewal of license must be made within the 80 days previous to the expiration of such license. (Charter, sec. 629a,.) & Uniicensed operators, No person, not licensed as provided in this section, shall be employed to operate or be permitted to operate any motion-picture apparatus, or any connections thereof, in any motlon- picture theatre, open-air motion-picture theatre or other place wheré motion- pictures are exhibited, to which the publis is admitted, with or without charge for pdmission. (Charter, sec. 629a.) ~CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The bridge on the line of Thi , p : I : n rd avenue d The bridge Roath I , ry ; ; a a : ’ 5¢ On Lhe line of n Any person who shall violate. or re-| shall be designated as the Third Avenue | street Shall be designated ana ae L.VeE >| s OL, 1ail 3 eCsignatec fuse o1 neglect to comply with. any pro- | Bridge Street Bridgs “iti y i " s | ri 5 sil os of this article shall, upon conviction c. The bridge connecting Madison | I ex thereéo 5 wy o om | orougn o JZUBEeNS: . she hee punished by a fine of not more/|in the borough of Manhattan, and WSast a The bridge over Dut *h ute Gece 5 iar 2100, or by imprisonment not exceed L&8th * ae ; . mad od ; 7 ‘ J : Le ; 2d - Soul Street in the | { y > sronx ne l ine 20 days or by both s1 r ; OrOUgD 01 Phe Br nx; | the line of Borden avenue shall be desig- : Ys, } such fine and tm-|/shall be designated ag the Madison Avenue| nated as the Borden Avenue Bridge: prisonment; and any such person shall, also, | Bridge: |? seca ee atae uta ha: ean eet for each offense, be subject to > bridge over Dutch Kills creek, on Bec. 44. Violations. [ b seetelietieieeee ee | as the Grand avenue, | 6 Bridges in the b the payment d Che bridge co scting Ves 5th | the ' of a penalty in the sum of $56 6 be re street, in f Sa Roheeit a dehahweten nb aici _ “ti ; so eee oe ae covered in a eclvil action (New. ) Hast 149th street! {n the borough si The Bridge Fie hace | eran Mash adhd 2 Avenue eer aa be designated as the 145th i The ae over Flushing river, on the |}4ine of Jackson avenue, shall be designated ARTICLE 3 - The bridge connécting West 155th |as the Flushing Bridge; treet, borough of Manhattan, and Jerome | 1. The bridge over Flushing river, on Common Shows |} avenue, borough of The Bronx, shall be | the 1¢@ Of Rodman street, shall be desig- | designated as the Macomb’s Dam Bridge; | nated as the Strong’s Causeway Bridge: - Sec. 60 Definition f The bridge connecting West 181st The bridge over Alley creek, on ‘the Sac 61 Licénsé required aie | street borough of Manhattan. and Univer-| line of Jackson avenue. shall be designated Sec. 62 Violations ake avenue borough of The Bronx, shall be| az the Little Neck Bridge ine aes as the Washington Bridge; 7 Bridges in the borough of Richmond: Sec. 60. Definition. g fhe bridge connecting West 207th a Uhe bridge over Lemon creek, on the A common show shall be deemed to) Btr eet borough of Manhattan and West ' Ra avenue, shall be designated include a carousel. Ferris wheel, gravity | Fordham road, borough of The Bronx shall 2 the ] n Creek Bridge: ; steeplechase, chute enic cave, bicycle ca-|>e designated as the University Helghts | The bridge over Richmond creek, on rousel, scenic railway, striking machine, | Brides ; the line of Bridge avenue, shall be desig- ewitchback, merry-go-round, puppet show, h. The bridge on the line of Broadway | nated as the Fresh Kills Bridge. ball game, and all other shows of like|Shall be designated as the Ship Canal (Added by ord. effective Jan 26, 1916.) character, but not to include games ot | Bridge Ss gee baseball, nor to authorize gambling or any| %. Bridges in the borough of The Bronx: | Sec. 2. Speed of vehicles on bridges. games of chance. (C. O., sec. 352.) | @ The bridge over Mott Saver canal, on No person shall operate, drive or propel I line of East 135t stree ehall be desig-janw le ; own ; Seas, . ‘asapher aun ae Seria ei nua Teel ce maths ae t les! i By, hicle, and no owner riding thereon No person shall maintain or operate a ™ fhe bridse ove® the Bronk mee i. : ere shall ca e or permit the same n ver, On| to be driven or proy ed upon the Brooklyn common show without a license therefor, /the line of Westchester avenue, shail be| py lige at a rate of speed greater than 8 granted and issued by the commissioner of | designated as the Westchester Avenue| miles per hour, nor upon any other public licenses Such licenses shall expire on the | Bridge | bridge In the cit ata 2 ; se . y at @ rate of speed eréater 15th day of March néxt succeeding the date ‘ The bridge over Westchester creek, on|than 1: miles per hour (Added by ord of !ssuance thereof, unless sooner su&Spended | the line of Fast 177th street, shall be des-| effectiv. fan: 1.06. .2018.% : or revoked by the commissioner The fee ignated as the | lonport Bridge: | . for such Hcense shall be $25. | ©. The bridge over Eastchester bay, con-| See. 3. Permits required to fake certain Licenses, for common shows, now in force, | necting Faster boulevard and Pelham} machines and yehicles over bridges and shall expire on the 15th day of March, | Bridge road shall be designated as the | viaducts, 1917. Such licenses may be renewed if pre Pelham Bridge | N person shall, withont, permission in gen‘téd on or before the 16th day of March, The bridge over Pelham Bay narrows “i t & from the commissioner of plant and 1917, and for each full calendar month of onnecting ¢ Island road and City Island | ures, operate or drive, on any bridge the unexpired term of the old license, a pro- | avenue sha ! designated as the City rr viaduct under the jurisdiction of the de- rata amount of the fee paid therefor shal) | Island Bridge | partment of plant and structures, any steam be applied toward the payment of the mow | f The bridge over Eastchester creek, on i asoling road rollers, steam or gasoline fee. (C. O., Secs, 305-308; as amended by the line of Boston road, shall be designated | Shovels, or any motor truck or trailer hav- ord. approved August 8, 1916.) }as the Eastchester Bridge ps + width of body inclusive of load of A Bs Wistitiin 4 Bridges in the borough of Brooklyn: | ™more than 8 fee O} nave a height from Any person who shall violate or re-| a ihe bridge over Gowanus canal, on/} Pave! nt to top of vehicle or load of more fusé or neglect to comply with, any pro the line of Hamilton avenue, shall be desig- a ae co ope t pate or having a combined vision of this article shall, upon ait ivi pease a the Hamilton Avenue Bridge; ficte R 7 oe and load, or of traller and thereof, be punished by a fine of not more|..” the bridge over Gowanus ana ae) Ld, of more _aeD Ph thousand pounds, the than $10, or by imprisonment not exceed- | the ln f 9ti treet, shall be designated oa ‘ to be we oe ekee Sark there shall ing 10 days, or, by both such fine and im jas ti . 9th Street Bridge; |? ot ne ~~ a ree PeSnGR per inch prisonment; and any such person shall, also. | fhe bridge over Gowanus canal, on | aa Mie a oe eee era Cee for each offense, be subject to the payment }the ii oe f 3d street, shall be designated | ‘ng a aes _ of Bi dy, emOAPaY e of load, of of a penalty in the sum of $10, to be. re as the 6d Street Bridge : eee tn Wy: feet in the case of a motor covered in a civil action (G..0,, 266 378:) d The bridge over Gowanus canal, on/| truck, or of more than 18 feet in the case : : the line of Carroll street, shal be desig-|of a trailer, or having wheels equlpped with |; nated as the Metropolitan Avenue Bridge; | other than rubber tires, except on Shell CHAPTER 4. e [The bridge over Gowanus canal, on Roa : bridge, in the borough of Brooklyn, | the line of Union street, shall be designated |and Lemon Creek and Fresh Kills bridges, BRIDGES. | as the Union Street Bridge; | ir the borough of Richmond, The total f The bridge over 5th Street basin} weight of truck and load permi{ss{ble of Art. 1 General provisions (Gowanus canal), on the lings of Third; Shell Road bridge shall not excéed $ tons, avenue, shall be derignated as the Third|and on Lemon Creek bridgé 4 tons, and on Avenue Bridge |Fresh Kills bridge 8 tons. (Added by ord. ARTICLE i gz The bridge over Wallabout canal, on| adopted April 4, 1922, and amended by esd, he line of Washington avenue, shall be} adopted May 2, 1922.) t desirnated as the Washington AToeluUe, | | | | General Frovisions. wrliuge Bec. 1 Names of bridges | h, The bridge on the line of Metropolitan | Sec. 2. Speed of vehicles on bridges Ran over ehuttiak bts shall Rae g- | CHAPTER 5. Sec. 3. Permits required to take bertain, | Hated as the Metropolitan Avenue Bridge; | machines and vehicles over bridges and \v a-| 1. The bridge over the Coney aan t| *BUILDING CODE. ducts. creek, connecting West 18th street and Art 1. General provisions. | West 17th street, shall be designated as the | Art: 3 Materials Bec. 1. Names of bridges. Harway Avenue Bridee: Art. 8. Working atrenses aed leada The bridges of the city shall hereafter ‘ The bridge over Sheepshead bay, on| j Att; 4 Classification of bulldings, be known as .follows: the line ‘of Ocean avenue, shall be desig- Art. 6 Restricted areas. 1. Across the East river | j |nated as the Ocean Avenue Bridge; Art. 86. Height, size and arrangement a. The New York and Brooklyn bridge | k. The bridge over the Coney Island} Art. 7. Light and ventilation, shall be designated as the Brooklyn Bridge; |} creek, on the line of the Shell road, shall Art. 8 Exit facilities. b. The néw East river bridge shall be | be designated as the Shell Road Bridge. Art. 9. Propections beyond bullding line, designated as the Williamsbure Bridge; 5 Newtown creek bridges ape AO Safeguards during éénetrudtion ec, Bridge No. 8, crossing the East river, a. The bridge connecting Manhattan] or demolitton. shall be designated as the Manhattan avenue, borough of Brooklyn, and Verno Art. 11. Partition fences and walls, Bridge; venue, both} of Queens, shall be designated Arti ke Excavations and foundations, d. Bridge No. 4, crossing the East river,{|as the Vernon Avenue Bridge; Arh $8 Masonry construction, shall be designated as tha Queensboro! | The bridge on the line of Greenpoint | Art. 14.. Wood construction Bridge avenue shall b designated as the Green- Art 15 [Iron and teel construction, 2. Across the Harlem river | point Avenue Bri ; Art. 16 Relnforeed concrete construction. a The bridge connecting First avenué, { The bridge connecting Meeker avenue, | —— ‘i 4 ged Rh er a ge borough of Manhattan, and Willis aveune borough of Brooklyn, and Laurel Hill boule- | *Table of article headings amended by | + borough of The Bronx, shall be designated | vard, borough of Queens, shall be designated | ord. adopted December 14, 1915, effective as the Willis Avenue Bridge; as the Meeker Avenues Bridge; } March 14, 1916. 19 Fa tits ea ee Peres Ss STE ETT! eee ee ee, at =—s Aes aes nk ae a ce a ETM rte44% poe adel Lethe ets oo the ehh a rece: PP eee ete] Pe 4 6 ode Eee atl ee) eat Te E A I bet, Se aoe be ee ee _ to . 0 rh oe heh VieglBet ad. Seed i ot i - E b E25 the te ton ee et VY eS : ar opal ra te poy ba eh CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THEY CITY “OF NEW YORK. - - | Art. 17. Fireprvof construction, | clude the future; words in tl 1 li = » words 1e masculine | ir bhuildin a Art. 18, Safeguards against spread of fire. | gender in« lude the feminine and neute tl 1. Dulldinaes ney erage Art. 19 hir bs ae } | : ! and neuter; the | malin : . Chimneys and heating apparatus. | singular number! includes the plural and the authorizat - Art. 20 Roofing and roof structures plural the singular the word “* ’ orization of ownel If the con- 5 : ce ' & ‘ , L¢ Wort person ir q ructi , alte £ = Art. ct Mis ellaneous requirements cludes a corporation as well as an auinee f ration or plumbing or drain- Art. 22. Frame buildings “writing” includes printing ee on) al, a 1e alteration thereof, is to be made Art. 28 Bulldl , blic c : io : printed or|or ex ted by any othe eu ulldings of a nublic characte s, = ; ‘ ; ? ny other person t I 1,aracter typewritten attel oath includes aftr! I than the 9 } Au t irma- ov. PA an Art. 24. Motion picture theaters | tion “signat ubscriptlor incl oi land in fee, the person intend- 25 3 | scrip! nceludes 2 » Sue ; j Art. 25. Theaters and other places of | ‘mark,’ when the person cannot write his . ce such construction or alteration; amusement He tae written near tt O ‘atruct such plumbing or drainage, Art. 26. b The ter . ah elther as owner, lessee or in any og . 1¢ er! nied as app ied to al ee Me ’ ly rep- ATU. at. Blevators huilding hall tru | t et dnt ity, accompany the applica r ] Line Sflé S ued as hougt f Te “ vw * LU = Art. 28. Fire extinguishing appliancea lowed by the is “or intended | i to build or alter with a statement in 9 ' . C ae¢ L] ange ec ' o ax ‘a Art. 29. Plumbing 4! d other systems of or designed t upied ing, sworn to as aforesaid, giving ths piping a? i] 1 ne and residence of each of the own- Art. 30 } ’ [he term ‘‘approved” as applied to a ers of the land, building a =i eee Pe an D ailing or proposed b i f ; , i mate al as mode Oo conetr uild- Art. 31 Unsafe buildings and collapsed gS i. a Je f nstr g att ture or proposed structure pre - structures | means appro®*' the superintendent of | ises, wa sia € — is | buildings unde1 ‘ , ses, “ platform, staging or flooring, and $2 En ae = ’ - : ‘ ATL i ions oO this chan re hing *¢ ‘ a 7 1 : Art. $2, Enforcement of chapter. I ter. ort anv other authorit j _ : hat he is duly authorized to per- nority designate Fn _ 3 e ; cu aw to 2 : eee i bs ; 1 work Such statement may be e 1 the matter in!mad the agent or architec J : ae fore required t mr of tha, pereey tARTICLE l d fhe term er. cludes his dul juired to make the same. , authorized ag r rne 1 pl eo to demetmn Before any exist- I LSE " devises a a a eee i or part of an existing building GENERAL PROVISIONS. | terest in the pro] f question 8 shed, a statement in writing on ap- ‘ pre blanks to , wrni Sec. 1. Scope bee Seterel applied to a, bullding | py ¢ ad be furnished by the Ope | or structure anv change or rear buildings, constitutin Sec: 2 Definitions | a ae i ange or rearrangem<és sient k nnitehedl a “eee to 1e stru ira parts o he it — > OmMmitter o tne s&s Sec. 3, Application for permits | ellities. or al ( re” : soe : exit fa-|intendent of buildings by the ow es Sec. 4 Permits a Pe rement, whether by ex i base ie rr wner or any Be : ; rendaing on ‘ , ‘ te Zea } 1e owne , Sec. 5. Certificate of occupancy Feo ae = I itovensine in lentt name end costeened atu - giving the 2 | nelle Le } ’ Y 1 iqaencs oO c Sec. 6. Modifications | nathirers @ , = : ce nm ~ af the puliding 4 ach of the own- Sec. 7. Rules | om . ’ Le } Le i “at be demolished, the i Mn irt when use : l isiness address of the Sec.8. Approved materials, appliances | fning the ° = Sie A in Ge- | is the work and auch an he person who and methods of construction ie lding means ¢ a : : 1 her information , jean curd 2 fri of ¢t) § K he buildin £ Sec. 9. Seal of building hureal ae nt bullding <- . ing as the superintendent P . | ici act ! ee of reater ‘ ‘ } gs ma require Ss Sec. 10. Right of entry of officers and em- | or if a om idth cr ae ae uch notice shall ployees. : E Ltes ith occurs oO - ted less than forty-eight hours ? ’ aT one ¢ * yr ta , x} : ‘ 5 ? 2 ho wo ‘ ’ demc lit _ _ | cae ba i the build- ia ee molition is commenced. fection 1. Scope. SS ae slid ee irb level at that point|, ling All applications, no- SI ] r | | : pul Lhe ri aces ¢ thea + stm and , ices al swor! atateme ; 1., Short title This chapter shall be| greatest widt mee eet ree” 1 a - ents required Ay Sa known and cited as the Bullding Code wi unt aving the highest rh and opies of the approved plans - ee covered All matters concern- i rhe tel I en used in fixing the 4 3 | ; in the office of the su- n rT eptti of ‘ » +1 As 5 : peri e ient f bul Shen ‘ ere. relating to the construction, | ), es ivation, means the curb/ phe pro z iildings. Applications shall alteration or removal of buildings or struc- feat , : eee f the curb ich is promptly docketed as recel”ed For tures, erected nr — ee — i “ | nearest ) @ ‘ ni “ nurposes ’ 1 HAratior ; , I He rf be ere ted in he city | Sear J 1e excava ae ee A yn and reference all e presumptively provided for in this chap- | ? os e ye marked with the block ter, @xc / . r ‘an i | . heé a t nu ay * ™ co ee a ae far as such provisions are | oe b aS app ere Ee the property to which ee ; me) iin . : f DY i ie ; Ho! reer a Charter, the Tenement | ns : ans the ve! d : h the street and house ouse Law, the labor law, or the rules: pro- iia ea traight line f bh a ber when possible mulgated in acco , v4 4 it eur s : As an ae ie begs wear with the provisions not b grad he ' f has|, an Yothing in this chap- Ras a by the superintendents of ed or the buildi OF GRAM. DF it the filing of buildings of the several boroughs does n | ( rom tl T ‘ 7 = app ition at ar ad ee ae 3 Chapter re (a) i level of a | ol a erag eo : iy time. before the ‘ ter remeatal Thi c] ' E su Lf vork 0 . See deal ' a his chapter is| ing, to the h ~ 5 : fii rage we for which permit y declared to be remedial, and shal be i ¢ oes es " such amendments, after ap- ‘ 3 ' : ° l ae 4 : 7 NY . , Dp construed liberally, to secure th d and to ea : l be ade “la ~ure ie beneficlal | height erage : : de part of the applica- interests and purposes thereof , ‘ tne ca yf ) f i as such 4. All new work to nfor ng & Pp 4 t ‘ nar nairs e pee £ see ee onform No wal + Many 7 . 5! = ' airs excepted. Ordinary re- structure, building or part. thereof foo A I e a 4 ‘ uildinges = , . ne es 1ereo shall : MBS § structures, or to ths ereafter be constructed nor shall the I of an bu _ | plumbing and ijrainage thereof hal the eee, g nag sreof, , plumbing nor drainage, or other equipment mprised ‘ ‘and the’ in witttines notte bere may be h ke} ie! : , f 6 ( J ce ‘ 2 of any building, structure or premises abt bulitiogns Wat week iperintendent . nrses sO < _ Suct repairs far as provided for in this chapter be cor . € 4 illding 1 to includ 4 . shall not be : con- fine : : ide the 1) structed or altered in the city, except ! aie a H La any wall or an ion th cutting away of ‘ ‘i Kh L s “ep n 1 a, : at 2 fe rt yn ere conformity with the provisions of this cha storage garage Sosa Gall elena reof, the removal 7 ‘ " : r = o oT eto * Be cams O = ter No building already erected, or Mickie | 7 ~“E £ a} removal Longa & ' r supports, or the : » O 1ere- 1C ‘ AOAC ) Es ai, CMUANE r closin C1 , after to be built in sald city, shall t | shop” and “oll lling station nha | or required 1 , sing of Any Rie : “Js Sf) eit = wii ie a : > na e . i t ( rleans ¢ ex] z altered in ‘any manner that w ould be in| he meaning Chapter 10 f t} f ar hous xit, or the alteration violation of any of the pro. talc? 4 1! Code of Ord ‘ ce a i yi ¢ private sewer or drain- _ . OV Lions 0 this | aed 1} ? 1917 r g sten ~ +} er m chapter, or any rule or approval of rea] p | construction of any waste ; OF he 1 ss Seen te of buildings made and issued Sec. 3. Application for permits ers but nothing in this chapter shall! i For constr Sec. 4. Permits : 2 ‘ wilail : OI alteratior , ata bd ibit the ralsing or lowering of an) the constructio1 f ’ Bef: i at aerate cle ae i uild : : €&Myj LO ilteration of ae te : ’ ippl tlons i =e to meet a change Yof grade in the ing, wall or structur pees any build unlawful to construct o alte peat, oe \ ) 1 art f , r al e , street on which it is located, provided that or of any pvilatfo: : par eithe! structure; wall, platfor r any building, the building is not otherwise altered. hat | be used for nitrile MMODnE te | ol adey part thee form, staging) On necHEs 3 = re | : oO ata ‘ nar t . e ’ p Indevelopne | : ing Or sat Urry : thereol, or ; he Undeveloped localities In such part and before the rs ng purpos sic _ aaah ¢4 any plumbing and © Teen s a = i ez s : co ictlo or alterna ; l the a licati the city outside the fire Iimits and sul the plumbing ot r : * alteration of | required by secti pplication eae mans j _ ty 7 ” .. LES oO any ‘ sec on , - urban limits, in which a system of streets | structure or pre any building, | have been appr - of this article shall * sc = 4 : " S| ma aS > ! 4 moe o 1 : oved y 5 1 nes 74 eal. eatabilehel only, so ‘much of | Avner’ iow feshee : enced, the/| buildings. and i by the superintendent of = oe ee f or ag of either. or eee and a written t pee eae of this chapter sha apply ! architect or builder e ither, or the! him 1h oo does written permit issued by as in the judgr ‘s a uilder employed by such owner | a The superintendent oF Stan ey gment of the superintende! t or lessee ima « nnection 4) + 1 owner! approve or nine? ; it of buildings shall dings’ may be necessary for safety ot | Atl dian (eae K\tarebtc ith he proposed | or amend ject any application or plan life and healt! but j : ‘ y Vl] e : eration shall subd i+ ; _ 1dment thereto Aled r ; re ] this shall not be con the superintendent of 1 mit tO | suant to the ’ Lec with him pur- 0 {+ = r : : yu) p c } — € 9rovis nea Lo permit the erection of anv build | statement in tr pli as dal 5 1 detailed 9 _ bl p isions of this article within ng o exceed i healioh? . e ee —o 0 1e specific : reasonable time and a a fis : n helgh yr area the limits | on appropriate blanks to t ifications, promptly is and, 1% approved, shall xed by this chapter for ; | oe a rs to be furnished : iptly issue a permit the a Duptoanys AMER Pee ae plicants by the bure ft Gtoap-| 2. Apr aE ens i: vuildings affect a y ? reau of buildings 2. Approval in part NY - this.c re atected All proviston of | plans and structural detail d igs, and such | tion shal oT Nothing in this sec- s.chapter shall apply wit 2 ural detail drawing lon shall be construes " : PI with equal force to | Proposed work as a: ings of the | erinter 1ed to prevent the su- municipal buildings as they 4d LO | bul as the superintendent rintendent of butl@ings fron bull y o to private | buildings may 5 : = . of feaning 8 om approving and ulldings except as ae require Such iSsuing A permit BS, excep s may be specifically pr constituting : anr “ad statement, | part of ety for the construction f wided for by law cha AIR om an application for a i ; part of a building or str 0 construct ‘eltin ? permit to| ar cae = structure, whe | t or alter, shall be acco and detailed statement on plans : sha nec l stateme Bec. %. Definitions a further statement in writ! companied by | for the same, befo , é s have been presented - : ; 7 neg, Pav » VD ore Unless otherwise expressly sta fore a notary public or «¢ & sworn to be-| cailed statement e he entire plans and de- Siyv statec + } ; . , sOmI _ t ils ) aj lowing terms shall, for the od, ths, tel | deeds, giving the full nam mmissioner of | ture have beer tg said building or struc- : ' ur -T- lil name Al . e ¥ mou een sul ; o : chapter, have the r purpose of this | each of the owners z id residence of} 3. Sie omitted or approved. a neaning heréin ty s of said buildin Signature to permit - cated: ndi- | posed bullding, structure ing, OF pro- | {issued by th eee Every permit ; , cture or pro y the superi . ee ture si proposed ae perintende a Words used in the ~resent ter oa premises, wall, platform eee lunder the provisions ; aa of buildings ~ etal at ense i . : 7 oe n, Stag ; Ovisions oO ! +A : ooring, and by a diagram of the 1 ging or/have his signature affix Fa eres mended by ord, adopted ! on which such constr ot or plot | shall not fr ture affixed thereto, but this 1915. i ae yecember 114, | to be mad I nstruction or alteration 1 1 not prevent the superintendent f " née e, showing ao - : | authorizing = naen rom ig the exact le ung any s - é eXé aie ® y subord any proposed new construc cation of | signature inate to affix such onstruction and all exist ; = 4. Limit hy ations 7 on ny permit ‘ssued by theCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 21 =~ 4 superintendent of buildings under the pro-| of article 7 of this chapter, such court to] See visions of this article, but 7 | under which no} be not less j wort. ae ae : than 10 feet in width at all methods of construction, BE tims of asa Bat deen —e from | points, and provided that all interior stair Whenever any materials, appliances or a ance$ i expire by limita- | ways and al! vertical shafts*are enclosed in| Methods of construction have been ap- Ee Compitnneetetth sitive oi. Ghaeees P LI a ‘Ons Of fireproof or fire resisting ma-| Proved by the superintendent of buildings tion or alteration of any bullding true te z ree iti Openings in such partitions a8 COMOrming {to tests prescribed by this Blatform, staging or flooring gps ck arr ~~ Protected by self-closing fire doors or | Ch@pter, or to any rules adopteg thereunder, plumbing or drainag a a: ae Ye any | re windows, and that proper exit facilities | # notice to that effect shall be published in cx nea age, shall be in accord-| be provided:ar d that boiler room, kitchen | t®® City Record, including information as ance with the approved detailed statement of! and hb: snk ; ‘i tess to the condi ns hich specifications and Plans, for whic} ; r iKery be separate and apart from ne tions under which said ma- : , Vhich the per-/ the bullding proper and be constructed of/| terials, appliances or methods of construc- mit was issued, or any approve ad amendment |! fire tion we ast _ : proot materials (Approved April ¢ tOn were tes therec ; proves APril Le ; ze The superintendent iy require a/ 1918.) such certified r — copy ot the approved plans to be 5 Temporary occupancy Upon request f nstruction si kept at all timés on the premises from the| the ov I hl thorized “ ~~ | reau of buildin ‘orr © Owner or his authorized representative = A in commence , | ; ee : rencement of the work to the compie- | the superintendent of bulldings shall {is * PRP AneP tion thereof. | eam aA ABSUC & temporary certificate of occupancy for part Sec 6. Adherence to diarram The tfon 64 ‘ mulid : ¥Y. Seal of bullding bureau. of =. al JOaATIO Ol Ol a liding provide c that suct ter Ors y ' : 1 ae any new building <¢ structure or of any ; upal 7 " : emporary Mach superintendent of buildings may : ' ) an ‘ ipanc\s or use woul not n any Va) ; ; : ' : e as ota ces ; J . ay adop a seal nd irec ts I e extension to an existing build ng or struc- jeopardize life or property 7 SS ae Saas ae me ture, s " hea siting 4 reau I sahown on the-diagram ea as required 6. Contents of certificate In addition to n 2 ‘ : - ’ ’ . yy section 3 of his articles or on any ap- the ce ication when required by this sec- mee 10 Right of entry of officers and m= royed ame Y bt? bhare r , , : : ; ; . ‘ ndmen | if, shall be strict tior a3 to compliance with approved plans ployees. s y adhered td I s! be unlawful to re- and specifications and provisions of this ‘ny ollicer or employee of the. bureau of duce or dimir lah a diagram of which ‘ : erfo nee of his a > ; 4 3 been filed with an } stat« | purposes for which the bullding eee rmance of his duties, shall have ID in 4 right to e 7 r lidine application to st aiter and has been | may be used in its several parts, the max! — y Snter ony See a the + Pry 4 7 =F: 18) win j ri sed as th basis cr a@ permit, unless the | mum permissible live loads on the severa : upon showing his badge of office. ldine i abiadntes oe i ; building « ucture for which the permit | floors he be! persons that may be was is >< nniis fm «11 ‘ rr)? Io ft } r SUE Dp! 3 1 All respects with the accon odated in the. seyeral stories, ir case *ARTICLE yy) { "emer 4 f , requiremer ‘ this chapter for bulldings | such mumber is limited by any provisions of | = 3 iY f ‘ re : : ‘ stru l s loc ted on plots of such dij this chapte or the approved specifications T } ia} el 7 Tr : A ' y i ninish A Ca Pr ded, howey er, that this and a Spe a pDUuUlations of the permit if Materials, shall not ann to anv cae ty ; ‘ a a] y ons ag whi : , on a . 1 which the Sec, 20 Quality of naterials Or area Is reduced by reason of any street I lance and filine Certificates of o: @ , , - (a1. ee i , Wetbent or materiais pening or widening or other public improve- | cupa! De ssued within ten days ment a er I te ipplication therefor f aid , £2 Revocation The superintendent of | Dullding & Wate of such applicatio: ~ Sa j a % i ¢ bulldings may revoke an permit or ap-| 3! be ent ‘ ereto 4 record of all - dias proval issued under the provisions of thia| certificates s kept in the bureau of Cy ‘ Camént 11 A4 . Y | } } . a article, in the case of ar false statement bulis oe ene ee ee shall be furnished, « Mortar me rae misrepresentation as to a naterial batcandgts pes . a aed . mich a8 f oR (Concrete ce in 4 > cath : whi the vr anteres 1 the menat E atrectec } in the application o which the permit Sec. 29 Hollow building blocks or approval was based Sex 30 Iron and steel » £ ee Sec. 6 Modi ‘ sec, Jl timber sec. 5. Certificate of oc« upancy. , difications. 1 2 i ] exer B powers to vary the ro ‘ rv : 1 Jew buildings 7 1ilding- hereafter me ; l : Sec. 20. Quality of materials. visions of n chapter, or any rule author ' “ erected shall be occupls used, in whole . int - f build ig il\ding materials shall be of a quality = ei there 1der the uperintendent of yUll > t f or in part, for a purpose whateve ¥ o met the intent ef this chapter, and ing ha proces iccordance with the 4 z 2 a certificate of occupan sha have been . ‘ . eile you rm to such specifications, con- - provisions of e Greater New York Charter : cued ba he superintender of hi a g8 : : s ten wit! he requirements of this chapter, ; 5 “| establisi ge that power! A record of all ' ‘ ceor*it at ich buildir onfor a enh : as may be promulgated by the superin- . modifi itio 7 Sna kept in the bureau of . ‘ dj N stantia t h pproved ) 3 { ‘ }; tendents of Dulidings (Anew. ) E © apy] a LI sp l bullding properly indexed and open to f ations and ne requlirer nts f his char ' \ ' ‘ ‘ mp) public insp« on during business hours All | Sec. 21. Welght of materia. Per applying ‘ bulld = s clas f : I y - ) ‘ ‘ ass and nodifications nceluding the applicant’s pe- Phe vwelghts oO various materials im R41 T¢ j ; _ : f tithe r Lm™me i! 1€ superintendent s rea- | nound per cubi root shall be assumed te Bulldings hereafter aitered No .buili j ' ; } ; ' sons granting, shall be published in full] pb i ollows ne lerenp - altered . en Tt vAacaY ing hereafter altered yiliCiL Ws acan i the ¢ Record within two weeks after! Briakwork ; F 129 Curing the progres of the work of altera ‘ ; ‘ ont i ’ ah . b . the superintendent's actio and may De Concrete nder, used for floor arches on Q a! . cel p> 4 ‘ l ( I YY flO] ; A ’ Iple 1 r seq I nole or ' d as pre jents rr slabs ne ‘ Ce 108 nm part, for any uUrpose whatever until a : 7 7s I Concrete, cinder, used for filling over ceetificate of occupancy shall have béen is- |! Sec. 7 tules ' i } th j ot’ an | fireproof floors Jes 50 eued by le -sUT ntender yf bulldings .uthority ‘ ule ‘he super- : € per (en ‘ 1 ling | ] yy & ¢ pt ruies Ll iper | Concrete atone eu - 144 rlilying that the work for which the per Iintendent of illdings shall have ower toi . eee . ae I ‘ i 4 | ‘ ‘ inite, bluestone and marble «wv aoe miit was issue¢ nas- been complete subd- ado su 1les wil respect totne : 2riais . anti ] ' ; = pi : adop l thy pect ) e mate A | Fimeatone ; 156 Stantiailly in accnrdance with the *appnrove ind mod of sit tior Cr sistent wil the ; } DP t ‘ at ; Mu S th Sar astone ‘ . . 144 pians and specifications anc the rovisions yrovisi f napter, as may be neces ’ ctf } t ' I Z I Pp l . Oak and ongleaf yellow pine... : 48 of nis lapter applying to such an altera- airy secur‘ th intent and purposes oO ; ; j ° z ; . 2 , z Spruce, fir hemlock white pine and on ane w he e occupancy or jse of al this hapter and a proper enforcement of its , : a 7 : shortleaf yellow pine eee | bullding has continued during the work of provisions ‘or any proyisions of this chap- B S 13 ( { se ( omas alteration, the occupan: or use of the build- ter referring to the rules of requiring Lp- } -) . ing shall not continue for more than thirty provals or materials or modes of construc- sec, 2%, Tests. days efter completion of the alteration un- tion, such superintendent shall adopt when |} l When required New structural mate.- : 2 . : | ’ less such certificate shall have been issued this sectlon becomes effective or as the| rial, or structural material not otherwise 3 Existing buildings ‘Othing In this | necessity may arise, such rules as are re- provided for in this chapter shall be sub« section shall prevent the continuance of the | quired or will establish the conditions of | jected to such tests to determine its char- present occupancy and use of any now exist approval So far as practicable. such rules| acter and quality, as the superintendent of ing building, except as may be specifically | shall be uniform Jn all the boroughs | bulldings shall direct Appliances and de- prescribed by this chapter or as may be 2 Procedure No rule adopted by the! vices required by any of the provisions of necessary for the safety of life or property. | superirtendent of buildings shall become ef- | thi# chapter and new methods of construc- Upon written request from the owner the | fective until it shall have been published in} t{on shall be subjected to such tests to superintendent of buildings shall issue a cer-| the City Record on elght successive Mon-| determine their efficiency, as the superin- tifleate of occupancy for any now existing building, certifying, after verification by in- spection the occupangey or use of such build- ing, provided that at the time of issuing such certificate there are no notices of yvlola- tions, or other notices or orders pending in the bureau of buildings days, and until a public hearing on the same shall have been held, provided, how- ever, that said public hearing shall not be necessary for the purposes of this chapter! superintendent unless a request shall have been made for]! 90) as may be requ be described in é# Cnange of occupancy Pe herein provided shall have the same superintendent o wHothing in this gection shall prevent the | force and effect as any provision of this representative. issuance by the superintendent of buildings | chaptér. All rules heretofore legally pro-| conducted at a of a certificate of occupancy for the recep-| mulgated and in force at the time when] nized standing. tlon of persons for nmredical or charitable} this section becomes effective shkll con- ings conducting care or treatment, for any now existing| tinue in force, provided they are not in-| of this section 8. Approved materials, appliances and ed and approved A list of materials, appliances and methods of 1all be Kept on file in the bu- es, properly Indexed and open ection during business hours, tne area of any lot or Plot chapter all certificates of oc upancy shal) ulidings so far as it may be necessary for tendent of buildings may direct. Such tests ired unaer this section shall rules promulgated by the of bullidings. (a CS Sec, ; such hearing during the said period of pub- | 2. Tests of materials. All tests shall be lication. Any rule adopted and promulgated | eonducted under the supervision of the f buildings, or his authorized Laboratory tests shall be testing laboratory of recog- A superintendent of build- a test under the provisions shall notify the superin«- building erected of non-fire-proof construc- | consistent with any provision of this chap-| tendents of buildings of the other boroughs tion as defined by subdivision 3 of section | ter at least three days in advance of such 71 of article 4 of this chapter, not exceed- 3 Amendment and repeal. The superin-! test. (B. :C., Sec. 20.) ing 40 feet in height or 5,000 square feet/| tendent of buildings may amend or repeal 2 = in area, and enclosed on at least three sides| any rule by the same procedure prescribed *Ag amended by an open court as defined by section 135! for the adoption of new rules, 1915, effective May 1, 19165. by ord. adopted April 328. eer yegr rg 2 esor Seeae Shs S33 = TST 22 REYES eer rea) ‘=e Pao ee sree pags eete aberTes Die ek hein bl oe or he Stl* I ele hee esos’ wen ee ez Se dele Bt i th Phe MES ee et Seo Nee Me ie ed rk Ae tk ek oe id Ve te be 8 of 9 3 Approyal i ; ‘ Y | Any material, appliance, | er method of construction meeting the re- quirements of this chapter tions authorized thereunder shall proved within a reasonable time after . completion of the tests All such approvals | and the conditions under which they are fesued shall be published in the City Record within a month after issuance and @ complete list of all such appro’ als issued during the year shall be included in the annual report of the superintendent of build- ings. The superintendent of buildings may prohibit the use of: any material or apDp- pliance failing to conform to the require- ments of this chapter or to the rules | adopted thereunder (New. ) 4. Conditions attaching to approvals Materials, appliances or methods of com struction which have been tested and ap- proved shall be used and installed in ac-| the terms of the approval be ap the cordance with fo far as practicable all materials and ap- pliances for which aprovals have been issued shall have a distinctive brand mark for fdentification impressed on or otherwise at tached to them It shall be unlawful to| 5 | use any such brand mark on any other | material or appliance than that for which the approval was issued (New. ) 6. Additional tests The superintendent | of buildings may require any) tests to| be repeated if there is any reason to be- | lieve that the material or appliance is no | longer up to the specifications on which the approval was based (New.) Sec. 23. Brick. in The brick used in the construction of | buildings. shall be sound, well burnt prick When old brick are used in any wall they shall be thoroughly cleaned before being used, and shall be whole and good, hard, well burnt brick (BE. C., Bec 18.) Sec. 24. Sand The sand used for building construction | shall be clean, sharp, coarse and silicious (B. C., Bec. 14.) Bec. 25. Lime. Quicklime and hydrated lime shall con form to such specifications as may be pre- mulgated *y the superintendent of build ings, or, in the absence of such specifica- tions, with the standard specifications of the American Society for CNew.) Sec. 26. Cement. Portland and natural cements shail con- form to such specifications as may be pro- mulgated by the superintendent of bulld- ings in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or, in the absence of such specifications, with the standard specifica- mr | Testing Materials tions of the American Society for Testing | Materials. (B. C., Sec. 16.) Sec. 27. Mortar. 1. Cement. Cement mortar shall be made of cement and sand in the propor- tion of 1 part of cement and not more than 3 parts of 3and by olume oO] iy the case of bag mortars prepared under rules promulgated by the superintendent of bulld- ings, in such proportions that the tensile strength per square inch at the age of 23 days shall be not less than when Portland cement is used, and 125 pounds when natural cement is used. Cement mortar shall be thoroughly mixed and shall © 250 pounds be used immediately after the addition of | water. Not more than 15 per cent. of the cement by volume may be replaced by an equal volume of lime (B. C., Sec. 16.) 2. Cement and lime Cement-lime mor tar shall be made of 1 part of lime, 1 part ef cement and not more than 3 parts of | Strength gand to each by volume (B. 6... Bec: 17.3 3. Lime. Except as may be otherwise provided, lime mortar shall be made of 1 part of slaked lime, lime putty or dary | as 4 hydrated lime, and not more than 4 parts of sand by volume (B. G,,: Sed. 16.) Seo. 28. Concrete. 1. Mixture. Except as may be otherwise | (B provided in this chapter, concrete shall be | } made of 1 part of cement, and not more than 2% parts of sand and 6 parts of coarse aggregate (B. C.. Secd,. 18,) 2. Aggregate The coarse aggregate CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. any : 2 e , f or the specifica- | prove tne & iperintendent O54 injure the bullding#@ | White pine knots, shakes } imperfections whereby the strength be impaired (B. C., Set. 28.) *ARTICLE 3. Working Stresses and Loads. General provisions 51 Working stresses Working stresses for columns. ; Loads 4. Wind pressure Floor capacities 50 General provisions. omputations The dimensions of the r materials and the form of each » be used in buildings shall ited as required in the various sec- this chapter (B. C., Bec. 186) A rsa of safety Where the unit any material is not prescribed in ter the relation of allowable unit ultimate strength shall bé as 1 ’ metals, as 1 to 6 for timber, and 4 10 for natural or artificial stones I k or stone masonry But where- working stresses are prescribed in this hapter he said working stresses shall be ( Se 137.) emporary supports Every temporary yport placed under any building or struc- part thereof, during the erec- ine. alteration, or repairing of g 1 ng ! structure or any part é al be of sufficient strength to j oad o be placed thereon, 51 Working stresses. Safe al ing apacity The safe car- p of he various materials of ‘ eT n the case of columns, be deter} ed by the working stresses sounds pe} juare h specified in this tion lInless otherwise indicated, net ynal area all be used in determining a ca E pa y and steel (a) In compression j er 16,0006 t 16,000 } : 16,000 vearing 24,°00 Stee vets, shop or power driven, in bearing ; i 24,000 ield rivets hand driven in earineg 16,009 Ste. field bolts n bearing 12,000 ) in tensio led ateel ee 3 16,000 ast ISGGL “ese os O86 oe oe Ke CeS i ene . 16,000 3t iron 3,000 c) in snear 2el web plates : j . 10,008 Steel pir and shop or power driven ivets : : . 12.000 el field rivets, hand driven . 8,000 1 fleld bi : roan ; 7,000 yn : 3,000 qad)-] ending, extreme fibre ed steel beams ind riveted steel eams ace 16,000 ed steel pin rivets or bolts .... 20,000 3t fron, compression side ........-.- 16,000 Cast iron tenslor ide ; ceken wales 2,000 Timber (a) In compression, Oak with grain 1,400, across grain 1,000 ow pine, longleaf, ith grain 1,600 across grain 1,000 Spruce and Douglas fir th grain 1,200, across grain 800 hite pine shortieaf ‘yellow pine, N. C. pine and fir, a with grain 1,000, across grain 800 0 Locust, with grain 1,200, across grain 1,000 | Hemlock.with grain 800, across grain 800 F (b) In tension Except | Oak : Sa ee Fallow ping, longles! ... «sc. 1,200 Bhortleaf yellow pine ..<..<....; $06 Douglas fir is be Gee 800 Spruce anu fir pobneéecken cian 806 rer ry Ce Petr oe 700 Memiddk .y.t. Se i cic depen Pi tes 600 (c) In shear. Oak .... With grain 200, across grain 1,000 *As amended by ord. adopted April 20, 1915, effective May 1, 1915.Yellow pine, longleaf, . vith grain 160, across Shortieaf yellow pine, N c pine, Douglas fir, oq with grain 100, across grain 1,000 White pine. spruce and fir, with grain 100, Across grain 600 Hemlock. with grain 100, across grain 600 (d) In bending, extreme fibre Oak es teu cut Yellow pine, longleaf Douglas fir, white pine and spruce Shortleaf yellow pine, N. < p Hemlock 200 600 200 QVOO0 ~~ be pe pd S00 4 Stone, In compression Granite Greenwich stone ~~ 1,200 Gnelss 1,000 Limestone 700 Marble 600 Sandstone ee ane Bluestone, North River by 2,000 Slate 1,000 5 Masonry in compression 4rout, neat Portland nent ae 1,000 Grout, neat natural cement a 500 Concrete, Portland cement. 1:2:4 500 Concrete, Portland cement 1:2%%:56 400 Concrete, natural cement, 1:2:4 210 Concrete, natural cement, 1:2%:6 150 Brick work in Portland cement mortar 260 Brick work in natural cenient mortar 210 Brick work in lime-cement mortar 160 Brick work in lime mortar 110 rubble stone work:in Portland cement mortar 140 Rubbl# stone work in natura cement mortar 110 Rubble stone work in llme-ceme! mortar 100 Ashlar masonry, othe! than and stone 6U0 Sandstone ashlar masonry 300 Hollo bulldir blo I f rtayr terra cotta, celjs vertical, gross area L100 terra cotta cella area 0 concrete, cells vertical! gross area . concrete, cells noerizontal gross area 30 when filled with 1:3:6 concrete or better 150 (Bb. C:; Bec 139.) Bec. 52. Working stresses for columns l Genera! In Coiumns or compression members with flat ends, of cast iron. steel or wood, the stresses shall! not exceed t ose epecified in this section for the respective ratios of slenderness Kor intermediate ratios of slenderness the working atresses shall be proportionate to those given (B Cc Sec 138. ) 2 Unsupported lengths Columns and compression members hall not be used hay- ing an unsupporté d lei eth Ot greatel ratios than given in this section (B C.. Bes. 138.) 3 Eccentrically loaded columns Any column eccentricafly loaded shall, have the etresses caused by such eccentricity com- puted, and the combined stress: from such eccentricity at any part of the column, added to all other stresses at that part, shall in no case exceed the stresses given in this section T tric load of a column may e considered to be distributed equally over tl} area of that below that at which the column is securely braced laterally in the direction of the eccentricity (se. Cc. Bec. 188.) 4 Cast iron and _ =~stee) working stresses in pounds per square Inch for cast iron and steel columns shall be, when the length divided by the least radius of gyration equals Pe dans s0 Re ee ee ee ee 7,600 for steel 110 ae dle ae Wo & re ees ; 8.300 for steel ee wesw x ce ee 9,000 for steel i 9.700 for steel anther i 10,400 for ateel resulting working eccen- entire column at the next. polnt columns The A 6,200 for cast iron, 11,100 for steel 60 ........6,600 for cast iron, 11,800 for steel ei a ans 7,000 for cast Iron, 12,500 for steel OO ek So eas 7,400 for cast tron, 13,200 for steel) 30 ~ee-ses.7,800 for cast iron, 13,900 for steel FT IS ieee I 8,200 for cast iron, 14,600 for steel rain 1,000 000 | | | 10 8 600 f & L¢ ast iron, 16,300 for stee (B C., Sex 13 } ®. Wood columns, The working stresses In pound per square inch of cross se tion for wood posts and columns shall be, when the lengt divided br least side or dlam ter eg i/ 30) 600 for longleaf yellow pine, 390 for Spruce, ai 700 for longleaf yellow pine, 475 for spruce, 9 , ; - 20 $00 for longleaf yellow pine, 660 for spruce, 15—900 for longleaf yellow pine 645 for Bapruce li 960 for iongleaf yellow pine 696 tor spruce 10 1,000 for iongleaf yellow pine, 730 for spruce For columns of shortleaf yellow pine N { pine or Douglas fir the working stresses shall not exceed three-fourths of the corresponding values given for lo ea ye OV I I co rT of white |] if r fir the worklr tT 3 all 4 take Same a ror Spl ‘ for OoOlumMmnNs O te oak the k tresses shall be taken the same a gleaf ye ) pine (I (* Sey 1 ‘ Sec. 63. Loads l Dead O The term ‘dead load’, means the elg) if walls, partitions, fram ing floors oo! ind al permanent cor S8tructior f f k oO any Du ling (Amende : ( ef tive June 22 19] 2 Liv erm ‘live L¢ | neans i Oadading oUner nan t he ‘ ey } | I A r moor roof yard yur d be of suffic t st gti i r » bear safely any posed Las vine r permanent or te poral LI add . Smee dead loads de end 2 1 nowever, t at IDO! or ‘ tenslo te ® kxisting t [ter erected, sha t d eda t ess than the follo Athy | ‘ oot o! area \ LTor j i oraing as the flioo } I inte ay the purpos Indicated 40 | d I e purpose 10 po of atsembly or Dp i) | rp t ir ¢l srooms of cho or ‘ ( of instr on the floor eed ot >] designated for more | thar i pt ca and | 12 pou! f other irpose except | tha the 1 ' \ (Tce need 2 opt dt | bBigned fer ha 60 po { he ‘ ] ic! a ing «¢ ery floor 4 ‘ na dé rly - Ow nh LLIOT il ad on tne | before “ar pern er¢ Coe a led } 4 ) rate oad | eY I r beam i an ling hereafter erected used for any | ‘ Murpose sha be capa DI! of ain a lve load oncentrated at it centr f a leaSt 4,000 pound 5 Moving id Running machinery or other movi! | hall be co idered as/| increas w lve loads in proportio: to the degree of \ ratory impulse transmitted to tl floor rit loads Every roof hereafter } er ad . 3 proportioned to bear ufely | a ive load of 40 pounds per squars foot of surface when the Ditch of suc] roof ls twent legres yr less Er 8 ho! onta and 3 pound per square foot me ured on a hor yntal plane, When the pitch is nore than 20, degrees 7 Loads on vertical upport Every rolumn, post or other vertical support shall be of sufficient strength to bear afely the combined live and dead load of uch por- ction: ol each and every floor a depend upon it for upport, except that in bulldings more tt l tories in height trie Ve loau on th floor next below th top floor may be assumed at 95 per cent. of the allowable live load on the next lower floor ‘a 90 | per cent and on each succeeding lower floor at correspondingly decreasing per- | shal less centages, provided that in no case r than 00 per -ceni of the allowable live load be assumed § Sidewalk loads For sidewalks be- tween the curb and building lines, the live | CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 23 load shall be taken at 300 pounds per Square foot 9 Lard and court loads For yards and inside the building line, the live ‘O80sS shall be taken at not less than 120 Pounds per square foot, Sec. 564. Wind pressure, W he When considered, All bulldings over 160 feet in helght and all bulidings or parts rf yuilding in Which the height is more tha fou time the minimum horizontal ait sion, shall be designed to resist a ul wil pressure of 30 pounds for evel juare foot of exposed surface meas- the ground to the top of the ru nciuaing roof, allowing for wind ‘ LI rT) és Sta Ihe overturning moment d to ind yressure hall not exceed 75 per « OF the moment of stability of the tructul iniesS the structure is securely anchor to: t sundation Anchors shall b ent strength t safely carry the ‘ ( rtur! & moment, without exceed- ‘ VOrKing stress prescribed in this apter Al) ible ‘ g When the stress i er dur vind does not exceed per ent. of the stress due to live and dead loads it may be neglected. When such stre eeds 50 per cent. of the stress lus ) ‘ ince de 1 loads, the working tress prescribed in this chapter may be { reased } ) pe cent. in designing such ‘ bers ft resist the ymbined stresses ( co - 140.) Sec. 55 Floor capacities 1 stimate of floor capacity In every building now existing or hereafter erected, 0 I a holly r in part as a business d which heavy materials aré ke} ' stored. ¢ machinery is introduced, the w@ight thet each floor will safely gsus- tain be estimated Dy the owner or lo upa A Gy i a competent person em- ployed ' e wher or occupant Such est ite nail be f.led With the superin- tendent if Dulldings properly verified by the person mak e same in such manner a such superintendent may direct, and shall rive ful iy rmation on which the éstimate is ba d W he such estimate is found te be satisfactory and correct, the superintend- ent ilding shall approve the same. If the uperintendent of buildings shall have ca to doubt the corre tness of said esti- mat he empowered to revise and vorrect the same and for the purpose of such re- ym othe officer and employees of the bureau of bulldings may enter an building d remove o much of any floor or other vortion thereof as may be required to make necessary measurements and examination. ‘ ex pens ece urfly neurred in remov- ing any floor or other portion of any build- 12 fo! he purpose of making any examina- tion herein provided for shall be paid by t} Oo} roller upon the requisition of t} ip iIntendent of bulldings, out of the fund paid ove! to him under the pro- visi@ns of Sec. 639 of this chapter Such expenses shall be a harge against the per- s0n or perso! by whom or on whose be- half said estimate was made, provided such examination proves the floors of insufficient itreng to carry with safety the loads found upon them when such examination was nade and shall be ‘collected in an action to be brought by the corporation ounsel against ild person or persons, and the sum so collected shall be paid-over to th comptroller to be deposited tn said fund in reimbursement of the amount paid i: aforesald 2 Posting floor capacities Before any bulildit hereafter erected is oceupied, in whole or In part, as a business bullding, and betrore any building already erected but not heretofore ogcupled as a business bulld- ing is occupled o used, in whole or in vart, for such purpese, the safe live load } for each floor as approved by the superin- tendent of buildings shall be posted In a conspicuous place in the story to which if relate When the safe live load for any existing floor, ascertained as hereinbefore provided, has been approved by the super- intendent of buildings, the owner or occie USFS EE yest PEt e ESE ERG EES RSETSST EET Dorey Vette ota oe re te aes oe a STS FESR eS Elks FORM RELEoad a kc 2 be eee! vo? on ee ae ‘ee rtet Dok Le kel es ee | Pee eae eeReret rt a She ee ee tebe hia too ee eee 7 , * ‘a . eat et aes tek ee ae ee he | a deol eee 8 24 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY O pant shall post such approved live Joad in @ conspicuous place or places on each occupied for any of the purposes indicated in this section. 8. Loading of floors No place, or cause or permit to be any floor of any building any greater load | than the approved safe load | 4. Safes. No safe shall be placed on @| stair landing or in a stalr hall, nor shall its weight be carried by any beam which | also carries the floor of any landing or | atair hall. (B. C., Sec. 182.) person shall placed, oD story | reinforced concrete closed with walls ol approved masonry or Frame buildings or struc tures walls or any 4 Frame are those of which the exterior parts thereof are of wood, or which do not) 1 requirements [fol fireprooc | conform Oo the or non-fireproof | dings Sec. 72. When buildings are required to be fireproof. ] New bulldings Kvery building here- after created hall be a fireproof bullding, as follows u feet a Every public building over! 2 which persons are harbored to high, in recelvyve medica charitable or other care or *ARTICLE 4 ‘ecatraent, or in which persons are held « : detained unde! ga restraint b every the! I ¢ building over 4% Classification of Bulldings | feet in height exceeding 00 square feet in area Sec 0. Occupancy ‘ every residence i1ilding, except tene Se i1 Construction ments, over 40 fer t height and having See, 72 When buildings are required t0/ more than e] rooms be fireproof d. evel tenemés house exceeding six Sec. 738 When buildings may be non stories < a c ries as provided in fireproof Teneme! H e Law Sec 74 One-story spe {al bulildings e eve 6 Ter yullding having re than 1 S ( E ind exceeding UU Sec. 70. Occupancy. square reg uniess divide 1 Classes designated For the purposes} terio pé tior alls approved 1ason! of this chapter all buildings or structures | ® reintf oO rete into secti of less shall be classified, with respect to occu- hal Lr ef area pancy and use, as publiq@ buildings, res - | f eve her sidence bulit E e dencé buildings and business buildings, as| tee hel; hereinafter specified and defined £ s s building exceeding : 2 Public buildings Public buildings are | fee Loma 1 ag & garag ThO ¥s buildings or parts of buildings in which] ficie ! I shop or oil selling station with- persons congregate for civic, political edu- j 1! ne its or the sudurpen limite eational, religious or recreational purposes, | (4m<‘ 191% or in which persons are harbored to receive r mepe c Ju 3 9 } medical, charitable or other care or treat € es Oovel four stories ment rr in which persons are held or de | height ed a a factory as defined in the tained by reason of public or civic duty, or} Lab I for correctional purposes, including among e ilding or struct ew others court houses schools cglleges, | fire t uburba limits used as libraries, museums, exhibition buildings ec-| gra evator r a coal pocket ture halls, churches, assemb! halis, lodge L \ iness t lding wer feet rooms, dance halls, theatres, bath houses heig! hospitals asylums, armories fire houses, BY siness ullding with! he fire police stations, jails and passenger depots s or the uburbal! imits which exceeds 3 Residence buildings Residence build an ea 00 square eet hen locate ings are buildings or parts-.of bulldings in| on a terlo oO when fa g « , which sleeping accommodations are pro- | ons res O 00 square fee when fa Z vided,. except such as may f other reasons n = treets, © 15,000 square feet whe be classed as public buildings, including! facing c three of! nore streets, provided umong others, dwellings, tenement houses, 1a when any aguch building is equippe: hotels, lodging houses, dormitories, convents throughout vit} 1m approvel system e and studios and club houses having sleep-| automatic sprinklers, fireproof construction ing accommodations shall be quired only when the areas ey & Business buildings Business buildings | ceed double those herein specified for the | are bulidings or parts of bulldings, wl ch | respective 1itions, and provided also that are not public buildings or residence build-| when an such building is divided vy aD ings, including among others, office bulld-| proyed interior fire walls, fireproof constr " ’ ings, stores, markets restaurants, ware fon shall be required only when any un- houses, freight depots, car barns, stables,| divided area exceeds 00 square feet garages, factories, aboratories, noke | Building; of greater areas than herein especi- bouses, grain elevators and coal pockets 6 Doubtful classification In building is not specifically where uncertainty classification, its status shall be fixed by a case an proyided for, or there is any as to its rule promulgated by the superintendent of buildings e 6 Mixed occupancy In case a building occupied or different purposes in different parts, the provisions of th cfepter applying to each class of occupulcy shall apply to such parts of the building as within that ¢ciuss; and if there snould provisions, the used fer come he confiicting requirements securing the greater yafety sha apply Sec. 71. Construction 1. Classes of construction. For the pur- poses of this chapter all buildings or struc tures shall be classified atruction, as fireproof, frame, 2. Fireproof Fireproof buildings OI structures are those which are constructed throughout of materials that will resist the action of fire quired in Article 17 of this chapter 3. Non-fireproof or structures are those form to the , requirements fo! fireproof buildings or structures, but which are en- with réspect to con- non-fireproof and ‘ and are constructed as re- Non-fireproof buildings which do not con- ®*Added by ord. adapted June 8, 1915, ef- fective September 1, 1916. fied for the respective conditions may, con- sidering location and purpose, be constructed non-fireproo! Dy pecial permission of the| superintendent of bulldings, provided they | do not exceed two ries in height 2 Literationgs i By extending When any building now existing is to be enlarged by extending it on any side so that the; enlarged exceed the lIimits ef height or area specified in subdivision 1 of this section for a new bullding would building, the ex- {«nsion or enlargement shall be constructed fireproof, provided that, In case the existing pullding is not of fireproof constructton, the bullding existing and new portions of the shall be separated by fire walls b By raising in helgt No building now | existing shall be Ta d n height so as to] exceed the limits of heig! specified In sub- | division 1 of this section unless it is fire- | proof Sec. 73. When building may be non-tfire- | proof, | 1 New buildings Except when required | by his article to be fireproof, or when per- mitted by article 5 or article 22 of this chapter to be frame, any building hereafter | erected may be non-fireproot Alterations Except this article to be mitted by chapter when required by | when per-| article 30 of this bullding which fireproof, or article 5 or to be frame, any F NEW YORK. { shall hereafter be enlarged in any mannepP, may be non-fireproof 3 Special fire protection. In all non-fire- proof buildings hereafter erected or here- after altered or converted to be used as garages, motor vehicle repair shops or oil a ling stations the columns and girders, unless of fireproof construction, and all wood construction shall be cov- ered and protected on all sides with such fire and in such manner as may be prescribed by the rules of the Board nd Appeals, except that when such buildings are not more than one story basement or cellar, such pro- required for the roof foor and roof retarding materials of Standards a without nign, er ion I shall not be istruction » &@ point one hundred feet outherly side of Jamaica avenue, thence| S0Uth of the southerly side of Greenpoint running west 100 feet south of and par avenue nence running westerly one hune- allel oO. ti southerly side of Jamaica ave-| dred feet south Of and parallel to the ia to a ] nt 100 feet east of the easterly | ®0utherly side of Greenpoint avenue to side of Norwood avenue, thence running Borde! avenue tnence running easterly therly 1] ef east of and parallel to} #/Onge the center line of Borden avenue toa the easter! de of Norwood avenue to At Laurel Hill soulevard thence running antl avenue thence running easterly | S0uthwesterly along the center line of Laure] along the centre e of Atlantic avenue to] Mill Boulevard to Meeker avenue, thence a@ poll 100 feet east of the easterly side of | 7UMNIng southerly along the center line of Milford stré thence running southerly 100 Meeker avenue to Newtown Creek, thence feet east of and parallel to the easterly side| 2#!0n& Newtown Creek o the East River, of Milford reet a point 100 feet south] thence running northerly along the bulk- of the utherly side of New Lots avenue head line of the East River to the place of hence running westerly 100 feet south of beginning (Amended by ord. effective Nee and paralle >» the southerly side of New|! vember 9, 1915.) Lots avenue to a point 100 feet south of the | b Beginning at a point on the borough yuthe \ elce f Riverdale avenue thence | 1! © between Queens and Brooklyn inter- running westerl\ 100 feet south of and | sected by a line distant 100 feet north of parallel t the southerly side of Riverdale | #"G parallel to the northerly side of Metro- avenue t¢ H point 100 feet west of the} polltan avenue thence running easterly 100 este side of East 98th street thence | reet north of and parallel to the northerly running northwesterly 100 feet west of and|/* de of Metropolitan avenue to a point 100 narallel to the westerly side of East 98th | feet east of the easterly side of Fresh Pond Deal to a point 100 feet south of the | road thence running southerly 100 feet east utherly side of Clarkson avenue, thonce of and parallel to the easterly side of Fresh running westerly 100 feet south of ana| 0nd road to Myrtle avenue, thence running parallel to th outherly side of Clarkson | S0Utherly along the Long Island railroad to avenue ac! Remsen avenue and continu- | the borough line between Queens and Brook- ing 100 feet south of and parallel to the | 172 thence running northwesterly along said | southerly side of Clarkson avenue to a point Borough line to the point of beginning: 100 feet east of the easterly side of Flatbush Beginning at a point on the borough avenue, thence running southerly 100 feet| line between Queens and Brooklyn 100 feet east of an parallel to the easterly side of| north of the northerly side of Jamaica ave- Flatbush avenue to a point opposite the nue thence easterly 100 feet north of and unection of Kings highway with Flatbush] parallel to the northerly side of Jamaica avenue, thence running westerly across Flat-| avenue, to Brenton avenue, thence .running bush avenue to a point 100 feet west of the] southerly across Jamaica avenue to a point westerly side of Flatbush avenue, thence!|100 feet south of the southerly side thereof, running northerly 100 feet west of and|thence running westerly 100 feet seul of narallel to the westerly side of Flatbush | and parallel to the southerly slide of Jamaica it 100 feet east of the east- avenue to a point 100 feet south of the] avenue to a pol southerly nide of Chureh avenue, thence/|erly side of Roseville avenue, thence running running westerly 100 feet south of and|southerly 100 feet east of and parallel to the parallel to the southerly side of Church ave-| easterly side of Rosevyllle avenue to Mand- nue to a point 100 feet southeast of the/|sley street, thence running westerly across southeasterly side of 14th avenue, thence} Roseyille avenue to a point 100 feet west of running and parallel to the southeasterly side of 14th) northerly 100 feet west of and parallel te avenue to a point 100 feet southwest of the| the westerly side of Roseville avenue to @ southwesterly side eof 60th street. thence| point 100 feet south of. the southerly side of running northwesterly 100 feet southwest of | Jamaica avenue, thence running westerly the southwest side of 60th|100 feet south of and parallel to the south- southwesterly 100 feet southeast of | the westerly side thereof, thence running and parallel to street to New York bay thence running | erly side of Jamaica avenue to the boundary line of New|! line between the boroughs of Queens and northerly along the plerhead York bay, Gowanus bay, Buttermilk channel | Brooklyn, thence running northerly along and the East river to the point of begin-| said boundary line to the place of begin- d Beginning at a polnt on the centre Atlantic Ocean and West 5th | line of Madison street, Flushing, 100 feet street, thence running northerly along the| west of the westerly side of Main street, centre lint of West 5th street to a point 100| thence running northerly 100 feet west of feet north of the northerly side of Surf ave-, and parallel to the westerly side of Main nue, thence running westerly 100 feet north) street to Jackson avenue, thence running b Beginning. at a point at the intersec- tion of the rye? TTS ZVALL LT z bs eeee tL Pate 3 * ‘3 Ste hs parE APE peaes £57 505s a *7 ~ eoere ee ty Tee =e Sn oe PLP ik lw k a) . se = a | ch a Peageee te kb eatsPo Debit Of kL EL et es ee | ot died cd te fa tee pike td ret tt clea PT Terres Te ot be teh eh hee ie ot 26 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. wo Perv w ee ; | . ‘ ' nth of and pal parallel to the southerly side of Sutter ave- easterly @ioky entre line of! Jackson | thence we el er UU ‘ | i 4 re ve - | ‘na ekaedaey iis of Queens carousit, avenue to a point 100 feet east of ee peue oe Si . ~ me aainn ‘ os portion | excepting, however, the premises beginning side of Main street, thence running south- | to the KO ul 3 aaa . the following aay Atlantic Ocean at the easterly side erly 100 feet i a Re aie jor yee wee oi Laps “3 re oe ot} na eon ran: Senuink eee Atitasly easter side of Main stree o Madiso deacribec .rea Sef ning at ¢& 9 4 ‘ ee acts running westerly @10ng thé the intersection of the centre line of the ilong the aan ee of veeer at to centre line of Madison street to the point a. | Bronx riv: ) feet uth of Walker a Oriental Boulevard, : thence easter y along O wroved Atg. 14, 1914.) tue (former! VW Feary road), run 1g | the southerly side of Oriental Boulevard te beginning. (OFS, | ORRE a o sterly ay ter! } hel line of ‘77th | the westerly side of Irwin Street; thence e r a yvoint on the easte y easterly along ; } y ine Es sias Me ici se cuits 200 feet orth are t to the rig! iy of the Jew York, souther! along kate weater) side wt ehh of the northerly side of Queens boulevard, | New Haven nd H ford Rallroad treet ) Atiantic Ocean; thence along in the first ward, borough of Queens, thence southerly al t] at id oO he right | the Atlantic Ocean to the pir of beginning: running easterly and southerly Py t bi Set Cee FTES Ow te EES PS HTT LOR Sys Peer e se eet e easy — 28 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE Ciry OF NEW YORK. a having direct exit by doorways or hallways to a street and having an occupancy of mor: than seventy-five persons, sha have at least two means of exit Cc, From foor areas the ground floor shall Way Or nre Every other floor i1rea above or below have at least one interior stair f tower connected thereto Ivery such floor area shall have at least one when it exceeds two thousand fiv square feet in area d Fire towers required Ir ings exceeding eighty-five feet in height, at least one stairway shall be a firs vided that in sprinklered buildings additional exit e hundre dad business build- ¢ ywer, pre in which wo or more stairways are req ilred under the provisions of this article, su h fire tower shall not be required unless tne bullding exceeds one hundred and twenty-five feet in helgnt 4. Location Exits shall be so located that no point in an) loor area served by then shall be more than one hur dred feet auistant along the ine of travel from an exit ‘ cept that when any floor area is subdivided : , hotels into smaller areas, such as rooms 1! , and office buildings, the distance from he door of any sucl rool along an uU | structed hallway, to an exil shal be ot more than one hundred and t\ t fi fee When more than one exit is required to al! fioor area the exits shall be placed r mote from each other 6. Stairway exits Every required ta way shall lead to a street At least one stairway shall continue to the roof and when there are more than two stairways at least two shall continue to tne ro 6 Engineers’ ladders Every building including tenement nouses ict aters and n otion picture theaters \ [ t high pressure steam boilers re place low the curb evel shall have sta i iron ladders or stairs from such stor a ing directly to a manhole through the sid walk or other outside exit unless € provided by an enclosed stairs or a gontal exit @ec. 153. Interlor stairs 1. Construction. a. Strength A sta platforms, landings and stair halls sha of sufficient strength to safel live load of ngt ess an one hund pounds per square foot b Materials 411 stairs and : Lys serving as exit shall be constructed f combustible material throughout, excey] frame and no ireproof buildings n¢ ‘ ceeding forty feet in height and occupled not more than fifty persons above he firs gtory, and except when the stair art clogwed in fireproof partitions , frame i non-fireproof buildings not exceeding f feet in height e Support for treads and landings. \ treads or landings are of slate, nar stone or composition, they shall bi up ported for their enfire length and width b @ solid steel plate at least one-eighth of ar inch thick securely fastened When stalr j are of fireproof construction, the treads landings may be solidly supported for thei: entire length and width by the materi: which such stairs are constructed treads and landings shall be constructed an maintained in such manner as to prevent persons from slipping thereon 2 When to be enclosed a Firepro enclosures. In buildings exceeding forty feet in height or occupied by more than fift persons above the first story nterior re quired stairways shall be enclosed with fire yroof partitions or walls of approved ma- @oury. b. Non-fire proof enclosures In buildings mot exceeding forty feet in helght and o cupled by not mors than fifty persons above the first story, interior required stairway which are not enclosed In fireproof partitio or wall of approved masonry snall be en- closed in partitions of wood studs firestopp: at every story with incombustible material @nd wire-lathed or covered with approvs plaster boards on both sides, and in eac!} case plastered with at least one-half of a foch of mortar on all exposed surfaces of other approved equally slow-burning ma- terial and construction e, Stairs of ornamenta and windows OTS OI automatt esh or othel e mediate hand-rall, character Toth- ing in this section shall require the en- closure of the filght of e required stairs, when ornamental in character, from the connected to each story which they serve of self-closing fire doors. Doors opening on such stairs shall by approved self-closing fire fire’ windows Metal rigid guards at least six feet E means protecte l h shall be provided on each unenclosed de of such stairways throughout, >¢ 155. Fire towers. Interior stairways constructed and ar- iged as follows shall be known as fire wers The enclosing walls shall be of or reinforced concrete not less than t inches thick, and without openings, cept for doors or windows opening on a reet. or on a yard or court not less than ie hundred square feet in area, Access to e stairway shall be provided at each story ed by a fire tower through outside bal- ies or fireproof vestibules having solid ‘rs or incombustible materials and pro- d with substantial railings. Such bal- nies o vestibules shall be level with the ors of the building and platforms of the tairs connected by them, and shall be sepa- d therefrom by self-closing fire doors ! clear width of such connecting bal- es {i vestibules shall be not less than auired for a hallway The stairs in towers shall comply in all respects with ements of this article relating to 4 156. Horizontal exits. 11 exit shall be deemed satis- le! this art{cle unless the floor on eithe side of such nortzontal exit itt ‘ o hold the olnt occupancy of floor areas, allowing not less than three e-half ruare feet of clear floor space persor ind at least one interior stairway fire tower conforming to the requirements f ils ticle is provided on each side of yrizontal exit. When vestibutes or iir baleonles are used they shall con- Oo! o the requirements for vestibules or a balconies of fire towers When es e used they shall be constructed of stible material All doorways or ows pening on sueh vestibules, bal- | ges shall be equipped with osinge fire doors or automatic fire win- g : Where there is a difference in level vyeen the connected floor areas, gradients ha be provided of not more than one foot = fee Sec 157 Hallways. When serving as an exit from or in con- ‘ yn WwW one or more stairways, the clear h of any hallway or passageway shall less han the aggregate reqittred 2ar width of all stairs leading to it. The ir width of every hallway or passageway ding to an exit shall be not less than foul hes for the first fifty persons nodated thereby, and six inches ional for each additional fifty persons fraction thereof; when the number of per- s to be accommodated thereby is less than the clear width of such hallway or ssageway shall be not less than thirty-six hes Sec. 158. Doorways. 1. Width [The aggregate clear width of ways serving as an exit from any room or floor area to a hallway, stairs or other eans of ex! shall be not less than thirty- ix inches for the first fifty persons to be ac- ommodated thereby, and six inches addl- onal for each additional fifty persons or .ction thereof The aggregate clear width ff doorways serving as an exit from any 1irway, hallway or passageway, shall be not less than the required width for such stairway, hallway or passageway. No single exit doorway shall have a clear width of less han thirty inches, provided that, when the otal number of persons tobe accommo- dated exceeds fifty, the clear width shall pe not less than thirty-six inches. é Hanging of doors The doors of any | doorway required by this section shall be so hung and arranged that when opened they shall not in any way obstruct the re- quired width of hallway, stairs, or other means of exit and, in the case of door- | ways leading directly to a street, shall not, shall/in any position, project more than eighteenCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 299 inches beyond the building line. DOOR WaEE | ing officer of his company or precinct, who serving a3 exits to a street from required | Shall forthwith caus: the occupant of the stairways of any building, or to a yard, | premises or apartment to which said fire court or open passageway communkt ating | escape, balcony or ladder is attached, or for with a street, shall have the doors, includ- | whose use the same is provided ‘Rn nh atl. ing the doors of vestibules, so hung as to fied, either verbal or in woitine a remove swing outwards when opening; but this re- such incumbrance and keep io oe me Te quirement shall not be coystrued to prohibit 5. Punishment for violations Tier no- the use of doors swinging both inwards and tic shell not he <« iplied with by the re- outwards,nor of sliding doors in stables and | mova} forthwith of such incumbrance, wai’ eee ee in the shipping and 1 elving | ke Ping sald fir ipes, balcony or ladder rooms of business buildings fre fron Neumbrance the Lie nam « 3. Door fastenings. The fastening on any | mandi; g Pian: ce ee Soa Bani docrua exit door within the scope of this sectio police magistrate for'a arias tegen tev the a shall be such that the door may be readily cupant of the sald p enh hilen a: sidiRra bak of opened from the {nside without the use of | which the fire es: ave forms a part. and. on keys, provided that this requirement shall conviction, the said occupant shall be fined not apply to the doors of rooms where ber- | not more than ten dollars for each offense, sons are under legal restraint |; Or may be imprisoned not to exceed ten days, Sec. 159. Miscellaneous requirements | or both, in the discretion of the~Court. 1. Exit signs All exits fro Toor areas | accommodating more than fifty versons shall be plainly :narked by approved exit signs * ’ O eee ARTICLE 9. 2. Lighting Provision shall be made for the adequate lighting by artificial light of Projections Beyond Building Line all stairways, hallways and other means of exit required by this article. see + FO. Restri a i 2 ; p eec, 171 Permits revocable 3. Exits to be kept clear No doorway Sec. 172. A atione hallway, of exit, passageway, stairs, or other means this article, shall be except as to hand- required width in any man- required |! obstructed or reduced, rails, its ner whatsoever beyon a Sec. 160. Alterations. building shall as to reduce No hereafter be altered so the number or capacity of exits to less than required for bulldings hereafter erected New exits hereafter installed in any building shall be installed tn corform- ity to the requirements for exits in new buildings, unless such exits are installed to comply with a notice issued under the provi- sions of section 161 of this article Sec. 161. Existing buildings. Every building existing which is not provided with exit facilities as prescribed in this article for new buildings and in which the exit facllities are for the safety of the occupants, vided with such good and sufficient stairways, or other means of of fire as shall be directed by tendent of buildings; now inadequate ll be pr fire escapes, egress in case the sald su sha superin- and perintend- ent shall have authority within said city to direct fire escapes and other means of egress to be provided upon and within such build- ings or any of them, except as may be| otherwise provided by law. If the owner of any building affected by any order issued under this section, or his agent, shall, within forty-eight hours, Sundays and holidays e ‘luded, after personal service of such order has been made, file with the superintendent of buildings a written appeal from such order, the superintendent of buildings shall appoint a board of survey, as provided for in section 633 of this chapter for unsafe bulld- ings, upon whose findings a new order shall be based and issued Sec. 162. Fire escapes. 1. Construction. erected shall be constructed of incombustibla materials and of sufficient strength to safely All fire escapes hereafter sustain a superimposed load of one hundred | pounds per square foot. The owner or | lessee of any building upon which a fire | escape is erected shall keep the same in | good repair. | 2. Incumbering fire escapes No person | shall at any time place any incumbrance of | any kind whatsoever before or upon any | fire escape, balcony or ladder. 3. Notice against incumbrances, In con- structing all balcony fire escapes, the manu- facturer thereof shall securely fasten thereto, in a conspicuous place, a metal plate having suitable raised letters on the same, to read as follows: “‘Notice: Any person placing any incumbrance on this balcony ts liable to a penalty of $10 and imfrisonment for ten days.”’ 4. Duty of firemen and policemen Any | fireman and policeman who shall discover | any fire escape, balcony or ladder of any | fire escape incumbered in any way shall | j forthwith report the same to the command- Sec. 173. Exi Sec. 174 A Apportionment Sec. 170. Restrictions | 1. Genera ep is hereinafter other | wise provide this article no part of any | building hereafter erected, or of any en- largement of ar ist! uilding shall pro- | ject beyond he ling line so as to en |croach upon a pu street or public space | | Projecti 3 ibie Any part of a | building jy itted to p ect beyond the | uilding t provisions of this be s structed that its re- mi j l L¢ iny time without 1using t g iny part thereof to bec ) 5 < na < 3. & tu suppo part of any I l g ne f f d or of any enlarge- n t of ‘ gz ding that is neces- sal f< the str tur safet of the building ire thereof sha project be- ; he , a a : e ere pach ip L'+] t r pub space, but hi i d to prohibit the pro ; ne to hea tent tha WE inches of th fi, Y Hy ied sucl ; r part f footing ire 1c iés tha ig fee he t sidewalk level ‘ | 7 ‘ tions A A ha f 2 er pe spaces below the ground ‘ ate] outside the build- ng nda ¢ a substantial walls, may project -beyond tl iliding line not more han one-fifte: h of the width of the street, but 1O t} fi feet, except where entire] pI i] t¢ - 160 of chaper 23 of the Co f Ordinances, provided, how- eve that eve ch area shall be covered over a t} street level b an approved gratine of meta vr other incombustible ma- terlal of sufficient strength to irry safely the pede n reet traffic b. Steps ing up or down at entrances and included between ornamental columns, pilasters or check pieces at least three feet high on the sides of such entrances, may project beyond the building Mne not more than two and one-half per nt of the vidth of the street, -but not more than eighteen inches in any case, except where nrohibited entirely by section 160 of chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances, provided that the ag- gregate width of such steps shall not ex- ceed twenty per cent. of the actual strcet frontage of any one building, when such frontage is twenty-five feet or more nor more than five feet when such frontage Is less than twenty-five feet c. Columns, pilasters and ornamental pro- jections, Board encroachments of Estimate and including their mouldings and bases, *Added by ord. adopted December 14, 1915, effective March 14, 1916 |} as 1n | Stree's, no aw! a ee erected p urely for the enhancement of the eaut of the building from an artistic Standpolint, may project beyond the bulld- line not more than two and one-half ner ; ] nt. of the width of the street, but net more than eighteen inches in any case. Balustrades of an ornamental char- rcte luding the sills and br.ckets on which they rest, may project beyond the bu & line not more than five per cent. or. t) width of the street nor more than ty o inches in any case, provided that every part of such balustrade is not legs than ten feet above the sidewalk. e. Mouldings, belt courses, cornices, lintels, si] pedin ts and similar projections of a decorat character may project beyond the building .ine not more than one and one-fourth per cent. of the width of the street r more than ten inches in any cage. f. The main cornice, meaning thereby a oulded projection at or near the top of the street wall, may project beyond the building line not more than five per cent. of the width of the street nor more than five feet in any case, provided such main cornice is not less than twelve feet above the sidewalk at any point. g&. Base courses may project beyond the building line not more than one and one- fourth per cent. of the width of the street nor more than ten inches in any case, pro- vided the do not extend more than five fee above the highest point of the side- walk I Rustications and quolns may project be- yond the building Iine not more than four inches. i. Awnings and marquises, extending wholly or in part across the sidewalk, in on with entrances to buildings, shall be not less than ten feet above the sidewalk it all points, except where prohibited . by section 160 of chapter 23 of the Code of Or- linances, provided they are constructed of glass or other incombustible ma- terla and securely supported from the building, ar ire properly drained, and pro- ided further that, except on streets that “dinance be designated as market ing or marquise shall extend street wall of a building for more than seventy-five per cent. of the length of ich wall, nor, in any case. more than fifty fee ind there shall be a clear distance of ot less than four feet between any twe awnings on the same building 1. Fire escapes and balconies te fire towers or other required exits, constructed of steel or other incombustible material, when required on the fronts of buildings, may project beyond the building line not more than four and one-half feet, but no | part of such fire escapes or balconies shall be less than ten feet above the sidewalk, provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the use of movable ladders or stairs to the sidewalk, so arranged that they are within ten feet of the sidewalk only when 'in actual use k. Vaults, entirely below the sidewalk level and conforming to the requiremehts of arti- cle 17, chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances, shall not extend beyond the curb line. Open- ing in the roofs of vaults, between the building Iinme ahd curb, shall. be provided with substantial covers, flush in all parts with the sidewalk, of incombustible material and maintained as t6 be and,when open thor- and to prevent pergpnas thereon. and £0 ‘onstructed normally kept closed oughly rafeguarded, from slipping l. Hose connections for interior fire ex- tinguishment equipments and fresh air inlets for plumbing systems may project through a wall more than twelve inches be- bullding line, exXcept that where angle formed by the street wall check piece or the base of a column, pilaster or ornamental projection, provided this seotion specified, they may bs so located that part extends more than fifteen inches from either side of such angles, b. Rules governing projections, Nothing in street not yvond the there is an and a no Fy =e oer TT Pe ee mr G re rae ESTELEEES DAS CART Seta) 15248 enn ce yeAa : PPM EPA Hob aael eee : ce Sts debs on geke tOEMeRES Eh Seeseis oy. eoa tAvapa ce? Ft Lhe, s ete Lee Le Pel Ps a | «ae s8e2er 2e<¢8y “ Theil at Lie tet.) 1% eet et et tebe eee eee th tt kee ee dee Be La hd Bald sg 30 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. to abridge the this article shall be deemed sresidents powers and duties of the borough f or the commissioners of parks within their | respective jurisdictions, to adopt additional Fules as may be necessary with respect to the construction 0! disposition of parts of | buildings projecting beyond the bullding line The borough presidents or commissioners of | parks may, when deemed necessary or de- sirable, fix further restrictions as to the ex tent of projections beyond the building line, but no projection great than in this article apecified shall be permitted. Sec. 171. Permits revocable. Any permission, express or implied, to con- > as to project be- struct part of a buil ling yond the building line, under the provisions of this article, is revocable by the Board of Aldermen or the Board of Est portionment at will. imat> and Ap- feo. 172. Alterations. No alterations or enlargement bullding now made to any existing part of a projecting beyond the building line, excent in conformity with the provisions article so far as it affects new Co! atruction Rec. 178. Existing encroachments Such parts of buildines which already project bevond the bullding line may D6 maintained as constructe until heir re moval is directed by the Board of Aldermen or the Board of Estimate and Apportio! ment, provided, however, that nothing tained in this article shall be de abridge the right of The City of New York or any of its officers, to continue any a tion for the removal of any unauthorized pro- jection beyond the building line or for the collection of any penalty heretofore incurred tn connection therewith. Bec. 174. Action of Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Nothing in this article shall be deemed to authorize any projection beyond the building line on those streets on which thé removal or projections has been heretofore or may be hereafter directed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, except in conformity to resolutions by such Boar *ARTICLE 10, SAFEGUARDS DURING CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION. Sec. 190. Enforcement of a 19 Sidewalk sheds 192. Temporary fence 193. Roofs and skylights of adjoining buildings 194, Scaffolding 195. Floors to be filled in or covered over 196. Protectidn of floor openings 197. Weather protect 198. Cellar drainage 499. Overloading prohibitec $00. Precautions during demolition Bec. 190. Enforcement of article Except as may be otherwise provided | any law or ordinance the provisions of th article shall be enforced by the superintena- ent of buildings, and all safeguar: required by the provisions of this article or } a! rules authorized thereunder hall be ib ject to the supervision of the ureau of buildings The superintendent of building shall, from time to time, adopt such rules consistent with the provisions of this artic] a6 may be necessary to secure fully the pr tection of persons and property In Aas any safeguard shall not be provided pre- scribed by this article, the superintendent of buildings shall cause a notice to be served personally upon the persons whose duty [{t may be to provide the same or upon the owners of the buildings affected, requiring such safeguard and pecifying th ' nner in which the same shall be erected [tf ich safeguard is not provided a required in such notice, within three days after the 1915, effective February 9, 1916. story when shall be beams are iron or steel beams on which the struc- tural iron or steel work is being erected, except such spaces as may be . reasonably required f iron or steel lowering construction suitable listed maintain ljowners of the land on each aside. Ord., Aug. 11, 1014.) *Amended by ord, adopted November 98 used. the floors two stories below the the work is being performed kept planked over. If the floor of iron or steel, the entire tier for the proper construction of such work, and for the raising or of materials to be used in the of such bullding, or’ such spaces may be designated by the approved plans stairways and shafts shall be thoroughly plank ed over Sec. 196. Protection of floor openings. All floor openings within a building in course of construction shall be enclosed fenced in on all sides by 4 barrier of height, except on those sides which e wsed for the handling of materials through such openings, or at which rs or ladders land, provided, that such ‘ther than landings, shall be guarded io an adjustable barrier not less than three more than four feet from the floor and + jece than two feet from the edge of such opening 197 Weather protection. Whenever permission has been given under if the provisions of this chapter to enter adjoining building the person who re- ves such permission or who is responsible the work requiring such permission, shall te for such adjoining bullaing ade- ite protection against the weather. 198. Cellar drainage. Before the foundation walls of any build- are completed provision shall be made prevent water accumulating in the ex- ation or cellar to the injury of the lation. and if there is a sewer in the t the cellar shall also be connécted 199 Overloading prohibited. uilding or part thereof or any tem- rary support or scaffolding In connection erewith, shall be loaded during erection, teratio1 or demolition in excess of Its rrying capacity. 200. Precautions during demolition. , demolishing any building or part there- story after story shall be completely re- yyved No material shall be stored upon a yor of any building in the course of demo- ion. but old material shall be lowered to e ground immediately upon displacement 16 smaterial to be removed shall be prop- iv wet to lay the dust incident to its ARTICLE 11. Partition Fences and Walls. S 21 Construction and maintenance tences Sec. 211 Retaining walls. ] Regulation of lota Si 213 breglect tO Mmalnte:s Sec. 214 Disputes Sec, 21 Enforcement Sec. 210. Construction and maintenance of fences. All partition fenges, unless erected under |some special agreement, shall be so Dullt that the dividing line between the properties shall run through the centre of such fence ase, and they shall be built and d at the joint expense of the each { e Sec. 211. Retaining walls. 1. To conform to street regulation. When | the regulation of a lot, in conformity with the street or streets on which it is situated, shall require the ground on such lot to be raised and kept higher than the ground of |} the adjoining lot or lots (provided the ground of such adjoining lot or lots is not maintained at a grade lower than in con- ormity with the street or streets on which they are situated) and a retaining wall for supporting the same shall be necessary,such retaining wall shall be made maintained jointly by the owners and land on each side and shall stand one-half upon the land of each owner: but, if the owner of the lot or lots having the lower grade shall bear and discharge the cost and expense of the making taining wall shall be built entir: ly entire such re- lot having the higher grade and shall there- after be maintained jointly by the/owners of the land on both sides thereof 2 To support adjoining earth Where an excavation has been made or a fil] placed on any lot, but, as the case may be, not below or above the legal grade in conform- ity with the street on which that lot fronts, and the land adjoining it has r permanent structure thereon frame sheds or structures of lik end where a retaining wall sary to support the adjoin 10 building or other than ce character, shall be necés- ig .earth, such retaining wall shall stand one-half upon the lot of each owner and ‘shall be made and maintained jointly by the owners of the | land on each sid: provided, that, if thre] owner of the ot na ng the lower grade shall bear and discharge the entire cost and expense of the making, such retaining wal] shall be built entire] upon the lot having the higher grade and shall thereafter be Maintained jointly by the owners of the land on bot} sides thereof 3 Surplus wall Where any owner shall insist on maintaining his ground elther higher or lower than the legal regulation as hereinafter provided, except in a case heréin otherwise pecifically provided for, the aur- plus retaining wall, which may be neces- sary to support such height or provide for euch excavation, shall be made and main- tained at the sole expense of such owner ‘ Construction All retaining walls re- quired under this section shall be construct- ed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter 5 Removal Any retaining wall erected or provided under this séction, tanding partly oo the land of each owner, may be removed by either owner when the necea- sity for such retaining wall no longer exists (Ord., Aug. 11, 1914.) Sec. 212. Regulation of lots. The regulation of lots, in conformity wit} the street or streets on which they are situated, shall be calculated at an asce of 2 inches in every 109 feet measured fre the curb in a direction at right angles r normal thereto; provided that in the case of a lot having more than one street front ace, when 80 situated that the street frontages intersect, the curb along the longest street frontage shall be used, and when so situated that the street frontages do not intersect the curb along each front age shall be used to one-half the depth of the lot between street frontages A lot, as referred to in this section, shall be deemed and construed to mean a parcel of land not over 25 feet by 100 feet, !n one ownership whether adjacent land be In the same ow! ership or not; but, for the purpose hereof no land in the same ownership may be divided into lots smaller than 25 feet by 100 feet (Ord., Aug. 11, 1914.) Sec. 213. Neglect to maintain, If any person whose duty it may be to jointly make or repair any partition fence or retaining wall or any part thereof, in pur suance of the provisions of this article, shall neglect so to do, or to join in so doing, for € days, after being requested, in writing, | by the owner or owners of the adjoining ground, the owner of such adjoining ground may make or repair such partition fence or retaining wall, or cause the same to be done, and may recover from such person such share of the oxpense of making or | repairing so much thereof as is necessarily made or repaired by him, with costs, in any court having jurisdiction, (Ord., Aug. | 11, 1914.) | Sec. 214. Disputes. | In case of any dispute between parties, as to what part or’portion of the expense shall | curb it a higher level than be borne and discharged by either of them, for building or maintaining any partition Yence or wall, and in all cases of dispute concerning the sufficiency of any fence or wall, the controversy shall be determined by the superintendent of bulldings of the bor- CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5 -BE' the. | upon the | existing and proposed bulldings the person superintendent same by proper “ARTICLE 12, shall neglect or fall superintendent J to prevent ad- the expense of the said work, or the sald premises, employed to da test of the sustaining sb eH & @ oo il-under the footings of any bulldineg or stru' the capacity otherwise al- a doubt arises as power of the soil upon a building is to be erected, the super- | feet may order borings established by superintendent |at the expense of the owner of the proposed a test is made taining power of the soll the superintendent of buildings shall be notified so that he may representative. test shall be filed (B. C., Sea 238.) any wall, building or * q upon bureau of buildings. Foundations, generally. Every buildin underpinning or foundation effective September 22, 1915. | approved masonry, iron or steel, laid not iess = eS tt PaT eh oe partes eee; a Pia tiaat bea eaet es wtat CTPA he ye) wre 73 Pt as ePAT PERT STS Poe ee eee Sire} rae ee Sea e me t3 ss IBiiT so _ s2 530 54 Peeters Pe it LTE iayLe 4 _* 118 hee apace? Tie Lt on ee ee L 3 eee | eee dame be | A ree Pte es le Say oe Sd ok oy Shea . tereerys Mee? eae, a2) eg hte a COST PTW less PES POET LPP ers reeTEs HCrete vet Es ea aan 32 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF F NEW YORK. than four feet felow the surface of the earth, on the solld ground or level surface of rock, er upon piles or ranging timbers when solid earth or rock is not found (B. C., Sec. 20.) eo Protection of metal work Where metal is incorporated in or forms part of a foundation, it shall be thorough! protected from rust by paint, asphaltum, concrete, or by such materials and in such manner 4s S tendent of may be approved b the superin buildings. (ec Sec. 25:) Bec. 2233. Footings. 1 Materials Che footings of foundation walls shall consist of footing stones, con- crete, reinforced construction 01 steel gril- lages Wood footings may be used if they | @re entirely below the permanent ¥W ater Javel, (CB. C., Sec. 26.) Footing stones. Footing stones shall i) be not Jess than 2 by 3 feet they shall not be less than 8 neches in thickness for walls, nor less than 10 inches in thickness under plers columns or posts Footing stones shall be well bedded and laid cross- wise, edge to edge ie. 70. .sec. 256.) 8 Concrete footings Concrete~ footings | shall be not less than 12 inches thick, ex- cept that for frame buildings the thickness may not be less than 8 inches (B> ¢ sec. 26.) & Steel grillages. When grillage beams resting on a proper concrete bed. are used they shall be provided with separators an‘ bolts and shall be inclosed and filled solid between with concrete (An. Cc. Sac; 26 5 Pressure under footings For the loads exerting pressure under the footings of foundations the full dead loads and the figured loads on the lowest tier of columns, piers or walls shall be taken For this pur- pose the reduced live loads permitted by) subdivision 7 of Sec. 58 of this chapter may be used CB: COs2 Nec: 24) 6. Design Footings shafl be so designed that the loads they sustain per unit of area | shall be as nearly uniform as possible and within the bearing capacities of soils e tablished by this article, and that the stresses in the materials shall not exce¢ those fixed by this chapter In propor tioning the areas of footings for any if ing the dead loads alone shall be considered provided, however, that in no case shall the pressure under the footings as determined in subdivision 5 of. this section, € eed the safe load on the soil established by thi article: _(&: ©., Sec: 24.) Bec. 234. Foundation plers and caissons The foundations of any building may be earried down to rock or hardpan by tsolated plers of approved masonry or reinforced concrete, or by open or pneumatic caissons so designed that the working stresses in the materials and the loads on the rock or hardpan do not exceed those established | this chapter. (B. C., Sec. 26.) Sec. 935. Pile foundations. 1. General requirements Piles itended to sustain a wall or building, or any part thereof, shall be driven to a solid bearing f practicable to do so, and the method f driving shall be such as not to impair their atrength No pile or group of piles shall be loafied eccentrically. Any type of pile construction not provided for in this section shall meet with such requirements as may be prescribed by the rules of the superintend- ent of puildings. (B. C., Sec. 25.) z Wood piles. a Quality and size Wood plles shall be of approved timber soung and straight The diameter at the polny shall be not less than 6 inches The ulameter at tne buctz shail be not less than 10 inches for piles not over 256 feet in length, @nd not less than 12 inches at the butt for piles of greater length (Hh. C;, Sec. 25.) b Allowable loads The safe staining power of any wood pile in tons shall be taken as twice the weight of the hammer in tons multiplied by the height of the fall in feet, divided by the average penetration of the pile in inches under the last five blows, | ported, the superintendent plus one, when a drop hammer is used for 4 driving, and as twice the weight of the | expense hammer in tons multiplied by the height of the fall in feet, divided by the average | penetration | 1 Inches under the last five blows, plus one-tenth, when a steam ham- below beams to the curb, which serve as for walls. piers, columns, or other ural parts of a building or structure. Materials approved masonry, reinforced con- | orice a test of the same to be made at the proposed build- Foundation walls. Definition Foundation walls shall be constructed to include, all walls and plers the curb level or the nearest Sse ( bh.) Foundation walls shall be stee] protected by masonry. All foundation walls shall be laid in mortar (8. Cc... Sec. 25-3 ekness If built of rubble atone, . walls shall be af least 8 inches han the walls next above them, but than 18 inches in any case. If | concrete or hollow bullding shall be at least. 4 inches han the walls next above them, es than 12 inches thick in any r each addjtional 10 feet, or part ow the depth of 12 feet below level, the thickness shall be Iin- hes (B. &., Sec. 26.) k When brickwork in foundation epped up from the footings, the d in single courses, shall not , inches or if laid in double hall not exceed 3 inches. (B. C., e Rubble stone masonry, unless essed, level courses, shall not be buildings exceeding 75 feet in (B. C., Sec. 26.) O building blocks. Foundation ollow bullding blocks may be used e upper walls are of frame or ding block construction. Ths sces in the blocks shall be filled, struction progresses, with concrete than 1 part of cement to 9 parts > (New. ) Retaining walls. s built to retain or support adjolin- or rock, including foundation ed to pressure from adjoining y shall be constructed of ap- sonry 1 retnforced concrete and iat in_ resisting the pressures are subjected, including any re that nay exist, the working the naterials shall not be ex- e si shall not be overloaded and t ‘f the wall shall be insured. *ARTICLE 13. Masonry Construction. refinitions mnstruction ick masonry masonry llow building block masonry. . I a Wall thicknesses 8 Existing walls \ Parapet walls Hollow walls Recesses and cheses, Miscellaneous requirements. “A - Masonry archea. purposts of this chapter: oved masonry means masonry d in accordance with the requlre- this article, of the materials specl- in ring wall means any wall which y load other than its own weight; ight, as applied to a wall, means cal distance to the top measured foundation wall, or from a girder mmediate support of such wall. Construction. Materials Approved masonry shall onstructed of brick, stone, concrete, building blocks, or a combination of materials as provided in this article. be properly and solidly bonded with | joints filled with mortar. (B. C., Sec. 27.) Amended by ord adopted July 6, 1915; October 6, 1915.CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 33 a. Proteciion arains ‘reevin ec a Ny Ls ; n : 5 ] ay ee : freezing No thoroughly filled. No stone shall be used nafter provided, the thicknesses of masonry 1asor , shall He Duil when 1a — > 2 Siu ee waVY -U, > 1esse ‘ 5 t Tei l a wenn” WAP the tempera | that does not bond or extend into the wall walls of residence buildings hereafter u S below 28 degrees F_ on = latvie Hameo ce ; E mE ence din gs ere , : ee ) ) ir. d gre s #. on @ rising tem-j/at least 6 inches All headers shall be at | erected shall be not less than the following: D re or o- On @ falling temperature at leas ee pee anes . on che : a * : ALM ast 12 inches in width and 8 inches in a t a6 “ vic £ f when ove 2 the point where the work is in progress. No n over 75 feet in height, 12 inches frozen materials shall be built upon (B sec, 28.) 3 Wetting brick All brick thoroughly wet just previous to | thickness, and consist of good flat ston C., (B. C:, Sec 26.5 | 2 30nd All stone walls 24 inches shall be}! }, being laid, | phe thickness shal] have at least one es. | for the uppermost 25 feet, 16 inches for the | next lower 35 feet, 20 inches for the next or; lower 40 feet, with a 4-inch increase for |} each additional lower section of 40 feet; except in freezing weather, when thes snali|- eA se renCUnE ea one yu in Por b. when not over 75 feet in height, 12 be thoroughly dry. (B. C.. Sec 28 ) ce LF 7 ice * es te ro ae ee of Pialsee for ae uppermost 65 feet, and 16 é Erection of walls and plers Masonry over 24 inches try Wickes eet hark oe | a Gece oon ae walls and piers shall be bullt to a line and | header for ever, a. sapuabcian alte ee a a reds sig shat 9 ee) Serene carried up plumb. In each im alls sides of the wa laid on il of aaoks beni | ae ee eee ee poe ee Hs shall be carried up full thickne » AHO. So. bond tipathiee” atid cruise le walls of public and business build- top ofthe beams above ee so ane 4 oe eee runn ne into the wall | ings hereafter erected shall be not leas than building shall be bullt up 1iore than " Me ee ea, ee cae the following: 7 | stories in advance of any other portions of os re Weide hes ny mr aie anak Moped | = ‘ zi ne urer - Jo in height, 16 inches the —walls of the ‘building, provided that| butidines cece co eee nal, not be used in| for the uppermost 25 feet, 20 inches for the where walls are carried independ: by ee i ee r ap ie es a2 next lower 86 feet, 24 inches for the next girders at each floor this provision sh: not | Sec. 254 Hollow building masonry. ewne ah Seen ane eae $ PEDae. SOF apply. re wekiie Chat Seger be” 1s ws “) | of at least four inches. The ends of all of public and business buildings may pe 4 cotta, concrete © cee = | ich beams. where they rest on brick walls, inches less than foes : specified ee ae Sec. 260 Hollow walls. shall be cut to @ bevel of 3 inches in their tively, in subdivisions 2 and Da of this wie: si . the | depth In no case, except in frame bulld- section for walls of corresponding height In a 1] that ure bul be : ul naradr Meet) aither end of ‘a fecor oF root provided that no such W all shall be less}same amount 0° ™ pony Pe aa at vis cam be supported on stud partitions. All than 12 inches thick nor extend for more|their constr! ; oe yh , | wood trimmer, header and tail beams over than 55 feet in height without any increase | solid hapt¢ pre : ATS , teat tn length, unless supported on a pe cneerces calle aaa ny ee eae 7 Lan 3 7 ot ‘1 all or girder, shall be hung in approved : Sia? a Se ea Ratt Be = 4 netal stirrups O°! hangers, (B. C., Sac. 59.) ree TT: ) meta col mns shes ic} ron, | : pan Petr ieck ae as Oe Sua nett ie | iY. ‘ : ‘ (RB | 7% 14 3 Bridging A\l wood floor and roof ; a ie eams shall be properly braced with cross uppermost 60 feet of height, increasing | ss an ; inches in thickness for each next lower | Set »6] recesses and chases. “idging The distance between bridging oF section of 60 feet. (B C., Sec. 87.) a evatt es etween bridging and bearing shall not 10. Wallis of asakeleton etructures Ma- | : or. 4 ators 1 } c each other and are not parallel with wood shall be lined unless in good condition and | floor beams shall run down between the not until the approval of the superintendent ! | wood floor beams and rest on the top plate ef buildings has been given. (B. C., Sec = an rele ae a lof the partition below and shall have the 29.) AK J IC LE 1 4 studding filled in ‘solid between the uprights . lio the depth of the floor beams with suit- Sec. 259. Parapet walls. |} able incombustible materials. (B. C., Sec All exterior and division or party walls Wood Construction. } 61.) ' of masonry over 15 feet high, except in de Sec. 280 ‘ nd girders | tached buildings with overhanging roots | ‘ » . aie le ‘ where such witin ts vn ee oe waa or ae a et mns and posts | Sec. 284. Fire stops. nices, gutters or crown mouldings, shall have Sec. 283. Stud “ SiGe 1. Studded-off spaces. Where walls are parapet walls carried above the roo! For| Sec. 284 Tire ao . | studded-off, the space between the inside Pesidence buildings parapet walls shall be a | face of the wall and the studding directly not less than eight inches thick and carried | Se: 280. Wood beams and girders | over such space shall be fire-stopped with at least two feet above the roof, except that 1 Width of bean Nn ‘ | fireproof material, for a depth of not less in party walls between buildings of the| roof Tis ish er Para wood floor or|than 4 inches, securely supported; or the game height and not over forty fect in SON! aaah iy 2g iny building hereafter | beams directly over the studded-off space height, such parapet shall be not less than | than 3 at aaa al ae iy < aaa) be less| shell be deafened with not less then : eight inches above the roof. For public and wm Bie oe ape o C., Sec. 59.) | inches of fireproof material. (B. C., Sec. 71.) business buildings parapet wall shall be not | - ss : ae ner very wood beam, except; 2 Wainscotting. The surface of the wall less than twelve inches thick, and carried *As amended b: a : - | Or partition behind wainscotting shall be at least three feet above the roof. All para- / 1915 bwreative siries 5 . adopted April 36, | plastered flush with the grounds and down es y 1, 1916. \to the floor line. (B, C., Sec. 72.) ICES OF THE 7 .GITY. Gs NEW YORK.CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 55 or *ARTICLE 15. Sec. 301. Steel columns. to transmit the entire load, or by seats of i : ] Length No steel column shall have | suffictent strength and the necessary angles Iron and Steel Construction. an unsupported length greater than that a be knees to hold the beam tn place, Beams lowed by Section 62 of this chapter Ee. Me .}| Testing on girders shall be securely riveted sec, Lil.) Sec. 200. Cast-lron columns Sec 3801 Steel columns 2 or bolted to the same (B. C., Seo, 122.) Sec 30: ae NE 4 Design. INO part of a steel columr Ps oUZ (Co i es 1 \ lpe ¢ : 8 $02, J ie ee shall be less than one-quarter of an inch | See, 305. Trusses. ec, 302 Ante eAINs d girder : . : ; a “pn k from small toj| Ver™ 11 reinforcement secured against dis- large particles e a ur e shall be| Placement by one-quarter-inch sttol tlés such . gererecate will pass 1] d not farther apart than fifteen diame- th eau and one-quarter-Inch diam- | te! f the vertical rods nor more than ter ring gregat 1a Ve ea |} twelve inches, the allowable load shall be 1 ’ ( and free fron j er .| five hundred pounds per square inch on the : }concrete, plus seven thousand five hundred | pe : on the vertical reinforcement Sec. 333. Reinforcement (New : forcement shall conform to | h longitudinal and lateral rein- such requirt 5 as lay be a pted by) forcement In concrete columns, having not the superintendent of buildings, or, ! the | less than one-half nor more than two per | absence of su requirements o the stand ent. of hoops or spirals spaced not farther 4 : al pecifications of the Ame an Socle lapart than one-sixth of the diameter of the for Materials for stee reinforce- | en column nor more than three inches, me bars ng herein contained sha and aving I less than one nor more than prevel @ UE f steel wire or fa a I per cent. of vertical reinforcement, the the 1 orcemeé of slabs. for latera e | owe e load shall be five hundred pounds infor nen ‘ nns, or for resista e >| I square inch on the effective area of ths sh kage and temperature stresses (New | concrete, plus seven thousand five hundred | pounds per square inch on the vertical re- Sec. 334 Working stresses. forcem -nt, plus a load per square inch Reinforced concrete structures shall be so jon the ¢ ffective area of the concrete equal signed that the stresses in pounds per|,_ two times the percentage of lateral re- inforcemen nitinli : uare inch shall not exceed the following: | é ment multiplied by the tensile stress : he in the lateral reinforcement prescribed by Extreme fibre stress on concrete in > 0° a i i ; __ | Ser 384 of this article, the percentage of compression ‘ » / ab 690 | res ~ oY = awe a : : a ateral reinforcement being the volume of oncrete in direct compression. 500 he ] 4ivid ; pete tens : , ‘ 1 r : . he hoops or spirals divided by the volume enearin ; ress in conte ete wher | 6} : = z once en all | of he enclosed concrete in a unlit length diagonal tension is resisted by steel! 150 | of = Shearin 4 at Lum [The hoops or spirals shall be shearing stress in yncrete whe Aa - r a : : E g ; Ss } concr e See llag gidly secured to at least four verticals onal tension is not resisted by stee 0 ; 4 . ce] 49/ to insure uniform spacing. (New.) Bond atress between concrete and iin - ; e Structura steel and concrete. In plain reinforcement . ( 80 |} : a r ; , ; columns of \struc tural steel, thoroughly en- Bond stress between concrete and ap- an : : : ' 5 ; | cased in concrete not less than four inches proved deformed bars aE loc : ‘ an atta: at x iA ck and reinforced with not less than one ensile stress in steel reinforcement 16.000 ES at oe ae per cent. of steel, the allowable load shall ensile stress in cold drawn stee) wire —— i : ; 5 i 1e xteen thousand pounds per square inch or fabric, 35 per cent of the elast ; x limit 1 not ' Ree e structural steel, the percentage of LATULLN ut 0 more nay; ©" 000 | e.n e. no ‘ In { us] | 5 inforcement being the volume of the rein- A continuous eams he extreme fibre ae 1 4 . 5 ; FAIRS ADEE | forcing steel divided by the volume of ‘tne & ess on concrete in compression ma’ he ae Z z : s : ies }concrete enclosed by the reinforcing stee! ncreased fifteen pe cent. adjacent to sup-|) a neil , jot more than one-half of the reinforcing i + A ~ ; pre : ‘ha ratte 4 a steel shall be placed vertically. The rein- it Lil > t t A ‘4 1@ moau oO elasticity of | == as Y . a a acs Bet . foreing steel shall not be placed nearer than Lin stone or gravel concrete and steel | ; hz be taken 2 fif } ne inch to the structural steel or to the ane LaKe] as one to fifteen ‘ithe ratio outer int rn f ny ' | uter surface of the <« »{ lof the modi of elasticity of 1:14:3 stone | Ui ace of oncrete The ratio of iclt 9:3 oné | length to least radius of gyratioi. of struc- tural steel section shall not exceed one hun- ; las one to twelv (New | l ot lve (Ne ) and twenty. (New. ) oo . A - a ay > 7 en ~ | Sec. 335. Slabs and beams 7 When richer concrete fs used. In con- Ue Pea ee a crete columns the compression on the con- i ICH NESE OiadDs ene Ti¢ leas : a nail not be iess|crete may be increased twenty per cent. ; in thickness for floors_and }) whe : < é . ois : \ eke LUUt ; wnen the fine anc : es three and. onechalf inches for roofs | n and coarse aggregates ars Ly Pilly Cat eRe EE Morey pe eS oF | carefully selected and the proportion. of 2 | e€ams Vhere adequate bond be-|cement to total aggregat i inc qf |}tween slap and web of bean = “0 } i Ssrcsste noreten . fie "alabi & on . am is provided, |one part of cement to not more than four }the slab may be considere: as an integ | f ’ : A ad « i gra! | and one-halt! yvarts + ror s | part of the beam provided ith eltaetlve ey : par of aggregate, fine and Se id tS Live coarse, either in the proportion of e art W t} Ss | 10 - 5 : tn I po! n on part 1% . shall not exceed on elther side of ee cement one and one-half parts of fine the beam one-sixth o spa : re ee E 3 : one-sixth of he span length of|aggregate and three parts of coarse aggre 1e¢ beam nor be greater ,ayY i i R : 7 Se _ len hs : Rs reate than six times the gate, or in such proportion as will secure La Ch ess ) ay le = : . 1 S t hae? : the slab on either side of the | the maximum density In such cases, how cam, the measurements being take . mt) : ses, i suren eine taken fr leve he edge of web (New.) cs mes nee | oN ees the comprehensive stress in the ver- 3. Placing de reinf ; | tical steel shall not exceed seven thousand co Ing iforceme 4] con te | forcemen hall 1 eee ag All rein- | two hundred pounds per square inch. (New.) - wi d€ accuratel' locatet 7 Tar : ee 3 l and| 6. Kccentric load Bending stresses due iI a SE peeps Sl FB oD See, gree tk esto eccentric loads shall. be provided for by | such fireproofing to be increasing the section of concrete or steel until the maximum stress shall not exceed he allowable working stress (New. } 6 Length. In columns, the ratio of length to least side or diamet r shall not exceed fifteen, but in no _ case shall the least side or dlameter be less an twelve 7 Inches (New, ) Sec. 338. Walls. Enclosure walls of reinforced shall be sg concrete securely anchored a ail foors. he thickness shall not be less than one- twenty-fifth of the unsupported helght, but in no Case less than elght inches The steel reinforcement, running both horizontally and vertically, shall be placed near both faces of the wall: the total x elght of such reinforcement shall be not le Ss than one- Lalf pound per square foot of wall (New.) Sec. $39. Protection of reinforcement. The reinforcement { columns and girders snail be protected a minimum of two inches of concreté: in beams and walls by & minimum of one and one-half inches; in fNoor slabs by a nimum of one inch: and in footiz ra Uf a j num of four inches of concrete (New. ) Sec. 340. Load tests he noDuildey ma ‘ ay be required to make load tes ‘ i portion of a reinforced concrete ri ure thin a reasonable me att erectior The tests shall be made under ne d ion Of the superintendent of Sulidings, and shall show that the consti on wi Sustain safely a load of one and Hnreée-quarter nes the e mad for which 1 was designed (New. ) Bec. 341. Kules. rhe rules ROverning reinforced oncrete in bulldir & constructior heretofore adopte by the superintendent of buildings, so far as they are consistent with ne provision of this article sha remain effective 1 amended or re peaied by the superintendent of bulldir g3 ' eu ~ “ARTICLE 17 Fireproof Construction Sec, 350 Walls Sec, 251 lron and stecrl construction me ib 2; Masonry > e 253 Reinforced concrete Se Floors and roofs Sec. 3655 Partitions sec. 356 Interior finish sec, 357 Exterior windows Sei 358 Approvals Sec. 350. Wallis. [The exterior walls or piers of fireproof buildings shall be approved masonry or re inforced onerete (2 (> Bac 105.4 sec. 351. Iron and steel construction. 1. General All metal structural mem- bera which support loads or resist stresses, in fireproof buildings, shall be entirely en casead in fireproofing materia securely ap- piled as hereinafter specified (by 4, ec L107.) ss Columns a In exterior walls Iron © steel columns placed within exterior walls or along the outer lines of a build- g shall be encased with approved masonry oc Jess than elght inches thick on their outer and side surfaces, nor less than four inches thick on their inner surfaces b Jnterior. lron and steel columns used in the interior of a building shall be en- cased on all sides with fireproofing ma- terials not less than two inches thick Cc Lugs and brackets The extreme outer edges of lugs, brackets or other supporting parts of columns sball not extend nearer than one inch to the outer surface of the fireproof casing. ad. Protection to fireproofing Where the fireproofing of columns is exposed to dam age from trucking or handling of merchandise, the superintendent of bulidings may require *“Amended by ordinance adopted Ju) 6 1915; effective October 6, 1915 nT CODE OF ‘ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ~ 4 ee or of such other material or construction ag may be approved by the superintendent cf bulldings as conforming to the requirements of the fire.a~and strength tests hereinafter prescribed (B, C., Sec. 106.) 2 Brick arches. When brick is. used ag floor filling it shall consist*of segmental arcnes having a thickness of not less than four inches for spans of five feet or less, and of not less than eight inches for spans ex- e five feet. Such arches shall he illt of good, hard common or hollow brick, aid to a line and solidly bonded, Each iongitudinal line of brick shall break joints With the adjoining lines. The arches shall spring from suitable skewbacks, and ghali be properly keyed. The rise shall be not less than one inch for each foot of span eding Che brick shall be well wet before laying, and the joints filled solid with cement mor- lat (B. C., See. 106.) 3 Terra cotta arches, a. Material When terra cotta is used as floor filling it Shall consist of hollow blocks, either hard burned o1 emi-porous, of uniform density d hardness The thickness of shells and vebs of each block shall be not less than five-elghths of an inch Interior vertical ind horizontal webs of arch blocks shall not be spaced more than four inches apart. The skewbacks shall be of such form and seo- ion as accurately fit the beams and properly receive the thrust of the arches, The arch blocks shall be laid in cement nortar and properly keyed b segmental arches When terra cotta filling 3s segrnental in form the blocks shall be not less than six inches in depth with at least two cellular spaces In such depth. The rise of such arches shall be not less than ;one incn It each foot of span, lat arches When terra cotta filling s in the form of flat arches, the depth of the blucks, unless reinforced with steel, shall be not less than one and one-half inches for each foot of span between the steel beams, exclusive of the portion of the-block pro- ecting below the underside of the beams d Strength of terra cotta archés, Terra cotta filling shall be so designated that it will safely sustain the superimposed loads by increasing so far as may be necessary he depth and the thickness of shells and vebs of the blocks When such filling is reinforced by wire fabric, steel rods or other |} steel shapes, thoroughly embedded in Port- land cemegnt mortar and bonded to the terra cotta, the trengeth of the construction may be determined by accepted engineering for- mulae Io he purposes of this section, the working stresse in pounds per square inch, shall be taken a 0900 for terra cotta in com- pression, 16,000 for steel in tension, and 100 for bond between steel and mortat and betwee! terra Ct fa and mortat (EB i: Ser 106.) 4 (“onerete floor ari PS a Matert!al When yncrete is used as floor fllling it shall consist of one part of Portland cement, and oO more thai vo par of sand and five vaarts of stone Pravel OT cinders reinforced I he CAaSt oO! slal construction Witn Slee as herein provided The stone or egravel lall be a required for reinforced concrete in article 16 of this chapter Cinders shall be ciea well burned steamboller einders 'e) Reinforcement When reinforcement 3 equired it sha! consist of steel rods or $ fable shapes oO! steel i1apric Tne tensiona reinforcement in any case shalt be no less than twelce-hundredths per cent in the case of cold drawn siee abt nor less than tweniy-five-hundrediths p cent in e case of other forms, the percentag being Dased on tne sectional area of slab above the centre of the reinforce- ment I'he centre of the reinforcement shall be at least one inch above the bottom of the slab, but in no cass shall any part | Line reintorcement eome withtr ive- eighths of an inehn from the bottom of iné lab ( gemental form When th concrete fioor filling is used In the form of segmental arches, the thickness shall be al ist four nches at hit crown S h arches shali Ne a rise ol! not i€Ss nan one I Nn itor each foot of pan da Miat constrection Vhen the concrete (loo! filling is in the form of slabs the thickness shall be not less than four Incheg, PP ayaee teh Wath peat STETETPetites Loe Let e oes | se ke a aa Soa: PESTS L Ate eet tk oe Sas ae ezitees et LP or 2p yepes +s Py FY : er Lee a a B pa beth tt kek eri eengh ee eed oa eo reise chr de ape ches bite bee ke Be: 7 Tete ee ta DINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 88 CODE OF OR and thelr frames, the cut through sald floors | doors and windows s otherwise OV in this article | square fdet shall be ! | 4 pital he See : unless suitable metal framing or pevntntn ne " im ‘ arr ere DS Teh ia: e. Strength of concrete slabs. In deter- | 1s provided around» the os 2 niles er ger Nic’ Rearing may be of wood, mining the safe carrying capacities of con- | pipes or condults pass througn floor flit (gs teria E x A ° 00 j ; around the same shall be filled | (B. ‘ Sec 106.) crete slab floor fillings the gross load in | the openings {1 fireproof material uniess | shall|in solidly with pounds per square foot of floor surface Are Nera a F a ove 58e itt le i Vi us 5 ev not exceed the product of the depth in approved close fitting nal A a inches of the reinforcement below the top| with the space around the sleeves file combustible material are of the slab, by the cross-sectional area in solidly with square inches per foot of width of the | provided (B tenaional steel, divided by the square of the span in feet, all multiplied by the following co-efficilents when cinder concrete is used, Me 14,000 of the reinforcement is not continuous | vided in this section or in article over the supports, 18,000 if the reinforce- | chapter, partitions hereafter. erected In fire- ment consists of rods or other shapes se- | proof buildings sha curely hooked over or attached to the sup- j c,, Sec 106.) Sec. 855. Partitions Materials 18 of this | be constructed of the | | materials and in the manner herein speci- | ports, and 36,000 if the reinforcement con- | fied: ists of steel fabric continuous over the sup- a Brick in cement mortar, ports and, when stone concrete is used, b Concrete, consisting of one part Port- 26,000, 20,000 and $0,000, respectively. land cement and not ore than three parts i stone or gravel, not In determining the safe carrying capa-j|of sand and six parts of | eities of conorete floor fillings segmental] less than thre \ches thick if properly in form, the compressive stress in pounds | reinforced wit! ee) nor less than four per square inch in the concrete shall not | inches thick otherwise; exceed 800 for cinder concrete or 600 for| ‘ Cinder concrete, consisting of one part Portland ceme! and not more than three gtone concrete. Nothing in this section shall prevent the/| parts of sand and six parts of cinders, not detremination of the safe carrying capacity | less than four inches thick if properly rein of any form of concrete floor filling ap-j| forced with stee proved as fireproof under the provisions of| thick otherw this article, by the usual methods of calcu- dad Hollow terré c blocks, n | lation, provided the stresses used, in pounds | cement morta ti hes | per square inch, shall not exceed 800 for} thick; i rete blocks, of elther stone | einder concrete in compression, 16,000 for}; e, Hollow co steel in tension, and 60 for bond between | or cinder conerete, lald in cement mortar, | einder concrete and steel, or in the case |}not less than three inches thick; of stone concrete, the values fixed by article f. Solid or hollow blocks consisting of 16. (B. GO, Seo, 106.) gypsum containing not more than twenty- 6. Test of floor fillings, a. Fire tests, In| five per cent. Dy welg! testing the fireproof qualities of any floor | fibre, wood chips or vegetable fibre, laid in filling, at least one panel of the proposed | gypsum plaster or cement mortar tempered ~} fixty pounds nozzle pressure, without ap-/| that may be approved by the superintendent | i | less than five inches |‘ dred and fifty feet h material or of Except as otherwise pro- jos bulldings over one hun- high. When the height the .building exceeds one hundred and & Restrictions in fty feet: a The flooring shall be of incombustible fAreproof wood, provided halls and stairways no wood hat in publie except for handrails, shall be kind, used ; b The inside window frames and sash, door trim and other interior finish shall be f metal or wood covered with metal, or of fAreproofed wood, or of any incombustible aterials or any combination of materials that will show a fire résistance not less than hat of fireproofed wood. { Fireproofed wood The superintendent f bulldings shall adopt rules prescribing the ts t which fireproofed wood and incom- ustible materials or any combination of materials shall be subjected. Such rules sha! iso provide for the inspection of the materials, to insure the installation of test- d and approved materials only No word :terlal required to be tested, hereafter be placed in any building ling one hundred and fifty feet in helght except in conformity to the require- n ¢ this section. (B. C., Sec. 105.) | Sec. 357 Exterior windows. When the height of a fireproof building exceeds one hundred and fifty feet, all ex- terior window frames and sash shall be of netal. or of wood covered with metal in the ight of cinders, asbestos jt he rules of the super- > lintendent of bulidings (B. C., Sec. 106.) 1aterials and constructions AD- : . meximum span, carrying & live load of at/| with lime, not less than three inches thick i. pe ks : Sec. 358. 4 pprovals. Jeast one hundred and fifty pounds per g. Metal lath on a steel studding covered equare foot, shall be subjected to & fire| with Portlana ‘¢ nent mortar or gypsum | : UXISTANE approvais continued. Any continuous for four hours at an average| plaster, of a finished thickness of not less material or form of construction coming temperature of seventeen hundred degrees | than two inches in the case of solid parti- oS der the provisions of this article and Fahrenheit, followed by an application for tions not less than three inches in the casé | heretofore approved may be used for the not jess than ten minutes of a nose stream of hollow pa or ee ses IOr hich it was approved, except from one and one-elghth inch nozzle at | h. Any material or form of constructior — far as it may be inconsistent with specific | | provisions of this article (New.) Preciable deterioration or the passage of |of buildings as conforming to the requ re- | flame through the floor during the test iments of the fire st hereinafter prescribed | pr lk new materials and form of con- ssued in accordance with % Load tests. When the strength of any | But nothing in this section shall prevent struct shall be | floor fling cannot be determined by the | the erection. in the discretion of the super- | the Pprovisit or se 23 of this chapter. fnethods prescribed in this section or by the lintendent of buildings, of partitions of Nothing } his hapter shall prevent the epplication of accepted engineering formulae | pressed metal and glass or of temporary |superintendent of buildings from accepting the safe uniformly distributed carrying ca-| partitions of wood and glass within ~ooms | ily authenticated tests by any competent pacity shall be taken as one-sixth of the |or wpaces enclosed by fireproof partitions | P77 n, 3 lieu of the tests under his own total load causing failure in @ full-sized | or walls. (New.) | sion, provided the intent of this ar- e€onatruction with the load applied at two 2 Construction. Unless built as approved } Ul is ured (New. ) Points each at one-third of the span from} masonry walls, partitions In fireproof bulld- "Sec. < Nothing in this ordinance shall the ends of the span, (B. C., Seo. 106.) lings shall be independently supported at prohibit the use of material already fabri- 6. Special roof construction For man- each floor They shall be key ed, or other- cated or of any construction already erected, gards and dormers, roofs of bulkheads and/| wise securely fastened to the cellings and, which conforms to previously existing stat- yoofs having @ pitch of more than thirty| when necessary, shall be atiffoned with | Utes, but this shall not be construed to permit the continuance of any construction G@egrees with the horizontal, blocks of terra| suitable steel uprights se urely fastened to eotta, stone or cinder concrete, or gypsum floor and celling Partitions enclosing halil- containing not more than twenty-five per cent. by weight of cinders, asbestos fibre, | partitions shall not rest on wood flooring Wood chips or vegetable fibre, not jiess than but shall start on the fireproof construct two inches thick, resting on steel shapes/|} of the floor (New. ) 5 ee spaced not more than one foot for each 3 Tests of fireproof partitions. In teat ing the fireproof qualities of ,any parti- ways or toilet rooms and other permanent lerected in violation of any statute pre- | viously In force, nor to prevent the collection |of a penalty heretofore incurred (New.) *ARTICLE 18. | SAFEGUARDS AGAINST SPREAD OF inch in thickness in the block may be used | instead of the construction prescribed in 1 tion construction, a vertical panel ‘not less this section for floors and roofs. (New.) than fourteen feet long and nine feet high | 7. Tle rods, The supporting beams in|shall be subjected to a fire cor tinuous for. fireproof floors and roofs shall be tied to-| not less than one hour at an average tem- gether by steel tie rods of proper size, spac- | perature of Ss See oy ing and location, within the limitations fixed | Fahrenheit during the latter half hour, fol- by Sec, 808 of this chapter, provided that lowed by er application for a4 ae when the floor filling is in the form of rein-|two and one-half minutes of a hose pe Dagan: hundred degress n forced slabs and the reinforcement is con-|from a one and’ one-elghth inch nozzle.at tinuous over the supports or securely at-|thirty pounds nozzle pressure, without . one tached to the same tie rods may be omitted. | passage of flame during the test. (New.) (B. C., Seo. 106.) b arta of floor filling In fireproof | Sec. 356. Interlor finish . ulldings the span of any floor filling sha ; \y. floor filling shall 1. General restrictions Except as here- xc q p{ 2 . i ron excned elght feet except when rein- inafter otherwise permitted ry f forced concrete or reinforced terra cotta is|/other « tibl pian i no woodwork or < - y Le© -OTMUUSB le rh aed. (New. ) the fi r { ' i; tne fioors, ce aterial shall be used in i lings, martitions furrines §. Top filling In fireproof buildings the | other interior ae . ae furrings Of ; | tne te Oo finish of flreproof suilai oe space between the floor filling and the floor- | Woodwork r ; sae ae a work ermittec ‘ , .e : ing shall be filled with concrete bo hits | r j : ; ' , a Floor sleep- , i ~s elLitlg, | CTs, aoor DUCK an Frou’ £ = o ‘ . " t Inds may be of f one part. of cement and not more than | wood provided that they ar er ; ( ) “Ir ave 1 o Ae I I A Lot wy 2 ten parts of cinders, or with other incom- on any side but th] hall of Sneoree + " » VU thi snail not permit the bustible material approved by the rules of|/ use of anythi Hees ’ ~ use ) anytning uf meta) Io +) na the superintendent of buildings. (B. C., Sec Seas Sica eo metal lath, metal fur- 106.) Lee t 1 is of metal in celllngs or In orna- menta plastering work 10. Cutting floors A : . eee ale oe. : sa Word mae floors. After the floor filling b When the ‘height of the bullding does ¢ ne ne ¥ »¢ Fe L 1 l ine: pieted, no opening greater than two/not exceed ome hundred and fifty feet tt : an eet 1e FIRE Sec. 870. Definitions 871. Fire walls 372. Fire partitions ane a 373. Shafts 4. Existing hoistways 6. Protection of Exterior openings. 6. Protectives for openings. Sec. 370 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter. a—a fire wall is any wall built for the purpose of restricting the area subject to the spread of fire; b—a fire partition {is a subdividing parti- tlon built for the purpose of protecting life by providing an area of refuge; c—a shaft is an enclosed space extending through one or more stories of a building connecting a series of two or more openings in successive floors, or floors and roof: *Amended by ord. adopted November & 1915, effective February 9, 1916,a d—an open shaft is one that extends through the roof of a building and is open to the outer air at the top; e—a vent shaft is one used solely to venti- late or light, or both, one or more water- closet compartments or bathrooms; f—an elevator shaft is one that encloses @ny device used for carr:ing things upward or downward; g@—a dumbwaiter shaft is an elevator Bhaft which has a cross-sectional area at any point of nine square feet or less, and in which the device is used only for the carrying of things; h—the term ‘“‘self-closing,’’ as applied to a fire door or other opening protective, means closing automatically after having been opened for use; i—the term “‘automatic,’’ as applied to a fire door or other opening protective, means normally held'in an open position and auto- matically closing by the action of some re- leasing device. persons or Sec. 871. Fire walls. 1. Construction Fire walls shall be con- structed of approved masonry or reinforced concrete of the thicknesses prescribed by this chapter for the exterior walls of’ the bullding in which itt Is erected, but If hollow terra cotta blocks are used they shall be filled solidly with concrete In non-fireproof buildings fire walls shall be continuous from the foundation to the roof and provided above the roof with a parapet wall, as specl- fied in section 269 of this chaptei 9 Or ‘ 2 Openl 1g No opening in a fire wall shall exceed elghty square feet In area, and the aggregate width of all openings at any level shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the length of the wall, except that in the first story of buildings equipped throughout with an approved system of autom&ati: sprinklers larger openings and a greater per- centage of wall length may be used by the special written permission of the superin tendent of bulldings stating the_reason for euch allowance Every opening in a fira wall shall be protected on each side of the wall with an approved automatic fire door When any fire wall serves also as a fire partition it shall have no openings other than door openings forty- eight square feet in area, and one of the not exceeding automatic fire doors at each opening shall be replaced by a self-closing fire Joor Sec. 372. Fire partitions. 1 Construction Fire partitions shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner herein specified, as follows: a—approved masonry; b—any form of fireproof partition, con structed as required in section 865 of this chapter, provided (1) that such partition is supported on each story on fireproof con struction, (2) that, unless otherwise approved after the three hours fire test herein provided, the thicknesses are not less than eight inches for brick, not less than six inches for stone er cinder concrete, or hollow blocks of terra cotta. concrete or gypsum, and not less than four inches for stone or cinder concrete If properly reinforced with steel, (3) that, unless constructed of expanded metal or wire lath and cement mortar of a finished thickness of not less than two and one-half inches, metal lath construction ehall not be used, and, (4) that all openings in partitions of hol- low building blocks, gypsum or metal jath construction, shall be adequately reinforced with steel; or, c—any material and form of conatructien that may be approved by the Superintend- ent of Buildings as conforming to the r¢- quirements of the fire test prescribed in sub- division 3, section 355 of this chapter, pro- vided, however, that for fire partitions the duration of such test shall be not less than three hours and that such partition shall be supported at each story on fireproof construction 2. In non-firéproof buildings, In non- fireproof buildings fire partitions, if re- quired in any story, shall be continuous through all stories from the foundation to the roof, provided that if any of the floors of the building are of fireproof construc- tion for their full extent and all stairways —~——— g@re enclosed in approved fireproof construc- | than one-sixteenth of an tion, fire partitions shall be required to be continuous only from one such fireproof floor to another or to the roof Any such fire partition shall be deemed continuous, even though the several parts are not directly the intervening parts of the floors at the levels over one another in stories. if successive where offsets occur, are of. fireproof con- struction and all parts not supported di- rectly on the foundations are carried on fireproof construction Fire partitions shal) be carried at least three feet above any non- fireproof roof 3. Openings Fire partitions shall have no openings other than the required door openings No such door opening shall ex- ceed forty-eight square feet in area if mor than one door opening Is required, the distance, measured along the line of the | fire partition between any door and the next one shall not be more than sixty feet very pening in a-fire partition shall br | protected by approved self-closing fire door 7 o~o sec. Bids i 7 L n otherwise spe- clally provided y any other law or ordi nan shartts aS in thi ection described and of the thickne es re red for exterioz walls, prov led ths haft walle not ex- more for each lower section of forty feet square feet in area Except 1! hereinafter provided In this sectlo al yhafts hereafter erected In nine square fer shall be constructed in the aterial and thick- rs nesses prescribed 1 subdivision 1 section $372 of this article for fire partitions, or subd- division 2 of this section for open shafts 4 Shafts not e eeding nine square feet in area Al) shafts hereafter erected in any bullding an having a cross-sectional area at any point of nine square feet oF less, e@xX- cept as herea shall be cor ructed of approve relnforced concrete, r any material or torm of .constructio no thick permitted under the pro section 36 of this chapter as permanent ; fireproof partit ns zet in a steel irame of proper strength or suitably reinforced with metal dowels, or in such other man- ner as may be approved by the Superintena ent of tuilldings 5 Elevator shafts In existing residence bulldings In buildings which have not more than fifteen sleeping existing residenc rooms any elevator shaft hereafter erected when the available space does not permit of the construction required by subdivision 3 of this section. may be constructed as required by subdivision 4 of this section 6 Non-fireproof shafts hereafter erected in non-fireproof residence shafts—Vent ; " buildings, -when extending through not more than one story ip height, carried not less than three feet above the roof and covered with a ventilating skylight of metal and giass, and dumbwaiter shafts hereafter erected that do not extend more than thres stories above the cellar or basen ent in res dence bulldings occupled by not mor than two families or having not more than teen sleeping rooms, may be built of wood solidly with ‘brick or other ap- incombustible material, or covered filled in proved on the inside with plaster on plaster board or metal lath, or with sheet metal not less inch in thickness, | | | | | | | | } j j CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 39 provided that the part of any such dumb- Waiter shaft which extends into the cellar hall be enclosed in eight-inch brick walls. 7 Existing elevators In every non-fire- proof public building all elevators not al- enclosed in fireproof shafts shall be snclosed in wall constructed and arranged as in this section required for elevator ready 8 Existing dumbwaiter shafts. Any ex- dumbwatter shaft which extends into th cellar or basement, except such as do not extend more than three stories above cellar or basement in residence bulld- ngs, shall be enclosed in the cellar or base- wnt with walls of brick elght inches thick or other fireproof construction approved by the superintendent of buildings, unless al- ready enclosed in some form of construction ‘ orm to the requirements of sub- divisior ! of this section 9 Ope gs a In open shafts having a cross-sectional area at any point of thirty- six square feet or less, hereafter erected or tered penings shall be protected with fire doors, fire hutters or fire windows. b In vent shafts, hereafter erected or al- tered, except non-fireproof vent shafts. all] opening shall be provided with fire win- dows ( In elevator ts hereafter erected or aterlally tered all door openings shall be prote ed fire doors No other openings hall be pro led in such shafts, except Vindow open gs to tne outer air a In dumbwaliter shafts hereafter erected or alte ther sha be no openings other than door openings protected with self- ‘ ther f ot provided for in cl subdivision, hereafter erected or altered shall have all openings protected with self- 10 slosur at top All shafts here- ifter e! ted or altered to extend into the top stor of : non-fireproof bullding shall be arried through and not less than three feet above the roof Every shaft extending abov the roof except opel shafts, shall be enclosed at the top with a roof of fire- proof construction and a metal skylight of at lea three-fourt! the area of the shaft in t} top story except that the skylight herein required may be replaced by a win- dow of equiva it area in the side of the shaft provided the lll of such window is not le han three feet above the roof and the window does not face a property line within ten feet Any shaft that does not extend into he top story of the building shall have the top enclosed with fireproof onstructi¢ 11 Enclosure at bottom The bottom’ of ever shaft hereafter erected or altered except vent shafts, shall be enclosed with lrepro¢ co struction 12 Elevator machinery compartment When ar compartment which contalns ma- chinery for operating an elevator communi- cate ‘ : o} elevator shaft it shall be en- closed with partitions of the same material, and construction a required for the shaft, ind shall have five doors on the openings 13 Number of elevators restricted in shaft Not more than two elevators shall be | ‘ed hereafter in any one shaft, and where there are only two elevators in any bullding they shall be placed in separate sna 3 Sec. 374. Existing hoistways. ] Gates and trapdoors In any existing building in which there shall be any holst- way, elevator or wellhole not already in- closed in walls constructed of brick or other fireproof materiai and provided with fire- proof doors, the openings thereof through and upon each floor of said building shall be provided with and protected by substantial guards or gates and with such good and ficient trap-doors as may be directed and approved by the superintendent of bulldinga. When, In the opinion of the superintendent of buildings, trapdoors are re- quired to the floor openings of any unin- closed elevator, the same shall be construct. ed so as to form a substantial floor surface when closed and‘so arranged as to open and close by the action of the elevator In its passage either ascending or descending. Z. Enforcement of section Except as automatic Reese ya ett E yeaa te ey rath EETSERTI LIE tt ik a i easti ee r Leese esl eee tok toe eeey Pee oo = eae ee at he a ta ae er Co a Li het att * WiIeEAe pws PERS we ‘Pepes es P ae ay & re : Pad . sate es foe bem © bs = erg t f: y > at be ae ee ee eh A =) ep aye eres ‘ e3 : = 5 pL ae ets Scie pede kl cTrcy — e+ Sete Tress Forres! “ee eh ese fase 40 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY. OF NEW YORK. otherwise provid:d by law or ordinance, | required or permitted by this chapter, OF feed driers re = fre heated fertilizer the superintendent of buildings shall have} the rules authorized thereunder, Oo! ire ay a; direct MT heated pulp driers; gal- power and authority to require the open-| doors, fire shutters or fire windows, Ul vanizing furnaces, glass factory rORES and ings of hoistways, elevators and wellholes | panes shall no exceed seven hundred an¢ glory holes; hardening furnaces LCHOrry a in- buildings to be enclosed or secured by] twenty square Inches In area, and shall nol paie Bole os KIINS; porcelain biscult trap-doors, guards or gates and railings. | be less han one-quartel!l inch in thickness kilns; smoke HOUR Rs Sa ee other 3. Guards, gates and trap-doors to be|and shall be set not less than five-eights CO ee ae ee aaa closed -when not’ in use All guards or] of an inch in the frame When the u ! kilns; wood-distilling furnaces; wood- gates required by this section shall be kept | glass permitted ul fire door Ol a eT closed at all times, except when in actual | shutter o £ 1 shall be used oI -high, including annealing furnaces; use, and the trap-doors shall be closed at the ¢ Zin I indo only wire 4 b emer retorts; billet and bloom furnaces, the close of the business of eat h day, by the | shall be us Adopted Nov. 28, 1916.) la furnaces bone calcining furnaces; occupant or occupants of the building hav- | Se oO! ib on 2 Ol se eof OF]! eee corres seiko erie ing the use or contro) of the same | Article 1 of Chapter 5 of the Co Or cement, brick and tile kilns; coal and water 0 ae Aeen O e City New Yo retorts; cupola eartbenware kilns; gas Sec. 375. Protection of exterior openings. | yepealed . furnaces glass smelting furnaces; A: When required Every window, or KI open hearth furnaces; ore other opening above the first story in the uh furnaces porcelain baking and exterior walls of every fireproof and non- AT TICLE 19 ’ klins no arches; nudes furnaces; fireproof business building, more than forty | ch aN ae erative furnaces reverberatory fur- feet in height, shall, except as may be Cx carburetor or superheating otherwise specifically provided in this chap CHIMNEYS AND HEATING 4PPARATUS -s 1 water gas works; welding fur ter or by any other law or ordinance, be wood carbonizing furnaces protected by a fire door, fire window, fir ‘ ; ibtful cases the superintendent of shutter, open sprinkler or other approve ne dev eg a gs shall by rule designate the grade protective when such opening ig distant Il! ; heat producing device, being gov- « direct line less than thirty feet from any on 9 u so by the degree and amount opening in any Other building and not 4 mol acks i a! ted the same plane with sald opening, or when ; po ‘mneys Fe 99 Chimneys goid opening is not more than fifty feet und flues et? yee 4 aii gbove a neiighboring roof . tie on Except as In this article 2 Fire shutters to be readily opened : 1) _ e ] ied, every chimney hereafter When fire shutters are used in exterio: Smoke : sna e of brick or stone Jeld tn openings at least one row in every three ' i s rtar. or of reinforced concrete vertical rows of shutters on front window } a , above the highest point of the openings shall be arranged to be readity nets and @ ea four feet above the high- opened from the outside Distinguishing , etka t contact with the roof. Every marks. satisfactory to the fire commissionel 4( S+ 5 and hi¢ wate ea ' SIG be properly capped with terra ahall be provided on these shutters cas iron or other approved g Openings to fire escapes When fire} Sec. 390. General ible, weatherproof material, except doors or. fire shutters are used on ex- D YT he puri a . at « ngs forty feet or less In height terior openings leading to fire escapes or] ¢hanpter | urses of a-brick chimney may be exterjor exits of any kind they shall be so ae a thet vs of a buliding | mish t eing carefully bonded and urranged as not to obstruct such fire escape | , : a ‘ore flues gt er to serve as coping. r exit : aes - animbus si Supports chimneys shall be whol- 4 Vertical separation of windows I me fireplace o eating device to the oute ed by stone, brick or self-support- fireproof and non-flreproof business butlld-| g ee } splace am de e firepro¢ struction No chimney shall ings hereafter erected, Ovel forty fee ‘ res t upon any wood construction height, exterior openings above the second | . passage ayeeel i 3 } r low grade devices The story that are located vertica above one! , ah aso} i sintarce on ke fi of stoves, cooking ranges, hot another and that do not require any pro A jan Wned vals bie ansmises af wate und Ww pressure steam heat- tective under this section, shall have Ot] o 7 heated © io ; ing furnaces, and &@ other heat producing less than three feet of solid masonry a enna 7 = atin OG devices graded as low, shall be encased in tween the top of one opening and the b , - und designated respec rete not less than eight tom of the one next above, and no such | Seb bar MLE inc} i ept that for smoke flues opening shall be arranged, to open within | du {fs a passage const! ed ¢ é i for ordinary stoves, ranges one foot of the ceiling of the story In which | atm at id aon a buatible pen ‘ aces hen no combuatiblis it is located, provided, however, that part | ; 9 ‘ ae 9 . bn an kK ge or sheathing is placed ef such masonry between openings ay jah Vemte sn § rickwork or concrete may replaced by wire glass in fixed metal sas} ; Oo les than four Inches. and frame — L 3 a passage structed of stons the stone work f 5. Closing protectives All fire doors I 7 “wie a an intermed : i 3 s)} four inches thicker than shutters and fire windows on exterior pe : a DI ine g Every flue coming un- ee Brae ee Pore ener aut | and e : } the trans de! l I slo of this subdivision here- oi . ee eee eee bo Dae Irom eith mis y f e rod ‘ , ietic ‘ erected shall be lined with well-burnt side; shall Le closed. when not-required t 2 Notics | o ca hea rra cotta pipe, from the bottom ofgthe be open, and at the close of business each | produ ge : saat i e throat of the fireplace if da by he occupant or occup t oO . , eines ae a Wane S a ee Deen afte placed a ding ‘ les ani t l start rom a fireplace, for the f the | fireplaces ai ed. changed or enlarged | entire hels of e chimney Such Iining Sec. 376. Protectives for openings. : 3 7 OF SEER! pcesal- | Pipes’ ane , Mit ine Be Sey eee feeder tias os A aaeening’ ceotectlyés e 3. al a oe ructural ‘parts of i 1p, laid end to end’ In cement mor- required Or permitted under this chapter “iD a 1 aie : , eee a te a Ries © sets phd oy ehall be constructed as prescribed it su i Aci a ; . ! ms : ae } ie . 5 see a ere or ai cones ts rules, consistent with the provisions of this 1 en . “ aS et ae 2 ; withes shall be either chapter, as may be promulgated by the cage Fucw : = er an ‘four inches thick, “or superintendent of bulldings, or n the ab- | a : rete or grout not less than one Inch gence of such rules, as specified in the | Sec 91 Ileat producing devices z fe i : wever, thet every (thi standard requirements of the Nationa Board | oO} = K ; : tt ga a brick. ES ee ie’ wieaeiinderwyitera: or ther my be on | pr. . ee P chay eat | 4 Flues f medium grade devices. rne eS ba" Gir and tnertaenwant any) Gia | or g : a raded as ¢ of high pressure steam bollers. terial that willl con ply with the fire tes | ei nails A bakers ‘ ens bol ngi® = AROUSER ana other heat producing S dabicattar, prescribed | ane es ; coke and gyp- ml vices cane as medium shall be en- 5. Fire test In testing the fireproof cooking ee We WF : . Mees | e- r arn SeYY nae. em nes oncrete not less than qualities of any opening protective a com a ae Bene mg cruller furnaces 2 nches tt or stonework not less Siath weinnle of tha device ofthe maximum | a, Se e os e aterlals; fe d ae we lve ir es thick, and in addition, wize to be approved, constructed and in Ber ae i a vens; forge) § ee lined with not less than four inches stalled in every respect ag in actual service, | harder meee ? : y peu kilns Oo re b ck laid in fire mortar, for a dis- RMibe cwublacted to: a Nite. on one side ie eon oe ae f ‘ lark ad) ho teamce of at least twenty-five feet from the continuous for not less than one hour, at] naces i u ig heating fu I ra where the smoke connection of the s. temperature, in the case of fire doors and| heating bo te oer Sees See device enters the flue fre shutters increasing gradually from that] ing furnaces he "a Pe adie dry- Riiues for high grade devices. The ef the outer said to elghteen hundred de- : nee ad 1} ca furnaces: nickel! smoke flues of cupolas brass furnaces, grees Fahrenheit within the first half-hour ai a : ee Deane furnaces; render-| porceiain baking kilns and all other heat and to two thousand degrees Fahrenhelt oe agers : ven ng FORCE) Berea procucing lces graded as high shall be during the second half-hour, and, in the case! qa; a oe : me uv moe Revere typertout built with double walls, each not less than of fire windows, increasing gradually from | j; se if ' ae furnaces; wood} eight inches i! thickness with an alr that of the outer air to fifteen hundred de- - oe Ee rereh? space of not less two inches between grees Fahrenheit within the hour, without | pits: ce} i , t sy ie ibaster gypsurn | ther The inside of the tnterlor walls shall permitting the passage of flame or the - ' Nareod rurna fire heated | he of firebrick not less than four inches In transmission of heat to a dangerous extent. | *Amended by ord. ad i = |; thickness $. Use of wire glass, When wire Wade \a pe ae i Sa ee: Ne vember 3, 6 Certain flues required In every build- ” 1G ing hereafter erected exceeding forty feetCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4l in height wt one or more smoke fiue Start from the cellar or lowest sto least one such fiue shall have an intern cross-sectional area of not les un inet six square inches and shal) al n less tnan three feet below the: celling fl hereafter erected shall have smo plpe « nections in more than one story < a bulld- ing ws Flues to be clean and imney safe Upon the completion of any building or an alteration in any flues existing building, the flues shall be prope cleaned and left smooth on the i: de Any h ney which shall be dangerou y man- ner whatever shall be repa d and made safe, or taken down &. Unlawful use of fiu al un- lawful to use as a smoke fiu: flue here- after erected or placed in ¢ iding, or any flue now existing and ot already used “as a smoke fi in 5 ct [ I the requirements of this ‘ n Vothing this article, howeve 8 Le ‘ Ur us of approved meta! gt oY the ne pair or alterat | = I ence bu ings 9 Raising adjoining chimneyg When- ever a building wa or structure is here- after erected altered, enlarged or raised so that ar of th walls, whether independent or party aiong & property ne or within tnree feet theres extendas abdove the top ol any ¢ mne noke flue smokestac of an adjoining building or tr ure the owne of @ buliding, wall o tructure & erected ered, enlarged or sed, sha aC nis OWh expense, car! up, either inde pendentiy or in his own building wall or ructure, all *himneys, smoke ues nd emokestacks of such adjoining building or structure within ten feet of any portion of ne said wall extending above ich hir ey. flue or stacl The constructio of sur chimneys, flues or stacks shall ynform the requirements of nis ar Ay yin thereto but in no case shall the {i »Y area of any fiue or stack as aised | ess than that of the existing flue or stack 4 | Buch chimneys, lues ¢ stack sna! be carried above the walls Q stion the helghts prescribed, and «shail, furthermere, 06 sO constructed, supported id braced a to be at all times safsé 0 It ghall be ne uty of W the building, wall « 1¢ re » be er ted aitered, enlargs or raised to } | vyrit ing, at 1 gy days befors ich W kK begun, the owner of the chimneys. flues « etacks aff cted, i nis i tie oO a 1 : h ehimneys flues or stacks as provided and unless released i shall carry up such chimneys é acks bslmultaneoualy th the wails sec. 393. Fireplaces, J Fiirebacks The firebacks fa € places hereafte erected sha be fit les than eligh in is in thickne f 3011 masonry A | ng of firebrick « other a proved material at least two inches th shail be provided inless h reback twelve inches in thickness Z Tr @] irches ll fireplaces at ehimney 2asta wie na e are piace whether tended fc ordinat fireplace or not, shall ) trimmer ¢& hes or fire proof construction supportii hearths The arches and hearths sha be 2 least twent inches in width measured fr: ie face of the chimney breast Trimme i hes shall be of brick, stone, terra tta r reinfor oncrete, The length of the nine arch shall not be Jess than the th the himney breast, and the lemgth | earth ehall be not less the ! of the mante!. The, hearths shall ‘ brick, stone, tile or other app! d freproot yaterial The corabined thickne of trim mer arch avd hearth shall a no point be less than sa inches Wood nt ~ der trimmer arches shall be remov: before plastering the celiing underneath 8 Heaters No heater shm!l be placed i e firepla: which does not confor: ts the loregoins requirements of this section 4 Viantels No wood mantel or her woodworl eight Inct inches of ea coal-burning iz placed LHe shall be hereafter placed within Otl in a top ot I elther eater any o of fireplace, the side nor pen any ireplace Balt! Thi more an in ft té| t ype tna | | may be provided shall ‘ incombuastible materia Yo combustible summer ple or | fireboard sha be sed connection with |} any open firep e 411] spaces back of co bustible mant s shall be solid] rlle¢ in with incombustib materia | o False flreplac False fireplaces using summer piece OI reboards shall nme I placed hi ay I ng ex pt agains an unlurred maso! Wall « a repro part | tion. Sec. 394. Metal smokestacks. 1 Construction Metal smoke acks rnust be so constru: dad that they will se r | supported and that the materials enferins !into their construction r serving is up- port shall not [ressed beyond tne Wor - Ing stresses fixes by this chapter rhe | metal OTrx Nn Sst be rivet and of ad ) qual thickne but no less thal! x Lf | I ». gage when 1e ¢ s-sectional area | one undyr l and fty-fo square Inches or ] nes ot es than Oo SU 8 ige when tne < s-sectl a area S more than. ons nu ed ind -four quare incnes and no I re thar two hundred and one square i ine} ) ess an NO 42u.s age when the ross-s \ a r i more (nan ) hund und « quare inches but no ort |; than red and fifty-four Si are | inche 1d not less than oO LO S Lee when e cros sectional area is oO ha wo hu 4 eh four square j 8 All me work be palin 1 ilva a meta Ss ‘ é used we oO ope £8 shall be re ed { 1S oO very etack 2 Heig | such acks serving gh grads i Dp t qagevices snail @exte L to a he it < yt 7 n ten feet abo the hig st pi bu WV 1 twe live re 3 Inde nd LcK All such stack hereafte erected le and Independent ‘ al shall } upported on sub- s a s \ idation so designed that the n pressure on the soll 1a}! not ex< ad 1 ‘ I oO (nat presc ribed in gect of ip < iD 4 F =rio1 ar Any such stacks, oI any pal e ereafter erected on the ne » exte or oO the building it serves shall b brac¢ such building at least every tw fee It shall have a clearance of not | 3 than four Inches “om he walls { a proc rn ire proo D lding and ‘ ‘ = thi .y nches fron tne : | ind a: clear i of ne I ur incl Y Oat Gir } i £ escape or oOo t { u ess su stack is in ne app ved manner in which - cas learances heret provided may } I ‘ ' amount xed by the iperit f ulldings when approying ne r ut ) inte a Any i Ack oO! part tft! | } eafter erected 1 A build! all ~ j ysed n \ 3 Of ap pro a las I 0 nm o@ Tre proof ibd ing i ‘ part hereof Bsne be en Wael oO rick ts a cotta D KS pag er not ‘ nan elgg! inches thick witl ; between the tack a i the ence sufficient ; nos the en- i fo ‘ iiInation and renal eT ne wails na pe witn ou pf r 3 a yy ne Or at wil it sts ithe Smokestacks shall n¢ be | carried ip s } vent stacl or fiues | con ted ») rane unless such t stacks ® ree constructed as 1 lired t thi | ar smokestacks or s é 1es Sec. 3805. Cupola chimneys. Chimneys o1 upola furnaces, blast fur- naces and milar devil shal) ctend at ist twenty feet aboy fhe } ne pol of ay roof within a radi of fifty fe thereof | gt i overed on the top with avy ire | + ~ y «x netting or other approved spark arrester No woodwork shall be withi three: tee”. oO} any part of sut device or its chimney | Sec 396. Underground smoke flues. Unde reround smoke flues shal covered witl t least twel inches of solid masonry or rl approy ed equi ale { sulation If | clean-o. opening 4re irstatied th shal! Lyi pro rd with approved double iron docrs or covers, of which the two parts are | twelve inch*s apart, with the intervening Space filled with insulating matertal. No combustible flooring shall be laid over any Buch flues Sec, 307. Kanges. ] fuutchen ranges When fixed ranges Installed in any building hereafter trimmer arche#s extending beyond euch ranges not less than six inches on all les shall be provided unless the floor is of proof constructlor No such range hall be placed against a stud partition, @ furred wall o1 ny other combustibie con- truction When any such range is to “* Dp ed j in twelve inches of a wood (ud partition the sald partition shall be hlelded vith metal from the floor to @ ght if not less than three feet higher ha he provided that when the range is within six inches of the partition the studs shall be cu away and framed ree feet nigner and one foot wider than the ra and lled in to the face of the said lL pal tion with brick or Hreproof i ‘ Hoos over ranges All hoods and ducis ime placed over hotel or restau- rant 1 ges sha be constructed of incom- bustible iaterials and installed In accord- ce witl 1@ requirements of section 408 smo} pipe Drying rooms. Drying rooms hereafter placed within any building as @ part of the building shall be constructed entirely of incombustible ma- erials When the heating pipes are not piace < € 1ead tne shall be go shielded as to preserve a all times a clear space of not less thal inches between them ard the contents | such drying rooms shall be ventilated directly to the outer gir by ent flues or ducts installed as specified in section 40° of this article for smokepipes Sec. 399. Smoke houses A} smoke houses hereafter erected as part of any building shall be of fireproof construction ¥v h walls of brick or rein- forced concrete All openings shall be pro- ided with fire doors. The interior fram- ing racks, hangers and other interlor fit- tings shall be of incombustible materia)s, Sec. 400. Registers. All registers used in any hot-air furnace neating systern, placed tn any woodwork or combustible floor, shall rest upon stone or ron borders rmly set in plaster of paris or ga nortar All register boxes used in any such heating system shall be made of tin plate or galvanized iron with a flange to the rabbet In tre border Che register bo shall be enclosed in a tin or galvanized iron casing turned under the border and ace it least wo inches from the sides of the boy such easing shall extend from the border to and through the ceiling be- 0 the case a floor register and through the partition in the case of a wall egiste When a register box is placed in ' o¢ over @ portable furnace, the space on all sides between the casing and the register bo shall be not less than four inches ] ry not-air furnace shall have at leas one register without Yalye ~ OF sec. 401, Vent fiues. Flues hereafter erected for the removal of foul alr or the transmission of heated alr shall be encased in masonry not less than four inches thick and shall be lined with terra cotta or other approved incombustible naterial Not more than one gas burning device shall be direct-connected to any flue, nor shall any such device be connected toa any fue used as a smoke flue Any flue te which a gas burning device ts direct-con- nected shall be constructed as required ia section 392 for a smoke flue, Sec. 402, Ducts. ' General Except as may be otherwise specifically permitted orf prescribed, the transmission of air through buildings for heating or ventilation shall be by means of duct eonstructed as in this section pro- vided : Casing No casing, furring or lath of wood shall ba placed against or cover &@& eo) pepe tS TT ee ar yey ren ess ere Rey ay 10 Tpit eats ttt yeya Pa he Cte ep : 4 CALS ee! a eet tok Ce ke ee ee oo teh iS teehee ot tt sete es Sea te a a cate ieee Es ee u + ‘ : re ed oot Wok See kh eh ee oe ee bel Me ele Lae tek he | ee Le 42 duct of any kina; but this shall not prevent coy ering over the placing of W oodwork on @ such ducts, of metal lath and plaster, plas- ter board or asbestos provided the thick ness of the covering ig not less than seven- eights of an inch. 8. In partitions. in combustible partitions with one-half inch of corrugated asbestos or shall be constructed double with a one-haif inch air space. The asbestos covering or outside pipe shall be not less than one and one-half inches away from the woodwork In lieu of the above protection, of brickwood or concrete may be between the duct and the woodwork 4. In floors. Ducts hereafter placed be- flooring and Ducts hereafter placed shall be covered four inches placed s of non-fire- celling be covered with not less than one inch of i approved insulation All wood boxes oF | or hot water heating casing inclosing steam i a ‘in pipes, or wood covers to ret egses in walls in which such pipes are placed, shall be lined with metal 2 Pipe coverings Any ooverings or in- | ulation used on steam Ol hot water pipes yall be of incom ustible material Section « Se i662 Of Bru iapter 5 of the Coad of Ordina Es “ty of ‘New York is hereby rept aled *ARTICLE 20, tween the proof floors, shall be constructed double | ,OOFING AND ROOF STRUCTURES with a one-inch air space. The outside pip: shall be not less than two inches from any Seco. 420. ¢ woodwork, which shall be coy ered with | 421. R metal Sec. 422. Cor! ind itters 5 In closets Ducts hereafter placed | hate ee in closets or similar concealed spaces shall | S 424 be double with a one and one-half inch | oe ai air space, or shall be covered with ap ’ Ro en proved incombustible insulation, not less | : than one inch thick When constructed 4 double the outside pipe shall be not less | - suet than No. 18 U. S. gage, and not less than | one inch from any woodwork | Se 420. General 6. Passing through partitions and floors - : ; e spe pro Ducts hereafter placed to pass through | aed § ok ‘a a waneie tin combustible partitions or floors shall be con- | . in} 1ereafter | 1 structed double with a one and one-half | oe f any nas e inch air space open at one end, or sha > : of sl . be covered with approved incombustibl: Sr ta insulation not less than one inch thick oe 2 4 to ; : 7. ‘Horizontal ducts, Ducts used for hot- |” ae : air furnace heating, hereafter placed under | terlals cellar cellings, shall be at least six inches | Sec, 421 Roofing below wood floor beams, wood lath and | — ; é o plaster ceiling or- other combustible ma- 4 lateria oe Am EDS . terials: but if such combustible construction | pre! - PAY yes roe _ ; ig protected by metal lath and plaster, plas- | ee p a oer Pees oh ter board or one-half inch asbestos the | hereo ail vere Wie an ApPEvy distance may be not less than three inches | ro & nerete, tile ate, metal 8 Cold at® ducts. The cold air ducts | ask Os 1G, §! or other approved in of any heating system shall be of meta) | mt ater! or other approved fireproof material. ene When od planking or $. Hot air ducts No hot-air furnace | §®¢&! E s permitted ! roof constru shall be placed in any floor, partition or | “°" hall not, in any case, extend enclosure, of combustible construction, un- across sige § party wea less it be at least eight feet distance in a | : Nepaire » rooling on any xisting horizontal direction from ths furnace roof shal e renewed or repaired, except fin contormity vith the requirements ol Bec. 408. Smoke pipes | this provided, however that when 1. Restriction No smoke pipe shall pass | e renewal ol! sssar repair do not through any floor, nor through any non-| const te more t n one-fourth of the 1 f fireproof roof ing gp ‘ r rface. the 1 y work ® Clearance. The clear distance between | may be made nform to the existing any smoke pipe or metal breeching and any | roofing combustible material or construction shall | be not Jess than eighteen inches in the case | 5ec. 422 Cornices and gutters ef low grade heat producing devices nor | 1 Construction A} rnices inclusive less than thirty-six inches for medium of/| of those on show windows, and gutters high grade heat producing devices, except| hereafter placed on he exterior of any that, when such smoke pipes or breechings| building except uildings that are per- are protected with not less than two inches} mitted to be of frame construction, shall of asbestos or in some.other approved man- be of incombustible materials When con- ner, such clearances may be reduced one-} gtructed of sheet metal hey hall be half, and that, in the case of smoke pipes| riveted in the seams at intervals of not used on ordinary ranges and stoves in tene-/| more than five inches Cornices shall be ments or other residence buildings having | secured to the walls it) metal framing not more than fifteen sleeping rooms, such] or anchors, spaced not. more than four feat clearances may be not less than nine inches when the combustible material or struction is protected by one-half asbestos or its quevalent, nor elghteen inches when not so protected. 8. Protection through partitions. pipes from ordinary ranges and residence buildings may pass through bustible partitions, provided every such pipe fa guarded by a double metal ventilated thimble twelve inches larger in dlameter than the pipe, or by a metal bullt in brickwork or other approved fireproof ma- terials, not less than eight inches thick on @ll sides of the tube. cone- inch less than Smoke stoves in com- tube Sec. 404. Steam and hot water pipes. i. Protection Steam or hot water pipes shall not be placed nearer than one inch to any woodwork unless the covered with metal, in which case the dis- tance shall be not less than one-half inch, Every steam or hot water heating pipe pass:+ ing through a combustible floor or partition ehall be protected by a metal tube one [nch larger in diameter than the pipe pipe passing through stock woodwork is ANY such shelving shal] a ean apart, and extending not less than four inches into the wall at top and bottom 2 Repairs All cornices or gutters that may now be or that may hereafter become unsafe shall be taken down, and if replaced, shall be constructed to conform to the re- quirements for new cornices, except that when any such cornice or gutter is not damaged to a greater extent than one-half, it may be repaired with the same material as originally constructed Sec. 423. Leaders. All buildings shall be provided with from l the water from proper leaders for conducting water the roofs In no case shal leaders be allowed to flow walk, but it pipes to the In the street then the shall be conducted by the side- shall be conducted by plpe or sewer If there be no upon sewer water from the leader proper pipe or pipes below the surface to a street gutter, or to a cesspool. ord, adopted November 9$ February 9, 1916. *Amended by 1915, effective CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY: OF Sec. 424. placed in any pulldings an incident to the and othe! addition to soldering, sashes and superintendent of buildings NEW YORK. Skylights. skylights hereafter bullding shall have the frames thereof constructed of except that skylights in foundries or acid are present as occupancy of the bulld- discretion of the The frames parts of metal skylights shall be eted or otherwise securely fastened, tina shall be securely red to the supporting structure. ] Construction All where fumes s may be of wood in the and Gla ig Skylizhts placed over shafts any ind shall be glazed with plain glass than three-sixteenths. of an inch In kness No pane of glass in any such ts hereafter placed in any bullding ‘ ed seven hundred and twenty ‘inches in area. (Adopted Nov. 28, | } tect } Every skylight in which : ised shall be protected by a en pviaced not less than four inches than ten inches above the glazed f the skylight at all points. Such 4 be not lighter than No. 12 i all have a mesh of not less -oe-fourths of an inch nor more than extend beyond the glazing on less than the height When any tal e not above the glazing ‘ ght is located over any passage- room of public resort a similar eaen shall also le placed below the sky- ight Me ¢ 425 Scutties ks provided with some other means f 3 » the roof, every building more fif tec ich, except dwellings with nat roofs. shall have in the roof a scuttle, } antial !ron ladder leading there- to A ‘ttles shall be covered on the top 1 edg th sheet metal or other ap- srov ' bustible meterial. The scut- gs shall be at least two feet by re ee in ‘ Sec. 426. Roof houses. Tr) itions The term bulkhead as used in this sec- tion ,l les a such enclosed structures above the roof of any part of a building as en 2 only stairways, tanks, elevator machinery or ventilating apparatus, or BNA b The term pent house as used in this section means any enclosed structure, other than a bulkhead, extending not more than twelve reet adove a roof Bulkheads The walls of any Dbulk- | head hereafter erected on any roof of a ffre- | proof-bullding, shall be j 2 constructed as re- fire partitions by subdivision l, chapter Such walis may walls of the bulkhead exceed fifteen feet in height and thirty-five feet in length, and exceed twelve feet. The roofs of such bulkheads shall be of fire- 372 of this be used as bearing they do not does not proof ynstruction as provided by section 354 of this chapter The walls and roofs of all bulkheads, unless constructed of ap- covered on the weatherproof shail be i\bustible, proved masonry outside with inco material 3 Pent be considered a pent house shall the building and, except as may be otherwise specifically pro- vided by law, its construction shall cone form to the requirements for buildings of a helght to which such pent house ts carried; provided that exterior wall of such pent house sets back not less than five feet exterior walls of the next building it may be con- less than elght inches bullding blocks not less thickness, covered on the outside with incombustible weatherproof and supported by steel or rein- forced concrete girders and windows All doors and frames in the exterior walls of bulk- heads or pent houses shall be metal or metal covered wood All windows in bulkheads or pent houses, where otherwise spe- elfically for, shall be cons.ructed as other windows of the building ‘similarly houses Every story of when any from the lower story of the structed of brick not thick, or hollow than six inches in material, 4. Doors door except provided j located,CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5. Sun parlors. Nothing in this section shall prevent the erection on any roof of any building, of sun parlors or rooms for similar purposes, providel that only in- combustible materials are used in the con- struction and the fioor of such structure is constructed as required for the the building, Bec. 427. Slanting roofs. j Construction. Every mansard or other sianting roof having a pitch of more than sixty degrees, hereafter placed on any non- fireproof building over forty feet high, shall be constructed fireproof as specified In Sec: tion 364 of this: chapter. 2 Dormer windows Every dormer win- dow hereafter erected shall be constructed in the same manner as the,roof on which it is placed The sides and top shall be erlals covered with for roofing. any of the mat approved Sec. 428. Tanks. 1 Supports Tanks of more than 600 gal- lons capacity hereafter placed in or on any building shall be supported on masonry, re- inforced concrete or steel construction of sufficient strength and carried to a proper foundatio: 2 Emergency outlet Every such tank shall have in the bottom or on the side near the bottom a pipe or outlet, not less than four inches in diameter, fitted with a suitable quick-opening valve for discharging the contents in an emergency. 8 Locatior Such tanks shall not be placed over nor near a line of stairs or an elevator Shaft, unless there is a solid roof underneath the tank 4 Covers, All unenclosed roof tanks shall have covers with proper slope 6 Hoops When hoops are used in the construction of tanks they shall be of metal 1Jund in section. Sec. 429. Cooling towers. Cooling towers hereafter erected above any roof shall be of incombustible material, except the drip bars, which may be of wood *ARTICLE 21. Miscellaneous Requirements Sec. 440. Cellar ceilings Sec. 441. Cellar floors. Sec. 442. Cellar partitions Sec. 443. Waterproofing Sec. 444 lights. Sec. 446. Cutting beams Sec. 446. Bay and show Floor window construc- Sec. 440. Cellar ceilings. In any hereafter tered so as its cups 6ne story buildings outside of the fire and buildings occupied exclusively for dence purposes by or two families, wood beams over the cellar, or over the low- est story, if such story is partly below the eurb or the surrounding ground when the curb level has not been established, shall be covered with metal lath plaster, plaster board and plaster, or approved incombustible material. erected, or al- except limits regi- the building 4 to change occupancy, one level, and othe: Sec. 441. Cellar floors. In all buildings hereafter erected the cellar any floor resting directly the ground shall consist of 1:3:6 stone or cinder not less than four inches thick. floor or on concrete Sec. 442. Cellar partitions. In all non-flreproof buildings, except build- ings occupied exclusively for residence pur- poses by one or two families, permanent par- titions in the cellar, or im any story more than half below the curb, shall be con- structed of incombustible materials, unless such partitions enclose only coal or wood bins and do not extend to the ceiling Sec. 443. Vaterproofing. In all buildings hereafter erected, the ex- terlor walls below the ground level and floors below the curb level resting directly on *Amended by ord. adopted December i 1916, effective March 7, 1916. roof of A , the ground, shall, when required, be water- proofed in accordance with the rules adopted by the superintendent of buildings. Sec. 444, Floor lights. Floor lights shall be constructed of meta) frames and bars or plates, reinforced con- crete or other approved incombustible ma- terials, If any glass in same measures more than sixteen square inches, it shall be pro- vided with a mesh of wire either in the glass or under the same Floor lights shel!) be of the same strength as the floors in which they are placed Glass shall not be less than three-quarters of an inch in thick- ness. Sec. 445. Cutting beams. No beam shall be eut or plerced in any manner tha insufficient the beam to be of load wl E R 'auBSe for its strength Bec. 446. Bay and show window construction. Bay windows and show windows that ex- tend beyon: i xterlor walls hereafter constructed or ed on any fireproof o mnon-lreproot lilding, shall be constructs | of incombustible materials and in such man- | ner as wil! meet with the approval of tne |} superintendent of buildings YARTICLE 22, FRAME BUILDINGS. Sec. 4/0. Height sec sil ATé Sei ‘7 Fy ruction Se 4° t ~ Se 474 } O ™ S 47 | y 4 pe t z s : A777 no ures Si : Dp 6 ictures - i9 us If me structures Se ( 1 f | alterations Ss | \ \as ry walis Spec 470 Height. kxcep be otherwis spe ifically pro led pter or in the ru 3 au- thorized here : no frame building of Bt j I \ Or <€ iTEg d shall ex a.-% } ] except. that yuildings used 1 whole or in part as gar- ages, motol repair shops or oil sell- ing stations shall not xceed ‘5 feet. in helgh (Amend ‘ 1Ly 1917.) |\Sec. 471. Area, 1. Buildli irea. No frame building here- ifter ere or nlarged shall exceed five t} Lnd fer in a 1 é | irea Th r mbined ar 2 of frame sul) I i Li tnouse located Lot p Ss i | ri¢ 4 { ead eight pe r oe of “ee, sy ha part of the lot plo which is not ilready covered by fire proof YT mn fireproof bulldings Sec a2 Frame construction. The wood framework of all frame build- Ings, hereafte erected, shall con ist of sills, posts irts and plates of suitable size and materials with proper mol! ’ i 1 tenon framing and braced with studs at ll angles hut this shall not prohibit the use of bal- loon framing with proper alils posts, rib bon strips and plates provided the building ig properly) braced in all angles or the | sheathing ! put on diagonally Floor and roof beams and rafters shall not be ess than 2 inches in thickness, No part of the wood framework shall be built below the rround level. (Adopted April 24, 1917.) Sec. 473. Filling in walls. 1. Independent walls Any exterior wall of frame construction, hereafter erected within three feet of a side or rear line of the lot or plot on which It ls located, or wall of any the solidly the side shal! have fillea in approved hereafter erected as tenement house, the “studding ’ brickwork or other Spaces with frame between incombustible material. +Amended by ord. adopted November 7, 1910; effective Feb, 9, 1916. Every party wall of frame extending from without openings and dividing bullding into separate and distinct parts, have the studding filled in solidly with in all cases be carried up rame building with- provided that any ex- laions of this chap- Outside of the above the limiting ot): cys | oe = height of seventy- EVE NE Seas Cees eS TT Eee yeh other structures Exeue aay <4 PPTs baleonies shall limits and the SiLbegiesais tee i SET Fab eva ie oo oe ee. and roof with domestic purposes, provided they do not exceed in height, or one hundred and fifte connection with be constructed of wood plots if they do not interfere TUTES ETT ES Eh ee cl butlding operation. Fi l}exceed twelve feet In height,tee teP Pht Ere eee ete oh hl i fee a) £2 eee Lt eed pth Peete thes RL eeee Seek ee ee) A ot ke Pe dee ae 4 dj - * = Sree he te koi a 4 &< PS Pea +e ee « pet oT teres r A ee fel Bical Nin dae bl Shee Ts) (400) oor oeas rete Peter we rewne rs ee ee eT Pierre vege 44 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY fec. 478. Temporary structures. ‘Temporary structures shall reviewing 1. Meaning. be taken to mean platforms, stands, gospel tents, circus tents and other utructures that are erected to serve their purpose for a limited time, 2. Permit. Temporary structures shall not be erected until a permit, specifying the pur- pose and the period of maintenance, shall have been obtained from the superintendens of bulldings. 3. How located. Within the fire limits or the suburban limits no temporary structure which is enclosed in any manner shall be placed on any lot nearer than four feet to the lot line. 4. Removal. Every temporary structure shall be removed at the expiration of the period for which the permit wads issued, unless such permit is renewed. 5. Unlawful use. It shall be unlawful to use any temporary structure for any other purpose than that designated in the permit. Sec, 479. Miscellaneous frame structures, Frame structures which are of an unusual character and to which the provisions of this chapter do not directly apply, including among others, buildings for fair and exhibi- tion purposes, towers for observation, amuge- ment devices, greenhouses and lumber sheds, and temporary structures of any kind shall be erected in conformity to such rules, con- sistent with the provisions of this chapter wand securing the general intent thereof, as may be adopted by the superintendent of bulldings. Sec, 480. Permissible alterations. 1. Application. Subject to the require- ments of this chapter as to construction, oc- cupancy and location, any existing frame pbullding within the fire limits or the sub- urban limits occupled exclusively as a resi- dence building and haying not more than fifteen sleeping rooms, may be altered and | enlarged of frame construction as hereafte! specified In this section, provided that no such building shall be altered or enlarged to be used for any other purpose. situated in a row of frame bulldings may be increased in height to conform to the height ef adjoining buildings. 2. Raising in height. a. Any such building b. Any such building alreagy exceeding twenty-five feet in height, that has a peaked roof, may be raised for the purpose of mak- ing a fiat roof thereon, provided that the new roof is covered with incombustible ma terial, and that, when so raised, the build- ing shall mot exceed forty feet in height tc the highest part thereof. ec. Nothing in this section shall prohibit ene-story and basement residence buildings from being increased one additional story in height. 3. Extensions. a. Any such building may be extended either on the front or rear to a depth of not more than fifteen feet and not more than the width of the building and not more than two stories and basement in height. b. If any such bullding has an extension of Jegs width than the main bullding the same mey be increased in width to the full width and helght of the main building. 4. Bay windows. Any such building may have bay windows of wood placed on any story, the roofs of which may be covered with the same material as the roof of the main building, except when such a bay win- dow would increase the width of the build- ing to more than eighty-five per cent of the width of the lot. Bec. 481. Use of masonry walls. In case approved masonry or reinforced concrete is used for the exterior walls of any building which under the provisions of this chapter is permitted to be of frame con- struction, nothing in this chapter shall pro- hibit all other parts of the building from be- ing constructed as though the entire build- log were of frame construction. Sec. 2. Section 660 of Article 26: and Sec- tions 620, 621 and 622 of Article 30 of Chap- ter & of the Code of Ordinances of The City ef New York are hereby repealed, : OF NEW YORK. ARTICLE 23. In all buildings of a publi d passageways in ARTICLE 24. used as a motion-picture theat | Superintendent aa hotel, tenement house Or lodging house, nor in a factory or workshop, except where the theatre is separated from the rest of the ding by unplerced fire walls and floors, din no case shall such a theatre be con- structed or operated above or below the eround floor of any building (C.-O., ec. | $62, subd. 2-) Sec. 5602. Construction. In all motion-picture theatres, as defined aforesaid, to be hereafter constructed, the following requirements shall be complied namely ] Ceilings The ceilings of all theatres of all rooms used in connection there- ill be plastered with 8 coats of ass plaster on wire mesh or metal covered. with. 44-inch plaster boards, i lastered or covered with metal. if there be a basement or cellar, the ceiling e@ the floor. of the theatre must be stered with 3 coats of first-class plaster re mesh or,expanded metal lath, or ns ye covered with metal on 44-inch plaster boards (C.. O.. Sec. 352d) subd. 4.) Floor loads The flooring of that por- on of the building devoted to the uses or mmodation of the public must be of strength to’ bear safely a live load Oo 10 pounds per square Toot (CU O., sec Galleries and stairways A gallery may > permitted, except In a theatre con- str ted on a yt less than 20 feet in width bu shall yt Include more than 25 per of he tota seating capacity of the I Entrance to and exit. from the allery shall in no case lead to the main floor o he theatre, and the gallery shall be vided with a stairway or stairways equipped with handrails on both sides. Stair- avs over 7 feet wide shall be provided with cf re handrails The risers of the stair- sh ni exceed 7% inches, and the ¢ gz sings, shall not be less ee ae inches There shall be no circular or windil stairways The total width of airways shall not be less than 8 feet ear where he gallery accommoa- dates 150 people; for every 60 people less u 0, accommodated by the gallery, said width may Dé reduced 1 foot. Stairways all be constructed of fireproof material, ind ich material as the bearing capacity of such stairways shall be approved by the be buildings (Cc. O., Sec. SS2d; suda 4 ) 4 Gradients. To overcome any difference of ve between corridors, lobbles and aisles a theatre, gradients of not over 1 foot In } et, or steps having a rise not over & inches and a width of not less than 10 Inches sna be used (Cc. O., Sec. 362d, subd, * A Walls f the walls of the theatre con- tain wooden stud they ‘shall be covered eithe with expanded metal lath or wire 1esh and pilast d with three coats of first clas plaste or with metal on % inch plaster boards, and a olnts shall be prop erly filled with mortar (Cc. O., - Sec. gaze. ubd. ( sec 503 Means of egress. ] Aisles All aisles in a motion-picture theatre or in a gallery thereof must be at least 3 feet in e clear (Cc. Gy, Sec. c3cu Ipd 4) Chair space 411 chairs In such a thea- tre, except hose ontained in the boxes, 22 inches from back to back and must be firmly secured to the noor; no seat sha have more than 7 seats intervening between t and an aflsle, and the space occupied by each person shall be |} Separated from the adjolning space by means of an arm or other suitable device. ; 052d, subd. 10.) Exits A bullding to be erected or to be altered for use as a motion-picture thea- BY) dices: eee tre must be provided, on the main floor |} thereof, with at least 2 separate exits, one of which shall be in the front and the other inf the real oT the structure and both lead- ing tO unobstru ed outlets to the atreet \Where y ; f . yyYner tn¢ malin noor of the theatre ac- ' r ve! S , ' . ommodates ore than 300 people, there coo 3 ; define 1 | shall be at least 8 such exits, the aggregate | one-twentleth of the number of persons to | be accommodated therein No exit shall be ess than 6 feet in width, and there sha)]CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE GlLY OF NEW YORK. 45 be a main exit, not less than 10 feet In total width. All exit doors must be fireproof and made to open outwardly, and be so arranged as not to obstruct the required width of exit or court when opened All doors leading to fire escapes must be not less than 40 inches wide in the clear, and shall be located at the opposite side or end of the gallery from other exit doors (C.. O.,. Sec, 352d, subds. a, Aas) 4 Exit passageway to street In any such building, if an unobstructed exit to a street cannot be provided at the rear thereof @s herein specified, elther an a fireproof passageway or provided, extending rear the street front, at least 4 feet in for theatres accommodating 100 less; the width to be additional 100 persons to be accom- modated. Such passageway or corrodor must be constructed of fireproof material and be at least 10 feet high in the clear. The walls forming such passageway or must be at least 8 inches shall be con- structed of brick or other approved fireproof material. If there be a basement, on the auditorium court or must be exit to the clear persons or inches for open corridor from the increased 8&8 every corridor thick, and the wall should either run 1 foot below the cellar bottom, or may be car- ried in the cellar on ; side iron columns and gird- tures are exhibited in conjunction with any other for of entertainment, must com- | ply, before a reissuance of its license, with ithe provisions ers below the cellar bottom, or on tron columns or girders properly fireproofed, ac- cording to Se 350 of this chapter. The ceiling of such passageway must be con- structed as required by Sex 352 of this chapte! If unobstructed rear exits or exits to a street are provided, they must be of the same total width required for the court, passageway or corridor above mentioned. Lhe level of the open court or passageway at the front of the building shall not be gEreater than 1 step above the level of the sidewalk, and the grade shall not be more tnan 1° foot in 10, with ‘no perpendicular | risers (C,. O., Sec. 352d, subd. 3.) 5 Fire escapes Galleries must also be provided with at least one line of fire es- capes, leading to an passage or etame or open court fireproof street without any other building If the fire leads to a ] the street than any exit, there width of not than 4 feet in clear between the outer edge of the fire escape and re-entering the escape point in the court nearer must be a less the the outer wal! of the court All fire escapes miust have balconies, not Jess than 3 feet 4 inches in width In the clear and not less than 4 feet’ 6 inches long and from said balconies there shall be staircases extending to the ground level, with a rise of not ove1 734 inches and a step of not less than 9% inches, and the width of the stairs must not he less than 3 feet 4 subds. 4, 5.) inches. (cf... O., Sec 302d, Sec. 504. film. Apparatus for projecting motion pl shall be contained in a fireproof constructed as which the operated shall be Booth for projecting-machine and tures booth or enclosure required by lar The booth in picture machine is provided with an opening in its roof, or in the upper part of its side walls, leading to the outdoor air, and with a vent flue, which shall have a minimum cross sectional area of 50 square inches and shall be fireproof When the booth is in use, there shall be a constant current of alr passing outward vent flue, at the cubic feet per minute The requirements of section shall apply to portable booths and booths in open-air theatres, as well as to motion-picture theatres (Cc ©, Seca $52d, subd. 7, and subd. 3.) through said rate of not less opening or than 30 this 25 %e vu.e, Sec. 605. All the provisions of this article shall ap- ply to existing places of entertainment w here motion pictures are mon licenses, in pacity be increased; and, in case the seating Application to existing theatres. exhibited under com- show case the seating ca- capacity be not increased, all the provisions of this article shall apply, except the pro- visions of Secs. 600, 501; subdivisions 1, 3 and 5 of Sec. 502 and subdivisions 4 and 5 503, but the commissioner of licenses to enforce of Sec. shall have power in his discretion the .provisions of subdivisions 3.and 4 of Bec. 603, relating to exits and courts An existing place of entertainment seat- ing 300 persons or less, where motion ple- | bullding | shall of article 25 of relating to theatres this chapter, more than 300 if such existing place of enter- other form of seating persons Bu tainment shall discontinue all entertainment except the exhibition of mo- tion pictures, it may be licensed in accord- ance with the provisions of first pa.agraph of this section (Cc. O., Secs. 352h and 3521; amended by ord. effective June 22, 1915.) Sec. 65606. Open-air motion-picture theatres. The eating capacity of each open-air motion. picture theatre, as defined in Sec. 30 of chapter 3 of th as shall be pre shall be such commissioner ls ordinance, lbed by the of licenses All such theatres shall conform to the following requirements: 1 Aisles (he number and width of all aisles shall be prescribed by the commis- sioner of licenses, but no aisle shall be less than 4 feet wide (C.. O., Sec. 852k.) 2 Exits At least separate exits, re- mote from each other, shall be provided jand no exit hal 1 less than 6 feet in |width; for every 2 persons to be accom- modated in excess of 300, the total width of exits shall b reased 1 foot. All exits must be indicated by igns and red lights and doors mu open outwardly; (C. O., Sec; 352k 3 Seats Seats 1ust be stationary, with backs 3 nche i.part, and s0 arranged that no s hal) ave 10re than 7 seats inter- vening bety i and an agstsle. Chairs must either e rely fastened to a wood or concret floor, or all chairs in a row nust be fastened gether, and at least 4 ro ul fastened to 1 frame; except tha 1 efreshments are served, table rnd atte ed chairs or benches ised t l a I permitted; (C. O., Set 4 Floors The floor must be constructed either oO 0d sleepers, or concrate: {t must ext l at least 5 feet from the seats on all side pr ded. however, that, in the discr ‘ Yi ssioner of licenses, a grave! 1 na be subatituted for wood or concrete (( O sec, 352k. ) In additl » the foregoing requirements hie 1) ibdivisions and 4 of Si { and Se ( 104 of this article shall app § alr motion-plicture theatres. CN nm, ) ARTICLE 25. Theatres and Other Places of Amusement. Sec 0 Application of article Gen F&F } idings must be approved Ser 522 Auditorium walls. Sec. 623 Dressing rooms s 24 Fire-extinguishing appliances Sec Zt Heating plant. Sec 5 2¢ Lights S BOT Means of egress Se 522 Partitions and walls Sec 5”?9 Proscenium constructio Ce 0 Protective curtain Se 31 Roof of auditorium. c Seats < ; mitage 4 Miscellaneous requirements Gp 925 Storage rooms; workshops Se Use and occupancs Ss Jurisdiction of fire commiis- sioner Sec, 65328 Saving clause Apptication of article. Sec. 520. ; house or Every theatre or opera other intended to be theatrical purposes, or for public entertain- ment of kind, hereafter erected for the accommodation of than 300 persons, be built to comply with the requlre- ments of this article. No building which, at used for or operatic any more the time of the passage of this ordinance is not in actual use for theatrical or operatic purposes, and no building hereafter erected not tn conformity with the requirements of this section, shall be used for theatrical or operatic public entertain- ments of any kind, until the same shall have the requirements 109.) purposes, or for conform to CB, .©., been tnade to of this article. Sec. Sec. 621. Buildings must be approved. No bullding described in the preceding section of this article shall be opened to the ;}or rooms | other |} by windows in inone of the | lings of the |attached ;}a tank 'the proscenium | public for theatrical or operatic purposes, or for public entertalnment of any kind, until the fire commissioner and the superin- tendent of buildings shall have approved the same in writing as conforming to the re- quirements of this article. Any such build- ing in which departure from the provisions of this article has been made under an ap- the superintendent of buildings or the board of examiners, and which has, pre- May ist, 1916, been approved for the fire commissioner and the super- intendent of buildings, may be approved as conforming to the requirements of this article, so long as it is deemed reasonably the fire commissioner and the super- intendent of buildings, provided, however, that a building as to which the Courts have held that a permit for its alteration or re- construction is vold, shall not be approved, (Adopted 7 proval of vious to use DY safe b Jan. 1,.. 191%.) Sec. 522. Auditorium walis. Interior walls built of separate vestibule, fireproofing ma- auditorium from from any room also from lobbies, or other rooms. (B. terials shall the and same, refreshment { Sec 109.) the entrance over the corridors, ‘ Sec. 523. Dressing rooms. be placed in the fly proper exits are se- fire escapes in the the partitions and to dressing rooms requirements herein the stairs leading to the same shall be fireproof. All dressing rooms shall have an independent exit leading directly into court or street, and shall be ventilated the external walls; and no dressing room shall be below the street level. All windows shall be arranged to open, and in outside wells shall iron grills or bars. (B. Dressing rooms may A provided that therefrom to the courts, and matters pertaining galleries, cured open that shal) conform to the contained, but windows fixed sashes, 1038.) have C., sec —“e? Sec. 524. Fire-extinguishing appliances. In every building described in Sec. 520 of this article there shall be provided: I Hose A proper and sufficient quan- hose, not less than 100 feet with the regulation coup- fire department and with nozzles and hose spanners at always be kept attached as the fire com- tity of 2% inch in length, fitted thereto, with shal attachment each outlet to each hose missioner may direct (B. C., Sec. 109.) 2 Sprinkler system A separate and dis- tinct system of automatic sprinklers, with fusible plugs, ent of approved by the superintend- with water from the roof over the stage and not any manner with the stand pipes, shall be placed at each side of opening and on the ceiling stage at such intervals as square foot of stage sur- when said sprinklers are in operation. sprinklers shall also be placed, the dressing rooms stage the carpenter shop, store rooms and property room, (B { Sec L109. ) buildings, supplied located on connected in or roof’ over the vill protect every face ,utomatic wherever practicable, in inder the and in paint rooms, Stand Stand pipes 4 inches in diarneter shall be provided with hose attach~ floor and gallery as follows, pipes ments on every namely: One on each side of the auditorium in each tier, also on each side of the stage in each tier, and at least one in the prop- erty room and one in the carpenter's shop, if the same be contiguous to the building. All such stand pipes shall be Kept clear from obstruction. Said stand pipes shall be separate and distinct, receiving their supply of water direct from the power pump of pumps, and shall be fitted with the regula- tion couplings of the fire department, and shall be kept constantly filled with water by means of an automatic power pump or pumps, of suffictent capacity to supply all the lines of hose when operated simulta- neously, and said pump or pumps shall be supplied from the street main and be ready for immediate use at all times during any performance in said building. In addition tained in this sec- also conform (t¢ reguirements con stand shall to the tion, the pipes UTI T tras ees Ec Stee Ca ey EERE Se cece re | “A oe +344 a cs ee Ey) Tih Pits: 1 re 4:5 1ies io & ee ee nm Fe » be . D Oa ~ 4 a a vtrten Loe eat eS en | E+ eee helo het eet Pete coe e thr LS bo tte bts Fe bath a. Freepers pews Ts er ete otk el tee eo | mg v he i me v J 46 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. the requirements contained in Sec. 581 of this chapter. (B. C., Sec. 109.) 4. Miscellaneous There shall also be kept in readiness for immediate use on the stage, at least 4 casks full of water, and 2 buckets to each cask Said casks and buckets shall be painted red There shall also be provided hand pumps or other port- able fire extinguishing apparatus and at least 4 axes and 2 25-foot hooks, 2 15-foot hooks, and 2 10-foot hooks on each tier or floor of the stage. (B. C., Sec. 109.) Sec. 525. Heating plant. Every steam boiler which may be required for heating or other purposes shall be located outside of the building. The space allotted to the seme shal! be inclosed by walls of masonry on al] sides, and the ceiling of such space shall be constreeted of fireproof ma- terials. All doorways n the walls of boiler rooms shall have fireproof doors No floor register for heating shall be permitted No coil or radiator shall be placed in any aisle or passageway used as an exit, but all said coils and radiators shall be placed in re- cesses formed in the wall or partition to receive the same. All supply, return or ex- haust pipes shall be properly incased and protected where passing through floors or near woodwork. (B. C., Sec. 109.) Sec. 526. Lights. 1. Adequacy. Every portion of the build- ing devoted to the uses or accommodation of the public, also all outlets leading to the streets and including the open courts or corridors, shall be well and properly lighted during every performance, and the same shall remain lighted until the entire audl- ence has left the premises, When interior eas lights are not lighted by electricity other suitable appliances, to be approved by) the superintendent of bulldings shall be provided. (B. C., Sec. 109.) 2. Corridors and passageways All ga or elestric lights in the halls, corridors, lobby or any other part of sald buildings used by the audience, except the auditorium must be controlled by a separate shut-off, located {tn the lobby and controlled only in that particular place. (By C., Sec. 169.) 3. Fireproofing. No gas or electric Nght ehall be inserted in the walls, wood work, ceilings, or in ary part of the building, un- leas protected by fireproof materials (B.C Bec. 109.) 4 Gas connections. Gas mains sur plying | the building shall have independent connec- tions for the auditorium and the stage, and provision shall be made for shutting off th gas from the outside of the building a c Bec. 109.) 6. Nettings. All suspended or bracket lights surrounded by glass in the auditorium or in any part of the building devoted to the public, shall be provided with proper wire netting underneath All lights in pas- eeges and corridors in said buildings, wher ever deemed necessary by the superintend- ent of buildings, shall be protected with proper wire network (B. C., Sec. 109.) 6. Stage lights All stage lights shall have strong metal wire guards or screens. not less than 10 inches in diameter, so con- structed that any material in contact there- with shxil be out of reach of the flames of eaid stage lights, and must be soldered to the fixture In all cases. The foot lights, in addition to the wire network, shal! be pro- tected with a strong wire guard and chain placed not less than 2 feet distant from| said foot lights, and the trough containing | them shall be formed of and aurrounded by fireproof materials. All border lights shall be constructed according to the best known methods, subject to the approval of | the superintendent of buildings, and shall be suspended for 10 feet by wire rope. (B. C., Sec. 109.) 7. Ventilators. All ducts or shafts used | #or conducting heated alr from the main ehandeller, or from any other light or lights, @hall be constructed of metal and made double, with an air space between. Cae: GC. Sec. 109.) Sec. 527. Means of egress. 1. Exits to streets. Every theatre accom- modating 300 persons shall have at jeast 2 exits; when accommodating 500 persona, at least 3 such exits shall be provided: these erformance the doors (Amended by ord. than 3 feet wide where they begin, and shall be increased in width, toward the exits, in a ratio of 1% inches ‘o 5 run- ning feet Where exits, corridors, pas- sages or crossover alsies are provided at both ends of any aisle, the said aisle shall be uniform in width and not less than the average width obtained by increasing the width of the aisle from the starting point lto the end, as hereinbefore prescribed. (B. C.. Sec. 109; amended by ord. approved Aus. ~‘8,: -29145,) 6 Gradients Gradlents or inclined planes shall be employed instead of steps, here possible, to overcome slight differ- rnee of Yevel in or between aisles, cor- ridors, and passages To overcome any dilf- ference of level in and between courts, cor- iors, lobbies, passages and aisles, gradients loyed of not over 1 foot In 12 o perpendicular risers, except shall be emp } eet with n rat in aisles runs of not more than 10 feet in leneth the may be 1 in & (Amended ord pproved Aug. 8, 1918.) Gallery exits Distinct and separate nlact of exit and entrance shall be pro- -lded for each gallery above the first. A ‘mmon place of exit and entrance may serve for the main floor of the auditorium and the first gallery, provided its capacity equal to the aggregate capacity of the gs from the matin floor and the said aller} No passage leading to any stairway TY inicating with any entrance or exit shy ve less than 4 feet In width In any NAY the of From the auditorium opening to the ea open courts or on the side reet, ther shall be not less than 2 exits each side in each tier from and inelud- the parquet and each and every gallery. ( Sa 109.) : aircases to galleries Where the seating apacity ts for more than 1,000 peop.e, there shall be at least 2 independent a ases, with direct exterlor outlets pro- did for each gallery in the auditorium, where there are not more than 2 galleries, and tl sam shall be located on opposite of ald galleries Where there are more the 2 galleries, 1 or more additional staircases shall be provided, the outlets 1 which shall communicate directly with the principal exit or other exterior out- lets All such staircases shall be of width pri rtionate to the seating capacity as e] ere herein prescribed, Where the seating capacity is for 1,000 people, or less, 2 direct lines of staircases only shall be re- quired, located on opposite sides of the galleries and in both cases shall extend rom the sidewalk level to the upper gallery, with outlets from each gallery to each of said staircases. All inside stairways leading to the uppér galleries of the auditorium all be iclosed on both sides with walls of eproof materials Stairs leading to the first or lower gallery may be left open on in 1 case they shall be con- structed as herein provided for similar stairs ing from the entrance hall to the main peal floor of the auditorlfum., But in no case hal! stairs leading to any galery be left open on both sides. No doors sall be open immediately upon a filght of stairs, but a landing at least the width of the door shall be provided between such stairs and such doo! (B. C., Sec. 109.) 9. Stage staircases. At least 2 independ- ent staircases with direct extertor outlets, shall also be provided for the service of the Stage and shall be located og the opposite sides of the same (B.'C., Sec. 108.) 10 Stairways All staircases for the use of the audience shall be inclosed with walls of brick, or of fireproof materials approved by the superintendent of buildings, in the stories through which they pass, and the openings to sald staircases from each tier shall be of the full width of said staircase. All stairs within the building shall be con- structed of fireproof material throughout. | Stairs from balconies and galleries shall not communicate with the basement or cellar. All stairs shall have treads of uniform width and risers of uniform helght throughout in each flight Stairways serving for the exit | of 60 people shall be at least 4 feet wide | between railings or between walls, and for every additional 50 people to be accommo- dated 6 inches must be added to thelr width, The width of all stairs shall be~OYT Bw a ae OF ORDINANCES OF. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4T measured in the clear between handrails. In | | | Sec. 829. ’ no case shall the risers of any stairs exceed 7% inches itn height, nor shall the treads, exclusive of nosings, be less than 10% inches wide in straight stairs No circular or winding stairs for the use of the public shail be permitted. When straight stal.’s return directly on themselves, a landing of the full width of both fllghts, ithout steps, shall be provided. The outer line of land- ings shall be curved to a radius of not less than 2 feet to avold square angles Stairs turning at an angle shall have a proper landing without winders introduced at aaid turn. In stairs, when 2 side filghts connect with one- main flight, no winders shall be introduced, and the width of the main filght shall be at least equal to the aggregate width of the side flights All stairs shall have proper landings introduced at con- venient distances. (B. C.. Sec. 109.) 11. Stairway hand rails All nelosed staircases shail have, on both sid strong hand rails firmly secured to the wall about 2 inches distant therefrom and about 3 fi above the stairs, but said hand rai sha not run on level platforms and lan where the same is more in length than the width of the stairs. All staircases & feet and over in width shall be provided with a centre hand rail of metal, not less than 2 inches in diameter, placed at a helght of about 3 feet above the centre of the treads and supported on wrought metal or brass standards of sufficient strength, placed not nearer than 4 feet mor more than feet apart, and securely bolted to the tresds or risers of stairs, or both, and at the head of each filght of stairs, on each landir the post or standard shall be at least 6 feet in height, to which the rall shall be secured. (8... ¢; 109.) 12, Fire-escapes Sec. There shall be balconies not less than 6 feet in width In the said open court or courts at each level or tler above the parquet, on each side of the audi torium, of sufficient length to embrace the | 2 exits, and from said balconies there shall be staircases extending to the ground level, with a rise of not over 8% inches to a step end not less than 9 Inches tread, ex- elusive of the nosing. The staircase from the upper balcony to the next below shall be not less than 48 Inches in width clear, and from the first balcony to the ground 4 feet in width in the clear where the seating capacity of the auditorium is for 1,900 people or less, 4 feet 6 inches in the clear where above 1,000 and not more than 1,800 people, and 6 feet in the clear where above 1,800 people, and not more than 2,500 people, and not over 6 feet 6 inches in the clear where above 2,500 people All the before mentioned balconies and staircases shall be constructed of iron throughout, including the floors, and of ample strength to sustain the load to be carried by them, and they shal! be covered with a metal hood or awning, to be constructed in such manner as shall be approved by the superintendént of bulld- ings. Where one side of the building borders on the atreet, there shall be balconies staircases of like capacity and kind, as fore mentioned, carried to the ground (B. C., Sec. 109,) 13. Diagram of exits. A diagram or of each tier, gallery or floor, showing and De. pian tinctly the exits therefrom, each occupying @ space not less than 15 square. inches, shall be printed in lack lines in a legible manner on the programme of the ance. on the Inside the word “Exit’’ legible letters not less than 8 (B. C., Bec. 109.) Bec. 528. painted in inches high. Partitions and walls. The partitions in that portion of the build- | the en- and ing which contains the auditorium, trance and vestibule and every room dis- | doors in any of said partitions shall be proof. (B. C., See. 109.) fire- Proscenium construction. A fire wall, built of brick, shall separate the auditorium from the stage. The same shall extend at least 4 feet above the stage roof, or the auditorium roof, if the latter be the higher, and shall be coped Above the proscenium opening there shall be an iron girder of sufficient strength to safely kupport the load above, and the same shall be covered with fireproof materiais to pro- tect it from the heat. Should there be con- structed an orchestra over the stage, above the proscenium opening, the said orchestra shall be placed on the auditorlum side of the proscenium fire wall, and shall be en- tered only from the auditorium side of said shall be used as covering over beams, but the said floors shall be entirely fireproof. The rigging loft shall be fireproof. (B. C., Sec. 109,) 2 Skylights. There shall be provided over the stage, metal skylights of an area or combined area of at least % the area of said stage, fitted up with sliding sash and glazed with double thick sheet glass not |}exceeding 1-12 of an inch thick, and each pane thereof measuring not less than 3200 square inches and the whole of which sky- light shall be so constructed as to open In- stantly on the cutting or burning of a hempen cord, which shall be arranged to hold equally said or some other approved device for opening be provided. Immediately under- of said skylights there shall but wire glass shall not be this requirement, Cm Gy skylight closed, simple them may neath the glass netting, used in lieu of Sec. 109.) 8 Scenery and fittings. All stage scenery, curtains and decorations made of combus- tible material, and all woodwork on or about be wire the stage, shall be painted or saturated i with some non-combustible material or otherwise rendered safe against fire, and val) The molded frame around the pros- enium opening shall be formed entirely of fireproof materials if metal be used, the metal shall be filled in solid with non-com- t ble terial and securely anchored to he wall with Iron No doorway or opening through tl proscenium wall, from the audi- torium, shall be allowed above the level of first floor, and such first floor openings have fireproof doors on each face of the wal and the doors shall be hung so0 as to be opened from either side at ll times (EB. ¢ Je. 109.) Sec. 530 Protective curtain. proscenium opening shall be provided th a fireproof metal curtain, or a curtain | f asbestos « other fireproof material ap- prov« r the superintendent of buildings slid r, BB each end within tron grooves, ened to the brick wall and ex- jing Into such grooves to a depth not ess than 6 inche on each side of the open- ing Phe D scenium curtains shall be placed ist 3 feet distant from the foot- llehta at the nearest point Said firepi of curtain sha be raised at the commence- ment of ea performance and lowered at the close thereo! ind be operated by ap- proved rr that purpose. (B. C., Se 109 Sec. 53] Roof of auditorium. [The roof over e auditorium and the entire main fioor of the auditorlum and vestibule. also the entire floor of the second 8 { he front superstructure over the entrance I id corridors, and all gal- , rie iné pport for the same in the audl- te rium shall be constructed of tron and steel 3 qd firep * materials, not excluding the us¢ of loor boards and necessary Le eept isten the same to, but such | slee ners shal! not mean timbers of support, | + h i between the sleepers, ex- | ee Dp 3 rt 1 under the’stepping in the galleries which shall be properly fire stoy ‘ I olidly filled with incom- bustit ute il up to under side of the fioo! yoardas es ee Sec. 109.) Sec. 532 seats A] eats i he auditorium excepting hose cont 1ed in boxes, shall be not less than 2 noche from back to back, meas- ired in a horizontal direction, and firmly lg yred to the floor There “shall be not ut 4 seats in any row extending from one side to another, nor more than seat 11 any row extending from one giale tc a wall No stool or seat shall be placed in any alsle All platforms in gal- ley s formed to receive the seats shall not perform- | Every exit shall have over the same | of riser, plat he more than 21 inches in height width of i nor less than 32 inches in | form (Amended by ord. approved Aug. 8, 1916.) Sec. 533. Stage. ] Construction All that portion of the lstage not comprised in the working of passage devoted to the use of the audience | shall be constructed of fireproof materials, including the furring of outside or other walls The walls separating the actor's dressing rooms from the stage and the partl- tions dividing the dressing rooms, together with the partitions of every passageway from the same to the stage, and all other partitions on or about the stage, shall be | constructed of fireproof material approved | by the superintendent of buildings. All! scenery, traps and other mechanical appa- ratus for the presentation of a scene, usually equal to the width of the proscenium open- ing, shall be built of iron or steel beams filled in between with fireproof material and all girders for the support of said beams shall be of wrought fron or rolled steel. The fiy galleries entire, including pin-ralls, shall be constructed of iron or steel, and the floors of said galleries shall be composed of jron or steel beams, filled with fireproof materials, and no wood boards or sleepers the finishing coats of paint applied to all woodwork through the entire building shal be of such kind as will resist fire to the satisfaction of the superintendent of build- ings having jurisdiction (B. C., Sec. 108.) Sec. 534. 1. Ceilings Miscellaneous requirements. The ceiling under each gal- jlery shall be entirely formed of fireproof materials The ceiling of the auditorium shall be formed of fireproof materials. (B. C., Sec, 109; amended by ord effective June 22, 19156.) 2 Celling coverings None of the walls or cellings shall be covered with wood sheathing, canvas or any combustible ma- terial But this shall not exclude the use of wood wainscoting to a height not to ex- ceed 6 feet, which shall be filled in solid | between the wainscoting and the wall with fireproof materials (B, C., Sec. 109.) 3 Fronts of galleries The fronts of each gallery shall be formed of fireproof materials, except the capping, which may be made of wood (B. C., Sec. 109.) 4 Lathing All lathing, wheneyer used, shall be of wire or other metal. (B. C., Sec. 109.) 5 Shelving and cupboards All shelving and cupboards, in each and every dressing room, property room or other storage roorns, shall be constructed of metal, slate or some fireproof material (B, .C,, Sec. 109.) Sec. 535. Storage rooms; workshops. general property the auditorium No workshop, storage or room shall be allowed above or steze, or under the same or in any of the fly galleries All of sald rooms or shops may be located in the rear or at the aide of the stage, but in such cases they shall be separated from the stage by a brick wall, and the openings leading into said portions shall have fireproof doors on each side of the openings, hung on iron eyes built inte the wall. (B. C., Sec. 109.) Sec. 536. Use and occupancy. ] Restrictions No portion of any build- ing hereafter erected or altered, used or intended to be used for theatrical or other purposes as in this section specified, shall be occupled or used as a hotel, boarding or lodging house, factory, workshop or manu- factory, or for storage purposes, except as may be hereafter specially provided for. This restriction relates not only to that por- tion of the building which contains the auditorium and the stage, but applies also to the entire structure in conjunction thera- with. No or room contained in ths building or the offices, stores or apartments adjoining, as aforesaid@ shall be let or used for carrying on any business, dealing in articles designated as specially hazardous in the classification of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, or for manufacturing purposes. No lodging accommodations shall be allowed in any part of the building com- with the auditorium. When store municating ltocated on a corner lot, that portion of the on the side street and the theatre premises bordering not required for the uses of aarti yey se) b 7 * eae ee Teeayite att = Ces his eat Pett) 3 £35 ESE EX poe ee at oe oer. *) ate cds we COR @2E59 ce Se esectetet eh ete eee ee eee eel | ree ee ed a he oe * ei abed eect 7 ny Aceh he ke Lo er {Ppenerize tees oF set = ir fee ec etia bit tii tee eey a7 azar ed 7 5 dee ok tel ding Beg a ek be pet tt Pa aperprscass Kd Ch A ha ed eTIgses testy Cress ee (4¥er ke ee tek — a hes ioe dees spare Set ded. et aioe eet eogeiee PP teeta ae ee = ed io 2) 48 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 7 THE OF NEW YORK. may, if such portfon be not more than 25 feet in width, be used for offices, stores or apartments, provided the walls separating this portion from the theatre proper are carried up solidiy to and through the roof, and that a fireproof exit is provided for the theatre on each tier, equal to the combined width of exits opening on opposite sides In each tier, communicating with balconies and staircases leading to the street in manner provided elsewhere in this section said exit be entirely cut off by brick offices, pessages shall walls from said and the floors and stores or apartments, cellings in each tier shall be fireproof. (B. C., Sec. 109; as amended by ord. effective June 22, 1915.) 2. Above theatre. Nothing hereln con- tained shall prevent a roof garden, art gal- Jerv or rooms for similar purposes being placed above a theatre or public building, provided the floor of the same forming the roof over such theatre or building, shall be constructed of iron or steel and fireproof materials. and that sald floor shall have no covering boards or sleepers of wood, bui ehall be of tile or cement Eivery roof over said garden or rooms shall have all supports end rafters of tron or steel, and be covered with glass or fireproof materials, o both, but no such roof garden, art galler or room for any public purposes shall be placed over or above that portion of any theatre or other building which {ts used as a stage (B. C., Sec. 109.) Sec. 537. Jurisdiction of, fire commissioner The stand pipes, gas pipes, electric wires, hose, foot lights and all apparatus fo! extinguishing of fire or guarding against the same, as in this article specified, sl be in charge and under control of the fire department, and the fire commissioner is hereby directed to see that the provision of this article relating thereto are carrie: eut end enforced.: (B.°C., Sec. 109, Bec. 538. Saving clause. The provisions of the foregoing article shal not be construed to mean or made to app to any theatre: opera house or build -s tended to be used for theatrical or operatl purposes, lawfully erected prior to June 1904, nor 0 any public dance hall wh was approved by the superintenden bulldings having jurisdiction and which was licensed as a public dance hall on Septen ber $0, 1916. (Adopted Nov. 14, 191 ARTICLE 26. Miscellaneous Structures. Bec. 650. Exhibition buildings. (Repealed by ord. effective November 23 1915) Bec. 651. Grain Elevators (Repealed hb ord effective December 28 1916). Bec. 552. Smokehouses (Repealed by ord. e€.iective Novembe! 2 1915) WARLICLE 27 Af, Elevators. Sec 460. Definitions sec. 661. Rules §2. Permits 563. Certificate. Bec. 564. Record of 565. Inspection. passenger elevatora. Riding on elevators restricted. Sec. 667. Operatora. Sec Accidents, Sec. 560. Definitions. For the purposes of this article: (a) The term el@ator shall mean any de- with a vice within or in connection building “r structure used for carrying persons or things upward or downward: (bo) The term. passenger elevator shall mean end include any elevator designed and used for carrying persons other than those mecessary for its safe operation or for the handling of things carried by It: *Amended hy ord. adopted Decembe! 14, 1915, effective Merch 14, 1916. (c) The and | for s50ns on e by it (d) The 1 an mean ration ol! @ devices W 561. The a 1 565. es cons term include any the ct Rules super:ril el freight ele. of t nec han Inspection. if freight least T 2uthorize OT) of least he superints superintendent all once in elevators twice ly “9 ; \. t elevatol! ator design hings and easary 1] ng of th ement r con ed to all be agss and Ol DULlIGIngs passenger every and an anda am ead } shanically one vey amu ic iy J shall levice sne perso sement under, the superintendent ied Ww , guch elevator ised cease, and certificate superintendent sha] vator or mote After con fo hh article a j hall be 1 09 hen the case months inspect ca elevators three izement lh eacn year. dent o represents O such be ma Upon bulld ings, a c ny svators without ase itinued vice a has bee ) part of POraling nn | t nha or | of amusement anv elevator or | if Riding in Ty it shall not again be amusement i ertificate operator - employ LY every t amusement device shall be used until a first obtained from said puildings that such ele- device has been madw inspection which shows device to be safe the requirements of adopted there- of buildings shall o that effect. with he rules on elevators restricted. lav TOR. iE ful for any person, other those necessary to de on, or for the owner or knowingly to permit on any elevator other than E THOSE NEC Every freight elevator ce «posted conspicuously THIS 18 NOT A PAS- IS UNLAWFUL R THAN THE SESSARY TO IN OTR HT, TO. RIDE ON THIS fically provided in every passenger ll automatic push button must in charge of reliable and In- less than eighteen years rdinance, be tna. ators, lent previous experience in r under the instruction of No operators of amuse- vn as electrically operated iall be employed who have ra of issued t the he premises until] use to de- no- Fire or re- Ol ae- - xcept as oft us are the representative 1é 2S 80 sonable hours, 1echanigm shall VW Mareb 7, twenty-one years and red a certificate of com- superintendent of build- superintendent of build- person engaged in rr is tncompetent or not lessee of such ele- from the superinten- once discontinue the op- by such operator. or permit any per- passenger elevator who e qualifications prescribed any other law or or- the > or tice ator see or charge elevator or immediately notify buildings of each and person or damage to ap- nection with such and shall af- buildings or his for investigating The superinten- without delay, after investigation, and the bureau of buildings report of such investiga- shall give in detall all information available and far as they can be | be open to public in- When an or destruction onstruction or operating senger elevator or amuse- elevator 1iot be used until it the superintendent leerned necessary, order. of the same until a cer- him for its use, construction or be removed from permission to do so has superintendent of build- person in freight shall ‘ igi con ent device, jent of facility image. hal o an ie failure passenge or BNA! and damaged *ARTICLE 28. Extinguishing Appliances. Visions Sec. 580. General provisions. ise specifically provided Ord adopted December 1916.CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NV W YORK. 4S fn this article or by any law or ordinance all buildings now existing or hereafter erect- | *d, shall be provided with such tanks, stand- \pes, automatic sprinklers, hos syrenches, fire extinguishers, hooks, axes and such other appliances as may be required by nozzles, and conforming to the rules of the fire con missioner, adopted or amended in t ner prescribed by this chapter for the rules of the superintendent of buildings Bec. 581. Standpipes. 1. When required ed and J Standpipes, ; streyal installed as hereinafter ilred shall be provided a—in every building now existing and ex ceeding eighty-five feet In height, which i« not already provided with a three-inch or larger standpipe. b—in every building hereafter erected or altered to exceed elght-five feet in height and c—in every building exceeding ten tho sand square feet in area. 2. Size Standpipes hereafter any building shall not be less inches in diameter for buildings or parts thereof not exceeding one hundred and fif feet in height, not less than six inches in diameter for buildings or parts thereof ex- ceeding one hundred and fifty feet and n exceeding two hundred and fifty feet |} height, and not less than elght. inches in diameter for buildings or parts thereof e; ceeding two hundred and fifty feet tn heicht The umbe f standpipes in any building shall be such tha 8. Number and location. all parts of each story are within the reach of at least one stream supplied by hose n exceeding one hundred feet in length. Whe ea building requiring standpipes faces o: more than one street, at least ore stand pipe shall be installed for each street fro: provided that for intersecting st one standpipe sliall be sufficient for each in- tersection. So far as practicable standpipes shall be placed within stair enclosures otherwise they shall be as near the stairs as possible. All standpipes shall extend from the lowest story to and above the roof 4. Construction. reafter installed shall be constructed as prescribed by the rules of the fire shall be with such outlets and equipped with such appliances as re by said rules. All standpipes shall extend to the street and shalk be provided at or near the sidewalk with approved nections. When there is than one atandpipe in any building all shall be cross- connected in an approved manner below the sidewalk level 4 reaf ronte All standpipes he commissioner an: provided ilred Slamese con- more ARTICLE 29. Plumbing and Other Systems of Piping. Sec, 600. Sec. 601. Shut-off valves Rules Sec. 602. Tests of plumbing Sec. 603. Tests of gas-pining Sec. 604 Registration of plumbers Sec. 600. Rules. The plumbing and drainage Rvste S water supply pipes, gas-piping, steam or hot water heating or power systems frigerat- ing systems and other systems of pipes or apparatus for holding or conveying gases, vapors or filulds hereafter installed and maintained in or upon any building in the city shall conform to such rules as may be provided for by law or-may be found necessary for the protection of life, health or property, and adopted by the superintendent of son shall use or permit the such system, piping or apparatus installed or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this article or the adopted hereunder. Said rules, hereafter adopted, and any changes thereof, shall be published in the City cessive Mondays before they operative. Cs.. e., Gee. 141+ ord. approved buildings No per- use of any rules shall become amended by Nov. 14, 1914.) Nothing herein contained or in the rules adopted hereunder shall require the alter- etion or reconstruction of any existing work Record on & suc-| that was lawfully installed, nor prevent re- pairs or the addition of new fixtures to ) existing work in conformity with the prac- tice followed in the original installation: provided, however tha when such re- pairs involve the removal or alteration of nore than one-half of the e cistinge work iffected b the repair the rules in force at the 1 ‘ ich repairs shall apply (B. | Sei 14 amended by ord approved | Oo l4. 1914.) sec. 601, Shut-off valves. : I I build hereafter erected and : t ( | lding other tha I | ‘ {\ldine a lusivel ph! oO} or { fam having not mor han i } ; room whic] may be Iupp da fre so itsid« ours with gas apor f f ep potab!] Lters hal] J cor enti ccessible stop- ) he suitable levice fixed Lo up] D f lf ling into the building a 1 i outs ot the building oO Lrr j \ a } the supply to be shu f oS topcock or other device as to indicate either ‘ O { 5 and purpose of the supply pipe to wv} : a { ittached or the company ) 1c} he levice belongs (B Cc p { nended ord. effective Feb 0, | Sec. s02 Tests of plumbing. pel sha use or permit the use of . ; of plumbing and drainage | ifter alle in any building before same la en tested under the super- 5 of bureau of buildings and in| accord ee ‘ts rules, to insure the gehtness of the y3tem, nor until a proper 1 adeq ite ate supply has been pro- | verintendent of buildings | 4 wit ’ able time after being | iested to ; cause to be inspected and | tested ar ystem of plumbing and drain- as hart | , ( f such inspection and tes ind f e % r] s found satisfactory t re ire! s are complied with sha ssulie a cer ite to that effect Noth- he hall prevent the Iin- tion test of part of a system or {] ia f a pa i] certificate, nor | pI he use of such part of a larger : ed that such: part constitutes | tself a meplete system properly tested a i su plied t 4 (B Cc Sec 141 amended by ord appr ved Nov 14, 1914.) | Sec. 603. rests of gas-piping. | Pp on shall use or permit the use a ew ;s tem or an extension of an old system of gas piping in any building be- I th jamie ha been inspected and tested under e supervision of the bureau | ff building nd in accordance with its | ruls to insure the tightness of the sys- Che iperintendent of buildings shal! reasonable time after being re- quested to do so, cnuse to be inspected and ted an’ tem of gas piping that is ad for ich inspection and test, and if} rk is found satisfactory and the test ui LT omplied with, he shall certificate to that effect Nothing | rein ontained shall prevent the use of ‘ sting system of gas piping without fur- ther |! pectio or test, unless the superin- | endent of buildings has reason to believe | that defects exist which make the system | dangerou to life or property (B. C., See 141; amended by ord. approved Nov. 14, | 1914 | Sec. 604. Registration of plumbers. | 1 One j each year every employing or master plumber carrying on his trade, bus! | ness or calling in the city shall register ' his name and address at the office of the | | ) | | bureau of buildings in the borough of the said cit in which he performs work, un- der such rules as the sald bureau may pre- Such registration may be can- celled by the a violation of the rules and regulations for duly adopted, or in force pursuant to the pro- scribe, superintendent of buildings for such cit plumbing or drainage o i ‘ | visions of this article, or whenever the per- con so 1egistered ceases to hold a cer- tiflcate from the examining board of plumb- ers or to be actually engaged in the buali- | naster or employing plumber, after superintendent, Upon prior notice of not less than 10 days. hearing had before said b ‘O pereon corporation or copartner- nip shall engage in or carry on the trade, busine or calling of employing or master Plumber in the city unless the name and address of such person and the prasident, secretary or corporation, or of each and every member of the cv. partnership hall have been registered ag LDOVe provided treasurer of the ‘ It shall be unlawful for any person, corporat f copartnership in the city of ey Yi unless said person, corporation ir copartnership shall have complied with ! rements of his section, to hold or ther Ives out to the public as a ter or employing plumber by the use of th word ‘'nlumber’’ or ‘‘plumbing,”’ or ord of similar import or meaning, on igns, cards, tationery or in any other ni e whatsoever d It shall be unlawful for any person, | corporation or copartnership in the City of New York to engage in or carry on the trade, business or calling of employing or 1aster plumber, umiess such person, cor- ecopartnership has conspicuous- window of the place whers business is conducted, a metal plate or sign lettered or marked ‘Ilcensed plumber,’’ in accordance with rules adopted by the superintendent of buildings, corporation or copartner- ship registered as provided in this section, or who holds a certificate from the exam- ining board of plumbers, shall, for the bene- person engaged in the plumbing registered, apply make use of, any permit granted to him by reason of being so reg- istered, or holding such certificate from thse examining board of plumbers. (B. C., Sec. 141: amended by ords. effective November 1916). poration or posted in the appropriately a. wd _ person, fit of an business who is not s0 OT recelve OI 14, 1914, and July 7, ARTICLE 30. Changing or Demolishing Bulldings. Altering, Alteration of brick build- ings. (Repealed by ord, effective November 23, Section. 620. 1916.) 621 Altering use of frame buildings (Repealed by ord effective November 28;,14910:) 622. Increasing helght of build- ings. (Repealed by ord. effective Nov. 23, 1915.) 623, Raising or lowering te B grade. 624 Demolishing buildings. (Re- pealed by ord. effective December 28, 1915.) Sec. 023. Ralsing or lowering to grade. If any building shall have been built be- fore the street upon which it is located is grade is altered, such lowered to mest (B, C., Sec. graded, or if the building may be raised or the requirements of such grade. *ARTICLE 31. : BUILDINGS AND COLLAPSED STRUCTURES. Removal or repair of buildings. Record and notice of unsafe Sec. 630 Sec. 631 buildings Sec. 632 2 Voluntary abatement. Sec. 633. Disregard of notice; survey. Judicial review of survey. Repair or removal under pre- ce Frovision for expense of execul- ing precept. Sec. 637 ment of city Sec. 638 Fallen buildings; buildings im- mentilv dangerous Sec. 639. Emergency Return of precept; relmburse- fund. *Amended by ord. adopted December 7, 1916, effective March 7, 1916. PUES CERES Dy rss it) E EST UPR ‘ 4 o- <* rom fond el 7 2 Pee Pree as esd iets t a PhaeaAe Ea tia ys or easee eee ys tabl 5 = oe ESty Ea)ht Le eee be Sete bee kil ee Pe oPe ers br . eet . Pes Pe RE he Leet elt of) eT TS Susie: hb tae PT a YS Pur se Ts. ats fost eae eee es . eee Se eee ee od ¥ ey ie SCT e Te Pe see tr erTieresteee epee ree IE CITY OF NEW YORK. Oo a Any building or down and remo\ Record and notice an order requiring made safe aud secure Oo! son this served to immedia superintendent his assent Bec. 682. Voluntary abatement. If the person served with & >t game as expeditiously as c: Disregard of notice; boroughs of Manha neer or architect appoint a third that in ease the premises referrea to therein named, to determine whether said un- safe or dangerous building or premises shal] be repaired and secured or taken down and removed, and that a report of sald survey, superintendent a t ica ie ing or part thereof, staging or struce a, ture, or his representative, when he shall be ae of | satisfied that such change shall secure a TL } aes a on! equally well the safety of sald building, or thereo b4 the | part thereof, staging or atructure. rely on ® Interference prohibited. It slall be un- wful for any person, whether interested cr I fhe archi-|,ot in the property affected, to interfere, aptel oO! © | .nhetruct or hinder the superintendent of tS the N bulldings or his representative or any person who acting under the authority conferred 1|.. him by such superintendent, is perform- = of ing the work directed by a precept issued out of any court as in this article provided, or , dered by the superintendent In accordance a Gil D© | with such precept under the provisions of his chapter of Sec. 636. Provision for expense of executing A < se of ac precept. he benefit of the In and about all preliminary proceedings, Ler of said well as the carrying into effect any order and of the k of the court or any precept issued by any lié same 18 §& ourt, the superintendent of buildings may with i : make requisition upon the comptroller for be pald ove! h amount of money as shall be necessary ursements f the |%, meet the expenses thereof; and upon © approval of the statement of expenses ereof by any justice of the court from ‘ich the sald order or precept was issued, he comptroller. shall pay the same, and for had as aforesald | +), purpose shall borrow and rise upon 7] - nray ige ‘ LANE premises 0 ravenue bonds, issued as provided by law, the ‘ er! iounts that may from time to time Bhi at tS e required, which shall be relmbursed by place such notice payment of the amount and interest at h ; er cent. out of any judgment obtained amed in the notice .s hereinafter provided, when saif amount ing The deter-|.44 interest shall have been collected. cedence over eve Y | See 637. Return of preys, reimbursement d a trial of of city. at ompliance with any precept issued ice. by the Justice | +, } in an unsafe building proceeding, the perintendent of buildings [to whom ths a ane hap ng - ome nthe and Sqm ene See on the first day of ea oh and avers. month. | camer e . : ae! eee See er od tn of 5 oe oe determine all such render to each Super! ntendent of buildings . a z een pore ire ome ie seat Sec eee oe = ae ee @n account of and pay over to him the 3 Bs z : Ca aoe eo 7 a stl . o | aie page a S “— ee eee amount of such penalties and costs received eee = tt z* ore i one wi eA ae ag ah re i. ate 7 eo rae : : LO: Eve: <0nee See by him, together with his bill for all neces- ‘ aa - stats ara r een | rect to the provisions of this chapter, sary disbursements incurred or paid in sald oe 1a 4 a ? , 7 ce “aap pl ad Ly an me ae oe . ae weep eo suits, keeping @ separate account for each order all the | » be sto ae in and . hs oe lt ad . gar efee e Se superintendent. Each superintendent shall about said building, ana to re disive afi wer | cas a hes + a That meat on pay over monthly the amount of such pen-| gong in and about i building forthwith | to a | a urt f ger , ae sald ae Oe alities and costs so collected to the comp- | 4, bh ¢ha sabe ain a ne den : k ; ¥ om ° Cr ek - ht : ae or to @ troller, as a fund for the use and benefit of | ; cc 7 a ee a Mee whale 1Cg thereds; 10K MH OrOSr enjOm- ie i Heres to be dor in and about the bullding as in| ing and restraining all persons from doing, 2. Purposes The fund aforesaid shall be |} his jud ent na e necessary to remove rr causing o permitting to be done, any used for the purpose of paying expenses imu - ” fs a , a : ch In or upon such building or structure, curred by the several superintendents of|, ; ere ve oh POR ary rhe super-| or in or upon such part thereof, as may be buildings under section 638 of this éhapter, een lin{ may, when ape e designated in said an d avs or from oc- and also for the purpose of carrying into | kor the p \ temporarily close the ipying OF us ng said veer or structure, effect any order or precept Issued by any| . de nak Coit er een tne portion tnhereol as may de designat- court, judge or justice to any s iperintendent | P Ace 2 Hy to id building or part; ed in sald affidavit, for any purpose what- of buildings Upon the reauisition of the | ere! 4 the police commisisoner, or any | ever, until the hearing and determination superintendent having jurisdiction the comp- of dina when called upon by | of said action and the entry of final troller shall pay such sums as may be Ma “ye gers of buildings to co-| judgment therein The court, or judge or allowed and adjusted by any court of eonrd | operate ll ¢ ree all orders or require- ustice thereof, to whom such aplication is for such purposes. aon nade under this section made, is hereby authorized forthwith to mal in or all of the orders above | Sec. 652. Judicial remedies, specified, as may be required in such appli- a. A‘ OI proceeding gonerally. | cation, with or without notice, and to make *ARTICLE 32. | Whenever the superint.ndent of buildings is | such other or further orders or directions fied that any building or structure, or|as may be necessary to render the same ENFORCEMENT OF CHAPTER. Pp Oo! reof or any drainage or | effectual No undertaking shall be required : n ng the erection, construction or | as a condition to the granting or issuing of Bec. 650 Notices of requirements or of alteration, execution or repair of which is | such injunction order, or by reason thereof, violations rm ted, | d or forbidden by this | B Judgment All courts in which any Be: G51 Emergency mensures apte i ‘ . erected, constructed, action or proceeding is instituted under this Bec. 652 Yudidlat ‘vemesies ltered red, or has been erected, | chapter shall, upon the rendition of @ vere Bec. 653 Judicial orders onstructed altered or repaired, in viola | dis t, report of a referee, or decision of & Sec. 654 Penalties tion of,or n compliance with, any of | judge or justice, render judgment im& Sec 655 When violation is a misde- he PIV Vv: requirements of recover e same, | Cc 9 Officers not liable for damages No a at e of tne pt dency of thé action Or! pending to, KECeves on — vie oe : eee , , ’ \ : cova) or the completion thereof within officer of a bureau oO buildings, acting in proceeding as provided in th hapter : _ 2 comp . ® good faith and without malice shall be taken ft eu ¢ } hy office of ti clerk sonable time . e : i D nigalo e ywenalty A hi > 1 es liable for damages by reason of anything | of the ct inty whel he property affected mm on © pends. he superin i 5 ' ; } ar a iing } oue_l 5 : —— dete in’ any action 01 proceeding instituted i ach action, & a proceeding i ocated:; | t el r huildings. through the corpora under any provision of this chapter, or by | andthe S emsé oul to whom pplication L. CDUMP ; hereby authorized, in his reason of any act or omission In the per- shall be made >» herel authorized and | diecretion and upon scood and sufficient cause formance of his official duties. directed to e nt an ff the orders above | ! ng shown therefor, to remit any penalty no i ind to ich proceedings a9 | . any person may have incurred, or ars ys ' Lived < ‘ ce ab . . as > | é Sec. 653. Judicial orders. shall be necessary to make the same ef- reafter neur, under any of the 1. To comply with building notices. IM | ¢ectyal, amd an ‘yustice to whom applica ovisions of this chapter; but no such case any notice or direction authorized to be | tion all be 2 4 ig hereby authorized and | penalty snt | be remitted until the violation issued by this chapter is not complied with | airecteda to enforce such lien in acct rdance | sha ave been removed Said superin- within the time designated therein, the cit with é 3’ lien laws applicable to, tena g further authorized in his discre- by thé corporation counsel, may, at the) ene , ton to remit any costs allowed or obtained request of the superintendent of bulldings y penalt suit or any other action or . ‘ ; ir ro . apply to the Supreme Court, at a special | Sec. 654 Penalties lp ding instituted under the provisions term thereof, for an order directing the l Geni ' : lereinaft pro superintendent to proceed to mane the alter vided \ respect » the amount of the ations or remove the violation, as the same, pena the ¢ ‘ yf an building, structure | Sec. 656. When violation is a misdemeanor. may be specified in said notice or direction oO i va f any platform .\ny person who shall receive and fail te ® To vacate for violations Whenever | staging . } 2 used anding omp with any writtea peremptory order any notice or direction so authorized, shall | <« iting oO the owner of he | o superintendent of buildings issued have been served as directed in this article, | nd W a) n of this chapt only when an immediate compliance with | e ne she j } ve 1 ‘fh? lied a} | . . LA ri Xt ; . and the same shall not have been compiled re d ‘ ll exis and al , ort ig essential to the public peace with within the time designated therein a é plumb car] ‘ ety, hin the time specified in such the corporation counsel shall, at the request othe I son who may m- | orde , o ty of a misdemeano! . - Ve ~ . \ = < il . v iv? = , © - a - Al Ps - } of the superintendent of buildings, in addi- { plo ' the commission of any tion, or in lieu of any other remedy provided | suc ; | y ( 1 nerso , for by this chapter, apply to the Supreme | s! Es the pyr sions of this CHAPTER G. Court, at a special term thereof, for an | chay ‘ 1i1 to ny} herewith, « an | order directing the superintendent tolr fren ereof, or who shall! violate or CHARITIES. = ' vwacate such building or premises Or sO | fall to np! with any detailed order oO much thereof as he may deem necessary, t ier.-or who shall 1 id " é ‘ public institutions and prohibiting the same to be used oO! \ i ‘ details 2 ment < eccupicd for any purpose spe! ified in sai@/s f I ‘ pla ibmitted and afr erder until such notice shall have been | de 2] f rally or each ARTICLE 3: complied with | ay sui ylation and non 5 Responsibility of lessees or occupants i 1 ' f A u. respons 11) Ol ssees IC ant | ymvy ince Dp VE orfé and pi 8 ; . : ; ; Inmates of iblic in case any of the notices or orders of the | per oe of nc ) than | . Publi Institutions. court herein mentioned shall be served upon | d s] i f di > a Applica yn for admission; inves- any lessee or party in possession or tne ¢ on ; Fen : ; | n I | ind fire prevention building or premises therein des bed { - : st ' eta SE Classification and instruction. shall be the duty of the person upon whom s 7 S bra 3 any) oL the proy rT I pte! as oO me such service is made to give immediate : S 4 Employmer and discipline bs } 3 ‘ { cnir fe eT 4 : wi motice to the owner or agent of the bulld- ' : : 3 flues not | pipes ma furn eg OY . lO Sos 1 A licat s : . a ing or premises named in the notice, if such ie eg : ec pplications for admission; investi- ; = i Vi ate oO the pro sions thereof on person shall be within the limits of tne city | 7 gation of. - re 1 4 ie {7 lg rT t ; mi ce + ‘ “ : end his residence be known to such person, | , ; me. ¢ , ssione} of public. charities ‘ : | mbpde! girders eams vil woody 12 ' f 1e and, if not within ‘the city by depositing | ‘ od rk | sha cate the circumstances of . , in proxir { to 1ey flues yr firenp! : e I ad! j : } said notice in any postoffice in the city, | ve aa eT = on admitted to an Institution un- : shiall forfeit an par Its » the lo } “2 f ‘ ; ; properly inclosed in a p yst-pald wrapper ad- ; ; . 4 pel y 4 CD 65um | Ger is arge ind of the near relatives of 1 oL one unared aollé : ‘ \ § aor S . vwwaesel ; dressed to such owner or agent at his then | ‘ perso! Such investigation shall bs a 4 Viola { ag : ry : , sde . — 1,1 ; es known place of residence. ] the G 1 practicable, before the ad- recist i : ( ; , 4 ’ r TY) — y ; , +} > Ne : or "Oc 4 Designation by an owner of a building is ies re , and the results of the |} porTra ‘ ‘ a A rsn "\ 1 } > 7 ‘ « ) - Any owner of real estate or of a building | t} ; a Sy ATVOSUIS SLO shall be placed on file and ne DrovVvislo of ‘ ROH4 t } 2 anter rogerved ‘ : ‘ ar fj thereon, may execute and acknowledge a|y im ae eee = are h the records of the depart- - vu } ‘ { I y ce? 0 i a | , of : or =) ’ re ; / . ri <¢ written designation of a resident of said | | rime ao ae no 663. ) E t ye fined ich nas not e ®% city, as a person upon whom may be serve ; ak : ~ ° as . : ; a al Dae 6 served, | nes eee Sec. 2. Classification and instruction. pny notice of violation, notice to make safe, fig ‘ : : ' y 2 aie Ge ont} ot in ad A tie mn sion shall cause all the or notice of survey, a Summons, a mandate tio inmatl of t da hl h eae ‘ Lorie é of oj : male Les = 2 itions under I! S wr any paper or process, issued under a tion that 1 e i P oo 4 fi i f : ‘ ar : : : the i —1C} classifie i the time o e d- provision of this chapter, and may file the | co! ° BO ey oe a their ad Art ; ; : . : i on provided ho. er, tha when eApeaN o far as practicable, upon the basis same, with the written consent of the per- such iolation ‘ \ of previou rer A f ite te ak é 2 ; ‘ ym 1 provisi« relating p vious character and conduct, but such £On 60 aesignatl da dul acknowledged, in| to ‘ ostin f ; ini tas mew he ; : Amr oe) a ane e P ; A meta plate, no penalty inmates may) be transferred or reclassified the office of the superintendent of buildings. | fo in A ee mh o ; Tee ee cae tt prisonment posed ang | *@ #ccordance with tnelr conduct in the The designation must specify the location] the fil hall : ; | instit OY The om “ : : ’ i L 7101 , for he ret | ns ition i rie commissioner within the of the property with respect to which the | of; n hut yr loce } ey | timit Cate. ce - é é e eh , : A It not tess tnan $100 nor more than ito 8 1is appropriation, may establis! t 3 9 designation is made and the residences ana | $500 for a subsequent fe 4 | and maintain in the Hic4 i | d bpsequgse offen { a by mt Tle 1Lain In tne pudlic gS 1 r piaces of busines of the person making lit ora i ly 197 eer ae h charge | } \ | oe etn ee * MERIT Lt ‘ ‘ ! i narge such hools or sse 0 and the person designated it shall remain Continuiy , | instruction and trai | ' i eames ae 1 : : 6 violatio rfter Lotice ALS Mw hs an raining of inmates s y {n force during the period specified therein 1 Any person w! ere lin his sty 3 ; ee. 26 ee : ; e , ! o he n been erved with . a) opinion be desirable Teachers em- ff any, or until revoked by the death or /notice as In this chapter ployed to teach th rat ’ Re & ? : cea eee s chapter prescribed, to re- | : the physically or mentally gal incompetency of either of the parties | move ant violation ; -_ | defective children i j tituti b t te are ation, or comply witl ew a S. . ; rén in institutions subjec > or by the filing of a revocation by either of | requirement of this : ete the supervision of i ery t) y mica irément Of this chapter, or with any supervision of said commissioner shall Lne parties, duly acknowledged and indorsed | order o rule iq . receive the seat aas © cacee : ule made thereunder, shall fail} , same rate of compensé&tion for with the consent of the superintendent of | buildings. The superintednet of buildings | Bhall file and index each designation and | whall note, upon the original designation | epd index, the filing of a revocation. While the designation remains in force, as @rescribed in this section, a notice of viola- to comply with said notice within ten days their services as is now or may hereafter j I be paid to teachers of similar classes in the public schools of the city, (Charter, sec 663.) afte such service or shall continue to violate any requirement of this chapter in | the respect named in said notice shall pay a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor | Sec. 3 Libraries more than two hundred and fifty dollars | The abnntestance is empowered to 'pro- 4. Jurisdic ion oL pena V ct ong «' O 8 & seve n { uti 1 wit { on ty ae i W « | rj } ” , e r \ d ? Ln the : s al Sl] io £ i hinCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 53 his juris poses of authorize pamphlet liction sufficient space ror the pur- a library for the inmates He is d to accept contributions of books, s and periodicals, from persons dis- posed thus to ald in the betterment and welfare of the inmates of the institutions of the department, All such ontributions shall be recorded and catalogued: an ac- eount shall be kept thereof, and a report concerning the same shall be made at least once in S913.) Bec, 4, institution of and hea each Employment and discipline. calendar year (Orc june 27, l, Employment Every nmate of an the departmer whose age lth will permit shall be em- cultivating the ground under the ployed in control of the commissioner, or in manufac- turing such articles as may be required for ordinary use in the publi: nstitutions under his control or for ise of any other depart- ment Of the city, o1 1 preparing and bulld- ing sea walls upon sii Gi or other pla s belonging to ne ) { Ih h mechan fcal or other i OI £ all b Lo id upon examination Oo su he Lpacity ol th individual Che raised or manufac- tured by sucl i I i } ubject to the order of, & } S Lil placed del tne control { CK } sioner, rc all uc! arti leg ha be { a >» far iS pl! L< Icadle j he ) I it ms under his charge GT of 1 ‘ er aepartme of tne Cit Sil the js under tne irisadiction of the com ssioner otherwise 0 upied or iF l which capab of belng cul- 1 ed ; niS GISCTEe 1O7T) /e sed for aE! I purposes The hour of labor req red 1 \ paupel Oo! oc.nel! person com tted’ to © placed under the charge of 1 e commissione s De fi 1 by him (Charter ec G8 } D a ( pli 1e in case any pa iper under the control of the com asio r shall neg- ect oO refuse to p for ' r} { 1 i to him or her, or s} lf ne le and regulations of the institution of which he or she Is an inmate, ne superintende or institution iall repor such insubordination o VIOLATION Oo tne com 1ISSioner ‘ Oo m rnereupnon agairect i e Du Irie of Su pauper bx solitary confineme ana being fed on bread a ater I oO f Blich le i? 6] ly i3 the commiss! may consider ne ssary in case any pau- per snail neglec| Lo rior | & Work f signed to mr ner oO De 2. of £ such yilolation on three « more separat: occasions, . FOMIMNISss_one i a ‘ t 4@elinqguen to be brought before iié Dro I court or magistrate, aird such court or magistrate ma commit the accused to the workhouse « penitentiary as a disorderly perzon ({ narter, sec OS } ~ _ ~ CHAPTER 7. CORRECTIONS. A l | lates orre lona Institu- ticns Inmates ARTICLE 1 of Correctional Institutions. Classificatio: ind mec ; Librarie sec. 3 Kimployment Bec. 4 Manufacturing fur Sec. 6 Details of inmates o otner de- partments sec. 6 Discipline Se i Records ec. 1 Classification and Instruction he commissioner of correction shall ause all the ecriminals and nisdemean- ants under his charge to be~classified so far as practicable, so that he outhfhi gna less hardened offenders shall nie pe rendered more depraved by the assoctatto th and evil example of older and more rdened offenders Hie may establish and a4intain such schools or classes for the instruction and training of the inmates of the institution under his charge. as may be authorized by the board of estimate and | apportionment And, to this end, the com- | mission er may set apart one or more of the! services in 2nd upon the grounds and builds penal institutions for the custody of such! Ing or in and upon any public work or im- youthful and less hardened offenders, and| provement under the charge of such other he is empow ered, in his discretion, to trans department And such inmates; when se fer such offenders thereto and from any employed, shall at all times be under the other of the penal institutions of the « personal oversight and direction of a keeper and, when so transferred, to classify them of the department of correction, but no so far as practicable with regard to age inmate of any correctional institution shall nature of offense, or othe fact, and to; be employed in a ward of any hospital, ex- separate or group such offenders ac rding | cept hospitals in penal institutions, while fo such classification, so far as practicabl such ward is being used for hospital pur- (Charter, se¢ O93.) poses Che provisions of this ordinance or u : { ’ law requiring advertisement for bids Sec. 2. Libraries. : are : : Or proposais, or the a warding of contrac ts, rhe commissioner Is empowered to set ; , I |} tor work to be done or supplies to be fur.« aside in the city prison and if) “ny | nished for any of said departments, shall other place in which persons are held fo ot be applicable to public work which may infractions of the law pending détermination e a e, or to the.supplies which may be Py a court, a sufficient space for the | furnished under the provisions of the prison pose of insta ing a liprary Lor tne lI la (Charte g¢ 701.) mates he missioner is authorized ) accep ont butions of books, pampniet sed 6 Discipline. and perilodica rom persons who may | iT Case l person confined in anv r pose: h to aid in the betterment ani mstitutic ‘ tl cepartment shall neg- welfar O the inmates of institutions of the lect re ise to perf¢ l ne work allotted departmen All 9 h contributions shall to hiy by ie off r: Ty charge of such ‘ orded ind atalogued: an accou inet ion Or nail Ifull violate the ne! i ill be kept da report con rule ana reguiatior established by the ing tI L¢ nail be made at leas ‘ e; comm mer oO! ul resist and disobey In @€ach ca dé yea (Ord, of June 27, | any awful command, or in case any such 191 | person ail offer violence to any prison "1 or to a other prisoner, or shall do Sec ; Employment or attempt to do any injury to such institu- Every of an Institution under tio appurtenances thereof or any the Chare Ol ne commissioner Waose propert therein, Or Shall attempt to escape, Al and healtt 1] permit, shall D@ | or ll combine ¥y 1 any one or more per- empl a ‘ irrying or cutting stone, « I for al O© the aloresaid purposes, the in ul ng land under the control of th | officer of. 6s 1 Institution shall use all com Sit f anufacturing such a! | suita é mear to defend themselves, oO ticle be required for ordinary use enforce diselinline to secure the persons of in 4 t ] I der ls ontro!l oY for offender 2 ‘ LO DI vent any such at- the j oO \ rtment of the t¥ or] ten ) pe a he officer In charye nm prey i - sea walls upol | of such institution in which such person is { j rp belonging to the cit confined shall p ist him by solitary con- Ipon WwW p titution now are or | fing t, and h being fed on bread and ma ereafte be erected, or \r yublic | r only, for such length of time as mav r ‘ ‘ } ' departm = oF De nsidered nece aI Dut no otner form i f inical or other labor of 1 ime shall | imposed, and no & sha be ound ipon examination, to be’ | ffi r ©o a such institution shall inflict sulted oO he ipacity of the individual. | an blows whatever upon any prisoner, The our ‘ labor required of any Inmate | ¢« ept in self-defense or to. suppress a re- of € j [ s 4 be tixed by tt : Voit Oo insurrection in every case tue ye articles ralsed or manu-| officer imposing ich punishment shail factured by s labor shall be subject to} forthwith repo ® same to the commis- e ora ‘ ‘ be placed under t e | sioner and oO the surgeon of the insti- ‘ rol of he comr sioner, and shall be itio Su surgeon shall visit the person in] ! tutions under his cherge)| so confined and examine daily into the state r in some other department of the city of his health ur he shall be released the } der the irisdiction of the; from solitary continement and return a commiasionet not otherwise occupied or labor The surgeon shall report to ths uti ed, and } h are apable of cultiva | commissioner and to the officer in charge an ay | ised Oo agricultura purposes. | of such institution whenever, tn his judg- (Charter. secs 00-70 the ealith of the prisoner shall re- guire nis release (Charter se ive.) Sec. 4 Manufacturing fund. } ord ce with ibdivi on of sec sec. 7 Records. c rtiels A of chap el > of the Laws he commissioner shal keep and pre=- ' 1 by chapter 247 of. thé | erve a@ proper record of all persons whe - d in accord ce with sub-]| shall come unde hi are or custody, and ) of rt Se 94- of th of the disposition of each such person, with rn : ie ¢ b hment of fi ad al ll particu I as TO tne name, age, sex, he kn lanufacturing Fund. Dep color i | and religious faith of each e) of Corre Oo s hereb Luthorized tog ner I Statement o the cause and { Co ptroller { authorized and al - + oO a ‘ © 0 eaci such perso" i 0 pi ‘ r tul¢ h fund all Mio r< ee la rer a EA 699.) ‘ ‘ or realized throuenh thi lle of atl g inut tured b ie depa nen L 5 es ‘thiclaalt eateries 7 CHAPTER 8. rn ouchet received trom I ad sco weak 1’ the purchase of mat ] ip- | DOCKS, FERRIES AND HARBOR n 4e lipment to be used in it may CONTRO! o ndustries tne Comptroll j hereb further authori d and directed ) Att ; nerar provisions transfe to tl general fund of the it art pportionme! of wherf property end of each -enlends any 5 ne Art ’ Bullding and structures Ou € ing n rid manufacturins fund n}| Waterfront propel “« of % 100. (Amended by ord lopted rt. 4 laintenance of. wharf property. ril 920. 1 ) Discharge and storage of are ‘ ll ordinal or pat of ordin- e . 17 ’ nN stent 0 conflictin with 1) Tt t Wi) irfage rates , 2 pro ions of this ordinan 17 nerep r , ries 9 ime « ty¥ om dated ort] ; LY S Protle or ‘ navigatt '} } Sec. 5. Details of inmates to other depart- | ARTICLE tr ments. At the request of any of the heads General Provisions of hie administrative departments of the ( y (who are hereby empowered to make Sec l Definitions giich quest) the commissioner may cetail : . . : ; rettad Sec, I Definitions. and designat any inmate of any Insilitution | in his charge to perform worg, labor and } Wherever used jin this chapter, the [fake PoP seer eae ers 7 vs ra ed se a aa — spereat tr reat a ys rr Mp Titerhey —. ’ ® Ih myer 2398 . rs * Peay oe’ Pop Se ket eo on | Sea) er s 4e¢Retstegvaye: et bt 2 i Pet ebeawts Te se eeeese -y Lee peat EMEEL Es ELE Aer pire et aT ti omes re 3 4 SP rie Peels st sete= Pee or Pee ee! ~* Era! ee aoe’ 1 hs oe eh ee eT St ea bas con, ak ta oa ak te a <4 Tee ee eee To 54 CODE OF ORDINAN . THE CITY OF NEW YORK. lowing terms s to mean 1. Canal boat, a vessel built for navi ting the canals of th ate neasuring more than 98 feet in len 18 feet in width and whose registerea net tonnage does not exceed 150 yn (Rules of department,) eB Day. 24 consecutive hours from the time of day or night when &@:° ¥¢f sel hi berthed at a pier or slip Charter, Sec 861.) ARTICLE | A pporcion nent i Whart Property; Sec 10 Lt I Ber 1] rio pec ) ) “4 be 13 { al sec | I ks \ ! du Sec 15 UO) t A other -fish traf™ Sec. 16. Powers ol! 1locK |! isters penalty for refusing to obey their directions. Sec. 17. Intrusion of othe vease] into canal boat terr } Set 18. Disobedience of orders of om missioner Sec. 10. Clty purposes. The commissioner of docks shall des nate and set apart suitable and sufficient wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips and berths in slips for the use of the several depart- ments of the city (Charter, Sec. 836.) Sec. 11. Floating baths. The commissioner shall, upon the requisi- tion of the respective borough presidents, furnish free of charge, in the vicinity of such locations as shall |! es! ated by them, accessible onvenient and safe berths for mooring free floating baths. (Charter Sec. 834,) Sec, 12. Recreation piers ine commissioner Is hereby authorized to get apart, from time to time, such llers as he shall deem necessary for the purpos f public recreation and for the I ent ce of dealers in country produce and other n chandise transported to the city for sale He igs hereby authorized to construct or I build the piers set apart under the prec gwions of this section, 1 such nanner a shall provide a deck or upper sto! he and the mecessary approaches theret« wh shall be wholly free to the publi r recreational purposes without the ints afer ence of business occupations Th ! er Geck or street floor of each plier shall be reserved for the use of boats and vesss plying upon the canals and the tidal waters of the state and bringing me handise to the oity for sale therelr Yhe berthing of boats at such plers shall be under the control of the commissioner,. but order shal] be maintained by the police department in and around the portions thereof set apart for recreational purposes. Except as he! provided, no wharf property shall be re quired to be so constructed as to admit of its free use, in whole or in part, fé the purposes of public resort and recreation Charter, Sec. 8 Sec. 13. Canal boats. All the waterfront property commencing at the easterly side of pier new No. 4 to and including the easterly side of pier nev No. 7, 8 river, and al the par OF ‘ti waterfront from and including the nort! side of the pier at the foot of west 5blst street to and including the outherly sk of the pier at the foot of west 54th street, North river, shall, from tl] twentieth day of March to the thirty-first day of December in each year, be set apart, kept and reserved for the exclusive use and accommodation of canal boats and barges ra Porting property on the rr, or coming to tide water from of the state, and for the use of neared fn loading or unloading such boats or barges; and the commissioner wr othe officers aforesaid shall asslgen such other accommodations for canal boats and barges in other parts of the port of New York as may, from time to time, be necessary in recelving or discharging their cargoes, « The mentioned in section id 7 intrusion of other vessels into canal ? “ f this be occupled by #ny ship oF entitled to occupy the same ac- the provisions of that section, proprietor or person in charge of boat or barge specified in said desire to use the berth or silp uch ship or vessel, the com- the request of the pro- ee or person in charge of oat or barge, shall forthwith ship or vessel, as far as may y to accommodate the canal ree If the commissioner, upon hall neglect or refuse to com- ame’ he shall, for each such rfeit and pay to the al boat or barge, the | for and recovered by ‘ ich proprietor, for-his iny court of competent Larter Sei 856.) bedience of orders of commis- iy command or in « harge of yno all negiect or refuse to lawful order or direction 1198 er in reference to the esse}, or who shall resist removal of the same, shall, thereof, be punished by a an $100, or by imprison- eeding 10 days or both such nment (Charter, Sec. 857.) ARTICLE 3. nd Structures on Waterfront Property. nt of water-front Ish trade phalt pavement on rrovement of water-front prop- it requ red office, tally-house, ‘ nd shall be erected, hoisting-mast, coal- dve ising device, or oaob- i be placed or malin- it property, and no hall any filling-in rep I alterations, re- ‘ demolitions of any kind rt of the water-front of it.en permit therefor ied from the com- Le ‘ds on pliers, n shall be owner oF r bulkhead, at d snait tt same for the purpose of and discharging cargo f or such lessee, with the ru nay erect and main- ich pler or bulkhead, sheds for tlon of property so received OF provided they shall have ob- the ymmissioner a permit or erect or maintain the same, sub- onditions and restrictions con- h per t or license; but, when or license has been granted and acted upon, it shall not be re- commissioner without the con- ing oO the mayor and of the sloners of the sirking fund, after due such licenses All sheds or erected or maintalned upon any r under any permit or licenses anted by the department, or rected or maintained upon any pier under any permit or licenaf the commissioner, are declared ictures, subject to the terms ditions of the permit or license the sam¢ Hereafter, such sheds constructed subject to the regula- under the authority of the com- Any owner or lessee of a plier, or or bulkhead, or a part thereof, of which the commissioner shallCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ee have granted such a permit or license, shall be entitled to the use of the premises 50 Owned or leased by them and no veasel shall be placed in any berth on such* pier, or bulkhead, or part thereof, without the corsent of such owner or lessee, during the continuance of his permit or licens: The commissioner shall have power » build sheds or structures on any wharf or bulk head belonging to the city, with full author- ity to lease the same; and any lessee thereof shall have all the rights and privileges above granted (Charter. Se B44 Sec. 32. Platforms for fish trade. The lessee of any watertror property oO whom a lease has been or ma ereafter be granted for the use of he wholesedi fish trade, may erect and ma thereor during the terms of any ch lease « any renewal thereof uch platforms sheda Ktands or otnel sty ct I “ LNDLé to t business of the whi =o fi trade as may be approved by ne co 1 sloner (*harter Sec. 871.) Bec, 38. Opening asphalt pavement on water-front propert; j ADD ‘ . 0D £ i asphalt Daveme inder the eontrol of ie de parimernit I } Dé mad to the con sioner Phey ha be accompanied by agreemen the company which has tl Contract LO] the maintenance of the pa me l { rela it at the expr Le rf tne per ‘ a i ) perm! shall g ! juired by the commissio be prove by the com is I ind co ditioned to ind inif and | I ‘ he city lts officers Leente ind r agains and from ali ad nage cost end « pense w! h they ma ffer ¢ they may be pi rt reaso of person or property oO ano I r from carelessns rr neglilg ym t pa of the permittee and his agents a Conduct ) 4 ITA Wo K inader permit sha be Ommenced within 10 day after the date of nd pel ha be void at the enc OL tnat % ‘ iJ ss re issued Che permit ‘ ] vYhole time of const n j ge f foreman at the work he department of health shall be notified b he pern the time and place of ma!) yr the ¢ AVA tion, in order that the premis¢ y be G infected All work under such perm ia be wholly at the expense of the permittee and shall be so condu ed as to caus the least possible inconvenlence to publi irave residents and private business It shall be done so as not to interfere with the te! graph, telephone electri light and other subways, water mains or service onne tlons, gas or other pipes, nor with sewer Or house connections All. rock within 6 feet of a water, gas or pipe main shall be removed without blasting A411 snow and ice upon the pavements within 5 feet upon either side of the opening shal! be removed within 24 hours after it falls or forms The trench, after the. malin is Jaid, shall be filled with clean earth, w é rammed adowl as put in 4. Weather delays Whenever in conse quence of the weather or an process rf law, or other unexpected obstac! the work g shall be stopped for so long a me that public travel shall be obstructed.the trench shall be refilled and repaved as work contemplated in the permit wa actua completed 6 Laws and ordinances to be compiled with All work done under the permit shall be performed in accordance with the ri quirements of the commissioner, ic: an strict compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances, and the rules and regula- tions of the city departments established for the purpose of enforcing tt 6. Restoration of pavement. pavement opened consists of stone blocks, the work of restoring same shall be begun within 24 hours after notice from the com When the missioner so to do, and completed as rapidly as possible to the satisfaction of the commissioner, and in case of failures to so commence and complete the work it may be done by the commissioner in such manner as he deems proper and to) his satisfa Lo a the I rit opre l pay [ st of I I YY as shown b n ' cco of depart if I LO erris : t tine I errit } I | pna ' mitte: Lf } ad ‘an er 1 asphait comp Lic} Ss the Oo xu thie Maint i Here to ré i 1 Sec 34 Sec. 560 Cleaning repairing re a notice ‘ i ryvéqa upe € ner a departmental notice nas een ! & ( wpd0Nn the owne con mnie : »T) Oo pre sy ' tive Ol sucn OW ner oO! consienes oO why cargo, Foods O! merchand e, that Wa} if ) gine’ street nar or nia Or Line pave men? ana suriac: U! reo! hy Gl NEW YORK. 55 zered by an additional burden. In order ut surface of pavement and cover plates the marginal streets, wharves and Li ill not be damaged, cargo, goods ind n excess of 12 tons shall tre ferred on any truck upon or vi marginal street, wharf or place, pecial Meense or permission of he } ioner nor shall cargo, goods or be stored or stacked upon any Vharf or place in excess D ag pe Square Ioot, except by cel or permission of the com- I ind in such manner and method a Obstruction by goods, merchandigg j essees or occupants of ert vVhich has beep pal with a shea, 00 r¢ andise, cCarge be discharged } oO to remain upon I a perlod ionger I oO l te pe! Li88ion and they shall r or consignee i pals (Dept. rulea, { 1c} I wagon Or iarginal street, \ i ul end pier } i 2 charge and untrol @ ¢ i a penalty a a Yt the com i i ire ot not i Ln } cel eT 1a for storage, j ‘ ad become i j thereon and ce] j i d tru rt vVagon or | : r li i a. 4 e owner i. ¢ d orage harge shall l D “PRED | hg | er 54. Removal of incumbrances and ob- irl pier, bulkhead or mi ‘ all be incumbered, or its free 1 terfey | with bY merchandise, li bel ! WAZONS oO! anys other ob- tion, whethe! of loose materials of tru ires yuilt ipo! or afiixed to such a fro property without authority of omn sionel hall notily the per nm act! oO! keeping such Met ‘handise or otnel obstruction thereon tO remove the n { hours after such. notice, Whenever the commissione! hall make any order 0 rive any direction in paursuance of the power conferred bv this section, the ownel consignee or person in charge of the } rchandise, property, or vessel in’ ref- erence to whicl such order or direction is given, shall comply with the same without unreasonable dein) or, in default thereof, ar as el a Fal me | Cd Ca rod Ly —! =. % a4 SEPT Ghee ee Ue LaeWe hettety eetetee tok roe ’; : : ‘Sb aet eh bn kbc r 5 Pre Peet ee ee “ Ter te toe ee he ee “ “a oy rs ToFep pest reer es ed ke dale’ peat BS in Pe ha Se 9 2h ys , ol. 0 YS . SPS ET SP es pe ET lS LSPS eS RTE el ate Pore) Te Thea Li 56 the commissioner may employ su: h laborers and assistance as may be necessary to carry out such order or direction, by the removal of the material, gnerchandise, or reference to which the same was given All expenses, actually necessarily incurred in effecting such be paid by the owner, charge of the material, vessel so removed, and the amount thereof shall be a lien upon the same, in favor of the depart- ment, which may be proceed- ings Itnstituted by an in its name, according to the provisions of laws concerning attach- ments against vessels shall, for the deemed a creditor of such owner, or person in and each of the amount of the and vessel in and removal, shall consignee, or person In merchandise, or enforced by The’ commissioner purposes of this section, be consignee, charge, them, for expenses 80 Incurred may have and maintain an action against them or either of them, to recover the same (Charter, Secs. $49-861,) Sec. 55. Sale of selzed merchandise, vehi- cles, etc. During the months of January and July {in each year, the commlssioner shall adver- tise for one week in the City Record, the merchandise lumber, trucks wagons or other incumbrances and obstructions which have been so stored and which has re- mained unclaimed forth the marks and humbers thereon, the description thereof setting and the designation of the water-front property from whence the same was re moved and the date of such removal If any of such merchandise, material or vehi cle s0 advertised shall remain thereafter unclaimed for 3 months, the commissioner may then sell after further adver- the City Record, at highest bidder The the same, tisement for veek in public t proceeds of such auction o the sale shall be used to pay the expenses of the removal, storage and gsaie of such ineumbrances o obstructions, and any balance thereof shall be held in =| trust by the commissioner for the owner or owners thereof, for 12 months, when, if not claimed, it shall be paid over to the commissioners of the sinking fund (Char- ter, Secs. 849-851.) Sec. 56. Public hacks. No public hack or other vehicle shall atand or be allowed on any pier for the pur- pose of carrying passengers for hire from the pier, over the streets of the city without a permit, (Dept. rule.) Sec. 57. Violations. Any person violating any article, or neglecting or ply with made thereunder, provided {in this $100 for each refusal to com offender I for each day comply with the (Charter, Sec, 927.) provision of this refusing to com- any order of the commissione! shall, except as otherwise articie, pay a penalty of such violation or neglect o1 ply with such order, pay a further penalty of $25 s uch violation or and ie shal refusal to oraer shalt continue, ARTICLE 5. Discharge and Storage of Cargoes. Turisdiction of commissione Manner of. dl Sec. 60 Sec. 61. scharging cargoes and other Sec. 62 Vianure offensive re- fuss Sec. €3. Inflammable materia!) Sec. 64. Building material Sec. 60. Jurisdiction of commissioner. The commissioner shall have power, from time to time, to make such general rules and regulations and give such directions as will secure dispatch in loading and un- loading and the prompt removal of the same from the piers as soon as com- pleted, and also such as shall be necessary to prevent any of freight or or wharf, while any vessel gaged in receiving or discharging her cargo: provided, however, that this power shall be exercised In reference to any obstruction or incumbrance upon any pier or wharf oc- cupied by any regular line of steamboats or ateamships, or by any railroad company, e) cept upon the written request of the occu- pant or lessee of such pier or wherf, (Char- ter, Bec, 249.) vessels unnecessary accumulation merchandise upon any pler shall be en- not Sec. h or similar loaded similal! 61. Vianner Sand and gl material into @ material I Ly ’ of discharging } aVe. shall be discharged from | ‘ yes ye OXLCL cargoes. No sand, gravel or 1, unless canvas OI ded from the ves harf structure | | sel’s side to the bulkhead or ¥ hey which’ such vessel is being unladen, to | prevent the falling of the and into th | water; and, if the surface OL al such wharf structures 1S not ufficient] tight t prevent the san dumped thnereo from go ing through into th watel then no and shall be igchargwed thereon Iron an f | unle ‘ Va or similar riterl hall ‘ | firs laid there Le receive ene |} (Wept rule 9 rine} es Oo ve l of any |! hall be Le ded dl larged t Nor powe I pro] I DiankKin Dé provid Oo pr Le s riac ul i pler Dull head oO! } eture T! I quent : : t} y el < i Or | | | unloading is lrg e! ipon ul i ena [3 I t ! ea — : : f : € WI . ' te Se } Lt I f i } 31 t or e] Oo a ich ‘ e| | stevedor I ind rest tive (Dep ules ) 3 i : 4 or other ms rial sul} i} A ( a bulkhead, m placed & leas 0 feet fro! the edge ol ne iL) i ) | } no i (Dep 4 Sec. 62. Manure and other offensive refuse ‘ a f i airt | dead al ‘ re © ‘ : de I ei } t ered al ; ple 1ead oO! Pi na ‘ Lee rm | Wi out > pern 2 6 } yrie (i es t | Sec. 63. Inflammable material | | ni ‘ are i ; | ) | | oO bulk j T - ! |} bal the oored to a f ' ' ead } e cit tt ul b¢€ ‘ io raw s) ‘ t 1 a ateria ‘ ed extra ha lous anda pr of I ul \ > ' f Yor} ‘ a exndolo ‘ sha } i ed 3 Lne f _ enw } pai I . othe! re pe | ate ' | ane { i a eria (Dep Pha | See, 64, tuildinge material ‘ } d : LVE or BILMIIAT late! i £ a € inl ( a on Al harf ) er in E 4 De It tnerelo! snail be ~ j »y e ut I I ot docks nd I ucn I ri ‘ be oaded i Wy t S l | ii propel ir app ation na | subi iitted to uperintendse acco | panie Oy @& 2 p rom a dock naste! 0 ~ Vv, SDeé Ly Se ti name f f 5 | fro | I l + irzgo is t ne inloaded a 2) a pe | ued there by super- ntendent. Al tne ' piration ‘ Lv day mM tne iafe Oo aid permit { any por On {f said car remains, @& similar app { 2. ( panied receipt fo $1 0 j 1 i shal 1omitted, as in the first € rrying such materia ) a a ed toa- or IpV a r a period | ¢ la when said perth is equ a I rtnother esse { \ harf proper C i perm! shall be deemed leased propert n the meaning J of this section. (Dept. rules, 11 | RTICLE 6 ARTI J K, 6 | Wharfage Rates | } Se 80 General trem se, R | ‘ ate traffl | sec Local traffhir | mer 83. Vesse! ca r shell- a i Sse 8 4, Floating r eS: eral eleva- i tor : | SEC 30 Canal-boats and ck-carriers i Sex eet Coal ho 1 r] | scows Ded 87 Dun p oO | Sec. 88. Berthing f sec &Y Pdyment o . ce | 90 op art ’ | Sec. 91, Rates to be printed on wharfage bills; overcharges CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. 80. General traffic. Except as otherwise provided in this arti- e. wharfage and dockage shall be cherged part of a day, a ship or made fast to any-dock, for each day, or sage] shall use or be pier, wharf, bulkhead, or shall make fast to any vessel lying at and such water- front property, or to any other vessel lying le thereof and made fast thereto, at Out ( e following rates For each vessel of 200 tons burden and inder, 2c per ton; and for each vessel over 00 tons burden, c per ton for each of the 00 tons burden and % of le. per ton or evel additional ton (Charter, Sec, 2.7 Se¢ 8] State traffic Y esse know a North river barges, ket on and loops, employed upon va rs ol his state, and schooners ex- ve employed upon such waters, shall rfa or dockage for each day or i fa day, at the following rates } 3 burden $0.50 3 nd under 100 i 621% and under 150 75 ons, { d under 200 $7 ly i 3 and ider 260 7.00 i er 300, 1.12% der 360 1.28 » i\der 400 1.37% der 4650 1.50 l under 00 Mis 1,625 10 f nder 5560, Lert »nd under 600 hk 1.87% pward, $1.87% per 50 tons in ‘ ) tons (Charter, Sec. 859.) Sec, 82 Local traffic. ers and barges employed in lighter- g the port of New York shall irfas and dockage at the rate of pe! 1” e foot, actual linear measure- ( along the side of the vessel. Charter, Sec. 83. Vessels carrying shell-fish. yes s ol 10 nis burden and under ictually engaged in carrying oyst or other shell-fish, end which make i a er-front property shall pay ge and d cage at the rate of 114%. i and every such vessel hi “4 ake fast to another vessel a a ront property, or to any ~ gE side of such vessel. or that shea i } any silp or basin, shall ' ‘ per day: provided, that no vessel shall pay less than 25c., nor less than l day's harfage, nor shall more than 1 day vharfage be charged unless for a con- tinuous us of the pler wharf, bulkhead, slip or basin of more than 24 hours (Char- er, se $60 Bec. 84 Floating structures; grain elevators. Kvery vessel or fioating structure, other (han those above named, used for transpor- ta f freight or passengers, shall pay double the first rate prescribed in Sec. 380 of Ss ar e except that floating gratin elevators shall pay one-half of such rate, (Charter > $59.) Sec. 85. Canal beats and brick carriers. ery canal boat and every vessel engaged n freighting brick on the Hudson river, oO ipying a berth next to any water-front ropel and engaged in delivering carga Ipor aid pier, wharf, or bulkhead, or re- ~ ng cargo therefrom, shall pay wharfage a the rate of 560: for every day or part a day while so engaged: but, when un- aded, such canal boats or vessels shall pry harfage at the rate of 30c. per day or Dart thereof: provided no canal boat or essel, lying in any slip between two ad- acen pie™s, shall be required to pay full vharfage to the owner or lessee of both such piers for notwithstand- have changed her location between the piers: but she shall pay one-half lessee the same day ing she may, during said day, each owner or ‘harter, Sec. 861.) In guch case (( Svc. 86. Coal hoists and derrick scows. Coal holsts on scows, or floats and vessels lyading or unloading derrick stone, old yaving blocks and asphait from street sur- faces, shall pay $1.00 per day for derrick scow; $1.00 per day for boat lying next teCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 57 & dock or next to a dérrick, and regular | sioner, or 1s not within the city, or shall TOT T ries wharfage for any additional boats. Derrick | fail to comply with the notiee, the commis. | ARTICLE I, BCOWS occupying berth without scows or] sioner shall cause such obstruction or vessel | . , — ether vessels, $2.00 per day (Dept, rule.) | to be removed, and the e3 pense of such re- General Provisions. Bec. 87. Dump scows. | me fey cee hatte eo Fes ber pag re ro ee : i nea : a ’ 1a . : ) prop- | wer “ Jurisdiction; powers and duties Vessels loading or unloading ashes or | erty or vessel so removed untll paid If | of the commissioner zimilar material shall pay Wharfage or| such property or vessel be not claimed | Se 3 Federal buildings. dockage at the rate of le. per day per run- | within 30 days after removal, the commis- | sec 4 City departments ning foot. (Dept. rule.) sioner shall advertise the seme for sale, at se u Public service electric corpora. Sais | public auction to the highest bidder, in the | tlons sec. 88. Berthing fees. City Record for 6 days The proceeds of | 6 0 Installations, alterations or re- Every vessel making fast to a vessel at| each such sale shall be paid Into the city | pairs oi viring or appliances : “ny pier, wharf, or bulkhead. or to another | treasur vessel outside of such vessel, or within any slip or basin, when no y (Dept rules, 11.) at anchor | ©r discharging cargo or ballast, shall pay | wharves: one-half of rates provided for vessels of her | No vessel, canal boat, barge, lighter or class in the preceding sections of this | tug shall obstruct the waters of the narbdor, article (Charter; Sec. 859.) by lying at the exterlor end of wharves in the waters of the North or the East river Sec. 89. Payment of wharfage. } except at thelr ow risk or injury from Dock masters must coilect in cash any | oe oe — —— a, oe vee and all wharfage dail; except in cases | i OL Piel (Cnarter, Sec. 789.) where a credit account has bes ned’ by é ait acco £ been opened by ee ns . : . ; . ; a ee * | See. 1°22. Fouling navigable wuiers. consent cf the commissioner Payment for | 1 I : ; } i r Fr umpin vO wWwhart ler Oo! Siip, Ol! wharfage, by those having credit accounts 5 bulkhe l }iac thereto, 17 i na must be made dire: to the cashier of the c gable wate) oO the port of ‘ Lor) department within 10 days after receipt of | ee ie Recelétare teenae Peis bit] In aeé escel gq} } > > nic ; nay , : a, ca é el nail j@ave a pler, load ' d discharging oi ailing vesse] wharf, bulkheas slip or basin before the re ula! empl ed in foreign ( ’ ree payment c the Wwharfage or dockage aue ras ss , an 18 fee a au Lz i OT 1ore h r “ i or) ner £ ae! ' t} ' owne n ier a or ersc ' : 7 none un ere } Of VEE Si : used as a dumping person n arge of such vessel shall be| inna (i is © 2 . j & 7) biti i ¢ ‘ tw liabie > Da double 1 e rates ot! wharltage | Har Dp ; The placir dis- for vessels of er class, established by the | charein: r det : an pro > preceding sections of this article (Dept | ee ee i eketies 4 fal. fruit vwetalile & ‘ Lt ull, \ zg l 3 rule : piles, I il | I ad ftwood, dir ashes c a cinders, 1 d al lredging ludge acid Bec. 90. op wharfage. j - = i or an\ ‘ or: 7 f mattérs floatable or! she owner or the lessee of any’ wharf, : otne!l | } a waters oO! the port pier or bulkhead, may charge and collect ae a 5 : of LP Ww { I \ trict pronidited the sum of 6 per ton on al! goods, mer- | . 3 excen ne r } er Lor of the United chendise and materials remaining on the | : | Sta s §£ irbor (Charte1 water-front property, owned or leased by i wet * Vv LJ? ruies him, for every day after the expiration of s . 3 ~ OV ‘ cE INO snow or ice shall “4 hours from the time the goods, mer ‘ : . : be di | i é waters adjacent to cnhandise and materials shall have been left 1% wate : é ep rom piers, bulkheads or deposited thereon, and he shall have a i and Ot l ci‘ ated or é to én on such goods, merchandise and ma- , t! ' I t ) t (( iarte Sec terials for such charges until the same shal] ls 878 T rule : have been paid (Charter, Sec. 862.) . 4 I oll refuse - ; } wT } are ) 96 0 ‘ Rec. 91. Rates to be printed on wharfage | NO D on ad cha ge or cau ( pe ‘ i» } chareced nto ft e tia wate bills; overcharges. r tO cnarged 1 ' tida] LCer All persons owning or having charge ef | « he por { e Ww ork from any ship water-[ront property shall cause all pro- | stea ‘ ‘ : vs y Ol ol] u : ‘ . ; ; . A Ay ; j Ye visions of this article to be printed on the/ or other : Ma ~ MALES (Adopted 1 back of each bill presented by them for/|16, 1919.) wharfage, and the owner, consignee, or per- ; . : " Sec. 123. Ashes, oil and oil refuse from won in charge of any vessel shall not be} ; : a ‘ ; VeEssecCIiS required to pay the wharfage or dockage . Clive or by co) i | Scows employes } } y : cue.on such vessel unless, upon his demand, ; Sas + k bil resented to } ry ted i co " ee ng -Sanp ROTDeSe “a -- 1 FP Re Le LiTl S } Y li- tne p 7 ; i ; and oll refuse hile noored at the various formity with this section Any person, own- ' it ‘re hereby re . u J \ ‘ { y.. ere rh } - ng or having charge of any water-front Se ing I E E : ee 0 cel directly ill suc sul property who shall receive for wharfage ‘ ' ston rom sels in the harbo id any rates in excess of those authorized by ’ this article, shall forfei to the party ea ‘ae 1 € He's el os aa nr eis dak @egrieved treble the amount so charged as 2 : Bis a hoatea a damages, to be sued for and recovered by véeunelta eens ; discharge any such the party aggrieved (Charter, Sec. 863.) ade D j 1919 1 ances ait \ x 4 Sec. 1°24 Violations. A, y | rson LOLALINE any provisions of ARTICLE c his article shail, upon conviction thereof, | be pur ed by a fine of not more than Ferries $ U nor han. $6, or in risonment for Set 1OY ’ ‘ more tha i month nor jes han 10 lays one-half of said fine to bs paid to - 1@ person giving Information vnich shail ARTICLE oO. | end to the cony] on of = offender (Chat ‘ $30, ) Protection of Navigation | Sec. 120 Obstructions to navigation Sec. 121. Vessels lying at ends of wharves CHAPTER G* Sec. 122 Fouling navigable waters tf 123 Ashes and refuse from vessels Ree. 124. Violations ELECTRICAL CONTROI Sec. 120 “Obstructions to navigation. Art. 1 General provisions In case miy pier, bulkhead, platform or | Ar . Generators, motors, s tchboards other whar®é gtructure shall be. abandoned | Art Outside work and constitute yn obstruction to navigation, | Art | Inside work or ug vessel an sll be stranded, sunken | Art : [ittine Triaterials ant detali) of or wrecked and +& abandoned for 10 days, |! construction the commissioner am+.»ll notify the owner of | Art. ( {iscellaneous guch abandoned pror.rty or vessel, if known Art: 4 Violations to him, to remove tl.o same forthwith, but if the owner be not known to thesecommis *Amended by ord. effective Mav 29, 1816 ving | pec. 121. Vessels lying at outer ends of t recelving | . > Applications | ef X License board Se ‘ lees ‘ LO inspection se L] Certificate of inspection ner ipplying current ; i iJis ONLINUINg current ; Sec. I Definitions i | Ss oO I e ¢ pré sly stated, the fol- | 10y¥ g tern whenever used In this chapter ishall respect y be deemed te mean and pf ud | i Appliances, il electrical apparatus or | fitting exce] fuse renewal! incandeacent ‘4inp renewais and portable devices which togethe! h nelr cables and attachments L\ | i Pproved Tor connection to appro- priate Al ‘ the permanent electrica) & ( ip if | ie Approved, approved ir writing by the co! lissioner of w er supply, gas and elec- (tric | 3 B & gauge Brown and Sharpe |}&auge for vil 4 Bullding any edifice, structure or en- ciosure whether roofed or unroofed: rtificate of Inspection, the certificate of the commissioner that the Installatioy alte I or repa ‘ electri wiring or ances for light, neat or power in @ ild b nas een Inspected, and ls ap- }proved by he department, elther temporarily or | t I 1 high potential System, any cir- cu L atta ea to any machine or combination lof machine which deyelop a difference of ee entia etween any (wo wires, of ovér 13. »00 OoOits, snail be considered as an extra- high potential circuit, and as coming under that cl in] n approved transforming device ls which cuts the difference of potential down to 3,500 volts or less: i High-potentlial systen any circuit at- tached to any machine or combination: of machines which develops a difference or potential betwee any two wires, or over ! 950 volts and less than 3,600 volts, unless an & margin of 10 per cent. above the 660 volt limit will be allowed at the generator or transformer without coming under high- o 7 | approved transforming device is used, whith | its the difference of potextial down to 650 | ° its Or less; for 650 volt motor equipments potential systems License th Luthorization of the com- missioner for a person to engage generally }in the business of Installing, altering or re- | pairing electri: wiring or appliances fo ight, heat or power in bull@inga: 9 Low-potential system, any circuit at- ached to any transforming device, ma- chine, or combination of machines, which develops a difference of potential between iny two wires, of not over 650 volta: the primary circuit not to exceed a potential of 183.500 volt unless the primary wires are in- talled in accordance with approved stand- rds for pole-line construction, or are under- | rround for 650 volt motor equipments a nargin of 10 per cent. above the 660 yolt imit will be allowed at the generator or transformer (Amended by ord. approved Lug S 191 ) 10 Signalling system, wirlyge for tele: phone, telegraph (except wireless telegraph apparatus), district messenger and call bell | circuits, fire and burglar alarms, and al) similar systems which are hazardous only because of their llability to become crossed with electric light, heat or power circults;: | 1] Special license, the authorization of the commissioner for a person in the ex- | clusive employ of the owner or manager of ja building to instal], alter or repair electric wiring or appliances for light, heat or power therein during the term of such special 12, Spectal permit, the- authorization of AAT Peeeray try thee ws ELS ey eee et retest re racers Ass theta ty enh 1 eS es 3 aeary £eagLee ‘a eet LS a + Pe he Lee ee ee ht oe eh Petitet Loete hel eo er} ci hector hte. RS oe be srves ores reapre a) * vre® peer t tae! OT CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Laat 2 ei = ia eect et COO ELT - he 7 , per to install or | inspection sha \ Lcle to th coinm\s after due inspection the electrie wiring repair electric wiring or appligiices Io! light sioner, in sucl and detail a b \ay r appliances $n any) building, shall be un- beat or power upon an indiyidaual applica- from time to ne Dr cribs \ license a or dangerou to persons or property, tlor. | special licens¢ Or spet lal permit shal not | tne commissioner shall have power to cause | be transferable h wires or appliances to be disconnected J ° : . : . ~Y ¥ . one J Sec. 2. Jurisdiction; powers and duties of | lyrom the supplying wires or apparatus and the commissioner. | Sec. 8 License board to seal the wiring and appliances 80 dis- The commissioner of water supply, ga8 &nq | 1 Organizati lhe commissioner shall | . rected Thereafter no person shall cause electricity 1s empowered to | ippoint a boa determine the fitness ol permit ele¢tric current to be supplied 8 les a" regu! | XN especti go | 3. Make TuLlce and regulation r pe \A —E | ap] lleant fo! r eS which nail cont t¢ a ng or appilat C@Es W sealed until the the installing, altering or repairing Of ©1€C~ | sist of : shall have been made safe and the ar lo y ¢ in nee fo lige} } Qa , | ‘ tric wiring or applian : I rht, heat ol a ‘ : e1 0} employee of th d om missioner hall have issued a certificate wre \y or Ty¢ any. } 1 ‘eo power in or uj} DULGINE, | nbartmen oO at effect provided, heweyer, that no se Cause ali 3 tT Ting r appiant | b 5 master r emploving el riclan ’ r or appllance shall be’ dlsconnected f 7 . ; 5 | L : ’ lieht } i iT ower in IipOon an or light eat or |) { up a1 A ourneyma!l lectricia t to thi tion until a notice in building 1 be examin an inspected by | , building to D ‘ mined and I ted a Al i rite! electrical inspect vyriting, stating pecifically the reason why n Tice rr employee rf h ( rtn it a offic . o ’ ‘ ( department ' 4 iclan i, the employ of a iri or appliances must be dls- esiznated for that purpost : © , I : publi ‘ rit cot ratio : the ity 1 hall have been served upon the 3 Order in writing tne remedying of any : . , 4 ‘ : . e def lef : ’ r bulid é ‘ Lst or oceupant of the premises efect or deficiency in the installing, alter B * five veal il experten frected there} ‘ry conspicuously posted In ing or repairing of electri wirlng or appli [ ; 2 £ : ht } : | r 4 rei es ut Vv er oOo] DroKe! ; Lia premises and a duplicate L.nces or lieht, neat oO! powel : rr upe : : | ' , the oard | i r have been delivered tg the any bullding; , $ lor em] depa e) hall se oplying the current to such wiring 4 Cause any order of the commissione! : , hich Ils not complied J n vith] } ' 1 i T 4 with to be enforced and to takes ie eed . 3 | ah; z . a : | 7 7 ARTICLE 2, for its enforcement } an) S Ware’ ‘ding . cs Sec. 8. Federal buildings enerators, Motors, Switehboards. Nothing in this chaptel shal be construed ; as to apply to any building, the electrical equip ‘ , ' ara} Rer ment of which ia under the mizol of the 1. " } OY tors from generators toa United States Government or of any depar ne moe ALLO! i I stats or other Instrumente i f , ¢ } ] he : fer] i : ty ment or officer thereof ms » O ide lines | by he : : thea } ara } | : vitchboards Bec. 4. City departments. and : e devices The various department boards and ofl Ba G Sites . cers of the city shall be subject to the pro bw As \ ; : i and attendance visions of this chapter in so far \» #he seme sna l ea ‘ ’ re : ¢ , 7 ; of insulation resistances. ; + rne 4 7 et hy . tix x | msy be applicable, but shall not be required eR , Mot \ : to pay fees; provided, that nothing in this ’ : - , Ly power pia chapter shall be so construed as to aff es Tro =P ; ae ae oe ; ' Storage or primary batteries ' ; | t | y} ’ | | ey] i or in any way modify the provisions of & ne ' ne ' : ers 7, article 1 of chapter 9 of this code or of | eae | chapter 458 of the laws of 1912 sec. 9 tees eK MI Generators : z . pee Chere I reed I ) t | ator I ist be lecated It a dry é Bec. 5. Public service electric corporations. | +} woe ee . : i ; 2. fee O $10 rr ea yam The provisions of this chapter hall not | at the provi ; i b ‘enerators must never be placed in @ eres oc} ’ : 1 ther , a! in} al fm of.| room here any hazardous process is car- Tc . en] es yf Ped onl E as 4 } se LO ele ertOm equipment used in con- | $ ach } ewa 3 such nse and a}jried Oo! nor in places where they would be nection with railroads l¢ I ‘ ; 1 railroad | foe of fo) 10} pecial lic r sg} ta] | ©XPoOs ) ammable gases or fiyings of é To the following described electrical | nermi ; ’ yyibustible steria) 1 i L . } ea F =oe equipment used ir connection wit} | ey t t I | Pp! ® i onnectiol with ght- | Generators must, when operating at a oe iphee ompanies: (a) generating i” ec. 10. inspection ) potential |! 2 ess of 560 volts, have thelr ations «D) sudDstations (< «= , a ry } ' aT t an f ; AM ) orag at- | The comn tons or any dul ithor d fré permanently and effectively tery stations, (d) storag buildings and | o! : i yerds and (ee) service switches an ‘ j t t iu ' itch and con-| water ply ind « ricitvy n enter L.LO mu when operating at & trolling devices, and meters and their | pots I 0 5 I ieir | or go pon ny reasonable hi y pot tial of ) volts or leas, be thoroughly attached controlling and testing devices | fr } ’ : ' ' 1 OF hich are wires or other ated from the ground wherever feas- . provided that the electrical equipment here- | bie W ler i fre 2 ‘ : : ira eurrent for . DI Wooden bast frames used for this inabove referred to be owned or leased and/| | : I r " i ioc i : oe , ” and/heat or |] af ke inspection of such|?"™ "°°" * wooden floors which are de- operated by, or for the exclusive benefit of : dé n ¢ { i] , , tf, | wires or other appliancs r for any other |! 1 upo! or insulation where, for any persons or corporations subject to the juris- k ‘ I it: ° 4 } 3 : jul | purpose in furtherance of the provisions of|)~"""" s necessary to omit the base diction of either of the pu ic service com- | fra fill ise ' \- | this chapter lust be kept filled to prevent ab- missions of the State of New York, or thelr | sorpt o. sian ? pS: or £] : ption of moisture, and must be kept clean sUCCEBSOTS | Sec. 11. Certificate of inspection. }and dry sore =. Installations, alterations or repairs | i I [ »fter insp ae slantrle | Where frame insulation is impracticable, 2 wiring or appliances. wiring or appliances for lieht heat or| al permission for its omission may be a ; * % ois ed 7 ; o 1 + 1. Generally. No person shall install, | power in a Duild hall be- found by’ the!” in writing, in which case the frame g@lter or repair electric wiring or appliances | COmm£lssi to ha heen !f talled Seat U be permanently and effectively | for light, heat or power in any building| or repaired co I t with tl : | ounde: rant ~ ) +s . Beda. ; vv I rye require- | sete @ person holding a license, a special} ments of is chapt ha sl Y Issue a te d a Constant potential generators, except c 5 . . ee 2 ko | ? f ry 4 = leense or a special permit as defined in| porary or fina ( cat yf inspection | - ernating current machines and their ex- 7. 1 1 * 7 1 . , , | elters . section 1 of this chapter, or a person em- | therefor must be protected from excessive ployed by and working under the general ; Modificati« Kanenaion. or Pvavecation, |. Pane y safety fuses or equivalent devices gupervision of the holder of a license a | The commissioner ma ' Ln} t| 4 * ipproved design i ; ake i: if ' : : y time by an | : a : é oe license 1 a special permit, and | order in writing tr good cause showl Fo LWO-wire 1%,‘ generators, single-pole ‘i a appli ation for a certificate of inspec- modify suspend oO! vol any certifi ar eee ; onsidered as satisfying ‘ ue r a r 1 | ¢ or Lie t A=) r > pro" i , ae of "50 installation. alteration or re-| of inspectio! ied pursu e €hi chap- ; ol &DO ule, provided the safety device ry a " icense or a special license shall|ter, but no ich ord hall be effecti | is so located and connected that the means fo 1 - Se * } zane’ vo ‘ ( e ne « } } ee teae m force for 1 year from the date | unle ame hall state { ly the rea ova pening same is actuated by the entire ssue, and a special permit shall remain] son therefor, nor until y of such order]. nerator curent, and the action thereof will in force during the performance of the work| has been served up: COMPELS (OROG TAO SONSreiye ae which 1 thorizes ees hes : Si pad bras essee OF | Fo! Sie a ; eee oe rizes, unless modified, sus-| occupant of the premises affected theret | For two-wire D. C. generators used in ende P Vok es hereinafter 4 ; | ' yy» | conj > als : . se 7 ee ne hereinafter provided; ]|or, if the owner, lesse lat as . hatacnegal coniunction with balance sets to obtain a : 9 case sha ace ies Nell 9: lee iv inen' dl at : : eens |} neutral for ree- r 3) : tga peta we Je a special permit remain | be ascertained or located 1 a ace eanie ; ral for th e-wire systems, a protective l oO 10Fr g as levice at ) ivy 1) = 2 Modif t 2 than ] year reasonab diligence, 2 Dp \ yf such notice a . mayne Ps MT BCR KR which in cage of of clal cation,. suspension or revocation |shall have been consp! ously posted upon ones oe unbalancing of voltages will sf ve 2 permits and licenses The com- | hee ane minen ! operate to disconne t the three-wire system. wl y Ly fie Seat a : | f SE : F ce Oe ae FAR at any time by an order | If a generator, not electrically driven, in writing, for good cause shown, modify, Sec. 12. Supplying current a two-wire system has one terminal us y 7 Cis = ‘ : 3 gr’ Tl he 1 f Vv rf ; : suspend or reyoke any special permit issued No person shall supply electric cur prt sunded, the afaty device above mentiones pursuant to this chapter, and in like man-|for light, heat : ‘c current) must be placed in the grounded lead & A Lent, 1eat or power ‘ . wirdly | ; r . , ner, but upon recomme i ; y any wiring or | heveaa is board, ‘hb : commendation of the license | appliances in any building until a certificate | For three-wire direct-current generators Saat are é ie ; a certificate | ind ea . ' e may modify, suspend or revoke] of inspection, temporar r final : ¢) compound or shunt wound, a safety device an ‘ § a gue , whe \v AThi authorizing | must > lace : y lcense similarly issued bia. neal Of eal fae Gb. eae teE cat DE must be placed in each armature lead, and 5 i a , 42yVpPiaNnCes Snail so connected ”~ < : é oe i : | ef as to receive » > . Ps Sec. 7. Applications. have been issued by the commissioner } nt Tf - Ee: GASP e: CUF rent from the armature Fuses will et cee ts uses will not be pp lions for licenses, special | Sec- 13. Diseontinuing current, “ plabl¢ The safety device must consist of either (1) a double poie, double coil, icenses, special > ‘ 4 licenses, special permits or certificates of | If, in the judgement of the commissioner, ! overload circult breaker, or (2) a four-poleCODE OF ORDINA YCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 59 } circuit equalizer two lead The safety so interlc without breaker Overioad connected in and tripped one in the main and | d leads, f by means of devices, each armature | e. iW | ing, wh devices above required must be| rear o cked that no pole | a can be opened | be each Switchboards moisture. ires en Sw S\ Urrounded with a must be kept free from with inhammable outer braid toget must, when brought close her, as in the required, itchboards, Light, non-com Simultaneously disconnecting both | bustible oute: cover ide f he a 15 > ff , : i “a : ra : ; Biaes iy the armature from the syetem | Flame prooning must be stripped back on e Generators must each b provided all cables a sufficient amount to give the with a name-plate, giving the matker’s 1 ime, | nece: ry insulation distances for the volt- the capacity in volts and amperes, and the | age of the circuit on which the « able is normal speed in revojutions per minut: | used f. Terminal] blecks when used on gen-~ | ra. latar 4 “ 2tOrs must be-madeiof approved non-com- | "*& x04 Resistance devices. 1 bustible, non-absorptive, insulating mate al, | a Resistance de s mu be placed on such as Bate, marble or porcela n | @ switchboard or tC a Gig ince ofr at Ls g The use of soft rubber ishings to |one foot from combustible material. or sepa 1 the lead wire co uel he | rated herefrom t : 2b or panel of r of Eenerators ] perml except combu ib] no] ry ir ulati r ] when installed where g is oily | terial sls upste > or mari Yapors or other substance own to have | SOmew! reer than the heos t, n rapid deleterious effect ; rubber are pres- | must be red 1 positic independently ent in such quantitk nd : uch prox- of the rhe tat ipport Rolt for suppO! imity to motor or dy oO a nay cause Ing the he it shall | countersunk, at such bushir 4 to be lia Oo rant destruoe least L Inch Ow rine surfa at 1 back lon In such CAaASeA ard Woot properly | ?°4 tn ib and tr Dolt hea hall I Hlled, of preferab] por ain or micanite |covered th ilat g& material For oD bushings mus be wu mechal er h sla should be o i thicknes ' i wit} h ize and Ler 20° nis ‘ ; : = Bec, 202. Conductors from generators t0/ weight of the r} it, and in no case to bi switchboards, rheostats or other instru- }iess than % 1 n r : If res t ‘ levice are inat 7 in rooms ments, and thence to outside lines. ; af , illed in ros | whe! Lu or co sustible fiyings are liable a Conduc g he in nla aie ‘ fo 1 1 piain ; ght or to A un pte OI ; m, they must be “eB Vv “ ¥ r fy aT) 4 ‘ . rea. ; € Y | Om generator to equipp wit ‘ proof fac¢ plates | ' » 5 | 7 ' A ‘ : Swit . q “ , er, be pia ag in & D \ re Tr re istances are neces run-wWw he "ick me - : ru a t brick oI ci { pier on | 88) j connect n with automatic rheostata which L nerator st ] VW } t ' : & 1 ) ATi ¢ ' ] A j ir inde ent p ] e used, provided 100 Bair : mSCUT ! nec Lr) iead~ | ¢} i hey io not fi ( ontrol the main covered cab! Or iron condult must b u i ur nt nor et ' llating 1 ; cu { ‘ 1a r) esis b Conductors must nave an ipproved n tna eta of the a Bulatine covering as called for ru in | —— : i W r 9 ist be mounted In é icle 4 if this chap for s - rk 4 | pe elatn ‘ ‘ Y comb til except that in central tatior ( posec . support a an i that they CITCuUuLts the wire which {| is ’ m t have i i ‘ oO i i ca 1 & voltae @ heavy-braided, no ‘ bi it y Erea I i tné a rated ering (onductors used bus b ma he . They 1 j I vided with a mad of bare le i \ i am . 5 |} na I pern ient! at mabie outer Dralidineg whne prou ciose | tac th al eptacls or together as in ti rear of SV { oards ; | recepta ef it} } cand - ust whe I u a De eaci u ul x p a ti LIM! or iamps to with a tight non-combusti} ‘ } r ; 4 , be use; receptacle r’ layne proo eo Ist b back on { i } | i or 8 eabl a suff I é yu oO t] fon WrAting ’ i ry a } | : r may neceSsary if liatio { ar ‘ ‘ volt e ‘ im 1a) » ; _f « t : are of the < Cu Or \ cable is De j . resi Lm in used Berrie a oS } yer mounted in ’ ; Oorcelal eT Ipo oO ombu le Conductors must where not in @ °¢« ne ls rt red 1 by annot cuit be ke pt o rigidly if ace fhat they 1] : t ha’ ! ! I l reat cannot come in contact ne } . vy . ereacer . : it I | i { i d Conductors must in all other respects " ' : | : q f be installed with the same pr utions as ‘ i ted LY used or required by rules in article 4 of thi ‘ Lp- rie v Ps tance el¢ ’ yo OU ter for {res carrying a current of the/'t ‘ L J at, Ul Ula same volum ind potential tio ry ymbustible o1 iow burn e In wiring itchboards the ound ri at and similar aetec rT yLtmeter p Tt lights ind poten- i - ; nta ce \ t tia transfor ers n ie conn ted to a / not ! , tl tne conne VS circuit of not le thar o 14 B. & S. gage | W’ : burt a - , wire that is protected y a approved fuse, | be so arr: | that th na CA UATEA this circuit not to car over 660 watt aire potent between any two or the protect l o! I rume ts and wires . OL ceed : man pilot light on switch! ard app rvved N BE. lea f 0 i r ust eit} ' m ' Code standard enclosed fuss afe preferred, ed ) j ‘ non-absornti } ir , afar 1 | 1 } aratin but approved enciosed fuse of ft} designs Bulatt ‘ _ : : , , 7 @y i¥ t ; T of not over two (2) amperes caps { may ) | ‘ er ! we used. I a nrotect Serre fron m ‘ L} ly each roup of wir nay | a ‘ eg i I ad flexlh t | ic] Sec. 263. Switchboards. Pyrays ' places oved condult the file ble tub a Switchboards must be ) iced as to : ing to ¢ d at least 1 inch beyond the reduce to @ minimum the dangs of com a ( } t municating fire to adjacent combustible material c. 205 Lightning arresters. c tchboards must not be built up to ‘ :, : : a LAs ge arresters must ¢ ittached the ceiling, a space of three feet being left, ; ( Lich ire of every overneatc circuit con- if possib between the ceiling and the|‘*” ' 7 , e ‘ ’ a Vit (ne station board The space back of the board must , > . T j irreste .% Lat > locates ih be kept clear of rubbish and not used for : thing @Fresters mm ws ted = ; } . lacad We irom cog storage purposes ead at © Pia awe , : ' ' als as} ‘as practicable b Switchboards must be made of non-j| Dustible teria and as near practi Le nt oint whe he wires enter the combustible material. to 4) I here th ire Cc Switchboards must be accessible from |} buildings : : i : aa ly re ’ Is o ‘ hs m bends all sides when the connections are on tne In al \ kinks, colls nd ar] ene i oa the wit : wee e ar ters and the back, but may be placed against a brick |in the wi between thi x ' : e s - i 3 { 7 ad As far as or stone wall when the wiring is entirely on | outdoor li ; mus be ivoldec a I the face, | possible | A ; : | . ehtnine arreat @ ret e mnecte {f the wiring is on the back, there must Lightning arrester rn CVn ‘ ; Bi . g rourht rood al permanent be a clear space of at least eighteen inches|with a _ thorough! ne id perm or \ ctl 1 ‘tallle strips or wires between the wall and the apparatus on the | ground connection by met: GoBeral : , ‘ yay © sottutt yw ; lasa thar hat f board, and even if the wiring is entirely | having a conductivity not le: than tha bis 4 : : | WAY 4 Q rg ( ‘r wire, which on the face, it is much better to have the|a No. 6 B. & 8S. gage copps Ee Wal : wy yet . as nearly 1 straight line as board set out from the wall. must be run as nearly in a alg } | j possible from the arresters to the ground |; connection Ground wires for lightning arresters muat be attached to gas pipes within the ulldings nor be run inside of tron pipes. d All choke colls or other attachments, jinherent to the lightning protection equlp- | me? shall have an insulation from the ground or other conductors é¢qual at least to ;}the insulation demanded at other points of the circuit in the station sec. 206. Care and attendance. hk. o \ ompetent man must be kept on (duty wil e generators are operating. } Olly waste must be kept in approved | t 4 and remoyed dally. | Sec ) Testing of insulation resistance. | i All cl uts except such as are per- | 1 ‘ ided in accordance with Sec. | 31 apter must be provided wit ly k tectors Detectors which ind f oO and give an instant and permane! cation of a ground are pref- erable G nd wires from detector must | no i ittacl i © gas pipes within the I) ulldl \ re itinuously indicating detect- lors are 1 feasible, the circuits should be ted a east once per day, and preferably orteney] Red US Motors a. Motors must when operating at «& | pot r al in excess ofl 50 volts have ne . ed live ta parts, and have thelr | base ry nes permanent! and effectively erou ed ‘ operating at a potential of 659 ‘ ‘ i must ha their base frames I and effectively grounded where r og ible Where grounding of the fr i icable, speclal permission for its om may be given in writing, | in which cans the frame must be per- ma rt] d effectively Insulated. Wooden | bag frames used for this purpose, and | wooden floors, which are depended upon for insulation her I any reason, it ie necessary to omit the base frames, must be key filled to prevent absorption of molste ure, and must be kept clean and dry. b Voto) operating at a potential of ) volts « ss must be wired with the |same precautions as required by article 4 lof this chapter for wires carrying a@ oure- rent ft the sa volume Motors verating at a potential between 0 and 3,600 volts must, except in central oO sub-stations, be wired with approved nultiple conductor, metal sheathed cable in ipproved metal conduit All apparatus and irir ni ed to the high tension circuit must |f completely enclosed in substantial rounded metal shields or casings, and the ond tC must enter and be properly secured Oo sucl isings or to sultable terminal boxes i bolted to the casings. Che insula n of the several conductors for high-potential motors, -where leaving th letal sheath of cables, must be thor- ou; y protected from moisture and me- hanical injury Phis may be accomplished ins of a pot head or some equivalent thod The conduit must be substantially ynnded to the metal casings of all fittings d apparatus connected to the inside high- ension cli lt W her outside wir directly enter the moto room, special permission, In writing, ist be obtained to Install the wires for high-potential motors according to the gen- high-potential irrying the Systems. eurrent of only one motor must be designed to carry a cur- rent at least 25 per cent. greater than that {i which the motor is rated. Where the overfused provide for the starting current, of the alternating wires under this rule would be is in the case ofr many curren motors, the conductors must be of such size as to be properly protected by these larger fuses The current teed in determining the size of the conductor carrying the current of only one varying (or variable) speed motor 30-minuta9 given for must be the percentage of the current rating of the motor as PS PPI Ee PePE TER pee ce) D ° Vee? Sra S eo ad a I en ao SitSTeES TTT ribo es 4 ee ase Ta ESS a ee er eeseA the bad 4 rene t| ae ee . eee etaee Loe Se Pe re iS oe eo ht od . Tete eee atl i st. toe) é oe! reeces ree Too. 2) eet ytee! . ewer es ersteratsy +9 ¢ 723 5a tie hat oe oe ee tt ee aeoscety 60 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF fie CITY: Os the several classifications of service in the following table: Operating valves, raising or lower- Uri Perle eines acs claw 200 Rolling tables .....-«.- sae bia aon a 180 Hoist, rolls, ore and coal-handling machineS w.ve.ss0+ cao a biel e a ete raters 150 Freight and passenger elevators, shop cranes, tool heads, pumps, elc.... 120 ec, Each motor with its starting device must be protected by a cut-out and controlled by a switch (see sec. 419a of this chapter), gaid switch plainly indicating whether “‘on”’ or “off (except as provided for electric eranes, (see sec. 443c of this chapter). Small motors may be grouped under the protec- tion of a single set of fuses, provided the rated capacity of the fuses does not exceed 10 amperes, and the total wattage of the circuit does not exceed 660, With motors of % horse power or less, on circuits where the voltage does not exceed 300, single pole switches may be used as ellowed in sec. 424c of this chapter. The switch and rheostat must be located within sight of the motor, except in cases where special permission to locate them elsewhere is given in writing. Where the circult-breaking device on the motor-starting device disconnects all wires of the circuit, the switch called for in this section may be omitted Overload-release attachments on motor- starting rheostats will not be considered to take the place of the cut-out required bj) this section An automatic circult-breaker disconnecting all wires of the circuit may serve as both switch and cut-out, Where a rubber-covered conductor carries the current of only one A. C. motor of a type requiring large starting current it may be protected by a fuse or an automati« circult breaker without time limit device rated in accordance with Table B of §418 of this chapter. The rated continuous cur rent capacity of a time limit circult breaker protecting a motor of the above type need not be greater than 125 per cent. of the motor current rating, providing the tim Hmit device is capable of preventing the breaker opening during the starting period d. Rheostats must be so installed as to comply with all the requirements of sec. 204 ef this chapter. Auto starters must comply with requirements of sec. 204c of this chap- ter. Auto starters, unless equipped with tight casings enclosing all current-carrying parts in all wet, dusty or linty places, must be enclosed in dust-tight, fireproof cabinets Where there is any liability of short circuits across their exposed live parts due to acci- @ental contacts, a railing must be erected ground them, e. Moters must not be run in series multiple or multiple-serles, except on con- stant-pstential systems, and then only by speciel permission, f. Motors must be covered with a water- proof cover when not in use, and, if deemed necessary, must be enclosed in an approved ease. Such enclosures must be readily accessible, dust-proof and sufficiently ventilated to prevent an excessive rise of temperature. Where practicable the sides should be made largely of giass, so that the motor may be always plainly visible. The use of enclosed type motors is recom- mended in dusty places, belng preferable to wooden boxing Where deemed necessary, motors perma- mnently located on wooden floors must be provided with suitable drip pans h. Motors must each be provided with a name-plate, giving the maker's name, the capacity in volts and amperes (or watts). and the normal speed in revolutions per minute. All varying (or variable) speed alternating eurrent motors except those used for rail- way service must be marked with the mum current which they can safely for 80 minutes, starting cola 1. Terminal blocks, when used on motors, must be made of approved non combustible, mon-absorptive insulating material, such Biate, marble or porcelain. maxi- carry Adjustable-speed pecial and appropriate desig oo pendent be ARTICLE 3. Outside Work. point of attach- as | } roof structures NEW YORK. tructed Wherever feasible, wires crossing buildings must be supported on poles inde- of the bulldings Roof lines will permitted only under special authorti- tion in writing d Wires extended on the exterior walls of buildings must have a rubber insulating covering, and, if not protected by fuses, must be kept at» least 1 foot apart and ipported on petticoat insulators of glass or porcelain placed not more than 15 feet apart, the distance between supports to be shortened if wires are Mable to be disturbed. € Wires must be so spliced or joined as o be both mechanically. and electrically se- ire without solder The joints must then ‘oe soldered, to insure preservation, and cov- ered with an insulation equal to that on the 4 i oints must be soldered unless made ith gome form of approved splicing device, Wires must, where they enter build have drip loops outside, and the holes ueh hich the conductors pass must bh « yushed WW n non-combustible, non-ab- rp é ating tubes, slanting upward ‘ ide: or the service wires may be roug! ito buildings threugh a single con in which case the condult shall he « iijppe with an approved service-head The inr end mus extend to the service a cabinet is required by this e ! properly enter the cabinet nduits containing service wires isulated from the metal conduit, ding, or armored cable system he building and all metal work on he building, or they rust have the of the conduit permanently and ef- fe y grounded to water piping, gas pip- rr other suitable grounds, provided thet hen connections are made to gas piping be on the street side of the his ground connection to be inde- D i nd 1 addition to any other d ¥ € conduit, metal mouid- { e systems within the ‘ Se oils services. a Each building shall be supplied by a e Ah . © I Where a row of separate buildings is eive s supp] from an overhead malin, yne sery s cable all be run from the pols » the O and from the first attacnment ‘ ne buil< lz sub-services ol! a service na sh extend in condult along the face f x One service cable shall supply e than five buildings, except under pecial permission in writing, given in ad- Van 1e same plan of sub-services may be employed in connection with underground 5 es, under the same restrictions sec. 314, lransformers. bs ransformers must not be attached to 4 bullding when the potential exceeds 550 except by .special permission, and when atta ed to buildings must be sepa- rated therefrom by substantial supports Sec. 815. Grounding low-potential circuits. H Direct-current three-wire systems eutra wire Lust (except where supplied from private industrial power or lighting plants where the primary voltage does not exceed 650 volts) be grounded and the fol- lowing rules must be complied with | wire must be permanently and effectively grounded at the central sta- 'T’} 2177 ihe neutra ~? tion must includs all available underground complete metallis tion ine Eroundad conne Ga) inderground systems the neutral Wire must also be ‘grounded at each dis- tributing box through the boy or on the individual service as provided in paragraphs ( Og, inclusive of (this section 3 In overhead systems the neutral wire must be grounded every 500 feet, as pro- vided in paragraphs ec to g of this section ) Aiternating-current secondary Syc- tems Transformer secondaries of distribut- ing systems (except where supplied from private industrial power or lighting plants where the primary voltage does not exceed 950. volts) must be grounded, provided the maximum difference of potential between the grounded point and any other potnt isCODE OF ORDIN ANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 61 the circuit does not exceed 320 volts, The | Sec. 432. Flexible cord. following rules must be complied with: Sec. 433. Are lamps on constant-potential ] The grounding must be made-at the |} circ uits. neutral point or wire, whenever a neutral] | Sec. 434. Vapor lamps, PORnE or wire is accessible. Sec. 435. Gas-filled incandescent lamps, « When no neutral point or wire is | Nec. 436 Transformers, low potential. accessible one side of the secondary circuit | Sec. 437. Decorative lighting systems. must be grounded. Se 43 Theatre and moving picture es- The ground connection must be at the | tablishment wiring transformers or on the individual service as Sec. 439. Outline lighting. provided in paragraphs c to ¢ of this sec- Sec. 441, Lighting and power from rall- tion, and when transformers feed systems | way wires ae i eo on yee wire mu Sec. 442. Garages ls é grounded at least eve »00 feet Sec. 443, Electric cranes ¢. Ground wire, in buildings. When the | Sec. 444. Wires, nigh potent systems. ground connection is inside of an building Sec. 445. Transformer high potential. or the ground wire is inside of, or attached Se 447. Wires, extr chigh potential. to any building (except central or sub-sta- tions) the ground wire must be of copper Sec. 416. Wires, general. and have an approved rubber insulating cov- a. Wires must not be of smaller size ing, National Blectrical Code Standard,|than No. 14 B. & S. gage, except as for from 0 to 600 volts allowed for fixture work and pendant cord d. Ground wire, sizes The ground wire b Conductors of size No. 8 B. & S. in direct-current’ three-wire systems must | 4ueec or over used in connection with eo not at central stations be smaller than the Riche must be securely tied thereto. neutral wire and not smaller than No. 6| Wires are used for tying they must nate B. & S. gage elsewhere The ground wire | 2n insulation of the same type as the con- in alternating current systems must never | ductors they confine. Split knobs or cleats be less than No. 6 B. & S. gage must | ised for the support of On thre e-phase systems the ground wire | Smaller conductors than No § B & § gauge must have a carrying capacity equal to that Knobs or cleats which are arranged to of any one of the three mains: grip the wire must be fastened by elther 2 Ground wlre, installation The ground| screws or nails If nails are used, they wire must transformer sub-stations, be buildings he dire bY cleats except for central as far as kept practicable, but attached to the building or or straps or on pore elain knobs. stations and | Must be long enough to penetrate the wood- | outside of | Work not less than % the length of the may | knob and ful the thickness of the cleat, pole |} and must be ,rovided with washers w hich i reasonable | Sur: to the knobs or cleats usage, Ine/| 6. The installation of electrical conduce tors. in moulding, or on insulators, im | Sievator shafts vill not be approved, but conductors may be installed in suck shafts if encased in approved metal condults |} Or armored cables. | kh. In three-wire (not three-phase) sys= | tems, the neutral must be of sufficient capa- |clty to carry the maximum current te | which it may be subjected. Sec. 417. Underground conductors. a Underground conductors must be pro- | tected against molsture and mechanical in- | jury where brought into a building, and all | combustible material must be kept from |} the immediate vicinity. | round |} s0 arranged as to b. Underg conductors must not be shunt the current through a building around any catch-box. c Where underground service enters building through tubes, the tubes shall be tight] closed at outlets with f | ot her non-conductor, asphaltum or to prevent gases from ;}entering the building through such chan- | nels | d, No underground service from 2 sub- way to a and no service from a plant shall supply more except by special permis- | sion unless the conductors are properly pro- bullding | private generating i|than one building, tected by fuses and are carried outside all the buildings but the one served. Where Jone ¢ r more buildings are supplied from | another, the conductors are to be carried |} outside the buildings. inches of Conductors carried concrete under a build- under staples must never be used. The wire must ing or buried hack of 2 inches of concrete be carried in as nearly a straight line as ‘ Wire must be so spliced or joinead|°r brick within a wall are considered as : . . | . llvwine teld > i 1a by c practicable, avoiding Kinks, coils and sharp |as to be both mechanically and ele trically | ‘ying outside the building. These reauire- bends, and must be protected when exposed | secure witho solder [he joints must|™Ments do not apply to factory yards and to mechanical injury lthen } oldered nie made with some| factory buildings under single occupancy or f Ground connections central stations | form of approved splicing device, and | management The ground connection for central stations covered with an nsulation equal to that | nr a : Ve | Sec. 418. Table of allowable carrying ca- transformer sub-stations arrd banks of;on the conductors iti of ir co a yacities wires. transformers must be permanent and effec- Stranded wires (ex pt in flexible cords) i < : 3 ' , : ae a & a : a The following table showing ~ the tive, and must include all available under- | mus be soldered before being fastened . 7 -¢ : ah on fan 4 ; |}allowable carrying capacities of copper ground piping systems, including the lead | unde: clamps oO! binding screws, and | : ny i : ‘ : |wires and cables of 98 per cent. conduc- sheath of underground cables whether stranded or solid, when they have | ‘ ‘ ’ i tivity, according to the standard adopted &. Ground connections generall: For |a mduc greater than that of No. 3| individual - transf ‘ is ; e B as 2 era eee 4 it ,.| by the American Institute of Electrical idivi 1 transformers anc uildin ser- & S. gage they must be soldere nto/ ‘ , : ; ’ ; Engineers, must be followed in placing vices the ground connection may | made jlugs- for al terminal connections, except : as in 2 a al f th Soe od i aaa interior conductors. Sin paregraph f of this section, or may | where an approved solderle: terminal con- | lor insulated aluminum wire the safe be made to water piping systems running ect ie ess rT ct ae . - aoa ‘geo ry yt Hg ee |carrying capacity is 84 per cent. of that into buildings. a Vi 3 must be separated from con-| . ; ; ve ; ' : : igiven in the following table for copper With overhead service, this cc nnection may act alls floors timbers or parti-| oe : : | wire with the same kind of insulation. be made by carrying the ground wire into oY rough w h the ma pass by non- | the cellar and connec ting on tne street side Oly i ‘ T ; LoOsorp Ve insulating tubes, | _ aa = _ — Nee ee of meters, main cocks, etc. gla OF por aly except at out- Diameter Table A. Table B. Where the service enters the cellar or here approved f ble tubing is re- B.&S5S of Solid Areain Rubber Other basement, this connection may be made by | quired Gauge Wire Circular Ins’lat’nIns’lat'n carrying the ground wire through the cel- Bushings nust be Jong enough to bush No. in Mils. Mils. Amps Amps. lar or basement and connecting as above. tne entire liengeth of the Bole in one cone | ................. ectieget hacia ESE Where the ground wire is run through | tinuous plece, or else the hole must first | 18 40.3 1,624 3 » any part of a building, unless run in ap-| be bushed bv a ontinuous waterproof tube, | BG oes Ole 2,683 6 18 proved conduit, it shall be protected by! TI be may be a conductor, such as iron | 54) .-s 64.1] 4,107 15 -4 porcelain bushings through wells or parti-| pip b 1 that case an insulating bushing | ] ‘ 80.8 6,530 ) 2 fions and shall be run in approved mould- } mu be pushed into each end of it, extend- 10 101.9 10,580 20 56 Ing, except that In basements it may be] ing far enough to keep the wire absolutely | 8 128.5 16.510 35 50 supported on porcelain out of contact with the pipe | 6 162.0 26,260 60 Ty Connections should not be made to piping Where ot enclosed in approved con- eo 181.9 $3,100 b5 s@ “y6tems which have cement joints, but | duit, moulding or armored cable, and aes] 4 204.3 41,740 70 90 should only be made to complete metallic | Hable to come in contact with gas, ee 3 229.4 52,63 30 108 , 3 sents ° Dipe systems |} or other metalli piping or other conducting | 2 17.6 66,270 90 125 | material, wires must be separated therefrom 1 289.3 $3,690 00 Lo? I some continuous and firmly fixed non- | 0 .325 106,600 125 208 onductor creating a permanent separation. | 00 364.8 133,100 1590 22% | Must ot come nearer than 2 inches to/| 000 . 409.6 167,800 175 275 ARTICLE 4. la othe electric HMighting, power or sig- | 200,000 200 806 | naling wire, not enclosed as above, Ithout] 9000 ....460. 211,600 225 3265 Inside Work being pe=manently separated therefrom by 300,000 273 408 c ' 1 son continuous and firmly fixed non-con- 400,000 325 nod Se 416 Wires, gencra | ductor The non-conductor used as a] 600,000 400 608e Sec. 417. Un ar Zround cond tora | separator must be in addition to the regu- ! 600,000 450 688 Sec. 418 Table of allowable carrying ca-|lar insulation on the wires. Where tubes | 700,000 500 76 pacities of wires. |are used one must be securely fastened 800,000 550 846 Sec. 419. Switches, cutouts, circult-break- |at the ends to prevent them from moving | 900,000 600 $20 ers. along Hie. wire 1,000,000 650 1,600 Sec. 420. Limitation of potential | Deviations from this rule may, when 1,100,000 690 1,088 Sec. 421. Arc lamps. | necessary, be allowed by special permis- | 1,200,000 730 1,166 Sec. 423. Automatic cutouts (fuses and | sion. 1,300,009 7710 1,220 ; circuit-breakers). f Wires must be so placed in wet places | 1,400,000 810 1,298 Sec. 424. Switches. that an air space will be left between 1,500,000 $50 1,360 Sec. 425. Electric heaters | conductors and pipes in crossing, and the | 1.600.000 £90 1,430 Sec. 426. Wires, low-potential systems ‘former must be run in such a way that| 1,700,000 930 1,498 Sec. 427. Armored cables they cannot come in contact with the pipe | 1,300,000 970 1,550 Sec. 428. Interior conduits. | accidentally. Wires should be rwyn over, 1,900,000 1,010 1,610 Sec. 429. Metal mouldings | Pather than under, pipes upon which mols- 2,000,000 1,050 1,670 Sev. 430. Fixtures, | ture is likely to gather or which, by leaking, 1 Mil. = 0.001 fone Bec. 4561. Sockets. | might cause trouble on a circult. AU EEt ET ore uate et bccall Ll — a Co eh eae a5 a a SCR yee th =] - .& rh Pea eet es = a SSeReTERY Chik 99 mg Bie a epee) . ae ees et!ey: en Ti Shoe ce eet ee es ee aed a ma 5 re - Pitter ttt Sere eee ee. fe ie éAbepeuerepesgeye re — SRSPOR TIS Se rT PSSST EA LS Se ees eee PSC CS ta eee eae eee pe ee it oe ee: by a 7 ret bbe ate eee ce ke Soe ee ae eoaPes ety Cee Taree ren sare. es 62 CODE OF ORDINANCES ‘9 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. : ‘ t ‘ircul make | the olnt where they enter Bec. 419. Switches, cut-outs, circuit-break- | Pp he bullding and a ro ‘cut off inside the walls ance arrange ers, etc. ‘ . so i the entire current from the building De a. On constant-potentlal cir ults, all ser=) -* Sia Seam: ti rule may be author! l wice switches and all switches controlling | P@arture *" ~ ae rm! on in (no circuits supplying current to motors or een - a bes ; tt b required by section 4242 ing devices, and all fuses, unless er epi land ’ Ee Lp ig sia the building th provided (for exceptions _— to 3 sani 3 oe ee i Ci | , oe ih cits Weod hy sections 208c, 425a and 443c of this chapter, | Clie” ba ery as Atch for exceptions as to cut-outs see set tlon 423, placed sO a om Phige ‘es Ses anmbaed } a b of this chapter) must be s0 arranged | is of tl ee Aan) awh that the fuses will protect and the opening | an app ' i age errs ef the switch will disconnect all of the/conditions tne & ten = ie . svires: that is, in the two-wire system the | tw 1 the s ( i Supply an Ry : os two wires, and the three wire ystem the 4utoma ‘ Oo s must no be Dp os three wires, must be protected by the fuses | any p inded servic« ire : end disconnected by the operation of the In ris) ‘ving private plan . switch. wire ig from build: : eee When installed without other automatic | not consid j ser » wir ha l overload protective devices a itomatic over- | outs wo not 4 req 1 rt ere the = load circuit breakers must have the poles } enter ly , provided that ‘a next ! : o and trip coils so arrang’ das to afford com- back |! : ent } to prope Y prote } plete protection against overloads and short | wires bu - LE a f , ee . circuits. In 2 or 8 phase three-wire circults b, A it-outs mus io YP a and 2-phase four-wire cirecults there must be | every |} t i hang S 1a | br a trip-coil in each of 2 phases, and in foul! | size of unless : é ul n ti Lary wire $-phase circuits there must be a trip-| wire wil prot he nailer a Li % coil in each phase If a circuit breaker i: | 41 yf this Lap requ es t asl 5 veed in place of the switch it must be so ar-/} not pply to fixture wires ana Hexic s : ranged that no one pole can be open sd | conn ed to bk cn cire a ' manually without disconnecting a! the | it 1t~< ust not | yiaced wires. r I - ec ex A6 This, of course does not apply o the Dy} id ' i iph do h c ‘s | grounded cirouit of street railway systems ‘ out-ou DS .AN, pit b. Switches, cut-outs and circult-breakers 0 : \. AI Pprovers . must, when placed where exposed I ind 1 le Che } ‘ be chanical injury or in the immediate vicinity) ; . , : : ae of easily ignitable stuff or where expos da te : be used ¥voen ; infammable gases or dust, or flyings of} ' : os =' ; ' rf a combustible material, be mounted ap- | switcl me ' PP proved cut-out boxes or cabinets, excep oil | ' ’ ; . 7 : switches, circuit-breakers and similar de iil : ' vices which have approved casings I ana m ; : Cabinets and cut-out boxes us be of ; ned or { J - metal when used with meta! dul r ; a es at . . mored cable or metal molding systema. . ‘ cu er ' nus | O plac In rooms where infiammab rases 5 ‘ : pe exist, particularly in rooms or compart . Gesce! a hether ments containing mixing tanks used for t! , r r cl re cets or manufacture of inflammable mixtures i : , rooms containing wash tanks a! in dy g | r - room of dry cleaning and dry dyeing es- ‘ atts ¥ tablishments; in rooms, vaults or ompart- ‘ i ments used for the storage of fl bi : ae rk, es i motion ploture films or other nitro-cellulose gy | ta on products, and in cellars or basements mae oe ‘i j ta for storage of drugs, all devices which pro =~ . - duce or create sparks or arcs must be p : ? an , re In approved vapor-proof inclosut! ‘ , a : : c. Switches, cut-outs and circu ae i hes must, when located where exposed to mo As ’ ‘ ; neal “Wo ea ture as in basements and simil Diar } eae mounted xn approved cut-out bo nets, and when located in wet p!) Oo ' a : side of buildings must be mounted in ap

q a es : } Ris be cae f dental arte t ! t} al mote, OORT ; = aa s1ow-burning weather- | Conauctors in vertical condult risers must z l ct tnere wi | : Cc Y eo ’ Droot . 2 ; TX ; 1 . " . i ar . da b ; | Chis onnector pr i B vv.) or siow-burnine Lye supported within the conduit system in lay 6 located at eithe end of the exib!] SU betel : ; J dap tlekc r 4. the flexible | ! ” ‘ Sc. eae Siow-burning | accordance with the following -table: Tt) ro insertec t ie ; ‘ a} I u t ' N a . . } ] he nductor itself. in i l f j gd only fy permanently ‘ Lf to: 9 every 100 feet. c . noothing irons a : ane . ly F Ara . sd ; * > 7 a hie: cameo “4 cake » Sad irons and: other | 4: en a under special permission . 00 to 0000 every 80 feet. eating devices i it are intended to be | in I ing 1 in advance 0000 to $50,000 C. M. every 60 feet. Slie t Cr rit ¢ : cla . . i . 9 . » . A - ‘ aia , on. cs aes et oe ee | 7 Wires ® rigidly supported on 850,000 ¢ M. to 500,000 C. M. every 60 feet. vide ‘ i Approve at ig OY { ; ; : ‘i , . or - - qaec y h ADT i rands i non-cc Oy ; " 2 sorptive insulators, 00,000 M to 760.000 Cc. M. every 40 e Stationar heaters, such as radiators, | wh ey e} ate the wires from. each | feet ranges, plate warmer et must be so lo- | other i irface wired over in 750.000 ¢ M. every 385. feet cate as to furnish ample r ex n fuw_waan acc< \ rT" ‘ . t} a s A ge ee a eee peel e e following table | The following methods of supporting 18 §6device and surrounding combustible Volta distance from surface, | cables are recommended = Berle = | incl q tween ires, 2% inches. | l. Approved clamping devices constructed f. Electric heaters must each be proyided| Voltag distance from surface, | of or employing insulating, wedges inserted with a name-plate giving the maker's name | 1 di e between wires, 4 inches, | in the ends of the conduit and th normal capacity in volts and am- | Rig I ilires under ordinary Junction boxes maybe inserted In the peres or in volts and watts | condition where wiring along flat sur-| conduit system at the. required intervals, : j ". : face I é ast eve} 414 for f the |in which insulating suppo yf Sec. 426. Wires, low-potential systems, : im feat, Jf the : * weer Spererne 1 General Rules ) Wire re be disturbed, the dis-|type must be installed and secured in a lel Mules, j ; ° 7 . . Lat ; eLwer ust b shortene satisfactory manner ;: as b r| g a Wires w nere entering cabinets cut-out ' ! _ no ened } oe = aoe to| withstand the : i ul of construction mains of | weigh of the conductors attached thereto boxes or junction boxes except where they i . : at : t & S. gage, where not] the boxes to be provided with proper covers. are in conduit, armored cable or me ame”? her ‘ : : : : _ ? P Pp . ; ! tur na be separated | 3. Cables may be supported in approved moulding, must be protecte: hy) anoroved : : i ti : : from timber ‘ junction boxes on two or more insulatin bushings, which fit tightly the holes in the oe : ; . ~ | timb i ind, and may be] supports so placed that the conductors will box and are well secured in plac: rhe | 1 1 : 2 ; er only | be eflected at an angle of not less than $0 wires should complétel: l th oles in : ; ‘ + | Z hs | WV ir | . ,.d-ended at a leg} Ss, and ‘arried a distance o o e the bushings ‘ihe to eb ont the Aton d l ae ’ x | eo 3 aistance oa n 38 , : ““ | rosette, s icle unless the last| than twice the diameter of the cable from tape being used to bullid up the wire: f | ; a necessar . ppor es of the same ts vertical position Cables so suspended -eSSArY . i. - : ; 17 , 1 8 nla ‘ : i\idineg may be additionally secured to these insu- The use of permane: and reliably | Di ae a oped pratt |] | : l th ‘ : ¢ ; 7 . ; let ; . io ac . iators by tle wires Conductors arger an grounded conductors not complying wit! ae a to acid or | a E , a ; ‘ : ; ot ' ' | No. 4 B. & 8. gauge must not be materially the insulation requirer nts of article 5 of ‘ ; ber’ ' Wir ave n approved insulat- | deflected where they enter or leave the cab- rs this chapter may be authorized 1 special , pp! , : . a fae ee Ps i inet, and where terminating in the cabinet hee} permission in writing i ; ) ’ " ‘:\5 oof b. Wires must not bé lald ‘in plast ee : t water. rubber In- Lust be properly supported at the end of the ie cement or similar finis} Hida vs naver | hit l isé¢ bor protection 1d\ 4 be fastened with staples | @Fe apors, ther weatherproof ee re NOdS MAH PO MAG TE apemerey re ;or rubbe! tion must be used approve es c V1 7 ; be : + | ' of Wires. must not be fished for any grea iy e rir upported on p Wires must, for alternating systema, ee distance and only inh place where the|, ‘ (ible ‘ -absoropti inaulators, | have the two ol more wires of a circult r inspector can sati y himself that the rule edith, . ‘is at, ef least 1 inch | drawn , the same conduit o have been complied with from | rface wired: over. and must be| Except in the case of stage pocket and a p Twit ‘om Ty i Sa. , . CH da [win wires must never be user except - ae inchas for voltages | border ely iits the same rondult must for } ‘ ; , . . In conduits, or where flexible condu S al say . 800. and ¢ ‘aca for hicher ‘Itares | not contain more than four two-wlre, or es necessary : Rigid norting requires under ordinary| three three-wire circuits of the same sys- is e. Wires must, where expose: te me- ond 3 where wirine over flat surfaces, | tem, except by special permission, and must ey chanical injury, be sultably prote ed port ' : rv 4% feot If the wires | "ever ontain circuits of different systems. nef When crossing floor timbers in ellars OT] are Iia ‘ lMeturbod the distance ha- | 6 Concealed knob and tube’’: work. J ‘ ; + ‘ ay ' i ’ La ioe : f in rooms where they might be exposed to| swe, must be shortened In build-| 4 The installation of concealed knob and “4 | . : ‘ La injury, wires must be attached by telr lines of anatmntiad mains of not leas |tube work is prohibited a j j ‘ hy { ‘ ‘ ’ j ‘rd insulating supports to the under side of a ya! Io. 8 B e S. gage, where not liable | Sec. 427. Armored cables. ot : i o : — e eB ~~ hil wooden strip, not less than 4 inch in » he di rbed may be eparated about 6} a Armored cables must be contintous | ; ie Megs eek ; i | : be thickness, and not less than 6 inene In | tn ha: i i run from timber to timber not from outlet to outlet or to junction boxes, peed width. Instead of the running-boards, | preak uund, and may be supported atjand the armor of the cable must properly i guard strips on each side of and close to} each timber on] lenter and be secured to all fittings, and the te y 3 ri} AcCfrantec : : in » | wt the wires wil] be accepted, these stripe to 1 Metal mouldine work lentire system must be mechanically secured : : 2 5 d i be not less than % inch in thickness, and | Wires must have an approved rubber | in. position 1 . Q cs 8 least as high as the insulators | insulating covering (type letter R. S.), and In case of service connections and main 4 Protection on side walls muat exfend must be in continuous length from outlet | runs, this involves running such armored | . not less than 7 feet from the floor and o outlet, or from:-fitting to fitting, no joints|cables continuously into a main cut-out 76] must consist of substantial boxing retain-|or tap to be made in moulding Where;cabinet or gutter surrounding the panel iy ing an air space of 1 inch around the con- branch taps are necessary in moulding work board, as the case may be, “ ductors, closed at the op (the wires mss~-| approved fittings for this purpose must be} b Armored cables must be equipped at ] i | pt “ ing through bushed holes) or approved ; used ; every outlet with an approved outlet box or c | = ' Mietal conduit or pipe of equivalent strength I Wires lust never be placed in mould- gba as required in conduit work. When metal conduit or pipe is used, the|ing in damp locations; must never be placed| Outlet plates must not be used where it is practicable to Install outlet boxes. fisulation of each wire must be reinforced|in moulding in concealed locations or where by approved flexible tubing extending from|the difference of potential between any two For concealed work in walls and ceilings the tneulator next below the pipe to the wires in the same system is over 300 volts, | composed of plaster on wooden joist or stud conduit is| When tho electrical construction is being | construction, outlet boxes or plates and also {nstalied according to Sec. 428, paragraphs | carried out in moulding, permission will be| cut-out cabinets must be so installed that © and f thereof excepted, and the wire| giwn © extend these mouldings through | the front edge will not be more than % inch fs approved for conduit use The two or! wails and partitions, of the moulding and } back of the finished surface of the plaster, more wires of a circult each with Its flex-|capping are in continuous lengths where | and if this surface is broken or incomplete ible tubing (when required), ‘f carrying (ob shall be repaired so'that it will not show @lternating current must, or if direct cur-|} Mouldings must not be used for circults re-|any gaps or open spaces around the edgos rent may, be placed within the same pipe.|quiring more than 1,320 watts of energy. Jof the outlet box or plate or of the cut-out otipkere = . 3% one next above it, unless the os SR 455 4 6SG passing through the walls and partitions.re ee tee ek bce se te Pal go Pei h eh Pbee ets tt Pile e orae et? be os 5 es ar . Se besasant rate ba tae se bald tte bio e eee rae Se eee er ew res teres errety 64 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. cabinet. On wooden walls or ceilings, outlet boxes or plates and cut-out cabinets must be so installed that the front edge will either be flush with the finished surface or project therefrom This will not apply to concealed work in walls or ceilings com- posed of concrete, tlle or other non-gom- bustible material. In bulldings already constructed where the conditions are such that neither outlet box nor plate can be installed, these appli- ances may be oinitted by special permission, provided the armored cable is firmly and rigidly secured in place c. Armored cables must have the metal armor of cables permanently and effectualls grounded to water piping, gas piping or other suitable grounds, provided that when connections are made to gas piping they must be on the street side of the meter It the armored cable system consists of several! separate sections, the sections must be bonded to each other, and the system grounded, or each section may be separately grounded, as required above. The armor of cables and gas pipes must be egecurely fastened in gutlet boxes, junc- tion boxes and cabinets, go as to secure good electrical connection. If armor of cables and metal of couplings, outlet boxes, junction boxes, cabinets or fittings, having protective coating of non- conducting material, such as enamel, are used, such coating must be thoroughly re- moved from threads of both couplings and the armor of cables, and from surfaces of the boxes, cabinets and fittings where the armor of cables or ground clamp Is secured in order to obtain the requisite good con- nection. Grounded pipes must be cleaned of rust, scale, etc., at place of attachment of grouhd clamp. Connections to grounded pipes and to armor of cables must be exposed to view or @ accessible, and must be made by means approved ground clamps Ground wires must be of copper, at least No. 10 B. & 8S. gage (where largest wire contained in cable is not greater than No. 0 B. & S, gage), and need not be greater than No. 4 B. & S. gage (where largest wire contained in cable is greater than Né, 0 3B. .& S&S. ga tected from mechanical injury og €). They shall De pro- ad When insta led in so-called fi e] roof buildings in course of-construction or after- wards if exposed to. moisture. or where t a exposed to the weather, or in damp places such as brewerles, stables, etc., the cable must have a lead covering placed between the outer braid of the conductors and the! steel armor The lead covering is not to be required when the cable is run against brick walls or laid in ordinary plaster walls unless same are continuously damp * Where entering junction boxes and at all other outlets, etc armored cables must be provided with approved terminal fittings whick will protect the insulation of the conductors from abrasion, unless such junction or outlet boxes are specially a aligned and approved for use with the cable f Tunction boxes must alwavs be in- etalled in such a manner as to ba accessibl: g. For alternating current systems, armored cables must have the two or more|! conductors of the circult enclosed in one metal armor h. All bends must be SO made thai the | armor of the cable will not be injured Lhe radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend shall not be less than 1% inches Sec. 428. Interior conduits a. No condwvi? smaller than 14 in: trical trade size, shall be used b. Interioe conduits must be continuous from outlet to outlet or to junction boxes or eabinets, and the conduit must properly enter, and be secured to all fittings and the entire system must be mechanically in postition In case of service connections and i, elec- Secure d main runs, this involves running each condult continuously into a main cut-out cablnet or gutter surrounding the panel board as the case may be. Departure from this rule may be authorized in case of undergrouna vices by special permission ser- i ie oe Oe Fl oe c Interior condults must be first 11 stalled as a complete condult system, without the conductors d Interior condults must be equipped at ! every outlet with an approved outlet box | or plate At expose d ends of conduit (but | not at fixturé outlets) where wires p2#ss |from the conduit system without splice, joint or tap an approved fitting having telv bushed holes for each conductor separa |must be used Departure from this rule | may be authorized by special permission | Outlet plates must not be used where lit is practicab o inetall outlet boxes For concealed work in walls and cellings | composed of plaster on wooden joist or | stud const ictior outlet boxes or plates and |also cut-out abinets must be so installed that the front edge will not be more thal! % inch back of the finished surface of the plaster and if this surface is broke! or incomplete t shall be repaired so that 'it will not show any gaps or open spaces | aro ind the edges of the outlet box or plate or of the out cabinet. On wooden walls or ellings uutlet boxes or plates and out ca nu be so installed that t front ed ‘ | either be flush ith the finished surface or project therefrom This will not app to concealed work in walls or ceiling omposed of concrete, tile or other non-combustible materia! In buildings already constru ed where the j} conditions are such tha neither yutle DO nor plate ca be installed, these appliances j}may be omitted providing the conduit ends lare bushed and secured e Metal conduits where they ente! inc- tion boxes, and at all other outlets, et must be provided with approved bushings or faster ge plates fitted so as to protect wire 0 ; rasion except when such protectior i ‘ aines t t » Use of approved nlt leg prop d opoxes OF devices f Interior conduits must have the n A lof the i per anently i effe a] gro dat iter piping gas piping of! oO rs le I nd pr ded that en LOY are made to gas piping the nust be on tt etreet ide of the meter If | tl ndult s tem consists of severa 1epa- rate sections, the sectlons must be bonded acn ¢ r and h sten gr ded r =| sect] 1a ea parate eroun¢ ad A equired ho VV here short tior of du (or pipe if equivalent strengt is uset ) the Dr tion Oo! ‘ ed lg ie ‘ ich ' juit or pip a ] I g A dad a req red | He ( 426e ‘ 1a the conduit or pipe need not | Oe UT G Condui and gas [I P| wiry ecu | fastened in outlet boxes unction boxes and abdinet > as O e { good electrica conduit « g yutlet boxes tt |} xes cabinets o fittings ha g ro te 4 ‘ At S ot no Cr 1du r ne ateria 8 l ena are 1 a ich coat I t | be 1 ¢ ougt rere ec fr ) thread aft | bo MU pdDil ; a mndu T A cl ] h a) r | fa of bo ets and fit g where | the { I oO rround amp ured in | ord I Oo ybt n reqi food connec- | tion Grounded pin yuld be aned of | UE cale, et ice of attachment of ground cla ) Connections to ero ded pi s and to i a 1 be exposed to or readily ai.cessible, and must be nad b means of | ay rroved ground clamps to which the |}@rcund wires must be soldered a Ground ¥ res) must be of copper at least | No. 10 B. & S. gage (where largest wire contained in conduit is not greater than |}No. 0 B. & S. gage), and need not be | greater than No 4 8B & ‘ raze (where largest wire contained in conduit is rreater than No. 0 B..& S. gage) They shall be protected from mechanical injury gs. Junction boxes.,jmust always be in- Stalled In such a manner Ss to be accessible such boxes are conside red f a $7) Oo be accessible when-installed in an attic that has sufficient | head room, but which is reached only by a portable ladder and permanent hatch h All elbows or bends must be g Oo made i o | that the conduit will not be in ured The |}radius of the curve of the inner codgre of } any elbow shall not be less than 3} 4 inches | There must be not more than the equivalent of 4 quarter bends from outlet to outlet, the bends at the outlets not being counted. i. Conduit sizes for various numbers, gauges and types of conductors must con- form to the following table: Size of Condwtits for the Installation of Wires and Cables—Number of Conductors. ox ah ~ ~ MO) oS I+ rm Cl wt Ch BOs i. Poe Eos = - ct r oa Io my > | Me e * =o > 4 - ( ca & xi ah 7 on a= oS = ey ~ +O Pe ta ~ d a S ct i c ~_ ~ © “{ S 7 ° I A - =| _ o. a =| rm = C a 0 alee = Sma ae =p —me B. &S§ Ss > WER oO Bsa Hac - ~ + ~ ~ S - oni f - S «2 po “I 6 : Ae a © aOn =, Cas ~ © o 2 ce oO > ° y= oc} Pas CD hi Ca nas Th Oe “was mes 9 — a be ps A S ts ts 5 «a OO oe - c= - 2 ee ae = j , 14 : 14 14 14 % . ; LS4 1G ‘ % % . iL a, M l iy i 1 1 7 7 e 2 1% 1% ' 4 1 * 1% a 1% ” M4 114 ] 4 1% i 1) 1 ™% 1%% 1% 1% 11 1 1 ‘ 1% 1% lly a 1 l » | te 1% 1% 4 } 1 114 Z 2 ] 2 2 Zi 1 a v7 Zhe nonn A 2 214 2\% — ~ mt A LD — > — S6n oe oéeE Bea 3 3S o4 ’ Bea — A m= oO eo oO ee roa =) be i oe -¢c — ~ Cc — o > = ip, aie ® = c= + = SZ tc > ot a a 4 -" 6 ao & ~ * ae a ~ "I o “4 =) 6. ec a r = ° S > oe PxS SBmf Boo Boe : ~ nae — es aa es tf > Hi} HS Has “fo” So f © ~f a 6 a > a » ume a \ a0 eu o?@ &. 2 2°, es ec ec 5 5 a e Se a Aa) hoes nad a S > — oo oe ar) SP, \] e , \ \ 1% 2 2% +\% 1% 2% LG 2 , " ,TZ 1% aly ~ 3 3 { } 1% } 3 3% 6 as w a ut - oR ~_ > - > ] : 00 2 14 41 3 5 INnH ” gc 6 ‘ o 4 2 A & “win Conductor 14 ; 14 % | 1 1 1% } : a4 1 1% i. } Conductor Convertible System + e of Conductors. Size Con- saat eR duit. In. ‘onducto! 1-Conductor Electrical Size BEé&S Size Bw& S Trade Size. 14 10 % & % 19 6 1 5 4 1 2 1% D ! 1% 4 0 1% a 09 145 2 909 1% ] 0000 2 9) 250000 2 00 350000 2% 000 400000 2% 000 BHOOND 3 ’Bn000 690000 3 200009 SO0000 3 400000 1000009 3% 590000 1250000 4 600000 1500000 4 700000 1750000 4% §00900 2000000 4 ee eee ——CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 65 t ely Single Conduetor Combination | metal walls or ceilings or from plaster | Sec. 431. Sockets. Note—Where special] permission ha been} Walls or ceilings o metal at nz , Given in accordance sik section 426 af this | from outlet ban ange ects eg a ge Tees ne ee eee chapter, the followine table to apply be securely fastened in place Lt as to p- a en Un De acetate gees ’ pid ‘ : must be enclosed in a vapor-tight globe, ————— —— | moe cpr gs oes eee sa gaia and supported on a pipe-hanger, wired with Size Con- y : S a ang Outs Ox approved rubber-covered wire soldered di- No. of duit. In from vhich they are designed to be in- rect) to the circuit Wires Electrical sulated ar pipes must be protected above b In damp or wet places, or where ex- Trade Size oe . a a x nts by aie aoe Pee | posed to corrosive vapors, weatherproof | ae Pe ibing ine where outle ubes are used wekets ¢ ecially ap ove oO the loc . i 14 2.C. solid “ : tne must be of sufficient length to extend i m9) hi Eee he saree ee 5 No. 14 eS enlid... 7 beiow the insulating joint and must be so| ¢pe, at wane Y -80e1 atr: ' 10 No. 14 ca solid. j . cured that the will not be pushed back Se ote 3 7c Pe wees oe s a ubb covere‘ wires not smaller than No. ls Ne..t4 RA solid... rea Ly | when the Anop) s put in place 14 B. & S. gage, which should preferably be oa? NG. a Pe. MOULE Fo cy as is 114 b. Insulating joints and canopy insulators | twisted together when the pendant is over 40 No. 14 R.C. solid.. a ee ‘ ma be omitted in the following cases } feet long 74 No. 14 R.C. solid sie ib raight electric fixtures metallicall [These wires must be soldered direct to 90 No. 14 R.C. solid 3 v ted in a permanent and effective |the circuit wires but supported independ- ate manner to metal conduit, armored cable or lently of them a ne ) nz nm I tO gas iping Sec. 429. Metal mouldings. pro ied such a piping is Daas ts it i pakke bee cas Ee a ne approved it a. Metal moulding must be continuous manne prescr ed {oO condult in 4°28 of | ee eee ee flag Wor ets 2 “ee from outlet to outlet, to junction boxes, or tl l ; "| or where exposed to flyings of combustible approved fittings designed especially for use 7 Licht electric fixtures connected to ree with metal mouldings,.and must‘at all out-/| kno! ind tul vooden molding or open | Sec, 432. Flexible cord. lets be provided with approved terminal worl excel on metal ce ings or or aste - my \ “= yy fittings which will art eke’ Ga insulatlo of wi fs ! contain ‘ eal hic is a E aN sae a ee aaa conductors from abrasion, unless suc] ss , oo ee si ie weil UCN igre SUlé Sa an cove ng tection is afforded by Be Rector of | perma l effect aie aad. ile 3 hy cIbie. Cord. OtGRt UG. | a aa . aay . ithe difference of potential between the two the boxes or fittings sep und wire not smaller than NO. | wi,, over 300 volts b. Such moulding where ssing ough | 14 | Lu 11 a floor must be carried oar ae oer 4 B } ' ’ ion in writing. straicht Mlexible Sore must not be uged as & 3 ugh z I : igh ' 3, SUTAle support for clusters. extending from the ceiling below to a point | ©}! rs grounded by con- d Flexible cord must not be used except 6 feet above the floor, which will serve as) me re ; pproved means to ON® | tor pendants, wiring of fixtures, portable an additional mechanical protection and ex- ; the fixture, provided lamp or motors, portable heating ap- ap the presence of moisture often preva-/|°* pe! ; and effectively | paratus or other portable devices. en iT suc ocations ~ i f t re no fuse ir . 7 ; Seid eo Coes al strength of the , LiKe t} e ite ot the | eb | rink, Mik” portable. Works, (eee seers C < St! i Pon . | pendants which are liable to be moved about moulding itself is adequate, this ruling may | - , : the ground connec- | suffic iently to come in contact with sur- be modified to require the protecting piping | *!°! | roundir ge objects, flexible wires and cables from the ceiling below to a point at least ¢ 1. Gon ) in which all wires | especial Gesigned to withstand this severe 3 inches above the flooring ~ Lp r insulation not less | service must be used eager a eee re : i A es ee ae cs When necessary to prevent portable lamps 4 ipe juired for passing | ¥41 bal yt 2DoV |from coming in contact with infilammabl me through floors may be omitted and the : e not atteched to materials, or to protect them from breakage, ss moulding passed directly through, providing | & ip duit nless outlet boxes they must be surrounded with a substantia! c the partition is dry and the moulding is in|0or ¢ ro > vhich will give/., re guard | a continuous length with no joint or coup-| Prol ' are used, a % Unles provided with approved meta! oF lings within the partition | inch | ied between studs! .rmor, flexible cord must not be used in c Backing must be secured in position | 2 tr the back Of | show windows or show cases except thaf A by screws or bolts, the heads of which must thing ind te support fix- | approved portable cord may be used for the ms or seer with the metal } Cure v , rc. ut don wooden | purpost of supplying current to portable = Metal moulding must be permanently]! 4: in, % inch in (thieh-') 0 ni r dea e r - se oe and effectively grounded to pias sine ; ’ ’ - thing, must be | ae cee eT en ae * gas piping, or other suitable grounds, pro-/ P! . f Flexible cord must be protected by ap- cs yided that when connections are made to -called flat canopies, | proved bushings where the cord enters the 4 eas piping, they must be on the treet side | top O not br approved for | ocket, unles: Pee socket is so constructed “% of the meter If the metal moulding system nsta }) vhere outlet boxes are |ipat no bushing is requi '*d rs consists of several separate sections, the sec- 1S & Must be so Connected to all fittings a tlons must be bonded to each other and the WI! f door OxtureS | that strain is taken from the joints and es system grounded, or each section may be nu : CONStPUCLIO | binding screv a separately grounded, as required above f ture ist be not smaller than | h Must where passing through covers of ha Metal mouldings and gas pipes must be| No 8 B u and must have an | outlet boxes be protected by approved bush- a4 securely fastened to outlet boxes, junction ipprove yvering—* e §552 of ing especial] designed for this purposs. m4 boxes and cabinets, so as to secure a good th ha] So-called hard rubber composition bushings be elecirical connection Moulding must be so : gns of show-case threaded into box covers must not be used. ho installed that adjacent Jengths of moulding | fixtures 2 e and similar ap- | | wiil be mechanically and electrically secured | plianc: h the wiring exposed | Sec. 433. Arc lamps on constant-potential a at all points | to re tut exc of 120 degrees | circuits. fe If metal moulding, couplings, outlet boxes, | Fahrenh: ‘ ; r res Centigrade) from | a There must be a cut-out (see Sec. 4198 eo junction boxes, cabinets or fittings having | he \ f | np conaucto!l having of this chapter) for each lamp or each Ss} protective coating of non-conducting mate- pprov: bu x or other heat-resist- | series of lamp: ks rial such as ename! are used, such coating | ing cove g ist | ( All such forms The branch conductors must have a car- es must be thoroughly removed from threads) of fixtur Lu bi ed for examina-j|rying capacity about 50 per cent. In excess me of couplings and metal mouldings, and / tio tes ni approval befo being intro- | of the normal current required by the lamp. re from the surfaces of boxes, cabinets and duced for \ | b A! lamps must be furnished only ig fittings, where the metal moulding or ground| f ipp!| ctors, and especially the | with such resistances or regulators as are t clamp is secured in order to obtain the| splices to ure wire must be kept clear |enclosed in non-combustible material, such er requlsite good connection Grounded pipes | of ' ‘ cry Ind part of i pipes and, resistances being treated as sources of heat, ey should be cleaned of rust, scale, etc., at the | where he or outlet bo al used, they | Incandescent lamps must not be used for ling place of attachment of the ground clamp | must be mad ifficient large to allow the | this purpose Connection to grounded pipes and to metal | fulfilment of tl requirement fan Arc lamps must be supplied with mouldings must be exposed to view, or >. Fixtures must, when wired on the out- | globes and protected by spark arresters and readily accessible, and must be made by| side, have the conducto ») secured as not, wire netting around the globe, as in the zt means of approved ground clamps. | to be cut or abraded by the pressure of the | case of series arc lamps (see Sec. 421 of this fe Ground wires must be of copper, at least} fastenings or motion ofthe fixture | chapter). fc No. 10 Bi & @& wake. They shall be pro- | Chain fixtures must be wired with flexible | Outside arc lamps must be suspended at bigs tected from mechanical injury. De nkans least 8 feet above sidewalks. Inside arse fed ‘ Must be Installed so that for alter- h. Wires of different systems must never | lamps must be placed out of reach or sulte re nating systems the two or more wires of @|be contained in or attached to the same/ably protected te circult will be in the same metal moulding. | fixturs and under no circumstances must | d Arc lamps, when arranged to be raised €: lthere be a difference of potential of more }and lowered, elther for carboning or other a Sec. 430. Fixtures. lthan 300 volts between wires contained in| purposes, shall be connected up with r a. Fixtures must, except as specified in Pe attached to the same fixtures stranded conductors from the last point of Fd paragraph b hereof, be insulated from their | ; Fixtures must be free from short cir- | support to the lamp, when sucn conuuctor he supports by approved insulating joints | cuits between conductors and from contacts | is larger than No. 14 B. & S. gauge. Rs placed as close as possible to the ceilings | between conductors and metal parts of fix-| e. Hconomy and compensator coils for " or walls. Where insulating joints are re-|tures, and must be tested for such con-|ars lamps must be mounted on non-com- quired, fixture canopies of metal must be| ditions before being connected to supply | bustible, non-absorptive, insulating supports, thoroughly and yermanently insulated from | conductors } such as glass or porcelain, allowing an alret ef oe Ce ke et ee | Cay eee miele Le og ad fo senese S* Tete hes ested? od ed bt eed 3 ee bh ee ee tc Fe tebe bt 8 TL be 66 ~ CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 6 Cables for borders must be of approved space of at least 1 inch between frame and | combustible, non-absorptive, insulating ma- | ah : support, and must in general be treated as | terial, such as slate, marble or soapstone |type and suitably supported; conduls eak= sources of heat } struction must be used from switchboard to | Sec. 437. Decorative lighting systems. point where cables must be flexible to per- Bec. 454. Vapor lamps. a Special permission in writing may be mit of the raising and lowering of border. ; | ° e . > le " 1. Enclosed mercury vapor lamps given for the temporary installation of | For the wiring of the border proper, d fonélosed snercuty vapor lamps ‘nust|approved systema of decorative. lighting, | Wire with approved slow-burning insulation have a cut-out for each lamp or series of | provided the lifference of potential betwe } nust be used i t i 7 ers 1s he & | a r sus > lamps except when contained in a single| the wires of an ircult shall not be over Bord must be uitably juspended, frame and lighted by a single operation, in| 150 volts and also provided that no group of and if a wire rope is used same must be : insul by at least one stra sul which case not more than 5 lamps should | lan ps requiring nore thal 1 2 ( vyatts hall u — ' >, one strain insulator { ertet at } ( ler be dependent upon a single cut-out be dependent nm one cut-out ee “i Stage and galle1 \ockets 3 b. Enclosed mercury vapor lamps must Sta ind i | pock s must be of be furnished only with such resistances or | Sec. 438. Theatre and moving picture estab- | °P pings ipaialiabl reais Seatac | ; oe mtrollec ron switci Oz eac ale 2a regulators as are enclosed in non-combus- | lishment wiring. : ay board, Seek, Tear ‘ ee gto . . e not ; t] n woo am re tible cases, such resistances to be treated } All ing, apparatus, el bo} Apel | . 1 | wy Tenodnaant : ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ ; nor > ampe . 5 ‘s . |s sources of heat. In locations where these |C°vered by th ection ‘sauat cunkorm, °° .! ) ore 1 * be aaese : re ae om ' s : je ps, and each receptacle to e W resistances or regulators are subject to fly- | fe"Cra! Fe ements of th} _— | ; ta x ade J ee a py ie i ae fu capa y Arc pockets s ings of lint or combustible material al] |} the term theater shall mean : ling | * ro ae be : : pa with ire no smalle han No A openings through cases must be protected or that | f a building regula : | 7 uaF by fine wire gauze quent ised for dramatic, operatic, moving S. gage and incandescent pockets with a Hi ‘ a * A J picture or othe! vwerformances OT shows not " than No 12 B & 5 gage é. igh-potential vacuum tube systems : | D> ; i i t k " oO i ‘ \ ne i } LOT LI ant incanadescer DOC s Cc. The tube must be so installed as to | hich ha iz fo! uch performan: cen pockets b fre f me a1 19) 4 - lia ised l I r othe La ipplian , erchangeable e free from mechanical injury or liability | . C ‘ Q scene k to contact with inflammable materials. . a tal ] Aock : ae / ' , a | are instalied in scene CK! d. High-potential coils and regulating whe ee me obtained tr | a j a ‘ o a * A J as 3 BA ae J l b so located anc sti e apparatus must be installed in approv ed | 5 parate eet i} separate a i. i tn « ir ng alled that i ' y i mi . 11abdD16 ( e li icé r steel cabinet not tess than 1/10 inch in tinct ca | talled one , 16 to mecnan 6 injury. ; Aa AY an ttote oe i rtain motors must be <¢ irone thickness; same to be well ventilated’ in yj heonak hn. ‘pete lO ah led t | 4 We ihe ms ; i“ tallec so as o conform Gg: such a manner as to prevent the escape of r tl : . eon r of thi a t S 208 . t oO + ment ) 1lIs chapter see ec. any flame or sparks, in case of burnout in| ~ : : ae ae ( t a ‘ecg age : ; ] Lor stage ues the various coils. All apparatus in this box |“'©"* “*P*' ee wee ere : iniadicraliiaite | Wher ani itd LSé where dampers are released by must be mounted on slate base and the en- tr levice j { losi : a et i ry obtained parat puree t} feed | * . e device, the electric circuit oper- closing case positively grounded Supplying ati ust be normall losed conductors leading into this high-potential he . ; oe . ' er ide of n et operating dz case dre to be installed in accordance with . | ~ gpd - re ear ce Ce : f rere , ' ‘ e y ; ‘ i x f 1] ltage yf . + > the standard requirements governing low- , , “ - Se sane exit lig rhts lot t pier is : esis potential systems, where such wires do not — oi ss a Le ee eee ana + \ i ' { { 1 her or 0 t Of es A ‘ eihe vs Satenhaliok evec B00. volt. | 1 . j ot : ' r t at more than normal for itheater ) a hy he public have a é apparati o! imilar construction It must 3 = ; . whic) i rlly kept lighted dur yr the ated 1 loft above scenery Sec. 435. Gas filled incandescent lamps. A mt 5 eon tee a) a dhe perfo! ' a litable tron box with a tight a Must be so grouped that not more than | vw re f IpT . ere { e oD IWnNypl* A : ’ i ‘ ne daoor 660 watts (nor more than 16 sockets or | } 7 e plant * } ame juild £ LT i la I s must be controlled by at receptacles) will be dependent on one cut- ' if] t i 1 gl l it hes re : . 2 } cl capa tandari ain e pole awitcnes out except that in cases where wiring equal I : re] light r11 nproved ij boxes in size to No. 14 B. & S. gauge is carried |f re : Se ren ‘Soxes” Pee : 2 ‘ rol ome ol de source Or a lita t) f-closing doors, without lock directly into keyless sockets or receptacles toras hat } 6 } ’ y , |storag i I within the pr ise nay be |' 1, and located, one at the electrician’s the location of which is such as to render onsidered e eqi alent of r lesignated é Or such Bt Ce sta and ers as des : unlikely the attachment of flexible cords . ' Stag rooms must be wired In ap- thereto, the circuits may be so arr red r , 3 s arrange: All pe snent construction on stage side | proved duit r armored cable that not more than 1,320 watts (or 32/of prosce wall, except as hereinafter ’ : hts ust b qui d See f : | we I ifter lights must be equipped with sockets or receptacles) will be dependent ded. mu approved condui? - - t f i 1 } i) ; : l DI ovead ondau) o iT f \ el roreeda cord, armored cable or on the final cutout. Where a single socket re ble i ble cord I | i | EALOULe OT e or receptacle Ss se Or teen! tite bath} . Po : ie p 6 ol used on a circuit he Sy hboa mus be of the lead | A ips must be provided with ap- limitation of watts permissible on the final | front t , S | issib] n 1e final | 1 c 490 und nade o no? ombustibl p i guards which are sealed'or locked cutout shall be the maximum capacity for | non-a u ng mate | I which such socket or receptacle is approved ich | ra { } ipproved before ns la : t 1ipment t aD] t ore in ull: ible equip aT b Must not be used in show windows 0 lin { ¢ dear wl i if r sta ffects-must con Amy stage effects- mus on- er in other locations where inflammable ma- | switch contr I cir t of which mmer | f t t! I | req rr t : f whi dimm ollowing re eme terial is liable to come in contact with | forms a part ts ope! B quirements. a }* Vi ' Nn } > o ; ; Dene tulidehe cscant kare Gest tn con. ; ean a ee ~ e constructed entirely of metal c } I | nust ve vi &c iT Approved | , hicl : — eco . y 9 T nection with approved fixtures where | duit or : red cable shit leer 4 I r less than No, 20 U. s. temperature of any exposed portion of sa ta ® 7 ; : aa brace} é et gauge except where the use of does not exceed 200 degrees Fahr (9: - 19 t be ’ , — i ste I ! ADD a sulating material is necessary. c ) - Lf é ‘ 12% i 5 o wide Costivenda). acide Gale Al oi Sikes ubstantially constructed, and ] mn O 3é Ox metal LO f ‘ ed { 1 T } - ie A eae ee Cake ee ee cae | be hd at hotten 1 Necheal’ Glade "ae a ‘ t a to provided for proper ven- medium-base sockets or receptacles if of |Sheet metal ga ranked tae n, % to prevent sparks being emitted ‘ if ‘ e Z ” i 8) re ert Kida ~ Ka . o ; above 250 watts nominal capacity nor with |} tion so const! ted as to enclose all ns , Serre are in operation, Mogul base sockets or receptac le if of above | wire voir 4 » he soldered ‘ : 5 ’ . é 4 I t ised for frame insulation. vit i Bodove | ’ LUE t L© lz ol re r “4 . . = - iE iiavehite, capaciee eae g ‘pening must be provided with a. Fixtures within buildings must he | Footliztl } > wired that ‘ f hinged door frame, in which wired with conductors having approved slow ‘terdne ead ; a es 45 re gau or glass must be inserted, except : Si vy = € — \W ~ io +} e j e | - « o o 9 burning or other heat-resisting coverings |™ore than 32 eptacles shall be dependent s lamps, where the front where the temperature to which wire r | upon one cut-ou “ onary, and a solid door be pro- subjected at any point exceeds 120 degrees} ® Borders and | I delights . : : ha ee Fahr. (49 degrees Centigrade). Where fix-| 12: Border and proscenium sid hy ist be so constructed that neither tures are placed outside of buildings ap- imust be constructed of steel ef a th ne . live parts will be brought into ‘ L : i LL1ES conta \\ ni neta ) 0 Proved rubber insulated wire is required | ot less than No 20 1 Q sheet meta] we vith TI tal of hood during opera- ‘ . c I CléZ fake tion anc rn - jtreated to prevent oxidation, be st b] ion, and arc lamp frams and standards | coe mete ~ SUITE DIS must be so installec a od gis be i so I all Bec. 436. Transformers, low potential. |stayed and supported ind so designed that | prevent t] el Od ee eee - cade prevent ne lIA@DILIITy j ay Oat Vecanutaenters |flanges of reflectors will protect lamps ' we ability of their being grounded. ers, ic : , —— Aa} 5 Switch on tan a. Must not be placed inside of ane’ Borders and proscenium sidelight: atrueted: 2a ’ dard must be 80 con- bulldine exc - | must be so wired that no set . : l i ia accidental contact with any ullding except central stat e 2 ' | I Lat 10 t of lamps a. — i | stations, sub-stations | ica A wel en ob ee i sa nps Tr ve portion of ame will be impossible and transformer vaults, except by special | EO ee ees WEtes Oe More Tap All stranded connect in lamps 2 29 ecepnts aime co | ‘ = 4 < wet connec ns permission. 62 receptacles shal 1 dependent upon one /|at witch and rt st nivale ogpatie Bs Se Aiw ainlan teunntienvade | ut-out. kat sketlt nd rheostat must be provided c | © A vy Lfl € ovead igs b Air cooled transfo sn Borders and pre eniul sidelig m : : : sformers must : sidelights theostats n > ; A inetd . ; not be |miust be wired in @pvuroved cond: Rheostats must be plainly marked with p ace ns @ or any building excepting cen- | PI , nduit Or ar- their rated capacity . 41 tral tations wWh-s . }mored cable, each lam pin in oul akin’ . | ns apacity in volts and amperes, r 8 ons, su >-stations and transfo : | : \ I ep Lcis to be lg 1d if y into n sformer f mounted on standards, must be waults, if the highest voltage of either primary or secondary exceeds 550 volts, uns less installed in approved transformer Vaults. ce. Air cooled transformers must, with the exception of bell-ringing and other sie naling transformers, be so mounted that | the case shall be at a distance of at least | must be 1 foot from combustible material or Yrated therefrom by @ slab or panel of non- enclosed with an approved outlet box. or the lamp receptacles may be mounted in an | iron or steel box, metal to be of a thickness not less than No. 20 U. S, sheet metal treated to prevent oxidation, so constructed 1 as to enclose all wires, the wires to. be S A. soldered to lugs of receptacles : . sar. | dod ‘ se¢p~ |prevent scenery or other combustible age | terial coming in contact with lamps. |raised to a height of at least 8 inches above | floor. Resistance must be enclosed in a _ ) substantial and properly ventilated metal gage | case which affords a clearance of at least inch between case and resistance element competent operator must be in charge of each are lamp, except that & provided with suitable guards to eo oh lage into ne g o)}they are not more than 10 feet apart, and }@re so located that he can properly watch mand care fer both lamps 4 Borders and proscenium sidelightsCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 67 Miia ® Bunches must be substantially con- “4. Rheostats, transforming devices or any btructed of metal and must not contain any ;substitute therefor must be of types ex- exposed wiring; cable feeding bunches nrust | pressly designed and approved for ‘the pur- be bushed in an approved manner where | pose. Their installation and location must Passing through the metal, and must be | be subject to approval as parts of the moy- properly secured to prevent any mechani-/ing picture machine. cal strain from coming on the connections. 3. Top and bottom reels must be enclosed m. Strips must be constructed of steel/in steel boxes or magazines, each with of a thickness not less than No 0 U. S. | opening of approved construction at bottom sheet metal gage, treated to prevent oxida- |}Or top, so arranged as not to permit en tion, and Sultably stayed and supported and trance of flame to 60 designed that flanges will protect lamps | to be used in the Cable must be bushed in a suitable manner zines where passing through the m: tal, and musti/c i magazine, No solder is construction of these maga- The front side of each magazine must onsist of a door swinging horizontally and e a] xp Be be properly secured to prevent serious me- be provided with a substantial latch chanical strain from coming on the connec- oar Bios 4. An automatic shutter must be pro Lions. Strips must be wired in approved | vided and must be so constructed conduit or armored cable, each lamp recep-| shield the film from the beam of light tacle being enclosediwithin an approved out- as to whenever the film is not running at operat- let box or the lamp recept: es may be; nag speed. Shutter must be permanently mounted in an iron or steel box, metal attached to the gate frame. to be of a thickness not less than No. 20] 5 Extra films must be kept in individual | U. S. sheet metal gage, treated to prevent | metal boxes equipped with tight-fitting oxidation, so constructed as to enclose all | covers. wires, the wires to be soldered to \lugs of | 6 Machine operation must be of an ap- receptacles | proved typo. If driven by a motor, the| nh. Portable plugging boxes must be so;latter must be of a type expressly designed | | constructed that no current carrying part |}snd approved for such operations, and when will be exposed, and each receptacle must }s0 approved, motor driven machines, when be protected by approved fuses mounted on/in charge of a skilled operator, may be slate or marble bases and enclosed in a |}authorized under special permission in writ- fireproof cabinet equipped with self-closing | ing, given in advance to carry 30 amperes without undue heating, | closure or house made of suitable fireproof an the busbars must have a carrying capa-/|material: must be properly ventilated, prop- eity equivale! to the currént required for| erly lighted and large enough for operator the total number of re eptacles, and ap- | to walk freely on either side of or back Proved lugs must be provided for the con-|of machine All openings into this booth nection of the master cable |} must be arranged so as to be entirely closed °o Pin plug connectors must be of an|by doors or shutters constructed of the same approved type, so installed that the female|or equally good fire-resisting material as part of plug will be on live end of cable, | the booth itself Doors or covers must be and must be so constructed that tension on arranged so a to be held normally closed the cable will not cause any serious mechan- by spring hinges or equivalent devices. ical strain on the connection: § Ree] containing films under examina- Pp Portable conductors used from recep- | tion or in process of rewinding must be tacles to are lamps, bunches and other enclosed in magazines or approved métal portable equipments must be approved stage cable, except that for the Purpose of feeding a stand lamp under con- ditions where conductors are not liable to boxes, similar to those required for films in operation, and not more than 2 feet of v Moving picture equipments of approved an | | conduit work. Where armored cable is used, } the conductors must be protected from mols- | ture by lead sheath between armor and in- | sulation. | e@. Outline lighting must be protected by ;} its own cut-out, and controlled by its own | switch; single pole switches must not be used. Cut-outs, switches, flashers and siml- |lar appliances must be of approved types land be installed as required by this chapter for such appliances, and, if outside the building, must, with the exception of trans- |formers of weatherproof type, be installed |in approved weatherproof cabinets. f Circuits must be so afranged that not more than 1,320 watts will be dependent upon one cut-out. g Sockets and receptacles must be of the keyless porcelain type and wires must be soldered to lugs on same. Miniature receptacles will not be approved for uotdoor work. | h. For open work, wires must be approved | rubber covered, not less than No 14 B. & |S. gage and must be rigidly supported on non-combustible, non-absorptive insulators, | which separate the wires at least 1 inch from the surface wired over. Rigid sup- porting requires, under ordinary conditions where wiring over flat surfaces, supports at least every 4% feet If the wires are liable . ‘ wf ito be disturbed, the distance between sup- doors. Each receptacle must be constructed | i. Machine must be placed in an en-| ? | ports should be shortened. In those parts of circuits where wires are connected to ap- proved receptacles which hold them at least 1 inch from surface wired over, and which are placed not over 1 foot apart, such recep- * | tacles will be considered to afford the neces- sary support and spacing of the wires. Bee tween receptacles more than 1 foot, but less than 2 feet, apart an additional non-com- bustible non-absorptive insulator maintain-~- ing a separation and spacing equivalent to ithe receptacles must be used Except as above specified, wires must be kept apart at least 2% inches for voltages up to 800, and 4 tnches for higher voltages. i For metal trough construction, the troughs and other details must comply with the requirements of Sec. 583 a to f, hereof Sec. 441. Lighting and power from railway | hopes shall be exposed in booth | severe mechanical injury an approved rein- miniature type for home, lecture and Aimilar forced cord may be used provided cut-out pury ‘ : designed to protect same is not fused over ] Mit 4 1ipmen must be expressly ap- | 10 amperes capacity. proved nd ipproval must cover th q. Brackets used ot scener must be | entire icluding all attachments wired entirely on the inside, fixture stem anten devices and other parts | must come through to the bac} or: th direc oul nr udinge also the film ecenery and end of stem be properly bushed The entire equipment must consume | Fixtures must be securely fastened in place — ai ‘Hen 680 atte r. String or festooned light wiring must 3 mps must be .constructed so far be of approved type, joints to be properly | es practic: f in accordance with the re- made, soldered and taped, and staggered | quirements of ec 488 k, 1,'2, 3, 4 and 6 of where practicable | this hapte ind incandescent lamps must Where lamps are used in lanterns or simi- | be suitab nclosed Jar devices, approved guards must be em- i Rheosta ransformers, switches and ployed other imilar current-controlling devices 8 Special electrical effects Where de-| must be attached to and form a part of the vices are used for producing special effects | machine must have no live parts exposed, such as lightning, waterfalls, etc, the ap-|and must comply with the requirements of | paratus must be so gonstructed and located Se) 6 nd ge 578 or séc. 581 a, b, of this | that flames, sparks, etc., resulting from the | chapter operation cannot come in contact with com- | ; = be of an improved slow- bustible material burning, type having a permanent distinc- t Auditorium wiring must be installed | tive mar} In approved conduit, metal moulding or § Machines must be so constructed that armored cable Where receptacles are used, | they cannot be used with films employed they must be enclosed in approved boxes on the full-sized commercial moving pic- Exit lights must not have more than one | ture machine This may be accomplished eet of fuses between same and service fuses. | hy Exit lights and all lights in halls, corridors or any other part of the building used using a film of special width or with special perforations or by any other ap- proved means. by audience, except the general auditorium 7. Machines must be marked with the lighting, must be fed independently of the name or trade-mark of the maker, and stage lighting, and must be controlled only with the voltage and current rating for from the lobby or other convenient place in| which they are designed, and be plainly front of the house. All fuses must be en- marked “For use with slow-burning films closed in approved cabinets. u. Moving picture equipments other than those of approved miniature type. only.’’ Sec. 439. Outline lighting. 1. The arc lamp used as a part of a a. Outline Mighting must be connected moving picture machine must be constructed, | only to low-potential systems. so far as practicable, similar to arc lamps of b. Open or conduit work or metal trough theatres, and wiring to same must not be|construction may be used, but moulding of less capacity than No. 6 B. & S.. gage, | will not be permitted. The leads to the lamp and its rheostat or c Where flexible tubing ts required, the equivalent device must be protected by a|ends must be sealed and painted with mols- plug cut-out or open link fuses, the latter | ture repellant and kept at least % incb enclosed in an approved cabinet with self-|from surface wired over, closing door. Cartridge fuses will not be d. Wires for use in rigid or flexible steel permitted, jconduit must comply with requirements for | wires. Lighting and power from railway wires n st nc be Dp ilitted, under any pretense, in the same circult with trolley wires with Ll ground return, except in electric railway cars, electric car houses, power houses, Pas- ; |genger and freight stations connected with the operation of electric railways. Sec. 442 Garages. 1. Definition. A garage is that portion oJ a building in which any automobile carrying volatile inflammable liquid is kept, whether such automobile be kept for use, for sale, for rental, for exhibition or for demonstrate ing purposes; and all that portion of a builds ing that is on or below the floor or floors on which an automobile carrying volatile inflammable liquid is kept and is not sepa rated therefrom by tight unplerced dre walls and floors. Wiring and appliances, a. All conductors except those required for pendant lamps or portable connectiong must be installed in approved metal cone duit or approved armored cable, except thas approved metal moulding may be used only in offices and showrooms Metal cendéuity armored cable or metal moulding must be so installed that all outlet and junctios boxes shall be located at least 4 fest above the floor, b Flexfble cord for pendant lights musg be approved reinforced cord, c. Flexible cords for portabis lamps, motors or other apparatus must be approved cord designed for rough usage. The portable cord must carry the male end of an ep» proved pin plug connector or equivalent, the female end being of such design or so hung that the conductor will break apart fread- ily at any position of the cable. The cone nector must be kept at least 4 fest above the floor. d. Filexfblie cable for charging must be of approved theatre stage type, this cable car- rying parts of approved connectors of at least 50 amperes capacity. The connectora must be of such design or co hung that aj ” od a i > ee oat - a ae ELE 7, ara tite Scktibbactahad te ya hj rT SAS eas aeacseyess yet eas ety: Sa Rey eutes: eos oa rt os ye es ees Seat ayaa ee u mee $2 G5etu SEeTy Te ps 7 aw 7 - - poe * FR TRISTE ER L eAeel r Papace rite ie aeeves ets eit Lek eat tt At Seog ke hear lo kd . *PK eee 4 Paeces rete eed tise beter -—— a Seer Or ewes = PEA POET. LPP ete Eee ee ee hk See | ra 68 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. least one will break apart readily at any position of the _ cable. Current-carrying parts of connectors must be shielded to prevent accidental contact. The fixed, or wall connector, must be kept at least four feet above the floor, and if not located on awitchboard or charging panel, must be protected against accidental contact e. Cut-outs, switches, key sockets and re- eceptacles must be placed at least four feet above the floor, except as provided in para- graph g below. f. All portable lights must be cquipped with approved keyless sockets of moulded composition or metal-sheathed porcelain type. ‘These sockets must be equipped with handle, hook and substantial guard. g. Switchboards and charging panels, at or upon which are mounted devices which in operation may produce a spark, must be located in a room or enclosure provided for the purpose unless all such spark producing devices are at least four feet above the floor or surrounded by vapor proof enclos- ures. »h. Motors or dynamos, not actually a part of a vehicle, if not located at least 4 feet above the floor, must be of the fully en- closed type. Motors located 4 feet or more above the floor, if not of the fully enclosed type, must be provided with wire screen of | not Jess than No. 14 mesh over openings at commutator end. Sec. 443. Electric cranes, All wiring, apparatus, etc., not specifically covered by special rules herein given, must conform to the general requirements of this *Code, except that the switch required by Bec. 208c of this chapter for each motor mey be omitted. a. Wiring. 4. All wires except bare collector wires, those between resistances and contact plates of rheostats and those subjected to severe | external heat, must be approved rubber- covered and not smaller in size than No 12 B. & S. gage. Insulation on wires be tween resistances and contact plates of rheostats must conform to Paragraph 4d hereof, while wires subjected to severe ex- ternal heat must have approved slow-burn- ing insulation. « All wires excepting collector wires and those run in metal conduit or approved flexible cable must be supported by knobs er cleats which separate them at least 1 inch from the surface wired over, but in dr: places, where space is limited and the dis- tance between wires as required by Sec. 426h of this chapter cannot be obtained, each wire must be separately encased in approved fiextble tubing amd securely fastened place. 1n Collector wires must be supported by ap- proved insulators so mounted that even with the extreme movenrent permitted the wires will’ be separated at all times at least 114 inches from the surface wired over. Collec- tor wires must be held at the ends by ap- proved’ strain insulators, a 5 Main qollector wires carried along the runways must be rigidly and securely at- tached to’ their insulating supports at least every 20 feet, and separated at least inchas when run in a horizanta) plane: if not run in a horizontal plane they must be separated at least 8 inches If spans longer than 20 feet are necessary the distance be- tween wires must be increased proportion- ately, but in no case shall the span exceed 40 feet. 4.- Where bridge coliector wires $0 feet long, insulating supports on which fhe wires, may loosely lie must be provided @t tegst every 50 feet: 6 Bridge collector wires must be kept at least 2% inches apart, but a greater spac- ing should be used whenever ijt may be ob- tained. 6. Collector wires must not be smaller cee * So in original A Me ls Yollectors must switch Cut stations, are’ Over Sittings, Wires, | than specified in the following table | various spans: | Distance between rigid supports, feet + between them reduced to a minimum Switches and cut-outs alin collector cut-out and -out to be eas’ Cranes operated from and switch the main collector ie cab as to to there is more crane, each by a cut-out one yilers must "04 of this chapter, located out es between of rheostat wires ATe@ exposed on necesSary grouped If combustible be placed nbustible material and so construc: an fame é even Ol the resistances sy iT ma. the cab of non- oO he top motor frames nd the tracks Wires, high potential substations vaults. Transformers, forr mus l | Lo ne pour ¢ ante t} orme m™m mn j ed ¢ A | h ep th igh l 00 | sh yproved m ner Y) ¢ 3 | ot a¢ ‘es rr) prevent iccess r ) SU hall \ the nmis transformer cz effective Wires, extra ary wire m ver buildings, e and transf« Secondary wires ryles foryhigh-pote immediate primary potential of o primary wires with the requirements ~hbapter or ARTICLE 5. ‘iaterials Cnd Details tion. materials construction ffectively grounde high potential. General, iciedwe sy | Sec. 550. Rubber covered wires, Sec. 651. Flexible cords. Sec. 552. Fixture wire. Sec. 653 Conduit wire. | Sec. £54. Armored cable and cord. Sec. 555. Slow burning weatherproof wire. Sec. 556. Slow burning wire. Sec. 557. Weatherproof wire. Sec. 558. Metal conduits. Sec.. 559. Outlet, junction and flush switc boxes. Sec. 560 Metal mouldings Se 541 Tubes and bushings Se 562 Cleats ec, 563 Flexible tubing. Sec 564 Knobs. »65 Switches Sec. 566. Circuit breakers 67 Cut-outs. 568 Muses Sec 69 Panél boards. Ser 170 Cabinets and cut-out boxes. Sec 57 Rosettes. Sec. 572 Sockets, including lamp recepe tacles Sec 74 Arc lamps Sec. 575 Sac 176 Insulating joints. Se 677 Fixtures Se 578. Rheostats, resistance boxes an@ equalizers. Sec 9 Auto-starters. Se 30 Reactive colls and cor.densers. Sex ; Transformers, low pocential. Sec. S Lightning arresters. Sec. 683 Electric signs (for low potential system only.) Se { Sec. 548. Fittings, matcrials and details of construction, requirements and. provisions of this article prescribe the general characteristics ind classifications of fittings, materials and details of construction. Specifications for performan¢ of fittings and materials, both nd test and in service, shall be as pre- ecribed from time to time by the commis- sioner All fittings, materlals and detalis of « ruction 1ust be approved by the ymmissioner before being placed in service Sec. 549. Wires, general. Wires, cables and cords of all kinds gned to meet the following specifications ist have a distinctive markling the entire length of the coil so that they. may be readily identified in the field. They must also be plain tagged or marked as follows: W -s described under sec. 557 need not have the distinctive markings but are to be The maximum working pre¢essure or voltage for hich the wire was tested or approved This may be omitted for the s described unde® secs. 555, 556 and 5657 of h j chapter The words ‘“‘National Electrical Code Standard 3 Name of the manufacturing company and, if desired, trade name of the wire. i Month and year when manufactured. wee 1e proper type letter for the particu- lar style of wire or cable as given in the following schedule for each type of insu- le tt ¥ aa iv? RS—Rubber coated single braided fér VOLTS RO © 6b kieiw cw wo se bea es ce ee eee 0-608 RS-15—Rubber covered single braided for maximum voltage : % 1509 RS-25—Rubber covered single braided for maximum voltage ove ween 2508 RS-35—Rubber covered single braided for maximum voltage: <. 2s: 23... 3566 RS-50—Rubber covered single braided for maximum voltage é setae ka we Ree RS-70—Rubber covered single braided for maximum. voltage, is. 2. oo. u. eee RD,RD-15—Rubber covered doubls braided, etc. RSL—Rubber covered, gingle braided, leaded RDL—Rubber covered, double braided, leaded AC—wWires for use in armored aable ACL—Leaded -vires for use in armored cable b. Conductors or the strands of come auctors must not ary itn either dilamcter usim conductivity more than an approved per | cent. from the’ standards adopted by the | ductors spirally laid American Institute of Electrical Engineers. | ; conductors must, in all cases, have he con- In all cases the individual conductors in Sec. 550. Rubber-covered wire. lead covered cable must have a fibrous cov- a. Conductors. ering and, except for 2 conductor cables. No individual with conducters parallel, there must be conductor, whether solid ‘ Or stranded, shall be less’ than No..14 B. é fibrous covering over bunched conduc tors B. ‘gantge in. norminelati. The thickness of lead covering shall, in All conductors and the individual wires | Sr yet Oe eh Seeooeee eae reepred: for ef stranded conductors shall be tinned. | the Various sizes and forms b Insulation. Conductors’ shall be insulated for their | $551. Flexible cords—for pendant lamps and entire jength with a properly applied and | for portable use, including elevator light- properly vuleanized rubber compound ing and control cables, and theatre stage The insulation. must- be of the and border-light cables. thickness given in the followine requirements of which y ry nominal laodie, tae | a. These cords and cables must comply according to the wil 2 h the requirements of 4549 a and b of #.zes of conductors and the maximum w ork- | this chapter, ing pressure | b. Conduciors Table of thickness of Rubber Insulation for ach conductor must have a carrying ca- Rubber-Covered Wires and Cables | ~wacity not less than that of a No. 18 B. & in G4th Inches S. gauge wire and be built up from wires of CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. a 69 l (Type B.) lt cabled 3° (Type. 18 conductors must be Conductors for elevator lighting cables shall not be smaller than No. 14 and for elevator control cables not | Smaller than No. 16 B. & J. gauge. C portable heating apparatus This cord is for use with all smoothing and sad irons and with other heating de- Ss requiring over 250 watts l ‘lust comply with the requirements of sec. 549 a, b and sec. 551b of this chapter 2 The covering may consist of a layer OF rubber or other approved material at east 1/¢4 Inch thick (the rubber is not sub- { to the tests specified for other rubber compounds), a braided covering of asbestos inch thick and of approved quality an outer braid 1/64 inch thick either all the conductors as a enclosing whole or each conductor separately. 3 Other types of covering must be gcub- “i eames ee approved sizes mitted for specia) examination and approvnal Typ- Letters before b nz used eee e. Insulation S ae ia : ~ - ~ ~ ae The insulation must consist of properly ec. 55". Fixture wire. x C t t c ; " é Fixtures 1 y be wi rit ’ ue . . * - “| applied aiid properly vulcanized rubber com- , xtures may be wired with approved : — 3 : en o ; te flexible rd 9 “OV el ber- ES BS t2 en =! pound complying with approved physical ¢ e co oO approved rubber-covered . . wire Size f Conductor = and chemical tests re | Ine C Winer Ww es for se j x ag Ty For Working Pressures The insulation must be of ,the nominal , A ir ( use in fixtures (Types ‘ ’ M iad . r ori Poon niet . % vy | N thickness given ir he following table F-6: and F-32) mu comply with the re- NOt Over Thickness | Gui~ements of $549 a and b of this chapter, eee ‘? : . Inches and \ h the requirements of paragraphs o — ro 2 ¢ ~1 : t os ~ we + = ee ae at 1/22 | to e Inclusive of this section. ~- oo Oo Oo o ~ ; « : gauge it and 0 ss e oO = = > Se > ° S B. & S. gauge id tne 3/64 C Conductors a «4 - “ ~ ~ = 4 = - -. 2 “ “ “ ~ For exception ge Type PS below ({551f May be either solid or stranded in an ap- — : = as ef this chapte proved manner and must not be smaller ¥ - : = - ~ 7 than No. 18 B.’& S. gauge = = ee needs a = ‘ie a ee ad (ove l r: : : If stranded conductor {s us © n- Each conductor must be covered with a : ‘ ' ed ach co auctor must be ‘overed wit a j close American or ticht ose wind of fine cotton or some ; , ght be » & : a ‘ wind of fine cotton or some other method . & 5. Gauge— other method mus @ employed to prevent} ' . ITAG . : mus be used to prevent a broken strand l4 to & 3 4 6 : 1a. 20 a broken rand pu turing tHe insulation. | . . ® K ; ’ puncturing the insulation Solid conductors cE 2 4 6 5 16 Cords of the several types must comply 4 van rs - ; : . . must be tinned 1 to Q0O00 « vl 5 6 ] S 1? 16 with the specifications of the following table | 225,000 to 600,000 6 4 8 S 12-14 with respe o their outer protective cov- d, Insulatie 25.000 to 1,000,000 , 7 s S 3D 12 18 ; ana e necla ules indicated in The insulation must consist of properly , ering and | ' if ru Over 1,000,000 g S20 2) cm 29 ene column of the tabdte applied and properly vuscanized rubber com- é ge ee te Be et are aoe 2 dean deg a a Wee ae eae z " , Se ee ee For Braid on each Reinforcemer additiona) ’ . conductor or fille Outer Cover rules se ¥Y De rade TL © see nt ei f P * azed cotton OT silk S5le Pendants—Dry Places C*Lamp cord cc ib Pendants—Damy] piaces CB Brewery rd Cotton Wp vu « i1ts—— : Dp if e : , ru : ea . i = Ce o € ra otton Wo ; : : Cotton Wp ete . Sdle anvasite cor : E aes - _ : Cnt n Rubber jacket Glazed cotton or silk fe} an - . 2¢ : ced ra ottor e —/- Portahle Dry places ea ek ; .P Reinforce ‘otton Glazed cotton or silk oolf O P | cord OULOl : P Parallel Ston Rubber jacket Glazed cotton or silk 651f PS Special reint cord OU - ; Armor . ‘ on . otton = Ch A 5 1 rad Orr 4 j : + Armored ¢ 5o niet Rubber jacket Glazed cotton and armor 4 Armored reinf. cord {OT rl . . Se Rm Oren | 1} Cotton Rubber jacket Cotton Wp , T sinforced cord Wp ELG Ss Na Portabl« -Damp places PW P Reinforce tton Filler 2 cotton both W p . bdlg ik W > kinghous oO! » -OftO ' ; PkWp Packingho : a tton Rubber acket Cotton Wp. and armor. . rmored reinf. col "yp Ur ; , e PAW D ATMOT ( tton VW p Miller 2 cotton both W p 55lg&b TT Stare cable UT J . se i Theatre stares ‘ osu eeews £ HLSE . ; 2 1 n bott y 51 B fordet ig@nt ¢< otton W p aoe Pee es r ue hep Theatre horders oawe ? : Attme Rubber jacket 1 or more cotton, both Wp. bilgé@j . i at y BE levator cabie LEON am ; Elevator lighting and control. ..,...m tle - and or 3 cotton, outer one WD.......- ka x ee a - eee se = a pee oe a ‘ CR and CC) In these | pound complying with approved physical @ (‘Tynes { 4 . erines 3 th ; chemtlecal tests ‘ Lo er . : lated ‘ ses ' neluded flexible cords which and nem at : All single conductor rubber-tnsulate; ; ‘ 2 vs, wat The thickness of Insulation shall not be S noe 3 | eonditions lang ' y . “ _ +r . wires and cables must have a covering of un { less than 1-64 inch for No. 18 B.:& 8S: gauge fibrous materia applied directly o the sur- f { ypes PO and PS.) These cords are wire and not PRS nar 1-32 inch for No. 16 face of the Insulating wall for us nly offices. dwellings or similiar B.& & Gauge ip) ge N on ok P For any single conductor wire there shall! plac where not labe to rough usage. € Coverings For &£ s ; 4 ; oll we od a hrs hic of ec mua be at least 1 braid for sizes from wo: 2s Be Py pe PO ihe conductores may be | Viust be a raid whi h if 9 otton nust r : j ' j tne | ea eas ; inch in tnicrness to and including No. &. For all single con either laid parallel or twisted together be at least 1-64 inch in tui ductor eables larger than No. $ there must alt cord may 1! made only with! See, 553. Conduit wire. t least 2 braids or a tape and a brald Je f No iS or No, 16 B. ‘& 8&8. Mor conduit work wires of either types RS be @ canducto oO u . | gauge a1 ma) ave insulation ‘only 1/64 My No, 8, incl.), RD, RS, or RDL ror twin wires and twisted pair wires and| gauge and may have 1 : as wes A i: h a e YN) et b us a for all multiple conductor cables’ there! inch i! hickness Th = ; shall be a fibrous covering on each individual 2 In the outer cover tape m&}j | See. S54. Armored cable and cord. wire and in addition a braid enclosing the | gy). uted for an inner braid a The armored cable or cord must com- bunched conductors. h (Type T.) Shall consist of not more ply with approved tests for flexivility and ; e ee . csi fa re ' om treat if a rr. lor certain special service conditions, 1 or than 3 conductors, each not exceeding No lore rt tance to withdrawal of th co , « : | aor . "Ty LT » s more additiofial coverings of fibrous mate-|4 Bm @ S. gauge. twisted together and with| gductors from the armor rhe armor must j ot} : t< t } . ye S f Ww int CejTl- rial or of lead are required a filler The insulation on each conductor comply with approved teak for welght, te 1a } f ; to 10 ion © oS voice shal! be stle strength and elongation ‘“ibr 2 coverings may ye e{ther ral Oo No ' f ? : i Piprous covers : W ifn thieieens b, Strips if used in forming the armor or tape, but tape shall not be used for the | oO nen a RAB : outer covering All braids must be Im —— —— = — iil = ye ae | eae ee : ; : he inter ‘overtn pregnated with a moisture-proof compound nS eee certain fixtures (see sections the thickness ef the completed covering { i 485d of this cnapter) conductors shall be not less than that specified for the Q ron liea ' =] ) (30d and se ) Ss aL [ bod came, copenmen. ee Payee tO east 3] burning or other heat- rubp insulation of 0-600 volt rubber-coy- » CON eC . ef ve ]). mul-; having approved siow-hburning oO 5 e's fics owe ks ceca er multiple conductors. Lead covered n ay sii Meee War wade a ered wires. (Sce $550b of this chapter.) Atlple conductor cable with more than 3] resisting covering ae ~~ Ce co Ce a * Ud ai crys rea ys) ETT; FLERE ES See eT Sere ae aes PES 342390504 eo te wey ‘eke cheD 2. ft) aS ee tort EySapa ce ye iss aL ce be . eta Lok Ley ete” oe | * eee he ke ? Poet Dok DB rT¥TR ESI SAS ied Rok ted ho de aE = a SSeS eee ys 2 = cs . 6 ae Ne Mend dead eed ak tt Hk Heat line | te 2 eee ke ed oe gczTETy 70 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. must be of approved thickness and if. or steel must be protected against corrosion in an approved manner. ec. The conductors must comply requirements for rubber-covered cords of the specified types and construction wires or ad. The cable or cord must have a distinc- | tive marker its entire length Sec. 655. Slow-burning weather-proof wire, a. The insulation must consist of 2 coat- ings, 1 to be fireproof and the other weather- proof. The fireproof coating must be on the outside and must comprise about 6-10 of the} total thickness of the wall. The thickness of the completed covering shall be not ber insulation of 0-600 volt wires b. Must comply 3649 a and b of this chapter rubber-covered (See sec. 550b of this chapter.) with the requirements of Bec. 556. Slow-burning wire. a The insulation must consist of 3 braids of cotton or other thread, all the interstices of which must be filled with the fireproof- {ng compound or with material equivalent fire resisting and Insulating prop- erties The braid designed to withstand abrasion,’ and its sur- ? having outer must be specia ce must be finished smooth and hard, b. Must with #549 a and b of this chapter. ce. Slow-burning wires especially and approved for use in fixtures of this chapter) need not necessarily comply 9 comply requirements Ol designed (see 8552 with the requirements of paragraphs a and b of this section Sec. 657. Weatherproof wire. a The insulating covering hall consist of at least 3 braids, all of which must be thoroughly saturated with a dense moisture- proof compound The thickness of the completed covering shall be not less than that specified for thse rubber insulation of 0-600 volt rubber-cov- ered wires (See §550b of this chapter.) Dd Must comply with requirements of §549 a and b of this chapter Sec. 558. Metal conduits, 1 Rigid conduit a. Each length of conduit must have the maker's metal or attached thereto in a satisfactory mame or initials stamped in the manner, s0 that inspectors can readily se the same. b. The tube used in the manufacture of the condult must be of mild steel; and must be of sufficiently admit of cutting true, must be very closely the same in wall thicl ness at all points, Welds eughly well made, ec. The tube must be thoroughly c to remove all scale and rust side and the ; process, mechanical or otherwise, which will permit the coating to emooth finish and which will not reduce the weight of the tube sufficiently to cause the finished conduit to weigh less than is given in sec. 558i of this chapter d. All surfaces of the tube must be pro- true, circular section to clean threads: must be thor leaned from both in- surfaces by outside some protecting take a tected against method e Elbows, bends and similar fittings must be made of full-welght material, such ag is specified for the conduit proper, and must be corrosion by an approved treated, coated, threaded, etc., in every way corresponding to the specifications for con- duit so far as they apply f. Threads couplings el. bows and bends must be full and clean cut Their pitch and form must conform to the Briggs’ standard for pipe upon conduits, threads The taper of threads on conduit must not exceed three-quarter inches per The perfect thread must be tapered for its en- tire length. Couplings tapped straight. If threads are cut after the pro- tecting coatings are applied they must be treated to prevent corrosion taking place be- fore the conduit is actually instclied. g. The finished conduit as shipped must be in 10-foot lengths, with each onda reamed and threaded. For each length et least i eoupling must be furnished The finished conduit with coupling must not weigh less than ig given in the following table. All foot. must he | with the | less than that specified for rub- | must be inspected visually, coatings, finished conduit both hard scale or other similar defects inside and out for poor It must have an app! ed interlor coating of a character and appearance which will read ily distinguish it from ordinary commer- cial pipe commonly used for other than electrical pu Minimum Welght of Ten (10) Foot Klectrical Leneths of Finished Trade Size Conduit With Couplings Inches Pounds Me sea : 33 5% 5] 14 9.U % 10 1 } } 1% | 1% 249 2 334 914 > 844 R49 4 oR 4! 150 o 1,344 t 7 se 2 F’lexib conduit h Must be so flexible that the ccondu may Le Ss rye > inner edage ) hict has raqaiu eq ial to til t spe fre in tl fo v g table without ope! + tne Lui at r point rs - = = =8 Welght Jn Pour J - Cc ~ leis Double # D é a Df p Strip 6 t 025 17% 0% 2 3 34 ag 3314 “4 Le 6 ac 64 62 3% % L3 i { os 814 446 LVS 1 17a 5 1% A } 13 158 Le I bay 7 20 6 Z L ) 224 9 8 21% uA } 277 yo2 { Lust be of ich d ign that alter a foot sample he been s ected to a tension of 200 lb for | I te the condu will x t be pened up { point bo ste ts the internal diam- eter the thi of the strip and th W nto. tne shed conduit must be not res than the j iy th following ! bié¢ k'oy fl i¢ ) Luit of other than the strip typ al « i I construction must t provide If of I a1 ist iT: LHor oughly sf 1ized ited with an ap- proved rust preventative Interior surfaces of the condu mus be free from burrs or sharp edges which might Luse abrasion of the wire coverings Must have a listinctive marking its entire length so tha the flexible conduit may be readily dentified n the field Coils must also be plainly tagged or marked with the name or trade mark of the manufactur ing company Sec. 659. boxes Outlet, junction and flush switch a Boxes must be of press-d hav- ing wall thickness of not less than .078 inch (No 14 ty, 5. steel metal gage), or of cast metal having wall thickness not less than 1% inch | Junction boxe of larger sizes must comply with requirements of Ser B70. of ‘this chapter, but must in all cases be of metal. b. Boxes must be well galvanized, enam- eled or otherwise properly coated, and out, to prevent oxidation. c. Boxes must be so made that all open- ings not in use will be effectively closed by metal which will afford protection substan- tially equivalent to the walls of the box inside | Fittings Which are than flexible wirin other conauctors metal conduits to exposed LY vided with ible nsulating bushings non-adso! pt ive, which rately insulate each conductor. g designed for bringing cords from must be non-combus- must sepa- For flexible including covers of out- ords, such fittings let boxes. must either be provided with ap- proved bushings or have gmooth, well- rounded surfaces for the cord to bear upon. d Boxes must be plainly marked, where readily be seen when thé marking may with the name or I . Lhie€a the manufacturer trade-mark of e Boxes must, in case of combination ras and electri outlets, be so arranged that connection with gas pipe at outlet may nade by means of an approved device. ure studs, where not a part of the box, st be made of malleable iron or other ipproved materia! Boxes must be &af- anged to secure in position the conduit or flexible tubing protecting the wire. witch and outlet boxes must be 80 i that they can be securely fastened in place independently of the support af- ded by the conduit piping, except that whe entirt exposed, approved boxes, wh e threaded so as to be firmly sup- wing on to the conduit, may i g Switch and receptacle boxes must ympletely enclose the switch or receptacle Oo! and back, and must provide a thor- oug) i antial support for it. The re- tnining screws for the box must not be a ire the switch in position, ‘Boxes for floo yutiet shall be designed to com- ple the receptacle and attach- ' igs, ny to protect them from I njur and to exclude moisture h ‘ fo outlet boxes if made of metal must be equal in thickness to that spt fied for he walls of the box, or must be of metal lined with an insulating ma- . less than 1-3 inch in thickness, f y ind permanently secured to the ‘ Covers ay also be made of porce- lain or othe ipproved material, provided ! i of such form and thickness as to afford litable protection and strength. Bec. 560. Metal moulding. & t The installation of wooden moulding Is pro! a ich igth of metal moulding must have I ame or trade mark stamped i ‘ etal some manner permanently attache: reto, in order that it may be read lentified in the fleld d Meta moulding must be constructed of i} ir stee with backing at least .080 incl . thickness, and with capping not less the 040 1 in thickness, and so con- structed that when in place the raceway will be entlLrely closed must be thoroughly galvanized or coated with an approved rust preventative both inside and out to pre- e] oxidatior ‘ lbows, couplings and all other similar fittings must be constructed of at least the same thickness and quality of metal as the ulding itself, and so designed that they will both electrically and mechanically secure the different sections together an surfaces must be free from orners which might wire coverings. f Metal moulding must at all ff capping or backing Special] d maintain raceway. The Interior burrs or sharp cause abrasion of the outlets be so arranged that the conductors cannot come In contact with the edges of the metal, either y d esigned fittings which will interpose substantial bar- riers between conductors and metal are recommended g When backing is secured by screws or raceway, depressions must be render the the moulding in bolt from the inside the edges of position of the provided to heads of the fastenings.flush with h Metal mouldings must be used for ex- posed work only and must be so constructed as to form an open raceway to be closed by | the capping or cover after the wires are laid in, Sec. 561. Tubes and bushings. a. Tubes and bushings must be made Straight and free from checks or roughCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. projections, with e a , ; . ait io ; , fe th ends smooth and rounded degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Centri- clamps or screw and to facilitate the drawing in of the ‘ | ery | ; ee g O 1e@ Wire and /| grade). prevent abrasion of its covering ay Hinges of knit ite} n } e inges oO cnife switches mu: Lot be b. Tubes and bushings must be made of used t Sl Se iad la On + $ ; ee 0 carry current ur S i a are ope succ cS non-cumbustible insulating materia ee ara ent unless they ars Derate success equipped with spring washers, held by lock- Sec. 562. Clezts, nuts or pins, or their equivalent, 30 . arranged that a fir: ; 30 > conne: ’ ee itions | a. Cleats must hold the wire firmly in ope BT Bi eeeree. wepaersion Cares on ee piace without injury to its covering | Will be maintained at all positions of the 5 8 C er | : ; ; 5 | Switch blades ) Bearing points on the surface of eats ' ‘ \ 3 < my * ‘ r Y - must be made by ridges or rings about tt 6 \ll switches must have ample meta 2 >< ‘ lik at ul 16 f . »* Pf; ; holes for supporting screws, in order oid |e ness and to prevent rise in tem installed, with the name SE ] VN j orde to AVO!l C r > al ; perature of any part ff ove 6 ore eu d the volt- cracking and breaking when screwed tight. | rahrenh rian ped eee ene Sean eet fae aoe c Cleats must be mad: f nbust anrenhnelt (28 degrees Centigrade) at ful : f ' combust- ible thaws “PP oad, the conta being arranged so that ating materia] : . tT | , ‘ *e Cleats must conform to spacings ° noroughiy good bearing at every point given in the following tat Obtained with contact surfaces advised Voltage, 0-300 ee te ade o witd taleue: for pure copper blades of about 1 square face, Li, inch ern , 1. os te “ inch for eac}) > aT iperes the whole device inc hes muat e ne lanicaily well made through- O1 DD ind \ “the When 600-volt fuse ter- .. Bao wp ; ; a oe ' “unt J : : sec. 563. Flexible ¢ubing ‘ cross-bar léan than @8 (inches tn | ™ e mounted on the switch base, the ‘ . ; ; termi! l } spacer H.-vol a Flexible tubi: t ave sufficiently |length mu } Ld of insulating materia) , , be paced for 600-volt fuses c ; : | ley o ; ; and ; swit< 2 a rad FOO , ~~ smooth interior surf ‘ , allow the ready Ba of inche and over which are , l | marked 00 Y A c ‘ . ’ rr) a | nf ‘ LT ‘ Noles switch esligone Sor ws introductio of ré | mad eta to insure greater mechanical! ! j v he a lgned with 125-volt a atray spacing: betwee ljjacent lade b Fle i , a i conatea stan |! r eth ‘ he, sufficiently separated z | idjacent blades, must be a ; fon ‘ ; marked 1 olts ‘ 1 mar ; r * of or treated jterla w} h will serve | re if 1 0 e switch to prevent arcs F ang may be used on “J tus n ‘ , ‘ : rs i) { or 2 rig t ca — or ; -- as moisture reps nt } following t ontacts to the bar on g | phase ystems hav- * . the he ing not } Tr tr r 1275 volt . 3 i c The tube must be so designed that it | yh . switch under any cir- . ma se olts between ad di we ' Lie : nt cok ot : acent wire ind not m«¢ the 250 y i anny "> ' ca tales cael “. ne im 1 ‘ etal her hould preferably re than 250 vyolts vd a n abrasion ikel to be | het ; t) utsid v a Wt a } | om Ti ne re) . sifle " > oo met wit pract : f ilating materia) To , re nen 8 | prever turnine aia : signed with )-volt spacings between ad- d Phe ngs, |1f any, must not be remov- | : - OF twisting the 1 cee ; r itch - | OR : { ( 2a riy im . ay ches 1 Q able ] rth of over 3 feet J Dar , be cured to each blade nie : . es must be by 2 rau i = |} marked ) volts and may be used on | ble bing must not close to prevent . ‘ made with square! . * D : Q y . ; a: | -~W e { ! Singie | age rate vin the of th ire after the tube has | he a ith dowel-ping — ‘mee systems having ; I : } ; not mor than 250 volts between adiacent I n nked or flattened and traightened | . as : irrents of over 30 am-/y ' i a f neres } nt : wire ind no mor than 600 volts between 7 | ; ; ipper with lugs, firmly e t » outsid res a Fiexible tubing must h a | ; screwed the switch, an ito | : | ; ing ] ha a distin | ae itch ind into } pacings and dimensions must be at tive marking the ntire ng the ube wi ne wire shall be ldere« | y cing ent le h of 7 t u | ill be soldered lea i reat as those given in the follow- so tha the ubing ma be readl dentified - " des ned for currents of 30)| sh). . in the fleld. | be | = ee — ae = - as a “ «i ot — Cd s 5 " ; Sec. 564. Knobs. Mintmum S a Split knobs must De constructed 1? Width and thickness separation of = 2 parts, a base and a cap, arranged to hold —--—— A nearest metal Minimuom 4 > : > rrr) | ' . 1OCe iu th if oO ' 1} the wire firmly in place witho jury t Clips parts of breaks covering Sharp edge is s ayolided Blades and hinees opposite distance ord ; \ , eal Bolid knobs must be constr ted y h sm‘ polarity = groove, to ontain wire cs ; i or) b Bearing poin nm tt surf knobs | Table ] For vitchboards and anel 4 z j f Of ‘ an ¢ pane opoards nor ry t } E> l +» F must be made by a ring or by ridg: on the | an ; , er 7 volts I and A, C,: Hel : | 80 amp 4Xx5-64 | MeX3-64 | 1 in % In 2 outside edge of the base fo. hi lé fo! cai 2 j 4 1 rc ; i ir ee stability At least % inch surfa separa- L” {n L in Se Rol tion must be maintained between the 1} = = . sie snigitinlaatie = ae porting screw or nail and tl { ductor, and ~ as a he knob must be o constructed that the | Sy OE ~ = a supporting screw OI nail cannot come if! Soltiingl — rele i Width +: j | r Sea & o3 ie contact with the conductor For wires | ams ind thickness 125 a - z : a Ss = . larger than No. 4 B. & 8S age, split knobs | 4. . Oe et oo , «i (or single wire cleats) must be so construct Oy a erie - aie Lips on ~ -—7 idl ax | e he ee f , eT! f _ = > 4 ed a to requir tne ) Re o upp nf lades and hi veg en os an ecrews > Bs a 4 aan oe s bl ‘ Knobs must be made of nor ym bust roc 4 st rie 25 4 1,7 } tine Fr atari } nes ’ . {ble, insulating materia nit tae ncn Inch Inch, he ‘pe. Knobs miu: be so construct ‘sp to | = ee " —_ AE ii a aes hed : t e ‘ y ‘ r > x ba separate the wire at ieast oo rom | Ay dividual switches; not over 125 volts D. « and- A. C he : f A VV-8 re switcl with he 5 on on eee Mi - ace * eT : i tne a ng the 'HN0-a a © : the surface wired ove La tiyt spacings of the 200-ampere swtich may be used on el v\ ae ery Sec. 565. Switches, 60 amp yo _64 ia ‘44 | ‘ ; beh: gx3-64 1% L 1 1. General rules ov and V BUD. rs cee caer sie 5 oo “ 2e€nN nn Ll 1% “a a. Switches must, when uged for service | amp 91 a) ‘ ; . fH) } ; army? ~ “+ - a gwitches, indicate, on inspection whether ' NG vy amp »% ‘ - ce or 800 0 amp . ~ the current be “on’’ or “oft ind if amy : 7 4 b. able 3 KF all switches; 250 volts only D. C. and A { 5 @ { ‘ 20 2 - . 2 Knife switches, }°¥ amp ; lo xh-64 lg x3-64 1% 1% . ini witche g he n ite r : ‘ c, Knife switches must Ve nounted on Ladie 4 For all switches: not over 250 volts D [" nor 600 volts A ey -combustible on- g tive nsulating . an - sear ion “94 : : a ee non-combustible, _non-absorptiy insulating ampere switch with. the spacings of the 200-ampere switch may be used on bases Other materials than slate, marble} : hboardsa Op rte s , i oR ; gb eat: . UF-out terminalis on switches for over 250 volts must be designed or porcelain must be submitted for special] ana aced for 600-volt fuses camination before being used Bases with! 2% ¢ exami ! j ¢ 30 amp.. : axl 6 x1-14 ol } arn area of over 20 aquare incnes nust 60 and 100 amp pty o 1 < P| have at least 4 supporting screw Holes 00 TTT. vaca ts eae ; ils : nae ; is for the supporting acrews must be s0 400 and SOC Mya. Gi. a we eas ae A 4 a7 os Poy located or countersunk that there will be/| 800 and 1000 amp 3 . > a 4 i G «% io t ast % inch space measured o0\ the | ; r : yr a lea 2 Pp mea @¢ er n [able For all switches: not over 600 volts D. CG. and A. - surface, between the head of the screw or 2 () mp : e ) c bk a x & x t Q om washer and the nearest live metal part, and 0 ote exi-16 ‘ 3 rr ; ; 50 4 a A in all cases when Bbétween parts of opposit« 100 ‘“ 3% “ eeveupe petesewrrecee pmaemerens iW “ polarity must be countersunk 2 ‘ = 4 . . Wrharo ¢ are f : aig ‘ 7 3 ; ‘ 4 a Pleces carrying the contact aws and | VW here barriers of approved design and| must be provided on D C, switches ‘de- -“ ‘ : | ‘ . P ‘ > ‘ ‘ ti “0 atc 7 Date hinge clips must be secured to the base | ™: de of suitable non-absorptive, non-com | Signed for use in breaking currents greater by at least 2 screws, or else made with a| bustible, In ulating material or of impreg-|than 100 amperes at a voltage of over 250 square shoulder, or provided with dowel nated hard wood are placed between parts For 3-wire direct current and 3-wire single pins, to prevent possible turnings, and! the | of opposite polarity, the minimum separa~/ phase systems the separation and break dis- nuts or screw-heads on the under side of tion of these parts on switches described in| tances for plain 3-pole knife switches must nn ’ ; : Tah} | : ; the base must be countersunk not less than Table may be that given in Table 4 | not be less than those required In the above M% inch and covered with a waterproof Auxiliary contacts of either a_ readily | table for switches designed for the voltage compound which will not melt below 150) renew able or 2a quick-break type or the] between neutral and outside wirés. ee ag MS So ee ee ee Ae |equivalent are recommended for D Coy Snap switches. *So in original } switches. designed for over 250 volts. and! 1 Current-carrying parts must beesos titspapege eet J &§ Tit Lee itt ee. AL ether eet he oboe te oe De he ee ka be) pt deed a + ee Tae * HL Shit et ped ite be ok ee re ed tb SS tb -¢ eeeen foe oer sere hee + | * %2 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. mounted on non-combustible, non-absorptive, insulating bases sucb as slate or porcelaln, anda the holes for supporting screws should be countersunk not less than 14 Inch There must in no case bo less than 3-64 inch space between supporting screws and -urrent-carrying parts. Sub-bases must be so designed as to separate the wires at least 44 inch from the surface wired over. They must be of a non-combustible, non-absorptive nsulating material. m. Pieces carrying contact jaws must be screwed to’the base by at least 2 screws, or else made with a square shoulder, or pro- vided with dowel-pins or otherwise ar- ranged, to prevent possible turnings; and the nuts or screw heads on the under side of the base must be countersunk not less than % inch and covered with a waterproof eoempound which will not melt below 150 degrees Fahrenhelt (C5 degrees Centi- gerade) n. oO. p. Binding posts must be substantially made, and the screws must be of such size that the threads will not strip when set up tight Switches with the set-screw form of contact will not be approved q. Covers made of conducting material except face plates for flush switches, must he lined on sides and top with insulating, tough and tenacious material at least 1-32 inch in thickness, firmly secured so that It will not fall out with ordinary handling The side lining must extend slightly beyond the lower edge of the cover. r. ,The handle or button or any exposed parts must not be in electrical connection with the circuit 8. Snap switches must “make and break with a quick snap, and must not stop Ww hen motion has once been | nparted by the button or handle t. Snap switches must be plainly marked where the marking may be readily seen with the name or trade-mark of the maker and the current and voltage which the ewitch is designed On flush switches thes markings may be placed on- the sub-pilate, On surface switches with covers constructed of porcelain or other moulded insulating ma teral the markings may be on the insid« of the cover. On all other types they mus be placed on the front of the cap over plate Sec. 566. Circuit breakers. 1. Generally | Circuit breakers for operation on circu a of 650 volts or less must: be made to comp!) with, the following specifications, except those few cases where peculiar design a lows the breaker to fulfill the general quirements in some other way, and where i can successfully withstand the test of para graph da of this section In such cases the breakers should be submitted for pecia examination and approval before being used Zz. Details of construction a. Circult breakers must be mounted or non-combustible, non-absorptive, insulating bases, sucn as slate or marble Bases with @n area otf over 25 square inches must have at least 4 supporting screws Holes for the supporting screws must be so located or countersunk that there will be at least \&% inch space measured over the surface be tween the head of the screw or washer and {Ae nearest live metal part, and mh cases when between parts of opposite polarity must be countersunk b. Pieces carrying contact parts must be ecrewed to the base by at least 2 screws or else made with a square houlder, dowel pin, or equivalent device tO prevent pos- sible turning, and the nuts or screw heads en the under side of the base of front-con- nected breakers must be countersunk not less than % £=inch and vered with a fraterproof compound which will not melt below 150 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Centigrade). All breakers must be provided with easily accessible means of tripping them by hand without injury to the opera- gor. See an Metal work of automatic overload cir- wing thumb nuts and the jik ing pieces are much more likely to cause re to start than a more solid mass of meta It is a good plan to round all cor- ‘ff the terminals and to chamfer the A Rnelosed-fuse cut-outs—plug and cart- dge type Enclosed fuse cut-outs must be class- ed a regards both current and voltage civen in the following table, and muat o so designed that the bases of 1 class ‘ot be used with fuses of another class ,ted for a higher current or voltage: f indard plug or cartridge cut-outs O 50 Volts Not Over 600 Volts, ver ao \ \0 amperes 0- 30 amperes, a 31- 60 1n0 61-100 * 00 101-200 °° 400 201-400 cer ce and meter cut-oute. Over 250 Volts Not Over 600 Volts = 4 smperes ~ @- 30 amperes. ) S1- 60 0 61-100 " i 101-200 on ; Te + v quirements of this section apply to rosettes, attachment r-lighting cut-outs and protective dey es ) signaling systems 1als must have contact surfaces harder metal, having perfect ynnections with the fusible part K es must be stamped with yer cent of the maximum cur- 1 they can carry indefinitely, thus rv r about 5 per cent. overload be- i ise terminals must be stamped with he rel name or initlals, or with some osed fuses plug and cartridge type; rosettes, attachment plugs, igh ge cut-outs and protective de- I i Systems. ( he fuse casing must be suffictently zh o that lint and dust cannot ‘ aroun¢ he fusible wire and become £ ted whe! ie fuse is blown. ‘ Enclosed fus must be classified to rT d with the different classes of cut- 1 locks, and must be so designed that it possible to put any fuse of a ass Oo a cut-out block which is designed r a irrent or voltage lower than a of ass to which the fuse be- terminals must be sufficiently heavy to nsure mechanical strength and rizidit,s The styles of terminals, except for us ealable service and meter cut- outs must be as follows: vel U t(s— 1. Cartridge fuse (ferrule contact) -. Approved plug or cartridge fuses in approved cas- 0 amps.. ings for Iedison Plug | cul-oufa pot ereeading 12 volts, but ineluding any circuit of a 3-wire 125-250 volt system, wit¥ erounded neutral. 61-100 amps ) 101-200 | Cartridge fuse (knife blade 01-400 ; i contact) 401-600 Table of Dimensione of the National Blee& trical L —__—_——— A i ‘ ! -——_——— + + e Form 2. Cartridge fuse—knife blade cormtact,CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ( Rte A eee ' a er PRBS nT a ess ao —— = | ‘ Panel boards must be marked where A B Cc. |} the marking can be plainly seen when in- Distance lalled, with the name or trade-mark of the Voltage Length between Width of | manufacturer and the maximum capacity in Rated over contact contact amperes and the voltage for wnich the board -apacity terminals, clips, clips, is de ened amperes inches inches inches. ; Ss ie ia Ha ee es ee os eet eee ee — | See. 570. Cabinets and cut-out boxes. mee Over 256. tee 0-30 Form 1.,. 2 1 ly ' binets ‘ar led f ‘losi 31-60 ine : +4 ‘ ce Cabinets are intende for enclosing ~ a feeder and circuit branch panelboards and 61-100 Form 2 o% 4 % Similar devices They may be designed for 101-200 FOr @y <5: il, 4i; 11 : i 7 be ° rh : = ie 2 ‘4 either surface or flush mounting and ars; 201-400 Form a “Ph =n » 1% usually provided with removable frames or ivt aeueee ae. ead ‘ * : a matts, trims, ete, in which ,the swinging a. ae © was . v cee doors are hung; when for the enclosure of 31-60 Form o 4 4% ‘ ipparatus connected within the cabinet to 61-100 Form <. ‘sa o ™, the wires of more than 4 cireuits they 101-200 orm 2 ae ‘ L shaii have a baek -wiring. space or 1 ‘oF 201-400 Form 4 11% 8 1% ore side wiring spaces, side gutters or wir- Soe a NE eee apedipmaiananatipanineceiae toe a a ne compartment unless the vires leave h. the switches and the circuits, except In the the cabinet directly opposite their~ terminal { Enclosed fuses must be marked where | Case of service switches. when Sec. 428a of | CO™mmection When intended for installation the marking will be plainly visible, with the | this chapter must be compiled with When | Cut-of-doors they must. be of the weather- name or trade-mark of the maker, the volt-|the branch switches are between the fuses | P'O°! pattern age and current for wh h the fuse is de-/@nd bus-bars, 1e@ connections must be so} » Cut-out boxes are intended for encios- signed, and the words “National Electrical | @Franged that the blades will be dead when| /"& S!ngle\devices or combinations of de- Code Standard.”’ Fach fuse ‘must have a {thé switches are open When there are ex-| Y'ce# conne eted Within the cut-out box to label, the color of which must be green for | Posed live metal parts on the back of a) rae eee o ne? aa aaa Ms et eee 250-volt fuses and red for 600-volt fuses. board, or where the board will be su ubiect usually are designed for surface moUnsing, f fr to moisturys @ space of at least 4 inch having swi! ging. Ge rs or cove ee ured d i Not over 600 a must be provided between such live metal ret t vy to the wall of the box When pRLOTT: g 0-20 ; : parts and e cabinet: in which board ts} ©% fF installation out-of-doors they must be " “ov amps. | Cartridge fuse (ferrule mounted of the weatherproof pattern “ 21-60 a contact) ¥ de ; c Design and construction of all cabinets f si-ie9 ) Tino Bor a a eee and cut-out boxes must be such as to insure 101-200 '* | Cartridge fuse (knife blade must be malr tn a ae ae se ample strength and rigidity ©01-400 7 contact) Bo d The spacing \ ati | i abinets and cut- | j— ——$—$—$<$—<—<———————————— out boxes must De umMmcient to proy ide ampise $ Exceptions. oe 0 | room for the distribution of wires and cables The requirements of subdivision 2 of this | =< ees eee se a eK Re es eee section shall not apply to fuses for rosettes : ~ Ac > 1 ee pe. ee ee a eee “ aes aes ae : er irts of opposite =; | boxes and current-carrying parts of devices attachment plugs, car-lighting cut-outs and | i ee hea | a e 1 i f ‘ C , ‘ Lt SwWitChe and apparatus mounted within them as fol- protective devices for signaling systems and iinie saun ec ) Se oF Cartridge enclosed fuses and corre- |} ae ay i There must be an alr space of at least sponding cut-out blocks, except for sealable | vhen 7 ited When held A l-lob j h, except at points of support, be- service and meter cut-outs, must confor | , 3am free In *2. | tween the bass f the device and the wall of to the dimensions given in the following ; tt ee | any metal cabinet or cut-out box on which table a i | the device is mounted Code Standard Cartridge Enclosed Fuse ; i / [There must be an air space of at least . i ene oe a Seat is l inch between any enclosed fuse or currente i ‘ s Za) ‘ : } carrying part and the door unless the door = <> p—t-4! ys over i yoits ~ 7 le lined with an approved insulating material sae aoe : NOt Over 200 vol 1" 4 % or is of a thickness at least that of No. 12 . ae SR) a) gee Tee |} Not over & . . 14 : [ S. gauge when the air space must be Bes ——— - - —<—— -}i not less than % incl ie Se At switches or enclosed fuses parts of the } There must be a space of at least 2 ie | @- 60 AMPCRCs same polarity may be placed as close to- inches between open link fuses and metal an orm 1.’ Cartridge fuse—ferrule contact. gether cs convenience in handling willl allow. yr glass of walls or doors “4 =_ incense : a A sam. Seo 4 Except as noted above there must be Ld =_— 3 ss Papa — ; im ee {an air space of at least 4 inch between Diameter Minimum ne ee oa - Se oat af pillaged Te ge «Ma a . _ . ’ or door of any cabinet or cut-out box and of ferrules length of | the nearest exposed current-carrying part of e or thickness ferrules or Diameter Width of | devices mounted within the cabinet where ha of of terminal of tube, termina Rated | the potentials do not exceed 256 volts, This oa terminal blades out- inches blades capacity, spacing must be increased to at least 1 inch blades, side of tube, inches amperes where the potentials exceed 250 volts ed inches Inches Rn Cabinets and cut-out boxes must bo | a ae. 3 ete eee ae ere a i ae err rE ace ie eae deep enough to allow the doors to be closed es) 9-16 4 Wa Farm 222.367 6-20 vyhen 30-ampere branch circuit panelboard rf} 13-16 a, ™% Porm Lessee 31-60 | switches having oo] or Composition handles ; \ 1 4 Ferm 2 ae 61-1¢€%4 | on when switches of combination cut-oura e $-16 1 % ly 1 hs FOrM 2...06. 101-200 | +e in any positton, and when other single et Y 1% 5 1% vill Bic 6 weet 201-42) l throw switches are thrown open as far as f. a tg - OFM 2esaees 401-600 | :neir construction and installation will per- “1 arr 12-16 “é 3. Form 26 cen. 0-30 ait Fr o . 4-LE & j SOrm Lveccns 31-60 6. Cabinets having 1 or more side wiring a vn 1 1% vt Porm 2.6.65 61-100 paces side gutters OF side wirtng com- | 3-16 1% 1% l 46 FOrm 2.4664 101-200 * partments must be furnished with cavers, c % 17s 21% Ly Form %...... <01-400 barriers or partilions extending around or an eee” _oeeeeeeeeee a ),000_—oo==s from the side or sides of all bases or groups ir k. Enclosed fuses must not hold an arc] The spacings given in the first column ap-| of bases of the switches, cut-outs, ctreuit or throw out melted metal or ufficient | ply to the branch conductors where enclosed breakers or feeder and circuit branch panel. flame to ignite easily infiammable material] fuses are used Where link fuses or knife! boards within the cabinet and providing & A on or near the cut-out when only one fuse witches are used, the spacings musi be at close fit with the a frame or sides of the an is blown at a time on a short circuit on a| Jeast as great as those required by secs. 665 | cabinet so as to enclose hese Spaces, Kur i. system of the yoltage for which the fuse| and 567 of this chapter. tere OF COMpAT nea ind ANS. Sires atOwed @ ie rated | The spacings given In the secone column within them At sides ee wires pel 5 ry rpbly to the distance between the raised | cables ars led from the cabinet at points di- ly Bec. 569. Panel boards me lin bars and between these bars and the rectly opposite heir terminal connections to 3 a. The specifications for construction of) branch bars over which they pass Ggev is or apparatus within the cabinet, and ‘ ewitches and cut-outs (see Sec. 565 and Panel boards of special design in which} oth wires or cables are not placed, theae o Bec. 567 of this chapter) must be followed) the insulation and separation between buy | covers Vaxriere OF PREM One mney De OMLLAS, 7 es far as they apply | bars and between other curren carrying ” dats roe ie ease er 5 In the relative arrangement of fuses and parts is secured by means of barrierr or in- which are net entirely on ae oe re es sulating materials instead of by the spac- , be furnished to provide equivalent enclosure. ; switches, the fuses may be placed between : f ings e@iven ahove must be stbmitted for special ervamination anc approyvel before be«- | ing uped j the bus-bars and the switches, or between Sec 57} Rosettes. ; et ee a Current-carrying parts of rogettes *Zo in origitial-+ must be mounted on non-combustible, Be b All sockets and receptacies mu a ° absorptive, insulating bases There should | marked with th nat or trade-mark \ : be no openings through the rosette base; the manufacturer al d with the watts and “3 except those for the supporting screws and/ volts which apply to the cla ane rating 5 in the concealed type for the conductors; marks may be abbreviated, as, iglllgeasie acre Galt a also, and these openings should not bé/| “250 W., 260 \ Kach lamp hoidel P ‘ made any larger than necessary, There | double-ended soc] must be rated a ~ e must be at least % inch space, measured | fled above he de\ > bein} larked ¥ sr over the surface, between supporting screws | single mal ig applying to each . and current-carrying parts. The support- | ‘ Met: ised for shells must } mod ba ing screws must be so located or counter-| ately har i om hard ¢ 1g} . : sunk that the flexible cord cannot come in| brittle o » Dd y dented < . contact with them Bases for the knob and! knocked La] ID Leh) , om cleat type must have at least : holes for! be at i 0] nh n n and f me supporting screws; must be high enough to nogu ( et ) ‘ tna Ve ; a, keep the wires and terminals at least % shell of ny Li matel J thi i inch from the surface to which the rosette enoug! he equival iffne i oe is attached and must have a porcelain lug rengeth ba under each terminal to prevent the rosette | d The of eta t . from being placed over projections which ined witl ating materia! vh 3 a would reduce the separation to less than %4 absoli y pl nt h ¢ from becomin he inch Bases for the moulding and conduit] a part « circuit. even though the wire s box types must be higW enough to keep | insid: { hould be j . the wires and terminals at least ‘% inch] or detached f heir posit del z from the surface wired ove! lt rmina Whe ma f 2. b. Contact pieces and terminals must be | li g 1 at least I-d3c 1 “- re secured in position by at least 2 screws, 0! ly 1nd ust es ompact, t made with a square shoulder, or otherwise | | na { dé I * arranged to prevent turning The nuts orj|ed D I the ; ae screw heads on the under side of the base| ! ca . must be countersunk not less than % inch|in wh jiled practically neutra and covered with a waterproof compound |} )] i thé on ( which will not melt below 150 degrees | The lit ‘ end bi a i | a Fahrenheit (65 degrees Centigrade) | shell mor but p é c. Line terminal plates must be at least |@"Y § ' ; part ol! sain: : 06 inch in thickness, and terminal screws | fT ' ane . — rs Se must not be smaller than No, 6 standard ocket cap LU al be and = screw with about 32 threads per inch, Ter- | *'S with mm Py minal plates for the flexible cord and for | ™eé! OF, ‘Sas ran ie fuses must be at least .06 inch in thickness. | Cal ‘ nade of neet ras must Ff The connection to these plates shall be by|be a 4 01] inc} I hickne and fi binding screws not smaller than No, 5 | .026 a sockets, and when <¢ or e standard screw with about 40 threads per} mad must f iva inch. At al) binding screws for line wire stre ae and for fiexible cord, upturned lug: OI The Ca t* ro Lin 4 some equivalent arrangement, must be pro et for fu thread and whe! f in # vided which will secure the wires being] one ece ith the ap must be riveted or oe held under the screw heads her cured to { ‘ he rength of a if ad. The diameter of the cord inlet hole | 5'ns piece. There must | ficlent room i should measure 13-32 inch in order that ul enable the raina wirema a standard portable cord may be used easily and quick] make a knot In the e. Ample space must be provided for a|°°T? &na t a An EO. DIG bent ee substantial knot tied in the cord as a whole uh aya aoe Au] part of . me All parts of the rosette upon which th: hich th : Kely to bear must ae knot is likely to bear must be smooth and |’ ' well lated z well rounded. The @ which holds the movin i f. When the rosette is made in 2 parts, | part mu ufficiently hea to giv 5 the cover must be secured to the base so| ff ne B pir gs that it will not work loose } Cf di DINE ‘ ul rew must ; i ffi - 2 g- Rosettes must be plainly marked | cient neavy give ample strength and Hy where the marking may be readily seen | stif i LV e ut ea i of at after the rosette has been installed, with hread f erm! rey vt post pe the name or trade-mark of the manufa: | serey mu bi I ler tha No. .& turer, and the rating in amperes and volts | indard VY, With abou 10 thread per Fuseless rosettes may be rated 3 amperes, | inch 750 volts, é Fo! i ra cket ind nedium bk. | size socket rated at 250 volts, points of op- Bec. 572. Sockets. ee: See” Le wen } Ss ad ) ' : oat nd L¢ @. Sockets shall be classed according to| mogul sock an ae cate a : 600 diameters of lamp bases as candelabra, | volts not less t h apart avidad medium and mogul base to be known how ey if | barriers rf uT respectively as % inch, 1 inch and 1% | proved insulatins uterial <« Wused . to i inch nominal sizes, with ratings as speci- | separati uch par these distancs nav be i Ged in the following table: | Tresponainegly red eda but in no event 3 WARY Ais hs Ad, Vi in Ads a ; ee ———— Katine mad 8 } Key Keyless : Max Max ei &imnp amp 3 Nominal at any at any Class. diam. Watts Volts voltage Watts Volts voltage a a <> & CORGOILDIS. napececack 4 In: 76 125 8 - sea ; MINS 2 sc acdckevde 1 te 250 DEO gar . . - ay f 260 6 "660 260 660 0 PEEL cavisesenvennves 2th 50 i 1500 600 * This rating may be given only to sockets having a switch mechani m whic) produces both a quick ‘‘make’’ and a quick ‘‘break’’ action i ae ds apes Y Ratings to be assigned later, pending further discussion with manufacturer : AA aL urTrers Miniature sockets and receptacles having! must the Separation distar S é screw shells smaller than the candelabra! over the iiri€e can af Ane rate ae eh a Bize May be used for decorative lighting | than thos sneeines aces! ne ate ae re Bystems, Christmas tree lighting outfits and h. The parts to which wiring conne naa a@imilar purposes, | are iad mn | @reé made must be designed to securely grip | | | | | CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. | mechanical lug or somé provided onductors Al upturned t . iLé { equivalent arrangement must be o hola the wires under the screw heads. The socket must firmly hold the lamps n place so that it cannot be easily jarred and must provide a contact good ough to prevent undue heating with the c ee : ; " se A h oa oe 7 Conta ta for alternating current cure, In every case, ample strength and re-/| proved types 7 a F 7 a at v GkaaE ate interrupting device Nlabillty. may | I ted Sockets must, except on. pendant cords, be | van 1} kis; ed . Tes he meats te Soe ee devices which =e in« SE ieee Ce Ue Bi tree andl lace ac oat) danicaia’ the GEE ek OLDE. will ADE The DEpCeee OF. ee ee must be secured in a reliable and permaner . ; as parate he canopies thor- | ™ ro M } be approved, unless other , as 3 lle al [ nanent | ough i per inently from the surfaces | cir uit breakers or fuses are installed in manner by threading locked by set-screws o! nd out) oxes from which they are de- | connection with them. brazing or an equivalent method. signed t b. sulated A strip of a good Cie se i All burrs and fins in wireways must be re- ra of hard fibre 1-16 inch thick, ‘per- | Sec. 579. Auto-starters. " moved and all sharp edges at points wher maner uttached o the canopy at the 2 Coll and switches of auto-starters 3 wires emerge from arms, stems, chains, et: de. an ntermediate points, in such a used ir dusty and linty places or where : MUSE, when practicable, be removed 01 1anne that h strip will permanently exposed to fiyings of combustible material, - rounded, but in every case it must be pos- | extend at ea °-16 inch beyond the entire must be completely enclosed in substantial sible to pull in and also to withdraw ths pper edge f canopy rim, will be ac- metal cas so constructed as to effectively wires without injuring tnem eptabl Where the above construction is | °*™ lude ordinary dust, lint or fiyings of Where supply wires enter casings of fi mpracticabls 1. sheet of a good grade of ee ee ture stems in either straight electric or | hard fibre 1-16 incl lick, permanently at- | Auto-starters used in places where the combination gas and electric fixture: there | tached to the « opy and cut to conform to | above conditions do not exist, may be of must be suitable fittings having smooth the general outline of the canopy and with | _— approved type Cases for either trans- rounded edges to prevent injury to the wire | the edg f er at least flush with | former colls or switches must provide for coverings and to prevent the wires from the edAveas of cano} will be acceptable | acct Ss to the interlor for inspection and for coming into contact with the edges of the | The nsulating trip o1 haat ‘must be. s6c renewal of oll, and must be so constructed ends of casings Sad CO eas rawre an wal ee ae that en mounted on a plain surface the “= Fixtures for installation outdoors or wheres rews must bs cated ¢ countersunk casing will make contact with such surface = exposed to moisture must be so construct-/ that the desired ffective insulation dim }...°. 0, 2 of support. An air space at a ed that water cannot enter the wireways tance is o least % inch between the casing and sup- = sockets or other electrical parts d est porting surface will _be required. The oil rd b. Conductors must be not smal than | Bas ctu (after wiring and assembly) ses, - go ea ~ - wuten? et = No. 18 B. & S. gauge ust be tested with a magneto which will | + a ae oe proper om level. The switch M c ae : must provide an off position, a running posl- On chains or similar parts where condu , ring through & resistance oF @ t least 50,009 | tion, and at least one starting position. It ors are not completely enclosed in metal ohms show no short circults between} must be so arranged that it will be held in the conductors must be stranded and must | ©onauU s Or CQOl ts etween conductors | off and running positions but cannot be left have rubber insulation not less than 1-32 ind metal parts of fixtures, in a starting position or without the proper inch in thickness Wires and flexible cords | © ‘ 3 running overload protective devices in the must, when fixtures are external! wired, be Eact fixture must be marked with the | circuit [The construction throughout must so secured as not to be cut or- abraded by manufa lrer’'s name or trade-mark be thoroughly substantial the pressure of the fastenings or motion of b Clamps for connecting wires to the the fixture, and must be protected against Sec. 578 Rheostats, resistance boxes and | terminal boards must be so designed:as to Ie abrasion where they pass through sheet equalizers Insure a horoughly good connection and -n metal plans, canopies, et mn ? , ué e boxes and equal must be sufficlently strong and heavy te o Conductors must be so spliced or oined | *“©? ue made entirely of non-com withstand considerable hard usage. For ee as to be both mechanically and electrically = ; Lt : ' pt such minor parts | currents above 30 amperes, lugs into which a4 secure without solder The joints must then I magne insulation, et Al the onnecting wires may be soldered, or be soldered (unless made with some form of pa ever ms, etc., must be mounted | approve: solderless connectors, must be me approved splicing device) and covered with . ve nu Phy non-absorptive insuls used Clamps or lugs will not be required ey an insulation equal to that on the conduct- |_ Ns Later LON ' or the supporting nen “ads are provided as a part of the be ors, i. e., with both rubber and friction tape |screws which secure this material in pos- | devics pe: Wires must, within the arms and stems, be ti mu ve oe 5 ated | countersunk that ‘ Auto-starters must be plainly marked, without splices and taps, i. e., it should not | *™re ™ Bi LG | SOG} inch space, meas- | ¥ here the marking may be readily seen be necessary to withdraw the wires to in- Micu 9 irface, between th head of | after the device is installed, with the rate spect splices and taps the screw oO " her and the nearest iiy eee and name of the maker: terminals te Receptacles must be so installed as to af- aT ie | be so marked as tO indicate to what part : ford permanent and reliable means to pre- : I Rhe at , Tresistar ee ae slr -|of the circuit each is to be connected rl > p “ele ve ie 2 ALOt : aos —— F Vile ACLe a Whlerl PP pi ere mr cloning Rea, e the sur mounted o a plan¢ surfas @ the oa ing will | Sec. 580. Reactive coils and condensers, ot Z make conta with ich surface only at tne : ‘4 Receptacles having exposed terminals points « snport An air space of at otek | a, Reactive coils must be made of non- ra must not be used in canopies unless com id innh hetwaen the umoeiee Gann sia sone combustible material, mounted on non-com- ot prereh anc} PARE At Tate! SODA neg . irface will ca re ioe, The bustible . i ; and treated, in general, as st c. Tubing used in threaded arms and eonatruction throughout must. be heavy, rug- sour es of heat a stems must not be Nebter than No. 15 3. & ged and thoroughly workmanlike : b Condensers must be treated Ilke other We S gauge The thickness of unthreaded , Clamps for obtinentine ithe te thea epparatne operating with equivalent voltage te arms will depend largely upon the method |;+.-mjinals must be so EA cis ch tnmenlee ms irrents They must have non-com- 3 used, and all methods of fastening arms OF |g thoroughly good connection, and must be | bustib! cases and supports, and must be stems must be such as to secure in every | sufficientls strong and heavy to withstand | isolated from all combustible materials and, case strength equivalent to that of a thr: ad- | eonsiderable hard usage ir wid hebnktn a busta in general, treated as sources of heat. ed connection Such methods must be sub- 30 amperes, lugs into which the connecting a a ee : ‘ mitted for examination, test and approval. | wires may be soldered, or approved solder- Sec. 581 Transformers, low potential. Tubing should not be kinked, flattened or jegs connectors, must be used Clamps or | / Air cooled transformers. cracked lugs will not be required when leads are a. au cooled transformers riaust be Canopies must be made sufficiently large, | provided as a part of the devics placed in substantial metallic or other non- except where outlet boxes are used, to per- d Rheostats, 'resistance boxes and equal- ombustible cases, which completely enclose mit the stowing away of splices to fixttre |izers must be plainly marked, where the al) current-carrying parts, with the ex- leads and to allow supply conductors, and marking may be readily seen after the de- | ception of the terminals of the low voltage windings as specified below. Sheet metal especially the splices to be kept clear of the | vice is installed, with the rating and the grounded part of gas pipes lname of the maker; and the terminals of All methods of fastening arms or stems | motor-starting rheostats must be marked to of the circuit each is ” “armature and cases must be not less than 1-32 inch in thickness, and cast iron must be not lesa than 1-8 inch in thickness, Such trans- formers must be so constructed that when mounted on a plane surface the casing will with such surface only at the to fixture supports must be such as to se- |indicate to what part cure in every case strength equivalent to |to be connected, as line, that of a thredded connection. | “fleld.”* Conductors used in wirine fixture: must! e. The design of the fixed and movable } make contactPeta bok tel eS 2 | ct+ssaye- itieetiel tl lol babes ol i ee eS oe + ~*~ 5 MPSA OTIOW Oe ETE EET FPS rer es elles Sects 76 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Points of support An air space of at l2ast Xu ] ing and the supporting surface will be quired Leads of approved cable at least 6 inches In length and so secured as to prevent strain coming on the connections to the colls, must be brought out of the case through approved insulating bushings, except bell-ringing and toy transformers, low voltage terminals of which may be bind- ce ing posts mounted on the case. The construction throughout must be sub- stantial and thoroughly workmanlike. b, Air cooled transformers must be plain- ly -marked, where the marking will re°dily: seen after the transformer is stalled, with the name of maker, with frequency, the primary and ajl secondary voltages, and the rated capacity in kilo- yolt-amperes. %. ‘Bell ringing or other signaling trans- formers, d. Transformers for bell-ringing or other | signaling service must be constructed accordance with the requirements of para- graph a of this section, and may be ap | wiring on the high re- proved for use when a voltage side is in accordance with the guirements of article 4 of this chapter. e Such transformers must be plainly marked where it can be seen after instalia- tion, with the name of the manufacturer, the frequency, the high voltage and all low voltages, and the proper terminals must marked ‘“‘Line’’ and “Bell.’””’ The rating high voltage winding must not be over volts 4 f. The design of the transformer must be such that when any 2 low voltage ter- minals are sbort circuited while the rated voltage is Impressed on the high voltage coil, the input measured by a wattmeter in the high voltage circuit will not be more tha 25 watts. i Toy.transformers. g. Transformers for operating toys mus! be constructed in accordance with the re quirements of paragraph a of this section h. Such transformers must be marked with the name of the manufacturer, high and all low voitages, the frequency and the rated capacity in. volt-amperes The high voltage rating must not ex- eeed 125 volts, nor the low voltage rating exceed 25 volts, i. Such transformers must.be so construct- éd as to stand the following test: With the high voltage coil connected to elrcuit of the rated voltage and frequent and with the low voltage coils short circult- ed, the input as measured by wattme must not exceed 250 watts. When so con- nected, and run until constant temperature is reached or until burnout occurs, the case must not be injured and there must be escape of fiames or molten metal Bec. 582. Lightning arresters. a. Lightning arresters must be of ap- proved construction, Bec 683. Electric signs (for low potential systems only). a. Blectric signs shall be constructed en- tirely of metal, or other incombustible material, except the insulation of the wires. Sheet metal must be not less than No, LU. S. sheet metal gauge. All metal must galvanized, enameled, treated with at least 2 coats of anti-corrosive paint, or otherwige protected corrosion b. Electric signs must be so constructed as to rmecure ample strength and rigidity. Electric signs must be so constructed to be practically reatherproof and to en- close all terminals and wiring other than the supply leads, except that open work will be permitted for signs on roofs or open ground where not subject to mechanical in- “jury, provided the wiring is in accordance with paragraph e of this section Tree. formers, unless of weatherproof type, cut- outs, flashers and other similar @Ca:vices on er within the sign structure, must be en- closed in approved cut-out hoxes or cabinets except that if on or within the sign struc- ture they may be placed in a separate, com- pletely enclosed compartment, or In a gub- ¢ of an inch between the transformer Cas- less than M4 in the ARTICLE 6. in an improved manner against h ctoss-arms must not be less than 24 ches When the wires are carried in ap- proved cabies, paragraphs c, dad and e of section do not apply Where wires are attached to the out- walls of buildings, they must have an approved rubber insulating covering, and on frame buildings or frame portions of other ldines shall be supported on glass or reelain insulators, or knobs The wires from last outside support the cutouts or protectors must be of copper, and must have an approved rubber ation: must be provided with drip oops immediately outside the buliding and ntrance Wires must enter building through ap- roved non-combustible, non-absorptive in- ating bushings sloping upward from the ide, and both wires may enter through same bushing, if desired. len ampere installations An all-metallic circuit shall be provid- xcept in telegraph systems 4t the entrance of wires to building, roved single pole cut-outs, designed for -G00 volts potential and containing fuses d at not over 10 amperes capacity, shall rovided for each wire These cut-outs at not be placed in the immediate vicinity f easily tgnitable stuff, or where exposed te nflammable gases, or dust or to fiyings of ible material The wires inside bullding shall be of er no ess than No. 16, B. & S. gage. ust have insulation and be supported, 1e as would be required for an insta!- of electric light or power wiring, ) volts potential! The instruments shall be mounted on onstructed of non-combustible, non- irptive insulating material) Holes for ipporting screws must be so located, or er-sunk that there will be at least space, measured over the surface, yeel he head of the screw and the near- ‘ me part a 10 ampere installations Wires must be provided with an ap- ve device located as near as » the entrance of wires to build- The protector must not be placed in mediate vicinity of easily ignitable or where exposed to inflammable gases or fiyings of combustible materials. Wires from entrance to building te r must be supported on porcelain to! so that they will come in contact ith’ng except their designed supports. The ground wire of the protective de- be run in accordance with the Wing requirements .— i be of copper and not smaller ‘o. 18, B. & S. page ust have an Insulating covering ap- ed for voltages from 0 to 690, except Y ne yreservative compound may be Mtust run in as straight a line as pos- o a good permanent ground This 1 obtained by connecting to a water or pipe connected to the street mains or te und rod or pipe driven in permanently damp earth When connections are made es, preference shall be given to water lf attachment is made to gas pipe, connection in all cases must be made veen the meter and the street mains. Tor > case the < onnection shall be made near as poss.’.e to the earth. When the wire is atiached to a water pipe or pipe, it may be connected by means approved ground clamp fastened.to a ‘ shall be thoroughly <« horoughly clean portion of said pipe, or the ») eaned and tinned rosin fiux solder and the ground wire then be wrapped tightly around the pipe and thoroughly soldered to It. When ground wire is attached to a ground rod driven into the earth, the ground wire shall soldered to the rod in a similar manner. / Steam or hot-water pipes muat not be used a protector ground Che protector to be approved must Piy with the following requirements: sor instrument circuits of telegraph tems. an approved single pole cut-out tn wire, designed for 2.000 volts potential containing fuses rated at not over 1 it or power wires, the | ampere capacity When main line cut-outs Insta.led es called for in paragraph gCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 77 ef this section the Instrument cut-outs- may be placed between the Switchboard and the instrument as near the switchboard as pos- sible; 2. In all other systems the must be mounted on non-combust @vdsorptive insulating bases, so designed that when the protector ie In place, al] parts which may be alive will be thoroughly in- Bulated from the wall to which the protector is attached The protector must ha following parts: A lightning arrester which will operate with a difference of potential between of not over 500 volts and so arranged the chance of accidental grounding is protector ipie non-« ve the wires that re- duced to a minimum: A fuse designed to open the circuit in case the wires” become crossed with licht pe power circults The fuse must be able to open the circuit without arcing or serious flashing when crossed with an ordi: ary com- mercial light or power circuit: A heat coil, if the sensitiveness of the in- strument demands it which will operate before a sneak current can damage the instrument the protector is guarding Heat coils are necessary in all. cirevits normally closed through magnet windings which cannot indefinitely carry a current ‘of at least 5 amperes; The heat coil is designed to warm uD and melt out with a current large enourc} endanger the instruments if continued for a long time, but so small that it would not blow the fuses ordinarily found necessar for such instruments. 3 The fuses must be so placed.as to protect the arrester and heat colls, and the protector terminals must be plainly marked “line,”’ “instrument,” ‘‘zground.’ An easilv read abbreviation of the abové words will be allowed. 4. Generally The following rulés apply to all system * whether the wires from the central office to the building are overhead or underground nh. Wires beyond the protector, or wires inside buildings where no protector i ised must be neatly arranged and secure fas- tened in place in some convenient work- manlike manner, They must no come nearer than 2 inches to any electri light @r power wire in the building unless sepa- rated therefrom by, some continuous and firmly fixed non-conductor creating a per- manent separation; this non-conductor to be in addition to the reguiar insulation on the wire. 0 Wires where bunched together in a vertical run within any building must have @ fire-resisting covering sufficient to prevent the wires from carrying fire from floor to fioor unless they are run either n non- combustible tubing or in a fireproof shaft, which shaft must be provided with fire stops at each floor Signaling wire and electri light or power wires may be run in the same shaft, provided that one of these classes of wires is run in non-combustible tubing, or provided thet when run otherwise these two classes of wires shall be separated from each other by at least 2 inches In no case shail signaling wires be run in the same tube with electric light or power wires p. Transformers or other devices for sup- plying current to signaling ystems* from light, heat or power circuits must be of a design expressly approved for this purpose The primary wiring must be nstalled accordance with the requirements of article 4 of this chapter, and the secondary wiring in accordance with this article. Bec. 686. Wireless telegraph apparatus. In setting up wireless telegraph apparatus, 2ll wiring within the building must conform to the requirements of this chapter for the class of work installed and the following additional specifications: a. Aerial conductors must be permanently and effectively. grounded at all times when station is not in operation by a conductor not smaller than No. 4, B. & S. gage copper wire, run in as direct line as possible to water pipe at a point on the asatreet side 9f all connections to said water pipe within he premises, or to some other equally satis- factory ¢arth connection. b. Aerial conductors when grounded as | above specified must be effectually cut off Art. 6 Ammunition. |from all apparatus within the building Art. 6. Fireworks. ce Or the aerial must be permanently Art 7. Matches, | Connected at all times to earth in the man- Art 8. Mineral oils. jnmer specified above, through a_short-gap | Art 9 Infammable mixtures. lightning arrester, said arrester to have a Art. 10 Combustible mixtures. gap of not over .015 inch between brass or AYyt. 13 Garages. | Copper pla not less than 2% inches in Art. 12, Motor vehicle repair shops 'length parallel to the gap, and 114 inches the Art, ] Dry cleaning and dry dyeing es- other way with a thickness of not less than | tablishments % inch mounted upon non-combustible, non- Art. 14. Motor Cycle Repair Shops and | absorptive insulating material of such di-| Storage Place: | mensions as to give ample strength Other | Art; 15 Paints, varnishes and lacquers. |; @pproved arresters of equally low resistance | Art. 16. Calcium carbide and equally substantial construction may| Art. 17. Gases under pressure, he used i? Are. is Refrigerating plants d. In cases where the aerial Is grounded | Art. 19. Nitro-cellulose. és specified in paragraph a of this section,| Art. 20 Inflammable motion-picture Alms |}the switch employed to join the aerial to | Art. 23 Distilled liquors and alcohols the ground connection shall not be smaller | Art. 22 Oils and fats. {than a standard 100 ampere knife switch Art, 23. Technical establishments. e Where supply ts obtained direct fron Art. 24 Wholesale drug stores and drug the reet rvice the circuit must be in- |#2d chemical supply-houses. stalled in approved metal conduits or ar- Art. 25 Retail drug stores. mored cablk In order to protect the supply | Art. 26 Miscellaneous, ystem from high potential surges, there must be inserted in cirenvit either a trans- } former having a ratio which will give a/| potential on the econdary leads not to ex- ete ghee lig Oa ot eae ARTICLE 1. acro the line, the connection between said P condensers to be permanently and effectually | General Provisions. grounded these condensers should have Sec ] Definitions, fea pa of not 1k } af icro- - c 5 . capa than %2 micro-farad i Bec 2 Construction of chapter. f | Se 3 ‘e ‘ ° Sec. 68% Blectric: «an .lietslans Federal government. Sec, 4 City officers ‘ } , : lichtine i eed { | 5 - * - rae rical gas lighting, unless itis the/ Sec. 5. Seizure of contraband material frictional s m, must not be used on the | Sec 6 Revenues, disposition of same fixture with the electric light, except] Sec 7. Electrical perils, protection unde! D lal permission in. writing. | against Aa s Sec £ Smoking proh Sec. 688. Insulation resistance. | : a ; er ng ux 7 items: ‘he wiring UI ilding must comply| 2°o ,% Fire extinguishing appliances. ’ Re Sec. 10, Hazardous industries. 4 t fo ) g requir nents: The com- | Q 47 , “et ; | He kde Permits. plete installation ust have a resistance be- } tween co cto ind between all conductors Sec. 1. Definitions. and the ground (not including attachments,| nless otherwise expressly stated when ; 1 . DS -uA . vv ov SSiy L i, rs ocket receptacl etc.) not less : . a "e less than that | ever used in this chapter the f@jlowing terms } n ne f LOW £& tabdie | : 4 : co adlh F hecaaa shall respectively be deemed t6@ mean: ry » r r N00 | a i Se ohms; 4. Ammunition, a metal or other shell mn to if} a c 2 000.00f ‘ ad Caen tie ohms} containing a fulminate, or containing bleck mn t a) er 800.00! ° a at bea ohms lor smokeless powder for the purpose of pro- , 1 00,0 } I Ss . * ohms | pelling projectiles or shot; or black or { () : neres —O0 Of p to per eee «90,000 ohms | smokeless powder packed for use as a pro- 1) amnar 00.00 p 100,000 ohms | pelling charge or for saluting purposes; (O. Up to 401 am re ae 50,000 ohms | R Ser 19.) Up t $00 a vere! tas 26,000 ohms | 2 Black powder (gunpowder), any ea- Up to 1,600 amper: cue 12,500 ohms plosive substance composed of sulphur, char- t¢ ) TY) l¢ \ 2 1 cyl =O Ss ade with all cut-outs | coal and either sodium or potassium nitrate; and af ‘ it in piace If the lamp } (OO. R Sex 16.) ai eptacle electroliers, etc., are also | 3 Blasting cap, a cap or detonator, with connected, only 2 the resistance specified | wires ‘attached for exploding the same by n the tal ' we required | means of electricity;..(O. R., Sec. 14.) | 4. Blasting powder, an explosive sub- ” |stance composed of sx r “ ARTICLE 7: a c c posec 9f sulphur, charcoal and |sodium nitrate, specially prepared for the purpose of blasting; (O. R., Sec... 17. Violations. : f , a ies ) 1. =§ Bond, a written obligation or under- Sec. 00 Violations. taking, under seal, whereby an applicant « - nf cn a vho ‘Shall’ vidlitte any of ths | for or holder of a permit engages and : P > emnifv nity pro\ ion oT tl . cha] ter or fall to comply agrece to inden milly ‘ne cily for any lose, quirement thereof, or who shal] |¢4™4se or injury resulting oe a under such permit; (O. R., Sec. 9.) violate or fail to comply with any order or | regulation of the commissioner made there- under, or wh being the holder of a special permit is defined in subdivision 7 of sec- tio 1 of this chapter, shall install, alter or repair ar electric wiring or appliance for light, heat or power, in violation of the term of ich special permit. or any pro- sion of this chapter, shall, for each and every such lolation or non-compliance for- feit and. pay a penalty in the sum of $59. CHAPTER 10. *EXPLOSIVES AND HAZARDOUS TRADES. Regulations of the Municipal Explosives Commission. Sal age | General provisions Art. Certificates and permits. Art 3. Bonds and fees Art 4 Manufacture, storage, sale, trans- portation and use off explosives *O. R., in foot notes, indicates original Regulations of Slunicipal Explosives Com- mission. “o. 7 Certificate of approval, 2 written statement issued by the fire commissioner, certifying that the type, class or kind or 'article or thing mentioned therein has been examined, tested and approved in conform- ity with this chapter, and that it Is author- |}ized to be manufactured, stored, transe ported, sold or used; (O..R.,. Sec. 4.) 8. Certificate of fitness, a written state- | ment issued by the fire commissioner, cer- | tifying that the person to whom it is issued | has passed an examination as to his quali- |} fications to perform the work mentienesd therein, and that he has authority to per- |form such work during the term specified; (©. K. Séai 8.) 9. Certificate of registration, 2& wrrrten | statement issued by the fire commissioner, |eertifying that the person, association or corporation named therein has registered j his or its name with the commissioner in conformity with the provisions of this chap- | ters: (OO; Bix Sec. bs) | ©10. 11, Combustible mixture, any liquid ar |}solid mixture, or substance, or compoun@ | which does not emit an inflammable vapor PEC RSS RSE ESE S| Tes a7 % 4 EST ee ro oo ee Cod et we ® nr C * i i ig vi *% TERT THE ra Vesa thn eethl a cy e * WET TPT pO tee te ETT SSS Tey a ae je tee Pe eee ee mee '? ESETE Teter Pa itae. sysity ti ec3 iy e7at ey Tseae Ee at el efoto ke hehe. ee 3 eens Peete ee te ee te oe oe te Se HP.o eT eee CeSes er eels te ees Peg) Se LSP SIS EP eT ees ee wer ews te eee tera +s oy" 78 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF @t a temperature below 100 degrees, when tested in a Tagliabue open cup tester, but which may be ignited and caused to burn; (QO. R., Sec. 256.) 12. Dry cleaning or dry dyeing, the act er process of washing or immersing in vola- tile inflammable oil or HMquid a garment, fabric, fiber, substance or article, for the purpose of cleaning or dyeing the same; (O. R., Sec. 29.) 12a. Container capacity, the cubic meas- ure of the container; (Added by. ord. ef- fective May 25, 1915.) 13. Wssential oil, an oll used for flavor- ing or perfuming purposes; (O. R, Sec Z4b,) 14. Explosive mixture, or explosive article, any substance er compound or mixture, or article haying properties of such a character that alone, or {n combination or contiguity with other substances or compounds, may decompose suddenly and generate sufficient heat or gas er pressure, or any or all of them, to pro- duce rapid flaming combustion, or admin- ister a destructive blow to surrounding ob- jects; (O. R., Sec. T1.) explosive compound or i6. F., Fahrenheit, the Fahrenheit ther mometer; (New.) 16, Fire retarding material, asbestos board in two layers, each one-fourth inch in thickness, the second layer breaking joints in all directions, with the first, or plaster boards cocoa fibre filled, cover« d- with lap jointed metal not less than 26 B. & 5S geuge in thickness and any other materia! that has successfully passed the one-hour fire test prescribed by the industrial board of the state labor department under date of October 29, 1914; (O. RR, Sec 38a as amended by ord. effective May 25, 1915.) 17. Wireworks, any combustible or ex- plosive composition, or any substance or combination of substances, or article, pre pared for the purpose of producing a vis- ible or an audible pyrotechnic effect b combustion, explosion, deflagration or de tonation; (O. R., Sec 20.) 18. Fuel oil, any liquid mixture, sub atance or compound, derived from petro- leum, which does not emit an inflammable vapor below, a temperature of 125 degrees F.. when @sted in a Tagliabuo open cup tester; (O. R., Sec. 23a.) 19. Garage, a building, shed or enciosu er any portion thereof, in which a mo vehicle other than one the fuel storage tank of which is empty, is stored, housed or kept (a) Storage garage, a garage in whict volatile inflammable oil other than that contained in the fuel storage tanks of motor wehicles is handled, stored or kept (b) Non-storage garage, a4 garage n which no volatile inflammable oil othe than ¢ that contained in the fuel storage tanks of motor vehicles, is handled, stored or kep (Amended by ord. approved Aug. 8, 1916.) 20. Gas under pressure, a gas or co pound of gases, elther in a gaseous or Jiquid form; compressed to a pressur¢ greater than 6 pounds to the square inch (oO BR. Sec. 31.) 21. Guncotton, that nitro cellulose chem- feally known as hexa-nitro-cellulose, and generally used alone or in combination with other substances as a blasting ex plosivé or as @ propelling charge, and in- cludes all cellulose nitrate of a higher de- gree of nitration; (O. R., Sec. 12.) 22. Inflammable mixture, any liquid, or @ny mixture, substance, or compound, that ¢ontains- more than 10 per cent. by volume ef volatile inflammable oil, or which will emit an inflammable vapor at a temperature below 100 degrees F., when tested in a Tagliabue open cup tester; (O. R., Sec. 24 23. Inflammable motion picture film, a film made of nitro-cellulose product or other inflammable substance, used for the purpose of displaying motion pictures for exhibi- tien; ¢O. R., Sec. 33; amended by ord. ef- fective May 25, 1915.) 24. Kerosene or kerosene oll, any 2 liquid product of petroleum, commonly used cn illuminating purposes, which does not emit an inflammable vapor below a temperature of 100 degrees F., when tested in a T: ebue open cup tester; (O. R., Sec. 23.) Vagli- | 25. Lubricating oll, an oil used to reduce | friction, whether of animal, vegetable or mineral origin, or & compound thereof; (0. %,, Sec. 34a.) 26. Match, a stick, fibre or wick of wood, paper or other material, cut, prepared, man- ufactured or treated 60 that, by friction, contact or otherwise, with or upon 4@ sur- substance, it will ignite and pro- face or duce a flame or combustion; (VU R., Sec. 21.) 27 Motor vehicle, a vehicle or other con veyance having more than Zz running wheels, and using a volatile inflammable oil i dustry, such as fuel for generating motive power, except- ing such vehicles as have a storage tank of a capacity of less than 2 gallons of a vola tile inflammable oil; (O. R., Sec 26.) 28 Motor vehicle repair shop, a bullding, shed or enclosure, or any portion thereof, wherein 1! conducted the general business of repairing motor vehicles; (O R., Sec 28 ) 29 Nitro-cellulose product any sub stance material, or compound, having sol- it ( j sim I nitro-cellulose LS ba i udin pyralin, celluloid, fiberoid id n¢ ilar material nd n pound I whateve name known ‘ er raw ’ d } rdauct (Amended \ rd yp i D be ke } 20 Oil and fat, any oll, fat or grease, of animal, vegetable or mineral origin, except es tial <« (Oo R Sec. 34.) 30a O selling station, an authorized bullding. shed or enclosure, or any portion thereof, in which the business of storing and elling volatile inflammable oil to pass- ing motor eh ic ss is conducted, but where motor ! ' ure not stored (added b) ora f fa 1915.) O t age plant ab ding shed ¢ Oo @ ( prer ‘ or any portion here of in which petro eum or SnNaie oil OF Lne liquid products thereof, or of coal tar, are stored or Kept for sale in large quantities { tank bar! oO! approved floating | bal added by ord effective May 36, 19 >) Per e written authori of the fir ioner, 1 led pursuant » this hapter or. tnt manufacture ransporta tion stora ale oO! 1S¢ of any fini ed or unfinished product article or thing or al I iterlal or substance entering inte the DO i i hereof ( R De ( 2 5 (] led ra approved Aug » +76.) 3 Repealed by ord approv ed A igust & rt) } metal drug store, a store o build 4 ed for th compounding and dispensing lal in the form of physicians’ prescrip- tior or for the selling of sma quantitles f medica arations, proprietary articles drugs hemicaia, oils, olatile solvents and ‘ther su inces which alone or in com- 4 yt L y otner at ‘ ipbsta Lreé O xX nig combu ib if YY ia é or exp } ature (© R sé a7.) sale burning f a traln 0 f bla powder su tunded by strand I p or othe fit and ua rec wit 1 waterproofing ma er) cf I | } I K : powde a propellant for small arms or cannon, in the combustion of which mok is largely eliminated, and hav ing for ts explosive base nitrocellulose in varying proportions {oO R ; Sac 18.) 87. Soluble cotton, pyroxylin or nitro- cellulose, including all cGellulose nitrates be- ow that chemically known as hexa-nitro- nllulioga ay { « 1} cellulose, and soluble in a volatile infiam- mable liquid; (O. R., Sec. 13.) *338 *39 ‘ 40 Technical establishment, a building or NEW YORK. 42. Vault, a covered excavation or cham- ber, below she street level, with masonry walls and roof, constructed outside the foun- dation walls of a building, and with but one entrance, fitted with a self-closing fireproof door The term ‘‘vault”’ when used in arti- cle 19 for the storage of nitro-cellulose products shall mean a small room of not over 1,500 cubic feet capacity, constructed .ccording to the provisions of of subdivision 3 or section 232 (Amended by and protected pubdivision < of article 19 of this chapter, ord. adopted Dec, 4, 1922.) 43 Volatile inflammable oll, any oll oF liquid that will generate an inflammable vapor at a temperature below 100 degrees F. when tested in a Tagliabue open cup teste2; (O. R., Sec. 22.) 44 Wholesale drug store or drug and chemical supply house, a building or place used for receiving, handling, storing or kéep- ing for sale, in large quantities, medicinal proprietary articles, drugs, shemicals, olls, volatile solvents, and other cubstances which, alone or in combination xith other substances or articles, are of a highly combustible, inflammable or explosive nature: (O. R., Sec. 36.) preparations, 3 Working or filling pressure, the pres- at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. (Added by ord . ffective May 26, 1915 ) Cabinet, a small metal or fire resist- ne enclosure for the storage of nitro-cellu- lo product constructed as specified in sub- wn dof subdivision 3 of section %32:.6f ele 19 of this chapter. (Added by ord. pted Dec. 4, 1922.) 7 Tote box, a box used for the handling f t k in process of manufacture or fin- sto conretructed as specified in sub- on 11 of section 235 of article 19 of aptel (Added by ord. adopted Dex ] ) {8 Weight and Pound, the weight of the rig ‘ product, and not to include weight of packages, materials, cartons, i I boxes or containers. (Added by op 1 Der 4, 1922: ) Sec. 2. Construction of chapter. Whenever in this chapter a’specified ar- ticle treats of any substance, trade or in- regulations shall control and have precedence over any conflicting refer- eace or regulation covering the same sub- business, trade or industry made in etance ny other portion of this chapter. (O. R., Sec. 3 Federal government. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be onstrue as applying to the transportation of any article or thing shipped in conform- ity with the regulations prescribed by the interstate commerce commission; nor as ap- plying to the military or naval forces of the United States, nor to the duly author- ized militia of any state or territory there- or. COWwR Seca. 62, 63.) Sec. 4. City officers. The heads of the various departments of the city shall be subject to the provisions |of this chapter with regard to obtaining place where explosives, inflanimable or high- | y combustible substances are produced, used or sto 1 _ ; r stored for use, or where chemicals or other mat lals e er r i e material entering into the production of such substances are stored or used. ex- cepting thoss establishments which ; are Specifically treated under other classifica- tions in this chapter: (0. R Sec, 35.) 41 Tenement-house, a tenemount house as defined in the Tenement House Law. L 14H . 9° } C , Ch. 99, Sec. 2, Subd. 1, as amended DY Al: 28) be 2082: (0. sec, 8.) *Repealed by ord. offective May 25, 915 permits and with regard to the require- ments for certificates of fitness for their employees; but they shall not be required to furnish a bond or to pay a fee in con- nection therewith. (Oy: B.; Gee. 61.) Sec. 5. Seizure of contraband material. Any article or thing the manufacture, transportation, storage, keeping, sale or use | ef which,is prohibited by this chapter, or which is manufactured, transported, stored, sold, kept, or used in violation thereof, is liable to seizure by the fire commissioner, and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of at his discretion (Amended by ord. adopted Dec. 4, 1922.) Sec. 6. Revenues, disposition of. All fees, fines and forfeitures, and all proceeds of sults for penalties, which may be paid or collected pursuant to this chap-see CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 79 ter, shall be paid in and disbursed pur-|plans, drawings. | models or samples as the | Sec 24 P i isi : i t 5 2s « wets ermits; gene 1s ’ sliant to chapter xv., tithe 5 of the Charter. | Commissioner | eee ‘ may require (Oo, R Secs. 39 ; : (O. R., Sec. 59.) 40.) ‘es oe; 1. (Repealed by ord. effective May 25, | | 1915.) = = " . = } Z y Sec. 7. Electrical perils, protection against. | Sec. 21. Certificate of fitness } Z. Not transferable A, permit is not " : if : j ao transferable, but the business may be trans- n workshops, fact>ries, and other estab- | ] Qualifications ‘ a lican . rig ; : Wualification An applicant for a cer- |ferred to a new location under the same Siments, where volatie inflammable oils/tificate of fitn ; must . : ils ness must— ownership, and In case a business conducted ] | a : or liquids, or inflammable or explosive sub- . : z yak ; . (a) Be at least l years of age under a permit changes ownership, the new stances, are used or handled, aj fixtures : ; eS : . , : : a 17 owner, before assuming contro) of such busl- machinery and apparatus liable to generate (b) Ave nable understanding of ee , e GN ey an aint ness, Shall obtain a new permit. (O. R., Sec. or be affected by an electric spark os 1 e¢ English language and be able to answer 49.) which are in any way exposed to the in- satisfactor|) su questions as may be eb Be 5 5 fluence of an electric discharge (such aj a him upoi is examination; sec. £5. Special permits. lightning), shall be ‘‘grounded"” in a man-| (c) Produce su evidence: of his’ char fe Continuing old business. The fire com- : , . . = nissione ; ; soni C ner satisfactory to the fire commissioner, | acter, habits and past employment as may mis ner may, by special permit, authorize (O. R., Sec. 56.) | be satisfactory to the commissioner; gy eae of any business, or the stor- hig Pa + : age, sale or use Of,any article, apparatus or : : : a ass i t min tion y a person or thine hict “ae ric ‘ y + 1 Sec. 8. Smoking prohibited. bod lesignater A. the. Mies Baderiniane i | lich Was originally authorized by a No perso hall eee. cs. Fp Pee issued under the regulations of the iN ( erson shal smok . ry } 1 bo Upon ( ‘ I ora une "erulati« Ss O' ; cigar, clgarett 6 oe a ah ie ue is © resumlarions €0v- | municipal explosives commission, in force on ar, é &, pipe. or match within any rae ce he gael storage and use | January 1, 1912, « \ ee es : anuary 1, 1912, or he ay waive é opera- room or enclosed place, or in any of th sta ipound or article re- ' ; ne sys th = ea : any cellar SEbiCl tion of this chapter, or any portion thereof, masement, or in any . , : ee ating to or c ne d with the sé ce vs “3 1 any part of any premises rvice to be 1 Sparsely populated district. (Oo. R., Sea. in which an explosive or highly combustible | ?®! satheatiitied. upon ths “tsks incident | 563 ) or inflammable material is manufactured to his « sds and upon his knowledge és Modifications When the clrcum | ) : for use or sale (Amended 4 ry to be taken in | stance conditions, imitations or surround- ) ord. adopted Di: 1922.) |} connectiol nel I provided however ing fa } 922. : ‘ngs of any business, occupation, trade, in- that \ f i t ) ; be walved at he di + ; ' istry or premises, to which this chapter Sec. 9. Fire Eatin hi ; aise L e fire con ssioner upon ap- p) aid a . guishing appliances. he : ; : . applies, are unusual, or such as render it - lies if to vf Oo! BU j certificate: imnraettrahiea ae The fire commissioner may, before grant-| | pon tl | i veates. \Impracticable to enforce all the provisions ’ 90 D appl ch examine ex- nnlicahle — a ~<—_- ing any permit hereinafter prescribed, re-| ay , | fin ¢ . | "7 ve x | applicable thereto, the fire comraissioner may ; : J l 2 VOG Li re Commissione me are | . r nalts. vy rle quire the installation of water-buckets, sandj deen + ay ent x ae walve or modify such provisions to such e6x- ; issue ‘ I cer icates o itness Al en : 1e Mav deem Cease . buckets, fire e xtinguishers, metal receptacles app cae Sabi ast a aa Mea I it a he may deem ne essary in the preme- ; : O! ‘ I icate, VYnO nas alied sag “Ongsister . + , «© ‘ for rubbish and other means of preventing |; r \ ‘ Ises consistent with public safety. (O. R., 3 : , LO ass ) Oxamination May re- Sec aT ‘ lende, by : y and extinguishing fire, where the same aro cil: a FF eh v0@; amended by ord. effective May 25, : _ } . | 7 app it } ‘ er the explir on of ! 915.) not specifically required in this chapter three mont fy the date ad his jast e OH Bee , E oe ee an : ‘ im r, 8 600.) ; | Sec. 26. Renewals; revocation. (e) In a i to the orevolne a ine Unless otherwise specifically rovided Sec. 10. Harvardous induetries. epee lig henge Sage y or cath 3 E |ments, ¢ order to obtain an |°&Y®Ty permit, certificate of fitness or cer- ‘xcept as otherwise provided in this chap-| origina f fitness as a blaster, | tificate of registration or renewal thereof, ter, mo person shall conduct a hazardous | must pres uctory evidence of ex- |&ranted by the fire commissioner, shall be for or dangerous industry, trade, occupation or | perienc: ne ¢ high explosives, elther |5Uch period as he may determine, not to ex- business, requiring the storage, sale or use las a blaster 1 aster’s helper, for a |Ceed One year and shall be a mere revocable of any explosive, inflammable, combustible period r " ears and that he | license Certificate of approval need not, be or other dangerous substance, article, com-|is proper to perform the duties | 8ranted for a fixed period, and may be re- = pound or mixture, without a permit, issued | of a blaste a R , 7 42 amended | voked at anv time (O. R., Sec 50; amend- va upon such conditions as are deemed by the! by or vi 1915 |}ed by ord. effective May 25, 1915 fa ‘ i 15. ) J i fire commissioner necessary in the interest ! : t} f c , : Phot applic c ° 27 ; ee of public safety. (Added by ord effective | b pplica a Sec. 27 Inspection. 2 3 C such a shall be accompanied wit} we ' - May 25, 1915.) I . Eivery permit must at all times be kept bo two ul! hotographs of the applicant } ' sf I a ‘j;on the premises designated therein, and z taken 1 or ary vVOrkK ge clothes, not less ever _ i\An ‘ ¢ , 4 Bec. 11. Permits. ‘ hich shell } very certificate of fitness shall at all times ve 2 . one I which shal eibe k - fy t} c m4 e cept \T the Ossession oOo The sale, st>rage usé, manufacture or atta ed to ft i n, the other to the}, whom it ; i ' hea t ane Pi aeane ert ‘ l } sha lav ee ssue jel transportation of any combustible, inflam- | cert ate whe issued (O R., pain of forfeiture th f i meu aos hoe all ) orfeiture ere gd shi - mable or explosive article, thing. substance | Se 43 ‘ ie Yee at all i a oe : ; times be subject to inspection by any officer cr] ©r compound to which this chapter applies, of the fire or polle departments “(0 R. = rf he fire < Olice ; sg. ‘ eo without a permit in writing from the fire Sec. 22 Certificates of approval. Sec 6: ab . : ie commissioner, except here . a , pec. 62; amended by ord. effective May 25, ee & : xcep where none is pro- Each ap] . for a certificate of ap-|1915.) ol vided for in this chapter, is hereby prohib pr ] ith the article Ss irovi f I pa e< Will } LU ited. Whe a { rile tf . c ee re separate regulations require / or thin; ueht o be approved, or with Pes permits for two or more departments or ‘complet: vorking drawings thereof The ie branches of the same business conducted lapplicant for the certificate shall, at hi in the same establishment, all such depart- ee : , sor ; ao ae ae ARTICLE 3. b cs far} ow! and se, furnish to the fire hor ments or branches may be included in a oner ' required opportunity to re single permit, the fee to be fixed by the fire |, ake at na test or examination of Bonds and Fees ‘1 commissioner (Added by ord effective jthe art rr thine which is the subject of ; : a May 25, 1916.) his applicatio inder such conditions as Sec. 40 Bonds, general provistons, rd may be prescribed by the commissioner: or Sec. 41 Schedulé of bonds required, * hal ie. ah ed, have such analysis, test Sec. 42 Fees for certificates. is ARTICLE 9 or examination made at a laboratory or Bec. 43 Fees for permite. v2 = ° ka ot ti establishment to be designated by | Sec. 44. Fees for special permits, ag fe the comn ner. Each article or thing of} Sec. 45. Garages. Wy Fd Certificates and Permits a type for which a certificate of approval = shall have been issued shall have the num- | S€¢- #9 Bonds; general provisions. is Sec. 20 Applications, ber of suc ertificate plainly stamped or | All bonds required to be given under the 4 Sec. 21. Certificate of fitness otherwise fixed upon it, or a mark of identi- |provisions of this chapter shall be aps eo Sec. 22. Certificates of approval! fication which must be recorded in the cer- | proved by the comptroller, as to the guf- ne] Sec. 23. Certificates of registration tificate of approval (O. R., Secs. 45, 47; | ficlency of the sureties, and conditioned for @ Bec. 24. Permits; genera! provisions. amended by ord. effective May 25, 1915.) | the payment of any loss, damage or injury ‘4 Sec. 25. Special permits resulting to persons or property by reason eo Sec. 26 Renewals: revocation. of carelessness, negligence or failure te a Sec. 27. Inspection. Bec. £3. Certificates of registration. comply with the requirements of this chap- C “43 ay An application for a certificate of registra-|ter, respecting the manufacture, trans- tion of the name of @ person, association or| portation, storage, sale, handling or use, All applications for certificates or permits (corporation manufacturing, outside the city, | within the city, of any article or thing cov- required by the provisions of this chapter |any article or thing which is to be stored, |ered by this chapter; except that no bond ehal] be made to the fire commissioner, in/gold and used within the city, shall be in| shall be required of a contractor in con- such form and detail as he shall prescribe, |such form and detail as the fire commis- | nection with work to be performed by him and containing such information as he shall/ sioner may prescribe, and shall contain a|under a contract with the city, provided he require Except’ applications for certificates general description of the article or thing |has filed @ general indemnity bond covers of fitness, they shall be accompanied by such | sought to be registered. (O, R., Sec, 48.) ing such contract: (O. R., Sec. 58.2 Te Bec. 20. Applications. ri A peas teak pe engi ka te theaes She ST het Ts tS: rah a!PPL. rh ey a ie eee eek | ett eet Se bh eee eee obese LS oa ha ht ee eee re “Peg cvs Tape: Powe Ts rece betd tte bt ttt eee €3 Sa Vieed Riad hh bend ak td Set it» * Be ced wok he ee A LM ee ee et oe sPabess paxye eo Let Seeds $s? G0 Bec. Except as provided in Sec. lowing classes shall give bonds “L Explosives 2, ®Bec. 42. Fees for certificates. Applicants for certificates issued under the provisions ——————s ee 1. *Sec. Applicants for permits under the provisions of this chapter shall as follows: Certificate of fitness as magazine Keepe! 41. ‘Schedule of bonds required. 40 of this chapter, applicants in the penal sums for srmiit. Class of Pe to bring into the city, and sell, transport and deilver for each vessel in the local trade for each vehicle engaged in local delivery for magazine,, first class second class third class fourth class fifth class to usé6 Fireworks io manufacture, bond of not less than to store and sell, wholesale value of $500 wholesale value of $1,500 iets to use and discharge, wholesale value over $10 single occasion ......- sas ae es at various times within the samé enclosure Class of Certificate. other certificates of fitness, original renewalS ...s..+.« a Certificate of approval : Certificate of registration, the fee required for a permit to manufacture a similar article or thing within the ¢ ty Certificates of fitness for transferring uarbonic acid Original \.0-n seine kines 2 5 RenewWa ls oc sas dawn was “43. Fees for permits. | Class of Permits Annual, Fee O. R “t. Acids, to store: ee a a i more than 1 carboy of any acid or acid except p $5.0 1-A. Acids, carboni« fee for a permit to transfer carbonic acid to a contain- er of lower pressure, for distribution to the trade ».00 1-B. Acids, carbonic: fee for a permit to transfer carbonic acid to a contain- er of lower pressure, for use only by the operator at is own retail soda water stand ni 2. Ammunition for small-arms te, load. BVeVHSNG «awe pawns ea res cece eceaves 5.00 &76 to store and sell in quantities specified in §&1 . 50.00 $77 in quantities not exceeding 2 per cent. of quantities specified in §81 ies 10.00 g77 to use blank cartridge on the stage 0 87 8. Barbers’ supplies, manufacturers of, when applications do not exceed 2 bbls. columbian spirits, 100 Ibs essential oils, 1 bbl. grain alcohol Y ; 4. Black powder, blasting powder or smokeless powder to store 14 to 250 pounas . 00 £74 under 14 pounds at 75 &. Saicium carbide to store, less than 600 pounds on £107 inore than 5600 pounds 00 £108 ¢. Collodion, in factories where used as an ingredient of a manufctured product 10.00 Wy 7. Combustible mixtures: LO) FORRUIEACLUIG 80 tok i sic ke ke vies bak °5. 00 £98 to store and sell] ’ ean $. Confectionery supplies, manufacturers of, when applications da not exceed 7 bbls. alcohol, 1,500 It glycerine } lbs essential oils, 500 lbs. flavoring, 250 Ibs. shella: § «ton cotton seed oll, 5 bales excelsior, 2 gals benzine 10 Ibs amyl acetate, 50 gals. cologne spirits, 25 lbs, sulphurie acid, 7 lbs. ether... Pic cuaieribe wis wilu «ss ote eo 0.00 New %. Drug store, or drug or chemical supply-house: to maintain and operate, wholesale 10 90 2120 to maintain and operate, retail ee 4 ~ 10. Electric light and power station, when applications do not i exceed 20 gals. gasoline, 5 gals. benzine, 5 gals mur atic acid, 5 gals nitric acid, 1 gal ¢ther, 100 gal: paints, 5 gals. alcohol, 2 bbls. varnish yas 5.40 aw 11. Electric and other blasting caps, to store ina sell 5.00 179 Z Explosives: a ; to bring into the city and sell to transport and deliver for each vessel carrying loctally.................. 60,00 $68 tor each vessel delivering locally.................... »0.00 $70 to use Swi ia date etic ee ekaie,t ree 369 each magazine, first class......, Pe ob ae lay 2 ‘ ds r mee Jecond class...... a 90 $72 seed ictseae ee a aaa ats »'nio 20.00 $72 fivetGs Cieees 0 ee PAC fee 15.00 $72 Weiler area ai. 10.00 $72 5.00 £72 —$<—$<—$_$_$_$______ — Amended by ord. adopted Dec. 4, 1922, tSource of provision. permits hereinafter specified, namely $5,000.00 £68 5,000.00 870 6,000.00 $69 295,000 00 $72 20,000.00 §72 15,000.00 §72 10,000.0 0 872 5,000,090 §72 6,000.00 $71 6,000.00 $79 2,000.00 gl 5,000.00 g80 1,000.00 aa3 2,000.00 £34 chapter shall pay Fee or Pica $5 00 f Sf 00 €65 oo 2 vy °5 00 Eaa §67 in x Bond 7O. BR pay annual fees (Continued on Page 8&1) of the fol- CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. 44, Fees for special! permits. For a special permit the applicant shall pay the fee fixed by the fire commissioner at the time of authorizing the permit. (0. R., Sec. 64.) Sec. 45. Waiving of fees. No charitable institution in the City of New York which serves the public free of shall be required to pay any fees for required under the provisions of this chapter of the Code of Ordinances, provided the article, thing, substance oF for which the permit is issued is owned and used by such institution for char- itable purposes. (Adopted May 8, 1917.) charge any permit compound ARTICLE 4. Manufacture, Storage, Sale, Transportatios and Use of Explosives. Manufacture prohibited. Se 60 Sec. 61 Storage, sale, transportation, us@ or possession of explosives, generally Sec. 62 Packing and marking ec. 63 Magazines. ; S 6A Delivery by vehicle Sec 55 Vessels carrying explosives Se 36 Report of deliveries. Se 67 Blasting caps Sec. 68 Black powder, blasting powder or smokeless powder 19 Use; blasting Sec. 60. Manufacture prohibited. o person shall manufacture electric fuses safety fuses, blasting caps or explosives in the city (O. R., Secs. 125, 190, 201; amend- ed by ord. effective May 25, 1915.) Sec. 61. Storage, sale, transportation, use o- possession of explosives, generally. Permit No person shall transport, re. sell, deliver, use or have in possession without a permit. But no pere shall be granted to any person other an a cit 1 of the United States. (O. Re © 9 6. Amended May 8, 1917.) Gun-cotton and soluble cotton. Ne erson sha transport, store or sell any ul stton or soluble cotton except in water- gI etal vessels containing no more than 10 pound dry weight, and at least 20 per ent. of water (O. R., Sec. 133; amended ord: effective May 1915.) Nitro-glycerine 1 No person shall ransport, store, keep; séll, deliver, use or possession any liquid nitro- elycerine, nor shall any person store, trans- yort or ise between November ist and March 15th, any explosive which wil!! freeze yr deteriorate at a temperature higher than |} 10 deg. above zero F provided, that per- | mits may be issued for the transportation land sale of nitro-glycerine In the form of tablet pills or granules, in quantitles not | € eeding 10,000 pieces, containing no more than one-fiftieth of a grain each. No e6x- plosives containing nitro-glycerine, and not lintended for use within the city, shall be |}stored or Kept therein or landed at or upon any dock, pier or bulkhead thereof, except as prescribed by the fire commissioner. (0, I Secs. 125, 131, 134, 140; amended by ord. effective May 1915.) 4 Transportation or delivery. No person shall transport or deliver any explosive be tween sunset. and sunrise, nor in a com- |pleted tunnel or subway under land or we> jters, or in or upon any public conveyance, nor shall any transported |through, in or upon any street, except in ths ;}manner provided in Sec. Gof this chapter. | (0 R., Secs. 138-140.) ; No person shall bring inte the city, nor transport, store, dellver or use any explosive therein unless same shall be |continually under the care and supervision |of one or more persons, each holding a cer- tifcate of fitness (0. RL, Sea 2ad:> | 6 Unapproved kinds, types or brands. | No permit shall be issued for the bringing |into the city or for the transportation, stor- |}age, sale or use therein, of Sany explosive | which is not of a type, kind or brand that j}has been examined, tested and approved by lthe fire commissioner. (O. R., Sec. 127.) explosive. be 5. Supervision y 4 ‘ ee ee eoCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW. YORK. Sl a cietasonail Class of Permits Annual fee. *O. R, teal ig ee ee ss fod ee teal (Continued From Page 80) 13. Essential) oils, storage and gale poe REE 00... cape ge ee 10.00 €95¢ MEETS re el. ies code See ee ! 5.00 §95c 14. Fire-crackers, to store in warehouse 25.00 §82 1b. Fire-works: to manufacture and store eS a eae 100.00 $79 to store and sell, at any one time wholesale market value of 71,500; °. 25.00 §80 of wholesale market value at $500.. : 10.00 §81 16 Fue! oils, storage and use of 5 bbis to 50 bbls ; 5.00 §95 Over 50 bbls. to 100 bbls 10.00 New Over 100 bbl 25.00 New iy Gatage, to maintain and operat Storage—one Sasoline storage t ink, Where the garage con tains not more than tw ®9 motor vehicles 6.00 New One gasoline Storage tank, where the Earage contains more than two, but not more than four motor vehicles 10.09 New One gasoline storage tank where the Sarage contains more than four, but not more than s xX motor vehicles 15.00 New One gasoline storage tank, where the Garage contains more than six motor vehicles 25.00 New Each additional gasoline storage tank 19.00 New Non-storage—where the Garage contains no more than four motor vehicles 5.00 New Each additional motor vehicle 2.00 New But in no case shall the maximum fee for a permit 1 main tain and operate a non-storage garage exceed $25 Subject, however, to the provisions of subdivis : g of se tion 150 of this chapter. The unit capacity of storage tanks for purposes of fee shall be 275 gallons, or major portion thereof The fee for a permit for a one-story garace. d j © individval stalls or com- partments, storing .one or more motor vehicles oar for a number of individual garages erected on the same plot of ground, in cases where a perso}! continuously in charge ef the premises has and can give access to 2a -Ompartments, shall be based on the total number of motor vehicles, or buried tz Storage garages in this section. 18 Gas fixtures, manufacturers of, when applic ided for in non-storage or ceed 3 carboys nitric acid. 2 cirboys muriat! acid. § carboys oil of vitriol, 6 bags of sawdust, 6 bales excelsior 5 gals alcohol, 5 gals benzine, 10 gals lacquer, 10 gals turpentine 2.00 18 Gases: to generate and compress acetylene and other combustible Eases, including storage of necessary carbide 60.00 Same, pressure not to exceed 15 libs sq n 5.00 to generate and compress non-combust!b!]« 25.00 to store, and sell gases compressed to a pressure exceed- ing 15 lbs. to the Square inch in quantities greater than those specified in $211, subdivision 1 10.00 to store and use in quantities greater than those specified in §211, subdivision 1 5.00 to store tanks or cylinders of acetyleme, not exceeding 2,500 cu. ft.. é 5.00 to usc oxygen in blow-pipe with combustible gas 5.00 80. Hydro-carbon and other coal-tar products to distill, handle and transport 100.00 $1. Infammable mixtures: to manufacture ee 50.00 @xcept where no volatile inflammable oil or*inflammable eoal-tar product is stored on the premises 10.00 t® store, sell or use in excess of 250 gals 10.00 250 gallons or Iess 5.00 £2. Infammable motion picture films. to store 56 reels, 5,000 feet to 10 reels, 10,000 feet 10.00 16 reels, 10,000 feet to 30 reels 30,000 feet 25.00 30 reels, 30,000 feet to 100 re. 100.000 feet 50.00 100 reels, 100,000 feet to 150 reels, 150.000 feet 75.00 150 reels, 150,000 feet and over iba 100.00 to conduct motion picture studio separate from a manu- facturing and developing plant 25.00 to print and develop 100.00 23. Kerosene and other illum nating olls, to store and se:l in quantities’ not exceeding 275 gals cae 1¢.00 24. Liquors, splrits or alcohols, to manufacture, distill, rectify OF. GLOre:.. cts... : 10.00 Zo. Machine oils, lubricating and other heavy oils, to store and sell. over 6 bblis..... 10.00 over 70 gals. to 5 bb! ». 00 26 Matches: to manufacture wie p ub eek aed e Wale ee ae 25.00 “oO store and sell, less than 500 matchman’s eross.. . 5.00 less than 5,000 matchman’s gross “ 10.00 more than 6,000 matchman’s gross 50.00 3¢-a Motor cycle repair shop or storage place, or both. 5.08 %7. Motor-vehicle repair-shop, to maintain and operate «Male 10.00 for storing volatile inflammable oils for each tank of 275 Reamer teen, on additional fee Of; 06. oi oxic woccccac cack: 15.00 38. Nickel plating establishment, when applications do not ex- ceed 6 carboys of nitric acid, 5 carboys of oil of vitrol, & carboys of ammonia. 5 carboys of muriatic acid ....., Me 5.00 38. Nitro-céllulose products: to store and use in manufacture, 200 Ibs. or more Ba ahend aad 90.00 less than 200 lbs.. ag Fe ek A ae gl ae a Ree oe ek ypen cup tester—1,100 gallons. é Restrictions No permit shall be issued for the storage or sale of volatile inflam- able ofl in any building (a Which is occupied as a tenement house, dwelling, school or place of public Ln emen or assembly; Where explosives are stored or kept (c) Where dry goods or other material of a highly inflammable nature are manu- factured tored or kept for sale; i Vher the portion of the building ied or used for the storage of vola- immable oll is lighted by any I \ * than electricity; ‘ Ur any floor above the ground 0 f a building, except in an approved afety LY n quantities of five gallons or for use only s Transportation and delivery. Permit Except as otherwise pro-’ vided in tI chapter, no person shall trans- f ell, deliver or use within the cit iny petroleum or shale oil, or the i prod of either, or of coal tar, witl a permit (O. Bhs Sec 27 f i by ord. effective July 16, 1915.) ners Petroleum and shale oil, and ‘ iquid products thereof, and of coa \ ‘ pt volatile inammable oils, a ransported in the following-named (2 tank cars or through supply (b : ron or wooden barrels or f Lpa y not exceeding 65 gal- al of a capacity not exceeding ea nade of at least No. 2 B. V r terne plate, packed in sub- al wooden cases (O. R., Sec. S91.) s No person shall trans- po L I hale of], or the liquid produ of her thereof, or of coal tar, in a k wagon unless it be of a type for wl) i rtificate of approval shall have é provided, however, that a cer- f approval ‘of a type or kind of tank war ied under this section to a iven pe! L not be construec as an approval <« a sit ar type or kind of tank vag owned, operated or used by another per } t k of such a wagon shall be oO cter ff iron or steel not less than th k for the top plates and of a lr for the bottom plates; and ail e equipped with faucets, which shall pt ccked when not in use The apa of the ank wagon shall not ex- barre of § gallons each. Each sucl wagon hall have painted on both ers not less than 3 es high, the ame of the person op- el ng and the number of the certifi- ate of approval (O, R., Secs. 303-305.) Sec. 114 Volatile inflammable olls. l Report of sales Each vendor of volae flammable oll shall render to the ire comi sioner on or before the tenth day of 1ch month, a statement, verified as to its correctness by an affidavit, show- ing the total quantity of volatile inflam- mable oil in excess of » gallons delivered to each purchaser ji the city during the preceding month; provided however, that no report shall be required of volatile in- fiammble oll delivered directly to the fuel tank: of motor vehicles, motorcycles, motor tricycles, motor boats, airships, aero- planes and othe nilar craft and vessels, (QO R., Sec =3e.1 2 Retail sale No person shall sell or deliver volatile inflammable oil in quantl- ties exceedalns 1 gallon unless the pur- chaser thereof hold a permit for the trans- portation, storage, sale or use of said oil;CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 87 rovided, that nothin containe i t | raste ape ar i g né { Pp othing contained n this | wa te paper and other inflammable ma-| be laid at a descending grade from the side- chapter shall be construed as requiring a | terial and shall be provided with elf- valk in front Pee) ‘build t th € Vil I We K 1 ron Oo 1e IULLaGIN p 1e ‘ Permit for the storage of volatile inflam-/clesing metal ca) for keeping sawdust or I intak if a filling pi ; i 1 t ) ie a awau iD lake of a fil et ye sha loce mabie oll in the tanks of motor vehicles cotton waste for ; " eS, al 7 . sia ’ é I eaning Murposes id lso } he vv t< ‘ ; . ak fee oki J I , a 4 1 neavy metal box, which shall be sunk notor ricycies, motorcycles, motor boats, | with a number of buckets filled with sand | fil h with the sidewalk at the curb level airships, aeroplanes, or other similar craft|for use in ext! lishing fire; the mumber!or at some other location offering equal or vehicles, for use as fuel for generating | of bucket to be o kept hall be stated in 4 ities for the filling of the tank from motive power; and provided further that no/|the permi (O 300.) ne barrel-wagon, and fitted with a heavy permit shall be required for the lransporta- netal ver, and shall be kept locked when tion, storage or use of volatile. inflammable oa s | . ble ot in us The filling pipe shall be closed oO} in quantities not exceeding 1 gallon ARTICL, at the intake by a cock or valve fitted with (O. R., Sec. 296, as amended by ord. effect- ‘ +i a E 9. t LT , : ’ a oupling for attaching to the hose of a ive July 16, 1916.) barre] 1igon, and with a screw cap to close D& I FO! anit WwW it & $< y g A LO 3 Rural delivery. By a special permit, Inflammable Mixtures. iii: aa hen not in: eee The filling I | 2 ne OG an ise niiin the delivery of volatile inflammable oils may yipe shall with as P Sec. 120 Permit pit shall € provided with a screen made be authorized to be made by tank-wagon to/| f a” = _ : hy t , art oint in tt 3a) y 1} . Atos . | Sec. 131 ia Lcture F ae akg, pet oy sees — “see points A 1@ sparsely populated districts of | Sec. 13 ge) : avid gau piaced immediately below the filling the city, provided the entire tank load is de- ; ; ; r 7 SLOreES _ coc} t oO R S 326-3 9, I . oO e { . wecs, vicd-o , livered at one time and place the permit =e 1 ed by ord. effective May 265, 1915.) shall in such cases specify the route to be Sec ‘ > : ; sec. 130 Permit. i ( system of artificial followed in making the delivery (2. et Hy ' ; ao . Sec. 302.) ee Bs shart Pg aiten aly Rela ee than ingandescent electric » - chapter no rt } ! inuftacture, trans- | rt nail be nstalled I c Mn 4. Transportation Except as otherwise port Kien sae oe a | | a led in any premises ) ; or‘ r in n Lmmabie ux- used fo! tne fact = t ' provided in this section, volatlle infilam- : ee os ture with rn ind no @uch permit | mixtur ini 0 1 type for which a cer- mable oil may be transported only in the hall : 2 shall be errant ! \ i infammable mix-/|tificate of ipprovail shall have been issued following containers ; 2 F _| ture w) ra ile inflammable | All i in er electri lights shall be a. Cans of a capacity not to exceed 65 i r i | : } Oll in exces rs per it. of its total bulk, |! e icket and ali electrie gallons each, having plainly marked tnere- hi tel or whic] } I j a 1 stove polish | switche and plug shall be placed at least on the words ‘DANGEROUS—KEEP FROM . ar Tt») nee . or insectid: (Oo. 7 12-314.) a? 9 Lbove he floor (Gy a Sec. 340 FLAME, and being equipped with a metal ay } 1 . M 5B SOU - iLmende ective May 265, IL seal, so arranged that there shall be no/| Sec. 131. Manufacture : 7 ¢ ; a t ; \ ; i} L hie mixin ankK sna outlet for the oO} unless the seal is broken 1 Certil ‘ : a) } a) No system . | ° ’ be located in a parate compartment bullt b Glas bottles of a capacity not ex-j;for the I flammable oils . é j i upon table founda I having the walls, ceeding 4 ounces each, labeled DANGBER-| shall be | i illding used for ooh / : floc and ) onstructed of Portland ce- — r frorr 4"l¢ } : » r) uit t ‘ nm ile tu A OUS Keep from Flame: the manure immabie MIXtUFCB | ment concrete it least 6 inches thick. or of c Steel barrels'or drums of a capacity | unless it be of a type fo ich @ certincate | prick maso) a east 8 inches thick, the not to exceed 65 gallons each, having plain-/| of approva tL nay been issued \Y. | brick to bi d in and covered by Portland ly mark , t) 0 Coie sane TOMR( + R o { J U Lit , xed hereon the word DANGEROUS. , a ? ; cement mortar Kach such tank shall be (O. R pecs. 293, 294,) 2 Re permit for the | @)}, he means of a pump or an ap- < r tile amme ' g on lanuf nix shal } ] Volatile inflammable oil drawn from | mar i ! mixture 2)! | proved pressure system, and the tank shall an approved storage system on the premises, | be ilid . be kept closed except when the ingredients and intended for further manufacture or (a) Vl ited yvithin 50 feet of entering nto the manufacture of the in- us? may be transported for such use in| the near: ding occupied | gammable mixture al g placed therein. approved safety cans of a capacity not|as a i theat or other) Each compartment wherein a n Xing tank greater than five gallons (O R Secs, | piace of | ent o assembly lo i all | er pped with self- "0° 9 : " ; : ; \\ Lé emen ‘ . , 292, 298: amended by ord effective July (D) i oh A 6On t closing reproof door a vinagows (O. K., - , 16, 1315.) anne ee ECS v, 334, 339 5. Use and. storage Printers, litho- cc) ' tructiol ). Piping, generally Each storage tan\ graphers and similar users of volatil i -| (a) 4 \ hted | any) hal) } ) vided f a filling pipe a flammable oil shall be required to keep’ meal ‘ drawing-off pipe and a vent pipe; provided, thelr supply of such oil in approved safety (e) W LE cigarettes OF |) that tanks installed as part of a hydraulic cans or buried storage tanks toba , Storage ystem hall ‘not be required to Limited permits may be issued by the (2) Whe 0} ther maters@is have a vent pip All pipes shall be of fire commissioner for periods of less than Of a ture are manu- | galvanized wrought iron, “with malleable one year, authorizing the storage and use of | factur: red iron (fitting A | scr joints shall be volatile inflammable oil, kerosene or fuel (g) YWone 1 hemp, cotton | made th harge and glycerine (O 1. oi; in streets, sidewalks, avenues and high-/ or a os red or sold (YU. | Sec. 325.) ways, or in a building under construction, | R m4 L( Se er protectior No piping of any when needed in connection with authorized t Kind sha by wed to connect a com- building operations or street improvements, infia ’ i yful na Ve put ip only part ent h ¢ ' i iixing tank is located when such material is encloséd in an ap-/|in glae pacity not ¢ edit vith ar pul drain or sewer; and al) proved metal container, and, if in quantities | fou o An G tale of a It o7 ediment eft in the mixing tank : ’ ter : ie oa ‘ : : greater than ten gallons is surrounded by LT I illon eacn hall be place rtight metal containers an enclosure satisfactory to the fire com- that the A! ind im: lia y removed from the prem+: missioner, constructed of corrugated {ron De l ind € ! At se (OO rt. Se ae. : . rmeé na j | Storas yster ; er! t s or other fire retarding materials, the same Pb e « bear the name and a 1] Storage system No permit shall be to be kept securely locked when not in/ dr tl ula rer, the number Of | jssued for the manufacture of inflammable actual use (New* added by ord Affective | hi or th number of hi mixture in any pren which are not July 16, 1915 ) r ‘ | Dp ' rnd n \|ar¢g CtCer equip] i itt an ipp ved storage system i UTION INFLA MMABLE MIX- ; for contal gz and handling all volatile oils Sec. 115. Dluminating oils. TURE DO oT 1 YEAR FIRE OR/|used in such manufacture (O. R., Sec, 1 Permit No person shall store and; fI,AM!] lopted Dr I 1919.) 319.) sell kerosene or other illuminating olls 4 De erle All deliveries of volatile Le Supery on All premises used for without a permit from the fire commission- | infla oils » a building used for the!|the manufacture of inflammable mixtures er; but no permit shall be required where | manuf ‘ f nflammable mixtures shall! shall bi inder the care and supervision of the quantity transported or used does not | be mad dir tly to the storage tank |one or more persons, each holding a cer- exceed 10 gals (O, R., Sec. 308.) through the filling pipe by means of a/|tificate of fitness as superintendent or man- 2. Empty barrels All barrels, cans and | hi ( ed ft the barrel containing the|ager thereof The number of persons fre- other containers or liquid products of pe-joil and ected to the Intake as pro-/|quired to hold such certificate shall be de- troleum, coal tar or shale oil shall be re-jvided for thess regulations no barrel | termined by the fire commissioner and moved from all premises other than _ stor- ntal f ylatile inflammable oil shall be tated in the permit, but in no case shall age plants within twenty-four hours after! taken off the wagon delivering ich oll; no| there be required more than three (Oy a being emptied (O. R., Sec. 310; amended | wagon or other vehicle engaged in thr de Se 318, amended by ord, effective May 23, by ord. effective July 16, 1915.) livery of volatile infammablé oil shall bs | 1915 3. Test No person shall sell or offer |admitted to or taken within a building or 13, Tanks, Each tank used for the stor- fow sale any kerosene or other illuminating |any portion thereof, and no person shall | age of volatile inflammable oil shall be oil which will emit an inflammable vapor | deliver or receive within a building any a Constructed of steel at least %& inch at a temperature lower than 100 degrees | volatjle inflammable oil in a barrel or other/| in thicknes shall have a capacity of not F. when tested in a Tagliabue open cup milar receptacle, nor keep or tore in a|more than 1,500 gallons, and shall, under tester (O R Sec 307: amended by ord building any barrel or othe! milar recep test stand a hydrostatic pressure of at effective July 16, 1915.) tacle from which volatile inflammable oil | least LUO pounds to the square inch : has been drawn (D.. R... See 2238- amend (Amended by ord. effeetive May 25, 1916.) Sec. 116. Lubricating oils. ed by ord. effective May 25, 1915.) b, Coated on the outside with tar or No permit shall be required for the trans- 5 Drawing-off pipe The drawing-off | other rust-resisting material, shall be set yortation, storage, sale or use of machine, a ill he encasec in and urrounded|on a solid foundation, and shall be im- —p a , / pip nal é : e at : ’ : LS 2 lubricating or other heavy olls in quantti-| py either 4 inches of Portland cement, con-| bedded in and surrounded by at least 12 ties not exceeding 70 gallons (O. R., Sec crete or 8 inches of brick masonry up to|inches of Portland- cement concrete, com- 809.) the level of the floor on which the compart- posed of 2 parts of cement, 3 parts of sand See. 117 Fire prevention iment containing the mixing tank is located. | and 5 parts of stone (As amended by ord, g ‘ . . i a ffective May 25, 1915.) The floors of each store and premises; (O, R., Sec. 3382,) ee a } high : i 3 : je this 6 Filling pipe The filling pipe shall} c So set that the top or highest point covered by a permit issued unde! te 1 | tl f shali be atleast 2 feet below the : an? thar 4 i ate 1 she 1ereo shai: be { egs é e eloy article shall be kept free and clear of} be at least < incht in dlameter, and shall} ry 7 ei ne “4 | ateeeetqitpess re i sy tet Hi (fo 55 ee eh ae a! A Ee att eS Pers a er ae 25ete hoe ee ood fee as ITieeerwweee es Se eee dh hee ok ied it tet ed ed eh eh Oe Dek ok ne ek SD ee Be 5 er tee 88 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ARTICLE 10. Combustible Mixtures. level of the lowest cellar floor of any bullding within a radius of 10 feet from the tank, and no tank for the storage of vola- tile inflammable oil shall be located under the sidewalk or beyond the building line, Sec. 140.. Perm! : Sec. 141 Manufacture @ No tank forming part of a buried aa 0 142 ransportation storage and Spec é At I k A J Sit LS © storage system shall be covered from sight Veee ©) sale until after an inspection has been made by the fire department, and written approval | ¢., 449. Permit. has been given; which approval shall be given without charge, provided all the regu- lations have been complied with (O. KR, Except as otherwise provided in this chap- ter no perspn shall manufacture, trans- ‘ »] ‘ ) us le nixtur 9 ; ¥ ac ,ort tore I ell any combustll I Secs 321-32 amended by ord effective | F , ee eae sory : | without a permit, but no permit for -the May; 26," 4920.) : | manufactur of combustible mixtures shall 14 Vent pipe The vent pipe shall be | ee holdit » permit e rec) re¢ oO a person 101¢ lz { pe l at least 1 inch in diameter, shall run from be requ ' Sl ecaata: als ' : | for the unufacture 0o inflammable lx - to t outer air at least 10 feet ; : cba: tank y Pee 1 I ontormity with articie 9 above the roof of the building in which the | tures | - ; : ® era ) ; lis « iptel (O R., Secs. sds 5 plant is located, and shall be at least 16 of this oe feet from the nearest window of any ad Sec. 141. Manufacture. joining building, and well braced in position. | It shall be capped with a double goose-neck, | cowl! or hood,.and provided with a screen cs made of two thicknesses of 20-mesh brass | —~ i at aa ' i of yjire gauze, placed immediately below the goose-ne kK (© ro pecs 3398, sol amended by ord. effective May 25, 1915.) | 4 hy 15 Ventilating flue. Each compartment n ¢ wherein a-mixing tank is located shall be| # ounce . ae ee equipped with a ventilating flue, constructed of brick or concrete, lined with tile pipe at | top 5S Lae at a“ Jeast 8 inches square, inside measurement, and extending from the floor of the com- 4 co partment at a point opposite the door to at ng the na ind address ol least pix feet above the highest point of the| turer, th number of his original perm ‘ roof, and at least 10 feet from the nearest] of his cert ite of approv: ' wall of any adjoining building Such flue} letters h rds, CAUTION—COMBUS!] shall have an opening into the mixing com-| BLE MIXTURI Adopted Dec, 16, 191% partment 6 inehes square 3 inches above le the floor, and shall be equipped with a| S& 142. Transportation, storage and sale. double goose-neck 8 inches square, made Le cate )f approval. of at least 18-gauge galvanized iron 4. Oo perso all transport, ore openings to be covered with 20-mesh brass iny Col istibie mixture wit screens (0. R., Secs. 335, 36.) if appr A erefor shall 16 Fire. preventior No stove, forge, | bu certificate shall be required torch or other device employing flame or rT istible mixture for fire, nor any electric or other apparatu wv I 1 permit has been issue (AQGOp which is likely to proguce an exposed spark De L319.) the manufacture of inflammable mixtures, ind 3 at retail of ombustible mix- wniess it be placed in a@ room or compart re ha be required of a person holding ment separated f building by a par retarding material and provided with a ym. ~ =e } s ur- without a permit. ri, ~ 349.) poses, are-stored, housed or kept. (Amended 2, Certificate ‘of appFoval ‘ by ord. approved August 8, 1916.) No person shall transport or sell an inflam- mable mixture, unless a-certificate of ap- Sec. 151. Storage garages, yroval shall have been issue ) : NI I 3 ied; but no such No permit for a storage garage shall be certificate shall be required for inflammable . issued for any building, shed or enc p é 2-nclosure— mixtures for which’ a permit to manufacture : shall have been issued, (Adopted Dec. 1¢ (*Amended by ora, approved Aug 8 1919.) 11916.) ess (a) Which is occupied as a tenement house, hotel or lodging house; (b) Where paints, varnishes or lacquers are manufactured or kept for sale; (c) Where dry goods or other highly in- fammable materials are manufactured or kept for sale. (ad) Where rosin, turpentine, hemp, cot- ton or any explosives are stored or kept (e) Which is situated within 20 feet of 1e nearest wall of a building occupled as . school, theatre or other place of public amusement or assembly, provided, however hat renewals of permits may be granted here the garage in question was in oper- 1 prior to the opening of the school, itre or other place of public amuse- or assembly. or has been in continu- us operation undér a permit issued there- iTIOT for prior to May 1, 1915, and further pro= i that a permit may be issued for a 1rage hereafter erected within 20 feet of ling, the occupancy of which. Is ited in this subdivision, where the ha no frontage on the same street a any frontage of such building, and the wall or walls of the garage adjacent thereto are onstructed of brick, unpierced fo distance of at least 20 feet there- ended by ord. approved August Sec. 152. Construction. epealed July 3, 1917.) See. 153 Certificate of fitness, 1 storage garage containing more than tor vehicles, shall be continuously -un- I { re nd supervision of. 1: OF MOre f h holding a certificate of fitness. iber of persons to hold such cer- shall be stated in the permit, but LS sha there be required ™oreé irage. (Amended by ord. Sec 154. Garages in buildings having dwelling occupancies—when permitted. | mot be issued for a ger- age b uilding occupied as a dwelling 3 the yund floor area of the garage ed 5,000 square feet and upn- ess the ipants be the applicant or his pli es or the applicant and one other t t r the applicant's employee and one other tenan and provided that’ not more ries above the garage are oc- plied or ed as living apartments, which LJ nents shall be separated from the gar- ige by fire retarding walls and floors, not reed except by one opening, protected y a fireproof self-closing door, and provid- that the shall be an entrance to the iving apartments direct from the street without passing through the garage In case the bullding is occupied by two fami- es and on two stories above the garage, a fire escape or other secondary means of es- ape mus se provided for each story above he garage (Amended by ord approved Sec. 155 Oll separators. l When required No garage permit authorizing the storage of volatile inflam- iable oll shall be issued for any premises, storing more than 4 motor vehicles, which are not protided with an oll separator, trap r other similar apparatus attached to the house drain, for the purpose of: preventing volatile inflammable oils from flowing inte the sewer; provided however, that the fire commissioner may exempt from the re- quirements of this section a garage drain- ing into a short sewer line (CG. R., ' fea 376.) ° é Oil receptacle The oll-recéptacle of an Oil separator Shall not exceed 50 gal- lons capacity and shall be emptied as often as may be necessary to prevent the oil from overflowing and such_oils as are recovered from the separator shall be re- moved from the garage Vithn 24 hours after being taken from the separator. (O R., Sec 397.) 8 Sewer connection Fach oil separator shall be connected to the house drain, and shall be so arranged as to separate all olls from the drainage of the garage. CO. > KH. |} Sec. 396.) 4. Waste oll All oils spilled on the floo@CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 89 of a garage shall be removed by sponging or swabbing, and poured into the drain leading to the oll separator, c, HK Bed 398.) 5. Exceptions The provision of this section shall not apply to those parts of the City included in the restricted reas as dé fined in Secs. 90 and 91 of article 5 of chap- ter 5 of this code, where ‘no pt ner Sewers are laid (Added by rd. 2 pted Dec. 4, 1922.) Sec. 156. Storage system. 1. Tanks. No garage permit authorizing the storage of volatile inflammable ojl shall be issued for any premises which ar e not equipped with an approved storage system of sufficient capacity for the proper storage of such oil, which shall be installed in the manner prescribed in subdivisions Suen o 13 and 14 of* Sec. 131 of Article 9 of this chapter; provided that each tank shall be embedded in and surrounded by at least 12 inches of Portland cement concrete, com- posed of two parts of cement, parts of sand and 6 parts of stone, - exc: L that storage tanks installed in garages 1 ay have a capacity not exceeding 50 gallons — .- each. (O. R., Secs. 377, 379-390: amended by ord. effective July 16, 1915.) > =) ~ . ' AT ye LeCelVINng supplies No barrel con- taining volatile inflammable oll shall be taken off the wagé6n delivering such oil to z Q& garage but the oil shall he delivered directly to the Storage tank through the filling pipe, by means of a hose coupled to the barrel containing the oil and con- nected to the intake division 6 of Sex Li provided for in sub- ‘1 of this chapter No wagon or other vetic'® engaged in the delivery of volatile inhtamyma ble oil shall be admitted to or igken within a garage vor any portion thereof, and no person ehall deliver or receive within a garage any volatile inammable oil in a barrel or other similar receptacle, nor keep or tore in @ garage any barrel or other similar receptacle from which volatile inflammable of] -has been drawn (O. R., Secs. 393-395.) 3 Approval of appliances fo. 6storage tank, portable tank, oil separator, pump or other similar apparatt shall be installed in 2 Earage unless it be of a type for wnich a certificate of approval shall have been issued by the fire commissioner, Proper containers or devices to prevent or extinguish fire may be prescribed by the fire commissioner, who may sue certificates of approval therefor (O R Se, 79: amended by ord. effective July 1915.) Sec. 157. Supplying vehicles. 1. Method No person: shall deliver vola- tile inflammable oil from a storage tank to a motor vehicle, except by mean of | an approved portable tank oO! directly through the outlet of the drawing-off pipe Dy means of an authorized hose attach- ment All lights on motor ehicles except electric lights shall be entinguished before volatile inflammable oi! is delivered to fuel | tanks (O. ‘R., Sec. 378: amended by ord effective July 16, 1915.) 2 Portable tanks Each portable tank shall be of a capacity not exceeding 55 gal- Jons, and shall be mounted on a svbstan- tial fron or steel frame, with rubber-tired wheels The oil shall be discharged from the tank only through a hose not exceeding 16 feet in tength, having a shut-off valve close to the outlet or nozzls (O7.. Ny Bee 391.) 3 Pumps: basement service No purnp or stationary outlet for delivery of vola- tile inflammable oil in a garage hall be allowed on any floor below the street level, and no person shall deliver any such oil to the tank of a motor vehicle whi on & fioor of the garage below the street level unless such floor is provided with adequate natural ventilation (Oo hz Sei 392; amended by ord. effective July 16, 1915.) 4 Restrictions No person shall sell, deliver. or use volatile inflammable oil In or upon any premises covered by a garage | permit for any purposé other than that of | filling the tanks or motor vehicles, motor- eyecles, motor-tricycles, moto! boats, air- ships or aeroplanes, except that the use of gasoline in gasoline torches of a capacity | pot greater than 1 quart shall bo permitted, ' but in the repair department only (©. - R. | volatile inflammapie oil, unless the building Sec. 401,) or that portion thereof in which the motor vehicle is introduced-is constructed of fire- Sec. 158. Lighting. ‘> ; : | retarding material, When such volatile in- INO syste Fs ificie | ing ar | @. iis : P 3 stem of artificial lighting other than | ga;mable oj) is removed from the fuel tank ncandescer alec C ligchte y or i. é - | it electri lights shall be in |of a motor véhicle within=the repair shop, Stalled in any garage, unless of a type for | it shall be emptied directly fram such fuel which a certificate of approval shail have | tank into an approved safety can, portable | been issued All incandescent lights shall | tank or approved storage system and be fitted with keyless sox kets, and all elec- | when returned to the fuel tank it shall be tric switches and plugs shall be placed at/so returned: directly from such safety can | east 4 feet above the garage floor. (O. R., | portable tank, or approved storage system. S ey oq > ~ . ; I.) (o.. mec. 411; amended by ord. effective ae May 25, 1915.) sec. 159. Fire prevention. | ] mxposed flame or spark No stove, forge, torch or other Gevice employing ARTICLE 13. Dry-Cleaning and Dry-Dyeing Establishments, flame or fire, nor any electric or other ap- paratus which is likely to produce an ex- posed park, except such electric apparatus as may be placed 5 feet or more above a moor Of @& garage, shall be allowed in any garage unl it be placed in a room or sec. 1ib Permit. Impartment which is separated from the | pec, 176 Restrictions > Se 1 2 rf i T tad it garage b a partition constructed of fire re- : a iquipment Sa, "9 erat! larding material and provided with a self- | : Ai Vperation S 7 Vit [ re | OSin{ fireproof door provided, however, | eec. lig ire prevention, that. els ri motor ma) ) 5 e ful ena) ry , 0 iay be of the fully | Sec. 175. Permit osed typ: rr provided with an approved | ie be (fire department specifications) | NO person shall maintain or operate @ , ¢ UI the terminal blocks also|@ry-cleaning or dry-dyeing establishment j ‘ ne Lerm ; = tv i Ort p , ; Gor 4 2 Lai be properly protected No boller or without a permit, (O. R., Sec. 413.) fur? e shall be located hn any garage un- eparated from the remainder of the] Sec. 176. Restrictions. an unpierced fireproof wall, No permit to maintain and operate a dry- lasonry of at least 8 cleaning or dry-dyeing establishment shall RS thickn:s or its equivalent; pro- be issued for any building | } +} re - ( +1 | ? © Whe! the construction (a) in which the compartment wherein y] i) t T erce ; \ , 1 a1) / ) . c - = ; : a : yall shall be imprac the volatile inflammable oll is used is situ- € commissioner may permit) gated within 50 feet of the nearest wall of »» ich wall as may be neces-|an- puildir g occupied as a school, hospital, eG prt ripe uch protection therefor | theater 0 other place of public amusement ag n I ligment the particular case lor as embly: requ O. R., Sec, 400; amended by | (b) Which is occupied as a tenement rd. effe ve Lt 1915.) house, dwelling or hotel: garage shall be equipped (c) Which is of wooden construction: with Hre buckets filled with sand and kept; (q) In which the compartment wherelm ym ea ' ‘ u in extinguishing fire the volatile inammable oil is used is artie- 4 qua y of ind all also be kept ON} ficfally lighted by any. means other than each flo of a garage for absorbing waste | electricity: lantity of sand and the aires (e) Where drugs, cigars, cigarettes. or OL f sts for .ea garage shall be desig-/tobaccos are kept for sale; ated by tne re commissioner and stated | (f) Where paints, varnishes or lacquers the perm (O.°R., Sec, 403.) | are manufactured, stored, or kept for sale; Ss. Recs cles for waste, Each floor ofa! (g) Where drygoods or other highly in« raragce i be equipped with self-closing | fammable materials are manufactured, eta ca Al all inflammable waste] stored or kept for sale: material nail e kept therein until re- (h) Where matches, rosin, turpentine, mover n building (O. R., Sec. 404.) hemp, cotton, or any explosives are stored 4 Storage of carbide All calclum car-| or kept & garage shall be kept in (i) Which {s not equipped with an ap- ate ght metal containers with securely | proved system for storing and handlivg all fasten cove! and the aggregate quantity | volatile inflammable oils, stored or used in kept on hand shall not exceed at any time | such establishments as prescribed in sub- i ST -& a ’ * aS eee) ¥ oositibls 7 —* =e Pee yet 2 See RT eAT See: 7 t Tre) er ee A Se Se Isai a eee, oe <= Te Wee eer eae ey te) Sao Sscepeis 90 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. S795 etSeaee authority from the gas or open flame lighting, or repair Except under special Commissioner, for heating, rire no ehall be used purposes. Fire pails, ire extinguishers filled with sand, approved smoking” signs number as the (@) and ‘no hall be provided In such Fire Commissioner may require. Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers. Sec. 200 Permit 90] Restrictions 02 Volatile inflammable oil Sec, 200. Permit shall manufacture, store or L ) sale paints, varnishes or lacquers or al other substances, mixtures and com- pounds commonly used for painting, var- hinge. staining or other similar purposes, ‘ tie greater than 20 gals., without a permi (O. R., See. 4590.) eg 20] Restrictions. ermit for the manufacture, mixing mpounding of paints, varnishes or lac- quel shall be issued for any premises— (a Which are situated within 50 feet of the nearest wall of a building occupied 1 schoo]. theatre or other place of public amusement or assembly; (b) Which are occupled as a tenement i dwelling, hotel, workshop or fac- tort Which are artificially lighted by any means her than electricity; i Where drugs, cigars, cigarettes or t ac ss are kept for sale; Where drygoods or other highly in- fla ible I erlals are manufactured, tored or kept for sale (O. R., Sec. 452.) See. 202. Volatile inflammable oll. No permit shall be issued for the stor- ige & ile of volatile inflammable oil in any paint shop, in a tenement house, nor for the storage of such oll in excess of 2? rallor in any building occupied by two families, nor for the storage of such oil in excess of 55 gallons in any building occupied las a dwelling by one family (Added by i ffective May 1915.) ARTICLE 16. Calclum Carbide. : { Permit we Z2U6 Conditions Se 207. Restrictions. Sec. 205. Permit, » person shall store or keep calcium ca dq n excess of 120 pounds without @ per (O. R Sec 455.) Sec. 206 Conditions. l Containers Each can, drum or con- tainer for holding calcium carbide shall be constructed of tin, iron or steel, without the ise of solder It shall be closed in such manner as to be alr and water-tight, and shall be conspicuously marked CARBIDE— DANGEROUS IF NOT KEPT DRY. (O. R., | Secs 460, 461.) 2 Place Calcium carbide in excess of 600 Ibs. shall be stored in approved metal packages above the ground in one-story buildings without cellar or basement and used exclusively for the storage of calcium carbide Such buildings shall be _ con- structed to be dry waterproof and well ventilated and shall be located outside con- shall be prescribed by -the fire commis: that electric motors may pe ° mae oo sioner (Added by ord. effective May 25 enclosed type or provided w! - an er - 4 1916.) type “A” (fire ae partment Sper ee 6. Portable containers All portable con- | motor enclosure; the termina blo¢ oe: 7 = tainers used to convey goods from washer shall be protected eet te g to extractors shall be equipped with rubber spelt be iocatec in ee sey on . aa tired rollers, wooo... or fibre rollers or and dry dyeing sateen eee a, wo@den bottoms (Added by ord effective rated from the re mainder a ane wren . May 26, 1915.) ee. vy | ; eae an ah ae a 7. Extractors All extractors shall be | solid masonry ei ; oe constructed so that the gasoline extracted 8 inches in thicknes provided, oy ‘ shall flow by gravity through the pipe into that where. the construction - ut . “ a the settling tank of an approved storage pierced wall hall be imprac eho Ses cS ‘ system, (Added by ord. effective May 25, | comméssi0 er may permit such opé! mo ’ Pa 1915.) the wall as may be necessary, an Le pr a 8 Drying tumblers Drying tumblers | Scribe su nh prot tion cperesey 32 he " oy shall not be permitted in rooms contalin- judgment the particular case shal _eS 4 ing wash tanks, and shall be independently (O. R., Se 437 amended by ord. effective z connected with the outer air in the manner May 25, 191d.) ; : . rt prescribed for drying rooms In no case 6 Carrying matches NO person nal a shall they be heated above 150 degrees| carry matches into any room or compm 3 Rahr, (Added by ord, effective May 26, | ment in which volatile inflammable ou 's a 1915.) used or stor: and th person holding the 9. Containers or devices Proper con- certificate f 1 the manager.-of the ‘ tainers or devices’ to prevent or extinguish establishment ill be responsible for the me fire may be prescribed by the fire commis- | enforcement of thi ction He shall also sioner, whc may issue certificates of ap- | see that all clothing intended to be dry nroval for such deyices (Added by ord | cle ined hed ind all matches re effective May 25, 1915.) | moved theretf before bein brougut int the compar h volatile inflam Sec. 178. Operation. | ible oils are ed or used. (O. R 1. Settling. filtering and distilling. All| *°°* *™enece ; ord. effective May volatile inflammable oil which has been | 47+? used in the process of dry cleaning or dry | dyeing shall be settled, filtered or ge a ‘ARTICLE 14 in a machine or apparatus, of a type for a8 , which a certificate of approval shall a ae hte sechnicailel “at oli’ Se or | Motor Cycle Repair Shops and Storage me 2 otection. No yerso shal) discharge any volatile inflammable oil into | Places . any public drain or sewer. ic. "R. Bee tT z! a 435.) ' eee a 3 Supervision The operation of a dry | : mg Cs cleaning or dry dyeing establishment shall | ne - : be continuously under the care and super 1 Sec. 190. Permit. vision of a person holding a certificate of on n prem s for which a permit nt fitness as manager thereof. The number Fr eee A under this attiele, bo D * of persons required to hold such certificates | id i repair shop for moto! oer shall be determined by the fire commis- | - i: oe Car, ti Sy . sioner and stated in the permit, but in no | ask : nous oe ; : sees a case shall there be required more than | r si E 1OuUsiNn ee Doos cae ie three. (O. R., Sec. 417; amended by ord es eee ee vo is effective May 25, 1915.) | ks; provided, however, ‘tha’ rk ch } per t sh | not requirea Be Sec. 179. Fire prevention. prer es u s a gara under a permit ee 1. Steam extinguishing ap ;liances Each i therefor rr for premises used oi room or compartment wherein a “washing | ! he storag ; air of motor cycles oe tank’’ is located shall be equipped with an | 0 and operates y embers of but one ‘ approved steam fire extinguishing system, | famii} . = the supply valve for which shall be placed Sec. 191 Restrictions ; on the outside of the washing room. with ? ; ; é one valve so arranged that the steam can]. ~°798° © ol, Buch parmit shail mat ¥ be instantaneously turned on. (0. R., Sec ; tne ame of Keresend, ApS. .epreenas oe 432.) which may Dé stored on such pre! ses 2, Buckets of sand Each premises in| “7°? mount hall 9. Saoresee which a dry cleaning or dry dyeing estab: B : Prerm,sees yo permit shall lishment is located shall be equipped with be granted for ] es below the grade fire buckets filled with sand and kept on | st ry of any building each floor, for use in extinguishing fire 3 Tenement houses, et No permit shall A quantity of sand shall also be kept on be issued for any premises sityated in any each floor for absorbing waste oils The | tenement house, hi r frame building, or | number of buckets and the quantity of sand in any non-fireproof building in which there | to be so kept shall be determined by the fire} is a factory or place f public assemblag: commissioner and stated in the permit. | unless CO. RB: . Sec 440.) ( ) The D enclosing such 3%. Artificial lighting. No system of arti- | premises is irding naterial ficial Nghting other than incandescent elec- | throughout, in Ors né windows tric lights shall be installed:in any build- | and | ing, or any portion thereof, used as a dry (b) All doors and WS Opening from cleaning and dry dyeing establishment, un-|each compartment to he! portions of fess it be of a type for which a certificate | the building are self sing of approval shall have been issued All in- | can@escernt lights shall be fitted with key- | Sec. 192. Fire prevention jess sockets and all electric switches and In all premises fo } h a permit is is- Plugs shall be placed at least 4 feet above | sued under this art | following regu- the floor. All electric switches shall be:|lations shall be complied th Placed outside the room containing wash (a) No garoline, except that in the fuel tanks and outside all dr ying rooms (O tanks of motor cycles, hal be permitted on Bins an 436; amended by ord effective | the premises and such fu inks shall bat May 25, 1915.) An) ein Obhwn- ay etn 4. Exposed flame or spark Na‘ atevne oe ned, drayv I t illed on the} forge, torch or other device employing (ON. No cee! 6) ng steve what flame or fire, nor any electric or other ap | ysed oe all be paratus which is likely to produce an er- | (c) No motor evel ‘r part t} j : 7. posed spark, shall be allowed in any build- under ain circumstanc s % : lereof shall, ing, or any portion thereof, used as @ dry] jeco of Daisstivic © cleaned’ by the cleaning or dry dyeing establishment, uniess evi fant - cai it be placed in a room or compartment ay a ; Pe . bet ted nall be used, the separated from the remainder of the bulia4- PUIDE Of sich shall be enclosed »ih wis ing by @ partition constructed of fire retard- | °°"°* °' otherwise properly protected in a ing material and provided with a azelf- manner approved by the Fire Commissioner closing fireproof door; provided, however, *Adopted Feb, 20. 1917, eeeeeee gested mercantile or manufacturing dis- tricts If the storage pbuilding is of in- |} combustible construction it may adjoin other one-story buildings if separated there- from by an unplerced fire. wall; if the | Storage building be a detached structure |and located less than 10 feet from such one-story buildings there 'shall be no open- Ings in the adjacent sides of either build- ing {f the carbide storage building is of .| combustible construction it must not be Within 20 feet of other one-story or twoe pais ert ieCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. a story buildings, nor within 30 feet of buildings over two stories oO. oOR Joc 458; amended by ord 1916.) 3 Warning. storage conspicuously displayed on the outside thereof Nearing letters at least 12 inches high the words CALCIUM CARBIDE—USE NO WATER (QO. R., Sec 4659.) effective May 25 A building used for such Shall have a sign in Sec. 207. Restrictions. No permit shall be issued yor the storage f calcium carbide in excess of 60( in any building— (a) Which is not used exclusively for such etorage; pounds (b) Which is situated within ) fee ofia the nearest wall of any building » ipied as a hospital, school, theatre yr other place of public amusement or assemb!],\ (c) Which ts of wooden constructio: (Oo R., Sec. 457.) ARTICLE 17 Gases Under Pressure. 8ec. 210 Permit Sec. 211 Compressing Sec. 212 Acetylene 8 213 Oxygen blow-pipes s c ec. 214. Liquified chlorine c Se 215 Soda water and carbonated beverages, Sec. 210. Permit. No person shall compress, generat tore, or sell any acetylene, Blauga Pintsch Bas or other gases and mixtures « gases Or transport through a pipe from one lo- cality to another any gas, unless ot vise herein provided for, at a pressure « eding © pounds to the square inch, or at er! alr to a pressure exceeding 100 p to the square inch, nor in quantitl é d ing a total container capacity of 3 bi feet, without a permit (O R., Secs 463 464; amended by ord effective July lf 1915.) Sec. 211. Compressing. ] Capacity No person shall store for sale any gas compressed to a _ pressure greater than 6 pounds to the lare inch without a@ permit, except the follow (a) Nitrous oxide or oxygen for u for medical or surgical purposes |} quantities not exceeding a total container capa Cy of 5 cubic feet for both gases, and tainers,-none of which shall have a apa- city exceeding 2.5 cubic feet (b) Combustible gases under pressure ex- ceeding 15 pounds per squar: ir h as Blaugas and acetylene, in quantities not exceeding 6500 cubic feet gas measure and in containers none of which sha have a Capacity exceeding 2.5 cubic feet (c) N on-combustible liquefied g ex- cept chlorine, in quantities not exceeding a total container capacity of 1 cubic foot, anc in containers none of which shall hav: “i capacity exceeding 200 cubic inchs (Amend- ea July 17, 1917.) No person shall use or store for use with in he city any gas compressed t i pres sure greater than 6 pounds to the juare inch, without a permit, except (d) Non-combustible, non-liquefied gases such as atmospheric air, oxyger arbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, compr-s ed to a pressure not exceeding 100 pounds to the square inch and in quantities not exceed- ing @® total container capacity of 30 cubl feet; (e) Non-combustible, non-liquefied gases such as atmospheric air, oxygen nitrous oxide, nitrogen, compressed to a prs ure not exceeding 300 pounds to the square inch and in quantities not exceeding a total con- tainer capacity of 80 cubic feet, and in con- tainers of which, none shall have a capacity exceeding 6 cubic feet: (f) Non-combustible, non-lIlquefied Buch as atmospheric air,®oxygen or nitro- gen, compressed to a 200 pounds to the quantitles not exceeding a total container capacity of 20 cubic feet, and in containers capacity exX- Fases, pressurs¢ exceeding square inch and in none of which shall have ¢ % ceeding 2.5 cubic feet: 1916, no container exceeding 12 (g) Combustible, non-liquefied. non-ab- sorbed gases such as ! | hydrogen, illumina ing gas, compressed to a pressure not ex- ceeding 300 pounds to the s juare inch, and lin Quantities not exceed|1 y a total one- | |tainer capacity of 380 cubli feet and in con- |} tainers none of which shall have a capacit exceeding 6 Dik feet; (h) Combustible, non-liquefied, non-ab- sorbed gases, uch as hydrogen, illuminat ing gas COmpressea to a@ pressure exceeding 800 pounds to the square inch and in quan- tities not exceeding a total container ca- pacity of 10 cubic feet, and in containers ne of whic} ha have @ capacity exceed- i E Z cul le t (i) Soda water tanks containing carbonik acid under pre uré not exceeding 150 pound to the square in ind in i nti lies 1Ot eedins otal ontainer ca- pacity of } 1D i ind in ontainers ione Ol whicl nall hay a capacity exceed- ing 2 cubic feet (3) A rbed acetylens under pre ire not ‘ eea t } pounds to the square cl aim quantithe Th. eeding a total A ‘ i 10 cuDbli feet, and in wate ‘ i l have a ca- y= . ! < ) I { n ] fled gase ex- , ‘ ni n s nitrous . ’ I Dp di dé in Q : f ‘ i tal contalr r apa I I I nd in O L1in- ers t i LaY 1 Capacity : K / n lrou | iid \ t ‘ ed a total container a ’ 1 d in mNTAl! rs non , t 2 ipacit ex- : | ex ' as otnerwise | : I (A ended } ‘ ; ' l gase uch as } ding a total ; ad : ‘ t ar in Li! l have a a- Pa t (() R oo r e fe tly ? ,u y ) $s shall t ym} ited t6 @ 2 ure ' ! tne }uar neh inle of a perso! ! | C3 } S 7 ; ord effect e Puly I ' { tan} and . a ! ) f of lé pre ure i l of rollec drawn or br f f eted { 1iner I Dp l rearte Lor toring oO po ’ ‘ ' é must } I f Lippe I materiail “ ‘ ist once n , ifs Lu : ri Dp ire test, in which t} is follows bo ) juid carbonk icid i ] { ; i }uU I trou oO as yI b Dp o the quare inch } I luid anhyadarol u n i ) nan 4aV0 pou I ) LI } ner j liquid chlor Lé no ) pou to the squal | hi ' juid sulp | d a Zb0 D ind to the jue! neh Ko e] fi carbonated yverag l t f passage of h ord Cf I | I 0 pounds to the squal ine) ko 1e! for carbonates beverages m f \ ada : =. f I us if Dp temb iy Ot 4 than \0 pou 3 to the va inch (Adopted july 1 LY 1 } 4 Co Lit ( rtit ate o Lipp 1 0 persor I transport, store Or se] any gas compressed to a pressure grea ha ] pound to the iquare inch, except t pe contained in a metal tank, cylinder or other meta container, or of a type approved by the fire commissioner or the interstate com merce commission (O KR pec 467; amended by ord. effective July 1 1915.) Pressure gauge. Containers used for the storage of gas under pressure of mol than 15 pound to the square incl hal be provided with a pressure gauge, or with an opening to which such gauge may be at- tached, for determining the pressure of thé gas in the container "SH 4-): January lst, inches in| length, containing liquefied gases, gases im solution or other gases under a pressure of e than 15 pounds per square inch at es : except anhydrous ammonia, hall f hiied within the city; except for nediate export; nor shall any such filled ider be brought into the city unless it equipped with a safety device or fusible approved by the fire com- lone or interstate commerce commis- b to prevent the explosion of a normally charged cylinder when placed in a fire. (O, t.. we 4/1; amended by ord, effective July ' Lmped Each container used for the ri oO transportation of gas under pre iré all have plainly and perma- nent iarked thereon the name of the ori l I laser o manufacturer, or a lark | \ ch the ownership or responsi- } ty for fil ; the container can easily be establishes and each container shall be t er \ Z serial number When con- tal rs are te dad a complete record shall i eT ‘ ’ a 3s record, or @ certi- fied copy hereof shal upon ree@sonable not \ l d, De produced fsr the Inspectior yf the rstate commerce com- | i | ; ’ t } re ommiss yer {OQ E . Sex 46090; ame dea by ord, effective July 16, } ‘ sec 212 Acetylene | Approva of generator No person l ge tylene except in a gen- era f apparatus of a ' certificate of approval hall |} ee! led provided, however, that no ng contained i this section shall be yn lf ! req Zz a certificate of appro fo l acet e generator having a’ ca apacity not exceeding 5 pounds, (© i 5 2 { i ig building Each building or mM used for t} generation and comp on. of acetyl to @ pressure greater! 1 1D pound to the square inch, ! O tructed of nre-resisting: mate- rials throu ind hall be used for no other purpo (() I - ; 4X2 186.) ; Sta pparat Each stationary appara } l \ B acetylene shall be equipped \ ! luid seals, a safety valve, a blo ft r er automatic appllance for limit the pre 7 ) the gas to not mo! : : to the square inch at a temperature of 70 degrees P The appara- {us shall be n 1 in @ Waterproof com- partmen ha ig tl floor, walis and roof yf bi o einforced concrete The size of uch compartmen hall not exceed that required to a VY the free operation of the apparatu a the storage of the necessary carbide Bac uch apparatus shall bear t name Oo! (ne manufa urer and the year or oi% nuflacture, and shall be identified b i ria number { } Her 483-486.) { ompression » person shall com- } 1s | ty e, nor transport Store or sell a tyiene tO a greater pressure than 250 pound fO the square inch at a temperature of 7 degre | (O. K., Secs. 480, 481.) : Di iving and absorbing NO person shall generate ransport, store or sell a \ | ymipre i (O a pressure greater thé 15 pounds to the square inch except whe it be dissolved in acetone, or other mil { nt and inultaneously absorbed into asbestos or other suitable porous mate- ria) nd confined in a tank or eylinder of a type for which a certificate of approval hall have been issued (O. F., Sec. .€79.) 6 Liquid No person shall generate, manufacture, transport, store or sel] any liquid acetylene (O. Ra Seca. 474.) j Residue of carbide All solid residue of oalclum carbide hall be properly re- moved from the building and disposed of; ani no person hall discharge any such residu into public drain or sewer (OUR Se ¢ 190.) Q Storag tanks. ‘li taniks and ePrline ders used for the Storage of acetylene under pre ure having originally passed the required test shall be exempt from the quinquennial test, and shall be designed and co tructed to withstand a pressure of 1,200 square inch without rupture, withstand a pressure of at least 550 pound to the square inch without exhibit- Repealed by ord, effective July 16, 1915, nt J . }opaaa zy fre — wer eo —_ TA TLEE ESSE TTS ae it eae se FEE: Pee AE? PP Ere ee ea ES ce ge ty SPP eee +t 4 EET Peete Pa taSe toe le Le. Ee SrstEerats? pos ak Led eat eh eh ie dk ek eek STeTY COSTE Tele teres ing strain 1 ond the point of usefulness Bach tank and cylinder used for the stor- pee of. acetylene shall be tested to withstand a pressure of 500 Ibs to the square shall generate, transport, store or Ss 21] acetylene under pressur¢ inch: and no person in an apparatus, tank or other container in the construction of which unalloyed copper is used. No tank or cylinder containing acetylene in quantities aggregating than 2,500 cubic feet shall be stored in any building under ae special Acetylene contained in attached to vehicles and ready to use shall not be included in computing the quantity stored in any building (0. Ra SbCH: 469. 470, 475-477; effective July 16, 1915.) 9 Use in publi s0n shall generate more except permit tanks or cylinders amended by ord entertainment No per- acetylene n onnec- tion with a motion picture show or exhibl- tion or other public entertainment . Ebis Sec. 489.) 10 Ventilating, heating and lighting Each building or compartment used for the generation or compression of acetylene shall be well ventilated shall be heated only by steam or hot water, and shall not be artificially lighted except by electric lights having air tight buibs, globes or tubes. (OO, FR. Bec. 468.) 1] Fire prevention No stove, forge torch, boller furnace flame or fire, and no electric or other appliance which is likels to produce an exposed spark shal be allowed in any generation or compression of (QO; Ri, Sec. A487.) compartment used for the acetyiene Sec. 218. Oxygen blow-pipes. 1 Certificate of shall use oxygen and a for heating, melting or welding, except in or through a blow pipe or approval No person other simila device or apparatus of a type for which a cé@rtificate of approval shall have been lis- aued (©. R., Sec, 4393.) 2 Certificate of fitness No person shall operate a blow-pipe or other similar device or apparatus for heating, melting or welding except without a certificate of fitness. (O. R Bec. 494. Amended Jan. 30, 1917.) 3 Permit. No person shall use oxygen in combination with a in or through a blow-pipe or other similar device, for heating, melting or welding without a permit (0: “BR. Sec. 491.) 4 Portable generators No person sha combustible ras use a portable generator in any building for the purpose of supplying gas te a blow- pipe or other similar except where a certificate of approval for the generator has been issued, and then only when a special permit has been issued for its use (O. R., Sec. 492.) device or apparatus Bec. 214. Liquefied chlorine. ] Permit required. No person, firm or eorporation, shall store, sell, use or port any liquefied chlorine without a per mit. 2. Certificate of fitness No chlorine shall be used constant supervision of a person holding a certificate of fitness. 3. Compression No chlorine gas shal! ke compressed in The City of New York 4. Storage and use Liquefied chlorine g2s may be stored only in quantities speci- fied by the fire commissioner and under the following conditions: (a) In approved fireproof buildings used exclusively for the storage of liquefied chlor- ine. Such buildings shall be approved only when all the materials entering into their (rans- liquefied except under the construction, including flooring and trim and partitions nent are incombustible in character whether temporary or perma- (b) In enclosed lots or yards in sparsely settled sections, in the discretion of the fire commissioner and under such restrictions he may deem necessary, (c) In buildings used for other purposes than. the storage of liquefied chlorine ( the ground floor only, provided the eins tate ers of liquefied chlorine are located ‘ room or compartment constructed of Ard: proof or fire retarding material. which is easily accessible from the street o1 yard. If the room or compartment is not easlly ac cessible from street or yard, it shal] as be pro- combustible gas | vided with an approved automat | jer system by means of which the } +€ yste ' Sspri nik compart- ment may be readily flooded with water, all of which shall be in accordance with plans approved by the fire commissioner The cylinders of chlorine eas may D placed in a receptacle, approved by the fir¢ commissioner, so arranged as to be aut matically flooded with cold water from @ re- liable source in case of fire (dad) No permit shall be issued for the usé of liquefied chlorine above the grade floo! except in a building occupied exclusively b the person, firm or corporation using the quefied chiorine and protected ; a ap proved ymatic sprinkler system xcept that in spe il cases where the use of lique ed cl I é ted prior to the adoption of these regulations this requirement mig! | be Rt . \ fire commissioner (e) The number of liquefied gas cyiin aers perm ed ove the id Moor sna ni any L ‘ Lay number ‘ e the numbe i Oo ' ead and r zi i , tthe yiinder sha DE Ip] } he ind ‘ such nal el : ia ‘ ' lent for ipp upon a , D l Oo tb DULIaIr Cor S rue¢ I rm shall be issued I the build gr for 1 hote] ods nouse ij tener ‘ ' ALE ’ . x 1 dir ) enclosure ited within } f h eare o! 1 [ l ‘ upi , ) i] < h < he e or re plac Amu nel . mare San ‘ ale » perso! I ‘ IT po r ss] lax ch : } ise wit] I Yew York ne DUI I ho Ll per to ‘ ( cr ) ne ( doy j | | Se 215 Soda water and carbonated bev- eragres person } | ransfer carb ‘ TY 1 e with pressurt¢ ol ‘ © nNowuyT De sq \ re Lil D t | { r ‘ i no cat { sis ‘ r equal » that in the o lé y n j 2 pern I L tne as ssione ’ person shall transfer < rhor ] I Line , mn @& ssure of 0 per juare neh nto ¢£ es r «e i m a Dt cap of 1 n¢ Dp ure equal t th rf = rig ynta e! vy n if nterpo pe + ! ) ontainers a pressure Luc] p ne re u rn de e a d DE rv € t hie pressure rec r d reg ne lé ( I 1 weaker conta a safe ; ‘ ‘ Dp ippr ved y 1e I p TT S OF » person shall transf carb ca f ‘ taine vit? I ess Ire of more h p is pe quare inch Into an Vesanr: oO! aj f glass or eta tho L ce nea 3 .do e¢ ne ‘ + ARTICLE 18. i Refrigerating Plants, Ne) it Per } = Z1 Ref L1ting piants i 218 I I Sec out Lig = § 220 Pre a Q er al ko xe I sec. 216. Permits. Iuxcept as nhereinaf I provided in this | article, it nall De unlawful to operate within the cit 1 play producing refrige- eration Db mean ( ises \ cde pressure in connectior \ j 1 orage plants, | breweries ice manufac S hotel restau- rants or other places t(nout @ permi Sec. 217. Refrigerating Plants. l Construct l wach refrigerating plant shall be equipped with emergency pipe Or pipes Dy which LI ca Of accident, the “2S under pressure can bh discharged by a valve vhich can ‘ "Added by ord effective May 25 ws 1916, br Opened both inside 52 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. | | and outside the refrigerating plant into brought into contact with suffi- » absorb and carry off all gases At the discretion of the fire commissioner the pipe or pipes may conduct the gases to @ point at least 10 feet above the roofs of adjacerit water, or clent water t¢ so discharged emergency buildings into the open 4ilFr Safety devices All refrigerating ma- with automatic chines shall be equipped safet} devices, which discharge at 300 nounds pressure to the square inch _ for ammonia 1.400 pounds pressure to the square inch for carbon dioxide, 100 pounds pressure to the square inch for sulphur iNoxide and 100 pounds pressure to the are inch for ethyl chloride into the emergency pipes required by the preceding tion o into the low pressure side Exits (n refrigerating plants built rected after July 1, 1915, every room refrigerating exceeding 40 taining pip carrying a emical unde! pressure pi ds per quare inch for ethyl chloride, 6Q pounds for sulphur dioxide, 100 pounds ammonia and 500 pounds. for earbon d de and which by accident may be- o illed with the gases generated by said eT ils. shall: have an exit to the open rir diz t or by means of stairway or to a room or hall from which: said gases can be ‘ 1ded Other refrigerating plants he provided with such means of exit a fir ommissioner may. prescribe Ro which contain only the liquid supply } e refrigerator coils are nt includ- ed within the meaning of this section Sec 218 Pressure. he maximum pressure allowed in refrig- eratir machines” shall not exceed 300 inds for ammonia, 1,400 pounds for car- oxide 100 pounds for sulphur dioxide and 100 pounds for ethyl chloride to the : re inch 111 pipes used for refrigerat- irposes hall stand a hydrostatic test i east suble the maximum pressure per lare ch specified in this section 4 rzing ist be guaranteed to stand a pre re of at least three times the maxi- Lepre I per square inch specified in apte sex 719. Lights. om containing refrigerating conden- rs ol ympressors of ammonia or ethyl de der pressure shall have in it any am ar ight or direct opening into 1 bo r roon but an internal combustion engine ma be located therein, which \may be Lr i the usual manner There sha a fire wall between such room and t om, equipped with a self-clos- Sec 220 Precautions. Helme or respirators In such large tefrigerating plants as may be designated i re ymmissioner there shall be ke] ] and avallable for use, suitable ne € respirators which shall permit @ wearer t reach, without suffocation, iny part of th refrigerating system Pipes to be designated In all fre- frigerating plants the pipes In the engine hall have conspicuous signs displayed at proper places designating in easily legible etters the name of the refrigerating chemi- contained therein Rules In all refrigerating plants nere snail De posted several copies of a rief set of rules satisfactory to the fire ommissioner, directing all employees as to heir duties in case of fire, or other omer- sencies Employers shall be responsible for the proper dri] of a employees in such emergency auties 4 Supervision No refrigerating plant sing ammonia or carbon dioxide as a re- frigerant, nor any refrigerating plant using ver elght pounds of ethyl chloride or eight pounds of sulphur dioxide as refrigerants, all be operated unless under the charge F a person holding a certificate of quali- fication police department, Any person holding a certificate of fitness to operate a refrigerating plant issued by the fire commissioner @prior to the time when this ordinance takes effect shall be exempt from its provisions until the expiration of such certificate & Certificate of qualif issued by the a lication. Upon theCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 93 request of any person who makes tion to the police department for r eertificate gerade, or as to such applicant tions to operate shall be examined by said department as ¢ his qualifications to operate a refri plant, and if he is found to be «ao said department shall so certify: 1c} tification to continue in force one sooner revoked or suspended (Adopted June ro, 2eLts2 Sec. 221. Exemptions. ] Surplus storage Refrigera = ants may store a@ surplus stock of th: refrig- erating chemica' of 2 cylinders or, if neces- Ssary,.a quantity not to exceed 10 per cent of: the charge of the plant dave containing gas under pressurs hall be stored in boller room 2. Refrigerating machines of les har 3 tons Capacity The fire con i ioner ma@y exempt from the provision of th article refrigerating machins of le thal 8 tons refrigerating capacit provided a certificate of approval has been issued for such machine ARTICLE 19. Nitro-Cellulose. sec. 230 Manufacture. Sec. 231 Guncotton Sec. 232 Nitro-cellulose products Sec. 233. Scraps and other refuse ma terials sec. 234 Fire prevention Se 230 Process sales ind ning rooms Sec. 230. Manufacture No person shall manufacture any gun cotton, soluble cotton or any other product of nitro-cellulose Wd, i 3F Ser 49¢ Sec. 231. Guncotton. No person shall transport, store, s¢ use or otherwise handle gun cot ie an) form, either alone or in combir f vith any other substance intended to be used as (a) A Dlastime explosi e p n tne Manner provided in article 4 of | napter (b) “A propelling charge excep! the manner provided in article 5 of th chap ter (O. RR, Secs. 497, 498 Bec. 232. Nitro-cellulose products l Permit No person all Store or keep, any nitro-cellulo pr u as defined in $1 of thi chapte nanu facture any article’: therefrom wit ut pe mit, except that no permit for storage or sale of an finish¢ cle 0 nitro-cellulose product [he fi m niissioner may require the nstalla 4 of buckets, fire hose fire door fire extincuish- ers, automatic sprinkler ind means of preventing or extinguishing fir prem- ises wherein the finished, raw or par nn ished products of nitro-celluloss red sold or manufactured (Ame! : ord adopted Dec. 4, 1922 In effect May 1, 1920.) la Special Permits Whe! mall quar tities of nitro-cellulose product to be used for further manufacture are used or tores the firé commissioner may; by special per- mit, waive or modify to such extent a he may deém consistent with public safety, the provisions .of this article, or authorize thi continuance of any busin« or industry in existence ‘at the date of the enactment ol this ordinance, but such wali Yor cation shall have application only where the suc h product ao not qugntities stored. of exceed 50 pounds in the aggregate. (Added by ord. adopted Dec. 4, 1922 In effect May 1946.) Z Restrictions No permit for the stor age or manufacture of nitro-cellulose prod- ucts, except as heretofore provided, shall be issued for any building (a) Which is situated the nearest wall of any building occupied a: publi within 50 feet of a school, theatre, or other place of amusement or assembly; (b) Which is house, dwelling, oecupied as a tenement hotel or lodging house; applica- a license as engineer of any ass or qualifica- refrigerating plant he _— (Cc) Which is artif ri] lighted 1y Ly means other t? n ele ricit (d) Which i ituated within the fire limit s not of fireproof! construction if more than three sstoric in height; « f thre tori Ol les in height if of’ frame construct mn ( } Wh ! ituated A hout tl f t limit OT than two ore in he it r oU fer n height OY more than 2,000 SG Uare i f of frame 'censtruction (ft) W hich : no equipped with Lun I pre ead Le! ( iutomati« prinkler - 1ere pain varnish or lacque! are manu ictu | oO ( oO! kept {o rl¢ eCxce] otherw pr led herein (nh) V he matches rosin turpentine ‘ : mp cottor or aT explosives ig or r key or ale ( V\ ere ad -ood irments or other r igh! inflammabls naturé ‘ nu ct ed ir portion of a buildin - ulose occupanc}) or in more than six people ars I } el o congregate at. any on: f nitro-cellulose prod- u f 100 ound This subdivision } Ay ‘ o existing buildings or por ns tnereotr ¢ niorming to the requirement of g subdivision of this section anuf ture herein described 1 in existence on embD 922 Or uch manufacturing ‘ I ; pired Dut in no casi i nMtion ex more fhan three { 8 } ite he enactment of ora { [ es ertica ypenings between at Lirwa elevatol ind mbwaite ised or otherwise pre i i article 8 and 5 { Ly of ' ' Ordinances A rm f | ‘ De { Lgad in Fect M A I o-cellulose products * used for fur { r } - tr ) a D ored ; > ui r opaucts oO € j 9 il la ture 1ereon ex { 4 pro | ( i a1] rye f I i or Lu ynstructed as D ; T } } Ut pouns nitro- u pr I na ‘ ed 1 cabdint nor } } und l on comy irt C1 net | 1 exceed 500 pound ni of ’ than 30 cul {ec : 4 I elluloss product In ( | nus rf tore n 1 i LS I : NOt of pr ided for more than 10,000 pouns o! ( r oO t { ‘ \ u oragze of nitro elilu- Y l i ex ed ] Ut ] ind a be ci tructed a foll I ors Mail f 0 fireproof materia V hall Oo! bricl aif { t eigh oh t} ! rr Aoeliow -tile at least vo] } I i ies or ot rein { T f i ‘ nene in thicicne 4 ) ; on rucred to iT with j ( ici ‘ hole I mitting the escap of ga r co USCLIO!I rt 4 | n iIndependen rel! forced ) I rch at ieast i i n t] kn | construction oft tne fioor a ho. i he equivalent of thi it ma se! i zult roof No | or window other han tho r) ifi ler ents in thi ection hall be permitte herein Proximit’ to ticks oO! ther pu oe of heat must be voided All door-openings shall be protected with fwo fire-doot! A fire-door shall be previded on each face of the wall on door-openings The interior doors shall be automatic and the outer doors shall be of the swinging type and closed into a rabbet and otherwise he made to prevent the passage of flame round the edg The outer doors shall ba self- closing, iG 11 fastened open, shall be arranged to close automatically in case of fire originating in or out of vault Racks and partitions in vaults shall be arranged in such a manner as not to obstruct Partitions shall be against jury any vent opening. sub- stantial and protected Shelving in vaults shall be ; of substantial construction throughout, and means sitall be Provided to facilitate distribution of water rom automatir« prinkler:s Where the de- {f the building ji uch that an excessive lool load would result from having the \ult filled with water, it must be provided vith one or more cuppers, giving an aggre- fate area equal to three square inches for head installed in the vault Ore 4 depth of 10 feet of water will re 1] iT i floor load o 626 pound per qu ' } I i t or compartment.of a cabine shall paratel vented to the outer air. Tl I iall have a minimum effcctivse clional rea in the ratio of 140. squar inchs To ‘ h 1,000 pounds capacity. For : tandard . ilt of 1,500 cubic feet the vent pe! aii 1,400 square inches. out] of each vent shall be above rot O ding or made to face on a street court or othe lear space remote at_least ov Teet to opening No vent outlet shall be within 25 feet neasured horizontally of iT exterior fire escape nor shall it be belo in uch fire escape which is within th ista i Not Openings in walls of a building in th ime pla or parallel planes and facing in the same direction ;: that in which ths ent uated ha not be considered ag oming within the intent. of this rule, All horizontal or vertical vent flues inside of the uilding shall be of 5-inch reinforced concrete or of a construction equivalent to lat required for moke chimneys, except that for 250 pounds or less of nitro-cellulose the- fii may be of riveted sheet metal of at least No. 18 1 S. rwauce, covered with 1 inch of approved heat insulation and: not nearer than 9 inche to any ombustible material. Exterior metal fluc shall be of a construce- tion equ ale! to it of smoke stacks, Each vent opening directly through an exterio all all | protected against the weather ngle t) kness of glass (one~ sixteenth n thick) painted a dark color, or by other incombustible fragile material, mounted in a ish arranged to open auto- matical) in < e of fire by the use of an eopproved releasing device placed inside the ault The total area of the glass shall be taken the effective ectional area of the vent opening No pane of glass shall be smalle} 1n 200 square inches. Any other protection equivalent to the above may be acceptec in) eu thnereo!l A licht wire creen not coarser than onc- ecighth inch mesh sha also be placed over eac}l en o arranged as not to interfere with th Lutomati operation of the ash RBar ra sereen designed-.to prevent bur- elar or injur to contents must not have a mesh of less than 4-inch, shall be located iecht opening equal to that called for under vents. wire screen and give a net 4 permanent guard hall be installed to prevent in. of ( contents from being fSri 1gain the. mouth of vent when torage capacity does not exceed 250 pounds Vaults must be equipped with at least ons o Lutomatt sprinkler for each 830 Ibs. of Arrangement of subm tted for llulose capacity approval each case and heet metal baffies rnust be rovided A vault which is divided into two cd more compartments shall have nat least on: Lzutomati sprinkler In ‘each compart- ment A vault of 1,500 cubic feet capacity must have at least 12 sprinkler heads. All vaults must be constructed fn accord- ance with plans submitted to and approved b the Fire Department Lighting Incandescent electric lights only shall be used, and must have rigid iixtures and be protected by marine type, vapor- proof outer globes. All vault lights ‘must be-at the ceiling and cquipped with keyless sockets and operated by switch located out- side the vault, and so ‘arranged as to indl- cate by light whether the All wiring must means of a pilot lights in vault are on or off. be in conduit Cabinets for the must be of ap- Cabinets having a pounds of nitro- into at least two (d) Cabinets storage of nitro-cellulose products proved construction. capacity in excess of 2950 divided cellulose must be Sa 4 het 8 | Sei a 7 vet! er * F a - - " ti ~ - Petey aceskst ab WEL 5 = 4 a Poeaey ry % \ eS yet a te eo, oo ee ty 3 thre Ere: eee ee s¥ SstaLe tes et Po- +r r ¥ cok amd AR THE CITY OF NEW YORI eke as rT, - ‘hh 1 FE s HE ry ( IN &G VV ieee 94 CODE OF ORDINANCES O EL kaa ~ 3 a me a ae = ; ; np | See. 238. Scraps and otber refuse materials | ‘ onstructed to confine the hazard therein. Sy distinct compartment each compartmen — . for Heat shall be low pressure steam, not to L ron a . a : : e j ite roof receptac!] : yO erm OF ° provided with an independent door and vent l Wire-prootr ] ptack : ; | exceed fii pounds pressure, hot water or = s cence ing mn VOuUIlda b ; liv | e ufactul of any articic composed | : ; the separating partition should be pra cally | th man A : ; ; ‘ul ’ indirect hot air, with pipes located prefer- . ‘ ( of substantial cons ction | wholly or in part of nitro-cellulose procucts F air-tight and of su ant) nstruction . holl oO! : F : 3 | ably overhead: or at sides. A minimum . Sure o hal b ued IOFrF any premises which ¢ a | z equivalent to the ide } 6na ihe + Raney bial 9 |clearance of 6 inches shall be maintained Cabinets should bi 1 , an o in- | not e¢ yped 1 an approved meta . ; S abinet hould Ol a @ e I » il } not {UIP} ; : fe rar ont by proper guard ef one-quarter inch mesh = sul: . 1 ilaked tro-cellulose yt ne | ceptacl or container, ana ail SCrap a ! © y po sulated that na : Yer lulose Durning cep ‘ galvanized sete: wire cloth, 20 U. .8. gauge - on the outsid of a cabinet will not ignite tins avings sawdust and other refuse | : ; : : : cle , ‘wane me see equivalent, o that contents cannot Ss the contents, or if burning in one compart material Ol product shall at freq aE me ir nt t with stea hot ai : . : s ; ; sn niacead n such ri in conta with §s am, 10 water or ment it will not ignite the yntel il if interva Do COMEC LE! ' : , | [ i ot le cont t Le 4 | hot air pips Dry rooms or boxes shall * other; in both cases contents to be a umed | receptaci ind kep continuous\y 11 er. | i i ; : Nei Ms . es, no \ | have ventilation to the outside of the build- bs as naked nitro-celluloss : racks ‘ in water ' , nas ove : ( l ( ) 1 J . ne A vent pipe f necessary, shall be maaoe . drawers must be Oo arranged that th ma- : emova!l No person hall re Fr f ' - T : J _ = v4 : i NOt 0 nay Yo. 20 U. S. gauge métal terial immediately adjacent to the pa tion kee} v1 ittings, ha E i dust or , : J z vith ipDp eams and riveted joints, run do not touch same on either sid« pact other refu materia! of nitro l e : ‘ y direct a possibie to the outside and should be provided o as to have such ma-! product in quantith greater than me } | tabl ! ] ) eq Witn i SULLA DIe Loo 0 5 p | terial at Cast one-half ! ars from the | pou 11] uch crap cuttings ha ; a ( r shield. ; he ripe ha je a as 6 1c pp partition on either sit separating parti- | ing : 1 ref materia 211 1 o | i inches from hod = Ty | nateria rv slab 431 « iia he tions may be constructed of three-eighth inc} media rel 1 and transported bDe- : ponte: Meyaat : f , ' I } ded vith automatic sprinklers rn * hard asbestos board or of one-quarter inch vond t]) { lfy (oO I Se. 10 prinklers., Care A af = | IST ye taken to keep ary rooms or boxes bs soft isbestos boarc nclosed between ste | ¢ ‘ s o iron heet No. 22 U. S. gave: The | 8 Pra in No p on. shall lle Ca ind free from dust and accumulations bi i ‘ i 4 } ; j . ving 1 dai ‘ or +} - I rel I mate rials *) exterior side of cabinet and door: na | ee " eon, made | ‘ r : : composed of one-quarter inch hard asbestos | ref ial of nitro-celluloss prod ts |} i Lisle space. All factories or portions 4 | - . . y f y i ‘ ori p> ¢ ,le - ; mae board carried on a frame work of 12 ™ | for t \ : of emovine the a} ry \ ised in whole or in part for by 1% inch angles, or ma be 7 di of : the pla if manufacture without a permit. |! inufacture of nitro-cellulose products T § rauce metal, joubl. walled wi I} ‘ 0 ¢ By ubdi ion I ll not Dp ded with adequate aisle space inches of air space. [The shelves or r ip] holdir permit issued | have at least two exit remote from ° ’ ~ : "> T ‘ rT } L ut he within the cabinet must be of meta] {i ax ; oo is ; a : - ; ’ ' ‘ ‘ 1] uct materia 1] De . arranged to facilitate distribution of wate ' SOT or Heating softening or ; e za = i nia I tainer of 1b ‘ tii rom sprinklers Door to \partment SP ; emi Ee ; 0 ro-cellulose products when not ust ‘be 60 Afratieed and « ete str d not nor ar Vf po is ; water shall be dor . : ne : d reichte Pa Fs a. mela vasiiiasictt al z ‘ yates Vi I al ce adone on approved remain normally closed, and must b ept | : ruck ] } oO R < : | 1] . clectric heaters, dies or tables, fastened by catches on at least three sides ; f " ie 7 ted seth ' i 18st d-inch clearance from all and must be sufficiently ticeht to prevent WOrkK O ombustile material. Heaters, entre ce of fi a ry) 1vy¢ . ate | . iad af .. ; “a s s ) ‘ ean oo to the burni; | Sec 4 Fire prevention 1 tables and pipes shall be ar- nitro-cellul e j : At yi ‘ ' ' | i ’ Lnhat I : c ie ellu in an ; ijoining comy ' | no flame or spark s heat & O« no stock except that being ane on divided cabinets must sm nw I la - ' ' or hot water and Oo es nm will come in contact with same 16 center s at hev will not 4 All } st le 3 . f i“ as f oe tha they will no CX DOS at rvws fo : torc} holler furnace Aes istible pads or coverings used on contents of on artm { } f e ! : a lg Cal } - Compartment to the ot i ( or other applia kel heating devices when not in abinets holding over 50 nonnda 9 : a ie ee aa ¥ ‘8 r ov pou 5 0 1 exposed spark 7 hal | ed in approved metal fe- - ce ulose produ ts shal] } ‘ ipy 1 , | a ‘ roon co na € | at least o1 Lutomati DI ler { , +e a ig l€ 4 mma l 4 I ) t ‘ ra of nitre ne ul : ae ducts ’ stamping perforating and sim- bs -uV pounds capacity, or a fy} tion here i hall be « 1 if « { Yo . nN mpart © equipped with a metal Na It divided into two or mor Com nart / | f j a ; ! : pal Le] - , ‘ : containing wWwatem for catching A shall have at least one auton cic pri ! 3 ¥ : 1 ) nd electri I hi ted Bter 1G : in each compartm<: i . -O artment m ed bys ' t nna na ] E ee idopt ; 99 = r ; : mi cal | iry : ’ Infammable Oils Volatile in- Bee adopted Dec. 4, 1922. In effect May 1. 1 } | fi LDLe hall be stored on tl j n . I either ih nt } oid : > § i be store ) the outs rn e ‘. Supervision, All premis ised for | one iy thall demiee | 1 "at ‘ ; I : , el . ; acn & ! } ! ‘ tanks yurie st ey the storage of nitro-cellulose product or | , ' . u d at le i ] ; cue a a wien 4 ' . r ground or oft ise ate for the manufacture of articles ere! ere ane oe re | oe Yuet ee ce zi ‘ , L Cn I Nort ay eal! 71 e ymmissions yi p . r ; i shall. be continuously under the cay and |; ele 4 BOF Lee Treat ; 7 a ' : a , j ne | ) r it aire tf a supervision of one or more persons eee Y — , pean i tye . ¥ hi} i ] 1 11 E holding a certificate of fitn i feta er | may be granted by the fire a intendent or manager thereof The ering lderine asic’ r for the storage above ground $e | | ' feos ber of persons required to hold such had i . tn 2 , iahed of ; ; 1 | nsids L lllding, In approved safety can ee cates shall in each case he stated } 7 n | ’ Of a quality not to exceed 10 gal- Poe - » re r * ; . y ; : - = ' ee permit. (O. R., Sec. 503.) pt that such con hice c iterials. All such materials a, 4-4 Classification of Art ' . ‘i Aas ve ae m use should be stored preferably 17 e . ; » tT | | r cellulose products shall be ed ; ‘ r hic} vr ad ilies 1€ Dullding on a permanent metal A : ass . ‘StAwe ‘ r or ‘ reat } w 5 7 A ; classes as follow ' ore 1 & metal box securely fastened th (Z 7 ear? + ; 4 na ; i. a) Class ‘A urticles shall Eis vs ‘ - Sean oa wa and not directly in front of, above A from material ove one-tenth ' ; ee nts : : OT ith 1 window door or exit. Such Mi nick and ne] i j } I . ’ ia not finely divided i 0 tro provided with a metal guard z tur into > coral) + | } ' . r 7 ; Lrcture to teeth, : 11 work or pro tj produ io o constructed that the can or cans ») { lac ee , rT 1 ; : } la (> lass “‘B”’ articles 1A he th, =e : as eacdily be dislodged therefrom oming within he bo A we aC lia I 5 , ; se thin t e | catio ' eA 4 ee Enamels, Paints, Thinners, snail ncludse t ' ‘ Cll oe p ta . , , a ' ie 1) les of at } Ly i d Dope All such matérials L J - ! l n : t Cs ! t r¢ , ialf ounce r ] i ' ai a a if kept inside a building, be limited if ne f | ] 1) Ln : ‘ 1! j ro - ; ‘ : aterial f ; ; i I stored either in safety cans ma -ae therein , r a , = in. inets, unless stored in a prop- i | ian of Fi hed Pro 1] en ; icted and well ventilated oil or jay and sa tables shall not } 4 AOpted Dv OY Sus : | al 4 1] eu ove ‘ a, ae r| ; Sush métal cabinets must be vide an 0 feet ‘ nd ? ae es 2 yY ruct } ; ] ong and pace ‘ ‘ of heet iron or of wood covered ) C2l apart. ‘ Or . ' I it f _ gg Ice ; or i ee a sec. #35, Process, Sales and Shipping Rooms. « Bauge metal, or interior and : oi i 0 l . ps , ock-jointed and blind nailed )¢ € res oT { me P 1O4 : : i ' InhiammMa l¢ we a . pape! refu } eas = ys , . ‘ Lt e ‘4 I he above bottom and close pa ‘ } 58, and other n tar : . , we i ea to he } > Clas Pras irti | roo LEevo d | ' v0} Uy - I » os 7 vont pipe having an area - : artic f : Ad f ai ' ( « F ] j Mer eines rran ts : : at ast 10 square Inches and made of not 0 aisplay tables in singel Lyi wit ; ' ‘ 4 q har I ith ce than ) s2 Gauge metal. Doors shal) ast One inch separation .between iat ; “ 1 a yrdan be ie ‘ ticle . 2 ha aii ' £ eqgulivaient construction provided with c ¢ pil tr STAI | ra ¥ ry » i} three point lock, fit closely, and be chosed Article omposs OT two or mi MUU Me .' | ww nec 1 1 niece: uch a ff } ;wnen not in use; door sill raised at least 2 Dl . 4 t en puff box Ow er hn : » | G ATTITIO! ) iy = } h i 5 aera | : ) Dp d be h t ‘ nar: Inc Ooms inches abovs the bottom of cabinet. : Cry } | be considered C ia required Leré er I oO f } ‘ i ue : article . as ious from} ¥Y% Heating Radiators shall be not less . ' Class’ “B” art | 3 urely inchored yi than 4 inches above floor All steam pipes Ms : ads ; article lall not be ar ' moor and « Ln) onstr\ or riser withi A: 2 i ] ' l i 1s Vit nin h tee 5 4 a ranged On display table it] more Lnan tw ne ined l f } 1} ' : t of the floors shall . ! tl { , A 3¥ i | ( } I » | OE rote ad w | ire ene r layers ©xcept In case of rticle } } f ( ode I () Al] t ; b] , .s ot guare a ae f Ls a s wh } ri { _o¢ 0 h \ openin }; DUStIDle pipe covering : , gy . | SS: &livi ators ¥ » . tied together, such as bundle of com et ist. I protected fire window or fir coils pipe: nada en) ee and these shall be Hmited to a n le of ar LDDI , at} ea 1 bes and other heating apparatus, } i f i} ‘ tomatk or {+ IAL fre ( ter « : y ~ of individual packages closing typs U a i” i te » loca 1 as to permit any com- p ; ( ise oO opening in Dustible material waete i j 6. Water-jet. Whenever, in the process | corridors and ro partition All door iz itact tr hn waste OF dirt, coming im . : an ‘ : | } ( ki woors I ar lerewith, r - of manufac turing articles from nitro- |! ust be of the vin I LyT penin ut I l t ; ce ee ee ‘ope mash ' Ly pe, U Cc ; oO ici? ) z ‘ ‘ ’ ile 6 ‘ cellulose products, saw; Or ‘Guiting Sacdin | Partitigna diver ri Biwi : 4tors and heating coils, shall be guarded are used W hich are likely to heat the ma Fal I ‘ oO \ h rie luarter inch mesh galvanized steel = 5 1eat t na- > Tess vottc f suc + e ; terial to the firing point by friction or | Dry rooms or } D | ~tom of such guards shal) be arranged to P 3 i ) o ry oOo! s t ng 1s. “y Yr y x f Ay Se - rr otherwise, a jet of water shall continu usly | boxes for dryi oe or; ‘itt up for cleaning, The tops shall slope shé on 1uocuBly oxes drying purposes in whic * ) ‘ 9 r purpost nh which heat{life up for cleaning. The tops shall slope play upon the point of contact, ‘co. Bec. 507.) of higher than ordinary room temperature | at uch an angle lgher than as will prevent their use iS required shall be especially designed and for shelves. Heating in valuts and cabinetsCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. , 95 Shall be by hot water radiators only, in- stalled near the ceiling and protected by rigid guards, so arranged as to keep all material at least 6 inches from thé pipes and radiators. for the in the The heating shall be purpose of preventing th: water sprinkler system from freezing An regulatol! System, so automatic Shall be included in the h arranged a Oo prevent a exceeding 5( heit in the vault or cabins¢ 0. Workrooms (1) Workroon the quantity of nitro-cellulose prod t ceeds 259 pounds.- and where the separating workrooms or storage room ri other portions of the struct the means of temperature t eating degree la Ge ’ which are ocated premises erection of partition premiss wf not } Sxit, the fir mmis may require the rooms sed f sorting, wrapping, packing tor 1.ge and steck rooms be separated fro l ther and from used for Tt Inu cturing or purposes by. oof constructed itll accor subdivision 2 of this section. (2) Classification of Workroom W rooms divided into two sloner that Inspection, rooms storage Dartitions may be namely (a) Class “‘A Or Mmon-hazardou Dp those in which hand assembling work is done: bristling, wet erations are performed (b) Class “B”’ or not include: in only bench also thos nw washing or non-frictiona hazardous Cieee “aA + «6fér Ce beadins moulding, hubbing, artificial soft. heating or the which introduces friction and might catse fires (c) Where both hazardous and no ardous operations perform on in the room, régulatior the hazardous or Class “‘B”’ vail (3) Tables (a) shall be of cutting, turning, shaping, use of mechan equi) t Or spec i 7 are same room na ! Tables and »w substantial vanged to prevent stock from falling fron bench to floor, as specified in su} sion of section 232 of article 19 of thi (bo) Storagr: construction ur or discharge of mate | under work bench is prohibits u protected with aut lat table or adequately lers underneath and s no over 4 feet apart Table least 4 inche fro} ) installed Shall be kept at wall, steam or hot water pipe proces Cla ‘ workrooms (a) During process of manufa: until packed in materials and articles not storeroom, when division 10 of (4) Material in non-hazardous shipping carton Oxe in finished Same is required | Sul Section 235 of Article 19 o this chapter, or in be kept in tote provided in this (6b) In no case In workroom Vaults or cabinet boxes, except is othe chapter shall the tot exceed the capacity of thre tote boxes per 100 square feet f re (c) Tote boxes piled top of (5) Material in hazardous type workrooms (a) In no case shal] tloned closer than 3 (b) Material in on trucks provided pifed upon raw material is not piled Trucks shall not be left unattended nd shall be unloaded promptly; (c) During process of manufacture and Shall in no cast one on another process Cy] R operato be feet to each other transit m be carrie that tote boxes are not each other and neet OT othe until packed in shipping cartons or boxé material and articles not in finished toc] storerooms, vaults or cabinets Shall be kept in tote boxes except when on tables work benches, at machines or being worked upon, as provided’ below (d) The amount of material per operator shall not exceed one-half day's upp! rt the quantity actually im process of manu facture, and shall be limited to the ca pacity of three tote boxes, including mat rial awaiting removal or use (e¢) Material capacity of one be placed upon machines, provided or partitions are arranged to prevent spread equal to not more than the per work tote box operator ma tabes, benches or a tote boxes, depression: | | j | | | of material. Where box depression or space for materlal adjoin another or -j within 38 ft. of another, measured horizontally, 4 partition constructed of %-inch matched ards er |} rd isbe to board or two heets f met 2 Lpart e ending 12 inch LDOVE op of recept le shall be provided « (Tt) In Jl of r ses eparation hal] be¢ juired to prevent accumulation at a O1 point of 1 amount exceeding the : p it or one te be such separatio te MNSISt of Lt L¢ St 3 feet hnorizontal nce petween oxe Tote boxes ma placed under york benches or tables pro that 1utomati sprinklers art in d ccord c ta Subdivision (bh) of ision 38 of Subdi nm 10 - of Section j th { p | ‘ et epar ! ir hor 1 maintained, box« re p ted olid dividing par f d from floor to under id ‘ f with each compartment pI é er least one automatic sprin| er f { mntainer I iInish¢ re Dp a Il cormp¢ 2ed " I I whole or in par t ' tructed either ! l throu ut frame or of equal 5 ] on and n ha a { of 7 lbs of Class A T iateria!l I s ing, Wrapping, Pacl (a) Inspectior orting } | ‘ ) | be jone ¢ ily ! r or rooms separat I oT } 5 WA ] L! ré I ] » of Lion O i tock torero } ‘ spe ed in Subdli } chapter, ind e piled on one another total quantit three tot oOxe er! per 100 juar i é Kept in caodl I ] I pe tock storerooms p ified - di nm section 2Z23Z Ol ' | r i l tables ust be kep res : I Dp Lm otner naterials ah ec stoc} (a) E’in- ) ed irton oO paste ed in a special] fin ) | oO uniess stored in i D fled in Subdivision l ( Section 232 of thi ‘ required Su livi , of this chapts } ed stocl storeroom 1al iT feet in trea except inutacturing 1 dor on the f l h the finished tc } 1 he toreroom hall not exceed L¢ I irea | eparated irom t] f t) li alls or partitio ire 1D on ol Lio ! napnter ‘ cep that £ Liss ' pro I I a i ( in oom if iot “fireproof « n tr f } | protected wit) fire-ré ftardineg material in ACCOTaAance with th ule of the Board of Standard ind Ap Lt (@) \ finished stock not pac ed in fina poping containers or boxe nal be kept ! tted he \ (f) Slatted shelves shall not exceed et , depth with vertical divisions at least ever four feet Racks and divisions shall be preferably of ineambustible meterlat, o1 1t least %-inch tongue and groove boards o1 t quivalent In resistancs to heat and gases slat hall be not over 4 inches wide, spaced it least one inch apart Aisle space shall e at least 3 feet wide Height of racks to e not over 8 feet anda in no case } stock to be tored higher than feet below prin ler deflector (gz) An automatic prinkle with prop- r] nstalled baffles between head hall be nstalled in center of such alsie opposite ach ection. ‘ (h) Adequate ventilation shall be pro- vided equal to a clear opening of at least ee square inch per ube foot of windows, if room Ca- Thin glass unexposed, ire acceptable. (1) Windows and other wall openings in torerooms within 50 feet of other buildings or structures, or windows and other wall openings located above other openings in the ume bullding must be adequately pro- f ted (j) Non-fireproof floors shall be covered th incombustible material (kK) Shipping cases containing finished t k and not for shipment on the date of packing shall be kept ,in the finished stock tor: m, when same is required by Subdi- sion 10 of Section 235 of this chapter, or n a ilt or in a special room not exceéd- 0) quare feet in area used for this purpose nly, separated from the shipping roo! h 1 wall or partition, as required in Subdi on 2, Section 235 of this chapter, ex- pt that glass is prohibited, and provided th a automati sprinkler system with i least ne head to each 64 square feet, Shipp LS¢ in such a room shall be ptied rher tHan one case on end. ‘ Sales regulated (a) Every person ‘ e}] lelivers or gives away any nitro- ilo product whether in the form of hlo« ] < heet rod tubes, or other hapes t used for further manufacture ereon 7 ithin twenty-four hours after ich le leliver or gift furnish a state- ent to the fire commissioner containing the ‘ 1 addre of the werson to whom i product ir old, delivered or given ind ti quantity thereof delivered or to be ds red (b) No such sale, delivery or gift shall be made to any person not holding a permit from th fire commissioner for the storage, ise or sale of said products. (Added by ord. adopted Dec. 4, 1922 In effect May 1, 1923.) *ARTICLE 20. Inilammable Motion Films. Sec. 240. Permit Sec. 241 Restrictions Sec. 24: Storage-rooms Sec. 243 Work-rooms Se 44 Fire prevention Sec 245 Projecting machines ser 246 Transportation No person 1a tore or keep on hand an inflammab motion picture films in quantitle greater than 5 reels or aggre- gating more thal 5,000 feet in length, withe out a per I (VU R pe 515.) Restrictions. storage of iniammable issued for any Sec. 241. No permit for the motion picture films shall be within 60 feet of any building occupied other place of pub- el ibly . (a) Which is situated wall of as a school, theatre, or occupied as a ' tenement house dwelling or hotel; (c) Wi! h is artificially lighted by any mean other than electricity; (d) Which is of wooden construction; (e) Which is not equipped with an ap- automatic sprinklers; contain one or more proved system of cc) Which does not separate rooms used exclusively for the storage of such films (Oo. R., Sees. S47, 618 amended by ord. effective June #&, 1915.) Sec. 242. Storage-rooms. compartment for the motion picture films artificially lighted except by having airtight bulbs, globes suitable wire cages and sockets. (O. R., Secs. effective Juns vault or inflammable A, room, storage of shall not be lights or tubes encased in fitted with 5619. 520; ‘ag L9iL6.2 electric keyless amended by ord Work-rooms. and fittings. All Sec. 243. 1. Construction exame- *Amended by ord. effective June 22, 1915, eer LIT tk: eee. ae S| we whe ss a riteage yey * % eee - Se cree re ee te a ee Ae Pee eee ee A Le 2 » xric eeeee tt te ibd 4 ptt ttt Le ee) . 2A TET COST Teele Pee PT) se POP eee Ee rests AEE eee Eee EPA Ss 4 RO CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. “—~speee ning, repairing or piecing together of 1 flammable motion picture films shall { ne thle liquors, spirits or alcohols of any | Bec. 260. Permit. be kind, n quantities aggregating more than| Ng» person shall maintain or operate a done in a room used for no other purpose |10 barrels, of 60 gallons each, without @4 | ¢echnical establishment, as defined in Sec. 1 and separated from the rest of the build- | permit (O. R., Secs. 629, 630.) | of this chapter, without a permit. Each ing by fireproof partitions and self-closing | such Permit shall prescribe the maximum ire 00rs re and fittings . oO ry of explosive ‘ ‘ . fireproof doors. All furnitu " ting | Sec. 251. Restrictions. uantity of explosives, inflammable or com- in a room where inflammable motion pic- | e. : - bustible materials and substances to be ture films are repaired or pieced together | No permit shall be issued for the manu~ | .+. eq, the method of storing and using the és 7 ae acture distillatior rectificatio stor shall be of metal or other fireproof ma- | factul : ie 2 if “ pr same, and the necessafy rules for the hand- : - hes 4 coo age, of distilled liquor spirits ol! a NOLS ; : terial (O. R., Secs. 521, 924.) | i a ’ ; ling thereof, as well as the number of per- = : . NY n any building ; ae 2. Quantity of film permitted Not | aa Whicl aban a ¢ , | 80ns required to hold certificates of fitness, 5 £ 1ich situa ( within ef ‘ more than 10 reels, nor more than 196,000 | : ! ; (O. BR, Secs. 641. 545°) feet in the aggregate of motion-picture the nearest wall of any building occupied 5 : S 10spital hool, theatre or ot} ' : films, shall be un@er examination or repair | n ah oate nool Ieee OF ; he 61 & — . . O nu bli nusement or asse b] Sec, 2? . at one time; and each reel of films shali | f pul : om : ee hy VV bh ) 3 of , sod 4 ct = uct mn arn be kept in a tightly closed metal box when | (b) nick wooden on A o permit shall be issued under this title not being examined or repaired fo Rh (c) WI ‘S nor equipped with an Sp: uniess the establishment ial) see sentiee - - oOo } ved ire extinguishi . syst rT} } R us ‘ jer . Sec. 6523.) | aps extingu N& on uous! inder the care and supervision of 3. Receptacles for ‘waste Each room; ~©' oe > one or more persons, each holding a certifi- used for the repairing or plecing together | ate of fitness as a superintendent or mana: of inflammable motion-picture films shall | See. 252, Storage. ger thereof (O. R., Sec. 644,) contain a metal can, wherein all waste | . oH N erst Q store listilled uors parts and scraps of such films shall be| | hF 2 He ms - " ws © go R placed and kept covered with water (O ; Spirits ; aicono 0 an Kind 1 excess |; se ae testrictions, : i od as ) har f each 4 Pi > fee of loor | —_ R - Sec 524.) of l r la oO Dp son shall store for use, or to uss . ie 2 | Apace ane 23 re s containing liquors piri? , o “ 4 Supervision All storage manufac- i inical establishment any liquid turing repairing and aii aninin elvis ee he | or alcohol: hall not be stacked more than | scet = tain acetylide of copper ves ara : e : ring exan f se : i ‘ ic . or fiammable motio cture films s “ | two hig (O. I sec. 533.) | mi acetylide: ful . ammeé 7 TT ‘on-picture films shall be un- 4 acetylide fulminate of mercury, or der the direct supervision of one or more | tN fulminate or fulminating com- persons holding a certificate of fitness from | Sec. 253. Distillation or rectification 4 #9 troglycerine; chloride of nitrogen; the fire commissioner; such persons shall | Eo ra ie Ah sia hadnt de . ‘rr amine; blasting powder; smoke- be charged with the enforcement of sex tion ety 4 % ~ s a : eas po dey oY gunpowder in any form: or $ of this chapter prohibiting smoking. |] 0... am ee ee re any volatile product of petroleum (except (Added by ord effective June a 1915 } | pal I nt I nici : ere al open Ame od a) bh aviviee. de boll! nea 4 . F f See | (Added | i. effective May ? 197 E 2ViIng ing point lower than legrees F. (O. R., Sec. 546.) Bec. 244. Fire prevention. | ] Storage of cements No collodion, | amyl acetate or other similar inflammable ; f : on eement. or liquid in quantities greater than ARTICLE Ahm : ce o 4 LE quart shall be kept in a room where i} ARTIC " 24. flammable motion-picture films are stored or repaired. Premises wherein infliemmable Olls and Fats. motion-picture films are stored, manufac- tured, repaired or examined shall ie Se Perm Wholesale Drug-Stores and Drug -and equipped with a number of sand and water aa ! ORES A CAE Chemical Supply-Houses. buckets and fire extinguishers satisfactory to the fire commissioner. (O. R., Sec. 525: | Sec. 255 Permits. = : : amended by ord. effective June 22, 1915.) Special permit 2 Heating appliances No heat other , shall store ,Y Keep on A 4 . oe . : ne ay — ae 4 ¥ 4210 rug-store o irug . C O. R.; Sec. 527; amended by ord. effective g capa of the floor. a ertified ‘to-} és &-stol r drug and chemical!) June 22 1915.) ure u We rs rr covering whe yr , 1S at fined in sec 1 of this . ipte : sit a a hs 9 Llaines a e! yr 0 er containers , 4 : special permit. (O ae Sec. 246. Transportation. oO} ha wo is of the floor space of 7 No person ‘shall transport inflammab such floo (O.. BR Secs 36, 538, 63 | Ste >» Dp ifiay nable v4 Se il Passacewars. motion-picture films in an underground | ; . &S u ( | | 5 ; ; Subway train, or carry the same ints « 2s ( i floor of a building occupied as a | ) any Sec o56 Rest ; é underground subway station, provide how- i Spheaienseroas rat ‘rug-store or drug.and chemical ever, that the provisions of this paragraph NO permit shall be issued for the storag: ‘PP use, there shall be maintained, at : f oils fotc : 2 distanc: ne e sed 2 eee ce apply to inlammable films trans- | 0 Ll a greases o Soap-stock in an . , ) eeding 15. feet apart nor oe in the course of interstate commerce building or premivxe Cr ae feet from either wall, open in railway “aggage or express cars under (a) Which uated vw In 50 feet of | tect win ee passageways at leaee)8 the jurisdictio ‘ 1 subi 4 ; gle cog Ba le extending aa : mm ana uUDjJect to the recu'a- tne ea! va ; - lilding occupied a ! ge the entire length of the ions of thé interstate commerce commis. | 2 a ospita sedate oe ee a unt thera shail be also maintained 8i0n No person shall transport inflam-| Place of pu Amusement or aseemhin pa igeways running the entire mable motion-picture films in any street | Ww é Ft vidth of the floor, the distance between ¢ } 5 Bt (bd) hich occupled 7 : ca elevs - nw upied as ‘ ene nh} r r r ‘ le 5 r, elevated train, omnibus, ferryboat ot house or hote , which from walls shall not exceed 25 other public conveyance, or carry the same | — | feet (VU R oe 653 ) 2 ‘ I S : i ‘ - into any railway station or ferryhouse wv] (ec) Which is occupied as a workshop or less eac] n «ahs 3 a 4 factory excent 2 : : es ~9 : ie ach film shall be separately enclosed except such workshop or factory (| 5e¢- 272 Restrictions. n a tightly closed meta} : ir be incident to the busines ail Sate 3 : 4 letal box Not 4 . s of the anplic n ( . mit th 8. filma wo 6 z eee ppiicant » permit shall be issued for a wholesale an 2 llmS so enclosed gs 1] { } : shall be carried at (da) Vhich is of wooden construct drug-stors or rue one time by any persc ' ’ a vr Crug and chemical supply- . ee Yy any person (Added by ord. } cep In sparsely populated d stricts where house n any building effective June 22, 1915.) re att “a. —- i ~— J j bu, § 7 / it shall be wit the diacre : : 3 si net hin th 1iscretion of the fire (a) Which j situated within 50 feet of | . LNisSsior ' the ARTICLE 21 Distilled Liquors and Alcohols, Bec. 250. Permit Bec. 251 Restrictions. sec. 262 Storage Sec. 253. Distillation or rectification Bec. 250. Permit. No person shal] manufacture distilled liquors, spirits or alcohols of any kind, by distillation or rectification, without a per mit, nor shall any person store or keep 4dis- nearest wall of any building which is i : ( -. - e) Which is not equipped with a fire : upied as a school, hosnital, theater, or extinguishing system Satisfactory to the fire other place of public amusement “ commissioner: assembly (b) Which is occupied as a tenement | ‘ Th nes or f) Where matches or any *xplosives are | house or hotel stored or kept. (O. R., Sec. 637 ‘ vol | (c) W ] hich is occupied as a workshop or factory, except such workshop or factory is incident to the business of th | business e applicant; | ARTICLE 93. , Or except in buildings constructed of fire re- sisting materials throughout, and when the portion of such building occupied by the applicant is separated from the rest of the han S60. Salas building by fire proof walls and floors; (d) Which is not ‘quipped with a fire extinguishing cystem -approved by the Are commissioner; Technical Establishments. Rec. 261 Supervision Mec. 262. Restrictions,CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK oF, Cee % {e) Which is of wooden construction I (O. BR. Sec. 650.) Amy] Explosi yes nitrate i Sec. 273. Laboratory. Carbon bisulphide 1. *Construction. The operation of com- ‘Collodior pounding medicinal preparatio: proprie- Gases, liquefied 1 bottles Amyl nitrate in pearls articles and similar materia) or Anhydrous ammonta aualyzing or testing drugs chemicals Carbo dioxid: medicinal preparations, proprietar articles Nitrou oO and similar matérials, when explosive or in U ger f idmimable substances are required, shall be Sulphur dioxide conducted ‘only in a room « part of the vitro Premises separated from the rest of the Picric acid building by fireproof walls and floo) : Soluble cotton having afl openings thereto 7 » 1 | ‘ ; closing fireproof doors and windows {O; 7 yOlatil in fle : 3 Ber a te oe 067.) , *. Heating where volatile inflammable o id Crude petroleum In laborato! OF ra Coa tar olls (heay are used as solvents or otherwlse ! ( ! tl chloride and pounding, dispensing or preparing d A mtner, nitr preparations, proprietary articles 1 lar materials, or in recovering soli Ether, su by distillation, the source of heat ¢ p f Rhi shall be hot water, steam or electr t rT ar? the use of an open flame of a! } a | ig YVood creo expressly forbidden. fo os, oe } Sec. 274. Wight and power. Kienheal -a I Lighting, Cellars and basements uss Alc by wholesale druggist and chen Pp AICO thy house, for the storage of volalt i Aid ethy mable liquids shall be provided ficient number of incandescent electr gehts 4 to insure proper lillumination ti! ol Sucb lights shall be fitted " k sockets and shall be controlled !y a or switches, located at or near é o such cellar or basement on the grade floor, | a ha Sign at such switch or vil ea ing “‘Control of Basement Light aa tion to the lights herein provi may be installed such individua ect lights as may be required, pro a they shall be controlled by an Ir I d circuit (OO. BR. Sec. 665; amende: effective July 16, 1915.) oi Power No electric dynal I ‘ oi hoist or other electric appliance produce an exposed spark, shall | in @ room or compartment of a i i drug store or drug and chemical house, unless it be protected ner as is prescribed by the fire oO c sioner (©. R., Sec. 666. ) Sec. 275. Prohibited materials Pit a | No person shall manufacture or st« In a wholesale drug store or drug and chemical) supply -house any of the followi sub e(-nces: ; 5 , 1. Acetylide of copper; oe wT ste Amide or amine explosive 3 Chloride of nitrogen; P 4 Colored fire in any form; a Cymogene or any volatile prod rf petroleum (except rhigoline) or a tary having a boiling point lower than de- grees Fahrenheit; | : 1 ALT r | nf Lyvco 6. Flashlight powders; ese pPgdium i Fulminate or any fulmina c nm » pound; 4 Guncotton; 9. Gunpowder in any form 19 Liquid acetylene: WanRU Pulwer(zed harcoal Sawdust Straw packing 9 Dangerously ll. Nitrodgly : icial U : a‘ I“Biycerine, except in omcila } An} ro aceti S. Pharmacopoeia solution, or | > ~ pills, .tablets, or granules. containing rot more than 1-50th of a grain each; 12., Picrates: 13 Potassium chlorate in admixture with | Sulphur organic substances or with phosphoru or | sulphur; provided that this restriction. sha L | Chrom|i not aply to the manufacture or ‘storage of! Iod{« tablets’ of chlorate of potash intended for | use solely for medicinal purpo ; | Nitric, fuming Period! 11 Preroxides, Nitric 14. Rubber shoddy. (O. R., Sec. 551.) Barium Sec. 276. Quantities of supplies allowed. Caleium No permit shall be issued for thx itorag Hydrogen, U. S. P Biycerine 1 per cent. solution in alcehho! “ immabie liquids (insoluble) naphthas of any kind lammable Mquids (soluble) fammable liquids (insoluble nflammable liquids (soluble) solids Other VEHInik UIE, ty kina 5c 0 bce on ble fibres and powders (vegetable) corrosive acida in a wholesale drug tore or drug and Other hydrogen peroxides, over 3 per cent.,, not to -xceed 15 e & chemical] supply house of any of: the follow- per cent ing substances in quantities greater than Potassium thosé set forth in the following schedule SoGi@rm” ccuceccrsee (Schedule in Next Column,) (Table Continued on next 25 pounds 100 gross 50 pounds 100 pounds in all cylinders 2 cylinders 2 cylinders 2 cylinders 2 cylinders »0 pounds > pounds 29 pounds in a!! es to rs 150 gallons in all lL barrel 10 barrels lL barrel 200 pounds in all 100 pounds in 5-pound package or less 500 pounds 2 dozen i-pound ting 275 gallons in all S barrels 1 barrel 10 barrels 10 barrels 10 barrels 5 gallons 10 barrels 10 barrels 5 drums 56 barrels 10,000 pounds in “ll barrel 5 drums 100 pounds 250 pounds 10 barrels 100 pounds 5,000 pounds 100 pounds 11 pounds 11 pounds 25 barrels in all 72] 000 pounds ,000 pounds 5 barrels 50 barrels in all 2 barrels i 8,000 pounds in all 5 barrels 2,500 pounds pounds 10 ‘barrels pounds oo — oO = > » oS 2,000 pou-ds 10 bales 25 bales 20 bales 28 bales , 10 barrels . 2,000 pounds 2 bales 10 barrels 15 bags 10 bales 500 pounds 15,000 pounds 2,000 pounds 15 carboys 500 pounds 16 carboys 100 pounds 5 pounds 3 carboys 25 pounds 2 pounds 2 casks i00 pounds §,000 pounds 500 pounds 10 pounds 25 pounds page) a oy} - en od ad * ‘Ce Pere rs | eee 3} + ares : Let 3, IIS BA WIS Set atbasact ti a UT . 9 wee! eee ee : ie} et were te Se 3° = UE era ar eet ehPa a rie ae EL PO Peete eee * Rhee EP SSrd Po a - “ - e © PT tr her Leseaea- he oo ee hie hee et] more POEs ELAR See PHP eS Sele Te wer ESI eT eee PF) day. carry Scecet yg Teer er ewre rss a! the be ing room gible from bustible hours At floors and all shall be swept 98 CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF NEW YORK. The fire tion and * wented Sec. 277. 1 Chemical store chennticals other when or when composition so constituted one another fiammable *% among or nitric acid concrete vaults shall be unlawful excelsior, acids or chemicals carboys such sufficient quantity « shall be provided liquids amended ee flammable tile inflammable formity with 2 and 10 hereof. No. 278 Supervision. Each wholesale chemical under the fitness as foreman required to etated in the Sec. 279. Fire prevention. ] Combustible estore or accumulate paper or was kind in any g00ds are pac rial shall be Empty from which inflammable removed from sible, and in therein 561, 663.) Matches. % room of a wholesale drug-s chemical supply premises er highly or handled 3. Packing rooms located as large stocks the sweepings @ther proper @iesed at Sec. 290 Sec. 291. Sec. 292. Sec. 293. Bec. 290. Permit; restrictions. No person retail drug store, thereby, greater quantities the foregoing other substances R., Sections proved July 2. Liquids. quid chemicals or combustion chemicals be provided similar device, of such acids property or asphalt situated below or from by 3. Volatile supplies allowed pI supply-house persons thereof more matches combustible floor packing night. ARTICLE 2 Retall Drug Stores. F ire-prevention. 500 pounds 100 pounds in ail 1,000 pounds 1,000 pounds 10 pounds 10 pounds in all 1,000 pounds 100 pougds 100 pounds in all 200 pounds 2,500 pounds 1,900 pounds 100 pounds 200 pounds 100 pounds 10 pounds 000 pounds 50 pounds 1,000 pounds .200 pounds 500 pounds in all 25 pounds 1,200 pounds 500 pounds 200 pounds 100 pounds 10 pounds substances 60 pounds 5 pounds 5 pounds > pounds in all 10 pounds 2 barrels 100 pounes owing substances in quane those set forth in the 100 pounds 200 pounds 15 pounds 1 ounce 200 pounds § pounds 1 gallon 1 gallon (2 ounces in 1l-ounoce : bottles (6 dozen pearls 1 barrel 6 gallons in 4-ounce ‘bottles or pint tins 3 pounds 5 pounds 1 barrel 5 pounds 1 barrel 2 pounds 1 barrel 100 pounds In all 500 pounds 10 pounds 1 pound 50 pounds in all 350 pounds 10 pounds 10 pounds 8 ounces ounces barrels ounces ounce pounds 250 pounds in all 150 pounds {fn cartons 10 pounds in closed boxes or other containers pounds in closed boxes or ‘other containers bales (except in stores located in tenement houses) 10 pounds in closed boxes or other containers 10 pounds in closed boxes or other containers or WwCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. i a this chapter, without a permit, but no such (Continued from prececding page) permit shall be issued authorizing the | 6 Oxidizers manufacture, compounding, dispensing or Barium warrantied: storing of any of the drugs or chemicals Bismuth wubiiittate RE : Ot ee ED oe eo cei of this chapter. (0, Calcium peroxide Pa ow wipa(e's 0 waa eel oo ‘ Si , , SEAS WE OW Pew aM EEE cas «cee de emake c, eeue ee eee oe 1 pound Sec. 291 in opposite column. “5 Sa Re Dey Neb aaabe Thess cp elenact ner ons mamens > paunds Bec. 292: Storage. are WMO See ee ene cin to os one sd ablendh nd acbawekouer 200 pounds ir sealed CA 1 Chemical affinities No person shall All other metallic bichromates or chromates .............. 50 aio at Stee store chemicals in close proximity to each Mercuric oxide (red) sere M o/aier wate es 2 pounds other when they are of.an explosive nature Mercurous oxide . Re £9 1 v4 «Rae « mie . 2 pounds nor when one increases the energy of de- Meroury nitrate 1 pound composition of the other, nor « hen they are Phosphides . 10 ounces tn all so constituted that they may react upon aren DICHTOMBLE «Ne ee see eeseseecerrececrenenccs 10 pounds one another and become explosive or in- serene NE “UR ral, vc wo owe wielce one pusiedagnn desis 25 pounds in 6-pound flammable. (O. R., Sec. 576.) contalners or lesp 2, Volatile inflammable oils No person ore EIEDUM LAS ARNE ES Ahk e eee vceeney ga sasas wes vanes shall manufacture, compound, store or dis- | Potassium TORRE ININ atta ars aac os dee vic wes outs ecaduacccku. 1 ounce pense volatile inflammable oil, or substances | dr pease permanganate .......:% 5 pounds containing volatile inflammable oil, except | eer MUCK ALG ween cece enter eetereeeeccen cetsenetenes 1 pound under the conditions prescribed in articles ates OMI went n atte aactcesesteseeveereccscrecszenssnnees 7 ee 8. 9 and 10 of this chapter. (©. (ti; Gea ee DICHFOMALE ...-. 4-0 0e-eseeeveeroeres ’ 10 pounds 677.) Sodium CU ROWINGEE Sn Oe oe wa cuwe oe weceoace Shot cutewaecseus 6 pounds Sodium nitrate a eae 256 pounds Sec. 293. Fire prevention. | Sodium permanganate trees 1 pound 1. Combustible waste C | T — store or ee an ‘toda acd te "while it Coe ae = bls | in the foregoing schedule, or of other exes paper Or waste packing materlal of any | thereby nsitnhelve stad as > cas nunicate actua alarms of fire. No Kreischervills Rifle Chub, located neat | aithiimadd of officers of the depa person hall use the keys or appliances Kreischerville, about 500 yards east o lenant4n charge @ - ene of such fire, or faz communicating a false alarm; Fresh Kili road and 200 yards south of ae sicie Do co-operating with hem ; ll an person experiment or tamper Sharrott’s road. West End Gun Club, Prin- rertified,: tha nd ie ie for any purpose whatever, or ces Bay, | tained shall be rue ) mit tl au- or pdssess any key therof, without mrrity of t} ma yrséofficer of any > suct authority No person shall ost, @ec. 3. Sale of toy-pistols. Sgn : aeee teen Boe wulieet | ah bel press, or in any way affix oh No person shall sell or dispose of to 4 to the general ; granted herein of | 1 , vith the fire-alarm tele- minor any toy-pistol or pistol that can bé@/ +), depa en ; ol operations in the] grap r an box wire or other appli- loaded with powder and ball or blank protection of 6 nter (Charter, | a Bk ted herewith, any placard cartridge to be exploded by means of metal] ge, 75 in Ania notice, or announcement caps; but nothing herein contained shall | o! c j no! hall any person cut, apply to the sale or disposal of what are| Sec. 2 Idle or suspicious persons may be , te alte mar deface, cover ob- known. as firecracker pistols, torpedo pis-| dispersed " stru terfere with the same in any tols or such pistols as are used for the] Dur I a preva of any fire utsoever nor paint or cause explosion of paper caps (Sec. 37, Manhat- the offi police id pal a be pail the poles of any other tele- tan ords.) | ments sha e, OF caus » be removed | srap ur other poles on the lines an | ar d ke] if I yf such } 2 milar color or colors, or in ae coo aoe eee ee ee mitation % of, nor consent, allow, or No member of a military, organization | go; yi t p| ed, - ot a ually | 1, , “el any of said things done for mor any other person shall discharge a | and ad iy riding the e bor their behele (Charier. eannon- or other piece of artillery, without / ting ne yf e or i le preserva = ‘ O Se 532: Secs. 19, 22. a permit from the mayor so to do; but, in|} tio prop ini eof : S z c ao onde shall the calibre of the cannon or} (Char : F Boca" Set eee ether piece of artillery discharged or fired e-fi 6 No kite shall be flown, exceed that of a 4-pounder The provisions Rec Fire hose: hose bridges. ra ( } put iD 2 any street adjacent of this section, except th&t relating to the | ( . 2u fi f s of sa telegraph, or be allowed calibre of the gun, shall not be operative or | @ | ; suc! ' : ntangled with the wires OF July 4th, in each year lo se, or .abo Pre hereof (Id. ) to 7 the carriag ala ; No person, shall wil- Bec. 5. Violations. wa " ne TS ’ ] gned raise, create or con- Any person who shall wilfully violate any] ¢ = r g fire; | ue a I f ilarm of fire, or aid, abet provision of this chapter shal! upon cone} i . 2 + | Or & raising creating or continu- viction, be punished by a fine of not more] app ; eh) ernie i asia g su i false alarm (Id.) than $50, or by imprisonment not exceeding | 1 tates ae sin? « I ficers are specially charged and 30 days, or by both such fine and nprisoo t : he} ine al atic lirecte Lid 1 the enforcement of this ment. . (Sec. 34, Manhattan ords.) : ST pro- | 5 (Id p ; ay Dp mn oO ae sec. 6. Street fires, permits required. CHAPTER 12. { a er "Of. @) - “oO perst sha kindle, bulid, malntalp or permitt e over or acrosa | Use a fire u al dock, pier or bulkhead; FIRES AND FIRE PREVENTION. din ea ern pers. SS shaky ae SE eee ) 0 vera e fire commissioner, A Art. 1. Fire extinction. ing at a fire. Th ymmi 3 em illd, maintain and use Art. 2 Fire prevention ht oe oe ae vias , , le fire se over ai yn & public street, for the pur- va ‘ eces f g a trade or business, may sar b it ys dge Railwa fire commissioner upon an ARTICLE 1 ac on 2 a 7 LI t app i n giving ich information as may Pier. bridre i. beak and upon receipt of a - ; a : Snate é 4 except that no fee shall be re- Fire Extinction fad as er a; 5 8 for perm ssued for the kindling Vian attan ~ , n ix - Sec l Jurisdiction over harbor fires Charte! Se ¢ i49 . me f “a a ae Oe Sec. 2. Idle or suspicious persons may be Se eee pigipealfl ces. ee ee dispersed Sec. 4. Fire hydrants . — ut no permit shall be Sec. 3. Fire hose: hose bridges Opening o a : me Sou Li maintain or use a Sec. 4.. Fire hydrants } son othe lan emp ee d a ‘ : . Sec. b, Fire-alarm telepragh ment of rte) Soxnhs : ed Aap (a of a fire hydrant seo. 6. Street fires) permits required | or e fire dépa n Fh Mee | eve feet of the surface of any sec. 7 Lighted matches cigars, igar- ampr a fire lra eh-p sure et.ts, discarding of, regulated | hydrant vithou saad Mm, Or within feet of the surface Sec. %. Vinlations writing from t} P Ls isphalt pavement except for the 4 supp oA ane : noe f epaliring emoving or construct- Sec. 1. Jurisdiction T a a | oO x , : CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CirY OF NEW YORK. 101 Sec. 8 Violations, | 2 Interior fire alarms In every hotel, any explosives are stored or kept (Mun, Any person who shall violate, or refuse, or lodging-house, public or private hospital or Expl. Regs., Sec 584.) ; n:glect to comply with, any provision of |asylum, department store, and public schools, 4 Welght limit No person shall store this article shall,, upon conviction thereof, | there shall be placed and provided, when upon any ‘floor of a building any corm bur- be punished by a@ fine of not more than $100, | required by the fire commissione1 im de- tible fibre exceeding in weight one-third OT DY imprisonment no exceeaing thirty quate and reliabls electrical ¢ other n- of the safe bearing capacity of such floor, days or ‘by both such fine and imprison- terior : irm system to be approved |! he as certified to by the bureau of buildings ment; and any such person shall, also, for | said commissione! by means of vhich | having jurisdiction; or covering, when baled, euch offense, be subject to p ment of a| alarms of firé or other danger m be r more than two-thirus of the floor space.of penalty in the sum of $50 recovered | Stant communicated’ to every portion of | such floor, and no_ such. material. shall a civil action brought ime of the the bullding rhe tire iarm apparatus an be piled to a greater height than two- Inmissione! (New.) all othe! ppliances placed or kept withir thirds of the distance from the floor to the ; any of d lildings for the purpose of | ceiling (Mun: Exp!) Regs., Sec. 584.) ; preventing extinguishing fires, or for af- 5 Exemption A person who holds a ARTICLE Zz, fording m«¢ of escape therefrom in.ca permit issued under chapter 10 of this ef fire e kept at all times in good | ordinance, for a business to which the use Fire Prevention. oe OFcel nd proper condition for im- | of combustible fibres is an incident shall not me if ind any member of the uni- | be required to obtain an additional permit Se: 20 Fire-alacn Jj fire-extingulsh- form fe Tee uthorized representative of | unde he provistons of this article. (Mun, ing appliances tne vepartment may enter any of the , Expl. Regs., Sec. 585.) Sec.-20-a Elevator readiness said nES ot ime, for, the p ( ractories The storage of combustible Sec. 2] Watchmen rior fire alarms pose of pecting Such apparatus or ap nor n any building used as a factory or diagrams of means of egress pila S (Adopted De 18, 1917.) orKshop (except where such combustible Se 99 Fire drills { - cools nterfer- i frams of means of egress | ar hnbre e el nto the article or material ence witli of the bu s referred to in this Ctl manufactured in such workshop or factory) 3, Lieh whet required | the fire commissione iS prohibited unless uch combustible fibre Ss. 4 Storag of combustible fibres nere posted such cards as the sald | does not exceed five tons and is used and Sec, 25 Storage of empty wooden pack- | ©°*Imis 1 aire upon which sh stored in a portion of the premises sepa- ing boxes ae and barnels Dp ! howing the exits, | rated from the remainder of the building by oo. Mi eS I ors and fire-escapes wailis floors and ceilings protected by fire e ‘kine : i he halls and pas retarding material and with all floor open- <6 & Barns and stables ’ ' S tne 11d commis ines nilarly protected and constructe@ e ) shee sit) ! | b posted na & manner approved by the fire commiis- 4. Chir eys and fiues i stairs and fires pes SsiOnel in no event shall more than one mee ' Vessels equipped with spark ar- ae .M ? perm be granted for the storage of com- bustib bre in @ single bullding used as resley Bee, 22 rire drills in sehools; Interference § g factory or workshop. (New; added by erd f \ ofations with eft tive July 1¢ 1915.) de 9 WVaiving of fees No | drive a ehicie of any . a — ' hildren issuing | ee: 25. Storage of empty wooden packing Sec, 20.—Fire-alarm and ‘re-extinguishing - anit ere oF boxes, cases and barrels, appliances. 9 hy ¥ 7 ind ia Permit required No person snali The owners and proprietor of all manu- rs : —— : : ii - ng ee sto i} an building shed, inclosure or factories, hotels tenement-houses, apaert- ss eee ee — other structure any empty wooden packing ? . su | I I rd effective Viarch 1] ee 3 ment houses, office buildings, boarding and 191] bo cases or barrels in a quantity oc- odging-houses, warehouses res and of fee . ipying a pace greater than 2,000 cubie fices, theatres and mus halis an the Sec 3 Lights feet, without @ permit from the cotmmis- authorities or persons having charge of a 1] a- in heatre and other a the annual fee for such a permit hospitals and asylums a - the pub a mer manulactories sa : ‘lun icoxpl Regs., Sec 123, schools and other public buildings nurches 4 igir hou ind in show 087.) and other plac whe la ‘ imbers of \ prope protected by Rest! tio No Jgermit snall be persons are congregated ft purposs i, I Ss, < in such other ! '88ued or the storage of empty “ wooden worship, instruction or ar a ent, and .al -“ coredatal ial hall prescribs pack : XE cases.or barrels in any lot piers, bulkheads, wharves, pier sheds, bu " lay 19] eee head sheds or other water-front structures - whieh not Pie" (2730 Fo ee eet PUP LYLE Saws rt. os Le eh Parteueot et bs ob kd hte eee ee ck te bea ioe eee el een Or ee oes ewes’ 102 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. 26. Modifications When the circumstances conditions, limi- oc- tations or surroundings of any business cupation, trade, industry or premises, re- ferred to in sections 24 and 25 of this article, are unusual, or such as to render impracti- cable or unduly burdensome the enforce- ment of the provisions of the said sections applicable thereto, the fire commissioner may waive or modify such provisions to such extent as he may deem necessary in the premises consistent with public safety. (Added ty ord. effective Apr. 25, 1916.) Sec, 27. Smoking. No person sha ke or carry a lighted elgar cigarette Dip or Lt 1 WIth! y room, enclosed a cellar, basement or in any par ol ny rer in W eh any highly « nbustible r inflammab! mat al is manufa ired store ¢ or kept for.use OI Sale Offices not containing highly com- bustible or inflammable material,.and sep- grated from the other parts of'said places or premises by a tight partition or @ Sséll- closing dwvor, shall be exempt from this prohibition (Mun. Expl Regs., Sec. 599.) Sec. 28. Barns and_stabies, No person shall take into or use in ,any barn or stable any lighted candle, oil or fiuid lamp, r any burning light of any kind whatsoever, unless the same be in- Glosed and secured in a good glass, horn or other lantern. (Sec. 25, Brooklyn ords.) Sec. 29. Ashes. No person shall deposit ashes on the wooden floor of any building, nor in any barrel, or box, or other wooden vessel atanding on any such floor, nor place any such barrel, box, or other vessel contain- ing ashes, upon any such floor (Sec. 26 Brooklyn ords.) Sec. 30. Chimneys and fiues. If any chimney, stove-pipe, or flue shall teke fire, the owner of the building or premises to which such chimney, stove-pipe, or flue arrertains shall forfeit the sum of $5, except that, where a tenant occupies the entire building or premises, the tenant and not the owner of the building shall forfelt the said sum (Charter. Sec. 760.) Sec. 30a. Wessels required to be equipped with spark arresters, et«. 1 It shall be the duty of every owner, agent, master or captain of any vessel or craft, propelled in whole or in part by steam, or on which any steam engines, bollers or stoves are used, to cover securely each fun- nel or smokestack-on such vessels with an efficient metal spark arrester, the wire mesh of which shall not be less than four to the inch, when crossing the pilerhead line in ap- proaching any grain elevator, or any plier, in waters within the jurisdiction of the City, at which cotton or naval stores are being handled or stored, and shall keep the same covered the entire time while within said pierhead line. 2. It shail be the duty of every owner, agent, master or,.captain of any such ves- sel, propelled in whole or in part by steam, while loading or discharging cotton or naval stores into or from said vessel at any pier in waters within the jurisdiction of the City, to protect or have protected all hatch eombings so that the cargo of cotton or naval stores so loaded or unloaded shall not come in contact withthe combings 2. It shall be the duty of every owner, agent, master or captain of any- vessel or eraft, propelled in whole or in part by stean while in waters within the jurisdiction of the City, and while sald vessel o craft is loading or discharging a cargo of cotton or naval stores, to couple its fire hose and k eep the sdme ready for use at all times w nile go loading or discharging such care: at gaid wharf or pier, and it shall! keep suffi- eient steam while so loading or dis -harging, &t all hours, on the donkey or one of the wmfmain boilers, to enable a full stream of water to be turned on in case of fire oc- curring upon or alongside said vessel or eraft; and to supply such vessel with sufmfi- ecient fire hose to reach to each and every hatch of said vessel or craft a Sec 31. Violations. Except as otherwise nrovided in thi article, any person WI shall violate ol refuse or neglect to comply) with, any pro ision of this article shal:, upon conyl tio thereof, be punished by a fine of not mort than $500, or by mprisonment not exceed ing 6 months, or by both such fine and im prisoniment and any such person shall, also, for each offense be subject to thé payment of a penai n the sum of $260, to be recovered in . civil action brought in the name of tl ( imissione! (Charter, Sec. 773: Penal Law. Sec. 198%.) Waiving of fees oO n , ; of ‘ ¥\ I , 4 . ; chars : ‘ a I - ome Lo! a , ; } , : lsions dina } , ’ — f . thi ern t re; 4 c connection with s a* 3 tution. (Adopts March 20, 191 CHAPTER 13. HOSPITALS, Art ; (se er? I ro vislo if ARTICLE 1 Jit ~ ha ‘ General Provisions Si Emery} 5 ASes Sei i eatns S : . re ° S 4 r I \ nents F [ S oO ire l DO @ lepa tm Sec. 1. Emergency cases Any I rso ir ea QO { xen Kk in tne street o7 T Dp li¢ ' LCE who ay not D sal e! I or her home may be ‘ ( na pe 2 ¢ ed by al pub pita porar al and trea eT ' pe t { I S or r r piace f ide é (C} i ir oY subd } Se ; Incurables: deaths. mr De! I I Ai Ppud Lf ni ita I ‘ lidgment ol the I l I ice | u reol ’ 2 pI : ‘ LOY rea tL t ui D2 { 211 ransferred t¢t | . ire ist nt b tne missioner ol | ar) ho shall cort n I ’ LT fo such person In ‘ } ch I inder treatment in ar put ! ita 10 under he tro OL the de] Ey ( nharit ~ shal l t! I irge ft ich hos D L i Ca POT) co I Onell of publ charitle e and remove the body of such pe I ind the r l \er shall forthwit Ll re t i I the a 2 for bi l, or other } ) t | Lie cost aT LD r n i T re moval juria oO oO} disposition shall | borne id | ; irtment of pub na Lf (ha Se 32, Bubd iV.) oy Q Sec. 3. Insane; temporary care There } ! proyl nd i ta ed in ve publi 3] il e wards or rooms for he € 1 j ] I iporary care f perso! rlleg l k | ine (Char- ter, Sex 692. subd ‘ Bec, 4 Non-residents, treatment Fersons who do not resid Lr the city may be received and treated in y publi hospital provided the per » recelyod shall be required to pay ich sum for board and attendance as may be fixed by the board Or officer in oharge of the hospital but no such person shall be received to the ex- clusion of resident OL the city he oard Or Officer in charge of a ho pital receiving non-resident patients, hall co ct it 2 | over all suc} money to the Eknatactn i berlal once every month The board or fficer, upon receiving such payment shal] report the same to the : comptroller, and the amounts s -ollected sha) i oO collected : ll be paid into the j i i | | } i f (Charter, Sees. 678 and 692, aubd. 8.) Sec 5. City employees injured in course general fund of duty \ member of the uniformed forces of the fire or police departments who shall be injured while actually employed in the dis- harge of police or re duty, as the case may be, or while under agrders of his su- perior officers In thé police station .or fire house s the ase may be, or who, as the result of iliness traceable directly to the performance of police or fire duty, as the case may be, or a member of the uniformed for ‘ the department of street : cleaning, of the departments of upp) gas and electricity. , I ric or plant and structures, red while actually em- é I ie ¢ harge of duty, when cer- i head of the department, sha i by any hospital for care é el at the usual ward patient ates | for such care and treat- 7 es, when certifled by the 31D endent r other persons in charge of su hospital ar approved by the head of 1e department concerned shall be paid sul idit by the. comptroller, (Ap- I - July 26, 1918.) CHAPTER 14, LICENSES. t f provisions Art y B ard and pool tables. Art Bowling alleys , Al { Dealers in second-hand articles. yy yr AT Expr -s and expressmen, A Kx or hoists . H } cal and taxicabs, 4 i 1 eg rs \r LO Peddler hawkers and venders ‘ Pp carts and cartmen. : ru { pt ers } g galleries . Street musicians ’ art. J ’ g nstitutes and operators. Art 5 I ; establishments and hath hi g lr r contributions ia ARTICLE 1. General Provisions. . v req red Se ] enset must be citizens. ‘ H 1 ‘ 4 Reg rat of licenses; deposit OT Té Se } Suspension and revocation of ‘ I es S f D1 licensees i Spections Sec. 1 When required. In add nm to the businesses, places, trades, occupations and things required te be licensed by statute or by other chapters ° ‘ of thi code, the following must be duly icensed a nerein provided, namely: (aa) Bathing establishments and bathe h ise : rs ou keepers ; (a) Billlard and pool tables: (D) Bowling alleys: (c) Dealers in second-hand articles: (d) Dirt carts; (e) Drivers or chauffeurs of hacks, cabs, taxicabs and expresses: (Tt) Expresses and expressmen: (gz) Exterlor hoists: (h) Macks, cabs and taxicabs: (1) Hand organs (i) Itinerant musictans: (K) Junk dealers: (kk) Massage operators and institutes. (1) Peddle! hawkers and venders; (m) Public carts and cartmen; (n) Public porters: {O) Shooting galleries; (Pp) Street musicians: (q) Stands within stoop lines and under the stairs of elevated or subway stations; No person shall engage in, or carry omBrooklyn office of the department shall, Sec, 364.) ‘ - — ‘CODE OF ORDINANCES ocr i isl os Ye nh y | NANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW Y : tiene —/ iE ' i 4 ; any business, trade or : - uVi y ORK 9 tai 7 occupation or rg ? 103 in any place Lain- nave OV - J a Bee: . or thing specified si ‘ee - power «3 and iat : section without a license theref 1 this | plaints agair Serine. COMM se s1 Li : = eretor cc de aw : ensee a r ” i , - secs. 305, 306.) F A‘ O., | pose a f hereunder ar im- I eB ep ; ) v x it .) ric : r yt nore than 3 ae} nua license fe j ~ ha bo rare -@ for each ‘ ‘ ao, 2. a any la . ee eles 2 i n alley shall be ¢ rigs publie N : sees must be citizens chapter, and ee " we MO 98. (C.°O., Bec. 307.) No ee eae : an each ( — - r person shall be licensed hall Aye power ) 7 such omcers any existing . ’ Lal ispend license q isting license be renewed sl the p nent 2 il ise I any provision “ Tey Inger 2 Qo O} ich fine - ya Si0ns of this j fines } ee All icn ae : chapt 0 when collected } AR C E Chapters 3 and 23 of this or inking fund for ll be paid into th TICLE 4, a citize we =" ance, | pI ' a tor t! redempti¢ t en of the United Stat . | debt € @. Co) ~ ee ion of th ‘ 29 , , E . 7 TLE ynho | wel aly 378 ae : . as regularly declared his mae Dealers in Second-h: come ‘ ‘ , Le Or to be Sec. 6 D s -hand Articles, 1 : @ citizen The in oe os uties of licensees ) Licenses hall - . LS OnerT ©] ] (af er ) ° De , tly hall .revoke tt t al. Every person. holdi: nition; exceptions ‘ 3e O 7 . ei ‘ O1¢ ] £ s . : : person who, havine : y cent issued under in DI ibs License Term; Fee and B 5 . < ’ roy ; , { ‘ , of becoming a citi tion | chapter shall exhi} vision ol nis pili ‘Pp ond. ‘ ye 4 Zé tn granule: 3 i i : bit tl same upon demat 8 ! ] hase and Sales. zenship within six mo) lti- | OL uwny person and ; land Ses Report to the Police Cor ; ‘ to do s . ce 3 right | partment a . on See | ee ee . v accrues or wit} - AA in, ‘ LT t r j chr tions . ' ph ’ : | * Vi ‘ aer ‘ after this ordinane months | or business witl ; . ey —- Lost « ; qaqinanece sha “ AA I gay ot uel ch ) otolen Property (Adopted Oct 191! lect | A licensee shal}! 1 a ; Be \ ; cA, 19. ) Bit ebay : | - lrmeé nder an pul - ee eilhheincsin ’ 1 pe ¢ | oe Sec. 3. Si ces baie called nee l Lit l vyher med 10 Definition Excepti . ‘ ; ini ictuall a i ’ “a A ’ ons. All applicatio) ' tr do (CO - aes ealy unab so to n ‘ ‘ A icens hall be mad e ( : } inersnip, or corporat] to the commissione, i 7 ° 2 Bad I Du } e Pere form and detail) en ee ae such | when nsea h nan I l ag fi lie Of second- iS : all yreaecrit l » I t ty fiir. licenses sha : ae All plovme«e : pia : aiting for em ; r nature, or deal- ‘ " estal she Pn een i an her I } : a7 which ate ' ) ! d forma | « en dq ; } ‘ . every | | f any second- i! 4 f I IO0 7 Pa wes f ’ arte ‘ Corl $e | Corresponding } ; @ eo with | pers n ) pe lling AT1U « e Mmpos qd, W holly By | : ha “ | ' | r 1 secullvely ; ber oa be CON-| heat ha 2 . unk cart <« atinum or other i \ ith S\ on “ - 1 i 7 i ’ i ‘ _ ‘ “ . a spaces f< ) +} biter blank brea oO e : on ti rignt } - ft old t 1 the name a te? =e ca rs dence of enses Lhe k l i ong. i |} the hat , eld bad rf | Pave , person, co-= C L a : ‘ ¢ } ' I r ) a licenses } ’ me paid All na \ des iatior ; n purpose of aii e rranted f = é , ane I Im be } : 1 year ie i. TOI aA term of one oh bs : : | gether with ' ‘ 1 * in melting © Gate hereof unless soone = os , a : se of selling suspended = ola th ; sooner $77.) ({ () Se ; ing, med oO! otherwise ne : of pa'yvnbroker cifica provided by law or ot 8. Licensed ; vid yf pledged ar Oo : : as ) nay e (« vital Ve ( satior »f A} i ed articles, 307.) i ' . reinafter p1 : ), Ir Or who deals in scl ad Sec j ; i ta } pledged articles —) Registration of licenses; deposit o shown ] fe ay 5 ' : ee: es fees a oc a onspicuously on 1 second-han@ cat Out ' a1} di cs: 5 : j . : n this r wil ceneces shall be ay y cla P 7} 1 stro . CoO isting ordin 4 iaSs1ile¢ aric : ’ ’ ] ] ‘ recorded < ita mie ) F wy na ne e t) *)P O pianos, A in suitable reg tey ana ful) = G LT rye »jo} ae 1 -_ ne : al i ¥ n- ; a a OY ; ‘ I ries burl: dexed here shall be kept in the principe the con pproved by I ce office if ; > : ¥ I ipal : OMe! ‘ in< = } , . s nd engrave- O01 the adepartmé: ind r e ) a kep , , L a a i o ¢ ; ‘ } . eyery prar h + = a ' al a | 3 Suurng of, or : ranch office thereo 1 book f during : I ei A i OOK Lor re f f } . t he ; ; cording consecutively da _ , ens and hal ct th article or icenses aa each + ri . Gl red d are , ' sued Owl - | and oO , aa r D f or | Wine he ; ' A eT 1 pa nr f new ‘ Or rene a) Imi of ensee no é } t [ regv r .1IT 4 : ; 7 . ) u LY ; e : purchast or Ls ‘ nu er oft blank form and amount ar ft) ' ; f ne ( ‘ x 5 ¢ : of ein ioitead ; ah ' iL I ; } eon ‘ ’ 7 Ph Ol iny \imn- i therefo A da " report | Oo . . ( | inti e showing all of ¢} ; < the above details anal! CI i : i ee eed eal ieee, 1a pe tr oO ) set i] License le . , : A.C) unch office to the pri pal | Se : ; rm; Fee and bond. Slice of the Meadatiment *' nu fee f | k _ soielg here shall aiso | «, - = each dealer in be kept In the principal office of he de _— , inspections na be $15. and évery partment a book showine s ; ‘ All lice ick I to ' ; C howinege a atenient @7 ell : a of os &a pend to the City nee t > ’ : e icenses issued and fees ' eal a ‘he ana t f riy be Ph, i l y oO Dé ipproved by the department <« ee each nape OI - ’ : pt . Y ner and its branches tabulated by waa endorsed on the , =i nh the penal sum aay onths and ‘ lice! f t } . i I f rR dah en ii alia Qual eT of ea year, a ida th ACit , rye \ h the late of { ne gue opservance compiles \ \ ; > Spe Oo ¢ [ d annually. Bach register of licenses 1© i na ehature of or ordinance re- sha! be a lic . Sp ¢ ‘ r . : : a publi record, and extracts there- x Fe} { | ect sha : fr n m2 : ‘ l LY rT 4, ¢ , 7 ae rer a BY tl commissiol r 1 = , 7 t I f af S A 5 ond-hand 0 | ense in Lie I 2 = i =e) v J deputy) commissione! or . ‘ ; r . fi Druary 1 in : i i ‘ 7 a istant 1 charge o branch office of the ‘ pil n h ls da. department, fo = 1S¢ as ‘ dence A |] non eRe if) ne date of iS- eys re ved ' , , ov : . ACC] Tes hall De duly DMT A i | :*T ‘ deposited iy 1 de ernat ] ‘ } i ' A I ~ ICLE ¥ bik { \ qaepos ory med Ac Rec r c E tA tecord > rchase the day following their receip (Ca O : rd of Purchase and sales. Jo 7 a ) 4 . . 3 ’ . 1 ‘ I ond mri « ' Secs. 302 | 04) Billiard and Pool Tables. i : iand articles shall a J ys ' hn hall b lecibl ‘ Sec. 5 ‘ S , o legibly writ- my 5. Suspension and revocation of licenses =e oY rel il provisions ’ M h time of every pur The commissioner o sat ‘eile Se e ile erip ea ; u Z -" 3eS8 Ss empow- nm of every article ered to hea ind. det ; oO, pul I I old he agai : line complaints | ¢ , the number or num- ~ 7 14 , . age , : a gainst lice er and to suspend or revoke ec. 0 Géneral provisions. 0 ams inscription or any license or ermit ‘ ' Al poo. oO yil J ’ , I } t - p | led y hin under ; billiard table in a pla pe ifeation that may ap- any provision of this ordinance a ahem to the public ‘ be de ed ' irticle, a description of the ar- missioner when j at cluded ¥y } { ieces comp a . [= Athy Leal I a iatters ' . oO! Nn a i , omprising old gold, silver pertaining to the granting and eve keepe!l yr other met 5 = ‘ Braftilis ng (rane aie yt a puplic } i ] ; nOLeIS, = l any mono- ferring, renewing, revoking ana . there are pool or billiard | : ption or marks of identific ; ng Dp ding or ird tabl hall if of identification cancelling of any |] se ; tain good orde! né hd Che name : p 9 a y ice! ; ic eT bY ,uthor- By A and allow no D ¢ un 2 ‘ idence ind general iva aé ‘ ‘ . f ized in his discret y + L{ ye oO! LZ i a f h f t isecretion to take ich testl- a Oo play there} (( r fae person from whom such mor ; ‘a ne ‘ 356 Dp I . 'y = may be necessary on y ch to pase id do to whom sold and Official action Wher ae Ea , th 1 f he 1 é rh LeoKing | 3ti- Sec 21 Li I if) pure hase or sale mony he 1 aub oe es ; . wie icense fee. f ‘ rirm rr corporations princl- 7 Y 2 4 . 7 o\ f com missione may, in ti Se ie anh. D f i d in such business gate to the deputy commissioner ei t} fa purchase or. sale of a to the chiel } j i ticket i é f if the division oft ic ed vel ‘ 'T c icket or other evider 4 a J 1 vehi AR > : ice of a cles and the chief of the Brooklyn office of ARTICLE 3 : or a redemption or sale of a e ene rant ; , p Peicie { ; the departm«¢ nt the power and duty of | i rti here shall be written in taking testimony, and the said officials Bowling Alleys Os it the time of such purchase, sale when so delegated may subpoena witnesses af ) Veen Lf n 3 . ‘ era rrovis ‘ I ’ books and papers with the same force and : | I longs ! name and address of the person : a an , _ ws I cense fee ) ’ ; . » effect as if subpoenaed by the commissioner o-p hip, or corporation who issued The said delegated officials shall ha the | Sec. 30. General provisions : nN Ket or other evidence; tes 5 ‘ F z . . . iS, l nled x ni rit ada ‘eeen before the to Any bowling tlle, in a pla | n tT tt < | number of said pawn ticket writin . . * . J ‘ lace ope Oo he ir oth Maen C ns g and transmit the, same to the com- public shall be deemed 1 b ncluded t | 1 ar f O e i luded wit} | - mea for final action ing the terms of thi: rdinar j ind address of the pledgor : baker } { ordinance, and every mney santa : , i a gh RC or a deputy commis- keeper of a publi bowling al ha al } Bee eS Rear, ean GF oner o Jie ses ote 2 ‘ 2 sy : haf \ main- i eT le] > ek . the chief of the division | tain good order and alloy Oo pe yn under { i} cense ve les a wl Pha A yeat runt Jloane iP nays z hicles or the chief of the|16 years of ag t be a eee te re - vaned or advanced as it C vy rel! \ ‘ ene) irs T a } WA ic : J } } al pawn ti ket or other evi- Pace esi pares ae? i a ETTit} Ce afr hetestitsespede P41 °t wie La] AGasagan-s *Leseyser- ttt h is ehh eet to) bees ry Stee hee ey SSeosreteterese Ty wert ‘ Cot ett thet ere ot bree ak eo ee os 104 " ' . a'| such, sl I] be ice! ( p 5 The day and hour of such pure hase | a3 su : ; » the case may be | junk dealer; nor shall any Sign OT gale or redemption, as the case may ; ae : sintilayed 6. The name, residence and general de- | vice or subterfus ' scription of the person from whom or to employed by eo . Ar de whom the redeemed article is pur hased or | oer ore 7 } I es sold, as the case may be; | business «i ite ato Tae = eS 7 The sum paid or received for such | sembles tl 2 - : s pawn ticket or other evidence, or the sum by pawnhd! rs te es 1 paid or recelvyed for {he redeemed article | Slve om Pe - e { er pledge; ducte o = : ; f > a 8. Such description of a pledged article ed Vith l ee : : as appears on said pawn ticket or other calculate ae evidence and an accurate description of every | 4ny sient ; is es ‘ redeemed pledged article deceive Said book shall at a reasonable times be | See, 45. Lost or stolen property open to the inspection of any police officer, if goods Ory OF. tale to the commissioner of licenses or any in- ever sha ed spector of licenses, or any ’ magistrate of | printed ne | is oi the City, or any person duly authorized in| stolen, the 1€ 0 writing for such purpose by the commis- | sw: ig o Ul Criptiol : sioner of licenses, or by any magistrate, who| part there shall] exhibit such written authority to the! session dealer ticies, supn E s rel printed . B=c. 43. Report to ‘the Police Commle- sSarmnatio? ‘ ; sioner, Every dealer in second-hand articles, up- wae Tec on being served with a written notice so articles \ e oO! to do by a member of the police department articles shall report to the police commissioner, on suD ; h ; ( blank forms to be furnished by the police “hh - P department, a copy of the records required A : : to be kept inder section 4 of this article a oO of all goods, articles or things, o1 iny part Ps 6, d bh ¢ thereof, purchased, received or sold in the ing fo S l urpos t he course of business of the second-hand deal- wit er, during the days specified in such notice shjn ahi} . 1c) Sec, 44. Restrictions. the eee — Place, exrired licenses. No dealer in Se ‘6G Violations second-hand articles shall carry on busi ; : , ; ness without a license, or at any other place a ’ any * than the. one designated in his license ex- een ! a}) ompi tliat any dealer in or peddler of old sins inlneyt ; Hae’ New ‘t clothes shall have the right to purchase or mor ¢ \pris sell old clothes from house to house, and if eed = r by : he has no store, his home shall be designate aa as his place of business: but no ich dealer o a peddler shall purchase clothes from or gel clothes to a person or persons on the street ARTICLE 5 and such dealer in and peddler of old clothes while soliciting business from house to house ; F Dirt Carts ehall wear a. badge to be supplied by the commissioner of licenses in such form and | C ! design as the commissioner of licenses sha) o, rt prescribe No dealer in second-hand articles shall continue to carry on business after his | Re 0 Definition: construction of license is suspended, revoked or shall have Every of 1a d expired. The annual license fee to deal in|} ey I I or peddle old clothes shall be $5. (Adopted | or n ea June 19, 1917.) of owner! : Prohibited persons and hon7s No deal- figures of a | I er in second-hand articles shall purchase /j, LY ( any second-hand goods, articles ir things | clay. pa whatsoever from any minor, apprentice, or | ‘oi " ( , } servant, knowing or having reason to be a dirt . Ry lieve the person to be such, or from any per- | ¢,, descrivt ») ’ 60n OF persons whatsoever, between the }es a alr ar i 117 hours of 6 o'clock in the evening and | good nd or} : er o'clock in the morning | fore er ani rd as) : 3 Sales DY dealers Yo articles or inche h! and aft a ft cal things except household furniture, Srtelgs, | anntein. : : s mi carpets, stoves kitehen utensile, office fur- ae ; reals i niture, automobiles, motor and other ve- nedvank ithe ; alert hicles, machinery, belting, building mater rics a gig wad jals and barrels, or other articles « things that have already been kept by a dealer or | See. 51 License fee; designation: pawnbroker for a period of time in ac- The annus F for e } cordgnce with the provisions of law or this sha > $] I ordinance, or have been received from pe! s} on each out me sons, firms or corporations known to be jew- Dirt Cart Or elers, dealers banking institutions execu- | with the figures fF 4 l it tors or administrators, shall be sold or dlis- | Licenses rd ar posed of by any dealer in second-hand a1 of Augus £ ‘ ' Icles until the expiration of one week after | day of July ext ‘ © euch purchase or redemption, except that | Iss ance there ail second-hand articles or things pul emased for the purpose of meltniy or renn- ing by persons, firms or corporations prir set ee cipally engaged in such business, from per- ARTICLE 0 sons, firms or corporations not jewelers or dealers, shall not be sold, refined, melted or Expresses and } rpre a disposed of until the expiration of 4s hours c 60 Definitio after said purchase: and no such dealer sha!) ss : pres a receive any article by way of pledge or | Le a ge a pawn, or employ any subterfuge for nannies. 5 ‘ ee } Ing goods as security for the advancement en She . re Eon ive of money. Sec, of Charges 4. Not to be pawnbroker or junk dealer, | Sec. 60. Definition not to use pawnbroker signs, etc No deal)- Every vehicle of whatever “ er in second-hand articles, while licensed | kept or used for the cor Sate CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORh. > } = “a nD , | Ww nol y I € ; Ti carts, iress LT d ged c Ly a ned ad \ na he aides i* to ‘ i) sca red term. ' Rane I art 1a ords together Hi 239 ate of ra | “uction f cr of g scl , . ‘broke r! gage, packages, parcels and other article other de within or through the city for pay, shall’ be i deemed ae publi express, and the owne hand ar- | thereof hall be deemed a public express h such an The term expressman shall be deemea wise re ‘ iclude any common carrier of baggage, ‘liv used | packages, parcels or other articles within tended ir rough the city (C. QO., Séc, 330.) ise ; Sec. 61 License fee; designation. accom The annual fee for each vehicle used ag 1 public express shall be $5 Every such . ai o vehicle hall show on the exterior of both 7 , sides thereof the word expr@ss,".or the abbreviation “Exp with the number of its license . s whats ensé for express wagons shall be ia- yspape" of October 1, and shall expire on } \0Oth day of September next succeeding : a of 3s3uance thereof. (Cc. O.,. Secs, amended by or. effective July 16, | Sec. ¢ Licensed drivers required. verson driving a licensed express | ls such, and shall pay an ’ < of $1 Every application pre ri licénse shall be en- WI ig by two reputable residents fyin to the competence of int o owner of a public ex- in unlicensed driver un- : i $10 for éach offense for ex] s drivers shall be issued : of Octol and shall expire on the lay of Dp er next succeeding the 1 é f of (Cc. O., Sex 315 j y ord. effective July 15; 1915.) Sec. 6 Proprietor’s bond. y er of a public express shall give : y, for each and every vehicle j a enal im of $100, with suffi- approved by the commissioner, ‘ he safe and prompt delivery 3 a | kages, parcels and other or tl gs entrusted to the owner or ( iny such licensed express. (C. O,, Sec. 64 Charges. a ¢ for regular. deliveries, un- ‘ ery ~ utually agreed, shall be as setween points within any borough— e than miles apart, each EF $0.40 3 an ) es apart, each ece 65 ore tha » miles apart, each ‘2 B ween point In different boroughs One above rates in addition pecial deliveries At rates to be mu- Rgreed upon... (C, O., Sec. 233.) ARTICLE 7. riiterior Hoists. d fees; term VWanger’’ sign sec. 70. Licenses; fees: term. ) rson hall hoist anything whatso- ever, ¢ the outside of a bullding from the ef into any loft or lower anything on ! de thereof, by any means, without i therefor and giving an indemnity bond to the city with* sufficient surety, ap- provea Dy the commisstoner Any one gen- rally engaged in such a business shall take ta general ense, and any one so holst- ig in front of certain premises only shall ake out a special license therefor The an- al fee for a general hoisting license shall I $25 The fee for a special hotsring license all be $l. All licenses for interior hoists shail be jssued as of January 1, and shall expire on the ist day of December next ueceeding the date of issuance thereof. (( O., secs. 307, 358, 359; as amended by. ord. effective July 16, 1915, and Jan. 1, 1917.) Sec. 71 “Danger” sign. Che holder of a general or special hoisting icense, while engaged In such holsting or lowering over any sidewalk. roadway or public place, shall give warning thereofCODH OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YoRK. 105 by 2 signs displ: ne ‘ ' | wy 2 sns playing the word Danger th* contro] tf : ; : : . ‘ of the commissioner of licenses. | tef The in letters at least 6 inches long, which shall | The commissione! ie | y tefunds Che comptroller is hereby —? . . AA SLOTLE is neredy empowerec O aut 7.e ay r ate be conspicuously placed at a safe distance appoint such } aes horized to make a pro rata refund to m s CANO}: AI ch inspectors as may be found | the older: f license on either side of the place where the holist- 1ecessal todeaen ty ‘at ders of ih nses the operation of : ) ‘ y out 1@ provisions of this which sz | seq eon a : ing, im bein‘ done (c. © Ser 360.) article who shall t | ae Poenaee was superseded by thi tion a } } al paid such compensa- | new licehses issued under the public hack 0 Ss shall be "at yy lg ; Mins ? * : fixed by law Cig. arts IIT.) Ordinance that became effective August 1 . ‘ ‘ 1913 4 icati ; for > rf ARTICLE 8 Sec. 83. License for vehicle, application for a ations for refund under this ' : rrovision sh¢g irs se 1 ae r No public hack a} | ply for hire upon the : ail first be presented in writing 7 os | ‘oO the commissioner lie ses 1¢ Hacks, Cabs and Taxicabs treets ol he city without first obtaining a@/ wi; -} : ees me ae | license from the commi ier Buel licenses | . ith zhe original license superseded by the } ’ ion : : license os eis sae é ; se £0 Definitions Wall be issued as of April. i. eee whet 6 new license or satisfactory evidence that the iL } t PTL 2 > a 2 ‘ lice cp a « t abu : 81 Exemptions pire on the Mar + alee ow Dd ict ole old Iii nse has been lost or destroyed, and i VLU 3 s eeding iless |« ; , | , I reftur sné a aie yr. Ca Sec 39 tuMadiction OR ae a ee ae aed 10 refund shall be made in any case that { eVvVO 4 Us ul s CO iS- the TY ac : eb ) 4 : = Sec. $83. Licenge for vehicle, application | sione: Fo am car os i vats herent 16 commissioner shall not first certify to } ‘ ¥ i ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ e ” ' +) . a ' y ‘ om Je c ee or | Se the comptroller that the applicant has paid : | ; : i De l r lé qaate oO ‘ ru a ea ‘ : ee Sec 84 Inspection before icensing ve- | ary ‘1 and + : , , : sioneT r one -of is f ser 100 Regulation of hacks at staxds missioner sha ke r have made. by his Pn 7 = ? 2 ee (Ord. : g ; : *" | effective June 1913, art. I¢%5 we Vd baximeters deputles ) ‘ ors such examination a, pe lt Rates of fare. nd inspe = ling a e The : j ] | 2 t and ins} re wuing a license The | Sec. 88. Inspection of licensed hacks. be 105 Prepayment of fare i commis ne } refuse 1. license to, or If | ' Sei 104. Disputed fares aiready ued I . K ¢ ispend “whe license | = i ee ae ee NT Q en 105 Over-charge P a , A | Stant vigilance over all public hacks, to see i : i J \ Z oO an’ \ i found Dy nim ro e unhit or | : ’ : ‘ f ae 4 o De 10 Cruising soliciting unsi ‘ I natronage He hall oe ei ee =" in a condition of con- ve | Ati i 1 ) DALFrONaEt Siie 1e¢ 2 ¢ = : — +. ae Se 10 Articles found in hacks Lexan : ' mater attached. to any tin j tness:' for public use, and, to this C Sa, 108 Piblia chrknes aetna ‘heat th a s |}end, the commissioner through his deputies re ‘ . } BRereag ' iMii¢ a il LO See t { ie sa 1e , , : oT t iY ectors shal nenec . | ~ Sex 109 Violations accurs ra, is ne : icense to the vn ie oe se Bnei eer anh pani = aie a nackKs from time to time, or on the com- 4 ; Rented Lae rn! one! s hereby author- | M Sec. 80. Definitions. : | plaint of any citizen, as often as may De = ed al owered to € iblish reasonable | as Unless otherwise expressly stated when- | F ' e | neces ary Reports in writing of all in- and : ; . 2 f a C Ltlor or the inspection of | y a ever used in this article, the following terms/]|,., i purtens r Spections hall promptly be made to the tala é pu i a tnelr appurtenances, CON- | = shall respectively be deemed to mean oe f la | commissionel (id, art A “t . | Stru O! a ‘ ‘ Or OI itness { , od J Public hack, a vehicle plyl! for hire, | , rT] | . i Lil Soe # ; » j 5 ’ er for which public patronage is so ted upon | Sec. 89. Suspension and revocation of hack re = " em — the streets; any vehicle carrying passen- | Sec. 5o License card ,and plate. | picenses. ie ‘ ES ‘ tad les ‘ arth a ri gers for hire, operating from or in ajl|- Lf | n | | Lo! a pul c hack is found | Licen , rar 1 under this-article, may 9 ' . evo oO u e 4 a c e I ime f road station or steamship landing f lawtul ynstruction anc in proper pe: dees pene Br See ee ae Spe “ Bete hehila': heck lcatened dna | conaltl .ceordance with the provisions | *"* ommissione!r f the vehicle shall not alt > ! ( 78! on Or i $ eg “ constructed as comfortably to seat, | the | ?! S ar e and the rules and regula- | good condition and appearance, clean a tior ; ay aafe and n case of rse-drawn ehl- a opinion of the commissioner of licenses ot | ‘ ib ed hereunder and upon pay and if 4 1 of horse rawn vel a ‘ 4 f tne norse ) SesS ¢ 2 fi f< more than LWwo pe &rs=ons inside LnNere [ mm ' , . Cons fe ners inat er set oe ' , iss ne i cr une — a. Coach, a publi back ea desiened and ria he ame ha be licensed, by deliv Licenses when ) uspended or revoked shall = wen eiss d until 1e vehicle & a | constructed as comfortably to sea n the | @ I owner a card of such and | mot be 1 ved until the vel e and all its ' : for ' y appurtenances hall be ut in fit condition opinion of the commissioner! f (censes, 4 | } i y Dp ed by the comm pp rie } ) put : : ' : : i ¢ ; ry! se ) the ublis ( } KE ifact [ or more persons inside thereof | pic I car iall contain the officia bos use by n publ to tne atistaction o 2 fom acione ; t | 4 Biolhtadatne’ inet Be stk nO Rati weet imber of e hack together with the ymm \e! (id art bit.) | ¢} ‘ ‘ fis aes a ms a be e < [ee ion of the same and : ; : icle designed to carry Or nore persons 2 z : , | See. 90 Drivers’ licenses; applications for. : from a fixed locality to points of nterest A ate lé i to tr eTleé i that in case of 4 ; me k i a ' ‘ ans ymp n the commissioner shall be Every person driving a puolle ack must =| about the city } f licant for . f ! : ‘ ed ‘ he Iie se ar . be licenses as sucn ach appil it oO a bad Taximeter. a mechanical nstrument or n givir the license number! Gr Lit ie < Ss is , care 1a] ea sie a | Grivers iicens 1us device by which the charge for hire of a’ - rd neil pe igned by ths | . : i y] r ione or his deputy and shall con- |} Ca) Be of the age of IS yesrs or Over, hee publie hack is mechanically calculated ; edi wigs A ib) Be of sound physique with good Mey ; tain blank spaces upon which an entry shall ; _ wey 5 “a e) - ance ‘ led f k ting } } y 3 3 b er ther for distance traveled or r wail “ BE al a he date of every inspection ot li yesight and not subject to epilepsy, vertigo, es time, or for both and upon which such a , ‘eaten : Lt ane | heart trouble or any other infirmity of ot ; ; 1 ; 1e vehicle by the inspecto sicense cards | 4 eharge shail be indicated by means of - 4% hl differet veh | body or 1 ind which might render him un- ra ie : mal is ) L distin y e it colo e é 1 e figures: : ) weer 'ft for the safe operation of a public hack; a4 , 7 . = si : . : ‘ yeal and } ne case oT mud Cc MacKS | 7 he | G Little taxical a cab driven by me : (« Be able to read and write the Ikng- ; : ¢g eT i ¥ itic neat ‘ 1 ‘ vt i . ice Se chanical power on which a taximeter is|“"* og Peet d ish languages | : number assigned hereunder shall im each |” a c affixed; : ; i ; 6} ; : foe ’ (dad) Be clean in dress and person and ? - ry > : rei ial ease be the “ame as iat assiernec oO 1¢ i 4 J ‘ ¥ = ; are, & coech driven . nee’ } for tha ar a1 neo ry fnot be addictes to the use of intoxicating ried ical power on which a taximeter is affixed Pee Ary. “Ober n Buteyeh eet aed liquors i“ ans : . commissioner, or a duly authorized subor ; ‘ i Any vehicle that has a taximeter affixed sara ia i. ; ms, (e) Produce, on forms to be provided by . “s : = dinate, shal aiso afmx oa co picuous anc _ and uses the streets of tl Cy for the : ‘ ' ' , . the department, affidavits of his good char- os So fs ote ce re ; 17 {Tt spensabie part o eacn publi 1a Be os purpose of carrying passengers for hire, shall : ; ' it il lacter from two reputable eltizens of the iu i i ; R 5 : small plate no exceeding 6 Inches In dalam: | * be deemed a publi hack and must be ll Pa nait ‘Wie: 4 odin’ ia ‘ city who have known him personally and ee c 2 . 7 . C) effect e eter, Which Sfhhea hi 1e 11Ccense Mu4Irmp Oo i ax censea under this ari re { rd iT iy : 1 ‘ plat observed his conduet for one year next: pre- = n 9 r ine yer e ne aesifn oO! ucn iates . ; p January 2. 191 ) ' ; out a (J IT] ceding the date of his application, and @ bs ;snaii ye Changer @a2annuaity a art J > r further testimeesal, on a form provided fur wo Sec. 81. Exemptions. : ; : ; Sec, 86. Fees for licensing vehicles; refunds. | that purpose, frem his last employer, unless, m) aol ot e a cd ad al This article shall not apply to any omni- ; : d , | Schedule bh followl) cense fees |in the estimation of the commissioner, suf- bus running by authority of any ordinance ae : erat : ; shall be paid ficlent reaso! is given for its omission; I jaw, or permit upon a fixed route through : : : ‘ Fert . For each cab $ 5.00 (f) Fill out, upon a -blank form to be a4 the city (Ord. effective June 2, 1913.) ' =" For each coach and each ghtseeing prov'ded Dy the department, a statement ¢. Sec. 82. Jurisdiction car > eit 10.00 | giving his full name, residence, places of The licensing and inspecting of public Such license fees shall be in lieu of, and | residence for 5 years previous to moving to : hacks, the inspecting and séaling of taxi- | not in addition to, anys fee: heretofore | hic present address, age, color, height, color meters, the examining of applicants for established, and except a. above provided|of eyes and hair, place of birth, length ot licenses to drive such public. hacks and the/no charge shall be made In the cas of | time he has resided in the city, whether # licensing of drivers, as hereinaffe. pro+ , licenses ssued on or after August 1 in | citizen of the United States, places of pre- vided in this article, and thc enforcing of [each yea hereafter, one-half only of the] viou employment, whether married or the provisions of this articic, shal: ! unde / aboyv> fee. shal: be paid (id., sf) nD single, whether he has ever been convictedSate teags a de Ald ok be | Toes kel errs ee Ttepeaees + POTS ATS Ve Peseaetis chy Teoria. tk oFeaa Eide 4d bon bet ete LR oe ot eth eked ch te he ee oe lS tite bt Lek a 106 CODE »\OF ORDINAD OF NEW YORK. of a felony or a misdemeanor, whether he has been summoned to court whether he has previously been licensed as a driver or chauffeur, and if so, whether his license has ever been revoked and for what cause which statement shall be signed and sw 3 to by the applicant and filed In the depart- or? Z ment, as a permanent record Any false statement made by applicant for a license shall be promptiy reported b the com- missioner to the district attorney of the county In vhich the application was nae The commis mer is hereby @uf.tur.zed and empowered to establish such aucitiona rules and regulations governing the issue of drivers’ licenses not .consistent herewith, as may be necessary and reasonable (ld are 2¥s) Sec. 91. Examination of drivers Each applicant for driver’s license under thé provisions of this article shall be € amined, by a perso designated by the ) missioner as to | ‘ knowledge of the provisions of this article, the tral egula tions, and the geography or tne cit and if the result of the examination be unsalt factory, he shall be refused a licensé Nach such applicant must f required by the com missioner, demonstrate his Kill and ability to safely handle his vehicle, by driving It through a crowded section of the city, ac- companied by an inspector of the depart- ment (id: iV.) Sec. 92. Photograph of driver. Each applicant for a driver's license must le with his application 2 recent photo graphs of him v’f, of a size which may be easily attached to his license, one of w) ich shall be attached to the license whe! sued, the other shall be filed with the application in the department The photograph shall be so attached to the license that it cannot be removed, and another photograph sub- stituted without detection Each licensed driver shall, upon demand of an Inspector of licenses, a policeman, or a passengel! exhibit his license and photograph for in- spection. Where the application for a cense is denied, the photograph shal! returned to the applicdnt by the depart ment (id. art. IY.) Sec. 93. Form and terms of drivers’ licenses. Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the fore going requireménts, there shall be issued to the applicant a license, which shall be in such form as to contain the photograph a1 signature of the licensee, and blunk spaces upon which a record may be made of ar arrest of or serious complaint again hirn Any licensee who defaces, removes or ob Iiterates any official entry made upon his license shall be punished by the revocation of his license, Drivers’ licenses shall be sued as of April 1, in each and every year and shall be valid to and including the Bist Aay of March next succeeding Renewals of licenses issued hereunder shall be made as of the date of February 1 and to expire March 31 of the next succeeding year, the fee to be computed at the rate of 14 instead ef 12 months. (Amended by ord. adopted Jan, 18, 1921.) Bee. 94. Driver’s badge, There shall be dellvered to each licensed driver a metal badge, of such form and style as the commissioner may prescribe, with his License number thereon, which must usder penalty of revocation of the license. be constantly and conspicuously displayed on the outside of the driver’s coat when he is engaged in his employment (Iid., art TV.) Sec. 95. Renewal of drivers’ licenses. The commissioner may renew a driver's license, from year to year » DY appropriate endorsement thereon. A driver in applying for a renewal of his license shall make such Spplication, upon a form to be furnished by the -department, entitled ‘Application for Renewal of License,” which shall be filled out with the full name and ‘address of the ap- plicant, together with a statement of. the date upon which his original license was granted and the number thereof (Id., art. Ty.) laximeters. jast above mentioned, h permit !s in operation Regulation of hacks at stands... eh uch numbers and set forth on the metal t the stand while walt- and only in single file, ce with the traffle regu- hack standing at the ne shall refuse to carry applying for a hack, pay the proper rate of fare; revent any person from he may desire on thé the head of the line ks leave the line with d shall move up, and king a& space on the Hh the same only from i and shall stop as near at cab already on the ick shall stand at the of tne entrance to any » a hack stand located the commissioner in e first sentence of the ne preceding section ned by measuring 15 e point on the curb of the entrance to the N hack shall stand rosswalk may suspend or reyoxe ub hack driver who f the entrance of any rohibited space, after ng to leave have | attempt to stand In waiting for passengers any of the other pro- (id., art: Wi.) Every public hack power, seating 4 pas- have affixed thereto a liesign approved by Motor-driven vehicles, f enger open tour- licensed as publik respectively (id., license shall be Is- til the taximeter i | ave been inspected rte (Id.,. are. DLE) person shall use or on any pubHe hack a be in such a con- per cent. incorrect, to 1 nger (Id., art prohibited No iaxl- pub hack propelled electricity or other | 0 rated trom any power is applied (ld f dial After sundown, iximeter shall be illu- le light, so arranged as 10uUs steady light there- ! No person shall use ad, or drive for hire, a d with a taximeter the 1ied and not having ict (id., art... 113.) No driver of a public 1 @ taximeter or other ig passengers or ail display the signal neter or other similar tion as to denote such ved, or in such position e is employed at a rate that to which he is rrovisions of this article. 1ximeter No person nack to which is at Cer that has not been approved (Ord, effec- violation of any of the ection shall render the liable, upon conviction istrate, to a fine of not than $50 for each and every offense, payment of guch fine, heCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. may be committed to prison until the same shall be paid, but such imprisonment sha not-exceed 10 days (Ord 1913) Sec. 102. Rates of fare. The maximum rates of fare for publi hacks shall be as follows: 1. Motor vehicles, cars— For not more than 2 passengers effective June except ‘‘sight-seeing For the first half mile, or any fra: tion thereof Ca Pais $0.31 For each succeeding one-quarter mile or any fraction thereof For 3 or more passengers: For the first half mile, or any ra tion thereof ... ‘ ie 40 ‘For each succeeding one-sixth mils or any fraction thereof .... 10 2. Sight-seeing car No rates are hereby estab hed for sich seeing cars, but a schedu! of the ates charged for each’ trip sha before tha trip be prominently displayed upon the car, and a charge greater, or attempt to charg any passenger a sum greater than that sae forth in said schedules, shall be deemed a yiola tion of this article 3. Horse-drawn vebicles For cabs: For the first mile, or any fraction ee $0.50 For each succeeding one-half mile or any fraction theteof.. ‘a 20 For coaches: For the first mile, or any fra ES eo ark 70 For each succeeding one-half n I any fraction thereof 4. Hourly rates (applying only to drawn vehicles when shopping o’ calling not including park or road dr I nor dt ing more than 5 miles from starting For the first hour, or any part thereof $1 For each additional one-half hour 5. Miles, in Manhattan Ir ae hacks on which taximeter are it affixed when driving on the numbered st! : yr numbered and letter avenues I he Or Ough of Manhattan, 20 blocks north and south, and 7 blocks betwee he nu ered and lettered avenues constitute a e fo the purpose of this ordina this pr shall be set forth on the rate card here after required. 6. Applying generally (8) For waiting time at the rate of $1.50 per hour; (b) For éach plece of luggage carried outside, 20 cents No charge shall, however be made for hand bays and sult cases (c) Ferriage and tolls in a cases to be paid by the party using the vehicle A copy of the foreg: f ate 1f fare shall be furnished by the de] rt ent to each public hac k, and shal) times be posted in @ conspicuous place | he iside thereof The. department shall provide each publi hack with a printed receipt pad, and every public hackman shall keep « hand & supp thereof, and shall, whenever requested, give a passenger a receipt, on ! Hcia form for the fare paid Nothing herelr con- tained is designed to prevent a person from making an agreement wit! the owner of the public hack to furnish him with inspor tation, at a rate to be agreed upon between them, for a day, week or month But the person with whom the owner of the publl hack makes such an agreement is not at liberty to hire out the vehicle to another person. (iG; art. Vi.) See. 103. Prepayment of fare. Every driver of a public hack shall have the right to demand payment of the legal fare in advance, and may ment unless so prepaid, but no driver of a public hack shall, otherwise glect to convey any orderly person or persons upon request anywhere in the city, unless Previously engaged or unable to do so adriver of a licensed hack shall carry any other person than the passenger ‘first em- ployine a hack, without the consent of said passenger, (Id., art. VII.) refuse employ refuse or ne- Sec. 104. Disputed fares. All disputes as to fares shall be deter- mined by the officer in charge of the police station nearest to the place where the dis- pute is had; failure to comply with such letermination Party to a shall large of disorderly subject the offending el conduct, punishable by a fine of not exces eding $10, or, in default of payment thereof, by im- f not more than 10 days (Id brisonment oO art. VIL) Sec. 105. Over-charge. 4 person shall charge or attempt ta charge any pa senger a greater rate of fare that to which the public hack is en- f -d. under the provisior of this article (J ' art vi.) sec. 106 “Crulsing”’ : soliciting. - 107 __ cordance with the provisions’ of this article, or of a vehicle the license of which has been suspended Yor reyoked, who engages in the business of a public hack, as defined hereby, or attempts to engage in such busi- hess, or solicits for hire passengers upon the streets shall, upon conviction before any city magistrate, be punished by a fine of not over $50, or imprisonment not exceed- ing 30 days, or both. (Ord. effective June Zz, 197 art VII.) Driver Any person, not having been duly licensed as a public hack driver, or |} any person whose license as such driver has ‘ been revoked, or any person whose license has been uspended and who, during the time of such ispension, drives for hire a public hack upon the streets, shall, upon magistrate, be punished b a fine of not over $60 or im- f term not exceeding 30 days, or both (id.: SFt. Vil} onvictior before any city Upon the conviction of violation of a provision of this article, for which no punishment is provided, he or she shall be provided in See. 10 of chapter ordinance, (Id art. VII.) 4. Suspension or revocation of licenses In addition to the fine, imprisonment, or any person for any | both, authorized by any subdivision of this section, any licensee shall be subject to the Suspension or revocation of his license, upon violation of this article The commissioner may, in his discretion, suspend or revoke a license granted under any provision of this article, pending or in conviction for any advance of the criminal prosecution of the license (Id art VIL) ARTICLE 9. Junk Dealers. Sei 12 Definitions Sec. 121 License fee and bond; term, Sec. 122. Restrictions. Sec. 123 Record of purchases, See. 124 Reports to police department, Sec. 126 Lost or stolen goods, Sec 126 Violations. Definitions. l junkshop, junk cartman, junk boatman Any one dealing’ in the purchase or sale of junk, old rope, old iron, rubber, paper, rags, sec. 120. | Junkman, iss, coppel! tin, lead, bagging, slush or empty bottles, in large or small quantities, including junk cartmen and junk b vatrfen, shall be deemed to be @ ink dealer and his place of business a junk shop. This ordinance shall not apply to persor engaged exclusively in the.purchase dad sale in large quantities of scrap iron and steel, or woolen rags, or paper stock, but each said person shall annually file with the Police Commissioner and Com- missioner of Licenses, a statement, in writ- ing, setting forth the name and address of such person and the character of the busi- ness ther f 2 Junk cart, junk boat. Any vehicle in the streets, or any vessel in the waters of the cit ust for the purpose of collecting ink, old rope, old iron, brass, rubber, paper, rags, bag- bottles, shall be deemed, respectively, a junk cart or junk boat, and the owner or owners thereof as junk dealers Any vehicle used for the purpose of collecting or selling any article Zing, siusn Oo! empty or articles hereinbefore enumerated shall be furnished, by the Department of Licenses, with a plate, to be affixed to a conspicuous and indispensible part of the vehicle, oa which plate shall be clearly set forth the | official number of the junk cart with the AN O public hack whil waiting employ- ht by; passenger shall tand on any t s r ace other than at, or upon a LACE And 1 ated or estab- d j Bcc i with thi irticle; nor all @ G I i h hack seek employ- ment b repeatediy and persistently driving h hack to and frofi n a short space fore, or by otherwise interfering with ,the proper and orderly access to or egress from, any theatr nail, hotel, public resort, rail- VAY Oo I ition ‘ other place of put gat! but any hackman may | Solicit mpioyment by driving through any } put ry e without stops, other | tha 1ose due to obstruction of traffi and i ut ach peed as not to interfere or impede tram and 1 pa and repas before | a theatre nal [ public resort rall- is i, 7a ZT i } oO! other place of ath ge; pr ifter pass- | | [ iL ne Lil not turn and i I gone a dis- | ta kK reets and high- A tne I Dp rn hall solici | passe ( I I ‘ ep the | driv 7 kK he sitting upor : : ' é Oo person | s} | i] j ) box with the \° \ \ i med 107 4rticles found in hacks | Very ar } ‘ | pul | | iT ne- meee: 1 t i ; » iny hiring | yr ) earch such lha I | ther | a I rt I sooner ned ] . i owner must DE l i né I t i mand dé po i ‘ harge within 24 ) - ! ling thereof, and the tT i port hall be made | 1 i W n not @® to the de partn [ ‘ } rie particulars and < [ m of ti property (Id i! V1 Sec, 108. Public garagres Def public garage is hereby denn a place which space is rented or a tore motor vehicles »f a1 Kind Vhateve Oo ve let for hire art B I ! ef lV pt a4 1912.) 2 | ) if ca al auffeurs hach and every keeper of a public garage shall ir ord na book kept solely for such pu | pos the in of departure from such | tarage of eve! motor vehicle kept for hire giving the LTY ind addresses of the owner! and ad yer hereof the name and i of hi ‘ ‘ Lumber of ihe arivel und tt er of the vehicl d he 1 f | irn ». Le gara Ol | each suc! yer \Aall be entered ri sald bool Lid record book syall be open Io! nspection a a] times to the representatly of the poll department and the depart ment of ‘ (id. ) 2 Violat An person, either keeper Or Let lj 1 I ol a p\ L] Fal ; guilty of a tion of this ordinal ot any pé t} hall, upon conviction t} if } 1 as follow EF the irst offense | l not I than $10, and in default of payment of such fine he may be mimi 4 the Cit prison, each day 9} glad committal to be taken a liquidation of $1 I fine for the second offense in a sum not es than $265, and in default of payment of such ne committed to the city | srigon, each day of such committal to be | taken as liquidation ol $1. of such fine, or | both. (Id.) Sec, 109 Violations ] Owners Any vehicle, not licensed and equippea in &c~- owner or adariver or a words “Junk Cart” ‘and the date of expira- tion of the license, and the design or color of this plate shall be changed at the be- ginning of each license year, and in the case of a junk boat, the words “Junk Boat” and the figures of the official number thereof shall be painted in white block letters and figures respectively at least elghteen inches high and two inches wide on a black background on the stern and also on both the port and starboard sides of the boat, at the forward end thereof: and no person shall do such EYP ek: TET eee ee bRaLENeeEE see ES Se 4 tesaecs me as : ; see 3 eee ye te Th ee erate ty) eshe te et eT: 4 eee ok oe Le he ee . - ~ Pag Site ie to bee eo oe he i ers er teh eth tee ee 6 oe et ed et hee be oe ee te RE Soe ed ony 108 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. eee _ el collecting or selling in any other way Or manner than as aforesaid In the case of t junk boat. there shall be but one person y an the hoat Sec, 121. License fee and bond; term. Every. Junk dealer shall pay an annual license fee of $20 and give 4a bond to the City, with sufficient surety approved by the commissioner of licenses, in the penal sum of $250, condition for the due observance of all provisions of law and municipal ordin- ances relating to such dealers, excepting In the case of a junk dealer operating a junk boat, who shall furnish for each boat so} operated, a bond, Ww sufficient surety ap- proved by the commissioner of licenses, in the sum ef $1,000 conditioned for the due observance of all provisions of law and municipal ordinances relating to such dea ers Each junk dealer ‘operating one oO! more junk carts or junk boats, shall pay an annual license fee of $5 for each horse drawn or power vehicle or for each boat. and an annual license fee of $2 for each push cart All junk déalers’ licenses, including junk ecartmen and junk boatmen shall be issued as of November 1, and shall expire on the 31st day of October next succeeding the date of issuance thereof Sec, 122, Restrictions. te Place No junk dealer, including junk cartmen and junk boatmen, shall carry on business at any other place than the on designated in the license therefor which place of business shall be within the limits of The City of New: York nor shall he continue to carry on business after such cense has been suspended or revoked, o has expired 2 Purchases No junk dealer, including junk cartmen and junk boatmen, shall pi chase any goods, article or thing whatsoe from any minor, apprentice or servant knowing or having reason to believes geller to be such, nor from any perso! pe tween the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m 3 Sales by dealers No article or a ticles herelnabove enumerated, except old iron pury hased in lots of one thousay pounds or over, old paper and old rags, sha be sold or disposed of by a junk dealer, cluding junk boatmen and junk cartmen until the expiration of 48 hours after such purchase or receipt 4 Prohibition as to secaénd-hand de ers No person, firm or corporation censed a wecond-hand deale! shall deal in the pu chase or sale of any article or articles enum erated in section 120 hereof, or employ use a cart, wagon, boat or other vehicle for the purpose of collecting any such things o1 materials 5 Other business No one licensed as a junk dealer, including unk ecartmen and junk boatmen, shall be licensed as a pawn- broker or dealer in second-hand articles }1 the city. 6. No licensed junk dealer, including junk boatmen and junk cartmen, shall purchase or sell any new goods Bec. 123. Record of purchases, Every junk dealer, including junk cart- men and junk boatmen, shall keep, at his “ace of business, which place shall be with in the limits of The Clit of New York, a book In which shall be legibly written English, at the time of every purchase or gale, a description of every article so pur ehased or sold, the name, residence and gen eral dest ription of the person or persons from whom such purchase was made or whom such sale was made, the da and hour, of such purchase or sale, and. when the purchase consists of articles from a BscOoW, CO; boat, lighter Cue or other ves gel, the name of such scow, coal-boat, ligh @r, tug or other vessel, and the name an residence of the owner thereof; and such book shal) at all reasonable times he open to the inspection of any police officer, or the mayor, the commissioner or any inspector of licenses, or any magistrate, or person duly authorized in writing, for such purpose by the comniulissioner or any magristrate who shall exhibit such authorization to the dealer, Reports to the. police department, PAWNBROKERS to the police department. inue go doing, keep and furnish on such clank forms, a general description of every person depositing such pledges, consisting of sex, color and apparent age > see. 129. Violations. Any person who shall wilfully violate ¢ elect or refuse to comply with. any 9a he provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon -onviction thereof; be punished by a fine of 1¢ more than $100, or by Imprisonment no, »xceeding ten days, or by both such fine and Ae mprisonment ARTICLE 10. Peddlers, Hawkers and Yenders c 180. Definitions; exceptions Se 131. License fee Si 132 Designation of vahicles sec. 130 Definitions; sxceptlions. Defi lons Any person hawking, ped- ny vending or selling merchandise in the reets of the city shall be deemed to be a idler and shall be classified as follows 4 peddler using a motor-driven vehicle; a veddler using a horse and wagon; a_-ped- jler using a pusheart, and a peddler per- ally earrying merchandis tC... oO} Sec 47: amended by and effective Dec. 28, 1915.) yspapers This article shall not apply any way to the selling of news- rpers or periodicals (Cc, .O., Sec 347.) ae lers Any person, owning or oper- ating a farm in the city and selling, in the streets, produce raised on such farm, ha O be deemed a peddler within the eaning f this article Any such person 1} nake application to the commissioner, j pi affidavit setting forth sufficient 5s to entitle him to this exemption, he reupon receive a certificate thereof () Se 348 ) Sec, 131 License fees; term. he annual license fees payable by ped. s sl be, for each peddler otor-driven vehicle $8.00 s a horse and wagon §.00 ishea ‘ 4.00 sons arrying his merchandise 2,00 4 peddle licenses shall be issued as of y and shall expire on the 30th day of 1e% succeeding the date of issuance A peddle enses now in force, which sooner! expire, shall expire on the y \f Apr 1916 but all such li- ens for peddlers may be renewed by the gee if presented on or before July ' d for each full calendar month e unexpired term of the old license a ) ita moun of the fee paid therefo “ pplied toward the payment of J ers using motor-driven vehicles erating as such at the time this or- e akes effect under licenses issued ther as peddlers using a horse and wag may continue to operate under such se until April 30, 1916, unless sooner, ex- iT © and upon such expiration may be wed as peddlers using a motor-driven vehicle, as hereinbefore -provided. (Adopted LD 3+6. ) Sec. 132. Designation of vehicles anv vehicle used in pedd| ne shall show mn each outside thereof the words, ‘‘Licensed ‘eddie! together vith he figures of its ficial numbe and any. peddler duly li- ensed to use a horse and wagon or @ otor-driven vehicle may employ: two per- sons and no more o assist In selling and elivering the wares, but such person shall so a only while accompanying a Ncensed peddter (Amended DS ord effective Apr. 4 1% ARTICLE 11. Public Carts and Cartmen set £40, 6.. De finitionsa Classification Se 142 Liicense, lleense. plates Sec. 143 License fees Se 144 Charges ihe ol ss hes OS Sa gr ane ies ee inci 0 iS apenas ois we i i ¢ ' e fCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 109 a = 1 dec. 140 Definitions, per hour, said vehicle to be propelled at not a public porter shall pay a fee of $1: and Every vehicle, of whatever construction, | less ” ’ Ae, . Ins LLOT ss than 3 mile } > 4 nenmte : drawk We SunltAnla*® oF vrovelie®” by . 3} miles an hour; the sum of 25 cents upon each renewal of . Hi + ‘ : . y any ( Where a motor-driven vehicle, having | such license motor power, whic is Kept for hire or used|an inside << ¢ : =: f [ : , ’ ; a ce inside floor surface of at least 70 square All public potter licenses shall be issued Oo carry merchandise, household or office! feet i: .d €1075 ain : ; J I tis). tise 91.76 per hour said vehicle|as of J ary 1 7 ‘é x : anuary , and shall expire on the furniture or other bulky articles within the|to be propelled at not le: vk . ees I da lot less than 8 miles per | 8lst day of December next succeeding the clty, for pay, shall be deemed to be a pub ho . J as pu hour; date of is a . ‘ ‘ ao i> cart, and the owner thereof sha t Ww) , yf issuance thereof. (C. O., Sec. 329¢; deemed | rf nai’ Bbe| d.. Where a motor-driven vehicle, having | amended by ord. effective July 16, 1915.) ‘ * cartn pot r ins 1 ; eemed to hea public cartman (Ord, effect- | ® ' nside floor surface of at least 90 square J 2 oe Yr : ~ « lve June 2, 1914.) feet is used, $2.50 per hou - sald vehicle to | Sec. 152. Badge. Sec. 141. Classification. ve propeiied at not less then @ ‘miles an Each public porter shall wear, in a con- . al LOUT ; BDICUOU: ace a ia 7 Public carts shall be divided nto two 5 ; de about his person, so as to be e ir the services of eac] ‘ in ¢ - | easi seen, a b s plate adge ‘hic classes namely: motor driven publi arte | y, , ; each man in addi { i Dae ae piers Or bad ot ae and horse drawn public carts ‘On To the operator or driver, 50 cents shail be engraved his name, the words . per hour Public Porter,’ ¢ nbe 1 Horse drawn Horse drawn public | an Porter, and the number of his : he Yr rm | r f me t« he nerage 4 any license N ¢ ublic at . she p carts shall be divided into two asse e aH ? OR EA ROS DF BAD Pe 7 ‘age eR ee are ae A To include all public carts drawn by 1] eee Operation 3 not to .exceed four, perm any other person than himself to i nn 1 i Cl 5 i AL > . : i -4 ‘ . } _ J i..¥ ' . horse and having an inside floor space of at ponetucing the driver, except when specially | C4rry any article or articles in his wheel or least 40 square feet | *ereed upon by the person hiring the public | hand ow, or handcart, nor to wear his B—To include all public carts drawn by | ne Pa See ea ehicle, while engaged in | badg or use his name in any way what i zo : "| the transportation of merc} lise, ] ever, in the transportation or conveyanc j ‘ oO ; ‘ ‘ an cp ‘ co. \ I I t I ri at l we \ \ ce of 2 o 5 < : ' inside flo } I C ianaise, LoOusE 5 : ae te novahoiae oa t : 3 i ce hold or offic furnitures or other bulky | @ny thing (Cc. O;,. Secs. 329d, 3294.) surface of at least 70 square fee (I1d.) Bt 2, Mi F .eriy Mot d ; bpebese ould break down or become dis- e 2 otor driven otor riven public) spied trom at % ate att Gi Sec. 153. Impersonation of public porters carts shall be divided into two classes Paar : ma : and hotel runners. ¥—T inc] > i] to driven while | od of such disability. (1d.) x : —io include al motor aFiven public | Pia = ; INO person shall wear or exhibit any ; t sid . face . t | a Where a plano is trans- : carts having an inside floor surface of a saiesaied ; iv s aie ne badge purporting to be, resembling or being "y tied f Sa! publi ‘ 3 he | . : least 70 square feet art os : 3 1 Priel at | Similac to the badge of a public porter. No ‘ or I u Ol¢ ir of e furniture, anc 5 G—To include all motor driven publi i i a . | person hall represent himself as, or wear - hav : ; d fi surface 9 t same operation or job an | ie od z E : arts laving an inside oor surface o a r - ) $1 5¢ jor exhibi any madge inscription. card, or | i a ' of not exceeqaing q ov least 90 square feet | =e 5 | device purporting or implying that he is ; \ | insporting it , In all of the above measurements, 4 varia- | | employed or authorized by the keeper, pro- i : . : plano ji transported as a tion of more than 6 er cent. shall not be | —e . rietor, agent or officer of any hctél, board ‘ ' | P , arate it or i and the distance accepted. (Id.) ; “jing-house, vesse steemboat or railroad er or | t charge there- for _ * large there~ | compan to solicit, receive or convey per 2 » a in : I ‘ f ding labor and ss Sec. 142. License and license plates. iding labor ang son baggage, or other things to or from Upon the payment of the fee hereinafter r each additional lan such hotel yoarding-house, vegsel, provided the commissioner shall issues a | : ; » cents | steamboat or railroad company’s station or license to the awner of the vehicie, together | , PLING no elther up or| depot, without eing actually and duly with a plate, to be affixed to a conspicuous ' x : ' of stairs 2” | authorized by uch keeper, proprietor, offi- and indispensable part of such public cart, | leer or agent so to do (C.. O., Secs. 3294 on which shall be clearly set forth e | : . at I nos up or down, 399k ) ib m : O $1 " official mumber of the vehicle, with the} ; }1 additiona!] | words “Public Cart.’’ The design or color | : ry here : ant ~ of a plano in-|Sec. 154. Service obligatory. of the plate shall be changed at the be- : 4 tackle and rigging No publi: porter or handcartman shall ginning of each license year, which shall | 7 at of he operation OF | neglect o refuse to transport any article | b ‘ LY F not ‘ © ‘ i . , : . J be August 1 of each year. (Id.) I an $o additional | or articles when required so to do, unless he : . By shall then be actually) and otherwise em Sec. 143. License fees. : A a, putes All disputes ployed, or unles the. distance he shall be rhe following annual license fees sha be , 5 : i 1] yf compensa-|required to go shall be more than 2 miles paid police officer] ynder the penalty of $5 for each offense All public carts in ciass a shall pa) if l x rf ution nearest to/|(c. O.. Se 2°9h a fee of $2.00 i f = pute’ had On All public carts in class B shall pa fa e td a t) O1 the said |See. 155. Charges a fee of 2 00 oar ‘ . ' uffictent to secure { Public porter: hall be entitled to charge All public carts in class F shal! pa : er by ken to a cop-| and receive, for the carrying or conveyance ‘ em eee at oe i nd ae 3 : 00 | ve f ; yy and a notice in | OF an\ article an distance within half a All public carts In class G-shll pa | ¥ p ef itement of particu- | MI! 25 cents,if carried by hand, and $9 ' } a fee of. 0 | lar h the publi | cents if carried on a Wheelbarrow or hand ; f | p } he I ‘ Kceedé If Such-slicense fees shall be in lieu of and | cart: O ym oner of licenses. | Cart; if the distance exceeds -half a rile not in addition to any fees heretofore es Id | one-half of the above rates. in addition © - 1 : 1 h a rie , a ( cr vy tablished, “and, except as above provided, 1 thereto, and in the am proportion for an charge shall be made (1d.) ° greater distanct No porter or handcart ARTICLE 12. man other than a public porter, wearing his Sec. 144. Charges. | badge as required by this article, shall be 1 Special contract The amount o be Public Porters. . lentitled to recover or receive any pay or charged for loading, transporting, or.trans ' fare from any person, for the transportation wad : k ~ | t ‘ gull rote! runne > - ; mitting and unloading of merchandise, | ween ol any, ‘article Upon the trial of any ‘* household or office furniture, or other bu i |cause commenced for the recovery of any | 5 | f } . rot wre ‘ v articles, by a public cartman, may vey - os é | porterage the plaintiff must prove that his = : | > Saag . o ica ive . hod agreed upon in advance and such contract | ; z ; badge, was worn and the pri fixed, agres- Mr ' ' i nation ot UDI ort ‘ ’ 4 a é tin W. w or agreement shal! control and regulate P rSiably to this section, at thé time the ye ie] the employment In every case wher: ich | * vices were rendered for which) the action oe 3 : Ser ( Hli~ator ss . Can 2902 ¢ dl Agreement is entered into, it shall the . was brought (i U Sec, 329e, f, g.) 4 3 Si | ( are raid duty, of the public cartman to furnish the io 4 Ss L5¢ Ove! Zz Sec. 156. Overcharge. ar person with whom he contracts a written : . - ibinorand , ' it , ; Any public porter who shall ask or de . nN noranadum O De signec y oth parties an " ePnee . S oe 3 i , D) , Sec. 150 License required; hotel runner®| ,4nq any greater rate of pay or compensa oe or their responsible and authori: represen- pxcepte I . - u } authorized re} : excepted tion, for the carrying or conveyance of any : tatives setting ort “le ‘ ‘ terms of . : : | L is : a : vo i. is j Wem. cl arly th ) No erst ia ra oO USE an vheel- | artic]: than is herein provided, shall not : the contract This > dun } be — { i : ‘ : ; rn if hi memoran Jum ia barro oO! Nand I to carry, transpor or he en tled to any pay for the service, and pad upe lanks t ‘ ' ‘ he depart- : , : . : " en via o be approved by th lepart adh Gi barra FOUt or other things from| ; shall be deemed a violation of this arti- ref nien (ic } . ; hit .s . , y f e i ; a place l p f LO! lire, Wages or pay OF |cle for him to ask, demand, or receive any ° se ! r * = ‘ . a - j Sa a Genera The legal rates LO! trans eu Col ‘ al f nor be at any hotel, board- | rreate! pay or compe nsation. (ci O., Sec oe porting mer handise, nousehold OF office ing he ferr. steamboat landing, ralil- 299; furniture, or other bulky articles (other | -oad stativi o1 depot, and-solicit or accept 3 id than pianos), Including the loading and un- the conveyance of baggage or other articles = loading, thereof, unless otherwise agreed | without being licensed This section hall ARTICLE 13. oa upon’ as set forth in the foregoing para- |... },, construcd to prevent any person, ce graph, shaédil.be’ as follows’ (said charges . Too t Hota ies had rdine house i Ae ‘ ‘ : sige oi ab ermployed a hot or arding-house, Shooting Galleries. co 0 commence from the time of arriva L from 7 ; ng a baggage or other article | ‘ oi vehicle or vehicles at the niace from WHICH | thereto or therefrom, by handcart or wheel- Se L160 Definition: requirements, ee articles are to be transported, and to end berroy provided thes nam of the hotel Se 161 License fees re when articlés are delivered) } f - . ’ . and boarding house, and the ker per thereof, A Where a vehicle drawn by 1 horse, and | ghall be painted distinctly on both sides of sec, 160, Definition; requirements, | ‘ ing caller, i. am fe having an inside floor surface of at least | the vehicl and on a- badge worn on the Any shooting gallery, in a place open to ; | > rib ie ‘ ec A © nn lave a 40 square fect is used, $1.25 per hour aid | front of his hat or cap, so as to be easily | the publi shall | deemed to be included vehicle to be propelled at not legs than 3 land di inct) “eon (Cc Ol. Se. $29a;:|™ thin the ternis of this chapter, and every mile’ an hour: r aiid dea b ord effective Wel § 4915.) keepel of 1 public shooting gallery shall b Where a vehicle drawn, by 2 or more} maintain good order and allow no perpon horses, and havine an inside floor surface | Sec. 15! License fees: term poder Tt yew vl age lu Snoode therein LP of at least 79 square fect is used, ‘$1.60! Wvery person on receiving a license to be!O.,, Sec. suv.)oe te LE LED ee Eo | she Peet et Eee ce ooh ee Lt od . Peek settee LPP ee Peet eos Soot eee 7 ane ety eter eres tere eee eee Bec. 161. License fees, The annual license fee for each public | the date of issuance thereof. (Ac c ghooting gallery shall be 35 (( 207.) 2 oY): ee ARTICLE 14. Street Musicians. Sec. 170. Hand organ grinders. Sec. 17L Itinerant musiclans. Sec. 172. Term of license. Sec. 170. Hand organ grinders. No person shall use or perform on a hand organ in any street or public place, unless such hand organ shall be licensed as here- inafter.ordained. Upon payment of a license | fee of $5 per annum, the commissioner of licenses may grant and issue licenses for} such number of hand organs as he may deem proper, not to exceed, however, the total number of 800. The license so granted | and issued must be conspicuously displayed et all times upon the front of the hand organ. No person using of performing upon a hand organ shall solicit, ask or request any money for such use or performance any way, shape or manner, d rectly or directly. No person shall use or perform upon a hand organ in any street or publi place, before the hour of 9 a. m. nor al the hour of 6 p. m. of any day; nor during any part of the first day of the week co monly called Sunday; nor within a distance ef 600 feet of any school house or house of public worship, during school hou! O hours of public worship, respectivel) within a like distance of any court, pul effice, hospital, asylum, or other pu! i stitution, nor within a distance of 250 fee of any tenement house, dwelling hou or otner building, when directed or reque ted ty any occupant thereof to refrai discontinue using or performing upo! hand organ. (C. O., Sec. 547; S¢ 9, Mar hattan ords.: as amended by ord effective July 16, 1915.) r Bec. 171. Itinerant musicians No person shall use or perform on any musical instrument in any street or public place unless he shall have been license an itinerant musician, as hereinafter pro- vided. Upon the payment of a license fee of $10 per anntim, the commissioner f ii censes may grant and issue licenses to such number of itinerant musicians h ay deem proper, not to exceed, hov er, the total number of 800; but no such nse shall be granted to any person excep Dear, the affidavits of the applicant and two other persons residing within the cit showing that the applicant has been a reside! f the city for at least one year prior to his application for the license, and setting forth the different places in which he has resided therein during such period No persor censed as an itinerant musiclan ask or request any money for his perform- ance, as such, in any way, shape er manner directly or indirectly. No person shall use or perform upon any musical instrument i) any street or public place before the hour of 9 a.m. nor after the hour of 6 p.m. of any day; nor during any part of the first day of the week. commonly called Sunda 1Or within a distance of 200 feet of any schoo! house or house of public worship, during school hours or hours of public worship, 1 spectively; nor within a like distance of a) court, public office, hospital, asylum or other public institution, nor Within a distance of 250 feet of any tenement house, dwelling house or other building, when directed or re- quested by any occupant thereof to refrain from or discontinue using or performing upon such musical instrument ' The provisions of this section shal] only to itinerant musicians and shal] not eenstrued to affect any band of music or or- ganized musical or religious society en- gaged in any military or civic parade: or to any musical performance conducted undér 4 license from municipal authority. (Amend- ed by ord. effective Dec. 27, 1915.) Bec. 172. Term of license, All licenses for street musicians shall be fgsued as of January 1, and shall expire on ARTICLE 15. INSTITUTES AND OPERATORS ~! uch manner that the said words | 110 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. | | | | | | BATHING ESTABLISHMENTS | " inay be renadi'y seen by pcrsons entering the said premises where massage is given (Adopted Nov. 14, 1916.) ARTICLE 17. |" (Added by Ord. adopted July 13, 1920.) -ND BATHE | HOUSE KEEPERS. | Sex 190 Definitions, Rec 191 Licenses; terms; fee; bond. Sec 192. Schedule of charges; filing an@ pt ting Se 193 Inspection. Sec 194 Suspension; revocation. Sec. 196. Violations; penalty. | Sec. 190. Definitions. | | } | suspend or revoke at any time any licens or by Imprisonment not exceeding sixty days) | Every establishment maintained in th@} wherein bathing is permitted for hir@} r wherein bathing suits are hired out, om which, for hire, is used for the purpose of ressing or undressing in connection with he wearing, putting on or taking off of 1ing suits, shall be deemed to be a baths ng establishment, and any person who shalg » bathing Hhouse upon or near any ich or shore of the ocean, bays, o- river@ hin the jurisdiction of this city, shall b@ d to be a bathhouse keeper, provided that iid bathing establishment is maing d for the accommodation of guests om persons for pay Sec. 191. License; terms; fee; bond, nnual license fee for each bathingy establishment shall be $25, and every bath house keeper shall give a bond to the city vith sufficient surety to be approved by tt issioner, in the penal sum of $5009 ditioned for the due observance of the} pro ns of law, or ordinances relating ta | athing establishments and bathhouse keeps ses for bathing establishments | das of May 15th and shall exes} ( the 14th day of May next succecds? date of issuance thereof Sec. 192. Schedule of charges; filing and posting } implicant for a license to conduct) tain or operate a bathing establishmend e with his application for license @ iu! of prices to be charged for the g of suit rooms, lockers, or other ac# ] ns -in such establishment, and the approval of such schedule by th@ I the same shall be posted in us places in the establishment, iif f the public at all times NG hall be made for any service or lation in any such establishments ‘ of the rates specified in any such -du under penalty of forfeiture of the _ { I 4 Sec. 193. Inspection. provisions of a license granted undé hall not be construed to ing rfer H any jurisdiction of the departs f health as set forth in sections 34 i 41 of the Sanitary Code, but permit granted under said sections shall be necess j and part of the moving applicatio for a license under the provisions of thi cae Sec. 194. Suspension: revocation. The commissioner shall license in his disan a retion ich bathing establishments as shal ive complied with the rule and regulations herein provided and shall have power ta granted in accordance with this article. Sec. 195. Violations; penalty. Any person who shall violate, neglect, of refuse to comply with any of the provisiongg of this article, shall, upon conviction thereo be punisheé by a fine of not more than $200) or both such fine and imprisonment, eanCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. (Added by Ord Sec. 196 200. Violations ee ae — ARTICLE 13S. } Sec Transfers of permits and licen- 23. Essex market ses 5 rz } a 4. Gansevoort market adopted Nov 29, 1921 ) 5 eK ‘ Adjustment of controversies Jefferson market Se 4 Water-front property ad intr | Z 5 : Ph : f r-front ropt y adjoining | 26. 59th street market Soliciting of Contributions in Public. | market-lands highways through or ! nd- | Zfs BY u ket ' t-lands: highway throug } ound- | zi. 3d avenue marke ling market-places ; { General provisions 4 d I ar places 8. Atlantic avenue market, Brooklyn. 197 wo | Se ( Market hours 9. Union Square ket 97. Granting of permission e : Behn ns Fe wie? 198. Duties of the commissioner mec. ( Regulation ¢ toll fa es 29. Wallabout market 199. Duties of licensees ae 81. Washington market is Se« I Control of markets and market 22. West Washington market oe es asnin ‘ l £e places. 22 ; roe 33. Jamaica market Sec. 196. General provisions. No person, organization, s t' assoc! tion or corporation shall! solicit ney, do nations, or financial assistance if any d upon tl} streets or In pul i e City of New York, except up i sued by the Commissioner of Pu Welfare and under such regulations } fter provided, (Adopted Nov. 29, 1921.) Sec. 197.- Permission; how granted Application to solicit funds’ pu r any cause whatever shall be addr ed the Commissioner of Publi Welfare -and such applications shall contain t follow ing information a Name and purpose of 1 f which pern } sought b Name and addresse of ff ana aire or of the organization ( Tir fo which permissio! and | 1lities and places of so tati d. Whether ar not any comm! wages oO emoluments are to be exp ied in connection with such solicitatior e Such other information a missioner of Public Welfare (Adopted Nov. 29, 1921.) Sec. 198. Duties of the commissioner’ [It shall be the duty of the Co! o | ! > Public Welfare before granting u! r mission to solicit in publi to ci applicant to file with him a ment of all monies collected in ,tl dar year or the fiscal year of such tion, society, association or corporat vious to the application, the ex] i connected therewith together vit] f names and addresses of all perso! wages, commissions or emolumen amounts so « x pended. The commissioner may est further regulations as he may dé a 5 purpos' A (Adopted A sary in carrying out the jects of this article 1§ Sec. 199. Duties of Licensees. Licensees operating under {} < ary the code shall be compelled collection boxes or container us¢ public solicitation of funds either | r in person or the placing of receptacl: for the receipt of such public contribu stores, shops, offices, theater ho factories, f tels, restaurants, rallway statior I place tn name of the organization for ¥ houses or other publi: mit is issued nd in such conspicuo ' ner as the Commissioner of Put may direct. (Adopted Nov. 293, 19 Sec, 200. Violations. Any person or persons who shall violate neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this article shall, up: ‘ tion thereof, be more than $500 or by ceeding 90 days or by both suc] é prisonment. (Adopted Nov. 29, 192] punished by a fil of not imprison! } CHAPTER 15. MAREETS. Art. 1. General provisions Art. 2. Location and designation of pub- lic markets. Art. 3. Farmers and market gardeners . Art. 4. Mamufacture and sale of i ARTICLE 1. General (Provisions. Sec. 1. Control of markets and marke? places, | et iarket places ar d sting and maintained as cl ha be | char ind under the « ‘ ( public markets 'Z 'T f 11} narkets v Mee r employee in the department . it na imediat I i a1) ’ a ie ldir for mar ; pur I f 7 r | marke prod ‘ . ducted ates d O er doing busir r } . nduct of } r rf " ’ ¥ pa e YT) f ; ind sp se se for |t 5 } heé t | Le } th Cr 1 r have power and I O ppoint supervisors } 1 a bh neces of food stuffs and ll pu reet mar- } i keep ich Lr } i tary nditior r in connection with i I paid to t } ie r r LY all such ? ‘ in y fund for t ré { le} (An ded 192 lune 29. 1922 nt 14 , Sex : Transfers of permits or licenses. gz Ae 2 per t ‘ al) ie mad: pI l of the Coni- Se. \L\djustment of controversies. f iy adjust and settle r | regard to that appertalr to { i pted May a 7 ms ee 4 Water-front property, adjoining market lands highways through or bounding merket places. ntained shall nter- f risdiction of the depart- n ‘ 4 1 ferrie over the ater- r ind around any market j no! ‘ the urisdiction of the é { pugl ove market : ; 1% oO erns is powers p Vays (Charter, Se‘ 164.) = 5 Market hours, e which articles shall be : t or which shall come its of any market, shall be O t refro! at or before 12 o'clock eac} day except Saturday. On Satu an market may remain open and irket Ce ceS may conduct business erein unt 12 o'clock, midnight °e.. G., & 50a Se 6 Regulation of toilet facilities. J ite! le t or urinal shall be erected or ma iined in any public market, over oO! abi t a y stall, stand or place where meat fist butter, eggs, fowl, game, vege- tables fruits or other articles of food BUDD al kept or offered for sale, and all such water closets and urinals shall, so far as practicable, be built and maintained be- low the ground floor of such market (Ord effective April 4, 1911.) ARTICLE 2. (Former Artiole 2 repealed and new Artl- ele 2 adopted June 14. 1921.) Location and Designation of Public Markets. Bec, 20. Street markets 21. Delancey street market. 22, Eighth ward market, Brooklyn, a4, Cathérine market. Peck Slip market. } Ninth avenue market 7 olumbla street market, Brook- Monroe :street market. ' Lene avenue market ; 40 Park avenue market ; mex 20) Street markets. The following deSignated territories and tree or sections thereof, extending only 1 house line to house line on each block ince not more than 10 feet 8 the. curb to the center of the 1dway) inle otherwise specified, are her et aside and apart for public mar- ry es for the sale of fruits, vegeta- produce or other commodity, as desig permit ssued therefor by the ( ont tin ti} Boroug of Manhattan— Catherine marl —The territory bounded lon the nort! Cherry street, on the east | by Market slip, on the south by South street, nd or } est by Catherine slip; Pp ’ I territory lying he n Sou and Water streets, both sides thereof ir a disfance of not more than 15 | fer n tl irb lin to the center of yt) ark —On Sth avenue, be ls ning at 38th street and extending to 42d tree nd extending a distance 50 feet east j : t from 9th avenue on 38th, 39th, Sdith anavaine pute Low Monr' street market—On Monroe | street. beginning at Catherine street and ex- lten@ing to Market street; on Market street, | beets 1t Monroe street and extending | to Cl r et: Catherine street, begin- ning ; Monro street and extending to ese t. on O street, beginning at 1therin« treet and extending to Oliver | 10x enu market—On Lenox avenue, lheginhine at 139th street and extending te { t' street Park avenue market+—The entire space on | Pp; rl] avenue inderneath the structure of | the NY ow OY Central or the New York, | Ne Have and Hartford Railroad Com- | pal cing from the corner of 111th | stre¢e und Par] avenue, running thence | along said Park avenue to 116th‘ street and | covering tt territory from the east side of Park avenue to the west side thereof; Park avenue mark: (south)—On Park | nue. beginning at 99th street and extend- ling to 106th street; and extending on 102d and 103d treets from Park avenue to Madi- | a nue, Canal tree rarket—On Canal street, be- | cinnit .¢ Rutgers square and extending to } tie reet; | Hester reet market—On Hester street, rinning t Clinton street and extendims pHNeri;r ] ‘ i to Fo th street, and extending on Suffolk street from Hester street to Grand street; Grand street street market-—On { 7 na F eginnine at Clinton street and extending to | Allen street; | Orchard street market—On Orchard street, beginning at Hester street and extending to East Houston street. | Rivington street | market—On Rivington beginning at Goerck street and ex- l tending to Eldridge street; and extending on | atanaias Willet and Ridge streets from Delancey street to Stanton street; Lower ist avenue market—On Ist avenua, beginning at East Houston street and ex- tending to 14th street and including the ter- lvitorv on llth and 12th streets between Ist street, and 2d avenues; East Houston street market—On East Houston street, beginning at Essex street and extending to Chrystie street; and @m& SRR 34 * a is on Twenty-sixth | 13th Street to West 14th strect, and on the Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, as are bounded | ©25% by 9th avenue, are hereby dedicated and described as follows, ta wit: pn the east by Miller avenue, thence runnj eZ | occupied as such, in the manner that may westerly along Atlantic avenue and Undér « be designated and prescribed by the com- present elévated structure of the Long Is- missioners of the sinking fund, who shall land Railroad to Pennsylvania avenue, being have full power and authority in respect et present an unpaved section of the streec | thereto. The commissioners may, in their | West Washington market. rules z ules and The lands in the borough of Manhattan unded on thé north by Bloomfield street , and on the north side of West 14th street, octwen the north and south paved dr discretion, lease any of said lands for such ewavs and approximately forty feet wide are | term of years, with such covenant and for | hereby declared to be a public market, to Je | SUCh annual rentals, as in their judgment _ known as “The Atlantic Avenus Pub Mar. | shal } for the best interests of the cit or ket,”” and shall be set aside for such pur continue the use of the same as a public poses during the pleasure of the Board of | market (Amended by ord. appd. Oct. 26, Aldermen, subject to such rule and regu- Long.) lations concerning fees, the hours of doing business and the general management of Sec, 33. Jamaica market. sald market as may be made by the Com So mucn of the lands in the Borough of missioner of Public Markets of The City of | Qi eens bounded and described as follows. to New York. (Adopted July 1, 1919.) Beginning at a point in Jamaica, Bor- ‘ ough of Queens, Known as Archer avenue - oOrough of | (Twombly place) is intersected from the Manhattan as are bounded and described | north * T womb place (Twombly piace); = follows, to wit: Beginning at a point |runmning thence westerly on Archer avenue on the northeast line of Union square: | (Twomb place) on the northerly side of running thence northerly and parallel with | ana parallel to the Long Island Railroad, Fourth ave., about 98 feet to the southerly approximate 900 feet to a point where | noues line of 17th st.; thence westerly | Archer avenue (Twombly place) is inter- along the southerly house line of 17th st. | sected from the north by 151st street (Divi- about 218 feet; thence southerly and par-|/sion strect) and between the house lines of rllel with Fourth avenue about $8 feet to | said Archer avenue (Twombly place) in said the northerly line of Union square and | wvorough be set aside and apart between tne thence easterly along the northerly line of | hours of 4 2. m. and 160 a. m. daily, for the Onion square about 218 feet to the place of | purpose of a wholesale terminal curb mar- beginning, in said borough, shall be set yf ' ket, for the sale of fruits, vegetables and aside and apart for a public market for the produce and shall be known as Jamaica | eele of plants and flowers, and shall be market. (Adopted Dec. 9, 19.9.) known as the Union square market (Ord effective June 17, 1913.) Sec. 34. Catherine Market. | 2 So much of the territory in the Borough Sec. 30. Wallabout market. | : i 1, So much of the lands lying between if Manhattan as is bounded on the north Bounded | to market purposes, and shall be used and | KF NEW .YORK 113 ee shall be Known as Coiumbia street market (Added by Ord, adopted July 13, 1920.) Sec. 38. Moanroe street market. NS So much of the territory in the borough of Manhattan as lies on Monroe street, be- tween Catherine street and Market street, | } i | for a distance not more than 10 feet from the curb lines to the center of the street, ls hereby set aside and apart for a publie market exclusively for the sale 4f vege- | tables and food products, and shall be known | as Monroe street market. (Added by Ord, |} adopted Dec. 11, 1920.) | Sec. 39. Lenox avenue market. So much of the territory in the borough of Manhattan as lies on Celt.ox avenue, be- tween 139th street and taist street, except portion at intersection of 140th street from | house line to house line, and for a distance | not moré than 10 feet from the curb lines | to the centre of the strect, is hereby set | aside and apart for a public market exclus- ively for the sale of vegetables and food | products, and shall be known as Lenox ave- mue market. (Added by Ord. adopted Dee, 14, 1929.) Sec, 40. Park avenue market. So much of the lands in the borough of Manhattan as are bounded and described as follows: The entire space on Park ave- nue underneath the structure of the New | | York Central or the New York, New Haven }and Hartford Railroad Company, commenc- ing from the corner of 111th street and Park avenue, running thence. along said Park avenue to 115th street and covering the territory from the east side of Park avenus to the west side thereof along said streets excepting the intersecting streets which ehal!l be kept clear and unobstructed; shall be set aside for a public market to be known as the Park avenue market. (Added by Ord. adopted Dec. 14, 1920.) ARTICLE 3. . by Cherry street, on the east by Market the following boundaries in the borouch of | .° ; os 5 slip, on the south by South street, and on the Brooklyn: On the north, Flushing avenue: | , on the south. Wallal : oie .: west by Catherine slip, shall be and. is s ; allabo io alc: le we ; ut Creek; on the west hereby set aside and apart for a public Bast avenue; on the east,-—Clinton ave . ast, linton avenue market and shall be known as Catherine with the of ; exception the portion of land | srarvet. (Added by Ord. adupted March 23 | already set aside by ordinance for the use i 20 : nended by Ord. adopted Dec. 14 of the- department of docks, and lands | ' enn re A en és | leased or-controlled by the Pennsylvania re? | Railroad company. Bec. 35. Peck Slip Market, | 2. Farmers’ square The portion of Wal Bo much of the territory in the Borough | labout market in thé borough of Brooklyr | o¢ Manhattan as lies between South and! commonly known as ~‘‘Farmers’ quare, Water streets, both sides of the street, 15 | shall- be képt for the exclusive use of farn feet from the curb line towards the centre | ers. and market gardeners, (Charter. See. of the street. hall be, and is hereby S| 164.) aside and apart for a public market and 3. Leases. The commissioner shall have shall be known as Peck Slip Market. (Added thé sole power to lease any portion of the | by Ord. approved June 1, 1920.) Wallabout market lands and renew cxisting | leases, on such terms and such rentals as Se 36. The 9th avenue markct. may be agreed upon between him and the | so much of lands in the borough of Man-| léssees.or holders, subject to the following . ‘ hattan a are bounded and déscribed as} provisions as.to the rate of rent In case follows, to wit Bounded on the north by the amount of rent for any renewal term 9 : the southerly line or curb of West 42d of any lease be not agreed upon, as afore- street; bounded on the cast by the easterly line or curb of 9th avenue; bounded on the } Said, by the‘ ist day of January precedin | | south by the northerly line or curb of 13 = the expiration of the previous term, the same shall, if either the commissioner or ' 5 |} 38th street bounded on the west by the the lessee or holder shall so elect, be fixed as es 3 , westerly line or curb of 8th avenue, aré now provided by law, except that the rent } . ate , : '|hereby declared to be a pu’ tic market, to may, in the discretion of the commissioner | ie - bh , |be Known as The 9th Avenue Market e . reduced. The rents for such renewal | cahall £ eit eer enet as 7 al snail De BE asiae suc Uu ose ¢ T- terms, whether agreed upon as above pro- ' & thie i # RP jing the pleasure o e oard of Aldermen, j ided, or. fixed as now pro. ided by law, ing P subject to such rules and regulations con- cerning fees, the hours of doing buSiness, and the general management of said mar- ket as may be made by the Commissioner of Public Markets of the City of New York. (Added by Ord. adopted Oct. 26, 1920.) shall not be less than an amount equal to --3 of the rent of the preceding term, nor exceed an amount equal to the rent of the | preceding term and 1-3: thereof in addition | thereto. The commissioner may at any time with the consent of the lessee or holder, | vary or modify any of the provisions of any | gee, 37, Columbia street market, Brooklyn. léase of such lands. So much of the territory in the borough (Amended by Ord. adopted June 14, 1921.) , aap en : | of Brooklyn ag lies on Columbia street, be- Sec. 31. Washington market. |éween Hamilton avenue and Harrison street, The lands contained in the block bounded | except portions at intersecting streets from by: Washington street, Fulton street, West | house to house line, and for a distance not atreet and Vesey stréet, in the borough of |moro than 8 feet from the curb lines, to Manhattan, shall be set aside and apart for|the centre of the street, is hereby set aside @ public market, and shall be known as |/and apart for a public market exclusively Washington market, (New.) for the sale of fruits and vegetables, and Farmers and Market Gardeners. Sec. 50. License required. Sec. 61 Market wagons > Sec. 52. Removal of obstructions Bec. 50. License required. Any farmer or market gardener, desiring to use any public market, may present tothe collector of city revenue and superintendent of markets an affidavit, stating his name, residence, occupation and a general descrip- tion of the commodities which he desires t3 sell in such market, together with a request that a license be issued to him for markost privileges On the filing of such affidavit, and the payment of a vpominal fee sufficient to defray the cost of issuing the license, the collector of city revenue and superintendent of markets, if satisfied that the applicant is a reputable person, shall issue to him @ license to use such market for a period not to exceed one year All licenses issued un- der this section shall be numbered and registered, in the office of the collector of city revenue and superintendent of markets. and there shall be issued to each licensee a market tag or plate, in such form and de- sign as shall be prescribed by the comp- troller, upon which the number of the license shall conspicuously appear. -No un- licensed farmer or market gardener shall be permitted to use any public market, and, while any licensed farmer or market gar- dener shall be exercising market privileges, he shal] at all times cause to be displayed conspicuously the tag or plate containing the number of his licénge. (Charter, Sec. 163.) Sec. 51. Market wagons. The owner of every cart or other vehicle, used for the purpose of bringing meat, gar- den produce or other thing to any of the public markets to be sold, shall cause his name to be painted in a plain manner and on @ conspicuous part of such cart or vee hicle. (C. O., Sec, 83e.) ee | T8S SLES SS S2atT44 - ~ at A ~ or ait fi - yaa = a- 7 ante a - e Pa cb e 5 fe wd i e954 c a ~ AAW aro ee = = > Pets ae tet aia e Ee: Es Se TTA a * > LA pee ee ee Se eet Ss eee eee ts aT t = ees = atte aris SPRELTS IER} 3 i a?reed PAL do #7 4% te * = See Kkeatagaess Re evand Ps | Leige? ihe eet to rh ol “eupeee PRIS MPEP SS Sep epee Esse Serle ees Seg let yg Ce eew ere ees Pe Pe 114 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY, OF le. Bec. 52. Kemoval of obstructions. All vehicles, boxes, baskets, mark=t prod- wce and other articles and things brought Into any market or market place, or placed wpon a street or sidewalk adjacent to any market, shall be removed therefrom by the licensee, or other person responsible for such obstruction, at the close of market hours, or sooner, if required by the collector of city revenue and superintendent of mar- kets or his authorized subordinate (C.'.@., $3c.) ARTICLE 4, adopted June A. 1920 ) (AGded by Crd MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ICE, Sec. 60. Application for license; domes- tic use defined; Sec. 1. License; fee standard fixed Sec. 62 vehicles; removal Sac. 63. To be weighed W he mn sold; avoirdupois weight or standard measure- ment prescribed. Sec. 64. Prohibited sources of supply Sec. 65 Duty of commissioner; inspec- tions required. Sec 66. Ice for domestic use; restriction ef sale. Sec. 67. General penalty Sec. 60. Application for license; domestic use defined; standard fixed. Every person or corporation desiring to engage in the business of manufacturing harvesting, retailing and selling any ice in the City of New York, from house to hous or to hotels, cream and beverages, or other places wher restaurants purveyors oO! euch ice so sold and delivered may be fn contact with articles of food or d (which use is hereinafter referred to 4 “domestic use’’); or where such ice i be used solely for cooling purposes, shal before engaging in sucb business, file @ commissioner written application with the ef public markets for a license ther atating in such application th plac OF | places where such ice is to be or ] eut, manufactured, or gathered, the ef delivery, the location of the places in the City from which such to be delivered, and the quality of the intended to be sold Such application st be verified by the oath of the applicant if the applicant is a corporation, by the oat of some officer thereof All ice to.be sold or delivered withi 1 - City. for domestic use as aforesaid h be pure and healthful ice, free f ter deleterious to health; and ucna hereby defined to be ice which upon chem and bacteriological examination = shall be found to be free from nitrates and patho- genic bacteria and to contain not more than nine one-thousandths of one part of fre ammonia and nine one-thousandths of one part of albuminoid ammonia in each one hundred thousand parts. Sec. 61. License; fee. Tie commissloner shall examine such ap- plication, and if it shall appear to him therefrom that the ice intended to be sold {is such ice as may under this article be law- fully sold and delivered in the City, for domestic use as aforesaid, the « ommissioner shall issue such application, conditioned that the applicant shall comply with all the or- dinances relating to the cutting, manufac- turing, storing, selling and delivery of ice Metal plates to be attached to | use solely or for packing or cooling pur- poses solely, or for both purpo.es, for and during the period of such license Such licens shall be issued for an annual period beginning on the first day of May i | in each vear, and the fees therefor shall | be $5 for each period or fraction thereot payable in advance, and from each appli- | le the fee yperatinge more than one vt hike CANLt of shal he t the same annual and propor- | , tionaté rate for ich vehicie So empioyea | See. 62. Metal plates to be attached to ve- | hicles; removal. mvery pe on oO corpota On ice! du caer | the pro ) yf Ln \ ; sh - ‘ Ir f j ] 1¢e0n | ft Ln \ a a bi f ) wagon oOo { r hi f ise b I or it if and a the bi f . nding oO 1 t } t S a met n i rie ess than ten nes Ong nd i } l¢ ha ng lamp r : ’ there: the words ‘ew Yor] I I r ind ar ey rn > num be ree s of ; . ! gr cont lling ru iz n 1p } - h I it hal a] ) j he i r period for wl r ich ed Such plat 1a u } } ( mm er al 5 Lil ; of col ’ design for each I po i cel L U j ( tf r eha i) ( ] r 1] i ind a rut e | I ! ribut Zz ice } I { t r other vehicle which sha not { i here l meta! piat in cf tl provi or of n 1all be th if of per | it } Cl expira f th f I a for wi! ] | | ] ' Ove or ] f plates from ich var ( { tn Dp t iall be U } 9 £ ( uthe rit af an time other ] oO he per a or yea! fo wh b ch plates were issued. Sec. 63. To be weigned when sold; avoirdu- pois weight or standard measurement prescribed, n or corporat elling ff y | for Lié iT rr t{ ‘ of of | id shail VW ¢ gl t thn quane- { f e | ‘ ind for tha D1 pose . i f Li h i ste - a ] b he ipparatus fe weighing ! I ha en dul’ adiust i ! \ INnSpe I if weight nd easulr irda f th. th pro 3 | ‘ e, OI hould br old tandard ‘ I itt i t LT i : £ ¢ ld VS t! t! ‘ ha be io avoirdupois rht { tandard mea irement Any persor rr corporation selling or offers | Ing for ile ce within or delivering Ice | to an person within the city. who shall vi lat in f he pro sion of this section | shall be | ed 10 less LOATI $26 nor more | than $100 for each offense, or have his li cense e ] the iscretion of the com- rm laeloner Sec. 64. Prohibited sources of supply. | No person or corporation shall sell or de-] liver in thie Any ice for domestic use as aforesai Vhich shall have been taken or gathered fro: any sStagnant or polluted part of the Hudson River, or any of its} branches, or fror any body of water which | is stagnant or n which refuse, ndustrial | lal tending to destroy tne and with all lawful rules and regulations of | the department of public markets and the department of health, touching the ice busi- mes5s and touching the protection and care of articles of drink and food materials, and Ghat the applicant will not s away any ice containing any leterious to health dur license, except as ll or giv. substance de- ig the period of his hereinafter provided Upon receipt of such application, if sucn application shall be approved by the com- missioner, he shall issue or cause to be is- sued to such applicant a license authorizing the applicant to engage in the buiness of retailing and selling ice, either for domestic other mater- | purity of the ice cut or obtained from such water, and no | ice shall be sold or delivered in the city for | domestic use as aforesaid, | have been taken from any lake waste, garbage, ewage or an which shall pond, river, stream or other body of water, wherever | located, which is defiled by sewage, garbage, ashes, decaying vegetatior refuse or waste} from any industry or by any other sub- | stances tending to lake the ice cut or| obtained from such water impure and un- healthful, according to the standard ve by this article for ice Sec. 65. Duty of commissioner: inspections required; to make rules and regulations. It shall be the duty of the commissioner | NEW YORK. to examine or cause tu be examined, fron. time to time, the places where ice is gatn- ered or is to be gathered, or has been gath- ered, for sale and delivery, as aforesaid, and all places where such ice may bé stored or kept, and every vehicle in which the same may be delivered on any part of its route from the place where it is gathered to the consumer,and to examine and esuse to be examined, from time to time, ice so sold or delivered, or to be sold or delivered, |gso far as he may deem necessary or ex- pedient, to ascertain whether such ice is | pure, and healthful and free from matter de- leterious to health according to the stand- ard fixed in this article; and if, from such examination, it shall be found that any per- son or corporation has sola or distributed, or is selling or delivering, any ice for domestic usé, as aforesaid, below the said standard or any ice contrary to the provisions of this such person or corporation may be fined not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each offense, and at thé discretion of the missioner, for repeated offense may have his license revoked. The commissioner shall, from time to time, make such reasonable rules as to the storing and delivery and inspection of icé to t sold or delivered for domestic use, as .foresaid, as will prevent the distributing for domestic use, as aforesaid, of any im- pure ce or ice containing deleterious~-sub- stances according to said standard. The commissioner shall, from time to time, when necessary, make investigation of the nanufacturing, harvesting, storing and de- very of ice to be sold or delivered for do- mestic use, and shall have the powér to make such reasonable rules, and enforce | t] ame as will prevent profiteering in t} distribution of tice for domestic use. Sec. 66. Ice for domestic use; restriction of snle. Jo e designated or intended to be sold, offered for sale or delivered for domestic us hall be sold, offered for sale or deliy- wagon or other vehicle used nding or distributing of ice to bé used ing or cooling purposes ered from any Sec. 67. Gencral penalty. Any person or corporation violating any ef the provisions of this article shall be fined, where no other penalty is herein ex- >| pressly provided for, in a sum of not léss than $25 nor more than $100 for each of- fens The judgment may also direct that BR person so fined be imprisoned until the fi be itisfled, specifying the extent of the Imprisonment, which cannot exceed one day for every one dollar of the fine. The license of a person or corporation so fined may be revoked, at the discretion of the commis- sioner [The provisions of this article shall né be trued to curtail, limit or affect, | any of the powers, jurisdiction or authority f the board of health in the department of health of the City of New York. (Amended by ord. adopted June 28, 1921.) CHAPTER 16. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE. Art. 1 General provisions. Art. 2 Special provisions. General Provisions. sec. 1 Officers and employees to be resi- dents. Sec. 2. Vacations. Sec. 3. Hours of service during July and August. Sec. l. Officers and employees to be resi- denta. No person not a citizen and an actual resident and dweller, in good faith, in the state of New York shall be eligible to ap- pointment or employment in any of the de- partments, boards, bureaus or branches of the government of the city, except in instleCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ener tutions which care for the sick and infirm, and in clinics or dispensaries which furnish medical or surgical advice or treatment, and in laboratories offering facilities for the diagnosis of disease or the analysis of food and drugs. Any person who now is or who shall become, after such appointment or em- Ployment, a citizen, resident or dweller out- side the state of New York, shall thereby forfeit his said appointment or employment and shall be removed therefrom The pro- Visions of this section shall not apply to appointments or employments for services or work to be performed for the city outside the state of New York; nor to a temporary appointment or employment for a service or work, where tional qualifications of a sional or educational sary. Prior to such or employment, evidence In writing shall be specific scientific, profes- character are neces- furnished that the services or work to be performed cannot be well done by any citi- zen and actual resident of the state of New York who is available, and that the non- resident person proposed to be appointed is | generally recognized as one possessing such exceptional qualif high degree. No appointment or under this section valid unless the consent of the mayor shall be first obtained. He may require the municipal civil service commis- sion to pass matter and such appointment or employment be necessary, and, also, whether the non- person proposed therefor be com- necessary, for lack of a citizen resident of the state of New who is available tor appointment (Approved April 6, 1918.) ations In a employment shell be upon the whether resident petent and and actual York Sec. 2. Vacations. l. Salaried The heads of the various departments bureaus thereof, of the city, department of education, shall grant a va- cation of-not less than calendar weeks in each year to every employee for whom pro- vision is made for continuous or yearly ser- provided, that if any employee has been less than 1 year in the service, it shal] be within the discretion of the head of the department or bureau having jurisdiction to grant such vacation. Vaca- tions authorized by this sub-division may be extended for such period of time as the duties, length of service, and other qualifi- cations of the employee may warrant. (Ord effective June 6, 1914.) 2. Per diem employees. A vacation shall be employees executive and the vice; executive months of June, July, August and Septem- ber of each year to each per diem em- ployee who has been in the service of the City for at least six months prior to each June first and who shall waive all claims to any rights or privileges.under chapter 121 of the Laws of 1913 Such vacation shall consist of two weeks This subdivision shall not apply to per | fiem employees who are engaged to furnish professional or expert services at a per diem rate. (Adopted June 3 1919.) 3 Time of vacation The heads of the various departments and bureaus nay fix the times when vacations shall be givon, ex- cept that per diem other than those of the board of water supply, dopart- Ment of parks and the department of water employees, supply, gas and electricity shall be given Vacations only during the months of June, July, Awsust and Septemper. (1d) 4 Compensation. For all vacations granted under this section, the same com- pensation shall be allowed as if the recipient were actually employed. (Id, amended by ord. effective July. 6, 1915.) Sec. 3. Hours of service during July and August. Four hours upon any Saturday during the months of July and August, shall constitute a full day’s work for all employees of any department or bureau of the city. The head of a department or bureau shall have power to employ his subordinates upon any legal holiday, or may employ them upon any such Baturday in excess of the legal day’s work above prescribed, paying them compensa- tion therefor at the rate of their usual peculiar or excep- | temporary appointment | certify | including the | granted during the | Se I Definitions Se 2 Interfering with lands or im- | provements thereon Sec. 3 Sub-surface disturbances | Sec. 4. Over-head wires Se 5 Destruction of or injury to park property | Be f Preservation of lawns and grass piots Set 1 3ringing trees, plants and flow- iers into park Ser & Use of roller skates Se 9 Rubbish and refuse matter. Si 10 Processions; drill; music. Ser lL] Public meetings Se 12 Sales or exhibitions, Sec. 13 Posting bills or placards; distrib- uting cards, circulars or pamphlets. Se 14 Bathing, fishing, boating and Skating { lda Camping. Sec. 15. Protection of animals, birds and reptiles Sec. 15a, Baseball and other games, Sec. 15b. Golf, Sec. 16. Animals at larga. Sec. 17. Disorderly conduct. Sec. 18 Custodian of minors. Sec. lL. Definitions, Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenhe section shall apply to and include per diem employees, but shall not apply to the uni- formed forces of the police and fire depart- ments (Ord. effective June 24, 1913.) ARTICLE 2, | Special Provisions, Sec. 10 Employees of fire or police de- partment; reinstatement. | Sec. 10. Employees of fire or police depart- | ment; reinstatement. Employees of the fire or police depart- ment, not entitled to a trial before dismis- | sal, and who were giyen an opportunity to | explain charges before they were removed, may apply to the mayor, within one year | from the date of the order separating them from the service, for a further opportuni to explain, etting forth the reasons for suclY actioy | ‘ mavor may. in h als tion, grant the application The fire or p lice commissioner shal thereupon afford }a further opportunity to the dismissed em- | ployee, to explain the charges filed agai t | him, on which the removal was based Thereafter the fire or police commissioner may, in his discretion, reinstate the dis- | | missed employee or reaffirm the previous removal; but, prior to any reinstatement | under this section, the former employee | shall file a written statement waiving al] | } claim or claims for back salary and dam- | | ages of any kind whatsoever (Ord. effective | | March 4, 1914.) | PARKS, PARKWAYS AND PARK STREETS. *(Regulations of the Park Board, November 19, 1914.) Aft. J General Traffic provisions. Art, Zz regulations Art. 3. Building and other projections. Art. 4 Miscellaneous. ARTICLE 1. General Provisions, } | } | | j } | ever used in this chapter, the following terms shall respectively be deemed to mean?! 1. Commissioner, or the commissioner, the park commissioner having jurisdiction of a particular park, or park-street, as here- inafter defined; Adopted | street, nor shall | bench, i therefor shall 115 ~s 3. Park street, a street, avenue, boulee vard or other highway, under the jurisdic- tion of the park department: 4, Permit, a written authorization for the exercise of a specified park privilege, issued by the park commissioner having jurisdic- tion, is | Sec. 2. Interfering with lands or improve- -ments thereon, | | No person shall modify, alter or in any | manner interfere with the line or grades | of any park or park street, nor take up, |} move or disturb any curb, gutter stone, | flagging, of any park or park street, nor | soil or gravel thereof, except by direction |} of the commissioner or under his permit. (New. ) Sub-surface disturbances. | Sec, 3, person shall open, expose or interfere water or gas pipe; hydrant, stop ewe basin or other construction, witl r upon a park or park street, no make any connection therewith, e2x- pt authority of a permit, and uy b deposi of such sum of money as may be required by the commissioner |to insure the restoration of the soll, sod, | plant shrubs trees, sidewalks, pavement, curb gutter and flagging disturbed in the making of such connection, (Park O., Sec. ba. | Sec. 4. Overhead wires. No person shall attach or string any elec- | tric or other wire, or adjust or carry the | same into or over any park or street, ex- | cept under a perinit. (Park O., Sec 38.) Destruction of or property. | No person shall cut, break or in any {| way injure or deface any tree, shrub, plant, | Sec. 5. injury to park | grass, post, railing, chain, lamp, lamp-post, tree-guard, building, structure or other property tn, or upon any park or park any fallen branches be cut without a permit. It shall be bring into any park any tool such as a hatchet, axe or used for the cutting of or trees or other property. or removed j}unlawful also to ior instrument, saw ntended to be branches of trees, Sec. 6. Preservation of lawns and grass plots. No person unless he shall hold a special permit therefor or unless a special permit have been of which he is a membe! issued to a group shall go upon any lawn or grassplot in any park or parkway except when permission therefor shall hav@ been given to the public by the commige= sioner, Sec. 7. Bringing trees, plants and gowere into parks. No person shall bring into or carry withiy @ park any tree, shrub, plant or flower, or newly plucked part thereof, without @ permit. (Park O., Sec 29.) Sec. 8. Use of roller skates. No person shall use roller skates, pushe- mobiles or ary similar device wpon any side- walk, bridle path or driveway, nor in aby bullding or place of public assembly, exces upon such walks and during such hours as may be dGasignated by the commissioner, (Park GQ. adopted Nov. 19, 1914.) Sec. 9. Rubbish and refuse matter, We person shall throw, cast or lay, of direct, suffer or permit any servant, agent, employee, or person in his or her charg, to throw, cast or lay, any ashea, offal, vegetables, garbage, dross, cindera, shells, straw, shavings, paper, dirt, filth, or rubbish of any kind whatsover in any park, or t& any lake, lawn, path, walk, road or drive thereof, or in any park-street; provided that in the morning before 8 o’ciock, oF before the first sweeping of the roadwey of any park-street by the street cleanera, dust from the sidewalk may be swept inte th@ gutter, tf there, piled, but not otherwisa, 2 Park, any park, parkway, square, cire cle, or concourse, or part thereof, under the jurisdiction of the park department; *Roeferences in foot notes are to the park (Park O., Secs, 1, 2) Sec. 10. Procession; drills; musi¢ No parade, drill or manoeuver of any kind shall be conducted, nor shall any wages or salaries, The provisions of this erdinances superseded by these regulationa, person play upon @ musical instrument or TUTE $i OT + » oe a <4 ) ood oo Y es CS = f res (eal ~ PET TT Ty 15 | a Wr HPs TEs SW, e 3 PESTS TR Ss etree pa ee eae] ‘ rs try tt D Tare FaAPStR Sy x 3) Fee ee He ee ee Fa Es + ht on deke veh Oaes Shse ist bats?citi Lee tee eee ee eee oe ee 2 seePer+i+egeace- CU** TOT chokes ee weet te ea ee ese pl ee et as eb ee oe ee ee Scstet yg eeeer er ewems Bec, 1. Paoblic meetings. B mt 115 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. @isplay any flag, banner, target, sign, pla- card or transparency in any perk, nor shal! ny civic or other procession form or move tHerein, without a permit; but no such per- mit shall be necessary ror the use of the parade ground adjacent to Prospect Park, borough of Brooklyn, by organizations of the National Guard of the State of New York. (Park O., Secs. 5, 28.) Wo person shall erect any structure, stand er platform, or hold any meeting, or per- form any ceremony or make @ apeech,. ad- drese or harangue in any park, without a permit. (Park O., Secs. 6, 24.) Bec. 12. Permits for sales, exhibitions, etc. (Ne person shall exhibit, sell or offer. for aalg anything whatsoever, or take any pho- tegraph, or perform any personal service for hire in. any park or,parkway, or in any atrect, square or public place under the jur- Iisgiction of the department of parks except under @ permit from the commissioner of narks'of tue borough in which such park or} parkway, Street, square, Or public place iS situated. or otherwise than in accordance witR the terms of such permit, provided, however, that the provisions of this section & shall not apply to public hack-stands main- tained in strects adjacent to public park pursuant to section 99, article §&, chapter 14 ef this Code. (Ord. effective June 20, 1916.) Sec. 13. Posting bills or placards; distrib- nting cards, circulars or pamphiets. No person snail post any Dill, placard, nebicé’ or. other paper upon any structure, tree, rock, article or thing within any park oF upon any park street, nor paint nor amx thereon, in any other way, any advertise- ment, notice or exhortation, except under a permit’and in strict conformity therewith. Wo’ pergon shall distribute, hand out or cast®about any card, circular, pamphlet or ather printed matter within any park or eo @O any park street. The placing, or using ww” any. other purpose than reading, of news- papers, or: other papere, on the lawns or benches of public parks, is forbidden. Sec, 14. Bathing, fishing, boating and skating. No: person shall bathe in, nor disturb, in any way, the fish in. the waters or foun- tains of any park, nor cast any suUvstance therein: except; that in the waters adjacent to Pelham Bay park bathing and fishing shall be permitted, subject to the rules and réguiatians prescribed by the commissioner. Fishing may also be allowed in the lakes of Prospect Park and Kissena Park, under permits’ *“No person shall be permitted to appear in bathing costume or in any other (than eustomary strect attire in any park of parkway; except on the beaches in Pelham Bay, Seaside, Dreamland, Jacob Riis and Rockaway Parks. ‘No boat or vessel shali be placed upon any of the waters of any park except by special permit. No skating or siedding shali be allowed on park lakes, un- less and until the ice Is declared to be in a auitabie condition by the commissioner. ‘Park: @., Secs. 10, 23.) Sec. l4a, Camping. NO person shal] tent or camp or erect a tent or camp in aA public park,’ 6r’ public place ynder the jurisdiction of a Park Com- missjqner, without a permit Sec. 15. Protection of animals, birds and reptiles. No ‘person sha!) hunt, chase, shoot, trap, discherge or throw missles at, or molest or disturb in any way, any animal, bird or reptile in any park. (Park O., Sec. 10 y* Gec. l3u.: Baseball and other rames. No perso# shall throw, cast; catch,- kick er’ strike with any implement whatever, any Baseball, golf ball. football, basketball, pean Ge@, or ether object in or-.upon any park or parkway. or any square, circle, con- course, playground, street, avenue, . boule- tard or other highway under the jurisdic- tion of the park department, or on any rec- reotion picr, without a periit therefor issued by the commissioner or: his. supervisor of recreation nor ‘otherwise than in accordance with the terms of such permit. LE mals to be used on either shall be well vro- ken, and constantly held in such control upon any of the golf courses under the jur- | that they may be easily and quickly turnea iadiction of any commissioner, without per-| OF stopped. No person shall operate, drive or propel, and uo owner thereof riding there- on or therein shall cause or permit to be operated, driven or propelled, on any park Sec. 16.;) in), the |:\use the west pat) ~when going toward Coney Sec. 36. Smoky motor vehicles. direction -cf -traffic. Ail Island, anil the east path in returning, i No person. shall’ be permitted to run a| 2. Use of Speedway. area, . The»Speedway | 3. Speed limit. Cyclists and motor- motor vehicle which emits offensive quan-|S®ction of Occan parkway, betaygéen Ray |.cyclists must not exceed a speed of 18 titles of smoke or gas or disagreeable odors | Parkway and Kings highway, ig..no, longer | Miles an hour on the bicycle paths. Racing from. ite exhaust, or muffier Jn a park or | P@Stricted to the use of light harness driving | 0n.the bicycle paths is prohibited, except by park street... (Park O., Sec. 22.) | 8nd speeding purposes during any ‘hour of| special -permission of the. commissioner | the day, on any day of the week;?but shall| (Park O., adopted March 14, 1904.) Sec. 37. Park streets. | be open for the use of automobiles ‘and other | ; 1.. General. No animal or vehicle shall | P/e#sure vehicles at all times, the same as | Sec. 42. Instruction in drivinb motor be permitted to stand, nor shall any incum- | other sections of the main roadway, andthe bicles oe bicycles. brance of any kind be allowed to remain | ©°™missioner of Parks for the borough of | nhee Uae a operating automobiles, mo- upon any street adjacent to or bounding | Brooklyln is hereby authorized to regulate, | seni ech, Dicyclen, tricycles, velocipeder upon any park, without a permit: éxcept| rade, curb and pave this: section of the or other vehicles of propulsion, fs prohibited that vehicles may. be permitted to take up Ocean parkway. main roadway, between Bay | in parks and parkways at all times. (Park and set down. passengers, and to load and| Parkway and Kings highway, with a perma- } O., adopted March 14, 1904.) unload merchandise in the usual manner, | Ment or other suitable type of pavement for vVe- ard may occupy the street a reasonable time general automobile and pleasure vehicle use for the purpose; provided, however, that Ocean parkway restriction. Southerly | ARTICLE 3 they shall not, while so doing, unnecessarily | end [he main roadway, cycle paths, bridl e incumber the street or obstruct travel there- | ron nd traffic road of Ocesa arkwav se - Business vehicles, heavy or light trucks, | Se l eat ee: bes. ot aad Tee Boe Ruilding and Other Proj.ctiona. delivery wagons, automobiles carrying goods, | southerly to Coney Island concourse,’ includ- | Sec. €0. General p.ovisionsa, ete., may De prohibited from using any road- | ing the concourse the: water: frént, Is re-|;> Sec: 61. Fifth avenue, Manhatta: way or portion of roadway wnder the juris-| ctricted to the use of automobiles; pipasure | Sec. 62 Riverside drive diction-ef the Department of Parks, City of | vehicles eques rian ete susiness wagons, ,| Sec. 63 Ocean Parkway. w York 1 Or any branch thereof, which |} trucks, auto trucks, trailers,’ ete: -will fPourti I -, 10 ) , EXCEPtL 3 Curl r surfac ‘On . ia the bor oug? 1. of Manhattan under the provi-! , ss a ie. ow es Sie ‘ rb and rface construction. ac wiowa:'6 a 103! Tan oe tests & it may be ne sary Or the purpose o commissioner may* determine the line of sl yz It J. i 4 ol = : : ~ = , ;} conveying supplie or materiais to or from 1 y he s.irface g ; i mite roadway. Pedestrians must | ; curb and the sarfac constructions of all residences and business premises along the , stree avenve yin f not cross on the Speedway; subDwdys are pro- cer and avenyes, lying within any (park vi r ll cagsea rove suc c Se gee at ' ' : , yided for that purpose (Park O adopted pores ” | CORES) ema ee uch vé ; Or parkway, In his jurisdiction, or within Z 1 \ » & ee . . _ Py Y - } ie } . ro be S . : March 14. 1964) hicles lust enter upon said parkway f Mig distance of 350 feet from the outer the neares ntersecting Street in the direc- boundarles thereof, as -he may deem ad- Sec 3 Ocean boulevard Bay pittcete: |'c on of trae and leave sald parkway by the |v lsable, according to the particular lo¢ality, F , . ve -? i} near nversecting street in the direction} pnq best calculated to maintain the beauty fastero parkway and the Speedway in| _, tee cia a4 or a with. ee ee : Brooklyn age ecordance with the tratne regu- | and ptility of such park or parkway (Id.) oorlyn. f}lations of the po ice department of the ctty 4 tlou rrojiectiona A pplication for ] Business vehicles Wagons trucks, | : entry 1 oe hee j ” : ‘ ‘?}of New York (Amended Nov. 21 1922.) 'the “privilege of erecting ba windows or and other business vehicles, heavy or light, : Um ; ‘ ate { Yo person shall operate an automobile on te from using the main drive of | 7 : ‘i r } } T that enna of the Eastchester bay shore road, the cCormmisSs'onel nN Ww)ose adminiatrative the Ocean parkway nd must use the west}, : F ‘ I + w beginning at the northerly approach to the juadegiction the park ef parkway affected bridge over Ivastchester bay at-its junction | fie pa 110 mimy, in his @scretion, grant the same, eee y ren of a fee to he *defer- are prohibt other hose projections shall be made to traffic road ut all times; and from using the | i: } y narkway between Ut} ree and . = : ee ee J» neh —— : _ . t anc with the Eastchester boulevard, and run- Gravesend Ray; and from using ‘the central t : ining thence easterly and then northerly, fol- minéd inedith care by him Working plans avement on the main roadway ot Eastern |, ‘ E - ; . cate ) ; ees { af ae at | lowing a winding course, approxin RPRES bas. dupYgare, drawn to *% scale of one-quar- A1rnwey, using elther the block yavement s ( ‘ i, ems . ; x 5 roe. : allel to the shore line of: Kas bay | ter haa heo the foot, shall be required ‘to on the -ma@in roadway adolning the centratr er eee i ; : : : ‘ | for a distance of approximate aa et. f&.ecompan \ cach application; -showing he pavement or the side traffic roads Pleasure | } . : 3 - 'to a point on the City Is ang ec pat. elevatian Dilans and vertical sectlans’of ere vehicles. On Hastern ‘parkway, from the . west of Glover's rock, 0 OOF we 3 ; | of the shore road kno way. ag automobiles, Carriages, etc., : shall use the A > a Orchard Beach shore,Fa 4 eentral puvement’on the main’rondway and ts as : : 5 point on the City I slat. ‘ J s are prohibited frem using the heavy traffic 7s : ; byt dings, upon tne approval of the carkmis- side roads except when matn roadway is : ¥ ah A : : f use | ing cgurse approx} wv pene No permit wil! be granted to cover not open OF se, : ‘ ; cshore/line of Pelham, d Metent of proviection, Gue cony of whith sal] Piava, to Ralph avenue, pleasure vehicles, y | oe fi ed inrsthe offiec of the=commissione?, . 4) RA ancther shall he returned ‘to th anpl- hgant, for tiling In the appropriate bureau ‘of of Glover's rock, runpieg ort'ons that. do: not. camnl with the Pay 1-A It shall be unlawful) to drive any | reservation at Ore Hay © “ane vehicle over the easterly side road or bridle | distance approxima road of the Ocean parkway, between Pros- | Jcjana road, where CG! Fitth avenue, Manhattan. pect Park and the Coney Islend concourse, or to park any automob‘le along the curb | line, except as {ft may be necessary for vthi- ; wed - eles to use the -bridle road for the purpose See. 40, BleyeNistes. Ke ote or: ‘ @ ' . ‘ 4 a bh ef conveying supplicé and-matcriels to o7 ' -~O person sna. rida ic. Avervs of -—property on the easterly side Ifth avenue, between 58th-and 111th In the borough of Manhattan, or any of the streets or avenues sufe proach to the Clty ord. approved Aug i round ing Centra! Park within the bounda- CEC ESE SIE ESS) © TTF 255 ieee ark he ee ery ert) eS ree te a4 S ee FU ee Po ee ee eee ee ° St ee a ey TiSee hae head ok sie | CVATATET oe Rahen ets F tP ots 1+ Fea ew ee ae BF ed eal oe ole ae od nee: SS ae ee ok ee il ee ae ee i Re a tld Sts ge tetar et ewne: io a CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. eS j ae ‘ ae Sowa vertising $ a signs ries first above mentioned, shall not under-} 3. Signs Advertising, bus'ness, O! a ARTICLE 4. take any work on stoops railings or other} of any and all descriptions are hereby pro- ° projections, or areas Oo! court yards bey ond | hibited from being placed within the court Miscellaneous. ’ ee aes Pha f eo wiy wont si war ¢ ne of shwick avenue boulevard the building line, until the plan thereo! has | yard areas of Bush ~ ’ ; : - a1 ‘ . said | This regulation shall be in effect as of the } Sec, 70, Trees and shrubs in streets. \ been submitted to and approve GD PY sakes a : q Y r ] ' commissioner |date of transfer of said Bushwi« k avenue | Sec. 71 New York botanical garden, 2 ssione | : ' ’ . SY 5 to. oe boulevard from the jurisdiction of the Presi- | SEC. te Violations tag ‘ tverside iv dent he boroug f Brooklyn to the jur- : io : Sec. 62. Riverside Drive, ; ient of the borough o ooklys oy io a y Sec. 70. Trees and shrubs in streets. 4 : iat ty ay tet g No struc ’ sdictio yf e commissioner c arks or | ; 1. General provisions. No structure oF |isdiction of th missioner Of } | 1. Planting. No shade or ornamental eonstruction of any description, nor aly | the borough of Brooklyn | ¢ part thereof, shall be placed of permitted | . t ; ri } » on or under Riverside Drive until working garbage, ashes or obnoxious or offensive ma | plans in duplicate drawn to 1 4 Rubbish, litter, et No rubbish, litter, a scale + inch ree, or shrub, shal! be planted in any street until a permit therefor has been granted | No hole or excavation shall be prepared for ter of any kind whatsoever shall be placed | planting any tree or shrub, unless sufficient | to the foot, shall have been filed with oe on or allowed to remain Upon salyp courtyard | mould of satisfactory quality shall be used, Department of Parks, ae an pee te cg areas | and the conditions, such as the absence of for the erection or construction v8 e st =e i bis S . e io : : ture: said drawings to show elev ations, floor | gee. 66. News-stands in the borough of progestin Pade: plans and vertical sections of the extent of Manhattan shall be operated in accord- | adopted March 14, 1904.) ; projections, and that the applicant has re- ance with the following rules and regula- | > Cutting, breaking or disturbing. No ceived permission to erect. the said projec- tions: | stem branch or leaf of any such tree or tion, as shown on drawings from the de- 1 All new tands shall be painted green, shrub shall be cut, broken or otherwise dis- partinent. of a shade prt ribed by the chief engineer, urbed, nor shall the root of any such - 2 Sub-gurface construction No vers or| borough of Manhattan. No stand shail beal is ghrub be djsturbed or Daidehet ait te e@fher construction oh the sidewalk cn any lettering not approved by said chief any way, by any individual or any officer te bullt ereept in sucn manner as shal engineer | or employee of a public or private corpora- leave the sewers, gas and water pipes, or 2. The sale of all charts reulars, leat- sta anti) a sapasts shall Sop aapeetlaqgyiator space proposed to be oct ipied by oe | lets, envelope purporting to give il therefor. The surface of the ground within free and wninclosed and in sat condition, | formation a to the condition ol race horseg, |@ feet of any such tree or shrub, shall not nor in any case to ¢ xtend in the clear Dé yond | the ir past performance: and the probabil- be cultivated, fertilized, paved, or given any the curb line, ties of their winning at future racing events, | ¢-eatment whatever, except under @ permit. | is prohibited The violation of this provision |} (Id.) Sec. 63. Ocean parkway. | shall be cause fol the forfeiture of the park | 3 Misuse No person shall cut de- Veranda, porch, piazza OTF portico ani’ | departments iicenss | tase mutilate or in any way misuse any tions beyond courtyard restriction line. Al | 4 Holders of news-stand permit paying such tree or shrub, nor shall any horse «f applications for projections of verandss, a license f of less than $200 a year must other animal be permitted to stand in a porches, piazzas, etc., beyond the thirty (sv? | personally attend th tands during two-| manner or position where it may cut, deface foot restriction line of Ocean parkway shall thirds of th ich day when. such lor mutilate the same. No building ma- be accompanied by blue prints 0! plan "| stand ~ ansacting business terial, or other material or debris of any proposed projet tion oe gg a - “ ° | ys a aad ad ee ca kind, shall be piled or maintained against a > ae a eer ae nen oO Le OOL, | 3 wal ae ; —— i LEN aes : ileal y ’ De Been et riaeton ae lot lines, plan and | eY as hie eT I ne 1le of newspapers must } Pre ree. bo ‘ =e - ee cable a she 18 . et at z Bee must rk department licenses for the other contrivance shall be atta: hed to any section or plan and elevation of ae "Rae ; alas ae a he 1 == tree or shrub, nor shall any tree or shrub be The r ctlio ehal oO cceed fifteen (12 i} Saie Ol Ney I pe! irom tT > rry l >] ? aes é anen conatraetion, x ith roof | papers of 4 person unsatisfactory to the de- parency, or any business purpose whatever, and shall be of op , : a ’ ‘ except under a permit. (Id.) supported by columns or piers, partmen ha oe eR cause for the eee of 8 perm Sec. 71. New York botanical garden. Sec. 64. Restricted areas on Ocean parkway, | r, No news-stand adjoining a grass plot All provisions of this chapter respecting Eastern parkway and Plaza street. oe sha exceed in ! eht the ordinary pipe rall| the government of parks, shall be appli- The restr cted art as on these ere fence of h departmnt of parks against | cable to the New York poteanical garden; ehall be reserved strictly for the purposs Siwy ch such tant s placed .\ll news-| provided, that in any case in which the get forth in the respective laws governing 1d 1djoir ; ras ] hail have thelr commissioner is authorized to issue &@ permit same and shall not be used Remnpor arty ol | top covers fully removabl On such news- for the exercise of a park privilege, the permanontiy for any of the following pur= | stands there shall be no display e(ther above} perrnit, If authorizing the exercise of S8uCa poses: advertising signs, contractol (OO! | the Jeve f the pip fer oO » the left |@ privilege in the New York botanical gar- houses or shanties, disposals ol earbace, | or rht of the sta .djoining the grass ]|den shall be recommended or approved by refuse, rubbish or other waste materials, | plo \ it ns f this order will resuit 1N | the director in chief of the garden (Id,) dumping ground To filling material, garage), , n hat Dp on of thé rmit | . : buildings, news-stands, gasoline stations, | i) owin sia male of Detiolienta: aan will e | Sec. 72. Violations. moving picture houses or purveying stands. | +rict the offend n the future to the ie The Park Ordinance providing penalties No use or occupancy oO} any nature what- of daily publication on] No news-stand | fo olations was repealed by the Board of goever shall be made of these restricted adioining a grass plot shall exceed six (6) | ldermer August 8, 1916 beine rendered areas without a permit having been pre-| freet in length iperfluous by the language of 5S ction 619 viously secured from the commissione! of | - Niel idician on park walls not adjoin- of the Greater New York Charter, as follows parks hav:ng jurisdiction, ing grass én | set /guceemiton Cli raae | Any person violating ny ordinances relating to the parks oF other property Sec. 65. Bushwick avenue boulevard, court |‘" ‘©nst! or si iny such stand have a | ntioned in this section shall be guilty yard regulations. papcsiaaeele do spiny Go aplelbaaes Perot ee In| of a misdemeanor, and shall on ¢onviction a‘ Structures. No person or pers yn shall | ° ph a Ew RAN waa os wore oe “ reas | hefo a y ma | rate, be pun:sned by a ere or construct upon the tw nty-foot ” cart a ee et era fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or in de courtyard on each side of the Bushwi k ave oS tan | in US ich stangs ene ult of | .yment of such fine by impris- nue boulevard, by law set apart to be u ed | *” aot ey me ; : n width ynmen 1ot exceeding thirty days ; as courtyards only any piagza, veranda, | ‘ stand i grass plots shall | covered or enclosed por h, platform or struc- j fi exceed eV (7) eet in height ture other than stoops, steps or platforms | > ulectricity na be the only means Y with open sides or railings not to exces d|for night jllu I on of news-stands The CHAPTER le, seven feet in height, or to extend upon said | use of any oth illuminating material is POLICE AND FIRE. courtyards more than seven feet or a greater | « use for revocation of the permit width than Is necessary for the purpose of | 9, When news-Stands on park department Art. 1 Boiler inspection, @ convenient passageway into houses Of | te rritory adjoin car traci no part of such | Art: 2 Uniformed force buildings to which the same shall be at-|stand parallel to, but not immediately ad- tached: mor shall any person or persons | jolning a protective I illing shall exceed five | buiJd or construct any area or surface or feet n. neignti When such stand adjoins ARTICLE 1. sub-surface structure in said courts irds, ex-|a protective railing no part of such stand, , cept upon the approval of the commissione! |adjo ning suoh railing, shall extend be} ond Boiler Inspection, ef parks having jurisdiction. No super-|the furthest point of such protective railing “ ee ewe x s atructure, surface structure OI! sub-structuré No part of any stand 1djolr ing such protec- stu = eeweten Of TOINGT BER vegans. ef any nature whatsoever shall be built in, | tive railing shall be more than four and a Sec. 3. Persons ta be licensed aa engineers placed or constructed upon said courts ards / half (4145) feet in height. without receiving a permit from the’ park 10 All Jicemsees for the sale of news- commissioner having jurisdiction Plans of | papers sha!l keép the park walks in vicinity guch encroachments shall be drawn to the of the territory assigned to them, which scale of one-quarter of an inch to the foot shall inciude a radius of fifteen (15) feet be- and shall be filed with said commissioner for| yond Ca h position for the sale of news- his approval at the time of application for papers from the arm, and within a radius of permit. | twenty-five (25) feet from the position as- 2. Trees and shrubbery The planting of|signed to news-stands, free from rubbish trees and shrubs within the coutryard areas |and litter of all kinds Failure to comply | ghall be subject to the written approval of | with this con@ition will result, first, in a the commissioner of parks having jurisdic- suspension of the privilege, and on the sec- tion. lond offense, in its cancellation, Sec. 1. Regulation of minor steam vessels. All. boilers in vessels now used on the water in and around the city, not comins under the jurisdiction of the United States government, shall be under the jurisdiction of the police department, which is hereby authorized and empowered to test sald boil- | ers, and examine the persons operating the same as to their qualifications as engineers and firemen, Such tests of boilers, and the examination of persons operating the same, shall be conducted in accordance with suchCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 119 provisions of the charter and laws of the | while in the actual performance of police| Sec. 10. Head-lights 7 | . > J . State of New York as are applicable to | or fire duty, as the case may be, lose or have | Each boilers operated on land. (C. O., Sec. 568.) | de stroyed ny’ of. fle “persotal welonrines: | i: rr ay ee company whose cars are r pal |} Propelled or driven within é | satisfactory proof thereof having been shown 1 the limits of the | > borough of Manhattan shall provide every passenger car, baggage car, freight car oF Sec. 2. Persons to be licensed as engineers. to, the head” of 4 renner ead Of tne espective department No person shall take charge of or oper the said member shall be relmbursed to] other vehicle C , ate any ice machine or gas compressor of | the ¢« xtent Of the loss sustained, at the ey upon their ee ee ste — See thirty tons or greater capacity, ndér any ma-| pense of the Cit (Added by ord. adopted panies J d By thin! ine ea ne ae : 9 se yy them, with £00 g or chine for hoisting purposes or cable-wayn, | Dec. 4, 1922.) irrespective of motive power, used for con-.| struction work, unless such person is duly licensed as an engineer, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 342 of the Greater New York Charter and such Laws of the lantern, which shall be Placed In a con- | SPicuous position on the front of the car, CHAPTER 19 | be ween Sunset and sunrise of each day. : |} #ny such company which shall refuse or neglect to conform to the provisions of this R ATT ROADS. Bection shall] be subject to a penalty of $106 State as may be applicable thereto. Any | for each ana tri f ee an « 3 “ ac if every rip, person who shall assume charge or act as Art Elevated railroads pu by a that | he Son ae neue tel , Art. : Meuece welines. age by a car that Is not provide f engineer in contravention of any provisions Ar r ot t rallroads required light (Ss 2 60 eae He ; a o re 5 ee : } ‘ res ignt pecs. y> wa of this section shall be fined in a sum not Art. %. 4Tunk line railroads ords, ) : Pee ey to exceed $25 or by imprisonment not to ex- > oF, ov . ¢ i : : ceed 25 days, or by both such fine and im- ARTICLE sec. 11. Licenses. prisonment. All fines imposed and fees col- | ai av 4 h, j Manhatt ; h tl 2 Nonatlan or eac oassenee lected hereunder shall be credited to the +} 1d Si. wha weet on 43 b = h T eagd ; ‘Ele ‘ Ral } Oat car Unning in ne orou O é « pension fund of the Police Department. | revated Railroads. hatte : ' . : re | | ih tan, there shall be paid into the city (Adopted March §&, 1891.) bin 1 P} i ; h Rrigiem sic” ie; : eee 2 ; wet rote O! of streets below struc: | 7 ary Wie sum of 950 annually for a ll. tures | cense; except the one-horse passenger cars, | Sec, § Receptacles for expectorations. | and the cars of the Ninth Avenue Rallroa¢ . Ms rr) ‘ } ARTICLE 9 Qe; ‘ YIiOlaAtions Lo pany which hall each pay the sum of we | Se 4 R. I on ‘ I p! itform of trainga $2 ' annually for sald license as aforesaid, 7 Ly Cer . ‘ a i ind ¢ ept such a pay the sum of 3 per Uniformed Force. |} See. 1. Protection of streets below struct-| cent. or over on their gross receipts, or > | uU coe 2 : 2 ures where the ranchise has been sole at public Ser Members, dismissed or reduced: NO Officer, agent or employee of any ele- | Sale to the highést bidder (Secs. 56, 54 hearing or rehearing of charges or att vated railroad sha ermit any oll, grease, Man} in ords,) therefor water, coa scrap of ir¢ tools. or other | 2 Bros klyn The amount to be pald to Sec. Reimbursement for loss of prop- liquid or olid 1bsta s, to fall or be | the city by the rallroad companies in the erty while {n performance of duty} | Gropped Or be thrown from any engine, car, | borough of Bro klyn, for the privilege of : , : track, depot r tur or other part or running their cars, shall be calculated on Sec. 5. & embers, dismissed or reduced; | portion of an elevated railroad. into‘or upon | the average number of cars running annually hearing or rehearing of charges or causes | any street or publi plac (Sec. 78, Man-}|0n each route respectively, excluding the therefor. |! hattan ords extra cars run on holidays. (Sec. 59, Brook- When a member of the police department | | lyn ords. ) . : 2 Oo 4 ° | 2 or the fire department shall have been dis- ; Sec. 2. Receptacles for expectorations. 3 Long Island City For every street - missed or reduced, after trial by the police | All « ated 1 road companies or other] or surface car, operated within the limits iu commissloner or the fire commissioner, asthe | ©O™panie erating elevated railroads in | of tha ection of the city formerly known = case may be, from the position or rank the city sha vithin two months from the/as Long Island ( ty, there shall be paid n theretofore held by him, or when a pro-| date of the p of this ordinance, pro-|to the comptroll a license fee of $16, i bationary member of the police department | Y'Ge prope! t I les for expectorationa | (Se ‘9, Long Island City ords.) _ > +} ‘ ) ¢ | : = or the fire department shall have been dis-/| 0°" 4! t elevated ijlroad stations and | = missed, the person aggrieved may make} Properly keep and maintain same, and that | Se¢ Ly Ti ansrers oi . . - lawae . : written application to the mayor setting for a violat yf this section each elevated icvery cal pwned, Operated, managed or pe forth the reasons for demanding a hearing ralilroac ipany § otner company oper- | contr reet urface or elevated he : - or rehearing of the charges or causes upon |! @ting such hall be llable to a pen- | railroad cornpany in the streets or highways a which’ he was dismissed or reduced, and| &!ty of ni than $10- foe each day ox | er the ity shall carry throughout its route tr provided ‘that such dismissed or reduced | SUC vio on ind the action to recover } on the outside, in f t and on top of each — member or probationary memper shall walve | S¥CnN penaitly be brought in the name/and every cai 0 operated, a signboard or io in writing all claim against the city ‘or of the « y Of ew } } Diacard, wupor which hal] appear con- | back pay, the mayor may, in writing, can- ; \ ‘ heiCuUeUslyY LNe ae ination of the sald car. a cx pOlatlions ' gent to such hearing or rehearing, stating 7 , | Bvery lh company hail carry tor ua singié Me . ers beir ny Ss doy gupc"in- a the reasons why such charges should be oo r Co ae tao! . fe Chon Sach Car, WRAL, CNenRS Lee. ber ' eTil oO! aire oO or ott! iTicer or hen heard or reheard Such applice‘ion for a eerie , . | her officer, or CM: | from, each and every passenger to any - vee of ’ ele ed raiiré { rT an, WwW I . eS hearing or rehearing shall be made within cA gk He as Ree : 4) regular stopping place desired by him, upon c ishall] vic rovieic f thi artic! ea one year after this ordinance takes effsct, | = s on oe ae % | said car route in the direction of the G . , ceptin: Se ) he f all « “ Fe en or within one year from the date of the dis- | exzceptin ee ge » Upon CON-| destination so designated; and for every vio- rf ; : iction therefor Y uunisned by a fine « n a ‘ th} ' is cod als ae a filmit or’ refuelion:) 42) subnet alsitenel owl | l yaft a ) jJation of this ection the company so oj cs mors than $ or y imprisonment or not | i r ghal . ig . 0 NEN: , reduction occurs after this ordinance takes hotl =p d fending shall be Hable to a penalty in the ia exceeding 'q f i DOTM sucn int an Y) f Sig PCOS ible i ac 4 effect. Such hearing or rehearing shall be i ] I ly os eee eee in an action to ef > impriso : rt (Sec 19 Vanhattan ords.,*: | ys iro e in 1 ee rm é of The “t : ry. stat had before the police commissioner if the : ; bom 8 1916.) | De brought in the name of The City of New a] amene ey ord approved ugust > Yo ; } . sactior sh 41) « ly = applicant was a member or probationary . | ork; oe eee all not apply to A , — , : aa 2 ae | a transfer made to a connecting line going ’ member of the police department, and before | Sec, 4. Passengers riding on rear- é : ES a tO at : aes in a different direction from that in which the fire commissioner if the applicant was i i tical end platforms of trains. uch car may be going. nor where by reason a member or probationary member of the 4 j . | : a : : Jo a ne on any elevated ra f ny accident, compliance with this sec- fire department, and if such commissioner, | : : : = : road trail whethe operated over, upor tion is rendered imp sible (Adopted Feb, as the case may be, shall determine that | ; ‘ i. kel ete en (ay 4019 or under the surface n e iy. oO NeW 11 VES such member or probationary member has | York saa t} sie ts tfor OTR, nail I on 1e reé Dia orm OT been illegally or unjustly dismissed or re- t| . ; pi tf a | : the rear car where such rear platform ik duced froz i I > rank uc ‘om- | rv om his position or rank, such com mAs ericloasad by veatibulaneeeouled: however, ARTICLE - missioner, as the case may be, may restore | i ahall ia at the term passenger ~ : { net e, him to the position or rank from which he | one 3 See 7 fi oe ' | 3 or be construed to include, any officer, agen in . . was dismissed or reduced and allow him the : ; Trunk-Line Railroads. ; or employee of such elevated railroad, or whole of the time since any such dismissal | s ‘ : or reduction to be applied hi ti ¢ | any public officer or public employee, whose | Sec. 80 Park avenue tunnel. ) e clio : e on 118 me o , ‘ Pp | duties may require the riding on any such | Sec. 31. Long Island railroad. service in his department, or for such other | s ; . : : rear platform Any person who shall violate pec, o2 Grade crossings and further relief as such commissioner, as | yee 49 ' I se may be let t any provision of this section shall, upon Sec. 33. Obstruction of streets. sne case l » May determine ust, or ; a : : 9 ; ; 2 4 conviction therefor, be punished by a fine of o4 Violations affirm the dismissal or reduction as he may determine from the evidence. If the appli- cant be a probationary member of the po- lice or the ftre department, the commission- er, as the case may be, may allow him the time already served as a probationary mem- of eee Sey any Ee ae eee os . or servant of such company sha perm our a ime sery é Oo Br ne tig Gain (Oat fe te fs ARTICLE 2. | bituminous coal smoke to escape from any Ww e . > gE 2 oO 3 1S- : s g . | locomotive while in or running through said missal and his restoration to count as ser- Street Railroads ya iat (iia 20. Miderinateen creck : ‘ 7 on \ i wot iyV, : c < 5 vice in his department. (Approved July 26, | | not more than $10, or by imprisonment for not exceeding 10 days, or by both such fine| Sec. 30. Park avenue tunnel; Manhattan. and © imprisonment (Approved November No railroad company or companies using Le. aauee? any tunnel in Park avenue, in the borough yh 7 company shall remain longer than 10 min- utes im any public street. Bituminous coal (*Amended by ord approved Aug 8 1916.) Whenevet any member of the uniformed forces of the police or fire departments s):all, 1918.) | Sec. 10 Head-lights a i : | Hen Aa A rns | Sec, 31. Long Island railroad. Sec. 6 Keimbursement for loss of property | Sec. 12. Transfers | No freight or passenger car detached while in performance of duty. | — i {from an engine of the Long Island railroadSe peer et yt sega ee hn oe eek ee | tare eee ToL eee Ltt te fa te 2 Sat eed a ae a oz ves rst pede tk ee | et eee Terese sy 4tat Pt Ai nah ak ah had Date oe Re tet hl ae 120 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK bad a gnalk not be used on any engine running woon said railroad. Whenever platforms are placed in the streets for accommodation of passengers, the said company shall at its own expense keep the entire street between the platform and the curb in a cleanly and passable condition. This shall be construed to apply to each station and each platform whérever erected by said company. within the city. (Sec. 70, Brooklyn ords.; amended by ord. effective Feb. 9, 1915.) Sec. $2. Grade crossings. 1. The Bronx. Every person, company or corporation, operating or controlling any railroad in the borough of The Bronx, upon which cars are drawn by locomotive engines, other than those known as “dummies,” shell erect and maintain suitable and sub- atentisl gates or doors on either side of said railroad, at every point in said bor- ough at which its roads or tracks cross any public street, at the grade thereof. Such rates or doors shall be Kept well painted and in good repair, and shall be attended at all times during the. approach and pas- gage of cars or trains by sober, careful and experienced men, whose duty it shall be to kecp the tracks clear of all horses, cattle and vehicles, to warn all the persons against crossing’ said tracks during the approack of any train, locomotive or car, and to close seld gates or doors at least one minute be- fore the passage of any lgcomotive, engine or car over said public street. No per- son, company or corporation, operating or controlling any railroad in the _ bor- ough of The Bronx, shall run ofr allow te be run any locomotive or locomotive ten- der without cars across any public street in said borough, unless the gates or doors at such crossing are closed down. (Secs. 67, 68, Manhattan ords.) 2. Brooklyn. At each street crossing be- | tween Linwood street and Flatbush ayenus, | in the borough of Brooklyn, men shall be constantly stationed, at all hours of the night and day when trains are in motion, and all crosswalks between such _ street crossings shall be properly guarded by strong, heavy gates at least 20 feet in width, &t each street crossing, which shall be closed before the passage of any engine or train, (See 70, Brooklyn ords.) 3, Disregard of closed gates. No person shall atternpt to cross the tracks of any railroad at any street crossing, while the gates for the protection of such crossings gre closed, or being closed, and the police shall arrest uny person so offending (Sec 29, Brooklyn ords.) Sec. 38. Obstruction of streets. Ne train of cars, nor any part thereof, in- cluding the locomotive and tender, shall remain or be left across or upon any street or sidewalk, so as to obstruct or prevent free travel along the same for a longer period than 6&6 minutes, during any period er during any hour, unless the same shall be unavoidable. (Sec. 15, Arverne ords.; Sec. ¢7, Manhattan ords.; Sec. 6a, Rockaway Beach ords.; Sec: $, Far Rockaway ords.; Sec, 1, Edgewater ords.) Sec. 34. Violations. Any railroad, or the manager or any agent or employee thereof, who shall vio- Yate any provision of this article, or who ghall permit the same to be violated, shall be liable to a penalty of $100. Any person who shall violate the provisions of subdi- wision $ of Sec. 32 of this article, shall, Bpon conviction thereof, be punished as pro- vided in Sec. 10 of chapter 27 of this erdinpance. (Secs. 66, 7¢, Manhattan ords.) CHAPTER 20. THE SANITARY CODE. (Revised and amended by the Board of Health December 31, 1914, and filled with tee City Clerk, Aprii 9, 1915, under Sec. 3172 of the Charter.) Art. 1. Definitions. Art. 2. Animals. Art. 3. Births, marriages and deaths, Art. 4 Bulldings, hire for a single night, or for less then & week at one time, or any part of. which ie let for any person to sleep {n, for any term less than-& week. (S. C, Sec. z.) 17. Meat. Every part of any land ani- art. 6. Cold storage. Art. =.6 Medical examiners. | Art. 7. Diseases. art 8 Drugs and medicines. Art. @ Food and drink. Art. 10. General provisions. mal, and eggs (whether mixed or not with Art 11. Midwifery and care of children. | any other substance.) (3S. C. Sec. 6.) Art. 12. Miscellaneous provisions | 18 Permit. Tine permission in writing Art. 13. Offensive materials |of the board of health, issued according drainage, ventilation |to the previsions of this .code,. of any Art. 14. Plumbing, | statute, or of the regulations of the board and sewage. Art. 15. Railroad agrs and other public of ‘health; :c(8)) Ci. ssen. 1.) vehicles 19. Persons Every individual, corpora- Art. 16. Street conditions | tion firm, and joint stock association. (S Art. 17. Trades, occupations and busl- | Cu, Sec. 1.) nesses. 20. Physician. Every person who holds | himself out as belng able to diagnose, treat, | operate, or prescrike for any human disease | pain, injury, deformity, or physical con- dition, and who shall either offer or under- | take by any means or method, to diagnose, | treat, operate, or prescribe for any human ATt. 1§ Vessels and seamen, ARTICLE 1. Definitions | disease, pain, Injury, deformity, or physical Sec. 1, Definitions. | condition. . (S.°C.. Sec. 5.) Unless otherwise expressly stated, wher-| 91° private market. Every store, cellar, ever used in the sanitary code, the follow- | staud, and place (not being a part of'a ing terms shall be taken to mean and in- | public market), at or in which meat. fish, clude or vegetables is or are bought, sold, or ] Ashes. Cinders, coal, and every otheT| yept for sale. (S, C., Sec. 7.) substance which is left unconsumed by fire | 92. Public laundry. Any place where in stoves, furnaces, ranges, fire-pots, fire-| erticles are laundered for the general pub- Places, and other such places. (s C., i lfc. for hire. (New-.) Sec. 2.) 23 Public place Every street (as here- Bakeries All buildings, rooms. Of |{nafter defined), “park, pier dock and places used or occupted for the purpose| wharf, and every open space therewith con- of making, preparing, or baking bread, | nected: all waters within the jurisdiction of biscuits, pastry, cake, doughguts, crullers,| the city of New York; every public: yard, noodles, macaroni, or spaghetti, to be sold| ground, and area; every space open to the |or consumed on or off the premises, except| nublic between @ bullding and the street, | kite hens in hotels, restaurants, boarding- between bulldings, and between streets; all | houses, or private residences wherein such | places of public assemblage, including every | products are prepared to be used and are | place of public worship, amusement, enter- |used exclusively on the premises (New.) | tainment, or instruction, and every place 3. Board and said board. The board of/ where an appreciable number of persons health of the department of health of the| gather for any purpose whatever, and every gaid basement or lower story one-half or| Sec 2.) more of the height from the floor to the 24 Refuse. Waste material other than ceiling Is below the level of the street ad-|rubbish, ashes, or garbage, that attends | Jotning S are h lar 2 Z : “ae joining, or the surface of the adjacent| use or decay and accumulation from the | city of New . York (S. C., Sec. 1.) | public room or space connected with, and ae Boarding-house Every building and|eyery means of entrance to or exit from, |part thereof other than a hotel, inn, oF | gny of the sald places; all places and prem- eee wherein meals or lodging.|jses where goods, wares, and merchandise , OF both, may be obtained for hire (cUS-/ gre sold or offered for sale, including all | tomarily by the week). (S.C. Sec. 6.) public rooms or places therewlth connected; |} 5. Butcher Whoever Is engaged in thé] every railroad car, and every other public | business of keeping, driving, or slaughter-| yehicle; every railroad depot, station, and |ing cattle, or in selling any meat (S. C.,| platform, and every public room or space | Sec. 7.) | connected therewith, and -.every stairway | 6 Cattle. All animals,, except birds, | and other means of entrance thereto or | towl, and fish of -which any part of the] eyjt therefrom; every ferryboat and every body is used as food (S. C., Sec. 7.) | enettolkn: and every public room or space | 7 Cellar Every basement or lower] connected with, and every means of entrance |} story of any building, or house of which| to or exit from, such ferry-house. (3. C,, Birks court, or ground. (S. C.. Sec. 3). | occupancy of buildings or premises. (New.) 8 Department The epartmen e Aventis a hie oft of ee ore a al 25. Report. A report in writing, signed | wan 454 Ry 7 S. ©» | by the person who makes the same and in- i gap Hvis buat " caine , | dicating his official position, if any such | wit svatu SOll, eal , gravel, | a { \ 3 ~~ oa ar |sand, and loose pieces, of broken stone, posit on be held A Sec. 2.) 26 Rubbish Solid waste material ac- (ae, «Bec cumulating or resulting from the usé or | 10 Factory and manufactory ny m : y a tory. Any mill, | occupancy of buildings or premises, such as workshop, or other manufacturing or busal- paper, straw, excelslor, rags, bottles, old ness establishment, and all bulldings, shops, |, lothe old shoes, tin cans, and other ate Cl 1eS, A 5 es, 8, m - and structures, or other places < ceva : 5 a: iis sili pines si - " . there- | -igis of a similar character. (S. C., Sec. 2.) v in connection therewith where one or e " F : s : 27 Seloon. Every portion of any build- or. more persons are employed at labor. | > ; : : ".|ing in which the business of selling meals, (Ss. Ci. See, 3.) |liquors, drinks, or refreshments of any 1 7{ “very Da f > aT ; | se at Fish Ievery part of any animal that | kind, shall be conducted, including con- lives in water or the flesh of which is not caxt salaokicl fat. Sec 4.) net Ree on i ‘ : S. C., Sec. ae - - ite | 28. Stable. Every building or portion 3 a : a es me ha MEA ak drugs. | thereof in which any horse, cattle, or other usea OI ntendec o be use for human | . l ‘conmumotion, ‘includ{r |} animal shall be kept. | con p e ; icluce és meat, fish, veES" | 9 Streets. Avenues, public highways tables, drink, confections, and condiments, | sidewalks, gutters, and public alleys, lanes whether simple, mixed or compound. | end paths (6. CU 8ea.23,) (Ne seOp ae pe ege is pa o ” = } se 30. Theatre The building, room, and 13. Garbage. Swill and every accumula-| piace, where any play, concert, opera, cir- tion of both animal and vegetable matter, cus, trick or jugglery show, gymnastic or liquid or otherwise, that attends the prep-| other exhibition, masquerade, public dance ae decay, and dealing in, or storage or-other public gathering, drill, lecture, ad- a a ae aa fowls birds, or vegetables. | grers, or other form of public entertain- S. , sec < ment, amusement, or instruction are, is, or } 14, Infectious disease All disease of &/ may be, held, given, furnished, performed, communicable, contagious, or Dees Re take place, and every public room or ote ee C:, 7 | space connected with, and every means of ’ S rr N A i Aght or lighted Natural, external| entrance to or exit from, any such place lieht.. - lations for the transportation of the dead | board of health * shall, when such permit is issued, be in| Sec, 43. Sextons to register with Departs | Sec. 59 Roof and skylights to be kept in es material accord with those at the time in | ment of Health. | good repair. | ‘y force in the city of New York, as though | Every person who acts as a sexton in the } Sec. 60 Walls ana ceilings to be clean, te such permit were issued by the board OF}. ity of New York, or has the charge or « ire | Sec, 61 Water tanks on roofs of build- &} health of the city of New York. (Ss. C., | of any crematory, vault, tomhb, burying- | tng therr use regulatea cd Sec, 163.) rround, or cemetery for the reception of the Sec. 62 Sleeping in cellars or ah any 2 dead bodies of human beings, or any place | place. dangerous or prejudicial to lis o fe Sec, 38. Dead bodies of human beings; |. crein the bodies of any human beings are | health prohibited. 3 transit permit required; conditions under | 4,,ocjted. shall cause his or her name and | - which said permit will be granted. address, and every change of address, and | Sec. 51. Joint and several responsibility of No transit permit shall be granted for} the character of his or her duties, to be reg- owner, lessee, tenant, and occupant for i - , of R f the existence of nuisance or violation of sani- the removal, burial, or other disposition of |jstered with the Bureau of Records of the the remains of any person who shall have l ry, partment of Health ‘Ss: c& Sea 1649.) tary code. De- | The owner, lessee, tenant, and occupant 5 , ; of every building or premises, or of any tificate of death, prepared upon a form | cernber 31, 1919.) | ° J ne See tt Great é mT ‘Tre 7 > , > . ah furnished by the department of health and |} part hereof, wv 1ere a ' erie ie siened as hereinafter provided, shall have? Sec 44 Duties of sextons and other; sance, or a violation of any section 0 SAB 5 2 ’ ‘ | x $ : y 4 ; a . i sanitary ode hall be joint and severally been filed in the said department. persons uth cod 1g 39 3 Se aera Such certificate must be signed by ®@ Every sexto. and other persun having’! llabii therefor, in so far as they, respe , -© o 3 iS 5 1 ; J died in the city of New York unless a cer- (As amended by the Board of Health | |Ma | a eet Ta Teast tT Pt a ed thie od ae ee lied ttle ee ee ee SE ee ee ee Re eee ted ee ed te bebe by Sek oe el ee ee or ~ A ‘vyely -have the power to prevent or abate such nuisance or prevent such. violation, and, to such extent, each of them may be required to abate the nulsance, or comply wick .*he order of the board of health in respect to such ‘building, premises, or part thereof. (S,"6:; *Bec. 13.) lec- 52. Inadequate strength, ventilation, jight, and sewerage of building, and cor- dicion therein. dangerous or prejudicial | to Lire or health, forbidden. No person, persons, or corporation, shall hereafter. In. the city of New York, erect or cause to be erected, or convert or cause to be converted to a new purpose by altera- tion, any building or structure, or change of cause to be changed the construction of | anv part of any building or structure by addition or otherwise, so that it, or any part thereof, shall be inadequate or defect- fve in srespect to. strength, ventilation, light, sewerage, or any other usual, preper, er necessary provision or precaution for the security of, life and health; nor shall the builder, owner, lessee, tenant, or occupant of any building or structure in th® said ctty cause or allow any matter or thing to be or to be done in or about any such building or structure dangerous or preju- gicial to life or health. (S. C,, Sec. 16.) and prejudicial to life om health; duties of owners, tenants, lessees, occupants, and persons in charge of bulldings and lots. Every owner,. lessee, tenant, occupant oO! person in charge of any building or prem- ises within or adjacent to the built-up pol! tions of the City of New York shall keep and cause to be kept the sidewalk, flagging and curbstone abutting on said building ol premises free from obstructions and nui ances of every kind, and shall sweep and remove or cause to be swept and removs therefrom all garbage, refuse, filth, dirt and other offensive material and shall keep such sidewalk, flagging, and curbstone fre: from, garbage, refuse, filth, dirt, and othe! offensive material Kyery such sidewall flagging, or curbstone shall be pattered with wet sawdust, paper or sand, prinkled with water, or xome other equally effective method or material used, to prevent a avoid the raising of dust when such g£ar bage, refuse, filth, dirt, or other offensive material is swept or removed therefrom Buch garbage, refuse, filth, dirt, and other offensive material removed from the side- walk, flagging, or curbstone may be piled in the gutter or roadway between the hours of gix and eight-o'’clock in the morning, but shall not be put or placed in, or swept, shov- elled,» thrown, emptied, or deposited into the gutter or roadway at any other time. No such owner, tenant, lessee, occupant or person in charge shall allow anything in on, or about such building or premises, or any condition arising or existing therein or thereon, to become a nuisance, or dangerous or prejudicial to life or health (S. C. Sec 41.) (As amended by the Board of Health, December 28, 1916, and as further amendea October 20, 1918.) Bee. 54. Dweliings; sanitary conditions; duties of owner and lessee. No owner or lessee of any building, or | SAry danger! or Sec. 655. Theatres, manufactorics, sand workrooms; sanitary conditions, lighting, heating, and ventilation. The owner, agent, lessee, tenant, manager, ard person conducting every theatre, audi- torium, assembly hall, factory, workroom, store, or office, shall cause every part thereof and its appurtenances to be put, and shall thereafter cause the 3ame to be kent. in a cleanly and sanitary condition, and shall cause every room thereof to be adequately lighted; shall provide, in each room thereof, proper and sufficient means of ventilation by natural or mechanical means, or both, and maintaJa proper degrees of temperature and humidity. in every room thereof: and shall cause every part of any such place to be provided with such accom- modations and safeguards, as not, by rea- son of the want thereof, or by reason of anything about the condition of such place or its appurtenances, to cause any unneces detriment to the life or health of any person being properiy there- Nuisances, conditions dangerous | ‘ in or thereat (S. C., See ) 9° Sec. 56. Lodging-houses, boarding-houses, 124 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 7 or manufactories not to be overcrowded. | | Sec. 72. Noa owner, lessee or keeper of any lodg- ing-house boarding-house, factory, work- room, store, office, or place of business, | shall cause or allow the same to be over- crowded or cause or allow so great a num- ber of persons to dwell, be, or sleep in any such house, or any portion thereof, as thereby to cause any danger or detriment o life or death (8. °C: S66; .29.) Sec. 57. Schools, gymnasiums, and places of public worship; duties and responsi- bilities of persons in charge. No master or teacher, or manager Of, /OrFr in, any school, public or,private, or of Or in any Sunday-school or gymnasium, or the officer thereof, or officer or manager or person having charge of any place of pub- worship, shall so far omit or neglect any duty or reasonable care or precaution respecting the safety or health of au scholar, pupil, or attendant, or respecting | the temperature, ventilation, cleanliness, or rengttl of any church, hall of worship, school house, schoo!t-room, or place of prac- tice or exercise connected therewith, or |rejative to anything appurtenant thereto, so that by reason of such neglect or omission, (he life or health of any person shall suffer or incur any avoidable peril or detriment (Ss. C., Se 25.) Sec. 568. Stables; to be maintained In ac- cordance with the regulations of the board of health. No stable shall be maintained in the city of New York without a permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the regulations of said board The provisions of this section shall| oer for storage in a cold. storage ware- j}apply to the owner, lessee, tenant, occu- pant, or person in charge of. such stable (New. ) | Sec. 569. Roofs and skylights to be kept in good repair. The roofs, skylights, walls, and windows of all buildings sha}jl be kept in a condition of good repair so that rain water shall mot enter the building (3S Gy sec;* 28.) any part thereof, shall lease or let or hire} nut or ellow the same or any part thereof to be occupied by any person, or allow any one to dwell or lodge therein, except when sald building or such parts thereof gre sufficiently lighted, ventilated, provided and accommodated, and are in all respects in that condition of cleanliness and whole- gzomeness for which this code or -any law ef this atate provides, or in which the said | code or any such law requires any such premises to be kept Nor shall any such | person, having power to prevent the same, rent, let, hire out, or allow, to be used ag or for a place of sleeping or residence, any Cellar in-any. building, or any. room of which the floor is damp by reason of water from the ground, or which is impregnated | er Penetrated by any offensive gas, smell, or exhalation, prejudicial to health (Ss €.;, Sac, 17.) Sec. 60. Walls and cellings to be clean. All filthy and dirty walls and ceilings of any building, including the walls and cell- ings of the cellars theri:f, shall be thor- oughly cleaned and whitewashed whenever required by the departinent of health (Ss C., Sec, 28.) Sec. 61. Water tanks on roofs of buildings; their use regulated. Every tank for holding water located on the roof or external part of a _ building shall) be kept completely’ covered with 2 tight-fitting cover. Every tank from which water is furnished for dimking and domes- tle purposes shall be empu.led and the in- side thoroughly cleaned at least once a year and ut such other times as may be directed by the sanitary superintendent or an assist- ant sanitary superintendent of the depart- ment of health (S. C., sec, Cla;-~as amend- ed Dec, 21, 19135.) Sec. 62. Sleeping in cellarg or in any plec dangerous or prejudicial to life or healt probibited. Ne person having the right and power te prevent the same shall know!ngly cause o permit any pearson to sleep or rematr im any cellar, in- any bathroom, in any room where there is a water-closet. or in an Place dangerous or prejudicial to life or health, by reason of the want of ventilation or drainage, or by reason of ‘the’ presence of any poisonous, noxious, or offensive odor or substance, or otherwise. (S. C., Sec. 18 ARTICLE 5. Cold Storage. Sec. 71 The term “food” defined. Sec, 72. Cold storage food to be marked. Sec. 73. Time that cold storage food may be kept. Sec. 74. Food when’ once released for the purpose of placing same on the mar- ket for sale not to be returned to cold storage. Sec. 75. Food kept in cold storage not to be sold without representing the fact of such storage. Sec. 71. The term “food” defined. The term food as used,in this article shall include any article, except nuts, fruits, cheese and vegetables, used for food by man or animal and every ingredient of such article. (New. ) Cold storage food to be marked. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or tcorpora- | tions, engaged in the business of cold stor- age warehousemen or in the business of re- frigerating, to receive any kind of food unless the said food is in an apparently pure and wholesome condition, and the; food or the package containing the same ifs branded, stamped or marked, in some con- spicuous place, with the day, month and year when the same is received in storage | or refrigeration. It shall be unlawful for any person. or persons, corporation or corporations, en- gaged in the business of cold storage ware- housemen or In the business of refrigerating to permit any article of any kind whatso- ever used for food in the possession of any person or persone, corporation or corpora- tions, engaged In the business of cold stor- age warehousemen or refrigerating, to be taken from their possession .without first having branded, stamped or marked on said food stuffs or the package containing game, in a conspicuous’ place, the day, menth and year when said food stuffs or package was removed from cold storage or refrigeration. It shall also be unlawful for any persou or persons, corporation or corporations, to house or to place in storage in a cold stor- age warehouse any article of food unless the same is in an apparently pure and whole- some condition, (New.) Sec. 72. Time that cold storage food may be kept. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, corporation or corporations, engaged in the business of cold storage warehouse- men or refrigerating, or for any person or corporation placing food in .a cold storage warehouse, to Keep in storage for preserva- tion or otherwise. any kind of food or any article used for foouW g longer -period than twelve ealendar months (As amended by the Board of Health, December 31, 1918.) Sec. 74. Food when once released for the purpose of placing same on market for sale not to be returned to cold storage. When food has been in cold storage or refrigeration, and is released therefrom for the purpose of placing the same on -the market. for sale it shall be a yiolation of the provisions of this article to again place such food in cold storage or.refrigeration. (New.) Sec. 75. Food kept in cold storage not to be sold without representing the fact. of such storage. It shall be a violation of the prorisionsCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 12 T eee - 7 et = a ef this article to sell any article or articles | Sec. 86, f food that’ have been kept in co!d storage ~r refrigération, -without representing the sme to have been so kept. (New.) Duty of persons in charge of hos- ; Son, or to pitals, and of physicians, to report infec- | ma, be tious diseases. take such other action as is or required by the Regulations of the Department of Health (S.-C. -Sec.-- £88.) It shall be the duty of’the manager or | (As amended by the Board of Health, Janu- 18172 managers, superintendent Or person inary 30 charge of every hospital, ingtitution, or dis- ARTICLE 6. we riaer yd in the city of New York, to report | Sec. 80. Duty of physicians to report. deaths ; to the department of health in writing the from infectious diseases. ! full name, age, and address of evry occu- I* shall be the duty of every -physician Medical Examiners, | pant or inmate thereof or person treated | to report forthwith. in writing,. to the de- ere “te m~wifh . ~~ ee . | i on ws 1 Bec. $0. Duties of medical examiners ieee peer oapailie emia eat toe acy ee a ig ee MASP aE ee cbf ere dec’ 31 Coroners to report information | with the name of the dise: as alk ag a Je oe inte ms i Lom, or while suffering with I lisea within twenty any infectious disease, and to state in suc’ Pelative {6 death of any person (Annulled:) | four hours after the time when the case is | report the specific name and t f b sec. $2 Inquests; return to bé made ‘by | diagnosed, and it shall be the duty of every | disease (s. C. Sei 135 ) RTPA ee Coroners, (Annulled.) | physician in the said city to make a similar iy a aaa Sec. 80. Duties of medical examiners. | report to the said department within the | Sec. 91 Fuerperal septicaemia and suppo- Same period relative to any person found by The chief medical examiner, the deputy | such physician to be affected « medical examiners’and the: assistant medi- | of the said infectious -al examiners shall transmit and cause to| each instance, the 7 be delivered to the Department of Health vithin two hours after rative conjunctivitis : Duty of officers of schools, dispensaries and other instita- stating, ‘In tions, and of physicians, to report. ame of the disease: If | nany one S€ases, ' a be the duty of the manager or manager uperintendent, or person in charge of ever sanitarium, day nursery, convalescent home, home for children, re- acute anterior poliomyelitis (infantile pa- Viewing the dead ralysis), anthrax Asiatic cholera, diphtheria Yody. of uny person who has died from any |! (croup) dysenter infectious disease the (epidemic), epiaemii< following facts so | cerebro-spina! me igitis, | Eianaers sup- | | | | ee . ; ; formator training school, boarding schoo! as Own or reporte to suc lel medi- Iurative conyunctivitis hook-worr eas | } — t cn 1 ni I a ] K-worm disease, hospital, dispensary or other institution for cal cxaminer, deputy: medical examiners, | leprosy, malarial! feve measles, mumps; | the care or treatment of persons, in the City of New York, to immediately report or cause to be immediate reported, in writing, to | and assistant medical examiners: the namé - of the decé¢ased; the place of death, paratypnoid fever, plague, pulmonary tuber- giving | Culosis, rabies rubella (German measles, ‘he, street and street number or such other | roéthein), scarlet fever, epidemic septic sore the Department of Health, the nam¢ age particulars as will identify said place of | throat, smal tetanus trachoma); trich-| (sq fat s can be becerintnaan and resi- deci of ocation of the v h ause | inosis, ruberculot ain ane soit - asce : nd res tath; the locati« he body: the « 4u 2 . tul culo m igitis, typhoid | gency of every person received therein or of death; the date and time of death; the | t@ver, typhus fever, varicella (chicken-pox), |treated thereat who is affected with puer- name or names of physician or physicians whooping-cough, and yellow fever peral septicaemia or suppurative conjune- if an) nding the decéased in his or he! Provided, tha he disease is typhoid | tivitis. with the name of the disease with Jast illness; the occupation of deceased; the | fever, scarle fever diphtherla epidemic | which such person ts affected, and it shall e # land ‘ af ur" - } — & . Pe ot Sn eee the place to which ysentery, or epidem pt! sore throat, | be the duty of every physician in the sald body has been removed. if removal permit | every such report 1all also show whether | cit to immediately make, or cause to be a“ “ 6 . if . rir " : r | 5 at - } } has been issued ; and f autopsy vaS per- the patient has been, or ar member of the | immediately made, a similar written report formed, the findings thereof, (S. C. Sec. 171.) | household in which the patient resides is, | to the said department relative to any per- (As amended by the Board of Health, De-| engaged or employed in the handling of|son found by such physician to be ao af- cember $l, 1817.) milk, cream, butter, or other dairy products | fected, stating, in each instance, the name for sale or preliminary | ale (S. C., See. | of the disease with which said person is af- $8.) ras ted Every such manager, physician, and “ ARTICLE ~ len: *a* D officer shall also report, in writing, the name a é.3 Sec. 8&7. uty of every person to report per- and address of the physician or midwife in 4 sons affected with an infectious disense. | attendance at the time of the onset of the e Secs When no physicia s in attendance, it | disease, which information it is hereby made o Diseases. 1 : 5 shall be the dut of every person having | the duty of every institution herein speci- rv ad knowledge of an = Duty of persons in charge of person affected with any fied to obtain and record among its records. s 4 ver & qaisease apparentl or presumabi'\ infectiou | ¢s c Seeé. 144.) (AS amended by the Board oe ; J 5 (s . . - aie hospitais,-and of physicians, to report in-|, i : ele : = @ at once report to the department of | of Health, July 23, 1918.) eo fectious diseases. re are : : me ' i Ss - D * ’ ' health all facts in relation to the il ness and + . r ‘\ a L ~~ ° . 2 - P ec. 31 SEF 208, UES -DSTION, LO. TORO | physican condition of any such person. (8, | Sec. 92. Occupational diseases and injories; Bs persons affected with an infectious disease Sec. 88 Duty of superintendents of hos- pitals and dispensaries, and of physicians, to report cases of venéreal disease. Sec. '89. Isolation of persons with Infectious. diseases. affected C.. pec. 136.) Sec. 88. Duty of superintendents of hospi- tals and dispensaries and of physicians to report cases of venereal disease. | duty of officers of hospitals, public insti- tutions, and dispensaries, and of pbysi- | cians, to report. It shall be the duty of the manager or person in managers superintendent, or ser he atid rar 8 96. Duty of physic t t It shall be the duty of the manager, su-|Charge of every hospital, institution, or c $0. j ysici : o Bee Be ie ss ae doe ie from aieieitaearalaes ees perintenad f oO person in charge of any | aispensar in the city of New 7 ork, to re ies ra, : 91 Puer al ti on i | correctional ‘nstitution and of ever public port to the department of health, in writ- tor ec : erper se c#mia and sup- ‘ re 7 _ suites 6 nal aen itis pate of officers or | OF private hospiti dispensary, clinic, asy- |{ng, the full name, age, and cance seers - 1 Vv ijunctivitis; y of ers eS : “3 oh m4 schools, dispensaries, and other institutions, | Seer er) SAME ADS TSE HNtOR An ee ee oe | res higuaee ecrmipmen rege gee Se haces es wh i Cale L he} i ig, | Pa . he 1 . 4 rt and of hvsiclans to report | New York to ré port promptiy to the Depart- | treated therein, affected with any one oO 4 ysic s, t ep , : a , a a c i en os er ; | ment of Health the name or initials. toceth» | the occupational diseases included in the Ps Rec) ag Occupational . dimegseq. and . in- r.with the se re marital stat and ad-| list appended; with the name of the disease, “s arieas -Auty of OMcers ef hospetmis..pupic dress, of e ry occupant or inmate thereo | within twenty-four hours: after the time “a Inst ‘ n ispensaries ysi- = ae : SE roe ; : ai ae = nstitutions, ns q S y S j and of phys or person treated therein affected vith when the case 1S dlagnosed and it shall be ft cians, to report | the luty of every physician to make a a ‘ 92 Gre of.capes of tana | syphilis or gonorrhoea; and it shall also be 16 aut . a bec. . Ie. 2zFOUp cases 0 a polsonr the dut: f every physician in the said cits similar report to the said department with- ee ing: duty of officers of hospitals, and of ate = ay nag Y ' eva ie aan ae, : | to-promptly make a similar-report to the |im the said period relative to any person 3 physicians; to _réport. oa Department of Health relative to any person found by such physician to be affected with A = 7. +) “se is : ee . ae prom | found b such physician to be affected with any one of the said occupational diseases, 7 . Oe . a , ance ss 2 | syphiiis or gonorrhoea All reports made in stating, in each instance, the name of the r Sec. 95. Exclusion of teachers and in- jj” : = " structors affected with certain diseases. Sec. -96.- Isolation of persons affected with infectious diseases in institutions Sec. 97. Removal of pérsons. affected with any infectious disease authorized Sec 98. Removal of persons affécted with an infectious diséase regulated. Bec. 99 Persons having an _ infectious disease not to engage in manufacturing in ‘cnement.: houses. Séc. 100. Acts tending to promote spread ef disease prohibited. Sec. 101: prémisés, furniture and ‘belongings. Sec. 1062.. Duties of undertakers. Sec. 103 Public or church funerals pro- hibitéd where death has been caused by cértain diseasés. : Séc. 104. Cyanide used for »urposer regulated. Sec. 105. Diagnostic laboratorics. fumigating Disinfection. and, renovation of | | | | j accordance with the provisions of this sec- tion and all records of clinical or labora- tory examinatioi indicating the presence of syphilis or gonorrhoea shall be regarded as confidential and shall not be open to in- spection by the publi or by any other than the: official custodian of such re- pe rson ports or res ords in the Health the such other persons aS may be authorized by Department of Commissioner of Health and law to inspect such reports or records, nor shall the custodian of any such réport or record. the sald Commissioner of Health, or any such other person divulge any part of any such report or record So as to disclose the identity of the persons to whom it re- late: (A amended by the Board of Health, JUNG. C8, 4181s) Sec. 89. Isolation and quarantine of persons affected with infectious disease. disease Arsenic bisulphide of carbon poisoning, brass poisoning, calsson disease (compressed-air illness), . carbon | monoxide poisoning, dinitrobenzine poison- ling, lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, |methyl alcohol or wood naphtha poisoning, imnatura] gas poisoning, phosphorus poisoning. (S. ©., Sec. 154.) poisoning, Sec. 93. Group of cases of food poisoWnog; duty of officers of hospitals, and of playa. cians, to report. It shall be the duty of every physician, and of the manager, superintendent, or other person in charge of any hospital, dis- 'pensary, or other institution, having knowl- edge of the occurrence of a number oF | group of cases of severe or fatal illness, | which appear to be due to the consump- | tion of spoiled or poisonous articles of food |to immediately report the same to the de- partment of health. Sec. 106. _Wood-alcohol poisoning to be It shall be the duty of every physician, | reported. immediately upon discovering a person af- |Sec. 04. Exclusion of children fram schools. Séc, .107. X-ray ° laboratories—-Permit re-]| fected with an infectious disease, to secure No principal = or superintendent of, any juircd, acoh isolation and quarantine of such per- | sé¢hool, and no parent, master, or custodla® 4 ee Sees ee ee ee Te eeu ay tie vee) a be RULT SiehSettee Testi Tete efersleusaqe- * iach ohne dt. hk eee os ee ht tala bee Ck be tbe he st ee ae 4 Pee ket aed bee ee ed oe one) howd of any child or minor (having the power and authority to prevent) shall permit any child or minor having acute poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis), chicken-pox, diph- therila (croup), epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, measles, mumps, pulmonary tuberculosis (if in a communicable form), rubella (German measles, rotheln), 8 arlet fever, smallpox, or whooping cough, or any child or minor in any family, or living with any family, in which any such disease ex- ists or has recently existed, to attend any public, private, or parochial school until the department of health {ts permission therefor, nor shall any such principal, supe rintendent, shall have given parent, master, or custodian permit any child or minor to be | unnecessarily exposed or to needlessly expose any other person, to any infectious disease or to any infective person or agent (S. C., Sec. 145.) Sec. 95. tors affected with certain discascs. No person affected with pulmonary tuber- evlosis (if in a communicable form) oF with. any other disease mentioned in se tion $4 of the sanitary code shall be em- Exclusion of teachers and instruc- ployed as teacher or instructor in any pub- | lic, private, or parochial school, or permit ted to teach or instruct therein, unless the written permission therefor shall have been obtained from the department of health Sec. 96. Isolation of persons affected with infectious diseases in institutions. It shall be the duty of the manager OF managers, superintendent, or person in charge of every sanatorium, sanitarium, da) nursery, convalescent home, home for chi dren, reformatory training school board- | ; F ing school, hospital, dispensary or other institution for the care or -treatment of persons, in the city of New York, to pro- maintain a ‘ rooms for the isolation of persons affected with such infectious diseases as the regu tions of the department of health may) vide and suitable room. 0! from time to time designate as being sub ject to the provisions of this section, and such persons shall immediately be isola ed in such room or rooms ‘Ss. C., Bec. 14%.) Sec. 97. Kemoval of persons affected with any infectious disease authorized. Whenever an inspector of the depart or health shall report in writing that al person affected with any infectious disea under such circumstances that the cor ance of such person in the place wher he or she’ may be is dangerous to the liv: health of other persons residing in the neighborhood, the sanitary superintendent an assistant superintendent, or the di! o of the bureau of infectious diseases, of the enid department, upon the report of a mé cal inspector of the said department ma} cause the removal of such person to a hos- pital designated by the board of health (S. C., Sec. 139.) Sec. 98. Removal of persons affected with an infectious disease regulated. No person shall, in the city of New York without a permit therefor issued by the board of health, carry, move, or cause to be carried or moved, in any manner whatso- eyer, through any public street or place any person affected with an infectious diseas or any article which has been exposed to such disease; nor shall any person remove er cafise to be removed, in the city of New York, any such pereon or article from any building or vessel to any other building or vessel, or to the shore, without a permit therefor issued by the board of health. {S C., Sec. 143.) Sec. 99. Persons having an infectious dis- ease not to engage in manufacturing in tenement houses. Unless permission therefor s Been obtained from the department of health, no person affetted with any infec tious disease, or who is exposed to any in- fectious disease, shall, in any tenement house or in any part thereof, engage in the manufacture, altering, repeiring, or Anish ing of any article whatsoever, except for the sole and exclusive use of the person engaged. Whenever required by the sanitary guper- ' ial) have " } So intendent an assistant sanitary superin- tendent, or the director of the bureau of infectious diseases, of the department of health, any person engaged in the manufac- ture, altering, repairing, OF finishing of any whatsoever, except for the sole and exclusive use of the person so engaged, shall to a physical examination by a med- tor of the said department article subrnit ical inspe‘ 100. Acts tending to promote spread sec of disease prohibited. No per hall by any exposuré of any | individual ick of any infectious disease, or of the body of such person, or by any newrlicel i connected therewith, or in resp ¢ the care or custody thereof, or I a eedles exposure of himself, cause, | contribute to, or promote, the spread of dis- | ease from any such person, OF from any | dead body (S. C., Sec. 143.) Sec. 101. Disinfection and renovation of premises, furniture, and belongings. Adequate disinfection or cleansing and | renovation of premises, furniture, and be- | ’ deemed by the department of | he h to be cted by any contagious, in- f ous or communicable disease, shall im- ' diately follow the recovery, death, or | f the person suffering’ from such ré ( 11 O disease, and such disinfection or cleansing ind enovation shall be performed by the er of said premises (S. C., Ser 146.) Sec. 102 Duties of undertakers I all be th duty of every undertaker avinge notice of the death of any person the city of New York of acute cere- bro-spinal meningitis acute poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis Asiatic cholera, diph- ieria { oun). plague, scariet tever, small- I or typhus fever, or of the bringing of v i 4 yf any person who has died f any h disease inco the said city, to mediate notice thereof to the depart- ment of health No person shall retain or expt or assist in the: retention or expos- ure of the dead body of any such person except in a ‘ffin or casket properly sealed; nor rll ar person allow any uch body to ¢t ylaced 1 any coffin or casket unless the body hall have been wrapped in a eet aturated with a proper disinfecting solution, and the coffin or casket shall then be immediately and permanently sealed. No undertaker! : all t n the pubiic or hurcl funeral of any such person No ae;rx ixer ha ise, or cause Or allow to be ised, at a funeral or in any room where tl dead bo of any such person shall be, iny draperies, decorations, rugs, or carpets, be ging to or furnished by him or under his direction. (S. Cj Sec. 141.) Sec. 103 Public or church funerals pro- hibited where death has been caused by certain diseases. A pub or church funeral shall not be held of any person who has died of acute r (infantile paralysis), Asiatic cholera, diphtherla (crouy epidemic cere- ro-spina!) ngitis, measles, plague, scar- | fever, sI lpox, typhus fever, or yellow fever ut the funeral ofwsuch person shall be private, and it shall not be lawful to nvite to, or permit at, the funeral Of any person wh has died of any one of the above { ases r invite to or permit at any ser- ices connected therewith, any person whose attendance is not necessary, or from or to whom there langer of contagion thereby, (Ss. % Sex 142 ) Sec. 104. Cyanide used for fumigating pur- poses reculated. No person shall use, or cause to be used, any hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen, or cyanide gas for the purpose of fumigating any build- ing, vessel, or other erticlosed space in the City of New York, without a permit issued by the Board of Health, or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit, or the tegulations of said Board (As adopted by the Board of Health, April 25, sec. 105. No laboratory offering facilities for the diagnosis of communicable Diagnostic laboratories regulated. diseases shall be conducted or maintained in the City of New 126 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. York without a permit therefor issued by the Board of Health or otherwise than in accordance with the Regulations of the said Board. (As adopted by the Board of Health, June 28, 1917.) Sec. 106. Wood alcohol poisoning to be re- ported. It shall be the duty of the manager or managers, superintendent, or person in charge of every hospital, institution, or dis- pensary in the City of New York to report immediately to the Department of Healtn the name, age, and address of every oOccu- pant or inmate thereof, or person treated therein, affected with wood alcohol or wood naphtha poisoning; and it shall also be the duty of every physician in said city to make immediately a similar report to the Depart- ment of Health relative to any person found by such physician to be affected with wood |alcohol or wood naphtha poisoning. (AS adupted by the Board of Health December 81, 1919.) Sec. 107. X-ray Jlaboratories—permit re- quired. No person shall maintain, operate or con- dui an X-ray laboratory or adyertise or t hold out to the public that an X-ray labora- tory is m2intained, operated or conducted, wherein radiographs are taken, diagnoses made or human beings examined or treated by X-rays, without a permit therefor issued by the Board of Health, or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said per- mit and with the regulations of the said board (Adopted by the Board of Health, January 26, 1922.) ARTICLE 8. Drugs and Medicines. manufacture and sale “‘adulterated,”’ Drugs: regulated; the terms ‘‘drugs,”’ and ‘‘misbranded’”’ defined. Sec. 117 Regulating the sale of propri- etary and patent medicines Sec. 118. Drugs, medicines, decoctiona, and drinks; fraudulent distribution prohib- ited, Sec. 119. Proprietary medicines; distribu- tions of samples regulated Sec. 120. The use of living bacterial or- ganisms in the inoculation of human beings regulated. Sec. 121. Free distribution of vaccine antitoxin, serum and cultures regulated Sec. 122 Poison; sale and distribution regulated. Sec. 123. Carbolic acid; sale regulated Sec. 124. Wood naphtha, otherwise known as wood alcohol or methyl! alcohol; sale and distribution regulated Sec. 125. Bichloride of regulated. Sec. 126 Habit forming drugs; sale and distribution regulated. Sec. 127 Habit forming drugs; disposing of confiscated Sec. 128, Hair dyes and other toilet pre- parations: sale and distribution regulated. Sea, 129 Coudemnation and destruction of drugs authorized. Sec. 130. Medicated alcohol; sale and dis- tribution regulated. Sec. 131. Completely denatured alcohol; sale and distribution regulated mercury; sale Sec. 116. Drugs; Manufacture and Sale Rer- ulated; the Terms “Drugs.” ‘‘Aculterated,” and “Misbranded” Defined. No person shall manufacture or produce, or have, sell, or offer for gale, in the City of New York, any drug which is adulter- ated or misbranded. The term drug as herein used shall include all medicines for external or internal use, cr both. Drugs as herein defined shall be deemed adulter- ated: (1) If, when sold by or under a name recognized in the United States Pharmaco- poela or National Formulary, it differs from the standard of strength, quality or purity as stated in the United States Pharmaco- poela or National Formulary at the time of investigation, (2) If its strength or purity falls below. 4iann.a.ACODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. aera the professed standard under which it is | clearly, and legibly set forth in Ey: sold. A drug shall be deemed misbranded: (a) If it is an imitation or offered for sale under the distinctive name of another article. (b) If the contents of the package as riginally put up shall have bee: removed, {in whole or in part, and other conte «ts shall have been placed in such package, or if he package fails to bear a statement, on the label thereof, of the quantity or proportion of any alcohol, morphine, opium, cocaine, heroin, alpha or beta eucaine, chloroform, cannabis indica, chloral hydrate, or acetani- lid, or any derivative or preparation of any jubstances, contained therein. (c). If the package or label bear or con- tain any statement, design, or device, re- garding the drug or its ingredients, or re- garding its or thelr action on diseased con- ditions, which statement, design, or device shall be false or misleading in any partic- ular. (ad) If a box, bottle, or package, contain- ing virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, anti- toxin, or analogous products, faila to bear on the outside thereof, conspicuously, clear- ly, and legibly set forth, in English, the proper name cf the substance therein con- tained, the name and address of the per- @en. persons, firm, or corporation by whom or by which the said substance has been prepared, the date beyond which the said substance cannot be reasonably expected to Produce the result or results for which it has been prepared, and (if such license shal) have been obtained) the United States li- eense number of the establishment in which the said substance has been prepared; and, in the case of diphtheria and tetanus anti- toxin, if the box, bottle, or package con- taining such antitoxin shall fail to bear on the outside thereof conspicuously, clearly, and legibly set forth, in English, the value of the contents thereof as an antitoxin, which value shall be measured according to and stated in the terms of some generally recognized standard. (e) ~ If any proprietary or patent medi- cine to which the provisions of Section 117 of this Code relate shall fail to contain every ingredient, the name of which shall have been filed in the Department of Health pursuant to said Section 117 of this Code as a constitutent part of said medicine; or if such prop-cietary or patent medicine shal] contain any ingredient the name of which is required by the provisions of Section 117 f this Code to be filed in the said Depart- ment which name has not been so filed (Ss. C., Sec. 69.) Sec. 117. and patent medicines. It shall be the duty of every manufac- turer or proprietor of proprietary or patent medicines manfactured, prepared, or intended for external or internal human use, before offering any such medicine for sale in the City of New York, to register the same with. and procure a Certificate of Registration from the Department of Health in accord- ance with the Regulatiuns of the Bouant of Health. On and after April 1, 1921, no proprietary or patent medicine manufactured, prepared or intended for internal] or external human use, shall be held, offered for sale, sold, or Given away, in the City of New York, unless such medicine shall have been registered with the Department of Health in accord- ance with the Regulations of the Board of Health, nor shall any such medicine be held, offered for sale, sold, or given away, in said sity, contrary to the Regulations of the Board of Health. The expression ‘“‘proprietary or patent medicine,” for the purposes of this section, shall be taken to mean and include every medicine or medicinal compound, manufac- tured, prepared, or intended for external or internal human use, the name, composition, or definition of which is not to be found in the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary, or which does not bear the names of all of the ingredients to which the thera- peutic effects claimed are attributed and the names of all other ingredients except such as are physiologically inactive, conspicuously, Regulating the sale of proprietary | }and permission zlish, on the outside of each bottle, box, or package in which the said medicine or medicinal | compound is held, offered for sale, sold, or given away The provisions of this section shall not, however, apply to any medicine or medicinal ; COMmpound, prepared or compounded upon the written prescription of a duly licensed physi- ;} clan, provided that such written or prescription be sued for a specific person ana 127 _——_ ee Al il = Sec. 121, Free distribution of vaccine, antitoxin, serum and cultures regulated. Any duly licensed physician who shali find it necessary to adminster any vaccine, antitoxin, serum, or culture to a patient | (00 poor, or dependent upon another or | others too poor to pay for such vaccine antitoxin, serum, or culture, may receive, | free of charge, the requisite quantity there- | of upon application to the department of health or any of its duly authorized agents, | not for general use, and that such medicine | provided that such physician shall sign a | or medicinal compound be sold or. given stipulation to the effect that he or she, as | ewe) to or for the use of the person for| the case may be, will not exact or receive |} which j h ive been prescribed and pre- from such patient any pay for such vae- pared or compounded: and provided, also, | cine, antitoxin, serum, or culture, that the said prs ription shall have been Any such physician, however, who shal] d at tha 1 iblishment or place where xact or receive such pay after having such med r medicinal compound js} signed such stipulation shall be deemed to old or! iven away, in chronological order | have violated the provisions of this section. ording to the date of the receipt of such | Every such stipulation shall be filed in the prescription at ich establishment or place | department of health. Every ch prescription shall remain so | Aled for & period of five youre | Sec. 122. Poison; sale and distribution All or tion relating to or connected | regulated. | with tl registration of any patent or pro-| No person shall sell at retail or give | prietar nedicine rervistered in accordance vay any poison unless the bottle, box, lwith the pr ior of this section. shall be | packag' parcel, or receptacle, containing regarded a onfidential, and shall not be| h poison, sold or given away, shall bear Open to inspection b» he public or any per- | 4 lat e| upon which shall be printed or sten- son: other than the official custodian of such |Ciled in red ink, im plain, legible characters, record ind those du authorized to prose- |}the name of the ibstance or article, the CGufecor enfo 6 Federal Statutes. the | word POISON,” the name and place of | Laws of the State of New York. both crimi- | busin of the seller, or donor, a skull and nal and nd tl} Ordinances of the City | Crossbones the word ““CAUTION,”’ the maxi- | of NI, Port bewuths aan or the purpose of | mur dose of the poison and the antidote such prosecution or enforcement | therefor SiAcided howsver! the uaunvinlens eins! The provisions of this section shall not sectiot registration shall not ap- apply to medicinal compounds containing ply to sto of merchandise in the hands | Polsonous drugs in therapeutic doses when er 28 rm’ ‘eine aaa ae the maximum dose of such preparation is 798s née to pros tary or patent medi-| marked upon the container (As amended cines registered in the Department of Health |>¥ the Board of Health, May 3, 1922.) in ac »? it the provisions of Sec. 117 } Oe a Ge iry Code as adopted by the | Sec. 123. Carbolic acid; sale regulated. Board of H h on December 31, 1914, and No phenol, commonly known as carbolis as amend: aid Board on October 26, | acid, shall be sold at retail by any person 7O1R. ane further amended by said Board |in the city of New York, except upon the cat ine : ‘ (As amended by|written prescription of a duly licensed ae ¥ ° BHaalth D mber 29. 1920.) physician, when in a stronger solution than Drugs, medicines, decoctions, and representation prohib- Sec. 118. drinks; ited No person fraudulent shall make, prepare, put up, administer, or dispense ar prescription, de- roctio ) ned ne, under any false or mis- leading name lirection, or pretense; nor shall an ngredient be substituted for an- othe in 1 [ cription, nor shall any false or misleading representation be made by al person to any other, as to the kind, qua! purpose or effect of ny drug, medicine d tion lrink, or other sub- stance offs d or intended to be taken as | food or I if (8. €.,: 18665.) | Bec. 119. Proprietary medicines; distribu- tion of samples regulated. No person shall, In the clty of New York, | distribut; free oO harge, or throw l}any nostrum, proprietary medicine, or other | substance of an alleged medicinal or cura- l¢tive charact intended for internal human |} use, in et or public place, or from away ~ door to doo! or by depositing the same upon private premises. The provisions of this section shall not, however, apply to the distribution by manu- facturers or wholesale dealers of samples the trade. Sec. 120. The use of living and micro-bacterial organisms. The use of living bacterial organisms in | the inoculation of human beings for the capable of causing infection in man or animals, are prohibited until full and complete data re- parding the method of use, including a specimen of the culture and other agents em- ployed therewith, and a full account of the | details of preparation, dosage, and admin- | istration shall have been submitt¢ to the | board of health of the city of New York. | shall have been granted | in writing by the said board for such use, sale or distribution. (S. O., sec. 148a; as amended Dec, 21, 1915.) tainine living micro-organisms of any such substance to physicians or to} other | | prevention or treatment of disease and the |} five per cent t=. c Sec. 67.) Sec. 124. Wood naphtha, otherwise known as wood alcohol or methyl alcohol; sale and distribution regulated. offer for sale, give away, deal in, or supply, or have in his or her possession with intent to sell, offer for sale, give away, deal in, or supply, any artic.e of food or drink or any medic inal or toilet preparation, intended for human use internaly or externally, which contains any wood naphtha, otherwise known as wood alcohol or methyl alcohol, either crude or refined, whatever may be | the name or trade mark under or by which | the said wood naphtha shall be called or | known No perSon shall sell, offer for sale, give |away, deal in, or supply, or have in his |or her possession with. intent to sell, offer | for sale, give away, deal in, or supply, any | wood naphtha, otherwise known as wood alcohol, or methyl] alcohol either crude er refined, whatever may te the namo or trade mark under or by which the sald |wood naphtha shall be called or known, un- |less the container in which the same ts sold, |offered for sale, given away, dealt in, or | supplied, shall bear a notice containing the device and words conspicuously | printed or stenciled thereon, viz.: No person shall sell following | > } (Skull and crossbones represented.) POISON. | WOOD NAPHTHA OR WOOD ALCOHOL WARNING.—It is unlawful to use this sale or distribution of any preparation con-| ayiq in any article of food, beverage, or | medicinal or tollet preparation, intended for internal or external human use. (8. C., Sec. $6a.) Sec. 125. Bichloride of mercury; sale regu- lated. No person shall sell or offer for sale, at bichloride of mercury, otherwise known as corrosive sublimate, in the dry form, except upon the written prescription of a duly licensed physician or veterinary surgeon, and, then, only in tablets of a par- ticularly distinctive form and color, labole& retail, CTS e art A . a ad ~ 7 ASESTS TPES ES sy Perera eeTTTy ike) Ltapas seen Pe a. a so eer SS oe ite tava s cies a eri rar icll at) eee SVERDE « Ti. i. ey 3 : iL hee Sm 4 beer ey etapa eee dee Me tod LS ho tos A eRe telepenees 2d PERRI Tele Fekete? Pt f Papers Teagan y .. - * Sates 3 hee eeiti st kit caste e te otet ee ieee ed oe ee od | 128 CODE O# ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. use “POISON” upon each tablet, and dis- Penséd in sealed glass containers tonspicu- eusly. labeled with the word “POISON” in red letters. This section shall not apply to any prep- aration containing one-tenth of a grain or less of bichloride of mercury (Si Sec. 67a.) Sec. 126. Sale regulated. No veronal (diethylbarbituric acid). verona] sodium (sodium dimethylbarbituratc) lu- minal -(phenyl-ethyl-barbituric acid), lum!- nal: sodium (the sodium salt of luminal). Ssulphonal (diethy] - sulphon - dimethy] - me- thane), trional (diethyl-sulphone-methy]- ethyl-methane), or tetronal (diethyl-sul- phone-diethyl-methane), ‘shal] bi old at re- tail to any person: in-the City of New York, except upon the written ‘prescription of a duly licensed phvsician ‘he provisions of this section shall apply to the sale at retail of any of the above- montioned drugs whatever may be the nam« under or by which the same may be called or Known (As adopted by the Board of Health, October 11, 1922.) Bec. 7. Habit forming drugs; disposing of confiscated. (Annulled July 25> 1921.) Sec. 128. Hair dyes and other toilet Preparations; sale and distribution regu- lated, No person shall sell, offer for away, deal in, or supply, or er hér possession with intent sale, give have in hig! to sell, offer for sale, give away, dea] in, or supply, any hair dye or other toilet preparation, in- | the Board of Health, September 30, 1920, and | See. 135. Hypodermic syringe, |}a@mended April 28, 1921.) | No person except a dealer in surgical in- | struments, apothecary, Physician, dentist, | See. 131. Completely denatured alcohol; sale veterinarian or nurse, attendant or interne and distribution reculated. | of a hospital, sanatorium’ or institution in No person shall-sell, offer for sale. give | ™ hich persons are tréated for disability or | 4way, deal in, or supply, any article of food, | disease shal] at any time have or possess a | drug, drink. or meédicine, intended for exter- hypodermic syringe or needle or any instru- | nal or internal human use, which contains ; ment or-implement adapted for the use of | any completely denatured alcohol, whatever | cocaine or narcotic drugs by subcutancous in- may be the name or trade mark under or by | jections and which is possessed for that pur- pose unless such possession be authorized by the certificate of a physician issued within which the said completely denatured alcohol | | Shall be called or known No person shall sell, offer for salc give, the period of one year prior thereto. away, deal in, or supply, or Have in his:or | her possession with intent to sell, offer for | Sec. 135-a. Exemptions. | sate, give away, deal in, or supply, at retall, The provisions of this article restricting any complete! denatured alcohol, whatever | the possession of cocaine, opium or their de- }may be the name or trade mark under or | Tivatives or cannibas indica; or cannibas sa- | by which the said completely denatured al- | tiva shall not apply. to common carriers Or | cohol Nall be called or known unle the warechousemen or their employ ees engaged +n | container in which the Same is sold, offered | !4wful transportation or storage of such | for sale Siven away, dealt in, or supplied, | @rugs, nor to public officers or employees shall bear a notice containing the following | While engaged in the performance of their device and words conspicuous) printed or | Official duties, nor to temporary incidental! énciled thereon: ; | possession on the part of employees or agents (Skull and crossbone represented.) | or persons lawfully entitled to possession. Completely Denatured Alc hol. - : ; | rT oho] | Sec. 135-b. Commitment of addicts; proced- Warning—It is unlawfu] to use this fiuid ure; treatment; discharge. nh any article of food, drug, drink, onamedi- | The habitual use of cocaine, opium or their cine, intended for externa] or internal hu- | derivatives except as administered, pre- man use scribed or dispensed by a physician is hereby rhe term “completely denatured alcohol,” declared to be dangerous ‘to the publfe lerein used, shal] be taken to mean and | health and safety and in violation of this ar- M — a icohol to which has been | ticle Upon the voluntary application of added some poisonous mate rial ind which n addict, any court or magistrate, may, if 'S Sold at retail as completel; denatured a | satisfied of the truth thereof and that the coha (As agdopted by the Board of Health r i person is suffering from such drug addiction, weeptember -f 19°0 and amended Apri) 2 tended for human use, which. 921 ; commit such person to a county or city hos- > se, ich Oi ea 1199 " thé: presunce’ of anv niredisnr ae tecee | pital or institution maintained by the City ents therein contained shall be detrintenta} ARTICLE S.A of New York, or any correctional or charita- er, injurlous to health (Added Dec 21 EBL 5) } - = pne Renae poe ree . hospitél oe fy Aer ges oP ety es ieee ssa ; - which drug addiction is Crees Aye nese Bec, 129. Condemnation and destruction of i < : aaa , a amended August | by the city, or any private hospital, sanato- droge authorized. aw é rium or institution authorized for the treat- Upon any drug or medicine being found by: Habit-Forming Drugs | ene renee = eet See Satie an inspector or other duly authorized rep , magistrate ma) likewise on Se appli- resentative of the Department of Health in Se 132 Prohibited acts constituting | cation ere. for Pree eee relarery ® condition which renders 1t, In his opinion, | Public menac: | tory or correctional: institution Bee eae unfit for human use externally or interna EC. Lod Prohibited acts. a hospital or place where drug addiction gad ly, or in a condition or of a y eight, quality De 134 Authorized acts of trades and | Be eee ae wmcn ne eamon eee eee or strength, forbidden by the provisions of | profession: could be made from the City of New ae the Sanitary Code, su h inspector or duly See, 135 Hypodermic syrince on conviction of a misdemeanor. Any court authorized representative of the said di Tre Exemptions | having jurisdiction of a defendant who is a partment is hereby empowered and directed se 135-b Commitment of addicts pro- prisoner Sf Sama! ae a RC ERee ee: to immediately seize the said drug or medi- | cedure: 3 eatment: dischare. if it appears that such defendant is an ha- cine. and affix thereto a label bearing the | Se | , Fraud, deceit. e fataen | bitual user of any such drugs and is suffer - words "Seized Dy. the Board. of Health Sey lar, Penalties ing as a result of such addiction, may if it Such drug or médicine when 30.~—s labelled commit an addict making voluntary applica- shall not be touched, dq sturbed, sold, offered | 5€€- 132. Prohibited acts constituting a pub- | ‘!0n require the return toe the court of any for sale, or Siven. away, -but; shal] ‘he rea. | lic menace. such addict whefssuch addict is cured or at } leased destroy ed or otherwise finally di ANY unauthori i possession oat distrji- | 2@ time stated in the order of commitment posed of, as the Board of Health sh Wla | bution, pre cribing, admini tration or dispen- Whenever the medica] officer or re disso ‘ek rect AS adopted by the Board of Health ation of cocaine or opium or in, of their ent or the head of such an institution shall December 728, 1916, | Gerivaties, or cannibas Indica, cannibas sa- | certify to the committing magistrate or court | ti 42, Or any of their derivatives is hereby that any person’so committed. has been suf- Bec. 130, Medicated alcohol: Sale and dis- | declared to he dangerous to the public health | ficiently treated or give any other redson tribution regulated. | and a menace to the public welfare. _ | which is deemed by the magistrate or court No person shall sell. offer for sale, give | | to be adequate and sufficient, he may in ac- away, deal in, or supply, any article af food, | See. 133. Prohibited acts. | cordance with the terms-of commitment dis- firug,-drink or medicine, intended for inter- | It shall be unlawful fe any person to pos- | charge the person so committed, or return nal human use, which contains any meqj- | 5¢Ss. sell, distribute administer, dispense ‘or | such person to await further action of the cated alcohol], whatever may be the name or | Prescribe cocaine or Opium or any -of their court, as above provided. trade mark under or by which the said medi- | derivatives, or « inhibas indica, Cannibas sa- | cated alcohol shall be called or known. “iva, or any of their derivatives: No person shal] Sell, offer Away, deal in, or Supply; or have’in his or | P her possession With intent to sell. offer for | d #ale, give away, dea) in, or supply, at re- | P tail, any medicated alcoho] be the name or trade for sale, give |” £1 mark under or by | ; which the said medicated alcoho] Shall: be called or known, unless the container in whatever may | T!Vatives as im this article ided | Sec. 134. provided, | Sec. 135-c. Fraud, deceit, et cetera. contained shal] | Any the possession. ; istributing, administering, rescribing of any of the ee ye apne nothing herein fraud, deceit, misrepresentation. sub: € deemed to prohibit selling, | terfuge, concealment of a material fact or dispensing or | the use of a false name or the giving of/a Crugs or their de- | false address in obtaining treatment in the hereinafter pro- course of which cocaine or opium or their | di rivatives shall be prescribed or dispensed Authorized acts of trades |} or in obtaining any supply of ‘such drugs . | fesni and ‘pro- | shall constitute a violation of the provisions Which the same Ss sold essions. : he. se iS Sold, offered for sale, A Vmemifacttrer,’ wholece\s, of this article and shall not be deemed. x 5 ven away, aéalt in, or supplied, shall bear He ‘ L Pie esaler apothecary, | privileged communication. The wilful mak- a notice containing the following devica and PNysiclan, dentist, veterinarian, private hos- words conspicuously printed or stenciled | DI theréon. - viz.: conducted ™m (Sik ul] and crossbone re presented ) . | dr Medicated Alcohol. ae Warning—It IS unlawful! to uss this fluia | di in any, article of food, drug, d cine, intended for interna] The term ‘‘médicatéd used, shall be taken to ethyl alcohol to which has been added some | t pojsonous material and which is sold at res | as tail as medicated alcohol. (As | human use. alcohol” as herein adopted by | ex rink, or medi- tiges, or cannibas indica, any of their derivative have complied with all mean and includkb by the Act I fy >. falno ; ¥ ~ |Ing of any false statemént in any required tal, sanitorium or Institution maintained or | . is Ho t : ra scord shi _ in whole or in prescription blank, order or recor shall con- ent of disability or | stitute a violation-of this article. part for the treat- disease or inebriety or | Purchase, receive. } sell, distribute. prescribe spense cocaine or opium ug addiction, may pos- | Sec 135-d. Penalties administer or A violation of any of the provisions of this or their deriva- | article shall constitute a misdemeanor. The cannibas sativa, or | Department of Health shall by virtue of the Provided he shal] ; authority conferred by the provisions of the Provisions as required | Interior Criminal] Court Act of the City of of Congress of December seven- | New York as amended by Sec. 44, Chapter eenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, known | 531 of the Laws of 1915 except in a casy the Harrison Narcotic Law : » a8 the same] where 4 commitment is made in the Magis- ists an ay ide ba to ind may be smended. /trate’s Court for treatment, request upon | | |CODE OF ORDINANCE proceeding belng had before a magistrate that violations of this article be triable In the Court of Special Sessions held three justices, ARTICLE 9. Food and Drink. Bea> 35 Inspection of foo a 1e substances authorised Sec. 137 Condemnation and destruction of animals and foods authorized Sec. 138 Possession of food or drugs in prima facie, deemed to be held fi alk Sec 139. Food: sale of adulterated or misbranded prohibited; the terms food “adulterated”, and misbranded’’ defined Sec. 140. Food and drink; not to be sold under a false name or quality Bec. 141 -olsonous, deleterious, and un- wholsome substances; use as food ed. prohibit- Sec. 14la Bleached flour to be cons} uously marked o abeled Sec. 141b. Bleached flour produ tended for human consumption to b: cou- spicuously marked or labeled, Sec. 142 Food to be protected from dust, dirt, flies, or other contamination Sec. 143 Eating and drinking utensils uge in common prohit ited: the term pub- | lic place and factory defined Se 144 Cooking eating and drink ng | utensils » be properly cleansed after being used Beverages tanks, and drinks; the ise of taps, faucets, fountains, and ves- sels regulated Sec. 146 Employment of persons affected with infectious or venereal disease pro- hibited Sec.. 147 Room, factory, stall, place, and appurtenances wholesome condition food and drink to be clean and wholésome and not polsoned infected, or rendered unsafe; personal re- sponsibility of owner, occupant, custodian, principal, agent, or person in charge Sec. 148. Manufacture and storage of food and drink regulated Sec. 149. Conduct and ma enance of res taurants pe t equire Sec. 150. The stores regulated care and sale of food and Sec lol. Unwholesome un ean watered or adulterated milk and cream, and butter or cheese made therefrom; possession and sale prohibited Sec, 152 Adulterated milk and cream; distribution prohibited; term ‘adulterated’ cefined Sec 153 Adulterated milk. skimmed m}]l} anc cream; seizure and destruction author zed Se 154 Condensed and condensed skimmed milk nossession and sale regu- lated; the term adulterated defined Sec 156 Mil} skimmed milk, cream, co) densed, or concentrated milk, ‘condensed skim milk, and modified milk; sale regu- lated; term modified m defined; excep- lion Sec. 156 Milk ski ed milk and crea grades and designations Sec 157 Milk, sklmmed 1 lk and creani must conform to grade standards Sec. 158. Buttermilk, sour milk, sour cream, and other milk products; quality of product regulated Sec. 159 Bottles, cans, and other recep- tacles for holding milk and cream; use regulated and restricted Sec 159a Empty bottles, cans and other receptacles for holding milk, ete not to be contaminated with garbage and offen sive materials. Sec. 160 Calves, pigs, lambs, fish, birds, and fowl; sale regulated Sec. 161 Cattle: not to be killed while in an overheated or feverish condition Meat and dead animals; sale Sec. 162 regulated Bec. 163 Unhealthy, unsound, unwhole- some, and unsafe meat, vegetables and milk; possession and Sale prohibited; terms “meat’’, ‘not sound’’ de- fined. ‘vegetables’, and | | | | | ito sell, ' food. to be kept in a cleanly and | | | OF Sec. 164 Shellfish; sale regulated Sec. 165. Artificial -o1 natural mineral spring, or other water manufacture regu- lated Sex 16f Public water suppl) purity and w olesomeness protected Se 1¢ Water: duties of person 1) authorit 5e 16 Yate f f nkinge ans nat Dp OS or esse S 167 Wate osts: permit: requ! Se 168 Water fron wells: the use thereof regulated and restricted Se 169 Drinking hydrants; water there- fro1 not Lo be rendered unwholesome Sec. 170 [ce cream: manufacture and Dringing into the city of New York; regu- ated Si 17] Shellfis sale of adulterated or randes nr hi ' Br Ing ta’ the «Gh of New f ircasst ff certain anim ect Se Ad erated skimmed n | dis t ’ adulterated”’ d Re stitu ] if] and recon tl e A al reg 1lated 4 ater reconstituted mll} r t ’ re < and other recep | g ‘ ynstituted mil} and reconst : ere ise regulated and S = ale of adulterates Si rela sale of adult ated r is if : | Q manufacture sale i ! ation mil] and ae vii as unsanilarr for ro} ted to be cleaned ¢ Sec. 136 Inspection of food and other sub- stances authorized Dea n i drugs, and all othe sub- s tended to be used for hu- 4 | f ternal or external agents, and all persons engage e I sportatiol thereof, shall \llow i t rized representative f } 4 Healt to freely and fy Dp ‘ meat fish, vegetables P f r drugs, as well as ot ei} A ised or intended to be ised f nsumption, or for internal ‘ ¢ he 0 kept bh . ‘ ‘ Q ( 6 an) n end » Board of He De a7 Sec. 137 Condemnation and destruction of animals and foods authorized. I 1 &f) 1€ep swine or other an othe! birds meet fish vegetables, « kK, or other food or drink cs . ° ' . nspector or other duly aut ed representative of the department of health in a condition which renders it or them. in his opinion, unfit for use as human food or in a condition or of a veight « alit forbidden by pre sions of the sanita code, such inspector or other dul author ed representative of the said depar + i hereby empowered and 4dl- rected to immediately condemn and, when possible denature the same and cause it or them to be destroyed or removed to the offa or garbage dock for destruction, and report his action to the said department vithout delay And the owner or person in charge there- of, when so directed by an inspector or other duly authorized representative of the esid department or by an order of the 4anitary superintendent, an assistant sani- tary superintendent, or the director of the bureau of food and drugs of the sald de- partment shall remove ot ause the same to be removed to the place designated by auch inspector or other duly authorized rep- resentative or by the order of said sanitary superintendent or such assistant sanitary superintendent or the director of the bureau of food and shall not ell, offer or dispose of the same for human And when, In the opinion of the drugs, and THE. CITY OF |} Sucn NEW YORK. 129 Sanitary superintendent or an assistant san- itary superintendent, or the director of the bureau of food and drugs, any such meat, fish, milk, vegetables, or other food or drink shall be unfit for human food, or any such cattle, sheep, swine, or fowls or other birds, by other reason or exposure to contagious diseases unfit for animals, or of disease, shall be unfit con- dition to remain near other animals or to be kept alive, the health may direct destroyed in such -manner human food, and in an board of the same to be as tl said board shall designate Cs, Ci ) (AS amended Dec 21, 19]5.) Sec. 138. Possession of food or drugs, prime facie, deemed to be held for gale. Food 1 the possession of, or held kept, offered for sale b a dealer in food shal] ia fa ( e deemed to be held kept, or offered for sale as human food; and drugs in t} osséssion of, or held, kept, or offered for sa 1 dealer in drugs shall, prima facie e deemed to be held, kept, or offered for sale for internal or external human use \ zmended the Board of Health, Da- cember B, 1916.) Rec. 139 Food; sale of adulterated or mls- branded prohibited; the terms ‘food’, “ndulterated’’, and “‘misbranded”’ defined. Oo person shall have, sell,. or offer for sale the « of New York any food vhicl Ss at erate ( misbranded The term food as herein used shall include every art e of od and eve beverage. used by an and a nfectionery Food as herein defined shall be deemed adu ated (1 lf ar substance or substances haa ) nave | ! ed and packed with it s4 as to reduce or lower or injurlously aect jua or strength (2) If a inferior or cheaper substance has been s stituted wholly or in part for ie art € (3) If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted (4) if t consists whol! or in part of diseased or decomposed or putrid or rotten animal or egetable substance, or any por- tion of any animal unfit for food, or if it is a product of a diseased animal, or ons that has died otherwise than by slaughter (6) If it is colored or coated or polished or powdered, whereby damage is concealed or it is made to appear bettér than it really rey 30° tains an added polsonous ingred an ingredient : which may render i njurious > health; or if it con tains a antiseptic or preservative not evident and not known to the purchaser or cca ime (7 If, in the case of confectionery, it con- tains terra alba, barytes, talc, chrome yel- 0 or other mineral substance or poison- ous colo! oO flavor oO other ingredient deleterious o det mental to health or any vinous, malt, or spirituous liquor or come pound, < ! ¢ drug fay T*. tn% th case of aplrituous, fer- mented and malt liquors it contains any su} ance or ingredient which ts not’ nor- mall present in such liquors, ‘or which may be deleterious or detrimental to health whon used as beverages. Food shall be deemed misbranded: (a) If it is an imitation or offered for stinctive name of another quors are sale under the a article (b) If itis or branded so as t@ purchaser, or pur- abeled decelve or mislead the port to be a foreign product when not so, or if the contents of the package as orlg- inal] put up shall have been removed in whole or in part and other contents shall have been placed in such package; or if it fails to bear a statement on the label of the quantity or proportion of any mor- phine, opium, cocaine, heroin, alpha or beta, eucaine, chloroform, cannibis indica, chloral hydrate, or acetanilid, or any derivative oF proparation of any such substances, cCon- tained therein. package form and the contents terms of weight or measuré6, weight or measure is not plainly and stated on the outside of the (c) In are stated in such correctly package (d) If the package or its label shall bear YE rt 3 ae oJ a “8 Be at ry 7 a ~ ie Mare ee es a Toes skr oe et Pea tet) e = Taree a eeeer yi ei = >. Pp apei ada HeVileeiwshePaiet a 2 8 ee eth BA 7: reSeityya he de ee he] are e¢Bear deeded et todd ever grert ter erse (s+ teak beiecie do main ee hee ied aa, a ie a ed She tek Si fore 130 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. . a ~ Ae . egarding | Sec. 142 Food: to be protected from dust, anv statement, design, or device , ; F af ' { tion ; : . , » other ntamMmination, the ingredients or the substances conta ned | Girs; mies, Or otner oO therein which statement desig! or device NO 1 t CO umptton | : shall be false or misleading in any par- | hall red for ’ ticular | player protected from Provided that an article of food which dust ‘ t Ltion does not contain any) added polsonous ofr rT | ! I om deleterious ingredient al no be deemed mp a to remal to be adulterated ‘or misbranded in the], hi} ove thi urface of 7} miic following cases Wn rr other publi First. In the case of 1 xtures or com-|, ; iu ] yr where e pounds which may be now or from time te} ha ontained time he fter known a articies of fooe. : ‘ ! f a to he under their own distinctive names, al d nee ! { 1 r and an imitation or offered for s ile unde he bh, distinctive name ol nother article, if the] ' I . name be a mpanied yn the same label or u nti pti brand with a statement of the place where said article has beer manufactured or ; a t oO! roavucet pl | : ( heart Seco ] Tm 6tHS rae of articles labeled, } ’ T t or branded, or tagged, so as to plain! ind| nal a ate that hey are ynpounds imitations zs 1 { 1 rod i or blends the word compound”, ’ nita- | : : | A 3) mtained tion’’, or “‘bler 1 s tn ise may be be & : ind fij plain! stated on the package in whi It {fa offered for salt provided that the rm “blend A I ein used, sha be co ed t 21). take - » + i Qo 4; { 4 te mean ful yt like substa 6 = , excluding har color e Oo! flavorir ad H ] }\ 24 eredient ey fo { purpose of oloring 919 ) and fiavoring ) Ant pro a further that nothing Se 4 : ng and drinking utensils; use thia sectio 2 ha co rued as req , } rrohibited; the term ‘“‘public or compelling y prietor or ma actur nD ind factory” defined. of proprietar f is wh oe tain no wu eating or drinking wholesome a ingredient to d loge é place park street their t ade formulas ¢ ept in so far 1 the f iL1O lodging-house provisions of this section req @ to hool public hal secure free ) from adulteration or mis boat railway station, or branding (Ss C..° Ser 6&2 ) ‘ ( ie furnishing of any such drinking utensils for uss | Bec. 140. Food and drink; not to be sold p e is hereby prohibited under a false name or quality place as used herein No mea fish frult veret »hles eres oO Nn lude: milk, or other food shall be sol held or where goods ware, or , 7 old or offered for sale offered for sale, under a false name or lA offered for sale, ity. nor shall any food or drink wh I ment bureau, building, not wholesome sound and safe for hu 2 in Dai corpt ration consumption be represented as belnge whole rT as used herein shall some sound or safe for human consump t l lude any Ww orkshop or | tion (a: <.. é 48 usiness establishment are employed at labor (3 Sec. 141. Poisonous, deleterious and wun wholesome substances; use as food pro- hibited. { ookin eating, and drinking : ‘ No person, being the owner, lessee to be properly cleansed after being Ager or n charge o f an’ niace iry 7 } food or drink le produ ed, manufact e( ne preparation, serv- prepared, packed, stored jistributed, of ‘od or drink tntended for sale, or sold, shall, therein or there yn hall be properly offer or have for food ; drink or to - 2 used and no such eaten or drunk, any poisonous, deleterio. a7. circumstances, be or unwholesome substance, or allow any- e uniess it shall have thine to be done or to oc ir therelr or ious wse thereof, s0 thereat dangerous to life or prejudl al to ans e the use of water health (Ss. C:, Sec; 47.3 } nital I previous Rec, 1418 Bleached flour to be conspicuous ie ‘ rnsed 19 herein ly marked or labeled. : : 3 aig ; ye! cleansing after No fiour, tt which oxides of nitrogen, 01 . i } } OT S ap pow ae! or nitrous cid { nit e or chlorine 0 1) the employment of other i | } iz agent h b > a ctio eans of a brush or 1dded ia be brought int or held | , s t} f owed by rins- z= ( offered ft rile in the < f Tew é ! j { I f ization; or Yor} ‘ s the | g or ¢ I Line i . : ‘ f Cl method he legit nd co yous mi ‘ 4 ! ] na a (a 4 ; } Ma 31 1916.) heled with the words ‘‘Bleached | (¢ ng ame h Lt zs agent | Sec. 145 Beverages and drinks: the use of 1 ed) cs ; : . taps, faucets, tanks fountains, and ves- Chis xe f j ke effect Septen sels regulated 923, ¢2 ) { ,oa or \y rie ‘ . Boal Health, Jun the manufactu or keeping for 9 192 } o : = aie aT )¢ a zt Oo! ink no person sha keep ol! uss u1 tap faucet tank Bec. 141Lb. Bleached flour products intended | , intall roy ‘ duit yu) 0 ( f } pipe or condault, for human consumption to be conspicuous- ae elt , vit} fer h anti ne 5 € whic] 18 ) ly marked or labeled. leas ious i ae ; ' ymposed or made, either wholly or in part, No product render for hi ; con im ° f : :. F : of ad yr other eta or metallic sub- tion sha be brought into, or held, kent pe hee : . «+ ; : : bance tna are oO! be affected . by cold or offered for : in tl} ce} of New 1 . nf 3 "3 quid o that dangero unwholesome or aOrk, which is made trom flouy to which lelet r i a : ’ deleterious ompnoun(s are forme the oxides of nitrogen, or nitro d. or ni s : a A : erein | : or thereby, ‘or such that beer, soda water, trates, or chlorine o! other chemical +} 1 ae syrups, Or oOTner liquids, or any beverage, leaching agent has added, un the a, ' d : Or favoring ! f drawn there- product is legibly ind < icuou 6 } 7 } | : : OTT) lall r¢ T ‘ LOl¢ OY t qgangfrerous or marked with the words ‘‘Made from flou! : eer WA 23 detrimental to health (a: & Sec. 51.) hleached with : (zgivine the names nies f of the leaching agent used) Sec 146. Employment of persons affected "his sec? . 2 ] } efte o . : : . — : } This section shall take tect September 1, with infectious or venereal disease pro- | 1922 {Adopted by the Board of Health. agune 9, 1922.) hibited. NO p on who affected with any ee tious disease. or with any venereal disease in shall work or be per- place where food of a communicable form mitted to work in any drink is prepared, cooked, mixed, baked, ex- bottled, packed handled, stored, offered for sale, or. sold. Whenever required by a medical inspector or other duly authorized physician of the Health, or by an order of the Sanitary Superintendent, the Director of the Bureau of Food and Drugs, or the Di- rector of the Bureau of Preventable Diseases of the said department, any person employed in any such place shall submit to a physical physician in the employ Such persons, how- posed, manufactured, Department of examination by a of the sald department be examined by their own private provided ich examinations are performed in accord- ance with the Regulations of the Board of Healt! No person who refuses to submit work or be per- work in any place, (AS Lmended by the Board of Health, December 1, 1915, and as further amended Apri) ever, may, in their discretion physicians, xamination shall Lo ich eC such or “v0, Sec. 147. Room, factory, stall, place, and appurtenances to be kept in a cleanly and wholesome condition; food, drugs and drink to be clean and wholesome, and cot polsoned, infected, or rendered unsafe; personal responsibility of owner, lessee, oc- cupant, or person in charge. I ey nerson being the owner, lessee, oc- cupant, or in charge of any room, stall, fac- tor) premises;~or place where any food or drink Intended for human consumption, or drugs intende: internal or external hu- man use. shall be manufactured, prepared, stored, kept, held, or offered for sale, shall put and keep. such room, stall, factory, premises, or place, and its appurtenances, wholesome condition, and charge, or interested or engaged, whether as principal or agent, in the care or in respect to the custody or eale. of any food or drink intended for hu- man consumption, or drugs intended for in- ternal or external human use, shall put an@ preserve the same in a cleanly and whole- nilow the in a cleanly and every person having some condition, and shall not same, or any part thereof, to become’ pols- oned, infected, or rendered unsafe or un- wholesome for human food or drink or for internal or external human use (S. C. Sec. 19.) (As amended by the Board of Health, December 28 1916 Sec. 148. Manufacture and storage of food and drink regulated. room, or place, where food cooked, mixed baked, packed, handled, stored, shall be conducted, oper- used otherwise than regulations of the No bullding or drink is prepared exposed,» bottled, or manufactured, ated maintained, or accordance with the board of health Sec. 149. Conduct and maintenance of ree- taurants regulated; permit required, No person shall conduct, operate, or main tain ar restaurant in the City of New York thout a permit therefor issued by the Board of Health or otherwise than in ac cordance with the terms of said permit and the Regulations of sald board The term as herein used, shall be taken to mean and include buffet, lunch room, grill room, lunch counter, dining- room of hotel, and every other public place where food is served, sold and consumed on the premises, every lunch counter in a sa- loon where food ts sold or given away, and all kitchens appurtenant thereto or con- nected therewith (As amended by the Board of Health, January 30, 1917.) restaurant,’ every Sec. 150. The care and sale of food and drink in stores regulated. No grocery store, butcher store, delicates- sen store, confectionery store, bakery store, and egg store, fruit and vegetable store, fish store, or other place where food or drink is handled, stored, of- fered for sale or sold, shall be conducted or maintained otherwise than in accordance with the Regulations of the Board of Health. milk store, butterCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 131 Sec. 151. Unwholesome, unclean, watered or 53 adulterated milk, skimmed milk and cream and skimmed milk, cream. butter or cheese made therefrom; possession and sale prohibited. No person shall have at an Dl milk, skimmed milk, cream. butter ils kept for sal or at any place se] er, Offer, or have for sale or ] eep f shall any person bring or send t e ¢ of New York any milk, skimmed cream which Its unwholesome. | vat ered or adulterated or milk knx milk or milk from cows or othe 1 that have been fed in wh« rt on Vill, distillery waste oy, a state of putrefaction « a holesome, or mill fro = ' . cows or other animal a cream skimmed milk, butter « \ le fron any such milk or an, ( e butter or cheese (8. ( Se ) \ in ded the Board of Health ] } Sec, 152. Adulterated milk and cream: dis- tribution prohibited; term “adulterated” defined. No milk which is a erate reduced or changed in any respect the addition of water or other tance ¢ the removal of cream sha I r lf tC into the Cl of New York or held, kept, sold or offered f sale at any place 1id cits nor shall an person or corpo; Keep, have sell or offer f ale in the sald cit al 1c} i}) No crea which adulterated shall be brought! » the City of New York or held kept sol ( offered ro sale | id : ‘ n =H | ‘ nor shall any person or corporation have, sell or offer for sale in said city y any Such cream The term cream” shall b¢ laken to mean that portion of milk repre sented in milk fat which rises to the surfa of milk on standing or is gs parated from it by centrifugal force Milk or cream in the possession of or held kept or offered for sale by a dealer in food shall prima facile be deemed to he h i ep and offered for sale as human food The term “adulterated shall be taken to mean and include First Milk containing nore 7? \ elchtv. eight and one-half per centum of ate or fluids second. Milk containing less thar eleven and one-half per cenium of mi] lids Third. Milk containfnge less than eight and one-half per centum of solids not fat Fourth, Milk from which an part of the cream has been removed Fifth. Milk containing ls than three per centum of. fats Sixth. Cream vhich contains less than eighteen per centum of butter fat Seventh. Milk « cream fro milk whiel has been drawn from an mals within fifteen days before or five da\ after parturition Eighth Milk or crea from milk which has been drawn fron animals fed on distt ler’ Waste or any substance i! a stat of putrefaction or on any unwholesome food Ninth, Milk or cream from n | which has been drawn from cows kept ina crowded or unhealthy e¢ondition Trenth. Mill oO! cream wh 1 ha been diluted with water or any othe luid or to which has been added or into whicl has been introduced any foreign substance what- ever Eleventh. Milk or cream, the temperature of which is higher than 50 degrees Fahren heit or whie ber of bacteria This requirement includes “Grade C Milk” that has been pasteurized 1 contains an excessive nur l- Twelfth. Milk or cream from milk which is produced in violation of the Regulations of the Board of Health. The provisions of this section shall not be applicable however, to modified milk held or offered mor sale under permit therefor is sued by the Board of Health or to skimmed milk. The provisions of this section shal however, apply to cream sold under any for eiZn name meaning cream, such as smetens crema and rahm, and to all cream products and preparations such as homogenized prod ucts and milk curds The provisions con- cerning temperature and bacterial content shall not apply to sour cream. (S. C. Sec milk nil mil} ) found | s1 brought | offered possession and sale regu- lated; the term “adulterated’”’ defined. ned milk, or cre@m { skimmed Milk.’’ The provisions o9 mill skimmed milk or cream used for purpose of producing or used in prepara- ‘On Of sour milk, buttermilk, homogentzcd | curds sour cream, Smeteny, au- | Kumyss, Matzoon. Zoolak and other similar |; Products or preparations, provided that any ich produce or preparation he held, kept, for sale, sold or delivered in the | Cit f New York (S. C. Sec. 66a.) (As 1 |}amended by the Board of Health, June 28, 1917.) Sec. 157 Milk, skimmed milk and cream; - must conform to grade standards. ' mi pal skimmed milk or cream held, | key offered for sale, sold or delivered in | ' we a ny ns. Ne w York Shall conform in standards and requirements | set forth Section 156 of ‘ode : AE of his code as ap- | plicable » the particular grade under which |} such y l} ir cream shall be held, kept, of- | fered for sale, sold or delivered. (As amended (4 by the Board of Health, June 28, 1917.) Sec. 158. Buttermilk, sour milk, sour cream, and other milk products; quality of prod- | uct regulated Buttermilk, sour milk, sour cream, ku- myss, matzoon oolak, and similar products shall not be made from anv milk or cream of a lesz grade than that designated for grade B and shall be pasteurized before be - | } } | | | | | { ! ing put through a process of souring or fermentatioy sour cream shall not contain a less percentage of fat than that desig- nated for ream (Ss. © Sec. 57.) Sec. 159 Bottles, cans and other receptacles for holding milk, skimmed milk and cream; use regulated and restricted. It shall b the duty of all_persons having in their possession bottl: cans or other re- ceptacies containing mil] skimmed milk or | cream which are used in the transportation lor deli of milk, sk ned milk or cream to clea} r cause them to be cleaned imme- diately up emptying No person shall use or cause or allow te be used ar receptacle which is used in the transportation and delivery of milk, skimmed milk or cream for a? purpose whatsoever other than t iding of milk, skimmed milk or cream; nor s | any person recelve or have in his poss yn any such receptacle which h not b 1 washed after holding mil) skimmed milk or cream or which is unclean in any wa in § Sec. 183.) (AS amended by the Board of Health, June 28, 1917.) Sec. 159-A. Empty bottles, cans and other | | receptacles for holding milk, skimmed milk, | buttermilk, cream, ice cream, not to be contaminated with garbage and offensive materials, No person shall place, or cause, or allow | to be placed in or on any street, park, or any open space therewith connected, any empty bottle, can, or other receptacle used or in- tended to be used for the transportation and | ae er yf mil immed milk, buttermilk, cream, or ice cream, which empty bottle, can, or other receptacle is to be*returned or In- | tended ta be returned to the person so trans- |! porting or delivering such substance to be lagain thu used or which is liable to contin- | ved use In so transporting or delivering such ubstance, as aforesaid; nor shall any person place, or cause, or allow to be placed in any !such empty bottle, can, or other receptacle, any refuse, dirt, garbage, or filth, or any poison, or any offensive, harmful, or dele- terious substance or material whatsoever; nor shall any person place, or keep any such |empty bottle, can, or other receptacla, or cause, or allow the same to be placed or kept In any place which is used for storing | rarbage, ashes, rubbish, refuse, or other of- | fensive, harmful, deleterious, or dangerous substances or materials, or in any container | yeed for receiving or transporting the same It shall be the duty of the owner of any empty bottle, can, or other receptacle, used or Intended to be used for the transportation and delivery of milk, skimmed milk, butter- | milk, cream or ice cream, to collect and re- move the same promptly and the owner of | suc h container shall not allow the same to accumulate at any place other than thelr own premises. (As adopted by the Board | apply | of Health, July 26, 1921.) EST HE ee A Pet yt 4 oo ee * eet esy ty FF eess" eve ees eo rea = om 4P oe ee Le ek SePet+t+ ewe ieee te a rt o 4 rt ¥e Co 7 oJ rT ol We 4 PI © Pi & A * . ® f Ty ¥ « # » A We ‘ f ’ 51 iM ria f ‘ 132 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Bec. 160. Calves, pigs, lambs, fish, birds, and fowl; sale regulated. No calf, or- the meat thereof, shall be brought into the city of New York, or held, sold, or offered for sale for human food, which, when killed, -was less than 3 weeks old. No pig, or the meat thereof, shall be brought into the city of New York, or held, sold, or offered for sale for human food. which, when killed, was less than 5 weeks old No lamb, or the meat thereof, shall be brought into the city of New York, or held, sold, or offered for sale for human food, which, when killed, was less than 8 weeks old: Nor shall any meagre, sickly or unwholesome fish, birds, or fowl be brought into said city or held, sold, or effered for sale for human food therein. (S. C. sec. {8: as amended Dec. 21, 1915, and further amended May 3, 1922.) Bec. 161. Cattle; not to be killed while in an overheated, or feverish condition. No cattle shall be killed for human food while {n an overheated, or feverish condl- tion (S. C., Sec. 44.) Bec. 162. Meat and dead animals; sale reg- ulated. No meat or dead animal above the size of a rabbit shall be taken to any public or private market, nor shall any such meat or dead animal! be stored or held, kept, offered for sale, or sold in any such place until the same shall have been fully cooled after kill ing, nor until the entrails and feet (excep of poultry and game and except the feet of swine) shall have been removed (S. © Bec. 46.) Sec. 163. Unhealthy, unsound, unwhole- some, and unsafe meat, vegetables and milk; possession and sale prohibited; terms “meat,” ‘vegetables,’ and “not sound” defined. No meat, vegetables, or milk, not being then healthy, fresh, sound, wholesomé, or safe for human food or the meat of a animal that died by disease or accident shall be brought into the city of New York or held, kept, offered for sale, or sold as such food, or kept stored, anywhere in said cit) The term ‘‘meat,’’ as herein used shell include fish, birds, eggs, and fowl: the term ‘‘vegetables”’ shall include any product, substance, or article used as and for human food other than milk or meat; the term ‘‘not sound” shall include any vegetable that is wormy For. the purpose of this section, a meat, vegetables, or milk in possession of, or eld, kept, or offered for sale b a dealer | In food, shall, prima facile, be deemed to be held, kept, and offered for sale as human food (S. C., Sec. 42.) Bec. 164. Shellfish; sale regulated No shellfish shall be brought into. or held kept, or offered for sale, anywhere in the City of New York, without a permit theref: r' issued by the Board of Health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the Regulations of said board The provisions of this section shal mot apply to the sale of shellfish in hotels or restaurants, where such shellfish are pur chased from a dealer holding a permit from the Board of Health. (S. C. Sec. 185.) (As amended by the Board of Health, April 29 1920.) Bec. 165. Artificial or natural mineral, spring, or other waters; manufacture regulated. It shall be the duty of every wholesale deale: manufacturer, importer or other person who manufactures or imports, or sells at wholesale in the city of New York. any artificial or natural mineral, spring, or other water, for drinking purposes, to file, under oath, with the department of health. the name of such water and the exact location from which it tis obtained, the chemical analysts and the bacteriological examina- tron tnereof, and, when manufactured, the name of every substance or element enter- ing into its composition No person shall manufacture or bottle, any mineral, carbonated, or table water. in the city of New York, without a permit Issued therefor by the board of health or other- | wise than in accordance with the terms of gaid permit and with the regulations of said | | } board No permit will be required, how- ever. where the city water supply is con- | ducted through closed pipes and connected with a carbonated apparatus, from which It {is dispensed direct to the consumer, without coming in contact with the air, and not handled in any wa (S. C., Sec. 59.) Sec. 166. Public water supply; purity and wholesomeness protected. No person shall throw or allow to run or pass into any public reservoir water-plpe, or aqueduct, or into or upon any border or margin thereof, any excavation or stream therewlth connected, any animal, vegetable, or mineral, substance whatever; nor shall any person (having the power or right to prevent the same) do or permit any act or thing that will impair or imperil the purity or wholesomeness of any water or other fluid used or tended to be used as a drink, in any part of said city; nor shall any person bathe or (except in tne discharge of a public duty) put an part ef his person into such water, nor shall any unauthorized person open an erection or unscrew any hydrant holding such water (S. C., Sec. 61.) Sec. 167. Water; dutles of persons in au- thority. It shal be the duty of every person, fficia department, ard board, having any authority to control in regard to any water tended for human consumption (and with- the proper sphere of the duty of each thereof), to take all usual and also all rea- sonable measures and precautions to secure and preserve the purity and wholesomeness " such water (Ss. .& Sec. 62.) Sec. 167a. Water for drinking and culinary purposes on vessels. r1deouate supply of drinking water esha e ful! ished Yor the use of all persons ssels plying upon waters within isdiction of the city of New York aking trips of one-half hour duration or ore vetween landings, and it shall be perly stored and protected aboard such essels in accordance with the regulations of | he Board of Health (As adopted by the Board of Health, May 3, 1922.) Sec. 167b Water boats; permit required. O vat used to transport water to other =Ss¢ or places, for drinking or culinary purposes, shall be operated without a permit therefor ssued by. the Board of Health o othe se than in accordance with the terms Ea f) permit and the regulations of said Board (As adopted by the Board of Health, Ma 3 1922 4 Sec. 168 Water from wells; the use thereof regulated and restricted. Water from wells in the borough of Man- hattan shall not be used, in the city of New York, for drink; nor shall water from wells in «ne borough of Manhattan be used for any other purpose in any tenement, lodging- Sec. 170. Ice cream; manufactore in and bringing into the city of New York regu- lated. No ice cream shall be manufactured in or brought into the city of New York for sale without a permit therefor issued by the board of health, or otherwise than in ac- cordance with the terms’of said permit and with the regulations of sald board. (Added May 31i, 1916 Sec. 171. Shellfish; sale of adulterated or misbranded prohibited. No person.shall: bring into the City of New .York, or have, sell, or offer. for sale shellfish which are adulterated or: mis- branded. Shellfish shall be deemed adulterated (1) If, after removal from the shell, they have been subjécted to a process whereby their solid content is decreased or thelr vol- umeé increased. (2) If grown, floated or cleansed in con- |} taminated water so as to render them unfit for food (3) If they consist, wholly or in part, of diseaséd, decomposed, putrid, or rotten anl- mal or vegetable substance (4) If they contain any antiseptic or pre- servative injurious to health (5) If they are floated in water of a low- er salinity than the water in which they are grown (6) If any substance or substances has or have been mixed and packed with them so as to reduce or lower or injuriously af- fect their quality or strength (7) If after removal from the shell they are cleansed in fresh water or water of a lower salinity than the water in which ithey are grown Shellfish shall be deemed misbranded (a) If they are labeled or branded so as to decelve or mislead the purchaser. (b) If the container or its label shall bear any statement, design, or device, regarding ithe shellfish or the other ingredients con- tained therein, which statement, design, or device shall be false or misleading tn anv particular (As adopted by the Board of | Health January 30, 1917. and as amended April 29, 1919, and as further amended Aprll 29, 1920.) Sec, 172. Bringing into the City of New York of the carcasses of certain animals restricted. No carcasses or parts of the carcasses of | cows, bulls, steers or swine shall be brought into the City of New York until they shal! | respectively have been inspected and passed as fit for human food by a duly authorized inspection of thé United States Government or of any state or municipality and shall have been marked, stamped, branded, tagged or labeled as having been so inspected and | passed. Provided, however, the provisione of house hotel manufactory or building, in which persons are living or em- ployed, or in which there are offices, oF | a restaurant or saloon, in the city of New York, without a permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and the regulations of the said board. Water from wells in the other boroughs of said city, other than the public water supply, shall not be used in any tenement or lodg- manufactory, or bullding, in which persons are living or employed, or ing-house, hotel in which there are offices, or a restaurant or saloon, without a permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and the regulations of the sald board (8. C., Sec. 63.) Sec. 169. Drinking hydrants; water there- from not to be rendered unwholesome. No person shall destroy or in anywise Injure or impair any drinking hydrant, or part thereof, in the city of New York; nor shall any person interfere with the use or enjoyment of*the water therein or there- from, or interrupt the flow thereof; nor shall any person put any dirty, poisonous, me- dicinal, or noxious substance into or near sald water or hydrant, whereby such water is| made or may be regarded as, dangerous or unwholesome as a drink. (S. C., Sec. 64.) this section shall not apply to the carcasses of cows, bulls, steers or swine to.which are attached. by their natural connections, the head, including the tongue, the lungs, the liver, the heart, the pleura, the peritoneum and all body lymph glands (As adopted by the Bosrd of Health, June 28, 1917.) Sec. 173. Adulterated skimmed milk; distri- bution prohibited; term “adulterated” de- fined. No skimmed milk which is adulterated shall be brought into the City of New. York or held, kept, sold or offered for sale. in said eilty; nor shall any person or corporation | keep, have, sell or offer for sale in the said city any such skimmed milk. The term’‘‘skimmed milk” shall be taken to mean: Milk from which all or part of the cream has been removed For, the purpose of this. section any skimmed milk in possession of or held, kept or offered for sale by a dealer in food shall prima facie be deemed to be held, kept and offered for sale as human food The term “adulterated’’ shall be taken to méan and include: First. Skimmed milk containing lesa than eight per centum of milk solids other than fat. Second. Skimmed milk from milk which has been drawn from animals within fifteen days before or five days after parturition.CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Third. Skimmed milk from milk which has been drawn from animals fed on distil- lery waste or any substance in a state of putrefaction or on any unwholesome food Fourth. Skimmed milk from milk whitch has been drawn from cows kept in a crowded or unhealthy condition. Fifth. Skimmed: milk which has luted with water or any other fluid or to which has been added or into which has been introduced any foreign substance whatever Sixth. Skimmed milk, the temperature of which is than 50 Fahrer helt or which contains an excessive number ef bacteria, Seventh. Skimmed milk from mil] ig produced in violation of the Regulations of the Board of Health. (As adopted by the Board of Health. June 28, 1917 een a higher degrees Bec. 174. Reconstituted-milk and reconsti- tuted-cream; sale regulated. No reconstituted-mil} O1 reconstituted- cream shall be brought into the City of New York, or manufactured, held, kept, sold or offered for sale at any place in sald city without a permit therefor issued by the Board of Health or otherwise than in accord- ance with the terms of said permit and the Regulations of said board (As adopted by the Board of Health Yovemmber 27, 19158.) Bec. 175. Adulterated reconstituted-milk and reconatituted-cream., No reconstituted-milll or reconstituted- cream which is adulterated reduced or changed in any respect by the addition of water or other substances, shal] be brought into the City of New York or held, kept, sold place in said ality or offered for sale, at any ; corporation nor shall any person, firm or keep, have, or offer for sale in said city any guch reconstituted-milk or reconstituted- oream Reconstituted-milk or reconstituted-cream In the possession of or held kept or offered for sale by a dealer in food shall, prima facie, be deemed to be held, kept and of- fered for sale as human food The term “adulterated shall be taken to mean and include First. Reconstituted-milk containing more than elghty-elght and one-quarter per cen- tum of water or fluids Second. Reconstituted-milk containing less centum than eleven and three-quarters per of milk solids. Third. Reconstituted-mlilk containing less than eight and one-half per centum of solids not fat. Fourth. Reconstituted receptacle which is used in the transportation and delivery of reconstituted milk or reconstituted-cream, for any purpose whatsoever other than the holding of recon stituted-milk or reconstituted-cream nor shall any person receive or have in his pos- session any uch receptacle which has not been washed after holding reconstituted milk or reconstituted-cream, or which is un- clean in any way (As adopted by the Board of Health, November 27, 1918.) Sec. 177. Ice cream: sale of adulterated or misbranded prohibited; the terms “‘ice cream,”’ “adulterated’’ and ‘‘misbranded’”’ defined. No person shall bring into, or have, sell or offer for sale in the City of New York any ice cream -which is adulterated or mis- branded The term lee cream’ as herein used shall be taken to mean and include the frozen product or mixture made from pas- teurlzed cream, mill or product of mil} sweetened with sugal » Which has been added pure, wholesome food gelatin, vegeta- ble gum or othe hie ner vith « without wholesome fic ne - rac fruits nuts, COCOA chocolate ePEeZS ake candy OT con- fections, and which contains not less than eight per cent (8 by weight, of milk (but- ter) fat Ice cream s herein define: shall be deemed adulterated (1) If any substance or substances has’ or have been 1 l and packed with it so as o reduce o lower or injurlously affect its quall y or eth (2) If any inferior or cheaper substance has been subs uted wholly or in part for the article (3) If any v able constituent of the ar- ticle has been wt ly or in part abstracted. ay: 3F ii onsists wholly or in part of dis- eased or decomposed c putrid or rotten ant- mal or vegetable substance, or any portion of iny inir t for food oO! it ‘jf: jg. 2 produ of a diseased animal, or one that has died t} wise ha I 1ughter { If \ ~ I 4 ed no Onous in gredient, or any ingredient which may ren- der it iniur : to healt} or if it contains iny antisept ( preservative not evident and not nown to ie purchaser or consumer ron an contains hrome yellow, sac charin, salts or cop I n oxide, formalde hyde... bor! ‘ d, ochres, or other mineral substance or p sonous cole or flavor, or other Inger lient de erlous or detrimental to health ii 2k 3 ntains les han eight per cent (8 ) by weight, of milk (butter) fat ny if ‘ ! Lit mot! than one per cent (1 » of pure whole me, gelatin, vegetable zum ( her h {< ene! (9) Ff +] cor ins ny added vegetable or mine! ol] wt Ice crea sha deemed misbranded fa) T4 is an |Imitation r offered for ale inder the listing name of another ar ticle or i ab Gg oO! branded So as to de- elve or misiea the purchaser (Bb) IF in package form and the contents are stated in he terms of welght or measure such welght or measure 1 not plainly and correctly stated on the outside of the_pack age (c) If le package or { label shall bear any statement design, or device regarding the ingredien or the substances contained herein which atement, design, or device shall be false or misleading in any particu ]at The provisions of this section shall not howeyer. apply to mixtures or compounds which may be now or from time to time hereafter known under their own distinc- tive names and not an Imitation of or of- fered for sale under the distinctive name of ice cream, if the name be accompanied on the same label or brand with a staterent of article has (AS adopted the date and place where said heen manufactured or produced by the Board of Health, Apr'] 29, 1921.) Sec, 178. Food gelatin; sale of adulterated or misbranded prohibited, the term ‘food gelatin,’ “adulterated” and ‘‘misbranded” defined. No person shall bring into, or haye, keep |Or misbranded The 133 offer for sale, or sell, in the City of New York, any food gelatin which is adulterated term food gelatin as taken’to mean and In- fude a purified product of gelatin prepared herein used shall be from the bones, hides, hoofs, horns and tis- ies Of animals. food gelatin as herein defined shall be deemed adulterated (1 If any substance or substances Has or nave been mixed and packed with ‘It so a3 to reduce or lower or injuriously affect itS quality or strength (2) If any inferior or cheaper substance has been substituted wholly or in part for tne art! e (3) If it consists wholly or in part of diseased or decomposed or putrid or rotten anima. or vegetable ,substance, or if it is & product of a diseased animal! (4) If it is colored or coated or powdered whereby damage is concealed or it 1s made to appear better than it really is (5) If it contains any antiseptic or pre- servat e ni evident and not known to the purchaser or consumer GS) If C contains more than thirty (30) parts per n ion of copper, or one and four- tenth (1.4) parts per million of arsenic. or one hundred (100) parts per miilion of zine or twenty (20) parts per million of lead, or three undred (300 part per million of tin or two one-hundredths of one per cent. (.02%) of sulphur dioxide, or any other added polis- onous ingredient: or any’ ingredient which may render it injurious to health Food gelatin as herein defined shal) be deemed misbranded (a) If it is an im lion or Offered for sale under the distinctive name of another arti cle Ch), 1f: ‘1 1 branded so as to deceive or mislead the purchaser, o1 purport i 1}to be a foreligr product when not so or’ Ir : j the contents of the package as originally put }up shall have been removed in whole or in } part and other contents shall have been | placed in sucn pa age | (c) If in package form and the contents }are stated in terms of weight or measure |} such welg) ‘ easure is not plainly and | correctly stated on the outside of the pack- | age (d) If the package or label shall bear any | Statement design or device, regarding the | ingredients Oo! the substances contained therein, whieh statement design, or device shall be false or misleading in any particu-, lar (As adopted by the ADril <9, 1921.) Board of Health, Sec. 179. Prohibiting the manufacture, sale and distribution of imitation milk and cream. No person shall sell, or exchange, or offer or expose for sale or exchange, any substance in imitation or semblance of milk or crearn Which is not milk or cream, nor sell, or ex- change, or offer or expose for sale or ex- change, any such substance as and for milk or cream, or sell, or exchange, or offer_oflr expose for sale or exchange, any article of food made from such mill or- cream, . .or manufacture from any such milk or cream any article of food (A adopted by the Board of Health, March 24, 1921.) Sec. 180. The use of unclean and unsanitary food receptacles prohibited; to be cleaned after being used .o person shall use, or cause, or allow to be used in the transportation, storage, or intended for jar, box, delivery of food, human con- sumption, any bottle, barrel, or other receptacle which is unfit to be so reason of being unclean or unsani- can, used Dy tary or in a condition that such. food to become polsonea Infected would tend to cause unwholesome, or unfit for humaear consums tion It shall be the duty of all persons having boxes, in their possession bottles, cans, jars barrels, or other receptacles containing food, intended for human consumption, which are used In the such used or Intended to be again transportation, storage, or delivery of food. to clean or,.cause them to be cleaned Immediately upon emptying. (As adopted by the Board of Health, May 26, 1921.) a - my « a a ry ae PotEee Epa yy tet te 2. 2 ee | 4 Baal ULecet esses tae let+ r Sa fane ee res7 ‘= ot Se oa rs os . : . + a 7 f. a8 Ph ataek bok oe eee) eee he ie ‘Sef ot p S *, a - Li a s 4 ] ® U ” a | ereretetrs eb 22 Es LSE) PPh ee rere ets “OP Te EET ee ee et ’ CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ARTICLE 10. General Provisions. Sec. 131 Misfeasance and nonfeasance Sec. 182. Contractors must compl) with provisions of the sanitary code Sec. 183. Nulsances; conditions dangerous or prejudicial to life or health; duties of persons responsible. Sec. 184. Regulations and orders; to be ebserved and obeyed Seo. 186. Abatement of nuisances, Sec, 186 Interfering with or obstructing an inspector. Sec. 187. False, untruthful, or mislead ing statements Sec. 188 Affidavit of chemist; presump- tive evidence of facts Sec. 189 Notices not to be mutilated o1 torn down. Sec. 190. Clinical thermometers; sale | regulated. Sec. 181. Misfeasance and nonfeasance. No person shall, knowingly, or careless!) or negligently do or contribute to the doins of, any act dangerous to the life or déetri mental to the health, of any human being provided, however, that the foregoing pro vislons of this section shall not apply to a necessary act authorized by law; no shall any person omit to do any reasonal and proper act, or take any reasonable or proper “precaution, to protect human iile and health. (6. ©., Bec.- 3.2 Sec. 182. Contractors must comply with provisions of the sanitary code. Every contractor, to whom reference ls made in the sanitary code, and every per s0n who shall have contracted or unde! taken, or shall be bound, to o, or sha be engaged in doing, any of the things to which any of the provisions of the sanl tary code relate, shall comply with a provisions of the said code applying to the work undertaken or to be undertaken, and he shall net be excused for non-compliance with any of the said provisions because of any direction given by any other person (Ss. Gy Bea .82 Bec. 183. Nuisances; conditions dangerous or prejudicial to life or health; duties of persons responsible, It is hereby declared to be the 4d every owner, part owner, lessee tenant and occupant, of, or person interested I! an) place water, ground room, stall, apart ment, building, erection, yesse veh! matter, and thing in the city of New York and of every person conducting o inte! ested in business therein or thereat, and of every person who has undertaken ) cleab any place, ground, or street in the said city, and of every person, public office and department, having charge of an} ground, place, building, or erection, in the said city, to keep, place, and preserve the | same and the sewerage, drainage, and ven tilation thereof in such condition, and O conduct the same in such manner, that it shall not be a nulsance or be dangerous 01 prejudicial to life or health The term ‘‘building’’, as used in this section, includ a rallway car, booth, tent, shop or othe! erection or enclosure. cS.’ t,o 10.) Bec. 184, Regulations and orders; to be| observed and obeyed. Nog person shall violate, or refuse or ne giect to comply with, any regulation or order of the board of health, made for carrying into effect the provisions of this code, the powers of the said board, or the laws of this state; and the violation of, or the refusal or neglect to comply with any gich regulation or order which relates to | the provisions eof any section of this eode shall be deemed a yiolation of such section (8, C., Sec, 11.) Sec. 185. Abatement of nulsances. Whenever in any place or on any prem- igses in the city of New York a nuisance shall have been found, or declared by reso- lution of the board of health to exist. and| an order shall have been made directing the owner, lessee, tenant, or occupant of such place or premises to make suitable and necessary repairs or improvements, or | to abate improvements nuisance time speci 14.) Sec. 186. inspector. Sec, 15 statements. ») De! sec. 1455 evidence rye! Sec. LSsY 1 tenths ( equivaien LTiy of the C2) 32 its Own through clearly numbers dred and their equivalel (4) If not Cieariy where the trade mal partment The proyvis with or obstructing an Lorn aown thermometers; and feet on the ist day of October, 1920. (Ags adopted by the Board of Health, July 29, 1920.) ARTICLE 11. Midwifery and Care of Children. Sec, 196 Practice of midwifery regu- lated Sec. 197 Board and care of children regulated. Sec. 198 Day nurseries; conduct thereof egulated See. 199. Vaccination; duties of parents, guardians, and others Sec. 200 Physical care of school chil- dren Dec aul, Precautions o be observed by lans, nurses, 1 iwives or other attend- for the prevention of ophthalmia neonae rium in the eyes of all new-born children. Sec. 196. Practice of midwifery regulated. No person other than a duly licensed physician shall practice midwifery in the ity of New York without a permit there- or issued by the board of health or other- vise than in accordance with the terms of aid permit and with the regulations of said pard (Ss, C., Bec Zee.) Sec. 197. Board and care of children regu- lated. 0 person other than a superintendent of the poor, a superintendent of almshouses, or institution duly incorporated for the purpose, shall receive, board or keep, ex- cept under legal commitment, any nursing hild, or any child under the age of twelve vears who is not a relative, pupil, or ward, or an apprentice, of such person, without a permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the regu- lations of said boerd (Ss C.. Seco. 191.) Sec. 198. Day nurseries; conduct thereof regulated. No day nursery shall be conducted in the city of New York without a permit there- for issued by the board of health or other- wise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the regulations of said board. (e <.. Sec. 26.) Sec. 199. Vaccination; duties of parents, guardians, and others, Every person, being the parent or guard- an, or having the care, custody, or control, xf any minor, or other individual, shall (to the extent of any means, power, and authority of said parent, guardian, or other person that could properly be used or ex- erted for such purpose) cause such minor or individual to be so promptly, frequently, and effectively vaccinated that such minor or individual shall not take, or be liable toe take the small-pox. (Ss. C., Bec, 147.) Sec. 200. Physical care of school children. A health certificate prepared in accord- e with the regulations of the department ‘ff health, and signed by a duly licensed physician awthorized to practice medicine in the state of New York shall be furnished py each pupil at the time of his or her ad- ission to a public or other free school sup- ported in whole or in part by funds obtained from direct taxation If any such pupil shall not present @& health certificate, as required herein, the principal or teacher in charge of the school shall cause a notice to be promptly sent to the parent, guardian, or other person hav- ing the care, custody, or control of such pupil to the effect that if the required health certificate be not presented within ten days thereafter, a physical examination of such pupil will be made by a medical inspector of the department of health. Every principal or teacher, In charge of a public or other free school supported in whole or in part by funds obtained from direct taxation, shall report to the medical inspector of the department of health hav- ing jurisdiction over the health of the puplly in such school the names of all pupils who shall not haye furnished such health certificate within ten days following the date of the sending of such notice.CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. : ry Bec. 201. Precautions to be observed by | place in the city of New York, or pon ti} 0 | ! Ls er with the Health Department physicians, nurses, midwives or other at-| fioor of any hall in any tenement house| of the City of New ¥ irk through an author- tendants for the prevention of ophthalmia | which is used in common by the “nits rusne l L920 in f bee lat ulred ( ne jl 1320 following 1 Board nas and sale of tn inital the and +h nair ( cle f protec e provi used 230 brushes hair ner ollet brushe 18 nis namie anufa re, and be permanen | branded upoa ering for Sale in the Clty of Pe] the word D 1inted o andes | e animal hal ereof shall have prescribe OT Health or sale or de i with Int { } in the ¢ of tooth brus!} oT ra. ey and sale of hair ito or ofter for vy Oo Ney Yor) E inimal hat! een so sterilized nanufacturer on shall take ) ut shall not tne l6éth day f dealer which Code. Sanitary neid.. June 06. Was adopted idopted Sec. 230 E tO tne manu- ishes and halir le public againat ald section fre- manufacture of Health of ANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW. YORK. pro- brushes and cloth to be sterilized by a pro- cess and prescribed or approved by this Board; Whereas, an investigation conducted by the Department of Health indicates that insofar as can be ascertained at this time only two processes have been found to be effective and dequate to properly sterilize such hair and to render the same free from anthrax bac teria and spores and Whereas, the two processe referred to are follows to wit:— | Zolling the hair in water maintained mt a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of at Jeast three (3) hours he placing of the hal in an auto- clave in which a ten-inch acuum 18 pro- ( j Live steam to be then turned on and ep at fitteen (15) pounds pressure for @ period of three (3) hours b therefore Resolved, that the following processes for the sterilization of hair to e used in the ifa ul of brushes or cloth and relating pI sions of Se 0 of the Sanitary Cod b and the same are hereby approved Bolling the hair in water maintained 2 nerat e of 212 deg s Fahrenhetlt I Lé ( 1 lea three (J) hours L'} placing of the Nair in an autor vé ch a ter neh vacuum is produced e ’ e nen turned o 1 | p f e { ) pounds pressulr lor a perioad ‘ € o) urs ARTICLE 18. Offensive Materia.= S oe {) ns € wate! ) otnel liquid OT suostance nec pern tted on premises of gro is 5e eve Offensive matter or substances; gor nulatior 1ereof no » be disturbed iu certain periods of year; permit required eK oe = nking Ox1ious liquids not to ‘ . 99 7 Y id | reg tions of said board (Ss, « Se 122.) | tions , . a unwholesome materials not to be used he | Pt tee ee a board; and no manure, gar- ie as Dage, or other material that is liabl use of street sweeping fer filling DU Sec. 237. Vaults, sinks, privies, and cess- Tea : aaa) taeniaa em an Offensive exhalation shall, in or pose orbidden pools; use thereof limited. vi ; ¢ Sec. 252 ] : : g : adjacent to the built-up portions of the ec. 253 Lime, ashes, coa dry sand \O person ail throw or deposit into any | of f Yew York I t J { d : : : h cit of N / OTK, e Lurne< or atirred, hair, feathers, like substances and ‘the yvau Sink, privy or cesspool, any offal x ' : ’ iat oat ae ;} except in its removal, in such a way ag te materiais not to be sieved ag Lter or | ashes, meat fish, garbage or other sub- ner tin exposed as . d } ease such exhalations by reason thereof: e : Stance except ne yf \ I ‘ , ( iat r i. e] that « which any such pla ® | nor shall any straw, hay, or other sub- : : the appropriate receptacle (aC Se stance . } : ; . Sec. 231. Offensive water or other liquid 105.) which has been used as bedding ’ 1OT anima! \ . ‘ “ » or substance; not permitted on premises a oi ; anima 4, be placed or dried upon any er grounds. ec. 238. Transportation of garbage on | street or sidewalk, or roof of any building: Io persen..of Gorporation ste boats and scows to Barren Island regu-|nor shall any such straw, hay, or other have any offensive water or other liquid or uated. substance, or the contents of any mattress substance on his. he! * é 3 et ‘Oo boat, scow, or other receptacle, used|or bed, be deposited or burnt without » grounds to the prejudice of fe or health mn frensporting. serhage to Barren island | peer therefor issued by the board of whether for use 7 ' ed a nie Or the place of disposal shall be permit- Caith or otherwise than in accordance with (is, ¢ Sex SS.) |} ted to remain moored or be at any dock, | the terms of said permit and with the regu- | whart Or place within the limits of the] /atior of said board (S.-C Sec. 111.) ’ ‘ : p t | of e y } t ne onl ¢ Bec. 232. Offensive matter or substances; | °'*) "is Seay oe SOA ee ee S 243 R l d d I y r ‘ 1 sec, ‘ - accumulations thereof not to be disturbed | ‘"*” “LOU \ours rom the time when gar- aie of ead or disease an in certain periods of year; permit re-|°88¢ ‘8 first delivered or placed thereon mate ane Dithy, offensive, au S0re aitned. a lve ores i he fecalval’ on hod ‘bean: substances regulated. It shal be mn <*« , ° 5 ‘Vv ground Or Mater i. ed VY mn OF con I : C4 icy Doa Scow or other recép- nail 7 the duty OL every person j z : nis 4 L ar T ) , 2o ) . o taining offensiys 7 O substance or | tacle in @ manner approved by the board of | { agents and employees) who. haa con that wlll emit ‘ | ; iealth and othe! é (S,: 4 Se L23 j tracted « indertaken to remove any diSs- ict oo Vv ah VY Oo arise LOTrOUEN Or 5 _— rN . wis ; et ‘ aa " from the sam fret i } eased ¢ dead animals, offal, rubbish, gar- A! ne a OTLé ~ r sme or aeie ¢ . i = | ‘ : . } ‘i terious exhala ho 1 deine . or | bee. 289. Transportation of offal and butch- | ®ge, dirt, street- sweepings, night-soll, or : . pil s 2 {ae ia Ce! YU 2) a ¢ " a ‘ ‘ within the ee er’s refuse regulated, | other ithy, offensive, or noxious substance, Ak if \ iD ¢ lO oO tne C1iLY ot PF |or is gaged in any ( nova! Yew York) é opened or turned up, nor o offa her's refuse or garbage ‘= SESE in any such removal, or in i +. oe ake ere a ee = eid a ones aed th ee: Salt ading or unloading any such substance, te tween the f da of la and the first day avel : vel ny ferr in the ecitv of do he same witli dispatch, and, in every A ch , ‘ u Ll Lil Ss i _ 7 24 . —_ ‘ ¥ ‘ « , sa 4 - ‘ of October of any yea witho a permit ew ' out a permit therefor issuea | P?™*'c4'® n, as eanly and inoffensive @ m2 aT it} 5 little - therefol ssued by the board of health or | Py the ard health or otherwise than in| ™S&0ner, &@! d with an little danger and prej otherwise thay I accordance I he erms i ra 4 the rm of said permit udice = ae nd health as possible, and : = ro c n matter or mate he { sa permi and with the regulations of | 4ndad W regulations of said board r on. i rial shall’ Me. psd Me: eaid board ig ¢ Se 99 ) offal I I er's refuse shall be | 7" oo raked’ together, {8) il. oie iia 2 ¢ Rae Sank (sO | oF place, before the removal thereof, more i v : : % , han r onable tim nN Sex 233. Stinking, noxious liquids; not to | 5° oi) ae yi ae 4 és ; n pochnaaded: tiene 1Ou no S inde any ¢ uT 1c . fall into or upon any publie place, Sec. 240, I'ransportation of manure, swill, i e ‘ ‘ ; i daytime if se 114.) _ brine. urine oft. anime ar other ashes, garbage, and offal regulated: \fre e' animal matte! rr any stinking or ) per hall gage in the business | Sec. 244. Carts, vehicles, and implements * r , 1 r r 1 \ } ‘ @ rs ea noxious guid, or other filth iat O 01 ra J a Wil ashes, gar- | to be kept In an inoffensive and sanitary bag T ‘ fT ~ ) ( ] an kind, shall by any perso be allowed | P82 Te I or noxious sub condition; use of same regulated. . io . aa tance a - art ror sucn Ppur©r- » to ru or Lal) MLO OI 1po at SLLee 0 : : : ; M INO art OT other vehi e used for carrye- i ‘ 7 . aire .Y ' JOSE n he j ol ev Y or} without @ pub place, ¢ be tak put ere ing or containing, any manure, swill, gare (Ss a Q 10 , I rr - i< ~ led Dy the ard of . ‘ , bage, offa or rubbish or other nauseous a ‘ r i ha in 2 ordance Wr | ff ; a eee ontents of as ; : or offensive substance, o the con C Sec. 234. Blood, butcher's offal or garbage, | the ter! f said and with the rn r sink,, shall ny rlvy Vault cesspool, oO lx, ° dead animals, and putrid or stinki i- i of Lid ard 5. Sex 119.) . P F , I inking ani a é LS | with ne theref be allowed te rou ecess) \ - LOT, ) > mal or vegetable matter; disposal re- ; 4 L ie ee ee 2 ny bulld stricted se 241 Collection and transportation ee er ee eae 7 t ‘i . 7 lace of business pr’ (OLn remisé¢ | No blood butcher offal o garbage oO bones, retuse and offensive materials |'"&. Pa 7 — . Cees ei ee ” ° where any person may be nor shall the Le any dead anima Or any i \ { 5 t gz regulated ' ; - 0 . ry a Lend ; re ; sis ae accumu | loading or unloading of any such cart or 4 animal o vegetable m@&tter, shal] - hrown NO pers : wMLAOes a — ' na ae : eee + inj vehicle or th onveying) thereof through 7 by any person or allowed to go into any { t CxXPOne As Or UFanspor’ An ‘ ne wtreet, p . } © r } eh tre or publi anys treet, piace, or premises consume &f ie reet ace sewer! or rece ae: yasi any ’ ' pesticides , , ‘ Glace . -4 ; a : lace } i bh ling or cellar, i the unreasonable period of time Such carta, ro river or standing or running ate or e pia i ‘ ne oe ' ' : a “ ial vehicles and all implements used in con- or Cavation Or any { yund of! pre ses r e ! 1 or} Lny pones retuss or Pr ' : ; a vithout’ & pérm oe | nection therewlth must be kept in an Ad pu Ll ortions yi ine clit (Ss { De | Ol! " , AS - " es . , : =e : ‘ . . j t} ird of health or other | inoffensive and sanitary condition, and, 10% r ed f Oars A if aici } AN © . rdance with the terms of | when not in use, shall be stored and Kept A } ) Pm Ordag¢? if ¥y I L¢é I Ol fain ie ‘ . ! some place where no needless offense See. 235 Contents of vyaulis, privies, cis- rid and vy the regulations of mm a oe a ¢ th 3 ! ft th shal » given to ny of the people of t terns, cesspools, and sinks; creation of | said (Ss. 4 : 101.) shail be & oe g : ighy ° t f New YX K (Ss. C., Sec 20.) nulsances prohibited. ee fi it 4 ; } > ffal, | . verson shi ae sit. or allow pave 4 ae »49 Accumulations of manure, offal,| — s 0 | 2 a1 | po allo o run | Sec. 245. Ships, boats, and other vessels; or go into or remain in any street or othe! garbage, and other offensive and nauseous | j : : | mot allowed at dock or pler unless per- public place in the city of New York, or de substances; retention and disposal regu- | itted 3 mitted. ya rr allow t« 1 or Zo ( e ( ; lated pc ora : y Fun oFf Eo Ce pt through ? No ship, boat, or other vessel shall he the proper underground sewers) into an depos or accumulation of ma- ! ic ‘ ic si salar sittandiiwe taken or allowed by any person to come oth body of water wit e}nure, offal, dir yr garbage, o ly offen river Or oiner ] a within tne i : + hea 7. | into, or lay at oI within, any dock, pier, C | imite of th c it’ } eZ oT a t ance Sna be made Wit - territorial iimit le aid y tne co Ai ; at / bulkhead, o1 slip for the purpose of the ‘ n¢ { ereof) ; : . he ] I portions orf the city ot Yey “ i tents (or any part he! any vault { : ' ; shipment or removal of any offal, garbage, { rr , y , or} ( oO r ipon tne Dliers, agockKs 0 privy, cistern cesspoo or sink nor shall 10! ; I rubbish, blood, or offensive animal or vege- 4 : ne . 7 ita ot : he i adja nt thereto Or Or Or upon any owner, tenant Oo oO pant of any bulk} . : . ‘ ; i ; table matter, dirt, or dead animals, or for . 4 ‘ oeaé boe OT scoWw lIvineg at sucn building to which any a sink privy, or) 4a - ‘ ft | the use of any contractor for the removal 5 | r ' } , ¢ ylier | ) OUILKE w . nor Snail Sut a y cesspool shall pertain ! attached per it Pit x : M ; ae of any of the foregoing substances, withous ‘ ti t } os £ I atic be lle eB any- " (he contents, or any pal nereo to flow pil ae oe ae i 4 permit therefor issued by the board of f ' ‘ f ae ee er n said city within three hundre : herefrom or to rise within two feet of any v1 ( i \ ithin ia ae ; health or otherwise than in accordance with ; i t . r ‘ ny church or lace ft VOors p ; : ‘ part of the top thereof, or gid contents to | Ié a hurel or piace oO v it] the terms of said permit and with the regu» become Offensive: nor shall any ault, privy, | OF nhabited dwelling, cinay iit . peries lations of said board CS; C.:. Sac. 116.) ciatern, cesspool, or sink be filled or covered |therefor issued by the board of health or with dirt until it shall" have been emptied stherwise than in accerdance with the terms Sec. 246. The use of docks, piers, and bull- ef its filthy contents (is 4 Se 104) of said permit and with the regulations of heads regulated. os | ho ‘ an S01 ls ( ribut ‘ 3 ae said board and no person ha ontribute No person shall obstruct,’ delay, or intar- Bec. 236. Disinfection and removal of con o the aking of any such pile, deposi OF | fere with the proper and ready use, for the c9 tio Ny suc) g ermit tents of sinks, privies, vaults, aod all | accumulation without uch 4 perm °F | purposes for which they may be and should ether noxious substances. otherwise than in accordance with the terms be set apart and.devoted, of any dock, pier All putrid or offensive matter all |of such permit and the regulations of said| 4, pulkhead by any contractor or person en- night soil, the contents of all sinks, | board nor shall any car loaded with or | gaged in remoying any offal, garbege, rub- privies, vaults, and cesspools, and all nox-/having in or on it any such substance OT} phish dirt, dead animal, night soll, or otner fous substances, shall, before thelr removal | substance be allowed to remain or stand | hie substances, or with the proper per- or exposure, be disinfected and rendered/on an railroad track, street, or highway, | formance of such contracts (Ss. ¢C.. @ae inoffensive by the owner, jessee, or occu- within three hundred feet of anys inhabited | ig pant of the premises where the same may | dwelling, 0! elsewhere in said city, nor | | See. 247 Refuse from oyster-housenr, oyster- be. or by the person or contractor who re-| shail any vessel, boat, scow or float, loaded | CC. wate. : . moves or is about to remove the same; and|with any such substance or substances be | saloons, and other’ premises; method of no part of the contents of any vault, privy,|allowed to remain at any pter, dock, or | disposal of refuse reguinted; nuleances sink. or cesspool shall be removed without | bulkhead In said city, without a permit prohibited. @ permit therefor issued by the board eof } therefor issued by the board of health or, Every proprietor, lessee, tenant, and occu-oe tae ee ke | a ee ke hee ed Ea ek ine tee to abe Se od ee hah f=—92 eee ek es e.feger) 225 e ere sTec greet sS res 138 (a -- oyster-saloon, or pant of any oyst r-rouse, clams, where any oysters, lobsters, or shell or other fish are consumed, where any of the refuse matter, offal, or shells thereof accumulate ghall daily cause all such shells, offal, and to be removed therefrom to such other premises used or sold, or refuse matter place, and shall keep at all times free rr accumulations, eOme proper house, saloon, or premises from any offensive smells (6. C., Sec, 112.) garbage, and liquid sub- receptacles to be pro- lessees, and provisions ap- Ashes, separate of owners, Sec. 248. stances; vided; egents; removal; plicable to borough of Richmond. It shall be the duty of every owner, tenant, duties special lessee oc¢ upant or person in charge of any and every building in the built-up and gen- erally built-uy parts of the city of New York refuse York, from which the city of New removes ashes, garbage, rubbish, o1 to provide or cause to be provided, forth- with, and at sll times thereafter to keep and provide or cause to be kept and pro- vided within and for the exclusive usé of such building, or the part thereof to which reference is hereinafter made, separate re ceptacies, made of metal, for holding, fFre- spective without leakage, all ashes, g\r- bage, and liquid waste substances, that may accumulate, during sixty consecutive hours in or through the use of such building, or the part thereof of which such person may be the owner, tenant, lessee, occupant, or And it shall be the duty of every owner tenant lessee, occupant, or person in charge bullding to cause to be sepa rated and put into their respective rece} tacles all such materials and substances; but no such receptacle shall be filled to a greater line within such receptactl four inches from the top thereof, nor sha any such receptacle, when so filled, contal more than two cubic feet of naterial, n¢ welsh more than one hundred pounds; and every such receptacle shal! be Kept, at a times. in a condition satisfactory to tne street cleaning department or the depart ment of health 4nd all such receptacles shall be kept within the building, or in the rear pre! i\lses til tne time for the ? therewith conne removal of such ashes garbage ex liguid tances when such reeeptacies ed in the area, or within the r enclosure in front of such waste subs ghall be pla: fence or otne “ > ?p wv £ ¢ other enclosure uch nlaced on the sidewalk close to such Dp ifid ing: all such receptacies shall remain so placed until the contents thereof shall hav: been removed by the street cleaning deée6- partment, immediately after which, such re les shall be returned to such or to the rea nremises therewlth connected and every receptacie containing garbage or! liquid waste substance when outside of such bailldings shall be kept, it all times COV- ered with a tight-fitting cover And newspapers, wrapping paper, and all other light refuse and rubbish likely to be blown or scattered about the streets, shall be securely bundled, tied, or packed, before being placed for removal; and such news- paper? wrapping paper, and other light refuse and rubbish as well as all other shall be kept within the building, or in the rear premises therewlt refuse and rubbish time for the remova shall be placed as he connected, until the thereof receptacles hereinbefore mentioned are re- when they quired, by the provisions of this section, t we placed “fo such receptacle and no such refuse or rubbish placed as to constitute or contribute to the creation of a pulisance; and no yard sweepings, hedge cut- tings, grass stone, brick, or business waste shall be mixed hold waste Accumulationgs of household ashes, gar- bage failure to regular collection service shall be removed at the shall, however, be a leaves, earth, with house- refuse or rubbish resulting from the take advantage of the expense of the person or persons concerned It shall, however, be the duty of every owner, tenant, lessee, occupant, or in charge of every buliding in the built-up person and generally built-up parts of the city of New York not included within the foregoing provisions of this section to observe the re- quirements of the sald provisions, except that such owner, tenant, lessee, occupant, or person hall LUSE 2411 ashes garbage ‘ jail liquid waste, rubbish, ana to be G&il) removed therelrom The foregoing provisions shall apply to built-up and generally built-up parts 0} the city of New York ex ept as follows In the borough ol Richmond asnes from house furnaces shall be kept apart from the remainder of the household waste and be kept in a epta e, or in receptac ies, made of meta which shali Dé used onl Tor hold , 1 a ad the remainder of the ho hold i i] ludins garbage kitchen ,ahes awe sine solled pape! refuse, ind rubbish shall 1} placed in another metal receptacl othe! metal receptacles which when utside of a building, shall be kept covere: =f } a tigi fi ing Covel (Ss 1 32 ( } Sec. 249 Receptacles for ashes, garbage and liquid substances not to be interfered with or contents disturbed. for hat purpose authorized ceptacies for all nterfere with the re ashes, garbage, o juid substances, as pro { ! ( an vith ection 48 of the sa 2 ] ‘ v h the content thereof } w per n a wa handle or ijisturt m4 ents (i ©. me LU9.) Sec, 250. Ashes, garbage, and rubbish; method of removal regulated aApplical » preferring nay deliver g arbage, refuse, and rubbish he proper carts to be tak it any hour of the day when sald carts nt i said carts may take d substances at any such led hat such garbage, refuse, o ru } ‘ ot ighly filthy or offensive in the atter th the same shall not be so delivered or received during tne per od be sinning a seven o' k @ rm ofr any aay i ending at ten oO vck of the evening of al ad (Ss. C., we Bauc a Se« 251 Vacant lots; accumulation of wa- ter thereon prohibited; feuce to be pro- vided, if sunken; throwing and depositing offensive material into such lots pro- hibited l hal | he | Or e ry Owner, iessee ( re I ner perso! having the ; lal ‘ O! ontrol OL a y jot OFr parcel of la ! \ f New York, to keep a Ll pre rye ne ime at @il LIINesS Clean and noffensive ind to prevent the gather- ing o oO lf f ate! thereon and to provide and iaintain around or in front of any lot ' | unken excavated or be- low the grade of the sidewalk adjacent ere i prope rence to protect persons fror i t nto uch lot Oo perso! hall throw or deposit into o1 upon alr lot any garbage, refuse, or other offensive ial 1s. © Sec 116.) Sec. 252. Filling in land; offensive and un- wholesome materials not to be used; the use of street sweepings for filling-in pur- poses forbidden No persor hall fill in any land under or above water within the limits of the city of New York iny of the islands situ ated within such iits, with garbage, dead animals or a parts thereof, decaying mat- ter, or any offe ive and unwholesome mate rial or with dlr ashes or other reruse, vyhnen mixed with uch garbage, dead anli- mais or part thereot! decaying matter, or offensive and unwholesome material No street sweepings shall be deposited or used to nil up or rais the surface or level Of any lot, ground aoc] wharf, or pier in or adjacent to the built-up portions of the city of New York without a permit ‘therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of sald permit and with ne regulations of said board (Ss, ‘C., Sea. 98.) Sec, 255. Lime, ashes, coal, dry sand, hair, feathers, and like substances, and other materiats not to be sieved, agitated, or exposed, WO Aime, asnes, coal dry sane hair, } SCOUT ed, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. —_ feathers, or other substance that igs in @ similar manner liable to be blown by the vind, shall be sieved, agitated, or exposed, carpet, or cloth be shall any cloth, material, or, substance be cleaned, or hung, nor shall any merchandise, barrels, boxes, any mat, beaten, nor no! shall shaken or Yarn, garment, rags, damaged lor broken hales of merchandise or goods, be placed, } or exposed in any place where they or particles therefrom will pass into iny street or public place, or into any occU- shall any usual or any precautions be omitted by any person to prevent fragments or other sub- from falling, to the detriment or peril of life or health, or dust or light mate- rial flying into any place, or build- ing, from any building. or erection, while the same is being altered, repaired, or de ©O., Sec. 118.) pied premises; no! reasonable stances street molished or otherwise. 5 ARTICLE 14. Plumbing, Drainage and Sewerage. Sec. 271 Drainage; duties of owners, lessees, tenants, and occupants of buildings and premises Sec. 272. Drainage of marsh land Sec 273 Sewers; to be adequately flusled: duties of boards, departments, offi- cers and persons Sec. 274 Sewage, drainage, factory ref- use, and foul, offensive liquid or other mate- rial disposal thereof regulated and restricted 21 drainage, sewerage, and sewer connections affecting other prem- Se 276 Change in ses regulated soil-pipes, passages, OF sewers and buildings; Sec. 276 Drains, connections between to be adequate Sec. 277. Plumbing; to be kept in good order and repalr. Sec. 278 Plumbing fixtures; to be sepa- rately trapped 279 Drain, soil, and Sec. 27 waste pipes; joints and connections Sec. 2890 Drain pipes from refrigerators; to discharge into open sink; discharge from pipe regulated Waste, soil, and vent pipes; toe be constructed and located so as not to con- overflow Sec 281 tribute to the creation of a nuisance, Sec, 282 Ventilation or sewers and plumbing Sec. 283 Rain water leaders and gutters; use restricted: to be sound, tight and ade- quate Sec. 284 Privies and water closets; malin- tenance Sec 28 Temporary privies; to be pro- vided during construction work Sec. 28 Privies to be screened to pre- vent eccess ol files vaults and cesspools; pe 28% Privy construction Sec. 271. Drainage; duties of owners, les- sees, tenants, and occupants of bulldings and premises. Yo person being owner, lessee, tenant, or occupant of any building or premises, shall allow any water or other liquid to run from or out of such building or premises upon or across any sidewalk or curbstone, and allowed to pass means of @ pagss- age constructed through, which passage must be kept at all times adequate and in repsir; and no water or other liquid, shall be allowed to gather or remain on the upper surface of such curb, flagstone, or passage; nor shall any such person allow any accumulation of such water or liquid, or the ice therefrom, upon any street or place, but shall eat all times cause the same to be removed or to pass along the gutter or some proper passage to into a sewer, (S. C,, no such substance shall be into any street except by under or or ice therefrom one of the rivers oa! Sec, 40.) Sec. 272. Drainage of marsh land. It shall be the duty of every owner, les- see, agent, contractor, or other person hav- ing the management or control of any galt marsh land, inland swamp, sunken let, abandoned excavation, or any other place wherein or whereonh either salt or freshi ., \ ‘ CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 1 water becomes Stagnant water developed, to employ at all on stagnant and in said mosquitoes are bred and fill in or other times the such drain the such methods as will breeding of mosquitoes in or places. Sec. 273. Sewers; duties of to be adequately boards, flushed; departm nis, otficers, and persons. It shall be the duty of bog 2 de- Dartments, officers, and perso! having power and authority so to » or required (and to the extent thereof) to « clent water to be used, and other Las late means to be taken, so that / evel Stances may enter any a e! } I speedily along and from the ame and i ffi- ciently far into some water or pr! volr, in order that ni a imu oO take place therein, and no exhalatio DI ceed therefrom, dangerous or prejudicia life or health (a 4 Si ) Sec. 274. Sewage, drainage, factory refuse and foul or offensive liquid or other mate rial; disposal thereof reguiated and ré stricted, No perso: persons, company 0 orp tion shall iuse per it ‘ allow a age, drainag Ta ory refuse or ny I or offensive liquid Or othe! nateria fiow, leak escaps oO! be emptied ¥< ad charged nto the water of any rive streary canal narbvor, ba Oo! estua } into the ea within t} of: 4) of New York excepting under ) vater mark, and i ich manner and undae suci condition la ri¢ é ‘ é O! sna De caused therel or a a Fe thereo! 2 Sec 33.) Sec. 275. Change in drainage, sewerage and sewer connection alfecting other premises regulated No < nange shall be made in arall sewerage or the sew el mnt tio f gI house or premises nvolving cha gs in the drainage, sewerage, or sewel ctlom of any other house or pret ea 30 days’ notice thereof in writing sha have been previously given to leparti t and to the owner or! ’ par ‘ | pre iges affected by uch I 5 ‘ Se 27.) Sec. 276. Drains, soil passages, or pipes, connections between sewers and buildings; to be adequate. Every perso! using making ! having any drain, soil-pipe, passage or connectio between any sewer (for & river or other body of water) and an ground bDuliding erection or place ol! Du ne every owner or tenant of any such ground pulldis or erection or piace oO! 0 rie : a eve! person, board, departmerrf, or officer o ing or interested in anys uch gro d bullding, erection, Or piace or business shall to the extent of the rignt ind a thority of eact cause and require such drain, soll-pips¢ pa ge rs 4 ; f f be at all times ade ite. for é a.) Sec. 287 Privy vaults and cesspools; con- struction pI \ lt or cesspool shall be allowed to remalr Any premises or built, in f ( N Yor unless when unavoid- rl 1 1 bottom of every privy é ) schoo sink’’, in the t f Yo! must be impermeable } any saturation of the 1 above the same, unless allowes by a permit writing erefor by the board of health and ist the be used 1 accordance with the of iid permit and the regulations of l ard No iter-closet or privy vault g constructed without adequate pro- eT effectual and proper ventila- the and eansing thereof (S. C., Sec. 37.) ARTICLE 15 Rallroad Cars and Other Public Vehicles. S ] Public vehicles and other public qa da Q ! 1d car and other publie O! el veying solled OF oad ind other publie tO Dé ! uately ind sufficiently . { tlea } Lig) l Publie places; to be el vehicles and other publie aned dally Evel railroad cart omnibus, and ferry- iy I City of New York for car- ne | id every railroad depot, Lily uflroad platform, and fer- USE nd ¢ tairwa ind other means rane hereto or exit therefrom, shall, each and every day on which it,shall be i b carefull and thoroughly cleaned that ll ref ‘ lirt, and filth are removed refrom, fr ich manner as to avoid the uljsing of a t Dry sweeping Is prohibited. A ec, 173 (As amended hy the Board if Health. May $1 1916 and as further imended October 15, 1918.) See. 302. Railroad cars and other public vehicles; carrying or conveying solled.or dirty clothing restricted. No person shall at any time carry or con- ‘ upon or in any passenger car or other public yehicle, nor shall any conductor or person in charge of any guch car or other public vehicle, permit or allow to he carried or conveyed upon or in such car or other public vehicle, except upon or on the front platform thereof, any soiled or dirty articles of clothing or bedding. ¢(S. C. Se 174.) (Ag the Board of Health, December imended by 16, 1916.) ae 4 eet) Pee chee Le e. PULTE EE ale at a Fee, % vy Hay rye FE2 teat ct Peretetrts s cS PRES veya ES Ve SS eee eee a eee hy - SiGhEe tert eeete ates ore See ie ee Th ~ anye+ ote ts ei ie ee Dee Ne ee te eb tel 5 0 de Weritt tee tit te i. 2 140 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. 303. Rallroad cars and other public ve- hicles; to be adequately and sufficiently ventilated. Kyery railroad car and other public vehl- cle uged in the City of New York for carry- ing of passengers shall be constructed so as to provide and secure, at all times, good adequate and sufficient ventilation, and such good, adequate and _ sufficient ventilation shall be maintained at all times by natural or mechanical means (Ss. C. Sec. 175.) CAB amended by the Board of Health, Decem- ber 16, 19186.) Sec. 204. Heating. Every railroad car and other public yehl- cle, and every ferryboat, used in the City ef New York for carrying passengers, ard every depot, station, ferryhouie, and woait- ing room used in connection with such means of transit, shall, between the first day of October of each year and tho iirst day cf April of each following year be properly heated and kept heated whenever the tem- perature upon the street shall fall below ferty degrees Fahrenheit. (As amenited by the Board ef Health, December 16, 1918 Sec. 805. Lighting. Every railroad car and other public veni- cle, and every ferryboat used in the City of New York for carrying passengers, and every depot, station, ferryhouse, waiting room and | ether public place or premises used in con- nection with such means of transit shall be at all times adequately lighted, by natural or artificial means. (As adopted by the Board ef Health, December 16, 1916.) ARTICLE 16. Street Conditions. Sec. 211 Method of cleaning street reg- Blated. Bec. 212. Street obstructions prohibited. Sec. 313 Dirt and other materials not to ebatruct street *Sec. 314. Cattle, swine, and sheep; per- | mit to. drive required. *Sec, 215. Leading cattle through streef regulated. *Sec, 316. Cattle, sheep, swine and calves, met to be driven without permit; exception lec, 311. Method of cleaning streets reg- alated. Every person, when cleaning any street ahall:clean, and every contractor shali cause to be ‘cleaned, the gutters and parts of the street along which the water will run, before uaing any water to wash the same; and no substance that could be before scraped away aball be washed or allowed to-be carried or | be put Into the sewer, or into any recep- tacle therewith connected (S. C.,; Sec. 39.) Bec. 312. Street obstructions: prohibited. Neo person having the right and ability to prevent, shall take or drive or allow to go er be taken, any horse or other animal, or any vehicle,-upon any sidewalk or footpath in ‘front 6f any building, to the perli of any peraon:”.nor sbkil’ any person block or ob- atruct, or ‘contribute 'to the blocking or ob- structing.of, any street or othér public place. (8. C., Sec. 78.)° Sec. 313. Dirt and other 'materiais not to ebstruct’ street, ; . No person shall deposit-upon any street or public place within the generally built-up portion of :the: city of: New..York, or upon any paved Street in the said city, any dirt, brick, or. other, material,.in:such- memnner as to .eccupy, more than-one hundred: square feet of aurface of any. such street-or public ! place. (and, the same. shall be-compact and at one aide) ;.nor shall any person allow the same to remain in sald street or public place more than twelve hours without:a permit therefor isaued by the board of health. or unless such occupancy: shall be otherwise duly authorized by paramount authority. Nor shall any. such substance be so Zenposited nr allowed to, remain -by any person aa to obstruct the free Nowage along any gutter. (& C.,. Bec... 117.) “Repealed December 21, 1916 abated and discontinued, provided that ARTICLE 17. Trade Occupations and Businesses. Sec. 321. Occupations and businesses, dangerous or detrimental to life or health, prohibited Sec. 322. Offensive or nolsome trades and businesses regulated Sec. 323 Certain offensive or nolsome trades, occupations, and businesses prohib- ited In the borough of Manhattan Sec. 324. Certain offensive or noisome businesses in the boroughs of Brooklyn, | The Bronx, Queens, and Richmond regu- lated Sec. 325 Business of slaughtering cattle sheep, swine, pigs, calves, and fowl regu lated, Sec. 326 Business of slaughtering cat- tle, sheep, swine, pigs, and calves restricted in the borough of Manbattan, Sec. 327 Slaughtering of horses and sale of horse flesh for food prohibited Sec. 328 Tanning skinning and scour- ing or dressing hides and leather regulated Sec. 329 Business of rendering and melt- ing fat regulated Sec. 330, Business of manufacturing ofr preparing sausages and smoking or presery |ing meat or fish regulated Sec, 331 Business of breaking out eggs regulated sale of spots and spo eggs prohibited the term spot’ and spot eggs’ defined Se 39 Bolling varnish or oll distill ing alcohol! spirits making lampbiack turpentine, or tar reating and refining ores, metals, or alloys of metals; regulated Sec. 333 Gas manufacture regulated and restricted plans of buildings and location | to be approved Sec. 334 Lodging houses regulated sec $0 Pub Da e sho ; hairdress {ing establishments nanicuring and beauty £ q regi b Sex SE Public laundries regulated Sec. 337 Duty. of employers to provide means to prevent occupational diseases. Se 338 Manufacturing, sorting and handling cigars, cigarettes and tobacco reg- ulated Sec. 339 Removal of dust gases and } other impurities from workrooms by suction dey Ces Sec 340 Bathing establishments regu- lated Sec, 341 Ocean bathing regulations for protectior Sec. 342 Horse shoeing regulated Sex £3 (se of ( limon ciga cutters proh ted Sec. 321. Occupations and businesses, dan- gerous’ or Getrimental to life or bealth, | prohibited No occupation or business that is dan- gerous or detrimental to life or health shall be established or carried on in the eity of | New’ York (Si 4 Sec. $2.) Sec. 322. Offensive or noisome trades and businesses - regulated, No establishment r place for carrying on any offensive: or nolsome trade or business shall be - opened siarted established, or | maintained. in the city of New York, with- out a permit. therefor issued by the board of health. or otherwise -than- in accordance with the terms of said permit. and with the regulations of said board (Ss. Cc Sec.. 88.) Sec. 323. Certain offensive or noisome trades, occupations, and businesses pre- hibited in the Borough of Manhattan. It shall not be lawful for any person, per- | s0nS, Or corporation, to carry on, establish, prosecute, or continue, within the borough of Manhattan, the occupation, or trade. or business, of bone bolling, bone burning, bone grinding, horse.skinning, cow skinning, or | Skinning of dead antmals, or the bolling of offal; and any such: establishment existing within said borough shall be forthwith re- moved.from said borough, and such occupa- tion, trade, or business shall be forthwith the provisions of’ this section shall not apply |to the slaughtering or dressing of animals ) for sale in said borough (8S. C.. Sec. 90.) Sec. 324. Certain offensive or noisome businesses in the boroughs of Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, and Richmond regu- lated. The business of bone crushing, bone beoil- ing, bone grinding, bone or shell burning, lime making, horse skinning,.cow skinning, | glue making from any part of dead animals, | gut cleaning, hide curing, fat rendering, boiling of fish, swill, or offal, heating, dry-~ ing, or storing of blood, scrap, fat, grease, or other offensive animal matter or of of- fensive vegetable matter or manufacturing materials for manure or fertilizer, shall not be carried on in the boroughs of Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, or Richmond withgut a permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in. accordance with the terms of said permit and with the regulations of said board (§. C., Sec. 31,3 Sec. 325. Business of slaughtering cattle, sheep, swine, pigs, calves, and fowl regu- lated. The business of slaughtering cattle, sheep, swine, pigs, calves, or fowl shall not be conducted tn the city of New York with- ;out a permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the regulations of said board It shall not be unlawtul however, to slaughter, ,cattle, | sheep, swine, pigs, or calves In the borough of Brooklyn at such places where such busl- ness was established and carried on em January 3, 1898 (Ss, C., Sec. 33.) Sec. 326. Business of slaughtering cattle, horses, sheep, swine, pigs, and calves re- stricted im the Borough of Manhattan, The businesa of slaughtering cattle, horses, sheep, or calves shall not be conducted in the borough of Manhattan except in that part of the said borough bounded by the west side of Eleventh avenue, the middle ine of the block between West 38th and | West 39th streets (west of Eleventh ave- nue), the North river, and the south side of West 4ist street: and in that part of the said borough bounded by the east side of First avenue, the middle line cf the block between East 42d street and East 43d street (east of First avenue), the East River, and the south side of East 47th street The business of slaughtering swine and pigs shall not be continued in the borough vt Manhattan except .in that part of the said borough bounded by the west side of rleventh avenue, the middle line of the | block between West 38th and West 39th streets (west of Eleventh avenue), the North river and the south side of West 41st street (s. ... eae as amended Deg, Sec. 327. Slaughtering of horses and sale of horse flesh for food regulated. The business of slaughtering horses shall | not be conducted in the city of New York, nor shall any horsefiesh be brought into, or | held, kept, or offered -for sale in said city, without a permit therefor, issued by the board of health, or otherwise than in |} accordance with the terms of said permit and the regulations of said board. (8S. CG, |gec. $86: amended Dee. 21; 1915.) | Sec. 328. Tanning; skinhing, and scouring or dressing hides and leather regulated. No éstablishment or place of business’ for tanning, skirining,-or scouring, or for dregs- ing hides or leather shall be opened, started, established, or maintained in the city of New York,-without a permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise fm’ ac-~ cordance with the terms of said permit and with the regulations of said board (3; <., Sec. 8&8.) Sec. 329. Businesa of rendering and melt- ing fat regulated. The business of. render{ng. or melting fat “hall not be carried on in the city of New rk without a permit therefor Iscned by e board of health or otherwise than in uccordance with the terms of said permit and with the regulations of sail board (S: ©.) See. Ss: ) Sec. 330. Business of manufacturing oF preparing sausages and smoking or pre- serving meat.or fish régwiated. : The business of manufacturing or pre- paring sausages or smoking or preserveCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 141 | sald ing meat or fish shal] not be carried on, nor shall any place therefor be estab: lished, in the city of New York witkeut s permit therefor issued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the reg- ulations of said board is. ©. Sec: 49a.) Sec. 331. Business of breaking out ergs regulated; sale of “spots” and “spot eggs’ prohibited; the term ‘“spot’’ and “spot eggs’’ defined. No person shall break out eggs for sale or, conduct the business of breaking out eggs to. be canned, frozen, dried, or used in any other manner, in the city of New York, and, no eggs broken from the shell whether canned, frozen, dried, or treated in any other manner, shall be received, held kept, sold, offered for sale, or delivered in the said city without a permit therefor is- sued by the board of health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the regulations of said board (a) No person shal! receive, hold, keep sell, offer for sale, or deliver as or for food, or to be used in food, in the city of | New York, any canned, frozen or dried @zes, or eggs broken from the shell, which are adulterated or to which has been add ed any poisonous ingredient or an in- gredient which may render such eggs jurlous to health, or to which has been added any antiseptic, preservative. or for eign substance not evident and not known to the purchaser or consumer, or which shall contain filthy, decomposed, or putrid anl mal matter (b) No person shall keep, sell or offer for sale as food any “spots” or “‘spot eggs Such eggs in the possession of a dealer in food shall, prima factle, be deemed to be held, kept, and offered for sale, as such food The term “spots’’ and “spot eggs when used herein, shall be taken to mean al! eggs that are partially hatched, broken olked blood ringed, or veined, and all unsound eggs, including those affected by moulds or which are partly decomposed or that have become sour (3. C.,. Sec. 48a.) Sec. 332. Bolling varnish or oil; distilling alcoholic spirits; making lampblack, tur- pentine, or tar; treating and refining ores, metals, or alloys of metals; regulated No person shall hereafter erect or estat lish in the city of" New York any mar factory or place of busihess, for boiling any varnish or oll, for the distilling of any ardent or alcoholic spirits, for making any tampblack, turpentine, or tar, for the treat- ing and refining of ores, metals, or alloys of metals, with acids or. heat, or for conduct ing any other business that will or does | generate any offensive or deleterious gas vapor, deposit, or exhalation, without a nermit therefor tssued. by the board of health or otherwise than in aecordance with the terms of sald permit and with the reg- ulations of said board, (S. C., Sec. 94.) Bec. 333. Gas manufacture regulated and restricted; plans of building and location | to be approved. No. person .or corporation being a facturer of gas, or engaged in the manufacture-thereof, shall throw posit or allow to run, or shall thrown or deposited, into any river, or stream, or into any with connected, or into any street public place, any gas, tar, matter of or from any gas manufactory, mains, or service pipes, oF permit the escape of any offensive odors from their works, mains, or pipes; nor shall any such person or corpcration permit to escape from any of their works, mains, or pipes, any gas dangerous or prejudicial to life or health, or manufacture illuntinating ges of such ingredients and quality that in the process of burning it any substance which may escape therefrom shall be dan- gerous or prejudicial to life or health; nor shall any such person corporation fail to use the most approved and all reasonable means for preventing the escape of odors. No bulldings shall be erected or converted into, or used as, a place for the manu- facture of illuminating gas, until the. plans manu- or about or de- permit to be public waters sewer or other refuse works, there- or. any house or fof such buildings and the approved (8: C., location in Sec thereof, writing 89.) shall by have been duly the board of health. Sec. 334. lodging-house Lodging houses regulated, No which there are the use of six containing in more than three beds lodgers, or in which are allowed to sleep, conducted, maintained, or operated city of New York without a permit therefor issued by the ooard of health or. otherwise than in accordance with the terms the permit and the regulations of the said board (SS: Ci, See. 21; rooms for than shall be in the more persons of Public establishments, hairdressing and beauty Sec. 335 barber shops, manicuring parlors regulated. ’ gases, fumes, vapors, fibers, or other |mpure ities from every such workroom, and “suck devices shall. be installed as near as prac- ticable to the place where such dust, gases, fumes,. vapor, fibers, or other impurities are generated, released, or set in motien. Such devices shall, also, be kept constently working when thelr employment {s necea- Sary to meet the requirements of this sec- tion Every factory and other place of business any workroom of which, through the nature of the business carried on, ‘exrcesslve heat is created shall be provided with suck means or appliances as will appreciably reduce such heat, and such means or appli- ances shall be constantly employed whens such excessive heat being created. In is Sec. 340. Bathing establishments regulated. Bathing sults shall not be hired out, nop | Shall any bathing establishment be main- tained in the City of New York without ‘a permit therefor. |ssued. by the Board of Health or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and the Regulations of said board For the purpose of this section, the expression ‘‘bathing establishment”’ shal! be taken to mean and include every build- ing, room, enclosure, place or premises wheree in bathing is permitted for hire or wherels bathing suits are hired out or which, for hire, is used for the purpose of dresaing or.un- dressing in connection with the wearing, putting on or taking off of bathing sults. | (S. C. Sec. 26.) (As amended by the Board of Health, June 28, 1916, and as further amended | June a6, Leet Sec. 341. Ocean bathing; regulations fer protection. Every keeper or proprietor of #@ hotel or | strong manila or boarding-house, and every other - person having a bathing-house upon or near any beach or shore of the ocean for the accem- modation of his guests or other persons, for pay, shall provide for the safety of such bathers lines of sound, serviceable, and hemp rope, not less than two one inch in diameter, anchored at some | point above high water, at the same dis- pa tance apart as the width of the spece ve occupled by him fronting on such beech; » pub barber shop, hairdressing e tablishme manicuring or beaut parlo1 sha conducted or maintained in the Cit) of New York without a permit therefor é the Board of Health or otherwise a rrdance with the terms of said er! and with the regulations of said Board I erm public barber shop public aq q e stablishment “public man & irlol i public beauty parlo! this ection sha be ‘taken to ] = uch premises as are 0 b the terms ‘“‘barber hoy 1a essing establishment,’ ‘‘manl- - and beauty parlo respec- 1a] iclude all premises or erein the business of shav- g (ting trimming, sSingeing 1 g assaging, manicuring, dress L eC beautifying the human h face scalp or hands conducted for fe charge ir (S. C.. gee. 179;) tAs ende th Board of Health, January | ) Sec. 336. Public laundries regulated. No pul laundry shall be conducted otherwise than in accordance with the regu- lat of the board of health The pro- of this section shall not apply to the home of a person performing laundry work hereat for a regular familly trade Sec. 337 Duty of employers to provide means to prevent occupational diseases. 2 employer shall provide reasonably effe e device means, and methods to prevent the contraction by his employees of 5 Iness or diséase incident to the work or process in which such employees are en- raged Sec. 338 Manufacturing, sorting and han- dling cigars. cigarettes and tobacco regu- | beach (and put land buoyed, and from the two points at which such life 25 ee lines are so anchored, such lines shall be for made to extend as far into the surf. as wd bathing therein {s ordinarily safe end free os from danger of drowning to persens net 5 expert in. swimming, and at such. Iimit i points of safety such lines shall be anchered i and. buoyed From such limit potnta ef such lines so extended, anchored, and bueyed a third line shall be extended, ,connecting the extremities of such lines, ané@ buoyed at such points as to be principally above the. surface of the water, theraby inclosing a space within such. lines‘and the within which bathing Is belleved.te be safe Every such keeper, proprieter, er other such person shall cause to be painted up in’ some prominent place upon the beach, near such bathing-hoyses, the following words: ‘‘Bathing beyend the lines dangerous Such lines so placed, anchored, and. such. notice so, put ‘up, two Spee ete Eduwteseisa iG Poe. oe) | shall be so maintained by every such. keep- er, proprietor, or. other person during the. entire season of surf bathing. - The. owner. lated. ) person engaged, in the city of New York in manufacturing, sorting or hand- ng gars or cigarettes or in preparing, sorting. or handling, tobacco for any pur- pose shal at any time, touch with lips, teeth, or tongue any such cigar or cigar- ette or an such tobacco, intended to be sold or offered for sale; nor shall any per- son iéisten with saliva, directly or in- directly, by spitting, or by use: of the fin- gers, or utensils or accessories of any kind, anv such tligar or clgarette or any such to- bacco: nor shall any’ person spray cr molst- en any such cigar or cigarette or any such tobacco by means of water or any other | liquid, emitted from the mouth; nor shall l|any part of any such cigar or cigarette be allowed to touch or be introduced into the nose of any person A copy of this section shall be consplcu- ously posted in every place where such cigars or cigarettes are, or tobacco is manu- factured prepared, sorted, or handled. (Amended Dec. 21, 1915.) 339. Removal of dust, gases, and other impusxdgies from workrooms by suction de- vices. Sec. Every factory and other place of business in any workroom of -which, in the course of business, dust, gases, fumes, vapors, fibers, or othe impurities are generated, released, or set in motion, tn quantities tend- ing to injurs the health of the persons therein employed. shall be: provided with suction devices that will remove such -dust, | | | | York without | the board of health; of a bathing-house shall. not be subject: te the provisions of this section. where suck bathing-house is used, occupied. or maltn- tained by a-lessee for. hire, but, Im suck instances, the lessee shall be deemed: the keeper or proprietor thereof. _(8._C., See. 26.) : . ee Sec, 342, Horseshoeing. establishments regulated. Cue No horseshoeing estabhHshment - shel! “be conducted or maintained in thée-city ef New a’ permit therefor: issied by or: otherwise than 18° accordance with the terms of suck permit and the regulations of-sald board (Adde¥ TT ee Gh ee ed Dec. 21, 1915.) Sec. 343. Use of common cigar. culters pre- hibited. ; , No cigar cutter of any type destgned for use in common shall be maintained in any public place or store in thé City of New York. ‘Ths term “for use In common’” asom] hee Le ee ee ee f ed place, or land rt ’ ; } tre } an’ ves - fers siz Ace r Or ta Sec. 851 Dutles of masters lief officers or sh Hee pes . S¢ la ril and physicians ig ‘ : wv} lately ano s fro infecte: rt sf @ Sec eoa Vessels r I eg i ig } CK an | t nu a- ‘ ee i } ‘ > liable to quarantine; not o BM brought per ha ever, nor * « - : t within three hundred rd of dock oy ease - : ‘ +4 ra ) al piers unless permitted p nht | therafor Gee 8523 \ e] ot quarantine; duty | !nto pec, o00 ‘ ‘ ' {< \ ealt other ls ef master hief office! and consignee to ‘ : ee tha j te AT } oT make dally ! JOrts it a ; and 1 | Ve no Be 354 Removal f persons sick of apn |‘ a ling , the nf j 1a Aisease ro} ibited | ¢ 1s | infectiou I | art , ‘ of has } sed Se Removal of persons and articles x , | - r +} 3 r t} ’ - " 2 . rnroe ] i i ‘ to infe sus disease restricted; per: | ** expos: [oo rite Ll ( i ; ' Pes . for mit required ia A 5 S f Sec. 3 Straw bedding clothing and thal ihbstances not 1 } S | ) blie | other substa T o De Ca pee ae ls | lec. 3A5 Removal of persons and articles a { ex] osed ft infectious diseases restricted; Se 357 Births, marriages, and deaths ; ¢ ; : yermit requires ity of ficers surgeons and othe to eee ea nena’ i . ‘ i j ( € , i report es ie A Sec. 858. Discharge of cargo regulated : j 1 » J ‘ Sex 5,9 skins hides rac af uw I d ” : ; ! ding, and her ar es and uteria re- | . 3 ns moval and distribution regulated ; ; Se ) Houseboats the use t re f | i i regulated 1D “a D Se 1 B es and other water Fase: loud and ex] lve noise prohibited ‘ Ls Oo Se ; T) ‘ of \eeepers lessees ten- | ; | 60 s Bg ‘ 4 ants, and owners of boarding-houses and " i t t @xI J rh O lodging-houses - es | ot 7 ; th fer is Bec. 351. Duties of masters, chief officers, | . ' ) 1 Wwe } efo su and physicians ry } | > ) } Every master and chief officer of any ves- l el, and every yhysician of or who has s ge: : j | | ' iy | hall arrive 6 Straw, bedding, clothing, and 9ractiset mn any vessel whi 1 SHAall £ : pra . . oth substances; not to be cast into pub- in the port of New York from any other : id waters port, shall at once report to the depal re] of health a facts connected vith LY ey : e ' an I ) son or thine ym said sel ry na ime +} - . r gr ‘ \ t a © © ( which he has eas think ; 4 ) A ‘ roy ma endangel! e pul ieaith of t F Aine of New of New York and Lé sha report the ’ s g othing, or othe facts as to ar Verso thereon be g or ) havine been kx of infectiou ( end ast there belne r } ing bee th pec 7 Births, marriages, and deaths; on during the oyage or since the arrival f y Oo officers, surgeons, and others to any such essel an) infe ed perso Ir port articies (S ( Sx 1514 f : ' hit surgeon | I ' ition harterer or Bee. 352 Vessels from infected ports, or p nt ntro liable to quarantine; not to be brought | of a 2 arr it the port within three hundred yards of docks Or | of DO! vriting, to the piers unless permitted. dep ( t} cit of New No master, charters consigz e oO! yther } if r t} a ival of perso! nal] rder ring, or allow I ing Bu \ f ( l ma Lge Of any power and authority to prevent) any es- | resid he h of a eel or person or article therefrom rom ! d I f ‘ de oO pare any infected port or ‘ vesse! or person ( aen f i ‘ irrine there- or article therefrom liable to quarantine ) A i i the bure 1 of according to the ninth Section of the three ect ad ‘ a aT ript rf hundred ang fifty-eighth *hapter ot the t } ’ ' US v¢ nm rf ucn laws of 1863 (or under any other LW 1d | Vesse respe uch death 1 whether such quarantine has been made cr | riage, ¢ irth , pt of a leath suffered or intr. ss ye ¢ be bro ht 0 I i ) a yresaid na any point nearer tha 300 yards fron in } LS ! ne f 1id depart dock, pier or build er in the cit if New m t oa pe ] ed to rece e tne York, without a permit therefor issued } 8a Le ‘ _ L 1.) the board of health or otherwise thar in i : | Sec 58 Discharge of cargo regulated accordance with the terms of said permit |} 4 z > ownel ice 1 or oc f e% of : . ves and with the re llations of said board Nor se] 0 irgo a ) fT} I oO an essel shall any vesse Yr person or thing therein : , ‘ . (in respe t ft ither f * ch vessel or or therefrom, h g beer in uarantine j i ; : ' cargo nermit a d er { any law ordi- come or 8 CUugNnt or a nermittes to re- ' i on ; I or ré lation shall or should have main within the last-named distance of any hee! obtained to pass quarantine or to ast-nam ylace, without .a permit therefor ; stn ed F 4 : I h f< | come uD to the water-front of the city of issued Wp the board of health, or otherwise | , . : , : Yew ork shall unload, or land, or cause than Mi @o@erdance with the terms of said t } ] ied . ' hiaagen oO anded uch cargo, or ans» ermit and with regulations of sald board one P ne a Ae part thereof, at any place in sald city. with- (S. C., sec. 155; as amended Dec. 21, 1915.) : ; : ;out o1 otherwise than in accordance with c ome the te and conditions of a e | = Bec. 353. Vessels not in guarantine: duty $ , tlO L. permit there : : for issued »%y the board f health ; ‘ of master, chief officers, and consignee to ) a y th ard oO iealtt (3S. Cc: e i ) ; make daily reports. The master, chief officer, and of every vessel not being in qu within quarantine limits, but being within one-fourth of a of any dock, wharf, pier, or building of the city of New York, consignee rantine or mile Sec. 359. Skins, nides, rags, otraw, bedding, and other articles and materials; cemoval and distribution regulated. No master, charterer, owner, part owner, or consignee of any vyessel, | | | | | | to any dock, pier, wharf, or building, thousand feet therefrom in the city of New York, or un- ny dock, pier, wharf, or building, person, shal bring nearel! than one id at i ‘ therein or have on storage in the built-up portions of said city, any skins, hides, rags, Ks lmilar articles or materials which have been broug! from any foreign country or any infected place, or from any points south of Norfolk Virginia, without or otherwise than | rccordance with the terms and con- ditio of a permit therefor issued by the board of health, and no person shall sell, : ig remove or in any way expose, Al straw, bedding, or other articles used by immigrants upon any vessel bringing im- migra to this port, until it shall have i idequately and properly cleansed or ad \fected und all straw, bedding, or other art es that have been exposed on any ves- el to the contagion or infection of any in- dise os oO! have been or are ommunicate such disease, shall be de oyed by fire on sald vessel (3... ©, Sex 60 Houseboats; the use thereof regu- ; n : rat. while used or occupied as } ha } yored, anchored, or located of any inlet or bay within rial nits of the city of New p the upper or lower bay of rk harbor vithout a permit there- he hoara of health or other- 1 accordan¢ with the terms of said p nit nd th the regulations of said yard and no person shall use or occup fo! ving purposes any such boat so moored, anchored. or located, unless a permit for 1! boat has been issued ag hers before provided or than otherwise than » ac 1a) with the terms of said pe t and the regulations of said board. Sec. 361. Boats and other water craft; leud and explosive noises prohibited. All boats and othe water craft plying on any of the waters of or adjacent to the of New York, equipped with a gasoline or other internal combustion engine in which a gas is generated or used for pur- pose of propulsion, shall be constructed so at the exhaust from such engine is made o discharge into a muffler or other device wl h wil rrevent loud or explosive nolses oceurring oY or about any such boat or ‘ t and no person having the manage- men ind cor ol of any such boat or craft, or operating the engine thereon, shall cause, permit suffer or allow the exhaust from ~ h engine to discharge into the open aglir, rr ‘therwise than into a muffler or other devics vyhich will prevent loud or explosive noises occurring on or about any such boat or craft ; ‘ Se 188.) Sec. 362 Duties of keepers, lessees, ten- ants, and owners of boarding-houses and lodging-houses he keep s, lessees, tenants,~and owners of ever oarding-house and lodging-house ijl forthwith notify the department of health of the fact of any seafaring man, person oming lately from any vessel, g vk ck at such house, and shall, at the same time, inform the said depart- } me} of the premises where such sick person ma be found, and of the name of the ves- from.which and the time when such person came, to the best of the knowledge of the person or persons giving such notice and information. (Ss. 'C.,. Bec. 15063 CHAPTER 21 SEWERS AND DRAINS. 1 General provisions. Art: 3. Construction 3 faintenance. ARTICLE 1. General Provisions. Sec. 1. Jurisdiction. Sec, 1. All sewers and drains in streets or pube Jurisdiction. or Any other lic places shall-be- under the charge of theCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 148 president of the borough in which the same are situated, who shall keep the same Iu good order and condition, and clean and free from obstructions He shall cause such repairs to be made to. sewers, drains and to the receiving basins, culverts and open- ings connected therewlth, as may from time to time become necessary; provided that euch sewer culverts shall be cleaned at night and not in the daytime. c 6. Bec 152.) ARTICLE 2. Construction. Bec. 10 Construction generally Sec. 11 Private constructions Bec. 12. Fees for connections Sec. 18 Constructors; license and bond Sec. 14 Notice to public service cor- porations Sec. 15. Water connections Sec, 10. Construction generally. 1. Permit No connection shall be made with any permit therefor, i dent having jurisdiction Ct). @} 2 Mode and Each borough tion, shall or opening sewers or and therewith shall be sewer or drain without a written the borough preal- Sec. 156.) construction jurisdic- plercing the form, connections composed. and shall have sued by materials of president, within his mode of drains and material of prescribe the size which authority to grant permission to make lat- eral connections with said sewers No. per- eon shall make any connection with, or opening into any sewer in a mode different | from that prescribed therefor by the bor- eugh president, under the penalty of $50 (Cc O., Secs. 153, 156: Sec 1, Richmond erds. and Secs. 14, 15, 17, Flushing ords.) Sec. 11. Private constructions. Within his jurisdiction, each borough president may issue permits to persons to construct, at thelr own expense, sewers or drains, or to lay pipes or connect with any @ewers or drains built in any street; but such permission shall not be granted except upon the agreement, in writing, of the per- sons applying therefor, that they will .com Ply with the provisions of. chapter 23 of this ordinance, in relation to in streets; that they will for any excavations indemnify the city damages or costs to which it may be put, by reason of injuries resulting from neglect or carelessness in performing the work so permitted, and that no claim wi be made by them or their successors in in terest against the city if the work so per- mitted shall be taken up by the authority of the board of aldermen, or for exemptio from an lawfully constructing sewers o1 assessment imposed for drains in the vicinit of their property; and upon the further co: dition that the board at any time may re voke and annul such permission and dire: such sewers, drains or pipes to be taken up or removed. 28, 2315.) (Amended by ord. effective [Dec Sec. 12. Fees for connections. 1 Private The fee to be paid to the respective borough presidents for a permit for each connection made either directly or indirectly, with any public sewer or drain shall be as follows: In the borough of Manhattan, $19 In the borough of Brooklyn, $190; In the borough of Queens, $5; In the borough of The Bronx $5 In the borough of Richmond, $5 No additional charge shall be made for the sewer connection to a building erected in place of one that has been removed, demolished or destroyed in whole or In part, or for extensions or alterations made to same, unless actually a new connection be required (ce Oo:. 158, as amended by ord. effective May 6, 1913; Sec. 2, Bronx ords.; Sec, 12, Richmond ords.; Sec. 16, Flushing ords.) Zz .Fublic. All forming work on any municipal or public bullding In the city shall be exempt from charge or fees for connecting into any pub- lic sewer in any street, except a nominal eharge of $10 for each such municipal or Sec { plumbing contractors per- | the conveyance or discharge, | directly, / volatile public building owned by the city (Ord effective July L332.) Sec. 13. Constructors; lidense and bond, All openings into any sewers or drains for the purpo of tking connection ther t from house cellar vault, - yard or other pren s, shall be made by persons to be lice : oS the veral borough pre: dent riting, to perform such work, whe fo belng » licensed shall execute 7 f t cit { tl sum of $1,000, h one ) mor sureties to be approved by the borough president issuing such cont l that he will carefully mak a ope ngs into any sewer or drain anner prescribed by the borough re ley iving jurisdiction, without in- ring Le tha they will leave no ript on whatever in, ‘ ru 1 al and vill proper! los up the sewer or ara t nnection made by them and lake opel zg into the arch of any S€ d ; the will faithfully ‘ mre f th ordinance rela R ing and excavating streets at ares or Injuries (nat I ( 5 animals or Dro} a L OG: = opening in any etre Ld ' ' thoss i their em- plo r e! refill and ra! i restore the par uy I e rvating and repave should Settie or Dde- come der f ionth there- after ase any wverson so licensed shall negle: | the pavement aforesald, within ufte being notified the boroug i KE urisdiction may cause ) dor and charge the expe! t n licensee fa. Sec. } Sec. 14 * to public service corpora- tions W he ewer, c vert, water malin OF structed altered or repalie reet which the pipes, malty f of public service cor- poratic aid or whenever any such street st gulated or graded, the con- tract for shall give notice, in writing, of | I j porations, or to the one whos pes alns or conduits are aid t a l belng disturbed by he alteration, or repairing of G | ert ater mains or pipes, or t ae ia nik or grading thereof, at le t { efore breaking ground there- fo! ( ) Se 163 amended by ord ff 1916.) Sec. 15 Water connections. Ail connections, with sewers or drains, ed the purpose of carrying off wastes fr > osets, kitchen sinks or other- wise, shall have facilities for a sufficiency of ¢ I properly. discharged, so as to af car? off such ma.cters, under the 1) ‘ each day the fixtures are peri d t without adequate means for | ater supply (Cc O,, Sec 153: amended l. effective May 6, 1913.) ARTICLE 3, Maintenance. Se 20 Obstructing substances Sex ] Volatile inflammable liquids Ser 2 Steam and hot water Ser 23. Injury to sewers, basins and Sec. 24 Vioktions Sec. 20. Obstructing substances. No person shall permit any substance to flow or pass Into any sewer, drain or re- ceiving basin, connecting with a _ public sewer, which may form a deposit tending to choke sald sewer, drain or basin (OC. Oe Sea. 158: amended by ord. effective May 6, 1913, and C. O:, See. 160.) Sec. 21. Volatile inflammable liquids. No connection with, or opening Into, or gutter leading into any sewer or drain, either public or private, shall be used for directly or in- drain, of gas or said sewer or liquid, into inflanimable any vapor; } may be fa {it being noted that a volatile inflammable | quid is any liquid that will emit an ine flammable vapor at a temperature below 160 degrees, Fahrenheit. (C. O., sec. 561: amends ed by ord. approved August 8, 1916.) Sec. 22. Steam and hot water. No connection with or opening into any er or drain shall be useds for the con- veyant ’ discharge into said sewer or dralir rf LT or hot water, above 100 de- Eree Ia] nnelt from any boller or engine, i an manufac tory or bullding in hict t is either used or generated: nol na i person discharge or permit Sle co. oe ape into any sewer or drain, or publi street, from any stop- lve oO othe opening In any steam pip 1 [he borough president having cic yn Of said sewer or drain is hereby author d and directed, upon the expiration rf days after no e, to discontinue the cdischarge of steal or hot water from any col ct to cancel the permit for such connectio ind to ose up and remove the same, if the discharge of steam or hot water therefrom I ! have been discontinued. The pena rescribed by Sec. 24 of this articl 111 be imposed upon and recovered from the ow er and oc ipants, severally and respectively, of a1 manufactory or building, or an corporation lolating any provision of this section im Se 168.) Sec. 28. Injury to sewers, basins and man- holes, No person shall ire. break or remove any port 1 of any recelving basin, cover- ing, flag, manho] vent, or any part of any sewer o drali nor obstruct the mouth of any sewer or drain, nor hall any person place or deposit any ‘ubstance exceeding one ton in weight upon any wharf or bulk- head through which any sewer or drain ma. run no! uUpo Or over Ar sewer or drain where the same shall be within 3 feet of the surface of the street (CG Sec 169. ) Sec. 24. Violations. Any person who sha lolate any pre- vision of this chapter shal! be llable for a penalty of $50, and may also be prosecuted criminally Any person convicted of any violation of the provisions of this article shall be punished t a fine of not more than $50, or by imprisonment for not exceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment (Cc. O., Secs. 160, 662.) CHAPTER 22. STREET CLEANING. Art 1 General provisions Art. 2 Refuse and rubbish. Art. @ Snow and ice ARTICLE 1. General Provisions. Sec. ] Relmburagmpent for removal ag rubbish or snow, Sec. 1. Relmbursement for removal of rub- bish or snow. Whenever any owner, lessee, tenant, oceue pant, or other person, having charge of any building or lot of ground abutting upon any street or public place, where the sidewalk is paved, shall fail to comply with any of chapter for the re- dirt or other ma- the provisions of this moval of snow or ice, terlal from the sidewalk and gutter on the side of the street on which sald building or lots abuts, the commissioner of street clean- ing, or the borough president of Queens or may be, may cause made, meeting such ex- suitable street cleaning or Thereafter, the expense of to each particular lot of ground shall be ascertained and certified by the commissioner of street cleaning, or by the president of the borough of Queene or Richmond, to the comptroller, and the of estimate and apportionment may additional expenditures as for the removal of the Richmond, as the removal to be case such pense from any highway fund. such removal as board authorize such required, a 7 a * ao ~ cc a EPCye 2.3% 3 it 58 L= a a a TTL TEs rh ‘ arn a. ES | PTF tic biakeeety isk - Sic bewet ete Ste aT eatseh tee ie Le be | [+7 ete bees eee hae kek ee ee oe Py rf Ps oi rd Ha J a * ay aa ’ CG * & ‘ * * 2 4 ee ee tlh Nid Se dda od Soh 144 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. { anow or ice, dirt or other material to be sort, or ashes or manure, garbage or other| street cleaning, or by the vorough president repaid to the fund from which the pay- organic refuse or other offensive matter} of Queens or Richmond, or subject to the ments were made, or, instead, in the bor-|thenefrom, or permit the same to be blown] regulations of said commissioner ef street eugh of Queens or Richmond, to the specia) | off therefrom by the wind, In or upon any cleaning or of said borough president of fund for restoring and repaving in sald bor- | street or public place (C. O., Sec. 407.) Queens or Richmond, for the removal of eughs, if the presidents thereof so elect, | . snow or ice, dirt or other material; except with proceeds from the iscue and sale ab rx — ee eet: that in the boroughs of Queens and Rich- revenue bonds, which shall be sold by the oe Oe ees | Ae eis eee 4 brine mond an owner, lessee, tenant or occu- eomptroller as provided by law. (Approved | urine ,of animals or other offensive animal! pant or other persons who has charge of April 4, 1918.) eee eee s| LOE ee stinking, noxious liquid or| any ground abutting upon any paved street be hes matte! of any kind to I 1 or or public place for a linear distance of | fall into « ipon BnyY Street. oF PuUovliC . piece 500 feet or more, shall be considered to ARTICLE 2. |or be taken or put therein. (San. Code, | have complied with this section, if such per- Sec. 102.) son shall have begun to remove the snow or Refuse and Rubbish. ne 1K Handbills. cards aad ciscolave e from the sidewalk and gutter before the | No perso! shall throy cast or distribute expiration of the sald 4 hours, and shall con- Sec. 10 Throwing refuse into streets l or cause to be thrown. cast or distributed tinue and complete such removal within a Sec. 11 Interference with deposits of |... hand bi Fcular. chr@ of +4 reasonable time rubbish or refuse wartleing matter whatesavel tn ne ubon 4 Whenever any owner, lessee, tenant. oc- Sec. 12.° Frult skins on sidewalks Sedat or wis] wikiee. - oe ey ki ee! OR or other person having charge of a + Droppings from vehicles Ler ceurt ard, or on any stoop, or i ‘na | & ng or lot of ground, abutting upon mé ) en | ’ aie “ 1 an 4 cattle Laat se ie | vestibuls — all of a : building. or {1 ; vet ne oa Se eee “pare the side- Sec, 16. Sprinkling streets i letterbox therein; provided that nothing ey Ft va ae ts ; | to comply with the Sec. 17. Protection of sewers herein contained shall be deemed to pro ig ions “ _ o dinance of the city for F hibit or otherwise regulate the deliver! f é removal of snow or ice, dirt, or other Bec. 10. Throwing refuse into streets. ) any su matter he postal service. | terlal from the sidewalk and gutter in 1 Prohibited No person or persons we ae ' Oman eR we, elective } . ; ; ‘ Jot Pee OF She eee ee ehall throw, cast or lay, or direct, suffer nen Se +} : eae Ta + Thee ssioner of | cleaning o - er permit any servant, agent or employee | Kec 16 Sprinkling streets ough president of Queens and ai Areal = te throw, cast or lay any ashes, offal, vege- A persons engaged n sprinkline.’ the | t! uth oie be, may cade ench Sia itl al tables, garbage, dross, cinders, shells, straw, | stree shall be equired ontra t lade meeting the expense tercaé shavings, paper, dirt, filth, broken glass- | the 7} af . f ate IpD am mnt litable street cleaning or high- ware, crockery, bottles or rubbish of any | els fi 1e purchase and sale f the | wa f and thereafter the expense of kind whatsoever in or upon any vacant | water necessary therefor, and to obtain the| such removal, as to each warticulne lot a? lot, lots or plot, except where ashes or /epproval of the president of the borough| ground, sha be ascertained and certified dirt may be used for filling in purposes | t« A ract, | 1 no case ore.| | > sald commissioner of street clean- under a permit secured from the depart- | wate e co a d for or used than shal ng or the borough president of Queens ment or bureau having jurisdiction, or in | be Mclent thoroug] to la dust Richmond to the comptroller, and the any street, either upon the roadway or 1 Ll street Eve stree 3 - if estimate and apportionment may sidewalk thereof. (Adopted March 20, 1917.) | poration I oughs 3 i} autho such additional expenditures as 2 Sidewalk sweeplings In the boroughs | Wue¢ all sprinkle the pa | ween na be required, for the said removal of ef Manhattan, Brooklyn, and The Bronx s tracks and 1 vhen a! often as now or ice, dirt, or other material dust from the sidewalks may} be swept lire: t uperi! ndent hig ays e paid to the fund from which the into the gutters in the morning before 8/ ‘\ at hall be furnished fi th purpose ayments were made, with proceeds from oclock, or before the sweeping of the/| free « harge b le ¢ ( ) 406 ie and sale of revenue bonds, which roadway by the department of street clean sha > sold by the comptroller as rovid- ing. if there piled; but not otherwise, anda| "**: 1! Protection of sewers a ee Se at no other time (Id. ) Eve! person, when leaning a street : ‘ ecaivicnis acd 3 Interference with street-cleaners No a an and ever sont iaient ‘ on he ere i street cleaning Person shall prevent or interfere with ar ; ©, to be eaned, the gutters and parts ond ay ae ae - eee employee of the department of street of the reet along wil n \ @ m soon as 2 ssible atees ~ aps “te ease Cleaning in the sweeping or cleanine of befor : 5 ar ate to wasl ‘ 63s ‘aes Sete: work is Gone any street, or in the removal of sweepings ea me aq no uDstance tha d ive 5 nit the scnenneane Se _— ashes, garbage, rubbish, snow, ice, or other! °°‘ scrape awa sha e ashed r scl avila fae Satie ain wea” eat against refuse materia! (Sec. 3, Manhattan ords Bilowe¢ to | arried ¢ be put into e se s caihake dir - : Poa e sewe or is = receptacle | therewith |+>. ... ¢.. — rected and authorized Bee. 11. Interference with deposits of nnected (Cc. O,,.Sé6e. 162.) ches . eG over the amount of this robbish or refuse. ees when s0 recovered, the No person, other than an authorized en at —_ oe tured ‘evar €5 the ole YPloyee or agent of the department of street te : a to be deposited to the credit cleaning, or the bureau of street cleaning ARTICLE 3, ‘ne general fund of the City of New in the boroughs of Queens or tichmond = _ reduction of taxation shall disturb or remove any ashes, garbace Snow and Ice A ! SO} violating any provision or or light refuse or rubbish placed by house- ZU ) ereof shal] upon conviction holders, or their tenants. or by occupants or pec. 2 Remova fron roadways and r Poof a cit magistrate, be fined for thelr servants, within the stoop or area ae KS such fense t less than One Dollar ($1) line or in front of houses or lots, for re- oe Property owners’ duties “ more than Three Dollars ($3) and moval, unless requested by residents of such Sec. 23 Street railroad ompan|+s re lefa t of payment thereof may be im- houses. (C. O., Sec. 405.) SP oereritiGn OF prisoned f period of one day. (Ap- sec. 23. Salting tracks prove April 4. 1918.) Bec. 12. Fruit skins on sidewalks Sec. 24. Dumping Ma 1 Prohibited No péraon a int ed oe aon ashes, etc In case the snow throw or deposit on any sidewalk or cross- Sec. 20. Kemoval from roadways and cross- ' ise a _ ng sidewalk shall be frozen so ing in any street or public place any part walks ni = apts be: Famoved,. wines! or portion of any fruit or vegetable or other "he commissioner of street clean! ne and Rie : oe ; Pontes ement, the owner, lessee substance, which when stepped upon by the borough Presidents of Queens and aaa me Seen ae other person heving any one, ims liable to cause, or does cause, Richmond lmmediately after eve snow- | afo - Jo 1 ullding or lot of ground as fim or her to slip or fall (Cc, ©.. See. 271.) fall or the formation of ice on the cross- | the ae hg : ie prc aril 2. Copy of section to be posted The walks or in culverts, paved streets or public . ner ro. subdivision, cause the side Proprietor of every store, stand or other Places, shall forthwith cause the remo al of | at oe ae Pigg a me. SEI Oe ee place where fruit or vegetable or other | ‘® Same, and shall keep all crosswalks and|-. ie i ! " kes oe aSWOUSE AF Sate substance mentioned in subdivision ‘int Shia culverts clean and free from Sbkiructicn . a a ne fable ‘mate al, and shall,’ as soon section are sold, shal! keép constantly sus- (C.° O., Sec. 415.) 7 oe) . “ pew he veather shall permit, pended therein or posted thereon. in maevits’| sb a oe y ciean said sidewalks. ic Oo. conspicuous place, a copy of this section are Se eereT owners’ duties. wee. 20.) printed in Jarge type, so that pneresn : Must clear sidewalks. * Every owner Ho. lt chasing any such bes s PORES TUE race | lessee, tenant, occupan edie eer a mm Street railroad companies; re- ponsibilities of, gaubstance may become aware of its pro- visions. «C. O., Sec &ie.) Bec. 18. Droppings from vehicles. No one belng the owner, driver or conductor of mny cart or or of any receptacle shall scatter spill, or permit to be scattered, dropnad or epilled, any dirt, sand, gravel. clay, loam stone or building rubbish, or hay, straw eats, sawdust, shavings or other light ma- terlals of any sort, or manufacturing, trade er household waste, refuse, rubbish . manager other vehicle drop OF | } having charge of any ground in the city, abut or public place; where the sidewalk is p shall, within 4 hours after the snow c to fall, or after the deposit of any di other material upon said i Sidewalk, re the snow or ice, dirt or other material the sidewalk and gutter. the time bet Dullding or lot of ing upon any atreet aved, eases rt or move from ween 9 ..D. mm. ards: 7. e& mm. noi Peing included in the above perlod of 4 hours: provided ever, that such removal shall in al] how- Cases { be made before the removal of snow or ice of any from the roadway by the commissioner of 1 Co-operation in snow removal Every Street railroad corporation shall remove all the snow and ice from its tracks and the Spaces between, and shall not throw the Same on either side thereof, but shall im- mediate] carr away and dispose of the + Same, under the direction of the commis- Sloner of street cleaning or the borough president of Queens or Richmond, under a penalty of $100 for every city block in length in which the sald corporation shali fail to so remove and dispose of such snow and ice, as aforesaid: provided, however,OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 148 ‘ f { p ar eer n ffe a> { ] a that, for he more speedy and effe: e re; racks and a line distant 3 feet outside of] Sec. 3 oat ctaie d ‘ moval of snow end =jce from the paved | such rails bt Sec. 412 4 Res ee ee eee eee Di such re , Sec 2.) Barrliape end” cune nee #treets and public places of the f the i E} and guard Every peraon peek E , ? | gaged in digging oF +) a 1 commissioner of street cleaning an ot ee Sec. 23 Salting tracks gag oan g down of! paving any : 3 ; 7 treet, or building therein ny ver ough presidents of Queeng and Richmond © person shall throw, expose or place for a Ree gen 7 ’ . oO! rench Oo ri’ purpose WT ay cor shall have power and authorit in the ) 2us procure to be ies exposed , , inder contract : } - A ; | ‘ i oO! rtue of any permit t + respective jurisdictions a Pp Oo agree . pla | n or upon Al Lres pub 3 n re l Hy is ? ag " a la Ve Hee granted Vv any oe ments fo! the entire winter cenenn , part pia o e D ipon the rve CTOSSINZ se e 8 ‘ depa : & ) oard or oO | eT : e « tx shall tnereof, with any street s face ra oad - < tches of railroad tracks an salt a f raili about ti cis ee . lf 4 er OT a ing Ou 1e@ exca.s other railroad ha ig tra a he for | D f othe ubstance for the purpo ’ os i xcavation ‘ 1a yreven danger te 7 wo f ennt + - * ‘ : i ) se! the emoval of sno. dq ' ne entire | Gisso is a ow rr ice which ma have . ra ns the treet wv} Ne th , ; width of the street OT D place fram falle been dep ited thereon wa hall ; e et, 1 1606 OCU Work . ed ane would he dangerous A house-line to house- e a part f the a person throw < place upon the curves | r fer hall i ee a E ca i “s a ; ralliing or é LAa11 16 continued route of the said rail ad, | I Mn gE in 8 ) ing Oo x che of aiiroad tracks ar } 1 1 until the or} Be : f rine‘ inti 1 vy K a } such agreement shal pe ) ste . h alt saltpetre o othe substance fo the ‘ . the batructi a ts * She * _ A U : ul OT ry Oo : ucTLION or da er an. law of the State of - \ ux bh D pose 0 gaisso g now Or ice unless = ’ = ( —D ee 142 ane ce nger wed 3 , , oo any right of the clit ({ O se 416 perm 0 therefor be f obtained fro i : ; es 3 18 l Aa sawa ords.; Sec Lo Rockaway amended by ord. approved Augus 916.) e ough preside having urisdictio Ss Sen 1 hs seach ords.; S¢ l Arverne ords.; Sec +} o here ‘ iined ahall he ‘ 0) 7 Rriec n ord s Use of snow plows a es 77 sweep red prohibit ny interfere v Ae x : : . at mielnauin 4 ers No surface railrosd « pa ‘ a ee ' ‘he extent to ) ne COT le c tests or ‘ periments hy ‘ > C h ‘ailing ar fance ak 17 1 company or any corporation r person wha = . & nee ha be built : ! i) artrne ot = ° ing 5 Oey l the < eral ace | } . ever or the officers agents a6 ‘ Nee €, between . ases is hereby defined as er, = rvants | Ja 1 April 1 { wit ; pri 17 ( oO thereof, shall cause or allow a . w plow c : ; : A ' | q cging down any street or road aweeping machine ol! other in rn 2 \. f \ , ' f arrier alo t} nent to pass over the tra es iis ; r along the upper bank a ' : ed er j Dumping u ‘ avatio! nw extendin the by them within the limits of e 38 “ 5 y ' actors a T othe persons no . ? : i i sa I e street aS mary be by the written permit of the a0 rn . . i ied are he ) forbidden, | cessa ‘ ) e persons from traveling oO atreet cleanin ei I .. 3 lé re | eaning o ne I ained, and are never to be permitted to is would be dangerous of Queens or Richmond: a! f m icnmond; a his au | ' emp CoO e or cau to > | 4 e . street by extending provision shall be punished b penalt no ) ed f * 5 ra ( f > ¢ f e p ) a rf a nping an ( acrosa ithe carriage exceed e $100 for each s f 1 ‘ | raat . : . E 4 a 2can ot or ract | ee or | but a portion of such nermit or ewal thers f hy i ‘ - enewa 0 rt a yf land sha : carriageway be obstruct- rant vc : yr tha , ' . . { ; \ ’ - £ ed c ept ipon I 4 i } adiu j An fee of k ee ! Oo .Y in which case the eament 1 7 a yf f . ‘ . he Agree en ipan he pa } } g ~ 0 pu tru ling A ¥ . irranged as to leave pplying for such permit < pia ess oO Sec. 4 Lzewa cnt ch, as nearly as may be. © part to whom the “2 has heer of at) granted shall and will, at its , expense i c aging a wer, b placing the prompt rermnove and carry a‘ 1s snow CHAPTER 23. ar act the carriageway at the ends th wn up b. such plow nr 2 and . ef suc eY avat as sall he nade: that such snow plow, sweeping ach 0 STREETS a. 1 bullding- vaults, by inclosing the other instrument shall be so « i as ex at and the g¢g ind taken therefrom not to throw any slush or snow side eral ] ns (4 fey, Oe 11 walke c buildings, under a pe f $10 sements, piacards and : : g ere shall be for every house, or sidewalk f there I ea Dp lL @€a I I ra ge or fence, and of, upon which slush or. sno sha be Asse es g materia posts, poles, pipes thrown Wo such permit 0 as a his 4 4 4 hor sales or »} ict! 2 street or public be granted unless the party te whe g ° , Inyé and Ticlent ights, which e ‘ E a h¢ ey > . ; < ed shall expressiy covenant stipules “ darie .nG numents : me] our e ugh the night agree that, in case of its failure eg ri a | — E existence of tl} obstruction (c: i) i omissior tr remove prompt na , irb f urtace | ~ . 4 ; o bh +. away the snow and ice throw! ip x h r Ve + DEAS ited D9 person FnOW piow or other instru! ‘ I e lg ‘ piace ’ remove. any ! : xarmie ma he pe noved unde! the = b ‘ 1 “4 en ° ru sh or of the comn jasioner of street cle; a . ) £ Sy 0 or a ohatruc { r snes and e bra rT tion et witk the written cor borough president of Queens o mi, ' cu | A ee I } 4 r rn 2 r n ; BE ed I £ } ent } ~ wr and the expense of removing . : 4 } roachments I den A & iris 7 S 1 af vhicl i vhs - be paid b the party to the cx , ad alk I 1.¢@ obstru ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ \ or rout ~ ceT - the borough president, on d € gns and s of the \ z ne r ending e or oO nateria board of estimate ma’ author , d : : Ree ais ; sneous et O., Sec. 140.) 7 ount or amounts of moneys s : < ; ae roa tht er 2 ata i Aim othing contained in this be credited to the appropria - , atl of pipes ah ae sa : . ‘ z ne Cor rued Oo authorize any epect e boroughs, for the remo af sy! x ner y 1 ‘ f le ; } ‘ 3 ly OT } p uT or ohetr more than and e but othir erein cont : ' - £ a nothing her : s he a f ne ontinuous block and one e eo ed to ro Py the cn ' - © , +} ; ] l ohibit } f Y f < { 4 (ne a 7 e i ye n anv one horol } : j rand f 4 ough president from dem S f ) » keep the sa e so stopped up { » aia ner ,4 7 a Ln a f 9 ; *esuling sald perm and as a co fa) ARTICLE 1 j re da ifter the roadway is of the deposit of such sum f . pe 2 shed »ca (| | - . ' ess pecia permit of the nther secu as in is ude be ; re aerit {' ser l h JucEg General. Provisions V © 141.) ecvessa 0 pay the cost of prope f Ap tt f tion The provielons fo ming the work above menfi: q orcethe sora? clori iz of reete« af th 4 tlon . 21] app a evars person with the expense of the inspe vf Se afe conditions; notice | engaged in building any vault, or construct In case of neglect, refusal o1 miss f the Bat e guards and ghts ga teral drain to any pub? sewer, or party to whom such permit ma e gra my, Se ‘ i a for damage ‘ eha ado rr perform al vork causing prompt to remove and to 2 awa LLIONE a public stree b virtue of rn f i ; + 1h « ‘ * t ! from a nen: tmear enow and ice thrown up | ; r Sec { lemporary closing of streets ‘ { } } dey ha ent board or othr instrument, then the cc ssion¢ f Bach orough president is e powered to officer Of the cit) and also to all persons en- etreet cleaning or the boroug pres f| close temporarily to traffic any street, or gaged ih performing any work in behalf of ' _— " , . the ( wh relh* ohatriuc i r Queens or Richmond ma ort) h causé| a, portion thereof within his urisdiction nere bstructions or excava- fone hall , sade in vide . (he same to be removed at 5 pu ex sa in his duderment: trevel.in tha same.” all be made in public streets. (C s ‘ é . () ~ ( 7 ) pense, and all expenditures ade oo! deemed to be dangerous to life, In con- ee Enforcement of se n } ; eurred thereof ahall be chargea > ypon the! sequence of their belng carried on in sald _— ction The borough : | . president havin jurisdiction f v - party so neglecting, refusing or omitt g to treet. building operations, repairs to street E 1 diction of any work . ' 5 referred to in this sectic sh ’ perform his agreement and 1a) ye re pavements,. sewer connections r blasting ction shall see to it that F = : ail the forecoineg recuiren) t : > vias coverable by an action at law ol behalf of f< tne purpose ol removing rock from ; ’ d ; ant’ abet ihe eo ah led with ant he sha k {yr ine city, and, when an recovered shall me | rbuttinge property (¢ {) se LOU.) ’ hall ma Ke nmediate placed .-to the credit of the depart ant o complaint to the corporation counsel of any ore 1 y ~f a : . street cleaning or the bureau of street | Sec. *- Unsafe conditions; notice. iolation thereof, under the penalty of $58 I : e aioe anc vy - “ ‘ Sen cleaning in the boroughs of Qieens or Whenever any person shal ha e authority, oY each and ever neglect (‘ O., secs % 3 . anv ¢ A ; he * env 214.) Richmond, as the case may be, to supply the | Under 4n) contract with the ¢ or any deficiency occasioned by such additional ex officer thereof, or under any permit, to re- | Sec. 4. Liability for damage. Le a L-Cas ‘ ¢ Yi ” penditure (Cc oO sec 417 amended t move the pavement from or to éxcavate, In all cases where any person shall per- STi L Ce o as ; i ri rie »y ord approved August g 1916.) | occup’ or use any part of a publi sitree form a1)" of the work mentioned in the / oO a to obstruct travel therein } shall | preceding se: tlon. elther under contract with & Obstructing tracks No person shall| erect, or cause to be erected suitable no he ity or by virtue of permission obtained throw, place or plle, .or assist others in | tice of the obstruction in conspicuous pos! fron Al department board or officer of throwing, placing or piling an snow, ice oF | tions, at all points of intersection of such the city, such persons shall be answerable other impediment or obstruction to the run-| street with the cross-streets nearest to the for al damage which may be occasioned to ning of cars upon the tracks of any rall- obstruction, which notices hall be in the nersons animals or property by reason of road company, or in the space v»,etween he | form prescribed by the borough president carelesnsne in any manner connected with having jurisdiction, Cc. O., Bec, 142,) ‘the work (C..'@.,. Sec;: 242,23 “ails thereof, or in the space between the re. reat t yey rset ests? i a om Vea ce A & riblaitsi eR Hees eo eee eee eee ee babateeur se z4 146 CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. a - | Qnnoyance of passers-by. (Sec. 23, Brooklyn | Sec. 41. Construction of permanent awne Pee ee Ords.) (Amended by Ord. adopted July 13 Ings. this article shall, upon conviction therefor, again amends ir 1915.) be punished by a fine of not more than $100, | Dec. 14, 1920.) or by imprisonment for not more than 30 Any person violating any provision = {sae ied ter CER Adovted (Repealed by ord. effective December 28, 2 anc : ) : ' davs, or by both such fine and imprison. | Sec. 42. Drop awnings: Bee, 24. Public assemblies; display o : Drop-awnings, without verti¢al supports, ! “a ment. (C. ©., Secs. 209, 143.) | All assemblies ve akan oe. _ are permitted within stoop-lines, but shall lany of the streets of oo ae : helin no case extend beyond 6 feet from the | lic discussio1 LY he rr as ea pe houae-line, and shall be at least 6 feet in j eriéa flag conspicuousl aisplay e¢ a ; : , val Be. ARTICLE 9 an fa a. Aa bntetne Oe week age) the clear above the sidewalk, (C...0;, . No a rr black flag, and no Sec. 265.) ® Advertisements, Placards and Posters. | sembiles : . ony , | banner, ensign or sign having upon it wee Sec, 43. Temporary awnings. Sec. 10. Posting | Inscription opposed to eat ig alah Awnings without side .coverings may be Sec. 11. Protection of city -advertise-| ment, or which is sacrilegious, oi " ries from time to time erected and miainte'n:4 ments. may be derogatory to publi oe ea acro the idewalk of any street for Sec. 12. (Repealed by ord. approved Aug. | be disployed at any such ass poate ~¢ sm temporary use as a protection during inclem- 3 $, 1916.) any public place, or carried through the! 1+ weather only; provided, however, thee “+ streets of the city in any procession or pa- such awning shall be made of canvas or : Bec. 10. Posting. rade. Any person who Shall violate any loth and shall” be supported by upright ct No person shall paste, post, paint, print] provision of 1 section shall, upon con- posts of Iron not exceeding 2 inches in diam- ms er nail upon any curb, gutter, flag stone, | yiction thereof : punished by a fine of eter and not less than 8 nor more than $ tree, lamp-post, awning poat, horse post, not more thay hundred dollars ($100) 10 feet | helght above the sldewalk and Hi telegraph pole, barrel, box or hydrant in or by impriso1 ent for t exceeding te shall not be wider than the entrance of any street or public place, any handbill, days, or by both es 1 fine and imprison the building in connection with which It Ig poster, notice, sign or advertisement. (C. O., ment (Approved Decembr 6, 1916.) to be used Awnings with side coverings Sec. 548.) may be erected for a lImited time upon a . } + . Sec. 11. Protection of city advertisements. | ARTICLE 4 ssuance ay - ae Oe ete ee r No person shall tear down, deface or de- | h wii ough bret de ea ee ction “ “ f atroy any notice, handbill or poster, put up | co ait Withee Medes Sac Va amended y ord. effective May : or posted by or under the direction of the! “a © : 11, 19% board of aldermen, or by or under the direc- Bec 40 A hie Gee: ad Violations. tion of any other city department, bureau Se, | Vending and selling of salted No perso shall violate any provision of board or officer (Sec. zi New Brighton |}... fain) aol vik wine e, or’refuse or neglect to comply ords., and Sec. 18, Arverneé ords.) with any order of a borough president made | Sec. 380. Auctions, Sec. 12. Theatrical bill-boards, Brooklyn, | j Restriction No a oneer, nor hig| thereunder, un ler the penalty of $10 for (Repealed by ord, approved August | agent empleyee or servant shall each offense No such violation shall be 1916.) | a. sell o expose for sale at public: auc continued 4 : notice to the perpetrator Ag thereof nd penalty of $10 for each day tion or ve 1u4, Any dry-grooda, ciothing ; 2 . Masdware. household furniture, wooden-| the same shall be continued. (C. O., Seca ae ARTICLE 3. | ware or tin are, by retail or in small par- | 257, 258 e: , | cels or plece any street or, public place re Assemblies, }(C. O., Sec. 588.) fe ARTICLE 86. i b sell or expose for sale at public atc- Pa Bec. 20. Public worship. | tion any goods, wares, merchandisé or other Boundaries and Monuments. fs Sec 21. Interference with street services | thir gs whatsoever to any person or persons a Sec. 22. Street shows. who, at the time of bidding for or while Sec. 50 Excavations or embenkments a Sec. 23 Loafers and loungers examining the sg ie, Shall be on the side- near landmarks f Bec. 24, Publio assemblies; display of) oi. carriageway of any street; (C. O Sec. 51, Removal or covering up of lana- i flag. |} Sec. 639.) marka ee be : | c Sell at auctior or expose for sale Sec, 52 Violationa. a Sec. 20. Public worship. or lay or place any goods, wares, merchan Hl No person shall be concerned or inatrue | disé or other thing in any atraet or public | Sec. 50 Excavations or embankments near o mental in collecting or promoting Any as- place unles Such person shall first ob- landmarks ig gemblage of persone or public worship or] tain the consent or permission, in writing NG excavation or embankment shall be _ exhortation, or under any pretense theré-| of the , Supant of the lot or building be nage, nor shall any pavement or flagging * for, in any park, street, or other public | fore which such articles or any Part thereof | be laid or moved by any person, within 8 i place; provided, that a clergyman of minis-/ shall he placed or exposed for sale, (C. O feet of any monument or bolt, which has E ter of any denomination, or any person | Se 534.) been set, by proper authority or designated r responsible to or regularly associated with 2 Attracting purchasers No béllman or/0On any official map, as a landmark te 5 any church or incorporated missionary so- crier, nor any 4drun fife, or other instru-/| denote street lines within the ¢ity, unless c clety, or any lay-preacher, or lay-reader | ment of music, or any : how-signal or means |& permit therefor has been obtained from i may conduct religious services in any pub-|of attracting attention of purchasers, other | the president of the borough in which the lic place or places specified in a pérmit/} than a sign or flag, shall be employed, or|™MOnument or bolt is situated. Applica- therefor which may be granted and issued | suffered or permitted to he used at or near! tions for such permits shall bo tn writing, by the police commissioner. This section | &n} place of sale, auction room, residence | and shal) set forth the nature of the work shall not be construed to prevent any con-/|0f an auctionee: Or at or néar any auc-| Proposed, and the location of al! monu- eregetion of the Baptist denomination from | tion whatsoever ic. G@., Bea, -ee7.) ments or other landmarks affected thereby. méseinbling in a proper place for the Dur | 3 Removal f goods Hvery article ex Thereupor the borough president shall pose of performing the rites of baptism, | Posed for sali i Public auction, or sold | Cause one of the city surveyora or an according to the ceremonies of that church. in any street or pub Place, shall be re- | engineer in his department to take such (C, O., Secs. 494, 497, 498.) | moved from the san by the setting of the neasurements and field notes as may be }8un of the day of & oR or exposing for | N@cessary to restore such monunrents or bolts Bec. 21. Interference with street services. j Sale. (C. O., Sec. 53¢ to their correct position, after the completion No person shall disturb, molest or inter- | of the contemplated work, and, when such rupt any clergyman, minister, missionary, | §ec. 31. Wendine and selling salted meat | MeAsurements and fleld notes have been la@y-preacher or lay-reader who shall be| and fish, etc. taken, but not before, the required permit conducting religious services by authority | No person shall sell expose for sale, lay or | Shall be issued of @ permit, issued as prescribed by this | Place in any street or publi place, at any Each borough Presidane shall cause a article, or any minister or people who shall| time between June iat ay d November ist | Covenant to be Incorporated in all oaon- be performing the rite of baptism as per-|!n any year, any salted beef or pork, dried | tracts héreaftar made by him for econstruct- mitted by the preceding section, nor shall | °F Pickled fish, blubber hides; cotton or | ing, regulating or repairing any street, re- any person commit any riot or disorder in | WOO). (C. O., Sec. 525.) quiring the contractor ts obtain the permit any such assembly. (C. O., Sec. 499.) : above required and to take such other ' | Precautions for the care and preservation Sec. 22. Street shows. 4 |} of monuments; bolts and other landmarks No person shall, from any window or | ARTICLE 5, }as the borourk president may direct. (C. open space of any house, exhibit to the| j |C., Sees. 108-110; amended by ord. éffactiw public upon the street, or the sidewalk | Awnings | Feb 9, 1916.) thereof, any performance of puppet or! Seo. 40. Permanent awnings other figures, ballet or other dancing, com- | Sec. 51. Removal or covering up of land- j inn an . ‘ at i j edy, farce, show with moving Aguras, Play | eee Seah OC re, a ene is, or other entertainment. (Sec. 40, Manhat- ae | No person or persons shall remove or tan ords.) Sec. 42, Drop awnings |COver up @ monument or bolt for dealgnat- Sec. 43. remporary awnings. (ing any street, without siving 3 days’ Sec. 23. Loafers and loungers. | Seo. 44. Violations. notice tn writing of his intention eo to do toe the president of the borough In which the monument or bolt ts situated. Upon recetv- in& such a notice, the borough president shall cause one of the city surveyors, or an No person shall encumber or obstruct | Sec, 40. Permanent awnings any street or other public place by loafing | (Repealed by ord. effective December 53 or Jounging in or about the same, to the / 1915.) i epCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 147 i i I ] Saree engineer in 1is department to take the with the regulations distil ly marke | - Yat - d necessary measures a Ce an tow vo Si a atid tbat pe ci ; on ce a ve et " me =e vation that may have been monument or bolt to the proper age alot netin ake Sons ts ee ‘ nce . Ts ry é — ea other work done tin pursuance i : Ae 11 I Len gulating | thereof; and no account for paving, In pur: the street and, when necessar} tr »| the same (C.-O), Bee. 226.3 | suance of this section, shall be ac * DT citeration ta Mean» F Ps eer : : i 1al] accepted oes be kept in his office for that 1 | Sec. 64. Width of streets in Brookly | COMMPIOPC? . VEN sheet es eee ere key ) fF for 1 I : Mm Drooklyn. the contract shall certify that thi ~etionr Whenever a borough president l a The widths of the roadways and the side- } 2 ¢ ‘ ’ . pte i 2] le! , \d 1as been fully complied with. (C. O., Sacs tain that any monument or ! ey walk of the streets in the Twenty-ninth LS6, 187.) ; a removed, without such noti hi shall ind Thirty-second wards of the borough « forthwith cause the same to |} ed ,| Brooklyn are hereby fixed at the dimen- | its proper position, and shall : me | yt prescribed the ordinances of the | ARTICLE 8 on the records in the manner befor tad forme city Oo Brooklyn, instead of the The expenses attending iyo} eanlarar dimension ndicated upon the title pages of Disturbance of Surface. shall be pald by the comptro the | the maps of the former towns of Flatbush ct. ‘ ai ai , certificate of the boroug , a vy Utrecht, Gravesend and Flatlands, ex- | a si General Provisions, the work to be done (Cc q { in cept in tne cast of the following named ae Le te a ae renee of disturbances of 112 mended by ara off siwa — streets and avenus where the width of c ‘ ates ) = nay roadways -and stdewalks shall remain as | re , ViGketione ah wnNnoyr ‘ Lbove-y] entioner ‘ rt e11iTre f — oe ae Wialattons * a . = RP BE oR al a a es Sec. 80 General provisions. , me he | y wa : . ; . , , ‘oO person without being previously au- Any person who shall ake excava- | been pa — nemMe thorized by a permit of the president of tion or embankme!: r la or take up Thirteenth av ie, within the limits of | t1 rough, } = jurisdiction, shall fall in any pavement or fiaecineg itl \ o feet hi : ; ninth ward |} Or Frais or cause to be filled in or raised, ee at. = hay iy : vz aS i sen aa : ja : 1 the Iimits of the ae oie { Ul ee amas or any part of as E p nit 0 |} such street or public place, or take up, re- perform such wor or ¥ » shall in any Malbone st within the Iimits of the | move ir car! away, or cause to be taken way remove or defa ein mumernt. Bolt | Twenty h 1 ird |up, removed or carried away, any asphalt or other land mar} sha be punished for| East Ne } k avenue, within the limits! or asphalt } flagstones, turf, stone, each offense by a f of $50, or by imprison- | °f t lwenty-! ss urd gravel, sand la or arth from any such ment for not exceeding 30 da or by both Church av e, for its entire length; street or public place (C. O., Sec. 144; such fine and iImopris nent (C' O.. Sec a len a nu (formely Vernon avenue) amended by ord. effective Feb. 9, 1915.) 112° amended 1 ord. effective Fet 9 | between at h avenue and Holy Cross 1915 cemit I Sec, 81. Prevention of disturbance of street Corte 1 road, for its entire length; : surface 2 Clar Ld rl entire length; When f° mg) persons shall attempt to ARTICLE GC. A Ve 1© GF tina avenue), between |take up the pavement of any street or re- Coney I i : e and West avenue and | move @! part of the paving thereof, with- Construction and Repalr | between fr oes ind Rockaway ave~/ out a permit ie borough president having nue; | jurisdiction shall tak immediate steps to Sec 60 Paving, generally Avent ] VCO! Rogers avenue and | prevent such disturba e of the surface of Sec. 61 Paving by abutting owners | O San “SVenue | the street, and shall forthwith restore such Sec 6 Curbing Fratlands ¢ 1e, within the limits of the ! fagecing or pavement, as nearly as may be F Sec. 63. Gutter stones | T rd | practicable, to the condition in which it was = : : : é i z as “7 Rog ie, from Malbone street to before such taking or removal aa aforesaid f Sec. 64 Width of streets in Brooklyn. ore \ resaid, a fiec. 65. Removal of debris. | # tet! spy }at the expense of the parfy removing the mz Ne enue. fr 1 Malbone street to | same, o be recoyered as penalties are re<- - Sec. 60. Paving, generally. | Church avenue; covered (Cc. O., Sec. 147; amended by ord. . All streets of 22 feet in width and upward, | Albany avenue, from Malbone street to its | effective Feb. 9. 1915.) a and; when required to be paved by com- | soutn y end , petent authority, all other streets and alleys | Utica a iT ro Ea New York avenue | Sec. 82 Violations. of less width hall 1 paved and arched | t Fla ! | Any person vho hall violate any pro- ~s in full accordance with standara pecifica- Ra ee nsen avenue to | visions of this article shall, upon conviction reg tions for such work, which ha be pre- | Avé! thereof, be punished by a fine of not more = scribed by the borough president having Remsen avenue, for its entire length; than $50, or by imprisonment for not 6k- iE} jurisdiction and kept on file in his office East N y-second street for its entire | ceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and eo (C. O., Secs. 132, 1385; amended by ord. effec- | length imprisonment (Sec. 6, New Brighton ords.) “ tive Feb. 9, 1915.) | Rockaway parkway, for its entire length, | = Avenue I betwee Ralph avenue and |} = Sec. 61. Paving by abutting owners. | Flat h avenu ~ S Any eitizen or number’ of tizens shal é Fla iu Lvenue between Malbone street | ARTICLE 9. = allowed to pave the street opposite to his and Lica A * or thelr property where the same shall ex- | Nost l avenut fr Malbone atreet to | Excavations. i tend from the intersection of one’ cross | the bou line between Thirty-first and | 4 wis 4 street to the Intersection of another; pro Thirt) nd wards; | Sec. 90. Permit required. zt ited the came ba done in ecnievmliete.the | Pins roland avante: within she Jilin of | Sec. 91 Deposits to cover cost of restora- es regulation of the president of the borough ithe 7 ty nt} ard |} tion of pavement ts in which such street is located and ubject | I | l ave . from Church avenue to Bec. 92 Restrictions; borough of mich es to such conditions as he may impose (Cc Ave ‘ mond, . O.. Sec 34) Mast Ninety-third street, from Avenue N Sec. 93 Workmen on excavations. fs : to Jamaica bay pec. 94 Excavations for public works. 3 Sec. 62.. Curbing. Hast Ninety-elghth street, for its entire Sec. 96 Excavations for private purposes © All curbing for the.support of sidewalks | length; Sec. 96. Replacement of pavement. % hereafter to be laid shall be of the material Awan. 1 from Remeen avenue t6 Hast) = 97 Fees: borough of Richmond ee or materials, dimensio: and construction | Ninety-tl reet, and from Flatbush Sec. 98 Enforcement of article, me} eo ene Pe seyactire Hons oo caer perepus te Aes re Sec. 90. Permit required. e work, which shall be prescribed t the bor- | Avenue |! from Avenue N to Jamaica | : : rer] ough president having jurisdiction and kept | bay No water company, gas company, tele- oat on file in his office (Cc, O.,-8e 124: amend- Lind avenue from East 92d street to| phone or electric light company, nor any } ed by ord. effective Feb. 9. 1915.) | Rockawa parkway | Person or association of persons shall bé re Avenue A, within the limits of the Thirty- allowed to dig up any street or public place, 1 Bec. 63. Gutter stones. shana ward (Seo. 14 Brooklyn or4.) for any purpose, without a W ritten permit : 1 Laying All gutter-stone: hereafter | | from the president of the borough in whiob laid shall be of the best hard blue stone or | Sec. G5. Removal of debris. the work is to be done. (C, O., Secs. 188, granite, at least 30 inches in length, L4 f Any person, other than the commissioner 148.) inches in width, and 6 inches thick, and |of water supply gas and electricity who a : shall be cut to a fair and level surface with- | may hereafter pave, or cause to be paved | = 91. .Deposita £0 ehyer OGFs: a “Ramer eS out windings, with true and parallel sides, lany street, shall have the sand, dirt or tion of pavement. and the ends square so as to form tight and | rubbish leaned off such treet and every | ; When required. Each borough presi- close joints; under the penalty of $10, to be nart thereof, within 12 lays after the] dent, whenever granting a permit for any | ment hall have been completed, under sued for and recovered “from the person or | pavi excavation, opening or disturbance of the persons laying the same and the owner Or a penalty of $25 for each violation of this | pavement of the carriageway of any street 6 presi- | or sidéwalk thereof for any purpose what- owners of the lot fronting on the sldewalk or provision; and in addition thereto, th street, severally and respectively. (C. O., | dent of the borough In which the work has|ever, except tn cases where such opening, Bec. 125.) | been done shall cause the debris thereof to excavation or disturbance shall be direc > Regulating If any atreet, when | be removed at the expense of the party | authorized by law, shall require, of the per- paved, shall not exactly rang, the gutter or | negie' ting or refusing so to do, who shall be | son by © hom or for whose benefit any ex- outside of the footpath cr sidewalk, shall be | liable in an appropriate action at law for cavation or opening /a8 to be made, a deposit | laid out and mads as nearly in a straight | the recovery of the amount expended by |of such sum as shal! be deemed sufficient to line as the street will permit; the ascent the city This section shall be so construed | cover and pay all the and descent of the same shall be regulated | as to apply to the removal offall sand, dirt of the department granting the permit, as by the president of. the borough in which | the case may be, for furnishing such mate- the same is located, and a profile thereof, all streets covered by any pavement so done rial, doing such wvork, and taking such expenses on the part or rubbish. collected in any part of any andie be) eS 26 hee — pi-T+eened et <8 Tee eee oe es ee) Yeh eRe es 1 ¥ — eas Fate aed heath he Ted - ; : oe deed ed. Meet itt sa tat ee ete oe) 148 CODE OF OR DINANCES OF THE CI means as nail ~ € Sihe pe required “ Ses oe ed properly to re- included |] > re and secure ag ae ioe hn’ .eve contract } ¢ v ie e gainst sinkage the street ote nike ‘ herea er made shall b tal : — . I ons netil { AK ¢ ' nd sidewalk, pavement, curb and flagging structing, altering or repairin 3 { 1 st ie or any paving. stones ne . : iagein sewer or culve é E n a street shall hi } necessary. to be replaced in consequence me wer or culvert, water malin or ply} in al | lati - lall have been removed in vio [ { ce « “26 r 1 . ! I oT of t he : = making such excavation aosnine ' treet in which the pipes, mains o1 nduit ee . o preceding sections, the ; t . — vs ais- of rub ie r conaulte dent of the oO o . presi- urbance: which deposit shall be a full dis- | porn e corporations ha é ule shall 2 borough having jurisdicti 2 5 7 ‘ S- 1 ; ' SNnatll forth. ia on charge of all liability and claim agé at tne me of naking such - return su ‘ papel = claim against the Se , cont! ) forn r j h tones to their person making, such deposit and pa : regulating 1 gradine uny such stre i none Piaces alr hall otherwise : = ‘ if mayvyment = . . ' ret ({ fhe AN . ; restore for the work herein provided for and re | O., ecs 16: amended by ort P . ] ve! nt us nearly as may be cua a _ ( ; ‘ oundatlo ‘ : b them for any repaving atin I ided Sec. 95 Excavations for privat , on and bitum- this: article,, shall be paid, fron ee ae to} 1. Notice to pu aaa ae ee . 4m pavement, per - we mie om the gs : : é ice Tr ] ) ea appro-| Th s : rretionse Prete Special Fund,’’ upon the Se ate a aT vi m’ or for w} ' } ° conc te 490 at thei tne quisition | an ose benef é 2 a f the borough presidents, as the ca ( : excavation is to be made 1 : it . pavement per be Pk aiw ‘ P , ® case may — 7 ml & \ street , after examination, audit and gz ne ake 5} otice WI 7) os _ 350 of accounts by) allowance an 2 Zz the of i i adam bounded a3 t) . yy the finance department rporation se pipe a > wer with tar 1 nn kate J n n in 0 ~ juare varie e same manner that payments are o I d i! aid ; n ttate ard 2 89 be required b) law are or shall r About oO De j - 1cadam surfaced wit {t z aw to be made fr such ‘ avatior f . a ' p Oo tar- wv tr steer 4 Irom th . a ea = s ane YN) oe . een provided that the a fig ( and improved gran certifiec nd amount go . sa on sane rre ified and paid shall not exceed t 4 his exn 3 4 na. and grouted, per gregate mount oe cine he BE mrrote 23 | and new CVD - ~ es of such Specia!] a \ | I 1s Irb on con- Cc. QO Sec 151 ) 1a Fund i ir oF au { 4 foot ( place and pa ' Resto i eae 175 gon ‘ee R wher } . : , - . or other. blocks of Sec, 92, eatrictions; o eve re id joint - | The follc ; borough of Richmond a el or distur ints, per square ollowIng shall apply to all ' ed : an ; , a ext \ . y I { tions made in streets i +) ere , a ; a 140 R treets in the bor ; ibstant acadam, per squa Richmond “ orough of supports if i ' quare ) until the openin « Street |] ' aVAatio ir y ace to # . The area of r led (Sec. 2 ing is properl) “ any epavd shall ; 4 21, Richmond ords duits of a pipes a or < . ‘ in all cases he Tunnellin m ras MubH aryi " he president o , Ling. Tunnellir @ laid a Cé orporat _ of the boro. walks . : lg under cross I a the < n a rresentati ugh and railroad + SS — lé f wr a e from the : ] 7 tracks shall r mits; pre a y said per a e diagrar i owed at any ti an Lee lot be al ded su : vs ; a n-a erifi aa hes ‘ ime. The bridge Ms 3 hem ‘ | 3 ) OT " fied or corrected h Ing crosawalk stones form a € r< : th t} N ‘KS must be r M4 ' ict perm ne maps a out a > removed and p | ! proport r ‘ - s and records o = , a } ) ce’ : Lion Oo ; Ps : of the way of an pia d ec ort) f he : pa a an n r ’ street traffic. hb Sec 16°? es there ully relaid and th : ic being care- | a ende ( © at” he a work ig oroughl) bedded wher th i 13] , ~ ' el ve reod ! ack Ing The fos ls completed. (Sec - ak yn of the back filli 7, Richmond ords.) | Sec. 9@ woe’ ng of any Sec. 98 ; —e Reple Bs 1e¢ borough : : ‘ 8. AC =} g of Rich- Workmen on excavations i Genera! ement of parement ; ‘ as follows Rich A pe . ‘ rrovisions . reson 5 ment - \V he ‘ ‘ nore i arant t whom consent ae sidewalk vigieligy ‘ aT pave _ re than 4 feet in ited, or a ws i ] ¥ be |or , 3 itt ‘ re permit issued 7 pub piace , " a r street . than 39 fee @ stre to use os : € snall t ; t in reet, shall k use .or open | presi ; e taken up . ae , required, bef: a resident having mn up, the borough | Fo! nt or permit may }t ‘ yre such con such f iz irl otlay cates . f mT) . ; “aun $2 09 agree that no > y ® granted or issued a | iol eo eme ‘ aldle cea te sfore feet j aaa and under 3 5 ns ione but compete f proper cond ° } gut to et t and not more th oe in the . nt men, skill nd an 390 work required ‘ skilled is practica} As #OON tharea ¢ oth D oved ‘ 4 of them shall } j a icable rgiey vs 4 er a } 4 - is hereon, and +h . i6 em sons by. . ne the eren sover @ feat 50 of \ , at the prevaili | : whon 4 : er f eet and under IL union wages shall b svailing scale | Same e ( ( who _ at ept} . aq | : . , e id nie ie remo 3 en if A ¢ ' i no } > a employed. iis deans aed paid to those so Shania em | devosit +: ‘ ; Siar more than 39 : Lo } . nz e mM; ] permission giy hall be grante s the aT - aterial 609 given until suc} ed or | breaking perstru ir enches of great wy . I suc | or iene . vt ne 7 rt 7 > 4 | . have been entered Ch agreenient- shall | mar Anjuring ! sa . = e foregoing ‘ er dimensions than ment h d into, with th mi ner which wi] ! and n a E special charge s : aving jurisdictio ; e depart-/| venience t asion the least . lined b ; as may be hs £0 used or ; on over the street by hivatt -© o the publt« ; al f incon- ough oe ' president of the BAF opene vation 37 O | } . lis renre = herea , and all such | nade, and any exca-| A presentatl Fr ‘ ; 1 : , nd to . yril ~ alive yy ‘fte Issued shall includ n permits | erly packed leave the same - £818.) (Approved of this pro. ree 1 ude therein a cop} pe rammed and re / Dp ) y Ams il, (Cc oO e 7 quires re ; pairec for } J,, SOC 1 J paving fe for any | Sec. : & 11332.) is here} gE Fach horoane!} - 98. Enfors em t Sec. 94. Exc lereby authorized | igh president} 1. Dut ent of article “ avations for public a k and regylat 1 to establish suc} , uties of pctice or . IN o i ; ions ae 3 l vile : I i é i ‘Otice to public — | be deemed : Ml i judgement a ct Vigilant in the ¢ policemen shall vt : st service _ . Z lec neces : ' eT shal . : ié en fi 2 Whenever any sewer } co porat ons carrying 7 Sat for the pur provisions of this art i forcement of thes er culvert c E out 3 y yurpose of ss S rticle, an a r pipe is to be cor structed we main division (4 ? provisions f thi “a proper channels ay | ‘ ; repary through stru } f e his sub- vio altered or re- > Rock roe aoe 150.) ee the corporation 5UT ] olations thereof to - i¢ c fl | COUNnSe! n n refills Th denna serving or beir SE Policemen, on ob- ‘ rac! ' Deling inf - = exca- rmed of the o ; > opening of Pairea [nr 1 s matns 6 any street in “which the + : r . r) pe! conduits of public servi ne RaPoet lor a lela vace shall ase or whenever any it Eilat a be regulated or ded net eae therefor shall g fs earns | : l ive ne ic iolice thereof | contractor lo a | the said corporat in writing pipes oe: ene i s ne v mains or conduits are } ee irest ubaut ta) aid in the] gKraded ye So disturbed, re ] l, at least 2 , regulate € least 24 hours before 1 a or | een rol a is 3 & und the -LOFr, This provisic a o o { \ re : Y ic nN 1] b vate d, not more tha I excavatior . rae en | ? n ne. a tne otal stone wt Shall be ref led with th 1 ae Sd ee se ara he broken ec S not e cceed- ing 6 inc} ming! es in their largest dit \1gled with clean imension, and ’ earth or reatored in suc h ne sand and ma T r o iner as to insure the | f c tne and compact fillj be : aoe t lllin ) - 6, Richmond ord & of all spaces rs R ai chin ets Wh eo bor eae E orough res oY any pavement { presidents | rh any street | or excavati " 4 € ing an ils “Deteda- waking a ee vation to e a ng& such opening or exca- sion bi he deaie- : the authority or permis ei or! and if : as bre if bh a : none has. been giv fic at ina A : en, officer naet = on thereof be refused the r si l, with } Saha to thé corp: Fate delay, make complaint ks Le on counsgne! Same to : and ep ' ee eport th which t} he president of the borough ik 1e ; F police Violation: "occurs, thro pi sr ® commissioner (Cc as < ugh the ; ec. 202.) a « Violatio ons Any person who shall vio° CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 149 this article shall for- of $50 late any provision of felt and pay a penalty and in addi- tlon thereto shall be liable to pay the « pense of repairing or replacing any pave- ment removed or damaged by h O Sec. 138 ‘ ARTICLE 10. House numbering Se 110 General provisions Se 111 Borough presidents to adjust numbering Se ildz Numbers in certa s tions of Manhattan See. 110. General provisions l Requirement Phe Wi gent, les- gee or other person i | if any build- ing in: S08 city ip f o which a eet numbers ot Du t nave been as Bigened by ne pres [ orougn in which such | te shall cause he prope : c numbers of such building ) I - ‘ he fan ie. OF 4 I entrance steps } ga ¢ esi practicabdie point o the e ¢ f su building in such nanne!l I _ f Imber or nt ibers mae ¢ s pil y eg ibi« [ror he seidewall . sucha pulling provid ed howeve i so fa as the purpose ol ‘ on 3 S ¢ i 4 oncerned the f | ~ | be eonstrued as that side of the ge which faces the street ob which he nbe or numbers of such bullding ‘ premises on which such ullding is sit iate,. have been allotted, and that the num- e or numbers snail be dispiayed on such side of such building or premises (Ord. ef fective April 16, 1912; amended by ord, ef fective July 7 L916.) Violations If the ownel lessee Lge! or other person in charge of any building in the city upon a stres which street numbers of bulldings have bee! assigned by the presiden of the borough in vhich such building is s late sha f to dais piay the prope street I mbe of such bulld- ing, as provided in the f 2 gE p graph, within 30 days after this ordinance shall take effect he presidel of the borougn if which sucn bulildlys zg s late sha forthwith serve such perso! persons with a Cy) of his se Or ar [ ter 0 days no ‘ the owne lessee igent or otner pel gon in charge of such bullding shall_fall or egle to comply with the provisions there of he she be subije¢ o a penalt of $25 which she sued } and collected in ine ame t ne eit (Adopted june a ails; p irs and columns, ransp¢ 5 I ‘ General provisions. Oo pe! ) shall make aid countenance ence age Ol a 3 ft in making any uUnNUsSUal or improper nope riot or disturbance LI any str¢ yr publi¢ piace to the annoyance or in ) enience oO Lraveiers Oo! f persong residing adjacen thereto nor shall any per sO s€ it vr fa ie obscene Ol ‘ ga imlig UGE al ee UO! public piace (Sec Arwerne Sec. 131 Hospital streets. The several borough presidents are hereby Buthorized to er on lamp-posts, or n the absence o € ip-posts, on sur n posts as thev may find oceaston to erect, at corners ol ntersecting reets on which: may be located a hospita lving-lr asylum sanatorium oO! other institution. reserved for the treatment of the si a sign or signs displaying the words Jotice-—Hospital -Street,’*’ and such other warning or admonition to pedestrians ind drive oO efrain from fast driving or making @!1 noise hat may tend to disturpd the peace and quiet of ary or all of the In mates of such institution No person shall make any iInnecessary noise nor drive atl & speed faster than a walk on any street cres- ignated as a Hospital Street for which such warning signs have been grected (C 2 sec 260e.) Sec. 182. School streets. ] Signs The several borough presi- dents are hereby authorized to, erect, on amp posts, or, in the absence of lamp posts, yn such may. find dccasion to intersecting located a words, posts as they streets on 2£ign or Notice—Scnoo| erect at corners of vhich may be school, a displaying the and such other Ba mMont- warning of make ion to pedestrians and drivers not t uny unnecessary noise or to’ drive at su n speed as may tend to disturb the peace and quiet of the pupllg and teachers of such . school, as deemed to (Ord. effective April 16, 1912.) 2 traffic The police authorized in his discretion to cause all heavy, noisy vehicular traffic to ye di from the immediate block or any school shall be lo- cated, during the period between the hours may be be expedient, Noisy vehicular commissioner is verted locks upon which ff 8.45 a. m. and 3.15 p. m. of every school lay (id.) Noise lessening pavement. The several borough presidents are hereby authorized, 1i€ir discretion, to repave the streets im- iediately contiguous to schools with such loOise lessening pavement as may meet with heir @pproyal (Id.) 4 Prohibitions No person shall make any unnecessary noise, or drive at a speed laste! na a Walk or violate any traffic rule or regulation of the police department ; ; has been designated as 2 School Street for whick cuch warning signs na e been erected. (Id Ree 132a Viotor vehicles; warning oF Signalling device required, notors eo! notor vehicle oper- te Oo iver! on he streets of this city sha be provided with an adequate warn- ing Oo signs neg de ' Chis device, whethe “ no oO whistie must be ovper- ated | hand power ol! lectricity, and the 1s of rns Y¥nis es oO otnel devices operated Dy tne engine umel aey € make or sufter or per! » be made an noise tending to dis- turb ne peace and qulet of a nelgnhborhcod, for the purpose of directing attention to his wares rade ofr alling No peddler shall Gy ‘ 3€ nis or ner wares or merchandise on Sunday PrP aiter 3. oO ciock Bp Tl., .- DOF ry his o1 er wares before 8 o'clock In the morning of any day except Saturdays, when they sha t illowed to ry or sell thelr wares I merchandise until 11.20 o'clock p. m (( ) ; BOL». se Manhattan ords Special re rictions No peddler shall be allowed to [ 3 or her wares within a distance o fer of any school, court house di gz 1 whic religious services are eld during school hours ofr hours of rub lic worship, or hours of hold ine court resp tyely no; I any Lime withir a k distance of an hospital asy- um or othe ke istitution or within a distance of 250 feet of any dwelling house or other bullding yvhen directed o1 requested hy ar occupant thereof not to do gu (Sea, © lanhattan ordas.) , N Inkmar or other person engaged in the buying < elling of goods hattels or merchandise of any kind shall use or erm- ploy on any stree any bell exceeding 6 ountes in’ wefght, attached to his vehicle or horse or in any other manne! nor- more than three bélis at any one time, or cause or allow the same to be done (Sec: T8% Brooklyn ords.) 4 Metal rails, pHlare and columns, transportation of, 4A} rails plilars material, sec. 135. iron, being and columns of steel or other which are and along the streets upon carts other manner sha! be so- loaded as to avold causing loud transported ove! drays, Cars, or in any disturbing the peace and quiet of O;, ee o2a.) noises oO! such streets (4 Showmen. beat a Instrument for. the Sec, 136. person drum or operate purpose u shall NO any other show of beasts attracting attention or birds or other things; nor to any shall any. per son use or perform with or hire, procure or abet an other person to wuse oar! perform with any musical or other instrument rh any street or public place, unless he shall be licensed, aS Sus under th rovisions of Sec 171 of chapter Lé OF his ordinance. $ere Pere teat) " a eS a ae rd “a Cy EFS) 1s ae ee e573! ee es re ER S=utate PROUT Te PTA EES ieee eee ee ¥ < 58 ed «3555 eTUrS ax LGLe Sete * LTais150 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. » ows ee eee eee eee 7 . laced s roper bo ge P he city : : ’ srmit I x which it 4was 80 Placed Ir case & propel bond to ge.ure. ¢t ; e rovis oO nis section shall apply permit under w ‘ peewee tt : j i i S 3] | become impaired against Lo; or darnage jinc'dent to said to itinerant musicians and side-shows, but case any such deposit shall é Bi ; i i bY i wae bi a borough |! moving [The applicant for a permit to shail not be construed 30 as to affect any or exhausted, y ts I i f b d f \ ized nusical ociety pres Ie In TLE removal of dirt rubbis! or move a bullditng on or across a strect, I ( usic or o2rganizec music soci y, resi I l é , an 0 m™m. oO I ; } : ; i" the mou?! shall be vhere there aré cal tracks or overhead engaged in any military or civic parade or | building material, ( amou ee ¥ : ; , iy jiate to the sum of $50, |} wire construction, must obtain and file with In serenading, that hail omply with the | made up immedla y j . , it \ » fror t} borough re lent ind the application the consent of the compan/ laws of the state or he provisions of Sec, | on notice from the orough Jf | y ’ nm ¢ To re tT ) Sp. 969 38 of chapter 24 of this ordinance, relating | in default thereof, all perm! theret 1s affected (( ‘ 969.) - £ . ue ( the ile failing to compli} witn . ar ny usical performance | sued to bullder : to parades, nor to any Ti I > : 2 . Ae ‘ked ind , nermit Sec, 145. Posts and poles. ; ‘onducted under a iicense from the proper ee h notice all be revoke i | f : municipal authority Se $9, Manhattan | shall be thereafter granted to ! . ; ] renera) provisions No post or pole 5 ords. ) ' such dep< I made good ; i Gael shall be erected or put up in any street, Fy 1a 1 ny withdraw his d rO- inle under . permit of the president of 7 7 | ‘ vided he L nold 1 unexpired ] 3 | th orough having jurisdiction. (C. O., : T } r j a 1% 4 : { ( nie c . 5 : ant ay lly « iplie 1 a ; 290 ARTICLE 13. and havs splied with all the cond! ee re See — 4 » 3 j | pilqceyr hal ve oO ‘ & fe t } A v - = Opstructions and Incumbrancep. | 0 ulde hall 1 ane ia in Heleht abase Sie wide 3 to withdraw end rective ag much oO} 7 valk level ind other emblematic signs - Sec. 140 Special uses of streets po ema unexpended al! ma be placed within the stoop-lines or Sec. 141. Building construction, sidewalk | pro ons oO Oo! re fastened t the railing of any stoop, under pom bridges usé rem im onditions as to dimensions, con- : Sec, 142 Building material rubbish o1 ding materia i a6 t ‘ is hereinafter provided in the * | “ | ) ee sit : tr 2 See 143 Earth, rocks and rubbish ng | e ber ‘ i ef eae ting i. servi teeta (C. 5. : Sec. 144 House moving i 4 ons a In placing bu : : | ry re a Sec. 145 Posts and poles iter 4 ree e mal n O imental lamp-posts Ornamental a Bec. 146 Removal of abandoned pole ) Placed as not » occu) MADE ola poe surmounted by lamps, may be erected roe ae) en eee eae ath of me Ceres ne. ¥ n ator lines on sidewalks, near the 1 Qe ' RPG: AAG. ANEW ARE ’ j m eee oF irb, in front of hotels, churches, theaters, Sec. 149. Stands within stoop lines ™ 4 alesis aca : ” : oe stotions, and places of business, } 5 3 m-d r tre! e tra al fe. (( O., Se : re ey Vhs er OR Pe eee { houses and places of public as- eee et ORNS Oe VERTED. Boe, Fa: SF ’ Dia iny street or public place. No cumbrances. i! » ca Atm Aas exceed in dimensions at the Sec, 152 Vehicle, merchandise and other i] morta en ‘ in 18 inches in diameter, if cir- movable property ‘ naterias | , ed upon anne _ n, and, if upon a square base, thereof shall exceed 18 inches; Sec. 140. Special uses of streets. ! od, « that anesthe eiiamne ta; Sees op eran Snell, payee vim oemee ween. BE Dy a en ' i and maintained on each of the lamp- ceeded Sk See ee ee ee se : ” Pict s to | erected, shall be lighted and re- oN arrest .O8 einer ant we were a : : site evel night, Curing the hours DFened, repyiaxen OF Graded, gecorcing to ie one - public street lamps. The oe? 8 Ser ee eee o edie eae } e done and illuminant supplied he a wee rae Pee ee, SERTOre? eee " : Lt 1.e expense of the person main- PUPORE, So 4029-7 Cee a oe oe z such posts and lamps. (Adopted Oct. See. 141. Building construction, sidewalk : oi hater ss bridges. ny ton iron Sec, 14¢ Removal of abandoned poles, a Persons who desire to erect large build teria 1s bi — e- ings may erect and maintain a bridge, not |, ; —" oe . raph, telephone and electric light 5 to exceed 7 feet in helght above the le- | permit, tl rou pI i , po Or: 20! dur tors which, at the i walk and 6 feet in width, extend ® | diction f avs ame passage of this ordinance, shall bs whole Jength of the proposed building the | ¢, ' 1} p and noved a . Sec LV en tanding for 3 months prior a steps leading to the same ) rest upon the | ya4¢ é ised or abandoned, or which t eldewalk of the adjoining premiss i 4 hereaftey remain or stand disused, or Fe. Bec. 211.) Rec 143 Earth. rocks and rubbish eco ised or abandoned, In, or over Pi . dewalk road WF ul iny street or public place, shall be ¢ Bec. 142. Building material. WA O , a ion cree ap ii ; ‘ved. but for sufficient cause & 1. Permit The president of each Oo! ob be the Oo! off e borough president haying juris- é: ough shall have power to grant } si a ea 3 I c i by one or more orders, extend x builders to occupy not to exceed 1-3 Ne er ( : a he or such removal for periods an carriage way o any stree with liding k ‘ ewan re ¢( ner oO} ; ‘ ing one year each. The persons ee material; provider n his opinto n par of t i Lust eart : operating, managing or controlling ie) eats and conyenience of the public rot r to be 1 j r appurtenances which may } suffer thereby At the time of plas ch | and ed fri sidewalk or car avi so disused or abandoned, or material in the street, the perm| Oo gra wa wi 3 aft tten or 1 ce na be dangerous or unsafe, shall Bi ed shall forthwith be posted some con-|ed nt | ha erved b ak und remove them, and upon epicuous place on or near the mate! ‘ ne orough I or other persor his he t do so, the president of the 3 ehall be kept there so as » be eadily a 1ame oO! personally or. shall g jurisdiction shall remove Fa cessible to inspection (ec Brooklyn | have bes he place of residence rthwith, at the expense of such ; ords., amended by ord, effective May 2,/of su v1 th ity Or f su erso Before such removal, the borough 1916.) owne!l not reside the city, and such ept in cases where a condi- ms “. sonditions Such permits shall pro novice hall not be personally served, the! tio danger exists. shall mall a notice vide expressly that they are given upon | with ) days ft such notice | sent o 1 last known address of such condition that the sidewalks and gutters | by ail la ed ft ich owner at his! per » os of which shall be posted shall at all times be kept clear and unob-| place of residen when such residence d of 10 days on each of such structed, and that all dirt and rubbish shal is unkn« » the said borough president, | pol ‘lor to ite, vemouel (Secs, 28-25, be promptly removed from time to time by posted } cf ou place on 1id , Ay né¢ ord ord effective ‘Feb. 9, 1915 ) the party obtaining such permit, and that | ises J t ‘ er ccupant r age | 3 all such permits may be reyoked by the/not comply uch notices thi the | Sec. 147. Show-cases. borough president, at pleasure (Id.) ime pe i this section, aft otice Show uses may be placed in areas or %.. Deposit Except as otherwise specific- | thereof, th lg resident having juris on the sid alk within the stoop-line in ally provided in this article, no such permit | diction Le wicthm be. ron eq | fror of any building, by or with the con- aball be granted to any builder unless he|at the exp he owner. of pant or ent of the occupant of the ground floor shall, at the time said permit is granted, agent ind ex} ; Lh, ‘ad for ereof. but no bevond 5 feet from the haye on deposit with the borough president | and recovered ji i th clty lh suse line r wall of any building where the sum of $50, as a guarantee that he/| The corpora ' oun | sha cause a state- 'the stoop-lins extends further, except on will promptly comply with the conditions | ment of such and expe e, ( her streets where ) stoop-lines have been of all permits whi h may be so granted, in- | with the descr of _ noremises to | abo hed j the board of estimate: but cluding the prompt removal of all dirt and! be filed j{ . off of the county clerk | nO such show-case shall be more than 5& rubbish placed upon the street from time | of the approp! : (Gen 7 1: | feet in héichi above the sidewalk level, to time, and also for the prompt remoyal | Brooklyn ord ’ T3 feet in lencth. and.2% feet 4 width. nor after the expiration or revocation of any | shall be sg placed As to interfere with guch permit, of any building material placed | sec. 144. House moving. the fre. rcces to the adjoining premises. Upon any street thereunder Each bor- | No person sha) no or cause or per-/| All such v¥-cases shall be freely mov- ough president is hereby authorized and|mit to be r Oo} d or assist in/ abi fe Oo Se 63.) empowered to use so much of the mol eys 80 | removing, any ullal structure into, | deposited as may be required to effect the | along or across ; reet or public place, | Sec 148. Hoistways prompt removal of such dirt or rubbish as | without permit yn president of the Hoistways may be placed within: § feet of may, from time to time, be left upon the | borough ha. g irisadl on under the | the buildin line and shall be provided streets by the parts making the deposit, a:d | penalty of $250 for j h offens: Wach | with approved trap doors and, when not in miso for the purpos’ of removing any bulld- | borough president authorized to grant] actual use, guarded by fron railings or rods ing material which may remain thereon, | permits for moving bhi nes through nd to prevent accidents to passersby (Amended after (pi & ¢ a i the expiration or revocation of any | acros public highways aking in ach! by ord. effective Dex 23, i1920,)CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 151 @eeeeen ; ; : Sec. 149. Stands within stoop lines and) tion, and in the discretion of the commis- | transfer is not sought for a license under elevated rullroad stations. | #toner, covering the sale of any combina- | articles other than newspapers, aoe deironc eh 1. General provisions. No persons shall| tion of the classes of goods mentioned| and fruit at a location which was not have or use any bootblack stand outside| @bove, to be sold, however, from only one! duly Icensed and in effect on May 18, 1916, of any building, and there shall be no booth | stand not exceeding the legal size herein-| but shail be in accordance with the pro- or stand erected or maintained within the| after prescribed in this section; except visiong of subdivision 2 of this section. Any Btoop lines of any building, or under the/| that where boot black chairs are included | person who shall be guilty of a violation of Blairs of the elevated railroad stations,|in the combination the space hereinafter | the provisions of this subdivision shall not without first procuring a license thererer, | prescribed for boot black chairs may be al-| thereafter be granted a license, permit or as hereinafter provided (CO. O., See, 361.) | lowed in addition to the stand for the sale | other privilege to keep a stand within the 2. Licenges. Stands within stoop lines | of other articles, The fees to be paid for | stoop-line or under an elevated railroad sta- may be permitted and licensed, with the | auch combination licenses shall be calcu-| tion, for the sale of any of the articles ag consent of the owner of the abutting prem-/ Jated In accordance with the above sched-| hereinbefore provided in subdivisions 2 and ises, for the sale of newspapers, periodicals, | ule for each kind of article permitted to/|4 of this section, nor for the blacking of fruits, soda water, cigars, cigarettes, to-| be sold, or for each boot black chair te be| boots, Further, any person found guilty of hacco, candies, confectionery articles and | operated violating any provisions of this subdivision, the blacking of boots, but such licenses for No license shall be required for stands! by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall the sale of soda water, cigars, cigarettes, | Within stoop lines for the sale of newa-/| be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor tobacco, candies and confectionary articles | papers, periodicals, or both, in cases where | more than $500 The commissioner of li- shall be limited to stand licenses and Joca- | #uch stands are conducted by: dealers who | censes shall have the language of this sub- tions thereof in effect on May 18, 1916 Al] | are the owners or occupants of the prem division printed in bold type on all applica- licenses for such stands shall be granted | {ses or stores in front of which the same | tions for licenses and on all licenses granted, and issued by the commissioner of licen- | are situated Licenses for stands within! under the provisions of this article. ses. Any person desiring to erect a stand | 8toop lines or under the stairs of any ele- Stands duly licensed for the sale of er booth for the sale of newspapers and | Yated railway station shall be isasued as of | pruits and soda water on May 18 1916, shall periodicals underneath the stairs of any | December 1 and shall expire on the 380th | not pe required to obtain any new license to of the elevated railroad stations shall file | 9%Y of November next succeeding the date | ,.)) cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, candies and an app)’cation in the department of li- | Of /ssuance thereof confectionery articles until the expliratiog censes, in which the applicant shall specify No fee, however shall be charged an|of the license in force on that date, (C. Ola the leeation for such stand (C. O., sec. | applicant for a licence hereunder, for any | Sec. 372a; amended by ord. effective Dee, 362; amended by ord. effective July 13, 1916.) | kind of stand avhatever, and preference | 23, 19 6, and July 18, 1916.) Applicants for new licenses shall be divided; shall be given at all times in the case of 9 Revocatio! of consent t . into four grades atands under stairs of an elevated railway ny ; oe = " property se 7 | owner Upon the written revocation by the (a) Persons physically handicapped who|to one who is a disabled veteran of any owner, in front of or adioinin rhos - : is 2t ora & whose prop have been honorably discharged from the| war in which the United States was or 1s erty any such booth or stand shall heave United States Military or Naval Servics: engaged (having served under the Amer!l- been erected, of any consent that shall have (b) Other persons who are physically | can colors) satisfactory evidence thereof | peen given therefor, signed by such owner handicapped: having been presented to the commissioner, | or owners and filed in the office of the cem- (c) Deserving widows of licensees; (Approved July 26, 1918.) missioner of licenses, the commissioner shall (d) Persons not falling within grades 6 Construction of stand or booth No | revoke the license or permit for such booth a, @ Or |} stand or booth under the stairs of an ele-| or stand, and th same shall thereupon No license shall be granted to any per-| vated railway station, and no projection | cease, determine and become null and vyoid. sons In grades b, c or d, unless all applica- therefrom, shall be erected that is wider! (C. O., Sec. 372.) ions then pending of applicants in prior | than the width of the stairs under which it 10 Report to police department The gzrades shall have first been disposed of. The | is placed, nor that extends along the side- ‘OmmMissioner of licenses shall furnish the commissioner shall require proof by certifi-| walk @ greater distance than to a ,point| police commlasione with a Mst of all un- eate or otherwise of any fact claimed to! where the inder surface of the stairs is not! expired licenses issued under any provision entitle applicant to preferred grade The | over 7 feet from the level of the sidewalk of this section, containing the names of all ; grade of the licensee shall appear upon the The stand shall be constructed, erected and | persons to whom licenses heave been issued, license. This sub paragraph shall not apply | Maintained at the expense of the applicant, he piace and business for which issued and to the renewal of a then existing license | under the direction of the president of the/| the date of the expiration of each license. to the same licensee. borough in which it 1} located, and upon} Thereafter, during the first week of each If the holder of a license issued under tha | P/8"S to be approved by the chief engineer; month, the police commissioner shall send me provisions of this section shall die, and|®f the elevated railroad company affected, | ‘9 each police precinct commander @ list a leave behind a widow or other family de- | 5° 88 to permit of a ready removal of so | >f all such licenses issued in his precinct. rr pendent the license for such stand shall con- | ™UCh thereof as may be necessary to enable/ Which shall contain the name of each bres tinue in full force and effect for their bene- the sald ompany its agents or employees, lognsee, the location of his stand or busi- os fit until its expiration, and such widow or| ‘*® &&* Convenient access to any part of the; ness and the Gate of the expiration Gf his rs other family dependent, as the cage may be stalrways for tl purpose of inspecting, | license, and also a@ list of all licenses ex- 4 shall be given preference in a renewal of painting or repairing the same ach such | piring during aA month mor which the re- 4 the same. (Added by Ord. adopted Dee. 28 stand shall be painted the same color as the/| Port is sent (( O Sec, 871.) fe 1920.) italrs of the elevated railroad, and no adver- ay iii Mie ‘ * Cnndtslone _— ink vedas eniiol tisement shall be painted or displayed there- | ‘ ms ae ee io a ee ee is ursuant to this section for a stand under _ he a ae ls . ee, nt, i th thas mae cin than th ke stairs of an elevated railway station . MescHIatiOnS ’ mvOry, ae, RE J Aten oa a wg entice id : shall contain the following reservation "ee than & stand or booth under tne stairs of an | he Deiat om a, we FR? ef elevated railway station, must be atrictly} * porarily erected within the stoop- r ls expressly agreed and understood that this within the stoop line, and shall not be an | (ines: Providing a permit therefor shall have - permit is given subject to the right of the ’ : ; Sahih to thin Sint ae pe the ihn weie been obtained from the borough president fe elevated railway company affected its | - eae * z rt 1 a Mit ‘ to be gold, as herejnafte tlon, at? such yard o yards, th said rucks, carts, wagons vehicles S barre ind etber things so removed VV } @2’™ missioner or dey c have remover puch trucks ca S$ wagro veh Darreis bales or othe deem it necessary to gel] hen making the sale thereof he v7.4 @ justice of the municipal court of t} @ written petition erified by th ettineg forth the facts which bring t) ce Onis gectio together with a brief descrip- carts WaAEeOnS other things so a possession ais al the time Ol elther the aire 1eé 1s ‘ kno be ascertaine d praying f sale of the pro] and he applica as ner mJ ation ‘ t Lc , { a precep Ind perst q y NOSE ition as ow ers ( ated perso! na ¥ 4 ) sé l and 1 substa tne precept is re furnis ; } or ‘ | e Dp adsc utely or é ; a tio 1 ror a ] ~ pn e as S a nere 2 issue ‘the a ast in 1@ } } , j ne e or a . re irance and ) pea and f ee clean } a1 ; 1 des t j vi 1 sala © S pr e B f nak ym ssioner o e pu notice Oration papers t later than $ sale ind sucr he Ime and . la 4 ,€ Vv ec I if any & sale | i ( pe hed - nis one s departme ‘ I c} sale iediate after | ) he and sna I comptrol ie articles a sales the idd to the ap \é t of street W sale the of suet reinbefore pro- revo, suc) n iS nereinbefore aS may be esti- mated ana fixed b the commissioner of reet cleaning as necessary to pay the cost of selzing, removing and keeping or storing h encumbrances and the remainder of he moneys realized from such sale shall be aid without interest, to the lawful owners the everal articles sold Any payment Oo a person apparent! entitled thereto, un- ‘ the provisions of this‘section, shall be a rood defense to the city against any other rson claiming to be entitled to such pay rent ut f the person to whom such pay- ent is made is not in fact entitled theretg person to whom the same ought to have en paid may recover the same, with Inter and costs of sult, as so much money had elyed to his use, by the person to ‘ same shcoll have been paid I S ¢ 240.) j edemption of property removed The Ly ruck cart, wagon, vehicle, ' bale or other thing, removed rom a public street or place under the roy s of this section, may redeem his O] y i ime after its removal upon a, ) e commissioner of street clean- as he may fix, not to exceed $10 each article redeemed The sum aid hall be immediately transmitted ptroller and shall be by him lited to the appropriation for e} ‘ street cleaning, and may = ie commissioner for any of the e s department, as if originally l + appropriation therefor his se on contained shall be e ¢ ( 1uthor e the summary removal laterials fo any public work or im- irse of construction (Char- obstruction of crossings | obstruct the walks laid pub street or at the head of a placing or stopping his horse, riage upon or across any of e 8A % | or by placing or putting 5 ther yatruction or other thing across 6 sa ; Uy, 42 2 Bee. 268: ARTICLE 14. ‘Projections and Encroachments. > ions prohibited ~ creas special restrictiona Be stradés ct floors and steps Se t - oval of unauthorized pro- ~ c oachments and Incum a | _ cation o corporation a ) = Sec. 160 Projections prohibited, Oo eas steps oY other! projections € i ling Line except those dics ragraphs c, d, e. f and h of Se , Chapter 5 of. this Or es, shall be built, erected he following streets, namely: Grand Boulevard and Concourse in the of The Bror between East 161st holu Parkway; excepting that 8 3 defined | paragraph (a) of sub 4 se . Li 0 chapter » O£ the r fr Ordinances na be erected n that Lol of the G nd soulevard and Con in the borough f The Bronx, located n DUS e . district as established th 1 ding one solution adopted by e board Of t : and apportionment. mende by OF dopted April 13 1920.) l Coney [sland avenue from the Plaza at Parkside aveniv&e to Neptune ave- \e n he borough of Brooklyn; On -ewkirk avenue, between Flatbush enue and Coney Island avenue, in the bor- ough of Brooklyn (Amended by ord. ef- tive Le ISLE Sec. 161, Arenas; special restrictions. mvery existing area that is open at the top 11 ye 4 osed with an jron Tatling in "Amended by ord. effective Dec. 28, 1916; seé chapter 6, article § Cp: 36.)CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 153 eee eee eee _ front, and on the les wl e ti é ‘ und : : c yn the sides where her is an under or who hall build in violation of thereof to the board yr issessors The openin us Ti t r se Fis 3 1 ’ = ee . 5 es Pp g used I he purposes ¢ let s and any detailed tatement or specifications or board shal make i just ind equitable res aucr Willing e at st 2 fe } ; 1 ° egress, such railing to be a lea 3 feet high plans submitted and approved thereunder ssessment of } : ‘ re fron ‘ ; -= . 7 ) such expense among the own- neasured from the base and capat Lé of svs- Or of an ey ficate oO! yermit ssued there im t j ] he t i s or occupants of all hovses or lots deemed taining a lateral weight of 300 pounds at any under, shal for eac) rnd ever ich la ; : ited ti , eo - . Wie ' 1) erie e( 1erebd n proportion . part hereol the gates of which if any, tion and on-ci pnlian respective! forfeit : are 2 ) ear as m: be, to the ad ntages which shall be so constructed as to ope! and pay a per { the sum of $50: but If th : : . 7 x \ ey Int De daeemed i na e acc lired (Approved July 10, 1918.) any ald ‘ ) e rem } : rites 4 p ou 4 |: emoved or ‘ (Approved March 20, 1918.) process of ‘ , VS 4 5 o> ee yu aay ’ 1de not to extend beyond own- ec 162 Balustrades. the servic: I e made and served as nin : : a: : < i rat ers iron Lge VO person shall extend the Jo goods, wares, merchandise ¢ nu prescribe 650 f hapter f . Cla or enapre ( id i |} befo his lo beyond } p ; nr 1¢ ri } } ; : } ad PEL nat ot his facture of any adescription placed this ordinal ‘ : { of such pena nen’ . A ‘ ; j a , ENDO!I In an tree where the ame is o! exposed to snow Ol fo! Tale OT any Nail cease LT he rn rtic couns oO! ; : | o 2 t ended o the width allowed by balustrade that now is or ne r lay be request ef | ' ry V1) . I oO pulls } but } provision shall not be econ- erected upon any stree (4 ed ora naving irisa | ill discontinue i S . “ fT ; I oe 19] ) r nadir . ad to prevent the extending of any such ellective wee . I19 ETC lis tio } 4 e me A 4 } : , “en eae hen a ajo of the owners person who i £ » served wit! a oO p ype t the ame de of } t et Ds F “Tl S : Ot I e efre Sec. 163. Bay windows, show windows. notice to remo\ la tia nik Hie Ann ¢ l } : Wee! thé LWoO nearest eorners by (Repealed by ord iT e¢ ye D x 1915.) | ply with ar ‘ i ‘ his article r nd ww h t , e t an< e permission of the president of me O ' | there F Cellar steps; cellar doors i a . rough in wl 1id reet is located, . unde! ST) 4 ) : } ai) } i 1 ‘ Se 164. Every entre or flight of | ,, lth} ”3 = ue 1 do extend the sidewalks in | ce, Wi I ( ervice hereof fry steps, now existing ) cting beyond | a mn pective lot of ground in or ) ’ ‘ | | tne line of the s ¢ iding ito : r i ) ecs 119 i 4 yuireme ‘ i r) any cellar or baseme S iy house : armed ‘ of . e or other building wher : entrance o ‘ ' Se 15~ Drains across sidewalks. s2Z0U (5 a ‘ i) Secs Hight of steps she be ( ered ghail 19 a ‘ \ } ¢ uct 2 en- be enciosea wit! A Zz L « n s pet ( ' ( I hereafter be nanentiv pu ) 2 fee high 4 \ ‘ ' ice oO Or rrough with oa Bat b} ’ ra 1 \ nh os ART™ . _ a‘ hi i 3 ateria oY iron chains a S fr of entran ARTI( LB 15 a l and onstruction way Ll nes [ } i I | nt f I ! l Lé sndard the railing be sed during the nigi Sidewalks all of which untess the . oe I g eh over the a é ‘ e borough president “~¢ steps, ) Deve t Ler ~ VY nere §& n en ' : . » A i a r — nie } nis trance is covered cellur doo ch doe Peer ey é sha be kep 2 d epallr d shall not . ~ ry . ve pel ed ft main open e pt when in pas see 183 Boardwalks Ge X bh u use f in ess or egress of ergongs or .O ) ‘ la v 1} shall be con- a ig E I Se 18 dewalks ; t pading oO! inload ( things ou © : _ a 9 - y stree without . vo intar- : of al into such ce a . sto : c en pe e borougn presi (Approved Apl a 1916.) ‘ : ; : Me E ris ! VEC v Flushing f val) is Sec. 165. Courtyards on private property. . of side- Latin : (Repealed by ord, effe ve De g, 19 Wels sec, i84 Carriageways across sidewalks. Q, : ‘ ' : > rene a re o ) S oO person shall oie Sec. 166. Ornamental projections. - AS owe } curb o1 oe e grade of a - (Repealed by ord. effective De : 915.) 2 \ ild : f { : ’ Sec. 1380 Construction, generally 3 age Sasa o1 11e bes , : rpose of ro ne carriagewa across zi Sec. 167. Porches, platforms aud stoops. oe hee a = ro Oo anal ol A } ie t ep ip mp \g vv ul (Repealed b ord. effe e De ‘ 915.) ward da | | 5 [ y ‘ i} ia ct ‘ ; of, ] _ ic , ‘ ’ ‘ Tie \ u “ iia ie y A ; ; ‘ ‘ i 4 t i a mé } I at Sec. 168. Removal of unauthorized pro- oO 4m - : . ide in writing : y the »¥ e] to ry ¢ pres }e@y] } LOT } } jJections, encroachments and incumbrances, | ¢4! ’ of -e Of Ene ROTCRes ’ hi] mg h premises are k ] ine president of tne } rh having ' ’ t bor ugh ’ pct ace = : : ' ‘ t cons ratie ‘ rine * irTineg f " jurisdiction may sive wr y Dp : pI on } e granting oO re . ‘ " - uc! pe e O gl resident \ , notice to tne ownel of I ses ) file f ret 3 ss : or en ne be tis irfsdic ig here} authorized to charg . service upon such owner oO up he oc- ‘ , oes 4 » fee oO hh yriy r LO .ct el \ x fo cupant of the premises , ring such ; , E »V ail e Beheee ea } sed 181 Abutting property owners duties coy ’ Lhe nspection of the te owner to remove or ailel iny \ authorized ji sh ” ; — and obligations Sidewalks Biter Wir and its ultimate ff pro ectior encroacnhnmet!l Oo! cu prance e os 1 Generalls ‘ ¥ essee or oc ces a rm. ¢ grade and he may e within a period to be spe 1 such no- ' : ’ cups itd ng or nake vu , 3 proper Cale and ed Lice which shail be ll wri ne < sna e be | va \ shal) { ee é 4 e a s aesirabie serve’ ersonally OT by AViNg é (ne | = .. 2 ‘ | \d sufficient! luv el ag A shal be eG 5 house or! nliace of busi Ss of nh ‘ ne ; 7 , | p f Oo nd } DF ea une upe ion and subject eS occupant oO person h Cc} ree of le | } ; } t ° =. ' re Lew } , ~ ‘ : pre a L Oo ne bor Fret nouse oT } iy tron of } i ne pre : ; | : ‘ Ue nay a i! i on ; ad ofr condition a4 : ( - ro > " va ir ection encroachmen oO! ‘ nbrance , a at ipon fatlur to ymply with all the we be oT bY pos ng tne se | 10 c Oo! rae : eT 3 of ~ eT he D llege may b te pave lewalks pressege L . i” ns thereor 4 j { the « / ) aon : ‘een 1 sae ‘ yked 3 { valk »@ restored to its \eod of ‘ t } ene ea t iat yLIT se . r)e@y f - nd n time Dp fed I | purpose in ‘ "J same oO y 2 grade A ne f G OF, thé: DAT ‘* ‘ if r . rie tne notice, Lem. Som —— aa land pavea their} =o °° =™ oe vas granted oF of Es brance oO! projection sh no ihen have e grantet ien having tlie to tl abutting Us . al} pres ¢ ‘ t ie Hore igen in = f been removed oO! al read re pres den of ' an h : notine prope ty (Ord effective 4, prn Tt 1912 ) a4 or } oO rh ne ’ rl the borough may yy n ld or order, dire 1 ’ + Constru yn A i] private carriage- he to } ‘ f un Oo QT ; pl und cause such @ achmen neumbrance ft ‘ sal labs ways, crossing sidewalks shall be paved with s in ron \ ; t \ ' - i i yf ‘ - oT projection io He l a a1 \ t } hir granite uestone ir artificial stone, and not tie Mave } - na ‘ ime tnin oo) the expense of the ow const! } be ens or with round or paying stones, g aesignate I ¢ thereof, who shall be able o th cl for ao «=.) rn } i DEINE ! 1 LO Ure o all expenses that if ma leh re j visd hereof — construct or reconstruct at . DOT rE F ALAS i ' i = - ‘ ’ > oval. or alteration, togeth h i : expense of ownel In case any part of @ | { irv oO Y t . no yenalties prescribed by - of this 117 private carriageway shall not be paved, re- D li ecording » this ¢ { ticle to be recovered with { ~ of Silt , : : } pa yeqd ol! repaired eo ording to tne provisions ; h; ‘ 1a é not to } sel ipo the ; (Se x Pt Riehmond ords O Sec } if the preceding subdivision the borough ne ‘ } int ] l : ' I r occupan ee president having jurisdiction may order, in é r © Lcal lot of oul f) ing } i ding ' rit { ¢ 1d 1B | writing, the same to be done within a time ; here repair or rela n { s ma ae . , j » ie Sec, 169. Notification to corporation coun- ; eS ; . mentioned in the orde! At the expiration sel. re tt Af walk curb o gutt with+ io SI n time the work may be done under ‘ 10 da f I he serv! f such notice | ire y > y - : ' r ‘The president of each borough shall pre C : ” tne direction of the borough president a id a { truction b it I mbursement > anaes sreof <«s ler 4 awl and report all encroachments o +e ‘ a the expense thereof shall be a lien upon 7 ass men in cas the ow ne egsee } r) . ‘ as 9 - atreets, which may be brough o his o the Jot fronting, thereo} Arg Gi 1-3.) 4 i pal hall fail to la repair or re * tice to the corporation counse! ind shal . 4 ‘ I a } i ‘ s t re j ( ew } ae e ' Sd take such other action thereon as may i lay is the ca m quire h lewa Sec. 186. Property owners may voluntarily ee I rit I within h tin required b ‘ , “ prescribed bys ordinance in relat n thereto Li Ase : lay sidewalks. ps } | i ; I ~t i) e » * “4 (Cc. O.. Sec. 91.) tne } ! othnerwi t lip ner Any owner of property may lay a side- ; ! the borough president I! | }uris- walk in front of his premises, of such mate 5 Sec. 170. Violations. 4iction is hereby authorized and required | rial and in such a manner as may be pre- a a Any person who shall violate any * f the u or relay the Nags g and set or reset | ribed by the borough president having : is provisions of this article or fall to co iply | the curb ana. gVtter,..or a é h worl jurisdictior but no sidewalk shall be laid therewlth or any requirement thereof or | and to do such incidental worl is may be| unless under written yermit issued by th j j \ co who shall violate or fail to comply with] necessary proper! » constri or repair | borough president. (Ord. effective Feb. 9, made there-! such sidewalk, and to certify the expense 1915.) any official order or regulation ?154 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Bec. 186. Interference with sidewalks. | Sec, 214 Signs on walls 6 Registration and identlificatton Every No sidewalk or any part of a sidewalk | Sec. 215. Illuminated signs | ground-sign and roof-algn, existing or here- shall be taken up in whole or in part, for Sec 216 Unsafe signs. after erected, shall be registered with the any purpose whatever, without the w ikenht Sec, 217, Unlawful signs | bureau of bulldings of the borough in which permission of thé president of the borough | Sec. 218. Alteration of existing signs | such structure is situated, by the person having jurisdiction, under the penalty of | See. 219, Exemptions maintaining the same, and shall have dis- $25 for each offense; but the provisions of | Sec. 220 Retroactive effect played upon the front thereof the name this section shal) not apply to the making | Sec. 221. Inspections and address of such person and the serial of necessary repairs to any such sidewalk, Sec, 222 Public signs, protection of number of the permit issued for such struc- nor to the resetting, when necessary, of any | Sec 20 Violations | ture are ot aulldings may issue etn) OF Surat stone: (6s. TRY: ARTS aren?) Sec. 210 General Provisions oars on i ee ee oe Peas sen displaced, breken or sunken, nor to the nec- } : wes P , between existng signs and new align struc- essary repair or alteration of any coal slide | Except as otherwise specified in 16 SUC" tures erected in conformity with this under a sidewalk. (Ord. effective Feb. 9, } Peed ng sections of this article, sig nays article, or between various classes of signs. 1915.) a ls and showboards may be placed on the} (J4@.) | fronts DI l £8 with the con nt of tne - 2 2 See. 187.: Injury te or defacement of side- | owner thereof They shall be securely fast- | Sec. 212, Ground signs; special provisions. walks. | ened, hi 10t project more than 1 foot ] Construction No ground, fence, bill- 1. Breaking or injuring No person shall/| from the house wall, except that signs ma oard or sign within the fire limits of the break or otherwise injure any sidewalk or! be hung o ttaehed right angles to any ty hall be at any point over 12 feet * footpath under the penalty prescribed by! building ‘ eD i building in the Borough | above the ground provided that when the Tee there- | round (Ord. effective May 29, 1914.) . O., Sec. 267.) e between the second} * Maintenance. Any person occupying a “ Defacing No person shall deface any a round floor being considered the | #"¥ vacant lot or’premises with a billboard, rp sidewalk by printing or writing thereon, or ee dees nd a pt g feet In the clear| 8" or, other advertising structure or de- attaching thereto, in any manner, any ad- as e evel of the sidewalk in front of | V'C® ®nal! de subject to the same duties vertisement or other printed matter (Sec svioh : toy : a atte Facaihins e jand responsibilities as the owner of the fé, Manhattan ords.) ie he . woot ‘ut not to extend above | ®t or premises, with respect to keeping the t, ; ae? wee aes ene |same clean, sanitary, inoffensive and free pec. 188. Obstructions. ) : } = 90] pops , | and cleal of all noxious substances 1 Merchandise, No person shall harg or! or . = ne a — . a he) a ; de i jim the vicinity of such billboard, sign, place any goods, wares or merchandise, or al Veimmearin teil + art Chuan ig . structure or device, and with respect to the auffer, maintain or ztermit the same to be vd iinetal winds te AD removal of snow from the sidewalk and hung oO! placed, at any greater distance i curb n front thereof (Id.) than 3 feet in front of his or her house i store or other building, and not a greater Sec. PAL. Ground rigns and roof HENS, Sec. 213. Roof signs, specisl ota: helght than 6 feet above the level of the I Permits required NO ground sign or Cine odie i a sidewalk. Wares or merchandise in process | ‘O°! S'@m shall be erected until a permit hall ae — prin be : cay 5p structures of loading, unloading, shipment or being |} therefor shal nave been issued by the su- eae yin 30 constructed as to leave @ clear received from shipment, may be transferred perintendent of bulldings having jurisdiction : ng oe at it age t 7 feet between the roof ey from trucks or other vehicles over the side 2aCl uperip snden ¢ bulldings may evel and the ‘owest part of the structure, t walk by the use of skids, or by backing up pre ribe ultadie regulations, conalistent | *' aq at east » Teet between the vertical a trucks on the sidewalk while so doing with the pl! sions of this article, concern- ppt Ae thereoft; such structures shall be of Household furniture may be temporarily |‘"& the forms and contents of applications | *‘ Vace at lepat_* ae sta ee see Pe Y placed on a sidewalk for the purpose of for th variou forms of permits (Ord the front — rear walls and shall not ‘ loading or unloading the same, during day- effective May 29, 1914.) ai An — any openings in the roof or ¥ light and without unreasonable dela) but “ Pians and specifications No such with al 2] r« ite sae Such structures, ex- a in any auch case a passageway shall be kept ; P&T! hall be issued unless plans and cepting th@ ornamental surface moulding f open within the stoop-line of the building HE ations, showing the dimensions, ma- thereof, shall be constructed entirely of ie abutting on the sidewalk so obstructed, for! terial and details of construction of’ the meta Including the uprights, supports and i the free movement of pedestrians. (Ora. ef- roposed sign, accompanied by the written races for same, and shall be required to * fective Feb. 9, 1915.) nsent of the owner or lessee of the prop = Pe wind pressure of not less than 30 a 2. Wehicles Except as otherwise pro-| erty upon wh it is to be erected, shal) | POUNGS f° e square foot area subject to 3 vided in this section, no person shall lead. | "2ve been filed with the superintendent of |°¥°" Pressure (Ord. effective May 29, ot ride or drive a horse or permit or suffer any buildings havyli g jurisdiction, nor until all 19ié ie eart or other wheel carriage to be driven | °f the provisions of the Bullding Code,|. * Restrictions. a, No roof sign structure ey or otherwise to pass or go over or upon any | Telating to such structures, shall have been having a tight closed or solid surface = footpath or sidewalk of the city,*for any | ©°™Plled with (Id.) sre be at any point over 81 feet above r purpose whatever, except over a driveway v illuminated signs In thé case of an/| ‘"® Toor level A authorized and constructed in accordance illuminated sign illuminated by electricity Db Roof sign structures not having a . with the provisions of Sec 184 of this | ® certificate must also be procured from the tight, osead or solid surface may be erected 7 article. (Amended by ord. effective March | @¢Partment of water supply, gas and ele upon fireproof buildings to a height not : T, 1916.) tricity, certifying that the electric wiring |**°®e@ing 75 feet above the roof level, 5 and electric appliances of the proposed sign and upon non-fireproof buildings to a height ; Subway gratings; sweeping into. are in conformity with the rules and regu- not excee & 50 feet above the roof level, é Sec. 188a No person shall sweep any | *#t40ns of said department; and, in the case but the portions of such structures covered . substance from a sidewalk or other place of an illuminated sign illuminated by gas, | and exposed to wind pressure shall not ex- into a grating used for the purpose of ven- ,@ certificate must SO be procured from the ceed 35 per cent. of the total area. (Id.) tilating any subway. railroad. (Approved | {re commissioner approving of the arrange- sarang. 1934.3 Approved | othe rsa ariel ggae lee : eee hai ni a 7 ee on walls. and certifying tt the said sign is con-|...- me oy tion. No sign shall be erected Sec. 189, Violations. | structed of incomb stible material and that ~weD the front, rear or side wall of any No person shall violate any of the pro- | there has been , ipliance with the provigs oullding so as to project above either the visions of this article under a penalty of |!ons of subdivision c of subdiviston 6 of sec- anos cornice or parapet wall, or above the $50 for each offense No such violation shal] | tion 215 of this article. . roof jJevel where there is no cornice or be continued under an additional penalty of | 4 Fees Before ans permdé ebaia ba Ac. parapet wall; except that a sign erected at $5 for each day so continued Any person ‘sued under this section a fee te cialis a rAgAE $5 tpn to the building wall, the who shall wilfully violate, or neglect or re-| shall be paid to the appropriate bureau of A eg width of which sign parallel to h wall does not exceed 2 feet, may be fuse to comply h any Aviat ne , ‘cet ‘ c Oompiy with any provision of this} buildings as follows: For ground signs, $2; | ere, ted to a height ot exceeding 2 feet . - & no xce 2 sitle, or any lawful regulation, order or |for roof signs hav ing a tight, closed or| a} especial direction made therbunder. may also. solid surface $6: for roof ol end ice aii a nove the roof cor! ice or parapet wall, upon conviction thereof, be puntshed by a/a tight, closed or solia surface $10 one nor above the roof level where there is no fine of not more than $50. or by an im- vided that each foce ar nike ph cornice or parapet wall A sign attached a . : ; ls Lace 2 ’ c sign a . : prisonment for not exceediy g 30 days, or by | structure, when fro) ting on different stre i: to a corner, and parallel to the vertical line : } ’ . & : , ‘ e.g, > ' ene 1? both such fine and imprisonment, (C. OQ. | shall be considered to be a separat of such corner, shall be deemed erected at aybi- Jes | L Ins} ‘ ‘ @ ep e sign, » @ec. 121.) | (Id, amended Feb.. 9, 1915.) E a right angle to the building wall. (Ord. 5 east twi ci “iwi ' ; effective May 29 1914) : sAISUINE structures Permits shall be 2 Restricti N issued for signs existing on the 29th dav | ae striction No such sign shall be ARTICLE 16. | of May, 1914 not con fente in es aay | 80 erected as to cover the doors or windows | quirements of sect cneie AYR nd 2h a iin | of any building, or otherwise prevent free Sign Showbi apter a ¢ wer ae ingress or egress to or fro | Mens and Showbills. | one r, provided such signs were erected | door or fire SCE us - ee ae prea s °* | and are maintained in conformity with the " e escape on any building. (Id.) Sec. 210. General provisions | egal requirements in effect when t} ey were |S 2 9 “y , a rer whe he rere | See. 215 in; Bec. 211. Ground signs and roof signs. | erected. but no fees shall be charged f a “15. Tiluminated signs. z a2 zs ; ; ia ie y { "oF 2 or | " in Sec. 212. Ground signs, special provisions. | permits or registr ad pares MP 1. Application o¥ preceding sections. Ex- . ) I egmistrati } ‘ rie yr { a Bec. 213. hy a or existing signs. |cept as hereinafter specifically prescribed, ig. Root signs, specia ; ; a = t 60S, special provisions, (Adopted Feb ad all provisions of Sees. 211 to 214, inclusive,CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 155 ef tunis article, shall appiy to the continu- | existing illuminated slgn on any such build- | See. 221. Inapections. ance, construction, alteration, reconstruc-|ing be enlarged, nor shall any such sign Every sign or sign-structure, for which tion and maintenance of illuminated sigL.s, | on such building be replaced or recon-|@ permit shail have been iseued under any as hereinafter defined. (Ord. effective July | structed in part or in whole by the erec-} provision of this article snail be inepected 24, 1912; amended by ord. effective May 2 | tion of a new illuminated sign or part there-| at least once in each calendar year, by or 1916.) of, whether under the same permit or a-re-| under the direction of the superintendent 2. Issue of permits. All permits ‘tor | newal thereof.or under another permit, ex-| Of bulldings having jurisdiction, (Ord. ef- ‘apminated signa shall be issued by the city | cept that an illuminated sign not in the] fective May 29, 1914,) clerk, upon application therefor, approved | nature of an advertisement may be erected oa by the commissioner of water supply. gas! and wee, 222. lic # : maintained temporarily on Fifth ave- Pub © igns, protection of. so he Lay : No person ] njure : and electricity and the superintendent of|nue, 34th street, Madison avenue and 57th mar i ve loan m4 ae eae ne ' ; lees ; , remove, 2 s buildings in the case of electric signs, and | street. borough of Manhattan, for a period in any ott any aot anus ee aa: bite ok aie ar l any ler 1 I ‘eo WwW 6 n the case of gas signs, by the fire commis-|of not more than ore month in connection ie ianner interfere with of ais turb any signboard containing the name of any street or public place, whether it be upon public or private property. (Sec, 2, gioner and the superintendent of buildings with the celebratior of a. patrioti: A permit or renewal thereof issued hereun- occasion of extraordiner,y public interest not occur- “er 3 ; On ere yr within |-{ LE of ince eaaee ees as ey if mag eg fae | (Amended by Ord. adopted Pt. Richmond ords.) further period of 1 year; and, upon the pay-| pb. All illuminated signs shall be con- | Sec. 228. Violations. ment by the applicant of the fee therefor | structed entirely of metal or other incom- l, Punishment. No person shall violate and the surrender of the old permit, a bustible material, except the insulation | #™) provision of this article under a penalty companied by satisfactory proof in the form | thereof, if such {is to be illuminated by elec- |. % $100 for each offense No sign or sigh of an affidavit that the illuminated sign | tricity, including the uprights, supports and | structure shall be maintained, contrary to is the same as when origanlly licensed, and | praces for the same, and shall be properly the provisions of this article, under a penalty thet the wiring or piping of the sign is in| and firmly attached to the building, and so of $10 for each day or part of a day the good condition, the city clerk may issue the nstructed as not to be or become danger- |same shall be so maintained, (Ord. effect- permit. (Ordinance effective June 20 ¥1b tus. (Ord. effective May 2, 1916.) | 4¥e May 29, 1914.) Excepting that no permits shall be issued If such sien is to a illuminated by | Abatement Except as otherwise pro- under the provisions of this article for the} gas the gas burners for same shall be| vided in this article, any fence, sign, bill- erection and maintenance of illuminated | located entirely inside of the sign and ant board of1 roof-slgn structure erected or signs, except carriage calls, and except arranged and protected as to prevent the | maintained in violation of this article shall luminated signs existing upon theaters, o flame from being extinguished by the wind. | be subjcct, upon notice, to abatement by other plccas of amusement, upon December | A shut-off valve shall be placed on the gas| the superintendent of buildings having juris- 13, 1921, on a building in the Borough of | pipin extending fram the building to the | ection (Id.) Manhattan on 5th’ avenue between Wash sig ul so arranged as to permit of the | ington square north and 110th street, or on} shutting off of the gas from the sign on the | ” S$4th street between 4th avenue and 7th outside of the bullding, in case of necessity. | ARTICLE 17. avenue. or on Madison avenue between 34th | (Added b ord. effective May 2, 1916.) ‘ street and 72d street, or on 57th street be Vaults and Cisterns. ween Lexington avenue and Broadway Sec. 216. Unsafe signe. Each such permit shall be kept upon the Should any fence, sign, bill board or roof Sec. 249 General provisions. premises whereon the sign is placed, either | sign or sign structure be or become insecure, Se 241 Construction, in the possession of the person in charge « or in danger of falling, or otherwise unsafe. | wer ate Veullt openings; protection of his agent (Amended by ord, adopted. De: in the opinion of the superintendent of | wei te Vault covers must afore secure 13, 1921.) | buildings, the owner thereof, or the person | nae - i 3. Definition. Any letter, word, model, | maintaining the same, shall, upon notice [~ Geer Bat» + Vigiakionm sign, device or representation, used in the | from the superintendent, forthwith in case Sec, 240. General provisions. immediate danger, and, in any case wit'i- ] Definitions. Whenever used in this ar- ticle, the term vault shall be deemed to mean every description of opening below the nature of an advertisement, SUnOUASeMen’ | or direction, illuminated by electricity or | ?! 10 days secure the same, under the gas, erected on any building and extending | 8¥UPerv'ision of and in the manner to be ap- beyond the building line, shall be deemed | ee ed by the aUpSr BL ORSONh ae cgnformity surface of the street that is cowered over, be an illuminated sign No such sign shall | W'* the provisions of this article. (Ord. | 44 jimited by subdivision 8 of this section, be illuminated otherwise than by electricty effective May 29, 1914.) | in front of any improved or unimproved or gas. (Amended by ord approved Aug. 8&8 Sec. 217 Unlawful signs. | property, except cesspools and openings i 1916.) In case any sign or sign structure shell | which are used exclusively as places for de- bss 4. Fee for permil The applicant for aj|be attached at other than a right angle to|scending to the cellar foor of any building a permit to eonstruct ol! maintain an fllu the all of tthe bullding, extending outside | or bulldings, by means of steps. Openings - = ae | the building line and projecting above the | over which substantial and safe fixed ly ; x” parapet walls or above the | gratings of metal or other non-combustible of sign space or part of square foot of such | roof level, where there is no cornice or material have been erected in accordance sign space displayed on such sign, to be | parapet wall, or shall be so erected as to| with the provisions of article 17, provided computed and collected by the city clerk. | prevent free ingress and egress to and from/| sald openings be used primarily for Nght The square feet of sign space on one side of | #3 door, window or ‘fire escape of any |and ventilation, and provided such gratings an illuminated sign, however, shall be | building the fire commissioner shall notify, | are of sufficient strength to sustain @ ltve deemed to constitute the entire number of | » registered mail, the owner or lessee | load of 300 Pounds Her. SQUare Foot aa pro- square feet of sign space, for the purpose of l thereof to alter such sign or structure, so| vided in subdivision i of section 63 of ar- computing the licensa fee referred to herein h this article, or to remove| ticle 3 of chapter 6 and are constructed ithe same If such order is not complied/| with at least 40 per cent, of open work, ry minated sign shall pay to the city clerk an annual fee of 10 cents for each square foot ¢ roof cornice FUR PST ae Lt PELTE? Lr. ies oa ee (Id.) hice os within 60 days, t , ‘OTY issloner exempte rorr ayments of fees wy 5. Consent of owner of adjoining resi- h withi 60 da . he fire commissioner! shall be -¢ mpted obs er - aia ae 18 he ’ ! | remoy such sig? r ign struct & t or ar ts for vaults. Ado .. - . dence. No permit shall be issued for the o Praeyy — deellbaa Pha bichon ep at aadagetiy re Fide eh » = : ithe expense of the owner or lessee thereof Lea si2 - erection of a1 illuminated sign upon a build > e “a ; Ord. effective May 29, 1914.) 2 Jurisdiction. Each borough president a ing -which adjoins another oceupied exclu a ive] a ivat ler until th : is empowered to issue permits for the Pe V 4 rrivate resiaence, i ‘ @ ap- ‘ 3 x ve ; fer ; ¢ . eit etn 7 Sec. 218. Alteration of existing signs. laonstruction, maintenance and repair of z ican le pern sha ave file ie ; a foc Panes ea = + if l 4 No existing fence, sign, billboard, roof} yauyits in the streets within his jurisdiction. ri r ent of e oO of suc resi- ; wratten consent , a Ca ae | sign or sign structure shall be enlarged, re-| (Cc, O., Sec. 169; amended by ord. approved Oe } t srection of 2d sign = dence to the erection of the proposed 51g built, structurally altered or relocated, ex-| Aug. 8, 1916.) or (1d. ) : ; ted cept in accordance with the provisions of 3 Permits. No person shall cause or 8 6 e . a2. ate sigt . eee, Py gy 2p 3 ‘| this article; provided that this requirement | procure any vault or cistern to be con- 4 more thar i F i tne : : ne shall extend mor lan 8 feet fron a shall not apply to the relettering of il-| structed or made in any street, without a 7 building line, except mat on autho! ize tuminated signs, except where such reletter- | permit from the borough president having “ marquise awnings the illuminated eear ae ing requires a change of the wiring or| jurisdiction thereof Every application for " extend the entire length and width of the| 11. of such signs. (Ord. effective May | a permit to erect such vault or cistern shall + ) ; > ay Pag ahove or . i M4 _a a“ cee eee ek o fae " 129, 1914; amended by ord. effective May 2, be in writing, signed by the person making 1 foot below said awning; nor shall any such 1916.) lthe same, and shall state the number of os sign be less than ten feet in the clear; , E ti square feet of ground which ts required for ns : : : + | See. 219. txemptions, : - above the level of the sidew alks to neet : : - the same, and the intended length and ve No part of tHe foregoing sections of this a width of the same. 4, Compensation, Upon recelving such permit, the applicant therefor shall forth- with pay to the borough president such sum as he shall certify in the permit to be ea just compensation to the city for such privilege, calculated at the rate of not less than 30 cents, nor more than $2 per foot, for each square foot of ground mentioned as required for such vault, 5. Measurement. In the case of a new vault, before the arching or covering thereof the same: nor shall any such sign be placed upon leased premises by the owner of the fee or lessor without the consent in wl ting of the lessee or sub-lessee, as the case may , a Tra t hh te oe Ak | article shall apply to walls constructed wholly or principally of stone, marble, brick, terra cotta, concrete or other like material composing a masonry or monolithic wall; = 1 ; .. |nor to back yard fences on the ground in No illuminated sign, except carriage , alls, rhe Siterianine ie anus nor ta picket donuse shall hereafter be erected on any bullding and ‘orfiameutel Yanees. (Ord effective May in the borough of Manhattan, on Fifth ave- 29. 1914.) nue, between Washington square north and | ; 110th street, or on 84th street between | Sec, 220. Retroactive effect. Fourth avenue and Seventh avenues, or on Except as expressly provided in Secs Madison avenue, between 34th street and] 216 and 217 hereof, this article shall have 72a street, or on 57th street, between Lex-| no retroactive effect. (Ord. effective May ington avenue and Broadway, nor shall any; 29, 1914.) ; of ed ee | *Amended by ord, effective July 7, 1916,4 Stat epsom ds a ‘ ee | Soee oe he he Ps ae Lhe eee! Lt ee de EAL Let oe pe ee et ee te ee ee ee ee he tle be to eee a een toa | as nf oc ~ T r rat ‘ IVT { \ KT ’ Y r Fe ’ x mA T N ‘F Q " THE rk . k JH 156 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NE OW. : Te] 4 Sel aris c d be 1 name, nor shaft shall be commenced, the person to whom the presiden yt ries de : | ; id) 3 of ‘ i il ned, similar to a street the permit for such vault shall have been | diction the name and at 2 | 4 . s el] } | } far: th 1} named in order granted shall cause the same to be meas- | or occupant oO aa : 1d { f he 1 fusion in the de- ured by a City surveyor who nail aellve!l bullding E t ly j rol t} CeO ! oO ( | f il indise or other matter to the borough president grant the per- | walk in fror a : ten a I | ' : ol omciaily aesignate mit a certificate, signed b the survéeyo! presents I p , Y : { } mrtr } re ntal (Adopted yec specifying the dimensions of the va which | the borough t x | " ; ( I < ‘ a shall be accompanied b » diagram showing | the owne!l ; : i | Wonee « +h : { rit the square-foot area of the vault including | ering W I | - ae ca its s walls, and indicating its loca- | anotne : ‘ ; s sustaining v Ls, } in f RTICI E 19 tion relative to the building and curb lines | pecestrains ; Be AL ~ til Vv. and to the nearest intersecting street cornel Ammediate € pie In the case of an existing vault, the person | Section 1 Lf rp Nn COUnS : Laying and Installation of Pipes, Mains or claiming the right to the use thereof shall} propriate a Conduite furnish a like certificate and dlagram in ec 244 Violations respect thereof, but in such case the ate eee. lac t req i measurement shall exclude the sustalning | ¢pic a; I e ¢ . walla, | tion ] Lie : 6. Refundments If, from subsequent | $100 ., Se 60 Permit required, measurements, it shall appear that less ta ‘ D telepnone oT electria space has been taken than that paid for, | ,, a pt on or assocla- the permittee shall be € ti ed to recelye a a i ; i be 1llowed @4o lay or certificate from the borough president who] _ ondults for the issued the perm! showing the difference | gas, electricity Upon the presentation of said certificate of im or perform any | aT th Col ytrolle ha 2 i ‘Ty Tt irisdictlor co difference to the omptroller, h pay LRTI LE 18 on g a rebate to the per é the ( of : ( i ssioner of which shall be the difference In mone De 1 ind ' CEFicity 1] any \Lisce aneous tween the space feet original! paid and — g with a written the fee for spai actually taken rovided C ' ssioner of water the surveyor’s certificate was filed on I | (Adopted beb < after the Is day of lar i.’ owe ie i Unauthori ad encroachment if t : ‘ rf Violations, shall appear that the a or cistern < S , ae ‘ 3 ‘ ny pr {2 mr «Of cupiles u greater! num be of g¢ t j ot of epecial a) than shall ha been paid for a T a7 I = 1 f o if T te the owner thereof nalil n add on oO 1a y= eivy , ‘ 1 ted Fet - L719.) na) Ose 1h i < Q , : , | e ad - penaity impo “a dS hi art 1¢ Tori \ 1 4] Se »U Fiower pots on windoy ledges | ; pay twice the sum previously paid for « a equare foot of ground occupied t | \ over and above the num} of sg feet | A pT PE of paid: for as aforesaid " : ARTIC hy “WV ‘ & I nitati« YO person sha ere f o , bulld,.o ecause or permit any g { » be : € oo ISilOT) made which sha € tend furthe the A ; ' f , etreets sine )I the sidewal ( rbst f Any ‘ & gireet His itl E ' ) Soffer! ag ) oO W i 9 Responsibility al liar rf yuards against c¢ sion t who shall comy se si g +} tnt 4 p irs and columns in streets, ’ ‘ i I le * } } 7 i - onstt . , = uppor ng tion of a vault, and he owner or person 7 eUyr S - : ta 2 f re Luding Sup- tor whom the same shsg be exca ite oO constructed sha be liable o the I O = he Ure ss: payments ana penaitie of this a + en Lissiies in-shooters stone he roradways of ry) r ( vel { weverally and respec e hrowill ‘ a ce | t ing nto the pat of Sec. 241. Construction h ) ch loca 1 Waterials All vaults snall be con-/|} | LC nad whit orm gtructed of OTiCch ‘ stone 1d ne out- a: i ¥ e fe high ward side of the grating r opentne into * 1 e dete nined by the street shall be efther within 12 inches) -« 2 “ : ; ugh 1 which the of the outside of ne urb me of : de any pe! e inte ' : a nignt ne! waik, or within 1 n¢ as of the yping of ao . h suft en {illu the area if! Iror or the house to hn f ‘ ‘ , »t a distance of gucnh Vault SNe belong 4 |] Prat of ‘ prac t € Zuits snall De made iT ron rs De, 49 } ) suppo ng whereof na ‘ 4 ' a 1 i } W) et? se ¢ 52? lanbarl] I ef an Inch’ th | and ni more , - , ANnOArK On streets an inch apart 3 ‘ ck } eh which a Comple ion of work All vau §s sna . © rT } ge colu 1 may ; = ‘ he completed and h « rround closed ove i i ed / +, al an them within weeks T é are om : »? - ! > ° ; ‘ q h su menced ‘ POr per ‘ CC l requ “ ' 4 i ; Sec. 242. Vault openings: protection of si , . ’ ons of this ’ * A *»Oo person sha r ) or ins re fix : Or ‘g@use, or procure, or suffer Oo} permit cet . 1€1 I rn O! od } 8) ; tO be removed or to pb inse urel fived a0 ) oul al of th pro- rely i that the same can be moved in its bed. ar oving ba De punished by grate or covering oar ape ure of a vault ad irs Or by or chute under al street: b nothing | placed cing nirt cays 0 Herein contained hall] prevent h ‘ ner a ; . I rl f mprison ert : UY tree 1 er occupant of the bullding, with y hich | cleani F } ] | Lu gn i e guch yauit be connected fron removing or leath o ; ' a tel re I p guch gate or covering for the proper pur son. at at f sino ' , y ' | ¢ pose of such vault or cnute; providing he| with ouch order ti CHAPTER 24 Inclose the opening or ‘apertures and keep | b t} CO! on re pare. | eae the same inclosed, while ich grate or coy I ! } ecove th O , . TR A > ering shall be removed, with a strong box | laa = PRAFFIC REGULATIONS, , | nant ovidec oft or curb at least 12 inches high firmly and alties (< QO r ] ( ’ wecurely made, and provided that o ings ; : : ‘ : rule he 1 r re ) ay ¢ ‘ iia ore : il road ° more than 2 squar: feet of superficial | See. 258 Glass, china, or other substances: - ee 5 lat : 2 incloe .. . ; ‘ y LT { 5 egu tion area shall be inc] ed at such mes with casting of on streets, removal of. Btrong railings not’ less } rig e; high An perso | ! idental) : ut iLé ’ to be approved by the borough president or ot} ‘ caused ' nails ARTICLE and further that such peprates o7 ay sa : = \ Ly ke : es 0 ly OCris s atratine mut shall not be removed u | after rise rit l | ie : ‘ | I ) I upon rn tf in < , are sny day and shall he fs po ' pub General Provisions. : ec O one hj ‘ I emove t half hour after sunse ' 7" fror t} | CE } ] Defi ons Bec. 243 Vault cover f ere Ss mu : it ; . : fchtin st afford secure Se4 rr 4 Private streets names of, no. i gr | Definitions ze. strictions { = SS otherwise expressly stated, when- ry m= V4 ! : The police commissioner shall report te VS private slre ised in this chapter, the following" 1 7% eT | T AN 1 co + a te K ry rn r a T 4 T rl oe CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 157 terms shall | respecti y des ed eR! ing It 5 l keep as close as ] ible to | Sec. 13 Peddlers. l Curb LLC] bound i the irb ne on tl righ oa to allow l. No peddler vender, hawker or huckster portion of a str d : fi e of aste ving hicles free passage on e I i permit any cart, wagon or venicle vehicles wh er marker } ‘ ae o ‘ , owned or controlled by him, to stop, remain not so marked ' enal « io gz up or stopping In upo or otherwise incumber any atreet in Roadwa ty ‘ 3 sping » signal sha eT. ce 0 any premises, the owner of or ich is inc d he : hind rti-. if the ground floor thereof object- s thereof ut py a8 5 r hand : 1g thereto No peddler, vender, hawker or of ehicles O 11 ste hall permit his cart, wagon or Veh ie, eve wag t f i | to q omobiies Ever vehicle to stand on any atreet, within 25 Ss sleigh pushcart | . . be oa’ dh aid ne fee of an corner of the curb, or to stand g itom« e « moto ‘ other conveyance (except a ba arrlage) } sha e 1 t or siena at an time on any sidewalk, nor within ques ‘ sie ‘ 1 whatever manner or |} vha ‘ I > om a person driving hundred feet of any. public market. or power the same ma ‘ or Ps sats Sel a ae el Ldop i as LS, -2elt.2 . iS i = ; = rses OT } : opelled which is o1 f E ; or E ] 2 cause the automobile Restricted streets No peddler, ven- Ada 2c 0 \leaslre rid . OT t ¥ , adapted to pleasur ria é i p lediate to stop and to remain statior o awker or huckster shall stop or re- ation of passengers AEE 4 r } lecessa to allow | Main, between 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock dise upor . street and « i : 5 pon the str 1 ld | ymest animals to pass [ h iorough of ling animal, whether drive j (( ‘ a1 yn nr ied ft at an a im” | r ; q ye hat at PaO ; ! { an emergency or , rdam avenue, between S7th and n 17 ehic e hal vitt 5 or pedestrian to} ! sf ute ) f one ve le ( { i i ; 5 : : hall stop in any , A, between Houston and 7th e to the curb line ° ‘ ed in Sec. 16 of this article Avenue B, from Houston to 14th streeta; ARTICLE a. ' , rr other emergen: ue ¢ fro Houston to 14th streets; | » stop b the police, no I eet, from New Chambers street Rules of the Koad : such a way as to ob to irk ] t ossineg for the purposs ‘ siree between Broadway and s I ers: age gz ( er down a passenger t Pe Driving : adin eight. or for ar Fifth avenue, from Washington Square, S Lights h sha stop or Nort] ) q S Peddlers of ar street, | Firs enue, t ween 2d and Sth streets: Se { Riding on back of oe » fe ( . treet corner (( Fulton vetween Broadway and S | ht of wa ig ~ (obastructior f tyr fh , ase shall a a of et hye mre 1 Spruce and Wall Se eer ick I the curb, except g f e . Safety stops for « 1 f inloading, and no Parl 1ue, fro th to 134th streets; etreet and surfa railwa al its left de o the] Par] y from New Chambers to Ann 44 aftr et Sec. 10 Drivers; age limit. Pp tra } e} le shall Sixth e e ¢ [9th .. atreet and vers yy Dp sons chare f a a f iY or he riven ’ } A donted Tie j 1917.) otne! tha aed hi e \eas LY ears if age ‘ ‘ iif to block- 2twe 1 4th and 23d streets: e , ac y r ; 2 _— Y 3 ~~ e with a per 7 the police d na stree "i : etween 67th and 70th (Cc. Se 46 ) e | l f ‘ < ) ehicle shall 14 amt 4th and 7th avenues Bec. 1] Driving es ae z a aes ] } ing right , HOrse. OF MOLE ; I p ith and 7th avenues; NCE ] 4 ; le "4 , & : keer 5 ; na D inable te 14th re tween 4th and 7th avenues ¢ ne g a 18 neal ‘ | sec. 473 (2d b een the wester!] side of nares ‘ ri 4 p < it {) 4 M t \ « { no sha not | Par} e] d the easterly side of Broad- 2 Vie gr ‘ is mee L 2 AS tte \ ; fac! 0 le right r ) Q | n a : Overt others \ a t heing f Art A 69th reets, from Amster- i a. ] 1 / ; MWydenr iy Ing othe 1 n passing kee] } i ri ison R er. (cf. Oo =f. 47) » Pp nt Th t yun ad b i3d street, Firat 4 Turning and sta) g j 1a valk { stree Second avenue, 78d person ha & narge 3 f } « ‘ } } enue i4th street Lexington turning the yrner <« tre or | richt ith s Third avenue, 83d street ™ ¢ IZ ) « - R out or startine fror c ing a | Secon i 82d street and the Hast riv- : } ~]} | ne of an stree sha t a I er veh! 16 | (Adoy Tye 4 1917.) 7 } « <| clent <7) f fy ‘ ! ( e } ov i vyeern sun 5 ifficien pa TT} { tunded b 2d streat, Sec- go that such turn stor oO star mY ' gehts so placed a ‘ j { treet Lexington avenue safel, made 7 } sha t) : ive ‘ nt rear and © : E . Skt} «efreeft Second avenue Gist street and visible or audible gna (¢ oO S , ern 3 carried ‘ I 4 1917 , | | - % ( dopted er eee Turn to th right nto a er hand sid Such ' : . street . e ft iz to tl - i be of ifficient illum inded by the southerly side another stre sna turn the coy r a ay R ble at a distance | oft | I ningeside drive, the north- in the url an 1 tcable 7 ; white hen n | f street and the westerl\ ; , 429.) ' red on thi ide and | si ae in i f (Adopted April : s amended | ad , } THUS: afte Aue ' 1914) street, between the westerly alde of Taras “ ae ehicle, | 3d avenue and e easterly side of Morning- * es shall exhibit during { venue 8 ‘ 7T¢ r y en-ii . je ‘ 5 pel ecified 1 the preceding sub Th bounded by Market street, . oo fi: cee [ f lights, visible at a distance D on streel Jefferson street and the East f er tn direction toward which |] Ri t " nroceeding and hall ~ 1 | A x Je ee a, eee auth 29th street between 4th and 6th avenue. haded a : to blind or da le other users eg ' . ’ nm 4 eee ies c " | of the highway, or make it difficult or d4th street, between 6th avenue and * | them to ride, drive or walk | Broadwa 1d.) Leno avenue, between 123d and 127tR ’ an Sci areal All motor cycles shal] | Streets: Morningside avenue, between 1334 } ? , 4 : ‘ - Cs . « a | i | he bie i tn the pro' istor of subdivision and ith streets, Seventh Va e betweer Cross aetna h e er ing e suns oo Z , Gi y 7 q coere wneers . e f this sectior (Id | 123d and 127th streets; Eighth avenue, be- from one side of the street to th ( ] 0 nt a : o 4 ; ” c NT af , ; S ales ; ) tween Léa £ at f Ss, in lC ; ‘ ntions This Seiki att sem I Land J th streets St icholes shall do so by turning to the left, so as to | : aS May ees, & 9 07 een, A ‘ ale 7. ) any equestriar nor to al animal enue.’ between 123d and 127th streets, head in the same direction as the traffic on | PI wim i ie eae ee 2 that side of the street (( O., Sec. 441.) led or driven and not attached to any $-d streeet between westerly slide ef 1 vehicle nor to the rider of a bicycle, tri Park avenue and easterly side of Broadway. THI : r : » . ‘ oO similar vehicle whose light haa Fifth avenue, from Washington Square, ; hecome extingulshed or who | necessarily North to 110th street absent from his hom« without a light, | 66th street, 3d avenue, 74th atreet, and lwhen going at a pace not exceeding 6 miles} ast river ne a te lan hour, and giving a clearly audible signal | 1d street, 2d avenue, 84th street, Lex- |as often as 30 feet are passed over. (C. O.,|ington avenue, 88th street, 12th avenue, 91st ’ Slow-moving vehicle Vehicle mov- | Sec 459.) }street and Bast river ae} t Par ae i Pad REELSS . eee ES ee 4 58% x r; 7 = pees Sa yee TEE tek rate Petes o a Ps tT pa St 20 See r se - % Te ee Eee sac Peres as 61 a7 Se— (7 prea ye At pegees 16 Dike ee Le fa to) Pe ePerss opts cd . ft an t- © 9 { i a » * 4 a t Lo id a r . 4 Ps rf & ir ‘ Pn i ad Steele Becket Be tae in ee ie oe fo | ‘ox Pat-Tegeges 158 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. — ee ener. I scar i | The Bronx, on: | Sec, 15. Hight of way. | to endanger, or-to be likely to endanger, the Claremont Parkway from Crotona Park 1. Direction On all streets and public ife or limb or property of any person. Ex- : cept as herein otherwise provided, a rate places, all vehicles going in &@ northerly | or southerly direction shall have the right vehicle going in an easterly (Cc. O., Sec. 4484.) to Claremont Park; | Jennings street, between Wilkins ayenue and Southern Boulevard; Prospeot avenue, between streets; Southern Boulevard, between Wilking ave- of way over any 160th and 163d / or westerly direction. | Vehicles having precedence. nue and Jennings street; | 9. The officers and men of the fire de- Wilkins avenue, between Freeman and B.| partment and of the fir patrol, with thelr | 170th streets; apparatus of all kinds, when going to or | Léist street, between Prospect and Union| on duty at, or returning from a fire; all avenues. | ambulances whether of public or private Wast 160th street between Union avenue | characte! and all other vehicles when em | and Forest avenue (Adopted Hac: 4, 1911.) ployed in carrying sick or injured per Southern Boulevard, from 174th atreet to! gons to hospit 1la or other places for relicf 180th street. (Adopted Dec. 4, 1917.) or treatment vehicles of the police de- Brooklyn, on: | partment; ehicle of the several odureaus | Fifth avenue, between Prospect avenue | of buildings; emergency vehicles of the de- and 1&th street, | partment of water supply, gas and elec- Manhettan avenue, between Driggs and | tricity and of public service corporations, Vernon avenues; and vehicles of all physicians who have & Montrose avenue, between Broadway and | police permit shall have the right of way Bushwick place. lin any streets and through any procession, Brook avenue, between 144th street and except over vehicles carrying the | nited Westchester avenue. | States mall.' The police department Union avenue, between 165th street and hereby empow ered to issue @ A ne Freeman street; Prospect avenue between | 8 h right of wa to al y Sey — — ig5th street and Freeman street; Stebbins | Physician, making appli ear ba A > : ‘i avenue, between 165th street and Freeman which poh - ae De RTT. atreet; 169th street, between Tinton avenue | 7 a oe 2 tient and Intervale avenue, 1s8th street, between | salt hal on wie pha netahe cae, , : sspect avenue; Home | Tinton avenue EB ot re St, ant Suigt | run ing on tracks inid in the street esp®- on’ Ver a C sr - street, between n | elally for their use, shall have the right of vale avenue; 167th street, between Tinton | : e WAY along such tracks, between cross avenue and Inter’ ale avenue; 166th atreot, Shit s ; va kstan “esaewe ea between Tinton svenus and Stebbins avenue, | Ba rg " ra : a 5" ‘ ‘ : = r “a rat oe } ame ‘ re on A F ét ra , ween Tinton avenue and In- | ; ee betwee lthan 15 miles an hour The driver of any tervale avenuc ; ; , : : | vehicle roce ne upon I ‘ in front 162d street, between Westchester avenue ehicle proceeding up n the track em , eof a surface car shall turn out as soon cheek treme bet wvebéter |S possible upon signal by the motorman + ren between ° wt i Hast ro ae * -" Se © or driver of the car (© G., ~ Bac 450, o i. a P avenue and oston rc amended by ord. effective Feb. 9 1915.) Union avenue, between 160th and 168d sts. Bronx. Sec. 16. St. Ann's avenus, between 138d and 14ist| ' streets, or on 139th street, between Brook | atop = cast.” oF any ‘ether vehicle, on S48 es eee are | crosswalk or intersection of etreets, so a8 Wales avenues, from 160th street to West. sn akateact on winder the eravel eons one chester avenue; Tinton avenue from 150th| 4. nor place any cart or cther vaudalie atreet to Westchester avenue, See WOES | nn ernttes bo. ant from Tinton avenus to Prospect avenue Ue | Mei aw iain men Sree reem 160th street to West- case shall any person permit such cart or chester avenue. (Adopted Dec. 28, 1917.) Charlotte street, Yrom Jennings street to | street Obstruction of traffic. General provisior No person shall street except to load other vehicle to remain crosswise of any for a longer period than may be 170th street, and Minford place, from thé | actually necessary for such purpose (C. Ow north side of Jennings street to 1724 street. | Rec, 448.) (Adopted Dec. 28, 1917.) 2 Streets used by surface cars The Fox street, between East 167th street and | owner\or ocoupant of any store, warehoune Yeéth street, and Hast 165th street be- | or building in any street, in which the ralle tween Intervale avenue and Fox street. | of any railroad company are laid so close (Adopted Dec. 28, 1917.) to the curbstones as to prevent the owners Jennings street, between Wilkins avenué | or occupant from keeping any such cart of and Southern Boulevard. lether vehicle in the carriage way in front Bouthern Boulevard, between Wilkins ave |}of his place of business, without interfer- nue ahd Jennings street. lence with the passing care of any such com- (CC. ©.. Ch. 24, Seo, 13, as amended a | pany, may during business hours, occupy 80 warious times.) much of the sidewalk as may be necessary All intervening avenues or streets bounds | for a cart or other vehicle; ad on south by Westchester avenue on the | sufficient space be allowed for the passing north by PH. 158th street, on weat by Trin- of pedestrians hnetween the cart or other ity avenue and on east by Jackson avenue vehicle and the stoop or front of every such Boston road, between 166th street and 168th | store, warehouse or other Sullding. rt Jc... therefrom, but in no| provided that} of speed exceeding 12 miles per hour for loaded or wnloaded comme rejal vehicles used for hauling or carting shal constitute prima facie evidence of a prohibits d rate of specd ind manner of driving, and of a violation of the 4provisions of this section, 4 rate of speed for such vehicles ex eeding 18 miles per hour ehall constitute a prohibited rate speed and manner of driving, and @ vVio- ation of the provisions of this section, and rate of speed exceeding 22 miles per hour for such vehicles on a publi highway which passes through country or outlying sections that are substantial undeveloped and sparsé) eattled. shall conatitute a prohib- ted rate of speed and manner of driving, and violation of the provisions of this sec- | tion ioxcept as herein otherwise provided, a rate of speed exceeding 15 miles per lhour for all other vehicles shall constitute prima facie evidence of a prohibited rate of jpeed and ranner of driving, and of a vio- ition fT provisions of this section; a ite of peed exceeding 20 miles per hour aha constitute a prohibited/rate of speed snd manucir of driving, and a violation of e p i na of this section, and a rate lof speed exceeding 24h miles per hour, on @ public highway which ,passes through coun- ltry or outlving sections that are substan- tially undeveloped and sparsely settied, shalt constitute a prohibited rate of speed and |manner of driving, a! d violation of the pro- ivisions oil tnis section In crossin or approaching an Intersect- ing reet or hithway in any congested sec- | tion of the city, In which there are car ltracks, no person operating, driving or pro- pelling any vehicle subject to the provisions lef this subdivision shall proceed, nor shell lthe owner of such yehicle, riding thereon or | therein, cause or permit the same to pro- | ed. at a rate of speed greater than 8 miles i per hour, A rate of speed exceeding 20 miles per j|hour on any bridge, park drive, parkway lor park street, shall constitute a violation of i this section i A vehicle other than a trailer, unléss con- fined to tracks, shall not tow more than one other vehicle. The connection shall not longer than 16 feet, and shal] be conspic- ious both by night and by day. A rate of ape ed excecding 12 miles per hour for such » vehicle shall constitute a prohibited rate of speed and a violation of the provisions of this sedotion (Amended by Ord. adopted April is. 1932.) | | - Pntering and leaving a street. In turn- ne a corner of meéting or intersecting high- ways, ! person operating, driving or propel- ling any vehicle subject to the provisions of |subdivision 1 of this section shall proceed, nor shall the owner of any such vehicle rid- ine thereon or therein, cause or permit the | same to proceed at a rate of speed greater than 8 miles an hour A vehicle shall not cross a sidewalk to or from an aljley, lot or boildine at a rate of speed greater than 4 miles an hour. (Amended by Ord. adopted April 19, 1922.) } a 185 Sec 5 4 ’ , atreet, Jackson Sot enue, between lf : th and * 445.) ae Overtaking street car. In overtaking } 66th eet, bet 1 | | eee Fift ' ' 168th street. Tast 166th street, yatween | roadwa ifth avenue and ar a street car, which has been stopped for ’ “ Tare a + ye 1 ¢ e a h a) wv Cc ~ é y 0 . . Franklin avenue and Forest avenue. Bast | rov In no cas all any cart, W4gf0N OF |tne purpone of receiving or dischaaging & other vehicle be placed crosswise of the * carriageway on Broadway or Fifth avenue, 167th street, between Franklin avenues and Forest avenue. Home street, between Frank- | lin evenue and Forest avenue. Tinton ave- nue, between 1634 street and 169th street Manhattan, nor on Park row, in that bor- Brooklyn: Fifth avenue, between Prospect | ough; nor shall any such cart, wagon o avenue and 18th street. | other vehicle be permitted to remain in Queens: Fourth street from Vernon ave- | front of any premises on Broadway or Fifth nue to Jaokson avenue, Long Island City, | Syenue, south of 69th street, nor on Park (Adopted June 16, 1920.) . : row, unle&s placed in close proximity to the All streets, avenues and public places ly- curb, with the side of such cart, wagon or ing within the territory known as the afth other vehicle, parallel therewith (C.. OG ward of sald borough (Adopted April 265, | Sec. 448.) 1923). | Sec. 17. None of the provisions of this section shall | be construed as reguiating the crying or hawking of newspapers. (C. O., Séc. 347.) Speed. operate, drive or propel, and no owner there- 0 j » f ivéa yr ro . Sec. 14. Riding on back of vehicles. ) Reeeny 0 Se Operated, ariven - propelien, am lon any street or bridge any vicyole, tri- No person shall ride upon ths back of | cycle, velocipede, motor-cycle, motor-tricyole, any vehicle without the consent of the| motor delivery wagon, or motor vehicle how~ driver, and when riding no part of @ per-|ever propelled, or eny vehicle drawn by son’s body shall protrude beyond the iimits| horses or other animals, Tecklessly or neg- of the vehicles. (C. O., Sec. 404.) south of 68th street in the borough of | passenger, no vehicle that is subject to the provisions of subdivision 1 of ths section right or left lwithin & feet of any part of such car so j|long as the same is stopped and remains | standing, for the purpose aforesaid. (Amend- led by Ord. adopted April 19, 1922.) shall pass or approach to the 4. Approaching bridges; passing public schools Upon approaching a bridge, or in passing a public school on school days, between the hours of § o'clock a m. and 4 o'clock p. m., no person operating, driv~- ing or propelling any vehiole subject te 1. General provisions, No person shall the provisions of subdivision 1 of this sec- tion shall proceed, nor shall the owner of lof riding thereon or therein shall cause or any such vehicle riding thereon or therein cause or permit the same to proceed at a rate of speed greater than 10 miles per hour. (Id.) — 6. Congested = streets. In the thickly populated residential sections of the city, the police commissioner is hereby author- ligently or at a speed or in a manner so a8 } ized and empowered to cause signs to beCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 159 erected or maintained in any street thereof at any time of the day o night \ such street shall be congested by traffie o thronged by children, which shall be am@m to stanchions on the curb or other conespicr ous places, and shall indicate thet the speed limit in such street or thoroughfare shall be not more than 8 miles p person operating, driving or prop ? yvehiclé, subject to the pre ) vision 1 of this se n, 2 shall the owner of any i ‘ thereon or therein usé to proceed at a greate: 1D ¢ han & miles per hour upon any por a restricted, during the t ; ' sign shall be erected a ' on, (Amended by O 1922.) ba. No person operat d © or porn pélling any vehicle, su! » pDrovis fons of subdivision I f et} } proceed, nor shal! the o e] f vehicle riding thereon or thi : ry permit the same to procee 1 . speed than 8 miles tion of the following street Vas) F avenue from 167th streets ¢t th rec Brook avenue from 69 o Clare mont Parkway; and Bathgate avenue fron Claremont Parkway to 7 t ave ; Claremont Parkway, from Crotona P Clarémont Park, in the Borough of Tt Bronx. (Adopted July 3 17 6. Exceptions. Nothing containe , of the provisions of sul r 4 section, as to apecific rates o peed. or il any of the provisions of either esubd ; “ 2, 3, 4 or 6&6 hereof shall apply to vehicle whith run only on rails or tracks or -, any of the following éhicl4s when t} Bame are responding for emerge work case of fire, accident, publi aste r impending danger, to wit : t ks and apparatus of the fire dep: insurance patrol, the police depa he bureaus of buildings or the Jances, and the emergency ri: r a of public service corporations (Ord. eff ive April 29, 1913.) 7 Violations. Any persc who shal operate, drive or propel and i ne! thereof, riding thereon or ther VI cause or permit any vehicle : the provisions of subdivision 1 of O! to be operated, driven or prope d a tion of any of the provisior if shall, upon conviction for the fi ffense be punished by a fine of not ses than §25 nor more than $100, or | prisonme for a term of not less than la ! more than 15 days, or | r u fine and imprisonment, and sha! tion for the second offense within 1 year from the commission of the first offense, be punished by a fine of not less ian $60 nor more.than $100, or by imprisonment for # term of not less than 323 4d ‘ or more than 30 days, or by bofh uch e and imprisonment, and shall upon cor tion for the third offense. and for ea ind eve offense subsequent thereto, within 1 year from the commission of the first offense be punished by a fine of $100 or by) nprison- mént for a term of not less tha , days nor moré than 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment: provided, however that in construing this section the unit of any oOné year ahall be the basis for deter- mining the ‘‘first,” “second” or “third” of fense, the numerical orde: changing wher Succeeding convictions occur, and more thar One year has elapsed after an original “first,” “second” or “third’’ offense (id Sec. 18, Safety stops for omnibuses and Street surface railway cars. 1. Fire stops, school stops All omnil- | buses and street surface railway cars shal | come to @ full stop: ® At all points where a ‘Fire Stop” ign is exhibited: b. At all points where a “‘Schéol Stop” sign is exhibited, between the hours of 8 * ™. and 9 a. m., 12 noon:and 1 p. m, and 3 p. m. and 5 p.m., except on Satur days, Sundays and legal holidays and dur- Ing the period from July 1 to September 1, inclusive’ Bach borough president is here- by Suthorized to erect signs bearing the Words “School Stop” on each side of streets | Sec, 30a Amboy road; restrictions, Oo perso! all drive an auto truck over l the Amboy oad in 2 Borough of Rich- |}aaid road, Oo! | tion thereon. ny pe 3) : I jurisadl “ { : neét the street on whi: , WA os ia * — or om more than $2 for each of- located, within 500 ( from intersecting a i y ‘mprisonment for not exceeding or meeting atree Sy at an a ~ 10 days, or by both such -fin and imprison- piaced on lamp t re sign posts er ane by Ord. approved March Olley poles, trol an e or other a i 11iable ipports t) absen< aft many ich eX1s g stru ire, on such ner Lp 3S 8 me \ l l necessary} (Ord on Aus f,, 19lt, Bek 191 Am led 19 i.) Pas ps street surface rall- a rs ’ ‘ £ ed to take on or cdia- charge passenger l come to a full stop, Bu pi ! t Oo obstruct the sswa f ssing al ntersecting r co t ‘ tree except hat, vith the eritte > 11 aione! nd pi Trolley Stop 5 I panies, street ur- a 2 er rn paved streets: D. i @ cente f blocks over 400 feet ‘ fe A eet contain ne t terse f vay Cig.) Ane provis this bdivision shal] 4PP pent sl Ltt 3, pt that omuni- bus , i 1 to tal discharge passengel! all come te full stop, in such posit! not t he rosswalk, ‘ f y A inte f r oO connecting t that provisions of buses, shall) de instead of I f ning en neg atree railwa Bus Stop” ene 2 used ne . of lrolley Stop” sie 3 Inte ‘ surface ecting or ‘ n ting ¢ ‘ } ‘ pping; p ovided that i ( the } f ymmisstoner sha rive! written nser to such rossing } i va company shall have ‘ dj { ; D gr at such easing and € that there } j 1 DY place with ‘a - r ' here t, within ¢ (Ord. ef- . \ 14 4, ‘ } b 15, 1914; i f ! t Pul 7 16.) { ‘ ( pal or ° Ing any pro- q Dp I iction, i f $10 -for each offe l ARTICLE 3. Viscellaneous Reculations, 4, d eg 2; éasTtrictions? cr, B Cr, Cattle, « 2 sheep and swing ; rut ji|4@8 I¢ { Ee s oF a aro! C, af Moto! ehiclesa: mufflers ¢ 7 Ocean arkwa restrictions ‘ o¢ I ocerslor ant para Les “lz 0 eigha fiec } ra wagons Q ds } es; matr ng of Sai 41 Reasonable care Sac. 4 Wnforcement of chapte: duties of police department Tan 4 1 raf LTNnINnR ALT 8. Bec, 30 Advertising vehicles 0 advertising trucks, vans or wagons shall be allowed in the streéts; provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the putting of business notices upo ordl- nary business wagons, so long 45 such wag- ons are engaged in the usual business or regular work of the owner, and not used merely or mainly for advertising, (Sec, 41, Manhattan ords.) tf ap it may be necessary to cart or conve upplies to the residences along rr ac j hullding materials to build- ings nm course of construction or altera~ rgon violating this pro- in‘ Sec, 31, Bicycles. ‘ I Coasting No bicycle shall be allowed tO proceed in any street of the clty by in- ertia or momentum, with the feet of the rider removed from the pedals. (C, O., Sea 460.) 2 Trick riding No rider of a bicycle shall remove both hands from the handle- bars, nor practice any trick or fancy riding n any street (( { Sec. 461.) 3 Carrying children No bicyclist ghall irry upon his bic le any child under the age of 5 years (C.. O,, Sec, 462.) 4 Leading bicycles Riders of bicycles, } 16n dismounted, may lead thelr bicycles aiong the sidewalk in single file, and bi- cycies may be allowed to stand on the slde- alx, provided they are within the stoop- iné and cause no obstruction. (C. O., Sec. 467.) & Use of sidewalks No bicycle shall be ridden on the sidewalks of any street of the cit’ i( t) Sec 468 58; amended by ord June 30. 1914 | Sec. 32. Cattle, calves, sheep and swine. l. Driving or herding in streets. No cat- tle calves sneep or swine shall be dfiven n any*street of the city without a permit from the Police Commissioner, and {n strict accordance with the routes, hours and other conditions prescribed thereby: provided, that cattle, calve sheep or swine, landed at the foot of the street leading to the slaughter- iouse ft which they shall be destined, may De driven long such street, if the @ame bs effectivel barred 0} closed so as to pre ent the escape of any of said animals dur~ ,»ing their transfer from the dock to the slauzghter-house, 2. Leading cattle. No person shall lIead, or attempt to lead or cause to be led, any cattle, otherwise than singly, 1 person with each, On-any street nor upon any sidewalk. 8. Landing No cattle, calves, sheep or swing shall be landed in any borough of the city, except in accordance with the proyi- sions of this section, 4. Violations Any person who shall vio« late any provision of this section shall, upon -}conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $50, or by imprisonment’ not exceeding 10 days, or by both such finé and imprisonment. (Amended by ord. adopted lune 28, 1921.) Sec. 33. City-owned sutomobiles. The words “City of New York” shall be | painted plainly and visibly on the og ide |} of the back of the body of each automobile |owned by the oity, The letters of such in- | scription shall be at least 5 inchea in the least dimension, and the color shall con- trast with the color of the body of the car. are person shall use an automobile owed by the city which ts not lettered as pro~ | scribed Rerein; peovided, however, that |}automobiles used by the police department, |in the detection #@ad the suppression of crime, shall be exempt fromthe provisions 'of this section. (Ord, effective Meb. 6, 1912.) eae 34. Horse-racing. HWxcept as provided in chapter 17 of this ordinance, no person shall run or race any horse in any street, nor consent to or suffer |} such racing, under the penalty of $50 to be | recovered from the person or persons who shall so race, or suffer or permit such race ing, and the owner, rider and thé person having charge of any animal whioh shall go race and run, severally and respectively. This section shall be construed to prevent and punish the running, racing or trotting of any horse or horses, for any trial of speed, or for the purpose of passing eny other horse or horses, whother the same be founded upon any stake, bet or otherwise. (Secs. 89, 90, Manhattan ords,) Sec, 85. Ice wagons. No person, being the owner or driver of any wagon used for the sale of tee, shall permit or allow the scale thereon or the vision shall, upon conviction, be punished beam to which it may be attached, or other yee sree) ree Pri ae at a 7 tf Tae Ue al Roth yee i oe re ee NM Sy irie tateea Tits teehee ee! CCANAT SY SR ebegens s+ 7 Oe ed Ned bed eck Ld oh Ale ok ee ted be tote ae 8 2 Tt ae ee ee ) r a 4 4 pe 1 { Oo rade: * 4 : - T) ’ i 1 ) T 1 DA Da } l a ( f i¢ f ' } f ; Ay f ' d , , ; ‘ Dp fe = a7 Sleichs ! p ; <° , } e . f P . 6 ‘ ' , . e “= < Trade wagrons ; he a . I pia 4 | ( A in 7 i ! . g ri the } a 3 r er ‘ ) (sg 7 ‘ ; Vehicles; marking of I ; 2 7 : l 1 ' f ag t ° Ow r j \ , } 9 Be on HKeasonable care ) f I ‘ a 1 + Lr ) f nose 1ts0 al 4 2 ‘ e ar ] I I r ) aon ) | i! ies ({ ‘ Enforcement of chapter; duties police department | i nave 6 { j inage er of el , rT issionel! shal } ‘ : of the pro alo A ‘ 10 ea n A I b and ga x ( and a all hack truck stan ri ¢ shall cause cop tO be ker at all police stations ssued to the public on applicat on with- B¢ ec 4 Secs. 472, 473.) Traffic warning cards 0 \ I e A who t 4 I ) eet, |] par 1 pa i€ge sl ind m\ cal phy A 2 i Cal to LT 4 ne ATC. TO bh 1¢ no commissione! | & {0} ich ard must fil two rece ap! of } ] { f of + ulitable te ed to ‘ ra . Se the ti} uance hal five bla rnd hall be : Cr tior of | app ant as of operatoy or chauffeur’s licen OF NeW YORK. ' nlo olor of halt and eyes t{ngulishing features, to- . ‘} rynature of the applicant. a card shall _be filed with Ni ¢ Such -drivs or * , ipon demand of an police rea for napectiol iyi lost or defaced I eo eh holder to ovtall a@ 11 or of sections 7 ¥vE 9 «COO; 40a of this others, the officer must diin the space provided the date, place and nature f\ together with his. shiele notation may in the dis fT r and with the consent 1 lieu of an arrest or an e ept where there has ul to person or prop- een narrow! averted f f 1 notation shall be im- the officer to the po- SY ang oO him to the traffic record hall be kept of the snstitute prima far io ation After the mak- otation upon cat h of the five } cd € h person may n thes eist te, be permitted to and to procure another apply to non-Tresi- ut non-resident on procure such a card and to the provisions of 4 ied vy Ord. adopted Ma CHAPTER 25. WATER SUPPLY. uction and. maintenanc® ents and charges. se of water. - _ a “1 ARTICLE 1. onstruction and Maintenance. lergency repairs Ss sllution of or interference with é respass on water supply prope S ‘ Obstruction of stop-cocks 8 HW irants to be kept closed ‘ ' ectiong® wells 5 a Violations Be I Emergency repairs ase of any unexpected casualty or cqaimage o the pipes, reservoirs or other structure ynnected with the city’s water supp the of engineer of the department of water supp gas and electricity, under direction of the’ commissioner, shall take ! liate measures for the preservation and repair of the same, the expense of which sha be paid on his requisition by the warrant of the comptroller. (C: ©., Sec. 2. Pollution of or interference with water supply. No person shall bathe in or go into the water of an} water supply reservoir, or any part of a city aqueduct; nor shall any person throw stones, chips or dirt, or any other material, substance or thing whatever into any reservoir, gate-house, ventilator, aqueduct fountain or basin; nor shall any person in any manner injure or disfigure @ny part of the water works system of the city ({ O He 286.) Bec. 3. Tresspass on water supply property. No person shall trespass on any part of the embankment of a water supply reser- voir, nor go or remain thereon Without per- mission of the proper persons having charge of the came; ‘nor shall any person all or iCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 161 refuse to comply with the regulation y , yns of the 2 3aths in barb nei commissioner of wate tc 3 Darbper SHop, public houses a r suppl. ras ; ‘ 23 Liquo wn : epinitas j : I , Fas and ac. | and bathing establishments a Las yuor and lager beer saloons—For city as to the times when citizer : neal. a § shall be |each bar, $10 per annum nda d C ' ; chs nares Sb each ey ; at ane } leave the embankment of a rese bar a ; , annum. (Id.) charge of $5 for each n additians L 4 servol! 7 3 Showe! , Ate $5 for ea waah he the grounds or buildings attached “7 i : baths not Installed over bath beer pump using oo ee PDE eRe (CO “Bec” 287 “nea thereto ubs, and sitz baths, shall be charged sam ) ising water in its operatien, $50 eee =Si.) as baths (ld a ae per annum (Id. ) Wat 24. Milk depots—For Bec. 4. Obstruction of stop-covcks 4 Wa ose and “urtnals’ “of ever i‘ Lepot Fo the purpose of , 1 ; : deccrir Sning ca ~ yr r - No person shall obstruct access . pom I ptlo ea ner annum: one water aie | a | { bottlea, each washing cock connected with a water-pipe P closet each use upplie ee i ea tub or washing apparatus 0 at pipe | pla ipplied free of Ld an? (Id , per ing thereon stone, brick, | : ial tiona ge (Id.) - ' ns airt or i i a0 Photog! shic on] a any other materials; nor shal! Be Bake f ach oven $5 per annun 4 ‘ rrapl galleries—Each faucet j : nersor , I ! irr outle — ner anntn permit any such material to be place (id. ) j ¥ eee (1d.) here ee Soda or mineral vw ; on by those in his emplo; f . E p Fach up to and includ 7 . : nera vater fountains— l ) Se : a s i : ua ] > yer an! : Oe cae 395.) GB © cnair eo per annum for each add Fo j Se oe re ashbox allowed, ional cl e7 nate or each additional washbox ional cha $1 per annum (Id.) (Id onal washbox, $3 per annum, Bec. 5 Hydrants to be kept closed i Barges thout steam)—Each $5 . : caeee a f u ! 5 ee ne re es ad. ‘ The commissioner sha cause a a tar ero water for domestic use onl} font r carbonic water man- supply hydrants to be kept a : ' (Id. ) : if ] Fara each machine or apparatus ent . ‘ L| x nar anni - : in case of fire and for the purpose of ae en . Pie annum; for each machine ' . : i } se < ex - , apparatus (wholesale) 1] tinguishing the same Oo! vhen ¢ erwisd vg ate for water supplied n Id. ) en $100 per annum authorized by law or ordinar a houses for boilers. except those used exclusively o¢ Stalin QD ’ Ci . ; | “ 5 in af oh! ‘ shall take or use the water fro z iting : | be $2.16 per boiler | ™U! id ables, $1 each per &n- drant eke e i. . nis ct es ' hore oo 2.16 per bol rm J.y Secs 200, ous) i ? oe . ADI ro ed April 4 1918.) | 29 Wate boats ( at rr & rete oats ot permanent | cl arg 3 steam) — Monthly ec. 6 Connections. wb tdi a ' ae 7 g to tank capacity of each ~ € SuUpply or i shall | se 4 ] NO street shall be opened nor aha) eny nz ste + : dredg Ss en! , i ‘ ws - j f lz ecting muy Ya nr ry? leac Pipe be bored or connection be made } 2 EB c£ dert ks, diggers OY 4 on 7 $25.00 any main or pipe for water supr ; 3 ers } 2 f a ig r 1 ta hl an 20 i =* 8 . . 27.59 } j ] C ne = zs x ) mor f e ete rm av ft) } tr ai fi “ ee except under the direction of the ace and stea nin? : ext af ae ia : ) gallons Simm oe 69.09 ; an . w~ er Oars ' 4 { non 4 ec eloner, under the penalty of $50 ¢ lll Py E - mie al Witinre 4 5 nf - seni ae offense (C. 0.;:° See: 282.) Bi ths : An sie - : . 75.06 46@ g hy sepower $1) 00 OU » to 100,01 ra mn. ot Bec, 7 » to a ding 15 hor: aa) (16. 100.08 _ 7 Public wells. 5 : SE ee eer | No : - ) horsepo' 200 | B Water hos s or } Sat shall dig a well in any satrest p te ding aes ee Delia’ ; Pa Eee - Shall be I i . } : f senpower ) © | areet nor ] iced ten oe Ps ¢ put place, and the president ooo c e 2 50 + ; m | } ord ge to tank capac- borough in which any such we , _ 1orsepower 3.00 or each : as follows du hall oo ' ; K orsenower 2 KN 2 n0 a ee gz shall cause the same in all cages : a : ae I e 3o.bd0 ) FPallons or ag 47.59 filled uD (Cc O., Sec 198.) re ; z orsepower 400 Over 3.000 ga — ert mink cel a x 45 reepower 4 5 #) 2 2 00 ga re ; Bec. &. Violations. gw &F rsepower - 90 | Over 000 ga aie oe a a 15.696 x ry ‘aa ‘ . rf eT rae = An} person who shal! vlolate ar ‘ S = norsepower 5.50 ing 12,000 ga , ‘ v(slons of this article shall biased Le : , P AO We gepower ean | Ove nnn ra a ee i Zi ; : 26.09 thereof ng —.-~ ; g orsenower ek . ah tor steam eof, be punished by a fine of not 1 te r e 650 | "A boa 3 a hargced than $40 or bk ‘ ; : re ud ge 70 horsepowe! 7 An | wl YY mopris Se I j | { fteedin 0 > ; sonment ; : . ng ib sOrseno r 7 ‘x ceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and | UP a on wen ae Wash drills (all Kinds)—-10 cents per imprisonment ‘Cc oO wee one R ” horsepower ano 100 ¢ bic fee \ L Dp >., Sec. 286.) ‘ : gr 40 orsepower ge 50 | —. 29 lInanecified S e a | r oe ee ho hKorsenower ann | herein ient ‘ a Charges not mer rr fix are i ge 95 horsepower 959 spec | a reserved for . I : specia ontract and with the : ARTIGI : 2. ng horsepower 19.00 | efor e (Td COMMIS 1 p , noreseepower st the rate of 10 £ ver : Sec. 22 te ‘ Rents and Charges. ; . yer month, using the o Meter rates Above table An allow- rLé are e wr a 7 2 és “ : s I i ) | a. ' aeured ‘ Bee. 29 Frontage rents ance an ae ee: a i asthe ar a: red by mater “ rents above rates | ~ ‘ 10 ce e 100 cubic fest : Bec. 21 Ext sha } ; GRO res (Ord x ster uxCre and miscellaneous rates , P ere condensers are used “hepa e J 4 o -- where supply i . I ‘ co . re supply is not metered : Ve bers ec. 22 Met } Jolley ae - |S 3 = ' . : Pe : 22 {eter rates 9 A nante: te wldttion | er 23 Rupp! discontinued on non-pay- a Sec. 0 Supply discontinued an nan : E Cg aT fixed charges shal | ment, ns rayment : pa é . oe eae . The an eet Re eee aa irg é $100 per annum|],,, n upT ster sha be cot off is ‘t Sec a Connection charges Sas employed in furnishing Pe ce hes iy » rent therefor is behind 5 “0 Report of receipts hy water esl > * bollers in the other — paid 1! AVS (CuO Sec. 284.) ne register. d wed . 7 rR eS sec 4 Connection charges i i etal ehment A * ‘ o Rec. 20 Frontage rents. . a racn ottle 4) ninrine c ‘ i ; S 1 4 Is acnine oO! fuh $10 rs ' a » SY at 1s a su yr af ved 6 ; l ly f Th annual frontage rents on pr a¢ er a a water shall pa 1@ co of the ah r! | wholly or partly unmetered, to be ecte R = - = /and labor used and expended on the sit oe - by the department of water supply, «a z I poses—-Stone work, terra |, eal . 5 ye nS streets, es ip Ss and ° ete fire wre 7 sal ll 7 , ce ine yunection ¥ electricity shall be as fol] : proofing, brick work via ea ee js on with the ae ows in wit ny - . ‘4 atic of iu pet . : mmc pipes ) na Wnch annua! inte ant eo Fr masonry 56 cents interest ie ont width of bullding One at Ss aAr¢ (id. ) Po ee hereon as ed ed bi he rules and Treg Ue Hae 16 feet and under 1” latic of 1@ com! eair . ~ rks a . ses $4.00 astering 49 cents per 100 square : ymmissione (' O., Ses. a 16 feet to 18 feet so da ggiiiie Gah whee A Cel jue 289.) re 18 feet to 20 feet . ( ce cluded (Id.) = ; F f 850 sinking and alr co re fe 9 > 4 20 feet to 22% feet es y cen ae nO al rank oniprenrors | * ’ L - It P - { ry c = - ye . ae) 25 feet to 329 feet ea San? (18. ) I per 1 uble | ate egiste er the cashier of the fad , : . Lv.U09 water eelater's n fl » = 20 feet to 3714 feet Ter . 7 sar vator ke. a ie r gE r's fice, sha on each day a 7 : ‘* 7) « L Oris Py en 1) a af eac ai ne Lr 87% feet to 60 feet 1400 (1d s\s Dp Inds acn eek render to ths Pe Fo J omptrolle + account nadeF? ont! ) bath ota eeree. Sar $ per anni : Demolitlon——For wettine down | moneys ace } } hI oath, of all ~ ena ' ile ‘ ; ' . eceivec i1{m show | “ t e added; and for each addit na 10 ¥ “ iildings are being demolished a | amounts received from a an = | ; ce { ) clas —" ne et or part thereof, above 50 feet in front harge shall be made equal to ono-fourth le re : ASSOB Of reve i I O-] u ana shall ther Ino . * width of building, $2 shall be added 1¢ annua frontage rats of ald d am | peer’) ae over the 4 : . | ) 5&1 Oui Lmounts 5 received ¢ +} ; A All rear buildings on any lot or lots, with | '"S. (I¢) ' shi i to the chamberlain, oe fr 4) 79 T Vole St) e to the con troller 5 4 front buildings thereon, shal! pay an annual Dentist—Each founta! ondiiten -aplenowleie 4h $F P a receipt ‘ Eo U ’ in cusp 31 sno né the payment of such sums tnt frontage rate of $65 for each 25 feet front per annum CTA: > | ait aa” ‘ HW - SMIALE nto ths : ; 4 : reasury He shall also A or fraction thereof, but this provision shal! | Dining saloons and restaurants—§8 | the mpt . ake a ae et eer oe Y iA : i ire —_— co LT ro er ry x sen at eo not apply to bulldings erected on corner } per ani itm (1d) | port showing a} th . parace daily re : rt si ng all he items co i t : lots, each of which buildings shall pay the | 19 Fish stands—-Each, 319 per annum |amounts receive by hi ) { ee ‘ae ai 7 7 a ig? i ~ > ei \ re im, rn fo { a regular rates as stated in the foregoing | If live fish are sold, other than shell fish. |tory to the comptroll , rm, satisfade a ‘ } s ail ¢€ i iif , O ’ comptroiier . of - subdivisions. | $25 per annum (Id.) | amended 1 ae ff (C. O., Sec. 28Rg a . ; |amended by ord. effective J: 26. 1915 bo The apportionment of the regular front 0 Florists—Each $5 per annum (Td) — » 1915.) sen L 7) | ; Horse troughs—For each trougn and =) a SJ age retes upon buildings shall be on the} weds that Bat eile ferily is to occupy same for each one-half barrel or tub on aldewalk , and for eacK additional family or apart | or street, $20 per annum. (Id.) | ARITCLE 3, ment, $1 per year shall be charged (Ord. | : t ot Tera machines effective June 10, 1913.) oe Wor any machine of apparatus used in 4 : ths warty : se of Water. gy , A production of ire or refrigerati« want | “os lec. 21. Extra and miscellaneous rates | charge of $20 per ton shall t f ‘ ms ren ms > 7 « Ye nade oO a - es where supply is not metered. | ssn) aad ; m r the ac-| Sec. 40. Street cleaning 1 al capacity of the machine or apparatus Sec. 41. Traffic ' _ Bathse—shall be charged $3 each per | (Approved April 4, 1918.) eee | An 4. : s. Sap , . a a annum, one bath Supplied to each house | 22 bn Kian Ment wash ful st bate ‘ £2 Washing down streets from prie free of additional ssarge. iOrd. effective | machine or a rat , : i; ee ate Spee hor eres apparatus for washing clothes, | Sea 43. ‘Washing vehicles 7 : = une 10, 1913.) 1! $65 per annum, (Id,) Wan: Aé Watertne-h Sec, 44, Watering horses,edhe os 7 NEW YORK. — yF THI i =" o> ! ) al aS er 7 par, Ee) =! —_ -— 4 Z, a nae i aoe —4 3 -. ‘ in Se ae eee EE a= = PAT T: 1 purchased or sold hall cause the same to Buc. 40, Street clean! : Vi sii i. he e ted, yepled and ma rked by the come- The comm! Bi ter supply, BS. Alen nissioner or an inspector of the bureau, : € Ru Veight and sures and ele E xyae sour aye te ice i inless the same have been already so test general su is not thereby 6n- | c ed, sealed and marked by the inspector as 3 Sa: eal dangered é t i tO 6 used C, triction ereinafter provided Oo person shall use 1 4 | . , Jor cleaning } regula S ar welgh measure cale beam, patent tion (Cc. « ; f spectors valance, steelyard, or a other instrument welghing or measul > any commodity feo. 41. Traffic in wat ec. 1 tion or article of merchandi intended for pur- ; 16 shall have licensed 1 he « yn shall AKO | wy, ge of a m een so tested i and marked. Each water fro a byer. fons I ‘ { res, Di nspeffor shall make a rd and certifi- No pers 2 he , hase or sale, unl the oe toe oe ee Pee ee LD Gl tek Bee hey = tion erect Le Kk ALY, | und I VEDIO PP? | gate 1s hereinafter provided, of all the . end attach piy for the@| p,4 1 ay of the ym veichts. measures. sca beams, patent bal- : purDoes. | any boat he ie trds and other instruments used os vessel, ba the pu g east L Be! jor ‘ hing and mea x inspected by shen of a a for | . und 3 m ee which he shall state the namea of : bale to the vessel, barge, ; lL be dged | 4 vners of the sam« ind whether they - 6r pile-d nim 46 ronfo! to the standards of the state (C, 5 Bec. 42. Washi dow from private | P = a a a 883, 884, 396.) rl ronnections : Sec. 11. Measures and containers : No pers : street pide- |; No person shall manufacture construct, bi wall i oO : : ' fer or ale, or give away any dary piace . of Decein | na AMY | y assure or liquid measure, nor any barrel, ber to thi yaa ing : ‘ : he reau > basket versel, container, intended te é meal ’ Ss tne a :nufact v a th yurchase or sale of any com- $ run or ot p h measure, | modit ( article of merchandise, which Lo Lie oa i other instru- | shall é » constructed as to conform ; jst day , I vo c d the ti. } ird provided by statute; nor Pi del [ 1 ie (Cc : any barrel, cask, pall, bp. m. and | er 8 a io cet l or container, in the purchase ; s odity or article ot nave lepartm ~|n han diss hich. does not conform to the wa axamine, | standards led by law. (C. O., Sec. hare : | ' ar s95a t] ; meter reg » mete _ em | Sec. 12 Sale of welchts and measures. there sha eae oe ait sell, offer for sale, oF a : Sas | give away ghts, scales, beams, meas- o. pa ; -esident of | ¥res# of any kind, or the tools, appliances or 4 eft z or | acer j con! ted with any and all in- - ler 42 \Vashit e les ee es nable | #truments o1 hanical devices for welghe } ; 2 ae x B 4 sa 1 or isuring, intended to be used for H smdiins ‘ ; ‘ ' e ; sintionnedl inl the pur : or sale of any commodity or ’ : ‘ : f c] er : or for public weigh- ing, ul Li i t or typea of the said Bec. t person making ; wels ts { eams. measures of every | 23 shall be | , Bec. 44 Watering rses a kind, or appllancés or accessories f qjara oT fi : : co tec any and all instruments or ; T nspert tor a owned f F ( ‘ . ‘a YY) hant } for measurement or pub- i the date pS i - i: ae bd pe iy * | » i © ’ Y - rs a aA " Ol é a time seas lg h specifications as to con- z he Pr eY 3, 8 ptru n, hall have been submitted to t providea : , 5 f pproved b} the commissioner of ok es i | , pail y eic) ' j measures The commissioner fi ats the | ‘ velehts | sha het! d ‘ s are approved, deaslg- : constru - “1 / the | nate a : number hich serial numbet : of | ‘ , D ‘ all ner na | Shall be 1 d in identifying the type ap- f wa Sais tryu- | proved 4 record of the serial numbers and SB b wal phy = iring shall/t hom f be kept in the office 5 elect inspector | of t niss« r No person shall sell, 4 roug ubue J . t) commis- | offer fo1 r giveaway any weight, scale, 7. iikewist : whe r and further ean ( iny kind, or the tools é Hxtures | orbs a ther records as|& a sories connected with 8 imi by | a! st : x mechanical device for i Gilet ; x, 297 29H ) elghin I ring, intended to be used mis ; é g When-| for the purchase or sale of any commodity . ' ne = = ‘ arti f rchandlise or for public pla Le] ; : A, an 5 te ghing yes not comply with the enali con 4 ' ; ; : i ti , i Fp fica : wad type submitted and ap- tion and | : her - tal pro i by the commissioner, as provided in ’ ele S, this rhe commissioner shall keep ¢€ ” ¥ , oie ’ : egister of the name of each person whose f ma no } , por vyelghts measures, scale beams patent the said : i Ji DM, a2 balances eelyards or other instruments 914 ave | in inspected, together with the num- Ho = ; popeee, Ys Rerul rhts and Measures ber and size of same, and what of each was _ ‘ Is yf & pproved and what condemned, with the provide ; geniares arking date of inspection, and such record shall of were taine » op to the inspection of the public at sna} f =e : (S and easures all reasonable tim«s (Cc. O., Secs. 384a, ng or ! Es Renee eight or measure | 887; amended by ord. effective May 3, tO tne i; to be tested 1911 ® re ingein tales wel@hts and | ac. ge) te Se dtc weit : this a ishment Sec. a2: a . ) tru veignt or measure re a : vn : ‘a gies quired; weights and measures to be tested. t be imp w 7 No person shall s or offer for sale any wit = t alse welghts or | : } on he an t of ; | commodity or article of merchandise, in any the con ‘ I f and : = il market oY I Lt pu e atreet or other place, at or fo greater weight or méeas- ; a re than the true measure weight there- c ‘ Pannalr . a i ‘ate appliances hae tl : 4 Ire or wel [x 8 q , of: and all ice, coal, coke, meats, poultry, _— — si AS URES = t ' : ‘ | head or /buncl sold in the streets, or else- Art, J Bu of hts id measures, | Sec. 10. Testing, sealing and marking. | where hall weighed or measured by Art 2. Ri 1] j hts and meas- A) : eh t and measures, scales, measures or balances, or in measures ures scale b atent lances, steelyards, | duly tested, sealed and marked by the com- missioner or in inspector of the bureau; Art a Stand i I rAarious ommodl- or A { I : LT I nit used in welghing } provided, that poultry may ‘%eé offered for }or mea ny irticle intended to beCITY OF NEW YORK. 168 4 Delivery tickets. It shall be unlawful r any person, firm or corporation deliver- ing coal to deliver or cause to be delivered ty rr quantities of coal which all have been sold by weight without each such delivery being accompanied by a de- ve! cket and a duplicate thereof, on each 1 shall be in ink, or other indelible ce, distinctly expressed in pounds, the ’ rntits or quantities of coal contained ina r, wagon or other vehicle used in such livery vith the name of the purchaser ther f and the name of the dealer from whom purchased One of such tickets shall be delivered to the purchaser of the coai specified thereon and the other of such tick- ets sha etained by the seller of the coal. Any person m or corporation who shall violate provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of not exceeding fifty dollar 0 Proviso as to delivery of entire cargo. The preceding section shall not apply to coal delivered by: the entire cargo direat from the vest containing the same te one destination and accepted by the pur- chaser on the original bill of lading as proof of weight; but with every such delivery of an entire cargo of coal in the ity there shall elivered to the purchaser thereof one of the original bills of lading, issued by the person, firm or corporation by whom the coal was loaded into the vessel from which such coal is delivered to the purchaser of the en- tire cargo thereof, on each of which bills of here shall be in ink or other indel- ible substance, distinctly expressed, the date and place of loading such cargo and the number of pounds contained thereon. ARS person, firm or corporation who shall violate lading t ithe provisions of this section shall be liable te a@-penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars. 6. Right of purchaser to have coal rewelghed It shall be the right of every purchaser of coal before accepting delivery of same to have an f the delivery of suok coal weighed t his expense at any of the scales designate under the provisions of the preceding sections provided such scales are within one-half mile of the place of loading or the place of delivery of the coal, and for this purpose to require that any vehicle containing coal purchased by him shall be taken by the driver or other person in charge hereof to such scales for the purpose of haying the same weighed, and ifter the delivery of the coal, to require es it the vehicle from which such coal so purchased shall have been delivered shall he taken by ‘the driver thereof, or any other person in charge thereof, to such scales to be weighed at the expense of the purchaser thereof, and a certificate of the weight of such coal sO weighed as aforesaid shall thereupon be furnished to the purchaser of ch coal by the owners of scales by which such coal is so weighed Penalty f refusal to permit coal to he rewe ighed The refusal of any person rm or corporation to permit coal pur- hased from him to be! »welghed at the re- quest of the pur haset thereof, as afore- said, or an inspecto! welzchts and meas- np or any driver or other person in charge of a vehicle containing coal from which coal has been delivered, to take the same at the request of the pur: haser or an inspector of weights and measures to such scales for the purpose of having the same weighed, provided, however, that the purchaser of lsuch coal shall have first paid the owners of the scales or the seller of such coal, or the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle containing such coal an amount sufi- client to meet the charges for weighing such coal shall render the person, firm or cor- |} poration selling the coal liable to a pen- |} sentative of ' sale and sold l othe lannel nal f ertificate: and ‘ responding tubs weight, but in all « where the } ns imbered consecut] T} books intending to purchase, or an 3p a nine ‘ } 1fte he corresponding bureau shall so desire and requ have b vive! ut. shall be shall be weighed, a hereinbefore provided 1b re rd rhe ymmissioner (Cc. O., Sec. 388: amended by ord. effective I juired ertify *extracts from July 7, 1916.) rd C. Sec. 401.) Sec. 14. Culnfiscation of fals weights ) Sec Interference with inspectors. measures. -4 -. ween his Any weight whi c = +} of aie aie a found to be short a quarter Lee bo 1 = ae ee ; Fe or more; Ol a) i | ‘ ‘ ‘ dut erein imposed pacity, or less, which upon bein; d is ia. ot 294 ) found to be short in weigh arter of a pound or more; or al a2 ca Ser Violations pacity of between 10 nds mn oner shall which upon being ration counsel short 2 pounds or mort r1 fa ] f } 33 Of all per- capacity “greater than 40( ( Oo ions of this being tested, is found to be pound | I laking use of Or more; or any scai 3 in a l a l Lie’ velgehts, wneas- condition to be used |} be " j I ts._for weigh- badly rusted, or by any; i LU in} : i Se 399.) measure or utensil be oo i ile ] n ho shall er purchase of a ni f : ticle shall of merchandise, which do ni con Lit >] fo& each the standards provided | statute, 1 a 8s summarily confiscated and destroyed commissioner or an 1 pector of the bure (Cc. O., Se g9 ; ‘ LRTICLE 3 Sec. 15. Alteration of tested appliances No person shall alter inge in ar manner, al veight, measure i bear standards i Various Commodities. patent balance, steelyard, or other instru- ment to be used n weighil r \ ring any commodity or article of rchandise . after the same ha been tested, sealed and ~ marked by the commissioner or a ector _" of the bureau } iat ti or st measure (naccurately (¢ %., fe 884b,) Sec. 30 Bread Sec. 16. Defrauding by false weights or/| . A ' exposed measures. Lor. #8 = eum ng ‘whos No person shall injur ‘© defraud another | &?™! No by avoirdupols by using a false weight, m¢ a ives ht b! ‘ 1r sale not apparatus, in weighing or measuring of any ' on! ee ons of this commodity or articl yf r pee : seized by delivering less than the quant r te ports to deliver cn. @ ser 388 Sec. 17. Use of inaccurate weights or pec. 3 Co measures. hall be No person shall use, ri ld vyelght as sreinafter uring, any weight, m« , ion shall patent balance, steelyard AS than two | ment, which shall not ec: Lv thou d eight to the ton of ful standard therefow nor nereot in quan- use in weighing any A ! 1 be ilabie to ance, steelyard or other hi i p ' ' 550 provided shall be out of order o shall shall not balence i. § oe 1 scales and Sec. 18. Repair of inaccurate appliances 6 here shall be All weights, measuré Ss m1 yner stationary Nalances, steelyards and other instrun its uurpose of weighing used for weighing o: Le f hicl tender the inspected and sealed at the ; places | ; f 1 diff parts of thi where the same may be used 1 cas ility as shall be they or any of them sh be ] | } tO ch the coal, or the conform to the standard of t} he th ’ nou coal may be inspector of weights and 1 ha , ignated shall be condemn the same and s! Yee he Ori owners there- notice that such scale o1 does not f, v yl i shall be subject conform to the lawful stan: n it a nspection and super- the owner thereof shal! und “O , fOner OFS TE DOE at his own expense, cause t] 30 . ' vho shall Inspect altered and repaired as to f » th suc — L each month said standard, and sha cau , ilso be provided by the mailed or served pers: " owne oe pore enmas- after such alteration and rep: po re im i pean Re An bureau, in writing, tha uch titled to cl . weighing ¢oa ing ye. ure has been so altered ind repi ea : : eR goat Eee shall not break or remove the sea f not exceeding fifteen. conta per. ton; empty No sedate a lat ie isin ee : returning to such scale and after weights and measures, shall remove or caus ht os jf coal contained. therein shail .be De Ee eee acid notice (Cc. oO. 6 eizghed without further charge 395: amerided by ord, approved hue g 4 Ow rs of scales to give bond The 1916.) y of ich scales so designated shall en- tar j o a bond with the city in which such Sec. 19. Right of inspection. scal e situated in the sum of five hun- No person shall refuse to exhibit any |dred dollars, with wo sufficient sureties, Weight, measure, scale beam, patent bal- | conditioned that such scales shall be kept ance, steelyard, or other instrument to any | {jn such condition as at all times to properly inspector of the bureau, for the purpose of | register the weight of coal and that the per- inspection or examination (Cc. O.,, Sec. | eon weighing coal thereat shall perform his 393.) | duties faithfully, and furnish like certificates Sec. 20. Certificate of inspection l¢o all persons having coal or coal ve hicles Each inspector shall give a certificate to weighing at uch scales The amount of the owner of the welghts or neasures 'such bond shall be ree overable at the suit ty on proof that any conditions inspected, and shall keep a record of each | of, the cl certificate given on a corresponding stub. ! thereof have not been complied with. | alty not to exceed one hundred dollars. g Penalty for fraudulent weighing. Any owner of such scales or any agent or repre- f his, or any’ welghmaster em- ployed by him thereat who shall be con- cerned in any manner in any fraudulent weighing of coal at such -scales, or false lentry of such weighings, shall forfeit and pay for every such offense the sum of one hundred dollars. 9 Owner of scales to keep memorandum book Every owner of such scale shall keep a book in which shall be entered in ink @ memorandum of every load of coal weighed at such scales showing the name of the eee eis ti aes re Setbtit4 eo - H Teeae err = 5 Laas ET EES| Se REh75 Te). Tee ceeds) ee AAS BOET ore Lele ee Si aT ee hie A ee te et aoe eet ae et Ree se le the bt oT hoe a eee tt ot 164 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. person, firm or corporation delivering such ] coa the net weight thereof, as shown by the delivery ticket thereof, of such per- son, firm or corporation, the namé of the purchaser thereof, the gross and net weight of the coal so weighed and the date of weighing. .Such book shail be the- book of original entries and atl certifi¢ates delivered by the owner of such scales shall be cop- les of the entries contained therein, and such book. shall at all reasonable hours be open to the inspection of any citizen Such book shall be furnished by the commissioner and when such book of entries is completed such book shall be delivered to.the commis- sidher and filed as a public record 10 Bills of lading; penalty for altering A person guilty of altering, with intent to defrard: any original bill of Jjading {ssued by the person, firm or corporation by whom the coal was loaded into the vessel In which guch coal is transported or of uttering any guch bill of lading so altered, or who is gullt ot making, preparing or subscribing or ‘uttering false or fraudulent manifest invol@e or bill of lading thereof, or re moving any part of such cargo of coal with out having the amount thereof certified t in writing ‘on such original bill of lading, Pr the peteon, firm or corporation receiving . } the coal so removed, and by the captain o the vesse] containing such cargo, shal) for- feit and pay for every such offense the sum of one hundred dollars: 11 Markings of bags and baskets 41] coal sold or offered for sale in baskets bags or other receptacles Used for the de liver of such coal must have the weight of the contents plainly marked on the outside thereof in solid roman capital letters at least one inch in height Any person, firm or corporation delivering coal as aforesaid in violation of this section shall forfeit and pay for every such offense the sum of ff! dollars {Adopted Dec. 18, 1917.) Bec. 32. Firewood. 1 Measuring No firewood shall*be s etherwise- than according to the following regulations, that is to sa) The stanchions of each cart or sied which shall be employed 4 in the carrying the same shall~be 5 feet inches High from the fioor of the cart or eled,:-and no higher; and the breadth of such cart or sied between the two foremost atanchions, shall be 2 feet-5 inches, and be tween the two hindmost stanchions 9 inches; and no more; in which space be- tween the two stanchions, ever artman > feet who shall tart any wood shall stow as much wood and as close together as can con- veniently be put, or as much of !t as wil Ae d of amount to feet 10 2-3 imches, cublc meéas- ure, which shall constitute and be deemed a load, and shall] and may be bought and sold accordingly. (Sec. 22, Manhattan ords.) 2. Crooked wood. No crooked wood shal be stowed with other wood in any cart or shed constructed in manner aforesaid, but the same may be sold or disposed of as refuse wood, not subject to the above regu- lations; and if any cartman who shall cart firewood shall put, or suffer to be put his cart such crooked wood as will prevent his cart from containing a full load be- tween the stanchions thereof, he shall, for every load so carted, forfeit the sum of $1 (Sec. 24, Manhattan ords.) 3 Carting No cartman shall cart any firewood for sale except in carts made and constructed as by law directed, and loaded as above mentioned (Sec. 23, Manhattan ords.) Sec. 33, Ice. No person shall sell or offer for sale ice in any manner other than by welght, and the same shall bea weighed immediately be- a ¢ fore deliver) (( O., Sec... 388b. ) Bec. 34. Poultry. No turkeys or chickens shall be offered for sale unless their rops are free from food or other substance, and shrunken close to their bodies’ All fowls exposed for sale in violation of this ordinance shall be seized and condemned Such of them as shall be tainted shall be destroyed, and those which are fit for food shal! be used in the public institutions of the cit) (Sec. 20, Manhattan orde. ) CHAPTER 27. Beaches and other parts of the to be protected against bot- glass and glassware. other part of the a proper refer- giass and glassware ? ) > NRmomn oe ano. fm ® >» oF > D mM © _ 4) n >. D Advertisements; false and mislead- oD ° a established for 64: adopted July 1, 1919.) The post-office authorities and owners of bullding or part prescribed by Law and reporting to the state comptroller'a index of deeds, numbering, fil- floating baths. newspapers as drawing of jurors: 10 cents per follo;CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 165 For making and preparing lists of jurors for county judge, sheriff, commissioners of jurors, and supreme court: 10 cents per follo; For preparing reports, making copies of judgments, entering judgments, furnishing transcripts and reporting to state commis- sioner of excise on all persons convicted of yiolation- of the Liquor Tax, Law $30 per month; For preparing report to the secretary f state of all persons convicted of crime: $20 per month; For entering, «filing, and notifying al papers filed, in clerk's minutes for supreme and county courts: 6 cents for each paper filed; For indexing all cases in clerk's minutes 2 cents per-name; For attending and drawing jury $2 each jury; Deliveting jury box to_court: $3_per day; Indexing all titles in map inde) 2 cents per natme or title; For recopying and transcribing public maps, recoloring same, repairing missing parts; 6 cents per square in for. drawing, $1 per hour for recoloring Ord. effective sMay 6. 1914.) Sec. 8. Session laws: compensation § for same in Queens and Richmond. The compensation fc publication of the Session Laws in the counties of Queens and Richmond, respectivels s here fixed at the rate of 50 cents per folic (Ord. effect- ive, Apr. 14, 1914.) Bec. 9. Inspection of ment. 1 Requirement No arcasses or parts of the carcasses of cattle alves, sheep, jambs, or swine, shall be offered for sale, sold, or given away in ar publit market respectively, in the city until thev sha have been inspected and passed as fit for human food by a duly auth ad inspector of the United States government or a duly authorized inspector of the health depart- ment of the city, or in the case of parts of a carcass, unless such pal shall have been cut fro! a carcass or part of a car- cass which had previously been inspected and passed as hereinbefore provided 2 Marking of; certificate Such inspec- tor of the department of health, upon find- part of a carcass, as human food roceed to mark such carcass or part of a ‘ng such carcass or the case may be, fit for shall carcass by branding or stamping thereon 8 number and. the words Department of Healti and Inspected. and Passed to- gether with the date of inspection and the name of the inspector, all set forth In con- spicuous type in the following form No Department of Health Inspected and passed as (Date) ; (Name of inspector) sabed eeeehes tor shall also, upon branding oO! stamping such Carcass or part of a {to the owner thereof or said owners representative a certificate, hich shall be substantially in the follow- & iorn Department of Health (Brief descriptt of carcass or part of Carcass) (Place of inspection) (Name .of Gebler) 2k ccs ckiat. ook ; - CAMSPCClSG ONG Passed) 6... .sce ceva wees akeewmne (late) (Name of inspector) a ater A De ie Such brand or tamp marks, as well as such certificates shall be consecutively numbered, and the number of the brand or stamp mark .shal! in. every. instance, cor- | Fespond with he number of the certificate g Certificate: number of: filing of Every sui certificate shall be made. in triplicate forn and the inspector shall de- livel he original: to the owner of the car- cass or par ‘ a dreass to Which such certificate relates or said owner's represen- tative, and file a copy ereof, respectively, in he departmen of health and in the office of the iL 0 t 4 Certificate, fe for For each carcass or pal Or @ arcass hus marked and for which a certificate hall lmve been issued a8 ereinbef pI d e owner thereof sha pay to - y he sum of 6 and a moneys sha c 91 1e ed mor thly Dy & omit t e Carcass or par if when deemed fit as human I i. purpose of this ordinance, no ar ss or part of a car- cass shall be deemed to have been inspected and passed as fi or human food by an in- aspector of e department of health unless such carcass part of a carcass shall have been brande ‘ stamped and a certificate sha have been issued a3 hereinbefore provided t ept * The provisions of this ordinance she no however apply to car- asses or parts of carcasses of cattle, calves, sheep, a bs Ol swine ed in any slaughter |} st the ty conducted under a perml issued the board of health 7 Viola 4 person who shall vio- late or neglect to comply with any. pro- vision of his ordinance shall, upon -conylec- tion thereof be punished by a fine of not more than $10 or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding 3¢ javs t by both such fine and imprisonment (Added by ord. -affective May 18 3 Sec, Ba. Willful destruction of food pro- hibited; exception Yo perso! firn orporation shall willfully waste or desgiroy Q cause uffer Ol allow io ve 2 willfully wasted or destroyed, any wholesome food it for buma&n consumption, Provided, however, the proyisiona of this wball pot apply where the willful destruction and waste of such food is regulated or controlled by the provisions of r? section ie United States Food Control Laws, or the New lork State Pood Control] Laws. An>-pergon,-firm or corporation who sball yholate: the provisions of this section upon thereof. be pudisbed by ‘a Hoe of five dollars ($5), or te im- sball, conviction prisoned for a period not exceeding one day, or way Je both ned and {imprisoned his section shall take effect ‘immediately pnd shall continue in force during the time the United States is at war and thereafter until the. mayor Shall declare. that the emergency causing the enactment. thereof- no longer exlsts (Adopted 1} April 138, 1918.) Sec. 10. Violations. VV nenevyer n any chapter of this } ordinance no Specific. punishment. is. pro- lolation of a provision there~- upon gonviction for such “shall bé a fine of mot mope than imprisonment. fer not. exceeding 19 fine and imprisonmeut vided for the of the punishment violation $10, or days, or 1 Bh UU Pa r . x \ | } Doth sucn CHAPTER 28 Repeal Sec 1 Existing ordinances repealed, Sec, “2 Saving clause Sec. 1. Existing ordinances repealed: All other parts of general ordinances of the city, In force on ordinance shall take general ordinances or tne daarte effect: are hereby repealed (New. ) when this Sec. 2, _Saving clause No right or.remedy-.of any character shah- be. lost,..impaired o! reason : of s ordinance, nor. shall it affect or impair ight accruing, accrued ar forfeiture or pun- time when take effect, or by virtue of part thereof, repealed or ordinance, but the same prosecuted: “or affected by th! any act agne. or J ucguired, nor any penaity, isoment incurred prior to tne the same shail any ardinance, ofr modified DY this may bea. asserted enforced, inflicted. as fully and to the same extent, as ‘f such senior ordinance, or -part: thereof, had not been repealed or modifise& (Adapted from charter Sec 1614.) Sec. 2 This .ordinance shall take effeet immediately i Adopted by the Board of ‘Aldermen Tune 20, 1916. Approved by the mayo! July @, 1014 2 2 1 ta eae ‘' AEVeUeetaes cy gheietett cs] Toilet etEa de ee kL EVITA Hee eee ease ee ee ee ee ee he ete er Set rt 166 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. NOTE—Following Index gives section and hi the pages in which Chapter . ‘ ¥ “ i 7 o ‘ ees se he ~ o = = = - -_ the chapter is con tained Ps 1F = a o e 15 ‘ in ion ri 19 iges § (Building Code) - - - 19 —v —<) ~ as o - . - wz MD : 3 i = - - > = ia = ea * ~ - -_ - - - oO V4 . ~ es eS “ = ~ = - - ay ra ™ ‘ lJe = * “ - = - - - - ii vo A Abatement of nuisance Abusive insulting <¢ thr @uage, prohibited In parks Abutting owners’ responsibilit gidewalks, construction and rep snow and ici removal of street cleaning Acetanill label statement Acetylene eas 6émpression, storage or sais permit required fee requirements restrictions containers generators storage tanks Acid fumes, safeguards aga Acids, fee Accidents contractors’ agreement to dé [ clty agalinat emergency treatment f Accumulation of bones or other offen sive material Acting head of department, burea or office, designation Actions by or against tne city corporation counsel keep egiste of building code cases for penalties unsafe Dulidings 63 violations generally unlicensed theatré : Adjoining building chimneys, to be extended on, excava Ss protection of prote m of root: ind K gents protection against the weather...... Admission tickets and charg (See amendments) ; Adulterated food. (See tI'ood.) = isemen false a i misleading, prohibited 1 parks : posting on public property prote tion of publi Advertising ehicles, general proyi- mions relating t< Agents (food establishments), respons bility of Agents of buildings, gervice of ord Aisles and pa buildings of churches, h motion picture shows, Public halls, sageway ers or notices a pudli ens otels; obstructi rallroad depots, im. of obstruction of restau- ' * PY 19: 603 491 34 ‘ chapter numbers After consulting the list for ipter pages a by { f | IDTeET QO 100 ~ ital Codae) A i va L( l : “9 a a i. { | “ i 7 sa a - as - ' ! 1 i ) ~ - ~ 1] : 119 } a - - = i or ition and storage j { I nt Ald DY : part t of ‘ { “ tern i Ru ru ures) a I * cer Ale ‘ A — e* A ré , eY 4 ages “ / ' A ives y i t require- « = al d re A I I against ‘ | ~ ; ’ 2 | ( Ca ( ipprova ' { l ruil l { n installation r permit | I re lired maintena r ope! tic rules operators of, j}uUalifications Amu I 1 exhibitio (See Mo ! Picttre¢ Theatres. ) Baseball games on Sunday ad charitable, masonic or religiougs...ee item, - ~ ~ - urn to } Pages - 120—142 @ - 142—143 - 1438—145 - 145—146 156—160 - 160—162 - 162—16 t - 164—165 - 160 ~~ et on 10 1% 10 anne ec anu a eeCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORE. ; ) a i te sens Amusements (Continued) S C : ; l a) Chap construction ol place OL yi dd 161-1 20 generally : 11—7 id U motion-picture theatres 00—5 * + open air motion-picturs t itr 5 = 4 £ 4 ZU theatres 5P0—5 38 licenses required : : ‘ } ' 1 fees : commutation of fee 3 : shoe gis elie ; unlicensed, may be en | t E piaces of lo exit requirements ’ ee ee fire prevention obstruction of aisles and ways ' sale o liquor Sunday observance on ticket speculators waiters in Analysis by health depar t : : isi evidence 1 Analyst, testimony of officia Anima! matter, heating ry! - , 7 storing Anin | abandoned disposition of bedding of, drying care » f K I ; : | rtation cal ses of eseusetes ca ire f ‘ I ci i ation and destructlo! ' cows : of bur e dian tion of a kK for ren val ol f g in land wit! I g to be agged - placing 1 street or publi 4 a re val ol ‘ 2 os skinning “4 6 t tation, by bé a ‘ unau zed interference : i ‘ a Gestyr t ef a al 4 t ; f » “= di ‘ | ured Py 2 ra ‘ us ace oad d animals be 1 , - yvery, disposition pees i k i al ( igiou a e ; if) destruction of | es I ' t wr a nNosit of ’ i] reports ‘ ng 4 unauthorized interference © - . i] d< 55 a 10 es * y , — I ng 4 es rabid . , > a remo eg collar or license tag Btea g ad | Vi OUuSs res i ar i n sBlreets } ay £ . -@ PASE or acciadt t Ye | } ‘ ! boul ntagious disea u git a ( eless sheltering 20 Animals } 4 2 ) in ired de r tion of s B disps { of I eI . j interfere f with ta placing treets or pv I | } } va re ‘ ai oO] i 2 } ’ Pee * reports concerning A ynetr {oO . ; 7 i unauthorized interefere ‘ } ee uae oa a 2 — keeping, generally ess : l 5 # cows len killing ... ; reatricted to vewe ot . : 248 } killing disabled or sick tion of ptied , ‘ 2 20 i i es noises by prohibited . Z15 place s a were alk 2 20 park, protection of ; ‘ 1 Ls , - ) rabid: " orized interference with 3 Z49 20 disposition of ae : 20 A cholera (See Inf tious Dis reports concerning ; 10 ZU ares, ) pale of small lg 20 be reported : sheep, keeping or yarding Ae 11 20 Oo t ; of cist SES 0 ‘ shelter for homeless ; 6 ZV tal 3’ duties concerning ; j pick At ‘ i] streets contagiously _ ci 3-—4 20 : eh rage Saree 2% disposition of ... a an : ‘ 8 20 ) orsh ee Ce seesegeeeecece ae PUMCEUCLION Of |... om 20 A m halls keeping ice a : 11 a¥ a catio - een Os See OEE wee © } 5 removal of } } co uction unauthorized imterference with 20 ‘ : ot Wake Pay 8 veterinarians to report contagiously Z 20 detail (See Specific Subject.) sidewalk not to b obstructed by z 312 20 { pI mntion requirements (Seo SMINMnw Festricted .pcdedentceesece $22 é Places of Amusement.)ee otee te hele ea = ++ 744 ebewwnee> ee oe Sl eae Be Sak tek ek, Sealed FD eae St eS ood Bed Sed oh er ee ee yr 4 168 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec Chap Agaessment bonds ; accounts of Z 2 application of moneys eollected to 2 2 pay , Association, included in term person 1 Asylums classified eonstruction : i generally ; 71-73 6 details (See Specifir Subjects, Building Code.) exits 152 6 fre prevention requirements slarm connection with fire depart- ment ZV LZ fire-alarm system (interior) Zi fire-escapes % 182 6 fire-extinguishing appliances “V Z means of egress, posting dlagrams 12 watchmen c 12 sanitation (See Institutions.) Auctions false notices te 7 in strests pronibitea . 3 wse of bells or musical instruments in ald OL S removal of goods from ) 3 Automatic (NHre-door or other opening protective defined 3 Automatic fire-door defined 3 Automatic sprinklers a ‘“‘means of preventing or extin- gulishing fires ) 12 allowance Io! in factory bDulidings exterior ypenings 1 DUuLidiIngs ruies ag to equirement Olt y theatre buildings Automobies (See Motor Vehicles Autopsy eport concerning 32 Auto-starters: (See Electrical Code Avenue included wWwitnol! ne ter * street i Avenue A, restricted against peddiers 4 Avenue B, restricted against peddlers ‘ Avenue (¢ restricted against peddlers 4 A Wwnings permanent conetructiol! yestrictions drop awnings temporary awnings Rn yioia ns 2 sions reiati e 1 akeries aden ed “Vv Fanitary e uireme ts ’ . eV rec.el cnarges Balance Sets (ele ey al ‘ | ¥ Ericonies conatruction of wooden 4 6 encroacning ipor streets pa Ss ees Belus rade ' streets reatricted » merchandise rot tt be ex] ed upon 2 punishment for vyiolations relating ? ) 23 rem' a. OF inauthorized 3 restr tions Liv Ball game, a ommon show 69 3 Baptis hurct iblic performance of rites < BuUtNnOr ed ZV 2 interference wit! prohibited Barbe poles onst! tion 1 nal tenance of i4 23 Barber shops ondauUu of J 32 } Wwatel arges Barbers supplies fee f permit t mrianufacti e + 10 @arns fire preve ion requirements s Barre! 1s 0 inspo ati } f ga bage 3 0 Base frames for generators or otors {See Electrical Code.) Basement ladders from ( er-! } é 162 & Basin (marir inciuded in Water ront property | l private, dispositi of fees for use of 4 2 Bath houses classified 70 5 constructior generally 11-73 ; detaliis (See Specific Subiect ) Bathing beaches potties rockery glass not to be cast woon +, Sa nt Bat I B | f ? 3uU , i Bati Bat} DG rt Rot) c riva i I ; J > e pa \ - R o. 3e€28 rigs nea } { eat 2 I AT a tn} K 3egg! Be R Bens a0 €¢c I ute i rE R Bill-_7 ¢ i mas j phys ae | reg | Diu Bi-sulp ports Pe , } } es ec SS es r 9 rl sing ae t NE [ e es kee 1 aq ae Ls t ke 1ired 1 ; WwW r scrip ide of of repor id phy birth carbon lishments shments ind bDatn QD , Dp \ Tee bond ) v HT per if y as to bottles crock- ‘Ken giass ges filing and aT 3 ig ou | I prohibited A 4 A l eg a - arges r water supply ¥ ' v3 E ations se of firearms on 8 f firearms on agal ost broken der LOr ‘ < 3 e a we se of fire ‘ 3¢ ff fire Oo son r > j whole Sta - = bh e . e ge | dis me . aR aT S ; i e\ Dp 0 a ed » use public “ic : I to be Cas 3 < ibli vaters iT + 1 i/o °ate Statement OT report e g eport Dp register o , e po i lclans to keep, registry poisoning; re 2190 210b 4406 450 ov 168 170 39 31 31 31 33 mw tr — © & owe o 27 te orn wm on ow 26 20 20 20 2¢ 20 ° reCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 169 eee powder (See Black Powder See. Chap Cc lactis eta ae ‘ r , . Bee, hep. 4 wde and mokeless Borden avenue bridge (Queens), loca- Powder), defined = l LO +{ 3 2 oe eee col : LV tion Black powder, blasting powder and Bor 7 : ; oY gh or Brooklyr smokeless powder (Ss also Ex fir mh one i ce rT Ta plosives, ) : gener ‘ ' fees for permits relating ; 43 ; ca ; a7 , transportation, storage a 5 ger atres i Loh mente Santets e : in’ at ments estrictions L6V 23 ° 6&8 ] 03 Bore use, blasting 69 ae arene s frre | ’ Biasting caps eenera ; Lee ee 90 E defined mre oe oo 91 & permits to transfer, s se required , Bireet encroat nents, restrictions 160 38 ea Lv Borough « Yianhattan : ; iV orporation j 9 packing ¢ markir zs fire lim! , » : LV Be ré y T 1 ‘ : - . 1 OL Wue fire limits ¢ storage ig 5 90 generally € 0 treet eal : peean ] 2 magazines ¢ 10 Bort of ] transportation ) atreet Anning ‘ 22 Blasting powder (Se Black Powd 3 tc paveme restoration 96 3 Biasting Powder and §& kk ¢ Eorough presid 3 der), defined ag : Blasting regulations 69 0 a e! afeguards against 3 23 Biau gas (see Gases | ie | as e c Aways L770 d Blea: ned foul J asse nent work Blow-pipes use restricted 213 } nspec l 15 + Board (see Depar é Ek aus uo bk 42-44 28 Boards and Commissions. ) pounda es g ep. } ents * 50~52 9% meaning bridges ‘ er sidewalks build 4 meetings 2 } -C - , i4t 23 office hours ding materials in streets qe reports and pubDlicatio f r 3 A E \ ove sidewalks 184 2% Municipal Reference | 5 f tru and repa! f streets. .€0-—85 3% Board of Aldermen Pacis if porougns city surveyors, appointee ; Bpeneraiiy 60-79 ? a orations on 4 ’ Ha 5 ; spe r » projections beyond bi g 174 orporatto yards 23 Board of Commissioners of g yurtyards 165 23 Fund . jisturbance of stree rface 80-82 28 quorum of : 33 5 Welk LS 23 record of proceedings 4 m - 3 7-95 23 a ting jurisdi tlon < y debt ( 2 ‘ L 5 jurisdiction city rea e : : ( re 1oOT : 97 Board. of Estimate: See 3 regula ; 2 } . 3 etreet 9 Bureaus Boards a ~ Yay e i 45 z sions, ) Bi Street ens | 2 m reviat r f 0 : moving 144 23 abbreviation of board o : rs , ' her ? and apportionment i a l i ai 2 9 pra ections beyond u a 5 ’ i : pVU—o. 23 5 . | oOxXe on , € ry? r r , ny >” Boarding nouse , b . b v o 1 on obstr t 3 } 4 os defined e 3 cs ru ons ¢£ ( bra ~ 0-1] , y * Tire-alarm equipment 26. 31 : a Ora e i4 Zz 93 , a ntal Jammy 45 4 5 fire-escapes ah . -9 4 r nre-extinguisning apt t \ 2VUs a oo occupal overcro and poles at; Se 3 protection of hts I ons &@ 1 @! roa ne 2 60-170 23 ef be saillor-boarders reports ‘ mprovements ra 3 61 2 ur tneatre OD ding restrict I wells 9 4 « aff ohbetru | 5 9 2 “ Boardwalks pern eq rea ‘ & . ~» ey f yoOstru ‘ 4 ; 99 “4 Boat a vesse a ! if 9 =! eT a7 ; ’ ~ 97 Boating in park waters sewel ara 1-24 , - { _ eé _ _ 1% Boller inspectior na 3° . E ve 22 at n sidewalks 47 cde Boller-rooms i 9 4 Si< b . Ky & 5 sy 23 raanholes, ladders from S 5 ; nd ehow a ic pt ot #3 . a 3 UT re rs b ~ Zl | 3 cias ied d ~ “V1 4 i ’ ( I ZVVU a Trades) } 3 defined € } a Dp Oo LVa 2 - 204 enumerated (scneau } ’ , conditions + } By (Se Gla ind Gle are Bonds and mortgages due B ; or} harges fo yatel 21 2 application of interest B urd cluded hin street’. l l assignment B nd ind LO nents, protection release - . 50-52 23 sales of, applicatior f - Bo g alleys Bonds and stock of « ense equired L 14 included in de y fer $1 14 stock I so! to use puUud 3 14 provisions re ating to a Z Bones ‘ I \ h atl ou t 4240 wy boljlling, burning or grind Z 4 U BOXINE LI : 4¢4ad - eollecting and transpor g i] v L ~ D gad (1 chmond use or fre - Booths ; a! s on ground assigned ) Z Lk elec.ion construction 478 Rreaches « nNeact In parks \ 17 moving picture machines 4 Bread baking and sale 3U 26 wide elevatec stalrways 149 2 Br ‘ (See Factories lay Le ventilation ies ceeeeuewee e vie LSi ’ @mithin stooy linesez =¥se~ dee+ bt 452949 ReLeeee eh tt. be oe ers SeetePsers s 7" sete + Pai ed de ae) 2 epee feg-ey s SS ele Eee ee a. ee wes aah | Ww CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ee Brick and (laying) Peccwie eee compression table hol ow as furring nese specifications, quality we ting ‘ wick a ch construction Fick puildings: (See Bul Structures. ) ick masonry construction: See. Chap « ae Ce et 5 oe oe aun 61 5 senior 262 6 5) e tw « h « ldings and bond, walls . rere Wupeebacta ame 5 compression table econeseuns 51 foundation walls eeutsveees ae v generally seteeedcee e¢en . 252 gpafe load eases 53 5 weight per cuble foot da £4 6 working stress . pees . Bd 2 Bridges enumeration . 7 1 & permits or Veniclé OD. sceseuvesteene ‘ 4 Bpeed vehicles, on é 4 a@approa I ing 1 24 Brine (See Offensive Materials, etc.) Bronx County Rod and Gun Club 2 11 Brooklyn bridge ocation 1 ¢ Brooklyn-Queens speedway; traffi reg ulations $9 L7 Builders’ shanties construction of ‘ 4 & Building, defined (electrical contro y Building Code application, scope, short title § definitions i ole 5 effect, remedial A 5 enforceme! agents may be designated to receive notices 663 5 corporation counsel to co-operate 664 § courts having iurisaiction 2 x employees, immunity from liability for { 5 emergency measures & injunction f 5 notice of violations 6450 occupants of bDulidiny ré specting notices or 3 penalties, colle: 1o4 E police co-operati 661 6 recourse to courts hy. restraining order 662 6 stopping wors 651 & superintendent of buildings ay do necessary work 60 6 unsafe building proceedings 633-637 4 vacating | dings for iolations e 663 wher unsal 668 6 violation, misdemeanor ,... d 665i 5 subject above roof constructions . 420~42¢ 2 adjoining property, protection of during constructions or altera- CODD svreseceeveddevaneen , » suo 6 23) > @ICOVES vsccnéc: sosecosescocces 26] 6 alteration of buildings: Genged® vs ccs viccen eWevecevec 2 5 exits, effect of . ee 375 fire stops, frame buildings ....... 25 fire towers e. eseeeeceers 55 fioor light® ...ccstassactses eeese floor loads genera Ly 63 stores, factories Hoo openings warehouses gafeguarding.... 195 on ao ang wm Cn a Oana an Catan ae oa anna an aqcucn mo o eRtane A ® ~ a ESET 4 G & a _ aT a a Sea via ieee PTT ht tahide Pat te ot ‘% OT Be ot ood bet od hd a Pek ek ee eh A to he 8 Tan erew es —_— 2 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. Chap. Sec, Chap. Rellding Code (Continued): Building Code (Continued) i SJoors inclosure walis 257 brick arch oe : 4 354 6 fron and stec)] construction ee rellar (residence buildings)..... #41 ¥ interior stalrways 153 4 " r beams 203 o concrete. arch 354 5 en 803 conerete fillers ie eee 5 bolting 307 ry construction safeguards.,,» .195, 196 & columns, bases 302 5 fireproof 854 6 cast iron $00 y bollow tile 354 & steel 301 bh loads generally ot 63 5 connecting 304 ‘ factories, warehouses i ae bo 6 corresion, safeguard 310 5, safeguards during construction, fireproofing 341 5 198-196 » framing £64 5 tile or slab . B64 5 girders gos 6 flues 392-394 b lintels ~; es 6 materials, specifications 60 5 footings, pressure UDGer cewsersss 2338 a metal fronts $12 5 foundations: old materia use in 313 ’ generally ...--seveceers isan es mon 6 riveting 306 6 excavations f0F ...csveccurs - 230 5 templates 309 5 footings i 233 & ie rods 308 6 piers and CAMBSONS ...- cesses 234 5 trusses 305 5 DLS. - eas s pete oiele eS wieleag soe 0% ~ a6 6 working stresses 61-52 4 protection of metal work in,... 283 3 jails retaining walls . . ey & eid 6 01 eee 5 classification 70 i poll an@ rock bearing capacities 7231 § construction foundation walls ae. wee § generally 71-78 ‘ founGry cuUpOlas ...cccvcceneeresa 895 5 details: (See Specific Subjects, frame buildings Building Code.) defined cis 6 Baek oe claws ba 6 71 5 laboratories alterations .. ; bh ae wh «- 4390 5 classification 70 ‘ aTea ‘ + ‘ ‘ 471 § enstruction filling in walls . “#78 6 generally 71-73 + generally ; ic 472 6 detalls (See Specific Subjects, fire limit restrictions..........90-91 § Building Code height é 470 6 leaders, roof 423 ‘ masonry walls ~ 481 6 lecture hbils minor structures ....«- es 477 $ assification 70 : miscellaneous 479 6 construction Movene Gib'se eects a's Be 6 generally M16T3 s permitted to be added to frame & detafls: (See Specific Subjects row seb oe vewee e 96 5 Building Code.) plazcas wesc eke’ nee . 476 5 repair of damaged ‘ 93 6 libraries rooGae” wise. etbbie . 474 5 aesification 70 t suburban fire limits .. . 91 6 constructiot temporary 478 6 generally 71-73 ‘ tewers tase ae eee ak 475 6 detailgt (See Specific Subjects within fire limits 96 4 Building Code.) framing or connecting, irom or tent: Revue 130-134 6 steel construction $04 t gnt and ventilatior 130-137 8 freezing of masonry ..... 251 5 light shafts 373 6 furnaces, heating 397 § lime, specificatior 25 5 furring: in walls . 282 6 lime mortar specification 27 3 garages lining walls 25% ‘ Geteel? os ic Cee ee kaceben 3 i oo classification nee TO 5 iron or steel 303 & construction: masonry 251 5 gouerally sae set 71-73 5 loads, specificatio of 6g 5 actails (See Garages: ) odge rooms gas appliances .8€00-603 4 assification 70 5 girders: mnstruction: SPemiee REGS) Vez cen erence ee ..' 809 . generally 71-73 5 wooa . ao inids tive owetevnsbe cc 280 & details: (See Specifi Subfects.)> grain elevators: lodging houses ¢@assification a oa a ae 70 5 classification 70 ‘ construction os Baas eee a nw 71~73 5 construction gravel, bearing capacity ... 231 6 generalls 71-73 ‘ grillage beams . 233 3 details: (See Specific Subjects ) gutters, roof ‘ 4223 4 lote (building) hallways . svsevus at 167 & defined 212 5 bardpan, bearing capacity 231 5 regulation of ots . heating appliances 390-404 5 mansara.roofs 427 height: defined . bs . 3 5 markets *4 & Taising or lowering to grade €23 6 classification height of wall, defined 260 & construction 7 : holetways, protection of 374 4 generally Ta hollow brick masonry po S54 g details: (See Spe ific Subte oe : hollow brick, wall lining 262 ‘ ae ¢ a ee hollow buliding blocks masonry, conatructior ciasges and specifications . ied 29 § eae weeks — ‘ fireproof construction: ....... 351 5 eee 'y 250-263 5 masonry construction .. «ee 5 ee 63 5 UIA TN hiks> o eha das ws cake = B55 5 ee 2 6 hollow walls .. seeesece a teat 260 5 workiog atress 51 5 hogpitals: mae errala i classification reteGece 19 5 eae ft erie : & construction: age of, . procedure 8 ‘ - generally ih ood 1-78 ape taoations of 20-31 5 details: (See Specific Subjeots : is , saw cd ae 25 5 not air heating abe vies .400+4023 6 wah of LiSectin c ial wee & met water heating 404 5 aiteth : or storing 142 23 hot water pipes 404 5 Hucieks ee? 21 & boteis: te tare ae §1, 62 ‘ slassification iis te 2 aoe pena 212 ‘ construction: thods of construction gonerally ....... Ws ae ee bs ..11-78° 5 approved defined 9 5 details: (See Specific Subjects, EPPO ear ere cease 3 5 Building Code. ) odifications procedure 6 5 q motion-picture theatres 800-606 6CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec Building Code (Continued) muscuins claksification 79 construction generally 71-73 details (See Specific Subjects) non-bearing walls 257 non-fireproof bulldings defined 71 alterations i 73 new constructions 1 observation towers eae é ; 479 occupan determines classification 79 classification 79 certificates of ; 6 office buildings classification 10 construction genera! . 71-73 details (See Specific Subjects on same plot 146 one-stor k buildings. walls 257 one-stor aepecial bullding 74 outhouses frame 477 overloading D5 overloading prohibited 199 parapet walls 259 partition fences and walls 210-215 fireproof 372 stud 223 theatres 628 party walls support during con- struction 230 permits application for 3 approval of 4 amendments 3 fline 2 good for one year 4 revocation 4 when required 3 azzas, frame 476 piers (structura 2 plle foundations 235 pipe chases in walls 61 piping 600-603 places of amusement 520-538 plans and specifications 3 platforms, frame se ' 478 plumbing 600-604 poiice etations classtfication 70 construction generally 11-73 details (See Specific Subjects Building Code projections beyond building line.170-174 public bulidings defined 1 construction general 71-73 deta le (Sea Ane A Subie & Building Code raising. or lowe rg bulldings to grade 6238 ranges, heating . . B97 recess in walls 261 reinforced concrete ynstruction application, availabilit; 331 definitions 330 eoncrete composition &ecrecate 332 mixture 332 reinforcement generally 333 placing , 335 protecting 339 ais he ig Ee Sree Se 335 rules governing 341 tests’ of. loads Csoedaeene 340 units and detalls beams 335 columns 337 fillers of floors teaee $36 elabs 335 tee-beams . : . 335 walls 335 use 831 working stresses ....++-ss0ss0++ 834 repair of bulidings: generally ‘ Sa eas Dw ad a ke 3 SLOTS sc hawee ha elena ened 6a oe ae Chap. a | rr Fr a NRA as Ao a r err Tn AO ee eaa em @ on“ Bullding Code (Continued) Sec. residence bulldings: defined aw odie ee ae Sieleie Aas ae i’ 70 construction: generally. iu ce ee eta ta thea 71-73 ceilings and floors of cellars..... 443 fireproof aif tn renee eee css 74 foce lOGGS .s vevech ek eeuws ww elads 5a walls restaurants CIBRBSINGCEtION: © 5 i.6 5 vs eae Wee ee e's’ ; 76 construction: generally = ee eat aks osu ETERS details: (See Specific Subjects, Bullding Code.) retaining walls: excavation supports piece aon foundation work Tee 237 rewulation’ of ‘lots. .is...cicerdes 211 restricted areas (fire limits).....90, 91 riveting ; + ig tele tare ete ie . 806 rock and stone bearing capacity .....scas is bo eee weight cp ciata ae eiete ane aie 31 psec e mas 4 61 sewenee 420-439 working atress roofing and leaders roofs SOUGCFALY a0««« sa iil ae Wael ai bulkheads kta cienday Ae cooling towers ...... staan, Sam cornices : ei a Wale a ihc ee ee dormer windows ... wale e's wieene: + mie gutters : in sak deus wee houses upon . ge aa ceuenaat. Bee leaders cin : sa de ere . 28 outside fire limlt® w..cesswucane « 474 pent houses on alow ad'@ 6.610 mae ce reinforced concrete ...ccsussece 354 repairs to : sce: an ion rane safe loads ; f ae b3 scuttles and ladders to.........08 435 ekylights in te a Pacis sate eee slanting i viicerdscucel: aaa tanks oe oo.amain e ,. 4am rubble-stone construction 253 rules, supt. of bidgs ; 7 eafe carrying capacity, determining 51 safeguards against fire... 370-376 safeguards during construction or demolition adjoining buildings io ewie Lee cellar drainage s 233 demolition requirements ..... 200 enforcement of requirements. 190 fences . en . 132 fireproof floor construction... 195 fioor .openings overloading, restrictlons...... 1993 roofs. and sky!ights of adjoin- ing bhulldings . see «BD ecaffolding ‘ oa 94 sidewalix sheds ies iperjutendents of ,buildings’ duties ? . weather protection 7 eand! bearing capacity a i dai specification : ol ey 24 echools classification . ‘ reer a 70 construction ’ generaily we .. oll -53 details (See Specific. Subjects, Building Code.) acultles, roof 7 scale . . 428 sewer ecannec tions, duriig. con- tructian shafts, protecticn of ve ot Be eneds, gererAnuy . we uen a QT? over sidewunikun duricg canatrjic- tion : ‘ paw TPF show windows, construction....., 446 shut-off valves ana Swear Oe shutters. Grepreel, -------re0-2--- 85 aidewalk ahneds ica cele: wie aexejeton construction (fron or steei) 308-313 ekylights (amended) .. sewee ea >) 426 sav’eguarding: adjoining buijding.. 19% elabs, reinforced comorete ... sees $35 emoke houses! classification . N's 70 construotion . hata niita i a “a't 71-78 generally ..-.--.-+s60: Seer Perens} ermoke pipes . ee . 407 aoils, bearing capacity: specified: ........4s2-65: siare g . 281 statement of, in plans for oow Dulldingw@ ...serereeerereevrs viel pee ~ een KAMAARMAARAATAAMKKMAKHK AAS Fa & arn FPaRmetO reg nannann® e) FS & ? Agee @ now eFax wm tad Systh pe 1 ett es w1 ¥5: = Vesa tbarei tt ry — 3 ys SS2+ SS S7ag nt ats ee SERTGT CSTR Te ty 3a ; ee ee ee = z Seo eee Se we SRSA Seu 3ae toe Le | ee. . oie etl 2s Lo ee ht Sen ere ees eg st) PIS P Ss Eee es eee Ses tte ee 4 oS de 174 Building Code details (See Build! Code gtoves, setting ..... udios: classification .«. oe construction generally : details (See Spec! etud partitions suburban fire limits tanks tee-beams, at at CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE ables: construction: generally details: (S Building alrways ee Specific Code.) etandpipes (fire ser et et at at at et ands generally eam heating ee] construct one masonry. generally ... foundation Ww ores: classification construction generally (roof) templates ... temporary temporary tenement house slassification construction generally . theatres tie-rods ....:. trusses uneafe classification construction: y _ generally . specifications timber specifications r welghts .. Lion Specific supports **®e@G@e@heoteowreetenreet ¥ le reinforced ; classification € structures ..«-. $e@ ee eoaeethetaevaet (Continued s ) Subjects, eeerpeeaeee oncrete sees eee nm eet@ePsGeetstteaaeeee 8: ee GOGO eosene Per uentenee @etGeeeweeeecer eure neuee Soeett rut eoaeeer * eee eeeebateteovrebeceee ereeegrerteagree working stresses in walls ... ~ iron or bulldine abatement of: generally . voluntary, b3 expense of exacuting return *ef®#eeenvneeeeeaebe ° eenes reas ae faa stee ee eedene 2 cee < eves owner ° see « es 4a @aeaee *“®eeaeee reimbursement of city for exe- cuting .. record of epair or survey notice an osting rep review by c removal under precept *"* #@OG@ Gee gee eaneee eee ort ourt 6 S@e¢seeeanyve se Seeeee@enees VOULES, PICOWHIEK« stctneeecase vi vent flues COC Gee eee aNRGehecaaes WENLTIIBLLOU: bWénaesadacéec cubeune vent shafts . ee Stheuwa hee. violations a misdemeano! r wainscoting frame buildings ‘ walls Blcoves in ,. Seen ® arches Bune chadesees» ebeedbdes ashlar bearing: defined eeecrweeaeR ew tetheoeaaoeeneee P*OROnPeeoreectecesoeceerese thickness . bracing durin brick construction existing fire-stops In foundation .,. furring hetght cont hollow o hollow brick hollow buildi tion , { ] nterior imine 44% eee lintels materials of defined g const masonry chases in ne &. e« eee ees ces Cree raees FUCTION sae efeeeeeeeees *eee eae 6eea4s8 eecereenneeeee e®eseeeee 2eee & *eeeeececeoe ees ee ee eeee *e¢eegqgetesn nside lock construc- @eecee © See eee eee eee *« eeeeeseeeese eee eeeees - "* SP eee eeeeaseegceeaegeecses “ee wPeeeteeeeeceeeesesg tA 7 EC Chap. 5 ant oo gl . CITY OF NEW YORK. ia a pip ) ‘ in ‘ CGC AGM. _. c nl%c scene een vl ‘ Gg i { r { hh | b ' - I : A ‘ ’ ‘ I i B " . ‘ f) ( Ll r ‘ i i ce j rfar ¢ a c? : ' ig etre and ( - f £ LI 1 ] tT { a and } t y,/ ] Ta if e fit 5 ‘ i | & i 3 ad j\¢ Ky, | § : = ‘ ; ‘ r : 4 4 ar to € ls a ra : ° e« ’ ” red en i . Serves ‘ : Olt ** a “eae r ; = f i CY st eatesoes ane ind cil ‘ of lisposition.., LSe@y] Yr) e,x 3 e- . . eee *eeeemee > ’ 4 ndows . tin ) 4 yT Cesc eestor sesase@usesa in f ! tions ee seoeseeeueseesebecerseé } ) i roe rh inhole ladders to sidewalk : busin building defined ° ‘ doo and steps 6 cla cation conditions prejudictal 1 f r hi h construction (See Bulldine yd } cour damaged, r°pair of enbeats dangerous, Safeguarding ck kb dade demolishing: (See Building ode.) dust, escape from : "eee eeeese dwelling (private), Ciassified. .cecccs election booths Peeves eteeeeeenseceen ‘oo = 5 1 50 D1 n_9 ¢ a 170 y—? & 135 93 138-639 ol a oO a wT woww a ow ro ow A or ‘ . al “nw en 7 A seo ow ao ~A wm ne bs oe Vw ow olCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. a 4 an en Bec. Chap f wn Buildings and structures (Continued): Build! ee Ae = e and , on electric wiring and appliances (light m “a sna structures (Continued) . OV heat and power): t n6 definitions g 1 5 ae suis ncgadiaed otto a a . 5 nthe cy sae a ; through streets a eo construction (See Specific Subject ) 2 ‘ ‘ md tia ae Sues 144 28 controlled by z ° Meerirepryot defined ..:ississucpansl. U2 5 generally . é > notice or orders affecting, duty of in city buildings E ‘ ¥ ocoupants oy dee” | la 5 in Federal buildings : :*eaes 3 9 neyeence 1) oF about inspection abatement éiomssing aD 20 authorized . seeene a 16 “ prohibited iseteaee certificate . wibedoct 11 9 responsibility for : : 51 20 : ctors. rich a = ; inspectors, right of entry i a a numbering , --110-113 28 restrictions as to ee 8 9 occupancy determines construction rules and regulations Se . 4 classificatior 70 5 use regulated ‘ ; : 5 6 supplying current ar 12 6 odors from 2123 20 discontinuing rrent ee 12 } office building elevators , Slassified, building construction... 70 5 freight : noe cn BhOeken 5 on B5ame lot or plot os 184 . ates and trapdoors open-alr motion-picture theatres ry ,~ ea hs : Atre inspection and regulation ; 569-566 & construction 506 & runners : : 4a7 5 maintenance 85—40 2 enlarging, ¥ fire Iimits . 92 s | orders affecting duties of agents or occupants 653 6 excavations for Be 920 g outhouses 477 5 . @ Ss ' exit facilities 4 overloading, prohibited 55 & ly : ] ' bei eared a a generally : 150-162 g 9 during constructtor seescece 100 4 motion-picture atres : . BO2 & plazzas ; 476 5 places of public character 490 A ' plans and specifications for theatres : 627 " approval ‘ 4 ‘ exterior openings and protection of 87: 4 COMMPUANCe WIth 2... cccagee nseeees 4 fs fallen 6g3 5 owner's authorizat! 8 5 fences ‘ ‘ 477 5 preparation and filing 8 a fire alarm projections into street from 170-174 é connection with fire department 2( 13 public interior s 21 12 application of Building Code ...., 1 5 fire escapes defined iene 3 70 4 generally 3 2 ee 162 x raising motion-picture theatre ’ . 6d3 5 to grade (a eeannehwerdecsss. O00 4 theatres... _ san . repairs fire extinguishing app es ordinary coer ered eneesteneesees s generally : ‘ : ERO ‘ fire damage 2 , 02 5 z automatic sprinkle: sce OOP 6 residence buildings, defined 70 6 : asylums : 20 19 restricted areas, fire limits 90-91 : - buildings of publi! racter ee 20 12 right of entry, building bureau em . fax tories ‘ . o 4) 73 ploy ees . ~* , 10 6 4 generally ae 2”) 12 sanitary condition, responsibility for.b1—54 20 rs hazardous trades (specified . ia sewer facilities, adequa acs he 52 20 = hotels o1 12 shafts, protection of sh a es . 373 r - motion-picture theatres a 26 % show windows sesesa 446 } = sprinklers 3 . a oe Kan ib aemoke nuisance . 211 20 pe her standpipes i 5al 5 steam escaping os i earl ale 212 20 qe henteen: ; 524 k strength, sufficiency ; peucesese 52 26 a fire limits P z 90—91 5 suburban fire limits ..... a ae Oe ie | i fireproof 850~858 5 temporary SUPPOTtS ...-+.-sreeeeses 80 5 Bs fireproof shutters and doors $75 B theatres, places of amusement: 4 construction 520—58 F 4 floor capacities sa A 20~5 3s 5 P maintenance 14 = business bulldings ‘viveee 55 é ; _— . 1-18 2 ree ; uBpsafe . 630—6 39 4 generally . .. aves 53 5 vault hs 3 . vaults under sidewalks . ' .240~?2 4 f floor lights .... Aiea ded cons Ce 5 " a0~244 28 * a ventilation: ' a flues, SMOKS ..«.;.. : ,o8 ~ won § eaimint ls : ii ft senerally pulse witha cue ove Water ci ‘ is frame: a = = 20 re motion-picture shows ....+s+seseee» 48 8 ro defined ; : § ‘ , ; : cas windows, bay, orilel or show =r construction or alteration = conetruc tion 4 cs venhren wal 446 3 on generally , — 470-4381 f : a “i oe ; Siu ‘ wind pressure sop 4 } if residence in frame row ) a te enlarging .. 92 5 ae of a public character: 3 moving 04 a defined tre tentepened 90 5 1 repairing classified . ‘se ae@@and 71 5 ordinary ° ra 2 i construction Of future ..eesenatene TW K fire damage : 93 5 heating and lighting s*steaeeateed 55 20 gas appliances, installate«n . Sage £00 x maintenance alsles and passageWays ....6manee Gi 6 heating facilities sigan tiness } = ss 20 i@ ani 3S : + 4a bean o 2 * 890-404 generally 58 = 5 public safety at coenee 490 6 fon C 10uUses Ai . motion-picture houses ' E . Bulkhead (marine), included in “water theatres tna . bas 5 front property’ 1 1 helght Bulkhead (roof) construction .....e.. , \~ hig % defined sreea . 2 5 Bureav : ; a P - c ” ee hoistways to be safeguarded ..... - 878 8 defined ivis ee eee ao ek'ew 1 i i 2 lay Iau fer) in 5 c ee imminently perilous safeguarding 638 5 designation of acting head .,... a a ° 1 un lighting Bureau of Buildings a adequacy : . Reve 52 20 empioyees | ~ 7 = ie motion-picture SHOWS «-cesesarenes 3 immunity, Building Code enforce- en theatres : : 2 a 526 5 ments Ji is 652 5 - ‘ ‘ sae wo =} live or variable loads jurisdiction, generally .. ile 4 5 ere defined . ’ ree ease are see 53 e publications and reports, copies for - nn 5 - . specified a eee aes "* 63 5 Municipal Research Library..... 10 1 re - o> °c c a “- lot, area of reduction....sssseses 136 5 right of entry of ice ele ew ia le le 10 5, lowering Right of way of vehicles of.. 15 84 to grade ; ; ee ae ° 623 5 sales of waste material se 11 . maintenance seal ‘ ‘nano was 9 ceilings and walle .......+-. nin’ a 60 28: * apeed of vehicles alte 17 24 light, ventilation and sanitation 61-54 20 Bureau of Weights and Measures Soot EATERS wavs cask aes tsetse eenuene 61 20 bonds of commissioner and inspec- roofs and skylights .......+4.-. cast 69 20 tors .. oe 2 . motion-picture theatres: % organization; jurisdiction eee ee El 26 construction ie td eee kaa nia cadence Sh burglar alarms, installation ace - 486 : MeinteNANCO nosso sscvesaesyceesssD0—45 & Burrs and fins, electrical Sxtures.... 577a v176 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY: OF NEW YORK. Burying grounds Sec. Chay establishing, permit necessary 45 a 1 i] swine (Continued) interments in 45 ‘ or herding in streets 32 24 opening, exposing or disturbing fee eg 14 21) ry graves in 45 20 ectico 126 20 f Bushbars, installation 202b > ‘ - 2 ng 11 20 : Bushings, electrical (See Electrica! k } rr overheated 161 2 : Code.) . . Business buildings , a essing 162 20 : defined 7% * ; 325 20 : Construction details (See Synecific ‘ attan 224 20 } Subjects g f 2 27 t ar 15 29 ~ , 2 > zn a > es F 14 20 Cabinet (explosives and hazardaniue trades) defined ., 11 20 Cabinets, electrical! See Electrical Code Ce & ele lea construc- Cabs: (See Hacks, Cabs and Taxicabs " t R74 5 satsson disease (compressed air i! E nese) reports concerning 9° 76 f 1° 8 449 5 Calcium carbide a §0 20 manufacture, storage and sale ClO! tres . 383 permit required % { 4 lef i ith ale ] 20 fee 42 ) x 440 s requirements a 2 iat veaal ae K containers ‘ fi 44) 5 signs on buildings containing mf eewer ( : oa eae 442 5 storage é : seeees 54 20 restrictions 62 20 Calves Ce e dressed, defined j ey 4 £ Pp 164 28 slaughtering H 60 17 age restriction ) zed 168 33 permit required pun! le R 170 23 restricted in Manhattan Ceme 26 5 Camping, parks in Ce Aca 27 5 Camps, living or sleeping in Canal boats ve ° defined ; > esta aquired 45 24 exclusion of other vessels fre " 45 29 canal-boat reservations i E £ z disturbing waterfront property reserved for a Era 5 45 20 Ce ps tta restrictions bs Canarsie Gun Club, use of firearms ee grounds of E 13 24 a Cannabis indica ( 1 ritis gases to be ry abel statement 26 5 36 20 : distribution or sale 29 or . 7 osives and A Cannon, firing of.. 4 To i Car barns qd 1 19 i classification .,. ‘ 4 ; 42 1° a construction sé 23 16 ; generally 73 : K 25 14 ‘ details: (See Specific Subjects ; i 26 16 re Carbolic acid, retall trade restr! 0 . ¢ Specific BSub- i. Carbon monoxide, report of poisoning oa rhe f fe it fe: 38 Ce 2a f fitness sxplosives ’ Cards, circulars, hand bills, etc and ig distribution in oe aoe a mail boxes wy. . . : 19 iz parks 1" t 42 19 3 atrests 7 er spe on 27 10 2 vestibules . re Lf . , 21 19 ; @argro 28 19 i Gischarge of — an 26 10 " generally , i : pecific Business : health department permit R5S , Ce mg . Bie . gravel and sand 3 4 2 so x electrica inflammable material 24 ° % lumber and brick | t 9 manure and other offensive matter . eae ita 7 9 mode 4 : S ica suspension or re- @arousse], a common show 5 . ation 11 9 an amusement device EGO prere ) ling o1 f electries construction 561-562 - ; ese 12 9 inspection . = , el A C tration explosives foense, fee . A Zara ades Carpets, beating or shaking a= 2 AF _ A 1 19 Carriageways, across sidewalks 184 9 ue 42 10 Carroll street bridge (Brooklyn) 4 —" : SQvee 23 19 Carrying capecity electrical wires _ ames A revocation of a6 16 and appliances. (See Electrical Code Cesspoo! are and maintenance of. .235-—237 20 Cartmen, licenses required for { 14 Chamberla 1 of 270 2 Cartridges, manufacture prohibited on 16 ; os ers § restricted against ped- ' Carts: (See Public Carts ) : diers ' 4 Cast iron Chandeliers t-outs for electric dave " columns and compression members 59 x 5 ae tle public ®pecification of qualit an . institutions, admission to , jwise 1 a working stresses 59 P ; braries etee 3 4 Cast stee) nmates, classification columns and compression members = 4 E employment and discfpline ; : @pecification ef quality . | nstruction 3 ‘ i Trorking streeses 59 k Charter, abbreviation of *% reater Naw Catherine market; location - 1. York Charter’ 1 1 Cattle, sheep and swine Chases in walls . 261 5 condemnation and destruction a? dis “nauffeurs of public hacks. (See Driv- eased 137 on ers of Public Hacks, Cabs and axi- contaglously lseased keeping or im- ey c@DSs, ) core 4 20 ‘hemists of health department iff - cruel treatment in transporting : 15 20 ee . 188 30 ema eat renne 2 ids SEC RSE ek, cases to be reported...) Aas eet COMIN, Milling Cad sellias. . i? 2@CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 177 Children Ser Chap Sec Chap adimi to =6schools nealt! er Clare 1 ricted against ficat ty) 20 pe 3 4 da nur ries pel nit re ] R ry ; 21 instity s for are of at Ele rical Code admiss healt} - - of Rye aS infe 2 Stee r c a : ! pa 17 17 isolat of inf d } zr 9 | 7 smaetene 190 4 in schools; physical care of a : er : vaccination ; 194 > 1) ' ; a TAS 52 25 Chimneys, defined 7 5 . ee SOR ees 10-39 classificatio: Pe vases vie k cupola c fires E 71-73 4 maintena ! 5 d fl Subjects Ch neys, flues 4 ea P ; : ree ee h 1 e é and Tax! Chiora : label statemen han) é ‘ E Ate sitet be 4 11s } 1ti90Nn oOo { shr 5c a6 classifi arion : construction 11-73 ‘ generally. . d ; Fi S ects detz (Se : Bu spe A ‘ . ‘ ra - A182 3s ana E 5 42 } fat 18 | rif reg 10-113 19 fi ° . 1 cot eC If O76 é 10 fir tinguishing ; d f restrictic 7 are . L , Chu A no { g an anil 4 on ree “ cons tion a ‘ id 26 ' r ! ‘ 4 £ ] ed 72 J f i 20 ( ra and cigare € | e ( z * 20 [ ture f | . “—- _ ar i ‘ 20 + ce é ‘ f ay r ed pra } ‘6 gulated genera ( ; ; ‘ ars 7 , f n= A shop equipmen ‘ fe I F A 2 , ‘ =} ny BMOKINE - 3 a Collect yf clit id s erin té | - f er ¢ t t ¢ 1 ) ge iwa o! I © 77 4 ‘ - nm d f — 2 ( ! { ‘ ashes a K 2 ( if PBK rs { = £ i cla a4 a Cir ila (see Caras ‘ : : Clr ~ te ire te p Aa = aA c a wath i < = fg id 4 4 t ’ ie Ss { t cf Ne ge ‘ Oo ( a s. to p 3 ‘ 153 Cit e i et g Pol ‘ . . dun i nm g 2 11 A e 4 A 2 ‘ E i { se oO fire 1 a f of a c } ‘ 2 lL] ‘ . . | =| ] i il ~» ae! es’ a i ca er 7 15 oft he ] OT Ay p a ‘ri ) ‘ 4 f 7 302 5 A © rr) 7 od Aek \ j Sic Lio 170 o mT al , 1B} r fle ; | ‘ r I } ne! ' z Ks A > f nd a 1 ) ~ AESeES é ponds 5 e p n io J a 200 -" d mo r 301 & £ } e fund fe de ‘ DVI o 5S : “ i : 4 4 7 \ 281 ° pas kine func 2 Fe e x é 4 ies f pa er eC - ind fra Ng re oO i ' ‘ p 204 ‘ wo cr tion of } p : ws 207 & ue t ¢ Or } } - hoe r 206 % fen eport oncer Eg ‘a the .9 y ot Cit ag, desig aris j c » 2 = Cit Hall. flas d ra fire | 311 § : oe , , . & Fe ei and br lg oca x 51 ‘ : cl Island acht ¢ ib I _ ; ; 34 ¢ e on ground * Cit agistrates’ cour 5 . 2 : a : ‘ on es f T * ocatio ; : Cit a A < 24 13 4 I rsnai 1 , stora equirements and restr bade . P { personation of ‘ i 24 ~ i a re +} i i unauthe d use o x0 I ° l olations of provisio! d iF torage and salé qi oO ere < ‘ ae wi r require - 140 10 is building code applie | ee ee ee i eee > ae E ons b es of ele rical co rol p i 3 ; co : rs : 5 141 16 ihe explosives and hazar a bs ot 142 10 ar lation apply to ‘ [ office hours aad : 0 =| A S , eA ; re ence in = 4 f “ P 4 ( a) Fxg f term 1 L ea cit Record, bond. of ipe! : rn 9 i meal es of term . l 1 o dc puty l : City seal { of correction, jurisdiction and 7 fu s ] ; y f dec - elt clerk g istodian of } ) | {f «ec 4 design and description 2 I urisd on ox waterfront property - ‘ =k Gl L ‘ ; use l a nati¢ iT = clit purpose generally oo ea if * City stock defined od 2 regulations concerning 2 ee = oe ..9 2 Citv surveyors - he ole WwW b&b garden produce bo: axe oD wei eae 2 appointment board of examiners ..,. eo es #® @2 & & ~ 240 oyster trade ..ccccsnenerneseecesns oe 'SPAMS TeE eee Ts tyes? ee ree te tet ae oe et ts Te 178 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. — See. Commissioner ef Hecke (Continued); RFT improvemeéate: wétHerelly eer eed eOotor seve tevecsd HEA PlStVOrimMis sews oesievervavecs 33 WMOating 46Eks wovscsevevun ss 34 épening of asphalt paren: ents. 83 oheds e@eepeeeoeceraeeeeeeereeveeeeeeceee ai malotenence: cleaning, dredging ead répairing. 56 Aischeres Of CATELOSs .pivyowve ss. SR S4 obetruétions, removal @uedodrenes« 62=55 OVErlOBGIAE wesesbesdvudeawoness. 51 publi¢ ROCKS vevivevesstuuesess 66 Wharfage ...... Sev ew uveceeurnss 6 60-91 prétection of navigation ........420+124 wieletions of orders Of ..cccecccrs “ 18 Cemnlesioner of lidenses: Htenees: amnusefments @hd 6£hibitlons a motion-picture theatrea, apen-air motion-pléture theatres ...... 38 SUMMER SENOS wc csccccicvavecsce 6) pililaré ahd pas) tables .......... i wewiiag @lleye ............ wei 1 Gealera in see6n4d-band articles ao i MIPS CONES co odo s cnae ves vac ona vs cua i expresses and expres#meén ........ 1 exteriéy K6i#te ......-. kis 1 Beaks, ¢abe, taalcabs “and sight- OOO COPE cece eee eecivstse, 86, 35 driveré# @F CHaufféurse GF Public FROME cuevessuiwede’ss Shab i we bbe 93 hand opmGAS .....e.. ce cee eewtestcs 379 itinerant wMweldlans ..... Mudenessew 271 junk deslere ..... ~ i peddicrs, hawkers and venders... i Public carts 2hd COFEPROR Viceccce 1 PUBLIC BOPLOPA oiicciccvavs. e8eera 1 eboectiag @biUeries . 2... econ. ‘ i wey: inspect 1iéeAeee Places SY Hahlelas.. whke tertificates as td licenséé.., SUBHPS4He Withéessee GHA take test!- Mmény, SAE Géle*ate BUth Powers & sugpéend ahd revoke lideAses a tf BHe PVAIEH Gelinqusedt lidehseas ‘ pegiater’s W6thbee wi .cece. ‘ ‘ a Yeepensible Fer [leende Yous cbuer ‘ ComrAlesionar of publié charities, eon tréle heritable institutions and their ta mates PROOC EC ede eeen ud Seeraleelisner of publi« works, pena 6f 37 Commiesisne? Of Water BUSDIY, gad and eleétricity 4 guriediétion: A ' I F eléttric surreht fér ligh& Beat oF power G@eUvGbedvuded Six ‘6 3 eleétric elgas OUTER @edua r 316 eleétriciaty (light, BRebt end power) éeonaee VUBUUBEUEK Kee vowed Besecic } epecia) Vicenees ..... : rane Wirihe and eppilances tor Bt Reet end Power ......:. ‘ 2 aan OA-Pldture Spefatore cecicccr. 48 metion-picture theattes ..cceciccc 688 weter suphly MMhattere gc cicivincae Woes Ceinynlasions: Genned OUEST Ue bee edebaonBectesreredd i aon OUUVECR CER SaL ED 3a pub bILegtions Of, copies ter Muntele Reféren¢e Library ..... ‘ heats 16 Common chews: GEARS nsec cteccsis a6 Sm yserrent devices, construction ana m@intéenence COTTE EVER Kids ntring BEL Weepnee réquivred ........ ce ccn obebese 61 licens@ ¥oe BeeeeReEeP eee RR YH ARG SPeteeecte 6i ByniSBMeat Lor ViolatisAs .......... 62 Cemraupitadble Aiseaces: (See Yarectious Bigéagec. ) Compety, Within Géfnition 6f “peragn” i Cémpehpatar Gollé, ars lamps ........ abe Gemprapeed aif ijlneas (cblisea @jae ease), report Gf cases 6f ...05....., 02 Cemptreiier: bend eee teeecte ts SeSeeSeeeetGaesesccaneg 376 deputies’ Bonds ........0. ekestveseu S70 custedigh of: beds and sther tities Papers of tity 176 evidences 6f debts Gus élty ..... 176 Gutles and powers ée6ncérning: Ppeceeeme DONGG ons howe kis bac 2 bonds and mortgages due the eliy. 7 commissioners of sinking fund a.0% g Chep. sey @ @& eee @ & @& oO 14 14 14 14 14 ’ ac * »& oe aooaa @ bot 26 we ae 6? as Seo, Chap. Comptréller (Continued): 4uti4s and poweres condérning (Continued): contracts: Opening estimates FOr ccsecsuce és 2 examining sureties OF 3 .n.cscccs ‘ 73 3 ni fling and keeping .......<+0. net 61 2 a WOFTAGALE OB ope ccusuvvcessus ‘ 73 a reporté a8 té 6utstanding ...... 78 2 publi¢ adminiatfation .......... 266~282 3 sinking funds, 66llécti6én of inééme 6 2 taxes and a@sseesmentés, apportion- ment b od» oes ae eee vib bavae ewe 266 3 Céncealed “knob ahd tube “work” pmans 426q ® lavatories, towel servide ........0. a ...@14 we Concourse, included in “street” ....... 1 1 Céncreté;: epocihestiod. | cs.ccacwinnes ; hedaw eae . gs é weight - oie edn beuas ’ 31 “ working stress ‘vou enbacee el ans bl 5 Céncrete construction compressién and ber stress ye.cccs 61 a coheréte SH6CIAGCALION ...icccuanenn . 28 5 fidor arches idvspeesataun 363 5 PSuUHGGtlENne” 2... svc cscvseebueeue en 234 5 Hollow bullding plecks bonvkueaa ag he 28 £ fe-inforced ... i uceeueuean ~-» 8368841 5 SATO LORAS occ ccepiencusdceewaeeuaee 53 6 ee ent Ceo weeob O Cth ERS @& & « . 21 a working etréae ......-. Trees Ce Bi a Condensers, electridal ....c. cece eduner 886 e Condensers, Charges for water supply... a1 a6 Conductors, electrical: (Sée Slectrical Cod4,) Conduite, e)aétrical (See Blecerféal Codé,) Ceneéy Thland E€yYele PEtHS . 2... vcwicanvc 41 17 Conféctiofiers’ suppliés, fee for pérmit TO HIGNUIBCIUEE civic cccacuuaseuceans 4? 16 Confectionery eeuleeration OF. vuciauccacveee 133 ae fales Rarié 6F Quality prohibited as ae 9* Conjunctivitie (euppurative) Casea té be reposted cc civeces opsuneeee con = a. ae Conservatories, Ghérges fér Water sup- ply SeaEGC CESSES SRT RMR SRE EEE 3] ae Cénetaat potential ayateme: (See Blees trica) Co6dé) Contagious ajseabes (Bee Tatedtisus aie” Diseases. ) Contegibus diseases 6f animele: ' eo Gisposition Of wuflerere ...6...sns 6 a a6 Owners td yaepért Gases Of .......: . a +h) vetérinariandé to Fepdrt cases Of ..., 3 36 Contraband meterial (explosives and hazardour trades), selzuré and di@pa- eition of SUSE SUCK OES CRU RAE SHAS o 16 Contrasts 146% werk er supplies for éity: Qpplitetiom Of Brevisiovs 1. cciacac. ° €6 3 award : coeC EU EUEES eutwotusy e¢ 3 bond Feces buane eowdgan 78 3 BOPoumh IA PPOveMOAtO cerccecsicnuse €1 2 estimates contents USO REE eHESECKE SES 66 3 “CBU mate BOM” -crussccccecversses OB, OO 3 exéecutiosr UCC ERE LEYS eetetua ah a OpéAing .. beeverssectesisssg > 88 3 propesals tor eadverti¢ément ahd sede ..ccsre 68 ¥ form of . toprissupeud - 46 p earaipies ., Tree uv found 6? 8 @xecution ws see Reuwepeucad 2. i Aling With combtrelie® vw Kine ee pewted 6} e indemAlty @@ainat @ccidente ..vicere 78 3 inspeétiéa Terr: eee sessse§ VG a inspectors’ and eurvayere’ amdevite. 6 t MOn-peFformenés S62 ....ci, stsbat® 73 2 Paynrients . certificate 6f @AAOUAE due cicccucs ts 2 de! ayed MNSea bh GR ONE BS ° eeeoe ve ¢ endoreement 6n contracts vcsisoad YO z menerally SibRuSS PERT CR EERE ORE EEE "8 8 IGUBITIAGRE vu k beck iaw ks ove SEb 6 uebE ae 3 DAY Fol], IGPSPSOKS co cveusccascsand VY % BOCUPION FGF siscccecscee vescsisva 68 4 DlanS @n@ Ourveya ...cicccc. seuvebe ae 8 Protettion Mgaingst decldénts .....0y 6 a WOLGRRIM ead cv GE elk s a ce re oe 73 5 Feport of Sutst@nding cisicavccisres YO a énew removal, pay Of Werkyhen..:.. 74 i Contrectors: (Beée Contracts for Werk or ®uppliés fer City.) complignee with Sanitary Code .... Y8s ge temporety privies Yor émpiéyees .,, $86 Be Cénvaléscént homes: infectious dipeases, cases t6 Be feo POPTOG sivectiuvusdas See U Fe kanug oi i) patients td bé isélated mine ethnic 96 $e Cooking utensils, sanitary protection of 144 $e Cooling towers (aménded)......:.ccceen 629 a Cooperage shdps: (Sée Factortes.) 4CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 179 Sec. COPRIESE, COGRIFUGLION. 6.6 c.ccicrcccecs 422 GNcromehning OR OtFOOt... 5. ...ccccare 170 Co-pertnership, included in term ‘per- OO Seti cAWa abe vs caNccacateivennts 1 Corporation, included in term “person” 1 Corporation counsel: actione by of against city, register Te ee OG ON. wince ecuhbbetuarsic 320 Or atv du hint ebct Ure eribvece 276 Looks and papers to be delivered to BUCOMEEE. Wb uukesbacreucs KOE bYRCtaes 222 jurisdidetién; Building Code litigations .... 652 penalty prosecutions, Building Code 654 theatre license litiration eh 4 legislative billie and ordinances, VC EUMT gab teetb bub ees te te bebbode 231 Corporation yards, in Manhattan 151 Corrosion of metal work, eafeguard- mime BEIBAW oii vs kn sana ps ; 310 Cetton: (Bes Combuetible Fibers.) Coughing or senéezing..... PCT eae Country Club, wee of fireéarme on grounds whet e@bae ie peas 6 «0 foieky 3 County, as used ee ee 1 Court houses; GNSS MOS J. cavcsevusvvwecscenesesss 79 conetruction, generally ..... eerie tulaels détails: (See Specific SubJecta, Building Code.) Court POOR ORR ic vdcccvaees 162 Gourte ONE BWOllGIMEB. ccna sacegpersr 138-1356 Court yards: Of PRT GLTOOW 2 on ce kc cen tucasi 0, 81 ih DPFIVATE DYODGELY 6 sauce the cescace 176 refooval of uhauthérized ......... _ een POStrIOUGA at¥eets wi cvusewucavrccesre 1406 Covers for métore (waterpr66f) ..... 208f Cowa: MOGDIAD «nic aiccnbdasssce eeeed 12 SRIWAINM icc ceaUienenadsesine 828, 324 tuberculin test, certificate .......... 18 Cream: (See Milk and Cream.) Cream, classification ... - . 163 Crematories, permit ts establish ve ah Criminals, rewards for apprehension 6f 110 Creckery: (See Glaes and Glassware.) Croeswealka, inéluded within the term “Htreet” 3 .ssnsseteed 6 abebe ee whe aban 1 Cultures (t herapeutie) free distribution of 2 ata adel . -e8% requirements concerning jeevbeewese. 24659 Culvert, included Within the term ‘‘atreeti’ Peer re eT kk ae ee 1 Cupola, chiraney ‘construction. 6 395 Curb, bullding ¢onétructié6n denned. 2 Curb, defined (traffic regulations) .... i Curbing, Construction wi scesevenvcne : 63 Cutask, CAOINGETION 24 shisha ike ee. 162 Curtain Walls, construction ...ic. 257 Cut-outs, electrical: (See Blectrical Code.) Damp places, electrical installations in: (Bee BHiedctriéal Code.) Dante halle: SiGSSIHAAEION. va pce wecsenis sBEecrbss 76 Oxit CBElIItIes ..cccccceces deaws oot 163 eonatruction: BOnOPSlly ...cssvvesssinsess ‘8 7178 detells (See Specific Subjects, Bullding Code.) uss of common tOwel@ ...64,. svciecs,s 86 Dengerous bulldings: (Ste Uneate Buildings. ) Day, defined: WORSCTALMY .ccsccnavvavesss a hmb.e ab vo i docks and Karbor sentro) ...... Ewe ae 1 Day nurséries: infectious diseases: eases t6 BS reported .......... ewe 91 pati¢nts to be isélated .......4..5. 36 Deylight SAVING 2... -cscsvcceveces Page 166 Desd gnimale: capes te be Feportéed .......- Kecuuee 6 Gisposal, regtricted ..... dneaw Ue Alling in lend with, prohjbited...... 262 yeméval: genera] réquirément ......-.--+++- 243 docks for, te be wunobstructed..... 246 vessels engaged in, permit to come £0. BIOE Fics ccs vnses (tkabewhenwas 246 Dead bodies (human): disposition of: interment, cremation or other..... 43 tims ealS OF 2... pcx accuse iva ae 46 discovery of, to be raported ........ 1 exhtmation of ...........- pddeacuess 45 exposure of, prohibitéd .....c00ss060 38 Chap. § & 1 1 — oe > 38 ~ i ee ee | a es 6 20 a4 26 20 30 26 + Ss > 26 20 26 20 26 26 26 26 26 36 20 Bee. Dead bodiés (human) disposition of: infectious disease cases, care of..... 102 permit to inter or otherwise to dis- POMS OF ii. cdi ds apices bake Ore es 42 removal from place of decease »...« 37 retaining Of, regulated ......icec05; 38 transit permits to rémove....... ‘ a8 transportati6bn through, into or out Oe Oe Of otc h bee dwheee eee. 38 ORG 1040, Gefiheds.uskcicves bxac hwee a Dealers in second-hand artieles: CRU TLUIM Ae cid bcseicuitc Wed hee ek eeu kL Gs - 40 license fee and BORG’ . ik dveeacusd oe « 41 record of purchases By ..,.... idle 2G 43 inspection Of records of ...........° ag réetrictions On Buaelfess of......... ae junk-déealing by, prohiBited......... 44 peawn-broking by, prohibiteds:..-... 44 to give information as to advertised property Cvavviep eee cee ieureaLe 4s inepection Of OtGCM GF 2. cicddias cs a5 Deaths: be x ane autopsy reports of . ieftiturreviy OB carrying corpeée through, ints oy out OF Oy .dicicd ts ge fats ie bd tvs 37 eoroner& and ¢déroners’ phyaslélans’ report of ee ee we cree $3 disposition of body: interment or cremation ........... 42 time limit for ee vance an 46 traneportation from dity .......... $7 false certificate, report or statement GM ca UGA) ay eect cgetbawices s 86 infectious disease cases: care of bodies Pata Wwe . 163 TORGPA! SORCPIGCTIOND ©... wc cca weuaws 163 physicians’ recordé of ........cccees 2s register of: physicians t6 keep Pour bas fea 82 transcripts to be file@........... | removal of Bbdédy from place of dee MN aca Pi cde ctaaecenuwaavs ens a7 POE Oe big o cahen +4658 0858 a eR TAS ‘ 32 transit permits to remove bodies .,. 38 vidlent, reports requifed .......... ap DeteGents’ estates, public adminietra- GER rs wa ccweud Cabeuchbtache 266~-368 Decorative lighting systems sea Chute 437 Delancey étrest market, jocation of.... 31 Delivery Wagons, park street Festrié- i ae ee ee ee ee ee ek CPT ee Saudie 37 Demolishing Buildings Building Code applies ae 1 necessity for, té be noted In plane for ROW PORUITUOUION ov caevsceeccuuwhsa 3 SIRE, a cd wav cdebicon ce ses abiadan 306 Dentists, charges for water supply ts.. ai Départment: (See Departments, Bu- réeaus, Boards and Commissions.) Beneral COYIM ... be ciasvece eric i PPCIAM WOR cacvuNwcksaknnsceeanen 7 includes buréaus and divisions penihac 3 Department of Corrections; (Ses Dee partments, etd.) xeneral provisions .... eee 7 oer Department of Docks and Ferries: “(See Departments, ets.) @Weneral provisions ... 0.0... cases. .14334 Department of Education: (See Depart«- mente, éte.) Department of Licenses: (Bee Depart- mante tA) amusements end 4xhibitions ...Art. 1 common shows .... motion«pjeturé é¢xhibitionsa .../Art. 3 Hieenséd traédés, occupations, places AHO GPPIIGASOB wei ceredenvdncinns Department of Parks: (See Depert- mente, été.) parts remylations ...... 00sec see enee Department of Public Charities: (Bee Departments, @s0.) institutions and inmates ........... Department 6f Water Supply, Gas and Electricity: (pee Departments, étc.) électri¢al control, generally ........ {usimGted PIONE ... ba ccse cee nes 014918 rhotionspieture theatres, operators of projecting machines ..........556. 4s WHtdP OUBHIY . 0... cm veeneibovvecscns 1-44 Departments, burésus, boerds and commissions: Buliding Code movers ........... sige 1 contracts for supplies or Work ...,.. 66-78 municipal explésive regulations, &p- WGGDle cuiesacGe bea dvceveeadweeae 4 ithe BOUTS aiiscsncbipytecirvis ica $ publicationa and reports, copies fer municipal research la@boratory..... 106 sales of old or waste material ..... i Chap. 36 296 26 26 26 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 28 39 38 36 26 7h 29 28 re 20 26 36 26 20 36 14 1f 38 28 36 Cel a Cad ms al Pd re . . 1 pee i ot oe Tee pea Stes toed ee eS eee wiws ed Liz 7a r CPS ae hehe oe ee ee 5S eee £2 Fecette Te ee | aod hee 2 tt dd ee ee | CODE OF ORDINANCES OF tbe ee 8 oS Mee bet Gt eed te Depots (rallroad) classification construction generally details Building D agrams of ex] marking Diseases communica! platforms f sheds « pit maintena a explosi eas rec garbage an Doga contagiously d porting destruction of Inipounding seased rabid Keep! ig ) mn i of x € ) s ired ; g e , fr ie - . I ~ - € f r vicious oe ow on on 9] 96 02 98 121 116 ’ 79 78 17 76 390 398 i) 390 402 ofa co “a 8 Co ~Oap. l7 20 20 cal 7 ana oO a vi or 10 10 10 10COD OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Dunr } T 7 ‘ L a Sec Cha unn lhos. J., discharge of firearms F ; D On greunds of 9 17 eer " nt ! et (Continued) Du t Fs 2 ords 4 L nel enforcement 2 9 as 1 nuisance requ 3 and restrictions (See i : rule | { ie creation of prohibites 2 } D ng (private righ oft inspectors 10 9 defined t ‘ I FulatIions 2 y ” Ber if y vr)! classified f ) y) ' 7" } * t : construction 2 7 “ nspection pre-re- s ’ 3 ¥ ‘ La@iteé genera y }U4siT ll 4 ’ discor _ @eta!l - ( See Qy a & 13 9 S € e a rier tis “ts 4 Building Code.) ste 7 ki 21 23 e theatre 438 ‘ re ‘ 3 = Ry a : not 4 piosives and f om hapa nent iY 9 a - ades Ele nf : @u Lal ) Lie \ prescribes CONTI structions, installations } : } H a mY ’ r = Tesponslbdility fi x ; . , - a ene e (See Electrical ’ . myer Dynamite See |} o : i at z Bult ecte and packing ¢ , - aci< q 9 0 Dynamos and dynamo roo 2100 , Electrical Code ’ appliance fined 1 Y pI ‘ 1k . Dysentery e| 1é ‘ . I . upt } 1 9 Diseases re 3 426 i-] Y 7 _ ar amps —— 421 9 E Uae 7 insta at c 49) 9 Earth, rocks or rubbis B74 ’ Ease nents local 43% Q ied fr rea 433 9 vaterfront property l armored ible } 7 t ester ri Lge { } t or structior 554 9 Eastern parkway, traffi Fulatio 4 ground wires 427 9 a itene mT i ‘ in allatior 427 9 ntr idea efiy YY ta ab a 2 dl x 427 9 Eco OY v a al amps 4 ou et he 4°7b 9 Rduca nal A ATi attendayr are 206 Y aida a » starters Eges ynsti 9 , DT Ken our tra ft stg ot} 208d y rots nd spo B ‘ Q va sin ie ; 9 ea of fa na balance sg 2 Old 9 E - tn Ward mark i base rames genera rs and ation rs 2 5 Rigt sixth stres 208d 9 trades y res | Kette a — ss aw 10 g El T A ©¢s | } ry reo 2 u 9 Electric gas lighting | res $5 : E + T a rs 4 ) a at fi P rm , ou Ele ! or} 4 : adi 424d 9 eta atio ~ poxes switcn and Staiia r i eT a sp g E ( { ie 9 “4 aed o , , \ res. ) pir oF eae 7 ol 8 | ig fined L 9 | cro a le 7 r Liarry bs 9 he as U6 burt and fi fixtures iia 9 i ‘ pel 1c { [ 2 Db y @ eal revocatio T ~ spens ' ) = 4 oI Vv ations of ele r 2 | 9 ‘ ct I | 3 a Blectrical cont virir € 2 to ding 12f y ances Ior |! id gh a i 0 ‘ ‘ a > defi tlons £ ators 1 - -Ulg ¥ eric sed [ T m Silo! ’ ° al, : ding 416d y Sup] ga and I a ock = 432f ¥ exemptions ; B61 9 F'e nea : ss aa “ red é i ling ca a n - | { er Ce orpora ‘ a 5 a j 570 9 4 insta } aiteratio = use 419} d % we genera \ C 3 Py a “| autl I ch ) to ne 4°4bD ¥ - al a ‘ > cabir q ana ; to arter Osa wy I ad license a See rmorea a e J x def i () 'y ' lef a’ ry exXa at ri for : i} I ac! = fee & amp Lcd £008 s a term . : —- al a saspensio! rey 1 or mod : Ose f struct n oi y ¥ ncatio r I a | ft ‘ (j ierators ense Dog 3 3 \iotor and “a [ [ ) irds. ) 7 special license ot ection, defined 9 i defined ; ae ‘ ( 4°3a y examinatior far . ‘4 ‘ ok coll Z206a 4 [= fee ‘ y ( ult bréakers \ term t or ruction ‘ 5.668 9 t ne rg BuUSpension I vO i } ry nod t ) I F ese 4230 y § fication 6 9 installation 419 9 especial perm ee defined j g required, wh : -U8C ; fee J 4 ZU9 suspension revocation or od cleat fication 9 construction , 562% 9 certificate of inspectior nsta on 416b y lanue ; 9 Loon 9 r) , le ,he ? modification, suspension or revo compe ator coll arc lamps 433 9 cation I 9 conce aled “knob and tube’ work 4°6Q inspe: tion 4 cond I reactive coils ; } 9 10 9 condu rs (See also Wires. ) motion-plicture operators 43 4 armored cable Oba vy motion-pl ture theatres , cesarean 3 3 Or qe wW LI protection ; 42b6e 6 | 458 v station and dynamo atm: bbe ike 2c v eneripentepts -Lee oe et ef) ee | ‘Saye Se dee ioe ak te abe ee oP ee hie ce a se CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Electrical code (Continued): Bec. Chap condults: wire, construction ..... ate ahaa obs ’ WITTE (oes va ican’ ..426n-p 9 cohduits, metal CONSTFUCHION er ecsceeurucerrere 663 ’ grounding : i cae atk 423¢ 9 inste@lliation. .....«.- oe aes a sden eee 9 connections, ground ......--««+.- 3lbc-¢ v constant potential systems: extra big ...- ere seaninads ideo: @29 * 447 ¥ Hig wcccveveevescegesartrseunns 420 * 444-446 ¥ IOW sacesesstusas cnet ine tabs rake 426 y covera, waterproos, Ser motors.... 208f ’ cut-outs: enclosed fuge, construction ..... 667h ® generally, construction .......+ 6é7a-d 9 link fueé, cdéhetruction ........ 667f 9 {netallation ..... ‘ . 208¢e ¥ 419 r 423 ¥ 4268 9 pretection of all wires.-in-olreult 4198 ¥ reduited, when aiehal's cea O10 Y 2020 e 208c , 2098 9 423 s 426a@ 9 433a-434a F dainp piaces nrotection of c@h- structions | 44%c v 416f * 4i7a 5 419¢ ¥ 426f, i, h 3 4270 9 431b 9 4390 . §64c ® decorative lighting systems ...... #5 * distance between conductors: inside work ...... cau 3 636 flexible cord 432 SMCGEIGS COERUIRE iicindcici . 428 lighting and pewer frem raii- way wires. jane @éGae® 441 mercury vapor lamps... « SRR Ie SUP ULGIEE. ok wo ok vke ck o 429 outline lighting , 439 sockets ‘ Fake’ «0 oan Fawae 431 theatre and meving picture wiring 438 transformers 436 wites : ; 426 inspections; depagtment of water supply, gas and electricity...... 11 installation must be under license, special license or permit. ; e insulating platforms at high-peoten- tial Machines 2010 2038 imewlating joints construction wie es S76 when required 430a fneulation of Arture canopies, when PRUUIIOR ..ccics 430a ingulation resistance eompleted systems ess rubber-covered wire §50d testing ese ingulator spacing, inside werk .426h,) interior conduits construction 568 ground wires 42%¢ installation 428 iron pipe to protect wires eon side walla 42ée@ joints in conductors 3126 41éo insulating 676 junction and flush switch bores: construction 569 ~nustellation 424d 427b 629d 42¢a Kaoife switches, construction 665c-k khob' and tube work 426q knobs “3 , : bee knots in flexible cord required in sockets and reeettes 432g lamps: (See Atc Lamps, Incandes- cent and Vapor Lamps.) license board, powers and duties y license for electricians application aioe T defined ! examination for 2 Tae ’ gUuspension or revocation ® lighting: electric, gas ti’ outline japewas _ M39 lighting and power frem railway wites . y Ateee , 441 lighting system, decorative 437 lightning arresters construction 682 grounding 2050 6351 6860 instaliation .....+, 208 685m éééc lew-potential circuits, grounding 315 lew-potential systems: defined pba +s 1 installation and maliotenence 426-4398 442 j@ge fof terminal connections, when required 4160 6é6h &7%¢ metal mouldings: construction... Dobek “eo 8 & = © © “<< © © © © < - e"w#¢# <= “see & *ewewnt eee e @ ew eve e es -“w ow oe © wx Sea, Chap. Electrical code (Continued): mou.ding: metal, construction Soe Gees 6 $€0c-h ® Perel, SlIOUNGIng 2 ciaccceave ec: 429d ] metal, installation .....6. 42¢6k-m Fy 429 2 not permitted in damp or wet i). ere re pee, pa, ee 4261 ® Wrees. O80. wakewccueac. ueean ..426\c-m 4 wood, installation prohibited.... 6¢0b ® moving picture equipments: EER AO ov cake Wce cones wae 438u 9 home, lecture and similar pur- BOOED psi bed vee ciéuawd .» 438v é multiple seriea systems,........... 2086 9 petting required on are lamps, wire... pc Wh UG ERS sévavias 421 > 4388 ? neutral fuses omitted...........4298,.0.4 9 GUYS WES wwitevaewieda cevevecusde' 206d 4 ODOM WITS << 6 iceéi Ceseseseccces M50 G ef + outlet boxes: required for flush switches...... 4944 ’ eutlet boxes or plates: to’ be used with armored cables. 427b % to be used with interior conduits 4294 P eutlet, junction and Sush switch boxes, construction .........cee6 sso » GQUELINA AIRTEL weceiceciiceccicsx 488 t Outs WOM 2a 6s sie cc eccdewicas 312-3816 e panel boards, construction........ &¢8 , pendants for uge in hezardous places...., 422 a CU go Fe cst a jikbacvvecen GE Um 9 waterproof Gs vin vince ew ..eee 4910 @ pipe hangers for incandescent lamps .., ; ; , 431le a portable: lamps, installation ......... ~.- 4322 t lamps, motors, ete., cenductore TO oe des cb wae oh héaceans . b$4e a pot heads, installation juunecane meee a power from railway wifes, lighting Bud si aksee te: be siattebanktn . 441 9 power, transformer and switch Btation® 2.66 7 ois 5c. nib vwakeuvi 201-211 9 primary batteries, storage er, « wae 3 protection: for gas outlet pipea ....... .. 4308 9 for motor equiprmnents ......... 2084 , for outlet wites ..... aa . 4908 3 for wites on side walle or gol- UMmiES ofan ew tesnidbedawscuscn Saee ® protective devices on signaling cir- cults CONST UCCIO Vide i vacin beac .. €36g, m e iInstelhtion .2iii« cheese ct GER ¥ railway power plants ... Cibeca Bee ¥ railway wires @s a source of supply for light and power....... . 441 o reactive coils and condenser 680 6 receptacles: (Sse Sockets.) resistance boxes: (See Rheostats.) resistance, inevletion ............. G88 9 resistances, used with constant go- tential arc lamps ..... iaw'ng SO ® rheostats, resistance bores and equalizers: construction ...... ii aes ds cents ‘78 ® inetnllation: wc... cecasscsrcceeses G4 ? 208e, a 3 roof, Wifréh GE ciieiidicns yee ete 31206 ® 6eb 9 €v6 y rosettes: construction ..... ‘weatenegeuets 671 ¥ Wee “sc ckas cee boicetewavax Sane ® running boards: GOROITUGIION (6445550 cc ene eee en ee 426e » where TOQQRITEE coin ccacisvevoave 42G@ ® screws or nails to fasten cleats or MUGDE snstuedes bveseteavidewes ea 41¢e 9 series arc 16MES i ac iccey et Cvdicucvia 2 433a p multiple systems ...., stccecrsce SUSE % 433a 9 #ervice wifes: automatic cut-outs for ...... 1+. 4238 ® OePuVGinw oc dices nc i t'slt Reekea uae 316b 9 in armeted cables of conduits... 427% ’ 4280 9 No. 6 B. & 3. gauge or smealiet.212b, f e OVEPROGE sccvdscrvissesvaceaadss» 313 w 333a, b ® switches for .cesecdodsasssusacs ahia . undergreubd ...ceccecreseeess S138, B 9 417 * a 4 aT ~ oe “ - ee - a7 eS Pro es -* es i ae SS oa: 7? ws a aes a FSS Ta Pet ee tthe etgrr togeaeg- ee ha eek LAT SVS Redes 45 rer eet ererat 15 9 re PL eee eh ots a ees veo faery eyre ee at sign flashers esigns electtY constructior switches I anap-switches atations and Birt pendar;r amps storage or p systems low constant multiple se series gelgnalir telegraph ap telegraph circults terminal bloc BAGtOre . aves : { pla rand Tr i T r ‘ ui i } i lt @ v e! e regulr a Lé side ad as ISta! po prt tial pt Bntlia Wi none and ot genera Upec eecowvoveeewcewwewereww ete © L « e “ose © fo ©& ee woe © a a a "= “o¢ ececece * «CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 185 5 1D I ' ; , ; ’ ; ; ahi ise eee e( { I T - } Wires ((« I } open Vy it ary | a ss ilteratilor ea OUTBICE : oo . 2 : a on - A 2 002-000 2 2 7e 56 I ¥t tion aca ' 5 I i ed | ] = vOV0 » prote: on 1 1 ao pipes ) ; ‘ “ rneostat s b690 6 ve : . 3 663 5 | . ate 6665 6 @ re & ni i an E D | p ) 6 sepa E ) k 00% o ‘ voz 0 ape ; 1 operation 261 § & marie , , t . BUD] \ ] 370 5 e e ’ 4log 9 T 37 0 3/3 } am } oo o < ox ~ oe ve! E 424a y " 4 r a i Erm wit t I and oa = f é 1a for 7 3 i 1037 } c © 1 ag zZ ig ya j é 4 } e rica vy © ils ectr fy ; 1 Lé ~~ \ l ¢ } e 1 : 43 19 z255 1V . lV i “m d 1 ee I ev 4 e Euarads a gt j ri de ! € e 3 23 app 4 ' i Oo = t 1 9U zs cons hmeé 97 2 genera ry ( rations notice ; 34 2 va re O1 e! res eC GC | 1 4 ‘ r ST ; 3 wiring 2 A . ' . 9] 2% r ’ DOr h pre } t : 36 28 re I r ond . 92 23 Te i . 36 23 : wort jua ica 3 yT 9$ 2 e' ae pu ; yratir to safe a r iFval aT 94 zs © y é | nS 4 wu ser Feds , eee a px ’ I a ages caused y & za pia ; g i 3 23 : g t poral sed for 1 33 I } to tice 2 23 \ f ) } is reiating to 93 23 | ; ‘ Fibers : I ike} i { ] D dais- in Federa i w oT Frounds of 3 il 2 ) I ‘ E inst f oe 70 L r 71-78 & . ( f s Dé | Subiectse i I a ’ . r A sements and Ex re \ , rule and € 4 ' | ! T t required 12 17 under! 2 oie ele 4388 ¥ L pe i e \) pel t } f ith — 150 use 160 ( rre!r nD | + I ‘ no ing Loo { cor I ir I iys and doors 168 ylations, punishmen = stairways 154 Ble, ed 1 oad rg ‘ lok cuspidors on st Pe Orn bs pes stag hat 162 KE f \ e] '* we ntands ol oot! rh che , 157 Elevators . # : 166 classified : 161 eet@qeaea®aean ealiowable number in shaftSer creet ity Le ites ttt a ee eet Th ee he Seo ee ee ee ee ee oe a 186 . CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. Brits (Continued): g MERCI aii as 550s 6a Cees 65 bak on 169 number Cy ben = ; 152 ebstruction of, prohibited 169 signs and red lights . : 159 buildings of a public character 490 motion picture theatres B08 theatres : Bs v4 obstruction of buildings of a public character 491 169 motion picture theatres 34 theatres. as Pe 62 posting, diagrams of, in hetels, lodging houses and in- stitutions . 21 motion picture theatres 34 theatres ; 627 Explosive article: (See Explosives and Hazafdous Trades Explosive compound (See Explosives and Hazardous Trades.) Explosive mixture: (See Explosives and Hazardous Trades.) Explosives and hazardous trades construction of provisions relating to 3 definitions sip ‘ ] electrical perils, safeguards against enumeration acids 43 acetylene gas 212 alcohols se ew eh jin . ' 250-253 ammunition 80-81 barbers’ supplies 43 black powder 68 blasting caps 67 blasting powder : * 68 caiclum carbld@ ..... secs ‘ 2056-207 coal tar products 110 collodion ie 43 combustible mixtures 140-142 eonfectioners’ supplies 43 istilled liquors, spirits 250-253 drug or chemical supply house. .270-279 drug stores wholesale. oat eee ‘ 270-279 retail! : 290-292 a€ynamite 62 electric blasting caps 67 electric light and power stations 438 essential olls 43 fire crackers 90-95 fireworks ‘ $0~—95 fuel of! ; ‘ 110-117 garage ; .. 150-169 eases under pressure ....., ..210~213 gas fixture factories ...... ii ‘3 gun cotton. see e6 . 61 hydro-carbons 4 dake ; 110 flluminating ails . : oo : 1Y0-117 inflammable rrirtures 180-132 inflammable motien picture film, 240-246 kerosene oes dN Dod Oe ws rer OWE ke liquors .. es : sev eee d90+2638 lubricating ojle 116 Mme@chine O86 2... ccccs sie 118 matches Edbawieed saaeiss 100-104 moetion picture Alm (inflammeble), 24024, motor-vehicle repair shop ......170-171 nickle-plating plants ...ceesses- aa 43 mitfe-glycerine ......... pista €1 Glib. SAMORL is Po ks bas cwhiveds 110~117 etygen ...... paints, oils and varnishes........200-202 l Dearele oO. Vandi dea waci «««-110-117 f photo-engravers .. orbdetsbétine 43 powder iad an Trcrreryere. es refrigerating plantd ..cccedvcccss fi6—921 rubber cement ...... eRWUSAO cd Cou 43 safety fuel ‘tnhass 67 amokeless powder .. 63 WOLUMIO BOUQON Geass ccecce . 61 230 technical establishments . .. 260-262 theatre buildings reBtricted against 6536 volatile infammable oils 114 Pederal government, exemption .. 3 fees certificates 42 BME RTIAGD: bo Sis Fuld Ce TA Oe. vcd 43 @pecial permits 44 disposition of i 6 Jurisdiction of fire commissioner ceftificate of approval ‘ 22 fitness ak registration . mang? 23 inspection of certificates or permits 27 permits ...... 24 special permits CierveaK vee’ sine 25 Chap. nv o~ ZOag o —_ ' @ bo occ @c en ee ne ee Co det het oc @ CS 10 10 Lv 10 19 10 iV 10 10 10 10 19 10 190 10 10 10 10 10 LY Sec. “~ ‘ . Federal Government Exemption (Continued) magazines for exploslveS ......+0558 manufacture of explosives......seee marking packing requirements bonds, general provisions achedule ; electrical peril safeguards fees, certificates permits fre extinguishing equipment permits: (See Specific Subject) restri tions: (See Specific Subject.) revenues, fees and fines, disposition of seizure of contraband explosives storage and sale of explosives bond eves generally ice magazines fuses and caps oowder (black, blasting, smokeless) supervision transportation of explosives: generally oe sae by vehicle by vessel port regulations reports of deliveries supervision, explosives unapproved types or brands of ex- plosives, prohibited use of explosives, blasting Exyrpress#és definition enged drivers required proprietor to give bond ~ regulation Of charges Expressmen license required ‘ fee / classification of ense, require fee warning signs Exterior stairways Ses Building ode, ) onstruction fire-proofing Extra-high potential systen (See Elec trical Code.) F signifies “Fahrenheit ; Factories and factory buildings definition of factory generally utensils for food and drink classification eanliness construction generally details (see Spe fic sudjects, Bu iding Cede.) specially fireproof shiitters and doors poller rooms ladders from fire-alarm system fire-extinguishing appliances generally buildings over #5 feet in height heating facilities lights adequacy protection of occupancy, over-crowding restrictions xplosives and hazard- ous trades: (See Specific Subject.) sanitary requirements generally apitting in, prohibited tneatrs buildings not to be occu-~ pied by owels Common use utensils for food and drink ventilation Factors of safety, determination of rairs and exhibitions, construction of buildings for Farcy animals affileted with disposition Cases to be reported by owners of animals : veterinarians to report cagea of 63 62 62 62 80 61 62 és G4 ~3 ~2 +3 - cre @& 164 164 = a> - “= nh oo co e, bs 218 636 214 143 65 60 Chap. 14 1¢ 14 id 1é id oe 19 39 20 20 13 13 z2¢@ 20 3¢CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Farmers: See. Chap. windows or doors opening upon, fire market licenses .......... 60 16 protection etter ore .ss 375 i wagons wie he ap 6 as + b1 15 ire-extinguishing appliances: peddlers’ licenses not required by 130 14 generally c cannon firing, reguiated + 11 Lensbaite 20 12 carrying or keeping pistols, permits 11 ashes 29 i3 discharging prohibited, generally 2 il chimneys and flues £9 13 in parks 17 17 explosives and hazardous trades: (See where permitted 2 l SpecifiCc Explosives or Trade) sale of toy pistols, prohibited 3 1] exterior openings, protection of....., 376 a violations 5 11 factories 20 12 Firebacks, construction $93 fire-alarm equipment 20-21 12 Fireboards, constructior 33 4 fire-extinguishing appliances mantels, attachment to 392 6 generally 20 ig Fire Commissioner bond of 279 2 apecifically: (See Fire-Extinguish- : , ing Appliances.) re aaah and combustibles 10 fire stop: (See Building Code.) fire extinction 12 hotels, Jodging houses, hospitals and fire prevention 12 ea institutions she _ ‘ i 1 12 lights ‘ ‘ 2 : ‘ + achools, Pe: Seraben 604 6 aus Aes > ‘ bik idicigatehtan equipment 3 3 smoking, clgars, etc. . a6 12 signs 7 23 etables and barns ‘ . 27 12 theatres J] * storage : : Firecrackers: (See Fireworks.) combustible fiber esas . 24 12 Fire Department (See Departments wooden pa ming be he OCC. esses -- 13 Bureaus, Boards and Commissions; Pee rr Specific Subject, Build- nz ce . yerem) to parades 38 24 violations punishment . 31 13 exemption as to pal ee Waiving of fees 31 is —s ne a Fireproof buildings ing . ; b reimbursement f s of propert u 1s defined o = ah bs vs + nate Ramee . wh . reinstatement of employees. ‘ 10 16 pth epee ge Roe « nr ee ; right of way of apparatus and men - ip Subocccas’ pambishela: n j speed regulations, exemption ‘ . me abs ce es “a POPOVEIE chicas aectpewnbbuceasent Pea, |) ’ uniformed force on hire 10 16 Praga WINGDWE . occwanveadduader _oe ee ® aaa a b Noors BANG FOGls. i«ecevendeceeaas e« 354 & saeanes. OO? interior finish vedarciancan ONS & ire doors : , er y aacanaaais. defined 870 5 jron ony djteel work ‘ ‘ : ace ; covering exterior openings 375 7 avai oa : is e y require 2U 4 a ‘ a stat ‘cist’ Be wh . 375 6 pase rl oe concrete ae sseevd ae 7 gelf-closing defined $70 5 av tures required to D@,...csevsees sas ; ‘ 97 F W & 8 ° Seaceebttede ° . ~ sabe aclé i, Sanaa “eto rer with "93 13 Fireproof floors, classifigation and de oe ee ae cia specifications of whl bee 354 6 ye aiditina basuibind bcnetnily 162 6 Fireproofing appliat'ces and materials, oP : «pic heatres 6038 5 ¢égt: BRE BHDIGVS] .nvac ca c¥bna esas » -- 876 > motion-picture thea yr ; Fireproof shutters and doors: wiacaseeine Si ee GE beaatdeuy hoses ate ; BANG go A es is i ack SO ae 16 censtruction. seeeeales due be ceuee ; ecundinien and firernen to report 162 & use, night ClOSIDE ..ccccsscsecececes S875 ® . - Py " * yao a! 77 ee i J Vata baies . oe O : . > Seah UTE ene) + SET ySy TT Tk ee) +5. te DS Pere eo et!Tito tet he cob Re ee ol hd fee Ore sss ae eeil Ae ok ee es > F Ss { c D iLe! 4 ; rade See Fis a| ictures } I t prope y WHile Ta 3 | S ids Zi Fr itt ES ateria id f ction (see | } k xtures e| a (See a ( le.) Fiag ald manic de Flasher (Ss } 1 ‘ rliax (Se Co uy ! j i SAAVIE co J f t o si [. c trical Code riexible D y (Se¢ T » | ls - aling s onst] ’ ind i enance ; ‘ I I area daefined ¥ ye E 3 Ll n 444 42 ioo! oads Ee era } business bulldines : Floor openings (see fF'loors Floors cellar 44 construction safeguards 9 ducts ir fireproofing 402 lights in 44 fireproof 4 protection of oper ings Ir 19 gate loads business buildings generally smoke Pipes through 403 Florists, water rents Fiower- pots prohibited on eders Flue-flresa, punishment for permitt! CODE OF ORDINANCE S OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. i | ra { I ce rT | o & E 3 { ati Aa J saie Dro- 1 i no as f ; lT LIin-@= t 3 e re c ec aA Dn ; 6 84 4 o * ; } ' la 1 e i : ‘ ‘ ) } res r ac 3a é iy as j I De d os era ' ea ay windows neral! ‘70 77; e are Laing fiy { { ~f ion 90 neigel } re Silit¢ nei nt ~ 390 o9U ie Ww “oOCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 189 Frame ves ra g ont Se Chap . Sec hap, const? y i " ued ma facture mo Pp : o4 : Eenerall 333 20 repair nF re © ve protection 333 30 Bubul onst! ons 9] r Lp escal of injuriou 333 20 ' I , 478 Polso i report of case . 92 20 t : aine ror Gas applia installation Framing lecting, il | elect ghting 687 2 ‘ : genera 600-603 & Freez g precautions araAlr ' li Gases und pl ure WOrk ! 5 a f F i B lz mid p I Oo DI Ss stor r 917 f id 4 ‘ 6 oO eel|l 210 19 tio i 4 fee ie 43 10 Fruit s} requl t and restrictions « 412 10 mis + ‘ wR 1 Blauga senera 210 10 PenGel rnl Eg ral Fue pe! t to compress, store or sell. 210 10 define : Tet 43 10 ie r equieements and restrictions ..... 211 10 pe! ; 43 + Ligquiff d hlorine ’ ae : 214 10 trans} 3 p Pintsch g general) 210 10 e il t rd Fulton s { r ric rt aes &eains ) 4 appro aL} n equired . 213 146 ~ OX een DIOW pip 9] Funerals + , 213 19 infectiou les ; portable & c 213 10 Ky ia e a7 + « | - e ’ ~ wisiti a , es Bod wa And a onated eve " 215 16 puodii ? Gas fixtur: f i p nt. to anu- naces ¢ ; rur — facture 43 16 rm | e x 7 classif a Gasoline (See i at Infla able Insta atio ; 5 os ; Oils.) required : E . oe ant Gilat aad ie Fy , . . ae oe iS plants 7 4 constru ) 333 29 urnisned 5 i } - . ly prodquce! Furring, 1 va d classified 291 5 Fuses electri : ie) ; ' j ’ ‘ ‘ : i sta llat | or os era ot ) Pp : : Cat j Sania ann Fuses and | required 290 5 manufacture } 6 1¢ Gates storage, trans] Ba areawa on ; aoe 23 general 87 cellar s 5 164 22 P grade « ssing ae ‘ ‘ 32 19 \4 (,eece - 1 js e+ j keeping yarding 9 Gambling, in pa eeeeseees : L 20 Ganeevoort Marke k 1B, Seing . weeeee Lg 0 Garage food . 178 yAL a =e : ender nascul € n ides others 2 & defined ' build aa (;enerators elect! 1 3 201 > oe a (3¢ na eas). rel rt f case * £6 20 Dp Ss = classificatio U1 ,ers, buildings permit required far on or ste mf 2023 E on wood 280 5 ant constr : A ; affiicted w dispos f 3 20 € : b a ca to he reported | TT are yf 7 p é rot P f als 3 20 D exits Pl 4 = ses to be tested Tr ii 20 a T € 1 t e Lic ' a ; iA 3 ca 1 | ci I j BF 20 per" 7 ( _ ta - al & = to I po 2 20 a ha le re 1! ‘ J 3 i a glassware bent lg I E rs 44 9 I t née pe cast adovur Up eacnes od and lec a 2 “9 pul PaArAae A 1 parnk ° A zi A , PE - Tf * al aqennec g . 22 tae ; ‘ - - a a departure and a s ] a2KINE I lo ee oe4 20 ¥ 4 & ~ ' ac or & 1} 4 wet chauffeur ’ K | 5 a : - 20 yas at age ararsé ‘ dealing econd-hand ar s of 40 14 _ permit . 5 LT os si ( morrhea case to be repo i ss 29 pe JUITEe* oa . - i at ! od ey ; { pict re theatres . Rn? c ‘ ara eel thea a” > ( ail e| a1 rs ified 70 a storage ; nstru rt - 74 ~* Garbags wabiiigsas z wel . 1.6 j Grand A p end { ] a Bron: ® at . = i caiha . traff regulatio »- Te 2— iu on eet nal 40) Gy d re bridge ( I 0} 1) loca tio . i casting int t : ‘ , { 3 teé Bulle > Materlal ) CC ‘ Ory ) } ; 6 x (sra te (Combu ble Fiber ® y ‘ r 7 G g pak 231 & i rT + ? , Cr ! ct ructio 475 6 requl ‘ 4 =. ‘ ‘ I t i nu dag (B Ok mn) gepos ‘ 4 publi watel to b | ; Q ; eam foundation construction 233 5 a € i ' n ‘ Gri 2 foundations 233 & requir 2 aa 49 ectio (See Electrical iy eT T ( ogde ’ transpo ( tes ia E i . ; e { ‘ cet ) { req\ red 207a s 35 5 ; se ‘4 ( ; gs See Electrical Code.) j ce 1 + > est 15 Ground gns (See Sign and Show- aE bil) - 8 Garden produce a ge = Es ‘ 9 Ground wire electrical; (See Elec ~ facilitie for raisers o trical Code.) : % c testing A ee . 4207 % 688 ? Caan ete Gi d strip inside electrical work... 4266 ® ; s llatio of appliances for use Guncottol LI Teas f apy n ee ; aad . : i electri lighting devices 68 9 storage. sale ise or possession piping : 600 permit required it 61 19% eit ate. CALVOR : iulis oa oo ew eee Oe 601 & tree (See Explosives) . ‘ dba 43 19 tests of piping 603 f restrictions . : tiated ee ee 16SHIA eVohosusetese lot dete ht ole he) s Poot eed ee eT | TE Be Ge oe et ee a Secret ey Tete erewoe: rd 190 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Gut cleaning, prohibited ...csecccsses Gutters (roof), construction ...scccave Gutters (etréet): construction . aw removal of dirt from » wh Gyrnanasium, responsibility. for _ publis health and safety in. ee eevee sie ‘ eeeeveost Habit-forming drugs Giatribution. Or B8Al@ crevtcecsessecs label statement . cack ueSeaeeay ‘ MPOHIbited ActS..-ccereereeserseresucss HypodermMic GYFINKS. csewvecesvesrcecevcs commitment OL AGG ceqgenveur PONSltlEs seceersseerwaneewsvevens Hacks, cabs, taxicabs and sight-seeing cars: Getined, respectively ercceocecsveevdse exdeption ow eebuusceeus vie te é6mmissioner of licenses controls ee driver's license; application) «ccc. eee esSEH Gees applicant's photograph Peucsceres SXEMIBRAVION cecccceseddeseucvsres fee ereebeses ee ePeeseeoOe tues esceere form €nd term ceocvesvpecosecvess record Cost eee set bee reseteessewsus FONewel] .ccccccscecegecvevceeessed revocation SCORCH USE E EVES erueeeue BUSPONSION ce svcedecvovavuceseeees Heensed driver's Badge wicvccsvecic Ricensed vehicles, inspection cececcccece licenses for vehicles: BPPlHICAtlON civeccvccvecusvouciers eee, ee TC VEVE TLL Le inapection .....- on adtonfes sane lidensé card and plate. deo ts TOPIStOT ov ewes ueveveves se svencoves FEVGEGRUION vuvewssdsteeo veer eyeves euspéeneion prec Sues eee SESE sBsenE Park FOstristiOn& wecvavevecresevecse passengers’ property found in ...cce public garages Gennes § oevsvevvwwsvves 8 record of ¢ars and chavffeure woud rates of fare: generally OV eet ESSlOe SoG scesvory ‘overchargé GePMep apenas as + ve és of prépayment cowsue oebebr soe eéttlément of @leputed Svecve ‘ taximetersa os > bast eoliciting passengers, “eruiaing stands designati6n ebébebiwwen former, abollehed wh wbbbbk bi regulation Of hacks At ....cccces taximeétéers, requiréments a8 f0...... vidlatiéné; punishment .. bbe © Hair, blowing about 6f lodse Heir brushes, -Manufacturd and sale Hale cloth, manufacture and sal: so Halt dyes, sales and distribution Hallwayée, dimensions ... ‘ Hamilton @véehué Bridge (Brooklyn)... Hand bills Gépositing Mm Léttér=boKes . 2... ccc must not bé thrown about in HarkB «iva. streets, yards or vestibules bu Oost Hahd-organa: WUGHense CEQuIPOS csvevisisssoaivsssse operation restricted. Harbor (Port of New York): fifeé, jurisdiction bic attiets obetruction&S to navigation péelluting of Youllng® Waters...... Hardpan, bearing capacity 2 Harfway avenue bridge (Brooklyn), lo- cation sub ES bb eb ah iceuteat Hawkers: (Set Peddlers, Hawkera, and Venders. ) Hay an@ 6traw: (See Conibuatiblé Fibere Hazardous trades: (S64 Explosives and Hazardous Trades, ) Head of departmeént; acting, désigna- tion Health Gepartmen Jurisdiétion;: generally (Seé Sanitary Code.) motion+picturé théatrés officers and émployées, With or obstructing Hearses, park réstriéetion ‘ Heaters in firésplaces, construction. Heating, occupied bulldings. Heating apparatue alteration in, notice to bureau of Oe oe ess on eeeeee ee eetisee interfering ee®ee teense Oe eeeeeeserear “SAA —~ ’ — ~ a, > wo we s bo woe 390 Chap. Heating appa fy aie 7 F firé-places 5 heat produc 9% hot air — hot wa metal emok ratus—Continued Séc. okspe Saue a cian. eee Ing dévices . : iia ee A ee 403 awNowes Sb 0e0¥es em Tan WULROMR os cc binens tic ee * ranwen 4nd GEOVER cincucecanatwancu BOL % registere : cpeaveaseGguenkeouien, On or ‘ ‘ & pipes 6 Pee eget e se woee sees 403 eteayl . ‘ es@G@eeneeeeeeete 464 20 underground MUGS wesennssesnececses » 396 *6 vent flues eeaerebers 401 0 Heaters, electric: fostaliation he span. eee ‘) Heat-producing rhe atus, ¢ sified... 351 } aefned . ees 7a9 3 raising or ewerian tO SPRGG...6-05. Bee Helght of val) efined eeceve 250 14 Hemp: (See ¢ ae elaaie Fibers.) 14 Hides - earing at Oe dréseing and tanning ee “see 328 4 High constant-potential systems: (See 14 Electrical Code 14 Highway, includéd within ‘“‘street’” ... 1 14 Holetways. interior ws wie 14 fireproofing ; opeesteang Ste 14 yates and guards -eseaneen | ORE 14 safeguards against accidente ....... 374 14 Hoistways, within stoop 11NesS.ceesccrce 148 14 Hollow brick, wall lining cesccccceuce On 14 Hollow building blocks i4 Classes and specifications ..rcesecesxs 23 firéprooft construction cavuuntece:s BEE i4 mason BHAIPUCTION ..scwcune ewees 204 14 pa consesecee S65 i4 Hol walls StFuctiON weresencdse 200 14 Home f niiarén 14 asés Of infectidue dlsease 14 patie q be solated eeeesece 96 i¢ ports ired eave 91 97 Ho6ok-wor diseace o@ceé46 tO Be Fe- 14 GOFtGe 2. UME ski 6ue be bE Swehac ae Hori ntea exit 14 defined be ewe ‘ cveecteueevss 166 "4 eonstruction . eveevevebnécsusesee BEE Horse racing 14 permitted 14 Harlém #péeedway «,. S¢tevcessd aR Ocean parkway couypueea 85 i4 prohibited in etreet&® géneérally ...... 34 4 Hiorsés i4 ontaeg!l : diséaked, kééeping or im- porting soevens 4 14 fiead in eet, idéntification tag : 9 14 flesh « se as food ; a 827 14 oostructi of sidéwalk by ‘ 312 14 BKinning eg ated . 823, 334 14 elaugehtér for £664, prohibited » 827 4 roug] for a4 4 watering . a4 } varding ne il ‘- Hofse roughs, charges for water sup- 5 a) ae” ‘ 31 / Hate Oonnections, *o Bulldinga@.:.,...... 170 Hospitals 2 alarm ¢onnéectiognA With fire départ- a PIOOe i pt ehbhb bab bibvaae ooo 26 CI@BOINCHLION 6s cevccdscaccndcbe.. r 70 é i yNerr iction i « nerall ob dh ss chew ae étaile (Sée Spécifie Subjecte, e Building CéAéé ) 1 diagram of exits, halls stairwaya s and firé-é@acapes . So ue 21 : diacharge of dreworks Kear en 4s : establishment and niaintenanéde of. : private 226 exits ee 6 163 ‘ fire-extinguishing appliancés . — 20 infectious diséarés: casés to bé reported é% ; aes patients to be isolated interior firé a@larmne lights, safeg patients MOPGING vccces bescctescntbnsen Sf . disposition of bodies of déad...., 2 emergency COasées® ...... Coeevesceay 1 incurable stitbetuaewe 2 insané a beh cntha . 3 . non«fésident sia bet ON Fi ae 4 ‘ protection from nolsesg . bb ee a \ 181 Ms puérperal septictmia, réeporta of cages $1 2 suppurative conjunctivitia, reports of 17 cases GGbvrcceuced 91 a veneréal diseases ts be reported. rg a6 Watchnién ahd théir supervision... shu 21 si eenital Streets, regulation of trasfie and noises diet ig Wiscmidietee 6 kee Welw ck 131 5 Hot air heating, réquiremenits. «« . 400-403 ? agrtFranAnaaanta rt ane 26 &> Om pt aw A He & ann oe 26 26 20 17 17 24 36 26 26 20 20 26 35 20 13 10 26 13CODE OF ORDIN ANCE OF THE CITY-OF NEW YORK. Hotels: Seo classification ... eae 70 eonstruction: @enerally 71-73 specific subjects: (See, also, Bulld- ing Code e exita . : 7 i tats icueu, cane exits t6 roof . ; an , ae fire-escapes ; ‘cehe we we future, to be fireproof : 72 etalrways ices auebabeviviwaccn. nan fire prevention alarn Onneéection With firé départ- ment ; 54 diagram of exits, halls, stairways and fire-éscapes fire-éxtinguishing equipment intérior firé alarm syatem lights to be safeguarded restrictions explosives and hazardous tradea (Bee Specific Explosive or Trade.) theatre bulldings not to be used we Ww & ww oro as B34 runnere for, réfulation 166 false impersonation 143 epitting on floors $13 towele, usé Of common 214 watchmen and théir supervision ‘1 Mbt water, escape into séwers prohibit- ea ta Fiot water heating plants, inetallation 404 House boats, mooring afd use.. «REO HWousre drains, maintenance . 77 Héuse moving through streétea 144 within fire limite 94 House numbering contrélliéd by Borough presidente 74 general provisions 110 required of OWner, agent Sr lasses 114 MiucKetére: (Sée Péddiers, Hawkers and Venders. ) Hunters Point avénué brid*«e (Broéok- lyn), location 1 Fiydreants (water supply) interférence with or obetruction of.. 4 use, generally ' fk privete trafic In water ‘i Figdro-carbon: (See Coal Tar Proa- ucta.) | T6#, manufacture and sale applicati6n for license an comm |léséioneér, dut of Ff Asmeatia usé defined AO for démeéatic use Inspéction required f licen&é fee A metal plates 6n vehicles penalty prohibited sources of ip] 4 atandard fixed 69 wéeighéd whén 6sold is Icé, salé Fegulatéea 33 Ice e¢réam, manufacture oF impér tation ‘ 170 I¢s cream, 4al6 of 177 Icé wag6hs, 6ealé# must not project 35 Illuminated signs, conetryctian and raainténance ‘ 215 Tiluminating Olle: (Sea Mineral Oils.) Imposed l6adé6, columns ana compres- tloén Membérs 53 Iné@ndescent: lamp (See BHleetrical Codé.) Ineymbrencea &fd Obstructions ih streets barber poles . 165 building materia! 142 earth, roéks, rubbish » £43 houses’ bélnge moved 144 mérchandles ..... : 152 show cares , , 247 standé within stoop lines .. » £eh storm 4Goorse . ‘ . 160 véehléleé ‘ 153 én waterfront property ; §2, 63 Fémoval from streets 161, 152 from waterfront property . K4 éteragé and. tale, street . 152 waterfront .6issiuas 64, 55 Tnélosuré wallé, eonsetruction a- BET Indecent acts, in parks... . bs Veal 17 Induction cells: (See Electrical Code.) Infantilé paralysis, report of cases.... $6 Infectious diseases: defined ....:% bwtbeabccctsutetasccendis 1 86 cases to be reported ..nccccrevcvsens 86 deaths, reports Of s.sessenes ohataein a 90 GigiSIOCUIAR cs os triicecwe cece wawntanqea, .. 30% Chap. 20 #3 23 9% 12 25 “Ee 26 Z4 as ow a w by no oF BO ee #2 & bo BS wena w & re io yj 1 @ w @ mn o 20 20 20 20 Infectiou liseases (Continued): pec. exposur general publio 4 100 6Bchool children . bicwuln nee ewes ei 94 hospitals and institutions, reports of cases ‘ RUC COMER OCD he KEEN Oe 86 negligent handling of e 160 patients isolation iecainic us wee naw &> removal owen Trerrre se oe working pik bacauas beet ree ; 99 physicians to report cages ........ . a6 puerperal sépticmmla ........... a 91 school children, generally ..... savaa 94 schools, exclusion of pupils having... 4 suppurative conjunctivitis .......... 61 tenémeéent-housé Workers having...... 98 veneréal diseases are ....,.. iia’ $8 Infiammablé mixturés, substancea 6r ‘-oOmpounds EE ee is ee ke ers nuéie 1 manufacture Perit, FOGUIOG wiavccnedodcacsace Lae fee : tae ee iu bbe 48 réquirements petbis. BOE réétrictions ith aueees 131 etorage, transportation and sale: pérmit, required .. nWkukontue Bee feé ., ‘ : iu Win 43 réguirements ‘ a Ben Inflammable motion pieture Alni Gefinéd s Jn’ i keeping or atoring (dealers): permit, required . she. oeu «40 fee ‘ ; : T ‘ 4% requirementa fire prévention » 244 storage rdonis »' 242 kéeping @nd etoring (theatres) repairing, plecing: GOmIGre wil iver core iPaveccavesed BQ in theatres . ri se cme 365 transportation . owewa e » 246 use, approved bdodth required s 246 Injuncti6én, restraining order: Building Codé vidlations » * 682 unli¢énsed theatrés ahevae’ 7 5 Inoculation With living bacterial érgan- isms; pérmits for ei . viubuedew 126 régiatration of data concerning oc 220 Inquéséte coronérs’ reporta of: préliminary had ty) réturn, with transcript 6f evidence, $2 Insane, teniporary care iv etave 4 Inside work, éléctrical: (See Electrical Cédé. ) Inéulating joints: (See Eléctri¢al Céde.) Insulating platforms: (See Electrical Co6dé. ) Insulation, fixture candéples Insulation réslétafice: (S66 Blectrical Code.) Insulator Code. ) Insurance patrol: right of Way Of VONIGIOS ... cc veved 15 peed of véhielés ........ spbvecanced 17 thetitutions: infectious diseasé in: patiénté t6 be isdlated seueweeu of Tépert GE CARON as ciawces va aWerven aé Intérést on city dept: (See City Debt.) Interior condulite: (8éé Bleactri¢al Code.) Interiét holstways: (See Heistways, apacing: (See Blectricel Intéridsr, ) Interior stalf@ays, conétPuétion....... 168 Interstate commerce, mynicipal expld- sives regulations @6 hot apply té., 8 TAtoxi¢ating Hquore: placésé sélliing, May not séll @mMimunale HOW cvuvedeesteiveceer $60 sens $i salé prohibited in laces of amuses MORE picckarvadvieeanre peaatiwia 4 ll Iron and stéé! cénstruction spéecifiica- CIOS cet dae nueaeneane eevee sasus se QOOe8L3 Ttinerant muéicians? Heerihés, POGuUITEd wisvcccaccuttiasss 1 TOb cc HOOT RE cehbdewdideien. essusse IT] Jaits: J classification esssisses dose ueesesneasn 70 construction: menerally ....evs : scpuctaet® details: (Bee Subjecta, Bullding Code.) Jamai¢éa Bay Yacht Club, vee of fires arms on greundS of ...csscecees ‘é 2 Jefferson market, location of.......... 35 Joint stock association, included in SWOPE pace keen Re Vaan eae ¥ elms i 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 19 18 16 16 38 34 26 30 18 a4 Me 20 20 18 16 im ” ea a € ~ es = ¥ © Ee i+ 7 24 Le, 7) - year Pr rat SEE ET TTT" 3 le RTT S TLS St Strela 4 Fe eee eee t." eee ae the Spe ee ee Ss ee ee Te TS |St etree Ea OVEN AT STs Beeuned PET cFee Le ria Ser ee ey ae : OT ke ee oe Tt ecet green ersase: a Jenulngs Street Bronx, estricted Sec against peddlers Joint stock assoclation included in ‘persons’ Joints electrical onstrt tio Sa Electrical Code.) Judgment liens (on real estata in cluded in real proper Junction and flush sw h-boxes (See Electrical Code.) Junk-boat: (See Junk Dealers 7 Junk-cart (See ink Dealer J unk-dealers defined Icense, required fee and bond noises by) production of advertised props record of purchases restrictions on business stock ay be insp Junk-man (See Junk Dealers. ) Junk-shop (See Tunk Deals ) Jurors, fees Jute (See Combustible Fibers i Kerosene (See Petroleum) lefined Kilns. constructio ) Kite-fiving prohibited Knife switches, constructio Knob and ibe work, ele ca Kn oor & ei | a] Kreischville Rifle Club, use of firearms Kumvss adu erati« ingredients guetity: vs. Laboratories bee classifi tion cons tion reneral] aetails (See Specific - Bi ding Code.) Lacquers, (See Pal Olls and nishes. ) Lan slaughter er are La Dp ack manufactur! Z re tlons LA p-posts ornamental] i ! Landma Ss, pr : Land 1 © wate de : fron proper Lan i lude ; ; Laundi harge for 9 sanitation of Lea r roof onst! Lead S re 1 Leathe CS5iNgE ini E le ‘ e classificat CoO! tru t ) raners letal Jee Specif 5D S ode.) Legislative bi prepara I { t Lemon eek ) ige (] | j a n Lé Ve J ark rep [ I ase f : y , & (Code I ( } Cs attacl \ DI ate a a d genera!) z detail 5 PF - oY a Building Code i ense (if a oantre efined apy Lele ; ain cy F : a ' ¢ 9 period ‘ ) SUSpeNsSsio nodifica tion License board : Banization and Jurisd , Licensed: trades, occupation ea and things (Sec \ ~ — 4 Exhibitions: Licenses } : Licensed vehicle as 1] nses' ) Licenses: amusements and exhibitio.. common shows 61 motion pictures a4 theatres, etc Chap 4 | l 1 } r > ‘ 4 7? 4 A } t . . ) 5 } 9 9 ee & & NEW YORK. Nseea % 1f esS- ts pt et bt pd pt pp pt Ss ps be ~~ - w -] 1 oa -» oO an we oT Dm Hn | nw hw OFT A ©o SO wm aA > olCODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CiVrcy OF -NEW YORK. 193 Lodge rooms—Continued: Sec. Bullding Code.) OEE Veco) Cl sWaca ts iotne ween es 5 Lodging houses: a defined Wie al vieht Wek Sd acy ‘ 1 classified ....... Gws inne deadact eats a) We construction: Reneraie ow. 6s i Miewecus cee pene fire prevention precautions: alarm connection with fire depart- ment 4 : ——s ches Wee ee vs 290 diagram of exits, halls, stairways and fire-escapes .......... ee 21 fire extinguishing equipment....... 20 interior fire alarm system ae 21 lights to be safeguarded . tal 23 watchmen and their supervision... 21 Sanitary requirements: conducting, permit required eo he 334 occupancy, overcrowding ater 56 sailor-lodgers, reports as to -.. $69 spitting on fioors * theatre buildings not to be used as. 636 Long Island Riding Club, use of fire- arms on grounds of. : 4 Lost or asatolen property duties re- specting dealers in second-hand articles 45 junk dealers . ; er. Let: defined .... 212 bulldings on one, how considered , 186 frame bullding reatriction, En regulation of a size not to be reduced 136 Low-potential circuits, grounding 3 Low-potential system electrical! (See Electrical Code.) Lubricating oils. (See Olle and Fats) defined ... i Lugs for terminal connections (See Electrical Code.) Lumber sheds, construction va 499 M Machine olls, fees for permits relating go ae 43 Machinery compartment of elevator shafts, fireproofing oe ee Machine shops: (See Factories.) Macomb’s dam bridge (Manhattan), lo- GGUIO uw ace en 1 Magazine-keepers, duties ; ‘ 63 fee for certificate of fitness ewes 42 Magazines for explosives bond for permi¢c i 4) classification ..... bone 68 fee for permit .. 43 requirements and restrictions con- COrning 2 ss0 wat 63 Malarial fever, report of cases 86 Manhattan avenue (Brooklyn), re- stricted against peddlers 1% Manhattan bridge, location , Manhattan bridge marke location 26 Manhattan field, use of firearms on 2 Manicuring parlors . aah Mansard roofs, construction . 427 Mantels (wooden), attaching to chim- TLOYR.- «samme . 382 Manufactories: (See Factories.) Manure: accumulations of 242 manufacturing of artificial, prohib- ited Pawns 824 transportation through streets 240 Marble: (See Building Materials.) Mark, signature to application for building permit by ...sesssseseee 2 Market boats: dock facilities . is hea Gae wae 14 wharfage rates . : pec abeeae $1 Markets: collector of city revenues and super- intendent of, controls ....+«.«+:. : 1 comptroller has general jurisdiction Mba kuneecctecngane sacs Veuue 1 @enstruction: classification . : a teed 7® generally ... Ti-78 details: (Bee Specific Subjects, Building Code.) atte sakes 0a Oenane wae ‘oe | kee farmers’ and gardeners’ privileges generally .. ia ae , 50 licenses .... ; ae bis a‘ sae 50 Walishbout MiArKel oo dccewaccoues ° 30 WEROND ccsccecc¥enivannesensedanse 51 highways through market lands.... 4 hours of business In ...ceeceessens e % location of markets: Catherine ...... With adieeaeeenwanwhe aa Chap, te ao a i > a ee tw ae bv ii 14 10 19 16 1 18 15 15 15 15 16 uA Markets (Continued) Columbia street Delancey street . . Elgehth w ard, Brooklyn Essex Gansevoort Pik Jamaica Jefferson Lenox avenue Aton roe strat kil cook cae Ninth avenue Park avenue Peck slip Third avenue 59th street bridge Union Square Wallabout Washington West Washington market meat inspection soe ee ae obstructions in and about .. stalle and stands in disputes concerning transfers of Btreet markots tollet facilities Wallabout ~.arket farmers’ square leases in Marquises, restrictions on erection Marriages celebran‘s must keep register of , is register with health department false certificate, statement or report filing transcripts of register of reports of draining wagons on vessels, Marshland, Masonry construction generally es Minh bo choke use eee foundation walls frame building walls loads weights on en WOrking’ StFOSBOS 2c vcccsccescncsacsres Matches “approved”... ‘6 secen aed defined — ° . . peoscnese fees for permits . manufacture: requirements . . sas ae ae . restrictions b wea : : {eld wcaci white phosphorus marking packing re tiarenet prohibited varieties . pane ee ae serial number .. ere storage and sale, restrictions general . pagal ° white phosphorus .. écupee use, Giscarding lighted ...cssece . Material: builldtag: (See Building Code.) building, in atreet . ida iced sale of city’S WEBLO caccccncnccens . Matzoon: adulteration «cece. sacnaededd ingredientS ....eecese jcaeenemaeaet quality = ee ra scsebantae Mayor Mae Of aks . may offer rewards for apprehension of criminals cca wa ; Mayor's bureau of weights and meas- ures: (See Weights and Measures.) Meadow lands, foundations for building On 2. ; ee wees was ich ewes eacie Means of egress generally: fire escapes Por ree ; wa manhole ladders from boller rooms roof ladders and scuttles,.......+ stairways wan cte's 40s a wabee ee ee ee ° bulldings of a public character .... business and office buildings ..... e factories, hotels and institutions...,. motion-picture theatres ....-s.5506 os THOBTFOR cccctcnnescevuacrs a obstruczion of: WOTMOTALLY - wc ccededewensecvia tives Means of egress; obstruction of: motion-picture theatres .....4... se theatres Measles, report of C@N@B .....c-cenees Measures: (See Weights and Measures.) Meat defined ; ‘ated « uke alae ou chained animals dying of disease or by accl- Ment 62 ow cccaee ee ewe end ak awe ° cooling and dressing ...-«y-««esseane condemnation and destruction ....-. e7) e Qo 2 & es te WwW wo 6 w bho > eH a5 te 106 100 102 102 102 102 101 103 143 11 152 156 158 527 163 162 187 Chap. 16 10 10 10 10 16 13 RPeaeaanrana ce 26 os es * Reieiact 7 ac eee EE a tt: a seh crass eet THM eo ieee ere ee er ee LED ee Pe CPT as ithe ett Seat Le he ke ONO 2+ 74T a heb eked +z eteses eters er cls ee ee eee seen gege ese 8a er ewes e gcerety t t Va m 4" ow EF N LW “ORK. 04 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW ¥ 3 Sec. Chap matHhOrRy (WOLOE® a eee Meat—Continued : artificial, manufacture and sale...... 166 ae inspection natural, distribution 165 30 goneral 136 20 Monroe street market; location.....,. aor ue home killed fa a7 Montrose avenue (Brooklyn), restrict- manufacture ae . 380 20 ed against peddlers ; 18 34 effensive, not to be cast into streets d Morningside avenue, vehicular restric- or public waters 3 20 tion en ee CaP PRA eee ee : $7 17 salé, false name or quality 146 20 Morphine smoked, preparation of 330 20 label statement ......0006% - 116 20 Medical examiners; duties Of......«55, ao 20 gale or distribution. ....... ivekin cane Gee 29 Neeker avenue bridge (Newtown Mortal! creek), location . classified oan 37 5 Meeting rooms, exits 142 a mixing in atreets, reatrict@d.......5. 143 38 Meetings, park restrictions li 17 apecifications of classes a7 é Meningitis, report of spinal or tuber- ise .« 268 s cular cases a6 20 Mortgage included in “real property’ 1 i Merchandise Mortgages: (See Bonds and Mortgages.) ébstructing streets or sidewalks Moss: (See Combustible Fibers.) } restricted 188 as Motion pictures removal and disposition 152 23 GeAnea: . wei ccund teeter eacvent ee wees 30 1 ebstructing waterfront property theatres reatricted ou 52 8 defined ‘ 36 a removal and disposition : 54. 55 A eontrolled by commissioner of licen- etreet displays, restricted 188 09028 nes 31 8 atreet sales constructior 4 auctions a0 23 . application to existing theatres BOS * peddlers or 1% ‘ booth for projecting machine BO4 i salt meat, fish, etc. 3] $ cellings 562 5 Mércury, reports of polsonings by 92 29 electric wiring and appliances 438 » sale restricted 125 2¢ floor loads 662 4 Merry+go-rounds (See Amusement galleries 592 6 Devices.) ereadiontS 3 ..csavastcevususes dbus 863 a Métal fronts for buildings. construction $3123 5 means Of egress Metal mouldings: (See Blectrical Code. ) aisles 543 a Metal rails and rods, street transporta- 7 chair space 503 . tien i 145 43 evita BOS 5 Methyl alcohol exit-passageways to street. BOR & containers to be marked 124 26 Hra-escapes 503 5 aale restrictions 124 9 adder from boiler room 162 B use regulated 124 36 open-air theatres BOS ‘ reports of poisonings by $2 3¢ plans B96 : Wetropolitan avenue bridgs (Brooklyn) ectrictions 561 location $ atairways 542 5 Midwifery, practice regulated 196 26 walls 563 ‘ Midwives electr riring and appliances 438 s false certificate, statement of report existing application of article te BOS iw of 36 26 Alms. care af a5 I register of 31 20 fire extinguishing equipment a6 3 reports of 3} 26 heating : er 37 8 transcripts of registers of 38 20 licenses Military drills in parks 19 17 memtiontian® ....«s«» «tes cll i 33 s Milk and cream feen 3% . adulterated 161-153 20 Hehtine : a8 5 bottles and other containers, care of 58 26 obstruction of aisles and passage- buttermilk 158 26 ways 508 . classification 155 20 Z plans 500 £ condemnation and destruction of 137 26 projecting machine and film beoth. 6504 . 158 20 restrictions 661 5 condensed 4, 155 20 eenitation cose 40 1 condensed, defined 1 20 ventilation ok ap 39 4 conformity to grade standards 157 20 epen-air theatres containers, care of 158 20 defined 26 2 Gofimed ...--eersereees 1 <0 construction B08 t delivery 155 Ze licensing : 32 8 evaporated, defined ] 0 regulating 34-44 2 false name or quality 140 ) operators of machines for projecting. 43 3 grades : ; 156 °0 projecting machine and booth 504 4 immitation milk, sale prohibited 179 0 public morals 41 3 fefants and invalids, “Grade A’”’ 155 20 private and non-professional ex- fmspection of 136 2 hibitions 42 8 misbranded, defined and sale pro- violations of provisions relating te. 44 ‘ hibited 148 6 Motion picture film (inflammable) moc fied « 152 26 defined : } i8 : =a “9 examination and repair pasteurized 156 20 generally 248 18 permit to sell or deliver 105 20 in theatres aK i possession of adulterated presump- ; restrictions 241 16 tien .> ye 2 storage ; o preparation, service and sale 1498 20 aes aay apa res 340 19 products of, defined 1 "0 aoe ae 5 43 18 products ef, materials., 152 20 aks Construction a 248 38 , ‘ = Motion picture machines, booth for 504 £ ' proprietary, formulas 139 20 Motion picture operators, licnmsiE protection against Gust or other stare eee te ae i hie 5 ee . contamination 142 20 Metion picture theatres: (Se® Motien “ rec . ' os Pictures. ) * réceptacies, care of ‘ 9 20 Vv heats m= | receptacles, unclean, prohibited ian . yeeyraer muMers required 361 2@ reconstituted 174 op mace rl Aa repair shop and storage Places: os 4 sale, permit ‘ 155 20 restrictions 191 16 ; seizure and destruction of unfit. 137 20 fire prevention : 19; 18 ekimmed 165 20 Motors, electric: (See Electrical Code.) akfimmed ia 20 Motor vehicle sour .. . . : 16% 20 defined (explosives regulations) j 1 16 unwholesome, traffic in, prohibited 163 AI) instruction in operating in parks, Milk depots, charges for water sup- SOPOT E COME isk 61aih 16 0 eck asec ORG ; at 17 Diy ...-- et peer ensenenes 21 25 lights on j 12 24 Mill: (See Factory.) | mufflers isiscels wa /elaraiase : caawase aa 24 . Millrose Athletic Association, use’ of municipal, marking ie ols 38 24 teenies (ete eacedhaien reas hy , A A park obstruction by. a's wise ee B1 wr { ! See f } SIGHEI tO OOD: vince i ncaeeieaeeeen 1 6MCODE OF ORDINANCES OF ''HB CiTY OF NEW YORK. i a Sec Motor vehicle (Continued) smoke emission in parks ; 36 generally ‘ 211 eupplying oll to 167 warning or signalling device re- quired (See amendmenta)........ 132a Motor vehicie repair ahos fAefined 1 permit required 179 fee ° 43 restrictions L71 Mouldings, electrical work: (See Elec- trical Code.) Multiple series systems: (See Electrical Code. ) Mumps, reports of cases st 86 Municipal civil service hours of service i 5 i reinstatement of former policemen or firemen 16 residence n atate ‘ ‘ 1 vacations per diem employees ca 2 ealaried employees , 3 Municipal explosives regulations city officers bound by ‘ 4 conetruction ? Federal government exempt a fr ided n Museums assification ; awate bra ‘ 78 construction generally 71-73 details (See Specific Subjects, Building Code.) Musical instruments organ grinding in streets 174 playing in parks, restricted 16 playing in streets ‘ 17 Music halls construction (See Theatres.) fire prevention alarm connection _ with fire depart ment 20 diagram of exita, walis, stairwavs and fire-escapes 527 exit facilities 166-182 4? female waiters 11 fire extinguishing equipment 24 lights to be safeguarded 23 supervision by firemen TT & N Naseau street Manhattan restricted against peddlers ; 13 National Guard artillery firing, permit required 4 drills and manoeuvers in parks 19 processions and parades 38 Navigation abandoned vessels obstructing 129 berthing vessels so as to obstruct 121 dumping refuse 122 snow and ice 122 obstructions to 126 removal of refuse from vesse's 123 olationa of provisions relat'ng to 124 Kewsbove are not peddlers 180 Newspapers eelliing on street 129 News-stands ...... 66 Ne York Botanical Gardan park regulations appl) 71 permits for privileges 71 New York and Brooklyn bridge, the Brooklyn bridge ] Nickel-plating establishments, fee for storage of explosive substances 42 Ninth avenue market, location ; RE Ninth streét bridge (Brooklyn), Joca tion ; a : ] Nitro-cellulose products defined : ies or ; 1 gun cotton manufacture. 230 storage; sale, transportation and use 231 manufacturing, storing and selling permit, required 235 fee cn t% is 48 fire prevention . a 244 storage and supervision da ua 2a use of water-jet , £ar process sales and shipping rooms , 286 restriction, storage : j 232 scraps, disposition of ie ks Vee 233 WNolse: animal or bird causing .. i wccccescre 215 motorboats, mufflers ......, ‘eave ani OD Chap ~~ woe Co So 23 i) 19 16 17 14 ~ + 2 Bee FF | & = 4 17 17 Lf 10 16 16 10 a Sec Nolses in streets gceneraliy a ‘ ine I 1 hand organs 7 ; 7 hospital streeta 131 itinerant musicians «ho junkmeén 134 motor vehicina, warning devices rét quired oa ead halal’ a bd 32a peddlers, hawkers and vendera..®.. 133 prohibited an Se ‘ine ' tives” O88 rattling meta! ; 1356 achool «treets cea LB showmen cave LEE Non-bearing walls, construction .,...4 2687 Non-fireproof bulldingsa defined ciate a2 alterationa 7 new conatruction 78 partitions, shafts and walis of 473 protection of operings in vkea SBTE Non-residents hospital treatment ; 4 of atate, not to be employed in city’s service 1 Notices: (See Specific Subiecta.) Notices or orders affecting bulléings Building Code agents may be designated te re- celve 468 {saue and service 865 occupanta’ duty reepecting aBR violations : 464 Nuisances abatement of, required 185 building, de‘tined 1482 ciaterns 985 Ceaspools, privies, sinks and vaulte 285 prevention of 198 Number, singular includes plural, aad plural singular 3 0 Oakland Golf Club, use of firearm of grounds : Oakum: (See Combusthhle Fibers.) Oath, includes affirmation 2 Observation towers construction of 479 Obstructions and incumbrances in streets enumeration of allowable 141-166 permite rosa 140 removal and disposition of un@u- trorized 153i, 153 on water front property reatricted and prohibited 53, 53 removal and disposition of 54, 56 Ocean avenue bridge (Brooklyn ioca- tien : 1 Ocean bathing establishments, lifelines. 841 Ocean parkway, traffic regulations a7 Occupancy of bulldings determines classification 1® classification of buildings according te 78 Occupational diseases defined $2 prevention and responsibility for 387 reports concerning $2 Occupations, trades and businesses explosives and hazardous trades (See Specified subjects.) hazardous or detrimental to life or health i ; se 321 offensive or nelsome permite for allowable ...cceseenes 323 prohibited classes Manhattan .... ; 333 other boroughs 324 using offensive animal or vegetable matter : y vans Occupled, defined ‘ ’ pte 2 Wie the 2 Odors carrying matter in streets producing 288, 249 nolsome or offensive, as nulsance.,.. 212 production ef, or opening up accumu- iatione of noxious substances. a 232 Offa! accumulations of \ Giracenes cies Gia polling, prohibited aides iv iim. 0h eee Sdcke. Gbatruction. Of «.:0.scxcee ss ss.) £08 transportation of ... 289-248 vehicles carrying, caré of .......65 . 344 \ffensive liquids or substances: accumulations .. ; > ae 42 maintenance upon premises ........+. 231 park restriction againat ..... o hic estes ie PATIO bras oe ees eka es Oba .. 2438-245 sidewalks to be protected against.... 14 atreets to be Kept free of $38, 254 trausportation through streets £38, 240 CakO6 28 14 3% 23 Re 22 16 28 11 ~~ a8 28 Ze 20 20 36 20 a6 20 20 26 28 26 26 28 195 en” et es oe aS tsa €2 Fy Cetabaves oF te) eth ‘—2 a 9 oes Pert Hi ee ee ee eeTetoriret tt) TL ET aee. Pes pegs ype EO Pele ree ote oer eer ee est ere eee tt tk Tt Segerrrye 4s 196 Offensive or noisomé trades, occupations Sec. or businesses: dangerous to health, prohibited ..... 324 permits to engage In ......ee+ees oa, ees requirements and restrictions: wenerally, Manhattan .....-.600e0- 323 eggs, traftic in broken out......... 331 Tat: . PONAGTINEG.... sia i'g ec ives os aw ees 329 gas, manufacturing ..:.....0sees«: 383 meat, manufacturing .......6.... 146-149 ore, refinittx .... ere Sor ee ‘ 332 slaughtering animals ........+.. 325-327 spirits, distilling ... eee ee 332 tanning and leather dressing....... 328 varnishes and olls, manufacturing. 332 Office buildings: CLEBSINGRLION .A np ccsccneunbesierersats 70 conetruction: gwenerally ..... Jeb th abe tens vate ete detalla (See Specific Subjects, Building Code.) SLIt Cacilitian:. . oc sks vie ket euies i = 152 fire alarm equipment ..,...«.«-+:-. 20 fire-extinguishing appliances 20 Office hours, city: departments ..... ; * Officers and employees of city: 3 health department, interfering with OF ODBEPUCH TRE ais kis ois © oh be ,~ 28s hours of service: PONOYOHY : 20 «002 ee as case Seek bee de & during July and August .. Ls 3 must be residents of state....... ; j reinstatement, firemen and police- CNT cients ih Oa hos bee eee whine 16 vacations: per diem employees .. es Sa 2 salaried employees ...... ; : 2 Ol], regulation of business of bolling.. 332 Oll-selling station, defined ........ 1 O1l separators, garages, storing volatile inflammable oils Ol) storage plant, defined . re : ] Oils and fats: GONNGG, Baws wn ks theneas ; . 1 storage requirements: WGP pir Seeman racnvekeseecees 255 SOG acc 5 osc be Oe Raw we vec e : 43 WERCELCTIOND 46 « ky © -chs Wee ei 256 Olin. where, CATS OF sacicsianacaces . 206b Omnibuses: cleaning daily required .. $01 dirty ot solled clothing or bedding, Sigin eee Seemann ben eeeeena 302 PORN ison be Ceo ek 6 oe Seka oh cote ph RO stomping places ......sensecune. 18 ventiletion of ....... : 203 One hundred and twenty-fifth asatreet, restricted against peddlers One hundred and thirty-elghth street bridge (Manhattan), location One hundred -and forty-fifth street bridge (Manhattan), location 1 One hundred and £ “~sixty-first street Bronx, restricted against peddlers 13 One-story brick building, construction: (See Building Code.) Openings on fire escapes, fire pro- CRCUION, &s-0.p se ke ww,o ad sw ek : ‘ 375 Open shaft, defined and construction Wpecified§= wcstisecw eee aks se Os anrece BIS One-story brick building, construction (See Building Code.) Open wiring, electrical... isi.si.ic.. eo. 426 8-] Opium: label statement ........, ia e's be ols s * 220 MOUS OF UIGLEIOULION .cc isn bu cde va'bi x 126 Ordinances: ETO UOTE: (i cle ite o nike pw bene ech Ce ee 6 POPE 26 5 ks Ae iw owe con Wee bos 6 oe 6 general, repealed by this code (table.) preparation by corporation counsel... 221 printing co) MR wiie ae ee ctw 6 Cre, Fenning Joey bore ss has Seo se, Oe Ornamental projections (on streets): ROTIAFOLUy: (aso v5 oso tes Ch ys ak ook: oe 170 Benerel Provisions . ovis .keics. . <6 On. Park Or park streets... -..>.-.. 60 removal of unauthori@ed ......... 168 VIOIATIONS: Of: provisions: o.i....2... 170 @ut houses, construction of frame..... 477 Outlet boxes or plates: (See Electrical Code.) Outlet junctions and flush switch DORON i'n sis wie ems Gh 6 GN Oe oe oe 5598 Outline lighting, electrical ..........-:. 439 Outside work, electrical wes tei a 312-315 Ovens: OD IIR TOR EN IRE! To Se ces wae 391 installation or alteration, notice..... 390 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW Chap. 20 20 if 26 on oOo = he — bw ns Iw wb A we Overhead wires, In parks ...c-eeeeeees e Overloading bulldings ..... oc nee a asse Owner defined P ein eeutee e suse up nawue euthorizatigg of, for bullding permit bine cteuee wh erase en designation of agent DY.....-«++.s«e50 Oxygen storage restrictions.. eseeté use in blow pipes: perm t . ‘ee - fee for permit: (See Gases).....-. . Oyster boats, docking facilities Oyster traffic, regulated p Packing boxes, cases and barrels, stor- age a .« Paints, varnishes and lacquers manufacture, storage and gale: permit required eeeeseosee fee ewes deena cobb ws restrictions locality ovedenuaun volatile inflammable ol! ae a Pamphlets (See Cards, Circulars and Handbills.) Pane) boards, construction of electrical aper (See Combustible Fibers.) casting into street, prohibited scattering {n parks, prohibited waste, collection and removal ‘ Paper stock: (See Combustible Fibers.) Parapet walls,. construction. ...%.5.5.) Paratyphold fever, report of cases Park, includes parkwa Park avenue. Manhattan market, IOCHCION....-cseest wun ou ue . restricted against peddlers ‘ use of railroad tunnel in Park ordinances Park Row, Manhattan obstruction |! vehicles restricted against peddlers Parks, parkways and park streets: definitions advertisements posting : animals, birds and reptiles, protec- tion of @&nimals at large bathing ry! lex boating “<—% bottles not Lo be ast about in bringing in plants, shrubs and trees. building projections general Bush ] Aven Coney ] ¢ th... 08 ees delivery Wagons, park streets destruction of or injur to property dogs disorderly conduct, specified offenses drills drives and bridle paths, use of Fastern parkyw fire apparatus, to use specified roads in fishing giass and glassware not to be cast about in golf Harlem river driveway hearses ; interference with improvements : lawns, preservation meetings ; oe ninors cust¢ lan oF musical instruments, use ° motor vehicles, emission of smoke national guard manoeuvres news-stands eo. obstruction by vehicles ; Ocean boulevard ae SA elas ig offensive matters ......... OVGFHGRG WITSE .i.<... 235 & clerks, age restriction 5 dieves see 14 Pipe chases, in walls «? 264 4 license fees, applicatio: 4 6 Pipe hangers, incandescent lights 431a 4 license fees, application 4 . Pines, -TF67 PEGUGCTION cca ce vocuvadieewar 404 5 pledges, record by 126 14 Pistols or revoly-rs records to be kept 126 14 firing prohibited ca ee + 2 11 reports to police departmer 1238 L4 permit to carry or keep : 1 pt sale of ammunition by prohibited 81 LQ Places of amus@ment or assembly: Peck slip market, locetion 35 1S (See Theatres; Motion Picture Peddlers, hawkers and venders Theatres, ) defined 130 14 ClAMBITNIGATION = gesacccce sug¢eeszaene 70 & farmers are not 130 14 construction license, required lL 14 WONOTRUY, in tye ko ren byt & fee 131 14 detalis (Sem Specific Subjects, i newspaper boys are not 130 14 Building Code.) ' a restrictions elevator shafts, enclosure ...... neve Bie & - hours sic .. 130 L4 exit facilities ...., EMAC Stee rene 153 & es a ee ; 133 23 promotion of public safety in 2 32 iit cs alarm connection .. 2 oe 20 13 ot a> Obed pig 13 + fire-extingulshing appliances ee 20 12 “ x signs on vehicles 132 14 } firemen detailed for ; 8 t rd Pediments, restricted 170 ) |, ebstruction of aisles and passage- a Pelham bridge (Bronx), location : 4 a ways a Pelham Gun Club, use of firearms on b generally na ss _ ae ° grounds of 2 11 motion-picture theatres .. wd 34 3 - Penalties (civil) for violations (See | theatres and other places in a Violations. ) which scenery or machinery is hae generally: (See Specific Subject; con- used . ! alae y \ mete 9 3 rd section of article contain restricted as to explosives an 1az- es oe ardous trades (See Specific Sub- SS building code 654 6 ject.) f electrical control 700 & Places of public assembly: (See Places i Pendants, electrical (See Electrical of Public Amusement or Assembly.) Code.) Plague, reports of cases 86 20 Pen houses, defined and construction Plans and specifications, including specified . 426 5 GUMMETUCEIGN. “pices a dna wes s, 4 6 Per diem employees of city, vacations 2 16 Platforms, construction of frame 478 £ Permits: (See Specified Subjects.) Platinum, sale of second-hand articles 40 14 Pleasant Bay.Gun Club, use of fre- Person 1 arms on grounds of Tia eavwn 2 11 defined .. : ee 9 5 Plumbing and other piping ; 3 construction a ae ee = registration of plumbers.....ccsse 604 6 if Personal property of city 11 1 rules gon oor eee oy ee ‘ 600 § Pc sale of useless 4 : 5 4 shut-off valves cee eens ume 601 e " sales, disposition of proceeds ve aaa | a) Orta 602, 603 5 = Petroleum and other mineral oils doatd. catt cna ecinn: ateans on illuminating olls 117 10 construction rnd connections...... 27 2 - fire prevention . ee ae 48 10 extension. g@mose roof, .sieccdcsicun «. aed 20 a permit, to store and sell i to aitusek swiagate tints foc... 97 26 = fee eee 116 10 leg dory.and Butters ..¢< ree ont : 7 Continve excavations in streets 93 23 ge! ey y on L << : fire-eacaper incumbrances 162 3 lintels ‘tages @cliwe aur ite i niarquise® eer . eee 170 ° membets dismissed or reduced, hear- mouldings r liv 3 1 oe > ‘ . 1790 ° parade exemption 7? f 170 > De > i relmbursement fo gss of property 0 \% y " l7v 3 4 u * vehicles estI ed streets : lev Zé right of way Adib ve 6 Coe 1s 4 es relating to 170 3 speed mi y rug ations ; 170 6 Policemen s 170 5 $ |e) . duties respecting inauthe ted remeval : lcs 2% fire escapes ‘One e avs 162 ’ aults under sidewalks lv¥ > street excavatiens 3 “9 glations netice te corporation Police statien-houses counge 169 a3 classification v ¢ nalty 179 98 construction on parkways and park streets general ) 71-73 ° urb and surface enstruction 60 ig details (See Specific Subjects Prope! Los QI Stolen duties Buliding Code.) especting Pollomyelitis (acute anterior), re- deslers in second-hand articles 45 L4 ? ~ 7 ; perts of cases . 56 hd unk dealers 125 Lé Pool tables (See Billiard and Pool Proprietary foed « drink " ] Tables, ) » disclosure 139 zV Porches, platforms and stoops (in , etary medicines streets) a eration bhi a9 general restrictions 2... ...ccuues 170 3 def 117 20 removal of unauthorized los ae srepresentatior LL 20 1d) | r j : violations Liv “4 registra 1} 30 Portables, electric (See Electrical i ) : a ale Ak «Vv oes i2 Dies dis OU ee lly 4 Portland cement, specification of a6 - Protective devices. signaling systems 685 9 wT _ r - Port of New York ote on of e.¢ al appliances: (See defined I Ele o cumping, ref 122 § e ip & ah ae : Prote | sig 1 g systems 633 ¥ snow an ice 22 é rupli a 3 arbor fires l 12 b ° e deposito: by e j 2¥ »~poration ebstruction to navigation 120 & 259 2 UN RE - pellution of waters 122 3 . depos 4 and jisbursements suUper- refuse of vessels, removal 3 q i. ged om rolilie! zal 2 violations ef provisions relating te 24 a ‘ 2 . reports 2 board °@ aidermen and Posts and peles, in streets 250 i om roller . au borough presidents control 45 g p ¥ 3 . \ j ‘ . barber poles ’ 3 . 4 assifnied iV 5 efrnamental lamp-posts 45 23 cr s.r UT removal of 46 eet : zt © 4 ii 3 5 Petheads, installation of electrical ab 9 details (s Specifi Subiects Poultry: (See Fowles), sale regulated 4 26 Bu 6 : Power, electric: (See Electrical Code ght a 132 6 a ‘ ‘ ~~ Prescriptions, habit forming drugs L] @ Dy . art : 3 ! Pressure under footings, specifications p ; ’ a UO r ne : { 14 ef (building construction) $3 i : Pr ee ae a . Pub Primary betteries, electric 19 y . ; rf 4 Printing houses: (See Factories.) oe 440 i¢ Private garage: (See Garages ) agsified om 1é Private property ense eqguired 42 14 tteact fee 143 l4 i@tter boxes, attacnment to 3 2 responsibility of owners es : igh , = 16é ymf o ¢ ashes, garbage and rubbish 248 9 vig 3 7 r —— 2% leabing sidewalks yal 3 ee 214 26 removal of snow and ice from side r SaArage mee areges walks : 2 > run NaCnsS . L& 4 abs Taxi 2 s sidewalk sweepings ry 29 abs and Sig seeing Cars Private dwelling: (See Dwellings why . & a IT 4 1$1 20 Frivate market, defined 0 Fie eS > ayunee Senitery od : JUL > Private stree.s; names of, restrictions 254 g Pyl g ¢ ; ? = Ya ’ is J ) oT] Privies, cesspools, sinks and vaults see 4 ) 9 adequacy 264 26 Pish! ing =. z ru INneeEe i * “ ; eonstruction 237 29 © e- Af : . st viace meintenance cs 235-237 ) ad 2 0 definec 143 20 ‘ % eV ncluded gstree 1 screening against files ve 286 Q f ’ ? - use Q mr I uté ot ~ for f temporary (bullders er contractors) 235 Q drir M - c oe = . rink in ventilation 297 20 p 143 ZU a ° - uo ort r Procesaions and parades 7 , in genera ea 132 id harges : permits 3% z4 rs $4 aS Dotel run; rs r , - restrictions 38 9 . are vi 159 14 ‘iolations ~ impersonation of 153 14 vi 33 : ze : 4 ansed in parks 19 , foe Lav 14 ns 4 : 1 ense ree 1 Projections and encroachments upon a + reet pver-chargen 56 14 =. =» ~ generally a te Pee Cory 154 14 f L4¥ ° ru proy defined aiteration of existing 0 br 1 : . - 1 at ri ¢ ide, j + we greas and arcawave 9 _ 1ciugd : in Street l 1 awnings . .s c schools: (See Schools.) : Lid - Pub Service corporations balustrades 170 , base courses ; - exempt trom operation of c} apvter 9 5 4 bay windows , c = of contemplated street ex- Ai ¥V iw] 0 ~ cellar doors and steps 164 ee 94, 95 23 * ~~ check pieces = L4 9} ee - en }es nt f ve ” columns X z ) AV reency ‘ 1;0U 2 Pil squar { a4 courtyards 170 ! quare uded ir street i i a cernices . 170 ney oo aane. Use of Cotman exigting, conti \Uance 178-174 ? liowels jf) 14 Je fire-escapes 1 7( 5 ’ walters (See Por O1 New York fire towers 179 , vead ar als, fist or fowl, Or meai 20 kOS9 Connections, exterior ot tO be cast into 1 e 4 ¥ . e Boilutior fron Vessels ee ee Jbe 28CODE OF ORDINANC! Sec. Cnoap. Fublic worship: in streets, regulated 20 interference with, prohibited 2 Puerperal septicwmia, reports of cases $1 Pulmonary tuberculosis, report of cases a6 Poumping station: (See Factories.) Puppet show, common show . €0 Q Queensboro bridge, location 1 Queensboro bridge market, location.. 23 Queens County, county clerk's fees T Quit rents application of receipts from.. 4 cemmutation of 105 Queins, restricted 170 R Rabies animals infected, cases in humans, destruction reports public exposure, creating dust °58 Rahm, defined and classified 152 Railroad buildings i lassified construction generally details: (See Specific Subjects Building Code Rallroad power pia Railroads applying generali cleanliness defined dirty or soiled In beating nulsances epitting ventilation nis €ie y Lo cars lothing oO! apply! ng gene T raiiy Lo 8 t spitting prohibited trowel servic e in avator! at elevated cuspidors on station platforms dropping articles and substances protection of streets below l vielationsa . 3 Bcenic a common show seounveete : . ov construction 261 inspection 665 license 50 operation superintendents jurisdiction 563 smoke nuisance 211 atreet headlights for cars licenses obatruction, by house-moving 144 snow remoyal by speed of sprinkling stops tranafers cars streets viglations 4 Subweys guUDWaRa@y trunk gratin line or ZS; sweeping n steam cinders engines; or od ora from grede crossings l.eng Island Park avenue cbstruct lion oO tunne f streets ashes, gas, steam 7 a4 violations Railroad cars and other vehicles cleaning ; t01 soiled clothing in ventilat heating lighting ion Railroad track torpedoe a manutar ture and storage 9U Pailroad Pupp wirer, y sour es of electrical Paising or lowering bullding to grade Ranges, setting Peactive colls and condensers Real eatate, included in ‘“‘regl prop erty’ ee eal Estate of city conveyances of, procedure deedar, grants anc leasew to city filing leases of, procedure disposition ef PTOCEEGS...cerseeves 101 102 _ —_+ or rt bho ay OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. cl Real Estate of City (Continued) re ordas BUDSICCUING, GSS EOIN bic wie ce leecees quit-rents records of, with COMPptroler,.cssiuen Fents, collection g@Qi disposition ef sales of, execution of deeds gupervised by comptroller. unpreductive, dispesition of Real property, defined. ae ‘ Reasonable care, by drivers of vehicles Receiver of taxes, bond or ’ Receptacles for ashes, garbage and refuse 24 Recesses in walls, construction Recreation piers construction and reservation controlled by dock commissioner lower deck reserved for state traffic. maintenance of order upon Reformatories infectious diseases cases to be reported a patients to be isolated Refrigerating plants permit requited to operate Pee 6 dre 'h «ale & Wik ® ww. now, eheen psd an wk exemptions construction of bulidings classification equipment gcnerally doors lights emergency pipes safety appliances evils piping pressure allowable Ret is materials (See 4 and refuse st not parks Ashes, Garbage materials.) be deposited in sewers streets tidal weters removal from bulldings atreets yessels gale of the city's R. N., use of symbol regulated Registered nurses, qualifications Rerulstion OF lOLh 66.2. ots ie th eee Oe Peinforced concrete construction application, availability definitions concrete composition aggregate mixture reinforcement RENCE wislepid te i chek as NWO EN placing protecting web rules governin= test of loads units and details beams coiumns fioor fillers frame building walls slabs, tee beams walls working stresses Pents: (Sea Real Estate of City.) Repair of buildings PWON|TAILY: ..c irae sccryeeneresscaesde lrame ordinary defined Repeal existing general ordinances saving cjause g Revtiles, protection of park Pesidence buildings defined construction cetails (See Specific Subjecta Building Code.) rpeneral’y frame ; ri : 47 exi facilities fre proofing shafts in light and ventilatior Res. .aurants puilding eontaining ClIAMUHINGS wv vreseoewvenvenegdetds evee 8-249 261 3 iz 13 12 91 9% 216 331 340 335 337 336 4@i 335 331 334 _ "8 & 70 to bt bo be Ft H OO 8 wn eer “oe & 1¥ 10 10 wwe ~ = -e © - ve one ow eoeanT ane en 8 & wm a a * * eI Pete cas 384: : = 7 es a - $2348 =) ar. Veit Pes yey tris et ae ao esaleeasas Tea y i We EP RL Re hx -.# ~ ead to SET eE hehe Se) ee ey eS aoe ha ee kt) ES — L*J et abet eees- st ee OD ed Meet ah ot eel te el oe eed bE tke ee 8 8 Ee ry) a oe toe ee eo “1 200 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec Restaurants (Continued: : construction: generally Sia =p ee ; 71-73 details: (See Specific Subjects, Building Code.) employees, health restrictions ...... 146 exit facilities . ‘ckbewh ha Outen hanee? ee food In: preparation and service .....eee0% 149 protection from files or dust...... 142 purity and wholesomeness . ‘ 141 lavatories, use of common towels 214 management to comply with health regulations ; ee 5 oe 148 sanitary requirements : i 147 utenalls for dispensing food and drink In: eare of .. : ; ea eokhSS, 145 common use, prohibited ,.., + kee water rates . sin wil ‘ 21 Restricted areas (See Fire Limits, Suburban Fire Limits, Parks.) Retail drug store defined » . ere ] permit, issue , ‘ 23 fee 43 Fequirements, fire prevention : “9s lights ; : cds restrictions quantities 291 storage , s : con ive Retaining walls building construction: excavation suppotts a 230 foundation work ; : 237 regulation of lots construction and maintenance 711 controversies concerning 214 neglect to construct o1 repalr Z , violations Z Re LtOTLS classified ; ; 2 installation or alteration < Rheostats, resistance boxes and equal izers: (See Electrical Code.) Right of entry, building bureau em- ployees.. ere . . ; ; 10 Rivets and riveting, iron and steel con struction A 306 Road, included In ‘“‘street’’ l Roadway defined : ; i Ts ] included in ‘‘street “ Robin Hood Gun Club, use of firearms en grounds of 2 Rock and stone bearing capacity be At se 31 weights 5 ; a working stresses dD] Roller coaster @® common show : kip wists 6\) construction and operation 60 . Roller-skating, in parks ; g Roof gardens, above theatres 636 Roofing and leaders i 421 Roofs construction and repair generally : , ‘ 421 outside fire limits i 474 adjoining, pretection during con struction . 193 bulkheads : 4°56 cornices ‘ . 422 dormer windows : 427 gutters ae : 49° ladders and scuttles to i 495 leaders ae ‘ ‘ 4273 maintenance . i 59 pent houses upon ae 496 gefe loads for ‘ we ioe 53 scuttles in : a 526 skylights . _ ‘ 7 424 sianting sim hs <. i ives 4°27 smoke pipes through , , a 403 sun parlors on .., iu ig £OB COTM OM. wes’ a’ 42 wires on: (See Electrical Code.) Roof signs (See Slgns and Showbills Rooms (size and ventilation) alcove a i whore whe oe 13 a ehh 36 business bultdings i131 public buildings 19% 120 residence buildings Rosettes, electrical Code.) Rubella, reports of cases Jk Rubber cement, fee for permit to Sig Rubbish: (See Ashes Garbage Refuse, ) (See Electrical 86 43 and Chap. o CG © c= _ 5 © 5 tte s § f sf YY ue } 5 ae 5 9 ha 20 10 Sec. Rubble stone construction: (See Ma- sonry Construction, ) limitation bv 2653 Rules of the road, traffic regulations, .10-18 Rules bullding struction : ai » ale ee 7 eievators . . “* 561 fire extinguishing appliances aleen 680 of the road . 10-18 Running boards, electrical: (See Elec- trical Code, ) S Safe carrying apacity (»oulilding con- atruction) ; 50-64 Safeguards ring building construc- tion) sivaidetahin ta be meateee re ee fireproof floors sk 195 fiooe’ openings Ko eutdla oelOeO sh a 196 overloading ° 199 roof and skylights of adjoining buildings i 193 scaffolding ; . 194 dewalk neds i 191 superintendents f bulidings, duties 190 tempora < es 192 Safe ads masonry wore 63 66 Safe placing I Du ES 65 Safety stops street cars and omni- buses 18 Saloons defined 1 use of com yn owels | lavatories 214 utensils fi dispensing food and arink in caret of 144, 145 com ‘ s€ prot ited 143 Sand a foundation ; 231i bearing capacity 231 dust rea ) e avoided 253 specificatio 5 24 Banitary Code entor en Corl ra rs ai [ac 18? misfeasa t and ) feasance 131 otices i d de lestr i q of 189 obstru: ) healt) ficers 186 regulati Ss i € 5 ovnpSsSeryance 1$S4 ub ie C abatement of nulsar 3 185 a - of Or 38 Ss letr ental tg public healtt 181 n te a er [ pollo elltis re- port of cases . 86 alcohol Ip. M permits to dig- | 332 analyst of noalth department, presumption as to affide t 188 a1 als rbandonec disp 2-4 contaglousls liseased OI ex- posed 6 dead iterferenc: with 7 placing in streets public wa- ter 1 6 or neg re’ OVa 6 skinning restr ed 323-324 disease or ured bey id re- covery & 7 nomeless shelter O1 ls ! ired beyond re yyvery 57 interference th ad sick or injured 7 Keeping or yardineg in city 11-13 noisy KOepil AQ 215 rabid or Icious l small, keeping for gale 18 throwing into streets or publ waters dead, sick or injured & R tnrax (ee Infex tious Diseases } anti-toxin, distribution ., 121 arsenic poisoning, reports of cases 92 artificlal water, manufacture and saie e+ . 165 ashes dgfined . 1 collection and removal 243-260 escape of dust from, prohibited... £53 Asiatic cholera: (See Infectious Dig- Passes, ) automobile noises pale ieee bacterial organisms, {noculation ‘ 120 bakeries defined dg mw aid orale. wae 1 b2rber shops, conduct of.. 29> “*#e ete ee bathing establishments: Chap. -~ 7 to -_eon ro aga 7 om Fora ala wo 5 7 20 20 z0 » 30 20 90 “ 20 2U 20 20 20 2V 20 20 29 20 20 ° ~CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sanitary Code (Continued): eo Renisery “Cede (Continged) Sec, Chap permit to maintain < 340 20 crematories, requirements concern- safeguards required, ocean 341 =) ing wae ae 44-45 20 beauty parlors arr 335 20 cultures, distribution . 1: . J. cs a imula ns rep ees t ‘ f oe i “ restrictions as i rba 919 29 Bs of nea my j I nie etention and dis 3 ’ “V ol rva 184 20 collection ’ r a a . 29 20 dangerous to [ { ’ ’ i rman asies e in adead OT disease wl | es posal ' } escane to stresé pu a l 20 ublic waters , moval 243-290 20 fi oy aca ea rarbags boats rest? ted ' ] “Vv hea 4 ary E I I iter S ing 4 } 44,145 2 } b ? ? miknure Ise . 142 29 a umulatine ! t tc ym I us 14 «V me) { 2 ' lwe _— ) 9 ; transporting ' a0 d a] of « f 258 20 “4 . le dy ' ' ‘ 730 9 | offal and butchers ise 3 ’ savsage BKINEg perm equired vel =V . pr es SiINnF i : 1 see inte du Lig- be poo 5 3 Ses a4 tra fation 5 3 I ‘ > Ye! es iT E nea e xy e 4+ } 11iseases rn ‘ { Qu ‘ yi Sa8e'8 carr P JCF res iusion ‘ pupiis having 74 aV : e . } Dp e of asses 5 9y 4 i hey } j ¢ rihvey i1losis 2a 20 1 sa I conditi f respons! fanslyve or nols < } = } ‘ 1 / “ ' Fee 2¢ , ro ? mations and businesses re I , ity y 0 ) f aistriou Or rau 22 -Qd - ( Oo bulldings responsl : buses = 0 | I < ZV clegt ‘ \ . } ! arains neating a onst? T are of mr re ; h | r bead S ) { ind A I vate 219-218 2¥ ica € yet ffensive matter iato piu ane aistrivu on at onhthein nt 91utior Piby (} I 14 4 26 r l I neé puh { , { a” rgers or health department om , 184 9g rot tion from street refus ig "y pliance e 5 , i | f ’ eT ljatine 3 Zz eres permit required t . ‘ o c 209 0 gescors aucies respecting dead reat ~we - . z x I bikie sag . 43-20 ” @aners of vbullaing resrongsindiit(tior fr peso ety Tapas ee Fr eh or Tr: ett torte tet © aro! TitLeLort i. et. areraesretates +4 - Oe al Med Sed ak ell ee ete Be acd onrgss ee ee ee Peed hae | CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. Sanitary Code (Continued): shell burning, restricted Pee cps eee shell-fish, disposition of refuse from inte : ‘ a aie 247 shell-fish, sale regulated = s wihin es be ane ee sidewalks and curbing, mainte- nance .. 53 skinning dead animals, restricted, 3238-324 slaughtering food animals age restrictions, calves, jambs and pigs : ie Sedat OU “dreased,’’ defined eee re ee 16¢@ slaughtering food animals (Continued) overheated or feverish cattle 61 restrictions location of abat- tolr : a : ieee bn eeuneal slaughtering horses for food, pro- hibited , ‘ 327 amall-pox: (See Infectious Dis- eases.) gmeteny, sale of . ; : iis ‘ 152 amoke, discharge of dense 5 ite 211 gmoking cigars, clgarettes or pipes, prohibited gmoking or preserving meat or fish, n subway 216 permit required ie 330 soil pipes, location and construc tion a eae sore throat, epidemic septic (See Infectious Diseases. ) spitting, prohibited : ; 213 spring water, distribution . 166 stable defined Sa sat l permit required for os sanitary condition of responsi bilit y 51 3 gteam, discharge of escapes of ele etreet obstruction animals or vehicles ‘ building materials or debris 313 strength of buildings, to be ade quate ‘ substitution of drugs < edicines 5 ummer camps 9 suppurative conjunctivitis rep ts of cases ; 91 tanning, permit required to engage in ; : ou tar, permit required to make 32 tenants of bulldings responsibil tek... ‘ 5 pi 21 st 183 tenement Fouse, infected occupants forbidden to engage in manufas uring $9 tents, establishing or maintaining Ty tetanus (See Infectious Diseases. ) theatres, sanitary requirements 61 3 665 towels, use of common 214 trachoma (See Infectious Dis eases. ) trichinosis: (See Infectious Dig eases, ) tuberculosis, pulmonary: (See In- fectious Diseases. ) turpentine, permit required to make 332 typhoid fever (See Infectious Dis- eases.) typhus fever (See Infectious Dig- eases undertakers eare of dead persons 43-45 duty respecting infected bodies 103 vacant lots, cleaning and magintain- ing . ‘ 261 vaccination of children and other wards . 199 vaccine, distribution : ins varicella, chicken pox See Infec- tious Diseases.) varnish and oil, permit to boil 332 vegetables, defined and sale regu- AOE. iis as : 163 venereal diseases reports of : 82 restrictions upon employment of persons having 146 ventilation of buildings, adequacy, b2 vent pipes, construction and loca- SIOh ot ae ss a in : 281 vessels: births aboard, reports cargo: permit to discharge skins, hides and rags deaths aboard, reports orn . oO i . wo ono oOo ~1 @ @ Chap. iree distribut initar Code (Continued): Bec. vessels (Continued) from infected ports, port restric- tio unis $52 immigrants’ bedding, ete, dispo- i ‘ 359 infected articles, removal from 364 infectious disease aboard quarantine, permit ; 362 moval of patients 354-355 report of cases 351 {y port daily report to health department oSvebe me mbes 363 t.* ages aboard, reports 357 ws rubbish must not be ist D« ! from 366 ‘ oO 224 | é I 6U te ) lO ind construc- Wa I ) t ily nt and main- - 1] ry . ticsemia (pue rperal), report of cases 91 eries, electrical (See Electrical Code. ) um (therapeutic) - Lion OT ‘ os 8 . 121 requirements ice j julirement concerning Ms i a 1 ae eervice wires: (See Electrical Code,) Chap. 20 © ~ 20 20 0 2 20 ~ rh © 6 oe © © 12 % 20 20 20 20 17 20CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 205 x Sec. Chap. es sec. Chap. Session laws, printing for Queens and Sidewalks (Continued): Richmond .... cree . s 4 27 carrying capacity, safe loads .. “ 53 5 Sewage disposal works, included in composition and construction ieee LeU 2 (MO WOr" pote aa ewe : : 7 1 1 construction by abutting owner 7 2heo 23 Sewer, defined an 1 1 defacement of .. : _wicdwaua cee 187 2 Sewers and drains displays of food and drink on os, - 142 2 borough presidents’ control .....,... 1 31 drainage from buildings, crossing .. 271 20 connecvions: drains across . ons ects eeam ans 182 23 adequacy : : ai -- 235 20 encroachments upon Fie Se Soom oe 5 changes in, notification of health incumbrances and obstructions. ...140-152 23 department 275 20 injury of ae Eee ee 23 making nushine’ .. 273 20 ] interference with .. ccaenadudeceus sa0 23 - permit required on 10 21 maintenance > ae cacao So SOL 23 re fee for permit ' 18 RA muisances on,@abatement .....0s«cces 53 206 ls licensed constructors required 13 21 obstruction and incumbrances....140-152 28 | materials and mode : 10 21 obstruction, by merchandise or vehl- water supply for 15 21 Cie aw: wags eh seu ecued Sisckhuce” S50 23 econstructior 312 20 private ‘ 11 °1 i property owners may 1aY ..eccssess 185 23 notice to public service corpora- removal of obstructions OM e.cecsseco 53 29 tions of excavations i4 21 repairing and relaying jemvewned 194 23 {injury to or removal of manholes, spitting upon, prohibited ved wae 20 basins, et: 23 21 safe loads, during construction ..... 53 5 outlet to tidewater: Jo ee 20 sheds over- building construction...,. 191 4, prohibited discharges into subway gratings: sweeping into.... » 1884 28 gas making effiuent Cie 7. R33 20 Srilewwrul extensions <. fee 7 161 14 record of proceedings rie ka S 4 minors forbidden to usé a 160 14 report to board of aldermen 2 9 9 ) Ghop: (See Factories.) Sinking fund of the city of New York 2 defined 483 >0 for the payment of interest a nuisances prohibited in < oss 20 SRO OSTIOM | wes ins 6 Se 92a eh ees Mee . a 7 disbursements from uth 5 " “1 Show cases, upon sidewalks .* » set 23 GBinking fund of the city of New York = Bhow-rooms, exit facilities esvse 152 2 for the redemption of the city a Shows: (See Common Shows.) debt : in houses, obstructing streets 2 23 COoMposition.......-.++ #*28°8 seececdtoacade a 5 “ in streets, restricted 136 23 investment ‘of assetS ....e.+e6% ee kek 8 3 ie Bhow windows, sornstruction ..422-446 5 Sinking funds | Shut-off valves, required 601 5 eolliection Of ANCOMEG «acs ha tits Owens i 6 3 Shutters, fireproof; when required 375 5 reports as to condition .......er . a 3 Sick persons Sixth avenue, Marhattan, restrictec-: EMEFrKENCY CASES o.cssccesssrecseces 1 13 against peddlers ie aie wa ae 13 24 } incurables . . 28 e 2 13 Sixtv-elghth street, Manhattan, re- insane er rer sseseuat 3 i8 stricted ggainst peddlers ........ 13 24 i non-residents .......: Suen ies 4 13 Sixty-ninth street, Manhattan, re- h ie Sidewalk: stricted against peddlers ........ 13 a4 i included within “street” . : l 1 Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan, fre- | KA Sidewalk bridges, bullding construc- stricted against peddlers ...... ee a oe A Mein ke ee at oo es 23 Skating in parks * Sidewalk sheds, construction . . Bee 5 OM 100 «--essaeennnens “s e489 14 17 Sidewalks: roller skates ; eeu ee 17 abutting owners’ responsibilities ... 181 23 Skeleton (iron or steel) construction... 351 & ' animals prohibited on . cit iu a ~ oLe 20 Skids, across sidewalks ....... ee 188 23 board or plank, restricted a ane W - E35 23 Skylights: construction (amended)..... ih 5 } bridges across, building construction 141 2% TieINf@NGNCG: -«% ss. sss “aces Eee a 53 20 building projections upon ........170-174 5 protection of} during edjoining : CBrrlakewAyYS ACTOSH aseseensnneres - 184 23 building construction ...-..s+.s-- i93 6 |206 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF: NEW YORK. ieee | Join Qur DIME-A-DAY CLUB — Send for a DAILY DIME SAVER Nee SAVINGS BANK 2 GRAHAM AVENUE i Broadway BROOKLYN, N. Y. Saving in Youth— Comfort i in Old d Age Accounts from $1 bi $5, 000 Save both time and money by rere! through our | | | | Mail Department, which handles all _ transactions promptly, mmorueitg New Accounts, Depositing, With- dr awing oO! Crediting of Interest. A BOOKLET ALL ABOUT SAVINGS BANKS SENT FREE UPON REQUEST « eR ——— Arthur S. Somers, President Wallace L. Conner, Secretary Nathan S. Jonas, Vice Presiden: Louis C. Wills, Vice President ietecect Dates from the First of Every Month Open Daily 9 A.M. to ; PN Me Sates to 12 M. Monday Nights 6-8 ".M. | GREEN POINT SAVINGS BANK MANHATTAN AVENUE Cor. Calyer St. Brooklyn, New York —S eee Resources Over $25,000,000 Accounts May Be Opened By Mail eee ee | } | OFFICERS Witten | George W. Felter. President 3 : - Helter, Pres frank 8. Harlow, § | oes eee. ecretary. cee H. Rey nolds, Vice Pres. Wm. J. F lemming, Asst. Sec’ y. | ans avid Martin, Vice Pres. George E. Kirby, Asst. Sec’ : | | Se igen eae 3 | C7, Ee i ————— LS _ saiiocisea RRSCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. Slanting roofs, construction iva me Slaughter hoyses: (Ses Factories.) establishment or maintenance, permit required restricting, Manhattan Bleighs, bells on ..... a9 Slew-burning fuse: (See Blasting Caps.) defined a , Small-pox, report of cases a6 Smeteny defined : ve 146 adulteration 162 quality prescribed ‘ 158 Bmoke, discharge of dense .. chasse men Smoke-bouses: classified construction generally : aa , 71-78 specifications 399 ®mokeless powder (See Black Pow der, Blasting Powder and Smoke- less Powder.) defined l Smoke pipes defined 260 construction 403 Smoke-stacks, construction of, meta! 384 Smoking cigars, cigarettes, etc., prohib- ited: hase@@ous trades : in @bways . « 218 Snapswitches: (See Electrical Code.) Snow and ice dumping; regulated 24 payment of laborers removing 11 removal, from roadways aad cré6ea- walks 26 from sidewalks a ealt and saltpeter; to remove 28 atreet raliréads to co-operate in ré movel of .. 2] sweepers and snow-ploughs, use by railroads 22 use of ashes. sand or sawdust 2 oo + Boda or mineral! water fountaines, charges for water supply 21 manufacturers, charges for water eupply wes 21 manufacturing, requirements and re- atrictions ... 165 utensils for dispensing, care of 146 Boils, bearing capacity apecified . statement of, in plans for new build- TODO a eh sie 28) Boliciting contributions in put permigsion, how eranted ee 14 duties ofcomriéiss! one! ; 148 dutle of licensees 199 viol ns A Eoluble cotton (See Nitro-cellulose Products. ) defined ae ees l containers . 51 Sore throat (epidemic septic report of cases Southern Boulevard, restricted aga'‘ns peddlers ; 12 Spark arrésters: (See Electrical Code Special license (Electrical Contre defined application ; examination of applicant fees period modification, suspension or revece- tion Nie a , 4 Special permit: (Electrical Control.) issué¢, conditions 1 fee .. ; ® term & modification, suspension 6r revoce- TIGR as ‘ ; * Bpecial permit: (Explosives and Haz- ardous Trades.) {ssué fees renewsl, revocation .....5, we Poe 2 Speed of vehicles: generally \n parks ; i ad : ; 30 atreet cars . ri be ° ih 15 Speedwey (Herlem rivér), reguiations. 38 Spires, COMstructlOM ..-seeereeceees 476 Spirits: distilling, rectifying or stéring permit, required = ot 259 TOM sacs aed «Uma ws en awe ‘ 43 ~y re ow & Chap. a 20 20 316 16 26 14 16 16 16 10 10 16 7” Sec Splirits—Continued restrictions Mrecoreventton 6672 ose con a au 252 Piace sla Ware ke ox kate be 25) quantities erry Agee 252 Sanitary ; : hae ia : 43a2 Spitting, where prohibit@d ......ee06- 213 Sprinklered buildings defined Shove) cae Chee exit facilities EG. akedar’ EOE stairway allowance p eee 163 Sprinkling etreets, by street railroads. 16 Stables CIRBNITICATION§ .caveccucdsdes tawuueu om 710 construction: generally ocavecteienthe baa eter Getalls (See Specific Subjects, Building Code. ) fire prevention requirements... 28 maintenance, permit required 3 58 weiter rates se atlatateee 21 Stair exit defined brdchaseatiteisania wee Stairways construction: generally ; ; : : ' 159 interlor im Eee enclosure of ‘ 164 exterior, construction yee in streets, restrictions . oi the ornamental ‘ nigh’ ; » Abs recesses in walis for : J 26! safes not to be placed in Sf spaces under, to be kept clear a bee Standing in aisles and passageways buildings of a public character . 491 motion-picture theatres 34 places of amusement theatres Standpipes (fire mervice), required 581 Stands, construction genérally 473 Stands within stoop-lines and under elevated railway staircases licenses, required coun 149 fee : Se 148 boot-blacking; restrictions wenn oan conditions of licenses : 149 consents of property owners 149 construction eh 149 dimensions : ‘s 149 display of licenses essa 149 licenses not transferable _ ee merchandise that may be sold 145 report to police department ~ +289 restrictions . ‘ 149 revocation of property owner's con- aént ‘ ‘ 148 sieeping in; prohibited 149 atanas under “L’’ staircases, special requirements , 149 tranefer of license ' 149 violations . ' 149 general tai ; 19 tranefer of license. : 1493 Btatements respecting health matters, false or misleading 187 Stations and dynamo rooms. (See Elec trical Code.) Steam: discharge ints open alr i 212 escape into sewers ° ‘ 22 Steam bollers classified 391 installation or alteration 380 Steam heating, construction and setting of appliances : 4n4 Steel construction, buildings . 301-313 Steeple-chage, a2 common show .... ‘ 60 Steps or stoops (in streets): in park streets ‘a wa ; 60 restricted .. 170 removal of unauthorized violations ; Ztimmel Rod and Gun Club, use of firearms on grounds of : ; 3 Stock of city, included within ‘city debt and city stock’ . i an 1 Stocks and bonds of thé city defined 1 assessynent bonds eh 3 purchases, sinking fund purposes $ sinking for interest on jieaey 5 ainking fund for redemption Or. ns 4 alnking funds, Doeldinns. Of: os. ccuce a Stone: (See Bullding Materials.) Stone masonry. generally 263 foundations jee eee Btoops: (See Steps and Stoops.) ’ ee ee ee eo aon w wm ae 20 31 eeow et & be ow a ese geet TT *| = eee tt oe he of — . TEST ib eek , 4 Tire yee eS ks wera hehe a) ts208 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. j Ww Ai hi i hi Si fi Mi hi i Fi ei hi hi hi Le hi hi hi i hi hi i i i i = hi hi i i hi A hi ei hi ni “hi fi hi hi hi ei hi hi hi hi hi hi oh hi fi hi hi hi oh hi fi hi Law Stationery Law Blanks Law Registers ‘ad PRINTING Office Steel Legal Files . Factory Forms F.J.Mc Donough & Co. . oftation orf? and Printenf 78- 180 Montague Street. Brooklyn .New York h f Represe LV Phone for Representative Telephone.Main 9108.09 Rte te thet he the gh the eee the eee ieee t eat tee ete tet UF LRU LF RRR SF RRR SFR RRR RRR RRS 2 — 1 nA TR TR A A A OA A A A rR A oe A oo a oa a a ah Py \ GEORGE W. CHAUNCEY, President THOMAS HOVENDEN, Treasurer CORNELIUS E. DONNELLON, V. Prest. JOS. W. CATHARINE, Secretary ie Beall CHAUNCEY REAL ESTATE | COMPANY, Lia Firm Established 1843 BROOKLYN’S OLDEST REAL ESTATE OFFICE 187 MONTAGUE STREET AGENTS, APPRAISERS, AUCTIONEERS SPECIALISTS IN ALL BRANCHES MEMBERS | REAL ESTATE BOARD OF NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE BOARD Telephone 4300-4301-4302 MainCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Storage or primary batteries Storage garace permit, réquired BO ara Sisek's. construction fireé prevention TIMELINES 3S ast se oil separators reatrictions storage system supervision supplying vehicles Storage warehouses classification construction: generally details (See Specific Subisects Building Code.) theatre-building restriction ventilation ...se6-+. Stores classification construction: generally detalls (See Specif Subjecta Building Code.) exit facilities fire prevention fire alarm connection fire extinguishing appliances protection of lights theatre bullding restriction Public health requirements and re etrictions: cleanliness, heating and lighting occupancy, overcrowding spitting prohibited in use of common towels, forbidden ventilation A Storm doors, construction Story; defined ‘ (See Combustible Fibres Straw: Street, defined ...... Street cars: defined cleanliness dirty clothing or bedding in headlights heating licenses nuisances in eee obstruction, by house moving epeed spitting in stopping places transfers oa on vehicles or overteking ventilating ViGIQtiOns: scsewes vs Street cleaning: ashes, garbage, refuse or rubbish defined depositing in streets, prohibited interference with deposits receptacles required for removal of by city by private agencles alfting or other ashes ; streets not to be obstructed t transportation of debris of street improvement: droppings from vehicles frult skins on sidewalke hand-bills, cards and circulars interference with street cleaners or method offensive matter ....., protection of sewers and drains sidéwalks, cleaning snow and ice removal sidewalks, by property owners by city streets, by city by street reilways use of ashes, sawdust and sand salt and saltpeter sprinkling streets generally water supply sweeping sidewalks sweepings, prohibited disposition washing down streets #Atreet fires, permit to make .........-. treet lights: lamps or fixtures. breaking or inter- fering with oe posts or poles, removal of .......... WIDIGCIGON: 0% a iad wav tise aia a bigctan he aw a vy agitation of Sec 210 151 43 152 > nm bo — bo 10 Chap. % 10 10 10 19 10 19 10 10 10 - 7f sf 5A 20 b> te bs wv oO & ~ | ns ws fr WwwWwh b ob ee rm ts w Knob wh bv wyeFAow wie Sec eet md! » 20 Street musiclans PREM PELONE. Sc e oso sisinca Min bike woke seas 171 hand organ grinders license, required 1 fee 170 PORUEACTIONS . Nias wiewacs cei Was cane 170 itinerant players license, required 1 fee . : 171 Street purposes, defined die ddukivs 1 Street railroads: (See Raltlroads.) Street shows exhibitions from houses prohibited 23 must not use musical instruments to MUCPAct . Petrone ee. ss ios cis 1386 Streets advertising matter distribution in 15 posting in 1¢ animals dead sick or injured not te be placed in 4 @ssemblies in disorder! 23 publi worship 38 street shows 33 auctions 38 awnings 43-44 barriers, guards and lights 3 bill posting 16 boundaries and monuments 56-52 building materials, placing in 313 cleaning (See Street Cleaning closing, temporarily during constructions 1 unsafe building emergency 638 conduits . 269 construction and repairs 60-65 irbing aie ‘ 62 debris of construction, removel 65 dead animals, fish or fowl in g dirt, depositing in 318 disturbance of surface of . 30-33 elevated railroads; droppings from a excavations in ‘ne Des .96-82 fiower pots on window ledges 256 fruit skins on sidewalks 13 grade crossings 32 gutters, construction 62 hospitals (noise elimination) ia ae house numbering .116-113 landmarks, disturbance 66-52 lights oe ; ee .120-1232 oafers and loungers in. 23 mains 269 mortar mixing on pavement 142 musicians 1786-171 noises 136-1354 obstruction, prohibited c Bia obstructions and encumbrances .146+163 authorization . 2a0 berber poles » 145 bullding materials oe earth, rocks and rubbish con on house moving ees ee i< -ee liablliity for damages due to 4 offensive liquids and substances in 283, 334 ornamental lamp-posts 145 posts and poles 146, 146 railroad trains 33 removal of 161 phow-cases 7 ‘sup wee eldewalk sheds, building construc- tion ae Secs T4] atairways and holstways 148 etands within stoop lines 145 storm doors eye ; 156 vehicles and merchandise . tee paving aed : .66, 61 peddlers, prohiblted on specified streets ; foe eee ae 4 12 pipes, laying and installation of . 260 projections and encroachments upon generally j ..170-174 park streets Asst. Sec. JOHN J. PIPREDPONT........2nd Vice-Pres | JAOOB STEINER... .. Gomptroiier | EDWIN ©. ESTs. écwrees suuelb ous Asst. Sec. HIRAM R. STHELE, Counsel TRUS TEES WALTER NM. AIKMAN CLARENCE 8. DUNNING f PERCY S. MALLETT MATT = : FREPERICK C. BATES LEWIS W. FRANCIS | Vy elias Soe dom {ATTHEW 8. SLOAN BOODY ¢ RA! t ;} \ G, FOSTER SMITH CHAR BA. 1 BE. CARLETON GRANBERY WILLIAM L. NEWTON HIR 5 BERNARD A. BURGER é : AM R. STEPLE ISAAC H. CARY J. MORTON HALSTEAD JOHN J. PIERREPONT JACOB STEINER WILLIAM H. CARY DAVID H. LANMAN ROBERT L. PIERREPONT HENRY C. TURNER CHARLES B. DENNY JOSIAH O. LOW | ARNOLD W. SHERMAN JOHN T. UNDERWOOD ADELPHI COLLEGE Brooklyn, N. Y. A College of Liberal Arts . Students admitted by examinations of the College Entrance Board, by Adelphi En- trance Examinations or by Certification from approved high schools that the subjects required for entrance have been successfully completed. Semesters Begin September 17, 1923, and February 4, 1924 Summer Session, July 2-August 15. Catalogues, Information, etc. Upon Request PHONE—SOUTH 7010 DAVID M. STERNBERG CO. Corner First St. 171 SEVENTH AVE. BROOKLYN mw FURRIER on te square > WE REPAIR, REMODEL AND STORE YOUR FURS Facilities the Best Workmanship Efficient Styles the Latest Prices ReasonableCODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. Stre:is—sidewalks (Continued): restoration of pavement, deposits to COVED. gs teasi-c peeweuy seen penee : 91 restricted against peddlers.. : 13 sales (salted meat and fish) in " 31 DERGOL «4 24000 e ee ess oO 132 sidewalk bridges (building construc- Oey 7 oe daa a pee) sie ‘a “ 141 sidewalks: abutting owners’ responsibilities cleaning —~.:. ; 10 construction and repair s 2 ae removal of earth and ether debris (tcau ee Cee enow and ice removal......seree 21 : to city, relmbursement...,,, ° 1 meero Om Dlg, .. . snack ewe e eee 185 carriageways Across .......-. ie wine © 184 construction generally ° 180 DY BHUttINE QWRET cnascccunsene 181 RereowmORe 8... aw ccdeuces nance ae 187 SEeiInn GORGE «ec ceencacsa porting ss 60 gia a 6 canon Wate me a vo 4 MGOMING, POMUIRTOR 2 oe ccvccunsee vena 11 slaughtering: permit required sseunee restrict in Manhattan......... ecce 836 WEUOIN Ge, SOMUIETOG » osc ences wende dies 11 Ewitchback rallread: a commen show ..... sewn nel 60 censtruction and operation ...... 660+668 Switehboards: (See Electrical Code.) Bwiteh boxes: (See Electrical Code.) Switches: (See Hlectrical Code.) Systems: (See Blectrical Code.) Syphilis, reperts of cases; to be con- OP bbe eaeedd uc ° ee T Tanbark, use in streets .....csssee000 853 Tanks, on roofs wad cee t aienteetane. OOM Tanning and ieather dressing ......-. 328 Ter, YRORUIACLUFINE ... cc: seeennve Ona Taxes and assessments: apportieanament tna cae deb pes se 266 fees for bills and searcherp ....... 366 Taxicabs: (See Hacks, Cabs, Taxicabs and Sight-seelng Cars.) Teachers in schools, tuberculosis re- SEMICEION, Gian bao Waa ie oe ee Vieekdehe ‘ 95 Technical establishments: RORMGG Wass hyp ak cas ¢ peeeda ne seeee ° 1 permit te @perate ccceccccvecesess « 260 ee eS ae cedeabe 42 FeetviGtions © is nn vgarees ees aucegp cape 889 supervision in ciews clas ckwhekequue 208 Telegraph apparatus, wireless .....<¢ » 686 Telling fortunes Im PArkS ...++++0288 17 Templates, specification ...... .. 80609 Temporary buildings or structures, BARMOTOStION BE Gate eedicawanceewn 478 Temporary supports, construction .... 50 Tenement house: elassificatiom § <. a wer nuisances in or about pg eee ee 183 Terminal blocks: generators or meters: (See Electrical Code.) Terra-cotta blocks: specifications : te hn és palais = ‘ 29 working stresses .....- i Ccehiaeke 51 Testing, grounds and Insulating resist- ances: (See Electrical Code.) Tetanus, reports of cases .....+.-sse- = 36 Theatres GeGned -.cccacvieuaennacass ceases ieee 1 classification sccccessesecseas 5 etme 70 censtruction: WONOVOUY seaccesctecwstctenus cueasth@ie application of provisions ......--. - §30 approval of buildingS ~.....++e+s- é eae suditérium WSllS wscccececasace se Daa ceilings and ceijing coverings .--, 534 CUDDOBPAD cee cunt ouceeseeueands . 584 dréssing rooms . Ova es 2 eee . 623 electrical wiring and appllances.. 438 exits and exit SignB ......+-++- os «OORT Sve CUurtOlh c.oed oss tape tem was oe 530 TYR GRCROGR © ona cos tinee Gases ome cia Dae fire-extinguishing appliances ..... oan gallery frontS .....-ceeesseceves « 884 SreGiente .«ccanscsnguccce Cedgauae eer heating plant .-.--+-+5ee9- Jn ahem ee let hing.: sas tevnnaewnee pw wnala acai ese os 584 MSATE, 6 inc dwne ae aa ne ov aid hi ea i626 MERNS Of CHTOSM: avicnadvsenccecess, G27 26 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 296 13 13 26 26 36 20 bs 7 ee “co AMAA AAARSeRaAananan ->¢ ee * rd Ted re at oo ee aad cd aed oe pe ie J .> sbarac eat te os SUSE bea eo eT oe et 2 * eFC ee gg ge Oe eae ee cf. 7 retL par ita tee es212 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. rare WOOD AND STEEL FRAME rire-PROF (FAN RAGES. portasie Call and see a full size Manufactured iit Building Brooklyn, N. Y. at Office BUILDINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ROOFING :: FURNACES WM. BUCHANAN 488-492 SUMNER AVENUE Phone: Lafayette 0029 S30 Years at the Same Address ZA. oN LUNA A TA AA NATE ORNT errs ———— — i ih. eh a's nt a | PHONE: PROSPECT 23802—2303—2304 ! JACOB MULLER 830 FULTON STREET Branch Store: 56 Lafayette Avenue BROOKLYN, N. Y. AUTO SUPPLCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Theaters—Continued: partitions ave swe koe hs yes WEQVOercy FOOM . <<< PrOSCcOmum -..4'75... protective curtain roof garden restriction roof of auditorium BPGUe. ancui shelving ; stage and scenery stage skylight stairways storage rooms ita stores on street floor WEIN (co ne diagram of exits on programmes Oxit SINGS. .....<. : ala ; explosives and hazardous trades’ re- strictions: (See Specific Subject.) fire alarm connection i — firearms, use of blank cartridges fire commissioner's jurisdiction fire-extinguishing equipment firemen at performances lavatories, use of common towels ladder from boiler room licenses: all theatres must have Tees a ot } commutation disposition IOMUO: os eae an as TOVOCER TION: +... «st. noeno-professional performances mon-theatrical use or occupancy of bulIGINE ds....5 4% , ebstruction of aisies and passage WYO 2500 ok us sale of liquor in spitting prohibited ‘standees” .....<. : Sunday performances ticket speculators ‘ uniicensed, may be enjoined women walters in, prohibited Third avenue bridge (Brooklyn), loca- SOON a se ee a a ee ceivuee Third avenue bridge (Harlem) loca tion ws igo ie ew ube 6% Third avenue market, location Third street bridge (Brooklyn) oca- tion Throwing stones or other missiles in parks In streeta <6 eee Ticket speculators, - restricted Tickets, sale of by ticket offices Tickets. charge tberefor (See amend ments) Tie-rods, specification and use Tie wires: (See Electrical Code.) Tile construction Boorse ibs cacy cee es LGITines .. 740 Ve Rola @ ite es Timber: specification weights working stresses in walls Sr i Tinning wire: (See Electrical Code.) Tobacco stores, restrictions as to er- plosives and hazardous trades: (See Specific Bubjects.) Tollet preparations, sale and distri- MULION . wee : Tombs (burial); constructing, use, dis TUBING. ..d6 Torpedoes (See Fireworks), manufac- ture of railroad track Tote box, defined Towels, use of common Towers of buildings, construction of wooden ‘ Os amended <....... Toy pistols, sale or use Trachoma, reports of cases Trade wagons: are not “advertising wagons” park restrictions park street restrictions street obstruction by ‘ Trafic regulation (See also Parks Park Streets and Parkways.) definitions advertising vehicles bicycles rig cattle, sheep and swine city owned automobiles curb, defined drivers, age limit eis driving (rules of the road) automobile stop signal an oe ae crossing streets . junit Gig a wetete wad BOGE FO PIRNE sacccectvvierent Sec. 528 FOF wwe 529 Chap. ‘ 5 f 6 TCAMoaneeann _ oc ww ht te re oo w eo @ &@ & nora a a Traffic regulation (Continued): PORATED |) aieS ai eine ok de ee obstructing traffic overloading team overtaking siowing up ee slowing-up signal slow-moving vehicles Standing at curb starting stopping SEs awee 6 stopping signal ae A sLOD Signal to motor cars turning oeseseve to right, into another street to left into another street NOUR MANNII 620 st. wd db wey we ecw yeu kwle Grand boulevard and concourse, Bronx; restrictions horse racing in streets ice wagons, projecting scales lights fie A iwi -s : motor vehicle mufflers ebstruction of traffic: Rae irs im oo dv cc ph Cénie ucesuee Fifth avenue generally Park Row getreet intersections ' streets used by surface cars Ocean parkway, restrictions omnibuses, stopping places park regulations +s peddlers, venders and hawkers: standing in streets streets restricted against police to enforce processions and parades racing in streets reasonable care required riding on back of vehicles right of way roadway, defined seean sidewalks Crevinm® BCroge .. << + sens obstructing i 5 eu sveeesens skids, use of ek i bpalewebes sah e sieighs, bells required .. apeed of vehicles: general provisiona ..,..eece. ° approaching bridges meeting street cars. OM: DRIGCOR thrid be ei tech on congested streets ; overtaking street cars..... passing public schools turning corners unrestricted vehicles Street cars: rignt Gf Ways... speed Apc stopping places : trades wagons, are pot advertising oe eeee wagons ‘ vehicle defined Traffic warning cards Training schools, infectious diseases in: patients to be isolated reports of cases ; Transformers: (See Electrical Code.) Transformer stations (See Electrical Code.) Trapdoors in shafts, safeguards Trees and shrubs (in street), care of.. Trichinosis, reports of cases.... Trimmer arches, construction Trolley circuits, light and power from (See Filectrical Code.) Trolley stops i a “ ; yi aha Trucking (heavy vehicles) in parks... Trunk line ratiroads: (See Rallroads.) Trusses, iron or steel Tuberculin test, cows. : se Tubes and bushings (See Electricel Code.) Tubing, fexible: (See Electrical Code.) Tunnels: (See Subways.) Turpentine, manufacture .. fss ses es c-55 * = ree Trac rare SSeS eT Tet oi cs i oe eee eee ee ee “7 Ei 7 rer a Me WSR FET Lee EL Ee wks ee Sa b era tap eas ertCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. %s Scientific Eye Exammations Our Method—Service that is Eyes which are weak in one proper care at once. Good spectacle fitting and optical eyes are your greatest asset. / [Samra 4 03 repairs is what we offer you. The proper care of the eyes iy) Waa en , Gye: 3 ee He “ @ We Also Specialize in the Fit- is your most important duty. ting of Artificial Human Eyes Help your eyes to help you. : yes | REGISTERED Bey « B Fk, & ; OPTICIANS OPTOMETRISTS * e . { aroun steer L46 LIVINGSTON STREET “MAIN 1626 NEAR SMITH STREET MAIN 1626 Boody, McLellan & Co. Members New York Stock Hachange Orders Executed for Cash or on Margin 111 Broadway, New York City Brooklyn Branch—MECHANICS BANK BUILDINGCODE OF Undeveloped sections of city building code, application in building construction in . ieee Unionport bridge (Bronx), location.... Union square market, location........ Union street bridge (Brooklyn), loca- CIOL chia pe Ow bip eh <5.5 ae | : United Sporting Club, discharge of firearms on grounds of United States: army, parade exemption Pde buildings, exempt from local elec- trical control Sereaa «6 5 sles meil wagons, right of way.. ; : municipal explosives regulations do not apply to officers or vessels of navy, exemption as to parades University heights bridge (Harlem), location ..... ae weele Unsafe buildings abatement of: generally......--eee8s yoluntary, by owner : : : emergency fund for public protection emergency measures in cases of fire commissioner to aid in securing notice to owner or occupant: issue disregard of precept to abate issue es expense of executing return reimbursement of city for execut- ing record Of 44 «44153 een removal or repair generally judicial order, procedure lis pendens precept provision for enforcing reimbursement of city survey proceedings notice . posting report review by court surveyors cempensation yoluntary, by owner vacating, procedure Unsafe signs. repair or removal! Unsprinklered buildings, defined V or lamps (See Electrical Code.) Vapor-proof globes for incandescent lamps (See Electrical Code.) Vepors, piping regulations Wariable or live load, defined Waricelia, reports of cases Varnish: (See Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers.) manufacturing, restrictions ..... Vats, installation or alteration Vaults (burial): establishing, permit required interments in a a iat ate opening, exposing or disturbing Vaults (explosives and hazardous trades), defined ...... Vaults (sidewalk): aqgnned: ..5:. Ath Se ae Saareie t borough presidents’ control.........-- compensation for privilege. COMBLURCUION a aia tso dence sn 0 @nMcros@ehing § ..6.6cce ce ay ee limitation protection of openings Inm.........+5+. gpafeguarding Covers ....csecees seca wiolations, punishments ....ccssevese ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec. 91 29 630 632 639 ess 661 Ged 199 3323 391 Chap. oe o 11 24 10 9 = an om om o' eo Vegetables: MOnTead .iv cde n e4e eee rset ete reseed 1 inapection cesscessc cocseesssevese ASE “not sound’: GONhSG. fo... decuwetva seccccesevees AGS condemnation .......se. escecsscce AST possession, presumption ....ccecece 168 eni6. prohibited -.... 1... .. sculveka hee throwing into street, forbidden...... 10 Vehicles: (See Trafic Regulations.) OM ‘pea’ oekck cede kL. osevs 1 advertising ei ceneanb las osaeaue 30 ambulances, right of way........ cn ae Breet GXemptlon ccs cou cee biked a ie 17 automobiles: (See Motor Vehicles.) bicycles eceletse da hud ee é 31 bridges, permits for ; eka é ai 3 bureau of buildings, right of way.... 16 speed exemption ce bvce se 17 carrying offensive liquids or ma- terlals SR URE POGUITOR, ccccchcccucedeeé 239-241 use and care of H .» 244 congested street restrictions : 17 contents must not spill upen streets. 13 crossing streets oes i ee il dirt carts a “4 fo vaeme ccs Bs drivers, age 10 Orvik OVOr Fre MONG... «ceuceesadscd 3 explosive cafrying 66 expresses ‘ ‘ . 0-64 fire department, right of way...... 16 speed exemption , 7 hacks, Cabs, taxicabs, ete .« »- 30-109 hospital street restrictions 131 ice-wagons, projecting scales er 35 insurance patrol, right ef way. 15 speed exemption 17 junk-dealers 120 OU OOF PARTIE: cee ecce dcenwesounu 11 licensed, marking é lights ivease 12 marking of seresesve 40a mail-carrying, right of way 15 meeting other il motor: (See Motor Vehicles.) obstructing sidewalks 188 312 obstructing streets, removal and dis- position vas 152 overtaking other vehicles 11 overtaking street C@rs.......s+s00s- . 17 park restrictions bicycles eese ° ceoeeevevesen 41 fire apparatus vdecneie 38 hacks, cabs and taxicabs 34 in tow > coves 33 parking 21 offensive matter carriers 35 public carriers 33 trades wagons exe 7 peddlers’, requirements and restrioc- tions affecting . : Lecntege Gam physicians, right of way 15 police department right of way eae ad 16 speed exeMption «eae 17 public CETUS istccueataeseceeeesets 140-144 public service emergency: right of way 16 speed exemption 17 right of way seer 16 rules of road ‘ : 10-18 school street restriction 132 slowing up signal hereetbaseueeeanel 11 slow moving Ea ore ren ‘ 11 BOese TECUIATIONS: oc sac anvcauwson as 17 stopping cewek webeeteeswusen 11 etoping signal iy (evs staewae 11 stov signal to motor vehicles.......>» 11 towing, in parks we steee sus . 33 trades, use of park streets nae me 1 turning oe 11 washing in streets bas a 43% Venders: (See Peddlers, Hawkers and Venders. ) Venereal diseases, reports of cases.... 3% Vent flues, Construction ...seseavaves . @82 Ventilation: bn thbein: <) .s pues caekanoceebeakee aa business bulldings ....seseeesevees 4 har plumbing and SEWETS weetearcennees 232 public buildings .....eesesceeas 33 wesiGence DONGINSE |. vscec msn een sss : 130 vent pipes, construction above roof... 231 water closets eaves a ee aee eee 133 workrooms, artificial ........... 339 Vent shafts, defined ......0ce%seesees 370 generally he ted Mh a Gu alec ole ale ale a Re Vernon avenue bridge (Brooklyn) leca- ee ery seve taavueesneuvae a 20 ae 20 20 23 24 24 24 24 24 23 9 a 24 24 24 24 1T 17 26 a6 ta aco ‘© eaeteSacsre 215 \ wee. ea a} ra Eats RGAE ~ a) PTH a See Ter hs =e * - ea. A ~e ee Fe 1 . Vana Ge Hawet ee “12 Fl 4 $F 5 ee ek ee oe Se 7 eee CAR AGL ote eee eSFresh Flowers, Palms and Vines Supplied and Artistically Arranged FOR Dinners. Receptions, Weddings JI. CONDON HORTICULTURIST 734 Fifth Avenue Phone 0027 South BROOKLYN, N. Y. Floral Decorations for All Occasions Plants and Flowers Delivered Anywhere THIRTY-FIVE GREENHOUSES _ §Fort Hamilton Parkway. Phone: Windsor 4766 BRANCHES: (Gravesend Avenue, Phone: Windsor 5436CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Sec Vessels: abandoned, removal of ee un cee 120 ashes and refuse, remoyal from ; 12s berthing fees . E — : g8 births on, reports . 367 boller inspection, small lL canal boats, territory, wharfage fees i2 cargoes, discharge and storage generally .. Jaan a 60-64 hides or skins .. 259 sanitary requirements 258 carrying offensive materials, docking 245 cinders, dust, steam or ddors, from 212 deaths aboard, reports . _ 5 docks and piers, appointment ge ee : : 14 canal boats ... ; aed oa 13 city purposes 5 ita ie garden produce . ; ; 14 lighters as a. : 14 oyster trade ‘ . 16 explosives, carrying 65 fires on, jurisdiction garbage boats, restricted 238 immigrants’ bedding, etc disinfec tion 5 he Stee a ele 359 infectious diseases on board landing patients prohibited 354 officers to report $51 53 quarantine regulation 362 removal of infected person or ar CICION 4.4 » oe $65 intruding into canal boat territory 17 jurisdiction of dos kmasters ove lying at ends of piers 121 marriages aboard, reports of 35 masters disobeying orders of K commissioner $ emoke emission 211 straw, bedding, et not to be cast overboard water supply to, rates £1 wharfage rates 80-91 Weterinarians, to report contagious Q!s- ease cases .. . - Nolations of code (See Specifi Sut jects.) punishment, when not otherwise specified ; 10 Volatile infiammable olls defined . S itece I storage, sale or delivery permit required ......+-04e0s: ] fee ‘ : prevention of fire report of sales Li4 requirements, containers rural deliveries . l4 sewers to be safeguarded agains l Volt meters, switi hboard (See Ele trical Code.) W Wrainscoting, frame bulldings 284 Wallabout market location of jeases in sale of liquor in 30 Wallis construction of building generally / 250-262 foundation 236 frame, outside fire limits 473, 481 belght 2 250 retaining: excavation supports . a, rhe jot regulation 211 safeguarding, adjoining building construction 23V weight, computing 50 Warehouses: classification .... ; 10 construction: Peneraiiy = vas» 71-73 details: (See Specifi Subjects, Building Code, ) exit facilities . 152 fire alarm connection . 20 fire-extinguishing appliances 20 Washington avenue bridge (Brooklyn) LGCRTION |. a5. v0) : at si l Washington bridge (Harlem), location l Washington market, location 31 Waste (olly), care of: (See Electrical Code.) Waste material (of city), sales of.... il Watchmen, required in hotels, lodging houses, asylums and hospitals ~ ao ef « eo @ @ 10 a & © no oO ~~ eo 12 Sec. Wt er DOSte 9 oss ee ase es bis oe aes Gee Water-boats, rate for public» water supply ns gees 21 Water closets adequacy and maintenance ........ 284 plumbing construction ee dem are Bemarate trape i. cscvevac cue ies ms yent pipes Scictceeecen eink eee gleeping in, prohibited ...... ed wen 62 PenemeeOrn GE jpcwcedasicneeweewee cere8 133 Waterfront property: (See Docks, Fer- ries and Harbor Control), defined.. Watering troughs, maintenance and use 44 Water meters: (See Water Supply.) Water on vessels : whe oe Whew we 167a Water pipes, installation in buildings 609 Waterproof ecustruction; electrical: (See Electrical Code.) Waterproofing (bullding construction)... 443 Waterproof pendants; electrical: (See Electrical Code.) Water register bond of 270 report of receipts aa ; 26 Water rents and charges: (See Vater Supply.) Water supply: controlled by commissioner of water supply, gas and electricity ....... 1-44 boilers, permanent 7@ connections tu mains authorization i ¢ a charges 24 iscontinuance ee ; . 2% drinking hydrants, protection ise emergency repairs to system 1 hydrants interference with or obstruction of, * use aa ew Pai . ® using for private traffic in water... 41 obstruction of stop-cocks ccceakee dk a pollution or interference with < private traffic in alate eee . 41 public wells fied avec wesc eeeas T purity, protection am ; ..168, 167 rents and charges (6uG TARCUIIGN cs bet keer cane taverns ~ 21a frontage ‘ 2 meter alos & pied wae . 22 special uses, schedule .....+e+ee: . 21 nonpayment ioae duke «neil 28 report of receipts ......sssseresers 26 searches for, fe€@S ..wcccseceors -o one use private traffic ‘ bis Roweeee 41 I street cleaning : 40 washing down from house conneo- tion “ie -/ 42 washing vehicles ‘ 42 watering horses : : sida an 44 violations ie : «pwd aan a water register, report of receipts.. 26 wells, use restricted .......... <. aan Water supply, gas and electricity, de- partment of, jurisdiction electrical contral generally ‘a seeeueves eeeee motion picture operators ..svevess 43 motion picture theatres a ttesne 33 428 signs ; June 6 Leuk ach) ee 68s PHOOTTON .cecseceuacs eS es saa ee ete street lighting ; . webwes cuesneemane water supply ~deee i deheuvsicd ee Water tanks on roofs construction generally ease able wk ad 428 on small or suburban buildings 420 meintengnce@ “ Saabavas PeTTH Eee ETS TS) : ere | Loe Ate Serres ee218 CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The Peaple: National Bank OF BROOKLYN RALPH AVENUE and QUINCY STREET NEAR BROADWAY MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE { DEPOSITORY OF STATE, GOVERNMENT and POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS, As an Additional Feature of Our Service, We Invite Your Use of Our Special Interest Department. Deposits Earn 34% From the 1st of Each Month, Payable Semi-Annually, OFFICERS GEORGE W. SPENCE, President CHARLES WISSMAN, Vice President JOHN W. ROEDER, Vice President ARTHUR W. SPOLA NDER, Cashier CHARLES OLDENBUTTE] , ASSiStant Cashier WILLIAM H. SCHMIDT, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS George W. Spence Marshall McLean William H. Agricola Henry L. Schelling Henry C. Bohack Frederick L. Mills Arthur R. Koch Frederick W. luecke Charles Wissman George W. Baker George F. Trommer Lewis J. SpenceCODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CIry OF NEW YORK. 219 SUBSCRIBE TO THE Almanac And Libraries Eagle A. Book a month and The Eagle Almanac at the beginning of the year, complete, for $2.50 4 _ . T Begin Your 1923 Subscription Now ats The Eagle Almanac.......-.--- Ca. ae The Code of Ordinances... 1D The 1923 Library Pues will include The Charter of the City of New York, 75c - The Penal Law, 50c; Long Island Automobile Guide, 35c The Eagle Cook Book, 25¢ and five other numbers: on Cae and subjects of current interest. . Fy - ” I a rs ’ a Fs a in * a oS e « “ r (a a at i a Sod ae os oe pet Cg ied oo ol a me 4 iu - rt) » al a 2 “ . -~ a ‘ 9 ~re PLL thee es CERT bt DE baa goatee et eet eeerT et de Tae, Rial Bed dei Ried Sal CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Eagle } i om - | Eagle Almanac—A B mation, Genera of the Wor al Specia f New York City a Long Islan Published Annually $j ) First Year Book of the League of Nations Pamphlet Forr Second Year Book of the League of Nations The Charter of the City of New York. Published Annually with Amendn The .Code of Ordinances of the City of New York Published Penal Law of the State of New York Pu nnualls d Guide to Municipal Government, | Surtogate Court ‘Act and Yew York State Automobile Guide of Long Island and Law of New York & The Eagle Radio Book The Eagle Cook Rook and H Sermon Edition, Publis Subscription Publications4 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. a _ —_— —— A Day’s News Its Making and Its Printing the paper you read at breakfast left off. Not the stery of yester- day repeated, er ef the early slumbering night. but the flashing news ” of a pulsing, wide-awake werld ls spread before you in lhe Brooklyn Eagle that leaves the presses HERE) Every stock sale, every great move in this werld of war and business, told with ACCURACY, Clese ==> RELIABILITY, RESPONSIBILITY of Markets | Steck Exchange ‘*Nae man can tether time or tide’’—Burns But the evening newspaper comes in with the fleed tide of the news. They are the hours of action, verification and presentation. Take time by the forelock. Ask your newsdealer to-night for The Brooklyn Daily Eagle The Home Paper of Greater New York tan aoel Se Te Tike ie alienate anand, saan Co ohindiell ne ht ttn sedan222 CODE OF Ny ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF hk head ii I F NEW YORK \ e ’ - —— - THE EAG IBRARY A Seri ries of ubli oO e e€ ications r a on opi ss of Cont emporaneo | Pub Te us interest eee te ee oe c oI (dbrarie nae a ee 6 fro ae _ No, os tc 1 to 42 are out of print) iN ————— BE 2 Ne a i Price 5 5c. g Code of New York Cl i a 2—*The An Fo : YY SaueEanaee ae ie No. 44—Th ! ty. 1900, No 93—"G = can | alpit nee : Ble e New Yor Coun Juide. to Paris and iWNo. 14¢ 7 etio ork tries of Eure an 16 19—I ———s E: W n Law, 1908. P Primary and General | No. § of Europe | the Principal | No. 150 L, I., Automobile o 45— rice oy e - 1 l G Ly Clty Sanitary Code of os N 94—*Summer R No. 151 oe oe uyler M amide. Price 50¢ S c y ’ jO”G nc wy . ; ' a = : ‘ wom $2 ' . en ° ry y of New York, 1900 the Board of Heal Oo, 95—The Dem le. Price 10¢ | No, 152- Rapid Transit La orial. Price $e : No. 46—*Questi me u, Price 15¢c. Seen uey {andboo sand | No. 153 Business Laws w. Price 10c m No. 47—Bau ons and Answers, 1900 No. 96—*The : = No 154 s a Tf Law. Siitne St) 10¢. ; : No. 48—The eee cupectery. Arce 5 Price 15e. Republican Handbook 904 No. 155—Am il Codes hace 25e * a - ini . 0 Eri Se , . r Americal , eee Platforms. racece Tassie’ of dea No. 98—The Scottis! he 15@—Oor T in Pulpit. Price 1 No. 49—T ttera of Acceptance P fe ar oe 1904 re Free Church Appe ee 157—Jam ica Erice 20e “ - 49—*The Pr re. Price 5c. | NO- 99—*E rice 15¢ Lppeal Case, | NO- 158—* maica Bay Improv : York, as or Charter of Greater N Bites Pe Sameuns be Gav. Wn iNo. 159—The é rnment cuntene Price 104, y the Charter te nial aan . 5. Dawes. foe Sen ae Law. ‘mS 10¢. ~ Vanes 10 —QOuvestions an . ax Law, and Ts Aabilit r ce 25¢e. Oc, and Answers, 1904 Sites 12: 1G] i : : ery iy hay, Jober asco , a, 162—Am scons and Answ ce 25e¢, Ne, 163—Chap! ein Se Price ore 10¢, : ipman- e e. are lexander Evangelistic Mis- Co mmission. December, 1909 No. 50 —The . Socials American C sm in n Commune 7. By 0. M. ie United States. een Practical Ne. 101—FEagle A! Wo. 51—*ch ler. ustrated.) clusive =" Almanaca. 1886 to 190% \ and Un- one Science Olai No. 102—c 808, in No. 52— stan. - By Wm. state Veteran ne No 103. Catskill Guide. Price 1¢ No. 164—Real Es Americans Character Sketches uldoon, Wo 4 3—Problems of Lif ice 10¢ No. 165—Pro) Estate Laws, Re icans, (Ill . ches of No. if Life Insurance No ‘a roposed N, vised, Pri WN llustrated Prom! ’ \4—The Re ance. Pri 1/ » 166—] : x. Ch ce 15 o. &68—Tenement HB ted.) Price 10c¢ nent Insurar : Royal Arcabun ce 10¢ trict B evy El ction aw arter. Price B0c. e ou . hi rien ihe. anum and § : t Boundaries > - a hig &4—Charter of aa Laws, 1901 No, 105—M » 308, ——, ve 167—Direct echo 25¢. nd Blectom Dis o. 55—A G of the City o : No mae OFT Gage 29% La —_ lia’ | Welal Be maries tion, Se ae to the Pan oe = 1901. | Co aa, Asan de to } og Price 10¢, No. 168—( eae ee Law, N. Y. State No » N. Y., 1901. : erican Exposi- | N eaters 8. OF Ul ire 1908. and the Prine LO yovernment Cook ; ©. B6—*Summer oe a Price Be. post WP» 108—*The A i 8. Price 15ce ipa! No. 169—OCiyil Seryi Book, Dew. Price reeto o. 109 \merican Pulpit. P Vo. 17%—Presia eryice. ra: No. Price 1@e. ry. 1901. (] os P—Onues Gh Tipit Price 10¢ “A 4 '}—Presiden - Price 2 : lume toe e American §o0 a No. 110—*P fons and Answers, Pri 7 +; | Ne wi egal Campana Cartas = iitetent har! es M ptianaet Studies in Arn Price 25: ra “al Notes o a) lee 100 s ° 171—American P ns. Price 5 ny ‘ : n Photograpl 10 7 2- oe f No. 58 ted.) Price 10¢ r, September, 1901 | No. 111—Two iotography. | No 1 («—Making My Wine Price 10¢ E- No. Re reine ot aR es ro Americans in a M : iN =. 1 - ana ultry le Mind Me Price 10 - . ® } Price f fotor Car T oe —Moto , ; . 4 fe Pric The McKinle Ory. Price 10¢ | No, 172. ce ove and $ , ar Tour: | 2” 17h. fotorist’s Manual. Price 10¢ " A No oS ; Cloth coy mgeories (Iilustrate j | rice 10. endiefer, Oitize ) No, 176 - os r Law. Price ice 25e. . ‘ )— Pr e 0c Btra ted.) r " F een & nd rt If No im ——U. 5. — i & Clty. re Officials in Né No. RE hla te ah iblicist we 17 7—B pe Shue Law of 1913, Pr Ps No. 61—Pri er, 1901. Price ao State ar in | Wo. 114 P ieTican Pulpit Dr i No 1 , 2 American Pe Price ieee ide. ea aoe is0B C j mene ; . ie in@ural : Pro Oc ! 5 : Be era pate i i ee. by ae lg ae Nation seater me nend ons and Bill , p Armstrong R ie i ec 25 deral Banking cae 10¢, . oO. : ki a , wae ~ (een 116 ay Ss. Frice 10¢ ' ecom Yo. 18 "I urre ee in —*The Teneme : ener. Price 10¢ 7 | No - vue © Pari ' > c 7 Vorkmen’s C pea tev. r gz Code of the Cit nt House Law Oe 117—Reap ' Of Price 1% lwo s Compensation La A No, 63—Excis y of New York. and Bulld- | No. 118—T! "y _— f 1906 { . | "Stat ae at stitutio W. Pree rs Amended by the Som of New Yo | food Law ”¥ Railroad Ra a 3 rice 10c, | No Peat ice 10 ition ef U. 8S. and og No. 64—*The Ci Agislature of ‘oon. Etaie, as | No. 119—C , L( y and the Pure | Vo. {a2 FAilstory of Lon Nz as : ine SF! Brice ¥—Chs _ -" 8— Wor ) 5 No. 65—T ivil Service La rice 15c. | don En seter of Creeter ; fare Workmen’s g Island. Pric 8 19 rolley E AW. | N ater N, I ; iN irabce Kates Compensati © 25e. pa N 08 edition. Illustrated’) “pelts No. 120—Bound . Revises, | NO: 184-N. ¥ Prige 25. on Law pad nt ir. . ustrated.) New Y ie ¥ 44 I gries of FE Yo. {85 State r a = 6G—*Paris Guide a Price 10c¢ York, | . I ‘4 tion Distriec - to nt o— Til ith] ess eee ing Law. P : No. 67—*S suide., (Cillyst - | No. -121—# ricts, New | No I 7 Rhymes of rice 10¢, +" ; ) —*“Summer Re a rated.) Yor “4 Bullding | No, 156—V 7 Martial No. 68 semort Guide’ ine | 121—*Bullding and Health | | No War R Mill- : - 68— Cs rulde Pr Hea} ‘ 7 teve : Islands so United Stat , 1902, Price 5 No. 122 e 25c nlth Laws. New| 18 7—Proposed oy Tax Law. Pri 2 3 Sion athe States and the e Be. |. Bees A eons ' ie _mentary Sch poser ames f ce 10 ‘ N : 10c. e Phili j ae é erican Pr . | IN - : ols of N or the e. ald o. 60—Water E ' ‘ippine No 123—*Antobiog o Pulpit Pric a oo, 20% Labor N. Y. O Pri Fablig Ele No. 70 Exploring. Pp iris ( "=n oblogra phy 6 10¢ ©. 1890—U Law.\ Pri ce £ + 70—Municipal Cc : rice 10¢ | We; respondent of y o© En | No. 180 S. War D ce 25c. Hi Revised 1908. pal Court Pra IN ¢ 12 f The Hag Ha Bull vO—Coo Grumen ’ Ww 1908. Practice. P 24—*Constituti ~ee So t | No. if k Book. Pi ts. Price : Oo. T1i—*Educati ; riee 10c. | Ps, 1 of Ne ¥ s f the Unit boy 10e¢, | 10 » LY1l—Speeches of W ce 10c. abe. +f No, mer oe a ons) Num 7 1a, 1° : 7 , Price ( aa ates, | — s ood » WwW é #—Questions imber. Price 10 No #O—Automobile | "aw | No. 192—Mouni row Wilson, Pri ‘oo 0. T3—*T and Ans ye. Oo. 126- . iandbook of | Ne. 19% unicipal cs i ret he Modern ui wers, Price 10 ly 1907 Gipsy Smith 1 i Price 10¢ | No 193—Winter ] Court Code. Pr . T4—"The Bee ulpit. Priee 1 Oe. Iw, " A ith Revival in Rrool INo | 95—*Restri fe sort Directory ice 2Be. Price 10¢. cher Me Oe. » 127—A srOOK 0, 196-4 lon Zon - Price N morial. (IL : at P . ; Ne. 108.cor doe Pulpit, Maps. a 10e, OG. Ts — r . us trated.) i ~ a ‘ LAC ro rd j , Cook ing ulpit. ce 10 N Municipal Mi d.)}/No. 12 Paris (1906 edi | No. 199—Jess Book. Pri ce 10 - . 62 > ef “T a 4 — cgi ~ a 7G—New York C srule. Price 10 | Price 10 ' opean Resort |e. 200—) salen Farvhes Sate: No. 77—Ww City Guide Cc. NT wort ay venta ; | No. 201—F nement House V ters. Pric No. 75S ashbington Guide - Price 15¢ - 129—*The Pul 06. | NO. 202—T me Defense M aw. Price 21 10¢, He 4 38—Summer zulde, 1907. Pr . , e 10 Service ( : No 2) 2_ Fed ley Guide anual. Pric aep ote] List. aoc Gui + ce 15e. | No. 130—* numission Lew, | ~° Ad. -Federal War T Price 25¢. © 254, o . ed _ n | | glenn aia | Sery heage pob ie Ve : ° ax. basis 79—*Modern Rell d.) Price 10c. d Foreign No. 122 vice Wd site No. 205—‘Ho: ide Price 25e. No. 80—P eligious Th lS we Palen! stent) Price 15c |No. 206—Dra y to Kee N ope Leo XIII. ( Thought. Price 10c. | Pri ization and Imn No, 207—] Tait pe Well.” Pr &3—Charter of (Illus.) Prie VC. | N wie (535—( Immigration | No 207—Brooklyn ar ‘Cre lee 50c.: Cl the City of ’ ce lbc | for Patrolm ‘Service Examine INo. 20% reaty with L. I. in Th i No. 8 oth Editio New Yo * en 4 RP nination Q \No. a209—~ Incor with Germa e War Laws. ee Transit a oo | Yo. 134—America: ph denedeg Price 10 estions, | No. =10- Entera! Tax Primer, "25 rice » . Act Ne - jo. = an Pulpit >i AVC | oO 2 e > : ainin g No. 83— Bc. and the Franc! O} 135—Marriage | Price 15 | No. 21 - Rent Relief Evenings. P i ae La ranchise servance AZ a 1 =» 1 f8—Code c Bil ls, rice 25 Price 25 we Affecting W | No Pi Law and § No, 214—> > ie of Criminal Price 15¢. * No ing New Yor | No. 136—Brookl and Sunday | Vo. 21¢ ational Part Procedure ; Pri ns fork City Price 10c. ready Vall { : ; | ‘N oO. © _” r f , rt <8. Price ae ae 50e, N rice 25c. sman’s Book, with @ No. L337 ~The “a to Homeseekers. aa a 4 ee . ty or Nn. c o. 85—Bulldin 7ame Laws. | = 0. 188S—*The Bm ns System 3 | No. 21 a ‘ 7 - tice Act aaa 75a. Xork City. pl and Health ’ | Nae 2 hf ciisiinenan manuel Movem Pric- 25c. | No, 22 9-—Tent Rell ; Baseball i 50e, No. A Ras 25c. : loth, ware of New we eae r Resor Pil ia ; a's teak 10¢. | No. ‘Dat Namaman? YT ills Pric oe 15c, ° ) o oe, 7 ° "The Nai ry, a e aoe ; om ee ~ I , ouse Law ~ ¢ No. a" People. of, Picture and Sto | Re eae fet eee. FE } Beare. 5 N =. vice Bee Act. Wane 7—*Current Oe a ories et Pri 10c American oar . Price 10c. 22S r 3 - 5] = Deced on No. gS—* Religio No ‘ Us EL i No . I i. ent N —*Education us Thought. P De 142—*Prison ; ” Missic 7 22 5 1¢e co Price § O. 89—Spectal al Directory Price 15c. | hen roe and Histor: b Mart o? i*® 225 ] T k B Pp i a New York Legi Laws Enact Price 10c. i No. SAO A onante story Prina | 3 Monument | No >> @Q__y 19 Price ®25ec N slat ed b | No. 144 nerican Pulp 3 AUC : »o I. Aut Pri: 5 o. S0— ure, 1908 y the S 14—*Torr ‘pit. Pr a 4 o Guide ice Ade | —*Civil & 3, Pr tate o | Price 10c Torrens Law sz Price 10 arter . Pr Sf | No. 91-5 ervice Guide. lee 10c tl No. 145 aw and Garnish | ont ae eee agle Cartoons, aoe fo 15c. No, ‘ al inesin Genten arnishee Law. Ni. a4 . a : a Ns: 2 Priee sa" e 2: |N J 4—Proposec ntenary, i i . #ean— : i ’ . ae ¢, | No. 147—-Propo: -d x Y. Chari tan 10¢, | LOc | Centenn Price 15¢ oe a ee Wo. 148—*c I ed iff 5 c er. Pr j Vo, >, ents ] Tour . ° —~ “hat shetty Moe. evisio > 10¢. pas } Mut t Pri —_---—— LOVE stand Me Q Price 10 | No. 231 7 : al Guid rice ae J 4 femoris ¢ on he r ak rTUICe, ; a — rial. Price 10e! No.232—Cod Lax 2 use 50c. SS oe OL City Ord riee 50c ——— raQinances Pri =amanaa—=———— : Ice @ ibrary f INCLUDING THE EAGLE ALMAN y a One Year, al AC, a 50CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Weights and Measures (Continued): WEN eles soe Fab vee wd ee conformity with standards false or fraudulent: confiscation of appliance defrauding by inaceurate, repair ; Cie OY ob kc kd een x inspection, genera] ily seh cna anes ° right of inspectors, duties interference with DURE OM SUG swine wore cake heehecanes return of testing appliances ....,. measures, manufacturers’ tests use of untested BOLE xaos % sins 0s Sata : testing, sealing and marking, re- Oe eee subsequent alteration untegted, not to be used use, regulated ....... vielations Wells: publie, restricted use ef water from private Westchester avenue bridge (Bronx), legation sis. us West End avenue (Maphettan): restricted against; peddlers ee ee trades W&ONB ’,,.. css: ca Westerleigh Men’s Club, use of fire- arms en grounds .... Westminster Gun Club, use of firearms on grounds of ere West Washington market, lecation Wharfage: (See Docks, Ferries and Harbor Contro].) Whert, wharf property, included in ‘“waterfront’’ property Wheelwright shops: (See Factor! es.) Whitcombe Gun Club White phosphorus, use fn matches pro- BIDITGG. 6 ow be vee eo hte Wholesele drug stores: MORMON is acpi eaid k's od wes oa whe aos Se ee ove EP ere eer special permit, required ..... a OS a Re a ee ee eee : construction of building: generally ‘ctw haa oe TR PRA ONS -4 ude nc ns ec pe aleues 6 a PRSESGOWAYS .- ~~~. ee eeee we aens fire prevention .....-., +95: laboratory, construction and equip- IGM ines oxen wile oes light and power requirements menufacturing, cempounding: prohibited materialg ......... use of heat storages: WAGER. Cera ceed Brae awe ses 6 : oe prohibited materials quantities of enumerated materials restricted cookin @mpervigion ............ julecnn es Whooping cough, report of cases *eeenwnes to “noe +} + — + ww SP — se mM 13 a" Chap, bn to ho ot 8 > fa of ” 24 LT 19 19 16 14 10 10 16 10 19 19 19 16 36 Wilkins Avenue, Brong, restricted BSSinst Pedadlevs -pesseusnvucaace Williamsburg bridge (Bast river), loca- tlon Willis avenue bridge (Bronx), location. Window ledges, placing articles upon.. Windows arches and lintels of automatic ofr self closing, defined... bay, oriel or show, construction.... dermer, censtructien fireproof bulldings fireproof ashiutterma fOF arcosspecesese aye mugteartinn of oi cnenavanners ous SOUAUEAI setae bausiuay enn eereevetce residence buildings ....-,e0+-- ecece Wind pressure, specificeationg ........ Wiregiass, required in fire windows... protectives for openings .,.-...-..>. Wireless telegraph apperatus, installa- CM a ered b1 ht CREO Selkes dnl ome Wires: electrical: (See Eleetrical Cade.) overhead, prohibited im parks........ Wiring, electric: (Sea Bleetrical Code) Witzell's Grove, use of firearms in..... Wood alcohol: caenteainers, Marking ..caeerreees cas MOIBORINM «osc ccrvccsenceerecgasqvessen poisonous, reports of cases ..,.,----- sale restrictiong@ ...,ess+6» tiene SRM 0 OCCp cerca e er eae eee hese ese epee eos Weod construction: (See Building Cods.) Wooden buildings: (See Frame Bulld- ings.) Wooden moulding: (See WBilectrical Cede.) Wood naphthe: containers, markINE .....--essesce06 polsonings, reportea Of CABOB ..,-s200% pele restrictiOnS ..,.+-ss++sseeernece eee ee ee ee a he ao ne ee Woodwork in bulldings: (See Bullding Code.) Working or filling pressure, defined,... Working stresses, specifications of. Work roems: (See Factories.) Work shop: (See Factories.) Wrecked bulldings, recovery ef bodles Scars . oc pssewereusseraresrenge cczes Writing, defined ....-c--eeeenesanacee Wrought iron: (See Building Mer terials.) MW-ray laboratories ....eeeesee° cen K-ray laboratories Geacod sassoeoded Yellow fever, reports of Cases... cetvep Z Zoolak: adulteration Of sccossTiviod ioe sberes ingredients accdesegaeserdessesertied quality ereccsseosesssedoepaavrape peed 261 370 446 427 357 375 376 134 1346 376 376 686 124 106 a? 124 124 134 92 124 134 167 107 86 153 166 358 Chap. aa AAnAdanaZtaraawn 17 12 26 30 20 20 30 36 26 30 20 30 el A ye a od ” oe re oi rs ar a. rat nT 3 rere a Tete a ya os we. eas Pere trian; = cats VST | ;&ees @ 3 : Ex: Paes See ee x 2 eee ee a eS SS Peerers Pat ts eeehe ee ot Sd ee ED ae be bes fowreceres ropes 22 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. a ——_— ee eee IS IT POSSIBLE? LO cae pn ne ee A A BB A NMA A SATIN. Leeann tae Nitrile As Ha a at og ta ha An pa pocensoc Socket COLA SLOSS SRO ie er tenner egg ann nm nen hr alata, as SS a ¥ t Pees se ee 3S ORR a e BRI PLDI LIES ILOWL LAELIA LIS Thousands of the Afflicted Who 1 T r ied. All Remedies, Mineral Springs and Other Resorts, Finally Visit Brooklyn to Be Peohtamantly Cured irom Rhoumatian Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuritis SYLVAN ELECTRIC BATH 160-162 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Harmless, Drugless, Invigorating Treatm STEVENSON Stationery & Office Furniture ART METAL & GLOBE-WERNICKE AGENTS Desks, Chairs Filing Cabinets Safes, Tables Umbrella Stands Card Index Boxes and Supplies Print , Engraving Olcbe' - W.tnicke Sectional Bookcases Cooking Recipe Books and Card Indexes Waterman and Schaeffer Fountain Pens 373 FULTON STREET Opp. Borough Hall BROOKLYN, N. Y. BRANCH—306 FULTON eee OFFICE FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELYCET BAY Seietheteraeel A PI eek? s ~~ 3 yah +e : ae r e% § Savesai PEL ET eet t SESS PLE SETS. at THE ete ek Se!beh oP ee es ee | —— + OUER* SATE het eeeee Peed Pe re ke eet CF oe a 0 b ee se eh thie. el he oe eee hee) cet Pe dea |NX 003 #66 wea ws * *) Fa Pipeas =Satas ¥ oa ; aa, Pee ee ea SESS Sa eer ee a Sere fas et cee LPS