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c i) & Grant, O Lord, we bese Lhee, ihiat we Thy servants may enjoy constant health of ma dy and mind, and through the glo- rious intercession of the B lesued Virgin Mary, be delivered from all te mporay 1 afflictions, and 20m tc those joys | that are eternal : Through 9 Christ: *our : Lord.’ Amen ’ », «454 NIGHT PRAYERS. Let us pray for those for whom we are bound to pray, and for those whe have recommended themselves to our prayers : Pour down Thy blessings, O Lord, on Thy Holy @hureli: on our lok Father the Popes on this diocess ; on our Right Rev. Bishop, and on all pastors of souls; on this country; on our rulers, and all superiors, spirit- wal and temporal; on this con- gregation; on this family; on our parents, relations, benefac- tors, friends, and enemies; help _ the *poor,-the-siek, and those ‘that:are in their agzorty's con- ‘veért,all sinners.and unbelievers, “Amen: : IS SORA ES NP ary BT CE seNIGHT PRAYERS. Let us pray for the souls of the faith- ful departed, and particularly for those of our relations, benefactors, and friends : O God, the Creator and Re- deemer of all the faithful; give to the souls of Thy servants de- parted the remission of all their sins; that, through the hein of pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon they have always desired: Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. Let us recommend our rest to God, te the Blessed Virgin, our Guardian Angeis, and the Saints: Ant. Save us, O Lord, wa king; guard us sleepivg ; that we may watch with Chris: aud rest in peace.56 NIGHT PRAYERS. V. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this night, to preserve us from sin. ft. Have mercy on us, O Lord ; have mercy on us Let us pray : Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this habitation, and re move from it all the snares of the enemy ; let Thy holy argels a |i dwell herein, to preserve us in | peace ; and let Thy blessing be always upon us: Through Christ our Lord. Amen. | Hail, O Queen, Mother of (|| Mercy! Hail, our life, our | sweetness, and our hope! We, the banished children of Eve, ery unto Thee To Thee weNIGHT PRAYERS. D7 fsend up our sighs; groaning -and weeping in this valley of ‘tears. Turn then, O gracious advocate, Thine eyes of mercy towards us. And after this our exile, show unto us Jesus, the blessed fruit of Thy womb. O clement, O bountiful, O sweet Virgin Mary ! O blessed Spirits, whom God in His mercy has appointed to watch over us; great Saints. whose names we bear; ye all, the elect and blessed of God: we implore your powerful pro- tection. Intercede for us, we beseech you, before the Lord, that He may be pleased to pour His Wessing on us, to grant us58 NIGHT PRAYXR=, a quiet night, and the grace of a holy and happy death. Amen V. May our evening prayer ascend unto Thee, O Lord. fv. And may Thy mercy de- ‘cend upon us. O my God! I offer unto Thee the rest Lam going to take, in union with the rest which my Saviour Jesus Christ took upon earth, and with His death and burial. 1 offer also my awaking in the morning in honor of His awaking, and of His glorious resurrection. I adore the dis- positions of His Sacred Heart in these various states, and humbly beg of Thee the favey SS ay ery Pe ee eeNIGHT PRAYERS. 59 sf being made partaker of them. Amen, May the Divine Assistance remain always with us. Amen. § VIL—EX AMINATION OF CONSCIENCE Examine every night, in what manner you have spent the day, as a prudent merchant takes a daily account of his profit and loss. Self-examination is that judgment which St. Paul admonishes us to pass on ourselves, if we would avoid the rigor of God’s Judgment. It may be practised in this manner: 1. Call to mind the presence of God; 2. Thank him for his benefits; 3. Implore his heavenly light ; 4. Review the state of your conscience ; 5. Conceive a hearty sorrow for your offences ; and 6. Resolve to amend, This examination of cons50 NIGHT PRAYERS. science should be made during or after night prayers. Before going to bed, if you observe the excellent practice of mornine medi- =. tation, you should read some plous 12 flections, which may serve as the subje 3t of meditation, and turn them over » > your mind, whilst you are composing yourself to sleep; as also, when you rise next day. PRS.WEEKLY PRACTICES. Ht Xe ou invoke as Father, Him who, without respect of persons, Peo ie accor an to every one’s work. converse in fear during the time of your 80] ourning here. i olor, 1 Mie SANCTIFICATION OF THE Lorp’s Davy. Make the s a of the Lord’s day one of the cap! ital ruJes of vour life ; let it be eat you a day ot sacredFa TS Sa ae: Ss RS See 62 SANCTIFICATION OF rest ; and as this day is especially set apart for the worship of God, and the consideration of our spiritual welfare, devote more time than usual to the aifairs of your soul, by reading some pious book, meditating on some Chris- tian truth, reciting your beads or other prayers, examining your conscience, and partic ularly reviewing the manner in which you have spent the week that has just elapsed, and proposing to be more w atchful over yourself for the life to come. §$ L—MORNING DEVOTIONS. If you have it not in your power to hear Mass every day, let nothing but im- possibility or a grievous inconvenience hinder you from being present at that holy sacrifice on Sundays and holy-d: aS of obligation. It is the greatest act of . Nae MF RS ieneTHE LORD'S DAY. 63 religion in which we can participate ; it 18 that which is most pleasing to God, and most salutary to man. The Mass is a solemn sacrifice in which Jesus Christ offers Himself through the ministry of the priest in an unbloody manner, as He offered Himself and was sacrificed on the Cross in a bloody man- ner. The Mass, therefore, so far from heing a second sacrifice, is only a con- tinuation, and at the same time a com- memoration, of the great sav rifice of the Qross; the Priest, the Victr 1, the effects are the same. By reason of this essential connection which this sacrifice of the Mass has with the sacrifice of the Cross, it completely answers all the ends of sacrifice, and that m a manner infinitely more perfect than any of the ancient sacrifices. It is of- fered to God in the Catholic Church, as 4 daily commemor ation of the passion of Mhrist: “Do this for a commemoration ah aes. uke xxil., and also, 1. As 464 SANCTIFICATION, ETO. most solemn worsbip of the Divine Ma- resty ; 2. As a most acceptable thanks- ziving to God; 3. Asa most powerful means to obtain pardon for our sins; 4. Asa most effectual way to call His grace and blessings upon us. When in the church, observe the strictest modesty, and behave with all the reverence which the holiness of the place requires. Never speak there with- out necessity ; and even in that case, let it be in a low voice, and few words. Avoid also looking about, and keep a strict cuard over all your senses. When Mass is about to begin, collect all the faculties of your soul, to hear it with de- votion, imagining yourself on Mount Cal- vary, at the foot of the Cross of your dying Saviour. Accompany the Priest in all the actions of the Sacrifice, and unite your intention with his, or rather with that of Jesus Christ, who is really the Priest, though he be invisible. aoc eePRAYERS BEFORE MASS. [—ANTHEMS AT THE SPRINKLING Or tHE Hoty Water. The use of Holy Water must be re- ferred to the time of the Apostles. The property of water is to cleanse; itis the type of purity. Salt is used as a pre- servation from corruption ; it is the type of wisdom. Water, therefore, and salt K06 PRAYERS BEFORE MASS. mingled, blessed, and sprinkled on the people, form a very appropriate emblem of the desire felt by the Church for our purification and preservation from every thing contagious.—It was the belief of the primitive Christians, that water, ‘sanctified by the word of God and prayer,” was capable, by a virtue thus received from Heaven, of working effects above its own nature. We are informed by unquestionable authorities, that it was a against the illusions of evil spirits, and for many other purposes. By it diseases have been cured, and vir- tue strengthened in temptation. No Christian house, therefore, should be without Holy Water. 1. One of the following Anthems recited by the Priest, while sprinkli the Holy Water: (From Trinity to Palm Sunday, inclu- sively :) Ant.—Thou wilt sprinkle mePRAYERS BEFORE MASS. 67 with hyssop, O Lord, and I shall be cleansed. Thou wilt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Ps. 50.—Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy ‘Ghost As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Ant.—Thou wilt sprinkle me, We. {trem Easter to Whit-Sunday, inclu. sively +) int—I saw water flowing from the right side of the tem mle. Alleluia: And all to whom68 PRAYERS BEFORE MASS. that water came, were saved, and they shall s say, Alleluia. Ps. 117. Praise the Lord, because He is good: because Uis mercy epaaneeh for ever. Glory be to the Father, &e. Ant. I saw water, dc. hi 2. The Priest, having returned to the fuot of the Altar, says: ii V. Show us, O Lord, Thy it! mercy. k. And grant us Thy salva- tion. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. V. The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.PRAYERs, ETC. Let us pray: Hear us, O Holy Lord, Al- mighty Father, Eternal God! and vouchsafe to send Thy holy Angel from heaven, to guard, cherish, protect, visit, and de- fend, all that are assembled in this place Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I].—Pravers ror THE AUTHORITIES, ETC. We pray Thee, O Almighty and Eternal God, Who, through Jesus Christ, hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy; that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, mayEE -e 70 PRAYERS FOR THE continue with unchanging faith, i the confession of Thy name. We pray Thee, Who alone art good and hone to endow with heavenly knowle dge, sin- cere zeal, and sanctity of life, our chief Bishop, [mame hem, | the Vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the government of His Church; our own B ishop, | name him, | all other Bishops, Prel- ates, and Pastors of the Church, and especially those who are appointed to exercise amongst us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy peo- ple into the ways of salvation. We pray Thee, O God of might, wisdom, and justice, through Whom authority isAUTHORITIES, ETC. rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist, with Thy Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the Presi- dent of these United States; that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people over whom he presides, by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faith- ful execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by re- straining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy Divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all their proceedings, and laws enacted for our rule and gov- ernment; so that they may — Bie ee oT st OSS. io AROY BE Bic BOS eA oePRAYERS FOR THE | tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of nationa. happiness, the increase of in- dustry, sobriety, and useful knowledge, and may perpetu- , ate to us the blessings of equal q liberty. We pray for his Excellency, iT the Governor of this State, for the Members of Assembly, for 1 all Judges, Magistrates, and oth- tii er Officers, who are appointed | to guard our political welfare ; that they may be enabled by Thy powerful protection, to dis charge the duties of their re spective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend, hkewise, to Thy unbounded mercy, all ourAUTHORITIES, ETC. brethren and _ fellow-citizens, throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge, and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy Law: that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admit- ted to those, which are eter- nal. Finally, we pray Thee, O Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servants de- parted, who are gone before us, with the sign of faith, and repose in the sleep of peace ; the souls of our parents, rela- tions, and friends: of those,74 PRAYERS, ETc. who, when living, were mem. bers of this congregation; and particularly of such as are late- ly deceased ; of all ber 1efactors, who, by their donations or leg- acies to this church, w cheeedl their zeal for the decency of divine wor ship, and proved their claim to our erateful and charitable remembrance. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we be seech Thee, a place of refresh- ment, light, and oa: peace : Thr nuh the same Jesu Christ our Fond and Seats AmenPRAYERS AT MASS. PART 2. PREPARATION FOR THE SACRIFICE, By the praises of God, the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and the profession of fatth in the doctrines of the Church. This nrst part was formerly callea “the Mass of the Catechumens,” for the Catechumens, or persons under in- struction for Baptism, attended at this part.76 PRAYERS AT MASS. Ar tHe BEGINNING OF THE Mass. The Priest, being at the foot of the Altar, begins by marking himself with the Sion of the Cross. ‘This ceremony is the usual manner in which, from the very origin of Christianity, the true be- lievers brought to their recollection the fact ef Christ’s having died upon a cross, from which death they expected every blessing. Make, therefore, the sign of the cross together with the Priest, and invoke the Most Blessed Trinity : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. It is n Thy name, O Adora. . ble Trinity ! it 1s to honor Thee and to do Thee homage, that I am present at this most holy and august sacrifice. PermitPRAYERS AT MASS. me then, O Lord, to unite my intention with that of Thy min- ister now at the Altar, in offer- ing up this precious Victim. Give me the same sentiments I ought to have had on Mount Calvary, had I been an eye- witness of that bloody sacri- foe, Grant that | smiay ge present at this renewal of that same sacrifice with the atten- tion, respect, and awe due to such august mysteries ; and that, by the merits of the Vic- tim here offered for me, I my- self may become an agreeable sacrifice to Thee, who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.Ph —— ced Pi TE Pe ae a a mk ea rei Kaha Ea a we won ti? _ = ot ae Pat SD ot Sas Se GZ 14 PRAYERS AT MASS. Then thinking, in the bitterness of your soul, on all your past sins, say, with an humble and conitite heart : I confess to Almighty God, &e., page 16. At tee Inrrorr When the Priest goes to the book placed upon the Altar, on his night- hand side. As the Priest entered the door from the Vestry to the Sanctuary, the choir sung an antiphon, taken from one of the Psalms, and appropriate to the festiva. which was celebrated ; hence this anti- phon was called “ad introitum,” or “at the entrance,” and is now known by the name of “the Introit.”’ Psalm 11€.—O praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise Him, all people; for His mercy is confirmed upon us; and the a i a YS tiePRAYERS AT MASS. truth of the Lord remaineth for ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. Tur Ancetic Hymn, or GLORIA IN E.XcELSIS. When the Priest is before the middle of the Altar. This Hymn is called the Angelic Hymn, as its first words are those sung by the Angels on the night when cr Mhrist was born. “Glory be to God on high, and, on earth, peace to men of cood will!” We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we adore Thee ; we glorify Thee; we give Thee hanks for Thy great glory, O ord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ. the only-hegottexCue CORRS. Fai : Se ae ieee ae ed ee A a Se aeons ee ee ee SO PRAYERS AT MASS. Son; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy onus. Whe takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers. Who sittest at the right hana of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou only art holy; Thou only art the Lord; Thou only, O Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. ‘The Priest then kisses the Altar, and turning towards the people, salutes them saying, The Lord be with you, and 19 answered, And with thy spirit. This mode of salutation is repeated seven times during the office of the Mass»,6 Ve het 4 eS ee AS 7 i a ed‘A (J SD Pa aorPRAYERS AT MASS. 8] Av THE CouLects. The Priest, having gone to the book again, and having his hands raised and extended, as Moses held his hands wpon the mountain when Israel overcame Am- alec, reads the Collects. These prayers are called Collects, because they are offer- ed up in the name and on behalf of the faithful collected together; and because they lay before God their joint wishes and wants. Almighty and Eternal God, we ura bi} beseech Thee to look down upon this congrega- tion from Thy Heavenly Sanc- tuary, and graciously hear these prayers of Thy Church, ad- dressed to Thee for all of us by the ministry of Thy Priest. Grant us, 0 Lord, in Thy infinite mercy, pardon of our 6 In ]82 PRAYERS AT MASS. sins; health of mind and body ; peace in our days; unity and inerease of Catholic Faith: fervent charity, sincere devo. tion, patience in suffering ; and every thing else conducive to Thy glory and our own s salva: tion: Through Jesus Christ om Lord. ncn At tHe EPIstTLe. After the Collects cow es the Epistle : so called because it is a portion of the Holy Scriptures, selected, according te the occasion, from the canonical Epistles of the New Testament, and sometimes from the Prophecies, or some other part of the Old Testament : Eprscie.—L.- St. Fohn 11 1-17. My little children, these things T write to you thas you mayPRAYERS AT MASS. R3 not sin. But if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Just: and He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world, and by this we know that we have known Hin, if we keep His Commandments. He who saith that he knoweth Him, and keepeth not His Com: mandmerés, is a lar, and the truth is not in him. But he that keepeth His word, in him in very deed the charity of God is perfected: and by this we know that we are in Him. He that saith he abideth in Him, ought himself also to walk even us He walked.... I write unto84 PRAYERS AT MASS. you, fathers;.... I write uuto you, young men; ....I write unto you, babes: .... love not the world, nor the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him: for all that is in the world, is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the coneupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the concupiscence thereof. But he that doth the will of God, abideth for ever. At tHe GosPEL. Before rcading the Gospel, the Priest, So howing down before the Altar, prays tePRAYERS AT MASS. 85 Gud to cleanse his heart and lips, that he may worthily announce the Gospel. This prayer impresses upon our mind the necessity of having a pure heart to receive the truth. The Gospel is read at a different side from that at which the Epistle and Prophecies were read, to show the change from the law of Moses to the Gospel of Christ. The Priest and the people mark their fore- heads, lips, and breast, with the sign of the Cross. This sign of our redemption is exhibited on the forehead for profession, on the lips for declaration, and on the heart for belief. All stand up, through respect to the words of Christ : GosPEL.—st. John vi. 51-58. At that time, Jesus said to the multitude of the Jews: I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall86 PRAYERS AT MASS. live for ever: and the bread that I will give, is My flesh for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among them- selves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, | say unto you, except you eat the flesh of the Son ot Man, and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth My flesh, and drink- eth My blood, hath everlasting life; and I wil] raise him up at the last day. For My flesh 1s meat indeed: and My blood is drink indeed. He that eateth My flesh, and dsmketh My blood, abideth in Me, and I in him. As the living Father hathPRAYERS AT MASS. S7 sent Me, and I liveby the Fa ther; so he that eateth Me, the same also shall live by Me. When the Priest kisses the book at the end of the Gospel, say with him in a low voice: May our sins be blotted out by the words of the Gospel. Amen. After the Gospel, the Creed 1s prop- arly introduced, as the profession of that faith which the Gospel has proclaimed. The Apostles’ Creed was originally used 5n this occasion; the Nicene Creed has been substituted, as being more explicit on certain articles. At the words, “and was made Man,” of the Nicene Creed, the Priest and the people bend the knee to adore God in the ineffable mystery otf ‘he Incarnation : I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of$8 PRAYERS AT MASS heaven and earth, of all things visible and inv ible: And in one Lord Jesus CI hrist, the only begotten Son of God: and born of the Father before all ages: God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God: begotten, not made; consub- stantial to the Father; by Whom all things were made: Who, for us men, and for our sal- vation, came sexe n from heav- en: and became incarnate by the Holy Ghost, of the Virgin Mary; and was made filan: was crucified also, under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried: and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures: and He ascendedPRAYERS AT MASS. 89 into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father: and He is to come again with glory, te judge the living and the dead ; of Wose kingdom there shal! be no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, Who pro- ceeds from the Father and the Son; Who, together with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified; Who spoke by the Prophets. And One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. L confess one Baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead. aud the life of the world te come. Amen.PRAYERS A't MAS3, This is the end of the first pait of the Mass, and of what is called the Mass of the Catechumens, who formerly were at this moment ordered to withdraw. The sermon had been preached after the Gospel; they had received ins. “ction: but the faithful alone being acquainted Q with the nature of the Mysteries, re- mained during the Holy Sacrifice. PART GL. Tue Preparation AND SANcTIFICA- TION OF THE Breap anp WINE FOR THE USE OF THE SACRIFICE. All hitherto has been read aloud; now the Mysteries begin, and the chief part is read in an under voice. Ar THE Orrerrory. When the Priest offers the Host and the Chalice:PRAYERS A’l MASS. 9] O Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God! how unwor- thy soever | may appear in ‘Thy presence, yet I presume to ofter Thee this Host by the hands o! the Priest, with that intention which my Saviour had when He first instituted this Holy Sacrifice, and which He has at this very instant that He is about to immolate Himself for us. I offer it, 1. to acknowl edge ‘Thy absolute dominion over all Thy creatures, my sub- jection to Thee, and total de- pendence on ‘Thy gracious Prov- idence; 2. to return Thee thanks for Thy favors bestowed on me and all mankind; 3. to obtain the pardon of: my sins, and thePRAYERS AT MAEM, deliverance of the sutfermg souls in purgatory; 4. to im- plore Thy blessmgs for ime, and ‘Thy mercy in behalf of my parents, relations, benefactors, and friends, of my enemies, and of all those who miserably stray from the paths of justice. Grant us, O Lord, all those precious gifts and graces, which can be obtained only through Christ Thy Son, who is the Just One, and became a victim for the sins of men. Accept, O Al- mighty God, this ineffable sac- rifice, as a sweet odor, and per- mit me to unite to this sacred oblation the sacrifice of my sou] and body, and of whatever | am or have. Change me, 0PRAYERS AT MASS. 93 Lord, and make me a new crea- ture in Christ, as ‘Thou art going to change the bread and wine by Thy power, and to make them. the body and blood of Thy Sov. Amen. Av THE PREFACE. This prayer is recited aloud by the Priest, who thereby exhorts the faithful “to raise up their hearts.” It is called the Preface, because it immediately pre- cedes the Canon of the Mass. Raise up my heart, O Lord, J beseech Thee, from worldly cares, and the thoughts of earth- ly things. Let me be all in Heaven, where Thou my treas- ure art, and on this Altar also, where Thou art going to pre sent Thyself to thy Eternal94 PRAYERS AT MASS. Father for our sake. As my life, O Lord, is a continued sue- cession of Thy favors, so let my thanksgiving be also uninter- rupted. And since Thou art going to renew the greatest of sacrifices, should not I also break forth into the most lively acknowledgments? Permit me, then, O Lord, to join my feeble voice with the host of heavenly spirits, and to exclaim with them, in transports of joy and admiration, “fjoly, Holy, fjoln, Lord God of Sabactlh; Hear en and Earth are full of Thy glory. Blessed be he who cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the high: est.”PRAYERS AT MASS. 95 A: these last words, the assistant rmgs the bell, to recall the congregation from any distractions which might have carried away their thoughts, as well as to excite them to greater attention to the Solemn Mysteries; for the main action of the saciifice now begins. PART ITI. Tus Canon or rHE Mass, or THE Matn AcTION OF THE SACRIFICE The Canon,—which word means “a rule,”—is so called from its having al- ways been an unchanging rule, by which the celebrant was to be directed. The Priest, during the Canon, holds up his hands, as we have already ob- served, in perfect recollection; and does not turn round towards the people from this moment until the conclusion of the sacrifice. He also: continues to pray ia Talk & S ye LS ARES ey 296 PRAYERS AT MASS. a perfectly under tone, to teach the faith- ful that silent and inward prayer, to- tl gether with meditation on the Divine 4 Mysteries, is what best befits the present solemn occasion +1. Altar; afterwards he thrice makes the sion of the cross over the offering, to Pe Ky consecrate it to God throug) the merits of Christ ; and then contimues the prayer, > Ar rur Brecinnine or THE Canon, i The Priest begins by raising his hands y and eves to heaven, in imitation of our ay Divine Lord, when invoking His Eternal Wf ih 1 3 . = . i i Father; then he respectfully kisses the ig | ma 7 4] i) aa the object of which is to obtain from zod the Father, the Author of all good, through the merits of His beloved Son, vex aah —_ the blessings which we ask for. And can He, who gives us His only Son, re- fuse us any other favor whatscever ? a. ; O Father of mercy, graciously receive this most holy sacrificePRAYERS AT MASN. 97 lwhich we offer to Thee by the hands of Thy Priest, in union iwith that which Thy betoved Son offered Thee during His whole life, but particularly at His last Supper, and on the ‘Cross. Look down on Thy Christ, Thy dearest and only begotten Son; and through the infinite merits of His Nativity, Tears, Labors, Sufferimgs, and Death, have mercy on me and on all those for whom I ought to pray, [here name the partrcu- lar persons, | my parents, breth- ren, relations, benefactors, and friends; and on those who have injured me, or whom I have injured. I also beseech Thee to guard, prosper, and extend 708 PRAYERS AT S. the Catholic Church; to pour down Thy blessings upon our Chief Pastor, the Pope; upon our Bishop and the Clergy, and to enlighten and guide them in the way of salvation. Bless and preserve the govern ment and citizens of this Re. public. Look down upon us all, O Lord, with eyes of mercy and compassion. Bring us al! to the perfect practice of a holy and virtuous life here, and to the possession of Thy eternal glory hereafter. May we all know ‘Thee; may we all please Thee perfectly ; may we all love and glorify Thee; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who with Thee. and the HolyPRAYERS AT MASS. 99 ¢ ) Ghost, liveth and reigneth one } God, world without end. Am:mn. Why have not I, O God, at jthis moment, the ardent sighs }with which the holy Patriarchs ) wished for the Messiah? Why lhave not I their lively faitl ‘and their ardent love 2 Game [Lord Jesus! come, sweet Re- deemer of the world! come, }quickly to accomplish a mys- | tery, which is an abridgment of : all thy other wonders. Thou art, O Lord Jesus! the true Pastor of souls, Who didst lay down Thy life fe Thy flock! 'Thou art the Lamb of God, that didst die upon the cross tu ‘save us! Prostrate in spirit hefore Thee, I desire te praiseowt -_ 7 Es A reo. laa a 2) ry — -3=- Sav y Fi sl So 88 ee Sey a7 TR ee s * es 100 PRAYERS AT MASS. and bless Thee, both now an¢ for ever. AT THE CoNSECRATION. This is the most solemn and impor sans part of the service; every thing hitherte has had reference to this awful moment; lor now the bread and wine are changed mto the Body and Blood of Christ by the power of God, and by the words of Jesus Christ, spoken by the Priest. The Priest, having pronounced the words of consecration, falls prostrate ‘«fore the Heavenly Victim, and elevates it for the adoration of the faithful. Bow down then, and profoundly adore your Saviour there present: Hail, true Body, born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, sacrificed for me and all mankind! Hail, sacred Flesh, pierced with nails, laid open with a spear, andPRAYERS AT MASS. 10) bleeding on a cross for us poor sinners! Hail, sacred Blood, flowing from the wounds of Jesus Christ, and washing away the sins of the world! Oh, cleanse, sanctify, and preserve my soul, that nc othing in future may ever separate me from Thee. Oh, amazing goodness! Oh, eats love! Oh, let that tender love plead now in my behaif! Let all my iniquities be here effaced, and my name be written in the book of life. I believe in Thee; I hope in Thee; I love Thee. To Thee be honor, praise, and glory, from all creatures, for ever and ever. Amen102 PRAYERS AT MASS. Wourinc THE REMAINDER OF THE CANON. The true Victim beire now upon the Altar, contemplate your Savieur with the utmost devotion, and offer Him up to God His Father, beseeching Him to accept the prayers which His dear Son addresses to Him in our behalf: Behold, O Almighty and All-gracious God! Thy Son Je- sus, in Whom ‘Thou art well pleased. Look upon the face of Thy Christ and my Saviour, here present; look upon this spotless Lamb, this adorable Victim, this pure Holocaust of obedience, humbled to the igno- minious death of the cross, and offered up on this Altar. BePRAYERS AT MASS. 103 hold in Him what may move Thee to look upon us with an eye of mercy and compassion. He is our High Priest, sprink- led with His own blood. Re: ceive the sacrifice He once of- fered, and still continues to offer Thee for us; receive it in ac- knowledgment of the honor and homage which are due to Thy Sovereign Majesty from me and all creatures; receive it in thanksgiving for all Thy bene- fits; receive it in atonement for my mé anifold transgressions ; re- ceive it in behalf of my wants spiritual and corporal. _ all my labors and undertakings and grant me perseverance in Thy grace to’ the end of my rm a BS =A a —— EAA! cS KS ~. ~ Saat NEl 3 4X a 2 ~ ae ADe Me 104 PRAYERS AT MASS. life. Extend, O compassionate Creator! the efficacious virtue of this sacrifice to the souls of the faithful departed, particular- ly to [here name those for whom you intend to pray.| Deliver them from all their suffer- ings, and admit them into the mansions of everlasting bliss: Through the infinite merits of Christ Jesus, Thy only Son, Who livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen. PART IV. ‘Tnx ComMuNION, oR THE SAcRa- MENTAL ParT oF THE CANON. As the time of Communion is ap- proaching, if you intend to receive it,PRAYERS AT MASS. 105 ‘instead of the following prayers repeat those that are given in the third part of this Manual; observing to recite them slowly and devoutly ; endeavoring to ‘make your own the sentiments there ‘expressed, and deeply to impress your jmind with them; pausing from time to (time, especially when you find yourself Pstrone.y affected, and whenever you feei yourself inwardly moved to pray mentally, close your book and meditate idevoutly and calmly: Pater Noster—Ovr Fatuer. The Lord’s Prayer has ever been said at this part of the office; it is, indeed, when sacramental union with Christ is about to take place, by eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood, that we may presume to say: Our Father, Who art in heav- en, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Wc.106 PRAYERS AT MASS. Repeat, therefore, the whole prayer, impressing upon your mind the meaning and object of your petition: Acnus Dei—Lames or Gop. The Priest now prepares for Commu- nion; bowing, he thrice, in a penitent manner, strikes his breast, callmg upon the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, to have mercy on him : O Lamb of God, sacrificed for my sake, have mercy on me! Saviour of the world, look down on me and save me! Divine Mediator, obtain pardon of Thy Eternal Father for me, a sinner, and mercifully grant me the sweets of Thy peace! Amen.ts AT MASS. PRAYE Ture ComMuNION. After a few prayers, the Priest, having paid as usual the tribute of his adoration, kes the Host, and, striking his breast again, says thrice ; Lord, Il am not we orthy that Thou should a under 1 my roof; but on se say the word, and my soul shall be healed — Maat th. Vill. After these words he communicates, and then gives the Communion to those who present themselves. If you do not receive the Holy Eu- vharist sacramentally, make a spiritual sommunion. To this end, renew your firm belief of Christ’s real presence; conceive sentiments of contrition; desire most earnestly to receive Him with the Priest ; beg of Him to accept these de:108 PRAYERS AT MASS. sires, and to unite Himself to you mm the fulness of His grace : O merciful God, and sweet Saviour Jesus, Who here art come for mv «ake, and givest Thyself to me for daily food, and for the relief of all my ne- sessities ; my own unprepared- ness forbids me, O Lord, to re- ceive ‘Thee eee amentally , yes since without Thee, W lic art. the true food of my soul, I cannot live, I humbly beseech Thee to refresh me spiritually ; and make me partaker of that grace which Thou bestowest on all who devoutly and worthily receive Thee. O good Jesus! despise me not, but vouchsate to visit Thy servant, and byPRAYERS AT MASS. 10% Thy presence to work and per- ‘fect all the effects and virtues of Thy sacrament in me; to Thy honor, O my God, and the eternal salvation of my scul. Amen. PART V Tue Pusyic THANKSGIVING AFTEX CoMMUNION. The book having been removed to the side where it was at first, the Priest reads some prayers in thanksgiving for communion * Since Thou, O Lord, hast sacrificed Thyself for my salva- tion, shall not I desire to be sacrificed for Thy glory? Yes, de LNs Chee od Rees110 PRAYERS AT MASS. Tam Thy victim: do with me i as Thou willest. I consecrate my whole bemg to Thee. I willingly Beep whatever crosses Thou art t pleased to send ‘me. Receiving them from ‘Thy fatherly hand, [ embrace them, i and unite them with those i Thou hast endured for my sake. | Before I quit this temple, strengthen the resolution I have made to serve Thee with more fidelity, and to struggle, not | only against my ordinary fail- i ings, but chiefly against that. to lic h I am most mali d: Thy law shall henceforth be my rule of conduct during the remain- der of my life; and I will for- feit every worldly advantage, scien tse SR RP eaneaciansiPRAYERS AT MASS. 11 jand suffer every il], sooner than ‘transgress 1t. Amen. The Priest having concluded the pray- ers of thanksgiving, salutes again the (people, and gives notice of departure iby saying, ‘ “The, Missa est,’ Go, the | Muss is over. The people, however, de not depart before they receive the bless: ine, which the Priest gives, praying that [the “ Almighty God, aie Sani: and Holy Ghost, may bless ches Blast Horiy AND ADORABLE | ‘TRinity: As it is by Thee we began ‘this sacrifice, so it 1s by Thee ‘we desire to conclude it. Suf- ifer us not, therefore, O Lord, ito depart t hence without Thy blessing. Give it to us by the ministry of Thy Priest. May is ever remain with us; may112 PRAYEKS AT MASS. its influence always direct our actions; and may it be a sure pledge of that final benediction which Thine Elect shall re- ceive, when called by Thee to Thy kingdom of eternal glory. Amen. The blessing of the Father ; the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, and the comfort of the Holy Ghost be with us, and dwell in our hearts for ever Amen. The Priest having blessed the people, recites the beginning of the Gospel of St. John, which contains the most sub- lime testimony of the Divinity and In: earnation of our Blessed Lord: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was withLFRAYERS AT MASS. Lis _God, and the Word was God: ‘the same was in the beginning jwith God. All things were -made by Him, and without Him ‘was made nothing that was ‘made; in Him was life, and the life was the light of inen: and ‘the light shineth in darkness, jand the darkness did not com- prehend it..... And the Word imas made flesh, | at these words ithe Priest and people bend their knees to honor the Divine Mys- tery,| and dwelt among us— jand we saw His glory, as it were the glory of the only be- ‘gotten of the Father—full of grace and truth. (Zhe assist- ant answers: “Deo gratias,” ‘Shanks be to God.) &Ll4 PRAYERS AFTER MASS, PRAYERS AFTER MASS. . Aw Act or THANAZSGIVING. [ return Thee infinite thanks, | O my God, for permitting me 8 to be present at this holy sacri fice, in preference to so many ¥ others more worthy of so oreat f afavor: and I hope that through Thy great mercy Thou wilt# pardon me the faults which If have here committed either by 9 my lukewarmness or by my in- 4 attention. I leave Thy holy} Sanctuary, but I willr emember, through the course of the w eek, [ what Thou hast here done for§ me; and I shall endeavor that}PRAYERS AFTER MASS. 115 ino thought, word, or action, of imine deprive me of the advan- stages of which I have now been a partaker. Amen. 2. A Prayer ror tHe Fatrurut, DEPARTED. Psalm 129.—“ From the depths,” &e. . See hereafter, page 186. At the and of the Psalm, instead of “ Glory be ste the Father,” de... .. say: Grant them eternal rest, O Lord; and let. perpetual leht | eo per} Ss Vig shine upon them. May they = 5 yi e ; “ny irest in peace. Amen. | Let us pray: O Lord, so liberal of pardon, cand so desirous of the salvation of mankind; we address Thy wemency in behalf of our breth116 SERMON. ren, relations, and benefactors, who are departed this life, that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of alJ Thy Saints, Thou wouldst re- ceive them to the participation of eternal happiness: ‘Through Christ our Lord. Amen. O God, the Creator and Re deemer, &ec.... as in Morning Prayers, page 26. It is usual to preach after the Gospel ; but in some places the sermon 1s after Mass. Hear the word of God with the most profound respect and attention. Let the divine seed penetrate into your heart, there to produse fruit in its thme. While, then, the preacher’s voice sounds ||| in your ears, listen attentively to the soice of that inward preacher, who speaks to you in the solitude of yourTHE ABSENT FROM MASS. Li -heart. Apply to yourself, and not te ‘others, what you hear, and form a séri- ous resolution to amend your life. After the sermon, forget not directly the heay- ‘enly lessons you have received; but ‘make them the subject of your most ‘serious consideration. If you are so situated, as not to have it in your power to hear Mass, regret yeur loss, and endeavor to supply it to the best of your abilities. This you will do by hearing Mass in spirit. To this end, at the most convenient time in the morn- ing, withdraw to the most retired part of your house ; then, kneeling down, unite yourself in spirit to the Priest who says Mass, and to your Christian brethren who hear it, offering it to God, as has been said; and imagining yourself before the Altur, say the same prayers, and perform the same devotions, as if you were really there. When your prayers are ended, read a chapter in the Newoni on ro SN e- 118 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. Testament, or a pious book, as a subst tute for the sermon. | | | Ee ee ad ra “ — § IL—EVENING DEVOTIONS. a as Do not confine your Sunday devotions oF aa to the hearing of Mass and sermon; but remember that, as the whole day belongs to God, you should devete a portion of gpm See, the evening to some spiritual exereises, It would be very advisable to be present " at Vespers. No exercise is more accept- lh able to God than public prayer; and the Evening Office is a prayer offered up Fe He ee e - Ry aN a to God publicly by the Church. When Si ao a | necessarily absent, endeavor to supply U4 the deficiency, by reciting the seven Peni- tential Psalms, and Litany of Saimts. 7 ~ ns CA 1 . THE SEVEN PENITENTIAL PSALMS. ANTHEM. Remember not, O Lord, our offen-i. WA PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 119 ces, nor those of our parents; nel- ther take Thou revenge for our sins, Fob. 3. I. Psaum 6. O Lord, rebuke me not in Thy indignation; nor chastise me in Thy wrath. Take pity on me, O Lord, for I am weak: heal me, O Lord, for all my bones are shaken. And my soul is troubled ex- ceedingly: but Thou, O Lord, how long ? Return, O Lord, and deliver my soul: O save me for Thy mercies’ sake. For in death there is noue that is mindful of Thee: andPENITE w LAL PSALMS. eS who shall confess to Thee in ‘ hell ? i I have tired myself with my groanings: every night I will wash my bed; I will water my couch with my tears. My eye is disturbed with rage: I am grown old amidst Alle mine enemies. ise art from me, all ye that work iniquity; for the Lord hath heard the voice of my A weeping. a The Lord hath heard my pe 7 tition: the Lord hath received my prayer. Let all my enemies be a. shamed, and very much troub- led: let them be turned back, av | put to shame very speedily ray a) oO ie fi ~~ - ~ dl cee Se dea12] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, | Is now, and ever shall be, world ' without end. Amen. | PENITENTIAL PSALMS. IY. Psaum 31. Blessed are they whose in: iquities are forgiven, and whose F sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin; and in whose soul there is no guile. Because I was silent, my bones grew old; whilst I cried all the day. | For day and night Thy hand | was heavy upon me: I am con-i Oe eae sna 122 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. verted in my anguish, whilst the thorn is fastened. I have acknowledged my sin to Thee: and my injustice I have not concealed. I said, I will confess against myself my injustice to the Lord: and Thou hast forgiven the impiety of my sin. For vinis shall every one that is holy pray to Thee: in a sea- sonable time. Yet, in the deluge of many waters: they shall not approach him. Thou art my refuge from the tribulation which hath sux rounded me: my joy, deiiver me from them that encomy ass me.PENITENTIAL PSALMS. I will give thee understand- img, and I will instruct thee in the way in which thou shalt go: I will fix my eyes upon thee. Do not become like the horse and mule: that have no under- standing. With bit and bridle bind fast their jaws; who do not ap- proach Thee. Many are the scourges of the sinner: but mercy shall encom- pass him that hopeth in the Lord. Be joyful in the Lord, and rejoice, ye just: and glory, all ye upright of heart. Glory, &e. 123124 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. | {IIl. Psaum 37. O Lord, rebuke me not in Thy indignation: nor chastise me in Thy wrath. 5, For Thy arrows are fastened 4 m me: and Thy hand hath : | been strong upon me. | There is no health in my a flesh, because of Thy wrath: att there is no peace in my bones, ary because of my sins. 5 For my iniquities are gone i Ai over my head: and, as a | weighty burden, are become heavy upon me. My sores are putrified and corrupted because of my fool: ishness. I am become miserable, andPENITENTIAL PSALMS. 125 am bowed down even to the end: I walked sorrowful al} the day. For my loins are filled with ulusions: and there is no health in my flesh. I am afflicted and humbled exceedingly: I roared in the groaning of my heart. O Lord, my desire is Uefore [hee: and my sighing is not hid from Thee. My heart is troubled, my strength hath left me: and the light of mine eyes itself is not with me. My friends and my neighbors have drawn near: and stood up against me. And they that were near meA 126 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. stood afar off: and they that sought my soul used violence. 1 | And they that sought evils i | to me, spoke vain things: and studied deceits all the day long. But J, as one deaf, did not hear: and as one dumb, that opened not his mouth. And I became as a man that heareth not: and that hath no reproofs in his mouth. For in Thee, O Lord, have J hoped: Thou wilt hear me, O Lord, my God. For I said, lest at any time my enemies rejoice over me: and whilst my feet are moved, they speak great things against me. For I am prepared for scour ee re Oe al sam oe sie | aT Mpa SD,Ie A ouneeen RE er ee. oe — PE NES eh REE TT ey eae. ae eer PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 127 ges; and my » rrow is always i in my sight. t) For I will declare my in- | iquity ; ; and I will think of my | gin. ; But my enemies live, and are | become stronger than I; and they are multiplied who hate me unjustly. And they that return evil for good have detracted me: vecause I followed goodness. borsake me not, O Lord, my God: depart not Thou fo me. Come unto my aid, O Lord! the God of my salvation. Glory, &e.a. a So ay Se Hi aoe ee 128 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. TV. Psaum 50. Have mercy on me, O God, according to ‘Thy great mercy ; and according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquity. Wash me yet more and more from my iniquity; and cleanse me from my sin. Because I know my iniquity and my sin is always before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done evil before Thee: that Thou mayest be justified in Thy words, and mayest overcome when Thou art judged. For behold J was conceivedC 4 : a s * 3. , 8 7)m 5 a LS i Fi Hi HilAg rs Bae uy i eS . a Se SSBe eS eee eee PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 129 in iniquities: and in sins hath my mother conceived me. ey For behold Thou hast loved i truth: the secret and hidden things of Thy wisdom Thou hast made known to me. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed : | Thou shalt wash me, and I shal] ie be made whiter than snow. 4 To my hearing Thou shalt Ht give joy and gladness: and the bones that are humbled shall rejoice. ik Turn away Thy face from my | | -* sins: and blot out all mine in iquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God: and renew an upright spirit within me. cc)ie, See ee rs Ra 180 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. Cast me not away from Thy face: and take not Thy holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation: and confirm me with a perfect spirit. I will teach Thy ways to the unjust: and sinners shall be converted to Thee. Deliver me from blood, O God, the God of my salvation: and my tongue shall extol Thy justice. Thou, O Lord, wilt open my lips: and my mouth shall de clare Thy praise. For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, verily J had given it: with burnt-offerings Thou wilt not be delighted.: | PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 131 A sacrifice to God is an af: flicted spirit: a contrite and humble heart, O God, Thon wilt not despise. Deal favorably, O Lord, in Thy good will with Sion: that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up. Then shalt Thou accept the i sacrifice of justice, oblations, }and whole burnt-offerings: then shall they lay calves upon Thine altar. Glory, &e. V. Psaum 101. O Lord, hear my prayer: and let my cry come unto Thee. Turn not away Thy face from ‘tne: in what day soever I shal! ii, aa ND Nagin OES Ee Se ee ms Seer — a Nie Renae Sane ec ua ee ES {82 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. call upon Thee, hear me speed. ly. For my days are vanished like smoke, and my bones are withered like fuel for the fire. I am smitten, and my heart is withered like grass: because I forgot to eat my bread. Through the voice of my groaning, my bones have cleav- ed to my flesh. I am become like a pelican of the wilderness: I am become like a night-raven in the house. I have watched, and am he- come as a solitary sparrow upon the house-top. My enemies upbraid me all the day long: and they that praised me swore against me.PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 1383 For I did eat ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with my tears. Because of Thy wrath and indignation: for having lifted me up, Thou hast cast me down. My days have declined like a shadow, and I am withered | like grass. But Thou, O Lord, remainest for ever: and Thy memory is from generation to- generation. Thou shalt arise and have “mercy on Sion: for the time to have mercy on it is come. For the stones thereof have pleased Thy servants, and they shall have pity on the earth thereof. And the Gentiles shall fearWaa 1384 PENITENTIAL PSALMS Thy name, O Lord; and all the kings of the earth Thy glory. For the Lord hath built up Sion; and He shall be seen in His glory. He hath regard to the pray er of the humble, and He hath not despised their petition. Let these things be written unto another generation; and a people to be created shall praise the Lord. Because He hath looked forth from His high sanctuary; the | Lord from heaven hath looked down upon the earth. That He might hear the groans of them that are in fet- ters: that He night unbind the children of them that are slain.PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 136 ‘That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion, and His praise in Jerusalem. In the assembling of the peo- ple together in one, and kings to serve the Lord. He answered him in the way of Hsis strength: declare unto me the fewness of my days. Call me not back in the midst of my days: Thy years are from generation unto generation. I the beginning, O Lord, Thou foundedst the earth; and the heavens are the works of Thy hands. They shall perish, but Thou remainest. and they shall all grow old as a garment. And as a vestment Thou136 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. shalt change them, and they shall be changed: but Thou art always the selfsame, and Thy years shall not fail. The children of Thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall be directed for ever. Glory, &e. VI. Psaum 129. From the depths I have cried unto Thee, O Lord: Lord, heer my voice. Let Thy ears be attentive to the voice of my petition. If Thou wilt observe iniqui: ties, O Lord! Lord, who will endure it ? For with Thee there is merci- ful forgiveness; and on accountPENITENTIAL PSALMS. 1387 of Thy law I have expected Thee, O Lord. My soul hath relied on His word: my soul hath hoped in the Lord. From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord. Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plenti- ful redemption. And He shall redeem Israel] *om all its iniquities. Glory, &e. VII. Psaum 142. O Lord, hear my prayer: give ear to my petition m Thy truth: hear me in Thy Justice. And enter not into judg-1388 PENTIENTIAL PSALMS. ment with Thy servant: for a in Thy sight no man living | shall be justified. For the enemy hath perse- euted my soul: he hath hum bled may life to the earth. ae He hath made me dwell in darkness, as those who have been dead of old: my spirit is in anguish upon me: and my heart is troubled within me. Iremembered the days of old; I meditated on Thy works; on the works of Thy hands did I meditate. I stretched forth my hands to Thee: unto Thee my soul is | as earth without water. | Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit hath fainted away.PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 1389 Turn not away Thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. Cause me to hear Thy mercy in the morning; for I have hoped in Thee. Make the way known to me wherein I shall walk; for I have lifted up my .soul to Thee. Deliver me from mine ene- mies, O Lord; to Thee have I fled: teach me to do Thy will, for ‘Thou art my God. Thy good Spirit shall con- duct me into the way of right- eousness: for Thy name’s sake, QO Lord, Thou wilt quicken me in Thy justice.140 PENITENTIAL PSALMS. fo) | Thou wilt bring forth my ee soul out of tribulation: and in eT Thy mercy Thou wilt destroy mine enemies. And Thou wilt destroy all those that afflict my soul: for I | am ‘Thy servant. | Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. ANTHEM. Remember not, O Lord, our offences, nor those of our parents: neither take Thou revengs for cur sins,— 70d. 3.THE LITANY OF SAINTS. O most gracious God, the Author of all sanctity, and lover of unity; whose wis- dom has established an ad- mirable communion between Thy Church triumphant in142 THE LITANY OF SAINTS. heaven and militant on earth, as members of the same mysti- cal body, whereof Thy Son Christ Jesus is the head: mer- cifully graut that as Thy blessed Saints, without ceasing, pray to Thee for us, we may continually praise Thee for them; and in acknowledgment of their per- fect charity, piously celebrate their memory, till we all meet before Thy glorious throne, and with one heart adore the Sa- viour of us all, Who with Thee, and tie Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world with: out end. Amen, Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.THE LITANY OF SAINTS. Lord, have mercy on ns. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven: Have mercy on ws. God the Son, Redeemer of the world: Have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost: Have mercy On US. Holy Trinity, one God: Have Mercy ON US. Holy Mary, ; Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of Virgins, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, f St. Raphael, All ye holy Angels and Archangels, ‘en sol hou ad144 THE LITANY OF SAINTS. ae All ye holy orders of bless- Sf ed Spirits, Bi |) St. John Baptist, St. Joseph, All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, a St. Peter, of St. Paul, af | | St. Andrew, a | St. James, a1 St. John, | | fl St. Thomas, { "en 1Of hDAd St. James, St. Philip, St. Bartholomew, St. Matthew, St. Simon, St. Thaddeus, St. Matthias, St. Barnaby,St. Luke, St. Mark, All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, All ye holy Disciples of. our Lord, All ye holy Innocents, St. Stephen, St. Laurence, St. Vincent, SS. Fabian nd Sebastian, SS. John and Paul, SS. Cosmas and Damian, SS. Gervase and Protase All ye holy Martyrs, St. Sylvester, St Gregory, St. Ambrose, St. Augustin, St. Jerome, THE LITANY OF SAINTS. 145 ‘sr of hvig Ete, had: re Se 9565 4 EVAR a Tt Ast146 THE LITANY OF SAINTS. St. Martin, St. Nicholas, St. Patrick, All ye holy Bishops and Confessors, All ye holy Doctors, St. Anthony, St. Bennet, St. Bernard, St. Dominick, St. Franeis, All ye holy Priests and Levites, All ye holy Monks and Hermits, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Agatha, St. Lucy, St. Agnes St. Cecily, ‘sn lof holig5 a $ ~ ~ i ee eos ) (Bie aces pcCRONey eerrreeeere rere ee eerie THE LITANY OF SAINTS. 147 St. Catharine, St. Anastasia, st. Bridget, All ye holy Virgins — Widows, All ye Saints of God: Intercede | for us. Be merciful to us: Spare us, O 13 Lord. a Be merciful to us: Gractously 7 hear us, O Lord. ig yo ‘sn Lol hotg From all evil, j From all sin, From Thy wrath, y | From sudden and unpro- | & ay : vided death, rs : From the deceits, of the = O)) devil, X ig From anger, hatred, and all ul-will, |$48 TH LITANY OF SAINTS. L From the spirit of fornica- a tion, From lightning and tem- | I | pest, | | From everlasting death. f Through the mystery of 4 Thy holy Incarnation. 7 Through Thy coming, a Through Thy nativity, holy fasting, Through Thy baptism and \ Through Thy cross and Bit passion, qi Through Thy death pad burial, rection, Through Thy admirable ascension, Through the coming of the Through Thy holy resur- | ‘sn Laanap “ploT OQTHE LIVANY OF SAINTS. Holy Ghost the Com- forter, In the day of juazment, 149 We sinners besecch Thee to hear us. That Thou spare us, That Thou pardon us, That Thou vouchsate to bring us to true penance, That Thou vouchsafe to govern and preserve Thy holy Church, That Thou vouchsafe to preserve our apostolic prelite, and all ecclesias- tical orders in Thy holy religion, [hat Thou vouchsafe to humble the enemies of Thy h.’y Church, ee! J “SN LDAY 0} 99Y T, Y900S0Q Af ES ome YY RE a ar"A Me BP, 150 THE LILANY OF SAINTS. That Thou voachsafe to ail give peace and true con- DH | cord to Christian states | and princes, That Thou vouchsafe to grant peace and unity fi il to all Christian people, That Thou vouchsafe to | confirm and preserve us a in Thy holy service, ) That Thou raise our minds to heavenly desires, That Thou render eternal blessings to all our bene- factors, That Thou deliver our souls, and those of cur brethren, kinsfolk, z+ benefactors, from ¢ nal damnation, a NO ea iar SE Pus "SN LDIY O14 2AYJ, Y99089q ay AP DNTHE LITANY OF SAINTS. 151 That Thou vouchsafe to | give and preserve the fruits of the earth, That Thou vouchsafe to give eternal rest to all } the faithful departed, That Thou vouchsafe gra- ciously to hear us, Son of God, | Nas Lamb of God, Who takest 4 away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Hear us, O Lord. Pr Lamb of God, Who takest ia away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us. Christ, hear us! Christ, gra ezousty hear us. “Sn 4DIY O72 904 7, YIAa89Q IM"152 FHE IATANY OF SAINTS. Lord, have mercy on ws? Christ, have merey on us? nord, have weerey on us! Our Father, d&c. (én secret.) V. And lead us not mte temptation ; Ft. But deliver us from evil. Amen. Psaum 69. Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me, Let them be confounded and ashamed that seek my soul. Let them forthwith be turued backward, and blush for shame, that desire evils to me. Let them be turned back- ward, and blush, and be put toTHE LITANY OF SalINTS. LS shame, who say to me: It is well! it is well! Let all that seek Thee be glad and rejoice in Thee: and let those who love Thy salva- tion say always, “The Lord be magnified.” But I am needy and poor: O God, help me. Thou art my helper and my deliverer! O Lord, make no ‘lelay. V. Glory be to the Father, &e. ft. As it was in the begin- ning, de. V. Save Thy servants ; ft. Who put their trust in Tnee, my God. Vs Beto us, O .Londics tower of strength.eee es Chet eine *) Py a a Pew ae Me a) a aes Ok 154 THE LITANY OF SAINTS. R. Against the fave of the |! enemy. V. Let not the enemy pre |! \ vail against us. | R. Nor the son of iniquity | have power to hurt us. V. O Lord, deal not with us| according to our sins; R. Nor requite us according to our iniquities. | V. Let us pray for our chief i Bishop, [name him.| | R. May the Lord preserve) him, and prolong his Ite, and make him happy on earth, and , | deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. V. Let us pray for our bene factors. R. Vouchsafe, O Lord, for pe Sirk” ‘ Aas ie, ko ee ee ey ae bes - a Srey = aS ca ) pad gl thn pla ae . POWA ne ae RNS SS A ae eta ; ne ooao rh oe b RN ingen ge eee i) ee THE LITANY OF SAINTS. 155 | Thy name’s sake, to render | eternal life to all those who do | us good. V. Let us pray for the faith- ' ful departed. ft. Grant them, O Lord, eter: nal rest; and let perpetual light shine unto them. V. May they rest in peace. fv, Amen. V. For our absent breth- | ren, | . Save Thy servants, O my | God, who put their trust in | Thee. : V. Send them help, O Lord, from Thy sanctuary. | £. And from Sion protect them. V. O Lord, hear my prayer: , Te ee kw eS BUS Ree Pert FN ee ee Cas ANS Sa BES SPS =O . Diss LF a, = Koy156 THE LITANY OF SAINTS. F. And let my supplication come unto Thee. V. May the Lord be with yOu ; Ff. And with thy spirit. Let us pray : O God, Whose attribute it is to have mercy always and to spare, receive our petition, that we, and all Thy servants, who are bound by the chain of sin, may, throuzh ‘Thy tender com- passion, graciously be absolved. Hear, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the prayers of Thy sup- vliants, and forgive us our sins, | who confess them to Thee; that, | of Thy goodness, Thou mayest | grant us pardon and peace.THE LITANY OF SAINTS. 157 Graciously, O Lord, show unto us Thy unspeakable mer- ey; that so Thou mayest both release us from our sins, and free us from the punishment we deserve for them. O God, Who by sin art of- fended, and by repentance paci- fied, mercifully regard the pray- ers of Thy people, who suppli- cate Thee, and turn away the scourges of Thy anger, which we deserve for our sins. O Almighty and Eternal God have mercy on Thy servant, Iname him], our chief Bishop, and direct him, according to Thy clemency, into the way of everlasting -salvation, that, by Thy grace, he may desire things158 THE LITANY OF SAINTS. pleasing to Thee, and perform them with all kis strength. O God, from Whom are al! holy desires, righteous counsels, and just works, give to Thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that our hearts may be devoted to Thy commandments, the fear of ene- mies removed, and the times, through Thy protection, peace- able. Inflame, O Lord, our reins and hearts with the fire of Thy Holy Spirit; that we may serve Thee with a chaste body, and please Thee by a clean heart. O God, the Creator and Re deemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants de-‘sins, that, through the help of | pious supplications, they may }obtain the pardon they have always desired. Prompt, we beseech Thee, O |Lord, our actions by Thy in- | Spiration, and accompany them jwith Thy helping grace; that ‘every prayer and work of ours ‘may always begin from Thee, land through Thee be happily «ended. O Almighty and Eternal ei Sg oars Pes. OehivGes 2 Td Pca OD Co ane 180 THE SACRAMENT that is, impatience, fretfulness, passion —, Sloth, that is, idleness, seckmg constantly our ease, neglecting our re- ligious and domestic cuties. 5. The duties of your state of occupations, &e. With respect to each sin, endeavor to catl to mind the number of times it las been committed, as nearly as you ean; and any circumstance which may alter its nature. Consider also whether you have not, in all these, been accessory te another’s sin, either by commanding, counselling, approving, giving bad exam- ple, or by neglecting to prevent it, oF admonish, when bound to do it. fi. Conrrrrron. Maving examined your conscience, &X- cite within you a heartfelt supernatura} sorrow for having offended God, amd make a firm determination to avoid sin end the oceasions thereof. To obtain that sorrow, which is necessary for aOF PENANCE. good confessron, earnestiy beg it of God, snd make use of such considerations as “lay move you to it; namely: hideousness of sin ;—the pains of hell, which sin deserves ;—the happiness of heaven, which is lost by it;—the num- berless benefits of God to the sinner; —the Passion of our Good Saviour, who died for sin ;—the infinite perfections of God, who is offended by it, dc. say the Act of Contrition, page 17, and, if you have time before confession, read the Psalm 50, Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, &e., as on page 128. Til. Whilst sentiments of compunction and ef divine love possess your heart, cast yourself at the feet of your Confessor Begin by devoutly making the sign of the Cross, saying, at the same time, Bless ne, Hather, for I have sinned. Then repeat the Confiteor, I confess toPe AW Tee a IN, Of apes 182 THE SACRAMENT Almighty God, &c., as far as through my fault. After this, say how long it is since your last confession, and whether you received absolution or not—a cir- cumstanee which many everlook; then accuse yourself of all your sins, in the order most suitable to your memory, adding after each sin, the number of times you committed it. After you have contessed whatever you can remember, if you had only to accuse yourself of im- perfections, it is advisable to declare some sin of your past life, that you may the more surely conceive a true sorrow, and receive absolution; then you may conclude with these or the like words: For these, and other my sins, which I cannot at this present time call to mend, Lam heartily sorry; purpose amendment for the future; most humbly ask pardon of God, and penance and absolution of you, my ghostly Father; and so you may finish the Confiteor, saying, through my fault, dc, .... After this, listen at-OF PENANCE. 183 tentively to the advice of your Confessor, answer his questions, and humbly accept of the penance he enjoins. While the Priest gives you absolution, bow down your head, and with great compunction call on God for mercy, saying the Act of Contrition After confession, reflect awhile on the advice given by your Contessor, renew your good resolutions, then returning thanks to God for having admitted you, by means of this Sacra- ment, to the grace of reconciliation, say with the Prophet: Ps. 31, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, kc. as on page 121. IV. Sarisraction. | ae | Satisfaction is the reparation of the in- jury we have done to God by our sins, . and of the wrong we have done to our 4 neighbor.—We satisfy the justice of God, i aa f first and chiefly, by performing the pen ance prescribed ; (be careful, therefore, to perform it in due time, and with a peni-ls4 OF PENANCE. eo with | tential spirit ;) secondly, by suffert: patience the inconveniences of our state, j | and the afflictions of this lifee Sy erbra- 1 | cng voluntary works of penance and mor- | ) tification ; by givi ng alms, &¢.—We sat- isfy our neighbor by restoring to him the goods, or the honor we have taken from him: and by being reconciled with ouz enemies. Lae x SN ~~ eee SePed SN eee ym i Mi 4 = eg ‘4 Sane AS bad SEIN§ L[—THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST. 3eceive the Blessed Sacrament as 4 of en as your director shall advise you; 4 a and that the frequentation of this sacred inystery may be for you an abundant source of grace, endeavor, at each of your ¢ummunions, to revive in your sou! the sentiments with which you were penetrated tie fis; time ycu were ad-186 SACRAMENT OF mitted to the holy table—the same ardent desire of that happiness — the same holy fear of profaning the most sacred of mysteries; or rather, leave nothing undone, which may render your heart, at each communion, more pure, more ardent, and more humble than the preceding, and thereby each time less un- worthy of the presence of Jesus Christ. |. PREPARATION BEFORE Commv- NION it is of two kinds, viz. remote and unmediate. 1. Remote preparation con- sists in the habitual care which all per- sons should take to lead a Christian, recealar, holy life, and to keep their con- scieuces free, not only from mortal sin, which is the great obstacle to a ‘“ worthy communion,” but also from attachment to venia! sin, which is the great obstacle to a “profitable communion.” 2. Im- mediate preparation consists in being inTHE HOLY BUCHARIST. 187 the state of grace, penetrated with a lively faith, animated with a firm hope, and inflamed with an ardent charity. On the eve of your communion, pers form all your actions and prayers, in erder to obtain the graces necessary for this important duty ; and do some good works with the same intention. On the morning of your communion, go to church with modesty, and wholly taken up with the great action which you are to perform. If you are in the church some time before the Mass, at which you are to receive communion, entertain some pious consideration, rela- tive to this sacred mystery. You might, for example, reflect on these three ques- tions: Who is coming ? to whom? and for what purpose? In the first, you may consider your Saviour under the various titles which He has taken for the love of :nankind ; namely, as your Fa- ther, Teacher, Physician, Shepherd, Re- Jeemer, Friend, and the Spouse of your* wk We = CPS 158 soul; and see how pertectly He has jus. tified these titles, and still justifies them in the Blessed Eucharist. In the second, consider the corresponding titles, in your- SACRAMENT OF self; namely, of His child, His disciple, His patient, His sheep, His rescued cap- tive, His friend, and spouse; and see how you comply with the duties annexed to these endearing names. ‘Thirdly, cop- sider the intentions of mercy and love which place Him in this Sacrament; and the inexhaustible treasures of grace there opened to mankind, and lavished on them, without any merit of theirs, provided only they put no obstacle in the way of His divine profusion. PRAYERS BEFORE COMMUNION. i I firmly believe, O my Divine Jesus, that Thou. true God andTHE HOLY EUCHARIST. 188 true man, art really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I Lelieve that there are Thy Body, Thy Blood, Thy Soul, and Thy Divinity. I be- lieve that there ‘Thou communi- catest Thyself to us, makest us partakers of the frmt of Thy Passion, and givest us a pledge of eternal life. I acknowledge these truths; I believe these wonders; I adore the power that has wrought them, the same power that said, “Be light made, and hght was made.” IJ submit my sense and reason to Thy divine authority I praise and glorify Thy in- finite goodness, which hath pre pared this heavenly banquet[ae OR tas Peo oe ae eae! Ones 190 SACRAMENT OF for the food and nourishment of my soul. Blessed be Thy name forever. Accept my hom- age: accept, O my God, my most hearty thanks. But what am I, that Thou shouldst work such wonders for my sake ¢ How shall so Althy a sinner as I am, presume to approach Thee, Who art the imexhaustt- ble source of infinite Purity and Sanctity! How shall | venture to lft up my eves to heaven, nay, to receive Thee within my breast? I tremble at the sentence of Thy Apos- tle: “ Whosoever shall eat this bread or drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blooa of theTHE HOLY EUCHARIST. 19) Lord,” (1. Cor 2.) "ter I ae knowledge myself to be neth- ing but dust and ashes-—a poor miseraple worm of the earth, subject to many vices, and void of all virtue and merit. Alas! my life has been nothing but sin and misery. I have some ing to confide in but Thy bound. less mercy; nor should I ever presume to approach Thy sa- cred table, and partake of the Bread of Angels, were I not en- couraged by Thy infinite good- ness, and excited by Thy own most pressing invitations. It is ere in ‘Thy mercy, which Is above all Thy works, that I but my whole trust; aia since Phou art pleased to call me teea Ss (eat Pe eed Pn eat RAN ee eat ey oe aera; Yi eae ae he 192 SACRAMENT OF this divine banquet, behold I come to it, ike Magdalen, to lay down all my sins at Thy feet, that they may be blotted out by Thy precious blood. I come to commemorate Thy suf fermgs, as Thou Thyself hast ordained. I come as one sick, to the Physician of life; as one blind, to the Light of Eternal Glory ; as one poor, needy, and distressed, to the King of Heav- en and Earth. To Thee I ex- pose all my wounds, that they may be healed. To Thee I fly for protection, hoping that Thou wilt be to me a Saviour, and that Thou wilt wash away every sin that may defile me. Remove my blindness, relieve193 my necessities, and clothe me with Thy grace, that I may receive the adorable Sacrament of Thy Body and Blood with such reverence and humility, such contrition and devotion, such purity and faith, as may be for Thy honor and glory, and the salvation of my soul. [ am not worthy, O Lord, to receive Thee: alas! I am not: but Thou canst, if Thou wilt, make me worthy: say but the word, then, and my soul shall be healed. Thou hast hereto- fore said to the Leper in the Gospel, “I am willing, be thou healed ;” and he was immedi- ately cured of his disease. My soul is covered with a universal Rg THE HOLY EUCHARIST.194 SACRAMENT OF | leprosy: heal me, then, O my \ til Saviour; in the like manner} |i cleanse my soul from its stains; ; remove from it al] guilt; extin guish in it every evil dispo- + sition ; adorn it with the neces: } sary virtues, and make it a fit abode for Thy reception. Amen. I ea nH. Who is He thou art about): to receive? O my soul, be still] a) and attentive. Who is He» | thou art going to receive?! Thy God! thy Redeemer !! Who, for love of thee, shedh ai torrents of blood during His: iil agony in the garden of Gethse « i mani! Who. for love of thee |THE HOLY KUCHARIST, 198 suffered His sacred head to be pierced by a crown of thorns, and His virginal fiesh to be rent and torn at the pillar with whips and scourges! Who, for love of thee, suffered Himself to be clothed in a purple garment, and derided as a mock king, with a reed for His sceptre! Who, for *ove of thee, suffered His sacred hands and feet to be fastened with large nails to the wood of the cross! in fine, Who, for love of thee, hung thereon, in the most ignominious manner, between two thieves, suffering for the space of three hours the most exc. uciating pains and tortures, and at last expired for thy redemption !ie mA Pr athane ay Cc a a (Se Ph en SACRAMENT OF After such stupendous instances of Thy love to man, who can refuse a return of love to Thee, Lord Jesus? I love Thee, O my God; and ardently wish, that as every breath ‘I draw is an increase of my life, so it may be of my love for Thee, till at last I love Thee in the manner Thou Thyself requirest, that is, “with my whole heart, with my whole soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength ;” for Thou art the God of my heart, and the life of my soul; Thou art my treasure, my joy, my com- fort, my support, my strength, my armor, my defence, my only hope and comfort in this place of banishment and vale of tears.VHE HOLY EUCHARIST. 19% and the supreme object of my happiness in heaven. As the wearied hart pants after the fountains of water, so does my soul pant and languish after Thee; the ocean of all good and sweetness. It thirsts after ‘Thee with the most vehe- ment desire, and longs to drink plentifully of those fountains which issue from the inexhaust- ble source of Thy infinite good- ness, for my comfort and re- freshment. O sweet Jesus ! nermit me now to experience the multitude of Thy tender mercies. Have compassion on me, and save me, for Thou never forsakest such as place their hope in Thee. Purify my heart198 SACRAMENT OF with the fire of divine love, that it may this day become a fit abode for Thy reception. Oh! come and make it Thy dwell- ing-place forever. I am sorry, and will besorry as long as [ live, for having ever offended Thy infinite goodness. Forgive me, dear Lord, my past trespasses, and be Thou my guard for the time to come, that I may never offend ‘Thee. Hail, saving Victim! Who for me and all mankind wast offered on the cross. Hail, pre- cious blood, flowing from the wounds of iy crucified Lord, and washing away the sins of the world! As I now cesire to receive Thee, veiled in thisTHE HOLY EUCHARIST. 199 Sacrament, so I hope hereafter to behold Thee face to face, in the kingdom of heaven. O most holy Virgin Mary, and all ye blessed Angels and Saints of God, I humbly beg the assistance of your prayers and intercession, that I may, with a clean keart and pure conscience, approach the Holy of Holies, and receive this di- vine Sacrament with such rev- erer.ce and humility as may be for my soul’s salvation. Amen. When about to communicate, endeavor to excite within yourself the utmost de- volion. At the moment you receive the Blessed Sacrament, reflect on the words pronounced by the priest, ‘ Corpus Dom- ia nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animamme = ae a acco ae Ne ir dhe ed aed Wg So pk CWT Nea D Pc 200 SACRAMENT OF tuam in vitam eternam. Amen.” Mog the body of our Lord Jesus Christ pre- serve thy soul to life everlasting. Amen. For they imply, that the end proposed in communicating is, not simply to maintain a certain regularity of conduct for a few days, weeks, or months, but to persevere faithfully, to the very hour of death, in that state of grace to which a worthy participation of this divtme Sacrament shall now raise you. [l. Tuanxservine arrer Commvu- NION. After communion, never fail to spend, at least, a quarter of an hour in thanks- giving ; and whilst the plenitude of the Divinity dwelleth corporally within you, meditate most profoundly upon the great wonders which the Almighty has wrought in your favor. Consider yourself as a living tabernacle, wherein resideth the Holy of Holies. Let this single reflec-THE HOLY EUCHARIST. 20] tion prevent all distractions, and keep your mind in the most perfect composure and recollection. It is impossible to pre- seribe any particular form of prayer, for the moment immediately following the act of receiving communion; your own heart will, by the grace of God, easily suggest sentiments suitable to the occa- sion, and quicken into proper emotions. Pray, therefore, mentally for some time, and then, rather with your heart than with your lips, address yourself thus to your God. PRAYERS AFTER COMMUNION. I. I return Thee most hearty tnanks, O amiable Jesus, for the inestimable blessing I now enjoy. I praise and glorifyre Soy Wid Sk wos 202 SACRAMENT OF Thee with my whole soul for the numberless favors I have received from Thy bounty. I adore Thee now reposing with- in my breast. O my God and my all! a thousand times wel- come. May Thy holy name be forever blessed! O sovereign Lord of Heaven! how amazing is the excess of Thy goodness, in condescending to visit so poor—so vile—so abject a crea- tureas lam! Thou hast vouch- safed to heap Thy favors on dust and ashes—to come mto this poor lodging—this house of clay, my earthly habitation, and to feed my soul with the heavenly banquet of Thy most precious body and blood. OTHE HOLY EUCHARIST. Y%03 teach me to entertain Thee as [T ought, and to make Thee some suitable return for this Thy infinite love. I would gladly make Thee some offer- ing in acknowledgment of the rich present Thou hast made me, in giving Thyself to me, but alas! dear Lord, Thou knowest my poverty, and that I have nothing worthy Thy acceptance ; nothing but what by a thousand titles, is already Thine. But, O my bountifw Saviour, such is Thy goodness, that Thou wilt be contented with the little I can give Thee, although it is Thine already. Thou askest nothing but my heart, and this I most willingly ! ot, iy wy ci by ee 4 C a +9). tae ‘ueer on CaN Ye S en} a as Boy ad 204 SACRAMENT OF offer ‘Thee. O be pleased to ac ceptit, and make it wholly ‘Thine forever. Take full possession thereof. I offer it to Thee without reserve. I desire to consecrate it eternally to Thy service. [ree it, then, hence- forward, from the slavery of its passions and vices. Stifle in it every desire but that of lov- ing and pleasing Thee. Inflame it arith the fire of divine chari. ty, that it may ever burn with Thy love. O may the sweet flames thereof consume my soul, that so I may die to the world for the love of Thee, Who hast vouchsafed to expire on the cross for the love of me. I cast myself entirely into theTHE HOLY EUCHARIST, 2D arms of Thy mercy, and offer Thee my whole being ; my body, with all its senses, and my soul, with all its powers; that as Thou hast honored them both by Thy real presence, so they may both be Thy temple for aver. Osanctify and consecrate eternally to Thyself this man- sion, which Thou hast, by a wonderful condescension, chosen this day for Thine abode: and grant that, like Zaccheus, I may obtain Thy benediction. (Luke 19.) I offer Thee my memory, that it may be ever recollected in Thee; my understanding, that it may be always directed and enlightened by Thy truth ; and my will, that it may beoor ica 6 Vacca 206 SACRAMENT OF ever conformable to Thine. O take me entirely into Thy hands, with all that I have, and all that I am, and let nothing henceforward, either in life or death, ever separate me from Thee any more. Make me ac- cording to Thine own heart, and let my soul be Thy habita- tion forever. Draw me most powerfully after Thee, and guide my steps, that I may cheerfully proceed in the paths of wirtue, and walk in the way of Thy commandments. Make me dili- gent in the duties of my calling and state of life; and teach me to do Thy will in all things. Let Thy blessing be upon all my actions, and Thy grace dt-THE HOLY EUCHARIST. rect my intentions, that the whole course of my life, and the principal design of my heart, may ever tend to the advancement of Thy glory, the good of my neighbor, and the eternal salvation of my own soul. Amen. I. O my soul, bless the Lord ; and let all that is within thee praise and magnify His holy name. Render to Him thy fullest homage, and invite heav en and earth to join with thee in glorifying Him forever. O my God! that I could now give Thee as much praise, hon- or, and glory, as the blessed. yy Po ark oa 56, fo Ee ee Se we ae <— —_ nad Rg? eaten oS S 2O8 SACRAMENT OF spirits incessantly give Thee in heaven! O that I could adore Thee with the spirit and ardor of Thine elect! But as I am unable to do this, accept at least this my desire and good-will. O ye angels and saints, bless my God for me; thank my God for me; love my Jesus for me; and sing forth His praises to supply my deficiency. O Beauty ever ancient, and ever new! too late have I known Thee! too late have I loved Thee! When shall I live only in Thee, by Thee, and for Thee ? O my Ged and my all! When shall the happy time arrive, that, disgusted with the false happiness of this deceitful world.THE HOLY EUUHARIST. 209 i shall seek comfort from Thee alone, and find rest to my soul? O heavenly manna! O ines tunable pledge of Ged’s love to mankind! O standing memorial of Christ’s passion and death! O inexhaustible fountain of di- vine grace! O divine charity! O sacred fire ever burning and never decaying! Hail, O loving Jesus! my only happiness and delight—the joy of my soul and my portion forever! May my soul he sensible of Thy adorable presence; and may I learn how sovereignly sweet Thou art in the Sacrament of Thy love! Purify my heart, O Lord, from the dross of all earthly affec- tions Remove from me al] 14 Saag |210 SACRAMENT OF baneful effects of concupiscence Enable me to curb my vicious mclinations, and to withstand the dangerous attacks of my infernal enemy. Deign to be- stow on me those virtues that will render me pleasing in Thy sight, particularly ardent chari- ty, true contrition for my past sins, heroic patience, profound humility, perfect obedience, and angelic purity. Grant me the true spirit of prayer, of mortifi- cation, and self-denial. Oh may I prove the extent of my gratt- tude and love by the most con- stant fidelity in Thy service, and may I rather die than ever again offend Thee by any mor: tal sin! (Here ask for the purTHE HOLY EUCHARIST. 21, hheular grace you most stand in need of, grace for the avoiding of such a sin, and the acquiring of such a virtue.) This par- ticular. grace I ask of Thee, O Jesus, in consideration of that excessive love, Thou showest to man in this adorable Sacrament. What comfort can I have un- less I receive proofs of Thy abiding in me, and my living by Thy spirit, and so living by it here that I may hope to live eternally ! Vouchsafe also, O merciful God, to abolish the reign of sin, and establish the kingdom of grace in all hearts. Let the hight of Thy countenance so shine upon all those that are > aN et A hes Fa SS» ») - ke os oe SACRAMENT OF See in the darkness of infidelity, aa to dispel their errors. Enlight. en and convert all those that stray from the paths of truth and justice. Deliver the igno- rant from being seduced by false teachers, and the learned from being abused by their passions: that, instead of being “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doc- trine,” (Eph. 4,) they may be 5 restored to that unity of mind, an steadiness of taith, and tran- quillity of conscience, which 1s nowhere to be sought but m the communion of Thy church, nor to be found but in the con- duct of Thy grace. Pour down Thy blessings, O © ep eS Sa aTHE HOLY EUCHARIST. 213 Lord, on Thy holy Church; on our chief Pastor, the Pope; on our Bishop; on all those that are appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy ministry ; and on him especially to whom the care of my soul is committed. Have mercy on my parents, relations, benefac- tors, and friends. Have mercy on all my enemies; forgive them their sins, and fill both their hearts and mine with Thy charity. Comfort all that are under any affliction, sickness, or violence of pain. Support those who are under tempta- tion ; protect those that are in danger; and grant a happy passage to all that are in their¥4 914 SACRAMENT OF (rae bs oh ae ane ir last agony. Extend Thy mer. i cy likewise to the souls of all | the faithful departed, ard ad- mit them to the possession of Thy eternal glory. Grant re- lief to us all in our respective necessities, the remission of our sins, the grace of final perse- verance, and life everlasting. Amen. pte ona MD Se We A plenary indulgence, applicable to | the souls in purgatory, may be gained | by devoutly reci‘éng before a crucifix the following PRAYER To THE Five Wouvunps oF OUR SAVIOUR. | | O good and most sweet Je- | sus! behold I fall on my knees before Thee; and with all theTHE HOLY BUCHARIST. 215 ardor of my soul, pray and be- seech Thee that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to impress on my heart lively sentiments of Faith, Hope, and Charity, with a true repentance for my faults and a most firm resolution to amend them; whilst, with deep feel- ing and grief, I consider within myself, and contemplate in spi- rit Thy five wounds—having before my eyes what the royal Prophet expressed by these words: “They have pierced my hands and feet; they have numbered all my bones.” Pe oa. You may say here tlre litany of Jesus, and of the Blessed Virgin, or the beads, a2cording to your leisure or opportunity wi Tl a eee eects etc , a = 4 a "af . _ ops ox sate. YB ~ 2 OSS Sees22. Ec cis Se) aoa Bh Hp Oe a> ti aS A 7 756 SACRAMENT OF But do not limit the devotion of this day to the foregoing prayers; consider it ra- ther as entirely consecrated to Jesus Christ, that by this means you may literally accomplish the precept of the Holy Ghost: “ Defraud not thyself of the good day, and let not the part of a good gift overpass thee.” Eccle. 14. Recollect frequently this great action, and read some pious book to nourish and enliven a spirit of devotion. Re- mark some of those tender sentiments of good resolutions with whieh you were affected at the time of communion: the recollection of them will serve to guard you against the attacks of tepidity or dryness. But, above all, endeavor to regulate your conduct for the time to come in such a manner as to be enabled to say, with St. Paul, “TI live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me.” Ina word, let your Redeemer only, for the future, think, speak, and act m you; and let nothing remain in you that is unworthyTHE HOLY EUCHARIST. 217 of Him; for no seandal can be more in- jurious to our holy Religion, than for Catholics, after communicating, to lead Jisedifying and unchristian lives.YEARLY PRACTICES. j “My beloved, building your al selves on the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of il God, waiting for the mercy of my our Lord Jesus Christ unto life a everlasting.” Sr. Ivor I.ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. 219 § L—THE ANNIVERSARIES OF BAP- TISM, FIRST COMMUNION, AND CON- FIRMATION. It is customary for persons in the world to rejoice on the anniversary of their birthday. How much more should a Christian consider the anniversary of his spiritual regeneration as a period of festivity and a holyday! On that day, therefore, recall to mind the graces con- ferred on you at your Baptism. Return thanks to God for His infinite mercies, ask Him pardon for your past ingratitude and infidelities, renew your baptismal promises, and devoutly approach the Sacrament of Penance, and the Holy Eucharist. Commemorate in like man- ner the anniversaries of your first Com- munion and Confirmation, and renew again the obligations you then contract- ed towards God. = w, Dae | p B | = ee ¢ me te EE eh a 4 ee ea ne ae220 ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. ].—A Prayer ror THE ANNIVER: SARY OF BaprTismM. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God in three Persons, I present my- self before Thy sovereign Ma- jesty to pay Thee the tribute of my adoration and thanksgiving for the innumerable graces and blessings Thou hast so liberally bestowed upon me, from my first coming into the world until now. I thank Thee particw- larly, O my God, for the in- estimable grace of my Baptism. What gratitude can bear a pro- portion to such a favor? By Baptism I have been delivered from the power of darkness,ANNIVERSARIES, EIC. 221 and admitted into the kingdom of Thy Church; by Baptism | have been cleansed from the stain of that sin in which I was born; by Baptism I have been made a member of the Body of Jesus Christ, to live by His life, to be animated and guided by His Spirit, to be fed by His sacred flesh, to imitate His vir- tues, and finally, to be a living image of what He has been upon earth. These are the ob- ligations of my Baptism: I rati- ( and renew them in Thy pres- ence from the bottom of my heart, with a profound sorrow for having hitherto led a life se contrary to my promises, and psoved myself, by repeated 2 ms a = 4 a 4 L +7 2 ee ht ow x or oa Be BASS ee OR PAS aeSe ar a=. CD. SNe wo 222 ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. transzressions, so unworthy of the quality of Thy child. But now, relying on the promised assistance of Thy grace, itis my firm determination to labor all my ltfe in fulfilling the sacred . engagements which my sponsors contracted in my name.... O Holy Trinity, Who, in conse- crating me to Thy service by Baptism, hast made me the adorer of the Unity of Thy name, and of the Trinity of Thy Persons; mercifully grant that I may adore Thee in spirit du- ring my life, and love, praise, and enjoy Thee during eternity Amen.SANNIVERSARIES, ETC. ¥1k.—A Praver ror THE ANNIVER- SARY OF THE First ComMMUNION. I have not forgotten, O my Giod! the invaluable happmess which I enjoyed, on the day | received, for the first time, the adorable Sacrament of Thy Body and Blood. Penetrated with the sincerest gratitude for all the graces Thou didst then bestow on me, I once more most humbly and fervently thank Thy infinite goodness for them. As I never could thank Thee sufficiently for such a favor, I offer Thee Thy own adorable Heart. to supply the insufficien- ey of my gratitude and love. O Divine Heart of Jesus, laid ie oi> Vi cae a) Ses vad 224 ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. open for me on the cross, that I may at all times find a refuge in Thee, receive again my desire and my promises to live fot Thee alone. Alas, my God! I made Thee at that time the same promises, and I have un- gratefully broken them. Par don, O Lord, my ingratitude and inconstancy. Accept this my new resolution, and strengthen my weakness, that I may hence- forth co-operate with Thy grace, and receive Thee with an in- crease of faith, hope, love, con. tempt of myself, and exaltation of Thee. In Thy sacred Heart. O Jesus! I place my resolu- tions, particularly those of suf: fering all that can be endured,ANNIVERSARIES, ETO. 226 rather than to offend Thee mortally, and of making all necessary efforts to correct my habitual faults. Imost humbly implore through Thy divine Heart, and the intercession of Thy Blessed Mother, the grace to persevere in these my pui- poses. Amen. II]..-_A Prayer ror tur ANNIVER- SARY OF CONFIRMATION. O glorious Lord! I return Thee most fervent thanks for the graces ‘Thou didst confer on me in the Sacrament of Confir- mation, and I humbly beg Thy pardon for not having observed the sacred obligation I then 15 a x ya ts EE BL Set a pte ate} A %e ae », Pe eee RAS226 ANNIVERSARIES, HTC. contracted to live according to the maxims of Thy Gospel. Thou didst stamp on my soul a seal of strength to resist temp: tation to sm, and yet, O my God, how often have I not yielded to the world and to con- cupiscence! But now, I again purpose to make new endeavors to live as a perfect Christian Grant me Thy grace, O Lord, that I may thoroughly fulfi} this my obligation. Amen.PREPARATION » ETC. § IL—PREPARATION FOR DEATH. On some Sunday of every year, pass your time in more than usual recollec- tion, On that day take a review of your life and actions for the past year, exam- ining how you have discharged your duties towards God, towards your neigh- bor, and towards yourself. Anticipate in thought the moment of your death, and ask yourself whether you are pre- pared “to give an account of your stew- ardship.” (Luke 16.) Reflect seriously on what may most disturb you at the hour of death: sins of impurity, habit of swearing, intemperance, hatred, ete. _ Make a general confession, if you feel | aneasy about your former confessions. _ Make, at least, a confession of the past year: by this excellent practice, you will repair the defects of your ordinary4 Ae me: we Fa ye) vad ey ee 228 PREPARATION coressions during that time, and prt m order the affairs of your conscien.e, Receive the Communion, as you would the Viaticum, with the greatest fervor and purity of intention. Make a voluntary sacrifice of yourself to the divine will, and ask the grace of a happy death : Lirany ror A Harry Deata Lord, have mercy on us Christ, have mercy on ws. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear as. God the Father, Who for our sake ditist deliver up Thy be- loved Son to death: Have mercy On US. God the Son, Who didst merei- fully submit to the Jaw of death, that we might thereby gain eternal life: /7izve mercy on u8FOR DEATH. 229 God. the Holy Ghost, the great Comforter of dying Chris- cians: Lave mercy on us. Q Divine Jesus! when I shall be seized with my last illness, and warned to prepare for the approach of my Judge: Zhen merciful Jesus, have mercy on NE. When the cold sweat of | death shall announce my approaching end, When my feet, unable to move, shall remind me that my earthly course is drawing to an end, When my pal? and ghastly countenance shall fill the beholders with compas- sion and terrer, ae "Ut UO hosaus aany ‘snsay INfrowajy a PA oe IIe ss AAS rN EH, ae iY230 PREPARATION if) When my eyes, darkened } hy Til with the mist of death, | shall fix their last dying | looks on Thy crucified Pat image, ail. When my ears, about to | till close forever to human | discourse, shal! await the | dreadful sound of Thy | a ‘aus UO falaus aany ‘snsaf )nfidLayy i irrevocable sentence, ) When my lips, cold and aii trembling, shall pro- \ nounce for the last time ba _ Thy adorable name, | When my imagination, dis- turbed with gloomy and i frightful phantoms, shall Hl fill my heart with deadly | horror, When my soul, terrified at | ~~FOR DEATH. the view of my sins, and agonized with fear. of Thy rigorous justice, shall struggle with the angel of darkness, When my heart, weakened and overwhelmed with the pains of sickness, shall be seized with the last agonies of death, and violently assailed by the last efforts of Satan, When my relations and friends, assembled round me, shall compassionate my sufferings, and weep for my approaching dis- solution, When all my senses shall fail, and the world for- w 231 + "aU UO hILIU aawy ‘snsar nlrowayyaa aa wll PREPARATION ever vanish from my ) view, When the symptoms of death shall appear, and the last tears shall trickle down my cheeks, When, tortured by the pangs of death, and op- pressed with lepgthened eee nyo When the last heavy sighs of my heart shall press my soul to leave my body, When my soul, fluttering on my lips, shall be on the point of beholding her Almighty Judge, When my soul shall at length depart from this | ‘au UO hada, aany “snsaf jNfrwseayTFOR DEATH. valley of tears, and leave )} an my body, pale, cold, and Bipy hideous, Be When I shall stand all alone before my Judge, and behold at one glance all the sins of my life, and all Thy claims, O my f God, on my love, When Thoushalt pronounce that awful sentence which no human power can revoke, and no humana art ade V. Through Thy painful ag ony and precious death, fe. Deliver us, O Jesus! "IW. tO hota aawy ‘snsar ynfiowapy234 PREPARATION, ETO. Let us pray : O God, Who hast condemned our bodies to death, but hast given us Immortal souls to en- joy Thee eternally, and hast concealed from us the hour of our departure, that we may continually watch and prepare for it; grant that a holy and penitential life may imsure us the happiness of a tranqu: end. O divine Jesus! Whose precious death should lighten our sorrows, I fervently conjure Thee, by the bitterness Thou didst endure on the cross, when Thy blessed soul was separated from Thy adorable body, to be propitious to me and to abPRECEPTS, ETC. 230 sinners in our last awful pas- sage from time to eternit7. Amen. §IJI—THE PRECEPTS OF THE CHURCH REGARDING FESTIVALS, FASTS, ABSTINENCE, CONFESSION, COM- MUNION, AND MATRIMONY. I. Feasts or OBLIGATION. All Sundays throughout the year. The Circumcision of our Lord, 1st January. The Epiphany of our Lord, 6th Jan- uary. The Annunciation of the Blessed Vir- gin, 25th March. The Ascension of our Lord. The Solemnity of Corpus Christi. The Assumption of the Blessed Vir- gin, 15th August. Aah eeoe ie aa Ss oes Ed OE ee oo Salecnnennmeien 236 PREUVEPTS OF The feast of All Saints, Ist Novem. oer. The Nativity of our Lord, 25th De- sember. For an explanation of these and other festivals, see Catechism. (1. Faszine Days on one Meat. All the days in Lent, Sundays ex- cepted. The Ember-days, which occur in the four seasons of the year. The Fridays in Advent. The Eves of Christmas, Whit-Sunday, the Assumption, and All Saints. 1. When a fasting day falls on Sun- day, it is kept on the preceding Satur- day. 9. All those who have completed their 21st year, are obliged to observe the fasts commanded by the Church, unless dispensed with by proper au- thority.THE CHURCH. UJ. Days or ABSTINENCE FROM Fresu Merar. All the fasting days on one meal, and the Sundays in Lent, except a dispensa- tion be granted. Alithe Fridays and Saturdays through- ut the year. 1. A dispensation as to abstinence on Saturday, fee been granted, for a term of years, in behalf a the faithful, in the pitied States. 2, When Christmas falls,on Friday or Saturday, there is no abstinence. 3. The law of abstinence obliges all those that have attained the age of reason. 1V. Precerrs or ConreEssron AND CoMMUNION. All those that are come to the use of rezson, so 22 to he capable of mortal sim,938 PRECEPTS OF yea are obliged to confess their sins, at least | } once a year. Oat All those that are sufficiently “capable i | 1 of knowing the mysteries c f religion, and 1 of discerning the body of our Roar are | obliged to receive the Holy Eucharist at feast once a year; to wit, from the first Sunday of Lent to Trinity-Sunday, in- | clusively, which is the allotted time m i this country for the Haster duty. bu Those who, without some reasonable ' HH cause, neglect these important duties, | 7 are fable. to be excommunicated whilst ! | living, and when they die, to be de- i) prived of Christian burial, according te the fourth Council of Lateran, Can. 21. V. RecuLATIONS CONCERNING Matrimony. We) Nuptial solemnities are prohibited from Yan the first Suinday in Advent, till the Feast | of Epiphany; and from Ash-Wednesday te Low-Sunday. eeTHE CHUROH. 239 There are circumstances, in which two persons cannot validly marry, and which break off or make void such contracts. The peincipal of these impediments are, 1]. Consanguinity, or relationship, within the fourth degree; 2. Natural affinity contracted with the relatives of a person married, also to the fourth degree; 3. That affinity within the first and second degrees, arising from sin; 4. Spiritual affinity, which prevents Godfathers and Godmothers from marrying the child for which they have been sponsors, or either of its parents; 5. Difference of religion, to wit: when one of the contracting parties is not a Christian. In these and some other cases, the marriage is null. If any doubt exist, the pastor should be consulted. Persons, aware of any im- pediment between the contracting par- ties, are bound to make it known to the pastor; and, if they neglect to do so, are highly culpable.wiv Yi oak 4 240 PRECEPTS, ETC. For the rest, Brethren, rejoice, be perfect, take exhortation, be of one mind, have peace; and the God of peace and of love shall he with you.— Cor. 138.Our Father and Hail Mary | being said in silence, the Priest sings aloud, — V. DEUS im") “VNC Line adjutorium me- | unto my aid, O um intende. God. R. Domine BK Ovdhord ad = adjuvan- _make haste to dum me _ fes- | help me. tina. 16 THE COMMON VESPERS ON SUNDAYS.949 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. V. Gloria Pa: | tri, et Filo, et Spiritul Sanc- to. Sicut erat in principio, et hune, et sem- per, et In seecu- la seeculorum. Amen. Alle- luia. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Sox, and to the Ho- ly Ghost. As it was in the beginning, 1s now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alle- luia. From Saturday before Septuagesima Sunday till Saturday in Holy Week, in- stead of Alleluia is said,—- Laus Domine, tibi | Rex | Thee, O Lord, Praise be to sterne glorie.| King of eter- nal glory.VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 245 Ant. Dixit Dominus. In Paschal Time Anth. The Lord said. the only Antlrem to all the Psalms is Alleluia. Psaum crx. DIXIT Do- | THE Lord minus Domino |said to m meo: Sede 4! Lord: Sit dextris meis. |Thou at my right hand. 2. Doneepo-| 2. Wnrde nam inimicos|make ‘Thine tues: scabel-| enemies the lum pedum tu- orum. 3. Virgam virtutis tue emittet Domi- nus ex Sion: footstool of Thy feet. 3. The Lord shall send forth the sceptre of Thy mightSi eae ae oy ete dee? dominare im medio wimico- rum tuorum. 4, ‘'Tecum principium in die virtutis tus, im splen- loribus sancto- rum: ex utero ante lucrferum genui te. 5. . Jurayvit Dominus, et non peenitebit eum: tu es Sa- cerdos wm seter- | 244 ~YESPERS ON SUNDAYS. from Sion . rule Thou in the midst oi Thme enemies. 4. Thine shall be the sove- reignty, m the day of Thy might, in the brightness of the saints : from the womb, before the day-star, | begot ‘Thee. 5. The Lord hath sworn, and he will not repent : Thou art aVESPERS ON SUNDAYS. %45 aur secundum srdinem Mel- chisedech. 6. Dominus a dextris tuis, confregit in die ire suse reges, 7. Judicabit in nationibus, implebit ruin- as: conquassa- bit capita in terra multo- rum. 8. De tor- priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedech. 6. The Lord on Thy right hand, hath crushed kings in the day of His wrath. 7. He shall judge the na- tions, He shall accomplish their ruin: he shall crush heads in the land of the many. 8. He shal]rente in via bi- bet: propterea exaltabit ca- put. Gloria Patri, de. 246 VESPERS ON SI ON SUNDAYS. Geile of the brook in the way : therefore shall He raise up His head. Glory, &e. Gloria Patri, &c., is said at the end ef every Psalm. Ant. Dixit Dominus Do- mino meo, Se- de a dextris meis. Ant. Fide- lia, &e. Anth. The Lord said to my Lord, Sit Thou at my right hand. Anth. True, We. | | PsaALM CX. i CONFITE-| I WILL | BOR tibi Do- | praise Thee, OVESPERS ON 5 ON SUNDAYS. DAG mine in toto corde meo: in consilio justo- rum, et congre- gatione. 2. Magna opera Domini: exquisita in omnes. volun- tates ejus. 3. Confessio et magnificen- tia opus ejus: et Justitia ejus manet in szecu- lum seeculi. 4 Memori- to | Lord, with my whole heart : in the assem- bly. oft asthe righteous, and in the congre- gation. 2. Great are the works of the Lord: quisite and agreeable to all His designs. 38. His work as His praise and glory: and His justice re- maincth for ever. 4. The mer. ne ‘<> 4 Ew T Op he ae oe Wea ars ph ee ee Soa * at | 3 o-- +e ‘- 4 SY cae a e chee Dy — = rar am feeit muira- bilium suorum, misericors et miserator Do- minus: escam dedit timenti- bus se. 5. Memor erit in seeculum testamenti sul: virtutem ope- rum suorum annuntiabit populo suo: 6. Ua “det illis heeredita- tem Gentium : 948 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS ciful and gra: cious Lord hath appoint- ed a memorial] of His wonder- ful works: He hath given food to them that fear Him. 5. He will be forever mindful of His covenant: the greatness of His works will He publish to His people: G. Po* ore them the in- heritance of' VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 249 opera manuum ejus, veritas et jud.cium. [delta omnia mandata ejus, confirma- ta in seeculum seeculi: facta in veritatu et %- quitate 8. Redemp- tronem misit populo = suo: mandavit im pternum testa- mentum suum. | forever. the Gent-les: the works of His land are truth and jus- tice. 7. True and lasting ave all His ordinan- ces, confirmed forever and ever: made in truth and jus- tice. 8. He hath sent redemp- fiom * tos itis people: He hath appointed His covenant as = = = my A rc 4 Nf BS) ee me BAC ord RLS .250 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 9. Sanctum et terribile no- men ejus: ini- tium sapientise timor Domini. 10. Intellec- tus bonus om- nibus facienti- bus eum: lau- datio ejus ma- net in sseculum ssecull. _ Ant. Fidelia omnia man- data ejus; con- firmata in see- culum szeculi. Ant. In man- datis, &e. 9. Holy and awful is His name: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 10. All un- derstand it aright, who practise it: His praise endur- eth forever and ever. Anth. True are all His or- dinances ; con- firmed forever and ever. Agi. nh His command: ments, &e.VESPERS ON SUNDAYS 25% PsauM CX1. BEATUS vir qui timet Dominum: in mandatis ejus volet nimis. 2. Potens in terra erit se- men ejus: ge- neratio recto- rum benedice- tur. 8. Gloria et divitis in do- mo ejus: et BLESSED is the man that feareth the Lord: in His command- ments he shall take great de- heht. 2. Mighty on earth shall be his seed: the generation of the righteous shall be bless. ed. 3. Glory and wealth shall be in his house:DS = <— Ca i a gee tela 8 Nie ed CWA i a eee S a deh Berhccee D e eal SY ae Fie ejus | and his right justitia manet in seecu- lum seul. 4. Hxortum est in tenebris lumen rectis: misericors, et miserator, et justus. 5. Jucundus homo qui mi- seretur et com- modat, dispo- net sermones suos In judicio: quia in seeter- pum non com- 252 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. eousness en- ' dureth forever and ever. 4, He is risen in. darkness a hight to the up- right: he is merciful, just, and compas: sionate. 5. Accepta- ble is the man that showeth mercy and lendeth: he shall order his words with Judgment: andVESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 253 mo vebitur. 6. In memo- ria eterna erit justus: ab au- ditione mala non timebit. 7. Paratum cor ejus spera- re in Domino, confirmatum est cor ejus: non commove- bitur donec de- spiciat inimicos Sus. 8. Dispersit, dedit pauperi- he shall never give way. 6. Therighte- ous man shal] be in eterna! remembrance : he shall~ not fear an evil re- port. 7. His heart is ready to hope in the Lord: his heart is strengthen- ed: he shall not yield til} he despise his enemies. 8. He hath distributedfa re) ae SR Ce cee 954 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. bus; justitia ejus manet in seeculum seecu- li: cornu ejus exaltabitur in gloria. 9. Peccator videbit, et iras- cetur, dentibus suis fremet et tabescet: desi- derlum pecca- torum peribit. Ant. In man- datis ejus cupit nimis. and given te the poor: hig righteousness remaineth for- ever: his power shall be exalted in gtory. 9, The sin: ner shall see it, and be enra- ged; he shall enash his teeth, and pine away: the desire of sinners shal] perish. Anth. In His command- ments he shallste fa VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 255 Ant. Sit no- men Domini, SC. | take great de- | light. Anth. Letthe iname of the | Lord, &e. PsALM CXII. LAUDATE puert Domi- num: laudate nomen Domini. 2. Sit nomen Domini bene- dictum: ex hoc nune, et usque in seeculum. 8, A golis ortu usque ad PRAISE the Lord, ye ser- vants of the Lord: praise ye the name of the Lord. 9. Let the name of the Lord be bless- ed: now and tor evermore. 3. From the rising of theeae eS ried > 3 aa Ww ay et ey oe — 2956 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. oceasum: lau- dabile nomen Domini. 4, Excelsus super omnes gentes Domi- nus: et super ccelos gloria 9, ejus. 5. Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster, qui in altis habitat: et humilia re- spicit im ccelo et in terra ? sun to the set- tinge thereof: worthy of praise is the name of the Lord. 4. Wigh is the Lord above all the nations: and above the heavens is His glory. 5. Who | is like unto the Lord our God, Who dwelleth on high: and beholdeth what is belowVESPERS ON SUNDAYS. Y%57 6. Suscitans a terra inopem: et de stercore erigens paupe- rem: 7. Ut collo- cet eum cum principibus : cum principi- bus populi sui. 8. Qui habi- tare facit steri- lem in domo: matrem filio- | ru) rata cena, 17 in heaven, and on earth? 6. Who from the earth raiseth up the needy one: and from the dung: hill lifteth up the poor one: 7. To place him with the princes: with the princes of his people. 8. Who ma keth the bar. ren woman to dwell in her nOUsY? vue yu ful mother ofSee eee oD NY ae Ant. Sit no- men Domini benedictum in seecula. Ant. Nos qui vivimus, &e. 258 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. many children, Anth. Let the name of the Lord he blessed for evermore. Anth.Wewho are alive, &c. PSALM cCX11. IN exitu Is- rael de Agyp- to: domus Ja- cob de populo barbaro: 9. Facta est Judea sanctifi- catio ejus: Iy- WHEN Js rae went out of Hoypt: the house of Jacoh from a barbar- ous people: 2. Judwa be- came his sane- tuary: IsraelVESPERS ON SUNDAY. 259 rael potestas ejus. 3. Mare vidit et fugit: Jor- danis conver- sus est retror- sum. 4. Montes exultaverunt lut arietes: et colles sicut age (nl ovium. 5. Quid est tibi mare, quod fugisti? et tu Jordanis, quia conversus es re- trcrsum ? his empire, 8. The sea saw them and fled: the Jor- dan was turn- ed. back. 4. The moun- tains skipped like rams, and thehillslikethe lambs of ewes. 5. What ail- ed thee, O sea, that thou didst flee? and thou, O Jordan, that thou wast turned back.6. Montes exultastis sicut arietes ? et col- les sicut agni ovium ? Uae i taeie Domini mota est terra: a fa- eie Dei Jacob. 96U VESPERS ON SUNDAYS 6. Ye moun. tains, that ys skipped like rams? and ye hills, like the lambs of ewes ? ". At the presence of the Lord the earth trembled: at the presence of | the God of Ja- 8. Qu con- cob. 8. Who vertit petram | changed the in stagna aqua- | rock into pools rum: et rupem | of water: and in fontes aqua- | the stony hills iFSe ee un FW ep a : wee Ei ft oe Se i” 4 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 61] into fountains jrum. | of water. 9, Non nobis 9. Not to us, _Domine, non ‘nobis: sed no- ‘mini tuo da gloriam. 10. Super misericordia tua, et verita- te tua: nequan- do dicant Gen- tes, ubi est De- us eorum 4 11. Deus au- tem noster in clo: omnia queecumque O Lord, not to us; but unto Thy name give all the glory. 10. For Thy mercy, and for Thy truth’s sake: lest the gentiles should say: Where is their God? 1. Hor our God is in heav- en: He hath done all thingsvoluit, fecit. 12. Sunula- cra Gentium argentum = et aurum: opera manuum homi- num. 28 Os) tha- bent, et non lo- quentur: oct- los habent, et non videbunt. 14. Aures habent, et non audient: nares habent, et non odorabunt. 262 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS, whatsoever he | pleased. 12. The zdols of the Gentiles are but silver and gold: the works of the hands of men. HS. have mouths, but they shal! not speak- «hey have eyes, out | they shall wot | see. 14, have ears, but they shall not hear: they have nostrils, e t ‘ f ( They | 1 ( \ They | ’VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 15 Manus habent, et non palpabunt: pe- des babent, et non ambula- bunt: non cla- mapunt in gut- ture suo. 16. Similes lis fiant qui faciunt ea: et omnes qui con- fidunt in els. 17. Domus 263) but they shall not smell. 15. They have hands, but they shall not feel; they have feet, but they shall not walk: neither shall they cry out with their throat. 16. Let those that make them becone like untothem: and all that pus their trust in them. 17 The houseIsrael speravit in Domino: ad- jutor eorum, et protector eo- rum est. 18. Domus Aaron speravit in Domino: ad- jutor eorum, et protector eo- rum est. NO. AQ aie tie ment Domi- num, sperave- runt in Domi- no : adjutor eo- rum, et pro- 264 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. of Israel nath hoped in “the Lord: He is their help, and their prcetec- tor. 18. The house of Aaron hath hoped in the Lords le; as their help, and their _protec- tor. 19. They who fear the Lord, have hoped in the Mord’ He “is their help, anda ato VESPERS ON SUNDAYS %65 — tector eorum | their protect est, or. 90 Lorminus 20. The Lord memor fuit | hath been nostm: et be-| mindful of us: nedixit nobis. | and hath bless- ed us. 21. Bene- 21. He hath | dixit domui Is- | blessed the 4 rael: benedixit | house of Is. ' domui Aaron. | rael: He hath | Ce eee 2 % ¢ blessed the 1% house of Aa ron 1 = iD} ) fa): % 22. Bene-| 22. He hath dixit omnibus | blessed all who qui timent Do- | fear the Lord: minum; pusil-| the little with lis cum majori- | the great. bus. bee ~266 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 23. Adjiciat ' Dominus super Vos: super Vos et super filios vestros. 24. Bene- dicti vos a Do- mino: qui fe eit celum edt terram. 95. Colum eceli Domino: terram autem dedit filiis ho- minum. 23. May the Lord still heap Eis blessings ont yous sion you and on your cnilaren. 24. ee ye blessed by the Lord » Whe made both heaven and earth. 25, The heaven of heav- ener’ iso othe Lord’s abode: but the earth He has given to the sons of men.26. Non mor- VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 267 26. The dead tui laudabunt | shall not’praise te, Domine: ne- | Thee, O Lord: que omnes qui/nor any of descendunt in | those who aie infernum. 27. Sed nos gone down to new 27. But we, qui vivimus, | who are alive, benedicimus | bless the Lord, Jomino: hoe nune et usque In seecu- lum. Ant. Nos qui ex | now and _ for- evermore Ant. We, vivimus bene- | who are alive, dicimus Domi- no. Ant. pore Tem- Pascali, | chal time, Alle- bless the Lord. Ant. In Pas-968 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. i ii Alleluia, Alle-| luia. ay luia, Alleluia. Instead of the foregoing, the following is occasionally sung: PsALM CXVI. iil LAUDATE PRATSE Ye Dominum om-|the Lord, all | nes gentes:lau-|ye nations: date eum om- | praise Him, all nes populi. ye people. 2. Quoniam 9. Because confirmata est | His mercy is super nos mi-| confirmed up- sericordia ejus: | on us; and the et veritas Do-|truth of the mini manet in| Lord remain. eternum. eth forever.VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. The little Chapter.—2 Cor. i. BENEDIC- BLESSED TUS Deus, et | be the God and Pater . Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Pater misericordia- | Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Fa- ther of mercies, rum, et Deus / and the God of totius consola- llonis, qui con- solatur nos in omni tribula- tione nostra. all consolation, Who comfort- eth us in all our tribula- tion. R. Deo gra-; KR. Thanks be t1as. | to God. *,,* This little chapter is said at the end of the Psalm, from the 2d Sunday after Epiphany to 8 ‘tv gesurs, and from the 3d after Pentecost tw Advent, together with the following Hymn: 269270 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. : 1, LUCIS Creator optime, t til Lucem dierum proferens, | Primordiis lucis nove a Mundi parans originem : 2. Qui mane junctum vesperi Diem vocari preecipis ; Hlabitur tetrum chaos, Audi preces cum fletibus. | 3. Ne mens gravata crimine, j i Vite sit exul munere, 9 Dum nil perenne cogitat, es 6 Seseque culpis illigat. i we is i Tn 4. Cceleste pulset ostium . \ 4 Vitale tollat proemium : } ‘ a Vitemus omne noxium : a ma Purgzemus omne pessimum, ae 5. Presta, Pater piissime, | Patrique compar unice, | Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Regnans per omne seculum. Amer. Y. Dirigatur Domine, oratio mea, R. Sicut incensum in conspectu tuo,VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 27] &. O BLESS’D Creator of the light! Who dost the dawn from darkness bring ; And framing Nature’s depth and height, Didst with the new-born light begin ; 2, Who gently blending eve with morn, And morn with eve, didst call them day ;~— Thick flows the flood of darkness down , Oh, hear us as we weep and pray! 3. Keep thou our souls from schemes of crime, Nor guilt remorseful let them know ; Nor, thinking but on things of time, [nto eternal darkness go. £, Teach us to knock at Heaven’s high doer ; Teach us the prize of life to win; Teach us all evil to abhor, And purify ourselves within. 5, Father of mercies! hear our ery; Hear us, O sole-begotten Son! Who, with the Holy Ghost most high, Reignest while endless ages run. AME, V_ Let my prayer ascend, O Lord. R Like incense in Thy sight, 18972 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. ae The Anthem for the Magnificat is aif- ferent every Sunday. Tuz CANTICLE oF THE B. V. Mary Luke 1. 46. MAGNIFI- | MY _ soul CAT anima|doth magnify mea Domi- | the Lord: pum : 9. Et exulta- vit spiritus me- us: in Deo sa- lutarl mo. 8. Quia res- pexit humilita- tem ancill su- @: ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent om- nes genere- 2. And my spirit hath re- joiced in God my Saviour. >. Bor He hath looked down on His lowly hand- maid: for be- hold from henceferth allVESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 273 tiones. 4. Quia fecit mihi aona qui potens est: et sanctum no- men ejus. 5. Et miseri- cordia ejus a progenie in progenies, ti- mentibus eum. 26. Fecit po- tentiam in bia chio suo: dis- persit superbos mente cordis {generations shall call me blessed. 4. For He Who is mighty hath done great things to me: and holy is His name. 5. And His mercy from generation to generation, is shown to those who fear Him. 6. He hath exerted His strength by His own arm; He hath disap.974. VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. sul. 7. Deposuit potentes de sede: et exal- tavit humiles. 8. Esurientes implevit bonis: et divites dimi- sit inanes. 9. Suscepit Israel puerum pointed the proud ones of the designs of their hearts. %. He hath cast down the mighty ones from the throne: and raised up the lowly ones. 8. He hath filled the hun- gry with good things: but the rich he hath sent empty away. 9. He hath upholden HisVESPERS ON SUNDAYS. 275 suum: reecorda- tus misericor- dige sus. 10. Sicut lo- eutus est ad patres nostros: Abraham, et semini ejus in seecula. Gloria Patri, &e. servant Israel being mindful of His mercy. 10. As He promised to our fathers: to Abraham and his seed for- ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. PRAYER. O God, Who, by the humilia- tion of Thy Son hast raised up the prostrate world; grant to Thy people perpetual joy; that they, whom Thou hast deliver- ed from the danger of everlast-976 VESPERS ON SUNDAYS. ing death, may arrive at eternal happiness. ‘Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Thy Son, Who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest world without end. Amen. V. May the souls of the faith- ful departed, through the mer- cy of God, rest in peace. fv. Amen. V. May the Divine assistanee remain always with us.THE BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT When the Priest ascends the Altur, the choir sing, O saturaris Hostia, Que cceli pandis os- tium: Beila premunt~ hosti- lia ; Da robur, fer auxi- lium. Uni trinoque Domino, Sit sempiterna gloria ; Qui vitam sine termino, Nobis donet in patria. Amen, O savixne Host, that heaven's gate Lait’st open, at so dear a rate, Intestine wars invade our breast, Be thou our strength, support, and rest. To God the Father and the Son, And Holy Spirit, three In one, Be endless praise: may He above, With life eternal crown our love. ta €C>Y € SNC EE EE OSSe “Vet @A=% ae eS on eee218 OF THE SACRAMENYD. Then follows an Anthem of the Blessed Virg.n or a hymn, after which the follewing. TantTuM ergo sacra- mentum, Veneremur cernui ; Et antiquum docu- mentum, Novo cedat ritui: Prestet fides supple- mentum, Sensuum defectui. Genitori genitoque, Laus et jubilatio ; Salus, quoque, Sit et benedictio ; honor, virtus, To the Sacred Host inclining, In adoring awe we bend. Ancient forms their place resigning Unto rites of nobler end ; Faith the senses dark refining, Mysteries to compre- hend, Sire and Son all power possessing, Gop, to thee all glory be, Might, salvation, hon. or, blessing, Unto all eternity.HE BENEDI@TION 279 ¢ Procedenti ab utroque, Holy Ghost from both progressing, Compar sit laudatio, Equal glory be to Thee, Amen. Amen, V. Panem de ccelo V. Thou hast given preestitisti eis. Alleluia. them bread from hea- ven. Alleluia. R. Omne deleeta- inentum in se haben- tem. Alleluia. Ft. Replenished with whatever is delicious Alleluia. V. Ora pro nobis, V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. ft. That we may be made worthy of the sencta Dei Genitrix. i. Ut digni effica- mur promissionibus Christi. premises of Christ. Let us Pray. Devs, qui nobis, sub O Gop, who in this sacramento mirabile, wonderful sacrament passionis tus memo- hast left us a memo- tiam reliquisti: tri- rial of thy passion ; 4 (OREO? Ce ted Ae : aoSe ee ; 280 OF THE SACRAMENT. bue quxsumus, ita nos eorporis et sanouints tui, sacra mysteria ven: erari, ut redemptionis tui fructum in nobis jugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in sé- cula seculorum. Amen. When the Priest gives grant us, we beseech thee, so to reverence the sacred mysteries of thy body and blood, as in our souls to be always sensible of the redemption thou hast purchased for us. Who livest, &e. the Benediction rtth the blessed Sacrament, bow down and profoundly adore your Saviour there present ; give him thanks for his mercies, offer yourself 10 him, to be his for ever ; ear- nestty beg his blessing wpon you and yours, and wpor his whole Ohureh.| ROP eat Sas el AY as a ae Fao. a rec Vs ae 7 ah OS, ca > ara : a shee osu nr ee Aez ne oa ey Feat AAT cn a MEDITATIONS ST, FRANCES DE SALES, With desolation is all the land made desolate, because there is none that con- sidereth in the heart. — Jer. xh: TH; Mepiration I.—On our CREATION. Preparation.—1. Place your- self in the presence of God. 2. Beseech him to inspire you. Considerations.—1. Consider that so many years ago you were not yet in the world, and282 MEDITATIONS OF that your being was a mere nothing. Where were we, O my soul, at that time? The world had lasted so many ages, and yet there was no news of us. 2. God has framed you out of this nothing, to make you what you are, merely of His own goodness, having no need at all of you. 38. Consider the being that God has given you ; for it is the highest in this visible world, capable of eter- nal life, and of being perfectly united with His Divine Ma- jesty. A ffections and resolutions.— 1. Humble yourself exceedingly wn the presence of God, saying in your heart with the Psalm-FOL rag, ON En 5a gga ee PRs Se a AT ~ x ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 283 est; O Lord, I am in Thy sight a mere nothing, and how hadst Thou remembrance of me to create me? Alas! my soul, thou wast ingulfed in that ancient nothing, and hadst yet been there, had not God drawn thee thence. And what couldst thou have done remain- ing there? 2. Give thanks to God. O my great and good Creator, how am I obliged to Thee, since Thou hast vouch- safed to take me out of this nothing, and by Thy great mer- cy to make me what I am! What can I do to bless Thy holy name as I ought, and to render due thanks to Thy in- estimable goodness! 3. Con984 MEDITATIONS OF found yourself. But alas! my Creator, instead of uniting my: self to Thee by love and service, Ihave been a rebel to Thee by my inordinate affections, wan. dering and straying away from Thee, to unite myself to sin; valuing Thy goodness no more than if Thou hadst not been my Creator. 4. Prostrate your: self before God. O my soul, know that the Lord is thy God: it is He that has made thee, and not thou thyself. O God, I am the work of Thy hands. 5. I will then no more henceforth take pleasure in my- self, since of myself I am noth- ing. Why dost thou magnify thyself, O dust and ashes? yea,LaF Scag Ds Aah = se eae ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 285 rather, O very nothing, why dost thou exalt thyself? To humble therefore myself, I re- solve to do such and such things ; to suffer such and such disgraces. I will change my life, and henceforth follow my Creator, and esteem myself hon- ored with that condition and being which He has given me, employing it entirely in obedll- ence to His will, by such means as shall be taught me, and as I shall learn from my ghostly father. Conclusion—1. Give thanks to God. Bless thy God, O my soul, and let all that is within ne praise His holy name; for His gooduess has drawn me,286 MEDITATIONS OF and His mercy has created me, out of nothing. 2. Ofer. O my God, I offer to Thee the being which Thou hast given me: from my heart I dedicate and consecrate it to Thee. 3. Pray. O God, strengthen me in these affections and resolu- tions. O blessed Virgin, re- commend them to the mercy of Thy Son, with all for whom I ought to pray. Pater. Ave. Credo. After your prayer, out of these considerations which you have made, gather a little nusegay of devotion to sme]l to the rest of the day.ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 287 ee Meprration [].—On tHe Ewp For WHICH WE WERE CREATED. Preparation.—l. Place your- self in the presence of God. 2. Beseech Him to inspire you. Considerations.—1. God has not placed you in this world for any need He has of you, who are altogether unprofitable to Him, but only to exercise His goodness on you, by giving you His grace and glory; and to this end He hath enriched you with an understanding to know Him, with a memory to be mindful of Him, with a will to love Him, an imagination to represent to yourself His bene- fits, eyes to behold His won-288 MEDITATIONS OF drous works, a tongue to praise Him; and so of the other fac- ulties. 2. Being created and placed in the world for this intent, all actions contrary to it are to be avoided and rejected ; and whatever conduceth not to this end, ought to be contemned as vain and superfluous. 3. Consider the wretchedness of worldlings, who never think of this, but live as though they believed themselves created for no other end than to build houses, plant trees, heap up riches, and such like fooleries. A ffections and Resolutions.— 1. Humble yourself, reproaching your sour. with her misery, which has hitherto been so great, thatSi. FRANCIS DE SALES. 289 she hath seldom or never consid: ered this. Alas! shall you say! how did I employ my thoughts, O God, when I placed them not upon Thee? What did I re member, when I forgot Thee? What did I love, when I loved not Thee? Alas! I ought to have fed upon truth, and I have glutted myself with vani- ty; I have served the world, which was created but to serve me. 2. Detest your past life. I renounce you, O vain thoughts and unprofitable fancies; I ad- jure you, O frivolous and hate ful remembrances. O hateful and disloyal friendships, lewd and wretched slaveries, ungrate- fnl contentments, and irksome 19290 MEDITATIONS OF pleasures, L abhor you. 8. ite turn to God. And Thou, O my God, my Saviour, Thou shalt be from henceforth the sole ob- rect of my thoughts; I will no more apply my mind to objects that may be displeasing to Thee. My memory shall enter: tain itself all the days of my life with the greatness of ‘Thy clemency so mercifully exer: cised on me: Thou shalt be the delight of my heart, and the sweetness of my affections. 4 Ab! such and such trash and rifles to which I applied my- self, such and such unprofitable employments, in which I have foolishly squandered away my days, such and such «apections— a a vA a, Cn Pe a) ae ae ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 29] which have captivated my heart, shall henceforth be a horror to my thoughts; and to this end I will use such and such good remedies. Conclusion.—1. Thank God ) who made you for so excellent py an end. Thou hast created me, a1 O Lord, for Thyself, and for the everlasting enjoyment of Thy incomprehensible glory. Oh! when shall I be worthy of it? when shall I praise Thee and bless Thee as I ought? 2. Offer. I offer to Thee, O my dear Creator, all these affections and resolutions, with all my heart and soul. 8. Pray. I be- seech Thee, O God, to accept my desires and purpeses, and292 MEDITATIONS OF give Thy blessing to my soul, to the end that I may accom- plish them, through the merits of Thy Son’s precious blood, shed for me upon the cross, &e. Pater. Ave. Credo. Make your little nosegay of devotion, as aforesaid. Mepitation []].—Own tue Benerits oF Gop. PREPARATION.—1. Place your- self in the presence of God 2. Beseech Him to inspire you. Considerations.—1. Consider the corporal endowments which God has bestowed upon you; what a body, what conveniences to maintain it, what health andom ae ee 1 aal aa A EER Pb a ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. ¥%%4% lawful recreations to entertain it, what friends and assistance ! But consider all this with re spect to many other persons much more worthy than your- self, who are destitute of all these blessings ; some injured in their bodies, health, and limbs; others abandoned to reproach, eontempt, and dishonor ; others oppressed with poverty ; whilst God has not suffered you to become so miserable. 2. Con- sider the gifts of mind. How many are in the world, stupid, frantic, or mad; and why are you not of this number? God hag favored you. How many are there who have been brought ap rudely and io gross ignor f i ea |294 MEDIDATIONS OF ance; and by God’s providence you have been educated liber- ally and honorably. 38. Con sider the spiritual graces. Yor are a child of the Cathole Church; God has taught you to know Him even from your most tender age. How often has He given you His sacra- ments? how many inspirations, internal illuminations, and re- prehensions for your amend. ment? how frequently has He pardoned you your faults? how often has He delivered you from the occasions of casting yourself away to which you were ex- posed? And were not all these years past given you as a time and opportunity to advance theST. FRANCIS DE SALES, 295 geod of your soul? Consider in particular how good and gracious God has always been to you. A ffections and Resolutions. — 1. Admire the goodness of God. Oh how good is my God to- wards me! Oh how gracious is He! How rich is Thy heart, O Lord, in mercy, and liberal in clemency! O my soul, let us recount forever how many favors He has done us. 2. Be astonished at your ingratitude. But what am I, O Lord, that Thou art so mindful of me? Ah! how great is my unworthi- ness! Alas! I have even trod- den Thy blessings under foot; [ have dishonored Thy graces,296 MEDITATIONS OF perverting them into abuse and contempt of Thy sovereign goodness: I have opposed the depth of my ingratitude to the height of Thy grace and favor. 3. Stir yourself wp to acknowl. edgment. Well, then, my heart, be now no more unfaithful, un- grateful, and disloyal, to this great Benefactor. And how shall not my soul henceforth be wholly subject to God, who has clone so many wonders and fn- vors to me and for me? 4. Ah! withdraw then your body, Philothea, from such and such sensualities ; and consecrate :t to the service of God, who has done so much for it. Appiy your soul to know and acknowl-ee i ~ ~ EF gt LTT se eg, SAN ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 297 edge Him by such exercises as shall be requisite for that pur- pose. Employ diligently the means which you have in the church to save your soul, and love Almighty God. Yes, O my God, I will be diligent in prayer; I will hear Thy holy word, and put in practice Thy inspirations and counsels. Concluston—1. Thank God for the knowledge he hath new given you of your duty, and for the benefits hitherto received. 2. Offer Him your heart with all your resolutions. 3. Pray Him that He will strengthen you to practise them faithfully through the merits of His Son’s death. Implore the intercessioncel ARORA See conte aN eons —_ Sar aa 298 MEDITATIONS OF of the Blessed Virgin, and of | the saints. Pater. Ave. Credo ?dake your little spiritual nose gay as before. Mepiration [V.—On Sin. PREPARATION.—1. Place your self in the presence of God. | 2. Beseech Him to inspire you. Considerations.—1. Call to | mind how long it is since you began to sin, and examine how ) much, since a beginning, sins —_ ret have been multiphed in your} heart; how every day you have § mereadtd them against God, against yourself, and against your neighbor, by work, by word, or by desire. 2. Con-| sider your evil inclinations, and | re = ~ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 299 how far you have followed them; and by these two points you shall find that your sins are greater in number than the hairs of your head, yea, than the sands of the sea. 3. Con- sider, in particular, the sin of ingratitude against Ged, which Is a general sin, and extends itself over all the rest, making them infinitely more enormous. Consider, then, how many bene- fits God has bestowed upon you, and how you have abused them all in prejudice of the Giver; and, in particular, how many Inspirations have you de- spised ? how many good motions have you made unprofitable ? But, above all, how many times300 MEDITATIONS OF have you received the sacra ments? and where are the fruits of it? What is become of all those precious jewels with which your dear Spouse adorn- ed you? All these have been buried under your iniquities. With what preparation have you received them? Think on this ingratitude, that God hav- ing gone so far after you, you have run from Him to lose yourself, A frections and Resolutions.— 1. Beconfounded atyour misery. O my God, how dare I appear before Thine eyes? Alas! I am but the corruption of the world, and a very sink of sin and ingratitude. Is it possibleoe a — ~ be Thou forever, O sweet and) sovereign Creator and Redeem-| er, Who art so bountiful to us,& and dost communicate to us so) liberally the everlasting treas-t ures of Thy glory. Blessed be) you fcrever, says He, My be-s loved creatures, who have so)ST. FRANOIS DE SALHS, 323 faithfully served Me with love and constancy; beheld you shall be admitted to sing My praises forever. Affections and Lesolutions.— 1. Admire and praise this heavenly country. O, how beautiful art thou, my dear Jerusalem! and how happy are thy inhabitants! 2. Meproach your heart with the littie cour age tt has had litherto, in wan dering so far from the way of this glorious habitation. 9, why have I strayed so far from my Sovereign Good! Ah! wretch that I am, for these foolish and trivial pleasures have I a thousand and a thon- sand times forsaken eternal andO24 MEDITATIONS Of infinite delights! Was 1 not mad, to geapse sneh precious blessings for so vain and cen- temptible affections? 8 As pyre now with sere or to thes delightful habitation. O, my gracious God, since it has pleased Thee at length to di- 1ect my wandering steps in the night way, never hereafter will L turn bae sk. Let us go, my dear so let us go to this er. apie; let us walk to- wards this blessed land that is promised us. What have we to do.in this Egypt? I will therefore disburden myself ot all such things as may divert or retard me in so happy journey; I will perform suchST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 345 and such things as may con- duct me to it. Give thanks. Offer. Pray. ater. Ave, Credo. Mepirarron [X.—By way or Kiiece- TION AND Cuorce oF HEAVEN. PreparAtion.—1. Place your- self in the presence of God. 2. Humble yourself before His Majesty, and beseech Him to inspire you with His grace. 8. Imagine yourself to be ina plain field, all alone with your good angel, as young Toby go- ing to Rages, and that he shows you heaven open, with all the pleasures represented in the former meditation; then be- neath that he shows you hell eo a A Be A a5 See OEE ‘ad ‘+ ’ - aN326 MEDITATIONS OF ide open, with all the ton ments described in the medita- «i tion of hell; you being thus» placed in your imagination, and kneeling by your good angel :— - Considerations.—1. Consider ' that it is most true, you ares between heaven and hell; and] that the one or the other ise open to recelve you, according } to the choice you shall make. |, 2. Consider that the choice you | shall make in this world shall | last for ail eternity in the other. | 3. Aud though both the one | and the other are open to re- - celve you, according to your ' choice, yet God, who is ready to give you either the one by His justice, or the other by His- ie a ee A hd aS Sie ie SB Pte NY Ga Ee ST. FRANCIS D's SALES. 3827 mercy, desires not withstanding, with an incomparable desire, that you would make choice of heaven; and your good an gel also importunes you witk all his power, offering you on § God’s behalf a thousand aids, aie i and a thousand graces, to help ‘a you thither. 4. Consider that Jesus Christ beholds you from above in His clemency, and graciously invites you, saying: Come, my dear soul, to ever- lasting rest within the arms of My goodness, where I have prepared immortal delights for thee in the abundance of My love. Behold likewise with your inward eyes the blessed Virgin, who with a motherlyB28 MEDITATIONS oF love exhorts you, saying. Take | courage, my child, despise not. the desires of My Son, nor so many sighs which I have heaved for thee, thirsting with Him atter thy eternal salvation. Behold the saints also that ex. hort you, and millions of blessed souls sweetly inviting you, and wishing nothing more than to see your heart united with theirs in praising and loving God forever ; assuring you, that the way to heaven is not so hard as the world makes it, Be of good courage, dear broth. er, say they ; he that shall dili- gently consider the way of de- votion, by which we ascended hither, shall see that we cameet Ser he Mae gn EE ST. FRANCIS DE SALES 38%9 to these immortal delights hy pleasures incomparably more sweet than those of the world. Lilection—1. O hell, I detest thee now and for evermore; | letest thy torments and pains; _ detest thy miserable and ac- cursed eternity ; and, above all, I detest those eternal blasphe- mies and maledictions, which thou vomitest out eternally against my God. And turning my heart and soul to thee, O beautful paradise, everlasting glory and endless felicity, I choese my habitation, forever and irrevocably, within thy fair and blessed mansions, within thy holy and most lovely taber- nacles I bless Thy mercy, i iB330 MEDITATIONS OF O my God, and accept the offer! which it pleaseth Thee to make} me of it. O my sweet Saviour! Jesus, I accept Thy everlasting: love, and the purchase which: Thou hast made for me of a: place in this heavenly Jerusa- | lem; not so much for any other} thing, as to love and bless Thee ! forever and ever. 2. Accept} the favors which the Blessed | Virgin and the Saints offer you; ; promise them to advance to->+ wards them; and give your! hand to your good angel, that he may guide you thither. En. . courage your soul to make this | ehoice. Pater. Ave. Credo.a” y = ry if pe RY, aera on te er oe Cy tt fe am ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. 331 Mepiration X.—By way or Eec- TION AND CHOICE WHICH THE SOUL MAKES oF A Devout Lirs. PrEePARATION.—1. Place your | self in the presence of God. 2 oo Be Prostrate yourself before Him, ' and implore the assistance of ) His grace. is Considerations.—1. Imagine & yourself again to be in a plain field, all alone with your good angel; and that you see on your left hand the devil, seated on a great high throne, with many infernal spirits about him, environed with a great troop of worldlings, who, all bare- headed, acknowledge him forBau MEDITATIONS OF their lord, and do him homage, : some by one sin, and some by | anotaer. Observe the coun-' tenances of all the wretched | courtiers of this abominable: king. Behold some of them transported with hatred, envy,, and passion; others killing one! another; others consumed with { cares, pensive, and anxious to { heap up riches; others bent } upon vanity, without any man- - ner of pleasure but what ist empty and unprofitable; others . wallowimg in the mire, buried | and putrified in their brutish | affections. Behold how they are all without rest, order, and decency: behold how they de- spise one another, and love butST, FRANCIS DE SALES. 3833 in show. Ina word, you shall see a lamentable commonwealth, miserably tyrannized over by this cursed king, which will move you to compassion. 2. On the other side, behold Jesus Christ crucified, Who, with a cordial love, prays for those poor enslaved people, that they may be freed from this tyranny, aod calls them to Himself. Be- hold round about Him a troop of devout persons, with their angels. Contemplate the beau- ty of this kingdom of devotion. Oh, what a sight is it to see this troop of virgins, men and women, whiter than the hlies; that assembly of widows full of holy mortification and humili- ae SB. a PATNA aMEDITATIONS OF ty! See the ranks of married: people, living together with! mutual respect, which cannot? be without great charity. Con-| sider how these devout souls: join the exterior care of the) house with the care of the in-- terior, the love of the husband | with that of the celestial bride. « groom. Consider them all uni-- versally, and you shall see them: in a sweet, holy, and lovely | order, observing our Saviour, , whom every one would willing. } ly plant in the midst of his} heart. They are full of joy, but‘ that joy is comely, charitable, , and well ordered; they love | one another, but their love is | most pure and holy. Such asea ed ome ee Ae EGE ae a ets ok! ee: Peet eth a ad ST, FRANCIS DE SALES. 395 suffer afflictions amongst this devout company, are perfectly resigned and never lose cour- age. Lastly, behold those eyes of our Saviour, who comforts them, and how they all to- gether aspire to Him. 3. You have already shaken off Satan, with all his cursed execrable troop, by the good affections and resolutions you have con- ceived; but you are not yet arrived at Jesus, nor united with this blessed and holy com- pany of devout people, but have hitherto kept yourself between the one and the other. 4. The Blessed Virgin, with St. Joseph, St. Anne, St. George, St. Helen, and a hundred thousand336 MEDITATIONS or . others, who kave lived in the 6 (| world, invite and encourage p : you; and the crucified King } | Jiimself calls you by your} name: Come, my well beloved, | come, that I may crown thee. LHlection—O world, O abom- - inable troop, no, never more shall you see me under your |} banner. I have forever left off | your fooleries and vanities. O | king of pride, O cursed king, Ht | infernal spirit, | renounce thee with all thy vain pomps; I de- test thee, with all thy works. }} 2. And turning myself to Thee, 4] my dear Jesus, King of felicity i and immortal glory, I embrace i Thee with all the powers of my soul, I adore Thee with al] myST. FRANUIS DE SALES. 3347 heart, [ choose Thee now and forever for my King: with this inviolable fidelity I pay Thee irrevocable homage, and submit nyself to the obedience of Thy holy laws and ordinances. 38. O sacred Virgin, my dear Lady, [ choose Thee for my Guide, I put myself under Thy colors, I offer Thee a particular respect and special reverence. 4. O my good Angel, present me to this sacred assemhly, and for- saxe me not till I arrive at this blessed company, with whom I say, and will say forever, in testimony of my choice: Jesus forever reign! Pater. Ave Credo. 23 @"- Ae DV ae Bi os mi : S. aS 8 8 4. WINE SS REZ An eee) S CHRISTIAN —— OR, A SITMMARY OF CHRISTIAN FAITR AND MORALITY. Srcr. 1— What every Christian must » believe. 1. Every Christian must be- | lieve, that there is one God, and | ne more than one God; that this | God is a pure Spirit, the Lord and Maker of heaven and earth, , Who has neither beginning nor | end, but is always the same, is | everywhere present, knows and -sees all things, can do ali things |ee eee B eS, oe es et eae LE ee oN oh HT Bet Se ea oe Se hi a a CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 339 whatsoever He pleases, and is infinite in all perfections. 2. Every Christian is bound to believe, that in this one God there are three several Persons, perfectly equal, and of the same substance; the Father, Who is the Creator of all things visible and invisible; the Son, Whois born of the Father before all ages; and the Holy Ghost, Who proceeds eternally from the Father and theSon; and that these three really distinct Per- sons, have all the same power, and the same wisdom, and are all three one and the same Lord, one and the same Goa. 3. We must all believe, that this God created the angels to340 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. be with Him forever, and that one part of them fell from God by sin, and became devils; that | God also created Adam and Eve, our first parents, and placed them in the earthly par- adise, whence they were justly banished for the sin they com- mitted in eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree; and that by this transgression of Adam, we are all born in sin, and must have been lost forever, if God had not sent us a Saviour. 4. We are bound to believe in this Saviour of all mankind, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, true God, and true man; per- fect God from all eternity. equal to the Father im allCHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 841 things; and perfect man from the time of His coming down from heaven for us, having a body and soul like us. 5. We must believe that this Jesus Christ our Saviour, who had been long foretold by the prophets, was in God’s appoint- ed time conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Ghost, with- out having any man for His father, and was born of Her, she still remaining a pure Vir- gin; that, during His residence on earth, He founded the Chris- tian religion, by His heavenly doctrine and wonderful mira- cles, and offered Himself a sacrt- fice for the sins of the whole842 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. world, by dying upon a cross, to purchase mercy, grace, and salvation for us; and that nel- ther mercy, nor grace, nor sal- vation, either can, or ever could, since Adam’s fall, be obtained any otherwise than through this death and passion of the Son of God. 6. We must believe, that Je- sus Christ, after He had been dead and buried for part of three days, rose again on the third day from death to lite, never to die any more; and that for the space of forty days, He was pleased, at different times, to manifest Himself unto His disciples, and then ascended into heaven in their sight, where,= ~ “ae ~ F et “x oI 7 fe Coa OF ea LT I gO SAN BO Paci BO teed CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 348 as man, He continually inter- cedes for us. Thence He sent down the Holy Ghost, upon His disciples, to abide with them and their successors for- ever, as He had promised, and to guide them and their success- ors unto all truth. 7. We must believe the cath- olic or universal Church of Christ, of which He is the per- petual Head, and His Spirit, the perpetual Director; which | is founded upon a rock, and is ever victorious over all the powers of death and hell. This Church is always One, by all its members professing one faith, in one communion, under one ehief Pastor, succeeding St. Le ra Oe344 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. Peter, to whom Christ commit, ted His whole flock. John, xxi, 15, 16,17. This same Church is always Holy, by teaching a holy doctrine, by inviting all to a holy life, and by the emi- nent holiness of many of her children. She is Catholic, or Universal, by subsisting in all ages, by teaching all nations, and maintaining all truths. She is Apostolical, by deriving her doctrine, her communion, her orders, and her mission, by an uninterrupted succession from the Apostles of Christ. 8. With this Catholic Church the Scriptures, both of the Old and New Testament, were de- posited by the apostles; she is,= La ANS e Sh ge = en VE REELY hoe So , =. OP re ra tee, ts ode Se a ee Nf Safa CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 345 in her pastors, the guardian and Interpreter of them, and the judge of all controversies rela- ting to them. These Scriptures, thus interpreted, together with the traditions of the apostles, are to be received and admitted a) by all Christians, for the rule of their faith and practice. 9. We must believe that Jesus Christ has instituted in His Church seven Sacraments, or mysterious signs and instru- mental causes of divine grace in our souls :—1. Baptism, by way of a new birth, by which we are made children of God, and cleansed from sin;—2. Confir- mation, by which we receive the Holy Ghost, by the impositionthe apostles, Acts, viii..—3. the & | Blessed Eucharist, which feeds and nourishes our souls with 4 the body and blood of Christ, ,: really present under the forms | of bread and wine, or of either of > ai them ;—4. Penance, by which | | penitent sinners are absolved | from their sins, by virtue of | i | the commission given by Christ. {| to His ministers, John, xx. and it | Matt. xviii.;—5. Extreme Une- | tion, which wipes away the last 5 | vestiges of sin, and arms the soul A) Dl with the grace of God in the ve me | time of sickness, James, v.:— | ie | 6. Holy Orders, by which the | ministers of God are consecra- ted;—and, 7. Matrimony, which,FF ca ED ea PMT Et ge J LES ete es “ Hi if £ Pay. <= eo a Pes . CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 847 as a sacred sign of the indisso- luble union of Christ and His Church, unites the married couple in a holy band, and im- parts a grace to them suitable to that state, “ph. v. 10. We must believe, that Jesus Christ has also instituted the great Eucharistic Sacrifice of His body and blood, mm re- membrance of His death and passion. In this sacrifice, He is mystically immolated every day upon our altars, bemg Him- self both Priest and Victim. This Sacrifice is the principal worship of the New Law, in which, and by which, we unite ourselves to Jesus Christ, and with Him, and through Him,3848 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. we adore God in spirit and truth, give Him thanks for all His blessings, obtain His grace for ourselves and the whole world, and pardon for all our sins, and those of the living and the dead. 11. We must believe that there is, in the Catholic or Uni- versal Church of God, a Com- munion of Saints, by means of which we communicate with all holy ones, and in all holy things. We communicate with the Saints in Heaven, as our fellow- members under the same Head, Jesus Christ; we give thanks to God for His gifts to them, and we beg a share in their prayers. We communicate witheae F oO ed eS. ee Ne ee NH LT 1a ot. AT OR tat CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 34% all the Saints upon earth, in the Same sacraments and sacrifice, and in a holy union of faith and charity; and we communi- cate with the faithful, who have departed this life in a more imperfect state, and who, by the law of God’s justice, are for awhile in a place of suffer ing, by offermg prayers, and alms, and sacrifice to God for them. 12. We must believe also the necessity of Divine Grace, without which we cannot take so much as one step towards Heaven ; and that all our good, and all our merits are the gift of God; that Christ died for ail men; that God is not the au- a A (kg « & by350 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. thor of sin; and that His grace: does not take away our free 5 will. 18. We must believe that | Jesus Christ will come from | Heaven at the last day to judge § us all; that all the dead, both | good and bad, shall rise from | their graves at the sound of] the last trumpet, and shall be: judged by Him according to ( their works; that the good | shall go to Heaven with Him, , body and soul, to be happy for ' all eternity, in the enjoyment | of the Sovereign Good; and | that the wicked shall be con- - demned, both body and soul, to « the torments of hell, which are : most grievous and everlasting.CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 851 Becr. 1i.—What every Christian must practise. If thou wilt enter into Life, keep the Com mandments. Mott. xix. 17. 1. Every Christian, in order to life everlasting, must wor- ship God as his first begmnmeg and last end. This worship 1s so be performed,-—/irsi, by Faith, which makes both the understanding and the will humbly adore and embrace all those truths which God has taught, however obscure and incomprehensible they may be to our weakness; Secondly, by Hope, which honors the ir linite power, goodness, and802 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. mercy of God, and the truth of His promises, and upon these grounds raises the soul to an assured expectation of mercy, grace, and salvation, through the merits of Jesus Christ; Lhirdly, by Charity, which teaches us to love God with our whole hearts, for his own sake, and our neighbors as our- selves for God’s sake; Mourth- ly, by the virtue of Religion, it | the chief acts of which are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, oblation of ourselves to God, 7 sacrifice, and prayer, which ought to be the daily employ- menis of a Christian soul. %. We must shun all idola try. ail false religions and super‘ ae tre fa eA at Fat ae p22 ati CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 3583 stition ; under which name are comprehended all manner of divinations, or pretensions to fortune-telling, all witchcraft, charms, spells, observations of omens, dreams, &c. All these things are heathenish, and con- trary to the worship of the true and living God, and to that dependence a Christian soul i >); ought to have on Him. j 3. We must reverence the name of God and His truth, by a religious observance of all lawful oaths and vows, and by carefully avoiding all false, rash, unjust, or blasphemous oaths and curses. 4. We must dedicate some uotable part of our time to His 28854 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. divine service; and more espe: | cially consecrate to Him those | days that He has ordered to be! sanctified, or kept holy. 5. Under God, we must love, | reverence, and obey our parents, | and other lawful superiors, spir- } itual and temporal, and observe | the laws of the church and state; } as also, we must have'a due! care of our children, and of} others that are under our charge, | both as to the soul and body. 6. We must abstain from all | injuries to our neighbor’s per- | son, by murder, or any other | violence; and from all hatred, | envy, and desire of revenge; as also from spiritual murder, | which is committed by drawing |Ge BRE POL: ay re Pod ee Pe ae Sere u wee 1 am A CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. $958 him into sin, by words, actions or ul example. 7. We must abstain from adultery, and from all unclean ness of thoughts, words, and ee We must not steal, cheat, or oe other way wrong our neighbor in his goods and _pos- sessions ; we must give every one his own, pay our debts, and make restitution for all unjust damages which we have caused, 9. We must not wrong our neighbor in his character or good name, by detraction or rash judgment; or in his honor, by reproaches and affronts ; or rob him of the peace of his mind, by scoffs and contempt$55 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. or of his friends, by carrying | stories backwards and forwards. In all which cases, whosoever | wrongs his neighbor, 1s obliged to make restitution or satisfac- tion. 10. As we are commanded to abstain from all deeds of | lust and injustice, so we are also strictly obliged to restrain all desires ther eof, and to resist | the irregular motions of concu- a ence. So far the Ten Com- ndments, which are a short a idgment of the whole eter- nal aa natural law, which ad mits of no dispensation.THEH SCAPULAR. THE SCAPULAR. “ As it is considered a mark of distine- tion by men to have attendants wearing their livery, so does the Blessed Virgin like to see Her servants wear Her Scap- ular.”—St. A. Liguore. This devotion is very ancient, and much approved of by the Church. The word Scapular comes from the Latin, and means a garment for the shoulders, and particularly, in the present case, two pieces of dark brown woollen cloth, jomed by a double string, so that one piece may hang on the shoulders, the other on the breast. Once it has been received from a priest duly authorized, it may be replaced by another not blessed, in case of its being worn out er lost; unless, however, it had been discontinued for a considerable time i 1/B)358 THE SCAPULAR hrough neglect: for then it must b received again as at first. It is to be worn night and day, in the manner just described; but it is a mistake to sup- pose that any particular prayer, prac- tice, or mortification, is required, or any duty enjoined, binding even under venial sin. Fach one may suit his own devo- tion. There can be no better observ- ance than to offer up with a special in tention, the ordinary prayers and goo’ works of the day. Several Plenary Indulgences are at- tached to the wearing of the Scapalar. The principal are :— 1st. On the day of receiving it in due form. 2d. On the feast of our Lady of Car- mel, July 16th, or on any day within the Octave or week -following. Like- wise on the other festivals of the Blessea Virgin. 3d. On the festivals of our Lord, oi the Twelve Apostles, of St. Theresa, St,RO AG rR) OW: Re 7 pd OS, eee SN WN THE SCAPULAR. 359 John of the Cross, and other Carmelite Saints. 4th. On any two days one shall clioose in every week. These indulgences require Confession, Communion, and praying in a church or public chapel, according to the inten- tions of the Pope. It is usual to recite for this purpose the Lord’s Prayer and Hail Mary five times, shortly after Communion. The following prayer said by the |; priest when he gives the Scapular, points out the spirit of this simple and lowly devotion. “It is the spirit that quick- eneth .... the words that I have spo-— ken to you, are the spirit and life.” “OQ Lord! deign to enrich Thy servant with abundant ®) graces, that he may persevere yee in Thy service, and daily in- aN crease in virtue. Saviour of360 THE BOAPULAR, mankind! bless this habit, that he who is clothed with it, strengthened by Thee from on high, may preserve his faith entire, that his hope may be ever unshaken, and his love ever such as Thon requirest.” The priest then prays that it may be worn without spot, through the merits and aid of Mary. Let Her adopted child and professed client prove worthy of so loving a mother and so holy a pat- roness.Pee — ie eae dee SLE Ir ca gm BS pombocd THE AGNUS DEI. 361 An Agnus Dei-—in English, Lamb of God, so called from the image stamped upon it, is a small cake of the purest white wax, solemnly blessed by the Pope, in Easter Week. Beginning with prayer, he dips it in Holy Water mingled, for the purpose, with Holy Balsam and Holy Chrism, and then beseeches ounce more the Almighty to bless, consecrate, and sanctify thir offermg, so as to render it a source of graces to all those who shall use it in a spirit of faith and piety. These particular graces are chiefly the following :— lst. A devout remembrance of our Redemption through the Lamb af God, See en [es a - De gh po ae / 1 ra ig | a3862 THE AGNUS DEI. —_— on beholding and touching the waxen image, so that a lively sense of gratitude shall prompt us to bless, venerate, and ilove the Divine goodness—firmly hoping therefrom forgiveness of sin and spot- lessness of conscience. 2d. Protection against the open and secret attacks of the enemies of soul and body. 3d. Preservation from public and pri- vate calamities, disasters, and accidents; from contagious and violent disease, and also from a sudden and unprovided death. 4th. Safety during pregnancy, and a happy childbirth. In case such graces be withheld or withdrawn, this must be owing to tha lukewarmness or sinfulness of those con- cerned, or else to a special and fatherly providence of God, who often grants, not what man chooses, but that which is really better taan his choice. Thus we see that the promise of recovery on= ae LIL gS Pe OP er ig (gee eA ei THE AGNUS DEL. $63 receiving Extreme Unetion, is alwaya understood to be conditional. Speaking of our prayers, hopes, and desires in general, our Blessed Lord saith: “ Who is there, that, if his son shall ask of him bread, shall give him a stone? If he ask of him a fish, will he reach him a serpent? How much more will your | Father Who is in Heaven, give good f things to those who ask of Him?” A PRAYER, To be daily said by those who carry | about them an Agnus Det. O my Lord Jesus Christ, the true Lamb that takest away the sins of the world! by Thy mercy, which is infinite, pardon my iniquities; and by Thy sa- cred passion preserve me thisaod THE AGNUS DEI. day from all sin and evil. 1 carry about me this holy Agnus Dei in Thy honor, as a preserv- ative against my own weak- ness, as an incentive to the practice of meekness, humility, and innocence, which Thou hast taught. I offer myself up to Thee as an entire oblation, and in memory of that sacrifice of love, ‘Thou offeredst for me on the cross, and in satisfaction for my sins. Accept, O my God, the oblation I make, and may it be agreeable to Thee in the odor of sweetness. Amenom ee ee ‘Hi fy aa ee METHOD, ETC. METHOD OF SERVING AT MASS. The Clerk, kneelin Priest, should answe P. + IN NOMINE Patris, et Filn, et Spiritus nnen Amen. Introibo ad altare Dei. C. Ad Deum qui letificat javentutem meam. P. Judica me, Deus, et dis- | cerne causam meain de gente non sancta: ab homine imiquo et doloso erue me. C. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitude mea: quare me repulisti, et quare tristis incedo dum affligit me inimicus ? xt the left side of the iz a r as fellows: OR PSY (eee“9 ee eee es Ne eg a aR ae pO te 366 METHOD OF P. Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam: ipsa me de: duxerunt et adduxerunt in mon- tem sanctum tuum, et in taber nacula tua. C. Et introibo ad altare Dei ad Deum qui letificat juventu- tem meam. P. Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es anima mea, et quare contur- bas me ? C. Spera in Deo, quoniam adhue confitebor ili, salutare vultus mei, et Deus meus. P. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spinitui Sancto ; C. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in secula seeculorum. Amen.pa | Ses ee eee | - a et (eer SERVING AT MASS. 367 P. Introibo ad altare Dei. C. Ad Deum qui ketificat juventutem meam. P. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, C. Qui fecit ccelum et ter- ram. P. Confiteor Deo, &e. | Bow your head when the Priest be- gins the Confiteor, and continue bent till he ends it.] C. Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis tuis, perducat te ad vitam eternam. P, Amen, C. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatee Maris semper Virgini, beato Michaeli archangelo, beato Joanni Baptiste, sanctis apos-368 METHOD OF tolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi Pater, (here turn your head towards the priest, and then go on,) quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, et opere, (striking your breast thrice, say,) mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa: ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos apostolos Pe- trum et Paulum, omnes sanctos, et te Pater, (here turn again towards the priest,) orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nos. trum. P. Misereatur vestri, &e. C. Amen. P. Indulgentiam. &e.oe Poe oy a ite Sa Fea SERVING AT MASS. 36 C. Amen. i P. Deus tu conversus vivifi he vais nos. ; iy C. Et plebs tua letabitur In te. P. Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam. C. Et salutare tauma da no- p bis. P. Domine, exaudi ovstionem meam. ©. Et clamor meus a:' ta yentat. . Dominus vobiscum. . Et cum spiritu tuo. . Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Christe eleisonr. v4 MaWOHaNMETHOD OF mail |. ©. Christe eleison. (| P. Kyrie eleison. D C. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. P. Dominus vobisenm. C. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Per omnia szecula seeculo- rum. ©. Amen. [At the end of the Hpistle say, Deo | gratias, and after the Gradual and Alle. luia, or Tract, remove the book to the 2 Gospel side of the altar, and return to | the Epistle side—make a low reverence is you pass the middle of the altar, then stand up whilst the Gospel is read. ] P Dominus vobtscum. | i C. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Sequentia [or initium] | sancti Evangel, de.SERVING AT MASS. o7] {Here make the sign of the cross, 1st, twpon your forehead ; 2d, upon your mouth ; 3d, upon your breast; and say, Gloria tibi Domine-—At the end of the gospel say :] C. Laus tibi, Christe. P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum spiritu tuo. [Going to the middle of the altar kneel and make a reverence, then pro- ceed to prepare the wine and water present them to the priest, making a reverence ; afterwards pour water on his fingers, present him with a towel, and return to your place at the Epistle side of the altar. ] P. Orate Fratres, &e. C. Suscipiat Dominus sacri- ficium de manibus tuis, ad lau- dem et gloriam nominis sui, ad . Z puo (2 METHOD OF utilitatem quoque nostram, toti- usque ecclesise suze sanctze. P. Per omnia szecula seeculo- rum. ©. Amen. P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Sursum corda. ©. Habemus ad Dominum. P. Gratias agamus Domino T'eo nostro. ©. Dignum et justum est. [When the priest says, Sanctus, Sane- jus, Sanctus, de., ring the bell each time he pronounces it. When he spreads his hands over the chalice, rmg the bell, then proceed to the centre of the altar, where kneeling ring the bell with you right, and hold up the vestment with your left hand, durmg the Elevation. Then return to your former place, and aseee | fe a PL ate of boi anaddaae ae SERVING AT MASS. 373 often as you pass by the Blessed Sacra- &§ ment, adore on your knees. | | » P. Per omnia secula sxculo- rum (©, Amen. P. Et ne nog inducas in ten tationem. C. Sed libera nos a malo. P. Per omnia szecula sexeculo- rum. ©. Amen. P. Pax Domini sit semper | 7vobiscum. C. Et cum spiritu tuo. [The priest’s Communion being ended, be 1eady to give firss wine, and then wine and water: but if there be commu- nicants, first provide them a towel, and Bay the Confiteor. Then remove the book to the left hand of the altar, take away the towel from the cammunicauts, if there were any, and return to your former place, |+) METHOD OF Et cum spiritu tuo. Per omnia szecula seeculo rum. ©. Amen. + P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum spiritu tuo. I i P. Ite, missa est, or, Bene G dicamus Domine. | C. Deo gratias. 74 P. Dominus vobiseum. C. IP? Note-—In Mass for the Dead, ths ! priest says : yy ° ° | P. Requiescant 1n pace. ©. Amen. [Remove the book, if left open ; kneei } before the centre of the altar, and re- ceive the priest’s blessing. | mi il P. Pater, et Filius, et Spin: we tus Sanctus. Yi | C. Amen. | Zhen rose. |SERVING AT MASS. 375 P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Initium | Sequentia ]Sancti Hvangeli, We. C. Gloria tiki Domine. At the end of the Gospel, say : C. Deo Gratias. PsaLM CXXIX. P. De profundis clamavi ad te Domine: Domine exaudi vocem meam. C. Fiant aures tuse intenden- tes In vocem cleprecationis mez P. Siiniquitates observaveris Domine: Domine, quis sustine- bit ¢ C. Quia apud te propitiatio376 METHOD oF est: et propter legem tuam sustinui te Domine. P. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus: speravit anima mea in Domino. C. A custodia matutima us- que ad noctem: speret Israel in Domino. P. Quia apud Dominum mi- sericordia: et coplosa apud eum redemptio. C. Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus ejus. P. Requiem eternam done eis Domine. ©. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. P. A porta inferi. C. Erue, Domine, animas eo rum. P. Requiescant in pace.AN SEKVING AT MASS. 377 C. Amen. &§ P. Domine exaudi orationem 2 meam. 2 C. Et clamor mens ad te ve niat. P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum spirita tuo. [ At the end of the Prayer, say, Amen.] P. Requiem eternam dona els Domine. C. Et lux perpetua luceat els. P. Requiescant in pace. C. Amen. : ont aul (. Pd ol 3 weINSTRUCTIONS AND DEVOTIONS FOR THE SICK. 1. In case of serious illness, let your first care be to send for your spiritual physician, and settle the state of your soul. This is much better done in the beginning of sickness than afterwards, when the violence of the disease, or the nature of the remedies,.may render a person absolutely unfit for so great a work. Sickness is often sent as a pun- ishment for sin, and therefore a sincere repentance and confession of sins are often a more effectual means of recovery than any other. 2. If you have not your will alreadyy Ce SR 2 dee 7 ees ee wy 1 6) fo ae OT Jinied TEL eG Ag — boa Te <= = — ese se = = INSTRUCTIONS, ETC. 379 made, as in prudence you ought, let this also be done in the beginning of your sickness, that so having settled your temporal affairs, you may apply your soul, without disturbance, to the spir- itual. 3. Beg your best friends to give you timely notice, and not to flatter you, when there are little er no grownds for hope. Make the best use you can of that time, which perhaps is to be your last. Admit but of few visits, nor of any discourse but such as may be for your soul’s profit. 4, Take proper measures for the dis- charge of your debts, and all other obligations ; and this, as much as may be, in the beginning of your sickness. Forgive all those who have any way injured you, and ask pardon of those you have injured. 5. Receive your sickness from the hand of God with a perfect resignation to H's holy will, as a just punishment z= ANE LO RA ROR VAI os ae On ‘a Cy ee CARO AES350 INSTRUCTIONS, ETC., for your offences ; frequently offer yours self up to Him, and beg that He will grant you patience, and sanctify your sufferings, and that He will accept of all your pains and uneasiness, in union with the sufferings of your Saviour Jesus Christ, in mitigation of the punishment due to your sins. 6. Let some friend read to you suck prayers as are most proper for your present condition, especially the Peni- tential Psalms, the Litanies, Acts of the Love of Ged, of Patience and Resigna- tion, &e. 7. Have the crucifix, or a picture of Christ crucified, always before your eyes, think often upon His passion, hide your- self in spirit in His wounds, and.embrace His feet with all the affections of your soul, 8. Aim, as much as you can, at a penitential spirit, during your sickness ; often cry to God for mercy, and make frequent acts of contrition for your sinsse LEE IP aah gga SAY / { FOR THE SICK. 38} St. Augustine used to say, that no Chris. tian, however innocent his life micht have been, ought to venture ‘to die in any other state than that of a peni- tent. A PrayvER PROPER TO BE DAILY R¥ PEATED IN TIME OF SICKNESS. LORD Jesus Christ, behold I receive this sickness, with which Thou art pleased to visit me, as coming from Thy fatherly hand. It is Thy will it should be thus with me, and therefore [ submit ; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May this sickness be to the honor of Thy holy name, and for the good of my soul. For this end I here offer myself with an entire submis- sion to all Thy appointments, to suffer whatever Thou pleasest, as long as Thou pleasest, and m what manner Thou pleasest; for I am Thy creature,382 INSTRUCTIONS, ETC., O Lod, who have most ungratefully offended Thee, and since my sins have a long time cried aloud to Heaven for jus- tice, why shall I now complain if I feel Thy hand upon me? No, my God, Thou art just in all Thy ways; 1 have truly deserved Thy punishment, and therefore I have no reason to complain of Thee, but only of my own wicked- ness, Bui rebuke me not, O Lord, in Thy fury, nor chastise me in Thy wrath; but have regard to my weakness, ‘Thou knowest how frail I am, that I am noth- ing but dust and ashes ; deal not with me, therefore, according to my sing, nel ther punish me according to my miqui- ties, but, according to the multitude of Thy most tender mercies, have compas- sion on me. Oh let Thy justice be tem- pered with mercy, and let Thy heavenly grace come in to my assistance to support me under this my illness. Arm my soul with strength from above, that I383 may bear, with a true Christian pa- tience, all the uneasiness, pains, dis- quiets, and difficulties of my sickness, and that I may cheerfully accept them as the just punishment of my offences. Preserve me from all temptations, and be Thou my defence against all the assaults of the enemy, that in this illness I may no way offend Thee ; and if this isto be my last, I beg of Thee so to dit- rect me by Thy grace, that I may no way neglect or be deprived of those helps, which Thou hast, in Thy mercy, ordained for the good of my soul, to prepare it for its passage into eternity, that being perfectly cleansed from all my sins, I may believe in Thee, put my whole trust in Thee, love Thee above all things, and, through the merits of Thy death and passion, be admitted into the company of the blessed, where I may praise Thee forever. Amen. FOR THE SICK. ey FA a a oe Le RS. ae Se , a ee, Cy =a Ca od gm peers oe, NB se. Mah ET a Oe oe S poe, om %,