wfflmm® iHPi m mm GENEALOGICAL HISTORY DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, "WHO EMIGRATED WITH HIS FAMILY TO THIS COUNTRY IN 1638; RECORDS OF HIS FATHER'S AND GRANDFATHER'S FAMILIES IN ENGLAND; WITH THE PEDIGREE EXTENDING BACK PROM SON TO FATHER FOR TWENTY GENERATIONS; WITH THEIR COAT OP ARMS, AND COPIES OP WILLS. ALSO, AN APPENDIX, GIVING AN ACCOUNT OF THE BOSTON AND HINGHAM PECKS, THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK OF MENDON, MASS., DEACON PAUL OF HARTFORD, DEACON WILLIAM AND HENRY OF NEW HAVEN, AND JOSEPH OF MILFORD, CONN., WITH PORTRAITS OF DIS TINGUISHED PERSONS FROM STEEL ENGRAVINGS. BY IRA B. PECK. PRINTED BY ALFRED MTJDGE & SON, BOSTON. 1868. EXPLANATIONS AND ABREVIATIONS. As Joseph Peck, the ancestor whose descendants the work was designed to contain, had six sons, each of whom had families, it is divided into six parts, giving the descendants of each son separately. The numerals or consecutive numbers at the left of the names rep resent the number of each person individually from the ancestor. This -f- sign placed before a name indicates that the person be comes a parent, and refers forward to the number of that person inclosed in brackets, where he and his family may be found. When the name is not carried forward to another place in the book, whatever is said of the person is said in connection with and immedi ately following his father's family. The figures in brackets at the left of the name refer back to the numerals, where that person and his father's family may be found. The small figure over the name and above the line indicates the number of the generation to which the person belongs. b, is used for born ; bap. for baptized ; m. for married ; and unm. for unmarried. T. Bee, B. 8, p. 367, means Taunton records, book 8, page 367; E. stands for Eehoboth ; S. for Swansey ; B. for Bristol ; Bar. for Barrington ; St. for Scituate ; W. for Warren ; P. for Providence ; C. for Cumberland ; A. for Attleborough ; and cht. for chart or pedigree. NAME. Pek, Peck or Pecke, Peke, Peak or Peake, found in the different works on heraldry, are supposed by some to have been originally the same ; but Peck and Peak were doubtless distinct names. During a portion of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, many of the Pecks added the final e to their names, as indeed did the English to almost every name that would admit of it. So far as I learn, the Pecks now universally drop it. The name is of very' ancient origin. There are various theories as to its original meaning or signification, and conjectures and specula tions -as to those who first bore it, as there are in relation to other names, frequently given by those who write genealogies, and those who furnish arms and pedigrees, to order. Of these a chapter might be given ; but as I design to deal with facts, and not legends and conjectures, I leave them all out as not worth the space they would occupy. The name is of great antiquity. They are found seated in England, in Belton, Yorkshire, at a very early date. From there they spread into other portions of Europe, and are now found scattered throughout every country where civilization has found its way. A branch settled at Hesden and Wakefield, in Yorkshire, whose descendants removed to Beccles, Suffolk County, and were the ances tors of Joseph Peck, of Hingham, Norfolk County, who became the emigrant ancestor to this country. It seen by the pedigree, to which the reader is referred, that he was a lineal descendant in "the twenty-first generation from John Peck, Esq., of Belton, Yorkshire, and baptized April 30, 1587, being in the fiftieth year of his age when he emigrated to this country. fuu INTRODUCTION. I make no apology for having devoted so much time, labor and ex pense to the genealogy and history of the Pecks. To such of my readers, if any such there should be, as have no taste for such subjects, — who never knew or wished to know so much as the name of their grandfather, or who their ancestors were, or where they came from, — who have no respect for their memories, and not love enough for their parents to erect gravestones to their memory, or care whether their remains are covered or above ground, apology would be of no use, or arguments to show the duties we owe them, or the good that may re sult from such works to future generations, of no avail. To such af my readers as can appreciate the motives and feelings which led me to attempt the task, and such of my friends as have urged me to pursue the subject to the extent I have, there is no necessity for apology. To these, I hope the work may prove accepta ble and pleasing. No one of them will ever know the amount of labor and toil and money it has cost me, or the difficulties, perplexities and discourage ments with which I have had to contend. The collection of the material, and the arrangement of it, has occupied much of my time for more than ten years. During the time, I have not only travelled much, but my correspondence has extended into nearly all the United States and Territories, the British Provinces, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Canadas and England. I have written and sent out about 3,000 letters, and 1,000 printed circulars. Of these letters, I have pre served copies of over 2,700. In answer to them, I have on file re ceived from my correspondents over 2,00Q, many of them of much interest, all of which, if published, would make a volume many times larger than this. The manuscript has all of it been written over twice, much of it three, and some of the appendix four times, to admit of additional families and different arrangements of its several branches. I hope to have been the means of bringing to light and preserving much that would otherwise have been lost. I feel that the work con tains, not only much that is valuable now, but that will be more so & PECK GENEALOGY. as time passes away, and the names and histories of those now living, as well as those now gone, shall have been forgotten. I have en deavored to make the records it contains as full and correct as possi ble ; but, where information and records are collected from so many different individuals and such a variety of sources, the information from one often conflicting with that from another, without the means of determining which is correct, it is very difficult to avoid errors. Those who have never attempted to collect genealogical information know little of the difficulties attendant upon such labors. I have found many obstacles to contend with, which, could I have foreseen, I never should have attempted the task I have endeavored to accomplish. It often occurs that members of the same families will disagree as to the intended orthography of their names, and in relation to the dates of the births and deaths in the family ; and when an appeal from them to the family record is made, and from that to the town record, each will be found to disagree with the other. In such cases I must leave them out, or adopt the one in which I had the most confidence. Per sons of the same name often insist upon spelling it differently. In writing the names, I have generally followed the usual orthography, unless varied by the parent or person themselves. In copying from tombstones and early records, I have intended to preserve the ancient orthography. In collecting information by correspondence, it often occurs that let ters received will be such as to render it impossible to determine what was intended by many of the names and dates. The authors of such letters, when written to for explanations, often refused or neglected to answer my letters, — perhaps offended because I could not read their letters, or uncertain themselves in relation to the names and informa tion given. Sometimes information must be received from aged per sons, the only source from which it can be obtained. They are liable in the presence of a stranger, approach them with all the care you can, to become confused, or, from the impaired condition of their memories, to give incorrect information. Some of my information has been received from town clerks ; they are liable to errors in copying records, often old, worn and defaced. After the work was arranged, it was carefully read through and compared with the letters, records and documents from which it was compiled ; and where records given by different individuals and by the same individual at different times disagreed, or wherever errors of any kind were suspected, letters of inquiry were written. Some of these INTRODUCTION. 3 were promptly answered, and the corrections, when necessary, were made. Others were not answered until the work was in the press, too late for corrections or additions, except at the end of the book. After the records and historical matter were printed, it was again read through, and such errors as were found, whether typographical or otherwise, however small or of little consequence, were pointed out. This was preferred, rather than leave them to the conjecture and query of the reader, as is sometimes done in such works. Another source of much difficulty and unpleasant feeling in collect ing this kind of information is the little interest felt in the subject by many. Some, when called upon, would appear to think it an imposi tion to be asked for a record of their families, or to be supposed to know their ages, or to know the name of their grandfather, or to care who their ancestors were, or where they came from. Such persons were generally anxious to know if there was any '¦'¦property anywhere com ing to the Pecks that I was after," evidently thinking more of counting their dollars than keeping records of their families. Others, when called upon, would express au interest in the subject, and a willing ness to send me, at some future time, records of their families, if they could only know who their ancestors were, how far back I had traced them, etc., but, when given the information, which perhaps had cost me months or years of labor, would forget their promises, and it would be the last I should hear of them or their records. But those who have done the most to delay and injure the work and me, are those who have expressed an interest in the subject they seem never to have felt, made promises only to break them, and those who, when written to with the return postage, etc., inclosed, have neglected or refused to answer my letters and return my circulars. I would forget these gentlemen, and the unkindness — to call it by no other name — which I have received from some of them, if I could. Although there have been many things unpleasant and discouraging in the preparation of the work, it has not all been so. In my travels, as well as in my correspondence, I have found many friends, who have lent me their aid and assistance, and treated me with a kindness and generosity that can never be forgotten. Some have subscribed for a number of copies, and furnished, me with engravings of their likenesses for the work. To all such I return my sincere thanks, especially to those who have had them engraved especially for the work. The book is larger than it was at first expected to be. When my circulars were issued tor subscribers, it was supposed, as stated in 4 PECK GENEALOGY. them, that it would contain about 350 pages, and about 6,000 names, including those who had become allied with the Pecks by marriage, and others ; but much was afterwards added, and it now contains, notwithstanding I have condensed it all I could, 440 pages and over 11,000 names. It was at first designed to arrange the names of the children in single columns, but, by leaA'ing out the surname Peck and substituting b. for born, and using smaller type, they have been put in double columns. This reduced the size of the work about one quarter, and improved its appearance. In the appendix the names of the children follow each other, like other matter. There were so large a number of children in these branches of the name whose births and deaths I could not obtain, that to arrange them in columns made the work too open and broken to look well. In condensing the work, foreign matter only has been left out. I have endeavored to retain all the names and dates, places of resi dence, early settlements, and such wills, deeds and papers as were thought to be of interest and best worth preserving, with the refer ences and data by which the persons contained in the work might be traced out, and a more extended history of them learned, if desired. Had the work been arranged and printed as open as such works sometimes are, the descendants of the female branches traced out, more history and biography of the different individuals given, and matter foreign to the subject admitted, it would have been so large and expensive as to be purchased by but a few. It is now within the reach of every one. It will be found to contain the descendants of Joseph Peck, who emigrated to this country with his family in 1638, now generally known as the Massachusetts Pecks ; with an appendix containing an account of the Boston and Hingham Pecks, also of the descendants of John Peck of Mendon, Mass., Joseph of Milford, Conn., Henry of New Haven, Deacon Paul of Hartford, and an account of some of the descendants of Deacon William of New Haven. When I commenced my investigations I supposed that all the Pecks of this country were the descendants of Joseph of Massachusetts, but afterwards found that there were others by the name who early emigrated to this country and became progenitors, leaving descend ants. The extensive race of Pecks from Connecticut, now mixed in their settlements with each other and with the Massachusetts Pecks through out the country, are from other ancestors, who early settled there. To INTRODUCTION. 5 separate these different branches of the same patronymic has been a work of much labor and perplexity. It has been in tracing out the descendants of the different ancestors, separating them from each other, and placing them in their proper positions or families and gen erations that the most of my labor has been required, and the diffi culties and perplexities encountered. Had all the Pecks of this country been the descendants of one emigrant ancestor, my labors would have been little in comparison to what they now have. The reader will find on examination that the descendants of Joseph, John, Nicholas, Samuel, Nathaniel and Israel Peck, who settled in Eehoboth, and John of Mendon, Mass., Deacon Paul of Hartford, — Deacon William and Henry of New Haven, and Joseph of Milford, ancestors of the Connecticut Pecks, have been separated from each other and arranged under their respective heads as separate ancestors. What the relationship between the ancestor of the Massachusetts Pecks and the ancestors of the Connecticut Pecks was, or where they came off from the main branch of the name, has not been learned ; but it is hoped that some of their descendants will now follow them back, and learn the connecting link. I would have been glad to have at tempted this ; but to obtain information from the other side of the water requires much time, is very expensive, and none of them offered to assist me, although many of them are men of wealth. Among many of the descendants of these Connecticut Pecks I found a cold ness and indifference to the subject that I did not anticipate, and which was very discouraging to me. Although I found some who lent me their aid and assistance, and treated me with a generous kind ness that will long be remembered, I found others who I felt treated me with a lack of generosity and an unkindness that I shall try to forget. In addition to the history in this country of the descendants of Joseph Peck, the ancestor of the Massachusett Pecks and records of their families, the work will be found to contain not only a pedigree giving a record of his own, his father's and grandfather's families, with the names of his ancestors back from him in regular ascent for twenty generations, with the coat of arms, but also a copy of his own, his father's, his brothers', and his uncles' wills. I think it will be found that but few have been more successful in connecting their name with their English ancestry, or who have done so with any more certainty of correctness. Others may have been more successful in tracing out their names in this country, but I think few have devoted more time and labor to the subject. 0 PECK GENEALOGY. The work was not commenced as an enterprise by which to make money. The collection of the material was at first commenced from a love of the subject, and a desire to learn who my ancestors were, and where they came from. After having traced back my own branch of the name to Joseph Peck, the immigrant ancestor to this country, and learned that he was of English descent, I desired to connect him with the name there. This, after a long time, was accomplished, but with much expense. When my friends learned what I had done, they urged me to trace out their branches of the name, and arrange them into families and generations with their proper connections. This I should have never attempted, had I anticipated the great amount of labor and time it required, and the expense attendant upon it. After this was accomplished, and my friends learned the amount and char acter of the information and material collected, they desired its pub lication, and offered me their assistance by subscribing for the work, and otherwise, some generously offering to contribute their like nesses for it ; and I consented to prepare it for the press. Although the collection of the material for the work was com menced without the expectation of any assis'tance or remuneration, its publication was assented to and undertaken with the promise and expectation of the co-operation and assistance of those of the name, by subscribing for the work or otherwise, so far at least as that I should lose nothing by it more than my time and labor. But in this I fear I am'to be disappointed. As a means of obtaining subscribers, I have sent out to those of the name circulars for signatures, each con taining a request that they should be returned, that I might know whether the person to whom they were addressed received them or not, and whether they would become subscribers. With each was enclosed the postage or return envelope, making the person to whom they were addressed no expense to return them, and as little trouble as I could. Notwithstanding this, less than one half of them have been returned. Of those who returned them, many did not become subscribers. A few not only subscribed themselves, but with much kindness obtained other names. This want of interest in the subject, and unkindness in refusing to return my circulars, was not antici pated ; had it been-, they never would have been issued. I huve ob tained a less number of subscribers than was expected, and the work has cost me much more. The price of the book is lower in proportion to the number of names, the amount of information, and the number and excellence of the engravings it contains, and the present price of publishing, than INTRODUCTION. 7 such works usually are, or than any one of the kind with which I am acquainted. The engravings, which are upon steel, the most of which were done expressly for the work, cost, with the prints, over one thousand dollars. The price, which was limited to four dollars, and the postage in the circulars sent out for subscribers, is too low for the expense of the work. It was fixed when it was supposed the work would contain only about three hundred and fifty pages and six thou sand names, and a few engravings, which my friends at first proposed should be lithographs, — an inferior and much cheaper engraving, although such as are often used in books of the kind. It was at first designed to only give the ancient arms of the Pecks printed in black lines, as is usually done in such works, at an expense of eight or ten dollars ; but they are now given with the quarterings, crest and motto in colors, and the ancient arms embossed upon the cover, at an ex pense for both of over one hundred dollars. Many of my friends have advised me to raise the price of the book in proportion to its increased size and cost ; but I have preferred to let the price remain to my subscribers, as limited in the circu lars sent out for subscriptions, at four dollars and the postage, and trust to their generosity and sense of justice to contribute towards its increased size and value or not, as they may feel disposed. The price to those not subscribers will be fixed at five dollars. Should any of my subscribers feel generous enough to forward that sum for their books, it will be thankfully received ; and, as I must rely upon the sale of other copies in addition to those subscribed for to meet the expenses of the work, I hope many of my friends of the name not subscribers, and others who may chance to become its readers, will purchase it. All who will do so at any time, and assist in its sale, will do me a kindness for which I shall be thankful. Its completion and publication, the collection and arrangement of the additional mate rial and information, and the execution of the engravings, — the last of which was finished but a few days before the work was given to the binder, — occupied more time than was expected ; but it has all been to the advantage of the subscriber. - The arrangement of the book has been made plain and easy to be understood. The explanations which follow and those at the com mencement of the Index will enable the reader to find the names of the different persons in the work, and trace them forward and find their descendants, or trace them back and find their ancestors, with ease and without confusion. PEDIGREE. The pedigree, as it is here given, may be found in the British Museum, London, England, excepting the two last families, those of Eobert and Joseph, which are added to it. The family of Eobert, and the eldest children of Joseph, are from the parish records of Hingham, England. The three youngest chil dren of Joseph are from the records at Hingham, Massachusetts, being born here. It will be seen that the pedigree extends back from Joseph, twenty generations, to John Peck, Esq., of Belton, Yorkshire, and must be of interest to all who feel an interest in the subject. The following is the certificate of the heralds accompanying the pedigree and arms in the British Museum. 20th Nov. 1620. Visum agnitum et in munimenta Collegii Heraldorii relatum die et Anno suprascriptis. Testamur hoc. Henry St. George, Eichmuw. Henry Chitting, Chester. John Philpott, Eouge Dragon. It may be translated to mean that they had seen or examined it, acknowledged it true, and entered it upon record, or placed it in the archives of the Heralds' College on the clay and year above written. GENEALOGY. JOSEPH PECK, THE ANCESTOR. Joseph Peck, the emigrant ancestor of the Pecks in this country, known as the Massachusetts Pecks, now a numerous and extensive race scattered throughout the United States, its Territories, the British Provinces, and the Canadas, was baptized in Beccles, Suf folk County, England, April 30, 1587. * He was the son of Robert Peck, as will be seen by a reference to the chart, being a descendant in the twenty-first generation from John Peck, of Belton, Yorkshire. He settled at Hingham, Norfolk County, England. In 1638, he and other puritans, with his brother Robert Peck, their pastor, fled from the persecutions of the church to this country. They came over in the ship Diligent of Ipswich, John Martin, master. Daniel Cushing, then town clerk here at Hingham, Norfolk County, New England, in speaking of his arrival in this country says : " Mr. Joseph Peck and his wife with three sons and daughter and two men servants, and three maid servants, came from Old Hingham, and settled at New Hingham." His children were as follows : Anna, baptized in Hingham, England, March 12, 1617-18, t and buried there, July 27, 1636. Rebecca, baptized in Hingham, Eng land, May 25, 1620 ; and, as appears by her father's will, married a * Upon early records, births and deaths are not often given. They were generally kept by Parish clerks, who only gave the baptisms and burials. t Eor an explanation of this kind of dating, see birth of Ichabod Peck, No. 10, Part I. 2 14 PECK GENEALOGY. Hubbert. Joseph, baptized in Hingham, England, August 23, 1623. For the history of him and his descendants, see Part I. John, bap tized about 1626. For a history of him and his descendants, see Part II. Nicholas baptized in Hingham, England, April 9, 1630. For his history, see Part III. Samuel, baptized here at Hingham, in New England, February 3, 1 6 3 8-9, see Part IV. Nathaniel, bap tized here at Hingham, New England, October 31, 1641, Part V. Israel, baptized here, March 4, 1644, Part VI. He was twice married. His first wife was Rebecca Clark. They were married at Hingham, England, May 21, 1617. She died and was buried there, October 24, 1637. The name of his second wife, and the baptism of his son John, was not found. It was not upon the records at Hingham, where his first marriage and the baptisms of his other children were recorded. It probably took place in another parish where the records were not preserved. He seems to have belonged to that class in England known as gentlemen or the gentry entitled to coat-armor, etc., who ranked next to Baronets.* Soon after his arrival here, he settled in Hingham, Mass. The records there in 1638 say: Mr. Joseph Peck t received a grant of seven acres of land, for a house lot, next to Robert Peck his brother ; he also received other grants of land. * In relation to his political, public or private life in England, or that of his father, I did not attempt to learn anything. To have done so at this late day, now more than two hundred years since they lived, would have been attended with great expense and much uncertainty as to finding anything reliable in relation to them. My resources had been heavily drawn upon in tracing him back to England, connecting him with his ancestors there, and learning what I had in relation to them ; and as none of my friends, although many of them were abundantly able, offered to contribute towards the expense, I was obliged to content myself with what I had already learned there, that I might devote my means to tracing out his descendants here. t This prefix or title of Mr., which is found with his name wherever it ap pears upon record, indicates the position he occupied in society. It was of much more import and significance then than now. There were but a few of those who came over to whose name it was attached : they generally oc cupied a lower position in society. JOSEPH PECK. 15 He remained at Hingham about seven years, when he removed to Seekonk. While he remained at Hingham, he was one of its leading men. He was Representative, or deputy to the General Court in 1639, 1640, 1641 and 1642. He took an active interest in the business of the town. He was one of the selectmen, justice of the peace, assessor, etc. He was appointed by the court to grant summons and attach ments, to see people joined in marriage, to keep the records, etc. In 1641, he became one of the principal purchasers * of the indians of that tract of land called by them Seacunk or Seeckonk, afterwards incorporated into a town since known as Rehoboth, Mass., at first called eight miles square, but afterwards found to be about ten. It comprised what is now Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket. f He did not however remove there until 1645. Upon the Rehoboth records is the following notice of an acci dent which befel him on his removal thither : " Another strange accident happened by fire about this time. Mr. Joseph Peck, and three others of Hingham, being about to remove to Seaconk, (which was concluded by the Commissioners of the United colonies to belong to Plymouth,) riding thither they sheltered them selves and their horses in an indian wigwam, which by some occasion took fire, and (although there were four in it, and labored to their utmost) burnt three of their horses to death, and all their goods, to the value of fifty pounds." * See confirmation deed from the colony to the town of Rehoboth, in 1685, (Plymouth Colony Records, B. 5 P. 341,) also quitclaim deed from William Bradford, in 1689. t The proprietors of Rehoboth also purchased other lands of the indians. Their second purchase was a tract known as "Wanamoiset, being what was afterwards a part of Swansey and Barrington. Their third purchase was in 1661, from Wamsitta, brother of King Philip, called the north purchase, including what was afterwards Attleborough, Mass. and Cumberland, R. I. It was incorporated into a town, taking the name of Attleborough, in 1694. It remained Attleborough until the settlement of the line between the Plymouth and Rhode Island colony, when the part since Cumberland set off to RhodeUsland. It was incorporated into a town in 1746, taking its present name. It has since been divided, a portion of it taking the name of Woonsocket, the Indian name of the locality. 16 PECK GENEALOGY. After his removal to Seekonk, his name continually appears upon the records of the town, in the management of its affairs, until his age precluded him from such duties. His name also appears upon the Plymouth Colonial records, as it did upon those of Massachusetts. He was appointed to assist in matters of controversy at court. In 1650, the court appointed him to administer marriage. In 1651, he was appointed to determine all controversies, not exceeding a certain amount. He was also appointed to administer oaths, issue warrants, etc. He seems to have been one of the principal men here, as he had been at Hingham, as well as one of the wealthiest. In the purchase of the town as in the appraisal of the purchaser's rights for the apportionment of a tax, there was but one who paid more or whose rights were prized more than his. In addition to his interest in the first purchase of the town, he afterwards bought other rights which made him a large owner. His rights in the common undivided lands at his decease were given to his sons, as well as those which had then been divided.. In some instances, these lands still remain in the name and are owned and occupied by his descendants. The Pecks of Barring- ton (Ellis, Asa and others) now occupy lands given to his youngest sons, Nathaniel and Israel. The proprietors of Rehoboth first settled upon what has since been known as Seekonk Plain,* a tract of cleared land which had been the planting grounds of the indians. The settlers appropri ated it to the same purpose until its fertility became exhausted, when they were obliged to leave the plain and seek the smaller openings which were more productive, thus gradually penetrating the wilderness, and extending the settlements of their town. The house of Joseph, which seems to have been of the better class, stood upon the plain in the northerly part of the " Ring of * Bliss, in his history of Rehoboth, supposes this word to be composed of the indian words seaki, meaning black, and honk, goose — black goose being the Indian name for the wild goose, and thinks the place received its name from the fact of great numbers, of wild geese in their semi-annual migrations, alighting here in the river and cove adjacent. JOSEPH PECK. 17 the Town."* Its location was near the junction of the present Paw- tucket with the old Boston and Bristol road, so called, westerly and not far from the present depot of the Boston and Providence Railroad as it crosses the plain. It was here that he lived, and died December 23, 1663, in the seventy-seventh year of his age, far from the tombs of his fathers, the associations of his youth, and the scenes of his early life, but doubtless happy in the thought of having been able to worship God after the dictates of his own conscience, and of being sur rounded by his children, in whose care his remains would be left to be buried where they would be surrounded by those of his descendants. No stones, now more than two hundred years since, mark the spot of their interment, but the subsequent graves of his descend ants indicate the placet The following is a copy of his will : Know all men by these presents that I Joseph Peck Sen1 of Eeho both do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following Item — I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph all my lands and medows lying and being near unto the Eiver called Palmers Eiver to him and his heirs forever Item — I give unto him my old black mare and my great qhist in the parlor Item — I give unto my son John my house and lands which I pur chased of Joseph Torry and the half of the meddow betwixt Mr New man and mee on the other side of the new meddow river to him and his heirs forever Also I give unto him my great chist in the hall. Item — I give and bequeath unto my son Nicholas all my meddow at * The proprietors first selected their lots and erected their dwellings in a semicircle, the circle opening towards the Pawtucket or Seekonk River, with their parsonage and meeting-house in the centre. The circle was called the ring of the town. It can still be seen in the present location of the houses there, in an eastern view from the church. t The gravestones of his son Israel were still standing in a good state of preservation when I last visited the place, although he had then been de ceased over one hundred and forty years. Eor the inscriptions, see Israel, Part VI. 2* 18 PECK GENEALOGY. the hundred acres and the meddow called bushey meddow and all my medows on the north side of the town to him and his heirs forever Item — I give and bequeath unto my son Samuell my house where I now dwell with all the houses standing there The outyards and all my house lott and all my land in the second Division and my Plaine lotts excepting half my furthest which I give unto my son Nicholas ; and also I give unto him my meddow called cheesbrooks meddow and also my salt marsh att broad cove To him and his heirs forever Item — I give unto my sonns Nathaniel and Israel all my lands which I purchased of John Adams and Mr. Bradford with the meddow called the long beach which is betwixt Mr Newman and mee, and all my meddow at Squamquammett which is betwixt John Allin and mee ; and olso my meddow at Papasquash betwixt John Allen and mee to them and their heirs forever. Item — I give my use of the meddow att Kekemuett unto John Pecke my son and also all my lands att Wackemauquate I give unto my sonnes Joseph and Nicholas to be equally devided betwixt them Item — I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Hubbert thirty pounds in such pay as can be raised out of the goods I shall leave to be paid by my Executors within one year after my decease and also I give unto her my wifes best cloak and one fine Pillowbeer and my Damask Napkin Item — I give unto my son Samuell my silver beaker and two silver spoons and one gould Einge which was his mothers and also one paire of fine holland Sheets and one Diaper Tablecloth and six Diaper Napkin's 2 fine pillow beares and the feather bed and bolster and pil low and two Blanketts whereon I now lye my second Eugg with some other small linnene in my Trunk in the parlor which I also give unto him and the other chist under the window in the parlor and my best curtains and curtain rodds Item — I give unto my son Nathaniel my biggest silver cupp and gould Einge two silver spoons my best feather bed one bolster two Blanketts the Eugg that now lyeth upon mee my trunk in the parlour chamber my round table three Diapir napkins one long table cloth betwixt Israeli and him Item — I give unto Israeli my son my silver salt 2 silver spoons my two bed teekes with the bolesters the old flocke bed two blanketts my best coverlid one bolster one pillow two pillowbears also unto Nathaniel one pillow 2 pillowbears. Item — I give unto Israeli ten of my best ewes and my sorrelled mare two of my best cowes and my bull and my segg and three Diaper napkins Item — I give unto my JOSEPH PECK. 19 son Joseph five ewes and to my son Samuel my two oxen called Bucke and Duke and two cowes my cart and one of my little Plowes one chain with the copses for the cart and I give unto Nathaniel two steeres and two cowes Item — I give unto my son Nicholas the feather bed which be hath alreaddy and my best Eugg and unto my son John I give the feather bed and bolster which he alreaddy hath and 40 s to buy him a rugg and to Israeli I give the two little chists in the chamber and his mothers little trunke and unto my son Samuel I give my Bedstead in the parlour chamber Item — I give unto my son Joseph my gould Einge and unto John and Nicholas my two silver wine cupps — My mind is that my three younger sonnes should have each three platters and all the rest my pewter should be equally be tween my six sonnes and all my apparrel I give unto my three elder sonnes and all my wifes Apparrell I give unto my three youngest sonnes to bee equally divided betwixt them Item — I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods catties & chatties my debts and legacies being payed and my body brought to the grave unto my six sonnes equally to be divided amongst them the youngest and weakest to have as good a share as the eldest and strongest dsireing Mr Newman and my brother Thomas Cooper to be the supervisors of this my Tes tament and last will and I do ordaine my son Nicholas and my son Samuell the executors of this my last will desiring the Lord to guide theire hartes to do all according unto my intent heer sett down The last will & Testament of mee Joseph Pecke written with my own hand. A further Amplyfication of our fathers will upon his death bed, which was not expressed in his written will. Item — hee gave to his son Joseph half his meddow that hee purchased of Mr Bradford lying on the further side of the new Meddow Eiver : to his son John thirty- five pounds of comon : to his son Samuel two hundred and fifty pounds of comon to his son Nathaniel two hundred pounds of comon. These gifts were given to them and their heirs forever moreover our father added to his daughter hubbert ten pounds more than was sett downe in his written will Item — that Nathaniel and Israeli shall have equal shares of the corne that shall be raised upon that ground which hee hath given to his son Samuel for this year ensuing they bestowing an equal share of labor with them upon the land. It was further expressed by him that seeing those oxen expressed in his will that was given to his three younger sons was disposed of before his 20 PECK GENEALOGY. death that those younge oxen and steeres that are coming on in theire romes should bee made choice of by them in manor as followeth ins son Samuel first choosing his son Israeli next and Nathaniel last was his will also that those two mares which were given to his sonnes Joseph and Israel being not extant that Joseph ¦ should have his old mare and Israeli his young mare instead of the other — further whereas our father gave to his sonnes Joseph five- sheep and Israeli ten they also being sold before our fathers death wee have agreed that they shall have in valuation as they were sould which was nine, shil lings a pieece. This we own to be our fathers will expressed by him unto us when he was in his perfect memory which we owne as his proper will and desire. In witness whereof wee have sett to our hands Witness hiereof Joseph Pecke, Stephen Paine, John Pecke, Thomas Cooper Nicholas Pecke John Eebd Samuell Pecke Nathaniell Pecke Israell Pecke This will is recorded upon the old Plymouth Colony Eecords, Book of Wills, 2d part, Vol. 2d, Folio 12. EOBERT PECK. Robert Peck, the father of Joseph the ancestor, was also the son of Robert, as will be seen by the chart. He was of Beccles, Suffolk County; born in 1546 and died in 1593, aged forty-seven. The position which he occupied in society was that known in England as gentleman or gentry entitled to coat-armor, etc., and at that time, before the title of Baronet* was given, next to the nobility, or the title honored. *This order was instituted by James I. in 1611. ROBERT PECK. 21 From all the information I obtained in relation to the name there, it is evident that this branch was one of much distinction. Among all the coats of arms, charts and records which I obtained in relation to other branches, there were none apparently so ancient or upon which the Heralds had bestowed so much labor as upon those of this branch of our patronymic. It was not customary in the early days of heraldry to give the collateral branches ; only the lineage from father to son. He married Hellen Babbs, daughter of Nicholas Babbs, of Guil ford. His children were Richard, who died without issue ; Nicholas, who married Rachel, daughter of William Young ; Robert, Rector at Hingham ; Joseph, the Ancestor here ; Margaret, Martha and Samuel. He was a man of wealth, consisting of lands, houses, etc. His will was found at Ipswich after a tedious search. It was written with his own hand. The following is a copy : In the name of God Amen The xxu day of March in the year of o* Lord God according to the computation of the church of England 1592 and in the xxxv'h yere of the Eeigne of or moste gratious sover- aigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England ffrance and Ire- lande Quene Defend or of the faith etc. I Eobert Peck of Beccles in the countye of Suff hole of mynd and perfect of Eemembrance thanks be to the maiestye of god therefore Although sick and weake of body at chemisfforde in the cowntye of Essex at this pr sente of a pluresye not knowinge whither it will please god to take me awaye here or not, do for the better orderinge and dispocision of such goods cattels chattells plate lands tenements and other heriditaments wi'\ the appertences do make and dispose them as followeth ffirst I bequeath my sowle to the Infinite mercy e of Almightye Gode trustinge assurealye to be saved by the meritts death and passion of Jesus christ his dere sonne, and my bodye to be buried where it shall please god to call me Item I give and bequeath to Hellen my welle loved wife (in consideration of the paiment of my debts the bringinge up of my children and the finishinge of the houses woh I am now in build- inge) All my houses Lands Tenements medowes pastures fedings as 22 PECK GENEALOGY. well free hold as coppeholde and all other my leases plate goods and catties whatsoev1 or wheresoev1 ling wth in the townes of Beccles, Barshm Ingate or else where to haue and to hold all and singular the pr mises wth the apprtens to the said Hellen or her assignes for and duringe her natural life in concinderacion of the things above men tioned and also paienge such legacies unto my children as I shall appointe or otherwise leave it for want of tyme to her godly consider ation where in I desire her in gods behalf to provide for them accord- inge to her abillitye. And for the better accomplishinge here of I do give unto her full power and authoritye to sell my woods in Barshm" or my medows in Barshm" or both if neede shall so require And I doe hartelye desire my very good ffriends Mr Bartholomew Stiles and Mr John Talbot to be aidinge and assistinge my said wife w411 there good counsell advice and labo1 about the execution of this my last will and Testa ment. Item I give unto Eichard Peck my sonne all that my houses where in I dwell in Blibergate street my close at Ingate church, my pightill in the same field to have and to hold to him and to his heres forever And olso all the lease lands adioyinge to the said close for and dur inge the. numbers of yeres y4 to come yf his mother will vouchsafe him such favor uppon condicon that he paye such legacies as his mother shall think good to appoint him to doe Item whereas Thomas Peck my brother deceased by his last will and Tistament did give unto the said Eichard my sonne two tenne- ments ine Balligate street lately burnt and now againe one of them builded upon the same grownde and the other upon pcell of the said grownde and upon pcell of other free grownde wch I purchased of mine uncle Wm Waters I will therefore that the said Eichard my sonne wthin one month after that he shall be of his age of xx jth years shall make over astate in fee simple to such of my sonnes and there heirs as I shall hereafter bequeath the said tennements unto and also surrendo1 my coppeholde if it come to his handes for want of surrendor. And yf my saide sonne Richard shall not pform theise things before assigned him I will that he shall loose the benefit of such houses landes and leases as I have before assigned unto him and the same to be to thoese of my twoe sonnes to whoeme I shall geve the foresaide newe tenements and to there heires and assignes forever Item I give to Nicholas Peck my sonne my newe tenement ptely builded uppon the Tenement late Wm Waters ROBERT PECK. 23 and my medowes lienge in Barshm (if his mother shall spare the saide medowes) To have and To holde to him the said Nicholas and his heires for evr paienge out of the same such somes of money as his mother shall assigne him to doe. Item I geve unto Samuell Peck my sonne the other newe tenement and little coppiholde yard to have and to holde to him & his heires forev1 paienge out thereof to such of his brothers and sisters such money as his mother shall assigne him to doe Item I will yf for the benefit of paienge my debtes bringinge up my children findinge my sone Eobert* at Cambridge and providinge legacies for my twoe daughters and my sone Joseph That if my saide wife shall make a lease of all or any pcell of my sayde landes and Tenements That the same shall continue for so many years as she shall lease the same her saide death or any other legacies what soevr before given or appointed to the contrary in any wise notwthstandinge. The Eesidewe of all my goodes and chattells whatsoever. I give them whoelye to the saide Hellen my wife whoeme I make my sole execu trix desiringe her in godes behalf to have care of thoese my children whoese legacies I have lefte to her consideracon. And also of Joane Babb & Elisabeth Babb and Eobert Meriman & my sister Note as she may Item I ordain Mr Bartholomewe Stiles clerk, Mr Eoger Peirson and Mr John Talbot supervisoer hartelie desiringe them to Aide my wief wft there beste helpe counsell and advice aboute the Execution hereof Written w"1 myne owne hg,nde The day and yere above saide By me Proved at Beccles Nov 10 — 1598 The following is a copy of the will of Thomas Pecke, uncle of Joseph the Ancestor. In the name of god amen, The xvjth daie of ffebruarie in the yere of or Lord god m'ccccclxxiij"1 I Thomas Pecke of Beccles in the countie of Suff and dioces of Norwoh holl of mynde & in pfit helth of bodie thanks be gyven to Allmightie god intending by gods sufferance to * Afterwards Rev. Robert, Minister at Hingham. 24 PECK GENEALOGY. travel! into farren cuntries and purposing before my departure to declare my mynde and set suche things as god hath sent me at steye least in my absence god doth call me sodenlie awaye do orden make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme fol- lowinge ffirst I bequeath my soule to Allmightie god and my bodye to be buried where it shall please god to call me Item I gyve and bequeath unto Eichard Pecke my Nephew the sone of Eobert Pecke my brother all those my two tenements with theire Appurtenes situate lienge and beinge together in Beccles next unto a streete called Balli- gate to have & to holde unto hym the seid Eichard and his heires forever upon condicon that he the said Eichard his heires or Assignes do paie or cause to be paid unto Oleff the «wief of Eichard Note and Ane Pecke my sister to either of them at such tyme as he doth enioye the p'misses the some of fyve marks of lawfull money of England. And if it shall fortune the said Eichard to die before he come to his lawfull age and do enioye the p'mises then I gyve and bequeath all and singular the pTmisses with the appurtennes to the abovenamed Eobert Pecke my brother and his heirs forever upon condicon that he the seid Eobert do paie unto the seid Olyff and Ane my sister to either of them the some of fyve marks at suche tyme as he doth enioye the same Item I gyve and bequeth unto said Eichard and Eobert or to which of them that shall happen to enioye my said tenements all that mye lease and terme of yeres wch I have of a certen ground adioyndge unto the p'misses All the residue of my goods whatsoever I gyve and bequeath them to my seid brother Eobt Pecke whome with the said Eichard my nephew I orden and make my executors In witness where of I have sette my hand and seale the daie and yere above said in the p'sence of Eichard Crompton Simeon Smyth and others Witnesses to the same by me Thomas Pecke Teste me Eichard Crompton Teste me Simeon Smythe REV. ROBERT PECK. 25 EEV. EOBEET PECK. Rev. Robert Peck, the brother of Joseph the ancestor, was born at Beccles, Suffolk County, England, in 1580. He was graduated at Magdalen College, Cambridge ; the degree of A. B. was conferred upon him in 1599, and that of A. M., in 1603. He was set apart to the ministry, and inducted over the church at Hingham, Norfolk County, England, January 8, 1605, where he remained until 1638, when he fled from the persecutions of the church to this country. He was a talented and influential clergyman, a zealous preacher, and a nonconformist to the superstitious ceremonies and corruptions of the church, for which he was persecuted and driven from the country. Brooks, in his lives of the puritans, gives many facts of interest in relation to him. In particularizing some of the offences for which he and his followers were persecuted, he says," for having catechised his family, and sung a psalm in his own house on a Lord's day evening, when some of his neighbors attended, his lord ship (Bishop Harsnet) enjoined all who were present to do penance, requiring them to say, I confess my errors," etc. Those who refused were immediately excommunicated, and required to pay heavy costs. This, Mr. Brooks says, appears from the bishop's manuscripts under his own hands. He says, " he was driven from his flock, deprived of his benefice, and forced to seek his bread in a foreign land." Cotton Mather in speaking of him say's, he was by the good prov idence of heaven fetched away into New England about the year 1638, when the good people of Hingham did rejoice in the light for a season ; but within two or three years, the invitation of his friends of Hingham, England, pursuaded him to return to them, where being though great in person for stature, yet greater for spirit, he was greatly serviceable for the good of the church. He arrived here in 1638. In relation to his arrival, the town clerk at Hingham here says : " Mr. Robert Peck, preacher of the gospel in the Town of Hingham, in the County of Norfolk, old Eng land, with his wife and two children, and two servants, came' over 3 26 peck genealogy. the sea and settled in this town of Hingham, and he was a Teacher of the Church." Mr. Hobart, of Hingham, says in his diary, that he was ordained here teacher of the church, November 28, 1638. His name frequently appears upon the records of the town. He had lands granted him. His family as seen upon the chart consisted of nine children. His son Joseph and daughter Anne came over with him. He was twice married. His first wife Anne, died at Hingham, England, and was buried there August 30, 1648. His second wife was Mrs. Martha Bacon, widow of James Bacon, Rector of Burgate. He remained here until the long Parliament, or until the perse cutions in England ceased, when he returned and resumed his Rec torship at Hingham. Mr. Hobart says he returned October 27, 1641 ; and Mr. Cush- ing, the town clerk, says his wife and son Joseph returned with him; his daughter Anne remaining here. She married Captain John Mason, " the conqueror of the Pequots." * He died at Hingham, England, and was buried in his church yard there. His funeral sermon was preached by Nathaniel Joslin and published, t His church (St. Andrews) at Hingham was a noble structure with a lofty tower, containing eight musical bells. The following is a copy of his will : July the xxiiijth 1651 I Eobert Pecke Minister of jfche word of God at Hingham in the countye of Norff beinge in bodilye health and perfect memory know- inge the unceartainety of mans life, doe dispose of that worldly estate God hath given me in manner and form followinge Imprimus I give and bequeath unto Thomas my Sonne and Samuel my Sonne and their heirs forever All that my messuage wherein I now dwell situate and lyenge in Hingham a forsaid with all the edifi ces yards and orchards thereunto belonginge As alsoe the Inclose * Her children were, Priscilla, Samuel, John, Rachel, Ann, Daniel and Eliza beth. Samuel married for his second wife his second cousin Elizabeth Peck, daughteK of Joseph Peck, of Rehoboth, Mass. t In Bloomfield's History of Norfolk is an allusion to Robert Peck, evi dently prejudiced, and as incorrect in other respects as it is in its dates. REV. ROBERT PECK. 27 and Barnes adioyninge As olso one Inclose now devided called The Lady close conteyninge about eight acres be it more or less As olso one pightell at the end thereof conteyninge twoe acres and d,d uppon condicons followinge, and for the paiement of such legacies as are herein expressed First I will and bequeath unto Eobert Pecke sonne of my sonne Robert deceased the sume of 20£ at his age of 23 years Item I give unto John Pecke sonne of the said Eobert deceased 10L8 To be paid to him at his age of 22 years Item I give unto Beniamin Pecke the youngest sonne of the said Eobert deceased at his age of 22 years 201"' Item I give to the children of Anne Mason my daughter wife of captain John Mason of Seabrooke on the river Connecticut in new England the sume of Forty pounds to be devided equally unto them and to be sent to my sonne John Mason to dispose of it for their use within 2 years after my death Item I give to my sonne Joseph Dureinge his natural life the sume of 14la yearlie to be in the hands of my Sonnes Thomas and Samuel as it shall arise out of my houses lands and chatties for his maintenance withnecessarie foode and apparrell duringethe terme of his naturall life And I doe wholie comitt my said Sonne Joseph to the care of my twoe sonnes Thomas and Samuell to provide for him in such a way as he may not want things necessary for his livelyhood Item I give to the children of Thomas and Samuell my sonnes which shall be liveinge at my decease the sume of Five pounds apiece at their severall ages of 21 years Item I give to my now wife Martha Pecke 40ls To be paid wthin twoe months after my decease Item I give to the poore of Hing ham 51" To be destrubted at the discrecon of my Executors Thomas Pecke and Samuel Pecke whome I do ordeyne and make Executors of this my last will and Testament confiding that they will faithfully ful fill and performe this my last will according to my trust reposed in them All my other goods cattells debts moneys household stuffe or what soever ells belongeth unto me I give and bequeath to my said Execu tors toards payeinge of my legacies ah-erdy bequeathed and towards the bringinge of my body to buriall which I desire if I depart this life in Hingham may be entered in the church yard near unto Anne my wife deceased 28 PECK GENEALOGY. In witness whereof I have written this my last will and testament with my own hand the day and yeare above written 'HotitT'PecTl This will was proved at London before the judges for probate of Wills and granting of Administrations the tenth day of April in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftye and eight PART FIRST. THE DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JE., ELDEST SON OP JOSEPH THE ANCESTOR. Joseph Peck, Jr.,s was born in England, and baptized there, August 23, 1623, and came over with his father in 1638, being then about 15 years of age. He removed with the family from Hingham Mass., to Seekonk, in 1645. He settled near his father at what was then called Seacunk since known as Seekonk plain. His house was located near, if not upon the exact spot where now stands the depot of the Boston and Providence Railroad, where it crosses this plain. His name frequently appears upon the records of the town. In 1655, he was one of a committee to levy a tax or rate for the main tenance of the minister. His name appears among those who drew lots in the north purchase at different times. In 1661, he was ap pointed to view the damage in the Indian's corn upon Kickemuet neck, and Consumpsit neck, and give the town notice of it. He was one of those who advanced money for the prosecution of King Philip's war. About 1660, he left the plain, and settled upon Palmer's river in the southwesterly part of Rehoboth. * The remains of his old * He deeds, July 15, 1665, to Thomas Cooper, his house, orchards, yards and home lot, containing twelve acres. Bounded on the south by the town common, on the west by land of said Cooper, on the north by a highway, and land he bought of Edward Gillman, adjoining upon the aforesaid land to the west of the common, south of the land of Peter Hunt ; east and north by land which he had possessed for fifteen years. Likewise twenty-five pounds state of town common with all the rights and privileges appertaining to said common. The said Cooper was to enter upon said lands at the next Michaelmas or as soon as the said Peck had gathered and carried away his corn. 3* 30 peck genealogy, — PART first. cellar and well were still to be seen when I visited the place, which is about one mile northwest from the Orleans Factory so called, near the late residence of Mr. William Covel. He became the owner of a large amount of land, in addition to that given him by his father. Here he lived and died. The following is a copy of his will : In the name of God Amen, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety & seven in the ninth year of his majiesties reigne the fifth day of the seventh month called July I Joseph Peck of the town of Eehoboth of the county of Bristol within his MajtiM province of Massachusetts Bay in New England senr yeoman being now aged and weak of body & in expectation of my change yet through the mercy of God I am whole and sound in my memory and understand ing and of a disposing mind do make this my last will & Testament for the disposing & settling the things of this world which the Lord has entrusted me to & among my children in manner & form as followeth And imprimis I bequeath my soul into the hands of our most blessed savior and dear redeemer & my body to the dust untill the resurrection day which I die in the firm belief & expectation of Item lsly I give unto my daughter Patience wife of Eichard Bowen & to her heirs forever twenty acres of land in the first divis ion last agreed upon & twenty pounds Item 2dly I give unto my daughter Mary the wife of Benjamin Hunt & to her heirs forever half my lot in the north purchased lands belonging to Eehoboth purchase and twenty pounds Item 3dly I give unto my daughter Elizabeth wife of Capt Mason & to her heirs forever the other half of my lot in the aforsaid north purchase & twenty pounds Item 4thly I give unto my daughter Hannah wife of Daniel Eeed & to her heirs forever all my medow in the north purchase & twenty pounds And my mind & will is the abovesaid sums given to my daughters (each being named) be by my executor of this my last will & testament well & truly paid within the term of four years after my decease Furthermore my mind & will is that if all or any of my daughters shall happen to die before the time prefixed by me for my executors paying the several sums before expressed unto them — then my mind & will is that each daughters legacy that shall happen to die shall be sold & truly paid to her children by an equal distri bution Item 5thly I give unto my son Jathnall Peck as an addition to DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 31 what I have before given unto him the lot upon which his dwelling house now stands containing twenty acres be it more or less which lot I had of William Carpenter of Eehoboth in exchange and also on© parcel of land being a lot of twenty & six acres lying on the easterly side of Palmers Eiver in Eehoboth near the oak swamp be the same more or less And also 1 give him my fresh meadow formerly pur chased of William Bucklin late of Eehoboth and also six acres of up land, adjoining to the said meadow & also my upper meadow upon Palmers Eiver and also the great piece of meadow that lieth in the meadow abutting upon the meadow of Joshua Smith on the one side & the meadow of Preserved Abell on the other side and also that part of my salt marsh lying on the southerly side of the creek bounded from a pine tree unto a little creek upon a straight line & also half my common rights in the town of Eehoboth and all my common in the north purchased lands yet undivided — All and each of these lands I give unto my said son Jethniel Peck & to his heirs forever. Item 6thly I give unto my son Samuel Peck & to his heirs forever my dewelling house barn and out houses & all my lands wheresoever & whatsoever which by deeds & grants their quantity & places being & bounds will appear which in this my last will & testament are not before by me given, with the residue of my common rights Item 7thty My mind & will is that after my debts and funeral charges be paid out of my movabal estate, that then the whole & residue thereof be equally divided amongst my children or those of their children that survive if any of them be dead before that time shall come Item 8thly I do by this my last will & testament make null & void & of none effect all other & former wills by me made Finally I do nominate constitute appoint & ordain- my son Samuel Peck my sole executor of this my last will & testament unto whom I commit all power for the execution & performance thereof & for the burrial of my body in decent & christian manner & for all other things requsite unto him as my executor and in testimony this above written is my true & last will & testament I the said Joseph Peck have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year first above written JOSEPH PECK Eead, signed & sealed in the presence of JOHN PECK WILLIAM DEAN JONAH PALMEE 32 peck GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. These presents may serve to declare to all whom it doth & may concern that whereas I Joseph Peck snr living at Palmers river within the township in the county of Bristol in the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England have made my last will & testament bearing date the fifth day of July in the year of our Lord 1697 for the settle- ing of my estate upon my surviving children & for the preventing of trouble & difference after my decease do also now for the same end & cause make this declaration as an explanation of my said last will & testament unto which these presents are annexed. That is to say that all the lands that' I have given & bequeathed to any of my children sons or daughters I give to them & to each of them & to each of their respective heirs & assigns forever without any design of entailment of the said lands or any of them And further whereas I have given to my son Jathniel Peck that part of my meadow or salt marsh lying on the southerly side of the creek bounded from a pine tree to a little creek upon a straight line & it is to be understood of that part of my salt marsh lying & being on the southerly side of the creek bounded from the pine tree standing by the Indian graves & from said tree to the river And to this declaration & explanation of my last will as above expressed I have set my hand & seal this eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & one in the eleventh year of his majesties reign William the third over England &c JOSEPH PECK Signed & sealed in the presence of us as an explanation of the last will & testament of the said Joseph Peck THOMAS OEMSBEE WILLIAM BLANDIN HANNAH OEMSBEE This will may be found upon record at Taunton, Mass. CHILDREN. — THIRD GENERATION. 1. Rebecka,3 b. Nov. 6, 1650. 5. Mary, b. Nov. 17, 1662. 2. Hannah, b. March 25, 1653. 6. Ichabod, b. Sept. 13, 1666. 3. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 26, 1657. 7. Patience, b. Oct. II, 1669. 4.+Jathniel, b. July 24, 1660. 8.+Samuel, b. Oct. 11, 1672. Hannah m. Daniel Read, Aug. 20, 1677. Elizabeth m. Major Samuel Mason, of Stonington, the son of Major John Mason, the conqueror of the Pequots, being his second wife. Her children by him were Samuel, b. Aug. 26, 1695, and d. Nov. 28, 1701 ; Elizabeth, b. May DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 33 6, 1697, and m. Rev. William "Worthington ; Hannah, b. April 14, 1699, and d. Nov. 1724, unm. Ichabod died upon the Island of Anticosti, about 1690, in the old French "War, in the expedition of Sir William Phips to Canada. Mary m. Benjamin Hunt. Patience m. Richard Bowen. [4.] JATHNIEL PECK,3 son of Joseph,2 settled near his father. The house in which he lived, and to which his father refers in his will, stood upon the plain or flat, northerly, and not far from the late residence of Gideon Peck, of Rehoboth, deceased. He became a man of wealth and influence. He was a representative to the General Court in 1721, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 30 and 31. He also took an active part in the affairs of the church. He was one of those instrumental in organizing and building up the one at Palmer's River. He and Captain Samuel Peck gave each one acre of land for the site of the house which stood upon the hill, northerly, and not far from what is now known as the Orleans Factory.* They were members of the church. Jathniel and his wife were buried here. Their tombstones, when I last visited the place, were in a good state of preservation. The following are the inscriptions upon them : In Memory of Mr Jathniel Peck deceased April ye 5th 1742 in ye 82a year of his age Eev 14.13 Blessed are y" ded wch die in ye Lord •fee Here lies ye body of Mr8 Sarah Peck ye wife of Mr Jathniel Peck dec* June ye 4th 1717 in ye 47th year of her age The sweet remembrance of ye just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust. Psalm 112.6 He deeded his lands to his children. The deeds may be found upon the records at Taunton, Mass. He married Sarah Smith, February 28, 1688-9. * This house was commenced in 1717, and completed about 1721. The church was organized in 1721, consisting at first of ten members. The house stood until about 1773. 34 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. CHILDREN. — FOURTH GENERATION. 9.-f-Daniel,4 b. Jan. 30, 1689-90. 17.+Joseph, b. April 18, 1702. Bap- lO.+Ichabod, b. March 9, 1690-1.* tized June 14, 1702. 11. Solomon, b. Sept. 20, 1692. Sup- 18. Ann, b. April 7, 1704. Baptized pose died unm. Dee. 1728. May 28, 1704. 12. Esther, b. April 30, 1694. Sup- 19.+Benjamin, b. Jan. 18, 1705-6. pose died Feb. 1729-30. Baptized 1706. 13.+ Jathniel, b. Sept. 10, 1695. 20. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 31, 1707. Bap- 14.+ Ebenezer, b. Sept. 20, 1697. Bap- tized April 17, 1709. tized June 14, 1697. 21.+Henry, b. Dec. 7, 1709. 15. Sarah, b. March 1, 1698-9. 22. + Nathaniel, b. Sept. 14, 1712. 16. Rebecka, b. Oct. 10, 1700. Bap- ' tized May 25, 1701. Daniel, Ichabod, Solomon, and Esther, were baptized April 11, 1696. Sarah married Ephraim Hunt, Nov. 8, 1822. (R. Rec, B. 1.) She left no issue. Mr. Hunt was a large landholder. He gave lands to the church in Rehoboth, for the better support of the ministry, which I am told they now hold. Bebecha married Edward Martin, and settled in the eastern part of Seekonk. The farm was the one recently owned and occupied by Capt. Jonathan Bow ers. Her descendants were men of distinction. Simeon Martin, of Newport, a Lieut.-Governor of Rhode Island, and Philip Martin, of Providence, were her grandchildren. Ann married Caleb Ormsbee. "John H. Ormsbee, late of Providence, for * This method of double dating was adopted to represent the old, or Julian, and the new, or Gregorian style of computing time. By the old calendar of Julius Csesar, the year was made to consist of three hundred and sixty-five days, and six hours. These six hours, amounting to one whole day in every four years, were added to February, making those years to consist of three hundred and sixty-six days, called leap years. This computation made the year about eleven minutes longer than the true solar time, which in every one hundred and thirty-one years amounted to one whole day. In consequence of this, the 21st day of March, which should have been when the sun crossed the equinoctial line at the vernal equinox, had fallen back, so to speak, from the time of the Council of Nice, in the year 325 of the Christian Era, to the time of Pope Gregory XIII., ten days. He there fore ordered that ten days should be left out of the year 1582 to make the 21st day of March fall on the time when the sun crossed the vernal equinox ; and to prevent a like occurrence, ordered that three days- should be abated in every four centuries. Although most countries adopted the new style long before, Great Britain and her colonies did not fully do so until 1751, when Parliament ordered that the year 1752 should commence on the first of January, and that the difference between old and new style, which then amounted to eleven days, should be $%\*'3m Inter (1 v Bo civ of W$%9$.- (Vpt ? Samuel ^^^kwaK^J/i! un e v i) ill Ann m noun 111 i^ 3 6 in Y|j|fK | I) o mi 111 iKiSi^ 64 th Year of Ei^Kfe his Age Mr Uvc as?,VntoDIE:toTheetl en MarLIL:Alas!one Moment fetsu;evn'l 'it .; DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 35 many years Agent of the Hartford Insurance Company, I am told, was one of her descendants. [8.] SAMUEL3 PB CK, son of Joseph,2 settled upon his father's farm. He became a large landholder. He probably added to the homestead. He was entrusted with various offices in the town, and was a member of the church at Palmer's River. He died June 9, 1736, and was buried upon his own land. The graves of his family may be seen near the late residence of Mr. William Covel. He died June the 9th, 1736, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. She died November the 12th, 1756, in the eighty-first year of her age. His will, dated May 1, 1736, is upon the Taunton Records, B. 8, p. 367. He gives to his daughter Rachel, wife of Simon Dillis, the use of one room in his house at the south end of his farm, to dwell in during her natural life, and the keeping of a cow winter and summer, while she remains in said house, and also five pounds a year, annually, to be paid during her life, and his best bed and bedding, after the de cease of his wife. He also gives to her children four hundred pounds, to be equally divided amongst them when they become twenty-one years of age. left out of the following month of September, or in other words, that the time should be set forward so much by calling the third day of that month the fourteenth. For many years, during the change which was taking place in commencing the year, double dating was of frequent occurrence. By old style, the year commenced on the 25th of March, and by new style, on the first of Jan uary. These double dates, therefore, occur in the months of January, Feb ruary, and to the 25th of March. By a moment's reflection it will be seen what was intended by them. Take, as an example, the above birth of Icha- bod, which is recorded as occurring March 9, 1C90, or 91. If old style was followed, and the year considered to commence on the 25th of March, he was born in 1690 ; but if new style was followed, and the year allowed to com mence on the first of January, then the 9 th of March would be in the year 1691, instead of 1690. To change old style to new, previous to 1700, add ten days; between 1700 and 1800, add eleven days ; and between 1800 and 1900, add twelve days. The Russians still follow old style. To change their time to ours, add twelve days. 36 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. He gave to the children of his daughter Hannah, deceased, as follows : To her son Comfort, his heirs and assigns, all the houses, lands, and orchards, where his father, Nicholas Peck, then lived. To her daughter Elizabeth, one hundred pounds, and one bed and bed ding, after the decease of his wife. Also to her daughter Hannah, and her heirs forever, one hundred pounds. Also to her daughter Margaret, and her heirs forever, one hundred pounds. He gave to Rachel, his wife, one room in his house at the south end of his farm, a cow, and her keeping winter and summer, and all his indoor goods, and what more she might need, in sickness and health, during her natural life. He gives to his son Abiezer, and his heirs forever, all his houses, lands, and orchards, with all his lands and meadows at the north end of his farm, and his salt meadow, near Miles bridge, and one hundred and twenty pounds of stock, which he had loaned to him, and twenty pounds which would be due, and a mare of three years old, and also one-half of his apparel and arms, and half of his land at Long Hill, and one-half his common rights in Rehoboth. He gave to his son Samuel, and his heirs, his house and barn and orchard, on the south end of his farm, and all his lands adjoining to the dividing line, and half his lands at Long Hill, and all his meadows and lands in the ash swamp, joining to land of Nathan Bliss, and his land in the ox pasture ; also his land on the north side of the way, and his land by Samuel Bullock's, and his land by Joseph Peck's land, and half his common right in Rehoboth, with all his lands and com mon rights in Attleborough ; and if there should be any land forgotten in his will, it was to be divided equally between his two sons. If his wife did not dispose of what he had left for her use, it was to be equally divided between his four children. Abiezer was to be at the expense of supporting his mother, and was to pay the legacies to the children of Hannah. Samuel was to pay the legacies to his daughter Rachel and her children. He appoints Samuel his executor. CHILDREN. — FOURTH GENERATION. 23. Hannah, b. July 21, 1697. Bap- 26. Rachel, b. Sept. 12, 1704. Bap tized Sept. 12, 1703. tized April 22, 1705. 24. Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1700. Died 27.+ Samuel, b. Dec. 2, 1706. Bap- March 29, 1703. tized April 13, 1707. 25. Benjamin, b. May 26, 1702. Died 28.+Abiezer, b. April 21, 1714. March 27, 1703. Hannah married Nicholas Peck. No. 1506. Bachel married Simon Dillis. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 37 [9.] DANIEL4 PECK, son of Jathniel,3 settled in that part of the Rehoboth North Purchase which was afterwards Attlebo rough, and now Cumberland, R. I., at an early date. He purchased lands there in 1715 and 18 (Taunton Records, B. 17, pp. 18 and 129), consisting of uplands, swamps and meadows, being in differ ent allotments (Attleborough Proprietors' Records, pp. 49, 99 and 157). These, with the lands laid out to him upon his rights in the common land, made him an extensive landholder. His lands were bounded west by the Blackstone, or Pawtucket River, and extended so far east as to include what was afterwards known in the town as the Amesbury farm, being a part of the lands given in his will to his daughter Anna, adjoining those given to Sarah. His resi dence was upon that part of his lands afterwards long known in the vicinity as the Sessions farm. His lands here included several of the farms now in that vicinity. About three hundred acres descended to his grandson, Col. George Peck. He was the town treasurer of Attleborough in 1724, and the town clerk of Cumberland after it was set off to Rhode Island. He held the office at the time of his decease. His will is upon the Records of Cumberland, B. 1, pp. 46, 47 and 48. The following is a copy : In the name of God Amen, the sixth day of August one thousand seven hundred and forty eight ; I Daniel Peck of Cumberland in the County of Providence, in the Colony of Rhode Island, in Providence Plantations in New England Yeoman ; being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God therefor ; — therefore, calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and my body to the earth, to be burried in a decent christian burrial, at the discretion of my Executrix, nothing doubting but at the General Reserrection, I shall receive the same again by "the mighty power o,f God — and touching such worldly estates ' wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimus, I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Daniel Peck, 4 38 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIRST. his heirs and assigns fovever, all that part of my homestead which I have already given him a deed of gift of, and, as it is expressed in said deed ; likewise I give unto my son Daniel his heirs and assigns forever, that right of land I purchased of James Wheeler Junr, lying near fort Dummer in a place called Gallops Town, with all the prive- leges and appurtenances belonging to it, and likewise one whole right or share of common, in the purchase, called Rehoboth North Purchase and likewise I give unto my said son Daniel, his heirs and assigns for ever ; (but after my wife Sarahs decease) that part of my homstead on the West side of mendon road, and on the East side of Pawtucket River, and also that part that lyeth between Stephen Brown's home stead and that which I gave to my said son Daniel in the deed above said, with all the priveleges and appurtenances belonging to it Item. I give to my well beloved daughter Sarah, the wife of John "Whipple, to her, and to her heirs and assigns forever ; the whole of that tract of land lying upon Snecheteconet brook lying on the east side of mendon road, and between the land of Lieut Joseph Brown and Stephen Brown, containing several small allotments as may fully appear by the records of Attleborough land, alias Rehoboth north purchase lands ; reference there to, being had ; Likewise one quarter of a whole share of common in said Rehoboth North purchase, with all the priveleges and appurtenances belonging to both bequestments Item. I give to my well beloved daughter Anne, the wife of Gideon Bishop, to her, and to her heirs and assigns forever : all that part of the situation, said Gideon Bishop liveth upon, which I have already given to my said daughter Anne a deed of gift of, as it is expressed in said deed of gift, with all the priveleges and appurtenances there unto belonging ; likewise, one quarter of a whole share in the common in the north purchase. Item. I give to my grand daughter Molly Chapman, when she shall arrive at the age of eighteen years old, to her and to her heirs and assigns forever, that tract of land lying on the west side of Gid eon Bishops homestead, containing by estimation, eighteen acres, be the same more or less, in two allotments, and as the same are bounded in the records of the Rehoboth North purchase land ; likewise, that piece of land Thomas Alexander liveth upon, when said Thomas and his wife are dead. Item. I give unto my grand children, that is to say, the children of my daughter Anne ahd Sarah, forever, in equal shares, to them and to their heirs and assigns for ever, my other right or share in the before mentioned Gallop's Town, with all the priveleges and appur tenances to the same. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 39 Item. My mind and will is, that my son Daniel's right or share in said Gallop's Town, be that which said James Wheeler Jr purchased of said James's father, to wit, Mr James "Wheeler ; and likewise, my dwelling after my wifes decease, to be to his heirs and assigns for ever. Item. I give to my dearly beloved wife Sarah, the improvments of the whole of my homstead during her natural life ; likewise, I give to my said wife, all my movable estate within doors, and without, with all credits, to enable her to pay my Just debts ; likewise I give to my wife Sarah and for her heirs and assigns for ever a certain piece of land partly improved and partly un improved lying on the East side of Mendon road and South of that which I give to my said son Daniel by deed as above is said ; likewise my mind and will is that my mov able Estate above mentioned is my wife's, to dispose of as she pleases forever likewise I constitute make and ordain my said wife Sarah my sole Executrix of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and annull all and every other form testaments wills legacies and bequests and Executors by me in any ways before named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Daniel Peck as his last will and testament DANIEL PECK L S In the presence of us the subscribers ICHABOD PECK JOHN TOWER JUDITH PECK The following is the inscription upon his tombstone in the Attle borough City Burying Ground, so called : In memory of Ensign Daniel Peck who departed this life y" 6th of November A D 1750 in y° 61th year of his age He married Sarah Paine, daughter of Samuel Paine, who settled in Woodstock, Conn. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION. 29. Anna, b. Oct. 13, 1716. 31.+Daniel, b. Nov. 13, 1723. 30. Sarah, b. Aug. 6, 1720. Anna married Gideon Bishop. Sarah married John Whipple. 40 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [10.] ICHABOD PECK,4 son of Jathniel,3 settled in that part of Attleborough now Cumberland. He purchased lands there as early as October 23, 1721. He purchased of John Sweet- land lands, with house, etc., lying at the north end of Red Earth Hill, on each side of the road to Diamond Hill. It appears from the records at Taunton, and the Proprietors' Records, of Attle borough, that he was the owner of large tracts of land, laid out to him upon his own, and upon the rights of his father and grand father, in the common lands. He held different offices, at various times, in Attleborough and in Cumberland. His house was situated near the late residence of John Newell, Esq., upon the opposite side of the road. I am told by those who remember to have seen it, that it was two stories in height, and large for those days. His old well, now upon the roadside, is still kept in repair, and noted for the purity of its water. He married Judith Paine,* daughter of Samuel Paine. She died November 26,- 1778. He July 8, 1773. His son Benjamin was administrator upon his estate (Cumberland -Probate Records, Book 5, pp. 97 and 350). CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION. 32. Judith, b. Sept 16, 1^20. 37. Rebecca, b. May 18, 1731. Died 33.-l-Ichabod, b. Eeb. 4, 1721-2. March 28, 1732. 34. Seth, b. Eeb. 13, 1723-4. 38.+Solomon, b. April 19, 1733. 35. Mary, b. June 18, 1726. 39.+01iver, b. Eeb. 5, 1736-7. 36. Joseph, b. Sept. 16, 1728. 40.-f-Benjamin, b. Sept. 12," 1739. Seth settled in Rumboot, Dutchess County, N. Y. ; suppose left no issue. Judith married Peletiah Haws, April 15, 1740 (Wrentham Parish Records). They settled at Peekskill, N. Y. He died August 27, 1791. She died September 22, 1805. Their children were Peletiah,6 Seth,6 Solomon,6 Bebecca,6 Mary,6 and Judith.6 Her grandsons, James11 and John G. Haws,7 were residing in Peekskill in 1853. Her descendants are numerous. Mary, it is supposed, died unmarried, as I learn nothing of her. * Upon the records at Worcester, Mass., Book 7, p. 124, may be found the agreement between her and her brothers and sisters in relation to her father's estate, December 28, 1728. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 41 [13.] JATHNIEL PECK,4 Jr., son of Jathniel,3 married for his wife Damarias Hunt, widow, October 19, 1719. She was ap pointed administratrix upon his estate, October 28, 1739 (Taunton Records, B. 9, p. 108). In the settlement of the account, he is called Lieut. Peck. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 2, p. 21.) 41. Oliver, b. Feb. 1, 1719-20. 43. Sarah, b. May 30, 1723. 42. Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1721. I learn nothing of these children ; they probably died young. [14.] EBENEZER4 PECK, son of Jathniel,3 settled in the northeasterly part .of Rehoboth, near Great Meadow Hill, so called, upon a branch or tributary of Palmer's River, where he established a forge, at which he and his sons did an extensive business for many years. Connected with it was also a saw-mill and grist-mill. The place is still known as the forge privilege ; little business is how ever now done there.* Ebenezer was a man of much distinction. His descendants were numerous. His sons settled near him, mostly in the vicinity of the forge. They owned a large tract of land, at least, it is said, one mile square. The place was long known as the Peck neighbor hood. m The will of Ebenezer is upon the Records at Taunton, dated August 6, 1760 (B. 17. p. 94). He gives to his wife Margaret, his Negro man, named Toney ; & all his indoor and out door movables, including cattle, Sheep and swine ; with the improvment of his real estate, during her natural life. He divides his lands among his 4 sons, Jathniel, Shubael, Ebenezer and Philip ; including his interest in the saw Mill &c ; they paying legacies to his daughters, Margaret, wife of James Short, and Sarah, Mary, and Susa. He married Margaret Whitaker, August 12, 1724 (R. Rec., B. 2). * When I visited the place, in 1862, it was nearly deserted. The water power, like that upon other small streams, when the lands become cleared, had failed. The remains of the saw-mill and grist-mill were there, but the house of Ebenezer was gone, and in place of the forge was a small building con taining cotton machinery. 4* 42 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 2, p. 60.) 44.+ Jathniel, b. Nov. 22, 1725. 49. Hannah, b. March 26, 1735. 45. Margaret, b. Jan. 26, 1726-7. Suppose d. unm. 46.+Shubael, b. May 31, 1730. 50. Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1737-8. 47.-f-Ebenezer, b. Sept. 17, 1732. } 51. Elizabeth, b. May 1, 1741. 48. James, b. Sept. 17, 1732. 5 52. Mary, b. Sept. 27, 1744. Twins ; James d. unm. March 53.+Philip, b. April 25, 1747. 7, 1754. 54. Susa, b. March 24, 1750. Margaret married James Short, and settled in Seekonk. Ebenezer,6 Shu- bael,6 and Simeon6 Short were her sons. Sarah, I am told, married Rev. Elhauan Winchester. Mary married Ichabod Wade. Settled in Seekonk. Elhanan,6 Lewis,' Ebenezer,6 and Comfort6 were her sons. [17.] JOSEPH4 PECK, son of Jathniel,3 is supposed to have married Mary Bliss, July 13, 1731 (R. Rec, B. 2), and to have settled in Rehoboth, where Isaiah Lane afterwards resided. His widow was appointed administratrix upon his estate, March 21, 1737-8 (T. Rec, B. 9, p. 45). It is supposed she afterwards married a Fuller, as a Mrs. Mary Fuller was appointed guardian of Joseph, Aaron and Prescilla Peck, children of Joseph Peck, February 19, 1739 (T. Rec, B. 9, p. 332). CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (T. ReC, B. 2, p. 99.) 55. Joseph, b. March 6, 1732. 57. Prescilla, b. Oct. 9, 1737. 56. Aaron, b. Dec. 7, 1733. Joseph, I am told, resided for some time in Rehoboth, upon the Lane farm, so called, in that vicinity ; and from there removed and settled upon the Con necticut River, in the vicinity of Springfield, where he is supposed to have left descendants. I have been unable to find them. Aaron resided with his brother Joseph while in Rehoboth. He is supposed to have afterwards settled in Richmond, N. H., and to have married, at an advanced age, a widow, Chloe Gurnsey, Sept. 16, 1798. He died about 1805, leaving no issue. A daughter of this widow was the wife of Calvin Peck (No. 186), son of Daniel. By the records at Keene, N. H., it appears that Aaron purchased lands in Richmond, in 1794. [19.] BENJAMIN4 PECK, son of Jathniel,3 settled in the southwest part of Attleborough, in that part now Cumberland.* * It will be seen that the three brothers, Daniel, Ichabod and Benjamin, left Rehoboth at an early date, and settled in Attleborough, at nearly an equal dis tance from each other, and about three miles apart, doubtless thinking them selves, at that time, quite near neighbors. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 43 A part of the house which he is supposed to have built, and in which his son Solomon afterwards resided, was standing in 1852. It has since been taken down. The cellar walls were still standing when I last visited the place. The location is about two miles northeast from Lonsdale Village, near the late residence of John Follett,'Esq. Here Benjamin lived and died, August 10, 1749. His will is upon the Cumberland Rec ords, B. 3, p. 22. He gives to his son Solomon, sixty acres of land, to be set off from the south part of his farm. He gives to his wife Elizabeth, all the rest of his lands, buildings, houses, debts due him, and movable effects. He gives to his daughters Bebee and Anne Peck, five hun dred pounds each. He makes his wife his executrix. He was twice married: first, to Elizabeth Whitaker, February 13, 1728-9; second, to Elizabeth . His first wife died April 15, 1731 ; his second, September 4, 1756. CHILDREN — FD7TH GENERATION. 58.+Solomon, b. May 11, 1730. 61. Bebee, b. March 27, 1740. Died 59. Elizabeth, b. June 22, 1734. April 30, 1743. Died Jan. 21, 1747-8. 62. Lydia, b. Oct. 13, 1742. Died 60. Ichabod, b. March 12, 1736-7. Nov. 7, 1742. Died Oct. 6, 1741. 63. Bebee, b. Nov. 6, 1743. 64. Anne, b. Feb. 8, 1745-6. Bebee married Daniel Read, Jr., of Attleborough, April 23, 1765. Anne married Eliphalet Day, of Attleborough, March 2, 1769. [21.] HENRY4 PECK, son of Jathniel,3 lived and died in Rehoboth, near what is now known as the "Village, and I am told, upon the farm occupied in 1863 by Mrs. Hannah Allen, widow. He married Rachel Whitaker, March 26, 1732 (R. Rec, B. 2). She died at the residence of her son Solomon, in Royalston, Mass., aged ninety-three years. CHILDREN — FDJTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 2, p. 114.) 65.+John, b. Feb. 4, 1734-5. 68.-f-Daniel, b. May 17, 1741. > 66.+Henry, b. Feb. 28, 1737-8. 69. Benjamin, b. May 17, 1741- J 67. Rebekah, b. Feb. 11, 1739-40. Twins; Benjamin, unknown. 44 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. 70. Oliver, b. Oct. 24, 1742. Died 73.+Solomon, b. Oct. 3, 1749. young. 74.+01iver, b. Feb. 26, 1751-2, or 71. Rachel, b. Feb. 12, 1744-5. Died March 9, 1752.* with the small-pox. 75. Lydia, b. Feb. 1, 1755. 72. Lydia, b. Sept. 10, 1747. Died young. Bebekah married Elisha Phiney, of Warren, R. I. Daniel and Elisha Phiney, of Warren, are her descendants. Lydia married Samuel Turner, grandson of Rev. David Turner, and settled in Royalston, Mass. [22.] NATHANIEL4 PECK, son of Jathniel,3 settled in Rehoboth, it is supposed near his father, upon the homestead or a part of it. I learn but little in relation to him. He died about 1762. Sylvanus Martin was appointed administrator upon his estate, August 3, 1762 (Taunton Records, B. 17, p. 624). The inventory names twenty acres of land and buildings. In 1777 a guardian was appointed over Mercy Peck, widow of Nathaniel, and daughter Rebecca. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION. 76. Rebecca, and it is supposed others. [27.] REV. SAMUEL4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 resided upon a part of the homestead. He was a baptist clergyman, denomi nated at that time one of the new lights. The house in which he preached was located in that part of Rehoboth since Seekonk, near the late residence of Joshua Smith. It was taken down in 1815. He is said to have been a zealous preacher, much attached to his religious tenets. He married Hannah Allen. The following is from their tombstones : Samuel Peck who died No" 26, 1788 in ye 82 year of his age who was an Eldr of a church of christ in Rehoboth near 40 years Having served his generation by y" will of God fell asleep in Jesus — Ended his life with ye words of ye holly Apostle Secnt Timothy 4 chap 7th verse " With heavenly weapons I have fought the battle of the Lord Finish* my corse & kept ye faith and wate the sure reward Hannah Peck, wife of Rev. Samuel, died August 13, 1778, aged 71 years. * Upon the town records, it is February 26, and on the family records, March 9, one being in old, the other in new style. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 45 CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (R. Rec, B. 2, p. 88.) 77.-f-Samuel, b. Feb. 27, 1734-5. 80. Benjamin, b. Nov. 18, 1741. 78.+Allen, b. Feb. 1, 1735-6. 81.+Lewis, b. Feb. 3, 1745. 79.-f-Josiah, b. May 18, 1740. Benjamin, I am told, settled, lived and died in Virginia, where he became wealthy, leaving descendants. I have been unable to find them. He is sup posed to have deeded his estates in Providence, August 18, 1784 (P. Rec, B. 21, p. 131). [28.] ABLEZER4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 resided upon a part of the homestead. He was twice married. First, I am told, to Submit Sawyer; second, to Naomi Allen,. sister to the wife of Rev. Samuel Peck. His first wife died October 20, 1740. He died September 20, 1800. . His second wife died July 2, 1801. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 2, p. 137.) 82. Submit, b. Jan. 14, 1738-9. 87. Hannah, b. April 13, 1749. Died - 83. Abiezer, b. Feb. 6, 1739-40. Aug. 6, 1754 (R. Rec, B. 3). Died March 17, 1740-1. 88.+Elihu, b. Jan. 19, 1750-1. 84. Naomi, b. Feb. 29; 1743-4, by 89. Isaac, b. Nov. 4, 1752. Died second wife. Nov. 22, 1772. 85. Rebecca, b. Sept. 13, 1745. 90. Ann, b. Dec. 31, 1754. Died 86.+Perez, b. Sept. 9, 1747. Sept. 28, 1778. 91. Rachel, b. Jan. 16, 1757. Submit married Elder Jacob Hicks ; left no issue. Bebecca married Thomas Allen, of Rehoboth. Bachel married Christopher Barney, of Swanzy. Naomi married Henry Peck. No. 66. [3 1 . J DANIEL5 PE CK, son of Daniel,4 settled near his father. He died at an early age, a few days previous to the decease of his father. His will is upon the Cumberland Records, dated October 10, 1750. He appoints his wife Hopestill his executrix. He gives her all his household goods ; also his mare, and one cow, and the benefit and improvement of his farm until his son George should become of age. If she remained his widow until his son became of age, then she was to have her living out of his estate so long as she remained his widow, and no longer. He gave to his son George all his lands and build ings in Cumberland, and one-half of a share of a whole right of com mon in Attleborough ; and to his daughter Sarah three hundred pounds, to be paid her by his son George, when twenty-one years of age. 46 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. He married Hopestill Dexter. He died October 11, 1750* CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION. 92. Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1747-8. 93.+George, b. Sept. 3, 1749. [33.] ICHABOD5 PECK, son of Ichabod,4 resided in Cum berland, R. I. He enlisted in the war of the Revolution; was promoted to a Lieut-Colonel, as I am told ; was wounded, and died of his wounds. He is said to have been a brave officer. He married Lydia Walcott, of Cumberland, February 28, 1750 (Cumberland Records, B. 1, p. 4). CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (C. ReC, B. 1, p. 12.) 94. Mary, b. Jan. 14, 1752. 98.+Ichabod, b. Nov. 26, 1761. 95.+Daniel, b. May 4, 1754. 99.-(-Jeremiah, b. June 7, 1764. 96. Seth, b. Feb. 22, 1757. Died 100. Joseph, b. Sept. 16, 1767. Sup- unm. posfi left no family. '97. Lydia, b. Feb. 17, 1759. Lydia married a Page, and settled in Marlborough, N. H., where she left children. [38.] SOLOMON5 PECK, son of Ichabod,4 settled, lived and died in the southwesterly part of Wrentham, Mass., where his son Royal, and his grandson, Joel F. Peck, have since lived and died, and where his great-grandson Royal now resides. He is represented by those who knew him to have been a man of distinction, — a wealthy, industrious, and thrifty farmer. He married Mercy Foster, daughter of Ebenezer Foster, of Cumber land, R. I., June 14, 1756. She was born May 22, 1734. From their tombstones : In memory of Mr Soloman In memory of Mr" Marcy Peck Peck who died Dec1 31st 1802 in relict of Mr Soloman Peck who ye 70th year of his Age died July ggth lg06 in ye 73d year of her Age Tis but a few, whose days amount Children, see as you pass by, To three score years and ten ; Your parents here together He. And all beyond that short account, O dont forget, that soon you must Is sorrow toil and paine. Follow them here, and turn to dust. * His widow married Joseph Brown, June 2, 1752. Sarah, the daughter, married Dr. David Brown, April 28, 1765. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 47 Died CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION. I01.+Levi, b. April 14, 1757. 105. Lois, b. May 3, 1767. I02.+Royal, b. June 13, 1759. April 11, 1773. I03.+Joel, b. April 9, 1761. I06.+Solomon, b. July 28, 1769. 104. Mercy, b. April 28, 1765. Died 107. Darius, b. March 22, 1775. Sept. 4, 1775. Died young. 108.+Jesse F., b. April 2, 1777. The following was found among his papers : Aug"' 30th 1778 The United States op America to Solomon Peck Dr To sundry articles lost in the retreat from the Island of Rhode Island in passing Howlands Ferry so called viz To one good great Coat . To one large new blanket To one new pair of tow cloth trowsers To one pair of yarn stockings . To one Flannel shirt To one knapsack .... 6 1 10 1 4 3 10 1 10 £28 14 X2/0~ 340. -(-Oliver, b. Dec. 9, 1799. 344. Sarah, b. Dec. 22, 1809. Died 341. Eliza, b. June 30, 1802. Dec. 25, 1824. 342. Mary, b. Nov. 6, 1804. Died 345.+Ira L., b. Aug. 18, 1812. Sept. 23, 1822. 346. Jane M., b. Dec. 24, 1814. 343. Ann M., b. July 9, 1807. Died 347.+Aruna C. T., b. June 12, 1817. July 12, 1843. 348. Louisa A., b. Dec. 28, 1819. Eliza married Lorenzo Hunt, and settled at Fairport, Monroe County, N. Y., where they were residing in 1864. Jane M. married, for her first husband, George W. Richards, May 15, 1854, and settled at New Michigan, where he died, October 26, 1855. For her second husband, she married Rev. John Booth, December 24, 1862, settled at Howell, Michigan, and afterwards at Owassa. Louisa A. married Amos Gould, and settled at Owassa, Michigan, where, I am told, Mr. Gould has been Mayor, District Attorney and Judge of Probate. [115.] LEWIS6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 settled at Ellenville, Ulster County, N. Y., where he died, February 1853. He married Ann Maria Potter. She was living in 1855. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 349.+Stephen. 353. John B. 350. Catharine. 354.-f-Enoch. 351. Uriah. 355.+Anquevine. 352. Rebecca. 356. Rachel. Catharine married John H. Goodsire, of Ellenville, N, Y. Bachel married Thomas Butterworth, of Homowftek, N, Y. [116.] ELI6 PECK, son of Oliver,5^! first settled in Scho harie County, N. Y. From there he removed to Tully, Onondaga 62 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. County, about 1794, where he resided for twenty-five years; when he removed to Pine Grove, Warren County, Pa., where he died in February 1854. He married Huldah Bailey, formerly Huldah Chase, daughter of Eleazer Chase, of Little Compton, R. I., May 1804. She survived him, and was residing in Russellburgh, War ren County, Pa;, in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : Ann, b. Sept. 27, 1805. Joseph L., b. Nov. 7, 1812. William, b. Oct. 6, 1807. Reuben, b. Sept.' 16, 1815. Polly, b. Sept. 14, 1809. Alonzo, b. June 30, 1818. Ann married Jesse. Patten, of Tully, Onondaga County, N. Y., where they were residing in 1865. Their children were : Harriet M.? Fidelia H.? Bobert A.? Frances P.6 and Bosalie E? William married Rhoda Brooks, and settled in Erie, Whiteside County, 111., where he died. His children were : Huldah? Beuben? Mercy? Ann" and Erne- line? Polly married Jeremiah Rueland, and was residing at Pine Grove, Warren County, Pa., in 1865. Their children were : Huldah? Eli? Learned? and Sylvester.6 Joseph L. married Sarah Pearsall, daughter of John Pearsall, of Tully, Onondaga County, N. Y., January 1848. They resided in Camden, N. Y., in 1865. Their children were : One died in infancy, and Charles? who married Sarah Dimond, March 1861. Beuben married Mary E. Raynor, and was residing in Elk, Warren County, Pa., in 1865. Their children were : Mary J.? Wesley? Phebe A.? Edwin D.? Harriet L.? Flora A.? Benjamin E.? Nancy E.s and Emma G." Alonzo married Fanny Palmer, September 18, 1842, and was residing in Farmington, Pa., in 1865. Their children were : Amos? Huldah? Zoar? Eunice6 and Bobert A.6 The names of the above children were received too late to be numbered and included in the index. [118.] BENJAMIN6 PECK, son of Benjamin,5 settled at South Adams, Mass., where he died, October 4, 1857, in his 89th year. He was a very benevolent, kind-hearted man, and much respected. While collecting the genealogy of his branch, I received many letters of interest from him. He took a deep interest in the subject until the close of his life. He married Patience Chase. She died May 27, 1866. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 63 CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 357. Lucy, b. June 20, 1793 ^ . 363.+Levi, b. Aug. 31, 1807. 358. Polly, b. June 20, 1793 5 twins' 364. Ruth, b. Aug. 4, 1809. 359. Chloe, b. June 8, 1797. 365.+George, b. Oct. 11, 1811. 360. Phebe, b. Oct. 26, 1799. 366. Maria S., b. Dec. 9, 1813. 361.-fJacob, b. Dec. 6, 1801. 367.-f-Benjamin, b. Dec. 5, 1817. 362.+Cyrus, b. Feb. 21, 1804. Polly married Otis Sprague, and settled at Huron, Erie County, Ohio. Their children are : John W.? Asa? Celia A.? Lucy M.? Martha P.? and Almira B.? Sprague. Chloe married Miles H. Andrews, June 29, 1817. Their children are : Eliza? Lucy? Harriet L.? Cornelius D. C? and Chloe P." Andrews. Phebe married Henry Larkin, and settled at Troy, N. Y. Their children were : Marie L.? Samuel? George H? Phebe A.? H. M.? and Chloe A.6 Larkin. He died July 27, 1837, and she July 22, 1839. Buth married Benjamin T. Hoxie, September 7, 1828, and settled in Iowa. Their children were : Herbert M.? Melissa P.? Melville B.? Bose M.? William H.? George P.? and Florence S.s Hoxie. Maria S. married David Aldrich, May 31, 1838. Their children were : Daniel A.? Phebe M.? George H.? and Newton B.6 Aldrich. [119.] JAMES6 PECK, son of Benjamin,5 settled in Glen- ville, Schenectady County, N. Y., where he lived and died. He married Deborah Manchester. She was born December 1774, and died December 24, 1851. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 368. Ruby, b. Nov. 9, 1798. 374. Jefferson, b. Aug. 25, 1808. 369. Patience, b. Feb. 9, 1800. 375. Hannah, b. Nov. 19, 1809. Died 370. Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1802. Dec. 31, 1856. 371.+George J., b. Sept. 28, 1803. 376. Nancy, b. Aug. 18, 1811. Died 372. Lewis, b. Feb. 9, 1805. July 10, 1860. 373. Olive, b. Oct. 10, 1806. Died 377. Sebea, b. Aug. 9, 1813. Aug. 10, 1832. 378. Clarissa, b. July 21, 1815. Patience married Asa Lawrence. Sarah married Pardon Angell. Lewis married his cousin, Deborah Wing, of Greenfield, Saratoga County, N. Y., and emigrated to Oregon. No issue. Olive married William T. Benedict. Nancy married Perry Yates, to whom I am indebted for a record of the family. Sebea located at Dundee, Kane County, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits. He married Melissa Kibby. His wife died in about eighteen months after their marriage, and he in about one year after her decease. No issue. Clarissa married, first, a Mr. Hewitt ; second, Philander Stuart. 64 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [121.] GEORGE6 PECK, son of Benjamin,5 resided for some time at Ballston, N. Y. He afterwards settled about two miles southwest from Saratoga Springs, where he owned a forge and carried on an extensive business. When I visited the place, the privilege was unoccupied ; but several of the old buildings were still standing. He was a man of untiring energy and perseverance, and by his industry became wealthy. He married Elizabeth Ellis, daughter of Robert Ellis, of Saratoga, February 6, 180-1. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 379. Robert E.,b. Dec. 7, 1801. Died 381. Elizabeth H., b. Oct. 6, 1803. 382. Elenor E., b. July 4, 1812. 380. James E., b. . Died at 383.+George, b. July 2, 1816. sea. Elizabeth married Rockwell Putnam, and settled at Saratoga. Elenor married William Kidd, and settled at Rochester, N. Y. [125.] OTIS6 PECK, son of Jathniel,5 settled in Rehoboth, near the homestead of his father, and carried on the business of the forge, which had been occupied by him. He was a man of exten sive business. He was a justice of the peace, and held other public offices. He married Grace Carpenter. He died October 9, 1805. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 4, p. 130.) 384. Charlotte, b. Jan. 27, 1774. 389.+Otis, b. March 23, 1785. 385.-f-Jathniel, b. April 22, 1775. . 390. Nancy, b. Jan. 9, 1787. 386. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 8, 1777. 391. Vashtia, b. March 9, 1789. 387. Esther, b. Oct. 25, 1778. 392. Perla, b. Nov. 9, 1791. Died 388. Grace, b. March 28, 1782. Died April 11, 1792. May 17, 1802, unm. Charlotte married George Williams, 6f Dighton, Mass. Esther married Caleb Bliss, and settled in Vermont. Elizabeth married Russell Smith, of Taunton, Mass. Vashtia married Ezra Perry. Nancy married Darius Bowen. [127.] JAMES6 PECK, son of Jathniel,5 settled in Rehoboth, upon the east side of Great Meadow Hill, so called. He was a soldier in the army of the Revolution. He married Lydia Pratt. He died April 3, 1834. She October 20, 1838, in her 73d year. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 65 CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (R. Rec, B. 4, p. 183.) 393. Silda, b. Jan. 13, 1785. Died 397. Linda, b. June 29, 1798. Died unm. unm. 394.+Bela, b. Nov. 19, 1786. 398. Cynthia, b. Sept. 21, 1800. 395.-f-Lyman, b. July 28, 1792. 399.-|-Horatio, b. April 21, 1806. 396.+Oren, b. Sept. 16, 1795. Cynthia married Leonard Nie, of Taunton, Mass. [131.] SHUBAEL6 PECK, son of Jathniel,5 settled in the neighborhood of his brothers, He resided in what was known as the forge house. He married Hannah Williams, of Dighton, Mass, She was born November 29, 1784. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 400. Clarissa, b. Feb. 1, 1808. 405. Olive B., b. Dec. 15, 1818. 401.+ George W., b. Oct. 30, 1810. 406. Edward J., b. Jan. 29, 1821. 402. + Jeremiah P., b. March 9, 1812. Died unm. 403.-|-William P., b. Jan. 17, 1814. 407. Henry W., b. Feb. 23, 1824. 404. Sarah W., b. April 1, 1816. Clarissa married Rhodolphus G. White, of Taunton. Sarah W. married Newton Capron, of Smithfield, R. I. Olive married Asaph Bliss, of Rehoboth. Henry W. went to California. Supposed died unmarried. [132.] BENONI6 PECK, son of Jathniel,5 settled near his father. He married Mary Horton, daughter of William Horton, of Rehoboth, Mass. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 408. Esther B. 412. Lucy Ann. 409.+William H. 413. Mary. 410.-j-Libbeus. 41*. Julianna C. 411. Albert. 415.+Sylvester. There were two other children, who died in infancy. Esther married Jacob Green, of Thompson, Conn. Albert, when last heard from, was in Montpelier, Vt. I have been unable to find him. Lucy Ann married William L. Barrus, of Warren, R. I. ; they reside in Providence. Mary married Job B. Crossman, of Taunton, Mass. Julianna C. married Obed Ruggles, of Medway, Mass. [133.] EDMOND6 PECK, son of Jathniel,5 at first settled near Great Meadow Hill, so called, and afterwards lived and died 66 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. upon the farm occupied in 1862 by Lewis L. Hix. He married Sybil Codding, of Dighton, Mass., daughter of William Codding. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (R- ReC, B. 4, p. 181.) 416. George W., b. Feb. 4, 1795. 420.-(-Arnold J., b. May 26, 1803. 417. Caleb M., b. Oct. 9, 1796. 421.-r-Otis, b. April 24, 1808. 418.+Edmond J., b. Sept. 5, 1798. 422. Maria, b. Sept. 12, 1810. 419. Sybil, b. Aug. 10, 1800. 423.+Henry W., b. Jan. 16, 1814. * Caleb M. married Tamma Stebbins, August 24, 1830, and settled at Munson, Geauga County, Ohio, where he died August 24, 1855. His children were : Henry W.? b. May 23, 1831, and was residing in Iowa in 1866. Alroy E., b. February 28, 1833, and was residing in Chardon, Ohio, in 1866. Maria P., b. February 26, 1836 ; residing in Chardon in 1866. George C, b. August 31, 1839 ; residing in Chardon in 1866. Louisa E., b. April 15, 1846 ; residing in Chardon in 1866. Oren C, b. April 26, 1849 ; residing in Chardon in 1866. Sybil married Randall Haskins, of Rehoboth, Mass. Maria married Jotham Hicks, and was residing in East Bridgewater, Mass., in 1865. [135.] GEORGE W.6 PECK, son of Jathniel,5 settled, lived and died upon the homestead. He was twice married : first, to Martha Wheaton, daughter of Col. Joseph Wheaton, of Rehoboth; second, to Hannah Carpenter, daughter of Abial Carpenter, of Rehoboth. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 424. Mary Ann, b. June 3, 1805. By second wife : 425. Sarah W., b. March 2, 1807. 428. George W., b. Dec. 4, 1817. Died April 23, 1812. Died unm. 426. Martha W., b. April 7, 1809. 429. Hannah C, b. Sept. 10, 1820. 427. Catharine S., b. July 22, 1811. 430. HandellD. W.,b. Sept. 14, 1826. Died young. Martha W. married Christopher C. Dean, of Taunton, Mass. Handell D. W. was residing in Boston, Mass., in 1863, unm.f [141.] CROMWELL6 PECK, son of Ebenezer,5 lived and died upon the homestead. He married .Peddy Cushman, March 6, 1796. * This family was received too late to be numbered and entered in the index. t Died suddenly, in a sleeping car, on his way from Boston to New York, December 1, 1867. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 67 CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 431. Shubael, b. Feb. 13, 1797. Died 435. Peddy, b. March 20, 1805. Nov. 16, 1826, unm. 436.-|-Nelson, b. April 4, 1807. 432. Amanda, b. May 2, 1799. 437. -(-Bradford, b. March 7, 1809. 433.+Billings, b. May 11, 1801. 438. Laura A., b. March 10, 1811. 434.-|-Parliamon, b. March 24, 1803. Died unm., Dec. 14, 1833. Amanda married Elnathan Jones, of Rehoboth. She died December 17, 1833. Peddy married : first, Edmond J. Peck (No. 418), and then James Bliss ; and was a widow, residing with her daughter, in 1862. [143.] WILLIAMS6 PECK, son of Philip,5 at first settled in Rehoboth. He was for a time interested in the factory now known as the Orleans Factory. He afterwards removed to East Bloom field, Genesee County, N. Y., where he died July 12, 1843. He married Sybel Short, January 12, 1800. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 439. Serepta M., b. March 5, 1801. 443. Rufus B., b. Jan. 18, 1811. Died 440. Ruth S., b. July 13, 1803. Nov. 12, 1825. 441.+Parmenia W., b. Sept. 21, 1808. 444.+Horatio N., b. July 24, 1813. 442.-|-lra R., b. Dec. 22, 1809. 445. Delight G., b. March 25, 1815. 446. Martha W., b. July 11, 1817. Serepta married Daniel S. Brambles. He died in Michigan. She was living, in 1863, a widow. Buth S. married Stephen H. Lovejoy; settled in Ogden, Monroe County, N. Y. Delight G. married Thomas Flagg; settled in Alabama, Genesee County, N. Y. Martha married James Colby; settled in Ogden, Monroe County, N. Y. [144.] LEMUEL6 PECK, son of Philip,5 resided in Reho both until his decease. He married Sally Jones, daughter of Ebenezer Jones, of Taunton, Mass., November 30, 1797. She died May 3, 1840. He April 11, 1848. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 447.+Josephus> b. Dec. 28, 1801. 448. Philip, b. Aug. 4, 1804, and died April 20, 1840. [147.] JAMES6 PECK, son of Philip,5 settled at Montpelier, Vt., where he resided until 1816, when he removed to the French 68 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. Mills, where he died June 17, 1823. He was twice married: first, to Abigail Jones, October 2, 1803; second, to Hannah Sanborn, December 22, 1819. He was an enterprising business man, owned a nail factory, kept a dry goods store, dealt in lumber, etc. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 449. Rowena Toby, b. Dec. 18, 1805. 452. Philip Williams, b. Nov. 4, 1813. 450.+Jonathan Jones, b. Aug. 29, Suppose unm. 1808. 453. Orinda, b. Dec. 3, 1815. 451. Celinda, b. Nov. 21, 1810. Died 454. Gideon Hicks, b. May 8, 1818. in Rehoboth, April 10, 1830. Died May 11, 1818. 455. Abigail J., b. Aug. 3, 1820. Bowena T. married Silas Wheelock, and settled in Calais, Vt., where she was residing in 1863. To her kindness I am indebted for my information in relation to the family. Orinda married Azariah Moor, of West Fairlee. Abigail J. married Benjamin O'Donnell; settled at Jamaica, Long Island. [150. J EBENEZER6 PECK, son of Philip,5 first settled in Rehoboth, afterwards in Lyndon, Vt. He died June 27, 1851. He was twice married: first, to Nancy Horton, daughter of William Horton, of Swanzey, July 28, 1805; second, to Patience Short. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 456.-l-Martin H., b. May 27, 1806. 459. Nancy F., b. March 12, 1811. 457. Ann Eliza, b. Oct. 7, 1807. 460. Sally A., b. May 30, 1814. 458.+James M., b. June 12, 1809. 461.+Lucius W., b. March 28, 1821. Ann Eliza married Lewis Gilson, of Danville, Vt., son of Samuel Gilson, November 25, 1835. Their children were : Henry M.? b. November 16, 1836, Mary N? b. July 12, 1840, Edward P.? b. January 4, 1844, and Martha E.? b. November 20, 1852. Nancy F. married Joseph Page, of Wentworth, N. H. Sarah J., their only child, married Robert Shelbourn, of Graves County, Ky., December 20, 1855, and died, May 22, 1856, in the twenty-fifth year of her age. Sally A. married, for her first husband, Horatio Morrill, of Wheelock, Vt., September 9, 1833, by whom she had two children, James P.? b. August 13, 1836, and Luvai? b. January 16, 1841. For her second husband, she married Eli Smith, of Graves County, Ky. By him she had one child, Martha? b. June 11, 1845. She died March 17, 1847. [152.] CYREL C.6 PECK, son of Philip,5 settled upon the homestead, where he was residing when I visited him, in 1862. To him I am indebted for my information in relation to his branch of DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 69 the name. He, and his son near him, were the only ones left here to represent this branch of the Pecks, or who have continued to hold any of the great tract of land once owned by them in this vicinity. He owns a valuable farm, and has carried on with it the blacksmithing business. He married Cynthia Hicks, November 29, 1810. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 462.+Cyrel C. jr., b. Feb. 8, 1812. 469. Cassandana W., b. June 29, 1826. 463.+Joseph S., b. Nov. 22, 1813. 470.+George G., b. Sept. 22, 1830. 464. Abiah W., b. Jan. 19, 1816. 471.+Alfred R., b. July 30, 1833. 465. Cynthia H., b. Oct. 23, 1817. 472. Ruth A., b. Feb. 26, 1836. 466.-r-Philip W., b. Sept. 21, 1819. 473. Sereptina A., b. March 20, 1828. 467. Mason S., b. Feb. 26, 1822. Died Aug. 27, 1833. 468. Rhoda M., b. March 4, 1824. Abiah W. was in California, unmarried, in 1862. Cynthia H. married Jacob White. Bhoda M. married Nathaniel Thurber. Cassandana W. married Josiah Woodworth. Mason S. married Azuba Bagley. He was residing in Pawtucket, R. I., In 1863 ; no issue. [156.] BENJAMIN PE CK,6 son of Solomon,5 settled in Provi dence, R. I. He married Sarah Batchelor, July 4, 1797. The following epitaphs are from their tombstones : Benjamin Peck, born August 1, Sarah Peck, widow of Benja- 1767, died October 18, 1832. min Peck, and daughter of Rev. William Batchelor, born March 21, 1776, died May 10, 1864. "OUR MOTHER." Upright with man, he had hope A believer in Christ from early toward God only through Jesus years, she waited trustingly " all the Christ. days of ker appointed time " for His salvation. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 474.-f-William, b. April 6, 1798. 478.+George B., b. Aug. 6, 1807. 475.+Solomon, b. Jan. 25, 1800. 479. Galen, b. Sept. 9, 1812. Died 476. Harriet, b. Oct. 5, 1801. March 25, 1830. 477. Fanny, b. June 9, 1804. Harriet was residing in Providence in 1864, unm. Fanny died July 1857, unm. 70 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [157.] DAVID6 PECK, son of Solomon,5 settled in Provi dence, R. I. I am told, he was for some time deacon of the Sec ond Baptist Church. He married Elizabeth Hicks, of Sutton, Mass. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 480. Lyman, b. July 1, 1792. Died 483. David, b. Nov. 2, 1798. Died unm., Sept. 23, 1817. unm. 481. Lydia, b. July 13, 1794. 484. Anna, b. Oct. 26, 1800. 482.+Lewis, b. Sept. 17, 1796. 485. Elizabeth, b. June 22, 1805. 486. Joseph C, b. Aug. 5, 1807. Lydia married John Calder, of Providence, where they were residing in 1863. Elizabeth married Joshua H. Fowler, January 31, 1836, and was a widow, residing in Providence, in 1863. Joseph C. removed west ; unknown where he is. [158.] SOLOMON6 PECK, son of Solomon,5 settled in Provi dence, where he died August 27, 1809. He married Huldah Kinsley, of Providence. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 487. Sally, b. Sept. 7, 1801. 488. Ann L., b. June 1805. Sally married Elijah Bellows, and settled in Savanna, 111., where she was residing, in 1863, a widow. Ann L. married James Temple; settled in Galena, ill., where she died, leaving two daughters, one of whom married Rev. William Bray, of Aurora, 111. [163.] JOSHUA6 PECK, son of John,5 settled at first in Royalston, Mass., then in Montpelier, Vt., and afterwards in Clin ton, Me., where he died. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and received a pension during the latter part of his life. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 489. Sally. 490. Esther. Sally married a man by the name of Quinly, for her first husband, and Michael Casey, for her second. Esther married a man by the name of Bowler. [165.] HIRAM6 PECK, son of John,5 settled, at an early date, at Montpelier, Vt. He took an active interest in the organ ization of the town, and was one of the first Selectmen. He moved DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 71 from Montpelier to Waterbury, where, I am told, he was a promi nent man ; from here he removed to Parishville, N. Y., where he died. Hemarried Wealthy Kibburn, February 20, 1801. He died January 28, 1831, aged 67 years. She died March 16, 1836. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 491. Albert, b. June 13, 1802. Died 497. Minerva, b. May 31, 1813. Died in infancy. in childhood. 492. Chauncey H., b. Oct. 4, 1804. 498.+Hiram H., b. Nov. 16, 1815. 493. Minerva, b. July 26, 1806. Died 499. Josiah K., b. Feb. 5, 1818. Died in infancy. young. 494. Lucy, b. Jan. 18, 1809. 500.+John W., b. Nov. 7, 1819. 495. Mary, b. April 1, 1811. l 501.-f-Comer M., b. March 18, 1822. 496. Sarah, b. April 1, 1811. J Twins. Sarah drowned in childhood. Chauncey H. has been twice married: first, to Grace Spencer; second, to Susan Willard. He was residing at Prescott, Canada West, in 1863. Lucy married H. Christy, of Medina, N. Y: Mary married J. T. Gould, and died April 9, 1834. [166.] NATHANIEL6 PECK, son of John,5 settled in Mont pelier at an early date, where he died April 10, 1827. He was a farmer. He was twice married : first, to Jane Toggett ; second, to widow Phebe Carpenter, formerly Phebe Smith, daughter of Eze- kiel Smith, of Rehoboth, Mass. She died October 30, 1844. He was a man much respected and honored in the community in which he resided. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 502. Mary, b. June 19, 1796. By his second wife : 503. Laura J., b. Dec. 15, 1804. 504.+Addison, b. Sept. 6, 1807. 505.-f-Russell, b. Nov. 10, 1809. 506. Sharlock, b. March 27, 1812. There were other children by his first wife, who died young, viz : Gustavus Adolphus, Flavious Josephus, and Laura; and two by his second wife, who died in infancy. Mary was residing in Montpelier in 1863, unm. Laura Jane married Stephen Wright, and settled in Berlin, Vt. Sharlock married Margaret Clifford, and was residing in Montpelier, Vt., in 1862 ; no issue. [167.] SQUIRE6 PECK, son of John,5 removed from Royals ton, Mass., with his father, to Montpelier, about 1806, where he 72 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. died August 25, 1838. He married Elizabeth Godard. She died October 4, 1 834, aged 62 years. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 507.+Nahum, b. Oct. 5, 1796. 511. Asahel, b. Sept. 1803. 508. Josiah, b. July 16, 1798. Died 512. Tamar, b. March 1806 ; is unm. young. 513. Jonas G., b. June 1808. Died 509. Myra, b. Jan. 27, 1800. unm., aged about 30. 510. Betsey, b. Jan. 17, 1802. There were three others, who died young. Myra married Joseph R. Waite ; settled in Hinesburgh, Vt. Betsey married Orlo Lockwood, and settled at St. George's, Vt. Asahel resides in Burlington, Vt. He is a man of distinction. He has been a lawyer of extensive practice for many years, and one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Vermont. Tamar is unmarried, and resides with her sister Myra. [168.] JOHN6 PECK, son of John,5 settled in Waterbury, Vt. He was known as General Peck ; and, I am told, was a man of much talent, although I have been able to learn little in relation to him. He was for some time high sheriff, and held other impor tant offices. He married Ann Benedict. He died in 1826. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 514.+Lucius B., b. 1804. 515. Casius, b. 1806. Casius settled in New York City, engaged in mercantile business, and died there, leaving no children. [171.] GIDEON6 PECK, son of Henry,5 lived and died in Seekonk. He was a farmer. He married Keziah Lyon, daughter of Samuel Lyon, May 29, 1791. She was born August 4, 1771, and died January 30, 1834. He died March 31, 1839. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 516. Nancy, b. Sept. 1, 1795. 519. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 3, 1803. 517. Betsey, b. Jan. 29, 1798. 520. Ezra, b. April 23, 1807. 518. George A., b. July 27, 1800. 521. Maria, b. Nov. 4, 1815. Nancy was residing in Seekonk in 1863, unm. Betsey was residing in Seekonk in 1863, unm. George A., unknown where he is. Mary Ann married Edward Dodge ; was residing with her daughter, wife of Peleg Spooner, in 1863. Ezra, unknown where he is. Maria was residing in Seekonk, unm., in 1863. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 73 [176.] WILLIAM6 PECK, son of Henry,5 I am told, married Susannah Graham, of Providence, and left one child. 522. William, whom I have been unable to find, probably died young. The will of William Peck is upon the Providence records, dated December 23, 1812. He gives his clothing, excepting his uniform suit, to his brothers, Gideon and Henry. He gives to his wife, Susannah, his uniform suit, with all his personal and real estate, during her life, or so long as she remained his widow ; directing his yoke of oxen, and horse and wagon, to be sold for the payment of his debts. He appoints his wife executrix. [181. J DANIEL6 PECK, son of Daniel,5 resided in Royalston, Mass., where he died, October 5, 1839. He was a farmer. He married Delia Gale, April 27, 1795. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : . 523. Rulina, b. Feb. 13, 1796. 530. Hannah F., b. May 30, 1809. 524.+Chauncey, b. March 2, 1797. 531. Elvira, b. May 14, 1811. 525.+Pomroy, b. Feb. 16, 1799. 532. Elsa S., b. March 11, 1813. 526. Harriet, b. Sept. 13, 1800. 533. Delia, b. Jan. 14, 1815. 527. Mary, b. Oct. 19, 1803. 534. Huldah C, b. Feb. 9, 1817. 528. -(-Lyman, b. Feb. 11, 1804. 535. Augusta, b. April 13, 1820. 529.-|-Sullivan, b. March 27, 1806. Bulina married Hugh Foster, March 2, 1818. Harriet married Daniel Bliss, October 11, 1821. Mary married Rev. Timothy Crosby, 1831. Hannah F. married Elisha M. Davis, June 14, 1829. Elvira married George Batchelor, November 1837. Delia married George Pierce, May 5, 1 835. Huldah married Emory , April 1846. Augusta married George Gibson. [182] ICHABOD6 PECK, son of Daniel,5 removed from Royalston to Montpelier. He was a farmer. He married Polly Forbes, December 16, 1 800, daughter of John Forbes, of Royalston. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 536 Emily, b. Jan. 1802. 539.+William N., b. Sept. 22, 1811. m. Clarissa, b. 1805. 540. Caroline M., b. Sept. 30, 1813. 538.-r-john Q- A-> b- Nov' 15' 1808- Emily married Silas Fisher. Settled in Phayson, Vt. Clarissa married John Fulsom. Settled in Phayson, Vt. Caroline M. married Addison Page, of Montpelier, Vt. 7 74 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [184.] SOLOMON6 PECK, son of Daniel,5 at first settled with his father, in Royalston, Mass. After his decease, he removed to Orange, Franklin County, where he was residing in 1863, a farmer. He married Mercy Simmons, of Swansey, Mass., October 27, 1803 (S. Rec, B. 2). CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 541. Louisa, b. May 28, 1805. 545. James M., b. Jan. 10, 1814. 542. Roby, b. May 1, 1807. 546.-fDaniel, b. Oct. 31, 1816. 543. Delina, b. Sept. 19, 1809. 547. Susan. Died unm. 544. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 4, 1811. 548. John. Resides with his father. [186.] CALVIN6 PECK, son of Daniel,5 settled in Orange, Mass., where he resided until about 1852, when he removed to Medway, Mass., where he died, January 30, 1861. He was a bridge builder and house carpenter by trade, which business he carried on extensively. He was twice married: first, to Anna Gurnsey, of Montpelier, Vt, who died November 22, 1837; second, to Eliza Barton, of Leicester, Mass. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: \ 549. Adaline, b. Dec. 4, 1808. 553. Sephronia. Died Oct. 19, 1831, 550. Villroy, b. March 4, 1811. unm. 551. Emeline. Died Feb. 11, 1823, 554. Lavinia, b. Mareh 24, 1822. unm. 555.-f-Napoleon B., b. June 20, 1827. 552.+Jerome B. Adaline married Emory Barns, and resides in Wrentham, Mass. Villroy married Prentis H. Pond, and resides in Woonsocket, R. I. Lavinia married Jason B. Reynolds, and resides in Wrentham, Mass. [188.] MOSES6 PECK, son of Daniel,5 resided first in Royalston, Mass. From there he removed to Montpelier, Vt., and from Montpelier to Middlesex. He married Polly Cass, daughter of John Cass, of Richmond, July 10, 1808. She was born May 20, 1786. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 556. Angeline, b. April 15, 1809. 559.+Charles E., b. Sept. 2, 1816. 557.+Moses, b. Jan. 9, 1812. 560. Emeline M., b. Jan. 1, 1820. 558.+John C, b. June 14, 1814. Angeline married Edwin C. Lewis, of Montpelier, Vt. Emeline M. married Chester Briggs, of Rockford, 111. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 75 [197.] SOLOMON6 PECK, son of Solomon,5 settled first in Topsham, Vt., and then in Harlam, Ohio. He was three times married : first, to Philoma Holbrook, in Townsend, Vt. ; second, to Widow Laura Bishop, in Richmond, N. H. ; third, to Elizabeth Nutt, in Topsham, Vt. He died at Harlam, Ohio, October 1 844. His first wife died in 1805. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 561.-|-Horace M., b. May 1801. By third wife : 562,+Sewel, b. June 1803. 568. Philetta H., b. Aug. 31, 1821. 563. Philoma, b. Dec. 1805. Died 569. Franklin, b. June 2, 1823. in 1807. 570. Solomon, b. March 2, 1825. 571.+John N, b. Nov. 18, 1826. 'By second wife : 572. -(-William N., b. June 22, 1828. 564. Lyman, b. 1807. Died unm. 573. Elizabeth Jane, b. May 26, -\ 565. Narcissa, b. 1809. 1831. i 566. Mary, b. 1811. 574. Mary Ann, b. May 26, 1831. J 567. Catharine, b. 1813. 575.+Dexter, b. April 25, 1833. Narcissa married Elijah Crocker. Mary married Samuel Clark, of Vernon, Vt. Catharine married a Buffam. Philetta H. married Cyrus Rogers. Franklin died, April 11, 1847, unmarried. Soloman died in the Mexican war, in 1849, unmarried. Elizabeth Jane married William Rogers. Mary Ann married Stephen L. Emerson. [198.] JAMES W.6 PECK, son of Solomon,5 settled in Tops- ham, Vt. He married Nellie Mann, of Richmond, N. H., October 10, 1805. He died September 21, 1825. She died June 1854, aged 64. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 576. Mahala, b. March 29, 1806. 581. Alonzo, b. Jan. 12, 1817. Died 577. Vienna, b. Oct. 7, 1804. unm. Died young. 582. Lydia A., b. April 23, 1821. Died 578. Annie, b. July 1809. young. Died young. 583. Horace, b. May 4, 1824. Died 579.+Horatio N., b. Aug. 4, 1812. Nov. 18, 1855. 580.-r-Arnold M., b. May 10, 1816. Mahala was residing in Lowell, Mass., in 1863, unmarried. [199.] BENONI PECK,6 son of Solomon,5 settled upon the homestead, where he resided until 1862, when he removed to Fitz- 76 PECK GENEALOGY. — PART FIRST. william, N. H. He has been highly honored and respected. He held a military commission, and was called into service in the war of 1812. He has continually held some public office in his town. for many years, and has represented it in the. State legislature. He has been a justice of the peace for more than forty years, and notwithstanding his advanced age still holds the office, transacting business with the vigor of a middle age, and is still sought after for council and advice. He has also devoted much of his time to probate business, administering upon and settling the estates of deceased persons. He has also taken an active interest in Free masonry, to which fraternity he has belonged for more than sixty years. To him I am indebted for my information in relation to his branch of the name. He has been twice married ; first, to Eunice Rogers, who is said to have been a lineal descendant of John Rogers, who was burnt at the stake ; * second, to Malinda Richards. His first wife died March 3, 1853. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 584. Caroline, b. June 16, 1809. 590. Calista, b. Nov. 7, 1824. 585. -(-Philip, b. Jan. 16, 1812. 591. Eunice, b. June 6, 1827. Died 586.+Levi, b. Aug. 31, 1814. in 1846. 587.-f-James W., b. Oct. 9, 1817. 592.+Henry, b. Aug. 2, 1829. 588. Benjamin, b. Feb. 9, 1820. Died 593. Mary, b. Oct. 6, 1831. Died in June 1841. 1855. 589. Eliphalet, b. March 16, 1822. Caroline married Josiah Parker, and settled in Ashland, Mass. She died in 1854, leaving six children. Calista married Levi N. Fairbanks. Eliphalet was residing in Worcester in 1863. He married Nancy Smith ; no issue. * The following is from the Fitchburg Beveille : "Mrs. Peck was the daughter of Mr. Eliphalet Rogers, late of Royalston, and son of Mr. Benjamin Rogers, who was son of Rev. John Rogers, Pastor of the First Church in Ipswich, and President of Harvard College, who died July 2, 1684. This gentleman was eldest son of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, who came from England in 1636, and settled at Ipswich, as colleague pastor with Rev. Nathaniel Ward, and died July 2, 1655, aged 57. Nathaniel Rogers was a son of the Rev. John Rogers, of Dedham, England, who died October 18, 1639, aged 67 ; and John was son of the Rev. John Rogers, the Martyr, who was burned at Smithfleld, February 5, 1555." DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 77 [210.] OLIVER C.6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 was residing upon the homestead, in Rehoboth, Mass., in 1860; an industrious and thrifty farmer, much respected. He married Nancy Macomber, daughter of John Macomber, April 21, 1808. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 594. John M., b. May 11, 1809. 596.+Royal C, b. June 11, 1816. 595. Nancy S., b. June 1, 1812. Died 597. AdalincB., b. Oct 12, 1822. Feb. 25, 1838. John M. was residing at home in 1860, unm. Adaline B. married Lindley Horton, of Rehoboth. [211.] RUFUS6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 settled in New Provi dence, Clark County, Indiana, where he died, August 6, 1826. He married Naomi Alexander, daughter of Roger Alexander, of Cum berland, R. L, April 6, 1812. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 598. Hannah B., b. May 20, 1813. 601.-r-Rufus A., b. March 30, 1825. 599. Rachel W., b. Oct. 25, 1815. 602. Anna H., b. Oct. 26, 1826. 600. Hannah H , b. Oct. 20, 1821. Hannah H. married James Gibson, and settled upon the homestead. Their children are : Boyal M.? John B.? Bichard M.? Melvina A.? James K.? Emily O.? Isaac A.? Thomas W., Bufus W.? and Emmet.6 Anna married Washington Johnson, and resided in the town of New Provi dence, Ind. Her children were : Theodore V.? Bufus P.? Jasper N.? Eli B.? Naomi E.? and Perry D.s [212.] CALEB6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 was residing in Seekonk, Mass., in 1860, a farmer. He married Polly Jacobs, daughter of Calvin Jacobs. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 603.+Calvin J., b. Oct. 28, 1812. 607. Susan M., b. Oct. 3, 1821. Died 604. Nancy C, b. Nov. 22, 1814. unm. Died unm. 608. Hannah C, b. Aug. 21, 1824. 605. Maria Louisa, b. Feb. 3, 1817. Died unm. Died Aug. 13, 1821. 609.+Henry R., b. June 17, 1827. 606. Susan Ann, b. Aug. 7, 1819. Died Aug. 21, 1821. 7* 78 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIRST. [213.] SAMUEL PECK,6 son of Oliver,5 settled in Salem, Washington County, Indiana. He* was, for several years, I am told, Judge of Probate, and held other offices. He married Ma- linda Hide, April 20, 1820. He died in Texas, June 13, 1843, while journeying there, in the hopes of improving his health. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 610. Harriet H., b. Jan. 30, 1821. 615. Lizzie P., b. Nov. 13, 1829. 611. Catharine L., b. Jan. 10, 1823. 616. George W., b. Oct. 13, 1831. 612.+Hiram A., b. June 21, 1824. 617. Rums H., b. Nov. 25, 1833. 613. Samuel C, b. June -28, 1826. 618. Mary A., b. June 15, 1836. Died Nov. 15, 1826. 619. Daniel W., b. July 29, 1839. 614. Samuel, b. Nov. 8, 1827. Harriet H. married Dr. Samuel Reid, of Salem, Indiana. She died January 20, 1863, leaving six children, four sons and two daughters. Catharine L. married William S. Townsend, of Greencastle, Indiana, and has five children, three sons and two daughters. Samuel was residing in Greencastle, Indiana, a merchant, unmarried, in 1863. Lizzie married William H. Butler, of Louisville, Kentucky, November 3, 1851. Mr. Butler was a highly educated man, He was killed in his school room, November 3, 1853, by Mat. F. Ward. George W. settled at Robinson, Crawford County, Illinois. He was a law yer. He enlisted in the 21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was elected a Cap tain, and afterwards promoted to Lieut.-Colonel. He was taken sick, came home, and died January 28, 1863. Bufus H. was residing at Salem, Indiana, unmarried, in 1863. Mary A. married Robert Morris, of Salem, where they were residing in 1863. Their children were : Jessie6 and Hattie? Daniel W. was residing aj Salem in 1863. He married Lizzie Lockwood," of Salem, November 11, 1862. [219.] GEORGE6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 settled in Reho both, near his father. He married Nancy Carpenter, daughter of Caleb Carpenter, of Reboboth. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 620. George. Died in infancy. 623. Ann. Died in infancy. 621. George. Died in infancy. 624. Susan. 622. George. Died in infancy. Susan married Philip Martin, of Guilford, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 79 [225.] BENJAMIN6 PECK, son of Allen,5 settled in Provi dence, R. I., where he died in 1843. He was a merchant. He married Roby A. Ormsbee. She died in 1806. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 625.4-AUen O., b. Nov. 17, 1804. 626. Mary S., b. May 19, 1806. Mary S. married Esek Aldrich, and settled in Providence. [227.] JOSEPH6 PECK, son of Josiah,5 settled in Charl ton, Mass., where he lived and died. He was a farmer. He married Sarah Whipple, daughter of Christopher Whipple, of Cumberland, R. I. He died August 28, 1824. She November 14, 1847, aged 77 years. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 627. Almira. Died in infancy. 632. Amia, b. July 1, 1803. 628.+Otis, b. Sept. 18, 1793. 633. Joseph W., b. Oct. 26, 1806. 629. -(-Arnold, b. Oct. 21, 1796. Died at sea unm. 630. William, b. July 21, 1799. 634. Temperance, b. 1808. Died 1825. 631. Harriet W., b. Dec. 17, 1801. [231.] JOSIAH6 PECK, son of Josiah,5 settled in Eaton, Mass., where he was residing in 1853. He married Elizabeth Barton, daughter of Hale Barton, August 30, 1798 (R. Rec, Book 4). CHILDREN SEVENTH GENERATION: 635. Nelson, b. Nov. 13, 1798 ; was 640.+Josiah, b. May 15, 1809. killed by the falling of a tree, 641. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1811. Aug. 23, 1817. Died July 19, 1814. 636. Louisa, b. April 15, 1800. 642. Ann R., b. Feb. 25, 1813. Died 637.+Barton, b. Feb. 8, 1802. Oct. 23, 1827. 638. Lydia B., b. Feb. 17, 1804. 643.+Alonzo, b. March 23, 1815. 639. Patience B., b. Sept. 3, 1806. 644. Samuel W., b. Feb. 16, 1817. Died July 16, 1814. Louisa married Samuel Merritt. Lydia married John J. Dorn. Samuel W- is a physician. He is settled at Washington, Davies County, Indiana. He married Hannah B. Havens, daughter of Dr. P. B. Havens, of Hamilton, N. Y. ; no issue. [242.] CROMWELL6 PECK, son of Perez,5 settled in Cov entry R. I. He was a blacksmith and machinist by trade and 80 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIRST. occupation. He married Mary Cushing, of Providence, July 22, 1804. He died August 12, 1838, and his widow, August 1, 1851. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 645. Mary, b. in Coventry, Nov. 24, 648. Ann, b. in Coventry, Aug. 6, 1806. 1813. 646. Sabra, b. in Coventry, April 9, 649. Eliza, b. in Providence, Sept. 4, 1808. 1816. 647. Lydia, b. in Coventry, Nov. 17, 1810. .Man/was twice married : first, to James Davis, by whom she had two chil dren, both of v\ horn died in infancy. Her second husband was Olney Wind sor; by him she had three children, Cromwell P.? Mary Caroline? and Jose phine.6 Sabra married William Morris, by whom she had one daughter, Elizabeth? b. Feb. 3, 1827. Lydia married Charles S. Lawrence ; no issue. She died November 2, 1860. Ann married Joseph Whipple, by whom she had two children, Ann E.? and George C. Eliza married James Austin. Her issue were : James? Edward? and Clara.6 After the decease of her husband, she married James Chappell, with whom she was living in 1863. [247] PEREZ PECK,6 son of Perez,5 settled in Coventry, R. I., where he was residing in 1864. He is a machinist by trade, which business he carried on for many years. He commenced it in 1805. He has been considered one of the most trustworthy manufacturers in the country. He married Joanna Brown, Decenf- ber 9, 1813. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 650. Harriet, b. April 19, 1815. Died 653. Sarah, b. April 15, 1820. Died May 23, 1840. Dec. 2, 1821. 651. Mary Ann, b. July 15, 1816. 654. Joanna, b. Sept. 13, 1821. 652. Lydia H., b. Dec. 31, 1817. 655.+Isaac, b. Oct. 11, 1824. Mary Ann married Asa Sisson, and resides in Coventry. Their children are, Harriet P.? b. May 25, 1845, and died August 10, 1846; Charles? b. Sep tember 7, 1848; and Emily, b. January 15, 1856. [272.] JOEL7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 settled in Greenbush, now Poesteiikill, Rensselaer County, N. Y., where he remained until his decease, August 8, 1855. He married Hannah Baldwin in 1811. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 81 CHLLDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 656. Mahala D., b. Feb. 22, 1812. 660. Marvin R., b. July 16, 1822. 657. William H., b. Dec. 8, 1816. 661. Mariette, b. Nov. 16, 1829. 658. Calista, b. May 23, 1818. 662. Emily, b. March 13, 1831. Died 659. Joel C, b. Aug. 28, 1820. Nov. 20, 1847. Mahala married Jacob Dingman, February 18, 1835, and settled in Poesten- kill, Rensselaer County, N. Y., where they were residing in 1864. Their chil dren are : Charles N.? b. October 4, 1838; Mary E.? b. April 10, 1841; Joel B.? b. September 25, 1843; Delia F? b. March 1, 1847; Mahala? b. June 18, 1850; George W.? b. February 5, 1853; Marcia L., b. July 14, 1855. Calista and Marietta were residing with their mother in Poestenkill in 1864, unmarried. William H. was residing in the town of Sandy Creek, Oswego County, N. Y. He married, for his 1st wife, Sally M. Harger, and for his 2d, Lois Roberson. His 1st wife died September 7, 1848. His children are : George W-? William G-? Mary L.? Emma J.? Delia A.? Maria? Clarence" and Charles." Joel C. was residing in Troy, N. Y., in 1864. He married Mary Lynd.9 His children are : Emily A.? Ella F? and Catharine L.6 The names of the above children were received too late to be numbered and entered in the index. [27 3 ] DANIEL7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 first settled, in 1 808, at Sand Lake, Rensselaer County, N. Y. In 1830 he settled at East Pembroke, where he was residing in 1864. He married, for his first wife, Hannah Woodward, daughter of David Woodward, February 18, 1808. For his second wife, Bathsheba Gould, daugh ter of Reuben Gould, October 18, 1810. His first wife died Jan uary 15, 1809. His second, August 3, 1848. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 663. David, b. Jan. 15, 1809. Died 670. Edward, b. Jan. 9, 1820. Died Jan. 15, 1809. Sept. 14, 1846. 664. William, b. Aug. 19, 1811. 671. Hannah, b. March 24, 1821. 665. Mehitable, b. Nov. 9, 1812. Died April 30, 1834. Died Oct. 22, 1813. 672. Nathan, b. Nov. 14, 1822. 666. Emeline C, b. April 22, 1814. 673. Sophia, b. May 29, 1825. Died 667. Daniel, b. Feb. 24, 1816. Died May 10, 1826. March 15, 1816. 674. Reuben, b. Feb. 22, 1827. 668. Bathsheba, b. Jan. 13, 1817. 675. George, b. Nov. 23, 1829. Died Died Nov. 5, 1843. May 9, 1830. 669. Daniel G., b. June 16, 1818. 82 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIRST. William married Celinda Ryckman March 5, 1837, was residing in East Pembroke in 1864. Their children were: (676) Joel? b. December 3, 1837; (677) Lydia J? b. March 6, 1839 ; (678) Franklin? b. February 12, 1845. Emeline married Charles Gorham and settled in Belvidere, Boon County, 111. Bathsheba married Dexter Fales ; no issue. Daniel G., of West Bergen, N. Y., married Mary A. Tompkins, December 15, 1847. His children are : (679) Wealthy? b. August 4, 1848 ; (680) Francis? b. May 13, 1850; (681) George W.? b. October 26, 1853; (682) Freemont J?b. March 16, 1856; (683) Flora E.? b. March 4, 1858; (684) Bichmond 0.?b. August 24, 1860, and (685) Elinor E.? b. September 10, 1862. Edward married Martha Ann Baker, and settled in East Pembroke. Their son is (686) Charles Edward.' Nathan married Selina Maria Peck (704) daughter of Harvey Peck, October 18, 1848. Their daughter, (687) Mary Clara Ida? was born December 29, 1856. Beuben married Polly Wrightman, April 24, 1846, and was residing in Wis consin in 1864. His children are : (688) Ellen F? b. January 19, 1847; (689) David? b. November 1 7, 1848 ; (690) Estella E.? b. February 22, 1850; (691) Arthur C? b. August 29, 1852; (692) Malvina, E. A.? b. AprU 26, 1855; (693) Eugene C? b. July 12, 1859; (694) Ernest C? b. April 11, 1861; Beuben? Mary C. ? Carrie M.9 These three last children were not at first received with the record of the family, therefore not numbered. [274] DR. BETHUEL7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 married Jerusha Wiston. He settled at Glens Falls, N. Y., where he was a physician for many years. He was a member of the State Legislature. He died July 11, 1862. His widow was residing in Chicago in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 695. Gloriannah, b. in 1824. Died in 1827. [275.] JOHN7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 married Sarah Why- land, September 25, 1816. She was born in 1797. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 696. Agnes, b. March 1, 1818. 699. Maria, b. Dec. 18, 1823. 697. Philotte, b. Aug. 16, 1819. 700. John, b. Feb. 28, 1826. 698. Barnard, b. Aug. 14, 1821. Agnes married Ezra De Freest, November 13, 1836. They were residing in Troy, N. Y., in 1864. Their children were: Daniel W.? Mary F.? John W.? George E.? and Bethuel P.6 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 83 Philotte married David Philips, June 8, 1847. They were residing in Bruns wick, N. Y., in 1864. Their children were: Frances P.? Willard D.? and Jennette? Barnard married Catharine Watson, October 1845. He died March 6, 1850. His son, (701) Barnard? was born September 18, 1846, and died December 20, 1846. Maria married Henry W. Danforth, January 14, 1823. They were residing in Troy, N. Y., in 1864. Their children were : Emma P.? Henry W.jr.? Susan J.? Mary A.? and Harriett J." John was residing in Troy, N. Y., in 1864, unmarried. [276] HARVEY7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 married Elenor McMellen, daughter of William McMellen. They resided in Poes- tenkill, Rensselaer County, N. Y., in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 702. Mehitable, b. April 4, 1817. 706. Jerusha, b. April 25, 1826. 703. Jane A., b. July 27, 1820. 707. William H., b. June 29, 1829. 704. Selina M., b. March 28, 1822. 708. Bethuel, b. Feb. 5, 1833. 705. Elenor, b. Oct. 18, 1824. Mehitable married Leonidas Harger, and died November 9, 1848. Jane A.* married Calvin F. Waterman, April 26, 1840. Selina M. married Nathan Peck. No. 672. Elenor is unmarried. Jerusha married Daniel Hovee, October 21, 1848. [280.] CHARLES,7 PECK, son of Ichabod,6 settled in Johns town, Fulton County, N. Y., where he was residing in 1864. He married Phebe Seley, daughter of Stephen Seley, of Hadley, Sara toga County, N. Y., December 10, 1815. 709. 710. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : Sally Jane, b. Dec. 17, 1816. 714. Lydia A., b. Sept. 12, 1823. Died Died 1848. 18*7- John, b. April 21, 1818. 715. Charles J., b. June 13, 1825. .rii Arlaline b Nov. 20, 1819. } Died young. E^lTne b. Nov. 20, 1819. { 716. Mary, b. May 7, 1827. 712. Emeline, ±>uv ^ Mariem, b. May 7, 1827 ES™C., b. June 20, 1821. Twins ; died young. 713. * Her eldest son enlisted as a soldier. He was one of Scott's 900, where he rt tSo vears and re-enlisted into the N. Y. Cavalry, where he remained SSjTSSSaSi died' Mar<* 6> 1866> from the effects of the ps and exposures he suffered in the army. 84 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. 718. Charles J., b. April 20, 1829. 721. Olivia E., b. April 13, 1837. 719. George W., b. Aug. 3, 1831. Died 1860. 720. Philander W., b. Jan. 20, 1834. 722. Daniel A., b. Aug. 8, 1839. Died young. Adaline married Lambert Christyan. Sarah Jane married William Pool. Emeline married Benjamin Place. John married Phebe Taylor, daughter of David Taylor, August 1, 1840. He was residing in Johnstown, N. Y., in 1864, engaged in the leather and lumber business. His children were : (723) Almenia H.? (724) John F.? (725) Anna M.? (726) Albert T? died April 8, 1850; (727) Albert T.? (728) Jerome A.? (729) Arthur W.? (730) Ellenor J.? (731) Esther J.9 Esther C. married Leonard M. Curtis, and was residing in California in 1864. Charles J. married Susan M. Harris. His children are : (732) Charles A.? (733) Emma? (734) George W.? and (735) Eugene W.9 Lydia A. married William A. Emory. Olivia E. married John T. Hill. George W. married Charlott Vanthusen. His children are : (736) James M.? (737) George? (738) Anna? and (739) Octavee? Philander married, for his first wife, Lodusky Wilde, and for his second, Sybil Plaisted. His child is, (740) Eugene W.9 He was residing in Johns town in 1864. [282.] GEORGE W.7 PECK, son of Ichabod,6 settled in West Troy, N. Y., where he died, in 1852, from injuries, as I am told, received in a saw- mill. He married Isabella Sturtevant at Fort Edward, Washington County, N. Y., where she died. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 741. Mahala was residing at Sara- 742. Louisa was residing at Saratoga toga Springs in 1864. Springs in 1864. [284.] OLIVER O.7 PECK, son of Ichabod,6 settled in Johns town, Fulton County, N. Y., where he was residing in 1864. He married Judith Ayers, daughter of Jedidiel Ayers, March 17, 1827. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 743. George W., b. Jan. 23, 1828. 747. Mary E., b. April 6, 1835. Died Died Sept. 6, 1829. Nov. 12, 1855. 744. Harvy J., b. Nov. 1, 1829. 748. William H., b. Nov. 12, 1839. 745. Lydia M., b. Jan. 13, 1832. Died Feb. 17, 1841. 746. Caroline A., b. Aug. 23, 1833. 749. Judith A., b. Jan. 21, 1842. Died April 4, 1859. 750. Dyer O., b. Aug. 8, 1844. Died Aug. 1863. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 85 Harvy J. was residing near Alexandria, Va., unmarried, in 1864. Lydia M. married Orange R. Lawrence, and was residing in Johnstown in 1864. Caroline A. married Bradley Vanderburg, and resided in Bleeker, Fulton County, N. Y., in 1864. Mary i?. married Ames Smith, and was residing near Alexandria, Va., in 1864. Judith A. married Victor Strieker, and was residing at Alexandria, Va., in 1864. [286.] ALEXANDER7 PECK, son of Ichabod,6 settled in Alexandria, Jefferson County, where he was residing in 1 864. He is a carpenter and joiner by trade and occupation. He married Elizabeth Hollet, daughter of Joseph Hollet, November 4, 1830. She was born August 21, 1805. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 751. George A., b. Sept. 29, 1832. 754. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 15, 1837. 752. Joseph, b. July 25, 1834. Died 755. Sarah J., b. April 14, 1839. March 5, 1835. 756. Martha, b. April 1, 1841. 753. Charles, b. Nov. 7, 1835. Died 757. John, b. Aug. 26, 1843. July 12, 1847. 758. Daniel, b. Jan. 5, 1847. George A. married Catharine Merrill, daughter of James Merrill. His chil dren were: George M.9; b. September 21, 1&58; John H.? b. June 5, 1864; ana Mary? b. June 17, 1862 ; resided in Alexandria, Jefferson County, N. Y., in 1864.* Elizabeth married George Taylor. Sarah Jane married John Overoker. Martha was unmarried in 1864. [287.] GEORGE7 PECK, son of Jeremiah,6 married Phebe Sweet, of Johnston, R. I. He was a stone-cutter by trade, and resided in different places. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 759. Amanda. 762. Daniel. 760. Cyril. 763. . Died young. 761. Harriet. [288 ] LEWIS7 PECK, son of Jeremiah,6 settled at Mount Tabor, Vt., where he died. He married Abigail. * His children were received too late to be numbered and entered in the index. 86 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIRST. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 764. Abigail. [289.] WALCOTT7 PECK, son of Jeremiah.6 married Rachel Dodge, daughter of John and Rachel Dodge, of Amherst, N. H. She was born July 1795, and died in Blissfield, Lenawee County, Michigan, April 21, 1837. He was residing in Keene, N. H., in 1864, with his daughter. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 765. Sarah Margaret, b. April 25, 766. , died young. 1831. Sarah Margaret married John Robinson, of Acworth, N. H., January 5, 1859. There were also other children, who died in infancy. [291.] DANIEL7 PECK, son of Jeremiah,6 married Sarah Green, daughter of Elisha Green, of Plainfield, Conn. They first resided at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1840, they moved to Troy, and in 1842 removed to Sand Lake, where he settled. In April 1850, he died, leaving his widow with seven children. In February 1851, their house was burned, with all they had in it. In 1852, the widow removed with her little children to Pawtucket, R. I., where she found employment in the cotton mills, and by her industry and frugality has supported herself and family. She was residing at Valley Falls in 1863, when I learned from her the above. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 767. Daniel, b. May 2, 1838. 771. Sarah, b. Sept. 27, 1847. 768. Margaret, b. May 13, 1840. 772. Olive, b. June 14, 1849. 769. Lydia, b. June 4, 1842. 773. Elisha, b. Sept. 24, 1850. 770. Hiram, b. March 4, 1845. There were three children who died in infancy. [294.] ARA7 PECK, son of Levi,6 first settled in Westmore land, N. H , and afterwards at Salina, N. Y., where he died, August 31, 1862. He was twice married ; first, to Phebe Mitchel, of West moreland, N. H, by whom he had one daughter : second, to Mary Pierce, August 2, 1820, daughter of John Pierce, of Westmoreland, N. H. She died November 17, 1854. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 87 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 774. Mary. 777. Prusia Cozelia, b. Jan. 17, 1825. 775. Amoret, b. May 25, 1821. Died Died Feb. 17, 1857. April 15, 1849. 778. John Alfred, b. Feb. 22, 1827. 776. Sarah Lucelia, b. Nov. 29, 1822. 779. Mira, b. Jan. 12, 1830. Died Died Aug. 22, 1842. Sept. 25, 1831. Mary married Charles Burns, and settled in Troy, N. Y. Prusia C. married Charles H. Dunbrack, of St. Johns, New Brunswick. John A. married Elizabeth Nichols, daughter of Isaac L. Nichols, of Cohas- set, Mass. He was residing at Newton, Mass., in 1864. His children were : (780) Charles Alfred? b. December 3, 1856, and (781) Mary Abby, b. November 7, 1860. [295.] URI7 PECK, son of Levi,6 settled in Westminster, Vt., where he was residing in 1863. He married Asenath Powers, December 6, 1812. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 782. William, b. Dec. 23, 1813. Died 788. Uri L., b. Oct. 22, 1825. Jan. 7, 1814. 789. Irena, b. Sept. 16, 1828. Died 783. Levi S., b. Oct. 19, 1814. Feb. 27, 1829. 784. Susan, b. Dec. 7, 1817. 790. Melinda, b. Nov. 30, 1830. Re- 785. Wealthy A., b. Oct. 31, 1819. sided .it home, unm., in 1864. Died July 28, 1841. 791. James, b. Oct. 5, 1833. Died 786. Solomon, b. Sept. 4, 1821. May 5, 1835. 787. Warren, b. Oct. 30, 1823. Levi S married Clarinda Chipman, of Westminster, Vt., and was residing in Fulton, Wis., in 1864. Their children were : (792) Ella C? (793) Alonzo? (794) Mary E.? (795) Kirk, (796) Sophronia? and (797) Leonora B? Susan married Warren Baker, and settled in Leicester, Conn. Solomon was supposed to be in Cincinnati, in 1864, unmarried. Uri L. was in the United Sta.tes Army ; no family in 1864. Warren was residing at home, unmarried. [296.] SHUBAEL PECK,7 son' of Levi,6 settled in Westmin ster, Vt., where he was residing in 1863. He married Thurza Wheeler, daughter of Jonas Wheeler, De cember 18, 1821. She died October 25, 1867, in her 69th year. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 798 Sanforcl L., b. Julv 13, 1823. 802. Hannah E., b. Dec. 3, 1835. 799' Clarissa A., b. April 26, 1825. Died March 29, 1850. 800. Orestes F., b. Aug. 22, 1826. 803. Ellen J., b. April 21, 1840. 801. Charles C, b. Dec. 6, 1827. 88 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. Sanford L. married Mary Stodard, daughter of Joshua Stodard, of Sutton,. Vt., September 12, 1849, for his first wife, and Sarah E. Sanford, daughter of Seth Sanford, of Ohio, for his second. He settled at McGregor, Clayton County, Iowa, and then at Clayton. He is an attorney at law. His children in 1864, were : (804) Sanford K.? born January 18, 1857 ; (805) Laura J.? born August 19, 1859 ; and (806) Mary Ellen? born September 18, 1863. Died Feb ruary 23, 1864. Clarissa A. married Lester Woodford, of Bloomfield, Conn., JanuarvJ2, 1850. * Orestes F. married Mary M. Pierce, May 1, 1850. Their children are : (807) Olive? born April 9, 1853, and (808) Orestes E.? born April 7, 1859. Charles C. married Adaline Keech, September 12, 1854. She died Decem ber 19, 1862, leaving three children: (809) Ella M.? born October 24, 1855: (810) Charles A.9, born September 25, 1857; (811) William L.9, born June 1859, and died August 22, 1860; (812) Sanford Ariel? born July 13, 1860. Ella J. was residing at home, unmarried, in 1863. [300.] WILLIAM7 PECK, son of Royal,6 settled at first in Wrentham, Mass., where he resided for many years, and from there removed to Franklin, Mass. He has been what may well be called a model farmer, — industrious and successful, — a man of excellent judgment and fine natural ability. Although he has kept aloof from party politics, neither seeking or accepting office, he has usually taken an interest in the affairs of his town, giving his advice or expressing his views upon matters of interest ; and at public meetings few have been able to com mand more respect. In his younger days, he was fond of military tactics, and for a long time commanded a military company. He was often urged to accept higher positions ; but he chose to remain a captain. He was an excellent disciplinarian, and took much pride, as well as his men, in their being known as one of the best drilled companies. He is still known, and called among his early associates, by the to them familiar name of Capt. Peck; although in his 84th year, he still retains his faculties. He married Sarah Arnold, daughter of Rufus Arnold. She died March 24, 1852. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 813. Mary Ann, b. July 9, 1805.* 814. Naomi, b. April 26, 1807. * Mary Ann, the eldest child in the family of William, had two grandmoth ers, four great-grandmothers, and one great-great-grandmother, making seven grandmothers, all living at the time of her birth. o*^*? ^y £*^2^ £&£<-»-* — DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 89 815. Abigail, b. April 6, 1810. 818. Sarah Maria, b. Aug. 1, 1815. Died Aug. 21, 1811. 819. Rufus Arnold, b. April 16, 1818. 816. Abigail, b. June 10, 1811. 820. William Edward, b. Oct. 13, 817. Ann Janett, b. May 25, 1813. 1821. Mary Ann married Fennah Grant, of Cumberland, R. I. Naomi married Richard Crowninshield, also of Cumberland. Ann Janett married Albert Ballou, of Franklin, Mass. Sarah Maria married Abijah Rockwood, also of Franklin, Mass. Abigail is a school teacher, and is unmarried. Bufus Arnold married Abby S. Thurber, and settled in Providence, R. I. His children are (821) : Anna A.? (822), Horace G.? (823), and Helen A? William Edward prepared himself for a profession, and chose that of a lawyer. He entered the office of Richard W. Green, of Providence, R. I., late judge of the Supreme Court, as a student, in 1847. He was admitted to the bar in 1850, and settled in Providence, where he entered into practice. He was elected a Representative from the city to the State Legislature, in 1852. He was also one of the judges of the Court of Magistrates. In 1855, he removed with his family to Greenwich, R. I., but continued his office in Prov idence. He was elected a Senator from Greenwich in 1857. He continued his practice, both in Providence and Greenwich, until the war, in which he took a deep interest. His patriotism did not allow him to remain neutral, or a spectator to the noble effort the State made to assist in subduing the rebel lion. He not only lent his aid and influence in raising soldiers, but set the exam ple of being one himself. He loved his country, and knew too well how to prize its government and laws to remain passive during her struggle. He gave his life in their defence. He enlisted in the Rhode Island cavalry, where he received a commission as first lieutenant. After joining his regiment in Louisiana, he was appointed judge advocate, which position he held until his decease, which occurred at Napoleonville, August 13, 1865. He was taken sick at Thibodeaux while attending the duties of his office. He remained there until the adjournment of the commission, when he returned to Napoleonville ; was seized with a congestive chill, and died in about two hours. He was buried with military honors. His body was placed in a metallic coffin, and then enclosed in a brick vault. The following is the inscription from the tombstone of her great-great- grandmother : " In memory of Mrs. Desire Allen, Relict of Mr. John Allen (formerly the wife of Mr. Ebenezer Foster), who died November 27, 1810, aged 100 years 1 month and 28 days. ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them." Her name before marriage was Desire Cushman. She married Ebenezer Foster, September 17, 1730. Their daughter, Mercy Foster, married Solomon Peck, the great-grandfather of Mary Ann. 90 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIRST. His name, with the name of others like him, will be remembered and hon ored, while the Northern traitors and Southern sympathizers he left behind will be forgotten, or remembered only to be despised. Mr. Peck married Harriet E, Newell, daughter of Nelson Newell, Esq., of Franklin, Mass. His children are (824) : Hattie A.? and (825) William E.9 [301.] JOEL F. PECK, son of Royal, married Lucy Peck, daughter of Solomon Peck, of Cumberland, R. I., December 1820, and settled upon the homestead, where he died, July 17, 1866. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 826. Phila Amanda, b. Dec. 15, 1823. 828. Royal Jackson, b. Dec. 14, 1831. Died Aug. 13, 1826. 827. Abby Selina, b. Nov. 29, 1827. Died Feb. 13, 1848. Boyal Jackson married Ellen E. Follett, daughter of Ellis Follett, of Cum berland, R. I. Their children are (829): Charles H., born November 1854 ; (830) Abby J., born September 15, 1856 ; (831) Joel E., born March 15, 1859 ; (832) Ides E., born December 20, 1860. He resides upon the homestead which has now been in the name more than 150 years. [302.] IRA B.7 PECK, son of Royal,6 married Mary Black- inton, daughter of Ellis Blackinton, of Attleborough, Mass., June 19, 1834. He resides at Woonsocket, R. I. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 833. Ira E., b. Aug. 24, 1846. [305.] FOSTER7 PECK, son of Joel,6 resides in North Prov idence. He married Susan Arnold. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION :] 834. Susan. 835. Foster. Susan married John Barnes, of North Providence, R. I. [306.] LEWIS7 PECK, son of Joel,6 resided in Cumberland; R. I., where he died, October 25, 1827. He was a carpenter by trade, enterprising and industrious. He married Perrnelia Carpen ter, daughter of William Carpenter, of Uxbridge, Mass., March 24, 1816. She resided at Valley Falls, R. I., in 1863. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 91 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 836. Lucena, b. June 26, 1818. 838. Maria C, b. Dec. 14, 1823. 837. Edward, b. May 17, 1821. Lucena married Leonard Cumstock, of Providence, R. I. Edward married Abba Woodward, of Taunton, Mass. He died August 1852, leaving two sons, (839) Lewis? and (840) Henry? who were residing with their mother in Taunton in 1863. Maria C. married Jesse Moffett. T'ley reside in Pawtucket, R. I. [307.] ALFRED7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 resided in Cum berland, R. I., where he died. " I here by certify that Alfred Peck of Cumberland son of Solomon Peck and Huldah Ballou daughter of Edward Ballou of Cumberland were lawfully joined together in marriage on the 26th day of Septem ber A D 1810 by me BENJAMIN WILKINSON Justice of Peace. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 841. Welcom Riley, b. Nov. 21, 1818. 842. Mary Adaline, b. Dec 7, 1827. Welcom B. married Nancy M. Whipple, daughter of Daniel Whipple. He died April 30, 1840, leaving no issue. Mary A. married Barton Follett, of Cumberland, R. I., where they reside. [310.] WHIPPLE7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 resided in Frank lin, Mass., where he died. He married Roxana Harris, daughter of Oliver Harris, of Cum berland, R. I., November 17, 1815. His widow was residing in Franklin in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 843. Eunice A., b. March 13, 1816. 849. Leland T., b. Dec. 7, 1828. Died Oct. 2, 1819. Died Feb. 28, 1834. 844. Nancy S., b. Nov. 4, 1817. 850. Oliver H., b. Feb. 15, 1831. Died Sept. 26, 1819. Died Jan. 25, 1842. 845. Phebe, b. Dec. 14, 1819. 851. Whipple, b. Feb. 20, 1834. 846. Russell, b. Dec. 2, 1821. 852. Henry C, b. June 27, 1837. Died Dec. 11 1866. 853. Francis, b. Nov. 28, 1839. 847. Philina, b. Oct.'l3, 1823. Died Oct. 19, 1867. 848. Eliab H., b. Feb. 10, 1826. Died May 8, 1846. 92 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. Phebe married Barton Ballou, and resides in Franklin, Mass. Bussell married Olive Ann Whipple, daughter of Simon Whipple, of Cum berland, R. I. Their daughter (854), Emma Jane? was born October 23, 1847. Philina married James Greenwood, and was residing in Chelsea, Mass., in 1864. Eliab H. married Jane Bishop. Whipple married Marion Burr, and settled in Richmond, Vt. Their son is (855) Edwin? Henry C. was residing with his mother, in 1863, unmarried. Francis was residing in Boston, unmarried, in 1864. [313.] STEPHEN7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 married Eliza Tingley, March 25, 1834, daughter of Columbia Tingley, of Cumber land, R. I. They resided in Smithfield, R. I., where he died, Decem ber 1, 1859. His widow resides at Central Falls, R. I. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 856. Amoret, b. July 12, 1835. 862. Stephen A., b. Nov. 5, 1846. 857. Crawford, b. March 19, 1837. 863. Eliza J., b. Nov. 17, 1848. 858. William, b. Aug. 6, 1839. Died Died July 29, 1851. Aug. 17, 1839. 864. Wilbour M., b. Aug. 29, 1852. 859. Laura A., b. Oct. 26, 1840. Died Sept. 26, 1852. 860. Mahala A., b. Nov. 22, 1842. 865. Walter B., b. Aug. 2, 1853. 861. Hiram L., b. Sept. 13, 1844. Died July 26, 1851. [314.] GEORGE B.7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 married Mary Ann Franklin, daughter of Ebenezer Franklin. He died in Cum berland, R. I. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 866. George Andrew ; resides in Boston, Mass. [316.] Dr. KELLY7 PECK, son of Jesse,6 settled in Cum berland, R. I., where he died, February 14, 1840. He married Amey Ann Arnold, November 17,1831, daughter of Eleazer Ar nold, of Cumberland, R. I. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 867. MenzoW.,b. Aug. 28, 1832. 870. Conrad M., b. April 8, 1839. 868. Eliza A., b. April 16, 1834. Died September 8, 1840. 869. Imogene, b. July 3, 1837. Menzo married Ellen Marsh, February 24, 1860. Their daughter, (871) Amey Ann? was born January 30, 1862. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 93 [321.] JOHN PECK,7 son of Joseph,* married Sally Blacket, daughter of John Blacket, of New York City, October 3, 1818. He died July 21, 1835. She died February 5, 1846. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 872. Jane M., b. Aug. 17, 1819. 874. Phebe V., b. Jan. 6, 1828. 873. John B., b. Jan. 20, 1822. There were other children who died young. Jane M. married John W. Broderick, and settled in New York City, where she died, March 9, 1849. John B. married Maria Azlee Landry, and was residing in New Orleans in 1865. Phebe V. married John H. Wood, and was residing in New York City in 1865. [323.] JEREMIAH7 PECK, son of Joseph,6 married Sally Houghtalin, daughter of James Houghtalin, of Half Moon, Sara-, toga County, N. Y., October 28, 1815. She was born May 9, 1796. He resided at Adrian, Mich., where he died March 27, 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 875. Caroline, b. Aug. 22, 1816. 880. Harriet N.,b. Oct. 19, 1825. 876. Benjamin F., b. Dec. 28, 1817. 881. Abijah, b. Dec. 4, 1827. 877. James H., b. Oct. 7, 1819. 882. Lydia E., b. April 16, 1829. 878, Louisa, b. April 19, 1821. 883. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 20, 1833. 879. Mary J., b. Oct. 16, 1823. Caroline married Allen Armstrong, and resides in Butler, Wayne County, N. Y. Their children are : Sally? Samantha? Thomas? George, and James? Benjamin F. has been twice married : 1st, to Margaret Congor ; 2d, to Abigail H. Dudley. He resides in Walcott, Wayne County, N. Y. His children in 1864 were : (884) Eron J.? born May 12, 1844; and (885) John W-? born December 8, 1846 ; and one died in infancy. James is unmarried ; he is a physician. He was residing, for the restora tion of his health, upon one of the Chincha Islands, near the coast of Peru, South America, in 1864. Louisa9 married John Conger. They reside at Adrian, Mich. Their children are: Charlotte? Albine? Clarence G.? Louisa? and Frances? Mary J. married Leander Spring, of Mass. Resides at Medina, Mich. Their children are : James Henry? Jeremiah? Arthur Almirin? Mary? Char lotte 9 and Charles? Harriet N. married Frederick Irish, and resides at Adrian. Their children are : Ellwood9 and Hattie Louisa? 94 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. Abijah married Elizabeth Fleek. They reside in Hart, Mich, Their chil dren are: Charles" and Harriet? Lydia E. married Amos Letcher. They resided in Hudson, Mich. Their child is Herbert? Jeremiah was 2d lieutenant in the 1st Michigan Infantry, and was wounded at the battle of Stone River, Tenn., December, 1862; taken prisoner; left in the hands of the rebels, and died January 1, 1863. He married Adelaide . His children are : (886) William H? and (887) Elmer J? [325.] LRA7 PECK, son of Joseph,6 married Nancy Guild, January 29, 1823. She was born in Lansingburg, Rensselaer County, N. Y., June 16, 1801. They resided in the town of Half- moon, Saratoga County, N. Y. He died December 1862. She December 3, 1846. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 888. Horatio Guild, b. Oct. 31, 1823. 890. John Naphthalia, b. Feb. 4, 889. Nathan Henry, b. Oct. 10, 1825. 1834. 891. Hiram A., b. Nov. 15, 1836. Horatio G. married Sarah Edmonds, October 14, 1847. She was born in Stillwater, Saratoga County, May 25, 1822. Their children are : (892) Caro line M.? b. in Wilton, September 23, 1848 ; (893) Jane? b. October 17, 1851, in Colesville; and (894) Elizabeth? b. May 28, 1861, in Stillwater. Nathan H. married Maria Elizabeth Riley, August 30, 1851. She was born June 21, 1837. They reside at Saratoga. Their children are : (895) George A.,9 b. February 23, 1853; (896) Charles Henry? b. October 11, 1856; (897) Harriet Augusta? b. August 4, 1859; Hiram A. enlisted into the army, and John N. is supposed to have gone to Pike's Peak. [326.] GEORGE7 PECK, son of Joseph,6 settled in Canton, Io., where he was residing in 1864. He has been twice married: first, to Ann Eliza Ide, January 7, 1821 ; second, to Mrs. Margaret Hunter, formerly Miss Margaret Lyle, October 15, 1854. His first wife died June 27, 1854. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 898. Gilbert I., b. Feb. 13, 1822. 903. George, b. Feb. 25, 1833. 899. Sarah J., b. June 13, 1824. 904. Lewis J., b. Nov. 5, 1835. Died Aug. 25, 1841. 905. Phebe L., b. Jau. 6, 1838. 900. George W., b. Jan. 10, 1827. Died April 29, 1838. Died in infancy. 906. Samuel E., b. July 28, 1840. 901. William H., b. Jan. 25, 1828. 907. Eliza J., b. March 14, 1843. 902. John I. , b. June 21, 1830 ; unm. in 1864. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 95 Gilbert married, first, Sarah J. Barber; second, Almira Shumway. His children are : (908) Oscar? (909) Anthie Jane? and (910) Ann Eliza? He was residing at Dowagiac, Mich, in 1864. William H. married Rachel Lake. His children are : (911) Milo D? and (912) Zilpha G? George married Harriet Allen, and settled in California. Lewis J. died unmarried. Samuel E. married Mary E. Widel. His children are : (913) Devillo9 and (914) Eliza J? Eliza J. married George W. Gibson. She was a widow, residing in Can ton, Mich., in 1864. [329.] JOSEPH F.7 PECK, son of Joseph,6 married, for his first wife, Catharine A. Gow, daughter of Cornelius Gow ; for his second, Elizabeth Staly, daughter of Abraham Staly ; and for his third, Mary E. Kimball. His first wife died April 4, 1837. His second wife died February 22, 1849. He was residing at Kala mazoo, Mich., in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : Clarissa T., b. May 7, 1840. Phebe P., b. March 29, 1842. Mary E., b. Oct. 28, 1843. Died Aug. 27, 1846. Henry C, b. Jan. 12, 1845. Caroline A., b. Jan. 14, 1847. , b, Feb. 16, 1849. Died in infancy, unnamed. Adeliza, b. Feb. 19, 1851. [335 ] HENRY W.7 PECK, son of Amos,6 married Melinda Vanderworker, daughter of Sovereign Vanderworker, of Northum berland, Saratoga County, N. Y., October 6, 1830. She was born November 3, 1807. They reside in Northumberland. He is a farmer. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 927. Mary Ann, b. March 9, 1832. 929. Reed, b. Feb. 11, 1841. 928. George Henry, b. Jan. 20, 1835. [338 ] AMOS7 PECK, son of Amos,6 married Elizabeth Ann Nelson, daughter of Gilbert Nelson, of Saratoga Springs, May 13, 1846. He resides upon the homestead, a farmer. 915. Perrin, b. May 26, 1830. 920. 916. Ephraim K., b. Jan. 16, 1832. 921. Drowned July 16, 1834. 922. 917. Daniel W., b. April 3, 1835. Killed at Fayette, Missouri, 923. March 29, 1862. 924. 918. Hellen M., b. Feb. 19, 1837. 925. 919. Flavious J., b. Feb. 22, 1839. Died Aug. 19, 1839. 926. 96 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. CHn,DREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 930. Mary Frances, b. Feb. 12, 1847. 932. Carrie Elizabeth, b. April 13, 931. Charles Nelson, b. Nov. 17, 1861. 1854. 933. One died in infancy, unnamed. [340.] OLIVER7 PECK, son of Ira,6 resided in Saratoga, where he died, November 14, 1832. He married Sarah Patrick, October 14, 1830. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 934. Isaac L., b. Dec. 14, 1831. 935. Oliver, b. March 14, 1833. [345.] LRA L.7 PECK, son of Ira,6 settled at Farm Ridge, Lasalle County, Illinois. He has been twice married : first, to Louisa Allen, December 28, 1834; second, Elizabeth Vanantwerp, April 18, 1844. His first wife died May 23, 1843. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 936. Mary L., b. Sept. 23, 1836. 939. Francis Wayland, b. Aug. 23, 937. Ira S., b. Dec. 4, 1845. 1850. 938. Lydia Jane, b. Sept. 27, 1847. 940. Julia Ella, b. May 20, 1855. Mary L. married Henry L. Cummings, Nov. 23, 1854. [347.] ARUNA C. T.7 PECK, son of Ira,6 resided at Sara toga Lake in 1863. He married Ellen A. Abel, daughter of David Abel, February 17, 1842. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 941. Carrie L., b. June 22, 1843. 944. Ella J., b. Jan. 24, 1853. 942. John W., b. Aug. 31, 1847. 945. Jesse B., b. March 4, 1863. 943. Hannah C, b. July 25, 1850. [349.] STEPHEN7 PECK, son of Lewis,6 married Isabella Barns, January 12, 1827. He resides at Denning, Ulster County, N. Y., a farmer. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 946. Mary E., b. Dec. 14, 1832. 950. Ann, b. Dec. 18, 1840. 947. Sarah, b. Nov. 27, 1834. 951. Louisa, b. Nov. 4, 1843. 948. Alexander H., b. April 25, 1837. 952. Laura, b. June 7, 1845. ¦ . Mary Jane, b. June 21, 1839. 953. Cornelia, b. Aug. 22, 1848. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 97 [354.] ENOCH7 PECK, son of Lewis,6 resides at Homowack, N. Y. He married Sarah Rogers, November 16, 1844. She was born March 2, 1825. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION. 954. George W., b. Oct. 8, 1848. [355.] ANQUEVINE7 PECK, son of Lewis,6 resided at Homowack, N. Y., where he died, November 1854. He married Deborah Polhamus. She survived him, and married again. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 955. William. 960. Ellen Jane. 956. Mary Catherine. 961. Lena Catherine. 957. John. 962. Thomas. 958. Isaac Henry. 963. Mary. 959. Anna Maria. [361.] JACOB7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 married Amey Bo wen, December 15, 1828, daughter of Samuel Bowen. He was residing in Mobile, Ala., in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION. 964. Mary B., b. Oct. 25, 1831. 966. Albert B., b. May 29, 1837. 965. Sarah M., b. Feb. 1, 1835. Died April 1, 1836. [362.] CYRUS7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 married: for his first wife, Melissa Ryan, daughter of Zarks Ryan ; for his second, Ruth Hoxie, August 1833, daughter of Cornelius Hoxie; for his third, Fanny Hoxie, daughter of Cornelius Hoxie ; for his fourth, Ruth Davis, October 21, 1841, daughter of Isaac Davis. His first wife died July 3, 1831. His second wife died October 22, 1835. His third wife died in 1839. He died in Sonora, Illinois, Novem ber 12, 1859. CHTLDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION. 967. Melissa R., b. June 25, 1831. 971. Jacob C. Died young. 968. Eliza A., b. June 11, 1835. 972. Zack, b. Oct. 10, 1848. Died 969. Morris, b. Oct. 21, 1842. May 1855. 970. Cyrus D. Died young. 9 98 PECK GENEALOGY. — PART FIRST. Melissa B. married Edwin J. Aldrich, January 31, 1849. Eliza A. married Robert S. Owen, November 5, 1856. Morris married Elizabeth Willson, April 13, 1862. His daughter, Elizabeth,1 was born April 3, 1864. They were all residing in Montrose, Iowa, in 1864. [363.] LEVI7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 married Orelia G. Flower, daughter of Orman Flower, September 29, 1832. She was born August 1 7, 1812. They reside in Huron, Ohio. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION. 973. Ruth O., b. March 10, 1834. 977. Henry L., b. Aug. 20, 1842. 974. Harriet L., b. July 7, 1835. Died 978. Edward F., b. Sept. 25, 1844. Aug. 24, 1849. 979. Patience, b. Oct. 20, 1846. 975. William W., b. Oct. 19, 1839. 980. Sophronia, b. Aug. 5, 1850. 976. Bertha L.,b. July28, 1841. Died April 5, 1859. Buth O. married William Bardshar, May 20, 1855, and settled in Castalia Village, Ohio. [3 6 5. J GEORGE7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 married Catha rine Stearns, daughter of Joseph Stearns, of Middleborough, Vt. Her mother, before marriage, was Betsey Hager, of Waltham, Mass. They reside at Jonesville, Michigan. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION. 981. George Franklin, b. July 1846. 984. Harriet Catherine, b. Sept. 25, 982. Herbert Jacob, b. Sept. 28, 1848. 1858, 983. Sylvia Maria, b. Nov. 3, 1853, Died July 11, 1857. [367.] BENJAMIN7 PECK, Jr., son of Benjamin,6 married Clara Loomis, March 24, 1 844. He resided in Mobile, Ala., where he died with the yellow fever, October 17, 1853. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION. 985. Phebe Ellen, b. Dec 20, 1844. 987. Clarence B.,b. March 21, 1853. 986. Caroline Patience, b. July 8, 1847. [371.J GEORGE J.7 PECK, son of James,6 married Marett Mansfield, of Schenectady, March 1, 1837. He resides in Dundee, Kane County, 111. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 99 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 988. Cordelia IL, b. May 10, 1838, at 991. Sanford James, b. Dec. 24, 1847, St. Charles, 111. at Dundee, 111. 989. Permelia Eliza, b. April 6, 1841, 992. William Alston, b. Jan. 27, 1859, at Elgin, 111. at Dundee, 111. 990. George M., b. Aug. 14, 1843, at Dundee, 111. Cordelia TJ. married William Alston, of Chicago, October 6, 1857. He died in California, December 9, 1858. She was again married to Sanford Wilcox, October 8, 1862. Their daughter, Isabella? was born January 16, 1864. [383.] GEORGE7 PECK, son of George,6 settled at Roches ter, N. Y., where he engaged in mercantile business. He married Harriet Prindle, October 1840, daughter of Harvey Prindle, one of the pioneers of Western New York. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 993. George Prindle, b. Aug. 1841. [385.] JATHNLEL7 PECK, son of Otis,6 settled upon the homestead. He married Sybil Horton, daughter of Shubael Hor ton, of Rehoboth, Mass. She was born October 18, 1788. He died July 13, 1840. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 994. Otis C, b. March 15, 1812. Died 996. Sybil M., b. July 13, 1819. Died March 9, 1853. Jan. 24, 1840. 995. Joanna B., b. June 24, 1815. 997. George H., b. Oct. 1, 1821. 998. Jathniel A., b. Jan. 8, 1829. Otis C. married Mary Ann Goff. His children are : (999) James 0.? b. Sep tember 13, 1823; (1000) Jathniel C? b. October 15, 1846; (1001) Sybil? b. February 22. 1849 ; (1002) Thomas B.? b. January 29, 1851. _ Joanna married Jacob H. Horton. George H. married Sarah W. Hersey. His children are : (1003) Sarah J? b. March 9, 1843; (1004) George W.,9 b. October 7, 1845; (1005) Jacob 3.? b. December 22, 1846; (1006) Joanna B.? b. January 17, 1849; (1007) Mary E.? b. July 19, 1851; (1008) Grace? b. December 25, 1855; (1009) Emma J.? b ¦ October 29, 1857; (1010) Albert C? b. November 28, 1858. Jathniel A., married Abbie L. White. His children are : (1011) Herbert L.? b. January 21, 1850; (1012) Clerince A.? b. January 22, 1853; (1013) Frank Otis.? b. December 28, 1860. [389.] OTIS7 PECK, son of Otis,6 married Cynthia W. Bliss, daughter of Abadial Bliss, of Rehoboth, Mass., April 10, 1810. He resided in different places. He died October 10, 1842. 100 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1014. Grace C, b. Feb. 29, 1812. 1017. Harriet N., b. July 23, 1818. 1015. George Otis, b. Sept. 15, 1814. 1018. William H., b. Sept. 19, 1820: Died Aug. 27, 1815. was in California in 1864. 1016. George Otis, b. Jan. 20, 1816. 1019. James W., b. Nov. 18, 1824. Died in 1817. Grace C. married Willard Pierce. Harriet N. married William H. Barney. [394.] BELA7 PECK, son of James,6 married Roba Wheeler. He lived and died in Attleborough, Mass. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1020. Orvilla. 1024. Orvilla. 1021. Harriet. 1025. Nancy. 1022. Fanny. 1026. Henry. 1023. Mariett. [395.] LYMAN7 PECK, son of James,6 married Mercy Wheeler. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1027. Harrison Gray Otis, b. Nov. 9, 1028. Hyleman Julius, b. Oct. 1818. 1811. [396.] ORIN7 PECK, of Boston, son of James,6 married Eliza Williams, daughter of Samuel Williams, of Milton, Mass., Decem ber 6, 1821. He was located at the Boylston market for many years. He was much respected by all with whom he did business for his kindness, honesty and integrity. He died May 7, 1865. His wife died April 26, 1858. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1029. Lydia Adaline, b. July 23, 1825. 1032. Oren Henry, b. Aug. 7, 1832. 1030. Helen A. Williams, b. Nov. 24, 1033. Martha Anna, b. Aug. 30, 1834. 1827. 1034. George Williams, b. April 16, 1031. Emily Belinda, b. Feb. 11, 1830. 1837. Lydia married Jeremiah Richards. Helen married Joseph N. Wheeler. Oren H. and George W. are married, and reside in Boston. Oren H. married Julia S. Emery. Their children are : Emily W-? Henry S? and Herbert? George W. married H. Eliza Pratt. Their children are : Arthur E.?p. Decem ber 28, 1862 ; died March 1, 1863 ; and Oscar Tyler? b. September 2, 1867. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK, JR. 101 [399.] HORATIO7 PECK, son of James,6 married Sally Bliss, daughter of Abadial Bliss, May 17, 1834. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1035. Charles Warren, b. April 9, 1038. Saraphina Prat, b. July 12, ] 1836. 1846. ! 1036. Sarah Amelia, b. Oct. 28, 1838. 1039. Josephine Bliss, b. July 12, j 1037. Justin Abadial, b. Nov. 17, 1846. j 1842. Twins. [401.] GEORGE W.7 PECK, son of Shubael,6 died in Prov idence, March 14, 1860. He married Ann Eliza Coggshall, daugh ter of John Coggshall, of Pawtucket, R. I. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1040. George W. 1044. Thomas H. 1041. Sarah. 1045. Mary. 1042. William F. 1046. 1043. Andrew J. 1047. Charles. George W. married Ann Armstrong. He resided in Providence, R. I., in 1863. His children were: (1048) Mary A.? (1049) James? (1050) Henry? (1051) Ella Jane? (1052) Margaret? (1053) Elizabeth Ann? and (1054) George W? [402.] JEREMIAH7 PECK, son of Shubael,6 resided in Taunton, Mass., in 1863. A machinist by trade and occupation. He married Ann A. Wilbor, of Taunton. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1055. Hannah W., b. May 3, 1838. 1060. Sarah F., b. Dec. 2, 1846. 1056. Mary E., b. Jan. 2, 1840. Died young. 1057. William E., b. Sept. 21, 1842. 1061. George F., b. Sept. 25, 1849. 1058. Charles H., b. Jan. 29, 1843. 1062. Thomas E., b. Dec. 27, 1853. 1059. George A., b. May 4, 1845. 1063. Adaline IT., b. Sept. 27, 1855. Died young. 1064. Alonzo M., b. April 10, 1857. [403.] WILLIAM P.7 PECK, son of Shubael,6 married Mary A. Philips. He died October 29, 1857. She survived him, and was residing in North Dartmouth in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1065. William B., b. March 9, 1842. 1067.' Charles H, b. Sept. 27, 1848. 1066. Henry A., b. Feb. 3, 1847. Died Sept. 24, 1848. 9* 102 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. William B. married Ellen Thomas, and was residing in North Dartmouth in 1863. [409.] WILLIAM H.7 PECK, son of Benoni,6 married Han nah Tolman, of Dorchester, daughter of Lemuel Tolman. She was born May 20, 1808, and died June 29, 1855. He was residing in Roxbury, Mass., in 1862, a mechanic. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : William, b. Jan. 18, 1832. 1073. Harriet, b. April 3, 1840. Mary E. T., b. June 18, 1833. 1074. Albert, b. Oct. 3, 1834. Died 1075. Nov. 11, 1834. 1076. Sarah H., b. Jan. 27, 1836. 1077. Died April 10, 1862. Lucy Ann, b. Oct. 6, 1838. 1068.1069.1070.1071. Otis, b. Nov. 7, 1841. Angeline, b. Dec. 1, 1845. Julia M., b. Aug. 1, 1848. Charles F., b. July 28, 1850. Died Aug. 5, 1850. 1072. William married Cabrilla Kemp, and settled at Mount Pleasant, Saratoga County, N. Y. His children are : (1078) Willie? (1079) Eddie? and (1080) Charles? Mary married Edward W. Murry, of Roxbury, July 4, 1852. Lucy married David G. Hovey, of Willimanton, Vt. [410.] LIBBEUS7 PECK, son of Benoni,6 married Emeline Flint, of Ashford, Conn., daughter of Aaron Flint, November 24, 1831. They reside in Providence, R. I. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1081. Emeline, b. Oct. 15, 1833. 1086. 1082. Edward Flint, b. July 10, 1835. Died Oct. 18, 1836. 1083. Eliza Ann, b. Sept. 20, 1837. 1084. Frances Emeline, b. Feb. 14, 1840. 1085. Edward Kimball, b. Jan. 1, 1843. Lucy Adaline, b. Oct. 14, 1844( Died Feb. 26, 1849. 1087. George Libbeus, b. Dec. 19, 1846. Died June 29, 1847. 1088. George Libbeus, b. Jan. 22, 1848. Died Feb. 19, 1849. [415.] SYLVESTER7 PECK, son of Benoni,6 married Elenor Baird, of New York city, April 29, 1841. His family were resid ing at Bridgeport, Conn., in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION ! 1089. William C, b. Feb. 10, 1842. 1092. Elenor Jane, b. Feb. 19, 1847. 1090. Sarah A., b. Aug. 21, 1843. 1093. Lucy Ann, b. Sept. 28, 1853. 1091. Oscar, b. May 27, 1845. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 1'03 [418.] EDMOND J.7 PECK, son of Edmond,6 married Peddy Peck, No. 435, daughter of Cromwell Peck, of Rehoboth, Mass., October 28, 1822. He died March 10, 1829. She survived him, and married James Bliss, by whom she had five children. She was residing in Attleborough, Mass., in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1094. Catharin A., b. Sept. 1,1823. 1097. Edmond E., b. Oct. 3, 1828. 1095. Caleb S., b. Feb. 5, 1825. Died Aug. 10, 1829. 1096. Phebe A., b. Dec. 3, 1826. Died Feb. 17, 1849. [420.] ARNOLD7 PECK, son of Edmond,6 married Betsey Hicks. He was a sea-faring man, and has not been heard from for many years. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1098. Alice N., b. April 15, 1825. 1101. Adaline, b. July 1830. Died May 26, 1857. 1102. Charles, b. July 3, 1838. Died 1099. Cyrus F., b. Dec. 22, 1826. Aug. 20, 1860. Died July 12, 1858. 1103. George, b. June 20, 1840. 1100. Martha M., b. Aug. 1828. Died Sept. 15, 1859. [421 .] OTIS T.7 PECK, son of Edmond,6 settled in Waterbury, Conn., where he died, in 1851. He married Laura Ann Kilbourn. She died in 1860, aged 49 years. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1104. Fidelia A. 1109. Erwin H. 1105. Wellington. 1110. Edward L. 1106. Hollister. 1111. Thomas J. 1107. Maria Louisa. 1112. Emogene. 1108. Frank C. 1113. Mary J. Fidelia A. married, first, Cyrus P. Morrill ; second, Luther Fuller ; and was residing in Boston in 1864. [423.] HENRY W.7 PECK, son of Edmond,6 married Anna Maria Pettee. They resided in East Taunton, Mass., in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1114. Mary Muncrief, b. May 18, 1116. Walter Henry, b. April 25, 1846. 1849. 1115. Deborah Austin, b. Nov. 11, 1117. James Edmond, b. June 21, 1847. 1851. 1118. Frank Wheaton, b. Oct. 7, 1853. Mary M. married George A. Hall, of North Bridgewater, September 1862. 104 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIRST. [433.] BILLINGS7 PECK, son of Cromwell,6 married Delila Goff, daughter of Charles Goff, January 9, 1825. She was born February 24, 1807. They reside in Rehoboth, Mass. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1119. Francis H., b. March 10, 1826. 1121. Hattie A., b. June 15, 1845. 1120. Caroline P., b. July 28, 1837. Francis H. married Harriet Goff, daughter of Shubael Goff, of Rehoboth, Mass. Their children are : (1122) Billings? b. October 18, 1849; (1123) Har riet E.? b. March 11, 1851; (1124) Emma F? b. March 7, 1852; (1125) George B.? b. February 26, .1854; (1126) Cora J.? b. September 11, 1856; and (1127) George H.?b. October 18, 1858. Caroline married Daniel B. Clement, of Norwich, Vt. Hattie was residing at home, unmarried, in 1863. [434.] PARLEAMON7 PECK, son of Cromwell,6 married Polly L. Green, widow of John Davis Green, of Rehoboth, Mass., March 10, 1833. He at first settled in Rehoboth, and afterwards in Illinois. He died at Joliet, Will County, March 28, 1857. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1128. Shubael H., b. July 29, 1836. He resided at Bristol, Kendall County, 111., in 1863. He married Lucia M. Wheeler, December 21, 1862. Their children are : (1129) Parker A.? b. October 1, 1863, and Julia Emma? b. January 14, 1866. The last name was not received until after the arrangement of the work, too late to be numbered and entered in the index. [436.] NELSON7 PECK, son of Cromwell,6 married Polly Cole, daughter of George Cole, of Rehoboth, Mass., September 12, 1830. They were residing in Monroe, Wisconsin, in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1130. Andros, b. Sept. 13, 1833. 1132. Arthur, b. June 25, 1846. 1131. Everett, b. March 3, 1838. Andros married Lucinda Humphrey. He was in the Union Army, Wiscon sin Volunteers, 22d Regiment, in 1863. Their children were : (1133) Otis C? Everett E? and (1134) Willard H? Everett married Mary E. Cameron. He was residing in Green County, Wis., in 1863. Their child was : (1135) Sarah E? Arthur was attending the Wisconsin University, in 1863, unm. [437.] BBADFORD W.7 PECK, son of Cromwell,6 resides in the southwesterly part of Attleborough, Mass. He married DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 105 Lucretia A. Horton, daughter of Wheeler Horton, December 17, 1835. She was born August 25, 1809. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1136. Amanda A., b. Jan. 6, 1837. 1138. A daughter, b. April 12, 1846. 1137. John B., b. Oct. 4, 1842. Died in infancy. Amanda married Ebenezer Short, February 20, 1856. John B. was serving his country, in the Army of the Potomac, in 1863. [441.] PARMENIO W.7 PECK, son of Williams,6 married Abigail Gauss, daughter of Benjamin Gauss, of East Bloomfield, N. Y., a revolutionary soldier, and one of the first settlers of the town. They resided at East Bloomfield, N. Y., in 1860. He is a farmer. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1139. Elias C, b. March 13, 1836. 1142. Sarah C, b. May 26, 1844. 1140. Abigail G., b. Dec. 22, 1839. 1143. Phebe E., b. April 5, 1851. 1141. Benjamin, b. AprU 1, 1842. Elias C. is a farmer, settled at East Bloomfield, N. Y. Abigail, Sarah and Phebe were residing at home, in 1863. Benjamin enlisted in the 85th Regiment, Company A., New York Volun teers, August 1861, and died in the Douglass Hospital, at Washington, of the typhoid fever, June 8, 1862. [442.] LRA R.7 PECK, son of Williams,6 resides in East Bloomfield. He is a farmer. He married Clarissa Hamlin, daughter of William Hamlin. She died May 1833. CHILDREN — EIGHTH' GENERATION : 1144. Herman J., b. Sept. 7, 1832. Herman J. married Helen Root. He resides at East Bloomfield ; a farmer. [444.] HORATIO N.7 PECK, son of Williams,6 resides at Rochester, N. Y., where he is extensively engaged in the milling business. He married Hannah M. Colby, daughter of Col. East man Colby, of Ogden, Monroe County, N. Y., August 13, 1851. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1145. Eastman C, b. May 6, 1853. 1148. Lewis R., b. Sept. 30, 1857. 1146. Horatio N., b. Aug. 26, 1854. Died July 10, 1864. 1147. Lucy H., b. May 9, 1856. 1149. William M., b. June 9, 1859. Died Feb. 8, 1860. 106 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [447.] JOSEPHUS7 PECK, son of Lemuel,6 married Lemyra Salsbury, daughter of Levi Salsbury, of Rehoboth, Mass., July 3, 1825. She was born July 18, 1802. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1150. Sally A., b. June 9, 1826. 1151. Flora E., b. April 27,1841. There were three other children in this family, who died young. Sally A. married Israel Dean, November 27, 1845, and settled at Taunton, Mass. Flora E. married Charles R. Burt, May 14, 1862, and settled in Nevada. [450] JONATHAN J.7 PECK, son of James,6 resides in Barre, Vt. He is a farmer. He has been twice married : first, to Mira Jane Tucker, daughter of Jonas Tucker, Esq., of Newbury, N. H. ; second, to Roxanna Lowell, daughter of David Lowell, of Salsbury, N. H. His first wife died January 30, 1846. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1152. Jonas Oramele, b. Sept. 4, 1156. Clara Jones, b. Jan. 15, 1856. 1836. 1157. EflSe Lowell, b. May 18, 1857. 1153. Abbie Jane, b. Feb. 12, 1838. Died Nov. 19, 1861. 1154. Eugene Chase, b. May 29, 1840. 1158. Jonathan Jones, b. Dec. 20, 1859. Died Jan. 16, 1862. By second wife : 1159. George Herbert, b. Aug. 29, 1155. Flora May, b. July 15, 1854. 1861. Died Nov. 17, 1861. Jonas O. is a Methodist clergyman; was settled in Chelsea, Mass., in 1863. Abbie married Dr. Joseph L. Perkins, November 6, 1862. They were resid ing in St. Johnsbury, Vt., in 1863. Eugene C. was in the Navy Yard, at Boston, unm., in 1863. [456.] MARTIN H.7 PECK, son of Ebenezer,6 first settled in Vermont, and then in Ohio. He afterwards moved to Nauvoo, 111., and from there to Salt Lake, U. T. He married, for his first wife, Susan C. Clough, of Danville, Vt., June 18, 1827. She died in West Milton, Ohio, November 6, 1843. For his second wife, he married Mary Thorne, at Nauvoo, 111., March 28, 1844. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : Edwin M., b. July 24, 1828. Hezekiah H., b. March 19, 1845. Joseph A., b. April 4, 1830. Susan, b. Nov. 28, 1848. James E., b. March 7, 1832. Mary A., b. Oct. 11, 1850. William P., b. April 15, 1834. Sarah E., b. Sept. 7, 1852. Died Sept. Eugene H., b. May 25, 1837. 29, 1853. Hiram, b. Nov. 25, 1840. Horton T., b. Aug. 20, 1854. Died Henry, b. Nov. 25, 1840. Oct. 24, 1855. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. . 107 The record of the above family was received after the arrangement of the work, too late to be numbered and entered in the index. [458.] JAMES M.7 PECK, son of Ebenezer,6 settled in Ken tucky. He married Melinda James, daughter of Thomas James, of Graves County, Ky., January 22, 1839. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1160. Lucius, b. Oct. 13, 1839. 1165. Rodman P., b'. Sept. 20, 1850. 1161. Luvertia, b. April 25, 1841. 1166. Mary F., b. Feb. 16, 1853. 1162. Julia A., b. Jan. 16, 1843. 1167. Emma H, b. Dec. 19, 1855. 1163. Edward A., b. July 8, 1845. 1168. James M., b. Oct. 23, 1857. 1164. Melinda, b. Sept. 24, 1847. Julia A. married David Stubblefleld, of Graves County, Ky., December 17 1861. [461.] LUCIUS W.7 PECK, son of Ebenezer,6 married Eliz abeth Vore, October 26, 1842. They settled at West Milton, Miami County, Ohio, where he resided until 1863, when, as his wife writes, he migrated to Salt Lake City, leaving her and her children at Milton. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1169. Susan Vore, b. Sept. 2, 1843. 1174. Nancy Ellen, b. Aug. 1, 1854. 1170. Rebecca Ann, b. Feb. 14, 1846. 1175. Emma Caroline, b. June 23, 1171. Mary Parolee, b. Feb. 24, 1848. 1857. 1172. Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 22, 1176. Eliza Alice, b. Nov. 12, 1860. 1850. 1177. Eldora Bell, b. July 4, 1862. 1173. Martha Jane, b. Oct. 14, 1852. Died Aug. 23, 1853. Susan V. married Adam D. Leckrone, August 21, 1862. They reside in Monroe, Miami County, Ohio. Their son, William Henry? was born May 25, 1863. [462.] CYRIL C7 PECK, son of Cyril C.,6 married Hannah W. Bliss, daughter of Cyrus Bliss, of Rehoboth, January 25, 1843. They reside in North Rehoboth, where he is engaged in trade. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1178. Edwin A., b. Nov. 2, 1843. 1182. William H., b. Aug. 23, 1850. 1179. Hannah M., b. March 2, 1845. 1183. Charles H., b. July 18, 1853. 1180. Sarah, b. April 1846. Died in Died April 14, 1861. infancy. 1184. Charles E., b. May 27, 1861. 1181. Henry M., b. Sept. 27, 1848. Died July 17, 1853. 108 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [463.] JOSEPH S.7 PECK, son of Cyril C.,6 married Lu- cinda Woodward, daughter of David Woodward, of Norton, Mass. He was wrecked at sea, between November 4 and 11, 1846. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1185. Lorinda R., b. 1839. Died in 1187. Mary A., b. Nov. 1842. infancy. 1188. Sarah W., b. June 1844. Died 1186. Marcus R., b. Nov. 1840. Aug. 8, 1861. [466.] PHILIP W.7 PECK, son of Cyril C.,6 married Fanny J. Barney, of Swansey, Mass. They reside in South Rehoboth, Mass., where he is engaged in trade. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1189. Thomas D., b. Aug. 20, 1844. 1192. Josephine M., b. March 3, 1851. 1190. Cassandana F.,b. Sept. 9, 1846. 1193. Mary E., b. July 7, 1853. 1191. Cyril C, b. AprU 17, 1849. 1194. Cynthia H., b. July 2, 1858. [470.] GEORGE G.7 PECK, son of Cyril C.,6 married Su san Gifford, for his first wife, and Sarah Harri's, for his second. He resides in Mattapoisett, Mass. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1195. Sarah G., b. April 1857. [471.] ALFRED R.7 PECK, son of Cyril C.,6 married Mary Easterbrooks, of Swansey, daughter of Joseph Easterbrooks. They reside in Rehoboth, Mass. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1196. James W., b. Aug. 27, 1855. 1197. Mary F., b. Dec. 29, 1858. [474.] WILLIAM7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 was a physi cian, and settled at Cincinnati, Ohio. He died June 2, 1857. He married Jane Thane, daughter of Dr. Samuel Thane, of Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1198. Ann Thane, b. March 1, 1824. 1201. Wiliiam Henry, b. April 20, Died Nov. 21, 1842. 1830. 1199. Susan Jane, b. Dec. 10, 1825. 1202. George Bachelor, b. Sept. 14, Died Feb. 26, 1826. 1833. 1200. Mary Gano, b. March 11, 1828. 1203. Harriet Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1835. 1204. Edwin Tyler, b. Jan: 9, 1839. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK,' JR. 109 [475.] REV. SOLOMON7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 was graduated at Brown University, at the age of 1 6 years, and after wards became one of the teachers. At 20, he entered the Theo- ological Institution, at Andover, Mass. ; was ordained to the minis try of the gospel at 23 ; became Professor of Latin and Hebrew at Amherst College at 25 ; at 32, was appointed missionary to France by the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, and . subsequently was their Foreign Secretary at Boston, Mass., more than twenty years ; within which period he visited their missions in France, Germany and Greece, and in 1852-3—4, those in Hither India, Assam and Burmah. In 1861, on the reduction of Port Royal, S. C, he went to the front, and became pastor of the Beau fort (colored) church, remaining till the close of the war. In 1866, he became chaplain of the "Disabled Soldiers' Home," in Boston, Mass. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Waterville College, Me., and from his Alma Mater. He was highly distinguished in all the offices he held, performing his various duties with signal ability. - He is a fine scholar, an ele gant and chaste writer, and noted for his high moral and religious character. He married Elizabeth R. Hooker, daughter of Rev. Asahel Hooker, and great-granddaughter of President Jonathan Edwards, May 11, 1826. His residence is in Roxbury, Mass. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1205. Elizabeth Hooker, b. March 1206. Sarah Edwards, b. April 2, 17, 1840. 1842. [478.] GEORGE B.7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 resides in Providence, R. I. He graduated at Brown University in 1826. He was admitted to the Bar in 1830. He relinquished the profes sion in a few years for mercantile pursuits, in which he is still eno-aged. He married Ann P. Smith, daughter of John K. Smith. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1207. George B., jr., b. Aug. 12, 1209. Emily S., b. Feb. 2, 1847. 18±3. Died Feb. 2, 1847. 1208 John B., b. June 30, 1845. 1210. William T., b. July 25, 1848. 1211. Annie S., b. Oct. 17, 1850. 10 110 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. George B., jr., graduated at Brown University in 1864. He was elected 2d Lieutenant in the 2d Regt. R. I. Volunteers, December 13, 1864; was wounded at Sailors' Creek, Va., April 6, 1865 ; resigned his commission, and was honor- orably discharged, June 30, 1865. John B. graduated at Brown University in 1866. He was appointed acting third assistant engineer in the U. S. Navy, November 20, 1866, and ordered to the Naval Academy for a professional course of study. He was promoted to full third assistant, June 1868; and assigned to active duty on the U. S. Ship Mohongo, of the North Pacific Squadron. William T. is a member of the class to graduate in 1870, Brown University. [482.] LEWIS7 PECK, son of David,6 married, for his first wife, Mary Ann Fowler, of Yonkers, Westchester County, N. Y, daughter of Benjamin Fowler. For his second wife, Eliza Bunker, of New York city. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1212. Benjamin; left no issue. 1216. Lewis. Died young. 1213. Ann Eliza. 1217. Esther. Died unmarried. 1214. Susan Jane. 1218. Harriet Louisa. 1215. Aaron ; no issue. 1219. Lewis. Died young. Ann E. married William Sawin, of New York city. Susan J. married John Rich, of New York city. Harriet L. married Henry K. Potter, of Providence, R. I. [498.] HLRAM H.7 PECK, son of Hiram,6 was residing at Potsdam, N. Y., in 1863. He married Cornelia Harmon, August 16, 1843. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1220. Charles Kibburn, b. June 15, 1222. Arthur, b. Feb. 23, 1853. 1845. Died Oct. 17, 1851. Died Aug. 28, 1854. 1221. Hiram Harper, b. June 6, 1849. 1223. Anna Cornelia, b. July 12, 1855. [500.] JOHN W.7 PECK, son of Hiram,6 was residing in Cynthiana, Ky., in 1863. He married Nancy J. Veach, March 2, 1843, daughter of David Veach, Esq. He was born in Harrison County, where he resided until his decease. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1224. Hiram D.,b. March 23, 1844. 1227. Lydia W., b. Aug. 7, 1855. 1225. Mary K., b. March 25, 1848. Died June 7, 1859. 1226. Lucy W., b. April 19, 1853. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. Ill [501.] COMER M.7 PECK, son of Hiram,6 was residing at Potsdam, N. Y., in 1863. He married Sarah Minerva Hoit, May 23, 1848. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1228. Mary Emma, b. June 19, 1852. 1230. Edward Mason, b. March 4, 1229. Fred Hoit, b. May 10, 1856. 1858. Died April 7, 1859. 1231. Frank Mason, b. Jan. 9, 1860. [504.] ADDISON PECK, son of Nathaniel, resides upon the homestead in East Montpelier, Vt., where he is a prominent man. He devotes much of his time, I am told, to public business, settling estates, acting as guardian, etc. He has been honored with various offices and public trusts. He has represented his town in the General Assembly, and has also been a member of the Senate. He has also been High Sheriff. He married Mary Dodge, May 14, 1837, daughter of Solomon Dodge, of Calais, Vt. She was born December 20, 1811. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1232. Marietta, b. AprU 18, 1841. 1234. Ellen Ortensa, b. Jan. 8, 1847. 1233. John Howard, b. March 8, 1235. Martha Orlana, b. March 25, 1843. 1849. [505.] RUSSELL7 PECK, son of Nathaniel,6 resides, in East Montpelier, near the homestead, an industrious and thrifty farmer. He married Olive Hedges, daughter of Elijah Hedges. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1236. Charles M., b. Dec. 1843. [507.] NAHUM7 PECK, son of Squire,6 resides in Hines- burg, Vt. He is a lawyer of extensive practice. He has been a member of the Vermont Legislature, and held other honorable positions. He has been twice married : first, to Lucinda Wheeler, of Montpelier, Vt, October 1825; second, to Marcia Wood, of Keesville, N. Y., May 12, 1857. His first wife died January 17, 1854. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1237. Cicero Godard, b. Feb. 17, 1827. He married Maria C. Coleman, daughter of Maj.-Gen. Coleman, of Wil- liston, Vt., March 1854. They reside in Hinesburg. 112 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [514] LUCIUS B.7 PECK, of Montpelier, Vt., son of John,6 is an attorney-at-law of much distinction. He has been a member of Congress. He married Martha Day, daughter of Bra Day, of Barre, 'Vt., May 10, 1832.* CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1238. Ann, married William M. Mallory, of Corning, N. Y. [524.] CHAUNCEY7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 resides in Bos ton, Mass. He married Jemima Bush, daughter of Ephraim Bush, of Templeton, Mass., June 13, 1824. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1239. Alfred P., b. Aug. 16, 1825. 1242. Georgianna E., b. Jan. 29, 1240. Charles L., b. Dec. 16, 1827. 1830. 1241. Chauncey L., b. Aug. 15, 1828. 1243. Frederick C, b. March 7, 1832. Two children, who were twins, died in infancy, unnamed. Alfred was residing at home in 1863. Charles L. died in California, March 30, 1852. Chauncey L. died in the army, August 30, 1862. Georgianna married Charles C. Littlefleld, of Boston. She died September 4, 1854. Frederick died March 4, 1850. [525.] POMROY7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 married Amanda Searls, of Sutton, Mass., where they settled. He died August 1854. " She was residing in Sutton in 1866. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1244. Clarinda Amanda, b. June 12, 1246. Daniel Pomroy, b. July 15, 1829. * 1836. 1245. Elvira Maria, b. March 13, 1247. Delia Gale, b. March 27, 1838. 1832. 1248. James Madison, b. May 30, 1845. Died April 30, 1848. [528.] LYMAN7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 settled in Royalston, Mass. Hemarried Lorina Davis, January 21, 1829, daughter of Joseph Davis, of Royalston, Mass., for his first wife, and Fanny Harrington, widow of Abraham Harrington, formerly Fanny Har- wood, for his second wife, December 6, 1860. His first wife died May 9, 1860. He died December 2, 1862. * He died December 28, 1866. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 113 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1249. Wayland F., b. Nov. 2, 1830. 1253. Polina L., b. April 12, 1838. 1250. Philander L., b. May 1832. 1254. Nelson F., b. July 1840. 1251. Eugene F., b. Dec. 1833. 1255. Joseph W., b. March 1842. 1252. Willard, b. Dec. 1835. Died 1256. Daniel W., b. April 10, 1843. Dec. 1835. 1257. Lowell H, b. Oct. 1845. Wayland F. married Mary Burnett; resides in Athol, Mass. Their children are: (1258) Stella May? b. July 1856, and (1259) Mary Estella? b. 1861. Stella May9 died September 1857. Philander L. married Roxanna Lewis ; resided in Royalston in 1864. Chil dren were : (1260) Ella? b. in 1856 ; (1261) Edwin? b. in 1859 ; and (1262) Lyman, b. January 8, 1864. Eugene F. married Rosina Glaze, and settled in Ohio. Polina L. married Noah Rankin, and settled in Erving, Mass. Joseph W. married Roxy Mayo, and settled in Orange, Mass. [529.] SULLIVAN7 PECK, son of Daniel,6 resided in Roy alston, Mass., in 1864. He married Czarina Davis, daughter of Joseph Davis, of Royalston, May 29, 1831. She was born August 7, 1808. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1263. Martha J., b. March 10, 1832. 1267. Georgianna, b. April 23, 1843. 1264. Chauncey P., b. April 5, 1834. 1268. Hamilton S., b. Oct. 22, 1845. 1265. Warren D., b. Feb. 28, 1836. 1269. Hammond W., b. Sept. 28, 1266. Elsa J., b. July 1, 1838. 1847. Martha J. married Stephen Gates, and was residing in Burlington, Vt., in 1863. Their children were : Walter B? and Nellie G? Chauncey C. married Mary Collopy ; was residing in Burlington, Vt., in 1863. Their child was : (1270) Warren L.? b. August 10, 1861. [538.] JOHN Q. A.7 PECK, son of Ichabod,6 married Fanny Cutler, June 6, 1832. He was residing at Montpelier, Vt, in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1271. Charles, b. Jan. 29, 1834. 1273. Alonzo T., b. July 1, 1838. 1272. Frances M., b. May 30, 1836. 1274. Mary, b. Oct. 24, 1840. [539.] WILLIAM N.7 PECK, son of Ichabod,6 married Julia Clark, January 16, 1838. He resided at Montpelier, Vt., in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1275. James S., b. Dec. 6, 1838. 1277. Rawsel K., b. March 26, 1850. 1276. George A., b. July 10, 1842. 1278. John W., b. April 29, 1853. 10* 114 PECK GENEALOGY. — PART FIRST. [546.] DANIEL7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 was residing in Charlestown, Mass., in 1864. He has been three times married: first, to Smith ; second, to Lydia W. Moor ; third, to Mar garet Moor. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1279. Georgia A. E., b. Nov. 19, 1282. Lydia W., b. July 18, 1850. 1844. 1283. Bradford, b. Feb. 21, 1853. 1280. Chauncey W., b. July 28, 1846. 1284. Charles H., b. Jan. 9, 1855. 1281. Daniel M., b. Dec. 30, 1847. [552.] JEROME B.7 PECK, son of Calvin,6 settled in Med- way, Mass., where he died January 22, 1861. He was twice mar ried: first, to Harriet Hixon, October 24, 1837; she was born February 24, 1816, and died January 11, 1855; second, to Mary Ann Miggs (widow), February 14, 1856. She was born March 5, 1822. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1285. William G., b. March 10, 1839. 1287. George G., b. Nov. 19, 1856. 1286. Sarah Jane, b. March 5, 1847. [555.] NAPOLEON B.7 PECK, son of Calvin,6 resides at Woonsocket, R. I. He married Ann Roberts, daughter of Adams Roberts, of Exeter, R. I. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1288. Ann, b. Feb. 21, 1864. [557.] MOSES7 PECK, son of Moses,6 resides at Hyde Park. He married Julia A. White, daughter of Seth White, of Water- bury, Vt, October 22, 1844. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1289. Jane, b. Dec. 28, 1846. 1293. Lilly K., b. June 23, 1855. 1290. Kate, b. Feb. 12, 1849. Died 1294. James R. L., b. Jan. 14, 1858. May 25, 1851. 1295. Carrie S., b. Oct 10, 1860. 1291. John C, b. March 25, 1851. b. April 2, 1863. 1292. Willie B., b. April 4, 1853. [558.] JOHN C.7 PECK, son of Moses,6 resides in Wau- kegan, 111. He married Hannah Tucker, November 2, 1853. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 115 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1296. Charles E., b. Aug. 2, 1854. 1297. John C. jr., b. Feb. 12, 1857. Died Aug. 24, 1854. Died Dec. 5, 1863. [559.] CHARLES E.7 PECK, son of Moses,6 resides at Win- netka, 111. He married Sarah M. Russ, October 21, 1841. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1298. Marion A., b. Jan. 3, 1843. 1299. Helen M., b. Nov. 25, 1844. [561.] HORACE M.7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 married Ro- silla Bourn, daughter of Joseph Bourn. He was residing in Lib erty, Ohio, in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1300. Almerine H., b. May 1842. 1303. Harriet R., b. May 1850. 1301. Mary B., b. Sept. 1843. 1304. Lucy L., b. July 1852. 1302. Joseph J., b. May 1846. [562.] SEWEL W.7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 married, for his first wife, Chloe Melvin, daughter of Nathan Melvin, of Tops ham, Vt. ; and for his second wife, Mary A. Perrin, widow of Wil liam Perrin, formerly Mary A. Wheeler, daughter of Otis Wheeler. His first wife died April 12, 1845. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1305. Melvin R., b. Oct. 1830. 1307. Martha D., b. May 1836. 1306. Narcissa A., b. Oct. 1833. 1308. Henry H., b. Oct. 1840. Melvin B. married Percy Curtiss, daughter of David Curtiss. Their chil dren are : (1309) Leonora A.? (ISWyMartha C? (1311) Jenette" and (1312) Henry W? Narcissa A. married Elnathan Carpenter. Martha D. married James Brown. [571.] JOHN N.7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 married Lois Blood, of Coi'iuth, Vt. They reside in Gorham, Fulton County, N. Y. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1313. Laura J., b. March 12, 1850. 1315. Allen S., b. Sept. 19, 1860. 1314. Gillman D., b. Dec. 29, 1853. 116 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. [572 ] WILLIAM N.7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 married Sarah E. Wright, daughter of Alexander Wright, of Johnstown, Ohio. They resided in Johnstown, Ohio, where he died, September 28, 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1316. Victory, b. Aug. 1849. 1318. Charles Grandville, b. Jan. 1317. George Willie, b. June 1855. 1859. 1319. Maria Emma, b. July 1862. [575.] DEXTER7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 resided at Ker- kersville, Ohio. He married Comfort Parkinson, daughter of John Parkinson, June 1853. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1320. Perry, b. May 1854. 1322. Willis R., b. Nov. 1858. 1321. William F., b. Aug. 1856. Died 1323. Mary J., b. March 1860. Died Sept. 1857. Sept. 20, 1863. [579. J HORATIO N.7 PECK, son of James,6 resided in Kan sas, in 1863. He married Emily Carrier. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1324. Emily. 1325. Mary. [580.] ARNOLD M.7 PECK, son of James,6 resided in Hat field, Mass., in 1863. He married, for his first wife, Annis Tower, of Chesterfield. She died September 21, 1825. For his second wife, he married Myra H. Stevens. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1326. Jane J., b. March 31, 1842. 1327. Hattie L., b. in 1858. Died Sept. 15, 1842. [585.] PHILIP7 PECK, son of Benoni,6 settled in Walpole, N. H. ; a merchant, now retired from business., He married Mar tha Ellen Bellows, daughter of Thomas Bellows, November 21, 1839. She was born April 1, 1811. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: * 1328. Henry Philip, b. Aug. 31, 1840. 1329. Thomas Bellows, b. Aug. 18, Died July 13, 1852. 1842. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, JR. 117 [586.] LEVI7 PECK, son of Benoni,6 resides in Chelsea, Mass. ; is in mercantile business, in Boston. He married Lucy M. Whitcomb, daughter of Mark Whitcomb, of Winchendon, Mass., December 2, 1844. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1330. Charles Henry, b. June 4, 1847. 1331. Frederick Whitcomb, b. Oct. 10, 1849. [587.] JAMES W.7 PECK, son of Benoni,6 was a merchant, in Boston, for a number of years. His health failed him, and he retired from business, and died in Winchendon, in April 1860. He married Caroline M. Ladd, of Boston. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1332. James Benjamin, b. March 21, 1333. George Walter, b. Jan. 1849. 1847. [592.] HERNY7 PECK, son of Benoni,6 resides in Winchen don, Mass., where he is engaged in the marble business. He mar ried Mary Frances Cory, of Fitzwilliam. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1334. Henry Eddy, b. March 1862. [396.] ROYAL C.7 PECK, son of Oliver C.,6 married Ma tilda Drown, daughter of Joshua Drown. He resides upon the homestead, with his father. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1335. Lepha, b. 1857. [601.] RUFUS A.7 PECK, son of Rufus,6 resides in New Providence, Ind. He married Lydia B. Dow. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1336. Theodore A., b. Sept. 9, 1849. [603.] CALVIN J.7 PECK, son of Caleb,6 resides in See konk, Mass. He married Emeline Lock, daughter of Thomas Lock, of Lexington, Mass., April 7, 1844. 118 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1337. Thomas J., b. Jan. 15. 1845. 1341. Harriet E., b. June 18, 1853. 1338. Mary M., b. Aug. 18, 1846. 1342. George G., b. May 18, 1856. 1339. Hannah C, b. Feb. 1, 1849. 1343. Andrew R., b. Aug. 19, 1860. 1340. Henry C, b. Jan. 13, 1851. 1344. Fanny, b. May 27, 1863. [609.] HENRY R.7 PECK, son of Caleb,6 resided in Provi dence, R. I. He married Abba Carr, daughter of Capt. Caleb Carr, of Warren, R. I. He died May 1857. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1345. Henry C, b. May 1855. 1346. Jesse Fremont, b. 1857. [612.] HIRAM A.7 PECK, son of Samuel,6 resides in Salem, Ind. He is a merchant. He married Ellen Cone, of Ohio, March 30, 1855. She died March 14, 1862. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1347. Mattie, b. Jan. 30, 1856. 1349. George, b. Sept. 10, 1859. 1348. Nora, b. Sept. 1, 1857. [625.] ALLEN O.7 PECK, son of Allen,6 resides in Provi dence, R. I. He was for many years President of the American Insurance Company, and is now President of the Narraganset Fire and Marine Insurance Company. He married Mary Eliza beth Whitaker. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1350. Ellen Ormsbee, b. Aug. 8, 1856. 1353. Elizabeth Andrews, b. Nov. 2, 1351. Mary Talbert, b. April 12, 1858. 1861. 1352. Maria Stores, b. Dec. 3, 1859. [628.] OTIS7 PECK, son of Joseph,6 married Sarah Allen, of Barton, Vt. He died in Thompson, Conn., December 7, 1835. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1354. Emily W., b. Nov. 10, 1822. 1356. Minerva A., b. April 3, 1827. 1355. Lydia E., b. Jan. 10, 1825. Died Aug. 1848. Died Sept. 20, 1852. 1357. A son. Died in infancy. Emily W. married Samuel Butterfield. [629.] ARNOLD7 PECK, son of Joseph,6 resides near Paw- tucket, R. I. He has been twice married : first, to Content Stevens 119 (widow), formerly Content Barney, daughter of Cyrenus Barney; second, to Sylvia Freeman, daughter of Daniel Freeman, of Attle borough, Mass. He was married to his first wife, October 2, 1832. She died September 27, 1846. He was married to his second wife May 3, 1849. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1358. Samuel Arnold, b. Aug. 4, 1833. 1360. Susan, b. May 22, 1838. Died Died Dec. 17, 1834. May 26, 1840. 1359. Sarah Temperance, b. March 2, 1836. Died Dec. 6, 1838. [637.] BARTON7 PECK, son of Josiah,6 settled, at first, in Indiana, where he remained about fifteen years. In 1836, he left, as captain of a company, for Texas, and after the battle of Jacinto remained in the State, and engaged in business there. He died at his residence, at Goliad, October 13, 1861. He married Frances 0. Menefee, daughter of Thomas Menefee, Esq., of Texas. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1366. Alonzo. 1367. Samuel. 1368. Mary. 1369. George. 1370. A son. Died in infancy. [640.] JOSIAH7 PECK, son of Josiah,6 resides in Washing ton, Daviess County, Ind. He married Elizabeth P. Ladd, daugh ter of Dann Ladd, of Lebanon, Madison County, N. Y. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1371. Ellen D., b. April 25, 1835. 1375. Lewis J., b. June 9, 1844. Died Nov. 3, 1841. 1376. Samuel W., b. Sept. 20, 1846. 1372. Barton P., b. April 18, 1837. Died June 29, 1848. Died June 3, 1842. 1377. Henry, b. Aug. 1, 1850. 1373. Mary A., b. Aug. 20, 1839. 1378. Hannah B., b. Oct. 29, 1853. 1374. Josiah E., b. April 9, 1842. Mary A. married James R. Clark, September 4, 1861. They reside in Wash ington, Daviess County, Ind. Their son, Samuel C? was born January 5, 1863. [643.] ALONZO7 PECK, son of Josiah,6 resides upon the homestead, at Eaton, N. Y. He is extensively engaged in the for- 1361. Lucina E. 1362. Susan. 1363. Frances. 1364. Barton. 1365. Viola. 120 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIRST. warding business, as well as in cheese making and farming. He married Maria A. Record, daughter of Darius Record, of Madison County, N. Y., January 1852. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1379. Hattie M., b. July 17, 1858. 1381. Lucy A., b. Oct. 29, 1861. 1380. Sophia E., b. Dec. 20, 1859. [655.] ISAAC7 PECK, son of Perez,6 resides in Coventry, R. I. He is a machinist by trade and occupation. He married Lucy Cordelia Brayton, December 9, 1845. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1382. Perez Lindley, b. April 25, 1384. Harriet Augusta, b. Aug. 1, 1849. 1858. 1383. Edgar Brayton, b. Jan. 7, 1855. PART SECOND. THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN2 PECK, SECOND SON OF JOSEPH1 THE ANCESTOR. John Peck was born in England, and came over to this country with his father, in 1638, being then about eleven years of age. He moved with the family from Hingham, Mass., to Seekonk, in 16 15. He settled in the southeast part of Seekonk, near what is now known as Luther's Corners. He was accepted as a freeman of the town in 1658, and drew his proportion in the meadows on the north side of the town. He was chosen one of the townsmen in 1680, and representative to the General Court of Massachusetts in 1700. He died in 1713. The inventory of his property was presented to the court, October 1713. His will is recorded upon the Records at Taunton, Mass., B. 3, p. 163. The following is a copy : In the name of God Amen. 'In the year one thousand seven hun dred and eight, in the seventh year of her Majesties Reign, on y" twenty six day of May ; I John Peck of Eehoboth in the county of Bristol in her Majesties Provinces of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ; Being aged & weak of body, & in expectation of my change, yet through the mircy of God I am whole & sound in my memory & understanding, & of a disposing mind ; do make this my last will & testament, for the disposing & settleing the things of this world w'h which the Lord hath intrusted me, to & amongst my wife and children in manner and form as followeth. And Imprimis. I bequeath my soul into the hands of my blessed Savior and Deer Bedeemer, & my body to the Dust, to be decently buried by my executor here in after named. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Esther Wilmarth, in 11 122 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART SECOND. addition to what her grand father gave her, wch was my proper Estate ; all that my lot of land in the Easterly side of y6 grand division, to her, & her heirs and assigns for ever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Dorothy Glover, & her husband Edward Glover, my house lot and all my buildings there on, provided ; he pay over to my executor here in after named, ten pounds money & the barn there on or, as many boards & nails as will build such a barn, and ten acres of undivided lands in Eehoboth already drawn for ; being part of my first alotment ; & one bed after my wive's decease, and fifteen pounds of commonage in said Rehoboth ; to be, and remain to them & their heirs & assigns forever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Anne Peck, thirty acres of land, lying on the easterly side of the white Oak hill, near Samuel Fullers. — likewise, fifteen pounds estate of commonage in Rehoboth, & one acre of salt marsh, and a cow or the value there of, at her mar riage ; to be and remain to her, and to her heirs & assigns for ever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Abigail Peck, fifty three acres of land, lying adjoining to seargent John Wilmarths house lot near Palmers River ; and one acre of salt marsh &, fifteen pounds estate of commonage, in Rehoboth ; and a bed after my wive's de cease ; to her, & her heirs and assigns for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Nathan Peck, all the rest and residue of my lands and meadows, with their quantitis & quali ties, both undivided and divided, in Eehoboth and Attleborough or where soever, & one yoke of oxen, with my yokes, carts, ploughs, chains & tools 5 and the bed on which I lodge, with the furniture, after my wives decease, hereby obliging him to take care, maintain & provide for my wife Eebecca Peck, in sickness and in health, for and during her natural life, with honorable full maintainance. I do hereby make my son Nathan Peck, my sole executor, of this, my last will and testament; hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal, this day & year, first above written. Signed sealed and published in the presence of us witnesses JOHN BUTTEEWORTH SAMUEL COOPER JOHN PECK DANIEL SMITH It appears from the records of Rehoboth, and from his will, that he was three times married. The records (book first) say, " Eliz- DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK. 123 abeth his wife was burried December 9, 1667"; and also after wards, that "Elizabeth his wife was burried April 21, 1687 "; and in his will he makes provision for his wife Rebecca. CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION : 1385. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1657. 1389. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 13, 1669. Buried Dec. 18, 1657. Buried July 29, 1687. 1386. Esther, b. Jan. 7, 1658. 1390. Dorothy, b. June 28, 1671. 1387. Anne, b. Oct. 6, 1661. Buried 1391. Rebecca, b. April 8, 1674. Feb. 26, 1662. 1392. Anne, b. July 17, 1677. , 1388. John, b. Oct. 7, 1664. Buried 1393.+Nathan, b. July 6, 1680. Dec. 18, 1666- rfr_ 1394> Abigail, b. March 16, 1682-3. Esther married a^— - Wilmarth. Dorothy married Edward Glover, April 3, 1707 (R. Rec, B. 1). [1393.] NATHAN3 PECK, son of John,2 it is supposed, settled upon the lands given him by his father, where he lived and died. He married Patience Carpenter, January 11, 1719. He died April 12, 1734 (T. Rec, B. 2). His widow was appointed administratrix upon his estate, June 18, 1734 (T. Rec, B. 8, p. 128). The estate was divided between the widow and children, April 4, 1749 (T. Rec, B. 11, p. 688). CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION: (T. ReC, B. 2, p. 28.) 1395. John, b. Oct. 5, 1721. 1399. Patience, b. Jan. 5, 1727-8. 1396.-r-Nathan, b. Dec. 31, 1722. 1400. Ann, b. July 30, 1732. Died 1397.-r-Charles, b. Jan. 5, 1724-5. June 27, 1733. 1398. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 6, 1726. John left no descendants. His estate, left him by his father, was divided between his brother Nathan and sisters, December 20, 1773, after his decease (T. Rec, B. 23, p. 154). Patience married Enos Walker. Elizabeth married Arnold ; was deceased at the time of the division of her father's estate, leaving a son, Daniel? and daughter, Elizabeth' Arnold. [1396.] NATHAN4 PECK, son of Nathan,3 resided upon the homestead. The house was a short distance south from Lu ther's Corners, now so called, upon the east side of the old Bristol and Boston road. It was taken down many years since, by Joseph West, into whose possession it came from his wife, the daughter of Nathan. Its location was pointed out to me by his son, from whom I obtained my information. The remains of the old cellar were to be seen when I visited the place. Nathan was twice married : 124 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART SECOND. first, to Martha Carpenter, May 11, 1749; second, to Rhoda Lu ther, of Swansey. His will is upon record at Taunton, B. 33, p. 500, dated June 13, 1793. He gives his wife Rhoda her dower in his estate, the improvement of his new dwelling-house, barn, and fifteen acres of land. He divides his property among his children : Martha, Susannah Weaver, the wife of James Weaver, Dorothy, Ann Emerson, wife of Ephraim Emerson, and Patience West, the wife of Joseph West, whom he makes the ex ecutor of his will. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : 1401. Martha, b. Oct. 13, 1749. 1404. Dorothy, b. May 11, 1760. Died 1402. Susannah, b. Dec. 25, 1751. unm. 1403.+Nathan, b. April 11, 1755. 1405. Patience, b. April 11, 1763. 1406. Ann, b: May 9, 1770. Susannah married James Weaver. Patience married Joseph West, of Seekonk. Joseph6 and Nathan6 West are her sons. Ann married Ephraim Emerson. Her children were : Ezekiel? John6 and Jerold.6 [1397.] CHARLES4 PECK, son of Nathan,3 resided near his brother, upon what has since been known in that vicinity as the Sweeting farm, where he died, April 15, 1799. He was twice married : first, to Rachel Sweeting, December 7, 1 749 ; second, to Lydia Fry, daughter of Stephen Fry. His first wife died February 20, 1774, and his second wife, July 20, 1797. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : 1407. Abigail, b. April 29, 1750. 1415.-r-Peter, b. June 15, 1769. 1408. Susannah, b. Nov. 5, 1752. 1416. Lucy, b. Nov. 8, 1771. Died Oct. 6, 1778. 1417. Lydia, b. May 8, 1775, by 2d 1409.+Charles, b. Feb. 17, 1755. wife. 1410. Rachel, b. Aug. 15, 1757. 1418. Stephen, b. Sept. 18, 1775. Hll.+John, b. Feb. 19, 1760. 1419. Asa, b. Feb. 13, 1780. Died 1412.+ Thomas S., b. July 11, 1762. unm., Dec. 24, 1797. 1413. Sarah, b. Nov. 7, 1764. 1420. Mary, b. June 18, 1782. 1414. James, b. March 5, 1767. Died, unm., Jan. 22, 1787. Abigail married Ebenezer Fuller. Her children were : Charles? Shubael? and Nancy? who married Col. Shorey, a Revolutionary soldier, and Lucy? who married Asa Armington, of Providence. These two girls were living in 1862. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK. 125 Bachel married Robinson Chafee and Ebenezer Short. Sarah married Henry West ; had no issue. Lucy married Darius Peck (No. 2714). Lydia married Sanford Ross. Her son, Jeremiah6 Ross, was residing in Providence in 1862. Mary married Levi Fuller. He died April 13, 1861. She residing, in 1862, with her son-in-law, Hermon A. Peck, of Providence. Stephen P. Ful ler? of Seekonk, and Calvin S.? of Providence, are her sons. Stephen was a physician. He settled and practised medicine in Province- town, Mass., where he died. He married Bethiah Nickerson. They had one child. It died in infancy. [1405.] NATHAN5 PECK, son of Nathan,4 lived and died near the residence of his father, upon the lands he had given him. The old house was taken down several years since. The place in 1862 was owned by the heirs of Ebenezer Miller. He married Anna Thurber, December 3, 1772. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1421. Nathan, b. Aug. 10, 1777. 1423. Ann, b. March 12, 1789. 1422.+Otis, b. Dec. 27, 1780. Nathan resided for several years upon the homestead ; then settled in At tleborough, Mass., near what is now known as Dodgeville, where he died about 1854. He married Abigail Fuller, daughter of Ebenezer Fuller. She died in 1858. He left no issue. [1409.] CHARLES5 PECK, son of Charles,4 remained upon the homestead. He was a deacon of the Baptist church. He mar ried Chloe Bliss, daughter of Deacon Jacob Bliss, of Rehoboth. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1424. Phebe, b. Aug. 8, 1780. Died 1426.-(-Obed, b. Dec. 27, 1784. July 29, 1781. 1427. Susan. 1425. Roxalana, b. June 15, 1782. 1428.+Sylvester, b. Nov. 2, 1798. Died May 8, 1784. Susan was residing in Seekonk in 1862, unmarried. [1411.] JOHN5 PECK, son of Charles,4 remained upon the homestead with his brother Charles, where he died, December 28, 1828. He married Rachel Bliss, daughter of Deacon Jacob Bliss. She died March 18, 1854, in her 85th year. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1429. Rachel, b. July 11, 1806. 1430. Louisa, b. Feb. 12, 1814. Mar ried Rev. Welcome Leonard. 11* 126 'peck GENEALOGY, — PART SECOND. Bachel married Perry Barney, January 5, 1842, of Seekonk, now East Prov idence, where they reside. Their children are : Bachel E.,7 b. November 16, 1842 ; Eliza K.,7 b. March 12, 1848, who died May 10, 1848 ; and John P.,7 b. September 17, 1851. [1412.] THOMAS5 PECK, son of Charles,4 settled in See konk, upon the farm recently occupied by Levi Fuller. He mar ried Rebecca Chafee, daughter of Nathaniel Chafee, of Seekonk, May 7, 1789. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1431. Huldah, b. July 5, 1791. 1438. Nancy A., b. May 1, 1802. 1432. James, b. Nov. 9, 1792. Died 1439. Daniel, b. Nov. 11, 1803. May 25, 1822, unm. Died July 12, 1804, unm. 1433.-|-Thomas, b. Sept. 2, 1794. 1440. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 28, 1804. 1434. Rebecca, b. Jan. 15, 1796. 1441. Hannah C, b. Dec. 20, 1806. 1435. Susannah, b. Sept. 20, 1797. 1442. Charlott, b. July 31, 1810. 1436.+Asa, b. Feb. 6, 1799. 1443. Darius, b. June 19, 1812. 1437. Ruth, b. Dec. 25, 1800. Died in infancy. Huldah married Nathaniel Millard ; was residing in Rehoboth in 1862, a widow. Bebecca married Philip Millard ; was residing in Rehoboth in 1862, a widow. Susannah married Jonathan Monroe, of Swansey. She died in 1852. Albert7 and James7 Monroe, of Brighton, Mass., are her sons. Buth died young. Nancy A. married Ira Medbury. She died February 16, 1815. Mary Ann died December 2, 1814. Hannah married Robert Tripp, of Little Compton, where they resided in 1862. Charlott married Ira Mason, of Seekonk. [1415.] PETER5 PECK, son of Charles,4 settled in Dan ville, Vt., where he lived and died, August 8, 1835. He married Diana Peck (No. 1684), daughter of Peleg Peck. She was living in 1853. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1444. James, b. Feb. 18, 1797. Died 1449. Mary, b. July 18, 1811. Died unm. unm. 1445. Sally, b. May 29, 1801. Died 1450. Sophia, b. Feb. 8, 1815. Died unm. unm. 1446. Charles, b. Aug. 17, 1803. 1451.+Simon, b. April 13, 1816. Died unm. 1452. John, b. June 6, 1820. Died 1447.-|-Elisha, b. Nov. 9, 1805. unm. 1448. Phebe, b. July 3, 1807. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK. 127 [1422.] OTIS6 PECK, son of Nathan,5 resided upon the homestead with his brother for several years; then in different places. I have been able to learn little in relation to him. He mar ried Polly Miller. He died about 1822. He was then settled near his brother Nathan. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1453. John. Resided in Rehoboth 1454. Otis. Died at sea. and other places. [1426.] OBED6 PECK, son of Charles,5 married, for his first wife, Lydia Allen, March 24, 1811, and settled in Rowe, Mass. She died February 26, 1835. He married, for his second wife, Phidelia Payne, August 23, 1835. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1455. Lydia, b. Dec. 13, 1811. 1460. Martha, b. Dec. 25, 1820. 1456. Mary, b. Jan. 24, 1814. 1461.+Obed, jr., b. Aug. 9, 1826. 1457. Chloe, b. Feb. 24, 1816. 1462. James, b. Aug. 27, 1836. Died 1458. Nancy, b. Aug. 5, 1818 ; unm. July 16, 1842. in 1862. 1463. Allen, b. March 12, 1838. 1459. Margaret, b. Dec. 25, 1820. Lydia married Timothy King ; settled in Rowe, Mass. Mary married John Christie ; settled in Monroe, Mass. Chloe married Ephraim Trusdell; settled in Rowe, Mass. Margaret married Samuel Merriam ; settled in Colerain. Martha married David R; Stanford ; settled in Rowe. Allen was residing in Rowe in 1862, with his father and mother, unmarried. [1428.J SYLVESTER6 PECK, son of Charles,5 moved from Seekonk about 1822 to the town of Rowe, Mass.; from there he afterwards removed to Charlemont, where he died, November 6, 1861. He married Sally Potter, daughter of John Potter, of Barrington, R. I., June 6, 1821. She was born May 5, 1799. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1464.-r-Charles, b. March 4, 1822. 1467. Ann E., b. Sept. 23, 1830. 1465. William H., b. Feb. 8, 1826. Died July 10, 1835. Died June 24, 1827. 1468. Sarah M., b. May 23, 1834. 1466. William H., b. Jan. 30, 1828." 1469. George S., b. Nov. 10, 1838. Died Sept. 25, 1829. George S. was residing in Charlemont in 1863, unmarried. Sarah M. married Rev. C. S. Hartwell, of Charlemont, June 20, 1863. 128 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART SECOND. [1433.] THOMAS6 PECK, son of Thomas S.,5 married El- mira Cole, daughter of Aaron Cole, of Swansey, Mass., March 24, 1825, where they were residing in 1862 ; a wealthy farmer. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1470.+WUliam H, b. Dec. 29, 1825. 1472.+James C, b. Dec. 27, 1829. 1471. Elizabeth B., b. Dec. 27, 1827. 1473.+Benjamin T., b. June 22, 1832. Elizabeth B. married William H. Sherman, of Swansey, Mass. Their chil dren are : Ellen Frances? b. August 8, 1858 ; Herbert Lester? b. August 24, 1863. [1436.] ASA6 PECK, son of Thomas,5 resides in East Provi dence ; is a mason by trade. He married Betsey Hale, daughter of Daniel Hale, of Swansey. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1474.+Daniel S., b. Sept. 26, 1827. 1476. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 29, 1831. 1475.+Luther B., b. Dec. 4, 1829. Mary Ann married Charles F. Bowen, of Rehoboth, Mass. They were residing in East Providence in 1865. [1447.] ELISHA6 PECK, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., son of Peter,5 married Elizabeth Warden, March 17, 1842. She was born June 28,1811. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1477. Mary Ann E., b. May 19, 1845. 1479. George H., b. Dec. 18, 1849. Died June 13, 1845. Died Sept. 1, 1852. 1478. Emeline E., b. Feb. 27, 1847. * Azro M., b. Sept. 28, 1854. Died June 9, 1847. [ 1 45 1 .] SIMON6 PE CK, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., son of Peter,5 married Emily Chickering. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1480. Helen, b. Aug. 27, 1848. 1482. Lilis, b. Jan. 5, 1852 1481. Charles, b. March 17, 1850. [1461.] OBED7 PECK, son of Obed,6 settled in Windsor, Vt. He married Sarah Hendricson. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1483. Claria. 1484. Mary. * This name was not received until after the names were numbered and arranged. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK. 129 [1464.] CHARLES7 PECK, son of Sylvester,6 married Ro- setta H. Dix, May 19, 1848, and was residing in Charlemont, N. H., in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1485. Charles A. 1487. Frank F. 1486. Sarah E.. [1470.] WILLIAM H.7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 married Sarah A. Marble, of Somerset, Mass., and settled in Providence, R. I., where he was residing in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1488. Josephine E., b. Jan. 15, 1856. 1489. Sarah J., b. Sept. 7, 1860. Died June 14, 1863. 1490. Josephine, b. Aug. 5, 1864. [1472.] JAMES C.7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 settled in Prov idence, R. I., where he was residing in 1863. He married Mary A. Kinsley, of Swansey. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1491. Hattie B., b. Feb. 26, 1860. 1492. Allen K., b. June 14, 1863. Died Dec. 11, 1864. [1473.] BENJAMIN T.7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 married Louisa J. Davis, of Somerset, Mass. They were residing in Assonet, Mass., in 1863. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 1493. Louisa Adelaide, b. April 12, 1860. [1474.] DANIEL S.7 PECK, son of Asa,6 married Mary J. Sutton; was residing in East Providence in 1865. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1494. One child. [1475.] LUTHER B.7 PECK, son of Asa,6 married Ann F. Wilcox, daughter of George G. Wilcox, and was residing in Prov idence, R. I, in 1865. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 1495. Luther F., b. Feb. 27, 1864. PART THIRD. THE DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS2 PECK, THIRD SON OF JOSEPH1 THE ANCESTOR. Nicholas Peck was born in England, and baptized there, April 9, 1630, and came over to this country with his father, in 1638, being then about eight years of age. He removed with the family from Hingham, Mass., to Seekonk, since known as Seekonk Plain, in 1645. After his marriage, Nicholas settled in the southeastern part of Seekonk, near the place now known in that vicinity as Major Mon roe's, where he lived and died. From the records, it appears that he took an active part in public affairs. He was frequently one of the raters (assessors) and select men of the town. He was elected Deputy to the Court at Ply mouth, in 1669. He was also elected Deputy for each successive year, from 1677 to 1690, except in the years 1687 and 1688, when the town elected no deputies. From 1677 to 1684, he is called Ensign Nicholas Peck ; after that, Lieutenant, and then Captain. He died May 27, 1710. His will may be found recorded at Taunton, Mass., B. 3, p. 3. The following is a copy : In the name of God Amen I Nicholas Peck of the town of Reho both in the County of Bristol in her Majesties Provinces of the Mas sachusetts Bay in New England being aged & infirm of body yet having perfect memory & understanding blessed be God for it Do make this my last will and Testament for the disposing the things of this world with which the Lord hath entrusted me to and amongst my children in manner and form as followeth 132 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. Item I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Peck two acres & half of salt marsh at the hundred acres begining at that end of my meadow next to the swamp & so to run from the ditch to Jeremiah Wheatons bounds Likewise the one half of my lot of land lying on the east side of the mill river near Nathaniel Reads and my sword wch I com monly wear said lands and meadows to be and remain to him and his heirs and assigns for ever Item I give unto my son Hezekiah Peck half my meadow and swamp at bushy meadow and my sixth allotment drawn in the Reho both North purchased lands which appears by record to be & remain to him & his heirs and assigns for ever Item I give to my son Jonathan Peck half a hundred pounds Estate of commonage in the town of Rehoboth and also my second allotment drawn in Eehoboth north purchased lands as appears by record to be and to remain to him his heirs and assigns for ever Item I give unto my son Elisha Peck my home lot with y6 housing and orchard there on, but not the corn, if any there be on it and my lands in the second division and my wood lot near the forty acres & the other half of my meadow and swamp at bushy meadow & the other half of my lot near Natha1 Reads & my lands on the great plain and half a hundred pounds estate of commonage in Rehoboth ; also my share of meadow in the north purchased lands to be and remain unto him his heirs and assigns forever hereby obliging him not to sell mortgage convey or any ways to alienate any of ye above sd parcels of land or meadows or any part of them without the consent of two of his brothers if living Also I give to my son Elisha Peck my cart plough and yokes Item I give the remaining part of my salt meadow at ye hundred acres and my undivided right in the North purchased lands equally to be divided amongst my four sons to them and their heirs and assigns forever Item I give unto my daughter Mary Smith wife to Ensign Joshua Smith the bed on which I lodge & the rugg & two blankets bolster and pillow & cubbard * . . . platters that stand on it & my chest with . . . likewise I give her mothers wearing apparrel . . . and woolen . . . Item I give to my daughter Martha wife of . . . feather bed in the bed room th . . . Item My lawful debts being paid by my Executors here in after * Illegible — the leaves worn and crumbled away. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 133 named and my body being deacently burried funeral charges defrayed my will is that the rest and residue of my estate be equally divided amongst my five children Item I do appoint ordain & constitute my son Joseph Peck & my son Jonathan Peck to be executors of this my last will & testament hereby revoking all other wills by me before made In testimony where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this second day of October in the year of our Lord God One thousand and seven hundred and seven & in the sixth year of her Majesties Reign Signed sealed and published In the presence of us witnesses SAMUEL PECK JOHN BUTTERWOETH NICHOLAS PECK DANIEL SMITH His inventory was presented to the judge October 25, 1710. Nicholas was twice married. His first wife, Mary, died Novem ber 6, 1657. His second wife, Rebecah, died November 2, 1704 (Rehoboth Rec, B. 1). His first wife was Mary Winchester, eldest daughter of Alex ander Winchester (Plymouth Colony Rec, vol. 3, p. 120). The name of his second wife is unknown. CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION : 1496.+Joseph, b. Oct. 27, 1650. I500.+Jonathan, b. Nov. 5, 1666. 1497. John, b. Aug. 8, 1660. Died 1501. Nicholas, b. June 6, 1669. Died Aug. 16, 1660. Jan. 1690-1. 1498.+Hezekiah, b. April 1, 1662. 1502.+Elisha, b. April 11, 1673. 1499. Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1664. Mary married Ensign Joshua Smith. Nicholas died January 1690-1. He was a corporal under Capt. Gallup, in the expedition against Canada, in the old French war. His cousin, Ichabod, died in the same expedition, upon the island of Anticosti. [1496.] JOSEPH3 PECK, son of Nicholas,2 settled near his father. His wife was Martha . CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 1, p. 63.) 1503. Mary, b. July 27, 1686. 1508. Israel, b. Nov. 18, 1697. Un- 1504. Joseph, b. May 2, 1689. Died known. May 14, 1689. 1509.+Stephen, b. Jan. 1, 1701 2. I505.-|-Joseph, b. May 27, 1690. Baptized June 14, 1702. I506.+Nicholas, b. Aug. 10, 1693. 1510. Lydia, b. Nov. 8, 1704. Bap- 1507. Elizabeth, b. Sept 4, 1695. Died tized June 17, 1705. Dec. 27, 1707. 1511. Margaret, b. Sept. 28, 1706. Baptized Oct. 13, 1706. 12 134 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. John Butterworth was appointed guardian for Margaret, and Peter Hunt, for Lydia, February 1722. Joseph and Nicholas were appointed administra tors. The inventory was presented to the court, October 8, 1720. [1498.] HEZEKIAH3 PECK, son of Nicholas,2 at first set tled near his father. He sold his lands here to Ephraim May, July 16, 1705. After this he resided for some time in -Swansey, and then removed to Attleborough, Mass., and settled where his son, his grandson, and his great-grandson have since lived and died. The farm is now owned by Mr. Capron Peck, his great-great- grandson, having now been in the name more than one hundred and fifty years. Its location is about one-half mile northwest from the depot of the Boston and Providence Railroad, as it passes through the town. He married Deborah Cooper. They were buried near his residence, the place afterwards becoming the family burial ground. The following are the inscriptions upon their tombstones. Here lies yB Body of Mr Hezekiah Peck who departed this life August ye 9th 1723 in ye 62nd year of his age Here lies ye Body of Mrs Deborah Peck Relict of Mr Hezekiah Peck decd March ye 5th 1730 in ye 72nd year of her age CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : 1512. Deborah, b. Sept. 18, 1687. 1517.+John, b.* Baptized Oct. 1513. Judith, b. Aug. 13, 1690. 13, 1700. 1514. Hannah, b. Oct. 20, 1692. 1518. Patronella,t b. April 8, 1707. I515.+Hezekiah, b. Feb. 22, 1695-6. Baptized April 17, 17(39. Baptized April 5, 1696. 1519. Perthenia, b. July 10, 1711. 1516. Rachel, b. April 18, 1698. Bap tized June 19, 1698. Hannah, it is supposed, married John Sweet, January 22, 1718-19 (A. Rec, B. 2, p. 46). Bachel, it is supposed, married Benjamin Freeman, July 3, 1718 (A. Rec, B. 2, p. 60). * Probably born in Swansey, and for that reason not recorded with the rest of the family in Rehoboth and Attleborough. That he was one of the family, may be seen upon the Tannton Records, B. 20, p. 281, and B. 6, p. 384. His tombstone may be found in the family burying ground. t The orthography of these two last names is different as they occur in various places upon record. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 135 Patronella married Ebenezer Blake, December 11, 1729 (A. Rec, B. 2, p. 88). Perthenia married Jonathan Willard, October 29, 1734 (A. Rec, B. 2, p. 113). Hezekiah was appointed guardian for Paterneile and Parthenia, June 25, 1725 (T. Rec, B. 5, p. 106). [1500.] JONATHAN3 PECK, son of Nicholas,2 settled upon what has since been known as Peck's Hill, a rise of ground on the present road from Bristol to Warren, R. I., and about two miles from the former place. He became possessed of large tracts of land, extending, as I am told, from the summit of the hill south wardly, including what has since become the estate of William D. Wolf; and from Peck's Rock, across the Neck, so called, to Little's Narrows, a tract of superior land, and beautifully situated. This land has now mostly been disposed of by his descendants, and comprises valuable farms. The homestead, however, remained in the name until about 1838. The old house has recently been taken down. He married Elizabeth Throop. She presented the inventory of his estate to the Judge of Probate, July 3, 1717 (T. Rec, B. 3, p. 160). CHILDREN * — FOURTH GENERATION : I520.+Jonathan, b. Sept. 12, 1698. 1522.-(-William, b. Nov. 1702. 1521. Nicholas, b. Nov. 11, 1700. 1523. Isaac, b. 1703. Died young. Died Sept. 20, 1730, unm. 1524. Elizabeth, b. 1707. (B. Rec, B. 2, p. 8). 1525.-f-Thomas, b. 1711. Elizabeth sold her interest in her father's estate to her brother Jonathan, December 16, 1728 (T. Rec, B. 18, p. 333). A guardian was appointed for Thomas, February 23, 1728 (T. Rec, B. 6, p. 69). [1502.] ELISHA3 PECK, son of Nicholas,2 is supposed to have at first settled upon the homestead. He afterwards moved to Attleborough, and from there he is supposed to have removed to Providence, R. I. He married Martha Lake, February 1703-4. * There were other children in this family, who died young. (See Bristol Records.) 136 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION: 1526. Martha, b. Oct. 13, 1705. 1531.+Constantine, b. May 26, 1715. 1527. Jaiel, b. June 1, 1707. Bap- 1532. Martha, b. April 8, 1717. tized July 13, 1707. 1533.+Nicholas, b. April 30, 1719. 1528. Jerusha, b. Jan. 1, 1708-9. 1534. Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1724. 1529. Eunice, b. March 12, 1710-11. 1535. Elijah, b. Sept. 7, 1729. Un- 1530. Inspertion, b. Feb. 22, 1712-13. known. This family mostly died young. The four last children were born in Attle borough. [1505.] JOSEPH4 PECK, son of Joseph,3 resided in the southeasterly part of Rehoboth. He was twice married : first, to Rebecca Brown, daughter of Jabez Brown; second, to Hannah . He died January 6, 1741-2. Hannah, his widow, was appointed administratrix upon his estate, April 20, 1742, and guar dian for his daughter Mary, March 20, 1743-4 (T. Rec, B. 10, p. 407). A guardian was appointed for Jerusha and Winchester, they being above the age of fourteen years, May 1742 (T. Rec, B. 10, p. 155). A division of the estate between the widow and children was made October 1745 (T. Rec, B. 11, p. 65). CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 2, p. 52.) 1536. Jerusha, b. Nov. 18, 1724. 1539. Jabez, b. Aug. 20, 1738. Died 1537.+Winchester, b. Oct. 31, 1726. 1743. 1538. Mary, b. May 17, 1737. Jerusha married Rev. Peleg Heath, of Barrington, December 8, 1743 (Bar. Rec, B. 1, p. 172). She afterwards married Joshua Bicknell, father of Joshua Bicknell, Judge of the Supreme Court of R. I. Mary died unm. [1506.] NICHOLAS4 PECK, son of Joseph,3 resided in the westerly part of Rehoboth. He married Hannah, daughter of Samuel Peck. See the will of Samuel (T. Rec, B. 8, p. 367). CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: 1540. Joseph, b. April 30, 1723. Un- 1543. Comfort, b. Aug. 15, 1728. known. Unknown. 1541. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1724. 1544. Margaret, b. May 18, 1730. 1542. Hannah, b. March 10, 1726. • [1509.] STEPHEN4 PECK, son of Joseph,3 settled near his father. His wife, before marriage, was Rebecca Sweetland, of Attleborough, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 137 CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: 1545.+Nicholas. 1549. Rebecca. 1546. Joseph. 1550. Anna. 1547. Betty. 1551. Molly. 1548. Lydia. Joseph died at sea, unm. Betty, it is supposed, married a Toogood, of Barrington. Lydia married a Jackson ; settled in Cornish, N. H. Bebecca married Caleb Fuller ; settled in Pomfret, Conn. Anna married John Greenwood, son of Parson Greenwood, of Seekonk. Molly married Simeon Bowen, of Seekonk. [1515.] HEZEKIAH4 PE CK, son of Hezekiah,3 settled upon the homestead, where he lived and died. His wife, before mar riage, was Elizabeth Carder. The following is from his tombstone : Mr Hezekiah Peck died in y" year 1753 in y" 58th year of his age Blessed are the dead that die in ye Lord His son Hezekiah was appointed administrator, September 3, 1753 (T. Rec, B. 13, p. 466). CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (A. ReC, B. 2, p. 89.) 1552.' Mary, b. Aug. 1, 17—. Died 1557. Jonathan, b. June 21, 1737; no 23d of same month. issue. 1553. Mary, b. July 15, 1728. 1558.+Joseph, b. Dec. 30, 1741. 1554,+Hezekiah, b. May 7, 1732. 1559. Hannah, b. Oct. 13, 1744. Died 1555. Jonathan, b. April 6, 1734. unm., Jan. 6, 1826. Died young. 1560. Nicholas, b. Aug. 21, 1747. 1556. Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1736. Died March 29, 1751. Died unm., Nov. 1809. 1561. Nicholas, b. Sept. 11, 17SL Suppose died young. Mary married Daniel Shepherdson. [1517.] JOHN4 PECK, son of Hezekiah,3 remained upon the homestead with his brother Hezekiah. A division of the lands left them by their father was made March 14, 1729-30 (T. Rec, B. 19, p. 343). His will is dated March 14, 1729-30 (T. Rec, B. 6, p. 384). He gives to Rebecca his wife, whom he makes his executrix, all his outlands and common rights, with all his household goods and mov- 12* 138 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. ables, to enable her to provide for his child or children. He gives to his beloved son John, two-thirds of his homestead lands, and house, and the other third part to his child, then unborn, freely to possess, enjoy, etc. (T. Rec, B. 6, p. 384). The following is from his tombstone : In Memory of Mr John Peck who Decd March ye 22d 1730 in ye 30th year of his Age He married Rebecca Richardson, May 26, 1724. She survived him, and afterwards, I am told, married a man by the name of Jones.* CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (A. ReC, B. 2, p. 67.) 1562.+John, b. June 13, 1725. 1564. Rebekah, b. Feb. 6, 1727. Died 1563. Hannah, b. Feb. 10, 1726. Died 21st of same month. Aug. 9th'following. 1565.+Abial, b. May 19, 1730. [1520.] JONATHAN4 PECK, son of Jonathan,3 remained upon the homestead. He became wealthy. He was twice mar ried : first, to Hannah Wood, of Little Compton ; and second, to Hannah Lain. His first wife died June 11, 1730. His second wife died August 11, 1756, in the 50th year of her age. He died February 25, 1757. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (B. ReC, B. 2, p. 153.) 1566. Rebecca, b. Sept. 26, 1721. 1573.-|-Thomas, b. June 24, 1736. 1567. John, b. April 24, 1723. Died 1574. Sarah, b. Feb. 11, 1737-8. young. 1575. Lydia, b. March 16, 1739-40. 568.+Jonathan, b. Jan. 4, 1724-5. 1576. Mary, b. Dec. 30, 1741. 1569. Nicholas, b. March 14, 1726-7. 1577. Abigail, b. May 11, 1743. Died Died young. unm. 1570. Hannah, b. Feb. 20, 1728-9. 1578.+Loring, b. Jan. 19, 1744-5. 1571. Deborah, b. Feb. 23, 1732-3. 1579. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 3, 1746. 1572. Elizabeth, b. 1734. Died Oct. 22, 1756. * She deeded her interest in the common lands in Attleborough, to Heze kiah Peck. The deed is now in the possession of Capron Peck, the great grandchild of Hezekiah, dated the nineteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty-one, and in the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the 2d, by the grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, etc. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 139 Hannah married Jonathan Fales, of Bristol. Deborah Married Samuel Gray, October 25, 1750. Elizabeth married Samuel Bosworth. Sarah married Simon Martindale. Lydia married Nathaniel Peckham and Nathaniel Pierce. Mary married Benjamin Simons. [1522.] WILLIAM4 PECK, son of Jonathan,3 settled in New Haven, Conn., where he remained for some time. He re turned to Bristol, R. L, and from there removed to Dighton, Mass. I learn but little in relation to him. By the records, he appears to have been three times married : first, to Elizabeth Throop, who died April 18, 1731 ; second, to Elizabeth , who died November 12, 1740; third, to Rebecca Talbott. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : Elizabeth, b. Sept. 15, 1726. *Benjamin, b. Sept. 13, 1740. Mary, b. Dec. 3, 1727. 1580. Seth. Martha, b. Feb. 1, 1730. 1581. Chloe. Nicholas, b. March 23, 1731-2. Seth married Elizabeth Peck (No. 1588), daughter of Deacon Thomas, and settled in Northern Massachusetts. He died in Northfleld. His daughter Chloe6 and the widow afterwards resided at Brattleborough, "Vt. [1525.] DEACON THOMAS4 PECK, son of Jonathan,3 set tled in Swansey. He married Mary Kinsley, only daughter of Jonathan Kinsley, of Rehoboth. He died February 9, 1770. She survived him about thirty-four years, and died, May 27, 1804, in her 92d year. She was a very noted and celebrated midwife, to which profession she devoted many years. Her practice was very extensive. The following is from her tombstone : Here lies the remains of that reliegeous and most faithful Midwife Mary wife of Dean Tho8 Peck died May 27 1804 Aged 91 years His tombstone bears the following inscription : In Memory of Deacon Thomas Peck, who Decd Febrf the 9th. ADom. 1770. In the 59th. Year of his Age. Stand ftill kind reader, fpend a Tear Upon the dust that {lumbers hear, And whilft you read, the fate of me Think on the Glafs ! that runs for The * The above children were found too late to be numbered and entered in the index. 140 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: 1582.+Jonathan, b. Jan. 17, 1734. 1586.+Aaron, b. Jan. 20, 1743-4. 1583.-j-Peleg, b. March 6, 1736. 1587.+Ambrose, b. Nov. 17, 1747. 1584. Mary, b. Oct. 20, 1738. 1588. Elizabeth. 1585.+Thomas, b. March 21, 1740-1. Elizabeth married her cousin, Seth Peck, the son of William, November 15, 1780. Mary married Zepheniah Carpenter. [1531.] CONSTANTINE4 PECK, son of Elisha,3 it is sup posed, settled in Attleborough. He married Prescilla . I have been able to learn but little in relation to him or his family. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 2, p. 150.) 1589. Jaiel, b. Sept. 1, 1737. 1594. Nicholas, b. Oct. 2, 1746. Died 1590. Susannah, b. May 13, 1738. Nov. 7, 1747. 1591. Benoni, b. Nov. 25, 1739. 1595. Elisha, b. Nov. 25, 1747. Died young. 1596. Eleazer, b. March 7, 1750. 1592. Abraham, b. May 30, 1742. 1597. Martha, b. Aug. 8, 1752. Died June 7, 1747. 1598.+Abiah, b. Dec. 18, 1755. 1593. Inspersion, b. July 6, 1745. 1599. Mary, b. May 19, 1758. Died young. 1600. Gersham, b. July 20, 1760. 1601. Anne, b. June 10, 1762. Elisha is supposed to have settled in Providence, R. I., and married Free- love Knight, of Cranston, March 11, 1773 (P. Rec, B. 2, p. 39). Eleazer is supposed to have resided in Providence, and to have married Elizabeth Tift, of Cranston, October 20, 1771 (T. Rec, B. 2, p. 39). [1533.] NICHOLAS5 PECK, son of Elisha.4 I learn but little in relation to him. He is supposed to have married Hannah Sprague, of Smithfield, R. I., June 1, 1739. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1602. Jerusha, b. Feb. 11, 1741. 1603. Hannah, b. Sept. 4, 1739. Hannah married Nathaniel Jillson, of Cumberland, R. I. [1537.] WINCHESTER5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 is supposed to have settled upon the homestead in the southeasterly part of See konk. He married Mary Michels, daughter of James Michels, who, it is said, emigrated to this country from France. She was born August 20, 1731. After the decease of Winchester, she married Nathaniel Peck (No. 3385). CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: I604.-|-Joseph, b. Dec. 11, 1750. 1605. Mary. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 141 [1545.] NICHOLAS5 PECK, son of Stephen,4 settled in the southeasterly part of Seekonk. He married Jerusha . CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION (P. Rec, B. 3, p. 242) : 1606. Anna, b. April 18, 1760. Died I610.+James, b. Aug. 20, 1769. young. 1611. Betty, b. Dec. 18, 1771. 1607. Stephen, b. July 18, 1762. No 1612.+Joseph, b. Aug. 16, 1775. issue. 1613.-|-Joshua, b. Feb. 28, 1777. I608.-|-Nicholas, b. June 24, 1764. 1614,+Winchester, b. Oct. 1781. 1609. Deborah, b. March 2, 1767. Deborah* married Daniel Maxwell. [1554] HEZEKIAn5 PECK, son of Hezekiah,4 remained upon the homestead, where he lived and died. He married Ann Skinner, daughter of Thomas Skinner, of Mansfield, Mass. He died October 14, 1775. She June 14, 1822, in her 89th year. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION (A. ReC, B. 2, p. 77) : I615.+Hezekiah, b. May 22, 1755. 1617. Anna, b. Dec. 7, 1761. 1616,+Henry, b. Dec. 10, 1756. 1618.+Jonathan, b. July 29, 1769. Anna married Manassah Short, of Rehoboth, Mass., where they lived and died. Her children were : Manasseh, Jr.,7 Anna,7 Josiah,7 Bhoda,7 Hezekiah ' P.,7 and Philip.7 [1558.] JOSEPH5 PECK, son of Hezekiah,4 left Attlebor ough at an early date, and resided for some time in the western part of Massachusetts. I have been unable to find him or his descendants. He moved, I am told, into the State of New York. He married Elizabeth Read, daughter of Deacon Read. CHILD — SIXTH GENERATION : 1619. Esther, b. July 10, 1776, in Attleborough. He probably had other children after he left Attleborough. [1562.] JOHN5 PECK, son of John,4 at first resided in At tleborough, Mass. He afterwards settled at Pawtucket, R. I., where he owned a forge, and from there removed to New Brunswick, and settled at Shepody, now Hopewell, Albert County, where he re mained for several years. He afterwards returned to Attleborough. He was twice married : first, to Hannah Walker, of Seekonk, Mass. ; second, to a widow Paddlefoot ; and resided near Taunton, where he died, May 19, 1807. His first wife died October 2, 1804. 142 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: 1620. John. Died unmarried. 1623. Hannah. 1621. ; was drowned at Paw- 1624. Chloe. tucket, when young. 1625. Polly. 1622. Peter. Died unmarried. Hannah married William Cole, of Seekonk, Mass., and settled in Sterling, Conn. Chloe married Simeon Goff, of Seekonk, Mass., and settled in Surry, Mass. Polly married Andrew Davison, of New Brunswick; from there they removed to Attleborough, Mass. She died at Bethany, aged 74 years. To the kindness of her son, John K. Davison? of Aldenville, Pa., I am indebted for my information in relation to the family. [1565.] ABIEL5 PECK, son of John,4 married Ruth Skinner, of Attleborough, Mass. He left Attleborough at an early date, and settled at Cumberland, Nova Scotia. After residing there for some time, he removed to Shepody, now Hopewell, Albert County, New Brunswick, where he obtained a large and extensive grant of land from the government, said to have been about six thousand acres. This land was much of it marsh land, or alluvial soil, overflowed periodically by the spring or high tides. It is now reclaimed and improved, and is the best and most productive aggricultural part of that country, some of it still remaining in the possession of his descendants, who are wealthy farmers. Upon the northern bank of the Shepody River, on a kind of promontory that juts out and forms a bend of the river (from which the prospect is very picturesque and beautiful), is the old family or private burial ground. On one of the tombstones is the following inscription : Here lies interred the body of Abiel Peck, a native of Boston,* and one of the first settlers of this place, who, on the 16th day of December, 1802, unfortunately perished in a boat, in the 73d year of his age, leaving upwards of threescore descendants to lament his melancholy fate. During his life the country was comparatively a wilderness, with no roads or means of communicating with the different settlements * The father of Ablel died in Attleborough about three months before Abiel was born. The widow may have removed to Boston." She afterwards mar ried a Jones. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 143 upon the shores except by water, in boats. It was upon one of these occasions, while attempting to cross the Bay from Cumberland to his own place in an open boat, at that inclement season of the year, that he lost his life. He is represented to have been a man of large stature, great physical strength, and much energy of character. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1626. Died 1627. Died 1631. Ruth, b. Feb. 14, 1761. 1632. Lois, b. 1762. 1633.-|-Elisha, b. 1763. 1634.+Thomas, b. 1767. 1635. Rhoda, b. June 1769. 1636. Nancy, b. 1772. Ezra, b. Jan. 12, 1752. Jan. 13, 1752. Abiel, b. Jan, 1, 1753. Dec. 8, 1754. 1628. Rachel, b. May 6, 1754. 1329.+Abiel, b. May 15, 1756. 1630. Rebecca, b. Aug. 7, 1758. The first six children were born in Attleborough, Mass. Bachel was twice married. For her first husband she married Thomas Cal houn, by whom she had two sons. George Calhoun,7 Esq., Register of Deeds and Wills, and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Albert is a grandson. For her second husband she married Robert Dickson, by whom she had two sons and eight daughters. She died November 5, 1803. Bebeccq married Oliver Stiles, by whom she had five sons and three daugh ters. Beuben Stiles, Esq.,7 for many years a member of the Provincial Parlia ment of New Brunswick, is a grandson. She died in 1850, in Hopewell, Albert County. Buth died unmarried, aged about 20 years. Lois married Joel Edgett, by whom she had sons and daughters. She died in 1826. Bhoda married John Edgett, by whom she had sons and daughters. She died in 1857. Nancy married Nicholas Pearson, by whom she had sons and daughters. She died in Hopewell, Albert County. [1568.] JONATHAN5 PECK, son of Jonathan,4 resided upon the homestead. He was an active and industrious farmer. He accumulated a large landed interest in addition to that left him by his father. He married Mary Throop, of Bristol, R. I., June 2, 1757 (B. Rec, B. 2, p. 70 and 81). He died October 7, 1797. She November 6, 1803, aged 66 years. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION (B. ReC, P. 2, p. 36) : 1637. Abigail, b. Aug. 14, 1758. 1638.+Jonathan, b. June 5, 1760. 1639.+Nicholas, b. May 6, 1762. I640.+John, b. March 2, 1764. 1641. Sarah, b. Feb. 19., 1766. 1642.-|-Mary, b. Sept. 28, 1767. 1643. William, b. March 15, 1769. Died Sept. 8, 1803 ; no issue. 1644. Lydia, b. March 16, 1771. 1645. Hannah, b. Feb. 8, 1773. 1646. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 26, 1774. 1647. Anna, b. Aug. 1, 1777. Died Sept. 1778. 1648. Nancy, b. Aug. 29, 1799. 144 PECK GENEALOGY, PART THIRD. Abigail married George Reynolds, and settled in Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y. Her sons, I am told, are wealthy. Mary married Jonathan Reynolds, and settled in Bristol, R. I. Samuel Bey- nolds? of Boston, and Jonathan? of Bristol, are her sons. Sarah married George Ingraham, and settled in Amenia. George7 and Wil liam7 are her sons. Lydia married Thomas Richmond. They had but one son, now deceased. Hannah married Nathaniel Howland. Nathaniel? near Grand Rapids, and Frederick? who settled at Cleveland, O., are her sons. Elizabeth married William Reynolds, son of Judge Reynolds, and settled in Bristol, R. I. She left one son, George? (who was. for a long time collector of customs,) and three daughters, Lydia? Mary7 and Betsey.7 Nancy married Capt. Nathaniel Gladding, and settled at Bristol, R. I. Nathaniel? and John? who settled in Philadelphia, and Josiah? of Bristol, were her sons. [1573.] THOMAS5 PECK, son of Jonathan,4 I am told, resided at Bristol, R. I., upon what is known as Popposquash, where he died, August 10, 1795. He. married Mary Richmond, December 2, 1762. I learn but little in relation to him. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION (R. ReC, B. 2, p. 63) : . 1649.+Samuel Vial, b. Oct. 22, 1763. I651.+Nathaniel, b. March 20, 1767. 1650. Hannah, b. May 29, 1765. Died 1652. Rogers Richmond, b. Sept. 19, Sept. 28, 1795. 1771. Died Oct. 20, 1772. [1578.] LORING5 PECK, son of Jonathan,4 resided in Bris tol, R. L, until May 1798, when he settled in Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y. In 1811, he removed to the town of Lake Pleas ant, Hamilton County, where he continued to reside until his decease. He died at an advanced age. He was a zealous patriot, and a prominent man during the war of the Revolution, in which, I am told, he held a Colonel's commis sion. He was a member of the State Legislature many years. He was twice married: first, to Sarah Richmond, June 4, 1769 ; second, to Jane Burk. His first wife died April 20, 1774. His second wife died in 1824. He died July 29, 1833. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1653. Henry. Died young. 1657. Sarah, b. Dec. 24, 1784. 1654. Richmond. Died young. 1658. Frances, b. July 16, 1786. 1655.-r-William B., b. Aug. 27, 1788; 1659.+George, b. Feb. 13, 1788. he was by second wife. 1660.+Henry, b. April 2, 1791. 1656. Loring.b. March 17, 1782. Died I661.+Richard, b. Oct. 9, 1792. unm. May 5, 1861. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 145 Sarah was residing at Sharon Springs in 1866, a widow. She has been twice married : first to Harry Hutchinson ; second, to Barnabas Eldredge. She has no issue living. She is a lady of superior intellect and attainments. She is a member of the church, much beloved and respected. Frances married Rev. William Swayze. She died at McConnelsville, 0., a widow, in 1864. [1582.] JONATHAN5 PECK, son of Thomas,4 resided in the south part of Rehoboth, where he kept a public house many years. He married Ruth Wheeler, February 22, 1759 (R. Rec, B. 3). CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION (R. ReC, B. 3, p. 108) : 1662.+Jonathan, b. Sept. 19, 1759. 1668. Ruth, b. Dec. 10, 1776. Died 1663.+Rufus, b. Nov. 11, 1761. Nov. 3, 1778. 1664. Candice, b. March 25, 1764. 1669. Noah, b. April 27, 1774. Died 1665.+Gideon, b. Aug. 2, 1766. at sea; no issue. 1666.-|-Ambros, b. Jan. 31, 1769. 1670. Ruth, b. Sept. 15, 1778. 1667.+P lilip, b. Oct. 3, 1771. I671.+William, b. Dec. 31, 1780. 1672,+Sylvanus, b. April 21, 1784. Candice married Capt. Richard Pierce, and settled in Sudbury, Vt. Buth married Amos Wright, of Warren, R. I. [1583.] PELEG5 PECK, son of Thomas,4 resided in Swan sey, where he was one of the leading men of the town. He early took an active interest in military affairs. He held a commission under the Colonial Government, issued by Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., " Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majesties Provinces of Massachusetts Bay, and vice Admiral of the same, dated September 4th in the 12 year of the Reign of his Majestie King George the third. Annoque Domini 1772." This commission was in the possession of his son, Deacon Ben jamin Peck, of Rehoboth, Mass., in 1863. After the commencement of the Revolutionary War, he was a zealous patriot, acting as agent in raising soldiers, etc He held a Captain's commission of one of the military companies of Swan sey. The following is a copy which I was permitted to make of one of "his orders : Swansey, July 8, 1778. To the Sergents and Corporals of the 2d Foot Company in Sioansey : You are hereby required forthwith to examine the arms and other equipments of both the training band and alarm list within your die 13 146 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. trict, and if there be any delinquents, you are to return their names to me, that they may be returned to General Sullivan, agreeable to express orders from him bearing date the 7th inst. Here of faile not and make return of this with your doings, as you will answer it at your peril. He entered the army, where he is said to- have been an active and brave officer. He was twice married : first, to Phebe Mason, daughter of Hezekiah Mason, of Swansey ; second, to Mary Thorn ton, widow of Stephen Thornton, formerly Mary Salsbury, daughter of Martin Salsbury, of Cranston, R. I. His first wife died July 23, 1778. He died June 1807. His second wife died April 11, 1841. CHILDREN — SIXTH" GENERATION : 1673. Hannah, b. March 17, 1757. 1682.+Seth, b. June 13, 1770. Died unm. 1683. Sarah, b. Feb. 21, 1772. 1674. William, b. Oct. 30, 1758. Died 1684. Diana, b. Dec. 26, 1774. in the army a lieutenant, unm. 1685.+Peleg, b. May 5, 1776. 1675. Mary, b. May 5, 1760. 1686. Ruth, b. April 29, 1778. 1676.-|-Nicholas, b. Jan. 9, 1762. 1687. Abigail, b. July 22, 1782, by 2d 1677. Betsy, b. Aug. 12, 1763 | twing wife. Died young. 1678. Phebe, b. Aug. 12, 1763 | ' 1688. Olive, b. Feb. 2, 1784. 1679. Rebecah, b. Aug. 19, 1765. 1689. Cranston, b. Jan. 2, 1786. I680.+Thomas, b. Feb. 12, 1767. 1690.+ Salsbury, b. Feb. 19, 1788. I681.+Hezekiah, b. Oct. 27, 1768. I691.+Benjamin, b. June 3, 1790. Mary married William Davis ; settled in Rehoboth. Betsy married Aaron Peckham ; settled in Rehoboth. Phebe married Salsbury Wheeler, of Bristol ; removed to N. H. Bebecah married Lewis Wade, of Rehoboth. Sarah married Daniel Newman, of Rehoboth. Diana married Peter Peck (No. 1415), and settled at St. Johnsbury, Vt. Buth married Stephen Martain, of Warren, R. 1. Olive married David Kinsley, of Rehoboth, September 22, 1811. [1585.] THOMAS5 PECK, son of Thomas,4 settled first in Swansey, then in Bristol, where he lived and died. He married Elizabeth Sanford. She died July 12, 1798. He February 29, 1812. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 147 CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1692. Ruth, b. Oct. 17, 1767. Died 1694. Martha, b. Oct. 4, 1771 ; mar- young, ried E. Monroe, of Rristol. 1693. Waite, b. March 25, 1769. Died 1695.+George B., b. Feb. 16, 1778. unm. [1586.] AARON5 PECK, son of Thomas,4 settled in Provi dence, R. I. He was a merchant. The store which he occupied was on North Main Street. The house where he resided was standing, opposite the court house, upon Benefit Street, in 1862. He was married three times : first, to Alscy Arnold, June 18, 1767, daughter of Jeremiah Arnold, of Smithfield, born April 4, 1 747 ; second, to Amey Spencer, of North Kingston (P. Rec, B. 2, pp. 31 and 188) ; third, to Widow Rachel Chase. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION (P. Rec, B. 2, p. 188) : 1696. David, b. Sept. 27, 1767. Can 1703. Benjamin, b. June 27, 1785. learn little in relation to him. Died unm. 1697. Lydia, b. Oct. 29, 1769. 1704. Mary, b. Oct. 15, 1786. Died 1698. Amey, b. Aug. 6, 1772. young. 1699. Nancy, b. April 12, 1775. 1705. John S., b. Feb. 26, 1789. Died 1700. Candice, b. Sept. 14, 1777. at sea unm. Died young. 1706. Samuel, b. March 29, 1790. I701.+Aaron, b. June 5, 1779. Died young. 1702. Alsey, b. Jan. 20, 1784. Died 1707. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1791. unm. Died young. Amey married Edward Knowles, of Providence, March 24, 1793, where she died, October 24, 1838. He died January 11, 1811. Their children were: Joseph B.,7 who resides in Nashville, Tenn. ; James D.,7 who died in Newton, Mass., a Professor in the Baptist Theological Seminary; Henry? Edward P.? and John P.? of Providence, and Amey Ann? who married William S. Hum phrey. There were also two children who died in infancy. Nancy married James Davis, and settled in Watertown, Mass. [1587.] AMBROS5 PECK, son of Thomas,4 lived and died in the westerly part of Swansey. He was a cabinet-maker by trade. He married Polly Lindley. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1708.-f-Robert, b. Jan. 10, 1782. 1712. Nancy, b. Aug. 27, 1791. > 1709. Betsey, b. Nov. 13, 1785. 1713. Polly, b. Aug. 27, 1791. \ 1710. Erasmus, b. Aug. 28, 1786. Twins. 1711.+Danforth L., b. June 11, 1789. 1714. Abby, b. Sept. 2, 1792. Died young. 148 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. Betsey married Samuel Luther. Nancy married John Davis. Polly died unmarried. [1598.] ABIAH5 PECK, son of Constantine.4 I have been unable to learn anything of him, excepting^ what I find upon the town records. His wife was Hannah , CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 1715. Joel, b. Dec. 4, 1775. 1716. Joseph, b. Feb. 1787. [1604.] JOSEPH6 PECK, son of Winchester,5 settled in Providence, R. I., where he became engaged in trade, and where he lived and died. During the great fire in 1800, his store, and much other property, was burned. He afterwards erected upon the same ground, the brick building now standing on the east side of South Main Street, between Star and Power Streets. He married Sarah Hacker, daughter of Joshua Hacker, of New port, R. I. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1717. Sarah, b. May 6, 1784. 1719. Ann, b. Sept. 1, 1790. 1718. Maria H., b. June 11, 1788. 1720. William, b. Dec. 6, 1796. Sarah was residing in Providence in 1864, unmarried. Ann died unmarried. William died unmarried. Maria H. married John P. Jones, of Providence, where she was residing, a widow, with her daughter, the wife of C. N. Caswell, in 1864. [1608.] NICHOLAS6 PECK, son of Nicholas,5 married Molly Maxwell, of Bristol, R. I. He left Rhode Island, and settled at Pharsalia, Chenango County, N. Y., and from there removed to Trout Creek, Delaware County, where he died. I have been able to learn little in relation to him. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1721. Daniel. 1725. Lydia. 1722. William. 1726. Polly. 1723. Nicholas. 1727. Thursa. 1724. Jerusha. Polly married Joseph Dare, and was residing a widow near Trout Creek in 1866. S. G. Peck, a grandson of Nicholas, was also residing there ; but nei ther of them would give me any information in relation to the family. Whether there was anything that they were unwilling to have known I do not know. I could get nothing from them. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 149 [1610.] JAMESe PECK, son of Nicholas,5 married Olive Armington, daughter of John Armington, of Seekonk. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1728.+Israel, b. Oct. 22, 1794. 1734. Betsey, b. June 21, 1810. 1729. Rebecca, b. Feb. 13, 1798. 1735.-|-Joseph, b. Oct. 9, 1813. 1730.-|-William, b. April 1, 1800. 1736. Sarah, b. Oct. 23, 1817. 1731. Prudence, b. Sept. 26, 1801. 1737. Polly. 1732.-|-John, b. Jan. 1, 1805. 1738. Samuel. 1733. Almira, b. April 8, 1807. I am told that Polly and Samuel died in infancy. The members of the family disagreed as to the time of each others' births. I have given the most of them as furnished me by Mrs. Almira Barney. Bebecca married Joseph Maxwell. Prudence married : first, Joseph Barney ; second, Samuel Potter. Almira married Jonathan Barney. Betsey married : first, John Elliott ; and second, William Pearsons. Sarah married Charles Barney. [1612.] JOSEPH6 PECK, son of Nicholas,5 settled in Bris tol, R. I., where he lived and died. He was married : first, to Abi gail Maxwell, daughter of David Maxwell, of Bristol ; second, to Esther Goff, daughter of James Goff, of Bristol; third, to Mary Bosworth, of Barrington. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1739.-|-Stephen, b. Nov. 16, 1804. 1740. Abby, b. 1812. Abby married Benjamin Usher, of Bristol. [1613.] JOSHUA6 PECK,* son of Nicholas,? resided for some time in Bristol. From there he removed to Smithfield, R. I., where he died. He was married : first, to Hannah Bowen ; sec ond, to Nancy Briggs ; third, to Sarah Drown. His first wife died April 12, 1806. His second wife died May 17, 1807. His third wife died August 12, 1863. He died October 25, 1849. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1741. Ann. Died Dec. 20, 1806, aged 1744.+Nicholas T., b. March 23, 1821. 18 months. 1745. Jerusha T., b. Sept. 16, 1815. 1742.+Benjamin D., b. April 1813. 1746. Rebecca J., b. March 7, 1824. 1743.-f-Samuel D., b. Feb. 17, 1818. Jerusha married Albert Sweet, of Smithfield, R. I. Bebecca married Abel Hobert, of East Douglas, Mass. 13* 150 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. [1614.] WINCHESTER6 PECK, son of Nicholas,5 married Thressay W. Maxwell, of Bristol, R. I., daughter of David Max well. He died May 8, 1859. She died April 8, 1847. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1747. Hannah B., b. Jan. 25, 1811. 1750. Ann B., b. Jan. 10, 1820. Died Feb. 7, 1849. 1751. Betsey M., b. July 13, 1822. 1748. Thressay M., b. Nov. 15, 1813. 1752. Anne E., b. May 18, 1830. Died Sept. 12, 1844. 1753. Isabella M., b. May 7, 1832. 1749.+Hezekiah M., b. Sept. 4, 1816. Hannah B. married Horace Viol, of Warren, R. I. Thressay M. married Joseph Furna, of Warren, R. I. Ann B. married Henry Butts, October 12, 1840. Betsey M. married Joseph Sawtell, November 26, 1847. 'Anne E. married Charles S. Sisson, October 2, 1856. Isabella M. married William H. Surgens, January 23, 1853. [1615.] HEZEKIAH6 PECK, son of Hezekiah,5 left Attle borough, Mass., at an early date, and settled in Newport, N. H. He and his brother purchased lands there of Phineas Willcox, May 1, 1779. (See Records at Keene, N. H., B. 22, p. 614.) He married Hepsibah Dryer, of Rehoboth, Mass. He died at New port, aged 57 years. CHILD — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1754. Esther. She married Daniel Nettleton, and died, leaving one daughter Esther. [1616.] HENRY6 PECK, son of Hezekiah,5 left Attlebor ough, Mass., at an early date, and settled near his brother at New port, N. H. From here he removed to Lowville, Lewis County, N. Y., where he died, June 11, 1838. He married Ann Richardson, daughter of Seth Richardson, of Attleborough, January 18, 1781. She was born April 1, 1760, and died August 26, 1840. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 1755.-f-Henry, b. Nov. 12, 1781. 1760. Nancy, b. June 11, 1793. 1756.+Dexter, b. July 10, 1783. 1761. Abigail, b. June 1, 1795. 1757.-f-Seth, b. April 10, 1785. 1762. Hannah, b. Nov. 13, 1798. 1758.-|-Calvin, b. May 14, 1787. 1763. Elioenoi, b. Oct. 8, 1801. 1759.-|-Hezekiah, b. May 28, 1790. 1764.-f-Silas, b. Dec. 6, 1803. Abigail married a Thomas, and settled in St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Nancy was residing in Harrisburgh, N. Y., in 1864, unmarried. Hannah married Joseph Chadwick, and settled at West Lowville, N. Y. Elioenoi married Lester Weller, and settled at Harrisburgh, N. Y. To her kindness I am indebted for my information in relation to the family. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 151 [1618.] JONATHAN6 PECK, son of Hezekiah,5 remained upon the homestead of his ancestors, where he lived and died much respected. He married Sabra Capron, daughter of Joseph Capron. He died February 9, 1850. She November 2, 1853. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1765. Capron, b. Feb. 4, 1797. 1767. Hezekiah, b. July 11, 1807. 1766. Willard, b. Feb. 19, 1801. Died Died young. young. 1768. Lattimer, b. Dec. 4, 1815. Died young. [1629. J ABIEL6 PECK, son of Ariel,5 resided in Shepody, now Hopewell, Albert County, New Brunswick, where he died, October 28, 1814. He married Lois Esterbrooks. He was a wealthy farmer. He settled upon a part of the extensive tract of land owned by his father. He held a captaincy in the militia, and is always alluded to by the old settlers as Captain Peck. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1769.+William, b. Sept. 12, 1781. 1774. Anna, b. July 29, 1793. Died 1770. Abiel, b. March 24, 1784. Sept. 13, 1793. 1771. Valentine, b. May 5, 1786. 1775. Ruth, b. Jan. 5, 1795. Died Oct. 5, 1786. 1776. Sarah, b. May 10, 1797. 1772. Lois, b. Feb. 27, 1788. 1777.-|-James, b. Nov. 5, 1800. 1773. Ezra, b. Dec. 28, 1790. 1778. Caroline, b. Nov. 26, 1802. 1779. Amy, b. Nov. 21, 1806. Abiel was drowned November 28, 1804. He left no issue. Lois was three times married : first, to Elijah Calkins, her issue by him being a daughter. He died April 29, 1813, in his 30th year. Second, to Thomas Wilbur. Her issue by him was a son. After the decease of her second hus band, she married Duncan Shaw, by whom she had two sons and one daugh ter. She died at Hopewell, Albert County, N. B. Ezra married Margaret Rogers, April 28, 1813 ; no issue. He was residing in the parish of Moncton, Westmoreland County, in 1865. Buth married, William Hamilton, June 3, 1817, by whom she had three sons and two daughters. Sarah married Stephen Smith, October 17, 1813, by whom she has nine sons and five daughters. They were residing in Hopewell in 1865. Caroline married Johiel Peck, October 17, 1822. They reside in Hopewell (see his record). Amey married Eben Wilbur, May 3, 1824. They have issue, and resided in Hopewell in 1865. 1633. ] ELISHA6 PECK, son of Abiel,5 resided in Shepody, since Hopewell, Albert County, New Brunswick. He settled upon a portion of the lands owned by his father. He was a wealthy 152 PECK GENEALOGY, PART THIRD. farmer. He married Sarah Akerly, a native of the State of New York. He died December 29, 1846. He was born in Cumber land, Nova Scotia. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1780. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18, 1787. 1786.+Johiel, b. Nov. 23, 1799. 1781. Nancy, b. June 9, 1789. 1787. Sarah, b. Jan. 23, 1801. 1782.-)-Reuben, b. Oct. 1790. 1788. -(-Abiel, b. Jan. 11, 1804. 1783.+Elisha, b. May 11, 1793. 1789. Amey, b. Oct. 23, 1805. 1784.-f-Elias, b. July 5, 1796. A son b. 1764. Died in infancy. 1785. Susannah, b. Jan. 11, 1798. Elizabeth married John Bennett, January 1808, by whom she had six sons and five daughters. He was a farmer, and died some years since in Hope well. She was residing there in 1865.' Nancy married Joseph Turner, December 9, 1813. Her issue was four sons and four daughters. He is deceased. She was residing in 1865 upon the homestead. Susannah married James Wallace, January 12, 1821, by whom she had three sons and six daughters. He was ordained a Baptist minister in 1825. He retired in 1864 in consequence of bodily infirmities. He was living in 1865. Their eldest son, Isaiah Wallace? took the degree of A.B. at Acadia College, Nova Scotia, in June 1855, and was ordained a Baptist minister in 1856. He was married in 1857. In 1859 the degree of A.M. was conferred upon him by the college. Since his ordination he has been actively engaged in the cause of education, pastoral and missionary labors. He was filling the pastorate of the Baptist church at Lower Granville, Nova Scotia, in 1865. Sarah married : first, Duncan Reed, June 1819, by whom she had two sons and two daughters ; second, Levi Elliott, June 1830, by whom she also had two sons and two daughters ; third, Robert Hoppen, March 17, 1841, by whom she had a son and daughter. Elisha? the son by her last husband, graduated ' " A. B." at Acadia College, N. S., June 1862. He then pursued in London, England, a course of Theological studies, after which he returned, and in 1865 was settled as pastor of a Baptist church in Westmoreland County, N. B., in the Parish of Shediac. Amey married Edward Duffy, October 30, 1833, by whom she has six sons and two daughters. He is a farmer, and resides in Coverdale, Albert County, N. B. [1634.] THOMAS6 PECK, son of Abiel,5 settled, as did his brothers, in what is now Hopewell, Albert County, New Bruns wick, upon the lands given him by his father, where he lived and died a wealthy farmer. He married Anna Brewster. He died October 16, 1825. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1790. Harriet, b. March 24, 1796. 1794. Margaret, b. Feb. 17, 1803. 1791.-|-Joseph, b. Dec. 4, 1798. 1795.-r-Thomas, b. Sept. 5, 1806. 1792. Cynthia, b. Jan. 30, 1800. Died 1796.-r-William, b. Jan. 1, 1808. in her 18th year. 1797. Mary Ann, b. May 5, 1810. 1793. Ann, b. Nov. 9, 1801. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 153 Harriet married E. Bishop. Ann married David Akerly. Margaret married Andrew Bishop. Mary Ann married Reuben Stiles. [1638.] JONATHAN6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 settled at first in Bristol, R. I. He moved from there to Dutchess County, N. Y., in June 1793. He married Nancy Wardwell, November 2, 1782. She died September 20, 1803, aged 41 years. He died in the town of Alexandria, Jefferson County, July 30, 1836, aged 76 years. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1798. Lydia, b. Oct. 5, 1784. Died 1803.-(-George, b. Aug. 29, 1792. Dec. 9, 1804, unm. 1804. Nancy, b. Dec. 8, 1793. 1799. Charlotte, b. Oct. 5, 1785. 1805.+Allen, b. July 20, 1795. I800.+Jonathan, b. Feb. 2, 1787. 1806. Harriet, b. Dec. 10, 1797. 1801.4-Henry, b. Feb. 24, 1789. 1807. William, b. Jan. 7, 1802. 1802. Abigail, b. Nov. 18, 1790. Died 1808.+Nathaniel W., b. Aug. 24, 1803. Sept. 7, 1817, unm. Charlotte married Dr. Jonathan Buck ; was residing, in 1853, in West Low ville, Lewis County, N. Y., with a second husband. Nancy married Jervis Pierce, of Bristol, R. I., and settled in Bradford County, Pa. She was accidentally shot by her husband. Harriet married Mr. Joseph Wood, and settled in Montezuma, where they were residing in 1863. William died at an early age in Bristol, R. I. [1639.J NICHOLAS6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 resided in Bristol, R. L, where he became wealthy. He was a merchant, a man of much energy and perseverance. He died June 1847. He married, for his first wife, Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Stephen Smith, of Bristol, October 2, 1785. For his second wife, he mar ried Jemima Gorham, daughter of Capt. Isaac Gorham, October 1, 1797; and for his third, Sally Gorham, sister of Jemima, October 5, 1799. His first wife died May 1796, in her 30th year. His second wife died November 7, 1798, in her 24th year. His third wife survived him, and was residing a widow upon the homestead in 1863. To her kindness, and that of her son Isaac, I am indebted for my information in relation to the family. 154 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1809. Mary, b. June 28, 1787. 1815. Isaac G., b. July 15, 1800. By I810.-|-Nicholas, b. July 13, 1789. 3d wife. 1811. John, b. Sept. 26, 1791. Died 1816. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1802. in Maryland in 1804, unm. 1817. Susan, b. March 30, 1809. Died 1812. Francis, b. May 30, 1794. Died April 21, 1810. June 6, 1796. I818.+Francis, b. May 2, 1811. 1813. Elizabeth, b. May 20, 1796. 1819. Veites G., b. Feb. 18, 1814. Died Sept. 30, 1796. 1820. Susan, b. March 29, 1818. Died 1814. Jemima G., b. Oct. 12, 1798. Aug. 1, 1830. By 2d wife. Mary married Dr. Lemuel W. Briggs. Her children were : Abby P.? Lem uel W.? and Walter D? Lemuel W. is a physician, and Walter D. was a mer chant, of the house of Page, Briggs, & Babbitt, Boston, in 1863. Jemima married Capt. Benjamin W.Bradford; was a widow in 1863. Her children were : Henry Felix? Elizabeth6 and Mary? Elizabeth married Randal H. Moale, of Baltimore, a counsellor-at-law. They have a large family of children. Veites was residing upon the homestead unmarried in 1864. [1640.] JOHN6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 settled in Bristol near the homestead of his ancestors, where he died, March 1, 1821. He held a Judgeship in the Court of Common Pleas for several years. He was twice married : first, to Patience Turner, daughter of Dr. John Turner, April 9, 1795. She died July 12, 1801, aged 36 years. Second, to Ann Reynolds, daughter of Joseph Reynolds, of Bristol, May 16, 1802. She was residing with her daugther, Mrs. Benjamin Smith, in 1863. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1821. Emma, b. May 21, 1796. Died 1825. -(-William, b. June 16, 1803. Dec. 3, 1858, unm. 1826.-j-Henry, b. Dec. 4, 1804. 1822.-|-Jonathan, b. Feb. 24, 1798. 1827.-|-Horace, b. July 1, 1806. 1823. Susan, b. Aug. 25, 1799. 1828.+George R., b. April 20, 1808. 1824.+John T., b. July 10, 1801. 1829. Ann, b. Jan. 25, 1810. Susan married Marke A. Smith, of Bristol, R. I. Ann married Capt. Benjamin Smith, and settled in Galesburg, 111. [1649.] SAMUEL6 YIAL PECK, son of Thomas,5 resided in Bristol, R. I., upon what is known by the name of Popposquash, where he died, February 21, 1804. He is represented to have been kind-hearted and benevolent. He erected the house, as I am told, owned and occupied in 1863 DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 155 by Stephen T. Church. He married Joanna Lincoln for his first wife, and for his second, Martha Howland. His first wife died November 16, 1796, aged 37 years. His second wife died Janu ary 14, 1849, aged 82 years. She was appointed administratrix upon his estate, April 7, 1804. CHDLDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1830. AshbelHarrick. Died Oct. 21, 1834. Medberry Lincoln. Died Sept. 1796, aged 13 years. 3, 1795, aged 9 months and 1831. Mary Richmond, b. Dec. 26, 2 days. 1787. Died Nov. 9, 1822. 1835. An infant son. Died Oct. 22, 1832. Samuel Vial. Died Nov. 12, 1796, aged 7 days. 1796, aged 8 years. 1836. Martha Howland, b. April 1, 1833. Joanna. Died Nov. 10, 1796, 1798. Died young. aged 5 years. 1837. Eliza Ann, b. March 14, 1800. 1838. Martha Vial, b. March 20, 1804. Mary Bichmond married Philip M. Topham. Bobert C? and William? Top- ham, of New Bedford, are her sons. Eliza Ann was residing in Bristol in 1863, unmarried. Martha Vial married Nathaniel Fales, and was residing in Bristol in 1863. The first six children in this family were those of the first wife, four of whom with their mother died with the yellow fever. The tombstones of these children may be found at Bristol. They have been removed from the ancient burying-ground (now con-verted into a common) to the grounds adjoining.* Near the tombstones of these children, when I vis ited the place, lay upon the ground that of the mother, once a fine stone, then apparently uncared for. That of the father had been removed to the North burying-ground. The following is the inscription from that of the mother : In memory of Mrs. Joanna the amiable Consort of Samuel Vial Peck who departed this life Nov. 16-1796 in the 37th year of her age. [1651.] NATHANIEL6 PECK, son of Thomas,5 left Bristol, R. I., about 1793, and settled in Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y., where he resided for many years. He removed to Chenango County, and afterwards to La Salle, Michigan, where he died, September 20, 1836. He married Mary Wilson, daughter of John Wilson, of Taunton, Mass. She died May -2 7, 1856, aged 86. * Upon the stones of these children, or upon that of the mother, is a singu lar error. Upon the stone of the mother the name is Joanna. Upon that of the children she is called Hannah. 156 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION ! 1839. "Thomas, b. Dec. 30, 1792. Died 1845. William L., b. March 7, 1806. unm., Sept. 13, 1836. Died at St. Jago, Cuba, Feb. 1840.-f-Samuel V., b. Nov. 22, 1794. 20, 1836, unm. 1841.+ Nathaniel B., b. Feb. 8, 1797. 1846. Betsy, b. July 9, 1808. Died 1842. Hannah, b. Aug. 15, 1799. March 5, 1811. 1843. Maria, b. Aug. 27, 1801. 1847. Betsy W., b. Dec. 31, 1810. 1844. John, b. Nov. 28, 1803. Died June 2, 1804. Hannah married John M. Wheeler, of Amenia, September 15, 1819, where they settled. She died September 23, 1862. Maria married George J. Barker, of Amenia, August 24, 1823. Settled at Grand Rapids, Mich., where she died, August 23, 1852. Betsy W. married William Bdsworth, of Pharsalia, January 15, 1829, and died at Amenia, October 1857. [1655.] WILLIAM B.6 RECK, son of Loring,5 married Elizabeth Keese, daughter of Samuel Keese, of Keeseville, N. Y., January 22, 1811, and settled at Lake Pleasant, Hamilton County, N. Y I am told that he was early possessed of much physical ability, energy and decision of character, which fitted him for the active life he afterwards lived. He held various public offices during his life, both civil and military. In 1812, '13, '14 and '15, he held a commission, and was in service upon the frontier or Canada line. He was supervisor of his town and Justice of the Peace for many years, and in 1822 was appointed one of the judges of his county, which office he held during his residence there. In 1826, he removed to Stuyvesant Landing, upon the Hudson River, and engaged in the commission freighting and grain busi ness. From here he removed to Chonnahon, Will County, 111., where he was again intrusted with various public offices. In 1837, he was appointed by the President Indian Agent to settle claims ; and in 1840, Assistant United States Marshal. He held minor public offices, as Justice of the Peace, Post Master, etc., until the close of his life. In speaking of his private life, his son, Samuel K., to whom I am indebted for my information, says : " My father will be long remem bered as one of the most pleasing companions, and the most chari table and beneficent of men." DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 157 He was accustomed to take an active part in political matters, and was a pleasing and popular public speaker. He died June 22, 1849: His wife in 1845. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1848. Harriet S., b. 1812. 1852. Robert H., b. Jan. 1824. Died 1849. Ellen, b. 1815. Oct. 26, 1852, unm. 1850. Samuel K., b. March 27, 1818. 1853. Phebe F., b. March 29, 1826. 1851. Jane, b. 1820. Died 1824. 1854.-(-Philip S., b. March 27, 1829. Harriet married in 1836, settled in Illinois, and died in 1846. Ellen married Elisha C. Fellows ; was a widow residing at Joliet, 111., in 1863. Samuel K. was residing at Clinton Corners, N. Y., in 1864, unmarried. Phebe F. married George W. Washington, of Mount Vernon, grand-nephew of General George Washington. She died September 1849. [1659.] DR GEORGE6 PECK, son of Col. Loring,5 married Elizabeth Dunning, of Lake Pleasant, Hamilton County, N. Y., where he resided until about 1817, when he removed to Western New York. He resided for some time at Monroe. From there he removed to Niagara, where he remained for several years. He was educated for a profession, and chose that of medicine and surgery, which he afterwards practised. He was surgeon in the war of 1812. He was also a surveyor and engineer, in the practice of which he sometimes engaged. ' In 1836, he removed to the West, and settled in Iowa, upon the west bank of the Mississippi River, where he afterwards laid out and founded the city of Camanche. He remained here until his decease. His son, Franklin K., to whom I am indebted for my informa tion, in speaking of his decease, says : " He now lies buried near the city, in a place of his own selection. Upon his tombstone is the following inscription : Doct George Peck founder of Camanche died Oct 13, 1838 Aged 51 years His wife lies buried by his side. She died May 10, 1844, aged 48 years. 14 158 PECK GENEALOGY, PART THIRD. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1855.+Franklin K., b. May 10, 1812. 1860. Sarah, b. Dec. 20, 1822. 1856. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 22, 1814. 1861. Jane, b. Jan. 1826. Died July 19, 1848. 1862. Frances C, b. Dec. 11, 1827. 1857. John R., b. Jan. 8, 1816. Died June 2, 1861. 1858. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 22, 1818. 1863.+George, b. Feb. 4, 1830. 1859. Loring D., b. Aug. 6, 1820. Died April 14, 1848. Mary Ann married Charles Harrison, September 1, 1837. Her children were : Norman? Daniel? Henry6 and John? John B. married Nancy Bucon, May 1840 ; resides in California ; no issue. Jane married Charles Harrison, the former husband of her deceased sister, November 30, 1848. Her child, Sarah Harrison? was born March 13, 1850. Sarah married Ira Stockwell, March 30, 1843. Her children are : George H.? Edwin E? and Nellie? Elizabeth married: first, Jonathan M. Warner, June 19, 1836; second, Eli S. Boice, July 12, 1840. Mr. Warner died August 20, 1839, and Mr. Boice August 16, 1862. Her children by them are : George Warner? William? Mary J.? Caroline E.? and David E? Boice. Frances C. married Francis K. Bennett, September 11, 1849. Her children were : Frances, jr.? Bodolphus? and George? [1 660.] HENRY6 PECK, son of Loring,5 is a wealthy farmer, .and resides at Bangall, Dutchess County, N. Y. He married Nancy Conger, October 19, 1811, daughter of Benjamin Conger, of Milan, Dutchess County, N. Y. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1864. George, b. April 8, 1813. 1867. Alfred, b. Jan. 1, 1822. Died 1865. Richard, b. May 5, 1815. Sept. 1837. 1866. Jane A., b. Nov. 15, 1819. Jane A. married Charles H. Smith, and settled at Hartsville, Dutchess County, N. Y. George is a physician ; was unm. in 1863. Bichard is a lawyer ; was unm. in 1863. [1661.] RICHARD6 PECK, son of Loring,5 settled at Lake Pleasant, and from there removed to Wells, Hamilton County, N. Y., where he was residing in 1864. He has been a judge, member of the State Legislature, etc. He married Lavinia Kas- son, daughter of Robert Kasson. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1868. Caroline, b. Dec. 28, 1819. 1871. Maria Louisa, b. Aug. 28, 1828. 1869.-|-William B., b. Sept. 24, 1822. 1872.+Charles H, b. June 14, 1832. 1870. Nancy, b. March 29, 1825. 1873. Walter B., b. Feb. 28, 1834. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 159 Caroline married David Brown; resides in Northampton, Fulton County, N. Y. Their children are : Albert? b. September 5, 1846 ; Charles? b. Decem ber 20, 1847 ; Dewitt? b. June 5, 1849 ; Maria? b. March 10, 1856 ; Ella? b. Oc tober 27, 1862 ; and Lavinia? b. September 28, 1852. Nancy married Ulyssis H. Cowles. Their children are : Sarah Jane? b. April 15, 1845; Bichard P.? b. April 2, 1847; Lura? b. February 19, 1849; James H? b. July 11, 1851; Mary? b. April 10, 1853; Ida? b. May 15, 1859; Alfred TJlysis? b. in 1860. Walter B. was in the army, in 1864, unm. [1662.] JONATHAN6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 resided, at first, in Rehoboth, Mass., afterwards in other places in that vicinity. He married Betty Ormsbe, October 21, 1782 (R. Rec, B. 3). He died in Cumberland, August 1846. She died in Providence, May 1849. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 3, p 296.) 1874+Cyrus, b. March 3, 1784. 1878. Sarah, b. July 18, 1794. 1875. Cynthia, b. Oct. 3, 1786. Died 1879. Betty, b. April 20, 1796. April 17, 1864. 1880. Lucy, b. Sept. 15, 1798. Died 1876.-(-Jonathan, b. April 7, 1789. unm. 1877.+Caleb, b. Jan. 14, 1792. 1881. Ruth Ann, b. Oct. 25, 1801. Cynthia resided in Providence, in 1863, unm. Sarah married John King; resided in Providence, in 1863, a widow. Betty married John Draper, of Providence. Buth Ann married Wilbor Wheaton, of Providence ; was a widow, residing there, in 1863. [1663.] RUFUS6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 settled in Provi dence, R. I. He was a merchant. He married Lydia Lyon. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (P. ReC, B. 2, p. 111.) 1882. Bethia, b. Nov. 14, 1793. Died 1884. Rufus, b. March 11, 1798. Died young. young. 1883. Ruth, b. Oct. 18, 1795. Died 1885. Philip L., b. Nov. 9, 1799. y0ung. 1886. Amos L., b. June 10, 1802. Suppose died young. Buth married Rev. Wilbor Fisk. He was a Methodist clergyman, at one time principal of the Methodist school at Wilbraham, and afterwards of the college. [1665.] GIDEON6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 settled in Re hoboth, Mass., near what was known in that vicinity as the Gov ernor Martin estate, where he lived and died. He married Lydia Bullock, daughter of Judge Stephen Bullock, 160 PECK GENEALOGY, PART THIRD. of Rehoboth, March 17, 1791. She was born March 23, 1765. He died December 20, 1843. She died November 30, 1846. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (R. ReC, B. 4, p. 17.) 1887. Belinda, b. Dec. 23, 1791. 1891. Lydia B., b. March 23, 1799. 1888. Patsey, b, Feb. 9, 1794. 1892. Candice, b. Jan. 21, 1801. 1889.-|-Edwin, b. Dec 3, 1795. 1893. Mary, b. April 4, 1803. I890.+Noah, b. Sept. 19, 1797. 1894. Rosalie, b. March 5, 1805. Patsey married Aaron T. Mason, of Swansey. Their children are : Gideon P.? Mary B.? William E.? Horace D.? James A? and Aaron T? Lydia married Autil Luther; settled in Pawtucket, R. I. Their children were : Charles Autil? William Thompson? Abby P? and Samuel? Belinda married Sullivan Martin, of Barrington. Their children were: Anna D.? Edwin L.? George S.? Stephen B? and Nathaniel F? Candice resides in Seekonk, unm. Mary married Gardner Luther, of Seekonk ; no issue. Bosalie married Capt. Henry R. Howland, of New Bedford. They reside in Seekonk, Mass. Their children were: Florence and Lydia. Florence died January 17, 1864, aged 20 years and 13 days.* [1666.] AMBROS6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 resided in Re hoboth, where he died. He was a cooper by trade. He married Amey Mason, daughter of John Mason, of Rehoboth, Mass. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1895. Mary. Died young. 1898. Eliza. Died young. 1896. Nancy. Died young. 1899. Lemira, b. 1801. 1897. Amie. Died young. Lemira married Bela Peck (No. 2686). [1667.] - PHILIP6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 resided in Provi dence. He was a merchant. He was twice married : first, to Sally Chase, December 8, 1799, daughter of Amos Chase; second, to Abigail Chase, January 25, 1807, sister to his first wife. His first wife died December 1, 1804. He died April 7, 1824. His second wife died October 14, 1834. * To her excellent letters I am indebted for much of my information in relation to the family. DESCENDANTS OP NICHOLAS PECK. 161 CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (P. ReC, B. 2, p. 206.) 1900. John A., b. Oct. 17, 1801. Died 1903.-|-Philip F. W., b. Jan. 16, 1809. unm. 1904.-r-Henry C, b. Feb. 1, 1811. > 1901. William K., b. Jan. 8, 1803. 1905.+Charles M., b. Feb. 1, 1811. | Died unm. , Twins. 1906. Abby Ann, b. Sept. 30, 1812. By second wife : 1907. Henry, b. April 12, 1819. 1902. Sally C, b. Oct. 31, 1807. ¦Sally C. married Benjamin T. Church, of Providence. Abby Ann resides in Providence, unm. [1671. J WILLIAM6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 settled in Re hoboth, near his father. He married Hannah Pierce, daughter of Isaac Pierce, of Rehoboth. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1908.+William, b. Nov. 19, 1804. 1911.+Josephus, b. Sept. 22, 1811. 1909. Martha W., b. June 5, 1807. 1912.+Noah L., b. Nov. 20, 1816. 1910. Mary P., b. Nov. 8, 1809. 1913. Hannah, b. June 21, 1818. Martha married Obadiah Ross, of Thompson, Conn. Mary P. married : first, Jerome Westcott ; and second, David Horton, of Providence. Hannah married Philip Mowry, of Woonsocket, R. I. [1672.] SYLVANUS6 PECK, son of Jonathan,5 resided in Rehoboth, not far from the Orleans Factory, so called. He mar ried Charlotte Wright, daughter of Joseph Wright. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1914.-f-Albert G., b. Oct. 29, 1805. I917.+James M., b. July 11, 1818. 1915. Charlotte W., b. March 15, 1918. Ruth W., b. Feb. 25, 1815. 1808. 1919,+Sylvanus, b. March 18, 1822. I916.+Cyrus, b. Nov. 24, 1809. 1920. Frances A., b. Sept. 1832. Charlotte W. married E. A. Brown. Buth and Frances married John C. Marvel. [1676.] NICHOLAS6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 was early ap prenticed to Seth Peck, who married his aunt, and removed with him to Northern Massachusetts, where his uncle died. He after wards married and settled in Ashfield, Mass. From there he removed to Oblong, Dutchess County, N. Y., where he remained until about 1795, when he settled on Grand Island, in Lake Cham- plain. He remained here until 1804, when he removed into the State of New York. In 1812, he returned to Grand Isle, where 14* 162 PECK GENEALOGY, PART THIRD. he resided until 1819, when he removed to Clinton, Clinton County, N. Y., where he died in 1837* He was twice married : first, to a Miss Merrick ; and second, to Mrs. Eunice Barney, formerly Miss Eunice Clark. She died in 1842. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1921. Phebe. 1925,+Peleg. 1926. Eunice. By second wife : 1927.-1-Seth, b. Dec. 28, 1800. 1922.-)-William, b. March 24, 1789. 1928. Nicholas. 1923. Polly, b. Nov. 3, 1790. 1929. Lydia. 1924.+Charles, b. Nov. 6, 1794. ¦ 1930. Rosilla.f Phebe married Nathan Hill, for her first husband, and James Hinds, for her second. Polly married Stephen Martin, and settled in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., where she died in 1863. Eunice married Norman Starks, and was residing in Dellona, Sauk County, Wis., in 1864. Nicholas was unm. in 1864, and residing in Monona, Iowa. Lydia married Doras Martin, and was residing in Clinton County, N. Y., in 1864. Bosilla married Ira B. Smith, and was residing at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, in 1864. [1680.] THOMAS6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 settled in Swan sey, Mass. The following was communicated by his son, at my request, to whose kindness and generosity I am also indebted for the likeness of himself and of his father : Thomas Peck, son of Peleg, was born in Swansey, Mass., February 12, 1767. He was brought up, and at his majority commenced life a farmer. His father and eldest brother held commissions in the war of the Revolution, and my father experienced some of the privations so * He left his native town at so early a date that his relatives had lost all knowledge of him. It was with much difficulty that he was traced out, and his descendants found. His children, when found, though already aged them selves, knew nothing of their ancestors, or of their father's connections, and seemed surprised and rejoiced to learn that they had many relatives, and an uncle still living ; and what was still more singular, these children had be come so separated in their settlements, that they did not know where each other resided, each having to be traced out separate, requiring much time and labor. 1 1 am told that there was a son by the name of Ambros in the above family, who died young, being killed by the falling of a tree. DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS PECK. 163 common during the war. Six weeks comprised his entire school ad vantages. I find among his papers several commissions, viz : one Ensign, dated 1791 ; Lieutenant, 1792 ; Captain, 1803 ; and Justice of the Peace, in 1805. For several years he was a selectman of the town, and appears to have taken considerable interest in public affairs. It was, however, chiefly in his office of Justice of the Peace, that he became known and appreciated by the public. Misdemeanors and crimes of a deeper shade seem to me to have been more frequent then than now, and the spirit of litigation more common. But his principal business was the collection of debts. His attention and scrupulous regard for the interest of the creditor, soon attracted from a large circle most of the business in this line. In identifying himself with the interests of the creditor, he did not over look what was due to the debtor, and usually secured the esteem of both. So large was his legal business of various kinds, that he required almost the entire time of a sheriff to serve the numerous papers he issued. Justices then made writs returnable before themselves. He necessarily had his regular court days. These were often numerously attended, and sometimes parties appeared by eminent advocates, making these days of great interest to me. How long his business continued so large, I do not recollect ; but at length, from changes in the laws and the usages of society, it diminished. As his business from these sources decreased, he ex tended it in other directions. He surveyed lands and wrote deeds, wrote wills and administered on numerous estates, and became a sort of general counsellor and legal adviser and assistant for a large circle of acquaintances. In his more private relations, as in those already mentioned, he was the same man of mind, of principle, of a moral sense rarely in fault, to which sentiment and passion, were subjected to reason ; and the highest good, rather than the greatest gratification, had prominence. The above is a very inadequate expression of a life so full of earnest and various occupations. I have mentioned those acts and features which seemed to me most likely to be of some general inter est to our numerous relatives, known and unknown. That your work may become a medium to the widely scattered members of the Peck family, and like the telegraph wire, bring us nearer together, and into more interesting relations, is the desire and confident hope of yours, Respectfully, G. M. PECK. 164 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART THIRD. He married Elizabeth Mason, daughter of Job Mason, of Swan sey, Mass. He died October 1851. She November 24, 1844. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1931.-r-William, b. April 12, 1795. 1935. Adaline, b. Dec. 16, 1801. Died 1932.+Gardiner M., b. Feb. 8, 1797. in 1803. 1933. Lebarron, b. Sept. 18, 1798. 1936. Seth, b. March 24, 1803. Died in 1798. 1937. Eliza S., b. May 29, 1806. 1934.-fGeorge, b. Oct. 7, 1799. Eliza married John Bailey, of Swansey. [1681.] HEZEKIAH6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 settled at first in Bristol, R. I., and then in Smithfield, Bradford County, Pa. He was twice married : first, to Abby Gray ; second, to Mrs. Abigail Brigham, formerly Abigail Mason. His first wife died May 31, 1833. He died October 29, 1854. His second wife June 1857. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 1938. Sarah G., b. April 23, 1792, in 1940. -(-Hezekiah M., b. Aug. 23, 1796, Rehoboth, Mass. in Warren, R. I. 1939.+William, b. May 15, 1794, in 1941.-(-Peleg, b. Dec. 11, 1798, in War- Warren, R. I. ren, R. I. Sarah G. married Eleazer Waldron, and settled in Fall River, Mass. [1682.] SETH6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 settled in Warren, R. I. He was widely known as a public man, and very popular. He was elected to some public office in the town for more than forty years. He was weigher and gauger of the port of Warren many years. He held a colonel's commission. He was also a dis tinguished Mason, and was for a long time Master of the Grand Lodge. He was three times married : first, to Lillis Child ; second, to Widow Sally Chase ; third, to Widow Sarah Cole, who survived him, and was residing in Warren, in 1863. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 1942. Patience, b. Aug. 25, 1792. 1944. John G., b. Sept. 7, 1800. Died Died unm. at sea, unm. 1943. Seth, b. Feb. 22, 1798. Died June 24, 1799. [1685.] PELEG6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 remained upon the homestead. He was a farmer. He married Abigail Fairbanks, ^J^^W . April 29, 1711. tized July 8, 1705. 2586. Sarah, b. Dec 29, 1713. 2587. Samuel, b. July 20, 1716. PART FIFTH. THE DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL2 PECK, THE FIFTH SON OF JOSEPH1 THE ANCESTOR. Nathaniel Peck was born at Hingham, Mass., and baptized there October 31, 1641, and removed from there with his father and family to Seekonk, afterwards Rehoboth, He settled upon the lands given him and his brother Israel, in what is now Barrington, R. I., near the present residence of Ellis Peck, Esq. They were a part of the lands purchased by the proprietors of Osamequin and his son Wamsetta. The record of the deed of these lands, known by the name of Poppanomscut, alias Phebe's Neck, Sowames or Sowamsit, is upon the proprietors' records now in the care of the Town Clerk at War ren, R. I., dated March 29, 1653, B. 1, pg. 9, where their location and division into lots may be learned. They are now partly in Bristol, Warren, Swansey, Rehoboth, and Barrington. The lands given to Nathaniel and Israel by their father remained undivided, the most of them at least, until after the son of Nathan iel became of age. They are referred to upon the proprietors' re cords, first after the decease of Nathaniel, as the lands of Israel and the heirs of Nathaniel ; and afterwards, as the lands of Na thaniel and his uncle Israel. Upon the proprietors' records, January 1698-9, B. 1, pg. 73, may be found the division of their lands, some lying at Kechmuet, Scamscammuck, Chachapoucoset, and other places. Nathaniel and his wife died at an early age. He was buried August 12, 1676, and his wife Deliverance, May 1, 1675 (R. Rec. B. 1). He had three children, and left at his decease, — as appears by the Massachusetts Colonial records. — two, a son and a daughter. 204 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIFTH. The Court, as appears upon record, appointed Jonothan Bosworth and Samuel Peck, November 1, 1676, to administer upon the estate of Nathaniel Peck, there being " two children, a son and a daugh ter." The Court ordered that the son should have double that of the daughter, and that the estate remain undivided until they be come of age, or until they choose their own guardians. The births of two of his children are upon the records at Swan sey. That of the daughter I could not find. A number of the first leaves of the first book of births at Swansey, have been destroyed or lost,- it was without doubt upon them. She doubtless died young, as did her brother Elisha, as I find no mention of her name in the division of her father's estate. CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION : 2588.+Nathaniel, b. July 26, 1670. 2590. Elisha, b. April 19, 1675. Died 2589. , b. April 30, 1675. [2588.] NATHANIEL3 PECK, son of Nathaniel,2 settled upon the lands left him by his father. He was a prominent man, and held various public offices. He is called upon the records for several years Lieut. Nathaniel, and afterwards Deacon Nathaniel. He was twice married : first, to Christian Allen, of Swansey, March 8, 1695-6 ; second, to Judith Smith, of Rehoboth, July 18, 1705 (S. Rec. B 1). His first wife deceased June 8, 1702 ; his second wife November 10, 1743; he August 5, 1751. The following is from his tombstone, which is in Barrington : In Memory of Deacon Nathaniel Peck who departed this life on y8 5th day of August 1751 in ye 82a year of his Age The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : 2591. Ebenezer, b. April 24, 1697. April 17, 1709. Baptized Sept. 26, 1703. 2596. Abigail, b. Aug. 12, 1709. 2592.+Nathaniel, born July 10, 1699. 2597. Bathsheba, b. Jan. 15, 1710-11. Baptized Sept. 26, 1703. Died Dec 13, 1769. 2593.-|-Thomas, b. Oct. 4, 1700. Bap- 2598.+Soloman, b. Nov. 11, 1712. tized Sept. 26, 1703. 2599. John, b. July 1, 1714. Died 2594. Daniel, b. July 28, 1706. By July 23, 1714. 2d wife. Baptized April 13, 2600. John, b. Feb. 29, 1716. Died 1707. May 14, 1716. 2595,+David, b. Nov. 1707. Baptized Abigail married Mathew Pratt. The graves of the two last chUdren are in the burying-ground at Seekonk. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 205 [2591.] EBENEZER4 PECK, son of Nathaniel,3 resided in Barrington, near his father. He left no issue. His will is upon the records at Taunton, Mass., B. 4, p. 346, dated June 16, 1724. He gives to his wife Mary, 250 Acres of Land in Ashford County, of Hartford, Conn., with his household stuff, one yoke of oxen, &c. To his brother Nathaniel, 100 acres of land in Ashford, and two bonds of 209 pounds, and his mare and sheep. He also gives his wife one bond of 33 pounds. He gives to his brother Thomas, 50 Acres of Land in Ashford, Conn. He gives to his brothers Nathaniel and Thomas a bond of 37 pounds and 16 shillings, and his wearing apparel, to be equally divided betwixt them. He appoints his honored father and Zachariah Bignell executors of his will. [2592.] NATHANIEL4 PECK, son of Nathaniel,3 settled in the south-easterly part of Seekonk, not far from what has since been known as Major Monroe's, upon the farm recently known as the Doct. Hutchins' place. By his will, which is upon the Records at Taunton, Mass., B. 15, p. 107, dated May 8, 1756, he appears to have been a man of wealth. He is called upon the Records Lieut. Nathaniel. He gives to his wife the use of the best room in his Mansion house, with a privilege in the kitchen. He gives her the privilege of keeping a cow and horse, winter and summer, and whatever else she may choose to keep so long as she remains his widow. He also gives her 20 lbs. of flax and 15 lbs. of wool yearly ; also all his indoor movables, one horse, and one cow. He requires his son Comfort to provide for her ten bushels of indian corn, five bushels of rye, two hundred weight of pork and one hundred weight of beef yearly, so long as she shall remain his widow. He also gives her his negro girl slave, named Rose.* He gives his daughter, Mary Jacobs,. * The names of slaves occasionally occur among these early settlers upoiL records and gravestones in the burial grounds,. The following is an instance :. Here lies the best of Slaves, His faithful Soul is fled Now turning into dust. To relms of Heavenly light, Ceasor the Ethiopian craves And by the blood of Jessus shed A place among the just. Is changed from black to white. Jan 15 he quit the stage, In the 77th year of his age. 1780... 18 206 wife of Allen Jacobs, 5 pounds 13 shillings and 4 pence ; to his daughter Abagail Barney, wife of Martain Barney, 5 pounds 13 shillings and 4 pence. He gives five sheep to his beloved grandson Nathaniel Peck, and three to his granddaughter Mary Jacobs. He divides his lands and common rights among his three sons, Thomas, Comfort & Peleg ; giving Comfort the homestead. He makes Comfort and his wife his executor and executrix. His inventory, which is upon the records at Taunton, B. 15, P. 207, is lengthy. Among the property named is one negro man, about 70 or 80 years old, one negro woman, about 40 years old, appraised at 13 pounds 6 shillings and 8 pence. One negro girl, about 8 years old, appraised at 20 pounds. One mulatto boy, about 13 years old, bound as an apprentice until 21 years of age. He died in the army at Fort Edward, August 5, 1756 (R. Rec. B. 1). His wife was Alee Eish, of Portsmouth, R. I. CHILDREN — FHTTH GENERATION : 2601.+Thomas,b. Jan. 11, 1726-7. 2604. Christian, b. Aug. 25, 1733. 2602. Mary, b. Dec. 1, 1728. 2605. Abigail, b. Sept. 11, 1735. 2603.+Comfort, b. May 26, 1731. 2606.+Peleg, b. April 8, 1741. Mary married Allen Jacobs. Abigail married Martin Barney. [2593. J THOMAS4 PECK, son of Nathaniel,3 lived and died in Seekonk, upon the farm since owned by and known as the Dea con Vial Medbery farm. He married Deliverance May, of Swansey, January 1729. She was born December 5, 1712, and died January 3, 1791. He died April 5, 1763. The division of his estate is recorded upon the Taunton Records, B. 18, p. 503, dated May 3, 1764. The estate was large. His son Ebenezer had a double portion. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : 2607.+Ebenezer, b. Mar. 8, 1730. Dec. 13, 1812. 2608. Deliverance, b. Jan. 8, 1732-3. 2613. Bathsheba, b. Aug. 13, 1746. Died Dec. 23, 1775. Died Sept. 19, 1789. 2609. Allen, b. Aug. 22, 1735. Died 2614. Huldah, b. May 8, 1749. Died AprU 5, 1740. Oct. 24, 1770. 2610. Gaius, b. Jan. 17, 1737-8. Died 2615. Chloe, b. Aug. 10, 1751. Died in the army Oct. 23, 1758. Oct. 1830. 2611. Lois, b. Aug. 1, 1741. Died 2616. Thomas, b. May 18, 1755. Mar. 25, 1812. Died on board a prison ship, 2612. Jemima, b. May 19, 1744. Died Nov. 16, 1777. Deliverance married Samuel Smith. Lois married Daniel Thurber. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 207 Jemima married John Bucklin. Bathsheba married Mathew Allen. Huldah married Wilson Jacobs. Chloe married Asahel Wilmoth. [2595.] DAVID4 PECK, son of Nathaniel,3 remained upon a part of the homestead where his grandson Sebea Peck was re siding in 1863. He died March 4, 1771. He married Sarah Humphrey, September 20, 1744. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION (Bar. BeC B. 1, p. 23) : 2617. David, b. Aug. 18, 1746. 2622. Rachel, b. Oct. 20, 1754. 2618. Sarah, b. Mar. 19, 1749-50. 2623. Lewis, b. Oct. 18, 1757. Died Mar. 31, 1752. Died youug. 2619. John, b. Mar. 8, 1751-2. Died 2624.-)-Joel, b. Aug. 28, 1759. Oct. 10, 1753. 2625.+Lewis, b. Aug. 30, 1761. 2620. Ezra, b. July 3, 1748. Died 2626. John, b. May 12, 1763. April 12, 1752. 2627.+Noah, b. Mar. 31, 1765. 2621. Ezra, b. Oct. 5, 1753. Died 2628. Sarah, b. Mar. 7, 1767. Jan. 5, 1754. Bachel married Samuel Bead, of Rehoboth. John married Susan Jones ; no issue. Sarah married Caleb Spencer, and settled in Clarendon, Vt. [2598.] SOLOMON4 PECK, son of Nathaniel,3 settled upon a part of the homestead. He married Keziah Barnes, December 29, 1737. She died July 18, 1792. He died December 8, 1776. The following are the inscriptions upon their tombstones : Here r-esteth all that was mortal of Solomon Peck Esq who died Decr 8th 1776 in the 65th year of his Age My flesh shall rest in hope to rise waka by his powerful voice All that was mortal of Kezia wife of Solomon Peck Esqr lieth here who died July 18th 1792 in the 75th year of her Age A faithful wife and Mother dear Such she was who now lies here CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : 2629.+Solomon, b. Oct. 29, 1738. AprU 24, 1816. 2630. Keziah, b. Aug. 3, 1740. 2635. Esther, b. May 18, 1751. 2631. Hannah, b. Feb. 4, 1743. Died 2636. Daniel, b. Mar. 24, 1753. Died Aug. 17. 1752. Sept. 10, 1776. 2632. Samuel, b. Dec. 30, 1744. Died 2637. Hannah, b. Oct. 17, 1755. Aug. 3, 1814. 2638. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 7, 1759. 2633. Benjamin, b. June 3, 1747. Died Oct. 9, 1.776. Died Oct. 12, 1776. 2639.+Ebenezer, b. Dec. 11, 1762. 2634. Amos, b. May 1, 1749. Died 208 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Kesiah married Comfort Peck ; and died June 25, 1776. Esther married John Vial, of Seekonk. Hannah married Samuel Barns. [2601.] THOMAS5 PECK, son of Nathaniel,4 settled first in Providence, then in Scituate, R. I. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 2640.+Nathaniel, b. Sept. 24, 1751. children were (Scit. Bee.) : (R. E. B. 2, p. 29). 2644.+Peleg, b. Sept. 24, 1760. 2641. AbigaU, b. Oct. 2, 1753. 2645.+Jacob, b. May 31, 1764. 2642.-|-Thomas, b. Dec. 27, 1757. 2646.+Peter, b. Mar. 27, 1767. By his second wife (2643) Dorathy, his 2647. Dorothy, b. Mar. 12, 1770. Dorothy married William Rutenber, and settled in Otsego County, N. Y. [2603.] COMFORT5 PECK, son of Nathaniel,4 remained upon the homestead. He died May 29, 1814. He married, for his first wife, Hannah Barney ; for his second, Kesiah Peck, (No. 2630), daughter of Solomon Peck ; and for his third, Ruth Saunders, of Haverhill, Mass. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 2648. Christian, b. Feb. 4, 1756. June 10, 1780. Died unm. 2653.+Nathaniel, b. Feb. 20, 1774. 2649.+Comfort, b. Oct. 17, 1760. 2654. James, b. Jan. 28, 1776. Died 2650. Kesiah, b. Jan. 2, 1764. July 11, 1799. 2651. Hannah. 2655.+Thomas, b. April 17, 1779. 2652. Buth, b. Mar. 15, 1770. Died 2656. Ruth. Kesiah married Levi Daggett, of Seekonk, where they lived and died. Their children were : Mary? Kesiah? John? Levi? Hannah? Betsey? Fanny7 and Lydia.7 Hannah married John M. Wood, of Swansey. Their children were : Seth? Beuben7 and Kinsley.7 Buth married Zedekiah Millard, of Rehoboth. Their child was : Elizabeth? who married John Martin, of East Providence, E. I. [2606.] PELEG5 PECK, son of Nathaniel,4 lived and died in Scituate, where I found his grandson Asahel Peck residing in 1860. He married Esther Barney, November 27, 1760. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: 2657. Aaron. Died young. 2663. Polly. 2658. Peleg. Died young. 2664. John. Died young. 2659.+Barney.- 2665. Esther. Died Aug. 21, 1801, 2660.-f-Isaac aged 27 years. 2661.+Ebenezer. 2666. Martha. 2662. Hannah. Died young. 2667. Welcome. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 209 Polly married Wibor Williams. Martha married Robert Strivner. [2670.] EBENEZER5 PECK, son of Thomas,4 remained upon the homestead. He died April 14, 1807. He married, for his first wife, Sarah Carpenter ; for his second, Sarah Brown ; and for his third, Sybel Ormsbee. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 2668. Hannah. Died unm. Nov. 2672. Lucy. 10, 1813, in her 59th year. 2673. Jacinthia. 2669.+Gaius. 2674. Ruth. 2670. Mehitable. 2675,+Ebenezer. 2671. Sarah. Died young. 2676.+Thomas. Mehitable married Isaac Martin, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. Her children were : Sarah? Isaac? Hannah? Hezekiah? John? Lucy? Winthrop? Huldah7 and Ambrose.7 Lucy marriedUeuben Pierce. Her children were : Lucy? Bichard? Bebec ca7 and George.7 Jacinthia married, first, Samuel Barker; second, a Humphrey. Her chil dren were : Samuel7 and Lenea.7 Buth married Barnabas Barker. Her children were : Sarah? John? Han nah? Lucy? Barnabas? Almira? Jacinthia7 and Wallace.7 [2617.] DAVID5 PECK, son of David,4 settled at first upon the paternal homestead, and afterwards in Seekonk, where he died. He married Elizabeth Bushee. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 2677.+Aaron. 2681. Sally. 2678. Elihu. 2682. Prudence. 2679.+Ezra. 2683. Judith. 2680. Betsey. Betsey married James French, of Seekonk. Sally and Prudence married Nathaniel Carpenter. Sally left no issue. Pru dence left children. [2624.] JOEL5 PECK, son of David,4 settled upon the home stead of his fathers. He married Lucy Pish, daughter of Daniel Eish, of Seekonk. He died November 11, 1833. She died March 2, 1864, in her 90th year. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION ! 2684.+Horatio, b. Dec. 3, 1793. 2688.+Sebea, b. Jan. 25, 1803. 2685.-f-Elnathan, b. Jan. 27, 1796. 2689. Fanny, b. Sept. 6, 1805. 2686.+ Bela, b. Jan. 29, 1798. 2690. Bethia, b. Aug. 4, 1808. 2687. Wealthy, b. Sept. 22, 1800. 2691. Clarissa, b. Dec. 13, 1812. 18* 210 Wealthy married Nathaniel Medbery, of Barrington. Her children are : Mathew? Lucy? Andrew? Theophilus? Angeline7 and James.7 Fanny married Seth D. Clark, of East Providence. Her chUdren are : Clarissa? Augustus? Julia? Diana? George7 and William.7 Bethia married Benjamin B. Medbery, of Barrington. Her chUdren are : Benjamin T.? Mary? Horace7 and Charles.7 Clarissa married Eobert T. Smith ; no issue. [2625. ] LEWIS5 PECK, son of David,4 left Barrington about 1786, and settled in Clarendon, Rutland County, Vt., where he resided until a short time before his death, when he removed to the town of Ira, where he died. He was twice married : first, to Betty Read, of Rehoboth, Mass. ; second, to Cynthia Green. He died January 1825. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 2692. Daniel, b. Nov. 1803. 2697. Jonathan. Di«d young. 2693.+John, b. Oct. 28, 1787. 2698. Salmon. By 2d wife. Died 2694. Rachel, b. Feb. 1792. young. 2695. Selina, b. Oct. 23, 1794. 2699. Leland. Died young. 2696. Samuel. Died young. 2700. Lydia. Died young. Daniel was killed by the falling of a tree in the 19th year of his age. Bachel married Charles Nichols. Selina married Samuel BurrUl. [2627.] NOAH5 PECK, son of David,4 left Barrington in 1786, and settled at Clarendon, Vt. He married, for his first wife, Anna Spencer, in 1793. Por his second, he married Mehitable You, March 1812. His first wife died January 1, 1811. His sec ond wife died September 18, 1835. He died August 19, 1842. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : 2701. Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1794. Died 2706.+Noah, b. Jan. 1807. April 13, 1835. 2707. Sarah, b. Jan. 1809. Died 2702.-r-Dayid, b. Nov. 1, 1795. Nov. 7, 1823. 2703. Annah, b. Jan. 2, 1797. Died 2708.+Lewis, b. Feb. 10, 1813. By Nov. 1839. 2d wife. 2704. Hannah, b. Sept. 16, 1799. 2709.+Daniel H., b. Jan. 29, 1815. J>ied July 6, 1838. 2710. Alphonso C, b. Jan. 1, 1817. 2705. Betsey, b. Jan. 1803. Died May .16, 1836.. Mary and Annah married Walter Rider, of Clarendon, Vt. Hannah married Benjamin Bishop. Betsey and Sarah died unmarried. Alphonso C. was residing with his brother Lewis, unmarried, in 1863. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 211 [2629. ] SOLOMON5 PECK, of Barrington, son of Solomon,4 married widow Abigail Barney, formerly Abigail Peck (No. 2605), daughter of Nathaniel Peck, December 8, 1 763. He resided where Asa Peck, his grandson, was residing in 1860. He died August 22, 1814. She died June 16, 1821. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: 2711. Abigail, b. May 12, 1764. 2715.+EUis, b. Aug. 2, 1774. 2712. Keziah, b. Sept. 10, 1766. 2716. Bebee, b. June 1, 1777. Died 2713.+Solomon, b. Feb. 13, 1769. AprU 19, 1781. 2714.-f-Darius, b. June 25, 1772. Abigail married Ebenezer Peck (No. 2661), son of Peleg. Keziah married Joshua Bead for her first husband, and David Hal for her second. [2639.] EBENEZER5 PECK, son of Solomon,4 lived and died in Barrington. He lived near where Ellis Peck now resides. The house stood where Benjamin Medbery was residing in 1863. He married Huldah Brown, daughter of Amos Brown, of Reho both, December 2, 1785. She died April 22, 1816, in the 64th year of her age. He died April 20, 1816. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: 2717.+Nathaniel, b. Jan. 16, 1786. 2721.+Benjamin, b. July 10, 1793. 2718.+ Ebenezer, b. Aug. 31, 1787. 2722.-f-Learned, b. Oct. 15, 1795. 2719. Huldah, b. Aug. 3, 1789. 2723. William H., b. June 5, 1798. 2720. Bebee, b. June 18, 1791. Died AprU 22, 1816. Huldah married Ebenezer Humphrey, and settled in Barrington. Her chU dren are : Albert? Samuel? John,7 Maria? Nancy? and Ann Eliza.7 Bebee (from whom I received my information in relation to her father's fam- Uy), married Benjamin Heath, September 13, 1812. Her children are : Mary? Benjamin? Huldah? William7 and Clarissa.7 [2640.] NATHANIEL6 PECK, son of Thomas,5 married Sarah Paine, daughter of Nathaniel Paine. He resided in Provi dence. He was a caulker by trade. He and his wife died in See konk, at the residence of their daughter Hannah ; he aged 76 years, and she 75. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2724. Sebra, b. Jan. 5, 1777. Died ^2725. Hannah, b. July 8, 1780. at sea, unm. Hannah married WUliam Handy, of Seekonk. Mr. William Handy, of See konk, to whom I am indebted for my information, is her son. 212 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. [2642-] THOMAS6 PECK, son of Thomas,5 left Rhode Island at an early date, and settled at what was known as the German Flats, N. Y, where he died about 1810. He married, for his first wife, as I am told, Lydia Knight ; and for his second, Frances Davis, who died April 11, 1826. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2726.-f-PhUip, b. AprU 25, 1776. 2732.-|-Thomas, b. July 19, 1794. 2727.+EusseU. 2733.4-Ai, b. Dec. 12, 1797. 2728. SaUy. 2734. WiUiam F. 2729. ArdUla. Suppose died unm. 2735.+James. 2730. Charlotte. 2736.-r-Nathaniel. 2731. Barbary. Sally married Edward Davis, of Butternuts, N. Y. Charlotte married a Hunt, and died soon after. Barbary married Eichard Paddock, of Litchfield, N. Y.* William F. died young, in the town of Lorraine, N. Y. [2644.] PELEG6 PECK, son of Thomas,5 left Rhode Island about 1795, and settled in Otsego County, at or near Fly Creek. From there he removed to Richfield. He married Betsey Sweet, daughter of Jeremiah Sweet, August 13, 1779. He died Novem ber 4, 1849. She August 14, 1838. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2737. Abner, b. Oct. 24, 1780. 2744.+Alfred, b. Feb. 20, 1793. 2738. Joab, b. March 12, 1782. 2745. Alfredia, b. Nov. 29, 1794. 2739.+Pardon, b. Feb. 11, 1784. 2746. Augustus, b. Sept. 14, 1796. 2740. Freelove, b. Nov. 13, 1785. 2747. Hannah, b. Jan. 4, 1799. 2741. Lydia, b. June 7, 1787. 2748.+Peleg, b. May 25, 1801. 2742.+Thomas, b. Aug. 10, 1789. 2749.-j-Dorastas, b. Aug. 23, 1803. 2743. Betsy, b. May 4, 1791. Abner settled in Lorraine, N. Y., where he and his wife died, leaving no chUdren. He married Joanna Dewey. He died May 2, 1810. Joab died in Batavia, unm., December 30, 1841. Freelove married Ezra Cary, and was residing with her son, Albert Cary, at Norwich, Chenango County, N. Y., in 1864. Lydia married Eleazer Whipple, August 31, 1810, and settled in Richfield, Otsego County, N. Y., where he died, October 30, 1830. She was residing in OrangeviUe, N. Y., in 1864. Betsey married Thomas Leonard, and settled at first in Richfield, afterwards in Bethany, and then in Niagara County. She died October 13, 1860. » Thomas Paddock, residing at Salmon Eiver, Oswego County, N. Y., in 1865, is her son. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 213 Alfredia married Alfred Green. They were residing in Sturgis, EL, in 1864. Augustus died in the army of the United States, October 30, 1816, unm. Hannah married Nathan Hawley, and was residing at Perry Centre, Mich., in,1864. [2645.] JACOB6 PECK, son of Thomas,5 moved from Rhode Island to Fly Creek, Otsego County, N. Y, where he died, March 1, 1813. He married Mercy Rutenber, born July 24, 1758. She died February 14, 1841. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2750. Celinda, b. May 25, 1785. Died 2753. Mercy, b. Sept. 27, 1792. Died Aug. 31, 1851. Nov. 14, 1845. 2751. Cynthia, b. Dec. 25, 1788. Died 2754. Huldah, b. Feb. 16, 1797. unm., May 11, 1819. 2755. Harris, b. Dec. 25, 1799. Died 2752. Daniel, b. Feb. 21, 1790. Died July 31, 1805. unm., Sept. 18, 1791. Celinda married Benjamin GaUop, and settled at Fly Creek. Mr. Norman R. Stephens, to whose kindness I am indebted for my information, is her son. Mercy married Alexander Lerow. Huldah married Daniel J. Davidson. They settled at Richburgh, N. Y. [2646.] PETER6 PECK, son of Thomas,5 left Rhode Island, and settled at Fly Creek, Otsego County, N. Y, about 1795. He died July 11, 1846. He married Sarah Ralph. She died Sep tember 3, 1843, in the 81st year of her age. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2756. ZUpha. 2760.+Daniel, b. Nov. 5, 1799. 2757. Avis, b. Sept. 23, 1788. 2761. Sarah, b. Dec. 3, 1801. 2758. Susan, b. July 5, 1793. 2762. Amey, b. Sept. 11, 1804. 2759.-|-WUliam, b. July 20, 1796. 2763. Peter. Susan married Nathaniel Chapman, at Fly Creek, where she died, May 11, 1862, leaving seven chUdren. Avis and Sarah married Davis Brown, to whose kindness I am indebted for my information. Avis died March 7, 1854, leaving four chUdren. Sarah and Mr. Brown were living at Eichfield Springs in 1862.* Amey was residing at Richfield Springs in 1862. She married Robert Souls. Peter, I am told, married and settled in Michigan, and from there removed to Iowa. I have been unable to find him or his chUdren. [2649.] COMFORT6 PECK, son of Comfort,5 first settled near what has since been known as Leonard's Corners, in Seekonk, * He died November 19, 1864, aged 68 years. 2764. Ebenezer, b. July 16, 1787. 2767. Died unm. 2768. 2765. Davis, b. Jan. 17, 1790. 2769. 2766. Comfort, b. May 13, 1793. 2770. 214 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Mass. From here he removed into the State of New York. I have been unable to find any of his descendants. His relatives could tell me nothing in relation to them. He married Mary Saunders, of Swansey. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: Mary D., b. Aug. 13, 1795. Hannah, b. Nov. 17, 1797. Almira S., b. Dec. 19, 1800. James. [2653 ] NATHANIEL6 PECK, son of Comfort,5 resided in Seekonk, Mass., near what is known as Leonard's Corners. He married Mary Wheeler, of Rehoboth, daughter of Aaron Wheeler. He died October 11, 1831 or 2. She died March 16, 1852. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2771. Ann Eliza, b. Jan. 180L Died 2775. Alice C, b. Jan. 11, 1811. young. 2776. Lois T., b. Aug. 22, 1813. 2772. Mary W., b. Feb. 9, 1803. 2777. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 5, 1825. 2773. Lydia D., b. Nov. 18, 1805. Died young. 2774. Sophia L., b. July 21, 1808. Mary married Brayton Read, of Fall River, Mass. Lydia D. married Harvey French, of Seekonk, Mass. Sophia L. married Elliott Holbrook, of Wrentham, Mass. Alice C. married George Blackman, of Charlton, Mass. Lois T. married Bradford Walker, of Canandaigua, N. Y. [2655.] THOMAS6 PECK, son of Comfort,5 settled upon the homestead. He married Zenith Bullock, daughter of Barrett Bul lock, of Rehoboth. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2778. Keziah, b. Sept. 21, 1802. 2781. James, b. Oct. 30, 1808. 2779. Sally, b. AprU 22, 1804. 2782. Hannah, b. June 8, 1811. 2780. Thomas, b. May 15, 1806 ; was 2783.-|-Comfort, b. May 16, 1814. unm. in 1864. Keziah married Arnold Medbery, of Seekonk ; died February 1845. Sally married Joseph AUen, of Seekonk. James was residing wl h his brother Comfort, unm., in 1863. Hannah married Reuben Thurber, of Seekonk. [2659.] BARNEY6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 left Rhode Island at an early date, and settled in Greensborough, Vt. From there he removed to Walcott, where he died, April 10, 1832. He mar ried Elizabeth Colgrove, daughter of William Colgrove, December DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 215 1759. She was born January 1, 1768, and died March 1863, in her 96th year. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2784.+AUen, b. May 10, 1791. 2789.+Welcome, b. Feb. 28, 1802. 2785. Charlotte, b. June 1, 1793. Died 2790.-(-Barney, b. Feb. 10, 1804. June 29, 1836. 2791.-(-Ira, b. Oct. 28, 1805. 2786. Hannah, b. Sept. 5, 1795. 2792. Esther, b. May 28, 1808. 2787.+William, b. Aug. 5, 1797. 2793.+Jeremiah, b. Oct. 13, 1812. 2788. Martha, b. Dec. 5, 1799. 2794. Louisa, b. July 21, 1815. Charlotte married Samuel Bastin. Hannah married Bufus Bastin. Martha married William Read. Esther -married Orin Day, Septembers, 1836, and was residing in Sharon, Vt., in 1863. Louisa married : first, Garrettson Hunt, February 24, 1833 ; second, a Mr. Blackman, and was residing in Livingston, Clark County, HI., in 1864. [2660.] ISAAC6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 settled in Providence, R. I., where he lived and died, February 26, 1833, aged 67 years, 10 months and 23 days. He married Phebe Jencks, daughter of Ichabod Jencks, March 20, 1791. She died June 6, 1853, aged 83 years and 13 days. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 2795. Nancy J., b. May 19, 1792. 2800. Joseph B., b. Dec. 5, 1801. 2796.+John, b. AprU 18, 1793. 2801.+George H., b. Jan. 19, 1804. 2797. Rhoda, b. Nov. 16, 1794. 2802. Almira, b. Feb. 16, 1806. 2798. Phebe, b. Nov. 23, 1797. 2803. William H., b. May 28, 1808. 2799. Isaac, b. Feb. 13, 1800. Died One b. in 1797. Died in in- unm. fancy. Nancy married John Haradon, of Providence. Joseph B. married Bethiah Clark. He left no issue. Bhoda married Enoch Steer, of Providence, R. I. Phebe married WUliam C. Baker, of Providence, R. I. Almira married WUliam P. Allen, of Providence, R. I. [2661.] EBENEZER6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 resided in Scit uate, R. I. He married, for his first wife, Abigail Peck (No. 2711), daughter of Solomon Peck, of Barrington, R. I.; for his second, Esther Barns ; for his third, Sybel Searles ; for his fourth, Phebe Walden. He died August 22, 1838. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2804. AbigaU. 2808.+Samuel. 2805. Keziah. 2809. Solomon. Died young. 2806. Hannah. • 2810. Peleg. Died young. 2807.-f-Barney. 216 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Abigail married John Stephens. Keziah married Elisha Leach, and settled in Scituate, R. I. Hannah married Samuel Bulas, of Providence. [2667.] WELCOME6 PECK, son of Peleg,5 resided in Scit uate, R. I., upon the homestead. He married Betsey Collins. He died December 28, 1828. She November 12, 1827, aged 41 years. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2811.-|-Lewis, b. Jan. 8, 1804. 2814. Sylvia, b. Oct. 25, 1809. 2812.+Stephen, b. Feb. 14, 1805. 2815,+Asahel, b. Jan. 16, 1813. 2813. Peleg, b. Dec. 24, 1806. 2816,+Alfred O., b. Oct. 8, 1817. Sylvia married Bichard Searles, of Providence, where they were residing in 1864. To her I am indebted for a record of the famUy. Peleg was twice married : first, to Bethiah Peck, widow of Joseph, formerly Bethiah Clark ; second, to Phebe Brown. He left no issue. [2669.] GAJEUS6 PECK, son of Ebenezer,5 lived and died in Lindon,' Vt. He married Hannah Peck (No. 217), daughter of Samuel Peck, of Rehoboth, Mass., May 19, 1782. They were mar ried by her grandfather, Rev. Samuel Peck. She died February 4, 1832. He April 5, 1838. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2817. Lewis, b. Aug. 17, 1783. 2822. Henrietta, b. AprU 12, 1794. 2818. Delia, b. Jan. 25, 1785. Died Died unm. March 13, 1785. 2823. -(-Samuel, b. Nov. 7, 1796. 2819. SaUy, b. May 7, 1787. Died 2824. Clarissa,.b. May 16, 1799. Died July 27, 1787. June 20, 1804. 2820. Lydia, b. June 28, 1789. Died 2825.-(-William, b. Nov. 2, 1802. Feb. 17, 1852. 2826.+George C, b. July 24, 1805. 2821.+Hersa, b. Dec. 25, 1792. Lewis left no issue. [2675.] EBENEZER6 PECK, son of Ebenezer,5 settled at first with his father, in Seekonk, Mass. From there he removed to Lindon, Vt., and from there to Derby, where he died, October 28, 1821. He married Elizabeth Winsor, daughter of William Win- sor, of Seekonk, August 16, 1795. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION ! 2827. Lucie, b. Oct. 1, 1796. Died 2832. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 18, 1807. June 3, 1798. 2833. Nancy B., b. Jan. 28, 1810. 2828. Mary W., b. May 21, 1798. 2834. Susan H., b. March 28, 1812. 2829. Sarah, b. Oct. 1, 1800. 2835. Lucy S., b. Jan. 1, 1815. 2830. AbigaU W., b. March 11, 1803. 2836. Harriet N.,' b. June 24, 1817. 2831. EUza F., b. June 30, 1805. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 217 Mary W. married MeUen Benson, of Millville, Mass. Sarah married Lyman C. Curtis ; settled at Deer Park, Long Island. She died August 22, 1856. Eliza F. married Calvin Butler ; settled at SummervUle, N. J. Nancy B. married Dan Hill, of Blackstone, Mass. Lucy S. married Newton Darling, of Millville, for \ev first husband ; and Jonathan Southwick, of Uxbridge, for her second. Harriet married WiUiam Jones ; settled in Salsbury, Conn. Ebenezer married Amanda Chase. He died at sea, May 9, 1842. [2676.] THOMAS6 PECK, son of Ebenezer,5 married . CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2837.-)-Thomas. 2839. Lucy. 2838.+Ebenezer. [2677.] AARON6 PECK, son of David,5 left Barrington, R. L, when eighteen years of age, and settled in Pittston, Rens selaer County, N. Y. From here he removed to Otsego; from there to Burlington; and from there, in 1815, he removed to Elli- cott, Chatauque County; and from there to Poland, where he was residing in 1864. He married Dorcas Briggs, daughter of John Briggs, from Warwick, R. I., in 1803. She was born December 25,1778. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2840. Betsy, b. Sept. 6, 1805. 2843. Samuel, b. July 3, 1812. - 2841.+Ezra, b. July 8, 1808. 2844. Sally, b. Feb. 3, 1815. 2842. Hannah, b. Sept. 14, 1810. 2845. Ezekiel, b. July 23, 1817. Betsey was residing in Poland, with her parents, unm., in 1864. Hannah married Ezra Smith, of Poland, N. Y. Sally married Thomas Linkfield, and settled at French Creek, Chatauque County, N. Y. [2679.] EZRA6 PECK, son of David,5 settled first in Hub- bardston, where he married Phebe Willard. From there he re moved to Barre, Mass., where his wife died, about 1815, and he about 1844. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2840. Myra, b. May 1, 1797. 2850. Marinda, b. Dec. 10, 1810. 2847.-f-Milton, b. July 1, 1799. 2851. Chauncey, b. Aug. 1814. Died 2848. Sumner, b. June 4, 1801. in 1816. 2849. Sophina, b. May 28, 1804. Myra married David Barnes, in 1824. Her husband died in 1827. She has two children: Lucy? b. March 21, 1825; and David? b. October 28, 1827. Tftey were residing in Hubbardston, Mass., in 1864. 19 218 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Sumner died unm., November 1862, in Templeton, Mass. Sophina married Charles Austin, April 1857. They reside in Hubbardston, Marinda married Charles Austin, November 15, 1834. Her children were : Tryphena? b. October 8, 1835; Louisa? b. October 20, 1837; Almina? b. March 17, 1840; Elvira? b. March 4, 1844; Harriet Sophina? b. February 20, 1847. She died in Hubbardston, September 29, 1852. [2684.] HORATIO6 PECK, son of Joel,5 resides in Swan sey, Mass. He married, for his- first wife, Nancy Mathewson, daughter of Daniel Mathewson, of Barrington, R. I. ; for his sec ond, Martha Chase, daughter of Wanton Chase, of Pawtucket, R. I. ; and for his third, Martha Martin, daughter of James Martin, for merly of Newport, R. I. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 2852.+James B., b. March 29, 1822. 2857. Hiram F., b. Oct. 1, 1837. 2853.+Henry C, b. Jan. 5, 1832. 2858. John M., b. May 30, 1840. 2854. Martha Jane, b. AprU 15, 1833. 2859. Albert S., b. Jan. 26, 1842. Died in infancy. 2860. Horatio W., b. Dec. 3, 1845. 2855. George E., b. Aug. 8, 1835. > 2856. Nancy Jane, b. Aug. 8, 1835. > Twins. Hiram F. married Sophia Tabor ; no issue. John M. married Lydia Jane Smith ; no issue. Albert S. married Mary C. Dunbar. Died June 9, 1864 ; no issue. Horatio W. was residing with his father, in 1863, unm. [2685.] ELNATHAN6 PECK, son of Joel,5 resides in See konk. He married Mercy Martin, daughter of Holden Martin, of Swansey, December 28, 1826. She was born June 24, 1804. CHILD — SEVENTH GENERATION: 2861. Sarah A., b. Oct. 8, 1829. Sarah A. married Benjamin Walker, of Seekonk, June 8, 1855. [2686.] BELA6 PECK, son of Joel,5 resides in Barrington. He married Lemyra A. Peck (No. 1899), daughter of Ambrose Peck, of Seekonk, March 18, 1821. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2862. Alpheus M., b. Dec. 20, 1821. 2866. Albert H., b. June 14, 1833. Died Sept. 14, 1822. 2867. Horace M., b. Mar. 28, 1836. 2863.+Edwin F., b. Dec. 8, 1823. Died March 15, 1839. 2864. Albert H., b. Jan. 10, 1827. 2868. Horace T., b. AprU 2, 1839. Died Feb. 13, 1833. 2869. Amie A. M., b. March 19, 1842. 2865. Susan A., b. Aug. 29, 1829. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 219 Susan A. married George Bowen, of Barrington. A'bert H. married Mary E. Medbery, daughter of Benjamin Medbery, of Barrington, where they were residing in 1863. Horace T. married Mary Humphrey, daughter of Samuel Humphrey, of Connecticut. [2688.] SEBEA6 PECK, son of Joel,5 resides upon the homestead. He married Rebecca Cooper, of Boston, September 14, 1834. She died December 5, 1854, in the 37th year of her age. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 2870. Ann Eliza, b. Aug. 30, 1835; 2873. Horatio N., b. March 27, 1844. unm. in 1863. 2874. Laura Elizabeth. Died Feb. 2871. Emily F., b. July 1, 1837. 21, 1851, aged 21 months. 2872. SeraphinaM.,b. Sept. 15, 1840; unm. in 1863. Emily married Henry Fish, of Pawtucket, R. I. [2690.] REV. JOHN6 PECK, son of Lewis,5 settled at Clar endon, Vt., where, I am told, he was pastor of the Baptist church. He removed, about 1837, to the town of Fowler, N. Y., and be came the pastor of the church at Fullersville. He was residing at Blaok River in 1863. He was twice married: first, to Sabra Rounds; second, to Dolly Drummond (widow), formerly Dolly Graves. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2875. Betsey C, b. Sept. 26, 1810. 2879. Lorain, b. June 26, 1819. 2876.+ Nathan R., b. March 23, 1813. 2880.+Daniel, b. July 1, 1822. 2877. Melissa, b. Aug. 18, 1814. 2881. Sarah, b. Nov. 12,1824. 2878. Lydia, b. March 12, 1817. 2882. Celinda, b. Feb. 21, 1827. [2702.] DAVID6 PECK, son of Noah,5 settled at Clarendon, Vt., where he died, February 4, 1857. He married Harriet Free love, daughter of David Freelove, of West Rutland. She was liv ing in Ira, Vt., in 1864. She was born May 24, 1800. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2883. Hannah M., b. Aug. 12, 1820. 2887.+George W., b. Dec. 10, 1830. 2884. Harriet V., b. Dec. 20, 1821. 2888. Clarissa E., b. Oct. 5, 1836. 2885. Loranda I., b. Dec. 10, 1823. 2889. Elsa A., b. Aug. 5, 1840. 2886. Sarah A., b. Jan. 28, 1826. Hannah M. married J. C. Smith, September 5, 1842; resided in Ira, Vt., in 1864. 220 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Harriet V. married F. Freeman, March 20, 1844 ; resided in West Rutland, Vt., in 1864. Loranda I. married H. Gorham, December 2, 1850; resided in West Rut land, Vt., in 1864. Sarah A. married J. S. Tuttle, October 1, 1845; resided in West Rutland, Vt., in 1864. Clarissa E. married E. C. Fish, November 1, 1857; resided in Ira, Vt., in 1864. Elsa A. married W. WUkinson, February 1, 1860; resided in Ira, Vt., in 1864. [2706.] NOAH6 PECK, son of Noah,5 resides at Machias, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. He is a farmer. He married Melissa Smith, daughter of John Smith, of Wallingford, Vt., September 18, 1834. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2890. Marcellus, b. Jan. 31, 1837. 2893. Helen, b. July 1, 1844. 2891. Sophia, b. Oct. 25, 1839. 2894. Emory, b. Dec. 25, 1847. 2892. Henry, b. Aug. 2, .1840. 2895. Warren, b. May 18, 1852. Marcellus married Caroline Ellingwood, June 30, 1862. Sophia married Anson Spencer, May 15, 1859. She died March 1, 1859, and he January 6, 1863. [2708.] LEWIS6 PECK, son of Noah,5 is settled upon the homestead, in the town of Ira, Rutland County, Vt. He married Harriet H. Brown, of Clarendon, June 11, 1837, daughter of John Brown. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: 2896. Harrison J., b. Nov. 23, 1838. 2899. Germont G., b. May 3, 1847. 2897. Charles W., b. Feb. 23, 1841. Died Jan. 8, 1850. 2898. Simon L., b. Nov. 29, 1844. 2900. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 28, 1850. The three sons were unmarried in 1863, and engaged in school teaching. [2709.] DANIEL H.6 PECK, son of Noah,5 settled at South Gibson, Susquehanna County, Pa., where he was residing in 1864, a farmer. He married Melissa B. Tower, daughter of Welcome Tower, September 9, 1838. CHTLDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2901. Betsey, b. July 28, 1839. 2905. Frank Welcome, b. July 26, 2902. Sarah Addie, b. June 19, 1842. 1851. 2903. Byron Eugene, b. March 3, 2906. Lewis William, b. Oct. 8, 1854. 1845. Died April 24, 1845. 2907. Isabella Lavinia, b. April 22, 2904. Marianna Tower, b. Dec. 10, 1859. 1846. 2908. Blanche, b. Sept. 21, 1862. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 221 Sarah Addie married Dr. E. W. Mason, December 11, 1860 ; resided at Hones- dale, Wayne County, Pa. [2713.] SOLOMON6 PECK, of Seekonk, son of Solomon,5 married Huldah Kent, December 10, 1795. She died October 29, 1817. He died December 7, 1857. CHILDREN— SEVENTH GENERATION (Bar. ReC, B. 2, p. 24) : 290"). Huldah, b. Oct. 3, 1796. 2913. Betsey, b. June 28, 1805. Died 2910. Hannah, b. April 28, 1798. Dec. 22, 1805. Died May 1, 1828. 2914. Esther, b. Feb. 16, 1807. Died 2911. -(-Solomon, jr., b. Jan. 22, 1800. June 28, 1826. 2912. Lydia, b. Dec. 28, 1801. 2915. Eliza W., b. Sept. 24, 1809. 2916. Lemira W., b. Aug. 28, 1811. Huldah married Joseph Armington, of Seekonk. She died January 1850. Hannah married Deacon Vial Medbery. She died May 1, 1828. Lydia also married Deacon Vial Medbery. Eliza W. married Sanford Chase, of Connecticut. Lemira W. married Herman A. Peck, of Providence (No. 2921). Died May 12, 1841. [2714.] DARIUS6 PECK, of Seekonk, son of Solomon,5 mar ried Lucy Peck, daughter of Deacon Charles Peck, January 24, 1799. Died September 1854. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2917. Lucy Ann, b. Jan. 7, 1800. 2921.-f-Hermon A., b. July 12, 1807. > 2918. Keziah, b. Sept. 13, 1801. 2922.+SylvesterW.,b.Julyl2,1807. \ 2919.-|-Calvin S., b. May 22, 1803. Twins. 2921. Rachel S., b. March 12, 1805. 2923. Julia Ann, b. Feb. 27, 1811. Died unm., March 1840. Lucy Ann married Job Luther, December 15, 1823. Keziah married Solomon Peck, jr., of Seekonk (No. 2911), June 6, 1828. Bachel S. married Perry J. Chase, of Providence, December 1, 1831. [2715.] ELLIS6 PECK, of Barrington, son of Solomon,5 married Sarah Hill, daughter of David Hill, December 10, 1801, for his first wife ; and Lucy Bliss, daughter of Jacob Bliss, for his second wife, March 1818. His first wife died June 3, 1817. His second wife died December 9, 1853. He died July 27, 1854. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION (Bar. EeC, B. 2, p. 31) : 2924. Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1802. Died 2927. Hannah D., b. June 17, 1810. Jan. 18, 1814. Died Dec. 16, 1813. 2925. Abigail, b. March 29, 1804. 2928.+Asa, b; April 7, 1812. Died Oct. 23, 1846. 2929. Hannah, b. May 26, 1815. 2926. -(-Ellis, b. May 11, 1806. 2930. William H., b. May 8, 1817. Died June 29, 1817. 19* 222 Abigail married George Bowen, of Barrington, for her first husband; and Benjamin Peck (No. 2721), for her second. Hannah married Albert Medbery, of East Providence. [2717.] NATHANIEL6 PECK, son of Ebenezer,5 settled, lived and died in Barrington, R. I., where his son Nathaniel was residing in 1864. He married Cynthia Heath, May 29, 1808. She was born Au gust 9, 1785, and died February 19, 1851. He died November 24, 1856. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2931. Nathaniel, b. AprU 24, 1809. 2934.+Ebenezer, b. May 24, 1817. 2932. William B., b. June 4, 1812. 2935. Joseph, b. Sept. 13, 1819. Died Died Dec. 27, 1819. June 5, 1822. 2933. Samuel H., b. Oct. 6, 1814. 2936. Cynthia H., b. Dec. 31, 1821. Died Sept. 29, 1820. 2937. Wilmarth H., b. Dec. 15, 1825. Nathaniel was residing upon the homestead, unm., in 1864. Samuel was killed by the falling of a tree. Ebenezer was kUled by faUing from a building. He was a carpenter. Cynthia married Charles Campbell, of Providence, R. I. Wilmarth H. married Abby A. Peck, widow of Ebenezer. He was residing in Providence, R. I., in 1863 ; no issue. [2718.] EBENEZER6 PECK, son of Ebenezer,5 settled, lived and died in Barrington, September 22, 1828. He married Esther Vial, daughter of John Vial, of Seekonk. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2938,+Daniel H., b. July 20, 1811. 2942. Edwin H., b. Oct. 11, 1822. 2939.+John H., b. Aug. 15, 1813. Died young. 2940. Esther V., b. July 15, 1816. 2943. Ebenezer T., b. Nov. 22, 1824. 2941. Huldah B., b. Jan. 19, 1820; 2944. Elizabeth E., b. June 11, 1827; unm. in 1863. unm. in 1863. Esther V. married George W. Johnston ; were residing in Exeter, R. I., in 1863. Ebenezer T. resided upon the homestead, in 1863, unm. [2721.] BENJAMIN6 PECK, son of EbenezExL5 was resid ing in Smithfield, R. I., in 1864. He married; for his first wife, Huldah Chaffee, daughter of Joseph Chaffee, of Seekonk, Novem ber 9, 1817; and for his second wife, Abigail Bowen, formerly Abigail Peck (No. 2925), daughter of Ellis Peck, of Barrington, R. I., December 24, 1837. His first wife died June 16, 1836. His second wife died October 23, 1846. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 223 CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : 2945. Amanda M., b. Sept. 23, 1818. 2950. Died Oct. 16, 1832. 2946. Benjamin B., b. July 28, 1820. 2951. Died Dec. 15, 1820. 2947.-fBenjamin W., b. Sept. 28, 1825. 2952. 2948. Mary Ellen, b. Jan. 22, 1829. 2949.-f-George S., b. Jan. 7, 1831. Mary E. married Henry M. Horton. EmUy Chaffee, b. Nov. 21, 1835 ; unm. in 1863. Christopher, b. Nov. 9, 1839 ; unknown. Rebecca, b. Feb. 4, 1846 ; unrr . in 1863. [2722.] LEARNED6 PECK, son of Ebenezer,5 resided in Providence, R. I. He married Harriet C. Short, daughter of John Short, of Barrington, R. I., November 27, 1817. He died October 6, 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : Harriet N., b. May 8, 1820. WUliam H., b. Oct. 10, 1822. 2953. 2954.2955.2956.2957.2958.2959. Betsey S., b. Sept. 10, 1824. Sarah D., b. May 7, 1826. Julia M., b. Jan. 23, 1828. Charles C, b. Feb. 7, 1831. Rebecca D. K., b. Nov. 30, 1832. 2960. Amanda C, b. Jan. 18, 1834. 2961. Anna C, b. Dec. 5, 1835. 2962. Tristum B., b. Jan. 7, 1838. 2963. James D., b. Sept. 3, 1839. 2964. Sarah U., b. July 20, 1841. 2965. Milton L., b. March 24, 1843. 2966. George L., b. Feb. 18, 1845. [2726.] PHILIP7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 first settled in Smithfield, R. I. In 1822, he removed to New Berlin, Chenango County, N. Y., where he died, February 17, 1856. He married Avis Brown, daughter of Henry Brown. She was born May 23, 1776, and died August 5, 1862. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 2967. 2968.2969.2970.2971. 2972. 2973. 2974. 2975. Naomi, b. April 8, 1808. Julia Ann, b. Oct. 27, 1812. Thomas, b. Sept. 14, 1814. Henry, b. July 7, 1817. Philip, jr., b. Nov. 18, 1797. Mary, b. Oct. 6, 1799. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 16, 1801. William R., b. Oct. 2, 1803. Albert B., b. May 10, 1805. Philip settled in New Berlin, N. Y., where he was residing in 1864. He married Roby Patt, of Smithfield, R. I., August 9, 1827. She was born June 4, 1804. His children are : (2976) Elizabeth B.? b. October 10, 1828, died April 10, 1831; (2977) Oren S.? b. May 5, 1830; (2978) Sarah S.? b. Decem ber 17, 1832, died June 19, 1849; (2979) Bichard B.? b. May 8, 1836; (2980) Amey L.? b. August 3, 1837, died May 22, 1854; (2981) William H.? b. Sep tember 16, 1840, was kUled at the battle of Eesaca, Ga., May 14, 1864; (2982) Francis M.? b. May 23, 1844, died August 17, 1865, of the typhoid fever, con tracted in the army. 224 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Mary has been twice married : first, to Benjamin Handy ; second, to Berry Eaton. Her children are : Allen? Eliza? Mary" and William B? Jeremiah was residing at Newton Corner, Mass., in 1867. He has been twice married : first, to Eeliance Hamlin, danghter of Capt. Zacheus Hamlin, of Hyannis, Mass. ; second, to Lydia Richards. His chUdren are : (2983) Erastus? b. June 8, 1824, and died February 27, 1826 ; (2984) William B.? b. January 18, 1826; (2985) Adaline? b. January 25, 1828; (2986) Lewin A.? b. January 31, 1831 ; * (2987) Mary? b. September 3, 1833, and died February 25, 1839 ; (2988) Sarah J.? b. May 7, 1835. By second wife : (2989) Albert A. H? b. December 5, 1842 ; Alida S.? b. April 3, 1844. William B. first settled at New Berlin, N. Y. From there he removed to Dundee, Kane County, 111., where he resided in 1864. He married Mary Ann Hayze, September 2, 1827. Their first child was : (2990) William B., jr.? b. July 29, 1830, and died July 21, 1855. He married Mary Spofford, July 14, 1849. She survived him, and was residing in Pittsfield, Otsego County, N. Y., in 1864. His children are: (2991) Sarah M.?° b. December 2, 1850; (2992) Buth M.?° b. December 4, 1831, and died February 12, 1852 ; (2993) Celia L.,10 b. March 3, 1854; (2994) Charles E.?° b. March 3, 1855. The second child of William R. was (2995) Alonzo? b. May 22, 1837. He married Elizabeth E. Austin, July 11, 1857, and was residing in Dundee in 1864. His child was : (2996) Abbie Gertrude?" b. December 22, 1859. The third child of WiUiam R. was : (2997) George H? b. September 21, 1839. He married Amanda Padelford, January 11, 1860; no issue. They reside in Dundee. The fourth child of William R. was : (2998) Adaliza L.? b. December 3, 1841, and died April 7, 1857. His fifth chUd was : (2999) Buth M.? b. January 14, 1844, and died October 12, 1849. His sixth child was : (3000) Zara C? b. October 21, 1846. His seventh was : (3001) Charles E.? b. May 28, 1850, and died February 11, 1853. His eighth was : (3002) John W.? b. September 11, 1852. Albert B. settled in Providence, R. I., where he was residing in 1864. He married Mary A. Lindsey, daughter of Benjamin Lindsey, of Attleborough, Mass., June 10, 1833. Their child, (3003) Albert Lindsey? was born April 21, 1838, and died August 15, 1838. Naomi married Sidney Skinner, in 1826. Their children are : Emily? Alon zo? Albert? Julia Ann? Jira? Abba" and Oliva? They reside in New Berlin, N. Y. Julia Ann married Alba Ainsworth, in 1831. Their children were : Mary" and Julia Ann." They settled in New Berlin, N. Y. Thomas settled in Morocco, Newton County, Ind., where he was residing in 1864. He married Alsena- Medbury, of New Berlin, N. Y. Their children are : (3004) Arlina? b. August 1839 ; (3005) Maria? b. December 1840 ; (3006) Helen? b. in 1843 ; (3007) Mary? b. in 1848) (3008) Emma? b. in 1850 ; (3009) Amelia? b. in 1856, and died in 1856. *He married H. D. Palmer, formerly H. D. Dexter, daughter of Freeman Dexter, of Winthrop, Me. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 225 Henry settled at New Berlin, Chenango County, N. Y., where he was resid ing in 1864. He married Matilda Adaline Dilley. She was born March 5, 1823. Their children are : (3010) Olive Elizabeth? b. July 30, 1840 ; (3011) Julia Ann? b. May 28, 1844; (3012) Albert D.? b. June 7, 1845; (3013) Luna A.?b. November 13, 1848; (3014) Buth M.? b. January 1, 1851; (3015) John F.? b. August 9, 1852; aud (3016) Matilda A.? b. September 26, 1856. [2727.] RUSSELL7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 married Alice Madison, October 25, 1807. He settled in the town of Butternuts, N. Y. ; from there removed to Richland County, Ohio ; from there to Crawford County ; from there to Cass County, Mich. ; and from there to Kalamazoo. He afterwards settled about four miles north of Oskaloosa, Iowa, where he died, January 31, 1846. She died January 6, 1847. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3017. Deliverance, b. the 9th of the 3023. Sarah, b. the 27th of the 10th 10th month, 1808. month, 1819. 3018. Thomas J., b. the 24th of the 3024. Job, b. the 16th of the 9th 2d month, 1810. month, 1821.. 3019. Daniel, b. the 21st of the 1st 3025. Hannah, b. the 18th of the 8th month, 1812. month, 1823. 3020. Susannah, b. the 9th of the 3026. Isabel, b. the 18th of the 10th 11th month, 1813. month, 1825. 3021. Patience, b. the 26th of the 1st 3027. Deborah, b. the 27th of the month, 1816. 12th month, 1827. 3022. Ebenezer M.,b. the 29th of the 3028. Lucinda, b. the 20th of the 4th 12th month, 1817. month, 1830. Deliverance married Henry Garver, for her first husband ; and for her second. She settled in Jasper County, Mo., where she died. Her children were : Sarah? William? John? Susannah? Henry? Edwin? Edward? George, ' Andrew" and Charles? Thomas died unm. Daniel died in Otsego County, N. Y. Susannah married Abel J. McCleary ; settled at Mitchelville, Polk County, Iowa. Her children are : William B.? Sarah A.? Thomas J.? Abel J.? An drew J.? Francis M.? John W.? Susannah9 and Mary B? Patience married Roys H. Bristol ; settled in Galesbury, Mich. Children are : Beuben B.? Nancy A.? Bussell? Luther" and Ella? Ebenezer M. married : first, Jane Wortman ; second, Polly D . Children are : * Hannah A.? Sarah B.? John W.? William B.? Amanda? Laura L.? Aeria A.? Ebenezer M? and Emma? He was residing at Oskaloosa, Iowa, in 1865. Sarah married WUliam D. Neely. Her chUdren were : William B. P.? * The grandchUdren of RusseU were received too late to be numbered and entered in the index. 226 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Finetta C? Jane K. P.? Elvira? Laura A.? Napoleon B.? Frank? Elora A? and Douglass? Job married Catharine J. Johnston, and died in Sacramento City, California. His chUdren are : Bussell? Lucinda" and <7b6.9 Hannah married : first, George N. Duncan; and second, Perry Windsor; was residing at Oskaloosa in 1865. Her children were : Thomas J.? Dorotha A.? Margaret A.? George N? and Perry? Isabel was residing at Oskaloosa, in 1865, unm. Deborah married John G. Laughland. Their chUd was : Mary Alice? Un known where they are. Lucinda married Jackson Windsor, and settled in California. [2732.] THOMAS7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 resides in Bris tol, Ontario County, N. Y. He married Lucinda Pettis, daughter of David Pettis, of Herkimer, Herkimer County, N. Y., who died there, November 3, 1838. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION ! 3029. Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 17, 1817. 3033. Lucinda, b. April 17, 1828. 3030. William F., b. June 28, 1821. 3034. Adelaide, b. May 9, 1831. 3031. Elizabeth, b. May 17, 1823. • 3035. David, b. March 22, 1834. 3032. Thomas A., b. Aug. 27, 1825. 3036. James M., b. Dec. 22, 1837. Sarah Ann married Enos B. Root, of Perinton, Monroe County, N. Y., Sep tember 28, 1845. William F. married M. L. Crego, AprU 28, 1860 ; resided in Auburn, Cayuga County, N. Y., in 1864; no issue. Thomas A. married Margaret Willet, January 8, 1861 ; settled in Perinton, Monroe County, N. Y. David married Charlotte Thompson, August 1, 1863; settled in Perinton. Their child is : (3037) Alberta? [2733.] AI7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 settled at Watertown, Jefferson County, N. Y., where he died, December 30, 1829. He married Sally Griswold, of Adams, Jefferson County, N. Y. She was residing with her sons in 1865. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3038. Wyon, b. Oct. 12, 1819. 3039. Ai, b. Sept. 4, 1823. Wyon married, for his first wife, Charlotte Lee ; for his second, Mary Griff; and for his third, Sarah Ney. He was residing in Elgin, 111., in 1865. His children were : (3040) Mary J.? (3041) Bose" and (3042) Sarah A? Ai married Jane Ash. He was residing in Elgin, m., in 1865. His children were : (3043) Josephine J.? (3044) Edgar Ai? and (3045) Elizabeth? [2735.] JAMES7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 settled at East Cleveland, Ohio, where he died August 4, 1865. He married Har riet Hamilton. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 227 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3046. Barbary P., b. Mar. 5, 1823. Died August 1, 1835. Died Mar. 5, 1823. 3050. Samuel H., b. AprU 15, 1836. 3047. Harriet M., b. Jan. 9, 1826. 3051. Mary E., b. April 15, 1838. 3048. Laura H., b. Feb. 8, 1830. Died Oct. 7, 1846. 3049. Mary H., b. May il, 1834. Harriet M. married Eddy McVay, of East Cleveland. Laura H. married WUliam McVay. [2736.] NATHANIEL7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 married, for his first wife, Sally Davis, daughter of John Davis ; and for his second wife, Mahala Spicer, of Plainfield, N. Y. From there I am told he moved to Winfield, and from there to New Haven, Oswego County, and then to Sackett's Harbor ; and that he afterwards died on his way to California as a missionary Methodist preacher. His widow and son Erastus were residing in Detroit in 1865. I wrote them several times, but could learn little from them in relation to the family. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION :* 3052. Sarah Melissa. 3059. Woodhall. 3053. Nathaniel. 3060. Ai. 3054. Alanson. 3061. . -j 3055. Erastus. 3062. . / Supposed died in in- 3056. Francis. 3063. . f fancy, unnamed. 3057. Hepsibeth. 3064. . ) 3058. Amandana. Amandana married WUliam KUlburn, and was residing in Redfleld, N. Y., in 1865. [2739.] PARDON7 PECK, son of Peleg,6 settled in Lorrain, Jefferson County, N. Y., where he and his wife both died. Her name was Sophia Burnham before marriage. She was born No vember 23, 1788. They were married January 14, 1808. He died July 4, 1829. She died March 31, 1825. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3065. , b. Mar. 7, 1809. Died in infancy. Mar. 22, 1809. 3070. Eliza, b. May 23, 1817. 3066. WUliam, b. AprU 3, 1810. Died 3071. , b. AprU 26, 1819. Died April 9, 1810. May 1, 1819. 3067. Sophronia, b. AprU 1, 1811. 3072. Joseph B., b. June 29, 1820. Died May 22, 1861. Died Aug. 18, 1820. 3068. Harriet, b. Dec. 30, 1812. Died 3073. Sophia, b. Feb. 7, 1825. Died in 1858. Mar. 8, 1828. 3069. , b. Sept. 22, 1814. Died * For my information in relation to this family, I am mostly indebted to the kindness of J. H. Corey, of Redfleld, N. Y. 228 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Sophronia married Dr. L. Bushnell, of Watertown, Jefferson County, N. Y. To him I am indebted for the record of the famUy. Harriet married John Huson. They settled at Watertown, N. Y., where she died. Eliza married George W. Hawes. They were living at LafargevUle, Jeffer son County, N. Y., in 1864. [2742.] REV. THOMAS7 PECK, son of Peleg,6 was twice married; first, to Naomi Green, August 30, 1810, daughter of Wil liam Green, of Rhode Island; second, to Nancy A. Nichols, Decem ber 20, 1845, daughter of Jeremiah Nichols, of Connecticut. His first wife was born December 24, 1792, and died August 27, 1845. His second wife was born October 20, 1824, and was residing at Pierson, Mich., in 1864. To her kindness I am indebted for my information. He was a Methodist clergyman. He died March 6, 1862. He commenced preaching in Naples, Ohio, in 1822. He was or dained Elder by Bishop Hedding, in 1839. He removed from Naples to Ohio, in hopes of benefiting his failing health, in 1 854. From here, by the advice of his physicians, he removed to Wiscon sin, where he remained four years without receiving any benefit, when it was thought advisable for him to return to the east of Lake Michigan. He removed to Pierson in 1859. He was a faithful minister, and I am told was much beloved by his people. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3074. William T., b. June 29, 1811. 3082. Thomas S„ b. July 23, 1827. Died Oct. 26, 1811. 3083. Nancy C, b. Aug. 23, 1830. 3075. Nelson G., b. Sept. 10, 1812. 3084. Polly M., b. Jan. 7, 1834. Died Died July 20, 1836. Nov. 1862. 3076. Merritt P., b. Oct. 13, 1814. By second wife : 3077. Naomi A., b. June 28, 1817. 3085. Naomi, b. June 19, 1848. 3078. Freelove, b. Aug. 27, 1819. 3086. Dorastus, b. Mar. 15, 1850. 3079. Mary, b. Mar. 20, 1822. Died 3087. Lydia C, b. Nov. 7, 1851. Mar. 13, 1863. 3088. Mordaunt, b. June 26, 1853. 3080. Alfred, b. Feb. 10,- 1825. Died Mar. 10, 1825. 3081. Alphronus, b. Feb. 10,1825. Died Feb. 14, 1825. Merritt married Martha Polmantier, November 7, 1839. He was residing in North Chohocton, Steuben County, N. Y., in 1864. His children were : (3090) Emma? (3091) Silsbee? (3092) Newton? (3093) Amenso? (3094) Cerena? (3095) Albert9 an (3096) Alfredia. 3089. William H., b. July 3, 1859. Twins. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 229 Naomi A. married George M. Pierson, July 31, 1842. She died March 26, 1848, leaving four children : Theodore? Florella J.? George J? and Charles N? Nancy E. married George M. Pierson, the former husband of Naomi A., July 4, 1849. They were residing in Pierson, Mich., in 1864. Their children were : Charles M.? Thomas P.? Mary Estella? Albert Lewis9 and Minnie Leuella? Freelove married Orison Pierson, of Pierson, Mich., where they were resid ing in 1864. Their children were : Naomi? Abellino? Milford? Freelove" and Emma? Mary married William Polmantier, December 12, 1842. Their children were : Sydney? Wallace? Naomi9 and Frances? Thomas S. married Margaret Wheeler, September 7, 1849, and was residing in Fairbury, Livingston Co., 111., in 1864. His children were : (3097) Floyd? (3098) Green? (3099) Ford S? and (3100) Frederick W? [2744.] ALFRED7 PECK, son of Peleg,6 was a Universalist clergyman. He was ordained at Phelps, Ontario County, N. Y., October 3, 1822. He preached in western New York for many years. He also preached in Medina County, Ohio, where he was settled in 1838. He was preaching in Salisbury, Herkimer Coun ty, in 1850. He also preached in Marblehead and South Adams, Mass. In 1854 he removed to Iowa City, Iowa. He is said to have been a talented preacher, and much respected. He died March 4, 1860, at Stoughton, Wis. He was at the time, I am told, chaplain of the Wisconsin Legislature. He was twice married; first, to Olive Knowles, October 10, 1822, daughter of Daniel Knowles, of Rye, Me. ; second, to Matilda Nickerson, May 28, 1834, daughter of Hezekiah Nickerson, of Sus quehanna County, Pa., formerly from Rhode Island. His first wife was born April 30, 1802, and died June 24, 1833. His second wife was born September 20, 1810. She survived him, and was again married, and residing in Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3101. Maria Celina, b. Sunday, Aug. 3104. Helen Ann, b. Sunday, June 4, 22, 1824. Died Sept. 13, 1837. 1833. 3105. Henry Clay, b. Tuesday, July 3102. Alfred Wallace, b. Saturday, 23, 1839. Nov. 22, 1828. 3106. John Murray, b. Tuesday, By second wife : June 29, 1841. 3103. Rollin George, b. Sunday, 3107. Marion Matilda, b. Jan. 31, » May 24, 1835. Died June 4, 1843. 1838. 3108. Pardon E. G., b. Sept. 17, 1853. Alfred W. is a Baptist clergyman. He graduated at Madison University, N. Y., August 15, 1858, and was ordained at Keysport, N. J., September 1, 1858. 20 230 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. He was settled at Superior, Wis., as a home missionary, three years ; and at RensselaervUle, N. Y. ; one year as pastor of the Baptist church there. He was residing in 1864 at Vallejo, Solano County, Cal., in the service of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society. Helen A. married George H. Rushmore, March 12, 1856. They were resid ing at Leavenworth City, Kansas, in 1864. Their children were : Alfred J.? Harry? John? George" and Edgar M.9 Henry C. enlisted in the United States Infantry. Was 1st Lieutenant, and a disbursing officer, at Elmira, N. Y., for some time. John M., a Medical Student at St. Louis, also entered the service. He was at the United States Marine Hospital at St. Louis in 1864. Marion married S. H. Downie, of Leavenworth, November 1, 1865. Pardon was residing at Leavenworth in 1864. [2748.] PELEG7 PECK, son of Peleg,6 married Mary Brad ley, in 1824, daughter of Ajuna Bradley. She was born in 1808. They were residing at Perry Centre, Chiawassa County, Mich., in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3109. Charles S., b. Sept. 27, 1825. 3111. Truman D., b. Oct. 12, 1828. 3110. Sarah A., b. April 3, 1827. Charles S. married S. Martin. They resided, in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1864. Their children were: (3112) Lillie? (3113) Clarence? (3114) Herbert" .and (3115) Ernest? Sarah A. married V. Denick. Truman D. married A. S . Clark, daughter of Ezra Clark. Their children are : (3116) Willie? (3117) Eddie? (3118) Charles" and (3119) Louisa." They resided in East Cleveland, Ohio, in 1864. [2749.] DOCT. DORASTUS7 PECK, son of Peleg,6 took his collegiate studies preparatory to the practice of medicine and sur gery, at Fairfield, Herkimer County, N. Y. He was twice mar. ried ; first, to Rosilla Park, daughter of Doct. Park, of Onondaga Co., N. Y., January 2, 1825 ; second, to Mrs. Ellen F. Reed, for merly Miss Ellen F. Cooper, of St. Genevieve County, Mo., February 19, 1850. He commenced the practice of medicine at the age of twenty-three years, and settled in Licking County, Ohio, in 1837. From there he removed, in 1841, to the then Territory of Iowa, and settled at Keosauqua, Van Buren County. In 1859 he re moved to Missouri, and settled in the town of Ironton, Iron County, where he continued to reside until his decease, June 18, 1868.* Dr. Peck followed his profession more than forty years, and * He was one of the Delegates to the Missouri Constitutional Convention, which convened January 6, 1865, at St. Louis. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 231 was a successful practitioner. Being naturally of a sympathetic temperament, he was eminently fitted to feel for the afflicted, and to become interested for their relief. As a citizen he was respected, and called by the suffrages of his friends to fill many offices of responsibility ; and while his general good character secured for him the respect and esteem of the public, his domestic and private virtues were such as to acquire the love and affection of his family. 3120.3121. 3122. 3123. 3124. \y~y~6ud 'itcje^d •/JZ- CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : Freelove Eliza, b. Aug. 1 5, 1827. Lucy S., b. Jan. 6, 1830. Carrol Romegn, b. Dec, 8, 1831. Eliva Geraldyne, b. Sept. 28, 1834. Caroline Lucinda, b. May 24, 1837. 3125. 3126. 3127. 3128. 3129. 3130. Warren Elijah, b. June 19,1841. Franklin Thomas, b. Oct. 23, 1843. Charles H., b. Nov. 19, 1850. Leonard L., b. Mar. 23, 1855. Manly D., b. Sept. 14, 1857. George Grant, b. Mar. 17, 1862. Freelove Eliza married Jacob Lane, May 6, 1846. He died of the cholera at Keokuk, Iowa, July 1854. She afterwards married Lewis E. Bonney, of Keo sauqua, Iowa, October 1858, and was residing at Ironton, Mo., in 1864. Lucy S. married Thaddeus Robbins, at Keosauqua, Iowa, Dec. 29, 1849. She died at Wiston, Mo., November 23, 1850. Carrol B. married Emily Lindsey, at Arcadia, Mo., October 10, 1858. He was receiver in the United States Land Office, and engaged in mercantile busi ness at Ironton, Mo., in 1864. Eliva G. married James Lindsey, at Keokuk, Iowa, May 3, 1853. They were residing at Ironton, Mo., in 1864. Caroline L. married Richard F. Trow, at Ironton, August 30, 1859, where they were residing in 1864. Warren E. enlisted in the service of his country ; was 2d Lieutenant in the 29th Missouri Volunteer Infantry. He was afterwards upon the Governor's Staff, — Aide-de-Camp, — with the rank of Colonel. 232 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. Franklin T. was engaged in business with his father at Ironton in 1864. [2759.] WILLIAM7 PECK, son of Peter,6 married Julana Keyser, July 25, 1819, and settled at Richfield Springs, N. Y., where he died March 24, 1862. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3131. Catharine, b. Oct. 15, 1821. 3134. Charles, b. Feb. 2, 1830. 3132. William, b. Dec. 10, 1823. 3135. Lucina, b. April 13, 1834. 3133. Margaret M., b. July 8, 1827. Catharine married Charles Jones, January 6, 1846, and settled at Fly Creek. Margaret married John W. Kane, January 1, 1855, and settled at OakvUle, Otsego County, N. Y. William married Aurelia Conner, and was residing at West Burlington, Ot sego County, N. Y., in 1864. His child: (3136) George W-? was born October 23, 1855, and died July 13, 1863. Charles married Adaline Robinson, October 9, 1859, and was residing at West Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., in 1864. His son (3137) Willie C? was born December 13, 1859. Lucina married Almond D. Powers, February 12, 1854. They were resid ing in Bridgeport, Conn., in 1864. [2760.] DANIEL7 PECK, son of Peter,6 was residing at Hector, N. Y., in 1863. He married Atalante Ann Winn, October 10, 1832. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3138. Lydia Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1833. 3140. Roxana, b. Jan. 29, 1848. 3139. James, b. June 19, 1840. [2783.] COMFORT7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 settled in Bur lington, Iowa. He married Mrs. Emily Anderson, formerly Miss Emily God- dard, in 1848. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3141. Elizabeth Jane, b. June 16, 3142. Hubbard Cavanaugh, \ 1851. b. Sept. 22, 1855. / 3143. Thomas Edward, b. C Sept. 22, 1855. ^ [2784.] ALLEN7 PECK, son of Barney,6 settled in Wolcott, N. H. He married Eunice Hubbell, December 1811. He died June 8, 1860. She died September 4, 1852. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 233 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3144. Electa, b. Sept. 16, 1812. 3150. C. P. Van Ness, b. Jan. 1, 3145. Rosanna H., b. Oct. 16, 1814. 1825. 3146. Seth H., b. Feb. 7, 1816. 3151. Royal H., b. May 22, 1827. 3147. Almira, b. March 10, 1818. 3152. Salome B., b. Dec. 20, 1829. 3148. Marinda, b. April 6, 1820. 3153. Allen, b. April 2, 1832. Died 3149. Emily L., b. Sept. 24, 1822. Aug. 23, 1865. Electa married Duston C. Nichols, of Charleston, N. H. Their children are : Lucius? Almira? Alpheus? Eunice? Erastus, "John? Emogene9 and Charles? Bosanna H. married John Pickering, of Burlington. Had one child : Mary, in 1864. Seth H. married Ann Palmer. Their children are : (3154) Julius? (3155) Melvin? (3156) Albert? (3157) Andrew9 and (3158) Willie? Almira married Edmond Quimby, and settled in Oregon. Their children in 1864 were : Eunice Jane? Bosalinda? Isabella? Minnie? Josephine" and Cor nelia? They buried two boys, each named Isaiah? Marinda married Almond Fife, and have two children : Seth9 and Mary? Emily married Orvis Taylor, and had one son : (3159) Julius? Van Ness married Jane Sweeny. Their children are : (3159) Vernon? (3160) Abby? (3161) Ida? (3162) Nellie? (3163) James9 and (3164) Mary? Boyal H. married Mrs. Hannah D. Twichell, October 1859, residing in Wol- cott, in 1864 ; no children. Allen married Mrs. Eliza A. Tubbs, August 1859; residing in Wolcott in 1864 ; no chUdren. [2787.] WILLIAM7 PECK, of Calais, Vt., son of Barney,6 married Hannah Haskill, daughter of Moses Haskill, in 1820. She was born September 13, 1800, and died December 7, 1863. He died July 1, 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3165. Sarah, b. Sept. 4, 1822. 3167. William V., b. Feb. 9, 1834. 3166. Irena l!, b. Nov. 10, 1831. 3168. Wesley C, b. Aug. 8, 1836. Sarah married Otis Slayton, son of Jesse Slayton ; no issue. Irene L. married James P. Laird, in 1851. She died August 13, 1862, leaving one son : Wesley Elwin? William V. married Helen M. Dudley, February 6, 1858, daughter of Wil lard and Polly Dudley. His chUdren are : (3169) Mary Evelina? born AprU 13, 1860, and (3170) Mertella? born June 15, 1862. Wesley C. married Lenora Osgood, January 18, 1859, daughter of Curtis and Lucy Osgood. His children are : (3171) Mary Emogene? born AprU 4, 1860, and (3172) Alice Jane? b. June 4, 1862. [2789.] WELCOME7 PECK, son of Barney,6 resided in Johnson, Vt., in 1863. He married Harriet G. Hayford, March 30, 1 824, daughter of Jacob Hayford, of Johnson, Vt. 20* 234 peck genealogy, — part fifth. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3173. Hiram H., b. March 15, 1827. 1835. 3174. Thomas H., b. Sept. 26, 1829. 3177. Lucia A., b. Nov. 29, 1837. 3175. Philo W., b. February 29, 3178. Luella E., b. Nov. 4, 1840. 1832. Died June 13, 1861. 3176. Marinda H., born April 4, 3179. Lyman B., b. Mar. 26, 1843. Hiram married Alma M. Hill, and was residing in Wyoming, Jones County, Iowa, in 1864. His children were : (3180) Laforest H.? (3181) 0. H? (3182) Harriet S.? (3183) Warren W-? (3184) Charles M? (3185) and Franklin H? Thomas married Ann Bartrum ; resided in Johnson, Vt., in 1864. His chil dren were : (3186) Harvey B? and (3187) Luella? Philo married M. Miller, and was residing in Bloomington, McLean County, 111., in 1864. His children were : (3188) Harriet V? and (3189) Herbert A? Marinda H. married G. T. Newman, and settled in Bloomington, McLean County, 111. Lucia married Chester K. Hill, and settled in Johnson, Vt. Lyman was residing in Johnson, Vt., in 1864 ; no children. [2790.] BARNEY7 PECK, son of Barney,6 resides in Wol- cott, Vt. He married Cynthia Bugbee, daughter of Elisha Bugbee> of Morristown, Vt., January 18, 1824. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3190. Marquis D. L., b. July 8, 1826. 3195. Madora A., b. Oct. 30, 1837. 3191. Orrilla, b. April 8, 1828. 3196. Charles B., b. Dec. 30, 1839. 3192. William P., b. Oct. 10, 1830. 3197. Luther B., b. June 30, 1843. 3193. Edmond B., b. Jan. 16, 1833. Died Feb. 15, 1861. Died Aug. 22, 1862. 3198. Sophronia, b. June 1, 1846. 3194. Esther P., b. Sept. 9, 1835. Orrilla married Isaac D. Nelson, of Montpelier, Vt., September 18, 1848 ; were residing in Walcott in 1864. Their children were : Cynthia A ? Philora L.? Henry I.? Charles P? and George A.9 Marquis D. L. married Philora Ladd, December 18, 1853, and settled in Walcott, Vt. His children are : (3199) Almenia M.? (3200) Helen M.? (3201) Salina E? and (3202) Edmond V? William married Catharine Johnson, of Hardwick, Vt., October 15, 1854 ; resided in St. Johnsbury, Vt., and had one child : (3203) Ellen H? in 1864. Esther P. married Lindsey Nelson, of Mendon, Mass., February 28, 1850; resides in Wallcott ; had one child : Willie L.? in 1864. Madora married Richard Downing, December 8, 1855 ; settled in Woodbury. Their children were : Edgar G.? Ida S.? Adin A? and blora J? [2791.] LRA7 PECK, son of Barney,6 resides in Marshal, Clark County, 111. He has been twice married; first, to Mary Fuller, May 18, 1834: second, to Lucina F.Bailey, October 17, 1839. His first wife died April 9, 1838. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 235 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3204. Calvin, b. Oct. 22, 1836, in El- 3208. Horace D., b. Dec. 28, 1845. more, Vt. Died March 10, 1846. 3205. Zeluca Z., b. Dec. 2, 1840, in 3209. John W., b. July 21, 1848, in Elmore, Vt. Clark County, 111. 3206. Barney, b. Oct. 7, 1842. Died 3210. Jervam D., b. October 29, the same day. 1850, in Clark County, 111. 3207. Ira, b. AprU 11, 1844, in El- 3211. Mary E., b. June 9, 1854, in more, Vt. Clark County, 111. Calvin married Sarah M. McFarland, Sept. 1, 1859, and was residing in Clark County, 111., in 1863. Their son (3212) William B? was bora Septem ber 24, 1862.* The other children were residing at home in 1864. [2793.] JEREMIAH7 PECK, son of Barney,6 resides in Walcott, Vt. He married Lucia Day, daughter of Orrin Day, of Sharon, Vt. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3213. Francis, b. April 20, 1834. 3217. Mary J., b. July 30, 1844. 3214. Orin D., b. Sept. 26, 1S37. 3218. Marcia L., b. AprU 11, 1848. 3215. Amelia R., b. June 9, 1840. 3219. Edmond E., b. July 4, 1856. 3216. Horace D., b. April 7, 1842. Died March 1857. Francis married Mahala B. Paine, December 3, 1857. She died March 11, 1862. He was again married to Wealthy D. Loveland, November 24, 1863, and settled in Johnson, Vt. Amelia B. married Daniel Pearson, May 26, 1861 ; were residing in Wolcott in 1863. Thoir child was : Freddie F? b. May 21, 1862. [2796.] JOHN7 PECK, son of Isaac,6 married Elizabeth Clark, daughter of Thomas Clark. He died November 20, 1829. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3220. Charle3, b. 1812. [2801.] GEORGE H.7 PECK, son of Isaac,6 resides in Prov idence, R. I. He is a merchant. He married, for his first wife, Nancy Sweet, June 12, 1823; for his second, Harriet M. Sweet land, August 27, 1837; for his third, Rebecca Still well, September 9, 1852. His first wife was born July 20, 1804, and died October 20, 1836. His second wife was born June 25, 1815, and died De cember 18, 1851. His third wife was born August 10, 1816. * They have a son James9 born since. 236 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3221. Esther S., b. April 16, 1824. 3224. George H. jr., b. May 6, 1832. Died Aug. 20, 1825. 3225. John H., b. July 15, 1835. 3222. Ann F., b. March 19, 1826. 3226. Harriet A., b. Dec. 28, 1848. | 3223. Isaac, b. July 23, 1828. Ann F. married William F. Andrews, of Providence, R. I. Isaac married Sarah Burdick, daughter of Capt. George Burdick, of New port, R. I., October 30, 1851. They were residing in Providence in 1863. Their children were: (3227) George Augustus? b. October 9, 1852; (3228) Isaac Newton? b. September 15, 1853 ; (3229) Stella May? b. October 12, 1854 ; (3230) Isaac Newton, 2d? b. February 14, 1857 ; (3231) Mary Lizzie? b. August 5, 1858 ; (3232) Nancy Sweet? b. July 16, 1860 ; (3233) Frances Andrews? b. December 30, 1861. George H., jr. married Sophia Kinsley, of Newburyport, Mass., and was residing in Providence, R. I., in 1863 ; no issue. [2807.] BARNEY7 PECK, son of Ebenezer,6 resides in Providence, R. I. He married Mary A. Walling, daughter of John Walling, of Providence, R. I., October 14, 1839. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3234. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 17, 1840. \ 3236. Elizabeth Crawford, b. Dec. 3235. Mary Louisa, b.Nov.17, 1840. } 14, 1849. Died Sept. 1, 1850. Twins. 3237. William Henry, b. March 4, 1853. Died March 22, 1858. [2808.] SAMUEL B.7 PECK, son of Ebenezer,6 resides in Providence, R. I. He married Lydia Colvin, daughter of Holden Colvin, of Coventry, R. I. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 323'8. Ethan. [2811.] LEWIS7 PECK, son of Welcome,6 settled first in Scituate, R. I., but afterwards moved into Burriliville, where he was residing in 1863. He has been twice married: first, to Sally Ann Colvin, daughter of James Colvin, of Johnston: second, to Lucy Vallett, daughter of Jonathan Vallett, of Gloucester. His first wife died August 4, 1845. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3239. Susan, b. 1827. 3244. Mary F. Died Aug. 23, 1842. 3240. Welcome, b. July 30, 1829. 3245. Phebe, b. 1841. 3241. Emily M., b. 1831. 3246. Mary. 3242. Nancy. 3247. Emeline. 3243. Peleg J., b. 1836. Susan married William Borden, of Scituate, R. I., and was residing in Bur riliville, R. I., in 1866. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 237 Welcome married Mary S. Trimm, daughter of WUliam Trimm, March 9, 1850, and was residing in BurrUlville, R. I., in 1866. Emily M. has been twice married: first, to Stephen Pierce; second to Ezekiel Ralph, of Scituate, R. I. Peleg J. married Jane Cooms, AprU 11, 1852; was residing in BurrUlvUle, R. I., in 1866. Phebe has been twice married : first, to Albert Philips ; second, to George Fowles, of BurrUlville, R. I. [2812.] STEPHEN7 PECK, son of Welcome,6 lived and died upon the homestead, in Scituate, R. I. He married Polly You, daughter of James You. He died August 14, 1829. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3248. Betsey Ann. 3249. Lucinda Y. [2815,] ASAHEL7 PECK, son of Welcome,6 resides upon the homestead. He married Susan Colvin, daughter of James Colvin of Johnston, R. I. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3250. Lizzie, b. May 20, 1834. 3254. Almira H., b. Dec. 3, 1840. 3251. Sarah M., b. Jan. 11, 1836. 3255. Thomas' W., b. Nov. 3, 1842. 3252. Stephen P., b. June 22, 1837. 3256. Lydia L., b. Aug. 4, 1844. 3253. Asahel A., b. Jan. 16, 1839. 3257. Susan M., b. Oct. 6, 1850. [2816.] ALFRED O.7 PECK, son of Welcome,6 resides in Scituate, R. I. He married Cordelia Colvin, daughter of James Colvin, of Johnston, R. I., April 21, 1836. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3258. William A., b. Nov. 30, 1839. 3260. Mary E., b. June 6, 1851. Died Died May 5, 1855. May 2, 1852. 3259. Ransom O., b. Jan. 9, 1842. 3261. Delia F., b. July 4, 1855. 3262. Ella M., b. March 29, 1857. Bansom O. married Sarah A. Colvin, May 17, 1863. [2821.] HERS A7 PECK, son of Gaieus,6 married a Widow Southworth. He died at Richford, Wis., November 1857. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3263. Porter. 3265. Albert. 3264. Page. [2823.] SAMUEL7 PECK, son of Gaieus,6 is settled at Bar- net, Vt. He married Sophia Wood, of Barnet. 238 PECK GENEALOGY, PART FIFTH. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3266. George W., b. Jan. 14, 1827. 3269. William E., b. March 24, 1833. Died April 30, 1850. 3270. Henry 0., b. Sept. 11, 1835. 3267. Jane A., b. July 17, 1829. 3271. John H., b. AprU 18, 1837. 3268. Sophia, b. June 24, 1831. [2825.] WILLIAM7 PECK, son of Gaieus,6 married Susan Eliza Dana, of Cabot, Vt. They resided in Chicago, 111., in 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3272. Oscar Dana, b. Aug. 23, 1832. 3276. George Wesley, b. May 9, 1841. 3273. Eliza Dana, b. Sept. 30, 1834. 3277. Charles Edward, b. Sept. 1, 3274. John WUliam, b. Jan. 14, 1837. 1844. 3275. Catharine Dana, b. Feb. 15, 3278. Wilber F., b. March 6, 1846. 1839. Died Sept. 23, 1859. Oscar D. was residing in California in 1864 ; was married, and had one chUd. John William died at Little Rock, Mich., a soldier in the 29th Iowa Regi ment. He left a wife and one chUd. [2826.] GEORGE C.7 PECK, son of Gaieus,6 resides at Lindon, Vt. He married Malinda Wing, June 20, 1838. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3279. Ellen E., b. Sept. 16, 1839. 3282. Charles C.,' b. Sept. 12, 1846. 3280. William H., b. Jan. 3, 1841. Died Jan. 27, 1852. 3281. Julia M., b. Dec. 5, 1842. Died 3283. Ida M., b. Oct. 16, 1854. Sept. 30, 1843. [2837.] THOMAS7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 married . CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3284. [2838.] EBENEZER7 PECK, son of Thomas,6 married . He was in Washington, D. C, in 1866. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3285. 3288. 3286. 3289. 3287. [2841.] EZRA7 PECK, son of Aaron,6 is a farmer, and resides in Jamestown, Chautauque County, N. Y. He married Harriet Perkins, daughter of Roswell Perkins, of Freehold, War ren County, Pa. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 239 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3290. Marshall E., b. Feb. 1, 1836. 3293. Julia A., b. Nov. 19, 1842. 3291. Erastus P., b. July 13, 1838. 3294. Mary J., b. Feb. 10, 1845. 3292. Henry H., b. Aug. 11, 1840. 3295. Ellen M., b. May 30, 1849. Marshall E. married Rhoda A. Derby. He was a soldier in the war, and was wounded. Erastus P. married Lydia A. Wares. His children are : Judson E." and Eliza A." He was also in the army. Henry H. was also in the army, and died at White House Landing, of the typhoid malaria, July 3, 1863. Julia A. married Robert E. Fuller. He was also a soldier. Mary J. married Horace A. Willson. He was also a soldier. [2843.] SAMUEL7 PECK, son of Aaron,6 resides at Ellicott, Chautauque County, N. Y., a farmer. He married Almira Dunbar, daughter of Alvin Dunbar, of Elli cott, in 1850. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3296. Annette, b. May 16, 1851. 3297. Charles, b. Jan. 11, 1859. [2845.] EZEKIEL7 PECK, son of Aaron,6 resides at Car roll, Chautauque County, N. Y., a farmer. He married Emeline Woodward, daughter of Reuben J. Wood ward, of Ellicott, in 1850. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3298. Lavern, b. Sept. 9, 1850. [2847.] MILTON7 PECK, son of Ezra,6 first settled in Hub bardston. From there he removed to Hardwick, Mass., where he died, April 14, 1855. He married Mary Dexter. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3299. Mary A., b. Feb. 23, 1824. 3305. Cryton W., b. Dec. 10, 1838. Died in 1853. Died in 1838. 3300. Jane R., b. July 8, 1827. 3306. Luthera M., b. Dec. 10, 1840. 3301. Horace M., b. April 29, 1830. Died Dec. 26, 1858. 3302. Simon E. W-, b. Aug. 5, 1832. 3307. WiUiam C, b. March 6, 1843. 3303. Sally B., b. March 7, 1834. 3308. Susan A., b. Nov. 3, 1847. 3304. Samuel D., b. April 24, 1837. Died July 31, 1848. Jane B. married Francis Legate, June 2, 1847. Their chUdren were : Fran cis Augustus? b. February 14, 1854 ; Lizzie J? b. November 23, 1857, and died November 29, 1859. Simon E. W. married Almenia Austin, and resided, in 1864, in Hardwick, Mass. 240 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. William C. married Hannah N. Atwood, of Hardwick, Mass., March 11, 1862, and was residing in Greenwich in 1864. Their chUd was : (3309) Mary M.? b. May 12, 1863. [2852.] JAMES B.7 PECK, son of Horatio,6 resided in Providence, R. I., in 1864. He married Hannah R, Medbery, daughter of George Medbery, of East Providence, R. I. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3310. Allen G., b. March 14, 1846. 3313. Nancy E., b. April 23, 1853. 3311. Forrest A., b. Oct. 20, 1849. Died April 16, 1855. 3312. James M., b. June 4, 1851. [2853.] HENRY C.7 PECK, son of Horatio,6 was residing at Whitinsville, Mass., in 1863. He married Lydia S. Smith, daughter of Joseph Smith, of Somerset, Mass., October 9, 1853. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3314. Leander Edwin, b. May 6, 1861. 3315. John Henry, b. July 15, 1863. [2863.] EDWIN F.7 PECK, son of Bela,6 married Abigail Bowen, daughter of Samuel Bowen, June 6, 1850. They were residing in Barrington, R. I., in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3316. Alpheus F., b. Sept. 24, 1850. 3318. Emma E., b. April 30, 1860. 3317. Maria B., b. July 24, 1852. [2876.] REV. NATHAN R.7 PECK, son of Rev. John,6 mar ried Mary Round, daughter of Joseph Round, of Monkton, Vt. He was residing in California in 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3319. Marritta, b. Jan. 7, 1834. 3320. Maria, b. Sept. 26, 1838. Marritta married Rev. Ralph Pierce, of the Black River Conference, N. Y. They went to India as missionaries, where she died, November 1862. Maria married Rev. J. H. Maddox, who was of the California Mission, in 1863. [2880.] DANIEL7 PECK, son of Rev. John,6 was residing at FuUerville, St. Lawrence County, N. Y, in 1864. He married Martha Fuller, March 10, 1842. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 241 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3321. Anna, b. Dec. 25, 1845. 3323. Everett, b. Jan. 11, 1860. 3322. Celinda, b. Feb. 2, 1849. [2887.] GEORGE W.7 PECK, son of David,6 was residing in East Rutland, Vt., in 1864. He married, for his first wife, Frances Howland, daughter of Sydney B. Howland, January 9, 1854; and for his second, he married Helen Strong, daughter of Marvin Strong, February 8, 1860. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3324. Merritt Emerson. [2911.] SOLOMON7 PECK, son of Solomon,6 is settled upon the homestead. He married Keziah Peck (No. 2918), daughter of Darius Peck, January 6, 1828. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3325. Solomon Augustus, b. Dec. 8, 3327. Francis Wayland, b. March 20, 1828. 1834. 3326. Josephus Wales, b. Aug. 12, 3328. Cornelius Carpenter, b. Feb.. 1831. 16, 1836. Solomon A. was residing with his father, in 1863, unm. Josephus W. married Sarah I. Peck (No. 3346), daughter of Sylvester Peck, of Providence, R. I., July 2, 1857. He was residing in Providence in 1864. His children were: (3329) Sarah Keziah? b. May 13, 1858; and (3330) Julia Goddard? b. November 9, 1861. Francis W. married Mary Shed, of Providence, R. I., and was residing in East Providence in 1864. She was the daughter of Ebenezer Shed. Their chUd was : (3331) Marietta Frances? b. April 28, 1859. Cornelius C. married Isabella Jane Anthony, daughter of David Anthony, of East Providence, R. I., where they were residing in 1863. Their children were : (3332) David Solomon? b. August 19, 1860; and (3333) Eliza Baker? b. July 31, 1862. [2919.] CALVIN S.7 PECK, of Providence, R. I., son of Darius,6 married Hannah Cooper, November 1, 1829., daughter of William Cooper. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3334. Calvin WUlson, b. July 2, 1843. Died Sept. 19, 1845. [2921.] HERMAN A.7 PECK, of Providence, R. I., son of Darius,6 married, for his first wife, Lemira Wheaton Peck (No. 2916), daughter of Solomon Peck, of Seekonk, April 23, 1834. 21 242 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART FIFTH. For his second wife, he married Mary Ann Fuller, daughter of Levi and Mary Fuller, January 19, 1843. His first wife died May 21, 1841. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : By first wife : 3340. Ann Lemira, b. Jan. 15, 1849. 3335. Ellen Frances, b. Jan. 27, 1838. 3341. Lydia Keziah, b. Sept. 12, 1851. 3336. Lemira Wheaton, b. May 15, 3342. Lucy Ella, b. Feb. 8, 1854. 1841. Died May 26, 1841. Died Sept. 30, 1859. 3343. Herman Sanford, b. April 14, By second wife : 1856. Died May 7, 1864. 3337. Herman Allen, b. Oct. 18, 1843. 3344. Roxanna "Fuller, b. Sept. 15, Died March 5, 1847. 1858. Died May 12, 1864. 3338. John Flavel, b. April 3, 1845. 3345. William Newton, b. Feb. 10, 3339. Mary Fry, b. Jan. 31, 1847. 1862. [2922.] SYLVESTER W.7 PECK, of Providence, R. I., son of Darius,6 married Sarah L. Phinney, April 26, 1833, daughter of Edward Phinney, of Barnstable, Mass. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3346. Sarah Ide, b. June 9, 1834. 3349. Jane Hudson, b. Oct. 9, 1843. .3347. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 22, 3350. Francis Wheaton, b. July 7, 1837. Died June 11, 1839. 1846. 3348. JuUa Ann, b. July 9, 1840. Died Sept. 9, 1858. [2926.] ELLIS7 PECK, of Barrington, R. I., son of Ellis,6 married Louisa Jones, daughter of William Jones, of Seekonk, Feb ruary 28, 1830. He is a model farmer. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3351. William Jones, b. Dec. 14, 3354. Leroy Ellis, b. Dec. 16, 1843. 1830. Died June 16, 1833. Died March 18, 1844. 3352. William Jones, b. June 5, 1833. 3355. Arabella Louisa, b. Sept. 4, 3353. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Sept. 8, 1845. 1836. William Jones married Virginia White, daughter of Thomas White, of Bris tol, R. I. Sarah Elizabeth married John White, of Bristol, R. I. [2928.] ASA7 PECK, of Barrington, R. I., son of Ellis,6 married Lucretia S. Remington, March 4, 1839, daughter of Enoch Remington, of Barrington. He is a drover and cattle broker. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION i 3356. Adelaide Eliza, b. March 22, 3358. George Asa, b. Aug. 22, 1846. 184°- Died Aug. 28, 1846. 3357. Leander R., b. Feb. 12, 1843. 3359. Julietta L., b. Nov. 7, 1848. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL PECK. 243 [2934.] EBENEZER7 PECK, son of Nathaniel,6 settled in Providence, R. L, where he died, August 28, 1848. He married Abby A. Bump, daughter of Nathan Bump, of North Providence, June 8, 1843. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3360. Sarah E., b. May 1846. 3361. Edmond B., b. AprU 1847. [2938.] DANIEL H.7 PECK, son of Ebenezer,6 resides in Barrington. He married Mary Ann Baker, of Lowell, Mass. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3362. Mary Esther. 3364. Edwin B. Died in the army. 3363. Daniel R. 3365. WUliam S. [2939.] JOHN H.7 PECK, son of Ebenezer,6 resides in Bar rington. He married Charlotte Tanner, daughter of Daniel Tan ner, of Warwick, R. I. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3366. JohnH. 3367. WiUiam H. Died in infancy. John H. resides in Barrington, R. I. [2947.] BENJAMIN W.7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 is settled in Providence, R. I. He married Emily A. Gillmore, daughter of George Gillmore, of Providence, R. I., December 24, 1850. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3368. E. L., b. Nov. 4, 1851. 3370. EmUy J., b. Dec. 31, 1858. 3369. Walter H., b. Jan. 20, 1857. [2949.] GEORGE S.7 PECK, son of Benjamin,6 is settled in Providence, R. I. He married Ellen C. Rhodes, May 10, 1855. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3371. EUen Amanda, b. July 31, 3372. Emma Louisa, b. Jan. 11, 1859. 1856. 3373. George Albert, b. July 1, 1860. PAET SIXTH. THE DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL2 PECK. SIXTH SON OF JOSEPH1 THE ANCESTOR. Israel was born at Hingham, Mass., and baptized there, March 4, 1644. He. moved from there with his father and family to See konk. He settled in what is now Barrington, upon the lands given him and his brother Nathaniel, near where is now the residence of Mr. Ellis Peck. For a description of these lands, see part 5th, in reference to the settlement of Nathaniel. Israel Peck married Bethiah Bosworth, daughter of Jonathan Bosworth, July 15, 1670. They both lived to be aged. The fol lowing are the inscriptions upon their tombstones : Here lieth the body of Mr Israel Peck died Septr y° 2d 1723 in ye 80th year of his Age Here lyeth intrd the body of MrB Bethiah daughter of Jonathan Bos worth and wife of Mr Israel Peck died Apr 4th 1718 Aged 75 years He held various public offices. His will is recorded upon the records at Taunton, Mass., B. 4, p. 220. The following is a copy : In the name of God Amen this eighth day of August Anno Domi 1718 and in the fifth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George over Great Brittan & King I Israel Peck of Swansey alias Barring ton in the county of Bristol within the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman being in the seventy sixth year of my age but retaining my memory and understanding as at other times thanks be given to god there fore remembering my own frailty do make and ordain this my last will & testament in manner following that is to say first and principally I commit my Soul unto the care of God that 21* 246 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART SIXTH. gave it me and my body to the earth to be decently intered at the dis cretion bf my executor here after named and as touching such worldly estate which it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and demise and despose of the same in the following manner and form Imp18 It is my will that all my debts and funeral charges be well and truly paid and satisfied in convenient time after my decease by my executor here in after named Item I give to my only son Nathaniel Peck having given to him and to his heirs & assigns forever by a deed of gift under my hand and seal bearing date the sixteenth day of July Anno Domi 1718 all my housing Lands and meadows of any kind in Barrington in the county of Bristol and also my stock and husbandry tools I do by these presents ratify and confirm the same unto him the purpose and true intent & meaning of said gift And farther I give and bequeath unto my said son & his heirs and assigns forever all my rights in the undivided lands in Rehoboth and any other lands which I shall not other wise despose of in this my last will and testament my hunting gun and silver spoons and what other movables I shall not particu larly give to my daughters or their children Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter the wife of Josiah Dean and to my daughter the wife of Ephraim May and to the chil dren of my daughter Mehetible Whitaker deceased equally to be divided and to their heirs and assigns for ever all my lands in Reho both lying at or near the great meadow hill being two hundred & thirty seven acres and forty acres more lying near to John Whitaker in Rehoboth afor said only that land I formerly gave to the said John Whitaker to be reckoned into and with my said grand children their third part of the lands above given to my said daughter and grand children the third part of the land given to my grand children. My will is that it 3471. Lizzie, b. Nov. 6, 1854. | Twins. [3442.] SAMUEL7 PECK, of Farmingfon, Pa., son of Joseph Kelly,6 married Clarissa Knapp, March 2, 1828. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3473. George W., b. Dec. 18, 1829. 3475. David B., b. March 1, 1839. 3474. EmUy L., b, July 9, 1835. 3476. Comfort E.,' b. Oct. 10, 1846. [3443.] JOSEPH7 PECK, son of Joseph Kelly,6 settled in Spartansburg, Pa. He married Martha Hawkins, daughter of Duty Hawkins. CHTLDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3477. One, b. March 4, 1826. Died 3481. Mary Jane, b. March 24, 1833. in 1828. 3482. Emily H., b. Sept. 22, 1835. 3478. Louisa, b. March 24, 1828. 3483. Eunice L., b. April 4, 1837. 3479. A son, b. 1830. Died same 3484. Calista L., b. Aug. 21, 1839. year. 3485. Mary Ann L., b. July 21, 1842. 3480. A son, b. 1831. Died in 1832. 3486. Joseph E., b. July 27, 1848. Louisa married Green Alsdurf, in 1848, and settled in Sparta. Mary Jane married Frederick A. Wise, in 1849, and settled in Bloomfield. Emily H. married Henry Scouten, in 1852, and settled in Sparta. Calista L. married Oscar N. Dexter, in 1855, and settled at Spring Creek. Mary Ann L. was residing in Canada, unm., in 1864. Joseph E. was residing in Sparta, unm., in 1864. [3445.] DAVH)7 PECK, son of Joseph Kelly,6 settled at Freedom, La Salle County, 111. He married Luvilla Hawkins, daughter of Duty Hawkins. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : 3487. Lucretia A., b. 1829. 3492. Martha, b. 1841. Deceased. 3488. Porter, b. 1832. Deceased. 3493. Edward N., b. 1844. 3489. Joseph K., b. 1834^ 3494. Mary Jane, b. 1848. 3490. Joel, b. 1836. Deceased. 3495. GeniUa, b. 1850. 3491. Jesse H., b. 1838. Deceased. 3496. David P., b. 1855. Deceased. Lucretia married David Jones. They were residing in Meriden, La Salle County, 111., in 1864. Their-chUdren were : Margaret E.? John D.? Indie L.? Delazon G? and Ida M? 22* 258 PECK GENEALOGY, — PART SIXTH. [3450-] JOEL7 PECK, son of Joseph Kelly,6 settled in Gowanda, N. Y., where he was residing in 1864. He married Philena Mclntyre, daughter of Royal T. Mclntyre, December 1 1838. CHILDREN — ¦EIGHTH GENERATION: 3497. Alderson, b. Sept. 7, 1839. 3501. Melissa, b. Nov. 1, 1852. 3498. Andrew, b. June 9', 1842. 3502. Orson, b, Oct. 14, 1856. 3499. Lucretia, b. Sept. 17, 1846. 3503. Aurilla, b. Oct. 14, 1856. 3500. Isabel, b. Oct. 3, 1849. Twins. [3451. J ADDISON S.7 PECK, son of Dr. Gustavus D.,6 graduated at the Boston Medical School, in 1831. He read medi cine with his father, and with Dr. Jabez Fisher, of Boston. He commenced the practice of medicine with his father, in Milford, Mass. In 1837, he removed to Hatfield, and from there to Hol yoke, Mass. In 1862, he removed to Aurora, Esmeralda County, Nevada Territory, where he was appointed Judge of Probate. He died April 6, 1866. He married Jane S. Whipple, daughter of Benjamin Whipple, of Dunbarton, N. H., November 1835. She died at Dunbarton, Jan uary 23, 1864. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3504. Sarah Elizabeth, b. at Hatfield, 3505. Benjamin Whipple, b. at Hat- Mass., in 1837. field, Mass., in 1842. Sarah Elizabeth married Lieut.-Col. William S. B. Hopkins, of Northamp ton, Mass. They were residing in New Orleans in 1864. Benjamin Whipple was residing, in 1864, at Aurora, Nevada Territory, unm. [3453.] ALBION PERRY7 PECK, son of Dr. Gustavus D.,6 was residing at Northampton, Mass., in 1864. The early life of Mr. Peck, I learn, was passed as a teacher, previous to his settling at Northampton. He was elected teacher of the English School, at Worcester, Mass., June 22, 1828. He was also, I am told, prin cipal of the school at Sunderland for some time. The following extracts in relation to him were taken from the Northampton Business Directory : Mr. Peck was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1844. In 1855, he was appointed Register of Probate by Gov. Gardner. In 1856, he was chosen by the people to the same office, which he held DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL PECK. 259 until:, by the act of the Legislature, the office was abolished, and its duties transferred to the Register of the new Court of Probate and Insolvency. In 1855, he was chosen a member of the General School Committee of Northampton. In 1856, he was appointed Justice of the Quorum and Notary Public, and in 1860, a Trial Justice. In 1859, he was chosen Town Clerk. He has also been Treasurer of the Horticultural Club, and of the Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden Agricultural Society. In addition to attending to his official duties, Mr. Peck has been engaged in other business. In 1850, he was engaged in the grocery and druggist business. In 1853, he purchased the Lower Mills, so called, and carried on the flour and grain business until 1860, when he sold his interest. I am told that he still holds the offices to which he has been elected to the very general satisfaction of the community, by whom he is not only honored but highly respected. He married Sarah Ann Hibbon, daughter of James Hibbon, of Charleston, S. C, at Northampton, June 14, 1855. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: 3506. Julia Emma, b. at Northamp- 3507. Sarah Perry, b. at Northamp ton, Dec 23, 1857. ton, Jan. 30, 1860. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. It was not at first designed to publish an account of any of the Pecks, aside from the descendants of Joseph Peck, the progenitor of the Massachusetts Pecks ; but they were so mixed in their settle ments throughout the country with other branches of the same pat ronymic descendants of other ancestors that it was unavoidable, and necessary to correspond with, and to collect much information in relation to others, before it could be determined to which branch of the name they belonged. As these correspondents and others seemed to expect that the information they had given was to be published, and desired to have it preserved, it was thought best to add an appendix, and publish it. It was soon found that to render this intelligible, and of interest, it was necessary not only to add much more to it, but to follow out the different branches, trace them back to their ancestors, and sep arate their descendants from each other. This I have endeavored to do. Although the descendants of neither of these ancestors have proved to be so numerous as those of Joseph, of Massachusetts, and his six sons, each of whom had families at an early date, yet their descendants have been found to be more numerous than was at first supposed. I have been fortunate in finding, though with much labor, all or nearly all of them. There are a few branches or families that I have been unable to carry through all the genera tions, owing to the imperfect manner in which early records were kept, and the want of interest felt in the subject, many refusing to assist me or to give me the information asked of them, or even to answer my letters or return my circulars. For these reasons there may be errors, — there doubtless will be, perhaps in assigning 264 PECK GENEALOGY. families or individuals to the wrong branch or ancestor, — if so, the arrangement of the work will enable those interested to find their proper places. There will doubtless be errors in names, dates and localities. For the correctness of these I have relied upon my correspondents and others who gave me the information, and have given it as it was given to me, where I had no means of knowing but that it was correct. There were a few records re ceived which were not used for the want of others to complete the generations where they belonged, and render them intelligible. The appendix has been the source of much loss as well as dis appointment to me. It not only delayed the work much longer than was expected, but the subscriptions from the branches it con tains amounted to but a small portion of its expense. The cost of its publication, and the collection of its material, was much more expensive, and required much more labor than was expected. To find and determine at this late day who were the children of Dea con Paul, Deacon William, Henry and Joseph, ancestors of the Connecticut Pecks, trace out their descendants to the present gen erations, and separate them from each other, required not only much of my time for two years, with a large correspondence, but also much travel, which was expensive. I was obliged to make journeys into various towns, in different parts of the State, to examine town, church, probate and family records, and in but a few of them could I obtain any subscribers, and in no one of them enough to pay but a fraction of my ex penses. During my visits to Hartford, Wallingford, Stratford, Milford, Bridgeport and Norwalk, I obtained one subscriber towards pay ing my expenses, which with the town clerks' fees for copies, were over forty dollars. I was obliged to make other journeys, which were expensive. In Norwich, I obtained one subscriber ; in Dan- bury, two ; and in Newtown, where many of the early Pecks set tled, and many of their descendants remain, four ; and in the city of New Haven, to which place I made several journeys, and was obliged to spend much time in examining the town, church, probate records, and deeds, which was expensive, and where many of the descendants of Deacon Paul, Henry and Joseph reside, I obtained five. Where I sent my circulars, I obtained a few names; some APPENDIX. 265 not only gave me their own, but with much kindness obtained other names for me ; while many refused even to return my circulars, although each contained, with the return postage, a request that they should do so. Had I anticipated the want of interest in the subject, the cold ness and indifference with which I have had to contend, among the Connecticut Pecks, I certainly never should have attempted to trace them out. Although some have lent me their aid, and treated me with a generosity and kindness which I shall long remember, some have treated me with a lack of generosity, if not a littleness and an unkindness which I shall try to forget. Among the descendants of John, of Mendon, and among many of the descendants of the Connecticut Pecks, scattered through other States, I found more interest in the subject, and from them have received the most of my subscribers for the appendix. Although I have had little to encourage me, I have done the best I could, and hope I shall have been the means of bringing much to the light in relation to the Connecticut Pecks, which would otherwise have been lost; and that the information I have collected will be of interest to many of them, and not only enable those of the different branches of the name to distinguish themselves from each other, but stimulate a desire to know more of their ancestry. 23 266 PECK GENEALOGY: — APPENDIX. THE HINGHAM AND OTHER PECKS. There were several bearing the surname of Peck who early emi grated from Old to New England and became progenitors, and died, leaving descendants. Some of these remained in Boston, while others settled in its vicinity, or removed to Connecticut. Mr. Savage says a (1) Richard Peck came over in the Defence, of Lon don, in 1635, with (2) Margery, supposed to be his wife, and (3) Israel and (4) Elizabeth, his children, and is thought, by some, to have been the brother of (5) Paul, afterward Deacon Paul Peck, of Hartford, Conn.; but I have found no trace of him or his son.* Mr. Savage (see his excellent work, the Genealogical Dictionary) supposes his son Israel to have been the Israel of Rehoboth, Mass., who had Israel, b. Dec. 18, 1674 (should be 73), and Bethiah, Jan. 2, 1680; but in this supposition he is mistaken. This Israel was the youngest of the three sons of Joseph, ancestor of the Massachu setts Pecks, born, after his arrival in this country, at Hingham, Mass. Rev. Peter Hobart says, in his journal, that he was bap tized March 4, 1644. For his family, see No. 3374. There was also a (6) Nathaniel Peck in Hingham, who, Daniel Cushing, the town clerk, says, arrived in 1635. Mr. Savage supposes him to have settled at Rehoboth, and to have been the Nathaniel who had a son Elisha by his wife Deliverance, born Aug. 25, 1676. But this Nathaniel was, also, the son of Joseph, the next older than Israel. His family is at No. 2588. Who the Nathaniel of 1635 was, or what became of him, is not known. He is supposed by some to have been the son of Robert, and to have returned to England. If so, he was about twenty-one years of age, being born, as may be seen by a reference to his father's family upon the chart, Sep':. 13, 1614. There was also a (7) Simon Peck in Hingham, in 1657, who, Mr. Savage says, married Hannah Farnsworth. She d. April 16, 1659. He afterwards married Prudence Clap, of Dorchester, Feb. 13, 1660, daughter of Edward Clap. By Mr. Hobart's Journal, it appears that his children were, a daughter, b. Dec. 25, 1660; (8) Joseph,h. , d. Jan. 12,1662; (9) Joseph, baptized Feb. 25, * It wiU be seen that Mr. Drake, in his list of the names of the founders of New England (Genealogical Register, Vol. 14, p. 320), spells this name Perk instead of Peck, and the child's name IsabeU, not Israel. BOSTON PECKS. 267 1663; (10) John, b. April 20, 1667; (11) Joseph, baptized Nov. 1, 1668; (12) Sarah, b. June 3, 1669; (13) Joseph, b. July 2, 1671, baptized the 9th, and died the 11th of same month. What became of Simon, or when he died, I did not learn. By an examination of the Hingham records, it will be seen that he sold his homestead in May, 1669. He drew four lots in the division of lands in Cohas- set in 1670, but sold them in 1677. He was one of the selectmen. THE BOSTON PECKS. In relation to the Boston Pecks may be found, upon record there, many deeds, also wills, births, marriages and deaths. As I had occasion to examine and make memorandums of some of .these while searching for lost ones of other branches, I give a few of such as were preserved, in hopes it may draw the attention of some one to the subject, who may trace out and publish a his tory of these Boston Pecks. Had I designed them at first for this use, I should have made the list more full and perfect. Upon the Probate Records, B. 11, p. 259, may be found the appointment of Elizabeth Peck, widow, administratrix upon the estate of (14) John Peck, of Boston, mariner, deceased, dated Feb. 25, 1696-7. On B. 14, p. 128, is the will of (15) Thomas Peck, sen., who was a shipwright, dated March 3, 1698-.' He seems to have been a man of wealth. He bought and sold much land in Boston and other places, and also vessels. In his will he bequeaths houses, lands, warehouses, wharves, docks, etc. He names his wife Eliza-. beth, sons (16) John, deceased, (17) Benjamin, (18) Thomas, jr., shopkeeper, and (19) Nathaniel; and daughters (20) Faith Waldo, (21) Elizabeth Fisher, and (22) Rachel Potter. John, deceased, and wife Elizabeth, had two daughters, if no more, (23) Elizabeth Gooch, and (24) Mary, and a son (25) William. Benjamin had two sons, (26) Benjamin and (27) William. Thomas J. and Na thaniel also had children not named in the will. An administrator was appointed' upon the estate of Martha Peck, widow, Jan. 1, 1750, B. 44, p. 27. 268 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. A guardian was appointed for (28) Mary, a minor daughter of (29) Samuel Peck, late of Boston, blacksmith, Oct. 1756, B. 51, p. 348. An inventory of the estate of Samuel Peck was presented by (30) Thomas Handasyde Peck, Oct. 29, 1756, B. 51, p. 349. Mar tha Peck was appointed administratrix upon the estate of her husband, (31) James Peck, of Boston, mariner, Feb. 11, 1757, B. 52, p. 52. (32) Samuel Peck was appointed administrator upon the estate of his brother, (33) William Peck, of Boston, glazier, Jan. 4, 1760, B. 56, p. 207. He had a son (34) John, and (35) William, and an only daughter (36) Mary. Mary Peck, widow, was appointed guardian of her son (37) Ben jamin, under fourteen years of age, son of (38) Nathaniel, late of Boston, cordwainer, Feb. 13, 1761, B. 58, p. 70. Thomas Handasyde Peck was appointed administrator upon the estate of his brother (39) John, late of Boston, glazier, Sept. 11, 1761, B. 59, p. 130. John had a son (40) Robert Maynard Peck. Thomas Handasyde's account as guardian of (41) Mary Peck was presented to the court July 6, 1763, B. 62, p. 106. Thomas Handasyde Peck was appointed administrator upon the estate of his son (42) John Peck, March 18, 1768, B. 66, p. 188. The will of (45) Samuel Peck,* cooper, of Boston, is upon B. 77, p. 57, dated May 8, 1777. He had children, (46) Mary and (47) Sarah, sisters, (48) Mary, and (49) Hannah, and brothers, (50) Nathaniel, and (51) Benjamin, and mother, Mary Peck, widow. His wife Sarah was executrix. Sarah Peck, widow, was appointed administratrix upon the estate of Robert Maynard Peck, feltmaker, Jan. 28, 1782, B. 80, p. 438. A guardian was appointed for (52) Samuel, son of (53) Joseph, late of Londonderry, N. H., Dec. 16, 1800, B. 89, p. 452. The will of Moses Peckf is upon B. 99, p. 158, dated Oct. 12, 1799. Names his daughter Sarah, wife of Jonathan Stickney, and Elizabeth, wife of William Thurston, and son Elijah, who had a * Mr. Nathaniel Peck, of Lynn, Mass., is supposed to be a descendant from this branch of the name. t Moses is a descendant of Henry, of New Haven, and is No. 60 with them. BOSTON PECKS. 269 son Samuel, who died, leaving a widow and sons, who were resid ing in Roxbury, Mass., in 1863. (54) John Peck was appointed guardian of (55) William, son of Robert Maynard Peck, July 17, 1792, B. 91, p. 230. WILL OF THOMAS HANDASYDE PECK. In the name of God, Amen ; this thirty first day of August, in the year of our, Lord One thousand seven hundred & seventy four, I, Thomas Handasyde Peck of Boston, in the county of Suffolk & Prov ince of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Hatt Maker, being of sound Mind & Memory, Thanks be to God for it ; & not knowing how short my Time in this World may be ; Do make & ordain, this my last Will & Testament, in manner following. First, — I do commit my soul into the Hands of God who gave it, & my body to the Earth, to be burried in a decent manner, by my Executors hereafter named, in Hope of a joyful Resserection by the Power, & thro' the Merits of my Lord & savior Jesus Christ. And, as to the worldly Goods God has been pleased to bestow on me, I do dispose in the following manner. First, — I do order, that all my just Debts & funeral Expenses be paid, after my Decease, as soon as may be. Item. — I give unto my beloved Wife, Elizabeth Peck, Eighty Pounds lawful Money, to be paid her annually during her natural life by my Executor. Item. — I give my said Wife, my Negro man, Solomon, during her natural life. Item, — I give my said Wife my Horse & both my Chaise. Item. — I give my said Wife, her living in my House where in I now live, with the Improvement of all the Land and Buildings belonging there to, during her natural Life ; the aforesaid House & Buildings to be kept in Repair, out of my Estate. Item. — I give my said wife, the improvement of all my Houshould Goods during her natural Life. Item. — I give to my Grandson Thomas Handasyde, son of my late son Doctor John Peck, & the Heirs of his Body, lawfully begotten, if he lives to the age of Twenty one years, all my Brick Buildings in Merchants Row ; which I bought of Gillman Phillips Esq, with the land, & all the appurtenances there to belonging ; said Buildings to be kept in good repair out of the Rent of said buildings, and my Executors to receive the rents of said buildings untill my Grand son 23* 270 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. arrives to the age of Twenty one years. But, if my said Grand son should die before he arrives to the age of Twenty One years, or he should leave no Heirs, lawfully begotten of his body ; then my will is, that my aforesaid Buildings go to the children of my daughter Eliza beth Perkins. Item. — I give to my Grand son Tho' Handasye Peck, thirty Pounds lawful money pr annum ; to be paid by his Guardian for his maintenance untill he arrives to the age of Twenty one years, and then, the said legacy to cease. Item. — My Will is, that if my grand son, Thomas Handasyde Peck lives untill the age of Twenty one years, that my Executors pay him Two hundred and fifty Pounds lawfull money, out of my personal Estates ; also, if my said Grand son, (43) Thomas Handasyde Peck, should live to the age of Twenty four years, that then my Executors pay my aforesaid Grand son, Two hundred Pounds Lawful money, besides the aforegoing two hundred & fifty Pounds out of my personal Estate. Item. — I give my four grand sons, viz, James Perkins, Thos Han dasyde Perkins, Samuel Perkins and, Tho8 Handasyde Peck, all that Track or parcel of land which I bought of Mr Samuel Green of Bos ton Marriner, being one quarter Part of a full share of the Land called Muscongus, being on Ponobscut River, being two thousand two Hun dred & fifty acres. Item. — My Will is, that my Executor pay to my Honored Mother, Mrs Margaret Mitchel, Twenty six Pounds thirteen shillings & four Pence lawful Money, annually, during her natural life ; & if that is not enough to maintain her, then my Will is, that my Executor sup ply her out of my Estate, what may be sufficient for her, and at her death, to bury her handsomely out of my Estate. The above Twenty six Pounds thirteen shillings & foure pence is what I am obliged by Bond, to pay my said Mother. Item. — I give to my Nephew Robert Maynard Peck, sixty six Pounds thirteen shillings & four pence, lawful Money, to be paid in one Month after my Decease ; & if he owes me any Debts on Book Note or otherwise, I release them. Item. — I give unto Samuel Baley sixty six Pounds, thirteen shil lings & four Pence, Lawful money, to be paid him in one Month after my Decease ; & if he owes me any Debts on Book, Note, or other wise, I release them. Item. — My Will is that Twenty six hundred &. sixty six Pounds, thirteen shillings & four pence, Lawful Money, of my Personal Estate, be put to Interest by my Executors, on good land security, BOSTON PECKS. 271 within this Province ; & the Interest of said money, with the rents of my Real Estate, to be appropriated towards paying my Mother, my wife, & my Grand son, annually, as above. Item. — My Will is, that my Executors pay out of the foregoing Money sixty pounds, thirteen shillings & four pence, Lawful Money, to each of my daughter Perkin's Children, when they arrive to the age of Twenty one years ; & when the above Legacies are paid, then I give all the Remainder of my personal Estate unto my Daughter (44) Elizabeth Perkins, & her Heirs. Item. — I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Perkins, & the Heirs bf her body, all the Remainder of my Real Estate, wherever it may be found, not before given away : Item. — I do constitute my beloved Wife, Elizabeth Peck & my Daughter Elizabeth Perkins, to be my Executors, of this, my last Will ; here by revoking &, making void all Wills here to fore made by me. In witness where of, I the said Thomas Handasyde Peck, the Tes tator, have here unto set my hand & seal this thirty first Day of August One thousand seven Hundred & seventy four. Signed, sealed & published by the Testator, in Presence of us to be his last Will & Testament. THOMAS HANDASYDE PECK JOHN SYMMS JONA W. EDES BENJA EDES The will is recorded upon Book 76, page 101. He seems to have been a man of wealth. He was a merchant, and is said to have dealt largely in furs, and the importation of hats. I regret that I have been able to learn so little in relation to him, his ancestors and descendants bearing the name. I found no one who could give me any information in relation to them; or, who would take any interest in the subject. His brother John died about 1761, leaving a son, Robert May nard Peck, who died about 1782, leaving a son William. The children of Mr. Peck were: Elizabeth, b. Feb. 14, 1735, and John, b. Aug. 24, 1743. The son, Doctor John Peck, died about 1768, leaving a son, Thomas Handasyde Peck. The daughter mar ried James Perkins, a merchant of Boston, who died in middle age, leaving her a widow with eight children, three sons and five daugh- -.iin':..'i: .ii'lii. Pinzt .?g4 ay E.W. Smit BOSTON PECKS. 273 They finally established a house in Canton, under the firm of Per kins & Co., which became one of great importance, and was emi nently successful. Mr. Perkins found time, in addition to that required in his com mercial pursuits, to devote to business of a public nature. About 1794, he was made commander of the military corps, which consti tuted the guard and escort on public occasions for the Governor, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and was afterwards known as Colonel Perkins. He was soon afterwards chosen President of the Boston branch of the United States Bank. In 1 805, he was elected to the Senate of the State, and for many years afterwards was a member of one branch or other of the State Legislature. As the wealth of Col. Perkins accumulated, he expended a por tion of it for charitable, public and benevolent purposes. He took an active and very important part in measures for establishing the Massachusetts General Hospital, with an asylum for the insane. He and his elder brother James contributed five thousand dollars each towards the fund. He also did much for the Boston Athe- na3um. He was one of the founders of the Bunker Hill Monu ment Association, and the originator of the statue of General Warren, towards which he subscribed one thousand dollars. He also took a deep interest in the completion of the national mon ument to the memory of Washington, and one of almost the last acts of his life was an effort to raise funds in Massachusetts towards insuring its completion. This noble act of his was pub licly alluded to by the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, in a speech before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, at one of their annual festivals. In alluding to this act of Col. Perkins, he says : I cannot forget the earnest and affectionate interest with which that noble hearted old American gentleman devoted the last days, and I had almost said the last hours, of his life to arranging the details and the machinery for an appeal to the people of Massachusetts in behalf of that still unfinished structure. He had seen Washington in his boyhood, and had felt the inspiration of his majestic presence ; he had known him in his manhood, and had spent two or three days with him, by particular invitation, at Mount Vernon, — days never to be forgot ten in any man's life ; his whole heart seemed to be imbued, with the 274 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. warmest admiration and affection for his character and services ; and it seemed as if he could not go down to his grave in peace until he had done something to aid in perpetuating the memory of his virtues and valor. But perhaps no better description of the character of Col. Per kins can be given, or a more just tribute now paid to his memory, than is contained in a note by the Hon. Daniel Webster, written with his own hand on the blank leaf of a copy of his works, which he presented to him. Washington, April 19, 1852. My Dear SiE : — If I possessed anything which I might suppose likely to be more acceptable to you as a proof of my esteem than these, I should have sent it in their stead. But I do not, and therefore ask your acceptance of a copy of this edition of my speeches. I have long cherished, my dear sir, a profound, warm, affectionate, and, I may say, a filial regard for your person and character. I have looked upon you as one born to do good, and who has fulfilled his mission ; as a man without spot or blemish ; as a merchant, known and honored over the whole world ; a most liberal supporter and promoter of science and the arts ; always kind to scholars and liter ary men, and greatly beloved by them all ; friendly to all the institu tions of religion, morality and education ; and an unwavering and determined supporter of the constitution of the country, and of those great principles of civil liberty which it is so well calculated to uphold and advance. These sentiments I inscribe here in accordance with my best judg ment and out of the fulness of my heart ; and I wish here to record, also, my deep sense of the many personal obligations under which you have placed me in the course of our long acquaintance. Your faithful friend, DANIEL WEBSTER. To the Hon. Thos. H. Perkins. He died January 11, 1854, in the ninetieth year of his age. The fine engraving which I give is from a portrait by Gambar- della, an Italian artist, and, I am told, was a most excellent like ness of him at the age of 73 years. The expression, it will be* seen, is indicative of the kind and noble heart he possessed. BOSTON PECKS. 275 Upon the early records of deeds in Boston are many convey ances to and from the Pecks, among which are the following : From Thomas Peck senior Shipwright and Elizabeth his wife of 20 Acres of land lying and being at muddy brook in the town ship of Boston (B. 12, p. 30) Jan 20-1680 consideration 30 pounds Deed to Thomas Peck jr Shipwright of pasture land in Boston (B. 13 p. 239) in 1684. Also, a deed from Thomas Peck of a vessel of 45 tons burden, then riding at anchor in the harbor of Boston dated Aug 24 -1760 B. 7 p. 33. Upon the records in the office of the City Register may be found the following marriages, births and names of parents : (56) Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, was born Jan. 19, 1652; (57) Rachel, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1, 1654; (58) Joseph, son of Thomas and Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11, 1656; (59) Faith, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, b. Dec. 8, 1658 ; (60) Ebenezer and (61) Thankful, children of Thomas and Elizabeth, b. July, 1665; (62) Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, b. Feb. 6, 1672; (63) Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, b. June 29, 1674; (64) Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth, b. Feb. 26, 1674; (65) Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1678; (66) Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, b. Feb. 29, 1679 ; (67) Mary, daughter of (68) John and Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1680; (69) John, son of John and Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6, 1685;- (70) Joseph, son of Joseph and Sarah, b. June 8, 1686; (71) Benjamin, son of (72) Benjamin and Mary, b. July 22, 1687; (73) Samuel, son of John and Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1687 ; (74) Tabilha, daugh ter of (75) Nathan and Tabitha, b. March 14, 1687; (76) Samuel, son of Benjamin and Mary, b. Jan. 19, 1680; (77) Jane, daughter of Nathan and Tabitha, b. May 11, 1689; (78) Rachel, daughter of (79) Thomas and Hannah, b. Nov. 28, 1694; (80) William, son of John and Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1695 ; (81) Ebenezer, son of (82) Thomas and Joanna, b. May 8, 1696; (83) Elizabeth, daughter of (84) Ebenezer and Elizabeth, b. June 4, 1696 ; (85) Joanna, daugh ter of Thoinas and Joanna, b. Oct. 20, 1698; (86) Joseph, son of Thomas and Joanna, b. Aug. 27, 1701 ; (87) Elizabeth, daughter of (88) Thomas and Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1703; (89) Joseph, son of (90) Joseph and Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1711 ; (91) William, son of (92) James and Margaret, b. Aug. 29, 1712; (93) Mary, daughter of 276 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. (94) Samuel and Mary, b. Nov. 21, 1712 ; (95) Thomas, son of (96) Samuel and Elizabeth, b. Oct. 17, 1715; (97) Samuel, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, b. Sept. 9, 1717 ; (98) Thomas and (99) Philip, sons of (100) John and Sarah, b. Nov. 9, 1718; (101) Mary, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1719 ; (102) Thomas, son of (103) Thomas and Sarah, b. March 6, 1720; (104) John, son of (105) John and Mary, b. July 23, 1721 ; (106) John, son of Wil liam and Mary, b. June 12, 1725; (107) Samuel, son of William and Mary, b. Oct. 25, 1727; (108) Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Handasyde Peck and Elizabeth, b. Feb. 14, 1735; (109) Abigail, daughter of Moses and Elizabeth, b. Oct. 1744; (110) Robert May nard, son of John and Hester, b. Oct. 1, 1747; (111) Sarah, daugh ter of Moses and Elizabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1752; (112) Samuel, son of Moses and Elizabeth, b. Oct. 30, 1758; (113) Elizabeth, daugh ter of Moses and Elizabeth, b. June 24, 1771 ; (114) John, son of Thomas Handasyde and , b. Aug. 24,1743; (115) Moses, son of Moses and Elizabeth, b. July 4, 1766; (116) Samuel, son of Moses and Elizabeth, b. Sept. 21, 1768. (117) Mary Peck and John Wells were married, Nov. 18, 1697 ; (118) Thomas and Elizabeth Sergeant, March 6, 1706; (119) Ben jamin and Martha Clough, Nov. 2, 1710; (120) James and Hannah Baker, Jan. 25, 1710; (121) Samuel and Mildreth Willis, Jan. 20, 1711; (122) Samuel and Mary Penneman, Feb. 8,1711; (123) Mary and William Lander, June 31, 1716; (124) John and Eliza beth Kelly, June 16, 1709 ; (125) William and Mary Gould, March 9, 1720; (126) Samuel and Elizabeth Parker, Sept. 22, 1714; (127) John and Sarah White, Nov. 11, 1714; (128) Mary and William Lamb, Jan. 31, 1716; (129) Rachel and Joseph Roberts, Nov. 29,1716; (130) Joanna and John Rogers, Jan. 1, 1717; (131) John and Hannah Jackson, June 12, 1755 ; (132) Samuel and Abi gail Mason, April 20, 1721; (133) Nathaniel and Lydia Claflin, Oct. 16, 1740; (134) Mary and Samuel Chandler, Sept. 18, 1735; (135) Hannah and John Mosley, Aug. 30, 1722; (136) Margaret and Thomas Mitchel, April 11,1726; (137) Sarah arid Thomas O dell, Nov. 9, 1727; (138) Margaret and James Hamilton, Aug. 24, 1736; (139) Rebecca and William Volencot, May 31, 1748; (140) Elizabeth and James Perkins, Dec. 2.9, 1755 ; (141) Nathan iel and Lydia Murrin, March 25, 1742; (142) Mary and John THE MENDON PECKS. 277 Collins, Nov. 18, 1751; (143) Elizabeth and Edward Marshall, Oct. 11, 1752; (144) Elijah and Hannah Child, March 13, 1790; (145) John and Sarah Brewer, Nov. 11, 1764; (146) Samuel and Sarah Down, May 8, 1756. (147) William Dandredge Peck, an eminent naturalist, and for several years Professor of Natural History at Harvard College, was a descendant of one of the Boston Pecks. He was born May 8, 1763. He was prepared for college by Mr. Ward, of Brookline. He was admitted Bachelor of Arts at Cambridge in 1782. In 1805, he was elected Professor of Natural History. He died at Cambridge, Oct. 3, 1822* His. father, John Peck, was said to have been one of the most successful shipbuilders and scientific naval architects that the United States had then produced. THE MENDON PECKS. When the Pecks of this branch were first found, they were supposed to be of the Rehoboth Pecks ; and many of the families were traced out before it was discovered that they could not be connected with that branch of the name or with the Connecticut Pecks. After tracing them back to their ancestor, John Peck, of Mendon, Mass., he was supposed to be of the Boston branch, the son of Simon, of Hingham. As many of the branch desired that its descendants should be traced out, and their record pre served, and to reward those who furnished information, it was thought best to do so. It is hoped that some of them will now feel interest enough in the subject to trace their ancestor back, and learn whatever there may be of interest in relation to him. * I was told that a son of his was residing in Sterling, Mass., and wrote him, but could get no response. I should have been pleased to have published a more extended notice of his father and a history of his ancestry, if he would have with it. 24 278 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK, OF MENDON, MASS. John Peck settled in Mendon, Mass., where he died, Sept. 6, 1725. His son Simon was appointed administrator " upon the estate. (Boston Records, B. 24, p. 174.) CHILDREN — SECOND GENERATION: (1) Simon Peck, son of John and Milicent, his wife. Was born March 27, 1693-4 ; (2) Hannah, b. ; (3) John, b. March 8, 1698-9 ; (4) Mary, b. March 28, 1702-3 ; (5) Elizabeth, b. July 16, 1709 ; (6) John again, b. March 27, 1714. [l.J SIMON2 PECK, son of John,1 being the eldest son, prob ably inherited his father's lands, and, as appears by the rec ords at Worcester, Mass., soon began to dispose of them after his father's decease. He sold two full rights to Benjamin Taft, to be laid out in the eighth division, May 8, 1728. He also deeded, in 1736, seventy acres, lying at Magomisco hill, together with all the right, title and interest which his father had in the meadow known as Peck's meadow, to John Peck, Abijah Luther, and wife Prudence, and Elizabeth Peck, spinster, June 14, 1736. (B. 13, p. 340.) He deeded to Abraham Daniels, physician, a part of his homestead near the meeting-house, Dec. 8, 1739. He deeded to his son Ebenezer twenty acres of land inUxbridge, Oct. 24, 1743, and to his sons Abraham and John all his home farm, March 6, 1750. The following is a record of his family from the Uxbridge Records : CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION: (7)-!-Ebenezer, son of Simon Peck and Sarah his wife, was b. Nov. 28, 1720; (8)+Abraham, b. Jan. 14, 1723-4: (9)+John, b. Dec. 30, 1726; (10) Sarah, b. Oct. 18, 1729; (11) Anna, b. April 22, 1732; (12) Sarah, b. Oct. 24, 1735 ; (13) Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1738. She and Sarah both married, one a Whit ney and the other a Lothrope. t [7.] EBENEZER3 PECK, son of Simon,2 left Uxbridge about 1750, and settled in Ashford, Conn. By the records of Uxbridge, it appears that the intention of marriage between him and Sarah Allen, of Uxbridge, was made public April 2, 1739, and that they were married June 19, 1739. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (14) Samuel, b. March 5, 1740-1 ; (15) Hannah, b. June 23, 1743 ; (16) Nathan, b. Nov. 7, 1745 ; (17) Rachel, b. Eeb. 17, 1747-8. He afterwards had, as I am told, (18) Ebenezer, (19) Simon, and (20) David, of whom I find no record. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK. 279 [8.] ABRAHAM3 PECK, son of Simon,2 settled in Coleraine, Mass., where he died, July 18, 1798. He married Mary Stuart, of Londonderry, N. H., Dec. 21, 1724. She was born May 23, 1730, and died Jan. 19, 1801. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (21) Samuel, b. Sept. 18, 1755, d. Aug. 23, 1771 ; (22) Sarah, b. May 7, 1757, d. Sept. 4, 1771; (23) Mary, b. March 13, 1759, d. Aug. 5, 1767; (24) John, b. Jan. 17, 1761, d. Aug. 7, 1767; (25) Rachel, b. Nov. 11, 1767, d. Aug. 8, 1767; (26)4-Abraham, b. June 24, 1767 ; (27) Lydia, b. Aug. 8, 1770, d. Aug.. 9, 1775 ; (28) Margaret, b. March 23, 1773, d. Aug. 13, 1775. y [9.] JOHN3 PECK, son of Simon,2 left Uxbridge about 1753. He removed to Ashford, Conn., where he lived until a short time prior to his decease, when he removed to Vermont to reside with his son, where he died in 1805. He was four times married. The intention of his marriage with his first wife, Mary Brown, of Reho both, Mass., was made public at Uxbridge, as appears by the rec ords, Oct. 2 7, 1750. For his second wife, he married Elizabeth Dennison, of Hampton, who died June 1767. For his third wife, he married Jerusha Preston. For his fourth, he married a widow Hollis. His first wife and two children died in Rehohoth, Mass. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : By his second wife were : (29)4- Joseph; (30) Polly; (31)+John, b. Oct. 7, 1759; (32) Rhoda, b. Eeb. 3, 1761; (33) 4-David, b. Sept. 18, 1762; (34) Eliza beth ; (35) Lydia, b. Dec. 26, 1766. By his third wife there were : (36) John, b. May 8, 1768 ; (37) Anna, b. Sept. 10, 1769 ; (38) Eunice, b. Sept. 25, 1770 ; (39) Oliver, b. Aug. 7, 1772, d. young; (40) Levi, d. young; (41) Elisha, b. March 25, 1777. ' [26.] ABRAHAM4 PECK, son of Abraham,3 settled in Cole raine, where he died, March 1, 1830. He married, for his first wife, Arathusa Bullard, February 3, 1790. She was born in Northampton, Mass., April 11, 1771, and died in Coleraine, Au gust 23, 1824. For his second wife, he married a Mrs. Plympton, of Wardsboro', Vt. She died 1843. CHILDREN — FD3TH GENERATION: (42)+Calvin, b. Nov. 1, 1791; (43) Samuel, b. Jan. 15, 1793; (44) John, b. May 27, 1794 ; (45) Jerry, b. Eeb. 6, 1796 ; (46) Moses, b. May 2, 1798, d. July 31, 1803 ; (47) Mary, b. Dec. 19, 1799, d. July 28, 1803 ; (48) Arathusa, b. Oct. 12, 1801, d. July 30, 1803 ; (49) Matilda, b. Nov. 27, 1804, m. Thomas Brown, of Coleraine; (50) Louisa, b. Dec. 21, 1806, m. WUUam Johnson ; (51)-(-Abra- 280 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. ham, b. Nov. 2, 1808; (52) LoveUa, b. May 7, 1811, m. Andrew H. Marsy, of Coleraine, where they were residing in 1865 ; (53) Joanna, b. Sept. 28, 1813, m. John C. Browning, and was residing in Chicopee, Mass., in 1865; (54) Moses, b. Sept. 26, 1817, suppose d. unm.; (55) Harriet, by his second wife, b. Aug. 16, 1826, m. Joseph Hathaway, and was residing in Millbury, Mass., in 1865. [29. J JOSEPH4 PECK, son of John,3 resided in Monson, Mass., where he died, February 9, 1855, aged 99 years and 6 months. He married Eunice Jennings. She died July 16, 1832, aged 78 years. CHLLDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (56) Lemuel ; (57) Lavinia, b. in 1792, m. Calvin Bowers, and settled in Newfield, Conn. ; (58) Roxanna, b. in 1786, m. Rodolphus Spaulding, d. leav ing seven children ; (59)-|-Jason, b. in 1788; (60)+Ira; (61) Hannah, b. in 1797, m. Joseph Walker, and had twelve chUdren ; (62)+Solomon, b. May 20, 1799. [31.] JOHN4 PECK, son of John,3 settled at first in Caven dish, Vt., and from there removed to Weston, where he died, Sept. 21, 1849. He was twice married: first, to Rebecca Badger; second, to Widow Hannah Austin, who died November 14, 1848. His first wife died about 1810. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (63) Olive, b. 1792, m. Joseph Baldwin, by whom she had five children, d. Nov. 8, 1840 ; (64) Palmer, d. in the 23d year of his age ; (65) Dolly, b. Jan. 15, 1794, m. Ephraim Kile ; were residing in Weston in 1865 ; have sons and daughters ; (66)+01iver, b. Jan. 24, 1797 ; (67)+Oren, b. in 1800, d. Eeb. 18, 1840; (68)+Ezekiel, b. in Cavendish, Vt., Jan. 24, 1802; (69) Rhoda, b. in 1804, d. 1808; (70)+James I., b. July 28, 1812; (71)+Daniel D., b. Eeb. 14, 1817. [33.] DANIEL4 PECK, son of John,3 settled in Cavendish, Vt., where he died. He married Abigail . CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (72) Jared, b. April 22, 1789, d. young; (73)+Alva, b. Eeb. 27, 1793; (74) Lucinda, b. Sept. 25, 1795 ; (75) Bethiah, b. March 20, 1797 ; (76) Abigail, b. Nov. 13, 1798 ; (77) Charlotte, b. Sept. 21, 1800. [41.] ELISHA4 PECK, son of John,3 resided in Abington, Conn. He died September 26, 1866. He married Sarah Badger. DESCENDANTS OP JOHN PECK. 281 CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (78) Jerusha, b. May 2, 1795; (79) Betsey, b. Dec. 15, 1796, m. Jared W. Snow, of Eastford, Conn. ; (80)-(-Alanson, b. June 30, 1805 ; (81) Minerva, b. April 19, 1809, m. Cyrel Kent, of Abington, Conn. [42.] DR. CALVIN5 PECK, son of Abraham,4 settled'first in Castine, Me., and from there removed to Ellsworth, where he died, February 10, 1849. He married Susan Joy, May 24, 1815. She was born June 11, 1792. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (82) Mary S., b. Eeb. 11, 1816, m. Emerson Googing; was residing at Mt. Desert in 1865; (83) Ann C, b. April 3, 1819, m. Asa McAlister; was residing at Ellsworth in 1865; (84)+Calvin G., b. Nov. 1, 1817; (85)+Samuel J., b. Nov. 5, 1820 ; (86) Arethusa, b. April 20, 1822, d. Nov. 16, .1839 ; (87) William D., b. Oct. 10, 1823 ; was residing in California, unm., in 1865 ; (88)+Rowland H., b. Oct. 8, 1825; (89) Elizabeth, b. June 27, 1«27, m. Byron G. Pettingill; was residing in Ellsworth in 1865 ; (90) Sarah, b. April 7, 1829, d. April 24, 1854 ; (91)-f-John M., b. June 19, 1833. [43. J SAMUEL5 PECK, son of Abraham,4 settled in Blakeley, Pa., about 1829, where he died, July 7, 1864. By industry and perseverance, he became wealthy. He was a member of the church for many years. He took an active part in the cause of education, temperance, and the reforms of the day. He married Sarah Wil son, December 31, 1816, for his first wife; Susan Snidecor, June 28, 1845, for his second; and Sarah A. Bertholf, for his third, March 13, 1862. His first wife was born June 20, 1792; died July 17, 1842. His second wife died August IL, 1857. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (92)+Samuel L., b. Nov. 28, 1817; (93) Mary Ann, b. April 4, 1819, m. George W. Arnold, Eeb. 25, 1841, by whom she has children ; was residing in Herrick, Pa., in 1865 : (94) Sarah W., b. June 25, 1821, m. Joseph M. Stephens, Sept. 12, 1841, by whom she has children; was residing in Madison, Luzerne County, in 1865 ; (95) Arathusa B., b. Dec. 29, 1823, m. Sidney P. Stevens, Sept. 15, 1844, d. Oct. 20, 1860, leaving children; (96)+Jonathan W., b. July 9, 1826; (97) Emeline O., b. May 8, 1829, m. R. S. Benjamin, May 8, 1829, by whom she has children; was residing UTScranton, Pa., in 1865; (98) Elvira C, b. May 8, 1829, m. Andrew C. Wise, Oct. 18, 1854 ; was residing in Peck- ville * in 1865 ; has children; (99)+John D., b. April 26, 1831 ; (lOO)-r-Calvin t * So called from having been buUt up by the business carried on by Samuel Peck & Sons. 24* 282 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. E., b. July 21, 1834; (101) WUliam W., by second wife, b. March 9, 1847; re siding at Peckville in 1865 ; (102) James E., by third wife, b. April 29, 1863. , [44.] JOHN5 PECK, son of Abraham,4 was residing at Peck ville in 1865. He had been twice married: first, to Elizabeth Champion ; second, to Catharine Jordan. Had one child. [45.] JERRY5 PECK, son of Abraham,4 settled in Blakeley, Pa. He married Henrietta Stratton. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (103) Adaline ; (104) Eliphalet S. ; (105) Elizabeth ; (106) Mary; (107) Char lotte and (108) Chauncey.* [51. J ABRAHAM5 PECK, son of Abraham,4 married Julia Torry, daughter of Samuel Torry, of Berkshire, Tioga County, N. Y., August 31, 1837. He was residing at Coopersville, Ottawa County, Mich., in 1865. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (109) Malvinia, b. Aug. 20, 1838, d. Aug. 23, 1838 ; (110) George T., b. Dec. 11, 1839; (111) Frederick, b. Sept. 24, 1841, d. Oct. 1842; (112) Albert V., b. Nov. 8, 1842; (113) Charles L., b. Sept. 19, 1841; (114) Sarah A., b. Jan. 1, 1848; (115) Thankful P., b. April 2, 1851; (116) Lucius E., b. June 6, 1853; (117) Francis E., b. Dec. 31, 1855; (118) Ernest H., b. March 17, 1858; (119) Isabella E., b. Aug. 6, 1861. [56.] LEMUEL5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 married Rhoda Cady, and settled in Belchertown, Mass., where he died, February 24, 1860. She March 22, 1862. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (120) Mary Ann, b. Dec. 21, 1808, m. Lyman Waters ; was residing in Somers, Conn., in 1865 ; (121)+Robert J., b. March 14, 1811 ; (122) Absalom C, b. Jan. 9, 1814, m. Adaline Cuttler, d. May 5, 1855 ; no issue ; (123)+John B., b. July 6, 1816, d. Eeb. 4, 1852, leaving three children; (124) Abner C, b. May 31, 1819, d. Eeb. 2, 1857; (125) Sarah E., b. Aug. 31, 1821, d. Dec. 12, 1840; (126) Lucy C, b. Aug. 16, 1824, d. Dec. 13, 1844 ; (127) Joseph F., b. July 25, 1830, d. in 1840. [59.] JASON5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 married Linda Cady. He was residing in West Stafford, Conn., in 1865. * I wrote Mr. Peck for a nrore full record of his family, but could get no response. DESCENDANTS OP JOHN PECK. 283 CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (128) Minerva; (129) Eliza; (130) Mary Ann ; (131) Rhoda; (132) Sophro- nia ; and a son, who died in infancy. [60.] IRA5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 was residing in Stafford, Conn., in 1865. He married Mary E. Bullard. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (133) Luther B. ; (134) Sarah E., who m. Emor Smith, and was residing in Stafford, Conn., in 1865; (135) Ira, jr. ; (136) Mary B. ; (137) Martin L., who m. Sophia C. Smith, and was residing in Monson in 1865 ; and (138) Mary Ann, who d. aged 14 years. [62.] SOLOMON5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 settled upon the homestead, in Monson, Mass., where he died, July 22, 1864. He married Olive Bowers, May 13, 1821. She was residing with her son Levi in 1865. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (139) Harriet, b. AprU 9, 1822, m. Abel Butler, Nov. 22, 1842, d. Eeb. 3, 1864 ; (140) Amos, b. Aug. 10, 1823, m. Mercy Farrar, Nov. 26, 1856 ; (141) Amelia, b. Oct. 15, 1830, m. NeweU Taylor, Oct. 1, 1854, and was residing in Palmer, Mass., in 1865; (142) Eunice J., b. Aug. 3, 1833, m. John Caughey, and was residing in East Bridgeport, Conn., in 1866 ; (143)-|-Levi; b. Aug. 13, 1836, m. Minerva Colburn, Oct. 7, 1857. [66.] OLIVER5 PECK, son of John,4 married Lucy Austin, and was residing in Weston, Vt., in 1865. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (144)+John, b. Feb. 8, 1819; (145)+Almon, b. May 28, 1821; (146)+Sceva, b. June 29, 1823 ; (147)+Alonzo C, b. Nov. 13, 1825; (148) Lucena, b. May 25, 1828, m. Rev. Ira Toggart; (149)+01iver A., b. Sept. 3, 1830; (150) Lucy A., b. May 29, 1832, m. L. P. Dean ; (15 1) Hannah R., b. Oct. 12, 1833, and was the Widow Hannah R. Wilson, residing in GaysvUle, Vt., in 1865; (152) Sylvia J., b. Oct. 13, 1835, m. John H. Fisher ; (153) Lucretia, b. July 28, 1840, m. George Metcalf ; (154) Eugene K., b. Nov. 28, 1846, and was residing in "Vermont in 1865, unm. [67.] OREN5 PECK, son of John,4 married Sally Shattuck, December 4, 1823. She was born January 29, 1777. He died February 18, 1840. She survived him, and married Lemuel Ab bott, May 20, 1850. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (155) Oren H., b. June 25, 1825, d. April 27, 1828 ; (156)+James E., b. Jan. 20, 1827; (157) Sarah, b. Feb. 10, 1829, d. July 6, 1844; (158) Shattuck, b- 284 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. March 5, 1831. He was drafted, entered the army, and was kUled April 2, 1865, at the taking of Richmond ; (159) Lucy M., b. Nov. 22, 1833, m. Ora Abbott, d. March 15, 1863; (160) Oren A., b. Feb. 10, 1836; was residing in Rutland, Vt., in 1865; (161) Mary E., b. May 28, 1840, m. Ransom Beckwith, Dec. 4, 1861, and settled in Weston, Vt. [68.] EZEKLEL5 PECK, son of John,4 settled first in Wes ton, Vt., where he resided until 1847, when he moved to North Richmond, N. H, where he was residing in 1865. He married Sina Fenn, of Weston, March 31, 1831. She was born in.Ludlow, Vt., September 1, 1805. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (162) Joel E., b. Feb. 12, 1832, d. Jan. 2, 1849; (163)+Oren H., b. Feb. 14, 1834 ; (164) H. Annetta, b. April 16, 1836 ; residing at home, unm., in 1865 ; (165) Melvinia, b. Jan. 20, 1838 ; residing at home, unm., in 1865. [70.] JAMES F.5 PECK, son of John,4 has been twice mar ried: first, to Phebe B. Rhodes, daughter of Amasa and Olive Rhodes, April 29, 1841. She was born June 22, 1817, and died July 12, 1856. Second, to Mary B. Winship, daughter of John and Sally Winship, October 16, 1856. She was born June 27, 1828. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (166) Rhoda S., b. May 19, 1842, d. March 10, 1843; (167) Alvara F., b. AprU 23, 1846; (168) Angeline P., b. Eeb. 26, 1850. [71.] DANIEL D.5 PECK, son of John,4 settled in Weston, Vt. He married Jane Stevens. He died in Iowa, where he was intending to settle, June 15, 1851. She survived him, and married John H. Congdon. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (169) Almeron D., b. Oct. 6, 1843; (170) Philetus D.,b. Dec. 27, 1847; (171) Edwina Jane, b. March 12, 1851. [73.] ALVA5 PECK, son of Daniel,4 married Charry Davis. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (172) Otis W., b. Nov. 27, 1822, d. young; (173)+Christopher, b. Dec. 23, 1824; (174) Minerva, b. June 14, 1826 ; (175) Annis, b. July 31, 1828; (176) Ira, b. June 25, 1830, m. Jenette Adams ; no issue ; (177) Sylvia, b. Aug. 7, 1832 ; (178) Isabel, b. June 16, 1834 ; (179) Alvira, b. Feb. 6, 1837. DESCENDANTS OP JOHN PECK. 285 [80.] ALANSON5 PECK, son of Elisha,4 resides in Ashford, Conn. He married Abigail Carpenter, April 13, 1829. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (180) Eliza A., b. March 12, 1830, m. Miner Grant, of Mansfield; (181) Julia C, b. March 11, 1833, m. James G. Gaylord, of Ashford, Conn. He died for his country, Dec. 22, 1864, in Salisbury prison. He was a young man very much respected. (182) Andrew A., b. March 4, 1835, m. Sarah Campbell, and was residing in Providence, R. I., in 1865 ; (183)+Joseph C, b. March 11, 1837, m. Delia A. Wilson, of Willimantic, Conn. He d. Aug. 3, 1865. (184) AbigaU I., b. July 16, 1839, m. Rev. I. P. Bixby, of Boston; (185) Emily M., b. Aug. 30, 1841. To Mr. Peck I am under many obligations for his kindness in answering my letters. [84] CALVIN G.6 PECK, son of Dr. Calyin,5 married Al mira L. Marcy, and was residing in Ellsworth, Me., in 1865. CHTLDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (186) Auritta A. ; and (187) Roland M. [85.] SAMUEL J.6 PECK, son of Dr. Calvin,5 married Nancy I. Conner, and was residing in New York in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (188) Calvin ; and (189) Frederick W. [88.] ROWLAND H.6 PECK, son of Dr. Calvin,5 married Helen A. Somerby, and was residing in Ellsworth, Me., in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (190) Helen M. ; (191) William; and (192) Florence C. [91.] JOHN6 PECK, son of Dr. Calvin,5 married Ellen M. Frazier, and was residing in Ellsworth, Me., in 1863. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (193) Agnes M. ; (194) Frances E. ; and (195) Mary E. [92.] SAMUEL L.6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 married Harriet Wilson, October 16, 1848. She was born October 17, 1813 ; died January 1, 1865. He was residing in Peckville, Pa., in 1865. To his. kindness I am indebted for my information in relation to his father and family. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (196) Charles W., b. Jan. 22, 1851; an infant son, b. June 10, 1854, d. Aug. 10, 1854; (197) Sarah E., b. Aug. 10, 1855, d. Aug. 15, 1859. 286 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [96.] JONATHAN W.e PECK, son of Samuel,5 married Mercy E. Hall, May 26, 1853. She was born August 26, 1834. They were residing at Peckville, Pa., in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (198) Fenwick L., b. Sept. 18, 1854 ; (199) Francis L., b. Oct. 28, 1856 ; (200) Myron E., b. March 5, 1861, d. Aug. 12, 1861 ; (201) Edson S., b. Dec. 8, 1862. [99.] JOHN D.6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 married, for his first wife, Sarah C. Snidecor, August 26, 1852. She was born February 24, 1835, and died March 17, 1858. For his second, Dellona Stone, November 17, 1860. He was residing in Madison, Pa., in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (202) George C, b. July 17, 1853; (203) Sanford D., b. Feb. 28, 1857; (204) Byron N., b. March 7, 1858 ; (205) Herbert J., b. Sept. 15, 1863. [100.] CALVIN F.6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 married Phebe Ann T , January 6, 1855. He was residing in Kent County, Del., in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (206) Vira Isabel, b. Oct. 3, 1854; (207) Eva Francelia, b. Oct. 12, 1857; (208) Dwight, b. Nov. 7, 1859, d. AprU 4, 1860 ; an infant son, b. Feb. >, 1862, d. Feb. 6, 1862; (209) Jenny, b. Jan. 10, 1863, d. Feb. 6, 1863; (210) Freddy D., b. AprU 23, 1864. [121.] ROBERT J.6 PECK, son of Lemuel,5 married Julia Ann Loomis, in 1834, and was residing upon the homestead, in Belchertown, Mass., in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (211) Adelaide F., b. in 1842; and (212) Alice J., b. in 1850. [123.] JOHN B.6 PECK, son of Lemuel,5 married Caroline Easten. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (213) Emma, b. in 1845 ; and (214) Abner and Absalom, twins, b. in 1850. [133.] LUTHER B.6 PECK, son of Ira,5 married Lucimla Cross, and was residing in Monson in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (215) Ira L. ; (216) Martin L. ; (217) Charles L. ; and (218) F. B. DESCENDANTS OP JOHN PECK. 287 W [135.] LRA6 PECK, son of Ira,5 married, for his first wife, Laura Anderson ; for his second, Harriet Hoar ; and for his third, Charlotte Orcott. He was residing in Wales in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (219) Laura M. ; (2.20)WUUeM.; (.221) Albert ; (222) Mary S. ; and (223) Charles. [140.] AMOS6 PECK, son of Solomon,5 married Mercy F. Farrar. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (224) Josephine, b. Aug. 1858 ; (225) Albert, b. May 1862 ; and two died in infancy. [143.] LEVI6 PECK, son of Solomon,5 married Minerva Col- burn, October 7, 1857. He was residing upon the homestead in Monson in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (226) George S., b. Sept. 1860; (227) Frank A., b. March 1864. [144.] JOHN6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 was residing in East Somerville, Mass., in 1865. He married Phebe Ann Barnard. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (228) John Arthur ; (229) EUa Frances ; (230) Henry Austin ; and (231) Lucy Edith. [145.] ALMON6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 married Rebecca W. Saunders, of Cavendish, Vt., and was residing in Proctorsville in 1865. CHILD — SEVENTH GENERATION: (232) Sidney A. [146.] SCEVA6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 married Mrs. Sarah Bowen, formerly Miss Sarah Barnard. He was residing in East Somerville in 1865. CHILD — SEVENTH GENERATION : (233) Walter Sceva. [147.] ALONZO6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 was residing in Boston in 1865, and had been twice married: first, to Miss Catha rine Hawley; second, to Mrs. Isabella Donnell. 288 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. CHILD — SEVENTH GENERATION ! (234) Emma Kate. [149.] OLIVER A.6 PECK, son of Oliver,5 married Harriet A. Clark, and was residing in Boston in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (235) Hattie A., b. Nov. 20, 1857; (236) Elmer A., b. July 19, 1861. [156.] JAMES F.6 PECK, son of Oren,5 married Sylvia White, March 20, 1852. She was born May 21, 1821. He was residing in Weston, Vt., in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (237) Filinda, b. Oct. 21, 1852 ; (238) Sarah J., b. Dec. 20, 1853, d. Dec. 9, . 1855 ; (239) Marion E., b. Oct. 4, 1855 ; (240) George O., b. Oct. 9, 1857. [163.] OREN H.6 PECK, son of Ezekiel,5 married Hattie A. Cheney, June 5, 1861; born in Chesterfield, N. H, March 17, 1844. They were residing in Swansey, N; H, in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (241) Etta A., b. March 11, 1863; and (242) Willie C, b. Sept. 1, 1864. [173.] CHRISTOPHER6 PECK, son of Alvah,5 married Mary H. Esty, and was residing in Cavendish, Vt., in 1865. CHIXD — SEVENTH GENERATION : (243) Alvah C, b. Dec. 5, 1857. [183.] JOSEPH C.6 PECK, son of Alanson,5 married Delia A. Wilson. She died March 29, 1865. CHILD — SEVENTH GENERATION : (244) Eugene B. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 289 THE CONNECTICUT PECKS. The Connecticut Pecks are the descendants of Joseph, of Mil ford, Deacon William and Henry, of New Haven, and Deacon Paul, of Hartford. They were among the early settlers of the country. Each fjecame the ancestor, or progenitor, of a numerous race. Their descendants are now scattered throughout most of the States and territories, mixed in their settlements with each other, and with the Massachusetts Pecks, requiring much labor to separate them. What relationship existed between these ancestors has not been ascertained. None of the descendants, so far as I have learned, although many of them are men of wealth, and abundantly able, have ever attempted to trace them back to Europe, and learn the connection. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, OF MILFORD, CONNECTICUT. Joseph Peck resided at first at New Haven, Conn. His name does not appear upon the records until about 1643, although he is generally supposed to have resided there earlier, and to have been the brother of Henry, who settled there in 1638, with whom he seems to have resided, or associated, and with whom he probably came over to this country. Who his ancestors were has not been learned. I found none of his descendants who would take interest . enough in the subject to assist in doing so. He left New Haven about 1 649, and settled at Milford. He became a member of the church there in 1652. He was twice married: first, to Mrs. Alice Burwell, widow of John Burwell ; second, to Miss Richards. The house in which he resided has but recently been taken down. It stood near the present residence of Capt. Cornelius B. Peck, a great-great-great-grandson, (who resides upon a portion of the an cient homestead,) and must have been more than two hundred yeara old. Its appearance was exceedingly unique and ancient, — two stories in front, in the lean-to style, sloping back to about six feet in rear, with a gable end to the street. He died in 1700-1. The 25 290 peck genealogy. — appendix. settlement of his estate is upon the Milford Records, Book of Deeds No. 3, pp. 75, 76 and 77. It is quite lengthy and specific. He deeds to his son Joseph his lands, upon the conditions that he shall provide for and support him during his life, reserving to himself the control of his house, and the right, if his son Joseph or his heirs should fail to provide sufficient comforts, to sell off lands from time to time for that purpose. He gave legacies to his son-in-law, Thomas Hayes, Mary, wife of William Northrop, and his daughter Anna. These legacies and the debts were to be paid by Joseph; one-half of the legacies immediately after the decease of his father, and the balance within three years. CHILDREN — SECOND GENERATION: (1) Elizabeth, bap. in 1651, m. Sergeant Thomas Hayes, Oct. 29, 1677 ; (2) +Joseph, bap. in 1653 ; (3)+John, bap. March 4, 1655; (4) Mary, bap. April 29, 1670, m. WiUiam Northrop ; (5) Ann, bap. in 1672 ; (6) Hannah. [2.] JOSEPH2 PECK, son of Joseph,1 settled in Milford, where he died. He disposed of his estates by deeds to his sons, at different times, which appear upon record at Milford. He mar ried Mary Camp, January 27, 1678-9. CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION: (7)4- Joseph', b. Feb. 25, 1680-1; (8) Mary, b. Dec. 15, 1682; (9) John, b. Sept. 4, 1685, and d. Nov. 27, 1709 ; (lO)-r-Jeremiah, b. 1687 ; (ll)-(-Samuel, bap. 1690; (12)+Ephraim, bap. 1692; ,(13)+Henry, bap. 1695; (14) Elizabeth, bap. 1697; (15) -(-Nathaniel, bap. 1699; (16) AbigaU, b. Sept. 25, 1701; (17)-f- Heth, b. Oct. 3, 1703. [3.] JOHN2 PECK, son of Joseph,1 it is supposed, settled in Milford ; but what became of him and his family is unknown. His father makes no mention of him or of his children in the settlement of "his estate. They were probably deceased. • They are supposed to have been : CHELDREN — THTRD GENERATION: (18)+Joseph, bap. in 1681 ; and (19) Rachel, b. in 1682. [7.] JOSEPH3 PECK, son of Joseph,2 at first settled in Mil ford, where he resided until about 1714, when he removed to New town, where he died. He was Town Clerk, and lived near what DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 291 is now known as Newtown Street. He married Abigail Baldwin, of Milford, January 14, 1706-7. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (20)+Joseph, b. Oct. 2,. 1707, and bap. 1710; (21) Abigail, b. June 22, 1709, bap. in 1710, and d. Dec. 3, 1720 ; (22)+John, b\ March 28, 1713 ; (23) Mary, b. Oct. 29, 1715, d. Nov. 19, 1718; (24) Elizabeth, b. March 29, 1717; (25)+ Moses, b. Dec. 28, 1719; (26) Mary, b. May 18, 1720; (27) Abigail, b. June 1722. [10.] JEREMIAH3 PE CK, son of Joseph,2 resided in Milford. He married Hannah Fisk, daughter of Dr. John Fisk, of Rhode Island, August 20, 1713. His will is upon record at New Haven, B. 10, p. 491, dated October 5, 1765. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION: (28) Hannah, b. May 6, 1716, m. David Clark; (29)+John, b. Dec. 9, 1718; (30)+Jeremiah, jr., b. Jan. 12, 1720-1; (31)+Phineas, b. April 10, 1723; (32) Sarah, b. May 25, 1726; (33) Sibbella, b. June 24, 1728, m. Jirah Bull; (34) Lucy, b. Oct. 23, 1730 ; (35) Comfort and (36) Content, twins, b. April 1, 1734. [11.] SAMUEL3 PECK, son of Joseph,2 resided in Milford. He married Martha Clark, May 5, 1714. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (37) Martha C, b. Jan. 31, 1714-15; (38)+Samuel, b. May 21, 1716; (39) Mary, b. July 30, 1718 ; (40)+Job, b. Sept. 15, 1720; (41) Abigail, b. in 1722; (42)+Nathan, b. in 1724. [12.] EPHRAIM3 PECK, son of Joseph,2 settled at first in Milford, and from there removed to Newtown, where he died, July 23, 1760. His will is upon record at Danbury, Conn., B. 1, p. 187, dated February 17, 1758, and proved August 18, 1760. He mar ried Sarah Ford, of Milford, November 7, 1716. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION: (43) Sarah, b. July 14, 1717, m. John Plat; (44) -(-Henry, b. April 14, 1719; (45)+Ephraim, b. May 21, 1721; (46) Ruth, b. Jan. 28, 1723-4; (47)+Gideon, b. July 2, 1725 ; (48)+Ebenezer, b. July 2, 1727 ; (49) Ann, b. Sept. 3, 1731, m. Caleb Malroy ; (50) Damarias. [13.] HENRY3 PECK, son of Joseph,3 resided in Milford. He was a Deacon of the Congregational church. He died Novem ber 19, 1762. His will is upon record at New Haven, B. 10, p. 292 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. 13, dated November 6, 1762. He was twice married : first, to Ann Ford, February 8, 1722-3, who died December 28, 1726; second, to Mary Northrop, widow of Amos Northrop, July 4, 1729. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (51)+Henry, b. Dec. 7, 1723 ; (52) Ann, b. Aug. 15, 1725, m. Jesse Lambert, _/. Oct. 28, 1748, d. July 3, 1809 ; (53)+Benjamin, b. Nov. 16, 1726 ; (54) Mehit able, b. Oct. 3, 1735, m. Col. Allen. [15.] NATHANIEL3 PECK, son of Joseph,2 at first settled at Milford, and from there removed to Newtown, where he died. His will is upon record at Danbury, B. 3, p. 511, dated February 23, 1776, and proved the July following. He married Phebe . CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (55) Phebe, b. Feb. 22, 1722-3; (56)+Nathaniel, b. Oct. 9, 1734; (57) Ezra; (58) Elisha; (59) Eunice Foot. [17.] HETH3 PECK, son of Joseph,2 at first settled in Mil ford, and from there removed to Newtown, about 1 740. He re sided about one mile north of what is now known as Newtown Street. His will is upon record at Danbury, B. 7, p. 132, dated April 24, 1781, and proved May 8, 1797. He died May 4, 1797. He married Hannah Camp, February 26, 1729-30. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (60)+Heth, b. May 29, 1731; (61) Hannah, b. July 5, 1733; (62) Mary, b. Dec. 31, 1735; (63) Sarah, b. AprU 14, 1738; (64)+* Amiel, b. July 24, 1740; (65) Hepzibeth, b. July 23, 1742 ; (66)+Samuel, b. Aug. 20, 1744 ; (67)+Amos, b. Jan. 12, 1746-7; (68) David, b. Nov. 17, 1748: was deceased at the date of his father's will, leaving a son : (69) Zalmon, who married Rachel Peck (No. 574), and resided in Brookfield. Their children were : (70) Sally Ann6;. (71) Nicholas6; (72) Maria6; (73) William6; (74) Eliza6; (75) Garry6; and (76) Juliette? [18.] JOSEPH3 PECK, son of John,2 is supposed to have resided in Milford, and that (77) Joseph4 and (78) Abigail, upon record, baptized in 1710, were his children. [20.] JOSEPH4 PECK, son of Joseph,3 resided in Newtown. He married Rebecca Shepherd, June 20, 1732. * He was appointed administrator upon the estate of his father, AprU 4, 1798. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 293 CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (79)+Aaron, b. Jan. 21, 1732-3 ; (80) Violet, b. April 28, 1735, m. Job North rop; (81)+Daniel, b. Dec. 27, 1736; (82) Grace, b. Nov. 28, 1738, m. Jotham Sherman; (83) Rebecca, b. June 6, 1742, and d. Jan. 11, 1742; (84)+John, b. Jan. 29, 1744; (85)+David, b. Sept. 15, 1747; (86) Mathew, b. Jan. 4, 1753. His will is recorded at Danbury, B. 3, p. 466, dated Feb. 11, 1772, and proved AprU 6, 1780. [22.] JOHN4 PECK, son of Joseph,3 I am told, settled at what is now Bridgeport. He died April 22, 1768. His will is upon the Danbury Records, B. 3, p. 42, dated March 19, 1768, and proved May 17, 1768. He married Bethiah Booth, November 8, 1739. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION : (87)+Jabez, b. Sept. 4, 1740; (88)+Joseph, b. May 20, 1742; (89)+Asher, b. July 6, 1744; (90) Abigail, b. March 23, 1746; (91)+Israel, b. June 14, 1748 ; (92) Elnathan, b. Sept. 30, 1754, old style, d. Dec. 1767. [25 ] MOSES4 PECK, son of Joseph,3 resided in Newtown. His will is upon record at Danbury, B. 9, p. 539, dated July 6, 1795. He married Elizabeth Baldwin, December 1, 1748. She died December 25, 1798. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (93) Ruth, b. Oct. 30, 1749 ; (94)+Abel, b. Jan. 25, 1750-1 ; (95;+Enos, b. July 27, 1752; (96) Ann, b. Feb. 6, 1754; (97) Mary, b. June 28, 1755; (98) Coziah, b. Aug. 19, 1756; (99)+Hezekiah, b. Aug. 14, 1758; (100) Caleb, b. Aug. 9, 1760; (101) Betty, b. Jan. 11, 1762; (102)+Dan, b. June 10, 1763; (103) Lois, b. Jan. 26, 1765 ; (104) Esther, b. Oct. 26, 1766 ; (105) Sarah, b. April 26, 1768 ; (106) Nathan, b. Sept. 15, 1769, d. Dec 6, 1769 ; (107)+Na- than, again, b. Oct. 11, 1771. [29.] JOHN4 PECK, son of Jeremiah,3 resided in Milford, where he died. His will is upon record at New Haven, B. 16, p. 623. He married Sarah Piatt, February 15, 1750-1. CHILDREN — FDTTH GENERATION : (108) Sarah, b. Oct. 15, 1751, m. an Andrews; (109) Mehitable, b. Feb, 15, 1753, m. David Camp; (110)+John, b. June 26, 1755; (lll)+Joseph, b. Aug. 26, 1757. [30.J JEREMIAH4 PECK, son of Jeremiah,3 settled at first in Milford, but from there removed to Watertown, about 1752, 25* 294 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. where he died. He married Frairses Piatt, daughter of Josiah Piatt, October 26, 1743. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (112)+Jeremiah, b. Nov. 4, 1744; (113) Content, b. May 30, 1747; (114) Is: aac, b. Eeb. 9, 1748-9. He enlisted into the army of the Revolution, and was drowned while in the service. (115) Benjamin, b. in 1750; also entered the army, and died of the camp distemper; (116)+Simeon, b. Aug. 30, 1752; (117) Comfort; and (118) Abigail, the dates of whose births I could not learn. [31.] PHINEAS4 PECK, son of Jeremiah,3 settled in what was then known as Amity, now a part of Woodbridge, Conn. He left Milford about 1776. He was the first deacon of the first church in Woodbridge. His will may be fouud upon record at New Haven, B. 23, p. 147. He married Deborah Clark, February 18,1745-6. She died January 1803. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION : (119)+Phineas, b. Jan. 1, 1746-7; (120)+Samuel F., b. March 25, 1750; (121) Deborah, b. Oct. 3, 1752, m. Deacon Nathan Piatt; (122)+Zenus, b. Jan. 11, 1755 ; (123) Naomi, b. May 8, 1758, m. Stephen Hine, and settled in New Milford; (124) Bazeleel, b. March 8, 1761, m. Martha Bradley, of Wood- bridge, and moved to Derby, Conn., where he died, aged about 75. His chil dren were: (125) Deborah6; (126) Harriet6; and (127) Patty?— (128) Anon, b. Sept. 20, 1763, m. a Beecher, and had one son, named_(129) Beecher? 7%rrs [38-] SAMUEL4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 resided in Milford. He married Hannah Jennings, of Fairfield, Conn., August 18, 1735. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (130)+Samuel, b. Aug. 22, 1736; (131)+Michael, b. Aug. 10, 1738; (132) Sarah, who m. Mansfield Stone ; and (133) Mehitable, who, I am told, m. Ne- hemiah Lewis, of South Britain, Conn. [40.] JOB4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 settled in Stratford. He married Betsey Judson, July 31, 1744. She was born September 25, 1725, and died December 21, 1780. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION : (134) Sarah, b, July 27, 1745 ; (135)+John, b. April 2, 1747; (136)+Judson, b. May 27, 1749; (137)+Josiah, b. Oct. 15, 1751; (138)+Job, b. Feb. 7, 1753 ; (139) Beardsley, b. June 7, 1756 ; (140) James, b. March 17, 1759, d. Sept. 1779; (141) Johanna, b. March 2, 1761, m. J. Betts, and d. Dec. 24, 1782; (142) Phineas, b. July 25, 1764, d. Sept. 1765; (143) Phebe, b. April 24, 1768, m. E. Wheeler, and d. at Stratford. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 295 [42.] NATHAN4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 resided in Strat ford. He married Tabatha Bears, September 12, 1750. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (144) Josiah, b. Oct. 20, 1751; (145) Mary, b. Sept. 1, 1753; and perhaps others, whose births were not recorded. [44] HENRY4 PECK, son of Ephraim,3 resided in Newtown. ^r His will is recorded at Danbury, B. 7, p. 1 . He was twice mar ried.: first, to Ann Smith, December 23, 1755 ; second, to Hannah Leavenworth, August 6, 1765. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION : (146)+Zalmon, b. May 10, 1758; (147) Lemuel, b. April 3, 1766, who was twice married. His first wife was Amey Peck (No. 251), daughter of Jabez Peck. His second wife was Mary GrhTen. He resided in Newtown, where he died in 1839, leaving no issue. (148) Mercy, b. Aug. 10, 1767, m. Levi Peck (No. 164) ; (149) Hannah, b. AprU 6, 1770, m. Dan Peck (No. 102) ; (150) +Andrew, b. May 21, 1773 ; (151)+Samuel, b. July 2, 1775. [45.] EPHRAIM4 PECK, son of Ephraim,3 resided in New town, where he died, July 21, 1801.* His son Levirus was ap pointed administrator upon his estate, August 20, 1801, B. 8, p. 33. He married Sarah Porter. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION: (152)+Shadroch, b. March 18, 1741 ; (153)+Enoch, b. July 19, 1743 ; (154) Sarah, b. July 24, 1746; (155)+Nathan, b. Jan. 10, 1749; (156)+Eli, b. June 2, 1751; (157)+Levirus, b. Aug. 12, 1753; (158) Anna, b. April 20, 1756; (159)+Isaac, b. Aug. 2, 1758 ; (160) Mabel, b. Feb. 17, 1761 ; (161)+Ephraim, b. May 20, 1763. [47.] GIDEON4 PECK, son of Ephraim,3 married Abiah Smith, January 28, 1752, and settled in Newtown. His will is { upon record at Danbury, B. 5, p. 507, dated January 6, 1790, and proved February 27, 1790. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (162)+George, b. Dec. 2, 1752; (163)+01iver, b. July 9, 1754; (164)+ Levi, b. April 1, 1758 ; (165) Anna S., b. March 16, 1760, m. Samuel Beers ; (166) Abiah, b. March 31, 1762, m. a Bristol; (167)+Gideon ; (168)+Abner; (169) Mary, m. a Beers ; (170) Currence ; and (171) Amarillius. * At his funeral, I am told, were his seven sons and three daughters, and many grandchildren. 296 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [48.] EBENEZER4 PECK, son of Ephraim,3 married Sarah Booth, March 13, 1757, and settled in Newtown, where he died, July 26, 1805. His will is upon record at Danbury, B. 9, p. 97, dated August 14, 1798, and proved August 19, 1805. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (172) Truman, b. Jan. 13, 1758, d. June 28, 1759 ; (173) Truman, again, b. Oct. 22, 1759; (174) Eunice, b. Dec. 1, 1761, m. Philo Blackman; (175) Eben ezer, d. unm. ; (176) Ammon, d. unm. ; (177) James, m. Sarah Coborn ; (178) Huldah, d. unm. [51.] HENRY4 PECK, son of Henry,2 removed from Milford and settled in Brookfield, where he became a wealthy farmer for those days. He was Deacon of the Congregational church for many years, of the old puritan cast, pious and conscientiously strict in all the requirements of his religious creed. He was noted for his kind ness and benevolence, and the interest he took in the cause of truth and Christianity. He was also a prominent public man. He was a Justice of the Peace for many years, and by his just and im partial decisions obtained the confidence of the public. He was twice married : first, to Rachel Lambert, of Milford ; second, to Mrs. Abia Peck, of Newtown (widow). His first wife died January 29, 1792. He died October 4, 1808. His second wife survived him.* His will may be found upon record at Dan bury, B. 10, p. 32, dated May 20, 1802. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (179) Mary, b. Dec. 25, 1752, m. David Jackson, by whom she had the fol lowing chUdren: Lucy? b. Oct. 15, 1773, m. Zardis Skidmore; Jesse? b. May 10, 1775, m. Lucy B. Terrell and Fanny M. Hawley ; Bachel? b. Oct. 1, 1776, d. young; Amos? b. June 8, 1778; Henry? b. March 21, 1780, m. Annis Skid- more ; John? b. May 25, 1782, m. Sophia Lake ; Bachel? b. Jan. 16, 1784, m. Thomas Shute; Patty? b. Oct. 30, 1785, m. Morris Birdsell; Clarry? b. July 10, 1787, m. first, John Segar; second, John Vantile; Polly? b. Jan. 12, 1789, m. Daniel Stone ; Beuben? b. Nov. 15, 1790 ; Nirum? b, March 7, 1793. This large famUy, I am told, settled in Danbury, where they were wealthy, and among the most prominent citizens. — (180)+David, b. March 21, 1755; (181) Jesse L., b. May 31, 1757, d. May 10, 1773; (182) John, b. Dec. 3, 1759; (183) Rachel, b. Feb. 7, 1762, d. Oct. 3, 1796, unm. (184) Henry, b. March 3, 1766; (185)+Amos, b. April 5, 1769. * She was the widow of Gideon Peck, of Newtown (No. 47), and the mother of his son John's wife. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 297 [53.] BENJAMIN4 PECK, son of Henry,3 resided in Mil ford. He was a prominent man. He was in the Revolutionary War, and was Captain of the company from Milford. He married Mary Smith, daughter of Jesse Smith, of Milford. CHLLDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (186)+Abraham, b. June 29, 1761 ; (187)+Benjamin, b. April 24, 1764 ; (188) Sarah, b. Nov. 25, 1765, m. Stephen Gunn, and settled in Milford, where she died, leaving the following children: Sarah? who m. Abijah Carrington; Anna? who m. Rev. Benjamin Fenn ; Stephen? who m. Pamelia Treat ; Na than? who m. Lucretia Fenn;"and Susan? who d. unm. — (189) Anna, b. March 12, 1768, m. John Strong, and settled in Milford, where she died. Her chUdren were : Nancy? whom. Joseph Pruden; settled in Georgia; and Selah6 Strong, town clerk of Milford in 1867. [56.] NATHANIEL4 PECK, son of Nathaniel,3 resided at first in Newtown, and from there removed to Hinesburgh, Vt., where he died. He married Mary Foot, October 16, 1760. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (190)+Elijah, b. Sept. 3, 1761 ; (191) Joel, b. March 4, 1764, who was three times married, and left descendants, whom I was unable to trace out suffi ciently to give a record of them; (192) OUa, b. March 25, 1765; (193) Ezra, b. AprU 20, 1770, and, I am told, settled at Hinesburgh, Vt., at first, and from there removed to Potsdam, N. Y., where he died, leaving four sons, who died young, and two daughters. [60.] HETH4 PECK, son of Heth,3 married Mary Skidmore, and settled in Newtown. He resided about one mile north of what is now known as Newtown Street. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (194) Amos, who d. unm. ; and (195)+Elnathan. [64] AMLEL4 PECK, son of Heth,3 settled in Brookfield at an early date, and was, I am told, a Deacon, or Warden of the church for many years. He married Hepzibah Camp. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (196)+Julius ; (197) Lemuel, m. Amey Sherman; no issue. He was the in ventor of a corn sheller and fanning mill, which he manufactured quite exten sively. (198) Chloe, m. Joseph Bassett, and settled in Canfield, Ohio ; (199) Polly, m. Azor Ruggles, and removed to Canfield ; (200) Hannah, m. Cyrus Warner; (201) Alice, m. a Bennett. 298 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [66.] SAMUEL4 PECK, son of Heth,3 was twice married : first, to Sarah Skidmore; second, to Sarah Burrett (widow). He resided in Newtown, where he died, May 12, 1832. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (202)+Isaac, b. July 7, 1776 ; (203) Annis, who m. Richard Botsford; (204) Clarissa, m. Benjamin C. Glover; (205)+David; and (206) Joanna, who m. Gould Curtis. [67.] AMOS4 PECK, son of Heth,3 married Sarah Lobdell, and resided in Newtown. CHILDREN — FDJTH GENERATION : (207) Amos, who resided in Newtown, where he died, leaving two daugh ters; (208) Hannah, d? young; (209) Mary, m. James B. Fairman, and d. in Newtown, leaving chUdren; (210) Chloe, d. young; (211) Andrew, d. young; (212) Hannah, d. young. [79.] AARON5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 resided in Newtown at first, and from there removed to Sandgate, Vt. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (213)+Joshua, b. Sept. 9, 1756; (214) Rebecca, b. Feb. 18, 1757; (215) Vio let, b. Feb. 1, 1759 ; (216)+Elias, b. Oct. 23, 1760 ; (217) Adoniram, b. Aug. 1, 1762; (218) Joel, b. Sept. 1, 1765; (219) Andrew, b. Oct. 27, 1769, m. Lucinda Booth. His chUdren were : (220) Orlando7 ; (221) Joel7 ; (222) Legrandison7 ; (223) Sabra7 ; (224) Marion7 ; and (225) George B.7— (226) Susannah, b. July 25, 1770. [81.] DANIEL5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 resided in Newtown, where he died April 3, 1776. His inventory was presented to the Court of Probate, June 4, 1776 (Danbury Records, B. 3, p. 326). He married Hannah B. Johnson, December 1, 1761. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (227) Lucy, b. Oct. 17, 1762, d. June 2, 1764; (228) Lucy, again, b. July 23, 1764; (229) Ruana, b. July 11, 1766; (230) Samuel, b. Aug. 12, 1768; (231) Olive, b. March 18, 1771 ; Zadah, b. July 13, 1773; (232) Abigail, b. March 11, 1776. [84.] JOHN5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 resided in Newtown, and died there, July 21, 1820. He married Emily Burrett, September 3, 1767. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (233)+Rufus, b. March 6, 1768; (234) Grace, b. Feb. 8, 1770, d. June 1771; (235) Comfort, b. March 11, 1772-3, m. Oliver Toucey, of Newtown ; (236) DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 299 Grace, again, b. AprU 14, 1775, m. Ammon Hall, and settled in Vermont ; (237) Lavinia, b. March 29, 1780, m. Joseph Burritt; (238) Clara, b. Dec. 19, 1782, m. John Johnson, of Newtown. [85.] DAVID5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 married Mary Stillson, and resided in Newtown. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (239) David, m. Prudence Glover. His children are : (240) Winthrop7 ; (241) Dillison7; and (242) Mary Ann.7— (243) Hannah, m. Chauncey Botsford ; (244) Daniel, m. Sally Ann Sherwood. His children are : (245) Eunice7 ; (246) Da vid7 ; (247) Chauncey B.? the father of David J. Peck,8 who is a lawyer resid ing in New Haven, Conn. (248) Joseph7 ; (249) Minot7 ; and (250) Norman7; who settled in Monroe, Conn. [87.] JABEZ5 PECK, son of John,4 resided in Newtown. He was twice married; first, to Abiah Sanford, July 17, 1764; second, to. Mabel Kimburly.* CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (251) Amey, b. Jan. 30, 1766 ; (252) Elnathan, b. Oct. 19, 1767, and d. at Salsbury, N. Y., March 1842, where his son (253) Alonzo7 was residing in 1852; (254) John, b. Aug. 1, 1769; (255) Phidema, b. Sept. 19, 1771, m. Eli Beers ; (256) Anne, b. May 19, 1773 ; (257) Daniel, b. in 1776, settled in Dur ham, N. Y., where he d. in 1811, leaving children. He was a tanner and cur rier by trade and occupation ; (258) Ira, b. in 1784, was residing in Ripley, N. Y., in 1865 ; (259) Burwell, b. in 1785, was residing in Durham in 1852. His sons (260) Henry J.7 and (261) William? were doing business at Coxsackie, N. Y., in 1867; (262) Zenus, d. in Chautauque, N. Y., June 1851 ; (263) Abby; and (264) Maria. [88.] JOSEPH5 PECK, son of John,4 resided in Newtown, where he died, May 6, 1796. He was a professor of religion, exem plary and respected. He married Mary Castle. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (265) Joseph, m. Anna WUliams, and had ten children ; (266) Anson, m. first, Anna HubbeU ; second, Laura Sharp, and left three children ; (267) Ab ner, d. unm. ; (268) Sabra, m. Dennis Nash, and was residing in Westport, Conn., in 1867; (269) Cyrus, settled in New Durham, N. Y., where he d., leaving two children ; (270) Abigail, m. Charles Avery, and was supposed to have been drowned whUe crossing the North River ; (271) Russell, m. Mary Ralyea. His children are : (272) Emeline7 ; (273) Eliza7 ; (274) William B.? who was residing at Napierville, IU., in 1867; (275) Bussell C.7 ; (276) Bichard7; * The house in which he resided was standing when I visited the town in 1867. 300 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. (277) Sarah Jane7 ; and (278) Sabra.7— (279) Reuben, was residing in West- field, N. Y., in 1867; (280) Asahel, is a Methodist clergyman, and was residing in Portland, N. Y., in 1867. To his kindness I am indebted for my information in relation to the famUy. He m. Celestia Tinkcom, and has six chUdren. [89.] ASHER5 PECK, son of John,4 resided in Newtown. He married Sarah Judson, November 17, 1768. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (281) Lemira, b. Aug. 5, 1796 ; (282) Lucinda, b. Dec. 9, 1770 ; (283) Jeru sha, b. May 9, 1773 ; (284) John, b. Jan. 3, 1775 ; (285) Abel, b. June 26, 1776 ; (286) Judson, b. Jan. 10, 1778 ; (287) Edmond B., b. April 2, 1784. [91.] ISRAEL5 PECK, son of John,4 resided in Newtown, where he died February 18, 1821. He married Deborah Burr for his first wife, and Huldah Lake for his second. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (288) Turney, b. Oct. 1776, m. Rebecca Judson, and settled in Newtown. His children were: (289) Burr7; (290)' Fairman7 ; (291) Nancy7; (292) Bebecca7 ; (293) Harry7 ; and (294) Sylvia.7— (295) Betsey, m. James B. Fair- man ; (296) Oliver, m. Charity Raymon for his first wife, and Polly Sandford for his second. He d. in Newtown, leaving no issue. [94] ABEL5 PECK, son of Moses,4 settled at Fishkill, N. Y., where he died. He married Hannah Davis. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (297) Moses; (298) David; and (299) Betsey; all settled at EishkUl. [95.] ENOS5 PECK, son of Moses,4 resided in Newtown. He was twice married : first, to Sibbel Griffen ; second, to a Mrs. Mar shall. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (300) Wooster, m. Betsey Marshall, and had: (301) Elizabeth7; (302) Elliott M.7 ; and Henrietta M.? who m. a Lathrop. — (303) Abraham, set tled in Zoar, a tailor by trade ; (304) Arthur S. ; (305) Harvey ; (306) Jerusha ; (307) Sarah Ann; (308) Zuba; and (309) Esther, who m. Rufus Sumers, and was residing in Birmingham in 1867. [99-] HEZEKIAH5 PECK, son of Moses,4 settled at Fishkill, N. Y. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (310) SaUy; (311) Miah; (312) Thomas and (313) Horace, twins ; and (314) Caleb. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 301 [102.] DAN5 PECK, son of Moses,4 settled in Newtown, where he died March 25,1833. He married Hannah Peck, No. 149, daughter of Henry Peck. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (315) Marcia; (316) Charles, who m. Freelove Nash, and had chUdren: (317) Charles7 ; and (318) Henry.7 —(319) Hezekiah, d. unm.; (320) Herman, m. Maria Holly, and had children : (321) Sylvia M.7 ; (322) Edward B.7 ; (323) Elizabeth7 ; and (324) Herman H.7 — (325) Lorin, m. Jane A. Lawrence; had children: (326) Arthur Q.7 ; and Marcia.7 —(327) Sylvia, d. unm. [107.] NATHAN5 PECK, son of Moses,4 settled in Sand- gate, Vt., where he died. He married Cynthia Terrell. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (328) GrandvUle; (329) Elvira; (330) Nelson; (331) Sally Ann; and (332) OrvUle. [110.] JOHN5 PECK, son of John,4 enlisted into the army of the Revolution, and served through the war. He married Mary Camp, and settled in Litchfield, Conn., where he died December 1831. CHTLDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (333) Marquis De L., b. Jan. 11, 1791, m. Hannah Judson. His children are : (334) George W.7 ; (335) Mary A.7 ; and (336) Henry J.? who m. Mary A. Squires, and has two children: (337) Lottie B? ; and (338) Henry A? —(339) Anna, b. Jan. 12, 1794, m. Joseph Wells ; (340) Sarah, b. March 4, 1804, d. unm. [111.] JOSEPH5 PECK, son of John,4 married Hannah Lam bert, of Milford, Feb. 16, 1778, and settled in Woodbury, where he resided until about 1814, when he removed to Onondaga, N. Y., where he died March 5, 1829. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (341) Nancy, b. June 5, 1779, m. a Huntingdon, and settled at Onondaga, N. Y. ; (342) Mehitable, b. May 3, 1781, m. Judson Morris, and settled in Wood bury, Conn. ; (343) Jeremiah, b. Aug. 8, 1783, m. Polly Blois, Nov. 8, 1804, and settled in Woodbury, where he d. Dec. 1863. His son (344) Henry H.7 was residing upon the homestead in 1866. (345) John, b. May 1, 1785 ; was a physician, and settled in Burlington, Vt., where he died July 24, 1862. He married Almira C. Keyse. She died Oct. 16, 1842. His children are : (346) Francis C? b. Nov. 29, 1809, d. March 20, 1813; (347) John H.? b. Dec. 24, 1810 ; resides in New York ; (348) Julian C. P.? b. Dec. 17, 1812 ; was residing in New York in 1867; (349) Francis C? b. Nov. 28, 1814, d. Aug. 19, 1817; (350) Samuel C? b. May 29, 1816, d. Nov. 3, 1816; (351) Theodore 26 302 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. A.? b. Aug. 8, 1817; was residing in Watertown, N. Y., in 1867; (352) George H.? b. Nov. 4, 1819; was residing in San Francisco in 1867; (353) William W.? b. Jan. 17, 1821 ; was residing in Schenectady, N. Y., in 1867; (354) Edward W.? b. Jan. 20, 1823; was residing in Burlington, Vt., in 1867; (355) Henlen M. T.? b. Aug. 19, 1825, d. Feb. 23, 1827. —(356) Sarah, b. May 16, 1787, m. a Mr. Hooker, and was residing in Jersey City in 1866, a widow. [112.] JEREMIAH5 PE CK, son of Jeremiah,4 resided in Wa tertown, Conn. He was twice married ; first, to Miss ¦ Scott, by whom he had children, none of whom survive'd infancy ; second, to Lois Bunnell. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (356) Lois Ann, who d. unm. ; and (357) Content, who m. Benoni Barney, and had by him eight children. [116.] SIMEON5 PECK, son of Jeremiah,4 married Sarah Merriman, and settled in Watertown, Conn. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (358) Isaac, b. in 1782, who was twice married: first, to Roxy Bryan; second, to Mary Maltby, and had three sons : (359) Jeremiah7 ; (360) Freder ick7 ; and (361) Lemuel.7 — (362) Abigail, b. in 1783, m. John Seymore, and set tled in Weymouth, Ohio ; (363)+Benjamin, b Dec. 27, 1785. [119.] PHINEAS5 PECK, son of Phineas,4 settled in Wood- bridge, Conn. He entered the service in the war of the Revolution, and was taken prisoner and confined in the Old Sugar House in New York, where so many perished through the inhumanity of the British. He was reduced, I am told, to a mere skeleton, but finally released and brought home by men upon a hand litter from New York. He soon after died. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (364) Eunice, who m. Nicholas Beecher; (365) Elizabeth, who m. Dr. Jared Munson ; and (366) Lucy, who m. Jerry Riggs. [120.] SAMUEL F.5 PECK, son of Phineas,4 married Eliza beth Piatt, and settled in Woodbridge, where he died May 1834. She died June 1841, in her 93d year. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (367) Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1774, m. Camp Newton; (368) Sarah, b. Feb. 20, . 1776, m. Edward Hine ; (369)+Phineas, b. Jan. 2, 1778 ; (370) Huldah, b. Jan- 27, 1780; and (371)+Samuel, b. Feb. 15, 1781. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 303 [122.] ZENUS5 PECK, son of Phineas,4 married Hannah Treat, and resided in Woodbridge. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (372)+Jerre; (373) Mary; (374) Zenus; and (375) Hannah. [130.] SAMUEL5 PECK, son of Samuel,4 married Mehitable Smith, July 7, 1762, and settled in Milford, where he died June 12, 1822. She died January 1826, aged 85 years. He was captain of a company from Milford in the war of the Revolution, and a very prominent man. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (376) Mehitable, b. Feb. 13, 1762-3, m. Abraham Clark, of Milford, andd. Dec. 1851 ; (377) Samuel, b. Oct. 19, 1764, d. Nov. 28, 1841. He was a shipmaster. (378) Ephraim, b- Nov. 19, 1766. He was a draper and taUor. His children were: (379) Ephraim7; (380) Egbert7; (381) Dumond7 ; (382) Catharine7; and (383) Bachel.3 —(384) Hezekiah, b. Dec 25, 1768, d. Jan. 13, 1846 ; was a far mer, and resided in MUford. His chUdren were: (385) Sarah7; (386) Heze kiah7 ; and (387) Benjamin BJ — (388)+Nathan, b. March 20, 1771 ; (389)+_Mi- chaeL b. Aug. 12f 1773; (390) Dan, b. Nov. 28, 1775; resided in Milford. His children were: (391) Dare7; (392) Isaac7; (393) Hezekiah7; (394) Samuel"; (395) Eliza7 ; and (396) Hannah7 ; and perhaps others. [131.] MICHAEL5 PECK, son of Samuel,4 resided in Mil ford- CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (397) David, d. in Milford; (398) James, d. at sea; (399) Cole, d. at Oxford; (400) Anthony, d. at sea; (401) Michael, d. atDarien, Ga.; (402) Henry; (403) Sybel; (404) Esther; and (405) Sarah. [135.] JOHN5 PECK, son of Joe,4 married Mary Brooks, May 8, 1770, and settled in Stratford, Conn. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (406) David, b. July 19, 1771, d. Jan. 9, 1773; (407) Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1773; (408) John, b. Feb. 26, 1776, d. Dec 13, 1777; (409) John, b. Aug. 9, 1778; (,410) Elizabeth, b. Dec. 22, 1781, d. Jan. 30, 1785; (411) David B., b. May 16, 1783, d. Feb. 4, 1785; (412) Betty, b. Nov. 13, 1785; (413) William, b. Feb. 25, 1788. [136.] JUDSON5 PECK, son of Job,4 resided in Stratford. He married Mary Blackman, December 20, 1775. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (414) Sally, b. Sept. 19, 1776; (415) Dorotha, b. April 24, 1779; (416) Jud son, b. Feb. 27, 1782, d. July 29, 1782; (417) Judson, again, b. Sept. 13, 1783; (418) Anna, b. Aug. 13, 1786 ; and (419) Polly, b. Dec. 6, 1789. 304 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [137.] JOB5 PECK, son of Job,4 resided in Stratford. He married Martha Wells, November 17, 1777. He died February 5, 1797; she September 15, 1798. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (420) James, b. June 21, 1778, m. Abigail Sturges, and d. at Sullivan, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1832. His chUdren are: (421) Joel S.7 ; (422) Sophia7; (423) Sam uel7; (424) James7; (425) Martha Ann7; and (426) Sarah P.7 — (427)+Phineas, b. July 7, 1780; (428) Johanna, b. Oct. 9, 1782; (429) Lewis, b. June 24, 1785, m. Hannah White, and lived and died in Stratford; (433) Joseph, b. May 9, 1789. He was residing in New Lisbon, N. Y., in 1866. His children are : (431) George F.7 ; and (432) Cornelius E.7 —(433) Charles, b. Oct. 7, 1791, d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20, I860, where his son (434) Charles7 was residing in 1861. — (435)+John Wells, b. April 23, 1794 ; and Lewis, again, b. Oct. 3, 1796. [138] JOSIAH5 PECK, son of Job,4 resided in Stratford. He married Helen Birdseye, November 9, 1774. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (436) Thaddeus, b. Aug. 23, 1775 ; resided in Stratford, where he left descend ants ; (437) Josiah, b. Nov. 19, 1777, d. Dec. 26, 1785 ; (438) Helen, b. Jan 26, 1780, d. Jan, 28, 1783 ; (439) Birdseye, b. Jan. 23, 1784, m. Francis Ann Gil bert, and d. about 1813, leaving one son (440) Nathan B.? who was residing in Cincinnatus, N. Y., in 1866. —(441) Josiah, b. Feb. 26, 1786, d. in the West Indies ; (442) AUis, b. Aug. 9, 1788, m. Angus Curtis. [146.] CAPT. ZALMON5 PECK, son of Henry,4 resided in Newtown, where he died April 21, 1812. He was twice mar ried : first, to Zilpha Hard ; second, to Mrs. Sarah Booth (widow). CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (443)+Zera S., b. Dec 18, 175(2; (444)+Ezekiel, b. March 8, 1786. [150.] ANDREW5 PECK, son of Henry,4 settled at first in Newtown, where he resided until 1813, when he removed to New Milford, since a part of Bridgewater, Conn. He married Lucinda Terrell. He died August 25, 1826 ; she September 5, 1848, aged 73 years. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (445) Mercy, b. April, 25, 1795, m. Sylvester Sherman, and was residing in Bridgewater in 1867 ; (446)+Sherman, b. March 8, 1797 ; (447) Amey, b. Oct. 4, 1799, m. Daniel Merwin Nov. 26, 1815. He d. Nov. 17, 1861, aged 73 years. (448) George, b. Nov. 5, 1802 ; resides in Southbury ; (449) Sally, b. Jan. 17, 1807, m. Hiram Keeler, Dec. 1826, and settled in Bridgewater; (450) Minerva, DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 305 b. June 3, 1810, m. Daniel Keeler Jan. 3, 1831, and settled in Bridgewater; (451) John, of New Milford, b. April 15, 1813; and Maria, b. Jan. 19, 1816, m. Andrew Weller, and resides in Eoxbury, Conn. [151.] S AMUE L5 PE CK, son of Henry,4 resided in Newtown. He married Nancy Malory. He was a joiner by trade. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (452) Julia, m. Philo Sample, and d. in New Jersey ; and (453) Philo, who settled in New Jersey, where he died, leaving two children. [152.] SHADRACH5 PECK, son of Ephraim,4 married Ruth Sharp, January 1, 1777, and resided in Newtown. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (454) Truman, b. May 25, 1778, m. Anna B. Winton, and settled in Monroe, Conn. His children were : (455) Polly7 ; (456) Emeline7 ; and (457) Preston.7 — (458) Anna, b. April 20, 1784, m. Samuel Staples ; (459) + John S., b. March 5, 1787. [153.] ENOCH5 PECK, son of Ephraim,4 married Mary Graves, and resided in Newtown. He died August 7, 1814. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (460) Ethel, who became a clergyman ; settled at Vergennes, Vt. ; (461) Amos ; (462) Cyrenus ; (463) WUliam ; (464) Enoch ; (465) Mabel ; (466) An nis ; and (467) Mary Ann. [155.] NATHAN5 PECK, son of Ephraim,4 married Huldah Fabrique, and settled in Newtown, where she died October 29, 1812. He died May 1, 1816.* CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (468) John B., b. Sept. 15, 1776; settled at Wilmington, N. C, where he died Nov. 1808, leaving a daughter (469) Polly.7— (470) Lewis, b. July 26, 1778, d. in childhood ; (471) Charles, b. Oct. 26, 1780, d. unm. ; (472) Sarah, b. March 18, 1783, m. Daniel Morehouse; (473) Louis F., b. Aug. 21, 1785, set tled and died in North Carolina, where he was a celebrated physician ; (474) Jared B., b. Feb. 15, 1788, m. Maria A. Northrop. He also removed to North Carolina about 1810, but returned in 1815, and settled in New York City, where he was superintendent of the Orphan Asylum. He was a member of the Sunday School committee for visiting the Sabbath schools of the city, and also an Elder in the Church. He was residing in New Haven in 1867, a Dea con in the Chapel Street Congregational Church. His chUdren are : (475) * The house in which he resided is now gone, and a new one occupies its place. 26* 306 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. Matilda7; (476) Angouleme7; and (477) Emeline.7 — (478) Martha, b. AprU 23, 1791, m. Lewis Beecher; (479) Anna, b. Jan. 15, 1794; a son, b. Aug. 23, 1797, d. in infancy. [156.] ELI5 PECK, son of Ephraim,4 settled at first in New town, but removed from there to Derby, where he died. He mar ried Hannah Lacy. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (480) Lacy; (481) Eleazer; (482.) Daniel L. ; and others. [157.] LEVIRUS5 PECK, son of Ephraim,4 married Anna Wheeler, June 24, 1778. He resided in Newtown, where he died June 14, 1810.* CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (483) + Thomas W., b. Sept. 9, 1779 ; (484) Polly, b. Nov. 18, 1781, m. Jere miah Beers; (485) Richard, b. July 28, 1786, d. June 1851, unm. [159.] ISAAC5 PECK, son of Ephraim,4 resided in Newtown, where he died, February 1855. He married Lucy Ferris. She died August 1834, aged 73 years. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (486) Peter F., b. July 24, 1779, d. Dec. 20, 1855 ; (487) Polly Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1780, m. Ebenezer Griffin, and d. July 10, 1830 ; (488) Louisa, b. Eeb. 16, 1782, d. Jan. 25, 1807; (489) Fanny, b. Jan. 22, 1784, m. David Blackman; (490) Philo, b. July 7, 1787, d. Oct. \%, 1822; (491) Isaac, b. May 17, 1788, d. May 23, 1788 ; (492) Levi, b. AprU 25, 1790, d. Jan. 15, 1795 ; (493) Isaac, again, b. March 24, 1793, d. April 6, 1793 ; (494) Lucy, b. Aug. 28, 1794, m. Gershom Dimon ; (495) Levi, again, b. April 29, 1797 ; (496) Isaac, again, b. June 22, 1800. [161.] EPHRAIM5 PECK, son of Ephraim,4 at first settled in Newtown, but from there removed to Woodbury about 1792, where he died. He was twice married : first, to Elizabeth B. Hall, Octo ber 5, 1785; second, to Susan Tuttle, February 16, 1825. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (497) Benjamin C, b. May 29, 1786. He was residing in Woodbury in 1867. his children are: (498) Eleazar7 ; (499) Preston D.7 ; (500) Charles B7 ; (501) Sally Jane7 ; (502) Marietta7 ; (503) Fanny7 ; (504) Betsey7 ; and (505) David7.— (506) Ephraim B., b. May 30, 1790, lived and died in Woodbury. His children are: (507) Henry W.7 ; (503) Alfred C.7 ; (509) Bobert7 ; (510) Betsey Ann7 ; * The house in which he resided was occupied by his son Thomas W. when I visited him in 1807. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 307 and (511) George H.7 —(512.) Eliza, b. Aug. 13, 1804; (513) George, b. May 20, 1809 ; was residing at Greenwich, Ohio, 1866. [162.] GEORGE5 PECK, son of Gideon,4 removed from Newtown to Sandgate, Vt., where he died March 23,1831. He married Ann Peck, No. 96, daughter of Moses. She died March 9, 1844. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (514)+Clark, b. May 15, 1778; (515) Seth, b. Oct. 24, 1779, m. Anna North rop, and removed to Hampton, N. Y., where he died Dec. 5, 1858 ; (516) Bet ty, b. March 21, 1781, d. Aug. 15, 1849; (517) Hezekiah, b. June 15, 1782, m. and settled at Marietta, Ohio; (518) Thomas, b. April 1, 1786, m. Mindwell Lacy, and settled in Wisconsin, where he died July 14, 1865 ; (519) Amarillis, b. March 23, 1789, m. William Lakin ; settled in Ohio, and d. Oct. 1865 ; (520) Mary Ann, b. March 7, 1784, d. Feb. 17, 1790 ; (521) Josiah, b. July 29, 1791, d. Aug. 16, 1791 ; (522) Eli, b. March 6, 1794, d. July 19, 1798 ; (523) Smith, b. Feb. 15, 1797, d. July 14, 1798. [163.] OLIVER5 PECK, son of Gideon,4 married Lucy Sickles, and resided in Newtown. He died April 21, 1810; she died February 1860, aged 94 years. His will is recorded at Dan bury, B. 10, p. 336. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (524) Oliver, supposed to have settled at Bethel, N. Y. ; (525) Mary, d. young; (526) Amarillis, d. unm. ; (527) Abiah, m. Joseph Crowfoot; (528) Zachariah W., d. unm. ; (529) Lucy Ann, m. Rums Shepherd ; (530) Joseph S., m. Sarah Brownell; (531) Mary Ann, d. unm.; (532) Carloss, m. AbigaU Clark, and settled in Bloomingdale, Mich. ; (533) Carlton, d. young ; (534) Betsey Ann, b. July 13, 1808, m. Joseph (No. 248), son of David, for her first husband, and Grandville P. Glover for her second ; (535) Currence, b. July 30, 1810, m. Nathan Burr. [164.] LEVI5 PECK, son of Gideon,4 settled in Southbury, ^- Conn., where he died, August 8, 1836. He married, first, Mercy Peck (No. 148), daughter of Henry; second, Eunice Erwin. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (536) Henry, b. Jan. 27, 1793, m. Polly Ann Percival, and d. in Newtown, July 17, 1843, leaving two children: (537) George7 ; and (538) Edwin.7 —(539) Mercy, b. Nov. 30, 1795, m. Cyrus Sherman, and was residing in Woodbury in 1867; (540) Samuel B., b. June 11, 1800, d. July 15, 1856, m. Julia E. Fairwea- ther, of Newtown, where she was residing in 1867. His children were : (541) George B.7 ; (542) Sarah J.7 ; (543) Julia E.7 ; and (544) Edward S.7 —(545) Nancy, b. Nov. 15, 1803; (546) Russell, b. Sept. 6, 1805, d. March 10, 1807; (547) Mary, b. July 19, 1808, d. Sept. 6, 1808 ; (548) George S., b. Nov. 28, 1814, d. Dec. 22, 1828. 308 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. * [167.] GIDEON5 PECK, son of Gideon,4 resided in New town, where he died, March 2, 1824. He married Betsey Brisco, daughter of John Brisco. She was living in 1867, being in her 90th year. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (549) George, who m. Polly Peck (No. 455), daughter of Shadrach Peck, and d. in California, from injuries received by being thrown from a wagon ; (550) Henry, m. EmUy Sherman, and settled in Seymour, Conn. ; (551) Le- grand, m. Laura Dimon, and was residing in Newtown in 1867 ; (552) Clark, d. in Rio de Janeiro, unm.; (553) Polly, m. Harmon Parmalee; (554) Ann S., m. Russell Crowfoot ; (555) Betsey, m. Andrew Northrop ; (556) Laura, m. a GUbert; (557) Gideon S., was residing in California in 1867; (558) Lois, m. Edmond Fairchild; (559) Charles, settled in Bethel, Conn., where he stUl resides. His chUdren are : (560) Sidney S.7 ; (561) Horace7 ; (562) Samuel T.7 ; and (563) Gideon.7 [168.] ABNER5 PECK, son of Gideon,4 married Jane Bots- ford, and resided in Newtown, where he died, August 16, 1844. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (564) PoUy, d. unm. ; (565) George C, m. Ann Tomlinson. His chUdren are: (566) John F.7 ; (567) Gideon7 ; (568) Homer7; (569) Cornelius7; (570) Abby7 ; and (571) Harriet.7 — (572) Jane Ann, m. Lewis Booth. [180.] DAVID5 PECK, son of Henry,4 settled in Brookfield, where he died, April 23, 1843. He was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, and served under Washington. Although the hard ships and privations he suffered impaired his health, he was an in dustrious and prosperous farmer, and lived for many years to enjoy the fruits of the freedom and independence of his country, for which he fought. He married Isabella Nichols, of Newfield. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (573) Jesse L., b. Oct. 31, 1777, m. Annis Sherman, and d. at an early age, leaving one child ; (574) Rachel, b. Dec. 8, 1779, m. Zalmon Peck (No. 69) ; (575) Ira, b. April 7, 1782, m. Sally Kirtland, of Bridgeport, Conn., where he died. He had three children: (576) Olivia7; (577) David7 ; and (578) Sarah Ann.7 —(579) Sarah, b. Oct. 20, 1787, m. first, Dr. Levi Beardslee ; second, Andrew S. Darrow ; and was residing in Watertown, Conn., in 1866. (580)+ Michael, b. July 3, 1789; (581) Fowler, b. Aug. 29, 1791, d. in infancy; (582) Fowler, again, b. March 2, 1793, m. Mary Turner, and settled in Brookfield, Where he resided until about 1855, when he removed to Dement, 111., where he was living in 1866. His daughter (583) Janette A.? to whose kindness I am indebted for my information, m. George Payne, and was also residing in Dement in 1866. (584) AmarUlis, b. Dec. 25, 1795, m. John T. Hawley, of DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 309 Monroe, Conn.; no issue; (585) Marshall G., b. March 3, 1798. He was twice married : first, to Jenette A. Jones ; second, to Narcissa Benedict, by whom he had children. [182.] JOHN5 PECK, son of Henry,4 resided in Brookfield, where he was an extensive farmer. He was an excellent citizen, a worthy member of the church, generous and benevolent. He was twice married: first, to Amarillis Peck (No. 171), daughter of Gideon ; second, to Clarina Wheeler. His first wife died Decem ber 16, 1785. His second, November 7, 1835. He died February 9, 1839. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (586)+John A., b. Dec. 9, 1785 ; and (587) Amarillis, b. Dec. 4, 1787, d. Jan. 11, 1794. [184.] HENRY5 PECK, son of Henry,4 resided in Brook field. He was an excellent farmer, enterprising and industrious. He was a prominent man in the town, holding various public offices. He took a leading- interest in education and in the improvement of society generally, and was highly esteemed in the community in which he resided for his social qualities, benevolence and kindness. He married Hannah Northrop, May 26, 1791. He died August 29, 1834. She July 26, 1827. ^yyn -T^y <£/-<: 6^ CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (588) Hannah, b. March 24, 1792, m. Elias Sturdivant, of Bridgeport, March 19, 1812, by whom she had five chUdren. Henry L. Sturdivant, of Bridgeport, is her son. She d. May 5, 1860. Her husband, Nov. 13, 1861. (589) Henry L., b. May 4, 1797; was a merchant in New York City for some time. From a^^Wf there he returned to Brookfield, where he continued in the mercantUe busi ness for over thirty years,- and became wealthy. He was an influential citi zen, a member of the Congregational church, and one of the leading temper ance men of the town. He m. Elizabeth Smith, of Brookfield, Oct. 19, 1828. His children were : (590) Henry? who d. young; (591) Harriet E.7 ; and (592) 310 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. Henry S.? who succeeds him in business. —(593) Hermon V., b. Dec. 22, 1800. He d. a Christian, in 1831, unm. ; (594) Hiram N., b. Oct. 19, 1804; was a suc cessful merchant in New York, of the firm of H. N. Peck & Co., importers of Russian goods. He was a member of the church, and a Sabbath-school teacher, and Superintendent for many years. (595) Harriet, b. Jan. 16, 1807, m. WUliam G. Smith, of Newtown, Aug. 30, 1830. Mr. Smith d. May 20, 1835. She was residing in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1867. Her children are : Henry B.7 and William P.? commission merchants, of New York, and George B.? who d. June 25, 1835. —(596) Henrietta, b. Dec. 4, 1809, m. Benjamin M. Starr, of Brookfield, Sept. 9, 1832, where they were residing in 1867. Their daugh ter Elizabeth H.,7 m. Aaron Williams, of Hartford, Conn. (597) Het'ta Ann, b. March 22, 1-814, d. unm. To Mrs. Starr, and her sister, Mrs. Smith, I am under many obligations for their kindness and assistance. [185.] AMOS5 PECK, son of Henry,4 resided in Brookfield. Although of feeble health from his youth, he was an industrious and good farmer, kind and obliging, and much respected. He married Lucy Blackman, of Newtown, November 27, 1792. He died March 23, 1835. She October 24, 1855. * CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (598) Betsey, b. March 1, 1795, m. Benjamin Hawley, by whom she has nine chUdren ; (599) Maria, b. July 6, 1797, d. Jan. 29, 1864 ; (600) Amos G., b. AprU 5, 1800; was residing in Brookfield, unm., in 1866. [186.] ABRAHAM5 PECK, son of Benjamin,4 resided in Mil ford. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (601)+Abraham, b. Jan. 2, 1786 ; (602) Amey, who m. David Curtis ; and (603) SaUy, who m. David Camp. [187.] BENJAMIN5 PECK, son of Benjamin,4 resided in Milford. He married Nancy Buckingham, daughter of Enoch Buckingham, of Huntington, Conn. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 311 CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (604)+CorneliusB., b. Jan. 31, 1800; (605) Benjamin, b. Aug. 1, 1803, m. Abigail Fowler, daughter of Joseph Fowler, of Milford. His chUdren are : (606) Sarah A.? m. Albert Baldwin; and (607) Susan? unm. in 1866. —(608) Nancy, m. Erastus Clark, of MUford ; no issue. [190.] ELIJAH5 PECK, son of Nathaniel,4 removed from Newtown to Hinesburgh, Vt., where he died, September 29, 1843. He was twice married : first, to Mehitable Hurlburt ; second, to Sally Morgan. His first wife was born March 11, 1757, and died April 5, 1810. His second wife was born April 12, 1772, and died April 22, 1850. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (609)+Eli, b. May 25, 1782; (610)+Zera, b. Oct. 29, 1784; (611) Mary Ann, b. Jan. 17, 1787, m. John Eldridge, and settled in Hinesburgh, where she d. June 1, 1852, leaving five children ; (612) Hannah, b. Sept. 2, 1790, m. George Dudley; settled in Hinesburgh, where she d. Nov. 1, 1860, leaving one child, a daughter; (613) Oily, b. Oct. 9, 1792, m. Lyman Clark; settled in Hines burgh, and d. June 1, 1824, leaving no issue ; (614) Mabel, to whom I am indebted for my information, was b. in 1813, and was residing in Charlotte, Vt., in 1867, unm. [195.] ELNATHAN5 PECK, son of Heth,4 settled upon the homestead, where he died in 1821. He was twice married: first, to Jerusha Blackman ; second, to Sarah Merwin, formerly Sarah Beers. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (615) Amos G., b. in 1793, m. Eunice Botsford, of Newtown, where he was residing in 1867. His only child, (616) Charlotte J.? b. April 2, 1829, d. May 22, 1856, unm. [196.] JULIUS5 PECK, son of Amiel,4 married Sarah Dun ning, of Warren, Conn., and settled in Sharon. He died in 1823, aged 58 years. She died August 28, 1842, aged 72 years. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (617) ; (618) Polly, b. March 5, 1796, m. a Mr. Cathcart, and d. in Michigan ; (619) Amiel, b. Dec. 16, 1798, m. Rebecca Dunbar, and was resid ing in Johnsonville, Ohio, in 1867. He had two daughters : (620) Sarah7 ; and (621) Mary.7 —(622) Betsey, b. AprU 27, 1800 ; was unm. in 1867, and residing in Sharon, Conn. ; (623) Lemuel, b. July 26, 1802; was unm., and residing in Sharon in 1867 ; (624) Sally, b. Sept. 17, 1804 ; was residing in Sharon, and unm., in 1867; (625) Amanda, b. Nov. 24, 1806, m. Lyman Warner, of Brook field, and d. March 29, 1832 ; (626) Harriet, b. Jan. 10, 1809, m. and d. leaving 312 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. chUdren; (627) Julius B., b. Dec. 7, 1811 ; settled in Waverly, HI. ; (628) Cy- renus H., b. March 2, 1814, and was residing in Brookfield in 1867. He m. Abigail Blake. His chUdren are : (629) Sarah J.7; (630) Edgar7; (631) Charles L.7; (632) Carrie L.7 ; and (633) Lemuel? who d. at ChantUlary, Va., in the United States Service. [202.] ISAAC5 PECK, son of Samuel,4 lived and died in Newtown. He married Aurelia Botsford. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (634) Jabez, b. Dec. 10, 1804, m. Henrietta Jarvis. His children are : (635) Charles A.7; (636) Elizabeth J.7; (637) Albert W.7 ; and (638) Nelson J.? who died in the service of his country. —(639) Harriet, b. Feb. 4, 1807 ; (640) Rob ert S., b. March 1, 1814 ; was three times married : first, to Abigail Booth ; second, to Mary Lake ; third, to Elizabeth Curtis. He d. in Newtown. (641) Sarah E., b. Dec. 24, 1827. [205.] DAVID5 PECK, son of Samuel,4 resided in Newtown. He married, first, Rebecca Beers ; second, Harriet Booth. CHTLD — SIXTH GENERATION : (642) Simeon B. ; resides in Newtown. He m., for his first wife, Caroline Curtis ; and for his second, Elizabeth Peck, widow bf Robert S. His children are: (643) Abner B.? of Montgomery, Ala. ; (644) Henry J.? deceased; and (645) David C? who resides in Newtown. [21 3. J JOSHUA6 PECK, son of Aaron,5 settled in Jay, N. Y., where he died, in the 93d year of his age. He married Rachel M. Mallory. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (646) Parrilla, b. Oct. 14, 1782 ; (647) Philo, b. Sept. 14, 1784 ; (648) Pho- dima, b. Feb. 8, 1786 ; (649) David, b. Nov. 26, 1788, m. Ruth Hamlin, and re sides in Jay, N. Y. His children are : (650) Norman6 ; (651) Nelson6 ; (652) Al mira? ; (653) Alvira?; (654) Mary A?; (655) Violet A? ; (656) Polly6; and (657) Armenia? —(658) Joel, b. Feb. 14, 1791; (659) Lyman, b. Feb. 27, 1793; (660) Andrew, b. April 16, 1795 ; (661) Thomas, b. June 27, 1798, m. Louisa Arnold, and resides in Wilmington, N. Y. His children are: (662) Louisa6; (663) Chester6; (664) Scott6; (665) Caroline6; (666) Harriet6; (667) Jane6; (668) Levi6; (669) Martha6; (670) Phebe6; (671) Esther6; and (672) Joel? —(673) Alvah, b. April 2, 1801, m. Dorothy Hathaway, and resides in Jay, N. Y. His chUdren are: (674) Dillavan6 ; (675) Sybil6; (676) Joshua6; (677) Ebenezer6; (678) Lyman6 ; (679) Esther6 ; (680) Phodima6 ; (681) Gibbs6 ; (682) Marinda,6 ; (683) Caroline6; and (684) Daniel? —(685) Polly, b. Jan. 8, 1804. [216.] ELIAS6 PECK, son of Aaron,5 settled at Shandaken, N. Y., where he died, December 1846. He married, for his first DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 313 wife, Patience Sanford ; for his second, Obedience Sanford ; and for his third, Rachel Winey. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (686) Betsey; (687) Serenus; (688) John; (689) Polly; (690) Peter; (691) Jacob; (692) Garret; (693) Sally; (694) Daniel; (695) AbigaU; (696) Abra ham ; and (697) John, 2d. Abigail, to whom I am indebted for my informa tion, m. Jeremiah Shaw, and resides in Shandaken. [233.] RUFUS6 PECK, son of John,5 married Sally Hall, of Newtown, Conn., and removed to Streetsborough, Ohio, where he died, March 6, 1848. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (698) Chloe, b. March 1800, m. Abel Dibble ; (699) Lyman W., b. Dec. 26, 1801, m. Eliza Cummings, Dec. 26, 1826, and d. in Streetsborough, Aug. 9, 1865. His children are : (700) Bufus H? ; (701) William6; (702) Ann Eliza6; (703) Emma J? ; and (704) Lyman L? —(705) William H., b. July 23, 1803, m. Lydia Bradey, of Lee, Mass., April 10, 1828. His children are : (706) Sarah Ann? m. E. S. Bradley, and settled at Cleveland, Ohio ; (707) William S.? m. Elvira V. Gifford, and settled at Wickliffe, Ohio ; (708) Edward B.? m. Myra A. Talcott, of Starr, Ohio ; and (709) Joseph H.? of Hudson, Ohio, to whose kindness and assistance I am indebted. He married Miss Nancy W. Gardner, of Cambridge, Mass., July 17, 1867. —(710) John N., b. March 15, 1805, m. Sophia Garfield. His children are : (711) John B? ; (712) William H? ; (713) Mary A?; and (714) Sophia? —(715) Eli, b. Feb. 14, 1808, m. Eliza Judd. His children are : (716) Buel6 ; (717) Julia A? ; (718) Charles6 ; and (719) Cyrus? — (720) Nancy P., b. July 20, 1809, m. George Bradley; (721) Clara, b. March 1, 1810, m. first, Jacob Mayherr; second, John Foster; (722) Sarah Ann, b.May 31, 1812, d. unm. ; (723) Russell, b. Oct. 7, 1814, m. Dency Gillett, for his first wife, and Adeline Judd, for his second. His children are: (724) Franklin6; (725; Andrew6; (726) Mary A?; and (727) Joseph P? —(728) Henry, b. June 17, 1817, m. Emeline Jenkins. His children are: (729) Sophia6; (730) Nor man"; (731) Arthur"; (732) Helen6; (733) Effie6 ; (734) Elsie6; and (735) Cora? —(736) Nathan, b. July 17, 1819, m. Betsey Mellen. His children are : (737) Lydia Ann6; (738) John6; (739) Chloe6'; (740") Eugene F?; and (741) Ida E? — (742) Horace, b. March 2, 1822, m. Ann Rich. His chUdren are : (743) Leroy6; (744) Amanzo6 ; (745) Wilbier6 ; and (746) Albert? [363.] BENJAMIN6 PECK, son of Simeon,5 resided in Water- town, where he died, February 1, 1867. He was a very prominent man, and much respected. He was Deacon of the Congregational. church for about fifty years. He married Selima Atwood. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (747) Elmer N., b. Oct. 29, 1810, m. Lurena Scovill, and settled in Richland, Mich. His children are : (748) Ellen L? ; (749) Edgar M? ; (750) Charles S? ; 27 314 PECK GENEALOGY. APPENDIX. (751) Elmer J.6; and (752) Frederic B? —(753) Horace M., b. Aug. 7, 1814, m. Emeline Barrfts, and settled in/Richland. His chUdren are : (754) Susan C?; (755) Horace B? ; (756) Frances S? ; (757) Herbert N? ; (758) Charles A.6; and (759) Benjamin M? —(760) Samuel M., of Watertown, Conn., b. Sept. 22, 1821, m. Marietta Hurd. His children are : (761) Samuel H? ; and (762) Anna M? [369.] PHINEAS6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 married Anna Smith, and resided in Woodbridge, Conn., where he died, Novem ber 20, 1856. She survived him, and was still living in 1867, in her 91st year. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (763) Louisa, b. Nov. 1, 1779, m. Lewis Thompson; (764) Phineas E., b. Nov. 3, 1801, m. first, Nancy Beecher ; second, Mrs. Electa Mood. He resides in Colebrook, Conn., and has had the foUowing children: (765) Charles E? ; (766) Ann L? ; (767) John F? ; (768) Bobert D? ; (769) Jerome B? ; (770) Bobert J.6; (771) Lewis T? ; (772) Nancy E? ; (773) Phineas E? ; and (774) Charles E? —(775) William, b. Sept. 8, 1803, to wh*om I am indebted for my information in relation to his branch of the name, resides in Woodbridge. He m. Elizabeth Tolles, of Bethany. His children are: (776) George C? ; (777) William W? ; (778) Leonard E? ; and (779) Jane E? —(780) Sidney W., b. Aug. 30, 1805, d. unm. ; (781) SUas J., b. Feb. 1, 1808, m. Adaline M. Bald win. He resided in Woodbridge. His chUdren are : (782) Phineas E? ; (783) Martha A.? who m. Marcus E. Baldwin, of Woodbridge, now Town Clerk; and (784) Henry C? —(785) John, b. Oct. 20, 1810 ; resides in Woodbridge. He formerly resided in New Haven, where he was a master buUder, doing an extensive business. He m. first, Jenette Baldwin ; second, Louisa Baldwin. His daughter (786) Helen F.? m. Walter B. Peck (No. 584), a descendant of Henry, of New Haven. [371.] SAMUEL6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 married Rebecca Beecher, and resided in Woodbridge, where he died, February 20, 1865. His wife October 6, 1851, aged 67. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (787) Bennett B., who is a cattle broker of extensive business. His chU dren are: (788) Caroling; (789) Buth6; (790) Frances6; and (791) Ella? — (792) CaroUne E., m. Zalmon Sperry, of Bethany. [372.] JERRY6 PECK, son of Zenas,5 married Amelia Ford, and died April 14, 1854. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (793) Aurelius, who m. Ruth Osborn. His children are: (794) Mary M? ; (795) Jane A.6; (796) Edwin F? ; (797) Eleazer J.6; (798) John !f.8; (799) Nathan J?; (800) Frederic L? ; (801) Sarah A?; (802) Helen O? ; (803) Hiram O? ; (804) William J?; and (805) Daniel A? —(806; Edwin J., resides DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 315 at Indianapolis ; is a man of wealth and influence ; (807) Mary A., m. Nathan P. Thomas ; (808) Maria, m. George Bates ; (809) Julia, m. William FairchUd, of Oxford, Conn. ; (810) Eunice, m. and d. about 1850. [388.] NATHAN6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 lived and died in New Haven. He married Mehitable Tibbats, daughter of Capt. Samuel Tibbats, of Milford, Conn., and granddaughter of Jesse Lambert, who married Ann, daughter of Capt. Henry Peck. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (811) Wyllys, b. July 15, 1797; resides in New Haven, and has been twice married : first, to Jennett Ailing, daughter of Capt. Stephen Ailing ; second, to Sarah, daughter of Rev. Moses Gillett. His children are : (812) Elizabeth A? ; (813) Harriet E.? d. in 1828; (814) Jenette A?; (815) Harriet E.? again; and (816) Lucy C? —(817) Nathan, b. Sept. 2, 1799, d. April 27, 1802; (818) Na than, again, b. Feb. 6, 1802. He resides in New Haven, a wealthy and promi nent man. He is President of the Merchants' National Bank. To his kind ness I am indebted for much of my information in relation to the New Haven Pecks. He m. Mary Ann, daughter of Eli Townsend, Esq., of New Haven. His children are : (819) Julia C? d. March 7, 1847; (820) hobert? who gradu ated at Yale College; (821) Marietta? d. March 13, 1854; (822) Margaret T? who m. Dr. Robert Stone, of New York ; and (823) Ellen W.? who d. Feb. 23, 1835. —(824) Henry E., b. March 18, 1805 ; graduated at Yale College, in 1823, and was admitted to the bar as a lawyer. He afterwards purchased the Connecticut Journal, and the New Haven Chronicle, which he published for several years. He afterwards entered into the West India trade, with his brothers. He was a Representative from New Haven for several years. He was also in the Senate, of which body he was President, in 1851 and 1852. He m. Elizabeth Sheldon, daughter of Dr. Elisha Sheldon, of Troy, N. Y. He d. May 6, 1858. His children were: (825) Mary H? ; (826) Samuel S? ; (827) Phebe W? ; and (828) Henry E.? who d. in the Confederate prison at Millens, Nov. 1863. —(829) Caroline, m. Rev. John Churchill, of Woodbury, Conn. [389.] A MICHAEL6 PECK, son of Samuel,^ re3ideiJesse; (217) Phineas; (218) Elkanah; (219) John; (220) Stephen; (221) Esther, who m. Stephen Curtis ; and (222) Rebecca, who m. Aaron Stone. , [76.] JOSEPH4 PECK, son of Benjamin,3 resided in Norwich. He was a prominent man. He kept a public house for many years. He was three times married : first, to Hannah Carrier, of Colches ter, March 5, 1729; second, to Elizabeth Edgarton, of Norwich, October 19, 1742; third, to Elizabeth Carpenter, of Norwich, De cember 22, 1754. His first wife died February 2, 1741-2; his 334 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. second wife died September 1, 1753 ; his third wife died December 26, 1817. He died September 9, 1776. His will is upon record at Norwich, B. 6, p. 87, dated January 9, 1776. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION: (223) Simeon, b. April 21, 1730, d. July 22, 1731 ; (224) Joseph, b. May 21, 1731, resided in Norwich, now Franklin, where he died. The division of his estate is upon record at Norwich, B. 11, p. 35. He m., for his first wife, Jo anna Rudd, of Norwich, June 9, 1752 ; for his second, Susanna Brokway, of Lime, Oct. 12, 1756 ; for his third, Rachel Fitch, of New London, Feb. 2, 1763 ; and for his fourth, Mrs. Zerviah Hastings, Dec. 20, 1764. His children were : (225) Joanna6; (226) Asa? ; (227) Luna6 ; (228) Susannah6 ; and (229) Boxana? — (230) Simeon, again, b. Jan. 21, 1732-3, resided in Norwich, where he died. He m. RuthWUlis, Jan. 29, 1755. His children were: (231) Bose Anna6; (232) Walter"; (233) Ebbee? ; (234) Jabez6; (235) Jathleel? ; (236) Simeon6; (237) Eliel6; (238) Buth6; (239) Lydia6; and (240) Joseph? —(241) Jathleel, b. June 23, 1734; (242) Gideon, b. Nov. 10, 1736, d. Oct. 19, 1740; (243) Hinnah, b. July 19, 1739 ; (244) Gideon, again, b. Jan. 25, 1741-2 ; resided in Norwich. He m. first, Irena Tracy, of Norwich, April 18, 1763; second, Sarah Edg- comb, March 1, 1769. His children were : (245) Az'el6 ; (246) Wealthy6; (247) Eleanor"; and (248) Irene? — (249)+Bela, b. July 10, 1758; (250) Cynthia, b. Aug. 14, 1761. [91.] JONATHAN4 PECK, son of Benjamin,3 resided in Nor wich. He married Bethiah Bingham, January 14, 1741-2. The division of his estate is on record, B. 7, p. 36, dated September 5, 1780. CHIiDREN — FTFTH GENERATION : (251)+Phineas, b. July 28, 1743 ; (252) Bethiah, b. March 6, 1745, m. Heze kiah Edgerton ; (253) Lucy, b. May 20, 1747, m. Jason Gager; (254) -(-Darius, b. March 14,1749-50; (255) Sybel, b. March 16, 1752, m. Elijah Edgerton; (256) Eunice, b. Oct. 1754 ; (257) John, b. Nov. 14, 1756 ; was lost at sea ; 1.258) Jonathan, b. Nov. 9, 1758 ; d.Dec. 14, 1758 ; (259)+Jathleel, b. Jan. 1, 1760. [111.] EBENEZErTpE CK, son of Ebenezer,3 settled in New Haven. He married Mary Johnson, January 20, 1736-7. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION : (260) Hannah, b. Jan. 8, 1737-8 ; (261) Mary, b. Sept. 24, 1739 ; (262) Eben ezer, b. Sept. 27, 1741 ; (263) Noah, b. Dec. 3, 1743 ; (264) Hannah, again, b. Dec. 7, 1745 ; (265) Rachel, b. June 10, 1748 ; (266) Jane, b. April 22, 1753. [1 14.] JOSEPH4 PECK, son of Ebenezer,3 settled at Amity, now a part of Woodbridge. He married Anna Perkins, January 12, 1743-4. His will is at New Haven, B. 16, p. 622. DESCENDANTS OP HENRY PECK. 335 CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION: (267) Seth, settled in Bristol, Conn. ; (268) Joseph, who was a jail-keeper, and had children, viz : (269) Joseph6 ; (270) Bela? ; (271) Nancy6; and (272) Sarah? — (273) Dan, settled in Bristol ; (274) John, who m. Lois Osborn, and had children, viz : (275) Osborn6; (27 G) Francis6 ; (277) John6 ; (278) Eliza6; and (279) Charlotte? now the widow Ceveit, residing at New Haven. —(280) Henry, who settled at Bristol ; (281) Amey; (282) Dorcas; (283) Bathsheba; (284) Asenath ; and (285) Electa, who m. Roger Ailing. [120.] BENAJAH4 PECK, son of Ebenezer,3 resided in Woodbridge, where he died May 19, 1785. The distribution of his estate is on record at New Haven, B. 18, p. 51. He married Sarah Mansfield. CHILDREN — FTFTH GENERATION: (286) Eunice, who m. Asahel Brooks; and (287) -(-Jonathan Mansfield Peck, b. in 1857, and probably others not on record. - «-^Uvt ^ -'-> - P-^eA .';«¦ [132.] STEPHEN4 PECK, son of Ebenezer,3 married Eunice Bradley, daughter of Timothy Bradley, and resided in Wood- bridge, where he died, June IS, 1830. His will is upon record at New Haven, B. 40, p. 293. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (288)+SUas, b. May 23, 1765; (289)+Hezekiah, b. July 7, 1767; (290)+ Stephen, b. Dec. 30, 1774 ; (291) Edward, b. Oct. 23, 1778, d. unm., June 24, 1841 ; (292) Eunice, b. April 3, 1781, m. Deacon David Smith ; (293) Sally, b. Dec. 5, 1783, m. John Hubbard ; (294) Polly B., b. July 17, 1787, m. David Perkins. [131.] SAMUEL5 PECK, son of Jonathan,4 is supposed to have married Anna Hall, and at first settled in Wallingford, and from there removed to Manheim, N. Y., about 1800, where he died, November 20, 1824. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (295)+ John; (296) Elihu, d. unm. ; (297)+Isaac; (298) Augustus, d. unm. ; (299) Eunice, m. a GUlett ; (300) Anna, b. Sept. 5, 1780, m. Thomas Sher wood; (301) Martha, b, Jan. 22, 1784; (302) Thankful, b. June 27, 1790. [134] ELIAKIM5 PECK, son of Eliakim,4 settled in South- ington, and from there is said to have removed to Colebrook, Conn. 336 PECK GENEALOGY, — APPENDIX. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (303) James, m. a Miner; (304) Erastus, m. Lucretia, daughter of Jesse Carrington; (305) Huldah, m. a Miner; (306) Josiah; (307) Jeremiah; (308) Raymond ; (309) SaUy ; and (310) Asenath. Jeremiah, and Raymond who m. Fanny Woodruff, settled at the West. [136.] ISAAC5 PECK, son of Eleazar,4 settled at Sand Lake, N. Y., where he died in 1838. He married Hannah Munson. She died February 28, 1846, aged 85 years. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (311) Nabby, d. aged about 25 years, without issue ; (312)+Marcus ; (313) Candace, m. Herman Griffen, and left children ; (314) Hannah, m. Pearce Hor ton, and d. in 1840, leaving chUdren; (315)+Lucus; (316) Betsey, m. Gideon Butts, and d. in 1824, leaving children ; (317) Isaac, enlisted into the United States service, and was drowned at St. Augustine by the upsetting of a boat, Feb. 1825. [141. J SELAH5 PECK, son of Eleazar,4 settled in Green- bush, N. Y., and from there removed to Camden. He died in Athens, Mich., in 1859. He married Temperance, daughter of Benjamin Wilcox, of Bristol, Conn. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (318) Eleazar, b. Jan. 6, 1793, settled at Camden, N. Y. His children were : (319) Polly7 ; (320) George S.7 ; (321) Daniel7 ; (322) Catharine7 ; (323) Amey Z.7;(324) William J.7; (325) Temperance L.7 ; (326) John S.7 ; (327) Fannie A.7; (328) Eleazar G.7 ; (329) Sidney M.7; and (330) Hannah D.7 —(331) Van Rensselaer, b. in 1800, settled in Camden, N. Y. His children were : (332) Nor man7 ; (333) Lyman B.7 ; ¦and (334) Beuben V.7 —(335) Harriet, m. Isham Simons, and resides in Athens, Mich. ; (336) Amey, m. David Hitchcock, of York, Mich.; (337) Caroline, m. Joel Hitchcock; (338) Sophia, m. Smith White. [146.] PHINEAS C.5 PECK, son of Phineas,4 resided in that part of Wallingford, Conn., now Prospect. He died August 1 5, 1809. He married Elizabeth Doolittle. She died December 20, 1843, in her 92d year. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (339) Benjamin, b. in 1776; (340) Samuel, b. in 1780, and d. in Green, N. Y., in 1860. His chUdren are : (341) Horace? resides in German, N. Y. ; (342) Clarissa7; (343) Daniel7; (344) Samuel S.7 ; (345) Asahel P.7; (346) Philo, N.7 ; (347) LeviH.7; and (348) Betsey M.7 —(349) Nathaniel, b. in 1784, resides in Camden, Ind. His children are: (350) Elizabeth7; (351) Joseph F.7 ; (352) DESCENDANTS OP HENRY PECK. 337 John C.7; and (353) George W.7— (354) Esther, b. in 1787, m. a Mr. Huff, and resides, a widow, in Middletown, Conn. ; (355) Elizabeth, b. in 1790, and d. in 1864, unm. [151.] DAVID5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 was a farmer, and re sided in East Orange, N. J., where he died April 5, 1796. He married Mary Williams. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (356) Daniel, d. in 1827; no issue; (357)+James; (358) Abiel, m. Phebe Canfield, no issue ; and (359) Ruth, who also d. without issue. [152.] JESSE5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 settled in East Orange, where he died September 17, 1771. He was a farmer. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (360) Moses, b. in 1757, d. in 1783; no issue; (361) David, b. in 1762, d. in 1815; no issue; (362) Jeremiah, d. in 1797; no issue. [153.] JOHN5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 settled in East Orange, where he died December 28, 1811. He was a prominent man; Judge of the County Court, a member of the Legislature, etc. He was twice married : first, to Elizabeth Dodd ; second, to Mary Har rison. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (363) Joseph, b. Nov. 27, 1758, m. Mary Hedden; resided in East Orange. His children were: (364) Phebe7 ; (365) Betsey7; (366) Lydia; (367) Mary Ann7 ; (368) Aaron7; (369) Sarah7; (370) Fanny7; and (371) Deborah? —(372) +Stephen, b. in 1760; (373) Jared, joined the Revolutionary Army, and was supposed to have been killed; (374) Aaron, b. in 1771, m. Esther Canfield. His children were : (375) Lewis7; and (376) Nancy.7 (377)+John, b. Nov. 28, 1773; (378) Rhoda, m. Caleb Hedden; (379) Betsey, m. Ezekiel Ball; (380) Sarah, m. Stephen Hedden. Her descendants reside in New Albany, Ind. [168.] ROGER5 PECK, son of Timothy,4 settled at first in Bethany, Conn., and from there removed to Waterbury, where he died about 1809. He was a prominent man; a member of the Legislature, etc. He was twice married : first, to Philena Hine ; second, to Mary Atwater. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (381) Betsey, m. Edward Perkins, and d. In Medina, Ohio, leaving chUdren. (382) Roger, m. a Miss Camp, and d. in Bethany, leaving two children : (383) Sidney7 ; and (384) Susan? yf ho were twins. —(385) Lydia, m. Lyman Sperry, 29 338 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. and settled in Summit County, Ohio, and has children ; (386) Levi, b. Oct. 8, 1780, m. Polly Sperry, and d". in 1850. His children were : (387) Mary? d. in infancy ; -(388) Lucius G.? who resides in New Haven, a lawyer of extensive practice, to whom I am indebted for my information in relation to the family ; and (389) Juliette? who d. in infancy. —(390) Virus, was lost at sea ; (391) Salome, d. in infancy; (392) Mary P., living and unm. in 1866; (393) Charles, d. in 1854; (394) John A., m. Ann Ruggles. [172.] SAMUEL5 PECK, son of Timothy,4 was a soldier in the Revolution. He settled in Bethany, Conn., where he was killed August 9, 1796, in removing hay from the field. He mar ried Mary Beach. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (395)+Samuel, b. in 1776 ; (396) Isaac, b. July 25, 1779, m. Catharine Tator, and settled in Ledyard, N. Y. His children were : (397) Catharine7; (398) Frederick H.7 ; and (399) Cynthia.7 —(400) Polly, m. Daniel Willmarth, d. in 1861, leaving 11 children; (401) Truman; (402)+Titus; (403)+Abel, b. May 15, 1789; (404) Martha, b. July 20, 1791 ; m. first, Merritt Kimball; second, Gideon WUlcox, and resides in New Haven ; (405)+Jeremiah, b. Oct. 17, 1793. [177.] AMOS5 PECK, son of Amos,4 resided in Hamden, where he died October 23, 1838. He married Lois .Chatterton, January 2, 1772. She died September 22, 1852, aged 100 years, 8 months and 6 days. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (406)+Jeremiah, b. Dec. 18, 1773; (407) Benjamin, b. March 13, 1776; (408) Mary, b, Jan. 28, 1779, m. Deacon Jesse Bradley; (409) Lois, b. Jan. 27, 1782, m. Samuel Dickerman ; (410) Chloe, b. March 13, 1786, m. Seymore Tuttle ; (411)+Amos, b. Nov. 14, 1794. [183.] JOSEPH5 PECK, son of Amos,4 resided in Hamden, Conn. He died August 9, 1845. He married Olive Chatterton. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (412) Sarah, m. a Morse; (413) Olive, m. Seymore Goodyear; (414) Julia, d. unm.; (415) Hannah, m. a Roe; (416) Fanny, m. a Hall; and (417) Zeri, whose children were: (418) Elizabeth7 ; (419) Lorenzo7 ; (420) Andrew7 ; (421) Cornelius7 ; (422) Mehitable7 ; (423) Marinda7 ; (424) Catharine7 ; and (425) Friend.7 [190.] ELIJAH5 PECK, son of Moses,4 settled, lived and died in Boston, Mass. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (426)+Samuel, b. June 4, 1778; (427) Sarah; (428) Abigail, who m. a Mr. Le"ach ; and Mary, who m. Benjamin Stickney. DESCENDANTS OP HENRY PECK. 339 [202-] EBENEZER5 PECK, son of James,4 called upon the records Captain, resided at New Haven. He was an enterpris ing merchant. Prior to the embargo of 1807, was said to have been the largest ship-owner of that collection district. He mar ried Rebecca Dickerman. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (429) Ebenezer, b. Aug. 23, 1791, was lost at sea; (430)+James, b. March 6, 1793; (431) Rebecca, b. Jan. 5, 1795, d. April 18G3,*unm.; (432) Mary, b. Jan. 30, 1797, d. in 1806 ; (433) Martha, b. Sept. 15, 1799, m. Cornelius Hoge- born ; (434) Grace, b. Sept. 1, 1801, in. William C. Butler ; (435) Emily, b. Oct. 24, 1803, m. Rev. Judson A. Root, for many years pastor of the Congrega tional church, at Branford. She resides at New Haven ; (436) Harriet, b. Jan. 4, 1806, is unm. [204.] HENRYs PECK, son of Stephen,4 resided in New Haven upon the George Street Estate. The house which he built is occupied by Lewis Mix. He married Hannah Lewis. 1 CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION .' (437) Esther, b. Dec. 19, 1783 ; m. first, Capt. David G. Phipps ; second, Capt. Solomon Phipps ; (438) Mary, b. Feb. 5, 1785, m. Thomas Dugal, and d. in Georgetown, D. C. ; (439) Grace, b. Dec. 2, 1786, m. Eli Mix; had a large family. Charles E. Mix, her eldest son, has been chief clerk in the Indian Department at Washington for many years; (440) Elisha, b. May 27, 1788, d. Oct. 18, 1789 ; (441)+Elisha, again, b. May 5, 1790. [206-] JOHN5 PECK, -son of Stephen,4 married Mary Lewis, and resided near his brother Henry. They were spar and block- makers; their shop was upon the same lot near their dwelling. He died October 12, 1805. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (442) Nehemiah L., b. Aug. 4, 1789, resided at the South, d. Feb. 2, 1821, unm.; (443) Nancy, b. Sept. 9, 1791, d. Jan. 10, 1858, unm.; (444) Betsey E., b. Jan. 29, 1793, d. July 27, 1847, unm. ; (445) Mary, b. Dec. 19, 1798, d. Nov. 4, 1859, unm. ; the sale and division of her estate among the heirs at law who were very numerous, was procured by Henry White, Esq., of New Haven, the distinguished antiquarian, as well as lawyer, to wliu,se kindness I am indebt ed for information upon the subject. [210.] JOSEPH5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 was a Presbyterian clergyman, and preached at Bethel, Conn. He commenced his labors there in 1786. He died May 19, 1791, and was buried there. His ministration seems to have been very acceptable to 340 - PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. his people. From the Church records, it appears that he came there from an adjoining Presbytery. CHILD — SIXTH GENERATION : (446)+Joseph, settled in New MUford, Conn. [211-] ABIJAH5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 settled in Dan bury, Conn., where he died. His will is upon record there, B. 8, p. 401. He married Rachel Stevens. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (447)+Eliakim; (448)+Abijah; (449) Annie, who m. Peter Benedict; and (450) Rachel, who m. Edward Eli. [213-] LEVI5 PECK, son of Joseph,4 resided in Danbury, where he died March 4, 1815. He was twice married: first, to Jerusha Starr, of Danbury ; second, to Sarah Booth, of Stratford. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (451) Noah, who d. in Northeast New York, and left children, viz : (452) Hiram7; (453) Lavinia7; (454) Harmon7 ; (455) Albert7; (456) Edward7 ; (457) ¦Tames7; and (458) Lew7. — (459)+Eli,b.Aug.23, 1778; (460)+David,b. Feb. 18, 1781 ; (461) Anah, b. May 29, 1783, m. Ezra G. Knapp, and settled in West moreland, N. Y. Her sons, 0. P.? and William? reside at Fondulac, Wis. — (462) Daniel, b. June 29, 1787, d. April 25, 1865, unm. ; (463)+William, b. Dec. 12, 1789 ; (464) Jerusha, b. Jan. 29, 1792, d. Feb. 24, 1816 ; (465) Joseph, b. Jan. 21, 1796, d. Oct. 14, 1849, unm. ; (466) Rebecca, b. Feb. 15, 1800, resides in Danbury, a widow. [216-] JESSE5 PECK, son of Eliphalet,4 settled in the south part of Danbury, now Bethel, upon new lands where he made himself a farm. The house in which he resided has been torn down, but the one erected near it by his son is still stand ing, and was occupied by Samuel Judd in 1867. He and four sons entered the army in the Revolutionary war. He and his sons Nathaniel and Eliphalet were taken pris oners and confined in New York until they took the small-pox, when they were released, and came home on foot. His son Eli phalet recovered from the disease, and returned to the army, but he and his son Nathaniel died. He was a member of the Church at Bethel, with which he United at its organization with his father and mother, in 1760. He married Ruth Hoyt. She was boru February 26, 1738, and died February 2, 1809. He died January 28, 1777. **£**/ DESCENDANTS OP HENRY PECK. 341 CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (467) Nathaniel, b. Dec. 12, 1757, d. Feb. 1, 1777; (468)+Eliphalet, b. March 19,1758; (469)+Jesse, b. Dec. 22, 1759 ; (470) Benjamin, b. Sept. 24, 1761; (471) Lois, b. Oct. 28, 1763, m. Israel Nickerson; lived to be aged; left no issue; (472)+Calvin, b. Sept. 3, 1765; (473)+Luther, b. June 12, 1767; (474) +Daniel, b. Aug. 21, 1769; (475) Mercy, b. Oct. 29, 1771, d. Nov. 30, 1776; (476) Esther, b. Aug. 13, 1773, d. Dec. 25, 1776. [249.] CAPT. BEL A5 PECK, of Revolutionary memory, son of Joseph,4 resided at Norwich, Conn., where he died, December 15, 1850, in the 93d year of his age. During a long life, industry, energy, prudence, firmness and integrity, were the leading traits of his character. He had strong common sense, and great practical wisdom. He was twice married : first, to Miss Betsey Billings, daughter of Capt. William Billings, October 20, 1787; second, to Mrs. Lydia Spaulding, widow of Asa Spaulding, August 18, 1819. His first wife died November 24, 1818, aged 54 years. His second wife died August 18, 1835, aged 68 years. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (477) William Billings, b. Nov. 30, 1788. He d. Dec. 18, 1805, while a stu dent at Yale College ; (478) Charlotte, b. Oct. 21, 1790. She m. Ebenezer Learned, Esq., of New London, Oct. 10, 1808. She d. in 1819, leaving three children : Betsey P.? Ebenezex, jr.? and Billings P.7 Learned.— Betfcey P., b. Nov. 1809, m. Rev. Robert McEnen, and resides in New London, Conn. Eben ezer, b. Nov. 1811, is a graduate of Yale College, and resides in Norwich, where he studied and practised law, and is now President of Norwich Fire Insurance Company. BUlings P., b. June 1813, is a graduate of Yale College ; resides in Albany, N. *f.<, and is President of the Union Bank. (479) Harriet, the youngest daughter of Capt. Bela Peck, was b. March 17, 1795. At the age of 12 years, she was taken by her father to Bethlehem, Pa., and placed in the celebrated Moravian School at that place. She remained there during 1807-8, and finished her school studies at Hartford, in 1809. On May 11, 1812, at the early age of 17 years, she was married to William Williams', of Norwich, Conn. She accompanied her husband to Europe in 1823, and resided one year in France. Since that time, her home has been in Norwich, in which city she has, for the past quarter of a century, exerted an influence as marked as it has been beneficent. Mrs. Williams inherited from her father those distinguishing characteristics to which his success in life was due, — a clear, active mind, a discriminating judgment, unusual business tact, and untiring energy. Her generous impulses are continually prompting her to well directed acts of kindness and benevo lence. In 1856, Mrs. Williams founded and liberally endowed the "Peck Library," 29* 342 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. in the Norwich Free Academy, which wiU remain a permanent and lasting memorial of her own generosity, and her father's name. Gen. Williams, her husband, was born in Stonington, Conn., March 12, 1788. At an early age he was employed in a shipping house in New York City, where he received a thorough mercantile training. For several years after their marriage he was engaged in manufacturing, at Norwich Falls. From 1821 to 1827, he performed a number of successful commercial voy ages to Europe and South America. In 1828, he engaged in the whaling business, in New London, where he es tablished the house of WiUiams & Barns. Though residing in Norwich, he has continued to be interested in, and connected with this business, up to the present time. In 1833, he was instrumental in establishing the Merchants Bank, of Nor wich, of which institution he was chosen first President. This office he held for twenty-five years, resigning the same at the age of 70. In 1858, he, with a few other public spirited gentlemen, organized and en dowed the Norwich Free Academy, which has proved one of the model high schools of New England. He is now President of the Board of Trustees of this institution. He united with the Congregational church in 1820, and has ever been active in good works. He is a corporate member of the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions, and Vice-President of the Bible, Seaman's Friend, and Home Missionary Societies. For a score of years, Gen. Williams has devoted a large portion of his time to the promotion of the cause of education in Eastern Connecticut. During many seasons he visited annually nearly every district school within twenty mUes of his house, distributing among them useful books and papers, and encouraging both teachers and pupils by his words of advice and the interest he evinced in their welfare. He has always manifested an especial interest in the moral and religious condition of the Mohegan Indians, living on a government reservation a few mUes from Norwich ; and by his personal effort, and weekly visits, the church situated in their midst has in a great measure been sustained. He still continues active, promoting by his means and influence every be nevolent enterprise, at home or abroad, which commends itself to his judg ment. Their children are: William Peck7 Williams, b. May 1813, d. Feb. 1815; Thomas Wheeler7 Williams, b. June 1815, d. Sept. 12, 1855, aged 40 years. His early training was for the mercantile profession, which he received in the counting-house of Messrs. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., New York. From there, at the age of 20, he entered the counting-house of Messrs. Williams & Barns, New London, who were in the whaling business. He soon became a partner, and during the last fifteen years of his life was extensively engaged in the commerce of New London. He was an honorable, practical, successful mer chant. Bela Peck7 Williams, their youngest son, b. April 12, 1817, d. July 6, 1831, of brain fever, from too severe application to his studies, in preparation for college He was a youth of much promise. DESCENDANTS OP HENRY PECK. 343 [251.] PHINEAS5 PECK, son of Jonathan,4 settled in Nor wich, now Franklin. He married Elizabeth Barstow, December 22,1768. She died in 1823. He died September 15, 1813. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (480)+Jonathan, b. Sept. 13, 1769 ; (481) Elizabeth, b. July 16, 1772 ; (482) Phineas, b. Oct. 14, 1774; (483)+Gates, b. Feb. 27, 1778; (484) Jathleel, b. June 30, 1780; (485)+Ambrose, b. July 10, 1782; (486) Phebe, b. Oct. 8, 1785, m. Daniel Gager, March 22, 1805. [254.] DARIUS5 PECK, son of Jonathan,4 resided in Nor wich. He was twice married : first, to Hannah Warner, of Wind ham, November 5, 1772 ; second, to Mary Frances. His inventory was presented to the court April 30, 1804 (B. 10, p. 281). CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (487) Bradford, b. Nov. 5, 1773, d. in the U. S. service ; (488) Darius, b. Oct. 11, 1775, d. at sea ; (489) John, b. May 6, 1778, d. in the West Indies ; (490)+Joseph, b. Jan. 21, 1782; (491) Henry, d. in Charleston, S. C. ; (492) Warner, d. on Staten Island ; (493) Hannah, m. Gerdon Fitch, and settled in Cleveland, Ohio; (494)+Elisha, b. June 20, 1796; (495) Anna, m. Henry Parks; (496) Lucy, m. Alfred Young, and was residing in New Haven, a widow, in 1866. [259.] JATHLEEL5 PECK, son of Jonathan,4 resided in Norwich, where he married Olive Hyde. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (497) John, b. Oct. 22, 1782 ; and (498) Lucretia, b. Sept. 12, 1784. [287.] JONATHAN MANSFIELD5 PECK, son of Benajah,4 resided in Woodbridge. He married Elizabeth Andrews. The following is from his tombstone : " In memory of Lieut. Jonathan Mansfield Peck, who, at his daily labor, by a falling tree was instantly deprived of life, on the 21 of April, 1788, in the 30th year of his age. " As a husband a father and a friend, he was a pattern of imita tion." CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (499)+George F., b. Jan. 5, 1781; (500) Rosannah, m. Jacob Tolles; (501) Amarita, m. Reed Bosworth; (502) Benajah; and (503) Betsey, who m. Jesse Byington. 344 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [288.] SILAS5 PECK, son of Stephen,4 resided in the north easterly part of Woodbridge, where his son Lewis has since lived and died, and where his grandson, Stephen Miland Peck, now re sides. He died April 6, 1841. He married Electa Carrington. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (504) Almira, m. Simeon Sperry ; (505) Ansel, settled in Vermont ; (506) Lauren, settled in Vermont; (507) Amanda; (508)+Lewis; (509) Eunice; (510) Electa; (511) Garra; and (512) Sebra. [289.] HEZEKIAH5 PECK, son of Stephen,4 lived and died in Woodbridge, upon the same farm where his father and brothers Stephen and Edward also lived and died. He married Sarah Downs, daughter of Seth Downs. He died May 2, 1840. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (513)+Horace, b. Jan. 26, 1791 ; and (514) Polly, b. Jan. 5, 1796. [290.] STEPHEN5 PECK, son of Stephen,4 resided in Wood- bridge, where he died, June 28, 1832. He married Eunice Per kins. She died December 17, 1831, aged 86 years. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (515) Lydia, m. David R. Baldwin; (516) Abiah, m. Abner Bradley; (517) Maria, m. Treat Clark ; (518) Eliza, m. first, William Bradley ; second, Den nis Carrington; and (519) Betsey, who m. first, John Newton; second, Nel son Newton. [295.] JOHN6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 resided in Manheim, N. Y., where he died. He was killed by being thrown from a load drawn by a frightened team. He married Polly Smith. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (520)+Reuben, b. Aug. 23, 1802; (521) Chauncey, b. Nov. 16, 1805; (522)+ Elihu, b. April 14, 1809; (523)+Amaziah, b. Sept. 16, 1812; (524) John, b. March 25, 1815, resides at Port Jackson, N. Y. His children are : James W.? Bosetta E.? Beuben? Abigail B.? Hiram? Eliza Ann? and Clarissa? They were received too late to be numbered and entered in the index. [296.] ISAAC6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 died in Danube, N. Y. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (525) William; (526) Lucy; (527) Isaac; (528) Lydiaj (529) Mathew; (530) Eli; (531) Cornelius; (532) Lyman; (533) James; (534) Henry; and (535) Lucinda. DESCENDANTS OP HENRY PECK. 345 [312.] MARCUS6 PECK, .son of Isaac,5 resided at Sand Lake, N. Y., where he died, March 19, 1851. He was a farmer, and a prominent public man, Town Clerk, Supervisor, and a Jus tice of the Peace for many years. He married Margaret Garner, in 1806. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (536) Mary Ann, b. March 23, 1807; (537)+Joel B., b. April 1, 1809; (538) Lucretia, b. July 11, 1811 ; (539) Louisa, b. Jan. 25, 1816 ; and (540N Margaret, b. Nov. 2, 1819. [315.] LUCAS6 PECK, son of Isaac,5 resided at Sand Lake, N. Y., where he died, in 1844. He married Catharine Miller. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (541) John; (542) Betsey; (543) Hannah; (544) SUas ; and (545) Hiram, who d. leaving a wife and two children at Sand Lake. [357.] JAMES6 PECK, son of David,5 settled upon the home stead, where he died. He was a farmer. He married Hannah Canfield. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (546)+William, b. Sept. 13, 1790; (547)+Aaron, b. March 2, 1798; (548) Phebe, b. June 17, 1801, d. March 29, 1848. She m. Samuel Condit, of Orange, N. J., by whom she had twelve chUdren. The youngest, Edward A? Condit, Esq., b. Feb. 22, 1845, graduated at Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J. To him I am indebted for much of my information in relation to the New Jersey Pecks. [372.] STEPHEN6 PECK, son of John,5 resided in North Orange, where he died. He married Naomi, daughter of Timothy Condit. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (549)+Peter, b. Jan. 4, 1784, d. Jan. 5, 1865; (550) Eunice, b. July 22, 1790, d. Feb. 21, 1844 ; (551) Maria, b. Sept. 22, 1794 ; and (552) Moses, who d. in 1806, unm. [377.] JOHN6 PECK, son of John,5 resided in East Orange, where he died, April 1863. He married Phebe Mathews. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (553) Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1795, m. Moses Sayers, d. Aug. 15, 1829 ; (554) Eliza, b. Aug. 22, 1798, m. Cyrus J. Lyon, of East Orange; (555)+Stephen M., b. AprU 2, 1801 ; (556)+John, b. April 18, 1805 ; (557) Nancy, b. May 2, 1808, m. James W. Tickenor, and was residing in Newark in 1866 ; (558) Lydia, b. Sept. 23, 1811, m. first, Alanson C. Munn ; second, Christian Reynor, and was residing in Newark in 1866 ; (559) Phebe M., b. Sept. 25, 1815, m. Wiuiam F. Baldwin, and was residing in West Orange in 1866. 346 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [395.] SAMUEL6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 married Esther Judd, of Waterbury, Conn., and removed to Homer, N. Y., where he died, April 1816. She died in 1856. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (560) Minersa, b. Nov. 11, 1802; (561) Minerva; b. June 1, 1804; (562)+Ira, b. Dec. 5, 1805, m. Sarah A. Simmons; had children, viz: (563) George S.s ; (564) Miles G.a ; (565) Jerome T.» ; (566) Sarah A* ; (567) William I."; (568) John S.»; (569) Mary E." ; and (570) Martha E? —(571) Polly, b. June 22, 1807; (572) Anna, b. March 6, 1809;* (573) Samuel, b. July 12, 1811; (574) Maria, b. April 12, 1813; (575) Laura, b. April 6, 1815; and (576) Roswell J., b. Nov. 1, 1816. [402.] TITUS6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 resided in Bethany, where he died, July 27, 1855. He married Sybel Nettleton. She died March 25, 1834 CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (577) Mary M., b. April 30, 1816; (578)+Ephraim, b. April 3, 1819; (579)+ Isaac L., b. March 14, 1821; (580) Laura A.; (581)+Titus D., b. March 3, 1832. [403.] ABEL6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 settled in Mattewan, N. Y. From there he removed to Monticello, 111., and from there returned to New Haven, Conn. He was twice married : first, to Sarah Camp; second, to Louisa Hicks. He died October 22, 1859. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (582) Samuel, b. March 7, 1813, m. Mary S. Bryan, and had: (583) Mary Frances9; and (584) Walter B.,a who m. Helen P., daughter of John Peck t^No. 785), a descendant of Joseph, of Milford. — (585) Sarah Ann, b. in 1815; (586) Harriet, b. in 1817; (587) Martha, b. in 1819; (588) Eliza, b. in 1821; (589) Abel, b. in 1826; (590) Hannah; (591) Clark, b. in 1828; (592) Lyman, b. in 1830 ; and (593) Lucy, b. in 1832. [405.] JEREMIAH6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 married Julia, daughter of Amasa Roberts, January, 1822. She died October 30, 1866. He was residing .in New Haven in 1867. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (594)+Eobert, b. Nov. 23, 1822; (595)+Milo, b. May 28, 1824; (596)+ Charles, b. April 27, 1826 ; (597) Jane, b. March 12, 1828, m. first, Henry Dyer. Sept. 9, 1 849 ; second, Charles Morris, and resides in New Haven ; (598) Abi-S gail, b. Nov. 25, 1830, m. Royal Lewis, and resides in Thompson, 111. ; (599) Emily, b. March 4, 1833, d. Dec. 2, 1835 ; (600) Sarah, b. Peb. 29, 1836, was residing in New Haven, unm., in 1867. DESCENDANTS OF HENEY PECK. 347 [406.] JEREMIAH6 PECK, son of Amos,5 resided at first in Hamden, Conn., and from there removed to Brunswick, Ohio, about 1835, where he died, September 14, 1853. His widow was still living there in 1866. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (601) Miles, m. Eunice Bradley. His children are : (602) Mary,8 who re sides in Woodbridge, Conn., unm. ¦ and (603) Willis," a carpenter and joiner, who m. Ellen Dayton, and resides in Meriden, Conn. — (604) Otis, d. young ; (605)+Willis ; (606)+Lucius; and (607) Eliza. [411. J AMOS6 PECK, son of Amos,5 resided in Hamden, Conn. He married Louisa Todd, February 19, 1817. She died November 23, 1865, aged 68 years. He died April 26, 1866. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (608) Louisa J., b. Dec. 24, 1818, m. Bayed Munson, April 1, 1838; (609) Amos B., b. Peb. 1, 1820 ; and (610)+John B., b. Peb. 18, 1825. [426.] SAMUEL6 PECK, son of Elijah,5 resided in Roxbury, Mass. He married Hannah, daughter of David Baker. He died September 3, 1849. She was residing in Roxbury in 1866. CHILDREN — SEVENTH, GENERATION : (611) Sarah, b. Nov. 13, 1809; (612) William, b. Peb. 17, 1812; (613) Mary Ann, b. March 2, 1814; (614) Samuel, b. Oct. 30, 1816; (615) Moses, b. June 26,1819; (616) George, b. Jan. 11,1822; (617) Hannah, b. March 14, 1824; (618) Lucy, b. Sept. 18, 1826 ; and (619) Luke, b. Peb. 18, 1830. [430.] JAMES6 PECK, son of Ebenezeb,5 married Ann At- water, and removed to Jeffersonville, Ind., where he died, in 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : ¦ (620) Mary A.; (621) William A.; (622) Elizabeth H.; (623) Ebenezer; (624) James C. ; (625) Henry H. ; (626) Edward H. E. ; (627) Anna H. ; and (628) Edwin P. Henry H., to whom I am indebted for my information, is a school teacher, and resides at Post Creek, N. Y. He married Zilpha Weth- erell, of Norwich, Conn. His children, in 1867, were : (629) Mary S.B; (630) Louisa If.8; (631) Frank M.s ; (632) Mattie E? ; and (633) Ida J? [441.] ELISHA6 PECK, son of Heney,5 was a Captain in the U. S. Navy. He was in the service more than fifty years. He died June 11, 1866. He married Grace Bonticojf."L*i 348 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (634) Evelina, b. in 1836, m. Capt. William W. Low, of the U. S. Navy ; (635) Henry L., b. in 1839 ; (636) Joanna B., m. Maj. James Whittemore, June 24, 1863. He graduated at West Point in 1860, and is an engineer in the U. S. service. [446.] JOSEPH6 PECK, son of Rev. Joseph,5 settled in New Milford, where he died. The following is from the town records ; " Joseph Peck, of New Milford, & Prescilla Starr, of Danbury, was joined in lawful inarri&ge by ye Rev. Mr. Joseph Peck, on ye first day of Nov., A. D. 1787. Prescilla, wife to Joseph Peck, deceased on ye 20th of Nov., A. D. 1788. Joseph Peck and Uraina Bennett was joined in marriage on ye 20"1 day of Dec, 1790." CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (637) Prescilla, b. Oct. 8, 1788, m. Herbert Canfield, and settled in Bridge- water, Conn. ; (638) Joseph, b. Aug. 28, 1792, m. Panny Warren, and removed to Montgomery, N. Y., where he died. His children are : (639) James"; (640) Frederick"; (641) Joseph"; and (642) Webb." —(643) Bennett, b. May 21, 1795, settled in New Milford, where he died. He m. Miranda Stone. His children are: (644) Walter J3.," who resides in Bridgewater; (645) Catharine L." ; (646) John B." ; and (647) Henry A." -—(648) James M., b. Oct. 12, 1801, d. in New Milford, leaving two children. His widow m. Edward Murry, and re sides in Honesdale, Penn. [447.] ELIAKIM6 PECK, son of Abijah,5 resided in Dan- bury, where he died. He married Polly Starr. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (649) Charles, b. Sept. 4, 1787 ; (650) Beulah, b. Oct. 15, 1789 ; (651) Sally, b. March 21, 1792 ; (652) Starr, b. April 2, 1795 ; (653) Amarillas, b. Nov. 26, 1797; (654) George, b. Aug. 11, 1800; (655) Lucy, b. in 1803; (656) Eachel, b. in 1806 ; (657) Stephen S., b. Oct. 27, 1809. [448.] ABIJAH6 PECK, son of Abijah,5 removed with his family to Alabama. He married Clarissa Stedman. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (658) Henry, b. Nov. 21, 1791; (659) Frederick, b. Sept. 18, 1793; (660) So phia, b. Jan. 16, 1796 ; (661) Edwin, b. March 18, 1798 ; (662) Abijah, b. March 9, 1800; (663) James S., b. April 19, 1802; (664) Thomas; and (665) Clarissa, who m. a Mr. Gale (Genealogical Eegister, vol. 14, p. 73). [459.] ELI6 PECK, son of Levi,s removed from Danbury to the town of Westmoreland, N. Y. He was twice married : first, to descendants op heney peck. 349 Martha Rogers, of Northford, Conn. ; second, to Mrs. Ruth Hart, formerly Miss Ruth Stebbins. His first wife died July 1, 1835. He died December 17, 1852. His second wife survived him, and was residing in Clinton, N. Y., in 1867. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (666) Angeline, b. Nov. 12, 1804, m. Samuel Patterson, and resides in Clin ton; (667)+William S., b. Oct. 30, 1806; (668) Laura, b. April 20, 1809, m. John Park, of Clinton; (669) Prederick Eogers, b. June 11, 1811, was killed Aug. 22, 1814, by falling into the flume of a paper mill, and passing through the wheel; (670) Madelia, b. Nov. 3, 1812, d. April 4, 1813; (671)+Prederick B~., b. Nov. 25, 1815. [460.] DAVID6 PECK, son of Levi,5 removed from Danbury, Conn., to Thompson, Ulster County, N. Y. He was twice mar ried : first, to Lucy Rogers ; second, to Mrs. Anna Russell, whose maiden name was Gilbert. His first wife died June 20, 1831 ; his second, January 21, 1859. He died at Cortland, N. Y., December 28, 1866. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (672) Caroline, m. Dr. Marcus Merrick, and d. leaving one child, who d. in June 1833; (673) Philander, m. Clarissa C. Brink, and d. at Chicago in 1852. His sons : (674) Henry" and (675) George," d., one aged 24 and the other 22. His widow resides in Chicago. — (676) George E., m. first, B. N. Hibbard ; second, Minerva Brink. His children all d. in infancy. He d. in 1843. Thus it will be seen that the name becomes extinct in the family of David. He outlived all his children and grandchildren. [463] WILLIAM6 PECK, son of Levi,5 resided in Danbury, Conn., where he died June 11, 1858. He married Sarah Starr, October 8, 1811. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (677) William S., b. Dec. 31, 1813; and (678) Elizabeth A., b. Dec. 21, 1819. William S. resides in Danbury, where he is a prominent public man ; one of the principal selectmen, etc., transacting most of the business of the town. He married Eliza Mallory. His children are : (679) Harriet E.,8 b. May 26, 1835 ; (680) Levi M.," b. Oct. 1, 1840, m. Harriet Jennings. His child, (681) Lillian,9 was b. Jan. 18, 1867. [468.] ELIPHALET6 PECK, son of Jess,5 removed from Danbury to Providence, Saratoga County, N. Y., in 1795, and from there to Alexander, Genesee County, about 1824, where he died. in 1842. He married Abigail Hawley. 30 350 peck genealogy. — appendix. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (682) Nathaniel, b. in 1782, resides at Brownsville, N. Y., m. Abigail Starr, and has the following children : (683) Samuel S.," d. in 1853 ; (684) Lauren- Una," m. a McDonald, and resides at Brownsville, N. Y. ; (685) Louisa," m. Cyrus Allen, and resides at Pearch Eiver, N. Y. ; (686) Caroline,8 m. Almerin Wilson, and resides at Brownsville, N. Y. ; (687) Sarah,8 is deceased ; (688) Andrew," is deceased; (689) Riley W.," resides in Brooklyn, N. Y., to whose kindness I am indebted. He m. Delia A., daughter of the late Eufus Green, M. D., of New York City, and has two children : (690) Francis S.9 ; and (691) Caro line IF.9— (692) Minerva," m. John W. Collins, of Toledo, Ohio; (693) Chaun- cey A.," of Los Angelos, Cal.; and (694) Myron H.,h of Dexter, N. Y.— (695) Samuel, b. in 1784, resides in Brownsville, N. Y. ; (696) Eliphalet, b. in 1786, resides at Stone Mills, N. Y. ; (697) Abigail, b. in 1789, m. Jacob Conklin, and resides, a widow, at Greenfield, N. Y. ; (698) Benjamin, b. in 1791, d. in Orangeville, N. Y., where some of his family reside; (699)+Eli, b. in 1793; (700) Asa, b. in 1795, d. unm. ; (701) Eebecca, b. in 1798, m. Clark Tabor, and is deceased ; (702) Sally, b. in 1801, d. unm. ; (703) Euth, b. in 1805, m. Cher- ick Vande Bogart, and is deceased. [469.] JESSE6 PECK, son of Jesse,5 settled in the Southern part of Danbury, now Bethel, upon the homestead with his brother Benjamin. The house in which he resided and reared his family is still standing, now occupied by Samuel Judd. He was in the Rev olutionary war five years. He died May 5, 1808. He was a mem ber of the Presbyterian church. He married Anna Nickerson. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (704)+William, b. Nov. 26, 1783; (705)+Jesse, b. Oct. 11, 1784; (706)+ Levi, b. April 30, 1791; (707) Joseph, bap. in 1794; (708) Anna, b. March 17, 1794, resides in Danbury, Conn. ; (709) Zillah, bap. in 1796, is also residing in Danbury. [470.] BENJAMIN6 PECK, son of Jesse,5 resided upon the homestead which he occupied with his brother Jesse: He was a Presbyterian deacon. He was twice mai'ried : first, to Elizabeth Nickerson; second, to Mary Osborn. His first wife died without issue. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION :* (710) John C. resides in Pairfield, Conn. ; has been three times married : first, to Eunice Northrop ; second, to Emeline Morgan ; third, to Mary C. Couch. His children are: (711) George N." ; and (712) Mary E.8 — (713) Benjamin H. resides in or near the town of North East, N. Y. He m. Susan Northop. His children are: (714) Calvin"; (715) Elizabeth8; and (716) Emma.8 * The full record of the family was received too late for insertion. There was one child that died in infancy. descendants op heney peck. 351 [472.] CALVIN6 PECK, son of Jesse,5 settled at first in Dan bury; from there he moved, in 1796, to Greenfield, Saratoga County, where he resided until 1806, when he removed to Pompey, Onondaga County, where he died July 19, 1841. He was a Bap tist deacon. He married, first, Mindwell Taylor ; second, Martha Abbott. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (717) Mindwell, b. July 17, 1785, m. Stephen Thomas, and d. in Illinois ; (718) Mercy, b. Jan. 4, 1787, d. unm. ; (719) Calvin L., b. June 25, 1788 ; (720) +Daniel C, b. Feb. 4, 1794; (721) Polly, b. Jan. 4, 1797, m. Abraham Thomas, and resides in Fabius, N. Y. To her I am indebted for my information. [473.] LUTHER6 PE CK, son of Jesse,5 resided at first in Dan bury, Conn. He afterwards settled at Middletown, N. Y. He was married to Annis Coller, by Rev. Joseph Peck, (No. 210), September 27, 1787. She died October 23, 1839; he September 30, 1848. They were both honored members of the church, and . devoted Christians. He was for many years a class leader, and distinguished for the zeal and fidelity with which he discharged his duties, and the interest which he took in the cause of Christianity. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (722) Eachel, b. Nov. 8, 1788, m. John Bennett, Dec. 26, 1804, and settled at Broklestraw, Penn. ; (723) Martha, b. July 31, 1790, m. Joshua Jaquays, March 15, 1810, and settled in Broklestraw, Penn. ; (724) Elizabeth, b. July 22, 1792, d. Nov. 30, 1822; (725)+Luther H., b. Nov. 3, 1793; (726)+George, b. Aug. 8, 1797; (727) f Andrew, b. April 29, 1800; (728) Mary, b. Nov. 8, 1801, d. Nov. 14, 1822; (729) William, b. Dec. 7, 1802. He is a Methodist clergy man, and itinerates. He m. Charlotte Wallen, Jan. 1, 1828, no issue; (730) Anna, b. March 9, 1806, m. Solomon Crowell, Feb. 23, 1824, and settled in Chatauque County, N. Y. ; (731) Susanna, b. Aug. 26, 1808, m. Eoyal Bland- ing, Aug. 5, 1827; settled in Chatauque County, N. Y. ; (732)+Jesse T., b. April 4, 1811. The above family is a very remarkable one. The sons, all of them, five in number, are distinguished clergymen of the Methodist Episcopal church, and two of them eminent authors. Five of the grandchildren, it will also be seen, are distinguished clergymen of the same denomination of Christians. [474. J DANIEL6 PECK, son of Jesse,5 resided at first in Dan bury, but afterwards settled in the city of New York, where he was a merchant. He was an Episcopalian ; a church warden for many years. He married Phebe Whitlock. He died June 21, 1829; she April 21, 1857. 352 peck genealogy. — appendix. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (733) Benjamin W., b. Nov. 20, 1791 ; (734) Laura E., b. Dec. 26, 1797, m. a Mr. Fox, and d. May 22, 1829 ; (735) Phebe U., b. July 6, 1804, m. a Townsend, and d. April 1857; (736) Daniel S., b. June 24, 1806, d. Dec. 7, 1834; (737) George H., b. July 30, 1809, resides in New York City. [480. J JONATHAN6 PECK, son of Phineas,5 settled at first in Franklin, Conn., and from there removed to Pembroke, N. Y. He was twice married : first, to Martha Willis ; second, to Lois Crocker. His first wife died July 17, 1805. His second wife died in Ravenna, Ohio. He died in Parma, N. Y., October 12, 1816. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (738) Eunice, b. Dec. 4, 1791, m. Stephen Armstrong; is a widow, and resides at Pierpont, Ohio ; (739) Martha, b. Aug. 12, 1794, m. a Wilson, and d. at Parma, N. Y. ; (740)+Lucius, b. Nov. 9, 1797; (741)+Jonathan H., b. July 15, 1801; (742) Joshua W., b. Aug. 19,1803; (743) Dyer S. and (744)+ Asa C, twins, b. Oct. 25, 1806. Dyer S. d. Nov. 13, 1806. [483.] GATES6 PECK, son of Phineas,5 resided at Delta, N. Y., where he died, September 11, 1865. He married Lurena Rudd. She died July 17, 1867, aged 83 3-4 years. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (745) Franklin, b. April 21, 1805, resides in Leighton, Mich. ; (746) Eliza Ann, b. April 14, 1807, resides at Delta ; (747) Marietta, b. Aug. 18, 1809, m. Samuel Savery, and removed to Provo City, Utah ; (748) Cornelia M., b. Jan. 24, 1812, d. Sept. 9, 1814; (749) Charles R., b. Aug. 1, 1814, d. Aug. 20, 1814; (750) Benjamin E., b. Oct. 9, 1815, m. Fanny Bailey. He was drowned July 3, 1861. (751) Eloise C, b. Nov. 9, 1818, m. Israel Williams.' He d. in 1860. She resides at Delta. (752) Cleore F., b. Nov. 7, 1822, to whom I am indebted for my information in relation to the family, m. Daniel Smith, jr., and resides at Delta. [485.] AMBROSE6 PECK, son of Phineas,5 resided in Frank lin, Conn., where he died, February 25, 1855. He married Eunice Hazen, September 9, 1810. She died March 1, 1843. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (753)+John H., b. July 10, 1811 ; (754) William B., b. May 12, 1816. He went South, and has not been heard from for years ; is supposed to be dead. [490.] JOSEPH6 PECK, son of Daeias,5 resided for some time in Columbia, Tolland County, Conn., and from there removed to South Harford, Penn., where he still resides. He is a wheel- descendants op heney peck. 353 wright by trade, which occupation he has followed in connection with farming. He married Polly Collins. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (755) Philura, b. June 14, 1817, m. J. C. Powers ; (756) Hannah M., b. May 8, 1819, m. Joseph Powers; (757)+Darias, b. Jan. 25, 1822; (758) Mary M., b. July 22, 1826, resides at home; (759) Eleazar C, b. Sept. 23, 1828, also resides at home. [494] ELISHA6 PECK, son of D arias,5 resided at Water- ville, N. Y. He married Lucy Hinchly, August 20, 1817. He died June 18, 1868. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (760) Timothy H., b. Sept. 8, 1818, resides at West Brookfield, N. Y. ; (761) Jirah H., b. April 30, 1822, d. Oct, 8, 1834 ; (762) Mary H., b. May 8, 1824, m. Hermon T. Greenslit, resides at Marshall, N. Y. ; (763) Edwin S., b. March 16, 1827, settled at Waterville, N. Y. ; (764) Prances E., b. Peb. 1, 1830, d. April 26, 1859; (765) John L., b. April 2, 1832, resides at Bloomington, 111.; (766) Ellen L., b. Aug. 31, 1835, m. Silas B. Greenman, Jan. 7, 1856, resides at Westerly, R. I. [499.] GEORGE F.6 FECK, son of Jonathan M.,5 resided in Woodbridge, where he died, March 25, 1860. He married Fanny Ball, October 19, 1800. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (767) Stiles, b. April 17, 1802, d. Peb. 4, 1850; (768) Jonathan M., b. Jan. 29, 1804, d. Oct. 6, 1822 ; (769) George, b. May 16, 1806, m. Sylvia Tuttle, and had: (770) George: F. H." ; (771) Bennett W." ; and (772) Henry S."— (773) Henry, b. July 25, 1808, d. Sept. 7, 1815 ; (774) William B., b. Aug. 12, 1810, d. Sept. 15, 1866; (775) Milo, b. Jan. 3, 1813, d. Aug. 31, 1815; (776) Lucius W., b. Dec. 28, 1814, m. Mary E. Smith. His son, (777) Willie," was b. June 30, 1850.— (778) Fanny L., b. Oct. 1, 1817, m. Nathan N. Sperry. [503.] LEWIS6 PECK, son of Silas,5 married Ann Beecher, and resided in Woodbridge. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (779) Ephraim R.; (780) Eliza Ann; (781) Minerva; (782) Iroin; (783) Silas E. ; (784) Henry ; and (785) Stephen M. [513.] HORACE6 PECK, son of Hezekiah,5 resides in Wood- bridge, upon the paternal homestead, about four miles from New Haven, upon the road to Waterbury, where his father and grand father lived and died. He is a deacon of the church and a promi- 30* 354 peck genealogy. — appendix. nent man. To his kindness I am indebted for my information in relation to his branch of the name. He married Sarah Stevens, May 9, 1813. She died June 21, 1855. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (780) Sarah, b. Feb. 21, 1814, d. young; (787) Emily, b. Feb. 21, 1817, m. Edward S. Rowland, a merchant, of New Haven; (788) Horace E., b. Jan. 27, 1819, d. March 1, 1845; (789)+Stephen A., b. Nov. 20, 1822; (790)+William S., b. May 4, 1826. [520.] REUBEN7 PECK, son of John,6 resided at Little Falls, N. Y., where he died, November 16, 1842. He married Marall Chase, February 24, 1825. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (791) Julia Aun, b. Dec. 27, 1825, m. Phillips Michael, a wealthy farmer of Lassallsville, N. Y., by whom she has four children ; (792)+Francis B., b. May 14, 1827; (793) Marilda, b. July 6, 1828, m. Abraham Michael, of Lassallsville, a brother of Phillips, and also a wealthy farmer. He d. April 5, 1866, leaving one son, who resides upon the homestead with his mother. (794)+Payette S., b. April 19, 1830. [522 ] ELIHU7 PECK, son of John,6 resided in Florida, N. Y., where he 'died, March 8, 1867. He married Permelia Brown, who died June 5, 1867. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (795) Alfred, b. Jan. 15, 1833. He is the proprietor of a cheese factory at Millers corners, Florida, N. Y. He m. Martha A. Failing; has three child ren: (796) Mary A.9; (797) Charley9; and (798) Amanda.9 — (799) Elmina, b. Aug. 7, 1834, m. William E. Van Allen, of St. Johnsville, N. Y. ; (800) Asa, b. April 12, 1836, m. Libbe Koons, and resides at Fonda, N. Y. ; (801) Polly A., b. April 22, 1838, m. William J. Merry, and resides in Florida; (802) James, b. April 20, 1841, served three years in the war against the rebels, by which his constitution was ruined ; he d. Jan. 27, 1867, leaving a wife and one child ; (803) Malvin, b. Aug. 29, 1844; also served three years in the war; m. Pru dence Prisbee, and resides in Florida; (804) Elery E., b. Aug. 22, 1849, is unm., and resides in Florida. [523.] AMAZIAH7 PECK, son of John,6 resided in St. Johns ville, N. Y., where he died, December 3, 1847. He married Mary Bellinger. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION': (805) Lucy, b. May 28, 1839, d. March 12, 1842; (806) Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1840, m. Jeremiah E. Smith; (807) Helen, b. Jan. 12, 1842, m. Pardee Yoran; (808) Alonzo, b. Jan. 17, 1844, d. Nov. 7, 1865 ; (809) Albert, b. Feb. 8, 1846, m. Emily House; resides in Avoca, N. Y. ; (810) Amzi, b. Jan. 31, 1848, resides in St. Johnsville. descendants op heney peck. 355 [537.] JOEL B.7 PECK, son of Maecus,6 resides in the town of Sand Lake, N. Y. He is a prominent man; has been super visor of the town, etc. During the rebellion, he had charge of raising the town's quota of men, disbursing the money, etc., for that purpose. He is a farmer, and also carries on the lumbering business. He married Pamelia Horton, June 9, 1832. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (811) Charles H., b. March 30, 1833, graduated at Union College, Schenec tady, and is a teacher of a school at Albany ; (812) Mary L., b. Oct. 18, 1834, is m., and is settled in Sand Lake ; (813) Amanda B., b. June 13, 1837, resides in Sand Lake; (814) Marcus, b. June 6, 1839 ; enlisted in Company H, 169 V. Beg., and d. at Army Hospital, Washington, D. C, March 19, 1863, of typhoid fever; (815) Emma, b. May 6, 1841, is m., and resides in Sand Lake; (816) George H., b. July 27, 1844, d. April 20, 1853 ; (817) Arthur M., b. Peb. 2, 1848, resides at home; (818) Alice, b. May 30, 1851, resides at home; (819) G. Munson, b. April 3, 1855, also resides at home. [546.] WILLIAM7 PECK, son of James,6 settled in East Orange, N. J., where he died, May 4, 1849. He married Fanny Canfield. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (820) Ira, b. March 26, 1822; (821) James, b. Jan. 30, 1825; (822) Phebe E., b. June 19,1814, m. John M. Crowell; (823) Ehoda, b. April 14, 1816, m. Linus Pierson; (824) Margaret E., b. Nov. 26, 1819, m. Alford Jones; (825) Mary Ann, b. May 20, 1827; (826) Harriet, b. Dec. 4, 1831, m. Elias O. Dore- mus ; (827) William, b. March 26, 1834, and d. Aug. 20, 1836. [547.] A A RON7 PECK, son of James,6 settled in East Orange, N. J., where he died. Mr. Peck was, for many years, an enter prising business man. He was President, and at one time princi pal owner, of the Sussex Railroad, and also the proprietor and chief owner of the village of Roseville, now a part of the city of Newark. His disease was pneumpnia. Its fatal character became apparent several days before his decease. He prepared for the event with a calmness of one about to enter upon a journey, and was conscious to the last. He died April 8, 1865, in well-directed hopes of a future life beyond the grave. His wife was Miranda, daughter of Bethuel Pierson, of Orange, N. J. She died December 1863. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (828) Caroline, b. Sept. 1, 1821, m. Eev. David H. Pierson ; (829) Mary Jane, b. Oct. 29, 1831; (830) George, b. July 9, 1826, a surgeon in the U. S. Navy, 356 PECK GENEALOGY. APPENDIX. m. Eliza A., daughter of Dr. Stephen S. Brewster; (831) Cyrus, b. Nov. 1, 1829. He is Secretary of the Continental Insurance Co., N. Y. ; m. Mary P., daughter of Eev. John T. Halsey. His children are : (832) Helen O.,9 b. Nov. 20, 1853; (833) Edward H.9b. Dec. 17, 1857; (834) William H.,9 b. Peb. 16, 1860; and (835) Edith M.,9 b. March 2, 1865.— (836) Aaron, b. June 6, 1836, graduated at Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J., m. Julia, daughter of Stella Man ning, Esq. He was licensed to preach in 1864, and ordained in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1866. His child, Julia May,9 was b. Jan. 1, 1865, and d. July 9, 1865. [549.] PETER7 PECK, son of Stephen,6 was a farmer, and resided in South Orange, N. J., where he died, January 5, 1865. He married Ruth Quimby for his first wife, and Rhoda Harrison for his second. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: (837) Margaret, b. Feb. 9, 1806;. (838) Naomi, b. Nov. 9,- 1808; (839) Phebe, b. Dec. 20, 1811; (840) Maria, b. July 4, 1814; (841) Euth, b. July 15, 1817; (842) Moses, b. March 24, 1824 ; and (843) Margaret, again, b. Peb. 8, 1826. [555.] STEPHEN M.7 PECK, son of John,6 resides in Liv ingston, N. J., a farmer. He has been twice married: first, to Martha Baldwin; second, to Margaret Pierson. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (844) Emeline L., b. April 25, 1827, m. William Williams, of East Orange; (845) Mary, b. Aug. 29, 1829, is unm. ; (846) Malinda, b. March 28, 1832, d. Dec. 4, 1834; (847) Elizabeth, b. Sept. 17, 1834, is unm. ; (848) Theodore M., b. April 25, 1837; (849) Sarah B., b. Sept. 1, 1839, m. William Jaffrage, of Eoseville, N. J. ; (850) Martha and (851) Henry, twins, b. Aug. 16, 1843 ; Mar tha m. Benjamin Simpson; Henry d. in 1860; (852) Emma, b. March 9, 1845, d. April 21, 1847 ; (853) Stephen A., b. Sept. 18, 1846, d. Aug. 22, 1849 ; (854) Emma, again, b. March 30, 1849. [556.] JOHN7 PECK, son of John,6 resides in East Orange, N. J., a farmer. He married Charlotte Tickenor. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (855) Henry H. and (856) Abby H., twins, b. March 30, 1834; (857) Char lotte P., b. May 19, 1838 ; (858) Alvin T., b. Sept. 25, 1840. [562.] IRA7 PECK, son of Samuel,6 married Sarah A. Sim mons. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: (859) George S., b. Sept. 21, 1833 ; (860) Miles G., b. Jan. 8, 1835 ; (861) Jerome T., b. March 4, 1837; (862) Sarah A., b. June 1, 1838; (863) William Ira, b. Sept. 11, 1843; (864) John S., b. March 1, 1847; (865) Mary E. and (866) Martha E., twins, b. April 17, 1850. DESCENDANTS OP HENEY PECK. 357 [578.] EPHRAIM N.7 PECK, son of Titus,6 resides in Bethany ; is a joiner and carpenter by trade. He has been twice married : first, to Caroline M. Flagg ; second, to Sarah H. Wilcox. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (867) Eugene A. ; (868) George L, b. Dec. 4, 1850 ; and (869) Charlie E., b. Nov. 14, 1856. [579.] ISAAC L.7 PECK, son of Titus,6 resides in Bethany; is a joiner and carpenter. He has been twice married : first, to Mary Ann Hunt ; second, to Mahala A. Church. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (870) Henry L., b. June 27, 1848; (871) Eugene H., b. Aug. 27, 1851; and (872) Mary A. [581.] TITUS D.7 PECK, son of Titus,6 resided in Bethany. He married Louisa Brainard. She died September 4, 1866. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (873) Frank; (874) Mary; (875) Jane; (876) Bird; (877) Minnie ; and (878) Lillie. L594] ROBERT7 PECK, son of Jeeemiah,6 resided in New Haven, where he died, October 13, 1851. He married Lucena G. Hamlin, of Plainville, Conn. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (879) Ava R., b. Jan. 19, 1844. He was a Lieutenant in the N. Y. Vol. In fantry, in the early part of the Rebellion, and afterwards joined the cavalry ; was taken prisoner, and died in the military prison, at Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 5, 1864; (880) Charles W-, b. April 17, 1847, d. Sept. 13, 1850; (881) Charles H., b. June 29, 1851. [595.] MILO7 PECK, son of Jeeemiah,6 resides in New Haven. He is a manufacturer of machinery, in connection with his brother Charles, under the firm of Milo Peck & Co. He mar ried Susan DeWolf, of Conway, Mass. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (882) Mary Helen, b. Sept. 17, 1856; (883) George William, b. Sept. 14, 1858 ; (884) Julia Rebecca, b. Oct. 3, 1860 ; (885) John Ledyard, b. July 4, 1863. [596.] CHARLES7 PECK, son of Jeeemiah,6 resides in New Haven, where he is a prominent man, a member of the Common 358 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. Council, etc. To his kindness I am indebted for much of my in formation in relation to his branch of the name. He married Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Harvey Munson, of New Haven. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (886) Emily Prances, b. May 27, 1854 ; (887) Charles Harvey, b. July 22, 1857, d. Oct. 26, 1858; (888) Willie Frank, b. Sept. 26, 1859, d. Peb. 4, 1860; (889) Robert Jeremiah, b. April 22, 1862. [605.] WILLIS7 PECK, son of Jeeemiah,6 settled in Bruns wick, Ohio, where he died, January 13, 1840. He married Sarah M. Potter, September 3, 1828. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: (890) Jeremiah W., b. Feb. 12, 1830; (891) Mary C, b. March 11, 1832; (892) Louisa O., b. Aug. 7, 1834. [606.] LUCIUS7 PECK, son of Jeeemiah,6 settled in Bruns wick, Ohio, where he died, October 24, 1859. He married Fanny Scranton. She died July 12, 1836. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (893) Lewis W., b. April 12, 1837, d. at the battle of Eesaca, Ga. ; (894) N. E., b. in 1839, m. Sarah Aylord, and resides in Brunswick. His children are ; (895) Mary A.9; and (896) Lewis E.9— (897) Eliza M., b. Sept. 25, 1841 ; (898) Wyllys M., b. Dec. 24, 1843, d. in 1863, at Bleat Lick, Ky., a soldier; (899) Oliva A., b. Sept. 1, 1846, d. Dec. 25, 1847; (900) George H., b. Oct. 20, 1849, d. Jan. 1864 ; (901) Frederick, b. March 3, 1854, resides in Brunswick. [610.] JOHN B.7 PECK, son of Amos,6 resides at Mount Car- mel, Conn. He married Adaline A. Bradley. To him I am in debted for my information in relation to his branch of the name. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (902) Leander B., b. May 26, 1848; (903) Adaline, b. Sept. 12, 1854. [667.] WILLIAM S.7 PECK, son of Eli,6 married, for his first wife, Urana Park ; for his second, Lydia Stebbins ; and for his third, Mary A. Neville. He died at Palmyra, Jefferson County, Wis., May 13, 1849. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : Clement L., who d. aged about 3 years; and (904) Clement S., who resides in Berlin, Wis. ; is married, and has one child. descendants op HENEY PECK. 359 [671.] FREDERICK B.7 PECK, son of Eli,6 resides in Ber lin, Wis., where he is of the firm of "Peck, Warner & Peck," dealers in hardware, cordage, stoves, glass, etc. He married Han nah Park, October 4, 1837. CHILD — EIGHTH GENERATION : (905) Covell A., b. Sept. 16, 1839, is a partner in business with his father. He m. Dora C. Russell, and has two children: (906) Fred R.9 ; and (907) Minnie.9 [699.] ELI7 PECK, son of Eliphalet,6 resides in Alexander, N. Y. He married Nancy Smith. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (908) Walter, resides at Rockford, 111. ; is a manufacturer of wind-mill pumps. He has been twice married : first, to Mary E. Simmonds ; second, to Amelia C. Cady ; has one daughter, who m. Samuel G. Saunders, and resides at Rockford; (909) Asa; (910) Mary, m. first, Lucius Lincoln; second, Peter G. Bulkley; (911) Prescilla, m. Edwin E. Hoising; (912) Adelia, m. Charles Griswold; (913) Lois, m. Jones Smith. [704.] WILLIAM7 PECK, son of Jesse,6 was a farmer, and resided in New Fairfield, Conn., where he died, April 3, 1 847. He married Polly Ann Dickinson. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (914) Dennis H., b. Feb. 19, 1805, has six children: (915) Augustus9; (916) Franklin9; (917) Hiram9; (918) William9; (919) Sarah F.9 ; and (920) Phebe S.9— (921) Eliza A., b. Aug. 18, 1807; (922) Sylvia S., b. April 2, 1810; (923) Polly Ann, b. Aug. 2, 1812; (924) William, b. March 12, 1815; has one child: (925) Eliza J.9 — (926) Jesse, b. Jan. 29, 1818 ; (927) Annie ; and (928) Fan nie, b. Feb. 27, 1821. [705.] JESSE7 PECK, son oi Jesse,6 resided in Danbury, where he died, May 8, 1832. He married Anna Taylor, daughter of Timothy Taylor. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (929) Silliman B., b. Nov. 10, 1806, and has three children: (930) Ezra9; (931) Egbert9; and (932) Jeannette.9 — (933) Ammon T., b. Feb. 23, 1815, re sides in Danbury ; has two children : (934) Coradova B.9 , and (935) Cola S.9 — (936) Timothy T., b. April 21, 1819 ; has one son : (937) Timothy S.9 [706.] LEVI7 PECK, son of Jesse,6 is a Baptist clergyman, and resides in Sanford, N. Y. He married Naomi, daughter of Deacon Ira Benedict. 360 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (938) Ira S., b. May 28, 1813; (939) Harriet N., b. March 27, 1815; (940) Emeline B., b. July 17, 1817, m. John E. Bowers, of Oxford, N. Y. ; (941) Henry E., b. Feb. 21, 1831 ; (942) Mary E. C„ b. Sept. 28, 1834. Henry E. resides in Sanford. He m. Augusta E. King, daughter of Deacon Eli King, Esq., and has three children : (943) Ella R.,9 b. Sept. 21, 1856; (944) Achsa E.,9 b. July 22, 1858 ; and (945) Herbert B.,9 b. Aug. 2, 1862. [720.] DANIEL7 PECK, son of Calvin,6 married Samantha Curtis. They both died in Hastings, Oswego County, N. Y., in 1842. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (946) Laura S., b. Dec. 16, 1817; (947) Bethiah E., b. Dec. 10, 1819; (948) Mille E., b. Dec. 16, 1821, m. William Rich, and resides at Central Square, N. Y.; (949) Calvin, b. Dec. 1, 1823; (950) Tirzah H., b. May 22, 1826; (951) Daniel E., b. Aug. 11, 1829; (952) Martha A., b. July 3, 1837. [725.] LUTHER H.7 PECK, son of Luthee,6 is a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church, and resides at Pitcher, N. Y. He has been twice married : first, to Mary Kenyon, of Little Rest, R. I., September 16, 1816 ; second, to Dorcas Carpenter, December 2, 1866. His first wife died May 23, 1865. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (953) George W., b. May 3i; 1818, m. Abigail Bennett ; resides near Portage City, Wis., and has the following children: (954) Mary9 b. Peb. 23, 1842; (955) Andrew,9 b. Sept. 17, 1843, d. Oct. 18, 1863, a soldier in the war against the Rebellion; (956) Thomas9 b. Jan. 8, 1845, d. Sept. 25, 1863; also a soldier in the service of his country ; (957) Abbie,9 b. Dec. 10, 1846 ; (958) George W.,9 b. Peb. 7, 1849 ; and (959) Luther H.,9 b. June 21, 1851. — (960) Mary Ann, b. Jan. 6, 1820, m. George Atwell ; (961) Martha, b. May 13, 1822, m. Benjamin L. Corning; (962) Jonathan K., b. Dec. 31, 1824. He graduated at Dickinson College, Penn., in, 1852 ; was licensed to preach, and joined the Wyo ming Conference in 1853, and is now Presiding Elder of the Honesdale Dis trict. He married Mary Searte, and has the following children : (963) Carrie A.9 b. Peb. 28, 1858; (964) James S.,9 b. Dec. 27, 1859; (965) Mary A.9 b. Nov. 28, 1861 ; and (966) Jesse L.,9 b. March 28, 1864. — (967) Luther, b. March 9, 1827, is also a clergyman ; m. Lucy Lyman, and at present itinerates ; (968) Elias B., b. July 18, 1832, m. Elizabeth McLane, and resides in Pitcher, N. Y. His children are : (969) Ophelia M.,9 b. May 10, 1855 ; (970) Addie M.,9 b. July 20, 1859; (971) Jennie,9 b. Oct. 16, 1861, d. Jan. 21, 1864; and (972) Cordelia C.,9 b. July 4, 1865. — (973) Andrew, b. April 16, 1835, m. Lucy A. West, Aug. 23, 1865 ; resides in Pitcher, and has one child : (974) Mary E.,s u. Sept. 28, 1866. — (975) Eliza M., b. April 15, 1838, d. Oct. 21, 1840. DESCENDANTS OP HENRY PECK. 361 [726.] GEORGE7 PECK, son of Luther,6 resides at Scran- ton, Penn. He is a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church. He commenced his labors in 1816, being then 19 years of age. In 1821, he had charge of the church at Paris, N. Y., and during the two following years was stationed at Utica. In 1 824, he was ap pointed Presiding Elder on the Susquehanna District. He was also a member of the General Conference which met that year, and he has been elected a delegate to every General Conference since that time, making in all twelve. He was also a member of the Evangelical Alliance, which met in London in 1846. As a scholar and student, he ranks high. Endowed with cool, strong sense, and possessed of great logical acumen, his keenest weapons were early called into use for the defence of the faith. In 1825, he was challenged to a public debate, by a Unitarian, at Kingston, Penn., and won an acknowledged victory. The following year he accepted a challenge to write in a Universalis magazine, Which led to the publication of his first work, which was entitled " Universalism Examined." In 1835, he received the degree of Master of Arts, from the Wesleyan University ; and in the fall of that year was elected Principal of the Oneida Conference Semi nary at Cazenovia, where he remained four years, being then ap pointed Presiding Elder on the Susquehanna District, for the sec ond time. In 1840, he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity, from the college at Augusta, Ky. ; and the same year was elected editor of the Methodist Quarterly Review, which post he occupied eight years, during which time the Review rose to a high literarv standard. In 1 848, he was elected editor of the Christian Ad-- cate and Journal, in which capacity he served four years. In 1852, at the solicitation of numerous friends, he returned to the Wyo- ming Conference, the scene of his early labors ; and since then he has been six years a Pastor, and eight years a Presiding Elder. As an author, Dr. Peck stands deservedly high. The following are his principal works : " Universalism Examined " ; " History of the Apostles and Evangelists"; "Christian Perfection"; "Rule of Faith " ; " Reply to Dr. Bascom's Defence of American Slavery " ; " Manly Character" ; " History of Wyoming " ; " Early Methodism" ; " Our Country; its Trials and its Triumphs." Dr. Peck ranks high as a preacher. His style is clear, logical 31 362 PECK GENEALOGY, — APPENDIX. and convincing. In his discourses, the argument rises in massive proportions, his soul seems to glow with religious fervor ; and when the theme calls forth all his strength, the truth sways the audience with resistless power. In church legislation and discipline, he has frequently been called to occupy positions of responsibility, de manding the highest qualifications of judgment, fidelity, and some times courage, and he has always acquitted himself with honor. As a patriot, his volume of sermons on the country and the Rebel lion, his numerous addresses, delivered in times of national disaster and gloom, are a noble record of steadfast faith and devotion to the right. As a man, Dr. Peck is loved by all who know him, and most by those who know him best ; a judicious counsellor, a sympathizing friend, an affectionate husband and father, a noble hearted man. Thus holding on his way through a long and useful life, he carries in his remembrance the records of half a century of stirring his tory, in which he has acted a part, and still remains vigorous and active, enjoying a serene, cheerful, Christian old age. He married Mary Myers, daughter of Philip Myers, Esq., of Kingston, Penn., June 10, 1819. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION ! (976) George M., b. April 17, 1820. He was educated at the Oneida Confer ence Seminary, and is a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church, and now Presiding Elder of the Lackawanna District of the Wyoming Conference. He resides at Providence, Pa. He married Sarah Louisa Butler, July 18, 1839. His children are: (977) Merit B9; (978) George,9 deceased; (979) Luther W.9 ; (980) Josiah E.,9 deceased; and (981) William H.9 — (982) Luther W., b. June 14, 1825, graduated at the University of New York, and is Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Hyde Park, Penn. He m. Sarah Maria Gibbon, Jan. 18, 1847. His children are : (983) Helen9; (984) Mary E.9; (985) Emma J).9; (986) Francis A.,9 d. Dec. 20, 1859; (987) Sarah M.9 ; (988) Susan U. G.9 ; (989) Jesse T.9 ; and (990) Fanny M.9— (991) Mary H., b. April 10, 1827, was educated at Rutger's Institute, New York City ; m. Rev. J. T. Crane, Jan. 18, 1847, by whom she has nine children. Mr. Crane is a gradu ate of Princeton College, New Jersey, and is Presiding Elder of Newark District. (992) William F., b. Sept. 17, 1828, d. April 17, 1829 ; (993) Wilbur F., b. Sept. 11, 1833, graduated in the Medical Department of the University of New York, and is practising medicine at Waymart, Penn. He married Sarah Jane Dean, Jan. 20, 1857. His children are: (994) George9; (995) Louisa9; (996) Luther9; (997) Mary Catharine9 ; and (998) Wilbur.9 George and Louisa only are living. JUSSE T„ PE( Vh Gass ' Cint&iary Group descendants op henet peck. 363 [727.] ANDREW7 PECK, son of Luther,6 is a clergyman of the Methodisi Episcopal church, and resides at Cortland, N. Y. To him I am indebted for much of my information in relation to his father's family. He married, for his first wife, Polly Hudson, June 23, 1824; for his second, Electa Gunn, June 9, 1833; and for his third wife, Betsey Fenn, September 22, 1858. His first wife was born in Scituate, R I., February 3, 1 804, where she was also baptized. She died November 29, 1832. His second wife was born October 9, 1805, in Salem, N. Y., and baptized in Guil ford, September 1829. She died August 29, 1857. His third wife was born in Brookfield, N. Y., June 17, 1809, and baptized in in fancy. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (999) Betsey, b. Feb. 9, 1826, and bap. June 8, 1828, m. George Willson, and resides in Elgin, Minn. ; (1000) Ursula, b. April 9, 1827, bap. June 8, 1828, m. Fields Place, and settled in Guilford, N. Y., where she d. Sept. 6, 1863 ; (1001) Sylvia, b. Aug. 26, 1829, bap. Sept. 23, 1833, m. Peter Kessler, and resides at Dayton, Ohio; (1002) Wesley, b. Sept. 25, 1831, bap. Sept. 23, 1833. He is a Methodist clergyman ; belongs to the California Conference, where he resides, and now itinerates. He m. Harriet C. Stiles. His children are : (1003) Ellen H.,9 b. Nov. 2, 1853; (1004) Charles W.,9 b. May 31, 1857; and (1005) Anna B.,9 who was b. April 3, 1862, and cl. May 2, 1862. — (1006) An infant son, b. Nov. 1, 1832, d. Nov. 2, 1832; (1007) Mary S., b. Dec. 12, 1834, bap. Feb. 21, 1835, m. James Atkinson, and resides at Cazenovia, N. Y. ; (1008) Emory, b. May 26, 1836, bap. Nov. 8, 1836, m. Francis Fisk, and resides in Brownsville, Nebraska; (1009) Ellen N., b. Aug. 17, 1838, bap. July 21, 1839, and d. at Mad ison, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1839; (1010) William G., b. Aug. 25, 1841, bap. June 12, 1842, d. Dec. 7, 1854; (1011) ElbertA., b. July 4, 1846, bap. in 1847, resides at Woodstock, N. Y. [732.] JESSE T.7 PECK, son of Luthee,6 is a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church, with which he united in 1827. In 1829, he was licensed as a local preacher, and July 12, 1832, he was received into the Oneida Conference, and stationed successively at Dryden, Newark Valley, Skaneateles and Potsdam. By a division of the territory, he became a member of the Black River Conference. He was subsequently elected Principal of the Gouveneur Wesleyan Seminary, in St. Lawrence County, where he remained four years. He then became Principal of the Troy Conference Academy, in West Poultney, Vt., where he labored very successfully in the cause of education for seven years, being a member of the Troy Conference during this period. In 1848, 364 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. he resigned the principalship at the Conference Academy, to accept the Presidency of Dickinson College, at Carlisle, Penn., one of the oldest colleges in the United States, where he remained four years. During this latter period, he was a member of the Baltimore Con ference. He then became pastor of the Foundry Church in Wash ington, D. C, where he remained two years. After this, he was appointed Secretary and Editor of the Tract Society of the M. E. church, and performed the duties of this office with great zeal and ability. Subsequently to this, he became pastor of Green Street Church in the city of New York. He was then transferred by the Board of Bishops to California, where he labored as pastor of im portant churches and Presiding Elder, for nearly eight years. On returning East, on account of the state of Mrs. Peck's health, he served for a time as pastor of St. Paul's church in Peekskill, N. Y., whence he was transferred to the Troy Conference, and stationed at Hudson Street church in Albany, where he now resides. As will be seen by the preceding outline of his labor, Dr. Peck has thus far led a very busy life, and has had many important in terests intrusted to his hands by the church and the community. It may be added, that while in preaching and teaching he has been "in labors abundant," his pen has not been idle. Contributing largely to certain leading periodicals, he has also found time to write several volumes of permanent value. He is the author of the works entitled "The Central Idea of Christianity"; "The True Women " ; "What must I do to be Saved ? " and " The His tory of the Great Republic, considered from a Christian Stand point." He has also been four times a member of the General Conference; and at the election of Bishops, in 1864, Dr. Peck received the highest number of votes among the candidates not elected. He was afterwards elected editor of the Northern Chris tian Advocate ; but, deeming it his duty to return to California, he declined this important office. He married Persis Wing, October 13, 1831, daughter of Capt. David Wing, of West Dennis, Barn stable Co., Mass. They have no children. [740.] -LUCIUS7 PECK, son of Jonathan,6 resides at Bay- zetta, Ohio. He married Abby, daughter of Abraham Crowley, of Norwich, Conn. DESCENDANTS OP HENEY PECK. 365 CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: (1012) Lucius W., b. June 4, 1824, resides at Austinsburg, Ohio; m. Char lotte I. Tuttle. His children are : (1013) Eliza C.9 ; (1014) Laura H.9 ; (1015) Anna A.9; and (1016) Frederick G.9 — (1017) Henry C, b. May 15, 1826, m. Ellen E. Sanford. His children are: (1018) Frank H.9 ; (1019) Willie A.9; (1020) FlorrieE.9; (1021) Linus A.9; (1022) Carrie E? ; and (1023) Minnie A.9 — (1024) Eunice R., b. May 14, 1828, m. Stoughton Davis; (1025) Eliza C, b. June 9, 1831, m. first, Linus H. Webb; second, A. D. Martin; (1026) Phineas F., b. Aug. 8, 1834, d. Oct. 16, 1850; (1027) Mary A., b. May 7, 1839, m. first, Elisha G. Tew ; and second, Joseph L. Tew. [741.] JONATHAN H.7 PECK, son of Jonathan,6 settled in Parma, N. Y. He was twice married : first, to Polly Scott ; sec ond, to Mary Ann Pitcher. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (1028) Willis, b. Oct. 21, 1825, ra. Polly E. Harrington. His children were : (1029) Phebe9; (1030) Alfred L.9 ; (1031) Almon H9 ; (1032) Edward9 ; and (1033) Washington P.9— (1034) Almon, b. May 21, 1828, m. Amey E. Miner; (1035) Edward, b. March 21, 1832, m. first, Harriet Simmons; second, Orlyn- thia Trimmer ; d. Aug. 30, 1862, leaving two children : (1030) Morton9 ; and (1037) Clarissa.9 — (1038) Ephraim E., b. Oct. 20, 1833; (1039) Jonathan P., b. June 6, 1836, d. Nov. 19, 1857; (1040) Alfred L., b. Dec. 13, 1841, d. Sept. 3, 1854; (1041) Theron P., b. Dec. 30, 1845. [744.] ASA C.7 PECK, son of Jonathan,6 resides in Kings- ville, Ohio. He married Marietta Fulton, a descendant of Robert Fulton. She died September 7, 1855. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (1042) Anson S., b. Aug. 8, 1834, resides in Charleston, Ohio ; m. Ellen L. Loomis, and has one son : (1043) Charles M.9 — (1044) Prances E., b. Sept. 2, 1837, d. Sept. 23, 1846; (1045) Eliza J., b. Aug. 5, 1842, who m. Lucius W. Hubbell, July 3, 1826; and (1046) Lois J., b. Oct. 30, 1849. [753.] JOHN H.7 PECK, son of Ambrose,6 resides at Yantic- Conn. He is a merchant, doing business at Norwich. He married Abby Ann Hyde, eldest daughter of Amasa Hyde, Esq., January 29, 1834. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (1047) Eunice H., b. Peb. 25, 1835, d. Nov. 7, 1835; (1048) John H.,b. Sept. 7, 1838, graduated at Yale College in 1863, and is Principal of the High School at New Britain, Conn. He m. Hattie B. Dibble, and has had two children : (1049) John H.,9 who d. Sept. 28, 1865; and (1050) Frederick D.9 — (1051) Jennie A., b. Aug. 21, 1840, m. James C. Pratt, and resides at Hartford, Conn. ; 31* 366 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. (1052) William H., b. May 12, 1842, m. Susan A. Gates, of Stowe, Mass., where he resides; (1053) James H., b. April 2, 1844, d. Sept. 1, 1844; (1054) Annie H., b.July 12, 1846, resides with her parents; (1055) Samuel N., b. Feb. 12, 1848, and resides at Toledo, Ohio. [757.] DARIUS7 PECK, son of Joseph,6 resides in Mishicot, Wis. He married Christian Birdsall, December 24, 1825. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (1056) George L., b. Jan. 5, 1847; (1057) Henry J., b. Sept. 17; 1848; (1058) Caroline A., b. May 27, 1850; (1059) Mary E., b. July 25, 1854; (1060) Charles B., b. April 10, 1857; (1061) Martha A., b. June 23, 1865. [789.] STEPHEN A.7 PECK, son of Deacon Horace,6 re sides in New Haven, Conn. He married Maria A. Newhall, April 26, 1849. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (1062) Sarah M., b. Jan. 15, 1850; and (1063) Stephen A., b. Jan. 29, 1855. [790.] WILLIAM S.7 PECK, son of Deacon Horace^6 re sides in Woodbridge. He married Hannah T. Newhall, September 10, 1850. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION: (1064) Fanny J., b. Sept. 7, 1851; (1065) Mary A., b. July 7, 1854; (1066) Alice E., b. June 23, 1857; (1067) William H., b. Jan. 10, 1862, d. Nov. 19, 1864; (1068) Frank H., b. June 8, 1869. [792.] FRANCIS B.7 PECK, son of Reuben,6 is a Univer- salist clergyman, and resides at Oxford, Chenango County, N. Y. He married Miss Betsey Snell, of Ephratah, Fulton County, Janu ary 27, 1848. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (1069) Clinton R., b. May 9, 1850; (1070) Mary E., b. Oct. 20, 1857; (1071) Prank, b. March 1, 1860. [794.] FAYETTE S.7 PECK, son of Reuben,6 resides at Burtonsville, Montgomery County, N. Y. He is a farmer, engaged in the dairying business, and in fruit and hop growing. He married Miss Sarah Wright, daughter of Mr. Ralph Wright, of Oppenheim, Fulton County, September 8, 1850. CHILDREN — EIGHTH GENERATION : (1072) Murray R., b. Oct. 12, 1851 ; (1073) Lucinda, b. July 27, 1856 ; and (1074) Emma, b. Oct. 23, 1861. DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 367 DESCENDANTS OF DEACON PAUL PECK, OP HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Deacon Paul Peck is supposed to have been born in Essex County, England, in 1608, and to have come to this country in the ship "Defence," in 1635, and remained in- Boston, Mass., or its vicinity, until 1636, and then removed to Hartford with the Rev. Thomas Hooker and his friends. His name is in the list of the proprietors of Hartford in 1639. From the records of the town, it appears that he became one of its leading men. His residence is said to have been upon what is now Washington Street, not far from Trinity College, the site of which being still known by aged persons as the " Peck lot." I regret to have found so little interest felt in relation to him, or in my endeavors to trace out and give a history of his descendants. A very few have offered their assistance ; many have refused to answer my letters, or give the information asked of them. He was Deacon of the Congregationalist Church from 1681 until his decease, December 23, 1695. His will is upon the Pro bate Records, B. 5, pp. 217-18-19, dated June 25, 1695, and proved January 15, 1695-6. It is quite lengthy, and is of interest in its details and descriptions of his property. His inventory amounted to ,£536 and 5s. He makes bequests to his wife Martha, sons Paul and Joseph ; his daughters Martha Cornwell, Mary Andrew, Sarah Clark and Elizabeth How ; his grandsons Paul and Samuel ; and his son-in- law John Shepherd. He also names his granddaughter Ruth Beach, and son-in-law Joseph Bonton, to whom Samuel was required to pay legacies. CHILDREN — SECOND GENERATION: (l)-lrPaul, b. in 1639; (2) Martha, b. in 1641, m. John Cornwell, June 8, 1665, ofMiddletown, where she died March 1, 1708-9. Her children were: Mary3; Martha3; John3; William3; Paul3; Hannah3; Joseph3; Thankful3; Thankful, 2d3; and Benjamin.3 (3) Elizabeth, b. in 1643, m. How, of Wallingford • (4)+John, b. Dec. 22, 1645 ; (5)+Samuel, b. in 1647 ; (6)+Joseph, bap. Dec. 22, 1650 ; (7) Sarah, b. in 1653, m. Thomas Clark, of Hartford ; (8) 368 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. Hannah, b. in 1656, m. John Shepherd, of Hartford, May 12, 1680 ; (9) Mary, b. in 1662, m. John Andrew, of Hartford, and d. in 1752.* [l.J PAUL2 PECK, son of Deacon Paul,1 resided in West + Hartford, where he died in 1725. He married Elizabeth Baisey, daughter of John Baisey. CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION: (10)+Paul, b. in 1666 ; (ll)+John, b. in 1672; (12) Martha, b. in 1676, m. Samuel Hubbard, of Middletown, now Berlin, Conn.; (13) Samuel, b. in 1680, also settled in Berlin; (14) Hannah, b. in 1681, m. first, Joseph Hopkins, April 27, 1699 ; and second, John Porter, Dec. 13, 1713. She resided in Waterbury. (15)+William, b. in 1686; (16) Ruth, 1688,m. Samuel Sedgwick, jr., Peb. 1, 1711, for her first husband, and Samuel Culver, of Wallingford, Jan. 3, 1728, for her second. [4.] JOHN2 PECK, son of Deacon Paul,1 became a member of the church at Hartford in 1696. CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION: (17) John, jr., b. May 1, 1661; (18) Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1664; (19) Sarah, b. June 20, 1668 ; (20) Joseph, b. March 6, 1671 ; (21) Ruth, b. Dec. 21, 1677 ; (22) Susannah, b. Oct. 16, 1680 ; (23) Jonathan, b. Oct. 6, 1683. [5.] SAMJJEL2 PECK, son of Deacon Paul,1 resided in West ' Hartford, where he died, January 10, 1696. He married Elizabeth ' CHILD — THIRD GENERATION : (24)+Samuel, b. in West Hartford, in 1672. [6.] JOSEPH2 PECK, son of Deacon Paul,1 settled in Wind sor, where he died, June 26, 1698. He married Ruth . She was appointed administratrix upon his estate, April 1698. CHILDREN — THIRD GENERATION : (25) Elizabeth, b. in 1686, d. young; (26) Ruth, b. in 1692, d. young; (27) Joseph, b. in 1694, and settled in Tolland County, where he died, leaving an infant son, John. An administrator was appointed upon his estate in 1741 ; (28) Ruth, m. a Mr. Mason. [10.] PAUL3 PECK, son of Paul,2 removed to Litchfield at an early date. He was one of the first settlers there. He and his *It would appear from the will, that there were two other daughters, whose names were not upon record, one who married Joseph Bonton, and the other the mother of Ruth Beach, unless one married a second husband. DESCENDANTS OF DEACON PAUL PECK. 369 brother John both took an active part in the Indian war. He mar ried Leah Muzzy,* of Hartford, August 20, 1701. He died Decem ber 21, 1751 ; his widow died June 5, 1767. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (29) Paul, b. April 27, 1702. He was known as a great hunter and trapper, a kind of " Kit Carson," I should suppose, from what I learn of him. He was killed in the Revolutionary war at the time the British burned our military stores at Danbury, Conn. He was in his 75th year, unm. ; f (30) Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Webster; (31) Leah, m. Benjamin Bissell; (32)+Elisha; (33) -f-Thomas ; (34) Rachel, m. Reuben Hibbard; (35)+Cornelius, b. in Hartford, Peb. 24, 1713; (36)+Benjamin. [11.] JOHN3 PECK, son of Paul,2 married Mehitable Reeve, of Hartford, November 9, 1707, and removed to Litchfield about 1720. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION: (37) John, b. Nov. 3, 1708, settled in Vermont at an early date ; (38)+Abra- hani:((39) Igaac, m. Ruth Tomlinson, of Litchfield, May 20, 1736, and removed to Canaan ; (40) Jacob, d. in early life ; (41) a daughter, who died in infancy ; (42)+Reeve, b. March 3, 1723 ; (43) Lydia, m. Elisha,Peck (No. 58), son of Samuel. She died at the residence of her son Asa, in Litchfield, aged 96 years. [15.] WILLIAM3 PECK, son of Paul,2 removed to Lifchfield, in 1727. He married Lois Webster. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (44) Jerusha, b. Sept. 1727, m. Joseph Vaill; (45)+Timothy, b. March 6, 1730; (46) Lois, b. Sept. 1732, m. John Osborn; (47) Eunice, b. Sept. 1736; (48) Margaret, m. Capt. Harris Hopkins ; (49) Abigail, m. James Stodard ; (50) Sarah, m. Abel Brown. [24.] SAMUEL3 PECK, son of Samuel,2 settled in Middle- town, now Berlin. He married Abigail Collier, daughter of Joseph *It is difficult to tell upon the records at Hartford whether this name is Muzzy, Mo wry, or Merry. aiA •¦'--¦ ^C*—'~-l~- I'lu'.. ,| (L-o~;-1 "/ t He is said to have been killed by a British officer, who'was so exasperated at the deadly aim of Paul's gun among his men, that he seized it and bent it over the wall behind which he had fought. This gun, I am told by Benjamin ; Peck, of Palenville, N. Y., grandson of the brother of Paul, was recovered, straightened and repaired, and always known by the name of Paul's hunting % gun- Paul and his brothers, he tells me, were the first to carry guns into Litch field, and that he now has in his possession the two owned by his brothers. 370 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. Collier, March 6, 1701. He died December 9, 1765; she died October 28, 1742. CHILDREN — FOURTH GENERATION : (51)+Samuel, b. at Kensington, Jan. 6, 1701; (52)+Mose|, b. April 1703; (53)-f-Isaac, b. at Simsbury, Nov. 28, 1706; (54)+Abijah, b. Dec. 28, 1709; (55)+Zebulon, b. in Middletown, Sept. 1, 1712 ; (56)+Amos, b. in Kensing ton, March 3, 1715 ; (57"y Abel, b. in Kensington, Dec. 28, 1717, and d. Sept. 19, 1742, unm. He was a pnysician. (58)+Elisha, b. at Kensington, March 11, 1720 ; (59) Elijah, b. in Lyme, July 23, 1723, m. Mary Strong, daughter of Hewett Strong. His children were : (60) Jabez,b b. in 1755 ; and (61) Daniel,5 b. in 1758, and probably others ; (62) Lucy, b. Dec. 19, 1727; (63) Lois, who is named in the will of her father, but not recorded with the family. [32.] ELISHA4 PECK, son of Paul,3 married Sarah Grant, January 1730-1, and settled in Litchfield. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (64) Elisha, b. July 10, 1731 ; (65) Abijah, b. Oct. 1733, m. first, Keturah , who d. Sept. 1772, in her 44th year; second, Rhoda Pitch (widow), June 1773, formerly Rhoda Collins. His children were : (66) Keturah,6 b. Jan. 22, 1774; (67) Abijah,6 b. Feb. 5, 1776; and probably others not on record. — (68) Dille, b. June 25, 1735-6, m. William Graves ; (69) Abiah, b. Sept. 20, 1738. [33.] THOMAS4 PECK, son of Paul,3 settled in Litchfield. He married Sarah Smith, August 17, 1733. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (70) Ann, b. Peb. 7, 1734-5 ; (71) Mindwell, b. Oct. 26, 1737 ; (72) Thomas, b. April 24, 1740; (73) Sarah, b. Aug. 18, 1742; (74) Amey, b. April 12, 1745; (75) Levi, b. June 23, 1745, d. in 1802 ; (76) Rachel, b. Oct 7, 1752 ; (77) Eli jah, b. Oct. 27, 1754; resided in Litchfield, where he m. Hannah Harrison. His children were: (78) Almon6; (79) Freeman6; (80) Elijah6; (81) Rhoda6; (82) Clarissa6; (83) Mahala6 ; and (84) Lucy.6 He d. in 1794. [35.] CORNELIUS4 PECK, son of PaUl,3 settled in Litch field, where he died, October 31, 1801. He married Bethiah Beebe, February 5, 1748-9. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (85) Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1750, m. Abel Atwater; (86) Cornelius, b. March 26, 1753 ; (87) Mary, b. July 27, 1754 ; and probably others not recorded. [36.] BENJAMIN4 PECK, son of Paul,3 married Mary Fris- bie, October 22, 1755, and resided in that part of Litchfield known as Chestnut Hill. DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 371 CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (88)-f*Benjamin, b. Dec. 28, 1756 ; (89) Mary, b. July 12, 1759, m. Richard Wallace, and resided in Litchfield, where she d. Feb. 18, 1835, aged about 75 years, leaving a large family ; (90) Anna, m. James Stone ; (91) Rachel, b. Oct. 8, 1766, m. Norman Buel, and resided in Litchfield; (92)+Eliada, b. July 16, 1770. [38.] ABRAHAM4 PECK, son of Paul,3 resided in Litchfield, where he died, August 1801, in the 91st year of his age. He mar ried Hannah . CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (93)+ Abraham, b. Nov. 15, 1763 ; (94) Sybel, b. Aug. 9, 1765 ; and probably others not upon record. [42.] REEVE4 PECK, son of John,3 married Rachel Granger, of Granbury, Conn., and settled in Litchfield, where he died, aged about 80. His wife died 1817, aged 96. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (95) Moses, b. Jan. 19, 1754, d. unm. ; (96)-f-Reeve; (97) Ann, b. Jan. 27, 1757, m. Richard Wallace ; (98)+ Reuben, b. Jan. 24, 1760 ; (99)+Asahel, b. Aug. 13, 1762 ; (100) George, b. Nov. 17, 1765, and I am told settled in Cornwall, Vt. ; (101) Rachel, b. Feb. 18, 1769, m. David Vaill. [45.] TIMOTHY4 PECK, son of William3, married Sarah Plumb. He died November 20, 1772. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (102)+Philo or Philosibblus, b. Oct. 3, 1752 ; (103) Anna, b. March 29, 1755 ; (104) Rhoda, b. March 21, 1758, m. Lot Chase; (105) Sarah, b. Jan. 3, 1762; (106)+Timothy, b. Aug. 26, 1765 ; (107)+Virgil, b. Sept. 4, 1769 ; (108) Rachel, b. Feb. 18, 1770. [51.] SAMUEL4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 resided in Berlin, Conn., where he died, August 25, 1784. He married Thankful Winchel, January 10, 1725. She died January 6, 1762. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (109) Sybel, b. June 4, 1726, d. Aug. 16, 1736; (110)' Eldad, b. June 4, 1728, d. Aug. 22, 1736; (111) Thankful, b. April 30, 1732, d. Aug. 31, 1736; (112)+ Samuel, b. May 2, 1734 ; (113) Eldad, b. in 1738; (114)+Eldad, again, b. in 1740. [52.] MOSES4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 married Sarah Kellogg, August 14, 1732, and resided in Kensington, where he died, Decem ber 30, 1759. His wife died June 12, 1770. 372 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION: (115) Oliver, b. March 13, 1737, d. Nov. 4, 1810, m. Patience Clark, March 24, 1757. She d. Jan. 20, 1808 ; (116) Rhoda, b. Dec. 15, 1733, d. April 18, 1734 ; (117) Rhoda, a twin sister, b. April 18, 1734, m. Reuben Clark, Dec. 21, 1759, d. March 24, 1801 ; (118) Moses, b. June 24, 1735, m. Rosanna , d. in 1810 ; (119) Sarah, born April 11, 1741, m. Timothy Clark in 1759 ; (120)+Abel, b. May 5, 1743. — — -*< [53.] ISAAC4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 married Lois Porter, of Farmington, December 1729, and died in Kensington, October 27, 1748. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (121)+Freeman, b. Oct. 9, 1732; (122) Jabez, b. Sept. 16, 1734; (123) Lois, b. Oct. 14, 1739, d. Sept. 22, 1743 ; (124)+Joseph, b. Aug. 14, 1744. [54. J ABIJAH4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 resided in Berlin, where he died, March 13, 1797. He married Abigail Galpen, of Middletown, June 10, 1742. She died July 21, 1775. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (125) Abigail, b. Peb. 2, 1744, m. Ozias Bronson, of Winchester, where she died at an advanced age; (126)+Abijah, b. July 11, 1747; (127) Joseph, b. July 6, 1749, d. Dec. 1822, no issue'; (128) Anna, b. Jan. 21, 1752, m. Thomas Thompson, d. July 24, 1790, leaving four sons and three daughters ; (129)+ Jesse, b. March 3, 1754 ; (130) Mercy, b. March 29, 1756, m. a Thompson. She d. July 6, 1790. [55.] ZEBULON4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 married Mary Ed wards, daughter of Josiah Edwards, of East Hampton, L. I., July 10,1735. He died in Bristol, Conn., January 13, 1795. His wife died May 23, 1790. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (131) Abigail, b. May 20, 1736, m. Hezekiah Gridley, removed to Clinton, N.Y., where she d. April 21, -1826 ; (132)+Justus, b. Nov. 14, 1737 ; (133) Eliza beth, b. Sept. 30, 1739, d. Nov. 16, 1741 ; (134) Mary, b. Aug. 12, 1741, m. Israel Puller, July 23, 1761. She d. Oct. 11, 1785 ; (135)+Zebulon, b.'in Meriden, April 15, 1743; (136)+Abel, b. in Meriden, 1745; (137)+David, b. in Bristol, May 13, 1749; (138)+Lament, b. May 8, 1751, in Farmington, now Bristol; (138) Elizabeth, b. in Bristol, in 1753, m. Abel Hawley, Dec. 16, 1772, and d. in Clin ton, N. Y.', March 12, 1816; (139)+Josiah, b. Jan. 19, 1755. [56.] AMOS4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 married Mary Hart, July 26, 1750, and settled in Middletown. where he died, April 6, 1802. She died June 22,1771. DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 373 CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (140) Mathew, b. July 16, 1751, m. Huldah Rice; (141)+Amos, jr., b. Jan. 25, 1754; (142) Ruth, b. Nov. 28, 1756, m. Benjamin Hopkins, and d. March 5, 1824; (143) Mary, b. March 9, 1760, m. Elisha Hart; (jl44) Huldah, b. Sept. 13,1762. She was twice married. She d. March 28, 1847; (145)+Lemuel, b. March 28, 1765 ; (146) Lucy, b. Dec. 2, 1767, m. Asahel Dickinson. She d. Dec. 1, 1853. [58.] ELISHA4 PECK, son of Samuel,3 settled in Middletown, now Berlin, where he died, May 29, 1762. He married Lydia Peck, No. 43, daughter of John Peck, May 17, 1743, both being the great-grandchildren of Deacon Paul. CHILDREN — FIFTH GENERATION : (147)+Asa; (148)+Ariel; (149)+Elisha, b. Feb. 25, 1757; (150) Amey, m. William Gibbs; (151) Lydia, m. John Buel; (152) Sybil, m. Lemuel Orton. [88.] BENJAMIN5 PECK, son of Benjamin,4 settled at first in Litchfield, where he resided until about 1798, when he removed to Palenville, N. Y., where he died in 1820. He married Mary Buel. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (153) Orman, d. in 1804, aged about 22 years ; (154) Benjamin, m. Jane Bret, and was residing upon the homestead in 1865. His children are : (155) Benjamin7; (156) Orman''; (157) William'' ; (158) Laura' ; (159) Margaret'; (160) Cornelia7; (161) Minerva7 ; (162) Calista7 ; and Jane'.— (163) Clarissa, m. John Burnham, and settled at Cairo ; (164) Polly, m. John Palmer, and also settled at Cairo. [92.] ELIADA5 PECK, son of Benjamin,4 settled upon the homestead, where he died. He was three times married: 1st, tc Sally Beckwith, October 28, 1798; 2d, to Abigail Whittlesey, June 4, 1806; 3d, to Julia Sherman, May 7, 1826. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (165) Benjamin, b. Nov. 7, 1799; (166) Henry D., b. May 23, 1807; (167) Sheldon W., b. Aug. 31, 1809 ; (168) James, and perhaps others, not upon record. [93.] ABRAHAM5 PECK, son of Abraham,4 married Honor De Wolf. He removed from Litchfield to Cornwall, Vt., about 1802. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (169) Hannah, b. April 22, 1788 ; (170) Alanson A., b. Peb. 4, 1790, m. Nancy De Lano. His children are : (171) Benjamin R.,1 residing at Cohoes, N. Y., in 32 374 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. 1867; (172) Mary V.7;, (173) Henry G.7 ; and (174) Lydia7. —(175) Epaphrodi- tus, b. July 6, 1791 ; (176) David, b. Dec. 8, 1794, d. Feb. 18, 1796 ; (177) Mary, b. March 6, 1796; (178) Lucretia, b. April 22, 1798; (179) Isaac, b. July 27, 1800; (180) Frederick, b. March 12, 1803*. (181) Sybil, b. Dec. 14, 1805; (182) Electa, b. Aug. 22, 1807. [96.] REEVE5 PECK, son of Reeve,4 married Sarah Butler, April 14, 1774, and settled at first in Litchfield, and from there i3 supposed to have removed to Cornwall, Vt. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (183) Eleazar, b. Feb. 24, 1776 ; (184) Samuel, b. March 20, 1778 ; (185) •-Sarah, b. Sept. 22, 1780; (186)Reeve, b. Nov. 4, 1782; (187) Horatio, b. Sept. 23, 1799; (18S) Sarah: and Rachel, by a 2d wife. [98.] REUBEN5 PECK, son of Reeve * married Sarah Churchel, and settled in Cornwall, Vt. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (189) Darius, settled in Cornwall, where he died June 28, 1867, leaving no> issue ; (190) Romeo, m. Sarah Chatterdon, and was residing in Cornwall in 1867. His children were : (191) Reuben O.7 ; (192) Jennie L.7 ; (193) Romeo R.7; (194) John C.7 ; (195) Aretus C7; (196) Rachel A.7; and (197) Ellery H.7 — (198) Julius, m. 1st, Sally Lampher; 2d, Augustine Van Guilder. His children were: (199) George7; (200) Reuben7; (201) Julius7; (202) Celof ; (203) Celio.7 —(204) Sally. [99.] ASAHEL5 PECK, son of Reeve,4 married Anna Marsh, February 1789, and remained in Litchfield. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (205) Chauncey, b. Aug. 25, 1789, m. Minerva Bidwell, April 23, 1812. He d. Feb. 18, 1867. His children were : (206) Harriet C.,7 b. Dec. 9, 1814; (207) Hiram W.,7 b. April 9, 1818; (208) Stephen B.,7 b. June 2, 1820; *Frances S.,7 b. April 27, 1825 ; and (209) James B.,7 b. in 1828. — (210) Horace, b. June 10, 1791, m. 1st, Lydia Orton; 2d, ^metfa Doolittle. His children were: (211) Charles J.7; (212) Burr O.7 ; (213) Louis7 ; and (214) Harriet.7 —(215) Asahel, b. April 29, 1792, m. Abigail Catlin. His children were: (216) Henry C.7 ; (217) Maria E.7 ; (218) Helen7 ; (219) Newton7 ; and (220) Julia.7 —(221) Elijah M., b. Oct. 29, 1794, m. Harriet Turner. His children are : (221) Edward 0.,7 residing in Litchfield, Conn., in 1867; (222) Mary Ann7; (223) Emeline A.7; (224) Adaline7 ; and (225) Angeline7, twins. — (226) Ozias, b. May. 17, 1797, m. 1st, Mahala Hubbard ; 2d, Harriet Ann Pond. His children were : (227) Martha J.7 ; (228) Lemon O.7 ; and (229) Ozias IT.,7 who is a physician, and resides in New Haven. —(230) Edmond, b. Aug. 14, 1799, m. Ann Perkins ; had one son ; * This name was received too late to be numbered with the others. DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 375 (231) Edmond P.7 —(232) Anna, b. April 18, 1801, m. Herman Bissell; (233) Julius, b. July 29, 1804, m.TEunice Warner * ; (234) Harriet, b. June 10, 1806 ; (235) William, b. March 14, 1808, m. 1st, Emeline Loveland ; 2d, Cordelia Mc Donald. He died in Wisconsin in 1866. His children were : (236) Aaron7; (237) Edmond? ; and (238) Caroline7 ; and perhaps others. [102.] PHILO5 PECK, son of Timothy,4 married Hannah Hicks, of East Hampton, L. I. •CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (239)+Alfred, b. Feb. 26, 1779 ; (240) Rhoda, b. Sept. 25, 1782, m. Virgil Walter; (241) Polly, b. April 29, 1785; (242) Mary Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1795, m. Jeremiah Norton. [106.] TIMOTHY5 PECK, son of Timothy,4 married a Joy. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (243) Luther, who d. in London, England, unm. ; (244) Clara ; (245) Sarah ; (246) Virgil ; and (247) Mary. [107.] VIRGIL5 PECK, son of Timothy,4 married Mary Wallace, granddaughter of Benjamin Peck (No. 36), November 28, 1799. He died October 15, 1804. She survived him, and married Dr. Abel Catlin, March 20, 1808. She was born October 13, 1781, and died December 21, I860.' CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (248) Mary W., b. Sept. 11, 1800, m. Edward D. Mansfield, April 25, 1827, d. March 10, 1837; (249) Helen, b. July 26, 1802, died unm. May 27, 1822; (250)+William V., b. April 16, 1804. [112.] SAMUEL5 PECK, son of Samuel,4 resided in Berlin, where he died, July 18, 1802. He married, for his first wife, Ruth Hopkins, March 3, 1757; for his second, Sarah , March 31, 1773; and for his third, Abigail Lattimer, December 7, 1775. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (251) Thankful, b. Feb. 3, 1758 ; (252) Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1761 ; (253) La- vinia, b. April 25, 1766; (254) Solomon, b. June 22, 1767; (255)+Samuel, b. Sept. 25, 1768 ; (256)+Edward, b. Nov. 21, 1776. [114.] ELDAD5 PECK, son of Samuel,4 married Mary Fos ter, February 9, 1764; died September 14, 1824. * He had'a son Cornelius, who died in Bristol, Conn. 376 PECK GENEALOGY. APPENDIX. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (257) Submit, b. Dec. 30, 1764; (258) Seth, b. May 4, 1767; (259) Philema, b. Oct. 14, 1771, m. Mathew Judd, Jan. 20, 1800; (260) Eldad, b. Nov. 5, 1774 ; (261) Erastus, b. June 29, 1779. [120.1 ABEL5 PECK, son of Moses,4 married Deborah Curtis in 1768. He died July 16, 1822. She died Dec'ember 30, 1824. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (262) Billy K., b. in 1772, d. April 13, 1811; (263) Major B., b. in 1774, m. Lucy Lewis ; (264) Rhoda B., b. in 1776, m. Gideon Huntley, and d. April 28, 1819 ; (265) Sally B., b. in 1779 ; (266) Sylvester, b. in 1784, d. July 31, 1858. There were other children, who died young. [121.] FREEMAN5 PECK, son 'of Isaac,4 married Lois Lind- ley, June 4, 1753 ; died July 24, 1762. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (267) Isaac, b. Aug. 14, 1753 ; (268) Lois, b. Dec. 24, 1754 ; (269) Olive, b. April 9, 1757; (270) Freeman, b. May 31, 1760. [124.] JOSEPH5 PECK, son of Isaac,4 settled, lived and died in Berlin. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (271) Sarah, b. April 8, 1770; (272) Hannah, b. Dec. 24, 1771; (273) Lucre- tia, b. Aug. 16, 1774 ; (274) Lydia, b. Dec. 19, 1776 ; (275) Joseph, b. April 13, 1779, d. April 17, 1823 ; (276) Asenath, b. July 22, 1781. [126.] ABIJAH5 PECK, son of Abijah,4 removed with his family to the State of New York, about 1812, and died at the resi dence of his grandson, Joseph L., in Cayuga County, May 18, 1828. He was three times married ; first, to Lucy Percival ; second, to Huldah Boardman ; third, to Mrs. Abigail Owen. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (277)+Warren, b. Dec. 30, 1786; (278) Joseph, d. unm.; (279) Lucy; (280) Abijah, was residing in Norwalk, N. Y., in 1866, m. Polly Reynolds; (281) Anise ; (282) Sally, m. John Nichols, and was residing, a widow, in Peru, Ohio, in 1866. [ 1 29.] JESSE5 PECK, son of Abijah,4 married Philoma Cook, daughter of Rev. Samuel Cook, November 15, 1785. She was born July 14, 1761, and died March 16, 1815. He died at Roch ester, N. Y., April 29, 1823. descendants op deacon PAUL PECK. 377 CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION i (283) Emily, d. in infancy; (284)+Everard, b. Nov. 6, 1792; (285)+Henry, b. Jan. 3, 1795; (286)+Jesse, b. Jan. 19, 1798, and Emily 2d, b. March 31, 1802, m. Thomas Kempshall. [132.] JUSTUS5 PECK, son of Zebulon,4 resided in Wal- cott, Conn., where he died, November 23, 1813. He married Lucy Frisbee, September 6, 1759. She died December 11, 1823, aged 83 years. He was a deacon of the Congregationalist Church for many years, and held various public offices. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (287) Lucy, b. March 10, 1761, m. and d. in New Hampshire, leaving chil dren; (288)+Elisha, b. Sept. 9. 1763; (289) Mary, b. Sept. 23, 1766, m. Joshua Cook, of Rutland, Vt., Jan. 20, 1789 ; (290) Sarah, b. June 10, 1768, d. March 30, 1773; (291) Rachel, b. Nov. 13, 1771, m. Rev. Asa Talmadge, of Southington, Conn., Oct. 17, 1801, d. June 5, 1845 ; (292) Justus, b. June 28, 1774, d. Sept. 2, 1777; (293) Sarah, 2d, b. June 28, 1779, m. and d. April 23, 1850; (294) Lowley, b. Dec. 15, 1782, m. Stephen Carter, jr., of Walcott, Nov. 15, 1804, d. Dec. 14, 1861 ; (295) Rhoda, b. Jan. 4, 1786, d. March 30, 1792 ; (296) Justus L., b. April 29, 1788, m. Sarah Merriman, of Southington, d. April 15, 1812; no issue. [135,] ZEBULON5 PECK, son of Zebulon,4 removed from Bristol, Conn., to Clinton, N. Y., in 1801, and died in Marshall, N. Y., January 23, 1820. During his residence in Bristol, he was one of the leading public men, and very popular. He was a Justice of the Peace many years, and a member of the Connecticut Legis lature for fourteen sessions. He was a delegate in the Convention to act upon the adoption of the United States Constitution, voting yea. He was a Deacon of the Congregationalist Church. He was three times married; first, to -Esther Hart, November 2. 1769; second, to Mrs. Mary Watson, June 11, 1778; third, to Mrs. Mind well Chubb. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (297) Roxanna, b. April 14, 1770, d. Jan. 5, 1849 ; (298)+Isaac, b. Nov. 23, 1771; (299) Beulah, b. March 12, 1774, d. Dec. 1, 1786; (300)+Silas, b. March 30, 1776; (301)+Zebulon, b. March 24, 1779; (302) Esther, b. April 7, 1781, m. Salmon Barns, of Bristol, Conn., and d. in Wisconsin, Dec. 1860; (303) Syl via, b. July 23, 1782, d. March 12, 1794; (304) Lorena, b. June 4, 1784, d. Nov. 1805 ; (305)+Anthony, b. March 19, 1786 ; (306) Beulah, b. March 23, 1789, m. Daniel Northrop, March 2, 1815, and d. at Fayetteville, Onondaga County,. N. Y., Nov. 10, 1865, leaving children and grandchildren. 32* 378 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [136-] ABEL5 PECK, son of Zebulon,4 married Abigail Gay- lord, ofBristol, Feb. 11, 1768. He was drafted in the war of the Revolution, and died on his way home from Valley Forge, January 26, 1778. His widow married Deacon James Wells, of Ncwington, September 4, 1785. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : , (307)+Samuel, b. Jan. 5, 1769 *. (308) Candace, b. Jan. 16, 1771, m. Jonathan Stodard, and d. in 1826; (309) Abel, b. Jan. 12, 1774, m. Huldah Ab.ernethy -. (310) Abigail, b. May 13, 1776, m. Timothy Stedman. [137-] DAVID5 PECK, son of Zebulon,4 settled in Southing ton, where he became a prominent man, holding various public offices. He married Huldah Coggswell. He died September 30, 1821. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (311) Mary, b. Jan. 25, 1773, d. Nov. 12, 1849; (312) Huldah, b. July 8, 1775, m. Riley Smith, of Southington, d. March 10, 1838; (313) Asahel, b. July 19, 1777, m. Diadema Dunham, of Southington, d. Jan. 18, 1856. She died Jan. 14, 1849; (314) Seth, b. July 7, 1781, m. Salome Lewis, of Walcot, Conn., and resided in Southington, where he d. March 29, 1843; she d. April 15, 1853; no issue; (315) Sally, b. Oct. 2, 1783, m. S. Judd, d. July 14, 1824; (316) Oren, b. Aug. 26, 1785, m. Ann Seward, d. March 11, 1852; she Jan. 18, 1853; no issue; (317) Phila, b. Aug. 31, 1787, m. Edward Converse, Dec. 4. 1811 ; (318) Leui- na, b. May 13, 1790, m. Joel Carrington, d. May 5, 1847. [138-] LAMENT5 PECK, son of Zebulon,4 resided in Bristol, where he died, May 5, 1823. He held various town and church offices. He married Rachel Tracy. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION: (319) Sally, b. Feb. 7, 1784, m. Capt. A. Bunnell, of Plymouth, Oct. 3, 1822, he d. July 20, 1860 ; she survived him, and was residing in Bristol in 1865 ; no issue; (320)+Tracy, b. April 5, 1785; (321)+Richard, b. Dec. 15, 1786; (322) Susannah, b. Aug. 31, 1788, m. Sylvester Rich, Jan. 5, 1812, and was residing in Croton, N. Y., in 1865 ; (323) an infant, b. Sept. 21, 1790, d. Oct. 8, 1790, unnamed; (324) Ephroditus, b. Oct. 26, 1791, d. in South Carolina, Nov. 16, 1811, unm. ; (325)+Nehemiah, b. Sept. 26, 1793; (326)+Neuman, b. Nov. 25, 1795 ; (327) Rachel, b. Dec. 25, 1797, m. Israel Russell; he d. in 1851 ; she was residing in Cromwell, Conn., a widow, in 1865 ; (328) James G., b. June 24, 1800, m. first, Marcia Crane, Jan. 1, 1840; second, Sarah Smith; and was residing upon the old homestead in 1865, and has had two children : (329) James G.,7 b. Sept. 29, 1840, d. July 11, 1844; and (330) Mary E.7 b. March 10, 1844; was residing at home in 1865. descendants op deacon PAUL PECK. 379 [139-] JOSIAH5 PECK, son of Zebulon,4 married Jemima Rogers, January 26, 1782. He died April 26, 1811. His wife died August 30, 1850. They were buried in the South burial- ground, at Bristol, where their tombstones may still be seen. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (331) Isabinda, b'. Jan. 5, 1782. m. Miles Lewis, of Bristol, Nov. 26, 1801, d. April 20, 1847 ; no issue ; (332)+Wooster, b. March 7, 1784 ; (333) Mary, b. in 1786, m. Sylvester Woodruff, of Southington, Conn., Jan. 1, 1806, d. May 23, 1810; (334) Catharine, b. Oct. 12, 1788, m. Klias Foot; settled in New York City, where she d. Dec. 16, 1858, leaving children ; (335) Lyman, b. in 1790, d. April 4, 1794; (336) Harry, b. in 1795, d. at Buffalo, N. Y., in 1814, a soldier in the United States army ; (337) Fanny, b. May 25, 1801, m. Noble Jerome, Dec. 11, 1823 ; was residing in Waterbury, Conn., a widow, in 1865 ; (338) Al- mira, b. Aug. 4, 1798, d. Nov. 19, 1844 ; (339) an infant, b. April 4, 1804, lived but a few days. [141.] AMOS5 PECK, son of Amos,4 married Anna Scoville, December 4, 1781. He died March 18, 1826. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (340) Polly, b. Sept. 29, 1782, m. Dr. Josiah M. Ward, Oct. 10, 1815, d. in Berlin, May 20, 1853 ; (341) Nancy, b. Nov. 7, 1784, m. William Dunham, Feb. 27, 1812, d. in Berlin, April 15, 1853; (342) Desire, b. Oct. 29, 1786; (343) Noah, b. in 1788, m. Millicent Oliver, d. in New Orleans, May 1826, leaving a family in Tennessee; (344) Norman, b. Feb. 15, 1791, m. Mary E. Hibbard, of England, Oct. 4, 1823, d. in Berlin, Sept. 13, 1861 ; (345) Mathew, b. Aug. 3, 1793, m. Sarah Ellsworth, Oct. 13, 1824, d. June 6, 1834; (346) Norris, b. Dec. 9, 1795, m. Eliza Langdon, and settled in Berlin; (347) Lucy, b. July 19, 1798, d. April 23, 1832, unm. [145-] LEMUEL5 PECK, son of Amos,4 married Lydia Dick inson. He died in Berlin. February 22, 1821 ; she died April 15, 1826. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (348)+Seldon, b. Jan. 25, 1794; (349) Harriet, b. Peb. 14, 1796, d. Nov. 11, 1828; (350)+Sherman, b. Dec. 28, 1800. [147-] ASA5 PECK, son of Elisha,4 left Berlin about 1784, and settled in Litchfield. He died at South Farms in 1818. He volunteered in the war of the Revolution during one of the alarms, and was in the service for some time. He married Hannah Far- num, June 15, 1786. 380 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (351) John M., his only child, was b. in Litchfield, Conn., Oct, 31, 1789. He became a distinguished Baptist clergyman. He was ordained to the Ministry in 1813, and became Pastor of the church at Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1814. In 1817, he was appointed a Missionary, under the Baptist General Convention, and moved to St. Louis. He afterwards settled at Rock Spring, 111., where he died, March 15, 1858. He was mainly instrumental in establish ing the Theological Seminary there. Shurtleff's College, at Upper Alton, was established through his instrumentality. Harvard College conferred the degree of D. D. upon him in 1852. His wife, before marriage, was Sally Paine. She died Oct. 24, 1856. His children were : (352) Si P.,7 b. July 28, 1810; (353) Hannah,7 b. June 10, 1812; (354) Harvey J.,1 b. Sept. 28, 1814; (355) William C.,7 b. Feb. 11, 1818; (356) Mary Ann7 b. Sept. 18, 1820; (357) William S.,7 b. Nov. 13, 1823; (358) John Q. A.,7 b. Aug. 27, 1825 ; a son,7 b. Dec. 10, 1827, d. in infancy. [148.] ARIEL5 PECK, son of Elisha,4 after the war of the Revolution, in which he served, settled in Montgomery County, and died at Ellesburgh, Jefferson County, N. Y. He married Higby. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (359) Lucy, m. Isaiah Byington, and settled in Stockbridge, Mass. ; (360)+ Lumon, b. May 7, 1769 ; (361)+Elisha, b. March 7, 1774 ; and (362) Sarah, who was twice married : first, to John Hall ; second, to a Mr. Benedict. [149-] ELISHA5 PECK, son of Elisha,4 settled in Lenox, Mass., where he lived and died. He married Lucretia Patterson. CHILDREN — SIXTH GENERATION : (363) John, b. March 7, 1779, and d. Feb. 1851, leaving three sons and one daughter; (364) Jabez, b. Nov. 2, 1780, to whom I am indebted for my infor mation, was residing in Lenox, Mass., in 1866.* (365) His son Henry M. Peck, resides at Haverstraw, N. Y., where he has an extensive brick manu factory; (366) Betsey, b. Oct. 27, 1782, m. a Mr. Judd, and d. in Lenox, leav ing children ; (367) Oliver, b. Aug. 22, 1786, and d. in Lenox, in 1856, leaving two sons and one daughter ; (368) Elisha, b. March 4, 1789 ; was of the firm of.Phelps, Peck & Co., extensive importers and manufacturers of copper, tin and sheet iron ware, in New York, where he died in 1851, leaving children; (369) Elijah, b. Oct. 1, 1791, settled in Lenox, and has two sons and one daugh ter; (370) Roxanna, b. Jan. 16, 1796, resided in Lenox, where she d. in 1832, leaving one son; (371) Lura, b. in 1801, m. a Mr. Phelps, of Lenox, and had two daughters. * Died March 10, 1867. DESCENDANTS op DEACON PAUL PECK. 381 [239-] ALFRED6 PECK, son of Philo,5 lived and died in Litchfield, upon the ancestral homestead. He married Susan Baldwin, of Litchfield. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (372) James B., b. Jan. 28, 1808, m. Amanda Kibbon. His children were : (372) Ellen A.* ; and (374) Walter K." —(375) Walter, b. Jan. 10, 1810, d. Nov. 8, 1834; (376) Edmond, b. June 5, 1812, d. April 10, 1844, unm.; (377) Alvin, b. Feb. 16, 1815, d. Peb. 9, 1838, unm.; (378) William G., b. Oct. 16, 1820; he is a professor in Columbia College, N. Y. ; he married, first, Elizabeth M. Davis, second, Ida Dayton. His children are: (379) Henry S.8 ; (380) Guy D." ; and (381) Ida J.8 — (382) Andrew, b. April 14, 1824, d. Nov. 22, 1847, unm. [250-] Judge WILLIAM V.6 PECK, son of Virgil,5 was residing at Portsmouth, Ohio, in 1865, where he has been one ot the Judges of the Supreme Court. To his kindness, I am indebted for letters of interest in relation to his branch of the name. He is a descendant from Deacon Paul Peck, both on his father's and mother's side, his great-great paternal grandfather and his great- great-great maternal grandfather being one and the same person. He married Mary Ann Cook, July 8, 1830. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (383) Mary C, b. Jan. 29, 1832, m. L. C. Damarin, Dec. 27, 1852 ; (384) William V., b. Dec. 2, 1836, m. Harriet E. McCollister, April 1858. His children in 1865 were : (385) William V.,8 b. March 9, 1859 ; (386) Mary Ann," b. Aug. 13, 1861 ; (387) and Helen," b. Aug. 16, 1863 ; John H., b. Aug. 11, 1842 ; Ellen L., b. Dec. 30, 1846. There were other children who died young. [255.] Deacon SAMUEL6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 resided in Berlin, where he was a deacon of the Congregationalist Church. He married Polly M. Upson, November 27, 1794. She was born July 13, 1776, and died December 15, 1853; he died March 19, 1833. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (388) Warren, b. July 4, 1796, d. Nov. 27, 1802; (389) Samuel H., b. Dec. 14, 1798, d. in New Orleans, Sept. 12, 1862. He married, first, Sarah Ann de Pate ; second, Maryette Kellog. His children were : (390) Samuel H" ; (391) William H." ; (392) Marcus M." ; (393) Ossian G." ; (394) Leroy Jlf*;(395) Mertis V." ; (396) Milton A."; (397) DeWitt C.8 ; (398) Marius K." ; (399) An thony A.8 ; and Augustus." —(400) Russell U., b. April 28, 1804, resides in Southington, Conn. He married, first, Lydia Botsford ; second, Susan Cur tis ; third, Eunice C.Woodruff. His children are: (401) George B.8 ; (402) Sarah Ann"; (403) Samuel H." ; (404) Betsey L." ; (405) Susan Amelia"; (406) Celinda A." and (407) Susan A.," twins. — (408) Henry P., b. Aug. 6, 1812; (409) Sally M., b. Sept. 14, 1814. ^ 382 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [256.] EDWARD6 PECK, son of Samuel,5 resided in Berlin, where he died, March 11, 1834. He was a joiner and carpenter by trade. He was twice married; 1st, to Sarah Langdon, March 23, 1802; 2d, to Polly Williams, August 8, 1816. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (410) Warren ; (411) Asahel ; (412) Everlin ; (413) Aldin, b. Dec. 19, 1817 ; m. 1st, Jane E. Webster ; 2d, Elizabeth. W. Stewart, resides in Meriden, Conn. His children are : (414) Emma E." ; (415) Augusta A"; (416) Grace A." ; (417) Charles A."; and (418) Carlton C. W." —(419) Cornelius W., b. Feb. 22, 1820, m. Lucy Ann Hale, March 22, 1848, and resides in Berlin, Conn. His children are: (420) Ellen M.8 ; and (421) Edward J." —(422) Jehiel, b. Oct. 3,1823; (423) Edward A., b. March 2, 1829. [277-] WARREN6 PECK, son of Abijah,5 resided in Lock, N. Y., where he died, February 2, 1836. He was three times mar ried; 1st, to Abigail Owen; 2d, to Roxy Standish; 3d, to Hannah Pearsons. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (424) Phylinda, b, Aug. 15, 1806, m. Stephen Birdsell, and d. March 15, 1843 ; (425) Joseph L., b. April 18, 1809, to whom I am indebted for my information, resides in Lock, N. Y. He m. Mary Jones, Oct. 28, 1832, and has two sons: (426) Charles," b. Feb. 20, 1836 ; and (427) Corydon," b. Oct. 6, 1838. —(428) Susannah, b. Feb. 22, 1814; (429) Warren, b. May 15, 1816, m. Mary Birdsell; has two children: (430) George W.8 /and (431) Cam'e.8— (432) Caroline Matil da, b. Nov. 9, 1818. [284] EVERARD6 PECK, son of Jesse,5 resided at Roches ter, N. Y., where he died, February 9, 1854. He was editor and proprietor of the Rochester Telegraph. He married, 1st, Chloe Porter; 2d, Martha Farlee; 3d, Mrs. Alice Walker (widow). CHILDREN -r- SEVENTH GENERATION : (433) Norman, d. June 1849, leaving one son : (434) Benjamin," who was residing at Springfield, Mass., in 1866. — (435) Emily, m. Horace Turner, d. Nov. 29, 1856 ; (436) Charles, d. Aug. 12, 1857 ; (437) Henry, was residing at Oberlin, Ohio, in 1863 ; (438) William F. ; and (439) Edward W., at Rochester. [285.] HENRY6 PECK, son of Jesse,5 settled at New Haven, Conn., where he died, March 1, 1867. He was Mayor of the city for several years. He married Jerusha Clark, of Hartford. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (440) Horace C, b. Jan. 10, 1820; (441) Henry J., b. July 10, 1822, d. Sept. 3, 1822 ; (442) Emily C, b. Jan. 16, 1824, d. Sept. 4, 1824 ; (443) Henry, b. Aug. 31, 1827; (444) WUliam C.,b. Oct. 23, 1830; (445) Lorenzo B.,b.Dec. 24, 1835. DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 383 [286.] JESSE6 PECK, son of Jesse,5 resides in New Haven. He was bred a printer, ¦ which occupation he followed for many years. He was subseqently Clerk of the Probate Court, Justice of the Peace, and Public Notary for several years ; also, Surveyor of Customs, and since, Inspector and Clerk of the Customs, which last position he was occupying in 1867. He married Evelina Hayes, daughter of Col. Stephen Hayes, of Newark, N. J. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (446) Everard, b. Peb. 24, 1835, d. July 24, 1836; (447) Eveline H., b. July 29, 1838, d. Nov. 24, 1851 ; (448) Everard H., b. Nov. 7, 1845. He entered the army in 1864, in the 1st Connecticut Cavalry, and served under General Sher idan, and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. [288.] ELISHA6 PECK, son of Justus,5 left Connecticut in 1817, and settled in New Berlin, N. Y., where he resided about ten years. From there he removed to Howard, Steuben County, N. Y., where he died, February 28, 1843. He married Huldah Ford, No vember 24, 1785. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (449) Moses, settled at Fabius, Onondaga County, N. Y., where he died. His widow was residing at Apulia, in 1866. His children were : (450) Elisha," of Apulia; (451) William M.,8 of Fabius ; (452) Eliza,8 who m. John R. Rob ertson; (453) Lucia"; (454) Harriet" and (455) Mary." —(456) James, d. leaving children. His son, Lucius," a physician, was residing at Java, N. Y., in 1866. —(457) Justus, settled in New Berlin, N. Y., and from there removed to Ohio, and was residing at Richmond Centre in 1866. His children are : (458) Huldah8; (459) Edwin 0." ; (460) James W." ; and (461) Austin." —The children of Edwin O. are : (462) Sarah A.9; (463) Edwin O.9 ; (464) Darius B.9; (iM) Lemuel A.9; (466) Justus L.9; (467) Milo C.9 ; (468) Luella R? ; (469) Charlie E? ; (470) Archie9 ; and (471) Dudley A.9 —The children of James W. are: (472) Janette9 ; (MS) Mary J.9; (474) Aurilla9 ; (475) James W.9 ; (476) Cynthia9; (477) Huldah L.9 ; (478) Estella9 ; and Verona.9 —(479) William was residing at Wallace Station, N. Y., in 1864; (480) Polly, m. Augustus Si- monds; (481) Marcus, was residing at Goshen, Ind., in 1865. His children are: (482) Almira8 ; (483) Ripley C.,8 of Chohocton, N. Y.; (484) Adaline"; (485) David S.," of Goshen, Ind.; (486) Eunice8; (487) Marcus A.," of Goshen; (488) Hester M." ; and (489) George A.,8 also of Goshen. —(490) Elisha A., m. Emily Westcott, and d, about 1834; (,491) Henry A,8 his only son, was residing at Baraboo, Wis., in 1864.* —(492) Austin J., m. the widow of Elisha A. She d. in 1862. He was residing in 1864 at Leoni, Mich., with his daugh ter, Mrs. C. M. Dipple. * He died, June 27, 1867, in the 37th year of his age. His children are Cora, Randall, and Jay Irwin. 384 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. [298.] ISAAC6 PECK, son of Zebulon,5 married Luena Can- dee, February 12, 1800, and died in Marshall, N. Y., April 30, 1851. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (493) Eliza, b. Dec. 12, 1800, m. Chester Gaylord, May 22, 1833, and was residing in Marshall, N. Y., in 1865 ; (494) Almira, b. Jan. 18, 1803, m. David Barton, Jan. 17, 1820 ; (495) John C, b. Nov. 3, 1805, m. Anna Whitney, Oct. 12, 1823, d. Feb. 14, 1865; (496) George B., b. Nov. 22, 1807', m. Charlotte Lum- bard, March 16, 1831, for his first wife, and Harriet Buckingham, Feb. 18, 1852, for his second. His children are .* (497) Almira8 ; (498) Charlotte" ; and (499) Dwight B." — (500) Mary, b. May 10, 1810, m. Frederick B. Nichols, Sept. 26, 1832, d. Nov. 26, 1833 ; (501) James I., b. June 29, 1812, m. Louisa Atkin son. His children are : (502) Charlotte"; (503) John," who d. in the army; (504) Wayne"; (505) Mark8; (506) Edward8; and (507) Isaac," who d. young. — (508) Harriet R., b. Aug. 15, 1815, m. John Dean, Oct. 10, 1838. He held an office in the Treasury Department at Washington, where he died Oct. 16, 1863. [300.] SILAS6 PECK, son of Zebulon,5 was twice married: first, to Betsey Chubb, January 23, 1800; and second, to Mrs. Mary Coe, March 24, 1807. He died October 31, 1839. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (509) Edward, b. in 1801, m. first, Mary Eastman; second, Alvira Page; d. in 1837. His children are : (510) Esther L." ; (511) John E." ; and (512) Sarah." — (513) Betsey L., b. in 1803, d. in 1818; (514) Amzi C, b. in 1808, m. Mar garet Lumbard in 1833. His children were : (515) Edward?; and (516) Ade laide8; and three who d. young. — (517) Lydia A., b. in 1810, m. S. A. Hitch cock; (518) Sarah P., b. in 1813, m. Thomas Murry ; (519) Esther H., b. in 1815, m. Charles Trobridge; (520) George A., b. in 1820, m. Edith M. Brown. His children are : (521) Hugh T." ; (522) Helen M.8 ; (523) Julia A8; (524) Willis P.8 ; (525) Fred C." ; and one d. in infancy. He resides upon the homestead. [301.] ZEBULON6 PECK, son of Zebulon,5 married Susan Bartholomew, March 31, 1807, and died in Deansville, Oneida County, N. Y., November 15, 1865. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (526) Caroline S., b. Feb. 5, 1808, d. Nov. 21, 1812; (527) Mary Ann, b. June 8, 1809, d. Nov. 24, 1812 ; (528) Evaline, b. July 12, 1811, d. Feb. 23, 1840 ; (529) Susan B., b. Sept. 21, 1813; (530) Charles B., b. July 8, 1815, m. Lucina Miller, d. March 26, 1857. His children are : (531) Lucy M.8 b. Nov. 4, 1839 ; (532) Susan J.," b. March 16, 1843; (533) Eva E.,"b. July 25, 1845; (534) Franklin J.," b. Aug. 11, 1855. — (535) Mary Ann, b. April 15, 1821; (536) Hawley Z., b. Jan. 5, 1824, m. Sarah A. Stone, Oct. 31, 1854, and was residing in Deansville, N. Y., in 1864. His children are; (537) Charles" b. Sept. 26, 1857; C538) Ella A.,8 b. Dec. 13, 1862. h <--, DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 385 [305.] ANTHONY6 PECK, son of Zebulon,5 was twice mar ried: first, to Mary Greenlist, April 5, 1814; second, to Cynthia Moor, February 26, 1829. He died at Marshall, April 19, 1845. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (539) Mary, m. Ansel D. Hancheet, and was residing in Marshall, N. Y., in 1865 ; (540) Malissa, m. Warren Kellogg, and was residing at Chittenango in 1865 ; (541) Anthony, m. Delia E. Gates. His children in 1865 were : (542) Anthony"; and (,543) Edward S.8 — (544) Maria, m. John B. Barton, and was residing in Rome in 1865 ; (545) William, m. Lydia Moor. He enlisted in the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry, and d. of a wound received during a charge into Shelbyville, Tenn. He held a lieutenant's commission. He left two children : (546) Minnie"; and (547) Willie." —(548) DeWitt C, m. Mary Barton, and was residing at Mexico, N. Y., in 1865. He is a lawyer. His children were : (549) Fayette H." ; and (550) Carrie A." —(551) Payette, m. Clara M. Norton, and was residing at Marshall, N. Y., upon the homestead, in 1864, and had one child : Helen N." —(552) Juliette, d. young; (553) Harriet N., was residing at home in 1864 unm. [307.] SAMUEL6 PECK, son of Abel,5 settled in Bristol, where he died April 1, 1826. He married Hannah Manross, June 9, 1791. She died May 5, 1855. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (554) Sylvester, b. in Bristol, Conn., Aug. 12, 1794, m. Miss Fanny Roberts, ofBristol, May 28, 1818. She was b. Sept. 24, 1792. He resided in West Haven, Conn. He was a man much respected in the community in which he resided ; kind and obliging ; honorable in his dealings ; whose word and promise were held inviolate. He was a man of talents, fond of reading, and conversant with the passing events of the day. He had travelled through many of the States, and become well acquainted with human nature. To him I am indebted for his kindness, and the interest he took in the history of his branch of the name. He d. at West Haven, May 11, 1868. His widow, an amiable and intelligent lady, still resides there. His children are : (555) LaFayette'M.,8 b. Jan. 22, 1822, d. July 18, 1830; (556) Sylvester B.," b. Jan. 25, 1827, d. Aug. 27, 1828 ; (557) Mary Jane," b. Feb. 10, 1829, m. Charles N. Shumway, of Oxford, N. Y. They reside in the town of Phelps, where she is much respected by her friends and acquaintances. They have one child : Fannie Gertrude.9 —(558) Angeline C.,8 b. Feb. 13, 1832, d. June 21, 1856. She was, I am told, possessed of fine talents, and pleasing in her appearance and manner. (559) Helen Sophie," b. July 19, 1834. She is a lady well educated, and from her correspondence seems possessed of an excellent mind, cultivated and refined. She is an admirer of the fine arts, poetry, music, painting, etc., in some of which she is said to excel ; an excellent and chaste writer, and I am told an occasional contributor of a poem to some of the magazines and papers. — (560) Emily, b. April 21, 1797, d. April 3, 1803; (561) Angeline, b. May 28, 1799, m. Oren Ives, Dec. 23, 1824 ; (562) Samuel, b. May 3, 1803, m. Harriet 33 386 PECK GENEALOGY. APPENDIX. Bartholomew, March 14, 1827, and settled in Virginia ; (563) Emily, b. March 9, 1805, m. Anson Beckwith, July 25, 1825, d. July 16, 1851 ; (564) Abel G., b. Jan. 8, 1807, m. first, Lydia H. Read ; second, Eliza Ann Boles. He was resid ing in Boston in 1864. His children were : (565) Morgianna L.8 ; (566) Persis A."; (567) William"; (568) Angie M." ; and (569) John," who d. in infancy. — (570) William, b. Dec. 27, 1809, d. in Boston, Sept. 12, 1846 ; no issue. [320.] JUDGE TRACY6 PECK, son of Lament,5 resided in Bristol, Conn. He was for many years a prominent public man. He was repeatedly a member of both branches of the Connecticut Legislature ; was several years Judge of Probate, Justice of the Peace, Canal Commissioner, County Surveyor, etc., and without intermission for more than half a century held different and impor tant offices in the town. He was much interested in the genealogy and history of his branch of the name. I called his attention to the subject in 1851. I am indebted through the kindness of his daugh ter, Miss Kezia A. Peck, for many facts and much information from his manuscripts since his disease, in relation to his branch. He married Sally Adams, of Litchfield, February 3, 1812. He died February 12, 1862. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (571) Epaphroditus, b. Nov. 13, 1812. He was the pioneer of the American clock business in Europe. He d. in Liverpool, Eng„ Sept. 20, 1857; (572) Sally H., b. March 17, 1815, d. Dec. 9, 1815; (573) Sarah T., b. Nov. 5, 1816, m. Charles E. Smith, of Plymouth, Sept. 26, 1839. He d. Jan. 9, 1854. She was residing in Bristol, a widow, in 1865 ; (574) Rachel R., b. Sept. 27, 1818, m. Charles Bronson, of Waterbury, July 25, 1848, where they were residing in 1865; (575) Joseph A., b. Oct. 9, 1820, d. Dec. 4, 1822; (576) an infant, b. July 6, 1822, d. July 12, 1822; (577) Joseph A., 2d, b. Peb. 18, 1824, m. Mary E. Thorp, Sept. 1, 1846, and settled in New Haven; no issue; (578) Josiah T., b. Aug. 3, 1826, m. Ellen L. Barnard, Nov. 23, 1847. He was residing in Bristol in 1866, where he was Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue. His chil dren were : (579) Miles L." ; (580) Eliza J."; (581) Theodore B." ; (582) Epaph roditus"; and (583) Edson M.8 —(584) Eliza J., b. Aug. 19, 1828, d. July 17, 1847 ; (585) Henry A., b. July 26, 1832. He enlisted into the 10th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, Oct. 1861 ; was promoted, and returned with the regi ment a captain, in 1865. He was in twenty-three battles. (586) Kezia A., b. Nov. 25, 1834. She graduated at the State Normal School in 1859. She was residing in Bristol in 1865; (587) Tracy, b. May 24, 1838. He graduated at Yale College, where he held an honorable position, ranking high as a scholar. He afterwards visited Paris, Rome, and Germany, where he completed his studies. After his return from Europe, he was offered and accepted a posi tion in Yale College, which he was occupying in 1866. DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 387 [321.] RICHARD6 PECK, son of Lament,5 settled in Bristol. He married Sophia Miller, of Burlington, June 28, 1815. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (588) Elizabeth G., b. Nov. 14, 1816; (589) Abby M., b. Dec. 12, 1818, d. June 28, 1836; (590) Sophia M., b. March 24, 1821, m. Charles Root, Dec. 20, 1843; was residing'in New, Haven in 1865, a widow; (591) Richard L., b. Feb. 19, 1824, d. April 13, 1824 ; (592) Richard L., 2d, b. July 13, 1826 ; served nine months in the 25th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, and was residing in Bristol in 1866; (593) Jonathan M., b. Nov. 1, 1829; settled in Plymouth. [325.] NEHEMIAH6 PECK, son of Lament,5 was twice mar ried : first, to Martha Scoville, November 6, 1 824 ; second, to widow Lydia Roberts, January 22, 1851. He died at Burlington, Vt, March 30, 1861. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (594) James, b. Sept. 20, 1825, d. July 19, 1830; (595) Mary S., b. April 20, 1827, m. Charles Shumway, Oct. 16, 1849, d. Aug. 21, 1855, leaving one child; (596) Nehemiah, b. May 2, 1829. He was for some time a merchant in Bur lington, Vt. He d. at New Britain, Conn., in 1863 ; (597) James G., b. May 28, 1831, m. Rebecca S. Clark, of New Britain, Dec. 14, 1854, where they were residing in 1865. His children are : (598) Charles S.H ; (599) Martha"; and (600) James S." — (601) David B., b. March 15, 1833, m. Frances A. Brainard, of Keene, N. H., May 31, 1859. He was for some time associated with his brother in business at Burlington. He enlisted in 1861. He was in the Ver mont 7th Regiment. He at first held a captain's commission, and afterwards that of Lieut.-Colonel; (602) Susan R., b. May 11, 1M5, d. Oct. 15, 1853; (603) Sarah B., b. Feb. 7, 1838, m. Percy Rice, of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1864, where they settled ; (604) William Henry Harrison, b. Peb. 1, 1841 ; enlisted for the war; was severely wounded before Richmond, and was transferred to the Veteran Corps, with the rank of captain. [326. j NEUMAN6 PECK, son of Lament,5 moved to Wiscon sin in 1841, and settled at Mount Pleasant, now Caledonia. From there he removed, in 1856, to Delona, now Excelsior, Sauk County, where he was residing in 1865. He has been a prominent man, holding various public offices. He has been twice married : first, to Achsah Bailey, May 15, 1822; second, to Sarah Cone, October 27, 1829. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (605) Francis N., b. July 21, 1830, m. Eliza J. Montgomery, Nov. 3, 1853; was residing in Excelsior, Wis., in 1865; (606) James and (607) John, twins, b. May 13, 1831. They were merchants, residing at Burlington, Vt., in 1865. James m. Mrs. Grace A. Dyer, widow of Lieut. Dyer of the United States 388 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX Navy. John m. Louisa W. Terrell. (608) Charles, b. May 27, 1833, m. Cath arine A. Weidman, Jan. 27, 1859, and settled in Caledonia, Wis. ; (609) Achsah, b. May 9, 1836, m. Lyman B. Montgomery. They settled in Windfield, Wis. ; (610) An infant son, b. Sept. 10, 1834; lived but a few days : (611) Erastus C, b. Nov. 2, 1837, m. Helen M. Sears, of Caledonia, Wis., where they were residing in 1865 ; (612) Abby R., b. Nov. 14, 1838 ; was residing with her par ents, unm., in 1865. She was a school teacher. [332.] WOOSTER6 PECK, son of Josiah,5 settled in Castle- ton, Vt., where he died May 10, 1844. He married Sarah Davis, November 23, 1809. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (613) Josiah, b. in 1812, m. Lucy Cole, of Johnsbury, N. Y. ; (614) Mary, b. in 1814, m. Lewis Minor, of Castleton; (615) Henry, b. in 1816, m. Elizabeth Whitehonse. His children are: (616) Albert," b. in 1852; (617) Carlos," b. in 1860 ; and (618) Robert,8 b. in 1862. — (619) Noah, b. in 1818, d. young ; (620) Martha, b. in 1820, m. William Adams ; (621) Almira, b. in 1822, m. Burk Couch; (622) Ruth Ann, b. in 1828; (628) Sylvia, b. in 1830, d. in 1856; (624) Lyman, b. in 1832, d. in 1834 ; (625) Aldin, b. in 1836, was killed at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864; (626) Emeline, b. in 1839. [348.] SELDEN6 PECK, son of Lemuel,5 resides in Berlin. He married Lucy H. Hart, November 1, 1826. To him I am indebted for his kindness, and the interest he has taken in the history. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (627) Sherman H., b. March 17, 1829 ; (628) Hattie E., b. April 16, 1835, m. Nathaniel L. Bradley, Oct. 25, 1859; (629) Henry H., b. Dec. 25, 1837. He is of the firm of Miller & Peck, Waterbury, Conn. ; (630) George S., b. May 9, 1840, d. in 1865 ; (631) Lucy Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1844. [350.] SHERMAN6 PECK, son of Lemuel,5 was residing at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, in 1866. He married Emily Hopkins, September 12, 1838. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION: (632) Lucia E., b. in 1839 ; (633) Emma W., b. in 1841 ; (634) Charles S., b. in 1846, d. May 9, 1847; (635) Francis S., b. in 1848, d. in 1850. [360.] LUMON6 PECK, son of Ariel,5 resided at Cold Spring, Wis., where he died April 1844. He married Eunice Bell. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (636) Elisha; (637) Sally, m. a Mr. Bishop, and was a widow in 1846; (638) Ariel, deceased; (639) Daniel H., deceased; (640) Chester, residing at North DESCENDANTS OP DEACON PAUL PECK. 389 Brookfield in 1866 ; (641) David B., residing at Fort Atkinson, Wis., in 1866 ; (642) Alanson, deceased; (643) Harriet, deceased ; and (644) Diadema, who m. a Lawrence, and was a widow in 1866. [361.] ELISHA6 PECK, son of Ariel,5 settled in Stock- bridge, Mass., where he resided until 1818, when he moved to what is now Brownhelm, Ohio, where he died January 7, 1859. He married Meliscent Byington, September 10, 1797. CHILDREN — SEVENTH GENERATION : (645) Joseph, b. Aug. 13, 1798, d. Oct. 22, 1823 ; (646) Julius, b. Oct. 22, 1799, d. Nov. 29, 1829 ; (647) Chauncey, b. March 14, 1801, m. Abby Lewis, d. Aug. 27, 1848. His children were; (648) Mary"; (649) Xenophon" ; (650) Julius" ; and (651) Chauncy." — (652) Amelia, b. Jan. 14, 1803, m. Rodney Andrews ; (653) Elisha F., b. May 25, 1806, m. Sally Ann Morse, July 3, 1833. He was residing in Brownhelm, Ohio, in 1866. His children are : (654) Ann M.,"o. April 21, 1834, m. Henry O. Allen; (655) Lydia M.," b. Sept. 23, 1835 (656) Henry F.," b. April 1837, d. Feb. 4, 1864; and (657) William E.," b. Aug 5, 1841. — (658) Jane M., b. Aug. 25, 1808, m. Moses B. Crosby, May 21, 1829 (659) Caroline, b. Oct. 28, 1810, m. Oren Cable : (660) Mary, b. Oct. 20, 1812. m. John C. Bacon, Jan. 1, 1837; (661) Lydia, b. Nov. 29, 1814, d. Oct. 9, 1835 (662) Delia, b. Jan. 7, 1817, m. Dr. John Davis, d. May 5, 1844; (663) Enos H., b. April 22, 1819. He was the second child born in the town of Brown helm. He m. Ivan C. T. Shotten ; no issue. 33* 390 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. DESCENDANTS OF DEACON WILLIAM PECK, OP NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. The following account of some of the male descendants of Dea con William Peck, of New Haven, Conn., intended to present suf ficient of the genealogy of his descendants to identify and distin guish them from those of other branches of the same patronymic, was furnished me by Judge Darius Peck, of Hudson, N. Y. He informed me that he was preparing a history of them himself, which makes it improper and unnecessary for me to give a more extended one. [l.J WILLIAM PECK was born in London, England, in 1601. His progenitors are unknown. With his wife Elizabeth and his then only child Jeremiah, he emigrated to this country in the ship "Hector," arriving at Boston, June 26, 1637, in the company of Gov. Eaton, Rev. John Davenport, and others, and was one of the founders of the New Haven Colony in the spring of 1638. He was a merchant by occupation, a man of high standing in the Colony, and a deacon of the church in New Haven from 1659 until his decease, October 4, 1694, at the advanced age of 93 years. His tombstone is still standing in the cemetery of New Haven. His sons were : (2) Jeremiah ; (3) John ; and (4) Joseph. Jeremiah was the first teacher of the Colony Collegiate School, in New Haven, in 1660-1661 ; the first settled minister in Say- brook, Conn., in the fall of 1661 ; in Elizabethtown, N. J., in 1669 or 1670; in Greenwich, Conn., in 1678 ; and in Waterbury, Conn., in 1690, where he died, June 7, 1699, in his 77th-year. [3.] John settled in Wallingford, Conn., in 1672, and died there in 1724, aged 86 years. [4.] Joseph settled about 1662, in Lyme, Conn., where he was a Justice of the Peace and Deacon of the Church, and died in 1718, in the 78th year of his age. ¦-•¦ ,, ", .. . -L iJn.y'i^<.^ DESCENDANTS OF REV. JEREMIAH PECK. 39 1 DESCENDANTS OP REV. JEREMIAH PECK, SON OF DEACON WILLIAM PECK. [2.] Rev. JEREMIAH PECK had four sons: (5) Samuel; (6) Caleb ; (7) Jeremiah, jr.; and (8) Joshua. Caleb and Joshua had no descendants. [7.] Jeremiah, jr., settled in Waterbury, Conn., in 1790; was a deacon of the Northbury church in that town, and a deputy to the General Court of Connecticut. He died in Waterbury, in 1751, aged 84 years. He had but one son : (9) Jeremiah, 3d, who died there in 1750, aged 44 years, leaving but one son, (10) Lemuel, born 1748, by whose death, in 1758, the descendants in the male line of Jeremiah, jr., became extinct, and his brother Samuel became the common ancestor of all the male descendants then living of Rev. Jeremiah Peck. [5,] Samuel, son of Rev. Jeremiah, settled in Greenwich, in 1678, and died there in 1746, in his 88th year. He was a man of large wealth and influence. He was a Justice of the Peace, in Greenwich, for about fifty years, and held many important positions in that town. He had nine sons born in Greenwich, from 1687 to 1706, viz : (11) Samuel,jr.; (12) Jeremiah; (13) Joseph; (14) David; (15) Nathaniel; (16) Eliphalet; (17) Theophilus; (18) Peter; and (19) Robert; all of whom lived and died in Greenwich except David, who died in the adjoining town of North Castle, N. Y. They died from 1733 to 1783. The other eight sons have a nu merous and widely scattered posterity, mostly farmers in their various localities. Many have been deacons and civil magistrates, and several of them ministers of different religious denomina tions. [11.] Samuel, jr., had two sons: (20) John; and (21) Samuel, 3d. The latter was a deacon of the church in Greenwich, Conn., dying there in 1793; and his son (22) Calvin was a deacon in Sharon;, Conn., dying there in 1837, both aged 73 years. (23) Augustus L., a grandson of Calvin, resides* in Sharon, Conn. John, *Some kf these persons may have changed their residence since the com munication was written. 392 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. son of Samuel, jr., had four sons born in Greenwich from 1 742 to 1758, viz: (24) John, jr.; (25) Heath; (26) Nathan; and (27) Abijah. John, jr., was a soldier in the French war until the peace of 1763, a-nd died in Smyrna, N. Y., in 18 19, aged 77. Heath and Nathan died while in service, during the Revolutionary war, through which Abijah also served as a soldier, and afterwards became a Baptist minister in Clifton Park, N. Y., where he died in 1848, in the 91st year of his age. His son (28) Abijah, jr., was, in 1841, a member of the Legislature of the State of New York. Another son, (29) Solomon C, and a grandson (30) John, are living in Clif ton Park, N. Y. (31) Nathan, and (32) John, sons of John, jr., were Baptist ministers. The latter was somewhat distinguished as such, and died in 1849, in the 70th year of his age. His three sons: (33) Darius, (34) Philetus B., and (35) Linus M., were liberally educated, the first being a lawyer, residing in Hudson, N. Y., and the last two Baptist ministers, who died in early life in 1847. Another son of John, jr., (36) Stephen N, resides in Solon, N. Y., in the 89 th year of his age. [15.] Nathaniel was for several years a Justice of the Peace, in Greenwich, Conn., where he died, in 1765, aged 68 years. His grandson, (37) Jonathan Richard, settled in Flushing, Long Island, N. Y., in 1790, and became the progenitor of the numer ous families of his surname in that locality. He was a man of great sagacity and enterprise, and died there in 1822, aged 54 years. His son (38) Richard was an Episcopal clergyman, in Sheldon, Vt., where he died in 1 846, aged 46 years." His grand son, George W., resides in New York City. (39) George W., son of (40) Walter, who was the great-grandson of the above- named Nathaniel, has been a member of Congress from the State of Michigan, and resides in Lansing, in that State. [,17.] Theophilus had a grandson (41) David, who was a Baptist minister in Greenwich, and died there in 1835, aged 81 years. His grandson (42) David graduated at Yale College, in 1849; is a Congregational minister, and resides in' Barre, Mass. (43) Isaac, another grandson of Theophilus, was a mem ber of the Legislature of Connecticut ; resided at Round Hill, in Greenwich, Conn., and died there in 1860, aged 83 years. His only son (44) Isaac, a graduate of Yale College, in 1821, is an DESCENDANTS OP JOHN PECK. 393 Episcopal clergyman, and resides in Greenwich, Conn. (45) Whitman, a great-grandson of Theophilus, a graduate of Yale College, in 1838, is a Congregational minister, and resides in Ridgefield, Conn. Of his other great-grandsons, (46) Jared V. has been a member of the Legislature and member of Congress from Westchester County, N. Y. ; (47) John, a graduate of West ern Reserve College, in 1842, is a Presbyterian minister in the State of Minnesota; (48) William J., has been President of the Board of Aldermen, in New York City, where he resides; and (49) Elias, is a physician, in Newburgh, N. Y. (50) Edward M. is an Episcopalian clergyman, in Riverdale, N. Y. [19.] Robert had a son (51) Robert, who was a deacon of the church in Greenwich, and died there in 1828, aged 85 years. DESCENDANTS OP JOHN PECK, SON OF DEACON WILLIAM PECK. [3.] JOHN PECK had but one son, (52) John, jr., who sur vived infancy. He was a deacon of the church in Wallingford, Conn., and died there in 14-7-4, at the advanced age of 97 years. Some of his descendants still reside upon the premises which were the ancestral homestead nearly two hundred years ago. He had only one son, (53) Samuel, a prominent man, who re sided in Wallingford, and died there in 1755, aged 51 years. Samuel had six sons born in Wallingford, from 1727 to 1750, viz : (54) John ; (55) Samuel, jr.; (56) Charles ; (57) Jesse; (58) Nicholas ; and (59) Joel. [54.] John settled in Cheshire, Conn., and died there in 1799, aged 72 years. His sons were: (60) Samuel, 1st; (61) John; (62) Asa; (63) Levi; and (64) Samuel, 2d, all born in Cheshire, Conn., from 1756 to 1777, and 'died there, except Samuel, 1st, who died in the Revolutionary army, and Samuel, 2d, who died in East Bloomfield, N. Y, in 1848, to which place he had re moved in 1835. While the latter resided in Connecticut, he held prominent military positions ; was several years a Justice of the Peace, deacon of the church, and member of the Legislature 394 PECK GENEALOGY. APPENDIX. of Connecticut. Many of his descendants reside in East Bloom- field, and in the State of Michigan. [55.] Samuel, jr., settled in Wallingford, Conn., and died there in 1815, aged 81 years. He had sons: (65) Theophilus; (66) Samuel; (67) John; (68) Isaac; and (69) Amos, born there from 1764 to 1777. Theophilus and Samuel in 1789, and Amos a few years later, emigrated from Wallingford to Lexington (now Jewett), N. Y., where Theophilus died in 1839, aged 75; Samuel in 1834, and Amos in 1845, each aged 68 years. The descendants of these three brothers are very numerous there, and in other parts of the country. Theophilus had a son (70) Charles, who died there in 1866, in the 77th year of his age, leaving a son (71) Alfred, who is postmaster in Jewett, N. Y. John lived in Farmington, Conn., and died there in 1811, aged 42. Two of his six sons, (72) Ira and (73) Chauncey, are living, the former in Hartford, Conn., and the latter in Windham, N. Y. ( 74) Henry K., a son of the former, resides in New York City. Isaac lived on the old homestead of his ancestors, in Wallingford, and died there in 1847, aged 76 years. His sons (75) Samuel and (76) Joel reside in Walling ford. [56.] Charles died at West Point, N. Y., in 1780, while in ac tive service in the Revolutionary army, aged 44 years. His sons who survived infancy were: (77) Jehiel; (78) Jesse; (79) Ben jamin; (80) Charles, jr. ; (81) Joel; and (82) John, born from 1757 to 1780. Jehiel and Benjamin were both in the Revolution ary army; the former died in Rockville, Md., about 1830, aged 73 years, and the latter in Fall River, Mass., in 1854, aged 84 years. Jesse died in Farmington, Ohio, in 1832, aged 71 years. Charles, jr., died in Shaftsbury, Vt., in 1857, aged 85 years. Joel died in Scott, N. Y., in 1851, aged 77 years, and John is said to be living in Bristol, Conn., aged 86 years* [57,] Jesse was unmarried, and died at Lake George, N. Y., in 1758, while a soldier in the French war. [58.] Nicholas lived in Wallingford, and died there in 1821, aged 77 years. His son (83) Jesse S. died in Buffalo, N. Y, in 1845, aged 76 years, where Ms son, (84) Jesse, now resides. DESCENDANTS OP JOSEPH PECK. 395 [59-] Joel settled in Farmington, Conn., where he died in 1842, aged 92 years. His only son (85) Jesse resided and died there in 1856, aged 78 years.. His only grandson, (86) Joel, and his only great-grandson, (87) Joel W., resided there in 1865. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, SON OF DEACON WILLIAM PECK. The male descendants of Joseph Peck are far more numerous and widely extended than those of his brothers John and Jeremiah. On and soon after the close of the Revolutionary war, many of them migrated in almost every direction from the home of their common ancestor. [4.] JOSEPH had only two sons who survived infancy: (88) Samuel, and (89) Joseph J. The sons of Samuel were : (90) Sam uel, jr.; (91) William; (92) Benjamin; (93) Elijah; (94) Jede- diah; (95) Daniel; and (96) Silas, all born in Lyme, Conn., from 1707 to 1724. The sons of Joseph, jr., who survived infancy, were : (97) Jasper; (98) John; (99) David; and (100) Nathaniel. The sons of Samuel and Joseph, jr., all died in Lyme. (101) Richard, a grandson of Samuel, jr., and; soon after, his brother (102) Jason, emigrated from Lyme and settled in Lexington, N. Y., or its immediate neighborhood. The former died in Durham, N. Y., in 1837, aged 84 years, and the latter in Reading, N. Y., in 1845, aged about 77 years. Another brother, (103) Ab- ner, settled in Shelburne, Mass., where he died in 1842, aged 82 years. (104) Jedediah and (105) Elisha, sons of the above- named (93) Elijah, emigrated from Lyme, the former in 1790, the latter about 1800, and settled in Burlington, Otsego County, N. V. The former was a man of great native ability and in fluence. For ten consecutive years he was a member of the Legislature of the State of New York, six years in the Assem bly, and four years in the Senate, and for many years a County Judge of Otsego County, N. Y. He died in 1821, aged 73 years. (106) Jasper J., a son of (97) Jasper above-named, was a military officer in the French war, and also in service in the 396 PECK GENEALOGY. — APPENDIX. Revolutionary war, and died in Lyme, in 1821, aged 84 years. His son (107) Richard S. was a physician, and died in Chat ham, N. Y., in 1827, where his son (108) Oliver J., a physi cian, now resides. (109) Oliver, a grandson of Jasper, jr., is a physician in Sheffield, Mass. (110) Reynold, jr., a grandson of Jasper, jr., was a member of the Legislature of the State of New York, in 1840, from Ontario County. Several of the descend ants of Jasper, jr., and of his brother (111) Reynold, settled in West Bloomfield, N. Y., and its vicinity. (112) Charles L., a grandson of (98) John, resided in Lyme, Conn., on the home stead of the ancestor Joseph, two centuries ago. (113) William, a son of (100) Nathaniel, graduated at Yale College, in 1775. He soon after entered the Revolutionary army, in which he held the rank of Colonel, and served until October 1781. He was U. S. Marshal of Rhode Island, from 1790 for about twenty years. He resided in Providence, R. I., where he died in 1832, in the 76th year of his age, leaving no male descendants. (114) Mather, jr., (115) David H., and (116) Richard, grandsons of Nathaniel, emigrated from Lyme; Mather, jr., and Richard to Bethany, N. Y., the former in 1806 and the latter in 1808, and David H. in 1812. In 1864, David H. was living in Middletown, Butler County, Ohio, aged 77 years, and Mather, jr., in Bethany, N. Y., aged about 79 years. Mather, jr., has a son (117) Gilbert M., residing in Bethany, N. Y. ; David H. a son (118) Orandos X., residing in New York City; and Richard, jr., a son (119) Israel M., in Stafford, N. Y. (120) John M., a grandson of David, resides in Schenectady, N. Y. ; and (121) Charles C, a great- grandson of David, in New York City. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS AND CORRECTIONS. I have endeavored to give all the additions and make all the alterations and corrections which I have been asked to make, or which have been found necessary. Many of these were received while the work was in the press, too late to be made elsewhere ; and many of them even after it was printed, while the index was being prepared. It was found impossible to collect so many names, — about eleven thousand, with as many dates, — and carry them through the press without the necessity of alterations and corrections. After the arrangement of the work, it was carefully read through, and compared with the letters, records and documents from which it had been compiled. Where different dates of the same events, and different names of the same individuals and children, were given by different persons and by the same person at different times, or where errors of any kind were suspected, letters of inquiry were written. After the work was printed, it was again read through, and all typographical errors found, however small or unimpor tant, pointed out, instead of leaving them to the query and conjecture of the reader as is sometimes done in such works. Israel H. Peck, of Johnstown, Ohio, informs me, in relation to his branch of the name, that his grandfather, Benjamin, and Cyrus, the brother of his grandfather, lived and died in King's County, Nova Scotia. Cyrus kept a public house at Kentsville. After his grandfather, Benjamin, died, his father, whose name was also Benjamin, came to the States, and settled at Johnstown, Ohio, in 1817, where he died in 1819, leaving eight children, — four sons and four daughters. One of the sons, Samuel, was residing at Marquette, Mich.,. in 1864. He supposes that his grandfather came from England to Nova Scotia. , Joseph Peck was born in Bolton, Conn., in 1761, and died in Irasburgh. Vt., in 1850. His brother Jonathan died leaving a family of fourteen children. His widow and son, Bussell, were residing in Keene, N. H., in 1863. Joseph, was a Methodist clergyman. His sons were John, Joseph, Joel S., and Jared. Jared was residing in Potton, Canada East, in 1863. John died in Irasburgh,. Vt., in 1852. His children are Joel, Charlotte, Ann, Freeman S., of Salem, Mass. ; Melissa K., Dyer H., of Boston, Mass. ; Abigail L., Margaret G., John ; Alonzo D., a merchant of Boston ; William F. ; and Elisha S., who resides in Salem. Joel S. resides in Worcester, Mass. His children are John M., Joel J., of Worcester, Cyrus F., Maria J. ; Tyler S., who was killed on the Norwich and Worcester Railroad, June 18, 1866; Mary E., Almira and Charlotte. Page 34, nine lines from top, for Sept. 20, 1697, read Apr. 20, 1697. Page 42, eighteen lines from bottom, for March read May. Page 48, eleven lines from top, for fifth generation read sixth ; and, seventeen lines from top, for Gilnore read Gilmore. 31 398 PECK GENEALOGY. Add, page 52, in relation to Mrs. Rebecca Baker, formerly Rebecca Peck — She died Nov. 19, 1868, in the 84th year of her age. Page 53, thirteen lines from top, for July 21 read Jan. 26. Page 62, eighteen lines from top, for Learned read Lorinda. Page 80, twenty lines from top, for James Chappell read Richard. Page 84, eleven lines from bottom, for Oliver 0. read Oliver D. Page 86, four lines from bottom, for 1862 read 1832. Page 90, seven teen lines from top, for Dec. 20 read Dec. 2. Page 91, fourteen lines from top, for 1810 read 1816 ; and, thirteen lines from bottom, for Nov. 17 read 19. Add to the family of Sanford Wilcox, page 99, ten lines from top, Sylvanus, b. Dec. 19, 1867. Page 103, eleven lines from top, for Arnold read Arnold J. Page 107, nine lines from bottom, for Hannah W. read Hannah H. Page 108, five lines from top, for Lorinda read Lucinda. Page 113, seventeen lines from bottom, for Chauncey P. read Chauncey C. Page 114, eleven lines from top, for Jan. 22 read Jan 19 ; and, sixteen lines from top, for George G. read George C. ; and, six lines from bottom, for June 23 read June 25. Page 115, twelve lines from bottom, for Oct. 1830 read Nov. 1830. Page 124, fourteen lines from top, for April 11, 1763, read April 13 ; and, eight lines from bottom, for Sept. 1775 read 1777. Page 133, nineteen lines from bottom, for 1650 read 1657. Page 141, three lines from top, for P. Rec. read R. Rec. Add, in relation to Joseph Peck [1558], page 141, the following: — After leaving Massachusetts he resided for some time in New Hampshire. From there he removed to Clinton, N. Y., afterwards Bainbridge. He remained here until 1812, when he removed to Lisle, N. Y. His first wife died, and he married for his second wife a Mrs. Norton. He died in 1818; she, in 1839. His children, after he left Attleborough, were Joseph, whose children are Enos, of Farmersville, N.Y. ; Jonathan, of Syracuse ; Cyrus, Harvey, Laura Ann, and Harriet — Nicholas, d. unm. ; — Bethana, d. unm. ; — John,whose children are John D., of Whitney's Point, N. Y.; Walter L., of Lisle; Huldah, Anna and Catharine ; — Hezekiah, whose children are Diana; Elizabeth; Reed, of Cort land, N. Y., to whose kindness I am indebted for my information ; Malvina, Mary ; George W., of Auburn, N. Y., editor of the Auburn Journal ; Martha L., and Mark ; — Noah, who settled in Michigan ; — Ezekiel, who died in Illinois ; — Benjamin, who died in Bainbridge ; — Polly, Esther, Elizabeth, and Anna, each of whom were married and had issue. Page 144, four lines from bottom, for 1788 read 1778. Page 150, seven lines from bottom, for Elioenoi read Elioenai. Page 153, eight lines from top, for Sept. 20 read 22. Page 154, twenty lines from bottom, for 1821 read 1829. Page 158, eleven lines from top, for Bucon ead Bacon. Page 160, ten and eleven lines from top, for Autill read Antile. Page 164, five lines from top, for Gardiner read Gardner. Page 173, nine teen lines from top, for July 11 read Jan. II. Page 176, seven lines from top, for 1837 read 1842 ; and, nineteen lines from top, for July 5 read 25. Add to the family of Thomas [1795], page 176, John, b. Feb. 6, 1853. Page 177, eleven and nineteen lines from top, for Hollan read Hollon ; and, twenty- two lines from top, for Franklin read Friend. Page 178, seven lines from top, for 1834 read 1838. Page 180, nine lines from top, for Brookline read Brook lyn. Page 184, four lines from bottom, for Jan. 7 read Jan. 13. Page 185, nineteen lines from bottom, after daughter of, and before Jerusha, add Timothy and. Page 188, six lines from bottom, for 1864 read 1838. Page 192, six lines from bottom, for Nov. 17 read 7. Page 193, six lines from top, for Hannah read Lydia E. Page 200, twelve lines from bottom, for Feb. 2 read 20. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 399 Add, page 201, eleven lines from top, to the family of Noah [2579], Abigail, b. Nov. 29, 1711. Add with the Pecks of Seekonk, Mass., Israel, who married the widow of Nathaniel Hunt, and resided for some time on the plain, so called, where is now the depot of the Boston and Providence Railroad. Who his father was I did not learn. He probably belonged to some one of the Rehoboth families, where his name was not recorded. His son Cyril settled at Pawtucket, in Mass. He married, first, Millicent Clay, daughter of James Clay, and, second, widow Clarissa Wheeler. He died in 1830, aged 80 years. His children were Zelinda, who married Ephraim Walker and Dan Robinson; James, Cyril, Friendly, and Israel, who settled at Savannah, where they died; Joseph, who d. in Pawtucket; William,, d. in one of the Western States; Amey, who m. William Hovey, and was residing at Fort Atkinson, Wis., in 1863; Hannah and Millicent, who was residing in Providence, R. I., unm. in 1863. Page 208, eighteen and twenty-one lines from bottom, for Kesiah read Keziah. Page 209, three lines from top, for [2670] read [2607]. Page 213, eleven lines from bottom, for July 20 read July 25. Page 220, seventeen lines from bottom, for June 11 read June 1. Page 221, at top, for Mason read Maxon. Page 224, fourteen lines from top, for July 14 read July 4 ; and, eighteen lines from top, for Charles10 E., b. Mar. 3, 1855, read Charles10 W., b. Oct. 22, 1855 ; and, ten lines from bottom, for Abba read Alba. Page 225, four lines from top, for 1844 read 1842. Page 227, four lines from bottom, for Mar. 8, 1828, read Mar. 8, 1825. Add, in relation to Warren E. Peck, page 231, at bottom, — He was drowned on the 12th of Sept., 1868, while attempting to cross a stream in the Belleview Valley, Mo., swollen by a flood. He was assessor and deputy sheriff, and, at the time of the melancholy event, was returning home from the performance of his official duties. The follow ing is among the resolutions passed at a meeting of Camp Willson, Post No. 7, G. A. R., Ironton, Mo., where he was Junior Vice-Commander : — " Resolved, that in the death of our comrade our society has sustained an irreparable loss, our community been deprived of a good citizen, our country of a true patriot, our county of a faithful official, his wife a kind and affec tionate husband, and his children an indulgent father." The Ironton paper said of him: "As a friend, neighbor, and officer, his loss is deeply felt ; as a soldier he made himself an enviable record ; and as a citizen and public officer he was universally liked." Page 232, three lines from bottom, for N. H. read Vt. Page 233, eight lines from bottom, for Mary Evelina read May Eveline. Page 237, fourteen lines from bottom, for Apr. 21 read Apr. 24. Page 241, three lines from bottom, for Herman read Hermon. Add to the family of Hermon A. Peck, [2921], page 242, five lines from top, Lucy Ann, b. June 29, 1835, d. Oct. 1, 1839; and, ten lines from top, for Herman read Hermon. Add, page 271, five lines from top, after sixty and before pounds, six. Page 253, fifteen lines from bottom, for 1788 read b. July 28, 1787. Page 278, three lines from bottom, for June 23 read June 2 ; and, two lines from bottom, for Feb. 17 read 11. Page 279, three lines from top, for 1724 read 1754 ; and, eleven lines from bottom, for 1830 read 1 831. Page 280, at top, for Nov. 2 read Nov. 7, and for Marsy read Marcy. Page 282, seven- 400 PECK GENEALOGY. teen lines from bottom, for Thankful read Franklin. Page 283, seven lines from top, for Emor read Eber W. ; and, seventeen lines from top, for 1823 read 1825. Page 285, sixteen lines from top, for Auritta read Aurilla ; and, two lines from bottom, for June 10 read June 23. Page 291, six lines from top, for 1718 read 1715. Page 300, eight lines from top, for 1796 read 1769. Add to the family of Asher Peck [89], page 300, ten lines from top, Joanna, b. Oct. 28, 1788; Lucy, b. May 10, 1790. His 1st wife d. Nov. 2, 1812. He married for his 2d wife Jane Morrison, March 21, 1813. She died July 25, 1822. He died July 7, 1822. Page 301, nine lines from top, for Arthur Q. read Arthur L. ; and, eleven lines from top, for Cynthia read Dianthia ; and, two and four lines from bottom, for Nov. read Oct. Add to the family of Michael Peck [131], page 303, Fenn. He married Sarah Treat. He died at Guadaloupe, W. I., of yellow fever, about 1803. His widow married Elijah Bryan, and lies buried in the cemetery at Milford, Conn. His children were Treat Fenn and Anthony. Treat Fenn Peck was born Sept. 2, 1801. He married Maria Bradley, of New Haven, Conn., and removed to Wil mington, N. C, about 1820, where he still resides. His children are Sarah M., Mary B., unm.; Caroline A., d. young; Emily T., unm. ; George A., a merchant of Wilmington, married a daughter of O. G. Parsley; William M., d. in 1865 ; and Caroline A., 2d, who d. in 1867. Sarah M., to whom I am indebted for my information, married Levi A. Hart. Mr. Hart is a native of Southington, Conn., an enterprising business man, engaged in carrying on a foundry, machine-shop, etc. Their children are Harriet, Mary Anna, Maria Treat, Millie, Annetta, Sarah L., Frederic Levi, and Leila Austin. Add for the family of Anthony Peck, the brother of Treat Fenn : — He mar ried Harriet Clark, of Milford, Conn., and removed to Talmadge, Ohio, where he died, about 1840; his death being the result of injuries received by a fall from his haymow. His widow and son, H. A. Peck, still reside there. Add to the family of Joseph, (430), page 304, eleven lines from top, Martha M. ; twelve lines from bottom, for 1752 read 1782. Add for the family of Levi, No. (495), page 306 : — He married Marcia Beers Feb. 9, 1825. She d. July 13, 1850. He was residing in Newtown in 1867. His children were Cornelia, b. July 26, 1828, d. July 28, 1833 ; Cornelia again, b. Feb. 14,1835, married John Judson, and d. Mar. i, 1859. Page 310, two lines from top, for Oct. 19 read 29. Page 313, fourteen lines from bottom, for Joseph P. read Josephine ; and, seventeen lines from top, for Bradley read Beardsley. Page 314, twelve lines from top, for Thompson read Thomas. Add in relation to Wyllys Peck (811) page 315. He died April 22, 1869. Mr. Peck was one of the prominent men of New Haven, highly esteemed as a citizen, as a business man, and for his faithful performance of the duties intrusted to him by the public. He was for many years of the firm of Bryan & Peck, and subsequently engaged with his brothers in the West India trade. He was for several years one of the Aldermen of the city and held various pub lic trusts. Page 321, fourteen lines from bottom, for 1860 read 1864. Page 322, fifteen lines from bottom, for Rosanna read Roxana. Page 325, six lines from top, for May 4 read May 24. Page 326, four lines from top, for Sept. 3 read Sept. 23 ; and, eight lines from bottom, for Apr. 4 read Apr. 9. Add to the family of James, page 327, after Morris and before Stephen : — Eunice, b. June 2, 1721. Page 328, thirteen lines from bottom, for May read ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 401 March. Page 330, first line at bottom, for Apr. 5, 1784, read Apr. 24, 1775. Page 334, six lines from bottom, for Jan. 8 read Jan 18. Add for the family of Benjamin Peck, page 338, No. (407) : — He resided in Hamden, Conn. His children were Sophia, Lewis, Rebecca, Henry, of Ham den ; Francis, of Jackson, 111. ; Frederic, of New Haven ; Lois A. ; Edson, of Watertown, Conn.; Chloe A. and Silvia C. Lois A., to whom I am indebted for my information, married Lewis Perkins, and resides in Hamden. Page 340, seventeen lines from top, for Levi read Lewis. Page 341, twenty lines from bottom, for McEnen read McEwen. Add for the family of Phineas, page 343, No. (482) : — He settled in Warren, N. Y., where he was wounded by a cannon discharge, July 4, 1810, and died from its effects. He married Edna Rogers. His children were Gates, resid ing in Deansville, N. Y., unm. in 1867; and Calista, who m. E. D. Robinson, and was residing at White Pigeon, Mich., in 1867. Add for the family of Jathleel, page 343, No. (484) : — He settled at "Warren, N. Y., where he died in 1860. He married Armenia White. His children were Louisa E., m. Jefferson Lyman and resides at Jordonsvillp, N. Y. ; Ralph S., m. Marion Marquises, resides in Brooklyn, L. I. ; Alfred P., m. N. Tenny, and resides in New York city. Add to the family of Jathleel, page 343 [259], Lydia, Arad, Olive, Sophia, Jared, Asenath, Almira, and Burleigh. Lydia married Ebenezer Huntington, of Windham, Conn. Their daughter, Diana, to whom I am indebted for my information, was born in Windham, Conn., June 14, 1811, married Horace Cobb, of Windham, Vt., Apr. 22, 1835, and was residing at Spring Mills, N. Y., a widow with her family, in 1867. Add to the family of Jeremiah [405], page 346, at bottom, after 1867, mar ried Dec. 24, 1868, Rufus Aggett, of New Haven, Conn. Page 347, eleven lines from top, for Louisa read Lovisa. Page 350, four lines from bottom, for North read South. Page 351, nine lines from top, for Jan. 4 read Feb. 4. Page 353, nine lines from top, for Hinchly read Hinckley. Page 354, twelve , lines from bottom, for Malvin read Melvin. Add to the family of Milo Peck [595], page 357, three lines from bottom, Jeremiah A., b. Sept. 26, 1867. Page 359, fifteen lines from top, for Hosing read Hosington. Page 363, thirteen lines from bottom, for Woodstock read Cortland. Page 365, eleven lines from bottom, for 1826 read 1862. Page 368, twelve lines from botton, for June read Jan. Page 370, five lines from bot tom, for May read Mar. Page 371, four lines from top, for Rachel read Rhoda ; and, six lines from top, for Paul read John ; and, six lines from bottom, for June 4, 1726, read Mar. 12, 1726. Isaac Peck, supposed to be the son of Abraham, moved from Litchfield, Conn., to near Hudson, N. Y., and from there to Onondaga. His brother Jacob removed to Cornwall, Vt., where he died. He had a family of ten chil dren. Some of them have large families. His son, Doct. Jacob Peck, was resid ing at Norfolk, St. Lawrence County, in 1866. Add to the family of Abijah Peck, page 376, No. (280), after Reynolds : His children were Sarah A., Angeline B., Harriet, Charlotte, Lucy, Polly, John B., and Clara. Harriet, from whom I received my information, married Wil liam Page, and was residing in Norwalk, Ohio, in 1866. Page 389, six lines from bottom, for Crosby read Cooley. 34* INDEX. A general index of the names of all the Pecks in the work was at first pre pared, but it was found to contain so large a number of such names as Mary, John, William, and other common names, as to make it the work of too much labor and perplexity for a person to find their own name or that of the person sought for among them. It was therefore thought best to not only reduce its size by making a separate index for the appendix, but by dividing that into separate ones for each branch of the name which it contains. To still further facilitate finding the name and identifying the persons, a local index of the parents in the several branches of the name, with their residence,* has been given. By this a person will be able to find their own or the name of their parents with much more ease and facility. To find them by the former might have been the work of hours ; by this it is comparatively but the work of a moment. DIRECTIONS. To find the name of a female, or of a child, or of a person who has no family, look for the name of the father f with his family, and you not only find their name, but the names of their brothers and sisters. To find the father with his family, look for the same number in brackets which stands against his name in the index. When there is a star against the name in the index, look for it in the numerals or consecutive numbers, and you will find the person and whatever is said of him or his children, in connection with or immediately following his father's family. In the appendix, the numerals or consecutive numbers are inclosed in pa rentheses. When the name of the father is found, he may be readily traced back and bis ancestors learned or traced forward, and his descendants found. Take as an example the name of Thomas Peck, whose number in the index and in brackets, with his family, is 2642. Turn back to this number in the numerals or consecutive numbers, and you find him and his father, Thomas, and all the family. Look at the left of his father's name, and you have in brackets the number 2601. Turn back to that number in the numerals, and * Some of these residences may have been ineorreetly given me, or may have been changed, hut as it would so much help to identify the persons and facilitate tracing out their descendants it was thought best to give them. It was preferred rather than the plan of giving the dates of births. t The general index may be referred to when the parents are unknown. INDEX. — DIRECTIONS. — EXPLANATIONS. 403 you find the family of his grandfather, Nathaniel, — who are his uncles* and aunts. Look at the left of his grandfather's name, and you have the number 2592 ; look for that number in the numerals, and you find the family of his great-grandfather, Nathaniel. Look at the left of his name, and you have the number 2588. Look for that number in the numerals, and you have the family of his great-great-grandfather Nathaniel, who was born at Hingham, Mass, after his father came over to this country. To trace Thomas forward and find his descendants, turn to his number 2642 in brackets, and you find this + sign before the names of his sons, indi cating that they became parents, and are carried forward to the same number in brackets which is here against their names, where they and their families may be found. Take Philip as an example. Turn forward to his number, 2726 in brackets, and you find him and his family of nine children. As the families are not carried forward beyond this generation, the grandchildren immediately follow the children ; and it will be seen that you have before you the names of nine" children, fifty 9 grandchildren, and five10 great-grandchildren, who are of the tenth generation, f being the grandchildren, the great-grandchildren, and the great-great-grandchildren of Thomas, his descendants, through his son Philip. EXPLANATIONS. In the arrangement of the work, the numerals or consecutive numbers at the left of the names represent the number of each person individually from the ancestor. This + sign placed before a name indicates that the person becomes a parent, and refers forward to the number of that person, inclosed in brackets, where he and his family may be found. When the name is not carried forward to another place in the boo-i, what ever is said of the person is said in connection with or immediately follow ing the father's family. The figures in brackets at the left of the name refer back to the numerals or consecutive numbers where that person and his father's family may be found. The small figures over the names and above the line represent the number of the generation to which the person belongs. *It will be seen that this sign + is placed before the names of his uncles; which indicates that they became parents, and are carried forward to the same number in brackets, which here stands against their names, where they and their families maybe found without again turning to the index; each may also be traced back through their ancestry, or forward through their descendants, without turning to the index. t It will be seen by the chart or pedigree that the ancestor Joseph is traced back in Eng- land through his ancestors, by authentic records certified to by the Heralds, twenty generations; which, added to the ten in this country, makes thirty generations through which the name M traced. LOCAL INDEX. A. No. Aaron," of IT. T 1701 Aaron," of Poland, N.Y 2677 Aaron,5of Providence, R.I 1586 -Abiezer,4 of Rehoboth, Mass 28 Abiah,5 of Eehoboth, Mass 1598 Abiel," of Hopewell, N.B 1565 Abiel," of Hopewell, N.B 1629 Abiel,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1788 ?Abiel,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2116 Addison,7 of Montpelier, Vt 504 Addison,7 of Aurora, Nevada 3451 ?Ai," of Elgin, 111 3039. Ai,7 of Watertown, N.Y 2733 Albert G.,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 1914 ?Albert M.,8 of Central Falls, R.I 2418 ?Albert B.,8 of Providence, R.I 2971 Albion P.,7 of Northampton, Mass. . . . 3453 Alexander,7 of Alexandria, N.Y 286 ?Alexander," of Westfield, Wis 2217 Alfred,7 of Cumberland, R.I 307 Alfred R.,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 471 ?Alfred H.,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2174 Alfred,7 of Stoughton, Wis 2744 Alfred O.,7 of Scituate.R.1 2816 * Alfred W.,8 of Valejo, Cal 3102 Allen O.,7 of Providence, R.I 625 Allen,7 of Carthage, N.Y 1805 ?Allen,8 of Waubec, Iowa 2470 Allen,7 of Walcot, Vt 2784 Allen,5 of Rehoboth, Mass 78 Alonzo,7 of Eaton, N.Y 643 Ambros,5 of Swanzey, Mass 1587 Ambros,0 of Rehoboth, Mass 1666 ?Ambros," of Chateaugay, N.Y 2434 Amos," of Saratoga, N.Y 113 Amos, jr.,7 of Saratoga, N.Y 338 ?Andros,8 of Monroe, Wis 1130 Anquevine,7ofHomowack, N.Y 355 Ara,7 of Salina, N.Y 294 Arnold J.,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 420 Arnold M.,7 of Hatfield, Mass 580 Arnold,7 of Pawtucket, R.I 629 ArunaC. T„7 of Saratoga, N.Y 347 A8ahel,7ofScituate, R.I. 2815 Asa," of East Providence, R.I 1436 Asa,7 of Barrington, R.I 2928 B, Barton,7 of Goliad, Texas 637 ?Barnard,8 d. Mar. 6, 1850 698 Barney," of Wolcott, Vt 2659 Barney,7 of Wolcott, Vt 2790 Barney,7 of Providence, R.I 2807 Bela,7 of Attleborough, Mass 304 Bela,6 of Barrington, R.I 2686 Benjamin,4 of Cumberland, R.I 19 Benjamin,5 of Stoughton, Mass 40 Benjamin," of South Adams, Mass. ... 118 Benjamin," of Providence, R.I 156 Benjamin,5 of Providence, R.I 225 Benjamin,7 of Mobile, Ala 367 * Benjamin F.,' of Wolcott, N.Y 876 No. Benjamin T.,7 of Assonet, Mass 1473 Deacon Benjamin," of Rehoboth, Mass. 1691 Benjamin,7 of Washington, D.C 1742 ?Benjamin P.,8 of Mount Upton, N.Y. . . 2241 Benjamin," of Smithfield, R.I 2721 Benjamin,7 of Providence, R.I 294T Benoni,»of Rehoboth, Mass 132 Benoni," of Fitzwilliam, N.H 199 Bethuel, Doct,7 of Glen's Falls, N.Y. . . 274 Billings,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 433 Bradford W.,7 of Attleborough, Mass. . . 437 C. Calvin," of Orange, Mass 186 Calvin J.,7 of Seekonk, Mass 603 Calvin,7 of Claremont, N.H 1758 Calvin S.,7 of Providence, R.1 2919 ?Calvin,8 of ClarkCo., Ill 3204 Caleb," of Seekonk, MaBs 212 Caleb,7 of Central Falls, R. 1 1877 Capron,7 of Attleborough, Mass 1765 ?Carrol R.,8 of Ironton, Mo 3122 Chauncey ,7 of Boston, Mass 524 ?Chauncey P., "of Burlington, Vt 1264 Charles,7 of Johnston, N.Y 280 Charles E.,7 of Winnetka, IU 559 ?Charles J.,8 of Johnstown, N.Y 718 ?Charles C.,8 of Westminster, Vt 801 Charles,4 of Seekonk, Mass 1397 Charles,5 of Seekonk, Mass 1409 Charles,7 of Charlemont, N.H 1464 Charles H.,7 of Providence, N.Y 1872 Charles M.,7 of Providence, R.1 1905 Charles,7 of Camden, Ohio 1924 ?Charles A.,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2146 Charles E.,8 of Alexandria, N.Y 2220 ?Charles H.,8 of Worcester, MaBS 2408 ?Charles, of Australia 2469 ?Charles S.,8 of Cleveland, Ohio 3109 ?Charles,8 of West Burlington, N.Y. . . 3134 ComorM., of Potsdam, N.Y 501 Comfort,5 of Seekonk, Mass 2603 Comfort," of Seekonk, Mass 2649 Comfort,7 of Burlington, Iowa 2783 Constantine,4 of Attleborough, Mass. . .,1531 ?Cornelius C.,8 of East Providence, R.I. . 3328 Cromwell," of Rehoboth, Mass 141 Cromwell," of Coventry, R.I 242 Cyril C," of Rehoboth, Mass 152 Cyril,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 462 Cyrus,7 of Sonora, 111 362 Cyrus,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 1874 Cyrus,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 1916 D. Daniel,4 of Cumberland, R.I 9 Daniel, of Cumberland, R.I 31 Daniel,5 of Royalston, Mass 68 Daniel," of Sand Lake, N.Y 95 Daniel," of Royalston, Mass 181 Daniel,7 of East Pembroke, N.Y 273 Daniel,7 of Sand Lake, N.Y 291 Daniel,7 of Charlestown, Mass 546 INDEX. 405 No. •Daniel "of West Bergen, N.Y 667 Daniel 8., 7 of East Providence, R.I. . . . 1474 Daniel," of South Gibson, Pa 2709 Daniel,7 of Hector, N.Y 2760 Daniel,7 of Fullerville, N.Y 2880 Daniel H.,7 of Barrington, R.I 2938 DanforthL.," of Pawtucket, E.I 1711 Darius," of Seekonk, Mass 2714 David," of Providence, R.I 157 David,4 of Barrington, R.I 2595 David,5 of Seekonk, Mass 2617 David," of Clarendon, Vt 2702 ?David,8 of Perinton, N.Y 3035 David, of Freedom, 111 8445 ?Dempster," of Hammond, Wis 2285 ?Dewane," of Lafargeville.N.Y 2259 Dexter,7 of Kerkersville, Ohio 575 Dexter,7 of Harrisburg, Pa 1756 Doct Dorastus,7 of Ironton, Mo 2749 E. Ebenezer,4 of Rehoboth, Mass 14 Ehenezer,5 of Rehoboth, Mass 47 Ebenezer," of Lindon, Vt 150 Ebenezer, of Barrington, R.I 2591 Ebenezer,5 of Barrington, R.I 2607 Ebenezer,5 of Barrington, R.I 2639 Ebenezer," of Scituate, R.I 2661 Ebenezer," of Lindon, Vt 2675 Ebenezer," of Barrington, R.I. ..... 2718 Ebenezer,7 of Washington, D.C 2838 Ebenezer," of Providence, R.I 2934 ?Ebenezer," of Oskaloosa, Iowa 3022 Edmond," of Rehoboth, MaBs 133 Edmond J.,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 418 ?Edward," of East Pembroke, N.Y. ... 670 ?Edward,8 of Taunton, Mass 837 Edwin, of Providence, R.I 1889 ?Edward,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2193 ?Edwin H.," of Providence, R.I 2368 ?Edwin C.,8 ofNorthbridge, Mass. . . . 2411 Edwin F7 of Barrington, R.I 2863 Elihu," of Providence, R.I 88 Eli," Pine Grove, Pa 116 Elisha,3 of Attleborough, Mass 1502 Elisha," of St. Johnsbury, Vt 1447 Elisha," of Hopewell, N.B 1633 Elisha,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1783 ?Elisha,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2139 Elias,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1784 ?Elias S.,7 of Clarendon Springs, Vt. . . 2062 Ellis,7 of Barrington, R.I 2926 Ellis," of Barrington, R.I 2715 Elnathan,«of Seekonk, Mass 2685 Enoch,7 of Homowack, N.Y 354 ?Erastus P.,8 of Jamestown, N.Y 3291 ?Everett,8 of Green County, Wis 1131 Ezra," of Barre, Mass 2679 Ezra,7 of Jamestown, N.Y 2841 F. Foster," of Ithaca, N.Y 112 Franklin K.,7 of Clinton, Iowa 1855 ?Francis H.,8 of Rehoboth, Mass 1119 Francis, Rev.,7 of Brooklyn, L.I 1818 ?Francis,8 of Beaver Dam, Wis 2035 ?Francis H.,8 of Morris, N.Y 2243 ?Francis,8 of Johnson, Vt 3213 ?Francis W.,8 of East Providence, R.I. . 3327 ?Frederick A.," of New York city .... 2324 ?Frederick C.,8 of Pittsfield, Mass. . . . 3439 G. Gaius," of London, Vt 2669 Dr. Gardner.M.,7 of Dighton, Mass. . . . 1932 George," of Cumberland, R.I 93 George W.,» of Rehoboth, Mass 135 George," of Saratoga Springs, N.Y. ... 121 No. George," of Rehoboth, Mass 219 George W.,7 of West Troy, N.Y 282 George,7 of Johnston, R.1 287 George B.,7 of Cumberland, R.I 314 George,7 of Canton, Iowa 326 George,7 of JoneBville, Mich 365 George J.,7 of Dundee, 111 371 George,7 of Rochester, N.Y 383 George W.,7 of Providence, R.1 401 George G.,* of Mattapoisett, Mass. . . . 470 George B.,7 of Providence, R.1 478 ?George W.,8 of JohnBtown, N.Y 719 ?George A.,8 of Alexandria, N.Y 751 ?George H.,8 of Taunton, Mass 997 ?George W.," of Providence, R.I 1040 George, Doct," of Camanche, Iowa . * . 1659 George B.," of Rehoboth, Mass 1696 George,7 of Sterlingville, N.Y 1803 George R.,7 of Galesburg, 111 1828 George,7 of California 1863 George,7 of Swanzey, Mass.. 1934 George B.,7 of Warren, R.I 1957 ?George," of Russell, N.Y 2254 ?George L.," Troy, Pa 2302 ?George S.,8 Towanda, Pa 2521 George H.,7 Providence, R.1 2801 George C.,7 Lindon, Vt 2826 George W.,7 East Rutland; Vt 2887 George S.,7 of Providence, R.1 2949 ?George H.,» of Dundee, IU 2997 ?George H. jr.," of Providence, R.I. . . . 3224 George H.,7 of Cleveland, Ohio 3424 Gideon," of Seekonk, Mass 171 Gideon," of Rehoboth, Mass 1665 ?Gilbert I., of Dowagiac, Mich 898 GustavuB D.,» of Northampton, Mass. . . 3416 ?GustavusB.,8 of Rehoboth, Mass. . . . 2425 H. Harvey,7 of Poestenkill, N.Y 276 ?Hardy," d. in Illinois Sept. 12, 1838 . . . 2466 ?Hector,8 of Waubeck, Iowa 2468 Henry,4 of Rehoboth, Mass 21 Henry,5 of Seekonk, Mass 66 Henry W.,7 of East Taunton, MaBB. ... 423 Henry W.,7 of Northumberland, N.Y. . . 335 Henry,7 of Winchendon, MaBs 592 Henry R.,7 of Providence, R.I 609 Henry," of Lowville, N.Y 1616 Henry," of Bengali, N.Y 1660 Henry,7 of Harrisburgh, N.Y 1755 Rev. Henry,7 of Guilford, N.Y 1801 Henry C.,7 of Whitinsville, Mass 2853 Henry P.,7 of Bloom, 111 1904 ?Henry," of Lewisburg, N.Y 2253 ?Henry," of New Berlin, N.Y 2975 ?Henry H.,8 of Jamestown, N.Y 3292 Henry," of York, N.Y 3407 ?Hermon J.,8 of East Bloomfleld, N.Y. . 1144 Hermon A.,7 of Providence, R.I 2921 Hersey,7 of Richford, Wis 2821 Hezekiah,4 of Attleborough, Mass. . . . 1515 Hezekiah,5 of Attleborough, Mass. . . . 1554 Hezekiah," of New Port, N.H 1615 Hezekiah," of Smithfield, Pa 1681 Hezekiah,7 of Warren, E.I 1T» Hezekiah,7 of Beaver Dam, Wis 1759 Hezekiah,7 of Towanda, Pa. ...... 1940 ?Hezekiah,7 sup. of Beaver Dam, Wis. . 2071 ?Hezekiah,8 of Columbia, Pa 2530 Hezekiah,3 of Attleborough, Mass. . . . 14»» Hiram," of Montpelier, Vt 165 Hiram H.,7 of Potsdam, N.Y 4*j Hiram A.,7 of Salem, Ind • . . «*J ?Hiram H., of Londonderry, Vt ^061 ?Hiram,8 of Brighton, Ohio 2467 ?Hiram H.,8 of Wyoming, Iowa 317d Horace M., of Liberty, Ohio. 561 ?HollonN.,8 of Hammond, Wis 2210 406 PECK GENEALOGY. No. Horace,7 of Dellona, Wis 1827 Horace,7 of Providence, R.I 1963 ?Horace G.,8 of Alexandria, N.Y 2221 ?Horace," of Chateaugay, N.Y 2441 Horace," of West Brookfield, Mass. . . . 3422 Horatio,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 399 Horatio N.,7 of Rochester, N.Y 444 Horatio N.,7 Kansas 679 ?Horatio G.,« sup. of Saratoga, N.Y. . . 888 ?Horatio A.," of Grand Rapids, Mich. . . 2323 Horatio," of Swanzey, Mass 2684 I. Ichabod,4 of Cumberland, R.I 10 Ichabod,5 of Cumberland, R.1 33 Ichabod," of Fulton County, N.Y 98 Ichabod," of Montpelier, Vt 182 Ira," of Owassa, Mich * 114 Ira B.,7 Woonsocket, R.I 302 Ira, of Half Moon, N.Y 325 Ira L.,7 of Farm Ridge, HI 345 IraR.,7ofEastBloomfleld,!N.Y 442 Ira,7 of Marshall, 111 2791 Isaac,7 of Coventry, E.I 655 Isaac L.,7 of Warren, R.I 1964 ?Isaac,8 of Huntington, C.W 2479 Isaac," of Providence, R.1 2660 ?Isaac,8 of Providence, R.I 3223 Israel,7 of Swanzey, Mass 1728 Israel," of Dalton, Mass 3381 Israel, of Pittsfield, Mass 3388 Jacob," of Fly Creek, N.Y 2645 Jacob,7 of MobUe, Ala 361 James," of Glenville, N.Y 119 James," of Rehoboth, Mass 127 James," of Montpelier, Vt 147 James W.," of Topsham,Vt 198 James M. ,' of Kentucky 458 James W.,7 of BoBton, Mass 587 James C.,7 of Providence, R.I 1472 James," of Seekonk, Mass 1610 James,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1777 James M.,7 of Warren, R.I, 1917 James,7 of East Cleveland, Ohio 2735 James B.,7 of Providence 2852 James,5 of Sheffield, Mass 3386 Jathniel,8 of Rehoboth, Mass 4 Jathnlel,4 of Rehoboth, Mass 13 Jathniel," of Rehoboth, Mass 44 Jathniel,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 385 ?Jathniel," of Taunton, Mass 998 Jeremiah," of Attleborough, Mass. ... 99 Jeremiah,7 of Adrian, Mich 323 Jeremiah,7 of Taunton, Mass 402 ?Jeremiah,8 of Newton Corner, Mass. . . 2969 ?Jeremiah,8 of Adrian, Mich 883 Jeremiah,7 of Wolcott, Vt 2793 Jerome B.,7 of Medway, Mass 552 Jesse F.," of Pelham, Mass 108 ?Job," of Sacramento City, Cal 3024 Joel," of Cumberland, R.I 103 Joel F.,7 of Wrentham. Mass 301 ?Joel C," of Troy, N.Y 659 Joel,7 of Gowanda, N.Y 3450 Joel,7 of Poestenkill, N.Y 272 Joel," of Seekonk, Mass 2624 John,5 of Montpelier, Vt. , 65 John," of Waterbury, Vt 168 John Suppose,7 of Sand Lake, N.Y. ... 275 John,7 of New York city 321 John W.,7 of Cyuthiana, Ky 500 John Q. A.,7 of Montpelier, Vt 538 John C.,7 of Waukegan, 111 558 John N.,7 of Gorham, N.Y 671 ?John," of Johnstown, N.Y 710 ?John A.,8 of Newton, Mass 778 John,5 of Seekonk, Mass 1411 No. John,4 of Attleborough, Mass 1517 John," of Attleborough, Mass 1562 John," of Bristol, R.I. 1640 John,7 of New Bedford, Mass 1732 John T.,7 of Troy, Pa 1824 ?John E.," of New Bedford, Mass. . . . 1991 ?John," of Hopewell, N.B 2119 ?John M.,8 Rev., of Claremont, N.H. . . 2307 ?John B., sup.,8 of Xenia, Iowa 2510 John, Rev.," of Black River, N.Y. .... 2690 John,7 of Providence, R.I 2796 John H.,7 of Barrington, R.I 2939 ?John W.,8 of Little Rock, Mich 3274 Johiel,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1786 Jonathan J.,7 of Barre, Vt 450 Jonathan," of Bristol, R.I 1500 Jonathan,4 of Bristol, R.I 1520 Jonathan,5 of Bristol, E.1 1568 Jonathan," of Rehoboth, Mass 1662 Jonathan,5 of Rehoboth, Mass 1582 Jonathan," of Attleborough, Mass. . . . 1618 Jonathan," of Alexandria, N.Y 1638 Jonathan,7 of Alexandria, N.Y 1800 Jonathan,7 of Columbia, Pa. . • 1822 Jonathan,7 of Bristol, R.1 1876 ?Jonathan," Hammond, Wis 2215 ?Rev. Jonas O.," of Chelsea, Mass. . . . 1152 Joseph,4 of Rehoboth, Mass 71 Joseph," of Middletown, N.Y Ill Joseph," of Charlton, Mass 227 Joseph,7 of Kalamazoo, Mich 329 Joseph S.,7 of Rehoboth, Mass.; 463 Joseph," of Seekonk, Mass 1496 Joseph,4 of Rehoboth, Mass 1505 Joseph," of Rehoboth, Mass 1558 Joseph,5 of Providence, R.I 1604 Joseph," of Bristol, R.1 1612 Joseph,7 Fair Haven, Mass 1735 Joseph,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1791 ?Joseph B.,8 of Dorchester, Mass 2141 Joseph K.,5 of Amherst, Mass 3394 Joseph,7 of Spartinsburgh, Pa 3443 Josiah," of Rehoboth, Mass 79 Josiah," of Eaton, Mass 231 Josiah,7 of Washington, Ind 640 Josias L.,7 of Bristol, R.I 1966 Joshua," of Montpelier, Vt 163 Joshua," of Smithfield, R.I 1613 Josephus,7 of Northbridge, Mass 1911 Josephus,7 sup. of Rehoboth, Mass. ... 447 ?Josephus W.,8 of Providence, R.I. . . . 3326 ?Judson N.,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2144 K. Dr. Kelly,7 of Cumberland, R.1 316 L. Learned," of Providence, R.1 2722 Lemuel," of Rehoboth, Mass 144 ?Leonard G.," of Carthage, N.Y 2280 Levi," of Westminster, Vt 101 Levi,7 of Huron, Ohio 363 Levi,7 Chelsea, Mass 586 ?Levi S.,» Fulton, Wis 783 Lewis," Providence, R.I 81 Lewis," of Ellenville, N.Y 115 Lewis,7 of Mount Tabor, Vt 288 Lewis,7 of Cumberland, R.I 306 Lewis,7 of New York 482 Lewis," of Ira, Vt 2708 Lewis,7 Burrillville, R.1 2811 Lewis,5 Ira, Vt 2625 Libbeus,7 of Providence, R.I 410 Loring," Lake Pleasant, N.Y 1578 Lucius W.,7 of Salt Lake City 461 Lucius B.,7 of Montpelier, Vt 514 Luther B.,7 of Providence, R.I 1475 Lyman,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 395 Lyman,7 of Royalston, Mass 628 INDEX. 407 M, No. Martin H.,7 of Salt Lake, U. T 456 ?Martin,8 of Dellona, Wis 2435 ?Marquis D. L.," of Walcott, Vt 3190 ?Marshall E.,8 of Jamestown, N.Y. . . . 3290 ?Melvin R.,8of Amandor, Iowa 1305 ?Menzo W.,8 of California 867 ?Merrit P.,8 of North Cohocton, N.Y. . . 3076 ?Miles," of Hopewell, N.B 2140 Milton,7 of Hardwick, Mass 2847 ?Monroe," Oak Grove, Wis 2034 ?Morris,8 of Montrose, Iowa 969 Moses," of Middlesex, Vt 188 Moses,7 of Hyde Park, Vt 557 N. Nahum,7of Hinesburg.Vt 507 Napoleon B.,7 of Woonsocket, R.I. . . . 555 Nathaniel,4 of Rehoboth, Mass 22 Nathaniel," of Montpelier, Vt 166 Nathaniel," of Lasalle, Mich 1651 Nathaniel,7 of Hammond, Wis 1808 ?Nathaniel," of Hopewell, N.B 2118 Nathaniel B.,7 of Pharsalia, N.Y 1841 Nathaniel,4 of Seekonk, Mass 2592 Nathaniel," of Barrington, E.l 2717 Nathaniel," of Providence, R.I 2640 Nathaniel," of Seekonk, Mass 2653 Nathaniel,7 Bloomfield, N.Y 2736 Nathaniel," of Barrington, R.1 3376 Nathaniel,4 of Amherst, Mass 3385 Nathaniel,3 of Barrington, R.I 2588 ?Nathan," East Pembroke, N.Y 672 ?Nathan," of Saratoga, N.Y 889 Nathan," of Seekonk, Mass 1393 Nathan,4 of Seekonk, Mass 1396 Nathan," of Seekonk, Mass 1405 Nathan R., Eev.,7 of California 2876 Nelson,7 of Monroe,, Wis 436 Nicholas,4 Rehoboth, Mass 1506 Nicholas,4 sup., of Smithfleld, R.I. . . . 1533 Nicholas,5 of Seekonk, Mass. 1545 Nicholas," of Trout Creek, N.Y 1608 Nicholas," of Bristol, R.1 1639 Nicholas," of Clinton, N.Y 1676 Nicholas,7 of California 1744 Nicholas,7 of Bristol, R.I 1810 Noah,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 1890 Noah L.,7 of Woonsocket, E.I 1912 Noah," of Rehoboth, Mass 2579 Noah,"ofMachias, N.Y 2706 Noah,5 of Clarendon, Vt 2627 Obed,7 of Windsor, Vt 1461 Obed," of Rowe, Mass 1426 Oliver," of Norway, N. Y 39 Oliver,5 of Rehoboth, Mass. ....... 74 Oliver C," of Rehoboth, Mass 210 Oliver O.,7 of Johnstown, N.Y 284 Oliver,7 of Saratoga, N.Y 340 ?Orestes F.,8 supposed of Westminster, Vt 800 •OrenH.,8 of Boston, Mass 1032 Oren,7 of Boston, Mass 396 ?Oscar D.," of California 3272 Otis," of Rehoboth, Mass • - . . 125 Otis,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 389 Otis T.,7 of Waterbury, Ct 421 Otis,7 of Thompson, Ct 628 ?Otis C.," d. March 9, 1853 994 Otis," of Seekonk, Mass 1422 Otis," of Pittsfield, Mass. 3410 Otis L.,7 of Sandusky City, Ohio .... 3425 Parleamon,7 of Joliet, 111 434 Parmenia W.,7 of Bast Bloomfield, N.Y. . 441 No. Pardon,7 of Lorraine, N.Y 2739 Peleg," of Swanzey, Mass 1685 Peleg," of Swanzey, Mass 1583 Peleg,7 of Thurlow, Canada West .... 1925 Peleg,7 of Sylvania, Pa 1941 Peleg,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 1951 Peleg," of Scituate, R.1 2606 Peleg," of Richfield, N.Y 2644 Peleg,7 of Perry Centre, Mich 2748 ?PelegJ.,8ofBurrillville, R.I 3243 Perez," of Coventry, R.I 86 Perez," of Coventry, R.1 247 Perez P.," of Sandusky, Ohio 3408 Peter ," of Danville, Vt 1415 Peter," of Fly Creek 2646 Philip,5 of Rehoboth, Mass 53 Philip W.,7 of South Rehoboth, Mass. . . 466 Philip,7 of Walpole, N.H 585 Philip," of Providence, R.1 1667 Philip S.,7 of California 1854 Philip F.W.,7 of Chicago, III 1903 Philip," of New Berlin, N.Y 2726 ?Philip," of New Berlin, N.Y 2967 ?Philo W.," of Bloomington, III 3175 ?Philander W.,8 of Johnstown, N.Y. . . 720 ?Philander L.,8 of Royalston, Mass. . . . 1250 Pomroy,7 of Sutton, Mass 525 R. ?Ransom O.," of Scituate, R.I 3259 *Keuben,8of Ripon, Wis 674 Reuben,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1782 Richard," of Wells, N.Y 1661 Robert," of Swanzey, Mass 1708 Robert A.,7 ofBristol, Mass 1968 Royal," of Wrentbam, Mass 102 ?Eoyal J.," ofWrentham, Mass 828 Royal C.,7 of Rehoboth, Mass 596 ?Royal H.,"of Wolcott, Vt 3151 Rufus," of New Providence, Ind 211 ?Rufus A.,8 of Providence, R.I 819 Rufus," of Providence, R.I 1663 Russell,7 of East Montpelier, Vt 505 ?Russell," of Central Falls, R.I 846 Russell,7 of Iowa 2727 S. Salsbury," of Swanzey, Mass 1690 Salsbury,7 of Swanzey, Mass 1949 Samuel," of Rehoboth, Mass 8 Eev. Samuel,4 of Eehoboth, Mass. ... 27 Samuel," of Eehoboth, Mass 77 Samuel," of Salem, Ind 213 ?Samuel E., supposed of Canton, Iowa . 906 Samuel V.," ofBristol, R.I 1649 Samuel D.,7 of Hamlet, Smithfleld, E.I. . 1743 Samuel V.,7 of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. . . . 1840 Samuel,7 of Providence, R.I 2808 Samuel,7 of Barnet, Vt 2823 Samuel,7 of Farmington, Pa 3442 ?Sanford L.,8 of Claton, Iowa 798 Sebea," of Barrington, R.I 2688 Seth," of Warren, R.I. 1682 Seth,7 of Harrisburgh, N.Y 1757 ?Seth S.,8 of Iowa 2437 ?Seth,8 of Sylvania, Pa 2531 ?Seth H.,8 of Wolcott, Vt 3146 Seth,7 of Dellona, Wis 1927 Sewell,7 of Johnstown, Ohio 562 Shubael," of Rehoboth, Mass 131 Shubael,7 of Westminster, Vt 298 Shubael," of Rehoboth, Mass 46 ?Shubael,8 of Bristol, 111 1128 Silas,7 of Copenhagen, N.Y 1764 Simon," of St. Johnsbury, Vt 1451 ?Simon E.W.,8 of Hardwick, Mass. . . . 3302 Simon,4 of Amherst, Mass 3384 Solomon," of Sutton, Maes 68 408 PECK GENEALOGY. No. Solomon," of Wrentham, Mass 38 Solomon,5 of Royalston, Mass 73 Solomon," of Cumberland, E.I 106 Solomon," of Providence, E.I 158 Solomon," of Orange, Mass 184 Solomon," of Harlam, Ohio 197 Solomon,4 of Barrington, R.1 2598 Rev. Solomon,7 of Roxbury, Mass. . . . 475 Solomon," of Barrington, R.I 2629 Solomon," of Seekonk, Mass 2713 Solomon,7 of Seekonk, Mass 2911 Stephen,7 of Central Falls, R.I 313 Stephen,7 of Denning, N.Y 349 Stephen,4 of Seekonk, Mass 1509 Stephen,7 of Scituate, R.1 2812 Stephen,7 ofBristol, R.I 1739 Squire," of Montpelier, Vt 167 Sullivan,7 of Royalston, Mass 529 Sylvester," of Rowe, Mass 1428 Sylvester,7 of Bridgeport, Conn 415 ?Sylvester,8 supposed of Beaver Dam, Wis 2073 Sylvester.7 of Providence, E.I 2922 Sylvanus," of Rehoboth, Mass 1672 Sylvanus,7 of East Providence, R.I. . . . 1919 T. Thomas S.," Seekonk, Mass 1412 Thomas," of Swanzey, Mass 1433 Deacon Thomas,4 of Swanzey, Mass. . . 1525 Thomas,5 of Bristol, R.I 1573 Thomas," of Bristol, R.I 1585 ThomaB," of Hopewell, N.B 1634 Thomaa," of Swanzey, Mass 1680 Thomas,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1795 ?Thomas," of Hopewell, N.B 2186 ?Thomas W.,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2198 Thomas,4 of Seekonk, Mass 2593 Thomas,5 of Scituate, R.I 2601 Thomas," of German Flats, N.Y 2642 Thomas," of Seekonk, Mass • . 2655 Thomas," 2676 Thomas,7 of Bristol, N.Y 2732 Rev. Thomas,7 of Pierson, Mich 2742 Thomas,7 2837* ?Thomas,8 of Morocco, Ind 2974 ?Thomas A.,8 of Perinton, N.Y 3032 *Thomas S.,8 of Fairbnry, 111 3082 ?Thomas H.," of Johnson, Vt 3174 ?Truman D.,» East Cleveland, Ohio . . . 3111 TJri,7 Westminster, Vt 295 V. ?Van Ness,"_of Walcott, Vt 3150 W. No. ?Warren D.,8 of Hopewell, N.B 2175 ?Warren E.," of Ironton, Mo 3125 ?Wayland F.," of Athol, Mass 1249 Welcome," of Scituate, R.I 2667 Welcome,7 of Johnson, Vt 2789 ?Welcome," Burrillville, R.I 3240 ?Wesley," of Hopewell, N.B 2187 ?Wesley C," of East Calais, Vt 3168 Whipple,7 of Franklin, Mass 310 ?Whipple," of Richmond, Vt 851 Williams," of East Bloomfield, N.Y. . . 143 William," of Providence, R.I 176 William,7 of Cumberland, R.I 300 William P.,7 of Dartmouth, Mass 403 William H.,7 of Roxbury, Mass 409 William,7 of Cincinnati, Ohio 474 William N.,7 of Johnstown, Ohio .... 572 William N.,7 of Montpelier, Vt 539 ?William H.,8 of Sandy Creek, N.Y. . . 657 ?William,8 of East Pembroke, N.Y. ... 664 ?William E.,8 Greenwich, R.I 820 ?William H.," supposed of Canton, Iowa. 901 ?William B.,8 of North Dartmouth, Mass. 106 ?William,8 of Mount Pleasant, N.Y. . . . 1068 William H.,7 of Providence, R.1 1479 William,4 of Dighton, Mass 1522 William B., of Chonnahon, 111 1655 William," Rehoboth, Mass 1671 William," Warren, R.I 1730 William,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1766 William,7 of Hopewell, N.B 1790 William,7 of Columbia, Pa 1825 William B.,7 of Wells, N.Y 1869 William,7 of Providence, R.1 1908 William,7 of Chateaugay, N.Y 1922 William,7 of Dighton, Mass 1931 William,7 of Xenia, Iowa 1939 ?William A.,8 of Rockland, Maine . . . 2096 ?William R.," of Plesses, N.Y 2256 ?William A.," of Carthage, N.Y 2278 ?William W.,8 of Iowa 2433 *William G.,8 of St. Louis 2503 ?William A.,8 of Towanda, Pa 2523 ?William H.,8 of Troy, Pa 2528 William,7 of Richfield Springs, N.Y. . . 2579 William,7 of Calais, Vt. . . . 2787 William,7 of Chicago, 111 2825 ?William R.,8 of Dundee, 111 2970 ?William R., jr.," died in Iowa 2990 ?William F.,8 of Auburn, N.Y 3030 ?William," of West Burlington, N.Y. . . 3132 ?William V.,8 supposed of Calais, Vt. . . 3167 ?William P.,8 of St. Johnsbury, Vt. . . . 3192 ?William C.,8 of Greenwich, Mass. . . . 3302 ?William J.," of Barrington, R.I 3352 Winchester," of Seekonk, Mass 1537 ' Winchester," died May 8, 1859 1614 - Winchester/ of Amherst, Mass 3399 _ Wolcot, of Keene, N.H 289 Wyon,8 of Elgin, 111 3038 OTHER NAMES. The small figures placed over or at the right of the number of the page denote the number of times the name occurs upon that page. A, Abel, 31, 96.2 — Abigail, 85. Adams, 18, 194,2 249. Ainsworth, 224." Akerly, 152, 153, 176. Aldrich, 63", 79, 98. Alexander, 38, 58, 77 .- Allen, 18, 43, 44, 45,2 53, 892, g5] 96, H8, 199, 204, 207 ; cht. 214, 215, 127, 255. Allers, 194.2 Algiers, 52. Alsdurf, 257. Alston, 99. Anderson, 232. Andrews, 63," 236. Angel, 63. Anthony, 241,2 184. " Armington, 149,2 124, 221. Armstrong, 93," 101. Arnold, 56, 88,2 90 92,2 123,2 147.2 Ash, 226. Atwood, 240. Ann, 198. Anne, cht. Austin, 80,4 218," 224, 239,252,2 254,255. Ayers, 84.2 B. Babbs, 21.2 Babb, 23.2 Babbett, 154. Babcock, 182. Bacon, 26,2 178. Bagley, 69. Bailey, 62, 55, 164, 234. Baird, 102. Baker, 52, 82, 87, 191, 215, 243. Baldwin, 52, 80, 253.2 "Ballard, 193.2 Ballou, 55,2 57f2 53,3 59, 91,2 89, 92. Barber, 95. Barker. 156, 209." Barns, 74, 90, 96, 179, 207,208,215,217." Barnard, 167. Barney, 45, 100, 108, 119,2 126,4 206,2 208,2 149," 162, 165,2 169,2 199, 211. Barrus, 50 ," 65. Bard, 61. Bartlet, 47. Barton, 74, 79.* 85 Bartrum, 234. Bardshaw, 98. Bastin, 215.2 Batchelor, 73, 69.2 Beckwith, 177. Bellows, 70, II6.2 Bellinger, 179. Bennett, 152, 158,4183, 191, 195." Benson, 217. Benedict, 63, 72. Bicknell. 136,2 247. Bickford, 184. Bignell, 205. Birdsell, 60. Bishop, 38, 58, 75, 92, 153,2 210. Blackinton, 90.2 Blacket, 93.2 Blake, 135. Blaisdale, 169.2 Blackman, 214, 215. Blandin, 32. Blaxton, cbt. Blood, 115. Bliss, 16, 36, 42, 52,53," 67, 64, 65, 73, 99,2 101,2 103, 107,2 125 ,3 167, 189, 221.2 Booth, 61. Bonney, 170, 231. Borden, 236. Bosworth, 53, 139, 149, 156, 245,2 204. Bourn, 115.2 Bowen, 33, 64,97,2137, 128, 149, 177, 180,2 191, 219, 222,2 240.2 Bowers, 34. Bowler, 70. Boyce, 52. Boice, 158." Bradford, 15, 18, 19, 154,4 179.2 Bradley, cht., 230.2 Brady, 189. Brambles, 67. Bray, 70, 176. Brayton, 120. Brewster, 152, 173, 174. Brigham, 164. Briggs, 74, 149, 154,4 168, 173, 190, 217.2 Bristol, 225." Brindle, 183. Broderick, 93. Broadshaw, 179, 182. Broddast, 180. Brown, 38,2 46,2 80, 115, 136.2 i59)7 i6if 177,2 182,2 186,2 209, 211,2 213, 216, 220,2 223,2 249. Broughton, cht. Brooks, cht. Bruning, cht. Bryant, cht. Buck, 153. Bnckland, 199. Bucklin, 31, 207, 249. Bacon, 158. Budd, 179. Buel, 61. Buffam, 75. Bugbee, 234.2 Bulas, 216. Bullock, 36, 51, 159,2 214.2 Bump, 243.2 Bunker, 110. Burr, 92, 184.2 Burk, 144. Burt, 106. Burrill, 194,2 210. Burns, 87. Burgen, 167. Bnrbank, 177.2 Burlingame, 55.2 Burnett, 113. Burdick, 236.2 Burnham, 227. Bnshnell, 228. Bush, 112,2 253. Bushee, 209. Butts, 150. Butler, 78, 186, 217. Butterfield, 118. Butterworth, 48, 61. 122, 134, 198, 133. Calder, 70. Calhoun, 143,2 174,3 175. Caldwell, 178. Calkins, 151. Campbell, 57, 222. Cameron, 104. Capron, 65, 151.2 Carr, 118 .2 Carder, 137. Carmitte, 56. Carpenter, 31, 51, 64, 66,2 71, 78,2 90,2 115, 123, 124, 167,2 198, 209,2 140. Carr, cht. Carrier, 116, Carson, 189. Caruthers, 187. Cary, 212,2 247. Casey, 70, 192. Cass, 74.2 Caswell, 148. Cave, cht. Ceaaar, 34, 205. Chadwick, 150. •> Chafee, 54, 125, 126,« 222.2 Chamberlayne, 178. Chapman, 38, 213. Ohappel, 169,2 80. ChaBe, 52, 53, 62," 147, 160," 164, 217, 218,2 221.2 Chenery, 255.4 Cheeney, 188. Chickering, 128. Childs, 54,z 184. Chipman, 87. Christy, 71. Christie, 127. Christyan, 84. Church, 388,7 161. Clark, 14, 61, 48, 75, 113, 119,2 162, 174, 210 7 215, 230,2 235,2 256. Clapp, 171.2 Clayton, cht. Clement, 104. Clifford, 71. Clough, 106. Cobb, 172.2 Codding, 66.2 CoggBhall, 101,2 I8I.1 Colby, 67, 105,2 !88.7 Cole, 59,2 104,2 128J 142, 164, 181,2 187. Coleman, 111.2 Colegrove, 214.2 Collins, 189, 216. Colopy, 113. Colvin, 236,4 237." Congor, 93,7 158." Cooms, 237. Connor, 232. Corey, 117, 227. Cooper, 19, 60,2 177 s 122, 134, 219, 230, 241,2 20,29. Cowles, 159." Cornell, 184. Covel, 30, 35, 63. Couch, 192. Cowel, 194. Craig, 183. Cram, 172. Crego, 226. Crocker, 75. Crompton, 24. Cronk, 60. Cross, 179. Crossraan, 65, 176. Crosby, 73. Crowningshield, 89. Curtis, 84, 115,2 217. Cumstock, 91. 410 PECK GENEALOGY. Cummings, 96. Cushing, 13, 26, 80. Cushman, 66, 89. Cutler, 113. D. Daggett, 51, 172,' 208." Danforth, 83." Dany, 238. Dare, 148. Darling, 217. Davis, 50, 73, 80, 97,2 112,2 n3|2 129, 146 147, 148, 169, 186, 187, 191, 212,2 227.2 Davison, 142.2 Davidson, 213. Day, 43, 112,2 215, 235.2 Dean, 31, 56, 66, 106, 179,2 247, 246. De Freest, 82." Denio, 171. Denick, 230. Derby, 239. De Wolf, 135. Dewey, 212. Dexter, 46,47, 53,224,2 239, 257. Dillis, 35, 36. Dilley, 225. Dimond, 62. Dingman, 81." Dickie, 175. Dickson, 143. Dickins, 171. Dickinson, 254. ! Dix, 129. Dixon, 176. Dodge, 72, 86,2 m.j Dodd, 188. Dorn, 79. Dorr, 167. Dow, 117. Downie, 230. Downing, 234." Draper, 159, 251. Draycot, cht. Drown, 50, 51, 117,! 149. Dolly, 219.2 Dryer, 150. Dudley, 93, 233." Duffle, 152. , Dunning, 157. Dunbrack, 87. Dunbar, 218, 239.2 Duncan, 226. Durfee, 249.2 E. Easterbrooks, 108,' 151. Eaton, 224, 251. Edget, 143,2 176. Edmonds, 94. Edwards, 172, 109. Ehrhart, 183. Eldredge, 255. Eldredge, 145. Elliott, 149, 152. Ellingwood, 220. Ellis, 64,2 172,2 177. — Elizabeth, 21, 43, 123,2 139. Emerson, 75, 124,4 183, 185.2 Emery, 100. Emons, 189. Emory, 84. Estelle, 192. F. Fairbanks, 76, 164, 165. Fales, 82, 139, 155. Farnum, 249. Fellows, 157. Felix, 180. Fenwick, cht. Fif.*, 233." Fish, 206, 209,2 219, 220. Fisher, 57, 73. 185,2 258. Field, 248. Finkle, 60. Fisk, 159. Fitch, 174. Flagg, 67. Fleming, cht. Fleek, 94." Flint, 102.2 Flower, 98.2 Follett, 43, 90,2 91. Forbs, 73.2 Foster, 46,2 47 542 73, 89.2 Fowles, 237. Fowler, 70, 110.2 Franklin, 92.2 Freelove, 219.2 Freeman, 119,2 134 177, 220. French, 209, 214. Fry, 124.2 Fuller, 42, 52, 103, 122, 124,4 125," 126, 137, 234, 239, 240, 242," 256. Fulsom, 73. Furgerson, 59. Furna, 150. G. Gaines, 57. Gale, 60, 73, 188. Gallop, 213. Gallup, 133. Gardner, 168. Gano,166. Garver, 225." Gates, 113," 189. GausB, 105.2 George, 245, 138. Gibson, 73, 77,11 95. Gifford, 108. Gilbert, 177, 179.2 Gilman, 29. Gillimore, 48. Gillmore, 243.' Gilson, 68." Glading, 144.4 Glasby, 178. Glaze, 113. Glover, 122, 123. Godard, 61, 72, 232. Goff, 52,2 99 104 4 142 149.2 ' Goodman, 253, 254.2 Goodsire, 61. Goodwin, 49. Goodrich, 254." Gorham, 82, 153," 220. Gordon, 171. Gould, 52, 61, 71, 8I.2 Gow, 95.2 Graham, 73. Grayham, 187. Grant, 89. Graves, 219, Gray, 139, 164. Gregory, 34. Green, 65, 86,2 104,' 210,213,228,2 253.2 Greenwood, 92, 137." Griff, 226. Griggs, 188. Griswold, 226. Grout, 59. Guild, 94. Gurnsey, 42, 74. H. Hacker, 148.2 Haight, 61, 178. Hale, 172,2 ig2, 128. Hall, 57,103. Hamilton, 226, 151. Hamlin, 105,2 224.2 Hancock, 52. Handy, 211,2 224." Hanslop, cht. —Hannah, 136,148. Haradon, 215. Hardy, 172." Harger, 81, 83, 98. Harmon, 110. Harrington, cht. 112.2 Harris, 59, 84, 91,2108. Harrison, 158." Harsnet, 25. Hartwell, 127. Harvey, 56. Harwood, 112. Hastings, 253. Haskill, 233.2 Haskins, 251, 66. Hathaway, 51, 181. Hatch, I68.2 Havens, 79.2 Haws, 40," 228. Hawkins, 257." Hawley, 213. Hayford, 233." Hayze, 224. Hazard, 192. Heath, 136, 211," 222, 248. Hedding, 228. Hedges, 111.2 Henry, 261." Helen, 21. Hendricson, 128. Hersey,99.Hesselden, cht. Hewitt, 63, 184. Hibbon, 259.2 Hicks, 45, 49, 51, 66,2 69, 70, 103, 187.2 Hickey, 191. Higgins, 193. Hide, 78, 255. Hill, 84, 162, 211, 217, 221,2 234.2 Hinds, 162. Hinsdale. 253, Hixon, 114. Hoar, 195." Hobart, 26, 149, Hodges, 53." Hoit, 111, 253. Hooker, 109." Holbrook, 75, 214. Hollett, 85.2 Holyoke, 186.2 Hoppen, 152." Hopkins, 258, Horton, 48, 65,2 68,2 99," 105,2 161, 223, 77. Hothham, cht. Houghtalin, 93.2 Hovey, 83, 102. Howland, 144," 160," 241,2 155. Hoxie, 63," 97." Hubbard, 191. Hubbell, 232. Hubbert, 18. Huff, 194. Humphrey, 104, 207, 211,' 219,2 248. Hunt, 29,30, 34, 41,49, 61, 134, 167, 173, 175, 200,2 212, 215, 33. Hunter, 94, 192." Hutchins, 191, 205. Hutchinson, 145.2 Huson, 228. I. Ide, 50, 94. Ingols, 48. Ingraham, 144. Irish, 93." Jackson, 55,2 137. James, 107.2 Jacobs, 77,2 206,2 207, 205. Jencks, 53, 58," 215,! Jewett, 50. Jillson, 140. Johnson, 77,' 222, 226, 234, 249, 255. Jones, 67,368,138,148, 207, 217, 2i2, 242,« 257." Joseph, 150." Joslin, 26. Joslyn, 56. Joy, 51. K. Kane, 232. Kasson, 158." Keech, 88. Keese, 156." Keiver, 175. Kelley, 257. Kelsey, 170,2 171.2 Kennicut, 252. Kenne, 176." Kendall, 184." Kent, 221. Kenyon, 190. Kemp, 102. Keyser, 232. Kibby, 63. Kibburn, 71. Kidd, 64. Kieff, 193.2 Kies, 169. Kilborn, 103. Kilburn, 227. King, 127, 159, 166." Kinne, 176. Kinsley, 70, 129, 139 « 146,236. Kimball, 95. Knapp, 257. Knight, 140, 212, 256. Knowles, 147 ,7 229." INDEX. 411 Lacie, cht. Lacy, 177. . Ladd, 117, 119,2 234. Lain, 138. Laird, 182, 233.2 Lake, 53,2 95, 135, Landry, 93. Lane, 42, 231. Larkin, 63.7 Latham, 170." Laurence, 189. Laughland, 226.« Lawrence, 63, 80, 85. Lawton, 185.2 Leach, 216. Leak, cht. Leckrone, 107 .2 Lee, 50,4 226. Legate, 239." Leigh, cht. Leonard, 125, 212. Lerow, 213, Letcher, 94.2 Levitt. 168. Lewis, 74, 113, 174. Lighthall, 189. Lincoln, 155. Lindley, 147. Lindsey, 224," 231." Linkfield, 217. Linton, 189. Littlefield, 112. Littleton, cht. Loomis, 98, 249.2 Lock, 117.2 Lockwood, 72, 78. Lodes, 60. Lowell, IO6.2 Luther, 124,4 148, 160," 166,2 167 4 184 2 187 4 221. .Loveland, 235. Lovejoy, 67. Lyle, 94. Lynd, 81. Lyon, 72,2 159. M. Macomber, 77,2 169. Maddox, 240. Madison, 225. Mallory, 112. Mann, 75. . Manchester, 63. Mandeville, 183. Mansfield, 98. Marsh, 92, 252. Marsall, 176. Martin, 146. Martin, 13, 34," 44, 48, 53, 78, 160," 162,2 187, 188,2 208, 209,1" 218,4 230. Martindale, 139. Marble, 129. Marvel, 161. Mason, 26," 32," 33, 126-, 146,2 160," 164," 190," 191, 221, 30. Mather, 25. Mathews, 248, 249. Mathewson, 218.2 Maxfield, 194.2 Maxwell, 141, 148,149," 150, 184.2 Mayo, 113. May, 134, 206, 246, 247. Maynes, 183.2 McAlister, 177. McCalum, 181. McCleary, 225.*" McFarland, 235. Mclntire, 258.1 Mcintosh, 189. McKensy, 187." McLellan, 176. McMellen, 83." McVay, 227." Medcalf, cht. Medbury, 126. Medbery, 206, 210," 211, 214, 219,2 221, 222, 221, 240.2 Melgrave, cht. Melvin, 115.2 Menefee, 119." Meriman, cht. 23. Merrick, 162. Merritt, 79. Merrill, 85.2 Merriam, 127. Metcalf, 59." Michel, 48. Michels, 140." Middleton, cht.8 Miggs, 114. Miles, 251," 253.2 Miller, 125, 127, 1169,2 234. Mills, 173. Millard, 126,2 167,! 171,2 208.2 Mitchell, 86, 250." Moale, 154. Moffett, 91. Mois, 183. Moore, 251.12 Moor, 68,114.2 Monroe, 54, 126," 184, 205, 253. Morton, cht. Morrill, 68,3 103. Morris, 78," 8O.2 Morrison, 180. Mosher, 188. Mowry, 56, 161. Muncil, 188. Murdock,169. Murry, 102. Mushgrave, cht. Myles, 166. N. Neely, 225.-" Nelson, 95,2 234." Nettleton, 160.2 Newell, 40, 90." Newman, 17, 18, 19, 146, 168,2 234. Ney, 226. Nichols, 87,2 175, 188, 210, 228, 233." Nichol, 175. Nickerson, 125, 229.2 Nie, 65. Norton, cht. Northup, 187. Note, cht.2 Nutt, 75. Nye, 177,2 179.2 O'Donell, 68. Ormsbee, 32,2 34,2 79, 159, 209. Owen, 98. Osamequin, 203. Osgood, 233.3 Overoker, 85. P. Paddlefoot, 141. Paddleford, 224. Paddock, 212.2 Page, cht., 46 68,2 73, 154. Paine, 20," 39,2 40,2 198,4 199, 200," 211,2 235. Palmer, 31, 61,2 62, 224, 233. Park, 230.2 Parker, 76, 170. Parks, 251. Parkinson, 116." Patt, 223. Patrick, 96. Patterson, 253. Patten, 62." Payne, 127. Peabody, 182. Pearsall, 62.2 Pearson, 143, 173, 176, 235.2 Pearsons, 149. Peckham, 139, 146, 165, 168,2 193.2 Peirson, 23. Perkins, 106, 238,2253, 192. Perin, 115.2 Perry, 64, 255.2 Pettis, 226.2 Pettee, 103. Pettet,19l. Phiuey, 44,3 242." Philip, 15. Phips, 33. Philips, 83,4 101, 237. Pickering, 233.2 , Pierce, 49, 52, 73, 86,2 88,100, 139, 145,153, 161, 192, 209," 237, 240. Pierson, 229.1" Place, 84, 190. Plaisted, 84. Piatt, 191. Pliner, 178. Pitt«, 190. Polhamus, 97. Polmantier, 228, 229." Pool, 84. Pond, 74. Potter, 61, 110, 127,1 149. Powers, 87, 232. Powel, 249. Pratt, 64, 100, 204. Price, 178.2 Prindle, 99.2 Putnam, 64. Q. Quinly, 70. Quimby, 233."- R. Ralph, 213, 237. Rankin, 113. Ratcliff, cht. Ray, 48. Raymond, 251. Raynor, 62. Razee, 59. Read, 43, 51, 132, 141,2 207, 210, 211, 214, 215, 32. Reed, 2t), 30, 152, 173," 175, 230. Record, 120.2 Remington, 242.2 Reid, 78. Reynolds, cht., 74, ^ 144,w 154,2 178.2 Rhodes, 243. Rich, 110. Richards, 61, 76, 100, 224. Richardson, 138, 150.2 Richmond, 144," 249. Rider, 210. Riley, 94. Rimears, 180. Roberts, 114," 256. Roberson, 81. Robbins, 231. Robinson, 86, 174. 193," 232, 249. Rockwood, 89. Rogers, 75,2 76,7 97, 151, 173, 174, 176.2 Root, 105, 226. Rose, 205. Robs, 125.2 161. Round, 240.2 Rounds, 219. Rouke, cht. Eueland, 62.5 Euggles, 65. Eumrill, 172.2 Rushmore, 230." Russ, 115. Russell, 165. Rutenber, 208, 213. Ryan, 97.2 Ryckman, 82. S. Sabin, 200. Salsbury, 106,2 146, 192. Sampson, 60. 8anborn, 68. Sanford, 88,2 146, 180. Saunders, 208, 214. Savill, cht. Sawtell, 150, 170. Sawyer, 45. Scargell, cht. Scouteu, 257. Scott, 83. Searls, 112, 215, 216. Sely, 83.2 Sessions, 37. Shaw, 151. Sued, 241.2 Sheperdson, 137. Sherman, 128," 187.2 Shelbourn,68.Short, 42,4 67, 68, 125, 141,' 223,2 105. Shorey, 124. Shumway, 95, 177. Shults, 171.' Simmons, 74, 139. Sissoh,80,4150. Skinner, 141,2 142, 224." Slayton, 233.2 Smith, 24, 31, 33, 44, 54, 56, 64, 68, 71," 76, 85, 109,2 114, 122, 132,2 133,2 151, 153,2 154,2 158 162, 181,2 412 PECK GENEALOGY. 185,2 188,7 198, 199, 204, 206, 210, 217, 218, 219, 220,2 240,2 254. Southwick, 217. Southworth, 237. Souls, 213. Spalding, 193. Spencer, 71, 147, 207, 210, 220. Spicer, 227. Spooner, 72. Sprague, 63,7 140. Spring, 93.' Starton, cht. Starks, 162, 188. Btaley, 95.2 Stanford, 127. Stanly, 192. Stearns, 98." Stebbins,66.Steer, 215. Stephens, 186,2 213, 216. Stetson, 251. Steeves, 174. Stevens, 116, 118,*176. Stiles, 22, 23, 143,2 153, 176. Stillwell, 235. Stockwell, 158.4 Stodard, 57, 88.2 Strader, 171.2 Strieker, 85. Strivner, 209. Strong, 241.2 Stuart, 63. Stewart, 176. Stublefield, 107. Strader, 171. Sturtevant, 84.1! Sullivan, 146. Sunderland, 249. Surrc-ns, ISO. „ ,,. . Sinn..,, j^i. Swain, 110. Swnyze, 14o. Sweet, 85, 134, 149, 235, 212.2 Sweeting, 124. Sweeny, 233. Sweetland, 40, 136,235. Sylvester, 169. T. Tabor, 168,2 169,2 £18. I Taber, 200. Talbot, 22,' 23, [139, 181,2 190.2 Taft, 186.2 Tanner, 243.2 Taylor, cht., 84,2 1 85, 233. Temple, 70. Thane, 108.2 Thompson, 54, 60, 226. Thomas, 102, 150, 171, 172." Thorn, 106. Thornton, 146.2 Thresher, 193.2 Throop, 135, 139, 43. Thurber, 69, 89, 125, 206, 214, 255. Tifft, 140, 178. Tilden, 253.1" Tingley, 59,2 92.2 Titus, 48. Toggett, 71. Toogood, 137. Tooly, 178. Tolman, 102.2 Tompkins, 82. Toney, 41. Topham, 155." Torry, 17, 249. Tower, 39, 116, 220," 253. Townsend, 78, 252. Tracy, 192. Trimm, 237.2 Tripp, 126. Trow, 231. Trusdale, 127. Tubbs, 233. Tucker, 106,2 114, Tunstall, cht. Turner, 154,2 152, 171. 174, 44. Turnbull, 181.2 Tuttle, 60, 220. Twichell, 233. U. Usher, 149. V. Vallett, 236.2 Vanantwerp, 06, Vanderburgh, 85. Vanderworker, 95." Vanthusen, 84. Vavasar, cht.2 Veach, HO.2 Vial, 208, 222.» Viol, 150. Vincent, 59.2 Vinekum, 190. Vore, 107. W. Wade, 42," 49, 146. Wagman, 60,2 Waite, 72. Walcott, 46. Walker, 123, 141, 214, 218. Wallace, 152.2 Waldron, 164, 180." Walden, 215. Waltiers, 197. Walling, 236.2 Wamsitta, 15. Ward, 76, 78, 178, 182 Warden, 60, 128. Wardwell, 153, 195." Warner, 158,2 251. Wares, 239. Washington, 157.2 Waters, cht., 22. Watford, cht. Watson, 83. Waterman, 83. Weatherwax, 60. Weaver, 124," 165. Welden, cht. Weldon, 168. Weller, 150. West, 124," 125, 168, 250. ' Westcott, 161. Wemborne, rUi. Wheaton, 66,2 132, 159. Wheeler, 38, 39,2 52, 87,2 100,2 104, m 145, 146, 156, 214,2 229, 256, 115. Wheelock, 184, 64. Whipple, 38, 55,2 58,2 59,2 79,2 80," 91 2 92 212, 258,2 39. Whitaker, 41, 43,2 118, 246, 247. White, 65, 69, 99, 114,2 242." Whitcomb, 117.2 WMtoing, 167. Whyland, 82. Widel, 95. Winthrop, 189. Wilbor, 101. Wilbur, 151.2 Wild, 84. Wilkinson, 91. Wilcox, 99,2 129,2 150. Wilmarth, 122, 123, 121. Wilmoth, 207. William, 32. Williams, 49, 64, 65, 100,2 209. Willson, 56, 98, 155,2 239. Wilkinson, 220. Willse, 60. Willard, 71, 135, 217. Willet, 226. Winchester, 42, 133.2 Windsor, 80,4 216," 226.2 Winter, 201. Winn, 232. Wing, 63, 238. Wise, 257. Wiswold, 50.2 Wiston, 82. Walcott, 46. Woodin, 60. Woodworth, 69. Woodward, 81,« 91, 108,2 188, 239.2 Woodford, 88. Wood, 93, 111, 138, 153, 208,4 237. Wqrthington, 33. Wi.r'maii, 225. Wright, 71, 116,2145, I6I.2 Writman, 82. Wythe, 185. Yates, 63. Yong, 21, 56, 167. You, 210, 237.» APPENDIX. BOSTON AND HINGHAM PECKS. A. B. Benjamin . . . . 17 Benjamin . . . . 26 Benjamin . . . . 37 Benjamin . . . . 51 Benjamin . . . . 71 Benjamin . . . . 72 Benjamin . . . . 119 E. Ebenezer . . . . 81 Ebenezer . . . . 60 Ebenezer . . . . 84 Elizabeth . . . 4 Elizabeth . . . . 21 Elizabeth . . . . 23 Elizabeth . . . . *H Elizabeth . . . . 56 Elizabeth . . . . 62 Elizabeth . . . . 63 Elizabeth . . . . 64 Elizabeth . . . 66 Elizabeth . . . . 83 Elizabeth . . . 87 Elizabeth . . . . 108 Elizabeth . . . 113 Elizabeth . . . 140 Elizabeth . . ; 143 F. H. I. J. James 31 James 92 James 120 Jane 77 Joanna 85 Joanna 130 John 10 John 14 John 16 John 34 John 39 John 42 John 54 John 68 John 69 John 100 John 104 John 105 John 106 John 114 John 124 John 127 John 131 John 145 Joseph 8 Joseph 9 Joseph 11 Joseph 13 Joseph 53 Joseph 68 Joseph 70 Joseph 86 Joseph 89 Joseph 90 M. Mary 24 Mary 28 Mary 36 Mary 41 Mary 46 Mary 48 Mary 67 Mary 93 Mary 101 Mary 117 Mary 123 Mary 128 Mary 134 Mary 142 Margaret .... 136 Margaret .... 138 Margery .... 3 Moses 115 N. Nathaniel .... 6 Nathaniel .... 19 Nathaniel .... 38 Nathaniel .... 50 Nathaniel .... 133 Nathaniel .... 141 Nathan 75 P. Paul 5 Philip 99 R. Rachel 22 Rachel 57 Rachel 78 Rachel 129 Rebecca 139 Richard 1 Robert 110 Robert M 40 S. Samuel 29 Samuel 32 Samuel 45 Samuel 52 Samuel 73 Samuel 76 Samuel 94 Samuel 96 Samuel 97 Samuel 107 Samuel 112 Samuel 116 Samuel 121 Samuel 122 Samuel 126 Samuel 132 Samuel 146 Sarah 12 Sarah 47 Sarah Ill Sarah 137 Simon ...... 7 T. Tabatha .... 74 Thankful .... 61 Thomas H. ... 30 Thomas H. . . . \4Z Thomas 15 Thomas, jr. . . . 18 Thomas 65 Thomas 79 Thomas 82 Thomas 88 Thomas 95 Thomas 98 Thomas 102 Thomas 103 Thomas 118 W. William .... 25 William .... 27 William .... 33 William .... 35 William .... 55 William .... 80 William .... 91 William .... 125 William Dan- dredge .... 147 ? See the will of Thomas Handasyde Peck, page 271, for this name. t See his will, page 271, for the name. OTHER NAMES, B. Baker, 276. Baley, 270. Brewer, 277. C. Cary, 272. Chandler, 276. Child, 277. Clallin, 276. Clap, 266." Clough, 276. Collins, 277. D. Down, 277. E Edes, 271. «' F. Fisher, 267. Farnsworth, 266. 35^ G. Gambardella, 274. Gooeh, 267. Gould, 276. Green, 270. H. Hamilton, 276. Jackson, 276. K. Kelly, 276. L. Lander, 276. Lamb, 276. M. Marshall, 277. Mason, 276. Mitchel, 270, 276. Mosley, 276. Murrin, 276. Odell, 276. P. Parker, 276. Penneman, 276. Perkins, 270," 271, 272, 276. Philips, 269. Potter, 267. R. Rogers, 276. Roberts, 276, Sergeant, 276. Shattuck, 272. Stickney, 268. Soloman, 269. Symms, 271. T. Thurston, 268. Valincott, 276. W. Washington, 273. Waldo, 267. White, 276. Webster, 274. Wells, 276. Willis, 276. Winthrope, 273. 414 PECK GENEALOGY. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK, OP MENDON, MASS. Abraham," of Coleraine, Mass 8 Abraham,4 of Coleraine, Mass 26 Abraham," of Coopersville, Mich 51 Alanson," of Ashford, Conn 80 Almon," of Proctorsville, Vt 145 Alonzo C," of Boston, Mass 147 Alva," of Cavendish, Vt 73 Amos," of Monson, Mass 140 Calvin," of Ellsworth, Maine 42 Calvin G.,« of Ellsworth, Maine 84 Calvin F.,« Kent County, Del 100 Christopher," of Cavendish, Vt 173 Daniel,4 of Cavendish, Vt 33 Daniel D.,5 of Weston, Vt 71 E. Ebenezer," of Ashford, Conn 7 Elisha,4 of Abington, Conn., 41 Ezekiel,5 of North Richmond, N.H. ... 68 I. Ira," of Stafford, Conn 60 Ira, jr.," of Wales, Mass 135 J. James," of Weston, Vt 70 James F.," of Weston, Vt 157 Jason," of West Stafford, Conn 59 Jerry," of Blakely, Pa. ... ; 45 John," of Ashford, Conn 9 John,4 of Weston, Vt 31 John," of Peckville, Pa 44 John," of Ellsworth, Maine 91 John D.,« of Madison, Pa 99 John B.," d. in Palmer, Mass 123 John," of Somerville, Mass 144 Jonathan W.," of Peckville, Pa 96 Joseph,4 of Monson, Mass 29 Joseph," d. Aug. 3, 1865 183 L. Lemuel,5 of Belchertown, Mass 56 Levi," of Monson, Mass 143 Luther B.," of Monson, Mass 133 Oliver," of Weston, Vt. . . Oliver A.," of Boston, Mass. Oren,5 d. Feb. 18, 1840 . . . Oren H.," of Swanzey, N.H. 67 Robert," of Belchertown, Mass 121 Rowland H.,° of Ellsworth, Maine .... 88 Samuel,5 of Blakeley, Pa 43 Samuel J.," of New York 85 Samuel L.," of Peckville, Pa 92 Sceava," of Bast Somerville, Mass 146 Simon,2 of Mendon, Mass 1 Solomon," of Monson, Mass 62 OTHER NAMES. Abbott, 283, 284. — Abigail, 280. Adams, 284. Anderson, 287. Allen, 278. Arnold, 281. Austin, 280, 283. B. Badger, 280." Baldwin, 280. Barnard, 287." Beckwith, 284, Benjamin, 281, Bertholp, 281. Bowers, 280, 283. Bowen, 287. Brown, 279. Browning, 280. Bixby, 285. Bullard, 279, 283. Butler, 283. C. Cady, 282.2 Campbell, 285. Carpenter, 285. Canghey, 283. Champion, 282. Cheney, 288. Clark, 288. Colburn, 283, 287. Congdon, 284. Conner, 285. Cross, 286. Guttler, 282. D. Daniels, 278. Davis, 284. Dean, 283. Dennison, 279. Donnell, 287. E. Fasten, 286. Esty, 288. Farrar, 283, 28T. Fenn, 284. Fishfir, 283. Frazier , 285. x <**. Gaylord, 285.\ Googing, 281. \ Grant, 285. H. Hathaway, 280. Hall, 286. Hawley, 287, Hoar, 287. Hollis, 279. J. Jennings, 280. Johnson, 279. Jordon, 282. Joy, 281. Kent, 281. Kile, 280. L. Loomis, 286. Lothrop, 278. Luther, 278. M. Marcy, 280, 285. McAlster, 281. Metcalf, 283. — Millicent, 278. O. Orcott, 287. Pettingill, 281. — PhebeAnnT., 286, Plympton, 279. Preston, 279. R. Rhodes, 284.' S. Saunders, 287. Shattuck, 283. Smith, 283.2 Snidecor, 281, 286. Snow, 281. Somerby, 285. Spaulding, 280. Stephens, 281. Stevens, 281, 284. Stone, 286. Stratton, 282, Stuart, 279. T. Taft, 278. Taylor, 283. Toggart, 283. Torry, 282." W. Walker, 280. Waters, 282. White, 288. Whitney, 278. Wilson, 281, 283, 285, Wins'hip, 284." Wise, 281. APPENDIX. 415 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, OF MILFORD, CT. Aaron," of Newtown, Conn 79 Abel," of Fishkill, N.Y 94 ?Abel T.,7 of Newtown, Conn 910 Abner," of Newtown, Conn 168 Abraham," of Milford, Conn 186 ?Abraham," of Milford, Conn 601 ?Alvah,7of Jay, N.Y 673 ?Andrew," d. at Butternuts, N.Y 219 Amiel,4 of Brookfield, Conn 64 ?Amiel," of Johnsonville, Ohio 619 Amos,4 of Newtown, Conn 67 Amos," of Brookfield, Conn 185 ?Amos," of Newtown, Conn 207 ?Amos G.," of Newtown, Conn 615 Andrew,5 of New Milford, Conn 150 ?Anon,5 of Woodbridge, Conn 128 ?Anson," of New Durham, N.Y 266 ?ArzaC.,7 sup. of Newtown, Conn. . . . 952 ?Asahel," of Portland, N.Y 280 ?Asher,5 of Newtown, Conn 89 ?Aurelius,7 of Woodbridge, Conn 793 B. ?Bazaleel," of Derby, Conn 124 ?Bennett B.,7 Woodbridge, Conn 787 Benjamin,4 of Milford, Conn 53 Benjamin," of Milford, Conn 187 Benjamin," of Watertown, Conn 363 ?Benjamin C.,f of Woodbury, Conn. ... 497 ?Benjamin," of Milford, Conn 605 ?Birdseye," of Stratford, Conn 439 ?Bronson,7 of New York city 894 ?BurweU," of Durham, N.Y 259 C. Clark," of Sangate, Vt 514 ?Carlos," of Bloomingdale, Mich 532 ?Charles," of Newtown, Conn 316 ?Charles," of Brooklyn, N.Y 433 ?Charles," of Bethel, Conn 559 ?CharleB,7 sup. of Brookfield, Conn. ... 932 Cornelius B.," of Milford, Conn. 604 ?CyrenusH.," of Brookfield, Conn 628 ?Cyrus," of New Durham, N.Y 269 D. Daniel,6 of Newtown, Conn 81 ?Daniel," of Newtown, Conn 244 ?Daniel," of Durham, N.Y 257 Dan," of Newtown, Conn 102 ?Dan," of Milford, Conn 390 David," of Newtown; Conn 85 David," of Brookfield, Conn 180 David," of Newtown, Conn 205 ?David," of Newtown, Conn 239 ?David,7 of Jay, N.Y 649 ?David N.,7 of Newtown, Conn 925 E* Ebenezer,4 of Newtown, Conn 48 ?Edward R.» Stow, Ohio 708 Eli," of Derby, Conn 156 Eli," of Jericho, Vt 609 ?Eli,7 of Streetsboro,' Ohio 715 Elias," of Bhandaken, N.Y 216 Elijah," of Hinesburgh.Vt 190 ?Elisha T.,7 of Milford, Conn 848 ?Elmer N.,7 Richland, Mich 747 Elnathan,5 of Newtown, Conn 195 ?Elnathan," of Salsbury, N.Y 252 ?Elnathan,7 of New Britain, Conn 837 Enos," of Newtown, Conn 95 Enoch,5 of Newtown, Conn 153 Ephraim," of Newton, Conn 12 Ephraim,4 of Newtown, Conn 45 Ephraim," of Woodbury, Conn 161 ?Ephraim," of Columbia, S.C 378 ?Ephraim B.," of Woodbury, Conn. ... 506 Ezekiel," of Newtown, Conn 444 F. ?Fowler," of Dement, 111 582 G., George," of Sandgate, Vt 162 ?George C," of Newtown, Conn 565 ?George W.,7 of Brookfield, Conn 947 Gideon," of Newtown, Conn 167 Gideon,4 of Newtown, Conn 47 H. Henry," of Milford, Conn 13 Henry,4 of Newtown, Conn 44 Henry," of Brookfield, Conn 184 ?Henry J.,7 of Morris, Conn 336 ?Henry," of Newtown, Conn. ...... . 536 ?Henry L.,« of Brookfield, Conn 589 ?Henry,7 of Streetsboro', Ohio 728 ?Henry K,7 of New Haven, Conn 824 ?Henry W.,7 942 Henry,4 of Brookfield, Conn. . 51 ?Hermon," of Newtown, Conn 320 Heth,"of Newtown, Conn 17 Heth,4of Newtown, Conn 60 Hezekiah," of Fishkill, N.Y 99 ?Hezekiah," of Milford, Conn 384 ?Horace,7 of Trowbridge, Mich 742 ?Horace M.,7 of Richland, Mich 753 Isaac," of Newtown, Conn 159 Isaac," of Newtown, Conn 202 ?Isaac," of Newtown, Conn 358 Israel", of Newtown, Conn 91 ?Ira," of Ripley, N.Y 258 ?Ira," of Bridgeport, Conn 575 J. Jabez," of Newtown, Conn 87 ?Jabez," of Newtown, Conn 634 ?James « of Sullivan, N.Y 420 ?Jared B.," of New Haven, Conn 474 Jeremiah," of Milford, Conn 10 Jeremiah,4 of Watertown, Conn 30 Jeremiah," of Watertown, Conn 112 ?Jeremiah," of Woodbury, Conn 343 Jerre," of Woodbridge, Conn 372 ?Jesse L.," of Brookfield . . ¦ 573 Job> of Stratford, Conn 40 Job," of Stratford, Conn 137 - John,2 of Milford, Conn 3 John,4 of Bridgeport, Conn 22 John,4 of Milford, Conn 29 John,5 of Newtown, Conn 84 John,5 of Litchfield, Conn 110 John," of Stratford, Conn 135 John,5 of Brookfield, Conn 182 John W.,5 of Manlius, N.Y 435 ?John J.,7 of Syracuse, N.Y 866 John S.," of Naugatuck, Conn 459 John A.,« of Brookfield, Conn 586 ?John," of Burlington, Vt 345 ?John B.," of Wilmington, N.C 468 ?John N.,7 Lee, Mass. . 710 ?John,7 of Woodbridge, Conn 785 ?John B.,7 of Newtown, Conn 912 ?John,7 of Milford, Conn 973 416 PECK GENEALOGY. ?Jonathan M.,7 of Augusta, Ga 830 Joseph,2 of Milford, Conn 2 Joseph," of Newtown, Conn 7 Joseph," of Milford, Conn 10 Joseph,4 of Newtown, Conn 28 Joseph," of Newtown, Conn 88 Joseph," of Woodbury, Conn Ill ?Joseph," d. at Camden, N.Y 265 ?Joseph," of New Lisbon, N.Y 430 Joshua," of Jay, N.Y 213 Josiah," of Stratford, Conn 138 Judson," of Stratford, Conn 136 Julius," of Sharon, Conn .196 ?Julius B.,« of Waverly, 111 627 L. Levi,5 Southhury, Conn 164 Levirus," of Newtown, Conn 157 ?Lorin," of Newtown, Conn 325 ?Lyman,7 of Streetsboro', Ohio 699 M. ?Marquis D.L.," Litchfield, Conn 333 Michael," of Milford, Conn 389 Michael," of Brookfield, Conn 580 Michael," of Milford, Conn 131 Moses,4 of Newtown, Conn 25 N. Nathan,4 of Stratford, Conn 42 Nathan," of Sandgate, Vt 107 Nathan," of Newtown, Conn 155 Nathan," of New Haven, Conn 388 ?Nathan,7 of Leigh ton, Mich 736 ?Nathan,7 of New Haven, Conn 818 Nathaniel,3 of Newtown, Conn 15 Nathaniel,4 of Hinesburg, Vt 56 ?Normon,7 of Monroe, Conn 250 O. Oliver,5 Newton, Conn 163 P. ?Philo," of New Jersey 453 Phineas,4 of Amity, Conn 31 Phineas,5 of Woodbridge, Conn 119 Phineas," of Woodbridge, Conn 369 Phineas," of Watertown, N.Y 427 ?Phineas,7 of Colebrook, Conn 764 R. Rufus," of Streetsboro', Ohio 233 ?Russell," 271 ?Russell,7 of Stow, Ohio 723 ?Reuben," of Westfield, N.Y 279 ?Roberts.," of Newton, Conn 640 S. Samuel," of Milford, Conn 11 Samuel,4 of Milford, Conn 38 Samuel,4 of Newtown, Conn 66 Samuel F.," of Woodbridge, Conn 120 Samuel," of Milford, Conn 130 Samuel," of Newtown, Conn 151 Samuel," of Woodbridge 371 ?Samuel B.,6 of Newtown, Conn. 540 ?Samuel M.,7 of Watertown, Conn 760 Shadrack," of Newtown, Conn 152 Sherman," of Bridgewater, Conn 446 ?Silas J.,7 of Woodbridge, Conn 781 Simeon," of Watertown, Conn 116 ?Simeon B.,« of Newtown, Conn 642 T. ThaddeuB," Stratford, Conn 436 Thomas W.," of Newtown, Conn 483 ?Thomas,7 of Wilmington, N.Y 661 ?Turney," of Newtown, Conn 288 ?Truman," of Monroe, Conn 454 W. ?Wooster," of Newtown, Conn 300 ?Williams. ," of Euclid, Ohio 707 ?William H.,7 of Hudson, Ohio 705 ?William,7 of Woodbridge, Conn 775 ?WilliamS.,7 of Brookfield, Conn 939 ?Wyllys.'ofNew Haven, Conn '811 Z. ?Zalmon ,4 of Brookfield, Conn 69 Zalmon,5 of Newtown, Conn 146 ?Zalmon S.,7 of Newtown, Conn 880^ Zenus," of woodbridge, Conn 122 Zera." of Brookfield, Conn 443 Zeiah," of Hinesburg, Vt 610 OTHER NAMES. A. Allen, 292. Ailing, 315.2 Anderson, 319. Andrews, 293, 322. Arnold, 312. Atwood, 313. Avery, 299. B. Baily, 322. Baldwin, 291, 293,311, 314,4 321. Barrus, 314. Barney, 302. Barton, 320. Bartlet, 323. Bassett, 297. Bates, 315. Beach, 320. Beardslee, 308, Bennett, 297. Benedict, 309. Beers, 295," 299, 306, 312, 311. Beecher, 294, 302, 306, 314.2 Beckwith, 322. Betts, 294. Birdseye, 304, Birdsell, 296. Blake, 312. Blackman, 298, 303, 306, 310, 311, 323. Blois, 301. Bodes, 322. Botsford, 298, 299, 308, 311, 312. Booth, 293, 296, 298, 304, 308, 312.2 Brady, 313. Bradley, 294, S13.»" Brisco. 308,2 320. Bristol, 295. Brownell, 307. Brooks, 303. Bryan, 302. Buckingham, 310.'. Bull, 291. Bunnell, 302, 293, Burr, 300,307. Burrett, 2982. Burritt, 299. Burwell, 289.2 Cadwelder, 321. Camp; 290, 292, 297, 301, 310. Candee, 321. Canfield, 320. Carrington, 297. Casey, 318. Castle, 299. Cathcart, 311. Clark, 291,2 294, 303, 307, 311,2 321. Coborn, 296. Coe, 321: Colt, 321. Corning, 317. Cornwell, 320. Crowfoot, 307, 308. Curtis, 298, 304, 310, 312.2 Cummings, 313. Curchhill, 315. D. Darrow, 308, Davis, 300. Devan, 321. Dibble, 313. Dimond, 306, 308. Dix, 319. Dudley, 311. Dunbar, 31] . Duncan, 317. Dunning, 311. E Eldridge, 311. Erwin, 307. F. Fabrique, 305. Fairchild, 308, 315. Fairman, 298, 300. Fairweather, 307. Ferris, 306. APPENDIX. 417 Fenn, 297.» Fisk, 291.2 Ford, 291, 292, 314. Foot, 297, 322. Foster, 313. Fowler, 311.2 French, 318. G. Gannett, 318. Gardner, 313. Garfield, 313. Gifford, 313. Gillett, 313, 315.2 Gilbert, 304, 308. Glover, 298, 299, 307, 320. Graves, 305. Griffen, 295, 300, 306. Gunn,297.« H. Hall, 299, 306, 313. Hamlin, 312. Hard, 304. Hathaway, 312. Hawley, 308, 310, 321, Hayes, 290. Headley, 318. Hill, 318. Hine, 294, 302. Holly, 301. Hooker, 302, 318. Hood, 318. Hubbell, 299. Hurlburt, 311. Huntingdon, 301, Hurd, 314. J. Jackson, 296.1" Jarvis, 312. Jennings, 294. Jenkins, 313. Jou'es. 300, o20. Johnson, 298, z99, 320. Judd, 313.2 Judson, 294, 300,2 301. K. Kellog, 322. Keeler, 304, 305, 320, 322. Keyse, 301. Keyes, 318. Kirtland, 308. Kimberly, 299. L. Lacy, 306, 307. Lake, 296, 300, 312. Lakin, 307. Lambert, 292, 296, 301, 315. Lathrop,'300. Law, 322. Lawrence, 301. Leavenworth, 295. Lewis, 294. Lent, 321. Livingston, 320. Lobdell, 298. Longstreet, 318. Loomis, 320. Lum, 320. M. Malroy, 291, 305. Mallory, 312, 305. Maltby, 302. Marshall, 300,2 315. Mayherr, 313. Mead, 319. Mellen, 313. Merriman, 302. Merwin, 304, 311, 320. McCellan, 318. Morgan, 311. Morris, 301, Morse, 322. Morehouse, 305. Mood, 314. Munson, 302. N. Nash, 299, 301, Newton, 302. Nichols, 308. Northrop, 290, 292,« 293, 305, 307,308, 300. O. Osborn, 314. P. Parmalee, 308. Payne, 308, 322. Percival, 307. Perry, 322.2 Pettegrew, 316. — Phebe, 292. Picket, 318. Piatt, 291, 293, 294," 302, 322. Porter, 295. Prude n, 297, R. Ralyea, 299. Raynor, 316. 2 Raymon, 300. Rich, 313. Richards, 289. Riggs, 302. Root, 320. Ruggles, 297, 322. S. Sample, 305. Sanford, 299, 300, 313,2 321. Scott, 302. Scoville, 313. Segar, 296. Seymore, 302. Sharp, 299, 305. Shaw, 313. Sheldon, 315.2 Shepherd, 292, 307. Sherman, 293, 307,297, 804, 308,2 321, 322. Sherwoo", 299. '¦'.ut*. 2ft':. Mekies, ;iu7. Skidmore, 296,2 297, 298. Smith, 295,2 297,2 303, 309, 310,4 314, 317, 320, 321, 322.2 Sperry, 314. Squires, 301. Staples, 305. Starr, 310 .2 Stillson, 299. Stone, 294, 296, 815. Strong, 297." Sturgess, 304. Sturdivant, 309.2 Burners, 300. T. Talcott, 312. Taylor, 317. Terrell, 296, 301, 304. Thomas, 315. Thompson, 314. Tibbats, 315,2 322. Tincom, 300. Torailson, 308. Tolles, 314. Toucey, 298, 321. Townsend, 315. Trainor, 321. Treat, 297, 303. Turner, 308. Tuttle, 306. V. Vantile, 296. VanBuren, 317, W. Warner, 297, 311. Wella, 301, 304. Weller, 305. Weseels, 319. Wheeler, 294, 306, 309. White, 304. Williams, 299, 310. Wilkinson, 321. Wintoo, 305. Winev, C13. Worth, 317. Wright, 323. Y. Young, 320. 418 PECK GENEALOGY. DESCENDANTS OF HENRY A. ?Aaron," of East Orange, N.J 374 Aaron', of East Orange, N.J 547 ?Aaron," of New York 836 Abel," of New Haven, Conn 403 Abijah,5 of Danbury, Conn 211 Abijah," of Alabama 448 ?Alfred," of Florida, N.Y 795 ?Almon "of Johnson, Ohio 1034 Amaziah,7 of St. Johnsville, N.Y 523 Ambrose," of Franklin, Conn 485 •Amnion T.," of Danbury, Conn 933 Amos,4 of Mt. Carmel, Conn 57 Amos," of Hamden, Conn 177 Amos," of Hamden, Conn 411 Rev. Andrew,7 of Cortland, N.Y 727 ?Andrew," of Pitcher, N.Y 973 ?Anson 8.," of Charleston, Ohio 1042 ?Asa," of Spring Green, Wis 100 Asa C.,7 of Kingsville, Ohio 744 B. Bela," of Norwich, Conn 249 Benajah,4 of Woodbridge, Conn 120 Benjamin,2 of New Haven, Conn 3 Benjamin," of Franklin, Conn 24 Benjamin," of Danbury, Conn 470 ?Benjamin H.,7 of South East New York. 713 Bennett,7 of New Milford, Conn 643 0. Calvin," of Pompey, N.Y 472 Charles,7 of New Haven, Conn 596 ?Covell A.," of Berlin, Wis 905 ?Cyrus," of New York city 831 D. ?Daniel,* of Scipio, N.Y 92 Daniel," of New Vork city 474 Daniel C.,7 of Hastings, N.Y 720 Darius," of Norwich, Conn 254 Darius,7 of Mishicott, Wis 757 David," of East Orange, N.J 151 David," of Cortland, N.Y 460 ?Dennis H.," of New Haven Conn. . . . 914 E. Ebenezer," of New Haven, Conn 29 ?Ebenezer,4 of Norwich, Conn 85 Ebenezer," of New Haven, Conn 202 Ebenezer,4 of New Haven, Conn Ill ?Edward,8 of Wayne, Ohio 1035 Eleazar,2 of Wallingford, Conn 1 Eleazar,8 of Southington, Conn 11 Eleazar,4 of Sand Lake, N.Y 44 ?Eleazar," of Camden, N.Y 318 Eli," of Westmoreland, N.Y 459 Eli,7 of Alexander, N.Y 699 ?Elias B.," of Pitcher, N.Y 968 Eliakim," of Southington, Conn 134 Eliakim,4 df Southington, Conn 40 Eliakim," of Danbury, Conn 447 Elihu,7 of Florida, N.Y 522 Elijah," of Boston, Mass 190 Elisha," of Waterville, N,Y 494 Elisha," of New Haven, Conn 441 Eliphalet,4 of Danbury, Conn 72 Eliphalet," of Alexander, N.Y 468 Ephraim N.,7 of Bethany, Conn 578 F. Fayette S.,7 of Burtonsville, N.Y 794 PECK, OF NEW HAVEN, CT. Rev. Francis B.,7 of Oxford, W.Y. ... 792 Frederick B.,7 of Berlin, Wis 671 G. Gates," of Delta, N.Y George F.,6 of Woodbridge, Conn. . Rev. George,7 of Scranton, Pa. . . . ?George W.,8 of Portage City, N.Y. ?Rev. George,8 of Providence, Pa. , ?Gideon," of Norwich, Conn. . . . 483 499 726 953976244 H. Henry," of New Haven, Conn 204 ?Henry H.,7 of Post Creek, N.Y 625 ?Henry B.," of Sanford, N.Y. . . ._ . V. 941 ?Henry C," of Austinberry, Ohio .... 1017 Hezekiah," of Woodbridge, Conn 289 Horace," of Woodbridge, Conn 513 Ira,7 of Lepeer, Mich 562 Isaac," of Sand Lake, N.Y 136 Isaac," of Danube, N.Y 296 Isaac L.,7 of Bethany, Conn 579 J. James," of New Haven, Conn 18 James,4 of New Haven, Conn 64 ?James," of New Haven, Conn 196 James," of East Orange, N.J 357 James," of Jeffersonville, Ind 430 ?James M.,7 of New Milford, Conn. ... 648 Jathleel," of Norwich, Conn 259 Jeremiah," of New Haven, Conn. .... . 405 Jeremiah," of Brunswick, Ohio 406 Jesse," of East Orange, N.J. 152 Jesse," of Danbury, Conn 216 Jesse," of Danbury, Conn 469 Jesse,7 of Danbury, Conn 705 Rev. Jesse T.,7 of Albany, N.Y 732 John," of New Haven, Conn 19 ?John,4 of Norwich, Conn 83 John," of East Orange, N.J 153 John," of New Haven, Conn 206 ?John,5 of New Haven, Conn 274 John," of (Manheim, N.Y 295 John," of East Orange, N.J 377 ?John,7'of Port Jackson, N.J 524 John,7 of East Orange, N.J 656 John B.,7 of Mount Carmel, Conn. . . . 610 ?John C.,7 of Fairfield, Conn 710 John EL,7 of Yantic, Conn 753 ?John H.,» of New Britain, Conn 1048 Jonathan,4 of Wallingford, Conn 34 Jonathan,4 of Norwich, Conn 91 Jonathan M.,5 of Woodbridge, Conn. . . 287 Jonathan," of Pembroke, N.Y 480 Jonathan H., of Parma, N.Y 741 ?Rev. Jonathan Ky" of Honesdale, Pa. . 962 Joseph,2 of New Haven, Conn 2 Joseph," of Newark, N.J 16 Joseph,4 of Newark, N.J 52 Joseph,4 of Norwalk, Conn 71 Joseph,4 of Norwich, Conn 76 Joseph,4 of Amity, Conn 114 Joseph," of Hamden, Conn 183 Rev. Joseph," of Bethel, Conn 210 ?Joseph," of Norwich, Conn 224 ?Joseph," of New Haven, Conn 268 ?Joseph," of East Orange, N.J 363 Joseph," of New Milford, Conn 446 Joseph," of South Harford, Pa 490 APPENDIX. 419 ?Joseph,7 of Montgomery, N.Y 638 Joel B.,7 of Sand Lake, N.Y 537 L. Levi," of Danbury, Conn 213 ?Levi," of Woodbridge, Conn 386 ?Levi M.,8 of Danbury, Conn 680 Rev. Levi,7 of Sanford, N.Y 706 Lewis," of Woodbridge, Conn 508 ?Lewis W.,8 of Brunswick, Ohio .... 893 Lucius,7 of Brunswick, Ohio 606 Lucius,7 of Bayzetta, Ohio 740 ?Lueius W.," of Austinburg, Ohio . . . 1012 Lucas," of Sand Lake, N.Y 315 Luther," of Middletown, N.Y 473 Rev. Luther H.,7 of Pitcher, N.Y. ... 725 ?Rev. Luther,8 of Sterlingville, Pa. ... 967 ?Rev. Luther W.," of Hyde Park, Pa. . . 982 M. Marcus," of Sand Lake, N.Y 312 Milo,7 of'New Haven, Conn 595 Moses,4 of Boston, Mass 60 N. Nathaniel," of Wallingford, Conn. ... 13 ?Nathaniel," of Camden, Ind 349 ?Nathaniel,7 of Brownsville, N.Y. . . . 682 ?Noah," of North East, N.Y 451 P. Peter,7 of South Orange, N.J 548 Phineas,4 of Wallingford, Conn 49 Phineas C," of Wallingford, Conn. ... 146 Phineas," of Norwich, Conn 251 ?Phinlander,7 of Chicago, 111 673 R. Reuben,7 of Little Falls, N.Y 520 ?Riley W.," of Brooklyn, N.Y 689 Robert,7 of New Haven, Conn 594 Roger,5 of Waterbury, Conn 168 ?Roger," of Bethany, Conn 382 S. Samuel," of Newark, N.J 17 Samuel," of Manheim, N.Y 131 Samuel," of Bethany, Conn -. 172 ?Samuel," of Green, N.Y 340 Samuel," of Homer, N.Y 395 Samuel," of Roxbury, Mass 426 ?Samuel,7 of New Haven, Conn 582 Selah," of Camden, N.J 141 ?Simeon," of Norwich, Conn 230 Silas," of Woodbridge, Conn 288 ?Silliman B.,8 d. at Cairo, 111 929 ?Sperry,5 died near Buffalo, N.Y 99 Stephen," of Wallingford, Conn 10 Stephen,4 of New Haven, Conn 70 Stephen,4 of Woodbridge, Conn 122 Stephen," of North Orange, N.J 372 Stephen," of Woodbridge, Conn 290 Stephen M.,7 of Livingston, N.J 655 Stephen A.,7 of New Haven, Conn. ... 789 T. Timothy,4 of Morristown, N.J 53 Timothy,4 of Bethany, Conn 56 ?Timothy T.,« of Albany, 111 936 Titus," of Bethany, Conn 402 Titus D.,7 of Bethany, Conn 581 V. ?Vanransler," of Camden, N.Y 331 W. ?Walter," of Rockford, 111 908 ?Rev. Wesley," of California 1002 ?Dr. Wilbur F.," of Waymart, Pa. ... 993 William," of Danbury, Conn 463 William,7 of East Orange, N.J 546 William S ,7 of Palmyra, Wis 667 ?William S.,7 of Danbury, Conn 677 William,7 of New Fairfield, Conn. . . . 704 William 8.," of Woodbridge, Conn. ... 790 ?William,7 of Cairo, 111 924 Willis,7 of Brunswick, Ohio 605 ?Willis,8 of Pierpont, Ohio 1028 Z. ?Zeri," of Hamden, Conn 417 OTHER NAMES. A. Abbott, 351. Ailing, 325,2 335, Allen, 350. Armstrong, 352. Ann , 326. Andrews, 343. Atwater, 337, 347. Atwell, 360. Atkinson, 363. Aylord, 358. B. Bailey, 352. Baker, 347. Ball, 327,2 330, 337 353 Baldwin, 344, 345,356. Barns, 342. Baratow, 343. Beach, 330, 338, Beecher, 353. Belknapp, 330. Bellinger, 354. Benham, 329. Bennett, 348, 351, 360. Benedict, 340, 359.2 Billings, 341.2 Bingham, 334. Birdsall, 366. Blanding, 351. Booth, 340. Bonticon, 347. Bosworth, 343. Bowers, 360. Bradly, 329, 335,2 338, 344,2 347> 358. Brainard, 357, Brasy, 324.2 Brewster, 356.1 Bristol, 326. Brink, 349.2 Brockway, 334, Brooks, 335. Brownson, 326, 354. Brunson, 330. Bryan, 346. Bulkley, 359. Bunnell, 325.J Burnett, 326. Butler, 339, 362. Butts, 336. Byington, 343. Cady, 359. Camp, 337, 346. Canfield, 337,2 345,348, 355 Carpenter, 333, 360. Carrier, 333. Carrington, 336, 344.2 Ceveitt, 335. Chase, 354. Chatterton, 338." Church, 357. Clark, 344. Coller, 351. Collier, 326. Collins, 350, 353. Conch, 350. Condit, 330, 345." Conklin, 350. Cook, 330. Corning, 360, Crane, 362. Crocker, 352. Crowell, 351, 355. Crowley, 364." Culver, 326. Curtis, 333, 360. D. Davenport, 324. Davis, 365. Day, 332. Dayton, 347.] Dean, 362. DeWolf, 357. Dibble, 365. Dickinson, 359. Dickerman, 338, 339. Dodd, 330, 337. Doolittle, 336. Doremus, 355. Downs, 344.2 Dugal, 339. Dyer, 346. E. Eaton, 324. 420 PECK GENEALOGY. Ebenetha, 825. Howell, 327. N. Edgerton, 333, 334." Hoyt, 340. Nettleton, 346. Edgcomb, 334. Hubbard, 335. Newhall, 366." Eli, 340. Hubbell, 365. Newton, 344.2 Hudson, 363. Neville, 358. F. Hunt, 357. Nickerson, 350.2 Failing, 354. Hyde, 343, 365.2 Northrop, 350.2 Fenn, 363. Fisk, 363. J. O. Fitch, 334, 343. Jaffrage, 356. Oaks, 332.2 Flagg, 357. Jaquays, 351. Osborn, 335, 350. Ford, 329. Jennings, 349, Fox, 352. Jones, 355. p. Frances, 343. Johnson, 334. Park, 349, 358, 359. Frisbee, 354. Judd, 329, 340, 346, Parks, 343. Fulton, 365.2 350. Patterson, 349. Pearsons, 330. G. K. Perkins, 329,2 334,335, Gable, 330. Kenyon, 360. 337, 344. Gager, 334, 343. Kessler, 363. Phebe, 330. Gale, 348. Kimball, 338. Phipps, 339.2 Pierson, 355,* 356. Pitcher, 365. Gardner, 330. King,360.2 Garner, 345. Knapp, 340. Gates, 368. Koons, 354. Place, 363. Gibbon, 362. Potter, 327, 358. Gilbert, 325, 349. L. Powers, 353.2 Gillett, 335. Green, 350.2 Greenslit, 353. Greenman, 353. Gridley, 330. Griffen, 336. Griswold, 359. Goodyear, 338. Leach, 338. Learned, 341.4 Leek, 327, 331. Lewis, 339, 346. Lindsley, 330. Lincoln, 359. Lines, 330. Low, 348. Pratt, 365. Q. Quimby, 356. R. Reynor, 345. Rich, 360. Gunn, 363. Loomia, 365. Roberts, 346. H. Hall, 335, 338. Lyman, 360. Eoe, 325, 338. Lyon, 345. Rogers, 349.2 Root, 339. Halsey, 356.2 Hamlin, 357. Harrison, 337, 356. M. Mallory, 349. Rowland, 354. Eudd, 334, 352. Euggles„338.Russell, 329, 349, 359. Harrington, 365. Hastings, 334. Mansfield, 335. Manning, 356.2 Hart, 349. — Mary, 328. Hawley, 349. Mathews, 330, 345. S. Hazen, 352. McDonald, 350. Sanford, 365. Heaton, 327. McEwen, 341, — Sarah, 326. Hidden, 330, 337." Hibbard, 349. McLane, 360. Saunders, 359, Merrick, 349. Savage, 324.2 Hicks, 346. Merry, 354. Savery, 252. Hine, 337. Michael, 354.2 Sayers, 345. Hinckley, 353. Miles, 332. ScrantOn, 358. Hitchcock, 327,2 331, Miller, 345. Searle, 360. 336.2 Miner, 336,2 365. Sharp, 326. Hogeborn, 339. Mix, 328, 339." Sherwood, 335. Hoieington, 359. Morgan, 350. Simons, 336. Horton, 336, 355. Morris, 327,2 346, Simmons, 346, 356. Hooker, 324.2 Morse, 338. 365. Hotchkiss, 324, 329, Munson, 326, 330, 332, Simmonds, 359. 331." 336, 347, 358.2 Simpson, 356. Hough, 325. Muun, 345. Smith, 335, 344, 352, Huff, 337. Murry, 348. 353. 354, 359.2 House, 354. Myers, 362,2 Snell, 366. Spaulding, 341 .' Sperrv, 326,2 329, 337, 338, 344, 353. Scott, 365. Starr, 340, 348," 349, 350. Stebbins, 349, 358. Stedman, 348. Stevens, 326, 340,354. Stickney, 331, 338. Stiles, 363. Stone, 333, 348. T. Tabor, 350. Talmadge, 325. Tator, 338. Taylor, 351, 359." Terry, 326. Tew, 365.2 Thomas, 351.2 Thompson, 327, Thurber, 330. Thurston, 331. Tickenor, 345, 356. Todd, 331, 347. Tolles, 343. Townsend, 352. Tracy, 334. Trobridge, 332.2 Trimmer, 365. Tuttle, 338, 353, 365. V. VanAllen, 354. Vande Bogart, 350, W. Wadsworth, 331. Wallen, 351. Warren, 343, 348, 359, West, 360. Webb, 365. Wetherell, 347. White, 336, 339. Whittemore, 348. Whitlock, 351. AVilcox, 336,2 338, 357, Willis, 328, 334, 352. Willmarth; 338. Willson, 350, 352, 363. Williams, 330, 337, 342,» 352, 356.. Wilmott, 329. Wing, 364.2 Woodruff, 329,2 336. Wright, 330, 366.2 Y. Yoran, 354. Young, 343. APPENDIX. 421 DESCENDANTS OF DEACON PAUL PECK, OF HARTFORD, CONN. /0,3(o7 — Abel,5 of Bristol, Conn ?Abel G.,7 of Boston, Mass. . . . Abijah,4 of Berlin, Conn Abijah," of Cayuga County, N.Y. ?Abijah," of Litchfield, Conn. . . ?Abijah," of Norwalk, N.Y. . . . Abraham,4 of Litchfield, Conn, . Abraham," of Cornwall, Vt. . . ?Alanson A.," of Cornwall, Vt. . ?Aldin,7 of Meriden, Conn. . . . Alfred," of Litchfield, Conn. . . Amos,4 of Middletown, Conn. . . Amos,5 of Berlin, Conn ?Amzi C.,7 of Marshall, N.Y. . . Anthony," of Marshall, N.Y. . . ?Anthony/ of Clinton, N.Y. . . Ariel,5 of Ellesburgh, N.Y. . . . Asa," of Litchfield, Conn Asahel," of Litchfield, Conn. . . ?Asahel," of Farmington, Conn. . ?Austin J.,7 of Leoni, Mich. . , Benjamin,4 of Litchfield, Conn Benjamin ," of Litchfield, Conn ?Benjamin," Palenville, N.Y C ?Chauncey," of Litchfield, Conn. . . . ?Chauncey,7 of Brownhelm, Ohio . . . Cornelius,4 of Litchfield, Conn ?Cornelius W.,7 Berlin, Conn D David," of Southington, Conn ?De Witt C.,' of Mexico, N.Y E Edward," of Berlin, Conn. ...... ?Edward,' of Marshall, N.Y ?Edwin O.,7 of Richmond Centre, Ohio Eliada," of Litchfield, Conn Eldad," of Berlin, Conn ?Elijah M.," of Litchfield, Conn. . . . ?Elijah," of Litchfield, Conn ?Elijah,4 of Berlin, Conn ;- . . ?Elijah," of Lenox, Mass Elisha,4 of Litchfield, Conn Elisha," of Brownhelm, Ohio Elisha," of Lenox, Mass ?Elisha A.,7 of Eagle, N.Y ?Elisha," of New York city ?Elieha F.,' of Brownhelm, Ohio . . . Elisha," of Howard, N.Y Elish,4 of Middletown, Conn Everard," of Rochester, N.Y ?Fayette,7 of Marshall, N.Y. . . Freeman,5 of Berlin, Conn. . . . G ?George B.,7 of Marshall, N.Y. . ?George A.,' of Marshall, N.Y. . H Henry," of New Haven, Conn. . ?Henry M.,6 of Haverstraw, N.Y. •Henry,7 of Castleton, Vt. ... ?Horace," of Litchfield, Conn. . . Isaac,4 of Kensington, Conn. . . Isaac," of Marshall, N.Y J ?Jabez," of Lenox, Mass ?JameB B.,7 of Litchfield, Conn. . ?James,7 of Howard, N.Y. . . . ?James W.,7 of Richmond. Ohio ?James I.,7 of Deansville, N.Y. . 36 No. 136 564 54 126 65 2Sn 38 93 170413239 56 141514 305 541148 147 90 215492 3688 154 205 647 35 419 137 256 509 459 92 114 221 77 59 369 32 361149 653 288 284 551121 520285 305615210 364372 456 460501 No. ?James G.,7 of New Britain, Conn. ... 597 Jesse," of Rochester, N.Y 129 Jesse," of New Haven, Conn 286 John,2 of Hartford, Conn 4 John," of Litchfield, Conn 11 ?John M.," of Rockspring, 111 351 Joseph," of Berlin, Conn 124 ?Joseph L.,7 of Lock, N.Y 420 Joseph,2 of Windsor, Conn 6 ?Josiah T.,7 Of Bristol, Conn 578 Josiah," of Bristol, Conn 139 ?Julius," of Cornwall, Vt 198 Justus," of Walcott, Conn 132 ?JustuB,7 of Richmond Centre, Ohio . . 457 L Lament," of Bristol, Conn 138 Lemuel,5 of Berlin, Conn 145 Lumon," of Cold Spring, Wis 360 M ?Marcus,7 of Goshen, Ind 481 Moses,4 of Kensington, Conn. ...... 52 ?Moses,7 of Fabius, N.Y 449 N Nehemiah," of Burlington, Vt 325 Neuman," of Excelsior, Wis 326 *Normau,7 of Rechester, N.Y 433 O ?Oliver," of Lenox, MaBB 367 ?OziaB," of Plymouth, Conn 226 ?Ozias W., of New Haven, Conn 229 P Paul,2 of Hartford, Conn 1 Paul," of Litchfield, Conn 10 Philo," of Litchfield, Conn 102 K 42 Reeve,4 of Litchfield, Conn Reeve," of Cornwall, Vt yo Reuben," of Cornwall, Vt 98 Richard," of Bristol, Conn 321 ?Romeo," of Cornwall, Vt 190 ?Russell U.,7 of Southington, Conn. ... 400 S Samuel,2 of West Hartford, Conn. ... 5 Samuel,3 of Middletown, Conn 24 Samuel,5 of Berlin, Conn 112 Samuel,4 of Berlin, Conn 51 Deacon Samuel," of Berlin, Conn. . . . 255 Samuel," of Bristol, Conn 307 ?Samuel H.,7 of New Orleans 389 Seldcn,"of Berlin, Conn 348 Silas," of Marshall, N.Y 300 ?Sylvester,7 of West Haven, Conn. . . . 554 T Thomas,4 of Litchfield, Conn 33 Timothy,4 of Litchfield, Conn 45 Timothy," of Litchfield, Conn 106 Judge Tracy," of Bristol, Conn 320 V Virgil,5 of Litchfield, Conn 107 W Warren," of Lock, N.Y 277 ?Warren,7 of Moravia, N.Y 429 William,3 of Litchfield, Conn. 15 ?William," d. in Wisconsin 235 ?William G.,7 of New York 378 ?William,' of Marshall, N.Y 545 Wooster," of Castleton, Vt 332 Zebulon,4 of Bristol, Conn 55 Zebulon," of Marshall, N.Y 135 Zebulon " of Deansville, N.Y 301 422 PECK GENEALOGY. OTHER NAMES. Abernethy Adams . Allen . . Andrew AndrewsAtkinson Atwater Page. . • 378 386, 388 . . 389 367, 368 Bacon . . Baisey, , Bailey . BaldwinBarton 387 381384 Bartholomew, 384, 386 BartonBarnardBeach 367 Bebee 370 Beckwith . . 373, 386 Bell . . . Benedict Bidwell 374 Birdsell 3822 Bissell . . . 369, 375 Bishop . Boles . . Boardman ... 376 Bonton 367 Botsford .... 381 Bradley 388 Bret 373 Brown . . . 369, 384 Bronson . . 372, 386 Brainard .... 387 Buckingham . . 384 Buel .... 371, 3732 Bunnell 378 Burnham .... 373 Butler 374 Byington Byington .... 389 C Cable . Candee Carson Carter CarringtonCatlin . Chase . ChatterdonChubb . ChurchelClark . . Clark . . Clark . . Cone . . Coe . . . CoggswellCole . . Collins . Collier . Converse Cook . . Cornwell Guch . . Crane . . 384 377378 374, 375371374 377, 384 . 374 2 372s . ii82 . 387 . 387 . 384 . 378 370 399, 370 . 378 6,2377- 367" 378 Page. Crosby 389 Curtis 376 Culver 368 D Damarian .... 381 Davis . . 381,388,389 Dayton 381 Dean 384 De Lano .... 373 De Pate 381 De Wolf .... 373 Dickinson . . 373, 379 Dipple 383 Doolittle .... 374 Dunham . . 378, 379 Dyer 3872 E Eastman .... 384 Edwards .... 3722 Elizabeth .... 368 Elsworth .... 379 F Farnum 379 Farlee 382 Fitch 370 Foot 379 Ford 383 Foster 375 Frisbee . . . 370,377 Fuller 372 G Galpen 372 Gates 385 Gaylord . . . 378, 384 Gibbs 373 Grant 370 Granger .... 371 Graves 370 Greenlist .... 385 Gridley 372 H Hale 382 Hall 380 Hannah 371 Hancheet .... 385 Harrison .... 370 Hart, 372, 373, 377, 388 Hawley 372 Hays 3832 Hibbard .... 369 Hibbard .... 379 Hicks 375 Higby 380 Hitchcock .... 384 Hopkins .... 388 Hopkins, 368, 369, 373, 375 Hooker 367 How 367 Hubbard . . 368, 374 Huntley 376 I Ives 385 Pagr. Jerome 379 Jones 382 Judd . . 376, 378, 380 Kellogg . . . 371, 381 Kellogg 385 Kempbsall ... 377 Keturah . . 370 Kibbon 381 Lampher .... 374 Langdon . . 379, 382 Lattimer .... 375 Lawrence .... 389 Lewis, 376, 378, 379, 389 Lindley 376 Loveland .... 375 Lumbard .... 3842 M Manross .... 385 Mansfield .... 375 Marsh 374 Mason 368 McCollister ... 381 McDonald ... 375 Merriman .... 377 Miller . . 384, 387, 388 Minor 388 Montgomery, 387, 388 Moor 385= Morse 3S9 Murry 384 Muzzy 369 N Nichols . . . 376, 384 Norton . . . 375, 385 Northrup .... 377 O Oliver 379 Orton .... 373, 374 Osborn 369 Owen 376 Owen 382 P Page 384 Paine 380 Palmer 373 Patterson .... 380 Pearsons .... 382 Percival 376 Perkins 374 Phelps 3802 Plumb 371 Pond 374 Porter . 368, 372, 382 R Read Reeve ReynoldsRice . . Rich . . Roberts . RobertsonRogers . Root . . RosannaRussell . . . Page. . . 376 373, 387 . . 378 385, 387 . . 383 . . 379 . . 387 . . 372 . . 378 . . 368 Sarah . . Scoville . Scoville . Sears . . Sedwick Seward . Shotten . ShepherdSheridanShermanShumway Simons . Smith . StandishStedmanStodard . Stone . . Strong . Stewart . .370, 375387379 378 367, 368 383373 385, 387383 378,2386 382 378 369, 378 371, 384 3702 382 Talmadge .... 377 Terrell 388 Thompson . . . 3722 Thorp 386 Tomlinson ... 369 Tracy 378 Trobridge .... 384 Turner 374 Turner 382 U Upson 381 V Vaill 369 Vaill 371 Van Guilder . . 374 w Wallace . . 371,2 375 Walter . . . . 375 . . 382 Warner . . . 375 . . 379 . . 377 Webster . 369,2 382 Weidman . . . 388 Wells . . . . . 378 Westcott . . . 383 Whitehouse . . 388 Whitney . . . . 384 Whittlesey . . 373 Williams . . . 382 Wincbell . . . 371 Woodruff . . 379, 381 GENERAL INDEX. The following index contains the names of all the Pecks in the work, excepting those in the local index and pedigree. The names will be found in the consecutive numbers. A No. Aaron 56 Aaron 1215 Aaron 2657 Abbie Jane . . . 1153 Abbie E . . . . 2315 Abby 1740 Abby Ann . . . 1906 Abby W . . . . 1971 Abby 2213 Abby 1714 Abby H . . . . 2383 Abby M . . . . 2386 Abby G 2996 Abby R 2419 Abby 3J60 Abby E 2533 Abby S 827 Abby J 830 ?-*Abiezer 83 Abigail J . . . . 455 Abigail 764 Abigail 815 Abigail 816 Abigail G. . . .1140 Abigail 1394 Abigail 1407 Abigail 1577 Abigail 1637 Abigail 1687 Abigail 1761 Abigail 1802 Abigail 1946 Abigail 2053 Abigail 2070 Abigail 2513 Abigail 2596 Abigail 2605 Abigail 264i Abigail 2711 Abigail 2804 Abigail W . . .2830 Abigail 2925 AbiahW .... 464 Abijah 881 Abiel 1565 Abiel 1627 Abiel 1770 Abiel 2166 Abner V . . . . 2172 Abner 2737 Abraham .... 1592 Adaline 320 Adaline 549 Adaline ..... 597 Adaline 711 Adaline U . . .1063 Adaline 1101 Adaline 1935 Adaline 1965 Adaline G . . . 2485 Adaline 2985 AdalizaL . . .2998 Adaliza . AddisonAdelbert AdelbertAdelia F Adelaid F Adelaid . Adelaid E Agness . Ai . . . Alanson Albert . Albert . Albert T Albert T Albert . Albert C Albert . Albert F Albert . Albert S Albert H Albert H Albert . Albert L Albert D Albert . Albert . Albert . Albert . Alberta Alberta M AldersonAlexander H Alexander Alexander L AlexanderAlfred P Alfred . Alfred . AlfrideaAlfrideaAlice N . Alice Ann Alice . . Alice . . Alice . . Alice M . Alice . . Alice . . Alice . . Alice . . Ahda C . Alida C . Allen 8 . Allen K Allen Allen S AllenAllen G Allen M Allen . Allen G No. . 926 . 2049 . 2235 . 2271 . 2300 . 2420 .3034. 3358 . 696 . 3060 . 3054 . 411 . 491 . 72S . 727 . 966 . 1010 .1070 . 1994 . 2361 . 2859 . 2864 . 2866 .2988. 3003 . 3012 .3095. 3156 . 3265 .3460.3037.2127. 3497 . 948 . 2142 . 2152 . 2227 . 1239 .1867. 3080 .2745.3096.1098. 1958 .2045 .2264 . 2477 , 2547 .2775.3172.3289, 2183 ,2183, 2989 ,1315.1492 ,1463 ,2022 2199 .2282 2564 ,2609 3310 Almira . . Almira . . Almira A . Almira E . Almira . . Almira S . Almira . . Almira . . Almira . . Almira H . Almina H . Almerina H Alonzo . . Alonzo . . Alonzo M . Alonzo B . Alonzo T . Alonzo . . Alpha . . Alpheus . Alpheus M Alpheus F Alphonso T Alphonso . Alphonso F Alsey . . . Alzina . . Amanda . Amanda . Amanda A Amanda . Amanda M Amanda M Amanda C AmandanaAmbrosAmbros R Amy . . Amy . . Amy . . Amy . . Amy Ann Amy C . Amy . . Amy F . Amy . . Amy . . Amy . . Amy E . Amy Ann Amelia . Amelia . Amelia . Amelia J Amelia R AmenzoAmia . . Amie . . Amos . . Amos L Amos . AmoretAmoret No. . 627 . 1733 .1976.2168. 2231 . 2769 . 2802 .3147 .3199 .3254 . 723 .1300, 793 .1366. 1U64 . 2176 .1273. 581 . 270 . 2266 . 2862 . 3316 .1999 . 2710 .3316 . 1702 .2482. 432 . 759 . 1138 . U101 . 2249 . 3058 . 203 , 2563 , 259 .1779.1789. 1950 . 2170 .2189. 2373 . 2762 . 2980 . 3390 . 2124 . 871 . 2263 . 2143 .3009 . 2248 .3215 ,3093, 632 ,1897, 322 ,1886 2634 775 856 No. Andrew J ... 1043 Andrew R . . . 1343 Andrew .... 2262 Andrew .... 3157 Andrew J . . . 3452 Andrew .... 3498 Angeline .... 556 Angeline .... 1075 Angeline .... 1945 Angeline .... 2255 Angeline .... 2480 Ann 18 Ann 90 Ann 232 Ann 239 Ann M 343 Ann L 488 Ann 623 Ann E 457 AnnR 642 Ann 648 Ann A 821 Ann Eliza ... 910 Ann 950 Ann T 1198 Ann S 1211 Ann E 1213 Ann 1238 Ann 1288 Ann 1387 Ann 1392 Ann 1400 Ann 1406 Ann 1423 Ann E 1467 Ann 1719 Ann 1741 Ann E 1752 Ann 1793 Ann 1829 AnnB 1961 Ann S 2306 AnnS 2314 Ann E 2771 Ann E 2870 Ann F 3222 Ann L 3340 Anna 29 Ann J 3435 Anna 160 Anna 200 Anna 245 Anna 261 Anna 484 Anna H 602 AnnaM .... 725 Anna 738 AnnaM .... 959 Anna C 1223 Anna 1550 Anna 1601 Anna 1606 Anna 1617 424 PECK GENEALOGY. No. Anna 1647 Anna 1774 Anna F 1983 Anna 2206 Anna A .... 2397 Anua C 2691 Anna 3321 Ann Janett ... 817 Ann Janett . . . 1975 Anne 64 Anne 253 Anne E 1752 Anne 2137 Anne E 2423 Anne 2576 Annie 578 Annie A . . . . 2869 Annah A . . . . 2548 Annah 2703 Annett 3296 Anster 263 Anthia Jane . . 909 Antil L 1969 Ardilla 2729 Arlina 3004 Arnold 244 Arthur C .... 691 Arthur W. . . 729 Arthur 1132 Arthur 1222 Arthur L . . . . 1996 Arthur S . . . .2184 Arabella L . . . 3355 Asahel 511 Asahel 2191 Asahel 3253 Asa 1419 Azel 315 Ashbel H . . . . 1830 Asmah 303 Augustus . . . .2746 Augusta .... 535 Aurilla 3503 Avis 2757 B Balinda . . Barton . . Barton P . Barton . . Barnard . Barnard S Barney . . Barbary . Barbary P Bathsheba BathshebaBathsheba Bebee . . Bebee . . Bebee . . Bebee • . Bebee . . Belinda . Benjamin BenjaminBenjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin BenjaminBenjamin BenjaminBenjamin B Benjamin C Benjamin . Benjamin B Benjamin . Benjamin W . 2265 .1364.1372 .2543. 701 .2317.3206.2731 . 3046 . 668 . 2597 .2613 . 61 . 63 . 159 .2716.2720. 1887 . 25 . 69 . 80 . 252 , 367 , 588 .1141,1212.1703 2012 ,2491.2633,2946, 3429 ,3505 No. Benoni 1591 Bertha 976 Betsey 202 Betsey 230 Retsey 510 Betsey 517 Betsey 1677 Betsey 1709 Betsey 1734 Betsey M .... 1751 Betsey 1846 Betsey W . . . . 1847 Betsey E . . . . 2332 Betsey V . . . . 2484 Betsey G . . . .2501 Betsey 2680 Betsey 2705 Betsey 2743 Betsey 2840 Betsey 2875 Betsey 2901 Betsey 2913 Betsey S . . . . 2955 Betsey 3248 Bethuel .... 708 Betty 1547 Betty 1611 Betty 1879 Bethia 1882 Bethia ..... 2690 Bethia 3393 Billings 1122 Blanche .... 2908 Bradford .... 1283 Budd D 2130 Byfield 2327 Byron E . . . . 2903 C Calvin 139 Calvin 186 Calvin W . . . . 3334 Caleb M .... 417 Caleb S 1095 Calista 590 Calista 2456 Calista L . . . . 3484 Calista 590 Candice 1664 Can dice 1700 Candice 1892 Capron 1765 Caroline N . . . 540 Caroline .... 584 Caroline A . . . 746 Caroline .... 876 Caroline M . . . 892 Caroline A . . . 924 Caroline P . . . 986 Caroline P . . . 1120 Caroline .... 1778 Caroline .... 1868 Caroline .... 2114 Caroline A . . . 2321 Caroline H . . . 243U Caroline L . . . 3124 Carrie E .... 932 Carrie L . . . . ¦ 941 Carrie S .... 1295 Carrie 2273 Carrie L . . . . 2376 Cassandana W . 469 Cassandana F . . 1190 Casius 515 Cathrine .... 350 Cathrine S . . . 427 Cathrine .... 567 Cathrine L ... 611 Cathrine D . . . 3275 Cathrine C Cathrine R Cathrine . Cathrine . Cecilia L . Cecil R . . Celinda . . Celinda . . Celinda . . Celinda . . Celinda . . Celia L . . Cerena . . Charlott . Charlotte . Charlott . Charlotte . Charlotte W Charlott . Charlott . Chauncey H Chauncey L Chauncey W Chauncey . Chauncey . Charles E . Charles . . Charles A . Charles . . Charles A . Charles A . Charles H . Charles H . Charles N . Charles . . Charles H . Charles H . Charles V . Charles . . Charles W Charles . . Charles H . Charles E . Charles H . Charles M . Charles L . Charles . . Charles H . Charles E . Charles G . Charles H . Charles . . Charles . . Charles A . Charles E . Charles L B Charles J . Charles . . Charles V . Charles E . Charles . . Charles . . Charles . . Charles . . Charles W Chal-les W Charles C . Charles E . Charles E . Charles A . Charles B . Charles . . Charles E . Charles 0 . Charles F . Charles . . Charles H . Charles F . Charles H . No. .3433.3467.1094.3131 .2237.2298. 299 . 451 .2750 .2882 .3322. 2993 .3094 . 190 . 384 .1442.1799 .1915 .2730.2785. 492 .1241 .1280.2851 .3462 . 686 . 715 . 732 . 753 . 780 . 810 . 829 . 896' . 931 .1047 .1058 . 1067 .1077.1080 .1035.1102.1183.1184 .1220.1236.1240.1271 . 1284 .1296 . 1318 .1330 .1446.1481.1485.2067.2149. 2347 . 2358 . 2396 .2403 .2446 .2469.2472 .2476 .2512 . 2897 . 2958 .2994 .3001 .3184 .3196.3220.3277 .3282 .3287.3297.3347.3432.3127 No. Chandler . . . .2267 Charlie 3118 Chloe 359 Chloe 1457 Chloe 1581 Chloe 1624 Chloe 2463 Chloe 2615 Chloe 122 Christian .... 2604 Christian .... 2648 Christopher . .2951 Christopher J . . 2103 Cicero G . . . . 1237 Clarissa 240 Clarissa 328 Clarissa 268 Clarissa 378 Clarissa 400 Clarissa 537 Clarissa 799 Clarissa T .... 920 Clarissa A . . . 2247 Clarissa 2691 Clarissa 2824 Clari ssaE .... 2888 Clarissa 3420 Clarissa M . . . 3427 Clarina 337 Ciarina 145 Clarence B ... 987 Clarence .... 2527 Clarence .... 3113 Clara J 1156 Clara 2316 Clara A 2556 Clarie 1483 Clarinda A . . . 1244 Clarinda . . . .2442 Clarence F . . . 2391 Clarince 1012 Comer M .... 501 Comfort 2766 Comfort E. . . .3476 Conrad M . . . . 870 Cora J 1126 Cornelia .... 953 Cornelia .... 2309 Cordelia .... 988 Cryton W , . . . 3305 Crawford .... 857 Cranston .... 1689 Cynthia 248 Cynthia 465 Cynthia H . . .1194 Cynthia 1792 Cynthia 1875 Cynthia 2059 Cynthia 398 Cynthia 2138 Cynthia 2751 Cynthia H . . . 2936 Cyril 760 Cyril C 1191 Cyrus 254 Cyrus D 970 Cyrus F . . . . 1099 D Daniel 31 Daniel 258 Daniel W . . . . 619 Daniel 669 Daniel 722 Daniel 758 Daniel .... 762 Daniel 767 Daniel W .... 917 Daniel B . . . .1246 GENERAL INDEX. 425 No. Daniel W . . . , 1256 Daniel M . . . . 1281 Daniel 1439 Daniel 1721 Daniel 2508 Daniel 2594 Daniel 2636 Daniel 2692 Daniel 2762 Daniel R . . . . 3363 Daniel 3019 Darius 107 Darius .... 207 Darius 1443 Darius B . . . . 2372 David 483 David 663 David 1696 David 689 David 2338 David 2617 David S 3332 David B 3445 David B 3475 David P 3496 Davis 2765 Deborah A , . . 1115 Deborah .... 1512 Debonih .... 1571 Deborah .... 1609 Deborah .... 3027 Decature .... 2453 Delight G . . . . 445 Delight R . . . . 2363 Delia 533 Delia G 1247 Delia 2818 Delia 3261 Delia 543 Deliverance . . . 2608 Deliverance . . . 3017 Deliverance . . . 3377 Demster .... 2288 Devillo 913 Dewane 2269 DewitC 2326 Dianna 206 Dianna 1684 Dorothy .... 1390 Dorothy .... 1404 Dorothy .... 2647 Dorastus .... 3086 Drusilla .... 2203 Dyer O 750 E Ethan Eastman C . Ebenezer . . Ebenezer D . Ebenezer . . Ebenezer . . Ebenezer T . Ebenezer . . Eddie .... Eddie .... Edgar B . . Edgar H . • Edgar A . . Edmond E . Edmond L . , Edmond B . , Edmond B . Edmond V . , Edmond E . , Edmond B . . Edmond L . , Edna A . . . . Edson C . . . .1145. 140 .2090.2764.2832 .2943" .3234 • 1079 .3117 .1383 .2374 .3044 .1097 .1110 .2404 .3193.3202 . 3219 . 3361 .3372 .2565.2128 Edward J . Edward F . Edward F . Edward K Edward A Edward M Ed ward F . Edward O . Edward . . Edward N Edwin A . Edwin T . Edwin L . Edwin C . Edwin H . Edwin B . Edwin . . Effie L . . Egbert . . Elbert . . Eldora B . EUenor E . Elcnor . . Elenor J . Elenor J . Eleazer . . Electa . . . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . Elizabeth A Elizabeth H Elizabeth A Elizabeth . , Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Eliz-.beth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth S . Elizabeth N . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth S . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth M . Elizabeth E . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth * . Elizabeth . . Elizabeth J . Elizabeth C . No. . 406 . 978 .1082 .1085.1163 .1230 .2013. 2102 . 2541 .3493.1178 .1204 .2384 .2429 . 2942 .3364. 855 .1157.2155 . 2233 .1177. 382 . 705 . 730 .1092 .1596.3144 . 24 3 . 20 . 51 . 59 . 138 . 153 . 226 . 256 . 257 . 324 . 333 . 387 . 485 . 573 . 641 . 754 . 894 .1053 . 1205 .1353 . 1385 .1389 .1398 . 1471 .1507.1524.1541 ,1556,1572,1588,1646 1707 1780 1813 1816 1858 19541986 2098 220022952337 2416 247324932944 2976 3031 304531413236 No Elizabeth . . . . 3412 Elizabeth H . . . 381 Elihu . . . . Eliza . . . . . . 649 . . 968 . . 341 . . 863 Eliza J . . . . . 907 Eliza J . . . . . 914 Eliza .... . . 1898 Eliza T C . . . . 2311 Eliza S . . . . . 2497 Eliza W . . . . 2915 Eliza Ann . . . 1837 . . 3070 Kliza G . . . . . 3123 Eliza B . . . . . 3333 Elisha . . . . . 1595 . . 2154 Eliphalet . . . . 589 Elinb H . . . . . 848 . . 1139 . . 2162 Elijah . . 1535 Elioenai . . . . 1763 Ellen J . . . . . 803 Ellen .... . . 1371 Ellen .... . . 1849 Ellen .... . . 2043 Ellen .... . . 2335 Ellen H . . . . .3203 Ellen M. . . . . 3295 Ellen F . . . . . .3371 EllaC. . . . Ella R . . . . 2426 Elvira M . . . .1245 . 531 .2232 .1261 E. Lyman . . . .1262 E. L. Peck . . . 3368 EmmaE . . . .2185 Emeline . . . . 551 Emeline M . . . 560 Emeline C . • . 666 Emeline . . . . 712 Emeline . . . .1081 Emeline E . . . 1478 No. Emeline F . . .3241 Emeline . . . 3247 Emily .... . . 636 Emily . . . . . 662 Emily B . . . . 1031 Emily W . . . . 1354 Emily A . . . . 2414 Emily M . . . . 2570 Emily F 2871 Emily C 2950 Emily 3149 Emily J 3370 Emily 3446 Emily L 3174 Emily H . . . . 3482 Emma 733 Emma J .... 854 Kmma J . . . . 1009 Emma F . . . . 1124 Emma H . . . . 1167 Emma C . . . . 1175 Emma 1821 Emma A . . . . 2036 Emma A . . . . 2305 Emma H . . . . 2387 Kmma L . . . . 2412 Emma A . . . . 2534 Emma A . . . . 2550 Emma 3008 Emma 3090 Emma E . . . . 3318 Emogene .... 1112 Emory A . . . . 2545 Emory 2894 916 .2983 .3055.1710 . 694 . 2299 Ephraim K ErastusErastus ErasmusErnest C Ernest F Ernest 3115 Kron 884 Erwin H . . . . 1109 Esther 12 Esther 126 Esther 154 Esther 386 Esther 408 Esther 490 Esther C .... 713 Esther J .... 731 Esther 1217 Esther S . . . . 3221 Esther 1386 Esther 1619 Esther 1754 Esther 2635 Esther 2665 Esther 2792 Esther 2914 2940 3194 6U0693735740 1154 1251 Esther V Esther P . . EstellaE . . Eugene C . . Eugene . . . Eugene W . Eugene C . . Eugene F . . Eugene 2040 Eugene A . . . . 2011 Eugene .... 2457 Eunice 309 Eunice 591 Eunice 843 Eunice 1529 Eunice 1926 Eunice 3449 tag tag b-J hcj tag hj bj iij hrj taj tag >sj bcj tag taj bj he] tad ^WHIjjHyHWWMWMyHI*i*]HHMy 3?h^4'i4tih^^^^^*i^'r^'n44'i4'i4^Hi^4"i^^^4T^44^iiooorrff?ff««!?r*PBPP*'fsP PPPPPppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp*2)i----OOOOOOOPPj**-j-3ft;--<;-*j**-j'--)t-*i D3B = = B3SDB3-a3=: = 3BBaBB = 3BSBB3BBBBBBBBBBB^-Q &.*< ^ S S 3 « 3 i^B'B C B B 3 20 . . 3 D3B = = 33SDB3-333-z;3B33BB33BS3333B3BBBBB3BB^-Q &.*< *< 3 3 r tTFTFrr*-r~t'i'?rprpro o ra ra o o ra ra re q 0 oo n ra rara o ra ra ra ra o pr,Pr?T7rprt^'?rt^252.mP'f^'3 g * fr. : : * V^>£°": *«*: ?««*?: *: : a™:": T: : : :«: MMtOIi*JMHMMK.COKIb:tStvl-iMi-JPHI-'«WU)b3baK)lOM OOUtOUKltO CO W CO 10 tO KkM M _ (C- in rji a *. W M i-1 - :. ' tC ; : ::^MtOOOO(»KlOWO-IiOiviKWI»ffiaiiSMM^Ci3MMffltliOOWOOaia.|fiPHC!(D. - C**lj. 4~ ^WHOMMC-C^ ^ Ci LC 3C^C- tO M M tOCOtOM COCOtOtO., UHOO-JtihS-*l*-tO-lCOKJOMCOO 0 to 'OOMOiO*- I^tOWMMO Q p Q Q £ O Q Q Q C P ^ Q C £ Q ^ Q P Q Q $ $ Q Q Q Q O re re re re o ra ~ re re o re re -t c re re re re re r: rerererererefflTrererererarorerararareorerererorarorarararerarererererererere^reroppp OOOCOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOCOOGOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOO era im i£ ere ^ .rc aq as crq to 'ii; (^ crq .K ^B p 5 re re re rt onsBoiDQCis rtorererererererertrec»rerareffrererererererererererarerererererererorererereffirerererere,-p»prti. -n ¦ *j. sa. ^kq-h. pjsg- KtB. . p-p*>wc;HKta. tr^^^oo^-j^g^i-a* -^* ^* s^- • ¦ ¦ >M-3- • • J* tJKIlClOWMtOW'jDtCKlHMHHMHM. ©o^H©a*D-cai*t-HOO(aiOJ-qooi>^if-co-'--(SIOI-'OOCiliOWCMiO-Caiif-fiptOtCtDtii-J !JOOOOOOOOWCOOOOcD'OtO*OiX>(»00--.T**-J-V(a)03CTiCTiO>„. . OOaitOtiOCOQOO.^WMHMUMOffl'OCOOiMOOOOlif'CoWaiMtiKltOHI-'W - -l-ncoixi^H-Oili^i-BWOJH^COOM^COCMOCjTfflW^lf-HOitOMOCSOOCO Co to to d rf- 4- tO tC tt- J- +- ~- " ' ' CE> O) ID 00 — 1 I-1 OJ to tu QOG5 J? COWMW i OOOOOCCLO*- . o woS3 O O pppp-^pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.,33 = 5333 = 33C333333 = = 3 = = 33C:33BB333B33B = B3n3h0 3333 = = = = 3rB=- = 3 = 333B = 3 = 33B = B3333B3BB3BBd!i. S. S ppp-a-^zrppppppppp-ppppppPPPPP'ppppppppppppt-rl^'EL• od-=- • ¦ W ¦ * • OWCg^OS' OpEtf* Q * ' e a ¦ • .**<.... m™. t E *;i •*; h *i t"C^;^iX''!i nffi(Jit"B(D(t(D re re re re re re re re ra re re re re re re t^^repppOH^&^^^oooooocoooooooooooooco ^r*iof*>f*;n~nTro*T)'*tD7i- .— ..-..^i—. — .-,.-..-^,— ..-. — .^ _ _ _ — — _.,_.,_- ' 3 B*ffc" rerarereffirererorerererererererererarererore' OQono3,B;7'iH!4*!>i'*:>*!*i-. •Ji'i'i^-i'1'1 HjarerereppScog B*m; OQtrgi^ffQoqoQ^trecnjc^ffqtiqaQcrQi^CROquqaqQfcjO!} P- . ¦ . Bdi*-t-dBgp£'recrererarererararerararerererecDffirere» Jd- • • ¦ gt>* H* -*3K>|||^OBf>>|>^^^>^!Pt-4K«g. g MP p p M i-4 M i_i M M !-• h-i M i-> M M CO I O: O C' O' ^-' C> C ^ K 0: H O C CO Cl ffl OI a OUfi W M K) W M C: wr-it-u. !*---*.j'**-tiC-ia.i^i^Mi^**>lM*U'l'CMMO tStOI-'MI-'l-iMMl-iM = O CO X CC -1 -1 ffi O o> »-10uH4-O5it-~lO' " NJtOWMM _HtO t3MMHMHCCWWWCOMCOK>MWM03tObOtO|Ol3lO ^MOOOM0103H^HCD-pW:2WM^Iri^^taC0ICWl0WMH!DCI3CIi0'CJiWi2 Cu«l'DMO(»CDM^Oi«-l[DO**-I*Oai^^^ffiM**AWC»MO)WW030)0'WWMM? ^OC0^COC»Uilt--©ll^H©O©WMt3Wb0CO^W00Coro0)M03O(pWiO05Oi^ I . -r- WWD • p p ; : td 1= E K S p K E re c -/,' - < -i -Hs:f^si; . . sr f t>-^; ; ^a; fco to !-'¦*»¦ ii— ifcOtOOafcOtO * ¦OCOWCOCOWWlDWMtObSbOtOtOWW'-OtabOI-'MMI-'HI-'MHH ^SMS5»KK**Jific£EHbccafficofrOiwww»***i^^Mioo^O!C --« -,^«,«,- ?. ^Ir! . tototo toto to tototo to 10 co w to toto toto to to to aMcsoiotn^iMrii^^m*oaoore-*j**4-T***]*^oi^-^050iGmffiai'c;i h* - -. ™— u. -v ^n n . — — -.—-»—, — ,™OoO)t^WMtOMHmwiOtiMQc*'Ocoixfflpp'Krjhri^offlm™&5CofcK."i ^ (P^^Mw;;<»fflo^KMi»eoMco©MMiii|^MoHowoi»a)(DfflciOMOwE©S GENERAL INDEX. 427 Hattie L . . . Hattie M . . . Hattie B . . . Helen A . . . Helen M . . . Helen AW.. No. .1327 . 1379 . 1491 . 823 . 918 .1030 .1299 . 2312 .2458 .2494 . 3006 .3200. 407 . 840 . 852 . 977 . 10261050 .1066 . 11S1 . 1308 . 1312 .1328 1334 . 1340 .1345 . 137716531947 . . 2064 . 2226 . . 2246 . . 2293 . . 2355 . . 2369 . . 2398 . . 2892 . . 3105 . . 3270 . .3417 . . 3430 . . 2822 . . 2058 . . 3057 . . 982 . . 1011 . . 3114 . . 3189 . 2297 . 3337 . . 3343 . . 2466 . . 2078 . . 2504 . . 2712 . 770 Horace M . . Horace T . . Horace D . . Horace D . . Horace M . . No. . . 2867 . . 2868 . . 3208 . . 3216 . ,. 3301 . . 3418 Helen M . . . . . 3466 Helen G . . Horatio N . . Horatio W . Horatio N . Hubbard C . Hubbell . . . . . 1146 . .2860 . . 2873 . .3142 . . 3146 Huldah . . . . . 137 . . 142 Helen M . . . Huldah . . . . . 193 Henry W . . Henry C . . Henry L . . Henry A . . Henry M . . Henry H . . Henry W . . Henry P . . Henry E . . Henry C . . Henry C . . Henry H . . Henry H . . Henry C . . Henry W . . Henry . . . Henry C . . Henry W . . Henry . . . Henry C . . Henry O . . Henry W . . Henry . . . Henrietta . . Hepsibcth H Hepsiheth . . Herbert J . . Herbert J . . Herbert . . Herbert A . Herbert . . Hermon A . Hermon S . . Hester . . Hezekiah S Hezekiiih M . Hezekiah . Hiram . . Huldah . . . . . 534 Huldah . . . . 1431 . . 2614 Huldah . . . . 2719 Huldah . . . . 2754 Huldah . . . . 2909 Huldah B . Hyleraan J I . . 2941 . .1028 . . 6 . . 60 Ichabod 162 Ichabod .... 277 Ida 2240 Ida > 2462 Ida 3161 Ida M 3283 IdesE 832 Imogena .... 869 Imogene .... 2555 Inspertion . . . 1530 Inspertion . . . 1593 Ira S 937 Ira 2032 Ira 3207 Irena 789 Irena B 1972 Irena L 3166 Isabell 3026 Isaac T 89 iBaac L 934 Isaac H 958 Isaac 1523 Isaac G 1815 Isaac 2799 IBaac 3ST 3230 Isabella M . . . 1753 Isabella 1985 Isabella 2151 Isabella L . . .2907 Isabel L . • . . 2515 Isabel 3600 Israel 3375 Israel 2378 Hiram A . . Hiram H . . Hiram D . Hiram F . . Hollister Horace . Horace M . . Horace . Horace a Horace S Horace N Horace . . Horace M . 891 . 1221 . 1224 . . 2857 . . 1106 . . 240 . . 561 . 5S3822 . . 1981 . 2304 . 2540 . . 2561 J Jabez . . . JacksonJackson . . .1539 . . . 2350 . . . 2454 . . . 971 Jacob H . Jacinlhia . . . . Io05 . . . 2673 . . . 1627 . . . 1715 . . . 2580 No. James 48 James 237 James E . . . . 380 James M . . . . 645 James 736 James 791 James H .... 877 James (> .... 999 James W . . . . 1019 James 1049 James B . . . . 1117 James M . . . . 1168 James W . . . . 1196 James M . . . . 1248 James B .... 1275 James R L . . . 1294 James B . . . . 1332 James 1414 James 1432 James 1444 James 1462 James J 1977 James N . . . . 1998 James E . . . . 2023 James E . . . . 2107 James M . . . . 2115 James V . . . . 2165 James 2197 James C . . . . 2428 James A . . . . 2571 James 2654 James 2770 James 2781 James D . . . . 2963 James M . . . . 3036 James 3139 James 3163 James M . . . . 3312 James 3404 James S .... 3431 JaneM 346 Jane A 703 Jane M 872 Jane 893 Jane 1286 Jane 1289 Jane J 1326 Jane 1851 Jane 1861 Jane A 1866 Jane 2044 Jane 2121 Jane M 2330 JaneE 2431 Jane G 2574 Jane A 3267 Jane M 3294 Jane K 3300 JaneH 3349 Jason 2083 Jathniel . . . .1000 Jay 2353 Jefferson .... 374 Jemima 1814 Jemima 2378 Jemima 2612 Jenette 1311 Jerome 728 JeruBha 706 Jerusha 1528 Jerusha 1536 Jerusha 1602 Jerusha 1724 Jerusha T . . . 1745 Jerusha 3400 Jervam D . . • • 8210 Jesse B M5 Jesse F 1346 Jesse H . . . . . 3491 No. Joanna 654 Joanna B . . . . 995 Joanna B . . . . 1006 Joanna 1833 Joanna 2212 Joab 2738 Joel 676 Joel 831 Joel 3490 Joel 2624 John 221 John R 224 John 236 John 265 John 292 John B 353 John 548 John M 694 John 700 John F 724 John 757 JohnB 873 John 885 JohnN 890 John I 902 John W .... 942 John 957 Jobn 1137 John B 1208 John H 1233 JohnW 1278 •John 1388 John C 1291 John 1395 John C 1297 John 1452 John 1453 John 1497 John 1562 John 1567 John 1620 John 1706 John 1811 John 1844 John R 1857 John A 1900 John G 1944 John A 2020 John L 2066 John McClelan . 2091 John D 2092 John L 2148 John E 2158 JohnB 2289 John N" 2301 John K 2332 John 2348 John D 2424 John G 2506 John' 2599 John 2600 John 2619 John 2626 John 2664 John M 2858 JohnW 3002 John F 3015 John M 3106 John W 3209 John H 3225 John H 3271 John H 3015 JohnF 3315 John H 3338 Johiel E . . . . 2169 Jonathan .... 1158 Jonathan .... 1555 Jonathan .... 1557 Jonathan .... 2028 428 PECK GENEALOGY. Jonathan M Jonathan W JonathanJonathanJonas G Jonas O Joseph . Joseph . Joseph . 'Joseph C Joseph W Joseph . Joseph W Joseph J Joseph . Joseph . Joseph . Joseph . Joseph B Joseph S Joseph C Joseph . Joseph . Joseph B Joseph . Joseph B Joseph K Joseph . Joseph . Joseph E Joseph K Josiah . Josiah . Josiah E Joshua V Josephus F Josephine B Josephine M Josephine E Josephine . Josephine C Josephine . Josephine A Josephine J Judith . Judith A J udith . Judith . Judith . JuliaunaCJulia E . Julia M . Julia A . Julia A . Julia A . Julia . . Julia A . Julia A . Julia M . Julia A . Julia M . Julia A . Julia A . Julia M . Julia A . Julia G. Julia A . Julia . . Julia A . Julia A . Julia E . Julia E . Julius . Julietta L Justin A No. . 2087 .2385.2415 . 2697 . 513 .1162 . 36 . 55 . 100 . 486 . 633 . 752 .1255.1302 .1504.1540.1546.1716 .2000 .2004.2086.2492 .2509.2800. 2935 .3072 .3415.3421 .3459 . 3486 . 3489 . 499 . 508 .1374.2113 .1980 .1039.1192.1488.1490 . 1960 .2270. 2538 .3043. 32 . 749 . 1513 .2578. 2683 . 414 . 940 .1076.1162. 2219 .2258 .2346 .2370 . 2375 .2440 ;2923 .2957.2973 .3011 . 3281 . 3293 . 3330 , 3348 .3409 .3455.3464 .3423.3546.3154 .3359 .1037 Kate 1290 Kezia 2630 No. Kezia 2650 Kezia 2712 Kezia 2778 Kezia 2805 Kezia 2918 Kirk 795 Laforest H LattimerLaura . . Laura J . Laura J . Laura A Laura . Laura J Laura M Laura . Laura R Laura W Laura . Laura H Laura . . Laura . Lavonia . Lavinia . LaviniaLavinia A Lavinia . Lavinia . Lavinia . Lavern . , Leander E Leander R Lebarron Lelia . . Leland . Leland T Lemira . Lemira M Lemira W Lemira W Lena C . Leonora B Leonora Leonard Leonard L Lepha LephaLephaLeroy E Lewis . Lewis R Lewis J Lewis LewisLewis . Lewis J Lewis Lewis Lewis LewisLewis W LewinLilly K Lilly . Lillie . Lilis . Linda . LizzieLizzieLizzieLodenceLois . Lois . Lois . Lois . Lois . Lois K .3180. 1768 . 438 . 503 . 805 . 859 . 952 .1313.2021. 2050 .2549.2551 .2874 .3048.3406.3448. 318 . 554 .2117 .2147. 2195 .2257. 2352 .3298.3314 , 3357 , 1933 .2046.2699, 849 ,1899 ,2486 , 2916 ,3337, 961 , 797 ,1309 , 2417 , 3128 .1335 . 209 . 215 . 3354 . 372 . 1148 . 904 .1216 . 839 .1219 .1375 .2519 .2623 . 2625 .2817.2906.2986 . 1293 .2464.3112 . 1482 . 397 . 615 .3250.3471.2268 . 304 . 105 .1632 .1772.2030 .2063 No. LoisT 2776 Lois 2611 Lloyd G . . . . 2010 Lorinda R . . . 1185 Lorandal. . . .2885 Loring 1656 Loring D . . . . 1859 Loring 2345 Lorain 2879 Lorenzo .... 2242 Louisa A . . . . 348 Louisa 541 Louisa 636 Louisa 742 Louisa 878 Louisa 1430 Louisa 951 Louisa A . . . .1493 Louisa 2027 Louisa 2357 Louisa 2794 Louisa 3119 Lousia 3478 Louis W . . . . 2406 Lowell H . . . . 1257 Lucy 173 Lucy 308 Lucy Ann .... 412 Lucy 357 Lucy 494 Lucy Ann .... 1072 Lucy A 1086 Lucy A 1093 Lucy H 1147 Lucy W 1226 LucyL 1304 Lucy A 1381 Lucy 1416 Lucy 1880 Lucy 2056 Lucy 2057 Lucy 2097 Lucy E 2363 Lucy 2672 Lucy S 2835 Lucy 2839 Lucy A 2917 Lucy S 3121 Lucy E 3342 Lucie 2827 Lucia A 3177 Lucinda .... 336 Lucinda B . . . 1973 Lucinda .... 3033 Lucinda T . . . 3249 Lucius 1160 Lucena 836 Luciua E . . . .1361 Lucina S . . . . 2024 LucinaS . . . .2236 Lucina 3135 Lucretia .... 3028 Lucretia A . . . 3487 Lucretia .... 3499 Luella E . . . . 3178 Luella 3187 Luna A 3013 Lurilla J . . . . 2065 Lury 2432 Lurana 3448 Luther F . . . . 1495 Luther B • . . . 3197 Luthera M . . . 3306 Luvertia .... 1161 Lydia 62 Lydia * 72 Lydia 75 Lydia 97 Lydia 155 No. Lydia 191 Lydia 220 Lydia 281 Lydia 293 Lydia 481 Lydia 582 Lydia B .... 638 Lydia 647 LydiaH 652 Lydia J 677 Lydia A .... 714 Lydia M .... 745 Lydia 769 Lydia 882 Lydia J 938 Lydia A . . . . 1029 Lydia W . . . . 1282 Lydia W . . . .1227 Lydia E 1355 Lydia 1417 Lydia 1455 Lydia 1510 Lydia 1548 Lydia 1575 Lydia 1644 Lydia 1697 Lydia 1725 Lydia 1798 Lydia B 1891 Lydia 1929 Lydia N 1979 Lydia D . . . . 2088 Lydia D . . . . 2095 Lydia 2177 Lydia 2209 Lydia A . . . . 2366 Lydia 2507 Lydia A . . . . 2553 Lydia 2700 Lydia 2741 Lydia D . . . .2773 Lydia 2820 Lydia 2878 Lydia I, 2912 Lydia C 3087 Lydia J 3138 Lydia L 3256 Lydia It . . . .3341 Lydia W . . . .3465 Lyman 317 Lyman 480 Lyrnan 564 Lyman B . . . .3179 Lyman 1262 M Madora A . . . . 3195 Mahala 576 Mahala D . . . . 656 Mahala 741 Mahala A . . . . 860 Mahala 2005 Malinda 2211 Manly D . . . .3129 Mary 6 Mary ...... 35 Mary 42 Mary 52 , Mary 94 Mary 161 Mary 170 Mary 179 Mary 250 Mary 278 Mary 330 Mary 339 Mary 342 Mary 413 Mary Ann. ... 424 GENERAL INDEX. 429 No. Mary 495 Mary 502 Mary Ann ... 619 Mary 527 Mary Ann . . . 544 Mary 566 Mary Ann . . . 574 Mary 593 Mary A 618 Mary S 626 Mary 645 Mary Ann ... 651 Mary E 601 Mary CI.... 687 Mary 716 Mary E 747 Mary 774 Mary A 781 MaryE 784 Mary E 806 Mary Ann .... 813 Mary 842 Mary J 879 MaryE 922 Mary Ann . . . 927 Mary Francis . . 930 Mary L 936 MaryE 946 M ary Jane . . . 949 Mary C 956 Mary 963 Mary B 964 Mary E 1007 Mary 1045 Mary A 1048 Mary E 1056 Mary E T 1069 Mary J 1113 Mary M 1114 Mary F 1166 Mary P 1171 Mary A 1187 Mary E 1193 Mary F - . . . . 1197 Mary G 1200 Mary K 1225 Mary E 1228 Mary E 1259 Mary 1274 Mary B 1301 Mary J 1323 Mary 1325 Mary M 1338 Mary T 1351 Mary 1368 Mary A 1373 Mary 1420 Mary Ann .... 1440 Alary 1449 Mary 1456 Mary Ann . . . 1476 Mary Ann E . . 1477 Mary 1484 Mary 1499 Mary 1503 Mary 1534 Mary 1538 Mary 1652 Mary 1553 Mary 1576 Mary 1584 Mary 1599 Mary 1605 Mary 1642 Mary 1675 Mary 1704 Mary Ann .... 1797 Mary 1809 Mary R 1831 Mary C . Mary O . "wy A . D . K . I E . • VV ' I) Mar.,MaryMaryMary MaryMary Mary Mary Mary ^ Mary W Mary W Mary A Mary E Mary . Mary . Mary . Mary J Mary H Mary E Mary . Mary . Mary E Mary E Mary E Mary J Mary L Mary L Mary P Mary . M ary E Mary A Mary M Mary F Mary E Mary . Mary . Mary . Mary . Mary J M ary . Mary M Mary L Mary . Mary A Mary J . . Mary Ann L Mary Ann Mary L . Mary . . Mary . . MaryP . Mary L . Mary L . Mary A . Mary J , Mary . . Mary . . Mary Ann Mary I . Mary S . Mary C . Mary E . Mary . . Mary Ann MaryE . Mary J . Mary B . Mary . . Mary . . Mary Ann Margaret Margaret MargaretMargaretMargaretMargaretMargaret Ho. .2395.2402.2438.2499 .2517 .2507 .2520 . 2552 .2602 .2701.2767. 2772 .2828.2900.2948.2968 . 2987 .3007.3040. 3049 . 3051 . 3079 . 3164 .3169. 3171 .3211.3217.3231.3235.3244.3246. 3260 .3299 .3309 .3339 .3362.3379. 3383 .3391 .3396. 3494 . 3402 .3434. 3436 . 3441 . 3458 . 3481 .1856.1871.1893 .1895 .1910. 1953 .1967 . 1974 . 2009 . 2042 .2072. 2075 . 2094 . 2104 .2131.2160. 2190 . 2194 . 2229 . 2275 .2308. 2326 . 2328 .2359. 45 . 290 . 768 .1052. 1459 .1511.1544 MargaretMargaretMargaret M Martha . Manila . Martha . Martba W Martha . Martha A Martha M M artha J Martha O Martha J Martha D Martha C Martha . Martha . Martha . Martha . Martha . Martha . Maltha H Martha V Martha W Martha D Martha E Martha W Martha E Martha E Martha G Martha . Martha . Martha J Martha . Martha A ,Mfortha_.^ Maria" . . Maria S . Maria . . Maria . . Maria L . Maria . . Maria C . MariaL . Maria E . Maria S . Maria H . Maria . . Maria F . Maria E . Maria K . Maria . . Maria C . Maria B . Maria . . Maria E . Martin C Marvin K Marvin . Mariett . Marriett Marrietta Marcus R Marion A Marion M Marcellus Marianna T M arinda Marcia L Marietta Marietta F Marinda • Mason S . Mat tie . . Matilda A Medbery L Mehitable MehitatleMehitable No. .1794.2196.3133. 172 . 205 . 426 .446*' . 756 . 1033 , .1100. 1173 . 1235 . 1263 .1307 .1310 .1401 . 1400 .1526. 1532 . 1597 .1694 .1836. 1838 .1909 .1952 .2132.2371 • 2487 .2488.2500. 2666 .2788 .2854.3405 . 3440 , 3492 . 255 . 366 . 422 . 521 . 605 . 1107 . 1319 . 1352 . 1718 .1843. 2364 .2382. 2505 . 3005 . 3101 . 3317 .3320 .3437.2111. 660 . 717 .1023 . 2333 .1232.1186. 1298 .3107 . 2S90 . 2904 .3148.3218 . 3319 .3331.2850. 467 .1347.3016.1834.3389.3374. 665 No. Mehitable .2670 Mehitable . . . 702 Mehitable . . .3380 Mehitable . . .2079 Mehitable . . .3403 Melissa R . . . 967 Melinda . . . . 1164 Melvina E A . 692 , . 104 MerrittE . . . 3324 . . 3170 Miies .... .2153 Milton L . . . 2965 Minerva . . . . .497 Minerva A . . 1356 Minerva . . .2340 Minerva . . . . 493 . 298 . 779 Miranda H . .3176 N Nancy 109 Nancy 123 Nancy 169 Nancy 327 Nancy 332 Nancy 376 Nancy 392 Nancy F 459 Nancy 516 NancyS 595 Nancy C .... 604 Nancy 844 Nancy 1025 Nancy E . . . . 1174 Nancy 1438 Nancy 1458 Nancy 1636 Nancy 1648 Nancy 1699 Nancy 1712 Nancy 1760 Nancy 1781 Nancy 1804 Nancy 1870 Nancy 1896 Nancy D . . . . 1970 Nancy J . . . .2122 Nancy 2136 Nancy A . . . . 2245 Nancy 2252 Nancy B . . . . 2262 Nancy 2360 Nancy J . . . . 2795 Nancy B . . . . 2833 Nancy J . . . , 2856 Nancy E . . . . 3083 Nancy S . . . • 3232 Nancy 3242 Nancy E . . . . 3313 Nancy 3392 Naomi 84 Naomi 175 Naomi 814 Naomi 2972 430 PECK GENEALOGY. Naomi A .3077 Naomi A . 3085 Narcissa . 565 Narclssa A .1306 Nathaniel .1579 Nathaniel (: .2133 Nathaniel .2588 Nathaniel . 2638 Nathaniel . 2777 Nathaniel .2931 Nathaniel . 3053 Nathaniel .3397 Nathaniel .3401 Nathan . .1421 Nelson . . 635 Nclpon F .1254 Nelson . .2029 Nelson . .2455 Nelson G .3075 Nellie . .3162 Nellie M .2068 Newell S . 2006 Newton .3092 Nicholas .1501 Nicholas .1521 Nicholas .1560 Nicholas .1561 Nicholas .1569 Nicholas .1594 Nicholas . 1569 Nicholas .1723 Nicholas .1928 Noah . . . 243 Noah . . .1669 Noah A . .2381 Noah . . . 2583 Noah . . .2627 Nora . . .1348 o Octavee 739 Obed 1426 Oliver 39 Oliver 41 Oliver 70 Oliver C 110 Oliver .... 164 Oliver 935 Oliver H .... 850 Oliver E . . . . 3010 Oliver 3438 Oliver C .... 210 Olive 120 Olive 128 Olive 312 Olive 373 Olive B 405 Olive 772 Olive 807 Olive 1688 Olive A 1997 Olivia E 721 Ophelia A . . . 2284 Oren S 2977 Orestes E . . . . 808 Orinda 453 Oren B 2399 Oren D 3214 Orilla 3191 Orson 3502 Orvilla 1020 Orvilla 1024 Oscar 908 Oscar 1091 Oscar A 2076 Otis 1074 Otis C 1133 Otis 1454 O H 3481 P No. 3264 Pafina L . . . . 1253 Patsey 1888 Parker A . . . . 1129 Parthenia . . . 1519 Pardon EG... 3108 Patience 7 Patience 229 Patience 369 Patience B .... 639 Patience 979 Patience .... 1399 Patience .... 1405 Patience .... 1942 Patience C . . . 1956 Patience .... 3021 Patrouella . . . 1518 Peddy 435 Peleg 2532 Peleg 2658 Peleg 2798 Peleg 2810 Peleg 2813 Perez 1382 Perla 391 ParmeliaE ... 989 Perry 1320 Peter 1622 Peter 2763 Phebe . . . . 331 Phebe 360 Phebe 845 Phebe V .... 874 Phebe L .... 905 PhebeP 921 Phebe E .... 985 Phebe A . . . . 1096 Phebe E . . . . 1143 Phebe 1424 Phebe 1448 Phebe 1678 Phebe F 1853 Phebe 1921 Phebe B . . . . 1962 Phebe 2007 Phebe 3245 Philip W .... 146 Philip 448 Philip W .... 452 Philip L . . . . 1885 Philip A . . . . 2400 Phiiottie .... 271 Philina 311 Philina 847 Philena 2060 Philoma 563 Philo A 826 Philo' 3463 PhilettaH ... 568 Philotte 697 Philander G . . 2218 Plooma 2051 Polly 117 Polly 148 Polly 201 Polly 358 Polly 1625 Polly 1713 Polly 1726 Polly 1737 Polly 1923 Polly 2054 Polly 2055 Polly 2663 Polly M 3084 Porter 3263 Porter 3447 Porter 3488 No. Prescilla .... 57 PruciaC .... 777 Prudence . . . .1731 Prudence .... 2682 R ... 26 ... 334 ... 356 Rachel W ... 599 . . .1429 . . . 1516 Rachel R . . . 2112 . . . 2202 R . . . . . 2526 Rachel A . . . 2558 Rachel M . . . 2562 . . . 2694 Rachel 8 . . . 2920 Rawsel K . . .1277 Rebecca ... 1 Rebecca ... 16 Rebecca ... 37 Rebecca ... 67 Rebecca ... 76 Rebecca ... 85 Rebecca ... 189 Rebecca . . . 352 Rebecca A . . . . 1170 Rebecca . . . 1391 Rebecca . . . 1434 Rebecca . . .1549 Rebecca . . . 1564 Rebecca . . . 1566 Rebecca . . .1630 Rebecca . . . . 1679 Rebecca . . . 1729 Rebecca J . . .1746 Rebecca . . . 2156 Rebecca . . . 2205 Rebecca . . . 2581 Rebecca . . . 2582 Rebecca . . . 2952 Rebecca D K . . 2959 Reed . . . ... 929 Relief. . ... 192 Reuben L . . . 2129 . . . 2143 . ... 297 Rhoda M . ... 468 . . . .2797 Richmond O . . 684 Richmond . . . 1654 . . . . 2979 Richard VV . . . 2287 . . . .2349 Robert E . ... .379 Robert H . . . .1852 Robert C . . . . 2204 Robert H . . . . 2310 . . . .2351 Rodman P . . .1165 Roena T . ... 449 Rogers R . . . . 1652 Rollin G . . . . 3103 Rosabella r. . .2025 Rosalina . . . .1894 No. Rosina 2039 Rosanna .... 3145 Rose 3041 Roxanna .... 3140 RoxannaF . . .3344 Roxallana .... 1425 Royal 185 Royal 214 Ruamie 2451 Ruby 368 Rufus B 443 Rufus A .... 601 Rufus H .... 617 Rufus 1884 Rufus 2106 Rulina 523 Ruth 151 Ruth 364 RuthS 440 Ruth A 472 Ruth O 973 Ruth .... . . 1437 Ruth 1631 Ruth 1668 Ruth 1670 Ruth 1686 Ruth 1692 Kuth Ann .... 1881 Ruth 1883 RuthW 1918 Ruth E 2126 Ruth MA. . . .2173 Ruth 2201 Ruth W 2422 Ruth 2649 Ruth 2656 Ruth 2652 Ruth 2674 Ruth M 2992 Ruth M 2999 Ituth 3014 Ruth 1775 S Sabra 648 Sabra 2084 Sabina 2105 Sally 149 Sally . . .... 180 Sally 183 Sally 187 Sally 196 Sally 260 Sally Ann. ... 285 Sally A 460 Sally 487 Sally 489 Sally J 709 Sally A 1150 Sally .' 1445 Sally C 1902 Sally M 2085 Sally 2436 Sally 2681 Sally 2728 Sally 2779 Sally 2819 Sally 2844 Sally B 3303 Salina E . . . . 3201 Samuel 228. Samuel D .... 283 Samuel C .... 613 Samuel C .... 614 Samuel W ... 644 Samuel A . . . .1358 Samuel 1367 Samuel W . . .1376 Samuel 1706 S'=s'n-*='B'3'='B'B'B'-3*S'crD'p-3'3-6-iy5'b'rT&-fri: z*>Rt to to to to to to l- jjj|JMMWI^Mr*JMMMMMMMMI^MI--'l--i|--'!-->)--'MI--'l--1>--'l--CJi|>5MMtOiOI»W-*-lffll»HWMQOW^~lCDto03MW0300QOi>}*^il^M£l_i i_i -i --i. #¦*. ^™ ™ . . . . . £T 21 ui O B -¦a** : B 3. ' K. ?l: ????*: fej ^Mw^g* ^Sr^kgw^0* t>[> ! ! ! ! ' ^1 f>pr>; ; p ; &v. SbO-qOi' OWQOOCOtO^uSScnCT.^^oSc^ Hf.^-J.S^ jk?»SaGOggSKg w«j WaS3MSwWHWar-WOiO)W»MMroOQ*Ft»W©IMW^ tr er a* 3d 3- tr » 2 £ ooorereresog bbbs&e^s p p p m o o 5 2 00 " OT g ° ^ 3 3 Q . . g. « re re . _. CO CO Ui lip*, to CO Co an to as tt. co co co to a sr« ja pn ins -j y rarooddddPPPPPPPPdbb3 p p . , . tr*Q. &. p p 0 ' -^ ^3 ' * * f> p' p' p" p* " " . t> OOCO-^COCOCSbOCT tfs.OCirfiW-*-.COCOI-- ' *. l;. i; x r- y. -- -¦ u tO tO h-l r-1 h-*K 00 CD M A***- *"¦ M O CO I— ' *>- Cn rf_ „_ - . . HCoffioiwiaotowH'OWooiJi-'otooiiwreMoi'sai*' — (•¦woi-ooo-OHroofflowceiocofficoo-jsiWiFcoo^Mwo- I -J £>. CO CO tO I— ' r- ' GO -7 Ui CD OS d GO tO tO tO .Qot-5oioii-JcooiwcotocoH^oiiila)M^oi I Ui -J W O *- © tO if ' ' .-.-.-.-..- - — — c* CO to — ,. . OcO-3COtOOCO-*-ICnhP-CoOiCOI— '00 2 .. „oS-soai(M!0*-C)---itD*^uiq;co--->too|-5o S =5 **¦ oo to io oo to co -i co to co -' — " to CO CO to to to I- lOOCOOOCOI-'if.lOOOCOOitOCD . 33BB33333BB BF*^ 3*5 »^ • H HF. BB : : f §. t> FF* ^^B^f^Fwwccaw. re p ,9 ra 1 p s D D 3 C3 CD O PH* <1 C-ls'tfS'JB'ftlB-B'alJS'WO'B' gg°33B8B333B-3S333B3w n t?tj p-app-a-ae-iMHUiaOaPP ^ 3-q ^ cc w os cc Kt3jri- • sits* ¦appppppPpPP ~*cntDCDtoui!Bix to;-j tObOM tj U H [O M |J --1 >— 'Q3 0i'---'**---ll— '^CJ'lGCO— J—3 tnOiOd-^O-HCOCOOOH bOtOMl-'COCOCOCOtOtOtObOtOl-il-'Ml-'MhJ0>COCD-^tOtOI-'0-^CnO'tn*-COCOCOI— 'I— ' O g I— 'C»COl*OCOtyi^l— 'COI—'COOCDCOCOtOCOl— ' o> r-1 MtOtO-4l^WC«OOOCB^eOOCD--lcO<-OI-'fcO . ts wt» F t— I S3a HM **co 432 PECK GENEALOGY. No. William W . . 975 William A . . 992 William H . .1018 William F . . 1042 William E . .1057 William C . . 1089 William M . .1149 William H . .1182 William H . .1201 William T . .1210 William F . .1321 William H . . 1465 William H . .1466 William . . .1643 Will, am . . .1674 Will am . . .1720 William . . .1722 William . . .1807 William . . .1825 William L . .1845 William K . .1901 William E . .1959 William F . .1984 William J . .2016 William . . . 2110 William . William R William F William L William R William W William R William H William H William L William A William De William S William H William B William . William M William M William M William F William H William . William . William . William H No. . . . 2120 . . . 2123 . . . 2135 . . . 2150 . . . 2216 . . . 2225 . . . 2238 . . . 2803 . . . 2930 . . . 2273 . . . 2281 Wolf 2294 . . . 2319 . . . 2322 . . . 2331 . . . 2354 . . . 2379 . . .2380 . . . 2389 . . . 2407 . . . 2421 . . . 2444 . . . 2524 . . . 2542 . . .2557 William H William R William H William F. William B William H William . William R William . William T William H William R William H William A William E William H William W William N William J . William S William H WilliamWilbor M . WilborF . Willie . . No. .2573 .2575 .2723.2734 . 2932 .2954 .2981 .2984 .3066 .3074. 3089 .3212. 3237 .3258 .3269.3280 .3285 . 3345 .3351.3665.3367 . 4456 . 864 .3278.1078 Willie B . Willie . . Willie . . Willie 0 . Willie . . WillardH. Willard. . Willard. . Willard . . Willard. . Willis R . Wilbert F . Wilmarth H Wolcott. . Wolford . Woolsey . Woodhall . Z Zack . . . ZaraC . . Zeluca Z . ZiiphaG . Zilpha . . No. .1292.2276.3116.3137.3153 .1134 .1252 . 1766 ,2031 . 2460 .1322 . 2239 .2954. 289 . 2461 . 2214 .3059 . 972 . 3000 . 3205 . 912 .2756 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PECK OF Abigail I Abigail . Abner C Abner and lorn . Absalom C Absalom Adaline . Adelaid F Agoess M Albert V Albert . Albert . Alice J . Almeron Alva C . Alvara F Alvira . Amelia . Andrew . Angelina P Anna . . Ann C . Anna . . Aunis . . Ai'athusa Arathusa Arathusa B Aurilla A B No 184 76 124214 122 214 103 211193112221•Hi212 169 243167 179 141182 168 11 83 37 175 48 186 BethiaBetsey Byron N 204 0 Calvin . . Charlott . . Charlott . . Chauncey . Charles L . Charles W Charles L . Charles . . 188 77 107 108113 196 217 223 David 20 Dolly . D wight E Ebenezer . Edson S . Ed win a Jane Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Eliphalet S Eliza . . . Eliza . . . EIlaF . . Elmer A. . Elvira C . Emeline O Emily M . Emma . . Emma K . Ernest H . Etta A . . Eugena B Bugena K . Eunice . . Eunice . . Eva F . . . No .65 208 -B Fen wick L Filinda . . Florence C Francis E . Frances E , Francis L . Frank A . Freddy D . Frederick . , Frederick W Genny George T George C George S George 0 G 18 201171 5 34 89 105 104 129 180 . 229 236 9897 185 213234118241 .244 154 38 142 207 218198 237192117 194 199 227 210111189 209 110202 226 240 H H Annetta Hattie A . Hannah . Hannah . . Hannah . . Hannah R Harriet . . Harriet . . Helen M . Henry A . Herbert J . MENDON, MASS *^,vn- Ira . . . . Ira L . . . Isabella E . Isabella . . James E . Jared . . . Jorush . . Joanna . . JoelE . . John . . . John . . . John . . . John . . . John A . . Joseph F . Josephene Julia C . . 164 235 2 15 01 151 55 139190230205 176215 119 178 102 72 7853 162 3 . 6 2436 228 127224 181 Laura M Lavinia . Levi . . Lovella . Loisa . . Lucina . Lucina . Lucius E Lucy A . Lucy C . Lucy M . Lucy E . Lucretia 219 57 40 62 50 148 74 116 150 126 159 231 153 Lydia . Lydia . No. 27 35 109 4 1323 478293 106 120138 M Malvina . Mary . . . Mary . . . Mary . . . Mary . . . Mary . . . Mary Ann . Mary . . . Mary Ann Mary Ann . Mary B 136 Mary Ann .... 130 Mary E 161 Mary E ..... 195 Mary S 222 Margaret .... 28 Martin L .... 137 Martin L .... 216 Marrion E . . . . 239 Matilda 49 Minerva .... 81 Minerva .... 128 Minerva 174 Moses 46 Moses 54 Myron E .... 200 N Nathan 16 Oliver 39 Olive 63 OrenH 155 Oren A 160 OtisW 172 Palmer 64 PhiletusD ... 170 Polly 30 R Rachel 17 GENERAL INDEX. 433 No. No. Rachel .... 25 Sanford D . . . 203 Rhoda .... 32 Rhoda .... 69 Rhoda .... 131 Rhoda .... 166 Rowland M . . 187 Roxanna . . . 58 Sarah W . . . . 94 S 14 21 Sarah J . ShattuckSidney A Simon . . S Malvina SophrooiaSylvia J . Sylvia . . T Thankful P . No. 238158•111 19 165 13^152177 115 Vira Isabella . W Walter S . William D William W William . . Willie . . . Willie C. . No. 206 233 87 101 191 220242 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH PECK, OF MILFORD, CONN. p. l_g t — No. Abby 263 Abby 570 Abel 285 Abel 910 Abigail 16 Abigail 21 Abigail 27 Abigail ..... 41 Abigail 78 Abigail 90 Abigail .*?... 118 Abigail 232 Abigail 270 Abigail 362 Abigail 695 Abigail 834 Abigail 840 Abigail 855 'Abiah 166 Abiah 527 Abner 267 Abner B .... 643 Abraham .... 303 Abraham .... 696 • Abraham .... 967 Adaline M ... 948 Adaline 956 Adoniram . . . 217 Agnes 931 Albert W . . . . 637 Albert 746 Alfred C .... 508 Alfred 957 Almira 652 Alice 201 Aliis 442 Alonzo 253 AloBia 907 AlosiaR .... 909 Alva 673 Alvira 653 171 01 '. i 520 5S46S7 949 r.25 919251 Amey 447 Amey 602 Amey 921 Amiel 619 Amos 194 Amos 207 Amarilius . Amarillis AniarillisAmarillis AmarillisAmarillis , AmandaAmanda , Amey No. Amos 461 Amos G .... 600 Amos G .... 615 Ammon 176 Amanzo .... 744 Andrew 211 Andrew 219 Andrew 660 Andrew 725 Angeline .... 476 Ann ....... 5 Ann ...... 49 Ann 52 Ann 96 Ann S 554 Ann Eliza .... 702 Ann L 766 Ann E 844 Ann Maria . . . 890 Ann 922 Anna 165 Anna 189 Auna 256 Anna 339 Anna 418 Anna 458 Anna 479 Anna M 762 Auna 898 AnnaB 935 Annah 158 Aunis 203 Annis 466 Anon 128 Anson 266 Anthony .... 400 Arthur d .... 304 Arthur 326 Arthur 731 Armenia .... 657 Arza C 952 Asahel 280 Aurelius .... 793 Augus-tus J . . . 856 Austin L .... 883 Bazeleel Baldwin . Beardsley . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Betty . . . Betsey . . B . 124 . 920 . 139 . 115 . 387 . 497 . 605 . 759 . 101 . 295 Betsey . . Betsey . . Betsey Ann Betsey Ann Betsey . . Betsey . , Betsey . . Betsey . . Betsey A . Betsey . . Betty . . . Betty . . . Benedict . Bennet B . Beecher . . Birdseye . Brownson . BrownsonBurwellBurr . . . Buel . . . Caleb Caleb . . CatharineCatharine CatharineCarry L . Caiioss , Carlton . CarolineCaroline Caroline Caroline E CarolineCaroline H Charles . Charles . Charles . Charles , Charles . Charles B Charles . Charles L Charles A Charles . Charles S Charles A Charles E Charles E Charles C Charies . Charles H Charles . Charles B Charles A C No. 299 504 510 534555 857 us.j 412 516964787 129439 897 797 259 2SU716 100314 382 849 851 632 532 533665683788792 829 832 316 317 433 434 471500 559631 635 718 750758 765 774776 S3!) 869 899 902915 No. Charles 932 Charles 934 Charles 940 Charles H . . . . 958 Charles 983 Charlott J ... 616 Charlott .... 981 Charlott G ... 926 Chauncey B . . . 247 Chester 663 Chloe 198 Chloe 210 Chloe 698 Chloe 739 Clara 233 Clara 721 Clarissa 204 Clark 552 Clarency .... 950 Comfort 117 Comfort 235 Comfort- .... 35 Content 36 Content 113 Content 357 Cole 399 Cornelius E . . . 432 Cornelius .... 569 Cornelius H . . . 975 Cora 735 Coziah 98 Currence .... 170 Curreuce .... 535 Cyrus 269 Cyrus 719 Cyrenus .... 628 Cyrenus .... 462 C. Lewis .... 867 Damarius Daniel . Daniel . Daniel L Uauiel . Daniel . Daniel A Dan . . . Dan . . . David . . David . . David . . David ¦ . David . . David . . David B. David . . D 50 244 257 482 684 694805 390391 68 239246298397406 411 505 434 PECK GENEALOGY. David . . David C . David . . David N David . . Deborah DeborahDillison . Dillivan . DorothyDumond Duncan W E EbenezerEbenezer Edgar . Edgar M Edgar L Edgar . Edgar . Edgar . Edmond B Edmond B Edward W Edward S . Edward R Edwin . Edwin F Edwin J Edwin Y Effie . EgbertElla. Ella J. Ellen L Ellen W Eleazar . Eleazar . Eleazar < Eli . Eli . Eli . Eli . Eliott M ElishaElisha T Eliza . Eliza . Eliza . Eliza . Eliza . ElizabethElizabethElizabethElizabethElizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth J Elizabeth A . Elizabeth . Elmer N . Elmer J . . Elnathan * Elnathan . Eluathan . Elsie . . . Elvira . . . Emeline . . Emiline . . Emiline . . Emma J . . Emma L . Enoch . . Ephraim . Ephraim . Ephraim B No. 577645649 925959 121 125241674 415381 871 175677 (MO749 941 287322 354544 708 538 796 748823 4S1 498797 522 715 976 978 302 58 848 74 273 395 512893 1 1424 301323365 307 410 636812 968 747751 92 252 837734 329 272 477456 703854 464 378 379 506 No. Eugene F .... 740 Eunice F . . . . 59 Eunice 174 Eunice 245 Eunice 364 Eunice 810 Eunice M .... 875 Esther 104 Esther 309 Esther 671 Esther 404 Esther 679 Ethel 460 Ezra 57 Ezra 193 E Louisa .... 905 Fairman Fanny Fanny . Fanny . Fanny C Fannie . Fowler . Fowler . Francis C Francis C Frances S Frances . FranklinFranklin H Frederick . Frederick B Frederick L Frederick A Gary . Garret . George B George W George H George I G George H George . George . George B George S George . George C George T George . George W Gideon S Gideon S Gideon . Gibbs . . Grace . . Grace . . Grace . . Grandville 290489503906 913 974 581582 346 349 756 790 724943360752800801 75 692225334352 431448511513537 541 548 549565852933947 557 563567681 82 2342.J5 Hannah 5 Hannah 28 Hannah 61 Hannah 149 Hannah 200 Hanuah 208 Hannah 212 Hannah 243 Hannah 375 Hannah 396 Hannah 588 Hannah 612 Hannah F . . . . 861 Harry 293 No. Harvey . . . . . 305 Harriet . . . . . 126 Harriet . . . . . 571 Harriet . . . . . 591 Harriet . . . . . 595 Harriet . . . . . 626 Harriet F . . . . 639 Harriet . . . . . 666 Harriet E . . . . 813 Harriet E . . . 815 Harriet E . . . . 927 Harriet E . . . 936 Henry J . . . . 260 Henry . . . . 318 Henry J . . . . 336 Henry A . . . 338 Henry H . . . . 344 Henry . . . . 402 Henry W . . . 507 Henry . . . . 536 Henry . . . . 550 Henry L . . . 589 Henry . . . . 590 Henry S . . . 592, Henry J . . 644 Henry C . . . 784 Henry E . . . 824 Henry E . . . 828 Henry F . . . 838 Henry S . . . 882 Henry S ¦ . . . 887 Henry W . . . 942 Henry W . . . 945 Henry C . . . 972 Henry . . . . . 728 Heurietta M . . 3u2 Henrietta . . . 596 Helen M T . . 355 Helen . . . 438 Helen . . . . 732 Helen F . . . . . 786 Helen O . . . . 802 Hepsibeth . . . . 65 Herman . . . . . 320 Hermon H , . . 324 Herman V . • . 593 Hermoh N , . . 594 Herbert N . . . 757 Hetta Ann . . 597 Heth . . . . . . 60 Hezekiah . . . . 319 Hezekiah . . . . 384 Hezekiah . . . . 386 Hezekiah . . . 393 Hezekiah . . . . 617 Hiram O . . . 803 Homer . . . . . 568 Horace . . . . . 561' Horaee . . . . . 313 Horace . . . . . 742 Horace M . . . . 753 Horace B . . . . 755 Horace . . . . . 877 Huldah . . . . . 178 Huldah . . . . . 370 I Isabella C . . . . 943 No. Israel 91 J Jabez 634 Jacob 691 James 140 James 177 James 398 James 420 James 424 James 835 James K .... 872 Jane Ann .... 572 Jane 667 Jane E 779 Jane A 795 Jane 930 Jared B 474 Jenetta A . . . . 814 Jenetta A . . . . 683 Jeremiah .... 343 Jeremiah .... 359 Jerome B . . . . 769 JeruBha .... 283 Jerusha .... 306 Jesse L 181 Jesse L 573 Joannah .... 206 Joannah 428 Joel 191 Joel 218 Joel 221 JoelS 421 Joel 658 Joel 672 Jobannah .... 141 John 9 John 254 John 284 John 345 JohnH 347 John 408 John 409 John 451 JohnB 468 JohnF 566 John 688 John (2) 697 JohnN 710 JohnB 711 John 738 John 767 , John 785 John T 798 JohnM 843 JohnP 858 John J 866 JohnB 885 John A 900 JohuH 904 John B 912 JohnR 914 JohnH 937 JohnL 951 John A 953 John 973 Jonathan .... 830 Jonathan .... 850 Joseph 77 Joseph 248 Joseph 265 Joseph 430 Joseph S .... 530 ¦ Joseph H .... 709 Joseph P .... 727 Joseph W ... 862 Joshua 676 Josiah 144 Josiah 437 GENERAL INDEX. 435 No. Josiah 441 Josiah 521 JudBon 286 Judson 416 Judson 417 Julia 452 Julia E 543 Julia A 717 Julia 809 Julia C 819 Julia 831 Julia 847 Julia A 853 Julia 961 Julius B .... 627 Julietta 76 Julian CP. ... 348 Lacy 480 Laura 556 Laura -. 923 Lavinia 237 Legrand .... 551 Legraudison . . 222 LelaA 901 Lemuel 147 Lemuel 197 Lemuel 361 Lemuel 623 Lemuel 633 Lemira 281 Leonards ... 778 Leroy 743 Lewis 429 Lewis 470 Lewis T .... 771 Levi 492 Levi 495 Levi 668 Levi 917 Loomis W . . • 870 Lois 103 Lois Ann .... 356 Lois 558 Loren 325 Lottie B .... 337 Louisa 488 Louisa 662 Louisa ..... 763 Louisa 916 Louis F 473 Lucinda .... 2S2 Lucy 34 Lucy 227 Lucy 228 Lucy 366 Lucy 494 Lucy Ann .... 529 Lucy C 816 Lucy Ann. . . . 955 Lydia T37 Lyman 659 Lyman 678 Lyman W. ... 699 Lyman L .... 704 M . 465 Mabel .... . . 982 Marietta . . . 821 Marcia . . . . 326 Margaret T . . 822 Margaret . . . 969 . 264 No. 1 Maria 451 Maria 599 Maria 808 Maria 836 Marietta .... 502 Marinda .... 682 Marion 224 Marshall G ... 585 Matilda 475 Martha C .... 37 Martha A .... 335 Martha Ann . . 425 Martha ..... 478 Martha 669 Martha A . . . . 783 Martha A . . . . 833 Martha 842 Mary 4 Mary 8 Mary 23 Mary 26 Mary 39 Mary 62 Mary 97 Mary 145 Mary 169 Mary 179 Mary 209 Mary 242 Mary 373 Mary 407 Mary Ann .... 467 Mary Ann .... 520 Mary 525 Mary Ann. ... 531 Mary 547 Mary Ann .... 611 Mary 621 Mary A 654 Mary A 713 Mary A 726 Mary M 794 Mary A 807 Mary H 825 Mary J 841 Mary N 860 Mary F 884 MaryE 903 Mary A 924 MaryE 963 Mary Ann . . . 970 Mathew ..... 86 Marquis De L . . 333 Mehitable .... 54 Mehitable .... 109 Mehitable .... 133 Mehitable .... 342 Mehitable. ... 376 Mercy 148 Mercy 445 Mercy 539 Miah 311 Michael 131, Michael 401 Minerva .... 450 Minot 249 Moses 297 Moses 977 Myron 984 No. Nathan B .... 440 Nathan 736 Nathan J . . . . 799 Nathan 817 Nathan 818 Nelson 330 Nelson J .... 638 Nelson 651 Nicholas .... 71 Normon 250 Normon 650 Normon 730 O Olla 192 011a 613 Olivia 576 Olive 231 Oliver 296 Oliver 524 Oliver D .... 845 Orlando .... 220 Orvill 332 Ophelia 892 Patty 127 Parilla 646 Peter 486 Peter 690 Phebe 55 Phebe 143 Phebe 670 Phebe 827 Phebe S .... 865 Phebe A .... 868 Phidema .... 255 Philo 453 Philo 490 Philo 647 Phineas . . . . . 142 Phineas 764 Phineas E. ... 773 Phineas E .... 782 Phineas 864 Phodima .... 648 Phodima .... 680 Polly 199 Polly 419 Polly 455 Polly 469 Polly 484 . . 487 . . 563 . . 564 . . 618 . . 656 . . 685 Naney Nancy NancyNancy . Nancy P Nancy^ E Naomi . Nathan . N 291 341 5450"8720 772 123106 Polly . . Polly . . Polly . . Polly . . Polly . . Polly . . Polly . . Polly . . Preston Preston -3-5f RachelRachelRachelRachelRalph B Rebecca RebeccaRebecca Reuben Rhoda L RichardRichardRichard RichardRobert I I • 928 457 400 19 183 383574876 S3 21429227987427048590S911 509 No- Roberts .... 640 Robert D .... 768 Robert J .... 770 Robert 820 Rosannah .... 966 Ruana 229 Rufus H .... 700 Russell 271 Russell 275 Russell 546 Russell 723 Ruth 46 Ruth 93 Ruth 789 i Sabra . . Sabra . . Sabra . . Sally Ann Sally . . Sally Ann Sally . . Sally . . Sally Jane Sally . . Sally . . Sally . . Samuel J Samuel C Samuel . Samuel . Samuel . SamuelB Samuel T Samuel N Samuel H Samuel S Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah . . Sarah Jane Sarah Ann Sarah . Sarah . Sarah . Sarah . Sarah . Sarah P Sarah . Saran J Sarah Ann Sarah . Sarah . Sarah . Sarah . Sarah E Sarah Ann Sarah Ann Sarah A Sarah . Sarah . Sarah J Sarah . Sarah F Sarah . Scott ., Serenus,Seth . Sibbella Sidney S Sidney W Silas J . 223268 278 70 310331414449 501 603024693 230 350377 394423 540 662 760761826 3243 63 105 108132 134154188277307340356 405426472 542578070606 020 629641706 722SOI 863 88193S 960 971980664 687515 33 560 7S0781 436 PECK GENEALOGY. No. Simeon B .... 642 Smith 523 Smith 918 Sophia 422 Sophia 714 Sophia 729 Sophia 828 Susannah .... 226 Susan 607 Susan C 754 Susan 846 Sybel 403 Sybil 675 Sylvia 294 Sylvia M .... 321 Sylvia 327 Thadeus . Theodore . Thomas . ThomasThomas Treat . . Truman TrumanTrumanTurney . Violet A Violet . Violet . No. 436351 312518 661 965 172173454 2SS 655 215 80 w No. Warren M . . 859 Wilbier . . . . 745 William . . . . 73 William . . . 261 William B . . 274 William W . . 353- William . . . 413 William . . . 463 William . . . 701 William H . . 705 William S . . . 707 William H . . 712 William . . . 775 William W . . 777 William J . . . . 804 William S . . . 939 j William H WilliamWinthropeWooster . Wyllys . . Wyllys . . Zackariah ZalmonZalmon ZenusZenusZilpha Zera . Zuba . No.954979 240 300 811 962 528 69 880 262 374879 DESCENDANTS OF HENRY PECK, OF NEW HAVEN, CONN. ^ » 3^^^- No. Aaron 368 Abel 35 Abel 589 Abigail 6 Abigail 21 Abigail 61 Abigail 66 Abigail 133 Abigail 156 Abigail ..... 163 Abigail 173 Abigail 184 Abigail 201 Abigail 428 Abigail 598 Abigail 697 Abiah 194 Abiah 516 Abiel 358 Abihu 87 Abijah 662 Abby H 856 Abbie 957 Achsah 944 Adaline 903 AddieM .... 970 Adelia 912 Albert 455 Albert 809 Alfred L . . . .1030 Alfred L . . . . 1040 Alice 818 Alice E 1066 Almira 504 Almon H Alonzo . . Alvin T . , Amanda . Amanda . Amanda B Amaritta , Amarillis , AmbroseAmey . . Amey L 323 Amey 336 Amos B 609 Amzi 810 Anah 461 Andrew .... 420 Andrew .... 688 .1031 808 858 507798 813501 653 116281 No. 666 95 Andrew . Angeline • Anna . . . Anna (2) . Anna 300 Anna 495 Anna 572 AnnaH 627 Anna 708 Anna 730 Anna B 1005 Anna A 1015 Annie 449 Annie 927 Annie H . . . . 1054 Ansel 505 Arthur M . Asa . Asa . Asa . Asenath Augustus . Augustus . Ava R . Azel . . B Barnabas . Barnabas . Bathsheba BathshebaBela . . . Bird . . . Benajah . Benajah . Beujamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin (2) Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Benjamin . Bennet W . Bethiah Bethiah Betsey . . Betsey M 817 226700800 909 2843102! is 915 879245 49 147 119 283 270876 41 502 78 80 82 121 124 339 407 470698 733750 771 252 947 . 316 No. . 348 . 365 Betsey 379 Betsey 381 Betsey E .... 444 Betsey 503 Betsey 519 Betsey 542 Betsey 999 Bradford .... 487 Bulah 650 Caleb . . . Calvin . . Calvin . . Calvin . . Candace . . Carrie A . Carrie E . . Caroline . Caroline . Caroline . Caroline W Caroline . Caroline A Catharine . Catharine . Catharine . Catharine L Cornelia M Cornelius . Cornelius . Charlott . Charlott . Charlott F Charles . . Charles S . Charles . . Charles . . Charles R . Charles . . Charles . . Charles H . Charles H . Charles W Charles M Charles B . Charlie . . Charlie E . Chauncey . Chauncey A 169 714 719949 . 313 . 963 .1022 . 337 , 672 . 686 , 691 , 828 ,1058 322 397 , 424 , 645 . 748 . 421 , 531 . 279 . 978 . 857 . 43 . 107 . 393 . 649 . 749 . 811 . 880 . 881 . 887 .1004 .1043.1060. 797 . 869 . 521 Chloe . Clarissa ClarissaClarissaClark . Clere F Clement L Clement 8 Clinton . Cordelia C Cordova B Cola S . Cynthia . Cynthia . No. . 410 . 342 , 665 ,1037. 591 . 752 . 904 . 904 .1069. 972 . 934 . 935 . 250 . 399 Dan 273 Daniel 51 Daniel 150 Daniel 321 Daniel 343 Daniel 356 Daniel 462 DanielS .... 736 Daniel 951 Darius 488 David 361 Desire 30 Deborah .... 371 Dinah 74 DverS 743 Dorcas 282 E Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Ebbee . . Edith M . . Edward H Edward P . Edward . . Edward . . Edward H Edward . . Edwin . . Edwin S . . 192429 623262 233835626628291456 GENERAL INDEX. 437 Egbert , Eleazar , Eleazar G . Eleazar 0 . Elenor . Ellen L . Ellen . . Ellen N . Electa . Electa . Ella K . Ellery E Elbert A Eli . . Eliel . Elihu . Elijah . Elisha F. ElishaElishaEliphalet Eliphalet Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth , Elizabeth ElizabethElizabethElizabeth Elizabeth . Elizabeth , ElizabethElizabethElizabeth 1 Elizabeth ElizabethElizabeth , Elizabeth ElizabethEliza Eliza ElizaElizaEliza Eliza Eliza Ann . Eliza . . Eliza A . Eliza J . Eliza M . Eliza C . Eliza C . Eliza J . Elkanah Elmina . Eloise C Emeline L Emeline B Emily . Emily . Emily . Emily F Emma . Emma . Emma . Emma . ~ Emma • Emma . Emory_ . Ephraim R Ephraim E Erastus . Esther . Esther . Esther . Esther . Esther . No. , 931 . 12 . 328 . 759 . 247 . 766 .1003.1009. 285 . 510 . 943 . 804 .1011. 530 . 237 . 296 . 180 . 103 . 205 . 440 . 20 . 696 . 4 . 14 . 58 . 75 158 174189350350418481 622678 715724806 84727 S 518554 . 607 . 746 . 780 . 897 , 921 . 925 . 975 .1013.1025.1045 . 218 . 799 . 751 . 844 , 940 , 435 . 599 . 787 . 886 . 716 , 815 . 852 . 854 . 985 .1074. 1008 . 779 .1039. 304 . 27 . 98 . 203 . 221 No. Esther ..-'.. 437 Esther 476 Eunice 101 Eunice 118 Euuiee 123 Eunice 127 Eunice 191 Eunice ..... 286 Eunice 256 Eunice 292 Eunice 299 Eunice 509 Eunice 550 Eunice 738 Eunice R . . . . 1024 Eunice H . . . . 1047 Eugene 867 Eugena 871 Ezra 212 Ezra 930 Eveline 634 F Fanny . Fanny . Fanny L Fanny M Fanny J Fannie A Fannie . Florie . . Francis . Francis T Frances E Franeis A Frances E Frank M Frank . Frank H Frank H Frank . Franklin FranklinFredR . . Frederick H FrederickFrederickFrederickFrederickFrederick G Frederick D Friend . . G Garra . Gemima George S George W George S George . George . George . George E George N George H George . George I H George H George . George S George I George W George H George W George . George . George L Gideon . Gideon . G Munson . 370 . 416 , 778 , 990 1064 , 327 , 928 .1020, 276 . 690 . 764 , 986 .1044 . 631 . 873 .1018 .1068.1071. 745 . 916 . 906 . 398 . 640 . 659 . 669 . 901 .1016.1050. 425 . 511 . 138 . 320 . 353 . 563 . 616 . 654 . 675 . 676 . 711 . 737 . 769 . 770 . 816 . 830 . 859 . 868 . 883 . 900 . 958 . 978 . 994 .1056. 42 . 242 . 819 No. Grace 434 Grace 439 H Hannah 38 Hannah 65 Hannah 112 Hannah 181 Hannah 200 Hannah 243 Hannah 260 Hannah 264 Hannah 314 Hannah D ... 330 Hannah 415 Hannah 493 Hannah 543 Hannah 590 Hannah 617 Hannah 756 Harriet 335 Harriet 436 Harriet 479 Harriet 586 Harriet 679 Harriet 826 Harriet N. ... 939 Harmon .... 454 Hattie E .... 632 Helen 807 Helen O 832 Helen 983 Henry 280 Henry 491 Henry H .... 534 Henry L . . . . 685 Henry A .... 647 Henry 658 Henry 674 Henry S .... 772 Henry 773 Henry 784 Henry 851 Henry H .... 855 Henry L .... 870 Henry J . . . . 1057 HerbertB. ... 945 Hiram 452 Hiram 545 Hiram 917 Horace 341 Horace E .... 788 Huldah 305 Ida J 633 Ira 820 IraS 938 Iroin 782 Irene 248 Isaac 317 Isaac 396 Isaac 527 Jabez . . James . James . James . James C James . James S James S James . James S James H Jane . . Jane . . Jane . . Jared . 234 . 303 . 457 . 533 . 624 . 639 . 663 . 802 . 821 . 964 .1053. 266 . 597 . 875 . 373 Jathleel 241 Jathleel. 235 Jathleel 484 Jeannetta .... 932 Jedediah .... 97 Jennie A .... 971 Jennie A . . . . 1051 Jetemiah .... 307 Jeremiah .... 362 Jeremiah W . . 890 Jerome T .... 861 Jerusha 464 Jesse 182 Jesse 216 Jesse 926 Jesse L 966 Jesse T 989 Jirah 761 Joannah .... 225 Joannah B . . . 636 John 31 John 36 John 68 John 73 John 84 John 219 John - 257 John 277 JohnS 326 John 352 John A 394 John 489 John 497 John 641 JohnS 568 John B 646 John L 765 JohnS 868 JohnL 885 John H 1049 Jonathan .... 258 Jonathan .... 768 Jonathan .... 1039 Joseph 26 Joseph 47 Joseph 148 Joseph 154 Joseph 240 Joseph 269 Joseph F .... 351 Joseph 465 Joseph 641 Joseph 707 Joseph E .... 980 Joshua W . . . 742 Josiah 306 Juliet 389 Julia 414 Julia Ann. ... 791 Julia R 884 Laura . Laura A Laura . Laura E Laura S Laura H Lauren , LaurentinaLavinia . Leander B Lester . Levi H . Lewis ¦ . Lewis . . Lewis . . Lewis . . Lillian . . S75 . 580 . 668 . 734 . 946 .1014 . 506 . 684 . 453 . 902 . 106 . 347 . 375 . 458 . 508 . 896 . 681 438 PECK GENEALOGY. No. Lillie 878 Linus A 1021 Lois 409 Lois 471 Lois 913 Lois J 1049 Lorenzo .... 419 Louisa 539 Louisa H .... 630 Louisa H . . . . 685 Louisa O . . . . 892 Louisa 995 Louisa 608 Lucius 388 Lucius W . . . . 776 Lucinda .... 535 Lucinda 1073 Lucretia .... 498 Lucretia .... 538 Lucy 139 Lucy 209 Lucy 253 Lucy 496 Lucy 526 Lucy 593 Lucy 618 Lucy -. 655 Lucy 805 Luke 619 Luna 227 Luther H . ... . 959 Luther 996 Lydia 32 Lydia 117 Lydia 149 Lydia 161 Lydia 165 Lydia 239 Lydia 366 Lydia 385 Lydia 515 Lydia 528 Lydia 558 Lyman B .... 333 Lyman 532 Lyman 592 M Madelia 670 Malinda 846 Malvin 803 Marcus, 814 Margaret .... 540 Margaret .... 824 Margaret .... 837 Margaret .... 843 Maria ...... 517 Maria 551 Maria 574 Maria 840 Marilda 739 Marinda .... 423 Marietta .... 747 Martha 9 Martha 128 Martha 171 Martha 301 Martha 404 Martha 433 Martha E .... 570 Martha 587 Martha 723 Martha 739 Martha 850 Martha E .... 866 Martha A . . . . 952 Martha 961 Martha A . . . . 1061 Mary 8 No. Mary 22 Mary ...... 25 Mary 50 Mary 59 Mary 77 Mary 94 Mary 113 Mary A 170 Mary 176 Mary ...:.. 199 Mary 214 Mary 261 Mary A 367 Mary 387 MaryP 392 Mary 408 Mary 432 Mary 438 Mary 445 Mary 553 Mary E 569 Mary 577 Mary A 536 Mary F 583 Mary 602 Mary 613 Mary A 620 Mary H 629 Mary 712 Mary 728 Mary M 768 Mary H 762 Mary A 796 Mary L 812 Mary A 825 Mary 829 Mary 845 MaryE 865 Mary 872 Mary 874 MaryH 882 Mary C 891 Mary A 895 Mary 910 Mary EC... 942 Mary 954 Mary A 960 Mary A 965 Mary E 974 Mary E 984 Mary H 991 MaryC 997 Mary S 1007 Mary A 1027 Mary E 1059 Mary A 1065 Mary E 1070 Mathew 529 Mehitable .... 33 Mehitable .... 39 Mehitable .... 432 Mercy 475 Mercy 718 Merit B 977 Miles G 564 Miles 601 Miles G 861 Milo 775 Mille E 948 Mindwell .... 717 Minersa 660 Minerva 561 Minerva 692 Minerva 781 Minnie 877 Minnie 907 Minnie A . . . . 1023 Moses 155 Moses 179 No. Moses 187 Moses 360 Moses 552 Moses 615 Moses 842 Morris 69 Morton 1036 MurryR . . . .1027 Myron H . . . . 694 Nabby Nancy . Nancy . Nancy . Nancy . Nathaniel Nathaniel NathanielNaomi . Nemiah L Noah . . Norman NE. . . N 311271 376 443557 145159 467 838 442263332894 Olive 412 Oliver 899 Olney 101 Ophelia 969 Osborn 275 Otis 603 P Penninah .... 166 Phebe 110 Phebe 135 Phebe 142 Phebe 162 Phebe 178 Phebe 364 Phebe 486 Phebe 548 Phebe ..... 559 Phebe U .... 735 Phebe E . . . . ' 822 Phebe 839 Phebe 920 Phebe 1029 Phineas 217 Phineas 482 Phineas 1026 Philo 346 Philura 755 Polly 294 Polly 319 Polly 400 Polly 514 Polly 571 Polly 721 Polly 801 Polly 923 Prescilla .... 637 Prescilla .... 911 R Rachel 115 Rachel 265 Rachel 450 Rachel 656 Rachel 722 Raymond .... 308 Rebecca 144 Rebecca 215 Rebecca 222 Rebecca 431 Rebecca 436 Rebecca 701 Reuben 79 No. Reuben 137 Reuben 334 Rhoda 378 Rhoda 823 Robert J .... 889 Roger 62 Rose 231 Rosanna .... 500 Roswell .... 576 Roxana 229 Ruth 130 Ruth 157 Ruth 238 Ruth 359 Ruth 703 Ruth 841 S Salome 391 Sally 293 Sally 309 Sally 651 Sally 702 Samuel 5 Samuel 7 Samuel 55 Samuel 140 Samuel 186 Samuel 188 SamuelS .... 344 Samuel 573 Samuel 614 Samuel S .... 683 Samuel 695 Samuel 1055 Sarah 15 Sarah 46 Sarah 54 Sarah 67 Sarah 88 Sarah 125 Sarah 160 Sarah 175 Sarah 185 Sarah 208 Sarah 272 Sarah 369 Sarah 380 Sarah 412 Sarah 427 Sarah 566 Sarah Ann ... 585 Sarah 600 Sarah 611 Sarah 687 Sarah 786 Sarah B 849 Sarah A 862 Sarah F 919 Sarah M .... 987 Sarah M 1062 Seril 90 Sebra 512 Seth 267 Sheldon 198 Simeon 223 Simeon 236 Silas 644 Silas E 783 Sidney M .... 329 Sidney 383 Sophia 338 Sophia 660 Starr 652 Stephen A ... 104 Stephen 207 Stephen 220 Stephen S .... 657 Stephen U". ... 785 GENERAL INDEX. 439 Stephen StephenStiles . Submit SusanSusan U G SusannahSusannah SusannahSusannah Susannah SusannahSybil . . Sylvia S . Sylvia. . No. , 853 ,1063, 767 , 109 . 384 . 988 . 37 . 81 . 126 . 143 . 228 . 731 . 255 . 922 .1001 Temperance L . 235 Thankful .... 129 Thankful .... 195 Thankful . Theodore . Theodore M Theron P . Thomas . . Thomas . . Thomas . . Thomas . . Timothy . Timothy H Timothy S Titus . . . Tirza H . . Truman . . No. . 302 . 108 . 848 .1041 . 105 . 132 . 664 . 956 . 164 . 760 . 937 . 167 . 950 . 401 V Ursula 1001 V Virus No. w Walter B . . . . 584 Walter B . . . . 644 Washington . . .1033 Wealthy . . . . 246 . . 193 . . 197 William J . . . . 324 William B . . . 477 William F . . . 567 William . . . . 612 William A . . . 621 . . 729 William B . -. . 754 William . . William . . William H William I . William . . WilliamH.William F . William G William H William H Willis . . Willie. Willie F Willie A Wyllys , No. . 774 . 827 , 834 . 863 . 918 . 981 . 992 .1010.1052.1067 . 603 . 777 . 888 .1019 Zebulon Zillah . Z . 45 709 DESCENDANTS OF DEACON PAUL PECK OF HART FORD, CT. j* 3 k7-~~ No. A Aaron 236 AbbyM .... 589 AbbyR 612 Abel 57 Abel 120 Abel 309 Abigail 49 Abigail 125 Abigail 131 Abigail 310 Abiah 69 Abijah 67 Asenath .... 276 Achsah 609 Adaline . ... 224 Adaline 484 Adelade .... 516 Alanson .... 642 Albert 616 Alden 625 Almira 338 Almira 482 Almira 494 Almira 497 Almira 621 Almon 78 AMn 377 Amey 74 Amey 150 Amelia 652 Andrew .... 382 Angeline .... 225 Angeline C . . . 558 Angeline .... 561 Angiee M . . . . 563 Anise 281 Anna 90 Anna 103 Anna 128 Anna 232 Ann 70 Ann 97 Ann M 654 Anthony and Au gustus . . .'. 399 Anthony .... 542 Archie 470 Aretus C Ariel . . Asahel . Asahel . Augusta A Aurilla Austin B Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin BenjaminBetsey . Betsey L Betsey L Billy K . Bnlah . . Bulah . . Burr O . Burdett S Calista and Jane . CandaceCarlos . Carlton C W Carrie . . Carrie A . Caroline S Caroline M Caroline . Caroline . Catharin . Celinda . . Oelor . . . Celio . . . Chauncey . Charles A . Charles . . Charles . . Charles E . Charlotte . Charlotte . Charles B Charles E . Charles L . Charles . . No. 19563S313411 415 474401 155105171 434 300 404 513262299306212 566 162308 617418431550 520 432 650 238 334 406 202203651 417426436 469498602 530537 Charles S Charles J Chester . Clarissa . Clarissa . Clara . . CorneliusCornelia Corydon Cynthia . Daniel . Daniel H Darius . Darius B David . . David S . David B David B Delia . . Desire . De Witt C DiademaDille . . Dudley A Dwight B E Edmond P EdmondEdmondEdson M Edward O Edward J Edward A Edward . Edward . . dward . Edward S Edwin O Eldad . . Eldad . . Eldad . . Electa . Eleazar . Elery H Elizabeth No. 634211640 82 16S 244 86 160 427476 61 639189464 176 485 601 041002342397 644 68 471 499 231237376.083 221421423439 508 516543463110113260182183197 3 Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth . Elizabeth G No. . . . 18 . . . 25 . . . 30 . . . 138 . . . 85 . . . 133 . . . 252 . . . 588 . . 452 Eliza J . . . 493 Eliza J . . 352 . . 80 Elisha ElishaElishaElla A . . . 538 Ellen M . . . 420 Ellen A . EmelineEmelineEmmaE Emma M EmilyEmily C a' . r \ . . 373 . . 223 . . 626 . . 414 . . 633 . . 435 . . 442 . . 560 Emily . Emily . Enos H . Epaphroc Epaphroc EpaphrocEpaphroc . . 563 . . 663 itU£ ituf itutitue . . 17 5 . . 324 . . 671 . . 582 . . 261 Erastus C . . . Estella and . . 611 Ver- . . 478 Esther L Esther H Esther . Eunice . Eunice . EvaE . Everlin . Eveline I: Eveline . Everard i • * . . 510 . . 619 . . 302 . . 486 . . 47 . . 533 . . 412 1 . . , 447 . . 528 1 . . . 448 440 PECK GENEATOGT. No. Everard . ... 446 ? Fanny . . ... 337 Fayette H . . . 549 Franklin 1 ... 534 Francis N . . .605 Francis S . ... 635 Freeman . . . . 79 Frederick . ... 180 Freeman . ... 270 FredC . . ... 525 3f Grace A . ... 416 George . . ... 100 George . . ... 199 George B . ... 401 George S . ... 630 George W ... 430 George A ... 489 Guy . . . ... 380 . 1 I Hannah . ... 8 Hannah . ... 14 Hannah . ... 169 Haunah . ... 272 Hanna F ... 353 Harry . ... 336 Harvey J . ... 354 Harriet C . ... 206 Harriet . ... 234 Harriet . . ... 349 Harriet . . ... 214 Harriet . ... 454 Harriet R ... 508 Harriet A ... 653 Harriet . ... 643 Hattie E . . . 628 Hawley Z ... 636 Helen . . ... 218 Helen . . ... 249 Helen . . ... 387 Helen M ... 522 Helen S . ... 569 Henry D ... 166 Henry G ... 173 Henry C ... 216 Henry S ... 380 Henry P ... 408 Henry . ... 437 Henry J ... 441 Henry . ... 443 Henry A ... 491 Henry A ... 685 Henry H ... 629 Henry F . . . 656 Hester M ... 488 Hiram W . ... 207 Horatio . . ... 187 Horace C ... 440 Huldah . ... 144 Huldah . ... 312 Huldah . ... 458 Huldah L ... 477 Huge T . . ... 521 ] ' Isabinda . ... 331 r James B . ... 209 No. James G .... 328 James G .... 329 James W .... 475 James 694 James S .... 600 James 606 Janette 472 Jane 228 Janett 658 Jehiel 422 Jennie L .... 192 Jerusha 44 Johnjr 17 John 37 JohnC 194 JohnQA .... 358 John 363 John C 496 John 503 JohnE 511 John 569 John 607 Jonathan .... 23 Jonathan M . . . 593 Joseph 20 Joseph 27 Joseph 127 Joseph ..... 275 Joseph ..... 278 Joseph A 575 Joseph A .... 577 Joseph 645 Josiah 613 Julius 201 Julius 646 Julius 233 Julius 650 Julia 220 Julia 523 Juliet 552 Justus 292 Justus L .... 296 Justus L .... 466 K Keturah .... 66 Kezia A .... 586 L Lafayette M . . 555 Laura 158 Leah 31 Leman O .... 227 Lemuel A . . . . 465 Leroy M .... 394 Levi 75 Lois 63 Lois 46 Lois 123 Lois 268 \Lorenzo B . . . 445 Lorena 304 Lowley 294 Louis 213 Lucy 62 Lucy 84 Lucy 146 Lucy 279 Lucy 347 Lucy 359 Lucy 287 Luey M 531 Lucy Ann .... 631 Lucretia .... 178 Lucretia .... 273 Lucia 453 Lucia E' 632 Luella R .... 468 Levina 318 Luphina .... 253 Lura 371 Luther 243 No. Lydia 43 Lydia 151 Lydia 174 Lydia 274 Lydia A .... 517 Lydia M .... 655 Lydia 661 Lyman 335 Lyman 624 M Mahala 83 Major B .... 263 Malissa 540 Martha 2 Martha 12 Martha 599 Martha 620 Margaret .... 48 Margaret .... 159 Mary 9 Mary 89 Mary 134 Mary 143 Mary 87 MaryV 172 Mary 177 Mary Ann .... 222 Mary Ann ... 242 Mary 247 Mary W .... 248 Mary 289 Mary 311 MaryE 330 Mary 333 Mary 455 Mary Ann . . . 356 Mary C 383 Mary Ann . . 386 Mary 600 Morgeanua L . . 565 Mary 660 Mary 473 Mary 648 Mary 614 Mary J 557 Mary Ann ... 527 Mary Ann . . . 535 Mary 539 Mary S 595 Mark 505 Maria 544 Maria E .... 217 Marius K . . . . 398 Marcus A . . . . 487 Marcus M . . . . 392 Mathew 345 Mathew 140 Merey 130 MertisV .... 395 Milton A .... 396 MiloC 467 Miles L 579 Mindwell .... 71 Minerva .... 161 Minnie 546 Moses 95 Moses 118 N Nancy 341 Nehemiah ... 696 Newton 219 Noah 619 Noah 343 Norman .... 344 Norris 346 O Oliver 115 No. Olive 269 Orman 156 Orman 153 Oren 316 OssianG .... 393 Qzias W .... 229 P Paul 29 Persis A .... 566 Phila 317 Phylinda .... 424 Philema .... 259 Polly 164 Polly 241 Polly 340 Polly 480 R Rachel 34 Rachel 76 Rachel 91 Rachel 101 Rachel 108 Rachel A .... 196 Rachel 291 Rachel 327 Rachel R . . . . 574 Reeve 186 Reuben O . . . . 191 Reuben 200 Rhoda 81 Rhoda 104 Rhoda 116 Rhoda 117 Rhoda 240 Rhoda B .... 264 Rhoda 295 Richard L . . . . 591 Richard L . . . . 592 Ripley C .... 483 Robert 618 Romeo R . . . . 193 Roxanna .... 370 Roxonna .... 297 Ruth 16 Ruth 21 Ruth 26 Ruth 28 Ruth 142 Ruth Ann .... 622 S Sally 204 Sally B 265 Sally 282 Sally 315 Sally 319 Sally 637 Sally M. .... 409 Sally H 572 Celinda A .... 406 Samuel 13 Samuel 184 Samuel H . . . . 390 Samuel H. ... 403 Samuel 662 Sarah 7 Sarah 19 Sarah 50 Sarah 73 Sarah 105 Sarah 119 Sarah 185 Sarah 188 Sarah 245 Sarah 271 Sarah 290 Sarah 293 Sarah 362 GENERAL INDEX- 441 No. Sarah Ann . . . 402 Sarah A . . . . 462 Sarah .... . . 512 Sarah P. . . . . 618 Sarah T . . . . . 573 Sarah B . . . . . 603 Seth .... . . 258 Seth .... . . 314 Sheldon W . . . 167 Stephen B . . . 208 Sherman . . . . 350 Sherman H . . . 627 Solomon . . . . 254 Sophia M . . . . 690 Submit . . . . . 257 Susannah . . . . 22 Susan R Susan A Susan A Susan J . Susan B SusannahSusannahSybil . . Sybil . . Sybil . . Sybil . . SylvesterSylvia . . Sylvia . Thankful No. 602 405 407 532529322428 94 152181 109 266303623 111 No. No' Thankful . . . . 251 William S . . . 357 Theodore B . . . 581 William V . . 385 Thomas . . . . 72 William H . . 391 William F . . . 438 William C . . . 444 V William M . . 451 William H H . 604 W Willie . . . . 547 Walter K . . . 374 Willi am E . . . 657 Warren . . . . 388 William . . . . 157 X William C. . . 355 Xenophon . . . . 649 DESCENDANTS OF DEACON WILLIAM PECK, OF NEW HAVEN, CONN. No. Abner 103 Abijah 27 Abijah 28 Alfred 71 Amos 69 Asa ....... 62 Augustus L . . 23 B Benjamin Benjamin Caleb . CalvinCharles CharlesCharles, jr. Charles L Charles C Chauncey DanielDariusDavid . David . David . David . PavidH E Edward M Elias . . . Elijah . . Eliphalet . Elisha , , 79 2266 70 80 112121 73 14 41 42 99 115 50 499316 105 George W Gilbert M. No. 39 117 H Henry K . . . . 74 Heath 25 I Ira 72 Isaac 43 Isaac ...... a Isaac 63 Israel , , , , , 119 Jared V JasonJasper . Jasper J. JedediahJedediahJehiel . JeremiahJeremiah, jr Jeremiah, 3d Jeremiah JesBe . Jesse S Jesse . Joel . Joel . Joel . Joel . JoelWJohn , 46 102 97 106 94 104 77 2 7 9 12577883 84SO No. John ...... 20 John ...... 30 John 32 John 47 John, jr. .... 52 John ...... 54 John 61 John 67 John ...... 82 John ...... 98 JohnM .... 120 John, jr 24 Jonathan R. ... 37 Joseph 4 Joseph 13 Joseph J . , . . 89 Joshua ..... 8 If Lemuel 10 Levi 63 Linus M .... 35 M Mather, jr . . . . 114 N Nathaniel .... 15 Nathaniel .... 100 Nathan 26 Nathan 31 Nicholas .... 58 O Oliver J 108 Oliver 109 Orandos X ... 118 P Peter 18 Philetus B No. 34 110111 R Reynolds, jr Reynold . . Richard 3» Richard 101 Richard 10? Richard. .... 116 Robert 19 Robert 51 S Samuel . . Samuel, jr. Samuel . . Samuel , . Samuel, jr. Samuel, 1st Samuel, 2d Samuel . . Samuel . . ;¦':! Ml n ui . . Samuel, jr. Silas . . . Soloman E Stephen N T Theophilus . Theophilus W Walter . Whitman William William J Willi am William 5 1121 53 65 64667583 909629 1765 4045 1 48 91 113 442 PECK GENEALOGY. NAMES RECEIVED TOO LATE TO BE NUMBERED. Page. A Abigail B . . . . 344 Ann 62, 62 Alonzo .... 62 Auo- ...... 62 Azro 128 B Betsey 60 Benjamin E . . . 62 Benjamin .... 139 C Charles . . 60, 62, 81 Charity 60 Calhi.-'ineM . . 60 Cutha.n.eL. . . 60 Claranec ... 81 Clarissa ..... 344 Cora 383 D Duncon ..... 60 Delia A .... . 81 » E Ebenezer .... 60 Edward D . . . 62 Edward M ... 606 Page. Elizabeth . . . . 139 Eliza \nn . . . 344 Emma G . . . . 62 Emma J . . . . 81 Emeline . . . . 62 Emily A . . . . 81 Eugene H . . . . 106 Flora A . George . ; George W Harriet L , Henry ' . . Hezekiah . Hiram . . Horton T . Huldah . . . 62 . . 106 . . 106 . 106, 344 . . 106 . . 62, 62 . 60, 60 Page. J Jacob 60 James 60 James E .... 106 James W .... 344 Jay Irwin .... 383 John 60, 60 Joseph A . . . . 100 Joseph L . . . . ' 62 L Louisa .... 60, 60 M Mary A 106 Mary Ann ... 55 Mary J 62 Mary I, 81 Maria 81 Martha ..... 139 Mercy ..... 62 N Nancy 60, 60 Nancy. E .... 62 Nicholas .... 139 Page. P Polly 60, 62 Phebe 60 Phebe A .... 62 R Rachel 0 Randall 3>,3 Reuben . .62, 62, "It Robert A . . . . 62 Rosetta E ... 344 S Sarah 106 Stephen 60 Susan 106 Sylvia 60 W Wesley 62 William .... 60, 62 William G ... 81 William P ... 106 Willsee 60 Zoar NAMES OF PECKS IN THE ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. Page. Abigail L ... .397 Abigail 399 Ascedatb .... 401 Alfred P 401 Almira 397 Almira 401 Alonzo D .... 397 Amy 399 Aim 397 Anna 398 Anna 398 Angeline B ... 401 Anthony 400 Arad 401 P vni.irQiu Ec-iv:.ini.iBeninmin Betlmna . Burleigh . B .397. 307 . 398 . 39S ,401 Calista 401 Caroline A. . . • 400 Caroline A 2d . . 400 Catharine .... 398 Charlotte . ¦ . . .397 Charlotte .... 397 Chloe A 401 Clara J 401 Cornelia 400 Cornelia 400 Cyril 399 Cyril 399 Cyrus 397 Cyrus F 397 Cyrus 398 Diana D Page. Dyer H ...... 397 Edson 401 Elizabeth .... 398 Elizabeth .... 398 Elisha S 397 Emily T . . . . 400 Enos 898 Esther .398 Eunice 400 Ezekiel 398 Fenn 400 Francis 401 FredrickL .... 400 Freeman 3 , . . . 397 Friendly 399 G Gates 401 George W .... 398 George A . . . . 400 Hannah 399 Harvey ..... 398 Harriet 39,8 Harriet 401 Henry 401 Hezekiah .... 398 Huldah 398 HA 400 Isaac 401 Israel H 397 Israel 399 Israel 399 Jacob 401 Page. Jacob 401 James 399 Jared 397 Jared 401 Jeremiah A . . . 401 Joanna 400 Joel S 397 Joel 397 Joel J 307 John 397 John ........ 307 John M 397 John 3oS John D .... 39s John ....... 398 John B ..... 401 Jonathan .... 397 Jonathan .... 398 Joseph 397 Joseph 397 Joseph ...... 398 Joseph 399 L Laura Ann Lewis . . . Lois A . . Loisa E . , Lucy Ann . Lucy. . . . Lucy .... Lydia , . . .398 .401.401.401. 399 .400 • 401 .401 MalvinaMaryE . Mary . . Mary B . Maria J . Martha L Martha M Mark . . M , COS . 307 . 3vS .400, 397 ¦ Paob. Mirsraret G . . . 397 Mrlissa K. .... 397 Mlllioent . ... 399 N Nicholas 398 Noah 398 O Olive 401 P Polly 398 Tolly 401 R Ralphs 401 Rebecca 401 Reed 398 Russell 397 ' S Samuel 397 Sarah A 401 Sarah M 400 Silvia C 401 Sophia 401 Sophia 401 T Treat Fenn .... 400 Tyler S 397 W Walter L . . . , 898 William F ... .397 William M . . . . 400 William 399 Zelinda YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002063858b YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book has been preserved through the generosity of David Laventhol, 1957 Piiiiii